Times Herald. (Palatka, FL) 1915-02-19 [p...

CRYSTAL RIVER NEWS CRYSTAL RIVER FLORIDA w J v < CHANGES IN SILL BENEFIT FLORIDAN- ew Additions to Rivers And Harbor Bill Will Greatly Help The State COMMITTEE IS FAVORABLE Apalachlcola River Will Have Bfgger Sum For FaVors Measure Washington The river find harbor in the form in which it has been reported out of the senate commit- tee oft commerce contains a number of amendments that are of Interest lo Florida and which were jjecured by Senator Platcher who is a member of the commerce committee The bill as it left the house con- tained an appropriation ot 38500 for continuing the improvement of the waterway between Savannah and Fer pandlna The senate committee in- creased the amount to 77400 which Is enough to complete the improve- ment The appropriation for Apalachicola Bay is Increased from 15000 to 25 000 The appropriation for St Andrews Day is Increased from 30000 to 46 000The appropriation for continuing the improvement of St Johns river from Jacksonville to the ocean is increased from to 577000 The appropriation for Apalachicola river is increased from 20000 to 35 000The following now legislation was Inserted in the bill by the senate merco committee The secretary war is authorized- to appoint a board of three officers of the engineer corps of the United States to examine and appraise the value of the work and franchises of the East Coast canal from the St Johns river to Key West to the desirability jot purchasing said canal by the United States and the construction over the route of the said canal of a free and having depth and capacity sufficient toy f ikjl war the limits 6r the appropriation herein made shall and ihvsti j the possibility for the purpose ot- a of any parallel rbtite between Said points The said board shall make a report of Its work together with its cqnclusions upon the probable and commercial advan- tages and military and naval use of said route or routes to the secretary- of war wKo shall transmit the same rtodongifeSs as soon as practicable AGENTS ARE NEEDED Governor Trammell Recommend Agricultural And Agents tloferuor Park Tram years ago adopted a plan f sending put from time to tlint for pub llcatlon before the meeting of the leg Islaturo certain of the tions which he proposed to make to Hai body upon its convening One of the recommendations which tipvernor Trammell wade to the last legislature and tyhicb will be renewed approaching Session will pe the s followin- gs Tfitf demonstration work which has been carried on by the unlver k sity and the federal government has made1 apparent the value to our farm and fruit growers of agricultural horticultural and stock breeding There Is room for en- largement of this very beneficial work The fact that the work of the agricul- tural experiment station Is more or less limited by lack of funds and the large territory lo cover suggests the value of a demonstrator in the coun- ties who would be skilled In proper aethdds of farming and fruit growing selection pt teed and plants breeding pflite stock extermination of pests judging the value and proportions fertilizers treatment of soils and the of trees and plants recommend that u law bd passed SUihoHxlng the board pf county com mis sipnera 6t each county to employ suca agricultural and when In their judgment It VoW bis1 P dp jo and whea dee 6d to iat Sucl- iSlartMttlatir could eBdeif valualile practical lesson In W iek ef ii choPl work also Isif ce isS M il work Tietaw- lmi l ImprovementFletch- er bill i i j I I com- I l t t f c f i 3 J dna vlg a1 KJa IJ J r 1 th J J i v 1 web t r l i f F E t1 t r I 1 tel5 L i4r oj ram at r i 1 7 era I u t of tU as l 110 tI b1tu ra it d I C s fJtt t r 11 J the Jl schools more tl1- I t to Sac Udnteil t j a1l9wtw r or t t F A I 1 Florida i r w open a x to the extent tnat- r y sr tai y e f urveyp niade under UI4 a td c waterway ry c l 1- t h r A l Horticultural c t v melt two recommend < s f the state A dem- onstrations rr f rw 1 w 1 e f advisable Bu giving igri shire la fY d 1 Ub11 a Coe f ratl4 tt lie yerti dabs and teMa elttl4 f to- t n ipt7 i dllae11etrato- ri ril ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ < > < < > ° + SHOW FLORIDA INDUSTRIES Moving Pictures Will Be Of Oyster and Naval Stores Industries Tallahassee Floridas oyster and naval stores industries will be snown in the movies This is the first moving picture to be made of this lb dustry and will compose over 600 feet of film and portrays from the virgin forest to the manufactured product ready for market The following scenes were produced I Long leaf pine forest from which spirits of turpentine and rosin are manufactured 2 Panorama of turpentine farm showing barrels of rosin m fore ground 3 Hacking placing gum cup and chipping virgin tree 4 Gum dripping into cup 6 Dipping gum from cup and placing- in dip bucket 6 Emptying gum into gum barrel 7 Panorama of boxed trees ready for scraping 8 Scraping A piece of scrape 9 Emptying scrape from scrape box into tempo barrel 10 Loading gum and scrape into tur pentine wagon 11 Charging still 12 Distilling turpentine 13 Placing strainer over