TIO - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88075685/1931-04-17/ed-1/seq-7.pdfMiss...

i j DOUBLE CHECH! With each clieck , and stub , indicating the exact purpose for -which it is drawn, canceled checks act as payment- received acknowledgments , and the check hook carries the expense record. Checks thus become a double check on bills paid and frequently, by keeping a check on current expenses , disclose ways to economize. And if the checking account is carried at this bank it gives the depositor ac- cess to counsel and co-operation that sometimes mean much to financial pro- gress. MEMBEB OF FEDERAL KESEBVE BANK First National Bank POET JEFFERSON NEW YORK PERS ONAL ME NTI ON Clara Foraro went to Huntlngtoi over t he week-end. Miss Irene Davis has resumed hei music classes. Mrs. C. D. Lee was in New Yorl Tuesday. Carl Clarke Is now employed al the water company. Mr. C. D. Lee has taken a positlor with Robert N. Wilson. Mrs. Sophia Tooker spent several days this week at her home here. Miss Cora Herbat spent the week- end at the home of Mrs. A. Wolper Mrs. V. A. Ludlam of Glen Cove visited friends in town on Friday. Mrs. A. E. Petty has returned from a visit with friends at Utlca, N. Y. Mrs. Hattie Archambault entertain- ed friends from the Bronx on Sunday. Mrs. Martha Edwards is visiting friends in Patchogue. Don 't miss tho Circle A. C. dance at Vandall's Hall , tonight. Mrs. Koutrnkos of Liberty avenue spent last week in the city. Mrs. George Larsen and son , George, spent t ho week-end ln Hobo- ken and New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Italph Shawhan re- turned homo last Monday after spending a week ln South. Carolina, Walter Davis and family enjoyed an automobile trip to Farmlngdalo on Sunday. Mrs. Adeline Osborno of Solden was the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. E, T. Osborno this week. Mrs. George Dalloy and daughter of Belle Croft visited Mrs. Sleslnger , Jr., on Thursday afternoon. Mra. R ichard Dennett was the vic- t im of a .severe brondilnl affection over the weok-ond. i Mrs. Charlotte Still and daughter s pent several days at their home here ¦ last week. Mr. Eaymond Ruland of Patch- ; ogue called on his sister, Mrs. G. T. Ruland this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harold of City Island were guests of Mrs. Christine Beach on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Moodle and little daughter of Huntington were in town on Sunday. Capt. and Mrs. George F. Holly vis- ited relatives at Brookhaven on Sun- day. The Social Eight had a theatre part y Tuesday evening at the Patch- ogue Theatre. Mr. G. L. Davis of Boston arrived Wednesday to spend a few days in town with relatives. Mrs . Mark Davis entertains the Bridge Club today nt the home of Miss Allyne Skinner on Main street. Mrs . Vail Tooker and son Arthur spent several days this -week ln Brooklyn. Miss Nolllo Tookor and Mr. Tho- mas McNu lty wore week-end guests of Mrs. Sophia Tooker. Tho Suwassett Garden Club will hold a special mooting at tho Mather Hospital , April 28th. Mr. an d Mrs. G. T. Ruland spent Sunda y with a brother . L. W. Rul- an d ln Southampton, Miss Irene Davis and her mother , Mrs. E. I. Dav is returned Tuesday from St. Petersburg, Florida. Mrs. E. n. Downs returned last Saturday from Charleston , South Carolina , where alio has boon tho guest of Mrs. Frederick Quick. Mr. C. van der Horn, Mr. A. T. Luce and Mr. Boyd Boniiott of the Federal Water Service Corporation wore ln town last wool;. i.iiiiv iAUD ^l-lw. .AUlTU j ilUJ i. - u tiini- (i d to Flyrnciine University nftnr spending h er vacation at her homo In Hello Toi'i-o. Ml- , una Mrn. Win. KiliiutiiTu)' and daughter and Minn Ruby Nolnon returned Tuesday by motor from St. Petersburg, Florida , whoro thoy spout tho winter. Mr. and Mm. Cliurlou Booiiton , who havo boon visiting Mrs. Iloon- ton ' n gran dmother , Mra, Annlo Odoll , nro leav ing today (Friday) for Eu- rope, Spring- prices nro now In offoct. Placo your or dora now for early de- livery of bent quality coal. Koyntono Conl nnd Supply Co., Telephone Port Jefferson 20. M2H Mrs. A. Wolpor and daughter Thorona , Edward Moyor nnd Mrs, Wnr.nor atten ded tlio American Ln- n lon Show at Hampton Bays Inut Fri- day, Thoroua Wol por , Edwar d Moyor , Ohnrlotto Moyor anil John Archdea- con motorod u p tho Hudson to Hoar Mountain nnd then throu gh Now Jorno y, return ing Monday. Mlini Myrtlo Garland In vlultlnir lior couuln , Mrs, Mi llard Uoovo. Minn Garland la taking a liont graduate oourao at Tlio Woinan ' o Rnu pltal In Now York City. Mr. Jamou P. Wnllcor, nurnr lnton- dont of tlio M. 10. Sunday uohool was imoblo to bo at Ills pout Sunday mornin g owlnu to tho norloini 111- noiiii of Mm. Wullror 'n mot her , Mrs, Julluu Purlolc. Mr, Hailoy A. Walk- er acted an lila ituliiUlutQ. Krncjt Givr-rd oi tli o 3rou:: cnant hi!] :3r.:;tcr vr.crition ritit ill:; aunt , i' .ira. 17. niclicy. Mra. Nettie Hav. -U nc; gp.vo r. party for lira. Al Smith , in -honor of her 75th birthday on Wednesday. Miss Keevll , teacher at t ho local high school , spent Saturday in Now York where sho saw tho "New York- ers." Arthur Slmonson lelt Monday for Massachusetts where ho will visit His sister , Mrs. G. Howard Young and familjr . Mrs. Charles Davis and Mrs. Ger- tru de Salomon visited Mrs. John Kemjster at Kings Park hospital on a recent Sunday. Misses Alice, Et hel and Marion Wheeler called on Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Slmonson at Bellmore Sunday afternoon. John and Marie Jansen returned home Sunday after spending several days with relatives at Perth Amboy, N. J„ and Brooklyn. Miss Betty Bartlett of Kenwood,, N. Y-, was the- guest last week of her s ister, Mrs. Dodd B. Craft at Port Jefferson Station. Spring- prices are now in effect. Placo your orders now for early de- livery of best quality coal. Fred R. Davis Coal Co., phone Setauket 213. 