TMF 2015 Annual Report

in order to fill the nets, we must leave the shore behind in search of deeper waters. time to dive in.



Transcript of TMF 2015 Annual Report

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i n o r d e r t o f i l l t h e n e t s ,w e m u s t l e av e t h e s h o r e b e h i n d

i n s e a r c h o f d e e p e r wat e r s .

t i m e t o d i v e i n .

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h e s a i d t o s i m o n , “ P U T O U T I N T O T H E D E E P W A T E R A N D L E T

D O W N Y O U R N E T S F O R A C A T C H . ”l u k e 5 : 4

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When Simon leaves the shore behind and venturesinto deep water, he and the other disciples make aleap of faith that makes everything else possible. Itstarts with leaving the shallow waters of “that’s theway it works, that’s the way it has always worked”and entering the deep wells of new possibility.There is a lesson for TMF and for the church weserve in this sacred story.

Today, our world faces formidable, complex, andconnected challenges. At the same time, we believethe church stands taller than any other in itspromise for addressing those challenges, forbringing about the world of God’s imagination.

Like others, we believe these challenges demandthat we question long-standing assumptions andcomfortable practices. And that we find andresource the best new ideas and expand anddeepen networks for innovation. This is as truefor the church as it is for governments, businesses,and other institutions.

TMF’s paramount responsibility is to make themost effective use of our resources “to empower thechurch in the achievement of its God-appointedmissions.” Just as our Area Representatives helpcongregations continually discern God’s purposesfor them, TMF continually revisits our purpose toconsider whether our outcomes and approaches aresufficiently bold, inventive, and effective, and toensure that we are tackling some of the church’smost profound issues as they rapidly evolve.

I M P R O V I N G A N D C R E A T I N GIn his new monograph published during 2015, GilRendle, TMF Senior Vice President, differentiatesbetween improving and creating and the need forthe church to do both simultaneously. The churchmust improve its work with the “affiliated” byaligning ministries with changed lives, changedcongregations, and changed communities because

of the presence of Christ. At the same time, thechurch must create new systems and strategies inorder to provide places of grace for those who are“unaffiliated” with the traditional church.

TMF is committed to these dual goals ofImproving and Creating. Further, TMF iscommitted to demonstrating and developing thecourageous leadership required to bring abouttransformative impact, whether through Improvingor Creating.

This report documents some inspiring examplesof courageous leadership efforts to Improveand Create from members of TMF’s Ministrywith the Poor Learning Community. Our workwith this group reflects our move to a moreintegrated services approach to creativepartnerships that create new realities. In addition tofinancial resources like loans and grants, the bestideas and outcomes require tools like knowledge,synergy, inspiration, creativity, confidence, and aspirit of enterprise. We want to provide an array ofpowerful resources to help courageous leaders reachtheir goals. Through convening, conversation,strategic planning, teaching, training, research,loans, and grants, we are partnering with boldleaders to help steward their potential inunprecedented ways.

This means we will invest deeply, with hope andoptimism and an all-in commitment to real changethat matters. All of the stories highlighted reflectcreativity in ministry, service, partnership, orprocess. All are showing impact today. All haveinnovation at their heart and the potential forgreat transformations. All are led by leaderswho have left the safety nets of conventionand security on the shoreline for deeper wellsof meaning and change.

L E A V I N G T H E S H O R ETMF founders embedded in the culture of thisorganization the value of striving to make thingsbetter for the future; they sought to continuallyimprove the human condition through vitalcongregations, vibrant pastoral leadership, andgrants and gifts that foster a better way of life forfuture generations. Now, TMF is called to cast ournets out deeper. TMF’s next chapter will becharacterized not only by efforts towardimprovement, but by creative partnershipsthat strive toward transformative change andconverge with the efforts of others to buildmomentum.

This is an exciting time for TMF, and we are deeplygrateful for the opportunity to work with the TMFBoard of Directors and staff to help shape thisorganization’s future. We want to thank the boardfor challenging us to embrace the future fearlessly;TMF staff for their optimism and persistence in theface of change; and every donor, investor,congregation, clergy and lay leader whose potentialwe proudly help steward.

In order to fill the nets, we must leave theshore behind in search of deeper waters.

Time to dive in.


Henry Joyner Tom LockeB O A R D C H A I R P R E S I D E N T

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� Growing ministries through $60.2million in new loans funded

during 2015.

� Fostering cultures of purpose andgenerosity through planned giving,

strategic planning, grant making, and

stewardship resources.

� Integrating all of our services into

a comprehensive approach for creating

vibrant, sustainable congregations.

s e t a m b i t i o u s g o a l s t h at a r e c l e a r a n d p r a c t i c a l , a n d s e e k s i g n i f i c a n t,

m e a s u r a b l e p r o g r e s s .

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C R E A T I N G� Hosted The Forum on Wesleyan Potential. TMF’s Leadership

Ministry and the active Bishops of the South Central Jurisdictionhosted a three-day conversation in Austin on December 1-3, 2015. We asked

thoughtful leaders from different fields of experience from across the nation

to consider the question: “What would the future of faith communities look like

if they were less constrained by what currently is and more encouraged by what

could be?”

� Increased engagement with grant recipients, leaders, andinitiatives focused on creating new ways to connect with thoseoutside the traditional church and creative ways to improve theircommunities. In addition to the stories depicted in this report, TMF grant

recipient Houston re:Vision is another example of the meaningful change

that can happen when creativity, expertise, and determination are brought to

bear on seemingly intractable systems. Created in 2011 through a partnership

between St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, St. Martin’s Episcopal

Church, and the Harris County Juvenile Probation Department, reVision

connects gang-affected and adjudicated youth with mentors, positive peers

and life-changing resources, and is transforming lives while helping to reform the juvenile justice system.

