timpuri engleza.doc

Present Tense Simple FORM: Af. : S + VB + (E)S – pers a IIIa singular Neg. : S + DON’T/DOESN’T + VB Int. : DO/DOES + S + VB ? Ex.: Af. : I work Neg.: I don’t work Int.: Do I work ? You work You don’t work Do you work ? He works He doesn’t work Does he work ? She works She doesn’t work Does she work ? It works It doesn’t work Does it work? We work We don’t work Do we work? You work You don’t work Do you work? They work They don’t work Do they work? Termina ţia (e)s : 1. Majoritatea verbelor adaugă „-s” la persoana a IIIa singular; Ex: run – runs drive – drives 2. Verbele care se termină în o, x, s, z, ch, sh adaugă „- es” la persoana a IIIa singular; 1

Transcript of timpuri engleza.doc

Present Tense Simple

Present Tense Simple FORM:

Af. : S + VB + (E)S pers a IIIa singular


Int. : DO/DOES + S + VB ?

Ex.: Af. : I work Neg.: I dont work Int.: Do I work ?

You work You dont work Do you work ?

He works He doesnt work Does he work ?

She works She doesnt work Does she work ?

It works It doesnt work Does it work?

We work We dont work Do we work?

You work You dont work Do you work?

They work They dont work Do they work?

Terminaia (e)s :

1. Majoritatea verbelor adaug -s la persoana a IIIa singular;

Ex: run runs drive drives 2. Verbele care se termin n o, x, s, z, ch, sh adaug -es la persoana a IIIa singular;

Ex: do does go goes

mix mixes

pass passes buzz buzzes watch watches

wash washes.

3. Verbele care se termin n y i au nainte o consoan, transform y-ul n i i adaug terminaia es, dar dac nainte de y este o vocal , y rmne neschimbat i se adaug doar s Ex.: try tries

cry cries

buy buys

play plays

ntrebuinri: 1. Se folosete pentru a exprima adevruri generale , situaii de o valabilitate generala.

Ex.: The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.

Birds fly.

2. Se folosete pentru a exprima aciuni obinuite, repetate , situaii permanente. Este nsoit de obicei de adverbe de timp ca : every (day/ week/ month/ year etc.), never, occasionally, often, sometimes, seldom, twice a week, usually etc. .

Ex.: We go to school every morning. (repetat)

Father smokes too much. (obicei)

Jane works in a bin factory. (situaie permanent) 3. n vorbirea direct, pentru a introduce citate. Ex.: Shakespeare says:

Not marble, nor the gilded monuments

Ok princes shall

4. Uneori n redarea sumarului unei povestiri, fiind numit present istoric sau narativ.

Ex.: I went into the dark room and, suddenly, I hear a strange noise.

Uneori i prezentul simplu i continuu pot fi folosite pentru a reda rezumatul unei povestiri ns exist o mic diferen ntre ele. n timp ce prezentul simplu se folosete pentru o succesiune de aciuni scurte care au loc imediat una dup cealalt , prezentul continu se folosete pentru aciuni care erau deja n desfurare cnd ncepe povestirea sau la un anumit moment din povestire.

Ex.: The Prince enters the cave and there he sees a witch. The witch is boiling something and is talking to a huge black cat that is looking at itself in a mirror.

5. n intruciuni i demonstraii redate pas cu pas.

Ex.: First, I take the potatoes and slice them. Then, I slice the tomatoes, fry the onion and parsley in a little fat until the onions are translucent.

6. n comentarii sportive. n acest caz prezentul simplu se refer la aciuni rapide ( care sunt ncheiate nainte de propoziiile care le descriu. Prezentul continu este utilizat pentru aciuni mai lungi.

Ex.: The goal keeper passes to Maradona, but Hagi ibtercepts. Hagi to Lctu and he shoots and its a goal! The Romanians are leading by three goals to nil in the second half. Nstase serves! (this very moment)

Nstase in serving in the game we are watching now. ( The service is a continuing activity.)7. Pentru a exprima o aciune plnuit oficial sau aciuni care fac parte dintr-un program bine stabilit ( itinerarii, orare, programe autobuz, tren, etc. ) Ex.: The championship starts next Saturday. (will start)

The tourists visit the British Museum on Friday morning. (will visit)

8. Pentru a exprima o aciune viitoare : a) ntr-o propoziie condiional

Ex.: If your cousin comes here tomorrow, well go to cinema. b) ntr-o propoziie temporal a crei aciune este simultan cu alt aciune viitoare.