1124 Mr. and Mrs. Mulford Slmonson an d daughter , Verna, Lou and Miss Verna Klnsey were guests over the week-end of Mr. an d Mrs. Warren Klnsey. Mr. T. S. Hill , Jr., and family of Nort hport spent the week-end and Sunday with Mrs. George Gurney. Mrs. Hill is visiting her mother for a few days. Mrs. Farrelman and three children of Perth Amboy, N, J., Mrs. Max Geschwendtner and Mrs. Bayer of Brooklyn were recent guests of their sister , Mrs. - John Jansen. NIss Eva D. Rose and her friend , Miss Zulette Holder left Saturday afternoon for Washington , D. C, to spen d a week viewing the places ot Interest. Spring prices are now in effect. Place your orders now for early de- livery of best quality coal. Keystone Coal and Supply Co., Telephone Port Jefferson 20. 3t23 The large Easter egg which was sold by shares by James Mellas of Port Jefferson Station was won by Miss Irma Lawrence, who is attend- ing; Fredonia Normal at Fredonla , Nevr York. The managers of the Long Island plants of the Federal Water Service Corporation had a dinner at Bay Shore on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Adam s of the local Water Co., atten ded the dinner. Mr s. Eugene Edwards went to Ne-\v York with her aunt , Mrs. Kel- lar on Wednesday. Mrs. Kollar will visit two other nieces in Baltimore before returning to ler home ln Vir- ginia. Miss Irma Lawrence and friend . Miss Charlotte Gaze , music students of Fredonla Normal , who spent the Easter vacation with Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Lawrence, loft Sunday morning by way of auto , to resume their stu dies. Mr. an d Mrs. William Davis spent Sunday with their son-in-law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Wlndeld Hancock of Miller Placo. In tho af- ternoon t hoy took a delightful auto- mobile trip to tlio east end of the Inland. The tug, George A. "Keating, " be- longing to the Great Eastern Sand and Gravel Co., was docked at the L. I. Shipyard on Saturday for re- pairs to middle port, stem bearings, nn d general overhauling of the hull, It is expected sho will bo ready for launching on Thursday or Friday ol Ibis woolc. XHXEBB "———" 7' -mm .min i i I 12 to 18 in ches I balled hi Hiurlap delivered in your <io»f Arbor Vitae Chinese American 2 for $1.80 2 for $2 Pyramid Boxwood and Canadian Hemlock 2 for $2.60 Any of These 2 For $3 Dwarf Mwgho Pino Panzer ' s Juniper Golden Cypress Jnpniifcuc Yew: Bond Cliooli or Honey Orde r SUN TREE GUILD P. O. Box 88 Amityvlllo ' Itofer enont Dank ol Amityvl llo !:¦ " . "j ^ AIic3JMillcr ~l ^t' ontaul: h vls- i'. :!iv , - rel".uvc:j ;u tov/n t' tvi:; v. 'cdc. P.Iv. and r.frs. !"' ar:y nulne we re in Huntington lr.st vrooU calling on old friendn. Mr. and Mrs. Bayard L. Peclt were at their home In Dello Terro o\-or the week-end. James Whlttendalo called on Mr . and Mrs. Chester Davis and family on Wednesday of this week. Mrs. John Cover entertained sev- eral friends and relatives at her home last Saturday In honor of her birth- day. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Woodfleld will have as a week-end guest , Nr. Woodueld' s cousin , Sidney Carr of Bay Shore. Mrs. David M. Kendall and ler friend, Miss Coon , from New York , spent the wee ' it-ond with Mrs. Ken- dall' s relatives hers. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hughes of 312 Thompson street , Port Jefferson, announce the arrival of a son, Wil- liam, Jr., on Sunday, April 5. Mrs. James Kalodemas and Mrs. Charles Klnner and daughter, Nor- ma , spent Mon day afternoon -with Mrs. For dyce Halsey, in Isllp. Dr. F. S. Child and wife and Dr. W. D. Chamberlain and wife loft Tuesday by steamer for a two weeks' tr ip to New Orleans. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Burgess and son , Bill , of Port Washington called on Mr. and Mra. John N. Oviatt last Sunday. From there they all motored to Amagansett to spend the day. I Mrs. Florence Fink of Cressllll , N. J., arrived ln town on Tuesday ; for the summer. Her son , Mas Fink , ;who spends the winter In Florida , [a lso arrived in town this week. Spring prices are now ln effect. Place your orders now for early de- livery of best quality coal. Keystone Coal and Supply Co., Telephone Port i Jefferson 20. 