To reach up in worship, reach out through evangelism, and...

Trinity Lutheran Church and School To reach up in worship, reach out through evangelism, and reach in by discipleship Church Announcements For The Week of June 7, 2015 THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION AT TRINITY: The Lord’s Supper is celebrated in this congregation in the belief and confidence that in this Sacra- ment, Christ is truly present, giving us His body and blood, in, with and under the forms of bread and wine (1 Corinthians 10:16, Mark 14:22-24). As Christians (and specifically as Missouri Synod Lutherans), we believe that it is through Jesus Christ alone that we have the hope of eternal life. We believe that we are sinners in need of forgiveness and that in the Lord’s Supper, God gives that forgiveness, strengthens our faith, and strengthens our union with Him and each other (Romans 3:23, Matthew 26:26-28). As Christians, we also believe that as we come to the Lord’s Supper, we are making a commitment to amend our sinful lives with the help of the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 2:19, Romans 8:6). GUESTS AND VISITORS: Because those who eat and drink our Lord’s body and blood unworthily do so to their harm and because Holy Communion is a confession of the faith which is confessed at this altar, any who are not yet instructed or confirmed, or who hold to a doctrinal position differing from that of this congregation and the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, and yet desire to receive the sacrament, are asked first to speak with the pastor (1 Corin- thians 11:27-29). At Trinity we practice Close Communion as adopted by our Synod in Convention. ALCOHOL CONTENT IN WINE: The “red” wine in the chalice and in the outer rings of the communion cup tray contains alcohol. The “white” wine in the center of the tray is de-alcoholized wine (alcohol nearly 100% removed). You may use the red or white wine in the tray but please remember that the chalice has only “red” wine with normal alcohol content. Q: Typical question asked by visitors: Can only LCMS members take communion at Trinity Burr Ridge? A: The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod has never understood or applied the historic practice of close[d] Communion in such a way as to mean that only LCMS members are permitted to commune at LCMS altars. The official position of the Synod is that not only are members of other Lutheran churches with whom we are in altar and pulpit fellowship invited to commune with us, but also that in certain extraordinary cases of pastoral care and in emergencies members of churches not in fellowship with us may be given Communion. The Synod stated, for exam- ple, in 1986 "that pastors and congregations of The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod continue to abide by the prac- tice of close Communion, which includes the necessity of exercising responsible pastoral care in extraordinary situa- tions and circumstances" (1986 Res. 3-08 "To Maintain Practice of Close Communion"). Please see for more information. Gluten Free Communion Wafers Available Upon Request ~ Please request from Pastor Bob at least 10 minutes before the service. The flowers are placed on the Lord’s altar by Joanne and Bill Kopping in honor of their 24th wedding anniversary. BAPTISM TODAY Liam John McGonigal, infant son of Kevin and Kristen McGonigal, is being baptized today at the 10:45am service. Sponsors are Dave Sakoulos and Julie McGonigal. Wes Buege, elder, will assist. May God’s blessings in Christ be with this family as they raise their child in the Christian faith. Second Sunday after Pentecost 8:30 a.m. service will follow p.184 Setting 3 HC Opening #572; Sermon #541; H/C #716 Closing #714 10:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service You Are Invited to Our Adult Bible Study at 9:45 in our Church Library.

Transcript of To reach up in worship, reach out through evangelism, and...

Page 1: To reach up in worship, reach out through evangelism, and… · To reach up in worship, reach out through evangelism,

Trinity Lutheran Church and School To reach up in worship, reach out through evangelism, and reach in by discipleship

Church Announcements For The Week of June 7, 2015

THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION AT TRINITY: The Lord’s Supper is celebrated in this congregation in the belief and confidence that in this Sacra-

ment, Christ is truly present, giving us His body and blood, in, with and under the forms of bread

and wine (1 Corinthians 10:16, Mark 14:22-24). As Christians (and specifically as Missouri

Synod Lutherans), we believe that it is through Jesus Christ alone that we have the hope of eternal

life. We believe that we are sinners in need of forgiveness and that in the Lord’s Supper, God gives

that forgiveness, strengthens our faith, and strengthens our union with Him and each other

(Romans 3:23, Matthew 26:26-28). As Christians, we also believe that as we come to the Lord’s

Supper, we are making a commitment to amend our sinful lives with the help of the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 2:19,

Romans 8:6).

