TlE ST. L.ALNDRY · 2017. 12. 14. · TlE ST. L.ALNDRY CLARION *m Shll me lm. gn P.Pop.' R1m...

TlE ST. L.ALNDRY CLARION *m Shll me lm. gn P.Pop.' R1m Manthnm, U imed by me-.eeaws a/i bs IN [ I-NO. 46. OPELOUSAS, LA., SATURDAY, SEPT. 10, 1921. T W t'OLLARSPER YZAR INADVANCI 's THREAT OF DRY MEASURE n Stated that He Veto an LState olste Law NT BUREAU COST FORTUNE s Old Liquor Laws to devived to Cover LOa Situation be no Volstead law in j tar as the state legis- ' 05Sed, and this became ta governor stated be would veto any such P by the general as- statement causel * geat in the legislature to * atfe which they had *ad, proposed iatroducing ma`; ng body. They state fo14 tar the passage of the U 3and hope to push the 4 umeossetul conclusion and 4 ager of veto squarely s sepernor. of the state dry law a S to enforce the Swould be necessary to * eforeement bureau with golebs and agents and g mosey the mainteaance a ,resb would cost would lbp cpglaation, and that ua- 'PP a fhii condition, uijfldy overloaded w)th - ,- It, would be imprac- t* gMd to the burden. He other band, the prohibition- ebte that the creation of such ,s not even contemplated sd they' say that the axe- .ere of the state would be force to handle the law Ml Rt eafective In every partsh and that to ad ;t 4 he they proposed would not ibe eax se of government, rAke contrary would pay its lin the collection of fines a tiolaters thereof. The:r Ua that existing condi.- U the state warrant the adop- theit lIn order to make more national prohibition law. siad ldoonshtinng, they aver, have become rampant *tfrn state, and especially sie Mttons, and that unless li lakes to curb this pro- oag eertain classes to the law, the lawlessness will 4tiM with the passage cf .b.arer idea is to re-enact iii Mpd l]resent effect the old gorlng the subject, the w4 rmy members of the tibikklug that such a move lF cover the condi- Of and be effective to a great extent if not the making and selling 7t I)* is said to be rampant t ate. Whether this e uxeeative meets with the 4 qo ty of the members tease represe1tatives i'n, but if It does not w.: 0 and sent to Mim t is known now that t sad in order to pass hevev It will require a ty and that is RAILROAD TREMELY BUSY IP l~Handling Much im the Opelousas rCompres Wok has been a busy one freight office of the lines, owing to the of cotton to the Op- and the quick ship- to foreign markets. of the railroad d Thursday tha this kept to the grindstone msiess of the road, ess Unusually heavy for g to the early mar- Receipts of other been good and the tr ogerois' office has in- ssrked contrast to the Wgastion of a short time Dly, one of the lead-. Of the lower end of the Sa business visitor co and daughter, Than.y for New f ill be for some STAR-PROGRESS CONTEST CLOSES AT 8 P. M. TODAY Judges Selected to Count Votes and Decide Winner of Automobile The Other Prizes Offered The subscription contest of the Op- elousas Star-Progress, which has been under way for the past six weeks, will end tonight at 8 o'clock when the votes scored by the several contestants will be counted and the winners of the first, second and third prizes ascertained and the awards made by the five judges selected, These judges are Mapor B. L. Loeb, Sheriff Charles Thibodeaux, Hon. Dud ley I. Gullbeau, Hon. Leon S. Haas, and Hon. P. P. Butler, all of Opelon- sass The first prise, as is generally known, is a magnificent new Etude- baker light six autoinobile, bought of Osle Bardejon, the local agent of that popular make of ear. This machind has been on exhibit here for about two weeks past and has excited the admiration of all. The other prizes are a handsome diameod ring and a splendid wrist wattb purchased from R. MornhIi 4eg apd Son, the Main Street Jewelers; The several ipontesetiat have been worknig hard ever shice the inception of the contest and none of them 4iave lehl rything undone or unsaid in their individual effort to capture the automobile, as it is the first and of course the most valuable prize of- fered. The wind-up will be staged at the Star-Progress building tonight at 8 o'clock, when the sealed bballo i bo will be opened'#y the judges Ad 4the votes counted. PRAIRIE RNDE GRAVELIMWAY POLICE JURY TAKES FIRST' STEP IN MATTER aV PPLYlNG FOR STATI M% The long proposed gravel road through Prairie Roadg to " Evange- line looks like an actuality. The p0- lice jury at its meet ng this week ask- ed the state bqard of engineers, high- way delartmenk to take the matter if surveys, etc., up, following the gather- ing of data on the subject the c tract will be let out by the bard 'of supervisors of the eleventh road dis- trict of St. Landry parish. The road will leave the La wtell gravel hlghwa at the Darso corner and the tl- length of the new iMoad 19 elightlI less than six maier. it will rua thre*gah a thickly settled country and "eve a large number of people, siding theD in reaching Opeleuass to tra asat business at all seasons of the year re- gardless of the weather. Mr. Adam Goth har reidgnod his position at the Rontat & Deblieux sawmill and he and his; femili V_ make their 1Eu; in #ayee wahre =Mr. (lath lq gwing .to -enter basin -- SUGAR CANE CROP SUFFERS FOR RAIN STATE THE FARMtRS Laok of Moietue . fatpeuler Wide Growth of Plant 'n Tena;e wil be Greatly Redued A reporter hiq ed'of!S< bef farmers this wek the , etas of the sagarcane crop growing in aL tLary: One and all prclmed that teae' is antfe~inh fruma . lack of molape and were empblra la their belief that unless Tamn is eiIotn qat- ty came sgon the toae ill be greatly reduge&. fibis