3t23 Walter Kay and Bob Shore, chief ' engineer and chief radio operator of t he S. S. Mauretania , an d Joseph Forster , of Patclogue, were week- en d guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Truman. | A bunco and card party will he held Tuesday evening, April 21, at 8.30 by the Golden Rule Council in the Legion building. Refreshments and prizes. Come and have a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stein and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Galli spent last Fri- day in New York City. In the eve- ning they enjoyed an entertainment at Station , WEA.F hy the Cllquot Club Eskimos. A daughter, Julia Ann , arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Kls- sam of Mt. Vernon , formerly of Port Jefferson , last week. Mrs. A. E. Kls- sam, of South street , Is caring for tho patients. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Parsons left Friday for Bridgeport , Conn., to visit their son, Clarence, afterward going to Ellington , Conn., to visit their daughter , Mrs. Lewis Charter and family. Mr. and Mrs. S. Sleslnger , Jr. , and two sons, Bobby and Earl motored to Moriches Sunday afternoon , stop- ping at Patchogue when enrouto for homo at tho home ot his brolhcr , Herman. Leon Sleslnger and family of Huntington visited his brother , Samuel on Saturday. Miss Erma La-wronco , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Lawrence of Port Jefferson Station has returned to her studies at the Fredonla Nor- mal School , after spending the Eas- ter vacat ion with her parents. Miss Lawrence lias recently accepted a pos ition as Instructor of music ln tho Mlddletown (N. V.) high school . Dr. nnd Mrs. Child and Dr. nnd Mrs. William D. Chamberlain left on Monday for Memphis , Tonn., whoro Dr. Child will attend a convention. Thoy c.vpect to }>n avmy nearl y two weolts and will return by boat from New Orlennn. Man tor William Clinm- horlnln in visiting his grandparents , Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrlou Murphy of Huntington. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wilson ami Mr. Corey mo I or Hi to Bng l-Ir.rlmr Inst Thiirndny night with Mr, ani l Mm. Edward GrllMii. Tlin Indies vln- ito d the Hag Hrirhor Council or tiio S. and D. of Lthin being the of- ficial visit of tho Stato ofllcora. Tho v isitors reported n very Intorcntlng moot ing and lino social tlmo In the afternoon. Tho County Mooting of tho \nior- Icnn Loglon Auxiliaries of Suffolk County was hold ln PntchoKiio at tho Elk' s Cluli on Saturday after- noon , April nth, -with olfflity-thrce mem bers prciient. Tho montlni! was pres ided over hy County Pronldont , Mrn. Cornolla Strickland. Mm, Aman- da Wlnlinrt , Mm. Ila Mohlmnnn, Mrs. Mllilrad Ralph and Mm. Julia Dur llng attonilcil from Harbor Pout o f Sotnukot. Mrn. Mildred McWurrlu and Mm. Madeline DoWlok of Wll- iion Tlltch Pont American Lo/jlon of Port Jofforno n woro aloo pro eont. A very onjoyablo j nootln u of tho American Auxiliar y, Unit of Harbor Pout , wan hold at tlio homo ol Mm. Laura Hawl tlna or East Solimltot lant Frida y ovonln e with tlio follow- Inif momhoru pruuont: Mrn, Lena Ty- ler, Mm. Amand a Wlslmrt, Mm. Mil- dred Halm, Mrs. Lllllnn Sliloli , Mm. Laura Hawkins , Mm. Mar garet Mu- oaii loy, Mm. Anna Darli ng, Mrn. Florence Dnrllnff and Mm, Ila Molil- mrmn , After tlio bUBlnoi ra mootin g refreshments wore nerved and a so- cial hour upont. The May mootin g will bo hold with Mrs. Oalbo rlnn Jn yno of Old Maid. I.j i-n. oo::onh ' . ' cv.' :toi- r.uil (/.r.uc-iito r , .Tr.uc Avlono , ik ,vo vetuvneu Iror .i i.Uo riatiior j .lomorjr " " u o^nitp.l cm ' , rrc ntayins villi ICro. Forntcr 's mother , Mrn. Harry Truman of Sheep Pas- ture Road , Po^t Jofieroon Station. Capt. John A. Brown left town Sunday to Join his new yacht , West Wind , at Camaon , N. J. Tho bout is 101 feet long and carries a crew of eight men. It U owned by Philip H. Johnson of Philadelphia, who Is commodore of tho Larchmont and Philadelphia yacht clubs. At the monthly meeting of the W. F. M. S. of the Methodist church held last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Daniel TOheeler, the following persons were leelected as officers for the coming; year: President , Mrs. R. C. Craft; 1st Vice President , Miss Alice M. Wheoler ; 2nd Vice Pres- ident , Mrs. Irving L. Smith; Secre- tar y, Miss Lena Hutchinson; Treas- urer , Mrs. F. L. Hammond; Exten- sion Secretary. Mrs. Daniel Wheeler; Mite Box Secretary, Mrs. Frank Hooker. A letter was read from Miss Gladys Doyle of Lois Parker Mem- orial School , Eljnor , India , thanking t he society for its Easter gift and a letter was seat to Dora Charles, a student there- Mrs. Ella K. W. Sllllman , widow of Wlllard S. Sllllman , who celebra- ted her 96th birthday anniversary on April 7, died suddenly Sunday at t he hom e of her daughter, Mrs. Ida H. Prnll , of 46 Swezey St., Patch- ogue. Her d«ath was caused by a stroke. Mrs. Sllllraan was born ln Tlcon- deroga on April 7, 1835, the daugh- ter of the late Joseph B. and Mary B. Wllklns. She was educated in Miss Emma Wlllard's seminary ln Troy, N. Y., one of the pioneer in- st itutions for the higher education of women , and prepared for the teach ing profession , which she car- ried on for many years, even after her marriage, her husband also be- ing a school Instructor. Sho cast her first vote ln