A IIEVIEW OF THIE lITUATION-TiLIE IIEMULT OF THE CONFERIENE;Eg IIELD YER1TEIIAY. For the paSt ten days there hne boon much confoionl, consideriablll di 1'IsiHn, and a great deal of wire'-pllillg in the ranks of the sov- oral orgaiinll tions opDosed to thll Democratic party as rCprelsentcd by the nominlee on the e)omocratie-Consorvatlle parisht ticket. unt the fight, endedo y')esrday, and THE NATIONALi UHAVEI WON IT, The fight has hoonl to secure tlhe colored Bo- publican vote, and 11n it have been engagqtl the Nationals, tih Citizels' Assoclatiou, and two fctlotns of Jepublitcan loaders. The Natironls at the opening of the cam- pa||an rerolved btl IndollIlSllmellr to (ft tel epubllc- aln State Centrlal Co(llmmlittce, for theiOr ticket, and subseiqueIntiv oIniifellnrllces wl're held by 1,a lon- tittel repr(s'I'lt n il tthm w'ith one represont- Ing tIhe lllttlt Ic i l 'arlit (I'onlmnittoo. TIIbno e('ll f "trPl"' r,-es.tedL in the agrenlent that. if a eortain ticket which was preparod and decided upon Iii WItas I (lllitl n((d bythey illN Ntt.Itiotnt Conveuntion, tle epulbllcean vote of the par- fib, so far a4 I 11 i could bo lcontrolled, would be cast for that ticket. It Isor ratlhrhlw beoon contendod that tlhe ticketl, as atgrlod L•ovn was not•l nominated; thalit several chanlll woren mde by the National Parish Convention, and that the compact was broken. Tih faillure to nominate the entire ticket gave grounds for considerable oppositlon to the Nationlll l n)ominho( e IlandI to thil•action of the lRepublican Partsh C(nlmmlitt lu in indorning the report of their conforeotle committle. of which, by the way, it may be remarked. iI. U. Dibble walts cihat rman. The peprl, of the National party in tile DEl.MO- WRAT,gitV all addlitionaland llubstantial grollund for the oppositionl to work ulpon. The attI,,n- tlon of colored wirld IlheI rsItand colored vote'rs was called It thll falct thalt, ti NatiotItal party WIIs an ofTsihot (of the Native Americanlts and the Bed Warriors, or 'ilight \Vhttes," and that. the latter orgilnizltl on excludltld colored meln. In the midst of thefillght the i(t1/mnl' Conser- Vative A•5ociaitiion pIut in an IipploearllneO, an11(d the opositioll r•Icliveld tl~eIm with op1en arltn,. and used thelhir infllulennl to, anud sll'co00o(dd In soeuring the indolrement by severalrl Itooublt- oan clubs of the Citizens' ticket, The opprsltiou became formildable enlough to excite the fears of those (Custon-iilot0o loa)d- ore who favored the National ticket and another conferonce between the two originual commit- toos wis arrtangeld. The meltitng wats hold ait No. O9 Canal street on Monday, ndl it it two eomtnittoes of live each, one rpIresllnt illg til National patIl:y aInd the otilIer ]the Hopublean party, lwere appointod to initerview the roLepresentatilvo of the Citlz.enls' Assoolation. TMIIl 1NTt'RtVIEW was hold the same eovonnlg lit No. rt (tamp reet, and bIotlih illntttoos wore informed Ily ir. Litonl (. LvY, ll lrmlan, t thtl, t1h assotL- tion of whlch he was tihe heald ltould not and Would lnot otlll r Into ilegotllationll with thollm as :the lepreselr ltlativ'5 of parties. The conlmmlttes withdrew. and yesterdaly, ANOTEltI1t MEETTIN(. held at No. ft) Canal street, submitted Ihoir re- port, Tullo meetoin lltt nl from 12 Io'l1cnk until aloul 4:41, the opposDitIon hInlug ropresenotld, alnd through thoeir lWnts m l nlllkllt I gOodl aInId, Iogl dying hard. But thy did dlie. aind are buried. THllr AIlatUMIENT'' nsed were In sullstncel anlld l'tIt as follows: Tho olosithlon lglain ahlled aLttention to tih Native Anrhlls i(andI the 111Ight Whites, antld IshOWedl their 11onn1ectllon with the Na- tionals; and thi "'plarty 111'" spoke of lthe ae- tion of the (Cilti'lns' ColIlittlel in1 refilsing to receive or liliae any pr)opsisttoll) tio the com- mittios i s r(•( ol1nIiltives (1 Llof arties. The neellt ndg ilou rlnd will:tult reaching atny conchluion, tiharily Iattelr the aldjournlntIOlll. however, the l•epubliean Parist Commilittee met. and "-() RI/ITrl(:I ED" the opposition by ndopltiilg a resolution indors- aingthe National 1ticket A DEMoInRAT roepoltr lnst evening saw some of the prI'linei1 nilt ilmogll the "kickerr.' who admittd that thy had 1 een beatton lnd said that they wore bounilld to follow the dictates andobloy the Illm aallilll5t oftheir purty, it the same time they said tIltO Iho colored Rtl'publlcan voto of thoe larish elll not l itoally grat oxtont in- fluetlocid Ior moat roItlld by tIh 1not1 iont of the Par- ish Comnllitte. Illld th ov distrliuted that vote as follows, ulttingthlcI total at 12,at ): Four thol- sand to tihe N tilioals, 4000 to the Citizens and 4000 Ilotlllig. As may 1Id lnigilned, the Nationals were JIllI,hANT over the rtorult, inl last, nlight their Parnis (Jommittee met for eongrtratlnatonf and for tile purpol-: of takinlg lnt on regarding thllose no- nees on thloer Ilckot who have not paid their tiSIIlIllrtelt. A fter solmile little diIsenAt [ion a Dpo- citi e In olnlittOe of h r t Wi th W appointed to aet. i11 Conjunllctiol with tih asessmelint commltl,Oe. and the two iworn Ilutorized7l, in tho event of ia nominel not i, paying I ni/le'Hmonlt on domulnt, to pull down 111 linltillie ulnd ult that of ai in- dividual who would Income to limt. TI1i AIIDREliH of "(lho fourth ward lipnbllinnsl to the Inpulb- lieiln votorl of the lourh wiard " InIdoringl the Clllizens' lhcket, igneId by "11. P. Wheolor president."n . d"ll. C. (. Alwood. -lertlltr', of Ithe enolnlllllto on addil Io-P. hall exitteod eon- sideorablo (iiellnlll flt. On l his point It isl nlelce•- sanry to laiy tlh it ViWheler from the P1ri' ih l'Prisin laItI night ulit rv mstd it -III dh to the publi stilt in that ho and 1iin lillnmattlti were un1• uthorizoi to reprelnlt tII liepll a tllllll' v()or of the ward. After it IereIIflIl Fllrvly of th illltuation t ap- pealrs safo to l(ay tlllat oil election day thelro will In theo lohl. T'l reuri'lr lDetooratll lIt-CoIl n- sIorvativ tilt, I. theIll Iationnl tic llkt landll the Citizens' Assoellat oll ltclietl. THE TilIID WARD. A mnoting of the Glerman Demoeratic-Con- iervativo Club of Ith Third Ward was held ilast night at Turners' 11all. After the tran•lctioln of routine business se.. oral lacnLakers aldresseld the meeting. and among others Col. 1. W. IPaitton, who eoncluded hlt roenarks las follows: "HaviniV g thus shown Illt in a political gLovorli- mont pi1at1y orLganallntionlls air nltecessalry, and, ia It consequence of lthat prol)os lliion, that pRrty dlisciplln ts Lt o I 0lso'nceslary, I deiroe to say that While I am1l i part y manl., I anl not nlld icannot be lado it party to ol tol subserve private or abtly lintrests at Ith expelrt of the pub- io, otld. If anliy mnl. or llny combina- tion of mten, of lnlly eCllb. ring or clilue. im ningtis that, should I be elected Imayor. I will eonsidlr Imyself under any obligations to advilon"e their interestis, individual or coriorate, because th lilov have sluportet d 0mo for that, posi- tion, then 1 say to isuch pllrsons they l nar mis- taken in their lmaln. anlld thley h1ld bettor seratleh my IInmO on hlWetion day. With this under- stnandin I shall b io lo't hilUppy to have your vot'es and thlose of alny othlir class of my follow- itlzeUns., and 1 say to you that, should you o•hoosHo nltl ath chief magnlistrate of youlr city, I will l4evote my best efforts and nil my ability to tadvl1nco tih interests of thie whole pDopl•, without. regarld to rae- or condition." Mr. Isaineso n tlll ion made 11 practle spcoehi, at the conlluslitot of which the following resolu- tion wiis aldoplted UUnLlltouslllly: l'tsh'li. Thati the Gornia Club of the Third Ward do1s indrstlerl anid will suipport the D)emo- ltrati-Conllservlative ticket on the fifth of No- vembeilir. lis,,l'rild. That those resolutions be publishld In tho Now Orleanls DiEaocIIIAT anud t11he I ;r ln111 SMIFFLINM ON POLITICS. Smifllins. after having tenderly nursed his doctor for two days, has now quietly, expedi- tiously and conscient iously steamed him over to the Stygt an shore. Proud of his success in the nurslng lit i. alndl with his recent victoriou- wrestle with Yellow Jack. Smilliins sneers at his foe, and boldly lauunhes into the discussion of political questions. ts will be seou by the fol- lowing occurrence: Our reptorter went to Smif- flins' house yester.tay and walked stealthily to- wards Smifllins' room. so as to surprise him. }le wa stanlling In ,he millei, of the roonm. with his hands in his tlnts titckots. his Ifith tiucit"'r t id tiy I[ iellt 1iw nl Ollttllr- moutiv whistling 1of " hol. Emmn," and his ey.s pen"`sively rlV'tid in a kinit of hrowl study 1on four liv'ly ftlits thalt were chasiig eacth other atlrtively on ilth lbridge of Ilih tose. Kno\wing t1h11t EldiAtn hel mnade his greatest discoveries fronm nl)os5 trillin, causes. tla re oorter without 'Iv noise, took a iosition by the side of Sumi flins. who seemed perfectly LtlCoussCious oif a St. ng;! presncIl e. "Yes." thle 't m: n w as murmurilllltirt. "that fly with thb grey st.iptes on its back and green eyes, represents thei leir uitliailn crowd. The other one h I umllpll• ,'k.d and elow. minus one hind leg, is the Nationaul tpart. 3 he little bluo and gre e n sptccin•lll is ' .tllbalt's concern, while that other chao !iddling at the end of my nose a•Ix tryilng to I'hibse the humpback, is the rt i- resentative of tht Citizen' ticket. [Our xe- porter wene al oyes and oars.] tluppose, re- sumrned mtflmins wlnkinmi with both eyes. be- cause thoe fiddler was trying to inspect the in- terlor or Iih• lnsal O'rall., suPtl nA se that my nose sa the Democratcl party (sublime idea), teho"e ,t It|' m ilunrrtit t," ost't aire to mo tihe m- bodiment of thoe opposition crowd. They are all chasing after each other.but cannot agree to set- tle all in one definite place on my nose because hI hry ate toro Iticli st and fly away when one rubs lie other. Well. now. still assuming that my proborls is the Democratic party, I only have to sInnee anld shakn my head-tnen phew l away they scamper, cacli going its way never to mieet again. That's whet I think." Suiting thire action to the word, 8mlfllins had the vleas- ure to see his prediction verified, and the re- porter sltpped out without having been no- ticedi by thgreant man. Let the oulleic ondter over Hmlfmllus' Idea, which may, after all, con- voy some hidden beneflelal meaning. THE CITY IIALL. The Transfer of the Insmane-The snale of the 1Mtarket Revenues lor One Year. CONTRIBUTIONS. Mayor Pislitury reo'lvod still another dona- tion yesterday from Mayor Hlopper, of Jersey Oity. N. Jw amountlng to $441, and another also of sio from Mayor Doyle, of Providence. It. I.. boeig wontributions of the potplo of the cities named for the relief of the sufferers by the fever. ANOTHIER mtLUN)iitR. Mr. P. II. Itolloy, agent for the contributors of 1 reenvillo, S. 8.. writcs to Mayor Pilubury that a rumor has been circulated in that part of the country that the colored people "have boon loft to die in negleoot, and that funds sent have boee usel oentirely for the whites." Mr. Il0lly adds tihat the colored people of Oreenvylle have Ilhtorally contributed to the funds contributed by tlhat town, and that whilst he Is satisfied that the rumor iewithout the eIPst foundation, he wishes Mayor Pilsbury to send him atn official denial of the infamous charge. Our Mayor will in due time answer Mr. ellley's letter, and will also take tih occasion to transmit to him ru soon as practicable a copy of the report of each of our benevolent associations, whic will of themnselves be sRullclent videncelo ttat the How- ard. the Peabody. the Young Men's Christian and other nssorlations have made no distinc- tion of color in the ministrations. CHrANCE FOR AN INVESTMENT. Among the Mayor's correspondence the fol- lowing business letter is found: Anruo, Ala.. October. 