TITLE OF THE PROJECT How to make a digital primer...OBJETIVE OF THE PROYECT Desarrollar la capacidad...

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Transcript of TITLE OF THE PROJECT How to make a digital primer...OBJETIVE OF THE PROYECT Desarrollar la capacidad...

Page 1: TITLE OF THE PROJECT How to make a digital primer...OBJETIVE OF THE PROYECT Desarrollar la capacidad de concienciación para describir y presentar las características de como hacer



Page 2: TITLE OF THE PROJECT How to make a digital primer...OBJETIVE OF THE PROYECT Desarrollar la capacidad de concienciación para describir y presentar las características de como hacer



2 meses

Enero . Marzo 2017




Comprendo, valoro, escribo, expreso, y utilizo el vocabulario para describir, una persona, lugar u objeto.

Page 3: TITLE OF THE PROJECT How to make a digital primer...OBJETIVE OF THE PROYECT Desarrollar la capacidad de concienciación para describir y presentar las características de como hacer

TITLE OF THE PROJECT How to make a digital primer

OBJETIVE OF THE PROYECT Desarrollar la capacidad de concienciación para describir y presentar las características de como hacer los procesos de la evolución

PROJECT EXPECTED RESULTS Expresar sus características y uso , hacer una revista digital sobre los procesos de la evolución en el idioma ingles


ESCUCHAComprendo una descripción oral

sobre una situación, persona, lugar u objeto.


Poseo capacidad lingüística al identificar correctamente palabras y expresiones sencillas en un contexto

determinado en la lengua


Reconozco cuando me hablan en inglés; entiendo cuando me saludan y se despiden; sigo instrucciones con actividades en clase. Demuestro comprensión sobre preguntas


LECTURAValoro la lectura como un hábito importante de enriquecimiento personal y académico

Soy hábil desarrollando la capacidad lingüística, ubicando correctamente palabras y expresiones sencillas de la lengua inglesa en un contexto indicado.

Reconozco palabras y frases cortas en inglés; relaciono ilustraciones con oraciones simples. I share my knowledge

already acquired with my colleagues / as and friends.

I am responsible with my duties and obligations.

Deepen my relationship with God, with myself / a, with my colleagues / as and my surroundings.

ESCRITURAEscribo un texto corto relativo a mí, a mi familia, mis amigos, mi entorno o sobre hechos que me son familiares

Comunicación describir las características de la historia de mi

vida en una revista digital aplicando la

Gramática:Presentation of:-Greetings,

1 to 100 numbers, El verbo “TO BE” en sus tres formas; afirmativa,

negativa e interrogativa.Respuestas cortas.

La preposición de lugar “from”.El orden de las palabras.

Adjetivos, pronombres posesivos,nacianalidades.

Transcribo palabras que comprendo y que uso con frecuencia; escribo el nombre de elementos y lugares que reconozco en una ilustración.Crear un cuento basado en el vocabulario visto como hacer una revista digital de los procesos de la evolución Utilizar las estructura básica de la oración.

MONÓLOGOSExpreso de manera sencilla lo que me gusta y me disgusta respecto a algo

Create a presentation of How to make a digital magazine where you apply basic and concrete way the grammar learned in this


Me intereso positivamente en el desarrollo de mi capacidad lingüística.

CONVERSACIÓNUtilizo códigos no verbales como gestos y entonación, entre otros

Recito y canto rimas que comprendo con entonación; expreso mis sentimientos y estados de ánimo; menciono lo que me

Disfruto con mis compañeros la alegría de desarrollar mi capacidad de lingüística

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• In listening: comprendo información básica sobre temas relacionados con las actividades y las historias de mi vida en una revista digital.

• In reading: puedo extraer información general y específica de un texto corto y escrito en un lenguaje sencillo.

• In writing: escribo un texto corto relativo a la historia de mi vida , cantidades, adjetivos, que me son familiares. Utilizo vocabulario adecuado para darle coherencia a mis escritos.

