to download TE. Computer Science & Enggineering 2016 Syllabus

SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY, SOLAPUR FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Syllabus Structure and detailed syllabus of T.E. (Computer Science & Engineering) w.e.f. Academic Year 2016-17

Transcript of to download TE. Computer Science & Enggineering 2016 Syllabus

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Syllabus Structure and detailed syllabus of

T.E. (Computer Science & Engineering)

w.e.f. Academic Year 2016-17

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of T. E. (C

UR UNIVmputer Scien

omputer Sc

VERSITY,nce and Eng

cience & En


ngineering) w


w. e. f. 20166-17


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TeachingLecture:PracticaTutorial COURSE

1) T2) T

M-----------COURSE At the en

1) R2) A


Unit 1: IOperatingSharing SCalls. Unit 2: PProcess CInterproc Unit 3: PBasic coReal time Unit 4: IBackgrouproblems

Unit 5: DSystem preventioapproach Unit 6: MBackgrouPaging, S


g Scheme : 3 Hrs/Wel: 2 Hrs/We

l: 1 Hr/Wee

E OBJECTTo expose thTo learn baManagement---------------E OUTCOMnd of the cou

Recognize theAnalyze the

rocess contrynchronizati

Introductiong system deSystem, Pers

Process Concept, Process Commu

Process Schencept, Schee scheduling

Interprocessund, The cris of synchron

Deadlocks model, Dea

on, Deadloch to deadlock

Memory Mund, LogicaSegmentation


1. OPE

ek ek k

TIVES: he importancasics of opt and I/O dev---------------

MES: urse, studente role, structfeatures androl, CPU schion etc.)

n efinition, Simsonal Compu

ocess Sched


eduling duling Crite

g (Algorithm

s synchroniztical sectionnization, Mo

adlock chark avoidance


Management al Versus Pn, Segmenta



ce of the roleperating sysvice manage---------------

t will be ableture of OS, ad functions pheduling, mu


mple Batch uter System,

duling, Oper

eria, Schedums evaluation

zationn problem, Sonitors.


racterizatione, Deadlock

hysical Addation with pa


mester – I SYSTEM C Exa The Term Pra

e and structurstem such ement. ---------------

e to applications provided byutual exclus

TION – I System, Mu, Parallel Sy

ration on pro

uling Algoritn).



n, Methods k detection,

dress space,aging.


ONCEPTSamination Seory: 100 Mmwork: 25

actical Oral

re of operatias Process


and relationy Operating ion, deadloc

ulti programmystem, Real T

ocess, Coop

thms, Multip

ion Hardwar

for handlinRecovery fr

, Swapping,


Scheme arks marks Examinatio

ing system. Manageme


nship betweesystem mod

ck, memory

med Batch STime System

perating proc

ple processo

re, Semapho

ng deadlock

from deadloc

, Contiguou

on: 50 mark

ent, Memor


en them. dules (such amanagemen

(5 Hrs.) System, Tim

m, and System

(6 Hrs.) cess, Thread

(6 Hrs.) or schedulin

(5 Hrs.) ores, Classic

(7 Hrs.) ks, Deadlocck, combine

(6 Hrs.) us Allocation





as nt,

me m




ck ed


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Unit 7: Virtual Memory (5 Hrs.) Background, Demand paging, Page replacement, Page replacement algorithms, Allocation of frames, thrashing (Only concept). Unit 8: I/O system (4 Hrs.) Overview, I/O hardware, Application I/O interface, Kernel I/O subsystem, Transforming I/O request to hardware operation. Text Books: 1. Operating System concepts – 5th, 7th or 8th Edition – Silberschatz, Galvin (John Wiley). Reference Books: 1. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 5th Edition by William Stallings (PHI) 2. Operating system with case studies in UNIX, Netware and Windows NT by Achyut Godbole (TMGH). 3. Operating Systems – Deitel, Deitel, Choffnes – 3rd Edition, by Pearson Education

Term work: Tutorials: In tutorial session, students of different batches be assigned different exercise problems and be guided for the solution of the problems. Tutorials are based on:

1. Study and Comparison of different types of OS. 2. Examples of IPC such as POSIX shared memory, Mach OS, Windows XP 3. Exercise problems given in textbook for Unit III. 4. Exercise problems given in textbook for Unit VI 5. Exercise problems given in textbook for Unit V. 6. Exercise problems given in textbook for Unit VI. 7. Disk Performance optimization: Introduction, Characteristics of Moving Head Disk

Storage, Disk scheduling strategies, Rotational optimization. 8. File System: Introduction, Data hierarchy, File systems, File organization, File

Allocation, Free space Management. (Reference book no. 3) 9. Exercise problems given in text book for Unit VIII

Practical List: It should consist of the 12 practical based on following lists based on C and Linux. 1. Study of UNIX Operating System and required commands. 2. Implementation of a program which describe the use of system calls such as fork (), abort (), suspend () etc. 3. Implementation of FCFS scheduling algorithm. 4. Implementation of SJF (preemptive & non preemptive) 5. Implementation of round robin (RR). 6. Implementation of priority scheduling algorithm. 7. Implementation of Banker’s Algorithm for Deadlock Avoidance. 8. Implementation of RAG or WFG method for Deadlock detection for single instance of resources. 9. Simulation of Page Replacement strategies (FIFO, LRU, Optimal) based on Java Multithreading. 10. Implementation of Mutual Exclusion 1st/ 2nd/ 3rd algorithm. 11. Implementation of Mutual Exclusion using semaphore (wait & signal) 12. Implementation of producer consumer problem (Bounded buffer)

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TeachingLecture:PracticaCOURSE1. To le

system2. To de3. To ac-----------COURSE At the en1. Ident2. Desig3. Apply-----------

Unit 1: LIntroductFundame Unit 2: AElementsassemble Unit 3: MMacro dpreproce

Unit 4: CAspects memory allocation Unit 5: LRelocatiooverlays. Unit 6: LFunctionloader, D


g Scheme : 3 Hrs/Wel: 2 Hrs/weeE OBJECT

earn the princm. esign compucquire skills ---------------E OUTCOMnd of the coutify various lgn and impley language p---------------

Language Ption, languentals of lang

Assemblers s of assemblers, design of

Macros anddefinition anssor-Design

Compilers aof compilatiallocation, Mn and access

Linkers on and linki.

Loaders n of loader, gDynamic load




ek ek

TIVES: ciples of pro

uter languageof Language

----------------MES: urse, studentlanguage proement prototprocessor de---------------

rocessors age procesguage, Speci

ly language f a two pass

Macro Prond call, Moverview.

and Interpreion, compilaMemory allos, Dynamic p

ing concept

general loadeding, Design




ocessing of a

e processorse processor d---------------

t will be ableocessors. types of langevelopment t---------------


ssing activiification, lan

programminassembler, A

ocessorsMacro Expan

SECTetersation of expocation in bpointer), Inte

s, design of

er scheme, An of direct lin


IENCE & Emester – I


an HLL prog

. developmen---------------

e to

guage procestools to creat---------------TION – I

ities, Fundanguage Proce

ng, A simpleA single pas

nsion, Neste


pressions, colock structuerpreters

f a linker, S

Absolute loanking loader



MMING Exa The Ter

gram for exec

nt tools. ----------------

ssors. te Language---------------

amentals oessor develo

e assembly sss assembler

ed macro c

ode optimizaured languag


der, Relocatr.



amination Seory: 100 mrmwork: 25

cution on a c


e Processors.---------------

of languageopment tools

scheme, Pasfor IBM PC

calls, Desig

ation, Static ges(Scope Ru

ng program

ting loader, D

Scheme marks 5 marks




(8 Hrs.) e processins.

(8 Hrs.) ss structure oC.

(6 Hrs.) gn of Macr

(9 Hrs.) and dynam

ules, Memor

(6 Hrs.) s, linking fo

(7 Hrs.) Direct linkin







mic ry



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Text books: 1. System Programming and operating systems – 2nd Edition D.M. Dhamdhere

(TMGH) (Unit-1,2,3,4,5) 2. System Programming -- J. J. Donovan (Mc-Graw Hill) (Unit-6) Reference books: 1. System Software- An Introduction to Systems Programming- 3rd Edition- Leland L.

Beck(Pearson Education) Termwork: Practical List: Practical assignments should be carried based on –

1. Simulation of text editor. 2. Introduction of TASM. 3. Implementation of Macros. 4. Implementation of Nested macros. 5. Design and implementation of 1 pass assemblers. 6. Design and implementation of 2 pass assemblers. 7. Symbol table generation for input *.c file. 8. Design Lex specifications for the tokens – keywords, identifiers, numbers, operators,

white spaces.  9. Implementation of Toy-code generator. 10. Simulation of linkers. 11. Simulation of loaders.

