TIRED HUMANITY TROOPS FROM CITY TO COUNTRY Shores of Ocean and Lake and Banks of Rivers Are Colonized by Vaca¬ tion Crowds in Search of Rec¬ reation and Amusement. lsrge number of young m>> i members ©:" the Stiate rore*try Scl »««I camping in th«. part», who are coia»'»ini study with a su-n-n.'r outing, and their nresence here is 'cu'in,- consid¬ erable interest in the social ltmc.ions that are tak-.nç plp.«e her«'. S.-ru.harie Mansion, which is «inder the management R, ("ocpri is arrançi'i^: an ¡ttra;-.i\e Fourth of July piOfrr.xi.ii«.i« the' will bring a number of i».«..ole here next .n.; th;.t promises to a very- pleasant affair. The Crenoble. an>th»r preit». in this section, has its Br . visitors this week. A number of people are c.»io\ing their vacations at the M«-i-li«w Lawn >«.rm House, one of the. cosiest places The Twin Mountain House is locking forward to a busy season, und bar of arrivals this week. The Grand Canyon House, At Pltt- \-vr. overlooking the beautiful ind the Hudson River Valley for mile?, is having «»i», 'and ts guest* an« delighted \> i'r. t!» » hotel and its surroundings. ROXBURY. Roxbury. \. V.. June 27. Roxbury \*ry attractive this season, and ihire arc only a few summer % isitors spendinfr June hero, it is ex¬ pected that next week will see ar¬ rivals enough to comfortably till for urth of July tho few hotels and boarding houses that are found in this ful re.sott. Lake l>a!e. the pretty artificial lake here, adds to the attractivene<s of Roxbury and will be popular with the «.-»»ople who come here for the summer l To the groat delight of the people -bury, Mr. and Mr*. Finley J. Shepard are spending the summer at beautiful summer home, Kirk- ..r.d as Mrs. Shepard is keenly In the welfare of Roxbury, Bring her slay here there are numerous entertainments at Kirksidc for the henef't of local institutions, her coming to Roxbury will add to the of the season. H. Snow and family, York, have arrived at their summer cottage, in Main st., and will spend the entire season here. Mrs. Sparks and Mrs. Meyer and Hrooklyn, have leased the **u and are occupying »son. HH.HMOINT. Highmount. N. Y.. June 27. The ig of the Grand Hotel here on day marked the real opening of ¦ason in this vicinity, because it Highmount an unusually .»umber of people for their sum- vacation and added considerable the social affairs held at throughout this part of it The Grand Hotel will be under the Harrison S. Downs this reason, and as Mr. Downs has been favorably known as one of the leading men in the state the people who spend their summer outing here can ..ssured that their vacation will enjoyable one. could hardly imagine a more -.g setting for a hotel than the on occupied by the Grand, and has eve-y modern improvement «-ry innovation meeting with ir f.-.vor in N'cv.- York will be seen on, there is no doubt hat the younger set will make .and Hotel their summering greater numbers than ever lar.sant, the automobile livery, ,ing school and golf will vie in *.' in s, basebal, music, oon teas and billiards and bowl- ookingi are the heaviest in the the hotel. Among the lat» ere are Mrs. Reuben Sloate, Id Hmnmerstein. N. S. Gone, L. V,r- I.. !.. Shuman. -.Vn- >numan, Miss Elsie D. Smith. Smith, Milton Kadison. .i Brill. Oscar Hammerstein, ergard, James Oster- jrard. M<s«* Olga Ostergart!. W. J. Miss Rosalie Steifel, Mrs. Rob- Non. Mrs. Bertha Rosenberg. "'. Hunt, Miss Janette Hub- A. Rosenberg, the Misses »erg. Mrs. S. Adler, Mr. and Mrs. --tern. Mr. ar.d Mrs. L. Zecken- "r. and Mrs. Julius If. Cohn. Maurice G. Cohn, Master James. Mr. anil Mrs. Arthur Geiers- and family. New York. KAVrKRSKILL. Kaaterskill, N. Y.. June 27. M-^re people than ever before reached the Kaaterskill this week to spend innual vacation because of the that the hotel opened its doors than in previous years, th«; having thrown open its doors on -day of this week. The outlook for a successful season Kaaterskill is unusually bright, will be the most brilliant -eason of recent years is shown '¦. the success of the opening ball. is being held in the grand ball¬ room of the hotel this evening. IHK NEW GRAM) HOTEL. Harrison S. Downs, the proprietor of tar Grand Hotel, in the Catskill Mountains, believes in g-tting his help in the proper frame of mind before .-tartiiijr them to work for the seasoii. With this end in view Mr. Down« char- *ei*d one of the steamers of the Cen¬ tral Hudson Steamboat Line to trans¬ port his retinue of servants to Kings- ton Point preparatory to opening the his hostlery to-day. There were more than one hundred party, which had the night boat f, « xcept for seven tot'iing cars i«e«l by 'he guests and twelve «.addle horses furnished and in charge ar Hautcr. Mr. Downs ilr*«- ma,i- th« trip to jrreet the guests who will ¡«rrive to-day to find the hotel in readi- to greet them. "1 feel if I were moving a circus," declared Mr. Downs last night just be- e steamer left her pier. "But it to treat your servants right ¡f you are to be successful with a sum¬ mer hotel. Give me good help, and I will show you a good hotel, with happy patrons. Many of my servants Iook forward to this trip as the big event of their summer. I bring them back in . me fashion." e boat pulled out a three piece « rehestra struck up a popular one-step rnd the servants whirled away in the dance. MANCHESTER. Manchester - in - the Mountains, VC, June 27. The Equinox House is equipped to accommodate those who SI'S fond of dancing. The large danc¬ ing parlor which was tho scene of so much pleasure last season is in perfect order and nn excellent orchestra is regularly in attendance in the after¬ noon and evening. Nor is the dancing confined to the Equinox parlor and the k .lall house parties, for the cottagers plan tc derive much pleasure from parties in the Seminary Gymnasium. «tiok is beginning to teem with litis but a short time .before j tne course v. ill be thronged dailv. The tennis courts arc alreadv bus«,'. The "rst golf competition of the season will occui on ihe Fourth whe». the Inde- peiiden.v (up .nd other trophies will ne the object of morning and after noon hnndicapv Oeorgc H Crocker, probably one of the best golfers m the country oxer stxtv vears of age, arrived during the week and will be a daily visitor nt »Ekwanek trout now on. K. W. Olnejr, of New York, hns rented I1» « lark Burnbam's cottage on Mein rtret! and will soon be here with his I -itr»i!j. The faaiilv of W. A. Barber, of New Yew is again at Algonuh for the sea¬ son. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sill, of Philadel¬ phia, are to be at the Makin cottage on the North Road this lummor. Mr. and Mrs. ii. (,. Stow. Miss Havi- land and Miss J. Thompson, of Kngle- >«ood, nre at the Equinox House for the .--eason. Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Johnson, of New York, arrived at the Equinox House on Monday, and will be here for some time. IN THE DELAWARE WATER GAP REGION The Hotels Organize an A.ssoci« ation for Promotion of All Kinds of Sports. Delaware Water Gap, Penn.. June 27. The summer season's activities at the Water ( are beginning to take shape and m an à feet themselves in the preparations for the big regatta, which will be held on the Dela-.-aic very soon. The community spirit is \ery noticeable at this resort, where-the hotels have organized an association for the pro- notion of all kinds of spoils during the summer season, and has resulted in the arrangement amon*j the various houses from time to time of tournaments and m -ets. in which every guest may have n part. It i* expected that the entries for the regatta races will include vis¬ itor«: from nil the houses. Canoe race-», overturn races, tub races and all kinds "if swimming contests will be features of the day's doings, while in the even ing the illuminations, dances and open air concerts will make a fit ending to ü day of rovelrj. Just now the laurel is in full bloom arid the rhododendron is beginning to blossom. It is impossible to describe the beauty of the fields and mountain si.lcs, arrayed in a blaze of dazzling pink. Eveiy woodland path is hedged with the big clusters of this delicately colored (lower, which sheds it perfume abroad to ravish the senses. The fields of «Train and corn are ripen¬ ing, and the views from the lofty sum¬ mits of .«It. Tammany and Mt. Min.»i show the broad valley stretched be¬ neath one Luge checkerboard of wheat and corn and rye. which waves and billows m the summei bréete. J. A. Redinpton. of the Hotel Red- ington, Willies Barre, was t gu« the Kittatinn« this week. He is malt¬ ing his -»nniial tour of the Water Gap region, and fi ad In his party hi Airs. M. J. Rcdington, and William Wie- bright. Centals C. L. Branch, Ü. S. N. and enjoyment of the Wonderful I'ocoti environment. Then they find thsl the; are wedded to the place ami begin t. think of h summer home in sorm iheltered nook «>i up high <>n the snni mit of one of the many peaks. Afte that it is Usually but ii short tinic be f«>ie the foundations are laid ami th» linns»' itarta Among the Aral t»» ente their new Pocono home this year wa» Miss Ida Walker, of Nés Y»»i k, wh« is already entertaining her friends among whom is her brother-in-law, Hi Caley, of Philadelphia. The new pn .tulliré bllililillg is S till« addition to the community. In sdditioi t«. the postal accommodât ;»»n« .ire sou venir and confectionery store.., and is rumored that banking accommoda¬ tions will be there \ery soon. The Public Library, which wai ercrt ed last summer, will be one of the pleesing features of the resort thi»- year. In addition to the large number of books contribute»! Issl year another collection has been added, which broadeni the -cope of the library con¬ siderably end makes it certain that every one will And his favorites here. It is expected that the arrangement's for the big tennis tourney will be com pleted within a very few days, and the schedule of the game.