TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il'...

TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. 1, No. 39, p. 1/ 5abado 2 de Agosto de lass / Saturday, August 2. 18SS 219 EL NICARAGUENSE. VOL 1. GRANADA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1856. NO. 39" .. ®l FOUNDERS OF THE REPUBLIC. Nam.B. Col. A. Jonea, SlIrgeon.Qenertl, (JoL .4.. JOliet, Paymuter fhlleNI, Oap:aln J. B. Bark"am, "'IIor J B. Ma"kbam, 001. J .. B. ldOl1'kb&OI,. Ul>1. J. B. HoU'kharu. , In.eboo high, h..."k hair, 10111'1 eyes. fair cOlllplex- ILleuL 001. Kowen. flapt. F. Anderaon, M!\IOt F. Anderson, Lwut; 001. F: AnderlOD. "'few 48 to their Promotl Olll, Deallu,ontl DittchllorgtJlt. '.!I I I'" Ii! , 15 la ! '. g .,. J! Ii I BaIa ...... 1 Remarb. il 0 41 .,4. 18541 ·ilil. /6l u Hav(..18fi6 l: 6 140 6191100 00 21 11600 118 00 ... 1.4000 00 S800 Alpount due to Dec. 14, ] 8611. .. from Dee. 14, 18611. to July 1, 1816. I AlIlount dlSe to Dec. 14. 18611. lJolonel'. p.,lrom aboyu d...", to JIIfl. It, 1811G: Brig. Genetalll pa1 from date to Jill)' I, 1860. AlIIOun' due to Dec. 1(" 1'R51i. Cohloat'. pa, from above date to JlIly I, 18111. Amount due to dnto of ReaigDlltlon Nov. &8, 18611. RecowllIisaIoned AI'Ilor Feb. I}, 1866. "itllI$. 001. pay from April 16, 1tl63, to&y It, IU6. Colonel', pay trom!.at Date to Jul, I. 1866. loI.y4, 1856)11:.5 .14,]855!111 11 100 00 20 8'11 IOBIS 181 Kll1ed at Rivas, IIIn6 29, (S56. 11 100 00 140 «IOJ 116 100 001 UIO OJ .. 33 " ' 118 lIG 100 00 " as:&ll 100 00 .. I .. .. 'I t8 100 00 " rYII 100 00 l.IIay 4, 18001 6 ,I 100 K.... 26, 'f>ij II /I 1,0 I Ma)'4,'185$18 6 100 00 .. ' 1826 100 00 .. 13 zu lOll 00 to '1 26 100 0 I .. lUti HlO .. 26.011 8:\ Tm!) \Y lOR' [NUS. PRIOE TWO DIMES. = JOaN' TABOR, ProprietOr. REGULAR TEnMS: For one copy, par an;;;;m, •••••••••• $8 00 For one copy six mDntb.,.. .... .. .. 4 (10 l'ol' ono copy three lIIonths,. • • .. • •• 2 40 or Advfl'rtl80mlllll4 i"acned at tbe rale ofLwo oUara and tlfty conta aqU!U'8 01 eigbt linea lilr 1Il10 lirat, ami a' rodllclioll oC olle dollar for eaeb illbsequent InRerUoll. ,dI'" lAberlll arranlllmenl8 lII,de with monthl1 !lid rearl)' adveftlsllr.. d'" JOII PlllIrrlllo or..yer1 description 01._' ad witb lle&tlle.!II alld dllllPllteb. aud on l'04soll&bl. torma. UJ'FIOE Hf l"R;)lI'r Oll' TIIB PJ.AZA. De.t>r'er•. nEWARD of 'filil"Y l.)ulldl'8 each wili be paid fOI' \ile alld delivery (til dUy eer of tb" Ar1ll1) of the" Mlo .... I"g IIlUlled CroUl Ul>lIIpan1 0, lat HilleL Oorpol'lIl U.• J. Dlliton-Aged 20 yea",. /I ...ti!ln-Doctor. 2. Nicholas 20 years, (I feet a ncbes hlgb, flublli'll ""Ir, 1t••,,1 eyes. ruddy eOIll' loxlon. Occupation-Laborer. 8. U. Orillou-ll i ..olllla high, brown bair. 01 eye., dllrk oomplOltlon. Occupation-Lob. rtr· I 4. F. soumo,,-Agcd 86 y061'8; 6 I"et 8 Incbe_1 Mlllor Crooker, ,iIth, dark buel 8Y"', d....." Occup". loll-Laborer. '1'HOMAI:l DOLAN, . . !:It<ptoln Complltl)' C., Firo! Rill ... )(anllguJi, ,Tuly 18511. , ' "otic-e." - ...- LL OFFIOIIS wl.o have reAgned, b)' preeent- In at thb oillee tbolt Quar&ermastor'uccollnt, . ilb commlllOlon., promo£lona, and roeillua· na, ...lIlrouolve ''lelr pol), itt lICrip' and ,heir IlUld Vl'lilltl. . discharged non-eommlSllloned oIBoe1'8 and . by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land warrants. : AU olBeera now III Ihe venice, bl prellcullllg 1hel. 4COOUOI at tb.. office will' C pi I B W'ID their In 1IIl1'11'" !'- a II I 1JIl1OD, , All Mn.con.mllJlioned nmeera and prlntea no... ... the aorvlQO ,,11\ bo paid by c»,npanlea ...hell" ncr, . ihelr mu.te""rolla ..ra rollll'IIM to tbi, 016ce. .. "':'»'b I The p41and, land warrants due aU uIIlcOl'8 and II •• at ewl, wilO h*o died In the service 17m be lsaued :ioJ'rebb. io their legt\l ropI'el!<Onta£lvn. , ! _,0 parluonts ma<h} up to Ihe lst Jul,. , , ALEXAN'I'lRR JONE.'!, . PayrnMter.Gculll' ..l, Nicaragua AriD)'. I LlL.·UI I JJ' W,v· !!a1. leU. . • uay. I ••••• ,"" ul'ndu. Po.t EGS LEAVE TO the citizens or Privato William Andol'tOO. B ' , Grenada thnt be lUIS opened : 'A DRUG STORE, Nltlrlll 0pJiD'i/$ 1M Ban JfrGllci_ (Jqnwnt. Wbare he 1$ prllp>U'ud to fum;eb MEDIOIN)o;S. PERFUMERY. lie., of I1lI good qlll\IIt1IWd ai IU ... prieM 1\8 Clill bu obtained III the city. t!l1" Particular attention will be paid 10 puUlnl i preecriptiOllS. GI'IlllAIht, Juno '1,18M. lU."X. A. 'rnU'I·I.N, WHOLESALE DEALER IN .RANDY, WHISKY, WINE AND ALL KINDS O}o' LIQUORS. 'l'ogctbtr with 'IN', COPP:rtB ..-lWD ..,zz:t>:XT_r3.IO.:v D.LI. KlliDli 01' OOON IIOLD Iii .. WUOLK8.4 .... lITO loapitollllroet, I .. irollt Orannda, June '1, 1866. ' For, ( 'liE n.clelld,1 Clou-a." situated in tile t . Valley of ,MIlIo.tllt"),Il, tbirty mil(ljl to the nortb thll cit)'. 1'11'0 1"!Hld "ro oxtenslve, IYdOI,ed. abllnddut rivel'., l\IId Buftlciellt plISlurage fur '" tho\IM.,d helld of (),1ltlo. 'fhe H.cie ,,4,\ has weight Ilund,'cd hc.,d of cuttle besides Ilru1..1 Limn dye· ...ooll. lind all of lumber, which , . easily bo It",..pur',," by tho RiYer of '!'ipit"Jl& til tho Lake. . . i For pal'tielllllra of oale, apply to. General IU,NUIL Or to lila ngoat, J. B. JF. '1'110>1 ..... LllII.... Or."a"", :uti! Jllly, l85s. Oaptaln D. K. Bailey,. vaptaiD P. .. J. V. Hvllf, II Q. n, C-toa, .. .. tUorge Leoaard, E. W, Ra"I., .. .. O. '1'lltnbull, J. McNab, .. .. J. De.Brlsol, W. Herriman. 1rI Capt.'n P. Veeder, .. M. BUI·k. " lJellnulD i .. Blanch, .. O. Brugan, .. Willlalil Bailey, .. C.Oolmua, .. T.Oolfi!!, " J. H. Collely, *' Cotham, " F. Cole, " Wm. ODIe, .. E. EaalerbNolc,. .. D.Fhliler. It ll. "isbet.. J. Helm..th, U Jacooaon, to C. J at'rell. .. '1'. Jordan, .. 8. Kennedy, .. U. Lyons, .. E. B. Luther; " McIndoe, .. W. E. Moedy. .. J. Nunla. .. J. NOI,b, .. J' Nor?ls" .. O. Riclll\l'd80Il, .. WIII.Sr.eel, .. Wm. Saralleld, J. Small, " J. S.•ackelford, O. T.'avill... WIn. Wilson, " U. Wheeler, PAY.IIMlTER GENERAL'S OF.'IOB, Gau,llu, Julu 17,18116. P.A. y·:a.,OLL Of the Original Fifty-Eight. un(!er Gen. Walker, from Ita, 4th, 18lJ5, to July bt, 18lJ6, Skowing their J,ames, Da.tt 0/ Enlillm,nl, 0/ ,'f/l'l"lliee. Wagt. plr monlA. Quartlr.Masler', ACl:ownl, Pa.y due, 1IItllr, to ll;l' .IIay 4. 111551 '1 Hnr. 19', ;'601! 28 I. Ha, 4, 185:ti Ii 'I .. I 9:.111 " Ii 14 13 11 .. Ill'" 1 1 .. 1122 .. 1416 .. (.111 .. 1116 .. \' 1 23 .. 1116 .. li/l .. ! . 9t 011 U . liteM .. .. .. I If .. .. I 1 .. 11 H .. , I 8 Il Feb. 8. 181161 l:U April 1, '58t II Mil' 4. 18.l61 3 t4 " I " II III? .. II tt; .. 12 t41 .. [I .. II 11 IOU ]0;> 00 ,0 00 ,67i00 8000 100 00 6:13 33 26 100 1.1.1 611 67 1161 lull \10 846 611 49 261 loU II laSt! 116 39 '161 \I 00 ll\ll 33 10<) Uti III \I 6tI 124 lull U 4118 88 1'1 Oil lVU I 411.1 12 O. 1\1<.1 183 113 IoU 00 1118 88 lull joo 11:18 33 1!1.1 119 42 100 j 486 66 8 Gv 50 6, 100 00 486 66 181} \)I) 100 /lilt! 66 811 00 11/;.1 j) 1886 lI6 237 81 100 66 8! 112 lOW l/:!'} ()l 9" 16 1011 II 1!lB 83 111<1 IIJIlIl i32 17 IOU nll fir; ItJO 44 31 111 11 1\,111 88u 58 2'1 10 00 12118 Ie 1:! 119 100 , 83 2 1\11) OIl, 886 tltI ,lUll OJ; 1280 1111 86 9:1 lila 00' 188 S3 100 \1,): 838 tit! ALEXANDER JONES, Pa!l Mltsttr (knemJ" N. A.. 1M! 661 10'l 11111 as! 1060 00 SCI' la.,e 68 189 1#86 1141 86 41 94110 '186 66 188 611 181111 88 140 62 nB 8 8111 88 IkO 00 (,8 ·'11 1886 66 81 00 13SG 66 11111 621 66 86 401' '188 68 2/13 36 18116 86 110 68 111811 1111 8'1 86 Will 83 88 b 628 83 .68 66 Amount due lip to April 16, 1836. lIaJor'l pa1 from aboye dahl 100 .lfaylt, LlIIIl" OoIooel'. pay IroIJl /a4, date to luI,l. 18&6. 14311 KOIed at RlfM JUlle 29, 18611. 8lI9 '10I Amo\!nt due to dale of realgnalion Kareb'l!!, lalle. .. 111/8 uIAIIIOUII$ due. t8C1O (,0.4.111011'" due. aoolgtltld, 110 pay. aijll;gned, 110 pa1• 618 01ITrall!,,1d to IIfld commia'd sr. Oapl. na"1 Jan." 'lUI lUG Of, A.mollllt duo.. Diseharged' Oo&' II, 18/15. R.tUlwed and commiMiooed lIareh 26, 185ft•• '1" U!DWcI. JUIle 80. 1866. lUll 8 Amoullt d.... 11'..11 1 Amouut duo. 18Gf 26 due• 1188 81 He.dglll!d and paId JaD. I. 18(s6. It'l6 03 due. 10« 81 Anlollnt ' 1090 21 KIDIld Rltaa April II, 1868. Dlacharllod Oct II, 1'(s5, and paid. He alld eOllllnbaiened Mar. 19, 1866•. 114' Killed M Riv... April II, t866. 497 8 Dl>Klblll'gcd Oct II. 1I16J, aud paid, 11lJiacba.rgddand paid.l1ul'cb3. 185&'191 41 OI.c;.ul-g,w Ja... 18, 1856. 1108 68 Ol<lolla"II",1 :IIay 14, Iblia. U96 1 Discharg",d JUliO 15, 1856. Killlld III IUvaa Junu ltV. 1866. 1l4.11 116 J)iolObll.l'ged May tol, Ig!)6. 4S0 f.8 Pled &II Juau del &Jr, &op&. 20, 18511. 40& OIl Died l:IoIlIJ,,1UI dclJ:lllr, !I 'pI. 26, 18)6., .lUed .. m.as Junll U. 18611. mild 1\\ .lti_ JUlie llll. m.d al IU_IIIO JUlie !W, 11l66. IDIld al .Ri.lI8 J...... :19. '86:>. D_l'Ier. 11<1 pay. 1116'1 24 J Illy " '856. 418 tI... JIII\IIl>ul !:Inr, Oct. '. 186/1•. . &UbhM, no p"y. 29''1 and paid Sept. 16, 18611. 6111;\3 SlloHluv. 3, It1.l5. 140 05 AmOllll1 duo. 1144 (.Il)jllChll'ged May 13, IR66. 844 66 "bot p.ld Feb. 10, 183&, Killed alniv... Ja". 29, '865. 814 49 Di"<lbol'ged MaNn 181 1866. IJIlWllIl.ged Aug. Ill, 1856• ..I"Wd }o'ul•• 6, I '66. 484 1i4 1'l'tllDowd D.llm Ml\lllr 1st Rille BAt. April 1\ 18/16. Wed _, II..a, :! I. 1866. wltholi,l'!llvu. 110 jIllY. IlI,.d in Ot1lnll,11I, loloy 6, 1"66. Gtlll lBULIc:,... !!_d nmll'a\d J"n. II, 181l0. Uiaeh!"'gool I. I 1214 08 DlMlhal·g.otl May KIII.,t ,II Rh·.... Juno 186!!. Di.w"""goo Aug. I.;, 1866. died at nealllJo. A.u&,. '6G. i

Transcript of TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il'...

Page 1: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.

TiL NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 39 p 1 5abado 2 de Agosto de lass Saturday August 2 18SS 219





Col A Jonea SlIrgeonQenertl (JoL 4 JOliet Paymuter fhlleNI

Oapaln J B Barkam IIor J B Makbam LI~ut 001 J B ldOl1kbampOI Ulgt1 J B HoUkharu

Ineboo high hk hair 101111 eyes fair cOlllplex- ILleuL 001 Kowen

flapt F Anderaon MIOt F Anderson Lwut 001 F AnderlOD

few Rema~h 48 to their PromotlOlll Dealluontl DittchllorgtJlt I I I bull

Ii ~1 15 la g J Ii IBaIa 1 Remarb il 0 41

4 18541 middotilil6lu

Hav(18fi6 l 6 140 uI~6191100 00

21 11600 118 ~UO 00

14000 00



Alpount due to Dec 14 ]8611 from Dee 14 18611 to July 1 1816

IAlIlount dlSe to Dec 14 18611 lJolonel plrom aboyu d to JIIfl It 1811G Brig Genetalll pa1 from a~ date to Jill) I 1860

AlIIOun due to Dec 1( 1R51i Cohloat pa from above date to JlIly I 18111

Amount due to dnto of ReaigDlltlon Nov amp8 18611 RecowllIisaIoned AIIlor Feb I 1866 itllI$ 001 pay from April 16 1tl63 toampy It IU6 Colonel pay tromat Date to Jul I 1866

loIy4 1856)115


100 00 20 811 IOBIS 181Kll1ed at Rivas IIIn6 29 (S56

11 ~ 100 00 140 laquoIOJ 116

100 001


~3lIG~(J 33 118 lIG 100 00 asampll 100 00 I I t8 100 00 rYII 100 00

lIIay 4 18001 6 I 100 K 26 fgtij II I 10

IMa)4185$18 6 100 00 1826 100 00 13 zu lOll 00 to 1 26 100 0 I

lUti HlO 11~ 26011


JOaN TABOR ProprietOr

REGULAR TEnMS For one copy par anm bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull $8 00 For one copy six mDntb 4 (10 lol ono copy three lIIonths bull bull bull bullbull 2 40

or Advflrtl80mlllll4 iacned at tbe rale ofLwo oUara and tlfty conta T~r aqUU8 01 eigbt linea lilr

1Il10 lirat ami a rodllclioll oC olle dollar for eaeb illbsequent InRerUoll dI lAberlll arranlllmenl8 lIIde with monthl1

lid rearl) adveftlsllr d JOII PlllIrrlllo oryer1 description 01_

ad witb lleamptlleII alld dllllPllteb aud on l04sollampbl torma


Detgtrerbull nEWARD of fililY l)ulldl8 each wili be paid

fOI ile ~pp8hen$I1I alld delivery (til dUy eer of tb Ar1ll1) of the MloIg IIlUlled

ESIlRrER~ CroUl UlgtlIIpan1 0 lat HilleL bull OorpollIl UbullJ Dlliton-Aged 20 yea I

bull Oc~uptiln-Doctor 2 Nicholas C~lllield-AgGd 20 years (I feet a

ncbes hlgb flubllill Ir 1tbullbull1 eyes ruddy eOIll loxlon Occupation-Laborer 8 U Orillou-ll f~019 iolllla high brown bair

01 eye dllrk oomplOltlon Occupation-Lob rtrmiddot I~ 4 F soumo-Agcd 86 y0618 6 Iet 8 Incbe_1 Mlllor Crooker

iIth dark buel 8Y d comple~lon Occup loll-Laborer 1HOMAIl DOLAN

Itltptoln Complltl) C Firo Rill )(anllguJi Tuly I~ 18511

otic-e - shyLL OFFIOIIS wlo have reAgned b) preeentshyIn at thb oillee tbolt Quarampermastoruccollnt

ilb ~elr commlllOlon promopoundlona and roeilluamiddot na lIlrouolve lelr pol) itt lICrip and heir IlUld

Vllilltl ~I discharged non-eommlSllloned oIBoe18 and ri~atell by pellllutlllg tnulr QUaItormaster IIl ~ eount and their dillcharge will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land warrants AU olBeera now III Ihe venice bl prellcullllg 1hel QII~tlermaster 4COOUOI at tb office will C pi I B WID ~elve their P~l In 1IIl111 - a II bull I 1JIl1OD All MnconmllJlioned nmeera and prlntea no L~~t g~lat the aorvlQO 11 bo paid by craquonpanlea hell ncr ihelr muterolla ra rollllIIM to tbi 016ce ~Vraquob I The p41and land warrants due aU uIIlcOl8 and II bullbull at ewl ~era wilO ho died In the service 17m be lsaued ~ ioJrebb io their legtl ropIelltOntapoundlvn bull _0 parluonts malth up to Ihe lst Jul ALEXANIlRR JONE

PayrnMterGcullll Nicaragua AriD) ILlLmiddotUIIbull JJ Wvmiddot a1leU bull uay

I bullbullbullbullbull ulndu Pot EGS LEAVE TO IN~ORlI the citizens or Privato William AndoltOOB Grenada thnt be lUIS opened

A DRUG STORE Nltlrlll 0pJiDi$ 1M Ban JfrGllci_ (Jqnwnt

Wbare he 1$ prllpgtUud to fumeb MEDIOIN)oS PERFUMERY lie of I1lI good qlllIIt1IWd ai IU prieM 18 Clill bu obtained III the city

tl1 Particular attention will be paid 10 puUlnl i preecriptiOllS GIIlllAIht Juno 118M



logctbtr with IN COPPrtB -lWD bullzztgtXT_r3IOv DLI KlliDli 01 OOON IIOLD Iii WUOLK84 lITO

loapitollllroet I irollt ofampdran(~8co OOIlVU~ Orannda June 1 1866 For ~nle

( liE nclelld1 lIt~ Clou-a situated in tile

t Valley of MIlIotllt)Il tbirty mil(ljl to the nortb

thll cit) 1110 1Hld ro oxtenslve IYdOIed abllnddut rivel lIId Buftlciellt plISlurage fur

thoIMd helld of ()1ltlo fhe Hcie 4 has weight Ilundcd hcd of cuttle besides Ilru11 Limn dyemiddotooll lind all kild~ of lumber which

easily bo Itpur by tho RiYer of ipitJlamptil tho Lake i For paltielllllra of oale apply to General IUNUIL IMRRAS~A Or to lila ngoat J B JF 1110gt1 LllIItce~

Ora uti Jllly l85s

Oaptaln D K Bailey

vaptaiD P V~eder

J V Hvllf II Q n C-toa

tUorge Leoaard E W RaI

O 1lltnbull J McNab

J DeBrlsol W Herriman


Captn P Veeder

M BUImiddotk lJellnulD i Blanch O Brugan Willlalil Bailey COolmua TOolfi J H Collely Cotham F Cole Wm ODIe E EaalerbNolc DFhliler It ll isbetbull J Helmth U Jacooaon to C Jatrell 1 Jordan 8 Kennedy U Lyons E B Luther McIndoe W E Moedy J Nunla J NOIb J Norls O Riclllld80Il WIIISreel Wm Saralleld

J Small J Sbullackelford

O Tavill WIn Wilson

U Wheeler


PAymiddotaOLL Of the Original Fifty-Eight un(er Gen Walker from Ita 4th 18lJ5 to July bt 18lJ6

Skowing their James Datt 0 Enlillmnl ~middot~rm 0 flllliee Wagt plr monlA QuartlrMasler AClownl Pay due 1IItllr

to lll

IIay 4 111551 1 Hnr 19 601 28

I Ha 4 185ti Ii I I 9111

Ii 14

13 11 Ill1 1 1122 1416 (111 1116 1 23 1116 lil 9t 011 U liteM

I If

I 1

11 H

I 8 Il Feb 8 181161 lU April 1 58t II Mil 4 18l61 3 t4

I I~ ~ II III II tt 12 t41 [I ~11 II 11


]0gt 00 0 00

67i00 8000 100 00 613 33 26 2l~ 100 111 99~ 611 67 1161 lull 10 846 611 49 261

loU II laSt 116 39 161 1middot I 00 llll 33 10lt) Uti III I 6tI 124 lull U 4118 88 11 Oil lVU I 4111 12 O 11lt1 183 113 IoU 00 1118 88 lull joo 1118 33 111

119 42 100 j486 66 8 Gv

50 6 100 00 486 66 181 )I)

100 lilt 66 811 00 111 j) 1886 lI6 237 81 100 Il~ U~d 66 8 112 lOW l ()l 9 16 1011 II 1lB 83 111lt1 ~ IIJIlIl ~6 i32 17 IOU nll fir ItJO 44 II~ 31 111 ~ 11

1111 88u 58 21

10 00 12118 Ie 1 119 100 8~3 83 1~ 2 111) OIl 886 tltI lUll OJ 1280 1111 86 91 lila 00 188 S3 100 1) 838 tit

ALEXANDER JONES Pal Mltsttr (knemJ N A

1M 661 10l 11111 as

1060 00 l~O SCI

IBIUIUH~I lae 68 189 8~ 186 1141 86 41

94110 186 66 188 611

181111 88 140 62

nB 8 8111 88

IkO 00 (8 middot11 1886 66 81 00 13SG 66 11111 621 1~8G 66 86 401 188 68 213 36

18116 86 110 68 111811 1111 81 86 Will 83 88 b

628 83 68 66

Amount due lip to April 16 1836 lIaJorl pa1 from aboye dahl 100 lfaylt I~ LlIIIl OoIooel pay IroIJl a4 date to luIl 18amp6

14311 KOIed at RlfM JUlle 29 18611

8lI9 10IAmont due to dale of realgnalion Karebl lalle 11~q~tIll8gatJIJt 1118 uIAIIIOUII$ due t8C1O (04111011 due

aoolgtltld 110 pay aijllgned 110 pa1bull

618 01ITrall1d to IIfld commiad sr Oapl na1 Jan lUI lUG Of Amollllt duo

Diseharged Ooamp II 1815 RtUlwed and commiMiooed lIareh 26 185ftbullbull

1 UDWcI JUIle 80 1866lUll 8 Amoullt d 1111 1 Amouut duo 18Gf 26 AlQouu~ duebull

1188 81 Hedgllld and paId JaD I 18(s6 Itl6 03 AIIIUIlD~ due 10laquo 81 Anlollnt dll~ 1090 21 KIDIld a~ Rltaa April II 1868

Dlacharllod Oct II 1(s5 and paid He ~lltelM alld eOllllnbaiened Mar 19 1866bull

114 Killed M Riv April II t866 497 8 DlgtKlblllgcd Oct II 1I16J aud paid 9~8 11lJiacbargddand paidl1ulcb3 185ampbull 191 41 OIcul-gw Ja 18 1856

1108 68 OlltlollaII1 IIay 14 Iblia U96 1 Dischargd JUliO 15 1856

Killlld III IUvaa Junu ltV 1866 1l411 116 J)iolOblllged May tol Ig)6 4S0 f8 Pled ~ ampII Juau del ampJr ampopamp 20 18511 40amp OIl Died a~ lIoIlIJ1UI dclJlllr I pI 26 18)6

lUed ~ mas Junll U 18611 mild 1 lti_ JUlie llll 1~66 md al IU_IIIO JUlie W 11l66 IDIld al RilI8 J 19 86gt

D_lIer 11lt1 pay 11161 24 Dlacbarg~1 J Illy 856 418 IIl1)ied~ tI JIIIIIlgtul Inr Oct 1861bull

ampUbhM no py 291 66l)hIc~rllod and paid Sept 16 18611 61113 SlloHluv 3 It1l5 140 05 AmOllll1 duo

1144 (Il)jllChllged May 13 IR66 844 66 Oi9lb~Ij~d bot pld Feb 10 183amp

Killed alniv Ja 29 865 814 49 Diltlbolged MaNn 181 1866

IJIlWllIlged Aug Ill 1856bull U~IIIWd oulbullbull 6 I 66

bull 484 1i4 1ltllDowd Dllm Mllllr 1st Rille BAt April 1 1816Wed _ IIa ~ug I 1866 Abltcn~ wltholilllvu 110 jIllY

IIS8~ IlId in Ot1lnll11I loloy 6 166 Gtlll lBULIc_d nmllad Jn II 181l0

Uiaehgool ep~ I Iltli~ 1214 08 DlMlhalmiddotgotl May ~ r6~6

KIIIt II Rhmiddot Juno ~I 186 Diwgoo Aug I 1866 died at nealllJo Auamp 6G


221EL NICABABUENSE Vol 1 No 39 p 3 Sabado 2 de Agosto de 1856 Saturday August 2 1856


dust IIntl sitting their borses in manner which howed they were U pelfectly sober So endod Ihc amusemenls of II day

10 show you how Iho nights or d least somo of them A1e panod I enclose you a copy of a playhiP by which you will _ tllal wo have lots of lragie and comic talent ill MIAya You bad beltor nol pUblish Ihe nllmes of Ihe performors as modoty is R prevailing dideQse horo Yours


III aecordanco with tho rcquest of MfISlya lIc Ielnctnlly nbstaln fom publishing Iho promiddot ~mo of somo thealrical porformnnce~ wblch are A I If Ito como On on prl lOt I wo can Rmmge I IYC will como up next Aplil to witness toe fun Dr Browes celcbrntod tfaely of DalbarosStl ill nvo ncta ami the Toodl~ In two act al-1

lIot to bo missed by pelsons so nppreclatlve of tlurntdcala as ollrsclles Como boy dont Pllt thclII oIi 60 long Cant rou lot va havo them by (Iuislmns We POlYS for a ropl e bull

--- ~-~ [Original]


IIail emblem of YOllths cally mOIn Thy ]l411Sillg sweetness I lohleshy

lhy dazzling beautys olmosl gOlle Thy glowing tinls are turning pille

lholl romlnds me of my lovoa IIrst dream WheD all was aparklillg bright and gay

Wilh not ono speck tf) dim the beam fbat brightened lifo tlnough each short day

Yel 800n frail lower Iilce theo I fouod A bUght-a chilling Iilight and aadshy

My pro~pccts Rea~tered to the ground My hopes all crushed my heart was dead

-0====== MUSIC HUll OIlAalols-The degree of rellno

illent ill n people can nlmot be told with accurncy by Ibe extent to which they Indulgo in music

yenusic has sinco the beginning gone hand in ~lnd with Civilization onJ Its enjoyments are of R higher and purer ebaracter than any oLher

Obitamiddoty Can6eldN A 2 Core1 CaUb R IlcCartby Timothy lfaltravera ElDut Crane James II Col WID I McGrothy Wm Mac llillor Wm L

Died at llanagoa on tbe 81at July J08Ult OftB01Toomaa Olark Alberl Morton George Morrison Capl A J Fnol1soN of Co A Ranger Dattlioll Lexing Cutler Ohas T Coey Caleb R McCardell John Cal )[orris James ton (Kentucky) papors will please copy Conklill BeCjanlln K Carpenter Saml 2 McGrotby WID Mac )[ooney John 2

Cooper ThOll Campbell John B Morton George Male Joseph R Co11I Dalll (JaulSam R MeldoriT lira 1 Mlms Jamel R Coulter Frod F Cady TW 2 layer Joseph McKay Jamea IIOFF~__ Craig Thos B ConditChli C Moire Jomes Mason Wm

REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA CheesmanD F Orey Christopher Mallory Chaa II Maronyltichd II Ministry of Relations Colton Jamea CaaUllo Ramon Murpby Patrick lleChasory Sam D

Granad July 211850 Connelly Duvld )f8I1roo James Martindale 1I8Iy J Sir-The Supremo Executive Power bas been )eC4ly Wm Mayne GeoDick James Dickson Honry McGlliganJohn Murphy Michaclpleased to dictate the followin docreo Didknlftll H L Herrn Devan Thos 0 2 )larks Wasbton Sergi Merrla Henry 2William WRIker Piesldent 01 tho Republic of Dorall Thomaa C Daldson () II W MorrlslIellry 2 Minier Capt F P

Mollery Drdano Aloller J R Nicaragua in virtue of hla Rllthorlly Doreey SalOl P Demarest Chas

DECREES Dickoon Oeo W Dubosy llenryAnT 1 Thero shall bo appointed for each of lIcOutchln David Marrony R II 2DUIlLon L P Uavls Joseph McCardell John Coltho Oeparlments of the Republic a Julge 01 First Daly M J Dowsing Chaa Insllinco whose Iluty II shall bo to bcftr decide Drummond John J Dick James Nordman Ohas Norton Wm amlllnaJly dotclmlno IJI ita hrought before him Dorsoyl~dw J 2 Duh31s Delmlro Nicholson 1111 Nicholson Wm C

Art 2 Tho Jllilgcsof FII~t Illatallcos amphnll bllye Dusenbury Alfred S De Ilrieaot Julius j Norlis Ceo Nicholon M H Juliadictlonln Ilf csos whore ono of tho partiea to Duckworth John Dnnn Wm Nicoll John Norris Julius lfrs tho such IIIfty roquho II In all casos where the Dufty Daniel Dollnd Tholaquo Lleut Neville Wm II Norria Julius title ( poss~S8ion of IUlld Is ill qlleslion in all DOlfty SamlP Demarest Ohl OGlady Cornelius CRsea of Ilhlllraity or n1alitimo jarlsdlctlon In all Dewar 000 Ddey John R 2 rerri~o Wm II PoUard Robtmntlers pertallling to tho cslutes of deceasol per- Do Fewer John W Dickerson Henry Polymino Mr David Parsons Aa E80llSi In oil criminal ces and gonorllyln all Dorsey t J Dick James Perrin Trautman 1coy SalDlCdSeS beyona tbo Juriadlc lioll of theabadel Duaonbury Altred S DOlvalng Chas Pala~eils 1I0nriquez Pdcsl John Roubl Art 8 Tho Jndges of ~rst InatoJoces aball Dl1vidsoll Cillstavila Dishon John J 2 Paxton Lieut 0 2 Plltney David 0bave tho power to IsslIe and onforee all persons DilIkermun I L 110m Pillman A McKenzlo Powerlt Erequlsilo for maintailling tile Jurisdiction hereby Estrada FIancJsc~ amp Eldridge James Peeler Jamea II Piko Robt graRted tbem Agllmo Evans Doel Wm Pebse7 Cyrlla Potter Iranklin IIAIt 4 fhoy lIIay IIppolnt a clerk and marshall Eatello Lleut Jennings Eing Tbeodore T Patterson Lew Potter n Franklin 2allowing them such foes as may be reasonable and Emerick U J Ellis lapt S Pero1 4 Palmeter GJ PaYAo B 0 proper

EVIID8 Isaac Estrada Francia Agu~ ro Paredes Juan Pellerin Joseph Art 6 hcy shall receive ono hundred and fifty dollars per month for their sorvicOB until olherwlse Forbes DAVid Fllber Willard S Pearion John T ordered Fitzgerald James Franklin Stephen Quail Wm R 2 Quaintaih M

Art O Published and communicated to whom Farnum Capt J E 8 Fello Thomas Ronalds Geo L Robbin David B 2loerrero Cbbullbull J Flaher Willard SIt may concern ReynandLS 2 Rievesr Felt Ira 4 Field (ireen BGiven In Granada Ihls 218t day of JalJ 1866 Reeves T Rose AlbCltField G B Lleut Fagon JaDle8WM WALKBR Robbins David D Rucker Oliver HFaben J W 2 Flnoey Jobn IITo tho Minister of Relations and Govornment Rose George C Reigler Henry )1French Col Parker H Don Felmln Ierrer Reid Aleyenandcr Reid Jese B Goodell Richard Ooodell Rlchd RuizJ J R~ndolph Edw

By sUlgterlor order this is comlnunicated to you GOvall Oineinaua Gay Jamel W lIawleEd W Uudler Col A F for your IntelUgence and Igtroper aotioD in ex Grlllzer Joseph Goft Robl K RiggEdlVinA ReynaUd L S pectatlon of the corresponding acknowledgment Gardner J )I Garvey Jame8 Reynolda Francis II Raymond Capl

FBnRER Minlstcr of Statc Greon John B Griftln Jobn W Runalds Geo I Rogan JasW Grlzalba Juan Griffith WDI R Robertson Wm H Rapier Jobn II

GENERAL ORDERS-NO 49 Gilmomiddoto Stophen Gay Jamel W Rotler A F Col Iteynand L S Glililar Joseph Gurdlng J W Randolph Edward Ryai John

AdJutantmiddotGeneral Oftlco HIlADQl1AnTlRS 01 THII Allllr

Gron1 William Goodall Richd 2 Richler B Trangote RU$o Wm B GRANADA Afarch 6 1858 Griftlltb Wm R 2 GoftRobt SummersJW Songatry Wm nGesner J G Ghnes OIrl_ALL npplicntlons for dlscbarge from aervlc Sherlock J T SlIIlth Walter G Giles C W Gates U aptalnlIIusl llrst recoive Iho approval of tho coni Swift J n Capt Seckell George

Mander of tho company llonfirmod by the com Gleeson P T Gauftrean Guatav Dr Stan Raymond Sonde Ed w II 3Gray P Jil Orou MOrrill Umandor of tho battalion before beinlf submitted te Smith Slephen SilJR 2pleasure The lovo of music la conllncd to no Goft Robt )J GUllnel Valcour thl office for IInal action by the Commandermiddotlnmiddot SnyderWD Slanford Wm class aud even the blute creation acknolellgo Girding John W Chief Sleeper J oaeph K Snyder WmDits potoncy III many countriot as In England By command of WILLIAlt WALKER IIixon S d Hueten n c Stowo Frederiek E 8 Jltgteepll E lTlterewlIJlcs aro 10IY anu the laboring clas orO General CommandingillOblet Hewitt Henry J Honsor William Snyder lIenry Soyder Thomas R

luston II 0 Haynes W GPII R TUOIIPBOK AdjutantGoneral N A Spies Geo H Seckel Richobliged to toll from dl1rk 10 dark for R subsistence Hunt Juliua 8 HUH Kre Shipley B G Shelton Lieul 0 Amusic is their only solaco N01 lonft slnco the Hall A I Hegoey Jno A GENERAL ORDERS-NO 182 Sherlock P T Snyder J C

~ignitnlir~ of the Church of England requestod lIart Lowery D Hortoll Joseph Skinner M L ampanlan M M Ihe authltios to plevent tbo playing of music In AdJutautmiddotGeneral Office

IhADQUAIITBR8 OP THB ARIoIY Hollonbeck J E Hocknell SquireaWIII K Sbowell John Haynel Watson G Col Howcock Joseph M Sproud John W Sanford Wm

FFICERS who havo DOt received Clgtmmir tho pulJlic squares on SUndRY This Aised nn inmiddot GRANADA July 80 1856

Hardy OApt E S 2 Hancock Cbaa Salmon Dr Chas Schling~r Captjeubu UAuhulllonf In Londo nd b h~8t ildoo Holbies Wm R Uanls nob~ pO sion by reporting U1e ract tc Ihe Adjutantmiddot ISterm W B Squil-cs W III Ite leAIll that several associntions have been Haley Oeo H Holfman LoYI BGenerol can obtain them Sickel1Jon John 2 ~1led for promoting SundllY music In tho By command or WILLIAM WALKER Harrington Thomaa Howard Thoma Thorp SaIDI Tbompson WmlIenrylIugbson Wm II Harty Casper T parks IIn(1 doleglltos from eaoh of theso associamiddot ooneral commanding middotinmiddotChlef Tueker Poct J C 9 faylor Anselm WHudgens Jacklon HIIblngs Will TPII R TUOllPSON AdjulantGenera N A Taney D TenBook Ilticns 11 nlted on LOId Pahnerston and asked him

~ Hill J osepn C Harell8 John Thompson J osrph Tuers Jacob 8to give nn orller for the bands to resumo playing Johnson Arthur 2 Jonel~J S Traak Wm F 2 Truelson WmList of IettersTord Palmerton declincd to glvo orders lind Josepb E Carson Irnsk Tho Tracy Prescolt Turnbull Cbas J IDled that the Governmont found it1olr invohed Romalning al tbo Poat Offico In Granada July Jones Lleut JR 2 Jennings Jaob M 8 Thrasher J K

