Times of League _ Feb

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  • 8/6/2019 Times of League _ Feb


    FEBRUARY - 2011

    MEELAD CONFERENCE CHENNAIAn Oasis of Communal Harmony

    THE TIMES OF LEAGUEA Harmony of Hearts Monthly

    National Unity

    Communal Amity

    Cultural Identity

    Social Justice

    Rule of Law

    Dignied Democracy

    Vadakku Kottayar Mohamed Abdulla Trust, a Chennai basedcharitable Trust, has successfullyconducted twelve days MeeladConference from 4 February, 2011to 15 February, 2011 in Chennai.V.M. Syed Ahmed, the trustee and

    the treasurer of Tamil Nadu IUMLsaid the trust, apart from othersocial and charitable activities,had been conducting the MeeladConference annually for thepast three years. This year theconference was inauguratedby the IUML State PresidentProf. K.M. Khader Mohideen onFebruary, 4, 2011 with muchfan fare and with large publicattendance. While addressingthe Conference on the inauguralday the Dalit leader Thiruma

    Valavan stated that peace in theworld would be possible only byprofessing the teachings of ProphetMuhammad(sal.)

    The life of prophet was not asermon but a living examples ofcardinal virtues, reecting all the

    complexities of human life, drawingdistinction between virtue and vice,between good and bad and towhichever side one turns, his lifeshines as a beacon of light guidinghumanity to righteous deeds. The

    Holy prophet is the prototype ofhuman and spiritual perfection, forthe Holy Quran states you haveindeed in the messenger of Allahan excellent exemplar, and inanother place Quran mentions, We sent thee not save as a mercyfor the people.

    In his valedictory address,the state Finance Minister Prof.K. Anbalagan said that the prophetadvised his followers rely on Quran,

    rely on Hadith, if no solutionsare found on these two, then

    rely on your own reason. Thisadvice of the prophet prompted therationalists of the world to acceptIslam as the true religion and theyconsidered performance of fivetimes daily prayer as a practice ofself control.

    The IUML State PresidentProf K.M. Kader Mohideen in hisconcluding speech traced theorigin, and development of andsimilarities between the Tamil andIslamic cultures with an emphasison the existing blood relation andbrotherhood between the twocommunities in the state of TamilNadu. He said Islam was not abundle of dogmas, but a practicalway of life. Prof. K.M. KaderMohideens speech was pepperedwith many historical events thatwas well received and very muchenjoyed by a large and spell boundaudience.

    A galaxy of personalities like

    Chennai Mayor M.Subramaniyam,Tamil Nadu State IUML General

    Secretary K.A.M. Muhammed Abubacker Planning Commissionvice chairman M. Naganathan, M. Abdul Rahman M.P, J.M. HaroonM.P, Dr. Ilango, U.P. Congress leader

    Sekar Bhuguna, Tamil Nadu Wakf

    Minister T.P.M. Mohideen Khan,

    Tamil Nadu Wakf Board Chairman

    Kaviko Abdul Rahman, Dr. K.V.S.

    Habeeb Muhammad, Tamil Nadu

    Minority Commission Chairman

    Vincent Chinnadurai, Tamil Nadu

    small savings Vice-Chairman A.

    Rahman Khan, H. Abdul Basith

    MLA, Peter Alphonse MLA, Rev.

    Father Esra Sargunam, Tamil Nadu

    Govt. Delhi representative Kambam

    Selvendiran, Tamil Nadu Information

    and Telecommunications Minister

    Paruthi Elam Vazhuthi, D.K.

    President K. Veeramani, Tamil

    Poet M. Mehta, T.K.S Elangovan

    M.P. and Tamil Nadu Haj committee

    President Abubackar addressedthe conference highlighting the

    life and teachings of ProphetMuhammad(sal)

    Recital of Mawlid Panegyricsof prophet, preceded the publicmeeting daily. The word Milad orMawlid also connotes the celebrationof the birth of the Holy Prophet. The

    panegyrics on the Holy Prophetoccupy a signicant place in therealm of Arabic literature and in theeld of Islamic Culture.

    Imam Suyuthi in his FatwaHusnul Maqsid Fi Amatil Mawliddiscusses the pros and cons ofMawlid carefully and concludes thatthe festival of Meelad is a must.

    The IUML from its inception since1948 onwards has been conductingthe Meelad celebrations in everynook and corner of the State of

    Tamil Nadu. The Meelad conferencein Chennai serves as an oasis ofpeace, love, communal harmonyand national integration. The IUMLhas brought together all sectionsof people advocating differentideologies, professing differentfaiths, from ardent theists likeRajaji, Madurai Atheenam, KundraKudi Adigalar and committedatheists like E.V.R, Annaduraiand Dr. Kalaignar Karunanidhion the common Meelad platformand bound their hearts with love

    and affection by the teachings ofthe Prophet. It is an uncommon,unique feature of IUML for whichthe party has been appreciatedby one and all, including itsadversaries. The twelve daysMeelad conference in Chennai, by Vadakku Kottayar Abdulla Trustwas successfully conducted withthe cooperation and support ofand active participation by theTamil Nadu state IUML. - K.T.K

    Volume : 1 Issue - 2 Rabiul Awwal 1432 February - 2011 Pages - 12 Price : Rs. 10/-

    Tamil Nadu Finance Minister Prof.K. Anbalazhan & IUML TN

    President Prof. K.M. Kader Mohideen address the conference.

