Transcript of TO( 7died ISSUE WALLINGTON *PARSONS PROGRAMS ......TO( 7died Loucha ,h1r!Edgar ISSUE * WALLINGTON...


TO( 7died Loucha ,h1r! Edgar





/ie dar Inspires Inc G Mrs. W. C. Whittemore, 3670 Hudson, Hol-

lywood, Calif. Sirs: I've been listening to Ken




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4E CHATS . . . For the emaker by Miriam Lane. On C, 10:45 a. m., Monday Friday.


cal p. m


X DE COLA and his Musi- Notebook . . . KHJ, 1:15 ., Saturdays.


M AICOIM MMAGMIrM, PAM e Los Angeles Shops with Confidence c

Page T VO

ON OUR COVER On our cover is an original

drawing of Red Ryder and Little Beaver made by creator Fred Har- mon against an actual photo- graphic background of Red Ryder Ranch at Pagosa Springs, Colo- rado. In the picture, Fred is seen on the left, his foreman, Bud Noble, on the right.

Baxter Fridays on KPAS at 1:45. I think he has an excellent program. He always says something that makes you think and says it in such a nice, natural manner. My neigh- bors and I agree that he must be a nice person. We would like to know more about him.

We brought our readers a story on Ken Hurter in the June i, 1944 issue of Nadia Life. Harter ruas burn blind. works at the microphone with a script written in Braille. Ile is married. likes to cook. and is an ardent music -lover. His ambition is some day to announce a big Sunday symphony shout.

Florence P. Robinson, 2072 East Foothill Blvd., Akadena, Calif.

Sirs: Your newsy little magazine is as necessary to our household as the radio. It is my hope that I represent the tastes of the average young housewife in selecting the fol- lowing cross -section of daytime pro- grams to accompany my daily exer- cise with broom, dustmop and needle:

For fun: Don McNeill's "Break- fast Club," and "Glamor Manor."

For pure en j o y m e n t: Barker Brothers morning serenade.

For education: That excellent daily presentation -"The American School of the Air." No one is too old to learn.

Many diligent searches have failed to uncover a new time for "Words at War." When can it be heard on the West Coast? I am sure many listeners do not wish to lose this fine program dramatizing the best of the war novels.

I would like to echq other listeners' bids for more rear organ music. Lastly, I do not ever expect to be so desperate for entertainment that I shall have to resort to serials.

"Words at War" is now off the air. it replaced Fibber and (folly lust sum- mer. man acclaim for its e.rcellence.

* Mrs. J. C. Howard, 4803 Edgeware Road,

San Diego, Calif.

Sirs: Thanks a million for the prompt response to my request for an article on Ted Malone. The thing that interests me is this. Recently, when I heard "Ted" broadcast from England, he told how the men enjoy

poétry. Just think of having to go to war to find that men like poetry' That must have been comforting to him, having broadcast all these year s, thinking men did not like poetry.

Mrs. C. Holmes, 1013 Sonora Avenue, Glendale, Calif.

Sirs: I wish this note might aid in influencing "Vic and Sade's" re- turn to the air. 1 have listened to them for about twelve years, and never tire of them. My two daugh- ters - nine and eleven years old - have listened during their vacations from school, and they loved the pro-


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Tangy .. sparkling . .

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gram. It was the only program they listened to in the daytime. Recently, my child was home with the flu, and she searched and searched for "Vic and Sade," and was so disappointed when I told her they were no longer on the radio. They were a part of our household for many years. I'm sure there are many others who feel the same way about them.

* Mn. Ella Clark, 206 East Center, Midvale,


Sirs: Could you tell me who plays the feminine parts in the radio serials, "The Man Called X" and "Romance of the Ranchos." I am very interested in both.

C.e Ge Pearson plays "Nancy" on "The Man Called A." off the air on March 3. She is also sotrrelitists heard on "Romance of the Ranchos." Jean- ette Nolan. Bea Benaderet and Lucille Meredith are frequently heard on the former show. I)ellie Fllis curd Jayne Drennan on the latter.

.4 pa ifs Radio Life notes for naffs(' hiHury for supporting players.! L

* Patt Redmond, 3655 Castalia A , Los

Angeles, Calif.

Sirs: I wish very much that you would write an article about Jack Smith, who is on the "Family Hour." Mr. Smith is a wonderful singer, and I would like to read the facts con- cerning his life and the beginning of his career. I'd also appreciate a picture of him.

We've asked New Pork for a story on Jack. in response to readers' request, tee rerenllp published a picture.

* Carole Donley, 4203 10th A , Los

Angeles, Calif.

Sirs: Can't something be done about getting Frank Sinatra back on the "Hit Parade ?" Lawrence Tib- bett is a fine singer but not for such songs as "Don't Fence Me In." Be- sides, he usually doesn't sing any- thing but the "Lucky Strike Extras."

I also want to put in a word for my favorite programs -"Make Be- lieve B a l l r o o m," "Peter Potter," "A m e r i c a Dances" a n d "Lucky Lager." They're swell!

* * RADIO LIFE * * %larch Il. Iii.; Volume 11. .Vunrher 1

Pablislfsd theekly at inn. Angeles IS. California Rosiness Office,.: I4IY9 Newt washlogton Ithd.. Irone Richmond S55í!. Editorial (Officer., 154$ North Aine. Hollywood Y$, ['bone HN:mp- stead !U2..

Radio Life was entered no Second Claw Matter May 5. 191Y. at Io.. Angeles, under Act of March :t, 557$. 14wtpaid `lubweriptiono, $5.75 year, $1.30 ois months. Mingle Copies on "ale at leading Independent (:rover. in Southern California at .M each. Reprinting in whole or in part wit, t permission strictly forbidden.

Publisher, ('arl M. 'Hamby; Editor, Fselyn A. Riroby; Business Manager. %'inwrn Vaughan; Office Manager, Georgia Caywood; Art Di- rector. Allen Kicks; Log Editor, Pearl Kali: Fditor -in- the- Sersiee, John F. Whitehead.

.Adsertlsing Itepresentatise, ('ulbrrth Sndler. All material used by Radio Life is specially prr-

pared by its own staff writers. and reprintiag in whole or in part without publi.her s per- mission strictly forbidden.

( .Lt...,.. 116.16tirs^ I

Iotrodllcillg the Introducer By Mark Sidney

E WAS THE first an- nouncer to bring Jack Benny on the air (the sponsor was Canada Dry: how many re- member?), he was the

first announcer to introduce Bing Crosby to a transcontinental audi- ence, he was Kate Smith's first an- nouncer, the late Russ Columbo's first, and played the same role in the lives of Georgie Burns and Gra- cie Allen when they made their bow in the airlanes' big time on an early Eddie Cantor show.

Take the time to query a dozen other stars in the kilocycle firma- ment (go ahead, it's fun) and you'll probably find that about half of them, too, first heard themselves brought into hundreds of thousands of loudspeakers in America's homes from coast to coast by the same rich, friendly tones of the voice of Jimmy Wallington.

Come out to see Jimmy astride the deck of his trim yawl in Santa Mon- ica Bay, dungaree and T -shirt clad, and you'll find a trim, hard, lean, romantic figure, six -foot -two, a hun- dred and ninety pounds of clear - eyed guy who has enjoyed and made some of the biggest thrills in the history of broadcasting - and will probably be making them for at least twenty years more.

He's warming and cheering t h e networks currently, of course, with the Jack Kirkwood show on CBS and the Philco "Hall of Fame" on the Blue, and you're not so grown- up yourselves, kiddies, but that you'll remember that original triumvirate of radio horseplay which consisted of the ever -great showman Eddie Cantor, Rubinoff and his violin, and Jimmy. Going back seventeen years, however, you'll find that Jimmy, then the ''Boy Wonder of NBC" at the ripe old age of twenty, w a s helping make radio history as a spe- cial events reporter. In those days you literally took your life in your hands along with your microphone.

One Event It was back in 1930 in New Lon-

don, Conn., for example, that Jim- my, George Hicks, and NBC's spe- cial events director, William Burke Miller, paid their respects to t h e Navy's Lt. Charles E. "Swede" Mom - sen and Lt. Norman S. Ives, who, as the radiomen's luck would have it, had invented a gadget now known as the Momsen lung. Worse than that for the special events men (but much better for the hundreds of bluejackets who now owe their lives to them) the Navy scientists h a d also invented two diving bells, one

JIMMY WALLINGTON has many "firsts" to his credit . . . first an-

nouncer for Benny, for Bing coast -to- coast, for Kate Smith, Russ Columbo, Burns and Allen. He recently came to Hollywood to make his home and

continue his career.

of which consisted simply of a bowl inverted on a platform on which you stood as it was lowered into the water.

That's where Jimmy was, in the water, and when he was eighty feet down the aforesaid wet was just up to his chin as he stood on tiptoe holding his mike overhead to tell the folks from coast to coast what it felt like. Then Jimmy took a com- plete course of submarine training and went down to a hundred feet in a pressure bell, from which he broadcast under water to a sub from which his choice remarks were re- layed to the folks in their dry living rooms. Even the Navy had never tried this one before. The sub was the S -4, and what Jimmy was de- scribing for the folks was the sim- ulated rescue of eighteen men from it Later this same pressure ball was used in a real -life re- enactment in the Squalus disaster.

Nobody had ever broadcast a Presidential Fleet Review before Jimmy did one in 1930, Jimmy join- ing forces with President Herbert Hoover aboard the U. S. S. Salt Lake City off Hampton Roads. Va., with teammate George Hicks aboard the dirigible Los Angeles overhead. In May of that year, the Empire State Building had reached its 86th floor and nothing would do but that Jimmy join the "Happy Warrior," Al

(Please turn to Page 21;1

Page Three



..v11' I'\V«'

110N\O *ever

Veteran Columnist Puts Fifteen Hours' Work into Script Which Requires Five Minutes to Read

Sunday. 6:1.5 p.m. Blue-KEC.1

VERY LINE of Louella Par- sons' air copy has to with- stand the rigors of network censorship. Hot tips and telephone calls from mys-

terious dopsters with scoops must be checked for authenticity and written to avoid broadcasting complications. Divorce items are probably the most carefully w o r d e d bits. Frequently there are last- minute messages to New York to obtain quotes and verify rumors.

The night Rita Hayworth went to the hospital to have her baby, Lou -

ella hoped fervently that the Welles offspring would obligingly meet her Page Four

deadline. She even had an open tele- phone line directly to Rita's floor, just in case "the scoop" was born in time.

Miss Parsons estimates that fifteen hours of work go into the script re- quiring five minutes for her to read. Her Sunday night chatter column av- erages eighteen items, or one item every seventeen seconds.

"I used to try to do a Winchell," the jet- haired Louella explained, "but now I talk slowly and conver- sationally." Those who used to dis- like the columnist's bland tones think her p r e s e n t delivery more pleasant.

Setting the Scene Before watching her h r o a dc a s t,

4 MISS PARSONS CONDUCTS her column activities from an office es- tablished in her Beverly Hills home,

employs five helpers. She is usually at her desk around 9 e. m.

Radio Life had been told that Miss Parsons was extremely nervous be- fore airtime . . . that she had lost a diamond ear -ring before one of her broadcasts and that she was prone to make last- minute trips to the powder room.

When we entered the studio at 5:55 p. m., it was surprisingly serene -and stayed that way. The col- umnist, whose recent flu t u s s l e trimmed her down to a neat 135 pounds, was seated quietly at a small table before the mike opposite her timekeeper, Bill Taussig. Her hat and fur coat were parked on the nearby grand piano, her elegant alli- gator bag stood stiffly on the script table. She was dressed simply in a black and white check wool suit - dress with emerald ear -rings and ring and silver pin. Several empty lily cups were spaced around the table almost as if a game of checkers were in progress. From the one still filled Miss Parsons took a few sips while she eyed the swinging hands on the control room's clock. Rapidly she re -read to herself a few of the script's tough lines, obviously keep- ing an ear cocked to Winchell at the same time. She made a little joke about the funereal silence which en- veloped the room just as Winchell signed off and Producer "T" Wells prepared to signal her a plummet - like cue.

Fluffed Her s c r i pt reading proceeded in

fairly smooth fashion with the ex- ception of the name, Brown, which she fluffed. As soon as she was off the air, she grieved over her mis- take. Apparently the columnist is very conscientious and takes her air work seriously. She has been known to exclaim, after a faulty program, "I was terrible!" Or to inquire of her chauffeur, Mr. Collins, "How was I tonight ?" On one occasion when she had stumbled over a word, a friend offered co m f or t by saying, "That shows you're natural."

Her Sunday night broadcast. ac- cording to Miss Parsons, represents selected material. Throughout- the preceding week she tucks choice items away in a desk drawer labeled "radio show." Her only worry is whether these items will keep, for in trying to save a juicy piece she may be scooped. During the week she is busy turning out copy for In- ternational News Service, of which she is motion picture editor. By Fri- day, her writing is completed and she turns her attention to the radio script. A first draft is ready by Saturday.

Sunday she goes to church (she is a Catholic), afterward she has break- fast before conferring with her assist- ants on revision of material. She takes a short walk before leaving


COLUIINIST HAS BROUGHT to the airways many of Hollywood's great and near- great. This picture, taken on "Hollywood Hotel," shows her with, left to

right, D Durbin, Charles Winninger, Binnie Barnes, Dick Powell, and Frances Langford. (Note latter's dark hair./

for the studios around 3:30 p. m. Tiff With Paige

Radio's intricacies are no secret to the veteran columnist, often called Hollywood's "First Lady," for her first air contract was with Sunkist in 1928. She laughingly reminded Radio Life of her battle with orches- tra leader Raymond Paige, back in the laissez -faire days of the kilo- cycles. La Parsons wanted to spend the program time talking fashions with her guest, Constance Bennett. Paige wanted to play an elaborate orchestra number. Meeting firm re- sistance to his plans, Paige ordered his men to set up shop in another studio, to which the engineer

switched controls. Not until Miss Parsons reached home did she dis- cover that she and Miss Bennett had chatted gaily while cut off the air.

"Paige and I laughed about it later," Miss Parsons recalls. "We're good friends now."

By 1934, the columnist was solidly entrenched as "H o 1 1 y w o o d Hotel" mistress of ceremonies for Campbell Soup, a series which lasted four years. Last year and the year before her air assignments narrowed to pinch -hitting for Winchell. She held his top rating so well, however, that the Jergens Company rewarded her with five minutes immediately fol- lowing "Mrs. Winchell's little boy."

WITH ORCHESTRA LEADER Raymond Paige, Miss Parsons looks over score sheets with Norma Shearer and Herbert

Marshall on "Hollywood Hotel."

ights MAY ROBSON, at the mike with la Parsons, wears a contented

smile. Beloved actress was at height of her

career when this picture was taken.

Many of the telephone messages to the Parsons home purport to offer scoops, but more than often they contain information of which the expert columnist is already aware.

However, there is one call about which she'll never know. Because Lupe Velez was in the habit of tele- phoning her frequently, Miss Parsons didn't think it unusual when the Mexican spitfire left a call during the columnist's absence from her home.

"I'll call Lupe tomorrow," thought Louella unconcernedly.

The next morning, newspapers car- ried the sensational news of Miss Velez' suicide.

STILL RISING STARS were Loretta Young and Tyrone Power when they appeared for Miss Parsons on "Holly-

wood Hotel. "Hotel" had a four -year run on the ether waves.


e1yn saao is

r el r and Killed in Movies, Edgar Barrier Does .a Reverse In Radio, Plays "The Saint"

Thursday. 9:30 p. nr. YRGir Fl

ADIO is an enormous re- lief to Edgar Barrier.

In his role of "The Saint," a modern Robin Hood, he is never killed

and kills only in self- defense. Re- straining his side -kick, script -named Hoppy Uniatz, from using a ready gun, Barrier betters his adversaries by smoother methods.

Not so in the movies, where he has been killed and killer uncounted times. He has experienced horrible deaths by suicide, stabbing, fire, gun- shot wounds, and in. "Maytime," he carefully disposed of Nelson Eddy before exiting himself.

Compelling- voiced Barrier has al- ways been cast in mysterious roles because his dark complexion and command of foreign languages Page Six

seemed to indicate such choice to di- rectors. For his ability to speak several languages, Barrier gives credit to his mother, now a retired dentist, who is a fluent linguist.

"I speak some German." he re- marked. "some Russian, pretty good Spanish, pretty good French. And fair English," he concluded faceti- ously.

Meets Orson As a child he always took it for

granted that he would go on the stage and when he enrolled at Co- lumbia University he tried to arrange his schedules so that the matinees wouldn't conflict. He worked with the Lunts, with Maude Ada-ns, with Helen Hayes, and was appearing in "Love from a Stranger" when Orson Welles arrived backstage and signed him for Mercury Theater. Orson brought Edgar to Hollywood for

COMPELLING-VOICED BARRIER who has always been cast in mys- terious roles because of his dark

complexion and command el foreign languages, is now heard on NBC in the title role of ''The Saint...

Welles' "first" picture (which was not made) and although other cast members returned to New York, Bar- rier decided to remain. This despite the fact that he and his family had a house in Greenwich Village.

"It was a nice part of the Village," Barrier recalled. "On a street that looked like something from Dickens. We rented the top floor to some non - rent- paying stove - breakers and we lived on the other levels."

Since settling in Hollywood five years ago, Barrier has continued his work in pictures and has appeared on the air for Oboler, Norman Cor- win, and has had feature billing on "Lux." "The Saint," however, is his first regular air series.

Interesting sidelight of his career was his role as the Voice of Tomor- row tor "Verse of Tomorra" accord- ing to Barrier) in General Electric's mighty exhibit at the New York World's Fair. He was chosen for this part as it was felt his speech fittingly represented an all-over all- American, without tinge of sec- tionalism.

Loves Mexico Barrier also trekked to France to

make a picture some years ago. "It was just after the crash," he paused. "I remember I was pleased to get it -we were all so broke." Last fall he went to Mexico to make a Spanish picture and fell in love with the country south of the border. "That makes two languages accounted for," he checked. "And I'm praying for more in Spanish."

Thirty- eight - year -old E d g a r, his wife, Ernestine, and their twelve - year -old son, Michael, live on North Curson street in a household, which. in Barrier's terms, "is not busy -it's frenzied!" Mrs. Barrier used to model, or "lean up against a vase and wear a gown for Vogue." By the time Barrier clicks through his movie and radio chores, supervises his interests in Associated Air Schools, and does some writing (he used to turn out features for the New York World and was "the whole bloody night staff on the Brooklyn Union ") there isn't enough time left for -many hobbies and "for watering the lawn, too." He collaborated writ- ing a work called "Satire on Isola- tionism," but finished it just in time for war to be declared. Collecting classical records and raising a prac- tical garden fill any leisure m o -

ments the actor garners. Night clubs bore him.

Mani Pets The bane of his life is a white rat,

Oscar, pet of his son. Michael also has a white mouse, which so far has received only the epithet of "that

(Pllaae turn lo Pape 31)




RADIO: West * National and International

Anti- Climax of Week After working with Van Johnson on

last week's "Screen Guild," actress Jo Gilbert will never be the same. But not for the usual reasons - this is what happened.

It seems the program's regular time to be aired was delayed due to General MacArthur's s pee c h. For what seemed like fifteen long min- utes, the bobby -sockers were prevent- ed from seeing their idol before the CBS mike. When the General had finished and the curtains began to part, the ovation was tremendous. "Van, oh Van," they cried. But soon a disappointed wail went up, because instead of Johnson sat a very embar- rassed Jo Gilbert upon the bare stage.

"Oh, my, it was awful," recalled Jo. "Frantically I ,kept yelling for some- body to come out and appease the mob. It was just like facing a pack of lions who were going to tear me apart because I wasn't Van John- son."

Everything But Furniture The Michael Raffettos (he's "Paul"

of "One Man's Family ") are momen- tarily expecting the stork and there- fore decided to hasten the furnishing of their new home. So off they went to an auction to see what they could buy. When the evening was over what should they wind up with but an antique clock, minus machinery, and a pair of gold cuff links!

Another Ian Story The happiest girl In the whole

United States is little Patsy Griffard. Why? Because not only did Van Johnson pose with her but signed her V.J. scrapbook, "To my friend, Patsy."

When the one - and -only Van made a recent appearance on "Screen Guild," the bobby -sockers were hun- dreds strong at CBS' front and back doors. Twelve- year -old Patsy, whose father is a trumpeter in the studio band, was granted permission to se- cure the priceless signature. While waiting for Johnson to finish rehear- sal, she nervously planned what she would say and do when they met. When, at last, she saw the big, blond star coming toward her she almost fled in terror.

"Hello Patsy," said Van holding out his hand.

"'Hullo," mumbled Patsy, not daring to look at him.

As Johnson signed the precious book, she peeked out of the corner of her eve and gave a big sigh. He smiled, encouraging her.

"I live in the same apartment you used to," blurted out Patsy.

"Really ?" he answered. "That place brought me luck. Maybe it'll do the same for you."

"It has already," swallowed Patsy, breaking into a grin, snatching her book, and flying out of the door.

"They're wonderful," laughed Van, "all of those kids."

"Oh," cried Patsy, popping her head back into the door, "thanks."

And as she flew out again, it sound- ed as if the happy strains of "I'm in love, I'm in love," came floating back.

"Wonderful, wonderful," chuckled Van to himself, "hope I never let 'em down."

Moony's Back Mel Blanc did it again! This time

he literally stopped the show, not by introducing a new character but by bringing back an old one. For "Aug- ust Moon" of the late "Point Sublime" called upon Frank Sinatra.

A favorite radio character of long standing, "Moony" is rarely heard on the ether waves these days. But ru- mor hath it that he'll soon be back again -and for good. Mel, who has had many offers to make "Moony" a regular member of several big shows

NEXT WEEK If you're a war wife, you'll b

particularly interested in the story about Judy Canova who reveals her formula for keeping busy and happy until Victory Day . . . then there's an article about radio's newest comedian, Harry von Zell ... In another story, Morton Down- ey admits he's not as Irish as you think . . . You'll have an oppor- tunity in another article to meet those delightful newcomers to the Nelson Eddy Show, Miss Shirley Dinsdale and her lovable dummy, Judy Splinters ... and for mystery fans, there is a special feature on the startling "Murder Will Out" . . . Don't miss it.

thinks the lovable goof should remain with his "Point Sublime" buddies. But he did pretty well keeping up with slick company like Sinatra and Bill Goodwin. You might say he had the upper hand because he so convulsed Sinatra that the -latter forgot himself and threw his script to the floor in the excitement. The show stopped until Frank could pull himself together and recover his lost place.

Correction As we go to press, the Blue Network

is completing plans for Editor Ev- elyn's radio chatter show to be broad- cast Wednesday night, 9 p.m. over the Blue. It will be released over the entire Pacific Coast chain of that net- work and will be heard locally over KECA in Los Angeles, KFMB in San Diego, KTMS in Santa Barbara. Pro- gram plans call for a start as soon as time is cleared. Watch Radio Life for announcement.

Marines Have Landed Bing Crosby was at the microphone

in NBC's Studio B, rehearsing songs for his "Music Hall" when his brother, Bob, khaki -clad, walked in with three or four of his Marine Corps buddies. (Brother Bob just recently returned from the Pacific war theater where he led an entertainment unit.)

Bing spotted Bob and his buddies, broke into an appropriate chorus of "From the halls of Montezuma..." ¡'irtuoso

Last Thursday, Saundra Berkova was Bing Crosby's guest on his NBC "Kraft Music Hall." She was eleven then, and looking forward to h e r twelfth birthday, two days hence.

"Only I'm going to have my party the night before," she explained. "The boy I want to be there can't come- but anyway, five of my other boy- friends will be there!"

When Saundra Berkova was five years old, she made her formal debut as violin soloist with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra under the di- rection of Otto Klemperer. A year later, she appeared as soloist with Leo- pold Stokowski at the Hollywood Bowl, and at seven, she was soloist at Carnegie Hall, New York, with Hans Kindler as conductor. She has made two coast -to -coast tours in joint recital with her father, concert pianist Mar- vin Maazel. He and Saundra's mother, who is known professionally as Fran- ces Berkova, are responsible for their daughter's entire musical develop- ment.

Radio-dialers have heard the amaz- (Conlinued on Pape 9)



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o4 the same tide

by the best -selling boo ZIFF inspired IAM $.

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6:30 P. M.

KMTR 570 kc




RADIO WEST from Pape 7)

ing youngster on James Melton's "Star Theater" and on last year's special Elgin Thanksgiving show.

During the KMH rehearsal, Saun- dra, in white bobby -sox and a yellow hairbow, stood at a microphone near conductor John Scott Trotter, patient- ly waited while the orchestra ironed out the rough spots in their arrange- ment, then she lifted her violin to her shoulder, sent the bow shimmering across Its strings In a spellbinding rendition of Sarasate's "Zigeurerwi- sen."

When she finished, the orchestra and studio onlookers broke into spon- taneous applause. A few minutes later, Saundra smiled shyly and told us in a soft voice tinged with disappoint- ment, "I didn't play it good this after- noon."

One Thursday Afternoon NBCers are getting so used to see-

ing impeccably groomed Frankie Sin - atra around their corridors, that they don't bother to squeal any more. On a recent Thursday he and arranger, Axel Stordahl, dropped in on Bing and happily kept time to the catchy tune he was singing.

Across the hall, the "Maxwell House" rehearsal had just broken up and Cass Daley's voice could be heard telling Eric Blore a new remedy for colds. Peeking in the open door o f Robert Young's dressing room, y o u could see the handsome star reading



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and re- reading his lines. And good neighbor, Carlos Ramirez, was just on his way out to enjoy a coke before the program's first airing.

Tearing down the hall with her coat tails flying behind her was Elvia All- man. Elvia told us she is so busy do- ing two and three shows daily that she barely has time to enjoy that new apartment -and it has acquired furni- ture, too!

In the NBC artist's corridor n o w stands a Red Cross booth. Tended by actors and actresses, the little niche is very impressive looking with its huge sign and bright colors. When we went into the studio, pretty Sharon Douglas was in charge of the booth. When we left, Lee Millar sat at the desk. There's no doubt about it that a fine job is being done by these radio folks who get a kick out of helping.

"Gee," modestly smiled Lee, "it's nothing. First time I've seen some of my friends in weeks."

Classroom Use Notable as a joint attempt of edu-

cators, radio people and motion pic- ture people to study the possibilities of wider use of radio, records, and motion pictures, an experimental proj- ect in audio -visual techniques will be undertaken next summer at Occi- dental College.

Only teachers and qualified persons will attend the project, which will be in the nature of a seminar and work- shop. General direction will be by a board of eighteen heads of visual ed- ucation in school systems.

Objective of the project is to dis- cover, devise, and agree on improved ways in which classroom teachers of elementary, secondary and college levels can bring home to their students the world of knowledge that the me- chanical devices make available.

Honored Guest Sara Berner, who has often been

called America's leading mimic, had the tables turned on her. Reporting aboard an aircraft carrier to surprise the boys with a show, they surprised her with a dinner in her honor.

This was to have been Sara's seven (Continued no Page 23)


A combination of the latest in fash- ions and music is the show, "Lois Long and the Three Suns," starring one of the country's outstanding fash- ion authorities and the top rhythm trio, Artie Dunn, organist, Art Nevins, guitarist, and Morty Nevins, accor- dionist.

Lois Long visits New York City's theaters, night clubs and fashion salons, reports her findings to BLUE Network listeners each Saturday morning at 9:30. She minces no words in her commentaries, and is a strong critic of the prevailing mode. She has written fashion columns for leading magazines for many years.

i?ach qounchifi frOM

KFI There's nothing wrong with the guy

whose picture appears in this column! He's not very crazy -really!

You'd probably make a face like that too if you were being squirted in he face with the contents of a seltzer

bottle. Said character i s

Ralph Edwards who brings his z an y "Truth or Con- sequences" program t o Hollywood o n Saturday, March 17. In case you should be walking by NBC Radio City at Sun- set and Vine about 8 o'clock that night, don't be too s u r -

prised if the roof is being raised.

Of course, for the sake of your safety, it might be bet- ter not to venture forth that night at all. Just stay home and dial KFI. You'll still get in on the fun and not at the expense of being squirted in the face.

Occasion for Edwards' trip to Hol- lywood is the new motion picture ten- tatively titled "Radio Stars on Pa- rade," which will include Ralph and his merry - makers.

Anyway, don't say we didn't warn you!

Ralph Edwards

* s

A photog assigned to a foreign coun- try seldom has a routine assignment - even in peace times.

NBC'S newsman, James Abbe, who is heard at 12:15 Saturday afternoons on KFI, was for years a prominently known news photographer, and a s such was the first American armed with a camera to take the picture of Joseph Stalin.

Abbe's account of the experience, how he walked down a long hall, met the steely personage of the Kremlin and finally got the picture, has been laughably told at various club dinners.

Abbe adds that he literally fled the precincts with his "catch." At any rate, he did get the picture and didn't get a one -way ticket back home.

s It

A new NBC program which is corn- ing to KFI listeners on Sunday morn- ing, ing, (Mar. 11) at 6:15, is "Story to Order."

Starring Lydia, the story lady, "Sto- ry to Order" is just what the name implies. Listeners send just three words and Lydia, who is known as a 'story cook' builds stories from them- -

original stories. The stories will be half fantasy, half

reality and will interest grown -ups and children alike. -Advertisement.


SUNDAY, MARCH 11 * Indicates News Broadcasts.


1 rnrd,r y ,Horning Worship

KFWB 7:30 -8 AM

8 KFI -The Eternal Light. *KNX, KPAS, KGEK- News. *KECA -News.

KH.I, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- W'esley Radio League.

*KM 1W-News, Maurice John- son.

KEW It -- Funnies. *KM'l'R- News. Music.

KFAC -Country Church. KKKD -Ranch Program. KWKW- Malian Novelties. HFV'D -Tempo 'Pines. HFSD -('all to Worship. HFO X -Itev. Dean Reed. HGF'.I -Ann ('hair Concert.

SiI6- KNX -ltlue Jacket Choir. KGER -Kingdom Within.

11i15- KECA -A.1F Symphonic Flight.

KMPC--Good Gardening. KMTK -(' d Gardening. KPAS- Inunanuel Baptist Ch. KFX.M-Sunday Serenade.

s:30 --KFI- Successful Gardening. KNX -Invitation to Learning. 1911.1, KGB, KFXM, KVOF:- ' oleo of Prophecy. KECA -Hour of Faith. KMPC-Wesley Radio League. KFW$- Union Rescue Mission KMTR-W. B. Record. KWKW- Buenos Nnecee. KFAC- Strollin' Tom. KFVD- Church of Christ. KFSD- 1' isiting Nurse. KF11X -Rev. It. E. Reid.

8:45 *KF'1, KKKD -News. KGI J -Quirt Moments.

9 KFI -Chicago Roundtable. KNX -Salt Lake Tabernacle.

*KECA -Blue Network War Journal.

K HI, KGB, KFXM, KY'OE- Pilgrim Hour.

*KMPC-News, Dolen s Musical *KMTR -News, Swedenborg Hr.

KPAS- -Judge P. E. Gardner. KWKW- Little Italo. KIl'C -Rev, Myron Nichols. KRKD- Sunday Serenade. KFAC -Liberal Catholic Hour KFVD- Waltz Time. K(,FJ- Mid -Morning Melodies.

*KGEK- News, Dr. Springer. *KFSD-- ('arveth Wells.

Y:13- KMTR -Pastor K. G. Egerton KFAC- -Concert. KPPC -Prelude to Worship. KGEK -Ites. J. A. Lovell. KESD -News in Advertising.

9 :70- KFI -St rod i curl Orch. *KNX -Transatlantic Call.

KHJ, KGB, KI'XM, KVOE- I.uthrrau Hour.

KFWB -Peter ('otter. *KMTR -The '.,rid Tomorrow.

KFAC -Copra Iar ll ur.

Church on High 9:30 -9:45 A. M.

Sunday KPAS-1 110 k y.

Rev. A. V. Havens M.A., B.D. P. O. Ito. 7

Glendale 5

A KPAS- Church on high. KI'l't' -llr. Frederick P.

Woellner. KIND-Victory Parade. KGEK- Itadio Revival. KFSD -Sunday Concert.

9:45- KECA -('unary Pet Shop.

10 *KFI, KI'SD- Layman's Views of News.

KNX- /'harrte of the Air. *KECA, KFMlt -John Kennedy.


News, Glenn Hardy. *KMPC-News. Western Fed-


*HEWS, KGEK, KFO\ News. *KMTR -News, Fannie Reinhart.

K l'AS- Slavic Program. KWKW- l'an -American Mie -

Sion. 0:165- KGEK- Fullerton Foursquare.

10:15 -Kf 1, KFSD- Chuck Collins.


The Romance of the Highways

'Unreal Realities" KHJ -KVOE

10:15 A. M. Sundays

HMI, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Cotnmander Scott.

*KECA -George Hicks. KEW ('otter. KFOX -Rev. Russell. KFSD -NBC Concert.

10:30 -KFI -Musical Milestones. *KNX -News.

KECA -Sammy Kaye's Sere- nade.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM -Robby Hockey.

KPAS -Czech Polkas. KPPC-Church News. KWKW- Ilungerian Baptist. HFSD- Chicago Roàlable. KV0E- Hello, Sweetheart,


10:43 *KNX -Edward R. Morrow. KPPC -Tower Chimes, KFOX- Cumberland Church.

10:33 *KECA -Leland Stowe, News. Extra.

11 K11, KFSD -Those We love. KNX -Matinee '('heater.

*KECA -Rlue World- Corre- spondents.

