Timing the Stock Market

Timing the Stock Market Richard E. Neapolitan Professor and Chair of Computer Science Northeastern Illinois University Slides available at: http://www.neiu.edu/~reneapol/renpag1.htm

Transcript of Timing the Stock Market

Page 1: Timing the Stock Market

Timing the Stock Market

Richard E. NeapolitanProfessor and Chair of Computer ScienceNortheastern Illinois University

Slides available at:


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Stock Market Review

• Corporations sell shares of the company to the public.

• These shares are called the stock in company.

• Each share of stock represents one vote on matters of corporate governance.

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Stocks are traded on a stock exchange such as the NYSE.

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Stocks go up and down in value throughout the day, week, month, etc.

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Why Do Stock Values Change?

• Growth prospects of the company change.• Macro-economic variables change.

– Inflation– Jobs (Non-farm payroll)

• Momentum?

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Stock Indices

• A stockmarket index is an indicator that keeps track of the performance of some subset of stocks.

• Dow Jones Industrial Average– 30 blue chip companies– Currently around 12000

• S&P 500– 500 large U.S. companies– Currently around 1400

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Like stocks, indices go up and down.

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Common maxim:

• Own stocks (Dow) if you have a long-term time horizon.

• The stock market has averaged 10% yearly over the past 100 years.

• So if you own stocks, in the long run you will average 10% on your investment.

• Instead of the 5% or so a CD or the bank will pay.

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Dow over past 107 years:

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What will market do in next 20 years?

• Harvard Economist John Chapman noted the following:

• Price/Earnings (PE) Ratios are way out of wack compared to historical norms.

• Previously PE ratios have always returned to norms by prices going down.

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Invest in Dow now:

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None of this matters if we can ‘time’ the stock market.

• Buy low• Sell high

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During the 1990’s exuberant day traders made big bucks timing the market.

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During the early part of this century day traders lost big bucks timing the market.

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Day Trading

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In the short term (several years) the daily values of the market seem to follow a random walk.

• A number of researchers have shown this.• I ran my own ‘runs’ test indicating it.

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Go up one unit after a heads.Go down one unit after a tails.

Eight random walks:

A random walk is the result of a sequence of coin tosses.

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Fooled by Randomness

• Book by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. • He argues people constantly delude themselves

because they do not understand probability and are programmed to find reasons where none exist.

• People end up believing in magic.– Astrology– Hot dice or coins– Hot stock markets

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• As noted earlier, the market’s value is related to macroeconomic variables.

• Perhaps we can predict the market’s performance for the coming month from information about these variables today.

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• We want to predict the market’s return at end of the month from information at beginning of the month.

• The fact that the market’s return follows a random walk does not pre-empt that we could do this.

• Suppose I toss a coin at the beginning of each month, and the market goes up or down each month based on the outcome of the toss.

• The market’s return would follow a random walk even though we could predict it.

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Factor Models

Factor models give the value of a stock at the end of a month as a function of the values of macroeconomic variables at the end of the month.

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Edwin Burmeister’s factors:

• f1: Business Cycle– Monthly change in a business index

• f2: Inflation– Monthly change in investment

• f3: Investor Confidence– Monthly change in difference between returns

on risky corporate bonds and gvmt. bonds

• f4: Time Horizon– Monthly change in difference between returns

on 20-year gvmt. bonds and 30-day T-bills

• f5: Market Timing

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We then have:

ri(t) = ři(t) + bi1f1(t) + bi2f2(t) + bi3f3(t) + bi4f4(t) + bi5fk(t) + εi(t)

ri(t) is the monthly return of asset i at the end of month t.

ři(t) is the expected return of asset i at the end of month t.

bik is the risk exposure of asset i to factor k.

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• Burmeister has shown that his factor model is accurate.

• This shows that the market’s performance is indeed related to macroeconomic factors.

• However, it does not help with timing the market since all values are at month’s end.

• We want the return at the end of the month in terms of macroeconomic variable information at the beginning of the month.

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Market Timing with Tony Volpon

• Tony Volpon is an ex-mutual fund manager, who now spends his days, relaxing on the beach in Brazil, trying to figure out how to time the market.

• He identified around 30 variables as possibly having predictive value for the S&P 500 return.

