
Health class Alejandra Julian 3° A


these is a tobacco presentation

Transcript of tobacco

Health class Alejandra Julian

3° A






Why people use

Being tobacco free

Tobacco & sigarrets Tobacco is a plant that grows up in warm climates. After these one is pick up is dried up, and ad chemical (nicotine) for be smoke more easely.

The sigarrets are made up of tobacco cut leaves and wrapped in paper for be smoke. It conteins PVA gloo for bomdimg purpous. They also ad additives.

Chemicals Whe you burn your tobacco products cause the chemicals to form more chemicals.When a person inhales ciagarette smoke, thousand of chemicals enter the lungs. Two dangerous chemicals in cigarette smoke are:

Carbon monoxide: Is the gas that makes it hard for the blood to carry oxygen.

Tar: Is a sticky substance that can coat the airway and can cause cancer.

Other Tobacco products Most tobacco products contain similar chemicals. Smokable tobacco products:

Pipe tobacco


Clove sigarettes

Chewing tobacco products:

Chewing tobacco




Early effects You began to smell like smoke.

Cause nausea and dizziness

Some times you get sick

Began to form chronic effects:

Bad breath

Persisten coughing

Excess mucus

Discolored teeth

ETS Chemicals from tobacco smoke fill the air around smokers. The mix of exhaled smoke and smoke from the end of the lit ciagarettes is called Enviromental tobacco smoke (ETS).

ETS is specially dangerous for children because they are still growing, it can cause them that their lungs dosent grow properly. These also can cause lung cancer.

Social and emotional health problems Using tobacco can have serious, social, and emotional effects. Teens that are younger than 18 years That smoke can face legal punishment. Also can put friendship in danger. Tobacco can strain relationships with parents. Some smokers also have emotional difficulty because they know they are risking their health.