KHJ, KGB -Rand Concert. *KMPC-News, toff the Record *KEW II -News. *KMTR -News, Church of

Christ. KPAS- Church of Open Dour. KFAC -1st Methodist Church. KWKW- Glendale ti. It. Ch. K(:FJ -Say It With Music.

till 1 p. m. KFXM -First ('hristlan ('h. KI'l'C- (''mach Service. Dr.

Eugene ('arson Blake. K%OK- Screnth Day Adv. KFIIX- Presbyterian Church. KGFat- Es augelisls' Hour.



600 710 870 980 1070 III 1230 1280 1360 1431 1490

11:15*K E(' %-Behind the War News KFWB -Peter Potter. RIVEWord of Life.

11:M -KFI, KI'SD- Westinghouse, John ('harles TIroneas.

*KNX -World News Today. KEt'A- Itemensher Hour.

*KILL KGK -Hill Cunningham. KWKW -All Saints Episcopal KF'OX -First Christian Ch,

11 :45-K11.1, KGB-Canary Pet Shop 11:33 -KNX -Olin Downes.

i2 *KF'1, KF,D -World Parade. KNX -N. Y. l'Isilltarmonic.

*KIII-Broadway News. KECA- ('Isarlotte Greenwood.

*KMPC-News, Off the Record *KFW'it. KGER -News. *K NIT It -News, Boys' Choir.

KWKW- Lincoln Ave. Pres- byterian Church.

K(.li- Strange As It Seems. KFXM -('angry Pet Shop KVOE- Midday Melodies.

12:13 -KH.1 -Home Toren Parade KFWB -Peter Potter.

*KFAC, KFXM -News. KPPC -Music of Masters. KGB-Voice of the Army. KVOE- Canary ('horns.

12:30 -KFI, KFSD -Army Hour. KECA- Miss Hattie." Ethel

Barrymore. KHJ- Memory Music. Ted

Bacon. HFWIS -Jean Leonard. KWKW- Anserican Jewish

Hour. KI'l'C- Friendship Hour. Kt: H, KFX31, KS'()l'- Review-

ing Stand. 12 NS *KFAC -News.

HNX -N. Y. Philharmonic. 1 KECA -Darts for Dough. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Your America. *KMPC -News, Manhattan

Highlights. *KF'WB -Henry Charles. *KMTR -News, Light and l.ife

KRKD- Sunday un Rauch. H PAS- l.ut'Reran Layman's

League. KFAC- Victory Players. KPPC -Chamber Music. KFON -Hick Rose. KFVD -News, McKee Piano. KGFJ- Romany lime.

*KGER -News. Rev. -Chas. Greenansyer.

SUNDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In

Evening Protra

Variety 10:30- Hookey Hall. KHJ. 12 :00- Charlutts Greenwood,

KECA. 1:30 -Andrea's Sisters, RECA. :t:00 -Ozzie at Harriet, KNX, 4:00 -lack Benny, KFI, 4 :00 -Kate Smith Hour, KNX. 5 :00 -McCarthy- Bergen, KFI. 5:30 -Joe E. Brown. RECA. .- 311 -Eddie Bracken. KFI. ö :un- Quentin Reynolds, KNX. r: ::u- Lawrence T'Ibbet t, KN X. *1:45- Jimmie Fidler. KECA. 7 :30- Harold Lloyd, Comedy

Theater, KFI. 7:30 -Fanny Brice, KNX. 5:WI -Great Gildersleeve. KEl. 9 :30- Romance of the Ranchos,

KNX. 9:30 -Jerk Benny, KFI.

War :r:rs) - \Va r juurual, KECA.

12:311 -Army Hour. REI. 1:00 -Your America, KHJ.

I I :30- Pacific Story, KF'1.

Quiz Programs 1:00 -Darts for Dough, RECA. 1 :30-Name That Song, KHJ. -:00 -Take It or Leave It, KNX C:30-Qrsiz Kids, KECA.

Drama 1u :1 :.- Commander Scoli KHJ. 1 I :*sl -'l'h oar 1\"e Lure. KFI. la :30 -Ethel Barry nsure, in

"Miss Hattie," RECA. 2:30-The Shadow, KHJ. 3:30 -"l Was There," KNX.

Light face Type: Afternoon and u* In Boldface.

6:20 -Hollywood Mystery Time, KECA,

7:00 -Life of Riley, RECA. tl:us-Crime Doctor, KNX. 8:311 -Nick Carter, KHJ. 8:30 -Blondie. KNX. 9 :00-BIll /ance, KNX.

Outstanding AI 9:00 -Salt Lake Tabernacle.

K \ X. 9 :30- Stradivarl Orch., KFI.

11:30 -John Charles Thomas. KFI.

12 :00 -New York Philharmonic, KNX.

1 :30-Nelson Eddy, KNX. 2:00 -NBC Symphony. REI. 2:00- Family Hour, KNX. 2:30- Metropolitan Opera, KFI. :1:00 -Hall of Fanne. KECA. 4:00- Cleveland Symphony. KHJ 6:00 -Manhattan Merry-Go-

Itound. KFI. 6:30 -Alb of Familiar Music,

RFI. '7:00-Hour of Charm, REI. 8:30- Standard )symphony, REI.

10:00- Newsical, KFVD, 10:30 -Lucky Lager Dance Time,

KFAC. 11 :30-Bridge to Dreamland,


Public Affairs

8 :30 -Invitation to Learning. KNX.

9:00- Chicago Roundtable, REI. 7:00 -Open Fortan, KFAC. 9:43 -Washington Inside Out,


Men and Women

Expert Radio Training Incl. Lne Air Experience

Our Pupils Broadcast

Sun. 1:15 P. M. -KFWB Frederick H. Speare The West's Outstanding

Radio School 6671 Sunset H011ywood 2325

1:15- KFWB -Frederick H. Spearr *KFAC -News.

KIND-Musical Revue. 1:30 *KFI -Week's News Highlights

KNX- Nelson Eddy. KECA- Andrews Sisters HMI, KGB, KVOE -Name

That Song. KMI'C -Bible Says So. KFWB- "Mnsteal Sweets." KMTR, KFOX -Young Peoples'

Church. KGF.1- Console Encores. KWKW- Hoyos Hour. KPAS- Church in Barn. KFAC -Good Neighbor Salute. KIND- Hawalian. KFXM -Harvest Brigade. KFSD -Music America Loves.

1:43 *KFI- Edward Jorgenson, KMPC- Matinee Musicale. KF It -Help Wanted. KIND-Vocal Varieties.

2 KF7, HFSD- symphony Hour. KNX -Family Hour. KECA -Mary Small Revue. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-'s Face the Issue. *KMPC-News, Nation's Fa-

vorite. * HE W B -News. *KMTR -News, Music.

RG FJ -Rem ensbrance. KFVD- Informed Democracy. KPAS- Lamplighter Jam Ses-

sion. KPPC sour of Song. KFOX -Good News. KGEK -Long Beach Rand.

Hear Our Pupils Sing

KFOX Sunday, 2:1 5 p.m.

Free Auditions Phone or Write

CIVORU STUDIO 1664 No. Bronson -GL, 1268

!:15- KFOX- ('ivoru Group. KMPC-harry Horlick. KFW1S -Old Fashioned t.ri.

2:30- KECA -Metropolitan Opera Co '

KH.1, KGB -The Shadow. KFWB -- Cooperative Religion. KMTR -Wings of Healing.

Youth for Christ Broadcast


Overseas to OurArmed Forces 2:30 P. M., KPAS

Also Sat. 6:30 P.M., KMPC

K PAS-Challenge to Youth. KWKW- Italian Melodies. KFOX -Rev. Billy Adams. KE%t)- Timely 'runes. KFXM -Sacred Harmonies. KVOI'- Bethel Tabernacle.

*KGEK -War News. 2:45- KNX -William L. Shirer,

KMPC -Songs by Kate Smith. KIND-Militant Democracy.

3 KFI -Catholic Hour. KNX- Adventures of Ozzie A

Harriet. KH,I, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Quick As Flash. KECA -Radio Hall of Fame.

*KMPC -News, Music for Sun- day.

K F W' 11-' Ezra." *KMTR-News, Pianos.

KWKW -Rev. Richey. K1'AS- Christian Memory Hr.


MARCH 11, 1945 RADIO LIFE K l'1'('- Musieul Varieties. K(. I'.J- Especially For You. K I '. I)- Popular Fat or'tes. KI' 'It- Convair Entertains.

*KG I:R -News, Whose Side \re l'ou On?

KFOX -Rev. Earl Ivie. 3:I.. -KMTIt -Betty Phillips,

KFV'D -Bal Taharin. 3:30* K FI, KFSI)- News.

KNX -"I Was There." *K11.I. KGB. KFXM, KV 0K-

1 - pi on Close. KM PC- Matinee Musicale. KI'WB -Want to Be in Radio? KMTIt -Bible Treasury Hour. KPAS -Church of Christ. KFV'1) -Hank, Night watch-

en nll. KN KW -Rev. Gagnon. KGER -Bork to God.

3:45 -KFI -Reports from Bat tle- franls.

KMl'C- Mnsieal Memoirs. Kff.l, KGR, KFXM, K10E-

Dirk Brown. KIND -Music Masquerade.

4 KFI, K}ND -Jack Benny. KNX -Kate Smith Hnur.

*KECA -Drew Pearson. KHJ, KGB, KVOE- ('leve-

land Symphony. *KM P(' -News, Opera Hour.

KFN'B- .Johnny Cumes Murch- ing Hume.

*$M'i'll -Neu s. Old Fashioned Revlvnl.

KGFJ -Manhattan Milites.


REVIVAL Charles E.

Fuller, Director,

P. O. Box 123, Los Angeles,

Call'. K.MTR-1:00-5:Ott P. M. KPAS-4 :00-3 :00 P. M. KPKO-1:00-3:00 P. M.

REBROADCAST KPAS-9:W P. M. KPRO-9:15 P. M. KFOX-10:00 P. M. KV'01r10:00 P. M. KFXM-10:00 P. M. KPMC-10:uU P. M.

K l'AS, KPItII -111d Faslduned Pte, liai. KI'l'('- Alhambra Pres. (7h,

KN'KN'- Sunshine Mission. *KGER-Never, Music.

KFOX- Sunshine Paster, KFXM -Service Inlimitrd.

4:13 *KEl'A -Don (Jardiner, News. KI W lt-Dr. Stewart Mac

I.enna,.. KFXM -Treasury Solute

4:341 -KFI, KFSD- Fitch Band - wagon.


MAC LENNAN 20 years on the radio

in Hollywood 4:15 -KFWB

KRCA- National Vespers. *Kl WB -News. KI'''D -110-9u Club. KPPC- Classicé. KGER-Colonial Tabernacle. KFXM- ABC -King's Ambas-

sadore. 4:45 -KFWB- Stuart Humble ,..

KFVU- Carter VS right. 5 -KFI, KFSD- McC'nrt it) -Berg-

en-Amer he. HNX -American Rhapsody.

*KECA- General Pierce. KHJ, KGB- Mediation Board.

*K.MI'C -News. Casa Loma Time.

*KMTR -News, Whispering Vespers.

KWKW- Sunday Serenade. KFAC -Bowling News. KGFJ -Twilight Time. KFVD -Harlem Holiday. K PAS -Open Bible Hour. KFOX -Rev. Ullbeck. KFXM -L. D. S. Hymns. HV'OE -Chri stlan Youth. KGER -News. Rev. Draper.

5:15 -KECA- Footlight Favorites

K VS KW-Sy m Phot» K FOX -Rev. Lyle Hale. KM I'(' -First l' hurrh Vespers. K FX VI -.Judy Kay.

5:30 -KFI, KIND-Eddie Show.

KNX -Art Baker. KE('A -Stop or Go. KMI'C- Samael B. McKee. KMTR- Reformed Villoess

Hour. KF'A('- Christian Science. KWKN'- .lames Townsend. KIl'('- light ('lassies. KFOX- Calvary Echoes. KFXM -Made in America. KV "OM Of ('h le Interest. KGER- Meh'in Moomjean.

5:45 *KH.1, KGB. KFXM, K' Orr Gabriel Heatter.

*KM PC-Wash ington !aride Out. *KFM'- News.

KPAS- Lutheran Bible Insti- tute.

KWKW- Variety. 5:55 *KNX -Ned ('sinter.

6 -KFI, KIND- Manhatta Merry-Go-Round.

KNX -Quentin Reynolds. *KF'('A- Walter Winchell.

KHJ, KGB -Steel Horizons. *KMPC- News. Philharmonic

Reporter. *KFWB, KRED, KFOX -News *KMTR -N ews, Rethel Chapel.

K1'1'1S-Red Cross. KPAS- 1.ntheran Gospel Hour. KGFJ -Mouse Party.





Sunday, 6:05 p.m. KGER 1390 KC

*KGF :H -News, "Prophetic Word," Louis S. Ramona.

KFXM -Air Maria Hour. I( '4 GE- Ministres Hour.

6:15 -KRCA- I.ouella Parsons, Hollywood Mystery Time.

*KFWB -Henry Charles. 6:30 -KFI, KIND- Albrun of Fa-

milier Music. KNX -Lawrence Tlbbett. KFXM -Treasury Salute.

*KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Cedric railer

KMP('- Mother's Album. KFWB- Gospel and Sung. KMTR -Radio Bible ('lass. KFAC -Erwin Veo. Organ. KRHD -Cumberland Vespers. KIND-Evening Serenade. KI'AS- Beyond Tomorrow. KPPC -Girl Scouts. KFOX -Hal',. Memory Room. KGER- Lutheran Layman's

League. 6:45 -KECA -Jimmy Fidler.

KHJ -Jerry Cooper Show. KMPC -('Pty War t'ouaeii.

*KFAC -News. *KRKD-News, Browning.

KPPC -Story Time. KV'OE -Grace and Truth. K}'XM -HI Scheel Milites.

7 KFI, HFSD -Hour of Charm. KNX -'fake It Or 1.ea ve It. KECA -life of Riley. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOF

Earl Wilson. *KMPC -News, Ray Bloch.

KFWB -Strol lin' Tom. *KMTR -News, Porter Bar-

rington. KPPC- Sacred Song Recital. KPAS -Ethel Hubler. KFAC -Open Forum. KGFJ -Overture to Evening. KFOX -Olga (:raves. KGER -Pilgrims' Hour.

:15- K11.1, KGB. KFXM, KV'OE, '('his is Helen Hayes.

*K}'WB, KI'AS -News. KI'PC -Organ Recital. KGB -Ramona', Minstrels.

:30 -KFI, KI'SD- Harald Lloyd, Comedy '('heater.

KNX -Fanny Brlee. KECA -O ,.s Foot in Real en. KHJ -Music and Lyrics. KMPC -Preview Tinte. KFWB -Rabbi Magnlo. KMTR -Southwest Church of

Christ. KPAS- Church of Open Door. KPPC -Musical Masterworks. KGR, KFXM, KVOI- Colum-

bus Boys' Choir.

PAGE 11 SUNDAY LOGS :13-KEC A- 'monte Tas.

KHJ -ibis ('bonging World, KFWB -Cat hot ic Answers. 'MIE-Columbus Boys' Choir

8 K1'1, KIND-The Great Gild -

ersleere. KNX -Crime Doctor. K ECA- Greenfield Village

Chapel. HH.1, KFXM, KV'OF Music

Uepreria l ion. *KMI'('- News. Music.

KFWB- Hollywood Presby- lenian Church.

*KM'rR -News. KFM -1st Methodist Church. K Pl'('- Sunday Ese. Hour. KFOX- Christian Science. KGF.I -Walls Invitation. *KI.FIt- News, Chatauqua.



King's Ambassador Quartet KMTR-8:05.9:00 P. M.

Also IO: :30 -10:43 A. M. Monday through Friday

a :05- KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. 0:15 -KECA- Golden Gate Quartet.

*KMPC- William Parker, News 3:25 -KNX -Song of the Week. g:30 -KFI, KFSD- Standard Sym-

phony, HNX -Blondie. KE('A, KF:RR -Quiz Kids. KHJ, KGR, KFXM, KI0E --

Nick Carter. K.MPC- Everybody's Hour. KPPC -Word of Life. KGFJ -Dancing Rhythm.

3J5- KPPC -Religious News.

9- HNX - Adventures of HUI Lance.

*KEl'A -Sum Hayes. News. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'OR-

News, Glenn Hardy. *KMI'C -News, Organ Melodies

KFWB -Union Rescue Mission

à *KMTR -News, Figueroa

Christian Church. *KGFJ -Show Time.

RYAS -Old Fashioned Revival KFAC Yunday Evening Club.

*KGER -News. Bethel Church. KFOX -County Barn Dance.

9:13 *KH.1, KGB, KVOE -Rex Miller.

KEl'A -Music of Americas. KGFJ -Show Time. KPKO -Old Fashioned Mesival KFXM -letters From Serv-

icemen. 9:30 -KFI. KFSD -Jock Benny.

KNX- Romance of the Ranchos KHJ, KFXM, KVOE- Httrttan

Adventure. *KECA- News.

KFWB- Pacific Lutheran Hr. KMTR -Voice of Prophecy. KFOX -Rev. Eddie Driver. KGB- Something Old, Some-

thing New. KGER- Tuckin' In Hour.

9:45 *KECA -Washington 'oside Out.

KI'PC- Religious News.

*KFI, KFSD- Richfield Re- porter.

*KNX -Ten o'Clock Wire. KHJ, KGB. :11th Air Force. KE('A- Soldiers of lite Press.

*KMPC -News, Old Fashioned Revival.

*KFWB -Henry Charles. *KMTR -News, Music.

KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance Time.

RYAS -Voice of Calvary. KGFJ -B. A K. Cowboys. *KIND- Newsical, 3 Hrs. KFOX -Rev. Fuller. KFXM, KV'OE -Old Fash-

ioned Revival. *KGER -News, Della Collins.

Figueroa Christian Church

Bey. it H. Burkhart. Minister

KMTR Sun., 9:06 p.m.

Altiste -A Worthwhile Message


1e:15-KFI-Cluipel Qua del. KN X-Iliscnssion. KH,1-Hawaii Calls. KEA 'A-Allen Rot tirets.

*KM9'It-Bob Brooks. KF11'It-1 I News lJotrr.

*Kr SI -Ncn s.

Inside the News


Carveth Wells

10:30 P. M. - KFI


10:30 *KF'1- ('orveth \9.11.,. KNX -We Deli ter the Goods. * KFC A -News. KIL1, KGB -Sil huff Orrh. KMTR- Solly's Ensemble. KI'AS- 11ril:ht burner l'hures. KGFJ- VI e.t,rn Music.

*KFVD- Newsi,ml. 10 :45*11F 1 -News.

KECA -Weekend Feature. KFWB- Musicale. KMTR -Al Uunahue Orchi.

li K FI -America United. *KNX -News.

KF:('A- Tunes, Tidings. K11.1- Sinftlet lu.

*KM I'(' -News, Masters' Hour. KFWIS -'vire of the Amoy.

*KMTR -News, Grace Mem- orial Cintrai.

KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KG Ki-Open 'Ali *KF'VD- Newsleal. '111 I .ut. *K PAS- News.

KFOX -Merl Lindsay's Baud. 11:15 -KFI -Evening Melodies. 11 :2u- KNX -Vaughu Monroe. 11 :30-KFI-Pacific Story.

KNX -Horace h eidt. KEC'A- Bridge tu Dreamland. KFWB -Music You Vi ant. KMTK -Rev. L. C. Page. KGFJ -Blu, of F :ventas.

11 :45*KHJ, KFSU- News. 11:35 *HNX, KFN'B- News.

WANTS CREDIT Hoagy Carmichael is usu-

ally credited with writing both words and music to the ever -popular tune, "Old Rockin' Chair." But Hoagy's mother is the authority for the fact that he really had a co-composer for the number -herself. She was respons- ible for the line "Cane by my side," and insists that her famous son give her due credit.

MUCH OF MUCHNESS Peggy Webber, from the

cast of Harold Lloyd's. "Comedy Theater," has been elected to the post of chief "Much of a Muchness" by the members of the Holly- wood Radio Club. Title springs from the little Web - ber's rapid climb to featured parts.

WHADAYA KNOW? Bill Goodwin is rating as

many sighs and dreamy looks as Brother Sinatra on the latter's Wednesday night CBS airer. Goldlvin's ap- pearance during the warm -

up results in a storm of "Ah's" from the down-front youngsters.


MONDAY, MARCH 12 * Indicutes News Broadcasts.


Panting 112 dour KFOX

Mon. thru Sat.

Wilbur Nelson .,.e4

30 minutes with the Hymn Book and the Bible

7:30 -8 A. M.


ótI1- Johnny Murray. KNX -Murk ttrenrmnn. KECA- McNeill'e Breakfast

Club. *KILL, KGB, KFXM, K\'OE-

Arthur Gaeth. *KMPC -News, William Parker *KFWB- Pennell Reporte. *KMTR -News, estern

Stars. K(:1'.1 -Musie Moderne.

*K PAS, K(:EH -News. KRKD, KFOX -Dr. Louie T.

Talbrot. KW KW- Pan -American Mis-

sion. KFVD- Covered Wagon

Jubilee. X:10 -KFWR -Bands in Review.

KGER -Soul Patrol. .1:15 *K Il -lieto ten the Lines.

KNX- Valiant Lady. Kll,l. KGB -Korn Knbblers. KM 1'('- Market Reporte, Sports KW KW- Reveille Revue. KFXM -Morning Melodies. KVOE -Meet a Friend. KGER- Mizpah.

X:25- KPAS- Mloute Prayer. KM 1'('- Hattie Sporte.

1:30 -K1'1 -Aunt Mary. KNX -tight of the World. KILL. KGB, KFXM, KVOF

'fake It Easy. KM PC-Unity Daily Word. FMB-Help Wanted.

*KFAC, KFSD -News.

KPAS, 8:30 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Mon., Wed., Fri.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KI'AS- -Nasen of Rest. KWKW- linsten the Day.

*KRKD -News Headlines. KFOX -Rev, R. F. Reid.

1:45 -KIl, KFSD -David Harun. KNX -Aunt Jenny's Real

Life Stories. *KEW'S-News.

RMTR -Bible Treasury. KFVD -Vocal Fatoritrs. KWKW -Reveille Revue, Sec-

ond. KVOE -Bing Crosby. KG ER-Rev. Bennington.

X :55 -K1:ß, KFXM. KVOE-l.anny & Ginger.

9 *KFI -Newa. KNX -Kate Smith.

*KHJ, HGB, KFXM, KVOE- William Lang, News.

KECA- Ghsmor Manor. *KMPC -News, Sweet Leilnni,

Art Baker. KFW'B -Dr. Rey nolds.

*KMTR -News, People Are Asking.

KFAC -J. Newton Yates, Or- gan.

KI:1'.1- Keyboard Magic.

pPolly and Pat

ATTERSON "Household Hints"

KPAS -9:00 a. m. Monday thru Friday

KPAS -folly Patterson. KRKD -Sage brush Serenade. KWKW- Reflections in Music. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus.

*KGER -News. 9:05 *KFI -Edward Jorgenson.

KGER- Curtis H. Springer. 9:15*KFI, KFSD -Larry Smith.

KNX -Big Sister.

KH.1, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE- Morton Downey.

KMPC -Say It With Music. KFWB- Rhumba Tinte. KFAC -Voire of Health. KGFJ -Medical. KWKW -Variety fiGER -Dr. J. A. tot ell.

0:30 *KF'I -News. KNX -Romance of Helen

Trent. FE 11.1-Time Out. KECA- lirenenlan's Breakfast

In Hollywood. *K IS, KFA(', KW'KW-

Newe, KMTR-W. B. Record. Kl:F,1- Swing Serenade. KGER -Radio Recital. KIND-Show Tunes. KGB -Serenading Tau. KI:X_M- Future Unlimited. KVOF'- frayer. Service Rand.

0:35- KFXM -Old Family Almanac. 9:40 -KF7- Musical M.

KFW'It -Sesee! Leila ni 'Time. 9:45 -BEI -Ronny Maned leis', Songs

KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KFWB- Midmorning Melodies. KMl'It -t 'Iifford E. Clinton.

*KRKD -News. KPAS- Ilarntune (tanned rod. KWKW- Willard Messenger. KFVD -Herr Connes Parade. KC,It -Natal .ten dents, Band. KFXM -Design for Listening.

10-KNX-Life Can Ire Beautiful.

*KECA -Tony Morse. *KILT, KGB, KFNM, KVOE-

News, Glenn Hardy. *KMIN' -News, Hits for the

Mesta.. KFW'It- Kitchen Kollege,

Chef Milani. *KMTIt- News. 5lusle.

K(:F'J- Upbeat Session. KIND-Morning Serenade. KWIC VW-Moment s of Melody.

*KGER -News, Music. *KEOX -News.

10:15- KFI- Itnllywood Fan Magazine KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA-Music for the Miscue. KH,1, KGB, KFXM, KS III-

Luneheon with Lapez. KMTK- King'Is lien. KRKD -Dr. O. M. Richardson KWKW -Spat king of Sports. KGER- Kingdom WRhin. KFOX -Rev, Emma Taylor.

10:30-K El-Albers (lour. *KNX- Bernadine Flynn, News

KECA -My True Story. KMPC -Stump l's.

*KFW'R -Henry ('harles. KMTR -Floyd R. Johnson.

*KFAC, KWKW-News. KPAS -Woman's World. KFVD -Un' 11e.cue Misstun Kt:ER- Sunshine Pastor.



600 710 870 980 1070 1110 1230 1280 1360 1439 1490

KFSD -Your Albers Hour. 10:45 *K F1, KIND-Art Baker, News

KNX -The Goldbergs. MU-Handy Mno. KMPC -llame ('hats. KEW'S-Science of Mind. KMTIt -('are of the Body. KFAC -Bel wren the Lines. K I{KD- Midnight Mission. KWKW -Treasury Salute. KGB, KFNM, KVOI. Amerl-

con Women's Jury. KFOX -Or. A. Ir. 31 iehelson.

10 :55-KECA-Aunt Jemima.

11 KFI, KFSD -Guiding Light. KNX -foyer Jordan. M. D.

*K11.1, KGB, KVOE- Cedric Foster.

*FF(':A- Itsukha go Talking. *KMPC -News, Homemakers

Club. KEW It-Al ,lards.

*K5l'l'R -News, Dr. 1.oais Talbot.

R I'AC- Floret ta. KGF.1 -Sweet and Low. Kl'AS -Ralph Littlefield.

*KFVD. KI:ER -News. KWKW-News, Dr. Springer. KFXM -Volee of Evperienee.

I I :15-K Et, FEIND- Today's Children KNX -Two on a Clue.

KECA- libel and Albert. KIIJ. KGB, KFXM, K \OE-

.lane ('owl. KI'AS -.1. Nett ton Yates. KI'OX -- Spotlight Rands. KG ER-Songs of Calvary.

Ii :30 -K El, KFSD -Woman in White KNS -ferry Mason. K11.1, KGB, Kl'XM, KVOE-

Never Too Old. RFII'A -Blue World-Cor-

respondents. K MT R- songs to Remember.

*KPAS- Pasadena Independent. *KRKD, KFAC, RFON -News.

RGF.1- Rainbow Rendezvous. KGER -Rea. Greemameyer.

11:45 -Kt1 -fly inns 01 All Churches. RN\- 'Pena & Tim.

*Kl'.('A -News. KMI'1 -I.ud dust. in. KI:F'J- Calling All 7.nnrs. KF'A(' -Piano Briefs. KI'AS -Hoot Gibson's fainted

root. KIND-Violet Schram. KI'ON- Varieties.

12 K E1 -Earn) Reporter. KNX -Mary Marlin. *KHJ- Broadway News. KECA- Mystery Chef.

*KMIK1 -News, John Kirby. *KMTH -News. Meet the Band.

KFAC -Luncheon Concert.

MONDAY Program Highlights Moaning frog ran Is Appear In

Evening Progi

Parlay 8:00- Johnny Murray, KFI. 8 :00-McNeill's Breakfast Club,

KECA. 9:00 -Kate Smith, KNX. 9:30 -Tom Breneman Break fnat.

KECA. 6:00-Something New, KFI. 6:30 -Spotlight Bands. RECA. 7 :00-Anita Ellis, KHJ.

:00-Guy Lombardo, KECA, 8:00 -Semper Club, KFI. 8:15- I1edda (topper, KNX. 14:15 and Abner. KF:('A. A:30- (turns & Allen, KNX. 9:30 -Vox l'op, KNX.

¡Par 5:15 -Salute to the Services,

KMTR. 8:U0- Reuter's News Dispatch,

KFFWB. 9:3o- Spotlighting the War, K11.1

Outstanding Mucic 4:00 -Musical Masterpieces,

KEAI'. 5:30 -Voice of Firestone. REI. 6:o0- Musical Digest. RGF.1. 7:00- Contented Hour, Kll. 8:00- Evening Concert, KFAC. 9:00- Telephone hour, KIT.

I.ightfn,e Type: A f:eruomt and 'ante In Boldface.

1 10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance 'Time. KFAC.

lit :00- Newsieal, KF \ "D. 10:00- Eastside ('lab, KIM B.

Drama 5:30 -Tom Min. KHJ. 6:o0 -I.nx Radio Theater, KNX.

:00-Screen Guild Players, KNX.

7:30 -Lone Ranger. KHJ. 8:110 -Sherlock Holmes, KIIJ. 8:30- /'nvalende of .America,

K II. !:30- Michael Mayne, K11.1 S :30 -lits, thorns House. KECA 9:00-The Whistler, KNX,

Quiz Programs 6:30 -Information Please, RII. 7:311 -Thanks to the Yanks, RN X 7:30 -Dr. I. Q., KF'1. 8:30-Pay Day Quiz. BMP('. 9::20 -Noah Webster Says,

Public Afairs 1:30 -School of Air. KNX. 2 :00 -0. W. Ideas, KRKD.

Sports -Comment 12:30- Bridge Club, KM1'C, 6:15 -Sportstime, KMPC.

10:30 -Sam Batter, KE('A.

KPAS -Hal Hart. KWKW -Blue Room. KRKD- Prairie Seh,ouner. KC,I'.1- Concert Pastelle.

*KIND- Editor of Air. *KGER -News, Dr. ('urtis II.

Springer. RI71U- \Yuman of :Vineries.

*KGB, KS 0E- Netts. 12:15 -KFI, KISD -Ma Perkins.

KNX- Neighbors, Irene Beasley.

RIIJ- Johnson Family. KECA- Gospel Singer. KMI'('- Norman Nesbitt. KWKW -Open Bible Revival. KIND- Luncheon Musical.

*K FOX, KI'XM -News. K\ OE -Red Cross.

12:30 -KFI, KFSD- Pepper Young's Family.

KNX -Bright Horizon. KILL KVOE -Mild and Mel-

lott. *KECA-John B. Kennedy.

KMPC tiridge flub, Robert Johnson.

*KFSVB -News. KOITIt -Merl Lindsay & Bnnd KFAC -l'an Americana.

*KWKW- News, Variety. KGB -Molly Morse. KUXM- Farm Front.

12:45 -HE1, KIND-Right to Happi- ness.

KSX- Itachelar's Children. KECA- Memories in Melody. KII.1, KGB, KI:XM, KVOE-

(iratinuc Living. KMPC -Organ Melodies. KFW'B -AI Jarvis.

* K FA(' -News. KWKW- Singing Sweepstakes KEVD- Violet Schram. KFOX -Lucky Lady. K(:ER- Gardening School.

1 KEI, KIND-Backstage Wife. KNX -(:, F:. House Party. KIIJ -Think Hard Now.

*KECA-Time Views the News. *KF'W'B, KIND. KGEK -News. *KMi'C -News, Headline Bands *KMTIt-News, Rhyme, Rhythm

KFAC--Dr. Helen Collier. KGFJ -Ens Rhythm. KGB, KVOK-Walter Compton KFXM -Moods in Music.

1:15 -KFI, KIND-Stella Dallas. KECA -Radio Parade. KFW'1I -Al Jarvis. KFAC -Melody Matinee. KFVD -Moods In Music. KGB-Club Reporter. KVON Newspix Melodies.

1 :25*KNX-News. 1 :30-KEI, KI'SD- Lorenzo Junes.

KNX -School of the Air. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Tnmmy Harris Tinte. *KECA -'this Moving World,

Gil Martin. KMPC -Lady of Charm. KMTR- Swingtime.

*KRKD -News, Music. *K PAS-News. *KWKW -News, Memo rice.

KGFJ- Blenveni dos Amigos. 1:45 -KEI, KFSD -Young Widder

Brown. KHJ -Unscheduled.

*KECA -Ruddy Twins, News. KMPC- Family Bible. KRKI)- Singing Waiters. KFVD -Music City. K l'AS- Gardening. KEOX- Concert Master.

1 : 30*K Et 'A-Ed Jorgenson.

2 RÍ1, KIND-When a Girl Marries.

KNX -Evelyn Winter. *KHJ -This ('hanging World.

KECA- What's hein', Ladies. *K 31117-News, Sweet l,eiiani. *K51I'R- News, Halley's

Swingtime. KRKD -O. W. Ideas. KGF'J -Town Crier Presents. KIND-Timely Tunes. KWKW -('lab 60. KGB, KVOE -handy Mato.

*KGER -News, Music Appreci- ation.

KFXM -Our Town, Social Se- curity.

2:15 -KFl, KFSD -Portla Faces Life.

KNX -Sondra Martin. KHJ -Today oo the (bast. KMPC -Pan -Americana KFAC -Paradise Isle. KtOX- Public Bulletin.

X:30 -KEI, KFSD -Just Plain IÍB.


TUESDAY, MARCH 13 * Indicates News Rroadrnts.