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Tony’s Variables• SPFret(t) (This is what we want to predict.)

[S&P(t+1) – S&P(t)] / S&P(t)

• SPret(t) [S&P(t) – S&P(t-1)] / S&P(t-1)

• 10Tret(t) (change in 10 year treasury bonds)

[10T(t) – 10T(t-1)] / 10T(t)

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Tony’s Variables• NFPret(t) (change in non-farm payroll)

[NFP(t) – NFP(t-1)] / NFP(t-1)

• Fedret(t) (change in federal funds)

[Fed(t) – Fed(t-1)] / Fed(t -1)

• Mact A complex momentum indicator

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Tony’s Variables


= [10T(t-3) + 10(t-2) + 10(t-1)] / 3

• 10Ttony(t)

[10T(t) –3monthavg10T(t)] / 3monthavg10T(t)

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Regression with Tony’s Variables

• We looked at about 220 months of data.• Regression for SPFret in terms of the

other variables did not yield meaningful results.

• Over-fitting.• In similar cases the following has

sometimes worked:– Discretizing the variables.– Learning a Bayesian network from the data.

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Bayesian Networks

F r a u d

P ( F = y e s ) = . 0 0 0 0 1P ( F = n o ) = . 9 9 9 9 9

G a s

A g e S e x

J e w e l r y

P ( A = < 3 0 ) = . 2 5 P ( A = 3 0 t o 5 0 ) = . 4 0

P ( A = > 5 0 ) = . 3 5P ( S = m a l e ) = . 5

P ( S = f e m a l e ) = . 5

P ( G = y e s | F = y e s ) = . 2P ( G = n o | F = y e s ) = . 8

P ( G = y e s | F = n o ) = . 0 1P ( G = n o | F = n o ) = . 9 9

P ( J = y e s | F = y e s , A = a , S = s ) = . 0 5P ( J = n o | F = y e s , A = a , S = s ) = . 9 5

P ( J = y e s | F = n o , A = < 3 0 , S = m a l e ) = . 0 0 0 1P ( J = n o | F = n o , A = < 3 0 , S = m a l e ) = . 9 9 9 9

P ( J = y e s | F = n o , A = < 3 0 , S = f e m a l e ) = . 0 0 0 5P ( J = n o | F = n o , A = < 3 0 , S = f e m a l e ) = . 9 9 9 5

P ( J = y e s | F = n o , A = 3 0 t o 5 0 , S = m a l e ) = . 0 0 0 4P ( J = n o | F = n o , A = 3 0 t o 5 0 , S = m a l e ) = . 9 9 9 6

P ( J = y e s | F = n o , A = 3 0 t o 5 0 , S = f e m a l e ) = . 0 0 2P ( J = n o | F = n o , A = 3 0 t o 5 0 , S = f e m a l e ) = . 9 9 8

P ( J = y e s | F = n o , A = > 5 0 , S = m a l e ) = . 0 0 0 2P ( J = n o | F = n o , A = > 5 0 , S = m a l e ) = . 9 9 9 8

P ( J = y e s | F = n o , A = > 5 0 , S = f e m a l e ) = . 0 0 1P ( J = n o | F = n o , A = > 5 0 , S = f e m a l e ) = . 9 9 9

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Our Study (Tony and I)• We discretized each variable into 3 ranges

so as to have the same number of data items in each range.– 0 (low)– 1 (medium)– 2 high)

• Example: SPFret (annualized)– 0 : < - .075– 1 : - .075 to .294– 2 : > .294

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We learned this Bayesian Network:

M a c t

S P F r e t

N F P t o n y

1 0 T t o n y

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= 2= 1= 010TtonyNFPtonyMact


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= 2= 1= 010TtonyNFPtonyMact


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• These results make economic sense.• We can use them to make buying rules:• If Mact = 0 and NFPTony = 1 and 10Ttony = 0

go long.• If Mact = 2 and NFPTony = 0 and 10Tony = 0

go short.

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By analyzing many different markets (foreign exchanges, commodities, real estate, etc.), we can always bet only on very promising prospects.

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Cheap Plug:

My new book

Probabilistic Methods for Financial and Marketing informatics

Morgan Kaufmann

is now available.

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