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TeachingLecture:Practica -----------COURSE

1) Tm

2) Tto

3) ThU

-----------COURSEAt the en

1) T2) T

pr3) T



Unit 1: OTCP/IP PProtocol S Unit 2:TUDP: OvUDP ServTCP: TCin TCP, FSCTP: StFormat, A Unit 3: CClient SeServers, SFunctionsConnectio


g Scheme : 4 Hrs/Weekl: 2 Hrs/We

---------------E OBJECTTo build themechanism bTo introducethe client-seroffered by thTo study thhypertext, hURL, differe---------------E OUTCOM

nd of the couTo demonstraTo write app

rotocols suchTo show themechanism.


Overview ofProtocol SuitSuite, Addres

Transport Lerview of the

vices, UDP AP Services, T

Flow Control, tream Contro

An SCTP Asso

Client Serveerver ParadSocket, Byte s, Socket Syon-oriented C



k ek ---------------

TIVES: e idea of mubetween the e the studentrver communhe transport lhe architectuypermedia,

ent Web docu----------------MES: urse, student ate the purpoplication layh as UDP, Te functionin


f TCP/IP Prte: Comparissing: Physica

ayer e OSI Model a

Applications, UTCP Features,

Error Controol Transmissioociation, Stat

er Model andigm: Server,

Ordering Funstem Calls,

Concurrent Ser




ultiple layersdifferent layt with clientnication usinlayer protocoure of WWWweb clientsuments in th---------------

will be ableose of differeyer protocolTCP & SCTPng of web


rotocol Suiteson between Oal, Logical, Po

and the TCP/IUDP Package, Segment, A

ol, Congestionon Protocol: te Transition D

nd Socket In, Client, Connctions, AddrConnectionlerver, TCP Cli


mester – I ER NETWO E T T Pra


s in the datayers of OSI Rt-server parang connectiools. W, HTTP, s, web servhe applicatio---------------

e to ent layers.  s using serv

P. based mail

---------------TION – I e OSI & TCP/Iort & Applica

IP Protocol S

e, TCP Connec

n Control, TCIntroduction,Diagram

nterface ncurrency, Cress Transformess Iterative ient Server Pr


ORKS ExaminationTheory: 100Term-Workactical Oral ----------------

a communicReference Madigm for soonless & con

e-Mail & dvers and the

n layer. ----------------

vices offere

system and


IP Protocol Sation Specific

Suite, UDP: In

ction, State Tr

CP Timers, TC SCTP Servi

oncurrency imation FunctServer, UDP



n Scheme 0 Marks k: 25 Marks

Exam: 50 M---------------

cation and thModel. ocket interfacnnection-orie

describe theeir compone


ed by the tr

d web serv


Suite, Layers c Addresses

ntroduction, U

ransition Dia

CP Package ces, SCTP Fe

in Clients, Cions, MemoryP Client Ser

Marks ---------------

he addressin

ces to discusented service

e concepts oents to defin


ransport laye

vices workin


(4 Hrsin the TCP/I

(14 HrsUser Datagram

gram, Windo

eatures, Pack

(8 Hrs.Concurrency y Managemerver Program




ss es

of ne





s.) IP

s.) m,



) in nt


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Unit 4: Host Configuration & Domain Name System (8 Hrs.) Host Configuration: BOOTP Operation, Packet format, DHCP: Introduction, DHCP Operation and Configuration. Domain Name System: Need for DNS, Name Space, DNS In the Internet, Resolution, DNS Messages, Types of Records, Encapsulation, DDNS. Unit 5: Remote Login and File Transfer (10 Hrs.) Remote Login: TELNET Concept, Time-Sharing Environment, Network Virtual Terminal, Embedding, Options, Symmetry, Suboption Negotiation, Controlling the Server, Out-of-Band Signaling, Escape Character, Mode of Operation, User Interface. SSH: Components, Port Forwarding, Format of SSH Packets. FTP: Connections, Communication, Command Processing, File Transfer, Anonymous FTP, TFTP: Messages, Connection, Data Transfer, UDP Ports, TFTP Applications. Unit 6: WWW, HTTP and Electronic Mail (8 Hrs.) World Wide Web and HTTP: Architecture, Web Documents, HTTP. Electronic Mail: SMTP, POP, IMAP: Architecture, User Agent, Message Transfer Agent: SMTP, Message Access Agent: POP and IMAP, Web-Based Mail. Text Books:

1. TCP/IP Protocol Suite: Behrouz A. Forouzan (Fourth Edition) (Unit 1,2,3,5,6) 2. TCP/IP Protocol Suite: Behrouz A. Forouzan (Third Edition) (Unit 4) 3. TCP/IP Protocol Suite: Behrouz A. Forouzan (Second Edition) (Unit 3) 4. Computer Networks : Andrew S. Tanenbaum 5. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, International Edition:

James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross Reference Books:

1. Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol III. Client-Server Programming & Applications: Douglas E. Comer

2. Data and Computer Communications: William Stallings 3. Data Communication and Networking: Behrouz A. Forouzan

Term work: Student should perform 10 to 12 experiments based on the following guidelines and preferably conducted on Unix / Linux platform using C language.

1. Installation of Unix/Linux Operating System. 2. Configuration of Network-Assigning IP Address, Subnet-Mask, Default Gateway, DNS

Server Addresses & Testing Basic Connectivity. 3. Study of typical network components such as Server, Client, Network Interface Card,

Connector (RJ-45), Communication Medium, Modem, Firewall, Patch Panel, Racks, Leased Line, Connecting Devices: Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges, Switches, Routers.

4. Study of College Network and Design of Any New Network. 5. Connectionless Iterative Server: C Implementation of Client-Server Programs Using Iterative

UDP Server. 6. Connection-oriented Iterative Server: C Implementation of Client-Server Programs Using

Iterative TCP Server. 7. Connection-oriented Concurrent Server: C Implementation of Client-Server Programs Using

Concurrent TCP Server. 8. Implementation of Simple Network Chatting Application. 9. Remote Login: TELNET

a. Log on to a remote computer from client using TELNET.

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b. After logging on executes few commands at remote server from client. For example user wants a server to display a file (hello.txt) on a remote server then he/she types: cat hello.txt.

c. Log on to a remote computer from client using TELNET and Putty terminal emulator. After logging on execute few commands. Here Client and Server are on heterogeneous systems, for example client is on windows and server is on Linux.

10. Remote Login: SSH a. Log on to a remote computer from client using SSH. b. After logging on executes few commands at remote server from client. For example

user wants a server to display a file (hello.txt) on a remote server then he/she types: cat hello.txt.

c. Log on to a remote computer from client using SSH and Putty terminal emulator. After logging on execute few commands. Here Client and Server are on heterogeneous systems for example client is on windows and server is on Linux.

d. Execute a command on remote computer (Linux/Unix) using SSH without logging on. For example to execute a single command on remote computer one may can use ssh user1@server1 command1

11. File Transfer: FTP a. Connect to a FTP server from client. b. Download a file from server. For example, suppose there is a file (hello.txt) on the

server then download it on the client. c. Upload a file onto server. For example, suppose there is a file (hello.txt) on the client

then upload it on the server. d. List directory contents. For example, use ls command to list the contents of current

directory. 12. Simulation of DHCP. 13. Simulation of DNS. 14. Study of the next generation protocol:IPv6 Vs IPv4

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1 T2 T3 T

co4 T

b-----------COURSEAt the en

1 A2 D3 A4 S


Unit 1: IAlgorithmPerformaaverage Practical Unit 2: DThe genQuicksor Unit 3: TThe genspanningpatterns,

Unit 4: DThe gene0/1 Knap Unit 5: BThe geneand Grap

4g Scheme : 3 Hrs/weekl: 1 Hr/week---------------E OBJECT

To study algoTo evaluate aTo equip theonquer, dyna

To explain thasic complex---------------E OUTCOM

nd of the couAnalyze the aDemonstrate Apply import

ynthesize ef---------------

Introductionm Specificatance Analyscase compComplexitie

Divide and Ceral methodrt, Selection,

The Greedyeral method

g trees – PrimSingle sourc

Dynamic Preral method,psack, Reliab

Backtrackineral method,ph Coloring.



k k ---------------

TIVES: orithm analyand compare student witamic program

he differencexity classes ---------------

MES: urse, student asymptotic pa familiaritytant algorithmfficient algor---------------

n tion: Pseudosis: Space Clexities: Caes, Performa

Conquer d, Binary s, Strassens M

method d, Knapsackm’s and Kruce shortest p

rogramming, Multistage bility design

ng , 8-queen pr

UR UNIVComputer S



ysis, design a algorithms th essential mming and t between trasuch as P, N---------------

will be ableperformance y with majormic design prithms in com---------------


o code ConveComplexity, ase study, Aance Measur

earch, FindMatrix multip

k problem, uskal’s Algorpaths

SECTg graphs, All

, The Travel

roblem, sum

VERSITY,cience & En

mester - I AYLISIS OF


and applicatiusing worst,algorithm dthe greedy m

actable and inNP complete ---------------

e to of algorithm

r algorithms.paradigms anmmon engin---------------TION – I

entions, RecTime Com

Amortized rement

ding the maplications

Job sequenrithms, Opti

TION - II pair shortesling Sales pe

of subsets,





ion. , average and

design technmethods and ntractable prand NP-har


ms. nd methods

neering desig----------------

ursive Algor

mplexity, CalComplexity

aximum and

ncing with dimal storage

st paths, Operson problem

Knapsack P


THM Examinatio

Theory: 100Term work:---------------

d best case aniques such a

many of its roblems andd. ---------------

of analysis. gn situations---------------

rithm lculating wo, Asymptot

d minimum,

deadlines, mon tapes, O

timal binarym. Flow sho

Problem, Ha


on Scheme 0 marks

25 marks ---------------

analysis. as divide anapplications

d identify


. ---------------

(8 Hrs.)