� Convened national conversations on issues important to TMF andthe church with like-minded organizations, such as NAUMF and

other edge organizations, to reanimate and nurture a culture of purpose

focused on outcomes rather than activities.

� Published Gil Rendle’s new monograph – “Waiting for God’s NewThing: Spiritual and Organizational Leadership in the In-between Time” –

which continues his discussion on metrics and outcomes and offers the new

argument that what is needed is a dual strategy of both improving the

institution that we already have (to serve those attracted to organized

religion), and creating new forms of faith communities and opportunities

for spiritual development (to serve those not attracted to organized religion).

� Encouraging, educating, and supportinga new generation of talented congregational

leaders and strengthening current leaders

in their capacities for excellence in ministry

through Leadership Ministry learning

communities and projects.

� Upgrading our technology to better

connect with investors and borrowers.

� Conducting intensive research on further

technology improvements for the future.

� Creating an online community through

engaging conversations via social media.

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TMF has a unique opportunity to deepen theimpact of creative ministries that are strivingtoward transformative change. We are wellpositioned to assist these leaders through grantmaking, convening conversations, and strategicplanning, as well as stewardship, gift planning,endowment, lending and investment expertise. Byhelping courageous leaders engage in purposeful

introspection, conduct ongoing evaluations tomeasure outcomes, and sharpen their visions andplans for future action, we are encouraging them asthey leave the nets of security and conventionbehind and answer God’s call to do something boldand brave. This is the kind of comprehensivesupport needed to create deeper and more long-lasting impact and change.

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TMF fosters change in the church by facilitatingconversations that inspire courage, learning,and innovation among leaders. One platform weprovide takes the form of a Learning Community, apeer group often formed around a particular ministrycontext, which meets regularly with a facilitator for aminimum of two years, strengthening leaders fordeep change. Last year TMF's Leadership Ministryhosted 14 peer learning groups, involving 255 layand clergy leaders.

D E E P E N I N G O U R I N V E S T M E N TI N L E A D E R SA recently formed group is the Ministry with thePoor Learning Community which brings togetherleaders who are deeply committed to breaking thecycle of asset poverty that has persisted throughmultiple generations and to helping congregationsengage in ministry with the poor. TMF's involvementwith the 16 members (and organizations represented)in this group illustrates our focus on deliveringtransformational solutions by marshaling all of ourfinancial and leadership services more effectively.This integrated approach enables us toaccelerate our collaboration with partnersengaged in some of the most innovative andcreative ministries in the country.

In forming this peer group, TMF’s LeadershipMinistry has identified and leveraged synergiesacross this ministry context and has committed tofully resource the group for a minimum of two years.In addition to this financial commitment, TMFawarded a total of more than $200,000 in grantsduring 2015 to ministries served by members of thisLearning Community. TMF Area Representativeshave interacted with eight members of the group,either as conversation partners and resourceconnectors or through a Holy Conversations process.TMF’s loans and investment services have $7.6million in loans to organizations represented in thegroup and $10.4 million in funds invested at TMF.

TMF believes in doing all we can to provideleaders, like those in this group, with opportunitiesto learn from each other, to inspire one another, todream big, and to bring those ideas to life. Mostimportant, we can share what we learn with others, sothe lessons and benefits of creating change can beunderstood by all.

E X P L O R I N G D E E P W E L L S O FF A I T H I N A C T I O N Facilitating a group of independent, evenexperimental, thinkers and doers like those in the Ministry with the Poor group requires an open mind and heart. Fortunately, TMF convincedCarole Somers Clarke to take on the job. The retired Vice President of Pastoral Servicesat Methodist Hospital in Dallas is also a ClinicalPastoral Educator certified by the Association ofClinical Pastoral Education (ACPE.) If anyone couldhelp coordinate this group, it was Somers Clarke.

“I was very excited about the opportunity, butwanted to make sure the group was as diverseas possible,” explains Somers Clarke. “Boy didTMF deliver on that front. I’ve never had theopportunity to sit down with a more varied – or amore talented – group of individuals. Everyone isextremely knowledgeable about the challenges ofworking with the poor. Their backgrounds areamazing, as is the work they’re doing. But it alsoreally raised the stakes on how we confronteddifficult issues, because there are so many different –and valid – points of view.”

For those with the courage to venture into the deepwaters of some of the toughest, poorest and mostneglected communities in the country, there is aninfectious sense of optimism as they learn new,insightful lessons every day while working side-by-side with individuals and families in the starkest ofcircumstances.

I N V E S T I N G I N C R E AT I V E , C O U R A G E O U S L E A D E R S

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T M F S c h e d u l e o f S e l ec t e d F i n a n c i a l Data f o r e ac h o f t h e s e v e n y e a r s i n t h e p e r i o d e n d e d D ec e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 5



2015 OWNED FUND FUND INVESTORS ASSETS CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 12,814,499 $ 375,308 90,562 303,130 12,045,499

ACCRUED INTEREST RECEIVABLE 1,262,930 70,616 14,099 306,854 871,361


PLEDGES RECEIVABLE 163,155 10,000 - 153,155 -

LOANS 324,696,565 6,522,215 2,248,289 7,418,620 308,507,441

BOND FUNDS 5,175,778 4,842 1,743 480,347 4,688,846

STOCKS 148,642,795 26,562,675 13,805,866 50,394,001 57,880,253

CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 5,846,070 18,818 1,964 541,315 5,283,973

LAND AND BUILDINGS 2,068,876 2,068,774 1 101 -

OIL AND GAS INTERESTS 598,443 100 593,476 1,867 3,000

OTHER INVESTMENTS 58,650 - - 58,650 -

FIXED ASSETS, NET 2,505,868 2,505,868 - - -

INTANGIBLE ASSETS 625,384 625,384 - - -

PREPAID EXPENSES 589,774 201,406 388,368 - -

TOTAL 505,052,287 38,969,506 17,144,368 59,658,040 389,280,373 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS LIABILITIES:

