Tlii Go pare ill r Herald l; MM...

*-V**»^v>« ^\ Tlii Go p a r e ill r Herald m • T * TIlTTnUDAY, OCT >NKU lio, n o . r«blUlt#r Kvcry TlinM »jr at «:«»u*t>r •#••*, *t, l.«wn*tir«* <«t . ^1 V. OfftrS *W ONII rmoit rn i » K* nine it, Corner Mnitt uml I* »rk Hinvli, • . 0 HEY*0?.!>H, r dllof mid PuHIUkcr. 1WHH t»f RtiW^ rtittlon, # 1 V I In AdVutirr 1 II TNKltOMrM Tlil*l< l; mm i ii •• i **w filter frmt% lV**ltlnj;fim. ' WAHillN'nTON. U 0 . WmlifMl^y I"'.*". O c t ? ' J f lH7i. EtvTTFHAi.n. Tfttt TAI.« TIVTUY.- Tli* ]>rln« l(*1 topic ..f r.-uivrriifiiiott tO-diiy In th« vMtiity of »|io Trniunry l>ei»«rtmi»ht and f»n Fifteenth •triot (our WHII *trc«t) U tho «|w< h of ex- Merrttuiy H«'utwell *t Now Vork, hint night cm th* mihject of ••Kiniui«*»ml thn Panic" \"vvr +* 1P% no notion of "jumping out of tiro frying jr ii into th©ilr\\ M The Rtpnbllnnn ptrfy In mado np of dif- ferent mntrrlal from that mmpohtng tho opponition. Th#y iro^)rogreMniv<5 men, nnd thv p«rty thai clrcili their support inii*t bo t % jiro(/rvM*iv«»*j»:irty. W h e n v e r i!•»* 4 Kc[mh- rmi p«rly nettle* into a "rut," KH tlio I >i>tno- craey IIUR <lnnr, it will find itnelf abandoned hy the proj;ien»ivo limn of tho fountry. To Tlio third trmt of Mwrin! H BtokM for tha nmitlor of .IiufiM KUk" f Jr, f liKi Iwftnn, l»ut but it. in Iifi|HMmtlilo to ti II when how or whir 0 It will nii.t. The ull\ir from t. IM- he^tming to thn j»nwuf lime IIJIH lutiti A diiifjriMiil to tlm Ampricftn pcopla. Tho two Minn hiul heeti fri<Mi<U f hut Htoke* ow<«l far mom to ' Fink than KUk iliil to Stoke*. The bold tintmiivuWitl lulvriituhr, then In tk* Ywy <Uy of |>n>Nf>erity ami rev tioWii, found in tlm dimioluU* WKI linpovornlnxl man an ntfrnmblo eom- HHlUxi. Out of ffh*i litttttfO It Si #oolfl iceni, ho em*ttr*g«*<1 f and attUttd him; mwtlcd'td Wm 1>to pl*M and |itifpOAM t Hnd introduced him to tho woman whom hi < Jlnokrd U|ipofi M tho modi* of fierteetion If tharo can ho NII< h a (hm^m* hon- or wlK»m audi a woiuun \* COII- MiriHMl, 8t4»krn won hound hy cwv.ry honoriihlo iiihtinrt Jo nlVuin fn»m lyttufurin^ with th<^ rt-hif'ons whir.h oiiiit^l lM»twrm hin fririMrn miHtrrHH. Hut ho ulniRm tho oonthlrnro plrwod in him, ntid < n^a^ing in no ititiorii>tir whmh hrtruvtt »it oiirr tlm lo<mrnrHH of hin MiorulH find I ho inrunnoR* of hii rlmrnrlor. A hitfor frn^l ^»runfr tip; Kink i \ r r l n l nil hit} powrr to rrunh Htokr*, nnd Stokm, uidrd hy hin ji^riimotir, Htruimd rvtTy nrrvo to aiinoy and r-nilmrnuw Fink. ThaM Kink ovur intondod to tnko tin* HIV of Htok^« f thrro li nol^ tho smulloNt FOMon to niippoiifi; lint Sfokr>H f who III tho rovoinr ot hrnvo f ifiay linVn thought ho did, find go ho killed him If wo may Indiovo unimjmnrhiihlo ovidono, tlitft killing wan drliKruto mnd withr>nt RidlUiont prov(K % jition It Ii prov<H| ihut. Stokr* wayhiid hin rnoiiiy on tha Htuirway of a liotrl, nnd wlthotit oxrhangin^ a wor<l, foody Jiot him down mid tIM ii at trlilptod to rw'iipo. II in TH»f ]>roVi»«l that Kink, drow u ]»isl«d, or ovrn Inula writpoh «»t*;%li^ I ; iid HIMHII him In nhort t it thrm \n Hny Aiirh Ihiti^ M nimplo f unailultoriitrd mtidor thin wan % plum rnno of it. IffMl RfokoB hmn a poor liinh ^ man who ha<l kilhd a comnido in a drtinkriti row, tho pttfh to tlm gn\ lown would havn IMm outdo nhort and oany. l»oin^ nn rlrj*nnt and faiirinittiug gf*1it Ionian of hi;;h hoi inl ntanding and intlttontiid n lativonjio lion m a n a ^ s l tlmw far to dod^o tho doom which ho no riohly moritR Hkillful hiwyofH and pliant jiid^OH havo united to lotigthru <»ut hm pro hatlon through monthn and yearn, until popular exritemont IIIIH died away, anil popular Hympathy or, at loant, indiHorottro, taken ittt plaoo. Now it in hojM'd, and with very gfNHl rrnaon, too, that timo having ndatod the* inofdutiof the tiw tho in toronting eritninal iiuiy nlip through in I w<Mtpo. Tho impudent, hold noM of tho dcfondciit'R conn Re I IH idoaily oxemphtle<l in tho ohjoetion urgtMl ng'iir^t tho jnrorn Hiitnmone<l. Thtii wa« n<»f'that t.hoMo jurorn wen> Ignorant, ineomprtout or prejudieed lnoti, l»ut that tlioy "worn hankorN aful hrokerrt, and thorefon*, eouhl not and would not. do justice an readily and rijditroiiMly an "moehan- lea and othem !" And tho learned Judge adjourned rouit until ho could exam ne ?iuthi>ntiOK t<i RCO whi-thor iMinkoVn and hrokera \vc»ro (if. fi> he iurymon ! ^ , Wo ahull ho v n f )nii< It Mfipriftod if i\w jtiry liiudly iMiijianrirlled dttt'H n<»t hung in a veidiri. n<»t guilty ; Ivnt mv h a d«»« i ,i«»n "will not. rlian<n* pnhlte opinion a miigjo ahnfi-, not wiH St. umieriallv increase tho con t^tiipt with w liirh the administration ol' judiriid ailiirR in Now Vork \u rcgald« d throughout fhi-t rouutty and KuropK*. If i» a lamontuhlo, luit iiidinputahlo. (Vl thai, lifo and pro]»oity are low Roeuro in the c«fcn inereial ini-trMpolia of tho first n* puhljo in llo* woild than in any other city in Chriatendcun ; nor is thorn, HI yet, any indication of re* form in thiR diiec.tion. yonsiNci nmr%Tcii TO taw iiitiAT.v*. NKW YnilK, (). t '10 Htok«V triul PH.I.MI Fount guilty ««f nihii^liiti^titi r Ut fontth «t#nrf>o. HonU'nt-Ml to four y«Mir<* hurt I UIHU «t Hlng Hintf. Pornonal« W* In^rn ttin.1 MU«i Anfoinotto Hl**r)itnr, *f H iirUiigvlllo, ha.i M |»iiMiMi»ut jinuucy t«» Ku'om. J»»Hn (1 Itmntih th#% j-»rU*'»lfnMrr, o*iiMl ol roii«uiiiptioii «>u Hitui'iity iii«*oi4iig u«iti Itiwlln* mwlioM, on K\w tanoii i'nuitin rml t\m\ t mn roiiio rWp r'mn< »•»««». H««IHA1 J TihlrQ roturnml from Kump^ cm H«lur<l y. Win, U. I#npliHfti. iiiporlnli k ii«1^tit of thi» •i <U1 iU |lfvt«ion of tho Sow York OtMitntl r*Ur.*«'l «!(#»«! <lo». 'ill, ^M«i ^ li«ry Il4iil^f f tint *\i t««'tivo in Uio (joo*h rUh OH* , l< ^ r i o u t ' y til* All *grfH» that It wm * thoughtful n*Mrw», J H(O|> $ tl iu <Mrf f<r w o u |,i t H ^f»4t»4l to it. It* MIMI though *m\v .ti^gw* with^Mr. ILmt- j r i l u k a R f t , nUt%<1 W l ( h m o n w h o w i l | | | o t (%OI| . wrllln^ono of hU virir* it U ff^^'Hy j H ,.tit to any h.ilt. nrin^t<lM hi. U-t nikhfn ipr#.r!, in nmnn;r 0lir rrmllt Con^rrsii U Urg.-ly »"u«1n np th<ia}a>«t pnnlunttotin thnt !MY» ttpp*nr<A j uf cHf»puhlic*nn« f mid it in in th« powor of •thrti tho brrnking out of th* grr;%t puiiio In t \ tPt ^ IJ|en to r€ . rt » oref or, porhnp» I nhouM / Th* Wrnlinn *fnn!fr. Thf/pxmniniition of IHrnm Smith WM con- tiniiwl Kiiturdjiy nt Wutcrtown. Nothing n**w wnn (>iii*tmi twyond- tho further nub* ftAiitintion ol tho iuVii that thrrd wa« a aceoini murdrrcr conr<THIMI in th« <•«•«*. ThU «:onfiriiiiition arisen from thi» proof that »it tlu? timo wlion tho cutter WI»H punning ulonjF Martin Htrcot towar»l« l)ocrlick rroek where thf nuinlrr wim comniitUnl, a man w:n neowrunning ulonji tho railroad true k towards tho ph»-« w|oro tho trtu-kn in tin* enow <livrrj£»« •'acrosi* loth" to the road. That Kiii:itii r.s NAM;. COUNTY OF ST. T,A\VKI-:N< E-f: n Y vrrtueof mvcr«l rx^r:itionn i^^'Hict »>ut of tlm fcuprvmo Court of tlk«H:»IT «>t N - w \<nk 1<» r. v iUrteti'd an«l «1« -!iv«*rvtl t afmiuM t!i« vmU uml chat. t«*1««, Und« nnd f*t»» mont* vf Kdward H. Mix. I l»i* , « aoindl *n«l tukDii aJI tho ri*bt,titl< ami int««n >t wlu.*li Hui.r^tt fon-Uut, Ikiul on th«' 2l»t t\*j or Nowm' or, iHTf.or at miy tiifu" lhpn>aft<*r t ol, in, »tii4 t«i tin loliowin^ dtHt-nlrtd |.roiM*rty, winch I Oi.!lc\p'^r to Hftlu HH tin* l.iw <lir«••!***. on tin* I-tli u.«v ol l»w- H<»pt0tolK>r. . |fv lioutwnll makrn u +l Jlntlnrtion^Uv- Iwt-^ii r«Miumptlon of ^p<N in p a y m e n t ntul any, fitniti, tho (k>tiaieuoo # of thi*)|>uhlic% and it U ciiually in thojr po^ror, by creating or •UNtniuing 0 rod it MO1U1>«TH And b irk-pay #qu»lfrntinii of tlm cv>mtnonui%l vuluo of« tueMourM, #o uttorljr and forovor dtwtroy imp* f ourronry with o«»in. w llo d«o» not I that confident**. 'HUT-* ii no vvidenev th it roifiird rnnnmptlot^ M oithif prncticutile or thuy.will itohljr porform % tlioir duty, to their (liHilrntiU. Th*i didttm tion which ho make* | party and thy<r country. <einU»r, !M7:i, nt .U.u< •« Ii Vtm Bur. u'* II«*t 1. in ili.> v i a ^?«« of < ft»nv« i i u t i r , ut la oYlot'k in tli. | r IKMMI, to wit; All th'«t tno'i or |»t«rr«-l of I »M(1 HitUiitf in th<> t o m i i o t l!.|\v.u<h, in N*i'| (o'mtyot Sf. Law- r»'n«^», an«t lM>tri^ part of l,o' No. 7, uu<l IMHIM-II 1 KM IOUOWM, vi/: Hr^.niiinv MI th«* lovin IMM* l^tw.. n K'lwurl* .iml Kt»w!»*r, at tli*< KouMi-u««*l Mi-incf »».«i'l l^>* N o 7, ami running il».-ti«-i Hnuiii Hh "- K,iv U lil-100 rh tins to it -t:iU«- ami Hton« * t tti<>uoi' N. I ° , K t 4 t , HI fi? |IMI fh:it*iH *u A nirm r nj«.u ;i MM k , aftt*r th*; cutter priMcl the point whereUICHO. ttiriuM* N. .1; © Went .11 l.i imiri-mreuM;. HOI «O-*.I i • • i *I i *»,,.. . «,„»., o , .«-» M r»»*« I li»a*. Ihi-nff al«»n^ *.u*l line South !•>. Wi-^l I) Id-lO-l I ^ r , , s r s ,, .i..-, a r . u l ( ( tracks jotnet the road there wcro thrco mon I ot,,,,^ t n t i . r j „. ..r t, ,.„;„i,,^.,.. t n,,.,^ : i^ it -H>O ' i1H U m ' ,kft ' ,H,n A"r«>n of I«TI«! h»» t ii*; H:»IBC m c r « ' o r U* ». AUfi -Jl fh-it ••• rt.iin other !•»«••• • <<t i oi I •-1 * * i i**- u\ • a i d t o w n <»f K d w t r l s UTKI Unm<!<"! HA follows v i -; t . « *.• » I ^''Kinnthif H'HIC Smell rornvr of th< A)H»V«'tli w-nl->-«l It U proven thnt nmltri wnn away from & Mfl4 | ,,^,,1,^ thor.w Komh H;O i: ;u . t U p.„, u M S58C!!ll MM N^llGG! I!r,:, Dr. Loach. T h e n l . l n t . ! 1' TO o! li«.i li .•»!« r^ V ICES TO SUIT THE TIMES AND TIIE PEOPLE* i ill > •* |M in, in in \y Nn. :»•: \rs-n.i :>•. ii,» i.i. ut t.. tiii^ * ;; m t*i tv.iit ! » t » i:.», » fr«.'in I t«> o p. ri , :* u11 1 i VH i in the cutter, bem but one. ftito prf\oUHly thcro had « :»li • !»n-lj 1^1 r i-iir'M" ( triM IN I*I -.* u !'. h ^riMt Utw»on rooumptiou uiid «Kiu.ilU.ttUm doca hot •tnko mo-it pornon* u* of any con*»ider- ahlo Importance. I f our pap«'r urna'hronicltt up to an CCJUMI Taluo with toin wo would oortalnly h«ra Tlrtual T«umi»tlon. V*ry few |>or4on<i would cam whether our hankw and tha Tfenimry a<tually nHlt^mcd their ohli|(iaiona in iipwcto, If gfwiti-tiueka and national bank note* iftra aa goodjan jp>ld no Cna would cart* whothor they wora paid fo paper or in ooln. Mr. Boittwril'i diatim ton a tort ol a wVUnoiWw jrlihO^t ndifT#trancw. Mr IkHHwalYjwOttii to daai \*j<Jk what ha oonetivo» to hatra ¥aon, thn oaulMa of tho ale panic |lfo ronteudn that it U^lnipnaoiWo In any whetVr tho ocvcii hundred in ill ion 4 of paper motioy ia in oiecaa ot tho rcqufro- tOanta of buaition* or not. Whilo oonio de- nmiid oontra^itioti othera elnmor ft»r an ei- punaion of tho Yolumo of ;tho eurrency, and whilo ati wi(U ly dMF"rciit and |HmtiT0 opin- ion* aro hold by men of r<»tiM<h rahle finan eittl itolity ha dona not doom it WJJ«I. to tarn- per with tlm m itt«r. flero Mr. HoutAell ia rarUtnlA right, though ho \n opTHim»d hy rttrciuiHtrt of ln>tli kiu<U. Bpoclo paymotita worn outponded, aayt Mr Itoutwoll, In oonae<jurneo of tho depro- riiAtlfiu of jrovernmont crrdlL. I'liia pro- |w>aitlon wn^ta with univornal apvuit, hut it U ohjaato<l thnt ho dooa not inako i loar the rcanoliM for th* dopveetntiona of irovernm^nt < riHllt. ffo atatoa th»t nn^ of tho cirettm- pitanet»a whirh ha* contributed to tho present eoridltiofi of thing* ia tho cicoaa of tho Vol umo of paper otirrotioy on>r tho a< tual waiita of tho country. If he in rii^ht in thin there tdmuM t»o no he»llatiey alaiut th«' adnpth n <>f a policy of coittmotion, but thia ho doo* not favor. Hero ho icctna to IH« norncwhat illogioiil. Hut wo havo not yet roceived a full report of hU a|K»ci h ( and hi* friend* aro hoping thnt wo will find thi* |Nilnt fully e*plftiii«d when Wv have received tho full tctt. COIN ti:ur tclTRUH CAPTrnrn.— -Fir ROTcral nwuith* past tho Trcaaury Depart- mrut IIK* boon in receipt of coinpUiuta from the i itiiana of 'tVnneaac« and Kontu« ky atatih^ that Urgo gang* of coniitorfcitcrji wro at work in that noetioa. Tht»ao com- plain ta wcro ao often repeated that tho Hocftitnry finally detorminoil to t«lfo atrpa to break up their operation*. Tho in fin age- incut of tho aiTnir waa committed to Coloucl Whitclny, Chief of tho United*State* Seen t Serrioo Uorpa.J^ Ho and] Attorney General WMMtVit featured their plana, nnd oxt^naifo preparations wcro made to capture the crirn- InaH. Mom her* of tho nee ret aorrice visited the looalttiea infeoted by tKoao men, and, gaining their confidence, obtained informa- tion of their haunt* and hahib*. Tho coun- terfeiter* were divided into ganga of nix or eight, HII co-operating with oaeh other and in cl« ao communication. On thi* account it waa deemed toat to move upon the g n '» in both Statca at tho wimo timo. Accordii g ly two expedition* were «irgani/»Hl v one under (!apiain Evan*, United State* mar- hhal at Knoxville, numWring twenty-five mountod men, well armedJand provided with five day*' ration*, and another conafating of twenty-four mounted men, aimilarly equip- ped, and commanded by (Jolonol Uohort M. I>ougla»* v 1'iiiUnl State* marahal for the western district of North Carolina. Tho party under Captain Kvana marched from Rnoxvill* hmt Kiiuday, and y,u dod by momlwra of tho aocret tcrvico who were fa- miliar with tho country succeeded in appre- hend in vf about sixty of the counterfeiters. Among them arc men in every station in lifo,- lawyers, doctors,*, juaticoa of the peace, and even United States deputy marahal*. » The Foal Office Raving* flnnlc* EXTU\CT FROM A BPKKrn DKT.TVKUFn TtY rosiM\aniCH (JKNKHAI, UHKHWKI.I, AT BAf.TIMOllK <»N TIIK I '\ I NINCI OW Oi TdiiKit 17, 1HT;I. Whilat t would not indiscreetly trench upon the domakii*of t aii«»tt|er l)opartuu*nt f or in any way interfere with financial or bulk- i n g op»"Vations of the country, I y% t ladieve that thogovoriimont, through the itittruincn- < f tho I>cpnrtTi|ciit committed to my care, can provide a machinery Mrnple, safe, practical nnd thoroughly consonant to our institution*, whereby the great laboring mnsacs of the oountry will luivo the jfruit <d their toil protected from lawlefi* s|HM!ulation and guardod with almoluto security. I have rt*commcn<led for two year* past, and Mill rmominctid, the CMtnhlishtitciit. of p«»*t otlicc saving hauk-i. Hy this simple} ph.n every' aiiiUhln po*t office cmild bo uaed to rcc<i\-c Another clrcumsf anco that has had much to do with financial trouble* has been tho fact thst tho balance of trade has until quite r^cnntly been against us. This is, ofoourso, an argument in favor of % protectivo taril!" ; and, of eonr*e, tho no wtioan throrie* favor freotrado srgii'>'that it is full of fallacies. I *hnll not undertake to ex amino tho argu fiicnta pro and con, for ha* n»t volume upon volume been written II|HUI thi* vory <(UCH- ttnn without bringing us any nearer to Hgrecmcntr* , Another cause etf (iff monetary trr»ub1es Mr Itoutwoll finds to l»o oxtcnaivo phyniewl dtiiaMtars, yuch as tlie loas of tho cotton crop for five yours of war, tho immense consump- tion of food, munition* of war, etc., hy a largo nrmy of mrn, tho withdrawal of men from productive (nduHtry, the terrible fire-i in Chicago, I to* ton, and elsewhere. Another fact a huh he takes into account in tho largo speculations in gold in Wall Ntrocf, Iti grain in Chicago, and such like illegitimate transaction*. To remedy tho evil* ho find* to cxint he mggOftta m«*»urc* thst will maintain the "balance of trado" in our favor, (that in, of course, a protoctiya policy), subsidies to American cariying-vcawl* and to American nhip builder* ; he condemn* tho taking of deponits on which interest i* paid. He favors a reduction in the tiuval department and would encourage J the immigration of la!