28, 1H78, To thie ity Marshel of Now Orleans, La: tr. Mr.thlrr,. H'it-You will pleas seeoo some hol sal merclount and tell them to Writ to me Wihat is the lest I can glt the Best Coffey at for the money. I Wish to Buy and I want to hter B fore I By. 1 Do not know no PI'rson their for that. IRtsoen I writ to you, yours truly W. P'. Kitth. l)y leeot to argo Po.. Jefferson Co., Ala. TTIE COUNCI,~ MEET'rI.N(I. At the eeooting of the City Council yesterday a two very important resolutions were aidorted. one of them relates to the abolition of the Cit. y Insano Asylum by authorizing the Mayor to on- s ter into such agreement as lie may dooeem ad- vlsable regarding the charge of the insane now. or that may hereafter become the charges of the 8 city. The agreement is to be submitted to the it City Council boeoreo flual action. From what I has beoo gathered from timer to time by ',ur re porter at tihe City hall, concerning the Iniane a Asylum. it ls apparentt that the efforts of Mayor p P'lilhury and Adminilatrators MeOaiffroy and a Oavanac to better the condition ot the demoenled and oever their connection with politics , will soon be brought to a close. After a many months of conslderation, It, is bellved, o we rndersttand, that the SItsterr of the Loitsi- anla IRetreiat who have enlarged their inttlllu- tion, will take the inrmates of the asylum at iomlpenHnatlon not exceeding the present ruin- ninig expenses of the City Asylum, Ilffl'dling c tholn at the samen time, hetor lquarers and il treatment than the, can now have. THIIE MAIKEiT REVENUE, n The resolution authorizing the salo of the r revenues of the city markets for one year, ho- gintllliln on t.he first of Januntry next, is sleg- goated, we, also understanld, by a destiro on the part of the administration to pay the polico, I school teachers and other employees of the g eity as far as possible for the present year. The av''rago amount derived from time sale of the markets is about, t15,000 per month, which, even at that prico, would , bring in $1ao.000 for the yo ar. But it, is betlieved that more can be obtained by selling , by the year than by the month. There are ius2,rOu0 still due on those market revenues to the t State Nationan Bank, which would leave a round i sum of t100,000 to tay the monthly rollR of the l city employees, amounting to about Sil o0to each a month, This sum, togetlher with the taxes and licones., which are naturally expected to come In with the revival of businnes in November it and December, will. it Is hoped. be sunficient to i pay the half of July. August, 8titenmber and Octobert, still due, and the full months of No. , rtdmbor and December. d This course, while It will assist materially all the salaried ofllcers of the city, will not it is thought, interfore with the worklungs of the coming administration, which will have the sale I, of city rallroadl fralinchiRs and wharf revenuns , to carry it through, rin aIdvintage that tith prros- t eint city admlnistration did not have, but who. on the cont rary. went into office with a debt of a over 5270,0o.0 left, by their prodecossors. V THE HEXTON CAsm. i The oase of Sexton Galleaglor was taken up 0 alftr tilh routlln tbusintess of the Conuncil. Ini the ahbsnc'e of Dr. Taylor. the sceretary of the i Board of Iloalih, deeolmed an essential witness Iy in the case, Admiuistrator DiLamond asked per- missIon ,o Introduce Mr. Van Hlooten, who. hi. - in swor. saidll that during It converlsation with c I)r. Taylor on tt o subj•nt of the charges madi c against Mr. Gallagher, lhe (Dr. Taylor) had told it witne-s that. he had tositively informed Mr. f (allagher that slhoulld he (Gallagher) r-move It t bodty Irom ia vault or tomb to another wituhotit a p'enmilt from the Boliard of Health, sch an iact would entail the prosecution of Mr. Gallaghor. On motion, itt was agreed that the evidence c did not. substantiate the charge.aund the case was dis misseti. THE eARtnAcE QUESTION. Mr. MOfaffroey having off-rod a i• olutlon to t i,ring the garbage question before the City I Counitl. Mayor Piltatry took occasionto say that if he had not brought the r--port of lho I omnlnmissioners before the Cournil, it was bo- 1 cause the investigation was not authorized by that body. but made simply att the individual request of Mr. McCaffrey. Desldes. in his opin- 1 ion. he thought that the commissioners' reoort covrred grounds beyond tile luestion at issue. Mr. Diamond exoressed it as his opuv Ion that the Council could not very well take cognizance i of the matter, unless the appoiutment of the commission should be at least flrst confirmed a by the Conincll. f After further exrhange of views the Council r adopted tie resolutiorn and the matter was or- drtred to lio over for a weeok. It is Mr. McCaffroy's intention to present a couonter statement to the Connil when the re- port shall come before that body. CUSTOM-HIOUI E NOTES. AssistantUnited States District Attorney Our- I ley hlut about concluded his investigation of the McAlester case. The heirs of twenty, out of I the twenty-eight employees who wore lost on the boat. have proved their claims. The act of Congress under which the invosti- gation is held. authorizes the payment of one year's salary to the widow, children. father or mother of each of those lost. TIHE PUGIo WAREIItOUSE opens to-day as bonded warehouse No. 2. class 3. United States Marshal Wharton says that he has received no communication from the Attor- ney General in reference to the employment of deputy marshals at the comlng election In this State. except a dispatch which was forwarded in answer to his requisition for funds to pay his force to this city on election day. The following notice has been issued: COLLECTOIn' OFFICE. October 29, 187,. The customs offices at this port will be closed on Friday, first proximo. All Saints' Day. at 11 o'cloeg a. m. Bonded warehouses will remain ot,*n and discharging inspnctors on duty, as usual. GEO. L. SMITH, Collector. IMPORTANT TO PILANTERS.--Mssrs. John B. Lafitto & Co.. No. 1,1 Gravier street. are offering fr sate, in lots to stilt purchasers, the cele- brated Grip Tie at $1 73 per bundle, and where large orders are receioved a liberal discount is madet. The Grip Tie has given such general satisfaction that it is hardly necessary to say that it is ,ueo of the very best ties ever manufac- tured. See card in another column. For families visiting Phi'adelphia, no more cozy. home-like quarters, combhined with excel- lent service. unexceptional trisinr, and mode- rate pricod can be found than a: the Colonnade Hotel on Chestnut street. Register ! Register ! Regalter It will bh gord news for those anxious to reat'h tho proper traininic so indispensable to teachbers, to hear that the Peabody hormal Seminary will be reopened on the second of November next. A regular notice in the proper column gives full particulars concerning the we!come fact. TILE NINTHI WARD. A ROUSING MEETING, WITR SEVERAL DI[TINqlUIRFIEI) SPEAHERS. The Ninth Ward Central D)etnocrat.io Con- servative Club met last night at their wigwam. on reoat men street, near Elmlra. Presldent F. Duderlnhofer In the chair. Mr. Philip Munch, the secretary, being sick. Mr. Edward Dab=on was aVpolnted to nct in his stead. There were fully 1to members, a good attendance, present. Mr. W. II. Allen, commissioner of election, ro- por tLd the total reglstration in the ninth ward to be: white', 182; blacks. rs0.. MR. TECJIIHMAN, being called upon for a rseech, came forward and said: As the nominee of this ward for the Legisla- ture I will do all in my power to promote the interests of the workiugmen, to whose body I belong. I am in favor of reform and entirely againsI, all monopolois. especially the Loulsl- ana Statte Lottery. I call uvoon my (Grman frlends to vote the straight Demooratio ticket. Loud calls being made, for MR, FITztERAlDAt, the colleague of Mr. Stechman. Mr. Fitzgerald stepped torward, and said: "My colloeagu and myself will work for those who have elected us, We are not lawyers, to strain at line points. but will try tI do the best;. The Dl Iocratic ilat- form is g'ood; we ought to Indorse it. '1 ho pr mlium bontl ystenm iould be left to the Administrators to be changed. if it is inju- rious to us. In answer to Dr. Briekell's ques- tions as published in the I)MoNOURAT ar to the payment of the debt, 1 will say that the city can- not pay, having no money. I and my colleague oppose the license system. Every employee of the city ought to be paid punctually if there is anone y. but; if there is no cash. it will be hard to get labor oni promises to pay. Mr. Fitzgorald then spoke about the inter- view betwoon himself ntd the DnEMOCRAT re- porter as already publlshed, and reitorated all he had said In the revert. "This Is I think." he concluded. "enough trlking. Weo nreed work. and that work will be done by my colleagun and myself in the Legis- laturo." [ApDlause.] The president stated that Hon. W. Stevenn. th Second District senatorial nominee, was Ill and unable to attend thoe meeting, butt htad reqruestod him to road the following address: NEw ORrRANs, Octobor 29,, 1875. To the President and Meombers of the Ninth Ward Democratic Central Club: tjnthleta,rn.n-Although not officially notifled of the fact, I have hear d that,. at your last meeoting, ri desire was expressed that I should be vresent at your next mneting (to-night). and gtvo pono expression of my views relative to to the vlatforms of the State and parish conventions, recently Itdopted, and to define to some extent my views and position relative to the subject-matters of 81!nlo. I regret that it is impossible for me to nrattend your meeting to-night, and theorefore beg to submit, lo writing what I should have to say were I present in person, viz; In the event. of my clctloti as a membetr of the Sernate. I shall take my seat, nalodged at d under no oblilgations to any ring, monopoly or individual. in any way. shape or manner. I t will be my e•rnest ondtleavor, both person- ally and In connection with my collehagues. to promo o tle interests, and wolfaro o1f iltii con- tlituancy which I mary rporiot.ot, taklug tirs the ba•s1 anld iainLs iD rig of miy yctionls the views. rrin iples and ldeas enun•Iated in the platform and Tadress of the Statlniand itaristch oonvenRtions of l•7s, All of which I cordially Inldorse. lBt y iaccept.an and indorsementll of the Baton ]ougeno andl New Orleansl• tlatforms, I ex- press any o)pposttion to all monopolies anli laws detrilmntal to thei interests of the State and city. or to the morals of the rtnoplo. As regard' the Loui-ianta Lottery C(nrltmpany mronopoly I express my opposition to thatas I do to other monopolloies. oiinro tfew days ago, when intervlewed by it representative of the It)erOtOniAT. I statet., nll effect. that I was persotaily, and as ia membrer of the Leglslat.uirn, opposed to Ill lotlorlies. Io- 'lieving thoem to hilve mottlre or less a demnoraliz- ing tendency. and that I considered them. as a genoeral tlllig. to eli intl itlded in that class of practie's which are termred "contrary to good nioralls," and which legshlatiton for upwards o a cntulry has boon comparatively unable to RltDprOe or do away with. I have hoeard recent- ly a rumor that I was in some wray connected with, or under thl influence of tihe Lottery Compsny. I gladly avail myself of this oppor- tunity to state, most plalnly antd emphatically. thIat I not nor have I over been connected with that instltution in any way. shape or urin- nor. I have already expressed myself as being in levor of ia constitutiOllotl convention, andi i ,sing opposed to what is known as the MofiTtt 1 igl'ster law. Should a new city chartOr be presented, n which, in its provisions is manifestly more con- t tucive to the intemests of the city than that under wuich we are now working, it will have c my earnest support, and I should favor all eOettureo looking to the direct employment of lab r by oilty offlicals. and of all general provi- ions calculated to work a reduction of taxa- tion. 1 consalder the present: license system as detri- mental to progress and industrial advancement. particularly to that portion of the people who ro required to pay a heavy license whilst operating on a cotnparnatrivly small capital. I am unquesItionably in favor of the nlffTairs of both the city and State being condUoted on the lowest possible basis of expenditure, consistent with a proper and an efficient administrtitlon of their respecive governments, and should consider it advisable to fix the a ompensatilon of constitutional elective anid app)ointive ollfoers and all their employees at sunl rates as may he fairly remulnertive, roaeonable and just for the character of services p•rforlmed and responsl- bllities assumed and Incurred. and to pay the same in cash ait stateid intervals. in conclusion I lbg to say that it shall he my t constnt offot t to advanice. foster and dUvel',p the resources, interests and welfare