euutditioa it seems is not local but exists all over the parish where :eae is in any large quantity. ' t w enttr- Ing showers have -` p eo igt as to not gapply the ee moisture and as a natua. cepsequence the crop has not floueIehe The crup started neat wt ibo bi eat prospects. The sta 'i of pladts was the best ever known and euitt- tion was thorough. For a long time It appeared as if St . Lary growers would make the beat cane nrcp n record for the parish. Then aemen the droubh, and though cane Is a drouth-reslsting plant, even it Rsa poT stand the extreme of -dry wanth 1 and In the last few 'weeks there &as been a perceptible 4leteriernton. The crop still has some thee bete it i. which to grow and if the rains come in sufficient quantity within the sext week or tw othere will be on instant change for the better. Sheriff Thlbodeaux and Dr. L. A. Guidry of Coulee Croche were i5 a party who recently visited Lake Ma- stare In the southwestern part of the state on a fishing expeditioa. Tyre, returned home Monby peenlng MONDATYS MIEING BOOSTED RIJIWING OF GREAT iICilWAY Enthusiastic Gathering Of Delegates From Many Points on Route GENERAL PLAN TAKEN BY BIG ASSEMBLAGE Representative Schell Ex- 3 plains Details of His Road Scheme The meeting called by Mayor Loeb - of this city to boost the plan for build- ing an Osat-dad-west highway across the state, from Bogalusa, through Baton Rouge ald Opeloas, to De- Quincy or some poiht on the Sabine river, met herd Mefay morning in the parish court house. Mayor Loeb callet the assemblage to order, explained the objects and purposes of the meeting and asked CoL Arthur Prescott of Baton Rouge to act as chairman. The colonel so- cepted in a graceful speech which was applauded brtbe lsrge'gathering 3. W. Lyman of. Eals.e ' and Miss Dells Bourdler of Opeleusas wete chosen secretaries Of the meeting and with thbe tom ea conluded the teeting gOt doen tos eep at once. There was a large attendanee of delegates from polits u, o auong the proposed route, as well as many who Iyedt 3 ether se-ciofsut who ap- proved the steers! scheme of build- lAu the highway seross the state. For example, delegates were here from oberlin, Oaielkde, ,Vil Platte, St. Martyille `and New etib ra, as they recognised the extreme importanee of such a road, as while their local!. ties we" tot be an the road proper, stll highways passting through their sectios won l make connection with the east- aw det road and they cean rc & atnu t os; an the east orpoeints went witheutany great di0- settt:. s. - ersenw a le.. Pus inn SeleR ueof St (adrs eprefatatives in the 'legis- latu e, was the flint speaker 6sned upea by Cafrmsn Presactt . Mr. Bsdhfl ld made a deep study of the road Wati of the state sad in order to deepens 14s toer i *m the subject has secured vopeis ot laws of every state ia tn . With tie bsaic facts lere h he has drafted tills covering *e entire range of the sibject ai4d tg lsfe he introduced #n the legilature new in session. 'rhe coniettittlas conentios it- 'cenatly -aeldttot the, principle of a systaae of state in the new or- sale law sad it will be the dity of the leglslaturet put it into effect. Of urse, u ift 'erey other eetlos, there art onr essflicting opinions in howit isholdpattnpped out, but aftar all the `heip thin% spells that Laisn a wri2at s suno a system as weas . tea M the, progen tors of te present aei nt. 'Mr. chell ad aes -id charts on wexalt= the meeting and explain- ad n detail the ide as he had rawn up. He was 1i his endurse- seat of the nstssmawest hlgh'y as a part of tlye gun a!' plan, tad this blghwa was market uub'fl the mtap There wateosese tiffiereinee of opts- Edit tebative t a n aderseiseat of the 4chell gl$i kits tentirety, as the fadt we. stressed by several speakers that the pvrpose pf the metingiit was to ueaese the 'builinlg of the singlef taet mnntloneld, and that the ones in-] tereaste Ia ths proeget did not pro pose to figlt the deuweads of people lHving in other parts of the state and jhtthey were is no position to jutge what the dentands of *pgse ether fsections wore or would be.' ph ah ll an for a state corn- cqson awosned of three masnbers ~to handle the read buildingh of the [state, howelver, 'was heartily approved [as apatest the raisers that there waij Ia sovemeat on toot to. confine the 1 omaltson that is to be rersted so owe maember who wopld lame the en- tire work of road huilding in land. Committees were appointed to aE' 'tepd to details as well as draw up resolutions expressing the 'wishes and 'j asnattments of the meetlas. These resolutions are trot ad to the point and wBil be preseiated to the leglsla- tare ait its present seaston when the I proper time asrives 4 it was further agreed that organ!- I satlost wotild remain intact and work under a name to he finally selected. I hA appropriate name for the highway p baa not been definitely decided on, (' the suggestion. that the appelatlon, -J "Rates Rouge and Opelousas High-1 way," was hardly appropriate in that jI It Identified only two places on the JI a name would not meet with the ap- I prorel te ther towns along the route. 