Scotch Triple Action Cleanser

8 KFI -Johnny Murray. KNX -Mark Breneman. KF :CA- McNeill** Breakfast


Arthur Garth. *KMI'(' -News. William Parker *KFW'B- Parnell Reporta. *KMTR -News. Western Stars.

Kl'AC- Country Church of Hollywood.

KGFJ -Morie Moderne. *R AS, KGER -News.

KRKD 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues.. Ti"' ,., Sat.

First Mate Bot. and the Good S(vp Grace


R. L. McMASTER, D.C., Ph.G..

Ph.D., F.R.S.A. (London) for the

McCOY HEALTH SYSTEM Every morning -Non. thrti FrI.

KFAC at 9:13

CBKD. K^QN.-Bnven of Rest %WNW' -Pa American Mission

- eirV-D -t "'t'r-1 Wagon Jubilee.

KFSD -Hord '' Life. 11:15 *K,'1 -Bet w'ern its Lines.

' q." -V allam'. I.uJ7. H.I KI:1( -I "rn Kobblers.

KM l't' -Mark' í Keilort, Sporte. KF WB-Band 'ti, Review. KWKW- Rev,llle Revue. RF \M -Murii yelodies. AFSD -nod , Tel. KVOF - -Meet a Friend. KGER- Mizpyti.o

9:,5- KPAS- Minut,. ' úa7er, KMPC- Halt,. 'puma.

5:30- KFI -Aunt yt irr KNX- light latte World. RH.). Kt.R it. It Ease. KMPC -Knit. Z' y Word. KFWB-11.0 t lS

*KFAC K'..0.1"3i49ii -24ews. K PAS- B,,1,' ;,t' Brothers. KN KW -.Ur. John Matthews. RFXM- }t,inahine Service. KVOF AI Williams. KFOX. -Rev. R. F.. Reid.

9 :46-KFf. KFSD -David Flamm. HNC -Aunt Jenny' Stories.

w'Z I W B -News. KT R -Bible Treasury. K F'V'D -Vocal Favorites. L W'KW- Reveille Revue, Sec- ' ond. KVOF-Bing Crosby. K(:F:R -Rev. Bennington. KFSD -Ur. Reynolds.

SS- KGB -Charlotte (kettle.

9 *KFI -News. R' -Kate Smith.

*KH.1. KGB, KFXM, KVOE- W'illiam Lang.

KECA- Glamor Manor. *KMPC -News, Sweet Lellaal,

Art Baker. KFWB-Health Talk.

*KMTR-News, Christian Fun- damentals.

KFAC-J. Newton Vales, Or- gan.

RGI'J- Keyboard Magic. KRKD - Reflections in Music. KWKW- Maurice Johnson. K PAS -Polly Patterson. K FAD- Waltz Time. K FOX -Firebrands for Jesus.

*KGER -Keas. 9:05 *KFI- Edward Jorgenson,

Comment. KGER -Ur. Curtis H. Springer.

9:15 *KFI, KF$D -Larry Smith, Commentator.

KNX -Rig Sinter. K11.1, KGB, KFXM. KV'OE-

Morton Downey. KMPC -Say It With Music. KFWB- Rhumba Time. KGFJ-Medical. KPAS- Mutual M gen. KWKW -Morning Song Parade. KGER -Rev. J. A. Lovell.

KFAC- V'nire of Health. 9:50 *KF'l -News.

KNX-Romance of Helen Trent.

KECA- Breneman'a Breakfast in Hollywood.

KH.1 -Time Out. *KFWR, KF'A(', KWKW -News.

KMTR-W. B. Record. KF'.1) -Show Tunee. KGFJ -Swing Serenade. KGER -Radio Revival. KGB -l'. S. Marine Band. KVOF'- Prayer, Seri ire Rand.

9 :3.S -KFXM -Old Family Almanac. 9:40- KFI -G. 1.4 Abroad.

KFWB -Sweet i.eilani. 9:45 -KFI -Ronny Mansfield. Songs.

KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KFWB -Midmorning Melodies. KMTR-Clifford F:. Clinton.

*KRKD -Newa, Clifton. K FAC- Midmorning S de. KPAS -- Harmony Homestead. RWKW- Willard Messenger. KFVD-Here Comes Parade. K FXM- Design for Listening. KFSD -Ann Gibson.

10RNX -T.ife Can Re Beautiful. *KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KV'OF

News, Glenn Hardy. *KECA -Tony Morse. *KMI'(' -News, Hits for the

M i ssus. KNIVES-Kitchen Kollege, Chet

M liant. *KMTR -News, Music.

K6F'.1- Upbeat Session. KWKW-Moments of Melody.

*KGER -News, Musk. *KFON -News.

10 :15- KFI -Hollywood l'an Magazine KNX -Ma Perkins. HE('A- Music for the Missur. AHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

l.unrheon with Lopez. KMTR-King's Men.

*K l'AS -News. KRKD -Ur. O. M. Richardson KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor. KGER- Kingdom Within. KFSD- Heaven on Earth Club

10:311- KFI -Altiers Hour. *KNX -Bernadine Flynn. News.

KECA-My True Story.




S7DT64dT19DT93oTI020T 1150 1240 TIoT --y-

600 710 810 980 1010 1111 1230 1280 1360 1431 149U

Kill. KGB, RFXM, RV0E- Paula Stone, .lutin Bello.

KMPC -Stump Cs. *KFWB -Henry ('harles.

KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. *KFAC. KWKW" -News.

KP.VS- Woman's World. KFVD-Union Rescue Mission AGM-Sunshine Pastor. KFSD- Albers Hour.

1e:i5 *KFI, KFSD -Art Baker, News KNX -The Goldberg,. RH.1 -Handy Man. KMPC -Home Chats. KFWB-Science of Mind. RFA('- Between the Lines. KFOX -Dr. A. l'. Michelson. KWKW -Gaucho . der. KGB, KFXM, KA OE-Wom-

en's Jury. KRKD- Midnight Mission.

10:53--KECA -Aunt Jemitsa.

11 KFI, KFSD -Guiding Light. KNX -Joyce Jordan. M.D.

*KECA- Raoklutge Talking. *KH.1. KGB, KV'0F.-('edric

Foster. *KMI'(' -News, Homemakers'

Club. KFWIS -At Jarvis.

*KMTR-News, Dr. Louis Talbot.

KWKW-News. Dr. Springer. KGFJ -Sweet and Low. KFAC -Floretta. KFXM-Voice of Experience.

*KFVD, KGER -Newa. 11:15 -KFI, RFSD- Today's Children

KNX -Two on a Clue. KECA-Ethel and Albert. KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KV'I)N

.lane ('owl. KFV'l)- Musical Revue. HI'AS -J. Newton Yates. KGER -Songs of Calvary. KFOX-Spotlight Bands.

11:15- KH.I -OwI Program. I1 :30 -KFI. KFSD -Woman in White

KNX -Perry Mason. KE('A -Blue World -Cor-

respondents. Kll.l, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE--

Net er Too (lid. KMTR -Songs to Remember.

*K PAS-Pasadena Independent. *KFAC. KFOX -News. *KRKD -News. Douglas.

KGFJ -Rainbow Rendezvous. KGER -Rev. Chas. Greens -

meyer. 11 :45-RF'1 -Hymns of All Churches.

KNX -Tens & Tim. KECA -News, Ted Meyers. RMPC- D'Artega. KFAC -Plano Briefs. KFV'D -Violet Schram. KPAS- Hoot's Painted Post.

TUESDAY Program Highlights NI..i tuna l'rgt nine Appear In Licht fa."e 'l'F pc: Afternoon and

P:cening Programs in Boldface

4:30 -This Is My Best, KNX. 7:30 -Red Ryder. KHJ. 1:30 -One Man's Family. KECA. ß:0O -count of Monte Cristo,

KHJ. 11:30- Romance. KNX. 9:00-Big Town. KNX. 9:30 -Downstage ('enter, KFI. 9:30- Murder Will Ott, KECA.

Q Gig Programs 1 :00-Think Hard Now, KHJ. 1::00-Money on the Line, KNX.

Outstanding Dlusic ( :00 -- Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 4 :30-American Melody Hour,

KNX. ß:0t- Musical Digest, KGFJ. ß:10- Evening Concert , KFAC.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time, KFAC.

1 :01- Newsicsl, KFVD. 10:00- Eastside Club, KFWB.

Public Affairs

12:45- Books, KVOE. 6 :30- American Forum. Riti.

10:30- congress Speaks, KNX. 11:30 -White Market

Sports- Co inment 5 :15 -Belle Martell. KMTR. loaf- Olympic Fights. KMTR. lo In Baiter Sports, KECA

Variety ß :On- Johnny Murray. WEI. e:Op- TirNrIIt'a Breakfast Club,

KECA. 9:00 --Kate Smith. KNX. 9:30- Breneman's Breakfast

Party. KECA. 10:00 -Cher Milani. KFWB. 10:30 -Paula Stone, KHJ. 11 :15 -Jatte Cowl, KIN. 4 :30-Art Baker's Notebook. KF7 5:30 -Date with Judy, KFI. 5:30- Fibber McGee & Molly.

KFI. 6:30- Spotlight Bands, KECA. 7:00 -Bob Hope. RFI.

7 :30- Raleigh Room, Hildegarde, K F'I.

11:00 -.lark Kirkwood Show, KNX.

8:00-Supper ('huh. KFI. 6:15-1.nm and Abner, KECA. 8:30-Johnny Presents ¡Dimly

Simms, KFI. 11:10-Alan Voting Show, KECA. 9 :o0- Everything for the Boys,


War 7:00- Trans- Atlantic Quiz,

K F :C A. 10:15 -Pacific War Analysis, KNX

Dra Theater. KFI.

a :ßn -Inner Sanctum, KNX.

KF()X-Varietles. 1 t :55*K WK W'-News.

12 -KFI -Farm Reporter. KNX -Mary Marlin.

*KHJ- Broadway News. KECA- Mystery Chef.

*KSITR -News, Meet the KPAS -Hal Hart. KFAC -Luncheon Concert. KGFJ--Concert Pastelle. KWKW-Blue Room. KFVD-Editor of Alr. KFXM-Diagnostic Group. KFr3D- Wonsan of America. KRKD- Prairie Schooner.

*KGER, KGB, KV0E -News. i2:l1i -KFI, KFSD -Ma Perkins.

KNX-Neighbors, Irene Beas- ley.

KH.1- Johnson Family. KECA-The gospel Singer. KM PC-Norman Nesbitt. KWKW' -Open Bible Soc. KFVD- Luncheon Musical. KGB, KV'OE -Sweet 1.rtlanl.

12 :30 -KFI, KFSD- Pepper Voting's Fnmily.

KNX- Bright Horizon. KH.1, KVOE-Mild and Mel-

low. *KECA -.tiglon B. Kennedy.

KMI'('- Bridge Club. *RFW'B -News.

KMTR -Merl Lindsey & Band. KFAC -l'on Americana. KF'V'D -V inlet Schram.

*KWKW-News, Maurice Johnson.

KGER -i390 Club, RFOX -March Time. KGB -Molly Morse. KFXM -Smoothies.

l2 :45 -KFI, KFSD -Right to Happi- ness.

KNX- Bachelor's Children. KECA- Memories in Melody, KMP(' -Organ Melodies. KFWB -AI .Tarvis.



It's New -It's Different SINGING

SWEEPSTAKES Daily 12:45 to 1:30 p.m.

KWKW 1430 kc.

KWKW -Singing Sweepstakes KGB, KFXM -This Is Music KVOE -Rooks. KFOX -Lanky Lady.

1 KFI, AFMD- Backstage Wife. KNX -G. E. House Party.

*KECA -Time Views the News KHJ, Mill--Think Hard Now.

*KMPC -News, Headline Bands *KF WII -News. *KMTR -News, Rhyme. Rhythm

KGF./ -Easy Rhythm. *KGER, REVD -News.

KGB, RV'OF Walter Comp- ton.

KFXM -Monda in Music. 1:15 -KFI, KFSD -Stella Dallas.

KF:('A -Rodin Parade. KHJ -Lee Shippey. KFWlt -Al Jarvis. KFAC- Melody Matinee. KFVD--Moods in Musk. KGB -Need Advice? K V'OE- Newspiz Melodies.

1 :15 *KNX -News. Appreciation. KGER -Munie App

1:30-KFt, KFSD -Lorenzo .tones. KNX -Schwa of the Air. KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KNOF-

Tom ny Harris Time. KECA -Thin Moving World. KMPC-Ludy of Charm. KMTR- Swingtime.

*KRKD. KI'AS -News. *KWKW -News, Musical Metn-

nrirs. KF'V'U- Haw'niian. KFOX- Concert Master. KGFJ- Bienvenidos Amigos.

1:45 -KFI, KFSD- Young Widder Brown.

*RE('A -Buddy Twiss. KMPC -Family Bible. KRKD- Singing Waiters. KI'AS- Internal Revenue.

1:50 *KECA- Edward Jorgenson.

2 -RFI. KFSD -When a Girl Marries.

KNX -Evelyn Winter. *KKJ-This

KECA-What's Ladies?


KNX -Meet the Missus. KECA -Bet wren the Lines. KM PC-King Cole Trio. KFWB -Hal Styles.

*KRKD -News. KFOX -W eotero Songs.

:45 -KF't, KFSD -Front Page Farrell.

6111. KGB, KVOE -Radio Tour.

KECA- Frances Scully. KMPC -Bing Crosby.

*FU ND-News. KRKD- Salvatore Santaella.

KFI. KFSD -Road of Life. HNX -Housewives Protective

League. *KF.('A -Three O'clock News. *KHJ, KGER -News.

HFAC- Famous Musical Favorites.

*KMI'(' -News, Local E% cots. KFWB- Melody Matinee.

*KMTR -New,, Il Pays to Know.

KGFJ -Jack Pot. KRKD- Victory Queen Contest

*KPAS -Listener Digest. K W K W- Latin -American KGB, KVOE- Griffin Report-

ing. H1.\M- Prayer, News, Devo-

tions. KFOX -Buddy Cole.

3:15 -KFI -Star Playhouse. KECA- Footlight Favorites. KHJ -Happy Homes, Norma

Young. KM PC- Swing Shift. KPAS -.Luke Box Matinee. K W'K W- Songs. KFOX -Mr. & Mrs. America. KGB -Three Sun,. HVOE -Of Civic Interest.

I :30 -KFI- Rosemary. KNX -Lynn Murray's Music. KECA -Appointment With Life. KFWB -Sweet l.eilani. Vic-

torious Living. KMTR -Pianos.

*KRKD -News, Music. KFVD- Popular °riles.

*KWKW -Off Ohe Press. K(,FJ- Variation. KGB -Art (taker. HVOE - Variety. HFOX- Hollywood Salon. KGER- Cheerful Chat.

2:45-101-Woman of America. HNX -The World Today. KHJ -Rill (lay Reads the

Bible. KEW B -Jazz. KMTR- ('iifford E. Clinton.


Johnson Family. HWKW -Light Classics. HFSD -Aunt Mary,

2:56 *KNX- Joseph Harsch,

4 FI, HF'SD -Dr. Kate. KKNX- Potluck Party.

*HEC A, KFOX -Gen. Pierce, Comment.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- News, Fulton r.

*KMPC- Newe Sweet Lewis,

Ì.eilani, Joan Rolando.

KFWB -Bert Fiske,


Classics old and new

KMTR 4:06 -5:00 P.M.

Monday thru Saturday

*KMTR- -News, Pictures in Mude


Gems of Melody 4 - 5 P. M., KFAC -1330

Slavick Jewelry Co.

K. EAU-Musical Masterpieces. KGFJ -Air- o- tori:ils. KFVD -Piano Sei crtions.

*HGER -News, Helene Smith. 4:13 *KFI, KFSD -News of the

World. *KECA -Raymond Gram Swing

KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Reg Miller.

KFWB- Income Tax Interview KGFJ -Styling, in Blue. HWKW- Citizens' Committee.

*KFVD -New,. HRHD- Movielaad Quit

RADIO LIFE PAGE 1:30 -KF1 -Art Baker's Notebook.

KNX -Open House. KECA -Easy l.istrniñ ,

K1iJ -Tempo Time. K%IIM'- Paninr°unt Parade.

*KFWB -Vora) Varieties. Ness s. KRKD -Tunes of the Day. HWKW- Italian Melodies.

KGB, KVIIIE- Ilouse of Mystery KFNM -Dr. Philip M. le,vell. KFSD -Black Q White.

4:45 -KECA -Hop Harrigan. KHJ -Frolics. KM PC-Hit Parade Tunes. KFWB- Stuart Hamblen.

*KRKD -News. KFOX -Art Dickinson. KGB, HVOE -Chick Carter. KGER -I Love Children. *KIND-H. V. Kaltenborn.

1:33 -HNX -Organ Interlude.

S *KFI -H. V. Kaltenborn. KNX -Man Named Jordan. KECA -Terry and the Pirates

*KHJ, KGB, KFX31, KVOF: Sam Hayes.

*HMPC -News, Teeo and Twenty.

*KMTR -News, Music. KGFJ -Jive at 3. KPAS -Cncle Charlie. KRKD -Song, of the Saddle. KWKW- Payroll Guarantee.

*KGER -News. 5:13 *KFI, KFSD -News.

KNX -Through a Woman's Eyes.

KECA -Dlck Tracy. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, K {'OE-

Superman. KMTR- Salute to the Services

*KFAC, KIND, KF.WI -News. *KWHW -News. Western.

1:30 -KFI, KFSD -Voice of Fire- stone.

*KNX -Harry Flannery. KECA -,Jack Armstrong. HH.I, KGB, KFXM. HAVE-

Ad. entures of Tom Mix. KMTR -Irwin Allen. KFAC -Whoa Bill Club. HGF.1- Intermission. KIND-90-90 Club. KRHU -South Sea, Serenade. KWHW -American -Jewish Hr KGER -Rev. Gortner.

S:43*KNX -News, Truman Bradley KECA- Capta in Midnight.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KYOE- Night News Wire.

HMPC -Help Wanted. *KMTR -K. louis Platen, Neu,.

KGFJ -Console Encores. KIND- Evening Concert. 0:33 *KNX -Bill Henry.

6-K ('annichael. HNX -Lai Radio Theater. KECA --Jerry Wayne Show.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KVOE- News, Gabriel [halter.

*KMPC -News, Music. *KFWB, KFOX, KGER-News. *KMTR -News, Political.

KFAC -Music for Everyone. KGFJ -Musical Digest 'till

a p. m. KPAS- Hospitality House.

6:13 *KF1, KFVD- New,. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVIIE-

Real Life Stories. KMPC Sports Time. *KFWB -John B. Hughes.

KMTR- Tomasso Ensemble. KFOX -Master Theater Radio

6:30 -1[F1, KFSD -Information Please.

KECA- Spotlight Bands. RBI, KVOE -Music for.

Worship. KMI'('- Rhumba Time. KFWB- America Dances. KFVD- Vaudeville. KPAS- ('hunch of Christ. KGB -Eddy Orcutt. KFXM-Parent -Teachers. KFOX -Hat's Memory Room. KGER-Prophecy Speaks.

6:45- KMTR -Gifford E. Clinton. KPAS -Dr. Frazee. KGB -Music for Worship. I:55- KECA- Coronet Story Teller.

7 -KFI, KFSD- Carnation Con- tented Hr.

KNX- Screen Guild Players. KECA -Guy Lombardo JI

Canadians. KH.I. KGB, Kr OK -Anita

Ellis Sings. *KMPC -News, (/inner hanse. *KMTR -New,, Music. *KRKD, KGER -News.

KPAS -Help Wanted. 7:13 *KIIJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Lowell Thomas. KMTR -W. B. Record. RFAC -Floyd A. Allen. KRKD -Three Quarter Time. KPAS- C.I.O, Reporter.

7:30 -KFI, KVSI -Dr. I. (t. KNX- Thanks to the Yanks. KECA- lirsert e. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Anita Ellis l':m'orr. *KFW It -News.

KMTIt -Dr. ('lent Unties. KF'AC -Casa ('ognt. KRKD -Do You Know? KPAS -Roy and loony. KGER- Gospel Hour.

?:I.S- KMPC-James O. Stevenson. *KFWB, KF'OX -MaJor Hubert

Turner, Comment. KPAS- Studio Frolics. K11, KFSU- Supper Club. KNX -Jack Kirkwood Show.

*KECA -Ted Malone. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, HVOE-

Sherlock Holmes. *KM PC-News, Modern Vocal

(:ems. *KFWB -Reuters' News Dis-



and King's Ambassador Quartet KMTR -8:05.9:00 P. M.

Alan 10:.10 -IONS A. M. Monday t hr uugh Friday

*K It-Sept., Lloyd B. Johnson.

HFAC- Evening Concert. KGFJ -Of Words and Verse. KPAS -J. Frank Burke. *KGER-News, Jesus Name.

8:13 *KFI, KFSD- Fleetwood l aw- ton.

HNX -Hedda Hopper. KECA -Lum & Abner. KFWB -Warner Bros. Orch. KGFJ -Show Time.

*KPAS -New,. 1:30 -KFI, HFSD- Cavalcade of

America. HNX -Bursa & ABeo. KE(':t- Hawtborne House.



SHAYNE Private Detective" Adventure Intrigue


HH,1, KGB, KFXM, RVOE- Michael Shayne.

/Ja.rONtNfYHK i11 P O D

4T1GFOf TRt JttlliM/tUMAqpp10[IT7w- i

Mon . 81 OPM. KM PC KMPC -Pay Day Quiz.

*KFW B -News. KGFJ -Dancing Rhythm. KPAS, KFOX -P. E. Gardner

8:15 *KECA -News. K FW It- Pan -A- Musi- ('ana.

Miracles of Science Dr. Arthur I. Brown

3:45 - KGER, 1390 kc. Mon. Tues. Wed.

Klil':R- Miracles of Science. : 5:.* K N N -New,.

KFI, KFSSD- Telephone Hour. KNX-The Whistler.


News, Glenn (lardy. *KMPC -News, Music Box. *KF7{'H -Peter de (.ima. *KMTR -News, Music. KGFJ- Saludos Amigos.

KPAS -Dr. Louis Talbot. 8:13 *KIIJ, KGB, KEN 31, KVOH --

Cecil Brown, News. KFWB- Strollin' Tom. KMTR -Texas Jim.

8:30 -K FI KFSD -Noah { {ebetelf Says.

KNX -Vox Pop. KIIJ, KFXM, KA 0E -Spot-

lighting War. *KF('A -New,. *KFWB-Henry Charles.

KPAS -Life and Health. KGB--Police Reporter. o:LI-KECA- Stand by for Adven- ture. K11.1, KGB, KS LIE -The Feel-

ing is .Mutual. *KFWB -Sam Butter.

KMTR- ('lift'ard E. Clinton. KPAS -t.. L Joe.

*KII, KFWU- Richlleld Re- porter.

*KN\ -Ten ()'Clock Wire. 10

Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M.-- KECA

Inside the News

I M.


10 to 12 P.

with Carveth {Neils


*KF.CA-Hol`ywood Spralight, George FÌsher.

/ *HIiJ, KGP KF:CM, KVOE- s ewis, Jr. *KVfitoo\eY.s

Dance liara,e.

Ivory Nits [,..¡a s.

KFIW .d.,

An..k.. KF{{'ß- Eastsid° Club.

*KMR T- News, Music. HFAC -Cocky Lager Dance

Time. KGFJ -B. d 7

*KFVD- Newslca 3 lire. KPAS-Texas JiJ' L wis

10:13 *KN X -The Unseen Enemy, KECA -Martha Migre.

*KH./, KGB, KF\JI- -\ews KMTR -Bob Brooks.

10:30 *KFI- ('arveth Wells. snored HNX -World's Most Muele.

RECA- Sports Honk. KHJ -Johnson Family. KMTR- Solly', Ensemble. KGFJ- Western. KFXM -Mystery Theater. 'e" HGER -Idiot's Delight.

10:15 -KFI -Voice of a Nation. KILL -Songs to Remember. KECA- What's New on Blue. Mint -At Donahue Orch.

11 *KFI, HNX, KHJ -News.

KECA -Tunea, Tidings. *KMI'( -News, l'eter Potter.

KFWB- Eastside Club. *KMTR -News, Win Morro.

KGFJ -Open Album. *KFVI)- Newsical. KFOX-Merl Lindsay and

Nits Riders. 11:13 -KFI- Philharmonic Preview

KILL, KGB. K'i OE -Curt Massey.

HFAC -Lucky Lager Dance Time.

11:30- HFI -It Happened Today. KNX -Ansel Hill.

11:30 -KFI, HFSU- Charles l.a Vere.

KECA- News, Dixie Hospital- ity.

KHJ, KGB- Carlos Molina's Orch.

KGFJ -Blue of Evening. *HFVU- Newsreel, 'till l a.m.

11:43 *Kit./, KGB. KF'SD -News. KFI- Ballhidettes. II :55 *KNX, KFWB-News.

KFI -Musical Encores.


RADIO LIFE PAGE 15 *KMPC -News, Sweet Letitia'. *KMTR -News, Halley's

Swingtime. KWKH'- -('lob 60. KGF.1 -Town (Tier Presents. KFOX -Organ Treasures. KRKD- P.T.A. KFVD -Timely Tunes. KGB, REAM-Handy Man. KGER- Rolfe's Band.

t:15 -KFI, RFSD- Portia Faces Life. KNX- Sandra Martin. *RHJ -Today on Coast.

KMPC -Pan Americana. KFAC- Paradine Isle. KFOX- Public Bulletin.

2 :!6 *KNX- News. 2:30 -KF1, KIND -.brat Plain Bill.

KNX -Meet the Mantas. *KECA- Between the Lines. IMP(' -Music Appreciation.

KFWB -Hai Styles. *KRKIL RGER -News,

KFOX -Songs of the West. 2:45 -KFI, RFSD -Front Page

Farrell. KF,CA -Fra nee% Scully. AHJ, KGB, KVOE -Radio

Tour. KMPC -Bing ('roaby. KRKD- Salsafore Santnella.

*KFVD -News. RFl -Rond of Life. KNX- Houscw'h'ea Protective

League. *KECA -Three o'('Inck News, *KHJ. KFSD, KGER -News. *KMPC -News, Local Et eats. RF'WB- Melody Matinee. *KMTR -News, It lays to

Know. KFAC- F'amm,s Musical

Favorites. KGFJ -.lack Pot. KFVD- Popular fines. KRKD- Matinee Melodies. *K PAS -List ' Digest. K W K W-Lat ln- American. KFOX -Buddy Cole. KGB, AV'OF Griffin Repart -

ing, KFXM -frayer, News, Dev a-

t iona. I:.- KFI -Star Pitt bonne.

KW-Happy Homer., Norma Voting.

KF :('A -Foot lilt Favorites. KMPI'- Swingshift. K WK W -Song.. KPAS -Juke Box Matinee, KFOX -Hawaii Calls. RVIIF ('ivir Internat. RGER -l'. S. Nary.

3:30 -KFI-Rosemary. _ *KNX -News, Afternoon Dance KECA- Appointment With Life.

KEW R -Sweet Leilani, Vic- torious Using. K M TR- Pianos. KGFJ- Variation.

*KRKD -News Headlines. *KWKW -Off the Press. KFOX- Hollywnnd Salon.

KGB. KVOE- Musical Matinee KGEK-- Cheerful Chat. 3:45 -KFI -Woman of America. *KNX- 14 'nrld Today, Joseph Ranch.

KH,1 -Bill Hay Reads the Bible.

KFWB- .Jazz. KMTR-Clif ford E. Clinton.

*RFA(' -News. KWKW -Light Classics. KGB. KFXM, KV'OE- .lohn-

ann Family. KFSD-Aunt Mary.

"W KFI, KFSD -Dr. Kate. KNX -Potluck Party.

*KECA- General Pierce. *RHJ, KGB, RFXM, KVOE -' Fulton Lewis, Jr. *KMPC -News, Sweet Lei Ian', Juan Rolando.

REAM-Bert Flake. *KMTR --News, Pictures in Music KGFJ- Air- o- tarlala,


Gems of Melody 4 - 5 P. M., KFAC -1330

Slavick Jewelry Co.

KFAC -Musical Masterpieces, KFVD- l'inno Selections. RWKW -Light ('luasics.

J:15 *KF'1RKF Ì))-News. sews. *KNX -News, Mllair, *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, K %ilI:-

Rex Miller. *KECA- Raymond Gram Swing

*KFWB- Gospel and Song, News * R l'V D -News. KGFJ- Stylings in Blue. K WIC W-('il tress Committee. KRKD-Moo ieland Quiz.

x:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX- American Melody Hour. KECA -Ozie Waters. KW-Tempo ']'mie. KM PC-Our Fighting Heroes. KRKD -Tonca of the Day. K WEE W- Italian Melodies. RIND-Tea Time Music. KGB, K 0F Hou.e of Mys-

tery. K1: \M -Dr. l'hiiip Loi ell. KIND-Black 'n' N hite,

4 :43-KW-Frolics. RECA -Hop Harrigan. KMt'('- Twilight l'ale., KFIVB- Slnart Hamblen. REOX -Art Dickinson. KRKD- Saloafore Santaella. KGER- Colonial Tabernacle. KGR- ('hick Carter. KVOE- Rhythm and Romanes RFXM- Musical Cocktail.

S *KFI, KFSD- Edward Jorgen- non.

KNX -Man Named Jordan. *RHJ. KGB, KFXM, RIVE-

Sam Hayes, News. KECA -Terry and the Pirates.

*KMPC -News, Teen and Twenty *KMTR -News, Muai,'.

RI'AS- ('rude Charlie. KRKD -Songe of the Saddle.

Yes, Indeed ... It's



FIVE! The latest, the hottest, the best in swing, jazz and plain HOT music. Today you'll hear: Leonard Feath- er's All Stars in "Esquire Bounce" and ' E s q u i r e

Blues ''; George Burnis Jazz Band in "That Da Da Strain "; King Cole Trio in "Pitchin' Up a Boogie" and "F. S. T." Program em- ceed by Bob Hanna!

KGFJ at 230 on the

Los Angeles dial

KGFJ -Jive nt S. KFVD- E ening Serenade. KWKW- Pnyroil Guarantee. RFOX- Sunshine rotator. *RGER -News,

5 :16 *1(11. KIND-Newt.. KNX- Through a Woman's

Eyes. KECA -Dick Tracy. RHJ, KGB, REAM, KV 0E-.

Superman. KMTR -Belle Martell, Sports.

*KFAC, KIND-News. *KWKW -News, Western.

3:30 -KFI, RFSD -A Dale with Jody.

*RNX -Harry W. Flannery. KECA -.lack Arcoat rang. KHJ, KGB, F'CM, KVOE- Arlentures of Tom Mix. KMTR -Irwin Allen. KFAC-Whoa Bill flub. KG F,1 -I nt erm l anion. KFVD- 90 -80 Club. KRKD-South Seas Serenade. R W'K W- American ,Newish Hr. KGER -Rev. Gartner.

IS *KNX- Truman Bradley, News KF.('A- (:aptain Midnight. *KILL KGB, RFXM, KV'OE-

Night News Wire. KMPC -Help Wanted.

*KMTR -K. Louis Flatau. RGFJ- Console Encores. RIAD- Esening Serenade. KGER -Gad'a Quarter Hour,

3 :53*K N X-Bill Henry. R E'I. RFSD -Mystery Theater. KNX -Inner Sanctum,

*KHJ. KGB. KFXM, RVI/E -- Gabriel Heat ter. *KECA, KFWB -Newe. *KIM(' KMTR -News, .Munir. *RFOX. RGER -News,

KFAC -Musio for Everyone.

KGFJ- Musical Digest, 'till s p.m.

KRKD -Early Dancette. KPAS- Future Pianists,

11:15 *KEI'A -Peter de Lima. KILL KGB, KFXM, KVOE

,Jimmy Fidler. KMPC Sports 'rime.

*RFW'B -John B. Hughes. KMTR -Trimas.. Ensemble.

*KFVD -News. RFOX -Dirk Ross. RGER -Rev. Burpo,

0:30 -KFI, HIND- Fibber McGee .t Molly.

KNX -Thin la My Best. RE('A- Spotlight Bands. RHJ, RFXM, KVOE- Ameri-

can Forum. KMPC- Rhumba Time. KFWB- "America Dances" KFM -Erwin leo, Organ. KFVD)- Vaudeville, KPAS- Church of Christ. KFOX -Hat's Memory Room. KGER- Prophecy Speaks,

*KGB -Eddy Occult, 0:45 -KMTR- ('lrfford F:. Clinton,

KPAS -Dr. F' 0:33- KECA- Coronet Story Teller,

7-KIFI. KFSf -:Sob Hope. KNX- Service to the Front.

*KE('A- Transatlantic Quiz. *KMI'(' -News, Dinner Dance. *KMTR -Newa. Music. *KRIM, KGER -News.

RIAS -Help Wanted. :13 *RHJ, KGB. MAIM, KVOE-

Lowell Thomas. KMTR -W. B. Record,

*KFVD -News. KRKD) -Three Quarter Time. KPAS- ('.1.(1. Reporter. KGER -Rev. Lee.

:30-K F'1, KF \D- Raleigh Room with Hildegarde.

KNX -Money on the line. KECA -One Mana Family. KILL KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Red Ryder. *KF'W'B -New..

KMTR -I)r. ('Ira, Hastea, KFAI' -l'osa ('ugat. KIIKD -Do Von Know, KPAS -]goy and Lonny, KGER- Kingdom Within.

7:15 *KFW'B, KFIIX -Major Hubert 'runner, Comment. KM I'('- Rhumba 'rime.

*KFAC -News. KI'.4S- Studio Frolics.

