Tips to increase metabolism in the morning

Nitrogen Cycle N’ Lyssa Bullard Katherine Fondeur Period: 03 AICE EM

Transcript of Tips to increase metabolism in the morning




Learning about metabolism

A person’s metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and

drink into energy. Therefore, the faster the metabolism, the faster the body breaks down

food and the faster it moves out of the system. Individuals unwillingly stuck with a slow

metabolism (genetics play a large role in this process) can actually take some steps to

speed up that process.

Waking up from your comfortable mattress in Dubai , should take your straight to a good

morning routine that not only increases metabolism, but also keeps you healthy and fit.

Drinking water can benefit the body in much more than just a

few ways. Studies have found that when 17 ounces of water are

consumed after waking up, the metabolism is boosted by 30

percent for up to an hour or more. Secondly, since the body has

spent all of the evening working on digestion and using up the

water in your system, it’s a great idea to hydrate yourself upon

wake up. Wake up

and have

a glass of


A body’s insulin levels are very low when the body actually

wakes up after a night’s sleep. The simple reason being that

after not having consumed any food for an average of 7-8

hours, the body’s blood sugar levels drop. To keep your sugar

levels low until lunch, for example, is a very bad idea. The body

will not have anything to breakdown when it’s woken up, which

means that the metabolism won’t have a reason to wake up

either (since it’s responsible for breaking down energy – sugar is





Though we just covered how it isn’t healthy to keep your insulin

levels low in the morning by not eating, it’s also equally as bad

an idea to get them up too high before you’ve moved out of

the house! Breakfasts packed with protein and fiber, such as

eggs, low sugar cereals, oatmeal, fruits, yoghurt etc can kick

start your metabolism and can help keep your sugar levels

stable throughout the day. Include


and fiber

in your


Research has proven that 45 minute vigorous exercise can boost

your metabolic rate for up to 14 hours hence the workout.

Therefore, it makes more sense to workout in the morning rather

than the afternoon or evening as you are consuming more food

throughout the day than you are at night while sleeping. The

metabolic boost can help break down your day’s biggest meals:

breakfast and lunch. Work out

in the


Muscle is a metabolically active tissue, which means the

metabolism must spend energy to continuously maintain muscle.

Therefore, having more muscle means constantly expending

more and more energy – keeping that metabolic fire roaring.

Also, adding strength training to your routine will increase your

heart rate getting you closer to the daily target calorie burn.



training to