-- will be known. Everybody in the resort is mightily interested in ihe event, and film ths guests have entered. The ««»lifts have received a thorough dressing down Mid stand readv to give the fast- iil of plH\. The gumes will be played simultaneously at the different hcrtell snd matclies will be arranged be¬ tween the v. innere'. The mountain climbers are busy at it. i'ocono Knob. ]\>c> he, ObMfVS tor*» Hill anil many other ruggeo peaks tempt the hardy mou- at nd no day passes without seeing grou bright eyed, hungry trampen return¬ ing '.o their hotels with woinlmus tales The golfers ere g«-- !í»¡: ciowds have been pending the pleas¬ ant .1 .- links, but recently they have »been getting 'ogeth» a view to having a "big tournament. There are some crack golfei before long ti rt'«i»*»r: v. ill be treated to an opportune -ne very in- u'reen. Th»« Co 11 in line condtti- encourage the best in everybody who plays. hiá wife are staving here at the Kit- tiitinny for several we« I), i». Sprague, Deputy ( ollector of Customs at "re pott of New York, ii i guest of the Water Gap House. Mr. .".praguc mad;; th" remark that "You CW't "ay anything too gooii about tin- Water Gun." This his twentieth year nt the Weter Cap House. Willard Gowen, of New York, the well known athlete of Rutgers College. will be here several weeks at tl»" River View, and will take acti-e interest In the «¿ports of the season. Among the golfers here mention should be made of Mr. and Mrs. R. T Dales and Miss Vivian M. Rush, who arc at it all the time and pretty sue eas*"fully. They are visitors at the \\ at er Cap Heu se Mrs \. |;. Wilson, Miss I!. ('. New- hall, Miss A. L. Newhall and Miss II. C Houghton are members of a motoring party who stopped for a short sojourn at the Bellevue. They are registered from Lynn. Mass., and are starting on a tour of the eastern part of the coun¬ try. Mr. ami Mrs. R. II. Gillies, of New York, are enjoying the hospitality of the Castle Inn «luring their stay here. Sol Oppenheimer, the clothing manu¬ facturer, of New York, is staying with his wife at the Castle Inn. Albert H. Ehrmann an«i George B. Ehrmann, both of New York, who are students of Mercersburg, are summer gutsts of the Glenwood, where their prowess in the athletic tield is gaining them a reputation. The former is pre¬ paring ''or Yale, and the latter for Cornell. II. F. Reinhard, a retired cigar manu¬ facturer, of Jersey City, will spend tho summer with his wife at the Glenwood. Mrs. M. J. Loughran, of New York, has, joined her daughter at the Glen¬ wood over the week end. P. J Walsh, of New York, connected with the editorial department of "The New York American," is a sojourner at tre Glenwood. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cossema, of New Ycrk. are spending their honeymoon at the Glenwood. W. A. Kelly, a prominent hotel man of New York, is making a short visit to the Water Gap House. M and Mrs. 6. W. Edmonsten. well known m society circles of New York, are making a long stay st the Kit- tatini. Frank J. Campbell, jr.. of New *iork, is one of tho baseball stars of the re¬ sort. He is staving for the summer at the Co'irtenay Lodge. A. B. Cory, of Austin, Nichols k Co., of New York, is enjoying a period of recreation at the Glenwood. MOI NT POCONO. Mount Pocono, Penn., June 21. The popularity of the Pocono region is evidenced by the number of new bungalows going, up. Visitors first start in with a short sojourn at the hotel, then a longer stay, and then perhaps a whole season spent in utter Colonel Charle? O. Treal and hip wife, together with the Treat and Lieutenant .1. B. Treat, all of Fort Houston, Texas, motored to the Mount Pleasant House, where they will stay for some time. They are de¬ lighted with the scenery and the hotel. Mr. and Mrs. A. < Sen of New- York, ;:re spending n peripd of recrea¬ tion at the Mount Plea ant house. Osear W. Roy, of New York, a civil engineer of prominence, is staying for some time at the Ontwood. Miss K. ,1. Bryant, of New York, a poetess of note and a contributor to several magazines, i* spending the summer at the Belmont. Mrs. Joseph Marin, of New Ro¬ chelle, is spending the .ummer with her children at Mount Pocono. She is registe te«! at the Belmont. R. A. Botte, an honor graduate of Columbia University, is enjoying a va¬ cation at the Belmont. Charles W. Binsse nnd Miss Made¬ line Moneault, both of »New York, who are staying at the Moadowside, Hold the cro'iuet championship of the house. A. Keeseler, of New fork, the noteil surgeon, is n summer visitor at the Devonshire P L. H. .»ay i.nil the Misses Carmick. of New York, are active in the athletic life of the »-esort. They are staying at the Devonshire Pines. Miss Lia Quilty, well known in New York society circles, is here for the summer, slaying at the Clairmont House. . STROUOSBURG. Stróudsburg, Venn., June 27. With the inauguration of the fa t special train ervire from New Y'ork an»! Phil- i.delphia it may be said that th« son is well started. The crowds that have been pouring into this great cen¬ tre of Monroe County resorts have made it an absolrt» necessity that j,reat.'i- facilities be provided to bring them from the large cities, Extra Sat¬ urday and Monday return service has been demanded in narticula», and the Lackawanna and Pennoylvsnis rail¬ roads have responded with a schedule fully ample to requirements. Evidences of the great inrush of Stimmer visitors are unmistakably mati- .i many other ways. The gar- ,re being taxed to the utmost to take care of tne many machines arriv¬ ing within the last week. A greater proportion of arrivals than ever before has come by motor, since the scenery in the region is such as to attract mo who stay for weeks on end making tours of the section. Athletics are booming. Tournament schedules are out and the games will start this week. AM of the houses are represented by teams in tb« nis tournaments aud baseball series, and a very lively season is in prospect. The game last Saturday between Stroudsburg and Bangor. won by Stroudsburg, was as exciting as any looking up Catskill Creek, in the. Catsicill^ one could wi.-li end played throughout in big leigtie style. Henry Hol-te. of New Yolk, B wholc- r-ale «-»»«1 merchant, Maple- hurst with his wife for the summer. Mrs. Hugh P. Connolly, of New York, »s making Hie Berwick Inn r for the s tint -11 er. Highland Inn Thomas II. Harper, P. Harper. William Harper, Jamas Har¬ per. Miss L B. Harper, Mrs. P. B. Hay- den, Charles Conly, Mr. ami Mrs. Al¬ beit «'only, William Gloeckner, Mr. si .! Mr \\ illiam Pringle, A. v.. Pringle, Mrs. Mary A. Pringlo, Mrs. L. H. Plan dora and Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hums. ' | leigh Inn Mr. and Mrs. Jamei Dovlan, Mr. end Mrs. I1 k. Snyder, William Calllhsn, Mrs, Arthur Bo well, Miss Eleanor Boswell, Albert \ Mr-. J. C. Mean«. !. ".¡.¦in Stewart Means, Will¬ iam Meai .. Mrs. Rob¬ ert and Mrs. J. Blair. CRES» O. Creseo, 1'enn., June 21. The bunga- lony is full of life. Almost every!»» here and welcoming friendi back to pleasant summei The trout ''birg, which has held the ;.. month or rival of the ÍI "or the anglers. Trie fish nre b't-¦ me big strings have airead nee of the fi.-.!«.er:nen. from New ice « a! m Inn M »-. :.t«.i »i B, Crane, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Nicholson, Malcolm M. Haywerd, «lr. and Mrs. i«.. Nicdersl idt, Mr. end Mr-. A. !'. mo-id. Miss Raymond, Jay R. Jenkins. jr., an»l Mr. ..n»! Mr*. Arthur M. " Buck Hill Hi" F, 1». Peale. F. \. Peale, dire, ifary H. Br-ovt», Mi Frederick Nathan,"K. L. Csswcll, *. Eugene P Curtis, M. Pierce, George W. Rurh- way. Mi Rebecca A. Seamen end Mis.; Emily C, Stamen. Fine. Mr. and Mrs. F. .1. McNally, Graham, Mr. :'n«l Mr«. .1. A. Her- rick, M Coleman, .1. S, Hnm- it I». 1*. Math« Mabel Matthews, .1. H. Matthews and E. !.. SHAWN EL. Shawnee-on-D« lawar« I n., June "7. Th«' are poiring into* Shew- nee this week hosts of visitors, who present et the invi¬ tation ladies' tournament on the links of the Shawnee Country Club. The course is in .inc shape for this, th« big tournament «f the season, and some fine playing is expected. Some oí" th.. stars are here already, and there is u big gallery of experts on the job. ALONG THE JERSEY COAST New Bathing Facilities Estab« lished on the Beach Front at Asbury Park. Asbury Park. N. J.. June 21. The opening of th«- seaso.i of 19! 1 was com¬ pleted to-day. when 'lie big beachfront hotels the New Monterey, the Brur.» wick, Sunset Hal! end < oliimbi:: and other of the gnat North Asbury hostl.-- ries received guest, far the Rrsl time. Hundreds of«. came to the re¬ sort to-day, and the vanguard of July vacationists is also hero. The hotel district to-night was the scene of groat activity as th" season visitors settled in their quarters anil began the interchange of hotel sociabil- itiee that is so important a feature of the summer life here. To-day also marked the opening of new bathing facilities on the beach¬ front, an incident of which was the first occupation of the new t-roup at Fifth a\. where has been built a mod- cm structure on the lines of the Thin. and Fourth av. establishment. With this addition the last relic of the re¬ gime of Founder Bradley has disap¬ peared from the boardwalk. The engageaient of Mrs. Belie Teu¬ ton Renfrew and her women's orchestra r.i the arcade began to-night, and a large audience was on hand to greet them The former visitor bcarcely rec- . -* -*--J- in its new arrange-j ment. The old circular bend shell ba¬ been removed, end a new stage, by an exten ilon of the building for at .1 »i in th«1 old en nient, end thcr i siso s go the musicians from ell quai Hooking« .