rosin vat lined with cotton batting 14 Discharge of rosin from still 15 Dipping hot rosin from vat to barrel 16 Woods rider and workmen 17 Burning dross from still 18 Cooper at work making rosin barrels 19 Placing glue in turpentine bar rel to prevent leaking WASHINGTONS BIRTHDAY City or Eustis Will Celebrate Natal Anniversary Of Father Of The Country Eustis From all indications Eustls will have one of the most successful celebrations February 22 in its his- tory Contracts have been signed with various attractions some of Which will remain jn Euetis through out the week following Washingtoas birthday A balloon ascension witlra triple parachute drop has begirt securv- ed for both morning and evening the evening ascensipn Sereonat of op fixpsir- leaced man The program stet qt airship spa cUV features not In the line ot the Stereotyped display Usually seen in a fireworks celebration there will be some exciting features In speed aa there have come td these waters some speed boats capable of making thirty to miles an hour and better and these will con test for a prize that to be offered program committee planning- to have something every minute pf time so that there be no possibil- ity of the visitors having a dull time Special trains are being arranged for from surrounding towns with a sched- ule that permit all to stay and set the program from start to finish Plant City Baby Show Plant City Plant City boasts of having more pretty bright happy ba- bies and interesting well developed children than any other city in the state and feels so justly proud of them that she is going to put them on exhibition in the course of several weeks time A real live baby show will be here under the auspices- of the ladles of the tery improvement who are planning a most delightful afternoon- for the people of arid eroUs hosts of visitors who will be sure ti come to take in such an sight Bound For Pensacola Key West The torpedo boat de- strpyers Flusser and Reid arrived and remained a few days for coal and wa ter and Supplies The Preston wail remain Tortugas for the present as no further movements have been stated Sailing last Week were the subs route to Tampa where they remained- for one day and tljen proceeded t Pensacola company with the parent ship Prairie which sailed earlier and met the submarines The Prairie ft by way of the Ship Channel and the submarines went out the Northwest Channel State Fafr Charter The iorM State Fair AiapcKtloii now bids fair to b4 permanently rganlied about Marcj and with this organization the state will have takes that not e matched by any Other a- 4ert WBK In The charter raittwis taking its Wee tor it want Wfefl car fni OMttlM erginlMtloa hi It k c and capping or refuse t h icr t i r i ee dhe bo t- races Is Q klan Cerno Jaeftion 1 O l1plet St w Taken being Illuminated lt Ala at Itrevytirks bderi charge con and s The Plant City nuns en- joyable a step wilt eon thebeat tkaC anyateks- eeda1Oa evWWorked will be recoctiiee1- ar the Tdeal ens foe a 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > OLD GK OF BALL Played in America Thousands of Years Ago Explorers Have round Ruins of Ball Court In Yucatan With Proof That the Natives Had Their National is not as new of popular Impa- tience to have someone stet some- thing as some people may think Neither is for a living a strictly modern invention In fact thotlsandg of years ago way down in Yucatan impatient crowds around inball parks yelled themselves hoarse beat one another in the back and threw their feather headgear into the arena In theenthusiasm of the mo ment just as wo are doing today Also there doubtless were Ty Cobb whose skill In batting and fielding was such that they could attord to hold up the management occasionally for a few more hundred jaguar skins a year by threats to quit professional ball and go or course the game was not exactly baseball But the point Is that it was a ball game that were regular ball parks or that there were professionals who played the game forwhat there was in it to thorn Mayhap the medium of ex- change took the form of Jaguar skins pounds of cacoa fancy feathers or What not but it was money all the same and tliey could buy with it at the club or In the market place as the case might be They had their peculiar systems of slang too atleast in some parts of the Americas which translated into English means about as muclwto us as ours would to them All of which Is brought out by Mr Ftanklln Adams in his story Games In Latin America in the Monthly Bulletin of the ican Union That the bAn game is an ancient institution in the Americas may be gathered from the following The ball game indigenous to the Americas Perhaps the flret fwd true sport in catching tb cocoanuts tpaged from the tall palms It lsthat several years ago the game had e ni Mate out On clearing away the matted forests enveloping these marvelous ruins ball courts were disclosed near the most sacred temples and from the hieroglyphics and plctographs or- namenting the walls much was learned of the complicated character of the sport Centuries after the passing of these Myas came the first Spanish