China's Friend rises by Ceetrey SUM.. nor. Congressman Dickstein (Continued on page 2) Willkie Makes Anti-Nazi Appeal to Americans "In all oar dealings with those of the conquered countries of Europe, with our potential friends, and, when the war is over, with our vanquished enemies we meet encourage and seek to work exclusively with the forces that are neither Nazi-tainted nor Fascist stained." WENDELL L. WILLKIE October 15, Ian (Continued on page 5) FDR Hits Argentine A Ha-Semitic Stand "While this matter so, of course, one which concerns primarily the Argentine Government and people, I cannot forbear to give expres.9ion to my OWII feeling of apprehension at the taking in this hemisphere of *elan ob- viously anti-Semitic in nature and of a character so closely identified with the most repug- nant feral/Ms of Nazi doctrine." FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT October 18, 1948 ACti„ WHAT A JOB THEY'RE DORIGif ALL MY FRIENDS SHOULD BUY nit °Ale* Z-1 2 ,1943 (TheArdid7;- . /ham said Wisiepering GialeVr ee cesitro- to:nether ler _ o - GenesSi g"MthUr t.".7 - stent. Lot warts' is-nqmP4 '' v• Fora. 1 1 ,k, thew. „..,.."t,„,r al, a the eterateZY. taw PO. the co.lping rila wel W arsholl Ss u TisC beliWw3Pewerr mm Mehl. this are of hint anti goose in which usty are compelled to wort ir they ore to luErtll their funellort, The manotre Ones swim 01000 in ik tee often without realising how Insubstantial Ft is in realh.y. And the Went and most ermaemole deliberately exploit It—as the Pet- (Mon and hiceorreteic Lws- Panees are conaten14 doing—LO emote the assgininsil of 01010th and abstraction and baseless kus- 51Don 1n the COilduct of the war and of Walls. The result is swh an OolSede as that overarming older of staff. facts 1 no facts io Vih the eCinelriotion landed MIX to limit the phial saiellrea. On "Sept 241943 President Ritoravelt .. 1Re etterzire , them..- 'hem; and InIne te e ndu., A teapot te , tettpest around the flgare it Gen- eral Swollen" as "a arnant ex- TS ample, Lime. or how obatenet 'g conduct of the war. and, Weed, or 1 w Go the Acts of Mot whispering geIlwy et ohms/Ism intin which we mum tai with R coeulaton mamma which one th e ca word; • semi n o they weep him awn_ AA the Peeerl=h inincrapied hisiwate Ina einee a Mr.:RCM. * .. ati Yekre of. iris or the 'Pot/es-eon mad' to Lee spread "disunion among the dallea and confuelon is their soar alit- 11t+. nine to comment fl ab mind pm Woe to a reotseetehle pester that ..33th aye this. Aga1n, when tee editorial 5, this to su apt though !Fd. eehre; which the A,-no het: lira ine ssij these baseless minors, the y nor Preskleng lifted W. head up frees use reeding And saki he did not knole the men hisst that ward wee_ frontffiehT Tdffir 5 I THE ANTI-NAZI N as BULLETIN Official Publication of the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League to Champion Human Rights, inc. VOL. VIII —No. 5 NEW YORK, N. Y., OCTOBER, 1943 2P WHEELER WARS ON MORALE IN U. S. PRODUCTION FRONT LINES Asserting ta.gyton K. Wheeler is rendering service to the Nazi cause by his unjustifralron workers in munition plants during the debate on the drafting of fathers, Professor James H. Sheldon, Administrative Chairman of the Anti-Nazi League on Oct. 4 told members of Knights of Pythias Active Lodge No. 633, 110 West 48th Street, that Wheeler10 was entitled to "wear the Iran Crosa of Neal.= for his efforts." Citing passage after passage in Wheeler's address to the Senate on Sept. 28 as "subversive" and 'in- suiting to the Members of the Sen- ate,' Progeerme SheIdornaid: "In its insults to the processes of democracy; in its appeal to class feeling; in its terroristic attempt to secure public support by throats against the home; in its subversive assanit on the morale of the armed forces of the United Staten by im- planting class feeling; in its per- sonal assaults upon the integrity of the Pasident of the United States; in its efforts to delay and held up the war effort by Congres- sional action, and finally by its industrial sabotage it was a mas- terpiece of Nazi propaganda. Nazi Method Used "Senator Wheeler of Montana bitterly attacked the prospective drafting of fathers for military service. But the perfidy did not Be in that. Any man, in or out of public life has is perfect right to stand for or against curb a meas• pre in or out of wax time. But when the mask of patriotic endea- vor ' Thr made to 'Lover- a deithaffitc - In this measure the Anti-Nazi League is particularly interested, not merely because of the political importance which attaches to it in connection with countering the dap- anese charges of racial bias against America, but because race preju- dice is one of the most potent and CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT REPEAL HIT WITH FASCIST PROPAGANDA "PEACE NOW" MOVES GIVE AID TO ENEMIES' SURVIVAL HOPES Unity of Attach On United Nations War Aims Shows Appeasers of Axis Busy On Propaganda fronts Throughout Country Mrs. Agnes Water, of 3J67 N Street N. W.,Washington, D. C.; ago releases demanding immediate negotiated peace .w,..1 Germany and lawn. Mts. Waters is. todgyno ram, important than Adolph Schiekelgruber was in the. dayi when he sat around the back room of Munich saloons and groused about the Administra- tion. Bat, inasmuch as alit txots - B up the Hill nearly every day with Robert It LaFellette Sr. Mr. Mayer a fistfoll of her "releases" and de- says with would-be sarcasm: posits them with Senatorial Seen , teries, all of whom view her as something patiently to he borne, like Washington's hot days, or the Washington