Tips For An Effective PowerPoint Presentation

Tips For An Effective PowerPoint Presentation By: Kerri McNiven

Transcript of Tips For An Effective PowerPoint Presentation

  • 1. By: Kerri McNiven

2. Getting Started Pick a theme High contrast Simple yetinteresting Clear 3. UsebigFont 4. Less is More Limited Bullets No more than five Visual aid Not for audience to read 5. Pictures Galore Add more charts anddiagrams A picture is worth 1,000 words. Use animations andtransitions wisely 6. Summary Fun theme with high contrast Use BIG FONTS Limit bullets Increase pictures 7. Sources Tips: Images: 2,4 and 5: Kerriations.aspx#fbid=HBMK McNivenjgzJ-KM & Images 1 and 3: clip art Music: Clip Art m/2006/10/01/10-ways-to-make-powerpoint-presentations-powerful/