Ex.: Tom will like English grammar when he understands it. 9. n proverbe i zictoriEx.: Despair gives courage to a coward.

10. n anumite contexte n special n propoziii interrogative, pentru a reda valoarea modal.

Ex.: Why do you move so slowly? (repro)

11. n propoziii exclamative care ncep prin here sau there . Ex.: Here they come!

There goes the train!

Dac aceste propoziii nu sunt exclamative trebuie folosit aspectul continu.

Ex.: Theyre coming.

The train is going now.

12. Cu verbul to continue si echivalenii si ( to go on, to keep on), deoarece contin n ele nsele idea de continuitate i deci nu este necesar folosirea formei continue. Ex.: The children continue to write. The pupils go on reading.

Cnd to go on are sensul de to happen trebuie folosit aspectul continuu.

Ex.: What is going on there? Present Tense ContinuousFORM: Af.: S + TO BE + VB + ING

Neg.: S + TO BE la negative + VB+ING

Int.: To BE + S + VB + ING ?

Ex.: Af. Im working Neg.: Im not working Int.: Am I working?

Youre working You arent working Are you working?

Hes working He isnt working Is he working?

Shes working She isnt working Is she working?

Its working It isnt working Is it working?

Were working We arent working Are we working? Youre working You arent working Are you working?

They are working They arent working Are they working?Terminaia ING:

1. Verbele care se termin n e, nltur e-ul i adaug ING. Ex.: make making

recite reciting.

2. Verbele care se termin n consoan i au nainte o vocal scurt accentuat dubleaz consoana final Ex.: forget forgetting

stop stopping

begin beginning3. Verbele care se termin n ie, transform ie n y i apoi adaug ING.

Ex.: lie (a sta ntins) lying

die (a muri) dying

tie (a lega) tying

ntrebuinri: 1. Se folosete pentru a exprima o aciune care a nceput nainte de momentul prezent, care este n desfurare n momentul vorbirii i care se va termina n viitor. Aceast form a verbului arat c durata aciunii este limitat.

Putem folosi adesea cuvinte ca: just, now, at present, at the moment. Ex.: Im watching TV now. He is just doing his homework.

Cuvintele just i now nu se mai menioneaz atunci cnd ele se subineleg.

Ex.: Look! The children are speaking.

2. Se folosete pentru a exprima o aciune temporar, nchis ntr-o limit de timp.

Ex.: I usually go to school by bus, but today Im going by train.

3. Se folosete pentru a exprima aciuni plnuite sau aranjamente bine definite ale unei personae pentru viitorul apropiat. Trebuie ntotdeauna folosit de adverb de timp viitor.

4. Se folosete pentru a exprima viitorul n special cu verbe de micare ca: to come, to arrive, to go, to leave.

Ex.: Our friends are arriving tomorrow.

He is going to London on Friday.

5. Se folosete pentru a exprima o aciune repetat care l deranjeaz, l irit pe vorbitor. n acest caz verbele sunt de obicei nsoite de adverbe ca: always, constantly, continually, for ever. Ex.: He is always borrowing money for his friends but never give in back. Trebuie observat c, cu verbele care exprim sentimente fizice de genul to ache, to feel, to hurt i construcia to look forward to ( a atepta cu nerbdare) , nu este mare diferen ntre aspectul simplu i cel continu.

Ex.: How do you feel? / How do zou feeling today?

My finger aches. / is aching.

We look forward / are looking forward to their arrival.

6. Uneori n propoziii subordonate de timp sau condiionale.

Ex.: The boy will play in the park while his mother is making a cake.

I will not disturb her if she is watching TV.

7. Cu verbele to get, to grow etc. pentru a exprima tranziia de la o stare la alta. Ex.: Its getting dark. Verbs that cannot be used in the continuous aspect1. Verbe de perceptie: to feel, to hear, to notice, to see, to smell, to taste.

ex: The hay smells nice today.