• In monologues: narro o describo de forma sencilla hechos y actividades que me son fáciles de recordar.

• In conversation: respondo con frases cortas a preguntas sencillas sobre temas que me son familiares.

• Escribo textos cortos que narran historias y describen objetos y cantidades de manera sencilla.

• Desarrollar la capacidad de concienciación mediante la identificación y aplicación de los temas Los pronombres personales.

• El verbo “TO BE” en sus tres formas; afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.• Respuestas cortas.• La preposición de lugar “from”.• El orden de las palabras.• Nacionalidades.• Y mas temas….

Page 6: TITLE OF THE PROJECT How to make a digital primer...OBJETIVE OF THE PROYECT Desarrollar la capacidad de concienciación para describir y presentar las características de como hacer

Es hábil para aplicar los temas vistos en la elaboración de una presentación sobre como crear una revista digital sobre los procesos de la revolución . Tiene clara la gramática las estructuras de la oraciones afirmativas y negativas

Toma decisiones equilibradas al analizar los saberes que necesita desde el vocabulario visto en el periodo y la forma correcta de usar la gramática para hacer oraciones sencillas


Propone formas sencillas y prácticas para usar de forma creativa la elaboración de la presentación de acuerdo a la estructura y elementos vistos en el periodo

Propone ideas nuevas en sus escritos, teniendo en cuenta la estructura y los elementos de la gramáticaSe adapta adecuadamente a trabajar en grupo en clase.Actúa con respeto y tolerancia durante las actividades a desarrollar.


Identifica en un texto la gramática propuesta para el periodo.Partes de la oración y tiene claro el vocabulario sobre el tema del periodo.Understanding evolution

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• You should memorize the structures and all vocabulary in the foreign language. Debes memorizar todas las estructuras gramaticales y el vocabulario en la lengua extranjera.

• Review all lessons and the expressions. Repasa todas las lecciones y expresiones• Answer the Initial evaluation. Responde a la evaluación inicial.• Pay attention to the classes and ask if you don´t understand. Pon atención a clase y pregunta sí no entiendes algo.

For the written works take into account the order, the application of the grammar its structure, the vocabulary must be clear, there should be no translations in Spanish, handle the application of images

You should read the guide completely.Answer the initial evaluation.Id very important you attitude in classMake a sentences in order affirmative, question and answer in the negative and affirmative form.Take into account the vocabulary and grammar seen during the period

Must submit the written works in an orderly manner, taking into account the ICONTEC standards.You must use images to accompany the text.It must be brief and concrete in

its arguments.


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Make a little story about the understanding evolution magazine web, don´t use translator, only with your words to remember (250 words).

Look for a striking image on a understanding evolution magazine web and have an article to share a feature with your classmates. (Power point)

Look for a passage in the bible that kinds of elements existed for the understanding evolution magazine web. Oral support.

Do you remember the adjectives? Write a list of adjective classes you know. Find the grammar in English, and write the concept in the notebook.

Search all the vocabulary that has to do with the understanding evolution magazine web, attach images. Oral support.

Page 9: TITLE OF THE PROJECT How to make a digital primer...OBJETIVE OF THE PROYECT Desarrollar la capacidad de concienciación para describir y presentar las características de como hacer

In this project you develop grammar seen during the period. Keep in mind the grammatical time to do their work. You have the opportunity to work with the following areas of The verb "TO BE" in its three forms; Affirmative, negative and interrogative.Short answers.The preposition of place "from”The order of the words.Numbers. Count. And more.


We are going to develop a presentation in power point on the history use creation and update the history the understanding evolution magazine web.You should use images, and short phrases that accompany these images, that are striking should not be many but if you can explain them.You must not use unknown vocabulary you must use the one you learned during the period.


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Theory of Charles R. Darwin on the formation of species. A. R. Wallace, at about the same time, espoused an analogous theory.