1 I Twp ether nassesi 0 osane Rout& sand C GREAT ENROLLMENT AT OCAL SCHOOL OPELOUSAS HIGH OPENS NEW SESSION UNDER AUSPICIOUS CIRCUMStANCES The opening day of thi Opelousas high school, last Monday, was char aterized by the enrollment of more pupils for the first day than ever before In the history of that institu- tion. It is stated that seven hundred and seventy-seven registered as P4- pils for the first day and .a is usu- ally the case this number was aug. mented from day to day. Many chil- I dren are prevented through one cause or other from entering school the first day and only do so after the session gets started. The consolidation of many rpral schools in the territory contiguous to Opelousas and the operation of sever- al transfers for the bringing of these children to this school has been a strong factor in Increasing the large attendance at this school. The same thing applies to many other schools in the parish, thus centralising edu- cational facilities as well as central liung the pupils in larger and better equipped institutions at learning. 'h. system has worked well where- ever tried and though only in effect in this parish a brief tIme* It has worked well here, too. The present session promises to be the greatest ever known In this school and both faculty and student body are determined to *ork to that specific end. This school will be per- haps overcrdwded but this condition wil only Wet throughout the sesion for by the opening of sehaol next year the new building now being con-j strudted will be ready for occupapcy aid will afford room for not only the overflow of the present building bat also for a still larger number than will enroll this . Schools opened at a of other places in the 1st Monday, While others will open next Monday and the Monday followlng llhueFtba opened last Monday all report a lar- ger attendance than usual. WOODMEN MEMBERS INVITE ALL FOR THEIR BIG RALLY The Opeiqusas Cs wp I* to be Most of Gatherlng of Members from This Part of State Wilow Camp . No. 4;,. Woodmen of the orld, of this city, ottends a cor{ dial fovitation to the :mial pube to, atten& the rally and cilse wbich I will, take place in the parish court I house ox iest SUpaa y ntb.,bs i Itis the occasion for the closing ecene in the final doun-uip of new j members of the order'In capsa ;eat- teie( throughout St. lpadry and one or trwo ears in th :s4 oinhng par- 1 ishes. 'vo e ndred new ames have been added to the rots as a result of the wasnpaign mee the rally to bet held hero is In celebration of the suc-- ense of the drive.: The program has already been pub. lished and it promises to tie a $ rf enteitaining one indeed, speSkenrs from other pointa in the state hve 'bee invited and the w3ill expound doctrine tnd benstit, of the fra- ternal insurance orger to the 'aIme Iaudence which is expected that day. COUNCIL INCREAS ,S PAY OF THE MOUNTED Oi.C0 The otty conneD 1 a.t its meeting 1 held last Tuesday night, raised .e monthy pay of th night police offi cars, both of whom are required to furtist their own hers. The is- crease brings the biathly pay of the officers op to $115, the same sum they were receiling p to the $- crease in their alloweane made some {ionths age. The ehit fIs also inelud- ad. "Zachary Taylor Highway," ,were al- so mentioned and It is easslble that one -or theother baving been ;lven. 1ffcleiat reasons toy4b t eletinah at one or the other ha bngr been bitn4 The committee on, vesottitons nam- ed by Chairman Prescott consisted It the followig: 3ohn W. ILew isy Op. elousas chairman; J. W. Lyman; Eunice; A. L. Oulliory, ElKder; F. Casedessus, Baton Rouge; Emile Vuilemont, St. Martile; F. O Pavy, Leonrille; W.- M0Cain, Bauina; T, E. Brown, Oakdale; Geo. M. King Jr., Reeves; W. F. Brown, Port Barre. W. L Cole, Oberlin; A. 3, Bmer, Blanks; B. F. Smith, ulisaeth; J. B. Edwards, Oakdale; B W. Frame, New Iberia; R. L. Dprouen, Ville1 Platte; J. B. Miller, Famon; Miss Della Bourdier and Mrs A. A. Anding, Opeicusesa ji AS BUYERS BAITLE Tuesday's and Wednes- day's Sensational Jump in Values Startling WELL INFORMED SEE HIGHER ONES COMING Talk of Thirty-Gent Stuff Indulged in by Produeers and Many Buyers Foliqwing the sensational rise in the cotton market a tremen- dous break occurred Wednesday, when the two hundred points gain that day were ltst on the closing call in the exchanges. Thursday witnessed a further de- elfne, the. two hundred points gala of Tuesday being bit a body blow to the tune of a loss of tone hundred and fifty, leaving the net gain for the first part of the week only fifty port`, o $250 per bale over the close on Friday of last week.. The spot market followed the fluctuation and the farmers who sold -on the high tide were tickled At their foresight when the break oooprred.. It is reada- ed\ that the inathet plunged up- wards, too strongly and tho seans tion had to occur.. Cotton Is stilt strong and future rlabs , en- peated right along. Frday is closed at Its points fdeiease. Twelve Wontasego ts cottn nparket was just begl nsal to t ble ea the abyss of droppind rce. From :ore tan ftety cents 06k te year before twenty-eiht toats tame as a rude stork to'the sen-ibilftles and pocketboks Of the men who t0l low the plow tid make the Watu that In turn baa: madfs .the ot famnous the world over. weanty-eight en, as compared 1 with m ore tban 11"1 was ant awfL Jolt and the jolt wam ecceantated when it drcpped to twentrfive a"d then twenty and bept rollag down tnclinei ke thS wheels were greased ;Farmers refused to selL They made the crop at ewenso and to sell less the 40 was like fl. ltg l.a ,the facse o ftate and Inviting +sefdestrction. #'en began the Va, aithem to hold their crop for the hedon was bound to come and they would receive toe e.