tho pres- idential election of 1928. Before that she had never taken part ln politics and had been Democratic in her leanings. However the opportunity to vote for Herbert Hoover , whom she admired greatly, led her to be- come a Republican convert nt ns. She leaves four generations , the member of tho fourth generation having been born Saturday forenoon to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Philips of Manhattan. She leaves a son , S. D. Sllllman ot Jamaica and the daughter with whom she lived. An- other son , Ilanchard , principal of the Bay Avenue schopl from 1911 to 1918, died some years ago. She also leaves 13 grandchildren , 14 great grandc hildren and the one great-great-grandchild born the day before her death. Mrs. Ella Silliman Dies At Patchogue In 97th Year F^ P* f* * f aPa RFF' ' WITH EVERY HIGH QUALITY . //* ^ 6 " ill ¦ I " J" r t"~! ' n Top Coats That Come in the Latest Styles II and in a 'Wide Var iety of Colors , and are a Standard Spring Coat osrr" WE WILL GIVE A SPRING HAT Absolutely Free ! These all new Spring Hats include our Knox Hats in all shapes, colors and sizes, Priced from $8 to $7 1 S. S. BREWSTER H mwti and uovs> cnt/mxiNo, wcnmmtNaf t ana saona m T *u>nh»uB coo ronx imtvtwBovi , i* t, n. v. ¦LHBManaB MMMMMMMNn .tt aMl^^ I In:. Llary /-. Waters of Corona , L. :., £c atr.yir.g v;ith i "k. Chavic:; Lr.thr. Tj . Tlieron " >.71ic jler spent tlio v;cok- end at tho olc " . V/iieeler homestead at Port JoHorcoa Station. Mrs. Jennie "H r yeI;off is violtlnff at tho homo ot her daughter , Mrs, E. V. Slcldmoro at Port Jefferson Sta- tion. o OMtuar y Alonzo T. Bennett Alonzo H. Bennett , 48 years, died early yesterday morning, April IS at the Mather Hospital. The funeral will be held at his home ln Setaultet to- morrow, April 18 , at 2 p. m. Rev. Marlon Stuart of the Setauket Pres- byterian Church will conduct the aervlces. Interment will follow at the Presbyterian Churchyard, Setauket. The deceased Is survived by hla wife, Sadie KemWe Bennett , and by his son, Townsend. Ellen B. Morrison Ellen H. Morrison, 84 years of age, died April 11 at her home in "Was h- ington, D. C. Her remains were brought here Tuesday for burial at the Sea View cemetery, Mt. Sinai. Mrs. Morrison was formerly a sum- mer resident of Miller Place. She Is survived by one son and several daughters. We take this means of thanking the Loyal Order of Moose, and other friends who extended sympathy and kindness when our nephew, Bartolme Arlandls, was killed. Mr. and Mrs. Robt Morgan. .—s\ . CARD OF THANHS •JEFFERSON THEATRE | Toda y (Friday) | I RUTH I I CHMTERTO M f + la * . . , - J /j . J^a V J > I Sat, April 18 § J LO MA | 1 fflprh Grade , Odorless \ I Concentrate d H Fertiliz er j A finer lawn in 10 days I with LOMA Better flowers , ju icier vegetables. Over three limes more plant food than in sheep manure. Better than bone meal, sheep manure or lime. Fifty pounds of LOMA is equal in plant food value to a wagonload of stable manure and at Icsb than half tho cost, and contains all needed plan t foods in well bal- anced proportions, is odorless and free from weed seeds , la sanitary and in every way superior. Carried in stock By OETHNGEH'S VAtttETY STORE If rt ItlWMi , ft, 1. *aaaaBM* iaaaaiaBlia «*BB*aaBBBaaaa aaiaMaBa»«aBaai(amB. If TS4S ii Ii MumtD ij. . ; T Also * || "FINGERPRINTS" | ; , .; •jj ' Gripp ing Detective Thriller S^ - ' ¦ i MAT INEE 2,80 . v " I^«J •5* i $ Mon., April 20 \\ j* ¦ ¦ ' »» ! Willi am Powell !: T ' T In »• ' •t* »? ,l"Man of the World" ! ! j* p | Tues., April 21 j : I* i » I JOHN BOLES i: , J EVELYN LA YE V. | and LEON ERBOL ;| !l ¦ - * * % " In ! !"" """¦ |"0nc Heavenly Night "!! *v t •J* I Wed., April 22 !: •« * I L ' ^* l i i $L, mm _ % I ^ /*U I miP-M ;i ^rBDauMm i; :; u DettttVtogeaacay ' . i Also ! ' . \\ "Kinff of tlio Wild" f ( * * i t j Thurs., April 23 j DON T BET ON 1 . W^Ni lEN * 'F^aaa Wil^^^^ ff»T»t ^^W^Si^y*^Ti^ ..Br i Kiim^l< To the Editor; Referring to a notice In last week' s Issue to the effect that the Men' s Club " of the Mt. Slnal Congregation- al Church" would hold Its regular meet ing on Monday evening, the 13th , permit me to say that the Men' s Club is not a church society. It is a com- munity organization holding Its meet- ings ln the parish house, but the church la not responsible for Its ac- tivities. Tills Is not in criticism, or implying any criticism of the activ- ities of the club which is making Its contribution to the social life of tie community. It is merely to explain that it is not an organization " of the Mt. Slnal Congregational Church. " FRANK VOORHEBS, Pastor. A CORRECTION Classified Advertisements FOR RENT—Dwellings on Rogers Court. All Improvements. H. L. Rogers , Port Jefferson Station. It24 S VUlano of Sella Torre NOTICE O? PUBLIC SSABtSO Noti ce la hereby plven that tho Board of Trustees ot tho Village of Bollo Terro will hold a public hearing to consider the b udget fcr tho current fiscal year on the 30th day of April, 1931. ot 8.S0 p. mat the reside nce of Mayor Harry H. Purvis, Clllr Rood, Vllloco of Belle Terro. Long Isla nd. New York. Dated , April IB , 3031. „„„ EDWAltD D.. PURVIS Vill age Cleric. 1124