GUESTS AND VISITORS: Because those who eat and drink our Lord’s body and blood unworthily do so to their

harm and because Holy Communion is a confession of the faith which is confessed at this altar, any who are not yet

instructed or confirmed, or who hold to a doctrinal position differing from that of this congregation and the Lutheran

Church - Missouri Synod, and yet desire to receive the sacrament, are asked first to speak with the pastor (1 Corin-

thians 11:27-29). At Trinity we practice Close Communion as adopted by our Synod in Convention.

ALCOHOL CONTENT IN WINE: The “red” wine in the chalice and in the outer rings of the communion cup tray

contains alcohol. The “white” wine in the center of the tray is de-alcoholized wine (alcohol nearly 100% removed).

You may use the red or white wine in the tray but please remember that the chalice has only “red” wine with normal

alcohol content.

Q: Typical question asked by visitors: Can only LCMS members take communion at Trinity Burr Ridge? A: The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has never understood or applied the historic practice of close[d]

Communion in such a way as to mean that only LCMS members are permitted to commune at LCMS altars.

The official position of the Synod is that not only are members of other Lutheran churches with whom we are in altar

and pulpit fellowship invited to commune with us, but also that in certain extraordinary cases of pastoral care and in

emergencies members of churches not in fellowship with us may be given Communion. The Synod stated, for exam-

ple, in 1986 "that pastors and congregations of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod continue to abide by the prac-

tice of close Communion, which includes the necessity of exercising responsible pastoral care in extraordinary situa-

tions and circumstances" (1986 Res. 3-08 "To Maintain Practice of Close Communion"). Please see for more information.

Gluten Free Communion Wafers Available Upon Request ~ Please request from Pastor Bob at least

10 minutes before the service.

The flowers are placed on the Lord’s altar by

Joanne and Bill Kopping in honor of their 24th wedding anniversary.

BAPTISM TODAY Liam John McGonigal, infant son of Kevin and Kristen McGonigal,

is being baptized today at the 10:45am service.

Sponsors are Dave Sakoulos and Julie McGonigal.

Wes Buege, elder, will assist.

May God’s blessings in Christ be with this family as they raise their child in the Christian faith.

Second Sunday after Pentecost 8:30 a.m. service will follow p.184 Setting 3 HC

Opening #572; Sermon #541; H/C #716 Closing #714

10:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service

You Are Invited to Our Adult Bible Study at 9:45

in our Church Library.

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JOY CLUB: Join us on Thursday, June 18 at 11:30 am at church. Please bring your

favorite dish to share and a $3 gift for crazy Bunco.

Contact Joyce Tomes at 630-257-2927 or Helen Voelz at 630-325-1063

if you have any questions.

IMMEDIATE NEED: Trinity is in an immediate need for someone to lead the singing at our Saturday evening 6:30pm Celebration Services! Please contact me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so we can fill the vacancy left by Tatiana Murphy, who has gone off to college. Thank you!!! Howard Eggert

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is sponsoring our annual food drive

from now until June 8th. All items will be donated to Uptown Ministry in

Chicago. Canned food, paper products, and personal hygiene items are

welcome. The food pantry always runs low during the summer, so we

would like to help fill the shelves. There will be a box in the narthex. If

you would like to donate a check or cash you may put it in the box or give it to Carol Ball.

Thank you for helping Lutheran Women in Mission.

Ed Vansyckle is in need of a ride to church for the 8:30am service each week. He

has a car that can be used to transport him to Trinity. He lives at 3 Cour Madeleine,

Palos Hills. Please call the church office so we can start a list of drivers. We only

have 4 people signed up to help drive Mr. Vansyckle. Please consider helping!!