Do you see the birds now?

The soup tastes delicious.

Daca dorim sa accentuam ideea de continuitate a acestor verbe trebuie folosit:can,could.

Ex: I can see the plane now.

We can hear the waves at lost.

Totusi verbele to smell, to taste, to feel,pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu atunci cand arata o actiune voluntara din partea vorbitorului.

Ex:The cat is smelling the bush now.

Mother is tasting the soup to see if it is worm enough for the baby.

Cand verbele de perceptie sunt folosite cu intelesuri diferite de cele de baza,ele pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu.

TO SEE(a vedea)

a)a avea o intalnire,un interviu:

ex:Tom is seeing his dentist on Friday.

Jane is seeing her manager now.

b)a vizita(folosit in general despre turisti):

Mary is seeing the sights so she will be a little late.

c) to see about:

Our form master is seeing about the trips to the mountains.

d) to see to (a avea de a face cu,a repara):

The mechanic is just seeing to the engine of our car.

e) to see somebody off/up/down/out:

Tom is seeing his grandfather off at the railway station now.

f) to see hallucinations:

Im seeing things.

TO HEAR (a auzi)

a)a primi vesti despre sau de la:

Im hearing interesting things about our new neighbour.

b) cand se refera la procese,cu intelesul de a audia:

The judge is just hearing the witnesses.

TO FEEL (a simti)

Se foloseste de obicei la aspectul simplu.Forma continua sugereaza ca starea este temporara.

Mary felt well yesterday but she is not feling weel today.

Ca o concluzie la vb: to feel,to smell,to taste putem spune ca ele sunt folosite in general in 3 moduri diferite cu 3 intelesuri usor diferite:

a)a resimti o anumita senzatie:

In acest caz trebuie folosit aspectul simplu. Ideea de continuitate poate fi redata prin: can/could.

Jane feels/can feel a pain in her shoulder.

I (can) smell a perfume in here.

The children (can) taste something strange in the cake.

b) a face pe cineva sa resimta o anumita senzatie,aspectul simplu trebuie sa fie folosit in asemenea circumstante:

We know that silk feels soft.

The mountain air smells great/fresh.

This pear tastes sweet.

c)a incerca sa obtina o anumita senzatie.

In acest caz si aspectul simplu si cel continuu poate fi folosit in functie de intelesul contextului:

The doctor feels the edge of his penknife before starting to sharpen his pencils.

Mother tastes the milk before giving it to baby. As she wants to feed the baby now she is tasting it again.

2.Verbe care exprima activitati mentale:

to agree,to belive,to distrust,to douet,to find,to foresee,to forget,to guess,to image,to know,to mean,to mind,to remember,to regognize,to recollect,to regard,to suppose,to think(that),to trust,to understand etc.

She knows what you mean.

Do you mind if I give her this book?

Does she think that will be able to come?

Im sure she understands the lesson now.

Unele dintre aceste verbe pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu cu un inteles diferit:

TO FORGET(a uita)

I forget her address now.(nu.mi amintesc)

Im forgetting figures (exprima o pierdere treptata de memorie)

Are you forgetting your manners? (spus unui copil care nu a fost politicos).

TO THINK (a se gandi)

Cand ar intelesul de to imagine sau cand ti se cere o parere,trebuie folosit la aspectul simplu:

I think they have already arrived.

What do you think of the new price?

Dar cand nu ti se cere si nici nu ti se da o parere trebuie folosit la forma continua:

What are you thinking about?

Im thinking about our new teachers.

TO MIND(a se supara)Cand are intelesul de a obiecta sau a displacea trebuie folosit la forma simpla:

Maggie doesnt mind if her husband comes home late.

Dar poate fi folosit la aspectul continuu atunci cand are intelesul dea avea grija de cineva.Verbele care nu sunt folosite de obicei la aspectul continuu pot fi folosite la acest aspect atunci cand vrem sa sugeram iritare,sarcasm,enervare,repros etc.At the moment Ann is minding her sick mother.

We foresee no difficulty in solving that problem.

