til THE BALL...r ; : Circulation tiVliKin-tlinn 3.900 I" rVK ;••."'' :.vfi"SigSSS?;?;*S

r ; : Circulation tiVliKin-tlinn 3.900 I" r<knr limes nx mrjci: IIH 1l)u nvpnmu rlrrulmlmi of Die oilier wci-klk-H or mix j.ee- 7~>VK ;••."'' :.vfi"SigSSS?;?;*S.:!c«**!«!g nf morotliuii'a'goo la ifi'iir timeit'nii^ lnn« "it«" UKruvcniKe Mremi m till s" .18TH YEAR-NUMBER .'!<>. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 2.7, 1905. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 1'EU "SEAR - Cornish Empibyees'Exeiirsiona «••:"•••- Rousing Success. 1,011 TICKETS WERE SOLD Day Proved Oaeof Great Pleasure Wit,. Not a Mishap of Any Kind, hem-over, 1 doomed. ti> disappointment. ,IJ(.'(ii:waa oil Milu.nt tlm hotel near Uiu ~*intiaii', z Ut*]w limy but thu man who runs !Liip]mi'L'Jttl) knows little about liU hiniiicss, judging by thu manner in which }it* entered for V-iisttMtt. Tim bur, Drowned in Morri3 CanaL : Mrs. '; Sharps Shipnmn, wlio-se '- hnm M'rtrf »t IVirt Warren, wist ««r I'AHirpri burg, met u peculiar death at (Sriu ' "til went into tin; cjituil. Mm. Siii;>nian, who lli ld d l id Music and Diacldc 'Featured Ibc Amusements : —Flae Concert ific flight Before. ^.UWVie yoii J)ii«.'.of,"tlLi'CtiJ«Jln'iiiiH lliuL 1 went with the i-xeursion or tin- CornUli Einnlny,T.i' Mtilunl,'Ui>ui>ia A>so<-intiou toCranberry . Liikii last Thursday? . Jf you \\v plcusi ! not, ,v«i ed a dclif-litfulh L'Vl'Ht.:.-T.IH' 1 Whole llll'llil* WIIH ; conducted on a Jii»li jdane, tbt-prepara- tions being characterized by the great- et.t. thnrou^hijfjs-. mid I thosu in charge fiiul the satitfiutioniif sei-iiig trwrvthiiig curried out In the sit is fact ion of all. Good fortune smiled upon their efforts in 'every jiarlicuJar, for tlie weather was ua j , aitle as if mi«li' tit. order, tin- crowd fur lifVoml cxju'cliitioiii and there ii.- not a niteluip e.fany kind to mar .tin; ji]ra>Uivs of the day. It only v.-J-v i-litlitisiusti'; onus wlio liiur.i.ro.- l t h t H t dietoil that Hit liiiiKlfedjico.i.li!. ylit, wlibiil.. 1 . 1 . 1 !!'' 1 .'"'" 1 ' 1 .'' : '' m : "'' .H'IIU.; st'oek, it! ^f;" 1 was found Unit l,!lll tickets' hail lice «>ld anil everv oni! if..I. llcides tlic the lalw «av thev never *a\v an oxuur- siou of iliis >ize that coinj.iireil vr.il.li it in poind- of fjood order. .-...- ..... , The time from tin- arrival nf the trail11* until the noon hour was enliven- ed lijc tlie lirnid, whieh gave, aconcert it tlm bip; pavilion. _Th<' jniwiejjiroyidei Vui^Tif li iiij-in-iiiinieter, unij wus grrnt lv rnifciyed. * All'ln*iH«li H was primarily a picnic all'icir and many brought lunches a good number secured dinner at thu piivilinu. when- a very good meal was swrveil for Ilfty cent*. Whoever runs that depart- ment deserves considerable, ere.ifit for the i|iiaiity of tin:'inwiN and for the service RlVI'll. At one. o'clock the young people nol estle** mid clamored for dancing. As in nil• other arrnn^eim-nts, the commit- tee .'ln'itl prepared for this feature in a ino-'t thorough manner. An nrelteitni of i hand and the di-pensed win wus continued •f the mil. ' regular' i-i.-iau tint tlicr. di psilily lied free. \ . cliil- Inin- n I'M 11:.. lake lak. order, t . .. their'., luwir* the same eveming. The dam'ers had a nm-l enjovable afti-moon t i t ' i t . - ' •' . . . - . l-'li.i n l e d f r e . \ i.l f ne I n i n . ,, •Jr.il mid llflv, lic.ricl liy iirrsiinnll' I/ 1 " 111 six. milil ""vi'tl o clock was n friends i.f ex-Sci f. Oiriii.li, .mm- i ralll !' r •'"•»"'. V ''"'"• Hieiv mis no musi t intti ! l down from Newton, and HUM,., with ..th- »»"".'* "«l.'rt..in the eve us,.,,..-!- ami er* who ,-,„..• from .|[,ivk<>UKl..wii MIIMI IWH>'<'«T.vl»Hly w.i^ih, and midy to other pla,^ on the rr-ulurln.h,.. ,»elM *' '""'".'Y ll " lril '»* lu .«; '^ lllkl ' ilt eil the crowd at tl,, bib- lo about lif- t ™ ' "'''".'*• n :" el !"'" .^ llslli l I 1 ! 1 IU lH>ii hundred people. It W«H. withoilt M*'*-' Ilt r" r » " ^ m«»»t^ "Iturwiinl. ^l;i«y, ,i ., .1 ,... .i 1 ,.v,.m'-s,,,i n,ii i Vl 'ho lur various reining ilesircd to m i d e ",• w ,',L t of ?M.i " I n d lei 11 ''' 11 '' «"-»«T- I"** « '^"' lil '- »••«!« f™« on,;' '!,:„ ;:':, i i <>«• ^ ^ ] f ^ n r •""'«•"• •" eirm-U next v,,,r, if that bo possible. Ufl'"*l"» » > * minute. aJt.-r ,ix ^atlch.!^ ilS'to 111 ,,^ S ^tu,, *^ *«> »•*" « a plea- ,,u::":i! itiXhiii.bs.h'^;"--^ 1 '';^»^<>" ^«-^ limit!.... will, of eour,,-. W diifcr«Nt. eaeh J- W!IS Ul " ".'"' i; " llwl ' t -™ ll - v U lir<!ll( '^ by paralysis, fell into the water. Tlie daughter plunged in after her and drug- ged her out on the hank. All elVortx to H-siHi-itate Ml";*. Shipmaii, however, were unavailing,,mill her death resulted tlm hours later, It is thought dentil wi ihw,, morcHo shoek than nnvuttier enn* " Mri«V-Shitirimii was a native of Knjiit i-dtisf towii.-liiji,' lieiiij,' the d'nijrliter < tin; lnt<- (.'LiirKi! Htryker. She leiives hiHlnind and one dnn^hu-r. Mrn, Hhip d it also leaver six hrothiir fll 1 J p leaver six hrothiir- find on« sinter, »s follows: .1. J. Strvkor, of 1'hillipshua'; John W., of Unimi- Icwii; fioiirjw lt-t "f CMMIIIJ:. Xeh.; Isuan H. and 0. Kliner. of Victoi-, Col.; Pmil 1'., <•!' KOM'IIC Park, and Mrs. William K. Wlt f K , C Wnlter, of Kiistm ('DVoner Kriincy liltt l the liodv i tl y n n>rliltnit<> of !i<;i;)dcTil!il d.-uth. deceased wnttniii was a iiu'inber of triiw 1 LiitliRmn'church.' -'l'lu>;Tniie* -rviiTrf were, conducted ut' her lati! "" Siiridny nftt-nioon. Itnrial win rh t j Forestry in NewJersey. New .lersev i" about to lie-in i-iiI work IH a Stiitir in nriicLiunl y. At the Mijri-estioa ,,f (;. ilokis; the last Lenienture,. e! for tin- eslabltHlitii.iiit'-Vif'-f d crealed' ti Si pushed oivst nu l ii .1* Kon'tt I'nrk llPicrviilirm I-. Tndi'i- llifs- provisir.iN-of tlr<> law i.'.nii.;: tin- boiird the C'<>i'imi^ioni<i> v ere iiiilhori^ed to ncijiiin- a iVi< simple -la(.< in any lands In b.- mken for the nii|ii>-e- of'fon-,-1 park n-^-rvaf ions, llie n|iiN ; i(i<'ii to be lurompli-Ot.'d •-ither bv (-.•(I. ylfl or devise; or. if : in-irss:,rv, lij otidciiinatioii |>i'<><rediii^; and wh'M' lie Itiud I'or this inirposi- U oitrc aeipiir- (1 it is lo IK> ]u-]d for (IK- li-'in-lil nf th'' .(•"ide of NVw .Jcrfii»v. • - : Th- law 'KTHOI^KVXEWS:'*. fnel> ot'iiii-tiiiiu Rebels Against Republican Vote; ini-i'n Catching Scheme. itE V . . - ,<v, •-• : - ' - - . ] Ai'i.l j STICK TO FREEHOLDERS! .TT™*S"«iS ! Z l ffiln3 B ^ :_'_!. tie.--hoilhllie ,-hnii«eil. I eiiii-ei. iioii.l- Say« There is no Necesslly or DemiiKt j ff\!?!liii!ii™ii t^'ty." .'I'l'i'.i' ,!-',,'"l'ie'i'i'i!i,li'-' e uilojiti'il the Sllliill.'l ml the.v .-sin -.IIIIIV tint re hil-ine-t* witli le>- ;\oiv Ciilmct] That Comptiny Has Com- .ntilv Ihun li;H. thp; plcte Kli;ht ol Way Between Wush-:. •'Mll'iiiiiiuil hv llie ,••••• •'.'• ln « t0 " anl1 Pnlllipsbt-r.-. .;•:- K,-|.lll un (••..lllltv : ;V uil1 the ellKlo»-illK il.'t.lils of other ..I,-!-- is -1 fir-.,-1-» « - i i , : • » " • » » . w "'»">" I 1 ™! 11 -- i' !lll " u ••»"»:! ( tritnsiii-tiiiL' the 'I' 11 ' Hie" toM'oiiili-r ul.ilt nils Ijeeome THE BALL Brains and Skill.JJSi lor CoramlssioiKrs In Warre Statistics Sho* Tilt Warrea Is More BUM- mlcally flom-ied Tluit ll«altro«n. (fcii.l.-ll'ei.v, Vlio eiill lay t-hlilll to lieiilf.' thu lending Jte|itihliciill of Wnsli- ili»ton, ut h-n>t .-.o fur tia tlio pnilittihle enil of it is eomrrnoil, U not ill fi\-»ij>a- tliy ivilli Chiliriiiiui lieiley'a sulieiim to T p. n I.inn .<|'| I lo tl hij Sime c..n.l „.!„„ thi. leu".,- | h,lv,. eeitnl a copy o[ nieiiniiunl sliitclnelil »'H si"' -IN i,,:il-i.,,iw.. ,,':":.':;":'.-'".•:" \ our.; ti-tifv. ! ",".'-'."" v.r: (ISC-AII -.IKKKBHV. Wli-liillSH.il. X. .T. l y - ri'iiily intend lo put it in ojicru tifiMT" ate 'ilii'.stiotis that are flc'picntlv iwknl. Tlieie U -cclnil^lv littlu.lining at I hi- end of Hie line, and nil -n- sional |.iiilru.liu^ trolley rail un th ill street of Hie horou|:li is ti m] nipla 'I'hill^s are „,,,!,..„,, ll "looking lip THE SCORE WAS 10 TO ii ill -Heel of Hie l.oroli^li U tlm olllv | ' '- '. ..' ",".'. '.' . '••.'.-'..: . ' ' ':'; i.-iiiiii.ler «-,,.hiiii;i..ii |.eo|.l.' imriv iIMi Every One of Baiigor'a Seven Hits Won !i"™,:.,nSi;:,,: '. •" ' "•""-'• '•"""!:;. ;~: for/ExiraBaaei,.:. = : ? - [ hoiv.v.T. whieh i- Soo.T i!e« » In I hi- folk,' Michelle W«B Hit Hard >nd Qol Poor Suppoi I,,,, tlil- w,,y. Will,,,, the ,„,., week: . F Hooic P l . j . n . / •r. have leen iiiljiirt,.il''wit|i imn:itte;--.lf i:K,u\ii,h;:-ii i;' •lliii^ht rhjlit of wny ystem. .Mr. .lu hest mid y otes lif utlvneatiny .the to li-ftliut 1 tlm (iru^'il om miss ion .fi'<.-(Oiol(l«r the old way is Un mical and fnir ini-aii- of.;|novins his eluiin tiy eoni- U»; ex[ii'iiiMtt inly, whiiflr i> now -isiuifM's, wit li i h nf jovenu-d liy (-.vpciiditilix-s of .niitty |.res., li:it tlio IH'W. lit 1 t i ' l l l . - - • • : • • 111 » i-oiivriliiilioii lo th. .Mr. .lefl'ery ^ny.-. in p:irl: As no I{.f|.iili]h-iin coiiveiititin in Wur- ri-ll eotlnty IIIIH (leeliireil ill fiivor of tlie . I us II ltt'lHllilieElll lovnl to the hnvi' The riv.M lo o|i|n»i> llie us ti.it un hoiiiienl ]ioliev nn.l iwi-e fr i i.artv.s|nli.l|ioiii't. In tin.- lir.-t |ila.-e. it will inerease the e.\'- .e.i.-ie.-. of llie hmiril of frcelinliler* ill iiiin.ij.'ilii.' tin- eonntv all'idrs. 'I'he law iHrh Sir. lleilev in'vokes ijives eaell of he three l-'r.-eh..liler.s n si.larv ..r .»il.,-,(l!l, nakillL' a total of Sl.nilO.* w l i i t e ' t h e in-sent hoaril ..I 1 freeholilers have limit - eel fheir e\|.eiwes lo $1.(1111). The la»l 'otnity staleiiieiil. {.ulilisli.-.l slniws I lull 'lie fl h'.l.l.-lN" e\|n-ii-es were $1.I!1S. n-'iny'.*.::(KJ le" than the lawliives Ilirei- fieeliol.ler... .Tills file! is to I.e i-olishle,- I'll. 111.- I'leelii.liler.- illirillij Ilial vi-ill 11- .In.eleil. OMIIII.V 1'i.ii.l.s whieh ll.l.le.l lo their e.Vj.ellses. ' In 'Hunter.!'.!! eotnttv the voters him- a.l,.|.teil Hie |mlie.v of'three freeholilers. an.l Ihe hi.i Stale 'G'uiiiplrrilli'r's report uives IIS s. .lalawhieh will ai.l it, in fonniiij.' a i-onelnsion. On |iili.'i' XI of tlm State C'onl|ltrollel-'s r.'|)oll of HUM we have the statement ..!' " " "ly Mr. De.Mott. Ill The Juniors Pally and Picnic. The eoinniitlee in i-lmiee of Ihe si- ini!ii:l pienie anil rallv of the eoi "f -Ir. (I. f. . \ . M. I. >ai<l. an.l a .-trni;:ht ri^lit of miv has I U'asliiii^ton's hase liiilljicaiii woilt tt. I I.eeii proviil.-.I for. The sent hits not I l!aii«nr last .Saltirilnv iin.r-'tliev skinnt-il |y,-l heen fjivi-u in will in s hill Ihi- i- as-j li.-." The wi.nl 'Skinned 1 ' is'uf Unc-J.- . a- the ..-iiij lit: . ^iven ihe i'e- - |iiiti>d ti-n day.-' ndvi-rli-- 'll'eet hy a lluckett'-town .cli^iii» nf this dm I is n ninth' i h ll j i ^ ' t h » - iii-t »itn:i' Iietweei'i »i ' inytoii and [!acl;i'ti-t.o\vri. W in dt- y h d I is n ninth) »i inytoii and [!acl;iti-t.o\vri. . ?:[ oi'^iini/iiiiriii itf '.IT. (I. I'. A. .M. is work- nineli iin|ioitaniv to the trolley ciniijiiitiy | Washington did tin- skinning net on . -1 • >j_r hurd in |it-rfei-tin^ the |ihins for the.aiid ri-Hevt-s tin- inomoter^ of n f-reid-11 nut oi-Lii^itm iinil Hackettstown was the! In- w-ni »hirh is to h<- k-ld in the denl of louinei-. All ohstneles |mv.< fskimii'd \nuty. This time llanjim- had y:::.:Xh:^i--:-,:.::-: * £ ^^zB^^^^Z^ ^n,;.:;irfS-i:rtnf^ ploy. an.l the lat»e ••.. tR-adeil l.v tlir al..-r of tl l.an.l. itiarel'eil I. ihe*'raiiroa.l sl'ali'on'" Tlie" start "for'l he I . '''!" lakt-wiis niaili- lit. S.-IO. Tho exenrsioii | "'"" was run in two sections of iiim eaell. If Ihe i-row.l ha.i l.e.-li •i-llly .Iis-trihiitt-il hart. .: ,.i.i It -la •iri'flil' mill l.iiiilinv. Thei Irk-al illuiniiialioii ishts. Thu: iml.'.l tin of re.I. whil Thnniton.; If all owners will eo nnirate willi jlhc Set-retarvof Hie Coinmissioii. W'il-. liam II..GI.e»'; r.nnil N'. .(., jjiviiiK 1 Ihe] Hnnter.l. size, i-hiiraeler. loe.ilion niid priee perl ie at whieh they would -ell llmir' f »'' l " f .v w ln",s tine dee. ais of IIKJO is :l.'27-l nlon. asvlt: A Scene at Cranberry Lake, Whare on Thursday Last the Cornish Employes andOver a Thousand Excursionists Passed a Pleasant and Piofltabla Day. il.l - 11 11,'ir I ..= J rac|s. t |,c info,™,,!!,,,, will he filed will,! "hifc in Wnrrci, lirid",'. u|. ill :ui In "niitcnlo l in •\V»rr,m 1 y es-peus. .-Ili!l.(i2i in WiiiTen *l2/iln.2l) I Atyiw lnnll t S27 | An^ii t ?2!l,7n4.4,.;,. .IVn-tlm.-,. fnnir this |,i, -t. Sil.1'24.11. ly wl... ..U--.il l l I iinsjiiy. | „„„. | imL.| i..,,ily li j rlitlil nr w y fm e.il mnove.l for j t f: the cii,,^!., I,,-,,,,,!, •!]• .1 • 1,, L'l.Vllii. niui'l! | y m for a rlitlil. nr way fmm Wn.shliiKl.iii straiKht. I ! t l t l r Siljl nl ,,r Siljl fild will,! S ly wl... ..U.il. lo alt I. «..«wl. •.•!]• .1 1,, L'l.Vllii.sl.nrf.. .-.- - .viv.Ii l.il.i U-,ef,rv ,-• t n lolli ljl '"' liallt "- r '" ! " : m " "rr.iligotl taste- Ihe C ission. to he iaken u|. ill :ui In "niitcnloii elerf.ons cost W..IS3JM : „ , , . , „ „ laiioii, have 1, iirnniui'il..! T|,,. ,,„]!,.,. „„„.,„,„. |,. w |,,,;i ., ,.,,.,, t ,c ,„. wo, . , ,',M i I w 1 * '"•" K< Ihe froi.lof tl,,! Jtmul an.l carlv ,, tinj-. ' in •\V»rr,m 1 Iceti .ills, including a ' The train Icaviu" here ut .10.2:1 will s :,,,. 'i,, . J,.," H-, " ( '„ 11 s ,n, . i,.^ ..conn.! »"<«* "i" •"•'••>"'•• Tl«! electricinn ,vas ' — — ^ | -|«'ii - tWlXM. I 'i-ull spi',: - j a, iluil^ill,.. wl,;-re eon lions will hi-1. ,',!,„, ,.,„?' r <:. me •('„,! ,1 ••« MIv o", " I- llin nf 11' '•"'•• I M - "* '••'"«•' lliiileou-ycar-old! Sheriff Called to Quell Strikers. ]™.'i™ I" tW print™.; ileus. .I...II.M,-;j ma.le.will, ihe. I .... K- ll.roa.l. ..l:eliirniii-.! x.-,V Vilhw. . Vlii- .l.st'ac c has I.,-', n iTr™.^"o I t ^ c x 5i™ :ii'l J :u,l c , : :^"":^'-,"':-, ; ''- • 1 -,K*ol. i Ifc hud . full \ ::Tl,c,^ was' 'A krike' „,„.,„« Ilie ""n !'':f "^"l;!'^-f' 1 -";^ '"'''•I,'""""; IMICNWJI,,,,,, Uranr X,,. -.12 wiirstilp 'ai j ,„.,.„;„ fi i, u.ouul.l. in „ nuhcr in- wh, inspires it »•„. run. fj cliiirse ol the work and ,lid all the wir- workers and day lalmrers at Ihe IV. " *,,• i»- ' I Vl 111,.' ' ^ "•".'.?" '}'•'• -" ; ""--.'- l A"; l'i'-"'vk.-is li-i.-k ; ,„„ „„„„,,.,, - ni ,. ,„.; ,.,„„.„.,. T,,, m J, r ,„,„. delay ,t iWMorris i "^ «(•»«• 'S^'Z Z'™^ T\^^^^^^'^^ " ^S"^ L^ I * " Thej'o was .soine. delay a,t I'orl .Morris j :Lin swii.-J.iiiy tin: engines ar-nind for lliej -'Sussex lirandi, nnd in itwaiting tin; pas- saiie of regular trains an.l.on ae'rount of refii: Excursion Incidents.' . . V would not hreak tln-rulc ami 1 to take, day off. lie. was at this liehiy'it was after ich ox-lo<:k when j his desk iis ilsiiai nil day. " ' ? e.Neureionists rea.-h.'d the lake. • , -. , T|,,..-.i| r,|. st.-lion wheeled ii.nno : in I he first two or ihrec hours at tie .m!itv tlliL | imi . |. ».„, j,, st . v,.| „,!„. '•: late were, given up to sight seuin«-tak- ,,,,.s eominp from tlio lake. , ^.rytayS^"uher,;:";:n.l S Hie ^ K .'™ '»* a eouple of ...ietures as the to H«t lil>eral pa Our people i ' th . Ihe nwort tlml I lnii^'t.-, ed lo niiib- ii speeiill- L ' [tas.-icd .tlie" sqiiiiro on tlie-way t the. »t ut ion. Unfoiluiuil.i'ly, howover, tlllift! WHS It !]UHUntN.'l'ritillnlillL' illllt HOinO 5 t .L ™iU « „ ,,f ,1 ' k 'i" item cillcd niiscclh, to''U"ii- , .'I'll.- iMRnli- will roi-ni "i, UMIer sin.. In llutttunluii [ »t --1 l.:*li .-lmr|.. It will be IIHIKIIHI by ier. llie Vide I'll. Mot and In. one ris, til ill'is r.' / i!iii n.j. L'l.'lil eroa ik< •ii 1 art. -111! Hi: •i II it t'tho'dom-iml "'" "'•'" '•° IW " li ' re " 11 "" W l < S 4 '- Hi.''iVi'i Ariyl'lmmV. Son.e'W nilnndgis! I^J^J^jl;.*'';;!^^™,™,^"'i^ij i hen",' »'"hont any «.,,,,(y roads heiiw ».„. Coiineilainl 1 ,1. ' • • „.„'„, " ,? „ h , »«Jrli.M the. st rikerS. This 'resulted L t i ,1 ! J 1 ™!'.'"'' '"" ."""'^ ^ » ;'" *'?«;»• ^- ';•'»•"'•> -M«»". "f A,l,,,iy, I'ark | J ^ ,'. ,',K l , .l.'.tl^"."i , '"last .irder and Ihe furnilnre in Ilir homes of . " ^"""- "'"> •»• -uxiienilitiirn ., -VI4, will 1.,- I h e orator al the ,wri« in t h e 1Veek. ll, «.|.t of Ihe freeholders was -.m.- or .!„• pe-^bU.. b,l«rl.n. ™ r ^ - 1 ^^.^MT'^^^O'^^X'^S^ Cli U>": '!, !, S " ^ ' ^ l!l - - - I i" »|iting for ,,,„ widening of hold .of" the forward •••y.'.l iiud Washing-. toil the tilil fjul.. Tiie Ki-nrij wns toil li. ( h i v e . ••••••, ' . • •••.. .- ' : . . " -:Tln! slate picker-'-rtmmuiiil tpiitu som»- '. iitteiiiinn in the b:<-.<\::ilt - worhl. They lire liejivy biitter-"Vu:d one of thi.'ir iiiinn in life .M'eins t" le''.« .-;lio\y un the Inn- .- worth .if ii|.|j(Kin» r-iielivrs. - WhutTirj--.,.;. Ihi-y did ibis, in the .-use of oiir" V.wV .MiM-liettt* is.iini-'ijitit'r-duiir hut they ci!i- ; ' tiiitdv ituide it :tn tnieoiufortablu. Iiunr - mid :i half for Hit .little fellow. - • ' ' Swan hits, \\i-n- ;:U they -ot olf Iiim. to l:e true, bill evry onii of tho.su *iivi:ii was for e.vlni base.-, wiiieb is a most 'un- heard-of feat. ICvi'i-y time.; tlicv. smoU "- the hall, the bull b-ilW.-d, so llcrccly did, . thev smiti: it. The burning hits that went down the inli"Id and even into'tin: - . ' it Held won 1 >o hot. thev L'ould not lit: uidled. and this amiiuits'forniosl. of. in uiyht, etTorsiiiat Warihinyion iiindo.. .lolm Mill II net. Hurry Cliristine could nciiher.eateb iiiir slop these.,heuvy.'t ent .to .the. station in! iiliinncit over \vhni they learned , ants to bi'L'Oiiie-o;m;of:.thc'"fi-csh-.air '.' nbout thoir wivus in tliefihnotiii«li w, ilfteen hundred 'jiuoplu at tho Inki i-hildreii :i!»:«tit. and"wrnni out fmiii Xe York to fila.v riyhf. field for Wnaliing ton. He had little to do in the field nil.!;"' like Hie j rest of the was nimble to t:oiii]cct-wit -.™s—n^doljar and a ijuaHer hefnm he. would nn ii en tie of dniditfnl vnlnn, atrtur wh"e.ri.' voui eovdiiilly . wclcomml when they eanie l sjiemly 'delivery; "Jacoliy pitched a "fine ^iiUui! "fin r Miui.mn-,' [/urrititiiti'j L Washing- - - - - t t 't l li hit ton-to "ti't only live hits. The score: . '' were e.N-Seimior I>wis .T. ^Tallin, e,x : Abl i .: iirinciple. tl'w ..two ridt-d . for . n. nicke S. IliiT. County liditor Jacob p . . nd you furnish your own clothe y y thesmi c . Uifi ui^eessary piilclics with ^ \*on .'Itnrbcr Miller look one'ride, Imtlia'd llii: ill it il t ' collision: will [ireity yirl »t the' hot- iUfirtl'W J he. luid coining.- The'jjirl was not hurt,. :rr:r '-rt2> ::r '- 1 Soino'of Lliij'.v<Hin^-*fftUo\vs : ."who 1 :took '•'. .their yirl.s . uloMg\t.iyiiteil iheir sweet- ..^. bearLi-.to ii., ride oit tho (lyinjr. circus. '"."•" Wusliiiislmrgirls, it.'Ja "well •known, hiivo ii"''pondiitiii for Uiis^forni of.^uiiuist:-" '-.•••--;.:„• incnt. : Then the ,'unutiiiiiling .surround- ^~ -f " : ;—iiij-s'iippfiiilwi .to. tlie.'yoimjr. pn'fiple and .",-... thoy wnndored off-Mi^tliii'patijaJJiut-jlaml Jo the ninny pieturcs(|iic nnd fiequesteral libices. around ttic lake. Crnnhorry Luke . is ii nico pliiijo foi^qtiiut liLMo ('Ot«;-u-t«t«a. ; Some engnged (a boat and went row- ; . ing, and othera got into tlio "power ;,.• liMineh nnd lifntle thn tvip urquiul..'tlm . lake. All tin;'while tlie ice cream "nnd soft drink venders were doing a profita- ble business, for the day wns'warm aiul conducive to excassivi; thirst. Now nnd -then, in ti pitrty of oxeur- sionista like this, you run across" a good flort of a fellow who likes n glass of , v ;hrer. Naturally tlierfl ivefc those of this -l.l:H.itIc3cription .there_.thitt^day.r..Thcy._were, IJ. J!unuell, of the Xew t i Herald. Su])oriiit<!iideiit Jtrainhuch s1io\v*»f(-11 , Inotherly -spirit by. giyinjj;,..notice tlintl. jiiiy' N r eedlimit; liien whouiinid to'att«iid"l llm^evi'iii^iuiijiiigbt^do.-so.'.atul-by-'Hoingj' hiiiiHclf. j^Tlio big (lag wus swung to;.the 1 "hrupzfi fibm in front of the factory honor'of thu occasion;' . , . Describing the excursion at a cohmm's length, tha Newton .irenihl'siiysi 'f'Senn- tor ((ohiislon CornislT^vas one of. tlm 'msit'sfjiiie.nibors"of;_thi! excursion party. Te^stetucd in f; denm]id here, there ami p. very whore, and really proved a most gallant and ue.ver-wonrying' : captain ,.of the host. •*"""*—-'* ..* How praiseworthy it would be if the NowtoiiMiiduatno's would' catch the Washington i(lea:aml unite-in .aiupxfinrsion-of-this-chiuaeLt'r." duet. Howard Alinviey has » piiiiifiVlty- jh'g. niusedTby a family brawl an fork-thrust by his wife in -self-def. invctisnle ihiMillairs of the county, >n ^ V V / ' j' mill ,lml«i! Slii|ininil of nnr coiinly ii.n.le ' ', i. ••'*.'"' „„ , - '".Mini- tlio i,i™tlB1,ll!r,n;.vT,nlor ..f--t.h» court. ~ 'f'cm- ,1 a " , « on me, I 1, ho ninile his =¥e|ii.rl, 1 it: was such J', , ,, , , , „ ' !" "", 1 ". 1 ! 11111 " 1 " . tini, ol.iellts. Hiss Z.-l r was thrown out of tin 10c. ii saucer—tho good, thopoor, tho in- diffflront. 1 ',, When yoirget^EHijEiN't^Iois CIUUM you got tlio bpst,for tlio same [trlco you payfor tlio chen]) stuff—lOc. n jaucor. It's tJio part of wlGdom to got 1 j Mimibiy of lust wwk. His MIIIOSH dnted buck scv«n •wfiijbs, when )iu ' was j.ros- ti-ated by the heat. • • ' Ke,lutive8 here, rowivod notieo of his (l<rath, but owing UTthc•. fnot 'limb tho letter iniMcmTte.(|-Lln\y did n'bt^bjarn of it 11 ii til-Wit liito . to attend tho fimoriil? whiuh took placo.on Wednoarbiy. Mv. VuuiiutliL wns 70 ycvirs old and leavesftwidow nnd four children—Wil- liam of California, and Jacob of Ouo'un Grove; ami Sarah nnd Jane, uwho livo lit homo."' His Burvlving brotliorw and sis- tors nro Jlra. JTary Conine, lira. H. II. Ciwkei-iiuil Catharine Vammttii, all of Washington ; and .Ttiihos Vanimtta, of Limn, 0., an(U«x-May(«r Wlllinm Vim- ••••"a. of Washington. :. - ." .',;,., rncrAi* DiNNiui »t tho St. Cloud Hotel, -Tuly 110, from 12 :!t0 to 2 p. m., SO ' " 1 " : business, it was fhe poliity nf the fath- ers tn givn. eaeh a voicn in" the. nuniiiiie- tiieut Ll of (lit; comity .affairs/, H wn.s Democratic and wisi>, and until tlio'pri^i vilege is abusetl it is not,wi.se tp_cli.aiigi>.. "it "T r tiiiT "nl ib~~o"f'"" Caxii Lioi Caxii LioiV, Vor county .taxes wns very ; hi»h last year. but an exaiiiinatioii 'of the collector's re- port for ••11)05 shows there was over $100,000'" espcuded t for ^ounty ronds. which was done inuier tlie supervision'"of tin* State commissioner. I think our 1 freeholders can 'Submit their annuaLrc- port; for 1005 and challenge coinparis'vr; !/i.(he :: , : uul nuii'lrrif (lint'l •ii-itn Hie ^real.ness of l.yg, II iiitelli-i-tmil life. Jlr. I.ordi ;b.velop hi- -m»V* powers of o eii.Hivate piveision of slate-, ••i-t'otf ii gntsp of any »iveii subject that sliiill be quite iudepciidont of the presence of the ( 't.oxt book, and . The halanue in the treasury is $1,- KJS.iK'!:-flio amount "now invested is $4f- 700 and the value of the Council proper- ty is ifi7f)U. making ihe total worth of Iuycrsoll was beaten- (5 to 4 by;Ml. Caniicl. . •." ; r ; " " "• '.'.';".'-.#••• . •-.. Siiackleton, the old North End ten- lerflelder, hns signed witli': the : Trenton.

