to raise funds and bring WALKto raise funds and bring attention to the plight of this vital program....

mentoring at Family Support Services of the Bay Area Saturday, July 23, 2011 @9am 5k walk to raise awareness and funds for the OreMi Mentoring Program for WALK Federal Funding cuts, resulng from the recent budget compromise in Washington DC, have threatened to force the closure of the OreMi Mentoring Program at Family Support Services of the Bay Area (FSSBA). FSSBA is commied to finding the funds needed to connue building and nurturing healthy mentor- ing relaonships, and we need your help to make it possible. Join us Saturday, July 23 for a 5k Walk around Lake Merri, to raise funds and bring aenon to the plight of this vital program. We need every friend of FSSBA to be with us on this important morning walk. Please register today and walk with us on July 23! We are inving members of local government, community leaders and members of the press to lend their voices and their support. Simple ways you can help right now: 1) Register To Walk at 2) Spread the Word to your family and firends. 3) Can’t join us on July 23? Register as a Virtual Walker! Learn more about how you can stand up for mentoring in your community by vising us online: CALL TO ACTION! July 23, 2011 (510) 834-2443, ext 3005

Transcript of to raise funds and bring WALKto raise funds and bring attention to the plight of this vital program....

Page 1: to raise funds and bring WALKto raise funds and bring attention to the plight of this vital program. We need every friend of FSSBA to be with us on this important morning walk. Please


mentoringat Family Support Services of the Bay Area

Saturday, July 23, 2011 @9am5k walk to raise awareness and funds for the

OreMi Mentoring Program


Federal Funding cuts, resulting from the recent budget compromise in Washington DC, have threatened to force the closure of the OreMi Mentoring Program atFamily Support Services of the Bay Area (FSSBA).

FSSBA is committed to finding the funds needed to continue building and nurturing healthy mentor-ing relationships, and we need your help to make it possible.

Join us Saturday, July 23 for a 5k Walk around Lake Merritt, to raise funds and bring attention to the plight of this vital program. We need every friend of FSSBA to be with us on this important morning walk. Please register today and walk with us on July 23!

We are inviting members of local government, community leaders and members of the press to lend their voices and their support.

Simple ways you can help right now: 1) Register To Walk at 2) Spread the Word to your family and firends. 3) Can’t join us on July 23? Register as a Virtual Walker!

Learn more about how you can stand up for mentoring in your community

by visiting us online:

CALL TO ACTION! July 23, 2011 834-2443, ext 3005