She is always foreseeing difficulties which never occur. (irritation)

Juliet is always distrusting her own judgment.

3.Verbe care exprima dorinta:

To desire, to intend, to want, to wish.

I want that book now.

4.Verbe care exprima posesia:

To belong to, to have, to hold, to keep, to own,to owe, to posess.

How many friends have you got here?

To have poate fi folosit la aspectul continuu atunci cand apartine unor constructii diferite:

Jane is having breakfast.

We are having a both now.

5.Verbe care exprima atitudine,sentimente,stari emotionale:

To abhor,to ador,to detest,to dislake,to displease,to like,to love,to hate,to prefer etc.

6.Verbe care exprima o stare,o conditie:

To appear, to be, to consist(of),to contain, to differ, to deserve, to equal, to exist, to resemble ,to seem, to suit.

Dar to be poate fi folosit la aspectul continuu.

a)constructii pasive:

A new black of flats is being built near our house.

b)Pentru a arata ca subiectul expune o calitate temporara:Look, how kind our aunt is being to us today.

c)uneori pt a exprima reprosul:Why are you being so mean?d)cu adjective ca: absurd,careless,clumsy,looy,rude,sentimental,silly,stupid etc.,pt a exprima comportamente temporare:

Im not being sentimental, whatever you may think.

e)diferite verbe:to compare,to expect,to matter,to result,to suffice:

I expect (suppose) you know him.

Im expecting (waiting for) an important guest now.

7.Verbe modale:

I can drive a car now.

She may go to the cinema now.

You must learn the new words now.

Past Tense Simple


Aff: S+VB2


Int: DID+S+VB1Verbe regulate:

aff:I worked neg:I didnt work

You worked You didnt work

He/she/it worked He/she/it didnt work

We worked We didnt work

You worked You didnt work

They worked They didnt work


Did I work?

Did you work?

Did he/she/it work?

Did we work?

Did you work?

Did they work?

I.Verbele regulate sunt verbele care formeaza trecutul si participiul trecut prin adaugarea terminatiei *ed* la forma de baza.Particularitatile ortografice:

1.Verbele care se termina in *e* adauga doar *d*;


2.Verbele care se termina in consoana +*y* transforma y-ul in *i* si adauga *ed*;

Ex:study-studied Daca verbul se termina in:vocala+y, y-ul ramane neschimbat si se adauga *ed*;

ex: play-played3.Verbele care se termina in consoana si au inainte o vocala scurta accentuata;dubleaza consoana finala si apoi adauga *ed*;

Ex: stop-stopped.II.Verbele neregulate sunt alte verbe care isi schimba forma de trecut si participiu:

Verbe neregulateaff:I went neg:I did not go int:Did I go?

You went You did not go Did you go?

She went She did not go Did she go?

He went He did not go Did he go?

It went It did not go Did it go?

We went We did not go Did we go?

You went You did not go Did you go?

They went They did not go Did they go?


1.Trecutul simplu se foloseste pt. a exprima actiuni care s-au incheiat intr-un anume moment,bine precizat,din trecut;

Ex: I went to the mountains last week.

*yesterday,last night,last,a week ago,.ago2.Se foloseste pentru a exprima obiceiuri din trecut;

ex: My grandmother drank five cups of coffee a day.

In aceasta intrebuintare mai pot fi folosite inca 2 constructii:

a) used to+infinitiv:actiuni sau stari trecute in special atunci cand vrem sa facem un contrast cu prezentul;

Ex: I used to ride my bike to school but now I drive.

He used to have a heard.

b) would to+infinitive: se foloseste pentru a exprima actiuni repetate in trecut;

Ex: When I was at my grandparents home I would wake up early and go for a walk.3..Se foloseste pt. a exprima o succesiune de actiuni trecute, scurte,care au loc una dupa cealalta.

Ex: She woke up, got out of bed and made a cup of coffee.

Past Tense Continuous




Inf:WAS/WERE+S+VB+INGAff:I/he/she/it/was playing.

You/we/they/were playing.

Neg:I/he/she/it was not playing.

I/he/she/it wasnt playing.

You/we/they were not playing.