Transcript of til THE BALL...r ; : Circulation tiVliKin-tlinn 3.900 I" rVK ;••."'' :.vfi"SigSSS?;?;*S

Page 1: til THE BALL...r ; : Circulation tiVliKin-tlinn 3.900 I" rVK ;••."'' :.vfi"SigSSS?;?;*S

r ; : CirculationtiVliKin-tlinn 3.900 I" r<knr limes nxmrjci: IIH 1l)u nvpnmu rlrrulmlmiof Die oilier wci-klk-H or mix j.ee-

7~>VK ;••."'' :.vfi"SigSSS?;?;*S.:!c«**!«!g

nf morotliuii'a'goo la ifi'iir timeit'nii^lnn« "it«" UKruvcniKe Mremi




- Cornish Empibyees'Exeiirsiona«••:"•••- Rousing Success.


Day Proved Oae of Great Pleasure Wit,.Not a Mishap of Any Kind,

hem-over,1 doomed. ti> disappointment.,IJ(.'(ii:waa oil Milu.nt tlm hotel near Uiu~*intiaii',zUt*]w limy but thu man whoruns !L iip]mi'L'Jttl) knows little about liUhiniiicss, judging by thu manner inwhich }it* entered for V-iisttMtt. Tim bur,

Drowned in Morri3 CanaL :Mrs. '; Sharps Shipnmn, wlio-se '- hnm

M'rtrf »t IVirt Warren, wist ««r • I'AHirpriburg, met u peculiar death at (Sriu '


went into tin; cjituil. Mm. Siii;>nian, wholli ld d l id

Music and Diacldc 'Featured Ibc Amusements: —Flae Concert ific flight Before.

^.UWVie yoii J)ii«.'.of,"tlLi'CtiJ«Jln'iiiiH lliuL1 went with the i-xeursion o r tin- CornUli

Einnlny,T.i' Mtilunl,'Ui>ui>ia A>so<-intioutoCranberry . Liikii last Thursday? . Jfyou \\vplcusi

! not, ,v«i ed a dclif-litfulhL'Vl'Ht.:.-T.IH'1 Whole llll'llil* WIIH

; conducted on a Jii»li jdane, tbt-prepara-tions being characterized by the great-et.t. thnrou^hijfjs-. mid I thosu in chargefiiul the satitfiutioniif sei-iiig trwrvthiiigcurried out In the sit is fact ion of all.Good fortune smiled upon their efforts in

'every jiarlicuJar, for tlie weather was uaj ,aitle as if mi«li' tit. order, tin- crowdfur lifVoml cxju'cliitioiii and there

ii.- not a niteluip e.fany kind to mar.tin; ji]ra>Uivs of the day. It only

v.-J-v i-litlitisiusti'; onus wlio liiur.i.ro.-l t h t H

tdietoil that Hit

liiiiKlfedjico.i.li!. ylit, wlibiil..1.1.1!!''1.'"'"1'1.'' :''m: " ' '.H'IIU.; st'oek, it! ^f;"1

was found Unit l,!lll tickets' hail lice«>ld anil everv oni! if..I. llcides tlic

the lalw «av thev never *a\v an oxuur-siou of iliis >ize that coinj.iireil vr.il.li itin poind- of fjood order. . - . . . - . . . . . ,

The time from tin- arrival nf thetrail11* until the noon hour was enliven-ed lijc tlie lirnid, whieh gave, a concert ittlm bip; pavilion. _Th<' jniwiejjiroyideiVui^Tif li iiij-in-iiiinieter, unij wus grrntlv rnifciyed.* All'ln*iH«li H was primarily a picnic

all'icir and many brought lunches a goodnumber secured dinner at thu piivilinu.when- a very good meal was swrveil forIlfty cent*. Whoever runs that depart-ment deserves considerable, ere.ifit for thei|iiaiity of tin:'inwiN and for the serviceRlVI'll.

At one. o'clock the young people nolestle** mid clamored for dancing. As

in nil• other arrnn^eim-nts, the commit-tee .'ln'itl prepared for this feature in aino-'t thorough manner. An nrelteitni of

i hand and thedi-pensed winwus continued

•f the mil.' regular'



ps i l i l ylied free. \ .


n I'M 11:.. lakelak.order, t . ..

their'., luwir* the same eveming. Thedam'ers had a nm-l enjovable afti-moont i t ' i t . - • ' •' . . . - • .

l - ' l i . in l e d f r e . \ i . l f ne I n i n . „ , ,

•Jr.il mid llflv, lic.ricl liy iirrsiinnll' I/1"111 six. milil ""vi'tl o clock was nfriends i.f ex-Sci f. Oiriii.li, .mm- i ralll!'r • ' " •»" ' . V ''"'"• Hieiv mis no

• musi t i n t t i ! ldown from Newton, and HUM,., with ..th- »»"".'* *» "«l.'rt..in the eve us , . , , . . - ! - amier* who ,-,„..• from .|[,ivk<>UKl..wii MIIMI IWH>'<'«T.vl»Hly w . i ^ i h , and m i d y toother p l a , ^ on the r r - u l u r l n . h , . . , » e l M * ' '""'". 'Y l l " l r i l ' » * lu.«; ' ^ l l l k l ' i l t

eil the crowd at t l , , bib- lo about lif- t ™ ' " ' ' ' " . '*• n : " e l ! " ' " . ^ l l s l l i "« l I 1 ! 1 I U

lH>ii hundred people. It W«H. withoilt M*'*-'Iltr"r » " ^ m«»»t^ "Iturwiinl. ^l;i«y,

,i ., .1 ,... .i 1 ,.v,.m'-s,,,i n , i i i Vl'ho lur various reining ilesircd to m i d

e ",• w ,',L t of ? M . i " I n d lei1 1 ' ' '1 1 ' ' «"-»«T- I " * * « ' ^ " ' l i l ' - »••«!« f™«

o n , ; ' ' ! , :„ ; : ' : , i i <>«• ^ ]f nr •""'«•"• •"eirm-U next v , , , r , if t h a t bo possible . U f l ' " * l " » » > * m i n u t e . aJt . - r , i x

^atlch.!^ ilS'to111,,^ S ^ t u , , * ^ *«> »•*" « a plea-• , , u : : " : i ! itiXhiii.bs.h'^;"--^1'';^»^<>" « -^limit!.... will, of eour,,-. W diifcr«Nt. eaeh J-W!IS U l " ".'"' i ; " l l w l ' t - ™ ll-v U '« l i r < ! l l ( ' ^

by paralysis, fell into the water. Tliedaughter plunged in after her and drug-ged her out on the hank. All elVortx toH-siHi-itate Ml";*. Shipmaii, however, wereunavailing,,mill her death resulted tlmhours later, It is thought dentil wiihw,, morcHo shoek than nnvuttier enn*" Mri«V-Shitirimii was a native of Knjiiti-dtisf towii.-liiji,' lieiiij,' the d'nijrliter <tin; lnt<- (.'LiirKi! Htryker. She leiiveshiHlnind and one dnn^hu-r.

Mrn, Hhipd it

also leaver six hrothiirf l l 1 J

p leaver six hrothiir-find on« sinter, »s follows: .1. J. Strvkor,of 1'hillipshua'; John W., of Unimi-Icwii; fioiirjw lt-t "f CMMIIIJ:. Xeh.; IsuanH. and 0. Kliner. of Victoi-, Col.; Pmil1'., <•!' KOM'IIC Park, and Mrs. William K.W l t f K

, CWnlter, of Kiistm

('DVoner Kriincyl i l t t

l the liodv

i tl

yn n>rliltnit<> of !i<;i;)dcTil!il d.-uth.

deceased wnttniii was a iiu'inber oftriiw1 LiitliRmn'church.' -'l'lu>;Tniie*-rviiTrf were, conducted ut' her lati!" " Siiridny nftt-nioon. Itnrial winrh t j

Forestry in New Jersey.New .lersev i" about to lie-in

i-iiI work IH a Stiitir in nriicLiunly. At the Mijri-estioa ,,f (;.ilokis; the last Lenienture,.e! for tin- eslabltHlitii.iiit'-Vif'-f

d crealed' ti Si

pushedoivst nu

l ii.1* Kon'tt I'nrk llPicrviilirmI-. Tndi'i- llifs- provisir.iN-of tlr<> lawi.'.nii.;: tin- boiird the C'<>i'imi^ioni<i>

v ere iiiilhori^ed to ncijiiin- a iVi< simple-la(.< in any lands In b.- mken for thenii|ii>-e- of'fon-,-1 park n-^-rvaf ions, llien|iiN;i(i<'ii to be lurompli-Ot.'d •-ither bv(-.•(I. ylfl or devise; or. if :in-irss:,rv, lijotidciiinatioii |>i'<><rediii^; and wh'M'lie Itiud I'or this inirposi- U oitrc aeipiir-(1 it is lo IK> ]u-]d for (IK- li-'in-lil nf th' '.(•"ide of NVw .Jcrfii»v. • - :

Th- law


• fne l> o t ' i i i i - t i i i i u

Rebels Against Republican Vote; ini-i'n

Catching Scheme. i t EV . . - , < v , • • •-• : • - ' - - . • ] A i ' i . l j

STICK TO FREEHOLDERS! .TT™*S"«iS! Z • l f f i l n 3 B ^: _ ' _ ! . tie.--hoilhllie ,-hnii«eil. I eiiii-ei. iioii.l-

Say« There is no Necesslly or DemiiKt j ff\!?!liii!ii™ii t^'ty." .'I'l'i'.i' ,!-',,'"l'ie'i'i'i!i,li'-'

e uilojiti'il the Sllliill.'lml the.v .-sin -.IIIIIV t i n t

re hil-ine-t* witli le>- ;\oiv Ciilmct] That Comptiny Has Com-.ntilv Ihun li;H. thp; plcte Kli;ht ol Way Between Wush- : .•'Mll'iiiiiiuil hv llie ,••••• • ' . ' • l n « t 0 " a n l 1 Pnlllipsbt-r.-. . ; • : -K,-|.lll un (••..lllltv: ;V u i l 1 the ellKlo»-illK il.'t.lils of other

..I,-!-- is -1 fir-.,-1-» «-ii,:•»"•»». w "'»">" I1™!11-- i ' ! l l l"u ••»"»:!( tritnsiii-tiiiL' the 'I'11' Hie" toM'oiiili-r ul.ilt nils Ijeeome

THE BALLBrains and Skill.JJSi

lor CoramlssioiKrs In Warre

Statistics Sho* Tilt Warrea Is More B U M -mlcally flom-ied Tluit ll«altro«n.

(fcii.l .-ll 'ei.v, Vlio eiill lay t-hlilll tolieiilf.' thu lending Jte|itihliciill of Wnsli-ili»ton, ut h-n>t .-.o fur tia tlio pnilittihleenil of it is eomrrnoil, U not ill fi\-»ij>a-tliy ivilli Chiliriiiiui lieiley'a sulieiim to

T p .n I.inn .<|'| I lo tl h i jSime c..n.l „.!„„ thi. leu".,- | h,lv,.eeitnl a copy o[ nieiiniiunl sliitclnelil

»'H s i " ' - I N i,,:il-i.,,iw..,,':":.':;":'.-'".•:" \ our.; ti-tifv. ! ",".'-'."" v.r:

(ISC-AII -.IKKKBHV.Wli-liillSH.il. X. .T.

l y - ri'iiily intend lo put it in ojicrutifiMT" ate 'ilii'.stiotis that are flc'picntlviwknl. Tlieie U -cclnil^lv littlu.liningat I hi- end of Hie line, and nil -n-sional |.iiilru.liu^ trolley rail un th

ill street of Hie horou|:li is ti m]

nipla'I'hill^s are


"looking lip

THE SCORE WAS 10 TO iiill -Heel of Hie l.oroli^li U tlm olllv | ' ' - ' . ..' " ," . ' . '.' . '••.'.-'..: . ' ' ':';

i.-iiiiii.ler «-,,.hiiii;i..ii |.eo|.l.' imriv i I M i Every One of Baiigor'a Seven Hits Won

!i"™,:.,nSi;:,,: '. •" ' "•""-'• ' • " " " ! : ; . ;~: for/ExiraBaaei , . : . = : ? -

[ hoiv.v.T. whieh i- Soo.T i!e« » In I hi- folk,' Michelle W«B Hit Hard >nd Qol Poor SuppoiI,,,, tlil- w,,y. Will,,,, the ,„,., week: . F ' « Hooic Pl . j .n . /

•r. have leen iiiljiirt,.il''wit|iimn:itte;--.lf i:K,u\ii ,h;:-ii i ; '

•lliii^ht rhjlit of wny

ystem..Mr. .lu

hest mid

yotes lif utlvneatiny .the

to li-ftliut1 tlm (iru^'ilom miss ion.fi'<.-(Oiol(l«r

the old way is Unmical and

fnir ini-aii- of.;|novins his eluiin tiy eoni-U»; ex[ii'iiiMtt

inly, whiiflr i> now-isiuifM's, wit li i h

nfjovenu-d liy

(-.vpciiditilix-s of

.niitty |.res.,

li:it tlio IH'W. lit1

t i ' l l l . • - • • • • • - • • : • •

111 » i-oiivriliiilioii lo th..Mr. .lefl'ery ^ny.-. in p:irl:

As no I{.f|.iili]h-iin coiiveiititin in Wur-ri-ll eotlnty IIIIH (leeliireil ill fiivor of tlie

. I us II ltt'lHllilieElll lovnl to thehnvi' The riv.M lo o|i|n»i> llieus ti.it un hoiiiienl ]ioliev nn.l

iwi-e fr i i.artv.s|nli.l|ioiii't. Intin.- lir.-t |ila.-e. it will inerease the e.\'-.e.i.-ie.-. of llie hmiril of frcelinliler* illiiiin.ij.'ilii.' tin- eonntv all'idrs. 'I'he lawiHrh Sir. lleilev in'vokes ijives eaell ofhe three l-'r.-eh..liler.s n si.larv ..r .»il.,-,(l!l,nakillL' a total of Sl.nilO.* wl i i t e ' thein-sent hoaril ..I1 freeholilers have limit -

eel fheir e\|.eiwes lo $1.(1111). The la»l'otnity staleiiieiil. {.ulilisli.-.l slniws I lull'lie fl h'.l.l.-lN" e\|n-ii-es were $1.I!1S.n-'iny'.*.::(KJ l e " than the law liives Ilirei-

fieeliol.ler... .Tills file! is to I.e i-olishle,-I'll. 111.- I'leelii.liler.- illirillij Ilial vi-ill 11-.In.eleil . OMIIII.V 1'i.ii.l.s whieh ll.l.le.l lotheir e.Vj.ellses. • •

' In 'Hunter.!'.!! eotnttv the voters him-a.l,.|.teil Hie |mlie.v of ' th ree freeholilers.an.l Ihe hi.i Stale 'G'uiiiplrrilli'r's reportuives IIS s. • . l a lawhieh will ai.l it, infonniiij.' a i-onelnsion.

On |iili.'i' XI of tlm Sta te C'onl|ltrollel-'sr.'|)oll of HUM we have the s ta tement ..!'

" " "ly Mr. De.Mott. Ill

The Juniors Pally and Picnic.The eoinniitlee in i-lmiee of Ihe si-

ini!ii:l pienie anil rallv of the eoi"f -Ir. (I. f . . \ . M. I.

>ai<l. an.l a .-trni;:ht ri^lit of miv has I U'asliiii^ton's hase liiilljicaiii woilt tt.I I.eeii proviil.-.I for. The sent hits not I l!aii«nr last .Saltirilnv iin.r-'tliev skinnt-il|y,-l heen fjivi-u in will in s hill Ihi- i- as-j li.-." The • wi.nl 'Skinned1' is'uf Unc-J.- .

a- the ..-iiij lit:. ^iven ihe i'e--|iiiti>d ti-n day.-' ndvi-rli-- 'll'eet hy a lluckett'-town

.cli^iii» nf this dm I is n ninth'i h ll

j i ^ ' t h » - iii-t »itn:i' Iietweei'i»i ' inytoii and [!acl;i'ti-t.o\vri.


in dt-

y h d I is n ninth) »i inytoii and [!acl;iti-t.o\vri. . ?:[oi'^iini/iiiiriii itf '.IT. (I. I'. A. .M. is work- • nineli iin|ioitaniv to the trolley ciniijiiitiy | Washington did tin- skinning net on .

-1 • >j_r hurd in |it-rfei-tin^ the |ihins for the.aiid ri-Hevt-s tin- inomoter^ of n f-reid-11 nut oi-Lii itm iinil Hackettstown was the!In- w-ni »hirh is to h<- k-ld in the denl of louinei-. All ohstneles |mv.< fskimii'd \nuty. This time llanjim- had

y:::.:Xh:^i--:-,:.::-: *£^^zB^^^^Z^

^n,; . : ; i r fS- i : r tnf^ploy.

an.l the lat»e••.. tR-adeil l.v tlir

al..-r of t ll.an.l. itiarel'eil I.

ihe*'raiiroa.l sl'ali'on'" Tlie" start "for'l he I . '''!"lakt-wiis niaili- lit. S.-IO. Tho exenrsioii | " ' " "was run in two • sections of iiimeaell. If Ihe i-row.l ha.i l.e.-li

•i-llly .Iis-trihiitt-il

hart . .:,.i.i

It -la•iri'flil'

mill l.iiiilinv. TheiIrk-al illuiniiialioii

ishts. Thu:


of re.I. whil

Thnniton.; If all owners will eo nnirate willijlhc Set-retarvof Hie Coinmissioii. W'il- .liam II..GI.e»'; r.nnil N'. .(., jjiviiiK1 Ihe] '» Hnnter.l.size, i-hiiraeler. loe.ilion niid priee perl

i e at whieh they would -ell llmir'

f»''l"f.vw ln",s

tine dee.

ais of IIKJO is :l.'27-lnlon.asvlt:

A Scene at Cranberry Lake, Whare on Thursday Last the Cornish Employes and Over a Thousand ExcursionistsPassed a Pleasant and Piofltabla Day.

il.l - 11 11,'ir I ..= Jr a c | s . t | , c info,™,,!!,,,, will he filed will,! "hifc in Wnrrci, lirid",'.

u|. ill :ui In "niitcnlo lin •\V»rr,m 1

y es-peus..-Ili!l.(i2i in WiiiTen *l2/iln.2l) I Aty iw

l n n l l t S 2 7| An^ii

t ?2!l,7n4.4,.;,. .IVn-tlm.-,. fnnir this |,i,-t. Sil.1'24.11. ly wl... ..U--.il l l I

iinsjiiy. | „„„. | i m L . | i..,,ily lij rlitlil nr w y fm

e.il mnove.l forj t

f: the ci i , ,^! . , I,,-,,,,,!,•!]• .1 • 1,, L'l.Vllii.n i u i ' l !

| y m for arlitlil. nr way fmm Wn.shliiKl.iii straiKht.I ! t l t l r S i l j lnl ,,r Siljl

fi ld will,! S ly wl... ..U.il. lo alt I. «..«wl. •.•!]• .1 1,, L'l.Vllii.sl.nrf.. . - . - -. v i v . I i l . i l . i U - , e f , r v ,-• t n lolli l j l ' " ' l i a l l t " - r'"!": m " "rr.iligotl tas te- Ihe C ission. to he iaken u|. ill :ui In "niitcnloii elerf.ons cost W..IS3JM : „ , , . , „ „ laiioii, have 1, iirnniui'il..! T | , , . , ,„]!,. , . „„„ . ,„ ,„ . | , . w |,,,;i ., ,.,,.,, t

,c , „ . w o , . , , ' , M i I w 1 * ' " • " K < Ihe froi . lof tl,,! Jtmul an.l carlv ,, tinj-. ' in •\V»rr,m 1 Iceti .ills, including a ' The train Icaviu" here ut .10.2:1 will s :,,,. „ 'i,, . J,.," H-, " ( ' „1 1 s „ ,n, . i,. . . c o n n . ! »"<«* " i " •"•'••>"'•• Tl«! electricinn ,vas ' — — ^ | -|«'ii - tWlXM. I 'i-ull spi',: - j a, iluil^ill,.. wl,;-re eon lions will hi-1. , ' , ! , „ , , . , „ ? ' r<:. me • ( ' „ , ! , 1• • « MIv o", " I - llin nf 11' '•"'•• I M - "* '••'"«•' lliiileou-ycar-old! Sheriff Called to Quell Strikers. ]™.'i™ I" tW print™.; ileus. .I...II.M,-;j ma.le.will, ihe. I....K- ll.roa.l. ..l:eliirniii-.! x.-,V Vilhw. . Vlii- .l.st'ac c has I.,-',n iTr™.^"o I t ^ c x 5i™ : i i ' l J : u , l c , : : ^ " " : ^ ' - , " ' : - , ; ' ' - • 1 - ,K*o l . i Ifc hud . full \ : :Tl,c,^ was' 'A k r i k e ' „,„.,„« Ilie " "n ! ' ' : f " ^ " l ; ! ' ^ - f ' 1 - " ; ^ ' " ' ' ' • I , ' " " " " ; IMICNWJI,,,,,, U r a n r X,,. -.12 wiirstilp 'ai j ,„.,.„;„ fi i, u.ouul.l. in „ nuhcr in-wh, inspires it »•„. run. fj cliiirse ol the work and ,lid all the wir- workers and day lalmrers at Ihe IV. " *,,• i»- ' I Vl 1 1 1 , . ' ' ^ "•".'.?" '}'•'• -" ;""--.'- lA"; l'i'-"'vk.-is li-i.-k ; ,„„ „„„„,,.,, -ni,. ,„.; ,.,„„.„.,.

T,,,m J,r ,„,„. delay ,t i W Morris i "^ «(•»«• 'S^'Z Z'™^ T\^^^^^^'^^ " ^S"^ L^ I * "Thej'o was .soine. delay a,t I'orl .Morris j

:Lin swii.-J.iiiy tin: engines ar-nind for lliej-'Sussex lirandi, nnd in itwaiting tin; pas-

saiie of regular trains an.l.on ae'rount of refii:

Excursion Incidents.' . .V would not hreak tln-rulc ami1 to take, day off. lie. was at

this liehiy'it was after ich ox-lo<:k when j his desk iis ilsiiai nil day." '? e.Neureionists rea.-h.'d the lake. • , - . , T |,,..-.i|r,|. st.-lion wheeled ii.nno :in

I he first two or ihrec hours at t i e .m!itv tlliL | i m i . | . ».„, j , , s t . v,.| „,!„.

'•: late were, given up to sight seuin«-tak- ,,,,.s eominp from tlio lake.

, ^ . ry tayS^"uher , ; : " ; :n . l S Hie ^ K .'™ ' » * a eouple of ...ietures as the

to H«t lil>eral paOur people

i ' th

. Ihe nwort tlml Ilnii 't.-,ed lo niiib- ii speeiill-

L' [tas.-icd .tlie" sqiiiiro on tl ie-way tthe. »t ut ion. Unfoiluiuil.i'ly, howover,tlllift! WHS It !]UHUntN.'l'ritillnlillL' illllt HOinO

5 t .L ™iU« „ ,,f ,1

' k ' i "

item cillcd niiscclh,

to''U"ii-, .'I'll.- iMRnli- will roi-ni " i , UMIer s i n . .

In l lu t t tun lu i i [ »t --1 l.:*li .-lmr|.. It will be IIHIKIIHI b y

ier.l l ie




• o n er i s , tilill'is






• i

IIi t

t'tho'dom-iml " '" "'•'" ' •° I W " l i ' r e"11 "" W l < S4'- Hi.''iVi'i Ariyl'lmmV. Son.e'W nilnndgis! I ^ J ^ J ^ j l ; . * ' ' ; ; ! ^ ^ ™ , ™ , ^ " ' i ^ i j

i hen",' »'"hont any «.,,,,(y roads heiiw ».„. Coiineilainl 1 ,1. ' • • „.„'„, " ,? „ h , » « J r l i . Mthe. st rikerS. This 'resulted L t i ,1 ! J1™!'.'"'' '"" . " " " ' ^ ^ »;'" *'?«;»• ^ - ';•'»•"'•> -M«»". "f A,l,,,iy, I'ark | J ^ ,'. , ' , K l, .l.'.tl^"."i , '"last. i r d e r a n d I h e f u r n i l n r e in I l i r h o m e s of . " ^ " " " - "'"> •»• -ux i i en i l i t i i rn . , -VI4 , wi l l 1.,- I h e o r a t o r a l t h e , w r i « in t h e 1 V e e k . l l , « . | . t of I h e f r e e h o l d e r s w a s

-.m.- or .!„• pe-^bU.. b,l«rl.n. ™ r ^ - 1 ^ ^ . ^ M T ' ^ ^ ^ O ' ^ ^ X ' ^ S ^ Cli U >": '!, !, S " ^ ' ^ l ! l - - - I i" »|iting for ,,,„ widening of

hold .of" the forward •••y.'.l iiud Washing-.toil the tilil fjul.. Tiie Ki-nrij wns toil li.( h i v e . • • • • • • , • • ' . • • • • . . .- '

: . . "

-:Tln! slate picker-'-rtmmuiiil tpiitu som»- '.iitteiiiinn in the b:<-.<\::ilt - worhl. Theylire liejivy biitter-"Vu:d one of thi.'ir iiiinnin life .M'eins t" le' '.« .-;lio\y un the Inn- .-worth .if ii|.|j(Kin» r-iielivrs. - WhutTirj--.,.;.Ihi-y did ibis, in the .-use of oiir" V.wV.MiM-liettt* is.iini-'ijitit'r-duiir hut they ci!i- ; 'tiiitdv ituide it :tn tnieoiufortablu. Iiunr -mid :i half for Hit .little fellow. - • • '' Swan hits, \\i-n- ;:U they -ot olf Iiim.

to l:e true, bill e v r y onii of tho.su *iivi:iiwas for e.vlni base.-, wiiieb is a most 'un-heard-of feat. ICvi'i-y time.; tlicv. smoU "-the hall, the bull b-ilW.-d, so llcrccly did, .thev smiti: it. The burning hits that •went down the inli"Id and even into'tin: - . '

it Held won1 >o hot. thev L'ould not lit:uidled. and this amiiuits 'forniosl. of.in uiyht, etTorsiiiat Warihinyion iiindo...lolm Mill II net. Hurry Cliristine could

nciiher.eateb iiiir slop these.,heuvy.'tent .to .the. station in!

iiliinncit over \vhni they learned ,ants to bi'L'Oiiie-o;m;of:.thc'"fi-csh-.air '.'nbout thoir wivus in tlie fihnotiii« li w, ilfteen hundred 'jiuoplu at tho Inki i-hildreii :i!»:«tit. and"wrnni out fmiii Xe

York to fila.v riyhf. field for Wnaliington. He had little to do in the field nil.!;"'like Hie j rest of thewas nimble to t:oiii]cct-wit

-.™s—n^doljar and a ijuaHer hefnm he. wouldnn ii en tie of dniditfnl vnlnn,

atrtur wh"e.ri.'' vou i eovdiiilly . wclcomml when they eaniel

sjiemly 'delivery; "Jacoliy pitched a "fineiiUui! "fin r Miui.mn-,' [/urrititiiti'jL Washing- - - - -

t t 't l li hitton-to "ti't only live hits.The score: . ' 'were e.N-Seimior I>wis .T. ^Tallin, e,x:

Abl i.: iirinciple. tl'w ..two ridt-d . for . n. nicke S. IliiT. Countyliditor Jacob

p . .nd you furnish your own clothey y thesmi

c . Uifi ui^eessary piilclics with ^ \*on.'Itnrbcr Miller look one'ride, Imtlia'd

l l i i : ill it il t' collision: will [ireity yirl »t the' hot-i U f i r t l ' W

J he. luid coining.- • The'jjirl was not hurt,.•:rr:r'-rt2>::r'-1Soino'of Lliij'.v<Hin -*fftUo\vs:."who1:took

'•'. .their yirl.s . uloMg\t.iyiiteil iheir sweet-. .^ . bearLi-.to ii., ride oit tho (lyinjr. circus.'"."•" Wusliiiislmrgirls, it.'Ja "well •known, hiivo

ii"''pondiitiii for Uiis^forni of.^uiiuist:-"'-.•••--;.:„• incnt. : Then the ,'unutiiiiiling .surround-

^~ -f ":;—iiij-s'iippfiiilwi .to. tlie.'yoimjr. pn'fiple and. " , - . . . thoy wnndored off-Mi^tliii'patijaJJiut-jlaml

J o the ninny pieturcs(|iic nnd fiequesterallibices. around ttic lake. Crnnhorry Luke

. is ii nico pliiijo foi^qtiiut liLMo ('Ot«;-u-t«t«a.; Some engnged (a boat and went row-; . ing, and othera got into tlio "power

;,.• liMineh nnd lifntle thn tvip urquiul..'tlm. lake. All tin;'while tlie ice cream "nnd

soft drink venders were doing a profita-ble business, for the day wns'warm aiulconducive to excassivi; thirst.

Now nnd -then, in ti pitrty of oxeur-sionista like this, you run across" a goodflort of a fellow who likes n glass of

, v;hrer. Naturally tlierfl ivefc those of this-l.l:H.itIc3cription .there_.thitt^day.r..Thcy._were,

IJ. J!unuell, of the Xew ti

Herald.Su])oriiit<!iideiit Jtrainhuch s1io\v*»f(-11 ,

Inotherly -spirit by. giyinjj;,..notice tlintl.jiiiy' Nreedlimit; liien whouiinid to'att«iid"lllm^evi'iii^iuiijiiigbt^do.-so.'.atul-by-'Hoingj'hiiiiHclf. j^Tlio big (lag wus swung to;.the 1"hrupzfi fibm in front of the factoryhonor'of thu occasion;' . , .

