To Infinity & Beyond: Protocols & sequences in Node - Part 2

To Infinity & Beyond! Protocols & Lazy Sequences in Node Part Deux – Sh*t Just Got Real Bahul Neel Upadhyaya (@bahulneel) BraveNewTalent

Transcript of To Infinity & Beyond: Protocols & sequences in Node - Part 2

Page 1: To Infinity & Beyond: Protocols & sequences in Node - Part 2

To Infinity & Beyond!

Protocols & Lazy Sequences in Node

Part Deux – Sh*t Just Got Real

Bahul Neel Upadhyaya (@bahulneel)


Page 2: To Infinity & Beyond: Protocols & sequences in Node - Part 2


Library● Protocols● Sequences Lazy & Async● Argument length dispatch● Tail recursion● Object Identity● Object Metadata

Protocols● ISeq● ISync● IStream● IPromise

npm install cosy-lang

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An Example (TF-IDF)

“Tf–idf, term frequency–inverse document frequency,is a numerical statistic which reflects how important a word is to a document in a collection or corpus. It is often used as a weighting factor in information retrieval and text mining.”

- Wikipedia

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function stripWord(word) {

return word.replace(/[^-a-zA-Z_0-9]+/, '').toLowerCase();


function isWord(word) {

return /^[-a-zA-Z_0-9]+$/.exec(word)


function words(string) {

return vec(filter(isWord, map(stripWord, string.split(/ /))));


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Term Frequencies function tf(words) {

var max = 0, counts, word;

function countFeq(counts, word) {

var newCounts = clone(counts);

if ('undefined' === typeof newCounts[word]) newCounts[word] = 0;

newCounts[word] += 1;

if (newCounts[word] > max) max = newCounts[word];

return newCounts;


counts = reduce(countFeq, {}, words);

if (max) {

for (word in counts) {

if (counts.hasOwnProperty(word)) counts[word] /= max;



return counts;


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Inverse Document Frequency idf = fn$({

1: function (terms) {

return idf({}, 1, terms);


3: function (freq, docCount, terms) {

if (null === first(terms)) return null;

function calcIdf(terms) {

var docFreq, invDocFreq = {}, word;

docFreq = merge(freq, first(terms));

for (word in docFreq) {

if (docFreq.hasOwnProperty(word)) invDocFreq[word] = docCount/(1+docFreq[word]);


return cons(invDocFreq, idf(docFreq, docCount + 1, rest(terms)));


return lazy(terms, calcIdf);



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TF-IDF function tfIdf(documents) {

var theWords, terms, freq;

terms = map(tf, map(words, documents));

freq = idf(terms);

function calcTfIdf(tf, idf) {

var word, tfIdf = {};

for (word in tf) {

if (tf.hasOwnProperty(word)) tfIdf[word] = tf[word] * idf[word];


return tfIdf;


return map(calcTfIdf, terms, freq);


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Making Sequences Asyncronous

Source● Takes an ISeq & ISync as

it's argument● Extends IStream● Registers a tick callback

using the ISync interface● Emits first element when

callback is called

Sink● Takes an IStream as it's

argument● Extends ISeq & ISync● First returns stream.skip

until stream emits● Calls tick callback when

stream emits

Page 9: To Infinity & Beyond: Protocols & sequences in Node - Part 2

Socket IO - Serverlang.protocol.extend(, socketServer.Socket,

["tap", function (socket, fn) {

socket.on("message", function (data) {




["emit", function (socket, val) {




function server(port, callback) {

var io = socketServer.listen(port);

io.sockets.on('connection', callback);


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Socker IO - Server

(function (lang, tfIdf, server) {

server(1234, function (socket) {, socket);





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SocketIO - Clientlang.protocol.extend(, socketClient.SocketNamespace,

["tap", function (socket, fn) {

socket.on("message", function (data) {




["emit", function (socket, val) {




function client(addr, callback) {

var io = socketClient.connect(addr);

io.on('connect', function () {




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Socket IO - Client

client("http://localhost:1234", function (socket) {, function (val) {

console.log('td-idf', val);

});, socket);


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Future work

● Queues● Persistent Data Structures● Performance● Graphs● Persistence

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● Cosy

● Demo

● Me


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