Both jointly presented the theory of evolution on 1-VII-1858 before the Royal Society of Sciences. Darwinism argues that the

great number of descendants of all living beings establishes a struggle for survival, and because of this only the best adapted

survive and reproduce, whereby the species undergoes a gradual evolution

WHO ?The idea of an evolution of life was already expounded by

Aristotle, according to which all things realized tended towards a higher being. However, until well into the modern era, a

constancy was accepted in the species, according to the biblical story of creation.

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to learn…..

http://www.pumarosa.com/ingles/greetings/index/load.htm?f Copy in yournotebook.

Please enter this link and practice the pronunciation of greetings, from now on, we will practice them every day and all the time.

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Intellectual Training


Un pronombre sujeto es la persona o cosa que hace la acción del verbo. Generalmente viene antes del verbo excepto en preguntas. Un pronombre toma el lugar de la persona o cosa específica.


Subject pronounsExample :John runs. >>>He runs. (Juan corre. >>>( Él corre.)

Pronouns ObjectUn pronombre objeto es la persona o cosa que recibe la acción del verbo. Generalmente viene después de un verbo o una preposición.

Example:He gave the food to me.He gave the food to you.He gave the food to him.He gave the food to her.He gave the food to it.He gave the food to us.He gave the food to you.He gave the food to them.

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let's practice

Fill in the blanks with the right subject / personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they):Angelina Joli is American.______ isn't French. Brad Pitt is American, too._____ isn't German. Brad and Angelina aren't French.____ are American. My friend and I are high school students.____ aren't primary school students.The Statue of Liberty is in New York.____ isn't in Washington

Fill in the blanks with the right form of to be ( am, are or is):

_____you the new student?

Yes, I _______ . Leila and Nancy _________students. Nancy ______ Australian . My sister and I _______ students.The girls _______ tired.These women _______beautiful.The tea ______delicious.Nadia and Leila _______friends.The newspaper_______ cheap.

volitive activity #1

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Possessive adjectivesAdjetivos posesivos indican de quien es algo. Por ejemplo, en lugar de decir que el libro es de Juan, debemos decir que es su libro (his



That is my food.That is your food.That is his food.That is her foodThat is its food.That is our food.That is your food.That is their food.

Possessive pronouns

Pronombres posesivos también indican de quien es algo pero no son adjetivos. Se usa un posesivo adjetivo antes de un sustantivo (ej. That is her book. = Ése es su libro.). Un pronombre posesivo, al contrario, es un sustantivo y puede estar solo, sin el nombre de la cosa (ej. That ishers. = Ése es suyo.)

Example:The book is mine.The book is yours.The book is his.The book is hers.The book is ours.The book is yours.

The book is theirs.

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IN A person lives:In a country and in a city.

Rebecca lives in the United StatesShe lives in New York City

ON On a street, avenue, road, etc.

She lives on Pine Street

AT At a streetaddress.

She lives at 1089 Pine Street.

These are some of the most important prepositions of place:

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This chart lists many of the countries or nations in the world, with the following information:

name of country

adjective used for that country (also describes nationality)

noun used for a person from that country

Look at these example sentences:

She comes from France.

She is French

Her nationality is French.

She is a Frenchwoman.

She drives a French car

She speaks French.


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The idea of an evolution of life was already expounded by Aristotle, according to which all things realized tended towards a higher being. However, until well into the modern era, a constancy was accepted in the species, according to the biblical story of creation. At the end of the 19th century, ideas of species variability began to proliferate. J. B. Lamarck insisted on the influence of use and disuse on the development and degeneration of organs, thereby producing a transmission of acquired properties. However, Lamarck's theory was rejected in favor of the thesis of Georges Cuvier, who denied the phylogeny and announced his catastrophic theory: after the destruction of the fauna and the flora, in certain geologic periods, because of catastrophes of amplitude World, the land had once again been populated by an act of creation. Charles Darwin in 1859, with his famous work "The Origin of Species", in which he compiled a large number of real facts, was able to establish a valid theory even today.