of the eonll stitla ney which I may represent, and I desiro to he guided by their impiled or expressei wishes in all matters in which their interests are involved, and in which it may bQ my privi- leo to represent them. I beg to thank you, gentlemen, for your kind- ness in affording mn thits opportunity of ex- pressing my views and defining v t)oslt lon. ]respoctfully. WLL TIfVEN. The conclusion of the s•Oeec• was received with great applause. MAJOR HENRY .1. IglIhAN. candllato for Administrator of Commerce, be ng called, said: ly many addresses to you in this very hall, and my position as a citizen, speak as to my future conduct. It is impossible for any one nominee to say what he is going to do if elected, without a consultation with his col- leagues, because clrcumstanees could rise whicth would prove hint an unwilling liar. I will comply with all the duties of my omfle-- shall never go beyond my duty. I am opposed to onerous taxation and ordinances detrimeAtal to the poodle. What are monopolies ? There's the Slauglhterhouse, first: then the Gas Com- pany, the biggest monopoly of all. I am in favor of paying the laborer what is justly owing to him, and I am opposed to the contract system. There are about 15,00t people out of employmont In this city, and next to getting rid of the incubus of the dreaded yel- low fever, the most salutary thing for the work- ing classes is the abolition of the iniquitous contract system. As an Individual I shall state ,hat I have never put down the laborers. as sov- 3ral parties have falsely stated. My political status is known. I have always opposed the National alliance and the National party, as be- fore you many a time I have stated. MR. WASHI MARKnS, candidate for Administrator of Assessments, was introduced to the meeting by Major Bohan. Mr. Marks. referring to his past business career, wherein he has always consulted the interest of those depending upon nim, said. that he would make no promise, but would work in theointerest of reform, which cannot be atcomplished in a day. "I am sure," he con- tinued. "that the Democratic Legislature, com- posed of honest and upright men, conscious of their duties towards an overburdened community, will pass measures of reform and justice. I believe that the bondholders must also be made to bear a little of the burdens of the people. About the duties of my office. you all know that I am hampered by restrictive laws, It will be my earnest endeavors to call the at- tention of the Legislature to the fact that the property in New Orleans is assessessed $100.000,00 taxes. while in the whole State it is only $,00ooo.- 000oo. It is evident that the disproportion must be done away with. Assessments ought to be made lower, and property assessed to its legitimate value. The speaker next denounced the National party and the Property Holders' Association. The latter, said he. is composed of probably sixty men. and are the property holders of the whole city. The president himself has no prop- erty to speak of. The Citizens' Association, I am sorry to state. may create a split in our party. Several of those very men have admitted to me. after all. that the Democratic ticket was better than theirs. Tho-e pretended reformers n ever exposed their grievances before the Odd Fellows' Hall con- vention, but held aloof until all was over, and then made up a ticket against us. MIR. JOHN FITZPATRICK, candidate for Criminal Sheriff, next spokein his accustomed forcible style, and concluded by ex- h"rting his hearers to vote the solid, straight I)omocratlc ticket. Mr. Davn Moise was called upon and, in his usual happy style, entertained the meeting for a short time. Mr. Mahoney, it man of the people, sunceeded Mr. Molns antal mdle rau address which, as he said, "slowed that he was not , t poltical speaker, but a iplaln man with a good deal of horse nsense." Mr. Isancson. the nominee for Administrator of Finaneo, said: "We all go into o0tlle under most ullavorable circullstn ces, with It city deobt of s2o,oos.co, an unpaid corps of employe's, and the revenues of the city already sold. We arer anxious, if it Is in thecity's vower. to settle all debts we regard all alike, and we are rep- resentatives of thie Democratic party. I refused some time ago to sign tihe call of tih• Citizens' Assoclation when requestoed to do so by a comtniitoee of gentlemen. bonainse I told thorn that as a nmember of the Htat Orntrarl (Co mittee it would be very indlolliate one my part, to coutmtonance a movement which t cold aftrr- wards assume other Vroportions. I am glad that I did not slgn, When Mr. Isaacson had concluderd, the moot- ing adjourned. ------ ***---- GEN. PATTON'S LETTER. To the Editor of the Democrat: There seaom to Ire agreot dealof surrprise evlneod at the action of Col. Patton in declinuig I he indorsement of tie Cltiszons' Conservative party. It may prove an impolitic action. It is true. but I think it is the only thing under the rir. culmstanc•s that the gentlerman could have done consistently witI his prlinipolos in a Democrat, Ito is a member of the 8tate Central Demo- cratic and Conservative Committee, and a nominee of that party, and yet is now expected to abandon his party principles and the allogi- aneo he owes to thant party. Butl the objection Is raiserl, "that Col. Patton refuses the vote of the (!Uon.eratires, becriause he declinosltheir lidosrement." Not at all. fiH is the nominee and exponent of the Democratic and ('o4rrtrvatier otemllrnt. and ias sucrh in alroneady the candnidhttl of those very ten, i f thery tire, as they say, (;onrsrvatives. Thornfore, tiny subrsetuent irndorsement is suneriluonts. Now, If tirhe (flt,enrz ' Conservative party has soon proper to make another t(icket and indorse his nomination on the Denmoeratic-Conserva.- tive ticket, that is tall very well : but when he lp called lupon to ar'ntpot or deollin that Indorse- mont, s comnllg from a politiatrl organizatloni which 1s onposed to thl;Dr)lmnoratitr-Conserva - tive parnty I talte it that he is In duty bound to dellnre. in other words, he is obliged to sup- port In toto tihe palrty that.t Rupport) s hiln, andt whlos•r Ilntlnation hri ar!certs, to thie exctRlusionI of all other partise. This is one of the nooes- starily fundramntamtl lprinciples which gives solidit y to party. I myelli'OIf, Ia C(nsrervltive, cannot ibut, exrpress my rdmiration for tihe tenarity Illnd manlinless with whilic Col, 'Patton tiOlta tprincitiples. and Ignores. possibly to ir hl ntdivtidarl ldeLtrirment. it policy which would lesorn him In the esteem of trirnself antd in thatof the public generally. If thlerno is nluy lndorseterrnllt-any rocnmn- mendtation t" hig l position thntt a tondidate carniaselno is thlimR upon before thie peoople. it i• now the rntr fracullty or gift of being able to distinguish hot.wmlwenrr p!rinciilples and vo,itv antt to bte dirctottled and stimulated by the fortmer rather than by the latter, At lenst., o it tropetLar to mnt. FAIl I'LAY. .. ...- ,- ........ ...-- POLICE BOARD. The Police Board mot last night, Mayor Pils- bury in the chair and a qrorum of the corn- missionors proeent. Supernumerary A. Numas. charged with nog- loot of dluty, dil not aivoar for trial, and was dropped from thile roll. i'atrolman W. Cline, charged with neglect of duty. wiRt reprimanded. W. Rtodgers, for the saInm offense, received tire samle Uunishlmont. StHlernuinlmrry A. LevY, not putting in an appooarance to In trined on a charge of neglect of duty. was drotop"d from the rolls. Patrolman J. It. Gilmore was dismissed the forom for neglect of dilluty. Wm. Crncvy. for not appuearing for trial on a charge of neglect of ditty, was dropped from the rolls. The property clerk. Mr. F. 0. Minor, made to he board his monthly r, tort of the property belonging to the ofllen, and enumerating the differoent articles missing, na well as the monoeys recorded on the index hook and not found in the safe. iHe further states In his report that he had made ia demand on his predecessor. Mr. Peter Cooley. for the property and money mtls- ing,but could notoltrtatn a, satisfactory reply. Hoe onnltdes his report by asking that the second of N, vemhrnier e set apart for the sale of the property uintlal med for t h, past six months The board, non mrotion, duelded that the salte take place under thin suporvision of the Ad- ministrator of Pollce on the day the Admin- istrator tlhou•hlt proper. A resolution was al'ered, and unanimously adooted. rono•sttng F, O. Minor, property clerk. to appear h•fre the Grand Jury and Indict his predecessor, Mr. Cooley. for breach of trust and embezzlement. SECOND DISTRICT COUIRT. RUC( IESIONS OPENrED. Augusta Dofasse and of his wife, Robt. Allen. Max Humbacker. SUPERIOR CRIMINAL COURT. NOLLIC PRLOSEQUI. A. IH. flolgrnen, breaking and entering a dwelllnrg-tlouse Land grand Ilarceny. .loS. Trou- ard, carrying toncealed weapons. Chas. Ohas, shooting with intent to eommtl murder. Mar- tin Kinney. assault by willfully shooting at. BRIIEV ITIEr. The immigrants lately arrived on the steam- shitl Frankfurt. from 11 omen, hwve taken up their quarters in diflr'ren parts of tihe city, some of them going to the worst infected locali- ties. No delays at reglrntratton oillces. CIT'I ECHOEI. H. Williams was lodged in the Harbor Station. charged with pilfering sugirr. The wharf at the hind of Blenvillo street is in a very dangerous condlitlon. John Hoahn. for assault and bhttery on his wife,was lodguedr in the Fourth Precinct Station. At 2 o'clock TIiuesdlsy morning a thief entered, Mr. Delhlondt's reslldnce, No. 205 iturLmaino street, but hiforo obtaining any booty, was frightened off. At it o'clock Mondayt night a colored man named Joe Johnson. while under the inll flen:o of liquor, was struck on the irlhead with ia tum- bler bty some unknown Darty on Franklin, between Bienvilli and Customhouse streets. Registration office open In each ward. Cuttino Affray. At 9:30 o'clock MInday night, on Josephine strilet. near the corner of Carondelet, George Stamm was out in the fact by one Thos. Max- well. It aponars the dtstiute arose over a ganme of cardss. Stemm's wounds are very slight. The accused matde his escape. Burglary. Some time during Monday night thieves en- tored the office of the Houthncestern (,'hristian Adcntlet, No. 39 Ntoehez street. ,und stole and carried away $310 in silver and an English Tranter. In the same drawer where the pistol was there was $185 in currency, which was overlooked hvy the night prowlers. The entrance was aafected by forcing open the transom over the door leading to the office. Register before the olflcea are crowded. Nurses and attendants in sick rooms, who have not had the fever use Omaha Rhubarb Wine as a preventive. For sale by I. L. Lyons, druggist. MARINE NEWM. SOUTHWEST PAss, Oct. 29. 0 D. m.- Barometer 29.75. Wind south-southwest. lght. Weather cloudy. Arrived: British schooner Conmance. Nyborg master. 12 ldays from Ituatan, with fruitto 1). Cofalu & Co. She reports that on October 19, while in lat. 19.48 north. long. 85.40 west, she lout overboard her mate, Thomas M. Carey. No departures. PORT EADS, Oct. 29. 6 p. m.-Wind south- southwest, good breeze. Weather thick and rainy. Arrived: Austrian bark Lino. I:ussanich mas- tar. ;rr days frrom St. Vincent, Cape Verde. in ballast, to master. Norwegian bark Caleb.Jobson master. 