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    FEBRUARY - 2011


    What is communalism? Nounambiguous denition for the

    term communalism could be found

    in any of the available dictionariesDifferent denitions and meaningshave been given to the term by

    Many faces of Communalism

    and tagged it with territory. Later,M.S. Golwalkar, the RSS guru inhis book, Bunch of Thoughts,agreed with Savarkar and furtherstrengthened the territorial loyaltybasis of Hindutva theory. Mr.Balraj Madhok, who was leadingthe then Jan-sangh was the mostnotorious amongst the men ofhis order. He profounded thetheory of Indianisation and openlyproclaimed that Muslims in Indianeeded to be Indianised. Mr. AtalBehari Vajpayee evolved Hindutvafurther when he articulated that Mecca can continue to be holyland for the Muslims but Indiashould be holier than the holy forthem. You can go to your mosqueand offer namaz, you can keeproza. We have no problem. But, ifyou have to choose between Islamand India, you must choose India. All the Muslims should have this

    feeling. We will live and die for thiscountry. Vajpayee should haveread the religion of Islam beforemaking such an adverse commenton Muslims. Every Muslim knows

    very well that loyalty to onesmotherland is a part of his religiousfaith and he needs no counseling

    from anybody on his patriotism.Hence, Hindutva theory is notonly not practicable but also notworthy of consideration.

    Plato, the great Greekphilosopher, states: Like man,like State and Governments varyas the characters of men vary.States are made out of the humannatures which are in them.Therefore, we need not expect tohave better States until we havebetter men. The world will notforget that it was during the Prime

    Minsitership of Vajpayee that hisprotg Narendra Modi unleashedthe communal carnage in Gujaratwith the help of State machineries.What happened in Gujarat was, infact , the unmasking of the ugliestface of communalism that Indiahas ever witnessed.

    The IUML has come out witha viable solution to combat thevirulent communalism of Hindutvaforces in India. It is not uncommonfor the Indian political parties to

    blame IUML as a communal partyto suit their political expediency.In 1960 General elections, IUML

    different groups of people ondifferent occasions.

    Communalism in the west iscommonly known as a Theory ofSociety that is divided into severalsmall independent communes andthe state is just a confederationof these communes. MurrayBookchin, a well known socialist

    author, was the rst to coin theterm communalism as a politicalphilosophy. Bookchin describescommunalism as a broad rangeof social movements and socialtheories centered upon thecommunity.

    In South-East Asian countriessectarianism is commonly usedinstead of communalism. Inthe African countries the termcommunalism assumes the nameof tribalism. Tribal crisis is rampantin almost all African countriesand presently Sudan has becomea typical example for the tribalconict in Africa.

    In the Indian context, the termcommunalism assumes a differentmeaning. It has a religious or

    ethnic base depending on thespecial features of differentparts of the country. Even trivialoccurrences foment communal

    hatred and communal violence.Even political parties which vowto uphold secularism are prone toindulge in activities knowingly orunknowingly leading to communalair ups. The Ayodhya crisis is

    an example of communal crisiscreated by Hindutva forces.

    V.D. Savarkar, the founder ofHindu Maha Sabha, in his book Hindutva, was the rst to make

    an attempt to delink hindutvafrom Hindu religious connotations

    affairs, E.Ahamed, has becomethe rst Muslim League Central

    Minister in the history of the party.It is not an ordinary achievement,considering the road the partyhas been treading in all along itshistory from political obscurity topolitical power.

    The Late Muslim League leader, A.K.A. Abdul Samad, a greatscholar from the State of TamilNadu, dened communalism in

    a different angle. He stated, Ifcommunalism means ghting for

    the rights of ones own community,the IUML does not shy away frompractising such communalism. Ifcommunalism is described as theusurpation of rights of a community,

    the IUML is ignorant of its meaning.To counter the Hindutva forcesmaligned propaganda, the TamilNadu State Committee IUML underthe sagacious leadership of Prof.K.M. Kader Mohideen, has givena clarion call to its followers toproclaim to the nation India is ourcountry, Islam is our way, SweetTamil is our language. Based onthis concept, the IUML has beenstriving hard right from its inceptionto promote mutual understanding,goodwill, amity, cordiality, harmonyand unity between Muslims andother communities of the IndianUnion and at the same time theIUML works hard to preserve and

    aligned with congress in Kerala,the communists branded IUMLcommunal. In 1967 elections,IUML aligned with communists,the congress then called the IUMLcommunal. At present IUML, apartner in the UPA. Governmenthas received generous accoladesfrom the Prime Minister of India,Dr. Manmohan singh for theIUMLs pillar of support for theUPA. Government. HonourableMinister of State for external

    promote with due distinction andhonour the religious and culturalidentities of the Indian Muslims.







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    FEBRUARY - 2011


    For 37-year-old MuhammedAhmed of Unnao district in Uttar

    Pradesh,the Republic Day 2011was not like any other day. Infact, it was a precious one of

    his life. He was honored by thedistrict police for his valuablepeace efforts in the area.

    The Superintendent of Policeacknowledged the contributionof Ahmed, a tailor by profession,

    in maintaining law and order inthe district.

    Ahmed, a member of Unnao

    Peace Committee, president ofUnnao Qabristan Committeeand president of Lawaris LashCommittee, earns his livelihood

    from his tailoring shop in Unnaobuthe is very much engagedwith social issues also.

    This award will only reactivate

    my zeal to stay with society andits problems. This award is formy peace efforts which mean

    Muslims in Unnao are peaceloving and that we will not allowany disturbance from any side.

    If police is alert on communalforces, there is no problem forpeace, Muhammed Ahmed said

    after receiving the award.

    Vice President of UttarPradesh Women CommissionNamrata Pathak was chief

    guest of the award ceremony.She wished Ahmed and gavehim the award. SP Unnao

    AK Shukla congratulatedMuhammed Ahmed in his letterof appreciation which says that

    his responsible role as socialactivist has helped UnnaoPolice to maintain law and

    order. He wished all the best forhis future endeavors. FormerMP Anwar Ahmed, former MLA

    Sundar Lal, FormerUnnao CODinesh Singh are among thosewho congratulated Muhammed

    Ahmed for this award.Supporters

    and local people gathered athis shop after the news spread

    about the award and peoplefelt proud that a person among

    them has been awarded.

    Although Muhammed Ahmed

    couldnt receive any formaleducation, today he raises daily

    issues of Muslims in Unnaoto local administration and to

    the state government. So farhe has led more than three

    hundred RTI applications, two

    hundred letters to HumanRight Commission,MinorityCommission, Prime Ministersofce, Chief Ministers ofce

    and all major political ofces

    in the country, hundreds ofmemorandums to local andstate administration and leduncounted demonstrations,

    protests and meetings to drawissues of poor, unemployed,and underprivileged people in

    the district.