-R FL KIND-Supper Club . at KNX -,Jack Kirkwood Show. *RF'('A -Ted Malone. KHJ, KGB. RFXM, KVOE-

Count of Monte Cristo. *HMI'(' -News, Modero Vocal

Gems. *KFWB- Dispatch from

Reuters'. *KMTR -News, Grace Motion.

KF'A('- Evening Concert. K/:F.1 --Of Words & Verse. *K PAS-J. Frank Burke.

*KGER -News, Reo. Bekaa. 8:16 *KF'l, KFSD- Fleetwood Law-

ton, RNX -Mask that Sati. /lea, KECA and Abner. K F\VB- Werner Bros. (Ireh. K(:F'.1 -Show Time.

*KPAS -News. :30-K FI-Johnny Presents Ginny

Simms, KNX- Theater of Romance. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, RVOE --

Mysterious Traveler, KECA -Alan young Show. KMPC- Sympbonet I es.

*KFW'II -News. KMTR -Central Church of Christ. KPAS, KFOX -l'. E. Gardner. KGF.1- Dancing Rhythms. 8:4S- KGER -Miracles of Science.

8 :55 *KNX -News. 9 -K Fl, REND- Everything for

the Boys. RNX -Rig Town.

*KH.I. KGB, KFXM. KVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KECA -News. *KMPC -News, Music Box. *KFWB -Peter de Lima. *KMTR -News. Music.

K l'AS -Dr. louis Tal lait. KGFJ- Saludos Amigos. *KGER-News, Church of Naz-

a rene. 8:15 *KH.1, KGB. KFXM, KV'11E-

Rex Miller. KECA -Voice of the Army. KFWB- Strollin' Tom. KMTR -Tezas Jim Lewis.

8: :k1 *KNX -Edwin C. Hill. KECA- Murder Will Out. KHJ, KGB, RV 0E -Roy -Rogers Show,




KFI -Downstage Center. *KFW'I[ -Henry ('liartes.

K PAS-spot light Stories. RFXM -Ship, of II ar. KGER -Faith Tabernacle.

Y:13- KNX- Tspestrie of Life. KHJ - Unscheduled.

*KF'Wli -Sam Batter. KFXM -Music for Night.

*KFI, K FSD-Rich field Re- porter.

*KNX -Tea o'('lock Wire. 10

Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M.- KECA

Inside the News with

Carveth Welk 10:30 P. M. -KFI


KI:CA-11011y ao.s1 Slatllght, George 1i.hrr.

*KILL KGII, KI XM, K\ OF:- Fallon I.rni., Jr. *KMI'(', 14u.., Parade.


10 to 12 P. M.

KFWB aT..i.., r,..0 s..a. k I xI IS- East aide ('lab,

*1(51 142-Newa, Olympic Fights K1 IC-Lucky hager Dance

Time, KGFJ -K, & R. Cowboys.

*KFVD- New'aical, 3 Hrs. KPAS -Texan Jim Lewis.

*RGER -Newa. Victory Mission In:15 -KFI- George Polk.

*KNX -Pacific War Analysis. *RILL Kt' X111-News.

KGB -American Forum. 10:30 -KFI -R e.

KNX -Congress Speaks. /- RHJ- Johnson Family. KGFJ Bnnk, KGFJ- W'entern 3ln,ir. KFXM- Mystery Theater. 10:15- KFI -Voice of a Nation. KNX -Behind the Scenes. KECA- What's New en Blue, KH.1, KFXM, KVOE -Song*

to Remember,

11 *K Fl- 1aeventh Hour News, KNX -Newa. Bob And

*KH.I, Kl "X51- Newa. RF :CA- Tunes, Tidings.

*KMPC -Newa, Peter Potter. . KFWB- F:astslde Club.

*KMTR -News, win Morro. KGF.1 -Open Album. KPAS -Red Nichols Orch. KFOX -Merl Lindsay Nile

Riders, I I :13 -K F'l -yl nstcal Interlude.

RH.L KGB, KV'OF:- -Port Massey.

Il :e.0- KFl -It Happened Today. KNX- %aughn Monroe, *KFVD- Newsical 'till I a.m. II :ao -KFI, RFSD -White Market, *KE('A -Sews.

RHJ -Sid Hoff's Orch. KGFJ -Raue of Evening.

I1 :43 -KFI -Ray Herberk Orch. KNX -Harare Heidt, KECA -Dixie Hospitality.

*Kid, KGB. KFSI) - New s, 11 :6,V *KNX, KFW R -News. IFI- Musical Encores.


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 *Indicates News Broadcasts.

8 RFI -Johy Murray. KNX -Mark Brencm: n. KECA- McNeill's Breakfast

Club. *KHJ, KGB. KFXM, R1'OE-

Arthur Gaelh. *KMPC -News, William Parker

KEW B-Breakfast Club. *KMTR -Secs, Western Stars.

KGFJ -Music Moderne. *KPAS, K(:ER -News.

KRKD, KFOX -Dr. Louis T. Talbot.

RFA('- Country Church. KWKW- Pao -American Mfs-


KIND-Covered Wagon Jubilee.

8:05 -KGER -Soul Patrol. 8:15*KFI- Beta ees the Lines.

KNX -Valiant lady. KHJ. KI:B -Korn Knbblere. KMPC- Market Report, Sports KWKW- Reveille Revue. KGER- Mtzpah. KFXM- Morning Melodies.

1 :25- M'AS- Minute Prayer. KSI('('- Hattie Sports.

8:30 -KFI -Aunt Mary. KNX-Light of the World. KILL KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Take It Easy. K tPC -Unity Daily Word.

*Kl'AC, 'VEND-Nett s.

KPAS, 8:30 A. M.


Mon., Wed., Fri.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KPAS -Haven of Rest. KWKW -hasten the Day.

*KRKD -News Headlines. KFOX -Rev. R. F. Reid.

I:4.rHFI, KFSD -David Harmer. KNX -Aunt Jenny's Real Life

Stories. KMTR -Bible Treasury. KWKW- Ite'eille Revue, Sec-

ond. HI:R -Leo Huff Trio. KIND-Vocal Favorites. RGER -Rev. Bennington.

:55 -KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KYOE- l.anny & Ginger.

9 *RFi -News. KNX -Kate Smith. KIM'A- Glamor Manor.

*KH.1, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- W'illiam Lang.

*KM PC -News, Sweet Lellanl, Art Baker.

*KMTR -News, Church Leaks at Life.

KFAC -American Legion Aux. KGFJ- Keyboard Magic. KWKW- Reflections in Music. KPAS-Polly Patterson. HRKD- Sagebrush Serenade. KFVD -Waltz Time. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus.

*KGER -News. 11:115 *HFI- Edward Jorgenson, Com-

ment. KGER -Curti. H. Springer.

9 :13*HFI, KIND-Larry Smith, Commentator.


Morton Downey. KMPC-Say It With Music. KFAC -Voice of Health. KPAS- Muhlal Messenger. KGF.1- Medical. KGER-Rev. J. A. Lovell.

:3040M-time. KNX -Romance of Helen

Trent. R1I.1 -Time Out. RECA- Breneman's Breakfast

in Hollywood. *KF'W'IS. KF. %(', KWKW-News

KMTR -W. B. Record. KIND-Show Tunes. KGFJ-Swing Serenade. KGER -Rodin Revival. KGB-Serenading Yon. K VOE- National Prayer,

Your Army Service Forces. RFXM- Fluture Unlimited.

9:3..- KFXM -OId Family Almanac. 9 :40 -KFl- Musical Mood.

KFW'IS- Sweet Leilani Time. 9:45- KFI - Ronny Mansfield, Songs.

KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KFW)S- Midmorning Melodies. KMTR -Clifford E. Clinton. KFAC -Midmorning Serenade. KI'AS- Harmony Homestead.



-1r " KW- Willard Messenger. 1230 o 1360 KIND-Here Comes Parade. KGB-Army Service Band. KFXM -Design for Listening.

10 *KNX -L.ife Can Be Beautiful. KIlJ, KGB. KFXM, KY' OK-

News, Glenn (lardy. *BEC A -Tony Morse. *KMPC-News, (lits for the

Misting. }WWII- Kitchen Kollege, Chef

Milani. *KMTR -News, Music.

KGFJ-Upbeat Session. KIND- Morning Serenade. KWKW -Moments of Melody.

*KGER -News. Music. * K FOX-News.

10:15- KFI -Hollywood Fan Slit ga- sine.

RNX -Ma I'erkIns. RECA-Music for the Mlssus. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KY'OF

Luncheon with Lopez. KMTR- King's Men.

*KPAS -News. KGFJ -Salon Swing. KRKD -Dr. O. M. Richardson KGER- Kingdom Within. RFt)X -(lev. Enema Taylor.

10 :30-K11-Albers Hour. *KNX- Iternadine Flynn, News.

KMPC -Stump Us. KECA -My True Story.

*KFWB -henry ('harles. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson.


NOW PIERRE Maestro of the Chafing Dish

With Marion Lee WOMAN'S WORLD

on KPAS -10:30 A. M.

KPAS-Woman's World. KRKD- Samoiloff. KFVD- 1'nion Rescue Mission. KFSD -Your Albers Hour. KGER -Sunshine Pastor.

10:15 -KFI, KIND-Art Baker, News KNX -The Goldbergs. KHJ -Handy Man. KM PC-Home Chats. KF W'B- Science of Mind. KMTR -Care of the Body. KRKD -Midnight Mission. KFAC- Between the lines. KWKW -Tres Burp Salute. KFOX -Dr. A. iJ Michelson. KGB, KFXM, KVOF:- Amerl-

ean Women's Jury. 10:55 -KECA -:Aunt Jemima.

11 KFI, KIND-Guiding Light. KNX -.Joyce Jordan. M.D. KECA- Baukhage Talking.

KHJ, KGB, KVOE- Cedric Foster.

*KM PC-News, Homemakers' Club.

KFWIS -Al ,lands. *KM'rR -News, Dr. 1.

Talbot. KFAC -Floretta. KGFJ -Sweet and Low.

*KFVD, RGER -News, KPAS-Ralph Littlefield.

*KWKW -News, Dr. Springer. KFXM -Voice of Experience.

:15 -KFI, KFSD -Today's Children KNX -Two on a ('lue. RF'('A- Ethel and Albert. KH.1, KGB, KFXM, KY OE-

Jane ('owl. KEY It-Musical Revue. KPAS -.1. Newton Yates. KWKW -Freddy Martin. KFOX- Spotlight Bands. RGER Songs of Calvary.

:311 -KFI. KFSD -Woman In White KNX -Perry Mason. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Ne\'er Too Old. *KECA -Blue World-Corre-

spondents. KMTR -Songs to Remember.

*KFAC, KRKD, KFOX -News. KGFJ- Rainbow Rendezvous. KPAS- Pasadena Independent. KGER -Rex. Chas. Greene -

my er. :45 -K11 -hymns of LII Churches.

KNX -Tena & Tim. *KECA -News, Ted Meyers.

KMPC-Roy Shields. KGFJ- Calling All Zones. KFAC -Piano Briefs. RPAS- Hoot's Painted Post. KFOX -Varieties. KIND-Violet Schram.

12 RFi -Farm Reporter. KNX -Mary Marlin. KHJ -Broadway New s. KECA- Mystery Chef.

*KMPC -News, John Kirby. *KMTR -News. Meet the Band.

KGFJ- Concert l'a st cite. KFAC -Luncheon Concert. KFVD -Editor of the Air. KPAS -Hal Hart. KWKW -Blue Room. KRKD -Prairie Schooner.

*KGER -News, Dr. Springer. KFXM- Dingnoat lc Group.

*KGB, KY' OR -News. KFSD -Woman of America.

le:15 -KFI. KIND-Ma Perkins. KNX- Neighbors, Irene Beas-

KIIJ- Johnson Family. KECA -The Gospel Singer.

*KMPC,- Norman Nesbitt. KWKW -Open Bible Soc. KFVD- Lnncheon Music.

*KFOX, HFX.YI -New..

WEDNESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear to Light face Tyne; Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety 8:00 -Johnny Murray. KFT. 8:00- McNelll's Breakfast Club,

}MCA. 8:00 -Breakfast Club. KFWB. 9:00 -Kate Smith, KNX. 9:30- Breneman's Breakfast,

RECA. 10:00-Chef Mllant. KF'R'B. 11 :15 -Jane Cowl. KHJ. 6:00-Eddie Cantor. KFI. 6:00 -Frank Sinatra Show, KNX 7:0O --Kay Ryser, KFI. 7:30 -let ]ourself (io, KNX. 8 :00-Jack Kirkwood, KNX. 8:00- Supper Club, KFI. 8:15-- Lum and Abner, KECA. 8:30 -- Carton of Cheer, KFI. 9:00 -Jack ('arson, KNX.

War 5:15 -Salute to the Sen ices,

KMTIt. 8:00 - Reuters' News Dispatch,

KF'WB. 8:011- Telesision, Test Pattern,

WOXYZ. 8:30 -Television, Amateur Box-

ing, WOXYZ. 9:110- Telewisinn. 's audes fille,

ATV: 17.. 9:30 -Spotlighting the War, Kill

Drama 3:15 -Star Playhouse, RFI. 6:30-Mr. District Attorney, KF1

7:30 -Lone Ranger, KILJ, 8:30 -Dr. Christian, J. Hersholt,

KNX. 5:30- Counterspy, RECA. 8:30 -True Detective Mystery,

KIiJ. 9:00 -Mr. and Mrs. North. KFI. 9:00 -Weird Circle, KECA. 9:30- Ellery Queen, KNX.

Quiz Programs 6:30- Which Is Which, KNX.

Outstanding Music 4:00 -Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 4 :30-Inglewood Park Concert,

KN X. 6:90- Musical Digest, KGFJ. 7:00 -Great Moments in Music,

EN X. 8:90- Evening Concert, KFAC. 8:OO- Adolur Golden 'lour, KMI't 9:30 -Young Artist's Competi-

tion, KFI. 10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time,

KFAC. 10:00-- Newsic:tl, KFVD. 10:00- Rastslde Club. KFWB.

Public Affairs 7:00 -Dale Carnegie, KIIJ.

Sports- Comment 12:30 -Bridge Club, KMPC. 10 :30 -Sam Baiter, Sports,


KGB, RVOF Sweet Leilani. 12:30 -KFI, KFSD- Pepper Young's

Family. KNX-Bright Horizon.

*KF.('A -.John IS. Kennedy. KILL, KVOE -Mild and Mel-

low. 'EMIT-Bridge Club, Ruht.

Lee Johnson. *KFWB -News.

KMTR -Merl Lindsay d Band. KFAC -Pan Americana. KFVD -Violet Schram.

*KWKW -News, Variety. KFXM -Farm Front. KGB-Molly Morse.

I2:17 -KFI, KFSD -Bight to Happi- ness.

RNX -Bachelor's Children. KECA- Memories in Melody. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, RVOR-

Gracious Living. KMPC-Organ Melodies. KFW'B -Al Janis.

*KFAC-News. KWKW- Singing Sweepstakes


BETTY ALLEN Gifts and n,nteat priz..s every day

Mon. thru Fri. KFOX, 12:45 P.M.

KFOX -Lucky Lady. KGER -Garden School.

1 KFI' KFSD -Backstage Wife. KNX-G. E. (louse Party.

*KECA -Time Views the News K11.1-Think (tard Now.

*KMPC -News, Headline Bands *KFWB, )(FAD, KGER -News *KMTR -News, Rhyme -Rhythm

KFAC -Dr. Helen Collier. KGFJ -Easy Rhythm. KFOX -Dance Time. KGB. KVOE- Walter Compton KFXM -Moods in Music.

1:15 -KFI, KFSD -Stella Dallas. HECA -Radio Parade. KM-Fashion Forum. KFWB -AI Jarvis. KFAC- Melody Matinee. KIND-Moods In Music KGER -Music Appreciation. KGB -Need Advice? KVOE -Newspix Melodies.

1 :25 *KNX, KWKW -News. 1:30 -KFI, HIND-Lorenzo Jones.

RNX -School of the Air. KECA -This Moving World. Kill. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Tommy Harris Time. KMIK: -Lady of Charm. KMTR -Swingtime.

*REKD- News, Mottle. *K l'AS --News.


ON THE HALF HOUR From 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

KWKW -1430 Kc. Pasadena - Los Angeles

*KWKW-News, Memories. KGFJ- Blensenidos Andgos. KFVD -Hawaiian Music.

1 :4r, --HFI, KFSD -Young Widder Brown.

KECA -World of Tomorrow. KM1' -Family Bible. KRKD- Singing Waiters. RIAS - -Police Band. KFOX- Concert Master.

1:90 *KECA -Ed Jorgenson. 2hF1, KFSD -When a Girl - Mu,rrles.

KNX -Evelyn Winter *Kll.l -This Clanging World.

KECA -What's Doing, Ladies. *KMPC- News, Sweet Leilani. *KMTIC- News, Valley's Swing -

time. KGF'.' -Town Crier Presents. KWKW -Chub 00. Ku ER -Long Brach 'Sand. KIND-Timely Tunes. KGB, KVOE -Bendy Man. KFNM- Safety Firs*.

2 :IJ -KFI, KFSV- Portia Faces Life KNX -Sondra Martin. KILT-Today on the Coast. KMPC -Van Americana.


RADIO LIFE KFAC-Paradise hie. KFON- Public Bulletin. KGB, KFN.SI- Melody Time. KFSD -Classic Hour.

2 :25*K N N -News. 2:30 -11F/, REND-Just Plain Bill.

KNX -Meet the Miesus. KHJ- Concert.

*KECA -Between the Lines. KMPC -King Cole Trio. KFWB-Hal Styles.

*KRKD, KGER -News. KFON -Songs of the West.

2:43 -KFI. KFSD -Front Page Far- rell.

KECA- Frances Scully. RBI, KGB, HY'OE -Radio

Tour. KMPC -Bing Crosby.

*KIND-News. KRKD- Soh afore Santaella. KFI. KFSD -Road of Life. KNX- Housewites Protective

League. *KECA -Three o'Clock News. *HILL KGER -News. *KM PC-News, Local Events.

KFWB- Melody Matinee. *KMTR -Neva, It Pays to

Know. KFAC- Famous Musical Fa-

vorites. KGFJ -Jack Pot. KRKD- Victory Queen Con-

test. KFVD- Popular Favorites.

*KPAS- Listeners' Digest. KW KW-Latin-America. HI-ON-Buddy Cole. KGB. KVOE- Griffin Report-

ing. *KFNM- Prayer, News, Re-

ligious News. 3:13 -KFI -Star Playhouse.

KHJ-Happy Homes, Norma Young.

KECA- Footlight Favorites. KM PC-Swing Shift. HPAS -Juke Box Matinee. KWIC W- Songe. HFON- Hawaii Calls. KGB -three Suns. KVOE-Of C'Ifle Interest.

3:30 -KFI- Rosemar,. KNX-Lynn Murray's Music. KECA -Appointment wiht Life

*KFWB -News, Victorious Lix-

RMTR- Pianos. *F1 RAD-New Headlines. *RW'KW -Off the Press.

KGFJ- Variation. KGB- Musical Matinee. KVOE- Variety. KFON- Hollywood Salon. KGER -Cheerful Chat.

3:45 -KFI -Woman of America. *KNX -The World Today.

KHI-Bill Hay Reads the Rible.

KFWB- Beall h Talk. KMTR -(Clifford E. Clinton.

*KFAC-News. KW 'KW -Light (Classics. KFVD- Rhumba. KGB, KFNM, KVOE-John-

son Family. KFSD -Aunt Mary.

3:55 *HNN -Joseph Harsch.

4 K, KFSD -Dr. Kate. FIHNN

-Potluck Party. *KHJ, KGB, KFNM, KV0E-

Fulton Lewis, Jr. *KECA -Gen. Pierce, Comment. *KMPC -News, Sweet Lattant,

Juan Rolando. KFWB -Bert Flake.

*KMTR --News, Pictures In Music


Gems of Melody 4. 5 P. M., KFAC - 1330

Slavick Jewelry Co.

KFAC- Musical Masterpieces. HGFJ -Air- n- torlals. REVD -Piano Selections.

*KGER, KFOX -News. I:15*KFI, KFSD -News of the

World. *KNX -News, Music.

KA.L KGB. HFNM, KV0E- Rex Miller.

*KECA -Raymond Gram Swing *KFWB- Gospel and Song, News.

*KFYD -News. HGFJ- Stylings in Blue. HRRD- Movieland Quiz. KWHW- Citizens Committee.

4.30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. HHJ. KY OE--rp to the


KECA -Easy Li.teoin' ECM PC-Paramount Parade. KFVD -Tea Time Melody.



Tenor KNX- Wednesday, 4:30 P. M. Inglewood Park Cemetery Assn

KNX- Inglewood Park Concert KHJ, KY 0E -Tempo Time. KWHW- Itallan Melodies. KGB -House of Mystery. KFNM -Dr. Philip M. Lovell. KFSD -Black 'n' White.

4:I5 -KHJ, KENM- Frolics. KECA -Hop Harrigan. KMPC -Hit Parade Tunes. KFWB - Stuart Hamblen. KGER- Colonial Tabernacle. KGB -Chick Carter. KFNAI- Musical Cocktail. HY'OF Music Matinee.

*KFSD -H. V. Kaltenborn.

5 *KFI -H. V. Kaltenborn. KNX -Man Named Jordan, KHJ, KGB, KFNM. HVOE-

News, Sam Hoye.. KECA -Terry and the Pirates.

*KMPC- News, Teen and Twenty *KMTR -New., Music.

KPAS- t'ncle Charlie. KR/ID-Songs of the 'Saddle. KW KW- Payroll Guarantee. HGFJ --Jive at 5. KFVD- Evening Serenade.

*KGER -News. 5:15 *KFI, KFSD, KFAC, KFVD-

News. KNN-Through a Woman's


Superman. KECA -Dick Tracy. RMTR- Salute to the Services K WIC W -News, Western.

5:30 -KFT -Mai. H. S. Turner. *KNX -Harry W. Flannery. 'MCA-Jack Armstrong.

RBI, KGB. KFNM, KY'0E- Advenforce of Tom Mix.

KMTR -Irwin Allen. KFAC-Whoa Bill Club. KIWI-Intermission. HRRD -South Seas Serenade. KWHW- American Jewish Hr. RFVD- 90-00 Club. KGER -Ren. Gortoer.

3:45 *KFI, KIND-Elmer Peterson. *KNX -News.

KI t A- Captain Midnight. *KII.1, KGB, KFNAI. KVOE-

Night News Wire. KM PC-Help Wanted.

*KMTR -K. Louis Flatau, News.

KGFJ -Console Encore. HFVD- Evening Serenade.

5 :55*KNX-Bill Henry. IiFI' KFSD -Eddie Cantor. KNX -Frank Sinatra Show.

*KECA -Keeping rp With the World.

*KILL KGB, KFXM, KV0E- Gabriel Heatter.

*KMTR- Rhumba Time. *KMTR -News, Music. *KFW'B, REVD, KGER, KFOX

-News. KFAC -Music for Ev cry one. HGFJ -Musical Digest till 5

p.m. HPAS- Pasadena Playhouse. 8:15 -HH.I, HVOE -Real Life Sto-

ries. KM PC-Sports Time.

*HEWS-John B. Hughes. KMTR- Tomaseo Ensemble. KGB- Sshool Days. KF.XM -Your Income Tax.

8:30 -KFI, KFSD -Mr. District At- forney.

HNN -Which Is Which? KECA -Spotligsht Bands. KHJ, KGB, HFXM, KV0E-

Brownstone Theater. KM PC-Dinner Dance. HEWS-America Dances. KFVD- Vaudeville. KPAS-Church of Christ. KFOX -Hat's Memory Roem.

8:45 -KMTR -Clifford E. Clinton. 8:55 -KECA- Coronet Story Teller. 7 -KFI, KFSD -Kay Kyser's Mu-

sical College. HNN -Great Moments In Music. KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Dale

Carnegie. KECA -Niles and Prindle.

*KMPC -News, Dinner Dance.


IC PAS -Help Wanted. !UPC- Pasadena ('it lc Music. KFXM- Trading Poet.

7:15 *KH,1. KGB. KFNM, KY 0E- Lowell Thomas.

RMTR -W. R. Record. KI'AS -CIO Reporter. Rrim-Organ Recital. KGER-Rev. Lee.

7:30 --KNX -Let Yourself Go. KEA -On Stage Ereryhody. KHJ. KGB. KFNM, KV0E-

Lone R *KFWB -News

KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KFAC -Casa Coast. KPPC -Let's Talk It Over. KPAS -Roy and Lonny.

7:15 *KFWB, KFON -Major Hubert Turner, Comment.

JIM PC-Rhumba Time. *KFAC -News.

KPAS- Studio Frolics. El, KFSD- Supper Club.

KNX -Jack Kirkwood, *KECA -Ted Malone.

KHJ -Main Line. *KEWR- Reuters' News Dis-

patch. *KMTR, EGER, KPAS -New,.

KFAC- Evening Concert. KGFJ -Of Words fi Verse. KPAS -J. Frank Burke.

*KM P(' -News, Mohr Golden Hour.

IC PM-Midweek Devotional. W'BNYZ- Television, Test -

Pattern. KFXM- Treasury Salute.


and King's Ambassador Quartet RMTR -8:05.9:00 P. M.

Abe 1e:30 -10:45 A. M. Monday through Friday

5:05 --KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. $:15*KFI, KFSD- Fleetwood Law- ton, Comment.

ANN -Music That Satisfies. KECA -Lum & Abner. KFWB- Warner Bros. (Itch. HGFJ -Show Time. KFXM -Land of Free.

5:30 -KFI. KFSD -Cartan of Cheer. KNX -Dr. Christian, Jean

Hersholt. KECA-( Counterspy. KHJ, KGB, HENS, KY (IF

True Detective Mysteries. *KFWB -News.

KGFJ- Danelog Rhythm. KPAS -Radio Gospel Hour. KPP('- Pasadena City Sehonte W'BNYZ- Television, Amateur

Boning Boute. 5 :45-KEW B- Pan -A -Musi- ('ana.

KPPC- Occidental College. KGER -Miracles of Science,

5:55 *KNX -New..

9 -KPT, KFSD -Mr. and Mrs. North.

HNX -Jack Carson Show. KECA -Weird Circle.

*HHJ, KGB. EFEM. KV0E- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KMPC -New.. Music Box. *EFWB -Peter de Lima. *KMTR -Newa. Music.

KGFJ-Saludos Amigos. KPPC- Comments on Classics WSNYZ- Telenlslon, Vaude-

ville. 8:15 *HHJ, KGB, HFXM, KVOE-

Cecil Brown, News. KFWB- Strellin' Tom. KMTR -Texas Jim. HPPC- Courtney Monsen.

a:30 -KFI -Young Artists Compe- tition.

HNN- Ellery Queen. *KECA -Newa. *KHJ HENNI, KVOE -Spot-

HsÌtting War. *HF RR -Henry Charles.

AP-AS-Spotlight Stories. KFOX- Midweek Meeting.

8:45 -KECA -Allen Prescott. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KY '0E-

The Feeling Is Mutual. KFWB -Sam Baiter. KMTR- Clifford E. Clinton.

*KFI, KFSD- Richfield Re- porter.

*KNX -Ten o'clock Wire. *KHJ. KGB, HFNM, KV "0E-

Fulton r. *KMPC -New.,

Lewis, ice Hockey.

HFWB- Eastside Club. *RMTR -News, Music.


Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M. -- KECA

Inside the News with

Carveth Wells


KECA- Hollywood Spotlight, George Fisher.

KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance Time.

*KFVD- Newsical, 3 Hrs. HGFJ -B. L R. Cowboys, KPAS -Texas Jim Lewis,

10 :15- HF7- Reserve. *HNN -Pacific War Report.

KECA- Martha Mears. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

New.. KMTR -Bob Brooks.

10 :30 -KFI- Carreth Wells. KECA- Sports Book. KNX -World's Most Honored

Music. KHJ-J,,l neon Family.


10 to 12 P. M. Ivory Mite Inept S.,dey

KFWB America's 1,4,t M.d.

KEW B- EastOde Club. KMTR- Solly's Ensemble. KGFJ- Western Music. KFNM-Mystery Theater. HEER -Blue Stars and Gold.

10:43 -KFI -Voice of a Nation. KECA- What's New on Blue. KHJ -Songs to Remember. KMTR -Al Donahue Orch. KFNM- American Mercury.


11 *KFI, KNX HHJ -News, KECA -Tunes, Tidings.

*KMPC -News. Peter Potter. KFWB- Ea,tslde Club.

*KMTR -News, Atonic. KGRI -Open Album. HPA(' -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. KPAS -Grady King Oreu.

11:15 -KFI -Post Parade. HHJ, KGB, HVOE -Cott

Massey. 11:20 -KFI -It Happened Today.

KNX- Vaughn Monroe. 11:30 -KFL KFSD- London Column.

*KECA -New., Dixie Hospitality KHJ. KGB -Carlos Molina's

Orch. HGFJ -Blue of Enenlag.

*KFVD- Newsical, tW 1 a.m. 11:45 -BFI -Bay Kerbeck Oreh.

KN'X- Horace Heidt. *KHJ, KGB, KFSD -News,

11:05 *KNN, HFWB -News.

TEXAS HOUR Jimmy Wakely, now on

tour of Texas theaters, made a statewide broadcast from Boys' Ranch of Texas on the occasion of its third anniver- sary. Wakely supports Boys' Ranch (a Variety Club prof ect) with 10% of his weekly earnings.


The one thing which both- ers Roy Rogers, star of Mu- tual's "Roy Rogers Show," more than anything else is people who are mean to animals.



THURSDAY, MARCH 15 *indicates News Broadcasts.



7A M




'/, 1N i F RIZED newscast

Scotch Triple Action Cleanser

8 RF'i- Johnny Murray. KNX -Mark Breneman. KECA- MrNeill's Breakfast

Club. *XllJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

\rtlmr Gaeth. *KM PC-News, William Parker *RFW'11- Pennell Reports. *R11TIt -News, Western Stars. K(,FJ -I sir Moderne. *KrAS. KGF.R -'ews.

KWKW-Pan-American Mission.

KR1<D 5:00 A. M.


Tues., Thurs., Sat.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

ARK!, RFOX -)teen of Rest RFA('- Country Church. REVD- Covered V\ ngnn

Jubilee. ' 5:113- -K(.ER -Soul Patrol.

:15* KKNX '.allantíines. KH.1. KGB, RV (IF Korn

Kobblera. KMPI'- Market Reports,

Sports. KF'WB -Rands In Review. RWKW -Reveille Eel ne. RGER- Mizpah. RFXM -Morning Melodies.

111:'15--K PAS-Minute Prayer. AM 1'C- Hattie Sports.

5:30 -KEl-Aunt Mary. ASK -Light of the World. AH.I. KGB, KYOE -Take It

Easy. K5 /P(' -Pnity Daily Word. KFWB -Help Wanted. K I'AS- Itaptiat Brothers. * FERAI/. REND, KFAC -Newa. RWKW -Dr. John Matthews. KFXM Sunshine Service. RFIIX -Rer. R. E. Reid.

5:45 -KFI. KIND-David Haram. RNX -Aunt .Jenny's Stories.

*K F AV R -News. KMTR -Bible Treasury. REVD -Vocal Favorites. KWKW- Rreakfnet Serenade. KVOE -Bing Crosby. RGER -Rev . Bennington.

5:55 -KGR, KV'OE Charlotte Deeble.

9 *KF1, A(:ER -News. KNX -Kate Smith.

*RH.1. KGB. RF\M, KVOE William Lang.

RFC A- Glamor Manor. RMPC-News, Sweet leilanl,

Art. Baker. KIWB -Dr. Reynolds.

*KMTR -News, Moments with (:od.

KI'A(' -J. Newton Yates. Organ.

Rt.F.1- Keyboard Magic. APAS-Polly Patterson. KRKI)- Sagehruah Serenade. RWKW- Manriee .Johnson. REVD-Waltz Time. WFON- Firebrands for Jesus.

9:05 -KGER- Curtis H. Springer. *REIF -Edward .lorgrnson.

9:15 *KFI. KIND -Larry Smith. KNX -Bit Sister. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV'OE-

ilorton Downey. RMPC-Say It With Music. RFWB- Rhumba Time. KFM'- V'nlee of Health. KGF.1- Medical. KWKW -V- ariety. KGER -Res. J. A. !.owed.

s:30 *KFI -News. KS\- Romanre of Helen Trent.

K11.1 -Time Ont. KECA- Rrenentan'a Breakfast

in Hollywood. *RENTS, KFAC -News

KMTR -W. B. Record. *KWKW-off the Press.

KGF.1 -Swing Serenade. RGER -Andin Revis al. KF' \'D -Show 'runes. KGB, KVOF National Prayer,

Il, S. Nary Band. RFXM- Future Unlimited.

9:35 -KFXM -Old Family Almanac. 9:40 -AFL -Blood Rank interviews.

KFWB -Sweet Leilani Time. 9:13 -K II-Ronny Mansfield. Songs.

KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KFVVB- Midmorning Melodies. KMTR-Clifford E. Clinton. KEAC- Midmorning Serenade.

*FRIED -News. KFVD -Here Cornea Parade. K PAS- Harmony Homestead. KWKW- Willard Messenger. KFXM- Design for Listening. KIND-Ann Gibson.

10-KNX-Life Can Be Beautiful.

*KECA -Tony Morse. *KHJ, KGB, RF:X.I, KV'OE-

Glenn Hardy, News. *RMPC -News, Hits for the

5lissus. KIWIS -Chef Milani.

*KMTR -News, Music. Kt:F.t- Upbeat Session KFVD- Morning Serenade.

*KGER- News, Music. *KFOX -News.