-»* tin' New Monterey in¬ clude Mr. end Mi i. A Hildreth, Mi Mrs. l-'rank »Benjamin, Mr- C. R. Wa¬ fer. C. H. Wagner, jr., Mr. an»! Ml John R. Wild'tman, Mrs. J. II. Walsh, A. Walsh, Mr. end Mrs. !.'. V. Dare, Mr. end Mrs. William Scott, Mr. end Mrs. H. K. Grady, Mr. and Mrs. William Powor Mrs. «" H. Armstrong, H. N. Reuter, Mrs. il.-rben Gardner, Gardm Hunting*.- n Gardner, Mrs. l»»hn J, O'Donohi Mrs. H. J. Sraberry, Albert Hill Sea- berry, Mr. and Mrs. George \»i'. V Mre. Leon K. Smith, Misa K. II. Edgar G. Young. Mr-. John S. and family ami Mrs. Alexander Hi of New York. The week's arrivals include; man Hous« Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Carter. S. A. Bradford. Mr. nm\ Ml M, I. Clarke, ri M, Baylor ami Mi Mrs. Alfred J. Tool», of New \ork. . -gan Fit/.g.-raM French. C. M. Buibanon. J. V. i eurtade and Howard A New York, and Judge and Mrs. A. v,. Richardson, of Brook' v. Di .dim Lipilblade. Mrs. A. Qtetx, Mrs. A. Phil- .! Mrs. (;. Nobel. Mis. A. L. il. K. Walla.-, Charles M. Woo»), Georg.« O. Skirm T. A. Randall, M. « »Sullivan and Bert Meyer, of New Volk. Bristol I). W. Winter. Mise S. Mur¬ phy. Charlea W. Gallagher and Mi K. M, Sw.un, »f New York. Penimore Air. un»l Mrs. N. 1». and family, C. Schwärt**, ami L. .'¦' of New York. Madison Mr, end Mr«. M. Mitchell»! \. S, Thomas, Mr. und Mrs. Thorn Led. K. l'ark-r, «al. Parker; Mrs, IV Warren, Mies Nellie Condon, Crac»' Ens, Mi .- 1!. Ihn 1er, Mr. ana Mr i:. P. Kllinberg, E. M. Ranshaw, Mr. and Mrs. J. »Boyland, ora B. Itiehardson, Mrs. R. Ra; P. M. Van Hougliton, Thon ton and Jumea .1. Lippir.cott, of New York. Hotel Thedford Michael J. Kelly. W. A. Pratt Mies Anna Gragg, Mr. end Mrs. F. «V K icker, J. A. MeCarty. Mr. end Mrs. < ".. »Eastmi n, H. L Uoburne, L. J. Melone, A. E. Suarte end <>. S. k'.nt'. of, Neu R. Gillie, Misa Vara!. M i. Robert Boggs. Mi Mrs. M. ¦'. Pe Miss Pen- dergast, J. It. Nesbit, Mr. and Edward Bromber, MI James, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Che'- seaud, Mr. end Mrs. Roy Ches- seáud and s a. Dudley, of Ne« York. Park Vie«* Mrs. E Hoffmen, Hiss Mary K. Calh irn -, «V K. Kirchwey, J. K. Stessvoor, W. E. Beiti end Mre. I. Linagman, of N. 1 Franklin Paul L. Bryant, Mr. and George Adams, Misa Laura V Kbit. Miss Elle Boyce, Mr. and Mr W. I!. Le'.», is. '... Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson, ol New York. Prederick Mrs. n. Levitt, of Neu York, and I». Rose, Mi Rose and A. A. Boaucoiro, of Brooklyn Lloyd Mr ami Mrs. !.. li. Kilmer, Mrs. C C. French, Mrs. George Earlc, Mrs. Joseph Pox, Mr. and Mrs, J. lv Ruhn, Mrs. H. Wholhoge and s0n. Mr.». J. C. Mori V Sparks, j land, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Ga M. A. Byrne, .t. L. Rourke and l'aul, of New Yi rk. LONG BRANCH. Long Biancb. June 21. Band con¬ certs and lireworke will u.-n.-r busy summer season next week. Tho concerts will be held at this year. Commissioner John W. i charge of the ami public buildings, will announce hi» summer schedule the Aral of Iht He laid to-night thai high would be maintained ami its fireworks would be in keeping with last displays, which were highly crea J. F. Murphy, well known along the Jersey coast ec a popular bonifa«**, has taken The Can.p. formerly hurst Inn. on the Shrewsbury R| Long Branch, and will conduct high elees roedheuss and summer re¬ sort. The formal opening of tl tablishment under the Murphy manage« ment will lake place to morrow. A long list of affairs has booked for the summer, Mr. Murphy'.; skill as a caterer and entertainer bar¬ ing attracted generous patronage, «»ne of the events of the summer a! readv booked is the outing of the Joel Parker Association of Newark, sched¬ uled for August 19. Mr. Murphy formerly managed B camp in Belmar and was 'or two propr etor of Bridgewater Inn, Pleas¬ ure Bay. The various cottage colonies are now nearly tilled. ~he following is a partial list of well known New York families and where they are »topping: Norwoo»! uv. p. Beniord Ross, Mur- rv Guggenheim 1, ¡I Greenhut, Mra. Sydney Sternbach, Henry Woolman, Samuel Sachs, Mrs. K. F. C. 1 Charles Abbott. Adrian Riker. Ceilar a.. Leopold Stern, Richard Deeves. Louis Rothschild, Bernard and Isaac Gimbel. Ocean av. Temple Bowdoin, Mrs. A. N. Brady. Mrs. Randolph Guggenheimer, Daniel «..uggenheim, Murry Guggen¬ heim, Mr«. Marks Arnhcim, Samuel Baumann, Jamea W. Cunningham. Ar¬ thur I,(hinan ami Dr. Edwin Stern- beiger. ..In av. Mrs. t *|*. Cook, Mrs. Washington Wilson, Miss E. W. Low- bet*. Chelsea av. Dr. Sembler .1. Woolley, Dr, C. L. Henriquos, Thomas Jolly. I'atk av. Myron H. Oppenheim, Har- k, Harry W. Eaten. Morn.- ev. Brent Good, Dr. Lester Atlantic ev, Hartwig N. Baruch and Dr, Simon Baruch. Mrs. W. Campbell Clark and the Clark, who are in Europe, will arrive at their summer home, The '»akhurst, on July 5. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Porter, of New York, are at the Cook cottage at Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dobbins are at; place cot; Mr. and Mrs. James R. Nugent, of 'bis week at their summer home at Avery place and ivenue. ALLENH1 ÜST. !.. June 21. Kvery- . is in readiness for the opening new poo! and bathing establish¬ ment here. Constructed out of the pro- ie, the new beach front, as residents proudly refer th« flneel along the coast in point of comfort, and convenience. The new pool has a length sufficient twice sprint races and ». il permit cham- »I» diving tournaments. The are commodious, equipped with individual showers and provided tem that insures rters. HELM AR. Belmar, N. -L. June 21. With the opening of the Columbia, Relmar's I, the summer here in full swing, ati'l this attrac- the banks of Shark accustomed air of mid- The outlook is for one of the most brilliant seasons socially ears. Mingled *" ¡th hotel giie.«!«-, the regu¬ lar yearly contingent of cottagers nus been thronging the resort during the veek xi ri t il now few unrented h«»uses remain. Some of the cottagers who have arrived recently are Dr. John W, Haa 1er, Sidney 11. Shea, Miss Grace Harriot!. George D. Zahm. Frederick R. Rapp. Frederick McBride, Dr. Alfred and William .Polhemus, of New- York; Henry S. Pheil. William Koch, !.'. Connelly and David Allison, J. Putnam. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wt'ker. ' Mr. and Mr«. E. C. Walke«*, Mr, end Mrs. John N'elNon. Mia. Hopper, Mis« Chll Miss Ida M Miss Sw and Mr. and Mr-.. I Miss M. V. Marshall end Miss .M. 1 Marshall, of Brooklyn. SEA BRIGHT. Sen Bright, N. J., June 27. "is part of the Indep« n«b IS Bright Cricket and Lawn r.i« Club will start its tourr-.m*M-t-. Plans were completed this week for a complete programme of sports. Th» polo colony will journey to Sea Girt for the first mutch of the season. this section turned out in full force tee-day for the wedding of Miss Hazen Symington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Symington, and George Uc Forest Lord, of New York. Thi- wedding wan «he .second of the season in the summer colony. BRADLEY BEACH. Bradley Beach. N. J. June 27. Brad¬ ley Beach is making extensive prepa » tions for the celebration of Four* July this year. Motorcycle and b races, novelty contests, band COI an«! fireworks will make up the gramme. The beach front is to be .be «ceiie of the event». The annual meeting of the Women'a Improvement League is scheduled i'-»r next week, when it ia expected nounrement of the policy for the corn¬ ing year will be maile. The league las*, year undertook an ambitious campaign for a borough beautiful, and its suc¬ cess i.*> evident everywhere throughout the resort. DEAL BEACH. Deal Beach. N. J.. June 27. Tec opening ball at the Hathaway Inn to¬ night brought out the first large gath¬ ering of cottagers this season. The pretty detached ballroom was decora», d with wild flo'Aers for its opening fet\ and summer society from neighborm,; --ell represented. Over on the links of the Deal Golf Club the weekly handicaps were con¬ tinued to-day. The field was the lai [ est of the seat-on thus far and ma' v excellent scores were returned. The golf club is more popular thai this year, and more than 150 membe.*; and friends dined at the club on Sun¬ day. Now that Deal folk are becoming ac¬ customed to the radical change beach Casino, they seem to approve of the innovation or the "movies" ami dances. Otis Harlan is in charge of all entertainment fea»ires at the Casino, and the dancing set is nightly increas¬ ing in numbers. Among those registered at the Ha.h- away Inn are Mrs. A. Zirega and party, of Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. Cook ar. 1 daughter, Miss Madeline Metz. Miss Edith Metz. Miss S. Markwald. Mr. and Mrs. .lack Boggs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Max¬ well Bullock, Mrs. J. Peeler, Mrs. M. Roscnthal, Gerald L. kaulfman, Mr-. A. A. Slaughter. Mrs. George Norton and «laughter, C. P. Johnson, Mrs. Joseph 8. Walz, Mr. and Mrs. S. Flood and Mi. and Mrs. E. J. Stirefet, of New York. Late arrivals at the Deal Inn in¬ clude Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Winch, K. V. Goldsmith, A. M. Donnelly, S. M. Jacoby and family, Mr. and Sirs. \. Buss. jr.. A. L. Burks, jr.. D. D. Will- iaarrs, jr.. John Errol Lye, Eilward Bor- day. R. Stern and daughter, A. S. Hush. De Witt L. Speyer and O. Steiner, ot New York. Henry Kelly, jr., B. Bernheim, of Kentucky; J. A. Washerman. Grace B. Guggenheim, Peter Doelger, Martin Goodkine and J. G. Rowan, New York, have all taken cottages for the season. KEA.NSBLRG. Keansburg. N. J., June 27. Real summer vacationists and early cele¬ brants of Independence Day rushing to the snore have increased the population of Keansburg until the managers of transportation lines and hotel men de¬ clare that the biggest crowd of people ever gathered at this resort will be on hand ready to stroll on the board¬ walk or take a dip in the surf. Bath¬ house magnates are reaping a rich har¬ vest of coin during this, the first big rueli of th» season. The hotel men and boarding house managers are arranging special pro¬ grammes for the entertainment of their guests on July 4. Many of them will contain novelties. The safe and sane idea will prevail. Late arrivals at Weseman's Beach Villa are Harry Lindsley. Samuel Walker. Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. Her¬ bert Van Dine. Miss Hannah Mooriield, Mrs. Frank Moorrield, William Slack, .lack Ilannon, Harry Swain, Mrs. Ed- ward Crouse, Fred Gaum, Arthur I.and- meeser, Edward Coogan, Miss Tessie ¡Edell, Miss Edith Slater, Miss Dorothy Golf di the Sciv]32oset,RocKlí*vJ2<í Bre^KWö-tei» Me «if Newark; James J. Murphy and ex- Mayor Otto Wittpenn of Jersey' City; William Van Mlddleeworth, of Kearny; Walter A. Newkirk. of Mont- clair; David »Salmon, Harry Ross, Mrs Philander ¡.. C< oper end Mre. Silvester .1. Griffith :' Philadelphia; Archibald r Rollins, of Trenton. The Belmar Yacht Club is open for 'he season. The firet race will be July 4, with the popular one class, consist.:! .en of ! crafts in the star ». >Lae1 I '»e at the helm nntil nd-.Juh. ant arrivals el th.- Melrose Inn include Mrs. John P. Bnnn, of Phila¬ delphia; Mr. an»l Mrs, Edgar Tullman, Melville Tullman. M Maude Bagcn, C. McCarthy, of New York. SPRING LAKE. Spring !.ak»\ N. J., June 27. »>»i Monday the New Jersey Medical ;'o- will open its ItMh annual con¬ vention In the New Monmouth 11 rt ! here, to continue until Wednes.^y night. The principal speakers scheduled for the bunquet on Tuesday night will be Governor James F. Fielder, its School Commissioner Kendall, the Rev. Ployd W. Tompkins, of Philadelphia, and Professor George E. I)< Schwein.t., of Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Btiibane are among the aeason's guests at the Ne v .Monmouth. Late arrivals at the Short-ham la« I elude G. J. Prescott, Mrs. L. Tobe/, A. Miller, Mr. and Mr». J. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. William Hopwood. At the Hollywood Frank Cobb, Frank Clark, Henry Winter, James Por- ter, Mrs. Charles Elsie, Mrs» Charles I, Misa M. Conroy, Miss Mabel Hallnck and W. A. Kenan. The White House Miss Florence Quilly, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jackson. Mr. and Mre. Henry Donoughe, Miss Halen Hunter. Mis-« Anna Russell. Mrs Kath¬ erine Orderly and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Mecdker. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. Atlantic Highland»-, N. J. June 27. The coming tennir. tourna m ont at the Casino Club courts is bringing out many new player* every day. From 10 o'clock in the morning until sundown every court is in play. Among the regular players are the Misses Dorothy and Gladys Hall, Dorothy and Cornelia Poite.i, Elsa and Bertha Yunghans, aver, Birgess B. Briggs, Douglasa Ballin, William Kellar and Biese, r. The golf course has been popular the Inst week, the cool weather making ¡ore comfortable than usual. The coming tournament on July 4 will have many entries. Among the entries are Herbert Hazelton, John Gemmell. jr., A. G. Hall, Samuel Lippman, Percy Roche, E. C. Delmar, Douglas Ballin, i. Humpstone, Robert B. Mantell, J. F. Morris«, n, Dr. J. J. Martin and James H. Carroll. , The hotels are the centrée of social j activity until the opens tenmor¬ row. Mr. and Mr- V.. ^«^flS the Bay View, gave » »"^««JJS rnrty to a number of friends on Thurs Jav 'evening. Miss Helen f"»TO,?k won first prize, a gold *.*f**: JJ? ward was won by J. w. «j. nu« ton. Among thoie playing UUU ¦£ mil Mrs. George St. John, A. E. »heri- a.d Mrs. Thomas If. Bee»:. lee Arthur. Miss E. R. Root. 1. Matheson and Mr. and Mrs. i. .' '' H?d,OB* ...L.c...ri.-Hi,u.e. ¦\mong those pre-ent were Mr ana Mr«. L. M. von Wagoner, J. B-ichura- ¦on. Frank Lester, George von Snssi, |r. and Miss (;. Bailey. Ama.ncr »ho latest RT ON THE BOARDWALK AT ATLANTIC CITY A Cosmopolitan Crowd Disports Itself on the Highway Down by the Sea. Atlantic City. June 27. -At no time of the year, save perhaps in nnd-Au- gust, is the great Boardwalk more at, i.».opolitan best than now. All type« <>f mankind are he«, and from all quarters of the globe the bizarre and the plain, the rich and the poor. the halt and the whole, the old and the young, the innocent and the criminal, the modest and the bold, the meek and the crafty and all are enjoying that part of the wonderful Wooden Way that most appeals to them. The great planked deck is thronged with roiling chairs, and the chair- barons are doing some good to man¬ kind a-'isiting, for they are at war . a price-slashing war and chairs that were once a dollar an hour, then 5" cents an hour, are now hirable at ¡JO cents an lour with a Henegambiari human motor thrown in. The amusement placen, too, are open, and that man or woman seeking pleas¬ ure must indeed be hard to satisfy if at one or the other of the many Wood¬ en Way places he or she cannot find surcease from dull care. And the amusements aie graded to c.itch every eye and incidentally «rvery spare nickel. From the doll and toy shops to the expensive Japanese art shops both young and old may revel in the intoxication of shopping; from the merry-go-rounds, with their wheezy organs, to the highest class plays being produced in the United States; from the ridiculousness of adult men and women playing with toy balloons to the solemnity from an Englishman's point of view of taking a bath in the surf all men are ca¬ tered to. Ideal June weather hsa prevailed a*. the shore during the early week, with now and then an occasional shower that served to lay the dust on the in¬ land roads as a favor to the touring motorist. The flowers are in bloom along all the roadways, and the gentle mantle of summer has fallen upon all the earth, with the sea as a deep green background. Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Flynn are New York visitors at the Haddon Hall dur¬ ing a June fortnight. John C. Tomlinson motored down from New York for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hurd have leased a suite at the .Marlborough-BIenheim for June. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brewster are New York visitors domiciled at the St. Charles. J. S. Waterman and, H E. Davis are New Yorker» .it th. S h -Iburne while "doing" the Wooden Way. T. .1. Hair-- end Lewis Koffin are New Yorkers at the Traymore. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rodenberg have taken apartments at the < halfontc dur¬ ing June. Charles Harris and John Harris, of New York, are guests at the Hotel Alamac over the week end. Mrs. K. Harnett and Mr H. S. Harris me New York matrons at the Hotel .Strand for June. Mr. end Mrs ,r. H. Warner are New York visitors at the Hot« I Chelsea for th« >umtr»et- season. other Ne.-. York folk down by the summer sea are: Hetit.; S. M. ¡look, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hunt, IV P. Smith, A. W. Barber, Mr. and Mr». C,. Baker, Dr. L. S. Bulk- 1.1»» « oigan. Mrs. William Salmon and Mr. and Mrs. «.eorge V. Grève. Traymore tf. II. < jrtis, E. P. Fowler. Mr.». I. Frolich, hn Horn, Mrs". I. K. Lan«. M-, and Mrs. S. Oppen- heimer, Mr-. A. P. T. Teed, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Wadsworth, J. J. Thompuon, II. W. Ma^Conners and Thomas E. Cum¬ mins. Sheiburne W. B. Harley, I K. Hig- bee, (V g. Schneider. Mr. an«j Mrs. G. P.' Conard, V. V.. Campbell. Miaa Ethel C. WHtson, Dr. E. F. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Schieffelin and P. W. stebbina. St. Charle> Mis.-, Esther Bozen, Mr. and .Mrs. Hobart Cahn, John T. Camp, Helen '. Camp, Mis» Marion sion. James Fitznatrick, M. S. «'onroy M. M. Mo\. r. F. S. Staley and Mr. and Mre. «i. E. «Ah¡taker. Chalfonie r. S. Stevens, Mrs. A. E. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Het»rv Olsen, Mr. and Mis. P. A. Martin. Miss Marie Liv- M., an»! Mr«. .1 s. Lee, Timson. A. F. Downs, r. S. Lawrence V E. Orvis, Mr. und Mrs. J. If' Singer, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Dexter and L. »V. Man-. Alamac i\ IV Ewing, C. C. Klli« Richard Dan«, Mr. and Mrs. M. L Kahn' Mrs. A. B. Steelman, R. F. Thompkin«! Mrs. B. Drummond. Mis» Marion len, A. J. Kennedy. Mr-». J. L. Langsfeld < H. White. Irving Cummings, R. «i. Gerstell, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Iaoud and M. M. u Iladd.m Hall Mrs. Joseph A. Bryah Mr. and Mr.;. H. R. Dirueway, Mr and" Mis. C. D. Schaich. I», c. Hen«jrick William Athrid-:e. F. It. Millar F I ' Pauc, Mr. and Mrs. V,. J. Wcglener and E. H. Green. STERILIZING NV.VTER. Niagira Falls will have the first municipal ultra-violet-ray sterili^atien plant in this country. Contract nego¬ tiations were consummated June 5 for a .T» lamp installation. Mercury vanor lamps, protruding into channels through which water will flow, are to be used. The ultra-violet ray« fron« these lumps have the power to kill the bacteria in the water. There¦ will he «even lamps in each of live concrete /canals although it is estimated that twenty-five lamp» only will be re quired to handle the capactty of th. plant. 16.000,000 gallons daily The cost of the canal«, Bnd l»m. installations will be li».«-». while t7,. city will erect a building and tran8! formers to change tie current from alternating to direct, at a cost «Î $2,200. Engineering Record *f SAM08LT. Saraoset, Rockland breakwater Ma [June 27. Samoset-by-theSea ' th« »sec» of automobile tourists through »New England, opened its twelfth sea«

