to filer; G'!ffll LAND USE PLAN BfLr (Proposed by Cif)''t APS ond Marcou AsSO

,. r; G'!ffll LAND USE PLAN BfLr (Proposed by Cif)''t APS ond Marcou AsSO<iatesJ - COMMERCIAL IHfm INDUSTRIAL IZZJ PUBLIC & OPEN SPACE · c:::;:::) GARDEN APARTMENTS (::i.. ] TOWN HOUSES & LOW DENSITY APARTMENTS £::::."··.'! SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES .. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ••• JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL HIGHWAY PLAN p,, '(l'ropooed by Cify'• AI'S and Marcou Aa-n.fel) v A EXISTING PROPOSED MAJOR ARTERIAL COLLECTOR Correction: Commercial area in Springhill Lake adjacent to Capital Beltway should be shown one block to S.E; at intersection of Edmonson Rd. & Springhill Dr. I ,, ( .·I""'- ...... /i I I I I ......... I l.___. I ' { ___ , \::"-i / \ ... ... I I ' -, .............. I \ I ,, X' ... ;'\_, \ t ', ----- ,_ \ ,, - ! .-.r Qireenhelt Jltws Btvitw Master Plan Gets Public Review; Another Hearing Set for T 1esday by David Stem About 50 Greenbelt residents were present on Monday night, November 9, when the city's master plan - jointly produced by the city's Advisory Planning Board and by the planning flrm of Marcou, O'Leary & Associates - was officially presented to the public. All the members of the city council were preeent, as well ll8 representatives of local organizations and also T. Hammond Welsh jr., attorney for the developers of Springhill Lake and the owners of the "Golden Triangle". AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPa "ol:ume 28, Number 51 GREENBELT, MARYLAND Pa'-Jonnef Being Considered Planning Committee The f . by Rita Fisher development of Greenbelt Homes, Inc. in the in- of 1ts rnetnbers and the community at large was the main topic at lastiThurllday's meeting of the board of directors of GHI. A short meetmg of one hour's duration terminated with a five-mmute recess afte, which an executive sesson was held. A letter, dated Octobt'r 1964, On the basis of further informa- had been sf.'nt to all Gffi 'lll"'obcrs lion, a mol ion was made to con- containing an abridgement of sider the request of a GHI mom- memorandum by the manager Which bcr to add shutters to his brick had been presented to the house. The request had been turn- and which proposed that a com- ed down at a previous Board meet- mittec be esablished to study the lng. After reconsideration, the Board problems involved in long-range unanimously to approve the panning for Gill. of the shutters, adding Blue-Ribbon Conunltwe 11 PP"I<lval for an iron fence, which The letter urged Interested mcm- had 11\et the regulations regarding hers to submit their names for fencef>, possible appointment to a Blue- Ribbon It was revealed at Thursday's meeting that over forty names had been submitted and it was decided that the matter would be considered in executive 11ession to be held later Thursday night. At that meeting, a 15-man com- mittee was tentatively selected, with 7 alternates. Public announcement of the names will be made when all acceptances have been received. The Board discussed possible vi- olations of GHI regulations that may exist in GHI homes and yards. The appearance of sheds, hedges, tcnces, and additions wlll be scru- tinized to ascPrtain whether or not these are being built and maintain- accurdlng to GHI standards. A study of the situation will be in- stituted, and a deciHion made as to the course of action to take in the case of violations. City Notes Ronald M. Dick AdmlnistmUVll Aldll Mrs. Muriel B. King, 19-U RMd, nn employe-e of thP city for three years, has lef't to take a po.qi- tlon with the BPndlx Field Engln- flcring Corporation in Adelphi. Mrs. King has been employed in the F'inance Department of the city as an Accounts Clerk. Tlw big lt•af vacuum tnltchinP will b<• traveling about th<• dty to kt>cp Uw streol.w and pn rk arraH fr1'f' of h•af accunHJlation. To c·omplt'lP Uw rt•conditioning of Braden Fi<"id, ttw city will sod th<• arcn around thP intkld with tht' RHffit' tyj)1' of grnss that is used tn D.C. - and Conn!t• Mark Stadium in l'hiln<f<olphln. J)l'tinft.J{t' ( }on,..trtK•tlon Allwrt S. At.tlck, SujH•rintcnrlent of Public Worlts, rPjXJrts thnt his (t•neral crt>w hns bt>Pn <'-<Jll.!ltructing a s1 orm St'W4'r line ttcr()RS GrePnhill Rl>:t41 at its intA'nwdfon with Cres- cent l{oad. Puring lhP wintPr mnnths in thP pnst, walt•r would back up and frt•t>7.t' in this nn•a, cnuHing very htlr.nrdous lrntlic con- ditions. This wintPr tlw wllff'r will bP chnnncl<-d into 1\ entch bllllln and flow und<•r th•• slr<•<'t to the other sidr. WHAT GOES ON Friday, 13, 10 a.m.: Co-01> Homemaker's Open Jlou:w, Co-op JloHplln lily Hoom R:30 p.m. Dupllcato Brldg<>, Co- op HoRplllillty ltcxJm Nov...mb<o<r 16, H p.m.: Oily Council M<•C'IIng, Munl· elpnl Building Tuo....tay, Nov-<vo>IJN" 11, H J>.ln.; Pub lit- nn Mastt·r 1,1nn \Vf'tln..,...lay, No'·.,nl""" 11\, R:SO ll..hl.: (;rPt•nlwH F'air llousinK Conu11;tlt'-'. MPt'ilng, I\1unidpal Nn"-nrnh,. .. r 10, ,H 1un.: I Iuy.h'.'i I lonlt' HtJtl As..•uwi:,t:tm MPI'tllll' Survey In a reoellt .survey made to check on opinions of certain services, It wil.. reported that a- bout 46'ie of the \\\Quiry cards had been returned and· (avornble opin- ions were generally t.vcn concern• ing service, telephone, 'Jld main- tenance men. The telephone serv- ice was rated excellent while the other two services recelvi'<J ra- tings of 99% as excellent. Recreation Review by Richard Stl"venffon Dlrecror of Recreation Arts & ()rafbi Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, Mrs. Boggs, Crafts Leader, holds forth with a multitude of ideas, projects and children lntcrcsfed In the beauties and joys of Arts 'n Crafts. Why don't you try? Time: 3:30-5 p.m. Cost: Only for materials use<l. :\1Pn's VoiJ.,ybo.IJ Spots are still open for positions on Grcenbclt',q volleyball (Pam. The team will represent the City In a Northern Prince Gcqrges League. For further Information call 474- 6878. Powdor-PuJI Football· !<'or football at best, it's Pow- der-Puff Footbnll this &tturdny, Nov. 14 at 11 a.m. on Braden !<'leld. Th<· GrPenbelt girls, !Pd by Joltin' JoAnn O'Loughlln, will hti<P on our nPighbors from District H<'ights. Th i" gn me should do for fcxJtbnll whn t th<• BPatl<'" ha vc• done to music. Mf"'l's Toum Footb11ll After one Wf'f'k of thP Kt'cnnd hnlf Of play, it Jook!1 likt• H solid two- way ract' for Uw tltlP. Last w<"t'lt, Crovo'!-1 Cronif's knm:KPd off H.nn- ni"'" Hng-A-Afurttns 19-7 and Lag- Larl!i pdgpd Vitro 12-G. S(•cond lwlf standings arc•: w J, Lagann'" V·ltro 0 0 Unmm-"Witn<W< for p""""""'Uon" 0 H•·hearsals have stnrlPd and the turn-out hns be(•n fnir. TtwrP nrf', still a f<•w SJH>tH to be tlll<'d in th<' CIL•L Brush up your ncllng ability and give It a try. RehPitrsnls n re held nt the Cenl<·r Elementary School nt 7:30 p.m., MQJlday thru Frldny. For further lnformntlon cull 474-61!78. Pootry Hour th<ird gmde group wiU meet on Thursday, November 19 Ill 4 p.m. In tlw O•nt<'r School Llbrnry. New tn''mlwrn RN' wek"'mo. HowiiDK IA'III«Un This we BJX>Uight the boys. In thP MnBlPr Mltnkullsh holds hiKh rm·mgt' 132, hil{h ••·t .:\.1 nnd high I{June 16!\. In the .Junlor!i, it ls Mr. Forti, high ''Vf'r- H)(I' 149, high "''t (,2fl nn11 high gnmP t!l{\ Tt'a m 11 r.., w 17 16 16 J. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GREENBELT, MARYLAND November 16, 1964 ORGANIZATION 1. Meeting called to order 2. Roll Call 3. Jllinut<·s of Regular Meet- ing, November 2, 1964 and Special MePting, Novem· bcr 9, 1964 !I COMMUNICATION 4. Petitions and Requeste li. Additions to Agenda by Councilmen and Manager 6. Written Communications 7. Manager's ProgreiRI Report 8. Committee Reports III OLD BUSINESS 9. Ordinance to Prohibit Dis· orderly Conduct <2nd Rea- ding) 10. Swimming Pool bids 11. Appointments to Boards 12. Report on Sign Ordinance 13. Green ·Genter 'Sign 14. Ridge Road Extended Pa- ving Pathway Construction 16.,Dircction Signs 17. We&twny Extended . 18. Pathways to Charlestown VIllage 19. Meetings · 20. ·Letter on· Springhill Lllk<1 Brl<!ge .21. Approval of Bills - Special Public Building Construc- tion Fund 22. Standing RuU,s 1V NEIW RUSINESS V Miscellaneous The meeting opened with a de- concept of a continuous perimeter tailed presentation of the plan by road surrounding the city and join- John R. Joyner, r.epresenting the lng all Its parts. planning firm <maps describing the Apart from this road, wbich plan appeared in last week's Issue would in part pass through Federal of the News Re•iewJ, Joyner star- land and which would cross. the ted with a description of the pro- Baltimore parkway at a new in- posed road system, stressing terchange, the plan also proposes Nursery School Fair Features Creative Toys The Greenbelt Co-op Nursery School will present a "Toy, Record and Book Fair" in Greenbelt, at the Community Church Fellowship Hot.-<'. Crescent and Hillside Roads, on Friday, No\'. 13 from 3 to 9:30 p.m. and on &tturday, Nov. 14 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The fair will feature toys from Creative Playthings, Inc., Folkways records, selected books, decorative with bird designs, tiles, hand-made mittens, smocks, habi, calendars, Christmas stockings, and a white elephant sale. One of the chief purposes of the project is to make available worth- while, long-lasting toys and decora- tions such as arc not available at local stores. Free baby-sitting serv- ices will be provided while parents shop. For further Information, call Janice Duffy, 474-8158. Dut:ch Bulbs in Center Greenbelt is one of the hundred locations in the United States which have been selected to display a de- monstration flower garden. The spring dlsph\y, which will be plan- ted In the Center, will consist of ·over 900 1lut'bs «tmratt•o .. llit cMo; ·by the Netherlands Flower Insti- tute and Nurseries in Beltsville. The Dutch . bulbs will be planted in the Center this month, and should produce a bouJl'tiful harvest of hyncinths, crocuses, nar- cissi, muscari, and many varieties of tullps by next spring. the widening of Glenn-Dale rood as well as the construction of an ar- terial road serving the Industrial area along the B & 0 tracks, and many secondary roads. As part of the plan, Crescent rd. would not intersect Kenilworth ave. (as it does on the MNCPPC plan), due to the proximity of such an intersec- tion to the Beltway exit ramps. The intersection of Edmonston rd. and Greenbelt rd. (for which a light hss been scheduled recentlyl would also be ellmlnated and a new exit road from Springhill Lake built on land now belonging to the Junior High School. In exchange the land on which Edmonston rd. now runs would be added to the school grounds. lAnd U!M! In planning land use, Joyner said. the guiding principle was that except for land already zoned, the area inside the perimeter road should have town-house develop- ment matching that or old Green- belt. while this road the land should be developed to slngle- ramlly homes. Various topics con- cerning land use other than hous- Ing were specifically mentioned by Joyner - school sites, the city's warehouse, a small neighborhood shopping center (the latter two to be located near the end or Cres- - n1 l epd .. aite §Sun- __ _ ity center tnth; f BY.· Glenn-Dale rd. and the parkway. For the Golden Triangle, single- family zoning was recommended; this was viewed mainly as a tem- porary measure, until .uch time as zoning Sllfcguards will be avarl- able to guarantee its use as an office park or some other low-traf- flcc publiC usc. News Review Elected for 1964 Sucher to Edit New Board Fire Dflpt. and GHI After Joyner's prPsentatlon, Rob- rrt Mogel, representing the Green- belt Fire n.nd Rescue squad, and Ed Burgoon of the Greenbelt Homes, Inc. board of dlr<'ctors pre- spnt<'d their orgnnitations' view- points. MogPI dwelt mainly on fea- turf'H ensuring {' access for fire- fighting equipml'nl, such as ellmin ation of dpnd-Pnd streets. Bur- goon commPnded the planners and th·· AI'B for th<' plan and stressed points of public inl<•rest, such a.• provision for 11 library sit•• and pre,qervntion "-' pnrkland of llw area adjoining Greenbelt Lllk<', whNe both MNCPPC and the APB pwpo,qpd n junior high school. Both objpctcd to th<' tNmination of CrescPnt rd. short of K<·nilworth The Greenbelt NewR Review has a new editor. Dorothy Sucher, 8 Lakeside Dr., WILq chosen as edi- tor by the staff at the annual mew· b<•rship m<'eting of llw Gn'l'nb<'lt CoopPrativP Publis} Assoriation, Inc. on Oct 20. Slw "uC<'<'C'(is Mnry fAJui:H' \\.rilliamson who roClignPrl for family n•asons. Dorothy pn'viously ('tfttor in tlw sumnwr of 1963, un 4 til hl'r dPpart urP fdr a stay in rojH'. Slw rPtunwd to Gr<·cnbPit at tlw IH•J-!'innillg: of SPptPmlwr. Mary !-lmith was (>d t'ditor. Tlw mPml)('rship al!ln f'lt'dt'd ll III'W hoard of dirt'dOr!i for thP 1964-65 ypnr. AI Slwlnik, G. K. llo- dt'nfi.-ld :-;]d Knstfwr, Mnry LouisP Fair Housing To Meet A mpmbershlp meeting of lh•• Gr<'CnbPlt l•',;ir Housing Commill<'l! will be held on W•·drwsclay, Nov 18 at 8:30 p.m. In tlw City Council Chamber. The agenda will include discUSSIOn of the S(llt\l.'l Of thP or- gnnizntlon's proposnl tn th<' City Coundl for the ••stnbllshmcnt of a Jlumnn CommHtt'f' by thP City ns wt>ll ns of curn•nl lnlt•rPnt in howdng in (;n't·nlwlt. ( >ffkt•rs eh•clPcl by lht' Commill<'<' at lt.q mel'tlng on Oct. 21, to s«•rvP for Hix months Wt'rt' · Altwrt h. Jfprling, dmirmnn, lht' R('v. KPrll\-'th \\•yntt, v1n· Tht'odon· Prit7.kl'r, ln·nstHPr; Mrs Mlrlnm ( :orJIPlius. rP<'ording tnry; and .John Hnlwrt NPwbrnugh, CtlrrPsponding llnl<"f' Bowman WILe.; l'iPdPd l'lwlrmHn of th·· (:mnmlltt'l', Bertram 1 hlllll. t·ln'' mall nf thl' M••mlwrshlp Commitlt'f'. nnd Mrs. Ann Pltlmttn \\'ill ht·Hd tht· llo.<iJ"<t:tlity 11'1' Williamson, a-d Mary Smith. At the mediey <>f the 1 ,. ..... board on Nov. 1. Skolnik was ·;·l<"cl<"d prcsidPnt; HodPnfield, vic<'- prt'sidt'nt; l{nslnt'I". sccrPtary; and Mm. \Villinmson. lr<'nsun•r. Skolnik has Ut>PII pn•Hitknt of tht' publishing ;J!->sociation sinct' IH5U. Onl' of lht· maJor topics h,\' t ht' mcrnbt•rship was a nwans of t•xpanding thP of thf' :";t"'\\"S to st'rVP a rapidly growing community. Sinct' the be- ginning of last ypar, thr circulation of thP p:qwr has incrt>nsPd from 2,600 to 3,600. Since tlwn· is no chnrgP for homp dPiivpry of tlw nt'WSJHlJH'r. irH'fl'ltsed circulation I{<'IH'rally nwan" that tlw papPr IH facPd with :ttlditionnl chnrgPH for printing and for dPli\'Pry without any 11p to now, ttw ndditional havP h<•en met primarily through the pll rwr's re.'H'rVf' funds. How much longt'r this ran bP. dorH' with lli'W rPsidPntial unils bP- ing oreupied ('Very dny is unt'Prtain. On<> suggeRtion hns bPen tn curtail homl' dPilvPry by mnklng the news- JillPt'r avnilnblt• nt ronVPtliPntly lo- cated neighborhood spots. AnothN hns be<'n to rnllst th•• support of the vnrlou• housing subdivisions and Uwir dth;pns' HHRof'intJons to tnkP ov<•r rt'SjHHJ'Ibllity for distribution of the owwspnJWr throughout their own dt'Vt•lopnwntH. ATHNTION LOCAL GROUPS Th(' NICWS !Uf.VIKW woulrl IBu· to rf'tnind (;N•t•nbt'lt groups thnt tt i!i happy to print organ- izo.tionnl news wtwn<'VPr R1NlCP JX'rmits. typP nil TWWH ilf'ms, and liSP only onp sidt• of thP p:qwr, tn •·:•Sf' tlw l!L'ik of tht• 'tnJT R\'('n\Jf'. A public discussion followed, dcaling mainly with details of the plan. Answf'ring a qtwstion, coun- eilmnn CliJT Simonson noted that thf' f'Xtf'nsion of Northway wa..q libPml<'iy curved in order to dis- co\lrllJ{<' drfvprs lf'RVing thP park- way at tlw n<'W lnl<•rchanl(c from lllklng a shortcut through the town',q c<'nter. Lou LushhH' of 3-C Gn.r<knway proposed building a public school complex on the '"trl- anglr" while Welsh reiterated tho' 1•roperty owners' brll<·f thnt thr tract Is still hPsl suited for a shop- ping center. Among olhPr polnh misrd W<'r<' the fact tlvtt the plan n'tmlns from mentioning the Jaeger tract, pros and cons of the new "local" shoJlping cPnter, lhe wid- ening of tho' rest of Grernb<'lt rd. U> 6 htn<'S, 11n<l n rt•ec·nt petition by thr devd<>pers of Springhill Luke for hlgh-clc•n"lty H.-10 zoning. Th<' nwPtlng was clos<'d hy May- or F:dgn.r Smith. who thanked all thn .. CJf' pr,•sf•nt Rnd srlwduh•d anoth- t•r puhlk lwarlng for No" vt·mtwr 17 of thl' pn)po.•H•d pll\n nnd rdf\tPd mnpH alT' ffiPR.n- wh!l<' availahlco tn tho• public In mnnldpRI hullcllng. -

