Tipe Hemangioma Infantile

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Transcript of Tipe Hemangioma Infantile

  • 8/13/2019 Tipe Hemangioma Infantile


    Three main types of infantile hemangiomaare recognized: the common, superficial or

    strawberryhemangioma(50 to 0 percent!" the mi#ed hemangioma, consisting ofboth superficial and deeper ca$ernous components (%5 to &5 percent!" and the deep or

    ca$ernoushemangioma('5 percent! )istologically, all of these lesions show clustersof thin*walled $ascular spaces surrounded by sheets of proliferati$e but benign*appearing

    endothelial cells +i#ed and ca$ernous subtypes ha$e deeper, more dilated $esselsdditional features common to most hemangiomasinclude dermal mast cells and $ariable

    atrophy of the o$erlying epidermis -mall, superficial hemangiomasin cosmetically

    innocuous areas generally do not re.uire treatment, and should regress spontaneously without

    significant se.uelae The ma/or indications for treatment include life* or function*threatening

    hemangiomas, such as those obstructing airways or impairing $ision" hemangiomasthat tend

    to lea$e disfiguring scars or deformities in cosmetically sensiti$e areas, such as the nose,

    glabella, lips, ears, and breasts" large facial hemangiomas, especially those with deep

    components" hemangiomasin e#posed areas such as the face and hands" and pedunculated or

    ulcerated hemangiomas Therapeutic decisions should be tailor*made to each indi$idual

    lesion, and should always tae into account psychosocial factors, including the emotional

    well being of both child and parents 1ecause no treatment is without riss, all potentialcomplications should be detailed prior to initiation of therapy

    2reedberg 3 +, 4isen , 6olff 7, 7, d, %00& 2itzpatric8s 9ermatology in eneral

    +edicine, th 4dition +craw*)ill: ;ew