Transcript of€¦ · TIRED HUMANITY TROOPS FROM CITY TO COUNTRY Shores of Oceanand...

Page 1:€¦ · TIRED HUMANITY TROOPS FROM CITY TO COUNTRY Shores of Oceanand Lake and Banks ofRivers Are Colonized by Vaca¬ tionCrowdsinSearchofRec¬ reation


of Rivers Are Colonized by Vaca¬tion Crowds in Search of Rec¬

reation and Amusement.lsrge number of young m>> i members©:" the Stiate rore*try Scl »««I campingin th«. part», who are coia»'»inistudy with a su-n-n.'r outing, andtheir nresence here is 'cu'in,- consid¬erable interest in the social ltmc.ionsthat are tak-.nç plp.«e her«'.

S.-ru.harie Mansion, which is «inderthe management R, ("ocpri

is arrançi'i^: an ¡ttra;-.i\eFourth of July piOfrr.xi.ii«.i« the' willbring a number of i».«..ole here next

.n.; th;.t promises to b« a very-pleasant affair.The Crenoble. an>th»r preit».

in this section, has its Br . visitorsthis week.A number of people are c.»io\ing

their vacations at the M«-i-li«w Lawn>«.rm House, one of the. cosiest places

The Twin Mountain House is lockingforward to a busy season, und

bar of arrivals this week.The Grand Canyon House, At Pltt-

\-vr. overlooking the beautifulind the Hudson River Valley for

mile?, is having «»i», 'and tsguest* an« delighted \> i'r. t!» » hoteland its surroundings.

ROXBURY.Roxbury. \. V.. June 27. Roxbury

\*ry attractive this season, andihire arc only a few summer

% isitors spendinfr June hero, it is ex¬

pected that next week will see ar¬

rivals enough to comfortably till forurth of July tho few hotels and

boarding houses that are found in thisful re.sott.

Lake l>a!e. the pretty artificial lakehere, adds to the attractivene<s ofRoxbury and will be popular with the«.-»»ople who come here for the summer

lTo the groat delight of the people

-bury, Mr. and Mr*. Finley J.Shepard are spending the summer at

beautiful summer home, Kirk-..r.d as Mrs. Shepard is keenly

In the welfare of Roxbury,Bring her slay here there are

numerous entertainments at Kirksidcfor the henef't of local institutions, her

coming to Roxbury will add to theof the season.

H. Snow and family,York, have arrived at their

summer cottage, in Main st., and willspend the entire season here.

Mrs. Sparks and Mrs. Meyer andHrooklyn, have leased the

**u and are occupying»son.

HH.HMOINT.Highmount. N. Y.. June 27. The

ig of the Grand Hotel here on

day marked the real opening of¦ason in this vicinity, because it

Highmount an unusually.»umber of people for their sum-

vacation and added considerablethe social affairs held at throughout this part ofit

The Grand Hotel will be under theHarrison S. Downs this

reason, and as Mr. Downs has beenfavorably known as one of the leading

men in the state the people whospend their summer outing here can

..ssured that their vacation willenjoyable one.could hardly imagine a more

-.g setting for a hotel than theon occupied by the Grand, andhas eve-y modern improvement

«-ry innovation meeting withir f.-.vor in N'cv.- York will be seen

on, there is no doubthat the younger set will make.and Hotel their summering

greater numbers than ever

lar.sant, the automobile livery,,ing school and golf will vie in

*.' in s, basebal, music,oon teas and billiards and bowl-

ookingi are the heaviest in thethe hotel. Among the lat»ere are Mrs. Reuben Sloate,

Id Hmnmerstein. N. S. Gone, L.V,r- I.. !.. Shuman. -.Vn-

>numan, Miss Elsie D. Smith.Smith, Milton Kadison.

.i Brill. Oscar Hammerstein,ergard, James Oster-

jrard. M<s«* Olga Ostergart!. W. J.Miss Rosalie Steifel, Mrs. Rob-Non. Mrs. Bertha Rosenberg.

"'. Hunt, Miss Janette Hub-A. Rosenberg, the Misses

»erg. Mrs. S. Adler, Mr. and Mrs.--tern. Mr. ar.d Mrs. L. Zecken-"r. and Mrs. Julius If. Cohn.Maurice G. Cohn, Master James.

Mr. anil Mrs. Arthur Geiers-and family. New York.

KAVrKRSKILL.Kaaterskill, N. Y.. June 27. M-^re

people than ever before reached theKaaterskill this week to spendinnual vacation because of the

that the hotel opened its doorsthan in previous years, th«;

having thrown open its doors on

-day of this week.The outlook for a successful season

Kaaterskill is unusually bright,will be the most brilliant

-eason of recent years is shown'¦. the success of the opening ball.

is being held in the grand ball¬room of the hotel this evening.

IHK NEW GRAM) HOTEL.Harrison S. Downs, the proprietor of

tar Grand Hotel, in the CatskillMountains, believes in g-tting his helpin the proper frame of mind before.-tartiiijr them to work for the seasoii.With this end in view Mr. Down« char-*ei*d one of the steamers of the Cen¬tral Hudson Steamboat Line to trans¬port his retinue of servants to Kings-ton Point preparatory to opening thehis hostlery to-day.There were more than one hundred

party, which had the night boatf, « xcept for seven tot'iing carsi«e«l by 'he guests and twelve

«.addle horses furnished and in chargear Hautcr. Mr. Downs ilr*«- ma,i-

th« trip to jrreet the guests who will¡«rrive to-day to find the hotel in readi-

to greet them."1 feel a« if I were moving a circus,"

declared Mr. Downs last night just be-e steamer left her pier. "But it

to treat your servants right ¡fyou are to be successful with a sum¬mer hotel. Give me good help, and Iwill show you a good hotel, with happypatrons. Many of my servants Iookforward to this trip as the big event oftheir summer. I bring them back in

.me fashion."e boat pulled out a three piece

« rehestra struck up a popular one-steprnd the servants whirled away in thedance.

MANCHESTER.Manchester - in - the Mountains, VC,

June 27. The Equinox House isequipped to accommodate those whoSI'S fond of dancing. The large danc¬ing parlor which was tho scene of somuch pleasure last season is in perfectorder and nn excellent orchestra isregularly in attendance in the after¬noon and evening. Nor is the dancingconfined to the Equinox parlor and thek .lall house parties, for the cottagersplan tc derive much pleasure fromparties in the Seminary Gymnasium.

«tiok is beginning to teem withlitis but a short time .before j

tne course v. ill be thronged dailv. Thetennis courts arc alreadv bus«,'. The"rst golf competition of the season willoccui on ihe Fourth whe». the Inde-peiiden.v (up .nd other trophies willne the object of morning and afternoon hnndicapv Oeorgc H Crocker,probably one of the best golfers m thecountry oxer stxtv vears of age, arrivedduring the week and will be a dailyvisitor nt »Ekwanek trout now on.

K. W. Olnejr, of New York, hns rentedI1» « lark Burnbam's cottage on Meinrtret! and will soon be here with hisI -itr»i!j.The faaiilv of W. A. Barber, of New

Yew is again at Algonuh for the sea¬son.

Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sill, of Philadel¬phia, are to be at the Makin cottage onthe North Road this lummor.

Mr. and Mrs. ii. (,. Stow. Miss Havi-land and Miss J. Thompson, of Kngle->«ood, nre at the Equinox House forthe .--eason.

Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Johnson, of NewYork, arrived at the Equinox House on

Monday, and will be here for sometime.


The Hotels Organize an A.ssoci«ation for Promotion of All

Kinds of Sports.Delaware Water Gap, Penn.. June

27. The summer season's activities atthe Water ( are beginning to takeshape and man àfeet themselves in thepreparations for the big regatta, whichwill be held on the Dela-.-aic very soon.

The community spirit is \ery noticeableat this resort, where-the hotels haveorganized an association for the pro-notion of all kinds of spoils during thesummer season, and has resulted in thearrangement amon*j the various housesfrom time to time of tournaments andm -ets. in which every guest may haven part. It i* expected that the entriesfor the regatta races will include vis¬itor«: from nil the houses. Canoe race-»,overturn races, tub races and all kinds"if swimming contests will be featuresof the day's doings, while in the evening the illuminations, dances and openair concerts will make a fit ending toü day of rovelrj.Just now the laurel is in full bloom

arid the rhododendron is beginning toblossom. It is impossible to describethe beauty of the fields and mountainsi.lcs, arrayed in a blaze of dazzlingpink. Eveiy woodland path is hedgedwith the big clusters of this delicatelycolored (lower, which sheds itperfume abroad to ravish the senses.The fields of «Train and corn are ripen¬ing, and the views from the lofty sum¬

mits of .«It. Tammany and Mt. Min.»ishow the broad valley stretched be¬neath one Luge checkerboard of wheatand corn and rye. which waves andbillows m the summei bréete.

J. A. Redinpton. of the Hotel Red-ington, Willies Barre, was t gu«the Kittatinn« this week. He is malt¬ing his -»nniial tour of the Water Gapregion, and fiad In his party hiAirs. M. J. Rcdington, and William Wie-bright.

Centals C. L. Branch, Ü. S. N. and

enjoyment of the Wonderful I'ocotienvironment. Then they find thsl the;are wedded to the place ami begin t.

think of h summer home in sorm

iheltered nook «>i up high <>n the snnimit of one of the many peaks. Aftethat it is Usually but ii short tinic bef«>ie the foundations are laid ami th»linns»' itarta Among the Aral t»» entetheir new Pocono home this year wa»

Miss Ida Walker, of Nés Y»»i k, wh«is already entertaining her friendsamong whom is her brother-in-law, HiCaley, of Philadelphia.The new pn .tulliré bllililillg is S till«

addition to the community. In sdditioit«. the postal accommodât ;»»n« .ire sou

venir and confectionery store.., and i»is rumored that banking accommoda¬tions will be there \ery soon.The Public Library, which wai ercrt

ed last summer, will be one of thepleesing features of the resort thi»-year. In addition to the large numberof books contribute»! Issl year anothercollection has been added, whichbroadeni the -cope of the library con¬

siderably end makes it certain thatevery one will And his favorites here.

It is expected that the arrangement'sfor the big tennis tourney will be completed within a very few days, and theschedule of the game.-- will be known.Everybody in the resort is mightilyinterested in ihe event, and filmths guests have entered. The ««»liftshave received a thorough dressingdown Mid stand readv to give the fast-

iil of plH\. The gumes will beplayed simultaneously at the differenthcrtell snd matclies will be arranged be¬tween the v. innere'.The mountain climbers are busy at

it. i'ocono Knob. ]\>c> he, ObMfVStor*» Hill anil many other ruggeo peakstempt the hardy mou- at nd no

day passes without seeing groubright eyed, hungry trampen return¬ing '.o their hotels with woinlmus tales

The golfers ere g«-- !í»¡:ciowds have been pending the pleas¬ant .1 .- links, but recentlythey have »been getting 'ogeth»a view to having a "big tournament.There are some crack golfeibefore long ti rt'«i»*»r: v. ill be treatedto an opportune -ne very in-

u'reen.Th»« Co 11 in line condtti-encourage the best in everybody whoplays.

hiá wife are staving here at the Kit-tiitinny for several we«

I), i». Sprague, Deputy ( ollector ofCustoms at "re pott of New York, ii i

guest of the Water Gap House. Mr.