66 days from Arurdal, in ballat,. to master. On Octo- bher 12. in lat. 23.05 north, long. 50 ,0 west, had a hurricane from south-southeast, with terrible sea, lasting twelve hours; passed Cape St. An- tonio S',mtember 2(;; passed. on September 2s, bark Montebello, from L endon. b,'und to Bon- bay. in lat. 38.22 north, long. 1s 34 we-t, all well; September 29. ship Astracara, from Livertool, hound to Rio Janciro, in lat. 35 20 north, 1 ,ng r19.00 west, all well; September 30, Ameiean ship Wyoming. from Bremen, bound to South- west Pass, in lat 33.00 north, long. 20 west. Sailed: Steam-hip Liddesdale, for Revel; bark Albert, for Havre. TIE SAUOOL TEACIIERS. TIlE UEADJUSTIIMET MADE BY TIHE SCIIOOL BOARD ON IMONlIAY. lhoe attempt at enterprise or oiur Camp street Contemrporartis in publishing the roadjustmont of the public school teach- t ?r1, made by the School BIoard at its sesln oon Monday fevening last, resulted in wretchedly garbledl reports, which caused considerable excitement among inanly of the teachers and sornethingl of a rush at the City Hall to ihiterview Superintendent Iogers. Through the courtesy of our worthy Superintendent the J)EMOCuIrAT IS enabled thIb p'nmorning to present a correct andt complete tableau of tile teachers, their positions, and the schoo,ls to which they are now assigned : J.ACKSON (noYor). Prin r ola t--A. ,. J,eshbe. First Assistant-Miss J. E. Ltnalor. Second Assistants-Miss M. E. LPursoll, Miss J. D. I'lekena. T'hird Assistants-Miss M. Rennyson. Mrs. K. Sblack. JACS('ON (orts), Principal-Mrs. F. C. . Tomes. First Assistant-MIss M. (G. Olivivlr. Second Assistants-Miss F. Stringer, Miss Ida Whittaker. Third Assistants-Miss F. H. Ilarby, Miss M. Elllison. i'SOU LDITN(. Princlpal-Vineont Mullvy. First Assistants-Miss R, M. Woodley. Miss IMatry Nugent. Second Assistants--Miss ThI'. M. Elliot. Mrs. E. M, Kepolinger. Third Assistants--Miss J. A. iBucklny. Miss E. Brooks, Miss M. Larkin. Mrs. A. J. Stockdal.e Miss O. Woodworth. CLIO. Principal-Miss M. A. Armstrong. First Assistant-Mrs. A. W. Brown. Sn-ond Assistants--Miss M. A. Cumberland. Miss B. A. Houghton. Third Assistants--Miss M. A. Reuter. Miss M. L. Barrett. Miss L. F. Wagner. Miss M. E. Penn. MAItRSTAI.. Principal-F. A. •_=ldon. First Assistant-Mrs. J. . o. hinson. H~econd A'sistants-Mrs. E. H. Diboll, Miss Kate Eastman. Third Assistants--MIss S. Bloomfield, Miss 1B. Woods. Mrs. B. F. Goldon. Mrs. E. Dobio. FRANKLIN. Prilncipel-Mrs. M. E. McDonald. First Assistants-lMiss E. Todd, Mrs. M. E. 'raiiaforro. Sornd Asnistants-Mrs. E. B. Johnson. Miss Ida Patton, Misr M.A A. Amos. Third Asseistnts-Miss Anna R. Mayer. Miss Alieo Lamhsrton. Miss Clomenco Charlos. Mrs. U. I. McKinlay. JIEFFEtirIION NO. 1. PrinolDpal-Jno, I. IH. iulin. First Assistants-Mrs. C. A. Curtis. Miss M. E. MrLoughlin. Setond Assistants--Miss Agnes M. Cass. Miss H. L. Mylotto. Third Assistant--Miss M. A. Brodeorlck, Miss M. Stroudback, Miss J. C, Kiley. WITiERTEsI. Prinoipnl---Mrs. S. (Cooney. First Assistants--Miss J. W. Benedict. Miss Nellln H. Watson. Stcond Assistants--Miss Mary O'Brion, Miss Sarah Harris. Third AssistantP-Miss G. L. Lambourne. Miss Jennie oees, Miss M. L. Martin. Miss J. C. Dodg6. MADISON. Prin'i•al-Mrs. J. Jaekson. First Assistants--Mrs. J. E. Stehlo. Mrs. K. C. M ((cCann. M ,sntid Assistants-Miss AM. McCOrd. Miss A. J. Cont. T'hird Assistants-Miss J. Mulver, Miss Hl- donia Hlolires. Miss Ida Ieunnett, Miss B. Sulli- van, Miss M. IDonnelly, Miss Th. HIarnett. FISK. Principal-Thos. W. lDyor. First Assistants--Mrs. Annie Mackin, Miss J. B. Grarti. HSontd Assistants-Mrs. E. L. Venables. Miss M. K. lHamblett. Third Assistants-Miss M. Mulvey. Miss A. J. milton Mi II M MC . lcCarty, Miss A. Shelltey, Miss A. L. Miller. Miss J. Donovan. EDIMONIA. Principl-d-Mrs. K .J. BIcker. First Assistant-Miss M. I1. Williams. HIeend Asshttunts-Miss E. C. Vigors. Miss E. C. Kennedy. 'iThird Assistants-Miss F. E. Johnson, Miss A. B. Mason, Miss S. 1B. Allen. vacancy. SUIMNER. Principnl--A. I'. Wiiliams. First Assistant--Mrs. C. M. Knptarld. Second• Assistants-Mrs. L. V. Miller, Mrs. M. A. Francis. Third A-sistants-Mrs. M. A. Jones. Mrs. A. P. Berholl, Mrs. L. II. .Jett. MARON. Principal-Charles P. (uichard. Hoecond Assistant-Vacancy. METAIIIEt It. (ER. Principal--Mi-s M. .. O'Neill. Second Assistant--Miss F. Conroy. BIIINVILLE. Principal-Miss It M. c(Jhvallio. First Assistant-Miss .J. M. Paul. Stcr,nd Assistants-Mrs. 0. M. Casanova. Miss A. MtcJ rd. Third Assistannts-Mrs. A. Ducatt-l. Miss M. J. Carr, Miss E. Torney, Mrs. A. Dolslor. IonE n'rTON. Prinepal--Mrs. it. B. Howard. First Assistant-Miss L. A. I'Paddon. SHcond Assistants-Miss L. M. Wagner. Miss . Lanbatt. Third Assistants-Miss G. Ki(trn, Miss M. Walsth, Miss A. Stokes. DERitBINY. Princlpal-Mitss E. C. (urolan. Sttond Assistant-Miss Jos Stewart. Third Assistant-Miss M. H. Hill. CTlltIOiNE. Prinripal-- . Auilry. First Assistant-Miss E. KEnarns. SSecond Assistants-Miss A. A. Finch, Miss E. A, Jones. Thi d Assistants-Miss A. i, Magnon, Miss A. Sinclair, Miss K. O. Clark. RAMPAIRT NO. 1. Prinelpi-"Miss W. V. Mdcarthy. First Assistrlat--Miss M. rasssinot. Second Assistants-Miss A. E. Young, Miss K. Brown. Third Assistants--Miss Adile Coudrain, Miss B. Armstiong. MissO. Letton, Miss M. Popham. ST. ANN.. Principal-MIss J. M. M ettaxa. First Assistand- Mis M. V. Sirran. Second Assistants-Miss E. King. Miss Ida Monl'roe. Third Assistants-Miss M. Goodwyn. Miss E. Lccroix. ST. PHILIP. P'rinclpal- Warren Easton. First Assistants-Mrs. Mary Moore, Miss L. McAniulty. Second Assistants-Miss S. B. Iiodwood, Miss M. O. Conner. Third Assistants-Miss Mary Moran, Miss Marion Brown, Miss S. Williams, Miss L. Faust. Miss F, Golden. BARRACKS. Principal-Miss M. D. Cooper. First Assistant-Miss H. McCarthy. Second Assistants- Miss J. L. Deitrigo, Miss C. McCann. Third Assistants-Miss M. A. Forguson, Miss M. L. Puintz, Miss L. Donovan. BAYOU ROAD. Princioal--Mrs. 1' C,rtier. First Assistant-Miss Al. Ilhbet. Second Assistant- m iss A. Savini. Third Assistants-Miss K. E.Carr, Miss Annie Morant. ORILEANS (GIRL.) Principal-Miss E. P. McCarthy. RT. 'PETERS (IOYS.) Principal-Mrs. N. Chamnbers. Third Assistant-Miss A. B. Cottrell. RAMPART NO. 2. Princlpal-H. IR glio. First Assistant-S. A. A. Grant. D. Magronne. E Hllariot. Third Asistants-J. H. . Yuni, O. K. Chellet. Annie Conwell, H. Brugniens. ,f'DONOGH NO, 9. Principal-T. Mull edey. First Assistants- (Girls) Mrs. A. E.Van Camp. (I'ots) Mrs. l. A. ,Duriocourt. Secnd Assis'tants-(Boi's) Miss A. V. Icard, (Boys) Miss C. Nicol. T'lird Assistants- Girlsa Miss K. E. Murphy, (Girls) Miss R. Smith. (l3oys) Miss E. Qluayle. Principal--J. J. O'nm,'r. First s-istant-Miss J. E. Morton. Second Assistants-Miss M. S. Wilson, Mrs. N. Wi stermfield, Miss M. E. Cuggy. Third A 55 istanlts-Miss Al. Lewis, Miss B. C. Campanel. FILLMORE. Principal-G H. H. Gordan. First Assistaints--Miss M, E. Cusack., Mrs. M. F Stevens. S-ioond Assistants-Miss Ant. Hart, Miss Ella M. Brown. Third A-sistants-Miss J. McAnulty, Miss M. Z. Perez. ,lis Honor' Brown. Miss Anita Du val, Miss Ada Jenks. Miss F. L. Smith, Miss E. Ducoing. BEAUREGARD. Principal -Mrs. V. Ducatel, First Assistant-Miss V. Parr Secondl Assnstants-Miss K. Munster, Miss I. Toole. Third Aalstants-Miss L,. Oheovollo, Miss Ellen Casey. OEtNTILIY. Princlpal-Miss M, E. Anderson. M'IONOrIt NO. 2. PrinciDal-Miss 0, Ilubbard First Aistllants-Mrs. A. Bell, Miss M. O. Car- ter. tswnnd Assistants-Miss IR. T. Moore, MisFF J. White, Miss E. Lynch. Third Assistants--Miss E. Harrison, Misr Claria DaIvis Miss Susan Smith, Mrs. A. Dai., Miss F. F. IFub rwaid, Mrs. H. Ularoey M'DONOCIIl NO. 3. Principal-T. J. I. Flynn. Filst Assistants-Miss A. Harris, Miss M~.- wnetney. Hernd Assistants-Mi5m M. M arshall, Miss II. McCarthy. Miss M. N. Stewart. Third Assista,,ts Miss A. Urban, Miss l.e Ihrtus. Miss D. Ktenendy, Mis-l M. Cordon. Miss d. Young, Miss K. Dolosdorulor. MA RIONY. Prihcipal-Mrs H. , Cstln. First Aassisint-.Miss E. Gord. Maend Assistants-Mrs. A. I). Savio, Miss M. A. Rlil. Thlrn Assistants-Miss E. Tobin, Miss Delph. I'ointz, Miss L. Tallan. WAHMIINIFTON' NO. 1. Prineipal-Miss 1,. B. Wilder. First Assistants--Miss Annie Sheoan, Miss Ch. Stuart. Sond Assistants--Mrs. S.. Blanca, Miss T. Olh'vllion. T ohird Assitants-Mrs. I'. CaIulu, Miss Rosa. llarby. Miss Mary Ciark, Miss Rosa Diono. M'•ARTI! Prnelopal-J. M. Shar;e. First Asslstants-Miss B. Nolan, Miss J. A. Mayberry. Socond Assistant--Miss K. E. Dovine, Miss O. L, Stewart. Third Assistants-Miss B. Fortune, Miss M. Curley, Miss M. 0. Roynolds. Miss E. I. Taylor. Miss M. MoElligotl; ELMINA. Princlpal-Miss C. A. Warner. e econd Assistant-Miss Helona Phillips. Tthird Assistant-Miss J. Elselo. RIANCOiK. Principal--Miss M A. Murphy. Second Assistant-.Miss Lihia-o .Hart. DA U•IIINE. Prineipal-Mrs. Ellion llamilton. Hocond Assistant-Miss J. Donnolly. Fourlh Dlitrict. FIU LTON. Principal MIss TI. (l.arrr'tt. First Assistant-Mrs. J. Il. i)iks. Becondl Assistants-Mrs. J. J. Ingraham, Miss M. E. Golden. Tnird Assistants-Mrs. L. Ward. Miss Ballil lBoyco. M'DONOOI! NO. I. Princlpal-Mrs. M B. Mallnm. First Assistants-Miss E. L. Auvray, Miss B. M Murphiy. lSecondl Assistants-Miss L. E. Bibb, Miss M. Em manuel. Third Assistants-Miss. N. Forshoy. Miss 'I. H. Duval, Miss 8. A. Forshee. HtES'rTNUT. Princlpat--Miss H. Mnicn•ry. First AssIhtant-Miss Cl'esto Neely. Second Assistant--Miss L. B. Thomas. iLAUtr IL. Princhial-M. M. lw•, First Assist ant--Miss M. E. Tank. Hoecond Assistants-Miss E. Clapp, Miss M. 0. Brien. Third AssIstnnt.-Miss L, J. Lambourne. Mrs. M. H. Wells, Miss K. Glonn, Miss Nl. . O'Connotr. M'DONOtUG(t NO. 10, MAGNOLIA (BOYS), Principal-- . L. Wayne. First, Astistants-Miss M. E. Finnerty. Mise E. B. Brown. Second Assistants-Miss M. E. Roes, Miss H. C(amn )boll. Third Assistnnts-MI-s B. Young. Miss J. Rondeau, Miss M. Weavwr., Miss 1I. Forbes, MAGNOLIA ((• Rr,). Principal-Mrs. L. M. Williams. First Assistants--Miss B. (onas, Mrs. Jos. Rand. Second Assistants--Miss Ph. Packard, Miss 0. I'rird Assustnns~-Miss C. Boocher. Miss N. Boullgny, Miss E. Porrnor. a.CTCrl,. Principal-Mrs. C. S. Hlte,R. First Assistantas-Miss J. Dornan, Miss I. O. Whittaker. Second Assistants-Miss A. L. Boechor, Miss M ,1. Kearney. Third AssistantA-Mrs. M. W. Carroll. Miss M. MeLorlnan. Miss D. Bostick. Miss E. hunter. Miss C. Forror. ST. ANDREW. Principal-C. Hunt. Second Assistans-Mrs. L, Aucoln, Miss G. Johnson, Miss A. Kelsey. Third AsRlstat"ts-Van.ncny, Mrs.W. Clarkson. Miss Z. A. Msell. Miss Ii A. lickman. DITRYA DEH. Principal-Mrs. H. F. Williams. First Assistant-Mrs. E. L. Itodringuz. Hecond Assistants-Miss J. Siimms. Miss J. E. BI plisl o. Third Assistants-Miss L. M. White,. Miss B. Plicquo. vacancy. M'I)NOfNTI NO. H. Prlncipal-Ti. Dul)lho. First Assistants--Miss M. P. Iero, Mrs. M. A. Baby. Becond Assistants-Miss O. McManus, Mrs. J. Fredericks. Third Assistants-Miss M. J. Dowty, Miss M. Ferguson. Miss M. Iloran. Miss A. Olavior, IFVE1 OAK (tIRLSH). Principal-Miss M. A. Wicks. First Assistant, MI-s Maggie ilrldgns. S e•,od Assistants-Miss J. E. O'Brion, Miss E. Wheaton. Third Assistant-Miss A. Jourdan, Miss It Welch, Miss I(. C. C onnotiv, Miss L. Cowloes. Filth District. M'Dt)NOOIT NO. 4. Principal-J. It. Ill ,i(hinso(. First Assistants-Mrs. L. Anderson, Miss M. Jorollemnan. lSecond Assistants-M'ss M. L. Howard. Mrs. A. E. Chaso. Miss M. F. Rogers. Third Assistants-Miss M. A. Gardner Miss N. ')hison, Miss H. M. Turner. Miss Maggio Itodlih. M'DONOon NO. 5. Principal-I-. A. ,Morse. First A-sistants-Miss E. T. Haydon. Mrs. M. J. Williams. Second Assistants-Miss M. A. Michaud, Miss Julia Mooney. Third Assistants--Miss Mary J. Turner, Miss Mary D. Stokes, Vlcancy. CUT-OFF. Principal-George Lawrence. Second Assistant-Vacancy. Sixth District. M'DONOGII NO.6. Princival-Sanm'1 J. Jones. First Assistant-Miss F. DeLacny. Second Assistants-Miss F. L Flemmich. Miss M. A. Sullivan, Miss Annie Loddy. Third Assistants-Mi-s Mary Mortz, Miss Salli• Payne, Miss ,los. HittO, Miss Lizzie Keel- ing, Miss M. (. Hodgkins. M'IDONOOtI NO. 7 (1OYS1. P'rinc oal--Thos. L. Preston. First Assistant-Miss H. O. White. Second Assistants-Miss L. E. Prest. Miss K. C. Hayes. Third Assidtants-Miss F. J. Dart, Miss May Brooks. M'DON(H0I NO. 7 (oIILS). Princlpal-Mtss E. S. Rossner. First Assistant-Miss . H. Criswell. Second Assistants-Miss J. Ferguson. Miss S. Lv is. Third Assistants-Miss 8. II. Evans, Miss MW. A. Blood. LINCOLN. Principal-Mrs. E. Clark. First Assistant-Miss J. M. Duffy. Second Assistant-Miss M. Mulligan. LEONTINE. Principal-Mrs. R,. taillton. First Assistant-Miss Kate Kelly. Second Assistant-Miss A. M. I M or-t." Third Assistants-Miss C. G. McMamus, Miss ' A. Thiel. BROADWAY. Prinlrinal-J. L. Furman. Second Assistant-Mrs. C. W. Bentley. GP.EENVILLE. Principal-Miss A. E. Killgrove. Second Assistant-Vacancy. STATE STRIKEET. Principal--Miss G. McCOeran. Third Assistant-Mrs. B. L. Beck. VWASHINGTON NO. 2 U';IIi2,. Princripal--t!rs. F. V. Loopelr. First A,.istant-MIiss N. ,J. ,elly. Secotnd Assismt-a-M5 i .K. omerville. T'hird Assistant-Miss K. 8. Lennon. ,IEI.TEROSN NO 2 I;OYS). Prlncinal--Mi'a F. (;endre. First Assistlut-Misl Mary TallieU. secord Assistant-Mrs . G. A. Anderson. Third Assistant--Mi5s Doric Curry. .iORT STLEET. Principal-Mrs. I) K. Sorule. First Assistant- M ic•s L. K-i1y. Second Assistants-Miss R. Brennen. MIss , Clehner. Third Assistants-Miss M. Leddy, Misa 1 Allen. PONTCHARTEAIN. Principal-Vacancy,