Encouraged by the concurrent theory of T. R. Malthius, he claimed that there was a selection of individuals best suited to the environment. Darwin found in Haeckel a vehement defender of his ideas, which spread Darwinism in scientific and informative publications, and also explicitly framed the man in the phylogenetic tree. Subsequently, significant trends were developed, such as Neo-Darwinism and Neolamarckism, which sought to explain the phenomenon of phylogeny. In the last decades, Darwinism, adapted to the results of research, has regained ground. At present it is the only scientifically founded theory that interprets evolutionary processes, and at the same time the knowledge of modern genetics has provided definitive proof.

1. Identify the main ideas. Copy the text in the notebook and underline in blue the main ideas, use as support the grammar seen so far.2. How do you think the story continues? Create a short text where you tell how the story about your life could continue; Write 5 own ideas use the theme of nationalities, flags, numbers, personal pronouns.3. Invents a title for this text.

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MEMBERS OF THE FAMILYTell us about your family. Recreates in an eighth of cardboard a similar picture uses photos of your relatives and under each one places the kinship and the name.We will share it in class

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1. print this exercise and paste it into your

notebook, do it taking into account the grammar view.

2. classify as many adjectives as you can identify in the chart. Create a picture. Studying them if you do not understand the meaning investigates.Oral support in class.

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What is Evolution?

The term evolution means development or development, the gradual transformation from one state to another. The principle of biological evolution, which is nothing other than the application of this concept to living beings, establishes that the many animals and plants that exist today, are descended from simpler organisms, thanks to gradual modifications that have accumulated In the course of successive generations. Species arise from other preexisting species.

Background of Synthetic theory.

At present, no biologist questions the fact of evolution, but this has not always been the case. In fact, only two hundred years ago the idea of a history of evolution that encompasses all living beings on the planet was first proposed. The first scientific and coherent attempt to explain its mechanism, ie how evolution works, is due to the French naturalist Jean B. De Lamarck.

The theory of Lamarck The theory of Lamarck, proposed in 1809

Juan Bautista Lamarck was the first naturalist who formulated an explanatory theory on evolutionary processes. He expounded it in his zoological Philosophy

3. Read and understand the text. Draws a list of new vocabulary.Now using the adjectives you already know rewrite a text based on the read, change the adjectives, write it in your notebook, we will share it in class with your classmates.4.Draw an image that represents the story and that you can explain with your words

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1. Organisms are guided through their existence by an innate and mysterious force that allows them to overcome the adversity of the environment.

2. The environment acts as a "modifying force" on organisms, imposing needs that bring about new organs and functions.

3. The "use and disuse of the parts": the development of the organs and their activity are in constant relation with the use of them. If an organ is used, then it grows and becomes more efficient. Otherwise, it can degenerate and atrophy.

4. The inheritance of characters acquired: what has been acquired, printed or modified in the organization of individuals during the course of their life, is preserved and transmitted to their descendants.

We can summarize the conception of Lamarck in:

The influence of the environment. Environmental changes cause new needs in organisms.

Law of use and disuse. To adapt to the modified environment, organisms must modify the degree of use of their organs.

Continued use of an organ produces its growth (hence the phrase "function creates the organ." Protracted disuse causes it to decrease.

Law of characters acquired. The modifications created by the different degrees of utilization of the organs are inherited. This means that in the long run the organs used will be developed a lot, while those that are not used will tend to disappear.In summary, according to Lamarck evolution is explained by the accumulation of characters acquired over the course of several generations.

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Using the grammar of this page makes the description of the objects that are inside the classroom. Make sentences in forms, affirmative, negative and question. Use the structure to ask for quantity. Copy the exercise in your notebook.


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Why do we use this and these?We use this (singular) and these (plural) as pronouns:to talk about people or things near us:This is a nice cup of tea.Whose shoes are these?- to introduce people:This is Janet.These are my friends, John and Michael.WARNING:We don’t say These are John and Michael.We say This is John and this is Michael.to introduce ourselves to begin a conversation on the phone:Hello, this is David, Can I speak to Sally?