.".praguc mad;; th" remark that "YouCW't "ay anything too gooii about tin-

Water Gun." This i« his twentiethyear nt the Weter Cap House.

Willard Gowen, of New York, thewell known athlete of Rutgers College.will be here several weeks at tl»" RiverView, and will take acti-e interest Inthe «¿ports of the season.

Among the golfers here mentionshould be made of Mr. and Mrs. R. TDales and Miss Vivian M. Rush, whoarc at it all the time and pretty sue

eas*"fully. They are visitors at the\\ ater Cap Heu se

Mrs \. |;. Wilson, Miss I!. ('. New-

hall, Miss A. L. Newhall and Miss II. C

Houghton are members of a motoringparty who stopped for a short sojournat the Bellevue. They are registeredfrom Lynn. Mass., and are starting on

a tour of the eastern part of the coun¬

try.Mr. ami Mrs. R. II. Gillies, of New

York, are enjoying the hospitality of

the Castle Inn «luring their stay here.Sol Oppenheimer, the clothing manu¬

facturer, of New York, is staying withhis wife at the Castle Inn.

Albert H. Ehrmann an«i George B.

Ehrmann, both of New York, who are

students of Mercersburg, are summer

gutsts of the Glenwood, where their

prowess in the athletic tield is gainingthem a reputation. The former is pre¬

paring ''or Yale, and the latter for

Cornell.II. F. Reinhard, a retired cigar manu¬

facturer, of Jersey City, will spend tho

summer with his wife at the Glenwood.Mrs. M. J. Loughran, of New York,

has, joined her daughter at the Glen¬wood over the week end.

P. J Walsh, of New York, connectedwith the editorial department of "TheNew York American," is a sojourner at

tre Glenwood.Mr. and Mrs. C. Cossema, of New

Ycrk. are spending their honeymoon at

the Glenwood.W. A. Kelly, a prominent hotel man

of New York, is making a short visit to

the Water Gap House.M and Mrs. 6. W. Edmonsten. well

known m society circles of New York,are making a long stay st the Kit-tatini.Frank J. Campbell, jr.. of New *iork,

is one of tho baseball stars of the re¬

sort. He is staving for the summer at

the Co'irtenay Lodge.A. B. Cory, of Austin, Nichols k Co.,

of New York, is enjoying a period of

recreation at the Glenwood.


Mount Pocono, Penn., June 21. The

popularity of the Pocono region is

evidenced by the number of new

bungalows going, up. Visitors first

start in with a short sojourn at thehotel, then a longer stay, and then

perhaps a whole season spent in utter

Colonel Charle? O. Trealand hip wife, together with theTreat and Lieutenant .1. B. Treat, allof Fort Houston, Texas, motored to

the Mount Pleasant House, where theywill stay for some time. They are de¬lighted with the scenery and the hotel.

Mr. and Mrs. A. < Sen of New-York, ;:re spending n peripd of recrea¬tion at the Mount Plea ant house.Osear W. Roy, of New York, a civil

engineer of prominence, is staying forsome time at the Ontwood.Miss K. ,1. Bryant, of New York, a

poetess of note and a contributor toseveral magazines, i* spending thesummer at the Belmont.

Mrs. Joseph Marin, of New Ro¬chelle, is spending the .ummer withher children at Mount Pocono. She isregiste te«! at the Belmont.

R. A. Botte, an honor graduate ofColumbia University, is enjoying a va¬

cation at the Belmont.Charles W. Binsse nnd Miss Made¬

line Moneault, both of »New York, whoare staying at the Moadowside, Holdthe cro'iuet championship of thehouse.

A. Keeseler, of New fork, the noteilsurgeon, is n summer visitor at theDevonshire P

L. H. .»ay i.nil the Misses Carmick.of New York, are active in the athleticlife of the »-esort. They are staying atthe Devonshire Pines.

Miss Lia Quilty, well known in NewYork society circles, is here for thesummer, slaying at the ClairmontHouse. .

STROUOSBURG.Stróudsburg, Venn., June 27. With

the inauguration of the fa t specialtrain ervire from New Y'ork an»! Phil-i.delphia it may be said that th«son is well started. The crowds thathave been pouring into this great cen¬

tre of Monroe County resorts havemade it an absolrt» necessity thatj,reat.'i- facilities be provided to bringthem from the large cities, Extra Sat¬urday and Monday return service hasbeen demanded in narticula», and theLackawanna and Pennoylvsnis rail¬roads have responded with a schedulefully ample to requirements.

Evidences of the great inrush ofStimmer visitors are unmistakably mati-

.i many other ways. The gar-,re being taxed to the utmost to

take care of tne many machines arriv¬ing within the last week. A greaterproportion of arrivals than ever beforehas come by motor, since the sceneryin the region is such as to attract mo

who stay for weeks on endmaking tours of the section.

Athletics are booming. Tournamentschedules are out and the gameswill start this week. AM of the houses

are represented by teams in tb«nis tournaments aud baseball series,and a very lively season is in prospect.The game last Saturday betweenStroudsburg and Bangor. won byStroudsburg, was as exciting as any

looking up Catskill Creek, in the. Catsicill^

one could wi.-li end played throughoutin big leigtie style.Henry Hol-te. of New Yolk, B wholc-

r-ale «-»»«1 merchant, Maple-hurst with his wife for the summer.Mrs. Hugh P. Connolly, of New

York, »s making Hie Berwick Inn h« rfor the s tint -11 er.

Highland Inn Thomas II. Harper, P.Harper. William Harper, Jamas Har¬per. Miss L B. Harper, Mrs. P. B. Hay-den, Charles Conly, Mr. ami Mrs. Al¬beit «'only, William Gloeckner, .! Mr \\ illiam Pringle, A. v..Pringle, Mrs. Mary A. Pringlo, Mrs. L.H. Plandora and Mr. and Mrs. JamesF. Hums.

' |leigh Inn Mr. and Mrs. Jamei

Dovlan, Mr. end Mrs. I1 k. Snyder,William Calllhsn, Mrs, Arthur Bowell, Miss Eleanor Boswell, Albert

\ Mr-. J. C.Mean«. !. ".¡.¦in Stewart Means, Will¬iam I» Meai .. Mrs. Rob¬ert and Mrs. J. Blair.

CRES» O.Creseo, 1'enn., June 21. The bunga-

lony is full of life. Almostevery!»» here and welcomingfriendi back to pleasant summeiThe trout ''birg, which has held the

;.. month or

rival of the

ÍI"or the anglers. Trie fish nre b't-¦me big strings have

airead nee of thefi.-.!«.er:nen.

from New

ice « a! m Inn M »-. :.t«.i »iB, Crane, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Nicholson,Malcolm M. Haywerd, «lr. and Mrs. i«..

Nicdersl idt, Mr. end Mr-. A. !'.mo-id. Miss Raymond, Jay R. Jenkins.jr., an»l Mr. ..n»! Mr*. Arthur M. "

Buck Hill Hi" F, 1». Peale. F. \.Peale, dire, ifary H. Br-ovt», Mi

Frederick Nathan,"K. L. Csswcll,*. Eugene P Curtis,

M. Pierce, George W. Rurh-way. Mi Rebecca A. Seamen end Mis.;Emily C, Stamen.

Fine. Mr. and Mrs. F. .1. McNally,Graham, Mr. :'n«l Mr«. .1. A. Her-

rick, M Coleman, .1. S, Hnm-it I». 1*. Math« Mabel

Matthews, .1. H. Matthews and E. !..

SHAWN EL.Shawnee-on-D« lawar« I n., June

"7. Th«' are poiring into* Shew-nee this week hosts of visitors, who

present et the invi¬tation ladies' tournament on the linksof the Shawnee Country Club. Thecourse is in .inc shape for this, th«big tournament «f the season, and some

fine playing is expected. Some oí" th..stars are here already, and there is u

big gallery of experts on the job.


New Bathing Facilities Estab«lished on the Beach Front

at Asbury Park.

Asbury Park. N. J.. June 21. Theopening of th«- seaso.i of 19! 1 was com¬

pleted to-day. when 'lie big beachfronthotels the New Monterey, the Brur.»wick, Sunset Hal! end < oliimbi:: andother of the gnat North Asbury hostl.--ries received guest, far the Rrsl time.Hundreds of«. came to the re¬sort to-day, and the vanguard of Julyvacationists is also hero.The hotel district to-night was the

scene of groat activity as th" season

visitors settled in their quarters anilbegan the interchange of hotel sociabil-itiee that is so important a feature ofthe summer life here.To-day also marked the opening of

new bathing facilities on the beach¬front, an incident of which was thefirst occupation of the new t-roup atFifth a\. where has been built a mod-cm structure on the lines of the Thin.and Fourth av. establishment. Withthis addition the last relic of the re¬

gime of Founder Bradley has disap¬peared from the boardwalk.The engageaient of Mrs. Belie Teu¬

ton Renfrew and her women's orchestrar.i the arcade began to-night, and a

large audience was on hand to greetthem The former visitor bcarcely rec-

. -* -*--J- in its new arrange-j

ment. The old circular bend shell ba¬been removed, end a new stage,by an exten ilon of the building

for at I» .1

»i in th«1 old ennient, end thcr i siso s gothe musicians from ell quai

Hooking« .-»* tin' New Monterey in¬clude Mr. end Mi i. A Hildreth, MiMrs. l-'rank »Benjamin, Mr- C. R. Wa¬fer. C. H. Wagner, jr., Mr. an»! MlJohn R. Wild'tman, Mrs. J. II. Walsh,

A. Walsh, Mr. end Mrs. !.'. V.

Dare, Mr. end Mrs. William Scott, Mr.end Mrs. H. K. Grady, Mr. and Mrs.William Powor Mrs. «" H. Armstrong,H. N.Reuter, Mrs. il.-rben Gardner,Gardm Hunting*.- n

Gardner, Mrs. l»»hn J, O'DonohiMrs. H. J. Sraberry, Albert Hill Sea-berry, Mr. and Mrs. George \»i'. VMre. Leon K. Smith, Misa K. II. Y»Edgar G. Young. Mr-. John S. Gsir.esand family ami Mrs. Alexander Hiof New York.The week's arrivals include;

man Hous« Mr. and Mrs. C. D.Carter. S. A. Bradford. Mr. nm\ MlM, I. Clarke, ri M, Baylor ami MiMrs. Alfred J. Tool», of New \ork.

