Tips to apply perfume for long lasting fragrance

Tips To Apply Perfume for Long Lasting Fragrance Bought your favorite perfume, applied it but the fragrance did not lasted for more than a couple of hours. Such thing is very annoying and happens with almost all of us. While spending on expensive perfumes and fragrances, we expect them to last for long at least for 6-8 hours, but due the changing weather and our daily activities, they do not last for long. Hot weather, precipitation and dust around us can affect the longevity of the fragrance on our body. Apart from this, our psychological conditions can also affect the life of fragrance on our body due to the stress chemicals generated in brain. Numerous things are there that affect the fragrance. Application of perfume is similar to the selection of the right perfume by finding profumeria online . To make sure it lasts for a long time, you will have to take initiatives like: - Select the right perfume: if it is expensive, it does not mean it will be great too. If you do not like the fragrance, it might not last long on your body or keep on irritating you. While buying the perfume, you must try it out first. Apply it on your wrist and leave it for 20 minutes. Now smell it, if you are still in love with it, go ahead and buy. This is the right way to let your body smell mingle with the fragrance for selecting the best perfume.

Transcript of Tips to apply perfume for long lasting fragrance

Tips To Apply Perfume for Long Lasting Fragrance Bought your favorite perfume, applied it but the fragrance did not lasted for more than a couple of hours. Such thing is very annoying and happens with almost all of us. While spending on expensive perfumes and fragrances, we expect them to last for long at least for 6-8 hours, but due the changing weather and our daily activities, they do not last for long. Hot weather, precipitation and dust around us can affect the longevity of the fragrance on our body.

Apart from this, our psychological conditions can also affect the life of fragrance on our body due to the stress chemicals generated in brain. Numerous things are there that affect the fragrance. Application of perfume is similar to the selection of the right perfume by finding profumeria online. To make sure it lasts for a long time, you will have to take initiatives like:

- Select the right perfume: if it is expensive, it does not mean it will be great too. If you do not like the fragrance, it might not last long on your body or keep on irritating you. While buying the perfume, you must try it out first. Apply it on your wrist and leave it for 20 minutes. Now smell it, if you are still in love with it, go ahead and buy. This is the right way to let your body smell mingle with the fragrance for selecting the best perfume.

- Take a bath: before applying perfume, you should try to take a bath. Your body will be free of any type of smell and absorb the fragrance very well. After washing off your body, dab with towel and apply fragrance. If you are applying the fragrance during day without taking a bath or shower, wash of and apply a body lotion without any smell. It will provide your body moisture to absorb the fragrance more.

- Apply on your pulse points: pulse points are the parts where fragrance lasts longer due to less precipitation and pheromones release. Some of the pulse points are crook of elbow, inside of ankles, behind knees, back of neck and inside of wrist. While testing fragrance these are points where you should apply it and test it. If you are finding profumeria online, make sure to test it in your nearby shop. While getting ready for someone special, try to dab your perfume a little behind the ear.

While wearing perfume spray once on each point and it will be enough for you. Do not wear too much fragrance as it can annoy people around you. Nobody likes anyone wearing too much perfume. Some of the long-lasting fragrances providing companies are Hugo Boss, Dolce and Gabbana, Burberry, Jordan, Lacoste, and Ralph Lauren.

To make your fragrance more attractive and suitable for the time you can choose the one according to the time of the day. During day time apply a light floral scent or a citrus scent. During night, a musky or woody scent will be better choice.

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