orst case antic Notation

(7 Hrs.) Merge sor

(8 Hrs.) minimum-coOptimal merg

(8 Hrs.) y search treeop schedulin

(7 Hrs.) milton Cycl



nd s.



nd ns,


ost ge

es, g


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Unit 6: NP-Hard and NP-Complete problems (7 Hrs.) Tractable and Intractable Problems: Computability. The Halting problem, Computability classes – P, NP-complete and NP-hard, Cook’s theorem, Standard NP-complete problems Reduction techniques Text Books:

1. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms–Horowitz, Sahni & Rajasekaran (Galgotia Publications) 2. Algorithm Design –Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassla, Wiley Student

Edition 3. Data Structures and Algorithms - Aho, Hopfcraft and Ullman (Addison wesley)

Reference books:

1. Fundamental of Algorithm. – Gilles Brassard, Paul Bratley (Pearson Publication) 2. Introduction to Algorithms – Thomas Cormen (Pearson Publication) 3. Introduction to Design and Analysis of Algorithm – By Goodman (McGrawhill) 4. Algorithm Design, Jon Kleinberg, Eva Tardos, Pearson, 1st edition

Termwork: Assignment List:

1. Assignment on Space complexity & Time Complexity 2. Problems on Asymptotic Notations 3. Performance measurement of various algorithms 4. Assignment on Recurrence Relations 5. Study and solve problems of different sorting algorithms 6. Finding time complexity of searching and sorting algorithms 7. Solve exercise on Greedy Algorithms 8. Assignment on Dynamic programming 9. Assignment on Backtracking 10. Exercise on NP-Hard and NP-Complete problems

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1) To le 2) To k

3) To ac-----------

COURS At the e

1) Jus2) Ide3) Ide

-----------Course IConcepts-----------

Unit 1: BFunction Unit 2: PInstructioarithmetiDivision(operation Unit 3: HHardwire(Introduc

Unit 4: MVirtual Replacem Unit 5: IAccessinChannels Unit 6: PUniprocePipelinincoupled ,

ng Scheme e: - 3 Hrs/W

---------------SE OBJECTearn fundameknow the procquire funda---------------SE OUTCOend of the cotify the princntify performntify paralle---------------Instruction s of CPU ma---------------

Basic Structnal Units, Ba

Processor Lon format, Inic-Addition, (Restoring n, IEEE float

Hardwired Ced Control ction), (Impl

Memory Ormemory: M

ment policies

nput-Outpung I/O devis

Parallel Processor and Mng & vector, Linear and


5. CO


---------------TIVES entals of comcessor level

amentals of p---------------

OMES ourse, studenciples of commance of proel architectur---------------

ay be clarifie---------------

ture of Comasic operation

evel Designnstruction ty

Subtractionand Non ting point st

Control UniUnit: Desig

lementation o

ganization aMemory His ,High Spee

ut Organizaces, Direct

cessing andMultiprocesso

r processingNonlinear p

UR UNIV(Computer



mputer organdesign, mem

pipelined arc---------------

nt will be abmputer organocessor, desire. ---------------

ed through si---------------

SECmputer Hard

nal concepts

ypes, Bus hin, MultiplicRestoring Aandard

it gn Methodsof Multiplie

SECand Design ierarchy, Med memories

ation Memory A

d Pipelined Aor parallelismg, Multipro

pipeline ,Pipe

VERSITY,Science & E

mester - I R ORGANIZ


nization. mory and I/Ochitecture. ---------------

ble to nization. ign memory


imulation so---------------CTION I dware s, Bus Struct

ierarchical arcation (BooAlgorithm)

s (Sequencer in each cas


Main memors-Interleaved

Access, Inte

Architecturm; Types of

ocessor Archeline hazard



Theor Term


O organizatio


hierarchy an


oftware tools----------------

ture, Generat


oth AlgorithImplement

e counter); se).

ry allocatiod memories,

rrupt Handl

e f uniprocesshitecture-tig


UR g)

mination Schry – 100 Ma-Work – 25---------------



nd interface


s. ---------------

tion of comp


hm ),Fast mation of fl


on, Segmen

Cache, Asso

ling, I/O In

sor parallelisghtly couple


heme arks 5 Marks ---------------


I/O devices



(06 Hrs)puters.

(11 Hrs.)C, Fixed poinmultiplicationfloating poin

(05 Hrs.) Control Un

(08 Hrs.) nts & pageociative.

(05 Hrs.)nterfaces, I/

(09 Hrs.)sm; Basics oed & loosel







nt n, nt




of ly

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Text Books: 1. Computer Architecture & Organization – J.P.Hayes (MGH) (Chapters:1,2,3,4) 2. Computer Organization - Hamacher and Zaky (MGH)(Chapters:1,5) 3. Advanced Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing- Kai Hwang and Briggs (MGH)

(Chapter:6) 4. Computer System Architecture and Organization-Dr.M.Usha and T.S.Srikanth (WILEY INDIA) Reference Books: 1. Advanced Computer Architecture- Kai Hwang (MGH) 2. Computer Organization and Architecture –Hennessy Patterson (ELSEVIER) 3. Design for Performance-William Stallings (PEARSON) Termwork: Assignment List:

1. Discuss the different technologies of first, second , third and fourth generations of computer and compare them.

2. Name the different addressing modes, their assembler syntax, addressing functions with an example.

3. Explain IEEE standards for floating point number. Represent +12.375 in to single precision and double precision format.

4. Hexadecimal values of A=43100000H, work out IEEE representation of A in single precision format.

5. With an example discuss the division operation with restoring and non restoring method.

6. Why program control I/O is unsuitable for high speed data transfer. Give the reasons. 7. Discuss the sequence of events involved in handling an interrupt request from a single

device. 8. What are the major difference between Cache-Main memory and Main- Secondary

memory hierarchies? 9. With an example, explain the FIFO and LRU replacement policies, with two different

memory capacities. 10. Draw the architecture of tightly coupled multiprocessor with private cache. 11. What is hazard? What are different types of hazards? Explain each with an example.

What are types of data hazard? With example, explain types of data hazard.

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TeachingLecture:Practica----------COURSE1 To l2 To i

prog3 To i


----------COURSEAt the en1 Imple2 Explo3 Analy



Unit 1: BBasics: JStatemenFundamcontrol, MPackagesGarbage Unit 2: IInheritanPolymorpFields, UNumberGenerics Unit 3: EExceptioThe try BMethod, and UnchBasic I/OFormattin

g Scheme 2 Hrs/Weel: 4 Hrs/Wee---------------E OBJECTearn Object introduce thgramming. impart basicironment to c

---------------E OUTCOM

nd of the couement Objecore and use tyze platformme environm


Basics and FJava Runtimnts, Blocks, C

mentals: DataModifiers, Cs, Wrapper cCollection.

Inheritance,nce: Extendphism, Type

Using the Keyrs and Strings: Generic C

Exceptions, ons and ErrBlock, The c

Throwing Ehecked ExceO: I/O Streang, Data Str



ek ek ---------------

TIVES: oriented pro

he student B

c understandcreate standa

---------------MES: urse, student ct oriented prthe Java API

m independenment to creat


Fundamentae EnvironmeControl flowa Types, Arr

Constructors,classes, InterRecursion in

, Numbers ading Classes e Compatibilyword “supegs: String CClasses and M

Error Handror Handlincatch BlockExceptions, eptions, Advams, Byte Sreams, Objec

UR UNIVE(Computer

Sem. Lab - JAV


ogramming pBasic Java A

ding and analone GUI, W


will be ablerogrammingIs for implemnt applicatiote GUI and W


als of Java ent. Languag

w Statementsrays, Objects, Overloadinrfaces, Usinn Java.

and Strings,and Inheritality and Coner” lass and MeMethods.

dling and Bg: Exceptions, The finallChained Ex

vantages of Etreams, Chact Streams ,

ERSITY, Science & E

mester - I VA Program


paradigms usAPI Classes

nalyze platfoWeb applica


e to g paradigms menting varin runtime en

Web applicat

---------------CTION I

ges Basics: Vs. s and Classe

ng methods, Ag the Keywo

, Generics ance, Types onversion, Ove

thods, String

Basic IO ns and Errorly Block, Spxceptions , CExceptions. aracter StreaFile I/O Cla


mming ExaminTerm-WPractica


sing Java lanand Feature

orm indepenations using J


using Java lious functionnvironment ations using J


Variables, O

s. Fields andAbstract claord “this” .

of Inheritancerriding and

gBuffer Clas

rs, Catching pecifying theCreating Exc

ams, Buffereasses: Readin

R g)

ation SchemWork: 25 Mal Oral Exam---------------

nguage. es for use in

ndent applicaJava languag


anguage. nalities of anand choose aJava languag


Operators, Ex

d Methods, Asses, NestedObject Life

ce in Java,

d Hiding Met

ss and Metho

and Handlin

e Exceptionsception Clas

ed Streams, ng, Writing,


me Marks m: 50 mark---------------

n Applicatio

ation runtimge.


n Applicationappropriate ge.


