January 30, 2015 To the Manager, I am writing to express my interest and eagerness looking for a job vacancy where my skills and experiences would be my advantage to take part in the continuous success of the company and I feel highly qualified that my experiences and my education will make me highly competitive candidate for the given position if I would be given a chance to be part of the team. I hope that you consider my qualifications which are stated below. In my previous employer, I provide exceptional contributions to customer service which has been my career focus. I am responsible for all aspects of the day to day running of filling, report writing, keeping documents and other office works. I have always had a natural ability to work well with people, taking initiative, help customers, able to carry out my job responsibilities and mesh with office staff. I am always willing to offer assistance and give an excellent rapport with many constituents serve by the company. I’m able to prioritize my work load, respond to frequently changing demands and can be counted upon to finish what I start. I also get a great deal of satisfaction from knowing that I have done something well and on time. These experiences has taught me to build strong relationship, improved my leadership skills, communication skills, ability to work alone and also in a team, putting an idea in my own and striving to do my best at all times. I understand that having a good interpersonal skills allow me for a more comfortable and cohesive environment. On a more personal level, I am passionate, enthusiastic and driven to any succeed in any task that I am given. I consider myself to be an enthusiastic person who performs tasks to the highest standard and an individual with strong passion who also works hard and pays attention to detail. I’m flexible, quick to pick up new skills, eager to learn from others, personable and comfortable working with all personality types. I am confident to say that my skills, personal attributes, and my employment experiences could offer great contributions and be a valuable asset. I believe that my skills and qualifications prove my ability to perform a certain role. For further information, I have attached my resume to be review and I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my education, practical skills and background qualify me to be a member of your team. Thank you for taking an interest to read in my application and hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely,



Transcript of TINAY!!

January 30, 2015

To the Manager,I am writing to express my interest and eagerness looking for a job vacancy where my skills and experiences would be my advantage to take part in the continuous success of the company and I feel highly qualified that my experiences and my education will make me highly competitive candidate for the given position if I would be given a chance to be part of the team.I hope that you consider my qualifications which are stated below.In my previous employer, I provide exceptional contributions to customer service which has been my career focus. I am responsible for all aspects of the day to day running of filling, report writing, keeping documents and other office works. I have always had a natural ability to work well with people, taking initiative, help customers, able to carry out my job responsibilities and mesh with office staff. I am always willing to offer assistance and give an excellent rapport with many constituents serve by the company. Im able to prioritize my work load, respond to frequently changing demands and can be counted upon to finish what I start. I also get a great deal of satisfaction from knowing that I have done something well and on time. These experiences has taught me to build strong relationship, improved my leadership skills, communication skills, ability to work alone and also in a team, putting an idea in my own and striving to do my best at all times. I understand that having a good interpersonal skills allow me for a more comfortable and cohesive environment.On a more personal level, I am passionate, enthusiastic and driven to any succeed in any task that I am given. I consider myself to be an enthusiastic person who performs tasks to the highest standard and an individual with strong passion who also works hard and pays attention to detail. Im flexible, quick to pick up new skills, eager to learn from others, personable and comfortable working with all personality types.I am confident to say that my skills, personal attributes, and my employment experiences could offer great contributions and be a valuable asset.I believe that my skills and qualifications prove my ability to perform a certain role.For further information, I have attached my resume to be review and I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my education, practical skills and background qualify me to be a member of your team.Thank you for taking an interest to read in my application and hope to hear from you soon.