Title Company

How to do the Research General Notes: It helps to have 2 monitors to view more date. An extra monitor will cost around $ 125 - 150 You can open multiple screens of IE - I open the PA, Clerk and Tax at the same time. It is a must to have a pdf creator print area - you don't want to print all this paper, look at the paper and print it to say, PDF Lite, then print the document into the directory. 1. Create a directory for the research on your computer. I call mine Prospect Homes. Then, in that directory, create the individual property file. I name them per address, say 361 Lynn Oviedo. All the documents you pull up and look at will then be "printed to PDF" and saved into that file. 2. Go to PA site, look up address - you want to find their name and current mailing address. You will also want brief legal - subdiv and lot. Next look at the sales history and look up the date of the last sale. That will be the last date you will look for later. Ex. Say the home last sold in 2005, you do not need to know anything about anything prior to 2005. So when you look the owners up in the Clerk's site, don't go back past 2005. I usually note the size of the home, in both ac sf and total sf, also features such as fp, pool. I'll print to PDF, save in directory. 3. Now pull up Tax Collector to see if taxes are current and note. Print to PDF and save. 4. In Orange go to Comptroller site - all other counties go to CLERK site. In appropriate site, put in your owner's name Henry Thomas (if there is middle initial - LEAVE IT OUT), put in under "recording date" "start" use drop down to whatever year we had (remember the last date that we needed from # 2 above ) then search (or just hit enter) -wherever possible, I sort by recording date, and "sort order", I use descending ( this gives you the recent events first). I then print this page to actual paper, I need to make handwritten notes on this page. Now go thru the events - eliminate those that do no apply to your legal address ( when they have more than 1 prop ). Print the relevant documents to PDF and save each one. I label the doc 361 Lynn say LP then I add the recording info OR Book # and Page # (note that the Book and Page numbers are usually divided by "/" but you usually cannot use that in the file name so I use a "-" to separate them. So go to our printed page 3 - Municipal Lien and this is how I would label that file: 361 Lynn Muni Lien 7747-1862. After you have gone thru and marked up the Clerk's search, scan that page and save to your file. 5. Now we're going to the Clerk's site. Click on Civil Case Records. Put in owner's name. Match the case to the party - you have the lender and borrower's name and you know that the f/c case will be from 2009 to present - so that will narrow the search. Click on appropriate case. What appears is the Register of Actions for case No. XXX. Go thru the case docket, note whatever is pertinent, see if they have an attorney and see if they seem to be fighting the f/c. Also at the bottom you'll see the costs charged thus far by the court. Print this to PDF and save to file. 6. Next we're going to Pacer.gov to see about BK. Click on "Find a Case" then click on Search the PACER Case Locator" enter login in info: then Click on Bankruptcy, then click in the enter the region area: scroll down to Florida Middle, under "party search" enter name: You'll see there are no recent BK filings. If there were, you'd print the Filing Page and Case Summary page to PDF and save to file. 7. We ALWAYS check the local building department for any open permits and we ALWAYS check with Code Enforcement for open CE activities. We ALWAYS do this regardless of what the property looks like. So when we get done, we have a very complete file and very accurate data. 8. One last thing, we ALWAYS get a survey unless we are just flipping the property. Surveys show encroachments - and it's the only way you can see everything about the location of the home, etc. GOOD LUCK, HAVE FUN - DO THE GRUNT WORK - IT WILL BE WORTH IT - CIAO

Transcript of Title Company

Page 1: Title Company

How to do the Research

General Notes: It helps to have 2 monitors to view more date. An extra monitor will cost around $ 125 - 150

You can open multiple screens of IE - I open the PA, Clerk and Tax at the same time. It is a must to have a pdf creatorprint area - you don't want to print all this paper, look at the paper and print it to say, PDF Lite, then print thedocument into the directory.

1. Create a directory for the research on your computer. I call mine Prospect Homes. Then, in that directory,

create the individual property file. I name them per address, say 361 Lynn Oviedo. All the documents you

pull up and look at will then be "printed to PDF" and saved into that file.

2. Go to PA site, look up address - you want to find their name and current mailing address. You will also want

brief legal - subdiv and lot. Next look at the sales history and look up the date of the last sale. That will be

the last date you will look for later. Ex. Say the home last sold in 2005, you do not need to know anything

about anything prior to 2005. So when you look the owners up in the Clerk's site, don't go back past 2005. I

usually note the size of the home, in both ac sf and total sf, also features such as fp, pool. I'll print to PDF,

save in directory.