Church News

To Prepare For Next Week’s Worship Service Read: Ezekiel 17:22-24; 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 (11-17); Mark 4:26-34

Coins for CareNet ~ CareNet Pregnancy Services of DuPage provides spiritual, emotional

and material support to women dealing with unplanned pregnancies, enabling them to choose

life for their babies. Our church supports the work of CareNet in our community by participat-

ing in Coins for CareNet. Please pick up a baby bottle in the narthex, fill it with spare

change, and return it to church on Father’s Day, June 21.

THE TRINITY KIOSK allows you to contribute to a variety of funds, in addition to the “general

fund” – the Debt Fund, the Capital Improvement Fund, the Tabitha Fund, the Memorial Fund, the

Youth Fund, the Tuition Assistance Fund (for needy students in our school), the Church or School

Endowment Fund, and Mission/Missionary Support. These are all worthwhile ministries of Trinity!

The Trinity Kiosk is on the south wall of the narthex (near the “Noah’s Ark” painting).

Summer Church Office Hours are: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

A chain was found in a pew at church on June 3. If you have lost a necklace, please

call the church office to describe it to the church secretary, Nancy Hanson.

2015 - 2016 Confirmation Meeting. A confirmation parent meeting is scheduled for

June 9 at 7pm in the church library. This meeting is for parents of public school children in

6th grade and parents of both public school and Trinity school students in 7th and 8th grade

for the 2015-2016 school year. This meeting will discuss the upcoming school year and the

Camp Luther Retreat scheduled for August 16-18, 2015. If you attended the meeting on

June 2, you do not need to attend this meeting.

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TUESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY has begun a new series from "The Insight Se-

ries" which helps small groups gain a deeper understanding of God, the Good News

of salvation, and even of themselves. Each effective, well-structured study includes

life-application questions on a biblical topic or theme, and will help participants grow

in their comprehension of God's Word and how to apply it to their lives. The class is

led by Howard Eggert and meets in the school office conference room from 7 to 8pm. Will not meet in July

and August.

Church News

Vacation Bible School 2015 is June 15-19 from 9am to 11:45am for

3 year olds through 6th grade. You can register now at or with Rob Grady by

reaching him at 708-839-1200 ext 6. ~ The sign up sheet for the youth to work is in the Youth Room.


DRILL SIMPLE HOLES IN WOOD ITEMS?? It is that time of year and we are in need of help

cutting craft items (from craft foam and felt) and also drilling a simple hole in a wood item. If you

can help us out, please contact Sheri Abernathy (708) 987-8768. Thanks in advance for your help!

Vacation Bible School is in need of the following snack items. If you can

donate it would help tremendously. Items needed:

8 bags of pretzel sticks Bottle of Dawn Dish Soap

3 boxes of Rice Chex 100 Sandwich Size Ziplock Bags

2 boxes of Teddy Grahams 5 cartons of Velveeta cheese

Vacation Bible School Craft Donation List

Items still needed for 2015 VBS 50 ~ 14oz. Tin Cans ~ clean with all the labels removed and not sticky

What a blessing to see this list of needed items dwindling down!

This year I am inviting you to come walk with me in the walk for CareNet which

takes place on Saturday, June 20th, 9:00 am to 11:00 am at St. Jogues Church,

306 W. Fourth St., Hinsdale. If you wish to sign up in advance, please check out

the display and signup sheet on the table in front of the fireplace. If you would

like to make a contribution, you can see me or go online: type

in Sue Voelz, go to page 3. Thank you, Sue Voelz

For the first time in many years, the Synod’s Council of Presidents (COP) at its April

25 - 29 meeting, did not have enough certified candidates for first pastoral calls to fill

all the requests of congregations and Synod-related entities in North America. Simi-

larly, there were not enough vicarage candidates to fill all the requests for men to serve

their year of pastoral “internship.”

During its spring meeting, the COP assigned 124 first calls (30 short of the 154 calls that were

available to be filled) and assigned 112 men to vicarages (compared with 133 vicarage assign-

ments available). The council also assigned 56 commissioned ministers to their first calls.