28th 1856 Johllson Edward A Johnson W C SergIhi a rolitious quostion in consequencc of tho bands Venderwater Jolm D Vandyko Thomas J Adams II Q Artolaney W Kingsland E W Kilmister Joseph Vaughan Jamca 2 Vandyke Cap~ C111ylng 110 had therofol~ acceded to tbe reshyAm~sHonry Alley Josepb H Kellect R R Koish John 2 Vanmellaert BIinesl of the Arehbjshop of Oanterbury to stop Ayale Maria Arrett Thoa J Kewen J C col Klnger Capl Gh W Wadsworth David 4 While Dock D C the llIusic Rnd could hold out no hopa to the Astin Saini 0 AlienO Kelly J~III A Korner T a WaddellllyCoventry Worhcuo GeoAshbhry Geo T Atkins T G Kenney Gtn W 8 Kelly John A peoplo of it1 bcing resumed lho deputations Wilkin Douglas G 8 W oldell Luther C Aply Marehnl Adllna E l IC~neU G L 2 lCirtley Franciathcn askod if prilate bands would bo permilted tf) Wilson David 2 Willinms John 2

Lauth Edward 8 Lowenlhall Juliu 2 Willard Geo M 2 WarJ JIl~ICS M Beebe GeOlCo 11 2 Doll John Wm

Fl~y In tho k8 on SlIndays To this quoition Dolton JAmes Cllnlon Brenizer J S Luckett E H 4 Lockwood Edgar C Wyuns A Woitehead H L

I~~d Pnhncr~tou could gilS 110 reply but referlcd Lane Alion A Le Clair Lewis WlIIg Dmiddot A Webber 0 W ldioBiniI Wm A Burlord RicM S IIlelll to Sir Gcorgo Grey 011 lhc Sundny follolYmiddot Iimburg Jr Iuckell )rantelll Wilkins Geo W 2 Wynns A Ing ~rowds assembld III tho rioun palk and a BOIlDOtt Lewid T Bonnel1J A D

Bulke Martin Dennott Leis 1 Luther Edwin Bird Littlelleld Wm Worthillgham Henry G Villard Geo Lalle Heury Lockwood Edgar Wrigbt Gh Williams J Merick

Darnhoue Cba~ C DIennen JohllplhltO bROil pClfOlmed in eacb No Rttempl wa3 Balllter R D Boll Capt IIoraco

Laronco Sam WychoffLIndROy Malte Wilson JaB B WilliRmson S AI Lieut ~ IlIndo to stop thon by tho police As Lho rrowds LaYIO Jeseph H Iuc Lohu W J Wolf Barnny 3 WetJber Chas W lIllrlco W11 lBurford S R lIero 100 Ilirgo to be nddlesscd by any oico a Birtey Francis Donny P lo

8 Lollng LuclIls Lawrenao Col J[ Wiug A 1 0 Vynn A

lag Y1 hoiled AS a signal for a show of hond in Dotton Jame 0 DIhmiddot Es Wm IIttlelleld Joseph E Laslio Saml II Wootl lli lIargaret Wayno Geo Lamoureux Geo A Whe~ler Ohas U W cias AbrahamDoylc Jallles WIU BmiddotennellJohu

Blackwell John Durford S Rra~or of continuing the ngitatioll for SUllday recremiddot Morris Jacob W MetydorllMrs A Whiting Jonathan WiIlaret Goo Mnti)n Tho vote was IIhn08t IInaniOlous liner Mrer GC llayel Joseph WilkiM J D Douglas 2 Wccdo n u IhOlvo 000 Benlillgton llllidwin John M Capl

McMlIlIen Jno JI Moore Jamall)hicb tho people qniQtly dispersod WilliAlIlson lfnj W II Weiss Cllallotte A Baldwin Johu Burellard Tllcodor Boylo John C Brennon John

Melenlf R I Dr lldllory Chaa H Yflung Col W II YoungWH ColMali J08eph R llurpby Patrlek 1( E o~ ADSglltCE-Lioul S II 1I0arscy has Dreggazzo L BonllY P F 2 YRington Peter A Yates J 0Moore J N Monroo JamesDarNtt Will II Blanllo Josepllbee granle1 leavo of nbsellco from the dutlos of Ynlngton Imiddotet AMadison JIlmeg McGart) WOIDurcbard Th Balsly Samueltlle arruy for sixty dsJs )cGillJ W McGult1n JohnBrodrick Juel EI 2 DI8IOn S--- Zpbager Doct Zibeli0 Mary C

lllakeney Th J W Dently John W MlI80llWm Marks Waahlngton St People ho think thoros 80lllething ill II Dlme McKayJH Morris Henry 2Bulterfleld Josellh Barlalain S 11 MaceiDlian Sltaoisll List

Munroo James MOllory Dardanoltmark tbat the glCatest English philosopher VRS Baldwin Cnpt Th Dulger John AImos Francisco de Alanda CarlosMarsh libam )lcCutcbln DavidBaoon one of tho lineat Seotch J10cL~ Hogg lind BrOwn B I BIoadhcad Jolin Baptisto J~nll Bertholin Senor A)lcGlllf Mortimer Mirna James nBusbnell Capt Wm E Dlchamm Jobnono of tbe plesRutest e80yisi LRmu Markham Jolin D MeKay J8 H Canton Clemento Cnrpeneto Frallioo Dreckenrillgc Col ~--~----~~ Motalrn I lInson Wm Carmen JuanR Corllero J eddoro Cenal Patrick Oonklin R If )lcCla)polu Robt L MaronellUch H COllderido (Jiasitofllitmiddotty Donn ImiddotS Reward CovenlJ-y lohll Corbell David MIlSOn Cllpt Wm Mcchasory Sam D Gmrz Jo6 D G1l1ago J 016 JCllmpbell Aooaander Claro Jobn n REWAU) of Thirty 1)01lllr8 each will be pnit IlcIntyre D W i Maltindlllo Mary J Glllio(o Scxto ACogley Dennca Cook Michael A(cCulcbin David M~yne Geo~1 for tho npI)fchenslon and delivery (to any I)hee~man B J Colby E 11 lJurtluln Don J M JRiquin DomingoMcAlpine J W Major Murphy MichaeloUlcel cf tho AImy) of the follolVlug nallled (JOullor FIed Iieut Oollllan WM Marion Apolonio Montano Jos6lJESEiTERS liom CoDlpany D 1st Rilles AlayJohn W Morris Henry 2Clevelnnlt1 Dr A A Onentry John 2 lfarlinez Jos6 Marin McDowall RoblI SIIIgoant Thollls Cnilnil~Aged 28 y~ars McMurry Geo Minier Capt F P CUtlOI Chas J Calahrn C Machado Pcdro Muitos AnaMcKeeno Robt S lloller J R feel 10 irlehcs high aubuln hair bluo cye~ dark Crumnoy G W Coollt lIenry C comploxion Ocellpation-labOlcr Millor Oco S Marron) R II 2 I Pllech louiB A Polioro Louis 2 Privato John RUllle-Aged 19 yeare 6 feet

Cunningham Joseph II CadyL W MooreBaml NcGoft l[orllmel Polol-sano Agaton2~ Inchea high brown hair bluo oyea ruddy CaDI

Colby Edwin II Chopat Geo E McAlpine J W Mljor Miller WCrlstnlnr uavld UOJas Sr Capaforo Ruiz amp Co VictorillllOCatoll DrG K I )[agnusWm McGilIJW p~oxion Occupatiou-Iaborer Campboll John n Carllsld Geo IVanduson lhomas Walla Antoniollaron Wm Lleut Mock Wm Jr U W )I IEANARO Casey Thomas Ceney Chas M48OnLI8uI Wm MoAuley WmF Znvallas Joaquio Zabnla AdrianI Captain Company II Joirst RIOebullbull Cutlor Chas l II I )flEaa July 80 1866 Cromlloll Olilel J Morris Henry McAllister J A C E II LAWilOol~y John W 3 Canfted N A MIUt1nTbos W McCardel John CRlt I (lUlIIM JulT 211 1088

El NICABAGUENSE VoJ 1 No 40 p 5 Seurolbado 9de Agosto de 1856 Saturday August 9 lB5B 231

____5 ___

~~ tbe 2nd Lieut At P X seeing the Sod Lieu the rebelamp Aceording to the temen of one middot II r a tY nt ntI j) nearing large Dungo lent LleUl SlYeneon and well acquainted wltb tbelr lfaln Ibey have not ~1J


- ( l) g- sic men to Ilia 118818tance-11 proyed to bo tho half the men no_ tOl lilly elftetlYI movement -=============_=_ Ames with men to look 1er the rett brought bull ber lIong81de and pulall thl prisoners on her and II hlll continual dread of 0l1li Walker 8

i Saturday Morning August 9 -

N N 1I The lcaraguan avymiddot 1 - shy

~aptllro Or a Squadron or Bungoes 1middot1 middot IScI11JI SaUzar and otker Prisoner I I -- I fhe cvont4 of ~be past wcek Appell II convln cing cldeneo tllat 01 8pocial Provl4enoe guide middotnd directs Iho Am~~lcan6 In their clTorls to reo

letore peaoe andmiddot Houre tranquility to tna naUves this beautiful but unhappy country The fit Ing out of a vessel to cIulao upon tbe PaCific lit tbls particular juncture ond tho Ilirecting of the


lop amoog e~t the State and

01118 people polnta nut naillainly II

C1Ils 11 dhl the pillar ot llro

he land of Proml$e


Utt to Impro bullbull 1[011

u an tarmed epeement of the NIlAraguan navy

umnlof emiddotolll 10 118 to dellvr 1010 the handa f the Amorlesll8 the man bo above 1111 olhel8

Ih~ Instigator of tbo late treasonable der 1I10S0 wh_ Ilrat duty It waa Ul proshy

prove true In their allegiance PMllclIlar

tcrvenUon of Providence In favor of tlic Amershyby blcb Ibe cbll

l1In of I$Iael were gllided In tbei~ joumeylng$ to

fbat our reode may bave a full understanding ( ~lJ 01age we bero Insert a condensed accoUJ~

ied by Qommodore DeBrllset from bls log The descripllons are somiddotgrapbic aud tbere

ucb a (r8hne83 la the stylo as to make It dlfmiddot

1856-18 PlI SohoollOl ~OX aalled from San Juan

rat veasel tbal evEt went 10 Government vessel-the OOtllshy

aking 21 in U on bow--God speod middot TuQDAT J~ly 22 18116-Runnlng down tbe jloUv~ towarda liona_ bull t)1 IIDIIlIIIDAY July 23 18116 - Opened the 1illa of packed amunition-found iL unlit for Ulle

o SO Gund for the guns-at 3 P)f bor~ V~r for rigre Ioland aboo Iwolve miles distan jluUB8DAY July 24 181S6-Uruislng in the lilt At I PM pound1 a number of am1I craft ~ obore to elL~tward-gave chase Atl I M

a brig aboul 4 miles to wiOlhbullbullrd howlng CblliA~ 9010rs At 430 c31gttllrad the a100p ~hna Wrench POlll) no cargo or plUlengen At 6 a heayen

all from Soulb-double Ieefed tho salls aad 1 an Ul wok off tho ahoe ATDIlDU July 26-At 6 AY mAde all II bd ran up tho Gull for a brig aeen at anehnrshyproved to be the Oyno3ucof San FllClseo

~ from her we IUl1leU Ihllt the Bri Sarah Oa I

oxcepl Sellor Sl1i1ar III sbe Wampl large and new At 61 blowlIIg a gale from B SE AIlcliorod In thrae ana RbaltfaUlomaofwater

lI1Bl10n July ZII 1866 -B out of tb gult bound for ampn Juan del Sur-erew cleaolng and repairing 88ile

W_tsDAT July So 1856-lIeat d(llln the coasl tho ourrent very strOllg Wns Ul tho Nweather bod

flluIlSDAT 311181 18116-D1owlng hard wiill n rollgh hetldaeA At 1 1 II ~rrled away the pcrt after hroud AI 2 P V fore peilk halard gtIock parteri reBltted another IlIId 8M llie IIaftor part of tbo dl7 moderafe

l~alDAT Auguat 1 1856-)fi_to brelllcs wOl-klng down Ihe coast to Ibe s at IUI1SeI 81m JUlin bore ESE 111$0 mil dist mldlllghlcalm tide setllng us to tbe soulhward

ampTtmnU August 2 1866-At daylight ampn JURn bore N by Y elgllt miles distllnt Worked ora few 111111 bae almoatbewlldered him and ho in and como to DR anchor It 8 A X lives In great IIPpreben8ion that General Walker

Tbe capllllo of Salizar W8l oC but seoootdary immiddot may altack LeOll and perbapa take Ihutt tl8 part potIlnee wben wo corlder the OlpOle O tbe plan of the rlnnar Upon this polot however wo the ulter poverty and hopeI_eli of the reboil caD 11880re him he may middotresl III we believe the amouut oflnformatlouu well as Ibe names of the G_I wardrobe Is complete Iud lbe BOldmiddot pardes engaged In tile treason and ImpUmted b1 era of the Nicaragllll army haTllltwlr had fliO their own IIlgllalllreslo lamplt noll In Ibe p_- I1Ippl) efllncn ion of Gen Walker

Among tbo nlany valuable doeum6nli found upon tho penon of Sr ampIizar Wat bull lellor from iIle British Consul1I1 Leun 10 F10reJiline Souci at San Miguol San ampIyador This Ia anoheref dance of Ihe doublo dealing of Brltlah agenle ret I1vo to the affairs of Ihl8 COUll try

What we would tllk In the name ot pllilanlbroshyp And our common hllmonity does Great Britain

i b bull expect to ga n permitting her agenla to ell eourage the balfmiddotciyilized natiyu 01 tbl oountry to- but~ller each oiller or b1 wbU lpeoea of be allaobed to ibe llorda or Lord OIareniloowhen

~IOWlng are tbe lIamca lid rank of Ib_ IOpliilltrl dGel abe explOt to JuatlI) or 0_ he IIlId In the HoU811 or Lolds that amphe Br 1Iiall

tJ DeBrisset OOlllmodore hemlf before the tribunal of obri8lendom for 041 J Fa1lOux lal Lieutenant COllmllllding IOlldlllg to one pari of the world ageaampe wbo et1r leler Swenson 2nd up atrlfe and CIlllS$ the IgIlOraai natlvu to out-

I ~mo Van Slllyeke 3d b j[ T Ilewot O rpent~ G 0 S Ith S rage uman Ilaturemiddot whllo aile IOnds milllllnnariea ~ Hansn Beallla Dn~ia ~ e~an 01 peace with the bible in one hand and flannel ~id McOa1 Wm Allden~n ablrll In the otbor that botb the morel ud ~ Stoureh Dal llcGlnntil pbysleal condltion oC the heathen may be fm os re Thos R Snydor

hOI IIIINY 1beodoro Lane proved n~ltRagg R J Dowmen To thoae ho do not understand tbe Red Flaa 01ontgomery M - 0 ~ Lowell n --- agee nmiddot brlstlanlly of Englrnl we reopectfully till)

mit the loUowlng lotter or Mr )fanning her Illlent

_yo iberebol IIoop8areailopther nakedand nmay alao be presumed tbat wbere lach ponrty

I d Ina ex 8te bungor aad dlseale wlllaborl11 Illem te them faator lnd Q8 elfecually iii any IIr1 tht 001111 be brougbl against tbem But the leiter Itampelfluo explicit Q8 to reqllire (rojll us no elueshyd _

a_no It I lIOIItewhat unfortunate for Xr Manning

and we pity biu thathe aIIonld he dl4f1ing ao rapidly Into the condition DC the Leoo_ IIOldie17

U to bve the proapecl or being In a aIIort Umf BblrtlCll8 But Ihe poor all bullbullllllctlon III divided between hla ablrtle_eIIS In proapecdve entl Ihe lack or energy In the partlin hose fnlunc hil

II bull J Tmiddot eem80 elylnloreted bUlilloIpated loss

1Ir lofanning1 le~ ma) be 00_1Ied u Ihe csprell8ion or II mere prlfate Indl1dual to bull Mend bUi thla 111 he done IIIly b1 peraou Intertsted III euOh a ~atrllclioD Hia olllee ot Brlllab Con aw wlll he COIlIIlGlodb) the peopleorthl8coulliry wlb enry iblDg he say 00 quealiollll relative to aiftte policy tlId thuby hIa embraeiCgthe 110111

or a pari II Is aptmiddot 10 appepr III tr the wbole moral force or England wore Ihrowololla favor

Is bull _ u v In til parle r maulllogt gOGO b010nd 11111 Jill ofbll dul orlIlao there lno weigbt to

G01_oi latended wallow the Ceatral Amershyloan question to aclve lllelC He bu by hili jlllpiudenoo Welted the eoidkhnee of lbe legit-

d -lt Imale governmelll an oan tON no ooge r claim the protection of Ibe Stale


WIt k ad - 0 as wee m 0 a el rema lIpOO tho

proapecta oftbose wbo deserltho Americailrankl at Leon fwhich wo give II burrled trllllalallonl for tbe rank o tbe 6nemy and tb~ JUStnesa ot

bull Fne and Sehaone Emeline ~f 81n F w~ ounlslances no more actin I used In 80 aerlolll lyillg Ilt Tigre rs1lnd i 8hft 10 reported thAt on an affiIir At Ibe pC8ent tbpre are lIOO men from Ih lIZd a Chllltan IMg wllh eight Bun~OII Sn amplvAdormiddotSOO from Guatemampa And 800 bo

L_ Jul 24amp1 18~6 1

Dzlll FRIElO -1 am bere without knowlllgwbero to go linea Walltor will not give U$ pI88shyport to P$ threllgh Gnmndabull ~ understand that t t man fnrlous 11th me atlributing to me ill ehdango It Is cerlnin that all hill cls are rapid i un we hal not p_eeI here without great approhenlolIll that he will mAke an IlIlck on LeOIl lIe MlnO A rl1r III Managua IlOd IIIl IYO know la hat he retllrned to Granada If tbia man recelvu Ileell and monoy I aasure YIU tbat In tht CUllIt will not bo so oosy to drive bim oul oflhe State for as ~he forces come from ~ho other States In ~dfll1a of men nob~ng ia acoompliabed t aud

elpcn~sand 8aer~ceaare madehl nln I am much aftliClod to tblllk that lnder these cl

wilt we idmiddot1I made apparenl by Ibe IIVenls hlob 1fe chronicle in tbIa Issue The b

num Or that hllll already leA I IIOIIlcolT worthmiddots pllSllog 1I01lee l1li4 we would nol agaIlI revort to the submiddot Jcct were It not to commiserate Ibe poor Jellowa whom we al 0118 time reoognlaed u COUll shy

~rnenand wbo rO)YlIlg upon the rotten promisee of the Leoneao bela doserted their peslll tor iIle sake of rilIlng lelllprary benollts When Ihey rcaull

Ibe lIreates~ L lnetead f tb rI b bleb h eon 0 e 0 01 W I ey ere no I

doubt told eXi8led Ihero iIly will find bttle ciao Ihampll a borde of semimiddotbarbarlans halt clad and qUanelingamongtbellllcleafortbepoaessionof

Ibe rew CIltablds they cau lIh much dltllculty obmiddot Inn

Read iannlojsiettercarolblly In lIIIother col

=I~Jr~~~~~~~b~~~r-m~I P~~ ~~~DIO~Ib~~=~~~Jtoflb~~ limn and leara the collditlon of UIIIlampt In Leon ~Orlln eaob wateh q bull rym3 to proylde In eVefY poIIibIe manner (or my But ibis filii far ahert of the Ilctuall~y for It nmiddot

SOIIIlIY July 2 1856 -At daYllgbt fAll depllrture and in oan get on bosrd olle of the not he apposed thai a peraoa or Iannlnga


lOgO In allore distant aboat livemiles Soot sbip of Will which is Igtn the eoaet I will tak~ esparien woold abow to an All lb Worai conshye boat with Lleut Swenson and four men AI PUIIQgo III It t ampn Juan or to rampDma A~ lent a mall canoe and Ihre~ men llh In the pnlltlca of the country I un4eratand Iul Van SIft1Cke In chase of another Bun Ibal tho DOlnocrats bave gained much (or anl

tbreo mllel distanl At 9 A If II bree~ alrungtb On lili8 footing I go contcnted aln jnIIng up-got under weigh picked up tbe canoe Estr~ and his oompanlona are ruined bavlngtil a Bungo in ponession At 10 reached tbe cuI 1 ridiculous IIgure at Somobilio t with her prize At 1Q80 took anolller Bun POWOrll bavo gone from here appolnllng Xr lfIth bull Trll8almiddot1 to ~epreaent Nicaraguft Iear United

I) bogs I bags beans Stalel 01 Amerleamp since Padre Vbll h08 returned 1 ~g eora r 1gtbls plantains home W 8 do not ~nllll the motive of bla reo 9 bides I demlloblllltard tum for between b18 lind Grenada ther Ia 1104 boxes lOap communication Altogeiller aftldrbullbullre wrstcbed

lbia beill~ a large nell BUngo put ber crew In ia Nlciragua And Yer diatrOllllng and If I remllin ether ~tiOllro1ed her) ahe bad alBo some letshy bere muob longer I aIIall 110 hav ablrt wblch

by wbleh we learn tIlI Ibe Brig with the I can pilton Airead1youeaneuppoeehOWlllllch1 18 lied tbe Churu 1 bave 8IllIered by thOle _vlaiOIljl

At 1 P M lOOk anoiller Bungo wlh It III known Ibampt l oertaIn Fabens h 1IaIIed to i2 baga corn 2 eerOOM beaus Boaton wllb tho gold quarts IUId that with one

~ 1 bale grasa ]0 hid Mr Hellll be hll$ bought Ibe mlaOl frelll Padre

III a1ao lettelll conllrolillg the no of tbo B Sosa At S P M blowing hard-close ree(p~nd YOIl need not be afraid bot I wID do all I esn I up to the lIIloborage i mado Tigre Island let ror your Interest In lIIis aftiUr wiill IIeamClKnIl8 i

o thelarge ancbor alld twentyfiVO fatbon of 4114 you sbould wrl~e Ul Dnl81n Boaton via hainlo iIlree fboms water Omo In this paltlcula~ Inqllirlng wheamp111r tba 1l0llPU July 28 1866-AH II H took a orO w leh Fabens RdlOl took were from tbe I)of ccdlU colls1aliJIg of fiftoen logs bel~nwn tc mines of nll8taniere I Bhall write roylltlllf to Z rB Hoyl II Ames let It go atter tcklng ~he pate In IAboo on thia 8IIIJle 8UbJect The amprOGpa liar tht had At II A X I took the boat hore are altogether nued Iryou haye an1 K_ OIl puned for a laWlob ab lilt elgbt mlllll to the La 4r11l that oucall sell at lii ooota per ard

Chasod he on hore tb crew eo- I will take ten bales Dont forget my requlIIIllImiddot th f thel h~k her alongside lit tbe 2nd (Ieut falor of my polilW loo-Yr George Bow_1o powr 0 r hem Camp lt)an ope Cor IlO beUer Il~n in her wi~h orK~t Ul ob~$e to the hIVO him aspolllttd Ul repreaent Sail Salvador III urI tl)u Ibt led by Ib ampampYIIlelamonp wbom

~ I eouillg In our own boAt to the Y At 330 Liverpoot ill ban cut thalr 101 they muu tJpect to IUIad 111I1lt1b wltb Sr SaIi1ar IIi paaellper I am yonr obedlcot servant eulfer ulrelile prlvaUOIII ~ to be hall cad ~nd

u eeroool of eJCOa l middotldIM IlIld bddle )f LUlles GGIr hall W ampad with Ib braa4 or cm upoo 1 sword alAo lOme loners d paper d bullbull L ltOlllXfIllamp SoVCI San )lpe So IWshy f-e~--- bull_ hunwoil 11kshy t- shy d ~~e~ ~ --~- bull --p The lIatber lrgtoking bad ran dQWD 10 pick up ller e have Cull up6M of Ibe oon4it02 or YIIpb0n4S O1er tbe enlk Conllnenl

dltlon of IfaIr I llieh h b ed _ an a n II e op to ruterut

blm h III to bo pfWlmed on the -fRy that be would exhibit things ill Ihelr brlghlelt coIota in orde~ to elfoct hla purpoaee which Were to

obamplll both men and moa8Y to drive Ibampt audf CiOl1ll man out of the coulltry

Apart from the Inbumanity of taklas up arms against tl181t brethren American oan not be

guillyof a greater ploo~ or foil iIlan b selHng tjelr lerYI al any price to tOO Leon rebels If they we ncool8uI tbey would entetlampln luch a hatred fer Amer III woold ootira t

J OU them llft from all pl081 or bOlIOI alld Iru8t or perhaps Intox ted wiill thoir good forIwte Ibey would mllrder overy American whln they were

I I cod or bel i As no onger II n reery thelr d c1ared 01ll1now ill to extermlnate the Americana In Central America the presumpCion iii amphet wbon Ihore was no coullterba1l11lclng power to Iop Ihol UJ A erica

r 01COIael 0 In nl fho ON III tbeir power would hold 00 enviable po~itloa Aa things twnd bowever the Ilnfortunate men hu were weak enough tc he Illduced to put the_vea In


The prof_on 01 ams hili been from the earlimiddot est times In all ages lind IlalC3 one nf the mOlal

honorable of all the profelllioni In many courmiddot trietlt it hnl to this ~ the ver IIr rellk rd tbe highor tbo degree of elvlll llon Ibe greater hOI heen lis adnncemont rid lIe greater the numbcr ongaged in iI Froln Ihe crudes begin Inga II h gtadllally proglOId unlllll bsllttalncd the dignity of II acienee It III the science par elltllce In wblch both tho mind and body of men IIe eoerlnd to Ibllir rutlesl capacil In other profeaiona eithor the mind or the body Is oftfwOrked and abulled 0 Ibe Ileglect of the othbullbull II developing mail 1$ w bull onealdmiddot edl but III tbe prolo4e11 01 arme every raclllly of~he mind IlI well ever mueclo nd fiber In tht body I enrciaed and developed to ita fuUcal extent and Ihlls be following out of Ibo pro feI8io1l Inll) bring the menlAlllnd 1)1I1810al powen or m an to tbeir hlgb bullbull development

middotSome of the mo1 celebrated 8tampl8 of anliquil were ofopinion Iballho prolellSion or r0l8 only was worthy the attention of Cre men and len overything elae to the care of 11101 aad SO high 11amp8 Ibe repute or the profeaaion thai II vAS emmiddot blalJlamplic of Juellee ilaelf hendo an eppeal to enns Willi U8ually resorted 10 In Ibe aettlemont of qlOlllollll whether eocIaI religious Or polilial

In ooth aelent und modem tlmea the highest om amplid rewarda whleb llalea can befeow have bfIen conferred upon tbose who bave e~ooltld in tho rroression or arm and deservedly Do s he who 11111 10 thi profouion musl nol only have the oO$t abtlhile power over himself ba muat lao p088ess In nomiddot 8mall degree tho flcuhies wblcb enable him to govorn and cOIltrol othera

Ibe mind of bull man who mak arma t profeamiddot alon Is led on into the deepH~ ehollels of Ihought He II Ih1l6 enampbled to planlUId originate the broad est combinalon and exocullve abilities joined to the mOIl unceasing eneru IIIId ~ IcUyity lItercquillitebl the oarrying oul of bia ooneepshytiMe

The humblest indlldual engaged in profea IIII11lIlO noble nd ennobling bould feel prida

wbicb ooghllo keep him above anylhing low Ilr mn A prolouion In wblch tbere are 110 many opportunities of Jieplaylng 10 their ulmOfit all tbamp talents given U8 middotby nlule should be sludied l188iduoully by tbole anxious to lealo a name and all uamp1e to poaterity It Id scarcel possiblob tbeir labors can mINI a proper reward How ~ueh more 1118ulyand noble bow mueh more worthy the greM end for wbich mmiddoten re plaCed here ia bull devotioa Ulmiddot a profsalon whichmiddot cI1l1Iea with It sneb honors in Ill countries thln tbe mere idling way a life-time In tho illdulgence or tbe aplClites As Ibere i no roal road to know ledge tbe ptiIl is as open to the humgtlea aa 10

~~=~~~=--- Notice

ALL peraons bavin-g demanda ainet Or lubull debted to tbo Estte ofJ A RUGGLES de

ceased will call at the office of Wlnea Co tor aenlement of tbe samll

Alto all penou having Goooe ofanT descrip lion will all prove property and tnke llIem away

B tarder WU K ROGElU Administrator

Deseten l nEWARD or Thirt Dollars each wlli be pall

J1 fer tile apprehension and delivery (to any ollleer or the Arm) of tbe felloing named DEaBRlER rrom Company 0 lat Rilles

1 Corporal H J Dalton-Aged 110 ampara is 1Ilnch high bl k hair blue eyes fair complexon OCtlIpltion-Doctdr

II Nichola CailBeIdAged 20 yean II rIOt 8 nobe8 bigh allbum bait bazel eyes ruddy Ommiddot plexlon Occupatlon-Laboror

3 H Ori1lou-1I feMII IncbOll high bro1 hair huel eybullbullbull dark complexion OceuptllionLabshy

or F IIoIilllow-Aged 85 yean 5 reel 6 Inch blgh dark hazel ees dark 00111110110 Occupa Iion Laborer THOMAS bOhAN

Captain Company 0 Fira Rill Jlanagllllt July I B 1$6


1 REWAltD orTbirt1 Dollob wID be paid ror tbe apprehellslon aad deUory (to aDY

oftlcer of tho Army) of tbe following lIamed DESEiiTERS from Company A Rangera

t Pdve _- Nallll-Age4 (aboul) 26 yean Il feet linch bigh sandy hlr and wleera the Brlllh coa of a1Il1 In India Ink on hia left orm uauII Imllod when p~dllg and Ighed bout 186 penrdB

II )Mvalo mekrorlti-AC(Ul Iout i~ ya Ii feet II lucbt higll allu lIIr had all anchot In Indlamp Ink on left bud btlo the thamb lind welgbed abltgtut 1110 pulld

Ibullbull NORVIUI W UK~R (Jptaln (pan1 A Rh

Mn~nl nfl AUIC 8 HUI8

bull bull bull

237nNlCABA6UENSE Vol 1 No 41 p 5 Sabado 16 de Agosto de 18SS Saturday August 16 taSS

--~------_r--- shy

lil OUfL NIVb middot

middot On Wodneac1amp1 Nletllllguan aaniue conuu

tile gallant victory gAlRed by Uen tho SptIDlsh troopa at Las 100$

Col Lal1l6 amppplied to tho Gonerallll Ohlet 011 return Such emlpanta COIIStitute the true beltalf of tbe tbirtf-two Cubans to have Ita sup- clety of a State Wo learn that General 0 per nt bla quarto and requested tbe bon or Is Ito bearer oC despatell4ls from tile AmeriCAn

t0ud this ollnveraary occasion Rnd at tb JIlIDle lim 1 ~m commlnioned to place al 10ur dlspoaal

Ibuervlcelofthemenlnwla09llhobalftcomo W Afil Iure to advocate lind dutbud Ibe princlplPl of rivllizallon au] progmiddotcSlmiddot IIlId to 100al Itmr great ~bead and leader 0 Plloal for countenance and ppOImiddott on this oCCIIUon The Goneral cceplou flbo IIIVHMloll lho I1IItlle of LII$ Posas (or the UIs) W48

rought 011 tho 18th or August 1851 on tbe IsllUld or olib hCIlVeen 250 Cul1llna under Ge~ Lopez aud 700 Spaniards uuder Gell Elllla Tb battle di b th C blIuouglitntgrent SQuUIIege 1 e 11 ansbUI IlIlTerlhelen they gulned a brilliant ylctory IOotiog tbo Spanlllrds from ebosen and commalldshy hI pOllitlollil witb great 1058 It M In reloam llI4ne of d i victory thai tho tumlv6r ~ supper

bull ~ I ~ur edneaday mght fas gllmiddotOIl On the ontmnce of tbe GenorAI tho (lubana were dwn lip III line wllt Itor banner 10 frent At tho General walked pasl tb banner Wd8

drooped and Yankna Dooddle waB perfOlmed

by tho balld Tho bId Willi arrlUlled I General Walkers

iquartel1l the ilwleu guesta filled tbe reception room Anu parlor at a very early bour and alter

an lnltfval of conyersatlon nnd music were I filed to tbe supper table Tbe reped 6nlehed ~nd tbe glUBCS filled Ito Presldeot arose and prop080d bull I The batlle ot 1M Po_II demonstrated tha~U

Ibell tb y meet upon til open Ileld tho Spaniards leannot withstAna tho Cubens (Proinogad bullp I III ) P uu ( By Oharl Callahan Eaq-e bovo 1Ql8led Ibo living leI Ilamp remember the dead To Ito (emory of Crittenden Lopot alld the other bull r hlllvel wholo blood bas waleled the eoll of (luba llId COlI_rated It to tbe harvest of freedom

MaJor Caycee afier prefacing tbat Nicaragua was lbe nucieull erouod wblch thepalt1ot Oubau middot (1Illgbt rally and Ihat hori tboy ~Id flod bat lJ1llpRlhy Mid counsel wbicbmiddot fould Intorpose no bailie bus rether lend aeelatance to tho cauae

er progree8 everywhere proposed- It The Itealb ofour PresldiDt and General

i The wlldeet ellltusillSm 8uecoeded thll 011 monL and nolllDtII tba Gcneral aroea to respond

~uld nny volcalAIc been hoard tbe Prolldant d bo was lVell aware it Will tor 10 dced whlob IIGJ boen dono thet hi name reoelved ItII eb aeclamatlon bUI lor bat lt0lt1 10 bf tlMo And continued be If tbe countenance and support

or ~hosamp men who have 80 far sWlteioed me In

1117 cellrhall continuo to rollow and uphold the revolution what ever strength of mind or iorce of htud I possess shall be dOoted to tbe

bull cause GentiOnlell wbat has beenmiddot dODe It la to be hopod will lead to tbo (urlllmiddotIUlce or greater

resulta and tlollftdollt In tbltt I appeal to ~ middot (8IIIlIrelSa1 01 thIS clay III 186 bull DrigmiddotQen Ioras)y I drink to Ita 8UooOllll of

elll liule NaTi and to he beIIt of J Calonder )a18OIIXlbo flsl and only man te 8wb uhoro It (llrdenu witb II rope In bis mouth

Sellor Aruerro proposed the Liberation at luba for eaid the spOllter Ii b surrouodedmiddot b1 lillertv and muat be rce

111 Lieut-Col Lttlne Th~ Hope of OublshyimiddotOen Walker bull After tllle toilet Iho PreSIdent made 1 molo to withdraw hut bls tlcnlloo Willi claimed by lrig Ie~ lIornsby who proposed a toaet to d i

bullA woman wbosc glorious Iurt an act e JlIlnd will do mo 80rvioe to tho causa f IIberly tbal aU Olr etength 01 muaclo-to HIl Gen Cuneau-to COra Moulgomery

d h f Thunders of Ippll080 succeeded on t e eoll lIIent lIa8 drank ampt11l1ding and in honer

181P 70 ClloarALls-OIl tbe 23d of July party bullf ccnteen AIIICIicnns and twelve natives left thlnlt ulldar 001 nyrau Colo for an exploration 9ftbe DCpArtftlMI of Ohontala Aftor an absonce ufnlneteell dys tho pftloty returned 011 Saturday luI 111111 glod bOllllll lind well pleaed wl~h tlae Irip W lIayo to of th journe) teltell 1Io-n by 0110 of tho Ricers or tbe party llleh we laaU Irobably lay bcforllt ollr fflldol1lnext wtclk

bull gentkmnin amplid(0 In the literary

I4-0ora HontSO-gtr)

w eeks be muct to tirebull bad tbe pIoaelItt to meet bull bull 0 I aatiafacllo We

m to tle r OWll n olley IlIampve In tb_ next steamer for New

1 6rk ~~d we IU Ibem a Co pusage and aha

dlplomt accreditlllg bla rep_tetlnn his Attelldance ampld 001 1ln6- Legation to Ito Slate DeparUllent Art 8 Qomml1111cated to hona It mlY OlInmiddot

0)1 the PlUt or tbe Cubans I Illyite )011 to at- bull bull GOOI) Bu - Sovore oflte omcere or tla bull b tlali bull lied upon H~or DuatnburyYlrtOlU on Itll b r hie d rtllre for

last Friday evenng core I-e )lnesa) to bid hhn good~) ftIId a pp rea dunce ill the p~t lit wltlcli IU1 If aboUli to be t4tlollod Although tb vWt III probebly not

bull h It d to eltpe~led by hllll hu too mlu~ b 10~Ied bq talltcn ullawares preselltly bull a II ft

with gllS8e and tile report of th corke 1II~h eu out of clllllllpalgno OOtll Berved u all

pepp bel h I lnvltalion tor those plnt to t 81l1li v~ te dlctete It following yenajlll Hon gtlIl1oobuy 0 COIIIH ran wllt all be honore And lin D_bu and

obIbloek-ere Little Darry -It eblp IIII tb rI lid Th tout~ Intull bumpers ~Iler dIng Prsldent and mallY otber tolltlta to p~ot an absont friends tho company repeating Itelr but wlibes for tllOir 1101l retired lIoch plebullbulled with

omeot tbe HIOr 8 style of eotortel ====


DECREES OF m GOVumNT -- -~---

REPUBLIO OF NICARAGUAIIlnistry of Relatioll8 and Oovemllient

Granada Augaat 1amp66 The Supreme ElIecutive Power b been pl_ed

to dictate the following The place of Cblef Clerk 10 be Departllltm or Ullderalgned Board of Colllmldalell_

lJacienda blilog vacant Lit (IflIt Iiaciendat of 14CQ~ in ih 11 IS ORDlmlilD t J) R

1 Appofnted Ohlef Clerk or be Departolent of cpe 1Mn oJ - lIacieltda Mr Mauuel Flellr 111amp1 bclonslng to Juan lOR Rul_

2 CommWllcated to wbomlt lOlly concernmiddot parrs do WlLLIA)( WALXER Palmar Pablo Tor_

Br sulenor order Ihils eommWllcated to 10U Palmar J )llUluellCelelllo for )ourmiddotmtollIgenllllmiddotand pl10per action 8 Orcbarda or email

Fc8nCII Welsl of Stalle Haelendu F B Oarazo fiaclenda Indalecln IlaIGAllo

REPUDLIC OF NIOARAGUA Roaerio middotJose Antonio Lopezt )loiatt of Relations andOovomment o(the Uandel~ria do Supreme GllvernlllenltTraniLdaAugIlne SaliOay8taDO amplTadorampcau To It PrefecI or the Department or III P08IOci Hacienda Felipe A Yliles

The Supreme Executive Power hAl been pta DaYld Bartolo Darco to dictate be rolloing bull

THE GVERlfllEN 1 v I In Ie ot the _gnatlon of -- ampIIue

Oanaacoaa u IIlnister oC HacIenda d Public Oredit and 10 vlrlue or Ita anthonl

ORDERS 1 That the llinister or Relatiolll Don Fermin

Ferrer IIhall _ume the Seeretal-ysblpa or lIaelen d And Public Oredlt wbleh baTe been occupled bY Generllllallllel Oarraseoaa

la Communicated hi bom ft~~rLEt Commulllcated to )orr~r Inteiliaelloealld

to r aeUon awailing tbe oorreapendlng 0shy~Jledgemont

rEaM IIlnlateror State


HlnlaryOfReiatlOllll alld Government Granada AugWlt1 1866

To tho Pratoot ot It Department ot Tbe SUproDlO Executive Power hll8 been pl~

to dictate tbrough the Minister or Uaclellda tle following decree

The President o( Ite Repuhllc of Nicaragua being deairoWl of aupprnaslng the contraband trade wbich Ii 80 bllquelltl carried on te Ibe velJ great damplrimeut of Ibo ~ca1lnt0re8ta of the