DISTRIBUTIONS, GRANTS AND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 3,875,484 676,828 75,580 2,855,053 268,023

DEFERRED REVENUE 75,450 75,450 - - -

DEFERRED GRANT REVENUE 600,000 600,000 - - -

LINE OF CREDIT - - - - -

FUNDS MANAGED FOR INVESTORS 389,012,350 - - - 389,012,350

FUNDS HELD AS AGENT 55,376,893 - 16,867,578 38,509,315 - TOTAL LIABILITIES 448,940,177 1,352,278 16,943,158 41,364,368 389,280,373

NET ASSETS 56,112,110 37,617,228 201,210 18,293,672 -

TOTAL $505,052,287 38,969,506 17,144,368 59,658,040 389,280,373

AT YEAR END : 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

FUNDS MANAGED FOR INVESTORS 301,154,353 299,396,216 301,622,524 326,374,476 319,980,087 393,454,064 389,012,350

LOANS 307,575,329 296,552,405 310,396,734 325,359,350 327,256,864 332,804,892 324,696,565

OTHER SECURITIES 50,648,339 61,346,922 67,356,467 86,024,802 92,080,540 153,758,360 159,664,643

OPERATING AND MEMORIAL NET ASSETS 14,702,093 17,090,584 20,183,904 23,531,390 27,451,359 29,928,607 31,798,055

TMF LEADERSHIP MINISTRY 2,837,148 3,585,475 4,026,196 4,197,890 4,687,298 5,652,360 5,819,173

PERMANENT GIFTS (FOUNDATION,TRUSTEE) 50,414,119 61,656,675 64,635,125 71,918,876 81,824,737 92,574,608 94,420,215

TOTAL ASSETS 365,394,703 373,501,239 383,922,117 419,390,976 425,941,318 510,478,159 505,052,287

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“ i ’ m a c h r i s t i a n b e c a u s e t h e c h u r c h s av e d m y l i f e . ”

g a b r i e l d o m i n g u e z

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Two young Life Church men who have not onlyturned their lives around, but are leading others tonew life

Gabriel (Pastor G) Dominguez of Life Church in Waco.

C R E A T I N G L I F E L I N E S O FD I S C I P L E S H I P I N S O U T H W A C O “When the Ministry with the Poor group firststarted, I sensed there was a lot of hesitation fromeveryone,” says Gabriel (Pastor G) Dominguez ofLife Church in Waco. “We all work in challengingministries with people who are very poor, and aresubject to all of the daily struggles that come withliving in poverty. We were not the kind of peoplewho had a couple of days just to hang out and talk.”

“But during that first meeting, I suddenlyunderstood what we were trying to accomplish,” heexplains. “And I could tell that the other membersgot it, as well. Working with the poor can be avery lonely experience. These people knewexactly what I go through every day. At thatpoint, I became enlightened. I wanted to hearwhat each of them had to share, because I feltI could learn a lot, and bring what I learnedback to my people.”

The people in Dominguez’ flock aren’t what youwould typically imagine of a congregation.

As a young man, Dominguez gravitated to thehustling lifestyle of the streets in Waco. He dideverything from deal drugs to traffic weapons. By age 23, he landed in federal prison.

Dominguez found God shortly after he was released,but was still very uncertain of his future. “I was in avery bad place,” says Dominguez. “I knew I only hada short window of time before I might begin makingpoor choices again. I was trying to find a way, areason to be in church somehow.”

He applied for a janitorial position at First UnitedMethodist Church in Waco, but he walked out inthe middle of the interview. Fortunately, he grabbed apamphlet on his way out. He liked what he read, anddecided to try visiting the church with his family thatSunday.

“We pulled in to the parking lot in our old van,” herecalls. “I could see a lot of nice cars around us, andthe people coming out of the early service were verywell dressed. It was kind of awkward because of howmuch we stood out, but we went to the contemporaryservice, and everyone was very welcoming to us.”

Shortly after that visit, Dominguez requested to talkto Senior Pastor Steve Ramsdell. “I didn’t know if hewould even meet with me, but he said yes, and wemet at a coffee shop. I was very honest. I told him,‘look, I don’t know why I’m here, but I’m here. AndI don’t know what’s ahead. But if you’d like to takea walk with me, I’d like to share some of mybackground and ideas with you. I’d like to sharewith you why I think I’m here.’ I really believe thatGod meant for us to meet each other.”

The meeting wasn’t easy for either man. It tookcourage to take that walk and have thatconversation. It also required faith, trust, and a willingness to be open in thinking about whothe Church can reach, and how it can make a deepand lasting positive impact on their lives.

After a few more meetings, Ramsdell decidedDominguez would be a good conduit for reachingout to the underserved community of south Waco.Eight years later, Life Church, a campus ministry ofFirst United Methodist, is discovering new andinnovative ways to work with members of thecommunity living in poverty, as well as those at risk of landing in the criminal justice system.

“We have 24 leaders in our church who are ex-criminals, ex-gang members or ex-drug dealers.Accountability is key. The heart of our discipleshipsystem is accountability. If someone proves that theywant to change their life, we will do whatever we canto help them succeed.”

“What’s really incredible is how the discipleshave stepped up to be leaders,” says Dominguez.“We have disciples who were jobless or in badcircumstances when they first joined the church.Today, they not only have turned their lives around,they’re willing to lead and coach and help out otherswho want to find their own path to a better life.I’m so blessed to have witnessed the transformationof so many of my church brothers and sisters. I’m thankful God allowed me to ride this wave.”