Tigaes-Merald, her ef- fect upon the legislative mind is not alarming. Or is it? effective weapons against national u,nity here at horns- It is a Chia tool rst Nazi propaganda, precise- ly because "respectable?' citizens who proudly toast of American ancestry, and American doctrine, are now and have been made un- witting pawns. in the struggle to disunite the people of the United Notion, who are of differing-racial Stock, and to disrupt racial groups In industrial and production centers cancerneu with the carrying on of the war. Jan Radio Gloats The Japanese have been making steady capital Oat of the fact that we have not acted to repeal the ex- clusion laws. Federal agencies have made rec- ords of literally hundreds of pro- paganda broadcasts to the Orient, in arm or eight different lan- guages, all harping on this one cheese. For example, last Decem- ber, from Tokio, In English, the daps said: "It is about time that the lead- ess-ot -Chnnsking whould•hosoino • a Tittle uneasy about the good- will and sincerity of their Angle- Ameriean allies who promised them high Bounding phrases for the fature but gave them noth- ing, nothing but danger and dis- crimination for the present an in the past." In the long range view the re- peal must also affect the Japan- ese. It is right and necessary to exclude every Japanese Irons our shares at this moment. Indeed, it is right that surveilibnce should not be relaxed for a moment upon all Japanese now within the couiP try. But this exclusion and surveil- lance should km made upon the (Continued on page 3) She writes in her release of September 10: "I think we should not only make peace with Rely, but with Germany at the same time and with Japan this month, This should be a negotiated Peace as we cannot expect any self-respecting nation like the German people have proven themselves to be since the begin- ning of history..." which was 00 Minch even for her, as she was un- able to finish the sentence. This was not only the manner of the Hitlerian ascent, but it was also the substance of it. She would seem to have been reading the propaganda of the Staub= Society. This appears in her presentation of material which that group hag t..ot - forth- for years, -including the- reiteration that: "It was that old German blood that saved the North in the Civil War and It was the same blood that dictated the terms of sur- render offered to General Lee." It isn't likely that Mrs. 'graters will, despite her efforts, become Chancellor of any "American Reich," but when Senators and Red- presentatives use the stuff she dr- culate.s — is it too toga to soy that they could? That there should be a negotia- ted peace is also proposed td a recent issue of ' with which, its subti- ;fe 4 tr ilrts ' combined LaPollette's Magazine," founded in 2909 by "For many years we kept a negotiated peace with Mussolini, Hitler, Hirohito and Franco while We sold them the stuff that made fascism possible. In those days any fool knew that negotiated peace was good because we made money on it.' Nowadays any fool known that negotiated peace means surrender and treason." This is typical, not only of Mr. Mayer's writing, but of his think- ing on a wide variety of aubjects. For if Mr. Mayer's efforts to cre- ate a negotiated pears with Hitler and Hirohito and Mussolini mean anything at all, they muse peen_ sully mean that this would re- create the opportunity for each of there to rebuibl,.and with our help, the fascism against which we are fighting. And also that such a peace would constitute surrender and treason. More Murder Wanted?' It would appear that Mr. Mayer is willing to go to any length to secure-ice- 'Hitler; Hirohito Hari& -!.tAnserA,kon" Chiefs Smear United Nations Members ire House Hearing; Witness Signed Hiller Propaganda Book The Bill to repeal the Chinese Exclusion act which has for so many years disgraced the statute books, this week moved forward through sire House Immigration atri6,4aMta.lization Committee.. bearing the approval of most of ifs iiiiniSers, and partieUfarly of its chairman, Samuel Dickstein (D., N. Y.) The measure must now be voted upon by the whole House,3 whose approval is probable, al- though all available added support must still be organized. On Sept. 23,1943 Ihe Xereld Mb4 Sold . , so ., ,rye csitt;t rt r v'":"V' .a trj - 0th , e14.,,, !'d. a ec",„: ,,,,,e. 0) . \ .Not' iar-O't apt 0° 1 ''''703% . \ :. 'et e Zreg . ft,,tasig r . sta .:; , \_ , Ti r, tn. tr matant ' 1 '4 0,..rF- ,1\ 7, a-ssrl.te statt... d '' that V E1, v" . : lits 6 ' 44 he ll. 6 i.t a . .i . -01. woo A7-..pd.;;,b.,;1,3;17.iL . by the Patterson press--onsfeh anal, ken IA akepless in lie egerto iel, mead, disimlon among the Ailles . t ISO otzfUskut In there war plan- i- niair—tnio the rnotodrinnaik eve' that Genera idershait has rhea ds been "colour rentotter• hehte "hennwi subordinate his techni al ileums an giOhal Strate gy to Monica kalievert mei tourists The ;at- ter standing to this {a le, ironies to Witte Mexican life in 'the Bel- em ns, le,sorder ter„otor tu prow, tesdr.rorish Erw -- the wee multi The Anti-Nazi League leads the fight on enemies of democracy. In 1942 the League precipitated an editorial storm when, by means of the cartoon at left above , it warned Americans against helping to spread our enemies' propaganda line by purchasing the New York Daily News and its allied publications. Then we were alone. Now we are joined, ens the insets above show, not only by other patriotic or- ganisations and newspapers but by the President himself. It is comforting to have such allies in the battles yet to come.