- peted or an yb, spore. SThey toaed a Isteniig ear to the tempter and hearkened to t ec `wn inner voice an dh Bravely they faced the ;nmate and retased to turn l`ooe the ' iuffeed i h pisbip Ia. maktag ,t at they were willing t, sffer more in bilding i# it was a Spart`nfHk* ,corage that actuated them and whn-a they s#w the props ftalag from an der the structure of their beile they looked gritly on and t held as as they could. Bet thafly .ay were :rers to stornloose, evem at ten ceots- di- thet lbes as compnrnst wfth ihe twefl ty-eight and twenty-tlhe they- bS@ to- dislaaaat refused at ontith e nie Ale lesn.Aecemnity, Mid tlhe Got. s.. hnthey luvadaif setIeen, knew no 1kw. 6o *as it wit the Sill- post eas.senla nf8t ted twmaty-ltve saul selling at ten a fonoad by necessity san noet 1 knows no tow. If wfl sos*p the Eas theory., rnaxes, debtsan ex cpemases cale or fthe sacrificedw the pm-* flueregrilyput their necks obt-the I dhoppinpg block end let the ti tors wield the kena-edge axe. 1 'They wade the 19t1 crop -with fear and tremblin& They medboed the ji age sad trimmed. homp . They reneved to ^*1tre at home and Ji board at time same placee' sad what- ~I ever their cotton brou*pt would be as meas elear preflt as human calcula- ~I tien and bpman endeavor could make fi it. By that rule they stuck sad now they are aboutth reap the besefit 4 of the result. I' 81gi m t oplibse bales of no-called1 I "erretypver" stared thon in te faee, <they wertul informed. Tabt wet I the cjnhb thm pe urlators were oa to use on the producers. II was an 1 awfrl weapon, but few etoppd4 to 1 consider that wf jtho eight awillionj4 -bales much of it was, damaged start 1 and hardly fit to tue in tentile mann- ' lecture. That fact has tbegwn to la out and with the leaking the dra s strafts the spocalsorn are Ia begins I to make itself apparent. The world needs sixteen afflion halos end the I 1521, crop is estimated to be only a -slightly in oncess of seven million t hales. eThat added to the eight mit- lion cartyvrer is not eNlugh to fill I bale of the 4arWso1er Wa - Spe&lso SUB-SURFACE DRAiNAE "O 1.L.E 800N-4TREET AND , SIDEWALK` TO aE PAVD sid. for the constrbac tl of a as- tem of aubsurface drainage mout Grolee street opened at the Tesoday night meeting of the city council and the contract for the wett awarded to J. E.. Allen, his bid of $4&98 be- ing the lowest amount bid for the work. It is understood that as soon as possale and practicable Contrac. toag Allent will start operations. Pihs and specIfieations for this work hate already been prepared by the city a- gineer. Property owners residing on West amele petitioned the oenef for; a concrete sidewalk on the wrth ide of that street, from the., corner of Raitroea avenue west to 0o11*. av. anue, and the petition vsa granted and an advertisement for bidi for core struction of the walk in question ap- psargtn this issue of the Claro. .'The bide w -i -be opened at the . tober meetng ofthe aldernmen and the con- tract awared. Rattroa4 areuse, Is to be .g;velet from Cherry street extension, at .ak Dlietlein4acobs warehruse, north to the Interseetion of the .Galt Ooaat linee track on Cheney street> and bids for thip woik are asked mi wI tie apened and the contract awarded whna 4he aldermen convene again 0t the that Tuesday night In OotObest SfATE SINDAY ASSOCIATIONK- . W,.L aILr Witeaer & 4 opef uas -ertr, anateaned ,thie week that ike annual convestin of' th 'Nsth tiRhaay sehoa* asenldt1ea w.ii ' met at 'the Th* *ethodls :bt*uch in Opelo sas on Wedne Setema Sir. Yan Carter, a stat are, sad Mrz Win. Pife, a foriaiei ~ieat of the assoofation, will add`dis the meet' l ae Mrs. Brown., 4Aat st-. ing pragram is being pasli and the pubte is cordially y:vited $@ a tmndthe,nieeting. ' Siss *l gwnley at Miss Mac. d ql leyp one ot Ou ela s' mot populsy nuns Bn, basaceptt a. po "ttcs tM t in- d4r store oa Lsndry tent *bes ah iFll *. spteased~ ~tto b. hr Upy fritodt and attend Io r i* the a. of be e - and a *oles. *eis xegsnis4 orsta r*a rk at the +&eflfl '44 days ago. * **N It isnt, a $re ii the rub tht it p< yata.hobe h pu. -eome .fioea ents nd -Toflha*0t opeMutit 8fete a eacent .towad, - tat ada- vr .lse arfty=cls' a tai ''o ve ,r of the tatinw o r ace retee neae s oannrawnss fiery-" -. ei *t&ey beftrm Mot, Sa s* abE IM Cm ibis sat pt snkeb in ahe dloSEd-SU*'e netS~ rp evan the icntry. tuue than trenty tents wse al - e R goo- sta nt as Itar afl the fl)k 4mw ls gnoo s ther . prism a' [topet overytbing fb oaethw 7*mera~, burned br ithe #upoeuhe#k 1 tleast oubt bat tst tatha' , [votes will be sen. The [non pr1d411 that tbeet lkh Staied within a very . $fo m *#M* owehas the nerve to dent a rt :A on.derful Taefr the hin gt Tbtt taii e saie of Uth~e wyre e to wf maktbad: =n genr thsf o at ard to bet downden prces*tiet next yea's cropdran ntAse. cotton farete Ho top O* tYoem: thl e Sighty et bttler deary ere hoim and If ee keep his feag sofia..e to ba stampded by the l ets of a flsancial sat be eflht to rleb*o#fleA lwal4 e arrtson solid agob ISI&n4 umels <twhaventhsa ATEARLY'MII. Present Structure Entir1 T~oo Small, Statte Memoar CONIDWNG M~E FORMAY YEARS P.AS1' Lorge Dance Au.iwu InluehdQ4 Schem r Enloeg~ Building "Laddear Corr jan come ~pate, the +~ largish or their - building Ioeoal g ,t1e cmew of :Union aM .ei st eels is mh ear future, if .]au~a arrang eaet can be, isde .to f at cost of such addition t Ia st')wu tthat ii the. prperty" of "tbt t; re ; The qusftontc has .: Hs~et;*s d~ froma all angkles for acs 4i* l 5 Tiee'~ am~rcest .. ~ `.v been made 'long agto eu~$4p 1~:ss Mke4 the nesew s :mon ,~#anw tQ o end to e skite~ tte ? .V tl.eO$ f Opelonua aid ItW#~ 'to dikfng nied j .fter. .lw ndesr the a40j s ia` i; ide }aos n Ott ou~it~4aI h $ she o 3 *~Ie w, 1 *athe neatd v 0nly a 4hp - . b- t sbi Ue 4, -, ~A~*I*AW ALm QiT #A ' " or h': Etn Eh~ *O