(4 hrs) xpressions,

Access d classes, time &

(4 hrs)

thods, Hidin


(5 hrs) ng Exceptions Thrown bysses, Checke

Scanning an and Creatin


ks --







ns a ed

nd ng

Page 17: to download TE. Computer Science & Enggineering 2016 Syllabus


Files and Directories. Unit 4: Java Collections Framework (3 hrs) Introduction, The Arrays Class, Searching and Sorting arrays of primitive data types, Sorting Arrays of Objects, The Comparable and Comparator Interfaces, Sorting using Comparable & Comparator, Collections: Lists, Sets, Maps, Trees, Iterators and Collections, The Collection Class.

SECTION II Unit 5: Multithreading and Network Programming (4 hrs) Multithreading: Creating Threads, Thread scheduling and priority, Thread interruptions and synchronization, Thread Safety, Pros and Cons of Multithreading. Network Programming: Networking fundamentals, TCP, UDP communication in Java. Client server programming: InetAddress, URLs, Sockets, DatagramSockets. Unit 6: JDBC and RMI (4 hrs) JDBC: Introduction to JDBC, JDBC Drivers & Architecture, CRUD operations Using JDBC API. RMI: Introduction, RMI Architecture, The Remote Interface, The Remote Object, Writing the Server and Client, Remote Methods, Arguments and Return Values, Stub and Skeleton Classes. Unit 7: GUI Programming with AWT and Swing, Applets (4 hrs) GUI Programming with AWT and Swing: Hierarchy of classes in AWT and Swing package, , Layouts, Events , Listeners and Event handling. AWT and Swing Components. Applets: Introduction, Applet’s execution environment, Lifecycle, Developing and Deploying Applets Unit 8: Servlets and JSP (4 hrs) Introduction to Servlets and JSP, Servlet architecture and lifecycle, JSP architecture and lifecycle. JSP Elements. Requests and Response Objects in Servlet API and JSP, Cookies and Session Handling using Servlet API and JSP. Text Books: 1. Head First Java – Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, O’Reily Publication 2. The Java™ Programming Language By Ken Arnold, James Gosling, David Holmes, Pearson Publication 3. Head First Servlets and JSP – Bryan Bosham, Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, O’Reily Publication 4. Core Java for Beginners- Rashmi Kanta Das, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd. Reference Books: 1. The Java Language Specification, Java SE 7 Edition Book by James Gosling, Oracle Inc. (e-Resource: ) 2. Java: The Complete Reference 8 Edition - Herbert Schildt , Tata McGraw - Hill Education 3. The Java™ Tutorials. Oracle Inc. (e-Resource: 4. Java Server Programming for Professionals - Ivan Bayross, Sharanam Shah, Cynthia Bayross and Vaishali Shah, Shroff Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd, 2nd Edition

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Term Work:

• Students should undertake minimum 20 practical assignments based on each above topic.

• The assignments should test and develop student’s practical proficiency and ability to use Java API Classes efficiently in writing effective code for varied applications scenarios & requirements.

• Use of IDEs like BlueJ, Eclipse, Netbeans for Interactive development and debugging of Java applications is highly recommended to enhance hands on skills in Java Programming of Students.

• Preferably use Apache Tomcat/GlassFish Server with Eclipse or Netbeans for assignments based on Servlets and JSP.

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Refer to t


the syllabus



common to

UR UNIVComputer S

Sem7. Self Le


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VERSITY,cience & En

mester-I earning (HS


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faculty of en


Examinati Theory: 50




ion Scheme0 Marks __________



Page 20: to download TE. Computer Science & Enggineering 2016 Syllabus



di2. T

co3. T4. T

-----------COURSEAt the en

1. A2. U3. Im4. A5. A

-----------Course iStudy ofunderstan-----------

Unit 1: ILanguage Unit 2: LThe RoleTokens, Generatofor Lexic Unit 3: SIntroductParsing, I Unit 4: SSyntax DTranslati

ng Scheme e: 3 Hrs/We

cal: 2 Hrs/W

E OBJECTTo introduce

ifferent partTo impart knompiler, par

To design varTo distinguish---------------E OUTCOM

nd of the couApply techniqUse simulatiomplement va

Apply differeAnalyze and ---------------instructionsf open sournd each phas---------------

Introductione Processor,

Lexical Anae of the LexFinite Auto

or- The Struccal Analyzer

Syntax Analtion, ContexIntroduction

Syntax DireDirected Defon, Syntax D


1. C

eek Week

TIVES: e principal ss of compilenowledge ofrsing methodrious phasesh different o---------------

MES: urse, student ques for the on software tarious phaseent optimizatcompare var---------------

s: rce softwarese of compil---------------

n: Structure of

alysis: xical analyzeomata, Concture of the Gr.

lysis: xt Free Gramn to LR parsi

cted Translfinitions, EvDirected Tra

UR UNIVComputer S


structure of er. f fundamentds etc. of compiler

optimization ---------------

will be ablestructure of to justify coms of compiletion techniqurious compil---------------

e – YASS bler. ---------------


f Compiler

er, Input Bunversion of Generated A

mmars, Writing: Simple L

lation: valuation Oranslation Sch

VERSITY,cience & En


compiler, b

als of langu

r such as Lextechniques i


e to f compiler. mpiler desiger. ues in the delers to select---------------

by Universi

---------------CTION - I

uffering, SpeNFA to D

Analyzer, Pat

ting a GramLR, More po

rder for SDDheme, Bottom


UCTION ExaminTheory Term-W

basic theorie

uage translat

xical analyzein the design----------------


esign of comt optimum. ----------------

ity of Wisco


ecification ofFA, Designttern Matchin

mmar, Top-d

owerful LR

D’s, Applicm-up Parsin


ation Schem- 100 Marks

Work – 25 M

es and meth

tor, structure

er, parser etcn of compile---------------





f Tokens, Rning a Lexing based on

own Parsingparsers

ation of Synng of L-Attri


me s


hods used fo

e of a typic

c. er. ---------------


son, to bette


(3 Hrs.)

(5 Hrs.)

Recognition oical Analyze

n NFA’s, DF

(8 Hrs.)g, Bottom-U

(6 Hrs.)ntax Directeibuted SDD’








of er A


ed ’s.

Page 21: to download TE. Computer Science & Enggineering 2016 Syllabus


SECTION - II Unit 5: Intermediate Code Generation: (6 Hrs.) Variants of Syntax Trees, Three Address Code, Types & Declaration, Control Flow – Boolean Expression, Short Circuit Codes & Flow of Control Statements, Backpatching, Switch-Statements. Unit 6: Run Time Environments: (3 Hrs.) Storage Organization, Stack Allocation of Space. Unit 7: Code Generation: (7 Hrs.) Issues in the Design of a Code Generator, The Target Language, Basic Blocks & Flow Graphs, Simple Code Generator. Register Allocation & Assignment. Unit 8: Code Optimization: (7 Hrs.) The Principle Sources of Optimization, Optimization of Basic Blocks, Peephole Optimization, Introduction to Data Flow Analysis. Text Book: 1. Compilers - Principles, Techniques and Tools - Second Edition - A.V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, R. Sethi and J.D. Ullman (Pearson Education) 2. Compiler Construction - Dhamdhere (Mc-Millan) References: 1. Compiler Construction – Principles & Practice – Ken Louden (Cengage Learning) 2. Compiler Design in C – Allen I. Holub (PHI / Pearson Education) 3. Compiler Construction - Barret, Bates, Couch (Galgotia) 4. Crafting a compiler with C – Charls Fischer, Richard LeBlane (Pearson Education) Term Work: It should consist of minimum 8-10 experiments based on the above topics. Following experiments may be conducted for the term work. Practical List

1. Design a lexical analyzer for a language whose grammar is known. 2. Implement a recognizer for the language in 1. 3. Recursive Descent Parser 4. Shift Reduce Parser 5. Operator Precedence Parser 6. Generate a symbol table for the language given in 1. 7. Generate 3 address codes for the language given in 1. 8. Implement code optimization techniques on the code produced in 7. 9. Generate target code for the code optimized in 4, considering the target machines to

be X86. 10. Code Optimization Tools

Page 22: to download TE. Computer Science & Enggineering 2016 Syllabus

TeachingLecture:Practica-----------COURSETeacher nlimited to1. To in

mana2. To pr3. To bu-----------COURSEAt the en1. Illust

UNIX2. Apply3. To co-----------

Unit 1: IGeneral System Sof UNIXAdminist

Unit 2: TBuffer hewriting d Unit 3: IInodes, sblock, in Unit 4: SOpen, ReClose, FiOwner asystems,

g Scheme : 3 Hrs/Wel: 2 Hrs/ W---------------E OBJECTneeds to foco: ntroduce fundagement, prorovide handsuild the conc---------------E OUTCOM

nd of the coutrate File StruX Architectuy basic UNIompare betw---------------

IntroductionOverview oServices, AsX OS, Intration.