Page 1: TO ENEMIES' SURVIVAL HOPES HIT WITH FASCIST … Subject Index Files/N... · 2011. 12. 9. · expres.9ion to my OWII feeling of apprehension at the

China's Friend

rises by Ceetrey SUM.. nor.

Congressman Dickstein

(Continued on page 2)

Willkie Makes Anti-Nazi

Appeal to Americans "In all oar dealings with those

of the conquered countries of Europe, with our potential friends, and, when the war is over, with our vanquished enemies we meet encourage and seek to work exclusively with the forces that are neither Nazi-tainted nor Fascist stained."

WENDELL L. WILLKIE October 15, Ian

(Continued on page 5)

FDR Hits Argentine A Ha-Semitic Stand

"While this matter so, of course, one which concerns primarily the Argentine Government and people, I cannot forbear to give expres.9ion to my OWII feeling of apprehension at the taking in this hemisphere of *elan ob-viously anti-Semitic in nature and of a character so closely identified with the most repug-nant feral/Ms of Nazi doctrine."

FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT October 18, 1948



°Ale* Z-12,1943 (TheArdid7;-. /ham said

Wisiepering GialeVr ee cesitro-

to:nether ler _• o -

GenesSi g"MthUrt.".7-stent. Lot warts' is-nqmP4'' v• Fora.

11,k, thew. „..,.."t,„,ral, a the eterateZY. taw

PO. the co.lping rila wel Warsholl Ss u

TisC beliWw3Pewerr mm Mehl. this are of hint anti goose in which usty are compelled to wort ir they ore to luErtll their funellort, The manotre Ones swim 01000 in ik tee often without realising how Insubstantial Ft is in realh.y. And the Went and most ermaemole deliberately exploit It—as the Pet-(Mon and hiceorreteic Lws-Panees are conaten14 doing—LO emote the assgininsil of 01010th and abstraction and baseless kus-51Don 1n the COilduct of the war and of Walls. The result is swh an OolSede as that overarming older of staff. facts1 no facts io Vih the eCinelriotion landed MIX to limit the

phial saiellrea.

On "Sept 241943 President Ritoravelt ..1Re etterzire,them..-

'hem; and InIne te endu., A teapot te, tettpest around the flgare it Gen-eral Swollen" as "a arnant ex- TS ample, Lime. or how obatenet 'g conduct of the war. and, Weed, or 1 wGo the Acts of Mot whispering geIlwy et ohms/Ism intin which we

mum tai

with R coeulaton mamma which

one theca word; •

semi no they weep him awn_ AA

the Peeerl=hinincrapied hisiwate Ina einee a Mr.:RCM.* ..ati■Yekre of. iris or the 'Pot/es-eon mad' to Lee spread "disunion among the dallea and confuelon is their soar alit- 11t+. nine to comment flab mind pm Woe to a reotseetehle pester that ..33th aye this.

Aga1n, when tee editorial 5, this • to su apt though

!Fd. eehre; which the A,-no het: lira ine

ssij these baseless minors, the

y nor

Preskleng lifted W. head up frees use reeding And saki he did not knole the men hisst that ward wee_

frontffiehT Tdffir



N as


Official Publication of the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League to Champion Human Rights, inc.

VOL. VIII —No. 5 NEW YORK, N. Y., OCTOBER, 1943 2P


Asserting ta.gyton K. Wheeler is rendering service to the Nazi cause by his unjustifralron workers in munition plants during the debate on the drafting of fathers, Professor James H. Sheldon, Administrative Chairman of the Anti-Nazi League on Oct. 4 told members of Knights of Pythias Active Lodge No. 633, 110 West 48th Street, that Wheeler10 was entitled to "wear the Iran Crosa of Neal.= for his efforts."

Citing passage after passage in Wheeler's address to the Senate on Sept. 28 as "subversive" and 'in-suiting to the Members of the Sen-ate,' Progeerme SheIdornaid:

"In its insults to the processes of democracy; in its appeal to class feeling; in its terroristic attempt to secure public support by throats against the home; in its subversive assanit on the morale of the armed forces of the United Staten by im-planting class feeling; in its per-sonal assaults upon the integrity of the Pasident of the United States; in its efforts to delay and held up the war effort by Congres-sional action, and finally by its industrial sabotage it was a mas-terpiece of Nazi propaganda.

Nazi Method Used

"Senator Wheeler of Montana bitterly attacked the prospective drafting of fathers for military

service. But the perfidy did not Be in that. Any man, in or out of public life has is perfect right to stand for or against curb a meas• pre in or out of wax time. But when the mask of patriotic endea-vor ' Thr made to 'Lover- a deithaffitc-

In this measure the Anti-Nazi League is particularly interested, not merely because of the political importance which attaches to it in connection with countering the dap-anese charges of racial bias against America, but because race preju-dice is one of the most potent and



Unity of Attach On United Nations War Aims Shows Appeasers of Axis Busy On Propaganda

fronts Throughout Country

Mrs. Agnes Water, of 3J67 N Street N. W.,Washington, D. C.; ago releases demanding immediate negotiated peace .w,..1 Germany and lawn. Mts. Waters is. todgyno ram, important than Adolph Schiekelgruber was in the. dayi when he sat around the back room of Munich saloons and groused about the Administra-tion.

Bat, inasmuch as alit txots-B

up the Hill nearly every day with Robert It LaFellette Sr. Mr. Mayer a fistfoll of her "releases" and de- says with would-be sarcasm: posits them with Senatorial Seen, teries, all of whom view her as something patiently to he borne, like Washington's hot days, or the Washington Tigaes-Merald, her ef-fect upon the legislative mind is not alarming. Or is it?

effective weapons against national u,nity here at horns- It is a Chia tool rst Nazi propaganda, precise-ly because "respectable?' citizens who proudly toast of American ancestry, and American doctrine, are now and have been made un-witting pawns. in the struggle to disunite the people of the United Notion, who are of differing-racial Stock, and to disrupt racial groups In industrial and production centers cancerneu with the carrying on of the war.

Jan Radio Gloats

The Japanese have been making steady capital Oat of the fact that we have not acted to repeal the ex-clusion laws.

Federal agencies have made rec-ords of literally hundreds of pro-paganda broadcasts to the Orient, in arm or eight different lan-guages, all harping on this one cheese. For example, last Decem-ber, from Tokio, In English, the daps said:

"It is about time that the lead- ess-ot -Chnnsking whould•hosoino • a Tittle uneasy about the good- will and sincerity of their Angle-Ameriean allies who promised them high Bounding phrases for the fature but gave them noth-ing, nothing but danger and dis-crimination for the present an in the past."

In the long range view the re-peal must also affect the Japan-ese. It is right and necessary to exclude every Japanese Irons our shares at this moment. Indeed, it is right that surveilibnce should not be relaxed for a moment upon all Japanese now within the couiP try. But this exclusion and surveil-lance should km made upon the

(Continued on page 3)

She writes in her release of September 10: "I think we should not only make peace with Rely, but with Germany at the same time and with Japan this month,

This should be a negotiated Peace as we cannot expect any self-respecting nation like the German people have proven themselves to be since the begin- ning of history..." which was 00

Minch even for her, as she was un- able to finish the sentence.