Transcript of TIO - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88075685/1931-04-17/ed-1/seq-7.pdfMiss...



With each clieck, and stub, indicatingthe exact purpose for -which it isdrawn, canceled checks act as payment-received acknowledgments, and thecheck hook carries the expense record.

Checks thus become a double check onbills paid and frequently, by keepinga check on current expenses, discloseways to economize.

And if the checking account is carriedat this bank it gives the depositor ac-cess to counsel and co-operation thatsometimes mean much to financial pro-gress.



PERSONAL MENTIONClara Foraro went to Huntlngtoi

over the week-end.Miss Irene Davis has resumed hei

music classes.Mrs. C. D. Lee was in New Yorl

Tuesday.Carl Clarke Is now employed al

the water company.Mr. C. D. Lee has taken a positlor

with Robert N. Wilson.Mrs. Sophia Tooker spent several

days this week at her home here.Miss Cora Herbat spent the week-

end at the home of Mrs. A. WolperMrs. V. A. Ludlam of Glen Cove

visited friends in town on Friday.Mrs. A. E. Petty has returned from

a visit with friends at Utlca, N. Y.Mrs. Hattie Archambault entertain-

ed friends from the Bronx on Sunday.Mrs. Martha Edwards is visiting

friends in Patchogue.Don't miss tho Circle A. C. dance

at Vandall's Hall, tonight.Mrs. Koutrnkos of Liberty avenue

spent last week in the city.Mrs. George Larsen and son,

George, spent tho week-end ln Hobo-ken and New York City.

Mr. and Mrs. Italph Shawhan re-turned homo last Monday afterspending a week ln South. Carolina,

Walter Davis and family enjoyedan automobile trip to Farmlngdaloon Sunday.

Mrs. Adeline Osborno of Soldenwas the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. E,T. Osborno this week.

Mrs. George Dalloy and daughterof Belle Croft visited Mrs. Sleslnger ,Jr., on Thursday afternoon.

Mra. Richard Dennett was the vic-tim of a .severe brondilnl affectionover the weok-ond.

i Mrs. Charlotte Still and daughterspent several days at their home here¦ last week.

Mr. Eaymond Ruland of Patch-; ogue called on his sister, Mrs. G. T.

Ruland this week.Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harold of City

Island were guests of Mrs. ChristineBeach on Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Moodle and littledaughter of Huntington were in townon Sunday.

Capt. and Mrs. George F. Holly vis-ited relatives at Brookhaven on Sun-day.

The Social Eight had a theatre• party Tuesday evening at the Patch-

ogue Theatre.Mr. G. L. Davis of Boston arrived

Wednesday to spend a few days intown with relatives.

Mrs. Mark Davis entertains theBridge Club today nt the home ofMiss Allyne Skinner on Main street.

Mrs. Vail Tooker and son Arthurspent several days this -week lnBrooklyn.

Miss Nolllo Tookor and Mr. Tho-mas McNu lty wore week-end guestsof Mrs. Sophia Tooker.

Tho Suwassett Garden Club willhold a special mooting at tho MatherHospital, April 28th.

Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Ruland spentSunday with a brother. L. W. Rul-and ln Southampton,

Miss Irene Davis and her mother,Mrs. E. I. Davis returned Tuesdayfrom St. Petersburg, Florida.

Mrs. E. n. Downs returned lastSaturday from Charleston , SouthCarolina , where alio has boon thoguest of Mrs. Frederick Quick.

Mr. C. van der Horn, Mr. A. T.Luce and Mr. Boyd Boniiott of theFederal Water Service Corporationwore ln town last wool;.

i.iiiiv iAUD ^l-lw. .AUlTU j ilUJ i.-u tiini-(i d to Flyrnciine University nftnrspending her vacation at her homoIn Hello Toi'i-o.

Ml- , una Mrn. Win. Kiliiut iiTu) 'and daughter and Minn Ruby Nolnonreturned Tuesday by motor from St.Petersburg, Florida, whoro thoyspout tho winter.

Mr. and Mm. Cliurlou Booiiton ,who havo boon visiting Mrs. Iloon-ton 'n grandmother, Mra, Annlo Odoll ,nro leaving today (Friday) for Eu-rope,

Spring- prices nro now In offoct.Placo your ordora now for early de-livery of bent quality coal. KoyntonoConl nnd Supply Co., Telephone PortJefferson 20. M2H

Mrs. A. Wolpor and daughterThorona , Edward Moyor nnd Mrs,Wnr.nor atten ded tlio American Ln-nlon Show at Hampton Bays Inut Fri-day,

Thoroua Wolpor, Edward Moyor,Ohnrlotto Moyor anil John Archdea-con motorod up tho Hudson to HoarMountain nnd then through NowJornoy, return ing Monday.

Mlini Myrtlo Garland In vlultlnirlior couuln , Mrs, Millard Uoovo. MinnGarland la taking a liont graduateoourao at Tlio Woinan 'o Rnu pltal InNow York City.

Mr. Jamou P. Wnllcor, nurnr lnton-dont of tlio M. 10. Sunday uohool wasimoblo to bo at Ills pout Sundaymornin g owlnu to tho norloini 111-noiiii of Mm. Wullror'n mother, Mrs,Julluu Purlolc. Mr, Hailoy A. Walk-er acted an lila ituliiUlutQ.

Krncj t Givr-rd oi tlio 3rou:: cnanthi!] :3r.:;tcr vr.crition ritit ill:; aunt ,i'.ira. 17. niclicy.

Mra. Nettie Hav.-U nc; gp.vo r. partyfor lira. Al Smith , in -honor of her75th birthday on Wednesday.

Miss Keevll, teacher at tho localhigh school , spent Saturday in NowYork where sho saw tho "New York-ers."