RepllbUc bull DECREES

euedto dlctak tbe following U- Warelloll4U of Lopez Jose Anlonlo ~z 111 WALKER Preaident of the llepubllo of Good size corner of Piau Bar-el Pall

Nieargee 10 I lohahllant In rear 01 tame 1I0t colllplet do do III ~ of varioWl queaUoml which ~IlY_ Good size eaat comer of Piau 10 Alfaro

rl18n betw~~n~reat ~rlIaJ~~~h~~pbll~~ DvIellinJr Hllllem 11lt1 D GranadatheNIeangaa -fe to --s _ry 11 lablllg to eatabllah trlendablp IIIId harJllon~ be- VerylargUo 8to1 adobemiddot and brick comer of tween the two II8tlnnll tbe g cat aqllampre Fulgenclo Vf8 shy

DECREES lClddUllg ~ed adobe Alltonlo BUberelio Arllcle t Appointed Hillister PlenIpotentiary Large adobe the Oha_

lor be Repllbllo of NICllrAClt he Government )(lddling sized adobe ~ose )I-dbull of~2~it~M~~rich e~~da~O~i La~ ed~~ ~i~ClCe~~IIo

eflrn WH WALKER Given Itl Granada Auglllt 9 1858

B11dJ1erior order Itls tA communicated to you roryourlnfOlmAdonend properactlnn Your obedient eervut Frallill FamplIaltJl

Minister of State


llinlllry of Relatlnne end OOf8rnment Granada August til 1850

To the lrerec~ of tbll OeparhlllllltTho Supreme lbeoutlve Power bu been pleased

tnB GOVBBNllENT WlabIng 0 WIlteto the tranaecllon of the busImiddot

n ortho~oftheRepUbHcOfNlcareguaIn the Voltod

RDBBS Artlele 1 Appooted Seoretar) of IIIId Lege

110ft Don P~ro Ygmln Bel h I Art 2 Commuldeated to 11 0111 l mal conshy

cem Gino In GrampllAde AugIIIstltl8fi6 _ WIL(tAH WALJCER ouB1 811pe1 ~ larocom= e~~ct

for your 10 ODdln Packnowledampment alon ortbe =~ lIlnllUCll Hinler orampte

P1i N tl ~ a C 0 ce

IUfeutofJ of propedy levied upen amplid nbJect to enllfiatl08 by firlOe or tb deoreea or tbe tid April 18G6 aIId 161h July 18661 by th_

VleJO C1ell_n~ Bantoli one haU Sapoa of tbefllllllly ofSagaeru ene bait of be lbelenda Felipe ampSiDloro8o BaenzTba Jelio Tbe Cerdlll 8 HMielldlll J oae Abareo Ball Francl8co J JUIIII Arguello OomlllssionenJ two-tblrda of the lIacienda R ltlara111IIl Francleco Guerre

Biconte Guerra lIaclenda BopUote Franclaeo Ugalce Hacienda DOli FaSriclo JUy amp Bona

Lilt 01 Haci(mda of caDao ilt lui Depr(11I6 of 9r1lna44

LnHeroedea helonglog to be Chamonoe Acua Agrai do lIIa1aco Fulgenclo Yep Nlceclo Nieaolo 01110llombado ]lerneodo Sequeira Domingo Vega LllIamiddotHontlel Vlentlcuatro Narc80 Espinoza Cheiulte Joae Marie BstrJlda


Notiee Or DiMolUtiOIl 1 TIUI

Partnership of Wiedeman amp Bes6hor

In eM ()jill 0 (haM RPI~ 0 NIcaragua l PETITION having been filed by George tl Ph Beachoi before tba honllllble T~omu Beeyamp Judge of Iltst InBlampnce for Ihe OrIentalDeprt~t ot the Republic of NiCAragua for a dlaaoluuon of be partncrehlp buhToen WledeshymAon and Bellobor merchata In Ite city of Grenada alld Republlo aforeNd a ~~roe aa IS

Article I Any pelllon who hell manllftct~ Guaplnotapa Lula oouel P 0 0 VENABLE aDy contlablUld artieles or effecte or who avail lbe Palac~ AOlonlo Barbclreno bull trame In tile sal or puroh of said arIIclee or bull Oloit of Court ofPiral IUllene eff~ulll or ahell uaiII~ In condllc~ln Item flOlll Sock Ranclc In tAc Department of ADeTIOI lID CODI8B101 BODSE

bull bull wed In compllallc~ wllh tbo ~Id petiUon dlllllolvStoelt Ruflch III the Dpart1Mn of IIIg the aforesaid partuenhlp on 811lt1 from tho Okontales and fiiHIfOlJia fourth day 01 Allgust V166

_ G tbe talOiI of lulgooeia Vega The afomall Ueorge Ph Beechormlll he 1 eroullllG _ power to ottlothe ec~Ollllts of the flrm aforeeald Jeallll)laria - IUIIOUOli tho said Wicdemaqn baviog rellnqulsl1ed ail claim t~ LiDodc-r title or demllld to ampIIy of tbe Btock on band and one partofSan lose Anlmaa SalvadorSaetH tIlG~~~srtnrnthta IIfteontb dll of Au Qulmicbap FOIIIIlIl Se~uelra t k D 1856 y Y

one pltlca to lUIothlll wbolter employed ea teller RivasOr eonduetor of Ito same ~ or ho shall1n en) other way defraud the revonuea of the Stale ball Santa Fe tho fDlllilT of I Hmullfaleallo he punished by lIl1t not ~ng alx Inmdrad dollaraor imprillOnmetibHlieknnofalx mont

Ad S Tile obligation of an ciyn or militarY employeD eIIal be to pUl8ue lind apprehend all eontraballdl8ts and conduet them before the Jlldge ofFlI1lt Instanco of tbe DeplltlMat wbore tho _0 I to bv tned r the said Judga ebaU h and de31de tho CampI8 lixillg tbe penalUI)II estelr tlsbed in Art flit

Art 3 Commtnunlcaled to whom It mI tonshy

cern WAr WALKiltGiven In Gl1Innd tllla aeventh d~y of August

one tboUillllldmiddot elghUiulldred and fiily-aix

TO tbo Iflnieter of Haeicm Doll FOflIIrn Fer rer Brauplor ordor thl Is cemmullicated 10 10 roryour Illformation and proper acllOn 10 ex- JlOctetiOIl of Ito correa~ndinl acknowledgmenl

FEIIIU) hll8lta llilllater ofampato


Illnlstry of JtelatlOllll and Govommont Granada Augu-t II 186

Sir-Tbt Supreme Executive POIIer bii been

Jocote E ltlara80 Otal do Dopot near 8aOJIIIIII delSufdo Dopot llear Virgin Bay do Juan Davi Jose llaoue lIaIeaflo Lao LaJ RafaellzSan )(alCOll Joaquin Dendallegt bomiddot Joae Antollio bull

ltII Cruz J0I11 Anlonlo LOpez San Jrenclaco llontenegro )I~ lnocllottUuekOevadilla lalldino JetuMaria indigo eateto JuanJose Rulz

1J IlI tT Cil Rwe tnlf 1111$18 m e y 0 jllesII Dwollingl UBe AQtirca Oppoelto thlllarocllial Oburch Cboplta BI$toe Large adobe J n J080~ulz

bull raquo0 CIltmIe~te - 1Hal II

~~=Jo~~COIlfl 010shylhe Il~at )lal1 partly burned Fr cl8co Guerra llIddllu~ lle eOl11er o tile Piau or square

Ralael P_ HidIlIIng elle adobe Pable Torret

Do do Salvador Sa_ Do do Jose Argl1~Uq Arce bull Do do Luia )4onliel Du do Nar~leo Eaplo080 Do Luelano LUCiano Vega Do large Marie Lulaellorem Do do JooeUben Do do Ventura Gamez Do do Guadalupe Horalee

lIlarga altlobamp Dwellfng8 amprlo VivuLargo corner or the 8nall equa Juaa Bermud Large comer Indelecio Meailo Large adobe llarll Bellquechea

Uo dO llnciano Corales Two Dwelllllgt POO ifrenco Oorller or the square Fermin Arana Large adobe Jos AnlOriio Lacayo bull

Do do Fernando (luznlan dolUllg of Maleo Eaplnoltl

It neflltlbeRowea_ Drau11a Ubau

one pad ola houeo In llaoagua of J BreuUigt UbampD bull bull bull _ HacaendtU oj cClCoa fn tke JJsrdactlM

of Nandame Hacienda orFolrl1llo Atalla Sau AnlOlllo Vineente JOIlquin aad Pedlo Cuadra Hacienda fMateo pin_ In Jlalaco of Joee Breuli~ Ubeo In theSlnerualJ~ nearcraiY~Fetipll ltampbHaS

Ott Ra fkfq n vIampon 4tlCtSan Nicol of loelipamp Alfaro Hacienda of Joee Altoolo Lau)o HflnjId of L8Alldro amp 1amp

laA certain pad orSan Jose lee Callee Blcent_ Joaquin and Padro Cuad bullbull Ilerced in Tlpilaua of L_dro $amp1 San JldntO 01 Illguel Dolau08aod brothen 000balf ofBan Roque of Agustin Ayilez ~ebrada Boode DololOll ~IU Ban Blu of Domingo Jarquio Oorps of Pro Garcia 10 Acoyapa of )llguel Oullo __ ~ Timoeo Laca10

AU pOIllODI haVing claIm on Ibe pooler~11neluded III Ito Inventory of thlt publICation are hereby notified to psen thlyOll wilb the -ar1 proofs to the ndralJII~d BOlIrd of OomllllBllonerll a~ Iheir ollice In Orlllltdo t tbo hoUHcalled Onente lllIlolod da8oftbedate of thla publicUion aIId ahow eampiIseiC an Itey bave 11 said properlJ sbampll not be aoldCor and on accouotor be Republic ofNIcaragua

GraoadaAllgust 111868bull W K ROGERSJ H HARSH ALL J L RIOHMOND


ARE uo prepared -10 cerr1 on the Auetiollaod Commlaslon BNllneaa ill corumulon withtbeh

Exprcu Duties on goode conSigned will be ad vaneed and (lusOJll houe bullln attcnded te lor paltlel wbo tntrUl bU81neampa toIte compllll1 Llbc1 advAneea by drala on New York lind san Franoioco will bemadoon receipt of nlerehandiz In the custom house Te building oceuplcu Win amp Co Ie ~P of 8toring teu thou88nd barrels bulk and genoralIIercliandiee will b to ceived on Iorege

J A BUOGLES AgentGranade-Don latriclo RivlIlI Snn Froweiaco -0 K OrillOn 4 Co No York-Cbbullbullbull

MOrgllll amp 410Granada Aprill2tb 1866bull ___ __ ____

Dr lagolul Pot TENDERS IUS SERVICES to tit ciliaen It

Grallada alld vlclnl~y bgt the prACtice of

MED1CINE SURGERY amp MlDWlFERY ar om and residence on tbe 80ulbweat 1lOfUr of lbbullbulltroot op(lOlllc the ampn liaocl8co

Collvent GrIIII8da Jllnel 181S8

EL NICARA6UENSEVoll No 44 p 2 Sabado 6 de Sepllembre de 1856 Saturday September 6 1856280

l_ ----OenamprlllAerl forthoam-dtThotWltfor At I ~ t tar a gn() ntl t ll) fb ~ + 0_

Saturday Mornin~ Sept 6 ======== -~_


rocell nOll Tn eKNIUtU ORDERS or THEARllr

OIlHIIL COURT MARTIL-A general court ~utlal hu beon In ae88lon during tho week in veSligiltlng Iillch offellce aft might be brought bemiddot fore It Tbe rollowing omee constltutod th~

~Irt- Brlv Gen l~ry Col M B Skerrot Major J 0 ON~ and Second Lieu W H atbea AdJbtnt Dn Latllorp cted 88 Recorder bull

IlI(OlIpolUTIOJl or COlPANIKI - CompAIIY O Fir lAlli lalillltry hU beftoOmeJrted IntI) Com-PfUlT D vllh Captain J amel amleson com-bullmandlng and tbe coriqueat or Mexico It la our duty to

f C WII mako ar upon Nicera or In other words

pOwer deee not eeue when domlnlun1 attailled bperlenceproves thnhucc_onlyaggraTlltoll be dealre Spain has no Intentloll ~ Umlt ber conquest lt0 Mlco but ahlimiddotmiddotrlll carry her 11 to tbe eztreme pOint of80uth Amerl trsuqceaa ruirlIsitance Ii not mademiddot

II then devolea upon Nlcaigllamp to detOlmlne br line of c~nduct If the conOict mUll be for-cad upon ue-Ifwe are really in danger of Euro peea domioatloo-does It not stand us 10 haod to ClIocert witb otber Statoa wbat I bes to be dORe to avcrttbe borrors tltat ma reenltmiddot from the vicshytorlou reestablishmen of Spanlsh domlolon 011

bla Istbmus tbe leading nation of Central America I tbe representative of freedom asmiddottbo exemplar of Jolnlng StAiea I Ia tbo dut~ or NI ~gQ to Inirpose her ~wor bet~en Spain

080 or LBnIR-Tho letter 0 apt bull D- Is b th IIt_I comp 18 cbngedftomO to E and aasilt 10 defending th freedom of Spanlah Allier Illalor Captala centkeefmiddots jlompan1 cr(lm E to D lea andmiddot to do tbb auooonlullr we bould coun

It lIdIaliuriai 411 all dlfterencea and united elfori to AI~obullbullOaIlP TO TRII GIIER~L-Oaptalo Fran repel_ultAs one atlck may be easily brOfcefl

lfahon bu beea Irsnsfer1Id from tbe CommaryDe irmeu to tbe taft of the Commnder-In- hen eeparted fom the bundle so one StateChfeL unwJatOd b he GOorederates illiall an easy vlc- tim to tbe 1owerof Spain and baYing thle union

tfEXOO ANIJ SPAIN-DUTY OF la Tlew wo alould nOI exult tbat tbe Nortbern OENJRALmiddot AMERlOA

The comblntlon betwoon tbe northero States

Ilgaln Niearagua butlliled Forsomereloollllshykoonto Lbe publIc tbe acluall~y o( ar no 1011 ger e~on out oorthero frontier LeOIl II (It reseot OpOIl ~ tbeoccupatloo of die forceJl oUbe ~ublc and Ir tbe Commlnder-ln-Chltf doe not flUTlaoll ~h P- ils because tlereexliIino ueoeulTtba be ibould send a battalion aw7beshytore 1 IBldle are pald off t prnUbe Pa

Iagu balftiledi b~ttber look U~I) 1amp ann inshytrp88illon of tovldence guiding II the SlateS to

Iomiddotd Bmiddot d 111 Ibl h d anun n un ar on ran an II ex bull eR bull In Opposition tcunYlhlng like 10terpeJIllonnom Eushy



Oa the ad or8ept~mbar 1865 GlIn WIlIiln Walfftr with tortY-IlTe ~llleme ~rgeon od


-- co_vFisOATiiiTPROPERTY peoplo Iginot only unrcsonablebu~ i~idb a IiccDse to thom hereafter They willmiddot Dol reoogmiddot

In the oours ora week or t o we shall publi~h nlselts geueroity but attrIbllte-it to somo batemiddot ~ descptloD of many of tbo valuable estta In motive Rnd in their prll6cy h ~rnlDeb~ tb~ Deptment 01 Ri~a DO 8d~ertled in EI oald bderidodas a dupe We h middot no fcar Nlcaraguonse as ubject to con68ctlon Our esmiddot thM the Commission will aY-er fmiddotom ill ~mporanl peelel correepoDdent II at rmiddotresellt cngged in a and essloti1 duties j bUI we haTo tbrown 0111

mit to lhac Daportment j and beluga gentleman these general observalion as e~periencla gained of mucb discernment alld acquaintance with corremiddot from biatorvand overy doy )ilo i Ipondene w~ lDay promisemiddot faithful and re~ibl The Bord has already invostigated the firt account ofthe property liable to sale 110 til reo case and ita ruling alfords a u middotnt~e bullbull ~ its CutUrt

port upon tbo situation and capacities -of tiie hacimiddot conduct In tbe matter of Dltndano owcr of all eodaa tbeir present growth nd tho crops tboy estate In tilo department of Rivlll who I accused might Jiro~ueo i~ oWlled and dirltcted by experimiddot of leaving tbe State contrary to the law allbough enced frmors Embra~ed ~n ~he list wili be found be proved just as wighl have beell expected ranchea growlOg cacao IOdlgo sugar tobacco wbatever tha Board Irescribed that be should coBee rice corll banallBa aDd planlains Besides proye slill as he did 1101 ples~lIt tbe original till theaeataploarticlea ofproduction 011 thesa Oches pper~ the CABe set bck ond he was Qrdrod

b ~ middotmiddotmiddotd ~ d t bl lDaymiddote ouo ~any Ults an veg~ ~ ea toomiddot nu merous 10 menton The preent COlldlllon of-thee estates IUC at practlca mo~ mglIt U ollce takeboldand wltbthe firat year reahse an abundant 1lold 110 Bucb a crop h~wever as he might proshyduce III tho Iceond and tblrd yeunt wtth be supomiddot rio b od d tl t A I r mac mcrya c uea on omiddot QlClICa~ nven-middot lion and Inl8lecl The manner of growln~ corn 10 this ate I~ 10 make ~ Inlall round hole 10 the ground IR whICh tbe gralR Iadeposlted 1pound Is tbeo let to grow as bell It c~nl without any uaisuIRco except one or tWII weedlllga As a IDI tter of course 1 bullbull tU will no do everr1lting and the reault i a

glOtb ofstalk from three to five feethlgh~ bearshying notbing butamall nubbln~ to use a fannea term We ~ppeal to tho Igli~ulturia~ If wben illch Is th case h~ might not expect fitb proper sub-soli ploughing aodjudlcioUB boeing and hilIIollt n ear or com equal in evorrreapec to tbQ Indi ana or western Pl9duct 80 ILia wit every otber

~iterGeneralis bll8il1 eOIPC~d III maldag pa Bay br liTe hundred and forty oflbe bait oati training tbe sugar-caneofthls State challengel a ~~ta as rallu ~ par qUs IINI be mdemiddotou troop In OcIltnll Amerimiddotmiddotundertb coumand of comparison with tb of LouliRna or Texaamiddot Tbe hut tbe IIDMllled ooadltloo or the countly the iD~ GiiardIola The Ogbtlasteci abo~tlwo hours talk Ia uauoll ~a lJicb and a balf and two Incbes upld t tWo of alfalrs tbemiddot mant ll00lIIII18 and resulted III tbe eotire and oomple~ rou~ of In tblckneaagroI to tbo hlght ofeight and ton 111amp JllltraIIymiddot aCcru In time o~ war ha all eon- the attacking party- ff Guardiolas fore elgbty- feet closely Jointed and veYJdic1 Tbe 8tubble ~ to relUd tbumiddot aeUlemen wblcb Ue com ilxmiddotwe~kllle 011 tho apot ieveal wounde~ ho Is neYe~ luperaeded but Iii aUowed to glClw on for lllAoderbull 10 Ious abould bemiddot mad wltb the er~ broughtl~ Ier die lI~bt and onll omel1- a generatloo A~ auob a dliadYantage and with mr- Mvea g9t back to the town of RITas wlthou berdlyan apologrfolmiddot Dlills tbe augar of NiOllragua

Tbo raSult oftheloabloatlon In tlleNorlhl~ arm and of whom tbl1 lIerda died oftbelr Italmoa equal on Ita Brat b9i1IlIft to the best a poltlcal nec_It IbretliI upon ampoduraa ~u~- WOQntli At a minimum tbree bllodred ~~t lave cbryatallzed sugar sold iomiddotle 9rleans lbe gralo tJemllAimiddotbullbullutBao Bakadb~ noHnoramp b1 ttfolleo been ~HIljimiddotlId died 10 the wood1Dnd at Rival ia Rure aod clear IUld wo han a~n aRecimens

_ te~ oitve 1rOOpI W8a alacked In VI~gln pecles of planting and OIve) bull Ith thl Indifferen

tobrillg forwlUd the Decesery d()Cumell~ legally attested bJ the proper anlbolltie 0 hi- CSIt b 1confiscated

ThiJ is th~ ooy ~Afo rule Ibat wllere it Is at all possible the Court sbould illsist upqn haTing wiUIlI Instruments inatead or oral leaiimony

on 11 matlen pertalUing to tillea to real esltmiddotmiddot It is tben Impossible except by forgery 0 deli1tud tbe Govelnmeol

J middot1 DI~It EE TO SO ULEi

011 saturday the 80th Insl R dhner was gllCllL

by G~ F f t~ Ni It A bull n razcr 0 e car guan rmy b

comphmentto tbe Hon Pierre Soul who wal about to doparl ror bis home in the Uuited Stte Thea e we8 bo~ -8nlY peraons prescnt am~nK wbom fero Brlgader General Fry N Amiddot Col Weeler American M~ollter Hon Pierro Soul Pb R Tbopson AdJllant GeneralN A Col Tho FfFlher Quartermbter Oenerol N A MllJor Ccane Acting Postmutcr General Col Mark B_ Skerret F R Col Jooe~ Paymaller Geoeral Nmiddot A Mr Jobn Tabor of EI Hira gpen jMrCharles Gallaban of Ibe Customs Demiddot p~rtme)lt and In line all tbe delArtlD~ta of Iht CIVIl ad military gonrnment were rI reaentea The dlODer fas g~t up In a very exc lent manmiddot neralld Included lome of the rareit vegeltblt productlonsas weU as tbe cboces middotjallds and yy ~ood wl8a 4 I

B~SIdler (Ieneral Fry prelided supported 011 dUeohteot ofihe n=eolt thon bI tho fear nilw (It ounda ~eeoled In the lgM OM Walker perfoctl kaolpRrentwbici were never subJeeted his llgbt by rho U~II lJieCSoul alld bn bb I~ rreel) expreid tb Spa~o wlll mako an attempi bail nooe of his forco killed and but nine wonud- 10 any regular prooCII ofcbrratali~liop A gen by the UIitedStateB 1Iiniater i toaubJiJilllte )(exlca od IIIt1mately tbe Iybole of ed allof wbom recovered Of the nino two were het ampmtrlcul pOele88ion An Jgeoi frem Gua~ rIIlemen ~lId seveD 1I1l1e8 telitiilamp had OIIl11ited tft ympatbles of KuIco liidlt Gan Walker About thistillio the treasoR otRIYIIJ occvred aud he Ilad Iieen grsutcd pershybullnla1ioll to recruit forcel in that State 10 Ierve Jigalria thll Republic But on tbo receipt or cershylain rill~ frommiddot Europa that Spln seriously conmiddot ternplated a war Y1~h texico President Aluraes refoked tbe Iluthorlirmiddot io oalial soldl in bat StIlte an4 Ulltil arull planatloa was offered It wu ib~ugll ~ middota~ Iould ~r1i8 between Mexico nnd Guatemala Bul the matter WIIS explained aD as n matter oC COUJS8 Guatomala fell equally hterelted Mexico thll eve poasibllJ energy sbould be lel witb Alvaraell tomiddot repel Spanish agshygre~lon 9Il Mexicobull Tbe80 facts have notblng to 00 ~Itb ua other tbun to origloato a Rlaller beshytween Nlcrgllamp and Mexico whlcb mllSt be setmiddot tied beforemiddottbe ltate can eatertain an1thlng but coolness towa~ that Rilpublic

If I Imposllbleto conjecture how mucb trutt may be attacbed to tbe reported lotentlon ohlte Spanish goveuuont Wh~t8Ter tbeselnshytenton wete preleul to the exlatiog rovolytion tit hlime juat be Spain Is so fraught with Intershynal coo~ulllons t~aI ~IO apprebenslo~1 need be en terLllned- 011 thia aide the Atlantic of an attack from ber DOW too buon occupied 8Oidle1 FlIr

tbe ftlturehowenr wben ber govommelll may

TIl 84of Septombol~ 1816 being the ampRnl Teraary or Ihla victory ~Il of the bo)a wbo were the battle delermlned to saddle up aod reo qllelUbe GeMrsl to rldeout with chem tblnklng II the most aoberaod plea Ilt metbod ofabowlng their regard for thelr much btiloved ~olDnabder UnfortunteI1 they or 100 late for upon reo pairing to the Genrals qurters tboy found thtmiddot be btd already gone to ride It was a great dltshyappointmen to tbem but tbey took a galloll to th lake and on tbelr returll stopped at the ell of th b~tT81 andmiddot dtmlJlhn b) luvltalion oC Col Jones aJyenl touted Tb(- BaUlc or Virgin Bay and tbose w~o tfere ClQgaged In It Thoy tben rode arouod tbe city ~1 th~ Churcb or tire Altab ald baH to tbe Plua when b1 InYltatlon ot OoL An- deraon the repall-ed to tbe Walker Dbuaealld again IOIIlted tbe 81nloC tho ad efSeptembtr 1866 AlerwAMa by InTltadon fir (01 Jonel tbe) brougt up at hi relldeoce wbere seated arouud hi table wlLb plenty efbrand water and cigars many Incidents connected with tbe cammiddot palgn were relted many amusing aoecdote told and a gcood time bad generally up to ten oclock P raquo wben tbey dlpersed oscb to their reapecmiddot tin quarters

We gin the names of ~e genUemoa middotIn town en Wednesday who were preseat at thefigbt of

beeOllla stable from an allianco wltb tbe h)uae of Vlrgilmiddot BooPIIlO when FrCflch force than be aIded to ber obstinacy it la impossible to dc~ermioemiddotwat Action abe ~aJ take 0 realize ber long cherlsbec Iope of reoewed aOTeIelgoty OYer ber former colshy001 In America Tho kolowledge or tbes hope~ and along Rcquaintnocc witb the headlong penJatency oh~ Spanish l8ee creates a r8llll0nshyhle (er In tbe Mexico Republic tbat It will nol be long before Spaoish guna will como tace to face I~ tbe CIlltlo o~ San Juan do Ulloa The pout bWtr~ tbat I rance nlly alford ctd asalstshyaoce creates tbe greater danger and the moro wshygon lIecesai1 fo~ dereual preparalion

TIle 88me ~uso wbicll ahould c~eate appreben ion In )(osieo (ought not to bo aUen to NIra~ gUll It Spain desires to re-establisb Iter 10TershycltDtover on8 portion of ber tormer depellden-

CoL A Jon Cpt D n Bailey ~iPtbull J V Hoof Capt Oeo M Leollard To~nt~rdoelj ~ie~~~~arkhIDi Wm E bull Moody Bamuel Kenlltdy Lieut WID Matthew Wm Andcrson Charles Fiaber DUSIITIIO COIlPLlIfIRr_Th M_ya lIerald

88y th Mn DUlenbor 1111 at MllJor Dusenshybor1 now In conlUsndt M_ waa the firs Amerlcall lady thllt ever ascended to tho summit of the vohlano of middotMasaye We believc Mra DII Mnburl WI not only tbe firat American lad) that ever ucended thlll vo1callO lIII1lhU lIbe waa the 11m lad1 tbat ever broko tbemoootony of lIIllAY Ille by becoming a resident 10 Us midst

AlTAL 0 ~DA BrulIIR-The San Carlot

tlemao from Illlaaiasippl wbo baa lived III Leon Aner Ioe more substantal part of tbe entertaamiddot~ al80 Io~om uatha~ the iug~r uaod In that scctlo~ of the State la not ollly eqlllln every r~spect to tbe beat Loulalau table lugar but tbotlt18 sold cheaper Not Doly doe~ tbe country present In aspect moat fut9rable ~tbe agrlotmurl In all tbe abonrespects but It ia undeniably Olle of the beat grpegrowln~ atates in tboworld Theprieata inforlllll UI thttmiddot lnanyeara ago tho grape las cultlvated to cODalderabte extent and -Ine WO0 dllcecl lupenor even-totbe celebrated Catlonla brand The Spanilb government however In a Jealous mood ordered aUth~ vinea to be cut up

ment had bee~ disposed of toasts to tbe iPresiden~ of Ibe RepublIC Ib~ Hon PIrre Soul~ be AmeH cau Minlaterthe glvcr of Ibe entertalflJllent tI beads of the various Departments of t~e Gllveru meot and many of tb gentlemen pretoot ~ropoled drank 1I0d reaponded to Ith much gusto I

Gencral Fry presided wilb his ulual groe Soul displaed such eloquence upon Nicaragan alllrs as plaly sbo ed be iaterest he too~ hi theilgt and 001 Whoeter wla al usualbrilliant ~nd will1 11 would be useless to endeavour to deserlbe

and the manufacture of ine ~o~ be auspeildod Cptaln Frazier 8amptyle we sball not tbe~efOl1 amiddot Aler the revolutloo oflodependence th country tempt It It is lumclent to lIy that he performed beeame Involved Ill such a ltate of IPucby and tbe part ~H m~ne bos with ecl4t I) btselrbull1HI consequent uncertainty tbilt DOmiddot efForts weloe made to tho satsfllctOD of his guull to re-commeoce tbe cultivation of g-ape and a Tbo company separated al leven ocl ck to ~ look a tbe wasted rllncbes nd deoayed b uildi~g8 tond at tbe Presideot~s Levee bull that mark tbe Statea gradual decline Will lit once DUARTOR~-The stealDer Sail Oarl08 Ir cooYloce tbe most skeptical that this Is tbe 001 tbi port on ituesday iRat for middottbo Ban JUIO ril eri 1eI800 1by tbere are no vloeyarda ill Nicaragua with tbe Illtelltion of connuctlng Itbtho Nell at present At eYery point tbe 61gna ofmiddotdecay are Orleaa steaDIer I mallifeste and eTen the elthltmiddot baciendas are The Hon Piorre Soule took hia dedarturo o~ aot free trom tbe reproacb No Improvements tbe S crlo~ and 1188 attend d to th~1 b b b o appear to have been made within the Iut fifteen a large nUDlbe~ of friend In ompall ~~ 1I or twoot1 yelrs except allcb as e~e absolutely Soule Col Fisher Col Muocoaas and~L1eut Gbull neceaaary i and at evory f~olstep ell8ts tbo sign Y Giattook their departure fortbeUoiled Statu of I former wealth llId population not now known 1 tomiddot thomiddot State Jii~TIC~ to OYII2nS or LUB V_~L~Attenmiddot

The Boardof Commi88loners to dctennine on tbe tioo II dlfected to tbe notice of Cbarleal ColiabID rigbt or the Government to COnaSClle tho properly i another ~~tDn a~vertising 01 perso~a nuIS adYerliaetl leAt preaon in aston In this cit) tlng tbea of Nicaragua lIDd tbe ~ivor Sail Many place haTe been taken p08881Sion of by J uall tbAt hereofer tbey must take 0 IIcenHI tbo ollleen of tho Board which will probably be for their ve~8 before tbey can eftgae In tadm given back as the owoe wUl be IIble to prove on tbe oforesdid walers I Ihat tbey were not compromised III Ilny troasou PIlIISOIIAL--Col John n Markham lately in agalnlt tbe Republic But R8 n matter IIf justice command of the Meridional Department arrivOll to the State aRCI that 1 1e88on mlly be taugbt the In town ~ )tondlly by the SattCarloa d~d I stm dilUlleeled whlcll 11 be warning to otbers botb in thecity L~ Col A Rudlor in oollDand al bere and e~OThe it I highly proper in oumiddot Cutillo also came up a passenger but ilel oelt opinion tIa the BOllrd shollld proceed wltb closemiddot day on therturn nip of the boat i ncaa and rigor In ItSmiddot hyestlgatlon We have to I deal iLb lUCfI who art) i reality ellemies to tbo OnANO~ or nuo QUAITKas-~ng Oeneral State and who would take the Brat (vorable oe Uornsby III com)llan~ of tho Merldlo 1 Dep~r~ caalon to declaro for cootioued rel)lutlon Any end ~a removed bla head qumiddottors rrom Sll achellle they cOllld doviao regprdleaa of ita honor uan e ur to R t or Its collsequeoces would be qulckl) ndopted not GOHI TO SAH OARLoa-Capt JrRRk bOlDplOIl

eit in thla q~terwby ahould no her ambltlon Captalo ErrickacA Arrived alibi port on Monday onlr againampllbeGovcrnment bul against uupre- baa been ordered to San Oarl08 wi~b ComplaT cov~t the bol of tbllll Ihhe attempt and 1middotlPoIl Virgin Bay brlbgllg lip leveral p_ tellted women an~ children middotThnt conllderatioua F First Light Infantry He Ion on tb alellllUl tuceecdamiddot1Ii llbjlllBting ~nlco would abe oot gers and coosiderablCl freight or bumlnlly abould bo middotextended tlards sucb on Monday


268 I

El NlCABASUENSEVoll No 45 p 2 Sabado 13 de SepUembre de 1856 Saturday September 1318

Ohonllllu where the rar_ nampedmiddothey hamp4 been DEATH OF ESTRADA IHBRITiW iiiiiBIBUTIOf lenl bT ~etII Wilker nd on amphe angtli or ~ f Jitaragne nst About two weeD lince IlllormatIoD - re- bill 1b7lrobbed de minON or eyeryampblq the W are lafonned lbJori HarlaampI~ 1lIfmiddot

mid he1IJheamp TiJrle ad hll 11111 of ObbeN wnW AI leaglh amiddot phyalolla who was ~ the PUI8lded Preeld ot Nlinragua appointedlI _t__ S middott 18 had beea cutlo pi_I ihe 1DGlIIttm Of~OhoDmiddot millet of wlilt IlAlifit1 we did no hear ealled lill the yampCftmroccaakmed by the deeth ltf lKm 1Jaturday O ~ 8p bT a parll of llldlul 1M the DeWi caml In lb 811_ togolhor and loformed Ib~m di he JruIO Cliamorro baa beeo ltIlledmiddotblbemiddot Iodinoa

-- IVCll lodlroei wJ IIIId wal aUog$ampber en 110gt It Oeoenl Walker aod WaIJ tlllled UI he In the Department 01 New 8egolo ala town ARMY REGISTER hk 10 lIIyellCCu~ III Ibe _oner ied dtd had 1101 1l1li1 th_ ~ento pllloder them aod called Samoto Oraode It ppe~ Ibd A~tonlo

middot -da l_t te wdldnoamp~ I ~eo allude 10 IL 00 couaolledthemW_hlealldclrlnhemiddotmahlud UliRYiallatbom ~lradampbdllDpriSOllednPromottonl an_nppow men bull Wetla howlt a PIWIl airbed trlm ere from lhe couo he guard hooae of Ihla 0111 and who waareolsed

iI TH11 o-nu oeDII OJ lBUI1IT the hIcIeedaof Ualo Grode DellI Julpe be- The minera dId18II9IIIbIe 0 Ibe outaber or onr bl Gen Walke on hla eyloto GIampn~Wi wuTUO - - h l

1000cllII 10 non lermIo r_r which M DOW 00- two bOldredjbullrmed wllh mal)betaa picbaod t e mean of Estradu death Child ltolJecl G ~ Bawley appolnamped Second Lleutellut C1IpW b amllllludlna parIlIl~ aDd otherlUde IUIIHIbull The 8tanedlo p_~ ot Tur- bull partl oflotfIe meo In Leon ith wb~m he

en~ ~tampotCoIl1ll of BubeiatellClo be -rmoli the preriou amptor) III an 111 pfriIco ley and lila IIInd and lOOn _memiddot up wllb them went 10 Bomoto Grande where Estrada w- rht~Becou4 LlelltiOent Oenrg Femnd prolllOamped IarI IIIYlDgmiddot J~ed diem ftGai tha m ~ The aUe _ ther were oololllUered nd ltie he Incited thnUve poplilation agaID Estrada 10F1111 Lteutftan0UrlllI

loho C Crowell Ippojllied Iecolld Lltuleoant Balbelorerelolfllgthalle wewRlCor hellen manded a parle aad twr UI Interchnge lor lUch plleh tbal Ibe roao IIpon him WlthoUi ~ArtlI lIampot I~Of oar teIdera who malIoU poeted eeYenlftaga of - Ibe followillg lel1llaof caplbullbull meaDl of defeoce he fell the Ylcllm 10 hIe OWl

IamprII who and wW furle all4 hie _ reallf Iolon weie entered Into Turley party weN pervealty IBESlilloAfIONS wbull to up all um+ ar IIh the were to be

middotliiatLiauteou$ K Bew _tint 001lUlllmiddot QIp$ Tutley arrIcd hert 4He ~1111amp fumlabedwllb suibullbullwhowoold take them to the Hu III1 baJTubull-Th sehoGDer Pearl r~sarr of Suhlltlence baa retIgned bit pOllI1on Ibebetd ota plrty ofinoampfOur 1lItII 81idlated 1~leooQrmiddotBIerielclllnrf1rblO1i Ibey bolmd tbem to Ibla pOd on ~ueed rllr a severe ~D ~ i had teA hili ~ lieu and Jar- ItImtod_d and leavemiddottlte coooy lerooe Up to Virgin On t e prage up 8 e lIIelTWO IMPORTANT DEOREa8 _ ier 00II of III New Or~ a_ CrtuIIi II Ia _jtultd thai Torle) party mutl bue a tremendous 8118 which 8Jlrullg Iter timiumlo

Ja tha ~ NJooir e publlahad bull ~ ho woold be w by lie autlllea~~ been oulof _uoilloo oIberwlae the would nol mllcb thai Ie waf willi dUlieult abe maJ~ed to middotdtorft of bullbull8upreme BreOll~Y power ~ug Tude) hImaeJf had III Ipparendl IfIIIIlr I~ llayt aped- to I lip bel ~ arml i blu IIall ~eep afloel ~ngo and c IlW wetemiddotke~t ballmiddot a eeiIaJji penaft of abOr IIIi Idlelltll or III the did menuer whCll pre~ oftrfODemiddotla-1di eTealll lbaldIdo a3d II Ibe lodoua got pol- log alllhe while alld enl hell gllal apweh~ _ ~pNIIIlelra olthala ~~no ~1Of Be eonlrmed In hftappolotmeDtaDlI eeiIdon ofu-sa prepotIlion wa made to knt all 8~ wafelt lbIabe would go downbull In Ileat~S An p- whe iWl ~e BfteeR cla11 1louS em- hit eompIIl wu 10 1uII1e1 Of the robbeI1I ~ WI agted to bl 11141 patl aoout Ibe _de lb lee 01 tbe 18~ld or ZapaLeo plo1meot hanoI ao lIIbl - or IlIiPOJI II dered 10 be mouoW B ~ UI lii0i1 ofUle mllerlwblii ohe were In fayor of keep- and In comlog to tbla cl~ nayi_ted a cpnQel liable to~ aad WUI brouSht r_ lui orbllmenhad~ reeroItea 1IlIelIIweread IogUltreea It di1ll1oo 11111~ade aod IIItweeo Ibl Ielan~ od the _Inlalld htheo peteet8ab-PreIeOtOcrrrllotofPollcOI~Ide mlrab~ h_mali IIIIdfrom brlog pllilldpaled 1amp _ found UI the 1t1l~lIg pa1ele lalgeiy IInIcIlOWD CoL Btl Commluarr Generall CapL ma) be 1eOOId1o hard labor oPOIl be public III ~ border wus of1Ila( Side bodl1rilb Hex lu Ille lIIIIIori~ whin-eupoa thelaller HI UpoD TUImiddot Baldwin lleI loIeaL lage Gonrnmellamp agenl yorke tmondll DllllIIIId IruJIalIII ~euller 8Ued filr dIe khId et le1 gIIl wUb UtFmaclIelr and 04h~r capone caDle up 01 th Pearl LleuL Page brought up