The lives touched by Life Church’s disciples andleaders is a crucial component to Dominguez’ministry called “The Ripple Effect.” The firstripple is when someone can change his or her ownlife. The second is the impact that change has onfriends and family. And the third ripple, the onemost often overlooked, is when the lives of strangersare positively affected.

Dominguez does more than preach “TheRipple Effect.” He’s lived it.

“I should be dead, but I’m not. I should be doingtwo life sentences, but I’m not,” he explains. “Hopestarted with me, but it doesn’t end with me. Itcontinues through the lives of people I’ve been

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fortunate to touch. And with the lives touched bythose people. And on and on, ripple afterripple.”

Even for a battle-scarred veteran of the streets likeDominguez who’s spent years working with those onthe fringes, the Ministry with the Poor group hasbeen an eye-opening experience.

“I really like the idea that we visit each other’scongregations,” Dominguez explains. “We don’t justhear about the circumstances they face. We see it,first-hand. What they’re up against. And moreimportant, how they work to overcome thechallenge. How they think. How they innovate.”

“I feel that the Ministry with the Poor group ishistory in the making,” he shares. “I think wehave the opportunity to do some great thingsthat those behind us can build upon. Andmaybe we can help other churches learn andunderstand more about people in their community.People they may not even notice. The wholeexperience has made me so proud to be aMethodist, and so encouraged about thefuture.”

D E E P E N I N G T H E O L O G I C A LW A T E R S I N H O U S T O N T H R O U G H" I M P R O B A B L E F R I E N D S H I P S "Gabriel Dominguez isn’t the only passionate believerin the Ministry with Poor leadership group.

Matt Russell, Senior Associate Pastor at St.Paul’s United Methodist Church in Houston,and Executive Director at Project CURATE, wasin awe of some of the other members in the room atthat first gathering.

“I think Larry James (CEO of CitySquare in Dallas)is the best in the field in working with the poor on asystemic level,” explains Russell. “And I consider guyslike George Battle (Director, Zip Code Connection)and Gabriel Dominguez to be spiritual ninjas. Doingthe work they do, in the trenches, with such love andcompassion and humor. It’s truly inspiring. I justwant to be around them, so I can learn how theythink. Maybe some of it will rub off on me.”

There are probably members of the group who enjoybeing around Russell as much as he enjoys being around them. Prior to joining St. Paul’s, Russell wason faculty at Duke Divinity School, and he’s alsocompleted a postdoctoral fellowship at theUniversity of Cambridge.

In spite of his top-tier credentials, Russell’s truecalling, as he explains, is to bring “the spiritualdiscipline of improbable relationships that spanboundaries and deepen the faith of each party. It is a crucial spiritual discipline for Christians in a citylike Houston.” It’s why he founded ProjectCURATE which stands for Center for UrbanReconciliation And Theological Education.

Project CURATE’s mission is to build bridges acrosscultural divides that unify, inspire, and cultivate anew imagination for how Christians interact with thecity, through adaptive learning. The organizationseeks to bring together diverse communities fortheological reflection and kinship.

Members of Project CURATE meet once a month tohear from a pastor, activist or even world-renowntheologians. Every individual there is paired withsomeone from a different part of the city, and usuallya completely different background.

“We do everything in our power to ensure thatpeople from different areas engage each other, talk toeach other and listen to each other,” says Russell. “In the process, we can literally witness themdevelop deep, mutually rewarding relationshipswhich would have never happened otherwise.”

Project CURATE has also developed a variety ofinnovative programs, like Iconoclast, a poetry-writing program that offers students from some ofHouston’s poorest neighborhoods the opportunity toshare their life experiences through the written word.

Revealing your personal struggles, fears and dreams tostrangers requires tremendous courage. But many ofthese young people have gained a sense of self-esteem, agency, and community pride fromexpressing themselves through the unique perspectiveof their individual voices.

Above: Sharpstown students and Iconoclastparticipants holding Marlo Lizama's first book ofpoetry. Lizama, a Salvadorian immigrant and poet,is Iconoclast's program manager.

Below: Matt Russell, Senior Associate Pastor at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Houston andExecutive Director at Project CURATE

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" t h e g o a l o f i c o n o c l a s t i s t o e n a b l e s t u d e n t s t o s e e a n e w i m a g i n at i o n f o r w h at t h e i r f u t u r e s

c o u l d b e a n d t h e n c r e at e d e f i n i t i v e p at h way st o wa r d s t h o s e p o s s i b i l i t i e s . ”

R e v . M at t R u s s e l l

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The program and its poets have received critical andpublic acclaim. A number of the poems have beenpublished in an anthology titled, They Say, which isnow available on Amazon. There was a public reading of some poems from the anthology at theMuseum of Fine Arts, Houston, in March 2015.

Project CURATE also offers theological trainingthrough Massive Online Open Courses(MOOCs) in both English and Spanish. In fact, alltheological education is offered in both languages.

“We’re completely committed to bilingual education,”Russell explains. “In a city where 70% of the peopleaged 13 or younger are brown, we think it’s very shortsighted to not acknowledge that reality, so we doeverything in our power to reach each and every person we can.”

“When the idea of Project CURATE first came to me,I thought it was absolutely crazy,” says Russell. “But italso spoke to me from the heart of Jesus. It wassomething I had to do. Because if two people fromdramatically different backgrounds can strike upa genuine friendship, I consider that a success. Ifwe can put people looking for work in touch with thosewho have jobs to offer, that’s a success. To me, that isthe Gospel. That is the way of Jesus. ‘for whenever twoor more of you are gathered in my name…’”

TMF’s objective of Improving and Creating ispersonified by the work of the Ministry with thePoor group, as its members work to make a positive,lasting impact on the lives of individuals and familiesfor whom positive change is seldom an option.