    Neighbours are greetingMuhammed Ahmed after theaward

    His ofce is covered with

    old les of memorandumssubmitted by him, pressclippings of important local andnational news, and ve les full

    of his own activities publishedin Unnaos newspapers. Nearly

    200 unattended Muslim bodieshave been handed over to himby local administration to take

    care their last rites according toIslam. Muhammed Ahmed says:I am doing what I consider best

    for people around me. There islot of pain and problems in dailylife of poor. They are kicked

    out of ofces for ration cards,

    pension cards, widow pensioncards etc.Poors life is full of

    struggle and I prefer to be partof their daily struggle for life.

    Muhammed Ahmed startedhis life as a simple tailoring

    worker. His father Abdul Latifwas president of local unit ofJamaat-e-Islami Hind for which

    he was grilled and detainedby local police in 1992 afterdemolition of Babri Masjid.

    During curfew when his father

    U.P. IUML District President

    Honoured for peace efforts

    Puducherry Geared up for Organisational Elections

    Enrolment of members to IUML is geared up in full swing inPuducherry State. In the course of Nation wide membership enrolment drive, Puducherry state also has geared up its campaign.

    A meeting was convened on 30.01.2011 to discuss the future courseof action by the District organizing committee here in Puducherry.

    Out of 4 districts in the State already Karikkal and Yenam Districtscompleted their membership drive and conducted District ofce

    bearers election. Puducherry District has resolved to complete themembership drive and hold the District ofce bearers Elections

    positively by 15.01.2011.

    It has also been resolved to complete the State Ofce Bearers

    election by the end of February 2011 and convene State level Political Awareness Conference, in which the National PresidentJanab. E. Ahamed and General Secretary Prof K.M. Kader Mohideenare expected to participate.

    The meeting was presided over by Abu Salih, Engineer RahmathullahKhan, the District organizer Welcomed the gathering. Peer Mohamed,Advocates Sulaiman and Anwar Sadath, A. Shaik Abdulla and KaraikkalM.K.A. Sahabuddin koya spoke in the meeting.

    K.A.M. Muhammed Abubacker, the member of All India monitoringOrganisa tional committee, delivered key note address besidesTamil Nadu State Secretarics Kayal Mahaboob and Advocate V.Jeevagiridharan.

    incidents transformed him fromonly young tailor to socially

    concerned person. Today henot only leads local groups,he is alsodistrict president of

    Indian Union Muslim Leagueand State Committee memberof the MuslimLeague. He

    also unsuccessfully contestedassembly election in 2002 fromUnnao constituency.

    In a district where Muslims

    constitute only 11% withlittle political and social clout,

    Muslims in small villages areoften targeted by communalforces and sometimes social

    and economic boycott hasbeen imposed on him. In 2009,Muhammed Ahmed assembled

    with his 50 worker sat magistrateofce late in night of Ramazan

    when Muslims of Sikandarpurvillage near Unnao were notallowed to pray Tarawih and

    local shopkeepers were askednot to sell anything toMuslims. After realizing seriousness of

    boycott, police acted early inthe morning and clamped downagainst communal forces in

    Sikandarpur. His struggle andworks have attracted manyeducated youths to support him

    and they are writing drafts andletters for Muhammed Ahmed.

    Dharmendra Singh Chauhan,

    a local advocate who looksafter legal issues of Muhammed Ahmeds works, explains thathis sincerity and simplicity is

    most attractive value for him.

    was thrown in jail,he struggled for

    his own family aswell as all peopleof his locality toget them supply of

    daily commodities,milk and water andmedicine. The 1992

    Vice President of U.P. womencommission Namrata Pathak PresentsPeace award to Mohammed Ahmed.

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    FEBRUARY - 2011

    The Muslim Personal Law isa religious obligation on eachand every Muslim. Now, theprotagonists of a uniform civil

    code say that uniformity in wayof life leads to national solidarityand unity. I very much respect theconcern for this national solidarityand unity. But I must submitthat it is unity in diversity, theprinciple which we cherish, ratherthan uniformity in a plural societylike India, that leads to nationalsolidarity and unity. We have somany uniform laws, civil procedurecode and so on and so forth. Whythen do we still face challenges tonational unity and solidarity despite

    all these uniform Laws? So, what Iwas pointing out is that India is aplural society and the basis of thisplural society lies in our adherenceto the principle of unity in diversity.The principles of Muslim PersonalLaw do not injure anybody else.They need not; they need nottake any offence if a Muslim wantsto continue with his adherencewith the Shariat; the Shariat isimmutable, as I said, and thefundamental principles of Shariatare not open for reconsideration.

    India is a plural society. It isa cradle of several cultures. Theunity and solidarity of our countrylies in achieving unity in diversity.The talk of a uniform civil codewith its implications, agitates theminds of the minorities, especiallythe Muslims. The talk of theuniform civil code is an attack onthe traditional spirit of toleranceand secular ideals of our society.It is not through uniformity thatwe can maintain our society.Uniformity leads only to thedestruction of the very basis of ourplural society. It opens oodgates

    to needless and avoidable conictand confrontation. I have,therefore, pointed out the natureof the Muslim Personal Law, theimplications of Article 44 andthe continuation of Article 44encouraging certain sections tocontinue with their campaigngiving rise to conicts, resentment

    and agitated minds.We are told that a common civil

    code will promote national unity.This is a false illusion. It is an

    exploded myth that any uniformcivil code promotes national unity.We all know, for example, that inthe United States of America thereare separate marriage laws, divorce



    laws and other laws in differentStates. Though there are differentmarriage, divorce and other lawsin different States yet the unity of

    the US is not affected. Nobodythinks of bringing a common lawfor the sake of the unity of theU.S, It will also be realized that theerce World Wars, I and II, werefought among people, amongnations, with almost a uniformcivil code. They all believed inthe Christian Civil Code. They allbelieved in one code and yet therewere wars. These are all explodedmyths that any uniform civil codewill bring about unity. Unity comesfrom respecting the cultural and

    all human rights of the peopleof every section; unity does notcome from trampling upon themand imposing forcibly any thinkingfrom above. We have article 25of the Constitution of India whichgives religious freedom. There isan explanation to the word Hinduthat explanation says that the wordHindu includes Sikhs and others.So, as far as they are concerned,there is almost a uniform civilcode. There is almost a uniformcivil code applicable to Hindus,Sikhs and others, according tothe denition given in article 25. Yet, we know that on occasionsserious dissension unfortunatelycame between these communitiesdespite the fact that they alwayshad a uniform civil code amongthem.