Describing the excursion at a cohmm'slength, tha Newton .irenihl'siiysi 'f'Senn-tor ((ohiislon CornislT^vas one of. tlm'msit'sfjiiie.nibors"of;_thi! excursion party.Te^stetucd inf;denm]id here, there ami

p. very whore, and really proved a mostgallant and ue.ver-wonrying':captain ,.ofthe host. •*"""*—-'* ..* How praiseworthyit would be if the NowtoiiMiiduatno'swould' catch the Washington i(lea:amlunite-in .aiupxfinrsion-of-this-chiuaeLt'r."

duet.Howard Alinviey has » piiiiifiVlty-

jh'g. niusedTby a family brawl anfork-thrust by his wife in -self-def.

invctisnle ihiMillairs of the county, > n ^ V V / ' j 'mill ,lml«i! Slii|ininil of nnr coiinly ii.n.le ' ' , i. ••'*.'"' „„ , - ' " . M i n i -tlio i,i™tlB1,ll!r,n;.vT,nlor ..f--t.h» court. ~ 'f'cm- ,1 a " , « on me, I 1,

ho ninile his =¥e|ii.rl, 1 it: was such J', , ,, , , , „ ' !" "",1".1!11111"1"

. tini,ol.iellts.Hiss Z.-l r was thrown out of tin

10c. ii saucer—tho good, tho poor, tho in-diffflront.1',, When yoirget^EHijEiN't^IoisCIUUM you got tlio bpst,for tlio same[trlco you pay for tlio chen]) stuff—lOc. njaucor. It 's tJio part of wlGdom to got

1 j Mimibiy of lust wwk. His MIIIOSH dntedbuck scv«n •wfiijbs, when )iu ' was j.ros-ti-ated by the heat. • • '

Ke,lutive8 here, rowivod notieo of his(l<rath, but owing UTthc•. fnot 'limb tholetter iniMcmTte.(|-Lln\y did n'bt^bjarn of it11 ii til-Wit liito . to attend tho fimoriil?whiuh took placo.on Wednoarbiy.

Mv. VuuiiutliL wns 70 ycvirs old andleaves ft widow nnd four children—Wil-liam of California, and Jacob of Ouo'unGrove; ami Sarah nnd Jane, uwho livo lithomo."' His Burvlving brotliorw and sis-tors nro Jlra. JTary Conine, lira. H. II.Ciwkei-iiuil Catharine Vammttii, all ofWashington ; and .Ttiihos Vanimtta, ofLimn, 0., an(U«x-May(«r Wlllinm Vim-••••"a. of Washington. :. - . " .',;,.,

rncrAi* DiNNiui »t tho St. CloudHotel, -Tuly 110, from 12 :!t0 to 2 p. m., SO

' " • 1 " :

business, it was fhe poliity nf the fath-ers tn givn. eaeh a voicn in" the. nuniiiiie-tiieutLl of (lit; comity .affairs/, H wn.sDemocratic and wisi>, and until tlio'pri^ivilege is abusetl it is not,wi.se tp_cli.aiigi>..

"it "T r tiiiT "nl ib~~o"f'"" Caxii LioiCaxii LioiV, Vorcounty .taxes wns very ;hi»h last year.but an exaiiiinatioii 'of the collector's re-port for ••11)05 shows there was over$100,000'" espcuded t for ^ounty ronds.which was done inuier tlie supervision'"oftin* State commissioner. I think our1

freeholders can 'Submit their annuaLrc-por t ; for 1005 and challenge coinparis'vr;

! / i . ( h e : : , :uu l nu i i ' l r r i f ( l i n t ' l

•ii-itnHie ^real.ness of l.yg,II iiitelli-i-tmil life. Jlr. I.ordi;b.velop hi- -m»V* powers ofo eii.Hivate piveision of slate-,••i-t'otf ii gntsp of any »iveii

subject that sliiill be quite iudepciidontof the presence of the ('t.oxt book, and

. The halanue in the treasury is $1,-KJS.iK'!:-flio amount "now invested is $4f-700 and the value of the Council proper-ty is ifi7f)U. making ihe total worth of

Iuycrsoll was beaten- (5 to 4 by;Ml.C a n i i c l . . •." ; r ; " " "• '.'.';".'-.#••• . •-..

Siiackleton, the old North End ten-lerflelder, hns signed witli': the:Trenton.

Page 2: til THE BALL...r ; : Circulation tiVliKin-tlinn 3.900 I" rVK ;••."'' :.vfi"SigSSS?;?;*S

^ • ! 0 K W < . •.?..•.— «• - ' * . . •-•







AUiriirlirJ •

iioluh' party from Perth Anilmv

BELVIDERE.little wcawl innili' Itii apivar-

dav mid mAlbiiiiht andh t h t fti

rtv from PeSmiilav. It

d iiU

auto A n ^ k y little weawi wmle lt>i nppfurHiitur- iiiiL'c mi Front .street last Saturday morning

loi^istfd uf Uof Kaluvav. Joh

KWrt i f I

f Ueonruland rim the gamut <>t old tOwon, dubs,J h Al t Th k th x



and rim the gamut >t oldstones, vti: There wore no

d ' t h I f h

o ,thitnl "

.-I Albiiiiht and viiU* of Kaluvav. John Al stones, vti: There wore no k w thitn ix; hrtirht mut Kftti-rv Mi» K«itWrtin\ «>f IVrth | m m and' threwIwy* iiftur the little "vur-

: : \VIUHIV ' m i r a t o m - t i m e . lnitth«>(*i.v fellow evaded" * i «• i*t u lUitinL- M i ' b e i n nil ami ran into tin* Mayor's yanl

m i r a t m t m . t h . f l lbein nil ami ran into tin* Mayor's yanl ,

i-ourtaiidewuiK'd with itf life. Some of) f i j i u l v hnv l l i b i

PHILLIPSBURG. '•">Tlio anmmlp lcn t f i i f t bo Grace Lutheran

Sunday wliool WUH held oil Wediiwdny ntlast week, tbo di'Htiniittoti lioiiiK UuiryVIflimd.; AlMiut SOO'iK'opk* went in theHlK'i'ial train and a lot more went in tlionfternoon. Tin.1 nli'tite vvtw a • "affair,

(ini ummer M

iM^^^^^MtJoliIni Mwllcul n i c t y r y

cures dyspeiwla or lnui sioiimoh. \ \ lientlio weak stomneli U siri-iiiMln'iinl millinvigorated the whole Ixwly shares in lh«'iiiiTrasvd sttri'iiulli .diMiSnl from UMA

' l l l l unil nrrfivtly u^lmi-• • • • • "

WI'""" JJ?S f

Seluiol Ouin

lliw Kill sorlnusly111 [ J {lita homo on South

vlih In- i«in-iit». in-inti'n-s. ills rurally is suiiuiirriiiBthi're!'Mr. uiitl Mi-s. Frt',1 Konns of Uunliurt- i wltli Mr*. LtK-knril's jiniviits. i

villi- w i n Siimlny with T. s. limy. ! . | , |< ihondit tlml tin- iiim-n'h- wall umUv-i,Mr. :in.l Mrs HivM-m uml fiunily <veiv. ,1m,, for ihf use i,r Mi-Mnrtrii* •» Co.. "'Ill " "

1 Bti.-»li «t III- U,-ka»an,,a 11""- « r sun- S [,. Itaistol till, y«]c and the water1«t into ; ,,]lrVor UwS«rwt on Wclnclay ,™,-, J ',•• the iiu ts ami nun IHIIIII. . it is 10. i>e nopoti s , . , , , . , ,i,.i._.t,..i .i...!« ! T ;

The quantity of goods sold has far exceeded our expectations. Thishas been due in a large measure to the public's broader and better appre-ciation of our enlarged stocks and their superior character, and to the wellknown fact that we do just as we advertise.^

The fact that wekept replenishing bur--stocks every week until thismonth leaves us with an immense, varied and complete stock of garments ofall sizes. Very few lots have yet become broken and there will be notrouble to find here just what you want for several days to come, and atA SACRAFICE TO US of

..... i bullish ilenl.-r t.'iniilthe- littli' more prollt puid im Hie s.less meritorious medk-hieswill ..MVr the

good" ii- ih'1 "Disnivi-rv." It may he •better for liimbei'iiit-e it pay-* )>«vn: butit Is ii«t USUIMKI for yon, If yon .want tin1

j Tiifilii'lno thill Ii'.- i-11 ltd others, andwlilcli you brlieve will nun* yon.

10Q0'pa£c Doctor Book sent freeOH IWlpl (if ; til l|lie - ITIII

-"ta'"'---vr!y VXl'

lny with his vjsi't last Friday ni^ht anil had a pleasant unt|t,t* tirre^t~fc

, . . . „.. . ; ' ' " " ' • ' r h l > ' ? V"*"'1*0 l>IMlllKl1 ">im"" aUmK t u i f r tUUmuf at tempted "to aFrewt Jiiin last T ,.llrliri'ii'-'bl •-•in twin* JntirwlaVi. net a>cimpt lull*. : w.'t'li. E d i i w r put :.«p.ji stout, resist niter* •• t tto th.- home .it Mr; and Mis.I'.tnhu Smne of the National banks about Here a m i thu ollh-erbaii toitsei-nnsniernble l o n e - - t

are handinj,' mit very iiwit and iirtfcile lit l U> • t u ],„„- i,i,ii hefniv the *Si|uin).10 to U Per Gent

p Xo. :l. P. (I. S. of A., of this plis plare.: \ \.Mr. and Mi>.-iMhu V.i-M'lli'r-pi-nt Siitiir- i>:inks to yotuif- \wo\Av «i that they innday ;ind Sunday :it nxfotd .with their save their peliniesand dinuvaiid ijnt if o

Mis. t'lvveliui: and .hil.livu «.t Iti.-i;el>.- l> " y t ' r>>' | !" l l"n"1 . • .. The eseentivu eotnmiltee or the soldiers' •

vilW-,;:,v, „».,•. „„», tlm,. w,,l, Mrs. 1- r.,1; n Mi^Katl,. Hamnpm.,, ,mW , » » , . . . ami a ™ ™ } , ^ ^ J S ' p t 'Kev. and Mr- Dar-'left mi Ttie-dav afier Clark Everett, a farmurV buy. living i» ; bably make a selection at the meetinj; to be

Dr. Clu.rle.- Thur.;;)intrii week1.- vaaiii'-Win. Abel.

InsuranceSAFETY STOVESThe out;/ nbm In 1W11V/1 ;mi-ririhii in mtuU- In jtirrrnl tinI'HCttpV Of yiMitlu,* shotll'l thr

bimm- /-•• an'Mrnhttln hhu;,

. - out ur Irft ujn-n

. AVe sell this old fuvoiitc ami the•celL'lu'ated.Improved


We want you to call and seeliow these stoves arc operated; ii '" '"'I".not convenient to call, kindly i',,^,'™.^',,,'1!

t-rtl ' . . - . .> <-i... .*.>:?• :

^ ^ — i'ffi!S,i.rJ!SY^« ,! * " ^ K ^ K l a ' t 1SJ?,WS!!NEW HAMPTON. • Mrs. Rnten. wife ot tin* Jim-tor of t h . " Satnrdav. The exeuiMoii train retnini;d at

i i'ii-st Piesbytenan church, is home in mi ; .1 i-p Mniidav uinrniui'.-: .! | . , , , , , , , , , . l , , l , i , , . „••„.,- ,„, „!„ ,r s,-v,-ral - svnil,,... Vik-K, r u f 1'ilwllV Hill w » ai-

n-^tt-'l tin yaturilay nmiiniifi IV-i

ral <,r Xcwiii-k i1 ut tin1 n-.-iilr



..'lilliuli-lphlii. after 1111 nlwiiiviif! » » * . lln- many Memlx will W IIII-IIMMi ti, l;iu,\v thai lii!i- liL-akli is vt-ry niui.-]i: iiii|,n)V,'il.

In other words, fifty to eighty cents buys what would heretofore have costyou a dollar. Don't miss this rare money-saving opportunity. The hotterm has just fairly begun, and your needs cannot be so well and econo-mically satisfied elsewhere. ' , :

Men's and Young Men's Sack Suits ilThat were $6.00, $7.00, $8.50, $10.00. $12.00, $14.00.$i6.oo,\ $17.50, $18.00, $13.50, $20.00, $22.50, $23.50and $25.00 are here in this season's favorite fabrics.

iThey contain every feature, that characterizes the pro-ductions of exclusive custom-tailors - not a detail ismissing. The coats are single and double-breasted; j jthe fabrics are fine imported and domestic Cheviots, •-Tweeds andWorsteds, in a variety of new and beautifulpatterns; the tailoring is superb and they are guaran-teed to retain the shape, fit perfectly and look well aslong as worn. All go at the

Big Reduction of 20 to 50 per cent.Stylish SUMMER SUITS for Young Men and Boys

You will find some extraordinary fine values for •»young men of 16 to 19, and boys of from 3 to 16. If >•you have any boys to clothe don't miss this sale—not jtif you want to save money on desirable clothing. J •

in"hai™ IS!1"

i ld i r t . t ™ i U , ^ t " ! l .,...,..^"11 mtt-nrtwi. The hand went ju.Wwt, j j

S t r a w H a t s a t H a l f P r i c e •»••

J. STOVER SHIVE,Washington, N. J.Clothier and Shoeman

11 W.'llur. whi....„ a sort' foi.it c

V e t e r i n a r y S p e c ! l i e s cure diaenaes ' on a nail, is mm- :il>lu too£ Hotsos, Cattle, Shoep, Dogs, Hogs and : — • * 'Poultry hy noting directly on the SICK PAHTB " BROADWAY.•withoi "* "

v-as iudi>ors foiiscd by sti'ipniny [:Mimowrtrk. ; T l l L .


i 31r^~\VilliiuiV";Vliet'"•bas'-liijuii itiisniiiK' aBRIDGEVILLE. j few d a » with the family of Walter -Viler."'

long continuwl rtrv weother hii* | Donetteii, «iriii(C for tlio sick.niusL'd 11 wati-r faminu in this see-,! Mw» Eva Vliet Ims lwun siM(iidin<; a fewW'flK cit-tenis and SHKIII streams : \vt>t>ks in KlizalHith and Diuiullen.

[1 tin; larger stremns. the '

J 'our Money Back if Not

•. _•_-. _„.,Saf_isfit'(i:.- „„ : . J—-_


New Jersey. •


i i Ptars Ark Soap.....' 25o10 liars Uncle Joe Simp,. .....25c-, Cms Salmon. |j<"»l z»°Venus Mrlkcil Hcans, goo<1.......25c_,:Can« I'n'iicy.Corn 25cJcnusCwH-nin «c, C in-. <»oil Corn

G l J O h issorul ' irls Grci.il, H>

I.ook for the sign

2So1 9°


:iussiim work ii'?sl Sun- ' fju-ili',^ .Manuniciir.-uuiLk.iriR) iHLdlyat•ninlit. T..i>ii-. "Thu MUiinia iu Ens-1 w | t h rl,™,,,,itiim tlmt lie is• ulil iml tu iisuA'siii." U-rnti-lu.-s. HiMvillomsult Ur. WlUnsliii.' rands Wraith ami son •Ij'-wis of • Ml;; "Mrs . C. B. HniV, wlm lms. liswi in tinln.l wcru vislrliiB with -Mr. uml Mrs. I jiurrla Plnliw llosnitf.l « lone tinu-,tii'iril Smith fri>in Satui'dj*v' f*'' Wntifinv \ _....?^^ .1 1... 1 1... -,1....-,, 11....* .......i. uin

AUrud S. Clinc \viisi:iitort:dni-don Satur-' ilav at tL'iuind on Sunday at dinner at tht;Iho'rijeol'Mr. and Mrs. J . h. Cn-uOiiij,'. - ._

li*jv. I. V. W'n^ufii1 passed from Saturd;!11 MV. iiim M\V. M l i r r s i>i,lllH |U.su*tr,l 11 long tmu', was \ • ^ \ r ; ',; ' i . r 7/l/mnn >\-dHmmnir inVnliiy till Sunday. v i p i t w l , ,v llt!1. ^ W i n d last w^-k. SUo is so l ' ' ^ J ' K - Davis ^ U i m | M ^ I"1

-• . much Improvwl that W «-m sliortly briiin [ l " t b W l t ? ' R L X - D a N l i j l .GREAT MEADOWS. ; j her to tlwir liuiuu nt HOIIU CiwsinK. . :

" MiV.AVilliunr \Villi:tms spent; last week iin Hn|K-. •-

~Shv: Tuui-s of Xutk'y has lieen visiting at.fact»)i Bahi-iK-kV. 7-

.Mrs Charles Cortwri^ht- -visitL-d hermutlicr. Mrs,VMury Flunwrfult, liuit THUS-..d»y . • „ - - , . • _ _ . i t • • . ^

heen spt'iidini; .-tune tinn;.,with Ins iinrents,Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph Fleuiing. /•

•••."(.'aluli Abel's has Ijetn'shippnij^iind fi'oni-iJiiwili FlemiiiL;'.-* farm abovu Townsbury. •

Mi- --Jlmidy" h i^ b«.-i;n having woine ini-l»rov('in«iits inndu on his rnrmiMiiijludiny ahlllllMHirll6.i«-T.ll(lll Silo. •• , •,. '-^ ClmrluR Uwiymi spent Sunday ' with hismother, Mrs. Xetson- Unnynti._who broke.htjrleir al)mif throo-w'eolis a(46." ••"••• -•-'-

tion as ii lirakemuu 011 the L:& H; it. U.JIi-s. S. S. Vasbiuder has a.mimbvr of city

bonidiMsat. Uwr Uotivci' Lake House. Thucity people likw the nui.i hliorlMMMl.

John H. Buttz.of,S[ivept:if who recentlycelebrated h i ^ m t h Dhtliilay, huliiwl tojwid




I CHILD- ~•-••' - - - '—wmple


;— : ; .PATTEKBUHG. .--

Simduy tit the jwu'ental hoim;. .....iiv. Iiiid JII-B. Fix>d Collard of'Dovtjv.are

visiting their parents. Mr. iind -Mr.s:'.Iolin

Dr. Cliarles ISrBiirkiir spent Fridiiy Vifthe lionn.-of his IUKOL1.-FntnkOsihnii. n tAsltury,

Frank, tlio hitaiitson ol' Mi\ and Mrs.

j-r-r_-. :.•:,•--•-- -.^ANDERSON. :-:.:.;- r. - ....! Jacob Vanhorn and a friend from Mt.1 n«thul visited a t Jacob Hill's on1 yiiiuhiy.

UnddWillever mid family were tlie ynestsof Mrs. Willevur's parentf, Mr. mid Mrs. H.Heiidei-shot, liust Sundiiy.

airs. Jiuncs Potty is eutortniuint,' hoi-nu.Uier. Mrs. McNeav of Oxford. Shu aluot:nterUtS;i'^-Mivand-JMrs._..Clark.:Sliaferol'.

I (Jhaiies Kennedy of Newark is spendiiig-I a f>'\v wenks at the pleasant home of Mrs.I X . L . Ajisar. • ' ; • ' ' •

week takiiii; uiders for mail boxes.'. Everjvoiiti s{!i:ms pleased to have their imiil ctiinntin! new way. fiXcept a low poi-sons living•lose to tlii'-p

100 GompjeteStoresUnder

One Roof,


BroadiNew and Halsey Sts., Newark. .-

Choice as6reatas in

New York.

Spend the Whole Day With Us.EVERYTHING

FOR HOME iTMiBllitOrd fs, P^'qiiji^ly^Fl^.v-I^P,,^^

Frank, tlio nitaiitson.ol air. ami Jlrs.Frank Uleasitn, died Watnrday inorniny.

«-! Tlio fiuiertil services were held at the houseI ! nv,A interment at Xew Htoiio cei

• imnrl'.vlI'.L^l-vttv1 M''s' ^"""^ S '" ''"~ ^s^Yow cannot be well unlessiyour stomach and bowels are right. '•].1 % J '• -- - KThe thing to right them is T^£™*Lfl** ;«f S&reM*!,*•%"&Miller snc-lif. SillHluy m i d Mbllllliy fJjicol) Miller spent. Sun

with friends lit Lulmnoii.HOT. Win. Ati-n inmicln-il a t PhillmslunB I

-in, D, K, -.111 Humliiy. Hoy. Churlcs Itynm

B.1:. r in.TllrimliiV:t.li,,'illl[,ml Sumliiv- Kdiooh I '"""^'tllZ^Z- _

ri^T^^:^:^:t, ^*,„ surpr,. , ^ , ,i Sti n\ T.ntlionin elniKh of GiLtnwulitownvlnii Tln.iti-.nu ilotiht but tint itwill !H .>ull ntutulfd

Mi IIIKI'MIX Hnnci Hum ul PlnlliiHluun an. pasMHK M\LII1 l int it laiiKSIlann •,

Ml mid Mi-. A\m sliLiihiMl or Phillips• - - ' • '• -utimlnj

g gAt your druggist's.:.

be -w

L; . . L

• buti^ - _ « " - - . - „ , _ bur^Mhitcil Mr Murj AIUi^

*""* Win Hoppock of (1dm m Valk> was 111lunoiiSsiturd'U _ _ B , I - ™-

It i thL imdiuno aho\t all otliuif«i uitmili and H woilli its ttomlit in pi)lilLh sCiuun Balm dous all tliat is Umnudlui it B W Sptirj, Haiiioid, Conn

m on \\w iiilliLtLd with tatanh litiwd Eh's ticaiu Bdiu and the diMiKRLablocntairh nil li'ft him J 0 OlmstLiid,Arcola, 111

Tlio Bidm does not irritate oi uuisofc'd b l t H atjai i u or

To Cure a Cold m One Day ^ o ^»st* Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets,

This signature,1».en Million t o n s »t)ld In posi 12 ir.ontlii

Two Vty*.

on every |b . 25c.

sw York

m doe not

Eh Biothtrs, % W STAR and Thrice-a-Week New York World, $2.00 per year in advance.

Page 3: til THE BALL...r ; : Circulation tiVliKin-tlinn 3.900 I" rVK ;••."'' :.vfi"SigSSS?;?;*S




Everything in WearingApparel for Men, Womenand Children.

Everything for Gamp-

Everything in CottageFurnishings.


E&.ston's Great Dept. Store—

Bush 6 Bull

CALIFON. I MARKSBORO.'About • two weetoiico Frank Pill ami ' Mr. ami Un, Win. I/. Moll vi.ilteil Hun-

Thuiiian Nelffli wont II»liiiiK. Frank hixilcnl ilny and Hrnidajr nt r!io liniin- of Imr lira-»n eol nnil with tlio WWIHUUK.II or Nuisli In- Ilier. .Volwiu E. Ayn». near Ihckcttstcwn.Juul it iilmmt lutiiiri! wlwu ihe lino liruki'.; wuci U at tlii.i wntinu lying very 111.M i * ? ! ; 1 ! " ' ! ' 1 ' 1 ' ! ' • " " " . " ' . F r a n k . m,» ' Mr. imil Mm. Fhlwriir Now Vnrk. Mt»w

lara Cori'yuiid Ruth Duniiuin, ttnd Sliiwly 91Jo.c|ih Pill, Mm nf Fran

K nt tlio Mimu IPIUCU when liel W i t l l It J l t ' ! f " 11

niKht . C

«tl b'ntunliiy, July W, nt tlio home ofIsti.T, MISH Lydiii A. t'liokf. nt'Leif


, . ' " - . . ' , " - ' "'•'•' *"-'".-.'• T'-";"'T::',' cminuof tlnttii wiw heart fuihiro tollowtui;lion ^ne«itr Isflckat hishome. John an attark of jaimdiri'. Mr, <"<«ikt) win ni! f! "S™. *!!rt,1 J^'teK. ,trIV t (> B l l l l ( l > ! ('"ll!)il> »f Mw. John II. llowlicntr of Murki-»•» to'u innrli fur million.TOIIMIM was in . Xuwurkust liifsilay,

Mr. anil Mrs. I). K.l l i D l

anil New Mr. anil Mm, Welh ami Charles Ciiiiinit., nil , , | nmniw,rwurc, gamu of .Mr. iind Mrs.

' * " 1 1 ; iiiss E l t a M I , Kiitav of P a t o i ^ l .oreVwllTi '"•"W ""ISrliiluol li.v li.T,si»t,:r. Mis. Ityor-1

PORT MURRAY. •'!•<•Miw* Knhrn Petty, u iiromlnwil "tin.***-: t

inakerof Ntjwark, irihjH-ti'iiiiK lit-r vacutioii ,nt tho home of • Imr father, Joseph, Pi>ttv. Jnear KarrHVill.-: :.-.••>••. . . " j

' Weaxftdiirmlnb^urvklllliiK *>K a iniw? j

tloii, and they nro no re'HixfCtvrs of jwtxmwfor thc-y visit fanners ami jireaeliuw alike, fIluwks tuiil foxt'snut in tin nji)R'nnim-(* once ifn awhile to twttfu'ir Hhan; mid tli»ymio-?ccvil ailniirulfly. Chicken thieve* nlmn-lean \ont u coop <ict'n>Ioimlly. - .. j

T.X'. TiiiMtntin in«iM!fidiiifj ii wt-uk with ifriend? in Srranton. v • ;

Otniritu II oilman and family of Oxford [Hl»;iit -Surnlityat Hurry UiHkoyV. i

Dr. CIIM! of our Bantint church uxcliuiwil <* '" hint Sumliiy with IU-v. -Eland of i

M,.r,lmll l» . most po,,,,!,,,- «.,

j Mrs. W: Was Lefta widow with five chil-dren. Home was mort-gaged and $500 duelShe received $1,600*Life Insurance. Paidthe mortgage and pur-chased a $1,000 paid-up policy for herself.You should p r 6t e c t

I your home in this way, t• t o d . • • ' " " . • ' • ' " " ' — " / ' • • " • ' • : ' • • • • : " ' • ' • • • • • r


I to nxpttctH to rut urn in a fow mmitlw. • " ' " ' Mr*. W. Clinton Wildriok.Tho Cidifon Uiuid furiiishud tho iniiftiu fur i Mr! ami Mrs. Win. Gnwii of Townslinry

the f.-Mtivul nt Snrniro Him mm" tmu of th«i«» ( l M r s - Oarriuon and daughter, XellicmemiwiH tonan to tiiku •• IIIH instrument I Miu\ of Trenton, huve hi-t-ii ma-sts of Sir.nlontf. Auk Frank Pill ahout it. i m 1 1 'M r f <- Nelson Shot'

Uiots went to tlw Uutltluhvm Hos-1 \Vm. Stinu of Xewarlt Inw beua visitingmLTiiiiiMW , , hU auuv. Mi«si SUivniul Slim:, of town.

' " r . Stine i« Hearing lib sJiiil milestone millisxKtino horlKith.Mirw Alice II(i|ii! nfUifjli DiidK" wus lli;t •

fttit'st for a fvw ihij-H of Mn»el Jdhnson. :U»it>e B,, the Httlu daughter of Dr. t o p - !

kiiiH, wait hiirit'd hwt Wertm.-whiy afturnoun.A will fi'iitiiru wan the non-ari'ivnl ut the!child's motlior, who WHS in (,'aiiadn. Shi;did not reach lmru utitll Thursday.

Tho C'nlifiiti Hand navtuiii upon air cou-a-rt in front of thuir hall un Monday ni^ht.

ThonniK Nei^h holds tho record fur catch- .hif,'lilack liiuw, Luttt wi'ok lie cuu«ht onu '• Winthropnnd ft«orK« Poters of Pnw-aicthat nicasuri'tl fit toon inches and wui^hut] lure honrdiuK with Isaac Sinister attwo and a half pounds , . . . ' Lakt*.

_ _ . Isluy at Ooor^o J.1 iJmro»u*Mou Saturday.

H. D, Huff of Blaii-stown took two cmi-,:ik'», onu Irom M. R. 8mithV and tho otliL-rfrom D. II. ItymanV, to the'. Wutt-r Unp inhis auto on Saturday.

A Koutk-iiian and lady from New Yorktin; hoarding at D. H. RyniauV.

Only four Irom hi;ru wuiit on tint Elk»i-xcnrHioii to Uonoy Island hist Tlmrstliiy.

Tlw yoniifj ntun of Hi 'h riridgu are nutthe only ours who drivn Hint thronuh Cali-lon. \V« havu s»nm nf our own. oni- msarlvriinniiiKiivcra littlwuirl.

II. Sln-phard hits lioifii in town Tor thy lastf«w days looking nftvr -tliv juturvsttt *

Miss Lenin Hill, who IIILS IIGOII Koiiiutiiuowith her sinter, Mrs. ivtur' Spimller, inPiissnic, sincu her school closi'il at Skillnian,KomcrKot county, rL'tunicil to her homyhero on Saturday, Vcoinpnnlvd l>y thrt-1L*1.. >. I. . . . t . . . . . . 1I.T1, . < t *little , I i

.Mm. Mayberry Gulick linn IH-CII thu finestof her daughter, ilix. Lewis Mnrhitt, inPhillipMburt;, fora fortnight.

Mr. Finder of .lursuy City WHK the tfiiestSatuitlay of Theu, Tinsiuan. j

Mrs. VtjscelitiK vntertained frioixV from \uuttif tuivulo:;t Suuduy, I

Part of tin; fiunily of -Alonxii Somervilk-!havu roturnu'd to thuir homo in Newark. ;

Alriu Boatty mid Win. Mnvherry are at jtheir UHiial occupationiH nmiin ufter visitfiiK!rolutivL'H and triendrt in Newark for a fort- jnight. , : (

Joseph Puol of Mt. Bethel cleaned the 'wt'll on the farm ofcupfL-d by Theo. Zullars |the Mrst of thin week. Joe is certainly ucracker-jack at the husiiiew4 and net* all ofthat kind of work in thin neighborhood.

Tim recent rttin* were certainly a God-Komi to vt-getatiou, but did not, wet downvery deep fur tin; ground won parched.

Comu to thu M«thudiHt lawn sociablennxt Saturdav eveninn- Vou can havi

Write for Inforinnttou of'Policies.! ;". "'.' . ;

The PrudentialrINSURANCE CO. OF AMERICA.1 Home OffiM, Ntwwk, N. J.


. .JOHN F. lUtVDKN, I'lx-sIdeiiL : ! .i ! / *'" /

J I.KNUJ-' 1>. \ \*A;U>, Vic- I'rwl.lunt KIKUIt »- U'AUI),'J.l Vk« PresidentFUltltKHT F. DUYDKN.%1 V|,» I W l : WIMlUU S. JOIIXHON,4th Vlw Pna' t: . mi(] (,'omrt roller

KIKSAIt OIIAY, Swa-tnry1IKNIIY F. HOW, A.»M. .Siijrt., KIMIIII (I.' Ilmik Uulldliit,', JlnwdHI. ami WoHhlngloa

Avuiini', WVIiliiKton, X. J. SOW

iiVeoiiipnnivtl by three rm;tiuii>7olfrViitiivay^^(!rit7»nd.'wl)lUhHrence, \\ ilbur and Al-; tnttn'i'sted in other features of tbn outer-

If the weather is unfavoratijiill bo Imld in the basement of

Forrest II. McLmiry L-UIIIU up to Marks-; tlie JsocialP id hi h l H 1 t l h

. nm;!*t fur a few - - - . , . , -- . . . tl/* Well 111 1 f*l>l *• . t - l l * * l l l ! J

days a t the Methudist; Hlt('cu vv.'eks previous,' ' her (U'utli itevi!iW"»«K«- j to hM-death never rm)Vendan i sc io l i : s rH^ l l ' ' l ' ' t l ^>fA^i i s t for a varaiion liy the M. !