This was not only the manner of the Hitlerian ascent, but it was also the substance of it. She would seem to have been reading the propaganda of the Staub= Society. This appears in her presentation of material which that group hag t..ot- forth-for years, -including the- reiteration that:

"It was that old German blood that saved the North in the Civil War and It was the same blood that dictated the terms of sur-render offered to General Lee."

It isn't likely that Mrs. 'graters will, despite her efforts, become Chancellor of any "American Reich," but when Senators and Red-presentatives use the stuff she dr-culate.s — is it too toga to soy that they could?

That there should be a negotia-ted peace is also proposed td a recent issue of

' with which, its subti-;fe4trilrts' combined LaPollette's Magazine," founded in 2909 by

"For many years we kept a negotiated peace with Mussolini, Hitler, Hirohito and Franco while We sold them the stuff that made fascism possible. In those days any fool knew that negotiated peace was good because we made money on it.' Nowadays any fool known that negotiated peace means surrender and treason." This is typical, not only of Mr.

Mayer's writing, but of his think-ing on a wide variety of aubjects. For if Mr. Mayer's efforts to cre-ate a negotiated pears with Hitler and Hirohito and Mussolini mean anything at all, they muse peen_ sully mean that this would re-create the opportunity for each of there to rebuibl,.and with our help, the fascism against which we are fighting. And also that such a peace would constitute surrender and treason.

More Murder Wanted?' It would appear that Mr. Mayer

is willing to go to any length to secure-ice-'Hitler; Hirohito Hari&

-!.tAnserA,kon" Chiefs Smear United Nations Members ire House Hearing; Witness

Signed Hiller Propaganda Book

The Bill to repeal the Chinese Exclusion act which has for so many years disgraced the statute books, this week moved forward through sire House Immigration atri6,4aMta.lization Committee.. bearing the approval of most of ifs iiiiniSers, and partieUfarly of its chairman, Samuel Dickstein (D., N. Y.) The measure must now be voted upon by the whole House,3 whose approval is probable, al-though all available added support must still be organized.

On Sept. 23,1943 Ihe Xereld Mb4 Sold . , so .,

,rye csitt;trt rv'":"V'.atrj

- 0th,e14.,,,!'d. a ec",„: ,,,,,e. 0).


.Not' iar-O't apt 0°1 ''''703%. \ :.

'ete Zreg.ft,,tasigr.sta.:;,

\_,Tir, tn. trmatant '1'40,..rF- ,1\ 7,a-ssrl.te statt...d'' that VE1, v".: lits6 '44 he ll. 6i.t a . .i . -01. woo A7-..pd.;;,b.,;1,3;17.iL . by the Patterson press--onsfeh anal, ken IA akepless in lie egerto iel,

mead, disimlon among the Ailles .t ISO otzfUskut In there war plan- i-

niair—tnio the rnotodrinnaik eve' that Genera idershait has rheads been "colour rentotter• hehte "hennwi subordinate his techni al ileums an giOhal Strategy to Monica kalievert mei tourists The ;at-ter standing to this {ale, ironies to Witte Mexican life in 'the Bel-em ns, le,sorderter„otor tuprow,tesdr.rorishErw

-- the wee multi

The Anti-Nazi League leads the fight on enemies of democracy. In 1942 the League precipitated an editorial storm when, by means of the cartoon at left above, it warned Americans against helping to spread our enemies' propaganda line by purchasing the New York

• Daily News and its allied publications. Then we were alone. Now we are joined, ens the insets above show, not only by other patriotic or-ganisations and newspapers but by the President himself. It is comforting to have such allies in the battles yet to come.

Page 2: TO ENEMIES' SURVIVAL HOPES HIT WITH FASCIST … Subject Index Files/N... · 2011. 12. 9. · expres.9ion to my OWII feeling of apprehension at the

Conspirators Gain Tithe Ever since 1942 ---,July, as we remember — when, by reason

Of information some of which was provided the Department of justice by the Anti-Nazi League, a considerable number of persons were indicted on charges of conspiring to undormine the morale of the armed forces of the United States, we have eagerly scanned the news from Washington to see what was going on.

Nothing was going on. On the surface, that is, despite the of-ficial indictments. Come December, as the locution is around Times Solvate, we began to think nobody cared. Once in a while we asked if anybody really cared. But like Zero Mosters musical interlude on the open mind, some said yes and some said no, -

The furrows on our brow increased. and no did the distance be-tween the time of the presentment of the information and a trial date. We thought up sharp editorials directed toward the Attorney General in his professional capacity — and tore them up. Then we thought up some more and stronger ones, and did not write them. ;Then we thought up a really strong one, and wrote it and were just about — Heaven suppress our hasty conclusions? — to print it when we read that these charges now are to be changed to "en-gaging in a Nazi conspiracy."

Now we are only fearful lest these defendants be not tried on the new charges until the effect of their conspiracy may have had time to.breed a further and wider plot. The question is not only of what they shalt be accused — but when shall they be tried?

Democratic Dynamite John Roy CadSon's "Under Cover," which we are glad to see

running serially in the New York Post, is a landmark in the war against Nazism at holne.

A remarkably thorough job of "reviewing" this particular book has been done by its enemies — nt>tably CoI McCormick of the Chicago 'tribune and his fellow-publisher, Mr. Frank E. Gannett, and their numerous friends, who have engaged in a major effort (perhaps we should say "conspiracy") to keep "Under Cover" from the American people. But, as Time Magagine has pointed out under a heading, "How to Sell a Book," the direct result of the McCor-mick-Gannett effort has been to boost "Under Cover' into a Na. I position as current non-fiction best-seller.

Mr. Carbon's book is the most comprehensive expose so far published of the dangerous "nationalist," pro-totalitarian, anti-democratic 'agitators who operate in America. The book is made more interesting by style, an autoradiographical account of the nightmare voyage of Mr. Carbon through places and with people whom the uninitiated may be prone to regard as dream-like, but of whose reality the reader becomes so alarmingly aware that it is to be hoped he will want to do something about these evils.