    - Excerpts from Select

    Parliamentary Speeches

    of G.M. Banatwalla

    He introduced a non ofcial

    Constitution (Amendment)

    Bill for ommissian of Article

    44 of the Constitution of

    India, before the Lok Sabha

    and made the Speech on


    The Mopilla uprising was a valiant uprising by the Mopilla Muslimsof the Malabar region of kerala against the tyranny of the British in India.

    For a moment, it shook the very edice of the British rule in India, as

    the mighty British army had been jolted by the determined on slaught of

    the Mopillas. The army had to send a S.O.S. to call for the assistance of

    the Naval force to repulse the attack.

    The Mopilla uprising in 1921 was the culmination of a series of revolts

    by the Mopillas as a reaction against the heavy handed crackdown

    of the khilafat Movement, by the British Authorities, in the Ernad and

    Valluvanad Taluks of Malabar.

    The Mopillas were swift in their initial attack and took control of police

    stations, British Govt. ofce, judicial courts and Govt. treasuries. It was

    alleged that Mopillas attacked some Hindus also whom they said were

    helping the police in suppressing their uprising.

    In fact public orders were issued by the Mopilla leaders that no

    harm should be done to the Hindus and those Mopillas who resorted to

    looting would be given exemplary punishments. The leaders of uprising

    What Price Freedom!The Heroic Mopilla uprising

    proclaimed the advent of Swaraj.

    The most prominent leaders of the uprising were Variankunnath

    Kunjahammed Haji, Sithi koya Thangal, and Ali Musliyar

    For six months from Aug 1921, the uprising extended over 2000

    square miles 2/5th of the area in South Malabar region of Malabar

    District under the Madras Presidency. An estimated 10000 people lost

    their lives, another 2000 were deported to Andaman island prison and

    around 10,000 went missing.

    Some of the most notable encounter was at Pookkotur in which British

    troops sustained heavy casualties and had to withdraw for safety.One of the most notable events during the suppression was later

    known as the Wagon Tragedy wherein 70 of 90 Mopilla prisoners

    were suffocated to death in a closed railway goods wagon. The wagon

    Tragedy the historian Sumit Sarkar reffered to it as the Black hole of


    In its magnitude and extent it was an unprecedented popular upheaval

    the like of which was not been seen in kerala before or since. While the

    Mopillas were in the vanguard of the movement and they bore the brunt

    of the struggle, several non Mopilla leaders were in active sympathy

    with the cause of the Mopilla ghters, giving the uprising the character

    of a national upheaval. In 1971, the Govt. of Kerala recognized the

    active participants of the event as freedom ghters.

    Note : The Times of League under the title What Price Freedomwill publish an important event from the history of the Freedom

    struggle, to instil in the mind of the readers, the valuable contribution

    made by the Muslims for the cause of Indian Freedom.


  • 8/6/2019 Times of League _ Feb




    FEBRUARY - 2011

    Utharkhand IUML elds

    18 candidates inHaridwar zilla Parishad

    ElectionsNew Delhi: IUML has elded 18 candidates in the Haridwar district

    panchayat elections to be held from 19-22 February 2011. Mr. Ghalib

    hassan, General secretary, Uttarakhand State IUML has stated that

    the party is trying its best to win as many constituencies as possible

    in the upcoming elections. Party candidates include Mr. Rajpal and

    Mr. Gurmel Singh who are contesting from scheduled cast reserved

    seats. There are ve women candidates also in the fray. A second

    list of candidates will be announced soon.

    Names of the candidates: Rajpal (Sohalpur SC), Saleem Qureshi

    (Ghat), Khursheed (Naseerpur Kalan), Ninna Hasan (Dhanpura)

    , Shakeel Ahamed (Khelpur), Gurmel Singh (sirchandhi SC), Dr.

    Akhthar (Bhagwanpur), Ravinder (Akbarpur kalso), Furqan (Piran

    Kaliyar), Ms. Jabunnisa-(Majri Gummawala), Murtaza, (Kishanpur

    Jamalpur), Gaffar Ali, (Patli (Gujar), Shoukeen Ali, (Barhampur

    Shankarpuri), Smt. Zulfana, Nagla Imarthi), Smt. Shabana, (Mo-

    hamedpur), Ehsan Ali, (Bhagvanpur Chandanpur), Smt. Zubeida

    Khathoon, (Bikkampur), Smt. Gulista, (Dhargapur).

    Reported by IUML National Secretary and

    Our Delhi Correspondent Mr. Khorrum Anis Omer.

    Inventions normally take a long time to develop into their modernforms. An invention is a step on the road to the ultimate goal. For

    example, the development of the bullock cart from the potters wheel

    took around 700 years, which later paved the way for development of

    all modes of transport. Similarly, the invention of Jacquards loom inthe early 18th century enabled the automation process in the calculation

    machine, which subsequently became a major foundation for the growth

    a new form, composition of model device or a process. It may be based

    on preexisting forms, compositions, processes or ideas. Some times,

    there may be radical breakthroughs, which may extend the boundaries

    of human knowledge of experience. Invention is the rst occurrence

    of an idea for a new product or process, while innovation is the rst

    attempt to modify it for betterment. Therefore, innovation today is

    not invention. Its about taking the product, putting in a new process,

    thinking around it and marketing it. Innovation is about working on

    practical utilitarian features that enhance the product. It could be

    incremental improvement in a product of it may be a business innovation

    (creative new product idea that does not alter established businessmodels), strategic innovation (the process of reinventing strategies)

    and innovation requiring different managerial approaches. The person

    who does the innovation is called an innovator.