^e-, 'The fiunilv lived iii this vicinitv. j I - i l i u r i h , cuiiseciHitiilly thitre will In- no ;Bent Her Double. j JH S S Ethe l Uryunt of Mt. Vt'niou N V : i : l l l l i c l ' ^"I'viiesdarini: thai iwunth. j

"I knew no one, lor four wwUn, w]i«n 1 j is visitiiiK bur (.-uiisius, Man- ami Fredu'rick' Midi's Johnran and Mitcii.'ll ui Vi^iinn ;i...i..jr.Tp , 1 , i . I . «-...Ll...f.1 . . . . . I I .7.J. . . . _ * . . 1 . 1 . . II 1 n L . i t l h . . . - J l l ' l . I ' l h l t l l l f r A T TNJ T in .11*11 l . , i . # , l i . , . *:. - 1wax sick with tvpboid and kiduev trouble.'' i Limning,

write.-i Mis. Annie lluutei of Pittsburg, iPa., '•and when I g..t better, although 1'

iting Airs. Daniel In-Miss llury rtruy of, Hast Orange has re

turned homo for IL brief vacation.Miss Mildred Mayberry 1ms gone to Moi

nstown furaHimimer vaeation.Mr. and Mrs. Barton Searfossof •Stanhop

visited F. 1). Searto.sH last Kiinday.

They an* simply wmiikrrut. Allen Kiiiuwiy and wster.' Miss Mary, are• . . . I . • « • . ' m i . . . i i i i i r i i t . i ' r j M i n i t i i . v i u r n i — » . - * - » > V I I . . . I ^ » j » • . . * . . i ^ - . i , . . . , . i ,-' .- * ' « . I I T , I « . I

nntnl ti) rum ftoinudi, livur ami kiiliify 1 vMtliiR in I'liiliulolpliui.ili«mlers;ut IV -V Jenkins' H'lim-n Count]- Mrs. J ac l i Millur ami iluiiiclitor KosDruB StoniiiTOtWIc. visitt.,l ,,|,,,ivcS in Phllll|«l,uri!"« r,.»- ilny

• ' " » ' w u t * ' oral tmk iilnou on Sutunliiy and was IUIKC. aomi!/nun lllis iilan- attomk'il a lilrtli-1 ly attuuilml. Tlio ,Ir..O. U. A. jr. hull

il:iy Hiu-iJiiw i'iirty at John Ainuv's lit | dnirKC Mr. M. WILS ill business in nopeUniontitwn J:Lst Wt'ilnosiliiy (.'veiling. j niun.v yeiu-H anil hint the respect of the

ROCKPORT.Rev. W. Wilk'veriuid fi,mi]y<»f

villu vWtwl friends liiir..* lu>t week.''Mm. J.It . Davis visited .Miss Jo

O'Niel in Easton last ilonday.




k l S t l i d Ioral timk iilnou on Sutunliiy and was Ily t t u l l Tl I r O U A jr

At HalfThe Faee

WlueEighty Suits

Coat and Cuff Trousers-quarter lined,padded shouldersand fronts—Homespuns andCheviots, worth Sio^ff^AA"during the sale at . . ."4?iUU

Mrs. Leonard Ott was tlm^Ui'st of iht,.William Riley in Philiipsbtirfover Sunday.

.Mr. and Mrs. Isiutc Reed entertained hisXe\v York thoSamuel Miirtuiiw has W.,n Kiv«n his posi-1 : « r - ' " 'Vf-1 , f u

jtion apun us Kiituinan at the Hutwoltou I ™ " ' Ulli elnMiKl

crossiuf,'. j past week.Mrs. II. II. Amey is visiting her son in

urossiny.Mrs. Asa O.-imiu nf Hnckettstiiwn visitoil

Jlrs. June Osinun n l»irt i>r lust week.F. B. Anileisoii nuiveil his fniuilv from

tliiK plnc« to Haekuttstiiwu lust Hiiturilay.Josepll H. Stowurt niul .Miss Alieo Aek-

lev were with frienils nt Little York, Hun-terileii eoiinty. from fniluy until Monday.'

A number from ibis nlnce attemli'il theexcursion to Urunbi-rry Lake hist Thurs-iluv anil report u guoil time.

Jliss Olani Dellieker is visitiiiB hercousin, Miss Kttu Willeinr, ut Bllttzvill

Miss Mabel JCostenbuder, who has been Iivay n number *>f veal's, will spend "tho!

summer at her birthplace. • Shu looks the!if health and her friends welcome j

Your Attention is Called to Our Bargains in;

New Home Sewing [Machines

Call and examine our line. Wehaven variety of styles and can suitall conditions of the trade.. We. invite'a careful inspection of the New,Home—the most popular Sewing machine of the day.

The New Home has acquired a reputation and value which are per"ntanciit. It has helped to ease the surrouiitliiigs of over TWO MILLIONHOMKS, unit the position it hits occupied h:is so endeared it to the house-wife that it cannot be snpjilunted. Its iifje of usefulness has gained; for itthat exclusive confidence, respect anil character due to a life of perfectservice, . . :. . . . ' . . . . . '.'-' -

THH NliW IIOMK AUTOMATIC DKOP-HEAI) MACHINES arethe greatest marvels of the century.

You will also find here a complete line of

Furniture, Carpets and Ranges • :•Cull and inspect our lines before going elsewhere. • You will be made

welcome. , , : . . . ' • „ .

MONFORD E. HUTCHINGS,;Second Floor, A merman Uld'g;. 42 E. Washington Ave.

nieturu oher.

70,00Q Banrels


Win. Stcwiirt, Jr., and family of Hobo- -A daiicinj; party wan held nt the lioinu ofken are spending some timu with his j MISB Laura Bower-s lat-t Wednesday night.parentc, Mr. and Mrs. .Win. Stuwart, .Sr,- -

Mrs. Aiunnda Iieatty, an old resident ofthis place, who has l'n«d at Newark forsome time died at that phicis htst Wednes-day, and was burk-d at Fort Murray last.

P.' B. Mitehelirwif" and sonand Mrs. It.

Miss Annie Rice spent lasther sfetur in Pennsylvania.

A few couples from this place spent histTuii«luy at ureeiist Pond,

Itaymo'iid Kern of Philadelphia"" whs" the hJiKe PilAlice Millu

H. W, Davis, on Sunihiy. f-Mr. mid Mrs. Seliion Davis and sou of

Nut ley an> HpiMidiiif,' a fortnight at thehome of his father, J. H, Dnyis. . ";.

(ieortfii I), Usmun of New Vork cityspent Katunbiv and Huiiduv with his family

t h o fn • "

•er .Sunday.-•-'••-'ilr. and Mrs. Jesse Willisvcr of Easton

Little Catherine Stout : nf Phillipshuii''spent lust, week with her eoiisin, MnrthuHaub. " -'•

Mrs. O. W. Hineliiie visiiteil relatives inPiiillipsbnrg tlie past week.

John Nelson Parks, who lias a gasoline ]t*nt?iii«, has brolciiii the record for'suwiinr Iwood mid threshing. He ciiwed eighteen ilargt: loads of oak wood, cut sixteen feislong for J. S. BniiKlmrt in just nino liourtHe also threshed ii()i) large sheiu'es of rve ii

hourundtittueii minutes. lie willh i f h bl

one hourundo churninh i i j repus they li


us some, of -thu- vounjj bloods ' - '•'•rnjil, but will leave "that for them i

.», ...v.. ~,.vo nothing else to dn but help!'*"-"their puorold mothers. Mr. Parks accepts [all kinds of custom work which lie does'with his wonderful little engine. i

Alfred Btiu(;hart him returned to his homein Pettiest Valley, after a r'«w days1 sojournin the west^.

Work is proffiessiuf,' finely.at the Kish-liaugh minus. Wo congratulate Mr Wind-I'eldt on his success.

Uncle Jui

Dexter PortlandCement

Used by the D..L.& W. Railroad.

Used in the new pavement in front of the Fitts•— Bee Hive. , Examine it. .


ALLEGER'S LUMBERfrom 32.to 40: original price

$15 now $7.50.;For young men the low crownmedium br.hu Sennit Straw

GOLDSMITHaB222 Northampton St.

_ ..rIJIiss;T1i<)mns .ot.lCanton, 111,, arc tH?mn<;iitt:rt!iiift;(l"iit 'tlio'l

Miss Alice Hope of High lliiiljjo mwit. ' " " " ^ o t "l'/'r c°"sl"> u ' " i s Morroll.

OFFERWu "offer three styles of

.r.<;Ncw:Upricht-.:lliaiios'at-— L,,-Mr.jind.Mrs. .Tai

, $200

ICHARCES 1 . FORD- • ' ' : . - ' • . ' • • - i v . • - . . • , ; • • [ ( _ • - 1 •

Furnishing UndertakerWe have iu our employ Mr. I. D. Reed, late with the

National Casket Co. of New York, wlio 1;will-assist us.

NIGHT CALliS—At Store, 37 E. Washington

Miss Alice Hope of Pligh IliiiljjoSiuidiiy with Miss Ciuliurine Carlinj;.

i Miss .Tosephine Bninyiiteof Atlnntit- Ci -v] is visiting her cousin, .Miss Hutli Eiiglnnil.I Jlrs. Lydiu Shvojie of Wiisliinyton isi spending some time with her sister, Mrs.M. Sliroiie.

L Melroiii

y f Pliilliiisiii-'WUli-friends In

and other styles nt higher prices,eluding Steinway.:. Kranich & Bach,Mehlio, Estey/etc.,' etc., for cash oron easy inontlily payinents.

^ : 6 n i y : $ l 6 CASH WiU pia'ce^iew"piano in your home. ir

Hi; . ,'.••. ,. '

Miss Einina Slater of-Xewark ami IVIIApgar of, .ItTsey City returned home 011Monday after a visit with Mr. and Mrs.John SinU'i'. • -,._ '

'.-., v^Iossrs. EUwunl l-'ornVaii ami VTm. HartI spent Siinduy with relatives in Broolilvn.'"Jliwi Ella Smith of Blnoniohitry visitedher cousin, Miss l.nla Vlietrlliu-hitter parto f t h o w e e k . ••;. ',' '• ' " . ' '•••••- ' ••"•

"'SiiKs Elsie :Smith :had'as' her L'iiesf overSunday Miss Uebuccu Morley of liitstoii.

William Hnlsiner and<isisti»r Cntharinospent Sunday with relatives at Iliyb Brid^oV

! Mv; and Mr.:.C'. E. W«ldi spent Sundaywith Mr.find Mrs.1 George, Coolov at IV11Argyl. • :.,; Airs, Mnry Kliropoiuid diuiyliteiM.Iiculaliand JSthul, 0I1 Jersey City siient the latter

I part of the week with Mrs. Mercy Smith.. A J. Calvin Hummer has secured a position

. iml I'ricc-I.ist free.

Scud Fostnl. Address

WM. H. KELLER & SONTemple of Music ,,

it 1*0

Mrs. lloyle of Eliznhoth silent Sundaywith Kev. and Mrs. Urowcroft. u

Tim stork iijjain visited imr town on Fri-day. iiud_left-U..soii-at..th«. lionio of- A.-.!,.»

Aiuouii those in town 011 Sunday wereJoseph Watson of Brooklyn, V, Frank Caw-Joseph atson l y , 1?,Joy of Newark and J, BentonBridgeport,

I Give Honor to Whom it is Due.Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite) Remedy,

of Boumlout, N.VY,, cured mo of Briglit'sdisease and Gnivol.iFonr of tlio best phy-.«iciiii!9r.had:: failotl ..to-relieve: mc.^l'hiivorecommended it to scores of people with likosuccess, and know, it will euro idlivho tryit. Mrs. E. P. Mlzuor, Borg Hill, O. Price

t . i cousin, L e i s Jlerrell.The ba / . r a t th« Christian church last i

Tuesdiiy evening netted 'thii treasury §!«i. fTim next sotiial eveiif in this ronunniiitv Iwill bo tlio Danvillo pts roust Ant*, luth. '

Miss Ci'lin Cummins is the finest of hercousin, Miss Edim Wyckoff, nwirBolvitlero,

Miss Bertha Xuliiiw of Port Murrav is,thi>_-ynest .of her cousins, Mr. niul i l rL e w i s - J i r M e r r L l i ; ; ' " " ; ; ' : ; ; : ^ r ^ : — -

Mrs."'John aicCmekon is sufferiiiR i'ronian abscess. "

Kxtensive repairs aro beiiifr made in thupublic, seliool building prupiiratory to thefall opening. . . .

.John Fenlmlit and wifii of MilliiigtoiiwerUvjisjtors a t the 'homo "of their sister,Mrs. Cr.inpbL'll, on Sunday,• Cit'cir o Wire and, wile oE...Nnw(i'rkr'\verc:'guests offrieiids iirtowiriiist week.....>Af'iHUiilinr...ol'-..Thiv-.fmvn ...('hildreii. are

Mrs. Shnrp'Viwi-ulfiiK of Gorman Vuilevand Miss May Slater 'of-. North- Dakotawere guosls at K. IJ. Harris' Sattmlay. '


ITarry Emery visited bis cousin, "Xert"Anthony, in lielvidyre:.on Sunday.

Mrs.'Wnlker .has .changed her boardingplane- from Jess'o 1-Yuy's to Clinton • Free-man's, near Belviilero. ' . '...Sanniel Cola of Utiui, N. Y., visiteil at,bis tuichrsVHeniy DiilrviniiliCfiiiiiiTuesdav"until Saturday;"1* " •;" ' ~"-'-"----- *

Lydiii Eaub is visiting at her uncle's, jJ.Allen, in Oxford. j:':M"i*s. Arthur Fritts visited her =istcr, Mrs.Philip Burd, 0110 day lust week. ,.;

Mr, and Mrs, Henry Dalrymple and threedaughters. Misses Grace,~Ruth' and Hilda,spoilt Sumiiiy with bis imphow, AiHonrvC,Vile, at Richmond, Pa, , #.

company from Phillipsburg a few days last

jtobert Hoiwell of HftHnony,.visited.n

Arc You a Doubting Thomas ?Perhaps '.'fake" testimonials

havu'inadc you so, Tlie most ofT.the testimonials you read : bear '

.... Hi'.'..-,siyuaturernf.. some:- fellow:::several thousand miles away, andyou have no . way.nf; knowing^,whether or not they are genuine.

l'UUJSK NOTICE — We g ive*you thc"teslimoniiils nf people ; -

: very near you-^we give one below. 'fTp conviniM'i-yoursclf,-v.writfc Itntliis--^ inmrdi i t c t^ I I i r i joug l i t oHr''1i''eirdIj:"tojnTc!oii'artotlief ninkc:;of; mili-;f-hSre"Ti; is what he says :•,..;, c , ' • . ' , , . ' . . ,

' 'Ainer ie j inSr twMii i .Mnci i ' i i i c i 'yCo. , " ' • ' " ' >><",<; KR n t . * , » . . , I 'Rl i .a i . 1005.!- .. ; ' M ' ILickuttstowii , X . J, . . ' • • • ' • • •

(.i i ;STi.KMi:N:-Tlie"Amcricaii lwy*>l ri'.iclioii feed niul epiiefc rcceUcr which it rc- ..'..L'L'IVLJI t roni yon recent ly IIIKI pu t on my mil l works to perfection- u n d e r , t h e mort'",'trylii(f.7-~

I would ndvi.se nil perootM who lute iul 'pnrcl ins l i iR m w m i l b to l.uy " A m e r i c a n . 1

Mill.s by nil iiK-ims. r. •••;> • • Ymirs very It-i'ly^-;;;",

•"" ' ... . o ^ - • c . c . in :HKMANcui • ":

„• Also—Driif-Sjiws, Edgers, Sh\ng!.e.aiiiV Uath Machines,. .Water Wheels.-.^

<"• LARGEST "STOCK OF GAS ( L IN E * . i l . 'V >! V,

Castings^Machine Work .and Repairlngs of all kinds -^.'; . • ' ' : , , . ' - ' ' C a t a l o g u e S e n t F r e e . ."• : .' .• '•'.-','•••":'• ' V

AME^ICANlp/ l iMt l MACHINERY^Cb:,?70-73;Hope St., Hackcliilown, N. J. New York 0 te ; ! ! 4A Liberty SL;;

Page 4: til THE BALL...r ; : Circulation tiVliKin-tlinn 3.900 I" rVK ;••."'' :.vfi"SigSSS?;?;*S




IDEAL MEBIGINEis Metzger's Catarrh Cure

It's a positive tmiuler-wirkcr: isives it sufferer nIni^lilcr. sprij;lillier feeling ; cleanses the lilinnl. tonesup the system ninl put* one in tlie piufc of coii.Htioit

j for enjoying this weather. :

" It tclieves Hay l-'ever p.itii-nts. ami wlicre catarrh

exists, also cures that.Mr. Kolurt S. Sliover. Long Islam! State Hospital,

-lli 'oklvn,-N -V., f.iillli-tly Glen Canlncr. N. J , •iuiu-> il.iv'3, i<,uj : • Kindly scml o.buttles ot Meu :

tcrsCitir t l lCnre. I «nnt .1 few lionlcs n.r myseilas a si.rii'K rcmt-.ly anil a few for friemls whom 1

• a.lviseii ii'in^ .our v;ilii:ililf medicine."

THI: Ml-TZm-R MI-DICIN1: MFG. CO.,Bethlehem, Pn..

OXFORD :Mr. nml Mm. John Voiwllerof Jutictioii

wen1 gnestK part of lust wei-k of 1.1K brotherI'hilip In tills pliu-o.


Htiihh-nly n t it NowOhlioil- .Wol f f^ ork hospital lost week.

ItolM.rt Kltrli'..i, who is »ii-k with tvpholil

BUTTZVILLE.. iiml Mm. A. W. Wlllcvcr Jitul usKin'ctH Friday until 'rut-mlny Mm.VIT'M.xlxU-r.and,hujtliand, air. untl

(Inldi'ii stnr (.'nniii'U. Xo. WS; I), of K;.l fovpr, lutKiiot lnti»r»\vd imu-li. -livid H Urguk att'inlt'tliiHvtliijfluHtPrWayS Mm. MiUitnCViwvUiinil vliililrvii' of Now- . „ -,uvi'iiluir. wliun Hit' Still.- tV'iim-Uor. .MrK.',toii,iri'HiH'mliiiKK.iniMiiiiclit Mr.atul Mr*. , M l i w <"Iiiril pcll tkrr rclurnv.l;to, ImrAUDIO h, I'tmvil, wiw pit «*nt. r.ipitcnn- Tlii'otloru ItouiVi* • . 110011" ill Hotkport on Tuewdny »fi«r.lianti-wurelnllli.ti-.l. / . , I „,,_. , , ^ | ^ , ^ „ f , j ,,,H-.,,II,,B » week will, her aunt. Mr«.

Tliepli-nif. unilel- the nnsp i-cs of L'otirt! vnrntlmi In Piitcrson nml other lu-nrliv \ ' " * " l l k * * r -Oxfi.nl. No. IIT. Forester.of Aitierln.. lust eit™ otnir , liutrli) , M t . < l t | | 1 ,„.„ Cal.,H.u,,, Htnckhnu».Salnnlny i-veuliii;. wits n Knuiil Min-nwin Alfivil Kiivili-r.il resident of Slninilaliiiiv,! >|un>t 'Huliinliiy wllh lil» iliuiirhler, Mr»

. spite of the mill tlmt fell lownnl thiu-hw linn Iteen wfceli'd its luli-li-Kiitoof tlmttowii] Irvlnic, Payer, near ir^pt-.

'lau'i'iiiiHTOn't'"totii''"iiiSi"'"ri Ii 'himKi"""ui"'" l" iE!"v." r i | i. r '' •..•.-'— . . m i l . . — 1 1 . . . ' ' ° *

:;.:July^3p'ffinid Aug:1 /1905,

Demonstrationil Wllllnins IH : vlHltiiiK l i t !

cimin-1 inn.

imst iiMrs

tt-nm.f Mr.

i.'m"""'""l5""'ll"l'"lrcl"l!''''<••"-••ftC . Aui-til. A'miKirk UM.I wifu of Sln

- - iimlsistiT.Mrn. Hiplcv nt Mk-hlKali, were MIHH Nit i i i Hntlir.iek nml Air. lti>tmil [ ""•" Wtwl" »/ >'r. mill Ml*. Aliralll B « k • ,,f Ai'ki'imanvlll,.. I'll.. • micnt fllllliliir

ffli;i\MS;,i,rv.;lffiVS!«^^^ , ,. • ••••; , i»;»" »' K « ' * - 1 M :ml Mrs. .lolin Snyil.T. in llrainvnls. I, I'rnf Alvli, Bav Soi, ,,r LMon I^VIMIIIIK| •.lm«. II

.Manili- Slnrtln nr Newark! vlsitlnn her mint, Mr*. M. J. Cmlff. j

were; Mtss .NVtiii- Hotlinek niul Alr.'ltoei

Tc let mo do ycur SHOE REPAIRING

at A. B. Grbff & Bro7s Store

We liave just received a large assortment of In-cr-scal

Trade Mark Goods from, the, ;, .


if Mr. nml Mr.-i. J . A. Jones

Soleing and. Healing Men's Shoes../'. 11 r— •• (Sewed) Shoes

il(.--t t.iV.; I.c.illter U u*c<l exclusively.

!5oleine and Healing Women's Shoes. . • • • > :••". ' . . ' . . - • • • • • " ( S e w e d : S h o e s

Children's Work at Proportionate Prices.

Q O C Miss Katll..rine Fhilinihi.ii "1 ^ • v " ^ l k ' ' • l«l l-t of t lV- -ll l a - • • -it hi." I l-r Kn I ! M'iry i.o.l Xora Xcyliai-t of- ftin-ptn» • ;- visltins her iu,,tli..r. Mrs. Join. I ' lannipm. , J,;!,,,,." , , „ j| ' i,.jl, | , , . | u j , , , " ! " ' ' »i,.nt I .si w,-, k wllli tli.-lr e.mslns.

5°C liliy-'nist^H5'1"' i lM"r*'" M '"'' " '"'V • S i l ^ i H ""'•"lt ' ' ' " ' ' ' "^ '"V "" ' ' " » " ' ' ' ' ;,|™lirP,,rV\,!'r'!„""';«,( "hn" i,',.r.n"n,.,ih.«7 5 C I ' f t t r ^ ' i p l i ' w i - : i t t u t I t . ' U ' t t t t . T l i » i » M o l l - • > V 1 S . i 4 \ m l i v i s w v r t t n - I n l i l i ^ n v i l t f l l i r l l <"1 1 1 ' w l l h • U- r i l i i m l i t i - i ' s i n I h i s

who will scud a dsiiionstrator to our store for these two

days to demonstrate the cleanliness, goodness, crisp-

ness aud superior quality of lliese go:xls, aud yon will

have MI opportunity to sample the newest and most

attractive varieties of delicious biscuit.

You aud your friends are cordially invited.

• 1 I'rniit; II.•!'« HARRY DAVIS

nt ' U*tt{t;rli»i»Moii-•lnv.. t i t t ik' t t<t>ik.- c l i n w i-r t h - W »ivimim tolPKh.i.1. ..Illfv nt-rlmr ^ H V . ;

Au»lh>>|- m:iil h:i- l»o(;n iuWnl t'» I lie Infill'Ti •-Ntiiltv lw.l . - i ivi i i - lit'n> nt -"•:•-'-"• V. m.TIil-yiwr. u>r.mi- nmilMiiNtfw Y.>rkdt.v.;.

........ , „ x.^,..^ ,,tv\\\,,

lv" h"ltV KlS w l l ' '""•iiiiiiti'd bv her iiii-iv. Jlr». I i l ' l | <

wllh • h>

••itl.-r. r imrht1m.< with

ni,.,i.T. In n.lvl-


Where is Therean Intelligent

wvll>c»i iippL-'l K'.K:'"'I:.1 f 'i'n.lii.lUv i'.-y she must select ;\ t;i»ml li;iii^t.\We w.illM ^n t -^o t Ui:il Hit "NKWIMAHO" will nialiu U euiiii>k-to. Visitinir sUirt;aml j;el ill-- m.iiiul.ietiiaTs"

211 Notlhampton St., EASTON, PA.

WALNUT VALLEY.Ml-v. Allll.'.ln Ili-bilu;aiu'l laillilv of Si-iiin-

innar.- vi-iiin^ l i ir inolh.-r h.-re.J in .a - VmiKIrk ami family of 1'en Aruyl

w.-r.. "ii.i-t* of lii^l.i-i,tli.-i'. li.-i.i'^.- Van-Kirk, on Stiiulav.

; lit'i'iuim, Mrs. l-'rank Ut-rk.

PEQUEST VALLEY.Miss Siulli- Ilililebnint of Fn-i- I'niiiii was

nil Sninlny lust tin- 1:11.-st of Miss Sa.lt-'jAimer.

John l'.illisliarl. vvlnw luinn: in . .des t roy;!

Pnr.-.'-i. of 1-iilln-!

nunt, Mr*,ll.liiy "f |;i

ifui-y Winter-


\ l - I nn Vin r i rk nml Mr I" w «>"*ln. M ^ Hoivnc,. P i i w l . ••< l'lillll-! Mr. >••••

'(l".'i"l" - ,'"l r iiv I';"'!'"- T I T " ••• "' : Mr »,,.l Mrs. .I,,,, , . , Cm-, , ;.U,,,,I,,1 t l i , 1,...,«- tr.M,.rii-l.-aiii iriimil} .m-i ta j l i i - l » w » . . tntu-nil . .rii ,T«l«tw. Mrs ,ll,.iTniiiii. nt A.I- M.s- !

Ml--. Zii.-llm-liill Mll<'li.'ll ui r..TU.|li»l is , i o v , . r . Tlii.rallM-.ifili-iitlnvn.-IKiriihM,. I . I | . , V , M .-•ii.KIMMir -.llllb.llllll.L tl'illl |-L»llltK'|l% Pi.]'!! . . . ' . . . ' 'Wiim-,1 Kitol,™

, in-. l,i.«-i-audiKivwii c r l i :

if lii'lviili-i-o is visit-. ivMr. nn.l -Mi>. \Varri.n : .M,.;

l.illl.- .Miss lila.lys llo .^ . ,„«.. ,vi-iiiin.- li»r ^i-ainlpai-.-nt.-. >lr. i.n.l -Mrs. Kiti-lii-iK ,..Isaiah I.aiK-1-. Miss Eri-illn \\"il.li-u-li itl' Washin-rton i s '- Sirs. John A. VanS.-ot.-tl -|»-lit li.-t w.-.-k |ia.-,.ini; a few ihiv, with ML-UIL- in tlii,with liersister. Mrs.Ui-llj. l.iliab.-1-iy.ahove vi.-inky. , I':1

r.laiist.iwn. X. Iji.i.|,,liin-. our ismcrr. lia- lost Ins: v

Mis. Mnrsaivt Laiit-i- is at hi.ine ntt.-r 1111 . "n. 'black bur.-.-, lie is now ilriviiw 11 hay 1..Nti-ii.li'.l vi-ii with friends at Hope, Buttz- " ' his grun-ry wiiifun.^ ,

UMi"™rItn-- ' 'M' ' l i i l l li.nl tin- n,i,foinin«. DELAWARE. :tii i-iit his t\nit qiiitf sorioiislv .-Uiipiiif;'1" Mrs Kiitlu'riiu' Mnnit iittu'iiilwl tin.- fun-'1 '1ii iih'ci- of Uluss. Ho wilt iMVconiHlin! t w n-Jil nt lti*r ln-otliei--iu-lttw. Jitlm Jrlnn:- ^:

Wiilk mi rrutt-li.^ for soin^ tinu-. ; ntiikor. a t Iliututi cm Momltiy. •,' ;

Mr, nml Mr-. Jiw.-)ili Mill yi^n-il ryhitiv.it: (Ji-nrm* Pnil! mill -lo.- riinitUjiavi* rwiitifil i '

:-s. ll'iri-

i iiti-nl.-

BLAIRSTOWN.,.r Mr J.'•}•:. lMir K'ft s i i t i i r - |

• smiii! thin' a t llrcozy I

- V. Wall-ic- amii [.ant.-i-ii.iiii .if ICasI.

• -Mit .Mii-Ar-i- fn'nii Siimnlny-rill M.uuliiy. .! t|u- Zacli I2in.-iy fanu on ill.- reniurlniiilii > wltli Mr nnil Mra. into Carter. j•_L- _ • WhiK- wurkini: in liis Hell- l«>r wi-ck, ;si . l"at Mllllilnknijilink anil will .-111), .-auiU.-, ,\n.-i -.-I., njlne:--liuarly.. t h n - . »-.ri.|t» I< i r > - ^ K t Titmall bilk-il l lw niltWnukcs. : ' " " n .tlmt :l.l.-ii:.- to rity inarki-ts. Irn-at; , v i l i , i-r-l ,t!v. s an.I 'frlrtulH"In P.-nnsyl-1

Put Your Money in the 3

Morris County Savings Bank aMorristown, N. I.

l-'rntk \: Hitnil Hitiir-iiiy. .Mr. Hun

Bnvnl •VanCnmia-n" killeil o n e " lueasni- ! . |in.ntiti?s ..r: i t wCn- biuilrml on this b u . 1 'i ins four fei-t in loiiuth. i "uni i j ! the last ln-shi-r.: ElisliaAnrfi-aml' mother l i a v e l v t l l l - l r f i ^ J l i s s S;lHie Hilihl.-, .I.inriitM- or ttivkl in l,i,sin.-s. In I-.lalr.stown for t n i r' home -ifti-r a fortlii-llt's visit a t Shiloll anil Hlhl>lc f.n-iniM-ly .if Chanel. Hill., tlie.l at v,-:,rs nii.I Mils Is Wi? Inns.-st vaeatiii (ireensviik- p i i l fon l . Piu.wlilli! on a. visit to lu-r cousin.! !,e lias t n k . a i.t OIK- time.