The Buffer Ceaders, struc

disk blocks, a

Internal Repstructure of node assign

System callsead, write, File Creation,and Change



2. U

eek Week


us on and m

damentals anocess manags on commacept of multi---------------

MES: urse, student ucture, Proc

ure IX/Linux comween single u----------------

n f the System

ssumption Antroduction

Cache cture of the advantages a

presentationthe regular

nment to a

s for the fileFile and Re, Creation o Mode, StaUnlink, F

UR UNIVComputer S



make students

nd architectuement, mem

ands of UNIXiuser operati---------------

will be ablecess Managem

mmands , syuser and mul---------------


m - History,About Hardw

to system

buffer pooland disadvan

n of Files file, directo

a new file,

e System ecord Lockinof Special Fiat and FstatFile System

VERSITY,Science & Eester – II



s learn about

ure of UNIXmory manage

X and Shell ing system.---------------

e to ment and M

ystem calls altiuser system---------------TION – I System Str

ware, Introdum concepts,

l, scenarios fntages of cac

ories, conve


ng, Adjustinile, Change t, Pipes, Dum Abstra




t some of the

X Operating sement and I/OProgrammin


Memory Mana

and SHELL Pm ----------------

ructure, Useruction to the

Kernel D

for retrievalche.

rsion of a pof disk b

ng the positiDirectory anup, Mountin


UR )

ExaminationTheory :Term work:---------------

e following t

system incluO subsystemng


agement of U



r Perspective KERNEL-Data Struct

l of a buffer

pathname toblocks, othe

ion of FILEnd Change Rng and Unm



n Scheme 100 Marks 25 Marks---------------

things but no

uding file m of UNIX.


Unix using



(6 Hrsve, Operatin- Architecturture, System

(6 Hrsr, reading an

(4 Hrso inode, supeer file type

(5 HrsE I/O-LSEEKRoot, Changmounting fimaintenanc






s.) ng re m

s.) nd

s.) er


s.) K, ge le


Page 23: to download TE. Computer Science & Enggineering 2016 Syllabus


SECTION – II Unit 5: The Structure of process (4 Hrs.) Process stages and transitions, layout of system memory, the context of a process, Saving context of a process, manipulation of the process address space. Unit 6: Process Control (6 Hrs.) Process creation, signals, process termination, awaiting process termination, invoking other programs, the user id of a process, the shell, system Boot and the Init process. Unit 7: Process Scheduling and Time (3 Hrs.) Process Scheduling, system call for time, clock. Unit 8: Memory management policies (5 Hrs.) Swapping, Demand passing, a hybrid system with demand paging and swapping

Unit 9: The I/O Subsystem (4 Hrs.) Driver interfaces, disk drives, terminal drivers, Streams. Text Books:

1. The design of Unix Operating System - Maurice J. Bach (PHI) 2. Unix Manuals.

Reference books:

1. Unix concepts and administration – 3rd Edition – Sumitabha Das (TMGH). 2. Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment by W.Richard Stevens. 3. UNIX Concepts & Applications by Sumitabha Das

Term Work: It should consist of minimum 8-10 experiments based on the above topics. Following experiments may be conducted for the term work.

Practical List:

1. Study of Unix Architecture. 2. Write a program for file copy. 3. Write a program for file transfer. 4. Write a program to implement ls command 5. Write a program to implement getblk algorithm 6. Write a program to implement ialloc & ifree algorithm. 7. Write a Program to implement alloc and free algorithm. 8. Study of System calls STAT & FSTAT , PIPES,LINK &UNLINK,DUP,MOUNT

&UNMOUNT. 9. Study of shell programming

• WAP to find whether entered number is even or odd • WAP to find factorial of number • WAP to find whether entered number is prime or not • WAP for fibonnaci series • WAP to find sum of series of entered number • WAP to find power of number.

10. WAP to implement malloc algorithm .

Page 24: to download TE. Computer Science & Enggineering 2016 Syllabus


-----------COURSE1. To int2. To ex3. To ge4. To int-----------COURSEAt the en1. Apply 2. Analyz3. Put the

using 4. Analy-----------Course IVisit to B-----------

Unit 1: IAnalog C3G and 4 Unit 2: WFrequencModulati Unit 3: GMobile sHandove Unit 4: WIEEE 80ZigBee), Applicati

Unit 5: MMobile IP Unit 6: MTraditionretransmi

ng Scheme e: 3 Hrs/Weal: 1 Hr/Wee---------------E OBJECTtroduce conc

xplore skills ot acquaintedtroduce NFC---------------E OUTCOM

nd of the couthe principl

ze requiremee basic knowAndroid.

yze various s---------------Instruction BSNL for pr---------------


Wireless Tracies for radion, Spread s

GSM services, Syer, Security, N

Wireless LA02.11, Person

Ad-hoc aions.

Mobile NetwP, DHCP

Mobile Trannal TCP, Iission and re



eek ek ---------------

TIVES: cepts and priof finding so

d with basicsC standards a---------------

MES: urse, student les of mobileents of mobi

wledge gaine

scenarios and---------------

actical work---------------

n to Mobile tion: Carrier

ansmission io transmissspectrum, C

stem architeNew data se

AN nal Area Nand Sensor

work Layer

nsport LayeIndirect TCecovery, Tra

UR UNIVomputer Sc



inciples of molutions for ms of Android and practices---------------

will be ablee computing ile compatibed, into pract

d environme---------------

king of wired---------------


r signal, AM

sion, Signalellular syste

ecture, Radiervices, Mob

etwork, IEE

r network-In


er CP, Snoopiansaction ori

VERSITY,cience and Emester-II E COMPUT


mobile compmobile compOperating S

s. ---------------

e to in the real t

ble applicatiotice in devel

ents, where N---------------

d and wireles---------------CTION I cation

M, FM, PM,

ls, Antennasm, SDMA, F

o interface,

bile Number

EE 802.15.1ntroduction,


ing TCP, iented TCP.


TING Exami

Theory Term-W


uting. puting applicSystem and i


ime. ons. oping mobil

NFC can be p----------------

ss communic----------------


s, Signal prFDMA, TDM

Protocols, Portability.

and IEEE , Character

Mobile TC

UR g)

ination Schey: 100 MarkWork: 25 M---------------

cations. its architectu


le based app

put into prac---------------

cation system---------------

on, Generati

ropagation, MA,CDMA


802.15.4 (Bistics of M

CP, Fast a


eme ks Marks ---------------




ctice. ---------------

m. ---------------

(3 Hrs.)ions: 1G, 2G

(6 Hrs.)Multiplexin.

(7 Hrs.)n and callin

(7 Hrs.)Bluetooth anMANET an

(7 Hrs.)

(7 Hrs.)and selectiv









nd nd


Page 25: to download TE. Computer Science & Enggineering 2016 Syllabus


Unit 7: Android OS (Case Study) ( 5 Hrs.) Introduction, History, Features and Characteristics, Ecosystem, Hardware Requirements, Development Model, Android Concepts, Overall Architecture. Unit 8: Near Field Communication (Case Study) (3 Hrs.) Towards NFC Era, Ubiquitous Computing , Technological Motivation of NFC, RFID and NFC, General architecture of NFC enabled mobile phones. Text Books: 1. Mobile Communications – Jochen Schiller (PEARSON) (Chapters: 2,3,4,5,6) 2.Introduction to Wireless and Mobile System-D.P.Agrawal and Qing-AnZeng (CENGAGE)

(Chapter:1,4) 3.Embedded Android-Porting, Extending, and Customizing- Karim Yaghmour ( O'Reilly

Media) (Chapter:7) 4: Near Field Communication : From Theory to Practice - Vedat Coskun, Kerem Ok, Busra

Ozdenizci. (Wiley) (Chapter: 8) Reference Books: 1. Wireless Communication –Principles and practice - Theodore S. Rappaport (PEARSON) 2. Mobile and Personal Communication Systems and Services - Raj Pandya –(PHI) 3. Mobile Computing-Technology, Applications and Service Creation-Asoke K Talukder,

Hasan Ahmed and Roopa R Yavagal.(MGH) Termwork: Assignment List: 1. The message signal x(t)=Sin(100t) modulates the carrier signal c(t)=A Cos(2πfct).Using

amplitude modulation, find the frequency content of the modulated signal. 2. Compare and discuss the various techniques used in Multiple Division Techniques. 3. A TDMA system uses a 270.833Kbps data rate to support eight users per frame. a) What is the raw data provided for each user? b) If guard time and synchronization occupy 10.1Kbps, determine the traffic efficiency. 4. Give reasons for a handover in GSM and the problems associated with it. What are the

typical steps for hand over, What types of handover can occur? 5. Which resources need to be allocated during handover for data transmission using HSCSD

or GPRS respectively? What about QoS guarantees? 6. How do IEEE 802.11,HiperLAN2 and Bluetooth,respectively,solve the hidden terminal

problems? 7. List the entities of mobile IP and describe data transfer from a mobile node to a fixed node

and vice versa. Why and where is encapsulation needed? 8. What is the basic purpose of DHCP? Name the entities of DHCP. How can DHCP be used

for mobility and support of mobile IP? 9. How and why does I-TCP (Indirect TCP) isolate problems on the wireless link? What are

the main drawbacks of this solution? 10. Write a case study for selected Android OS of specific version. 11.Case study of NFC in modern smart phone mobiles.