“The purpose of the group is to make disciples ofChrist, in spite of the poverty that is all around us,”explains Somers Clarke. “These aren’t people whonecessarily go to church every Sunday. But we’re notnecessarily making disciples the way it probablyhappens in most churches. We’re committed to keeppushing for more new creation.”

“This is the most servant-oriented group of people I’veever met in my life,” she adds. “They have thepotential to change the Church in ways that none ofus have considered. To have an organization like TMFsupporting our group and our ministries, spirituallyand financially, provides tremendous inspiration andcredibility to what we’re all working to accomplish.”

A student performs his work at a poetry reading hosted by Iconoclast, an innovative program committed to nurturing the lives of under-resourced students in Houstonby cultivating their artistic, educational, and spiritual imaginations

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w h e n s i m o n l e av e s t h e s h o r e b e h i n da n d v e n t u r e s i n t o d e e p

wat e r , h e a n d t h e o t h e r d i s c i p l e sm a k e a l e a p o f fa i t h t h at m a k e s

e v e r y t h i n g e l s e p o s s i b l e .

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Since joining with the New MexicoConference Methodist Foundation (NMCMF)in April of 2014, TMF has been privileged toget to know the congregations and ministriesof New Mexico. Those visits have brought tolife the challenges they face, the expertise theybring to bear, the complex environments inwhich they work, and the profound faith andperseverance that is bringing meaningfulchange to their communities. Saranam, one ofTMF’s newest grantees in New Mexico, had avision for tackling homelessness and appliedstrategies and tactics that are having anenormous impact on a seemingly intractablesystem. Like organizations in the Ministry withthe Poor Learning Community, Saranam’sstrategic and imaginative efforts are bringingpractical change, while also fostering a betterquality of life for future generations. TMF ismore convinced than ever that forming oneorganization brings more resources – whetherthrough loans, grants, investments, giftplanning, or leadership development – foractualizing bold new solutions for serving the church, its people, and its purpose in New Mexico.

Homeless families face multiple daunting challengesas they struggle not only to survive, but also to staytogether. This makes is especially tough for parentsworking to overcome the issues that led them to alife on the streets.

Tracy Sharp, Executive Director of Saranam inAlbuquerque, has spent her entire career lookingfor new and better ways to end homelessness. Whilepursuing her research, she discovered an especiallycritical burden faced by homeless families that wastoo often overlooked: isolation.

Not only are these families dealing with circumstancesmost people could never imagine, they also feelneglected, invisible and alone. They are facingseemingly insurmountable hurdles. And they seldom,if ever, know anyone else who has found a way out oftheir situation.

“At Saranam, we learned that bringing homelessfamilies together into a community is key to helpingeach family find a successful path back to a morenormal life,” explains Sharp. “By working withmultiple families in a group setting, we began to seethe individuals from those families rediscover acomforting sense of stability. Even if one personhas a bad day, there is a community aroundthem that offers support and encouragement.”

Saranam is a two-year housing and educationprogram for homeless families who have a desire andthe motivation to change their lives to end theirhomelessness. The two-year timeframe is important,since it enables every child in the program to be inthe same school for at least the two years. Thiscontinuity is crucial to their academic and socialdevelopment.

“We believe that to eliminate homelessness, first andforemost you need to have a home,” adds Sharp. “So Saranam supplies a home for each family, along

with everything they’ll need to live in that home fortwo years.”

But along with that home comes expectations.

Parents in the programs are also enrolled in school,depending on at which level they stopped theireducation. If they dropped out of high school, theybegin GED training. If they graduated from highschool, they take college prep courses or get jobtraining. There are also night courses that teach avariety of life skills, from parenting to financialmanagement to acquiring the interpersonal traitsrequired to function and succeed in school and onthe job.

The program is designed to get adults into the habitof working or being in school every day from 8-4.Developing a regular daily schedule is crucial forpeople who have spent years without a “normal”routine. “They really need to regain that musclememory of using their days to be productive,”explains Sharp.

The success rate of this innovative program isimpressive. Saranam has remained in touch withmore than 60% of the families who have beenthrough the program during the last 10 years. Eachand every family from this group has maintainedstability and growth since leaving Saranam.

Parents have completed school (from GED trainingto college degrees), found employment, and, mostimportant, created stable homes for their families.This is a level of positive, sustained and repeatableoutcomes that most non-profit organizations onlydream about.

“We are so fortunate to have partners likeTMF, who provide grants and support thatenable us to operate this type of programthat’s different in its approach,” says Sharp.“It reaffirms our commitment to keep workinguntil the day there are no more homelessfamilies in our community, or anycommunity.”

Saranam inspires a child to dream big dreams


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“ w h i l e I s t i l l b e l i e v e t h at t h e r e a r e t i m e s w h e n r u l eb r e a k i n g i s i n o r d e r , t h e r e i s m u c h y e t f o r u s t o

l e a r n a b o u t h o w t o u s e o u r p o l i t y i n e f f o r t s o fi m p r o v e m e n t, b u t h o w n o t t o b e c o n s t r a i n e d b y

t h at s a m e p o l i t y i n e f f o r t s o f c r e at i o n .h o w d o w e h o n o r w h e r e w e c a m e f r o m , a n d a l s o

h o n o r w h e r e w e a r e c a l l e d t o g o ? ”g i l r e n d l e

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t m f ’ s n e x t c h a p t e r w i l l b e c h a r a c t e r i z e d n o t o n ly b y e f f o r t s

t o wa r d i m p r o v e m e n t, b u t b yc r e at i v e p a r t n e r s h i p s t h at s t r i v e

t o wa r d t r a n s f o r m at i v e c h a n g e a n dc o n v e r g e w i t h t h e e f f o r t s o f o t h e r s

t o b u i l d m o m e n t u m .

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F I N A N C I A L� As of December 31, 2015, total assets under management by

TMF were approximately $505 million.