Transcript of TlE ST. L.ALNDRY · 2017. 12. 14. · TlE ST. L.ALNDRY CLARION *m Shll me lm. gn P.Pop.' R1m...

Page 1: TlE ST. L.ALNDRY · 2017. 12. 14. · TlE ST. L.ALNDRY CLARION *m Shll me lm. gn P.Pop.' R1m Manthnm, U imed by me-.eeaws a/i IN bs [ I-NO. 46. OPELOUSAS, LA., SATURDAY, SEPT. 10,

TlE ST. L.ALNDRY CLARION*m Shll me lm. gn P.Pop.' R1m Manthnm, U imed by me-.eeaws a/i bs IN



OF DRY MEASUREn Stated that He

Veto an LStateolste Law


s Old Liquor Laws todevived to Cover

LOa Situation

be no Volstead law in

j tar as the state legis-

' 05Sed, and this became

ta governor stated

be would veto any such

P by the general as-

statement causel

* geat in the legislature to

* atfe which they had*ad, proposed iatroducing

ma`; ng body. They state

fo14 tar the passage of the

U 3and hope to push the

4 umeossetul conclusion and

4 ager of veto squarely

s sepernor.of the state dry law

a S to enforce the

Swould be necessary to

* eforeement bureau withgolebs and agents andg mosey the mainteaance

a ,resb would cost wouldlbp cpglaation, and that ua-

'PP a fhii condition,uijfldy overloaded w)th

- ,- It, would be imprac-t* gMd to the burden.

He other band, the prohibition-ebte that the creation of such

,s not even contemplatedsd they' say that the axe-

.ere of the state would beforce to handle the law

Ml Rt eafective In every partshand that to ad ;t4 he

they proposed would notibe eax se of government,rAke contrary would pay its

lin the collection of finesa tiolaters thereof. The:r

Ua that existing condi.-U the state warrant the adop-theit lIn order to make more

national prohibition law.siad ldoonshtinng, they

aver, have become rampant*tfrn state, and especially

sie Mttons, and that unlessli lakes to curb this pro-oag eertain classes to

the law, the lawlessness will4tiM with the passage cf

.b.arer idea is to re-enactiii Mpd l]resent effect the old

gorlng the subject, thew4 rmy members of the

tibikklug that such a movelF cover the condi-Of and be effective

to a great extent if notthe making and selling 7t

I)* is said to be rampantt ate. Whether this

e uxeeative meets with the4 qo ty of the members

tease represe1tativesi'n, but if It does not

w.: 0 and sent to Mimt is known now that

t sad in order to passhevev It will require

a ty and that is


IP l~Handling Muchim the Opelousas


Wok has been a busy onefreight office of the

lines, owing to theof cotton to the Op-and the quick ship-to foreign markets.of the railroad

d Thursday tha thiskept to the grindstonemsiess of the road,ess Unusually heavy for

g to the early mar-Receipts of other

been good and thetr ogerois' office has in-

ssrked contrast to theWgastion of a short time

Dly, one of the lead-.Of the lower end of the

Sa business visitor co

and daughter,Than.y for New

f ill be for some


AT 8 P. M. TODAYJudges Selected to Count Votes and

Decide Winner of AutomobileThe Other Prizes Offered

The subscription contest of the Op-elousas Star-Progress, which hasbeen under way for the past sixweeks, will end tonight at 8 o'clockwhen the votes scored by the severalcontestants will be counted and thewinners of the first, second and thirdprizes ascertained and the awardsmade by the five judges selected,These judges are Mapor B. L. Loeb,Sheriff Charles Thibodeaux, Hon. Dudley I. Gullbeau, Hon. Leon S. Haas,and Hon. P. P. Butler, all of Opelon-sass

The first prise, as is generallyknown, is a magnificent new Etude-baker light six autoinobile, bought ofOsle Bardejon, the local agent of thatpopular make of ear. This machindhas been on exhibit here for abouttwo weeks past and has excited theadmiration of all. The other prizesare a handsome diameod ring anda splendid wrist wattb purchasedfrom R. MornhIi 4eg apd Son, theMain Street Jewelers;

The several ipontesetiat have beenworknig hard ever shice the inceptionof the contest and none of them 4iavelehl rything undone or unsaid intheir individual effort to capture theautomobile, as it is the first and ofcourse the most valuable prize of-fered.

The wind-up will be staged at theStar-Progress building tonight at 8o'clock, when the sealed bballo i bowill be opened'#y the judges Ad 4thevotes counted.




The long proposed gravel roadthrough Prairie Roadg to " Evange-line looks like an actuality. The p0-lice jury at its meet ng this week ask-ed the state bqard of engineers, high-way delartmenk to take the matter ifsurveys, etc., up, following the gather-ing of data on the subject the ctract will be let out by the bard 'ofsupervisors of the eleventh road dis-trict of St. Landry parish. The roadwill leave the La wtell gravel hlghwaat the Darso corner and the tl-length of the new iMoad 19 elightlI lessthan six maier. it will rua thre*gaha thickly settled country and "evea large number of people, siding theDin reaching Opeleuass to tra asatbusiness at all seasons of the year re-gardless of the weather.