. -gan Fit/.g.-raMFrench. C. M. Buibanon. J. V.

i eurtade and Howard ANew York, and Judge and Mrs. A. v,.Richardson, of Brook'

v. Di .dimLipilblade. Mrs. A. Qtetx, Mrs. A. Phil-

.! Mrs. (;. Nobel. Mis. A. K. Walla.-, Charles M.

Woo»), Georg.« O. Skirm T. A. Randall,M. « »Sullivan and Bert Meyer, of NewVolk.

Bristol I). W. Winter. Mise S. Mur¬phy. Charlea W. Gallagher and MiK. M, Sw.un, »f New York.Penimore Air. un»l Mrs. N. 1».

and family, C. Schwärt**, ami L. .'¦'of New York.

Madison Mr, end Mr«. M. Mitchell»!\. S, Thomas, Mr. und Mrs. ThornLed. K. l'ark-r, «al. Parker; Mrs, IVWarren, Mies Nellie Condon,Crac»' Ens, Mi .- 1!. Ihn 1er,Mr. ana Mr i:. P. Kllinberg, E. M.Ranshaw, Mr. and Mrs. J. »Boyland,

ora B. Itiehardson, Mrs. R. Ra;P. M. Van Hougliton, Thonton and Jumea .1. Lippir.cott, of NewYork.

Hotel Thedford Michael J. Kelly.W. A. Pratt Mies Anna Gragg, Mr. endMrs. F. «V K icker, J. A. MeCarty. Mr.end Mrs. < ".. »Eastmi n, H. L Uoburne,L. J. Melone, A. E. Suarte end <>. S.k'.nt'. of, Neu Y«

R. Gillie, Misa Vara!.M i. Robert Boggs. Mi

Mrs. M. ¦'. Pe Miss Pen-dergast, J. It. Nesbit, Mr. and

Edward Bromber, MIJames, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Che'-seaud, Mr. end Mrs. Roy Ches-seáud and s a. Dudley, of Ne« York.

Park Vie«* Mrs. E Hoffmen, HissMary K. Calh irn -, «V K. Kirchwey, J. K.Stessvoor, W. E. Beiti end Mre. I.Linagman, of N. 1

Franklin Paul L. Bryant, Mr. andGeorge Adams, Misa Laura V

Kbit. Miss Elle Boyce, Mr. and MrW. I!. Le'.», is. '... Matthews and Mr. andMrs. A. Wilson, ol New York.

Prederick Mrs. n. Levitt, of NeuYork, and I». Rose, MiRose and A. A. Boaucoiro, of Brooklyn

Lloyd Mr ami Mrs. !.. li. Kilmer,Mrs. C C. French, Mrs. George Earlc,Mrs. Joseph Pox, Mr. and Mrs, J. lvRuhn, Mrs. H. Wholhoge and s0n. Mr.».J. C. Mori V Sparks, j

land, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. GaM. A. Byrne, .t. L. Rourke andl'aul, of New Yi rk.


Long Biancb. June 21. Band con¬certs and lireworke will u.-n.-r

busy summer season next week. Thoconcerts will be held atthis year. Commissioner John W.

i charge of theami public buildings, will announce hi»summer schedule the Aral of IhtHe laid to-night thai highwould be maintained ami its fireworkswould be in keeping with lastdisplays, which were highly crea

J. F. Murphy, well known alongthe Jersey coast ec a popular bonifa«**,has taken The Can.p. formerlyhurst Inn. on the Shrewsbury R|Long Branch, and will conducthigh elees roedheuss and summer re¬

sort. The formal opening of tltablishment under the Murphy manage«ment will lake place to morrow.

A long list of affairs hasbooked for the summer, Mr. Murphy'.;skill as a caterer and entertainer bar¬ing attracted generous patronage,«»ne of the events of the summer a!readv booked is the outing of the JoelParker Association of Newark, sched¬uled for August 19.

Mr. Murphy formerly managed Bcamp in Belmar and was 'or twopropr etor of Bridgewater Inn, Pleas¬ure Bay.The various cottage colonies are

now nearly tilled. ~he following is a

partial list of well known New Yorkfamilies and where they are »topping:Norwoo»! uv. p. Beniord Ross, Mur-

rv Guggenheim 1, ¡I Greenhut, Mra.Sydney Sternbach, Henry Woolman,Samuel Sachs, Mrs. K. F. C. 1Charles Abbott. Adrian Riker.

Ceilar a.. Leopold Stern, RichardDeeves. Louis Rothschild, Bernard andIsaac Gimbel.Ocean av. Temple Bowdoin, Mrs. A.

N. Brady. Mrs. Randolph Guggenheimer,Daniel «..uggenheim, Murry Guggen¬heim, Mr«. Marks Arnhcim, Samuel

Baumann, Jamea W. Cunningham. Ar¬thur I,(hinan ami Dr. Edwin Stern-beiger.

..In av. Mrs. t *|*. Cook, Mrs.Washington Wilson, Miss E. W. Low-bet*.Chelsea av. Dr. Sembler .1. Woolley,

Dr, C. L. Henriquos, Thomas Jolly.I'atk av. Myron H. Oppenheim, Har-

k, Harry W. Eaten.Morn.- ev. Brent Good, Dr. Lester

Atlantic ev, Hartwig N. Baruch andDr, Simon Baruch.

Mrs. W. Campbell Clark and theClark, who are in Europe, will

arrive at their summer home, The'»akhurst, on July 5.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Porter, ofNew York, are at the Cook cottage at

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dobbins are at;place cot;

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Nugent, of'bis week at their

summer home at Avery place andivenue.

ALLENH1 ÜST.!.. June 21. Kvery-

. is in readiness for the openingnew poo! and bathing establish¬

ment here. Constructed out of the pro-ie, the new

beach front, as residents proudly referth« flneel along the coast in

point of comfort, and convenience.The new pool has a length sufficient

twice sprint races

and ». il permit cham-»I» diving tournaments. The

are commodious, equippedwith individual showers and provided

tem that insuresrters.


Belmar, N. -L. June 21. With theopening of the Columbia, Relmar's

I, the summer herein full swing, ati'l this attrac-

the banks of Sharkaccustomed air of mid- The outlook is for one

of the most brilliant seasons sociallyears.

Mingled *" ¡th hotel giie.«!«-, the regu¬lar yearly contingent of cottagers nus

been thronging the resort during theveek xi ri t il now few unrented

h«»uses remain. Some of the cottagerswho have arrived recently are Dr. JohnW, Haa 1er, Sidney 11. Shea, Miss GraceHarriot!. George D. Zahm. FrederickR. Rapp. Frederick McBride, Dr. Alfred

and William .Polhemus, of New-York; Henry S. Pheil. William Koch,

!.'. Connelly and David Allison,

J. Putnam. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wt'ker. '

Mr. and Mr«. E. C. Walke«*, Mr, endMrs. John N'elNon. Mia.Hopper, Mis« ChllMiss Ida M Miss Sw

and Mr. and Mr-.. IMiss M. V. Marshall end Miss .M. 1Marshall, of Brooklyn.

SEA BRIGHT.Sen Bright, N. J., June 27. "is part

of the Indep« n«bIS Bright Cricket and Lawn

r.i« Club will start its tourr-.m*M-t-.Plans were completed this week for a

complete programme of sports. Th»polo colony will journey to Sea Girtfor the first mutch of the season.

this section turned out infull force tee-day for the wedding ofMiss Hazen Symington, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Albert Symington, andGeorge Uc Forest Lord, of New York.Thi- wedding wan «he .second of theseason in the summer colony.


Bradley Beach. N. J. June 27. Brad¬ley Beach is making extensive prepa »

tions for the celebration of Four*July this year. Motorcycle and braces, novelty contests, band COIan«! fireworks will make up thegramme. The beach front is to be .be«ceiie of the event».The annual meeting of the Women'a

Improvement League is scheduled i'-»rnext week, when it ia expected t«nounrement of the policy for the corn¬ing year will be maile. The league las*,year undertook an ambitious campaignfor a borough beautiful, and its suc¬

cess i.*> evident everywhere throughoutthe resort.

DEAL BEACH.Deal Beach. N. J.. June 27. Tec

opening ball at the Hathaway Inn to¬

night brought out the first large gath¬ering of cottagers this season. Thepretty detached ballroom was decora», dwith wild flo'Aers for its opening fet\and summer society from neighborm,;

--ell represented.Over on the links of the Deal Golf

Club the weekly handicaps were con¬

tinued to-day. The field was the lai [est of the seat-on thus far and ma' v

excellent scores were returned. Thegolf club is more popular thaithis year, and more than 150 membe.*;and friends dined at the club on Sun¬day.Now that Deal folk are becoming ac¬

customed to the radical changebeach Casino, they seem to approve ofthe innovation or the "movies" amidances. Otis Harlan is in charge of allentertainment fea»ires at the Casino,and the dancing set is nightly increas¬ing in numbers.Among those registered at the Ha.h-

away Inn are Mrs. A. Zirega and party,of Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. Cook ar. 1daughter, Miss Madeline Metz. MissEdith Metz. Miss S. Markwald. Mr. andMrs. .lack Boggs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Max¬well Bullock, Mrs. J. Peeler, Mrs. M.Roscnthal, Gerald L. kaulfman, Mr-. A.A. Slaughter. Mrs. George Norton and«laughter, C. P. Johnson, Mrs. Joseph 8.Walz, Mr. and Mrs. S. Flood and Mi.and Mrs. E. J. Stirefet, of New York.

Late arrivals at the Deal Inn in¬clude Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Winch,K. V. Goldsmith, A. M. Donnelly, S. M.Jacoby and family, Mr. and Sirs. \.Buss. jr.. A. L. Burks, jr.. D. D. Will-iaarrs, jr.. John Errol Lye, Eilward Bor-day. R. Stern and daughter, A. S. Hush.De Witt L. Speyer and O. Steiner, otNew York.Henry Kelly, jr., B. Bernheim, of

Kentucky; J. A. Washerman.Grace B. Guggenheim, Peter Doelger,Martin Goodkine and J. G. Rowan, oíNew York, have all taken cottages forthe season.