Great July Reduction Sales• SUA1MI1R DRESSES AND SKIRTS

In nil their ^iiiiiiiHT loveliness, nt (lie follmviuj,' ]iricis:White Shirt Wnisl Suits.... 1.40. 2.9b. 5.00 tn 10.00J ftiij- White C<'»1 Sails 4.98. 5.98 mid 7.50CHcc-Jjickft Sniie. white :itid o l n r c l 4 98White I ttivn SI;iris .. .. .......98c, 1.49. 1.98 intd 2.98

.CliiMri-n'h White Drussts 98c, 1 49,2 50 to 7.50Children1:. Colored Dresses 75c. 98c. 1.50 t<» 4.98Unlies'Silk DreVses....... ........7.50, 10.00 and 15.00

Unniatchable Bargains as follows:GIKMI" I.:iwii:i. 5c. l^xtrn l;iiie I.;nviis. 10c and 12,K. Splendid

Floral Orjiiniius 12 sc , 15c, 1 9c and 25c. l'liiiti CIIHIIKUHMC Silks, 50c:worth 75c Itcst Apron (tiiiyhaiiis. 5c. Hill Wenched Muslin, 7c.CKIOII Toweling, 4c, 5c U» 12;-ic. I.inen Ttibh1 Cloths, 3,1/ yds. loiitf,75c. Whiti: IVtticoats. ehhomtcly triimiicd with lace and enihroidcry,98c; \10nh fK5o. Other elegant White Petticoats, 1.98 to 5.98. t'.rnndCorset Covers, 25c, 39c, 50c. Men's 25c Uiidershirts now 17c. Jlcti's50c NcHliKce Shirts now 39c. Ladies' and Children's Knit Under-uciir nv hr.T.'v reductions. - •- • • - - • - - - .• ........ - .... - ..'. ...

ALLEN CARPENTER,229 Northampton Street, Easton, Pa.



Tile MniniKi-f

l/awsj a Stiiit-Aiii t—Atthcrntco

:^d—Attlie'rriffttdwtiUK i'"«

. r d - A l the rate <




il lui

t Oil 1

m i;f

il'tcr1- llli



I V'i1' «'


0 ortlcrcd p^ul. ii'i«5, to the (k-pusil

1111 per tinuiim 011July iSth. IQOS- II

p tin: My

nits from

Miss Mnhwl Ei-viiif o fL 'n Biii'k is .sister ifnit a MCeiHiiutlier. Remaiiirf werii1. , hruncht liure Wetliicaluv mortiiiig nml tlie ; ^ ° »>>(

• runenil wiw held Wtihiosilay afterimon in - ""venil \j the Kiiiscupal church, this placi*; inter-•'< II111-' 1S s l

• lueiit was iniiile in Hamsaybuig trcinet^rv: [ Ml«s ^

cits' illness Hubert IT. Ttus-[.

•uur.'l Stnll nf pniiTsi


Assets, $2,8.16,954.33Cll

?. B PIERS9N. Ptfsidsnt.

Surplus, $259,729.00

D. H RODNEY, S c'ynd Tr« s.

MOUNTAIN LAKE.Mrs. .ToMtih Park iiml Mi>. Jolin Hopkiii:

IKissutl t 'riday with Mi*. Georp- Duckcr ii

Mi.••Siiiiiti Ward of -Otftird 'irter nas.-iiii'! - Frank P. Myers and son Cliiin!i>» were |"J>JI,<. -a fi>rtniBht at Lukt; Viu'w PuVm. ivttiniwl t {rw» Tuwiliij- until Saturday nt Xiayara! M t .* ' A , n ! s | n Unnhf.rry ( l tnrmerimiii^SHtimliiy. . . . • j Mrs. Sani«C'iConii)tonaml<laiiphtL'r.M1iryiI)In-vo o f v I h " »>»"•*'»'>«'•» 1 ' ' 1 ^ - l l l l r t

with k - r ]Vaiviits:-iK-n' TR.III Fri.iuy tiiilil J ?i1or""A^<leniiUM S u i i K r ' E i w t m ! 1 £ ? t ' T-^d.-r .1 ' '..: ... - - - r -hiiiiday. -wwlf. Thcv urn-now lK-r« tlie Kiiests ot\ lim-. A. J. .Kr.vntiUls ot Cinci

ME^esfiirircnml Flow).* Slio.-iiiukerand 1 h"f sist«>rt Mrs. J<ihn E. IIIKOW. I wfto hux hw-n sn.-mlint,- nom« tMyrtlM W a n u r . - w c w witli their cousins, j MIJ« Dain%-Uttlis of Oxtonl is t h i s ' w ^ V i l'i« <hiuir»iL«M-; Mr«. :Jnhn c : s i m r n o .the -Missus Aiulurson, on Snnilay. ] t h ( . KULlj.t o j - ll(,,. £, ) r i l ,e r s c) i 0 o] friuiid. J

:n.ms aroniid the- htkr ; EnnVm insulin.

f In-

West 11 fill

t!. O..-

- Pre«l»


: at present..' They"Ar^yl am! Oxford.tlw.ftf'lHKirdors.v.'

-iuvH.-nt Portl.iml, l\-ii: Mr. and Mrs. Fiiiink P . Mvers'ii'iiWitiil Htuif'-iv with relatives in East on.. . . . . _;_

. . . . „ . . , , . • , : Mi\;. Wni.-Jiisi-liu WHS a t her hmmMu ;

J. \ \ aiTL'n 1-itts aiid"fa:nily arc now t-oin-. ii,.,.,..!.,...

! 'vim h l s i i u l 1 catioKmttliiy uiornlir-r in.-rt' will be

-•rvtcfs-iir .-.thn- I'l-csbytrrlan- cln i o

A.-A: AICHERThe Paperhanger

Of 33 years' experience andTor_ = -i4:years located oil South Third

Street, but: now doing business .within one square of the Dela-ware Bridge under the new .

A. A~AICHrii"

Are you-


mr siitisJied cus- : ••.omcr.-i? If :•.>•.. give -.n n trial >order ami s,« •»»• well-\vi> c.-m ; J

•sa t i s fy yo.i. i- •

The Blue FrontGrocery,=

'aiiil i-. soM with tilts•k's -stuy at Littlt; Fulls. ' • i August visiting fi-ionUs hi'tv nml »e B u t w - '

Mr. iiml .Mrs. "UVKI.IJ- Si-utt nml fmiiily cit i vllfc. • ' .-••'="";""' "-v" -1-- ~ ~ - - ~ ;H:H.ilviik'i-0 were tire irimrts of -Mr. nml .Mrs. |bVallk I.nlvt; on Sniiiluy.

Jlrs. .U.seI.li Riilillci spvnf lust '-week a t ! - MniT'Diiviil.Flijmliiir is lying vury I.

. Supplie

i Mrs. .lusftrli R

in. 1'L'iii.iiiy is hitinc fj-oiii_Newnrk j i i i u tfiiff >yitlin»Tvi.««iess;v.-:~r.- .--- - - r - . «;- .Mr. .MiiUoelt wa

p i n f hist WCck a t ! r y g y «t w.,t-kli.K man II,:a t Mounttiin I.nko. j her lioini;. vrithjliu dropsy. ILTI- tlu- pi.«t 12 y , lmi orke I



" 0 5 <?r ;CO k"N~l S l-pjrvci'*? KVr:



tr:=i Isr- - -Washineton. N. J.II

O1U...I ItSL.lf, l.psl.l^s I;'uml lubur In Urn lie

Listbf veal cstutcTnliisroi-sloilgcil for STEWARTSVILLE. « i kui . l ' In oi-.lcriaa UiouBl-,-ocunr.a Cinnty Clevk'a.Unieo sin™ •I»'i~?T l w tarvost,,ome t 0 , „ „ „ „ A,lK,,st S | J ™ ! " " ! V t t i" ' ^

' ' ' by tlie inmiili'im of tliu.l.™-s Holluvf M. I i | w l l [ u i , i)Oliy In- \vna. u member for vlillit

11 the ruilroiui. ' '


uvhiK nil inu I.no,, whlcli lie !u- liouacwlfe I' ""'•""I I1


•—'"J Washington. N. J . _' I "?•"?« ^ ; V"ri»J""! If",'1 .'"•*-»"!1."! ' C ^ ' i i r t t ' ^ o V u S j o S ' f e n m r h ; | !! "°"y "" 'v"s " ""!1"b"1' f° r "<*" I °' 8 yards, we willsell iyou S yards of border lor the s;fine:price.

k , - JiSt;;iwto«™;-a. !,nti.,si.a,,i „, II. ' I i »rr5"i ' " r ^ K S S n L l H f ' X l !:.V« Silr.m/r-.'id.H.Td'«" Sv'T,.; "i^fl>is;Store" l # i , o connection whatever wi t i rS iy other;X l » e « ( l » « « o » » « » « » « » 0 0 0 « » » * ' ! s,.if,Tt, ilnu-il .Inly in. TO. .-onvuys lol in ; ,,,.;!;ilo:--wliilo a i>l«>noani]>h will rnrnlsli I JUV.IIIK ioii-.tl"uCl-.n was an 'niiim brplteii . w i l l paper Store ill the city. : • « : •'•-'• »

^===r—;. ^ ^ i l S i i S i ^ .A. RICHER ;"! ...;"'.VJVEJ^T:

J. W. McMANIMAN !STta"B' "uil>ivTS{ *"^1:ffiffXlS&ZX SiS,S;i-;;--;;:-:S----:i;-.-^j ^ ^ - « » » r ' - « - y " ^ ^_„ • ; „ , . „ j 1 »- S.-l.ull/.. . . t -al . ' t . ) .Inlia Wall u f i ' l " - S ' ' " ' " " l s ~ " . . !.- lu.B'in.iIni; of IIIH lllm-as. H i s . n W was ',==*== , = =

; i : Nofltaiii,,ton

Street . ••*

T.-.-I.I: cstrticl'ul absolutely without pain.^Tlj-: best set of .teetli that, can be made-

tor-.only JS-oo.--..'

THOS. S. DEDRICK, M. D.,-;^.--! 7 \ - E. -Wash in n) on'. Ay

Stocks and Bonds • ;:•- ;

. Money to Loan

Wall Peiper, 2c per roll up .-- .'. JMoul.din^s.ac per foot up. . To all-,casli buyers where wedo iiot hang the papers, we v.-ill sell ..the. borders at the sameprices-as the papers. For instance, if you pay 2 cents per rollofS yards, we will sell iyou S yards of border 'for the sameprice. .


i-:a.sjon.|.lMcii.iiii.y in, in, cmi

H Smitii and'wife to. 1-*. P?l :.Ir. anil Mrs.Cliireiu:i.efferfs ,,r ilolviil.-n-. (lllle.l .Inly tl, ll.\! Until Cook of Brooklyi

i ,„ _ „ (,unonil.l>nt<'tltloiir

Don't delay ; get-it at once at the

Page 5: til THE BALL...r ; : Circulation tiVliKin-tlinn 3.900 I" rVK ;••."'' :.vfi"SigSSS?;?;*S


Chirtcs L SUyW, Editor ind Proprietor.

T h e Celebrated Scran ton CoalAT H K T A I I .

WnMhliiRlon.N.J., Ajtril 10, l»n.Al Uio I).. I.. A W. H. IL Klovntal ChuU*. it

timn ( itr>l rlnht liiiml ntrcvt nlx>vo Newtimn u( Hr>l rlnlit hand ntni-t nbovo New'Y'lmiMir Hotel.

O r a t e . . , , $S.S5 per ton.Stavtt A.iW i»r ton.£og 5.JJ5 por ton.Chchtniit ».!» p w ton.Pen (teniwl by wnio com- ;

IHUIIOH No. S Chcxtnut) 3.fiO per ton.Buckwheat H.W per ton.Blackxmitlilng or Bltu-

Efforta aro boiug made to orgnnize nlodge of Bca Men ft Oifoni.

The St. (Howl mnnaKement la urniiiKlnfCfor n b)f{ rlntnbnko to U held tit the hotelon or iiuiul Augunt-U

Tbo ~ Wtuirton station win broken Intoftiturday night und twenty dollars' woi til

r plundr ww ecuredftiturday night und t eor plunder wiw secured.

Fainter J. P. Kiwh pftil liUlh i l AFainter J. P. Kiw ftl li

brlj;htuiiititi up tlio AmIIUUMI on Ituilroiul liVfiiiu'.

w ftl l i utlio Amurmmi

uicn lwv« lteenb l i

Charlie Smith hiw gnuliinttHl IU* the HTAHfll dv i l nd is i i w tiding buuu

Themim of $"""•"»» lm*> I w n <ti!i>(tgi-d tiv tlioBaptist Sunday Bchool towanl the jmntonnKt'fund. . • **. i

Murtin Slater tft now working a t the 1Uuion Sawn ntand nt tin* tViu<hiD)tUin jstation. , • • • »

Tht* lilcyclc chanced «1T by Mn». Jaiiiwt 'P. Luniilng wiw won 1>y SUN* Snlliv Me-Murtrle. . i

A now concri'tu walk lit to mid tti thu ap-;•Ih-anuicu ot tiwirgc I«uiu.vV State mrvi-t


, M. C. A/c , of whlrh tciim 1 H

l f«r:nj

; . _ _ — _••' FOR HAI.K—flood thni>-y<w*<>Ul helfor! with ciiir liv her hide Wilwn Uloomtlcid. r

KiimtvilU-, N. .1. itpfKnr.vn— A t-lilid'n bracelet. Owner may j

linvy win»» by oilliiiK nt STAH onk-c.nitiif hu>t—it ;

. ' . ' * ' 'x.-Bivr*!*!,, <— » • . • t !• i n , . I «ci . IV l l l l | l \ It'll 11inuip.i will play n ivlniii yaim- hi'lvjSTAiioflhv. 'i ' T-U^-Jt

MMt Siilnniiiy. •'...• • foloni'l DatiM F. IJ.!atty (HTciv Kntcy,*' T i l » * . I fc_. - . . f « . . . . I m. 1 • • . . . . . . . . . 1 . " •

property.D i l T

Tlii' Portland team liu*. ilMiiimlnl » Organ*, Cornell l 'tano, nt liargalnit. tin (-xi-hang*.* jwirt pay on New lh>atty;

pyDuviil Torretui ' , n CIIIL-U'K

the Morriit csmal, illiil a t h i thjixtoi) on Suntlny.


man mi Hotli .liicolioilicu devil und is now doing buuulabor in the American Sanitary Work*.

Tun Washington Athletic A*wclatfoii UOHjuta purchumi n new Hag. I t in ) - x IS.There tire tuw, if any, in town any larger.- Collector William Kurd hits U-en a great j .

ihuirurorMnco Satunlay rrunt ait uttactt of * A festival will In- -IH-M upon tin* lawn «f •| neuralgia, which affected him in butli tliu i Ihv B»pli»t church lit-xt Saturday iil ( ihtf.»r :>*">''th«]:anj:ftr t r am

^ n ( r a 7 " i » a . V . i . 7 . " . i . 0.00 per ton. ' j hcml ami W i w t . j t h o beaeiltof, the panxiniige fund. , t tlie -tililtiii« t o tfir

i ud :nf hard hit hall

1.Trwim!«ii!jj,u1|K)n mymn»ow? 1H furliiiMi-n' / r l t w n

. Tho i n u r r j j t r i m l' KIMHIM nwl on .Monday hl

t I "oonton tor i t thurtHiiiy. .] f i l ill I l H l

ckwl liwthem to

m-tiiU1** for any !Kdwurd Htirc*. •*

r--jfttr. •... .. . AT •VBXIU'K—I will!ill my luiilwIinM goodn. fintinir-!

. • *• , i i u i >.i »"K " " i " ! iHHldiiitf. carjU'lK. miitfc, '•liiiire,;temn nf fi-nmle bull pl»yer- will ; table*, tiv., on Satunlay. J n k titf. «t a I

*'•' " ':;": I 'mm: o'clock, ui«in my prcnilncrt. l i : : \ \ V » t V '

; imn»ow? 1Hrfmtcctt-tovvn (nut im n u v (Iim> wi(|if<-'/iiirli-Bt«wn.,. Wtimm Fuiimlrv t i t im «r l'liilllns-i lIttt*MKinii.i> Ur^. u l imin^ 10 lo 4. : HJKK

The Xcodhain ronipany is advertising Intlio city papt'rrt for cabinet makers.

Services a t St . Potent"* church on Sundaywill 1M> morning prayer, litany and wrmoiint l a, in.

nud traded liurwai.' Clark'miew lionw Itt a j : , i t to reported tbut ex-Senator C. F/Ktrni idr t tni rg . thu flrrthtrawberry roan broncho. . . StaatiM haa practically docod iiogotiatumHt Aug. I I , and tin) nt!tt*r m n i - on .mm- i'""Lette'rw of administration upon thu cntato for the purchuM) of n hotel property in ' d a y , 'Aug . - 1 . -- |»f John II. Poiutt-n, liitoor PlillMiMburg, [ Madison. -... . , • , • . , . . •dccciiM-d. liayo hceii gninted by the .-ittrro- , John P . U r i * i n pui-chiucd th« bay lmnm !...,, s^•l|,,rll,iv shuv l c ioin.-d 11,,. .,.rgatn to \\U widow, Ellun iMntci i . JIMIVUIUM:.!. lu»t we«k in tin- (,Vut-a-Word j •™J ' ^ J ^ "'jj-^j ,", ,|.,1 YK'.'II l.'ittt'i" a t '

Is 1 ^ ' , an iiicrcliNi ot' la in Uvu yvunt! f Mtuwnrtnvfllu. * . ' - ^ : ov i r a .400 cliji.Frcliui!liuvM*utowil»hipKliuW*a loss ofO!>,! M r R J . Tuvlr.i-U !•> tin. omiilov nf .TUM Hunt lim> liiti a rc not sni>i>iallii>> with


On" candidate was initiated and twowent re-iiictatcd a t the hwt meeting of UteTrilM-of Red Mun. j j>n..iiiighuyi«)iiTtowiwhipBliuWHii loss"oro!>,! j j r , R, J . Taylor in In the cmplov of .Tain. Hani lini' liit" im> not

"Squire Llnnburry 1*»*t *H tliis wt'PK and tin» present immilatiou Itelng VJff. , \ I I .tr'.liimtnii Mr Titvlor has Iiadlaruo ex- • ClnUtinc mul Hill Hull!' «•!?. '•!!!»?. . ^ S J"*" l h W ' w h " I Mn,. J,,mto .Me,,Bl,orumU.r,v,nl,, s,co,,,l pwi.;,.,-,; I,! ' . icm hAuins Work «,li V , , : Ij",'l*t Jl,"™ i"• ni..l til'

[niwnttioii during., the . jiiiKt week a t tin; j good mechanic. : ; i ,..,< ,t thifi- Imsi- . Ihiii'iooueil Dover a-jtiin In

J - - " . - • • - • - • r i > H » 4 ' l l l l f c U I I V1

. ! ! ! ! . ! ! ! ! « . » . . l « » ' l . >I | | . J \j I fe .». J " - " • " ' . . ' . " * * ' ' "

Junturt Capey. a 1\ tvltlnRtim man, hint, i m i l t s t iwar t is having lib four-familyliin tlinnili nuiNlicd while at work on thu | | n , h U U i , broad street rupuiiitcd, and itlsuUu-kawanna railroad, Tucsdny. • •* •• * ' --• ' ' "

A |".-h.liluor mul i

itntigoinK. :; ; ' 7OHt. !

>wif>t'nitiw.' S. Ji". Yunnir? ' ' ' 0 I " I " l " t ' '! ' 1 \

Fnit'-KKNT-After Sept. 1—ll«in**c at I".• * . . . . . . . . * « . • » . k ^ ^t. .»

SWH tn luaii nil lln-t \*>-t hi' Mr.-t .

'TwiiuutoliioMlfluniiii, imu rnmi AnwiiinaNtiD'UuipitiU and tin! vruiiiccM for hur. | Mr. F. M Uuliluin luis iinwutiil lib t>™ ! .. " " . " " 'York mill tlwotlier from nnmklyn, illwil.co.upkto nuivury am nun-'vory ii.a.mu([- rKra,,,l,l,u.Kht™,Missra .M»rWiiut (irotr •s»'""»l 1"MtlreHMfl\MmlM.rS,irail»y. • f I»K- . . : Snil .Mamm Uelili-ln, with nfw liiujclM, ', Sntlinlii}-. 1

Tin* ladies of the Montana MethodistiiiH rcttfdi'ni'H adjoining, uucupiuil l>y him-

•If and John I). Cornish. l!-;rt UIa/.ier i>

•bich tli«;y |iri»> very highly..

il ami mortpip'::uif-t be Hrst dam ]ini)ierty und ct'titrully '

. K'atiil. Applv t't (>-u-ar J.'tTorv, Wtnlitng*t.m.X.J. . * M.l-tf. t

Unbljcr Ktanips. F.mntafn IVns, Tvp.--.writers, Hililmit. I'arlHiiis, I>aiK-]>. Fn-tr Icatalog. Urumti-rA: llniiuier, li^toii. 1'u. * *- . , •• • • ". :~ -. iV-' iVtf .y


WAXTKU—I.'HJ*) nii-e. clean thriftv jii«M ;

chun-li will hold n festival Satunlay even- doing thu Wurk.ittg, .Inly 'i1.'. on tin* lawn adjoining thy r.yndoii Curlmrt cut down soinu wild car- ichurch. I nits in Win back yard it few nights ago.

Sign painter (li'iumill liu^ ln-cu doing a | rolsoiiingn-Hnltud some ilayx later and ni.ibigjirh for the American Saw Mill Machin- liamlsaiid arms were in sucli a curious con-ery Coinimiiy iu lettering their huildtngKitt ditfnu tiiat he had to go to the doctor Tor [Haek'-tt-towu. I treatment.

L . . • • l u l l IMNII MM i,ii,||l 'II^IIIIIIMI H'ljki; ill

Oovernor Stotti-s hiw upiMiluteil and com-! Six PhlUtpsburg men. who weniuixlomuni i u.»ver *i.uun, wliU-li'wiut the amount or tlietnlssfoiii'il former I ' n w c u t n r \\ illiam A. Um a notu tor the Uaily .Nuwsaud Uemo^rnt * •Strykor a notary pulilic. He took the oath i Printing Co.; hav« paid oi l ' a S.VMM» noteufolilco on Tiiesdav. - ! olid have thus taki'ii owaert<hi|> of the

l a t e n t addressed to the following |HT- j i«l"i?t- Tlu* intend l« aitetiuii off the-ons reiiinin micalli'd-foral the Washington ; *f|Ui]iuiPiit In tlie near riltuiv.Host nfliio: Mr.1. P. A.OiUTison. Mi-wLaunt [• Hi»y Sinclair has again put a fulllludguilF. Hill, Mi-* U. tt. DISOII. i Imrbur In charge of one of the chairs ia his

wil l . - fSarah Anderson Stewart , d i - i Muy. Tiie iiuw niau isllvurgi-' MoaHlur•t\. late ..f Washington, was admitted | Mirldletjiwii, a g.'ud workman who WHS for

Mrs. Frcil Alible of Oxford hsw .ftis.fv.iMnpin tin* Hnvul-Aminiiiu IIKIK

v - *iuun w l l l i ' w th luimuiit r [Frmn ltt:lvlil<)i:i<i<<irr*-tl*>i»l.'ni iA donhle drnwiiitijr accident was narrow

ly nwi-tiii Friday urirrnunn in the D<'lawan; Kiwi1 bv iln* iirt'.-i'iuv and prompt

[•tiuu nT Patrick Killi-a of tlii- place, wli


u.4iirau!-e carried by her la tMrs. II."K. Barber or SU'Wartsvilh- will

idl her hoiiM-hold piods and garden nteii-ds a t (iiili'ic >ale, a t liur reHidi'iicilltigi*, on TiW<tay. Aug. I, uf4\>An E:ist \Va--liiiigtiiti (ivi.-mu' wuintin who < Ailiiur. ' the lat ter a bov about Ir.'

noli in tins excui-ii.ia last TIUII-MIIIV had i tw. were iu btilliing lu-ar tlie•vrral rnunl.TlVii silver dollars poxM.il - lirtdgu. oa Hi- PeiitHvlvaiita -i

hur by a fakir a t (.Vanbtfrry Lukt!. ; river. The lail vi>_ntt:ivd out ti

iu t h a t : £•,","„•;V'iiipf(iyi'v«r iiieiViinsVivailiaiailioTdtvmipiiny. Mi*^;'..'liitrW llull and ht.'i*

•f thefar ami

mry. >I I A I U Swirc ' i i ia-Xln> line on display all

day Saturdays a t Motel Windsor; eunil>fiip>mmleup. Katherine A. llicki-y. .Vl-tt. /

CiUK'lljrrKits on sai'ipies and bootees :

wanted: steady hoine work; hest iidres.P. M. CnuiiKiii, 11 Uelviiiele avenue. Wash-ingloil. X. -1.

Fun KKXT—Store rnnlii now occupied by :Henry Cummin.-' on Uelvidere avenue.;

Apjilv lo.Tuhii Hawaii. June- :

i, . ii* i.i._ .i M » . . .

When a Coueft i |Not a Couch

The '/piecework,'.' niadc-to-sell-and-not-to-usc factory jutich that you'll findin most of the furniture stores of the day,as well as the mail imler houses, are notworthy the liaine coneh; they.should liecalled humbug:. We have been makingevery couch we sell for several years past,make all parts of them, even to theframes, and, making'them, can and doguaraiitu! their (,'ootlness in every respect.We were fairly driven into making purcouches—could not adbrd making thetrashy one-—they made trouhle—did :notstay sold. Kot so now. all is changed,and we daie as!< our .customers now: '"How is that couch we sold you?" Thenew coverings are gorgeous—prettiestthings we ever made up. We are mini;as many of the Vavonas now as Velours.You'll like the Varnu.'is In'st, though, andthey make up honMlifully and cost only alittle more than• Velours. '

Q FORD ri(• 1 ^Sl VJ—' j and Carpets

Washington, N. J.\\'s, we'ro jjoiiijcto'tlu* Farmers' Picnic, asusual.; MopL* to meet you all agaith

:1 j tilt* IIOI-M! t-iuk fright anil tried iu run avva - , . . . ,I t m . n i h a t m i . s e . ! wtierehe hn- Migugvil wilh Hii Tin; family o f i inv Adiiins in Miintui'Muir:ll1"1 ' " " ' " W " • > ' » " " ' ' "! ia their mltiiKu "t Craiiljerr.v l.ak.- aixl Mr. '. Tlie «ift ..t ' '•- '

into tli boat imtl then loked iii. -hicayii. 1'ov. ThrDwiiis the OJH- to the tad IHLake Himiv : to'liim to sei/.e it and hold on until he

reach Mm. The child had preseni d d h i l l i d t t \

. Only tlie IK .LVhli-in, Agent.

of" DiiKM(MAKlNii-At rehe i-faeti.

ouldf isoiiable oiices. Sat- i

Mrs. A. Tavlur, :M

.ually read tint trie-grams that comeHI—nf course. Then* is probably nutisi!iu>'iit in thi* iu*wj*[iiipi!r tu-ilay nt"!

" ' portaiice to you as wsisthat laht telegram1 ymt recuived.

Next Mondav and Tuesday will bn Demos t ra t io iu lavsa t thu store nf A. IJ. Unitl"Km.; whcii a representative of the Natioi

if her luother, .1. H. Matlock. andliter his death, and desires to publicly ex-

• jne.-s her thanks in this manner.thu -MetlimlistCliHrcli

IiDuring service in the Methodist church

itst Sunday evening n Httlu kitten wamler-1 i t ti lurch ami made its way to th, :1 intn tlie church ami made its way to tlie

pulpit pluttomi, where it made itself pcr-. , , recrlv at home. Wht-n iimstdiiig elder Rv-

lliscuit Ot. will semi a representaiivu to ; nnuiprotiouufci thelieueilictioa it gnt uponilemoustrate the superior i[uaUtv nf their j u table, lioweil its liead and mewed.'" ><llR . : Amanda, widow of Whftllulil Benttv,

No: ••amount nf space used'" in store ad-1 tlicul a t the home of her BOH Audrew '

D.;ll Starker ha-* been advanced to Eit-wiird Uiamler's place as head clerk at theWashington ir.;i{-ht depot. HtarkcrV placeis tilluil by llarrv Ik-atty and thu nuw mun.Mr. Aputur, a.-v,uuiL's Beatty's tormer duti'

A Sad Case. : \(Fwm I'ort .Murray UTrL-simnilfiiU] \

Miss Lulu Unllck of Mt. Hothel, a bright ji i n laily of i ytiaw, has become. iusam

each, with npen hull. Ituiit $7:.A. W. Cievelinf,'. U'-l-tf. I

liictiinotivf.s of very tine workmanship and j w |ijunllty.

Whilu working near the cnwliei

HI aunt to Stunuel aud Harry Bt'iitty0 f Washington,

t the I Supervisor A. H. VI f

igh of WtwbiuRton,Mi l ffiKdisou cement plant last i r u l a y night, j. W*.1O iim charge of the Morris canal affairs

Tliomas Plater hail tlie toes of his right [ a t t l l j s eml of the HiiL', wivs a witiie.ss to th.!foot veiy painfully mjura l by a piece of i drowning of Sirs. Sharpn Stiiptnau in thoiivn falling from a belt, but he is ubl« to l»e I t . i u m i l l t Green's Bridge liLstThiir.silayafter-

miou. He. did what he'could as aSamaritan and pressed his own rigservice in Kunuiiouiug a doctor.

Dr. Williams was just (ft -yeiu-H old hmtFriday nud pli'tu^aut nwinorius of his owniiatal'day were revived when he olliciuted


at wurk.Stewart Pr i t t s . being about to wove from

Hiewurwville to pliilliiisliurg. will sell hishorse, new buggy, surrey, huruess. robee,blankets ami uiimeroiis other articles a tpublic Mile a t his residence in Htewartsvillu „ , ._

" " ' " '""" " at-t l io^birt l i , ,of. .a, l i t t le^dauKhter.Jn; the.TliecoustantlvincreasiaKbnsiiit 'Ssat"the j home of Mr: ami Mrs. Irfjwis Uenmiig on

first National" Rank has compelled tin-Ulorubalter street. -The .parents wuru uo' iiiaiiiigemeut to increase the clerical force. ! pleased when tho.doctor announced the

The new,'"Cri'beliii»l the counter is that of i tmw arrival to be a girl that they mimedMiss ISt'lle* Beavers, out- of tt'nsliiiigtoti'xj the little one Illontliue, In honor »f Airs,m.ist estimablt; young ladies, Williams. ' ; •

I'hillipsbiirg's population did not reach! migiiifttr Relgle, of the Standard Silkthe l.-.(HH) . m a r k , as h:tdl)L-eu expected, j Mill. PhillipslMirg, cimio to >\ ashitiyton inTheVeturna which havebi-uu filed with the | an auto on Sunday ami 'in returning TimSecretary of Sta te show the exact popula-1 out of gasolene' near thu. Jleaglier tann .