Arthur Slmonson lelt Monday forMassachusetts where ho will visit Hissister, Mrs. G. Howard Young andfamiljr.

Mrs. Charles Davis and Mrs. Ger-trude Salomon visited Mrs. JohnKemjster at Kings Park hospital ona recent Sunday.

Misses Alice, Ethel and MarionWheeler called on Dr. and Mrs. G.W. Slmonson at Bellmore Sundayafternoon.

John and Marie Jansen returnedhome Sunday after spending severaldays with relatives at Perth Amboy,N. J„ and Brooklyn.

Miss Betty Bartlett of Kenwood,,N. Y-, was the- guest last week ofher sister, Mrs. Dodd B. Craft atPort Jefferson Station.

Spring- prices are now in effect.Placo your orders now for early de-livery of best quality coal. Fred R.Davis Coal Co., phone Setauket 213.

1124Mr. and Mrs. Mulford Slmonson

and daughter, Verna, Lou and MissVerna Klnsey were guests over theweek-end of Mr. and Mrs. WarrenKlnsey.

Mr. T. S. Hill , Jr., and family ofNorthport spent the week-end andSunday with Mrs. George Gurney.Mrs. Hill is visiting her mother fora few days.

Mrs. Farrelman and three childrenof Perth Amboy, N, J., Mrs. MaxGeschwendtner and Mrs. Bayer ofBrooklyn were recent guests of theirsister, Mrs. -John Jansen.

NIss Eva D. Rose and her friend ,Miss Zulette Holder left Saturdayafternoon for Washington , D. C, tospend a week viewing the places otInterest. •

Spring prices are now in effect.Place your orders now for early de-livery of best quality coal. KeystoneCoal and Supply Co., Telephone PortJefferson 20. 3t23

The large Easter egg which wassold by shares by James Mellas ofPort Jefferson Station was won byMiss Irma Lawrence, who is attend-ing; Fredonia Normal at Fredonla ,Nevr York.

The managers of the Long Islandplants of the Federal Water ServiceCorporation had a dinner at BayShore on Monday night. Mr. andMrs. Adams of the local Water Co.,attended the dinner.

Mrs. Eugene Edwards went toNe-\v York with her aunt, Mrs. Kel-lar on Wednesday. Mrs. Kollar willvisit two other nieces in Baltimorebefore returning to ler home ln Vir-ginia.

Miss Irma Lawrence and friend .Miss Charlotte Gaze, music studentsof Fredonla Normal , who spent theEaster vacation with Mr. and Mrs.E. O. Lawrence, loft Sunday morningby way of auto, to resume theirstudies.

Mr. an d Mrs. William Davis spentSunday with their son-in-law anddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. WlndeldHancock of Miller Placo. In tho af-ternoon thoy took a delightful auto-mobile trip to tlio east end of theInland.

The tug, George A. "Keating," be-longing to the Great Eastern Sandand Gravel Co., was docked at theL. I. Shipyard on Saturday for re-pairs to middle port, stem bearings,nn d general overhauling of the hull,It is expected sho will bo ready forlaunching on Thursday or Friday olIbis woolc.

XHXEBB "———" 7' -mm .min i i

I 12 to 18 inches •I balled hi Hiurlapdelivered in your <io»f

Arbor VitaeChinese American2 for $1.80 2 for $2

Pyramid Boxwoodand

Canadian Hemlock2 for $2.60

Any of These2 For $3

Dwarf Mwgho PinoPanzer's JuniperGolden CypressJnpniifcuc Yew:

Bond Cliooli or Honey Orde r

SUN TREE GUILDP. O. Box 88 Amityvlllo'Itofer enont Dank ol Amityvl llo

!:¦"."j ^ AIic3JMillcr ~l ^t'ontaul: h vls-i'.:!iv,- rel".uvc:j ;u tov/n t'tvi:; v.'cdc.

P.Iv. and r.frs. !"'ar:y nulne we rein Huntington lr.st vrooU calling onold friendn .

Mr. and Mrs. Bayard L. Peclt wereat their home In Dello Terro o\-orthe week-end.

James Whlttendalo called on Mr.and Mrs. Chester Davis and familyon Wednesday of this week.

Mrs. John Cover entertained sev-eral friends and relatives at her homelast Saturday In honor of her birth-day.

Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Woodfleld willhave as a week-end guest, Nr.Woodueld's cousin, Sidney Carr ofBay Shore.

Mrs. David M. Kendall and lerfriend, Miss Coon, from New York,spent the wee'it-ond with Mrs. Ken-dall's relatives hers.

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hughes of312 Thompson street, Port Jefferson,announce the arrival of a son, Wil-liam, Jr., on Sunday, April 5.

Mrs. James Kalodemas and Mrs.Charles Klnner and daughter, Nor-ma, spent Monday afternoon -withMrs. Fordyce Halsey, in Isllp.

Dr. F. S. Child and wife and Dr.W. D. Chamberlain and wife loftTuesday by steamer for a two weeks'trip to New Orleans.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Burgess and son,Bill, of Port Washington called onMr. and Mra. John N. Oviatt lastSunday. From there they all motoredto Amagansett to spend the day.

I Mrs. Florence Fink of Cressllll,N. J., arrived ln town on Tuesday

; for the summer. Her son , Mas Fink,;who spends the winter In Florida,[a lso arrived in town this week.

Spring prices are now ln effect.Place your orders now for early de-livery of best quality coal. KeystoneCoal and Supply Co., Telephone Port

i Jefferson 20. 3t23Walter Kay and Bob Shore, chief

'engineer and chief radio operator ofthe S. S. Mauretania, and JosephForster, of Patclogue, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. HurryTruman.| A bunco and card party will heheld Tuesday evening, April 21, at8.30 by the Golden Rule Council inthe Legion building. Refreshmentsand prizes. Come and have a goodtime.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stein and Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Galli spent last Fri-day in New York City. In the eve-ning they enjoyed an entertainmentat Station , WEA.F hy the CllquotClub Eskimos.