Transcript of to filer; G'!ffll LAND USE PLAN BfLr (Proposed by Cif)''t APS ond Marcou AsSO

,. r;



(Proposed by Cif)''t APS ond Marcou AsSO<iatesJ










HIGHWAY PLAN p,, '(l'ropooed by Cify'• AI'S and Marcou Aa-n.fel) v A EXISTING PROPOSED




Correction: Commercial area in Springhill Lake adjacent to Capital Beltway should be shown one block to S.E; at intersection of Edmonson Rd. & Springhill Dr.

I ,, ~


.·I""'-...... /i I 1""~ ~ I I I ......... I l.___. I ' { ___ , \::"-i /

\ ... ... I I ' -, .............. I \ I ,, X' ... ;'\_, \ t ', -----,_ \ ,,


! .-.r


Jltws Btvitw Master Plan Gets Public Review; Another Hearing Set for T 1esday

by David Stem About 50 Greenbelt residents were present on Monday night,

November 9, when the city's master plan - jointly produced by the city's Advisory Planning Board and by the planning flrm of Marcou, O'Leary & Associates - was officially presented to the public. All the members of the city council were preeent, as well ll8 representatives of local organizations and also T. Hammond Welsh jr., attorney for the developers of Springhill Lake and the owners of the "Golden Triangle".


Pa'-Jonnef Being Considered for~;GHI Planning Committee

The f . by Rita Fisher ~rther development of Greenbelt Homes, Inc. in the in­

ter~sts of 1ts rnetnbers and the community at large was the main topic at lastiThurllday's meeting of the board of directors of GHI. A short meetmg of <~Xactly one hour's duration terminated with a five-mmute recess afte, which an executive sesson was held.

A letter, dated Octobt'r ~1. 1964, On the basis of further informa-had been sf.'nt to all Gffi 'lll"'obcrs lion, a mol ion was made to con-containing an abridgement of ~ sider the request of a GHI mom­memorandum by the manager Which bcr to add shutters to his brick had been presented to the Boat~ house. The request had been turn­and which proposed that a com- ed down at a previous Board meet­mittec be esablished to study the lng. After reconsideration, the Board problems involved in long-range ~oted unanimously to approve the panning for Gill. l~llation of the shutters, adding

Blue-Ribbon Conunltwe 11PP"I<lval for an iron fence, which The letter urged Interested mcm- had 11\et the regulations regarding

hers to submit their names for fencef>, possible appointment to a Blue­Ribbon Committe~. It was revealed at Thursday's meeting that over forty names had been submitted and it was decided that the matter would be considered in executive 11ession to be held later Thursday night.

At that meeting, a 15-man com­mittee was tentatively selected, with 7 alternates. Public announcement of the names will be made when all acceptances have been received.

The Board discussed possible vi­olations of GHI regulations that may exist in GHI homes and yards. The appearance of sheds, hedges, tcnces, and additions wlll be scru­tinized to ascPrtain whether or not these are being built and maintain­~d accurdlng to GHI standards. A study of the situation will be in­stituted, and a deciHion made as to the course of action to take in the case of violations.

City Notes Ronald M. Dick

AdmlnistmUVll Aldll

Mrs. Muriel B. King, 19-U Ridg~ RMd, nn employe-e of thP city for three years, has lef't to take a po.qi­tlon with the BPndlx Field Engln­flcring Corporation in Adelphi. Mrs. King has been employed in the F'inance Department of the city as an Accounts Clerk.

Tlw big lt•af vacuum tnltchinP will b<• traveling about th<• dty to kt>cp Uw streol.w and pn rk arraH fr1'f' of h•af accunHJlation.

To c·omplt'lP Uw rt•conditioning of Braden Fi<"id, ttw city will sod th<• arcn around thP intkld with tht' RHffit' tyj)1' of grnss that is used tn D.C. - ~tadiurn and Conn!t• Mark Stadium in l'hiln<f<olphln. J)l'tinft.J{t' ( }on,..trtK•tlon

Allwrt S. At.tlck, SujH•rintcnrlent of Public Worlts, rPjXJrts thnt his (t•neral crt>w hns bt>Pn <'-<Jll.!ltructing a s1 orm St'W4'r line ttcr()RS GrePnhill Rl>:t41 at its intA'nwdfon with Cres­cent l{oad. Puring lhP wintPr mnnths in thP pnst, walt•r would back up and frt•t>7.t' in this nn•a, cnuHing very htlr.nrdous lrntlic con­ditions. This wintPr tlw wllff'r will bP chnnncl<-d into 1\ entch bllllln and flow und<•r th•• slr<•<'t to the other sidr.

WHAT GOES ON Friday, N~ 13, 10 a.m.:

Co-01> Homemaker's Open Jlou:w, Co-op JloHplln lily Hoom R:30 p.m. Dupllcato Brldg<>, Co­op HoRplllillty ltcxJm

~lrnu111y, Nov...mb<o<r 16, H p.m.: Oily Council M<•C'IIng, Munl· elpnl Building

Tuo....tay, Nov-<vo>IJN" 11, H J>.ln.;

Pub lit- nn Mastt·r

1,1nn \Vf'tln..,...lay, No'·.,nl""" 11\, R:SO

ll..hl.: (;rPt•nlwH F'air llousinK Conu11;tlt'-'. MPt'ilng, I\1unidpal


·rh1rnK.I:~)- Nn"-nrnh,. .. r 10, ,H 1un.: ~!. I Iuy.h'.'i I lonlt' HtJtl ~;t'll•~»

As..•uwi:,t:tm MPI'tllll'

Survey In a reoellt .survey made to check

on membe~ opinions of certain services, It wil.. reported that a­bout 46'ie of the \\\Quiry cards had been returned and· (avornble opin­ions were generally t.vcn concern• ing service, telephone, 'Jld main­tenance men. The telephone serv­ice was rated 96~~ excellent while the other two services recelvi'<J ra­tings of 99% as excellent.

Recreation Review by Richard Stl"venffon Dlrecror of Recreation

Arts & ()rafbi Monday, Tuesday and Thursday,

Mrs. Boggs, Crafts Leader, holds forth with a multitude of ideas, projects and children lntcrcsfed In the beauties and joys of Arts 'n Crafts. Why don't you try? Time: 3:30-5 p.m. Cost: Only for materials use<l.

:\1Pn's VoiJ.,ybo.IJ Spots are still open for positions

on Grcenbclt',q volleyball (Pam. The team will represent the City In a Northern Prince Gcqrges League. For further Information call 474-6878.

Powdor-PuJI Football· !<'or football at lt.~ best, it's Pow­

der-Puff Footbnll this &tturdny, Nov. 14 at 11 a.m. on Braden !<'leld. Th<· GrPenbelt girls, !Pd by Joltin' JoAnn O'Loughlln, will hti<P on our nPighbors from District H<'ights. Th i" gn me should do for fcxJtbnll whn t th<• BPatl<'" ha vc• done to music.

Mf"'l's Toum Footb11ll I~m After one Wf'f'k of thP Kt'cnnd hnlf

Of play, it Jook!1 likt• H solid two­way ract' for Uw tltlP. Last w<"t'lt,

Crovo'!-1 Cronif's knm:KPd off H.nn­ni"'" Hng-A-Afurttns 19-7 and Lag­~u1rt·~ Larl!i pdgpd Vitro 12-G. S(•cond

lwlf standings arc•:

w J,


Lagann'" Ronnl~'s

V·ltro 0

0 Unmm-"Witn<W< for ~h~



H•·hearsals have stnrlPd and the turn-out hns be(•n fnir. TtwrP nrf', how<·v~r. still a f<•w SJH>tH to be tlll<'d in th<' CIL•L Brush up your ncllng ability and give It a try. RehPitrsnls n re held nt the Cenl<·r Elementary School nt 7:30 p.m., MQJlday thru Frldny. For further lnformntlon cull 474-61!78.

Pootry Hour Th~ th<ird gmde group wiU meet

on Thursday, November 19 Ill 4 p.m. In tlw O•nt<'r School Llbrnry. New tn''mlwrn RN' wek"'mo.

HowiiDK IA'III«Un This w~ek we BJX>Uight the boys.