>orlng people from !!t:ropo. There seem* to bo ofiO objection to Mr Ihintweir* arguments, to wit : that tho con- nection IN laid. It is nom^what difficult to follow his lino of thought. There exist* Home doubt ns to * bother Iff has Improved his imputation a* an economic, Hu« h di* tlnetion Is not allowed him at all by a great niHiiy persons, and few will claim for him any great eminence as a financier. Hi* worus will l»o read with great intercut t»c- rsuno j»f the fa<»t that he was so recently at tho head of the finaneo dopar'ment of our K erernmiuit, whit h po*itiou he gave up to followed hy a gentleman who is to aomo extent a mere disciple of his. Whet bar lie hn* added anything to the stock of ideas heretofore possestcd hy the peopleft*doubt- ful, but ho lias done good by wetting the |*eople to thinking ntiout *u< h things. Arc FrTINO TtfV. tlKArf.TH.— The cOolnesa with whMh tho Republican* here receive tho new* of lis) rwtult* of the recent election* i* totnewhal remarkable, Ahhottgh the Ua >y*t>Heiut p i t t j >rsm vtttn««lly <l^fv«Af^4l in Olito, ario! tlie Republican majorities were largely reduced in lYnnnylvania and Iowa, there seems to l»e no sort of concern msni- f«»sted a m o n g R< oftbUW in thi* city. Thi* can only l»e nceounhd foV on the auppoMition that sueli result* wrro not iltogothor unex|iected. Wo have let tidied t<* anticipate sm*ll in »j >i ttt* * on 4 'otl vaar*/* And lion the effact of t h o Credit alolutirr Seandil a n d t h e hack pay grub wa* oxpcctrd to he agaitmt u*. Tlooi^h 11M* r c a o l u t i o n t of pmty convention*. Republican arul iKunoCratlc, were equally c^iudenmatto/y of the-M* and all other corrupti«ui*J it i* now proven iM^yotid a doubt that tho people com |N»aing tho Rcpuhli* an party w> re m«»re in A!«rue*«t than their Ih-mocr.itic friend* when they adopted resolution* Mttgmati/.ing such meaNiires a* infsntou* No senKildo mati In lievid tho Uc|uihlican party more rtapon* •ihle than tho X>cmocralic party for thene MSndalotii mea#Tire*, hut the Republican voter* indicated hy stsying sway from the poll* that they wcro in solemn earneat when they said In colivolition thnt they ven< o|>p<twe<l to corruption in nil ita fdrm*. Ilut the l)eiuoe|a< y did not sutler from such o.itiarS. The election* have taught our party umn ufern % W^stm whuh they cannot e*«nly forget; tli'il tho*c mcmlicra of Congrcsji who were connected with the tVedit Mobilier h %ve lax*n conslgninl to inf \my, and that thoie Who supported the ba< kjmy biR have Iwii consigned to private life. I> U quite certain they h.tvo nothing t<> hopa fur from iho Republican party. They m\iko a laud we cannot carry, It wssnot that any of tho Ilcpuhlhym I Co!<»ncl Pfanlcy forwards from T>:ikoto force 4 went over to I ho (huinerutio c«|tnp. : the official rcjK>rt of tho Yolbwstono fi^ht It wu* that they sUid at home. 1 hey*hud ] with tho lnJians, % 1-J East upon th. 1 t lin*a'i2 r|| pto ehahiH to mi *«h treu eo«-iierMl; tli«*nce Nirth Mi 1-2 WV-t, 3i> elialus, 10 link-*; tl SMIH. K<o.tli .11 l-J W.-t, I chair, 5 Unit*, to the N<rrh.*\iM» r»>ra«-r ol t!,e Win-» tot ; thence up<tn t h • lirn- o! HIV'.\ lo* to t i M I placi. 4t f l»wiiiuiit^. tlit* who|»« W.-«.» )oi • IM iri»? lj 7H-P-0 J huii»% if-of IOIIIII* m i l huiKlr««i m r» « .»f ,mM hy Aihn Wriyh*'rt hur^'oy, h • th«« nnut »;»• i or hy ilttnl h<arinf tta*«* <»n or about tin- 2i.<i Auiruat, IsVl, M0*1 thi* HHTII" pn TMIWH eonv* v»l to *h«* naid K' K Mix. by II^MI fr<»ni Henry O. Mix au.l wife, he ihnrr «1 :*,t•• Antra*? :'uth. IH72. WIMJAM II. WAT.IJVfl. T>at**<l OrfohcT 2.1, IHT'I.'IO! KJoTifT. i„ inui /Yfl A\ im M ;-»K I% f J,.ittiikrv tho ditv the Ho, * f h line ol *<%MI l-*»r N«». 7 ; .11 f*-)i») ehuini to tha homo on the six.n oi^unuary, tne uay mo ( KMIUI .^^ ,^ ltl( . r<( f +.mi l^»t No 7, th^nee North murder was 0. imioittcd ; hi* nbscneo ia ex* plained by hia statement that he was having his out* ground. It is el*o proven that on tho twenty second of December ho was at Copenhagen and H.»W Sutlu i-lnnd.* That on .1 A * t . *\ i l\ \ m Q..»).a»-1nY.,1 ' l***^ ^'I't helll|f til'* *liri»* pr*>nilH<« r.ihVMi! (•» the twenty-fourth of December Sutherland j , W y () ^ hy r%u J ,, linphf!ir . kn ;, Hi|<1 wrote a letter to Wgnham stating that ho wanted to sen the latter M in tho worht w a y / That one U It. Brown saw three men to* gether in Carthrgo on th© ^ixth of January, one of whom was Wonham, one wa* Suther- land and tho third, as near as ho -can recol- lect, was liko tho prisoner. That seems to bo tho whole of tho cane thus far, unless it be the statement of Smith, made to ono of 116 wUtnoMac*, that he was a fitst friend of Su thor laud's and tho following bit of totti- } mofiy given by Jacob Vroimln, a cousin of tho mrm who employed Smith. Woman says: I hud a talk with Smith soon after tho dis- covery of tho body of tho murdered man; ean*t givo the day ; wO Wore talking about tho murder; I told him I thought thcro was more than ono ongaged in it; ho said ho thought so too; ho thought ho knew who tho third man was, but ho would givo no 1 u ., , , , t * ^ * " I rw-iit uiioei Heal, in a plain eiivi.lQpo, to nny n.l- utimca ; he was there frequently after that j *! r,, *»i IHMI-I ai<l, <>n v. e. ip« «»i nix ceu0* or two jio*t I Htsinjih. A»! In-"» the 1'ul IISJH-T-X, CHAS.J.C. KLIVK A TO., 1:7 Howevy, New Yiok.r- <» Itox, 4:»S«. TJrtfVvT (ir*><i*e<t We. klv Ncwj«papir of the XWVJTX i <ire-»t W»*Ht Filtwnth year A<l- vertiae in it. ^/TflTT Vtm A T>T <0 column*. H^fimen eopv to WM. N. HYKHS, IvTtrTXr^ 1 liaMvamCoiJiaAiMi. (:v»j iM£l VViJ. Manhood* How Lost, How Restored. J u*t publiritiiMl, a new eilition of I)n. (VLVFIIWKI.I.'N , ('Xf-KMHAYKD KNH4V on Die roiferri/ cure (without B^sUa^trj of Kpernt'ttorrlMHa or Seminal \V. aknetw. an ! I^iysical Ineapa.-ity, ImtH-limom.. lo Mutruivcv, etc. : *IMI, OuiiMiiuption, KpihpMy ;iU(l 1 its, in.luotil hy s.-lf-iiulal^enro or Hexual fxtrava^am e. aVifPiie.- in a H«MI:-«1 enveh>pH only MX ei-nf*. The celeii.ife.1 ucthor, in thli a'hiiira'iie «*ssiy f clearly <hiaoiixt ratea lioin a thirty yearn' HUir.'.-Mln) priu'fic*', that th" ahirmiiia; I'.HIH.IJIO TM »M <»t H«1(~ ahiiae miy he ratbeally cure J without the <!arty<'mrfw U«» of i n t e r n »1 m e l i e i l i e or the applieation of The iMifo ; poiuiiitK out a triodc oi < nr»- at oni-e Hiutph•, e« rtajii, uii \ * tfettial. hy IIIMIM of v/tih'h .vii->- :»ul f« r«r, tn» iaatt«r what hin ro*i<lition may be t may cur* hiiii4.»Jt cheaply, )>nvatly un 1 rulicmly. f/^Thi* lecture xhoiiM he in the 1: u e l * of i:very yo<uli awl i'V. rv man m the laml. evening; a week or two after tho flrat con- versation we had another on that subject; S aa begot up to go homo, ho said: M don't know but they will arroat mc." HIM! I>cnth of A Mdti on tho Rallronfl. When tho Northwest Atlantic 1'tpreys, reached tho \illago of Hi rkinter Saturday night, argent lorn in who was standing by tho oars noticed blood trickling down from ono of the ••slecpera.** ljo called tho atten- tion oj train oflki IIM to tho fact, and they sent a man on top of tho car to discover what was tho mutter. Jfn found the dead body of a man stretched out, face down- ward on the car, bleedin*/ profusely. A rope was phci d around his nCek, ho was placed on a (link and gently slid from tlie ear. (Joroacr Hatchellor immcdiatily took charge of tho remains ami had Hera placed iu the baggage room of the atation. When that is stated nearly all that is known of tho ease has liccn naid« No one knows who ho is, and no one know* tho mnnocr of hia death, in his pockets were found three pocket hnndkcrchicfa, it silver Kngl**«h lever open f:c*e watch, railroad time, a check 4 oii a key hcarin/f «ho kblregs .*J;uncs Fuller, tirCcn Bay, Wis.," a rant printed with the iifurto of T. J. Siianley; a silver army badgo, bearing I ho monogram t»f i crosHcd cannon and au< hor and iiiscri- hed, * 4 J«-liti Malltuvim, I ^t 1'crgcant ('o. t\ °7!l% Mich. V. 11 A. t';" a pap< r cout:»iii!tii tho inMrcoH **JiIlia Thoinaa, \t$ r Lan^in^T L ^ , ^ ^ street/' Hn one of tho handkerchiefs tin name of I'M ward II. TelFt was tliuily legible. Twenty-four cents cash, several two-cen». | po/ stfimps R railroul ticket from I'tiri to Hull 1) whk-h evident!)' h:*d never 1M-MI used further we«4. than lio« heat* r, nnd 30-ly NO MILLER CAN AFFORD ToiiAXTTAfTritK rf.ofn wrniofT USING The Smith Midlines Purillw. Fiijd, the fl/>nr made from middlinira but tn MIMI'V*. M i . c i i i v , ;1 11 hum r nlthe lh.o»l an I eruption* ol the *kin, fiom » C'.urrr to a niiiiiiiiiii Pimple, S. rofula, I'i v. r S».«re»«, I'l-atuI'lM, Hip I h«M'»i*r«i % I h iTali d Sore Throat, t'ank'-r ,,f Stoma' \\ «»r Bowel*, Nursing Sore Mouth, A e. Mrs. L. i 'irra ipihptic fif 1 *, fithrr hi cbiiilreu orolutty, bvi-r « ornp! lint, |»a]pita- tioi' oi llo- !i•••-.»• t. droj^v, LTIX*"!. ii:n^N'^ and all di^i-fiM., f,t I !.e kidrii-va aiul Maddi r. She jii-vo r u n s i hroTi i" «liart !>':* •, and h I'-it- nil c».T|M i«,rt, •.'•i-'tro ^ <t t \v -Ih 1 lie. k i .««.m. i illi- i ehi-.ttii- or inii-i jtiut'itoi v and >hc will mrr n<•und::ia in three houih' time, inl« rm-il «r iv'</t;ial. S-he (.ores all KKMA Li-! !>!>:: A- )'/- f,..f h« re< n-um-rated -"Asthma, \?.-ak ai*d *-oro eye*, and u!l worm << IH j 1 .in 1 x h»-s.<e >* maov o, o- r »IIN- i.lMt tn.i ||II!!U HillS to IlK'ition. Mis. J)r Leui-h trcatM 1.11 disea^H N% 1111 I'l'liKLV VKtHirALLK HKMKDIKS, Michits roots, ^UIIIH, h uvi Jf, bark* and babam. Her med- icines arc can In Hy prepared hy IH-WOI If. Orn^rrcTTTon or C,rinse, Cwrv.n. Caircer IH a disease that require*. Tiof only i|U •!<, active re^icdies, but UIMI good jmlgc- ineiit in their ] fi p irat ion, and ^leat i ^peri* cure in their apple atioii ai.d u^e. 'Die hrnt objei t to 1M^ obtained b y o u r method id treating t 'ancer IN to make a proper examin- ation ot the ease; iiM'eitaiu cs ne illy an po^ihb* the trim eh iractei, Hi/e, shape and lull «. xti nt ol the dj>ea-e. ill MI the length of time it ha* e\i^|i d, \ he ag< , con^t it ut imi.the ver«stda tliat are liable to be invo!v«d by ita •tiowth, tlie st r< Ii!_r111 oi the io i v »»IM po\v« rs «»f the bo»ly, .'ind low far the constitution jn prc-dispo^.-d t o a c im cious viru**. 'I hi f«e ;ir> «<o!ne of I hi* impel taut point i to he con- M h r. <i in o uoieiedn;.c t h e t i e tment of thin di«ea'e. lt'«»Ii « \.i»u ill it ion, the C;HI« pn- a fa\ er.d.lo, our attention indite ted to the »-i e p »i w* ion «»f niii- cdieh whi'b we kn >yv' II ' la-t adapted to TO o r i l FRIENDS AND PATRONS- Tl in <>ur liiiu. ic i» over, U>t grKKlg we lower. TTo Lavo everything new Dry (ioodg, Notions, Triraming^ Xiihbom, lucm. a<*hM C*«i- men*, |^ pe ll»nt., Dommikm, Hat* nnd C W lioote «ttd 8bo«' S f < ry ami CJ.oicc FamUy QrcwrieB. In * bll0e , Or0ok * which ha\e l^eti trcatecl upon thehe ma- chines contai/iH nearly all of the gluten, and in therefore, much mop; healthful and nu- tritiouH, while at the name time it is whiter; t}n-tHequnfitly tho demand tor it ih constantly lilfrea>m r f; heme, iif order to retain his best cmtrtTrterH he muat furnish them with thia brand. Second, tho Smith machine ia tho only one which ia warranted to make all of the Mid- 'llin^N into a hi^h graiie of Hour, whieh ia worth more that produced by the lirwt. ^rind- ill^. 't'hiv use of any < th r puritici involves tin* IM eessit v of inikiii.; more or hh< l o w UttAIlK and tho s a v i n g \v I n c h is thus alba ted br the use of my iiiaedtine will a M.II pviy the comparatively HIUUII cJithretoe whieh exists in the priee hetwe«n it and inf< ri«»r ina- CIUUCM. For full information addres* (;i:oHt;i; T. SMITH, W Hrn Itox hi;.,. \V:i.