You/we/they werent playing.

Int: Was I/he/she/it playing?

Were you/we/they playing?Intrebuintari:1.Se foloseste pt. a exprima o actiune in progres la un anume moment din trecut;

Ex: At 8 oclock my brother was watching TV.2.Pt. a arata ca o actiune era in desfasurare intr-un anume moment din trecut cand o alta actiune mult mai importanta sau mai dramatica a avut loc;

Ex: While Mary was crossing the street yesterday she was hit by a car.

3.Pt. a arata ca doua sau mai multe actiuni erau in desfasurare simultan in trecut;

Ex: While mother was cooking father was reading a newspaper and the kids were playing on the carpet.

4.In vorbirea indirecta pt. a exprima un prezent continuu din vorbirea directa;

Ex:My doll is sleeping now, little Kate explained.

Little Kate explained that her doll was sleeping then.

5.Pt. a arata un aranjament viitor vazut din perspectiva trecuta;

Ex: Our neighbours did not come to our place that evening because they were taking the night train to London.

6.Cu *always* pt. a exprima o actiune repetata din trecut care il deranja pe vorbitor;

Ex:The two pupils were always laughing during my classes.

7.In propozitii conditionale pt a exprima un conditional prezent.

Ex: What would you say if the boys were sleeping now?

Present Perfect Simple




Ex. I/we/you/they have opened

He/she/it has opened

I/we/you/they havent opened

He/she/it hasnt opened

Have I/we/you/they opened?

Has he/she/it opened?


Present perfect simple se foloseste :

1.cand nu mai suntem interesati de timpul cand a avut loc actiunea ci de rezultatul acesteia in prezent

ex:I have visited an interesting museum.(I still remember the things seen there.)

2.cand actiunea continua in prezent si poate va continua si in viitor

ex:Many pupils have learnt in this school.(in present in trecut si poate si in viitor)

3.pentru a exprima actiuni incheiate in trecutul recent.(in acest caz verbul este de obicei insotit de adverbe de timp ca:just,lately,recently ,till now ,up to now,so far,up to the present):

ex: The train has just left.

We havent seen Jack lately.

4.cu acele cuvinte care arata o perioada de timp incompleta: today,this week, this month, this year, all day ,all night ,this morning:

ex.Last week we wrote three letters ,this week we have written only one.

-daca aceste cuvinte arata insa o perioada de timp completa trebuie folosit past tense:

ex:We have seen a good film this morning .(suntem inainte de ora 12)

We saw a good film this morning.(suntem seara sau dupa amiaza)

5.HOW LONG cand se refera la o perioada de timp care se extinde pana in prezent cere present perfect:

ex:How long have you been ill?(inca esti bolnav)

-atunci cand se refera la o perioada de timp trecuta se foloseste past tense sau past perfect

ex:How long did you stay in London last year?

How long had you known him when he died?

6.cu adverbe care arata frecventa actiunii pana in prezent:ever ,never, often ,seldom, always ,several times:

ex: We have never visited New York.

Weve been to Scotland lots of times.

Have you ever been to the North Pole?

-EVER/NEVER cu present perfect inseamnatot timpul pana in prezent. Cu past tense se refera la o perioda de timp incheiata.

7.cu adverbele ALREADY si YET: ex:Have you got up yet?

The student has already translated the lesson.

8.cu SINCEsi FOR:

SINCE arata inceputul perioadei de timp care seextinde pana in prezent.se traduce in romana prin din ,de la ,de cand: Ex:They havent seen Alice since 1989/Christmas/she went to London.

FOR se refera la o perioada de timp care continua pana in prezent. Intelesul lui este de de atata timp:

Ex:These boys have been here for half an hour.

Cand for se refera la o perioada de timp incheiata trebuie folosit past tense:

Ex: My uncle lived in London for three years and then he moved to Paris.

9.Pentru actiuni trecute al caror timp nu este mentionat:

ex:Has Peter had lunch?

10.In ziare si reportaje.

Ex:A terrible accident has happened:a car ran into a group of children and killed three of them.

-adesea folosim present perfect pentru a mentiona tema discutiei si past tense pentru detalii:

ex:Ive just been on holiday.