In thP I~onlnms, MnBlPr Mltnkullsh holds hiKh rm·mgt' 132, hil{h ••·t .:\.1 nnd high I{June 16!\. In the .Junlor!i, it ls Mr. Forti, high ''Vf'r­H)(I' 149, high "''t (,2fl nn11 high gnmP t!l{\

Tt'a m ~taadlngs 11 r.., w 17

16 16





November 16, 1964 ORGANIZATION

1. Meeting called to order 2. Roll Call 3. Jllinut<·s of Regular Meet­

ing, November 2, 1964 and Special MePting, Novem· bcr 9, 1964


4. Petitions and Requeste li. Additions to Agenda by

Councilmen and Manager 6. Written Communications 7. Manager's ProgreiRI Report 8. Committee Reports


9. Ordinance to Prohibit Dis· orderly Conduct <2nd Rea­ding)

10. Swimming Pool bids 11. Appointments to Boards 12. Report on Sign Ordinance 13. Green bel~ ·Genter 'Sign 14. Ridge Road Extended Pa-

ving 1~. Pathway Construction 16.,Dircction Signs 17. We&twny Extended . 18. Pathways to Charlestown

VIllage 19. Meetings

· 20. ·Letter on· Springhill Lllk<1 Brl<!ge

.21. Approval of Bills - Special Public Building Construc­tion Fund

22. Standing RuU,s


V Miscellaneous

The meeting opened with a de- concept of a continuous perimeter tailed presentation of the plan by road surrounding the city and join­John R. Joyner, r.epresenting the lng all Its parts. planning firm <maps describing the Apart from this road, wbich plan appeared in last week's Issue would in part pass through Federal of the News Re•iewJ, Joyner star- land and which would cross. the ted with a description of the pro- Baltimore parkway at a new in­posed road system, stressing ~he terchange, the plan also proposes

Nursery School Fair Features Creative Toys

The Greenbelt Co-op Nursery School will present a "Toy, Record and Book Fair" in Greenbelt, at the Community Church Fellowship Hot.-<'. Crescent and Hillside Roads, on Friday, No\'. 13 from 3 to 9:30 p.m. and on &tturday, Nov. 14 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The fair will feature toys from Creative Playthings, Inc., Folkways records, selected books, decorative objects~ with bird designs, tiles, hand-made mittens, smocks, habi, calendars, Christmas stockings, and a white elephant sale.

One of the chief purposes of the project is to make available worth­while, long-lasting toys and decora­tions such as arc not available at local stores. Free baby-sitting serv­ices will be provided while parents shop. For further Information, call Janice Duffy, 474-8158.

Dut:ch Bulbs in Center Greenbelt is one of the hundred

locations in the United States which have been selected to display a de­monstration flower garden. The spring dlsph\y, which will be plan­ted In the Center, will consist of

·over 900 1lut'bs «tmratt•o .. ~ llit cMo; ·by the Netherlands Flower Insti­tute and ·ikhn~'• Nurseries in Beltsville. The Dutch . bulbs will be planted in the Center this month, and should produce a bouJl'tiful harvest of hyncinths, crocuses, nar­cissi, muscari, and many varieties of tullps by next spring.

the widening of Glenn-Dale rood as well as the construction of an ar­terial road serving the Industrial area along the B & 0 tracks, and many secondary roads. As part of the plan, Crescent rd. would not intersect Kenilworth ave. (as it does on the MNCPPC plan), due to the proximity of such an intersec­tion to the Beltway exit ramps.

The intersection of Edmonston rd. and Greenbelt rd. (for which a light hss been scheduled recentlyl would also be ellmlnated and a new exit road from Springhill Lake built on land now belonging to the Junior High School. In exchange the land on which Edmonston rd. now runs would be added to the school grounds.

lAnd U!M! In planning land use, Joyner

said. the guiding principle was that except for land already zoned, the area inside the perimeter road should have town-house develop­ment matching that or old Green­belt. while ~ this road the land should be developed to slngle­ramlly homes. Various topics con­cerning land use other than hous­Ing were specifically mentioned by Joyner - school sites, the city's warehouse, a small neighborhood shopping center (the latter two to be located near the end or Cres-- n1 l epd .. aite ~a §Sun- __ _ ity center tnth; ~ f BY.· Glenn-Dale rd. and the parkway. For the Golden Triangle, single­family zoning was recommended; this was viewed mainly as a tem­porary measure, until .uch time as zoning Sllfcguards will be avarl­able to guarantee its use as an office park or some other low-traf­flcc publiC usc.

News Review Elected for 1964

Sucher to Edit New Board

Fire Dflpt. and GHI After Joyner's prPsentatlon, Rob­

rrt Mogel, representing the Green­belt Fire n.nd Rescue squad, and Ed Burgoon of the Greenbelt Homes, Inc. board of dlr<'ctors pre­spnt<'d their orgnnitations' view­points. MogPI dwelt mainly on fea­turf'H ensuring {' access for fire­fighting equipml'nl, such as ellmin ation of dpnd-Pnd streets. Bur­goon commPnded the planners and th·· AI'B for th<' plan and stressed points of public inl<•rest, such a.• provision for 11 library sit•• and pre,qervntion "-' pnrkland of llw area adjoining Greenbelt Lllk<', whNe both MNCPPC and the APB pwpo,qpd n junior high school. Both objpctcd to th<' tNmination of CrescPnt rd. short of K<·nilworth

The Greenbelt NewR Review has a new editor. Dorothy Sucher, 8 Lakeside Dr., WILq chosen as edi­tor by the staff at the annual mew· b<•rship m<'eting of llw Gn'l'nb<'lt CoopPrativP Publis} Assoriation, Inc. on Oct 20. Slw "uC<'<'C'(is Mnry fAJui:H' \\.rilliamson who roClignPrl for family n•asons.

Dorothy ~udwr ~wrw'd pn'viously ~,.. ('tfttor in tlw sumnwr of 1963, un 4

til hl'r dPpart urP fdr a stay in }l~ll­

rojH'. Slw rPtunwd to Gr<·cnbPit at tlw IH•J-!'innillg: of SPptPmlwr.

Mary !-lmith was (>d rt~

a~sodaU· t'ditor. Tlw mPml)('rship al!ln f'lt'dt'd ll

III'W hoard of dirt'dOr!i for thP 1964-65 ypnr. AI Slwlnik, G. K. llo­dt'nfi.-ld :-;]d Knstfwr, Mnry LouisP

Fair Housing To Meet A mpmbershlp meeting of lh••

Gr<'CnbPlt l•',;ir Housing Commill<'l! will be held on W•·drwsclay, Nov 18 at 8:30 p.m. In tlw City Council Chamber. The agenda will include discUSSIOn of the S(llt\l.'l Of thP or­gnnizntlon's proposnl tn th<' City Coundl for the ••stnbllshmcnt of a Jlumnn Ht·lntion~ CommHtt'f' by thP City ns wt>ll ns mnttt~rs of curn•nl lnlt•rPnt in howdng in (;n't·nlwlt.

( >ffkt•rs eh•clPcl by lht' ~~xf"Cutivf'

Commill<'<' at lt.q mel'tlng on Oct. 21, to s«•rvP for Hix months Wt'rt' · Altwrt h. Jfprling, dmirmnn, lht' R('v.

KPrll\-'th \\•yntt, v1n· ch1~lrman;

Tht'odon· Prit7.kl'r, ln·nstHPr; Mrs Mlrlnm ( :orJIPlius. rP<'ording ~Pcrt•­

tnry; and .John Hnlwrt NPwbrnugh, CtlrrPsponding ~~·crt'{.•try. llnl<"f'

Bowman WILe.; l'iPdPd l'lwlrmHn of th·· l'ro.'~l:tm (:mnmlltt'l', Bertram 1 hlllll. t·ln'' mall nf thl' M••mlwrshlp

Commitlt'f'. nnd Mrs. Ann Pltlmttn \\'ill ht·Hd tht· llo.<iJ"<t:tlity (~>rnmil-


Williamson, a-d Mary Smith. At the or~r,...rzational mediey <>f the

1,. ..... board on Nov. 1. Skolnik was ·;·l<"cl<"d prcsidPnt; HodPnfield, vic<'­prt'sidt'nt; l{nslnt'I". sccrPtary; and Mm. \Villinmson. lr<'nsun•r. Skolnik has Ut>PII pn•Hitknt of tht' publishing ;J!->sociation sinct' IH5U.

Onl' of lht· maJor topics di~russecf h,\' t ht' mcrnbt•rship was a nwans of t•xpanding thP di~tribution of thf' :";t"'\\"S llA~\·if"\\" to st'rVP a rapidly growing community. Sinct' the be­ginning of last ypar, thr circulation of thP p:qwr has incrt>nsPd from 2,600 to 3,600. Since tlwn· is no chnrgP for homp dPiivpry of tlw nt'WSJHlJH'r. irH'fl'ltsed circulation I{<'IH'rally nwan" that tlw papPr IH facPd with :ttlditionnl chnrgPH for printing and for dPli\'Pry without any pnl~'ntial off~f'tting incom~·- 11p to now, ttw ndditional cost~ havP h<•en met primarily through the pll rwr's re.'H'rVf' funds.

How much longt'r this ran bP. dorH' with lli'W rPsidPntial unils bP­ing oreupied ('Very dny is unt'Prtain. On<> suggeRtion hns bPen tn curtail homl' dPilvPry by mnklng the news­JillPt'r avnilnblt• nt ronVPtliPntly lo­cated neighborhood spots. AnothN hns be<'n to rnllst th•• support of the vnrlou• housing subdivisions and Uwir dth;pns' HHRof'intJons to tnkP ov<•r rt'SjHHJ'Ibllity for distribution of the owwspnJWr throughout their own dt'Vt•lopnwntH.


IBu· to rf'tnind (;N•t•nbt'lt groups thnt tt i!i happy to print organ­izo.tionnl news wtwn<'VPr R1NlCP JX'rmits. Pl~·ruu" typP nil TWWH ilf'ms, doublP-.~JltlCt'd, and liSP only onp sidt• of thP p:qwr, tn •·:•Sf' tlw l!L'ik of tht• ~-ditnri!ll


R\'('n\Jf'. A public discussion followed,

dcaling mainly with details of the plan. Answf'ring a qtwstion, coun­eilmnn CliJT Simonson noted that thf' f'Xtf'nsion of Northway wa..q dt~­libPml<'iy curved in order to dis­co\lrllJ{<' drfvprs lf'RVing thP park­way at tlw n<'W lnl<•rchanl(c from lllklng a shortcut through the town',q c<'nter. Lou LushhH' of 3-C Gn.r<knway proposed building a public school complex on the '"trl­anglr" while Welsh reiterated tho' 1•roperty owners' brll<·f thnt thr tract Is still hPsl suited for a shop­ping center. Among olhPr polnh misrd W<'r<' the fact tlvtt the plan n'tmlns from mentioning the Jaeger tract, pros and cons of the new "local" shoJlping cPnter, lhe wid­ening of tho' rest of Grernb<'lt rd. U> 6 htn<'S, 11n<l n rt•ec·nt petition by thr devd<>pers of Springhill Luke for hlgh-clc•n"lty H.-10 zoning.

Th<' nwPtlng was clos<'d hy May­or F:dgn.r Smith. who thanked all thn .. CJf' pr,•sf•nt Rnd srlwduh•d anoth­t•r puhlk lwarlng for Tul'~dny, No" vt·mtwr 17 Cop!E~~ of thl' pn)po.•H•d pll\n nnd rdf\tPd mnpH alT' ffiPR.n­

wh!l<' availahlco tn tho• public In ~h<'

mnnldpRI hullcllng.


• Page:?

·G~~RE~E=N~B~E=I~.T--N_E __ W_S __ R_E __ V-IE--W~~~~~~~~----P-0-IN_T_O_L_'_V_IE-,W------,~~~~.~~~.~d~:~~~N~~~~:,~:b~~:~k~~:~~~: I' solve the problem of unexpected

.. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER by Dorothy su•·her o\·c·rnJ&ht guests. Anu tajll'd to-Pun~1'1"'1 M't'ry Thur.;day b~· Gr<.'<'Dbt>lt (~·rath·e Puhli,hing .\s..n., Inc. A lady stopped mt• in tht• super- gd"er in Ear!:· AmPriean patch·

. (;re<'nbdt, .'\larybl'cl l.l::rl<l't the other dav and said, work patterns. they will give your D••JI\·t•N'<i ee('h W~'<'k t~ <',.,.,. .... h<>r1e In j;ror•nlw·lt ''I've been glad tG sec more garbage famiy that cozy. warm-as-toast

Erti!or: llorothy S•J<'h"r. ~l.i-~1~1 in the NEWS REVIEW lately." I fe<.•ling on chilly w:nkr n;ghtJ. A"-""<'iaU.• Editor: M1try Smith, ·101·6311 was wondering what she m,•ant by Here's an outlet for yoc:r cre.Ltive

Rt I'' • '·" RTAFF that when sire went on. "Because abilities gals' :' a ' 1-'wr. n:>t:,cr''le Gour:h. Bess HalPI'r;.,, G. K Hod:'n~eld. Berr.;ce . ' . hastnr• :"'d ~"."'"~'"· ChaJies T. McDonaiJ. I..Ponie Pennt•y, Ann Pitm,l!l, pLrbage is a subject .that is close 3. Children's shoes g:ving out! p. AI SkGln•k. E.311;·• Skdr.'h, Audrey Stern. David Stem. to every woman's' heart. Keep up few thicknesses of newspaper, tutk-

Eusinezr. Manager: Adele :l.!o.Jnd Ule good work!" !'d inside the soles, will make tlk'l';l

Circulo:io;. Manager: Vietor M. Fisher. c,R 4.67S7 Come to think of it. garbnge ha.~ good as new. Stafl' I'hotographer: George Ha:t b""n in the Gre<'nbeit news lately, These are just a few auggesHons

BO \RD OF DffiE<.'TORS eo perhaps a few thoughts on the to start you thinking.- .. A. little in· Pres .. AI SkJinik; Vice Pres., G. K. Hodenfi<'ld: Seq· .. Sid IC\.~tncr; subject would be timely, In the ,.