• • - . '»»• . . ' . 1 ? . . . . * . -I1 k^l l l l lLi l l t I I t ' l t t A Ytl\ ,< I. 11

period. It is probably the only vacationthe men will have this veur ami it is thefirst time in several years that business hasboeii so extremely .rushing us to deny themt l t t k

mey .eeks.slight cave-in at theord l l


- 1

e o

at least twThere v - „ - -

etui of the Oxford tunnel early yesterday;afternoon, but no particular damage re-sulted, nor was anyoiie injured, A coupleof the passenger trains had to rim between j oneWashington aud Manuiikachnuk via ot | beenPhillipsbnrg. Thu obstruction was romov- thatud by ttve o'clock. "'

T ook at tiiepersistent. big advertisers of

very iwpulnr with till her acquaintances, | the pulley matured as an hn.iowmeiit jwho uru shocked and pained by her aillic- j for SlU,110.o'2.tion. It is hoped she mavsoon recover. The j Hemi:inbi>i-, tins was mi ordinary !family have the sympathy of our people. } ritraiyht-lifo policy when it was issued

—•-—: i and iii twenty year* it had uutoinatiniily

9100G readersoil l<> k-andrendcil dl;iljlc to cu


b l

T ook at the p e s t , ffthis- commuuitv—ot uny cominunity—aro( h y t tl m t nterprising p n ^ p r i i s

that science 1KI_: In all its stages, and

:iiiarni. Il!iirs''Cutarrh Cure isr positive euro now known tolic.-il fraternity. Cutin-rh being

" " nlrcs a con-i constitutional disease, requ .. ._ .ititiitioiiiil treatment. Hull's Cat.i

tnkon.iiitcrimUr..'ictinrc directly;

and iii twenty years it had a u t o m yciihverteil itseli1 Into all Endowintflit for [nioru tlian its faeu value, anil returned !

/ iellecL (tf each yearly ilivideud in reducingthe. age nt which the policy would bepaid as an Endowment, but space willnot permit. I will IJL> pleased, however,

il- utivoii'j a pamphlet explain"i)li>riitlvc"Ku<l(iv

We Have SoldNearly 50

OIL and GASOLINE STOVESalready this season and possihy will sell :is many m o r e before t heheated term cuds, provided we can j$ut them. T h e manufacturersreport t he busiest period in their history. We advisa our friends tobuy early, for it is probable that the factories will not keep pace withthe demand . WH H A V E JUST RKCEIVKD A N O T H E R I N V O I C E .

At tent ion is invited to another most needed and worthy house-hold a r t i c l e - - • . . . . : . . .... : . . ' ' ' * ' , • '

The Majestic WasherThey are selling readily .mil give the best of satisfaction.-%A

t!,,.v.n.,t.UiBin,W. nnterpriniiiB.-linhiimHK C.n u la tnkon.lntorniill>-..iictlnit.directly " ' •»«'••••">»"" ;•• i»""i"—-' ^ i - . . . . . . , . hbusiiiess men of the iilnrai / Tiioy wero not upmi mo ulooil nml mucous surfuces o( | Ilio AcoolCTiltlvo LiMlimmrait l ' l im-ai ilnlwuvssuch Xwiilv UVITV urn.-l)emui ill a l h 0 system, tlioroby dPHtroylug t h e : showing t.liu exaet olleut of each ytuirlysmalt » i . j - . ->cw business men-efpodal ly r"Uiiclntlf.n of lli« dlBojims. n.ntl B 'v lng | ,l|x-i,loml ,,t dilTuiunt. i«e« ami on ilirfor-mereliuiits-sureoe.l tonsiiieuou»ly in these f S cS/sUta i i , , n Vml iU<[Jtliiu J ™ » J out forms of |iolleios. iilays without adviii-tisiiiK. )!„,„., ,,',' L.,.,,ri, ' T v ' i r a n r w r . « • ' Thi.su illvldencls. M-liile linsLnntnir tho.lays without advertising. ., ilolns ' i ts ' work. "" The"iiropribtor«"iii

Rolieit f. Wame on Siitunlay iinreliasud so much fultli In Its c u n n i v e powers .^ « , . *.i. , *-. ,i««.» n . i . i . .^fl'nH r^n^i i T Y I n e t r c t l 13ol l ' irj?

rails to euro. SendA<l<ln

the attractive property of .Mrs. Charles E, I.lobnsto "ou'llnmii'iVvonin... 'Tho " V u w u t I '•" ","f ? » = " " " ' .

s, Mr. anil .Mrs. Albert Vaumlf, I Sar ',!?' / ' ' f . l f l ' w vvill 'enntiuut! to reside there until next i - ; ^ I I I . . N I . . I

pdividends, while

matur i ty of the policy, atime <iin-Msi)«j till llmwithe pnliqi in c<tH<! of l<ti>th h l t th

Imsliming thet t he winic

ulrr eubtm <>/l-'or oxamph

: CO.. Toledo, O. \ tlio eash value of tho atiove-nteulioned1 | iiiilloy hinl, a t tho oml of Ion yonra. l.cen

LnsT-Collie do«. white wiUiy,tlavk head,niuite "Paddy." Had on u collar with u S.

i d if

»Of course we h-iVe: alt the other sources of housholcl comfort ,. .such :is Ice Crci tn Freezers . Hammocks , Door and Window Screens,

• " e t c .1

" — - '••''• '• ; . . " : " • . : ' " " ' " • :

' ' - . ' ' • : • . . . ' • ' •• '":•'. - ' . • : . : • • ; . " . • • - , ; : • •

Weller lild'y,16K. Wasliinylon A w . . FLOYD MAJOR

(Y 1

1 {iriutfi: llarrv UeaLtv sent t

l Buffiilii byirv UeaLlvtiunt two ot his homing pii;- j paiwr. yim hnvU a rijjlit. UMinliy^to mumto Buffiito by a tmimuiui and they J one of thoBe t i l i n g : Tho paper hiis.tn...

• -•• • • - - - ' upon his toes by pnlilwhitiK Minii>tliiii{; 1m.Hi] tiot-want. tlio piihlic, tu kmiw:.,-.he...iK..so.

were lilwrated there on -lime I. Hoi-:vliciinl auythint,' rurther-iif- onu of-;tlie pit,'::

uuiis aiiti the other did not reach homo im-t i l J u l y t-'l, nearly two months later. , Mr.llL-uttv htus a lioiiu'i- tliat travelled fromIlinylmmton here in three hours a fewinontlis ut,'o.. Harry Thompson was Koing down East

Wflshinston uvenue hist Friday and in pathe'storu. property, owned by Jacob

•. tlie covering of a. manhole in "WellL..Ntdtiwnlk tilted ii

' His legs were soi-clothing.was tori;

i tin:l ha lull into tlu< opening.wlmt.scrutfhcd and iiis

Harry was satwfuetori-.„ Jk..;..:. lv i-('i:niiipeiised for his injuries the- next"'" "'•"' diiv when Mr. Welter presenled b in iwi th u

brand nowsui to f clothes. , j.Tlie Wiiniim'a Home- Companion for Aug-

ust, with itn nine short stones, aiiiglit 'wellhs nillfil a fleiion number wore i t not fortlie fact t h a t there weaiK to bn no dimimi-

" tiiin iu Hit' quanti ty of other matter ..;" Aloru particular noteworthy ofuthe.' special,

jiarrow minded thuC ho can gividiffering in opinion tlio credit of honomblomotives or of knowing as much; ho "hasbeen Minded by political, religious or otherpreiudice; or Kis name, has been cut fromtho'subscription list for non-payment—Ex.-

George Dupew was running his auto inthe neighborhood of Port Murray tlieother (lav when tlio axles mn dry amineeded immediate oiling. Urn went intoFord Hc-nrv's burn, got sonm axle greaseaiul applied it, but it didn't ^ielj)-nmbtors.Aud i t was no wonder. I t hits just hueii1

learned' thut tliij—axlu greasi''" that Georgeus i ' dwasa bottle ot Dr. Kiimlles colic cure.Colic cure is supposed to mtike sick lioi-seswell, and i t is ei uallyjia effecttvo in niak-

Mr. Willii iml' . M"attisini had the pleasuroof entertaining for a few days last ;week

Austin Moore, anil his cotitnu,

.JULY •'•ii.Tii—Public "Sitle of j fliviHe.iiils" syste.m <r<'ttt<-* tin" \\ lini-arfeuc of -hi tie stono •r7or"/«««;r.lli6'*Miitiiui"Bi,1iietit

ciirliiii]r;~by-tlie^\ViLshinKtou Board " "' " "Education, at tho public school building a t j " T i i e Mutual iteneliL Auuolernll VQ EII2 p. m. L. M. ShropL', Clerk. • •

tho vessel but liothe boilers expluilod. .iiiyton ; yesterdayliorso in front ot VThe horse didn't l i ke ' the music that 1

oof...A»buiywasJiii^Viishy morning""anil tied his"Vummttu's harness .store."l i k t h " "

WASTKD — A .(juautifiy of large, cleimcotton rags for wiiich-'^ cents pur pijiind

(TIKI. WAXTKH for general housework,Mrs. J . M. Rockufulluw, Washington, N. ,T. [

WASTEI)—A nurse girl between 111 and IS !

it Plan ia a boon to the man-whopmtHullcm- tor-, his..family a t low

cost, ami ye t .who does not want t o look }forward to inlying prciuiuin

Full liiroi-nuir ' 'H]l his ll I

nboiit tho Mntiinl jmpany on n;- j

Kitchen Troubles and the Remedy'"

ir. c. i ; Agent.X; J .

- ] . •


j j r v ."'inoilern "plan orTvisiiin

latter tmrt of thit;,week hcoive an OldKinobilo rniiabout.oEORthorse tiownr. It is built expressly to witli-stand W hard wLork that is; required ofsuch ii machine i n n hilly country. DrK d f H l i d i AV unt

d ofDr.hBtird of Bulvidere is a AVarron county pliy-

™ Birjnn™ who already uscs^tlie, automobilo' y. " imircwi(Jiiallv and JJiv^AUwtsbn, also ot

SSvlilow,•will HoonbtNiiddoil to the list,

TUESDAY, AUGUST 1st, 1905,'" rc'micrctc sidBw'ulii Ii

tmiltliiiir on Tnylor M

tmyed bv lire last Saturday uight;;wi'tli id> wagons, harness, robes drills, sto.its contents;-.' A lot of pigs and chickens I by Bttwart Fntts. at bluwiirtHVillu. ._ ^ . ..'.were burned to rtekth. Thu llaines started • The 'Wiirren • Fonndrv and Machini! Co. ' iti<- pitl>lfc sclioul tuiildiiie on Tnylor siicci.in some uukowii niaonor iii.a barrack of will pay $l2.(XNi ton for long ry.; straw rle-f "-nw- «ntil sukwal.k wii} .ctmUnn•.uboiit itorvo at the rear of tluv liiirii". "By hard work livered jit their works in PUiltipsbnrg. N. J.! «.!"}« {ctit- ,u 'M ^L!, i ;.'ii , - , 1J '.« T.'itho dwelling wu» saved. The grain nnd hay - ., .:-,:, ,-. VJT^i £$.^^^^^^aivatotal fuss, but th.) building was iu- .TUKSDAV. Aun. 1-Pnblic wile'ot hoiiM--| «ini;m nml f««r (\\ iwrfn riuir'i crock snmi:

The demaiulH iiiiidu, upon llm HU Clouddining-room have grown to such an extentthat Proprietor "Webster lms decided, or

hold KIKMIM. mirden tools, vine^nr, l c . by j

• ' • 1 t : \

tl'« nwnlliiK com. whidi is !o Ut

•; '":•' An'c'rror cominoiiiy inailtr by huinc owners is in. uikldthe necessity of proper sanitary equipment for the kitchen. . .

- Only a few years ago it was considered good iurm :o encase1 the sink iu woo'd thereby concealing the trap, tnuking it inac-

cessible and offering a place for the collection-of filth ami vermin,"

mditioiu exists., in -.your. household;™cxut:iiiw •.•iiitu'rritr aikl--truc state of affairs. ' :. '-•.-., " *

Do not lo^^'siglitof the foe fftffiyawfood is prepared in

:j ia prepared dependi~j oil"•the- sinitarv ar-1 : r a n g e tu e n t s for

clciinlincS's; t h e r e -fore safeguard against ••cpntitiiiin.ntio'n .c u S - ; food" ' "or"

:—utensils, ... . :

Luinbertville, iind llingoes.' now on u wedding tmir. Miss Huggurtyus awarded to tho Delaware has lately heen taking a course in the train*

., „ , ,iml,Construction Coinimny,. ingseliool for nurses connected with the». l udebidwils^7, i l0() ;4V which is a t the S ta t eHosp i t a l a t MoiTia Plains anil is onerate of SS,(i:.t7.per mile.,-.Tlio bid of Wont- of those, who graduated last week/?-"goiuory's coTnpiitiyjs_iiractically tlie_..i-amejj^

v Qnurrvbid wils

Pitzyerald-Spcer Co.,•pon Ai-Bji, r». i -Vniir F V P < 5 "' '^ ». .Poll'• S.U.H—Cnnoliv top unrrey, nrarly I x - u u l • - - * - * J V ? - •' -""• .W',\y. DrlC: 1): SiniUi:; Tr27-.tr. , i,y „ ,,c,v method fire ''''^BBBSSti.

S'S£yray'iYo"tlb"tliis'isrt6"criVp]oyiis^o'ihsiit]r af siiou'y ;vclcaii, .'Sfcxxfcwl" Pon-'dain E:!amcicd- Kitchen Sink. You Will

n iiiui it ii'remiM)' ibr kitchciitroublcs.


Page 6: til THE BALL...r ; : Circulation tiVliKin-tlinn 3.900 I" rVK ;••."'' :.vfi"SigSSS?;?;*S




Skilled Consultation!Thorough Examination I

Mr*. iU^rrn: lU'iil111.-v. Mix- VITH On

Mr. IIII.I Mr*. Wnlliplli-lu-tl

DELAWARE. :Kv lU'iitn outer till iii'd her

, fi l.-iul.

I silll.l:',,,,l.

iinlrmplntl l

ce Witxon «f Sawthflr tviitM on

nmtther.l. wllh a tI'lijoylnit tlM Dein-

th ll f A


TRANQU1MTY..Plilliiilvl-! AlU-rt llioum. who' ri-nlik'<l In Trun-i miner nt [ijulllly nlioul twcnty>flvt< yenrM IIRO,Ioil ciinlHimid comtitctt'i) it general more fur a

iK'lirc imriy thin i-vi-iiint:. : hminbi'r of yrnri*. dlnl at IIIH Into homotHKt mi-ftliiK »f the Monthly;".1 N^wnrk I;

HACKETTSTOWN.HxEilitlli (inVtit.'fH-o IK HH-nttlnK tliu


.. ilriK Club WMM livlil Inut week u t : Wl%1* l>urlt'<1 '»ilurliin tin* month of An-j MrH. M. S. NYlKlilmrV. Tlit> Hub will * " " »»•«"'>•

iri'ortfiililxo In ik'liibtT. ) Tin- fiint-ml olWho lllv.1 il l III:

ArmKtrniiK. > ft- In Harlem. Y

• Tlie Anierican Autliority on•- Matters of Health and Sanitation j•and Hygiene, hr their Mny:issue|.under 'subject, .Mockrti Brewing;and 'Health, stati

. -I

her Call or Write at Once, ntul

mediate and KarnestAttention;

ii tin- Ht-ftfim. !Tli.\vTh'v KpiHOopiil Sunday ychitnlH of H«'l-i • • Vi'rntrai-

viihTf nml liclawnre conu-inplnli> hold- j,.ovvivit'fi\W£~-& union" picnic oil" Hector • Voiinw** j [....-hi th,ciimiilnir ground at MtnitiiiKiii-hiink Ir-•

, "One of tlie .several browcru1* of whose j'.-product we have spoken before, us reach-1

tug n high ticffrec of perfection from its)c i r c i n preparation; its freedom from •adulteration together with t!ie purity iof the water uncd in iU manufacture nmi

. the sanitary ami hygienic methods em-ployed in. the handling of it, jluriiijitmtli production and delivery, is theSeitz 'Brewing Company of Kaslon, I'a.

.Seitz Beer on tap at the

St. Cloud

All tin- liit.ir.lititr h tiifi-K nr<- Hvl!i f l i;.tlil.-d aii.l tin ovi..ri|«w IH limkwl f«»r diir-f l I j i y ,.Vl,llUxK a l . | , ,.,||>K HW l»'Xl tv\Y WVfkK. j | w i M r w l .

"J«»lj« onh-rmlm><]Jh-ri r'i*..f. UtrlM-rt KtimK* of

. .„ _t Tnnuniiliiy, iwwcvrr.r U.-orwo \V. Smith 1ms r," »'»"' "" limffimr yrarft when 111..tn III- m y nl i l l n i w mid will i liwiltli liowm »° f«H.i-nx'liitn' of l iumfiinc ' (.•<>! Tin- nlx-moiiihu-otd child nf Mr. nitit

.Mr*. Huh;)f rluilcrn' hiMiKilsrtn. Thiutmi- uf tin

Iliiinlltoiifiintum a t tti

• funeral wu*


tiruwkon. l^iwrt-urtmi Siimlii)'.

Tlio enct lni i t>f t)iinir IISIH hft-ii iiiHtpniitturn, hut n few rviwil-HI Hit' old . in- hi-fnrt


n.-w hull.]-mil IK-M wfii-,-lli l.i- m-.'tl.'i)can la- i-alti'il

\<Tlw nt'W ntf|»» v

. I ,.P,.,.f,.,| !(t Mniimi{ inttfh appreciated



ll nl.mj

i liuvr jit:lit -I it I)Hi<- tnuvullnir

Hit- rlv.

i TIu1 following li^t uf di?(*ant>» they inj cuns' in u .'h"U time and relief (jiwn at : Further I

iini|>i- j . jj welkin r lnt i in^ with iln-lr mimicaixl ' laiiKhttT ami soiiu- nf tltvm havetin*1 illi'pliiys of IhvwnrkM at ninlil.

i whk-h iiro .•njnyt'il l>y |i<>opl<> for inl i . s

i hv inatli

Iffivln-r hi lh<* IIIKIIProf. I'lttK, rcflKtifl.Ki'mluati* of nil-kins >iI'luwii upon the n

The KrankUn I.Umlu-r Co.mt ruxhi-il wllh •iiilrrx Unit

1 II -rmpiilVfil

Mr. IllintlPK-IH i i ! " 1 1 ; ! ' ' ; ' "Collt-Ke nml wnKj ' l"" 1 ! 3 'umtnviuliitlnii «.r lovt-U .>

iplotK II!


ii'Miiny of Inut wt'i-lt. in termentifiilliiy wmvtery.|v a immth pawi-x hitl tha t,'»'ni'iiiilH-r of liurliiln In T m n -•fiih-tt-ry. And llnwu wlin hnv«lit'.- imri.-d Hii-re XI-L> that tin-v kt-i't tii'itt iiml clean. Thini- iniM u KOOI! can* taker . ' Tin? 'I mnw.'tl i|iift«> frciiiiftitl)' and j i

>K and walks art- fro»> rroin t

,, , , i,,, ru-.n-.- .did Wfi-iR -A-tinmtH-r f rom ' «iM.-n vninpclii'il t«> work ov.-rtlmp. „ ,uMlMm.,. j , , l V i : h.xiKht pl»t«'rtfcunily;[

Wllliiini Diuv. nn , »Kcil citizen, IH U( l J4 l l l, , ( l . n n | « Wl l« m,.h l . ( i „„ , l i o |.•rlll.'Mly 111 at Ills |ilHni< nn M.tiii; r i K h t n r m , , v „„, , „( liU )tnri*vK Iti^t;*"<•« ' • •> . M.MiiIiiy nlKiit. The lmln wn» >"> tswnl-t

- Slri«. C. II. M.-Cnu-k.-n nml daiiKhter. ' liml Dr. I'lurk \vun failed.Mrn. Fimik gulmby, K U W II blind p r o - ; unwell llnmlUnn him l»l«l In H «ir-KreHfive (jiiL'liri- puriy at tiivir humi1 <']iij.,.,.i ()r ...,,• i-rsiin fur IIIH ilsilryIllL-l, Hli-.'.t In.t Fr lJuy "V.'llliiK. " • - ' • k



Proprietor.! IIKOXCIIITIS llurkini! Cnnjjli, piiln InI tl». rfn»t; lu.i .»f llwli.. , .;ill.OOI) II1SEASK SiTufulii.- I'liroiiK

II ' . .1 |ii.i-


TELEGRAPHERSNEEDEDhe ticw nosilion* crtalcit lit

Katlrunil an<1 TelrcrniA Conniaiilw. Wwnnl YOUNG MEN :ind LADIES '•!' RWihnbitKlu :

Learn TelegraphynmtK.'K. Accountinj;>.

\\V furnish 7Sj)crcctit ofttiL'U|v<;ralorsnti.Stnttun A«ctiiM in Americn. Our »(x scliOfinrethelntf:e>t CXCIUMVU Tek-fira|»h Sdi»olIN THK woHi-n. lu.tn!tli->ltcd ;» vcar> nticndorsvtl liy nil k-.nlinK Railway Uirictatu,

WL- cxcculc n j.'5" Ihiml to cvciv stmlenl lfuniM) him or IKT n jn»!lion |iayiiiu froftolo*("m month in tin.* Sinks tast of ihKocky Muuiiuiius, or from f;s to fi.omonth in Slates wtst uf IIIL- K.Kklc linmcdlatcty upon graduation ,

Stmletitstiatt enter IU aitytinir> No menlions. For full tinrtleiiliirK n^inliitK nuy oour Schiwls write direct to our executivoffice itt Uiiiclniiaii, O. CiuatiiHiie in-.-.

The Morse School of Tbl-Cincinnati, Ohio.Athuilii, Oil.Texarkann, T « . San

y; hlno.1 |».i-..n. f.'.Hm: .lisi-oncnlai.' th.'st- .lays, nwlim! CAN(*i;i!S F.NtiTiial and nitenial , skill j to tin- 1IM« :.f his ralthful i-ompanlon.! r.MiHKl. rfiii»i\iil withmit cutt ing. ; n ntiU> l.Iaok ntnl whit., fox t . r r i . - r


nil L-OIIOWCH „„„»„

rry Ura.lisi-o

1IM«l.Iaok ntnl


f .Maa

.'.'. ..ap.'.-liilly Sir,| llnni'Vlll... JH»

ir llU'k llilK K-'I'y. Mr*. I r arnlKt.Hl l l i l n h l r » - "'-vlliv

Iliinllu-r of 111Morrlsinwn.

<r Ni-w-iirk. .Miss A'linll.irii

Mrs. SkllU-rn


ikaclitink I.*

' to ri.pe:it.'COXSUMITIOX Haw you

l l

,.,1 , hiiiin\M''lli

nf it*lill.. .Iri


I'll lil-Sl

Is li:,,l ;ililBliwny

nrlnK nil".•|'u,S; Mr.i.' JIIVIIII Wolr anil . laimli l ir

,r ••lilln.l..||iliin. MIKK '-• Mr». Oiilirtlii BII ILT »•••"' ««•»«inklyii. Mrs. OUITII I of • H-WB.-.W. Slnt i r on 1'rltlny.

' it.'V. Sir. Ainhirli'Hi' nml fiiinllyDr.


r.. . LTV.

toss Skllli'ln .'mil Mi-. Wllllii,,f, I'litlnili'lplilii Imve li.'iu- lh>- W'"k i.t Mr.s. Knlli I1,,

: nflulnltiB tiK- L'- Amlarlf'Si-.a (Irlvi- IlirnltB

y j' »l»l«r. Ml»» :

(if Ninvark. They tonk .•!••• ili'iT Imrk M.in.lny!

,1,1 nutiiiiH,-1 sm-tallim III Aslim-yl><- on.- .,f, Mrs. O. A. lliiinin.iii.

',,unty. ; .-nil M-.-.'ks nlonir lh>iMiirli l.y ii licrsWi'ilt l-«'»|!h,, „„ . I l(l]ll l | | r l ,.,,,„„ ,„ ,!„. , , ,„„„. . j , . r l l | „ k s llUme „„ . j , , , , - , , ,

„ . . , , . . . . . " J 1 !'-ri r n n S r . ' - i i i i l ilP A " 1 " 1 l ' w " " 1 " 1 ' " " l l l > ' " f *" 1 ••» »>!•»-- j Mrs. lliirrlK.ui' ,,n.l Mrs. APKIII- or: Mr- »>"! Sir.|)I..M'M'.S> I'artiiil or .nnil'lL'H', .mil .ill .,„,,.,. , ,„„„ „,,„,,,„• „.„,, willloiu i!lir- Jl.,irlst,,«n ,.r.- sp..n.llnit n . fi'»- W-WICKI • ••iiKTlaliilnir n

• • family li. low Inivil. M " v " ' ': tin-

"f fil.n.ls from ,

LAUBACH'SEaston, Pa,


DYSI'Kl'SIA Ui.-< •'( ii|ip.-tit>". liloiiutij! i „•„.»of tin' stomai'li or any nf tin: I'olins of; T ]

nttai'tlnil ilillaiuinatnm of tlio IMSM- ! u v

KYK l l i s ra - , i . i-ntaia.t. ' «|iilnt or , ' l , « | l » n!•«•< mill all otli.T .11 f Hi" ''}•. ' . '

I'ACl.M. III.KMISIIKS •.Mnliw, M..II>:'" ',1'iiU'liw. Diilliniaiks or .Skin Knip-: "

f | .

iit in this l<ninny fri>-ml« nf Cliiirlilitli.t to li - lli:il In1


al l ty .• Smli

| Mrs. II,,'

; Arrlill'alil




DIEDin Phillipsburg today—

Potato.. Bu£. •• : Poisoned by eating'



limw. ;lidlTKi: Suvlliii" of tin; alaniK !IIKAKT DISKA.SE Irri'Kiiliir imlsi'.:

xln.rtm—x »f l.ivatli. tluttrrhij! «' l'»l-

KIDXKV DISEASE. I'nlli in IIIL' liatk.|aitlini's* uii'Ittr till' I'Vi's, swt'llia^ oftin- fi'i't anil fn'<iHont urination. ;

1.1VKU DISKASK Pain in tlio hide, mini-.

• H E Xi:u\of 1

DISEASES l.n-« "f -li'i'I'. I " "luniy. nii'lani-liolia. itii[iaii«'il in*, iiiilia|i|,y ami ini-<;rul,le willi-

' PILES Illilli. Mi'i'iliii!.' or iii'lilnjr.- I! I1UPTUHE Singlu or duulilc.! 11IIEUMATISJI .\clil,'. ,'liioiiic. inns™,

lar, nitiL-nlar or ^L-tatk'. for wllicii; romeilics ami ,!o,toi'! liavo provt',1 un-

iln's r,',:..'iu Improv...

I.'- IIVU.-.I :. Hi'-,' sun•vlll IVsllval. Th .I..' i-litin-h ,'oltt','t,-,,sh 1,,-fi.r.. Hi.- iii^li:,'lli,'r with Ih" p r"nil.- sum f.,r tl,,-l!••» millll-y.


; ij*

f I'olnt ' Mrs. Clmrl'-'S C il.'iniin of I'lah•i-cks nt li'i-' ' \ l s l t lni : ri-'latlvi's.lihitlton .Mr.", l.lzzl" K.'lni.'.ly 1.11,1 Mis

i AppK'innu liml " miinlivr of ml, ..ri.Eiitl.iii li.n,l,-,l Ih" Cortilsh .-xi'm-slon t,

I .7ir ,-ai nn-K • ln-i-ry I J I I I - last Tliars.liiy.f tin- chni'i'li. 'I'll,- Mrs. AI.'X. My.-rs of N.-wtoa

last Snll'liiy was lt,-v. .1. \\\ . yu.;sl of h.'l- 1,1-ollli-r. IJ.-orirt- Hcnnls. ,' I'anl I'll. N.'*l Siin.luy ' " n , - . Amlr.-W Vass Is IIIIVIUK II lurBi'!,-s J1.11..K will I,,, h.-ar.l oii.l ,,,..1,1,1,,.. i'.'1'iril muni Ih.'lr family'Hlhlal.s iirt' H.-v. Kal|,h r..'.,)4.L | l t •|-|-,.,b.|i.lllty .-.-ill. t 'l-y. 'if C'h-slmii m i l . I'll., nml 11..V. • ' .... ,,-....,.I,,L- wllh.w ti 11,-ti •

Miss J.-niil.- Ill nr IIIKII sli Is : ',„!,'.'," r..|ii:i'v.'.l. ' ' " '

) Cran-


. S n

il.y-Mi Ultl,-]

To Cure a CoH in One Day,y Ih" Wimiaii's I...-:

it III.- M"lh.,.llsl .-hin-t-li was !:,0.Tnk" [.nxatlve nromo Quinine Tal.lets ' Mrs. It. ir. SI;III,-ri, will ;.-tv,- it ,nAll .iniRplsts refund the money If It • ]..,t-t\ i,.tn,,rr,,w ..-v.-nlni,-,fails lo c u r e • ' Mrs Klh'ti I^il^^iiiniinin oi \itv

I-:. \V. Grove's siRnature Is on each | ,][*,,] sttihlfiiiv l:ij=i Siitiirilav a t

were Hi-- u'ii.'.-ls of WiUitiin Vmiltlpi 'r 's!, fiiiiilly lasi l-'rlilay.' Mrs. M. 1 Antlarie^f ami Mi.-s Arnla-is rii'Sf *nf Newark spent l'rliliiy hist in \

Kiistna where they met .Mrs. Juhn t^lii- |'pies ami Mrs. William Hunt of June -

During the Alterations and Im=provements Now Going On.We are making extensive alterations and

y improvements to our store by adding ad-1 joining storeroom and basement. This means

' - , many changes throughout the store in our

\ arrangement of stocks, etc., etc. We proposeK to clean up big quantities of goods during this

\ sale by offering unusual bargains in every

MIS i..i.» itunv,.n m«i .i»itKi.t.-r'i.uiul ' • department. Write for speciallist of bargains

'" ' I 'mi StvVat 'sV'I^^ I if unable to come in person. It will pay you

.sS'^Sl'S;:^"^} to come many miles to this sale*; Look forAir. ami Mr.-, syhvsie..;: i;..i..niitii are; j f S p e c i a l pr ice t ickets th roughout the ' store.*

! Jj Come to our special July sale.

WEDNESDAY HALF HOLIDAY—During July and August our storewill be closed on Wednesdays at noon,in order to give our employees a halfHoliday.

WM. LAUBACH&SON, Easton, Pa.

: I '

. Slu-«if Mr:

i v l l h n hc-iti


. sin.'; M


\ pl,y,iw!niH have |,r.'»n « J IXCUHA-I

; ILH nml which they have IIMI uililiilu!

u o t a e i i t ? it*..™i*mt Dr».siierraniiJ

i c'";1"'""'""' w"""w !lt ""c"- :

b . , 2 o c ; )A lb . , 1 5 c ; ){ Ib., roc . i '" t I l l f s t "

I1 Xo am;

Reasons For Success.nst iioinjiMe ami finely tappanitiH. witarrh in

ratoryami opci'atin

j t.-i



All-, ami Mrs. O. A. I Imnitn-i' nf I 'hil- i Alipslmrj.' spent hist %v..>i'k with ih. ; tut- i iujr

1i.-r. Mrs.'. Mary X. Iteatl. i Vanlab-,-1 KiiKturiiiiiii^i- liift mi ! HDi- Ueiiar Lake, wlieiv silt- will j l>r<-J''r1-1'1"1- W l l i i | 1 : f ( 1 " l k l - "V 1 I * 1 - I l f l ' j r f " "

Miiyine AVinti-rmntt' of Spil i i«-

I.llllan A. Vaiiltipi-r.

a week with fiiemis in Allaimiuhy.

"l'.Ts "ll.>n!."r«;

, u hkli


ru,. the -rum nf il...