For the paSt ten days there hne boon much

confoionl, consideriablll di 1'IsiHn, and a great

deal of wire'-pllillg in the ranks of the sov-oral orgaiinll tions opDosed to thll Democratic

party as rCprelsentcd by the nominlee on the

e)omocratie-Consorvatlle parisht ticket. untthe fight, endedo y')esrday, and


The fight has hoonl to secure tlhe colored Bo-

publican vote, and 11n it have been engagqtl the

Nationals, tih Citizels' Assoclatiou, and two

fctlotns of Jepublitcan loaders.

The Natironls at the opening of the cam-

pa||an rerolved btl IndollIlSllmellr to (ft tel epubllc-aln State Centrlal Co(llmmlittce, for theiOr ticket, andsubseiqueIntiv oIniifellnrllces wl're held by 1,a lon-

tittel repr(s'I'lt n il tthm w'ith one represont-

Ing tIhe lllttlt Ic i l 'arlit (I'onlmnittoo.TIIbno e('ll

f"trPl"' r,-es.tedL in the agrenlent

that. if a eortain ticket which was preparod anddecided upon Iii WItas I (lllitl n((d bythey illN Ntt.ItiotntConveuntion, tle epulbllcean vote of the par-fib, so far a4 I 11 i could bo lcontrolled, would becast for that ticket.It Is or ratlhr hlw beoon contendod that tlhe

ticketl, as atgrlod L•ovn was not•l nominated; thalitseveral chanlll woren mde by the NationalParish Convention, and that the compact wasbroken. Tih faillure to nominate the entireticket gave grounds for considerable oppositlonto the Nationlll l n)ominho( e IlandI to thil•action ofthe lRepublican Partsh C(nlmmlitt lu in indorningthe report of their conforeotle committle. ofwhich, by the way, it may be remarked. iI. U.Dibble walts cihat rman.

The peprl, of the National party in tile DEl.MO-WRAT,gitV all addlitionaland llubstantial grollundfor the oppositionl to work ulpon. The attI,,n-tlon of colored wirld IlheI rs Itand colored vote'rswas called It thll falct thalt, ti NatiotItal partyWIIs an ofTsihot (of the Native Americanlts andthe Bed Warriors, or 'ilight \Vhttes," and that.the latter orgilnizltl on excludltld colored meln.

In the midst of thefillght the i(t1/mnl' Conser-Vative A•5ociaitiion pIut in an IipploearllneO, an11(dthe opositioll r•Icliveld tl~eIm with op1en arltn,.

and used thelhir infllulennl to, anud sll'co00o(dd In

soeuring the indolrement by severalrl Itooublt-oan clubs of the Citizens' ticket,

The opprsltiou became formildable enloughto excite the fears of those (Custon-iilot0o loa)d-ore who favored the National ticket and anotherconferonce between the two originual commit-toos wis arrtangeld.The meltitng wats hold ait No. O9 Canal street

on Monday, ndl it it two eomtnittoes of liveeach, one rpIresllnt illg til National patIl:y aIndthe otilIer ]the Hopublean party, lwere appointodto initerview the roLepresentatilvo of the Citlz.enls'Assoolation.


was hold the same eovonnlg lit No. rt (tampreet, and bIotlih illntttoos wore informed Ily

ir. Litonl (. LvY, ll lrmlan, t thtl, t1h assotL-tion of whlch he was tihe heald ltould not andWould lnot otlll r Into ilegotllationll with thollm as:the lepreselr ltlativ'5 of parties. The conlmmltteswithdrew. and yesterdaly,


held at No. ft) Canal street, submitted Ihoir re-port,Tullo meetoin lltt nl from 12 Io'l1cnk until aloul4:41, the opposDitIon hInlug ropresenotld, alndthrough thoeir lWnts m l nlllkllt I gOodl aInId, Iogldying hard. But thy did dlie. aind are buried.


nsed were In sullstncel anlld l'tIt as follows:Tho olosithlon lglain ahlled aLttention totih Native Anrhlls i(andI the 111Ight Whites,antld IshOWedl their 11onn1ectllon with the Na-tionals; and thi "'plarty 111'" spoke of lthe ae-tion of the (Cilti'lns' ColIlittlel in1 refilsing toreceive or liliae any pr)opsisttoll) tio the com-mittios i s r(•( ol1nIiltives (1 Llof arties.

The neellt ndg ilou rlnd will:tult reaching atnyconchluion, tiharily Iattelr the aldjournlntIOlll.however, the l•epubliean Parist Commilittee met.

and"-() RI/ITrl(:I ED"

the opposition by ndopltiilg a resolution indors-aingthe National 1ticketA DEMoInRAT roepoltr lnst evening saw some

of the prI'linei1 nilt ilmogll the "kickerr.'

who admittd that thy had 1 een beatton lndsaid that they wore bounilld to follow the dictatesandobloy the Illm aallilll5t oftheir purty, it the same

time they said tIltO Iho colored Rtl'publlcan votoof thoe larish elll not l itoally grat oxtont in-

fluetlocid Ior moat roItlld by tIh 1not1 iont of the Par-ish Comnllitte. Illld th ov distrliuted that vote asfollows, ulttingthlcI total at 12,at ): Four thol-

sand to tihe N tilioals, 4000 to the Citizens and4000 Ilotlllig.

As may 1Id lnigilned, the Nationals wereJIllI,hANT

over the rtorult, inl last, nlight their Parnis(Jommittee met for eongrtratlnatonf and for tile

purpol-: of takinlg lnt on regarding thllose no-nees on thloer Ilckot who have not paid their

tiSIIlIllrtelt. A fter solmile little diIsenAt [ion a Dpo-

citi e In olnlittOe of hr

t Wi th W appointed to aet. i11Conjunllctiol with tih asessmelint commltl,Oe.and the two iworn Ilutorized7l, in tho event of ianominel not i, paying I ni/le'Hmonlt on domulnt,to pull down 111 linltillie ulnd ult that of ai in-dividual who would Income to limt.


of "(lho fourth ward lipnbllinnsl to the Inpulb-lieiln votorl of the lourh wiard " InIdoringl theClllizens' lhcket, igneId by "11. P. Wheolorpresident."n .d"ll. C. (. Alwood. -lertlltr',of Ithe enolnlllllto on addil Io-P. hall exitteod eon-sideorablo (iiellnlll flt. On l his point It isl nlelce•-

sanry to laiy tlh it ViWheler from the P1ri' ih l'PrisinlaItI night ulit rv mstd it -III dh to the publi stilt inthat ho and 1iin lillnmattlti were un1• uthorizoi

to reprelnlt tII liepll a tllllll' v()or of the ward.After it IereIIflIl Fllrvly of th illltuation t ap-

pealrs safo to l(ay tlllat oil election day thelro will

In theo lohl. T'l reuri'lr lDetooratll lIt-CoIl n-

sIorvativ tilt, I. theIll Iationnl tic llkt landll the

Citizens' Assoellat oll ltclietl.


A mnoting of the Glerman Demoeratic-Con-

iervativo Club of Ith Third Ward was held ilast

night at Turners' 11all.After the tran•lctioln of routine business se..

oral lacnLakers aldresseld the meeting. and

among others Col. 1. W. IPaitton, who eoncluded

hlt roenarks las follows:

"HaviniV g thus shown Illt in a political gLovorli-

mont pi1at1y orLganallntionlls air nltecessalry, and,

ia It consequence of lthat prol)os lliion, that pRrtydlisciplln ts Lt o I 0lso'nceslary, I deiroe to say that

While I am1l i part y manl., I anl not nlld icannot be

lado it party to ol tol subserve private orabtly lintrests at Ith expelrt of the pub-

io, otld. If anliy mnl. or llny combina-tion of mten, of lnlly eCllb. ring or

clilue. im ningtis that, should I be elected Imayor.

I will eonsidlr Imyself under any obligations to

advilon"e their interestis, individual or coriorate,because th lilov have sluportet d 0mo for that, posi-

tion, then 1 say to isuch pllrsons they l nar mis-

taken in their lmaln. anlld thley h1ld bettor seratleh

my IInmO on hlWetion day. With this under-

stnandin I shall b io lo't hilUppy to have your

vot'es and thlose of alny othlir class of my follow-

itlzeUns., and 1 say to you that, should you

o•hoosHo nltl ath chief magnlistrate of youlr city,

I will l4evote my best efforts and nil my abilityto tadvl1nco tih interests of thie whole pDopl•,

without. regarld to rae- or condition."

Mr. Isaineso n tlll ion made 11 practle spcoehi,at the conlluslitot of which the following resolu-tion wiis aldoplted UUnLlltouslllly:

l'tsh'li. Thati the Gornia Club of the Third

Ward do1s indrstlerl anid will suipport the D)emo-ltrati-Conllservlative ticket on the fifth of No-

vembeilir.lis,,l'rild. That those resolutions be publishld

In tho Now Orleanls DiEaocIIIAT anud t11he I ;r ln111


Smifllins. after having tenderly nursed his

doctor for two days, has now quietly, expedi-

tiously and conscient iously steamed him over to

the Stygt an shore. Proud of his success in the

nurslng lit i. alndl with his recent victoriou-

wrestle with Yellow Jack. Smilliins sneers at

his foe, and boldly lauunhes into the discussion

of political questions. ts will be seou by the fol-

lowing occurrence: Our reptorter went to Smif-

flins' house yester.tay and walked stealthily to-

wards Smifllins' room. so as to surprise him.

}le wa stanlling In ,he millei, of the roonm.

with his hands in his tlnts titckots. his

Ifith tiucit"'r tid tiy I[ iellt 1iw nl Ollttllr-

moutiv whistling 1of " hol. Emmn," and hisey.s pen"`sively rlV'tid in a kinit of hrowl study

1on four liv'ly ftlits thalt were chasiig eacth otheratlrtively on ilth lbridge of Ilih tose.

Kno\wing t1h11t EldiAtn hel mnade his greatestdiscoveries fronm nl)os5 trillin, causes. tla re

oorter without 'Iv noise, took a iosition bythe side of Sumi flins. who seemed perfectlyLtlCoussCious oif a St. ng;! presncIl e.

"Yes." thle 't m: n w as murmurilllltirt. "that

fly with thb grey st.iptes on its back and green

eyes, represents thei leir uitliailn crowd. The

other one hIumllpll• ,'k.d and elow. minus one

hind leg, is the Nationaul tpart. 3 he little bluo

and gree

n sptccin•lll is ' .tllbalt's concern, while

that other chao !iddling at the end of my nosea•Ix tryilng to I'hibse the humpback, is the rt i-

resentative of tht Citizen' ticket. [Our xe-

porter wene al oyes and oars.] tluppose, re-sumrned mtflmins wlnkinmi with both eyes. be-cause thoe fiddler was trying to inspect the in-terlor or Iih• lnsal O'rall., suPtl

n Ase that my

nose sa the Democratcl party (sublime idea),teho"e ,t It|' m ilunrrtit t," ost't aire to mo tihe m-bodiment of thoe opposition crowd. They are allchasing after each other.but cannot agree to set-tle all in one definite place on my nose becausehI hry ate toro Iticli st and fly away when one rubslie other. Well. now. still assuming that my

proborls is the Democratic party, I only haveto sInnee anld shakn my head-tnen phew laway they scamper, cacli going its way neverto mieet again. That's whet I think." Suitingthire action to the word, 8mlfllins had the vleas-ure to see his prediction verified, and the re-porter sltpped out without having been no-ticedi by thgreant man. Let the oulleic ondterover Hmlfmllus' Idea, which may, after all, con-voy some hidden beneflelal meaning.


The Transfer of the Insmane-The snale ofthe 1Mtarket Revenues lor One Year.


Mayor Pislitury reo'lvod still another dona-tion yesterday from Mayor Hlopper, of JerseyOity. N. Jw amountlng to $441, and another alsoof sio from Mayor Doyle, of Providence. It. I..boeig wontributions of the potplo of the citiesnamed for the relief of the sufferers by thefever.


Mr. P. II. Itolloy, agent for the contributorsof 1 reenvillo, S. 8.. writcs to Mayor Piluburythat a rumor has been circulated in that part ofthe country that the colored people "have boonloft to die in negleoot, and that funds sent haveboee usel oentirely for the whites." Mr. Il0llyadds tihat the colored people of Oreenvylle haveIlhtorally contributed to the funds contributedby tlhat town, and that whilst he Is satisfied thatthe rumor iewithout the eIPst foundation, hewishes Mayor Pilsbury to send him atn officialdenial of the infamous charge. Our Mayor willin due time answer Mr. ellley's letter, and willalso take tih occasion to transmit to him rusoon as practicable a copy of the report of eachof our benevolent associations, whic will ofthemnselves be sRullclent videncelo ttat the How-ard. the Peabody. the Young Men's Christianand other nssorlations have made no distinc-tion of color in the ministrations.


Among the Mayor's correspondence the fol-lowing business letter is found:

Anruo, Ala.. October. 28, 1H78,To thie ity Marshel of Now Orleans, La:tr. Mr.thlrr,. H'it-You will pleas seeoo some

hol sal merclount and tell them to Writ to meWihat is the lest I can glt the Best Coffey at forthe money. I Wish to Buy and I want to hterB fore I By. 1 Do not know no PI'rson their forthat. IRtsoen I writ to you, yours truly W. P'.Kitth.

l)y leeot to argo Po.. Jefferson Co., Ala.TTIE COUNCI,~ MEET'rI.N(I.