10:15 -KNX -Ma Perkins. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'UE-

Luncheon with Loper. RF:('A -Music for the Missile. KMTR-King's Men. HRRD -Dr. O. M. Richardson. KWKW- Speaking of Sports.

*K PAS-News. K(:ER- Kingdom W ilhin. KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor.

19:30 -KFI -Albers Hour. *KNX -Bernadine Flynn, News.

KECA -My True Story. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV'l1E-

Paula Stone, John Rrito. KMI'l' -Stump l's.

*KEW'S -Henry ('harles. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson.

*RFA(' RWKW -News. KPAS, -Woman's World. AFVD -Union Rescue

Mission. Kt:F:R- Sunshine l'aster. REND -Your Albers Hour.

10:15 *KFL, KFSD -Art Raker, News KNX -The Goldberg's. HMI-Handy Man. RMI'C -Home Chats. KFWB- Science of Mind. KFAC- Between the Lines. KWKW -Treasury Salute. KRR1)- Midnight Mission. KGB, KFNM, RVOE- Ameri-

can Women's Jury. KFOX -Dr. A. 1'. Michelson.

1e:ó5 -KECA -Aunt .Jmlinta.

11 KFi, KFSD- Guiding T.Ight. KNX -Joyce Jordan. M.D.

*KF'CA- Rankling* Talking. *KILT, KGB, KVOE- ('edrie

Foster. *KIIPC -News, Homemaker',

RESIT-Al Jar, Is. *KMTR -News, Dr. Louts

Talbot. K F:\C- Floret t a. K(:FJ -Sweet and Law.

*KFVD. RGER -News. KWKW -Vocal Verities. KFXM -Voice of Experience.

11:15 -KFI. RFSD- Today's Children KNX -Two on a Clue. KECA -Ethel and Albert. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Jane Cowl. KPAS --.1. Newton Yates. KFVD- Muaieal Revue. KFOX- Spotlight Bands. KGER -Songs of Calvary.

11:30 -KFi, KFSD -Woman in White KNX -Perry Mason. R11.1, KGB, KFXM, KV'0E-

Never Too Old. *KECA -Blue World- Corre-

spondents. KMTR-Songs to Remember.


*K PAS-Pasadena Independent. AGES- Rainbow Rendezvous. RGER -Row. Greenamyer.

11:15 -KF7 -Hymns of all Churches. KNX -Tens B Tim.

*KECA -News. KMPC- D'Artega KFAC Piano Briefs. KPAS- 1:ihson's Painted Post.' KFVD- Violet Schram.

101KFI -Farm Reporter. -KFI-Farm

Marlin. KECA- Mystery Chef.

*KHJ -Broadway News. *RIM'('- News, John Kirby,

Band. *KMTR-News, Meet the

Band. KPAS-Hal Hart. K(: MI- Concert l'astelle. KEAC- Luncheon Concert. KFVD -Editor of Air. KWKW-Rine Room. KFXM- Diagnostic Group. KFSD -Women of America. KRKD -Prairie Schooner.

*K(:ER, KGB, KVOE- News. l2:I3-KFI. RESD -Ma Perkins.

KNX- Neighbors, Irene Beasley.

KECA-Gospel Singer. KM-Johnson Family. KM PC-Norman Nesbitt. REVD- Luncheon Musical.

*KF(IX, KFXM -News. KGB, KVOM Sweet Lellsul, KWKW-Rev. Richey.

I ?? :30 -KF1, KIND- Pepper Young's Family.

KNX- Bright Horizon. *KECA -.John R. Kennedy.

KHJ, KVOE -Mild and Mel- low.

THURSDAY Program Highlights M fining fing, ores A pp, n r In .lght fare Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety A .00,- Tohnny Murray, KFI. 9:t0- McNelll's Breakfast Club.

KECA. O:MO -gate Smith, KNX. 9:. ̂ .(1-- Breneman'a Breakfast,

RECA. 7x30 -Paula Stone, KI(J. 11 :1 , -.Tane Cowl. K11.1. 4:30-Art Baker's Notebook,

RFD. 6:00 -Kraft Music Hall. REI. 6:110 -Major Bowes, KS X. 6:3O -Rob Burns. RFD. 6:30 -Spotlight Bands. KECA \. 7:00- Abbott & ('ostello, KFI.

:110 -The First Line. KNX. :00 -Anita Ellis, KIM. :00 -Fred Waring, KECA. ::t0 -Rudy Vallee, R11.

5:116 -Hobby's Hobby. KMI C. A:110- Supper Club, AFI. A:15 and Abner. KECA. $:30 -Frank Morgan. Rig. 9 :00 -Dinah Shore, RFT.

Q(riz Programs 1:00-Think Hard Now, KHJ.

Drama 3:13-Star l'iayhnusr, KIT. 3:311-Tom Miv, fi:30-Cnrliss \rrher. EN X. 5:OI1-Rulldng Drummond, KHJ.

9:30 -Depth Valley Sheriff, KNX 5:30 -Hercule Poirot, KHJ. 9:o0-Suspense. KNX. 9:30 -The Saint, KFI. 9:30 -Theater of the Air, KECA

(par 9:40 -Blond Rank, HF!. 8:30 -Dispatch from Reuters',

KFWR. 10:15 -Pacific War Analysis,


Outstanding Music 4:011 -Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 6 :00- Musical Digest. KGF./. 6:311- Treasure Hr. Song. KI1.1. it :M-Esening Concert. KFAC.

10:00 -Lucky lager Dance Tinte, RFA('.

1r. :011- Newsical, KFVD. 10:011- Eastside Club, RFWR.

Public .1 fairs 5:30 -Town Meeting of the Air,

KECA. 9:30-Citizens Forum, KNX.

10:15 -Manor Fletcher Bowron, BFI.

10:15 -Chester Bowles, O.P.A. KECA.

Sports -Comment 5:15 -Belle Martell. KMTR.

10:30 -Sam Halter. RECA. 10:15 -Tom Hanlon, KNX.

KMr('- Rridge Club. *AFWB -News.

KMITR -Meri Lindsay d Band. KFAC -Pon Americana.

*RWKW -News. Dinah Shore. KFVD- Violet Schram. RFOX -March Time. KGB-Molly Morse. REAM-Smoothies. KGI:R -139(1 Cluh.

12:45 -K11, KLSD -Right to Rapt- ness.

KNX- Bachelor's Children. KECA- Memories in Melody. KMPC -Organ Melodies. RFWB -AI .Janis. KWKW- Singing Sweepstakes.

*KFAC -News. KGB. KFXM, KV'OE -This is

Music. HFOX -Lucky Lady.

1 KFI, KFSD- Backstage Wife. KNX -G. E. (louse Party. KECA -Time stews the News. KHJ -Thing Hard Now.

*KMPC-News. Headline Bands *KEWB, KFVD, RGER -News *KIATR -News, Rhyme -Rhythm

KGFJ -Easy Rhythm. KFOX -Dunce Time



1:15-KFI, FSD- Stella Dallas. KECA-Radio Parade. RH.I -Lee Shippey. KFWR -Al ,Janis. REVD-Moods in %isle. KI'AS- American Chiropractics KGB -Need Advice? KGER -Music Appreciation.

1:25 *KSX -News. 1:30 -KFi. KFSD- Lorenzo Jones.

KNX -School of Air. KECA -This Moving World. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV'OF--

Tommy Harris Time. RMPC -Lady of Charm. KMTR- Swingtime.

*KWKW -News, Income Tas. *KRKD -News, Music. *K PAS -News. *KWKW -News, :.yrlcs with

Lucille. KGF'.1- Blenvenidoa Amigos. KFOX- Concert Master.

1:15 -BFI, KFSD -Young Widder Brown.

*KECA -Buddy Twlss. KMPC -Family Bible. KMTR -Tex T; lei. KPAS- Federated Women's

Clubs. REVD-Vocal Varieties.

1:50 *KECA -Edward Jorgenson.

2 -KFT, KFSD -When a Girl Marries.

KNX -Evelyn Winter. *HHJ -This Changing World.

KECA -What's Doing Ladies. *RMPC -News, Sweet Teilanl. *KMTR -News, Halley's

Swingt i m e. KGF.1 -Town Crier Presents.

' KWKW -Club 611.

KFVD- Timely Tunes. KGB. KFXM, RV'OE -Handy

Man. KGER -Long Reach Band.

9:15 -Kit, KFSD -Portia Faces Life KNX- Sandra Martin.

*R11.1-Today an the Coast. KSIPC -Pan Americans. KFAC -Paradis. Isle. KFOX- Publia Bulletin.

2423*KNX -News. 2:30 -KFI. RIND -.lust Plain BAI.

KNX -Meet the Misses. *KECA- Between the Lines.

KMP(' -Youth Interprets News KFWB -Hal Styles.

*KKK(), KWKW, HGER -News. *RWKW -News.

RFOX -Songs of the West. 2:45 -KF1. KFSD -Front Page Far-

rell. KECA- Frances Scully. KIM.,, KGB, KY OF Radio


3 KF1, KIND -Road of l.ife. KNX -Housewives Protectise

League. *KECA -Three 11'Clock News. *RH.L KGER -News. *KIP(' -News, Lore' Events.

KFWR -Melody Matinee. *KVITR -News, It Pays le

Know. RFA(' -Famous Musical

Ens °rites. y.(:1'. 1-Jock Pot. KI'N'D- l'n pal nr Fa \oritea. RIMED-Matinee Melodies. KPAS- Listener s Digest.

KAKIS-Latin- America. KGB. RVOE-Griffin Report-

ing. REVD -Prayer, News, Devn-

tlna.. 3: I S- K 1'1 -st n r Playhouse.

KFY'A- FootWit Favorites. KHJ- Ilnppy Homes, Norma

\bung. KHI'('- Swing Shutt. KMTR- Eugenia .Clair.



KPA`1 --Juke Box Matinee. KIN KW-Popular Requests. NEON- Han ali Calls. K(.I K -Red Cross.

3:30-K1,1-Rosemary. KNX -Afternoon Don. e. KFWB -Sweet l e ilani, Victorious Using. K 1L1'R- INanos.

*KKKD -News Headlines. *KWKW -Off the Press.

KGFJ- Variation. KEG X.-Hollywood Salon. Klat, KVOE- Musical Matinee KGER- Cheerful Chat.

3:15 -KFI -Woman of America. KNX -The World Today. HMI-Bill Hay Reads the

Bible. KFWB-Jags.. KMTR -Clifford E. Clinton.

*KFAC -News. KWKW- Variety. KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Johnson

Family. RFSD -Aunt Mary.

1:55 *KNX- Joseph Harsch. KFSD -Dr. Kate. 4 KNX- Potluck Party.

*KECA- -(:en. Pierce, Continent *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, K1'0E-

Fulton Lewis Jr. *HMPC -Nowa, tweet Lellanl.

Joan Rolando. KI WB -Bert Flake. *KMTR -News, Pictures In



Gems of Melody 4 - 5 P. M., KFAC -1330

Slavick Jewelry Co.

KFAC- Musical Masterpieces. KGF.\ -Air- o- torial s. KIND-Piano Selections.

*KFOX- ewe. 4 :15 *K Fl, KFSD- World News.

*KNX -Ness', Music. KI1.1, KFXM, KV0E -Rex.

Miller. *KECA- Raymond Gram Swing.

KFWB- Gospel and Song. *K F'VD, KFSD -News.

KGFJ -St Iings in Blue. KWKW- Italian Melodies. KKKD- Mocieland Quiz.

4:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX -Mr. Keene. KF:('A -Unie Waters. Kll.t. KS 01.1-Tempo Time.

Laten to the Enchanting 4


by 4

I. ELINOR GENE Tues. - Thurs. -4:45 P.M.

KM IV' -slur Fight ins Heroe.. KI V1) -Tea Time Tunes. KKKD -Tunes of the Dry. KGB -Howse of Mystery. KFXM -Dr. Philip !Lovell.

4 : I.S- KHJ -Frol lee. RF :('A -Hop Harrigan. KMM'- Twilight Tales. KIWIS- Rt tin rt Hamblen. KSITR- Twilight Tales.

*KRKD -Nenn. KIM-Fairy Tales. RFXM -Musical Cocktail. K VOE- Afternoon Melodies. RF11X -Art IHrkinsnn. XI :ER- Colonial Tabernacle.

S *KI.1, KFSD- Edward Jorgen- son.

KNX -Mon Named Jordan. RECH -Terry and the l'Iratca.

*K11.1, KGB, KENN", KVOE - Sam Hayes.

*KMP(' -Newa, Teen and Twenty.

*KMTR -News, Music. RIAS -Uncle Charlie.. RI :F'.1 -.l1se at S. REVD- I :xening Serenade. K1 :K11 -Sangs of the Saddle. K11 KW- Sports Synnpaia. * KG I: K -Ness e. K EON- Sonsbine Pastor.

S:tS *KFI, KF :Sts, FVII, SEA'- New..

KNX- Throng:1 a W oman'e Eyes.

HI'1CA -Dirk Trnry. KHJ. KGB, KFSM, SSOE

KMTR-Belie Martell, Superman.

KWKW-American Jewish Sports.


0:30 *KFI -Mayor H. S. Turner. ` i ̂ *KNX-Harry W. Flannery.

KECA-Jack Armstrong. KHJ, KGB, KFX.11, KV0E-

Adventures of Tom Mix. KMTR -Irwin Allen. KFAC -Whoa Bill Club. KGFJ- Intermiseion. KRKD -South Seas Serenade. REVD -90-90 Club. KGER-Rev. C.ortner.

5:43 *KEI, RFSD -Elmer Peterson. *KNX-Truman Bradley.

KECA- Captain Midnight. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM,, KVOE-

News Night Wire. HMPC -Help Wanted.

*KMTR -K. Louis Flatap. News.

KGF. \- Console Encores. REVD-Evening Serenade.

5 :53*KNX-Bill Henry.



RFI, HFSD -Kraft Musks 6 Hall.

KNX- Mayor Bowes. *KECA-News. *KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Gabriel Heatter. *RSIPC, KMTR -News, Music. *KFWB, KFOX -News.

KFAC -Musie for Everyone. KGFJ- Musical Digest, till 0

p.m. ARRD -Saris Dancette. SPAS- Future Pianists.

*RGER -News, Jack Marts. 6:15 *KECA -Peter de Lima.

HH.), KGB, KVOE -Real Life Stories.

EMPC:- Sports Time. *Km R -.John B. Hughes. KMTR- Tomaeao Ensemble.

*KF'AC, KFVD -News. K PAS -Tech nor ra cy. KFOX -Dick Ross. RI:ER -Rev. Burp °.

6:30 -RFI. RFSD -Bob Burnet. KNX- ('orlisa Archer. KHJ, K1'0E- Treasure Hour

of Song. KECA -Spotlight Bands. KMPC- Rhumba Time. KFWB- America Dances. KFAC -Erwin Sen, Organ. KFVl)- Vaude' Me. KPAS--Church of Christ. KFXM -OPA. KFOX -Hat's Memory Room.

0:45- KMTR -Clifford E. Clinton. 6:5.1 -KECA- ('oronet Story Teller. 7 -RFl, KFSD- Abbott L Cos-

tello. RNX -The First Tine. KECA-Fred Waring Pennsyl-

anians. RH.1, KGB, KFXM-Anita

Ellis Sings. *KMP(i -News, Dinner Dance. *KMTR -News, Mimic. *KRKD, KGER-News.

KFAC -Musical Comedy. KFOX -June Arden. KPAS-Help Wanted.

7:15 *K11.1, KGB, KFXM- Lowell Thomas.

KMTR -W. B. Record. KKKD -Three Quarter Time. RI'AS- ('.I.O. Reporter.

7:30 -RFI. KFSD -Rudy Sallee. KNX- Here's to Romance. AP :('A -March of Time. KII.1, KGB. KFXM. KVOE-

Anita Ellis Encore. *KFWB -News.

KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KFAC -Casa Count. SPAS -Roy & Lonny. KRKD -Do Sot Know.

7:45 *KFWB, KFOX -MaJor Hobert Turner, Comment.

KM PC-Rhumba Time. KPAS -Studio Frolics.

8 RFl, KFSD- Supper Club. RNX -.lack Kirkwood Show.

*KECA-Earl Godwin.

£XliileltlA(t ! Nel"t"g THRILL TO

b'(cll.°dog L/2LlcKllfood ACE - DETECTIVE ADVENTURER

THURSDAY, 8:00 e.M.KHJ nerd DON LEE lte44 .s4

r PCi

`, s

ÿ\ V '- , G `_ Kit

\ V Nr ,

*HMPC -News Hubby's ilohhy. RFXM -Quartermaster Corps.

0:15 *SEI, KFSD-Fleet wood Law- ton.

JINX-Music That Satisfies. KECA -Lum and Abner. KFWB- Warner Bros. Orch. KOFJ-Show Time. KFXM -Ships of War.

0:30 -HFI, KFSD- Maxwell House Time.


High adventure and laughs galore when Sheriff Mark Chase and Cousin Cassie

team up in a half hour of drama and comedy every Thursday nits , . .

KNX, 8:30 -9:00 P. M.

toommtomoimmlimalleht h.. .. \- ,rratlr 1' alley Sheriff. KEt'A -Town Meeting of the


A Christie's Hercule Poirot. KMPC-- Symphonettes.

*KFWB -News. KGF.J- Dancing Rhythm.

8:43 -KEW R- Pan- A- Musi-Cana. KMTR -Property Owners.

8:55 *RNX -Wallace Sterling.

9 HFI, RE-SD -Dinah shore. KNX -Suspense.

*HH.1, KGB, KFXM. KVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

XMPC -News, Allude Box. *KFWB -Peter de Lima. *KMTR -News, Music,

KGFJ- Saludos Amigos. 9:13 -KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

C I T I Z E N S F O R U M Sparkling half hour discussion by lead - hg authorities on problems affecting everyone. A "must" for good citizens.


"42" NAIR Or,w.i "42" SHAMPOO

AMC. KGB, KS OE- Bulldog Drummond.

*KFWB- Reuters' News Dis- patch.

*K11T1: -News, Gospel Herald. RI'A('- l'ucopse Cone-ego FI :1'.1 -Of Word. A Verne.

*KPAS--J. Fronk Burke.

KNX-Citizens Forum. Rex Miller.

RF'W R- Manpower. KMTR -Teeas Jim.

9:30 -KFI, KFSD -The Saint. KHJ -Wings Oser the Nation.

*KFWB -Henry Charles.

Listen To Radio's Newest Dramatic Triumph!


featuring a east of eight headline radio stars

KECA Every Thursday Night 9:30 P.M.

Sponsored by your neighborhood

KI':CA- Thorttcr of tits Alr.

THURSDAY LOGS ACAS-Spotlight stories.

0:13.- KFXM -American Mercury Theater.

RGER- Mananl Arts High.


and the REVERIE TRIO 9:45 p.m. KPAS - 1110 kc

MUTUAL Bldg. 8 Loan Assn of Pasaden.

10 KP :AS- Mutunl Melodies. KMl'R- Clifford E. Clinton.

*R1.I. KT-SD-Richfield Re- porter.

Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M.- KECA

Inside the News

10:30 P. M. - KFI


SECA- Hollywood Spotlight, George Fisher.

*RNX -Ten O'clock Wire. *KHJ KGB, KF. M!.

Fulton Lewis, Jr. *RMPC -News, Spade Cooley.

KFWB- Eastsht e Club. *KMTR -News, Music.

KFAC Lucky Loger Dance Time.

*KFVD- NewalcalL for 3 hrs. KGFJ -B. & R. Con boys.

10:15 -KFI -Mayor Bowron. *KNX -Pacific War Report. *RAJ. KGB. RI'XM, KVOE -

News. KMTR -Bob Brooks.

10:30 *RFI- Cnrceth Wells. KNX-Sports. SHJ- Johnson Family. KECA- Sports Ronk, KMPC -Dance Parade. KMTR -folly's Ensemble. KGFJ- Western Moab.. SPAS -Night Melodies. KFXM -Mystery Theater.

10:45 -KFI -Voice of the Nation. KNX -Gavle and Charles. KECA- Cheater Bon les. KH./ -Songs to Remember. KMTR -Al Donahue Orch.

1r6 *KFI. KNX. RR.1- News. i KECA- Tunes, Tidings. *KMPC -News, Peter Potter.


10 to 12 P. M. livery 14.4 S..dy

Kr WB Aceeks , Swat axes

KFWB- Eastside Club. *K)ITR- Newe, Win Morro.

KGFil -Open Album. KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Tinte. RFON -Merl Lindsay Band.

11:13 -KEl-Post Ps tittle. Klf.t, KGB, KVOE -Cart

Massey. 11:220- KFI -lt Happened Today.

KNX- Vaughn Monroe. 11:30 -RES. RFSD -Ships of W'nr.

*KECA-News, Disie Hospi- tality.

Kii.t, KGB -Carlos Molina's Orch.

KGF.I -Blue of Es piling. *REVD- Newaical, till 1 a.m.

Il :43-K FI-Ray Herbert( Orch. *RHJ, KGB, KFSD -News.

KNX- Harare Heidt.

NEW HONORS Radio editors all over the

country have voted Dinah Shore their Favorite Female Singer of Popular Songs, in the 14th annual poll just completed by Billboard.


FRIDAY, MARCH 16 * Indicates News Broadcasts.

KFI-. Johnny Murray. GP KNX -Mark Breneman. KECA- McNet0's Breakfast.

Club. *KHJ. KGB, RF.X31, KVOE-

Arthur Garth. *RMPC -News. William Parker *KFWB- Pennell Reports. *KMTR -News, Western Stan.

KGFJ -Music Moderne. *KPAS. KGER -News.

BRRR. HFOX -Dr. Louis T. Talbot.

EFAC- Country Church. EWKW- Pen- Àmerican Mis- sion.

HF%'I)- Cot ered Wagon Jubilee.

6:65 -AGER -soul Patrol. :16 *KFI- Between the Lines. KNX- Valiant Lady.

KHJ. KGB -Korn kohblers. RMPC- Market Report Sports HFR 11 -Bands in Review. KWHW -Rey elite Revue. K(.ER- Mirpah. RFXM- Morning Melodies.

11.26 -KPAS- Minute Prayer. KMPC- Hattic Sports. 8:30 -KF'I -Aont Mary.

KNX -Light of the World. KH.1. KGB. KFXM, If OE-

Take It Easy. KMPC-CnIty Dally Word. RFWB -Help Wanted.

*KFAC. RFSD -Pews.

KPAS, 8:30 A. M.


Mon., Wed., Fri. First Mate Bob and the

Good Ship Grace

KPAq -Hahn of Rest. HWICW -Dr. John Matthews. KRKD -News Headings. KFOX -Rev. R. E. Reid.

8:45 -HF7. HFSD -David Hamm. KNX-Aunt Jenny's Stories. *KMB -News. KMTR -Bible Treasury. RRKW- Hasten the Day. KG ER- Rev. Bennington. KFVD -Vocal Favorites. KFXM- Sunshine Service. HVOE -Bing Crosby. HUES -Re. Bennington.

11:55 -KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HIVE- Lanny & Ginger.

9 *K1, -News. KNX -Kate Smith. *KHJ, KGB, IC F:XM, K3'OE-

illiam Lang. KECA- Glamor Manor. *KMPC-News, Sweet Letitia!,

Art Baker. KFWB- Health Talk. *KMTR-News, Church Views

News. KFAC -J. Newton Tates. KGFJ- Keyboard Magic. SPAS -Polly Patterson. EKED- Sagebrueh S de. EWKW- Reflections to Music KFVD -Waltz Ttime. IFOX- Firebrands for Jesus. *HGER -News. :86*KFI- Edward Jorgenson,

Comment. 8:16 *KFI, KFSD -Larry Smith,

Comment. HNX -Big Sister. KHJ. KGB, REAM, KY 0E-

Morton Downey. KMPC-Say It With Music. KFI B- Rhumbe Time.


R. L. McMASTER, D.C., Ph.G., Ph.D., F.R.S.A. (London)

for the

McCOY HEALTH SYSTEM Every nserning -Mon. tiero l'rL

KFAC at 9:15

KFAC -Voice of Health. KGFJ- Medical. *KFVD-News.

HGER- Rev. J. A. Lovell. KGB -Serenading You.

9:: :0 *KFI -News. KNX-Romance of Helen


RHJ -Time Out. KECA- Breneman's Breakfast

in Hollywood. *KERB, KFAC, KWKW -News

RMTR -W. B. Record. KGFJ -Swing Serenade. KGER -Radlo Revival. KFVD -Show Tones. KVOE- National Prayer,

392nd Army Band. RFXM -Future l'nlimited.

9:36- KFX,M -Oid Family Almanac. 9:40 -KFI- Musical Mood.

KFWB- Midmorning Melodies. 9:45 -KFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songs.

KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KMTR -Clifford E. Clinton. RFAC- Mid-Morning Serenade

*KRKD-News. KPAS- Harmony Homestead. KWKW- Willard Messenger. KIND -Here (: ornes Parade. KGB -Army Rand. KFXM-Design for Listening.

10 -KFT, KFSD-Tillamook Kit- chen.

KNX -Life Can Be Beautiful. *KHJ, KGB. KFX.M. K%OE-

News. Glenn Hardy. *KECA -Tony Morse. *KMPC -News, Hits for the

Misting. KFR'B -Chef Milani.

*KMTR-News, Music. KGFJ- Upheat Session. KWKW -Moments of Melody. KFVD--Morning Serenade.

*KFOX, KGER -News, 10:15 -KFI- Hollywood Fan Maga-

zine. KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA -Music for the Missal. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Luncheon with Lopez. RMTR -Kings Men *R PAS -News. KRHD -Dr. O. M. Richardson HR'HR'- Speaking of Sporti KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor. HGER- Hhgdom Within.

10 :30-KFI-Albers Hour. *ANN- Bernadine Flynn, News KECA -My True Story. KMPC -Stump Cs.

*KFWB -Henry Charles. RMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. *KFAC. KWKW -News. KFVD -Union Rescue Mission. KPAS- Romen's World. KGER- Sunshine Pastor. KFSD -Your Albers Hour.

10.45 *KFI, KFSD-Art Raker, News KNX -The Goldbergs. RHJ -Handy Man. KMPC -Home Chats. KFWB- Science of Mind. KMTR -Care of the Body. RRKI)- Midnight Mission. KFAC -Between the Lines. KWHW- Treasury Salute.


TFFSDT KIEVTKFWBTKNX T K C K FOXTK6BT so6 7eo Tt3oT1oz0Tn o 140 B 133oT1380

710 1230 1 1461


KGB, KFXM, KIi1E- Ameri- can Women's .fury.

KFOX -Dr. A. T. Michelson. 10.55 -KECA -Aunt Jemtma.

1 Kit, HFSD- Gutding Light. KNX -Joyce Jordan. M.D. *KECA- Backhage Talking.

*KILN, KGB, KI OK-Cedric Foster.

*KMPC-News, Homemaker's Club.

KFWB -Al Janis. *KMTR-News, Dr. Louts

Talbot. K(.FJ -Sweet and Low.

*RFVI), KItER -News. RPAS -Ralph Littlefield. KWKW -News. Dr. Spripger. KFAC- Floretta. KFXM-Voice of Experience.

11:15 -KFI, KFSD- Today's Children KNX -Two on a Clue. KECA-Ethel and Albert. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, K% OF.-

Cowl. KFVD-Musical Re. ire. KPAS --J. Newton Yates. KFOX-Spot light Bands, HGER -Songs of Cal%ary.

11:25- HHJ -0w I Program. 11:30 -KFI, KFSD -Roman in..R'hlle

KNX -Perry Mason. KHJ, KGB. KFX.M, KVOE-

Neter Too Old. *KECA -Blue R orld -Cor-

respondents. KMTR-Songs to Remember. *KPAS- Pasedena Independent. KGFJ -Rainhow Rendezvous.


11 :45-KFI-Betty Crocker. KNX -Tena & Tim.

*KECA- News. KMPC-Lud Gluskin. KFAC -Piano Briefs. KGFJ- Calling All Zones. K PAS- 6I1190n's Painted Post. KFVD--% inlet Schram.

11:53 *KWKW -News. 12-Farm Reporter.

KNX -Mary Marlin. KI'.('. %- Mystery l'het. *KlI.1- Broadway News.

*KMPC-News, John Kirby. *KSITR -News, Meet the Band.

KFAC -Luncheon Concert. A}ND- Editor of Air. KPAS -Hal Hart. KRKD- Prairie Schooner. KWKW -Blue Room. KAM -Croup Itlagnnslir. RECD- R'nmen of America.

*KG ER, KFSD, KGB, KV0E- News,

FRIDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Lightface Type: Afternoon and Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 3:00- 3fcNeill's Breakfast Club.

KECA. 8:00 -Johnny Murray, XFl. 9 :00-Kate Smith, KNX. 9:30- Breneman's Breakfast.

KECA. 10:00 -Chef Milani, KFWYB. 11:15 -Jane Cowl, KHJ. 4:30 -Art Baker's Notebook, KM 0:30 -People Are Funny, KP1. tí:30 --5 tlight Bands, KECA. 7:Olt- Moore- Durante Show, KNX i:00 -Amos a Andy, KFI. 7 :00-Sammy Kaye, KECA. 7:30 -Stage Door Canteen, KNS 8:no -- Supper Club. KFI. 8:30- Duffy's Tavern, KFI. 9:00 -Furlough Fun, HF7. 9:0(1 -Tom Breneman, KECA, 9:30 -Joan Day is-Jack Haley,


War A:00- Reuters' News Dispatch,

KFRB. 8:00 -Television. Test Pattern,

RIMY Z. 8:30 -Television, T. B. Blakiston

News Analysis. W6XYZ. 9:00- Teleision, Travel.

Comment, W6XIZ. 9 :45-Television-Comedy.


Quiz Programs 8:30 -Double or Nothing, KHJ. 8:30 -Ignorance Pays, RN X.

Drama 3:15 -Star Playhouse, HF7. 0:30 -Those Websters, PENN. 7:30 -Lone Ranger, KHJ. 8:00 -The Green Hornet. HEC t 8:15- Erskine Johnson, KNX. 9:00 -Aldrich Family, KNX. 9:30 -Weird Circle, RFSD. 9:30 -The Thin Man, KNX,

Outstanding Music 4:00 -Musical Masterpieces.

KFAC. 8:00 -Musical Digest, KGFJ. A:00--Evening Concert. Knit('.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time KFAC.

In :00- Newsieal, KFVD. 10:00 -Eastside Club, KFWB.

Public d flairs 2:30 -Cabbages & Queens. Kill 7:30 -Army Nurses, KECA.

10:15-Al odd and America, KFI

Sports-Comment 12:50- Bridge Club, KMPC.

7:311 -Bill Stern, KFI. 8:00 -Doing Bouts, KHJ.

10:00- Legion Fights. KMPC. 10:30 -Sam Baiter, KECA.

Styled for Luncheon Listening, It's ...

"Concert Pastelle"

12 Noon Until 1 P. M. from

KGFJ at 1230 on the

Los Angeles dial Featuring today: Pi a no Concerto in A Minor by Grieg. Ray Bloch's styling of F a l l i n g g in Love," "S tr a n g e Music" from "Song of Norway... And other selections to feature Paul Whiteman, Lud Glus - kin, Alfred Wallenstein, James Melton, John Charles Thomas and Emery Deutsch.

KGFJ -Concert Pastelle. 2:15 -KFI, KFSD -Ma Perkins.

KNX-Neighbors, Irene Bees ley

KECA- Gospel Singer. KHJ- Johnson Family. KMPC -Norman Nesbitt. KFVD- Lunchenu Musical. KRHW -Rev. Richey.

*KFOX, KFXM -Nçws. KGB, K3'OE -Sweet reliant.

1£:30 -Kil, KtSD- Pepper Young' Family.

KNX- Bright Horizon. *KECA -John B. Kennedy.

KHJ, HVOE -Mild and Mel low.

KMPC- Bridge Club, Johnson *KFWB -News.

RMTR -Merl Lindsay L Ban KFAC -l'an American.

*KWHW -News, Variety. KFOX -March Time. KGB -Molly Morse. KFXM-Farm Front.

2:45 -Hel, RFSD- Right to !lapel ness.

KNX- Bachelor's Children. KECA-Memories in Melody. KHJ, KGB. 1'AM, Kt

Li. inc. KMPC -Organ Melodies. KFWB -Al Jarvis. KFVD- Vinlet Schram.

*KFAC -News. KWKW- Singing Sweepstake KFOX -Lucky Lady. KGER- Garden School. SFL KFSD- Backstage Wife KNX -G. E. House Party.

*KECA-Time Views the News KHJ-Think Hard Now.

*KMPC-News, Headline Bands *KFR'B, KFVD -News. *RMTR -News. Rhyme -Rhythm

KGFJ- Easy Rhythm. KGB, KVOE- Walter Compton KF:X.M -Moods in Music.

*KGER -News, Music Appreci- ation.

:15 -Kil, KFSIS- Stella Dallas. RECA -Radio Parade. K H.I, KGB -Concert. KFWB -Al Jarvis. KFAC- Melody Matinee. K VOE- Newspix Melodies. KFVD -Moods in Music.

:25 *KNX -News. :3(1 -K1FI, Kt SD -Lorenzo Jones.

KNX- School of the Mr. KECA -This Mov ing World. KHJ, KGB. KFRM, HYOE-

Tommy Harris Time. KMPC-Lady of Charm. KMTR Swingtime.

*KRKD -News, Music. *KPAS -News.

KWHW -News, Memories. KGFJ- Riensenidos Amigos. HF %D- Hawaiien Music.

:45 -HFl, HFSD -%oung Widder Brown.

KECA -Buddy Twigs. KMPC- Family Bible. KRKD- Singing Waiters. KPAS -Ken Baiter. KFOX- Concert Master.