Mr. Carlson has told adequately, and on the whole accurately, how the petty politicians and agitators, whose doings he reports, have served the fifth column. From this point of view, the book is complete. Our chief criticism occurs when an occasional excursion is made into the field of partisan politics outside the Fish-I loffman-Reynolds-Nye axis. The doings of those politicians and their co-horts are adequately reported; but it is hardly fair to list in a spe-cial "Congressional index," all elected officials whose names hap-pen to stray into the files of some subversive agency. Thus, while Gerald Nye gets what is obviously coming to him, why does the writer include in such a fist, the name of Cong. James M. Curley, of Massachusetts, whose conspicuously vigorous support of the President's foreign policies during the last half dozen years was a major factor in finally securing public support for these _policies in Mr. Curley's home state? It might be suggested that it would have been more in order to include the name of Senator Lodge, who as early as 1932, wrote a book in which he referred to Lawrence Den-nis as a good authority on foreign relations.

The book generally displays a high standard of accuracy, and the fact that those threatening libel suits against its publishers have done no worse than threaten, is adequate testimony as to the author's facts. The book is interestingly in the tradition of "1 Find Treason" by Richard Rollins it; 1941, "Passport to Treason," by Allen Hynd, and "Sabotage" by Michael Sayers and Albert E. Kahn. League members will find it familiar material but freshly presented.

It is our hope that the impetus "Under Cover" has given to the whole problem of dealing with the fifth column may be used as a sound foundation for expanding and strengthening the activi-ties of all pro-democratic leaders and organizations in America, the Friends of .Democracy, who sponsored the book, among others, The book is an accurate diagnosis. The operation has still to be performed,

The ANTI-NAZI BULLETIN Official Publication of the Non-Sectarian Anti-Na .1 Leagae to Champion Human Rights, Ina, 166 V. 46th St-, New York.19, N. Y.

TM ANTI-NAZI BULLETIN Its noloilsbed monelol,.. Allman through Atoll .7 bl7717171, .171a.-July sw aw NON1SECTABL1 A.NTI,NAZI LEAGUE TO MAIL PION S11111,1AN DA 105 weer 413,111 StooeL New Tech it. N. Y. j1{,, .010W p7petur 1.7-18 at 1.119 roe Off Lae at Nan 11,71c. N. IC. under the Act NI sno-cii a, 109. cfmtmunscstlaav EM EdIter. 1115 "Wen 4717 Bea. "reek 17. N. T. Oaarrlabi. 17.1.5. LY IM NON-VECTAALLN ANTLNAMI LEAVOQ TO CILIMPICEN 1:11.11•LOT WORT&

Pal- YICI— No. 5 October, 1943.

Edward W. Wright League's Eleventh in Armed Farces

Page Twn THE ANTI-NAZI BULLETIN October, /943 i

(Continued from page 1)

assent upon the war production of a nation already suffering the nat-ural slowdowns of a rmaltiplied pro-cluctiOn with a depleted manpower, the wretch* of free expression has, with true Nazi technique, been used to the advantage of the enemy.

"Today, with millions of men plunging into unfamiliar tech-niques in the factories which are turning out the greatest array of military might the world has ever witnessed, with single men taken by the drafts for military service until comparatively few remain, and with the prospect of more and more of this class to be taken from the factories for the front lines, the Senator from Montana brands those already straining themselves to the breaking point as 'slackers hiding 1E

Slowdown Stimulated "What- is the man ha industry

to think if he is told from the floor of the Senate of the United States that he is a sleeker? Put yourself at a lathe ten or twelve hours a day. Chafe at the shortages of ma-terial, the inefficiency of divrapted shop organization, the sadden de-privation of Your family life, and then, instead of Being told how great a service you are rendering to your country, let your two gov-ernment, through one of its privi-leged agents, tell you that you are a slacker! The slowdown resulting from this legally protected insult is one that must have made Der Fuehrer beam!

"But there was propaganda too. ernnaganda that would make G17015- bel5 blush for his own ineptitude, and turn green with envy.

Terrorism Alleged "For in no .less than half a dozen

insertions the Senator over and over again reiterated that 'there was no excuse for drafting fathers' — that the procedure was net to be in accordance with law and order, but that the fathers, particularly those with large and poorly pro-vided-for families, would be 'taken by the :tapes of their necks' and thrown into the Army while moth-ers were to be thrust willy-nilly into industry at hard labor and their children 'thrown into the streets' by the government of the United States.

This out-Herds Herod./ At any rate it out-groebbels Goebbele.

"Moreover, there is here involved the cowardice of cloaking the poisonous phrase in the privilege of Senatorial exemption from legal accountability.

Hid Believed Privilege "Were this the utterance of the

creek-pot 'fringe it clearly would be worthy of atteation. The fas-cists thrive on the unrest, suspi-cion, prejudice and the unholy lies of those who, in Der Tag, they would grind under the heels of their elite. But fully in line with the par-ty propaganda Of the Klan, the Conghlinitc, the winrodite, and Gerald L X. Smith's America First Party: it is here promulgated on the floor of the United States Sen-ate where neither vigilance com-mittee, nor FBI, nor any constitu-ted authority can touch its perpe-trator.

Would Head Senate "This is the man of whom Peti-

tions are now being circulated by the isolationist financed National-ist Republican Party to place his name on the ballot as a candidate for the Vice-Presidency, one of the chief functions of which is to pre-side over the deliberations of this body of most more interested in social functions than in the welfare of the fathers of the United States."

Bought That EXTRA

War Bond Yet?

Edward W. Wright

The ANTI-NAZI LEAGUE and reader's of the BULLETIN have lost another colleague to the for-eign -front. On the home front Edward W. Wright was always in there pitehing against Hitler and his kind. Now he is a member of the armed forces. This brings our honor roll to eleven.

suet before he left, the staff staged an impromptu patty for him, in which his "dossier' was thoroughly ,.xplored and the in-veatigation department proved it-self unflagging in its wider cover work. The best wishes of every member of our staff, and, we are sure, of our readers go with him.