At the eeooting of the City Council yesterday atwo very important resolutions were aidorted.one of them relates to the abolition of the Cit. yInsano Asylum by authorizing the Mayor to on- ster into such agreement as lie may dooeem ad-vlsable regarding the charge of the insane now.or that may hereafter become the charges of the 8city. The agreement is to be submitted to the itCity Council boeoreo flual action. From what Ihas beoo gathered from timer to time by ',ur reporter at tihe City hall, concerning the Iniane aAsylum. it ls apparentt that the efforts of Mayor pP'lilhury and Adminilatrators MeOaiffroy and aOavanac to better the condition ot the demoenledand oever their connection with politics ,will soon be brought to a close. After amany months of conslderation, It, is bellved, owe rndersttand, that the SItsterr of the Loitsi-anla IRetreiat who have enlarged their inttlllu-tion, will take the inrmates of the asylum atiomlpenHnatlon not exceeding the present ruin-

ninig expenses of the City Asylum, Ilffl'dling ctholn at the samen time, hetor lquarers and iltreatment than the, can now have.


The resolution authorizing the salo of the rrevenues of the city markets for one year, ho-gintllliln on t.he first of Januntry next, is sleg-goated, we, also understanld, by a destiro on thepart of the administration to pay the polico, Ischool teachers and other employees of the geity as far as possible for the present year.The av''rago amount derived from timesale of the markets is about, t15,000 permonth, which, even at that prico, would ,bring in $1ao.000 for the yo ar. But it,is betlieved that more can be obtained by selling ,by the year than by the month. There areius2,rOu0 still due on those market revenues to the t

State Nationan Bank, which would leave a round isum of t100,000 to tay the monthly rollR of the lcity employees, amounting to about Sil o0to each amonth, This sum, togetlher with the taxes andlicones., which are naturally expected to comeIn with the revival of businnes in November itand December, will. it Is hoped. be sunficient to ipay the half of July. August, 8titenmber andOctobert, still due, and the full months of No. ,rtdmbor and December. d

This course, while It will assist materially allthe salaried ofllcers of the city, will not it isthought, interfore with the worklungs of thecoming administration, which will have the sale I,of city rallroadl fralinchiRs and wharf revenuns ,to carry it through, rin aIdvintage that tith prros- teint city admlnistration did not have, but who.on the cont rary. went into office with a debt of aover 5270,0o.0 left, by their prodecossors. V

THE HEXTON CAsm. iThe oase of Sexton Galleaglor was taken up 0

alftr tilh routlln tbusintess of the Conuncil. Inithe ahbsnc'e of Dr. Taylor. the sceretary of the iBoard of Iloalih, deeolmed an essential witness Iyin the case, Admiuistrator DiLamond asked per-missIon ,o Introduce Mr. Van Hlooten, who. hi. -in swor. saidll that during It converlsation with cI)r. Taylor on tt o subj•nt of the charges madi cagainst Mr. Gallagher, lhe (Dr. Taylor) had told itwitne-s that. he had tositively informed Mr. f(allagher that slhoulld he (Gallagher) r-move It tbodty Irom ia vault or tomb to another wituhotit ap'enmilt from the Boliard of Health, sch an iactwould entail the prosecution of Mr. Gallaghor.

On motion, itt was agreed that the evidence cdid not. substantiate the charge.aund the casewas dis misseti.

THE eARtnAcE QUESTION.Mr. MOfaffroey having off-rod a i• olutlon to t

i,ring the garbage question before the City ICounitl. Mayor Piltatry took occasionto saythat if he had not brought the r--port of lho I

omnlnmissioners before the Cournil, it was bo- 1cause the investigation was not authorized bythat body. but made simply att the individualrequest of Mr. McCaffrey. Desldes. in his opin- 1ion. he thought that the commissioners' reoortcovrred grounds beyond tile luestion at issue.

Mr. Diamond exoressed it as his opuv Ion thatthe Council could not very well take cognizance iof the matter, unless the appoiutment of thecommission should be at least flrst confirmed aby the Conincll. f

After further exrhange of views the Council radopted tie resolutiorn and the matter was or-drtred to lio over for a weeok.

It is Mr. McCaffroy's intention to present acouonter statement to the Connil when the re-port shall come before that body.


AssistantUnited States District Attorney Our- Iley hlut about concluded his investigation of theMcAlester case. The heirs of twenty, out of Ithe twenty-eight employees who wore lost onthe boat. have proved their claims.

The act of Congress under which the invosti-gation is held. authorizes the payment of oneyear's salary to the widow, children. father ormother of each of those lost.

TIHE PUGIo WAREIItOUSEopens to-day as bonded warehouse No. 2.class 3.

United States Marshal Wharton says that hehas received no communication from the Attor-ney General in reference to the employment ofdeputy marshals at the comlng election In thisState. except a dispatch which was forwardedin answer to his requisition for funds to payhis force to this city on election day.

The following notice has been issued:COLLECTOIn' OFFICE. October 29, 187,.

The customs offices at this port will be closedon Friday, first proximo. All Saints' Day. at 11o'cloeg a. m. Bonded warehouses will remainot,*n and discharging inspnctors on duty, asusual. GEO. L. SMITH, Collector.

IMPORTANT TO PILANTERS.--Mssrs. John B.Lafitto & Co.. No. 1,1 Gravier street. are offeringfr sate, in lots to stilt purchasers, the cele-brated Grip Tie at $1 73 per bundle, and wherelarge orders are receioved a liberal discount ismadet. The Grip Tie has given such generalsatisfaction that it is hardly necessary to saythat it is ,ueo of the very best ties ever manufac-tured. See card in another column.

For families visiting Phi'adelphia, no morecozy. home-like quarters, combhined with excel-lent service. unexceptional trisinr, and mode-rate pricod can be found than a: the ColonnadeHotel on Chestnut street.

Register ! Register ! Regalter

It will bh gord news for those anxious toreat'h tho proper traininic so indispensable toteachbers, to hear that the Peabody hormalSeminary will be reopened on the second ofNovember next. A regular notice in the propercolumn gives full particulars concerning thewe!come fact.



The Ninth Ward Central D)etnocrat.io Con-servative Club met last night at their wigwam.on reoat men street, near Elmlra. Presldent F.Duderlnhofer In the chair. Mr. Philip Munch,the secretary, being sick. Mr. Edward Dab=onwas aVpolnted to nct in his stead. There were

fully 1to members, a good attendance, present.Mr. W. II. Allen, commissioner of election, ro-

por tLd the total reglstration in the ninth wardto be: white', 182; blacks. rs0..


being called upon for a rseech, came forwardand said:

As the nominee of this ward for the Legisla-ture I will do all in my power to promote the

interests of the workiugmen, to whose body Ibelong. I am in favor of reform and entirelyagainsI, all monopolois. especially the Loulsl-ana Statte Lottery. I call uvoon my (Grmanfrlends to vote the straight Demooratio ticket.

Loud calls being made, forMR, FITztERAlDAt,

the colleague of Mr. Stechman. Mr. Fitzgeraldstepped torward, and said: "My colloeagu andmyself will work for those who have elected us,We are not lawyers, to strain at line points. butwill try tI do the best;. The Dl Iocratic ilat-form is g'ood; we ought to Indorse it.'1 ho pr mlium bontl ystenm iould be left to

the Administrators to be changed. if it is inju-rious to us. In answer to Dr. Briekell's ques-tions as published in the I)MoNOURAT ar to thepayment of the debt, 1 will say that the city can-not pay, having no money. I and my colleagueoppose the license system. Every employee ofthe city ought to be paid punctually if there isanone y. but; if there is no cash. it will be hard toget labor oni promises to pay.

Mr. Fitzgorald then spoke about the inter-view betwoon himself ntd the DnEMOCRAT re-porter as already publlshed, and reitorated all

he had said In the revert."This Is I think." he concluded. "enough

trlking. Weo nreed work. and that work will bedone by my colleagun and myself in the Legis-laturo." [ApDlause.]The president stated that Hon. W. Stevenn. th

Second District senatorial nominee, was Ill andunable to attend thoe meeting, butt htad reqruestodhim to road the following address:

NEw ORrRANs, Octobor 29,, 1875.

To the President and Meombers of the NinthWard Democratic Central Club:

tjnthleta,rn.n-Although not officially notifled ofthe fact, I have hear d that,. at your last meeoting,ri desire was expressed that I should be vresentat your next mneting (to-night). and gtvo ponoexpression of my views relative to to the vlatformsof the State and parish conventions, recentlyItdopted, and to define to some extent my viewsand position relative to the subject-matters of81!nlo.

I regret that it is impossible for me to nrattendyour meeting to-night, and theorefore beg tosubmit, lo writing what I should have to saywere I present in person, viz;

In the event. of my clctloti as a membetr of theSernate. I shall take my seat, nalodged at dunder no oblilgations to any ring, monopoly orindividual. in any way. shape or manner.

I t will be my e•rnest ondtleavor, both person-ally and In connection with my collehagues. topromo o tle interests, and wolfaro o1f iltii con-tlituancy which I mary rporiot.ot, taklug tirs theba•s1 anld iainLs iD rig of miy yctionls the views.rrin iples and ldeas enun•Iated in the platformand Tadress of the Statlniand itaristch oonvenRtionsof l•7s, All of which I cordially Inldorse.

lBt y iaccept.an and indorsementll of theBaton ]ougeno andl New Orleansl• tlatforms, I ex-press any o)pposttion to all monopolies anli lawsdetrilmntal to thei interests of the State andcity. or to the morals of the rtnoplo. As regard'the Loui-ianta Lottery C(nrltmpany mronopoly Iexpress my opposition to that as I do to othermonopolloies.

oiinro tfew days ago, when intervlewed by itrepresentative of the It)erOtOniAT. I statet., nlleffect. that I was persotaily, and as ia membrerof the Leglslat.uirn, opposed to Ill lotlorlies. Io-'lieving thoem to hilve mottlre or less a demnoraliz-ing tendency. and that I considered them. as agenoeral tlllig. to eli intl itlded in that class ofpractie's which are termred "contrary to goodnioralls," and which legshlatiton for upwards oa cntulry has boon comparatively unable toRltDprOe or do away with. I have hoeard recent-ly a rumor that I was in some wray connectedwith, or under thl influence of tihe LotteryCompsny. I gladly avail myself of this oppor-tunity to state, most plalnly antd emphatically.thIat I not nor have I over been connectedwith that instltution in any way. shape or urin-nor.I have already expressed myself as being inlevor of ia constitutiOllotl convention, andi i,sing opposed to what is known as the MofiTtt 1igl'ster law.Should a new city chartOr be presented, nwhich, in its provisions is manifestly more con- ttucive to the intemests of the city than thatunder wuich we are now working, it will have cmy earnest support, and I should favor alleOettureo looking to the direct employment oflab r by oilty offlicals. and of all general provi-ions calculated to work a reduction of taxa-tion.

1 consalder the present: license system as detri-mental to progress and industrial advancement.particularly to that portion of the people whoro required to pay a heavy license whilst

operating on a cotnparnatrivly small capital.I am unquesItionably in favor of the nlffTairs of

both the city and State being condUoted on thelowest possible basis of expenditure, consistentwith a proper and an efficient administrtitlonof their respecive governments, and shouldconsider it advisable to fix the a ompensatilon ofconstitutional elective anid app)ointive ollfoersand all their employees at sunl rates as may hefairly remulnertive, roaeonable and just for thecharacter of services p•rforlmed and responsl-bllities assumed and Incurred. and to pay thesame in cash ait stateid intervals.

in conclusion I lbg to say that it shall he my tconstnt offot t to advanice. foster and dUvel',pthe resources, interests and welfare of the eonllstitla ney which I may represent, and I desiroto he guided by their impiled or expresseiwishes in all matters in which their interestsare involved, and in which it may bQ my privi-leo to represent them.

I beg to thank you, gentlemen, for your kind-ness in affording mn thits opportunity of ex-pressing my views and defining v t)oslt lon.

]respoctfully. WLL TIfVEN.The conclusion of the s•Oeec• was received

with great applause.

MAJOR HENRY .1. IglIhAN.candllato for Administrator of Commerce, beng called, said:ly many addresses to you in this very hall,

and my position as a citizen, speak as to myfuture conduct. It is impossible for any onenominee to say what he is going to do ifelected, without a consultation with his col-leagues, because clrcumstanees could risewhicth would prove hint an unwilling liar.

I will comply with all the duties of my omfle--shall never go beyond my duty. I am opposedto onerous taxation and ordinances detrimeAtalto the poodle. What are monopolies ? There'sthe Slauglhterhouse, first: then the Gas Com-pany, the biggest monopoly of all. I am infavor of paying the laborer what is justlyowing to him, and I am opposed tothe contract system. There are about 15,00tpeople out of employmont In this city, and nextto getting rid of the incubus of the dreaded yel-low fever, the most salutary thing for the work-ing classes is the abolition of the iniquitouscontract system. As an Individual I shall state,hat I have never put down the laborers. as sov-3ral parties have falsely stated. My politicalstatus is known. I have always opposed theNational alliance and the National party, as be-fore you many a time I have stated.

MR. WASHI MARKnS,candidate for Administrator of Assessments,was introduced to the meeting by Major Bohan.Mr. Marks. referring to his past businesscareer, wherein he has always consulted theinterest of those depending upon nim, said.that he would make no promise, but wouldwork in theointerest of reform, which cannot beatcomplished in a day. "I am sure," he con-tinued. "that the Democratic Legislature, com-posed of honest and upright men, consciousof their duties towards an overburdenedcommunity, will pass measures of reform andjustice. I believe that the bondholders mustalso be made to bear a little of the burdens of thepeople. About the duties of my office. you allknow that I am hampered by restrictive laws,It will be my earnest endeavors to call the at-tention of the Legislature to the fact that theproperty in New Orleans is assessessed $100.000,00taxes. while in the whole State it is only $,00ooo.-000oo. It is evident that the disproportion mustbe done away with.

Assessments ought to be made lower, andproperty assessed to its legitimate value.

The speaker next denounced the Nationalparty and the Property Holders' Association.The latter, said he. is composed of probablysixty men. and are the property holders of thewhole city. The president himself has no prop-erty to speak of.