Oh, where did you go?





I/we/you /they have been waiting

He/she/it has been waiting

I/we/you/they havent been waiting

He/she/it hasnt been waiting

Have I/we/you /they been waiting ?

Has he/ she /it been waiting?


1.se foloseste pentru a arata ca o actiune care a inceput in trecut continua pana in prezent.

Ex:Mary has been watering the flowers.

-prin folosirea perfectului simplu se accentueaza repetitia sau incheierea actiunii

Ex.Mary has watered the flowers.(her job is done)

2.se foloseste pentru actiuni repetate pana in prezent,insa deoarece descrie o actiune aparent neintrerupta nu se foloseste atunci cand se mentioneaza de cate ori o actiune a fost realizata sau numarul de actiuni facute.

Ex:Ive been drinking tea since 5 oclock.

Dar: Ive drunk three cups of tea since 5 oclock.

Uneori totusi nu este o mare diferenta intre aspectul simplun si cel continuu si ambele pot fi folosite:

Ex:Jack has lived in this house for two years.

Jack has been living in this house for two years.

Dar acest lucru nu este posibil cu acele verbe care nu pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu:

Ex: I have known Jim for five years.

She has loved you since that day.




I/you/he/she/it/we/they had seen

I/you/he/she/it/we/they hadnt seen

Had I/you/he she/it /we/they seen

INTREBUINTARI1.se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune trecuta care a avut loc inaintea altei actiuni trecute sau a unui alt moment trecut: de fapt este echivalentul trecut al lui Present Perfect.Se remarca folosirea lui when ,before, now that ,as soon as, after in unele propozitii care contin un Past Perfect:

ex: The boy explained that he had seen somebody in the garden.

When father came home Dick had done his homework.

Father came home after Dick had done his homework.

Dick has done his homework before his father came home

2.pentru a exprima durata pana la un anume moment din trecut:

ex:By the time the rain started,we had dug the whole garden.

3.cu just , already , hardly /barely /scarcely ,no sooner pentru a arata ca o actiune a fost incheiata cu putin inaintea altei actiuni trecute

ex:Mary told us that her brother had just left.

We didnt know that he had already repaired his car .

I had hardly /scarcely /entered the room when somebody knocked at the door.

-in ultimul caz o alta forma poate aparea de asemenea, desi este considerata a fi demodata:

ex:Hardly /scarcely had I entered the room when somebody knocked at the door.

No sooner had she seen the photos than she remembered everything about the accident.

4. In Vorbirea indirecta pentru a exprima un trecut sau un present perfect din vorbirea directa:

ex:I saw this film last week.Nick said .

Nick said he had seen the film the previous week.

I have never visited New York,the boy explained.

The boy explained he had never visited New York .

5.Cu since si for cand punctul de referinta este trecutul:

ex:In 1980 I had been a teacher for ten years.

I knew she hadnt seen him since Christmas.

6.pentru a exprima un conditional trecut dintr-o propozitie trecuta:

ex: I would have given her the book if I had seen her.

If only you hadnt lied to her!

7.pentru a exprima o dorinta nerealizata :

ex: I wished I hadnt missed the train!

8.Dupa had/would rather (cand subiectele sunt diferite) sau as if /as though :

ex: Yesterday I d rather you had stayed her than gone there.

She spoke about the play as if / as though she had seen it.

9.Pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare care are loc inaintea altei actiuni viitoare exprimata de un future in the past:

ex: I told my friend that I would lend him the book after I had read it.

10.Cu verbe ca to expect ,to hope, to intend, to mean, to think pentru a exprima intentia ,speranta trecuta care nu a fost realizata:

ex: I had hoped /intended /meant to find tickets for that performance ,but I wasnt able to.PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS




E.g.: I/you/he/she/it/we/they had been running

I/you/he/she/it/we/they hadnt been writing

Had I/you/he/she/it/we/they been speaking?


1. Se foloseste pentru a sublinia continuitatea unei actiuni pana la un anume moment din trecut sau chiar inainte de el:

e.g. The pupils had been reading the lesson for five minutes when the school master entered the classroom.