� Our Methodist Loan Fund ended the year at $323 million.Methodist Loan Fund investments support TMF’s loan programwhich currently funds 433 loans to United Methodist churchesand agencies. Our loan balance ended 2015 at $314 million.

� Our Undesignated Endowment grew during the year byapproximately $1.9 million, ending the year at $31.8 million. The relationship between our loan portfolio and our endowmenthas never been healthier and, in fact, exceeds guidelinesestablished by our board. Additionally, this endowment growthdiversifies and enhances our operating income stream bygenerating additional revenue for operations.

� Not included in the amount above, endowment dedicated to ourLeadership Ministry now totals an additional $5.8 million.

� In 2015, TMF Grants continued efforts to identify and invest infinancially sustainable ministries that are creating measurable,systemic change. New questions and conversations exploredinstitutional and entrepreneurial ministries and how we can helpgrant applicants address key issues, such as strategic planning,funding sources, and methods for measuring outcomes andeffectiveness. During 2015, TMF made grants totalingapproximately $1.2 million. Of that total, an estimated$956,000 came from unrestricted endowments and $260,000from TMF operations. The Grants Committee of the TMF Board ofDirectors determines distribution decisions for these discretionaryfunds. In 2015, grants funds were distributed as follows:d 34% to outreach ministries targeting systemic changed 27% to ministries which systemically benefit families

living in poverty, particularly childrend 27% to evangelism, especially those ministries

connecting with segments of the population the churchis not effectively reaching today

d 12% for scholarships

TMF ended 2015 clearer about the depth of impact we

want to achieve, about the cumulative coherence of our

work, and about how to converge with the efforts of others to

build momentum toward our ultimate objectives of stewarding

God-inspired potential and empowering vital, effective, relevant

faith communities. The significance of the following

developments, activities, and financial reporting is in how they

reflect the many congregations, leaders, families, and

organizations we are privileged to work with who are leaving

inward-focused shallow preferences behind and moving

outward into the deep waters of world-changing faith.

2 0 1 5 Y E A R I N R E V I E W

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2 0 1 5 Y E A R I N R E V I E W C O N T.“ e n c o u r a g e r o f r i s k - ta k i n g l e a d e r s h i p b y p a s t o r s

a n d c o n g r e g at i o n s t o b o t h i m p r o v e a n d c h a n g e o u r p r e s e n t s y s t e m i n o r d e r

t o c r e at e n e w c o n n e c t i o n s . ”b i s h o p j a n i c e r i g g l e h u i e

o n k e y q u a l i t i e s o f e p i s c o p a l l e a d e r s h i p

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� In addition to the $1.2 million cited above, TMF provided $180,000 inspecial grant funding to the six conferences we serve throughout Texasand New Mexico. Since beginning these grants in 2009, TMF has awarded atotal of $1,250,000 to the conferences, all of which has been used at thediscretion of the presiding Bishops. For 2015, we asked the Bishops to alignthe funding with organizations addressing critical needs in ways that bringabout meaningful and sustainable change, consistent with our GrantsMinistry’s focus on systemic change.

� TMF distributed approximately $1 million from permanentendowments, predominantly to United Methodist causes in Texas.

S T A F F I N G A N D S E R V I C E A R E A S� TMF’s Leadership Ministry seeks to work for change in the church

through facilitating conversations of courage, learning, and innovationamong leaders. Some conversations take the form of on-going peer groupsand others as stand-alone conversations around an adaptive issue. During2015, TMF hosted 14 peer learning groups, involving 255 lay and clergyleaders, and has plans for at least four new groups in 2016. These groupsinclude gatherings of the South Central Jurisdiction (SCJ) Bishops, DistrictSuperintendents, key cabinet leaders, Boards of Ordained Ministry, ExecutivePastors, tall steeple pastors and groups focused on ministry with the poor,music in worship, senior pastors recently appointed to their first largechurch, transitions of leadership in tall steeple churches, and targetedgroups to develop the next generation of leaders. In addition, TMF and theactive SCJ Bishops hosted The Forum on Wesleyan Potential, a three-day conversation amongst leaders from different fields of experience andgenerations about the future of faith communities, a dialogue “lessconstrained by what is, and more encouraged by what could be.”

� During 2015, TMF staff said goodbye to Bob Dupuy after two-and-a-halfyears of tirelessly working as Senior Vice President of CharitableServices, but welcomed him back to the TMF Board of Directors. Bob waselected to the board in 2003, served as board president in 2009-2010, andbegan his latest tenure as board director in November 2015. Bob has had anincalculable impact on TMF, and we will continue to benefit from his sageadvice, generosity, and dedication to the values and purpose of TMF.Charles G. Smith who had a productive tenure with TMF during the 1990’shas returned to TMF to work with individuals and families on fulfilling theircharitable vision. Jacki Lammert, Director of Grants Ministry, alsojoined the Charitable Services area in 2015.

� TMF celebrated the retirements of two long-tenured members of our staff. Asa 23-year employee of TMF, Carol Nelson, Assistant Vice Presidentof Loans, had an unwavering focus on helping churches. Her devotion tothe long-term vitality of congregations, her congenial spirit, and sense ofhumor are sorely missed. Paula Sini assumed Carol’s role in the loan areaupon her retirement.

� In December 2015, TMF celebrated Dick Young’s retirement after 16 yearsof service to United Methodist congregations. His commitment toempowering congregational vibrancy left an indelible mark on churchesthroughout Texas and especially in the Northwest Texas Conference(NWTXC). We will welcome Richard Edwards in the fall of 2016 asArea Representative for the NWTXC as he continues Dick’sexceptional work to connect clergy and lay leaders to resources relevant totheir unique goals for missional growth in their congregations andcommunities.