The Citizens' Association, I am sorry to state.may create a split in our party. Several of thosevery men have admitted to me. after all. thatthe Democratic ticket was better than theirs.Tho-e pretended reformers n ever exposed theirgrievances before the Odd Fellows' Hall con-vention, but held aloof until all was over, andthen made up a ticket against us.

MIR. JOHN FITZPATRICK,candidate for Criminal Sheriff, next spokein hisaccustomed forcible style, and concluded by ex-

h"rting his hearers to vote the solid, straightI)omocratlc ticket.

Mr. Davn Moise was called upon and, in hisusual happy style, entertained the meeting fora short time.

Mr. Mahoney, it man of the people, sunceededMr. Molns antal mdle rau address which, as hesaid, "slowed that he was not , t polticalspeaker, but a iplaln man with a good deal ofhorse nsense."

Mr. Isancson. the nominee for Administratorof Finaneo, said: "We all go into o0tlle undermost ullavorable circullstn ces, with It citydeobt of s2o,oos.co, an unpaid corps of employe's,and the revenues of the city already sold. Wearer anxious, if it Is in the city's vower. to settleall debts we regard all alike, and we are rep-resentatives of thie Democratic party.

I refused some time ago to sign tihe call of tih•Citizens' Assoclation when requestoed to do soby a comtniitoee of gentlemen. bonainse I toldthorn that as a nmember of the Htat Orntrarl (Comittee it would be very indlolliate one my part, tocoutmtonance a movement which t cold aftrr-wards assume other Vroportions. I am gladthat I did not slgn,

When Mr. Isaacson had concluderd, the moot-ing adjourned.

------ ***----


To the Editor of the Democrat:There seaom to Ire agreot deal of surrprise

evlneod at the action of Col. Patton in declinuigI he indorsement of tie Cltiszons' Conservativeparty.

It may prove an impolitic action. It is true.but I think it is the only thing under the rir.culmstanc•s that the gentlerman could have doneconsistently witI his prlinipolos in a Democrat,

Ito is a member of the 8tate Central Demo-cratic and Conservative Committee, and anominee of that party, and yet is now expectedto abandon his party principles and the allogi-aneo he owes to thant party.Butl the objection Is raiserl, "that Col. Patton

refuses the vote of the (!Uon.eratires, becriause hedeclinosltheir lidosrement."

Not at all. fiH is the nominee and exponentof the Democratic and ('o4rrtrvatier otemllrnt.and ias sucrh in alroneady the candnidhttl of thosevery ten, i f thery tire, as they say, (;onrsrvatives.Thornfore, tiny subrsetuent irndorsement issuneriluonts.

Now, If tirhe (flt,enrz ' Conservative party hassoon proper to make another t(icket and indorsehis nomination on the Denmoeratic-Conserva.-tive ticket, that is tall very well : but when he lpcalled lupon to ar'ntpot or deollin that Indorse-mont, s comnllg from a politiatrl organizatloniwhich 1s onposed to thl;Dr)lmnoratitr-Conserva -tive parnty I talte it that he is In duty bound todellnre. in other words, he is obliged to sup-port In toto tihe palrty that.t Rupport) s hiln, andtwhlos•r Ilntlnation hri ar!certs, to thie exctRlusionIof all other partise. This is one of the nooes-starily fundramntamtl lprinciples which givessolidit y to party.

I myelli'OIf, Ia C(nsrervltive, cannot ibut, exrpressmy rdmiration for tihe tenarity Illnd manlinlesswith whilic Col, 'Patton tiOlta tprincitiples. andIgnores. possibly to ir hl ntdivtidarl ldeLtrirment. itpolicy which would lesorn him In the esteem oftrirnself antd in that of the public generally.

If thlerno is nluy lndorseterrnllt-any rocnmn-mendtation t" hig l position thntt a tondidatecarn iaselno is thlimR upon before thie peoople. iti• now the rntr fracullty or gift of being able todistinguish hot.wmlwenrr p!rinciilples and vo,itv anttto bte dirctottled and stimulated by the fortmerrather than by the latter, At lenst., o it tropetLarto mnt. FAIl I'LAY.

.. . ..- • ,- ........ ...--


The Police Board mot last night, Mayor Pils-bury in the chair and a qrorum of the corn-missionors proeent.

Supernumerary A. Numas. charged with nog-loot of dluty, dil not aivoar for trial, and wasdropped from thile roll.

i'atrolman W. Cline, charged with neglect ofduty. wiRt reprimanded.

W. Rtodgers, for the saInm offense, receivedtire samle Uunishlmont.

StHlernuinlmrry A. LevY, not putting in anappooarance to In trined on a charge of neglectof duty. was drotop"d from the rolls.

Patrolman J. It. Gilmore was dismissed theforom for neglect of dilluty.

Wm. Crncvy. for not appuearing for trial on acharge of neglect of ditty, was dropped fromthe rolls.

The property clerk. Mr. F. 0. Minor, made tohe board his monthly r, tort of the property

belonging to the ofllen, and enumerating thedifferoent articles missing, na well as the monoeysrecorded on the index hook and not found inthe safe. iHe further states In his report that hehad made ia demand on his predecessor. Mr.Peter Cooley. for the property and money mtls-ing, but could notoltrtatn a, satisfactory reply.Hoe onnltdes his report by asking that the

second of N, vemhrnier e set apart for the sale ofthe property uintlal med for t h, past six months

The board, non mrotion, duelded that the saltetake place under thin suporvision of the Ad-ministrator of Pollce on the day the Admin-istrator tlhou•hlt proper.

A resolution was al'ered, and unanimouslyadooted. rono•sttng F, O. Minor, property clerk.to appear h•fre the Grand Jury and Indict hispredecessor, Mr. Cooley. for breach of trust andembezzlement.


RUC( IESIONS OPENrED.Augusta Dofasse and of his wife, Robt. Allen.

Max Humbacker.



A. IH. flolgrnen, breaking and entering adwelllnrg-tlouse Land grand Ilarceny. .loS. Trou-ard, carrying toncealed weapons. Chas. Ohas,shooting with intent to eommtl murder. Mar-tin Kinney. assault by willfully shooting at.


The immigrants lately arrived on the steam-shitl Frankfurt. from 11 omen, hwve taken uptheir quarters in diflr'ren parts of tihe city,some of them going to the worst infected locali-ties.

No delays at reglrntratton oillces.


H. Williams was lodged in the Harbor Station.charged with pilfering sugirr.The wharf at the hind of Blenvillo street is in

a very dangerous condlitlon.John Hoahn. for assault and bhttery on his

wife,was lodguedr in the Fourth Precinct Station.At 2 o'clock TIiuesdlsy morning a thief entered,

Mr. Delhlondt's reslldnce, No. 205 iturLmainostreet, but hiforo obtaining any booty, wasfrightened off.

At it o'clock Mondayt night a colored mannamed Joe Johnson. while under the inll flen:oof liquor, was struck on the irlhead with ia tum-bler bty some unknown Darty on Franklin,between Bienvilli and Customhouse streets.

Registration office open In each ward.

Cuttino Affray.At 9:30 o'clock MInday night, on Josephine

strilet. near the corner of Carondelet, GeorgeStamm was out in the fact by one Thos. Max-well. It aponars the dtstiute arose over a ganmeof cardss. Stemm's wounds are very slight. Theaccused matde his escape.

Burglary.Some time during Monday night thieves en-

tored the office of the Houthncestern (,'hristianAdcntlet, No. 39 Ntoehez street. ,und stole andcarried away $310 in silver and an EnglishTranter. In the same drawer where the pistolwas there was $185 in currency, which wasoverlooked hvy the night prowlers. The entrancewas aafected by forcing open the transom overthe door leading to the office.

Register before the olflcea are crowded.

Nurses and attendants in sick rooms, whohave not had the fever use Omaha RhubarbWine as a preventive. For sale by I. L. Lyons,druggist.


SOUTHWEST PAss, Oct. 29. 0 D. m.- Barometer29.75. Wind south-southwest. lght. Weathercloudy.

Arrived: British schooner Conmance. Nyborgmaster. 12 ldays from Ituatan, with fruitto 1).Cofalu & Co. She reports that on October 19,while in lat. 19.48 north. long. 85.40 west, shelout overboard her mate, Thomas M. Carey.

No departures.PORT EADS, Oct. 29. 6 p. m.-Wind south-

southwest, good breeze. Weather thick andrainy.

Arrived: Austrian bark Lino. I:ussanich mas-tar. ;rr days frrom St. Vincent, Cape Verde. inballast, to master.

Norwegian bark Caleb.Jobson master. 66 daysfrom Arurdal, in ballat,. to master. On Octo-bher 12. in lat. 23.05 north, long. 50 ,0 west, had ahurricane from south-southeast, with terriblesea, lasting twelve hours; passed Cape St. An-tonio S',mtember 2(;; passed. on September 2s,bark Montebello, from L endon. b,'und to Bon-bay. in lat. 38.22 north, long. 1s 34 we-t, all well;September 29. ship Astracara, from Livertool,hound to Rio Janciro, in lat. 35 20 north, 1 ,ngr19.00 west, all well; September 30, Ameieanship Wyoming. from Bremen, bound to South-west Pass, in lat 33.00 north, long. 20 west.

Sailed: Steam-hip Liddesdale, for Revel; barkAlbert, for Havre.



lhoe attempt at enterprise or oiur Campstreet Contemrporartis in publishing theroadjustmont of the public school teach- t?r1, made by the School BIoard at itssesln oon Monday fevening last, resultedin wretchedly garbledl reports, whichcaused considerable excitement among inanlyof the teachers and sornethingl of a rush atthe City Hall to ihiterview SuperintendentIogers. Through the courtesy of our worthySuperintendent the J)EMOCuIrAT IS enabled thIb

p'nmorning to present a correct andt complete

tableau of tile teachers, their positions, andthe schoo,ls to which they are now assigned :

J.ACKSON (noYor).

Prinr ola t--A. ,. J,eshbe.

First Assistant-Miss J. E. Ltnalor.Second Assistants-Miss M. E. LPursoll, Miss

J. D. I'lekena.T'hird Assistants-Miss M. Rennyson. Mrs. K.

Sblack.JACS('ON (orts),

Principal-Mrs. F. C. . Tomes.First Assistant-MIss M. (G. Olivivlr.Second Assistants-Miss F. Stringer, Miss Ida

Whittaker.Third Assistants-Miss F. H. Ilarby, Miss M.

Elllison.i'SOU LDITN(.

Princlpal-Vineont Mullvy.First Assistants-Miss R, M. Woodley. Miss

IMatry Nugent.Second Assistants--Miss ThI'. M. Elliot. Mrs.

E. M, Kepolinger.Third Assistants--Miss J. A. iBucklny. Miss E.

Brooks, Miss M. Larkin. Mrs. A. J. Stockdal.eMiss O. Woodworth.

CLIO.Principal-Miss M. A. Armstrong.First Assistant-Mrs. A. W. Brown.Sn-ond Assistants--Miss M. A. Cumberland.

Miss B. A. Houghton.Third Assistants--Miss M. A. Reuter. Miss M.

L. Barrett. Miss L. F. Wagner. Miss M. E. Penn.MAItRSTAI..

Principal-F. A. •_=ldon.First Assistant-Mrs. J. . o. hinson.H~econd A'sistants-Mrs. E. H. Diboll, Miss

Kate Eastman.Third Assistants--MIss S. Bloomfield, Miss 1B.

Woods. Mrs. B. F. Goldon. Mrs. E. Dobio.FRANKLIN.

Prilncipel-Mrs. M. E. McDonald.First Assistants-lMiss E. Todd, Mrs. M. E.

'raiiaforro.Sornd Asnistants-Mrs. E. B. Johnson. Miss

Ida Patton, Misr M.A A. Amos.Third Asseistnts-Miss Anna R. Mayer. Miss

Alieo Lamhsrton. Miss Clomenco Charlos. Mrs.U. I. McKinlay.


PrinolDpal-Jno, I. IH. iulin.First Assistants-Mrs. C. A. Curtis. Miss M. E.

MrLoughlin.Setond Assistants--Miss Agnes M. Cass. Miss

H. L. Mylotto.Third Assistant--Miss M. A. Brodeorlck, Miss

M. Stroudback, Miss J. C, Kiley.WITiERTEsI.

Prinoipnl---Mrs. S. (Cooney.First Assistants--Miss J. W. Benedict. Miss

Nellln H. Watson.Stcond Assistants--Miss Mary O'Brion, Miss

Sarah Harris.Third AssistantP-Miss G. L. Lambourne.

Miss Jennie oees, Miss M. L. Martin. Miss J. C.Dodg6.


Prin'i•al-Mrs. J. Jaekson.First Assistants--Mrs. J. E. Stehlo. Mrs. K. C.

M ((cCann.M ,sntid Assistants-Miss AM. McCOrd. Miss A.

J. Cont.T'hird Assistants-Miss J. Mulver, Miss Hl-

donia Hlolires. Miss Ida Ieunnett, Miss B. Sulli-van, Miss M. IDonnelly, Miss Th. HIarnett.


Principal-Thos. W. lDyor.First Assistants--Mrs. Annie Mackin, Miss J.

B. Grarti.HSontd Assistants-Mrs. E. L. Venables. Miss

M. K. lHamblett.Third Assistants-Miss M. Mulvey. Miss A. J.

milton Mi II M MC . lcCarty, Miss A. Shelltey,Miss A. L. Miller. Miss J. Donovan.

EDIMONIA.Principl-d-Mrs. K .J. BIcker.First Assistant-Miss M. I1. Williams.HIeend Asshttunts-Miss E. C. Vigors. Miss E.

C. Kennedy.'iThird Assistants-Miss F. E. Johnson, Miss A.

B. Mason, Miss S. 1B. Allen. vacancy.SUIMNER.

Principnl--A. I'. Wiiliams.First Assistant--Mrs. C. M. Knptarld.Second• Assistants-Mrs. L. V. Miller, Mrs. M.