Mr. Wright, before coming to the Anti-Nazi League, was Presi-dent of the Brooklyn Young Republicans' club, manager of the Brooklyn City Charter campaign; membership Secretary of the Citi-zens' Union, and randrinemi of the Board of Governors of the Brook-lyn Citizens' League. He was a lecturer and writer constantly in demand. We wish him good going —and a better and speedy return.

Isolationist Press Follows Nazi Line to Halt

Progress of War The August Anti-Nazi Bulletin

brought your a survey of the "When Do We Eat?" propaganda which has been flooding the country, as part of the effort of isolationist publishers like the bereaLs,„Col.,McCot and Nation- alist mopageinewleeilagnagra L. g„,...Sggit,L4artroit, to soften up the American people for a nego-tiated peace..

In the last sixty days "famine: scare" propaganda, and attempts to undermine the rationing machinery without which our soldiers and war workers Canna be fed, have Isecome the regular order of the day in the puhleatons still issued by several

i of the 83 men and women agitators indicted for sedition by the Dis-trict of Columbia Grand Jury and now awaiting trial.

Among those to join in the "fam-ine" cry, slice our August survey,

-. one of the most vocal is W gemau of Atascadero, Calif, er of Ametteatql#Milts, twice In-dicted by the Federal Grand Jury for seditious propaganda.

Rep. Landis Quoted The October issue of Zollgren's

publication carries on the front page a boxed story, "California Feed Riots Predicted by Farm Chief," next to a headline "'Ignore CPA Order' Rules Circuit Court." Inside is a prominent quote from

reserclartive R.. dis Sees Food

Crisis in America." Landis lute a consistently itolationist voting rec-ord, fro intim day he voted against fortification of Guam to the eve of

3rd Free World Congress Aids

Four Freedoms Toward the actual realization a

the Four Freedoms, ev.,swhere hY the world, and against the danget of the establishment of reactionary. goventmexts in Europe and else. where, the Third Free World Can, grass with meet October 28th Ur list in New York City, at the HoteI HeAlpin.

he first cession of the Congress will he the Fire World Dinner, Thursday evening, October 28th at the Hotel Pennsylvania, with Mrs, J. Borden Rarriman, F-ormer U. S. Minister to Norway as chairman..

Speakers will be: Harold Butler, British Minister to the U. S., Former Director of the Interna-tional Labor Office; Dr. Wei Tao Ring, Chinese Ambassador to the United States; Orson Welles, Holly-wood Free World Gornrofttee; J. Alvarez del Vayo, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Spanisli Republic- and Cot. Evans Carlson, of Carlsords Rangers, U. S. Marine Corps.

Among those who have agreed to participate in the Congress as delegates or speakers are Larne W. &ray, Rev. Ethel-red Brown, Pierre Cot, Alvared del VaIro, General jultua Deutsch, Professor Henry P. Fairchild, •Dr. Nahum Goldman, Rabbi Is-rael Goldstein, Prof. Carter Good-, rich,.Dr. Feliks Gross, Prof. Ernest Hamburger, Dr. Josef Hama, Jack-son Leighter, Hex Lerner, Dr. Lin-Yu-Ying, Prince Hubortus sitt Loewenstein, Dr, H. H. Sheldon, Lisa Sergio, Amp Singh, Jan Stencryk, Paul A. Tierney-

The Third Free World Congress will urge that no artificial handi-caps shall impede the grovring strength of the democratic forces of Europe, and to secure the co-operation of the allied military ach asimiatraticas with these tomes; 'to define the meat-kilt: of a lasting peace and a democratic world order and to Mast upon utter destruction of all forms of fascism in every nation.

Pearl Harbor, When he opposed TO. pea/ of the Neutrality Act. For good measure, Eallgren offers for sale, in his "Books for Patriots. column, Joseph Ramp's Rape-rice (Constitutional Education-al tclegue. N. Y.), the most ela-borate publication so far gotten out in this propaganda campaign.

MeanwhAajorasetnrillrffichitti Publisher at Publicity, also under indictment, has started the issuance of a series of leaflets sinter the title "Idesseggsmiavehe latleasm," the current LMS-4 of which features an article attaching'the Administration's food program under the head 'Totalitarian Food Production Means Ruin to The Nat tion." An enclosure is devoted mainly to jokes made at expense of the country's rationing machi-nery.

Tribune Still Busy

fisher e, Ind., pub

G re4.47C-Ray, does not -

let the Fact that he, too, is under indictment awaiting trial for sedi-tion, stop him from confirming to distribute his propaganda paper, •alieh, in its issue of October 143, finds ground for well-stimulated alarm fn the "secrecy" of our cone-try's food strategy. Asher offers no suggestion as to how to lift this secrecy without advertising vital data to the enemy.

Of course, the Chicago Tribune and its allies continue to develop this same theme, though in a some-what more dignified—and vastly more dangerous—manner. Thus, the front page of the issue dated Sept, 28 starts off "The Incredible

(Confirmed an Page 4)

Wheeler Wars On U. S. Morale

In Draft Speech


Page 3: TO ENEMIES' SURVIVAL HOPES HIT WITH FASCIST … Subject Index Files/N... · 2011. 12. 9. · expres.9ion to my OWII feeling of apprehension at the

Employer Fights for Labor Race Equality

CHICAGO—Labor and industry Initst join hands to see that every person, regardless of race, has an equal opportunity to contribute his knowledge and skill to industrial progress, Charles L. Horn, presi-dent of the Federal Cartridge Corp., Twin Cities ordnance plant, laid the MI annual conference of the League at the La Salle Hotel.

"There should be enough lead-ership in bath industry and labor to face realistically this problem of full minority participation," Horn said. His turn employes about 0,000 Nag-rime in its plants. -


The conviction of ,,EdialearMaaitsiglit-51 on a charge of writing and send-ing seditioas pamphlets thru the malt was upheld in Chicago, on Oct lath, by the United- States 'Circuit COurt of Appeals, which 'reversed the conviction calaliiimar WAWaikireog 9, a co-defendant with

'Hattie Roth men had been sentenced by

Federal Midge William H. Heals,. She Appeals court held there was uv evidence to show that Soller, iwho mimeographed the pamphlets, knew how they were being used Itartnell was sentenced to five years

EOM and Seller had been sear ,tercel to a year aqd a day.