Y40 S. .Main Street,

- : : r- :- .- : r r . •• •• PHILUPSBURG. N. j . I ^ t e m .

I11 Second Niitionnl Bank..Buiiding...

.trtm for t r t ,the Dr. htarraan j

Kvory physk'iiin of tin; *l:i ptirL in liid. specially.

Tit u

Mail Order Department.u i l

of th" ; lifiiniiitfiui

r M a r - ' I'loNitui' wl

mail uraer uepar tment . = j , . , , , , lpt p r im ' s Cirovp came ln-n- lust j v

l 'or Hie benefit of Uio^- who t'iilliini! wi;ek 11 at tf inl th>> funei-al nf iheir I I1

]] •pfirsminlly, a. thorough ami (ill'iictive • failier. Jiml. liruUH-r-iii-law..AI'iK:i; J_lo(l- i.-

v-i'i r - nx r.'j i-\ 1 " M L L- i .~:-^

.;Tj:Olll'.. C'.

[ h.-'kPpL strictly e" n fid initial., : I Mr. "iir

j1 1 i f IJ' "

l.y hi


! IUK hud :<. Iliie tiin>-.' Miss Kinlly (larwiil

Cool and ComfortableSummer Suits

1 . • . . - . . . . . , • •. . .. • . • . . .

! for Men, Boys and Children(Everything new and up-to-the-minute.. .When iu Kaston kindly pay,ins a visit—you will see many saving values never seen before.

with Miss Kiiilh

nn St.itH-. Ahnnn

All ix-iuirt liiiy-

of ISloonilleld

the li

JACOB MAYER, OutfitterSo. E. Corwr Centit Square and Northampton St., EASTON, PA.

v " j B®"NOTICE-—Our store will not be closed on Wednesday afternoons.'

'litfii Y>ref)iVniig'for*vbnr own'comfort,*;. keep, in ininil.yotir, liorsevit'-vnn -are L

fortnitutc in liaving any, nnil make pro- \vision for tlioir comfort. They mjed ;


^111 .Dealer in stocks, Uonds, Grain Coffee ami {: Cotton, Buys and seUs.for immciliiile or j

_ futitrc,,_ delivery on Timrgin. Direct;., private wire to New Vbrk ami Chicago, j

,- „ Opera House Block ;

i. Recommended by Physicians.,



F. N. JENKINS,^Druggist

Price per(jloz.p$i.5o

a f Srvi; s The CANNING SEASON

I Floor First National Bank Building, iCentre Square, Easton, Pa. ]

: S t a b l e s S h e e t s , C o o l e r s , F l y ' " « » " ».»• m. to.b i>. m.; Smuiay-, nj

Nets and EarrTips. '•-••-'••• — '.— ''•>•'-•

j f . ' v A N N A T T A •""•"•The Olil-estiilllislioil Hnrnisi Mnn.

f Srvi; s The CANNIN• for Fruit ami

Sniiilnr-.,wllli Ills innllii:r. l i ra , j :; ._ _ ^ a i l d w e a re , i \ l l l y r : . . - ^ : —-;• : - : . , : ; . : ; : -— ~ : . - v ^ - S ^ . = — : # " - = = ! — " - • " - • • - :

.' joini 'si-ou :ni(i Mrri! Tiu-ijiioi-cT "": "• ""- " ~: " " ' , : , : ; • ; - - - - - - - • ^

11 arc-nn HID sick urn. . Pineapples ami Cl iernes will not be nicer or

•'i'1 W«.ti"iit-1""'llvi-ii"*rifl"1-Si"r^mrt'• " cheaper t l ian tliey are j u s l n o w ; we advise you toi'i!i. lu'i'sl' JiV »vi.'kil'rnr 'ii sur-! buy without further delay. ' : a•uiliin; \ . • . ... .

.Vi" ,™;S"j i . i f " t™{^hoys, you •s" lli'u"ncxt

< .-ill- plule If yoi

•• lml 1.';.-

icu you v.-ant:a; nice,;:.clea!!^ slmve-O! _7-~---luiir" cut;-direct: you-foot-'":™;f;»:... -

•steps towards :


; workmen; scrupulous css. Face Antiseptics anil RnziDifiin£ectantKBhya\ s_uscd.~

Expert workmen; scrupulous cleanliness. FaceAntisepticsaiulRazor


FurnishingUndertakeri E. WinliVoslon-AveV

Kcsldeucc : 59 Rnilronl AUcntlon;Dny or NtRht.

ld, $2 00 | _stnr nnd TliricFn-Wcek':Worldr$2.o6.'

Feed yourjhair; nourish it;-give it something to live on.Then it will stop falling, and,wlll crow.long and heavy.Ayer's Hair Vigor is the onlyhlif-footrfou cairbuy".""For60 years it has beenv.doingjuif iwliaftwe^Iainr it/wiil ;d6;iIt will not disappoint you.

" My Imlr «»^1 to lio vcryaliort. lint after

,T£:t°s™r£»!:U"-M°i"?rTi'SisColorado BprliiR*. tolu. - ,.• ,

Uide bT J. O. Ayer Co.. Lowol•^ nMuiftoturora of

wetsr * K _ A P *


.Mrs. Willl!iliu'l.:ii:jirr :mii son Ciitr- 'K' ! l !1 l l u " I I l l l r l- uoiiniK*1..(.•IIC«.«'spout purt.' i>r Ja.vt week ut Now-1 Tin- ,-imiii:il l i i i rves f l iomc of Hie

"tn'iV.wltli Mr«. .luimts. Kti.nt and fumily. • I.nw^s lifilli'iH- cliuToh will Itu held on. Mr*. Stuwnrt' WliitJra and Miss-j 'en- ' i Autfiisl », ••» in» xrmiiuls iidjolninR Hie

IIIIIK-K viKlted I'oliuivos In AMLMHOWII j oluiri;!].-uiid Uullik'irvm.'liiHl. week.-: j Mr. stml Mr.s. J.itlin Mlllt-i-. 'of near

Tlirco nioi'i' int-'ti II-LVC Iiuuti 'ulduil lo > HlimmsUury. .spi.-nl Sumiiiy wtlii MrH." " ' " • .r,-. Mr;-;K«lllj«ir:i3urK-i:i'.--:f

sh\10 ]I:VP"~ iTnm7' Vit. Nt1'W~'\*rilu'j?»™"iion(iiiy" afterun fanii. ^wpciHiliis :i. wenk witli JliiiS Ucrtlm

i if?' hiiii i"-1>y"r "-vV^snKii'r Ili-ij ov^m-f*t:n' jV(."T)ie' liVjiVid'.if |''•' I Uiivtil Warmiin on Snturday- afternoon j

(.,). 1 jilinttt1 1.1".'.o'L-lnck. TIiu. ramlly, huvliiilit? iiulslibors seehitf tli

about.our.vegctablcslaiKis.wiieii thcex|)ii.'SS;\vagon::

arrives with its load of gaideuj.tnick. Well, we getthe best the city markets contain and most peopleknow 'it,,as well as the best the local growers produce.

On the Corner. J.SK1CQQKE

eV "

! h

,,,,,,,, , i , : l t | t ,.„„„, friiin-lhc. rnibt In: Hit' tiliininuy. • :T]iu llru WHS uxtln-!.|rufslin,U\vltli.lnit-slli;la il.'tmiiKti.lo tliol ' i i ^ ' ~ " ^ " " ""

niiil1'- i,in. ml,, ot ' ••• Mr. find M r s . Wllllnni Hunlcw nndU C 1 • : - • ~ , i children or. Green's ttrlrtKo mid Mrs.r;-:n«y."-'it»l;.aiil,*'c fi'>n«iq.' :Tn»?!L_?!u.^--i A'nna - An.irvwS nf-Nuwiirk-spcnl ' Sun-t!ilnLHl"fri_eiuis llic-jiast" weejk;-; ?r • • - -.;•.•< (iay."ufternoi)ir::mid~ove!iiiiir;"wi'tii:"Miis.

1L AV. Cool has Improvud ills jiropcr- \ Jojin•Thompson. '•'• '"'ty, rented to 'Wlll inm L n n n r r and .Mm. i4iUil TusHdny evonhiu a number ofWnUitii, 1>y llllliiK the front y a r d ' a n d younp IHIOPIO niibnt tlio cveniiif,- a t tliercmovhm the iron fence. • . . - • . • . • j homo of; Mrs. Bertha.iMotler,1 in honor

• HoiiliRii Weins has lost in t\\'6 hiw-'jof her eighteenth bir thday. • All en-Joyo'l tliemHclvea In playing yiunOft, af-

were served.Bertlm

suits recently, one vs. Jamca Weidmmiother with the'heirs of Samuel Wcl-lur, who was killed four years ago.intlie^WeisH slate factory, after parts'of

and.now tlio papers a"re~flle'd"for~rt~'su 11'preferred by Miss Hattlc_ Cisi

Jy pyter which rofreHliinentaliiul they deiiartcd.1".* LIIVJ t . ^ l " . " n-v. M.inii.^.^

iany lnorc^snch pleasant times.

for Star ond^Tlincc-n-Week N. Y. World. _ _ _ ^ a ^ D ^^^%4 ?2.00- perrycar,t payable :.m i:adTancs^^~{;^.vJ5l?~~~*S~~

Page 7: til THE BALL...r ; : Circulation tiVliKin-tlinn 3.900 I" rVK ;••."'' :.vfi"SigSSS?;?;*S


WM.A.STRYKER,20 f, Wnhlnjlon Avmut, WuMnglon, N. J



Practitioner In All United States, 8Ut: anci County Courts. :

CHAS. B, SMITH, H. D.,13B W.Withlngton Avinut.

VICINITY NOTES, ~{confined tolierlm! almost from Infancy, on. _ _ — jnccount of her fcrent weight Iwlnjc too

AlmonT.-Ronnmnl l luui monil from «»«* f«rl»ur«ti«ii«tli..- _ . .Norton to Uromhviiy. . , ! According to ti quite recent rnlltiK, from T

•4II««V Wi.r^n (a (In. llrut tu.nuin In full i W**llin«tOll till) Wlill'Ctur Of Interim! tX'V-,t 5!?nwt,n^,m»nnm1Iln W ' e ' 1 U 0 " t -ac l l Stllte < I* llllVCtwl to levy Hfontoovnaiinutmnoliilo. „ (H p c d f t I t(1)t u f ^ Ut „ „ . , - vltH. w,f(,n.;

The boroUKh authoritli* of Junction | t.Wsurtj tmrtie* wll Ifiiuot vriiit* is N I M M 1

lutVL*ilecftiutttopruviOun liK'k'iip. include every rom-eivuble kind uf enter-'Ste warts ville has a bow-liitJl team nml; tuliunent. wla'tlicrn diurlly bull or 11 club'

iiiotii-v liiw been raised for tlio tmrvIiiiH* of • ph'nii;, Hambnke. etc., ami a rullure t«» imyMiitH. i tint Iict'tiw w putihlinbltt dy a line of inFirth .

week mid killed wlmt \jrutl i

iu\irhj.riwiimi-.it of fonii i

H 1 tn 3 p, m.(.G.20 to S p. m.!» a. m I to 2 pSundays: 8 to $ a. m. 1 to ! p, m.

Local and LatiK platanca TetephontM

F. P. MCKINSTRY, M. D.,; 21 W. Wuhlngton Annul..

• ' :" " . ' C' • .' (8 to Ha. m. '' '":'Olllce Houra-tl to 3 p. m.

U lo 7.30 p. m.Sundays 1 to 2 p. m..Local and I.onfr Distance Telephone!

j IIINt'bunI Avers Pool »f Vienna nml MIK4 KilnKi'ttluor Alliininiliy w.-n. mi.r ric.lntTnin-:

lilullltyonJulyla. • •• ;, R c v . E . 1 ) . Kil l l i .K'Tol ABIIIIIIIII, 1'n., I* 'j tn lw tlm HIK' ' ' ' ') In Belvhleni


Mtnnhunt! lrnsa no]ill!»tiiui tif K*>?, : ;Lniniini |««lonim will.Imvi. nn B. K,D. ;

i F. Fox, t

RADER'S, E ai. s t o n |• p . : i : ; • ; • : • •:;•:•••.!!••

•"•-•3? I

them uru ten npnlicantHiwfilion

tho vn rou t i l i r " Panning tolinl.1» blicfalr in O»'tou«r.{.! Th lll I l i. " -! The vlllugo triistot'H Imvo votcil to ii

ruwnnl i« offoaii for tho nrrost of I ft'inocluni lire iilann t$*Uim i F l loti who cut u l ight i i ig r i l K l P

t l to iiiMtull ,A W, ruwnnl i« offoaii for tho nrrost of I $ in FlemliiKton. \ \

Mia- poreoti who cut u lightiiiiig arifnlers Ktln-l. (litiiulitvr uf Dr. Purwll of White-p Jf wlro on tliu telephone Hno in Cllen Oiirducr i houw.% tlkil liutt W«lnt'«lay. .Shu wan ii*i' IiliV*twci'K. } yean* old. (! Tlio HtroudttnurK iwst-oflico Is lo Ixi; Hcttcliu'rt Jndinnsn XiMvton nrJKaninaiiip, • I

moved (mm itn n n w n t «it<; to tho fir»t; will hold tlmir iinnini! flainliiiliL* nt (linger i ^II f I C di Th h ^ ! A t W J

CHAS. M. WILLIAMS, M. D.,' .:"• « Broad S t r u t . . • '••

' ' 7 8 to 10 n. m.Olllce Houra^ 1 to 3 p. m.

: 16.30 to 5 p. m. - - , — ,Diseases of Eyo, None. Ear. nnd Thro* i Iliwror tlio Alnmmc Inilldinit. • The cbnnmi i tjiko on Auiitint ill.

a Specialty. , | will bo inmlu on April I. | Myrtlu FcnntT, n Flcinlnt'ton irlrl, li.u< not '

F. J. LA RIEW, M. D.,107 E. Wuhlngton Avinui.

..;•;,„. . , , . . , . , . . , (S to 9 a. m -OHice Houm-tl to 3 p. m.

• (.6.30 to 8 p. m.Local and Lone Distance Telephone!

S. 0. TUNISON, M. D.,Oxford, KiwJarsey.

(7 to « a. tn.Office Houritv 1 to 2 p. in.

lr»..io lo 8 p. m.Attention Riven to dlstasca of tb« •

and UtMmr of KUIBHCH.

Tlie mnrrintfo of Ouurfie Kitchen <if, iniwwtf » day at school sf net- n\w ctarti'ii nt j: Junction nnd Mttts But'tali 31. Crouce of j the ngc (if tlv«. Hlie in ten yenn* old now. £j EvcrittHtown has jtwt been niniouucetl. I t ; F n n i k R. llnrnwm of Flnvitvilli* iiml Mb* !was [terformed ut thu latter \>lmv on .Iinif r Vesta IlowiU'ti of Lower Siiuct.ii, Pa., were ;:

j - ' • | innrrleil in PliilltpsburK on Momluy or last i ,: AiaonL' the count v school, Hiijit'rinten-L wwik. ...... .-*- -. ... r, - • - -'"•••- ••-- -••;! <i ^V , t»^ l i . ,w l« i i <i 1 » will oxpiru in t fc tobur . AUri-il Hwltur ibniy of I I IRI I Ilritl«t» n m l :

is I-. T . A t w i w d of W a r r e n c o u n t y . . Most { 3 | | W Annit- Elilriduu <>* "Kni nunl i i i - r w e n * '; of tho Kii]ieniiteni]»<iitK lire rund[if»tw< f o r ; tmirrietl a t tliu 51. E. ixinniuiin, in Lebanon V.

ro-H.motiitim.nt- M»l J l l ly 11. |•ashierof t ho W a r r e n j j t e v e n wnur t yomif; LVIIUWH fnun tliu c i ty !

st Week o^ tlieRummage Sale

,. Young, HICounty Isjititniiil Jinn]

' rccnVi.Tud ii.Jin a n..jk V.r iioi;

Lttack of typliniil fi"^ 1 tried tn lin-ak u]i tiie cliurch M-rvfri; iii_Aii*:

DR. P. JUDSON ECKEL,24 W. Washington Avenut.


Oppo.«llv'KI. fioilil Hnli-I.


Offln and Riildinca, 116 Broad Strait.

Ollk-e Hinirs: s.:m;a. m. to; , i». in.

DR. G. T. FOX,Office and Itesldvncu, 172 Main Hi,

Viil bf «]»i;uni in the;; buililEiiK i» .Sh-wnrtnviHc.}' A dcsurvi'd fa to lins overtook tin1 Draki*: it Falkntrrcircus, wlifcli litinrwil tlifpi'i'l'li.': of this s.-ctiim n f.-w wti-kn aj,'">. Owliife tu!. jioor piitrcimif,'*', thu show ciishaiuk'd la-t

Wfuk in lViin.-'vlvaiii;, aii'l the unpaidi pprfonmT-* hail to inniiji to \ c w Vntk., Win. Ii. Wilson, fur many years HJITI'-: taryuf tin! Wiirrcn F-ntutliv and Mjicliiin-•Co. of l'hilHp^lmrK. di.-d* siuldc-idy la.-t

, Tlmrsdavnftfnuniii iit liis lionu; on Hush-killstiwt, Kiihtnn: H« was S7 y.-an* oldand leaves a widow itntl ur^lit cliililrcn. '

r <Iulm LnmtiiHsoit n^'fi'tN that he llvvs: ntujif,' thi> now nmnulnniiKi-d loud iii-twi'cii; Horksbnitr and Ueh'idi'n.-. Tla-re are so, inuny ri'cklfMt iiutiiiuubilists wlio take ad-• viiiitiipjnf that Due run. The other dayi one of tln> machine." killed Mr. Loin mason's; tlog nml one of his best shet-p.

Sir. ami Mr*. ,T. \Y. Sniunrfiihert,' andMrs. J. (1. Ilmkaw mid children spent hintSI>l>Ilt lllht

idav witii;

Koino iiii-n in Nowton nre tivlkiiif,' of i evi-'vhik' tliui>ld-tiiniiSii>H!X county fair. Tlu--laMt H'IIMOII tliat tin* fair was lit'lil in New-]

tun was in isiw,•TlicW. D. Ai*bftwm-C\i.-"of Xowtun is.;

biiLiiL-liiii our, liiiviu^ n-iiti'd n store in '3Ii(lilhktown« N. Y.. wlmri' a inent iim! veto-;tutilt'market will h.!i)i)i<ti>Ml. , \

[iiteidt'iKiiniiiiitioiial ovauu't'listii: incft \imrswillbchi-Mbytl limvln-s «.r Dover •this fall. Tbry will \,v mult'i- tin- clirrt-tinn Ftil tin; great uvaitgi'li^t, Ur. J . Willnir('lia[:-:

•Itic'ib .1. llcck, a \vt*1i-tliimght-uf old (ii-r- |iniili of Frciii'litfuvii, and n-CfigiH/cil as one |of tlie iiti^t Hirilty fjinncr.-in Hiiiitcidoncounty, iliwl iL-cfiitly at the great age uf W:.yeiin*.- • • : • • i

Kaymimd .McComicl], tt twelvi-yi'in-old !huyuf Aiinaialalf. is laitl n)> with itillnin-nuitory rlimiaiutiMii, mid tue doetiirj* say i t ;it was lirouglit oti by tuning in Kwiininiug itnoul'ttrii.

The Rummage Sale is the greatest sale of its kind held in our city—pronounced so by the thousands of more than satisfied customers who haveavailed themselves of the Rummage Sale bargains.

There will be no let up in the Rummage Sale until we are rid of everyvestige of Summer surplus stock. The sacrifices are very great; but that is ourloss, your gain.

The offerings are so many, for the whole sjtore is in the movement, thatevery day brings forth something new, and the marked prices are such that sellthe goods quickly. They are often at half of their original prices.

Wednesday afternoon is a half holiday in Easton; all stores are closed. Wetake advantage of this half holiday to do some rummaging ourselves. The effectof our rummaging will be seen Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

utlJtiHtnipnt or Oiurtsi-M. :At KAHTliN, Fninklln Hi»u«v, TL'KSHAYa :

Address, Uitth. Pa,,_Thu lalKirvnt eiuiiliiyeil In thu tain .lohii Shie*jd7._nuir tirovi-i-, 1


over tlie Pnttt-oflicc,Ci'iitro H([iinre,

EASTON.PA.Car Fare Allowec

Careful Examiuatio:••":•••.•::"-:;.. o f - E y e s : r : - " - : ' " '

and the fitting of

Spectacles and EyeglassesThousands of SatLsficd Patrons.

O T T O J A R C K , OpticiaV,•Ml Nortliuiupton St. EASTON, PA.


they wiinted tuurt; immev. 3Iost of them i 3 t a t l -r«rust;d to return to work but a little Lightning stniek thu big burn of .Tmnesmuumlnfr liv the etintmuron Imluccd fimiL* i Hiirrtiii in Ureen tnwnship, Husws rounty,of thuin to i-i'Mime their jobs. liwt Tuesday night, destruying it. I-.vury-

.syssri^reiiK^^^H^^aevimil from Warren county. Theodora »"niUKU u f oul> *1-"011'Hentli. wntuuvud iu 1HKI for i:j year» on a Them is a iimut little boom going on f( rrape elmrge. wiw paroled, iw was also Ar-, JiK'Ob L. Bunnell, editor of the isewtontliur VanVoi'duii after serving three and a : HtTiiliI, as a candidiittt fur benatur in Stis-imlfofhiM HVB years' term for umliezzlc- sex fonnty this fall. If diameter, loyalty

, inunt. J. Wilson Wiley, .another Wurrun i and sound judgment mUiit for anythiriEf, i: county man, who wassi^itiipliiKt Febmtiryl he ftliould Ki*t tlie. iionimiitioii. • j

for ti year's tinprLsnniuent,'wits pnrole'd. ' ' W. Howard Lake, I'onnerlv Shuriff of |.Mrs. Elizabeth Parks of Btidds Lake died j Huntenlon comity, is at the head of ii syn- j

last week from the result of injuries sus-! dicate whieli mis jiiirchiisea Chnnney Rock,I tained in a rnnawav a few days before. ' a favorite picnic grounds in Somerset conn- jI She and her two children wtre driving ; ty. Thu place will bo modernized and made |when an automobile friphteimd tho horse, j ready for occupancy by next year. jMrs. Parks tuok. the children in her iir'tnsj' A recent game of hall betweun the Kitta-iind jumped out of the wiigon. The in- j tinny* and Steamer Co. Xo. 1, two firejuries sustained led to her death, yhe was i compunicd of Newton, netted $155, which:W years old and leaves a husband nnd i wiis donated to the Newton Mission. Hou.seven children. ; L. J. Martin umpired tho game, which was

A record-bruaking plccn or harvesting! won by the Steamer Co. eight to two.latest methods. | was done by John Phillips, a tanner of i Tho Sussex Independent says that Bill j


NdeniltiniTly: "coVre»;tij(i"wilhIctiKL's fur Um eye. '*Torol(l*'leiiHvs KIVIHK Increused Hold_i>rvliifmi,aHi)ecliil_ty.


. Voorhees' Station, when, in four hours, he j Johnson's health has improved greatly sini.c sand liis men harvested, thnmhed and bagged [he hud ii(Xl feet of tape wonn removed,f'jrty bushels of wheat. The wheat was i which had for some time been flourishing

: bimght by four Hebrews, who desired it} on Bill's gnr>d vituals. His appetite has notI for the Passover bread. A conditiou of f been t<o good since but he feels a whole lotthe inireluuie was that thu grain was tu be i better.

. » . ; M n i ready for Uelivory iliiriug the nftornoim, s-uOtneiM over Itailer's ytort'. .. EASTOH, PA ; t ] m t t\lti pim-liaHers might stiirt home for, .-in,. ,ittom»'

1 j New York by wagon tliu same day. /,.._ I MIlu.'. £™Sl.Hours. Nlae'lo iiitjiVt." uuClvriJpfid


Agent for and Dealer In Real Estatt.JUSTICE OV THK I'EACE,


^ D. V. WYCKOFF,18 Braad Stroot.

Michael Hunt, a young man of Lambert-•ille, attempted suicide one night lasti-eek by cutting his throat from ear to oar.

> * **' J Hi« groansaroiised the other members of I: Good Investment of One Dollar. ] the hotishold. The cut was not a deep one, If you have ba.I breath, constipation. '"'•! the .pnek arrival of a physician saved ,: pain in the small of tho back, discolored " p

'skin, nervousness or dizziness, your only Newton papers are piping Xora Miller as! wisu connu! Is to tnki> Or. David kounedv's the youngest bndoinNew Jersey, bite is! Favorite Remedy, of Rondout. X. V. "it | ••* yenw. ijitd U mouths old. The "lucky"'• will cleanse thu blood of all impurities, miui w Mike Kampka, and Jlike's futureregulate the Kidnuys and Liver, and thus 1 happiness rests u together, on whether therestore a healthy glow to vour cheeks again, r K""i s f«lh«r g«ts hold bf linn or mil. The

J b * ' b ] couple were recently married in Spartu.



Judging from past records of the coal trade,

I believe there will be an advance.in the

: price of coal during the summer and I

earnestly advise my patrons to lay in their

Fall and Winter supply without delay. We

have all sizes of both

Lehigh and Scranton

RAILROAD RUMBLINGS. Mrs. Lewis flordon, a Pittstow

..••Tlie'.UaUSipuilCo.-or Qitru-oal is !>uikl-! iVnis'Tiicsiiay-i J ^ U l l K m t l l W J l t l l g p l i i t ^ l I rrall

wuy on the ]>rev-s the last survivor of

JW^—^-^inKJ^UllKimtiiililWmiJoltBlilgplii.iit.^J—.lii IIIPJI. rurally i>r•Sldlliikiuir-WorrKnjsiiiiityJ o u r -advice - - ' • ' ' —

w= D;

I^LJ / ™ \ \ X 7 f II m stock and can fill orders promptly. When

. . .i - ••:;*:; ll.r >yc -.!>»>\again it will. doubtless.be,:,at ad-

vanced prices. Again we say, FILL YOUR COAL BINS NOW!

You viir haYFgooUl:^^^

. our. .;iid vice.-^^u^;

Uelviderc Ave.' aud1,7 ''- Morris GniiaK"7 ;

lmiiml-r.1fe lUMUnuv• Wonderful Uargalu,

i\ - Ueal •Estnlc.Agent- ..;iwini! Miller,

liimnuPrnportr.. ISM"nr, an- old -T iirkiiWanim t'tigin-1 claim ' rubhar

'ho was located at isV-wto;^ a nd Port j waste and inaiuifauture rubbJr gw)ds'."ibhar, deal •. in.:- rubliei'-scrap.; liinl'•••.;

, .til tlie"Lehiyli'."& NewEngland, with headfjunrters at 1'en Argyl.

; Coalj "Bumbef; and Building Materials;

NEW.. JERSEY, BRIEFS._... j :-FOLLOW.riTHEv.CROWDrAT 'DINNERTIME ! •"Tiio machine' i ihops-ofthe'I^knwnnna-ftt ! " : : • • " - ^ " ^ ^ " J ^ ^ f ^ ^ ^ f ^ , —1 _v..:::;..:;;... von'11 tiiid it h ended for11-,"-.1- ; -—•; Utica, which havo been • located there ' for} ' -'•"••• '•'" ;" • :— ' ' "•'



L'O years, will be removed to Scranton, withthe exception of sufficient nmuhiuery to dnlighOvorli repairing."" Lewia-Hiirr, who for several years hasbeen engineer of the only locomotive onthe Roukaway Valley Railroad, died a fewdays ujrn a t his homo in \Vliitoliousts hom

He - :i!i yeiu-JT'ofrt'iiiid

er.somil Attcntloi•• Waahlnpion Avon

leaves ii wife and three'children.- While iiiHtniirFwiis"'riiiiiiiii»7iieai^I)ela^i-w»ro^;]!t'j|~ViVdiioS'-liiy-niHiii-. -ChurlMiller, a Sc'raiiton brakemau; fell" oil1iiiid tumbled down intit '-u"uiilvert.-III»f.s-

. wipe fi'um dea th -was miraculoiH.•* His Tn-,'or Night. .:—•-! iurioscoiiHisted of a badly cut face ami araitilnoton'M • |"J f terribie bruise ou.tha,iaw. , ,

NOTICE."'"'"-' In llic Mntter-of the Usliilcofl Knicto Hnr

>el<;r N. JiicobiH, iletensctl. f .CretHtors.11 1'iiTJtiinnt lo tin; order"oi'iJic Survofiiite ol the'• Co«iitvor\Vnmiii,mntleoti;the twcuty-suvct.Hi'•- -'tiny of Mny, A •H.'Ninetfu.n I lmul tc t lmu! Vhe"•""•" *~'notice' 1H hereby slvctt lo nil persons imvltiR

. . i "clnlinsaKtiiiist Iho cstnlc nf I'eler N. Jncobits,lute of-Hie County or .Wurrvti, • tlcceiixcd, lo

„...;,.:.; ^.nrcRcul llic suittc-.to the.siib-«:riln:rs,.his.cxecn..•r- trices, on or "before". the-Twenty •sevenlifiliiy of

Vi ;: l-'ebmnry, A. D. 'Nlnutccn Hundred nnd Al\,•!ir- licliij? iili:c;montliH from thu ilnle of the sni«i

. order; mill niiy creditor neglect lug lo brini; Inuixl exliibil his o r ' . h e r diilins underonth uvitmriiiiitlou, within the time so limited, will heforever bnrrcil of his or her nctinn ngninst tlie

. snitl cxeaitrlee«. MAKV ]-*, jACOlitiS.;• -: • _ UniTu N. JAcoiiusr

Untcd: Mny S7,-igo5- Ifxeeutriees.


There will be nu eclipse of,tlm HIUI oirAugust Ml.1 . . ,;.. ' ::, "

.John D. RoclcnleliiirV' benofactionsamount to about 5=r>l,(HH),0lMf. . ..• _ ,. :....-v

One of fashion's fuueii's this year is thatmen's haiidlcercliiers nuist mateli the color

Jersey City's population is isa.tl!)!), an in-creasy in flve years of aJ,SK«. •

All the Grand Anny Posts of South Jer-sey aro to have a rcutiioii at Millvillo inAugust. •' '-:;

A syndicate is planning to build a gi;eutocean boulevard between Atlantic Kiliti-lands mid Cape Slay. It will bo 100 miles

. l o n g . .-• :•• : , . ^

Judge W.. N. Run yon of Plaiuiluld hasaimoniiced his canuiilacy for the ritute

.,Seiiiitoi1ship.fi'oin...lJuioii,.cpuutj'. to succeedj Seimtor Cross.T^iLJK:,;^^

Tho borough of Rutherford now has awoman minister—Hov. Elizabeth Padglinm.She-lias just been culled to tliu iins-torato ofthe Unitarian church.

oftiieir siiVrt^X" "'" ' " ' "^1.11 brant'r ; '^iirsiuulo'Ti'ueCm^ it"i"is paying boys ten cents a ijuart for niter- Ocean •Ilium's that threaten the destruction of tho ' -park trees, -.z^r.

