Tissue Banking Marilyn Mason, Ph.D. January 14, 2009.

Tissue Banking Marilyn Mason, Ph.D. January 14, 2009
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Transcript of Tissue Banking Marilyn Mason, Ph.D. January 14, 2009.

Page 1: Tissue Banking Marilyn Mason, Ph.D. January 14, 2009.

Tissue Banking

Marilyn Mason, Ph.D.

January 14, 2009

Page 2: Tissue Banking Marilyn Mason, Ph.D. January 14, 2009.

Human Biological Specimens

Any material derived from a human subject—such as blood, urine, tissues, organs, hair, nail clippings, or any other cells or fluids

Whether collected for research purposes or as residual specimens from diagnostic, therapeutic, or surgical procedures

Does not include fungi, viruses, bacteria, etc.

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Non-Banked (Stored) Human Biological Specimens

Human biological specimens collected under a VA-approved protocol that are used for only the specific purposes defined in the protocol and are destroyed when the specific testing/use is completed or at the end of the protocol

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Banked Specimens

Biological specimens collected and stored for future research purposes that are beyond the scope of work described in the original protocol and informed consent

OR Biological specimens collected under a

protocol designed for banking of specimens

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New Handbook

Establishes policies and procedures for the collection of human biological specimens for research purposes, the re-use of previously collected research specimens, and the storage of human biological specimens for future research use.

Addresses the collection and storage of clinical and research data that may be linked to those specimens.

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New Handbook, cont’d

Went into concurrence the beginning of September 2008

Is being revised based on feedback and will go back into concurrence in about a week

New policies regarding banking at for-profit companies will not be implemented until after handbook has been approved

Current requirements found on ORD web site http://www.research.va.gov/programs/tissue_banking/default.cfm

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Guidance Documents

Guidance, application forms, and checklists will be in guidance documents that will be posted on the ORD web site when the handbook is approved and posted.

If there is anything you would like us to include in the guidance, please let me know.

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What Handbook Covers

Non-banked specimens sent outside of the VA for analyses/testing

Specimens banked at a VA facility– PI-dedicated biorepository– Shared biorepository

Specimens banked outside of the VA– At non-profit or academic institution– At for-profit company

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Banking at For-Profit Companies

VA PI must obtain approval from Central Office

Company must enter into a cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA) with the VA

Banking must be part of an interventional clinical trial that is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov

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Banking at For-Profit Companies, cont’d

Banking must not be a requirement of participation in the trial

A separate consent form for banking is required

Banked specimens must be labeled with a code that does not contain any of the 18 HIPAA identifiers before they leave the VA

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Banking at For-Profit Companies, cont’d

The HIPAA authorization must have an expiration date

Company may have a limited data set, if they sign a data use agreement

Individual raw genetic data resulting from company’s analyses must be encrypted according to FIPS 140-2 standards

Company may share specimens only with its affiliates (not with other parties)

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On-Site Biorepositories

Must have a master banking protocol (We are currently developing a template.)

Must undergo an annual compliance audit (ACOS/R will determine who will perform the audit at his/her facility.) We will provide a checklist. The results must be sent to ORO and ORD.

Two types: PI-dedicated and shared

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On-Site Biorepositories, cont’d

For shared type– If samples shared with investigators outside

the VA, then must use materials transfer agreement (MTA) or MT CRADA.

– For data (de-identified or limited data set) leaving VA, a data use agreement (DUA)/data transfer agreement (DTA) is required.

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Background Information

Regulations Biorepository best practices Survey of veterans on their attitudes about

genomic medicine Genomic data in genome-wide association

studies (GWAS) databases

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Common Rule (38 CFR Part 16) HIPAA Privacy Rule (45 CFR 164) VHA Handbook 1605.1--Privacy and

Release of Information VHA Handbook 1200.05--Requirements

for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research

VA Handbook 6500--Information Security Program

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Biorepository Best Practices

International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER) “2008 Best Practices for Repositories” http://www.isber.org/Pubs/BestPractices2008.pdf

National Cancer Institute Best Practices for Biospecimen Resources (June 2007) http://biospecimens.cancer.gov/global/pdfs/NCI_Best_Practices_060507.pdf

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Survey of Veterans

>900 veterans from across the country, who receive care through the VA, completed a survey on their attitudes about genomic medicine

Included in the survey were questions about use of biological specimens for genetic studies by VA researchers, university researchers, and drug companies

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Survey of Veterans, cont’d

83% veterans agreed that the genomic medicine program should be done

71% were willing to participate Majority of veterans thought that the following

types of researchers outside of the VA should have access to VA samples and data (in order listed):– US academic or medical centers– Other health-related government agencies– US pharmaceutical companies

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Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS)

A genome-wide association study is defined as any study of genetic variation across the entire human genome that is designed to identify genetic associations with observable traits (such as blood pressure or weight), or the presence or absence of a disease or condition.

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A research team at the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) has developed bioinformatics techniques so that with enough genomic data on an individual from another source, it is possible to determine if that individual participated in the study by analyzing the pooled data.

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GWAS Data, cont’d

As a result of this, in August, NIH modified part of its policy for posting and access to genomic data in its GWAS databases.

White paper at http://grants.nih.gov/grants/gwas/

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GWAS Data, cont’d

To protect research participant privacy, NIH removed aggregate GWAS files from the public portion of its databases.

The data is still available to researchers, but they must now apply for access to the data and sign a data use agreement, in which they agree to protect the confidentiality of the data.

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Addition to Tissue Banking Team

Kristina Hill, MPH, has joined our staff. She is processing off-site tissue banking

applications so that we can reduce the turnaround time.

Kristina is also helping prepare the guidance documents.

[email protected]

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Contact Information

[email protected] Phone: 202-461-1682 Fax: 202-254-0521