Mr. Adam Goth har reidgnod his

position at the Rontat & Deblieuxsawmill and he and his; femili V_make their 1Eu; in #ayee wahre=Mr. (lath lq gwing .to -enter basin --


Laok of Moietue . fatpeuler Wide

Growth of Plant 'n Tena;ewil be Greatly Redued

A reporter hiq ed'of!S< beffarmers this wek the , etas of the

sagarcane crop growing in aL tLary:One and all prclmed that teae'is antfe~inh fruma . lack of molape

and were empblra la their beliefthat unless Tamn is eiIotn qat-ty came sgon the toae ill

be greatly reduge&. fibis euutditioa itseems is not local but exists all over

the parish where :eae is inany large quantity. ' t w enttr-Ing showers have -` p eo igt asto not gapply the ee moistureand as a natua. cepsequence the

crop has not floueIeheThe crup started neat wt ibo bi

eat prospects. The sta 'i of pladtswas the best ever known and euitt-tion was thorough. For a long timeIt appeared as if St . Lary growers

would make the beat cane nrcp nrecord for the parish. Then aementhe droubh, and though cane Is adrouth-reslsting plant, even it Rsa poTstand the extreme of -dry wanth 1and In the last few 'weeks there &asbeen a perceptible 4leteriernton. Thecrop still has some thee bete it i.which to grow and if the rains comein sufficient quantity within the sextweek or tw othere will be on instantchange for the better.

Sheriff Thlbodeaux and Dr. L. A.Guidry of Coulee Croche were i5 aparty who recently visited Lake Ma-stare In the southwestern part of thestate on a fishing expeditioa. Tyre,returned home Monby peenlng


OF GREAT iICilWAYEnthusiastic Gathering Of

Delegates From ManyPoints on Route


Representative Schell Ex-3 plains Details of His

Road SchemeThe meeting called by Mayor Loeb

-of this city to boost the plan for build-ing an Osat-dad-west highway acrossthe state, from Bogalusa, throughBaton Rouge ald Opeloas, to De-Quincy or some poiht on the Sabineriver, met herd Mefay morning inthe parish court house.

Mayor Loeb callet the assemblageto order, explained the objects andpurposes of the meeting and askedCoL Arthur Prescott of Baton Rougeto act as chairman. The colonel so-cepted in a graceful speech whichwas applauded brtbe lsrge'gathering3. W. Lyman of. Eals.e ' and MissDells Bourdler of Opeleusas wetechosen secretaries Of the meeting andwith thbe tom ea conluded theteeting gOt doen tos eep at once.

There was a large attendanee ofdelegates from polits u, o auong theproposed route, as well as many whoIyedt 3 ether se-ciofsut who ap-proved the steers! scheme of build-lAu the highway seross the state. Forexample, delegates were here fromoberlin, Oaielkde, ,Vil Platte, St.Martyille ̀ and New etib ra, as theyrecognised the extreme importaneeof such a road, as while their local!.ties we" tot be an the road proper,stll highways passting through theirsectios won l make connectionwith the east- aw det road and theycean rc & atnu t os; an the eastorpoeints went witheutany great di0-

settt:. s. -ersenw ale.. Pus inn SeleR ueof St(adrs eprefatatives in the 'legis-latu e, was the flint speaker 6snedupea by Cafrmsn Presactt . Mr.Bsdhfl ld made a deep study of theroad Wati of the state sad in orderto deepens 14s toer i *m the subjecthas secured vopeis ot laws ofevery state ia tn . With tiebsaic facts lere h he has draftedtills covering *e entire range of thesibject ai4d tg lsfe he introduced#n the legilature new in session.

'rhe coniettittlas conentios it-'cenatly -aeldttot the, principle of asystaae of state in the new or-sale law sad it will be the dity ofthe leglslaturet put it into effect. Of

urse, u ift 'erey other eetlos,there art onr essflicting opinionsin howit isholdpattnpped out, butaftar all the `heip thin% spells thatLaisn a wri2at s suno a system asweas . tea M the, progen tors ofte present aei nt.

'Mr. chell ad aes -id charts onwexalt= the meeting and explain-ad n detail the ide as he had rawnup. He was 1i his endurse-seat of the nstssmawest hlgh'y asa part of tlye gun a!' plan, tad thisblghwa was market uub'fl the mtap

There wateosese tiffiereinee of opts-Edit tebative t a n aderseiseat ofthe 4chell gl$i kits tentirety, as thefadt we. stressed by several speakersthat the pvrpose pf the metingiit wasto ueaese the 'builinlg of the singleftaet mnntloneld, and that the ones in-]tereaste Ia ths proeget did not propose to figlt the deuweads of peoplelHving in other parts of the state and

jhtthey were is no position to jutgewhat the dentands of *pgse etherfsections wore or would be.'

ph ah ll an for a state corn-cqson awosned of three masnbers

~to handle the read buildingh of the[state, howelver, 'was heartily approved[as apatest the raisers that there waijIa sovemeat on toot to. confine the 1omaltson that is to be rersted so

owe maember who wopld lame the en-tire work of road huilding in land.

Committees were appointed to aE''tepd to details as well as draw upresolutions expressing the 'wishes and 'j

asnattments of the meetlas. Theseresolutions are trot ad to the pointand wBil be preseiated to the leglsla-tare ait its present seaston when the Iproper time asrives 4

it was further agreed that organ!- Isatlost wotild remain intact and workunder a name to he finally selected. IhA appropriate name for the highway pbaa not been definitely decided on, ('the suggestion. that the appelatlon, -J

"Rates Rouge and Opelousas High-1way," was hardly appropriate in that jI

It Identified only two places on the JI

a name would not meet with the ap- Iprorel te ther towns along the route.1 ITwp ether nassesi 0 osane Rout& sand C




The opening day of thi Opelousas

high school, last Monday, was char

aterized by the enrollment of morepupils for the first day than everbefore In the history of that institu-tion. It is stated that seven hundredand seventy-seven registered as P4-pils for the first day and .a is usu-ally the case this number was aug.mented from day to day. Many chil-I dren are prevented through one causeor other from entering school thefirst day and only do so after thesession gets started.

The consolidation of many rpralschools in the territory contiguous toOpelousas and the operation of sever-al transfers for the bringing of thesechildren to this school has been astrong factor in Increasing the largeattendance at this school. The samething applies to many other schoolsin the parish, thus centralising edu-cational facilities as well as centralliung the pupils in larger and betterequipped institutions at learning.'h. system has worked well where-

ever tried and though only in effectin this parish a brief tIme* It hasworked well here, too.