The conviction of a third co-de-fendant, Nuoil,6110-0teas set aside previRily by JuW Holly.

- Bought That EXTRA War Bond Yet?


Eight of the nine Bundists being prosecuted in Chicago will be tried before Judge William J. Campbell, the ninth, Ernest Henry Scharf, securing the recommendation of the Executive Committee of the District Court that his case .-be heard by judge William H. Holly. The other tried dates are:

Karl Hermann Sautter, Oct. Hugo Johannes Luethje, Oct. 25; Carl August Vogel, Oct 27; Frank Aiphons Schoennagel, Nov. 16; Dr. Ottoe A. Willumeit, who is already convicted of espionage and violation Of the Selective Service Art, Nov. 11; Irene Matz, secretary to Wfilumeit, Nov. 28; and Friederich August Jakob Anton Kiefer Dec. 1.

Argentina Suppresses Book Bottling Hitler

Free-Book, an anti-Nazi publish-ing house, says, in a story in the New York Times, that the black book which it published last spring had been barred by the Argentine Government.

The book was said to have bean compiled jointly by fifty-she anti-Nazi European writers. It de-'scribed the "crimes perpetrated by the Nazis in the European coun-tries enslaved by Hitler."

"In the whole of America," the publishing house said, "Argentina is the only country that does not permit the sale of this book. The work is an affective contribution to the struggle against the Axis."

Page -Four THE ANT/-NAZI BULLETIN October, 1943


[Continued from page 1) -

136013+1W a negotiated peace which woad compel us to continue the Mind behavior which Ied to the rape of Poland, the assault on Eng-land, the science of Norway, the massacre of Czecho-Slovakia and the destruction of most of Europe, wide areas in Asia, and even large parts of Africa. Perhaps Mr. May-er {whose anti-Semitism was de-spite the protest of the Anti-Nall League, given space in the Satur-day Evening Pest) is ao overjoyed at the prospect of several million more of the people he so denounced being enslaved, despoiled and- mur-dered that he wants us NOW to negotiate the peace that will insare a repetition of these disaster's,

It sheald not be forgotten that the proponents of a negotiated peace do not in a single instance state soy terms of negotiation. They do not want the horrid apec-tette of terms designed to prevent any resurgence of fascism. They fear democracy as they fear nth- ' fag else. They are, wittingly in some instances — unwittingly M others — effective agents of the Nazi regime, the fascismo that gees with castor oil sad the stilet-to, and the Bushido that fosters brutality and rapine for the samu-rai, which is the Japanese equiva-lent of the Nazi elite. For, to use one of Mr. Mayer's favorite rhe-torical cliches, 'any fool" {includ-ing Mr. Mayer) knows that terms which deprive the enemy of his power to threaten the physical, eco-nomic and spiritual peace of the hest of the world, are acceptable neither to the enemy nor these who In America today stand for a nego-tiated peace.

- Earlier in the same week Burton E. Wheeler was pounding away at the Commander-in-chief of the United States Army to "define un-conditional surrender, bring about

'peace in Europe and establish a democracy through that war-torn continent" In other words what

Mr. Wheeler wanted was a good old fascist "peace" — which is not "dichotomous" with an uncondition-al surrender at all; that is, IL deem not stern from the tame root.

Defeatists Spreads

There is in this country a vide-Bored and important "Pailttetalkea Movement " Parts of which, lilac


are based on the theory that war is not at all nice; or like Stuart Chase's tolotnn in the Progressive, that even if we are beating Hitler back in Italy, and shoving Mussolini along with him, while the Russians, with our help, are beating him back in.,,Rus-sia, and even if we are daily edg-ing up to within easy bombing dis-tance of Tilde, we are still losing the war because — well just be-cause we can't win It and we may as well lace that fact

All have a certain numerical fol-lowing. The Axis propagandists know that usually there is some issue upon which the united pur-pose of any people can be de-stroyed. 'Their technique is to fin-ance, foster and encourage any movement which can create anta-gonism to the government charged with the responsibnity of conduct-ing the war. And the speetacle of more than a dozen such movements, each with its own divisional dyna-mite, racial, economic, political, moral tossing their own brand of explosive into the center of our war effort — all crying out for an im-mediate negotiated peace — nego-tiated, that is, in favor of the Axis, small weeder that Mr. Chase is In-clined to be pessimistic. Few men in this country are more familiar with Nazi propaganda than Mr. William L. Shiner, who remarked recently in the Herald-Tribunes

"While the Nazi command may-have given np hope of an out-right victory, it certainly has not abandoned hope of gaining e stalemate and thus at negotiated peace."

League Expanding Services to Women With the pressure increasing

from Nazi sources both in Eu-rope and America to Influence, public opinion in the United States, the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nadi League is planning im-portant strengthening of -Pa effectiveaeas in several fields. file Women's Division is plan-ning, through Mrs./nue Hatand, activities to increase the in-formation service, broaden the club, Satiety and organisation contacts, and stimulate interest by special programs on and off

the air. Do your friends receive the

Bulletin? Have you rated them lately? You and they will want to read the nest issue-

Citizens Joining in League Protest On Stuyvesant Tow


Civic Bodies to Aid Court Action

Following the initial protest by the Anti-Nazi league against the policy of deliberate racial discrim-ination admitted lir Metropolitan Life. in its Stupresant Town hors-ing project, sentiment against New York Cities participation in the plan has reached formidable pro-portioas. The AntiNazi League's suit to break the contract %between the insert' ce company and the City is still pending in the courts,

Civic Bodice Act On August 16, a taxpayers' ac-

tion, sponsored by many leading civic organiZations

' was filed in

Supreme Court by Eliot D. Pratt. Included among the sponsoring groups are the ,Citizens' Housing 'Connell of. New York, the Citizens Union, the City-Wide Citizens Committee on Harlem. the Com-mittee Against Race Discrimina-tion in the War Effort, the New York Committee of the American Civil Liberties Union, the Greater New York Industrial Council of the CIO, and the United Tenants League of Greater New York. The action seeks to declare the Stuy-resent Town contract invalid and, pending the decision by the Court, to enjoin the City and the Metro-politan from proceeding further with their piens.

