Tips to optimize a page

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  • 1. Importance of Page/Article/Blog page optimization Why optimization is important? 1) Page Optimization is necessary to gain visibility in the Search Engine Results. Without optimized title tags, meta data, URLs and page copy, you are not going to be found in the search results. 2) Search Engine crawling and indexing is all about finding relevant content. Search engines sometimes take days to find the updated content on your website and present this content to web users. Content Optimization is a way to take back control over your website. As you all know, Visibility is very important and without visibility you will miss out on traffic and thus page views. 3) Without an optimized "SEO landing page" being found in the Search results, the chances of a conversion are virtually nil.You simply will not be found in the Search results without on-page optimization. If the Searcher cannot find your page in the first place, the chance of a conversion happening disappears.How to Optimize your content? Accessing something through search is increased over the past decade. Someone accessing content from search is usually looking for an answer to a question. How do people find great, original content using a search engine if they dont even know it exists? They cant, if your content is not optimized. Following is an optimization wish list of items you need to cross off before you hit the publish button: 1) Keyword Inclusion How to choose the right keywords for your content? 1) List the services or product or select the topic 2) Think like a customer and build a list of key phrases 3) Search for combinations for those keywords 4) Select the relevant keywords with medium competition and good search volume. Use Google adwords keyword tool for keyword research: After you choose the right keywords, make sure you sprinkle them throughout your content. Keyword

2. density is 2-3% for particular keyword used within one piece of content. For example, if you use your keyword twice in a 200-word blog post, your keyword density for that item is one percent. Please do keyword stuffing in your content. Its not appetizing to visitors and its a definite turnoff for search engines. In fact, they can penalize your website if they catch you doing this. 2) Title Tags - A sites title tag is by far one of the most important element. Titles should be around 6070 characters and it needs to be interesting and feed peoples curiosity, not simply focused on keyword density and repetitions. Good titling boosts clicks, especially from social networks like Twitter where users wont see a blurb or image. 3) Meta Description Tag - meta description tag is simply data about data. It lets the search engines know about what your information is about. Meta data helps communicate what the topic of your page is about. You may remember that the search engines when crawling your web pages look for mini themes to help determine what your site is an authority on. A descriptive meta description can help inform the engines as to what the page is about. 4) Anchor text Anchor text is a nice way to display (hide) the long url youre linking to. This is a key factor used by the algorithms to determine the Inbound Liking Quality of links. This is one of the key factors used when by the engines when ranking web pages. Well interlinked pages can help increase page views of the site as users can easily navigate the site to find the information that they are looking for. 5) Mind the formatting of the text Formatting (bolding, headings, Italic etc.) is also important to show the search engines that certain words are more important than others. Thus, if you bold/italic your keywords in your text, they are perceived as more important than other words and thus your text becomes more relevant to these keywords.Steps to write an optimized content:StartSelect your topic and find your target readersAnalyse what they might be searchingDo keyword analysis Use Adwords keyword Tool 3. Write content by using relevant keywordsWrite a title tagWrite Meta Description and Meta keywordsPut Anchor tag in your content Which redirect users to your sitePublish the content