
Tobacco notes


Tobacco . notes. Video #1. http:// Video #2. http:// Bucket List. What you need to do…. Think of 20 or more things you want to do or accomplish before you “kick the bucket”. Travel, thrill seeking, goals etc. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Tobacco


Tobacco notes

Video #1

Video #2 Bucket ListWhat you need to do.Think of 20 or more things you want to do or accomplish before you kick the bucket. Travel, thrill seeking, goals etc.

Bucket listNow circle all of the activities that you would not be able to do if your lungs did not work properly or provide enough O2 to do the activity.

Pre-Test for TobaccoAfter someone starts to smoke, enjoyment is the reason why they continue to smoke.One of nicotine's chief effects is to elicit the stress response.A sign of nicotine withdraw is an inability to concentrate.Nicotine is not an addictive drugIn emphysema, the lungs first become damaged not because people cant breathe in but, because they cant breathe outPre-Test6. Smoking wrinkles the skin.

7. To live with a smoker is to run the risk of contracting lung cancer

8. One effective way to reduce the risk of getting cancer is to switch from smoking cigarettes to smokeless tobacco productsWould smoking make you happy?

Anti tobacco ads More Anti Tobacco Ads News about Kids smoking in other countries Whats in a Cigarette? More than 4,000 hazardous compounds.The most harmful:Tars: chemicals present in tobacco.Tars are well known carcinogens.Carcinogens: cancer causing agents.

Video clip #3http:/ / Terri conclusionTHE LUNGS Healthy bronchi, the major breathing tubes leading to each lung.Bronchi are coated with mucus: a slippery secretion produced by the body that protects surfaces of linings.Bronchi are also lined with Cilia: hair like structures.

Respiratory Syst.

Nicotine - addictive drug in all tobacco productsGateway drug- leads to more addictive and dangerous drug useage Emphysema - air sacs burst within the lungs


See the air holes within the lung. Air can go in but, air will not go out.

O2 levels in the blood stream are also lowered since capillaries can not get the oxygen.Smoke Damage to Lungs Tars in cigarettes make mucus abnormally thick.Slow the action of the cilia.Irritation builds making smoker cough smokers coughEach puff of a cigarette paralyzes cilia and numbs the throat for a while.

Bronchitis and EmphysemaPeople who smoke ultimately get one or more chronic diseases of the lung.Bronchitis and Emphysema are both chronic diseases of the lung.Bronchitis: a respiratory disorder with irritation of the bronchi, thick mucus, harsh cough. Emphysema: disease of lungs in which many small flexible air sacs burst and form a few large, rigid air pockets.

Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary diseaseA term for several diseases that interfere with breathing Asthma, bronchitis and Emphysema are all examples.

Cancer of the Lung

Healthy vs. Cancerous

Question #1Approx. how many packs of cigarettes are smoked by youth aged between 14 and 19 each year?Question #1How many packs of cigarettes do teens smoke per year in the united States?Answer #1900 million packs are smoked per year by teens between the ages of 14-19Question #2What are some of the short term effects of smoking or using smokless tobacco products?Answer #2Smelly Breath; Discoloring of Teeth; Pre-mature wrinkling of skin; Smelly clothing; discoloring of fingers and skin; Greasy/oily hair; Increase heart rate; increase breathing rate; increase blood pressure; Loss of friends???; Loss of money Conditions within body of tobacco usersBronchi - Mucus - Cilia - Bronchitis - COLD Chronic obstructive lung diseasecarbon monoxideulcerssinuses

Types of smokeMainstream smokeSide stream SmokeEnvironmental Tobacco Smoke ETSAsthmaWhat are some dangers of passive smoking? (EQ)

Main Stream SmokeSmoke inhaled from device and exhaled into air

Side Stream

Side stream smoke is when the smoke leaves the tip of the cigarette or tobacco product. That smoke has a high level of chemicals that are now in the air.Smokeless Tobacco

Smokeless tobacco clip#1

ESPN Smokless Tobacco Smokeless tobacco clip #2 and 3 Vocab for smokeless tobaccoSmokeless tobacco Tobacco used for snuff or chewing rather than for smoking.Quid A small portion of tobacco placed in the mouth.

LeukoplakiaThe whitish or greyish patches that develop where tobacco is placed in the mouth. Pre-cancerous signs in the mouth.

Oral problemsTooth Decay Tobacco wears down enamel in the teeth which protects against decay. Gums start to separate away from teeth, exposing roots and nerves of the teeth.

Other AlternativesE-cigarettes are designed to deliver nicotine in the form of a vapor, which is inhaled by the user. They usually have a rechargeable, battery-operated heating element, a replaceable cartridge with nicotine or other chemicals and a device called an atomizer that converts the contents of the cartridge into a vapor when heated. E-cigarettes often are made to look like regular cigarettes. - See more at: or gum to help cure addicition