Tre.'s .. l\hrv Louis<• \Villiamson and l\larv Smith first place. there is fur too much genuity and know-how wiJJ re.LCve .MAIL .SlJESCRIPTION TIATES: $3.00 per vear·. 1$-t.GO out of Gr .. ·enb•·lt '· the strain on the· hmLSebold budget Ad garbage In America today, and 11 too ver'ismg and r;cws articles may be sub~ittcd by m:1:t , Box 68. Grel'n· and save tax do ars, · bd~l; d~r>csited 1'1 our box at th<' Twin Pines Savings and l.•>nn Office: or nl'wspapcrs arc the Number One What about fuod scraps, com· "el d t th d. · 1 offl'nd.'rs. Here are some sugges- ?" "' lV{'l'e o e e ·torm office in the baseml'nt of 1~• P"rkway <GH manly known as 'wet garbage. 4 4131) ooen afte 8 30 T d N · lions for the re-use ~f old newspn· b th - · . " r : p.m., ues ay. ews and au\'t•rtismg de:~dlinc Personally, 1 find th's term o 9·30 p m Tuesday 1•ers that have been tested in my d' d

1 . . . . B S d I d depressing and mislea :ng, a.n Volume 28 ierman - :ln j an 5 own household. would like to propose "organiC fa-

November 12, 1964 Number 51 I. Stapled together, old newspa- F

Come To The Toy Fair! The holiday season is approaching. bringing with it the usual

spate of flashy commercials for trashy toys. And although parents

know that many of these playthings will hardly outlast the arrival of the New Year, it sometimes seems as though nothing better is available.

This week, however, Greenbelters will have a choice, thanks to the Greenbelt Nursery School's Toy Fair, where some of the best playthings in the country will be on display. Many of these items are rarely seen in local shops, but they are frequently pur· chased by schools and nurseries whose business it is to know what sort of toys are durable, safe, and really fun to play with-not just for an hour, until the novelty wears off. but over and over :1gain.

The Greenbelt Nursery School, a non-profit cooperative, is as old as the town itself. It is one of the few fully-accredited nursery schools in the county, and Greenbelters can rightfully be proud of it. This pre-holida~· Toy Fair is only the latest in a long series of services the school has rendered to parents and children in our community.


Voting in Greenbelt on Nov. 3. what did I see? Uniform good hu· mor in \'Cry heavy early voting at Central School. The spectacle of many workc•rs for all sides passing out last minutt• litt·rnture to voters who h11d madP up their minds. Thl' partly effective effort to push us ·~, '!'<"'aler.~" f!\'rtlter rrom th•, . outside door to the polling place.

On the tt>ehmcal side, many Jndi­vidual• iearnl'd at first hand how these machines are loaded against them when they tried to "write in" a vote, without most careful school· ing as to how to avoid the built-in traps. Their frustrallun was in no way thP fault of the local election personnel.

The liveliest trap awaited who trh-d to "~rite In" first, before throwing 11il the intended visible keys !these can be corrected when ''write io" comes ln .. ~t>. For one ex­ample, some voters attempting to write-in Bowman for Congress. Fifth District, instead of either Machen or Potts, pushed up the Mbllnd" ovpr the big write-in space. The "blind" when pushed up is an invisible kPy, and locked ag11inst both Johnson 11nd GoldwntPr. So these vol<'rs lost th<'ir intended vote for prcsidc·nt. Similar mlst11kcs could lock tlwm out of voiR for sen11tor, congreSBman-ut-largt>, or some char­ter cnndidate.

Hesult: write-in votl'rs lost in­tended choices; 11nd voted for Bow· man a.8 prf'sid(1nt, S{'nntor, or con­gressmnn-at-largp inHtmd of for eongr<'flsman, fifth district.

Question: Is this frustration of tndependPnt voters dPllbl'mt<'ly buill Into the Maryland syst<'m? How can tlH' nPxt lndeJwndPnt ('Un­

didate's supportPrs bt• guarded against such traps?

Sa.rn (Jom<'llll8

THE ISSUE - THE SIREN To thn Editor:

During t h<' rec•·nt political cnm· pnignR Wt' hn.vP wltnf'RSt'd many ex­amplrs wht>rt' complete lssw•s havP bN'n totnlly di._.••gard••d and the proponrnts of Uu• issuPs attnckt•d. Until I n·nd r<'<'<'nt l••t!Prs to thP li:ditor in th~· (;n•t·nlwlt Nt~ws

Hevi<•W J had tsu•itly IISHIIIll!'d t hal such activity wus n·~wnTd fnr polil ic1ws of qu,·~.tionuhh· integrity Hut

not Ro! A fpw Wi'd<~ ago an i.4!'HH'

was pn·~·u•ntt•d. t )w ni~ht t inH' usP of

tlH· tin•ho\134:' Rin·n. Twt) n'!i:JHH\~t·N

w£'rP printPd whkh Wl'f(' JWrsor:al in nnturf'. 'l'lw i!-'h\H'? \Vdl, it

was dlRfP,~a rdl'd. An lnt..restlng fmtnre rej(Tlrding

the !.-ttcrs 1s that wht•n one of •ur t11: igbl><'rs cailt•d the fir.-hci.JJ'('

Harris J, Winkelstein and Con­stance Walker were married Nov. 1, 1964, at the Washington home of Habbi ~.!orris Gord<Jn. Harris, a lmP~·tinw GrPI'rtbPlt rl•sidPnl, is an attornp~· with lhP Puhlie Hou~in~

Administration. Ht• holds dr•gD"es or-'1\.B.· and L.L.n. from Maryland Uniwrsity, and a :\laster. nt l,a'ws den<'<> fMm C!ltll"o'llc University. Co~stnncl' is a rPI:ltive rwwcomt.•r

to our sharPs, ha\'ing come from Prestntyn. North \Valo•s, England thirteen months ago. Sh·' is a fash­ion desigrwr. and ntlNld<'d the Cav­endish School of Art in Manchester. England.

Thl' m•wlyw,.ds ar{' residing at Lakeside North.


Goltlen Agers The club welcomes its two newt·"'

members, Hough and Caro Koontz. An interc·sting and into•matiw

progmm drew a full house re­cently when Dr. JamPs W. McCarl showed us some sePn<'s of Turkey and .Jprusaiem. Following this, Mrs. McCarl hl'ld a display of clo­thing worn by Turkish ~~·oph', and souvenirs from that country.

Dr. McCarl has bN•n !lctiw in Gr!'<'nb<'it affflirs for til!' p•L•l 26 ypars. \V~· ~incPrt>ly appr..:-ciat.t• his visit with us, und hopt· }w ran rP· turn again.

North End PTA Bake Sale Th<' North ~:nd 1'. T. A. will hold

n Bnkt> Salt• on Saturday, Nov. 14, 11t tlw C<•nlt•r Mall. It will start at 9 a.m. and last until all goods ar!' sold.

about the ext .. n•l<•d slrl'n blowing he WfiS curtly told that a t•"'t was being carriPd out with the Gorldnrrl Spac•• Vlight CPnler. The letters, hoWI'Vt'r, blsunt'd tht> t('l1·phmu• com­pnny. Curious iuconsi.qlt'IH'Y, isn't it?

N1·vcrtlwles~. UtP issl!f' n·matns. Wt• liv1• iu an ng-P whf'rt• ('ommuni­

.t•ation is practicnlly Uw lifl' blood or an org-anizl'd sucif'ty. WI' haw· HJlPdarular mPans of mod1•rn com­

munil'nlinus. Why mn't W<' msLkl' liSP of I h1'S1' It ull!l'' I ha VI' slal•·d.

and .I still cnnlt·nJ that t!H' 111~~ht

tinH' liSP nf th•· firl'lwu.•w ~in·n is un

tiiiiH'I'~·:-s;\I"Y nwnns of communka tion and li':d lwlll'r. mnn· dT1·rliv1' lllf'<lflH t':ll\ ilf' t•mplo)'t'd

I HitH't•rcly h'lJ)O' tlmt this ldlPr

dof's nol rP.'Hilf. in n lf'ltPrs-tn-Uw­t'liilor Hqunhhlf"'. Ld'R gl't on with a fltJlulion to tht• problPm. -

NI>'IJhfln .J. l'adda.rk

~lr. and Mrs. H'chard Bierman pr·•·s milke excellent summer cur· milv surplus' P.1l a substitute. or of :\Iilwaukee. Wisconsin. announce a ·start, ev{'ry Greenbelt family tht• Pngagement of their daughter. tnins for that seRsonai chang<' of shoud try to find spac-e in the g:n­Eiauw Hclt•n. to Lt. William Scdtt I'""" that gives a housewife such den fN a pig and some chickens. Sandilands. III, son of Mr. and :\Irs. a lift. TblS. won't be easy lf you already William Scott Sandilands, Jr., of 2· Quilted and covere-d in deeora- )lave a sandbox. several b;cycles and II·H Ridge in Gn'<'nbclt. The Wl'd· tor fnbrlcs. they make comfortable. a rosebush. but the advantages ding will take place on December disposable throw pillows <who can make the effort worthwhile. Your 19 at the Belhl·l Lutheran ChaP<' I ••wr have too m~nv throw plilows n children will loom valuable les-

in Muc!ison, Wisconsin. 4 H CJ b N 1 sons in chemistry, economics, nnd Lt. "Pat" Sand:ilands Is now sta· • 0 ews biology, while they will find that

tiunl'd at Truax Field in Madison. by Olga Per-,.· regulnr chores ln a healthy out· His grandmother, Mrs. W. S. Sandi· Tho 11 ;day, Oct. 29, oLir Club door environment build character. lands, resides nt 8-A Parkwny. Pat met and we had a specie.l/lallowe'en Secondly, try mulching the flower­Is u graduate of thl' University of party. We had home-made. refresh· beds with some of that organic Maryland. ments and we pl11yed fa!nes. All of family surplus. You'll notice n dif-

:\loss Bic•rman. a graduate of the us had a lot of !Up. terence right awuy, and your neigh-l'ni\'t•rsity of Wisconsin, is at pn·•· Thel'l' is a nef( ll'l~mber in our bors reactions will amaze you. <'Ill tl'aching third grade in Madi· club; her name Is Carol Collins. She Best of all, try cutting down on oon. Wisconsin. jolnl'd last ~k. your orr:anlc surplus r.ght at the'

On Hl)!idlvr'en six of O'Jr ~iris source Few fruits and vc•getabi<'s went •o the Youth Cent:'r lind really. need lil be pel'll'd. A good stnrt •d collect lr.[' for UN ICE!". scrubbing mal<cs it unn:•cessnry. He­Altogether we collected about $38.00. mcmbPr, every time you pe:•l a b:~­

l\!r. and Mrs. Alton B. Jouo'S, Sr. of Collegl' Park announce tlw t·ng.tge· ment of tlwir do>ughtr•r. :-J,mdra Lc<', to Michael Albert Wayno•, son of Mr. und Mrs. Albert W. Wuync, of Col· lege Park. Miss Jones is wlu\ the Departm{'nt of Agriculture, and ht•r fiiLilC<' is serving In the Navy uboard the U.S.S. Intrc·pid. Phms tor the Wo't.<ll,lg ha Vl' not been com pictcd.

league to Meer Monday There will bP a mPrting (Jf tllt.'

Be!LwiliP-<.:n'l'nlwlt unit of thP Leagup of WomPn Votera on Mon· d11y, Nov. 16, at l! p.m. at tlw horn• ,,r Mrs. Gonion, 11318 ~;vans Trail, Powder Mill Itmul, ( # 1021, Belts­vi liP.

