Tips To Quit Smoking While Pregnant


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you are looking to quit smoking because you have heard all the bad things about smoking during pregnancy. Well, its true that smoking harms your baby... in fact, medical studies has shown that women who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to affect their baby in one way or the other.

Transcript of Tips To Quit Smoking While Pregnant

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How To Quit Smoking During Pregnancy(Tips To Help Pregnant Women Quit Smoking Without Stress And Frustration)

Congratulations ! You are now pregnant with you beautiful baby.

However, there is a problem... you are looking to quit smoking because you have heard all the bad things about smoking during pregnancy.

Well, its true that smoking harms your baby... in fact, medical studies has shown that women who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to affect their baby in one way or the other.

Here are just a few of the possibilities that will increase if you smoke during pregnancy:

# Smoking retards growth of your baby# Smoking can also affect your baby's brain development# Baby is more likely to have blocked airways at birth# The likelihood of premature birth increases# The likelihood of death at birth Increases# The likelihood of miscarriage increases# It is harmful for the lungs and the hearts of babies

As you can see... smoking clearly isn't the best of all solutions when it comes to giving birth to a healthy and beautiful baby.

So... the key to having a beautiful, healthy little baby is to quit smoking as soon as possible.

In fact... statistically speaking, it is a lot easier to quit smoking during pregnancy because there is a very big motivating factor to help back your will and desire to stop smoking.

That reason is your baby.

Report has shown that more women are able to quit smoking during their pregnancy period than most others would at normal times.

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That is without a doubt, a relief and something that is good to hear.

The process turns a bit tricky however as women who are pregnant cannot be subjected to stress and frustration. As such.. it will be good to know that if you are pregnant with a baby and wants to quit smoking, the techniques that you take or adopt should be as fluent as possible.

As everyone of us is biologically different, going into cold turkey, while effective.. may not be the best solution. The gradual method works best to prevent any stress or frustration during the quit process.

The only exception is that your body do not feel the irritation and cravings during the cold turkey phase. That is only when you can use the cold turkey approach to quickly get rid of your smoking addictions.

Nevertheless, this report will highlight 3 useful and practical tips that will help you during your quit smoking process.

Here are some useful tips to help you get your mind off your cigarettes cravings so that you can quit smoking while pregnant:

3 Tips To Help Pregnant Women Quit Smoking

Keep Yourself Busy

One of the best ways to help you get your mind or your smoking urge off, is to keep your hands or head busy about something else.

Find things you like to do just to keep your hands busy. Even better, start designing and dealing with things that involves your baby.

For example, designing your baby's room, knitting your baby's clothes or even thinking and coming out with your baby's name.

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There are 3 folds to this methodology.

(Your Reason To Quit Smoking)

First, you keep your mind off your smoking or nicotine urge. Second, you are doing something useful which you should be doing anyway. Last... because you are doing something associated with your "reasons" aka baby... it strengthens and motivates you even more to quit smoking.

Hang Out With The Right People

Well... this is as simple it gets. When you hang out with people who smoke, not only will it prompt your nicotine urge.. you are also in fact, taking in second hand smoke... which is not good for your baby.

So.. avoid places where smokers go to... and even for your friends who are smokers.. let them know that you are quitting smoking for your baby's sake.. and the best thing they can do.. is not to smoke whenever they are with you.

This will not only help prevent you from smoking during your pregnancy even when you are around with your friends, it also helps you get the support from all the close people you know.

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When that synergy builds up... trust me.. its going to strengthen your will even further.. pushing you even closer to quitting smoking.

Replacing Bad Habits With Good Ones

This may be a little more tricky. But first.. if you want to quit smoking, one of the ways is to first, chart out your habits of smoking.

For example, most smokers likes to have a smoke after a meal. If you have that habit, try to replace that smoking habit with something else. For example, you can always brush your teeth after your meals instead of going for a smoke.

With something else or a new habit forming, you can skip your thoughts off your cigarettes, allowing you an even higher chance of quitting smoking during pregnancy.

Visit The Link Below For More Tips And Strategies To Quit Smoking While Pregnant