A. Francis.Third A-sistants-Mrs. M. A. Jones. Mrs. A. P.

Berholl, Mrs. L. II. .Jett.MARON.

Principal-Charles P. (uichard.Hoecond Assistant-Vacancy.


Principal--Mi-s M. .. O'Neill.Second Assistant--Miss F. Conroy.

BIIINVILLE.Principal-Miss It M. c(Jhvallio.First Assistant-Miss .J. M. Paul.Stcr,nd Assistants-Mrs. 0. M. Casanova. Miss

A. MtcJ rd.Third Assistannts-Mrs. A. Ducatt-l. Miss M. J.

Carr, Miss E. Torney, Mrs. A. Dolslor.IonE n'rTON.

Prinepal--Mrs. it. B. Howard.First Assistant-Miss L. A. I'Paddon.SHcond Assistants-Miss L. M. Wagner. Miss. Lanbatt.Third Assistants-Miss G. Ki(trn, Miss M.

Walsth, Miss A. Stokes.DERitBINY.

Princlpal-Mitss E. C. (urolan.Sttond Assistant-Miss Jos Stewart.Third Assistant-Miss M. H. Hill.

CTlltIOiNE.Prinripal-- . Auilry.First Assistant-Miss E. KEnarns.SSecond Assistants-Miss A. A. Finch, Miss E.

A, Jones.Thi d Assistants-Miss A. i, Magnon, Miss

A. Sinclair, Miss K. O. Clark.RAMPAIRT NO. 1.

Prinelpi-"Miss W. V. Mdcarthy.First Assistrlat--Miss M. rasssinot.Second Assistants-Miss A. E. Young, Miss K.

Brown.Third Assistants--Miss Adile Coudrain, Miss

B. Armstiong. MissO. Letton, Miss M. Popham.ST. ANN..

Principal-MIss J. M. M ettaxa.First Assistand- Mis M. V. Sirran.Second Assistants-Miss E. King. Miss Ida

Monl'roe.Third Assistants-Miss M. Goodwyn. Miss E.

Lccroix.ST. PHILIP.

P'rinclpal- Warren Easton.First Assistants-Mrs. Mary Moore, Miss L.

McAniulty.Second Assistants-Miss S. B. Iiodwood, Miss

M. O. Conner.Third Assistants-Miss Mary Moran, Miss

Marion Brown, Miss S. Williams, Miss L. Faust.Miss F, Golden.

BARRACKS.Principal-Miss M. D. Cooper.First Assistant-Miss H. McCarthy.Second Assistants- Miss J. L. Deitrigo, Miss

C. McCann.Third Assistants-Miss M. A. Forguson, Miss

M. L. Puintz, Miss L. Donovan.BAYOU ROAD.

Princioal--Mrs. 1' C,rtier.First Assistant-Miss Al. Ilhbet.Second Assistant- m iss A. Savini.Third Assistants-Miss K. E.Carr, Miss Annie


Principal-Miss E. P. McCarthy.RT. 'PETERS (IOYS.)

Principal-Mrs. N. Chamnbers.Third Assistant-Miss A. B. Cottrell.


Princlpal-H. IR glio.First Assistant-S. A. A. Grant. D. Magronne.

E Hllariot.Third Asistants-J. H. .Yuni, O. K. Chellet.

Annie Conwell, H. Brugniens.,f'DONOGH NO, 9.

Principal-T. Mull edey.First Assistants- (Girls) Mrs. A. E.Van Camp.

(I'ots) Mrs. l. A. ,Duriocourt.Secnd Assis'tants-(Boi's) Miss A. V. Icard,

(Boys) Miss C. Nicol.T'lird Assistants- Girlsa Miss K. E. Murphy,

(Girls) Miss R. Smith. (l3oys) Miss E. Qluayle.

Principal--J. J. O'nm,'r.First s-istant-Miss J. E. Morton.Second Assistants-Miss M. S. Wilson, Mrs.

N. Wi stermfield, Miss M. E. Cuggy.Third A 5 5istanlts-Miss Al. Lewis, Miss B. C.


Principal-G H. H. Gordan.First Assistaints--Miss M, E. Cusack., Mrs. M.

F Stevens.S-ioond Assistants-Miss Ant. Hart, Miss Ella

M. Brown.Third A-sistants-Miss J. McAnulty, Miss M.

Z. Perez. ,lis Honor' Brown. Miss Anita Duval, Miss Ada Jenks. Miss F. L. Smith, Miss E.Ducoing.

BEAUREGARD.Principal -Mrs. V. Ducatel,

First Assistant-Miss V. ParrSecondl Assnstants-Miss K. Munster, Miss I.

Toole.Third Aalstants-Miss L,. Oheovollo, Miss

Ellen Casey.OEtNTILIY.

Princlpal-Miss M, E. Anderson.M'IONOrIt NO. 2.

PrinciDal-Miss 0, IlubbardFirst Aistllants-Mrs. A. Bell, Miss M. O. Car-

ter.tswnnd Assistants-Miss IR. T. Moore, MisFF J.

White, Miss E. Lynch.Third Assistants--Miss E. Harrison, Misr

Claria DaIvis Miss Susan Smith, Mrs. A. Dai.,Miss F. F. IFub rwaid, Mrs. H. Ularoey


Principal-T. J. I. Flynn.Filst Assistants-Miss A. Harris, Miss M~.-

wnetney.Hernd Assistants-Mi5m M. M arshall, Miss II.

McCarthy. Miss M. N. Stewart.Third Assista,,ts Miss A. Urban, Miss l.e

Ihrtus. Miss D. Ktenendy, Mis-l M. Cordon. Missd. Young, Miss K. Dolosdorulor.


Prihcipal-Mrs H. , Cstln.First Aassisint-.Miss E. Gord.Maend Assistants-Mrs. A. I). Savio, Miss M.

A. Rlil.Thlrn Assistants-Miss E. Tobin, Miss Delph.

I'ointz, Miss L. Tallan.WAHMIINIFTON' NO. 1.

Prineipal-Miss 1,. B. Wilder.First Assistants--Miss Annie Sheoan, Miss Ch.

Stuart.Sond Assistants--Mrs. S.. Blanca, Miss T.

Olh'vllion.T ohird Assitants-Mrs. I'. CaIulu, Miss Rosa.

llarby. Miss Mary Ciark, Miss Rosa Diono.M'•ARTI!

Prnelopal-J. M. Shar;e.First Asslstants-Miss B. Nolan, Miss J. A.

Mayberry.Socond Assistant--Miss K. E. Dovine, Miss O.

L, Stewart.Third Assistants-Miss B. Fortune, Miss M.

Curley, Miss M. 0. Roynolds. Miss E. I. Taylor.Miss M. MoElligotl;


Princlpal-Miss C. A. Warner.e econd Assistant-Miss Helona Phillips.

Tthird Assistant-Miss J. Elselo.RIANCOiK.

Principal--Miss M A. Murphy.Second Assistant-.Miss Lihia-o .Hart.


Prineipal-Mrs. Ellion llamilton.Hocond Assistant-Miss J. Donnolly.

Fourlh Dlitrict.FIU LTON.

Principal MIss TI. (l.arrr'tt.First Assistant-Mrs. J. Il. i)iks.Becondl Assistants-Mrs. J. J. Ingraham, Miss

M. E. Golden.Tnird Assistants-Mrs. L. Ward. Miss Ballil

lBoyco.M'DONOOI! NO. I.

Princlpal-Mrs. M B. Mallnm.First Assistants-Miss E. L. Auvray, Miss B.

M Murphiy.lSecondl Assistants-Miss L. E. Bibb, Miss M.

Em manuel.Third Assistants-Miss. N. Forshoy. Miss 'I.

H. Duval, Miss 8. A. Forshee.HtES'rTNUT.

Princlpat--Miss H. Mnicn•ry.First AssIhtant-Miss Cl'esto Neely.Second Assistant--Miss L. B. Thomas.

iLAUtr IL.

Princhial-M. M. lw•,First Assist ant--Miss M. E. Tank.Hoecond Assistants-Miss E. Clapp, Miss M. 0.

Brien.Third AssIstnnt.-Miss L, J. Lambourne.

Mrs. M. H. Wells, Miss K. Glonn, Miss Nl. .O'Connotr.


Principal-- . L. Wayne.First, Astistants-Miss M. E. Finnerty. Mise

E. B. Brown.Second Assistants-Miss M. E. Roes, Miss H.

C(amn )boll.Third Assistnnts-MI-s B. Young. Miss J.

Rondeau, Miss M. Weavwr., Miss 1I. Forbes,MAGNOLIA ((• Rr,).

Principal-Mrs. L. M. Williams.First Assistants--Miss B. (onas, Mrs. Jos.

Rand.Second Assistants--Miss Ph. Packard, Miss 0.

I'rird Assustnns~-Miss C. Boocher. Miss N.Boullgny, Miss E. Porrnor.

a.CTCrl,.Principal-Mrs. C. S. Hlte,R.First Assistantas-Miss J. Dornan, Miss I. O.

Whittaker.Second Assistants-Miss A. L. Boechor, Miss

M ,1. Kearney.Third AssistantA-Mrs. M. W. Carroll. Miss M.

MeLorlnan. Miss D. Bostick. Miss E. hunter.Miss C. Forror.

ST. ANDREW.Principal-C. Hunt.Second Assistans-Mrs. L, Aucoln, Miss G.

Johnson, Miss A. Kelsey.Third AsRlstat"ts-Van.ncny, Mrs.W. Clarkson.

Miss Z. A. Msell. Miss Ii A. lickman.DITRYA DEH.

Principal-Mrs. H. F. Williams.First Assistant-Mrs. E. L. Itodringuz.Hecond Assistants-Miss J. Siimms. Miss J. E.

BI plisl o.Third Assistants-Miss L. M. White,. Miss

B. Plicquo. vacancy.M'I)NOfNTI NO. H.

Prlncipal-Ti. Dul)lho.First Assistants--Miss M. P. Iero, Mrs. M. A.

Baby.Becond Assistants-Miss O. McManus, Mrs. J.

Fredericks.Third Assistants-Miss M. J. Dowty, Miss M.

Ferguson. Miss M. Iloran. Miss A. Olavior,IFVE1 OAK (tIRLSH).

Principal-Miss M. A. Wicks.First Assistant, MI-s Maggie ilrldgns.S e•,od Assistants-Miss J. E. O'Brion, Miss

E. Wheaton.Third Assistant-Miss A. Jourdan, Miss It

Welch, Miss I(. C. C onnotiv, Miss L. Cowloes.

Filth District.M'Dt)NOOIT NO. 4.

Principal-J. It. Ill ,i(hinso(.First Assistants-Mrs. L. Anderson, Miss M.

Jorollemnan.lSecond Assistants-M'ss M. L. Howard. Mrs.

A. E. Chaso. Miss M. F. Rogers.Third Assistants-Miss M. A. Gardner Miss

N. ')hison, Miss H. M. Turner. Miss MaggioItodlih.

M'DONOon NO. 5.

Principal-I-. A. ,Morse.First A-sistants-Miss E. T. Haydon. Mrs. M.

J. Williams.Second Assistants-Miss M. A. Michaud, Miss

Julia Mooney.Third Assistants--Miss Mary J. Turner, Miss

Mary D. Stokes, Vlcancy.CUT-OFF.

Principal-George Lawrence.Second Assistant-Vacancy.

Sixth District.M'DONOGII NO. 6.

Princival-Sanm'1 J. Jones.First Assistant-Miss F. DeLacny.Second Assistants-Miss F. L Flemmich. Miss

M. A. Sullivan, Miss Annie Loddy.Third Assistants-Mi-s Mary Mortz, Miss

Salli• Payne, Miss ,los. HittO, Miss Lizzie Keel-ing, Miss M. (. Hodgkins.

M'IDONOOtI NO. 7 (1OYS1.P'rinc oal--Thos. L. Preston.First Assistant-Miss H. O. White.Second Assistants-Miss L. E. Prest. Miss K.

C. Hayes.Third Assidtants-Miss F. J. Dart, Miss May

Brooks.M'DON(H0I NO. 7 (oIILS).

Princlpal-Mtss E. S. Rossner.First Assistant-Miss . H. Criswell.Second Assistants-Miss J. Ferguson. Miss S.

Lv is.Third Assistants-Miss 8. II. Evans, Miss MW.


Principal-Mrs. E. Clark.First Assistant-Miss J. M. Duffy.Second Assistant-Miss M. Mulligan.


Principal-Mrs. R,. taillton.First Assistant-Miss Kate Kelly.Second Assistant-Miss A. M. I


Third Assistants-Miss C. G. McMamus, Miss 'A. Thiel.

BROADWAY.Prinlrinal-J. L. Furman.Second Assistant-Mrs. C. W. Bentley.


Principal-Miss A. E. Killgrove.Second Assistant-Vacancy.

STATE STRIKEET.Principal--Miss G. McCOeran.Third Assistant-Mrs. B. L. Beck.

VWASHINGTON NO. 2 U';IIi2,.Princripal--t!rs. F. V. Loopelr.First A,.istant-MIiss N. ,J. ,elly.Secotnd Assismt-a-M5 i .K. omerville.T'hird Assistant-Miss K. 8. Lennon.

,IEI.TEROSN NO 2 I;OYS).Prlncinal--Mi'a F. (;endre.First Assistlut-Misl Mary TallieU.secord Assistant-Mrs .G. A. Anderson.Third Assistant--Mi5s Doric Curry.


Principal-Mrs. I) K. Sorule.First Assistant-

Mic•s L. K-i1y.

Second Assistants-Miss R. Brennen. MIss ,Clehner.

Third Assistants-Miss M. Leddy, Misa 1Allen.