Game Pla prOssIOIi playing farthing courtsand eve nt iB t elabo- rate a a y Daw aw awl an ball sat to Indig- enous Pan Amer in- habitants certain thou- sand balk moment f t Y d Yucatan a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ± ¬ + explorers who found that a younger race in contiguous territory the Aztecs had revivedtho old pastime in to a National game with a stone God of Sport beaming on every court The peculiarity of these early games was that the ball when In play was not thrown with the hand but struck by the hip around which the player wore a protecting pad of leather At each end of the court was a great stone disk with a hole the center and through this orifice the ball was driven before a point was scored Very naturally a lively ball was used rubber trees dominated- the forests Old chroniclers marvel at the skill and endurance of the players for a game Was seldom won under tour hours of constant play Such exhaust Irig contests with a dozen participants- In almost constant action were not for amateurs but professionals Thus from the Aztec word olll signifying ball came the word Mollonqui One who plays ball for a living Another form of ball game Is played by the Indian tribes of the Cudulary river region In the wilds of Brazil A carefully leveled field lies In front of the malokas or large communal houses and dally at five oclock the men returning from the days fishing or in the a complicated game like that of the early Mexican but one calling for a high degree of skill as two balls are used by the players who drive them with the hands toward their oppo- nents Yellow tail feathers of the Yapoo bird are affixed to the rubber balls for accuracy The Araucanlan Indians of southern Chile play an ancient game with wood en balls driven by woMen clubs In a clearing 300 by 75 yards inclosed by cut branches of trees these Indians play chueca which greatly resembles lacrosse orfield hockey The game is played from childhood and the players acquire great skill and the matches draw large crowds The calls for great endurance- and while generally played in threehour periods several days have been known to pass before a decision was reached During the play it la not unusual to player cry Ant 1 not a real oak or Is he not a lions leg I after a brilliant stroke Such s Arau caiJlaa slang 7- he wealthyMrsl gcadsonJ Yes answered the larvenue 8fie told me I was occupying her Louis IV room but I dont see why she wanted to tell me that for for afterwards learned that Its the room occupied by young Mr Scadeon when hes at home Munster province Ireland contains 360162 hogs sportnot me twos or tree lvck ri hears Ue ce oe i stftb I ¬ ¬ + ONLY ONE THING LACKING City Man Was Right Enough as to Season for Tapping Trees But He Got No Sugar He had toiled and scraped and saved for years and the other day be bought that little farm in the coun try relates the Pittsburgh Dispatch He was not quite settled yet when he called on his neighbor to say Of course I never farmed much Of course replied Uncle with a smile So I shall have to ask You shall You see I have got five acres ot woodland- I do I shouldnt have bought the far but for that woodland- NO It has been of our dreams years past to make our maple sugar Yes And now that we are here at last I want to ask you If this is the season for tapping the trees Why yes this Is the season all right but But But you havent got a durnod maple on the farm and there aint ore within five miles of us Face to Face Suddenly they found themselves Just as our story opens face to face in the ditch You he tion almost disguising the cloves his breath It was some moments before either could speak for hiccoughs Then he stuttered softly You she mumbled They leaned toward each other as though the end of their noses were magnets Instead of rosy headlights Then he bawled You y She also had found her voice Jf You she Oh remorsefully this Is wrong of us She sighed acquiescence and they parted Forgive them reader They had been divorced only a week i Anyhow Ho Tried The dinner was given by a colored man named e and tho guest of the evening George Washington Green chief the little church that White occasion said and at Us Ufr nsjte began to carve the caickeni Tifln Deacon Green became lacetious Brudder White ha smilingly re- marked do dat nexdo neighbor otr youa keep chickens No sah came the prompt re ot Mr White as he deftly wing but ho try to keepem i Rube I for t t what I strong on I he said I fllifl 1 t Qua1T l r c pried e ry t z f tor advice have it r one own ema l You f y fir was t a Bde- 1TOracec 1y loose awell roasted hard nufi > ¬ > > > < > > + A Royal isheH by King Com fp hungry millions Post bashes i choice bits of white Indian corn perfectly cooked and wonderfully delicious food that towers like the Palm above of the ordinary breakfast 7 morning noon or milk cream or juices come in packages direct rom the to you o inGrocey for Post Toasfies 7 S r d O o f r- tl h it 1- f t That y r toastedcrisp hine fre ed r A i t- t h uJ f j5 j 1 j i r 4- A t near foods night with t 4 Tea s read to eat 4yf r factory ky i 1 4 e GSM n y t x > < > < > <