COP Placement Committee Chairman Rev. Kurtis D. Schultz, who is president of the LCMS

Southern District, spoke of the “anomaly [that] for the first time in many years, we had so many calls unfilled.” Schultz said that “one of the contributing factors [was] the small number

of seminary candidates.” “We need to be encouraging in every possible way those men

who wish to prepare for the Office of the Ministry, so that we can meet the needs of the

people of the Lord’s Church.”

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Church News 2015 TLC Community Clinic Date Set ~ September 26th, 2015 We are in need of a couple more chairpersons. We need someone to take over volunteer

registration, whose biggest job is tracking volunteers in a spreadsheet. We need a clinic

store chairperson, but would really love to gather a committee for the clinic store,

because that is a big job to undertake. We need the store people to step up now,

so we can send out corporate requests for donations. We also need a co-chairperson for the

spa to work with Nancy Vacchiano. Please prayerfully consider stepping up into one of

these positions. Please feel free to ask me any questions regarding any of these posi-

tions. Thanks, Joann Kopping. Cell 630-248-6963 or email [email protected].

Clinic Coat Store ~ Now is a great time to start gathering coats for this year's clinic. If you

are willing to purchase a coat for this year's clinic, they are all going on clearance. We really

could use coats, because we ended last year's clinic with no coats. Also, at the end of this

winter season please consider donating your coats to our clinic. Feel free to bring them into

the church office. Thanks, Joann Kopping. Cell 630-248-6963 or

email [email protected].

If you are leaving coats for the clinic at church, please label them for the Community Clinic.

It is hard to distinguish between a forgotten coat and a donated coat.

Please check the lost and found box and coat rack for your missing article of clothing.

Youth News

Mission Trips 2015: The high school trip to Green Bay will leave on Sunday, July 12, at 7am.

We need to be in Green Bay by noon. We will return on July 18 by noon. The cost for this trip

is $600 and could be covered by your youth account. The middle school youth depart for Cin-

cinnati on Sunday, July 26, at 8am, arriving around 3pm. We should be back mid-afternoon on

Friday, July 31. Cost for this trips is $450 which could be covered through fund raising.

Lost and Found in Concert ~ The Youth’s last Open Youth Room will be a trip to Immanuel,

Downers Grove for another concert on June 7. We will leave Trinity School at 6:30pm and re-

turn around 9:00pm. The concert is free but please bring a can of tuna or a jar of peanut butter

for Immanuel’s Food Pantry. Sign up in the Youth Room.

The 2015 Confirmation Retreat is Sunday, August 16 ~ Tuesday, August 18. This

is open to all students in grades 6 - 8 that plan on being confirmed in the coming

years. It is strongly encouraged that you attend. Put it on your calendar now. The

costs is $150.00.

Rummage Sale ~ You can bring items to the school

now for our August Rummage Sale. The container has

arrived. We will begin set-

ting up on July 24th. The

Sale will be August 6 ~ 8.

Remember...Youth Bible class on Sunday morning is

held in the Youth Room at 9:45am. We have great

discussions and the refrigerator is

always ready with snacks. We look

forward to this year’s Confirmands

joining us. Hope to see you there!!!

Are you tired of being a couch potato? Looking for a way to work out at NO COST to

you? Come out to volleyball in the Trinity Lutheran school gym! We meet every Monday at

7:00 pm and play for approximately an hour and a half. You don't have to be good, just

willing to have some fun and perhaps brush up on a few skills. Everyone 18 or older is

invited. It's also a great way to help a friend become familiar with our school and church. If

you can't come every Monday, just come when you can. If you have questions, call Keith

Wendte at 630-455-1775. We do not play on nights when there is a voter’s meeting sched-

uled so check the church calendar on our website at: to confirm

scheduled dates. See you there!

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Community News

The Walk for CareNet Pregnancy Services of DuPage will take place on

Saturday, June 20th at 9am. Participate at one of four locations: Hinsdale, Naperville,

Wheaton or Wood Dale, or join the Walk online between now and June 20.