Free Use Denied According to Harold S. Buttea-

helm, president of the Citizens' Homing Council, the new suit seis-es the question of the constitution-ality of the Redevelopment Com-panies Law, under which the pro-ject is undertaken. The Housing Council is attacking Stayer:sant Town primarily on what it Can-aidera ite serious defects from the standpoint of sound housing de-velopment, stating that under pres-ent plans the area would be over-crowded, deficient of school and community facilities. The Gonna also points out that free use of its facilities could wlllfslly be denied the public at large, and cites the formai assertion of a Metropolitan representative that no Negroes would he permitted as tenants, al-though the project will be greatly aided by public funds and tax ex-eraptiena.

The Anti-Nazi League welcomes Mr. Pratt's suit, and again urges upon the City administration the desirability of reconsideration in order that se vast a program may truly represent the best in housing standards and in democratic social attitudes.

German, Italian, Japanese Fascists Used Hinz Until

League's Expose Effectiveness of the Anti-Nazi

League's fight on fascism was again made apparent last week when Donsdiagap, self-styled "American ras publisher of sub- versive and anti-sernitle literature was barred from three defense areas by the United States Army as a person "dangerous to the na-tional defense

The League's expose of Shea's activities dates back to 1.927, when it reported his activities in speak-ing at the Bund's Camp Novitiate!. near Andover, N. 7. On this ocaasien the "heils" which greeted him rivalled those given Herr Schickelgruber.

In our files are many copies of his pamphlets, reeking with racial pois on, screaming hatred of America and all things American. He was the founder of the "Amer- ican Fascists, Inc." of Maki , aseamillowterational Gentile

".a "non-pro . •

Dragged of Power Wheno ator the

notorious I ran cis., announc- ed himself as Chairman of the American Fascists, he immediately heard from Donald Shea, whose theory was—"if you can't fight 'emu, co-operate." He sensed the glamour which Castarina's Italian name gave his brand of fascism in 1147, and thought it better to cooperate combat this stealing of Ida thunder. So he invited Casio-rims to Baltimore and wrote:

"Wish you could bring mime of your companions along. Even some of the Germane in their uniforms would be welcomed and treated right. We do things right down here and of course that's to be expected where the poli- ticians are catering for our favors. We have things our own way,"

It is evident that he didn't mean the American way. He filled aPeak-ing dates for the Klan; the brutal and sadistic Christian Mobilizers led by Curge Van Nosdahl; the America eeffiliLT*- Vad the Italian fascists.

He Is known to have utilized Bruton E. Wheeler's Senatorial franking privilege to mail that worthy's speeches en masse, and to have declared that he favored physical violence to the persons of Senators and Congressmen who voted for lend-Iease

Although his activities took him to all parts of the United States, his moat fregoent meetings were in Baltimore and Washington with prominent native fascists. His present plans, he said at his home, 512 aLst street, Baltimore, are to move to Missouri, which is one

Bought That EXTRA War Bond Yet?

Food Lies Persist (continued from page 2)

story of an entire state starving for beef," headed "Chicago Tribune Press Service," and prefaced with a -box containing page references to three other stories presenting material unfriendly to the essential wartime rationing program.

Organizations affiliated with the Anti-Nazi League should be on the watch for signs of this type of propaganda in their respective neighborhoods.

of the few states not yet barred bins.

Wrote Many Parephelets Among the pamphlets from 1

poison pen in the Mee of the An Nazi League. is an "Appeal Reason,"yablished by the 1st tAamtietot Commerce affirilist buted-Imet-Var other w

q met Alien American vritaY4PrMaistance of the I3ir and the Japanese Chamber of Car mecca Re signed stickers elected that "England Expects Eve American to Do and Die for He which had a wide national dittnlb Lion.

His appeal for membership is 1 notorious National Gentile Leag was made to warped minds alma "softened up" by the regiment Hon of the Christian Mobilize Chris-MI=1, Front, and similar rabbi rousere.

Had Prisoner Racket

His latest organisational effe was the ra War Associstion"-tlor-ougliaraciat" foratirlt-rnerican famili details concerning their relatar now in Nazi concentration canal He said most of his informata was culled from Carman short-wa broadcasts. When he found Provost Marshal General's offi was "doing good work along SI lime," alter he learned of restriction order imposdd by I General Hugh A. Drum, Shea sa he discontinued the "organization

Thus, by continued reporting Shea, and the action of proper go anumanted- agencies, the activid of one of the nation's leading ant democratic propagandist releinif have at least been restricted an put under adequate surveillance-


PROPAGAN (Continued from page 3)

dons of malcontents, the doctrin that rationing is unnecessary. 01 rionsly this is Herr Goebbel'a et pert perception that you can mall anybody, madder if you synmathie with him over something that hr made his life a little less pleas= This has been generally discuss by 'news and radio COMM entatcas F a palpable Nazi attack on the hots front.

Nazi Lice Followed It is therefore a little curio;

that, in the party sponsored by HY ex-Fronter, anti-Semite and ant democrat, there should be four candidate seal ing, under .. el; ty's banner a Queens Count judgeship. For Mr. Soviero, wt seems fed up With tile present ge, ernment, has publicly remarks that there is plenty of gasoline am meat, and there is no need for ri tinning those items. Unless he In been patronising a black marks which is certainly a long, long we up Hitler's alley, or unless he is vegetarian without a-car, he karat there is not plenty of either con modity. -

There will be more of the Arne iron Rock Party's broadcasta te readers of the Anti-Nazi. Bullet to monitor for themselves on Oe 22, 27 and 29, — =leas remethin happens in the meantime to cow them tel believe that silence something more than golden. any rate the League will proto, any discrimination on the part r the radio stations in favor of 11 Rock throwers,

Do Your Friends Get The Bulletin?