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TeachinLecturePractic ---------

COURSE1. To de2. To in

and d3. To fa4. To ex-----------COURSEAt the en1. Apply

datab2. Desig formu3. Desig4. Demo concu----------

Unit 1: IDatabaseLanguageManagemDatabase Unit 2: RStructureQuery LCalculusStructureQueries, Nested SIntegrity Unit 3: OverviewRedundaDesign Is

ng Scheme e: 4 Hrs/W

cal: 2 Hrs/W

---------------E OBJECTevelop the rentroduce thedevelop queramiliarize thexpress the fu---------------E OUTCOM

nd of this couy the basic

base design, gn E-R diagrulate SQL qugn a databasonstrate knourrency cont---------------

Introductioe-System Apes, Relation

ment, Databes, Database

Relational Me of RelationLanguages, .

ed Query lanAdditional

Subqueries, Constraints

Database Dw of Desigant Attributessues, Exten



Week Week


TIVES: elational moe students anry writing ske students w

undamentals ---------------

MES: urse, the studconcepts ofrelational alrams to repreueries on it. e, analyze it

owledge of Atrol. ---------------

on pplications, al Databases

base ArchiteUsers and A

Model nal DatabasRelational

nguage (SQLBasic OperModificatio, SQL Data T

Design and gn Process, s In Entity

nded E-R Fea




del of data, n overview kills in SQL.with concept

of a transac---------------

dent will be f relational dgebra and daesent simple

t and improvACID proper


Purpose of

s, Database ecture, DataAdministrato

ses, DatabasAlgebra, T

L)-Overviewrations, Set n of the DaTypes and S

the E-R MoThe Entit

Sets, E-R Datures.

VERSITY, Science & En


Ex Th Te Pr---------------

of the datab

of normalization-process---------------

able to, data model, atabase lange database fo

ve the designrties of a tran


f Database Design, Dat

a Mining anors, History o

se Schema, Tuple Relati

w, SQL DataOperations,

atabase, JoinSchemas, Au

odel ty-Relationsh

Diagrams, Re



xamination heory: 100 Mermwork: 2ractical Ora---------------

base-design p

ation of datasing system a----------------

entity-relatguage SQL. or any real tim

n by normaliznsaction and


Systems, V

ta Storage annd Informatof Database

Keys, Schemional Calcu

a Definition, Null Valuen Expressio


hip Model, eduction to

Scheme Marks 25 Marks al Exam. 50 ---------------

process, wit

abase. and concurre---------------

tionship mod

me applicati

zation. d several tech


View of Dand Queryingtion RetrievSystems.

ma Diagram

ulus, Domai

, Basic Strues, Aggrega

ons, Views,


Relational S


Marks ---------------

th E-R mod

ency control---------------

del, relation

ion and

hniques of


(4 Hrs) ata, Databasg, Transactioval, Specialt

(10 Hrs) ms, Relationin Relation

ucture of SQate FunctionTransaction

(6 Hrs)ts, RemovinSchemas, E-




l. --



se on ty

al al

QL ns, ns,

) ng -R

Page 27: to download TE. Computer Science & Enggineering 2016 Syllabus


Unit 4: Relational Database design (8 Hrs) Features of Good Relational Designs, Atomic Domains and First Normal Form, Decomposition Using Functional Dependencies, Functional Dependency Theory, Algorithms for Decomposition, Decomposition using Multivalued Dependencies.

SECTION - II Unit 5: Indexing and Hashing (7 Hrs) Basic Concepts, Ordered Indices, B+-Tree Index Files, B+-Tree Extensions, B Tree Index Files, Multiple Key Access, Static Hashing, Dynamic Hashing, Comparison of Ordered Indexing and Hashing, Bitmap Indices, Index Definition in SQL. Unit 6: Transactions (7 Hrs) Transaction Concept, A Simple Transaction Model, Storage Structure, Transaction Atomicity and Durability, Transaction Isolation, Serializability, Transaction Isolation and Atomicity, Transaction Isolation Levels, Implementation of Isolation Levels, Transactions as SQL Statements. Unit 7: Concurrency Control (6 Hrs) Lock-Based Protocols, Deadlock Handling, Multiple Granularity, Timestamp-Based Protocols, Validation-Based Protocols. Unit 8: Recovery System (8 Hrs) Failure Classification, Storage, Recovery and Atomicity, Recovery Algorithm, Buffer Management, Log-Based Recovery, Shadow Paging, Recovery with Concurrent Transactions, Buffer Management, Failure with Loss of Nonvolatile Storage. Text Books: 1.Database system concepts by Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan

(McGraw Hill International Edition) sixth edition. 2. Database system concepts by Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan (McGraw Hill International Edition) fifth edition. 3. Database system concepts by Peter Rob, Carlos Coronel (Cengage Learning) ninth edition. Reference books: 1. Fundamentals of Database systems by Ramez ElMasri, S. B. Navathe (Pearson Education)

fifth edition. 2. Database Management Systems by Ramkrishnan Gehreke (Tata McGraw Hill) third

edition. 3. Principles of Database Systems by J. D. Ullman (Galgotia Publications) 4. Advanced Database Management System by Rini Chakrabarti, Shilbhadra Dasgupta (Dreamtech Press Publication). Course Instructions: Assignments 1 to 6 should be implemented in PostGreSQL/MySQL/Oracle. Assignments 7 to 11 should be implemented in C++/Java.

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Term Work: It should consist of 8-10 laboratory assignments as follows: 1. E-R Diagrams (around 5 in number) for any specific application and create a data

dictionary for the same. 2. Basic SQL-write simple queries in SQL on the schema created for a specific

application. 3. a) More SQL: Aggregates-write queries in SQL using aggregates, grouping and

ordering. b) Nested sub queries and SQL updates: write queries in SQL using concept of

nested sub queries and SQL update commands. 4. a) SQL DDL and updates: write queries in SQL on schema updates.

b) Schema Creation and constraints: write SQL queries to modify schema to create constraints.

5. Convert the created database into 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and BCNF. 6. Write a Java program for database (created in previous assignments) connectivity

using JDBC. 7. Write a program to implement B+ tree index (n=3 or n=5) on the database

previously created. 8. Write a program to implement dynamic hashing on the database previously

created. 9. Write a program to simulate log based protocol using immediate or deferred

database modification. 10. Write a program to simulate any one concurrency control protocol. 11. Given a set of functional dependencies, find canonical cover and closure of

functional dependencies.

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Teach Lectu Tutor-----------COURSEThe Cour1. To fo

softw2. To ill3. To en4. To le-----------COURSEAt the en1 Deve2 To im3 To en4 Know


Unit 1: ISDLC Dsoftware OverviewProcess M Unit 2: SSoftware Unit 3: Design PDesign MOO AnaMethodo Unit 4: The ProjAsset anEstimatio

hing Schemure: 3 Hrsrial: 1 Hr/w---------------E OBJECTrse should enocus on the

ware. lustrate and nable the stuearn to embe---------------E OUTCOM

nd of the couelop the softwmplement lifnhance the qw the basicovement. ---------------

IntroductionDefinition, P

process, Sofw: Project Management

Software Re Requiremen

Function aPrinciples, MMethodologyalysis and

ology, UML

The Projecect Planningnd the bodon and Sched


5. Se

s/week week ----------------

TIVES nable the stu

e study of p

compare useudents to anad various qu---------------

MES urse, student ware projectfe cycle modquality of procs of softwa


n to SoftwarPhased Deveftware DeveManagement Process.

equirementnts, Problem

nd Object OModule Levey, Verificatio

OO design Diagrams.

ct Planning g Infrastruct

dy of knowduling –Con

UR UNIVomputer Sc

SemSOFTWAR ---------------

udent plan, design

e of life cyclalyze and estuality standa---------------

will be ablet using approdels in softwaoduct and share metrics


re Engineerelopment Prelopment Pront Process,

ts Analysis am Analysis, R

Oriented Deel Conceptson, Metrics.n Concepts,

ture-Process wledge systencepts, Effor

VERSITY,cience and E

mester - II RE ENGINE


, architectur

le models of timate the cords in the so---------------

e to opriate phaseare developm

hould be ableand result


ring: rocess, Softwocess ModelSoftware C

and SpecificRequirement

esign , Design No

, Design N

Database, P

em, Requirert estimation




re and mod

f software deost, effort of oftware. ----------------

es. ment and fore to apply tes



ware process.