In l1OdItr 00I11J111l of Ioodan prp~ II be 1108 for wIdob the R~ dtldtitd ~lllJlledall but two wilo mad their tgtecape but $600 for the goyernment CapL Bardl comma fOuod bull dtcre8 forlbe eliroroemeoa orall cOiI~rtOla lhII -1 ha been part true hollhlre U 110 wera u~entl caplu~d and are now plleooe hePearL for labor u If IIbOHr eIWl OODIIroamp to worlder opportODlt for Ibi r ok_ Bugen hel8 II AcofampPI MlJUltoUJ COIfDVIri-Defore a general CoIlII I IOlipl period tIiaa IIx IlIOn aod eha1111111 ~ to~ ~b 111amp11 of die _ittr bullbull T~a Thill milerabl pembed Ibe d_tera who but Hmld held 10 thie till dorlol ampbe week print abide bymiddot1iJa 8IIpgemeot tha Judgeof Jim Ja compao~ ~lt ~lDed ~era ate d1t WIiea lew _bl1ce were greeted ~hroder8 by tbe F A Bod of Ule 8ecoad Llgbt I~fillllr w elUte ~rec Subprefoot Agricultural tu UI were ordered 10 1IaolJUl wbra Ihree 001II _1lId0I1801 of NiCII1lg Iud wbe) mlgbt tried for lIIulinoul conduot In that while 011 lhe or Iridal Alcald - HlIlIaCe blmmiddot to forCed paal oftha1 ~w_m~OIedmiddotlIlIdercom middotnow be oooupting blgh and bODOlable position eteaDer 1 W SCou be drew llie knifo Ind reshy~ ~ ~ptlbllo oworb for the unuplred IerIIIm~ orltlIpL DolIO The were bull11 met bat tor tWr lIIbol ahlle for pili that 111 IU 8iated Ih gull1l alld alen tbreaened 1018 8UperkJr of lIIIlIeflM And~ pereon who abtl COIlo wli SIiirp CIrhIoee Illd 01 ad w~ 1111111 whloh woo141101 be COllte~1 lUI Ibe pro- oIIicere and DUd dl~pectful lan8uage to them middot(raCwodi aod fall IIhaIl be liehIe to nOli lIlao loon well mOlloamped whtu h1_ ~e4 10 ceedI Ofhoneeampmiddotloduet J bulmWlooedt IIIIeIr for Be WI tried Ind confloled and he Courl llargtll Clil rior lore dIII liJllonlbe fbioeed Imor on UI _ling rbout th lIelghboibood b1fbIoIlRlcIlI nddtit wealih by deepoilog oiberabullbull Tutlef WaIJ condeJIDed hlllllO erYo one ye at ~ hbor PW1~ lmpro~ta Uley cibtaIoed preUy good bowledge ~thlIII- bull _ ofgood educallon and exceedigIJ plampu ullder ohIrge of Ibe gllard 1Iilh bull bal III ohlin

n ~ eYideol1rom th_ two ImporJanl deereea roundIoOlJlItrJ lhIe _0101 od maoy tbhk lutl he decelnd bil rbolll 10111 legtha lb Goleroill~t Inteods to ~o y1f11b tha A IIW more 1Ilal _k lier Ibtlr Irrl1Il _ In Ihe fI1II 1lnee bY81lIlig Ural hemiddot WH - bull I ~18f()Ul aPdlmiddot of Idlen wldcQseeru 10 tIIe1fere ardere4 h1 CaptaIn DOlan 10 pIliMied III aelliagiJuder orde tloniGeo Wlter~ OfCOUrtl lluu amp018-10 uother columo pqbshyW uieUUri ~nlon oft pbpwtfOD n I Tl~ aad ueteIa Uleb of-~_ hedeception could 1101 ha II1ttdmiddotloug hot tha lleh tbe adYerlilement or the M la~ 1~ Plbable one-thlrd of the meo ~ Nleampng1II will a1uje 00II of tha bull_ Dad been 1111 men Dilllid lbemI It au enIIIf _ for Bered 111 ah r_ will CODmellce whttber II ~ 1IlIiSUltW deotamiddot of Ibe ngrut 10amp I tlldmiddot d-bulland a bull~te no1i to be mo the7 bd robhIlHbe DlIlI_lun dltecUoJie aOd ralal or bloea ~ attd 81 eLtenelv prellyenAIio- another lUIP pJO~lIon wm and th8lllaoln BoO Ihp inot)fiur bOllrll Thtf ted ~lnsl7 ofOOI1Ne mad thelia eneml laquolid heillde kilew ba8 boeo made b tile Ciub ~ week ue III~ lpot

jeeto dlel8jlO1ld The loealuhoriUeII nendIMJllpDl1IOueeOrmiddot1ffaa middotiAerwramiddotbull lberweralookedllpOlt deerampei1l bdel~com leespected Doll C~ot DraOIIamprtntllllI middotoatt byerbruUhe m~ halllmoob hoolll en It WII14 to ~ reparll ooaoooamped plul IImead of raa-_It~ouldno fgte d1ft1oo1tmiddot under lvoh cb~ aome tit the fln1 I~k In lbe counlry hlc1a iUn In all 111 Mneea ofllle te lolInd plug 10 TIpiamptpa lhe1e deloor of Iibout eUDllIMea to Induce them 10 _lInueon Ih han been llactly~ UIIO for lOme dt llenlt IIIIIIldeat emPlo1~8D~ the ay or cOIhiclklS fout mllell ilidmiddot Ib _ to OhonW u lfop~ of reaoltll Ibe coori andtetw1Ilog to of tbe olllOlll are 180 In the pOlae~lolI cU ncr grmtl IlId all empo7lr who desires labore AooOmplng Ulem_ Jolin J BiY8lll bull young tolbel bOlllelll1l th~ States Wilh tba08leera of 8Iook upon wbloh Ibe ~ willing to alaie Ilfr b onJi to mue a cootrret wllb ~~ 11m oJItill~e mill who hid _lIIIlIy 111l1li ~ed tom the IcolUHI~ WII illlIm~t Tbeyweol Jato tbbullbulllIalr pile Sportsmen rOIO a dlftell~e r~~ cordI] fu hombrt- be matte to _realu one biId IW II1IU to bull HCOlld lIeutammtillof - poIaO8 wlUllhelr 7e11 OpeD f1d ere only ampetuted by Ited to III preaant and parllclpald n Ib~ spotbull for he Goremmell Improemenl8 Idlenei Ind _JlIIII1aod w ~ Ibe time ot hIi deiertiolll adealre for plonder on Ihe 000II1011 IIIdt~bgotogetherl and It all appllcallon for ctoallrlllcommand~amphI_peo7 TnrI7wu~IIeof VloDurgh MIH alld IltllU-illmiddoty bull s~iYmiddotJ-t IV nether labo III nOI di_~rerused ItI ~I tlllWrId At lIral 1101 belteyed IIlaI Tllrl and bll hll tamil tbe 18 middotcouldered hlgllty felpeelable holiday among our Iodilll friend Ba8 the ~o8aya i8rmatlnly bot to be blOke Tb mneUIer _mind bad really d_ftHl Tht UII1Ie olllcera When bull ho1 bll cbataoler 1111 hid and he laquo8 Herald It was Ibe annolY_ we beley~ of the InduatrJ nor coneoience i alld ~y are of opi~ and Iwenlywo _ all Americana oouId be early obliged to lea hODle 011 account of bls dla qbjvgatio~ of Ibe 1Ioorebullod Wa6 entelpu InlB tbat th_ IWO 1flnU are aupplled b bull characer- Iolated tlIeif pIlgh~ faIth d_ried Ibelr eonll hoa1 prop8DIIltlea n ill Id Ihat a few yeal8 wllb phit Abougb w vou1lt1 nol UU


IRlII IIIOre alarming elill m~lIce It Ie Id ellmiddot tJtmeo and abandooed their lleDdard 10 jolo bull IIDce he made trip IlIto 80ulh Amerloarwbelll Iheir IlIUguase yet we alched Ibeitmiddot m OllVte8 perlenee upbolds tbe unrtloo that be lu hIrhIroIlI aad mlaerable lactIon 1fho Cete llnog bejoloed bull part ot no~ robDeIl IIIId was qulle wllh aU the lowt 1fe could lIIusler nd en lO8f about ahe hou8eII alld aguaclleote Ibope pllllldering tbelr own -- lOme-~ SllIce thenu lemiddotal3ledlbal be hn DeeD joyed Ibe scene YIlI1 much I will promlae to 1fork with 110 olber expecampttion 11101 too u~uoding IIIId oooatoni to be belleY I marelldlllg IIIOn the bordere of Kexlco nd Texae thao to disappoint We know thlt to bit the cue hot u lime pued 011 deIr eontlDUed hIIVIle ThliIe partloola haYe oom lllit 81nce bls deler Brr-Tbe llaaay Berald co~gralulatt8 Itot io mau1net0- wliere America han IIOlIght and nrlOIll ehCOlllllallcel whleh 0IIl8 to IIghl Uoo LIeu Rlnll Ia lIatiY6 we helie of ~ being pree~nt hot Moodal ntght aldauCl workillen for the laborer-if 10 dIJnIIled a _ unwllllugl1orced Ibe eonyicllon upoD Ibe mlnda Sao Antonio Tue IIIId 41a berne II good pYIln b Bellonte Marla Balellmela to tbe oIIker$ can)le fumlllhed to 81l0b libelll on lad~lIIye of d lIilUIwee Indeed 100 true aud from lila cbaraeter up t~ Ibtlimo of hit desertion Bew of Ibe secoDd LIght lofalliry Ba~ImiddotJlon T 6 perr ~Ude joked at their IUCC~ d-I Many 1Il0Dl Ule lIa1ile or Turley or of Idi conted liked by hit meo audmiddotlrllaled b bla IiUperlor lB ~8I a p_n olle I 01U llSU Ie C~D~ POn7 lmportllli works middotwould now be In courae of - -ee ~e a bTe-word and a _ -oor aU cere andoo mllnln lbearll1etood a fgteltercbaace knew blms_e_________ donbullIt bena could he employed alld e 11110 hononhIe mell to ttain high poeltlon tJiaa he did Ilh fatal TaUIIIIIII1 STOIIV-OII Tueeda nlghte amp11 tbe aallIon of knowlog tbat uoder th_ The pen opIldou of 000IIII wu Ulea amphi d momena the lempter foalld him aDd he bartered Rub II aucceaalOIl of beav claps of Ibuu er ahal deereei - k1ud or abow wlll be mlde toward eerlell would ~e Ulelr way 10 Leollud jolll Ibe all lila bop for the proapeot of bull robber life eIIID boiled milk UJ1lod to booD-clahbe Tbe colleolinl UI lleeusnry foroe to ~o on with lmIldmiddot hclloroblll Ibue but II few deemed more rro- OfIbe olbers we kaow nolhlog peltODlIlI but rbo Ia aboal Ihe moel forcible IIu8tramp1I0 of lb iOI up lIIe C)OUolry lC men II1ilI 00 work fot bable IIlas u had gone 00 a robbiDI npediampion ~ng to lilT who mIght b di8Pllled to follow etretl81b of Ibe atorm lhIt we call Ibl of JUII bemIIlm or olliors Ibe VilI MJI(J to work (or amoor lb riobbulendu cir Chonlillea aocl woald tbelr eulllJll If ampOy lUeh tbere be appsnd now Oanmmelll i Ind II few 8amp111 experience In this aodeaTOr to maIte tbelr way to de AdlUllio com Ihelllmee of fie mllerrbl wratcllee who IIIve paid i lIer llDe will plllhabl cure the llloelobelloato either Blew8eldt or San JOIII del NIlrte The en dead for UIlr crimea TIIVPIiJIICIIlampaTI1-rrOfe8llOrSli1IIWlt1 cubullof Idlen ord_lllaloeu laltMire lIagulirly oorreot for UIe 8m newl bull OJrI01M lecture 00 tho IObJect of Temperaoce h -1

i L_gt _0 r-abullbull b- _II Lgt Turl ltlIpL_~lfbuderR LieuL E FbullRullleli iO-lIIerrow enolng The d~ coureo wm givemiddot_ Lt

FLA( middotQF THERIilPUBLIa _ ft_ u 0 nJ vera th Ia I ~ t f tll b ft C beod had robbed etII haetendu In (Jbooet PRlY-T18 degDn e p Ya hn ~ronl degb__ urch at rP M

bull oort open I 0 t me UI b By a dec e puhllabed In an nolbor columll Ibe a olle of whleb the)- were bllllteo otr after coo- I R Fltzhogh A C Lewle I e our I

Fiac IIf Ibe Replblic 18 changod yerl materiampu lidertble of bull lIghL It did noamp appear th amphi i raquoj BBi ~ tok~fdl HOltampLITr If LIOIC-The Kill Berld plIb It oOW eooeleu of bille etripes wllh willte Iiad JOIn aD of Ibe lIylns hlna of pbamom ampm~1 Jlo~ne K R Moni llabea an eKnol of II Jetter giving Inrect InteJII etripe between them the IUer Iwlce u wide III tall III IIlat regJon but like de - of lebm8l1 H- Conant A N Moore gence from Leon fu 1Ihloh U Is elated ~t oflbli Ibe former 10 the lIillldle of the wblte etripe ie UIeIr IIInda lIemed to be agaIoet fIery man and George Dunn Samuel MOre few remaloiog foreign troOjNIlIOW In jat city Iobearedetarwlthivepolol8 Wbullbullretbuarld O1l11en hand 1Ipl1ld Ibn~ Wbll CoL W O bull Ear~ Y BBllllth ftOmIlReeotoI1leotdieotleerydtYl

a IIIId hla nw 10 Ih b Ch IWeII A lira W B Sb~are shyofUie eropn d11eewblcbhu hllhlrtoenap r-7were8 roog 1)110 J A Gamlllon B Spheara COlllampIIIampIPamptoOJ-TheFiraamp RillelBaLaf proprlalell8(1teampe11ted Ibe State taIet he 1108rtmed from a ff1el~lI) nade dtd I B Tylor D 11 Klink 100 h bten 1lI()elvlog It pr during the pas - Turleyaod lIlamiddotpart were fa hnlclollYt aod had r ~ Welcb II K Welle week Tbe followiag COlllpaaleJ baY call d

8runOtu-Thi dhigdowa 1Ol rtew _ -w O p Latoloo de Colanelaollcelllld 118ded bull e l ~ e plalll to lIIe lake 1m beeo thqrotghly to fOhL bullbull C D and F Companr A Il opened w(lblD the leal weell IlId tbe Impro The om 1DIeIlIleoee of Tudf IIIId hl1l pug H~luo-The breUlrell of Ibe lII)aIoiC tie bull _ 811 Ia decided 10 the IdYlllltge of the Ylelf ft) tha ~polte prelousl) meolloued thrt dey rd~ to all ednrllemenilll anoUler column RJFlII8II11G-A dllgbtfUlly reflelhill~riB felmiddot rOm the city~1eUo ~e beacb bad a1lbeell IIIIrdtIed and UIII 1m now been from ~hlth It will IIIH tlilt aregular meeting i~terday momlng unlll6outBeYeD 0 he~

__- r Grilli --- a ed III auch a mlnDer u lcae no - of Orruada Lodge U Dl ot1II beld on Wedmiddot the weelber cleared up cool aod bealtb TbDRun ~__r caep D no eon rmmiddot i nudar e18olll 1Ielt _ e alternate Wed- bull e been appointed H Deputy b M~ahal Stomgtt of of III trUth We give the padlculan u we beard n by thereaRor hey will take due nOllce lOci pWa look beaulltulllllll present coallui pf greeD h Court of FlnlloaUDce diem -TIII IIId goue ioto Ib milling diltricl of gGIera h_lm accordlnIITmiddotmiddot gruB I

$I NICABA6UENS4Voll No 45 p 31 S8bado 13 de Septlembre de 18561 Saturday September 13 185S

GLANOE Oul OF TOWN MASAYA JOOJmiddotEYOLUB OFFIOIAL By TUB OIllgtBIlLY At m~ellog ampf the olllcentlaquo tbe 2nd Llllb DECDMI- m THE A1I1D_ i - Iolmtr1 Battalion September fth 1861 HtJOr JKdiO V~ UVIIlAllIUtIl J

o tlie capaclLy otOrderly to tbe Captain bolll Heopound1 D_bupound1 wae called 10 ~e and N 44shy~ Iu 110 often appeared In eonnectlon wltb Lleut Arthlll Conner eleoled 8eoreorl1 o 1

the _loin u uJ lh obJeo III ataIed hJ lUWUBUO 01 NIOAllAGUAmiddot ~ Titu Bdelu 1 fell Wl_1Uamp SatunIaJ PMdent lIU Ibt tbe orpIIIIllon of Jock Deptrtmenl of aw lIIIillnwrlol Be_lIell $ldIaeoYerlng that ho AI not III bll qlamplterl A OIub G_ Sepl 1~6 Ye large demlJoho but re~ently purebed w On mellon of Lieuamp Ju fl LeYJ ~w reeoled lillr--Th Supreme Eseelltl Pow~ hu been

ply aod III hollow I)ulld _med to echo the tbat this erpnizallon be known fa Tbe )(_ pleaaea amp0 d1cta1O th tollowlng decree TIl Jockey Club lh PreallhM of the RepulIo of Nlcvqut 10 Ita

llalllG with eyer lEgtverberalon 0 On rdollon of Cap J G D-ellx It lohabltants _pany felt looosome wllhout the _lIIonal Iemiddot R4fOlNtl-Tbel the_lin proceed 10 III eJee In erdv amp0 _ ampbeelgtIC perfOnPalloo of__ 11110111141 commandlug ollleef and I therefore fel dO~ ofoillcen to thEgt _ulng yr tracII Cor labor In Ime of Ilia aulborlty 1 lore InCUlllbent upon m 10 dlscoer hla h_ Whereupon the toIIowlng gentlQlllen WIN Dmiddot DEORlBa

enlmoualy elected and lnataIIed I - Pmldem ArIIoIe 1 AllY _lrIC made Cor _bor (or bull 1 SundA paaaed In ampultlel endeayoll1l Itllor B Dlllenbupound1 VI_Presidents Doo JampIl- larm of mentha or ean haD ha binding Oil the did Honday d Tueaday At luI I eenob IIsCo Brayo and Lleut I amp Le Treu_ paramplulO Ie

gh ~h eouDlry around the aguardleote mallmiddot Capt Horace Bell i a-taq Lieut Joh Cooper Art So Any penon who lOa malt eontract ~ au-asled ilBelt and I determined to 00 mpUon II w reaolnd lb comml of 10 perform IIboI anhballtaU te ful611 tbe_tract

Ihree be appointed lOmiddotdral rulu and regulallona iball be aentalleed b) tile Judge of Jif IUlaftcelmPthlm In quartcn I knew be would like to Inmiddot lor the gOufDment o( lite Olub ~ Sub-Prefect AgneulturU Judge Ol local-btlt The rollowlng gentl_n were appoillted aahI Alealde amp0 foreed labor on the public work Ibt I middotte ho1I8 of Tlw Bricks as IlIlbeyard lied commilltee Cpt l O DNUr Lltul W )( tem J 1101 I than one IIOr more than Ilx

- d h h db I to III Ie Reeder lIId Dr W L Lundy manu Ol uotll the puLy to whom thlabor III lip a tree an e a cen ~ n on Onmotloo A(ljourned H DVIIEIIlVIIT Presamp due may aelillgtr tlle rel_ DC tblborer

two busbels of eOIll lit Brlckl gaYe him tbe Joni COOP II Secretapound1 ArtI ADy laborer umay contl_1O do work middotIter hie purcbaae I eonclu4ed to mount tor a 1011ier period tbIG 811 month and IhaII taU

l1I~IdO bim Untlelog Ibe rope and Idillg him 0011111881011 011 CollfllJOlnO Bar4111-)(n 10 fulfill~11 OOIItriCIl ~Y~IIII~ced bld~bull - bull 1~1 of the ore menlolloont 10 _ inl Qte street I w 8111prleetl al hi 0 e Rogen and rullhmend the oolylwo membotrl of bor 011 the publia worki for the time of hili gnel[ ~ Ielng JlIaI high anough to allow my tt to the lIove Board are JIIoaeedugurlpidlaspoao pIred nlee Omiddotuotlllpu~ to whom hlalabor

(Ibo grount when I w 8eated in tbe addle IIblo 10 deciding upo tb PIOpfil unlIled In Ia dua may uk to hi rel_ t ampaddled 111m however be reeled to aDd flo IllOthe column IUbjeot to conJIteation The Art Commlnicaled to whom II ma COIlCerL

bull bull G1vtlllo GnIlMII tllia 61h day ofSept 1866nl hlle flIen but tbat when ho PPolnlJllent of )( Baldwlll II Sollchor of Ballimiddot W)I W ALm

middot te olle lido my feel Jlropped blm up and enat will reline lbe ampOlrd In greal _ 10 th IfInlater of Sampate In th middotDepll1lmant 01 10 tJ~lIte other In tbll way be 1(111 kept rom of IlIlevereal wk In coIIeoampIlIS alld ftaIlIlIItbe Qolelllmen Don Farmln FerlW

bull but wllb all my efforlB lie could not be In idence Comm~ClIed to you Ibt your IntorJDtllon and bull proper acIIoa w10 CO ~rvr and nOlI Illtaring hla denl) in HIDiateI of illite

ugre1 language IUClU u bullbully-he-y-be-he Soflotoa or ID TnilIlVIII-Jobn )( Baldmiddot _eot8oGb-ahl whicb trIn8Ialed mClnlwlD Esq rormerl Oaptain of Comy 0 Fillt No 45

Itoowl mYlIIlI and I think I middotdo you Cin Light IllllDtq b~ been ponted to the Imporampo REPUBLIO or NIOARJOUA l 00 110 IUCb gam a Ibat Flndlog I Uleleea ant potIlIOII DC Solicitor General of the Trauutfmiddot Deparllnan of Sta and Interior RItlou 10 peel a ride 011 tbe horn of M~ Brick I eon The ppulntmell of IIr Blldwln 11 wllll unl GnDeda Sanamp t 1861 bull araaI b toa Sf_fte Snmiaml BseoIIII Pov hu beaD

~ Ilvor w eJtended 10 lIIe I ullt down hIe bed 10 bt taken out or her bottom and bv Art t CcirDmullIeaIed 10 wbom It ml1- covered Ith dea wltn 011 hoWNie k tb farm AI be U Od~ ~ II wbole bull needed recaulklng C1raaada Sept etb 1866 W)I WALDB con~ aboot lOrty -- 01 tud more or Jell

1vti~t te _11011 Itn e 0- Ol bull bull ComIJUDleated ~ to r IofoIlMllon and MId II I plantain baclenda wltlifeDleIIlllld eyeqNothing_ A peclIlIr lip with 1111 blDd PJlI8OiIlIk--HampJOl John P Watent although oileD you you thlDgiltlaohed neceuu1Cot their ooItI1loe aIiIo

d to trf It OIl foot alld tying Ibe animal up v appro pJeuad 10 dlctlte belolktwlng deoree

10 tree I started On 10 hunt Taking lite AraquoOllIftll PIIICY -Ih HanYJ x- 8legal 1BB GOVBRN1UilNT ampoWf~ the ComnUf San FllnciacoI gelld_noflIeilyb~lppOInted~reteot lbe~~~erI~n-~~

dIIIly looking place tt whlllh I hid Db III the Sontbem Depariment InpIIce of nt COle tandere paD~ y ed tho Captain and rille atop ollClllliollally reaigned Hr Kane o4Iqe wlU be ruT ArIIcIe 1 middotAppoInted Prefect of IIId Depart hare einglllllr to reIte an agreeable locklug ------- -I )I Billlpound1 Kalle I whe hiI tlke charse

with crI hal d hlnl teeth b t HtVLID Up-The acbooner P_l b bMa Cor theen CODMqltot upon ih realpaUonIn apy L bull ng U ullled aahore llear the wbarf and III IIOW Ullder- 0( the ltaceIerof the soiaIIa of ruuof the pub f dark COIIlplICtIon UHd 10 bend oIIt two dll iOIlIs repaln III mampoy pla_ enUre bGIrda 110 reyenlltl with tll esoaplion ofthe bnulobea of eclIlIollt1he 1Ie of bull pllli measure As ~te IIIId labor blllh Ife ureed 1eued

h 11 Uie WOIIWI 10 tbe doop bu ithout ltill aulfermgliom hla late IIIclmeaa left tll Uty ffOP8l )(Dltter of State =~tb~~~~~~eId ot caltle _ Of 1_

OM I relamp Ier iloll In th app11eaampon 011 Tneadaylu Cot )(aupa to tHe commwl of the bnuld ~OB~td~ right amplid ud to gt(l1IIIa1l1lst4 dobe~ my head dIIt lfllJJOlWl pOIamp No 46 W J STONE Karol

middot III wy from 10 InbOlpllible quarte~ I RBPllBLlO 01 NICARAGUA l Orlnut Sept 1866 middot elOJIg 40WII under the jooote treu tewa~ Raus )taees f r Ha r r DpaItmIII of~Is~~~~ J AUCTIOI DB amp0l1l88I01 1088pound

lIMrieancametepound1 NothlngmOlllllfulCtOl8eQ JfABAYA OOURSB Sf~ThI SupremeExeoullYe Power baa beeu G H WINESamp (() lpitlt1 but allo of thougbt leemed to en- THE ~rln Heeling ot the )(-1 lockey Club pland 10 dl~tlI toIIowlng Decree ABB now pfepamprOd 10 catTy on the Auctlon IIIId

middotthlLt there IlRIId tbe grandmiddot allll eolemll WIll commence OIl Sullday thth Septemmiddot THE OOVEaNlIENT OommlaloU B__ ln colllllClion with tbeltod tln dlil plllan or the State 111 bel 1114 OOII~lllue until ampturday the 20th n being -yto ppolD r~wbo p_ Du~ on goode cooal W be ampdshy

r- e Flnl Day-Blinda 141h-200 yudl beat a In IhaII repreaell and deteod Iherllaquobta and Intereall noed d h ~-~ gallant bo hive g008 to eleep amid II lurn 100 Eotrance 15 110 forteU of the NIIinD1n TImIe of Ita authorlt putl w=_isttblC~~ or Granada are onl tb foundation Two or more 10 mllte a _-Free fOt all hoI_ DEOREl8middot LlbenI adylIICe8 by drafta OIl New York d s

te1MW Itae III for IIl1)lU111ng the former and IIlU wllo h bull bOt _on t race Article 1 Appointed SolIcItor of the ~ Franeiaco wW be made on reeeipt of mercblUldlze aid 1IIe Spllllah dynasly ecllpee tbeIIldlan Second D-)(olldll1tb-8iagle daah 800 (FIIcIl General de UaoIeuda) of dI Republlo of In the cuatoJd hoUle Tile hulldlng OCCUpl1lQ 119 ylllllamp Pune 160 IlllranCII 1111 forr11 17 II NIcaragua )(rloba It Batawln wIIb the aaIary Win ok t_ II f rI lIaing tll m fee eu4denly tumbled Illd be- Three or more to make bull _ bull For mulu 0011 of iWO lI~dred doll per IlIOIItII barre bulkamplldc=~tom n~ ~O~d I could recover I Ity p_trate OIl wbat bull Third Dy-Tlleaday l11lh-tOO 1IIda beal Art So OomlllOlllnated te hom It may COIIetIII celvodOll a~e ampII WI roshya lIel( made grave CroeaIog mylllif de- i In 8 PUrH 1160 lkra_18Oj balUOIftlt GNMda September 9 l~ J A RUGGLES A-t

_t _ I ~- Two or _10 make 1ampCe-Flee [or middot11 honroa W)( W ALDB G ada- - p- RI San shy~1I1 --ng In a IIOOD _ GIlead but FOIIrtb Day-WedneedaJ l1b-Jocke Dr auperIor order thll Ie colllmWlIcIted 10 yo ran VI - Y~ I Franclloo JI1OIDimagtbullbull theUlampootperfectlJaelfpoa- ~ Enttanoetl0i tulltorialt lOO~= toyourlnformadoll md proper uUon awlllamplng if2~~~rIaon t Co New York-obaa A moman IIld I WI Cllm whed It 00- jree Cor 11 mulea ackhOwledgmanamp of th - GnaIda April It 18511 crfted 10 me to loot Uhe DeW amplid ~y hmed FIfth Dy-ThIl1edl118tll-Oblllo~BNYOpu inRnt )(lnIater ofSIIte MAX A THoAN hid -- and to h lid _ 26 EIII_ III balf rfelamp 560fIIdI-middot ---- 4 bull

my orrore I1Itp bull ~ Jreefor-ail hOllJlt mbullandjaek No 41 WHQUSAU DllALEB IN foIIowID81nacrip~0II apptuedeograved upon the nSWb Day-FrIday 111$h-Proprle~ Pll BBPUBLIO 011 mO~GUA BRANDY WHISKY UTINE IIIhogan1 l1bletbull 00 Bntnllce 46 balf forfeit 800 JIIIIIamp raquoepllrimeDtofState and lllleriOl ~ t

bull co Banth th_ tdcb 8eal8 in II-Two or IlIOre amp0 mak NOlI GrIIIIIdt Bopamp 18118 AND ALL KINDS 01 LIQUORS LleII Tlw Bricklll LutDa-Satur4ay 201h-)(_dteradStake Sir-fbI Snpreme ExecuIIy Power h been Together with AlId _ban be died Sflnr Cup Bntnonca ttl I torfeil 16 40( p1taiJed 10 dlctale the toIIowlng Decree rZIV COPPBJIl ANDS71lBJS~RON fb DevU cried ards F01II Gr more te IOIIlce a nlt-Free Ior tile lreIIdellt of the Republic of NlCIraIJlll amp0 III IIIDALL IUIIIII OJ OOODS IOU) III 1fIIOtaaALI IITOI

Weicome Bricks ~eqhlng wlBblng to 11m bull Inbablllllll I bull HOIfIItal atreet In frout of ~ Couy YourellillftLn All enkiCIlO bmadelbedaYJlre~lOthe I_ucb thD_COIICIIIIIIIIS~1lon GrI~ JUlIe 11866

Ow the rriand of my eellmlble Captain died raee berore II oeioolr PH ItOm the well knon publlahed 011 tha Ud of Nombel~ 1~hu been D r middotUtU P t bull reputallon of tll stock IIOW on the cou1 aeriou1t modllled IIIId made of aWe ~ b a bull na bull - O

W Inen I hvbull been unable to ucertaln No aport may be especled Tile racta w1 tlke Decree~tbe ProfialelUll Qolemman med In BEGS LEAVI TO INFOR)( tbe cilbcu of 4111 the pTe no one erected the monulllelll paee rain Ol ehlne Sportsmen ar dletance wiD Leon 011 tlle 29th of Marob _1 paat-Theretore O~a that be bas opened

lllICribed tbeapprepriampte epitaph and I pl_uddreaatheSacrelaq luirtueoflbeautborltJ1nmeYeItedItil A DRUG STORE_ lbarotore without amph means of informing you K H DUSENBURY Preet DdBBD I Nf4rll Opp4fU tA 81m Ilr4flri (0_

good fellow but1Ith8l IlioUned to A BullY ltleO pro WIlL )(-YI Jokey 0I1ib ArIIde 1 Emy free wbltemail who IhaIIIIJI Where be Q prepared to Ibmiab MEDIOINES aguar - mlptta 10 tlle Republlo may enter lIJloo and 1m- PBRJUIlERY ampc of u good qualit and t bull ~all allow bla Ilulta 10 rest witb PIUeultrr Notiee prove aUy_pIed ttIClofpllbilo IaD4 DD el[ fair pricea u _be obtained In tbeelt bull

Perhtp_ wheo I and he Cap~ I may AS the Ial ud 2d Llgbt Infantr tauaIIona aeedlng _ handfed and tidr _In eJampent PArtleularattenampon wW be p1 tOPQUins -II you with lOme Inteieatlng Items _ hi aot MOl In thelr mll~ to cbll a after tlx IlIOIIthuealdMet upon Ol 0C0IIpIti0n up preecrlptiont our deceUed mlgo OIlIlULT ollice they wlHnot be p14 until tham of 0 oi aahI 1IIod b1haII ~eeel till therete ampom Granada lillie 1 18n

j bar and tbe_ required 10 ~eDd In tbelr the GOfemmeCICj provided that t die Ume of bit DI Au bullbullu P t t_lle Ible IlIOIIth entr1lIe reglaIer lbbullbull1IIe ~blDg It b metel OS

U8InROLtaWumBo-Balloticeflomthe Tho Artlllepound1 lid thelal and SndBaUallone lid boondllll tlle olliee Of thelteCorderoftbe TBNDIRS BIS SERVIOES to Ibe citlrena III rarllter II will be - tht th Fim and BtC- of rutH are 0 required to IeIld to ble 01Bca DepmmaDi In wbleh the Iud liei GIIDI4a and mloy ill tbe praetlce of BaitaIIoDl of Light rnfPtry no haring _ new l[W8tet-orolle 011 wblch thy will rec)el pay_ Art Ally immigrant laclnded wllllllllbe pto MEDICINE SURGERYamp MIDWIFERY II fWt muateuolla flit DD be p~ldolf until tbe menhp 10 he llral a~~ND~Sio =iIol~~y~Jj~~~~~olredbete IF Office and realieoce 011 Ibe aoutlnreattr4 of October Tbe are requIred te nlld In PaymaaterQeneral NIcaragbamp cate ud ~ tlie eD4 ofm montha OCCUpadOll COlllijf of lbbullbullweel oppoaite Ibe San FlanclacQur muterrolkl thle month TIle Fira$lIld Sec- 1 ceive tide for thre buodred IDd t_ly acres of CoDt Gll41l111e BattaIIona IIld the ArtlIIcq are required G1ada Lod 1J no public Iud w complltinamp wltllthe pro110 of QrIlIIampda JIIII8 1 laGS

t bull a regIIIt In lite tlralrtlcIt T _ Ioew In Dew muter ron on whlcb they wID be 1 BB regular _lInp of tbIa Lodge wnl her Art~ It eball bethe u1ofthe Record of bull auvr amp DuayFIyen up 10 the IlllltofOetober I ~ be held on every ltemate WIDNBS- land tldte In lite eferal Departmel1ta te keep ArOORNBYS AND OOUNSEJOBS AT LlW 1 __ _ DAY eommenlliq onmiddotWedneadaythe lUh of leparate and dIatInotbookforampbereptrylll all OlBcelllmiddotBt NI04UOUJIIH BuUdinga-80utl

VWII luC18-We IIOtice In cltoulalloD September at tho liouae ~ex 10 be POll Oftlet aotllmen~ ~ p4lIIeIIIOl1 prhllePl occanIag Wtll 0lil01 ot Piua Oruada NIIragliL 1- religious riotsmiddot prillted In Bpanlab al balf1 1 oeiocIt VIaltlbg brethreD are Itamp- IIIIdv b18 dtlllree Puilellilr U8Dllon plId tomiddot clalma plnt $hll sent olll 10 thl oOllnlpound1 hJ the Ammcn telllalllilmiddotlted to _euit Art Tbe appllln Cot fide WIder the 1m Qo_t 4 ClIAS CALLABAN W II and aecomhrtleiof tbladecree abaIl eatabIItla 1IlI IOD TABOB t

~SocIelY septenl~er_a18~ If six _tha occupation beIbte tbe lUdie of lIIe OWEN Durn I GUII4lI4 amppi I laGs


Flreamp 1__ of tbe Deparunent In which Ihe land hlllltuated after baylngduy notified lb So- lIelto eI Hacienda of the tbDe ltbleb he will Ipply1O the lU~IM a eertl6cale of Ibe aettJigt ment and occupaJOI herein rIIIulNd Tbe notice 10 Ibe Sollollobullbullall be giell ill writl~g teD day_ W the ppllctliop for eertilcae 10 tho JudgeofllraI_De

Art II The DeCrPl of Nof 2ad 18611 wi o( IIareb t9th 1868 are refoked 8d lnulled al ways hoevll illtouamp prejudice 10 Illy rlghta beretofore acquired nnder tbem

Art S Conlmuuleawd 10 whom It bullbullbull concern GIenlli lthuad tlllalith day of Sept 1866

Wit W ALKgaTo Ibe Hlnlster of State ID $he DeparlJllenl of Goshy

vernmenamp Don Fermin Flller B1 lIperor order tla i commllllieampkid for our

Informllen and proper aclioll bull hallla Hlol~ler 01 State


Departmenl of Stale and interior Relatloot Granada Sept H 1856

Slr-Tbe SlIprome Executive Yoer haa been pJeDied 10 dictate the Illowog deeree The President 01 tlle RepubUIgt of Nic1JIII in VIrshy

lue of bls authority DECREIS

Arllcle I The lIag of the Republic ball eOllaiat of three slripes Lhe middle whita IIIId he other blue the middle Blripo shall be ice tbe widtb oethe 0111 8tripes ud In tbe ceIIlre of It ampball ha I red aLar with ave poIn

Art t Communicated to whom It mI concern GiTeII In GfIIIIe4a this 11 th da1 of Sept 1866

WHo WALKFR To the )(Inlater et Sampate 10 tbe DeplflDeo of

Qoveromen Doll Fermin Ferrer 11 poo ordor Ihlli I forwarded to )00 lb

your Ioformallon lDdproper actioD IlIabullbulla HilllatenfSampale bull PubJle llale

C THOHAS Rpound1 amp 00 1 DOIOTlLI 00N ADUD 00

~ bullBY fIme of bull writ orfMe IampoIu 10 me dJrected ballI~ the Ibo e~~tull IDd tll pubull tb jU~f~ reIIdt~~t~ 1Iel1the aame the courtobo_ door III GIIII ~ Sllurday Ibe wbullbullUetll da ot September1~t telYe e cleekmerldlau

lJampcIendaCOIIIDlGD knoIflluthe Baolellda Sulidad altlllted Ibout nine mU _t~ or San lmIIz~~J~1a dopbneDbullltllll the IIIlpnlYCgt menta t_lItlllted eonllilllol of tbree bouiea


278 EL NICAHABYENBEVoll No 46 p 21 Sabado 20 de Septlembre de 1856 Saturday September 20 185

I ~

JRogen Wouudedto be proud of Ihe COUIIIg lIe might 1 exoea EXEOUTION OF JENNINGS ESTlllL ItCaP Will Ionofdarillif dlplaYed hy thle _II alld undlclpllnad ~ lmiddotJititfaguf nSf Dan Flowery Atli oclock PM 00 tbo Qvenlni ofFridlJ tilpany BYeI) man In It ma) be oalled hGrO (or Liellt Crowel~ Illth Inst 2d Lieu Jennlogll Eslelle auft~oo Ibebull I no man gaye an) Indication orr_ IhrougbonHhe Lieu Musgrave extreme peDalty oftbo 1111 by beinl bOI olli th