KEA.NSBLRG.Keansburg. N. J., June 27. Real

summer vacationists and early cele¬brants of Independence Day rushing tothe snore have increased the populationof Keansburg until the managers oftransportation lines and hotel men de¬clare that the biggest crowd of peopleever gathered at this resort will beon hand ready to stroll on the board¬walk or take a dip in the surf. Bath¬house magnates are reaping a rich har¬vest of coin during this, the first bigrueli of th» season.The hotel men and boarding house

managers are arranging special pro¬grammes for the entertainment of theirguests on July 4. Many of them willcontain novelties. The safe and sane

idea will prevail.Late arrivals at Weseman's Beach

Villa are Harry Lindsley. SamuelWalker. Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. Her¬bert Van Dine. Miss Hannah Mooriield,Mrs. Frank Moorrield, William Slack,.lack Ilannon, Harry Swain, Mrs. Ed-ward Crouse, Fred Gaum, Arthur I.and-meeser, Edward Coogan, Miss Tessie

¡Edell, Miss Edith Slater, Miss Dorothy

Golf di the Sciv]32oset,RocKlí*vJ2<í Bre^KWö-tei»Me

«if Newark; James J. Murphy and ex-

Mayor Otto Wittpenn of Jersey'City; William Van Mlddleeworth, ofKearny; Walter A. Newkirk. of Mont-clair; David »Salmon, Harry Ross, Mrs

Philander ¡.. C< oper end Mre. Silvester.1. Griffith .» :' Philadelphia; Archibald

r Rollins, of Trenton.The Belmar Yacht Club is open for

'he season. The firet race will beJuly 4, with the popular one

class, consist.:! .en of! crafts in the star ». >Lae1

I '»e at the helm nntilnd-.Juh.

ant arrivals el th.- Melrose Inn

include Mrs. John P. Bnnn, of Phila¬delphia; Mr. an»l Mrs, Edgar Tullman,Melville Tullman. M Maude Bagcn,

C. McCarthy, of New York.


Spring !.ak»\ N. J., June 27. »>»i

Monday the New Jersey Medical ;'o-will open its ItMh annual con¬

vention In the New Monmouth 11 rt !

here, to continue until Wednes.^ynight.

The principal speakers scheduled forthe bunquet on Tuesday night will be

Governor James F. Fielder, S» itsSchool Commissioner Kendall, the Rev.Ployd W. Tompkins, of Philadelphia,and Professor George E. I)< Schwein.t.,of Philadelphia.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Btiibane are

among the aeason's guests at the Ne v.Monmouth.Late arrivals at the Short-ham la«

I elude G. J. Prescott, Mrs. L. Tobe/, A.

Miller, Mr. and Mr». J. Miller and Mr.and Mrs. William Hopwood.At the Hollywood Frank Cobb,

Frank Clark, Henry Winter, James Por-ter, Mrs. Charles Elsie, Mrs» Charles

I, Misa M. Conroy, Miss MabelHallnck and W. A. Kenan.The White House Miss Florence

Quilly, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jackson. Mr.and Mre. Henry Donoughe, Miss HalenHunter. Mis-« Anna Russell. Mrs Kath¬erine Orderly and Mr. and Mrs. H. J.Mecdker.

ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS.Atlantic Highland»-, N. J. June 27.

The coming tennir. tourna m ont at theCasino Club courts is bringing outmany new player* every day. From 10o'clock in the morning until sundownevery court is in play. Among theregular players are the Misses Dorothyand Gladys Hall, Dorothy and CorneliaPoite.i, Elsa and Bertha Yunghans,

aver, Birgess B. Briggs,Douglasa Ballin, William Kellar and

Biese, r.

The golf course has been popular theInst week, the cool weather making

¡ore comfortable than usual. Thecoming tournament on July 4 will havemany entries. Among the entries areHerbert Hazelton, John Gemmell. jr.,A. G. Hall, Samuel Lippman, PercyRoche, E. C. Delmar, Douglas Ballin, i.Humpstone, Robert B. Mantell, J. F.Morris«, n, Dr. J. J. Martin and JamesH. Carroll.

, The hotels are the centrée of social j

activity until the opens tenmor¬

row. Mr. and Mr- V.. ^«^flSthe Bay View, gave » »"^««JJSrnrty to a number of friends on ThursJav 'evening. Miss Helen f"»TO,?kwon first prize, a gold *.*f**: JJ?

ward was won by J. w. «j. nu«

ton. Among thoie playing UUU ¦£mil Mrs. George St. John, A. E. »heri-

a.d Mrs. Thomas If. Bee»:.

lee Arthur. Miss E. R. Root.1. Matheson and Mr. and Mrs. i.

.' '' H?d,OB* ...L.c...ri.-Hi,u.e.

¦\mong those pre-ent were Mr ana

Mr«. L. M. von Wagoner, J. B-ichura-¦on. Frank Lester, George von Snssi,

|r. and Miss (;. Bailey.Ama.ncr »ho latest RT


A Cosmopolitan Crowd DisportsItself on the Highway Down

by the Sea.

Atlantic City. June 27. -At no time

of the year, save perhaps in nnd-Au-gust, is the great Boardwalk more at,

i.».opolitan best than now. All

type« <>f mankind are he«, and fromall quarters of the globe the bizarreand the plain, the rich and the poor.the halt and the whole, the old and the

young, the innocent and the criminal,the modest and the bold, the meekand the crafty and all are enjoyingthat part of the wonderful WoodenWay that most appeals to them.The great planked deck is thronged

with roiling chairs, and the chair-barons are doing some good to man¬

kind a-'isiting, for they are at war .

a price-slashing war and chairs thatwere once a dollar an hour, then 5"

cents an hour, are now hirable at ¡JO

cents an lour with a Henegambiarihuman motor thrown in.The amusement placen, too, are open,

and that man or woman seeking pleas¬ure must indeed be hard to satisfy ifat one or the other of the many Wood¬en Way places he or she cannot findsurcease from dull care.

And the amusements aie graded to

c.itch every eye and incidentally «rveryspare nickel. From the doll and toyshops to the expensive Japanese art

shops both young and old may revelin the intoxication of shopping; fromthe merry-go-rounds, with theirwheezy organs, to the highest classplays being produced in the UnitedStates; from the ridiculousness ofadult men and women playing withtoy balloons to the solemnity from an

Englishman's point of view of takinga bath in the surf all men are ca¬

tered to.

Ideal June weather hsa prevailed a*.the shore during the early week, withnow and then an occasional showerthat served to lay the dust on the in¬land roads as a favor to the touringmotorist. The flowers are in bloomalong all the roadways, and the gentlemantle of summer has fallen upon allthe earth, with the sea as a deep greenbackground.

Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Flynn are NewYork visitors at the Haddon Hall dur¬ing a June fortnight.John C. Tomlinson motored down

from New York for the week end.Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hurd have leased

a suite at the .Marlborough-BIenheimfor June.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brewster areNew York visitors domiciled at the St.Charles.

J. S. Waterman and, H E. Davis areNew Yorker» .it th. S h -Iburne while"doing" the Wooden Way.

T. .1. Hair-- end Lewis Koffin areNew Yorkers at the Traymore.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Rodenberg havetaken apartments at the < halfontc dur¬ing June.

Charles Harris and John Harris, ofNew York, are guests at the HotelAlamac over the week end.

Mrs. K. Harnett and Mr H. S. Harrisme New York matrons at the Hotel.Strand for June.

Mr. end Mrs ,r. H. Warner are NewYork visitors at the Hot« I Chelsea forth« >umtr»et- season.other Ne.-. York folk down by the

summer sea are:Hetit.; S. M. ¡look, Mr. and Mrs. A.

P. Hunt, IV P. Smith, A. W. Barber,Mr. and Mr». C,. Baker, Dr. L. S. Bulk-

1.1»» « oigan. Mrs. WilliamSalmon and Mr. and Mrs. «.eorge V.Grève.Traymore tf. II. < jrtis, E. P.

Fowler. Mr.». I. Frolich, J« hn Horn, Mrs".I. K. Lan«. M-, and Mrs. S. Oppen-heimer, Mr-. A. P. T. Teed, Mr. andMrs. D. J. Wadsworth, J. J. Thompuon,II. W. Ma^Conners and Thomas E. Cum¬mins.

Sheiburne W. B. Harley, I K. Hig-bee, (V g. Schneider. Mr. an«j Mrs. G. P.'Conard, V. V.. Campbell. Miaa Ethel C.WHtson, Dr. E. F. Smith. Mr. and Mrs.

Schieffelin and P. W. stebbina.St. Charle> Mis.-, Esther Bozen, Mr.

and .Mrs. Hobart Cahn, John T. Camp,Helen '. Camp, Mis» Marion

sion. James Fitznatrick, M. S. «'onroyM. M. Mo\. r. F. S. Staley and Mr. andMre. «i. E. «Ah¡taker.Chalfonie r. S. Stevens, Mrs. A. E.

Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Het»rv Olsen, Mr.and Mis. P. A. Martin. Miss Marie Liv-

M., an»! Mr«. .1 s. Lee,Timson. A. F. Downs, r. S. Lawrence

V E. Orvis, Mr. und Mrs. J. If'Singer, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Dexter andL. »V. Man-.Alamac i\ IV Ewing, C. C. Klli«

Richard Dan«, Mr. and Mrs. M. L Kahn'Mrs. A. B. Steelman, R. F. Thompkin«!Mrs. B. Drummond. Mis» Marionlen, A. J. Kennedy. Mr-». J. L. Langsfeld< H. White. Irving Cummings,R. «i. Gerstell, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Iaoudand M. M.


Iladd.m Hall Mrs. Joseph A. BryahMr. and Mr.;. H. R. Dirueway, Mr and"Mis. C. D. Schaich. I», c. Hen«jrickWilliam Athrid-:e. F. It. Millar F I


Pauc, Mr. and Mrs. V,. J. Wcglener andE. H. Green.

STERILIZING NV.VTER.Niagira Falls will have the first

municipal ultra-violet-ray sterili^atienplant in this country. Contract nego¬tiations were consummated June 5 fora .T» lamp installation. Mercury vanorlamps, protruding into channelsthrough which water will flow, are tobe used. The ultra-violet ray« fron«these lumps have the power to kill thebacteria in the water. There¦ will he«even lamps in each of live concrete/canals although it is estimated thattwenty-five lamp» only will be required to handle the capactty of th.plant. 16.000,000 gallons dailyThe cost of the canal«, Bnd l»m.installations will be li».«-». while t7,.city will erect a building and tran8!formers to change tie current fromalternating to direct, at a cost «Î$2,200. Engineering Record *f

SAM08LT.Saraoset, Rockland breakwater Ma[June 27. Samoset-by-theSea '

th«»sec» of automobile tourists through»New England, opened its twelfth sea«