\Vm. E, Iloburioh, proprietor ol' a hotelat Alllfonl, Pa., died n'ci'atly from blondpoisoninc•nrisiug froin'aB.iiijury. to his tue,"sustained lfl years ago.•A-MaryShadow, tho largest-woman, iu.tho" ' * " " • "•* iia, (lied at her homo at

Alany barbers htiviv mndo it hit by in-stallin^.teleiihones in their- shops at Pat-erson. Thej' are placed on the chairs for.tho convenience of customers.

A largo aiiiiniiit of business was dona: by" ' " ' latthe Stati: board of pimlons at Sea Girt last

'Woek.t™NillUi.y-ruurVHMj» wore considered.T1 '

. . . _tvd.p e n were pardoned and -11 paroled

l!t CJIKOS wero dismissed. Libliie Rtirni-lW tll f l l

m i e d L i b i e Rti. . o.vor.imtll full. • ; . - .

an •economical old'niouihoi' of -"U101

ounty Board of-Freeholders who,bill came before tho Board for

™ SLiir-iind -Tri-Weokly N^Y;~Tribunc,-$2.25 per year, payable in advance. ' ^ >

t ' L . -S2..66.

The New jersey cState Normal and ModeljSchooP

-: riTlie-Normal :Scliool:i!> ti professional school devoted to"the preparation"'

of teachers for the public .schools of New Jersey..'.'. •:,.' 7 ""'".":..""

.i, „•....;:. .'.'.'.„,.','..- Cost per year for board, 5154.00. "'"'jj. „;_ i ^'

. 'The Model School offers a 'thorough academic course, preptvrajory to~~college, business or the. drawing room. Total cost in the Model School, 'inclmling board and tliilioii,"5200.00 per year,"._.. , ''

Donititorics with modern home-like equipment. -For further iiiforiuntion address, ,; v i . •

„ ! " ^ . •.' ~ j fM. :GREEN;=-Principal,',;..,.,;. "''L.' .•_:••.• - . • , ' : , ; - . : • •••:••• • ••'•-•-..-•.•.•-•••- ^ - ' - T r e n t o n , N e w j e r s e y . -


A high-class.preparation for'tho'hair. Keeps the hair soft andglossy and prevents splitting at the.ends•"iCures dandruff andalways restores color to- gfay^fcalr.-ii^'-Hi^'WiALgMaigit'^'*


Boys', Misses'and Children's Shoes in all the'-. , . Leading and Up-to-date Styles.

Patent Colt Shoes, t 50,Roys' Pr.tenl2.00, 2.30.

Boys' Patent Colt Oxfords, 1.50

Boys' Tun'Shoes, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75," . • " 2 . 0 0 . - ' " • • • - • ' • ' • • . • • - . • ' • - - -

Boys' Tan Oxfords, 1.50, 2.00.Hoys' lilnck Vici ami Box Calf

Shoes, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50.

Ijtlle Gents' Black, Tan, PatentColt Shoes, 98c, 1 25, 1.50.

3 s ^ P t r l t ? ! O eanil 1.50. "' " " *" ' ; ' — - " -

Jliss^es' Blnck VW Kj(!Sh5es,J8c,

MVlraiTiand 1.75.

Misses' Patent Colt Oxfords, 98cand 1.25. -.

Misses' Black Oxfords, 98c and1 . 2 B . ' • •

Misses' Tan Oxfords, 98c and 1 ^25::

Children's Patent Colt Shoes. 50c75cand 98c. ,.. -

Children's Black Shoes, 50c, 75cand 98c. . , . . . . ,

Children's I'an Shoes. 50, 75caud98c. -: ; . : : ,

Infants' While, Bine, Pink, Red,«.""tl ^ " Sho^bnUon and l^ce,

.ywell as the l(ifyer:/™one>t1_very ~• large variety, from 50c to 1.50.

The Shoe Man

ExperimentsAre Expensive

; TELEPHONE service. : •' "" " ~ ".'

j Pennsylvania -Telephone Comp'y,) WASHINGTON. N j .

ocxxjocracratraoooooooocKMoooocsooooooocroocwooooooooco o "

Dr»MMr\T>"rrliT;wirol.K_s,v:i,i;l9P?.?LESS EXCAVATING OF"'-^

S R O S T ^ l i T F i o r i s t s - • - "S"RNS'CESSP00LS'ETC

5 5 ^ 7 West 26th Street, New York.--N. Y.'Telephone No, 2438 Midtion Sq.l-> RETAIL STORES.

145 Newark Ave. and Penna? Depot,Jersey City, N. J. , ;

T1IJ-; niKkrsisiKvl is prewired lo do nil workx in liis line nt jtliorf notice mid - 'williout nnV o(lTcnsIvc smell..Work nil .lone during t!ic dny. ,l'ciws renjioiiiible, • Of t l e r s -by - - Iin till or PomisyK'nnin Tcleptioncreceive nronipt nttctttlon. -.; t.


I'Uilndclplitit'KuncI,' South Side, KABTOS, PA,^^™ti ;Oi . f ic»ve'ordersat'dTAR ofnee: -^" :"" ;


Page 8: til THE BALL...r ; : Circulation tiVliKin-tlinn 3.900 I" rVK ;••."'' :.vfi"SigSSS?;?;*S


^Mil ler ' s ! , PERSONAL MENTION.

Open 6 ii. tic. to 10 ]>. in. cluriiij; Julv ami j Local Kvcnis of the Six Days Brlrtly Cbroa-

W U * ••'"• • • • W e d l o r Q u i c k P e r a i i l . • [ ] '

:-'.'i i'Ri.il Ciiii Kul

Sticky Fly-paper 3 double sheet

: Fly pawnsto:clo<e out. 15c. 20c-; ami ,^c. • . .

.Matches—Chips. Grocer's, Goose.:?•'VIIICIHI palely, Wind and l'ailur

• M u l c h e s . ' •.:••'

~Perfmiii.il Snap, iccake.

Ml*. ChicrU-H Eiicrlish i« VIHIUUK nt his! Mn». Ow-ji'r Jettory Inliiwciiig u few CTIIJMhomo IK Scrniiton Tor two wcokic. , «' with relatives ut Urcw-o, Pa. , . . . . ; . ;

. . MlucCicrno Eilenlxnjif lucii lm.-n »p..nc|. Jll^Violn Bowc-n I1111., rotiir.ie.1 from ic> . « . Y»"n A"\ .u u . 1 IllKsMVvnil.lHVHict Asliurvl 'nrk.— - : ! fortnight's visit with llc-r aunt,Mrn. \V. E.IiA Wetk's Record of iho- Movements ol • J r . A«-h ttVIW «|H,nt Snmiayiit Jim-k. j «»•-•" ' •« k » 1 ' » ' i t -i the People You Know. : .-iiitiyi.-r'(» li.»u-l nt Mi.imtiiiii 1.11k..'. • Mr. mul MI-H. E.livai.1 t'«inrtrij;tit Hiwiit

Mi-, an.! ! I» ; W. W. ClirlKtlnu linvo IH.I-11 j l l u " « " •* M n " ' M » '•"'"• ,in N\-w York wvcncl ilnyr. llilH week. 1 Sir. EciL't-ao Hliiim-r of X'rcvark U at the-

Mr. J.1I111 W. LmiRc-r will L-icvci the hut i.f 1 1 " " " u u t " u Parent", tor u few day*,this wc-i-k rora two week"' stay nt Awtmrv > Ml*. 0. X. Hiitc!iin«<>ll wiix tho Kueat ofPark. ', \ ' - ~ * Mr*. K. Hopkins In Brooklyn from Tn.-xiliiy

Mls» Cam.-Hawk ..r nl,,,mi»linr)-'" t in- ("" '« FriilayofWtw.-,-k.: , ":•,, ,:-, ,: ,; , . , . •v.,.,.,,.,,,.- isiu-st ..r Miw Eth.-l Uirllntt for wc-.-ral Mr*. Dnvlcl Myoncuf IlirMnml b making

•I S i v d o / , , , . : ' " r a l » . . « . . - ! • ' >«catloli. wt,.|i«. a vWt of u Cow .lay* with Mr. ami Mm.' ' •' ! . '»«. ' f t '" ' ; ,) " ' i X S ? " '"" '" i 5 | i " »"" • * ' •«" 1-vWtlmrtl.o family ,,f Uolin P.-m.n on Gncn.l avenn,-.

n * i m i * i n hc-i.oi. '" •S1""1">- !n.-lilltvSiiirc.L-ate.Tlic-..liV.C.-arti-r, inlk-l-i Dr. K -I. I-eltiow anil familyr..-limi.-.l!3lr.lM«-tlll! 'i!K-talr<rfBi>ii>»iv!i>Vm:v | lYmj * ; Mmiiluvi.ftcrii teiiiliivs-vi-.it with relative* >

..,,Tn,-»lnyi..HH.|iiNl.mtli.-rll..}-. ; , , , , , - , „„„,„,, .„ , ^ . , l t s , , t m , , , , v Hi. Soml,1«,rt an,l Uri4-.-l.ort, Conn :Mr?. Al.niin Kl..l« ..r lliic'ki-ttictiiwu Mient „,,,! SIIII.IIIV In-n- u« 111.- 'isiwl .'f Mr. Alton i Mr. anil Mra. Oseur 1.. Unclnbac-h and' win <

\V.:ilnt-.-.lo.v at tlu- M. h. imi-Minai!.'. Uow.-iv " i Arthur Mient from Hiittirili.v until Mondav iMi*. FJnii William* or I'hili.il.-li.liia .him , M r , ,,.,„.,.,. l l n , , m l i a „„{„,. , „ ,,, , , , h i s . ' » x " « * ">'k aim at Mount Vc-rnon. ' j

liiTii>Ii.-nilin1;t.-ii.lny.-< with MINH llu Ui-.-i>. . varatlnn ii.-si 'w.-.-k wlili r.-lat(vw in : Mm. Alony... II. Illtslvr and ilaliRhtor.li.lm M. O.inunt of LwlU N. .1.,'Ni-wurk. , KIIzal.c-thcr|»-i.lSaliiid«y-wltli ' • '

ictloii. .

>- «.ti.Mr... . . .1 Mr-- K.

a .Mit.-ln-U

, (tl:

».-iit Snuil,iv

E g K CilllU-l.-,

Siiliiiiliiy witli iRTlmrnitii.!

f ' & ™ ? """'''' M"w''"ri P ° r ' |' ' - M r . nn.l Mr*. C. It. (iiriwutoranil IIIIUBII-i

„„„„„„„„ iuU;S-^i3^Sfes i!±af i^sMiiflmr. • ltdM-vilK-, X.!W York a

f hy l t dMvi lK , X.!W York

.Mr. Tl i in i iasH.-s toa !-[.i'»t tlir.-w iliiys lust s n-st »f t h e Milntm>r.w l c i i . t h . - B ; i B t i . l M r P J S k . i t o i i » t X c « r ; M D h f P : S

vWt) fr|(.ii(|s | n | i Mis,„„,,,„!,„,,.,„,.„,„„,,,,„„„,!,„„„„!i NV-wark r»r tlm Jaft.'f a lour weeks' visit i h l l i

M l Mi.rtllo afti-i-a lour weeks'visit witli linr i,mcli.V

T. . . . .... .. . parents, Mr. ami Mi.-*. P. nnnalian, nlE g K •LilllU-ls, =5C. C l a s s 1-.KKS. ; „ , , . » , „ , . „ . „ , , . , . , ,,| M,-:p..l.SextonntNc«-!- M r . David P. S. .Vunn of Port fol.lon Oifonl.:'TtlU- Kiiu- T t u n k « Satclll-ls Dic-ssI U " K ' " " " - s - ' • ' luu lieen in I. wrv erilleal c-olidltlou, hut In MisslJiura Jlarlnlt of lie Hider-Moore-JVltl Mil. . . . 1 I I I I I K . . . . . B I I . I I I I S . I J I I . » 5 I t o s vivliui R..U>rto. .f .liuimkii, U I.. is ' .n.w a c-onvnlem-iit. : 1 Stowart hcisiness c-ollc-L-e. Ti-enton. ia home

Si l l ! Cases |,,«.n.liim two weeks with Mr. and » B , ; Miss Knte (VIIIIOIS and tor miest. Miss ! S!"! , . , '1 ' ' ' ' " ' •• : . . . . Mi,...-|ili.\IeUi.y. : Anna Werwin ot BridReport, Conn., spent! v i , ' , „ ] « „ p r M / • , , , „ „ , , „ „ „ „ „

; S S ' J l r s . W a l t e r C l a r k o M V a l t o n . X Y . . i s . W e d n e s d a y a t E a s t , , , , . ' „ . . , \s^iJ$Al where the laS" Si"• •• , iiinkuiita wiurt vu.it uitli Mr. and .Mrs. Ii. ; Mi-S Lillian Sc-|;ollie has lieen very 111 ror I er, Mrr.-Meauher, is a patient at tho Gen-v _ ¥ _ _ i n 1. Dedllek. ise.eral .lay» with an imuscmlly wvoni | end Hospital.

MILLER S, '"" '% V. (y],lHisf

"'1"? .'ll'"..™""1'1'

nd -Mrs. Ii. :

:ark a re !

Inn. in 'Mr. I". V. C'yj.hers- f.iniilv of Xewark are i nttaek oi itilllocisiiess. ' i Ahram'Miller It. piu'j.iiii,' 'diis week with |

' ~ "' " '" • --' York is with : relatives In Piiillipslnirt: hut will return on j

-?l -15 "i" 17 r \\f.. •Ulrtntnn \ . m I Ml*s Mary lleaiiv of Uloom.-lmrv wasa21-23'2.v2f fc. WabhingtOn AVC.! ,,i,,,rat.Mr. ami Mrs. .1. n. Wrislif* lint

j Saturday and Sunday, •';>.." t UiN-'Cbicrlcttc Dncke of Philli|isl,ni-S was

Uh.-K.iestefMi.-s.l.-ni.li-Klrvkerrrolii Wed-HOCO«*'*rHAS GIKII BCTTtR, IF EQUAL.; nesday nut

Mil•I- parstay .i

it's'. Mr."aud"Mn.'.1!J. sTvunSli? for i Prlilny In time to ntten.l V...„;,. . . , , . . , t Saturday tmde.

i , ,- I . v .- rl . 1 I Miss tllliau Donnellv. who holds an ex-' " • • '•"'""-»• Noiinrk nlnl •'i eellent positjon as liookkeeper and steno-A n 7 u t . , , k n n t a

, , ' K h l V W I nrrln-1 I I on In !iath' "ift'o",! 'njuislmi'tonf.

».W" » ' «cn.



tin- KiU' t I'l'Mi.-S.li'tlMh'SlrvkL'l-rnHii W'vii- i \ i l x j ( . i l t . iini-nn .,,f Itfihli>ht>iil Pa i> 1 V.I V- i r> ! n»-n *nesiaynntil:Monday. : ^ , i n ^ " ' i ^ U ' will, lijr^slsier"iir»: , . ^ S m i ^ K e ™, iwhe'lioest''ofilid,-

Mr. Allie,-. That.-licr of Newark is visit-1 jWviu H.d.liisoii. on (.1crlt.il. avenue. : « Z . & lia -moml" S t a n K at Le.lBe-nic,-Mr on,IJll>. -lo.e|ih Iliorp cm AllORc-r • M,.. „,„, M , , , I I n r r y I.,,,,,.,. ,,,,,1 «„, of vood. for ten dav.<.str.el lor a short lime. Pliillliisliimi .-pent Salnrdav anil Sninlav as ! ,,, „ , . R,,j,.,i, ,,,,„,,„ „„ M,,,,,I,,,. r,,.

Mrs. S. T. U-.-cllv was fnnii I'rldav until : ihe Kn,-sts of ill-, and Mrs. Hubert Lane.-. : ! j,.™J^Y\*J SCK *!il w'll ioiii rS-mlsScniilicy nJKlit In iraek.'Ustown visitmK Mr., iu> T , ,,. uiek.-r anil cliiURlilor Mnry. of j from Trenton liouuii for a tiiree weeks'

, anil Mis. lm-,,,l,ae Hall. i Kastnn. are .-nemliin;,! lew days with her isoiourn at Lake fieorce.Mrs. Aoiinstns Crevelititr of Jersey Citvi

tlieunestof .Mr. and Mrs.-Ciem-'iie J(. jyoun ,tinc-c.*. ' l i e vwim.y iium who IK-C -leels li, insure his life, even thoughit etil.-ils inueh ' hardship to niee.thetha>u tijustice.

Tlii>sucef^worldssn-ib't.'townfind iuM

nil Sirs. Tin-.,."!..!'., lialj. " i l:a'sVon/ar'e'sJ'ei,d'ins'1a'ie'w'lcTavs' with'' her. . . . , , , , . , , Mr.-l.diu \Velkrand l)r. lIaiTyt-i,:iiigeii-!-ister. Mrs.ll". W. Waidlini!. liroacUtreet.

» M.I.I; " I would advise a l l . W r c c r e lh,- liiu-sl.or Irnmls at l.,ike! Mv. Edward t o iv of llnlioken iunl m , - - - . .men to take OUt life illSlir- Ilo|«m-..|.i! last Saturday. . J1 | s> i A,,hmm c,,,,,,,^ ,,f Elision spellt Dawes yesterday.. Slnj lll.lemls to pass tile

• Mr. and Mrs. Lewis 1). I-'lorey have Mnwlnr wltli their inotliei- on CVnletery nest six week.s in the \\ lute Mountains,anned to Ieavi-in a eouiile of days fora Hill. ' ! Messrs. I-'rank I'arley. Frank Ateu and Ie.-ks-slay al Aslmry Picrk. : Mi-srs. 1'r.il K. (.lirUlue icncl Fniick T. i Murk Addis are aatieipatilid »IK-I.IIIIIB|.Miss Mary Mullen of Philadelphia lias : Xutze i.l.cved In tl,e oreliestra at Island aliout three days the early part ol nest;-liinie.1 h. • i.tt.t- sin-iidluic u week here ;P»ik,in Snudav. The Inner did the solo week In New \ork mid at Coney Island. I,.-i;u,-lol .Mi-sl.i.las'i'eirs. work..Mrs. Davi.l limlrou and da.if;liter.-Iean i .Mr. and Mrs. II. S. \'oi;el

dee* himself :uidI upc.il him an in-

,pi!iiou of one of Ihe mosti;! business men in alt the- alsu the opinion oi thehusiu.ss n:eii in your ownIt is nciviee wul th liLedint;i;-i upon d'iiiiy.


t r . m a i i i l d a i

llanra'l'aiil!inn'ilvaiul (la

t ;


Mrs. Sinilh Skin

inotli.T, .Mrs. \Viis..n frotslt-y.aventi.-.

Mi.-s liinle',1 Kolililns ,,f lirau.l Knplds.Mic-lc. V -I't'iiilliii: a w, eh 1,,-re vlsitinj; Ic.-rline!.- and aunt. Mr. anil Mis. ("onu-liasl : . .1 .1 •> i . - .

Mr .h.M-pli p., i:,iin,Mills lias ri-tarned

I Mrs. .1. L1im.nl Woodruff of Sprint-Held, i• ..I ,r CMuti"'.,! X. -I., is siielnlimr tlie week wuh her !

' velils wi lh^er 'o" : ! 1 ' "^! '^ .^" 1 :"^: '* ' : . . .?!.I,-w..r!1.™.lTi, ..mi r'riuay with rli.-iii ami'tliev v1 return to their home l-ip-ther that ev.ini!.

Mrs. Frank T. Xutz.- aad IIIICIRII• in Lansdal,-. I',... visitinc her liroand sister, who lire al-n eat--i-tfuui

BlCt '&.•B1CK, Special Agents,

802 Broad St.. NEWARK, N. J.

The Stale MutualLifeAssuranceGo.

oi Worcester, Mass.

. • ! • :

illi. n,,.|ii.im! • 3 1 |

i- : ci,,

"I .•x-Muv., , , \; ViiniiiimMUl,

Wii is l.i.-


r Brooklyn 1,and Mrs. W. S. Onilyla few days.

. r nre IIOIII i i t l ni;

lit P o r t Cold™

a-oll' imil


i i , , , , i Misi-.-sElitli. Margaret aad Mary HlilV-!-.!ami daliKlitei Mrf , ; , , l t , t . Yoaniaus and Messrs. Daniel' " 11?'!!"l-' -\lr- i ami Hiirrv s>an-;i-iil»-r..-. Alfred Hi

Flank I1..IT passed hist Thursday pi[lieim-kitm at Mountain Lake.

a ™ f . i ! i v ^ : s ^ ' f . ;,,•;'•;•-»°J Mra- "•1!- Lau""';"!iiul

' " mil Lontentcdly . .i.,,;,,.

Ihuehm-i'li in tin- .11. E. pal.^iliiip'. luonliis.Mr.' Finnic 'Irofl1 ol .\.-\v York iiii.se.:1 Mrs. Fianiii.-l-'lovey n-liirne.l lioin

Satm.lay and Siiii.lnv witli h t i.ioiliir. : Friday after a vi-n of several week.-Mis. Iliiniiiil. ciroir. ...i'.liiekhi.iiiiv.-iiu<-. .her mother in Plainlleld :tov.-ii.hip.

Mis- U u m L n m l , mul liroiher R,,,well oi ; s.vlvama. . 'i'liil;.ilei|i[[!ii ale quests at .Mr and Mrs. ' Mr. nlnl Mrs. 1-.. <.•. I1

. italpli ltasli s ill .Montana tor a we>k. li-'i'll'.Mi'.. Anna Kpeils is holm-from Philadel-

1'hia ..11 a 1 no w.el;s" va.atiou whii-ii si;.- i- •-icruliiifi uit l i ' ln-r I her. Mrs. Jniia-s! Harry lonvs ie r .

• S p i t s . i . lerks. is »» his vaeation tins weel;. lint is i,.-!-. < J.-iti 11.1.-. Mrs. Aloono P. Lewis ainlMr. Mick c:v,,|,,.rs. who is here from : I«'T|".I-'' "1,V."rVn.t'!on '• ''' " '""•1" l t < l l> . .l=iiic!liti-r Mi.K-1. i\ .and Mrs. . I B . Ilam,,-

Vul. iitine Xel. lor a visit v i th In- amid home attraetious. i ton and liunily andMis< olive \\ i l leverare•mother, is'now vislnnir relatives in Dell,'- Dr. F. P. Farrow left Tuesday iiiorniuj: i spendin s ten days in Ocean I irovo.

vill.-in..! Ucseville. . T o r Asl.nry Park .a iiin.iwny w.tli liu. j j | , . . Lewis Werwin ef llolyoke. Mass..Mis. S.|F. Flc.no ami .Inuuhler of Xew-; J ' " ' " ' - " [ ; . ( ' • " ' f , Z l m m e S x ^ V o m l n v ! i"™'»l»"ie.l l>y his sister Miss Anna, of ,

ark are VMHIIK her pareiil5, Mr. and Mrs. lh.-y expect to i etui n home next JIoiulicj. :Un.ls.-]>ort. .Coin... liave heen visituiB a t j• .lames 11. (.'voter-. Mr Fr .me was wiih -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Frills of Huston, i tlie lioiueof Miss Unto Connorsoii Cemetery ,

iliem'overSui iluv ' : forn.n-lv.nf I.ouateoiia township, drove H i l l . - Tin- former returned home M.inilnr. iAil-Mho.ie «.,;«•„•. , i th c- - i n- hen-Kainnlavnn.lpiissed Sunday witli his I while Miss Werwin will remain until nest tMissMinnieS euail^.ol the c oiaisholliee : j ^ , , , ^ M l . - „ •„ , ; p . Frills, southeast of: week. • • • • • j

l. , i l l | . ,sn«ii>.. i , , . . . i i . i tu. .weeks visit w u h , j j I i s l __,„„„ s l l , l f l , r l , r x e wark ; formerly j

to her ! Oxford, is not seriously ill. as reported toInivini,' j the ST.\n in u letter ot a friend two weeks

tin- j at,'o. The party who contributed th .


of Fine Summer ClothingThe talk of the town is this remarkable Clearance Sale

of fine Summer Clothing. That it h is been such a markedsuccess is not surprising, however, when you compan the lowprices with the high quality of the garments th.rt have beenoffered.

Our stock is fast diminishing, but owing to its size anddiversity there is still a certainty of satisfaction, and values areas good as ever.

Sack Suitsin single and double-breasted Chev-iots, Worsteds and Tweeds—

$ 8.00 Suits now $ 4.00 to $ 6.0010.00 " '"• 5.00 " 8.00

12.00 " ' " 7.00 " 9.50

15.00 " ". - 10.00 " 12.00

20.00 " " 14.00 " 16.00

Boys' SuitsLong Trousers, 14 to 20 yrs.—$ 6.50 Suits now $3.50 to $4.75

8.00 " " 4.00 " 6.00

10.00 "' " 5.00 " 7.50

Children's Wash Suits at sacrificeprices—38c, 50c, 75c and $1.00.Sold at double the price early inthe season.

Wash Knee Pants, all sizes andcolors, igc. '

Men's Serge Coats, blue or black,$2.20, $2.40, $2.80 and $3.20.

Mohair Coats, black or gray, $1.20,$1.40, $1.60 and $2.00.

All Summer Underwearat a Discount

25c grade now 19c5 0 c " . " • , 3 8 c

7 5 c " " 5 0 c

$ 1 . 0 0 •". " 7 5 c ' • _ . ' .

Straw Hats at a TerribleCut in Price

Young Men's Sennitt and Split Srawat 38c, 50c, 75c and $1.00.

Soft Straw Hats, in all shapes, at19c, 38c, 50c, 75c and $1.00.

A few Genuine Panama Hats left —$ 5.00 grade now $3.50

10.00 " " 6.00

Mr. C'lmrlrs licntly of Pleasant 0.'iit fn.ia WciliiLi-ilav until Tncsdavitli liis iiaivnts, M'r. and Mrs. 'I,

c- Ui-attv. un Van

iBrinc Strvlii'i- ot rhilliiislniri; I mre'e- sisters conuiii; ro nor nonio on nipsiaitatn SAndt .if Enstini were I day aniljiiissiuK tlie day liinqiiii-tlmtinns

All over the store a great sacrifice on allSummer Goods

Clothier and furnisher gryant


Nine More Dd.ys of the"Semi-aBiraal


Tnistei;a iimliT thowtli of Andrel l l d

G.C. YOUNG, M. D.,, Ch ron i c Discuses a Specia l i ty .

V.- • '•'"' *'" V (8 to n n. in. ,.,Office Hours; V a io 4 p. m. , ,

,,., " 1,6 to H p. in.

Breaks no Hearts, Excusesno Crimes. ^

Dr. David Kennedy's FAVORITE REMEDY Isnot n dlngiilHCd etitmyof Uioliuiminrnco; wl«;relt'cumi"t help,itdoisBniit harm.. H.ls.cmii|iowil ofv»t«lilo"ln'niilrt*iitfi aml;'(lncB'notheatorinili\ine-

t ciMJirt nml (-Urifli'S It. In all CUMU ot"nijiliiint*, Omrtlpnllon ofKidney trniiblCH, I.lvcrc

tho,]lowcls, and this1 ilrlt "iicningei iiirli

•.•»mi<uM!'iin imlOiiii^:i»i nurty aii.l on Stm- u7i(')iitmvii:"''ilrt.:.''"j(»Im"Vv. /unifvko^ of

day mn.lo n trip L; Huliiwnr*. Wntcr Gim. R ( W O v inu . Mm Depow Uouulierry, uf Bolvt-"" Insiwrtionthiswiiok, ( { ( , r c . M W i Hurliurt Llglit-, Uxncaster. Pa.:

.. - lM l '?! l l t s u t i! l t e reHt- Mrs." tiunnnu 'KiivltK, uf W"L'HtlliiUl;i^!iss(""Ainoiifi tlio liutncroiis <:ain)»in^ parties Etliel Sliiffort, Miss Itutli Hamloti, nf Dcla-

' | tluiUiropliinnitislo Iwivu W.ihtiiiiuiuii.rnr wiiro Park. ';<J:. : <£,' ..A pui'son within gn»-shot\of'this merry

party would n<> longL'i1 wonder wlty tliesocietv was* (jivun tlio linints i t lioavs. Mr.Opilyfi'i, wliu is K«l),iect> to violent' nttneksni' lieiuliiclio, was soon coinint; out of n doe-tor's oflico holding his hwul, and snyinc tonfricml: ."Never ayaiti do 1 want tliatcaljliliiigrsociuty.:' ~ "' '"' ' '~~— " ' ' "Nuxt month tlio s

nflllct women. Hie action of Dr. Kcimmly'e KAVOH-ITIMISMKDY In tmyond pra!*c.,.Tfion«anilfl of

tful people voluntarily umify to t»iin. in k-ttiKennedy; ft""1 •""'• " "•*"

ITIMISMKDY InCratcful people voto Ur.Kennedy; ft

oda vhcli itiercBCBB. I tbreaks ni n l t B land a

nrM. In H« comlnu tln-rc Is hn|to, nndhtro is lienllni;. We delicti no n. Ulal

ent of tho rpaiilt. Your driiKclct Una It.

n outing noxt week is one that will makeCulver's Lake in Sus^x county its destina-tion. ' Tlio imrty-will consist of the f.iiiiilvut JIajor D. E. Vlint, Airs','Eliwilwith Alhert.anil diuiglitcr, Jlis» Hurthn; Mit-st>s Emin'iiand Mary Wt-ll'jr, and .lohn lloidlmnmi mid

| fuinily of-Miswton.i -They, have rentoil.apleas[ihtH(:ottiiH« Ihere for two'-ivccks;-;^!--;:'.;

Mr. Howard R. Slater/:o£ Tyrone, Pa;.formerly of WHshiiiijtou, way in town Tues-day calling on friends. Ho joined his fam-ily, at lijs purentu' homo iu Ilackettatownlast week and today they g;o .to Easternto remain until Monday viaitiug Mrs!.'Slater's mother,. Mm. Elln Thompr>on.Howard is on a ten;days' vacation, Helooks to bo in the best of •health nod is

to a few special stocks, but a whole: store's= •:;

merchandise pruned, cut and price reduced to effect j . ^ ;

- •v:,:complete^clearance^of-Summer,.Gpods.;_.__.-__;. ^ x - v ^ ; ; ; ^ ^ ^

= We are just in the midst of jhe heated term, and

there's lots of time to use the goods, much of which are

"•'••;'•• ••rriarKed;below;:cost.-v-r;:,'rv;;:::'; • • ; - ; : ^ ; ; : v - Y - : i « ? = ; ; r = r ; f ~ S r

v: J?:WARRIN ^STTS^ :-;•'•-••: •••-=^33-35 East Washington Ave;, Washington,, N. J.

STORE] CL0s£ ^f^f^^^'^^^^^^^-t

Governoi-'Sloltes has jnsc appointed thofollowing members of the Warren countybonnl of elections: Republican members,William M. Everett, of Hackettstown, nndAmlrew Merrick, of PhillipsburR; Demo-cratic.members, J. Win. Miller, of Wash-

l, and Jacob O, Boyor, of Carpontors-


PRICES. I Barrels.Urge noil Small 'OrdersSolicited.

Low frciRht rates, and prompt ship-~ inunls to all points.

' 10.0p0«iJIWB.yB.cin Hand.P. MoKANNA'S SONS. Honosd.lo, P *