� In November 2015, TMF announced that it will expand its LeadershipMinistry for clergy and laity, beginning in January 2017, through theaddition of Bishop Janice Riggle Huie. Bishop Huie will join the staff ofTMF at the conclusion of her tenure as Bishop of the Texas Conference whereshe has served since 2004. Bishop Huie’s experience and knowledge arewell-suited to TMF’s dual focus on encouraging leaders to think expansivelyand act courageously both to improve existing congregations and createnew communities of faith.

� Our Area Representatives have found that they have the most impactwhen they ask the right questions. Creative approaches to critical challengesoften emerge when they pose the essential questions to congregationalleaders who then think deeply about them and craft strategies in ways thatalign with their own God-inspired mission, purpose, andresources. Those conversations help us continue to refine our questionsand deepen pools of engagement.

� Legacy Giving staff members explored with donors their innermost ethicsand how they want to steward their resources to align with those values.These conversations led to transformational gifts that offer a keen sense ofpurpose, deliver clearly articulated outcomes and foster a deep sense ofcommunity among donors and recipients alike.

� TMF Loans and Investing also worked to deepen the concepts of bothimproving and creating as they assisted congregations in developingresources to fulfill their dreams for improving current ministries andcreating new ones.

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2 0 1 5 F I N A N C I A L S

T M F S c h e d u l e o f S e l ec t e d F i n a n c i a l Data f o r e ac h o f t h e s e v e n y e a r s i n t h e p e r i o d e n d e d D ec e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 5



2015 OWNED FUND FUND INVESTORS ASSETS CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 12,814,499 $ 375,308 90,562 303,130 12,045,499

ACCRUED INTEREST RECEIVABLE 1,262,930 70,616 14,099 306,854 871,361


PLEDGES RECEIVABLE 163,155 10,000 - 153,155 -

LOANS 324,696,565 6,522,215 2,248,289 7,418,620 308,507,441

BOND FUNDS 5,175,778 4,842 1,743 480,347 4,688,846

STOCKS 148,642,795 26,562,675 13,805,866 50,394,001 57,880,253

CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 5,846,070 18,818 1,964 541,315 5,283,973

LAND AND BUILDINGS 2,068,876 2,068,774 1 101 -

OIL AND GAS INTERESTS 598,443 100 593,476 1,867 3,000

OTHER INVESTMENTS 58,650 - - 58,650 -

FIXED ASSETS, NET 2,505,868 2,505,868 - - -

INTANGIBLE ASSETS 625,384 625,384 - - -

PREPAID EXPENSES 589,774 201,406 388,368 - -

TOTAL 505,052,287 38,969,506 17,144,368 59,658,040 389,280,373 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS LIABILITIES:

DISTRIBUTIONS, GRANTS AND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 3,875,484 676,828 75,580 2,855,053 268,023

DEFERRED REVENUE 75,450 75,450 - - -

DEFERRED GRANT REVENUE 600,000 600,000 - - -

LINE OF CREDIT - - - - -

FUNDS MANAGED FOR INVESTORS 389,012,350 - - - 389,012,350

FUNDS HELD AS AGENT 55,376,893 - 16,867,578 38,509,315 - TOTAL LIABILITIES 448,940,177 1,352,278 16,943,158 41,364,368 389,280,373

NET ASSETS 56,112,110 37,617,228 201,210 18,293,672 -

TOTAL $505,052,287 38,969,506 17,144,368 59,658,040 389,280,373

AT YEAR END : 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

FUNDS MANAGED FOR INVESTORS 301,154,353 299,396,216 301,622,524 326,374,476 319,980,087 393,454,064 389,012,350

LOANS 307,575,329 296,552,405 310,396,734 325,359,350 327,256,864 332,804,892 324,696,565

OTHER SECURITIES 50,648,339 61,346,922 67,356,467 86,024,802 92,080,540 153,758,360 159,664,643

OPERATING AND MEMORIAL NET ASSETS 14,702,093 17,090,584 20,183,904 23,531,390 27,451,359 29,928,607 31,798,055

TMF LEADERSHIP MINISTRY 2,837,148 3,585,475 4,026,196 4,197,890 4,687,298 5,652,360 5,819,173

PERMANENT GIFTS (FOUNDATION,TRUSTEE) 50,414,119 61,656,675 64,635,125 71,918,876 81,824,737 92,574,608 94,420,215

TOTAL ASSETS 365,394,703 373,501,239 383,922,117 419,390,976 425,941,318 510,478,159 505,052,287

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“ i ’ m a c h r i s t i a n b e c a u s e t h e c h u r c h s av e d m y l i f e . ”

g a b r i e l d o m i n g u e z

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TMF has a unique opportunity to deepen theimpact of creative ministries that are strivingtoward transformative change. We are wellpositioned to assist these leaders through grantmaking, convening conversations, and strategicplanning, as well as stewardship, gift planning,endowment, lending and investment expertise. Byhelping courageous leaders engage in purposeful

introspection, conduct ongoing evaluations tomeasure outcomes, and sharpen their visions andplans for future action, we are encouraging them asthey leave the nets of security and conventionbehind and answer God’s call to do something boldand brave. This is the kind of comprehensivesupport needed to create deeper and more long-lasting impact and change.