To mako the nature of the IackclcM II may Saturday lIIlorninc Sept 20 whole fttlr Erumua Norton II

Pl for the murder of 2d LleKt Ghamprlllll GorlIonOhulIIaher W A swfer MWllclan In tbe guard hou90 in tbo city or Granada ~hiltTHE FI(JHT AT SAN JAOINTO bu weltoetato thaUofront ofthelacpbouse Pt Dawes acting amplI ollice ohhe guard iwblch wu _eIlIUy bllrricaded there If~ an open SergtanL Simpson

Estelle had been p~cvJouly arreated foubOOliltg cannening 10 the Nicaragcan Army ubder Ihe

About two weeka ago party of thlrt Amorlmiddot apace or neatly quarter or mile In 18IIglh 10 L De Sbleldi William II SlOne Thumu Jildl1lrdll aiid was whoo be coMmbted LIeut Q1III1

front otlt and that III ootering tIll clearauce It the unforlunate act for whicb he sutrered dealh command of Col leDonald atlacked alld droYe Wal 801111amp1) for tho yolunteel to peII by the

Major Cal ONeal ptiloDcr confined to bit quarlers Ho bad ~ fnlrbehilld dPJlr barricades a large number of rebels aide or a wood In auch II maoner tbat ~e enemy Alfred Jone8 umberlog lfiO or perhaps mora In the encounmiddot could couot every mao pf their Plrty lnd that and ilnpart1al trial and the gentlemen wllo ~ ia tor oot American waa killed and several wOllllded there I no apot III that a(IaQ which ko bou

Lieu- Artbur OConner Capt Watkins judgment upon blm gavo him overy opporl~il1 -- Haynes (SurYe)or)When the news of the occurrence rtaohed this does 11M command Xl mllst 1110 bo unlmtood to eal4bllsh adefellce hul in thiB lie ulterly f~dO Lo Ro The deed lIal COMmitted witbout an provoea oncit SWoIl feeling manifested 1lf among the lbat 1I-1Y tbe eutlro distance to tbe Iarp houlO Alyon Adlll1s

citi_ Ind aoldlera to venge tb death or their Ia up an 811C01I1 wbich gave the defend or It or without aDt aggranting circums-noe U Will

countrymen and both omeera and aoldlera I-I adota oyer a plIrly that would greatly O Dougherty -Brady eenlenctd to be hUlli but tho comwande Inmiddot L Jobnson chief caued It to bo 60 far~itlgated lUI to qu1ed Gen Walker to be allowed to volunteer OlllOtlmbar middotthem It n~ Dot thereforomiddotbo itashy J U01d

him to be abotand fonn a part for Ibis purpose AI tbe Gene- ted that a party of about mlyaye men ~eftr Jock BOlweil raI wouloJ not COIIsent to aUow anT of tbe efficclll Judloloual arraDsed lIltaolted It undor 0gte1-1 dsshy J VIlSOD There lUI a lnr~o copeourso s-tbered Ilillt or IOldllll attached to regiments to go lie cili- adlllllampge 0 While nllll the c~eClllion ~lole walked witb II 1ampn Heeter atep bl Ultl sKlb 6Orcye d latharor Iho cb bIi lila OY bo he bad no control volunteered By tbo lido of tbe large house nda 121111

A loberlll wbo prayed itb him aud lor 111m from tbe guardto the Illllllber or fort1-tWQ to Iighl the rebels cant building which WI also fortilied and full of snoel RIlMeI ujl~ thei own reapeo8lbllity Somo men were mll an In tho rear of IIIOM two bobullbull 18 houao to the plac of execution I

Native boy-orderly to Dr R9ton Dr anton

When he lrrived at the pot wher be wI taIao raised III 1ohssaa end Tipltapa making In aaother hoUle hieil lfaa also defemled b II large Henry Ealllon breathe hll 1881 he requested that hia bnd~al1 ilxtyy men forco III the IaUer building wu a large umbar --ltlaborne might bo utied as he wisbed to ddreas ItheTIt nn tolunteered at Granada tlartod from of honea with the necOSIary equipment tor a Wm Cassidy h about oclock Friday eYeaing 18th inaL companl or two of la~cOlamp crowd ThIs reljller belllg graDte9 he apokp insmel KeDnedy

H MeCftrty a firm unfaltering voico 111 hia epeech bo atedIIld paaallt througb Bossay were joined by the Lieuamp Robert lilligan who wae alpoilled to Capt Rider the Corgivo1tW1 of the ollicora and soldiers ofIhevolunlecraolthllt olty They arrived at Tip lead tile cbarge1ed hiaforees up to a pick fence Sergeant Ruma Nlcalllgllan army Voicee 18$pouded from thotapa stuny morning At tbl point Ibe expedl blllbtood at the comer large ho_ an Major Arkalltl_ Roekcnuck

crowd II God Corglve YOll Dr Dickton 118 Col H1)o~ald refUsed u b did oot kllow In tbe Nlcaragua1 arm7-led tho force hleh bo llou lV1I IlIty to Cl)me to a promaturo coaclution olTiD ONeal-who II the yOllngelt lloldmccr

-- Spinll8r Q II D 1f_ll Wblle 10 ptleoo he I1roto tile following IIdd~c Oberokee lIruntosh wldeh be requested to have published them to the tolunteOrs to paH the rlcr oommided to tbe VOl) froll of tho mall eAbO H C Cookbull

llh01l~ aDrdet to that effect from Gen Walter h_ llelllrYlllg tholr lire until the7 gilt ltltlll GRANADA Sept 101b 1806 Thla obJ~tlon wu overcome b lome person linton paces hi ilion poured In 8 nurderous

(apt llarah Thse illl tile dyitl~ dechrRlioM of nlng

Estelle I was born In Malllh~U Tenneille in Ib W Jones

uggeatlnlbat Lleul Col Byron Colbullbullboulu be vollev-a linglo ropelltlon of which oitllt lllllod IM 188S alld 11611 raised from my 10rKney In requetod lo yolurteer i~b tbem and take tbe or wounded evel) man III It A Foteas VEIIICIIl III N1ClRAQU -At no Hinds coullty lIi8tsampippi I sted to Clifor commanq Col Col did Dot biong to tho regu Capt Watkin leading II tblrd division eharged great diewee from tho elty of Gralleduro lIl1alll nia 111 Ulit Ontbe road I hd difficultYtltb lar line ~t waa Asaiatant Qeartermater Gen_l stralih 10 tron or tho large hOllle Hereached a elll5te of tile moat beautiful and fertile Islands a man of the namo of BOlYard ond 8hot himJ r

ailerraJltlltotR nftn oCthe name ofBays blthIn thla ~aebe yolunteercd 118 a private bu$ WIll wlthh twenty pacea or II heo he fell fOunded it II poaalble to eODceie The) Yal) from a few wound did not happ911 to proy fAlal UI Ih immedJ qlccted Captain of the comp~n Wlthaloud toice ho ordered bill men to lIP ou_ squlro yards to lOevel1ll aqUAre 01108 in BUpollshy same year I had 0 dlllleuly l1ilh Chatles Ito ill

BIron Colo tbu~ WIllng Ihe reaponalbilltt of command tbey obeyed wltb alaenty cl1 extent BeYlId tbese nd oopaMtod from SOil tillbullbulltabbed Ilinl la tbryn placea 111 I two dWeultiea while In CiliIIi middotoeeu alloading the ~ell became ~ uaranlee to Col He- Bot tiler Is no U8e cb4rging dobo walI tbe tllem by 0 drep navigable channel Blnnda the the SlaIu priaon where I hld b~eo emplovtll forDonald Ib~ ~ wu All right tbe olunlen mou Were failing 10 leI) tatt that before meny Jorge Island of Zapota1O wboao bold headland an~ the 100 Io yeara After ICtlinlt III lii IlSI rape I came 10 1iltgtllllgu nud HI~ot Tho w

nnell or Sao JAcinto where tbe rebela 6gt tfJoR tomiddot carty their woundod off tho Ileld In gate the lake ZapellllO IB In Ill wester extremmiddot took up their Ime of march Thor arrtIWIl~ the minulel clapeed there were lIot enough oftbo plII- Irregular surface aerve as a lllld to 1111 who naymiddot

Edwards i I lltI Itla bo~ Charlc GordOl i must Sly thaI in all my difficultie8 I wtS no 0 tatatloned about II ocloclc Sunday morning the Ihe mtttilno aU the leadell of the two other I~y IICOOped out 80 118 to fonn an almost circular In mv right mind Twico I htwe beel lorgt II

14th Inet and halted a few mOments III order t9 eomp had fall~n either kllld or wounded hay and tho sbore of tbe mainland opposite b~Imiddot and bop) 10 bo forginll for tbem aU I th nk IlflDge a plan of allack _~_ ________ e~lptOIfbullbull1 who ~Itboutll wounded b tho arm ing 4 deOl curve an abJloet circular bay is formed thero b God In huyen tht ill Qnd

The Ban Jactnto rancho Ii naturally well ad_pf donlin_d with tho (eroclty of a tiger OghUn of e~e1milllll In diameter 8 lecuMly sbeltered gj~Q And ho kno and I Imow thaI il ad n pllcr bullOBoe uu - ~ l ra Of II dIS by blgbllnde5 to makltl tho 911gllte8 sklft lio aemiddot I tllt killed Oherlo Gordon It was

d my CIIlZ) mind thnt did iI I 11amp lUIcieutiou which commlUldo ali tho ground In ila 10 to do whllo ~~e~r-~lIl1~ eurlI upon Ita SlIflllce Ien IIlien-atotmSlllay bo lIot In IIllright Inlnd then I did lb deed fillvicinity In a large corralatanda a hollSO whleb au_ ~- - lullng luto flll1 the moro c~poeed paris of Ike God koows It Forgi me ofticerslInd acid r

haa b~n IItted up In such a manner tbat III Inside Whou thore 118 no looger any poaslbillt) of Nicaragua and I can die hapP7 Inan I donl rite ht beeallB I think tbat I ought not to die I Inre Becute agaluat muekel or rl8e shots while COIItlndlng aueceafullylIlnatauch extraordinary TbolOutheaAtern part onbls bay i4 alao ellterd think till my tbllo haa como and that justlct IIthrough mallpertum In the thlok IYalJil troops odoli lIhtlng II the enemy re In Buch weiJ b a ellanne of deep water wblch divide tbe been clone me llellow 8OIdlorll remeolbor 11 IAI

illampld of it can lbe Into aU parta of the eonal fol1i8ed poaitlona tho America beg4ll to retreat IOUthestern 8stremll of Zapntero from the hAl brmght DIe 10 this death-fOil all know The corral itself II surrounded by a strong fence Prtyowt to this b01fIer a body of lAncCN maililand The elellDtr ampD Carlot b already wellul do Ify hUluble prayer Is tht I ml

forgilfn JENNINGS EST8Ll wbleb it 18 nee_y to Beale before any material were dered maklng a clroult In the wooda colored th bay dcacribed by the lut mentioned Hisllildy ampII 600n OS Ure was exliaol waildam ean be done by In auolllllg part1 On with the evldellt Inteotion of completely aurronnd chaDnel and aacertalned t~al the water Is of 8Ummiddot

ill a fIOed coffin and decently in~bull tod IMir IY from Tipltapa the loluutem heard th 1111 them andcuttlllg 011 their relreaL Thlt mon cient depth to alford IIeCIIre anchorage tor Teaaola bullthe already relatively large force of the enemy they were wablo to cart Into effoot and tbe The nonhern part of the bayla bounded by tbe Cvlloos-A aa1l1to Will Ared In bonor (gtfhad been the day previous BlreDllthned by an Americans lot oil tbo Ileld In tolerable good 01 cluster known 118 the II Thousand lillUlUS each

addition of two hundred men but Ihia In no wltt der Tbo lancers seeing thie wrecked their Yell OUe of which to our mind Ii In a ahort time d(lj new leg 011 lut lIondJlY The IIrOJO froID tbo eanllons moutgtabated tblr ardor aud the plJIn of allok 110 geanoe llpeo the dud bodlea wbich Ihey roulld tined 10 be fun of hOUle torea Clnd commercial formtjlluto a beautifulmade and b7 Ihllllltiog their Iaooes Into thoee AmerlCftI~ ware-roomll lIId whoro YOSIIelS of conSiderable ton bull

Upiln II couaull11liou it 11amp8 deemed db to wbo were already 80 near deat ft8 to m_ke tbelr nag can mOe Iro~ one depot to another with ~nto the air cn~ form the compauj Into three divisions each to be leadonb1 offieera chOlonfromamonll tbeltlaolvCII BjrOn Colo wat tben elected ColoDel alld Wiley llarab second ill command Robert Mi1IIgu WIS elected to lead tbe 61111 company to make tho ehage-out CIIlhla 19 ero killed wouoded and mlaalnl 1l1lJ Col ONeill was eaosen to leacl the second and Capt WatklM of M_ ChI) third eonlpany Wben all th_ alflDgemenl8 hid been completed the companlos eparated to ~tack the place a three dilFoten poluta

In commencing thua one ~artl1 got In adQllce of the ~elS wbu wel8 obltged to make aomc what of a detour and although eO~8ting of 011 tWtllt)-twO me~ i14 attack tn8 amp0 vlgoroUII that It succeeded In driving tho enemy baolt and 811011 tdler tile other CODlptmlu camo upon Ihc soone of action the Igor of tho _ult droyo tbo enQ~) from tbe eorralillto tho house I1ere tho pau) or the numher CII the _lIanta became IllallifeuIII bull to thelt di_duntoge Tere were not III C1cnt t bold the place ner It ~as a~en and tho 1ere obliged to lII1 baoltbagalO bC~lDdhtbalfence r Ih -raJ Tbl left t e enllllY n t e r ormer

~ c_ POSItlOU

lbo IIgbting (ontluuod In tbo corrlll and wben the AlIleritlllM retired behind hs woll I~ became _t-ldm ~ the Ilmber that ha elm killed Of wounded hat it would be Injudieioul to rtneW Ibe ftttatk A retroat was Olderod and -~~t Ilte band fell back Ilpon Tlpltapa

tlP gshyy Amerlcall In Nicaragua nnd In fact ey r -

J -triun in an pllfta of the world bbullbull reuoll

romoyallmpOSlllble 1D0re ease than tile olt-earla 11011 uoed In GraDada It attained We might gogt on and dlaeant UpOIl tlto CO mole fom 0118 sitee to another On thlcity of up~n bull

oftb_ 81thlhlllllllicolly bravo ml)D bllt thOu II thooaand Islands pure cool water will be always wa thomselfllll as they must appear to th d convenient and It would be Imp08Jlble for Impllrlshyspeak more eIoquentlylD their pralso t~77 tl or Inrectiool to exi In Ita vicinity Here ea- C

01l1 power to do It relcta more credit II ~bll Ulle will oocllpy the placo of stree and light 01 Amerioan l1amt thllll conld be done by andlll~ lIIrylike ple_te boats will suporcedo Iloraet wbi atY ylolory And If 110 mlatake not It will do Hore Instead of a WAllatreet 110 m have a RI CA more to COIlviDce the ellemywbllt sort ofl1lco the II1to I hore will be - and hoal~ sellon and s- ted ra beye to deal wltb than 1I8)tlling tbat bu mIl liolltu In tbelr gondoloa 81ngmg love songs In ~llteal transpired In thle country 1 tbe It-rllght and here 11111 b9 tho moat plellSing odlOt8

Appended to thll Is tile uame of ever mAli combination of bealtb convenloMc and bUIULy ill cutod ho 1l1li to our knowledge eJigagod In IIIghL IIny ~11 upon bidl beallo evoraholle preeed~d lbore may b9 tome one or lllo 1D0re wbaee Hame LlOKClI-The schoonel Pearl was Iuncleu chased him we conld not loarn but we ball be happy at anv 11l11terdllY (lrIday) fOleneon lrom the place 1I01U plaza BeCOI time to 0I1I0l their aamcaln the list of glerv W~ the wharf wbere be waa ulldcrgolqg repairs 11110 lIela lIappeoei silo give the killed wounded nlllllllllilng ~ lIear- tIe elemellt other futurG ulefullleM She iato 11 u we eould bullcurtniD bo commanded by Capt Hardy who has -altetly

Col Byron C-ole made a trip or Iwo In her Tho late modol ofhe 11fty --all Klled Peru II beoD OIllA-- alA d I I v~ bull0 An 8le 8 OwWIUi_ It Drinker aamp lDue looking craft as Bails 011 auy (Jeval ~~ ~tlk n merlean Wltora ~be bas UCell repaired byhlv __ Sberm~ II Ing placed In bar anolY bottom UampII 1I00riJI and 00rII0~ d k dH ~l OullwlI II II uew ec a altered from a frelgla boa Into a H l6 I comfortable palItIeDgor crnft We und_Ind that ~Jlaquofj l~IIOU (killed going up) II ahe win make regular trips botwcon Uraida St 1 _ Dc~11 G~olIlId Vlrgla _ ---~ - Lleut Hutehlll Chaa Calhlhan to Klat SlC J BAli lgtRL Nollrll-W a loam fror Thomu E H LaW Ing F Fisher thaI there aro eight Britlsbcam 11Ilr R Wheaton II Y-m at ampn Juan del Norte and ~bl toce areUtut JIllItIll[ 1 In dmiddot J ~_ $t~ WOlllded 100 to oae one Italian mo~ant vessel -- Vl1UfO E Uolopl W I-I It 000 n_bullone tOQ Stale) and CO yooe be

-~ _On~g 10 tilWOgua

painful to lDen A ale DC American the houae aud led ill th I k

C 00 er on 11110 dura _____

HORSU-PolllOna who h the viclully of S~ George or H

wltb tho power of JI) ing tbrou wltchOJl on II brOOIU-stirk will by providing tboullelC~ rltb av

~l~ Ir ~

p___ H h bull a ~11l _middot011 bullbull ftl til the

Departlllont bull--__- ~- shy

J4uruCItGaCII_Thiij edifice wllicl) ill do underllolng rcptlM mA) bo diltiogulsLef by1 very white color frolll flll olher buildings III ar am at R dietante oheY~raJ 1111011 Il p n$tt COIning lip lhe WEe


jtLNICABABlfENSEVOll No 47 p3 Sabado27 de Sepllembre de 1856 SaturdaySeptember 271856 2BS

er~ middot=wepon =again pla~~ OIh~d- T~OJTriijONNEW-YORK VOLUNTEiiiis PEEPS ABOUT TOIVN optaln made a deaperato eftort to dlaeharge 118

lly Tlull BalL oonlents-aiJed-handed it to me-It wa u dry bull -- bull 11ft a powder 110m In a feOOlld I eollid _ that

nevor eomplam~d In Ill) ~ifo Drlk~ are not the Optaln began to turn diUte pall1bleb atood ~p to cI)mplaln ~ltbOlgll the sometmes 8ufter close to Mm) wbile I preaerTed 1111 eqnanllllltyin 1IIIjIe~ IUch ~cght of It1Ju~U~ wOlld nl~C the ampplit of conciliation The weapon _ again Ih 1lea of ol~hnary pe8ons ISO with 11ldlgnAII~n loaded 10 tho vcry mllZ2le and pneed in the bands Dljring ~ Ibo~t absence fOn 0 ranadll my enelmeB or IiUl opiltln ~hose runds wel$ becoming IlatICO killed nlC (on paper) Ht up (inl)po) very unsteady Ihnt he VIIS IIMblo to taka prcpor III ctlll epI)h llIollneog my dc~th fter nlm And welO It not tIAI I seized tho Instrllment ~a IIIII IIndemiddotg~no till this I VlM 4~41 COIl$glled of dostructlon amI wrenched II from bls hand$ bo 10 he firm of] luto amp Co-hbcled rght ampldo up would hlfO pOllred tho cOlltents of It Into his ~b earo I~om the effects of a eliot ampom a prln- bull ~


I k N I h A I I breast With lUI energy Inplled by tllO liopo ofaI B ~ 100lng abullbullo ~ ow WId II ve 0 bull b godON

If 101 to undorstand thnt Drleke bclolllll ~o the pl~oud and gloriouR tnum[lh I agnlo disc IIrlIe blue strlpea Vltb a rod tiv~ pnilltod atll~ tho eOI~tellls or the pockot pistol (nlld travelllllg in ke cenror on white glmiddotOU -I) aod his 1I10ttO s nefCO say ~ie All greal 1lI01l Ita0 their ou

c~ and of COll1l6 Dlicks hIlS I is And utlhollh I J b J d II deg1fflUlcm IIIRy nlG cen p aye lllon 0 110

p lid T)ora ill Nicargll or PIcn uIgt0nL Ih blrp of a Uousnd strlhgs-phits of the JURI

td perfect he is willinllo appORt at the Fitt I~~ce or at tho In8tanco of nny of his friends

liiake lllIrmalioll that lio nevoI diltld durlng wholo eOllrso ofllid eventful IIrii

unfortunate repordvas spread by tlH)

~fl4in with wlom I ho lately bad a quarrel ~e hope tbat he wouldbjberlt alllhe properly cit I ha1I 80 carefully colleete1 during mylay In PIe lIepublie Ind wltIltt consists of one CAmp itl1 two tgtox~ of matches lind the bottle III

i ~h IfQ Iept our stock of nguardlente I lIa9 l f h h I I

01110 t e city w on my en umn amptors hegan to middotlIp tho 101 loll wllioll has been 110 eagerly II noeltl nut OliO awallow does nOI malte II

~ n01 although sevel1 8w41101l ortbla cockta1

8 brollghL on tho WItor of my dlscOtltOllt l all this happened becauae Illy trnducera neg-

I to 8eason tho tail thoy ao Induatrlonsly

i oe cd out tetho pllblc WhenI returned I could ~ middot 1uraue the COUrIIQ open t0fenofhonor nor a l~ul1luc filr bofol8 ~ caught It Ihit upon n

unately I bit It ro than I did h1m

~ tl

oldti depr ve

Ii( not

n lent to bring the Captltun Jusllco but unmiddot 80 hord tlllnt l huurod myself

An idea then struck me t i ought 10 mil him out bui II struck so bard

r It r IlIC 0 t ~ p(Welll 0 8pcce~-I

thlllefore mil hlO out A friendmdmiddot I) do It fo~ me but ail lOon all he t quarlera of 1n1 one~) he found he

-Ekhnly do tho thing hy balvea lIlI Ihe Captain

defiance with such force at his head 118 to for moment Now m) friend is Bueh a

trump-wben be knows hos rigM hos

compamon) Into the procllC spol I antell It to IOtlg~~ H tho fourth rOllnd the Opblln was unshynblo to come 10 tln~ a1 the aftIIr WIIB Amicably Ilrl~jUlgud by the frlenda of both IInltlo biking II Abot al ftlOund At each oiler Tho ltlAptnln thon pologtd to nneka and ~rlek8Apologhlld to tbe Oilplnin and b3~ npologlZol to IlvllIybody and o~eribodj apologzed to each other nd all oxmiddot dProBBdel tllelr firm convielion that Brlcke Is not

en yet

A FltUlER Boy In Dren fountyIve tlsea for a wifo Ho says

He wants to knOw ifalte can milk And make his IreallUld butler

Anti go 10 meculIg without elk To ok a 111011 and lutter k Ii fl Id IIlIe ltIii 0 10 nOlf I t WOII urt fer Itollds 10 tnk up IIllteheaj 0 tile bultou on ble ahlrt

rckuke a pall of~reeohea

AlInn-An ble bodied portIIln to bold my Wre~ tougue shu lUd I bolD unable to keep b atlll c___________ __________s

OFFICIAL __bull__bull__bullbullbull____bullbull___bull__ ________ DECREE OF IItID GOYEBmshy

----====~____11~_~ rl~lt~~ ~~er~~t

lIere IUO 1 large um~er of ailUftis belonging 10lta buw~r or at least-Ibat when proceedingr t II eourse 110 cannot be taken aback lind reo t1i wng a little he thrcw lin Insinuation In tho

of tbe Captain wltlch I am cretlihlylnformod IIi - 1 r II In h f 11 80ven 0 I m~ rs to 8ny no ~ng 0 Ihe number of teeth wllich II mote or leBB inJured nerstherage ofmy friend weDt beJondnJlbounrs

il mlllht hllTG cOlltlnued to trlvellQ Ihl~ day middot I I h I td t h bull Th ~ t nb bull 11 bull cou no cross I II ravlIle e~Ca btll losl all centrol of his temper and was

lged 10 call tho oftlcer of tllo guard Ilnd Il file loWle 10 foroll lamp inlo 1 tte of subottlinntlon

b I I h Stat t N fI I us 08 10 teo 0 ICalamp~1 orever

7 both u length cme to I resolullon which a great effort tI~v succeeded in moving II ~they ndoavoured to CIIrry II but tailed

b til t k d bull d t d d d y ot en 00 a etermllH 8 an till Ishy- equally belwoen tbem rellred from tho Bold hW lIot eUled wondedng at the efforts my

had mild In m) boble and exprcrsing my

Inllll vlulIl 1 note WAB put Into m~ hanltl Captain reqllostmg me to meet hlln 1m at tllo Veil known houle of Te_

Ilero prompt aettlelllcnts usually bike tl_ A I h d bull ltl ltlt t th1 8 a ICV~ rOlve My ere I a e tlllment and did not tilerofOl8 owo any11+8 I COllented The Oaplain bad arrived heshyaIgt me r coltld 110ft much rAtll aud foil pimshy bi r II hi d b bullPOI 8 ace W IC COllY nce met III be IlIIUt 8Omotlllng Of course tbe calm dlgnlt) of countenance proved to the Captni al once I~t I wsa liP to slllllf bull ~llriekl tt s~ the O~ptain with lite voice of

Y en nxcarl Brick choOlllt your 1V0apolla Pocket pistals act0B8 middottbe table said I conmiddotttof a victory

h d 1 I h d I I e lYeapons wero pro IIce( IV tout e ayshy1011ed lip rOI~ tllo IIrst ~hot-~be Captain won and

~k 6u~h 1I swig a coolnced me It was going to ho1lO ClII) tight lie banded me tho WcnpOIl

middott bull~fOIIS tho lable-he knew holY BrIcks could 11e ftetlU1Md nol to dlSllppomlhim llnd aavlIgely middot med Its ecolell to the fOr bottORl~ Truo gil is olwa) respected and I could see a 1 kle of adrnl Allon III the C t bull p 1m s eye

1IelOtd old ski 11M IIlIid the oplllln 1I1IIS C hgrwlcd tho landlord ftS the rtal

~ -~


Departmcnt of Stata and Interior Relation Grannda Sept~ 23 18Ge

SIr-Tho Supreme EX4IIgtIItlve POWIl1 hu boen pleae~ to dietata through lhe )Ilnillter of War the f1lIowmg DOOIee _ ~ ~ lmiddot~~h~t of lne Roplbllc of Nlc4rngtlllio ita

Wishing 10 rciieve the people from fNlah exaoshytiOIlS of holllOS for tho 1130 Ollho AllOY Alld talring Into consideration Iht In VlIIiOO8 parta of the RI public uwoll In tito p_loll oflndiritlU8ls

IIl1l Govcrnlllei IU Vlrtlle of IllS authorltv bull DECREES

Article 1 bullbull11 horses and mules belonging to tho Republic IU be delivered to tho (hulDlllent for the use of Ibo Ann1 througb the Profects8l1bPreflletB anll Alcaldes ofbo IOIIpecUyO 10WIIS witltin fifteen day from tho publication of tltls decree

Art 2 AllY plll1lOn who ahall bave In hie poeshysesslon1 0hllo rumnls indicllicd in Arllellllelo and shall nelt deliver up the 811l11e within tbe aposhycifted time sball be Judged M II thiefal)d pwllsboo wltli all tho rigor of the Illw

AImiddott 8 Th~ Goycrllmell~ will proteel all Indl viduals who lIIali denounce the retalnera 01 idanimal alld will pUllhlb witll me Bamo Bevelll) thoae ho boln Inbrmod or tho unlllwrul PlSlll8shy


COMPANY A CIIlIILpoundI A WUTI_Captain )f r NADu-lilrat LimUolaoU

JAllU S Jl1ooamp-amp1I11 Liet_ 1 O bull Armalrong 26 James Morrow 2 lWbert Acher 27 B Y )fOOllllamp 3 Fred Abott 28 H )lcLord lIenr Adams 29 William )faMlng ~ Rlcbmoml Du 3fl Ury Mannint II fl BLI bull 31 Oharlea ProhUogton I ThOlllA8 1$11111 3~ Henry lW~man 8 F n Obrillty 88 William B11n 8 Mlcb COnRldllll 34 A Roth

10 181110 Clark 8~~ Tbemaa taW1llt II Rlchattl Doc 86 Jamea Smith 12 Ohbullbulllea Doul$herly 8i P Slumnon 13 A 8 Falrcluld 88 W G Turnor 14 John Fl~ld 80 00 Van HOllen lIS Thumna GilJ~on 101 Sergeaui 16 John HlI8kl 40 JalllesWlIlsb 17 John lel~llml 41 II W Vbeler 18 William rY1 ri 42 John Wel3h 2nd 19 Geor~e Jlmtled amprgeanl 20 William JckaoJl 43 JUlies Werrln 21 WlIIlim Xylor 44 Jalnea R cker 22 E~ R F LIIIoII 411 Patrick Everett 28 Samuel LOOI18rd 46 John Corcoran 24 John lIoon1 41 J F Taylor 3d 211 llellll )fowray Sergeant

CO)(P4NY B ClInt RUIIILIltWIcz-Caploill F L d bullbull__bull

bull lWlOM-lmiddotrbullbull Ltampf_uG V H ampmid L ltIt t bull OK ILL- M tMlI

I JOhn CoIln-lg 2( Jobn Ldnz i Oharea Wenzel 25 Oharl88 LupusII J_ph Soler 211 Philip )feye~

J4 Fran Nflier- lI1 Gharlo lloos8e1 II Ollllrlu KrauM 28 Auguslna )fullet G Jollil Axamp 29 CIIaS M~e1 Jom amprcr 80 B Marun 8 Edward Bibra 81 lWbt NowlllUn Igt Jolm BltIlIt 32 Cbarlll8 Pten

10 John JlIeta 83 Oball RoRIIeN 11 WUllalllFllesell S Etyard Rhein JII Theodore Fiek 86 J088(gtb Sohm18 Julllll Fnlllk 88 T Schrempllf

14 Uen1 F~ 81 OharleaScriba

11 Josepll Hoene 40 O G Staebbi 18 Oscar Hemil_b 41 JSchetlllUller 19 J Kuperr80bmld~ 42 Dion Straub 20 Leopold Klortbhe 48 Emile Seibt 21 Rdward Knndlg 44 O Ummorlio22 T Krcthenbaue 411 Ferd~ W(I8enbor 28 Artblll Hopper 411 Elward Wilke g

41 OuoWcher OO)fPANY 0

H1IIlll llvIlljIlLL-Oczplai A MoK P11I1iAK-Fir1 Li~ull4l1l WII NOllmslDoz-ampco1lll LkutlfllUlt

1 PalrlekButler II Thomu Brooke 3 c_ I D mue lOwn 4 1 Connelly Ii TIIOIlIIlI GarroU 6 William Oharles 1 (eo Garpenter8 D Cornlllllan 9 Edward Oorey

16 Edward IJlark 11 John Denllampm III Y OavidaonIII Dennis Elliott 14 Plttrick Evelamp 15 d Taner 16 R W Jlornud 11 Jolm Foote 18 Alfred GrRT III BeD Hardin

sioll of Rny RDlntal8 shall not cOlllllnmihl thu middot20 JantO llaynes bullbull010 to the proper authoritieM for the apprehen 21 J Uendersou sion oCtile offender 112 Charles Ghrels

AI1A ConlDlUllieated to whom It IDA1 concorn 23 David Jobnes Given in Granada Sepl 281856 OOMpANY D

WHo WAL1CER 4 bullbull

To Ibe Uinisamper onVt Gen Hawo llneda Iw8 F GIIANFir-CapalllBy suporior ord~r thl~ Is communicated to you A STIIULun- Ir LiltUtnallt~

for your information anti plOper aCIOIl lOtto Wooke 23 Heury POlice M luuiPA Minitor of W IU 11 Emilo Barrora 24 Wm Sommer

- - 11 RttD Schmidt 211 Dan SchrAde~-otite 4 p Blite 2amp John Viti IIO Bauman 27 It Conslgne

AII PERSONS buylog eJaime agnlnI UO estetes of tho (ollowlng named dacouetl per-

SOIlS will preaon illem 10 HIli dulYlIulltontiealoo on Of bef_the 28lh day ef Dltltl 18M otllerwlso lher will be ban-od by law


And all persona indohled to tlie estates of Ihe above deC_tid pencns willlllllke immediate pay m~nt to me

bull GILBERT TlTUS lublic Administrator

bull OriclIl4l DptlI1mellt Scptam~r 27 18M

Gralladn Ci~ R nblic of Nicarn a 1 p _~_____~__ _

Recorders Office 1IlE Office or the Recorder of Deed llorlgftges

kclol~ tbo Oliolltal Dcpftl~tmet of the Repllb lie will be opolled ill tie cll) (If Grlln4da on )fon doy tho 9th ofSptembor 18$6 All persona are Icquired by Decre$ tu hllve tbelr 111106 10 lauds In tbe aforoeaid Departu6lIt recorded llIlin Ix mouthB afier thllt date A~ OIL[I

Uecorder Cotlto Oriental DllpArtmellt Granado Sept 0 11160

___________middot_~-_middot_~~N __

9 H F Jemel 26 Edward CI 4 U Ki ~~ ~uoa ng2l James Lovelace liS James Jandretll 211 Patrick LarriplI 30 H F Miller31 lV G Martin 32 J W LoughUo 311 Wtn UcCarthy 34 Pat ODonnegan 3~ Tbomas Pldgeoo~6 William Rose 87 J A $mlth 88 Oharlea Smilh 39 Thos Wintore 40 Jolin Barnacle 41 Oscar Cromrol 42 J Lyster 43 D W Wilkin 4-1 J W AUSllu 46 D Cook46 Tbomll3 Fitzgerald

8 Jolin DUjDIIII 28 FrAncia OUU8fOno T R D(lbn 211 Phil DlIllllagnu 8 amp Darllf SO W P O)piand 11 Theodoro DiU III UOIIIIY IWICII

10 Henry Dalion 32 Phillip Leondra 11 Allton Gtlbbe tz 33 J08 lchuillIlan 1il r Grantz 114 Fred Dirkop 13 Tboo f1e~Rrell 311 JAmes Muller 14 8 1I1l1Ilbellll 311 W m G4IIOlly 16 Pierre lUtirre 117 John IJargell 16 Leup~ KrotolVslty 38 Jllllles FiunegAIIIi Robort Kempf 19 J J Schuylor 18 Jllle3 Jehlolld 40 Jamea Dale 19 lieu lIerteo 41 James lIall 20 CharlO lrelltz 42 -~ ONea21 lIenry 1aul80n 43 W MAgntc 22 G P_I 44 Pal J Rivers

------middotmiddotmiddot-middotPmiddot--b-Ii bull S I U t a eNOTIOE 19 bereby given th3~ I will Pl1)Ceed to

sell at l~m1C UOTIONIO Ihe hlghot bid let III tllO cIty of Sai Juan del Sur 011 the 10th day ofOcto~r no~t all tho properly belOllglftg to the estate of 8 Worden deceased The PIOpel~ty conslsla of ono house and several articles of POI 80nal properly J lRIEST

Amerlcnn Co~ul Sail Juan del SIlr amppt lIG 1861) Id

Lilt 01 Letter Remalnlllg In 1011 ORlee in Granada Sept 27 66

Alvares J M Ayula Houie A Drown Geo If Drinson J P

BOD8II1I Chilli D Brclay lieDr)

Dohlldl Mula 1 Bula DOli F Drown Geo

Berry E nlngoryno Benell D J

BOtdlllIll FA Bowlllan Wm

DllU Z J

Cole Sam (oopr Thomllll Clrlslophle )fouanlr CIk B II

Oasaaamp Sam R Clark Albert ClIlpbell Oapt CoI8lnan J T


Gapwell G W Conklin B K 08181100 Don Franciaco Cowley tat CovlIlllry John Carpentar Courlarde Don BernadoCooper John CabreraE Campen Cr Colman M W cwillo M Dick JaB Dulton II J Dyer P Il Donalds 0 II De Fltlfer J W Dickaon II Dunn ThoQl Donamplly W D Dobert) 1 Duall F )fDbullbullhon J J EisoUIck Pablo EV~II~ ED Fiaber Ju T 8 ) IlIg_rald JIB Irnulll J C II Faysaux C J Grahalll D It 2 Geilacb S Gliddoll JT Gregor G AGuenero R Ga9kiUM Gt~hlk C Goodlllan W H (IIbbb Gillllor Thomas Gilmore Stph 4 Gray A GaltlliealV Do G A HouJ W nume W viHagallP Hoes8T Itchingamp Wm J Hob BaaT narrle Ohs Hooker Clark Haley 11[

Jollnlton L Johnaton A JohnslOn It A JOlle lfeBC Knapp l F KlpOscotKllimph J E Ktlch John LiIIlBeld WD

)leKy)f n )fdlpio J W )forrie J W McMullen Jno A Mackie Rob Mims J It Berm JIlS )f Mendel T )UIIlI J R look Wm Morales Pedro 1IyrtbullJno Mlrlonl J J )fOOl Jrred Marlin Robl M_bH)fellow WmT 1Iyora EnriqueMosl01 T A Hundel D Moore J GP MoMauo H JMylord Juan Nag R8 Orosco J A Polioo Lon Luis PattaraOD LulaPlacloa Enriquez PoloinoDPownder John Pemberton TboaPemberton Thos PlckreagiU R W PowersEdw PanooOha Qulntal1l11 Rue Paul Rutb Jobn Ronalda O L Roux LRogg J ~ RuckerO II Sturges G A Smitb T B Sandera E J 2 SweeneYlJas WSchundera T [ Sherrin HugbSnyder Dr J n Schleulnger EllqSpann A SUIlVII J Swan Jno It Salford F G Shed Ob Sturtz Jacob TIIICSCIIIc H L II fowns Aa 0 Templo T amp-8 Towsle) D TrentiniO Y 2 Tompkin W A TogllAoca Te C II Uoler FM Vega Don 0 Watklntt Lewis D 2 Wlllialll8Oll WITWeeb It II White Wm Wllre Edw 2 Wbite 86m IWiIllanl8A V Wayne Geo W oight Thoa Wood NF Willson Jno J( 2 WaH A WilIiAlms A Y Wyn A Walllh JaIn

n~ P CRANE PostmasterGeneral

Dr lingu Post ENDERS HIS SERVICES to the citieua 1)(TGranada and vicinity In the practice of

