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Don’t forget to delete this text box and add an illustration somewhere on this “cover page.”. Title. Author:. By: YOUR NAME. Table of Contents *delete these 2 lines* Note: Replace “subcategory” with your actual subcategory. Introduction…………………………pg. 3 Subcategory 1………………………pg. 4 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Title


Dont forget to delete this text box and add an illustration somewhere on this cover page.

Table of Contents*delete these 2 lines*Note: Replace subcategory with your actual subcategory
Introductionpg. 3Subcategory 1pg. 4Subcategory 2pg. 5 Subcategory 3pg. 6Conclusion..pg. 7About the Authorpg. 8

Type your paraphrased introductory facts about your topic HERE.If you need more space, click Insert, then New Slide.
Delete this text box, and replace it with a photograph & caption OR a sidebar OR a graph OR a map OR some other diagram.

Type the name of Subcategory 1
Type your paraphrased facts about subcategory 1 HERE.If you need more space, click Insert, then New Slide.
Delete this text box, and replace it with a photograph & caption OR a sidebar OR a graph OR a map OR some other diagram.

Type the name of Subcategory 2
Type your paraphrased facts about subcategory 2 HERE.If you need more space, click Insert, then New Slide.
Delete this text box, and replace it with a photograph & caption OR a sidebar OR a graph OR a map OR some other diagram.

Type the name of Subcategory 3
Type your paraphrased facts about subcategory 3 HERE.If you need more space, click Insert, then New Slide.
Delete this text box, and replace it with a photograph & caption OR a sidebar OR a graph OR a map OR some other diagram.

Type a summary of your research HERE.If you need more space, click Insert, then New Slide.
Delete this text box, and replace it with a photograph & caption OR a sidebar OR a graph OR a map OR some other diagram.

About the Author
Type a summary of yourself HERE.If you need more space, click Insert, then New Slide.
Delete this text box, and replace it with a photograph & caption to represent you.