-hinj:ton, P ('. yv . A , PAUL, Cr.TXTOX STREF.T, ! Baker & Confectioner, M:\U.U IM Can nod Fruits, <v< ICE CREAM /• .if hia available prop»<r-riy. He ii a man ah »ut thirty yo UM of a^v? live feet nine inehra in hi'»ht f would wcigli about It'll pounda, won' a frcnhly dyed moustache and goatee, black clothca, mid n gold and ailver riti^ on tho littlo finger of his left hand, Undet bin chin waa a pear about three iiuhea long and a quarter of an inch wide ; another Bear wag also found on his breast, probably having 1 been produced by a bum. It is probable that ho waa killed by ladng atrui k i itlr»r by tho tunnel ut, Syraeuneor at Moiue other low bridge on the line, while atcaling a ride east. Ho appear** like a man who had becu (df onftaprcti until he exausttnl fits I'UIHIH and waa getting u rido homo the ehenp(.st he know how. Nobody knowa him, but lua ftiiturea arc far from being disfigur- ed by the blow ho received, ami identifica- tion by u person who knew him would be an caay matter, STATK ITKMS. ho depoaita of the people and transmit thorn to the I)c P :utm..,,t at \VnHliin K to,, f ,„ j fn-^y po.^.t-hn.-k, .v .... ,,,!.,,! tho r.main.U le inveated under the direction of <lesignu- ted oltha*ra in the tionda ofjtbc Fuited States. Hy thia arrangement the ccurity of deposi- t >ra would Im timed upon tho very founda- tion atone* of tho republic. Nothing whorl of political chiioa, overthrowing the govern- ment, and the total destruction of all mor- ality and honor among tha p*oplc\ could jeopard th©lr intcrcat*, no that it may bo *»aid that they would bo utaiolutcly^ PC« urc. In titnc of panic tho people instead of |^anl. ^n f their mean* would place them on deposit with the government, to l>o invented in government loan* and th. n sent again into circulation. Like water the currency thua funiiKhcd wotild How to the point* of lown d drprvaaion and tend to eofrc<d all derange- ment of tho circulation, ltowevor eauao 1. Thua the poopl^ would t>o wrvcsl t»y the mean* placed at it* disposal, and the banka ami the capital lata would lie ncrv«»d ra^eause of the tendency to prevent tho hoarding of the currency of the country. "I am aware that thi* plan will meet with the opposition of aome bank* and cnpitaliatp, who would oonlpol th« people to depoait with them upon their own term*, and thua afford them the u*e of no much additional capital; but let it lw> remcmlicred that I am not apeaking in the (liferent of batiks or capitalistn; I am apeaking for the people, who are to he protected, and not in Kdinlf of the tianka, many of whom havo recently given a notable timtaucc of the manner in which they can violate their promise to pay Hut why ahoutd the bank* complain , In ndlIMon to their ehurterrd |>rivi!cgea the irovernnUnt hn* recently interpnaed again in their laduilf. Hy the net <»f dune 8, tN?l>, the bank* wcro authorised to dcpoaif, for their ladter accunty, their United Statca note* in the National Treasury, receiving therefor certificate* of deposit wdiieh might-j t»e counted a* part of their reserve, used for clearing houwo purpoaca, and converted at pleasure in the place where deposit* wee inailc. I'tidcr thin law the Tretaury of the Fnited Htatc* hna tieen used n* a place of safe deposit for the liank* to the extent of tn with equal propriety, and to the same extent for the MCcurity of the maase* of the people? "There ia'nothing in the ohjictioit that the establishment of postal banM would be equivalent to the assumption w." banking hutoncM* by the govornmenL T h e ^rate t»f interest would be too low to justify any BUeh complaint. It would not control t! s active capital of tho country ; it would not 1*\ rrod up hv the dish, Tiivati* familjois and parties furnished uith ice cream on sht*: t n o t a e . tiiv'e me a call. W*. A. IVVCL, (jou\ei ni'iir, N. \ the itioti o* tlie lunior- ri medies w diieh p not. only mild in thcr action but htitli-i« ntly powerful to kill the disease.! Tti.iss, and eib Wu dl\ e\!iimiiiite the pro are I pro- ducing MiiiH!'. 1 u tii,i'i:i;, f a cam er when it hii ,1 m ik« s its iio-.e.tan ' , b u t little in- tirudtr. tiiioot \t> so i - atv, but ii it has « xlstcd tor any htc.-ih o| lime, ban become lar.'e ar.d involve^ ma. h <d the glandular strueiure and surrounding li^-tie, proper in- ternal trealilH nt is absoiul* ly lecpiisite, i n 1 lor thche ad\am *d c.;s,-s our Cm- < r S> r u p is of ?'rc at uli'.tv, inasoiii' h as it n e t s UM a spteiiie in dimini^.ung the fatty ami album* inns inaMcr ''.vhieli ia u-udly lound to be 1». i .. .> v . . . . j nt 1 l.c bio- I I ) t 1 D tt F H* GOO»8 We h /.. nvw affroniTRri<.ty of new fabric*, in all the new colors and stjl, Notion and Fancy Goods Department «• «» B ^* fc A full H V or Vac ft n*Rni,»nre 1 ^ ^ Uamon^ Edging, Ac, 1 nro cl.fa,> ftT .d W n !,„,« ft pft P of th( . n f K ^ efC ' o or cxhibitiHl over n counter in Gouverneur, and we can cut and make ^^Sy*"" Btyh and ™° aml ^ K,tter fita a^«7W h«'t us imprcai it firmly on yotir minds thnt if yon want any HEADY MADE CLOTIIIXGr, For mrn n r boya, this w the place t« bnv. For the past year or tw we liuvi- ]>aid a K<HH1 <l<-:il of atU'ntion to the Iteadv MJUIC Clothing trade and have MICCHMIWI in so largely incnasing onr'aahw in that branch of .H in.'HH that we arc enabled to buy in lar^r quantities, buy cheap* ke«'p a better variety of styles. We have just received nearly of >er and TWO HUNDRED SUITS nn.l the prices arc away down. We will Fave yon money if TOli'wiB only ,„,,!>• in -x. ,.s... ti, i.i..., i, i_i .... v..y i-r. - ; CX;ini i I1( . our ^ iH . k | M . forc' clwwlierw. - / vi nMier the till tie I" hirmatmn ol the eane«T- j aii 4 i i ! C ' r ^>"««^*^* / ouae, II, which w in re,lily, thn lite of tho A 11 t IHMIPW bt VI^H 11 A TH j t l s t n > C f | V(»<L il:>(>ne. 'I'iniM yon will per»-ei\ c o u r treat- itii-nt i •, b-.t it hn d and « ():j^-t it u* i« »i* * I, and Lie v i w ly cm . »t |-.. d out .• fi it. « a m ' r « nil ii* #t be J a I n am llt- uiile^ this :re;itini ut IH » tle< tually Tn ,e !ci I, UT: TI;I^ or T)i:i,\v. |^l .'I Ta- 4 .!! it i no !;! ot < ' -ii I.It- l b it - . i * u .<•!•':< -t, . t l " ] " t ; :i* pef.plf bi ' | c i o;ii»!i« IM m ' . v 1 - n ! M t t I'. - •' i t ! i l l . . * * * t.t tho- ife flpl tn !l e treat- f.tal ic- uld tie re- ald! \* d \\ .th tblh di a ,mi. I «• pv J'l i« '. V «'l when a t ma- <r tn il« •» it •-* p.' \ lb" :u tlie b- . a-t ti» - a . J i' i t . i h i \;.- '• i i . V .. i • ih lay t *- il s'.out.l IM> |.M k«'d !i ]> II t!• ill il ! \ l\ it J Vo.«iH'l/ u p|r. i r Mice houhl be h tl' I 14. I a . , 1 •'.• I I I > y i a,,-' t •!,;»» )> of i!s o f:'--m a :i . II' Ml, ,;. hi. * . o v in i t ii t 1 a - ne b., ), re!..] b. v .• , j | tji;,i;". !o V r a|h»w it •I W i l l . ' NolliiMiT W'U'iX t?ie-f • '1; in i.nv !»»-, u In ? b. r it j»ro bro'-e, injuT y, mi'k a L U-.\\ :i t an*e, cl time. A * ai .1 b .i dnc*« - 1! 1 -:: d until f.»r itM r»v AIRO u podd ht<M-k HOOTB ant] BMoca. Wo always keep a lull btot k o\ 4 Choice Family Groceries. T E^A S are our particular specialty. We niean Lxusinesg^ sliow all We advertise^ .41 A!fT) WrjLJ^ NOT BE T^rnER#Ol.D. Juno It), is::h !w.\'>s or |, ri .IIM/III.IM^OI t i n bra 1 \ ,1 :aoie;h > top!.- in ih.- ne ipnnt »!i:;i.i, ;:nd c n-'der- ed h .IIMI.AIV the t taiiv ]«hy-iiiaii t U i - * rj ti t.tly .'- ui i.« a ^ - i : id O-.M t-u m o* a \* i y I in tb'jnaiit IJIUMM 1 , M .Tiy b d i ' ^ on dc- j t. . tin^ u t umti| iu th.- biea.*t waybill little, ,b,a:t it. . -'» . iail\ it tie y are not, at nil J I Till V, bly t i r l t l o >• HI", othi-1 s 1 •i.llir i\ thelu b'T ye:iIH t'lHiiii iniilt,: i.l't.ib'' lliolerty Mild oth.T.M 1'rmii tl e drc.;d ol the Unite, until they are ahiii.e t a t th< 1 i p ' d <!- \ < 1"J !»n n t, and j roduf >, an I in many j un- ioip »M^Iidc. u'e .IMM >•> th it it riclcpnek«?tfl worn nt work on tha oatn in the (Vntral de]>nt !n HoehfNter, Frulay.— Two gentlemen wor« lunorn-ono of $10 the other of $M0. Tho oprtutors wcro not dt\ trct.d. A e^ontlein.'ifi Imr^lar f« nt w<»rk upon a *afo lock in Uoehentcr, h>r tho picking of whhh ho i* promised f2,000. Tho ftiukor Miiyn it rttn*t he picked. TriiHy the (»entral pny oar rnn from 9yr.i-^v to Albany, M7 inile^, in four hourn, in- eludine; H ten minutei*' Htop in Utit.'a to ermirre rn«'inof» f ami n Mc^i of oi^rht m*n at I jit tie Kul IH. Tho dintunro hottvron Lit- tle KalU and St. Joluittvillo, 1) o-4 miloH WUH made in MCVCII Tiiijiutcs. FonghkoO]».-*io diRpatehoR Bfato that most KorioiiH rcHultrt are followine; tin* labor panic in DutchfHH ootinty. The brick makers huvc nil been disehiir^ed, earpcnterM* bu^mc-sH j s atfttctaml Htill t i\Tid many men are dinehnrfred HOIUO of the factories tiro^ on three- quartera timo. About ton hand* aro employed at the print works at Wuppin- ^cr>, Kittle KUIIH, Uoidio>tor, PloaHant V r al illi.uiM, Why, men. should it riot ho 11* d j 1# y N i;W i lUrf r nnd HaverHtraw, all «.f whom lie it< : . \ ii»i< 1 Till \ I MtlNT OT C.\N« it w n 11 TIIK KMIK MILLINF.UY! and Dri-is Miiltiag;! Mrs. S. J/^HITNEY, llaH ju*t rceeive*l ami i^ oonHtaUt 1 y rrrcivitiix direct from Nt-w York, tho inont elubonUe nto k of ivir OIJIT* <1 to ll.o citi/ciis <if C.nv. rnrur. Her ' » Luces, ltihhnns nnd IVafliors, lnvelirrn select, d "with o;reat care and in view of th) wantM of her many riirdomcra. Her IU>\\I:TS AM> IIAT£ rro of the latent styles and ns < heap UH tlie narkct can ailord. ^ | „,,,{, r * ^j,,,,, ( | j r . Ma pmiana and Dr. Any nnd all wisldnjr anything in tier line p,,^), t j,,, d»tin-ui-b<-d author, in ^M-akin^ vill consult their intercuts hy eivin ; r Mrn. j nf ilitit \ tHi . H> * xy> ^'\ know by a life'* timo Whitney 11 entl lit No. 12 Main St., over I>niper*H 11 aid wan! store. ~*J With many th:m1c£ f<vr past very lllvrral patrona«rc nn<l hoping to mer'k a roiitinuantr uf the SHUH; by tVjr ilnjin^ with one an<l nil, we are, most KTLLMER A JEPSON. There 1* p T > b d . ] y no nip form of diseano extant to lb«- pn-.-'iit day that haH r»aeiveil HO mu'di attention and he< 11 so nnsm cess- fully tnat.d by the uedieal fueulty an di«- •„.-,. s ot a can.a-r.ius iharo-tcr, and why is it : Siini^v, becau-e in* dual men have M1- l...dnl uiMiu 1 'le er a^ 1:11 ificurahh wav v « poll dl^ e t -e is o\11! pate. 11 by the k 11 lb the only mi ;iu» of r« b« i th. \ could oib r, nnd anions all op. r<t IMH perfoiim d tho mo-vt deleter- ion^ and fatal. This wo usii rt f not only fri'iin our own rxperiem-o and ob-ei vations, e\t- ndin^r ovi r a wide t'u Id <d praciice, but from ljo- hi.:he-Mnt autlior. J >r. Ah x ' a nth r Dry Goods for the People! AX o f uisCMHCM, r* «y , expeiicm- that tlm method of e\l injr earner with the kuifo i** Hot attended with I have found JOHN W. PRAZEE. Attorney nt I a i n n n < l N o i e l l o r of PATENTS AND CLAIMS. 1 j Mi. .CMS, but on the contrary, 1 ih it it acrjrravates the complaint. We miL'ht refer to many other dinting tfPI-.riAhTV op 1WIF.NT (AMIS. S e mi; 1 ui-hed Hnr;reoiiH to corroborate the HI*OV«» -.tateinent. hot thi.-* w e do not. eoTi^id.-r nec- isv.rv. We think we have HU1!I. h-nt 11 u- ! thoriM to siti>ty any unprejudiced person ^^^ ^ , ,7 T.r , . , ,x ^ l that e'mcer c.uin-d be cured i»y t n o u s o of ()FFirr:,f)OOTtliSt., Waslim^ton, l). C. | ; h ' ( k ? i | } > M „,. DM L»:A< u. Refers by permi-ision to lion 1 lenry DCobke, o; p, Watertow n t N. Y* (loyeinor of the bist. of (,'olumhia. 'fv-uii '. eheek rvHiionatdo rnterptiiie and activity; %'B otlh O Mrptild IH> two-fol/1, yet limited. I* would Hiipply Hrnt a nnfo de|HKsit f«»r tho enruinjrH of tho people, and a No iiervo UA fi regulator, to control undue OTClament in the money market. Thin i* no unt^in I pt< - jeet ; it i« nn longer nn experiment. Twelve yoant actual u*o in (iront Hritnin ha* estah- 'INIOM! ttM ftAsihility mid fiuece**. Postal Aaviugfi hankrt woro established in tlio l'nitt»<l Kingdom in tho year l^tJl, nnd can now count nearly t^o milHan4 and a half of depositor* »nd noarly m hundred million* ol depoMtU.** are thrown out hy tho eloping of tn© works of (• irnier Si Co. Several barn* wero hnrncd in Syra.ns • Monday nic;ht. I.OM alsmt f *,<()(>. Flour de<dined 25 ivnt* a barrel, in Tlo- < hester, on all grud^n, lu*t week. Bin it h TTorton, of Forttfhkerpire, hii% a rnspberry bti«h whieh Las given two erop.s thia Mnison. } T w o week*} fttfo a twiT ront^iinjr ft quintity of tiotida iMdonginK to John II. Seclmeh was stolen from the Lonp^ Inlund Savings Bank, Brooklyn. Saturday t ^eeliueh roccived a h t tor ankinp; if ho would pay J15,000 for tho return of tho bond*. The Huli-treasmcT at New York wiy« that tho application* for ailvor Tuewday wero rompurHtivcly fow- No unimutil amount ot •diver has be k eu ivooived at tho sulr-trengriry recently. Tho Boeh^ter Union nnnotmcen thi> di«- oovery that the treaaury of that city waft robbed during tho treasury ship of Ilarvey IV Langworthy, in 1B71, of f 10,000. The matter ia undor Uvettigutioii by tlie coun- cil. BOAR DM AN & CUTTING GOTJVEBljr.UR, IsT. ~5T., N , T>T:AT.IT.S IN' rdwarc, Iron, Steel, Nails, Glass,- Putty, House ftim- min^s, Tools of all Kinds, IIov/o's Scales, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, and nil lliin^M I»<1J»I>1» a to the Irn.lo. MANrrACTritKit^ ANT> r.r.AT.rr.n TN Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. STOVES OF Abb KTXDS. l in, PXEQT:ALLED STOCK OF FINE GOODS! AYe vvill not he surpassed in Style, Wo will not be undersold in Price, We are determined to Please everybody, WOOD k RUTHERFORD, # * MoALLABTER BLOCK, MAIN STREET, New Dress (looclfi, New TrimnnTig« f Now Ril>bnn^ Nrw T^aooa, m New Shawl*, New Boulevard Skirts, New Clothft, New CjtffcimoreB, New Watierproof Cloakin/r, AI FO, i Hals, Caps, Groceries, Crockery, Ghiia aifl Glass Ware, Also mnnafacturcrH of the Wi'lcrl v*: f'nwtcll PATJMILE F^-IsT, Theftnlrnrlk-lo that milk HIIOUM bo Rot in «o nii-o WJI«. r.y it* n«-m.-.w rrwm IH Ht-rured f..f tho •wni.on, »II<1 it in. IVUM* \U: II« I I " 1 - "I <'" '!•"'>• ,) " "' , l , : , u , " M<; them JUXI viiiiuiK iuto tl,«ir nivttU. Caxul.i, uu.l \<ui:* nu-.x, .1 Jut- ^"J M con.i.nn.i.u- tioua I'lymi'tly utUudcd to. . ' / At prices to suit tlie times and scarcity of money. ^ ( Wc wcro never an 11 (1 never will l>c undersold. WOOD & RUTBlEfORD, v* •• «*