The present session promises tobe the greatest ever known In thisschool and both faculty and studentbody are determined to *ork to thatspecific end. This school will be per-haps overcrdwded but this conditionwil only Wet throughout the sesionfor by the opening of sehaol nextyear the new building now being con-jstrudted will be ready for occupapcyaid will afford room for not onlythe overflow of the present buildingbat also for a still larger numberthan will enroll this .

Schools opened at a ofother places in the 1st Monday,While others will open next Mondayand the Monday followlng llhueFtbaopened last Monday all report a lar-ger attendance than usual.


The Opeiqusas Cs wp I* to be Mostof Gatherlng of Members from

This Part of State

Wilow Camp . No. 4;,. Woodmen ofthe orld, of this city, ottends a cor{dial fovitation to the :mial pube to,atten& the rally and cilse wbich Iwill, take place in the parish court Ihouse ox iest SUpaa y ntb.,bs iItis the occasion for the closingecene in the final doun-uip of new jmembers of the order' In capsa ;eat-teie( throughout St. lpadry and oneor trwo ears in th :s4 oinhng par-1ishes. 'vo e ndred new ames havebeen added to the rots as a resultof the wasnpaign mee the rally to betheld hero is In celebration of the suc--ense of the drive.:

The program has already been pub.lished and it promises to tie a $ rfenteitaining one indeed, speSkenrsfrom other pointa in the state hve'bee invited and the w3ill expound

doctrine tnd benstit, of the fra-ternal insurance orger to the 'aImeIaudence which is expected that day.


The otty conneD1 a.t its meeting1

held last Tuesday night, raised .emonthy pay of th night police officars, both of whom are required tofurtist their own hers. The is-crease brings the biathly pay of theofficers op to $115, the same sumthey were receiling p to the $-crease in their alloweane made some{ionths age. The ehit fIs also inelud-ad.

"Zachary Taylor Highway," ,were al-so mentioned and It is easslble thatone -or theother baving been ;lven.1ffcleiat reasons toy4b t eletinah atone or the other ha bngr been bitn4

The committee on, vesottitons nam-ed by Chairman Prescott consisted Itthe followig: 3ohn W. ILew isy Op.elousas chairman; J. W. Lyman;Eunice; A. L. Oulliory, ElKder; F.

Casedessus, Baton Rouge; EmileVuilemont, St. Martile; F. OPavy, Leonrille; W.- M0Cain, Bauina;T, E. Brown, Oakdale; Geo. M. KingJr., Reeves; W. F. Brown, Port Barre.W. L Cole, Oberlin; A. 3, Bmer,Blanks; B. F. Smith, ulisaeth; J. B.Edwards, Oakdale; B W. Frame,New Iberia; R. L. Dprouen, Ville1Platte; J. B. Miller, Famon; MissDella Bourdier and Mrs A. A. Anding,Opeicusesa ji

AS BUYERS BAITLETuesday's and Wednes-

day's Sensational Jumpin Values Startling


Talk of Thirty-Gent StuffIndulged in by Produeers

and Many Buyers

Foliqwing the sensational risein the cotton market a tremen-dous break occurred Wednesday,when the two hundred pointsgain that day were ltst on theclosing call in the exchanges.Thursday witnessed a further de-elfne, the. two hundred pointsgala of Tuesday being bit a bodyblow to the tune of a loss of tonehundred and fifty, leaving the netgain for the first part of the weekonly fifty port`, o $250 per baleover the close on Friday of lastweek.. The spot market followedthe fluctuation and the farmerswho sold -on the high tide weretickled At their foresight whenthe break oooprred.. It is reada-ed\ that the inathet plunged up-wards, too strongly and tho seanstion had to occur.. Cotton Is stiltstrong and future rlabs , en-peated right along. Frday isclosed at Its points fdeiease.

Twelve Wontasego ts cottn

nparket was just begl nsal to t

ble ea the abyss of droppind rce.From :ore tan ftety cents 06k teyear before twenty-eiht toats tameas a rude stork to'the sen-ibilftlesand pocketboks Of the men who t0llow the plow tid make the Watu thatIn turn baa: madfs .the ot famnousthe world over.

weanty-eight en, as compared1with m ore tban 11"1 was ant awfLJolt and the jolt wam ecceantated

when it drcpped to twentrfive a"dthen twenty and bept rollag downtnclinei ke thS wheels were greased

;Farmers refused to selL Theymade the crop at ewenso andto sell less the 40 was like fl.ltg l.a ,the facse o ftate and Inviting+sefdestrction. #'en began the

Va, aithem to hold their

crop for the hedon was bound tocome and they would receive toe e.-peted or an yb, spore.

SThey toaed a Isteniig ear to thetempter and hearkened to t ec `wn

inner voice an dhBravely they faced the ;nmate and

retased to turn l`ooe the 'iuffeed i h pisbip Ia. maktag ,t atthey were willing t, sffer more inbilding i# it was a Spart`nfHk*

,corage that actuated them and whn-athey s#w the props ftalag from ander the structure of their beile theylooked gritly on and t held as o.ngas they could.

Bet thafly .ay were :rers tostornloose, evem at ten ceots- di-

thet lbes as compnrnst wfth ihe tweflty-eight and twenty-tlhe they- bS@ to-dislaaaat refused at ontith e nie

Ale lesn.Aecemnity, Mid tlhe Got.s.. hnthey luvadaif setIeen,

knew no 1kw. 6o *as it wit the Sill-

post eas.senla nf8tted twmaty-ltve saul selling at ten afonoad by necessity san noet 1

knows no tow. If wfl sos*p the Eastheory., rnaxes, debtsan ex cpemases

cale or fthe sacrificedw the pm-*flueregrilyput their necks obt-the I

dhoppinpg block end let the titors wield the kena-edge axe. 1

'They wade the 19t1 crop -with fearand tremblin& They medboed the ji

age sad trimmed. homp .