    Technopreneur Promotion Programme (TePP) of Department of

    Scientic & Industrial Research ( DSIR) is one of the largest network

    programme to nurture individual innovators.

    It is hoped that these small efforts of TePP will create a new breed of

    dynamic and budding innovators in years to come to make India Most

    Innovative Country of the World.

    Young Muslim innovator


    Mr. Mehar AliRose, Gardens, Palachode,Kakkanad(W) PO, Ernakulam 628 0030


    The innovation is a three dimensional billboard. A digitally operated one, it will be amultidrive 3 faced sign board.


    It triplicates the scarcely available advertis-ing space in the cities, apart from adding high

    capture value to OOH advertising. With less space, giving the maximumvisibility is possible with this technology. Especially with out city gettingcongested, this is the need of the hour.


    Having understood the technical problems with currently availabletechnologies, which prevents the widespread use of high in demandmotion based solution.


    Initially, I studied the current technology for short testing the problemand started solving them on a priority basis. Further, a master designwas charted for solving the problems along with adding new features tothe system. This necessitated huge R & D expenses. For which TePP

    came as a magic wand and I could take my journey forward.ASSOCIATION WITH TePP

    After research and work, I came to a stage when with out some exter-nal assistance in terms of nance and technology, moving forward would

    Note :The Times of League inorder to inspire the young

    aspirants in the eld of innovation shall introduce young Muslim

    Innovators along with their Innovations, recognized and

    rewarded by the Government of India.

    be difcult. The novel program of TePP by DSIR came to the rescue

    then. The proposal was accepted and I could realize my dream framingup with their support.


    The application for the patent status has been forwarded


    Once the prototype and trial runs are over, we plan to go for com-mercialization of the concept through our channels. I want to make theproduct reach the market so that the end users can benet from it.


    Never hesitate to work on an idea thinking that its foolishness.


    Innovate to lead. Lead to innovate.

    Courtesy : Creative India Techno prenauer Promotion

    Programme (TePP) Department of Scientic andIndustrial Research Ministry of

    Science and Technology , New Delhi.



    Seek Knowledge from cradle to grave.

    - prophet : Mohammed (sal)

  • 8/6/2019 Times of League _ Feb



    FEBRUARY - 2011

    Indian Union Muslim LeagueState Conference was held on

    December 11, 2010 at the RailwayGround Tambaram, Chennai. Itwas a mammoth conferenceattended by large numbers ofpeople from Tamil Nadu, Kerala,and gulf countries.

    In the morning session, the partyconducted Tamil Nadu MohallaJamaath solidarity seminar. TheState party president Prof K.M.Kader Mohideen, presided over theseminar. The following resolutionswere passed in the seminar.

    1) Uphold the Honour ofMohallah Jamaat

    The community will be honoured,if the Mohalla Jamaat a uniquefeature of Islam. remains stronger. The Mahallah Jammat Shall notconne its duty just to administer

    Resolutions passed in theMohalla Jamaath Solidarity Seminar


    fully the central Govt. Scholarships

    and other concessions.

    Mahalla Jamaat shall strive

    to organize Meelad -u- Nabi

    celebrations and Idd Milan

    celebrations annually by inviting

    people from all communities and

    strengthen the religious amity

    among them.

    It is our religious duty to maintain

    Mohalla Jamaat discipline and we

    shall not give room to disturb this


    The citing of Ramzan moon,

    The performance of Ramzan andBakrid prayer shall be done as per

    the announcement of the Chief

    Govt. Khazi.

    We should not entertain, or

    encourage or support unwanted

    3. Payment of

    Reasonable Remuneration

    to the Ulemas

    The Conference appeals to theMahalla Jamaat Administrationsthat they shall happily come forwardto provide a reasonable adequateand honest remuneration to theulamas serving in the Mosque andArabic Madrasas.

    4. Tamil Nadu Fatwa


    In order to dispel the confusionregarding the announcements on

    the date of the First Moon citingduring the fasting days, celebrationof Idd Festivals and to guide theMuslim Community in the ReligiousMatters, the Conference resolvesto act unitedly to create the TamilNadu Fatwa Council under theChairmanship of Tamil Nadu Govt

    Mahalla Jamaat ConsultationCommittee comprising umaras and

    ulemas and the IUML State presidentProf K.M. Kader Mohideen as itsconvenor to strengthen mahallaJammat, make them self sufcient

    and to implement the plans andresolutions of Mahalla Jamaat.

    7. Census

    Census work which is taken uponce in ten years has begun now.It is the necessity of time to ensurethat not even a single person nameis left out in the census.

    All the rights including thereservation are given on the basisof the census only. Further allpurpose useful Bio Matric card isto be issued to every one.

    Hence this conference appealsto mohalla Jamaats that everyones name from the community is

    the Mosque and maintain the burial

    ground but shall strive to becomea model Mohalla Jamaat. It has

    become the necessity of time

    that Mahallah Jamaat to establish

    and manage Baithulmal, Shariath

    Panchayat, Madrasa Academic,

    Vocational institutes libraries,

    Muslim women Aid societies, poor

    students Educational Aid poor girls

    marriage Aid, old age guardianship

    intrest free loan Aid, Free Medical

    Aid and Maintain Registers of

    Marriage, Birth and Death.

    It has become a duty to announce

    in Jumma prayers and create an

    awareness in the Mahallah Jamaath

    so that the community shall avail

    unproductive arguements in this

    regard.If each Mohallah Jamaat strictly

    follow this guidance, the muslim

    community will become a united

    and a stronger community and can

    attain innumerable benets.

    The IUML state conference

    appeals all the Mohalla Jammats

    to pay attention on this matters.

    2. Qutuba Discourses

    This conference appeals tothe ofce bearers of the Mahalla

    Jamaat and the ulemas to ensurethat the Jumma Qutuba discoursesare explained with clarity theShariat law to the growing youngergeneration.