Transcript of Tlii Go pare ill r Herald l; MM...

Page 1: Tlii Go pare ill r Herald l; MM N^llGG! · •thrti tho brrnking out of th* grr;%t puiiio In t\tPt^ IJ|en to r€.rt»oref



Tlii Go p a r e ill r Herald m • T * • •

TIlTTnUDAY, OCT >NKU lio, n o .

r « b l U l t # r Kvcry T l i n M »jr a t «:«»u*t>r

• # • • * , * t , l . « w n * t i r « * <«t . ^1 V .

O f f t r S *W O N I I r m o i t r n i » K * nine it,

C o r n e r Mni t t u m l I* »rk H i n v l i ,

• . 0 HEY*0?.!>H, r dllof mid PuHIUkcr.

1 W H H t»f RtiW^ rtitt lon, #1 V I In AdVutirr

1 I I • T N K l t O M r M T l i l * l <


mm i ii •• i • **w

f i l t e r frmt% l V * * l t l n j ; f i m . '

WAHillN'nTON. U 0 .

WmlifMl^y I"'.*". Oct?'J f lH7i.


Tfttt T A I . « T I V T U Y . - Tli* ]>rln« l(*1 topic

..f r.-uivrriifiiiott tO-diiy In th« vMti i ty of »|io

Trniunry l>ei»«rtmi»ht and f»n Fifteenth

•triot (our WHII *trc«t) U tho «|w< h of ex-

Merrttuiy H«'utwell *t Now Vork, hint night

cm th* mihject of ••Kiniui«*»ml thn Pan ic"

\"vvr +* 1P%

no notion of "jumping out of tiro frying jr ii into th©ilr\\M

The Rtpnbllnnn ptrfy In mado np of dif­

ferent mntrrlal from that mmpohtng tho

opponition. Th#y iro^)rogreMniv<5 men, nnd

thv p«rty thai clrcili their support inii*t bo

t% jiro(/rvM*iv«»*j»:irty. Whenver i!•»* 4Kc[mh-

rmi p«rly nettle* into a "rut," KH tlio I >i>tno-

craey IIUR <lnnr, it will find itnelf abandoned

hy the proj;ien»ivo limn of tho fountry. To

Tlio third trmt of Mwrin! H

BtokM for tha nmitlor of .IiufiM

KUk"f Jr , f liKi Iwftnn, l»ut but it. in

Iifi|HMmtlilo to ti II when how or whir 0

It will nii.t. T h e ull\ ir from t. IM-

h e ^ t m i n g to thn j»nwuf l ime IIJIH

lutiti A diiifjriMiil to tlm Ampricftn

pcopla. T h o two Minn hiul heeti

fri<Mi<Uf hut Htoke* ow<«l far m o m to

' Fink than KUk iliil to Stoke*. T h e

bold t intmiivuWitl lulvriituhr, then

In tk* Ywy <Uy of |>n>Nf>erity ami rev

tioWii, found in tlm dimioluU* WKI

linpovornlnxl man an ntfrnmblo eom-

HHlUxi. O u t of ffh*i litttttfO It

Si #oolfl iceni, ho em*ttr*g«*<1f and attUttd him; mwtlcd'td Wm 1>to pl*M and |itifpOAMt Hnd introduced

him to tho woman whom hi < Jlnokrd

U|ipofi M tho modi* of fierteetion

If tharo can ho NII< h a (hm^m* hon­

or wlK»m audi a woiuun \* COII-

MiriHMl, 8t4»krn won hound hy cwv.ry

honoriihlo iiihtinrt Jo nlVuin fn»m

lyttufurin^ with th< rt-hif'ons whir.h

oiiiit^l lM»twrm hin fririMrn miHtrrHH.