3. Now pull up Tax Collector to see if taxes are current and note. Print to PDF and save.

4. In Orange go to Comptroller site - all other counties go to CLERK site. In appropriate site, put in your

owner's name Henry Thomas (if there is middle initial - LEAVE IT OUT), put in under "recording date" "start"

use drop down to whatever year we had (remember the last date that we needed from # 2 above ) then

search (or just hit enter) -wherever possible, I sort by recording date, and "sort order", I use descending (

this gives you the recent events first). I then print this page to actual paper, I need to make handwritten

notes on this page. Now go thru the events - eliminate those that do no apply to your legal address ( when

they have more than 1 prop ). Print the relevant documents to PDF and save each one. I label the doc 361

Lynn say LP then I add the recording info OR Book # and Page # (note that the Book and Page numbers are

usually divided by "/" but you usually cannot use that in the file name so I use a "-" to separate them. So go

to our printed page 3 - Municipal Lien and this is how I would label that file: 361 Lynn Muni Lien 7747-1862.

After you have gone thru and marked up the Clerk's search, scan that page and save to your file.

5. Now we're going to the Clerk's site. Click on Civil Case Records. Put in owner's name. Match the case to the

party - you have the lender and borrower's name and you know that the f/c case will be from 2009 to

present - so that will narrow the search. Click on appropriate case. What appears is the Register of Actions

for case No. XXX. Go thru the case docket, note whatever is pertinent, see if they have an attorney and see if

they seem to be fighting the f/c. Also at the bottom you'll see the costs charged thus far by the court. Print

this to PDF and save to file.

6. Next we're going to Pacer.gov to see about BK. Click on "Find a Case" then click on Search the PACER Case

Locator" enter login in info: then Click on Bankruptcy, then click in the enter the region area: scroll down to

Florida Middle, under "party search" enter name: You'll see there are no recent BK filings. If there were,

you'd print the Filing Page and Case Summary page to PDF and save to file.

7. We ALWAYS check the local building department for any open permits and we ALWAYS check with Code

Enforcement for open CE activities. We ALWAYS do this regardless of what the property looks like. So when

we get done, we have a very complete file and very accurate data.

8. One last thing, we ALWAYS get a survey unless we are just flipping the property. Surveys show

encroachments - and it's the only way you can see everything about the location of the home, etc.


Page 2: Title Company

Central Florida Property Research Websites

Polk PA: http://www.polkpa.org/

Polk Clerk: http://www.polkcountyclerk.net/

Polk Tax: http://www.polktaxes.com/

Brevard PA: |rttps://www.brevardpropertvapi3raiser.cojTi/asj3/recora.asB

Brevard Clerk: .httfi://19QJ41.8425/inde^

Brevard Tax: http://www.brevardtaxcollector.com/payprop.htm

Seminote PA: http://scpafi.org/

Seminofe Cterk: http://seminoleclerk.org/

Semlnole Tax: h ttp ://ww w.se m i no letax. o rg/d e v/ na rn e Sa a re h .a sp

Orange PA: http://www.ocftafl.ore/sear;ches/Parcel$earch.aspx

Orange Clerk: http://mvcterk.rnvorangederk.csm/default.aspx

Orange Comptroller: htt p ://or. o ceo m pt. co m/record e r/we b/

Normal public records for OC found on this site - not Clerk's site

Orange Tax: http://www.octaxcol.com/

Volusia PA: http://webserver.vcgov.org/index.htnrtl

Volusia Clerk: http://www.clerk.org/menu/index.jsp

Volusia Tax: httg§,://w w w. vo i u si a. county-taxes. com/pu bl ic

Lake PA: http://www.lakecopropappr.eom/

Lake Clerk: http://wwwJakecountyclerk.org/

Lake Tax: http://www.iaketax.corn/

Bankruptcy: Pacer.gov

On pacer you will have to set up your own account. The billing: you are charged $ 0,10 per page thatyou view. You will be billed quarterly but if you're account is not at least $ 15.00 for the quarter, therewill be NO charge. Thaf s 150 pages before there will be any charge to you. You only need 1 or 2 pagesmaximum at this site. You'll need the Notice of Filing and the Case Summary.