They reneved to ^*1tre at home and Jiboard at time same placee' sad what- ~Iever their cotton brou*pt would be asmeas elear preflt as human calcula- ~Itien and bpman endeavor could make fiit. By that rule they stuck sad nowthey are aboutth reap the besefit 4of the result. I'

81gimt oplibse bales of no-called1 I"erretypver" stared thon in te faee,<they wertul informed. Tabt wet Ithe cjnhb thm pe urlators were oa

to use on the producers. II was an 1

awfrl weapon, but few etoppd4 to 1consider that wf jtho eight awillionj4-bales much of it was, damaged start 1

and hardly fit to tue in tentile mann- 'lecture. That fact has tbegwn to la

out and with the leaking the dra sstrafts the spocalsorn are Ia begins I

to make itself apparent. The worldneeds sixteen afflion halos end the I

1521, crop is estimated to be only a

-slightly in oncess of seven million thales. eThat added to the eight mit-

lion cartyvrer is not eNlugh to fill I

bale of the 4arWso1er Wa - Spe&lso



sid. for the constrbac tl of a as-tem of aubsurface drainage moutGrolee street opened at the Tesoday

night meeting of the city council andthe contract for the wett awardedto J. E.. Allen, his bid of $4&98 be-

ing the lowest amount bid for thework. It is understood that as soonas possale and practicable Contrac.toag Allent will start operations. Pihsand specIfieations for this work hatealready been prepared by the city a-gineer.

Property owners residing on Westamele petitioned the oenef for; a

concrete sidewalk on the wrth ideof that street, from the., corner ofRaitroea avenue west to 0o11*. av.anue, and the petition vsa grantedand an advertisement for bidi for corestruction of the walk in question ap-psargtn this issue of the Claro. .'Thebide w -i -be opened at the . tobermeetng ofthe aldernmen and the con-tract awared.

Rattroa4 areuse, Is to be .g;veletfrom Cherry street extension, at .akDlietlein4acobs warehruse, north tothe Interseetion of the .Galt Ooaatlinee track on Cheney street> and bidsfor thip woik are asked mi wI tieapened and the contract awardedwhna 4he aldermen convene again 0tthe that Tuesday night In OotObest



aILr Witeaer & 4 opefuas -ertr, anateaned ,thie weekthat ike annual convestin of' th'Nsth tiRhaay sehoa* asenldt1ea w.ii 'met at 'the Th* *ethodls :bt*uchin Opelo sas on Wedne Setema

Sir. Yan Carter, a stat are, sadMrz Win. Pife, a foriaiei ~ieat ofthe assoofation, will add`dis the meet'l ae Mrs. Brown., 4Aat pragram is being pasli andthe pubte is cordially y:vited $@ atmndthe,nieeting. '

Siss *l gwnley atMiss Mac. d ql leyp one ot Ou

ela s' mot populsy nuns Bn,basaceptt a. po "ttcs tM t in-d4r store oa Lsndry tent *bes ah

iFll *. spteased~ ~tto b. hr Upyfritodt and attend Io r i*the a. of be e - and a*oles. *eis xegsnis4 orsta r*a rkat the +&eflfl '44days ago.

* **N It isnt, a $re ii therub tht it p< yata.hobe h pu.

-eome .fioea ents nd

-Toflha*0t opeMutit 8fete a

eacent .towad,- tat ada- vr .lsearfty=cls' a tai ''o ve ,r

of the tatinw o r aceretee neae s oannrawnss

fiery-" - . ei*t&ey beftrm Mot, Sas* abE IM Cmibis sat pt snkebin ahe dloSEd-SU*'e netS~rp evan the icntry. tuue thantrenty tents wse al - e R goo-sta nt as Itar afl the fl)k4mw ls gnoo s ther . prism a'[topet overytbing fb oaethw7*mera~, burned br ithe #upoeuhe#k 1

tleast oubt bat tst tatha' ,[votes will be sen. The[non pr1d411 that tbeet lkhStaied within a very . $fo m *#M*

owehas the nerve to dent a

rt :A on.derful

Taefr the hin gt Tbtttaii e saie of Uth~e wyre e to wfmaktbad: =n genr thsf o

at ard to bet downden prces*tietnext yea's cropdran ntAse.cotton farete Ho top O* tYoem:thl e Sighty et bttler deary ere hoim

and If ee keep his feag sofia..eto ba stampded by the l etsof a flsancial satbe eflht to rleb*o#fleA lwal4 earrtson solid agob ISI&n4 umels<twhaventhsa

ATEARLY'MII.Present Structure Entir1

T~oo Small, StatteMemoar


Lorge Dance Au.iwuInluehdQ4 Schem r

Enloeg~ Building

"Laddear Corr jan come ~pate, the +~largish or their -building Ioeoal g,t1e cmew of :Union aM .eist eels is mh ear future, if .]au~a

arrang eaet can be, isde .to f atcost of such addition t Ia st')wutthat ii the. prperty" of "tbt t; re ;

The qusftontc has . : Hs~et;*s d~froma all angkles for acs 4i* l 5

Tiee'~ am~rcest ..~ `.v

been made 'long agto eu~$4p1~:ss Mke4 the nesew s

:mon ,~#anw tQ o

end to e skite~ tte ? .V

tl.eO$ f Opelonua aid ItW#~

'to dikfng nied j

.fter..lw ndesr the a40j s ia` i;

ide }aos n

Ott ou~it~4aI h $

she o 3 *~Ie w,

1 *athe neatd v

0nly a 4hp

- .

b- t sbi Ue

4, -,

~A~*I*AWALm QiT #A ' "

or h': Etn Eh~ *O