A daughter, Julia Ann, arrived atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Kls-sam of Mt. Vernon, formerly of PortJefferson , last week. Mrs. A. E. Kls-sam, of South street, Is caring fortho patients.

Mr. and Mrs. Prank Parsons leftFriday for Bridgeport, Conn., tovisit their son, Clarence, afterwardgoing to Ellington , Conn., to visittheir daughter , Mrs. Lewis Charterand family.

Mr. and Mrs. S. Sleslnger , Jr. , andtwo sons, Bobby and Earl motoredto Moriches Sunday afternoon , stop-ping at Patchogue when enrouto forhomo at tho home ot his brolhcr ,Herman. Leon Sleslnger and familyof Huntington visited his brother ,Samuel on Saturday.

Miss Erma La-wronco , daughter ofMr. and Mrs. E. O. Lawrence ofPort Jefferson Station has returnedto her studies at the Fredonla Nor-mal School , after spending the Eas-ter vacat ion with her parents. MissLawrence lias recently accepted aposition as Instructor of music ln thoMlddletown (N. V.) high school .

Dr. nnd Mrs. Child and Dr. nndMrs. William D. Chamberlain left onMonday for Memphis , Tonn., whoroDr. Child will attend a convention.Thoy c.vpect to }>n avmy nearl y twoweolts and will return by boat fromNew Orlennn. Man tor William Clinm-horlnln in visiting his grandparents ,Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrlou Murphy ofHuntington.

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wilson amiMr. Corey mo I or Hi to Bng l-Ir.rlmrInst Thiirndny night with Mr, anilMm. Edward Grll M ii. Tlin Indies vln-itod the Hag Hrirh or Council or tiioS. and D. of L„ thin being the of-ficial visit of tho Stato ofllcora. Thovisitors reported n very Intorcntlngmoot ing and lino social tlmo In theafternoon.

Tho County Mooting of tho \nior-Icnn Loglon Auxiliaries of SuffolkCounty was hold ln PntchoKiio attho Elk's Cluli on Saturday after-noon , April n th, -with olfflity-thrcemem bers prciient. Tho montlni! waspresided over hy County Pronldont ,Mrn. Cornolla Strickland. Mm, Aman-da Wln linrt , Mm. Ila Mohlmnnn ,Mrs. Mllilrad Ralph and Mm. JuliaDur llng attonilcil from Harbor Poutof Sotnukot. Mrn. Mildred McWur rluand Mm. Madeline DoWlok of Wll-iion Tlltch Pont American Lo/j lon ofPort Jofforno n woro aloo pro eont.

A very onjoyablo j nootln u of thoAmerican Auxiliar y, Unit of HarborPout , wan hold at tlio homo ol Mm.Laura Hawl t lna or East Solimltotlant Frida y ovonln e with tlio follow-In if momhoru pruuont: Mrn, Lena Ty-ler, Mm. Amand a Wlslmrt, Mm. Mil-dred Halm, Mrs. Lllllnn Sliloli , Mm.Laura Hawkins , Mm. Mar garet Mu-oaii loy, Mm. Anna Darli ng, Mrn.Florence Dnrllnff and Mm, Ila Molil-mrmn , After tlio bUBlnoi ra mootin grefreshments wore nerved and a so-cial hour upont. The May mootin gwill bo hold with Mrs. Oalbo rlnnJn yno of Old Maid.

I.j i-n . oo::onh '.'cv.':toi- r.uil (/.r.uc-iitor ,.Tr.uc Avlono, ik ,vo vetuvneu Iror .i i.Uoriati ior j .lomorj r " "uo^nitp .l cm', rrcntayins villi ICro. Forntcr 's mother ,Mrn. Harry Truman of Sheep Pas-ture Road , Po^t Jofieroon Station.

Capt. John A. Brown left townSunday to Join his new yacht , WestWind , at Camaon , N. J. Tho bout is101 feet long and carries a crew ofeight men. It U owned by Philip H.Johnson of Philadelphia, who Iscommodore of tho Larchmont andPhiladelphia yacht clubs.

At the monthly meeting of theW. F. M. S. of the Methodist churchheld last Thursday afternoon withMrs. Daniel TOheeler, the followingpersons were leelected as officersfor the coming; year: President , Mrs.R. C. Craft; 1st Vice President , MissAlice M. Wheoler ; 2nd Vice Pres-ident, Mrs. Irving L. Smith; Secre-tary, Miss Lena Hutchinson; Treas-urer, Mrs. F. L. Hammond; Exten-sion Secretary. Mrs. Daniel Wheeler;Mite Box Secretary, Mrs. FrankHooker. A letter was read from MissGladys Doyle of Lois Parker Mem-orial School , Eljnor, India , thankingthe society for its Easter gift and aletter was seat to Dora Charles, astudent there-

Mrs. Ella K. W. Sllllman, widowof Wlllard S. Sllllman, who celebra-ted her 96th birthday anniversaryon April 7, died suddenly Sunday atthe home of her daughter, Mrs. IdaH. Prnll, of 46 Swezey St., Patch-ogue. Her d«ath was caused by astroke.

Mrs. Sllllraan was born ln Tlcon-deroga on April 7, 1835, the daugh-ter of the late Joseph B. and MaryB. Wllklns. She was educated inMiss Emma Wlllard's seminary lnTroy, N. Y., one of the pioneer in-st itutions for the higher educationof women, and prepared for theteaching profession , which she car-ried on for many years, even afterher marriage, her husband also be-ing a school Instructor.