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1.Create a similar box but with adjectives that describe the a Processes the understanding evolution magazine web.There are 10 characteristics.2. You're a private investigator. You must investigate who kidnaps in understanding evolution th images where you ask the questions to the witnesses and the investigation that takes you to the result of discovering who was the cause.Use the grammar view, from the beginning of the period.Use the adjectives classification box.

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The year in which Lamarck published his theory -1809- was also the year Charles Darwin was born. During his youth, Darwin embarked on a five-year voyage around the world, as a naturalist on the expedition of the ship H. M. S. Beagle. During it he made innumerable observations and collected a large number of different plants and animals in many parts of the world. He spent almost twenty years examining and studying the data. In the course of this work he found evidence for certain generalizations. Another naturalist, Alfred Rusell Wallace, came basically to the same conclusions independently, which he communicated to Darwin

In 1858 Darwin and Wallace together enunciated a new theory that replaced to the one of Lamarck. Darwin also elaborated the new theory in book form. This famous work, entitled "On the origin of species through natural selection or conservation of the races favored in the struggle for life" was published in 1859.

In 1859 Darwinism began when Darwin published the book "The Origin of Species through Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Preferred Breeds in the Struggle for Life."

On December 27, 1831, a voyage around the world began, that of the HMS Beagle, on board of which was a naturalist and geologist named Charles R. Darwin (February 12, 1809 - April 19, 1882) for the purpose of Study the natural history of the different countries you visited.

The observations made on that five-year voyage, experimentation and subsequent research on the transmutation of species, the reading of the essay on the population of Malthus (this asserted that if not controlled, the human population would grow in progression Geometric and would soon exceed food supplies, giving rise to the catastrophe of his own name, the catastrophe of Malthus), allowed him to visualize the struggle for existence that is everywhere. From observations of the habits of animals and plants, favorable variations would tend to be preserved, while unfavorable ones would be destroyed. The result of this would be the formation of new species. This connection of visions allowed him to conceive his theory of the natural selection in 1838.Excess number of offspringAll species are capable of producing more pups than would be sufficient to be substituted.The Struggle for SurvivalThe environment can influence individual probabilities of survival.

Between all living beings and the environment there is a reciprocal relationship. The environment provides food, space and territory suitable for life, but also houses rival animals or predators. Hence, there is no population whose individuals survive fully until they can reproduce.

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Important individual differences. Since not all individuals are identical, some are more likely to survive than others. After many generations the proportion of well-adjusted individuals is likely to increase. Darwin called this process NATURAL SELECTION.

Selection is the explanation for the phenomenon by which the characteristics of a population can be modified as individuals adapt better to their environment

Many people often have the impression that this theory is the modern explanation of evolution. This is not accurate. Moreover, erroneous ideas that had their origin in a misinterpretation or misrepresentation of Darwinism, such as "man descends from ape", "survival of the fittest" or "the law of the jungle" .

From Darwin's point of view, the idea of natural selection remains valid, although it has already been made clear that it has little to do with a "struggle".

In addition, natural selection is only part of the evolutionary mechanism, since like Lamarck, Darwin failed to identify the causes of variation. Darwin understood that the conservation of variations within the population was essential to his theory of natural selection, but he never knew how this variation was preserved. Like many other scientists of his day, he thought that if the two progenitors of an individual

1) Reading comprehension2) You must read the text

aloud,3) understand the

vocabulary, if there are new words you must make a listing in your notebook and the translation.

4) Record with your voice the text, practice the pronunciation.

5) We will read in class and ask about reading.

6) Remember that you must use what you learned during the period

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differed in any character, the gametes that this individual produced would be uniform and would transmit the character in some intermediate condition. This type of inheritance would very quickly eliminate differences between individuals. Their effect would be analogous to mixing and remixing water and ink into many containers until all contained a somewhat diluted colored solution. This view of inheritance is wrong. The two alleles carried by a heterozygote are secreted in gametes without mutual contamination. The genes an individual transmits to his offspring may be in new combinations, but they are the same genes he received from his parents. If Darwin had known Mendel's experiments, he would have realized that his problem of explaining the persistence of variation within populations did not exist.