MEDICINE SURCERY amp MIDWIFERY ar Olllee and reaidollloo on the 80ulbweu

COrtlr of the street oppallte the San ampancl$eo Conven~

Granada 18li6

Dalid ISIaug FFERS FOR SAIE at his placo San SebasO tIan Street 0110 1101110 above G~ Ph lle~

chors store Flour Wltlte-sugar Candles Uackerels Olivo

4fOIllaUcScldodrun Sebnapp bllttdlphia Ale and POImiddotte

Wille Olaypipes TERYS CUB

- ~ -- - -- ---------~-ilIJlX A TRODJlN



Togellier wilb l~rJ COPPElt JvnBUEEr~rJlO AnD ALl KtlC 0middot 600D BOrn IN 4 VJlOLpound9AU)flO~HopitAl 8tNlO~ III -ollt ofSanraoeisco OoIlUII

GranAda June 7 1860




fpound NICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 49 p 5 Sabado 11 de Octubre de 18561 Saturday October 11 1856 3Dl

W~T WE ARB STRIVING FOR ROMANaS OJ WAR THII BAY ISLAND8 AaaAL 01 mIlt raow 5bullbull-)( J -- Fella iii IellowfMWollfr Ind fe-lIow_llaquo qI

Th ra AI a pe-rlod In the ahOi t bn CIcntrlll To lbole ho b noylll been parllclpators In The 1Ihlll rollm aetlled on IiIe 0 nclt Eetrampef In ClIba h arrlyed at New YOft timo bAt Americana bave been In Nicaragua whea campalgo war appeaR to ba roll 01 hononl about wInch eo much dlplomaoy h betn lIpelld ~hm 8paIOlaft~endurinamp 100amp aeri ofpua tu) Irere brandcd b tbe porltanlc people of the Their 1II1ncit dwell pon bloody OCIlIlIletll ind ed between Ihe United Statea aad G_t Britela Ea~~ 0 pUIr oIlt year ampnot

I - r- pItOIIIId I bull a IIHbute~) s little blllter thn the brlgandl oC the Bolmiddot on 01 _illig a1ft14 before til wbta do ool Hem dIOIIIl4 to IIIbIuIl to w lat eo -oel Ill Fells who bad beea i__ kolo P ropetiu mlddil IM or tho bUeMlI tb-t inmiddot tbeir thouamphta dwell apoll thlife of a lOIalr III Tentioll collcluded betw_ Mr nu IDJ Lord prleon ror a lonl tlrae wlib blm lID ~ IIImlshyrleq the COlltS oC Contral America daring ita traetioo irom sa ogo to half-eivUlzcd liCe Sollie wcre even bold enough 10 denounce U8 plrato and lao who wad 110 higher or more ennobling lurplea Ihall to rolS tho woak alld to oppreaa IhbIa ho could nol rcain our poer Why Ihey rho~ think 80110 (Quid not dcvlse for theycte~ publlshedtlleir roGSons with tbelr oplolonl They ~(lIgttulnlr did raquooUao any tbiog In tho nctlona f ~lnelmiddotlcan In Illb countr to jll8t1r lIucb an

I e bull don Thty seemed to overlook the eWllI tm ~at we having rccched our earliesl training utr Iho manlier of tilemsclTes Aroso to manmiddot 1uood~dQr tbo purifying InftllencC8 Of tbo sAone itOi alld hving instilled Into U3 Itom tllo lint 4bullbullm ~r our petClptionl the sreat principles o hlc call rcpu~UCllllism could nol do olberwlo

tban 1 turtAln tbe dellpeat r6gard8 for tllo broadut UbtI~ ff the Indlldud 1~6n Valker In bls Inaugural addrw

lY Ule IIIIIlOllt liberty of speech patiblo Iti~b order IIlId good sov

i 0 ~~h~fun~I ofnil polillcal bull I e cling 118 r u JlOI

IbIe Ie materlll deTelopnlcnt of th~ State J ballIO unmindful oflllllntellelaquoIIIII and motu reo ~Qltellellts To prolIIote the proper eduOitioll of Ihe p~ole and to oneollrage thenlln tho praet1cee or t04t Diflno flIlJllon wheh COlllltltbita hlIIIlla

~ or lIlIid~rn elvllbailoll eb1I be the objecl of prl-IMt) ~mportalco1I Ib~ Ito tile prillciplea wblch IIOt ollly JUld

th clUet ftliaR bll b I IIbh d dOPUL~J 0 1111 f c uaiwlC narlgallel h l1 po til 0 Amer cana nce ell ar VI In

do dollntry Tbe woret enemy toour poace and

Ih~lv J1XI dcanlmlla NlcAlquala but tbe genius of

olliam reduced down to practice We

lit ~ tbrougb the pme Impulse Of IDetllletfliat pela the Engllsb to push their colonlea to dIG remotest COrlllltf of th eArtb and iblt loduees 1M Amerieep ia tbe United States to I ould r 101

bull IU aad his rifle aDd penetrate tblt deptb oC the _ Illd ope~ an wlld__ Into the broad rllgbt of clvlftzatlon W bullbullre her bringing - L U oh tl 1401 f lit e _ago arta a~ t y Jllry 0 our famplhtre nd Ibe balloloboll of our brother and we are lIere fulfilling fot tbe first time 1118111vloo prophae1- Wbolo oitionslllmil be cooferted In ON ~1

W~bout hesItation or etaggcration we can eamp

6tt 0 are Ihe ollly ractfeal mlulonariolll of the pepelliince th day orst raul oSt Patrick IIId w_ hue ~lready done more fo~ tbe caUie of

lit don la Oenlral Amerllta than aU the preach IDC at liu been done lIere Ince the da1 of~ Et

bllll Nicaragua has already received from IlII 611Cb puth onwDrd ldlf ery 0110

ifill ere to leaveOmorro Itwould be1on1l L__ Ilate Ie tho Spanish retrograding tendency

ItIIId rng hor bkCk ioto th eocial politbal and IIOIA1 arkn from wbleh we hLe reBcuoi her

1IH1P Snoonu-A reglll corps of sharp ~ baa beoo orgaIlized in eacb hallaHon The 11M lIIavQmrll la eYery compau are selected IJId diell armed with a llonle muskei B this ~IIenl II body Is organizod who may bOIe-W~ to kill a mn 1I one tbollAnd yarde tllre8 II fill offlv~

(I BORNlnYS COllluIID-On Tuosda Jt t bull y bull

tH Vgin btOUih~ up f om Si (iJorgc the entire IOIIIUI~lId under Brig Gen O C 110rll8by making II addition to Ibo garrleon or 160 mell

~ lIIl ()~luBl-Tbi stealller arricd in San

JdIi 01 lur 011 W cdnesda S1le will remain at

I bull

01 t until tbe Pauenlllllamp arrive b1 tbe next lui r from Ne Yorkf11 $I SIIIgtOTINII-For the Ias~ tbroo daye the

ItI sertlee Bllt war wllbaU III dlIipeeabie Clarendon Afler a 101I1Iym8nt of th Bog 8l11rollndln ami 11 Hults ofteo tillia open 110 rule whlel INII 01111 eoaured jU811e but a Ul the pathway to more eoJoyment tbao can oc- hlol4 ohaCety they ho DO Idea of belog traMshycur11i Ibo doll round of a 1_ active liCe The lerted to the tender mercies InJ IIICOIIIpotent aumiddot plrll wbloll nrlse when b~lIe boata Ire about to lbodl 01 tbe nge Guardiola They bout engageln combat u properly evbed 1I11amp11lb oc- righ for th only prospeot 01 amp ohlUlp III Ibelr (ion arill and In ita ste-d the ruea of iltoatloilborthowonJC UndertheruleolHonshyfrlerubhlp and tbe bappleat of ROOd felloyenhip I lultlvled It is bllt nllIral that where II14II) men Ara mutually depOlldent upon the plowcas and bravery of each OIlier II Irong allllI of brothershyhopd 8110uld bind Ib~m In thlt tho Nicaraguan Army bosond aU othor allord bull the beat ll8tIllce of

_ bull - bullbull- II Friend no rbullbullt Ol1I Whoso doublemiddotbosoms seem to wear one beart Whuse ~jUI-s wbOl6 bedl 10_ meals and

exel CI80Are 1111 logoll18r whove tllln u twm In 100 lnupaable

Tho Flnl Rifte Bttellon ot Iho Arm Ie tba (lldot and on thle llecount appear to claim the right of setdng all example to their equally brave compllllioniof other batUion1 of tb Joillt of II

bull bull soldier lifo Being oflleered by men WilD Un told their forlunesal ibeIr IIIItlv hom Bearing their birthrightl proudly on thel b To IIIl1ke a hazard oIae foriunel h r IIC I r ore n briebull a braYer cltoleo 01 dauDtlebullbull _plrlts~~ft~u~~i~~degti~e


trut pldloeophera lId lIIeD of 1IIIdonJtandlng turn the preacnt to the beat adlIntap

When Itll undentood Ib tiltmiddot r IL ~ hmiddot bull I t 1- I Imiddotere 0

q e1n cOlIllgtry canna po 10 0 II e nmiddot Nortll Yere mareblal toward thlt capllal th ~ In wblch Americans here have eo rar forgot- Fint 111801 were ordered from their qurte U teft thp01aelv aa to eommlt any act w~lch would an dyaneeguard of the Nlcanguan Amy 1t8ec~upon Ile hlgb elate of clvllillltion of their Thev enCAmped at the J lteba Ch reb

d b th dmiddot OIl I t h bull II on w ~ ~ 0 lUI c bullbullbull men II Ollie outlklrta 0 11M elt1 rortlloI~I the polladimiddotma han been bore a there are and urrDulllllng Illeit pmeol pOeItlon I Id

- boo In ever CODIDlunily individllala 10 - gruay Th IccInllea for lancln III the Iocallt tjjly organized to allow thel pollllon to g 1

re too lIeat to _pe the 1tItchful ea of ~hlOr tbtlr bettlll Judgemeat But tbe tbe B16e11 and their hammock were _reel

on eplllirYllItn III ilriDltlliiCH alld ~ 11111019 up Tbey are too gallaut to keep to themlety AlllercAiIa bave treated tbe natin of tb iaeounlrJ eo much h1oyDlOOt Inltatiou re Immedt I k L v bull

~ ~ magnanimity Dot nown among ona ately lltued to the ladl ami pAtIomell of Ora IIld aa weUa to their brother 01lc8

Adance on tho greeD by moonllgb wOIIld bull A hi If _amp

temp n ooy mle e no lIot A1 thereCore 1I1Ih what a1aerlly the IlIvitltlon met wltb compliance

Befot tho moon badfaMy apread her hom bull

lIgure were rUdillg rapldllO And fre and ladlOll on boreoba~k belln to -mye The dear era turea looked In lb parllal gloom l1li1 pf moat bewltoblo beau wblcb altronwer IIhl If u1

thing augmented

__ Nlghl Shows tars and women la a fair IIgbi

rett Dancing waa Of cbulll Ihe order of the lIinht

I - _Aad when

lfumcrOl6 WIlli Ita yoluptuouuwollampn e~ea looked lue to YII8 which epoke apln And al went merr1 u marriAge bell

Dallclng with II Its lellirableneea does ltayeI r --t b II dbmiddotat I 11108 a 8 Ii Oll lUI IIg ten Olley ut we

Rille aro the IlIlIt III tlll wOld to rorget the nomiddot eeultlei of the Inner man In II eommodlollll toom at a eonv~nlent distance from where the dancers danced II board was ead ltll a prolll sian 01 viande and wboo beVtnl$eII wore reshyqUlred tlOJIIe Iere furnished lIIcll exhilirated but did not Intoxmte

001 Eo J~ere lind Lieut Col F Atldereon controlled the entertainment so 1111 aotl eo pleaalllgl) tiift were il IIOt they are alroad Imowno ellcel In the inillwy profeulun alld It bmiddotb lib tiel - Ih t

aYO O W I r 1110 cam an or thelllselee in the Temple)f Fame 1ft would be Inclined to adyl them to devoto tbemselves to Ing or aD entlreli dUfcrent and 1_ edIIf~ rol$ nalure Bul the plelUure wo enjoyed Is somowhat mingled wiLh 1 regret for thoeo Who

t ~ d tl I bCOU IIG en1 1 alice on 10 green If It II ellvlnblc felow whOle good fortune II I to Iotcd Ihe First RlRt Battalion

---------- Ll01EII-The laily of )111 Potier 01 tho Ordmiddot

dllma they will not only be lubJected to tho peUy tTrano) oCa bQlrmiddotbreed Indian J8IIoulOf their IU

periorilJlod pprehendy oetbelr power bullhybull

wlU be excmp Itom lnythlogllke proteCtion from ~ht ronp thai IIronger pow 1111 lee II~ to plol108 upon theXl In their IlIdlldu tapieIYFoelln(~1 their dQoadvantallOf thy Very MIumiddot bullbullU1 obJcel to 1111 amalgamation with th goy- tollty 9111he tid ~rlirrh lut M~rF~Ulm mellt of lItindllrU The followlllg extfaol flOlll a dlatetYleIkud went to Glb la from hloli cormpoodent oCtbo Now York Ifld dated al PaceUhe t paeaag~ O LtveIOOI d thence to

lilted 8htos amYmg Boston in thetea Ruatan AlIgl8t 19 will Fbow 1I0w the people hlp Nlapn on the 8th or lUlllt lut )lr Felli ~ere Iook Up80 the Coolfentloo and ho tbey II a cllifin of Ihis couatry 1IlIkcl) to act In the ueat lbo troty rallfied )lr FIIIII no ill thia city enPlled IS the wltbollt alty COIIIIIIItltiOa with ibeluclilimente Go1lmment lrantor

A reporamp having IJI~ em Ruatall tbat the Bn -------- shydab governlllent w gOIng to deli IiIe eoIony A HOlllItla-80111e gentleDlen were amlllinof the Bay Ulandl to their orlKlnal ~ (the Ihemaelrel yeate-d afteraooll b III tIii State of HondlllV) It ha caUted eonaiderable es- alii to t at dlatenc Y 00 g at

ciltment and the Prealdenlof 1M Leglaladve AI- II a on e frolll the 0 sembi called a It neral meetlogofthe InhablWttl wharf ampad aucceeded III _dlllg bullet Ibro11 for the purpoee of pelillolllo ber lIaJ~y 011 tho the IIrUa 0( one Th monster _II pye Ill the lIIUecl uuamp 11 bullthe~ allUmtnllll ~ at thlt men- - III 11 ed on tbe hore IiIII tawlI1e

log wblob tootplaoun I oclock on tb 18lb Stlidwl~ ~bout nille feet IIId eYeD III death he 11I1i1llld proIul$ toally reeoIllllolI belng-d J ee appearance oIlelng a II ugly elYshylalllyllldlldualtellprelled I 1rDII1tenaa tomer TboeewbowLlhtoatudytheanuomof their IIlItlmelltl 011 theUlattlr AcoJorftpomiddot tberilterwlllfindblmaowllogoDlhebeadampt1eman boldlog a hlllh ofllce on the IaIorul doell red that he would DeYer conlen( to -01 lloa luaus WampOOIl-Wina 00 bae _I GOt shyboln _t to th Bdlilh soY--t tor It bad _ IIaIHt oPplClled Ih people too much ampad II uo I 11_ e~plWl waampon we JWnled and quite a gDftmlllOUI gaYe th up II~ _ wmln and ampy100IuII concern In tblg eoUllt) wh tIIere able to take III rmlto deCend themaeleII (rolll are nothing but - willi whe lIIade byllampwfni thelllYMIoo oCthe Hon~_ So oth oIIthe butte oIa trbullbull and punchlog holethrwgb followed III the tlwe wlrlike emdn which _0 th Ier r h to tbe taete of Ill 1_lIag 1111 liiio ~ bull ceo or t I ampIlemiddotwe It Ie oow rIged lip Chat the lurplllll reveoue ehOuld be dnoted to dI ampad the drinr duhe through tile elty In a purehMe ofarms d amm1ll1llooi ob 1IIId that amtocratlc mteor mildbull If Ihe were 101 lIeutral the HoadufOll would lea them III the q Ie~OI of the BIII lll4UZlIIL-We are Indebted 10 II the Nlearagum eml~Dte lIditr the _d publ1tb and aIao to Wine Co EllprtM fof

~~b-ped wllh hit lite 111 FeU~ andIfhIl~g hoe ~ ~thtrlO ober 1861 tenced 00 the 24th of )larch fo~olnw- 11 JeanJ ilnpriloomen Ceute and to enJure I~4 -ryelllllllce oC the poIiee Ille ellpiration ofthllt i~ pU1lllUlce of II I h b SpainOlitheJtofJ~neamp1I d~~eavfo~ 011 the 811amp orte memolllh On the 181h ~f JuloIIOI~ be w tlkell to Cdur wllere he ~t ~~~II ~e ~thmo( 1If1~ Fromdtllbe prilshy

rov ula an t rown Into tbe IlronJlbold called UMbo and itep COtl

t1nuallr In ehalna Iu th mlWllillle tho friellot ~~Mr ~eUAaIll tmUited Statu were not Iliac by~b~nQeo s f nOII~~ tmiddotrb~ jug_ted

lIec ofthelrfoll1 hubeen M~olllJ b their wunhe a ~d~l(eoa ampbe 1Ieen wu got O(ClellIlValker 1Ii~(lllampOPJh_fuIIooplbullbull Q(tllube nlblallIthlT lertIOIIIIfIt promen tblt State h lib bull I ~~pored ha hlbe mtla~~tf~ Colllow do -1YWi ~ lubecribe to HI1 ta -I and attac llIenl to _I oroWII can 10 -IV net bull Co

but 1amp had qwte III opposite e4eoI (or dI (8e11nS It that lhi tallallon tbat It ImpOllidIbr the _eIIt WIIIUk Ce-lIrHlnkle theactlOtDmodatlllg Of_I_oJllclllllU1gh~ltat beea ed Jufdlbey ~oIth aboYIl lbp has plllcedumiddotlnpc been pOllllllted to relllalll llldepedelt ampad lItIo - of our replar fll 01 Butern Md Pacillt lrat ootcolouized III dlreet viorauoll of IiIe Clay ncban We h ton and Bulwer tre17 II ope to elbe Exp bllllintfa

HallY suggeatlona were 01l8red bUI thllt 1I1ob thorougbly organized agaIa

Tho gIy bat ceqQeltisb rldingack and the ward of the pori 01 lrUxUIo and about tlleame tanWlzlng Impudence of th 0101111 wbleh 1 tllttlnee (rom the IIInd of ftllliall There8

11011 now abollllorlJ Germampllll IIIId AlllerI_ a worki IOmellmilli 01181 11 thade of uncertaint over tllllr tuch au their PIOBpeCB thai tbe have J(feD the Call facM rendered the IICeno one of Intense 11Ite- place the name of New California Iluan I

seemed lito tn08~fslbIe wla made by 011amp of Ihe rea1denta-Ibic~ In the event 01 tho colon belag e _ted by til British they thOliId aend to PrealdeDt Walkar aoeking Ilia rdlluce ud reshyqlltiUng him 10 aend a bod) oIlrDIIpI to prrleon the Iellnd for aD 1I0vemmell~ 11 betler than that orHOliduru

Emi lion I _11m III to th ne1 dllccrrned pld de altuf on tbe _t Honduras at bull river called Belfltte within thirty mU wealo

therelOre IikelJ to bo tho depot to lind fioolll the

bllru OJ RxcAl1ITs-Co1 E J ampcod bull ~ 41li

broughl down (rom California secnty reQRlCII which ltayO been moatly _ignad to Iholllral Buia Battalion The tillookcd like men of therlght stripe


)1011 REOIIVITamp-Col Jack Allell amvW 0 Ifood It wltb near 008 hlllldred recruits UIlshy

der Capt J B Graeo Bolbmiddot lt101middotAlleoantl cpi Of0011 hbullbullbull retumed 6-0lIl furlough

PBR80NlL-WeannOllnce 111 I h t f J V Fb I ure I

e IIrn 0 bull bull ens to Grallada aaer aD amp1gt Ullited States all 118 ncelln harbOfll 0 arm llen~e ofthree moolbs to tb Eatttmiddotrn Stites advlllltages for 8ucb II purpose nuelt baing p fecily 1e from north winds 111 tbe winler amp8011 List oC Letter------=-----=-

ColllKG SrSl1JIER-Th ateamer Teno_e na Remaining in the Post Office middotrccei-ed adnrliaed III New York to lellve ror San J_ del sinoo August 30 J856 Norte OIIlhe 6th or oampObar wlIlub would mako A d J J had t t T it n reAlIer v GIl a preseo OIl or w Irf8 Andolllon 110m I aufllolellt to IMIIe lhe trip and we -1 th_ Aharez DtD rore expect 111 arrivil about Thursday nut with Dlalr Oharl datal up to the 6tll 01 October It ia IIIpJlOled Brown Oeorge that the Onba III bo at 8m JIIAn del Sur in Ood~ Themu time take tho PuaenllerA by tho ~elt8s throh g~itJDon to (lallfornla Afler the Tllne tht Teunesaee ia Cottle Caellye regularl posted to I on the 14th Ihllll piol or_lg R R utwo atelllnera thlsmWthftom New York 8ioce Orowel~ John Ue above WAll written the Orlube arIed Sail Co~por Tbomu luandel Sur EflCkeoD cP

Ftlgerald 0 0 NJ(IAuGu GlIuM-Werecelved largo FitzenldGeorgobun II 01 ti If I DB C Flshe~ Bordamln c n~ 00 grapca om bull e fIIfIO apt Frank II

N N whlcn a~lbough ~ot jQlte equ~II1 fllI~r GOltel H to Ibe best ~bOIIIh are fur an uncultivated milt Gardne RP of good qualilYmiddot We have 1)11 been ofopllIon Cilnllll John that NlcaraguR would before all1 very dlalaDt diy lIaley )I

Leltl8ll Ourtil Lockwood E 0 )lullen J Vahon 0 lIlIIer D 0 lie ioigan J 0 Nag R B

Otllllaa J D ~Imer J p~MA

2 Piper ~1 bull SwaD J R

a S1OCUIII Cpt BRlall Jaoee

Trvllllj Chas lJ

2 Taylor A W rlgbt A w~A H West Lleui J S

be the flfet vine growing counlryln tbe orld-A lIagtl_ TampOIllIl Zarrl J 6 11I th III d ft f h abo Jorlrnan Wme p 01

not un e so an u~ 0 t e vo mOIl lIooed buncbrengthODll St~U Taeticbull

IbllHD PlPIlIUI-Womual apo1og1ae to llr THE GBNTLB~UN Who boTOwad ftOID Col Munt Cooper Nwpaper Ageus III San Fran Fahers ~r Ille ampoolld VoIulIIe of

Hert companlee III the two ~Ul8 oualiona lIanee Deparlmenl CII1IO to Or_la by tbe Jut cIIco rot 001 relUrolDg mlr thub-for tlta COIIIIan~ Scott 8 Tacllcs will ampICfllle retlltll II 10 CoIollel lave elaquojn CIIgtged III target 8lercuu Tho oootmiddot steamer and w happy to A oXfleeta 10 make and eOpiOli IIIppllee 01 1- pap wlarla 1fI111 III Ii~t U~iT~iR)(AK ~_~~~~~plI~e~~a ~llghly crodtablo tbls her fumo Iollle conllauu to rerei lila baa-Clemmiddot1t (obullE 8ecoD411l


bull bull

pound+ NICABAS[JENSa Vol 1 No 50 p 3 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October lB 1856 309

IruIrti~1 mu~il to urge them on but with ISA J(E US FROM OUR FB1ENDS 1 victory land defiance Btamped on their mud8~ned figures lind written on their ampvin~ bllnneri-lllf I tlien there WIIs a eIIout went up rrom the anenat that was eohf)e~l from the old prochi~ churoh and rolledori and grev heuier nt the GUllrdshyhousea shuut that carried hope IIlId new lifo llri te1rful joy to the hearts of our flmil~s nnd friends but such terrOI to tho cr Ivon enelny that they could not fly and ~ II IIlIlUY of them in the pitfall they hi ug thmsolvel Ihore wero some who ampld it and at first knew not its mean ng-trhlllds who were cut (1ft and Iring n their hOll8ell In momentary ex

~on of the 118sasine knc But as Gen fNlllker and hu boy~ drew near the plpza alld saw stili floatmg (rom the

i1agStft ill Its centre tbe devieBlo( free Nica I h Ii Id I h

U mo dr gUR- d n It~~ w t ndazth

1 lr ers t Ie re P inot JArs -11 U8 bull b h h mg natives men w 0 were onre t ellbOWltlta t NIClalua was ltlll safe the drum and fife struck up Ihe homely old IUneof Yankee DOl)dle and tbosewbn knewtDflt tbe meanin of Iho lIbou knew

bull bull g 1bel that IR other dl~s had led theIr falhe~ from vlotoy to victory

On year preVIOIIB ell tIlt very day the n ver tobu-forgottoll 13th of Octuber Jr Viillnm Walker entilred Granllda bull hi d b b Iill t u1t tlUifl an t IS WlUl IS com

If n gt

middottom g 4lir 4VENlOROUS PdRTY

bull f _ _ bullLale 011 the evening or Sunday tbe

12th aparty COIliamptillg or MlijOI Rogers Minis o- of aaclenda Col Thos F C dtllce ahe Qualmiddottermaater General apt lute lite Those were the traltols who JUAN OTTON DB OPPLBIf

I T Slm~ls of t~e Qllarlomast)rs _par~ came 1Il~0 Grannda with patllotlo eheera IUIhNlJ1UU mel)j 901_ Lam~ olle of Gen W~Iker 8 llpoll thou lips thllse were the mon who Tbe card one of line Brhltol board ud In-Aills] flUd an escolmiddott (If about Haeen Ran promised to81e the country-these welo di6ttcd much taaampe lillie Uecullon Hla pookol gets ~ltted from Muaya for be city r- Lire Illell who cl~tIed Ibe eVllngelism of beok 10101 amp3 oil ca hie _muloC ~n Grandll They had Dot IIdYaneed far whenI It

bull became eVident that IUjwould be

bulllanirOOs to proceed and Mal R~ers bullT

retutlea to acquaint the Gcneral of the

ct_ The remallldel of the puty enmiddot d h h B bull etm e 01 t e nlg t 8)10 monnngiller ~vere attlcked and Lhough they deshyfended themselves bl8vclyMd 811Meoood in cutthll thlir VIY through they were

I~rg partllls of th6 cllemY line Wllle thlr foro obliged to mllk very Clircuitous lOIItIis- Col Fisher witll hismiddot two com pan~ns Iilturned on lhnltltday mnrni

bull Th4t wero very milch ftl~Ued havmg

h Ii h t h _l ell ~ not lUg 10rn l c IIno t tly start irom MlIsnyn until thl) arrived nt Grll-IIId excolpt 01100 whero they hllpPned tpg~ W a small hut where thelo were bullineieen women and children aud onlyL

OflO mnnbull fhe Colonel placed tI guard 11 tb~ dour ttl prevent tile Igres~ of IIny i ilftllF natives lind thonprovliled SOIllUmiddot

~h1rqt to pal rr himsdlf lind men ~1 D1rlng tho woek lievernl others f thll

rt IIlThmiddoteel IhtY nrted CRllt Slim fmiddot -- lOis ael II they Imd soen bis hrse CII IItd him and supposed tbat ho hllli reshy

loClvd a semiddotolo wound But fortunately CoP~ SammilS himself arlivlld III the tity

thiS OfulIlg_ II hnt Dllt belu founded adEd cllron nllthillir faom tltt) tilll he

left 81 II IIntll be IIrrlved ho( romaliishy

Weare informed by InttrUlgen and loyal Democrats of tbis city the when tbe late attllek Wllll made upon Granada they gave up all hope for the olty Nlit knowing the character nf tho American people nlld helllvhig it Impo8lllhie amphat OliO hundred and fiay mfR and a portion of those Infirm eould contend IIUCle8tlfully agnlust the heavy odd coming down upun U8 from U qUllrter many of thuse eople ran away to the Inountalnll allIlln 80me easel we have heard of them being alaulthshytered In the woodllwhithlr they had gone rr safety When it is known that mallY of the eini~salies of these brutalities were flrmer rosidents of Granada it call_reeshyy be credited that even savages would

th bull bull b pursue IIlr paSOllons 60 ar lit DeVrshy

bull theless It is a truth thnt the mOIl cold blooded atrocities were performed on flee

noxt door Doi hbor There were but rew enga ed in t~68e horrid trn edlea for we

g tfi dl I th t it r I Ie JUN len say ng a ou 0 fI ppu amiddot tlOIl of fiCteen thou8and Granada did not furnish mllle thall three hundred men to the ranks of theallOmy and th~we three gellOucbed hundred wele only enemies becluse the Among die -1 o-ro -pu trom lIIe elle-A h d i t duced I t G ad m1 shOll at tbe Jaltoba wu Uebrf WalleN

merlcans a n r~ n 0 ran a wbon 8ft heuy-casod gold hUlidn walch bull plan of hvlng Without the It waB ampeod bampIIich would ollletlt bay --_bull bull UN_

unce the prlvdege of the II1111tar1 Umllllrs hlacroln ill bullf auk 11110 III wate IIDt in this city to raile the wind by the laY Ibe Ju snob A sbocIt gave hit tam he re-

most questionable meuulesoodll8 a mall oeed 110 InJUlf He hu already fonpe III four lor of cOUrie when II better governmllRt bampltlea IIIlder Oell Welker ud 1fU he was established under Gen Wlliker these kldng of ()ta1IIIdbullbull

titletl thieves found their OOOtlpation Kune One genU_a left 1IIoIIowlng card In on of r alld thllrewith the chaneeot IivlIl a ditiSo tbe ho_ III wbleh be cook UpA tempotll1 rtal

order-these were the men who loved ad by Carrera Oell WlIlker no hoIda die com 1181

Granada too well to see her in tho hoods m onbull of the prosent Oernment and ye live I During tIae aght 1fahYerIIaRCII were

Wht did they do 1 What wefO their hltea frOID the eny III III bandt ot bull peI1IOII

ld9111i In delr _ dI__ lie fir middotefteotl+ works t _ I

r_ bull d d b weaptllll amp t_ certatD 1 _III 10 u ofAlmmg mto town a~ mt 3Y Y II

fOloy upon their own OOllotr)lIIou they wllre 8uOil fed Thuir next move was ror a whi~key shop ahd at IIlghtsllt onemiddot

1IIIfllrtunately rcparated filtm each other~ fourth of the attacking force WII3 turlled Col Laln6 WIIS take1 pri~onol Col int the SlIme sut of drunken vagllbolldH

FIsh~r With wo ~lIgers 11Itlllncd to Ma tllll~ had been dllvon ltu~ of Grllnllda JU$t lIIya but dlscovermg th3t Gon Walkr one ytampf befhre Thelf Rltve iustlllctil Ilad ~turned to the 1iS$ldanOO of Grant- sull hoM Illa~tery although thly wlfllin da t~(ly also retracod their stops to this tiont of danger lind In the JlIth of dllty F~ On thcir wily they If ot sevcrnl At light had not a rge prtlon u r the

bull I foreign furee beell (lIItrllmed to ~nlaln ~ober our omall garrieoll might hn~ gobe ftlrthlInd tied up with 1(P=4 the lotlliflg raBnis who CUltle into thlgt cit to rodeembull ~It ~o orler and gOll( guernllltmt

B I bull f I II ddlit t lell X ~~m (I 01 IIr I nut

stop here Thofo ~hn did not gut drunk uud cover ui nibt reolmiddotted to robbery I

i ~ lind bllt rlilV tonslll 1)~(jII)lld urpillaged Every thing ~IInhllllf b ing calried IIwuy

fidelity IIf th 1ple of Hranada Tholl6 coi BpoundIIDIu In hlllpoti _ loIae wbolt or who laW them make voluntar) ufterlng of be olBennd men ohb Jlm RII BUalloD did refreshments to the exhausted soldier bel dn amplid I ould be mock 10 110 know how willing i wlltliono They blul gl one oller mON pNile til _dler fte7

)1 bullbull 6 l 1 w IIII Wlng to cri8 Ibelr U1f II~lie ro ut a mo every WI Umiddot lot die _ ftft IIPl1a eel wlt n the American gum could ~ro-teet them but or what WII It they gave with a willing hand

Such met8 18 these Ire worthy to he studied by the wrld at hlrge bull Those wh hllve slAndered UII wlthollt knowing of

bull what they wrote can weigh the avldenshyces ald thEII decidu 1Ip1O wholR tu CIIt tbll title of frieud and proteotor to the people (If Nillllrngua


- I the Amurlcan 1OIdI approached lbel1ishyampeha chllrb tbe bullel from tbo glllll of the ttl shy

- -kl 1liii Wert 1mg ID tI 1 t errery peI1IOII on h_back m-iDCIIbullbulllulg 10 the ground and Il behind ble horse for pro~1I oa W~r aIon malmiddot b- oM bull re _ 011 lIg ers 10 _ 1111 abou as much MfIfroid III If orderIagA boltllt of wiDe Ibr hie dlMer I ud Ie Dol until bewlarepcatodl)reqllnledtbonoolllblm 10 diamount that 1M did 110 He emed 10 be as regardl of Ih elleou of a Millie blIll If 1M ere plOOhplm lIIem ForlullateiJ be did IIOl

litlle_nt hey are but aPlnHv~of cleD18eI~-eiDdelencOI Grallldbullbull the bew and erro of lIIe Indllll of tIae Honb alld baylollg aiDae b8llll dfioarded by dltllIAampIona tbatcondllClaiUfIa aclenCllle _11111

The handle of lIIe 11111laquo ill about hIce III 1000g andlIllek u an ordlnar1 broolllmiddotbUdle I lance on llie end It an onl pleco or IroD or iteel )ot fuur Inclin In length alld abouhlliaob and a balf In its grlA breadlb In rlulng tbey CUp tho Itallll19 About Ita cenUO 111111 0110 band and Ita loer end r811111 UIlOII lIIoir rlghl foot Close 10 the bead or III Iallce lIOn_ bad II lillie red g aplit Is be ceo like A s bull allows tall

bull A raquo~lIOIIOIl UI) A ~IIiIIIU11C -A cit

~ w_ bnlvorl during lhelate detenco or tblS ell) was atllpl delllOMtfAled byltle inc of a 1rouodet __ 110 1 11_ or en Iny on hearillg one of t1i9 cia

-- 01lttpI wy Her verI ltgtJOll1re11t1rlcOO l Ibe

ur In die report of Ilurspcclaleorreaponlellt wa _ndull Capt middotDrew The propr resdiog or tbolllUD8bDeul

------- shy or Tbo followDC COPl of lelk wrlltell h] Jlbullbull DW1 H Wheeler III Agenlof tbe Amm can Bible Society at Grallllda 80ell18 coneidetl6 wben a WM writteu 1111108amp propbelc IL III bull 01 (lilt aIAYmentbull and iiI excite illucbaflllpamiddot 1~7 Cur bill aad end BII~ be blood ormatly ill I ~ eed of e~e Clturcb Gild In tbe plaoll or OlIOshyMulonat killed by ampbllllo ungts bundredtt ill yel pnrdllHbtir goodly calling bere In_ ritf

GRlIIpoundIgtA Oct 3middot186amp bullbull rdMAIY I took my book Imd ent AfonnJ aud on youe leIItgtIment )luny 811id Ibey bAd no IJIOIIllI and otIl 1d tile Quid pnrcb lte afler die eomIJa~ over WlOr loakil Or autenem111very doy rull lllree thodU~g ~

feDo nl1gbl be a riliemlln but biil credeD~l B(lIl1agood omcclil lid BOllle vor) gdOd aofim were atllered In dUlerenl IIChool from botek b hi_

nOWD y I lit name n lIll1Cky Tbe Ileamiddot raga rifleman urna bil reputation by ~I

Iyaltacklng kunu and 111101111 othor people WIts stUlllI II(J~ lUly fngtnl foe~ bllt nlike goods whll tile KellluckllUl hlil the honOi to be rmm fmlllds liHI pooril~t natives were bull terror to -Iaucb rucala foilllesklll wltb which

fltmlM tu givo lip tleir IMIIOY lind tholll bo drops them Ihe dlelIlOO of one o two bunshywhu had nOlle ill IUlIIe 034el vera lashed ilred 7arda m Do

lruIlkn Ioxes 111111 evelY othor plll~ 4111 II PnIIlCL-ThLI IOpeclmoa of IIIlUtarl wbore g)Ida ~lr valullbleol millht be hId OtIIIlnlly ~paoled blluoope 10 Mala aM

( was -a wllh III IDOIt advanced of tbe Jim Wble tmieJ l~pylUlVy Ind whell clotll Rlh Tho bowllie w his fJlvorito poIIIon

Cor J0811 Auu-Thll ollCllr w11I com~d of Ibe body of tIae Second Rl4ea wldllblor Ca In tIae repll of Ib La- IIItl1t1oeed b 0IIf

eorrespIIIIdeot md proYed Ill_If 10 be A bnlle man After Ibl tlIg_nl he wu ordred amp0 _ dIiot Capt Drea aud Capt Ore In 1b~lt pOIishyampion near Ib luge pm The oomblnllllon _ ceeded In Njtulalog tbo enem hferal amp1_ dillgtshying tbe _y

CoL JlcI1l10811-Thfs eBcleot olllcer prOTed bfmeel(1 y w1I orlhy of the pOlilion Ii~ OCCllplee U was al walCbflll amplid a1ait ready 10 aUllnd 10 hI dUly Dis car for bia wounded men is well otlhl of nOII08 As soon ali II w ueertalaed lbe enemy wet driven oul of ()ran~da be Immedlaley dlapalcbed olle ofthe Compaat ullder ble oommand 10 bring IDilie ounded or hi Baltall-m lrom die _ne of l1Ie con8Ic4 at lIIe Jalwbe

Our tibullbull-From lIIe iDablllty of 011 man to - 1M whle of amp bald Ibe report of Oot

Speclal Oomepondellt Illat be DeeeuiampriI1 1ItJ defectT~ It apP8llMII lIla Capl Oreen of die tiecond RllIu 1Od Capt Dreal of die ampeolld lllranky 10 IlIMaIIl hi ~aDced poeilkn dUpug tbe dd7 and acled rery brnely Llell Henry T She wndOO In lIIe Deck liDe latmiddot Inll In be defmce ot (ble POIOI Sherman baaDOI been ablll 10 peak Iinco b reeelyed $lie ItooUad h II lIolllkalylo pro fallll

OUI 0R119~-Tble gentleman obved In A

house -ya flIl of Lb OIllllY wlIIIhla IIW~ in bud at neb a npld u tllet bla OomJlllll1 could lIot keep pace lib biOI Col T ~ Fi 1~ fld Uue Pg _mpanlW him and bad Ibe bouee cleared of tIae enemy before sbe llIeD ~ rIed

TIIII PIli AlID flrll SWORD -We tali pl8ual-c

i _ L oJ bull of b It _L d n -og 11 e compollliN8 I e ngl emiddot parlmeot of EI Nlcanoguellleollee (oogbl brnely In deCellCO of our clly Thel~ IIIIIIU are ()buies E Caulley William Bucbllllan Froderlk Kapt amplid P A Yarrington lbey hollOO tb lhey llOuld make goud UIIG of Ibe ehootilog Iron II weU u llhootlng amptIek