2. se foloseste in vorbirea indirecta pentru a exprima un Past Tense Continuous sau un Present Perfect Continuous din vorbirea directa:

e.g. I was watching TV at seven oclock, Harry explained to his mother.

Harry explained to his mother that he had been watching TV at 7 oclock.

We have been learning English for two years, the children told me.

The children told me that they had been learning English for two years.





I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they will work

I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they will not/wont work

Will I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they work ?

Se poate de asemenea folosi shall pentru persoana I sing. si pl.Forma de negative este shall not /shant.


1.se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare neutra , ceva ce nu se poate controla.exprima o prezicere o parere despre viitor. In acest caz se poate folosi adesea Im sure,I expect,I think sau probably:

ex. I will go on an interesting trip next eek.

I think well have time for a coffee.

Therell probably be a lot of people at the disco.

2.se poate folosi si pentru a exprima o decizie luata exact in momentul vorbirii ex. Its raining. Ill take an umbrella.

3.Will poate de asemenea exprima vointa sau la negative refuzul de a efectua o anumita actiune.

Ex. Jim will translate it for you.He speaks Italian.

The doctor wont come at this time of night.

4.se poate folosi Ill/well ca si will/wont you in oferte ,promisiuni,etc.

ex,Ill hold the door for you.~ oh,thanks.

Ill do my best to help you.

Wont you sit down?

Will you do something for me?

5.cand nu ne putem hotari se foloseste shall I/we pentru a cere un sfat sau o sugestie

ex. Where shall I put these flowers?

What shall we do this weekend?

Se mai poate folosi si pentru a face o oferta:

Shall I hold the door for you?

6.putem folosi shall pentru a face o promisiune:

ex. You shall be the first to know.(I promise) TO BE GOING TO

Constructia be+going to +infinitive se poate folosi pentru a exprima :

1.actiuni planuite in viitor

ex. My uncle is going to buy a boat next month.

2.intentia prezenta.

Ex. What is Jane going to tell us?

Exista o diferenta intre intentia exprimata de going to si cea exprimata de viitorul simplu. In timp ce viitorul simplu se foloseste pentru a arata intentia luata in momentul vorbirii ,going to se foloseste pentru actiuni care ne-am hotarat deja sa le facem:

Ex. Were going to eat out tonight .( We have decided to eat out tonight)


Its hot in here.~Ill open the window.

3.prezicerea-cand stim ca ceva va avea loc in viitor datorita unor cause sau circumstante prezente:

ex. My sister is going to graduate from her faculty in May.

Its going to rain.Look at those big clouds. FUTURE TENSE CONTINUOUSFORMA :S+WILL+BE+VB.+ING



I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they will be working

I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they will not/wont be working

Will I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they be working ?


1. Se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune in desfasurare intr-un anume moment din viitor:

ex. Ill be having dinner at seven.

What will you be doing this time next week?

2.Se foloseste pentru a vorbi despre actiuni planuite din viitor sau care se petrec in mod obisnuit :

ex.Ill be phoning my mother tonight .I always phone her on Fridays.

Well be spending our holiday in the mountains.

Adesea se foloseste ca o modalitate politicoasa de a intreba despre planurile cuiva mai ales cand vrem ca cineva sa faca ceva pentru noi:

Ex.Will you be going out this morning ? Yes,why? Oh, could you get me a newspaper?

Will you be using your camera this weekend? I wondered whether could borrow it?

Aceasta intrebuintare sugereaza ca nu vrem sa schimbam planurile celeilate persoane.




I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they will have gone

I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they will not/wont have gone

Will I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they have gone ?


1. Se foloseste pentru a arata ca o actiune va fi deja incheiata pana la un anume moment sau pana inainte de o alta actiune viitoare. In acest caz este de obicei asociat cu prepozitia by in contexte ca :by Monday ,by that time ,by the end of

Ex. It is nine oclock.im sure my sister will have written her composition by

eleven oclock.

2.se foloseste pentru a rata durata pana la un anume moment in viitor:

ex. Tomorrow we shall have been on holiday for one month.

3. posibilitatea sau presupunerea

ex. If Jack has taken a taxi he will have arrived at the railway station in time.