:30 *KECA -Ed Jorgenson.




Marries. KNX- Evelyn Winter.

*KHJ-This Changing World. KECA -What's Dein'. Ladies?

*KMPC- News, Sweet Lefton'. *KMTR-News, Ilally's Sw

time. KRKD -Concert Matinee. KWKW -Club 60. FE FOX-Organ Treasures. KIND- Timely Tunes. KGFJ -Town Crier Presents. KGER -Rolf's Band. KGB, KVOE -Handy Man. KFXM -Redlands Nazarene.

1:15 -KFI, HFSD -Portia Faces Life.

KNX- Sandra Martin. KHJ -Today on the Coast. KMPC -l'an- Americana. 'MSC- Paradise Isle. KFOX -Public Bulletin.

3:25 *KNX -News. 1:30 --HF1. KIND-Just Plain Bill.

KNX -Meet the Mrs. *KECA -,Between the Lines.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Cabbages and Queens.

KMPC -King Cole Trio. KF'Wtl -liai Styles. ILION -Songs of the West.

*KRKD. KG ER-News. :45-KFI, KIND -Front Page

Farrell. KECA- Frances Scully. KH.I, KGB, HVOE -Radio

Tour. KM PC-Bing Crosby. KRKD- Salsatoes Santaella.

*KIND-News. KI'1, KFSD-Road of Life. 3- KNX -Housewives Protective

League. *KECA -Three o'Clock News. *KHJ, KGER -News. *KMPC -News, Local Events.

KFWB -Melody Matinee. *KMTR -News, It Pays is

Know. KFAC- Famous Musical

Favorites. KGFJ -.lack Pot.

*KPAS -Listeners' Digest. KRKD- Victory Queen Contest EWE W- Latin- America. KFVD- Popular Favorites. HFOX -Buddy Cole. KGB, HYDE- Griffin Report-

ing. KFXM- Prayer, News, De-

votions. 3:13 -KF7 Star Playhouse.

HH-Happy Homes, Norma Young.

RECA- Footlight Favorites. KMPC- Swingshlft. KPAS -Juke Box Matines. HWKW- Songs. KFOX -Hawa0 Cans. KVOE -Of Civic Interest.

3:30-K11-Rosemary. KNX -Lynn Murray's Muele. KECA -Appointment With Life KFWB- Sweet Leilani, Via

torious Living. RMTR -Pianos.

*KW'KW -Off the Press. *KRKD -Nevi's Headlines.

KGFJ- Variation. KFOX- Hollywood Salon. KGER -(cheerful Chat. KGB -Art Baker. KVOE- Variety.

2:45 -KFI -Woman of America. *KNX -The World Today,

Joseph Harsch. KHJ -Bill Hay. KFWB -Jazz. HMTR- Clifford E. Clinton.

*KFAC -News. KWKW-Light Classics. KGB, KFXM, KY((E -John-

son Family. KIND-Aunt Mary. KFI. KFSD -Dr. Kate. HMI -Potluck Party.

*EEC 4,-General Pierce. *KHJ. KGB, KFXM. KV(IE-

Fniton Lewis, Jr. *KMPC -News, Sweet Leilani,

Ivan Rolando. KFWB -Itert Fiske.

*HMTR --News, Pictures in Music KC. F.1- Air- o- torial s. HEED -Toast to the Town.


Gems of Melody 4 - 5 P.M., KFAC -1330

Slavick Jewelry Co.

KFAC -Musical Masterpieces.

KWKW -Light Classics. *KFOX -News.

KFVD -Piano Selections. *KGER -News, Helene Smith.

4:15*KF1, HFSD -News of the World.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Rex Miller.

*KECA- Raymond Gram Swing KFWB- Gospel and Song. KGFJ -Stylings in Blue.

*KIND-News. HWKW- Citizens Committee. KRKD- Movieland Quiz.

4:30 -MI-Art Baker's Notebook. KNX- Friday on Broadway. KHJ -Tempo Time. KECA -Easy Listenin' K M PC-Paramount Parade. HWKW- Italian Melodies. KGB -House of Mystery. KFXM -Dr. Phillip M. Lovell.

4:45 -KECA, KFMB -Hop Harrigan KHJ -Frolics. KMPC -Hit Parade Tunes. KFWB-Stuart Hamblen.

*KRKD -News. KGB -Music Without Words. KFXM -Musical Cocktail. KVOE -Music Matinee.

*KFSD-H. V. Kaltenborn. KGI_K- Colonial Vespers.

5 *KFI -11. V. Kaltenborn. KNX --Man Named Jo.dan. KECA -Terry and the Pirates.

*KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Sam Hayes.

*KMPC -News, Teen and Twenty *KMTR-News, Muais.

KPAS -Uncle Charlie. KGFJ -Jive nt 5. HWKW- Payroll Guarantee.

*KG ER-News. 5:l5 *KFI, KIND, BFVD. KFAC -

News. KNX- Through a Woman's

Eyes. KECA -Dick Tracy. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Superman. *KWKW-News, Western.

KMTR-Salute to the Services 8:30 -KFI -Mayor H. S. Turner.

KNX-Harry Flannery. KECA -Jack Armstrong. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOF

Adventures of Tom Mix. *HMTR -Irwin Alien.

KFAC -Whoa Bill Club. KGFJ -Intermission. REVD- -90-90 Club. HWKW- American Jewish Hr EKED -South Seas Serenade. BFOX- Varieties. KGER -Rev. Gortner.

8:45 *KFI HFSD -Elmer Peterson. *KNX -News Truman Bradley

KECA- Captain Midnight. *KHJ,


KMPC -Het Wanted. *KMTR-K. Louis Flatau. News.

KGFJ- Console Encores. HFVD- Evening Serenade. KFOX -Bal Taberin. KGER -God's Quarter Hour.

8:55 *KNX -Bill Henry.

6 KFI, KIND-Waltz Time. KNX -Una Munson.

*H Gabriel

KGB, eatter.



*KMPC, KMTR-News, Music. KPAS- Pilgrim Inspirational

Hour. KGFJ- Musical Digest 'till 8

p.m. KFAC -Muslo for Everyone. KRKD -Early Dancette.

8:15 -KNX -Riders of Purple Sage. *KECA -Peter de Lima.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KY 0E- Real Life Stories.

KMI'CSports Time. *KFWB -John B. Hughes.

KMTR- Tomasso Ensemble. KPAS -W.C.T. U. KGER -Rev. Burpo.

8:30 -KFI, HFSD -People Are Funny.

KNX -Those Webster'. KECA- Spotlight Rande. KIIJ, KGB, KFX51, KVOE-

Double or Nothing. KM PC-Rhumba Time. KFWB- "America Dances." KPAS- Church of Christ. KIND-Vaudeville. KFOX -Hat's Memory Room. KGER -Truth on Wings.

8:45 -KMTR- Clifford E. Clinton. e:55- KECA- Coronet Story Teller.

7 KFI, KIND -Amos 'n' Andy. KNX -Muore- Durante. KECA -Sammy Kaye Show.

*KMPC -News, Dinner Dance. *KMTR -News, Music.

KFAC -Musical Comedy. *HEIM -News.

KPAS -Help Wanted. KFON -Jane Arden. KGB- Inside Story. KFXM -Meet the Horse.

*KGER -News, Dr. Lovell. 7:15 *KIIJ. KGB, KFXM- Lowell

Thomas. KMTit -W'. B. Record. KRKD -Three Quarter Time. KPAS -C.LO. Reporter. SVOE- hasten the Day. KFOX Salute to Services. KGER-Res. Lee.

7:30 *KFI KFSD -Bill Stern, Sports KNX -Stage Door Canteen. KECA-Army Nurses. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KYOE-

Lone Ranger. KM PC-Norman Nesbitt.

*KFWB-News. HMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KFAC -Casa Cugat. EKED -Do You Know. KPAS -Roy It Lonny. KGER -Ft. Wayne Gospel.

7:45 -KFI- Cabbages and Kings. KM PC-Rhumba Time.

*KFWB, KFOX- Mayor Hubert Turner, Comment.

*KFAC -News. KRKD- Fatther Vaughan. SFAS- Studio Frolics. KIND-Roy Campbell. KFI, HFSD- Supper Club. 8 KNX-Jack Kirkwood. KECA -The Green Hornet. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KA OF.-

Boxing Bouts. *KMPC -News. Vocal Gems.

KFWB -Dispatch from Reu- ters.

*KMTR-News. KFAC -Evening Concert. KGFJ -Of Words and Verse. REED -South Seas Serenade. W6XYZ- Television, Test Pat-

tern. KPAS -J. Frank Burke.

*KG ER -News. a :OS -KGER- Aubrey Lee.


and King's Ambassador Quartet KMTP, -8:05 -9:00 P. M.

Also 10:30 -10:45 A. M. Monday through Friday

HMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. 11:15 *KFI, HFSD- Fleetwood Law

ton, Comment. - HNX- Erskine Johnson. KFWB -Warner Bros. Orch. KGFJ -Show Time.

*SPAS -News. 11:30 -KFI, KFSD- Duffy's Tavern.

KNX -It Pays To Be Ignorant KECA- Future Stars. KM PC-Three Suns.

*KFWB -News. KPAS, KFON -P. E. Gardner KGFJ- Dancing Rhythm. KRKD-Merry-Go-Round. W'6XYZ- Television, T. B.

Biakiston, News Analysis. B:45- 11MI'C- Something for the

Girls. KFWB -Pan -A- M u si -Cana. KFI, KIND-Furlough Fun.

a KNX -Aldrich Family. KECA -Tom Breneman, High-

lights. *KH.1, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Newe, Glenn Hardy. *KMPC -News, Music Box. *KFWB -Peter de Lima. *KMTR-News, Music.

KGFJ -Saludos Amigos. KREIS- Western Hit Parade. WOXYZ- Television. World

Travels. RIAS -Dr. Louis T. Talbot. KFOXSamuel M. Polin.

*KGER -News, Aubrey Lee. 9:15 *HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Cecil Brown. News. KFWB-Strollin' Tom. KMTR -Texas Jim.

*KFOX -News. WGXYZ-Television Comedy.

9:30 -KF'1 -Juan Davis -Jack Haley. KNX -Thin Man.

*KECA -News. Kit.l. KGB, KFXM. EVOE-

Freedons of opportunity. *HFW'11- )lenry Charles.

KPAS -Pasadena Civic Dance KFSD -Weird Circle. KGER -Sunshine Pastor.

9:45 -KECA -Allen Prescott. *KFWB -Sam Baiter.

BMTH- Clifford E. Clinton.


and the REVERIE TRIO 9:45 p.m. KPAS - 1 1 10 kc

MUTUAL Bldg. & Loan Assn of Pasadena

KPAS- Mutual Melodies. 9:55 -KNX -Tube Reed.

10 *KFI, HFSD -Richfield Re- porter.

*KNX -Ten o'Clock Wire. *KHJ, HGB, KFXM, KA OE-

Fulton Lewis, Jr. KECA- Hollywood Spotlight,

George Fisher.

Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M.- KECA

Inside the News with

Carveth Wells


*KMPC -News, Legion Fights.


10 to 12 P. M. Awry MIN I.ssyt f..4.y

KFWB Aawls . Pleat lesti

KFWB -Eastside Club. *KMTR -News, Music.

KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance Time.

*KFVD- Newsical, 3 Hrs. KGFJ -B. B R. Cowboys. KPAS- Western Hit Parade.

10:15 -KFI -The World and America. *KNX -Pacific War Analysis.

KECA- Martha Mears. *KHJ, HVOIl -Nez)s.

KMTR -Bob Broche. KFXM -Musie for Night.

10 :30-KFI-Carveth Wells. KNX -World's Most Honored

Music. KECA- Sports Book. KHJ- Johnson Family. HMTR- Solly's Ensemble. KGFJ -Western Music.

10:45 -KFI -Voice of a Nation. KECA- Doctor Talks It Over. KHJ, KGB, KFXM -Soap to

Remember. *HMTR -Al Donahue Orch.

11 *KFI, KHJ -News. *KNX -News, Bob Andersen.

KECA- Tunes, Tidings. *KMPC -News, Peter Potter.

KFWB -East side Club. *KMTR -News, Win Morro.

KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance Time. . t

KGFJ -Open Album. Ki'AS -Grady King Orch. KFOX -Merl Lindsay Okla-

humans. 11:15 -KFI -Post Parade.

HHJ, KGB, KVOE -Curt Massey.

11:20- KFI -It Happened Today. KNX- Vaughn Monroe.

11:30 -KFI, HFSD -Ray Ilerbeck Orch.

KNX- Horace Heilt. KECA-News, Dixie Hospital-

ity. KM, KGB- Carlos 5Iolinns'

Orch. KGFJ -Blue of Evening. KFVD- Newsical. till 1 a.m.

11:45 *KHJ. KGB, HFSD- News. 11:55*KNX, KFWB -News.

KM-Musical Encores.

Far from being the illiter- ate individual heard on _ra- dio and pictured on the screen, NBC's Bob Burns is a licensed civil engineer.


SATURDAY, MARCH 17 * Indicates News Broadcasts.

RADIO LIFE LOGS are checked carefully and intelligently, item by item each week, with program information furnished by the va- rious stations. They are. there- fore, as accurate as Is humanly possible tinder present shifting wartime conditions.

At hours where no listing is shown for a local station, recorded m u s i c ha s been scheduled.

i sT NEWS ` ÿ



Scotch Triple Aetien Cleanser

KFI, HFSD -K-C Jamboree. *KNX, KGER -News.

KECA- McNeill's Breakfast Club.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Larry Meier, War Retiew. *KM PC -News, Commentary.

*KFWB -Henry Charles. *KMTR- News. Western Stars. KFAC- Country Church. KGFJ -Music Moderne. RWRW- Pan -American Mis-

sion. KI'AS- Quartermaster's Corp. KFVU- Covered Wagon Ill biler.

KRKD 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thurs., Sat.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KHHD, KFOX -Hawn of Rest 0 :O5 -KSX -Let's Pretend.

KGER -Soul Patrol. 0:15 -KHJ, KGB, KVOE- Rainbow

House. KM PC-Market Report, Sports KF'W 11-hands In Res less. KRKD- Unseen l :nenty. KWKW- Reseille Bet;le. EGER- 51izpoll. KFXM- Morning Melodies. :30 -KFI, HFSD -Smilin' Ed Me-

Connell. ENN- Billie Burke Show. KMI'C -Girl Scouts.

*KFAC. KRHD -News. KWHW -Dr. John Mathews.

*KRKI) -News Headlines. KFOX -Children's Bible Hour. KFXM- Sunshine Service. s:45- KHJ -Waz Shop. KM PC-Jr. Army on March. *KF WR -News. KMTII- International Sunday.

School. KF1' it-Vocal Varieties. KI :EIt- Colonial Tabernacle.

9 *AFI, HFSD, KGER-News. KNX -Theater of Today. HECA- What'. Cookin'. KHJ. KGB, HFX-N, KVOE-

Hello glom. *KMPC -News, Swing out the

Old. lt-Rhumba Time.

*KMTR -News. Children's Re- ligious Hour.

KFAC- Walter mond. Ktii.l- Keyhoard Marie. HFO X- Firebrands for .Jesus. KRICU- Sagebrush Serenade. KW KW -Azusa Temple. KFVD- Waltz Time.

9:n5 -KGER -Ada S. Teeple. 9:15 -KFI, RFSO- Consumer Time.

KM PC-Frank and Ernest. K F1{ 13-Die) Iona Ilea Itlt. KFAC- (.'Mil Sens ice Comm. KW R1V- Kettles and ('alien

*KF {U -News. 9 :30*K El -Ales Drier.

RN X-Stars (Mar Holly auud, RECA -ern toes, ï71rr^

KGB, KFXM, HVOE -Swap and Shop.

KMTR -W. B. Record. *KFAC, KWKW -News. KGFJ-Swing Serenade. KFVD -Show Tunes. KGER -Radio Revival. KFSD- Atlantic Spotlight.

9 :40 -KFWB- Better Speech. 9:4S -KFI -Ronny Mansfield.

HECA -- Colline ('aging. KFWB- Midmorning Melodies. KMTR -Income Tag. KFAC- Midmorning Matinee. *KRKD-News, Clifton. KWHW- Willard Messenger. HF'VD -Here Comes Parade. KGB -Red Cross Reporter.

10-KNX-Grand Central Station.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

*HECA -News. *KMPC -News, Jerry Sears. KFWB- Salvation Army. *KMTR -News, Music.

KGFJ -Upbeat Session. SPAS -Rod Delaney. KWKW -Moments of Melody. RFVD- Morning Serenade. KIND-House of Make Believe

*KFOX, HGER -News. 10:15 -KFI- Hollywood Fan Maga-

zine. KECA- Popular Profiles. HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

AI Williams. KMPC-Naomi Reynolds. KFW'B- U. S. 0. Grams. KFAC -L. A. Medical Assoc.

*R PAS -News. KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor. KGER-Grace Testimony.

10 :23*KN X -News. 10:30 *K1"1, HFSD -The Barters.

KNX-Report to the Nation. KHJ, KGB, KVOE- Symphon-

ies for Youth. KECA- Mirandy, HMPC- Pan -Americana. KFWB-Varieties. KMTR -American Story Book KPAS -Help Wanted.

*KFAC, RWRW-New.. KFXM -Barbara Brent Pre -

sente. HGER -Sunshine Pastor.

10:45 *KFI RECA -News. *KFWB-Henry Charles.

HMTR -Tabernacle Choir. K W K W- Charioteers, KFAC- Between the Lines. KFOX- Firebrands' Children's

Hour. HPAS- Marines. KFXM -Treasury Salute. HFSD -James Abbe.

10 :55*K ECA-News.


NO 110 870 980 1070 WI II 1230 1280 1360 1431 1480

11 -KEl, KFSD -Opportunity The- ater.

KNX -Mary Lee Taylor, Economist.

KF('A- Metropolitan Opera. *K NI PC- News, Hollywood

Melodies. KFWIt -AI .)anis.

*KMTR -New s, Manchester Baptist Church. arch.

KW KW -Western Sweethearts KGF'.) -Sweet and Low. *K F{7), KGER -News, KI'XM -Star, on Parade.

11 :15-K 51 l'(' -Bing Crosby. KW KW- Varlety, KFVD- Musical Revue. KFXM- Rancho Roundup. KGER -Venice Foursquare.

11:30-K1'1-Saturday 5.51. Serenade *KN N -Yews,

SATURDAY 11:30 A. M.


KHJ KFXM Sponsored by Barbara Ann Bread

KHJ, KF_CM- Hollywood. Open House.

HMI'('- Hasten the Day. KMTR -Song Showcase.

*KFAC, HIVE W, KPAS -News *KRKD -News, Music.

KGFJ -Rainbow Rendezvous. HVOE -Volee of the Army. KNX- Carolina Hayrlde.

11:45 -HMPC -This Day of War. KFAC -Piano Briefs. KWKW -OPA News. KIND-Violet Schram. SPAS -Land of Mine. 1EF1-Noon Farm Reporter. KNX -The Land Is Bright.

*KHJ -Broadway News. *HMPC -News, John Kirby. *RMTR -News, Music.

HPAS-.J. Newton Yates, Organist.

Kl'A(', RFVD- Luncheon Concert.

KGFJ -Concert Pastelle. KRHD- Prairie Schooner. HWHW- Readers and Writers. KFXM -Hollywood Melodies.


SATURDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Lightface Type: Afternoon and Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety 11:00 -KC Jamboree, KM. 8:00- McNelll's Breakfast Club.

KECA. 9:00 -"Hello, Mom," ICHJ.

10 :00-Grand Central Station, KNX.

11 :30-Hollywood's Open House, KHJ, KFXM.

5:00 -Danny Kaye, KHI. 0:00 -National Barn Dance, KF1 0 :30- Spotlight Bands, THECA. 0:30 -Can You Top This? KFI. I :00-Judy Canosa, KFI, 7:00 -Andy Russell, !MCA. 7:15 -Mayor of the Town, KNX. 7:30 -Grand Ole Opry, KFI. 9:00 ---Your Hit Parade, KNX.

10:15 -Hollywood Barn Dance, KNX.

Drama 9:(Ní- Theater of Today, KNX. 9 :30-Stars Over Hollywood.

KNX. 2:00 -Grand Hotel, KFI. 0:00 -This Is My Story. KNX. 0:30 -Black ('impel, KMTR. 5:45 -Real Life Stories, KH.I. 9:oí1 -Hollywood Theater, KFI.

(,)uiz Program. : .::0 -M {'hat's the (:nod Word,

KS X. Iwo Cities, KH.1.

8:0:1 -Trot's or Cuasc.iuences, KF'1

War 4 :00- American Eagle in Bri-

tain, KHJ. 11 :00-1 auks in Orient, 'MCA.

Outstanding .Music 10:30- Symphonles for Youth.

KHJ. 11:(u1- Metropolitan Opera, ICECA 3:00 -Philadelphia Symphony,

RNS. 4 :00-Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 5:30- Boston Symphony, SECA. 5:30 -Detroit Symphony, RAJ. ß:00- Musical Digest, KGFJ. 5:00- Evening Concert, KSAC. 9:00 -Your Hit Parade, KNX.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Tinte, KFAC.

10:00- Rastside Club. KFWIB.

Public Affairs I :15 -Book of the Month, KG KR. 3:15 -Peoples Platform, KNX. 4:30 -Our Foreign Policy, KFI. II:0n- Words, Verse. KGF.1. 5:30 -In Peace and War, KNX.

Sports- Comment 3 :00- Spurts Parade. KIIJ. 3:00 -On Scouting Trail, KE('.t. 5:00 -Starts, ' - N X. 5:00 -Sports, KFI. 5:15-Belle Martell, KMTK. 0:30 -Sports Ball Session. SMI'C

10:30-lee Harkey, KM l'C. 11 :00-Sports Retiew. KGFJ.

13:15 *KF1 -James Abbe. KHJ -Kelley Hussies.

*KM PC-Norman Nesbitt, *KFOX, KFXM -News.

KWHW -Dr. Richey. KGB -Ryan Swing Club. K %OE-This Is Halloos. KGER- Police Broadcast.

1 ":30 -KFI, KIND-Home What You Make lt.

KNX- Syncopation Piece. KM PC-Lean Back, Listes.

*RFWB -News. KMTR -Merl Lendsay t Band.

*RWRW -News, Maurice Johnson.

KFAC-l'an Americana. KFVD -Violet Schram. KGB, KFXM- Johnny Rich-

ards Orch. 13:45 -KNX -Job for Tomorrow,

KFWB -AI Jarvis. *KFAC -News.

KWHW -Dirk McIntyre. KFOX -Meet the Band.

1 -KFI, KFSD- Doctors Look Ahead.

KNX- Report from Washing- ton.

*HMI'(' -News. Unity Word. *KFWB, KFVD. K( :EK -News. *KMTR -New,, Dick Ross.

KGFJ -Easy Rhythm. KWKW- Halleson's Radio

Roundup. KFOX -Da nee Tinte. KGB, KFXM, KVOE -Memo

for Tomorrow. I :15- RNX- Destination Tomorrow.

KHJ -Felts de Cola. KFWB-Al Janis. KFAC-Melody Matinee. KFVD -Moods in Music. HGER -Book of the Month.

1 :30-KFI, KFSD -Music on Display. KNX- Assignment Home. KHJ, KGB, KFXIt, KVOE- Music for a half Hour. KMI'C -Mary Alice Collins, HMTR -Swingtime. KGF'j- Bienvenidos Amigos. KFVD- Hawaiian Music.

*KPAS- -News. HWHW -News, Swing Sym-

posium. KFOX -Concert Master. RRRD- Singing Walten.

1:45 -KMI'C -]bur Traffic Cop. *KRKD -News. KFVD -Vocal Varieties. HGER -Veteran's Employ-

ment. KFXM -South American Way. KFI, HFYD -Grand Hotel. KNX -Philadelphia Sym-

phony. *HECA -News.

KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV0E- SiMrte Parade.

*RMI'C -New,, Harry James. *KMTR-News, Halley's

Swingtime. KWHW-Club 00. KGFJ -Tenn Crier Presents. KRKD- Concert Melodies. RFVD- Timely Tunes. HGER -Long Reach Band. KFOX -Organ Treasures.

2:15 -KECA- Mumica! Serenade. KFWB -Hillbilly. KFAC- Paradise Isle.

i:30 -KFI-Sines Pearl Harbor. RH.1, KVOE -Clinic Forum. KM PC-Dinah Shore, KF'W'Il- Better Speech.

*KRKD, KGER -News, Music. KGB, KFXM -Bobby Sher-

wood Orch. *KIND -,John W. Vandercook.

3:45 -KFl, HFSD -Tin Pan Alley. KMPC -Milt Berth Trio.

*KFVD -News. 1p-KFI-On Scouting Trail.

KH.1. KGB, KF:X31, KYOK- Halls of Montezuma.

KECA -Music Room. *11i51 PC-News, Jimmy Dorsey. *KFWB, Ki'SD, K6lR -News. *KMTR -Sews, Music.

KFAC -Famous Musical Favorites.

Ir PAS-Listener's Digest, KKKD- Matinee Melodies. K INK W -Ladin America. KF'ON- Varieties. KGFJ -Swing Club. KF'VD- Popular Ea similes.

3:15 -KNX -People's Platform. KFWB.Vocal Vnrieties, KMTH -Paul Scott. H W K V. -Songs. KI'.1S -.;uke Bos Matinee. KGER -Music Appreciation. KtOX- Hawaii )'alb.

r _.r- ilea


'30 -KFl. KFSD- Rupert Hughes. KECA- Canary Pet Shop. KH.f, KGB, KFXM, K1'OE-

Haw'ali Calls. KMPC-Dick Haymes. KM'l'It- Pianos.

*K((Kli -News. *K WK -Off the l'ress.

K FOX- llollyw I Salon. 3:45 -KFI, KFSD -Religion in

News. KNX -The World Today. KECA -C.I.O. Labor Show. KMPC -Sunny Days.

*HFWB -Henry Charles. *KFAC -News.

KFVII- Rhumba Music. KWKW -Light Classics. KGER-Life's Highway, Music.

3:55 *KNX -Hen's Analysis.

4 KFI- Traffic Tribunal. KNX -Men Wins Make Music. KHJ, KGB, KF.X.M, K1'OE-

American Eagle in Britain. *H ECA -News. *KMPC -News. Charlie Spivak.

KFWII- Gospel and Song. *KMTR -News, Music.


Gems of Melody 4 - 5 P. M., KFAC- 1330

Slavick Jewelry Co.

KFAC -Musical Masterpieces. *KGFJ-Air-o-t aria ls,

KWKW -Light Classics. *KGER, KFO] -News.

KIND-Piano. HFID- World's Great Novels.

4 :15 *KFI -John W. 1 undercook, Comment.

KECA -Voice of the Army. *KFVD -News.

KGFJ-Stylings In Blue. HRHD- Movieland Quiz. KWKW- Theater Highlights. KGER- Colonial Tabernacle. KFOX- Christian Science.

4:30 -KFI -Our Foreign Policy. KNX-What's the Good Word? HEC'A- Musical Toast. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, K1'OE-

Flying High. KMPC -Jo Stufford. Kt-WI-Blind Artists Guild. KRKD- 'runes of the Day. KFVD-Tea Time Tunes. KWKW-Taylored Tunes. Kk'SD- Whistling l'argon.

4 :45-KFWB-Stuart Hamblen. KM P(- I ncome Tac. K W'K W- 1'ariety.

*KRKD -News. 4:55*HNX -Names in the News.

5-Kin-Sports. KNX -Manny Kuye.

*KECA. KGB, K1'OE, KGEH- News.

*KHJ-News. *KMPC -News, American Music *HMTR -News, Music.

HRKI) -Songs of the Saddle. KFVD- Evening Serenade. Kl'AS -Jon Billings. KGF.( -Jive at Five. KWKW- Payroll Guarantee. KFXM -Word of Life. KFOX- Sunshine Pastor.

5:15 *K.F1, KFSD -News. KHJ, KFXM -Jimmy Taran-

tito. KECA -Music of Manhattan. KMTH -Belle Martell, Sports.

*KFAC, KFVD -News. KW'KW -News, Western. KGB -Music for Remembrance

5:30 -KFI- Everybody's Favorite. *KNX-Harry Flannery.


KW/HZ-Bet-1.°R KHJ, KGB, KW/HZ-Bet-1.°R Symphony.

KMPC -Louis Vallon. KMTH -Irwin Allen. KFAC -American Legion Aux. KG FJ- Intermission. KRKD -South Seas Serenade. KW'KW- Unity. KGER-Sister Despaine. KFOX -(in the hand Wagon. KFVD -90 -90 Club. KFXM -Let's Dance. KFSD- Eleanore King.

5:15 *KFI, KFSD -Elmer Peterson. *KNX- Truman Bradley, News.

Emiiluuriimuumum It iII1PVII Illt ti Ib9IIWI111111 f 112111W8


Bishop Stevens KMPC -710 kc. -5:45 P.M.

1112iNtfJPJlkll2111 NZ W .113 =M1IIIY1ilil 1

KMPC -Bishop Stevens. HMTR -Editor's Notebook. KGFJ- Console Encores. KRKD -Hollywood Tune -

smiths. KWKW -Ice Hockey. KFOX -Bal Taberin. KGER -Light for 'today.

5:55 *KNX -Ned Calmer.

6-EFL, KFSD- National (tarn Dance.


600 P.M. KNX D Z

Alive with the fire an, T. of stories written by actual per-

zg sons. The drama of real humans 0 0 o Presented by


KNX -This Is My Story. *KMPC -News, American

Legion. *KFWB, KGER, KFOX -News. *HMTR -News, Stairway to

Stardom. KFAC -Music for Everyone. KRKD -Early Doucette. KGFJ -Musical Digest, 'till 8

p.m. H PAS-Sun set Hour.

6 :15*KFWB-Henry Charles. KRKD -South Sea Serenade.

*KFVD -News. 6:30 -HFi, KFSD -Can You Top

This? KNX -Thai's a Good Idea. KECA- Spot light Bonds.


Youth for Christ Broadcast


Overseas to Our Armed Forces 6:30 P.M. KMPC - 710 kc. Also KPAS, Sunday 2:30 P.M.

KMPC -Challenge to Youth. KFWB- America Dances. KMTR -Black Chapel. KFVI) -1 audevllle. KPAS -Sweet Chariot Hour. KFOX -Hat's Memory Rooms.

6:45 -Hit- Saturday Night Sere- nade.

HHJ, KGB. HFX.M, H1'OE- Mutual Musicale.

8:55-KECA- Coronet Quick Quiz. 7 -KFI, KFSD -Judy Canova Show. Patsy Kelly.

KECA -Andy Russell Show. HHJ -Quiz of Two Cities.

*KMPC -News, Ray Bloch. *HMTR -News.

DANCE TIM E held. Jr.

KPAS -- Nazarene Church. KFAC -Ur. Janice Ei field,

*KRKD, KGER-News. HFOX -Rev. Stuart Leroy

Anderson. 7:15 -KNX -Mayor of the Town.

K:MTII -W. B. Record. KRKD -Three Quarter Time.

7:30 -KFI, KFSD -Grand Ole Opry. KW' A- Reserve. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, K1'OE-

Red Ryder. KMPC-Rhumba Time.

*KFWB-News. KMTR-Dr. Clem Davies. KFAC-Dr. F. B. Fagerburg. KPAS -Roy & Lonny. HRHD -Do You Know? KGER- Wings of Healing.

7:45 -KNX -The Story Teller. KMPC- Rhumba Time.

*KFWB -Henry Charles. *KFAC -News.

KPAS- Studio Frolics.

*K \lilt -News, 31 usir. KPAS- -Texas Jim Lewis. KFOS- County Barn Dance.



8 -HFr' KFSf -Truth or Con- sequences.

KNX- America In the Air. HHJ, KGB, HFx.11, HVOE-

('hicago Theater of Air. LECA -Early American Dance

Music. *KMPC -News, Dr. Fagan.

KFWB- American Sketches. *HMTR -News, Trinity Metho-

dist Church. LFAC- Es enlog Concert. HGFJ -Of Words and 'ierse. KPAS- ('horch of God.

*KGER -News, Sister Sylvia. 8:15 -KFV, B -Story of Israel.

KOFJ -Show Time. 8:30 -KFI, KFSD- Gaslight Galtles

KNX-In Peace and War. *KECA- Leland Stowe.

KMPC- Sports Bull Session. HMTR -Word of Life. KFOX- County Barn Dance. HGFJ -Dancing Rhythm. KPAS -P. E. Gardner. KGER-Sunshine Pastor.

8:45 -KFWB- Palestine Speaks. KECA -News.

8:55*KNX -News. 9- KFI- Skippy Hollywood Thea-

ter. KNX-Your Hit Parade. KECA -Meet Your Navy.


KMPC -News, Music Box. HFWB- Victory Service Club.

*HMTR -News, Music. HGFJ- Saludos Amigos. SPAS -County Barn Dance. KFOX -Rev. C. T. James.

*HGER -News, Locy West. 9 :15*KFWB -News.

KHJ-Dreamboat , Poems. 9:30 *KFI -News.

KECA- Soldlers with Wings. *KFWB -Henry Charles.

KMTR -Texas Jim. KPAS- Pasadena Chie Dance

9:45 -KFI -This Is My Country. KNX-Don't You Believe It. KHJ -Songs of Good Cheer. KFWB- Desert Battalion. KFXM-Music for Night.

lo *KFI, KFSD- Sick's Star Final *HNX -Ten o'Clock Wire.

KHJ, KFXM, K1' OF: Ted Streeter's Orch.

*KECA -News. KMPC -News, Spade Cooley. KFWB -- Eastside Club.


KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance Time.

*KFVD- Newsical, 3 Hours. KGFJ-B. & R. Cowboys.

10:1 S-H FI- Reserve. KNX- Hollywood Barn Dance. KECA- Income Tax. HMTR -Bub Brooks.

íu:30 *KFI -From London. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Chuy Reyes' tirch. KECA, Freddy Martin Orch. KMPC -Ice Hockey. KMTR -folly's Ensemble. KGFJ -Western Music. KPAS- Carter Wright.

*KFVD- Newsical. KGER -Rev. Larson.

10:45 *KFI -News. *KNX -Public Affairs.

HMTR -Al Donahue Orch. KFWB- Diamoud Dramas. KFI- Blltmore Orchestra. 1 *KNX-News. KHJ, KGB, KVOF Sid Hof f's

Orch. KECA -Tacks In Orient.

*KMPC -News, Charlie Barnett

M. .arsi


10 to 12 P. e,.ry Nit. 1.4.0 i

loads Americo'. ... (

KFW'B- Eastside Club. *HMTR -News, Win Morro.

KGFJ- Sports Revue. KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. KPAS -Grady King Orch.

11:05- KNX -Vaughn Monroe. 11:30 -KFI, KFSD- Barbara and

the Boys. KNX-Horace Heldt.

*KECA -News, Dixie Hospital- ity.

KHJ. KGB, KVOE- Carlos Molinos' Orch.'

KMPC- Rhythms till Midnight. KGFJ-Blue of Evening.

*KFVD- Newsical, till 1 a.m. 11:35- KHJ -Concert. 11:55 *K --NX, KHJ, KFWB -News,

KFI -M astral Interlude.

1:30 A.M. KFI SUNDAY 1 Youth for Christ Broadcast


Overseas to Our Armed Forces/

RADIO WEST (Conlinued from Page 9)

hundredth free show for servicemen. The unexpected dinner was held in the hangar, below decks of the air- craft carrier, by a group appreciative of the radio actress' fine work.

Once Upon A Dime Thirteen -year -old Louise Applewhite

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Apple - white of Amarillo, Texas, submitted

a real -life Cinderella story to CBS' "This Is My Story" air series, and re- ceived the $1000 war bond that is offered as the grand prize of each twelve -week contest.

Her story, heard on the program January 27, is this:

Little Louise was stricken with in- fantile paralysis seventeen months ago. There were no facilities in the Texas town to care for her. She re- membered then what her teacher had said about the March of Dimes, and she asked her mother to wire Presi-

dent Roosevelt because she knew that he would help her.

After they had tried to no avail to get the proper medical care for their child, Mr. and Mrs. Applewhite wired the President.

Not only did President Roosevelt arrange for a bed for the child in the Warm Springs Foundation in Florida, but he also had a B -17 flown to Ama- rillo, with a completely- equipped med- ical crew and doctor, to carry the girl to Warm Springs and a fair and prom- ising chance for recovery.



AAP Symphonic Flight...-KECA, 8:18 a.m. Su *Abbe, James ... ...___..._._ Hl'7, 12 :15 p.m., Sa Abbott it Costello.__..._...._ _ KFI, 7 p.m. Th Adventbres ut Bill lrnce....KNX, .9:00 p.m. Su Adventures of Tom Min. KHJ, 5:30 p.m. M -F Adventures of the Thin Man KNX, :30 p.m. F Albee Hour KFI, 10:30 a.m. M -F Album of Familiar Music KFI, 6:30 p.m. Su Aldrich Family KNX, 9 p.m. F Allen, Irwin KMTR, 5:30. p.m. M -Sa Alien Prescott KECA, 9:45 p.m. W, F' America in the Air _. KNX, 8 p.m. Sa America l'nited KFI 11 p.m. Su American Eagle in London Khi, 4 p.m. as American Forum KHJ, 6:39 p.m. Ta American Town Meeting of the Aar

.KECA. 8:30 p.m. Th American Melody Hour KNX, 4:30 p.m. Tu Amer. Woman's .fury _. .... _._

..... _KGB, KFXM, KVOE, 10:45 a.m. M -F American Story Book. KMTR, 10:30 a.m. Sa Amos 'n' Andy ....... KFI, 7 p.m. F Andy Russell Show .KECA, 7 p.m. Sa *Andersen, Bob ............ .... .._. _._

KNX, 11 p.m. M -F: 5:45 p.m. Su Andrews Sisters .KECA, 1 :30 p.m. Su Anita Ellis Sings KHJ, 7 p.m. M, Th Appointment with LIfe....KE('A. 3:30 p.m. M -F Art Baker...___.._..._.._ _.. KMI'C, 9 a.m. M -F

..._....__......... .._..__. -.... KNX, 5:30 p.m. Sa *Art Baker, News RF7, 10:45 a.m. M -F Art Baker's Notebook KFI, 4 :30 p.m. M -F Armstrong, Jack_............KECA, 5 :30 p.m. M -F Army Hour KFI 12 :30 p.m. Su Assignment Home KN.. 1:30 p.m. Ss Aunt Jemima KECA, 10:55 a.m. M -F Aunt .Jenny KNX, 8:45 a.m. M -F Aunt Mary KF7, 8:30 a.m. M -F Bachelor's (' hilaren_ KNX 12 ;45 P.m. M -F Backstage Wite àFI, 1 p.m. M -F' *Batter, Sam. KFWB, 9:45 p.m. M -F

KECA, 10:30 p.m. M -F Baptist Brothers..._ RYAS. 8:30 a.m. T, Th Barn Dance KFI, 0 p.m. Sa Barrymore, Ethel KECA, 12 :30 p.m. Su Barrymore. Lionel KNX, 7:15 p.m. Na *Bnukhage Talking Kl:c A. KFMB, 11 a.m. M -F Benny. Jack KF1. 4 p.m. 9:30 p.m. So Bergen- McCarthy- .Ameehe .... ..._...K}1, 5 p.m. Su Better Speech ...KFWB. 9:40 a.m. 2 :30 p.m. Sa Between the Lines . KECA, 2 :30 p.m., M -F KFI. 8:15 a.m._. M- FKFAC, 10 :45 p.m. M -F Bible Treasury Hour.... ....... KMTR, 3:30 p.m. Su:

8:45 a.m. M -F Bible Says So..__ ...... _.....KMPC, 1:30 p.m. Su Rig Sister.._._._....... -.___.HNX, 9:15 a.m. M -F Big Town KNX, 9 p.m. Ta 14111 Flay Reads the Bible.... KHI, 3 :45 p.m. M -F Bishop Stevens. .KMPC. 5:45 p.m. Sa Black Chapel KMTR. 6 :30 p.m. Sa *Blaklston, T. B

K1:CA, 7 a.m. M -Sa: KFI, 7:15 n.a'. M -Sa .... ......... _...W'6XYZ, Television, 8:30 p.m. F

Blind Date RECA, 9 p.m. M Blind Artiste Guild........KFWB, 4 :30 p.m. Sa Blondie KNX. 8:30 p.m. Su Blue Jacket Choir KNX, 8:05 a.m. Su *Blue World -Correspondents ._...._.........._._....

KECA, 11 a.m. Sa; 11 :30 a.m. M -F Book of the Month......__ KGER, 1 :15 p.m. Sa Books KVOE, 12:45 p.m. Tu Boston Symphony..._ KECA, 5 :30 p.m. Sa Bowes, Major _ KNX, 6 p.m. Tit Bowlers Sports Cast.._...._..HFAC, 5 p.m. Su Marron, Fletcher_....._...._.._. .KFI, 10 :15 p.m. Tb

KMPC. 6:45 p.m. Su Boxing Bouts KHJ, g p.m. F *Bradley, Truman KNX, 2 :30 p.m. M -Th

5 :45 p.m. M-F Breakfast Club KFWB, 8 a.m. W Breneman's Breakfast _

KECA, KFMB, 9 :30 a.m. M -Sa Breneman, Mark. KNX 8 a.m. M -F Breneman, Tom KECA, 9 p.m. F Brice, Fanny KNX, 7:30 p.m. Su Bridge Club KMPC, 12:30 p.m. M -F Bridge to Dreamland .KECA, 11:30 p.m. Su Bright Ilorizon KNX, 12:30 P.m. M -F *Broadway News KHJ, 12 N M -F; 5 p.m. M -F *Brown, Cecil KHJ, 9 :15 p.m. M, W, F Brown. Jase E KECA, 5 :30 p.m. Su Brown. Dick KHJ. 3:45 p.m. Su Brownstone Theater KHJ, 6 :30 p.m. W *Ruddy TwIss... ... .KECA, 1 :45 P.m. M-T-Th-F Bulldog Drummond. KHJ. DLBS, 8 p.m. Tb Burke, Billie KNX 8:30 n.m. Sa *Burke. .1. Frank.... ....... _ KI'AÌ;, 8 p.m. M -F Burns, Bob KF1, 6 :30 p.m. Th Burns and Allen ..... _.__.._ KNX, 8 :30 p.m M Cabbages & Kings...... KFI, 7:45 p.nt. F Cabbages & Queens KHJ, 2:30 p.m. F 'Calling All Zones......KGFJ, 11 :45 a.m. M, W. F *Calmer, Ned KNX, 5 :55 p.m. Su. Sa ('an Von Top This? KFI, 6:30 p.m. Sa Canary Pet Shop

KECA. 9:45 a.m. Su: 3 :30 p.m. Sa Canova, .Judy KF'I, 7 p.m. Sa cantor, Eddie ..._ KFI, 6 p.m. W Captain Midnight KECA 5:45 p.m., M -F' ('are of the Body KMTR, 10 :45 a.m. M., W. F Carnation Hour__....__._ KFI, 7 p.m. M Carnegie, Dale .._....._._.,_...._.....KHJ, 7 p.m. W (arson, .eck...._._.-_._..._.__.KNX, 9 p.m. W Caxton of Cheer.._..._ ........... _.KFI, 8 :30 p.m. W

arked with an asterisk (') are of the contest. *Indicates programs of news and commentait

Carter, Nick _..._ KM, KGB, KFXM, KVOE, 8:30 p.m. Su

Catholic Answers .......__._.Kl'WB 7:45 p.m. Sn Catholic Hour En, 3 p.m. Su Challenge to Youth..-.....KMPC, 8:30 p.m. So

.-......_ ..__........._..._._.._...HPAS, 2 ;30 p.m. Su _ .KFI, 1:30 a. m. Su

Chapel Quartet (Pierce Bros.) .... ... ......._..._.._......_...... KFI, 10:15 p.m Su

Chicago Roundtable RFI. 9 a.m. Su Chicago Theater KHJ, KGB, KFX.M, 8 p.m. Sa Children's Bible Hour KF()X, S:30 a.m. Sa Christian Shceuce KFAC, 5:30 p.m. Su

_._...._...__....KFOX, A n.m. 1st, 3d, Mb Su: KFOX, 4:15 p.m. Sa

Chuckwagon Jamboree HF'1, 5:30 a.m. M -Sa Church of the Air KNX, 7 a.m., 10 a.m. Su Churchman Vlews ....KMIY'. 5:45 p.m. Sa C.1.0. Labor Show HNX, 3:45 p.m. Sa Citizens' Forum w_ KNX, 9:30 p.m. Th Overt: Group -- ---- .......KFOX, 2:15 p.m. Su *Close, Upton KHJ,

KGB, KFXM, KYOF. 3:30 p.m. Su Cleveland Symphony KIJ, 4 p.m. Su Coffee Club.._._... ...... _._.KNX 5:30 a.m. M -F Cooper, Jerry ......_._.._ .__KHJ, 6:45 p.m. Su Collins Calling._.___ KF7, 10 :15 a.m. So

KECA, 9 :45 a.m. Sa Columbus Boys' Choir

KGB, K1 \'I KVOE, 7:30 p.m. Su Comedy Theater.._ KFI, 7 :30 p.m. au Commander Scott. KHJ, 10:15 a.m. Sa Contented Hour ._...KFI, 7 p.m. M Cortiss Archer KNX, a: :t0 p.m. Th Coronet Story Teller KECA, 6 :55 p.m. M -F Counterspy KECA, KFMB, 8:30 p.m. W Country Church of Hollywood

KFAC, 8 a.m. To -Sa County Medical Axsn.......KFAC, 10 :15 a.m. Sa Count of Monte Cristo...........__HHJ, 8 p.m. Tu Cowl, Jane....._..._ KHJ, 11 :15 a.m. M -F Crime Doctor KNX, 8 p.m. Su Crosby, Bing ............_._....._._ KFI, 6 p.m. Th Cumberland Vespers.__..._....KRHD, 6 :30 p.m. Su *Cunningham, Bill..._ .KHJ, U:30 a.m. Su Dance Time (Lucky Lager)

KFAC 10 p.m. M -Sa: 10 :30 p.m. Su Dance Tooite (Éasteide Beer)

.KFWB. 10 p.m. -M -Sa Danny Kaye Show KNX, 5 p.m., Ss Darts for Dough ............... .. KECA, 1 p.m. Su Date With Judy_.. KFI, 5:30 p.m. Tu David Harum ... ... 1,1'1, 8 :45 a.m. M -F Davies, Dr. Clem.......... KMTR, 7:30 p.m. M -Sa

1.1,W'ß, 6 n.m. M -Sa Davis -Haley ...KFI, 9 :30 p.m. F Death Valley Sheriff __ KNX, 8 :30 p.m. Th Destination Tomorrow... KNX, 1:15 p.m. Sa Detroit Bible Class._..., 11%OE, 9 a.m. Su Detroit Symphony... KHJ, 5:30 p.m. Sa Dick Tracy- - - - - - -- KCA'A, 5 :15 p.m. M -F Doctors Look Ahead ... KP7, 1 p.m. ela Don't Tou Believe It: KNX, 9 :45 p.m. Sa Dobble or Nothing ... KHJ,

KGB, KFXM, KVOF :, 6 :30 p.m. F Downey, Morton..._ ....... _......KHJ, 9:15 a.m. M -F Downes, Olia.._..._.._.._..._..KNX, 11:55 a.m. Su Downstage Center..._..._._..KFI, 9:30 p.m. Tat Dreamboat ._ _...._...___..._..HHJ 9 :15 p.m. Se Dr. Christian .......___.__.___...KNX, 8:30 p.m. W Dr. A. U. Michelson KMTR, 9 p.m. M -Sa

.ñFOX 10 :45 p.m. M -F *Dr. I. Q. ._..__..._...._ ......... _._.kFl 7:30 p.m. M Dr. Kate..._.._.__. _ KFI, 4 m. M -F Dr. Stewart MacLennon KFWB. 4 :15 p.m. Ms Duffy'a Tavern ..... _____ ... .KFI, 8:30 p.m. F' Eddie Bracken Show .._..._......KFI, 5:30 p.m. Su Eddy, Nelson __._.KNX, 1:30 p.m. Su Editor of the Air- ....._...KFVD, 12 N, M -F Ellery Queen ..._.._ ________KNX, 9 :30 p.m. W Eternal Light ....._._...._. HÌ!1, 8 a.m. Su Ethel and Albert KECA, 11:15 a.m. M -F Evening Concert _...KFAC, 8 p.m. M -Sa Everybody's Favorite KFI, 5:30 p.m. Se Everything for the Boys -..KF7. 9 p.m. Ti, Family Bible..._...._........KMPC, 1 :45 p.m. M -F' Family Circle KFWB. 7:30 a.m. Su Family Hour...........___ _.._...HNX, 2 p.m. Su Farm Reporter _. _ ......... KFI, 12 n. M -Sa Fibber McGee â Molly ..... _...KFI, 6 :30 p.m. Tu *Fidler, Jimmy __KECA, KFMB, 6 :45 p.m. Su

._.__ KHJ, 6 :15 p.m. Tu Fifield, J. W ...KFAC, 7 p.m. Se First Church Vespers KMI'Ct 5:15 p.m. Mu First Line..._..._._._.._. ....KNX, 7 p.m. Th Fisher, George h1..CA 10 P.m. M -F Fitch Bandwagon... KFI, 4:30 p.m. Su *Flannery, Harry W. KNX 5:30 p.m. M -Sa *Flatau, K. Louis KMTR.5:45 p.m M -F' **Fletcher, Graeme REI, 7 a.m. Tu -Th Floretts .._...KFAC, 11 a.m. M -F *Flynn, Bernadine .Y.._...KNX, 10 :30 a.m. M -F Foreman Phillips' Country Barn Dance........

KFOX. 9 p.m. So: 8:30 p.m. Sa; *Foster. Cedric. KHJ, 6:30 p.m. Su

KHJ. DLBS, 11 a.m. M -F Frank and Ernest KMI'(', 9:15 a.m. Sa Fred Waring ....__ KECA, 7 p.m. Tb Front Page Farrell KFI, 2:45 p.m. M -F' Funnies KFWII, 8 a.m. Su Funny Paper Land KFAC. 7 :30 a.m. Sot Furlough Ftiun.__-.._._ _.... HFI, 9:00 p.m. F *Gaeth, Arthur _..KHJ. S a.m. M-} Gaslight Galeties ._..__......__.._...HFI, 8.30 p.m. Sa

quiz, or offer type. on.

General Electric House Party KNX, 1 p.m. M -F G. Ps Abroad_ ..__.._...._.Kt% 9:40 a.m. M -F Glamor Manor.,._._....__......HE('A, 9 a.m. M -F *Godwin, Earl.._ KECA, 8 p.m. Tb Goldberg. ....... _...._.__....KNXt 10:45 a.m. M -F Golden Heur..._._..... KMPC. 8 p.m. W Gospel Herald....... Gospel Singer

KMTR, 8:06 p.m. Th ;

Grand Central Station......._......, .KN12 X, 15

10 p.m

a.nt. . M

S--F a Grand Ole Opry ......._ __.._.....HFI, 7:30 p.m. Sa Great Gildersleeve ............._.._...KF7, 8 p.m. Su Great Moments in Music KNX, p.m. W Green Hornet KECA, 8 Dm. F Greenfield Village ('huir KECA, 8 p.m. Su Greenwood, Charlotte ....... _...KECA, 12 N, Su Guiding Light KFI, 11 a.m. M -F Gus K.MPC. 7:30 a.m. M -Sa Hall of Fame KECA, 3 p.m. Su Hal's Memory ltoom....KFOX, 6:30 p.m. M -Su Hamblen, Stuart KFWB, 4:45 p.m. D

KFVD, 7:45 a.m. M -F Handy Man.........__._ KHJ, 10:45 a.m. M -F

DLBS, 2 p.m. M -F *Hardy. Glenn KHJ, KGB,

HFXM, KVOE, 10 a.m.; 9 p.m. D Happy Homes KHJ, :i:15 p.m. M -F Harrigan, Hop.._...........KE('A. 4 :45 p.m. M -F Harold Lloyd..._...._...._......... XII, 7:30 p.m. Su *}Harsch, Joseph..._ KNX. 3:55 p.m. M -F Havens, Be,. A. V Ki'AS, 9:30 a.m. Su Haven of Rest KI'AS, 5:3U a.m. M, W, F

KFOX, KRKD, 8 a.m. Tu. Th, Sa Hawaii Calls._ ..__..KHJ, DLBS, 3:30 p.m. Sa Hawk, Bob KNX, 7:30 p.m. M *Haworth. Bill . KNX. 7:30 a.m. M -F Hawthorne llouse.______...KECA, 8:30 p.m. M Hay. Bill ._...KHJ, 3:45 p.m. M -F

KMPC, 9:15 n.m. M -F *Hayes, Sam, HET, 7:45 a.m. M -Sa, 9 p.m. Su

Kll.l, 5 p.m. M -F *Heatter Gabriel..._. KHJ. DLBS, 6 p.m. W -E.

_.____.._._......._ 5:45 p.m. Su Helen Hayes ..._...._..KIIJ. 7 :15 p.m. Su Hello, Mom _...._ KIIj7,:195 , 9 a.m. Sa *Henry, Bill ....._.._.._...KNX. 5:55 p.m. M -Sn Hercule Poirot -- ..._

*Hill. 8:30 p. m. Ti.

Here's to Romance KNX, 7 :30 p.m. Th HH Edwin C .mm.

Hit Parade.. .. KNX

....... ..HNX, , 9 :30

9 p p.. Tu

Hollywood Hollywood Barn Dana,. KNX, 10 :15 p.m. Sa Hollywood Fan Club

KFI, 10 :15 , NI. Tu, W, F, Sa aaa

Hollywood Mystery Tint,..hi a V. 6:20 p.m. Su Hollywood Spotlight.._.._. Is i'I';1, 10 p.m. M -F' Hollywood Open House..

KHJ. hl \)I. 11:30 a.m. Ss Hollywood Story ...KFW B, 8 :10 a.m. M -F' Hollywood Theater HFI, 9 p.m. Si. *Homemakers (106 KMIY', Il a.m. M -F Home Chats . Is N P('. 10:45 n.m. M -F' Home What 1.,,, Na aka It KFI, 12:30 p.m. Ma Hope, Bob..._ ....KFI, 7 p.m. Tu Hopper, Heddaa KNX, 8:15 p.m. M Hookey Hall 1.11J, 10:30 a.m. Su Hour of Charm KFI, 7 p.m. Su Hour of Faith Is I ., \, 8:30 a.m. Su *Housewives' Prole, am- h S X, 3 p.m. M -F Hubby's Hobby ...KMPC, 8 :05 a.m. Th *Hughes. John B hi Wit. 6:15 p.m.. 12m. M -F Hughes, Rupert ....KFI, 3 :30 p.m. Sa Human Adventure_. KIIJ, 9 :30 p.m. So *Huntley. Chet..._. h l Y, 3:55 p.m. F,

7:43 a.m. Sa 10 pm. M Sa -F

Hymns of All Churches ...KM 11 :45 a.m. M -Th Informed Democracy KFVU, 2 p.m. Su *Information Please 1111. 0:30 p. nt. M Inglewood Park Concert........KNX, 4:30 p.m. W Inner Sanctum Mystery KNX, 6 p.m. Tu International Sunday School

KMTR, 8:45 a.m. Ss Investment News KM PC, 7 :15 a.m. M -Sa Invitation to Learning KNX. 8:30 a.m. Su 1t Pays To Be Ignorant KNX, 8 :30 p.m. F I Was There KNX, 3 :30 p.m. Su .lack Kirkwood Show..._ KNX, 8 p.m. M -F James Abbe Observes ...KECA, 7:30 a.m. M -F James W. Bell, KMPC, 5:15 p.m. Su .Jarvis, Al.._. ........_.......KFWI. 11 a.m. M -Sa Johnny Presents ......... KF7. 5:30 p.m. Tt; Johnson, Erskine ... KNX, 8:15 p. m. F

Johnson Family _... ...... KGB, KEIM, KVOE, :4:45 p.m. M -F

HHJ. 12:15 p.m. M -F Johnson. Floyd B RMTR. 8:05 p.m. Su. M. W, F

10:30 a.m. M -F *Jorglmsoo, Edward HFI1 ,

:,9 a.m. M -F

KECA. :0 p.m. M -F .Joyce Jordan .... ..._...._ _. KNX, 11 a.m. M -F Just Plain Bill. KFI. 2:30 p.m. M -F *Kaltenborn, H. V. KM p.m. M,W,F'

HAD, 4 :45 p.m. M, W, F Kaye, Sammy...__.__...__.KECA, 10:30 a.m. Su

_..._........._ KHJ. 8 p.m. Th *Keeping up with World KECA, 6 p.m. W *Kennedy, John........._.._.KECA, 10 a.m. Su.

. .................... _. ....... ._..._.._...._..12:30 p.m. M -F Kraft Music Hall KFI, 6 p.m. Th Kyser's Rollege._...._.._ KF1, 7 p.m. M Lane, Dave KNX. 7 :25 a.m. M -Su *Ira[. R'llllam..._...._ KHJ, 9 a.m. M -F *Lawton, Fleetwood... KECA, 6 :45 a.m. M -sa

HFI, 7 :15 a.m. M -Sa and 8 :15 p.m. M -I *Laymen's Views of News....HFI, 10 a.m. So




Legion Fights sigrc. l0 p.m. F

Lest We Forget KFWB, 3:15 p.m. Su Let's Face The Issue KHJ, 2 p.m. Su Let's Pretend.... ........... _..__ ..... KNX, 8:05 u.m. Su Let Yourself Go KNX 7:30 p.m. V. *Lewis, Fulton Jr kHJ. KGB

KFXM, KVOE, 4 p.m. M -F; 10 p.m. M -F Liberal Catholic Hour KFAC, 9 a.m. Su Life Can Be Beautiful KNX 10 a.m. M -F' Life of Riley. KECA, KFMB, 7 p.m. Su Liudlahr, 1 t. i,,. _.KHJ, - :30 a.m. .M -F' *Listener's 11h....í KPAS, 3 p.m. M -Su Listening Yost is EC A, 7 '45 a.m. Tu -F' Lombardo, t.u. _....KECA. 7 p.m. M

Lone Ranger _..........._...........KUJ, KGB, ht \H. K1 OE, 7 .3U p.m. M, F'

Lorenzo Jones...... RFI. 1:30 p.m. M -F Lucky Lady KFUN 12:45 p.m. M -F' Lucky Lager Ilam.r i ime KFAC, 10 p.m. 1) Lum and Abner...K1.CA, KFMB, 8:15 p.m. M -TI. Luncheon with Lopez KHJ. KGB,

KFXM, KVOE, 10:15 a.m. M -F Lutheran Hour _.KHJ, 9:30 a.m. Su Lutheran Gospel Hour SPAS, 6 p.m. Su Luz Radio Theater KNX, 8 p.m. At

Make Believe Ballroom KFWB, 11 a.m. M -Se Ma Perkins KFI, 12:15 p.m. M -F'

KNX, 10:15 a. ni. M -F *Malone, Ted KECA, 8 p.m. M, Tu, W Manhattan Merry -lio -Round KFI. 0 p.m. Su Ilan Named Jordan KNX, 5 p.m. M -F' March of Time.. ...........KECA, 7:3U p.m. Th Market Report. KMPC, 8:15 a.m. M -F' *Martin, Gil ..KECA, 1:30 p.m. M -F' Mary Marlin _._..___KNX, 12 m. M-F Mary Small Revue SECA, 2 p.m. Su Mason, Perry ._.._.._...KNX, 11:30 a.m. M -F' Matinee Theater _.KNX, 11 a.m. Su Maxwell House Time KFI, 8:30 p.m. Th .Massey, Curt KHJ, 11:15 p.m. M -F Master Radio Canariee.._...SECA, 9:45 a.m. Su;

_.__...---_.._......_......- --__.3:30 p.m. Se Mayor of the Town ....... _.......KNX :15 p.m. Sa McCarthy. Charlie..._.._.........._ ILFI, 5 p.m. Su McNeill's Breakfast Club

KECA, KFMB 8 a.m. M -Sa Bears, Martha..._ .KECA. 1U:1í5 p.m. M, W, F Hrdiatlun Board._ _...$HJ, DLBS, 5 p.m. Su 11eet Your Navy .-._ KECA, 9 p.m. Sa Meet the Misses KNX, 2 :30 p.m. M -k' Memory Music. (Ted Bacon) ____ .......... _._

......._ .................. ____ ....... ....KHJ, 12:30 p.m. Su Message of Israel. .KECA. 7 a.m. Su Metropolitan Opera ..._ _.........._.._._._

KFC Y, 2:30 p.m. Su. 11 a.m. Sa Michael Shay ne KHJ, 8:3U p.m. M Mild and Mellow ....KH.1. 12:30 p.m. M -F *Miller, Kr. hilt. KIiB. 9:15 p.m. Su, T, Th

....1411.1, 4:15 p.m. S1 -F Mirandy _.KECA. 111 :30 a.m. Su Miracle. i s.


u.. KGER, 8:45 p. ni. M -T -W "Mice Haiti," .KECA, 1.:30 p.m. Su .Money uu th, t i.I. KNX, 7:30 p.m. Tu Moore -Durant, KNX, 7 p.m. F Morgan, ',rant KFI, 8:30 p.m. Th *Norse Tony K1;1'Á, 10 a.m. M -F Mr. and Mrs. \., w KFI, 9 a.m. W Mr. District .vn... . ., KF'1, 6:30 p.m. W Mr. Keene .KNX, 4:30 p.nt. Th Munson, One _.HNX. 6 p.m. F' Murder Will out KECA, 9:30 p.m. 't'u Murray. Johnny ..KFI, 8 a.m. M -F' *Morrow, Edward KNX, 10:45 a.m. Su 'Music fur the Mise.. hr.CA, 10:15 p.m. ..l -F Musical Masterpirr.., ..KFAC. 4 p.m. M -F Musical Milestones...... _. KFI 10:30 a.m. Su:

MPC. 8 p.m. M Musical Digest._ ....._....KGFJ, it p.m. M -Sa .vlystery Chef......._ SECA, KFMB, 1t N M -F Mystery Theater _..._ ..............KFI, 6 p.m. 'l'u Mysterious Traveler KHJ, 8:30 p.m. Tu My True Story KECA 10:30 a.m. M -F Name That Song 1H.L1:30 p.m. Su National Barn Dance KFI, 6 p.m. Mu National Vespers KFA'A, 4::30 p.m. Su Navy In Review KFWB, 8 p.m. Ma NBC Symphony..._..__ KFI, 2 p.m. Su Need Advice? ......_..___.KHJ, 1 15 p.m. NI, W, F' Neighbors .................. _.._.......KNX, 12:15 p.m. M -F *Nesbitt. Norman KMPC, 12:15 M -F Never Too Old KHJ, 11:30 a.m. M -F New Adventures of Perry Mason

KNX, 11:30 a. ni. 31 -F New York Philharmonic ........_......KNX, 12 N Su *Newsiest ................KFVD, 10 p.m.-1 a.m. Su -Sa Nichols. Bob KI :t'A, 1:15 p.m. M -F *Night News Wire KHJ, 5:45 p.m. M -F' 'Noah Webster S. KFI, 9::30 a.m. M Olympic Fights KMTR. 10 p.m. 'l'u On Scouting Trail _... .KFI. 3 p.m. Sa On Stage, Everyleal, KECA, 7:30 p.m. V. flue Man's Family.... I: E('A, 7:30 p.m. lu One Woman's Opinion K1,3'4, 7:41 a.m., fl On Foot In Heaven_. KECA, 7::10 p.m. Ilitu

O'Neill. Dann) KNX 8:05 a.m. Open Forum _...KFAC, 7 p.m. Su Opportunity 'I'hrui.. KFI, II a.m. Ma Our Gal Sunday_... KNX, 9:45 a.m. M -F' Owl Programs ...... KIIJ, 11:25 p.m. M-F 05 p.m. S1 -Ph Owens, Tom KFI, it:15 I1 -1- Ozzie Jr Harriet . KNX. 3 p.m. nu Pacific Lutheran Huur....RFWB. 9:30 p.m. se Pacific Story KFI. 11:311 p.m. Su Palestine Speaks _....._ ...... _...HMIS, 8:45 p.u.. Su *Parker, William.._.._ KMPC, 8 a.m. 5I-F

..._...KMPC. 8:15 p.m. Su Symphony for Youth

_ KH.1, 10::41 a.m. Su

Pasadena Playhouse __.. KPAS. 6 p.m. W Patterson, Fully [PAS, 9 a.m. M-F

l'aula Stone. John Brito..KHJ, 10:30 a.m. Tu, Th Pay Day Quiz ....... _.._ _.._...KMPC, 8:30 p.m. M *Pearson, Drew ..._ _....

KECA ..... ..--

KFM-......_ B, 4 p.m. Su W' *Pennell, Bill........._ _ KFB, 8 a.m. M -F

People Are Funny .............. _........KFI. 6:30 p.m. F Pepper Young's Family .KFI. 12:30 p.m. M -F *Peter de lima KECA, 6:15 p.m. Tu, Th, F

KFW'B, 9 p.m. M -F *Peterson. Elmer KFI, 5:45 p.m. W -Sa Philadelphia Symphony KNX, 9 p.m. Sa *fierce, General 2222.- - .