    Chief Khazi comprising District

    Khazis representatives of Jammat ul-ulema association and therepresentatives of the MahallahJamaat.

    5. Tamil Nadu Mahalla

    Jamaat Aid Fund

    This conference resolves tocreate Tamil Nadu Mohalla Jamaat Aid Fund to help the MohallaJamaats which experiencedifculties to maintain mosques

    in small villages and mosques inthe most backward urban areas in

    Tamil Nadu.

    6. Mahalla Jammat

    consultation Committee.

    The conference resolves create

    registered in the census with out

    any one left out.

    8. Alertness Campaign

    to get Govt Aids and


    The central and stategovernments provide manywelfare schemes and Aids to thepeople belonging to the minoritycommunity. This conferenceappeals to all mahalla Jamaatsto start alertness propaganda ineach and every Mohalla to makeannouncement in Mosques to alert

    the people so that all the Aidsincluding educational scholarshipcash aid for marriage are fullyreached to our people.

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  • 8/6/2019 Times of League _ Feb



    FEBRUARY - 2011

    IUML Tamil Nadu StateGeneral Council

    Meeting will be held on Thursday

    24-02-2011 at 10 am in Nagore

    Muneerul Millath Prof. K.M. Kader Mohideenwill preside over the meeting


    1. Reading of Annual Report2. Submission of Income - Expenditure Report upto 30th Dec 2010

    3. Approval of District Election4. Approval of State League Byelaws5. Legislative Assembly Election6. Other Matters with the approval of President

    Venue of the Meeting

    Modern Matriculation Hr. Sec School,Nagore - Nagapattinam Main Road

    Contact :

    1. M.O.M. Syed Ali ( District Secretary) 94436790272. Jan Sahib ( District Asst Secretary) 94436211873. M.A. Nattarshan Maraikar

    (District Vice - President) 9443785020

    (Sd) K.A.M. Muhammed AbubackerState General Secretary

    Note : Members of General Council are communicated by post.

    Letters to the Editor...

    Excellent EditorialIUML Tamilnadu State President

    K.M. Kader Mohideens requisitionto central Government fo decorateDr. Kalaignar with Bharath Ratna

    Award is praise worthy and timely.The glorious history of MuslimLeague should be Published to

    enlighten our younger generationon the achievements of MuslimLeague. The Editorial is reallysuperb.

    - HajiA.M.K.M.Anwardeen, M.A.,

    Ponnachi ThayarAmmal Trust,


    UsefulInformations...The rst issue of the Times of

    League clearly indicates the goaltowards which the communityshould proceed in our country. Theideals of the papers are printed atthe top of the Title page : NationalUnity, Communal Amity, CulturalIdentity, Social Justice, Rule of

    The Kerala High Court onThursday upheld the Stategovernment order givingthe Kerala State IndustrialDevelopment Corporation(KSIDC) sanction for starting anon-banking nance company

    based on Islamic principles.When the KSIDC proposed to

    run an NBFC in compliance withShariah laws and the law of theland, it cannot be condemnedas either promoting a religionor aiding a religion, said aDivision Bench of Chief JusticeJ. Chelameswar and Justice P.R.Ramachandra Menon

    The court dismissed writpetitions led by Janata Party

    president Subramanian Swamy andanother person. Dr. Swami arguedthat the setting up of a nancial

    service company based on Shariahlaws with government participationwas against the secular principles.The KSIDC held 11 per cent of the

    equity.The government contended that

    the company, Al Barakh FinancialServices Limited, was registeredunder the Companies Act. A jointventure with big industrialists andenterprises, it would function inaccordance with the law of theland, and it was not controlled bythe government.

    The judges said that underArticle 298, if the State government

    had the freedom or authority tocarry on any trade or business oracquire or dispose of property andto enter into a contract, the beliefthat the State was prohibited fromdoing any trade or business, eitherwith a religious organisation or an

    organisation which proposed tocarry on a business in a mannercompliant with a set of religiousbeliefs, would be inconsistentwith the established rules ofinterpretation of constitutionaldocuments. The Constitution didnot place any absolute embargoon the government associatingitself with any religious activity.

    The petitioners could notdemonstrate how the impugned

    Kerala High Court GivesGreen Signalfor Shariah - based NBFCgovernment order had broughtabout the effect of directlypromoting a particular religion,the Bench said

    The governments intentionwas to derive commercialbenets from the venture. Money

    from the exchequer would bepaid to an institution which didnot propose to carry on religiousactivities such as preaching orpropagation.

    The governments participationin such a joint venture wouldnot have the primary and directeffect of supporting or promotinga particular religion.

    - Courtesy : The Hindu,

    Chennai Feb - 4, 2011.

    Law, Dignied Democracy. This is

    indeed amazing. Prof. K.T. KizerMohameds article : Survival of theFittest - IUML contains very manyuseful details. Everything in thisissue is not only excellent but alsomore useful for the community aswell.

    - A. Syed Azam, Union

    Secretary IUMLKancheepuram District,

    Tamil Nadu.

  • 8/6/2019 Times of League _ Feb



    FEBRUARY - 2011

    IUML LAUNCHES MOHALLA YATRAThe Tamil Nadu State Indian

    Union Muslim League has launchedthe much expected Mohalla Yatra a mass contact programme, inaccordance with the declarationmade by the State President

    Prof. K.M. Kader Mohideen, inthe recently held Mammoth StateConference with much fervour andenthusiasm. The Maiden Mohalla Yatra commenced at 10 a.m, onJan, 28th 2011 in the ThiruvalluvarDistrict in the State of Tamil Nadu.The Yatra was led by the partysyoung and ever active State GeneralSecretary K.A.M. Abubackerand he was accompanied by theState Secretaries Tirupur AbdulSattar, Nizamuddin and the StateGeneral Council Member K.T. KizerMohamed.

    The main objective of the Yatra has been as outlined bythe State President Prof. K.M.Kader Mohideen, to make all theJammath stronger and encouragethem to implement the modelprogrammes. The Mohalla Jammatshall work to get all the Stateand central Government welfare

    benets to Muslim community andthey shall act with alertness forthe continuance of the minoritysupportive Dr. Kalaginar Govt.in the coming State GeneralElection.