Hut ho ulniRm tho oonthlrnro plrwod

in him, ntid < n^a^ing in no ititiorii>tir

whmh hrtruvtt »it oiirr tlm lo<mrnrHH

of hin MiorulH find I ho inrunnoR* of

hii rlmrnrlor. A hitfor frn^l ^»runfr

tip; Kink i \ r r l n l nil hit} powrr to

rrunh Htokr*, nnd Stokm, uidrd hy

hin ji^riimotir, Htruimd rvtTy nrrvo

to aiinoy and r-nilmrnuw Fink. ThaM

Kink ovur intondod to tnko tin* HIV

of Htok^«f thrro l i nol^ tho smulloNt

FOMon t o niippoiif i; l int Sfokr>Hf w h o

III t h o r o v o i n r ot h r n v o f i f iay l inVn

t h o u g h t h o d i d , find go ho k i l l e d h i m

If wo may Indiovo unimjmnrhiihlo

ovidono, tlitft ki l l ing wan drliKruto

mnd withr>nt RidlUiont prov(K%jition

It Ii prov<H| ihut. Stokr* wayhiid hin

rnoiiiy on tha Htuirway of a liotrl,

nnd wlthotit oxrhangin^ a wor<l,

foody J io t him down mid tIM ii at

t r l i l p t o d t o r w ' i i p o . II in TH»f ]>roVi»«l

that Kink, drow u ]»isl«d, or ovrn

Inula writpoh «»t*;%li I ;iid HIMHII him

In nhortt it thrm \n Hny Aiirh Ihiti^

M nimplof unailultoriitrd mtidor thin

wan % plum rnno of it.

IffMl RfokoB hmn a poor liinh

^ man who ha<l k i lhd a comnido in a

drtinkriti row, tho pttfh to tlm gn\

lown would havn IMm outdo nhort

and oany. l»oin^ nn rlrj*nnt and

f a i i r i n i t t i u g gf*1it I o n i a n o f h i ; ;h hoi inl

ntanding and intlttontiid n lativonjio

lion m a n a ^ s l tlmw far to dod^o tho

doom which ho no riohly moritR

Hkillful hiwyofH and pliant jiid^OH

havo united to lotigthru <»ut hm pro

hatlon through monthn and yearn,

until popular exritemont IIIIH died

away, anil popular Hympathy or, at

loant, indiHorottro, taken ittt plaoo.

N o w it in hojM'd, and with very

gfNHl rrnaon, too, that timo having

n d a t o d the* inofdutiof the t iw tho in

toronting eritninal iiuiy nlip through

i n I w<Mtpo. T h o impudent, hold

noM of tho dcfondciit'R conn Re I IH

idoaily oxemphtle<l in tho ohjoetion

urgtMl ng'iir^t tho jnrorn Hiitnmone<l.

Thtii wa« n<»f'that t.hoMo jurorn wen>

Ignorant, ineomprtout or prejudieed

lnoti, l»ut that tlioy "worn hankorN

aful hrokerrt, and thorefon*, eouhl

not and would not. do justice an

readily and rijditroiiMly an "moehan-

lea and othem !" And tho learned

Judge adjourned rouit until ho could

exam ne ?iuthi>ntiOK t<i RCO whi-thor

iMinkoVn and hrokera \vc»ro (if. fi> he

iurymon ! ^ ,

W o ahul l h o v n f )nii< It Mfipriftod

if i\w jtiry liiudly iMiijianrirlled dttt'H

n<»t h u n g in a veidiri. n<»t guilty ;

Ivnt mv h a d«»« i ,i«»n "will not. rlian<n*

pnhlte opinion a miigjo ahnfi-, not

wiH St. umieriallv increase tho con

t^tiipt with w liirh the administration

ol' judiriid ailiirR in Now Vork \u

rcgald« d throughout fhi-t rouutty

and KuropK*. If i» a lamontuhlo,

luit iiidinputahlo. ( V l thai, lifo and

pro]»oity are low Roeuro in the c«fcn

inereial ini-trMpolia of tho first n*

puhljo in llo* woild than in any

other city in Chriatendcun ; nor is

thorn, HI yet , any indication of re*

form in thiR diiec.tion.

yonsiNci nmr%Tcii TO taw iiitiAT.v*. N K W YnilK, (). t '10 Htok«V triul PH.I.MI

F o u n t guilty ««f nihii^liiti^titi r Ut fontth

«t#nrf>o. HonU'nt-Ml to four y«Mir<* hurt I UIHU

«t Hlng Hintf.


W * In^rn ttin.1 MU«i Anfoinotto Hl**r)itnr, *f H iirUiigvlllo, ha.i M |»iiMiMi»ut jinuucy t«» Ku'om.

J»»Hn (1 Itmntih th#% j-»rU*'»lfnMrr, o*iiMl ol roii«uiiiptioii «>u Hitui'iity iii«*oi4iig u«iti I t iwl ln* mwlioM, on K\w tanoii i'nuitin rml t\m\t mn roiiio rWp r'mn< »•»««».

H««IHA1 J TihlrQ roturnml from Kump^ cm H«lur<l y.

Win, U . I#npliHfti. iiiporlnlikii«1^tit of thi» • i <U1 iU |lfvt«ion of tho Sow York OtMitntl r*Ur.*«'l «!(#»«! <lo». 'ill, ^M«i ^

l i «ry Il4iil^f f tint *\i t««'tivo in Uio (joo*h rUh OH* , l< ^ r i o u t ' y til*

All *grfH» that It w m * thoughtful n*Mrw», J H(O |> $tl i u <Mrf f<r w o u | , i tH f»4t»4l to it. It*

MIMI though *m\v . t i ^ g w * with^Mr. ILmt- j r i l u k a R f t , nUt%<1 W l ( h m o n w h o w i l | | | o t (%OI|.

w r l l l n ^ o n o of hU virir* it U ff^^'Hy j H,.tit to any h.ilt.

nrin^t<lM h i . U-t nikhfn ipr#.r!, in nmnn;r 0 l i r r r m l l t Con^rrsii U Urg.-ly »"u«1n np

th<ia}a>«t pnnlunttotin thnt !MY» ttpp*nr<A j ufcHf»puhlic*nn«f mid it in in th« powor of

•thrti tho brrnking out of th* grr;%t puiiio In t\tPt^ I J | e n t o r€.rt»oref or, porhnp» I nhouM

/ T h * W r n l i n n * f n n ! f r .

Thf/pxmniniition of IHrnm Smith W M con-

tiniiwl Kiiturdjiy nt Wutcrtown. Nothing

n**w wnn (>iii*tmi twyond- tho further nub*

ftAiitintion ol tho iuVii that thrrd wa« a

aceoini murdrrcr conr<THIMI in th« <•«•«*.

ThU «:onfiriiiiition arisen from thi» proof that

»it tlu? timo wlion tho cutter WI»H punning

ulonjF Martin Htrcot towar»l« l)ocrlick rroek

where thf nuinlrr wim comniitUnl, a man

w:n neowrunning ulonji tho railroad true k

towards tho ph»-« w |oro tho trtu-kn in tin*

enow <livrrj£»« •'acrosi* loth" to the road. That

K i i i : i t i i r . s N A M ; .


nY vrr tueof mvcr«l rx^r:itionn i 'Hict »>ut of tlm fcuprvmo Court of tlk«H:»IT «>t N-w \<nk 1<» r. v

iUrteti'd an«l «1« -!iv«*rvtlt afmiuM t!i« vmU uml chat . t«*1««, Und« nnd f*t»» mont* vf Kdward H. Mix. I l»i*,« aoindl *n«l tukDii aJI tho ri*bt,titl< ami int««n >t wlu.*li Hui.r^tt fon-Uut, Ikiul on th«' 2l»t t\*j or N o w m ' or, iHTf.or at miy tiifu" lhpn>aft<*rt ol, in, »tii4 t«i tin loliowin^ dtHt-nlrtd |.roiM*rty, winch I O i . ! l c \ p ' ^ r to Hftlu HH tin* l.iw <lir«••!***. on tin* I-tli u.«v ol l»w-


. | f v l i o u t w n l l m a k r n u+l J l n t l n r t i o n ^ U v -

Iwt-^ii r«Miumptlon of p<N in payment ntul

any, fitniti, tho (k>tiaieuoo#of thi*)|>uhlic% and

it U ciiually in thojr po^ror, by creating or

•UNtniuing 0 rod it MO1U1>«TH And b irk-pay

#qu»lfrntinii of tlm cv>mtnonui%l vuluo of« tueMourM, #o uttorljr and forovor dtwtroy

imp* f ourronry with o«»in.w l l o d«o» not I that confident**. 'HUT-* ii no vvidenev th it

roifiird rnnnmptlot^ M oithif prncticutile or thuy.will itohljr porform%tlioir duty , to their

(liHilrntiU. Th*i didttm tion which ho make* | party and thy<r country.

<einU»r, !M7:i, nt .U.u< •« Ii Vtm Bur. u'* II«*t 1. in ili.> v ia ?«« of < ft»nv« i iu t i r , ut la oYlot'k in tli. |"« r IKMMI, to w i t ; Al l th'«t tno'i or |»t«rr«-l of I »M(1 HitUiitf in th<> tomi io t l!. |\v.u<h, in N*i'| ( o ' m t y o t Sf. Law-r»'n«^», an«t lM>tri part of l ,o ' No. 7, uu<l IMHIM-II 1 KM IOUOWM, v i / : Hr^.nii inv MI th«* lovin IMM* l ^ t w . . n K'lwurl* .iml Kt»w!»*r, at tli*< KouMi-u««*l M i - i n c f »».«i'l l >* N o 7, ami running il».-ti«-i Hnuiii Hh "- K,iv U lil-100 rh tins to it -t:iU«- ami Hton« *t tti<>uoi' N. I °

, Kt4t, HI fi? |IMI fh:it*iH *u A nirm r nj«.u ;i MM k , aftt*r th*; cutter priMcl the point whereUICHO. ttiriuM* N. .1; © Went .11 l.i imiri-mreuM;. HOI «O-*.I

i • • i *I i *»,,.. . «,„»., o,.«-»M r»»*« I li»a*. Ihi-nff al«»n^ *.u*l line South !•>. Wi-^l I) Id-lO-l I r , , s r s,, .i..-,a r. u l ( (

tracks jotnet the road there wcro thrco mon I ot,,,,^ t n t i . rj „. ..r t, ,.„;„i,,^.,.. t n,,.,^:i^ it -H>O ' i1H U m ' , k f t ' , H , n

A"r«>n of I«TI«! h»» t ii*; H:»IBC mcr«'or U* ». AUfi -Jl fh-it ••• rt.iin other !•»«••• • <<t i oi I •-1 * * i i**- u\

• a i d town <»f K d w t r l s UTKI Unm<!<"! HA f o l l o w s v i -; t . « *.• » I ^''Kinnthif H ' H I C S m e l l rornvr of th< A)H»V«'tli w-nl->-«l

It U proven thnt nmltri wnn away from & Mfl4| , , ^ , , 1 , ^ thor.w Komh H;O i:;u.t Up.„, u M

S58C!!ll MM N llGG! I!r,:, Dr. Loach.

The n l . l n t . ! 1' TO o ! li«.i li .•»!« r^ V





> •* |M i n ,

i n in \y

Nn. :»•: \rs-n.i :>•.

ii,» i.i . u t t . . t i i i^ * ; ; m t*i t v . i i t ! » t » i:.»,

» fr«.'in I t«> o p. ri , :* u11 1 i VH

• i

in the cutter,

b e m but one.

ftito prf\oUHly thcro had « :»li • !»n-lj 1^1

r i - i ir'M" ( triM IN

I*I -.* u !'. h ^riMt

Utw»on rooumptiou uiid «Kiu.ilU.ttUm doca

hot • tnko mo-it pornon* u* of any con*»ider-

ahlo Importance. I f our pap«'r urna'hronicltt

up to an CCJUMI Taluo with toin wo would

oortalnly h«ra Tlrtual T«umi»tlon. V*ry

few |>or4on<i would cam whether our hankw

and tha Tfenimry a<tually nHlt^mcd their

ohli|(iaiona in iipwcto, If gfwiti-tiueka and

national bank note* iftra aa goodjan jp>ld no

Cna would cart* whothor they wora paid fo

paper or in ooln. Mr. Boittwril'i diatim t o n

• a tort o l a wVUnoiWw jrlihO^t ndifT#trancw.

M r IkHHwalYjwOtti i to daai \*j<Jk what

ha oonetivo» to hatra ¥aon, thn oaulMa of tho

ale panic | l f o ronteudn that it U^lnipnaoiWo

In any w h e t V r tho ocvcii hundred in ill ion 4

of paper motioy ia in oiecaa ot tho rcqufro-

tOanta of buaition* or not. Whilo oonio de-

nmiid oontra^itioti othera elnmor ft»r an e i -

punaion of tho Yolumo of ;tho eurrency, and

whilo ati wi(U ly dMF"rciit and |HmtiT0 opin­

ion* aro hold by men of r<»tiM<h rahle finan

eittl itolity ha dona not doom it WJJ«I. to tarn-

per with tlm m itt«r. flero Mr. HoutAell ia

rarUtn lA right, though ho \n opTHim»d hy

rttrciuiHtrt of ln>tli kiu<U.

