Timed Test Cases Generation Based on MSC-2000 Test Purposes

Timed Test Cases Generation Based on MSC-2000 Test Purposes Abdeslam En-Nouaary and Gang Liu Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Concordia University Montréal, Québec, Canada November 2, 2004


Timed Test Cases Generation Based on MSC-2000 Test Purposes. Abdeslam En-Nouaary and Gang Liu Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Concordia University Montréal, Québec, Canada November 2, 2004. Introduction Overview of Conformance Testing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Timed Test Cases Generation Based on MSC-2000 Test Purposes

Page 1: Timed Test Cases Generation Based on MSC-2000 Test Purposes

Timed Test Cases Generation Based on MSC-2000 Test Purposes

Abdeslam En-Nouaary and Gang Liu Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Concordia University

Montréal, Québec, Canada

November 2, 2004

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Timed Test Cases Generation based on MSC-2000 Test Purposes2004-11-02


Introduction Overview of Conformance Testing Our Approach for Timed Test Cases

Generation Based on Test Purpose Conclusion and Future Works

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What is a real-time system ?- A system whose behavior is time dependent.- Example: air traffic control, monitoring medical device, multimedia applications.

Some characteristics of real-time systems?- real-time systems have complicated behaviors- failure could cost lives and huge economy damage- too much test cases generated by existing algorithms

- Testing both actions and their time constraints

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Timed Test Cases Generation based on MSC-2000 Test Purposes2004-11-02

Overview of Conformance Testing

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Timed Test Cases Generation based on MSC-2000 Test Purposes2004-11-02

Main Operations of Our Approach

Four Phases:

- Conversion of MSC test purpose into TIOA.

- Synchronous product construction

- Sampling

- Test cases generation

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Timed Test Cases Generation based on MSC-2000 Test Purposes2004-11-02

FrameWork--- 1st Variant

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Timed Input Output Automata(TIOA)

A Timed Input Output Automata (TIOA) is a tuple (I, O, L, l0, C, T), where: I: the set of inputs. O: the set of outputs. L: the set of locations. l0: the initial location. C: the set of clocks all initialized

to 0 in l0. T : the set of transitions.

A 2-Clock TIOA

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Problems Related to Testing TIOA

Executability of test cases. Infinity of time domain. Fault Model. Fault coverage. Conformance relation.

A 2-Clock TIOA

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Timed Test Cases Generation based on MSC-2000 Test Purposes2004-11-02

Message Sequence Chart(MSC)

A MSC is a structure:M = (P, S, R, A, O, T, Tx, Y), where:

- P is a finite set of instances- - S is a finite set of sending Message

events- - R is a finite set of receiving message

events- - A is a finite set of local events- - O is ordering of S,R and A- - T is set of timers- - Tx associates each timer related event

with its timer- - Y associates each pair of dependent

events with its timing restriction and duration





[ 0, 1 )

[ 0, 2 )

MSC Multimedia_System

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Converting MSC to TIOA

SIMPLE MSC assumptions

Received Msg and Send Msg -> Input and Output in TIOA

Create initial location and final location

For each event -> create a destination location

Each event is converted to a transition

Time constraints -> clocks and guards





[ 0, 1 )

[ 0, 2 )

MSC Multimedia_System

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Clock Minimizing

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Synchronous Product Construction

specification Test Purpose

Synchronous Product

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Sampling – Grid Automaton

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Traversal – Test Cases Derivation

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FrameWork--- 2nd Variant

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Sampling First

GA of specification GA of Test Purpose

Synchronous Product of GA

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Sampling with Different Granularities

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Conclusion and Future Works


- an integrated process is provided

- solves time related problems

- less test cases generated than other methods Future Works

- extend the approach to a general form of MSC

- multi instances (processes) included

- test cases expressed as Tree and Tabular Combined Notation (TTCN)