cation: ts Specificat

otation and

Notation an

Process Capement Chan, Scheduling

UR g)

ExaminationTheory: 100Term Work---------------

deling structu

evelopment. software pro


r their projecsting of softwt and basic


sses, Charac

on Managem

ion, Validati


d Specifica

ability Base

nge manageg.


n Scheme 0 Marks k: 25 Marks---------------

ure layout o



cts. ware. cs of proce


(6 Hrs.) cteristics of

ment proces

(4 Hrs.) ion, Metrics

(8 Hrs.) on, Structure

ation, Desig

(5 Hrs.) eline, Procesement, Effo












ss, ort

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SECTION-II Unit 5: Quality planning, Risk Management and Tracking (5 Hrs.) Quality Concepts, Qualitative Quality Management Planning, Defect Prevention Planning, Concepts of Risk and Risk Management Assessment, Risk Control, Concepts in Measurements: Measurements, Project Tracking Unit 6: Agile Project Management (5 Hrs.) Introduction to APM, Implementation, Iterative Project Management Life Cycle, Adaptive Project Management Life Cycle, Adaptive & Integrating the APM toolkit Unit 7: Managing Software projects, Project execution and closure (8 Hrs.) Processes and Project Management, Project Management and The CMM, Team Management, Customer Communication and Issue Resolution, The structure of the Project Management Plan, Concepts in Configuration Management, Configuration Management Process, Reviews Process, Milestone Analysis, Defect Analysis and Prevention, Project Closure Analysis. Unit 8: Testing (5 Hrs.) Testing Fundamentals, Black box and White box testing, Testing Process Text Books: 1. An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering- 3rd edition: Pankaj Jalote (Narosa

Publishers) 2. Effective Project Management Traditional, Agile,Extreme, Robert K. Wysocki WILEY

INDIA, 6th edition. 3. Software Project Management in practice-Pankaj Jalote 4. Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, 7/e, Roger S Pressman, R. S. Pressman & Associates, Inc. ISBN: 0073375977 Reference Books: 1) Ian Sommerville,software engineering, pearson education Asia, 6th edition 2) Software Engineering Fundamentals –Ali Behforooz and Frederick j. Hudson

(Oxford University Press) 3) PANKAJ JALOTE’S Software Engineering, A Precise Approach (Wiley Precise Textbook, WILEY INDIA) 4) Software Engineering by Ian Sommerville. Termwork : Tutorial List: Implémentation of mini software projets by applying SDLC cycles. It should consist of minimum 6 - 8 assignments based on each topic of above syllabus.

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Teach Lectu Pract---------COURSE1. To in2. To d

and 3. To d

Win-----------COURSE At the en1. Use

langu2. Desig----------

Unit 1: IThe .NETLanguagelanguage.NET and Unit 2: CCreating applicatioFlow conoverloadimethods Naming C Unit 3: OObjects athe “virtuObject Cand Dow Unit 4: ENeed forblocks, Delegate

hing Schemure: 2 Hrs/wtical: 2 Hrs/w-------------E OBJECTntroduce .NEdevelop basieffective usedevelop abil

ndows platfor---------------E OUTCOMnd of the cou.NET Frame

uage. gn and devel---------------

IntroductionT architecture code (MSI

e specificatiod Sharp Dev

C# Applicatand compili

ons using IDntrol and coning, Methodand fields, GConventions

Object Orieand Referenual” and “o

Class, the “newn casting, th

Exception Hr Exceptioncreating ans in C#, Mu


6. Le week week -------------

TIVES: ET Programic understande of .NET rulity to designrm. ---------------

MES: urse, studentework in bu

lop Object O---------------

n to .NET Fre , The comIL),Just in timon, common velop IDE.

tion Basics aing C# progrDEs, Namesnditional statds, Fields, PrGarbage Cols, Java vs. C

nted Progrance Types, Ioverride” keew” keywordhe “is” and “

Handling, Evns, Exceptiond defining lticast Deleg

UR UNIVomputer Sc

SemLab. – Progr


mming using ding of the suntime librarn and build


t will be ableuilding robu

Oriented and ---------------

SECFrameworkmmon langua

me Complielanguage ty

and Languarams using cpaces , the “tements , looroperties, Acllection, Stru


amming usiInheritance, eyword, the d in context “as” keywor

vents and Don Hierarchy

Custom Egate, Event H

VERSITY,cience and E

mester - II ramming in


the C# progsyntactical fry APIs to deObject Orie


e to ust software

GUI, Web a---------------


age runtime (ers , The framype system (C

age fundamecommand lin“using” keywops, Arrays ,ccess Modifiuctures , Nes

ing C# Interfaces a“base ” keof method o

rds, Boxing a

Delegatesy, Handling

Exceptions, Handling


n C#.Net Examinat Termwork Practical/-------------

ramming lanfeatures of Cevelop robusented and G



application o---------------

(CLR) , the, mework clasCTS), Introd

entals ne compiler (word , Basic ,Classes andiers and Accsted Classes,

and Abstractyword, the overriding , and Unboxin

g Exceptionthe “throw”

UR g)

tion Schemek: 25 Marks/Oral Exam-------------

nguage. C# programmst software a

GUI, Web ap


s using C#

on Windows---------------

Microsoft in

ss library, ,Thduction to Vi

(csc.exe), Cdata types, O

d Objects, Coessibility Le, String Man

t Classes, Po“sealed ” kType Castinng,

ns using try” keyword.


e s : 50 Marks-------------

ming languagapplications.pplications o



s platform. ---------------

(3 Hrs) ntermediate he common isual Studio

(4 Hrs) Creating Operators, onstructor evels, Static nipulations,

(4 Hrs) olymorphismkeyword, Thng: Up castin

(4 Hrs) y-catch-finall Events an








m, he ng

ly nd

Page 32: to download TE. Computer Science & Enggineering 2016 Syllabus



Unit 5: Multithreading and Basic IO in C# (4 hrs) What is Multithreading , Multithreading in C#, Static and Instances members of Thread Class, Basic Thread operations, Thread priorities, Thread Synchronization, File System and Streams: Streams and System.IO namespace , Console IO ,Reading writing and updating files and directories, System.IO.FileInfo Class , Serialization and Deserialization. Unit 6: GUI Programming in C# (4 hrs) Windows Forms and System Windows, Form namespace, Building Windows Forms Applications using IDE, Windows Form controls , Event Handling , List Box , Combo Box, Tree View, File Dialog, Tool Bar, Windows standard Dialog Boxes, Menu Bar, GDI+ Graphics: Drawing Lines ,shapes and images. UNIT 7: Data access using ADO.NET (4 hrs) Introduction to ADO.NET, System Data namespace, Data Set, Data Table, Data Row, Data Column and other prominent classes, Accessing and Updating Data using ADO.NET. UNIT 8: Introduction ASP.NET (4 hrs) Introduction to ASP.NET, State management in ASP.NET, ASP.NET Web Forms, Server Controls, Web application configuration, Creating Web applications using ASP.NET and C#. Textbooks: 1 Professional C#, 3rd Edition -Simon Robinson, Christian Nagel, Karli Watson, Jay

Glynn, Morgan Skinner, Bill Evjen, Wrox Press - Wiley India. 2 Programming in C#: A Primer 3 Edition -E Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw - Hill Education

Reference Books: 1 C# Language Specification Version 5.0 Microsoft.

(E-Resource available at 2 C# Programming Guide MSDN, Microsoft. ( 3 Microsoft Visual C# Step by Step 2010 - John Sharp, Microsoft Press.

Term Work: • Students should undertake minimum 10 practical assignments based on each above

topic. • The assignments should test and develop student’s practical proficiency and ability to

use .NET framework libraries and APIs efficiently in writing C# code for varied applications scenarios & requirements.

• Use of IDEs like SharpDevelop and Visual Studio Express Edition for Interactive development and debugging of C#.NET applications is highly recommended to enhance hands on skills in C#.NET Programming of Students.