Bpoclo paymotita worn outponded, aayt

Mr Itoutwoll, In oonae<jurneo of tho depro-

riiAtlfiu of jrovernmont crrdlL. I'liia pro-

|w>aitlon wn^ta with univornal apvuit, hut it

U ohjaato<l thnt ho dooa not inako i loar the

rcanoliM for th* dopveetntiona of irovernm^nt

< riHllt. ffo atatoa th»t nn^ of tho cirettm-

pitanet»a whirh ha* contributed to tho present

eoridltiofi of thing* ia tho cicoaa of tho Vol

umo of paper otirrotioy on>r tho a< tual

waiita of tho country. If he in rii^ht in thin

there tdmuM t»o no he»llatiey alaiut th«'

adnpth n <>f a policy of coittmotion, but thia

ho doo* not favor. Hero ho icctna to IH«

norncwhat illogioiil. Hut wo havo not yet

roceived a full report of hU a|K»ci h( and hi*

friend* aro hoping thnt wo will find thi*

|Nilnt fully e*plftiii«d when Wv have

received tho full t c t t .

COIN ti:ur tclTRUH CAPTrnrn.— -Fir ROTcral nwuith* past tho Trcaaury Depart-

mrut IIK* boon in receipt of coinpUiuta from

the i itiiana of 'tVnneaac« and Kontu« ky

atatih^ that Urgo gang* of coniitorfcitcrji

w r o at work in that noetioa. Tht»ao com­

plain ta wcro ao often repeated that tho

Hocftitnry finally detorminoil to t«lfo atrpa

to break up their operation*. Tho in fin age-

incut of tho aiTnir waa committed to Coloucl

Whitclny, Chief of tho United*State* Seen t

Serrioo Uorpa.J^ Ho and] Attorney General

WMMtVit featured their plana, nnd oxt^naifo

preparations wcro made to capture the crirn-

InaH. Mom her* of tho nee ret aorrice visited

the looalttiea infeoted by tKoao men, and,

gaining their confidence, obtained informa­

tion of their haunt* and hahib*. Tho coun­

terfeiter* were divided into ganga of nix or

eight, HII co-operating with oaeh other and

in cl« ao communication. On thi* account

it waa deemed toat to move upon the g n '»

in both Statca at tho wimo timo. Accordii g

ly two expedition* were «irgani/»Hlv one

under (!apiain Evan*, United State* mar-

hhal at Knoxvi l le , numWring twenty-five

mountod men, well armedJand provided with

five day*' ration*, and another conafating of

twenty-four mounted men, aimilarly equip­

ped, and commanded by (Jolonol Uohort M.

I>ougla»*v 1'iiiUnl State* marahal for the

western district of North Carolina. Tho

party under Captain Kvana marched from

Rnoxvi l l* hmt Kiiuday, and y,u dod by

momlwra of tho aocret tcrvico who were fa­

miliar with tho country succeeded in appre­

hend in vf about s ixty of the counterfeiters.

Among them arc men in every station in

lifo,- lawyers, doctors,*, juaticoa

of the peace, and even United States deputy

marahal*. »

T h e F o a l Office R a v i n g * flnnlc*


rosiM\aniCH ( J K N K H A I , UHKHWKI.I , AT


Oi TdiiKit 17, 1HT;I.

Whilat t would not indiscreetly trench

upon the domakii*oftaii«»tt|er l)opartuu*ntf or

in any way interfere with financial or bulk­

ing op»"Vations of the country, I y% t ladieve

that thogovoriimont, through the itittruincn- < f tho I>cpnrtTi|ciit committed to my

care, can provide a machinery Mrnple, safe,

practical nnd thoroughly consonant to our

institution*, whereby the great laboring

mnsacs of the oountry will luivo the jfruit <d

their toil protected from lawlefi* s|HM!ulation

and guardod with almoluto security. I have

rt*commcn<led for two year* past, and Mill

rmominctid, the CMtnhlishtitciit. of p«»*t otlicc

saving hauk-i. Hy this simple} ph.n every'

aiiiUhln po*t office cmild bo uaed to rcc<i\-c

Another clrcumsf anco that has had much

to do with financial trouble* has been tho

fact thst tho balance of trade has unti l qu i te

r^cnntly been against us. This is, ofoourso,

an argument in favor of •% protectivo taril!" ;

and, of eonr*e, tho no wtioan throrie* favor

freotrado srgii'>'that it is full of fallacies. I

*hnll not undertake to ex amino tho argu

fiicnta pro and con, for ha* n»t volume upon

volume been written II|HUI thi* vory <(UCH-

ttnn without bringing us any nearer to

Hgrecmcntr* ,

Another cause etf (iff monetary trr»ub1es

Mr Itoutwoll finds to l»o oxtcnaivo phyniewl

dtiiaMtars, yuch as tlie loas of tho cotton crop

for five yours of war, tho immense consump­

tion of food, munition* of war, etc., hy a

largo nrmy of mrn, tho withdrawal of men

from productive (nduHtry, the terrible fire-i

in Chicago, I to* ton, and elsewhere.

Another fact a h u h he takes into account

in tho largo speculations in gold in Wall

Ntrocf, Iti grain in Chicago, and such like

illegitimate transaction*.

To remedy tho evil* ho find* to cxint he

mggOftta m«*»urc* thst will maintain the

"balance of trado" in our favor, (that in, of

course, a protoctiya policy), subsidies to

American cariying-vcawl* and to American

nhip builder* ; he condemn* tho taking of

deponits on which interest i* paid. He

favors a reduction in the tiuval department

and would encourageJ the immigration of

la!>orlng people from !!t:ropo.

There seem* to bo ofiO objection to Mr

Ihintweir* arguments, to wit : that tho con­

nection IN laid. It is nom^what difficult to

follow his lino of thought. There exist*

Home doubt ns to * bother Iff has Improved

his imputation a* an economic , Hu« h di*

tlnetion Is not allowed him at all by a great

niHiiy persons, and few will claim for him

any great eminence as a financier. Hi*

worus will l»o read with great intercut t»c-

rsuno j»f the fa<»t that he was so recently at

tho head of the finaneo dopar'ment of our

K erernmiuit, whit h po*itiou he gave up to

followed hy a gentleman who is to aomo

extent a mere disciple of his. Whet bar lie

hn* added anything to the stock of ideas

heretofore possestcd hy the people ft* doubt­

ful, but ho lias done good by wetting the

|*eople to thinking ntiout *u< h things.

Arc FrTINO TtfV. tlKArf.TH.— The cOolnesa

with whMh tho Republican* here receive tho

new* of lis) rwtult* of the recent election* i*

totnewhal remarkable, Ahhottgh the Ua

>y*t>Heiut p i t t j >rsm vtttn««lly <l fv«Af 4l in

Olito, ario! tlie Republican majorities were

largely reduced in lYnnnylvania and Iowa,

there seems to l»e no sort of concern msni-

f«»sted among R< oftbUW in thi*

city. Thi* can only l»e nceounhd foV on

the auppoMition that sueli result* wrro not

iltogothor unex|iected. Wo have let tidied

t<* anticipate sm*ll in »j >i ttt* * on 4'otl vaar*/*

A n d l i o n t h e effact of t h o C r e d i t a l o l u t i r r

S e a n d i l a n d t h e hack p a y g r u b w a * o x p c c t r d

to he a g a i t m t u*. T l o o i ^ h 11M* r c a o l u t i o n t

of p m t y c o n v e n t i o n * . R e p u b l i c a n arul

iKunoCra t l c , w e r e e q u a l l y c^ iudenmat to /y of

the-M* a n d a l l o t h e r c o r r u p t i « u i * J i t i* n o w

p r o v e n iM^yotid a d o u b t t h a t t h o p e o p l e c o m

|N»aing t ho Rcpuh l i* an p a r t y w> r e m«»re in

A!«rue*«t t h a n t h e i r I h -mocr . i t i c f r i end* w h e n

t h e y a d o p t e d r e s o l u t i o n * Mt tgmat i / . i ng s u c h

meaNi i res a* i n f s n t o u * N o senKildo mat i

In l i e v i d t h o U c | u i h l i c a n p a r t y m o r e r t a p o n *

• i h l e t h a n t h o X>cmocralic p a r t y for thene

M S n d a l o t i i mea#Tire*, h u t t h e R e p u b l i c a n

v o t e r * i n d i c a t e d hy s t s y i n g s w a y f rom t h e

po l l* t h a t t h e y w c r o in s o l e m n e a r n e a t w h e n

t h e y sa id In co l ivo l i t i on t h n t t h e y v e n <

o|>p<twe<l to corruption in nil ita fdrm*. Ilut

the l)eiuoe|a< y did not sutler from such


The election* have taught our party

umn ufern % W stm whuh they cannot e*«nly

forget; tli'il tho*c mcmlicra of Congrcsji who

were connected with the tVedit Mobilier

h %ve lax*n conslgninl to inf \my, and that

thoie Who supported the ba< kjmy biR have

I w i i consigned to private life. I> U quite

certain they h.tvo nothing t<> hopa fur from

iho Republican party. They m\iko a laud

we cannot carry,

It w s s n o t that any of tho Ilcpuhlhym I Co!<»ncl Pfanlcy forwards from T>:ikoto

force 4 went over to I ho (huinerutio c«|tnp. : the official rcjK>rt of tho Yolbwstono fi^ht

It wu* that they sUid at home. 1 hey*hud ] with tho lnJians ,

% 1-J East upon th. 1 t lin*a'i2 r|| pto ehahiH to mi *«h treu eo«-iierMl; tli«*nce N i r t h Mi 1-2 WV-t, 3i> elialus, 10 link-*; tl SMIH. K<o.tli .11 l-J W . - t , I c h a i r , 5 Unit*, to the N<rrh.*\iM» r»>ra«-r ol t!,e Win-» tot ; thence up<tn th • lirn- o! HIV'.\ lo* to t i M

I placi. 4tf l»wiiiuiit^. tlit* who|»« W.-«.» )oi • IM iri»? lj 7H-P-0 J huii»% if-of IOIIIII* m i l huiKlr««i m r» « .»f ,mM hy A i h n Wriyh*'rt hur^'oy, h • th«« nnut »;»• i or

hy ilttnl h<arinf tta*«* <»n or about tin- 2i.<i thiy. i t Auiruat, IsVl, M0*1 thi* HHTII" pn TMIWH eonv* v» l to *h«* naid K' K M i x . by II^MI fr<»ni Henry O. Mix au.l wife, he ihnrr «1 :*,t•• Antra*? :'uth. IH72.

W I M J A M II. WAT.IJVfl . T>at**<l OrfohcT 2.1, IHT'I.'IO! KJoTifT.

i „ i n u i /Yfl A\im M;-»K I%f J , . i t t i ikrv t h o di tv t h e H o ,* fh line ol *<%MI l-*»r N«». 7 ; .11 f*-)i») ehuini to tha homo on the s ix .n o i^unuary, tne uay mo ( K M I U I . ^ ^ ,^ lt l(.r<(f +.mi l »t No 7, th^nee North murder was 0. imioittcd ; hi* nbscneo ia ex* plained by hia statement that he was having

his out* ground. It is el*o proven that on tho twenty second of December ho was at

Copenhagen and H.»W Sutlu i-lnnd.* That on .1 A * t . *\ i l\ \ m Q . . » ) . a » - 1 n Y . , 1 ' l***^ ^ ' I ' t h e l l l | f t i l ' * * l ir i»* pr*>ni lH<« r . i h V M i ! (•»

the twenty-fourth of December Sutherland j , W y ( ) ^ hy r%uJ , , l i n p h f ! i r .kn;, Hi|<1

wrote a letter to Wgnham stating that ho

wanted to sen the latter Min tho worht w a y /

That one U It. Brown saw three men to*

gether in Carthrgo on th© ^ixth of January,

one of whom was Wonham, one wa* Suther­

land and tho third, as near as ho -can recol­

lect, was liko tho prisoner. That seems

to bo tho whole of tho cane thus far, unless

it be the statement of Smith, made to ono of

116 wUtnoMac*, that he was a fitst friend of

Su thor laud's and tho following bit of totti-

} mofiy given by Jacob Vroimln, a cousin of

tho mrm who employed Smith. W o m a n


I hud a talk with Smith soon after tho dis­

covery of tho body of tho murdered man;

ean*t givo the day ; wO Wore talking about

tho murder; I told him I thought thcro was

more than ono ongaged in i t ; ho said ho

thought so too ; ho thought ho knew who tho third man was, but ho would givo no 1 u . , , , , t * ^

* " I rw-iit uiioei Heal, in a plain eiivi.lQpo, to nny n.l-utimca ; he was there frequently after that j *!r,,*»i IHMI-I ai<l, <>n v. e. ip« «»i nix ceu0* or two jio*t

I Htsinjih. A»! In-"» the 1'ul IISJH-T-X, C H A S . J . C . KLIVK A TO.,

1:7 Howevy, New Yiok.r- <» Itox, 4:»S«.

T J r t f V v T (ir*><i*e<t We. klv Ncwj«papir of the X W V J T X i <ire-»t W»*Ht F i l twn th year A<l-vertiae in it. ^ / T f l T T V t m A T > T <0 column*.

H^fimen eopv to W M . N. HYKHS, I v T t r T X r ^ 1

liaMvamCoiJiaAiMi. (:v»j i M £ l V V i J .