7) Let us use the grammatical structure INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS. Create questions to ask your colleagues about the text that we are understanding.

8) Make a list about verbs in your notebook

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1. For the presentation of the final project of the period, should take into account the following points:

2. You will make an oral presentation understanding evolution magazine web.

3. The content should have a short review of its creation, its use, and its development over time.

4. The oral structure for the support must have the grammar seen during the period.

5. Use the same vocabulary seen, take into account the parts of the sentence.

6. To create a presentation in power point, the content of the slides should be more in images than text because you will tell it orally.

7. Please support intellectual activities, there is a lot of information

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1. Present the first evidence of the work, in the draft

2. You must have the points you are going to develop

3. The draft text with the grammatical themes you chose.

4. Some images

5. Remember to support you in the text of the guide.

Some examples

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• Submit the completed project for review.

• This day you should already be with the learned text and a good speaking in the possible.

• You must bring the presentation in power point.

• I'll ask you questions about it.

So should be your presentation on the final day of the project according to the schedule.

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AFECTIVE ACTIVITY #1You are respectful to your friends and teachers by supporting all the proposed activities collaborate with your peers helping when they are behind in the period.

You should look for someone or a partner of the school who needs any help, and you will collaborate.Through a short video you are going to document your work of solidarity that you have done, and in the end you tell us how you felt and what you learned.

Page 48: TITLE OF THE PROJECT How to make a digital primer...OBJETIVE OF THE PROYECT Desarrollar la capacidad de concienciación para describir y presentar las características de como hacer


For this achievement rate shall be taken into account during the period:1.Excellent behavior inside and outside the classroom2.Agenda with all the devotional period3.Each must have its corresponding drawing or image.4.Respect for himself and his companions.5.Punctuality,6.Collaboration in activities within the school

Page 49: TITLE OF THE PROJECT How to make a digital primer...OBJETIVE OF THE PROYECT Desarrollar la capacidad de concienciación para describir y presentar las características de como hacer

Teniendo en cuenta los siguientes criterios deevaluación de: (S) Siempre, (F) frecuentemente,(CN) Casi nunca y (N) Nunca, marca con una Xla columna que corresponde a tu criterio, segúnlo aprendido:


Intelectual Poseo capacidad lingüística al identificar

correctamente palabras y expresiones sencillas en

un contexto determinado en la lengua inglesa.

Psicomotor Soy hábil desarrollando la capacidad lingüística, ubicando correctamente palabras y expresiones sencillas de la lengua inglesa en un contexto indicado.

Volitivo Sustento mi actividad volitiva al elaborar todas las actividades propuestas en su momento y a su hora haciendo aportes a mi propio desarrollo

Afectivo Soy colaborador al elaborar todas las actividades

propuestas y ayudar a mis compañeros que tengan

dificultades en los temas que yo conceptualizo.

Espiritual Sustento mi actividad espiritual al mantener buenas

relaciones interpersonales con mis compañeros de

clase, con mis superiores así como con todo mi

entorno en el colegio

Page 50: TITLE OF THE PROJECT How to make a digital primer...OBJETIVE OF THE PROYECT Desarrollar la capacidad de concienciación para describir y presentar las características de como hacer

Padre de familia, favor diligenciar el siguiente cuadro para conocer su opinión respecto a los aspectos mostrados por su hijo/adurante el desarrollo del tema, en el periodo. Su opinión es muy importante para nosotros, pues nos ayuda a fortalecer el proceso deformación de los estudiantes.

Aspectos internos Aspectos externosFORTALEZAS OPORTUNIDADES


Page 51: TITLE OF THE PROJECT How to make a digital primer...OBJETIVE OF THE PROYECT Desarrollar la capacidad de concienciación para describir y presentar las características de como hacer


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