Free walk t-shirts to all participants and the chance to win some great prizes.

Help CareNet be the hand of Christ reaching out to someone in need of hope and a

brighter future. For more information or to register online visit

Faith Hope Peace (FHP) Ministries continues joyously to bring weekly church services to 14 residential

care facilities in the area. Each of the 5 weeks during the month of May 2015, an average of about 247

fellow Christians gathered together to hear our Lord’s wonderful news. This is a monthly total of approxi-

mately 1237 people that heard salvation by grace preached to them through our ministry! Please

consider being part of a growing ministry by volunteering a few hours of your time! Talk

to a friend and together you can make a difference in a senior’s life! Please contact Craig

Chidester, Executive Director, at 630-710-0396 or [email protected].

Come Celebrate the 40th Year of Ministry for

Pastor Todd W. Roberts of Hope Lutheran Church,

on Sunday, June 14. The Worship Service starts at 10:00am

with a 12:00pm luncheon to follow.

Hope Lutheran Church is located at 6455 Joliet Road, Countryside.

Please RSVP for the luncheon by calling

Jodi at 708-354-6176, Monday through Thursday 8am - 12pm.

Trinity Lutheran Church is pleased to offer a preventive health event. Life Line Screen-

ing, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will host their

affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings on 7/13/2015. Five screenings

will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to: blocked arteries which is a leading cause of

stroke; abdominal aortic aneurysms which can lead to a ruptured aorta; hardening of the arteries in the legs

which is a strong predictor of heart disease; atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat which is closely tied to

stroke risk; and a bone density screening, for men and women, used to assess the risk of osteoporosis. Register

for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our

member discount). All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. In order to register for this event

and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call 1-888-653-6441 or visit

A senior lunch site is at Salerno’s Pizzeria, 9301 W. 63rd Street, Hodgkins.

Seniors aged 60+ may enjoy lunch Monday through Friday from 11:30am

until 12:30pm for the suggested donation of $2. Reservations must be

made before noon the preceding business day by calling 708-354-1323.

Cancelations must be made by 1pm the previous day. Please visit to view the monthly menu.

OR Hope Lutheran Church is hosting a Senior Luncheon on June 17 at 12pm. The lunch is catered

by Salerno’s Pizzeria; entertainment by Tony Bernard who performs songs from the 40’s to today.

$2 donation suggested. Reservations required, call 708-354-1323 before noon on June 14.

Mobile Food Pantry

Free fresh fruits, vegetable and non-perishable groceries.

Open to the public.

3:30pm ~ 5:30pm

June 9 ~ St. Cletus ~ 600 W 55th Street, LaGrange

June 16 ~ Hodgkins Village ~ 9096 Joliet Road, Hodgkins

For more information, please contact the Food Depository at 773-247-3663

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Those Serving This Weekend……

Sunday Preacher…...…………………………………………..…Pastor Robert Geaschel

Sunday Liturgist…….…………………..…………………..…....Pastor Robert Geaschel

Contemporary Worship Leader……………………………..………........Russ Breimeier

Organist..……..……..….…...…....……………….………………………....Howard Eggert

Guitarist………………...…………..……………………………………...….… Jason Lyons

Saturday Reader…………………………………………………......................Elaine Rall

Altar Guild ~ Jan Baranek, Spring Kneller, Kin Valentino, Matilda Koppera

Usher Group 1 : 8:30am ~ Richard Thorburn Jr., Gerald Tiedt,

Gene Weisbecker, Frank Mika Jr., and Bill Harris

Usher Group 3 : 10:45am ~ Steve Voelz, Alan Van Dahm, and Keith Wendte

Communion Assistants: Saturday ~ 6:30pm: Jake Bulthuis

Sunday ~ 8:30am: Dale Borchardt and David Miller

Acolytes: Sunday ~ 8:30am: Mariah Carli and Madilyn Farago

10:45am: Kendalla Puckett and Hannah Perron

Greeters 8:30am ~ Bob and JoAnna Carroll

Greeters 10:45am ~ Cliff and Judy Gustafson

Sunday June 7

8:30am Worship HC 9:45am Bible Class and Sunday School

10:45am Contemporary Worship ~

Baptism of Liam John McGonigal

Monday ______________ June 8 6:30pm School Board (CL)