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" O u r B o a r d h a s c o n t i n u a l ly e n c o u r a g e d u s t o l e av e b e h i n d

t h e s h a l l o w wat e r s o f t h ek n o w n p a s t t o e x p l o r e t h e

d e e p wat e r s o f G o d ' s p r o m i s e s

f o r o u r w o r l d . "

— T O M L O C K E

B O A R D M E M B E R S B YC O N F E R E N C EC E N T R A L T E X A SDr. Tim BrusterRev. Thelma Flores**Dr. Chris HayesMr. Henry JoynerDr. Dale KnobelBishop J. Michael LowryMr. Wesley MillicanMr. Hiram Smith***

N E W M E X I C OBishop W. Earl Bledsoe**Mr. John GoodwinRev. Jeff LustMr. Sid StrebeckMr. Tom Toevs

N O R T H T E X A SMr. Jim AdamsMrs. Mary Brooke CasadDr. Jan DavisMrs. Pat DealMr. Robert DupuyDr. William GreenMr. Larry HaynesMr. Joseph W. HolmesRev. Katherine Glaze LyleBishop Michael McKeeDr. Clayton OliphintRev. Owen RossDr. Andrew StokerMrs. Kay Yeager

N O R T H W E S T T E X A SBishop W. Earl Bledsoe**Mr. Matthew BumsteadJudge Ron EnnsDr. James W. HuntMr. Bynum Miers***Dr. James Nunn

R I O T E X A SMr. James A. CoxDr. Daniel FloresRev. Scott HeareMr. Jim HornbuckleMrs. Teresa KeeseRev. Laura MerrillMr. Robert T. RorkMr. Robert C. Scott***Mr. Robert B. Sunderland***Ms. Amy Shaw ThomasJudge Henry Santana

T E X A SMr. William BleibdreyDr. Don HouseMr. Rock HoustounBishop Janice Riggle HuieMrs. Thomasine JohnsonDr. Thomas J. Pace, IIIMrs. Ruth Palmer**Mr. James V. WalzelRev. Jim Welch * *A DV I S O RY

* * * E M E R I T U S

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“ L i f e c o m e s t o a p o i n t n o t w h e n t h e i n d i v i d u a l p r o j e c t

i s c o m p l e t e b u t w h e n t h e s e l f d i s s o lv e s i n t o a

l a r g e r p u r p o s ea n d c a u s e . "

D av i d B r o o k s , THE SUMMONED SELF

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A R E A R E P R E S E N T A T I V E SJ OHN THORNBURG Senior Area Representative, North Texas

Conference, and Vice President of Area StaffMELVIN AMERSON Senior Area Representative,

Resource SpecialistERIC MCKINNEY Senior Area Representative,

Central Texas ConferenceD ON PSENCIK Senior Area Representative,

Church Endowment SpecialistJ OHN R IVAS Executive Director for New Mexico

ActivitiesJ OYCE RUSSELL Senior Administrative AssistantTOM STANTON Senior Area Representative,

Rio Texas Conference and General CounselLEAH TAYLOR Senior Area Representative,

Texas Conference

C H A R I T A B L E S E R V I C E S A N D D E V E L O P M E N TJUSTIN GO ULD Vice President of DevelopmentEMILY ADDINGTON Administrative Assistant

Donor DevelopmentCHARLES SMITH Charitable Services Representative

E X E C U T I V ETOM LO CKE PresidentCURTIS V ICK Executive Vice PresidentTERI F ICHER A Director of Event Planning and

Executive SupportL AUR A FU Q UA Executive Administrative Assistant and

Corporate Secretary

F O U N D A T I O N R E L A T I O N SPATTI S IMMONS Vice President of Foundation Relations

G R A N T S M I N I S T R YJACKI L AMMERT Director of Grants MinistryPATTI GL ANZER Senior Administrative Assistant

L E A D E R S H I P M I N I S T R YGIL RENDLE Senior Vice President

Vice President of Leadership MinistryJANET KLOSTERBOER Senior Administrative Assistant

M E T H O D I S T L O A N F U N D S E R V I C E SDAVID MCCASKILL Senior Vice President of MLF ServicesROBERT HOPPE Vice President of Loans and Real EstateSAR A BELTR AN Assistant Vice President of Investor ServicesPAUL A S INI Assistant Vice President of LoansVIRGINIA ADDINGTON Loan and Investor Services AssistantR ANDI FORREST Investor Services AssistantTERRI HARNISH Loan CloserJENNY KING Loan Assistant

O P E R A T I O N SCANDY GROSS Senior Vice President of OperationsKERRY AFFLERBAUGH Assistant Vice President,

IT Help DeskGERRY SCHOENING Assistant Vice President, ControllerPATSY WILSON Assistant Vice President, Human

ResourcesL ASHUNDR A BUFORD Office Operations Administrative AssistantTHERESA MCGEE Office Assistant, New Mexico OfficeL INDA PARNELL ReceptionistSUSAN PUHAR Accounting and Administrative SupportTERESA R ICE Data AnalystSONIA R ILEY Office Manager and Accounting AssistantK ARYL SE IBERT Endowment AdministratorBARBAR A WARREN Accounting SupportCINDY WARREN Director of Database and IT

O F F I C E R STOM LO CKE PresidentCURTIS V ICK Executive Vice PresidentCANDY GROSS Senior Vice PresidentDAVID MCCASKILL Senior Vice PresidentGIL RENDLE Senior Vice PresidentJUSTIN GO ULD Vice PresidentL ISA GREENWO OD Vice PresidentROBERT HOPPE Vice PresidentPATTI S IMMONS Vice PresidentJ OHN THORNBURG Vice PresidentKERRY AFFLERBAUGH Assistant Vice PresidentSAR A BELTR AN Assistant Vice PresidentGERRY SCHOENING Assistant Vice PresidentPAUL A S INI Assistant Vice PresidentPATSY WILSON Assistant Vice President


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i n o r d e r t o f i l l t h e n e t s , w e m u s t l e av e t h e s h o r e

b e h i n d i n s e a r c h o f d e e p e r wat e r s .

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t m f - f d n . o r g


i n o r d e r t o f i l l t h e n e t s ,w e m u s t l e av e t h e s h o r e b e h i n d

i n s e a r c h o f d e e p e r wat e r s .

t i m e t o d i v e i n .

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