Transcript of Times Herald. (Palatka, FL) 1915-02-19 [p...

Page 1: Times Herald. (Palatka, FL) 1915-02-19 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00076/00202.pdfHai body upon its convening One of the recommendations which tipvernor Trammell wade






ew Additions to Rivers And Harbor Bill

Will Greatly Help The



Apalachlcola River Will Have BfggerSum For

FaVors Measure

Washington The river find harborin the form in which it has been

reported out of the senate commit-tee oft commerce contains a numberof amendments that are of Interestlo Florida and which were jjecured bySenator Platcher who is a memberof the commerce committee

The bill as it left the house con-

tained an appropriation ot 38500 forcontinuing the improvement of thewaterway between Savannah and Ferpandlna The senate committee in-

creased the amount to 77400 whichIs enough to complete the improve-ment

The appropriation for ApalachicolaBay is Increased from 15000 to 25000

The appropriation for St AndrewsDay is Increased from 30000 to 46

000The appropriation for continuing theimprovement of St Johns river fromJacksonville to the ocean is increasedfrom to 577000

The appropriation for Apalachicolariver is increased from 20000 to 35

000Thefollowing now legislation was

Inserted in the bill by the senatemerco committee

The secretary war is authorized-to appoint a board of three officersof the engineer corps of the UnitedStates to examine and appraisethe value of the work and franchisesof the East Coast canal from the St

Johns river to Key Westto the desirability jot

purchasing said canal by the UnitedStates and the construction over theroute of the said canal of a free and

having depth andcapacity sufficient toy

f ikjl war thelimits 6r the appropriation hereinmade shall and ihvsti

j the possibility for the purpose ot-

a of any parallelrbtite between Said points The saidboard shall make a report of Its worktogether with its cqnclusions uponthe probable and commercial advan-tages and military and naval use ofsaid route or routes to the secretary-of war wKo shall transmit the same

rtodongifeSs as soon as practicable


Governor Trammell RecommendAgricultural And


tloferuor Park Tramyears ago adopted a plan f

sending put from time to tlint for publlcatlon before the meeting of the legIslaturo certain of thetions which he proposed to make toHai body upon its convening

One of the recommendations whichtipvernor Trammell wade to the lastlegislature and tyhicb will be renewed

approaching Session will pe the


gs Tfitf demonstration work which hasbeen carried on by the unlver

ksity and the federal government hasmade1 apparent the value to our farm

and fruit growers of agriculturalhorticultural and stock breeding

There Is room for en-largement of this very beneficial workThe fact that the work of the agricul-tural experiment station Is more orless limited by lack of funds and thelarge territory lo cover suggests thevalue of a demonstrator in the coun-ties who would be skilled In properaethdds of farming and fruit growingselection pt teed and plants breedingpflite stock extermination of pests

judging the value and proportionsfertilizers treatment of soils and the

of trees and plantsrecommend that u law bd passed

SUihoHxlng the board pf county commis sipnera 6t each county to employsuca agricultural and

when In their judgmentIt VoW bis1 P dp jo andwhea dee 6d to

iat Sucl-iSlartMttlatir could eBdeif valualile

practical lesson In

W iek ef ii choPl work also

Isif ce isS M il work Tietaw-

lmi l











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Moving Pictures Will Be OfOyster and Naval Stores


Tallahassee Floridas oyster andnaval stores industries will be snownin the movies This is the firstmoving picture to be made of this lbdustry and will compose over 600 feetof film and portrays from the virginforest to the manufactured productready for market The following sceneswere produced

I Long leaf pine forest from whichspirits of turpentine and rosin aremanufactured