Page 33: to download TE. Computer Science & Enggineering 2016 Syllabus

TeachingPractica -----------COURSE1. To u2. To

mea3. To e4. To m5. To e6. To u7. To p

-----------COURSEAt the en1. Ident2. Deve3. Prese

writin4. Deve5. Critic6. Apply7. Deve

-----------Note: 1. There2. Stude

topic 3. One g ----------Mini Pro1. Onlin2. Atten3. Exam4. Hardw

HDD5. Depa6. Libra7. Hotel8. Time9. CD L10. Admi

g Scheme l – 2 Hrs/we

---------------E OBJECT

undertake invmotivate stningful to so

enable studenmake studentencourage inuse modern tprepare stude---------------E OUTCOM

nd of the coutify and definelop a sustainent proposal ng skills. elop leadershcize and refiny modern to

elop a strong


e should be aents should bin CSE and

guide should----------------oject ideas (ne Examinatndance recormination Resware exhibi

Ds, Monitors artments / Coary Manageml Manageme

e table generLibrary manaission proce




TIVES: vestigation otudents to uociety nts to acquirts learn to w

ndependent ctools and siments to imple---------------

MES: urse, student ne the problenable producwithin budg

hip own soluols and simu

g sense of soc


a group of pbe given pro

d/or IT d be allocate---------------(but not limtion module rding and ansult analysis itors such asetc.), Intern

ollege websiment Systement System ation agement systdure automa

UR UNIVomputer Sc

Sem7. Mi


of complex pundertake d

re and develowork in team.critical thinkmulation pacement their a---------------

will be ableem. ct or offer a getary and tim

ution or produlation packcial responsi


referably 4 sojects in har

ed per batch. ---------------

mited to): (Multiple chalysis softwasoftware mos display bo

nal architectute


tem ation

VERSITY,cience and E

mester - II ini Project


problems. design of a

op professio. ing, creativi

ckages acquired eng---------------

e to

effective solme constrain

duct.  ages to deveibility and ac


students. dware, softw


hoice questioare moduleodule oard exhibiture and work




product, w

nal skills.

ty and discip

gineering kno----------------

lution to indunts with effe

elop productccountability


ware, embed



ting all typeking

UR g)

ExaminationTermwork: Oral Exam: ---------------

which is sus


owledge for ---------------

ustrial problective comm

. y.


dded or any c


es of mouse


n Scheme 25 Marks 25 Marks


stainable an

society. ---------------

lem. munication an




/ keyboard










Page 34: to download TE. Computer Science & Enggineering 2016 Syllabus


11. Online passport registration automation 12. Student Feedback system automation 13. Ice Cream parlor management system 14. Pizza hut – account management system 15. Multi player strategy game – Project ideas on Visual Basic, Java, Database 16. A speech response application using some hardware interface using the Microsoft SAPI

SDK 17. LAN administrator tool (socket programming comes easy in VB) which will monitor

application on a LAN and provide functions. 18. Voice mail systems 19. Computer telephony integration 20. Student Information System 21. Traffic Control system 22. Airline reservation system 23. Simulation for Balloon shooting game 24. Mini Calculator in ‘C’ 25. Moving ball game 26. Tic-tac-toe game 27. Design a personal profile web page

Page 35: to download TE. Computer Science & Enggineering 2016 Syllabus

COURSEAt the en1. Learn 2. Use A3. Perform-----------Unit 1: IWhen simdisadvanComponeof a syste Unit 2: CPurpose ScheduleTypes of Unit 3: BWriting O

1. S2. W3. S4. C

Books an

1. DN

2. S3. ht4. N

1. Self L

E OUTCOMnd of the couModeling anPI libraries fm a task com---------------Introductionmulation is

ntages of Sents of a sysem, Types of

Case study oof NS2, Ov

er, Network f Queue Mon

Basic ScenarOTcl code focenario for d

Wired Scenarcenario for T


nd ReferencDiscrete-EvenNelson,David

imulation Mttp://nile.wp

Network Sim


Learning (T

MES: urse, student nd Simulatiofor Networkmpletely on N---------------

n to Modelinthe approp

imulation; Astem; Discref Models,

of NS-x verview, OT

Componentnitor and Exa

rios using Nor followingdifferent toprio for differTCP and UDGraph for an

ces: nt System d M. Nicol

Modeling --

mulator websi

UR UNIVomputer Sc

SemTechnical) –

will be ableon. k Simulator.Network Sim---------------ng and Simuriate tool anAreas of aete and conti

Tcl: The Usets, Packet, Pamples,

NS2 g: pologies – starent bandwidDP with propny two scen


d Analysis –- NS by Exaite and NS2

VERSITY,cience and E

mester - II 1. Compute

e to

mulator. ---------------ulation : nd when it

application; inuous syste

er LanguagePost Simulat

ar, bus, meshdth and packper example.arios.

– Jerry Ba

Averill M. Lample tutoria



er Modeling Ex



is not apprSystems an

ems; Why an

e, Simple Simtion: Trace

h, ring ket size for 1.

anks, John

Law al

UR g)

g and Simulxamination Sheory: 50 m


ropriate; Adnd system nd what to M

mulation ExAnalysis an

0 nodes for

S. Carson


lation Scheme arks


dvantages anenvironmen

Model, Mod

xample, Evennd Example


II, Barry L



nd nt; del

nt es,


Page 36: to download TE. Computer Science & Enggineering 2016 Syllabus

COURSEAt the en1 Comp

and s2 Use t3 Demo-----------Unit 1: CNetwork Devices: overview Unit 2: NNetwork Discover Unit 3: NFault MaManagem Unit 4: MTesting aManagem Books an

1. N2. N


8. Self Lear

E OUTCOMnd of the coupare between

setup a compthe network onstrate diff---------------Computer N

Interface AHubs, Swit

w, Designing

Network MaManagemen

ry, Configura

Network Maanagement, Fment, Host a

Managemenand Monitorment.

nd ReferencNetworking –Network ManWesley (2000


rning (Techn

MES: urse, student n various co

puter networmanagemen

ferent ways o---------------

Network SetAdapters: NICtches, VLAN

g an Internetw

anagement nt Architectuation Databa

anagement Fault identifnd User Aut

nt Tools, Sysring Tools, In

ces: – The Complnagement : P0) (Unit 2,3,4

UR UNIVomputer Sc

Semnical) – 2. N

will be ableomponents ofk.

nt tools for mof network s---------------tup C Functions,N, Layer-3 Swork.

ures and Apases and Rep

Functions fication and thentication,

stems and Antegrating T

lete ReferenPrinciples an4)

VERSITY,cience and E

mester - II Network Set

e to f network, se

monitoring thsetup and use---------------

, Features, SSwitches, De

pplications, Cports, Abstra

isolation, Ev, Key Manag

ApplicationsTools, Devel

nce by Craig nd Practices b


tup and Ma E


elect approp

he network pe of network----------------

Selecting a Nesigning a N

Configuratioact Syntax N

vent correlatgement.

s opment Too

Zacker Tataby Subrama

UR g)

nagement TExaminationTheory: 50 m

priate networ

performance.k managemen---------------

NIC, NetworNetwork: Ne

on ManagemNotation One

tion Techniq

ols, Web-bas

a McGraw Hnian M. MA


Tools n Scheme marks

rk topology

. nt tools. ---------------

rk Connectioetwork desig

ment and Aute (ASN.1)

ques, Securit

sed Enterpris

Hill (Unit 1)A: Addison –



on gn




Page 37: to download TE. Computer Science & Enggineering 2016 Syllabus

COURSEAt the en1 Prese

distri2 Analy

softw-----------Unit 1: IBasic PrLicensing Unit 2: SThe MITFree LiceLicense ,and Philo Unit 3: CCreative Microsof Unit 4: LEntering EnforcingSource aSoftwareCompatib Textboo1. Under

Oreily (e-Res Referenc1) Intell

Lindb2) Essen


8. Self L

E OUTCOMnd of the couent softwarebution. yze, compar

ware develop---------------Introductionrinciples ofg, Issues, wi

Software LicT License , ense , Appli, GNU Lessosophy of GN

Creative CoCommons L

ft Shared Sou

Legal ImpacContracts,

g Nature of and Free Soe Licensing, ble and Inco

ks: rstanding Opy Media. source avail

ce Books: lectual Propeberg, O’rellintials of Licer, John Wil


earning (Te

MES: urse, student licensing m

re and choosped. ---------------n f Copyrightith Copyrigh

censes The BSD Lcation and Pser General NU GPL an

ommons LicLicenses, Clurce Initiativ

cts of Open Statutory

f Open Souroftware LiceCommunity

ompatible Li

pen Source

able at http:/

erty and Opiy Media. censing Inteey Publicati

UR UNIVomputer Sc

Semechnical) – 3

will be ablemodels and

se appropria


t Law, Conhts and Paten

License , ThePhilosophy Public Licend GNU LGP

censes and Nlassic Proprive.

Source andDevelopmen

rce and Freeensing, They Enforcemecensing: Mu

and Free So


pen Source:

ellectual Proon.

VERSITY,cience and E

mester - II 3. Software

e to practices ad

ate software


ntract and nts, The Ope

e Apache Liof MIT and nse , The M


Non Open Sietary Licen

d Free Softwnts Related e Software L “Negative

ent of Open ultiple and C

oftware Lice


A Practical

operty - By


Licensing a E


dopted in so

licensing m


Copyright, en Source De

icense, v1.1 BSD Licen

Mozilla Publ

ource Softwnse, Sun Com

ware Licensito Softwa

Licenses, ThEffects” ofSource and

Cross Licensi

ensing - By


Guide to P

y Alexander

UR g)

and PracticeExaminationTheory : Ma

oftware deve

model and str


Open Souefinition, Wa

and v2.0, Tnses, GNU Gic License

ware Licensmmunity So

ing are Contracthe Global Scf Open Soud Free Softwing.

Andrew M


rotecting Co

I. Poltorak


es n Scheme arks: 50

elopment an

rategy for th


rce Softwararranties.

The AcademGeneral Publ

, Applicatio

es ource Licens

ts, The Selcope of Ope

urce and Freware License

M. St. Lauren


ode - By Va

k and Paul






mic ic



lf-en ee es,