Topic for thP ,.,.,.ning will lw .. i ldw ~wrlous Is Uw problt•m of lnt-quality of opportunity in t~duca·

tion und P·mploymPnt '!". For additional information, cnll


Glo-Candle Demonstration A GI<>-C!mdl<' d•·monstratlon will

bt• hPid at 10:30 a.m. on Nov. 13 in tlw Co-op llospitallty ltcwlm. M I'll. Ito•wmary Bridge will conduct tiH' st'll.•ion, dlsplnying holiday itkas in t•nndlP-maldng and ~amplt· <~nndlt•s.

~~~v,•ryonc• iN lnvitPd to attPrHl, nnd Uwn• iR no chargt•.


COMMUNITY CHURCH lteY. Kl'lmetb Wy11tt, Mlni•lN'

!) :UJ ( ~hurch School

Hl :-if, Morning \Vor:•hip

lnfunt CarP and <"hnrch ~dwol

11 :<4() Corr~·f' I lour Fdlow~hip

• A I lnltNl Church nf Chri•tl

fen Receive Honors Trn Greenbelt eollP~P students werr

among those being recor.nlzed at an Honor" Convocation on Nov. 6at the UnivPr>;ity of M•nybnd. These stu· rll-nts with outstanding acad·~mic

a\'l'ragt's arP fi'rank H. Connor, Pn­trida L. Davis, William K. Molt'S, Patricka A. Moors, James J. Pas-:;ant<•. MidmPI B. ltosPnzweig, San· <Ira I<. Huzieka. Nnney 1L Sluslwr, .!Pan 1'. SO<•rgPI, und Wilbc•rt 0. Thoma~.

Hiking Club News The Hiking Club will sponsor n

slld<' show in the Gre<'nbeit Fire· hoUS<.' at 8 p.m. on Suturday, Nov. 14. Harvey Geller wlll show vlt•ws from the cross-country trip taken last summer by hlm and bls furnlly. E\'t'rybody's welcome!

Hospital Teaches Techniques A eours<' ln hospital trnlnitlg will

begin on Nov. 12 a.t 7:30 p.m. at Prince Grorges Geneml Hoopltal. The ci!L'lRes, which cover an eight­"cn-Wel'k pNlod, IU't' dooigned t.. f<Lmill.-.l•e pPrsonnt'l with th<• prOI>­•·r \t•chniqu<•s in hrmdllng the sud­dPn1y Ul or injurt-d.

Hequlremcnt.l for the cour&• in· elude 11 c·urrent AdV'6noed First Ald card rmd mc•mbPrship ln lm ~n·

imtion whlrh n'nd<•rs <'m<'l'gency mrc•. ~'or additional inform!Ltlon call Wnynn HPnd, UN 4·3704, or BtU Brown 11t CY 7-R896

nana you arP rlPpriving your hmily of vaiuable vitamins. minerals, lUld

·roughage. Finally, what about leftover tin

cans and glass jars? H!'re's where the youngsters can play their part. Save your tin cans for rainy day::,;, and let your childrpn jump on th<•m until they art• wl'il lin ttcnc•d. One<' this Is done, ttw possibilities art• unlimit<•d. Nee-d a second car? Why not make onf' in the Pvening:-; nnd on weekends from flattened ea>lS? This is a pmject the whole family can enjoy. Wht•n the bodywork Is finis}wd, :.~imply upholster lht• seats in old rwwspnprrs nnd IlOWl'r it with a motor !rom your old vacuum cl{'nrH•r or electric shaver. As for unflattcned cans. they m11ke exoel­lent tclt•sco)Jl'S, str'WpOts, 11nd mo­dernistic iampsharles.

Cider botles are useful for !.l.'r­rarlums; or try building ship models inside them - a time-honored hobby that d<•sNves a r{'vlval. Pencil cups, hourgliiSS<'S, sugar bowJs.-­tht•r<''s no end to the usefulne~s of glass jarn of various shapt•s and sizr•s. And of oourse vnses. to com­ph•mrnt your Interior d«or. Take yi\ur CHP from th~ bottks themselves. to make them ro·ally functlo""l. Ht>mrn1brr, olivt>-shaJwd flowPrn in ollV<' jars. pieklt•-shn[><'d flowers ln pl.ckle jars . What 1111 oppor· tunlty for the lmaglrmtive hostess! lt ••vpry C.rePn b!'lt housr•wife

mnkPs nn pffort along tlresr• lines, I ~l'he('rf'ly bPlit'VP our rnmmuni· ty's !(arbagP problPms wlil solvr tlwmst-lvps.


9:SO a.m. Cimrd! !'loot.-! Wol'ldltp Snrvi.,...

:'olui'Of'n• l'rovldt'd at ~vi...., 11:00 a.m.

l'erry F. Mllle.r, Pastor 40 JUdge + + GR 4-728~

l~t"lt:1t:1t'\ei~Mtl.PM~~ 9:411 _ .. -··- . Suncta, Sc!haal 8:90 p.m. .. - .... -.... Tralnln« UniCIII 8:36 &I 11 a.m. Mormq· Wonltllt 'hilt p.m. -·-- Eve!ll1q( Wortlblp

8:00 p.m. Wednosdo.y Ml<lw"'lk Rorvtoo

GREEIBELT·BAPTIST CHURCH CnliK'flnt & Ore<'nhUI S. ,)n"P"'' Morrl11, .Jr., PMtor I"U 4-tiMO L.A:IQOUO=t::J=o=owwoww""""~

IIOI.Y f:ltOSS tUTfiERAN Clll!RCII ?. PU<ll('(\ Rnfll11, (Jor,.~llnU,. Mtuylanrl. UH -4-44.77

lt:dwnrd lt. Hireflr, PILJdnr, UH -4·9200

WOH.'SI!lP Sl•iHVICJ<:s !1:30 & 11:00 n.1•.

m INI>A Y HOI IDOL 9:30 n.m. Kind<•I'I(';U't.•n registrntlon11 now h<'lng n.ceepled


------------~· ... --~----~~--------------------~ • Thursday, November 12. 1964

CLASSIFIED Classified rates are ftve cent.-J per word, fifty cents minimum. Ad• eho11id be &ubmitted in writing, ac­companied by cash payment, to the News Review office at 15 Parkway not later than 10 p.m. of the Tues· day preceding publication. If ac· companied by cash payment, a~ may be depooited in the News Re­vie·.v box at the Twin Pines Savings and Loan Association.

CALDWELL'S WASHER SERVICE All makes expertly repaired. Au­thorized Whirlpool dealer. GR 4-~5~6

TYPEWRITER REPAIR: O""rhaul and r!~::ning. Portable. standard and electric typewrit(U'll. Call Mr. K. Kinclus. GR 4-60111 anytime.

TV TROUBLE: Service by TollY Pisano. Gfl 4-7841.

PAINTING - Interior and exteriQ~ Louis B. Neumann, 8·C Rese..rch. G R 4-6357 after 6 p.m.

----'1'. V. SERVICE: GR 4-5366 - Mike Talbot. Also AM, FM, Auto., Hi- Fl.

WINES, BEER, Wht.skey, Soda, Im­ported and American. Porter's, 8200 Balta. Bl~d, College Park. 474-3273.

RUTH'S BEAUTY SHOP- Penn­anents, haircuts, Rhampooe and sets'. Call for appointments. GR 4-4791.

WILL BABY-SIT EVENINGS Rellabie, call GR 4-6787.

TELEVISION SERVICE - all makes and modele - TV sales new and ued - RCA Franchise TV an­tennas Installed. HANYOK BROS. GH 4-6464, GR 4-6069.

PHOTOGRAPHY by HALL: - Pic­tures taken and enlargements made. 474-5280.

PIANO INSTRUCTION: - Begin ners and advanced. Experienced teacher, Peabody Conservatory tmined. Phone 474·6894.

HIDg WANTED: -Vicinity 12th & Ind. S.W., USDA .. hours 9-6:30. 474· •12G7.

F'Oil SALE: . Electric guitnr, dual <·utaway solid body with tremolo bar. T& V controls, adj. bridge, U. S. mad<', Gold<'n Sunburst Shading, 2 mos. old in c•xc. condition • $05 . 47-1-6:!14.

l!INI-~ OUT AND SAVE MONEY: - Gourmet Guide Book~ - 14 cou­pons to Washington area finest restaurants · $7.50 sponsore-d by D.

. C. Junior Chamber of Commerco & JCC - 474-6400.#

OUME TO A VEHY SPECIAL FAIH . Toys. rocords, books, dolllr, handor1\fts, b!'ILutifui gifts from Au­dubon Society, Intriguing white ele­phants, mll!lY it<'ms chlidrcn's clo­thing. BABYSITTING SERVICE WHILE YOU SHOP. l<'ri. Nov. 13, 3-9:30 p.m. - Snt. Nov. 14, 10 run.


JUDE WANTED IN CARPOOL: -Springhill Lake to 14th & L Sts.

8:30-6. 474-2960,_. ~~~----

WANTED:- Clt•anlng woman, g>'n· !'ral housecl•~•ning & ironing every Thurs. or ~'ri. 474·2960.

WOMAN NgEDED TO CAHE for two pre-school children while mo· tlwr works. 474- t6f1H.

SAL~;: - CockhLil Tnbl{', value $7~.

ol' b<•st offer. · 474-7206. -~---~---~-~

WANTED: ; Boy to ml<c h•avPs In my ynrd. ,.Call 474-4906. ____ _

~iJLll I,Ii{E--TOCAR~~ F'OR I

or 2 childn•n in my home. Cnll 474·


J<.O({ SAL!•;: - :l-11<-<lroom, Nplit foy 4·r HamhlPr - L.altPwood Rub.

<li~(;AN INS'iYtri<·~I'l<iN.c;- WA-N: •ni~l ). Call 17·1·11i)4 I'VI'nings.

W AN'I'to:I 1 -. Woman for- part -Urn•~ holl.'ii'Wnrh .. - !'"1 davs pt'r Wt'l'h:, hours

·1 pIll. ( •:ill ·17·l !l:l~t!"l

Co-op Referral Service ( ~uqH~ntA·"'· t~oainh•rs., 1•lnn1ht·n~

SrnnJI und IJt.rJ.!"•' nJ•l•liJLIU'«'!H

(~~·w~ral 1\luinh•nurwo

Tit\' (IS - W•' ''"" <lu it (:tn;At't•:tt

hy t:xv<~ri<•ll<~~l l'art.-lim" 1\lNl


by Elaine Skolnlk-4 7 4-6011(\ It's a girl for Mr. nnd Mrs. T\o)llll1S

Marcellino. 14-L Laurel. Lil!l Cath­erine made her debut o...ober 15 weighing 7 lbs. 11 oz.

Mr. and Mrs. JohP <}ardon, 8·A Hillside, proudly al"ounce the ar­rival of a daugh~'· October 22 was the all-iJnporta.C date.

Tl>ere's a )rand new baby in the home of )It'. and Mrs. Bernard Na· gle, 10-)1 Plateau. Robert Joseph wall born October 24 weighing 6 lbs. 15 oz. He joins Chris, Mark, Robin and Kenney.

Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson, 38-G k>d~:e, named him Je!Irey Soolt. He arrived November 2 weigh­ing 6 ibs. 6 oz. and he has a brother Henry James Ill. VLSitmg Jetir<?y is granumot"cr. Mrs. C:llzai>eth Hobin· bOn of Beckley, West Virginia.

It's a boy for Mr. and Mrs. Ed· ward DonBullian, 14-E Ridge. Ell DonBuiiian was born November 3 wcignmg 7 lbs. 7 oz. He bus four sisters, Brenda, Deborah, Mildred and Mary Bernice. Patcrnnl grand­mother, Mrs. Mildred DonBulllan Uvea- at 7-D Ridge, and paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon !sell, at 14-V-2 Ridge.

Birthday greetings to Beverly Brooks, 2-K Northway, who was seven years old.

Congratulations to George K.auf· man, 46-K Hldge, who with his part· ncr copped second place in the mixe-d pa1rs last Friday night at tlle :.;-!th Annual D.C. Bridge ClllLmplon· olups ut the Sheraton-Park 1,Hotel.

l''OH SALE: - 2-Bedroom Frame -J11J !{luge ltd. U34·840~.


NUltSI!:H'i SCHOOL CALJ<:NDAI~ are uga111 on sale at Twin Pines or call 474·46i3.

SALE: - All hou;ehold furni\ure including "Baby Urand Piano", tug, n·tng., treczer, etc. Very rcasonu.­blt•. Call 47-1-8761.


WANTED: · Girl or woman for part,tlme housework 5 days per Wl'o:i<, hours llcxible. A.M. ur P.M. Call ·lH·o•til.

EXPECTING? Why buy maternity clothe,; when you can rent my com­pwtc $70ll wurtlrobc for •IX months wr $'15. Size 10-12. Like new. 414-



(In the (Ja-Gp (Jor.IJIMill Di!i<>OUJll: UOHpti!JWty lwowl


Mrs. Rosemary Bridge

Friday, Nov, 13 10:30 A.M.

400 Homes Available For Your Inspection

In .Prince George's County lLJ-:HW\'N )Jio;l!lliTS .lust 11~-

fpd; lJI[I'J\ Hlltl fi"Hllll', :1 hPd!'OHIH,

1 ~.'~ hath rnmhll'l" on h1•1tutlful 7;,,·wo wnod••d lnt; \\"nil-to wn11

CHIJH'I[ng- 111\!l (1'!'7.1'1" illclllllt•d Ht

only $~o.::;;>() with $1,1110. down. l'nll t"dny fnl a JH•r.•wnld In·


t'IIJ·:\·t·:HJ.Y .Juqf li.>4t,·d. ilrld<

:1nd 11:tlll<'. lll'llt•~"'n. lh hnth

••·1<•111!11 \\llh J:arngo• •>n lrti~H

\' ,,,.J,•o\ J,,f, \\ :dJ \o> \\"!llJ t"IIIJH'f

1111 :, h• :••1liflll l1tldtl't1 with ttl!

11•'\\ lll'l'l\!lll<'o''l pH!\O']O'I1 1"110'1"('1\-

j 1., 11 1 Ill 1:\ "''1'1 )0111:11 buy 11 I $~I,

'IIIII \\tilt <>!l]\ $l!d10 dPWII ('!1]\llolW