2 Panorama of turpentine farmshowing barrels of rosin m foreground

3 Hacking placing gum cup andchipping virgin tree

4 Gum dripping into cup6 Dipping gum from cup and placing-

in dip bucket6 Emptying gum into gum barrel7 Panorama of boxed trees ready

for scraping8 Scraping A piece of scrape9 Emptying scrape from scrape box

into tempo barrel10 Loading gum and scrape into tur

pentine wagon11 Charging still12 Distilling turpentine13 Placing strainer over rosin vat

lined with cotton batting14 Discharge of rosin from still15 Dipping hot rosin from vat to

barrel16 Woods rider and workmen17 Burning dross from

still18 Cooper at work making rosin

barrels19 Placing glue in turpentine bar

rel to prevent leaking


City or Eustis Will Celebrate NatalAnniversary Of Father Of

The Country

Eustis From all indications Eustlswill have one of the most successfulcelebrations February 22 in its his-

tory Contracts have been signedwith various attractions some ofWhich will remain jn Euetis throughout the week following Washingtoasbirthday A balloon ascension witlratriple parachute drop has begirt securv-ed for both morning and evening

the evening ascensipn

Sereonat of op fixpsir-leaced man The programstet qt airship spacUV features not In the line ot theStereotyped display Usually seen in afireworks celebration there will besome exciting features In speed

aa there have come td thesewaters some speed boats capable ofmaking thirty to miles anhour and better and these will contest for a prize that to be offered

program committee planning-to have something every minute pftime so that there be no possibil-ity of the visitors having a dull timeSpecial trains are being arranged forfrom surrounding towns with a sched-ule that permit all to stay and setthe program from start to finish

Plant City Baby ShowPlant City Plant City boasts of

having more pretty bright happy ba-

bies and interesting well developedchildren than any other city in thestate and feels so justly proud of

them that she is going to put themon exhibition in the course of severalweeks time A real live baby showwill be here under the auspices-of the ladles of thetery improvement who areplanning a most delightful afternoon-for the people of arideroUs hosts of visitors who will besure ti come to take in such an


Bound For PensacolaKey West The torpedo boat de-

strpyers Flusser and Reid arrived andremained a few days for coal and water and Supplies The Preston wailremain Tortugas for the presentas no further movements have beenstated Sailing last Week were the subsroute to Tampa where they remained-for one day and tljen proceeded tPensacola company with the parentship Prairie which sailed earlier andmet the submarines The Prairie ftby way of the Ship Channel and thesubmarines went out the NorthwestChannel

State Fafr CharterThe iorM State

Fair AiapcKtloii now bids fair to b4permanently rganlied about Marcjand with this organization the statewill have takes that

not e matched by any Other a-

4ert WBK In The charterraittwis taking its Wee tor it wantWfefl car fni OMttlM erginlMtloa hi

It k c

and capping

or refuse


h icr t i r iee


bo t-



Q klan Cerno

Jaeftion 1

O l1plet St




ltAla at Itrevytirks bderi charge



Plant City nuns



a stepwilt


thebeat tkaC anyateks-eeda1Oa evWWorked

will be recoctiiee1-ar the Tdeal ens foe











Played in America Thousands of

Years Ago

Explorers Have round Ruins of Ball

Court In Yucatan With Proof

That the Natives Had TheirNational

is not asnew of popular Impa-tience to have someone stet some-thing as some people may thinkNeither is for a living astrictly modern invention

In fact thotlsandg of years ago waydown in Yucatan impatient crowdsaround inball parks yelled themselveshoarse beat one another in the backand threw their feather headgear intothe arena In theenthusiasm of the moment just as wo are doing today

Also there doubtless were Ty Cobbwhose skill In batting and fieldingwas such that they could attord to holdup the management occasionally for afew more hundred jaguar skins a yearby threats to quit professional balland go

or course the game was not exactlybaseball But the point Is that it wasa ball game that were regularball parks or that therewere professionals who played thegame forwhat there was in it tothorn Mayhap the medium of ex-

change took the form of Jaguar skinspounds of cacoa fancy feathers orWhat not but it was money all thesame and tliey could buy with it atthe club or In the market place asthe case might be

They had their peculiar systems ofslang too atleast in some parts of

the Americas which translated intoEnglish means about as muclwto us asours would to them

All of which Is brought out by MrFtanklln Adams in his story

Games In Latin America inthe Monthly Bulletin of theican Union That the bAn game is anancient institution in the Americasmay be gathered from the following

The ball game indigenous to theAmericas Perhaps the flret

fwd true sport in catchingtb cocoanuts tpaged from the tallpalms It lsthat several

years ago the game hade ni Mate

outOn clearing away the matted forests

enveloping these marvelous ruins ballcourts were disclosed near the mostsacred temples and from the

hieroglyphics and plctographs or-namenting the walls much was learnedof the complicated character of thesport