OVII CoKbullbullIISUU1 BIIIWI-Lleul W B Butmiddottri LI J B W Ll

aut 0IfIl e~t 9amp Hawley11l1li- H O Wall A A Conllng and Capt W_ B Lyou bebaved -Iotly aud rendered ear-

D tils force GIGII f1lIkCf ClIo oppose 1~~ light109 men 109 ul middottth whllt he mMy Neel from Califoml a d NIIW York lIlldIII be 300 wenbull A~ preseD~1be Ollemr arlllllOngl forllllej al Mi sa ollly 12 nliles dl8loUll Gen Walker i8 pm ~arillg1O recuio Ibow alld tbere will b 1JODle dmiddot~ ilf8lRing bUlplbtlhAmrIC~dn8 feel very 00011middotell 0 IQCOOIL er 1 pru tlIoa would aft

dlellltcd hOlI [8ho~I have lelt helll on Ihe live of a baltle 8tleh aa I~ exd every hou blll1 came hen Ibere lIaamp nu eoumy lI~ar and lIone ex peCWI and my IYw-k I bre and llHllII 1111gt8 1D~lIywouhdad and dybg 10 caro for fun doeome good certainl Tru I IIampY be am~ tbe slIlu formiddotlII_ Ulen have Ib8II1e1led a wtU cf

iug could ntlt be mnde useful It Mis-torn IIIId ilia 00 Wera ailbrded OOIlIiderabiA __~ ~~~~tlll apllldl aU AlllelOllJlII and If lie F Ii Ii Y -- ViCtoriOWl ley ill du II tbey han ampampiii

to pec~~ 01 twenty olle ourll t I IIIflII allud lIIe din of I~ bllule at tbe manner If I should perlah do Ie beat you can fgtt my cnnlinued 11111 WII say it with nil cUlldor In which be ould jump at an l_gllI1 ellemy (amlly lOl lIIuy POOl alld will need all lila can h I bull n d b dI fI II Prin I middot-~oo I be alfordOO them Sltould the enemy coine IIlld

t l simp 0 IIIlt1ves Ill) roll1 It as uom a eI e ~un as ~e a reg M tack lIle ol~ I hall leavoloy boob posled and pe~Ii1mcc They ran Into the wouds jill tIInghll bylilll Firat RIOes mOlle ~d olrOOIa in the hand of Col Johllii

h I I I II A N I W Wbeeler Ih~ Amerlcllll Hinlle For 1eM0Ii1Crlpt mto cornelS 11 t lem8e vel n a Ill ou Ilf AII-OUr RallgCfuomeli_ need 1I0t lIaOe tho lJolted Slatea IIlg IfI Alford iug hhuut food bout fiva dllye cpt kind~ uf placcK alld trlm~bled Illtilmiddotthe 8ad lying In 1IIood In tho lloillity of the city voryliUlo proaCllOII to AmeriCAn chizeab

I Ili h 10meoChOuIampemalianandSanlWvadoiansnlmiddot y lruly DAVIDlfWBEEliEItSaIllnlS 1S jUltti n youn mnnJlnC lie of plnguo wall (rlvon Ollt OlIO II 0 II d Ih h I I I I Th J C BBIOUpoundN Cor Aner nbla So leIshy bull - t 1VtOtO~tel esoprl80oers8ampy bull ~ vC

1M r(lSt pron)lllmg offiool6 in tllO army tho eager -yoa that watlled tbe bull Jill Lbey were lhue tle1 bllbolr office In order 10 OA

Ho or dog t-that lho qUoOlion U IheThe rbull10 1I0W only fOllf of Iho fMlir~ tllh W f01II hen they hllRld that the Americans prevent tblllll 11II1IllIg 11114) In tho lISbe ello aid whGn he IRt do wn 10 n dish of (riod~_~~llSi~ _ ~re coming can bear IfItimlny to ~b~ I VerUT th~~~~~blltg new IIIder the lin IlASASCl


- ---------------T--shy312 EL NICABABUENSEVoll No 50 p 6 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 181Br6


Tile Battles of tbe 12th and 13th of Octflber 1800

We b bMIl permitted to make the toDowln

oslne IlIDut dI porta 0 tJle 01Boe1ll In commiddot IIWId at tbe Yarlo ttallOD The OOIlfuOIl an4 laquolei 10 our 01108 oe by the late ttaclt -Ind Ib vofortuawte acoldeD hlch bappened to Mr 1bor tb edllOlooble~ put I out or our

pow to arran the repone u under 1II0re fampYoshytabl GlroUlllltanoeB e lboulil have done Th balties of the wo day era 10 connected thI

it oad be dilleult to rate diem on paper anal pnlClIl all dI Illcld8Oll

The report of ColellelSandaralalb1l ofintereal 8Ild beua-out theltlatemellll of Ollt correepOl1dellt

L WIIO It would ppear followed the fortllDes or die folr Rift He Y

About 12 oclock on die t tdl they took dlelr positlOIl hi line and the command u Iyen to moYl fotward The llIen wer11I good Iplrillalld abOUi oclock aalgbt theyenoelDped In Ibe IUbshyurb of _ya Sbortlyafter lying down alkirshymlall took plaoe beteen Vol Karkhaana regiment oC lufallw7 dd a_liDg prll of the en Dll blob luted bUI a few morun Idlout anl eerio Mal Bewean- lIyllght and unrile on ~ba mornlo 0( th 111d1 tbe wliole army took dlelr pOIJUoIl for bottle die bowlll8l1la lrollamp eupporampshyed by dae Rile reldman Aler aneing but a fe y Capt Ifwarb of the Artillery wu orde ed b-eJom_nreMnCblefto dlrowlbelliDto aelllampll plaM aDd (Jumpd C comllluded by Capt D~ obll8ed and took -Ion of the oburch In die pi bullnd tbe wbule arlll7 _11 fullowd IIIId OOlDlIlaDder- or reglDlllntll received their In alruoilonafrol the Coml1IIidi~hlel An- furtloer operatlo The Sappert amplid IlIlIeN were ordered to CO 10 advance end pportod b the Rill out their W8ylnto tho main plua beteen two t ruonlng dlrotly thereto-tbe 8818 on the right IIlId 11 belDg prolected by Ibe ellem wllb btarrl ltlad _OIInOOll and sharpmiddotlboote Afer bariog cut ball wa through to the main plnla the bow iteera colDmandadby Clpt Swrtz and Lieut F roD eN ordmd to the IUppO-t oC the amplft_nd of hoee to pliant ollloera too lDucb pralB C8II II be awarded (or tbelr daring braver aDd cool neealn dlaeharge oC dIlr dut) HlllOry has Ilot e parallel The11 edaaucClllfulho-illto au adolHl bnlldlng here a large nllmb ofthe enem were ~lIllg MClurel1behind barrlcad Oathe Imoke cleariag away Company B oOIBlllanded b Capt LfIonard alld Company G cummndd b Capl ORepn with tMlr gallanl eoldlera took 10811 alon ot he building wbere they were charged upon twice by tbe eneml Gap I Ewballks took pollOi slOl1 ot Ibe eomer hOllSe on the- right The RiBes w thn wlthlll HventyJ e Yld of lhe mlln pIMa he the galInt aI and arren again came to dlelr _lltallce 1Iltiampl their guna Tlte ouemy we 10 largp forcu ImIDedlatel1 III thelr Croa~ abOlit thll time

Th Commndermiddotln-Chif haring recelvod Info uatllD_ bat Granadll w attacked blarge force and bellering lb a larg8 portion o( Ihe foroeI Muya had gODe toaid in taklllg Grallada wbere tbe mo~t of our ammunition was he ordered ra lreat froni our poertlou and bo~t 12 oclock at niSht~ 011 our rod baok to Granada A tar mamiddotohlDg all dlgbt Ihe glorious aUD of the 181b or October roae In beau and splendor-tbo annlmiddot vera1 o( the 68 taking 01 Granada When we got Into the outsklrte 01 the clly wo were reo~iyd Epote4 u the wero Ihey fOllgla thelr wy by heaY ftra ffOm the enml but WIth a about ond 7011 TO ruabed on the elly of Oranadn] wlalh WIUI asain Oil tbe 88me day takell by lIeneral Walker

Of the olleera and men compoeln the Rifles Ilae1 did their duty well and it wouhl be mocker1 to try and give one ofllcur more plllie thall another The were all willing to tIIlClilloe thoir Ilve8 If nece8 88r1 fur Ihe cause tlaey aro engaged In

Ab Jut 11 -oolook on tbo 121h a8 atate41 b1 our _

correspondent Col Allell wu ordered to 1Ilal a de~hment of lIanger agailUlt a body of Lanoer

bull gaged untIl thoy hlUl fought their way 10 a poaco

1be Bohllo of Illy cOlllln4nd AdYanoed and roo ceived the ll of tho tllelll) coolly _ returnillg I ith efect After 1 I volloy had beea Oltmiddot cbangod the enelllY lel the lOad and reliod aprrefttll IOed AlaJor C7C tboulCh Field OCmiddot Beer of Ihe Day ndvallod Ith Ind Bhowed be innrlably doe great cooln1 and 8rllllle~8

After the enemy rroator I retulnod 10 tbe 11 St SbuUan heu 1 reeely_od ordN to IUIlPort Capt Druus 2nd Iufuntry nlld Ilpt Gree of my oOlllmand wbt) WUN armly enmiddot ~laquoed near he main Plaza I fOllnd on lD) arrimiddot Va[ th~ OAP Dmiddotult ha1 one prlte kllud and CApt Greon severol wouuded We re 1l1~okelt1 In thb p~ I (runt ami lin Ihu In but ltlpulsud tbem ter1 tlmee (rom tbe latter position

1 OIInllot epeek In too high tllt1I11 of tho conduct of bMh ollleera and men ~ngaged ht8 they exmiddot bllJlted tbo ~fttest cuolu autl glllalltrf

4bout ~ 0 clock Gell lIorn811y wilh ono (Jom P~IJY of lsi I fontmiddoty Joilled us and hortly altol this wo received ordel8 Irom Yonr E~ceilellcy_ I fall back ou the PI St ScbnLlan whloh did ill he bOIL of orhr ImmeliaLcly nn (lur ftrmiddotivKl

amproo wb-o p-led uo bloh dlylded - -a amphrolog ID1u1f ltlIpt OoreLleuL Bramp LIeut TrIIpp nd ee en pri18I a1man hI admiddot - ance 0 t1ie en command uob he w noeIyed Ord811 to obarp tbe eaDnOD haYiDS1l0 oeeded In wblob and bluing lriag In die l I ordeved thelll forwft lIalor (Jaycee (bj er of Cilea DorDIby) renlalned at dlls pointwldl die bala_ or my Battalion to guard the dlalllountecl bowlSHr

From dlk place my IlIIail commacd advampIIced rapidly and turning to die len one street from die PIIISI IOraaed th comer baok of dI Lobe Slu

- OIl yt( ldI _tbe other u to ho Ibould do ampbemOlamp gooleervloe

W81ao take pleuu IOlIIaldng die folloiDg -

esrac frolll tbe olloW repor of Co Natzm~r I have tht hOllor to reporamp 011 the evenlug pre

aedlng die da1 of the battle In lIaya Kajor Ihl Mnbur Field OlBllJr of tle Day IIld capt Jlatzdorll a Odlcer of tbe Guard dlttinlluiohd tbem~eIY b the greaten figll bullbull oe actiYlt alld cll~i1wapoictlon

rlle Plaza of SI 8ehaeUan being taken ou Ihe eneulng morning and tbe 1 RIlle Battalloll and

wb w killed a numller 01 the ellemy Capt part of the 2nd IUlantry Battalion adfanoiDg till Bell who ooolopaued lia in thla obarge If ldllll two blooka of the eat plaza optaina woundid In the thlh

W then proeeeded under a hot Ire to the GUlrdboule wben lI~or Potter gaYa up bla comlllampnd to me We Bred a oanllon from this po lot twke hlto Your Excellellcya quarte and once Into Ihe bOURa ooa1lvled by Capt Morrla dID oharged tbe litter place our lIlen gallant11 Oamprrlog n Thls 8 Ibe I place I beIIe tblll onl1ll1 coupled -In dI cill

I ampIn happ to atate dI~t no cuuolU occurred In III Battalioll dUriD tblI battleshy

llauor Oaycee wlllPve OU bull IIparate aoooun of bla proceedlDgs wllh th ramalllJer of die Btlalmiddot Ion

Th colIInd of Col Allen wu dl lded near

the lalCeba ()burcb The ollowlng estract ampom the report made bt JI~r Caycu III vel) _grph-o and llaow dI _yln wblob the eDODIl wu ban died b_Ibll -Ilul olloer and bll men shy

e-In 08lllpllince with en order giyen b1 Brig

GID Koroah_ I led dI BUalIQII towarch t1i Grand PhJa until oppoelte th mlns of die Me clld ()bri wbloh point I reoel ed an order d1 to Ib north amplid dlslodse a porilon of tbe enem1 wbo were at tbe dme occuP71og the

Leonard Dreu Rnd Hreen dietingulhed tbemmiddot MI by rellUlrkablo braver and cour-se ilh beir (Jumpalli

Altbllugh th Artillery did not haTe all the eCmiddot Selelle1 elpectud I 1amp11110 but acquillt Your Exmiddot CiIIlellc1 or tbe moet courageous and cool mallner III wbich Capt 8chwartz Iud Lieu Frrand ola oharltt hl dude wbloh deeervet bill aud full credt

III dI attack OR Grallada 011 the 13th iost Your Ecellenc h bullbull leen Yery-wol~ that the gul lalltrY 01 he odlltllN and lolltller~ gellerllll 1ell (lbIng to he- wiahed fur alhougb regom di~middot cipllDe the cClmmandera oC Ibe reBpeotive Battal-Iona and Companies did nOl keep their lIlen lougb together but when our troop reached Iho pl having oooealon to vbtervu ever Ollemore rartioularly I baye to recounond to Your Eloelmiddot e1l07 Vapl Swingle of tbe OrdllallCO Depart-Dlent wbo bebl llatloned befolll tbe OUllrdmiddot bouee (ough agaanal die enem1 In Your toscelmiddot lellcyampIId illlCio ~plnoaal bousea

Lieu Col McIlltDeh and Major Duaenbur1 hkewile bebaved ver1 brveI1 111 two charge

We haTe boell kindly pellilltted to lIIake the

CoIIowlng extracl from Gen Frys report of the ali_immediately In dI rear or die bulldlog oooumiddot _def~nee 01 GrnadaCled by Ibe Surgeon GenmL Baying bullbullcc~ed At 1 oolock P M the alarm w give and the

11 eIOIIIng he I raet (dlough under a lIloet IIRImiddot ling ~re) len mluln lullead to accompllsb dI dlsodgement and then Indeed hegau the werk of dedI Ibe enelll111vlllgin nery direction rece Ing aaadl at the bnds of our unerring nIIemen Flodlng after at length Ihat 1II0re remained to opmiddot POle va I ordered a mreh at quick lime to the Plaza and arrived Jill u die I -oC Ibe -panic etrlckea 100 wera king In Ilgbl thu eatelshywhleh dlilr vaullted_ Ior could not eecure thom III regarc to die o~nducl 01 tho troope I mlllt MY to-Your ExClIlenc1 tbat neYer In m life have 1

enem leen advancing The gtUIiIOIl coneLstillg~f a colopany of ahoul 40 cILi~1I8 (ullder Ibe oommanD 01 KaJor Gillis) tho woundud alld COli teeo~nt In the hoepltal and 80me m11 oC -tb aialr corpa haviog been pvlouily Inmucted 00 oupled the rallge 01 buildings tellding alollS tite eoutb lId ealt IIdes 01 the pI froD tbe Qu trmr alld OUamplIoo Dparllllolll8 to tbo ilpital The gllna bad been plocoj sa followa One elghteell Ind ono ail pounder at tbe auutb eot curner of the piau olle nine pounder tbe QuardbOll8e and one is pounder at lb Hcashy

lIlen IIlllre cool or gallampll III their actions _pita dian dI BtUe parly whlcb I commanded Tbe enemx advanced In colomll along Ihe Itreet

Intbreport of die otlonl of the Seeond leading Intu the nonhwsI coroer 01 bo plaza Light Intimtr1 GoL lIelntoeh 18 and I ol8red tbe Dine pounder to b rUD forwaro

and directed aglllul dleo whicb PrltllnpamplI woulll be doing InJultlee to bull brave officer done ullder tbe di-ection 01 Llelll Crowell and

IIld I lIot here mention the nallle of capt Roberl Captin Hard At the lirat discharge wmob w EU of me Rangenl for tbe fearleA manner In followed y three heart) cheera for Gen Walker hloh he expoeed bimself to the el18ny bullflro

11 wu 800n dacoveted Ibal we wera III danl(er shyfrolll the_ hell tbrown from OUr hOWltzen wlilcb GaOled en order til be giYeIl for 01 to fall baok to the email pia Companies A B 0 and D of111 command wero then tallonedt dUrNnt polllloll nnd held al a reeene (Jum E under Cap J DraUK wa then dlrown ouI on tbe len to keep die nem) f~om making aa1 moYe on Col Sandell command whlcb WII nobly wOrklllg It wa1 thlough tbo O8ntlO ampftet leading to- t1ie grand piua U wu llfierwllrde reillforced b1 Capl Green of die 2d Rilltl ThlSe Iwo olleera d_ne great credit Cor the braver1 the dLlpla1ed

neariy to the n~rthtust earner of the P~ and beld dlelr pOlltlon nllder a hot S untIl the1 were calld oB JuS be d~rk 1 regrel to Inmiddot fOlln 11u Ih Lieu Henry T Sbellnampn of Com pany Eo wbullbullbulluyuly wounded hll 1ol1li1lnly s~condlng Ihe eltor of bl~ Caplaln CflllIplplOl A and B ampcamptd l1li piquet-gIlHrd durng Ihe Jay alld

froID be_goortlson Ihe enemy f1l bao_k d makhg a clrcult alfvanred UpOIl tbe Hopita whore they were beld ID check by die tire ofdie 8i pQuuder under Capt awligl whicb diilmoullted one of their glln td b1 the fOlO rallied by Mljor ONeil The then cowmeuced amp vlgoruus attack UpOIl our rear front the t and nuth Idoa of_ t a pla where they ere gallantly lUeL b the force along our whole line The contesl in tbe rear of _the GunrdhoUde WIUI partlculrly obsi nate and maintained 011 oUrBide by lomeliny lOen ullder tbe comlDllld of Cpl alnample uailampetl b1 captalna Lewll alld Piekellgill

Juring the night alld lullowing 1D0mlng the ellemYIIIeal attempll to attack 111 ill frent but WIlO drlvell bao by tile IIIe 01 Our artillery

Boa of tbe American Idies and children were placed In the Church and in the house of tbe AIDerican Mlnbter In the rour uC blch 1 posted Pi guaCl 01 IG naen under Lieut Micoll

lJoring tbe flgbt the enemy through desertr from Our drm) lIlade a propuaitioll to U4 10 aur

penoMned their duy to ny entire aatittfIlClioD ~t tendmiddot promising ua prutaction and atating tbat

TIe enel0Y YOI repulsed and the fullowlllg fron to pott will show how ho and hilt mo were en Before going furth I be ~epetfltlly ItJ ltat~

dark nay ~thun wa posted on tbe two mil a~retllmiddot~II1K lato the pi and ocoupled bull POll tlOII 111 wllluh te1 could do good aerYlee Ihrough tllu nlglat In 0amp8 tho enemy meditated auylhlNg 10 tM oampIII_e Thlla we rem311 uluillhe u dllr- nII10bed UI to PlIIIlI-to IUArcb fur Granada

tbat tl porton r Illy ballnboll ordered 10relOIoIII Iellve thlou~hot thu d1 expmiddot ed greal cage __ to ho lod antu aciiunalld ill theil omd _ Uctullllllg OIl btalinn Wllt pOlttd on the ex troill lell a1 whun lIenrillg Granada 6riog w dioUllctl laeard IMy lIle thoogh lIIuoh Jadod no~d whh gre bullbull alclmiddotity alld OI~oiCOIIod great eager_ 10 bemiddotth tir illlO olloD Their poslmiddot tioll ctlul1 not adIII r II Uld we hud no cballoe tu tok part hI Ibe cOlltcal at thu JIteba A SlOn ft8 amplla~ puillt 1 g~io~d however and sulflclent Ppcu lOade (or UII tn com~ up IYO imlllediately olaatged dowll tbe rltlad An order to halt alld eland filiI reoeigtd for tbe Plrpose of protectmiddot lug tho raar and waa promplly obeyed with tho cx~eltIon of VaplainR Ball amplid Grnta Op~lIies th07 advancing witb sucil siloed alld the 1Irg IV8S au lleallmillg thlt Ihey could 110t bellr the or der Qd 10 continue1 on_ in tbe General charge Thll1G two nlliccrs bohaved ell the furRIer WUI ounded whilat at tbe hClld of hlann Aa BOOn II~ the dKnger Irom Lhe r WIIS pa~sed I walor dCImiddot1i to dvAllee wih Companies A n 0 and E Ib$Irpolld6d to tho cnI wltb che came up well and did much execution W0 elltered the piau and chllrged the 0llelll1In dlKerent direc

uur army w defeated at AIy Tbe anawor IoU 10 about 01 de8Ion and doftlIlce and tho batshytIe conlillued until IQ oclock the fOllowing lUurn lig when IllYpeedily termiuated by the en tnllloe of tbe army UDder tbe Commandfrin Chief

Thua for 21 houra a force of tt least 900 oC the eReml WII repulsed by I thall ~ii meDln which oUlnbr wu Illoluded alUbo aick and da abld of tlao rIll1

Where dlere were 10 many Illstances of gal lantr d good conduct II i dilHoulto apelfy who were IDl)lt deaerYlng of coullnondatioln All nOlted la a lilt of offiera soldier dnd OitiZell8 who were conplcuous for gallalltry and good conduot Alao a Iitlol the casualties in my com mind alllounting to klilod alld 10 woulldod

The 1_ or tbe enemy l m unable to report acouratel from Iho filcl tbat dUIhl Iho night of


From n hOlOle I ent Immediately to dI 0 nance OJ8ce and tbere 01Hld Lleul V ~ Hiler on dut1 wldl wo 8ergeanla and lDeDi reporteathe pplOIIooh of the 8Den Ild save tholll aach ordera bullbull l dlought nec_ar1 alld thom etarled (I

Mlnllter Wheel8f to loelf1ll1 lamil1 bd ilri~ ulil and artl ed t the oorller of IhoPlaza nw the reBideDce of Mr Teller Ju In time toch$ek the harge boing made b1 tbe enelDY dun tbo alreet fouhe Playen8 by killing tbeleader who WII gallauil1 leadiog the charge much In adfancuf his men running alld ahouting

Al1 firat hul w with a Sharp carbine oDI1 ollndill_ 1111 ataggerlng hilll agClin the ItlUle aod tbell rolled bim Into tbe allmiddott with my air Ihootor 1 think thi4 w the liIIIt man kUled in Ibe city Mr Hugheeand MVMfll othera I8W thi lorlulIte check (it cOlDpletel) baiting thu cbarg illgparly) br whicb those working au lIiue -pounshyder OoUOOII welo enabled to 111amp it

I canllot Ipeak In pr~ge or commendation or the nine pounder callnon doriug the comlUence lIIent of the attaok-~wo or our own meu were very aeriuusly ounded by h The ch gon th lla wbullbull Ilbaudolled by the enem) theirl (OICO colloentrated and mado a yigorouutlbrt toenter the IInlll pia b1 tho quarters of the Oommndcr inmiddotChier There Ihe enem1 were gIlUOIly held I check by Capt Swlngl with the ix pouude can nOli _isted and cov~re1 b- maDY eilizeut-witb ri80 and mll8kecs eucouraged raquolId direCIeltl b) ()ep- Watkin The bra fteldillece broullM 10 ber b) tbe eDemy a a point waa -00- dil moulltad b1 -tho h y and wIQlrellllsillire of Vapl Swingle ldI tbe ais poun Hi~ 0001middot 11_ and brayery cannol he too Duch praied

Voncluding that the hOlpital and gulllClhouso would Iequire Ul Addillonal lupply of ommualtion I returned to the OnlllampnOO olliee on the_ wa~ crossing the bolY lire of the eneflly near the enshytrance w the headquarLel$ of tbe CoulRollderin Cbiet and deapatcgtb d two Dlen loafled wilb am mUllilioll Cor the horpital-olle of thelll ooly reich IlIg tbere the other SlOpping at Ibe gu~rdouae 111 tbe lIeantlme Lbe attack of tbu enero1 belng u 8trudg and vlgorou lind having nu cove frOD Which to bold IWd work Ihe eAlIlIon d thro bemiddot log 110 com nander 0 dlrec~ the mOYemcll1oll 0 Ib~ YieiDltl Capt Swingle wlthdrelY tbe ~ilt poundr to the oover of the gllardlouae Ollt Ii ocloc~ P AI Tholo In tbe hopllal reualud In It undemiddot the directloll 01 Oap- Wllklnl whor they gallaot I) deteuoed tholDl8l_os uutil Ihe reillfoCemenl with the UommandermiddotillmiddotOhiefarrivd Defore Ih wilhdrawal of tbe six pounder to Ihe guardmiddot ou~ Capt W i1klu8 wu very aotlve-In rallylOg t citmiddot liens to auist hI coveting the loadingllld orkshylug the 0111111011

AlII ooloek P M I crossed from the Ordmiddot nance oJ8ce 10 the cburcb alon~ (not IIndin any one at he 1D00aenl willing to croll the au lIh as much amlllunition u 1 could carri I twoO baveanokl aDd soon Ret arriving tbere w deshysired by Gell Fry lotako cOlDllland oftbe d ot the Iroul of tbe church -

From the commenoemenl of the attack t Ex preas WagOD III U88 b1 the Comllli_v I) part aunt had been atanding hi frollt of the Ifou call ed the Lone Star Alter heing desired tJiIt~ dbage 01 tbe dCenoe of Ihe ohurch 1 Id man (I regret th t 1 am no~ able to givG h- Ime) who by DIy ordera ctossed the plaza and roy the wagou to tbe Ordoanoe oilloe_ and loaded it with alUmwlilion bUI from some Cause ullk~on to me did 1101 return jth II The lYago~ w~ loaded in tront of the Ordnance olBc~ Ilear an hour-no one appearing to be wUling to rOIl itla It-wben a Mr allyn81 crolll frol I~e arhou80 and drove 1 ovo-a -bighly or dilashybl$ perlurnaauce Aler making a c~rvtul exaID Inltlon of the church Uld rmLles Olll1uecl~ tho foroe to defelld h ampe placed Mr J L lobshymOlld with men In ilhlllge of tbe part c~ll tbe ~Ouad House ita yard alld aJoining lI11llmilnll III the quarlers Ih tbe IeIIr of tha ehlll~h exl~ndshyillg to the atreet below Capt Kell1 j Mr otank lin tobert H Smitb aud tnlee ollleI werol Sla tioned in tbe tow~r at Ihe lIorthet er ~ele they were of essential service and their COl ducl ie highly cllmmelldabl~ Othera wemiddotu plO erly stationed in the yarils aDd aportmeuts belol Ing toald quartllnl _The cOlnDluuication 01 tho a VI mentiuned quartora ith the-cburcli WM~ tbr ugb II hole ill amp10 eplLtatillg wall

Nu regular attacit ollld UpOIl Ihechub or preDliaCt CODllllulicating cpt 10119 ~ttbt Comlllieellly DepalmiddottmonG can gh-e much illio ma_ tlon of tbUle III the ohuCb lUI he I thore nlil tbe end of tbe attack About 8 to oclocll r )1 Uapl Pickolalill came In 1i00I tho l(uirdh~UI wlh thu inform ion _ thot tbe rcrce tlocreTlYU sII that Capt Swingle IDuoh lIbgdd 10 ~ho dfnoe of tbe YIlrd in tbo NIlI of ho gJI houe with bomb ahells ualng thent II hall~gn_ lIadbullbull aud makiftl fRe 10 explude amplem Iro tbo artillery match rop 110 lind that 90lOe m

the 12th tboy dlrew a large number of bodie~ into mauding oHicer wu requhed there or the dlaco ella and other hiding places ud buried some Abou 160 botlica bavo been diacovered

EsTuOt paoli RSPollT OP MAl -ParrsR 011 Sunda1 12th Inat abgtut it otlock P M

standing on Iho oorner of the PII~ lIer the ofmiddot lice oC the Oldnance Department aaw a man mounted on a gral hono galloping paat Ihe Jat-Itlba churob followed directly ~ter by altlrae dozen or moro men upon Iho rUII Tll006 standing ncar mo thought It courier (rom MaHAY dirctly the RUPPOled cllurier Ieturned alld 001111 after callie back again wltb thirtror forty muunted mellplIssing

would be tRken aa tbe eDem1 wore lIlaking Igor IUS attacks on it 0111 aluos everr aid - I

I wllB theD dbected b1 Gen bull r1 to tako domshymRnd of tbe guardhouso whemiddoto 1 remained bnla tbe rival of Uol Allen on the 13th 11181iwho courleously accepted ot Illy Iequell tIelleyellDe 1 then lB~istod In tho U80 of tile aix [Iounde~ on tbo quarto lately occupied by CApt Morri ind In oharglng the enemy from thOle quamiddott-a opl W m Lewis gave vllluoblo _Ica in th~ de fenoe o( tho guadhoue bUI wai prevented fIOm IIreat aotivity by hlj ill heRlth lio ClIII give nluch mformoLiou 01 tbe conduct of tho lIIell Iuj dc

Capl Green will ordoro~ to _isl Col ~ndQIl tiOll with aucll imp~luolty that Lhe) were quick tile Jlteba ohurcb towArds Lhe northeosl of tho ulci_ ~o glumiddotdho~ac OhllS Richnrd80~ tv where- be romlllned un1 ordCI8 ora Itl~n _to -I) rouled _ttelinl 11 al directions clt Suapectillg that II 111 a PallY of Lancere 811011 8as18talloe as hiS 11 health would rftutTond coocentrampl~ Ill the PI 81 Scbasti4J1 I CAnnut cloae this report wilhut milking (avo frona the ftnomy 1 ran lowardll the-church as fa~ 1 can reOOllllDend tho conduc of 0 (Juban bm

Tho poaltlon we ocoupiod on tbo march from nblo 1I1t-lItlon of IIlIor n DUOllbul-Y alld Ct 1j as the office of tho Altlutallt Uenbullbull middot I whn I WaS unknown to 1113 I lhln~ he Is n Ub-AII~ or tiOD 10 Urando aa in tbc ftr of- 101 RillellIllflY Th~ NlIItleNd gIC~t sistanoe III p llatisfted that It was it strung lorco of tho enelllY Prefect I hnvc seeu blln olen in all ullio eshyaud vall of ~nd Inf~lItry survillg olll~r alllOllg the men alld epcourgIIog Iwent Immediately 10 m hllUlle (the houso 10merly tho Lono Star ho~c Thero lYOle lllauy t ere

lSth In the atteck on Iho enelll) who wero tbelll b Ihe 1I~ld owned by Dolor~a LaJarsa) 1111 Bunt Uo) wife lind ho boha_ed credltllblf whl~o IIl1ncs ure not taliolO1 nur tbo JIIa UIorch with onu Iie o - The mun cODpoaing m bllUulioii aoted In har_ childrun wilh Mr alld Jtl~ Uuglle_to the resi- kllown to llIe I cau hghly cOIIwd tbe-O ion 01 Dn a _light cOllf oo uCClln-ed lu tbo _mon7 and obyod nl dlfurout ord promptly de_lice of Col Whoeler Mmlster from the U S bt John Aot-ton_ n mechomc employed I tbe rd

bull p

bullbull bull bull

313 i


lit Dtparlllltnt le_ Llrabert blaobmlm fa nce Dpartmenl (lfoml4ed) Tbe Lane and Lilt of KUW 4fId WotoMd of If fafllry

Joll4ll IUIde obamplll tor mum w AdJ r W PUOft wounded allllhll n1uble~e eranl the _ wlb Compllll1 B-EIIIed Private Will Ifnnlall _gOll to _d (ro Lleut Hlte all 1IfII woull~1 Sergt A oJ Falreblld Prlvau

au at my reqll Ilm~ ~~d Pat WllOOII JohnW~ Jobu lI_q Johu~lIIend 111m 0 the oIemaDcf - Barilla 4ad Oommander-lnOblet J B Lonpere II ComJllll7 O-WOIInded OorporelJ B_ hanlo eplOYld In the Orlln_Ret Departmtllt CoIIIPlUl7 D-Ellled _ 1errr Phnlp Bhlm lIfrJI bra mall w killed prlvato CbJi Smith Compan E-Wolllldea poundIul Wrighl r Ordnanco orlment aIao kl~ IUb ampbed Oompan7 G-WOIIruledliIorgeanamp lloLallahUndho_ one man II _aber G all I Prlet a W Foreman Deiil ~IM~ llIiarki 1m IIIIwwn to me wbullbull IdIIed an4 IeYera Gehrehl Tbot Brook DOminick CclInOIIaII J A OIIDded -C the wounded -Capt Green Smvth lbe P~tt Iu thechureilhoamplced the COlIdllot _

bull Lleuwntm DUie unknown to meL lfh_ LI oJ lliU~ WOII JlmI of I1Ilaquo1fIl Mllot I thllll w eoweNl-to 1amp t e lnat lnlaftl1l aolIIeeUke IIr H~_ghtl IidromN~ Yor~r Compan A-Wollnded Prifalel danlt11th me mlldl or the t an w_te COOl III Whl Ill r sere te KIlle 7middot

EL NICARABUENS4 VoL I No_ so p_ Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 18 1856

Inreprd to the der_ ortha pulohhe pt rirn~dk lI~lrimiddotete Frank mtIDr IIIUrderIDg him the mudlttad III bod with lIpled b7 tb OrIIoanee ollce l_oot A Company O-Wound[ Opt KatcdoI bl70llectln the moat hocklng _nr

blUbe een that I wbllt lborU 1M t areTb oree th_ w the latgeIIamp or III except jbA$ ~n the obureb ruI wu weU oouductad by ~ Ollila Capamp iWawlll lIr Bolchur and bull B Wyatt of the Ql1arlei1autel DepetlDlenc of wllom CUI sly report In detail bUI J Cellitlle aallut dlCeIl of the Qllantrmuter ormiddot ~nUlhereb7 eIbt ornblmen under lIr W yU berndd1Ir~or r~ - w bull II P II whla rellta to It mad that

Ie ellem aAer Idlll fttreOGe throocb th III Illto atrala to like p_IOII Irolllncb ~bi repelrle I h e neelYedl think that he IItaorYlng or milch credll

if 01 Ofierr ampltlHr 4fId OiH_ oflIrit Om Jtlyll e_ dilaquobullbullud in 1M laquodon at OrlZala Oct IS 0418 18G8

It bull J O ONeU lat Rillbullbull I CapL ASlt4tlngl OrdnDoa Dept H L Pouer (9f AIel Jon P II OOllelll ~I Jobll Baldwin capt a W Pickerag1l Rail

cp- Vm twla 08D Wilkerbullbulld LIeut Orowtll Dr Lllnd lIedlcal Depamp Ilt BrlukerhootDr Scott Ilt Stringer Dr 1gt111Ctp Gre pt or Port l~Dt Lamber Ordnance Dept ~Wm_eaTIII_LoIpcte


Jon Ahtou

i lin Yatu bull Byn aurOl

III JOlle CoAlQRlIIa Q K Dapt WK Wa

1 r I Arcbbold ILW~bullbull II WEeU7 IiV H bull fWnT Jolla 1t7lllt Thoe Ohapman Jobo Inial1_ hoi MOI1 I Bun u II T Sfki Gen Fr1 Orderly I OIDia Ollisoa oW Teller JchnTabor il Thombull u J L lUohmmlll CIJlt WllkfIII II HatbII1 lilir Elnpweullr Smith t ~RathnriU u1 Oeo Rieberdl lit Rouetll Obaplalo


oWUllllnrul W~ ill (JraMll4 JItWi 0IIII to fhtI Walk arriClal Oct 18 1fG8 RUllaquoI-1fr Bart mllllellu Geoat Gall

ItI I Ill Vlllablt Ooun-HolIIII Pavua B b IDA1mlT-Vllffl7 Jraderlcb Frank ph ~ bntelltl J(1w~9Inkle7 Jbplllll pllL W~ll~or Gil Capt Baldwlo Dr ~ Chu 8l1ettr Jobn Tabor Ed II NleA elWl W Telle elliseo Hamblldo 811cltlmiddot

SUchtlJ-Oarter Cp B II OapL Pickmiddot

oJ gm Won a Jliui of llu Jrrtt R~ Ballalion 001 UI~ lt11111181 iCoalpan a-I Lieut )lth wollllled

IimiddotI1Ilpao7 B-WOIIDded 1at LlRI Latimer d iL Hortll SergelUll1loekfallow ampllghll Impampnl O-Ellled Private Lats 1I000nded ut LeBallft Prinlet LlI __ Jat acklOlI Bouobllll

ftl~1I7 D-Wouoded lat LleuL AlldtrlOn i ~teI lIoCoI~dOlll8lullelOt~do

p aJUJled rrivatel BobblII- Mtu ad~ u~om~7 r-ifiiiet PrIYale lfcCurej wOllnll

PrlYlIeI Kerr ttel

[OolllmllnIcaWcL] tv Ine is obtained by the red hot plOshyHORRIBLE ASSASSINd 1ION Cless thus

_ bull bull ODe or tile moat barbamprlou blltcberiee w A platina cruclble IS made and mam

perpetrated 011 the P_I of Law Wllteler tained red hut over II la ge IiIpirit-llmp _____ _- 0- u anll lOme ~Iphurle acid is poured into it --- ers-111 y _ 0 AI bull Th _t I the cit 01 0rana4a 11 r_rded ou ampbe PIV aTom a lgtJpette III _I though of comshyor hletory

Th_ f Inom I ere dtIlberalel k o~ -~~l hmlolllh A _

II eo rom n w c refuse and mllrUrad iii cold blood

P La- II l ho bed reelded 10 001 w a maro III w

thle _utrylor ayeamprI 11111 un mntIned n611tra UId daImtd tbe PlCltaCtiOll of th Uliltad BlaHa h (aha atetlm to th_ blOodtblretyor Ii Ala B HI ampent Ith gu 1I1tem II COR W

mon temper ture one vf the most vola tile of known bodies liossedSllli the aingu lar property of rmahllng fixed in the redL_t bl d t f t crulli e a no bullbull drop 0 1 ~vapo-atea in fact It is not ID contact WIth the crucible but has IIlll1tmosphere of it Own interposed A faw drop ofOlnmon wa tor are now added to the sulphurous acid III he red hot cluclble The diluted Rcid gett mto Ilnmedw aootact with the heat ed metal Instantly flashes oifinto sulphur VUI acid vapor and such is the rapidity

b from otlon u b the aboehmiddoteJIGrt It DIMI7 td Llellt VODBII~ do Be 11 WoSoo4 a lllan to lin in thII -try and ener Clfthe IIvaratilln that the waA_ I for hi Co D-W 11_ nft B DoH I I ha mpan OIIn L Ollce wulm-b m II) fUCG t t ny

rIlIlYI t~ant ~k rgeI PrI4i people iii thII oIriUred age could be Ph of auchAJe~ II t 7 e 0 III It Vlte