Manhood* How Lost, How Restored. J u*t publiritiiMl, a n e w eil it ion of I)n. ( V L V F I I W K I . I . ' N

, ('Xf-KMHAYKD KNH4V on Die roiferri/ cure (wi thout B^sUa^trj of Kpernt'ttorrlMHa or Semina l \V. aknetw.

an ! I^iysical Ineapa.-ity, ImtH-limom.. l o Mutruivcv, etc. : *IMI, OuiiMiiuption, KpihpMy ;iU(l 1 i t s , in.luotil hy s.-lf-iiulal^enro or Hexual f x t r a v a ^ a m e.

aVifPiie.- in a H«MI:-«1 enveh>pH only MX ei-nf*. The celei i . i fe .1 uc thor , in t h l i a'hiiira'iie «*ssiyf

clearly <hiaoiixt ratea l io in a th ir ty yearn' HUir.'.-Mln) priu'fic*', that th" ahirmiiia; I'.HIH.IJIO TM »M <»t H«1(~ ahiiae m i y he ratbeally cure J wi thout the <!arty<'mrfw U«» of intern »1 m e l i e i l i e or the appl ieat ion of The iMifo ; poiuiiitK out a triodc oi < nr»- at oni-e Hiutph•, e« rtajii, uii \ * t f e t t i a l . hy I I I M I M of v/tih'h .vii->- :»ul f« r«r, tn» iaatt«r w h a t hin ro*i<lition may be t may cur* hiiii4.»Jt cheaply , ) > n v a t l y un 1 ru l i cmly .

f / ^ T h i * lecture xhoiiM he in the 1: uel* of i:very yo<uli awl i'V. rv m a n m the laml.

evening; a week or two after tho flrat con­

versation we had another on that subject; S aa begot up to go homo, ho said: M don't

know but they will arroat mc."

HIM! I>cnth o f A Mdti o n t h o R a l l r o n f l .

When tho Northwest Atlantic 1'tpreys,

reached tho \ i l lago of Hi rkinter Saturday

night, argent lorn in who was standing by

tho oars noticed blood trickling down from

ono of the ••slecpera.** l jo called tho atten­

tion o j train oflki IIM to tho fact, and they

sent a man on top of tho car to discover

what was tho mutter. Jfn found the dead

body of a man stretched out, face down­

ward on the car, bleedin*/ profusely. A rope

was phci d around his nCek, ho was placed

on a ( l i n k and gently slid from tlie ear.

(Joroacr Hatchellor immcdiati ly took charge

of tho remains ami had Hera placed iu the

baggage room of the atation.

When that is stated nearly all that is

known of tho ease has liccn naid« No one

knows who ho is, and no one know* tho

mnnocr of hia death, in his pockets were

found three pocket hnndkcrchicfa, it silver

Kngl**«h lever open f:c*e watch, railroad

time, a check4oii a key hcarin/f «ho kblregs

.*J;uncs Fuller, tirCcn Bay, Wis.," a rant

printed with the iifurto of T. J. Si ianley; a

silver army badgo, bearing I ho monogram

t»f i crosHcd cannon and au< hor and iiiscri-

hed, *4J«-liti Malltuvim, I t 1'crgcant ('o. t \

°7!l% Mich. V. 11 A. t';" a pap< r cout:»iii!tii

tho inMrcoH **JiIlia Thoinaa, \t$r Lan in^T L ^ , ^ ^

street/ ' Hn one of tho handkerchiefs tin

name of I'M ward II. TelFt was tliuily legible.

Twenty-four cents cash, several two-cen». |

po/ stfimps R railroul ticket from I'tiri

to Hull 1) whk-h evident!)' h:*d never 1M-MI

used further we«4. than lio« heat* r, nnd



ToiiAXTTAfTritK rf.ofn wrniofT USING

The Smith Midlines Purillw. Fiijd, the fl/>nr made from middlinira

but tn M I M I ' V * . Mi. c i i i v , ;111 h u m r n l t h e lh.o»l a n I e r u p t i o n * ol t h e *kin , f iom » C ' . u r r r to a niiiiiiiiiii P i m p l e , S. ro fu l a , I'i v. r S».«re»«, I'l-atuI'lM, H i p I h«M'»i*r«i% I h iTa l i d S o r e T h r o a t , t ' a n k ' - r ,,f S t o m a ' \\ «»r Bowel* , N u r s i n g S o r e M o u t h , A e.

M r s . L. i ' i r r a i p i h p t i c fif1*, f i t h r r hi c b i i i l r e u o r o l u t t y , bvi-r « o rnp ! l i n t , |»a]pi ta-t io i ' oi llo- !i•••-.»• t. d r o j ^ v , LTIX*"! . i i : n ^ N ' ^ a n d al l di^i-fiM., f,t I !.e kidri i-va aiul Maddi r. S h e jii-vo r u n s i hroTi i" «liart !>':* •, a n d h I'-it-n i l c».T|M i«,rt, •.'•i-'tro ^ <t t \ v -Ih 1 l ie . k

i hc i im. i t .««.m. i illi- i ehi-.t t i i- o r inii-i j t iut ' i toi v a n d >hc wi l l m r r n<•und: : ia in t h r e e h o u i h ' t i m e , inl« rm-il « r iv '< / t ; i a l . S-he (.ores all K K M A Li-! !> !> : : A - ) ' / - f,..f h« re< n - u m - r a t e d - " A s t h m a , \?.-ak ai*d *-oro eye* , a n d u!l w o r m << IH j 1 .in 1 x h»-s.<e >* m a o v o, o- r »IIN-i . l M t tn.i ||II!!U HillS t o I l K ' i t i o n . M i s . J)r

Leui -h trcatM 1.11 d i s e a ^ H N% 1111 I ' l ' l i K L V

V K t H i r A L L K HKMKDIKS, Michits roots, ^UIIIH, h uvi Jf, bark* and babam. Her med­icines arc can In Hy prepared hy IH-WOI If.

Orn^rrcTTTon or C,rinse, Cwrv.n.

Caircer IH a disease that require*. Tiof only i |U •!<, a c t i v e r e ^ i c d i e s , b u t UIMI g o o d j m l g c -

ineiit in their ] fi p irat ion, and ^leat i ^peri* c u r e in t h e i r a p p l e a t i o i i a i . d u^e. ' D i e hrnt

ob je i t t o 1M^ o b t a i n e d b y o u r m e t h o d i d

t r e a t i n g t ' a n c e r IN to m a k e a p r o p e r e x a m i n ­a t i o n ot t h e e a s e ; i iM'ei ta iu c s n e i l l y an p o ^ i h b * t h e t r i m eh i r a c t e i , Hi/e, s h a p e a n d lu l l «. xti n t ol t h e dj>ea-e . ill MI t h e l e n g t h of t i m e it h a * e \ i ^ | i d , \ h e ag< , con^t it ut i m i . t h e

ver«stda t l i a t a r e l i a b l e t o b e i n v o ! v « d b y ita

•tiowth, tlie st r< Ii!_r111 oi the io i v »»IM po\v« rs «»f the bo»ly, .'ind l o w far the constitution jn p r c - d i s p o ^ . - d t o a c i m c i o u s viru**. 'I hi f«e

;ir> «<o!ne of I hi* i m p e l t au t po in t i to h e c o n -M h r. <i in • o uoieiedn;.c t h e t i e t m e n t of th in d i « e a ' e . lt'«»Ii « \ . i»u ill it i o n , t h e C;HI« p n -

-e i . th a fa\ e r .d . lo appea r .mc . - , o u r a t t e n t i o n i n d i t e ted to t h e »-i e p »i w* ion «»f th . . so n i i i -cdieh w h i ' b we kn >yv' II ' l a - t a d a p t e d t o


in <>ur liiiu. ic i» over, U>t grKKlg we lower. TTo Lavo everything new

Dry (ioodg, Notions, Triraming^ Xiihbom, lucm. a<*hM C*«i-men*, |^pell»nt., Dommikm, Hat* nnd C W lioote «ttd 8bo«' S f < ry ami CJ.oicc FamUy QrcwrieB. In * b l l 0 e • , O r 0 o k*

which ha \e l^eti trcatecl upon thehe ma­chines contai/iH nearly all of the gluten, and in therefore, much mop; healthful and nu-tritiouH, while at the name time it is whiter; t}n-tHequnfitly tho demand tor it ih constantly lilfrea>mrf; heme, iif order to retain his best cmtrtTrterH he muat furnish them with thia brand.

Second, tho Smith machine ia tho only one which ia warranted to make all of the Mid-'llin^N into a hi^h graiie of Hour, whieh ia worth more that produced by the lirwt. ^rind-i l l^ . ' t 'hiv u s e of a n y < th r p u r i t i c i i n v o l v e s tin* IM eessi t v of i n i k i i i . ; m o r e o r hh< l o w UttAIlK a n d t h o s a v i n g \v Inch is t h u s a lba t ed b r t h e u s e of m y iiiaedtine wi l l a M.II pviy t h e c o m p a r a t i v e l y HIUUII c J i t h r e t o e w h i e h e x i s t s in t h e p r i e e h e t w e « n it a n d inf< ri«»r ina-CIUUCM. F o r full i n f o r m a t i o n a d d r e s *

(;i:oHt;i; T. S M I T H , W Hrn Itox hi;.,. \V:i.-hinj:ton, P ('.

yv . A , P A U L , Cr.TXTOX STREF.T,

! Baker & Confectioner, M : \ U . U IM

Can nod Fruits, <v<


/ •

.if hia available prop»<r-riy. He i i a man ah »ut thirty yo UM of a v?

live feet nine inehra in hi'»htf would wcigli

about It'll pounda, won' a frcnhly dyed

moustache and goatee, black clothca, mid n

gold and ailver riti^ on tho littlo finger of

his left hand, Undet bin chin waa a pear

about three iiuhea long and a quarter of an

inch wide ; another Bear wag also found on

his breast, probably having1 been produced

by a bum.

It is probable that ho waa killed by ladng

atrui k i itlr»r by tho tunnel ut, Syraeuneor

at Moiue other low bridge on the line, while

atcaling a ride east. Ho appear** like a man

who had becu (df on ft aprcti until he exausttnl

fits I'UIHIH and waa gett ing u rido homo the

ehenp(.st he know how. Nobody knowa him,

but lua ftiiturea arc far from being disfigur­

ed by the blow ho received, ami identifica­

tion by u person who knew him would be

an caay matter,


• ho depoaita of the people and transmit thorn to the I)cP:utm..,,t at \VnHliinKto,,f ,„ j f n - ^ y po.^.t-hn.-k, .v. . . . , , , ! . , , ! tho r . m a i n . U

l e inveated under the direction of <lesignu-

ted oltha*ra in the tionda ofjtbc Fuited States.

Hy thia arrangement the ccurity of deposi-

t >ra would Im timed upon tho very founda­

tion atone* of tho republic. Nothing whorl

of political chiioa, overthrowing the govern­

ment, and the total destruction of all mor­

ality and honor among tha p*oplc\ could

jeopard th©lr intcrcat*, no that it may bo

*»aid that they would bo utaiolutcly^ PC« urc.

In titnc of panic tho people instead of | ^ a n l .

n f their mean* would place them on deposit

with the government, to l>o invented in

government loan* and th. n sent again into

circulation. Like water the currency thua

funiiKhcd wotild How to the point* of lown d

drprvaaion and tend to eofrc<d all derange­

ment of tho circulation, ltowevor eauao 1.

Thua the poopl^ would t>o wrvcsl t»y the

mean* placed at it* disposal, and the banka

ami the capital lata would lie ncrv«»d ra^eause

of the tendency to prevent tho hoarding of

the currency of the country.

"I am aware that thi* plan will meet with

the opposition of aome bank* and cnpitaliatp,

who would oonlpol th« people to depoait

with them upon their own term*, and thua

afford them the u*e of no much additional

capital; but let it lw> remcmlicred that I am

not apeaking in the (liferent of batiks or

capitalistn; I am apeaking for the people,

who are to he protected, and not in Kdinlf

of the tianka, many of whom havo recently

given a notable timtaucc of the manner in

which they can violate their promise to pay

Hut why ahoutd the bank* complain , In

ndlIMon to their ehurterrd |>rivi!cgea the

irovernnUnt hn* recently interpnaed again

in their laduilf. Hy the net <»f dune 8, tN?l>,

the bank* wcro authorised to dcpoaif, for

their ladter accunty, their United Statca

note* in the National Treasury, receiving

therefor certificate* of deposit wdiieh might-j

t»e counted a* part of their reserve, used for

clearing houwo purpoaca, and converted at

pleasure in the place where deposit* w e e

inailc. I'tidcr thin law the Tretaury of the

Fnited Htatc* hna tieen used n* a place of

safe deposit for the liank* to the extent of


with equal propriety, and to the same extent

for the MCcurity of the maase* of the people?

"There ia'nothing in the ohjictioit that

the establishment of postal banM would be

equivalent to the assumption w." banking

hutoncM* by the govornmenL The ^rate t»f

interest would be too low to justify any

BUeh complaint. It would not control t! s

active capital of tho country ; it would not

1*\ rrod up hv the dish, Tiivati* familjois

and parties furnished u i t h ice cream on

sht*: t notae . tiiv'e me a call.