Centuries after the passing of theseMyas came the first Spanish






event iB t


a a y Daw aw awlan





Pan Amer



certain thou-

sand balkmoment

f tY dYucatan a










explorers who found that a youngerrace in contiguous territory theAztecs had revivedtho old pastime into a National game with a stone

God of Sport beaming on everycourt

The peculiarity of these early gameswas that the ball when In play wasnot thrown with the hand but struckby the hip around which the playerwore a protecting pad of leather

At each end of the court was a greatstone disk with a hole the centerand through this orifice the ball wasdriven before a point was scoredVery naturally a lively ball wasused rubber trees dominated-the forests

Old chroniclers marvel at the skilland endurance of the players for agame Was seldom won under tourhours of constant play Such exhaustIrig contests with a dozen participants-In almost constant action were not foramateurs but professionals Thusfrom the Aztec word olll signifyingball came the word Mollonqui One

who plays ball for a living

Another form of ball game Is playedby the Indian tribes of the Cudularyriver region In the wilds of Brazil Acarefully leveled field lies In front ofthe malokas or large communalhouses and dally at five oclock themen returning from the days fishingor in the acomplicated game like that of theearly Mexican but one calling for ahigh degree of skill as two balls areused by the players who drive themwith the hands toward their oppo-

nentsYellow tail feathers of the Yapoo

bird are affixed to the rubber balls foraccuracy

The Araucanlan Indians of southernChile play an ancient game with wooden balls driven by woMen clubs Ina clearing 300 by 75 yards inclosedby cut branches of trees these Indiansplay chueca which greatly resembleslacrosse orfield hockey The game isplayed from childhood and the playersacquire great skill and the matchesdraw large crowds

The calls for great endurance-and while generally played inthreehour periods several days havebeen known to pass before a decisionwas reached

During the play it la not unusualto player cry Ant 1 not a realoak or Is he not a lions leg

I after a brilliant stroke Such s AraucaiJlaa slang 7-

he wealthyMrsl gcadsonJYes answered the larvenue 8fie

told me I was occupying her Louis IVroom but I dont see why she wantedto tell me that for for afterwardslearned that Its the room occupiedby young Mr Scadeon when hes athome

Munster province Ireland contains360162 hogs


metwos or




Ue ceoe i stftb






City Man Was Right Enough as toSeason for Tapping Trees But He

Got No Sugar

He had toiled and scraped andsaved for years and the other day bebought that little farm in the country relates the Pittsburgh DispatchHe was not quite settled yet when hecalled on his neighbor to say

Of course I never farmed muchOf course replied Uncle

with a smileSo I shall have to askYou shallYou see I have got five acres ot

woodland-I doI shouldnt have bought the far

but for that woodland-NO

It has been of our dreamsyears past to make our maplesugar

YesAnd now that we are here at last

I want to ask you If this is the seasonfor tapping the trees

Why yes this Is the season allright but

ButBut you havent got a durnod

maple on the farm and there aintore within five miles of us

Face to FaceSuddenly they found themselves

Just as our story opens face to facein the ditch

You hetion almost disguising the cloveshis breath

It was some moments before eithercould speak for hiccoughs

Then he stuttered softly Youshe mumbled

They leaned toward each other asthough the end of their noses weremagnets Instead of rosy headlights

Then he bawled You yShe also had found her voice JfYou sheOh remorsefully this Is

wrong of usShe sighed acquiescence and they

partedForgive them reader They had

been divorced only a weeki

Anyhow Ho TriedThe dinner was given by a colored

man named e and thoguest of the evening GeorgeWashington Green chiefthe little church that White occasion

said and at Us Ufr nsjtebegan to carve the caickeni TiflnDeacon Green became lacetious

Brudder White ha smilingly re-

marked do dat nexdo neighbor otryoua keep chickens

No sah came the prompt reot Mr White as he deftly

wing butho try to keepem





t t


I strongon


he said


fllifl 1 t Qua1T l rc







tor advicehave it r






firwas t


Bde-1TOracec 1y

loose awell roastedhard nufi










A Royal

isheH by King Com fp hungry millions

Post bashesi

choice bits of white Indian corn perfectlycooked andwonderfully delicious

food that towers like the Palmabove of the ordinary breakfast

7 morning noon ormilk cream or juices

come inpackages direct rom

the to you

o inGrocey for Post Toasfies

7S r dOo


tl hit 1-

f tThat y




fre edr

A i t-


uJf j5 j






A t

near foods

night with t 4

Tea s read to eat4yf r



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