    The yatra was welcomed bya large gathering of the partyworkers and by representativesof Mohalla Jammt at theentrance of Kaveripettai in the

    Thiruvalluvar District. The StateGeneral Secretary unfurled theparty ag amids the thunderous

    shouts of Allahu Akbar, MuslimLeague Zindabad, MuneerulMillath Zinzabad, AbubackerZindabad, by the party workers.As the motorcade of the Yatra wasadvancing towards the interior ofthe district, it was joined by goodnumber of people from the variousparts of the district and the crowdwas constantly swelling from pointto point.

    All along, the yatra witnessed jubilation, enthusiasm andemotionally surcharged crowdwhose only hope was, of coursethe Indian Union Muslim League. As per the instruction of thestate President Prof. K.M. KaderMohideen, the prominent membersof the yatra had been deputed tovarious mosques in the district toaddress the Jumma Congregationto highlight the various roles theMohalla Jammat was expected to

    play in their Mohallas. The StateGeneral Secretary addressed theJumma Congregation in the Periyamongodu Jamia Mosque, AbdulSattar in the Elavur Jamia Mosque,Nizamuddin in the Kasikkad JamiaMosque, and Kizer Mohamed inKaveraipettai Jamia Mosque. TheMuttawallis A.K. Sulaiman, IbrahimBai, Khader Hussain and AbdulKalam of the respective mosqueshad made elaborate arrangementsand had extended full coperation,and courtesy to the speakers. All

    the mosques had been packedwith over owing worshippers, and

    good number of students from thenearby Engineering College couldbe seen in the Congregation. All

    the speakers highlighted the need,necesscity and indefensibilityof the Mohalla Jammat to workfor the preservation of the unityand integrity of the communityand for the implementation of

    the various welfare schemes. Itwas heartening to hear from theMuslims all along urging the partyleaders to organize the yatrasuch Mohalla Yatra in frequency,inorder to bring the entire MuslimCommunity into the fold of theIUML. They are right in theirappeal as they look upon IUML astheir Mother organization.

    - KTK


    IUML Tamil Nadu State General Secretary K.A.M. Abubacker withrepresentatives of Thiruvalluvar District Mohalla Jamaths




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    Life is Test

    Islam is best

    Imaan is must

    Aakhirat is for rest

    World is only Dust

    If Quran is in Chest

    Nothing need next

    Obey Allah frst

    Success will be next

    - Kanchi Azam

    IUML NationalGeneral SecretaryProf K. M. Kader MohideenEx. M.P. hoisted the national ag

    at IUML central ofce , Chennai

    on the eve of the Republicday. Party leaders and workersattended the function. Prof.

    Kader Mohideen also attendedanother function at Tamil NaduState Waqf Board ofce and

    unfurled the national ag.

    In New Delhi, IUML NationalPresident and Minister ofstate for External affairs Mr. E. Ahamed hoisted the nationalag at his ofcial residence. He

    also attended the Republic Dayparade.

    In Agra IUML districtcommittee organized a republicday function at Shahi Eidgah

    ground and Moulana KausarHayath Khan, President U.P.state IUML, hoisted the nationalag. Mirza Maboob baig,

    Prof. Kader Mohideen hoisted

    National Flag atIUML National Head Quarters on

    Republic Day

    secretary, UP state IUML, Nawab

    Masoom Alam, vice president ofMuslim youth league were alsopresent on the occasion withother leaders and workers of theparty.

    Contact :Quaid-e-millath Manzil

    36, Maraikayar Lebbai Street,Chennai - 600 001.

    Ph : 044 - 2524 7863

  • 8/6/2019 Times of League _ Feb



    FEBRUARY - 2011



    Janab C.V. Sulaiman Haji, the Pondicherry State IUML Convenor asenior Member of the Party, works tirelessly even at the age of 70,

    for the cause of the party from his head quarter Mahe. In 2006, theIUML National President Banatwala nominated him as the President ofPandicherry. He has attended Party National Council Meetings held in

    Delhi, Chennai, and Bangalore.

    A part from party works, he has been involved in many socialactivities, and intimately associated with many Mosques and Madrasas,doing yeoman service for the cause of Islam. He has been serving asthe General Secretary of Chalakkarapally Committee and poozhil PatlliCommittee.

    In 1980, he contested the Pondicherry Assembly Election from MaheConstituency but lost the election by a meager margin.

    His contribution as a journalist is highly laudable and has been servingas a Reporter for the Chanrika, Malayam Daily published from Kerala.

    He is an Arabic Teacher by profession and has to his credit 35 yearslong service in the eld of education. Janab Sulaiman Haji, is a father of

    four Children, two daughters and two sons. He has endeared himselfwith one and all by his seless service for the cause of the party and

    community as a whole.



    Janab Khaleid Zubaidi, the Andhra Pradesh IUML President is one ofthe senior members with four decades of intimate association with theparty. Janab Zubaidi has to his credit of working under different leadersof the Andhra Pradesh such as Ghouse Khamoosi, Shareef Siddiqi, MirzaMunawar Ali Baig and Osman Bin Saleb Shaik. He stood with the partythrough thick and thin facing many ordeals during the emergency anddemolition of Babri Masjid. He ardently worked for the merger of

    National League with IUML in Andhra Pradesh. As a Municipal Councillor Mehboob Nagar, he was responsible for

    implementing many civil welfare works, including getting houses allottedto thousands of homeless people in his locality.