HI:\ I .Tt IlL~ t:H 4 0"700

(:tt'tllllwlt. Md.

GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW~-----------------.;..Pap;;.,::;..._3j

The field included 170 pairs.

Congratulations to Dr. George M. Sr,wrk 45·E P..idg• who rer~ivcd a $1.000 cash award for excellence In teaching at an Honor's C'nvocatlon at the University of Maryland on Friday, November 6. An aulstant professor of Business Administra­tion, Smerk presently teaches an experimental couree for 1.211 students In basic business enterprise and also teaches advanced graduate and un­dergraduate rourses.

James A. Haga, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rule A. Haga, 19-J Ridge, has been promoted to airman B<.'cond class in the United States Air Force at Grand Forlu AFB, North Dakota.

Michael MIDer was among the 37 seniors at tbe University of Maine selected for membership In Phi Kappa Phi, an all-university honor society.

Happy-happy birthday to Carol Bernstein, 123 Northway, who cele­brates her first birthday on Novem­ber 17.

Jim Brown had the highest In­dividual finish tor the Hlgb Point Cross Country team when he came in ftfth in an eight-team meet held at Suitland.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Mrs. Ruth Meier, 10-B Hillside, who recently underwent surgery.

Jackie Shabe would like to bear from all her friends. She wlll he In Washington Hospital Center, Room 2E33, Washington for several weeks. We miss you Jackie!

$368 Collected For UNICEF Huv. Kel\lleth Wyatt, chainnan of

the local Trick. or Treat for UNI­CEF drive, reports that $368 waa coll~cted by Gr<'enbelt ·Children in the Halloween afternoon· drive.

SALE: W urlltzer Electronic Chord Organ. Half original price. Call 474-~210.

RBMODELING • MODERNIZING: Any type, anYWhere. My personal nltention and guarantee on every job, no matter how small or large. John W. Parsons, 4700 NavlLhoe St., #13-A, College Park, Mnrylnnd. Phone· 346·8467 or 779-8691.


---:7 Tbul'll.. 12, tilru Sa.t. 14




~un Ui thru Tue. 17


I<utl ('.oven-«e on the """"""'n­ation of Our La.te 1'1'68idcnt

Starting Wrd. NO\', 18


you'll like the bank that serves ..•



Citizens Bank of Maryland

UN 4-1102 Bmnchville Otnce Open

H to 1 Jlaily - f> to H Fri.

R to Noon Saturday


OPI<:N H to H

Mon. thru Friday & H to 12


Mo•mbPr !<'. D. I. C.

Help Police

Wanted Desk Clerk

Hours: Midnight till 8 A.M. weekdays

Starting from $1.67 per hr.

Apply Police Department

City of Greenbelt, Md.


'8e41dt! SattM Repeat Special

By Popular Demand

$25.00 Breck Perm

$9·95 cut Incl. <with adl

Have Natural Curl? Try our Lamp Cuts

Bleaching • TlntiRg • Perm&l*lt


ph. 474-4881 MIBB Edith 4t Mlu Norma . .... ,,~ ............ ~ ......... , •• ~._..,.·enft:a.11W.



The sale of the year., . is here! Now's the time to see all that's new in gas ranges and clothes dryers. Come feast your eyes on a host of won­ders .. , at wonderfully reduced prices! You'll soon see why more people than ever are cook· ing-and drying-with gas!

II!Jshingfon ~ 'Oas Light CompJny .


Visit your gas appliance jealer or gas company I ~-]ill [{ll----- ----

_JJ.tJ tti~


By Punohln' Judy

What's purple and lumpy and you get it at the World's Fair? Wcll, pull up a chair and let's start lit Ule !x>ginning.

We just had to see the Fair once more lx>fore it clOSft! this year, so the family plied into our trusty old RAmbler and off we went. Your intN>pid reporter was determined to ignore that nagging little pain in the side. After all, we reasoned. we wouldn't ha,·.- to do much walk­ing. We could !.:ike those cute lit­tle buses that the college boys so g~ily prop<'lled all around the Fair grounds. The children were enthrall­<'d by our ;-.o,.w York Hotl'l. It was so old and ramshackle. they in­stRntly felt at home.

The next morning. after D:~ddy hHd tn·atl'd us to bn•akfast m our room, W<' t<)Qk tlw Long bland Railroad to the Fair. The <'Xhibits wrr(' as enchanting as t>\"f'l". but where wcr<' those cute little bus,•s ~ Apparently tho· hnd gorH• baek to coll<'ge with their dri\'ers. So \\?

walked, we trampl'd. we hiked. and that little pain grew larger and lar­ger, until it as about the size of th.- Unispht•re. We still think we would have lx>en all right if we hadn't gone to th<> Hall of IndW!try tn see the world's largest ant farm, Th<> sight of all that boundless ener­gy would have been depressing at any time, but in our weakened con­dition it wllB just too much. We .&t.llggered out. collapsed on the side­W1Lik and moaned: "Gi.•t a doetnr!" Our frantic husband desperately .toUgh\ some means of transporta­tion. There was nothing in sight ~xcept a Hertz-Rent-A-Stroller and a garbage truck. The latter refused to \like on passengers, so the ant farm man suggested an ambulance.

A bouncy little ambulance ap­pe~~red almost a.q fast as our own dear Rescue Squad. the whole fa­mily wRs tucked in, and otT we sirened to a tidy, shiny little bOBpl­\111 right on the Fa!? ~unds. "How is my wife," asked our WOrried hus­band. "She hnBn't been examlno<J



Bicycle Center

For Chrisbnas

. . . . ·.'


- ' . --Maryland Cycle and

Equipment Co.

flarry E. Sh-U<>

.;ooa (iToonoolt Rd.

Ool~ Park. Md.


yd. but 1t d\)t'~n·t lonk good.'' c:tmt•

thl' t•ncouraging reply 1\vo gen­tlPmen in clerical collars approred. presumably to ease our passing. Seeing the dtgnified head of our household. they immediately took him for a physician or fellow min­ister. "So nice to see you. Doctor," they chorused. pumping his hand.

MN<nwhi!e we were moot com­pletely eieetro<:ardiogrammed, blood pressured. thumjl{'(!. rt'flexed, and questioned.

"When was the last time you had a check-up7"

"A few yeilrs ago, but I'm very healthy."

"So ht•Hith\· you collapse at the ~"air D() you oftC'n run a l£'mpPra­turp"'''

"Only when I don't feel well." "That figur,•s. Apparently this is

not a h··art attack. but whatP\'er it is. I don't think you'll get onr lt \'t•n· f:tst."

"You ml'iln you'd rather I didn't

Traffic Problem At tht• Grrt•nbt•it JAYCEE'S Oc­

tobrr nweting, a CommittPP \\.'as formPd to worh for the installation of traffic lights on Gr('('nbeit Road adjacent to th<' Bl'itway Plaza.

Chapter President Jim Colby said, "Our purpose will be to act as a catalyst in this controver to ob­tain traffic control which Iii bring property damage and rsonai in­jury to a halt."

Hal Siegel. Project Chairman, Maplewood Court, further com­mented, "This Committee's function will be to d<•termine the direet and immediate means to secure the lights in question. We intend to avoid involvement in the qlk'Stion of r!'Sponsibillty for this installa­tion."

Other Committee members in­clude Melvin Kent, Ridge Road; Donald Olverson, Hillside; , and ~orge Straghan, Parkway Tho Committee plans to contact the State Roads CommiSBion, the Belt­way Plaza developers, the City of Greenb!'lt, the Town of Berwyn. as well as sewral legal and political experts in the field.



GR·4~720 'toq ..

474-5366 REENBELT


'7"fNITN DEALER ,_ for the World's Finest Performing Television



141 Centerway Sr. (; r<'<l'llbNt Ttil'atre


Mon~ Woo., ThU"'-, Fri. 8:!10 - 8:30 Turwday 8:30 - 6:30

fla.lurdn.y 8 :00 - 8 :00

NEW CAR FINANCING Up to 75% of Cost of New Cor

Up to 36 Months to Pay

$3.18 per mo. per $100.00 of Loon

Ufe IIIIIIJIWMlll lnr.ludf!d


CREDIT UIIOI 121 Centerway 474-5858




come bal'k to tht• Fair this y<·;!T~ ..

"M'M. HPre are some pills. Th~ nurse will give you an injection."

W<' werE" jabbed, dressed, aRd set on our unsteady f e<'t. "The exit i~

only a few minutes away," we were assured. The few minutes stretched into a half hour's walk, but by this time we were past caring. Some­how we got back to the hotel and somehow we arrived in Greenbelt a few days later.

What, you wanna lx>t that we'll stay away from the Fair from now on 7 Don't lx> silly, we can hardly wait for it to open again.

Oh yes, the riddle. What's purple and lumpy and you get it at the World's Fair? It's a shot in the arm. That nurse must have used a knitting ne!'dlt-.

TOY TOWN llundn'(f<, of



Ben Franklin 9-9 111 onA'at.


SHOP lOCAllY . Keep home-town economy movmg

(Mr. Jlarry need~ the mont'y)

ew 4-H Club Formed new 4-H Club is being formed

boys and girls 14 years old (by Ja ry 1) and older. The· first mee g will be held on Sunday, Now er 15 at 2:30 p.m. in the meetin room at the Municipal Building\\ii 4-H memlx>rs, former memlx>rs ~ interested teenagers who meet tht-,re-quirements are in­vited to attend.

St. Hugh's HS1., Meets St. Hugh's Home 1!11(1 SchMI As­

sociation will hold a 01eeting on Thursday, Nov. 19 at 8 l).m. ThP guest speaker wiil b<• Fr. Smith, of this parish.

T elevisionService & Safes

All Makes - All Models

R6'A Franrhl..ed TV Antenna's Installed

Hanyok Bros. GR 4-6464 GR 4-6069

Thursday, November 12, 19M

Enter Now for Race Meet

On 'November 29 the Greenbelt

Jay C~'s will sponsor "The Turkp

Trot" race meet, sanctioned by

DCAAU and under the auspices of

the DC Roadrunner Club. Twenty mile and 5'~ mile races will be open to registered AAU runner.! and a 1\ mile "run for your llfe" race will be open to all novice run­ners. The event is scheduled for 2 p.m. Sunday, November 29, and the courses will wind through the city of Greenbelt. Send entries to Hugh Jascourt, 444 Ridge, Apt. #1, Gr"Cnbelt, Maryland.

Faith Upholstering




772-2088 262-8808







Planning to Sell? Consult Your Broker Mary Jane Kinzer

Greenbelt Homes, Inc. Hamilton Place

SAVE 21/21• For BeJt Results List With Us/

GR 4-4161 GR 4-4244

VETERAN'S LIQUORS 11630 Baltimore Blvd.

Beltsville, Md.

New Store

Air Conditioned

474-1000 - 474-8046

We Deliver



Blends Mix or Match

$3.49 Fifth or 3 for $10.00 up

~ o.Doll

Kentucky Whiskey A Blend

Cut to 7.99 'h Gallon

Full Quarts Gin

3.59 quart

2 qts. for 7.o&'

Champagne or Sparkling Burgnndy

Wines Imported from aD oYer the World NationaDy Known Bmds of Wme

Everything Modernized But OUR Prices

Pennsylvania Beer CANS