KECA, 4 p.m. M -F; 5 p.m. Su l'ligrints Hour .................... ...........K11J, 9 a.m. Su *Polk, George HFI, 10:15 p.nt. Tu Popular l'rofiles.....____..KECA, 10:15 a. lu. Ma Portia Faces Life --EFL , 2:15 p.m. M -F Potluck TS/ KNX, 4 p.m. M -F Putter, Pc, KFWB, 9:30, 10:15, 11:15 a.m.,

._ 1.15 p.m. Su; KMPC 11 p.m. M -F' Prayer ....__ .......... ......_._._..._...........DLBS, 3 p.m. II *Pringle, Nelson ........... _.._...HNX, 7:45 a.m. M -F Property Owners HMTR, 8:45 p.m. Th Quiz Kids KECA, KFMB 8:30 p.m, su Quiz of Two Cities __KHJ, 7 p.m. Sa Quirk As a Flash KHJ, 3 p.m. Su Radio Parade KECA 1:15 p.m. M -F' Radio Readers' Digest KNX, 6 p.m. Su Radio Tour KHJ, KGB, KVOE, 2:45 p.m. M -F' Rainbow House .... ....... ___. ...... ._.HHJ, 8:15 a.m. Sa Raleigh Room _ KFI 7:30 p.m. Ti. Readers & Writers ........... _._ KW'kW, 12N, Sa Real Life Stories

KHJ. KGB, KFXM KVOE, 6:15 p.nt. M -F Red Ryder KHJ 7:30 p.m. Tu. Sa Remember Hour KECA, 11:30 a.nt. hiu *Reports from the Battlefront

KFI, 3:45 p.m. Su Report From Washington. KNX, 1 p.m. Ma Report to the Nation ....... _...KNX.10:30 a. m. Ss *Reuters' News Dispatches¡KF WB, 8 p.m. M -F Rev. K. G. Egerton._..__ kMTR. 9:15 a.m. Su Reviewing Stand DLBS. 12:30 p.m. Su Reynolds, Quentin.....-.__. _.KNIX. 6 p.m. Su *Richfield Reporter .KFI, 10 p.m. Sn -F Right to Happiness ..KFI, 12:45 p.m. M -F Rise & Shine KEW, 8 a.m. 7:15 a.m. Sl -F' Rise and Whine.._........._.. KMTR ^7:3U a.m. 11 -F Road of Life.... ...................__..._..KFI, 3 p.m. M -F Rocking Horse Rhythms, B Hookey

KHJ, 10 :30 a. m. Su Romance -...KNX, 8:39 p.m. Tu Romance of Helen Trent KNX, 9:30 a.m. M -F Romance of Highways..._ KHJ,

KGB, KFXM, HYDE 10:15 a.m. Su Romance of the Ran,hus KNX, 11:3u p.m. Su Rosemary KF7. 3:30 p.m. M -F Roy Rogers Show KHJ. 9:30 p.m. Tu Salt Lake 'l'alterna, i.- KNX, 9 a.m. Su Salute to Services hSITR, 5:15 p.m. M -F' Salado,. Amigos .KGFJ, 9 p.m. M -F' Salvation Army KFWB, 9:15 a.m. Sa Sandra Martin .....KNX, 2:15 p.m. M -F Santarlia Ensemble KRKD, 2:45 p.oi. M -F Saturday Night Sereuade KNX, 6:45 p.nt. Sa May it With Music KMPC, 9:15 a. un. M-F

KOFJ, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. SU School of the Air KNX, 1:30 p.m. M-F Science of Mind KFWB, 10:45 a.m. M -F' Screen Guild Players._ KNX, 7 p.nt. M Scully, Frances KECA 2'45 p.m. M -F Service to the Front ANX. 7 p.m. 'lit Sewing School ........ _.._.._....__.HHJ, 1:15 p.m W Shady Salley Folks

KHJ, DLBS, 8:15 a.m. Tu. Thu Sherlock Holmes ..._ KHJ, 8, M Shippey, Lee ........ . ...... _.......KHJ 1:15 p.m. Tu, Th *Shirer, William. .KNX. 2:45 p.m. Su Shore, Dinah.._..__...__....__ KIEL, 9 p.m. Th Simms, Ginny .KF1 8:30 P.m. Tu Sinatra Show ..._......__....____.._...KÑX, 8 p.m. V. Since Pearl Harbor.- .KFI, 2:30 p.nt. Sa Suspense 22 _ ._. HNX, 9 p.m. Tit _ 2_2 SmIlin' Ed McConnell ....... _...KFI, 8:30 a.m. Sa Smith, Kate KNX, 9 a.m. M -F'..4 p.m. Su *Smith, Larry ............ ......_..AFI 9:15 a.m. Sl -F' Soldiers of the Press KECA, 10 p.m. Su Soldiers With Wings KECA 9:30 p.m. Sa Something New

'MCA, 8 p.m. II

Songs of Faith KFAC. 8 p.m. M Songs of Good Cheer .._......_..KHJ, 9:45 p.m. Sa Song of the Week.. ........... __KNX. 8:25 p.m. Su Spanish Hour HMTR, 0 a.m. D Sports, Belle Martell....KMTR, 5:15 p.m. T,Th, Su Sports Newsreel KFI , :30 p.m. F' sports Parade KIIJ, 2 p.m. Su Sports Review KNX, 10:30 p.m. Tu Sports Time. ......... ........KMPC, 6:15 p.m. M -Sa Spotlight Rands... KECA, KFIRB, 6::30 p.m. M -Sa *Spotlighting the War KHJ, 9:M1 p.m. M. F' Stage Door Canteen ...... ....._. KNX, 7:30 p.m. F Stand By for Adenture KECA, 9:45 p.m. SI Standard Symphony SFI, 8:30 p.m. Su Stars Over Hollywood KNX, 9:30 a.m. Su Stur Playhouse KFI, 3:15 p.m. M -F St. Brendan's Boys' Choir LMTR, 12:05 p.m. Su Steel Horizons KHJ, 0 p.m. Su Iftella Dallas ........... ___..___...HFI, 1:15 p.m. M -F' Story of Israel ........_.._.....KFW B, 8:15 p.m, Sa *Stowe, Leland KECA, 10:55 a.m. Su

8::30 p.m. Sa Stradivari Orchestra KFI, 9:30 a.m. su ,.ronge As It Seems KECA, 9:30 a.m. su Strolls.' Tom KFWB, 9_p.m. T -F, 7 p.m. Su

KFAC, 8:30 a.m. Su *Stomp Cs..._._....._.__.....HMPC, 10:30 a.m. 51 -F' Styles, Hal KFWB, 2:30 p.m. M -F

3:15 p.m. Su Sunrise Salute...__ ........ __...KNX, 6:15 a.m. SI-Sa Superman ... ......... _..__... ..... ....HHJ, 5:15 p.m. M -F Supper Club.. .. ...... ____ ..... _...HSI, 8:05 p.m. M -F

Swap and Shop.-- -._..........___....KHJ. 9:30 a.m. Set Sweet Chariot Kour..._.._- ...SWSW, 5 p.m. Su - ._....1 p.m. W

KPAS, 6:30 p.oi. Sa *Swing, Raymond Gram, KECA, 4:15 p.m. M -F' Symphony KHJ, KGB, 10:39 p.m. M -F Symphonies for Youth KHJ, 10:30 a.m. Se Symphonettes H.MPC. 8:30 p.m. Tu, Ti. °Take It or Lease It KNX, 7 p.m. Su Take It Easy KHJ, 8::W a.m. 51 -F Tapestries of Life.._......__...SNX, 9 :45 p.m. 'l' Taylor, Mary ....... _.._ _.._..HNX 11 a.m. Sa. Telephone Hour KFI, 9 p.m. M Television ........ __..._..WOXYZ, 8, 8:30, 9 p.m. Y.

..... . ............... __._.._...._......_------.8, 8:30, 9 p _.. ......_._..._.._.._...SFISD, 10:15 p.m. M -W

Tents A Tim KNX 11.45 a.m. M -F' Terry and the Pirates ____KECA, 5 p.m. M -F *Thanks to the Yanks KNX 7:30 p.m. M That's a Good Idea..-_ ........... _KNX, 6 :30 p.m. Sa Theater of the Alr KECA, 9:30 p.m. Tb Theater of Today KNX, 9 a.m. Ss The Feeling Is Mutual KHJ, 9:45 p.m. M, W The Land Is Bright KNX, 13 N, Sa The Saint ....... _ ...... ___ ..... __..._.HFI, 9:30 p.m. Th The Shadow _ KHJ, 2:30 p.m. Su The Story Teller.__.._ _..__...HNX, 7:45 p.m. Sa Think Hard Now _.._ KHJ 1 p.m. M -F *This Changing World..._ ....... KHJ, 2 p.m. M -F

.... ........ ...... ............. _..__ ._.._...7 :45 p.m. Su This Moving World.-.._ KECA 1:30 p.m. M -F' This Is My Country_._..___._. KFI, 9:45 p.m. Su This is My (lest..._.._.._ KNX 8:30 p.m. Tu This Is My Story .KÑX, 8 p.m. Ma This Is the Army KFI, 12:30 p.m. Su *Thomas Lowell KHJ. :15 p.m. M -F' Those We Lose..._.._....._ IFI, 11 a.m. Su '!'hose Webster* KNX, 6:30 p.m. F Through a Woman' Eyes....KNX 5:15 p.m. M -F Tibbett, Lawrence KNX 6:30 p.m. Su Tillamook Kitchen..._..__..._ KFI, 10 a.m. F *Time Views the News.-...KECA, 1 M -F Tin Pan Alley...... -._.._...........KF7, 2:45 P.m. Sa Today's Children. ...... ._..._..KFI, 11:15 a.m. M -F Toastfes Time . ......- .._....T__.._.......KNX, 7:30 Su Tonight In Hollywood KNX, 8:15 p.m. k Town Meeting LECA, KFSIB, 8:30 p.m. Th Trsdlst Post....._._ _.._.__...LNX 5:30 p.m. Su Traffic Tribunal.....__.._ KM, 4 p.m. Sa Transatlantic Call....._.._..._...KNX 9:30 a.m. Su Trans- Atlantic Quiz KEG p.m. Tu Treasure Hour of Song KHJ, 6:30 p.m. Tb True Detective KHJ, DLBS 8:30 p.m. W Truth or Consequences._ li 1, 8 p.m. Sa Times, Tidings KECA, 11 p.m. M -F *Turner, Major H. S

KFWB, KFY)X, 7:45 P.m. M -F KFI, 5:30 p.m. W -Th -F

Twilight Tales...._ KMPC, 4:45 p.m. Tu, 'P4 Two un a Clue _KNX. 11:15 a.m. M -F' l'ncle Charlie SPAS, 5 p.m. M -F Unity Daily Word..._.._...__KMPC, 8:30 a.m. M -F Union Rescue Mission

KFWB. 8:30 a.m.: 9 p.m. Su _....SFV'D, 10:30 a.m. M -Sa

Vall L adz- _...._............_...SNX, 8:15 a.m. M -F' Vallee, ee, Rudy _.HFI. 7::0 p.m. Th

Vandereook, John W KFI, 4:15 p.m. Sa Victory !'layers KFAC, 1 p.m. Su Voice of Calvary KPAS, 10 p.m. Su. Th Voice of Firestone___ 5:3u p.m. M Voice of Health..._._.._ KFAC, 9:15 a.m. Su -F Voice of a Nation __.. __..KFI, 10:45 p.m. M -F Voice of Prophecy..._..__....KSITR, 9:30 p.m. Su

. . . Spanish version SMTR, 7.30 a.m. Su HHJ, KGB. KVOE 8:30 a.m. Su

Vox Fop KN.. 9:30 p.m. M Waltz Time KFI, 6 pm. F' Want to Be in Radio? KFWB, 3:30 p.m. Su Waring Pennsylvanians BECA, 7 p.m. Tb Wartime Nutrition, Milanl....KFW'B, 10 a.m. M -F Washington Inside (tut........KECA, 9:45 p.m. Mu

SAM, 5:45 p.m. Su Waters, Ozie 'MCA, 4:30 p.m. Tu, Tb Wayne, Jerry._ KECA. 6 p.m. M W. C. T. U._..... _..__.SPAS, 6:15 p.m. k' We Deliver the Goods- ....... KNX, 10:35 p.m. Su Weird Circle..._..__..____... KECA, 9 p.m. W *Wells, Carveth _ KFI, 10:30 p.nt. Su -F

EFS.D, 9 a.m. Su Wesley Radio League KMPC, 8:30 a.m. Su

. ..........................KHJ. KGB. KVOE. 8 a.m. Su Western it Parade KPAS, 10 p.m. F What's Doing, Ladies, KECA. KFMB, 2 p.m. M -F What's Cookin'..._ .._.KECA, 9 a.m. Sa What's the Good Word? SNX, 4:30 p.m. Sa When A Girl Marries _._........ KFI, 2 p.m. M -F Which 1s Which' KNX, 8:30 p.m. W' W'hlstler..._ KNX, 9 p.m. M Whiteman. Paul..._... _ ....SECA, 3 p.nt. Su Whoa Bill Club. ..... _... ..... . KFAC, 5:30 p.m. M -F *Wilder, Alvin 10 a.m. Mu Williams, Al _._.._......_...... KHJ, 10:15 a.m. Sa Wilson, Earl _.... KHJ, - p.m. Su

% * inchell, Salter _ .... KECA 6 p.nt. Su Wings Over Jordan KMPC, 7::30 a.m. Su Wings Over the M.,ii.,o KHJ 9:30 p.m. 'Ph Winter, Evelyn KNX, 2 p.m. M -F Woellner, Dr. Frederic I' KIl'C 9:30 a.m. Su Woman of America KFI, 3:45 p.m. M -F Woman in White..... KFI, 11:30 a.m. M -F Woman's World...._. hi' AS. 10:30 a.m. M -F Words A I erse .... KGFJ, 8 p.m. M -.Ss *World News Today. KNX, 11:30 a.m. Su *World Today..._.. ........ _.._.. KNX, 3:45 p.m. M -Sa Xavier ('ugat KFAC, 7:311 p.m. M -F Your America KHJ, i p.m. Su Your Home, Garden KE('.'. 5:30 a.m. .M

lour Hit Parade KNX, 9 p.m. Sa Young Artists' ('ompetition._KFI, 9:30 p.m. 55 Young, Alan ...KECA, 8:30 p.m. To




Intrndlrnpina the Introducer

(Continued from Pape 3) Smith, at that very eminent altitude, for a broadcast of the dedication of Al's magnificent structure.

Color for Clem Later Jimmy teamed up with the

beloved Graham McNamee and Phil- lips Carlin to cover Poughkeepsie regattas, Jimmy doing the color stuff for Mac, who did the coverage. During the racing season Jimmy, whose admiration for thoroughbreds is s t r i c t l y non -financial, did the col o r for Clem McCarthy's pithy racecasts, and because he dearly loves a good fight or a good ball game, he covered some of the East's biggest in those days by himself.

But they couldn't keep him in special events work. The personality was too big, too warm, too alive. The variety show producers, with their eloquent check -books were after him, and so hardly before he could wind up his reporting chores, Jimmy was announcing radio's biggest va- riety shows, first the Rudy Vallee Fleishman Hour, which perched on the equivalent of the Crosley- Hooper pinnacle from 1930 to 1935. During the same period he brought first Floyd Gibbons, then Lowell Thomas before news- minded audiences for the same sponsor.

With Cantor For seven joyous years you heard

Jimmy and Eddie Cantor produce the most bewildering display of ad lib genius ever, by common consent, to assail the Great American Loud- speaker. What you didn't know, however, is that during this time, one of the things that contributed so much to this success was that big (Newfoundland) Jimmy and little (Terrier) Eddie were the very clos- est of friends, inseparable, literally.

"Cantor," says Jimmy, " is one of the nation's greatest showmen, sure, but what the heck, he's the best friend I ever had."

See Jimmy, as I have, with his wife and kids. Never a more de- voted husband and father in any town or county you ever were in. The terrific tension of the day's work -, well, Jimmy just drops it, that's all, before he gets home. He may be advising on the format of half a dozen new shows (his opinion is widely sought and highly re- garded ), he may have plenty on his mind, but if the kids want to play horse or Indians they always know Daddy is more fun to play with than anybody in the whole world, except maybe Mama, of course.

Jimmy is not conceited, is willing to be the butt of a joke, and can tell stories for four hours straight without ever repeating himself. Di- plomatic and gracious, he is elabor- ately polite to waiters and waitresses,

, and if he has any misunderstanding with them. ties to save face by

Pretasts Previews I a

Q Q9 Q_Q Q.4 Q_Q 0_Q Q9 Q QJLQ_Q Q_4 Q9 Q9 Q{to1

TIME CHANGES Monday, March 12- "Ethel and Al-

bert," KECA, 11:15 a.m. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. Formerly KECA, Monday through Friday, 12:00 noon.

Monday, March 12- "Mystery Chef," KECA, 12:00 n. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. Formerly KECA, Monday through Friday, 11:15 a.m.

Monday, March 12- "Dinner Dance," KMPC, 7:05 p.m. (55 min.) Monday through Friday. Formerly KMPC, Monday through Friday, 6:30 p.m.

Monday, March 12 -"The Feeling Is Mutual," KHJ -DBS, 9:45 p.m. (15 min.) Monday and Wednesday. For- merly KHJ -DLBS, Wednesday, 9:30 p.m.


Sunday, March 11- "Anita Ellis Sings," KHJ -DLBS, 7:30 p.m. (15 min.) The songstress adds this program to her Monday and Thursday, 7:00 p. m. air stints over KHJ -DLBS.

Monday, March 12 - "Lucky Lager Dance Time," KFAC, 10:00 p.m. (Two hours) Program will emanate from Music City in Hollywood, and fea- ture interviews with Hollywood music personalities.

Monday, March 12 -"The Gospel Sing- er," KECA, 12:15 p.m. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. Edward McDonnell will again be heard locally. *

Drama Tuesday, March 13 -"This Is My Best,"

KNX, 6:30 p.m. (30 min.) Orson Welles becomes producer -narrator of this dramatic series.

* Narration

Sunday, March 11- "Story to Order," KFI, 6:15 a.m. (15 min.) A children's program written and narrated by Lydia Perera.

*' Discussion

Thursday, March 15- "Youth Interprets the News," KMPC, 2:30 p.m. (30 min.) High school youngters dis- cuss today's headlines.

leaving a large tip ($5 for a $1 bill). Always bragging about being punc-

tual, Jimmy has never missed the start of a show. But in personal life, he's the chap who leaves the other party standing indefinitely on the street corner.


Thursday, March 15 - "Suspense," Knx, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.) "Cricket" stars Margaret O'Brien and Dame May Whitty.

Music Sunday, March 11- "Hour of Charm,"

KFI, 7:00 p.m. (30 min.) Phil Spi - talny's all -girl orchestra presents a program of Irish music.

Saturday, March 17- Boston Symphony Orchestra, KECA, 5:30 p.m. (One hour) Overture to "Iphigenia in Au- lis," Gluck; Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Beethoven.

Saturday, March 17- "Symphonies for Youth," KHJ -DLBS, 10:30 a.m. (One hour) Brandenburg Concerto in G Major, Bach; Leonore Overture No. 3, Beethoven; Minute from Serenade in D Major, Brahms; The Irish Washerwoman, Sowerby; The Irish Rhapsody, Victor Herbert.


Sunday, March 11- Andrews Sisters Show, KECA, 1:30 p.m. (30 min.) Marjorie Main will be the guest star.

Friday, March 16- "Stage Door Can- teen," KNX, 7:30 p.m. (30 min.) Bon- ita Granville will be among the guests. *

II1 usic Monday, March 12- "Telephone Hour,"

KFI, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.) Marjorie Lawrence will be the guest artist.


The "My True Story" program, heard Mondays through Fridays over KECA and the BLUE Network, from 10:30 to 10:55 a.m., started its third year on February 15. This is a new type of daytime dramatized story, each one of which is based upon sto- ries taken from the romance publica- tion, "True Story." Each morning a new complete story is dramatized. Casts for the program vary with each script.

It is believed that the "My True Story" represents one of the most ex- tensive cooperative arrangements be- tween a network and a publisher.



MODEST MEL IS A VERY UNAS SUMING gentleman who never knows what he can do until he tries. War -

ner Bros. rasping tones of Bugs Bunny, below, came about through Mr. B :anc's trial and error method.

By Betty Mills

ECAUSE Mel Blanc is fifty -seven other people most of the time, nobody believes it's he when he

portrays -Mel Blanc. On a recent Jack Benny show, "the

man from Esquire" made his air debut. "It was me all the time," grinned Blanc, "talking in my na- tural voice. The payoff came when I was asked a million times who did the part-and when I told 'em, they wouldn't believe me. They still don't."

But it doesn't surprise Mel that his natural voice isn't recognized on the air. It pleases him. For a man who specializes in at least fifty - seven voices, dialects, and intricate sound effects, he's surprised that he, himself, can remember what it sounds like.

On a recent Thursday afternoon, busy Mr. Blanc again showed rare ingenuity. Not only did he sand- wich a chat with Radio Life into his hectic schedule, but he located the only quiet spot, in the form of Dinah Shore's empty dressing room, at NBC.

You might sum Mel Blanc up by saying that he's probably your fa- vorite radio character. Remember "Moony" of the old "Point Sublime" -and of course, you're familiar with Burns and Allen's "Happy Postman," and Judy Canova's "Pedro" -and then there's that wonderful fellow, "Sad Sack," whom you civilians haven't had a chance to meet. But "Sad Sack" is the new favorite of all G.I.'s and is featured on the tran- scribed " G.I. Journal."

There are the voices of lovable

Versatile Mel Blanc Is Never Surprised When Folks Fail To Recognize His Natural Voice

little Chinamen, and hate if raps, sputtering engines, and even hysteri- cal women. Blanc can do 'em all - and does.

Its Cartoon Character His versatility doesn't. stop with his

ether performances. When he isn't "making like" somebody else on the airlanes, he's busy putting saucy words into the mouth of Warner's "Bugs Bunny" - or sputtering for "Porky Pig " -or whooping it up for "Daffy Duck." Tuesday -- his usual day off in radio --is ofttimes devoted to bringing the above renowned car- toon characters to life.

If you've ever watched the fabu- lous Mr. Blanc at work, you're prob- ably struck with one thought -what would happen if he got his character- izations mixed up? He switches from one dialect to another, from a char- acter to a sound effect with rapid - fire succession -and never misses.

"Um, once I almost read a big, bad wolf's lines with 'Porky Pig's' voice, but I caught myself just in the nick of time," he said. He may fluff a line but he never misinterprets a character.

He has no formula for developing a new type of voice. From a picture of the character in mind, he experi- ments until he finds a voice to fit. He likes to outline his various parts in a script with different -c o I o r e d pencils - "That's how I keep from getting confused." And he's super- stitious about signing his own name to his script.

"W o o p s," exclaimed Mel pulling (Please turn to Page 31)

Page Twenty Seven


1. SANDRA (played by Mary Jane

Croft) and Editor Wilson (Grit Barnett/ of the Daily Courier map out series of

stories exposing vicious postwar homes racket. Detective Hack Taggart (Ivan Green) sits in on conference.

QpRODUCER GORDON Hughes and script- writer Les Ed gel y thought a fitting tag for this pic-

ture -story of "Sandra Martin" would be a close -up shot of them in a story conference -maybe pulling their hair and racking their brains!

"Getting Sandra Martin into and out of so many difficult situations causes a lot of sweat on the brow," confessed Edgely. "She's a pretty sharp little gal, you know."

Sandra Martin, girl -reporter, has to be a "sharp little gal" because she has a pretty heavy assignment to meet. According to producer Hughes, Sandra is not just a career girl in search of excitement and dangerous adventure. Her latest ef- fort (shown in picture -story) in ex- posing the Post War Home real es- tate fraud is typical of the kind of humane and purposeful w or k she does -even at the risk of her life.

It is only natural that in her job as newspaper woman for the Daily Courier, a Los Angeles newspaper, she would become involved in topi- cal events of the city and of the times. And though all of the situ-

Monday -Friday. 2:15 p. m CRS -KXX

SANDRA MARTIN ations are fictitious, they neverthe- less present r ea 1 and threatening problems which should not go un- heeded.

The new episode, which Hughes and Edgely are now planning, will lead Sandra into the very real prob- lem of "black- market babies," dis- cussed recently in the Readers' Di- gest. Because very few people are aware of this form of black- market- ing, it will be the job of Sandra and her friends, Hack Taggart and Editor Wilson, to expose the racket to the public.

Originates Here Because the daily serial originates

in Hollywood, unlike most of the day-

2. WILSON and youthful reporter, Ed- die Dalton (Bob Latting) engage in heated argument. Sandra, knowing that Eddie is really the editor's son, attempts to intercede.


3. WITH WILSON WOUNDED at his desk, Sandra, in a surprise entrance on scene, confronts Dalton.

time programs which air from New York and C h i c a g o, Hughes and Edgely both are of the opinion that the program should center on issues of vital import to the community and to the country, as a whole.

"The set -up is right for it," Edgely pointed out, "because Editor Wilson's Daily Courier is a progressive news- paper." The history of the Daily Courier has been famous for its in- terest in the welfare of the commun- ity and its crusading efforts to ex- pose corruption and exploitation of

4. SANDRA BECOMES INVOLVED with racketeer Steve Hey- wood (Howard McNear) who is actually responsible for the attack on Editor Wilson's life. -CRS -Ren Polin Photos.

innocent people. Detective Hack Taggart also fits

neatly into this setting, since he is an ex- serviceman (medically dis- charged from the Marines), now on the homicide squad and in close touch with the investigations carried on by the Courier. He is a rational and clever young detective -with an eye for Sandra.

"I don't quite know why Sandra and Hack don't get married," Edgely answered when the question was put to him. "I guess, it's because they

S. HEYWOOD, ABOUT TO KILL Sandra before he makes his get- away, is trapped by Hack.

never really have time." They are always busy with some new detail in an investigation, which seems more important, at the time, than marriage.

Which, of course, is Sandra's prob- lem as well as the problem that many young women are facing - whether to go on with a purposeful, though dangerous career, or to seek security and love in a home and family. Can she have both -or must she choose between the two? That is "The Story of Sandra Martin."

6. WILSON, COMPLETELY RECOVERED and reconciled with his son, informs Sandra of her assignment which is basis of new show sequence. CBS -Ben Polin Photos


LONE RANGER INSPECTS his trappings. Masked Rider and Tonto have put

nearly two thousand crooks behind the bars without killing a man.

mo4/&574- ark,to,

allen Rvan

Stories of the Range Afford Top Listening for Youngsters From Seven Years to Seventy

UT OF THE WEST to you" is a familiar theme signa- ture on the Don Lee net- work. It might also apply to the stories of the old and new west as told by

"The Lone Ranger," " Red Ryder," and "Tom Mix" -three of the best reasons KHJ -Don Lee is tops with children from seven to seventy.

Together, the Lone R a n g e r and Tonto have put nearly 2,000 crooks behind the bars, fought injustice on the Rio Grande, in the Panhandle, on the Barbary Coast, the Chisholm Trail and the Canadian border. In all of his adventures, The Lone Ranger has never killed a man. He shoots not to kill but only to disarm Page Thirty

or prevent a trapped criminal from doing 'away with his own life.

Completely decked in white and silver from the silver spurs to the white sombrero, astride the famous horse "Silver," The Lone Ranger mounts a $2,500 saddle handtooled and silver crested. Not merely the dream horse of script writer Fran Striker, "Silver" is sixteen ha n d s

high, pure white with coal black eyes. An accomplished animal, he can cross -leg step, walk backwards in a straight line, bow, say "yes" and "no" and when The Lone Ranger "throws him away," he'll race from the scene and not return until called.

Brace Beemer, who portrays the role of The Lone Ranger, is just as

RED RYDER and Little Beaver bring to life the adventures of

America's famous fighting cowboy, are

portrayed by Brooke Temple and Henry Blair respectively.

crazy about horses in real life as he is on the air. His favorite recreation is riding atop the real life Silver. After World War I, where he learned to handle a gun and won the Purple Heart, Brace went back to work on his father's stock farm in Illinois. His first job was that of a singer on an Indianapolis radio station. Six feet three, 200 pounds, Bruce looks the part of the famous champion of justice. Married, he has three boys and one girl. all s t a u n c h Lone Ranger fans.

Hollywood Product Red Ryder, "America's Famous

(Please furs lo Page 31,

Alp "TOM MIX" of radio is hand- some Curley Bradley, veteran

cowboy and Hollywood stunt man.


F ' , IP IP-

' rt


Old West On the Air ( Contiined front Pape 30)

Fighting C o w v o y," (Tues., Thurs., Sat., 7:30-8:00) was born in Holly- wood. Red, his constant companions, Little Beaver, and Buckskin came to radio straight from the drawing board wet with the ink of the comic page. In 1938, Fred Harmon, creator of Red Ryder was doing a series of short stories of western life called "On The Range." A cartoonist as well as a writer, he first introduced Red and his pals of Painted Valley in the Los Angeles Times. Soon the strip appeared in hundreds of news- papers all over the country.

Fred Harmon is equally at home with a drawing board or bridle. In fact, he can't remember his first riding lesson. "My first memories are of gun - totin' neighbors in a country where sheep, cattle and lum- ber were the only means of earnin' a livin'."

It is this intimate knowledge of the old West that brings Red Ryder fans the real feeling of the struggles in the settling of the early West. Fred still draws his material for the cowboy in the neighborhood of his ranch, a 320 -acre layout called "Ryder Ranch," a few miles from the Continental Divide in Colorado.

To bring Red from the drawing board onto the galloping hoofs of "Thunder" riding the airlanes is the job of Albert Van Antwerp, writer for the series. Van Antwerp was riding horses in the pioneering days of motion pictures. "We worked without script and if a shot showed a door opening one way in the se- quence and another way in the next scene, that didn't make any differ- ence. The horse only knew two things - stop, and go like blazes." Jim Mather, a character actor on the show, is responsible for all of the Indian dialect appearing in the script. His mother was a full - blooded Crow Indian and he not only can give the complete speech needed in Indian but spells the dialogue phonetically for Van Antwerp.

The third man behind the mike who makes each thrilling episode of Red Ryder real, is Brad Brow n, producer of the series. It is a great compliment to Brad's skillful hand- ling of the show that Fred Harmon said, after hearing the first broad- cast, "All the characters are just as I have pictured them since I drew the first sketches of Red's friends."

Real Life Basis No roundup of western heroes

would be complete without the story of the cowboy actor, Tom Mix, heard Mondays through Fridays 5:30 -5:45 p.m. -the only children's program on the air based on a real life hero.

An adventurer in real life as well as in the movies and on the radio, Tom Mix was a U. S. Marshall and a Texas Ranger. He served with Col. "Teddy" Roosevelt's Rough Riders in

the Spanish- American War, in t h e Philippines, and was soldier of for- tune in the Boer War and Boxer Rebellion. But Tom Mix really came into his own in the great Wild West of the United States A nation- al champion rodeo rider and steer thrower, he appeared in and man- aged his own "Wild West Show" which he made famous with h i s "Wonder Horse, Tony." He played in 370 motion pictures and was the idol of the western movie fans. Tom Mix died in 1940 following an automobile accident near Phoenix, Arizona, but his spirit lives on in the serial named for the great cowboy star.

The task of bringing Tom Mix into vivid air action falls to Joe "Curley" Bradley. "Curley," s o named because of his wavy black hair, feels right at home in the sad- dle. As a boy, he learned ranch and range chores in Oklahoma where he was born. Little did he realize that one day he would be bringing to life for millions of radio listeners the story of the famous Tom Mix. Neither could he have foreseen that the plaintive cowboy ballads he crooned in the evenings after the chores were done would be merely the build -up to his singing commer- dal which opens and closes each Tom Mix adventure story.

So whether it's the strains o f "Roundup Time in Texas," with Joe Curley Bradley ushering in another western detective mystery for Tom Mix to solve, or the musically gal- loping William Tell Overture f o 1 -

lowed by the famous words -"A Fiery Horse with the speed of Light -and a hearty Hi -Yo, Silver -The Lone Ranger) or the approach of the redheaded fighting cowboy Red Ryder, the thrills and adventure of the West -Old and New -are to be found in plentiful abundance on your Don Lee dial.

57 Variety Blanc (Continued from Page 27)

out the gorgeous pocket watch with which his wife had gifted him last Christmas. "I'm late for rehearsal. Come on in and I'll tell you about my watch."

"Santa was good to me," he laughed, pulling out his round, solid - gold time -piece, an antique Pedek- Philippe. "All I have to do is press this button and it chimes the hour and minutes. Like to have people ask me the time of day because I don't have to look but can just listen. They think I'm wonderful."

Even Wears Carrots People asking the time of day

aren't the only ones who think Mel is wonderful. In tribute to his voice portrayal of that number -one cartoon character, "Bugs Bunn y," his ad- mirers have sent him real carrots to be autographed. In his coat lapel he now sports a plastic carrot, a gift from a fan -"Guess I'll never have to worry about starving."

Mel thinks one of the nicest trib-

utes paid to his radio work concerns "Sad Sack." It seems that the most- played portion of the "G.I. Journal" record the world over is that one spot featuring the Army's favorite character. In some instances the records have been so badly worn that from across the globe will come a request for another. Mel was genuinely touched that "Sad Sack" contributed so much pleasure to the boys in service.

When one talks with the unass ing Mr. Blanc it is easy to urn stand why he is so well liked by fellow actors. He is friendly modest. "I think I just have an for detecting sounds and dialects never know until I try what I do."

In appearance Mel is of aver and weight. His heav

brown eyes are usually tw ling in merriment for he a 1 w seems to enjoy life. He prefers forming at the mike in comp comfort with an unbuttoned coat a loosened tie.

At home, Mel says, his six -year. son still is trying to imitate li "Every morning he asks me w shows I am going to do that When I get home he mimics me. pretty good. But imagine the neighbors if there were two of

If there were two Blanes at oi might be tough for the of

Radio Rowers. Because instead fifty -seven other people there we be one hundred and fourteen.

But being one hundred and fc teen other people might not be new experience to Mel, at t There was the time when he starting out and had a break] club type of show in Portland. heavy blanket of snow encased city one morning and nobody shot up for Mel's broadcast. But qui thinking Mel didn't turn blank. an hour he interviewed himself nobody knew the difference.

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Radio is a Relief (Continued from Pape 6)

mouse." Shortly after Michael ceived the rat, he took off for s um- mer camp, leaving his parents w the care and feeding of Oscar. had a hard time persuading him lived in the house, too," laugh Barrier. The family also has a cat named Pushkin (all their success felines have been named the sa because the nickname is so expi

Pushkin, according to Barri seems very literary. Then there' dog, a "disgraceful mongrel pseudo -sheepdog" who answers Bosco.

Barrier, 5 foot 11 and 165 you abhors physical exertion. "I'm great let -down for 'The Saint'," grieve d. "I just don't go in sports. I'm the quiet type."

Asked if he owned a gun he claimed, "Heavens no! I'm m too near - sighted to use one. I eN cut myself shaving!"

Page Thirty One


BIENVENIDOS. AMIGOS MIOS (Meaning, as of course you knew -)


(Strictly from South America)

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These arrangements of mine are being released exclusively in Los Angeles on

The Music Station


Presented by W. & J. Sloane