    The erection of level crossing gate at Mehboob Nagar, establishment ofdispensary etc., speak aloud his social activities. His relentless signature

    Victory of Mohallah YatraReverberates

    Exulted at the success of Mohallah Yatrain the district of Tanjore, the granary ofTamil Nadu, the IUML State PresidentProfessor K.M.Kader Mohideen said in the

    party head-quarters Qaid-e-millath manzil,Chennai that he was very much excited towitness a spontaneous and overwhelmingresponse from the Mohallah Jamaat inthe district of Tanjore. Infact, it was aconglomeration of Muslim Jamaths fromdifferent parts of the district converged atBrunei Darussalam dining hall, Iyambettaion February 5, 2011 to have free, frank and fruitful interaction withthe IUML leader. It was a pleasant meeting and the discussion wasencompassing all aspects of Mohallah Jamaats. Prof. K.M. KhaderMohideen emphasized the need and necessity of Mohallah Jamathsto work unitedly, to preserve the national unity, protect the communalamity and promote the cultural identity of the Muslim minority. He

    also warned the Jamaat representatives not to fall prey to the evildesigns of divisive forces in the community.

    The concept of Mohallah Yatra is a brainchild of IUML and it hasbeen properly devised, planned and perfectly executed to attain itsgoal - unity and solidarity of the Muslim community through theintegration of Muslim Mohalla Jamaats.

    Presently, the victory of Mohallah Yatra has been reverberatingthroughout the state of Tamil Nadu and it has awakened the Muslimcommunity from its political hibernation.

    - K.T.K.

    Hajee M.K.M. Mohamed ShafManaging Director

    Shifa Hospitals

    campaign against the compulsary sterilization Programme in the State

    of Maharastra, went a long way to halt this atrocity against the MuslimCommunity.

    Being a B.Com graduate Janab Zubaidi has been engaged in the Agri Horticulture farm work in his native village Mehboob Nagar. The IUMLleadership considers him as a noble personality worthy of emulation byother party workers.


    Our Country is a secular country: In ourcountry there are many religions. Butkeep one thing in minds

    Temple is a 6 letter word Church is a 6 letter word Mosque is a 6 letter word Also geeta is a 5 letter word

    Bible is a 5 letter wordQuran is a 5 letter word

    That is Unity. Even letters are in Unitywhy dont we?I love my India.

    -T.K. Shanavas, 9500034786



  • 8/6/2019 Times of League _ Feb


    The Times of League - English Monthly - R.Dis. No. 1765/10 owned and published by Mohamed Ismail on behalf of Muslim League Publication Trust, Chennai - 600 001 and

    printed by K.A.M. Muhammed Abubacker on behalf of Madras Media Press No, 36, Maraikayar Lebbai Street, Chennai - 600 001.

    Editor : Prof. K.M. Kader Mohideen, Managing Editor : M. Abdul Rahman, Phone : 044 2521 8786 / Fax : 044 - 2521 7786, E-mail : [email protected]



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    Swami Aseemanand, who wasarrested in November 2010 for hisalleged role in the 2007 MeccaMasjid blasts, in his confession,recorded before the magistrate in

    December, had said that a right-wing group was responsible forthe 2006 Malegaon blasts. His 42-page confession, recorded in Hindi,has been reported in Tehelkaslatest cover story. He has namedsenior RSS leader Indresh Kumar,the murdered RSS pracharak SunilJoshi, Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakurand senior RSS pracharaks SandeepDange and Ramji Kalsangra,among others, as key conspiratorsin the terror blasts.

    After Swami Aseemanands

    explosive revealations on theinvolvement of Hindu right wingactivists in the terror incidents inIndia, more skeletons seem to beemerging from the closet. Afterhis confession to the CBI about


    of key RSS players in the terroristactivities and has revealed thepart played by Indresh Kumar to

    retaliate against Islamic terrorism.The swami has also given explicitdetails of the involvement of RSSleader Indresh Kumar, Sunil Joshiand Ramchandra Kalsangra, akaRamji in the various terror plotshatched by them and the other key

    players in the bomb-for-bombplan.

    2006 Malegaon blasts killed 37people and injured more than 100.More than 68 people were killed in

    the Samjhauta Express bombing in2007, three were killed in the 2007bombing at the Ajmer dargahwhile seven were killed in the 2008Malegaon blasts.

    The police had arrested ninepersons - Salman Farsi, Shabir Ahmed, Noorulhuda Doha, Rais Ahmed, Mohammed Ali, AsifKhan, Javed Sheikh, Dr Faroogue Ansari and Abrar Ahmed - fortheir alleged involvement in theMalegaon blasts. Likewise in allthe blast cases Police immediately

    suspected and informed the pressthat only Islamic Terroristswere behind the blasts. So manyinnocent Muslim youths werearrested and detained for yearseven without bail.

    Though some Muslimorganisations raised their voiceagainst the partisan attitude ofthe Police, none had taken anyconstructive step to check thismenace except our Indian UnionMuslim League.

    After the blasts in Delhi inSeptember 2008 the Police asusually started its harassmenton Delhi Jamia Milia IslamiaUniversity students. Our IUMLNational President and Ministerof State E.Ahmed Sahib andNational General Secretary Prof.K.M.Kader Mohideen Sahib, thethen Member of Parliament, metUPA President Ms.Sonia Gandhion 06.10.2008 and explained her

    about the calculated sabotage andsuppression unleashed against theMuslim community. They also metPrime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singhand urged upon him the need toinvestigate the blast cases seriouslywith open mind. Our leaders wereassured that the investigationswould be handed over to NationalInvestigation Agency (NIA) and

    some special squads to cull outthe truth. Following which theMalegaon Blast investigationwas taken over by Anti TerroristSquad (ATS) in Maharashtra andthe Hindu right wing leaders likeSadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur werearrested. This brought a new lightand twist to all the blast cases inIndia and now the confession ofSwami Aseemanand has exposedand identied the true terrorists

    before the Nation.

    This is the way of approachIndian Union Muslim League alwaysfollow. If not IUMLs constructiveaction, till date all the blasts in thiscountry would have been brandedas Islamic Terrorism and innocentMuslim Youths would have been jailed as usual. IUML has provedthat it is the only political partyin this country which could guardthe Muslim community from theclutches of religious terrorism.


    Swami Aseemanand


    the saffron link in the Samjhautablast case, Aseemanand has nowrevealed that he was also involvedwith the Hyderabads Mecca Masjidblast as well as the Malegaon

    blast.He has busted the involvement