7:00pm Adult Volleyball (G)

Tuesday __ June 9 No Serving this month at St. Matthews

7:00pm Bible Study (CR) 7:00pm Confirmation Parent Meeting (CL)

Wednesday June 10

Thursday June 11

7:00pm Praise Band (CH)

Friday June 12

Saturday Flag Day June 13

8:30am Trustees 6:30pm Celebration Service HC

Trinity Lutheran Church & School 11500 German Church Rd. Burr Ridge, IL 60527 708-839-1200 /church 708-839-1444 /school

We Invite You To View Our

Website WEEKLY :

For All Your Trinity Informational Needs! Announcements & Sermons,

Weekly Events & Highlights,

Announcements, Our Ministries Bible Studies, and More!

Page 7: To reach up in worship, reach out through evangelism, and… · To reach up in worship, reach out through evangelism,



code-like QR code image with a smart phone's QR decoder, it will instantly connect you to the

mobile version of our church web page. To individuals who are familiar with QR codes, it will

provide a quick and easy way to access our electronic giving portal. Take your announcements

home, create a profile and giving is easy!


Our Members who are homebound…. Don Tomes, Lois Ulman, Gil Meyer, Jeannette Wielbinicki,

Deloris Harding and Lorraine Buczko

Our Members who are in assisted living or nursing homes…. Joyce Miegel, Marlene Congdon, Joyce Rabas, Julie Rabas,

Ken Phillips, Phyllis Johnson, Aileen Mastney, Caroline Cardinallo, and Marjorie Morgan

Second Sunday after Pentecost – Today’s epistle from 2 Corinthians 4 is filled with hope for the death of a

Christian and those they leave behind. There awaits a glory “beyond comparison” (vs. 17). But there is also

hope for the ill and dying Christian as long as God gives them life. For God’s Spirit is at work in the “inner

self” (vs. 16). We never know what that “working” might be, and we must protest vehemently any attempt to

cut it short. Prayer: Father, help us understand that as long as You give life, You give life meaning. Amen.

Our Members or Friends of Our Members In The Military…..

Marine Sergeant Matt Konczal ~ (San Diego) godson of Bill Kopping Peter Davidovitch (South Korea) US Army Pilot, godson of Bill & Judy Jung

Thomas Logan ~nephew of Cathy LaFlame

Andrea Logan ~niece of Cathy LaFlame

Sarah Mears~ National Guard

Kris Randolph (Active Duty~Scott AFB) airforce serviceman ~ son of Joan Randolph

Jeremy Marwitz (US) ~ Grandson of Lee Marwitz

Chaplain Mike Sneath (Virginia)

Angie Marie Albrecht, MD (Ohio) Air Force, Daughter-in-law of Pastor & Janet Albrecht

Michael Grimes (Ft. Carson, CO) member, son of Janet Grimes

Chaplain Mike Moreno~ Home, In reserves and resuming his position in Synod’s Barnabas program.

nephew of our member Bessie Kuske

Adam Koshiol ~ ARNG-2006-2012, Air Force National Guard, son of Kim Valentino

Our Members who are celebrating their baptismal birthdays the week of June 7….

Tamara O’Brien, Sarah Barr, Anna Helminiak, David Helminiak, MacKenna Orrick, Nicole Rohner, Heather Lhota, David Ernst, Nicholai Luce,

Kiera Mayer, Marilyn Eggert, Kylie Abernathy, Claire Francis, Mary Lou Gaffke, Kimberly Sass, Carter Lund,

Edwin VanSyckle, Elizabeth Zasadzinski

Our Members who are celebrating wedding anniversaries The week of June 7….