2.69 Case Store only Handy for Beach or Boat


BOURBON $3.49 Fifth or 3 or $10.00


1\ll:a: or Matdl

$2.99 Fdths or 3 for $8.75 up

$1.99 Fdth or 2 for $3.78 $.97 Fdth and up

$1.19 1/2 Gal. and 1p

·~.:. :1: !., r d ·:


lews ltuiew /--------------~A~N~IND~~~Dm~&n~N~!W~SP~~~-~--------------

volume 28, Number 52 GREENBELT, MARYLAND Thursday, November 19, 1964

Teen Board Volunteers To Help Pay Cost Of Youth Center Damage

h)' t:Inin" Skolnil< \\"lwn the Youth Centt·r windoW:-\

\\'l'rt' brokpn on Nov. ;) to thP tunt· of$;)")() I$:~~!) if lh·· JH'\'j).;ll';!lOJ"}' \Vorl<

is tlonP hy tlw Cit.Vl. an t'mt·rgPrH·y

Jlll'~·t!ng of thP TPt'!l Club Bo:trd \\-.!.-: c:tllt·~L Di:·>tn·ssPd by Uw st·n:-;t·· I·.~ . ._, <!:t!:J:t•'t', lht· Tt't'Il o!li:.·t·rs vuteJ to !wlp lht· l'it \' d•·fr:1y ont·-ha!f tht• (_'tJ:-.t of t!JI' d:tm:tg"t':-i by plann:ng­~Ut h JII'Ojt·t·ts ~t.') i\ car W;t!lh, b:li<:'

:-..tit• and .1 !-.alt· of (';t!ldy in an t•f­fort. to ra:s(' nwrH·.v. \\'aynt• P:dnwr, ·I\•t•n Club pn·sidt•nl, told lht• ~t~w~ R• vit"\V that this (kcisi()Jl mt•anl

that tht'ir hop!'d-for World's F'air trip 1wxt 'Jiring might han to bl' postponed.

It ts thP vit'\\' of city oflidals th;Lt

the window-bT<•aking act w11s re­L;hat()ry. sine<' till' 'f\o<'n Club pro­gram w~\~'i not in operation on Nov. 5. Di.sciplinary nH•asures INid bl'<'ll t;d<t•n by Heereation Din.-.ctor Sl<·­I'L'nson to C!lncd the Saturday t!'!'n dub d;LncP bf•calls<' of damagt"!i dorw to a car in till' Youth O•nt!'r park­ing Jot on Monday, Nov. 2, during a ll'I'Jl ~.ocial.

'l'<~·n Board ( 'onun<'tHit'<l l!t·-crP:ttion Uircdor Hi('hard Stt·­

Vl'Jl;->,Ht ;tnd Polit·;;• Chid \Villi:tm T. Lant• prai~;t·tl the ll-..•ns fnr tlu·ir :tction in :1:-;:.urnin~~ part of thP ti­nanrial burdt•IJ. LatH· :->aid that ti

youth~ t I from Crt•cnhell, c)Jlt' from

;;ilvt'r Spring- and Olll' from lkr­

wyn l \\'t'!"t' ~;l rong-ly suspt'l'lcd and Wl'rl' Lcing qllt>-stitmt..J about tht• N·~ :. ~ illcil:c._·nt. Ltut<" nl.9r) noted that 1n t•omparbon with olhc•r com­munilit>S, Gn•t•nbPlt's vandalism rah·

is lo\\'. 'I'lw amount of damngP done to

tht• Youth C<·ntl'r was gn•at. and tlw City Budgd does ah>t provid<• funda for such· <•xlen.sive repairs. Cert.:tin recretttional programs may be eurt.uli<'d in ol'!kr to mect the n•Jmir bill. Oily Manager J•unes Git\~W gaj~l, "I nm gratC'fttl for Uw TP<'n Club's ofT<·r of IL'lSistatH'<', and we will IH'l'<'Pt any fund~ tlwy mise to apj>ly toward.> thP "'pair of th!' ''"·:n~Jnws. I would lik1: to point out tiPIL thi!-> n·.-dilution ·1s l:H"ing m:uh· by b•1 ns w!m an• t'<~PN'Si'l1tativl' of tlw rt'.'>ponsiblt• lwha\•ior of most


A11y rt~:;litu: ion from lilt· offPndt·r~

w:ll ht• u.,nl to t'Pimburse lht' Tt't'll

Club fnr t ht·ir sh~1 n·.

1-lelp for Veterans' Children lll.fllri•·!-1 or illncs,.<; that totally and

rwnnarwntly disab~(' VPlcr·1n:.;, or

bring a hout t!wir d(·ath, do nO't havp to lw wartime in ol'igin to tn:tkP

Ut'·ir cnildn·n t•ligibl.- for tiH' ('du­

<'~1 wn;Jl ns.c,·.:;Gwn· admini.'ilcn"'l by tlw VPtc•rnns AdminL~tration.

Alt.hough tlw \\'ar Orphans l•:du t'~llinn i\~.sista1H'P pr;•gram W!l~

ort.t:1nally ~.·d up for C1n:w dtil-drt'Tl wh(»S{' \"t'!~\l''l:tll-l\:ll"t'nt had rlit·d dw• to w.trtinH· ti'l.'...:dJJliUPs, it was lui..Pr Rnlf'll.(k·d L1 t•xt~>nd th1• pr·ogntm to

Uw son~ arHi daught.,·r~ of living V"t'lPran.s, pPrmanPntJy H .. nd toln.Jly df·sabll'd. I•:l•i!(lbl<' ehll<lr<~l. g<•ner­~llr b(•tw' ('Jl t!H• 1qws of ta and 2~. rnuy 1'\'-<.'t'i\t' up 1.o ;;11 monlh~i of


Thanksgiving Mail Service l't);.(Jll.t.'··l~·r I~;m~•ry A. llllrm:ln l\.11-

notu:c,·~l tu1\:ty ! hal 'l'hur.:·d:ly, No­

\l'ntb~ r :2ii, !~Hi!, w,!l lh· oh.';t•n"·~t lL'i

:~ h-1::tl )].)l.t'~l\' ;d :oil pu :Ld i.ll':lnll:l

t ,,))\~. N) 1!1·1, ~T:·it ·; \\",1! ht· Bl!llil',

r ~ t'-_ 'i >! f r ·! 1:'1 1 1! i l,•JJ \"Pry IIlii i!


i i ~ '111 ' i I I I' 1: I I I'

)I j •. r:l. .: 111'• 1.1! :\J,·•·IIIl\: <'llv

()il,lr·,] ']',]11.iljcd J~lidd.ll)~

Q'hm·~·d.'.\, '\'o\•·nr1M'r ·~n. Ill 11.m.

.J. \ .l'o j J' i•.t!il\ ·:·.I\": /1 }: j); I\' i ~~' J"

\·;1 1 .;, .In\· 1~.: 1 ( ', lllllll 11n1ty C··n


In Memoriam: J. F. Kennedy In this article. a Grrrnbrltl'r shar•s with us hi.1 personal rccollec­full!s of a ni1Jhl m ,\'on:miJI'r, ll year aqo.

By six o'clock in th<• l'l't•ning I just couldn't stand it any more: the sound of muffiPd drums. tlw t•ndlc.s."' rt>peqtion of a sing:k th{'me on tiH' tdt·vi.sion sert•t•n. Iking an onlool<t>r W<L';n't pnough; I ft.'it impt•lh--d to do somdhing- of my o\\'JL t11 add my drop to lht· Hood (Jf national g-ril'l. At six. tht>n. I said good night to my wift•, started lhL' car and dro\'t' to ttw Capitol.

Ttw C:1pitol w:ts iiltJP1ill:Llt'<l. ;t!-i it :1\ways is, an impn~ing whitt· donw ; 1 ~·a 1 rht tJu· tbrk ~l{y - t'Xt't'pt tllat thPrt· wa-..; a tt>rnb!t· dJfft•rt'JH't' ~on1glit 11.ll1lt-r 1t, tonight, lay tht• c~t~~\"l nf tht• nl:l!l \\"lln !tad bt·t>n tht' Pn•sidPnt and tht' ycung IJOpt· of t!lt· l'n1tvd Statl·s. ('Jost·r by, I <'ould_ SIT ;~nd !w:tl" ttH· crowds and n!lllt't' tlw thin lint· :111g!i:q~ u;1 tilt• !\ HKilJt {":lpltol·ps. 1 joirwd the Plld of t!H·· lirw. Alttwu~~h I didn't !tnnw it tlwn, tht'

lin,· w;t:.; twu :1nd a ha!f milt'S ion)~. slrt'tdun:~ frorn th,• ('apito! all dh' w:t\' to LinC'oln Park :tt J:Hll ~tn·t·t befnrc turning- b:td\.

· ~O\'(•mht>r night..; arl' quilt' ('hilly: on that om·, tht• lt•mp•·raturP fl'll to thP frt•Pzing point and t'\'l'll lht· dost• ranks of a jostling rrowd g-a\'t'

nn prolPction. And what a crowd it \\·as~ Elderly lad iPs in hravy ovrr­coats, soldit•rs shi\'Pring in light uniforms, whilP!i and rwgrot>S, thP wo­man who f<<'<l. thl' man who distributed stl'aming eofTt'<' in JXiper cups: local residents and those who came from Philadplphia and N<w York -about 60,000 of tlwm, the papers PstinHllPd thP following day. Man~ brought their children, though thP cold and the length of the hne soonf'J

01• Jatpr forced most of these to drop out. . After long hours of waiting, the (•nd sPl'med to last but nn mstnnt.

on" moment we were in the cold night, surrounded by the surging sounds of a muititudP and by thP glare of floodlights; the next we werp indoors, in 'i silcncP broken only by the shutTling of f<'rt. Color was evPrywhere: wr~·llhs bearing th<' names of th<' world's nations tl!il'd till' Pnt;an~e chamber halfway to the ceiling. ThPn th; rotunda, with ch: flag-drapPd casket and the rigid guard of honor spotlighted in the ccntet.

It was 2 am. f r th t Having wait<'d so Jonl';, I sudd•·~ly felt at a loss. In the acl' o a

reality, thP long wnit in tiw freezmg cold sPt'med unimportant. Ali I could do was nnss by• and muttPr a prn.yPr; nPithPr J nor nnyonP, of thP thousands in thnt litH'. could do anything to chnnge \~hat ha<l happPn!'d.

As 1 sairl, it was all ovt'r in an instant. The hnr advnncPd, pus~NI th~· r:1runda, and I stPJ>JH'd oul into tht• night oneP mon·. rPmf'mbPrmg

.l<'hn F. K<'nn!'d,·.

Recreation Review hv !tit-hard St<•v••n;on tiJ,......Jor or l~·r .... timt .. l'owd"r Puff 'Football

Lust Saturday, Tht• Gre<'JlbPlt Grizzlies took on District Hcighl9. Led by till' fme piElys of Pat Coui­tt'r, MarLannP PNu-ch, Su<' SW<'<'ney, .Jo Ann ()'Loughlin, Carol Harris, Carol So.rni and MJtrsha Ikr <Of"ky, tht• Gr..,nbelt girls won 18-0. Miss Couitt•r boomed over for two touch­down8, whil~ Miss Pearch scored

the third. This Saturday, tht1 Powdt'r Puff­

t•rs travel to District Hdghts to do battil'. Any football mi.ndod parcn,L• who plan to drivP. pi<''LS<' contact Mis.• llufPmlick, a.ftn 4 p.m. mt tin• Youth C<•nt••r, H1-f>ll7R. The car carnvnn will lP-aVt' from Uw ~wim­ming Pool, ~~turday morning at

n:30 a.m. Mt•n'N Tourh FooU>all

Ln .... t \\'t•t•k Vitro won tfwir Jin;t g:l!Tll' of tlH· slo,;J~)n H.'i Uwy Pd).:;'t'<l

H.onni~··s-H..:q~-n-Muflin:-l J:~-12 Cr<l­vo':; CrontPH won ovPr Lagana'!i

l•uis 13-17 to stay un·ci<-fmtl'd arul drlually as.'nlrt' tlwm of Uu• S('f'<Htd

Jwlf crown. Nc~d 'I'lllwday al 7:30

·Jllll. ttw Cronii'H tniH' on t_lw Ladg in "'11 po.'>tp.:nH'd ganw. ThL."i K~Ullt' will ,h,dd-.· t.IN• lirRt half titlo·.

)ft'<n·,. 11->~Rknthall

·r:w or~:aniz.aUnnal mt-.·ting for !tw du.s.·1 ''A" }.A'HJ.{lW w.t.'l hl'ld ln~t \Vt'dnl'.soti11 y. Thf'rt' urP Pighl tea.nLY in tlh• lca!~lH' and all l{lllllt'•S will hf• plnyt\(1 on \Vr"i:tm·~d:ty ('Vtmings

Opi'lling KHIDP i~J ~clwdul~.,d for

W.-~nt'.'l<ULY. Ike. 2 nt 6:15 p m. T'hl" league tiliould be <)Ill' of tlu· bt•st in

l.lw Wa . .'hiugi.>n n.rM. Ttwr.- art• stili op~·nlnK."> Ln UlO

"B" L 1"gUI', which will pwty nil gnm•~ on Mondny f"Vf'ning.'i. Thi9 lr-.:\g-111' i~ n\\1 rh-k·d lo ( ~l""t'4"1l~'it. n\<;(lfkmt.'i only. Mnv Wt' J'i'ntind JU"W

l"l\'<idl'llf.'l of Spnnghdl, lJakt•.•:idP Nnl~t h and ( 'h:trll'.'·dnwn Vill:tg"l' l h:d n~t rn: ... :di•nl•<; of c;rPPnl~·lt, y~111 aJ1'

cli~~ihlt• f,• p.:1rti, ipnl~· "t\o'ihu·~ fur Uti' .-ro ... t..,.·ut.i~·n"

1 ~,. • w: 1 r:.; t.l:> : 1 r t • 1111 • \" rq: : 1 Inn J: 11 11 ·''

!·: :ll :no .. •,f 1-:lrt.•; IJ.l.,i' bt•t'll t''l~--il JJ 11 \\!'\Tr. 1·vt· 1·\· 1!rntn.1 Jlft)t\•)l'llllll

1; I'll]\' w: ~:t .. w!.t•; 1111' jii'.I;J\. lwhlnd

j)]l' ~~·)Ilk Ill\ fill' ~-1'1", 1 ' \\'I, Jll'f",]

~'1'1".'•111.. f'J \\<lrl{ ),,•fl'IHJ IJil' >!'('i\1'';

Ill -..;1•! dt •;•1:t1 :111d I"O!I,':(J"1U'tH•ll

p\.d\o' ]J",t, !q•,:d .11)-:. 1';,· If \'011 h:\\.l'

I' I•'J"j .,!_, t r l;lit'l',(.l !1\ I 1\,·w fJ,•Jd·i,,

pk'(\:~· ('"o.J1 tlw 1:1't'l"t'~llioll IN.·

1 : 1r' Jl.\t'l't 4'j4 (1\'";"H

llt'<'r JluutN-s' ('Jiui<-Sund:tv. Nov. 22. 7:30p.m. at tlw

Y nut h CPnlt'r, a dinic will bL' held for illl dc·er huntcp;. T!w program is co-sponsorPd. by thP Gr('('nbeit RPcN'ILlion Departmt•nt. Maryland C'h'lmP and Inland Fish Commission, National HillP Assoeiation a.nd thl' Prine•· o .. orgps County ReerPation D<'pltrtmunt. The dinic will indud<' hunting 31tft•ty, when and whel'<' to hunt d<'<'l' in Maryland. how to hunt dc!"t' and what to do t!.fter you kill ll dt"'<'l'.