W*. A. IVVCL, ( jou\e i ni'iir, N. \

t h e itioti o* tlie lunior- ri medies w diieh p not. o n l y m i l d in t h c r a c t i o n b u t

htitli-i« n t l y p o w e r f u l to ki l l t h e disease . ! Tti.iss, a n d eib W u d l \ e \ ! i i m i i i i t e t h e p r o

a r e I

p r o ­d u c i n g MiiiH!'. 1 u t i i , i ' i : i ; , f a cam e r w h e n it hii ,1 m ik« s i ts i i o - . e . t a n ' , b u t l i t t l e i n -t i r u d t r . t i i i o o t \t> so i - a t v , bu t ii i t h a s « x l s t c d t o r a n y h tc . - ih o | l i m e , ban b e c o m e l a r . ' e ar.d i n v o l v e ^ m a . h <d t h e g l a n d u l a r s t r u e i u r e a n d s u r r o u n d i n g l i^ - t i e , p r o p e r in­t e r n a l t real i lH nt is abso iu l* ly l ecp i i s i t e , i n 1 lor thche a d \ a m *d c.;s,-s o u r C m - < r S> r u p is of ?'rc at u l i ' . t v , inaso i i i ' h as it n e t s UM a s p t e i i i e in d i m i n i ^ . u n g t h e f a t t y a m i a l b u m * i n n s inaMcr ' ' .vhieli ia u - u d l y l o u n d t o be

1». i . . .> v . . . . j n t 1 l . c b i o - I I ) t 1

D tt F H* G O O » 8

We h / . .

nvw a ffroni TRri<.ty of new fabric*, in all the new colors and stjl,

N o t i o n a n d F a n c y Goods D e p a r t m e n t «• «»B^*fc

A full H V or Vac ftn*Rni,»nre 1 ^ ^ Uamon^ Edging, Ac, 1 nro cl.fa,> ftT.d Wn ! ,„,« ft pftP o f t h ( . n f K ^ e f C '

o or cxhibitiHl over n counter in Gouverneur, and we can cut and make

^ ^ S y * " " B t y h and ™° aml K,tter fita a^«7W h«'t us imprcai it firmly on yotir minds thnt if yon want any


For mrn nr boya, this w the place t« bnv. For the past year or tw we liuvi- ]>aid a K<HH1 <l<-:il of atU'ntion to the Iteadv MJUIC Clothing trade and have MICCHMIWI in so largely incnasing onr'aahw in that branch of

.H in.'HH that we arc enabled to buy in lar^r quantities, buy cheap* ke«'p a better variety of styles. We have just received nearly

of >er and

T W O HUNDRED SUITS nn.l the prices arc away down. We will Fave yon money if TOli'wiB only

,„,,!>• in -x. ,.s... ti, i.i..., i, i_i....v..y i-r. -; C X ; i n i i I 1 ( . o u r ^iH.k |M.forc' clwwlierw. - — / vi nMier t h e t i l l t i e I" h i r m a t m n o l t h e e a n e « T - j a i i 4 i i ! C ' r ^ > " « « ^ * ^ * / o u a e , II, w h i c h w in r e , l i l y , t hn l i te of t h o A 11 t I H M I P W bt VI^H 11 A TH j t l s t n > C f | V(»<L il:>(>ne. 'I'iniM y o n wi l l per»-ei\ c o u r t r e a t -itii-nt i •, b-.t it hn d a n d « ():j^-t it u* i« »i* * I, a n d

L i e v i

w ly c m . »t |-.. d ou t

.• *» fi it. « a m ' r « nil ii* #t be J a I n a m l l t -

ui i l e^ this :re;itini ut IH » tle< tually


,e !c i • I,

UT: TI;I^ o r T)i:i,\v.

|^l . ' I T a - 4 . ! ! it i

n o ! ; ! o t < ' - i i

I . I t - l b it - . i

* u .<•!•':< -t,

. t l " ] " t ; :i* pe f .p l f b i ' | c i o ; i i » ! i « IM m '

. v 1 - n ! M t t I'. - •' • i t ! i l l . . * * *

t.t tho-

i f e flpl tn

!l e t r e a t -

f . t a l i c -

u l d t i e re -

a l d ! \* d \\ . t h tb lh

d i a ,mi. • I «• p v J'l i« '. V «'l

w h e n a t ma- <r tn il« •» it •-* p . ' \ l b " :u tlie b- . a-t

ti» - a . J i' i t

. i h • i \ ; . -'• i i . V .. i •

ih lay t * -

il s ' . o u t . l IM> |.M k«'d

!i ]> II t!• ill il ! \ l\ it

J Vo.«iH'l/

u p|r. i r Mice

houhl be h

t l ' I


I a . ,

1 •'.• I I I

>yi a , , - ' t • ! , ; » » )>

of i ! s o

f:'--m a

: i

. I I ' M l ,

,;. h i . * . o v in i

t ii t 1 a -

n e b . , ), re!..] b. v .• , j | t j i ; , i ;" . !o V r a | h » w it

•I W i l l . ' N o l l i i M i T W'U'iX t?ie-f

• '1; in i.nv !»»-, u In ? b. r it j»ro bro'-e, injuT y, mi'k a

L U-.\\ :i t a n * e ,

cl t i m e . A * ai .1 b .i d n c * «

- 1! 1 -:: d u n t i l

f.»r itM


AIRO u podd ht<M-k HOOTB ant] BMoca. W o always keep a lull btot k o\

4 Choice Family Groceries.

T E A S are our particular specialty.

W e niean Lxusinesg^ sl iow a l l W e advertise^


A!fT) WrjLJ^ N O T B E T ^ r n E R # O l . D .

Juno It), i s : :h

!w.\'>s or | , r i . I I M / I I I . I M ^ O I t in bra 1 \ ,1 :aoie;h

> top!.- in ih.- ne ipnnt »!i:;i.i, ;:nd c n-'der-ed h . I I M I . A I V t h e t t a i i v ] « h y - i i i a i i t U i - *

rj ti t . t ly . ' - ui i.« a ^ - i : id O-.M t-u m o* a \* i y I in t b ' j na i i t I J I U M M 1 , M .Tiy b d i ' ^ on dc- j

t. . t i n ^ u t u m t i | iu th.- biea.*t w a y b i l l l i t t l e , , b , a : t i t . . -'» . i a i l \ it t i e y a r e not, a t n i l J I Ti l l V,

b l y t i r l t l o >• HI", othi-1 s 1 • i . l l i r i\ t h e l u b'T ye:iIH

t ' l H i i i i i n i i l t , : i . l ' t . i b ' ' l l i o l e r t y Mild oth.T.M

1'rmii tl e drc . ;d ol t h e Uni te , u n t i l t h e y a r e ah i i i . e t a t th< 1 i p ' d <!- \ < 1"J !»n n t, a n d

j r o d u f >, an I in m a n y j • u n - io ip »M^Iidc.

u ' e . I M M >•> th it it

riclcpnek«?tfl worn nt work on tha oatn in

the (Vntral de]>nt !n HoehfNter, Frulay.—

Two gentlemen wor« lunorn-ono of $10 the

other of $M0. Tho oprtutors wcro not dt \

trct .d.

A e^ontlein.'ifi Imr^lar f« nt w<»rk upon a

*afo lock in Uoehentcr, h>r tho picking of

w h h h ho i* promised f2,000. Tho ftiukor

Miiyn it rttn*t he picked.

TriiHy the (»entral pny oar rnn from 9yr.i-^v to Albany, M7 inile^, in four hourn, in-

eludine; H ten minutei*' Htop in Utit.'a to

ermirre rn«'inof»f ami n Mc^i of oi^rht m*n

at I jit tie Kul IH. Tho dintunro hottvron Lit­

tle KalU and St. Joluittvillo, 1) o-4 miloH WUH

made in MCVCII Tiiijiutcs.

FonghkoO]».-*io diRpatehoR Bfato that most

KorioiiH rcHultrt are followine; tin* labor panic

in DutchfHH ootinty. The brick makers huvc

nil been disehiir^ed, earpcnterM* bu^mc-sH j s

at ft tctaml Htillti\Tid many men are dinehnrfred

HOIUO of the factories tiro^ on three-

quartera timo. About ton hand*

aro employed at the print works at Wuppin-

^cr>, Kittle KUIIH, Uoidio>tor, PloaHant Vral

illi.uiM, Why, men. should it riot ho 11* d j 1# y N i ; W i l U r fr nnd HaverHtraw, all «.f whom

lie it< : . \ r« ii»i< 1

T i l l \ I MtlNT OT C.\N« it w n 11 TIIK K M I K

MILLINF.UY! and Dri-is Miiltiag;!

Mrs. S. J/^HITNEY, llaH ju*t rceeive*l ami i^ oonHtaUt 1 y rrrcivitiix direct from Nt-w York, tho inont elubonUe nto k of

ivir OIJIT* <1 to ll.o citi /ciis <if C .nv . rnrur. Her

' »

Luces, ltihhnns nnd IVafliors, lnvel irrn select, d "with o;reat care and in view of th) wantM of her many riirdomcra. Her

I U > \ \ I : T S AM> I I A T £ rro of the latent styles and ns < heap UH tlie narkct can ailord. ^ | „,,,{, r* ^ j , , , , , ( | j r . Ma pmiana and Dr.

Any nnd all wisldnjr anything in tier line p, ,^) , t j , , , d»tin-ui-b<-d author, in ^M-akin^ vill consult their intercuts hy eivin ;r Mrn. j n f ilitit\tHi.H> *xy>^'\ know by a life'* timo Whitney 11 entl lit No. 12 Main St., over I>niper*H 11 aid wan! store. ~*J

With many th:m1c£ f<vr past very lllvrral patrona«rc nn<l hoping to mer'k a roiitinuantr uf the SHUH; by tVjr ilnjin^ with one an<l nil, we are, most


T h e r e 1* p T > b d . ] y n o n i p f o r m of diseano e x t a n t to lb«- pn- . - ' i i t d a y t h a t haH r»aeivei l HO m u ' d i a t t e n t i o n a n d he< 11 so n n s m cess-ful ly t n a t . d by t he u e d i e a l fueu l ty an di«-• •„.-,. s ot a can .a - r . ius i h a r o - t c r , a n d w h y is it : S i i n i ^ v , b e c a u - e in* d u a l m e n h a v e M1-

l . . . d n l uiMiu 1 ' le er a^ 1:11 i f i c u r a h h wavv« pol l dl^ e t -e is o \11! p a t e . 11 by t h e k 11 lb t h e o n l y mi ;iu» of r« b« i th . \ c o u l d o ib r, n n d a n i o n s all op . r<t IMH p e r f o i i m d t h o mo-vt d e l e t e r -ion^ a n d fa ta l . This wo usii rtf not only fri'iin our own rxperiem-o and ob-ei vations, e\t- ndin^r ovi r a wide t'u Id <d praciice, but from ljo- hi.:he-Mnt autlior. J >r. Ah x

' a nth r

Dry Goods for the People!


of uisCMHCM, r* «y , e x p e i i c m - t h a t t lm m e t h o d of e \ l irp.i t injr

e a r n e r w i t h t h e ku i fo i** Hot a t t e n d e d w i t h I h a v e f o u n d

JOHN W. PRAZEE. A t t o r n e y n t I a i n nn< l N o i e l l o r o f


j Mi. .CMS, but on the contrary, 1 ih it it acrjrravates the complaint.

We miL'ht refer to many other dinting

tfPI-.riAhTV o p 1WIF.NT (AMIS.

S e m i ;

1 u i - h e d Hnr;reoiiH t o c o r r o b o r a t e t h e HI*OV«» - . t a t e inen t . ho t thi.-* we d o not. eoTi^id.-r n e c -i s v . r v . W e t h i n k we h a v e HU1!I. h-n t 11 u -

! t h o r i M to s i t i > t y a n y u n p r e j u d i c e d p e r s o n ^^^ ^ , ,7 T.r , . , ,x ^ l t h a t e ' m c e r c .uin-d be c u r e d i»y t n o u s o of

()FFirr:,f)OOTtliSt., Waslim^ton, l). C. | ;h ' ( k ? i | } > M „ , . DM L»:A< u. Refers by permi-ision to l ion 1 lenry DCobke, o ; p, Watertow nt N . Y* (loyeinor of the bist. of (,'olumhia. 'fv-uii '.

eheek rvHiionatdo rnterptiiie and activity; %'B

otlh O Mrptild IH> two-fol/1, yet limited. I*

would Hiipply Hrnt a nnfo de|HKsit f«»r tho

enruinjrH of tho people, and a No iiervo UA fi

regulator, to control undue OTClament in

the money market. Thin i* no unt^in I pt< -

jeet ; it i« nn longer nn experiment. Twelve

yoant actual u*o in (iront Hritnin ha* estah-

'INIOM! ttM ftAsihility mid fiuece**. Postal

Aaviugfi hankrt woro established in tlio l'nitt»<l

Kingdom in tho year l^tJl, nnd can now

count nearly t ^ o milHan4 and a half of

depositor* »nd noarly m hundred million* ol


are thrown out hy tho eloping of tn© works

of (• irnier Si Co.

Several barn* wero hnrncd in Syra.ns •

Monday nic;ht. I . O M alsmt f *,<()(>.

Flour de<dined 25 ivnt* a barrel, in Tlo-

< hester, on all grud^n, lu*t week.

Bin it h TTorton, of Forttfhkerpire, hii% a

rnspberry bti«h whieh Las given two erop.s

thia Mnison. }

T w o week*} fttfo a twiT ront^iinjr ft quint i ty

of tiotida iMdonginK to John II. Seclmeh was

stolen from the Lonp^ Inlund Savings Bank,

Brooklyn. Saturday t ^eeliueh roccived a h t

tor ankinp; if ho would pay J15,000 for tho

return of tho bond*.

The Huli-treasmcT at N e w York wiy« that

tho application* for ailvor Tuewday wero

rompurHtivcly fow- N o unimutil amount ot

•diver has bekeu ivooived at tho sulr-trengriry


Tho Boeh^ter Union nnnotmcen thi> di«-

oovery that the treaaury of that city waft

robbed during tho treasury ship of Ilarvey

IV Langworthy, in 1B71, of f 10,000. The

matter ia undor Uvettigutioii by tlie coun­


B O A R D M A N & C U T T I N G G O T J V E B l j r . U R , IsT. ~5T.,N


rdwarc, Iron, Steel, Nails, Glass,- Putty, House ftim-min^s, Tools of all Kinds, IIov/o's Scales,

A G R I C U L T U R A L I M P L E M E N T S , and nil lliin^M I»<1J»I>1» a to the Irn.lo.

MANrrACTritKit^ ANT> r.r.AT.rr.n TN

Sheet Iron and Copper Ware.


l in,


AYe vvill not he surpassed in Style,

Wo will not be undersold in Price,

We are determined to Please everybody,




New Dress (looclfi, New TrimnnTig«f

Now Ril>bnn^ Nrw T aooa,

m New Shawl*, New Boulevard Skirts,

New Clothft, New CjtffcimoreB,

New Watierproof Cloakin/r, AI FO,

i Hals, Caps, Groceries, Crockery, Ghiia aifl Glass Ware,

Also mnnafacturcrH of the Wi ' l cr l v*: f'nwtcll

PATJMILE F -IsT, Theftn lrnr lk- lo that milk HIIOUM bo Rot in «o nii-o W J I « . r.y it* n«-m.-.w r r w m IH

Ht-rured f..f tho •wni.on, »II<1 it in. IVUM* \U: II« I I " 1 - "I <'" '!•"'>• , ) " " ' , l , : , u , " M < ;

them JUXI viiiiuiK iuto tl,«ir nivttU. C a x u l . i , uu.l \<ui:* nu-.x, .1 Jut- ^"J M con.i.nn.i.u-tioua I'lymi'tly utUudcd to. . ' /

At prices to suit tlie times and scarcity of money. ^


Wc wcro never an


(1 never will l>c undersold.

WOOD & RUTBlEfORD, v* •• « *