Brian and Katy Orrick; William and Joanne Kopping; George and Sheryl Diamond; Duane and Jennifer Sunnquist,

Amy and Matthew Francis

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The Week of June 7 Tom Hardy ~ Prayers for healing ~ Req. by Gene Weisbecker

Duane ~ Prayers for comfort and peace while going through medical testing ~ Howard Eggert

Gene Weisbecker ~ Prayers for strength and healing.

May 31

Family of Christa Conoboy ~ Prayers of comfort for the family after the death of Christa. Rosemary Fante ~ Prayers for recovery from throat and tongue cancer.

Family of Nancy Jendra ~ Prayers of comfort after her death ~ Cousin of Russ and Dorothy Anderson

Lorraine Buzchko ~ Prayers for health and healing

Jamie Kling ~ Prayers for comfort after her father’s death ~ Req. by Trinity School Staff

Patti Hutcheson ~Prayers for healing after surgery ~ Req. by Linda Isbell

Georgia ~ Prayers for healing after a fall ~ Req. by Linda Isbell

Ron Hammes ~ Prayers for healing after heart surgery ~ Brother of Neil Hammes

May 24

St. Clair family ~ Prayers for comfort for the St. Clair family after the death of Eileen’s mom.

Dave Barnett ~ Prayers for healing from an infection ~ Req. by Carrisa Korres

Tietjens Family~ Prayers for comfort after the death of Bert

May 17 Elaine Rus ~ Prayers of thanksgiving that she is cancer free ~ Req. by Susan Villareal

Johnny Murphy ~ Prayers of healing after a heart transplant

Beth Jo Johnson family ~ Prayers for peace and healing after a reoccurrence of cancer ~ Req. by St. Clairs

Duane ~ Prayers for comfort and peace while going through medical testing ~ Req. by Howard Eggert

Family of Lydia Anderson ~ Prayers of comfort after the passing of Cindy’s Aunt, Lydia ~ Req. by Cindy Stutz

Gene Wiesbecker ~ Prayers for healing

The Grimes Family ~ Prayers of comfort after the death of Carrie Grimes ~ Req. by the Dahlstrands

Randy Adamovitz ~ Prayers of healing from cancer ~ Req. by Trudy Ternig

Family of Rev. William Chiganos ~ Prayers of comfort after Rev. Chiganos death

If you would like a prayer request continued , please email or call the church office. If you have a Private Prayer Request (NOT announced during the worship service) for our Prayer Circle Group please

email or call the church office 708-839-1200 or [email protected] Thank you, Nancy

Week of May 31 Weekend Worship Attendance ~ 301 Communion ~ 215

Planning a Baptism or a Wedding at Trinity? A Meeting with Pastor Geaschel is required before every Baptism & Wedding. Please call the church office to schedule your appointment with Pastor Bob.

Weekly Prayers CANCER PATIENTS: Christine Papas ~ Aunt of Kim (Steve) Freese,

David Bottger, Steve Krc, Dawn Krc ~ daughter-in-law of Dagmar Krc,

Joyce Chow ~ sister of David Bottger, Rob Cramer ~ Req. Lori Trinche,

Larry McIntyre ~ Req. by Ernst Family, Ted Bulthuis ~ Brother of Jake Bulthuis,

Wilson Gregory ~ 2.5 years old ~ Req. Nancy Richter. Grandson of Dennis Kelly,

Gil Meyer ~ Req. by Yvonne Meyer, Gay Roby and Beth Johnson ~ Req. by Jan

Miller, Elaine Rice ~ Req. by Susan Villarreal, Bill Farago ~ Req. by Debbi

Kubicki & Herman and Betty Pastori, Joseph Ritson ~ Req. by Ava Franco,

Nancy Bordak ~ Req. by family, Robert Nowak ~Req. by David Bottger

Rachel & Hope Salverredy ~ prayers for continued healing.

Caroline Cardinallo ~ Prayers for comfort for Caroline and her family, Joanne Cardinallo’s mother

Ann Weisbecker ~ Prayers for rehab and healing (back at Oaktrace) ~ Req. By Gene Weisbecker

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