~;.,ming T<'f'ln l"rognmt N!'xt WPdllt'-'~lay, b<•Jng a night

bpfon• " school holiday, nn cvrning progntm ia planned for t<'<'llS. ThPl'<' will bP roiiPr skating, a 3-mnn b:L>­bctball tourn<lm<'nt, a rPc~Ni hop and 11 L:tbll' t .. Jmis tournamPnt. The progrnm st..arts at 7·;~'J p.m. and i~

frcP bring a friPrHL

~I>t>rt. .. 1\ooo<t..>t'l< Tlw JH'Wiy formr"(.l (~l"f'f'nlwlt

~;port.:; Boo.•,;ll'l'.'-l Association will hold a mt'ding- \V,•dnP~<>tlay f'\"i'Hing-,

Nov. 2r> at tlw Youth C.-nter. 1.:w p.m. Tlw Sport..., Hd(),'-ltPr~ HI'~' ;~Jt~

tt·mpting- to l't'\"ilali7;1' and nugm«·nt

tiw :tf.hiPtic fnciliti<·s for till' City of (;n·Pnln•lt. Atn(}flg' tlwir plaJl.:-1

··:n• moJ'I' li•:hts nn tlw softlmll fklfi, mort• St':tt.ill){ at thP ,.,ftbuli tlt-Jd, liKhts and s.·atin){ a.t tht• IHt.>dmli tlt'ld, sanit.ary fnt'I!Jt.:;·s at Bntd«'ll

l•'idd, mnrt' and bdt,•r tt•nni~ t•nuds nn~l 11 combination t"i)IH'I'.'-h'iilm Rt.and

and t'<Jllipmt'n~ storagl' plnce. J~rwlin~e IA""

This '""'k, IP:LIII fll, "ltoyali"ts. tnolt fir:-:1 placP with 20 win:~ <4

lo~W\'i. "Two of a 1\ind,'' t••<Jill it 1, h:t.<i lllOVI"(I Up to Sl'i'Oild pi:J{'(' With

J\1 1!, ,vin.'-l - 1 1-1. IuS.'«'-"· In third pJH<"f'

romes t~.sun ~ 3, "Vidorn," n1ovlng

up Uh' lin<' wlth 17 wirL• - 7 io .... ....,s. !-'.om~' pl'l~tty go~\i.l J{:tllH':-t and ~·t~

\\"PI""t' roJif',d 1:1~1 Saturday <;irl:--!

BllniHJI\ f) Stt•phPn::;lm 1:-1t• ~lltllt'

4'2i ~"''· H ),P\•ilan H2 J~llllll' a5n ~·'1'1 <;iris .l1ulior I. MiJI•·r nn ~-;-:llllt' 1·i:l :-1Pf )1'or lllf' lt-nv~ H.1n

! !!111 (; :\hni;.IIII~;IJ 1 ";"~I 1::11111' !\d'.'

I' 1 ,:d1nh·1·; lfd ~;\Jill' 1.':.~ t;~·r

I>\·; .1111',\111 1: Fnrd '.1 1'.' 1:'1!1\1'

'I J: I ·~c~ : ~ I ) 1 I I. ]I' I !"!'II' II 1:'. 'I

MEETING POSTPONED '1"1· :o~•(·t::Jd pnhl11' lw:1nrq: l'f

( 1, 11iJ,'I! ·: :\1:t.,!r-r 1 'l.111. wh:,·ll

ln Lilt•' pl;\j'l' Pll Tw·:~.l·l\'.

; :; )" ·,·nl11· r lt'\'; lw-1'11 Jh 1 .. : P•llli'll

t,• 'I p n1 Thlll";d tl·, N.)\'t·mlll'r


Council Discusses Swimming Poor, Signs, and Disorderly Coaduct Law

by Charier. T. McDonald In a well-conducted meeting, city council moved through a:

twenty-three item agenda to adjourn by 11 :05 p.m. However, several items concerning zoning and planning were carried over to await city council's acceptance of the report of the Advisory Plan­nng Board and the city's professional planners.

The one subject that appeared on permit Ule erection of the sign on the agenda und<>r three separate state property and this fact posed it<·ms had to do with signs: item 12 some questions as to the city's juris­w:u; a rPport on tht1 proposed Sign diction over the erectk.m of any Orilinanre for the city of Gri'Mlbelt; sign on such land e~ if the pro• item 13 was the request of Green- posed city ordinance was in effect. !><•It bit~int•:·.s tr.<·n for !'ity council's Therefore, there was little reason "J'Pr•w:li of a largf' directional sign for the city to enter into the prob­to h•· c·r<'ct•·d on tlw Armory prop- !em at all. City council re-quested <•rty: and item 16 ref<'rrl'd to di- the Manager to ask the sign con­f'<•ct'.•ll:tl s!g11s fmm tire highways tractor to write the city for a formal into Gn~·nbPlt. approval and then to call on the

3.)-fOot Sign city solicitor for his opinion as to Tho• btr.<in""" m<'n. rPprt'S<'llled by the legal authority of the eity in

t>•· !)t:ll','rs of th··rr nrganiz:1lion. this matter. rti~\ll':>tt-d flt'J"n1iSS!Ori t.f t!H• city to {'rt't'l a :~5-foot-iligh sip1. cc:-sting ;lh•Jllt $~ !IIlii :md di!'vctJJl~ tralfi~.· l'!lJlllll.~ of! t ht• Parl\\\'.1.\" to tlw Grt>enbt·lt CPnt~·r !dlOpjling area and thf atrc. l~it~: :.::n:.t"::···r ,J;tm~· . ..; Git'St' p11 i:tt~·.d ~-Ill ~u ("t)tJn,·il that thP pro­pn!-\f•'fl cily ordinaJH't' would not


by AI Skolnik PN·iiminary budg<-t discussions by

ofTtdais of Grt'enb!,lt Hornet!, Inc., indicate that GHI homrowners will face a sizable incn·ase in monthly charges for 1965. This will be the t110t incrense since 1961.

Thl' 1965 bud~et will be presented fmmally to the GHI bwrd of din.-.c­t oi'>< at its rt'gular mcl'ling tonight. Comnwnt.; f~om thl' membership will bo• WPlcomc•.

According to pN·liminary caleu­b ti~,ns, tlw hudgPI m:1y ht.' increast.><i l>v ;1:: rnllt'h ;ls $1i0,(Hl0. A.-. a ruiP of

thumb. fol' t•\'t•ry $5.000 addt•d to

t/H' bud~~, t. m.~nthly t"h:trges arf' inc !'I ;1.~,--<i on tb·_• HVt':Clge by 25 cents. ~""'nr :;omc unitn the ·increaao can bt• lt~~s and fo!' olhl'l"S mon:•, d<'J.wnding- on siz{' and type of con­

struction. About two-thirds of tiJ(' ineT<'IL'w

can bt: attributl·d to ilt'm:-; that nre

beyond tlw control of tlw GHI l><mrd n;tml'ly, tax!'S nnd tnU~h col­I..ction costs. 11w tax increase sbems from Uw county N~lSs~mt·nt of GHI properties. GHI proJX'rty was reassessPd upward this yoar. along with ot!IN Gr<.'<'nb!·lt propprty. Thl' increu<So on trash collNction cools rt.,;u!L' from a 20-[){'r<'Pnt hike in f<'l'S chnrg<'<l by tht• city.

ThP halancP of 1.1w inC'l'l'H.St' can

bt• tl':H'('·d, for tlw mo..•.;! part. l.1

JJ:.l:ltt·r p.:l)"l'illl and frm!~~~ lwndil t''\fl'f'IJ.':t .'-'. !..:1:-A. ~ ·plt-ml:t·r. t~III em­

pi 1.n···.~ n·n·i-.·~·rl :1 1;.;1y IJHTt':l~<.;t' :1\'­

t J.tglll/: .1l~nut :; JWI"\'I'IIt. in l<t"('JIIllg w~~h ll:t' patll-nt of p:~y 1n1·n·a.~'!l

\·r,;~·d f, dt-ral t'lllJ'I<l.\"t't'."· l't·n~ion (II,-..;!:; \\':11 :tl:··o ris•·. h~·caw~· lltl pcn­

.•>~un r1-.•;t·IT4'S w,JI hl' ar:uhhit' ill 1~1{;.\ :IS th~'\' Wl'rt' Ill 1!111-'. Ill t"l!Soh­

im~ t )It' co:.;t. J lo.spit:dizl'.liun lll!illf­

;IJH't' cost.s h;Jn.• als•o rist'll.

Officer Brunk Commended l'olin· oJfi{·t•r ll>,l\'iii M. Brunk h<L'-l

Jt't't i\'1"1! a ldlt•r of <'OlllrtH'Jlllal'ion

from l 1•llic•• Ch;t·f \\'tlli~tm T. Laru• for dlki•·nl pohCt' woriL ( ht Od.

17 lt1• chf'du'(l ;:t complnint from tht' <;r~·~·nlwlt Thn::tn· about tWtl men Hsli~'P in the lh(•atN'. Bruni{ hrou;:::ht Uw nwn l,) t!H• station whN't', aftt•r

mnnv hours of qw·stion\ng, hP rlL't­

coV't:t"f."(l that tlwv haci just. hurgla.r­

i:w-d u lHtuur :-;~ore in \\'a.ldorf. A dwd< with t IH' st..atf' polit"(' revf"ah~~t i tht• Urvnk-in hnd not yd. hl"f'Il

rqwlrlt'<l. l~runl{ l'"l'rn:till"f.'<i on duty 1(' 1 q~ past his n·gular hours invt"Sti­

gal :llh I lw t·~~~·

Library Displays Mementos J'r! l\1"1' ( ;l'dq;t',.; ( 'o!Ull(\' ~1Pil\Ofl:tl

l.ihr:1rv 1'11TTI'ldlr 1'' ,.,i11h1\lltK :1

:j>l '.\· nl llli'l\1 ·n!• of 1)\,· l:tl1·

l'l~'.',Jdt•Jll .John F hj·nrwol\" ;tl 1111' rq~ 1 ,,n.d i:hr:lr': 111 lh •(!: nlk. li:J;\1)

,\d~·ljdli 1\r.:·d tn 1'1,!1"11 (]!,· :•l\11!

\· 1-r .. :ll.\" ,,f hi. df'"l* 11 'i'l\1' 11\·:tl~s

\ !]\,· l.·l:J,\1 \\:~.-; d!'liil .lkd !.t.-.:1

.JIll I' 1,\ '!.1 I lw Lrr ll\tll ', ,I) l'lt"!;l

1' 1 ,1! .i .. \i.\ Jo' !\o•Jl!W•h· \\J:o"' l~'i·o;.:

: t, l! I 1 ' !l "., f ]", If 1 ~ !! 'I".S I !1 ~ '' j \ I 1 '.'I J \II !I

'''l<l '<')"'.'lt't•

t~IJ·~ncil d~rl no~ t..'lkn any action nn t!w pro)'W)SPd ~;:g-n ordinance in oNI<'r that mol'l• time for study could be given to comparing the propost·d onrnann: with othPr are11 ordinanct·s.

The di r<·rt ion a! sign discussion \V<ts postponPd t.o await thP outcome of a m<'<'ting of the city manager with ~I r. Shook of the State Roads Commission, to be held Friday, Nov. 20.

DiHOrdl'rl)· Ordinant'll' Two ;unendments WE're approved,

changing the paragraph having to do with fines in the proposed ordi­na.ncc to prohibit disorderly con­duct, and this automatically put the ordinance back for second read­ing and on the agenda for next meeting.

Swimming P<>ol The low biddcr on the swimming

pool remodeling \\11.'< pr!'Sent, to­gl'ther with tlw design "ngineer's reprPS!'ntat.ive. and presented a ver­bal rt'\'ised bid of $130,739.00. While lho• t•nginL'<'r read a general de­Sl·nptwn nf !JH· Jtf'lns in the pro­JlOSl'd changl',;, no written proposal was J>f<·St·nte<l fot· city council's exarnination. Thcn·fore, action on the vroJ>t>Sa! was h~ld up until the special mPeting of city council on Thursday, Nov. 19. Considerable discussion ensued as to the legality of awarding th!' contract on the basis of the new negotiated bid or awaNling the contract on the orig­inal low bid coupled with a change order reducing the cost to this new negotiatl-d price. It wa.' then re­fNt'!.-d to the citv solicitor for hUI recommendation.

City Mnnagl'r Giese submitted a n•po1t on the approximate cost of paving Hldge Road pxtendr'<i. from 73 court of Wdgc to Kenilworth An-ntw. n dislmee of i!J>pmximatdy :!.)00 ft•t•t. A 24-f<><>t asphalt pavt'<l ..... :lrfoll"''. with rur;Jl si<..!l' dilch(."S, '\·a.s ":;tmwtt•d lt> ct},st $22,000, a .. 'i ccmpan•d \vith a ~6-foot I~tn"'d road

condruclt>d with storm sew<'rn ac­cording to c1ty ~tJnd:Lrds, p_..;Umalt•d

l1) eo~t $1'25,ll'l0. C:'.<nmdl a~o..;h:Pd tlll'

managt•r to conft·r wilh tlw solicitor as to nH·:tn~ nf tlnancing this road fio<l\·ing <L'i wt'!I a.<; lh(' problPms ln· \ olv\'d in obta:ning- adt'quale righlt:i­·.•f-\•:ay.

('harh.,.town" Walk\mys Tlw rt'<llh'};{ of r·c~JUt>nl-; of Char­

lt\."'towrw Vill:tgt' for walln\":tys to thP C.:'1Jt('r School, prop()..O..:t"(i at a

pr<'Vious nwr{ing, brought an un­favonthlt· n•port from Uw city man­a~;.-.·r. liP wa .. '-l N't]W'Nl~'(i to inform t.hP sl'iwol bo.a11d of ttw dt•t'ision, in onkr t Uw problt>m of bus

tmnsport.ation for children of this subdivision eould b!' !~LJidh:'<l

by the• N><;!dc~tts and th<> school board.

In n final ttt•m, tht• ('ounnl in~

strudfxl JL~ SJH"dnJ znniug It-gal cmnt.<w·l to pl'llrl"t'd with noting nn nppt•n1 to tlw dP<'ision of tlH' Oounty Huard of ( 'ommi't'."''ionn-s on tlw ap­

plication to t'l'ZO.JW approxinwtt·ly 1r1ll ll!'ri\S on tl\t' t•.l.•;t ~;.:dt• of 'l'(•lt·

graph Hn::1d .1n•l on lilt' 11o1lh and

.'.n11lh · .. :de:; of <:l~·rl(!.lli' l~o.1d.

NEWS REVIEW SCHEDULE Tlw \"1'\h ,~1'\it"\\ \'.111 h~· d1·

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