Sho cast her first vote ln tho pres-idential election of 1928. Before thatshe had never taken part ln politicsand had been Democratic in herleanings. However the opportunityto vote for Herbert Hoover , whomshe admired greatly, led her to be-come a Republican convert nt ns.

She leaves four generations, themember of tho fourth generationhaving been born Saturday forenoonto Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Philipsof Manhattan. She leaves a son, S.D. Sllllman ot Jamaica and thedaughter with whom she lived. An-other son, Ilanchard, principal ofthe Bay Avenue schopl from 1911to 1918, died some years ago. Shealso leaves 13 grandchildren , 14great grandchildren and the onegreat-great-grandchild born the daybefore her death.

Mrs. Ella Silliman DiesAt Patchogue In 97th Year


//* 6

"ill ¦ I " J" r t"~!'n

Top Coats That Come in the Latest StylesII and in a 'Wide Var iety of Colors , and

are a Standard Spring Coatosrr"


Absolutely Free!These all new Spring Hats includeour Knox Hats in all shapes, colorsand sizes, Priced from $8 to $7

1 S. S. BREWSTERH mwti and uovs> cnt/mxiNo, wcnmmtNaf t ana saonam T*u>nh»uB coo ronx imtvtwBovi, i* t, n. v.


I In:. Llary /-. Waters of Corona ,L. :., £c atr.yir.g v;ith i "k. Chavic:;Lr.thr.Tj .

Tlieron ">.71ic j ler spent tlio v;cok-end at tho olc". V/iieeler homesteadat Port JoHorcoa Station.

Mrs. Jennie "HryeI;off is violtlnff attho homo ot her daughter, Mrs, E.V. Slcldmoro at Port Jefferson Sta-tion.

o OMtuary

Alonzo T. BennettAlonzo H. Bennett, 48 years, died

early yesterday morning, April IS atthe Mather Hospital. The funeral willbe held at his home ln Setaultet to-morrow, April 18, at 2 p. m. Rev.Marlon Stuart of the Setauket Pres-byterian Church will conduct theaervlces. Interment will follow at thePresbyterian Churchyard, Setauket.The deceased Is survived by hla wife,Sadie KemWe Bennett, and by hisson, Townsend.

Ellen B. MorrisonEllen H. Morrison, 84 years of age,

died April 11 at her home in "Wash-ington, D. C. Her remains werebrought here Tuesday for burial atthe Sea View cemetery, Mt. Sinai.Mrs. Morrison was formerly a sum-mer resident of Miller Place. She Issurvived by one son and severaldaughters.

We take this means of thankingthe Loyal Order of Moose, and otherfriends who extended sympathy andkindness when our nephew, BartolmeArlandls, was killed.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt Morgan..—s\ .


• J E F F E R S O N

THEATRE| Today (Friday) |

I RUTH II CHMTERTO M f+ la* .. , - i »

J /j . 5» J^aV J >

I Sat, April 18 §

J LOMA |1 fflprh Grade , Odorless \


Concentrated HFertiliz er j

A finer lawn in 10 days Iwith

LOMABetter flowers , ju iciervegetables. Over threelimes more plant foodthan in sheep manure.Better than bone meal,sheep manure or lime.Fifty pounds of LOMAis equal in plant foodvalue to a wagonload ofstable manure and atIcsb than half tho cost,and contains all neededplant foods in well bal-anced proportions, isodorless and free fromweed seeds, la sanitary

and in every waysuperior.

Carried in stock ByOETHNGEH'S

VAtttETY STOREIf rt ItlWMi , ft, 1.

*aaaaBM*iaaaaiaBlia «*BB*aaBBBaaaa aaiaMaBa»«aBaai(amB.

If TS4S iiIiMumtD ij. . ;

T Also *


, .;•jj ' Gripping Detective Thriller S -'¦ i• MATINEE 2,80 . v " I^«J•5* i

$ Mon., April 20 \\j *

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! William Powell !:T ' •T In » •

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,l"Man of the World" !!•j* i »•p i »

| Tues., April 21 j :•I* i »


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% " In !!"" """¦

|"0nc Heavenly Night"!!*v t ••J* i »

I Wed., April 22 !:4» t »•« * •

I L ' *l ii $L, mm _ %

I /*U ImiP-M;i ^rBDauMm i;:; u Detttt Vtogeaaca y'. i Also !'.

\\ "Kinff of tlio Wild" f• ( * *• i t •

• j Thurs., April 23 j •


* 'F^aaaWil^^^^ ff»T»t ^W^Si^y*^Ti ..Br

iKiim l<

To the Editor;Referring to a notice In last week's

Issue to the effect that the Men'sClub "of the Mt. Slnal Congregation-al Church" would hold Its regularmeeting on Monday evening, the 13th,permit me to say that the Men's Clubis not a church society. It is a com-munity organization holding Its meet-ings ln the parish house, but thechurch la not responsible for Its ac-tivities. Tills Is not in criticism, orimplying any criticism of the activ-ities of the club which is making Itscontribution to the social life of tiecommunity. It is merely to explainthat it is not an organization "of theMt. Slnal Congregational Church."



Classified AdvertisementsFOR RENT—Dwellings on Rogers

Court. All Improvements. H. L.Rogers , Port Jefferson Station.



Noti ce la hereby plven that tho Boardof Trustees ot tho Village of Bollo Terrowill hold a public hearing to considerthe budget fcr tho current fiscal yearon the 30th day of April, 1931. ot 8.S0p. m„ at the residence of Mayor HarryH. Purvis, Clllr Rood, Vllloco of BelleTerro. Long Island. New York.Dated, April IB , 3031. „„„EDWAltD D.. PURVIS

Vill age Cleric. 1124