Comn07 amp-Ellled Private OaIIaban wouruishy dT

B Sb d I bull au II JellL bullbullbull er_ angtrOlll1rut nln a1ttl~va~~ tIarkdo

middotaopan ~Eniedl Prl~1ea Q LPhilip OtOlllrd Pleno Brull Franclico JlIulwoulldelt Pri1eI B Smith lighll TbdB I __ bull H y _II d3 _ng II ampIIIIlpa

LiltoJ KUki 11ft WotW oJ LigAtArlUlnI

OomJllll7 A-Oed yate ~-en EtOHJlbeller PtedarioJt Dli1Iab i oullded Capt A sebWlrta lIgMI 8ergelmi lIiIIumb Gil iJo lrinkll Fr Stleub do BIII1 Jlalellllb do TheOdore Db erel2 Lu of KUlIil 04 WwttW of Rallo

EUled-Prlte Frederick HIlL llllelng-PriateJOIepb Klumpb OHrpoWllshy

uneL RIICUPE1U1IjlE poa OF fH18

OOUNlBY m____ t a __ b -1 _ ~-6- 10 7 ma -- 011

or the belt COlIDamprIea CD the globe amp0 III reproducinl power It 10 grt 110 1Ir111711d iIIn be at all 1011 (or ampD7 _t lea1 or tllIIlI

- shyfor prolIIoas III cold noHbera cIImatef h_ nllIfe Heamp for lIurIhalf the r ftooIIIampberon

made dllrinl the other bait thare h ben 1tampDceeln ~hlcb largebodlu of -0 ltoaoeritratad iii aarrow hit han aulJred tor fooIIlmamp iii thla QlunrJ filch nat campOD~o_B_ eOlt)

rudenrydil76r1ngalargeqllanUtleato tlldl In thts _n1 aIao where calli require 110

h the ~tertaI tbr dltlr ~ fll eare w tr plendlUl UId hare thert Ie no wiater to reduce or IlnpelYerlah them an abundance II aiw at hlId AI II In ~clitl providence held gW

dleliahlp onr dll amp1OIed land the great llapl of true food corn and bNlll alwalo aeuon Olher rult be wee at Umee bIIt th_ e neTer Belllco 8 theae IIllh tbe ntYeNaIIlllllllpo pl- of animal tood we 0amp11 11117 depend wIlli II eerlabil7 TbeAnppU _110 oollflned to 0111 place 0 department me ecRIIIW ibouruII iii tbem

U II-c bullamplid Ibe grealtlt dllllcult7 ur--OO oblalnlDClllppll Lillie - or tranpori

Sapr lfhloh I no Iooger bull IlIltllry bill nee

cano gro hare ao plncllilll thaI hori4ll lIneo from GnuadaltiadocouloIlllU to bonee Ifth or an olbe artlclo ot food 1h0ll1d be rOt a de or two dllllcult ro obtain lID _lIOt or the markHndle beln frlihlened b the late pree 8IIet of their heredl ellflDl ampIII011g them a 7 et two will ure tbem of tbJi ptOtoclion of the Amerlcantnd luurlee wilt bo epfD abushydanl u formeriJ


-bl lab or th bIlIbaroun will pgtVUOt y 1OII 801IIe wretcb who murlltred Amence1I oIllIIlIII amplid lIiaIIouut bre wlthollt ptO-1on and In cold bloodi llhen dIlIl learB th tbJi wounded tIIeln

belo cared for alld Iltelld d to with amoos_ are mueh reprlt7lUld atteutlon u the woWlded of our own am fbe WOUllddd we 8rat Pllt lilto the Ouard-Holln alolll wllh the olber Gell Walker had tbem relnovd to All boapltailie apari for thellllelvea AIId lallyo olllen ha been elllpl07ed 10 a116ru1 10 thelr aeoeullJee This follllS I stronl contuat with the baDGer 18

_ acl amphlIe wu mGlt woraU dllappolBtad I Be bew not that he bad to deal wlm agee_1 b uHow mlob t 10 be dep_ - not teke ampbe adyce of blafrillldt IIId aItoulder bit mlllltet la lIIIfltleCeuce ampgalast 1Il0lll $ha make no Illatlocdou

The Be lit Wheeler _ a mlulono- from bull bull -J

the Unltad SIaIeI bullbullllIiIter of tho Ooipel who WIS n 1a dWlibIIDI boob ad other aamiddot ored IItlee

Ameruau foreIpm Ohrlatlau will 1011 auf fer 1IIOb OIIlragu 011 humanlt to go upunlabed The blood or the IRnocent 011 for veogeancel

II the Will apllIIt tit Iodlan or NIIIth

America wu JtllIampgtI1I at that _I cia bow much moriIl thll Wll JUlilabl aphm bull lit or qul as __ dollbt I word ol t lb b~ wbo 0 lIOi plClltad b the IIIIl1aht- 1lueJ 1IIf-rapeci feqllirea liS lIever to bellen 811m or the age ad who 0amp11 _mit lIIIIh a bull of what 1IIOIIItJ01I alrocllltt Lo WhaU bHn tbe ampreatmant or the WOIInded and ft__ liken b7 Gn Walker The FROll ampbe _de or a Addle 011 the 18th iot

r- within II DlUe or tbe oilY II blue broadclotll Conaer were plOflded 101 iii bull bamlll mlllntr I OAPI IIntd IIlampb bleck wlib a bbck eIYltooO die latter treated u ~ of Bere Th Cape roUed uoiJnd a lew articles otuudeJo would haft bean a flile epporUlDlt7 for uereilllli c1othee A wleble ward wHI be paid to

W au _whO wID leaiII b at thl olllcampthe law of retaIlaIlOII BDI Gen aliter diOM Granada Oct 1fj8 IIthtr to loUowthe dlcliuee ot humlllli7 ad be pYemtd b7 the enlightanecl prlDelpa or the I WILL glvt II n~~i~ to any persoll who agt willreturn to 111 atore m Ledger Book It

Shall tlII -lUI collntry which fa 110 aumiddot was pUlaged from 1111 tore durlnS elate tackbull petlor to North Amerl be aUowad to remain In H A THOIIIAN

r shyter llIma ns bthlnd nnd ill frozen into a IlImp of ice III the rcd hot clucible (romwhich seizing the moment before it again mel it mtv bu thtown out befor~ lhe

Jeel of the Mtomsbed observer

We wisb some of our enterprising reashyderawould attempt the mtnuficture or ice

m In Granoda ~o the l~el8On who produCIlfltth Ii 1 III gI bull

e rllt samp e we w ve a ttptop no tice

l1J The Roman Elllpire In the Haith or illsIor did DOl colltain more than three milllona of aqaar mllel Th UolWd Btatu now C01enJ more ampI1an thlt aret Ind It latser than Rome wu when ehe If~ die mIIlrcel or the world

RNpeet tor amp 1Iuman Y81 Frellcbmall

1 II IlIelf BprInc Slimmer IIld II1II the und ot gea 1Iho woaM Il10IIII prohlblamp Oruada 0118 1868bull En iI WlbeJllnto belog ampbe germ orOllt (004 ialmIgratGD md PlCIgretl Bare natllrl bea Lost

dOlltlall that It 11_ 10 h_ happ~ ON TUESDAY the 81at 1111 LANDWAR God IIaItowend hill bleulnp and RANT tor 6 hundred drawn 10 favor

All th apMt or man II dI-fue H of J O ONqd SlIch mealln bJio beao ~ken as wID reruler the warraot or DO 11ft except t)

0 UR 8NIIIIIES DISPBRBINO the pellOl1 for wbolll it WM drawn ~I pel1lOn _ who returDS It to ampbe 8llbacrber Or Ib the olllce of

IntalUsenco IlpoD which WOampII reI II_SIIamp II Nlearag1IeOlle will be IUlleb~ OwaJ~L InampoGtanada thl mornlnamp 8tetet that the rem Granede October 18118 bull bull un or ampbe AlHed torcea are preparing to Itb -----_--=-_____--_

tllII~trJrlbundantin thllOOIIlltry f o(tbit compay in biadespateh ya

draw amp0111 the are _ding their lick forwanl to LHu and tUIng other pral1mlllampt7 for apeed7 lIIlllaum et 11 ftlalll nOlf with thembullbull matter or 6boIce If data-ed bull few da11 wo _lIIlder tho iIIIproa it wOllldIJ9 _ebullbulltarllllecMIlampy

SAPPIIR AN D MlnRl~Capt Hesse

1 have to state tha~uenr1 O Porter whom 1 temporarily appollltAld bt Lieu tlBa bhuyoo bravely as well in lIlauy III on euterlng Granada He was the only one to load the gun In ~e charge on the enemy beyond the Jateba Ohurch

ftampX A THOf1pound~) nHOLJl8ALE DEALER IN


AND ALL lUNDS or LIQUORSToSether willi

lIIN cOPzca tNJOs_zclJ1raOJV lIDiLL lUlIlII or GOOIII 11011gt 111 _ amu HOIpltalltreel lu Crout of 8enFllaelloo CouVIIDI

ClIIItda ~e_-18_66___~___ Dr ~I Po

TENDERS HIS SERVIOES to the oItIzetll Qf Granada and Ylcnlt71a tlte practke or

MEDIC ME SURCi RY amp lllDWlF 1 E m iRY l1J OftIet IIId ~ldC8 011 the 8Oohweat

the optain being wOIlnded and all the 1 ~ the treet GPpoelte the Bow FIanCitco other I~lel being either wounded or driven 0 JllIIet lillie from It under the hlllvy firing of the It entlmy Fagan lind Loyd attended well eeorder 8 Omee tomiddotall ordlllI and fuug1t well at Maaayn THE omce ortbe Rooorderor Deeds 1I01tpguand Granada Mr Latta WII8 wounded ~fortbJi 0rieIamp Depllltmetofthellepu~

d U Itc wU be opened III tho clt1 of G da CD Moo-In til exeutlon of bls 1Y mr Johnmiddot da7the 9m ofsptelllber 18L1amp All perIODs Inn did his dutj well throughout both required by Deero~ to bll~e their tltka ro IODdalD action al also did Mlll KcIeweR the r01ll8lld Departmen~ recorded within IIbc and Maloney monlha aAer that tI A Of LLIS

Recorder for the Orieotai Deparlm8llL _ W II P h_L i I GriDada Sept 6 18jI _ It lit w I II toe way _______________

to Buriingampun fn Ie ~o~did you knuw Tabor ampr 0118) 111( narnu waa Pat f Oh I guessed ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORSAT LAWshyitn ~D by t~e hOI~drker if yo Oftlee iii Et NJOAuovlIlI1I BuUdiOp-80ulh are 80 goo at gU_Rft Ie otter glllss 11 ~ol PIau Grnada NICAIIgIIa the way to Burhngton PartlcoI attention paid to e1a1 against til

J3gt An editor alks in talkin of po Goo~eiBOR 1 jOompan G-IIlIed Sergeant lIurrJ llOWIdmiddot whlob die AmerleanR b hlampl1l1J1o be811 treated ottmiddoty and matimonYt Who would indlte OWEN DVFFY r Ga~lIOamppt I 18C1(1

14 Ptlva Brandll OoUn70n Ellinger BIalrOII who bavII fallen Into It harul or the el1tlii) OIlDlts to a woman whom lie nw every Davlcl I_raftamp1IIiaIu Drummer onlar We call11pon the civilized lIaoos that - apeelemiddot Donlin in her night cap IIDd evert dlaquoy

tors ofuu 8tlllllea to nota ampbe dllference at dinner IIwallowlng meat and IDlhtard1 O~BS FOR SALE at his plac Se BollaLt 01 WouIIIW tA SfWII() Bi- Ballttllon ban iltreot ene bouee ampbon G PIt BeeCoiopampll1 A-t1iIto W 0I01ld 1Il1g1i1ly PampRPIOIIU CulII-FellolI-cltllll aald e tFTho bed of death brillJ1R on 1mmiddot char Ilore 1Jempan1 B-Plbalell I Dowell aUghtl7 11 bull h ~p llour Whlte-ltlllgar OtJUllee lIampIlkeralt Oil

~ do lllteheU do Fourtb of JQ1y orator I repea tho declaatoo I man beIDg to 18 puro IndiVIduality I to 011 eoKno VGIIl AfOIIIaticScbladem Selldo lIot bellevo there II I mOUl woman Of child In ~~tDen- alllhll1 Oorpo- the IlItenlIe contemplation of that dcepeat Stomach Bittelll Pbibulelpblll Ate UId H 111 do lriv A ruuerlon dangeshy this bolin IIbo b r_hed 1110 age Gfil~lY_ Ilnd most 8OIomn ot all relations tha rela Kllllgulan aDd Mdefra Win Cle7plpear SouJItI do J P lIle d(l but what has fel hit truth huuderllli throughtholr breloa C8l1tviOl gor iou between the oreatare and hill Creator TERMS ~_0lIl ldIJed

_ _~_____ ~_~~____M __ __


318 EL NICARABUENSEVoll No 51 p 2 Sabado 25 de Octubre de IBS6 Saturday October 25 la56~

lttpound 1 Jitaiagutnst ~ Satur4ayllominlt Octbull26


Promotion8 and Appointmenti lIJ~1I fllOll al OINpoundPU OIlDlI8 or fill lIIIT

PR OMO TIOlS bull C Ftfennlngsen Is appomted Brlgler Gene

rat ill tbe Ailny and will take charg of Ille OrdIWI ~ Arlllieri under orden from lite Comshylo~rIIlVCloi- n~ bullbullbull A bull

or bull _ ~ra III promo_ MlStentQuattermaster General wIth tho rank of LleutenshyllDtColonel andmiddot1II take charge or ~he Depar~ mant during the abaenoe of Col Illlller Quarto m~ter G_I Ia d u IPt III IIOrril QUlrtermaator promote JOt Quartermutermiddot Department

cpt George WLeoollfd Ifirlt Rlfttt II pro rnqtld Broyd MIJor for gallantry on the field0118Ib 1816

pt A Scltwa~tz ArtlllorY to bo 1110Pl Thomas Henry (UDMiaubed) Ie promoted

MflJor bi the Quartermllaters Deplrtment 11111 Lleol George B Farrand to be Ctplain liltt ampJellamp George W Glat Ald-de-camp to be

oplalnI tAout JlIIll1 F Schooh Company A ae

cone BIB Is promoled Captain Company A ~

Rlilett II -pled to take eAec October 18ampb 1656

The ratpatlon ofSecood Leu~ I a 8oDmlll Compan 0 ampeond Rift Is aCcopted to ake lIftte Ocober 18th 18GO

Th teelgnatlon or Second Lieut J W Polk 8eeond In1 II accepted to take efted Qcto ber 20tb 1866

The nelSlotion of Seeond LI J W vamiddot111m Second Rilles Is IIccepted to take eftect October till 1866


Col Thomu F Fllher QUlrtermoeter Oenera1 ordered to tbe United Statot on blllln811 of the Governmenamp WlII receive hie InatructioD from the Oomlllallderin-Ohief

Capt Wlllllm errmn Is granted leaf of abeenca (or ailtty dill from flle ht ofNovember18116 At Ita explmlon lIe will report foI detshyto tbe Commander-inOhIef

cp 1 NWeU Walker Ranger Dtlttallolffla glllllied leave or abeenee Ibr 1I1IIy day fromlIl November18i16 At ita ellplratloll heill report for ord011l to lite commanding omcaia o( bll BILlmiddotIIlIon

Cop J O JlmllOll Fi11ll I fanlry I gnlltld lean or ablence for elght1 days from Noycmbior 18t1868 At lIa cltpllllon he wUi report to the commandillg olllcer of bla Recltnent Cor orUII

Cal II Mallldorf Second Infantry nted ItaYO of abeenee 101 NU day At Its elplratlon he willmiddot report to lite com1l1anding Clllleer of ilia Bandon for ord_

Tlr Llent Robert GIIllIlOII Is gnllied leave of abINnce for mtl dAys At Its explrallon he WIll fllporl fGrdut1 ar Grailadamp to II eomlllanding of-

COIId Billes lIeer firat Lienamp B F Delaney Seeond IlIfnll1 III Fll1It LIenamp Lewis R Latimer IIm Rilles II

PIOllli)e4 Olpllln of Artillery gnnted Iena of abeeuee (or nlnet) da flllm llrit Lleut am Dunlcan Flnt Rilles I pro November let 1856 At Ita erplntlon he will

oted CaJltoln FIrat RlOos report to Col B J Sallden FIllt Rllin (of 01

SteOlld L1u B M Allderaell Compally A to deramiddot boa~IItLCoImlan1 B Seeond 11__ G Fi Lleut Arthur OOollnllr Seeond Infiantry

_Itt lUI YD orlbedmiddot paDY I auted leave of abllenee fOr lxl da fromFirat IIIfantrbull1e promoted Firat Lleulenaut Colli 1111110 FIrat Infantry

SNond Lleul O n WellFI11It ~IlIIl11 18 p

~=o~~ia~~~O~~I1I1~ Flllt Bla rolUoted Firat L1utampnant Firat Rilles S~nd Lieut B A Crhart of Ordnance to be

Firat ~~euteDaDtrt dLLleuamp aeo W nailer Second Infantryt lo - tit eutenlnt ~olld Lkll John F Price (unallacbed) Ia

))f41DfltedJijrt Lieutenant to repol to litomiddot Quu te=~I~fs 0H=~ Com A ae ~~4 -n __ to De Firat Llelltenftnt ompln A Steond JUfIM

a-d L1eld _ Wnllam Company D lieshycollli middotlUft to be Firat Lieutenant Company I

Second mlf~ RIa I hoorabl dJcba~oI from Ilia Army fItrmj IIO Porter 10 be1irfl LleUmlAlIfSllIl OOrporafi1anlel Smtlh1 00mpany D MtiiUUlIo

part till Ifhort I honondllrdlachfled - Ibe Army ~ Kleuelldotf Comrny A nangell to

b Firat Lit1tanllnt Oompany B Second 10 Iligoant-MlIjol MllIwel1 Allen Trll$ Rlller shy

nppolnted Socood Llelltanant Fl11It Rlao bull Firat Suetan Chl Wllklnoon Firat 1UIIcII It polntedmiddotSecond Lleute~antFirst JliflOi

Fillt Sargeant Carl G Sbockle Anillery I prOlllOted Second LIeutenant Ariillery r~rgeanl Hardin Jnlalllry Ie promoted Second IItORlnt Comptey a FllflI Jnfilntry

CeIlIt J V Conklin Company D SeeoDd Infalltry to be 8eeond Lieutenant Complllll B Iiecond IDraliky I ~ltlral IlenJ4aDelolter Company B Second ~~1fnnt~ nd Meutenant Compan7 D

Private lIrnncl Roth Company F Second In famplltry to be Firat Lleutellant Company F SeeoDd lnf4ntt

lrIto 1 A OIarko Company F Second I faDIr to bo Second Lieulanallt Company Ji Sec ODd IlIfantry

Prlvale Donnls E nlnea to be liecond Juumiddot teDant ampppOlll aDd tilDen

Prlute John G lla~ Company A Second RI tohoBocolld Lieutenant Company A SeeoDd RIIttJ Rirgeant IllIJot lugh Com8ny A Second _ft~ Second Lieu~nt IIlpteyA Beshy rriYlte B B-Yilt Company it Second Rlftet

to be 8eeond Llollellant Company B Second m 1Iu bull bull s~JaMi~~tod Seeond Lleutonan~ of

111 Slckl ia ppolna~ Second Lieutonant to date fiotn May ht 1856 (110 Ie acting at preaeot It AId to Brig Gen Fry)


Col lohn I Matich I reinstated and will kt1motlo~th~Fi1 Infialed fll RlfI 0 bull lit bull -e to 0 Irak Jk lI~n~~r Calling Oompftay O Secood InshyampII ared to Company 8eeond Iu-

The TreuaU RallgerJ with aU their equlpmonte are tranatened to di BIItamplllon of Rongelll b ~~ of llappef1l and 1I1n commanded

Noltmbr let 18GS At h uplratlon he will report tomiddot tho commanding omeer orhll Regiment for 9r4el1l

FIl~t ~wlcre~yQ~II~~D be 1I1U1 continue to IROn forwardbull It Ittut that cause of a conllnuanee of the oUlrage UP01 hi A pUtmanamp A Ita explratlol he wHl rellOn at Granada fO IIMer

Firat LIeuamp Robert Oardller Fraf lUlIea II lIltedampIe of abMllee for nlnet dlJl t weexplraUon of wlllcl1 b will report for ord_ to the commanding elilcel ot ilia Battallou ~ Llout J Bleier Jnaamptacbed) II _tod

Ihamplvenof llbaatt~t1ordormil O1t JJta~plratlonl te repor era at eueralutadqulricl1I


Sergeallt J A Bopldn Compan D Jim

rrlvato Benry Waiteill Compall Al~RIll 18 honorebld~arpd froII th Army

Private M Mlllloy ComPany A Volti~ tlOIle -dlui~ b~lariofltaereatlbu to rille 1t000000000lr fiIoiarnil hm lb Armlmiddot

Privata I4wlll P raquo CompOy 8Mond Inran Itdllollaraed trom lit army OIl Surgeoneertillcate of dIIobifity


Th n r oname of ~emiddot len D GoIcourIa IIl1tr1okon

from tho roll of III umy 21

AmtttIlT-On Thuraday evening Gen Ba1llo Illl1gaon 11amp01 the men under bla command OXOJo elellig In flle plu The JrtlllI) In two Com panles UDdOl the Imlnedlate direotl0ll8 of Mlllor Sehwallllo ClP DeilneT and cpt Farrand and tbo Sa ora and Min under Oa Hebaamp Tb

pp p e men were enrolled In maneuvrlllg lite mountallt bowltaera and frolll lite rapidity of tbelr 1000lag certainly ahowed IIIl1t1h profIcIelicy

shyOn ldal avenlng after bavlng ourcllod tor a

wblle on fll plua w111t blank cariridges a trial Wli mad Ith the regular sheila against lite wall ofanad ruin The captoIea proved thellllelw

aimed at and the aholle xplodlngIII the WIll tore out larg piece 1 IIPP_ to III from Wbat we ha _of tho e~ that wo lIbelle IItrildng In tho amplme opo will ellech breacb III fll8l1rOllg as adobe building aud tbat (or lite mlllorlty 0110

11011 directed Iliot 11111 be ~mclen The wall llrodlnto WU 1Ibullbullrly four flltt blthlekuou

fha Sap)lllt and Hillen coming to a Itoolder 1tIIT8 with hovello looked aUrat IOmlll1t odd but thoy anu line Iooidnglotofmenand are 0110

of Iho moat ulCfbleorps In 1110 aenlce

CoL T r Flnlll-W obamperY tllat 001 Thea r FIlbert Quartermuler Oeneral N A hu been dred to lite United Stotea 011 h_eII_nedld 11It thla (Jo__amp nelWl made Idmeolf euolt a Ibolite wllb tha paople of Granada that e

PLURALl1Y OF PABTIP9TONS The Late Insult to the U S Flagl The name of tle venerable Ind aimple dimeshy MURDER OF A1IERlOAN OITIZENS Dr TBg

MI1I Plrilnglou-18 In tltelle tlmell ol(n ug AILIED ARMY OF GUATEMALA ANIgt led There aremiddot now many lattlngton_ SAN SALVADOR man ho trlve to Irr01lI tlte advallce of oceanl wIth boom8Uclcl We are surrounded The murder of tbe Amricaa chIlena In tb~ b fllem I we read of them I ever mall brings city of OrMada on the Ush of the cormt aome new denlopment of flleir flllll1w labort month by middotlIte allied foreca of San Salndor tad TIley endampvOf to ouPvtlngton Partlngton by Ouatemala II one of tbe Infllmolll trtneaellolls IIIlng leas oIfrctual illBtrumenta In tbelr elforta to that mual for ever dmgraee the chllracter of tbe lIIeIIl more forcible and overwhelming occaM people bYllbom It 110 eomml~ted and bring tbe Th 11 I n ~ b II tImiddot bullbull middotmiddott h b I d Ibe or ~na anngton wa WII I nil a nl VI 1 ampIn em ~c D8Mloon9 un er e of th Clty of Liverpool now all England belongs contempt if not the dlrcct ceniure of every dr to flle famUy ud Franee by ylnue of ~ho Aliimiddot lIIlca Is ready 10 act Partington to the letter

Partington Is no longer II proper nAnle bullIt 1113

btltlomo common Ie ha beeome r princple of lclion It II now bull great pollllcal organization In facc Statesnol Kingdom tuck up thol PGIII coate and BtAnd mop In Iland ready to RlTelt tbbull rising tide of tbo limes let the cllort COlt wlo II m

TheN 18 an adage hich altlteugh worn bull II l

IItreadbue w would lIdbullbull6 arUngtolB 10

keep CODipleuoualy bofor them It will SIIve tbem milch labor and not a li~tlo ridicule ViII II Thne and tide wait for no mall In IItIa 18 l

b I Idworld of tllltli and pblloaopllYI If leh t fOU be weB for the Pringtons of tile age to aludy

Beroro lite wbeel of lime btU completed lIIlotber cycle Ihe obituary 01 ail lito Parllngtona wlllhabullbullnd ogalllBt hia protestltbeylllllt robbed him of

bull bull been wIllon I for althougb trutb IOmetlm reo all that wal valuable lu hl8110U8C Illd thon drag amp11 Itlell Iowly the dayla about to dawn If I~ ged out from und the folda or that II ltIcb he Ilot alread1 dwned when men wHl be conmiddot should huo mad hia pel8On ucrcd and hot vlneed of w) they ha kllllWD Or hneprof_d him Illh coolncea Illd deliberaUolt

10 know for a long tlme-illat man I a progr Aalf to add to the alroell tbey were nol COl

elvo ereature and tbat thlhllOllltabl WIsdom of tent willt taking hlUfe DlIlng all Americall illmiddot Dilialty haa set blm tranlllng In II patb 10 which IIIln inatead of protcetlng him while 11lng 1111 u

ou tbla road lhere 1IIa~ be ranters that lOme main alter dealb I Seven bayonets were tbrcel may atop oul of the Way and reellDe b) COlllfllltftble thl1lugh bll bod after he had bHD abot reatIng piIlClll but It Ie oqUillyt~ tllllt those The thought of how tkcao fiamplda dlnced lIm who teat toe long mUllt keop ou~ ot middotthe wly of lItel victim lind in thai hclliah glelr hinr

thcao who ate malaquoll~ Ollward or lltey WIU be JDOIt UllUredly troddon upon

It ClInnot be long before mOl will be convinced II II

ILlIeluwUIil laelrneat And the gray It Dot Ita goal

DWI~ thou In to dUlt returnnlVAI not spoken to Ib 10Ul

And that although Individual Of cles or peo

pi lIIay heeome u 11 were withllred limbs In tbo great tree ofllf flle mmk canllot pariah bll~COII country Be had been here tbrOugh two rr_

nd _~ III It h ~ed tlul I II 8 bull -_ 1111 as _III grea porpoaea (Or wblch It lloe _ied

But the Partinglolll of EurOpe and America IMllllnospahle of DIjIkin tbe proper deductiona 111 Llo of ellta~ fll8y aeem u Incapabl 6of comprahendlng the great lam of hnman 1I1e lIId thlr Teneraoto progenitor tbe tonlea whleh ro IIlated we ebb and 11011 of the AtlantIc

We a haYIng now re-enacted 011 tho etage of European plllr lite sceno of In lIleb tbe Par tlngton of ~be Inquilitlollllgured wben a lItey would ha us auppos clolltcd In tho IOlemn 111

h lItorill or God they compelled II nnar1lbla p Imiddot lesopber to relnee bll_dOll relative to the revolntlon of tIe amplrih But a1tbou h litis d I to aholl tI era ~I f I thmiddotYv r a me a gen e n tIrae the pro- of lit ampIlll iteelr WII not reated and the ParUngiona of tbe Old World w1loe 10 aaslduOua In thrlll4in fllelr mope Inm flle advanclo wamptora of lite sea ~r P n III allOO8ad onlYin being conllnced in ~d that

olteellont marbmen lhe1atruek the preollupot notwithstanding their elflllta flle world will con

~g (fou tJIIl~~ecd under tbe orden of donbt nol be 111 reoal Ii pleaeant reoeplioD do not weigh mere than a grain agalnat the elllrtll

t1nue to wag OD

It we tbe I lrit of ParUn tonim tbat threw obllampaclca In lit path of CoImbU 1I0d Luther alld KOllath It 11 to legllJlallng In tbla aplrlt that EnglandlIIayttnDute lite 10lIl of her North American Colonln and to tllil aplrlt Bpab) loa ber AmerlCftD POIIIIdIIIOUl 1amp Is the Parllngtonshylam of th that cndeavo11l to arreat flla Il1o Taneo of llrragua In flle road of 1101 desilny alld that would atlgma~ If pOIIlble one of th

b d _~ h1MII _t an moat nt__ men W 0 ever unmiddot dertook naople to proeperty

BII~ to lite philosopher 1114 lilt_ thllk thero Is a OOIII01atlon III the knowledge thllt erente are guided b7 111bull luperlor law of an aUwlle Deln III whOle balance the elloru of all the PrUngtreg

RESlrAATIONS The etlxnltlon or cApamp OIlldes A Gore Se

eoIld lUlu Is accepted to eke olfect October 1tIIl5O

Tliolampllgnltlon of Firat Lleu~ A M Pittman Firet Infantry II accepted tomiddot take tlleet from October 3 18Gbullbull

TIae retlgnalloll or Recond Lieu Groaa Second

wheruOlhe COIII We 111111 him afiaorabl TO age and a )Iced rotum

DItrIlIlDIIN 0 GIIIIUDl- We 100 been handod I 11 II th lIamn of all the persona wbo were present at the defence of Orampl)ada 011

th J11th and 18th of tbla monih It erowded out fllia eet We shall probably pulllllh It in our next IlIue

of WuhlngtoD er a Walker or 111 olhar of the InlltrUmonll wbose Ilame we might adduce wbom Be lIIOIintbo developemont of HI dealgnt

Tn I QuJlPBu VITVs-TbI8 flIslllonlble eillb we regnl to eay haa ceased to elleamp Au loq 0fO~ Ita remailll brought In a ferdlet of died of eoIIapea of tbe pocket RguitmJI ill p4tbullbull

IHzed nation_ It I nnmiddot ac~lon ao rar bOlond tho pale of 011 clrllifLd cII9toma8S to render IllmplJtoI I r bull ill E cld I

abo 0 Jual cation ~~ry In onl Olcry e ( eumstanco connected wlln it ene only 10 add to the guill and ink tho porpelratOll of Ihe onto Iago dcpArln tbe grcd 1lqulty

II cannot be Mid thumiddotlt nlpp1tml u or wbile tbe IOldlera 1010 in suebe Illtc of ~~ cUemen as not to be aware of what they did I I for I yet theyliad nOI been enpged in any BC

L1 h dmiddot L h d b t on nor a oy Il B ot yel re npon tnOIll 1 any of tha oltizens of Gmnada The residence of Mr Lawl_1s allUftted about midway between the large plaza IIIId tho Jalteba Chuteh Ria

bull h b bullbouse wal tho flral tber came to In a tag b Amerlco~ls lind wltboul pl1lvocotlon or culo while the American tlftg lfBI tIiDg over bla door

bullbull deprived aD American citiZen of life bee mlng iii Intoxicated witb (ury III to conlinue to Ibruit theit byoultalnto him la heortmckening

TheBe men cannot ucue themselves b 1lnl tbey were not awaro of LawleSl VClitlon Ibr h I Id d I II rat L av ug res e n t 8 coun~ry len yelm

spoke belr langulge Iluentl n wu 1Iell knOWI

tilroullbou~ Ibe country ampI a merchallt 110 bad never utor(ered or took part III the politlca of IhIt

dOli and mere than b(~w8ra utl had alWAY Ih reapect abown him Iue tbe flag llhose protoellOllha clalllled Belld all thl he 110 doubt oxi

bull pWoed hI JlClIon h lng bd ample lillie to 110 It but It avaned blul nothing tha~ be hid nol takeJl part In the wlra It lled him noihiaLbullbullbullbull I h- d I L ere were ItO arllll D Ie _ an t 1amp1 u~ wu 8Plrely 4efenceleu- a clrcumtaoce that among any people wltb a apark of chivalry or hUlnalllty among them wold hlYe 8Ied blalif He claimed to be an Amelican citizen and eluinr beneath and cillmin~ Ila pr~tectioll of the Star and Strlpell was by the deml demOllsmiddot ( we callIlO wi tbeln men) coDildered amp erime worthy or bull

hd d th meat orn 0amp

We do not wish to caUIUelltion esplloWl W lite death of the Rev Mr Wheeler bo IIU eUi gaged In lite ploua duty of dleklbutlng the ACIId Word of God amont tbe people of fllit pllCl

wltem neillter te aacreel banner orChriat IIOt Ih ftlllJ of Ihe Ulllted Stet cOIIloi aIIVO frou lite ruf 611111y butcbery nor to the murder of the Belr Ferg1llOD nor to Mr Camenl 1Ibo waa dng~ ~ed rrom the bosom of hia family And murdered hllo proclaiming that ha 1111 lin American oltlzen for tbe clrcum8laOCeli of thel~ death Is let rO~IIa plalnlyln tbo lIIIoexed aIIIdvlll i O do we wial( to make any oommenta upon tbampl deelre to get fller American Minister-who Willi at the time prot-[ trated by DlII83l1-1nto thelr huda tor w eel middot ured It wlluld be a work oCIuporeroptoultlu1Il parte tbe caae wID be setforth to the people ar the United SteteltJ by tbelr reprlen-lI e IIIQ we doubt not that Americana wHl indilllto Ibelr

dignity Btl we would ClIII attention to the faet that Ih

flAg 0 the oomparatiyely email BanHate toOI of Saxony 10 Europo waa raapoetcifbull hlle lbe American col011l were being abot at alld rlddleocl Wllh bullete whllmiddot tlylng ovor lhe bOllee of tbt Americalllliniatel and served rather to leduc outrage tban alford procctlon to th_ bG lOught ita ahelter 8 tbe following aJIIdill m bow

LEO Ollmiddot or UNlTro SumOJ AllIIle I liEU RmzllLtC 0 NIOaUOIlA J

Till day pereonally appeared betore lIIe Jamnl George Wledomanll nnd moe OA~ thai I ~

A-gores of the lIled Imyof Gllatemaltl I

319 El WICABA6UENSE Volt No 51 p 5 Sabado 25 de Octubre de 16561 Saturday October 25 1856


tile n SteamOl La Vhllo Capt Thom IlUlkert~rlnd al tbe port of IlrauadA on the ~ytlllDg lotSlaquoturd-y tbe 18th IDBt Iloe brought Jutem -lIP 0 1I1t of UI HItIt monb

br - bShe fOlIgbt o a Ollt ~Igbty Plt888Dgtl1l who nteld ljO nelde I~ 1111 COIInuy list) of 0111 ~ Joinell the NlcarogulIII Army Among t

- I IBanIfa we nol ct tho lIallle of Clt)L eonlngftnHow~ Joinell theNlearagutll Arm1andla In COIomlllll 01l11li ArIlIl~r1

1111 Jla Virgin brwpt alao tor the Army lU1 bull o if h nd-A M- L d middot11IDr ell X II nu m mUlld III i 11 et lour or wllb Ibclr ploper equipment the evrig~ for tb mountdn bowltze aI_d ro -- ld II Ivge quantity OfulIllullltlon

81 f I

struggle wUI be between Buchalampll and pOllUoR a alellder -agure and ver1l1ght bllr reoIOIl~ lillmoro ma however bo much BORland and Frlllee h made II warlike 01 alronger batt tbe pllbllc h lID idea of If Ibe 0I0nllramplloll aallIamp ~be Kin ofSarcllnla AI

ee 0 middotpapr we earn thI All the dey atproeCllee for Ihe rleSidential eltctlon In the tultcdSlateltlllulscltcmentalld1nleruUllor_

be nfoet ngg_1ed ltalemen are IDade by of lb riftl candldatea relale to

iuoqUt t II weoed wIb mor ~OtiOD ormore UDshyettlalra I lIor caprlceelIIan 11080 two Statee now

I od ha P ll 1amp t1 middottt t 1IlPlji t t en 1 YIUI I go or ImlomrDUllffilll4ll Ia 1101 cet~ of Ilanflng It iln Ib1~er ~andlt hlwampy been e Btrong ilIIIICIlItie 3Iett and h ginn Ddehanan large

Ai e roof of 118 entire dovollon to Uoellty I Hid lbal In Ita remoter di8lcta llaer are lililarge ItlllDben of Totee _t fqr AnshyUtW J~80II t

AI Ne York no etandll the Fremont men Ire alma I Ilire or ber But II e fllred tbat 10 otdtr I ifeeure tho election of lluebanall by Ihe L S d fN Y k 11o~r ~e thO emoerac ew or w go

om 10 1111101 The bull 4ft oro 8() nicely halllllud tbal eonaldmiddot

bit a~lIl1la of mOD01 are illaked upou tbe rampgt fill Willet III accounl of a mall wbo ble to lIhu aUIbullbull hlllr oft bl heed If lIucbanlUl Is 1I0~ Ilt~ted b_IID Ie e or bIa elCllllon be Is 10 be d lIh all lhe blta be CQD wear ri I -mo Buehan conUnue to realde I

Whl middotlIollll8 Thill aIlnde UI or PlOl8OiIor Stowe-hlllbllld r n Deecher 8towe-wbo wben Ihe FIIgishylift SIt LawwlIS p-d re latered vow that

oul~ not M hla beatd cut untO the Ia Will Itpeilled Il lla needl to that by this tim IU beerd of tho Proteeaor hal altainod coRaider

A bull Welangth lIla mil1 wil~ at lOme ulure time I able to 4etermlne the time which bae elapsed ~Rce tbbullp_go of tht celebrakld law by a _Irtllellt of Ibla bireuto ppendage

Olll neighborS Ia the Solltil It 11111 ben b

rtfHOell to lIIother pitt of tbla pape haye art IIt14 at a period wboll tbey are beginning to acl lei aot througb any ellerg of their 0100 but by

bull bull Iho torceof the elective spark wblch tbe pr0111OIt ~ lb AjDerlealll excitebullbull Aa Ie lIIuaU the cue ill ueh spaslllodic e1f~rta tbelr ICtiODS are neltber -At( b d Ira UI I ateedI-~ ~ pru ollee or grea~ til geDco II of t1llll~g tbolr atklptlou to tha aeveopomoot of cIIt reour0e8 or their St they e endeavoring 10 ftrm I agalnaua wllo If tbey 8amplIdled Ilatlr deg lotereat tbe would not olllylreat aa

htelben but endenOf to ludaoe us Inlo tbelr _trie b offorlng lerge 1IIwarda to U8f1 lIIIerIca fho would Httle amollg tbem

go andmiddotdo Ukewlh tI Ibe would In fow lola uame was reeeIedmiddothe ~onoludedlIIIId IDUO1 c u Aoa_ fII IlITIIIIo o BD-Thill L bull ~ Ia peu enklrpriae whleb for bullDaB1e Iou _med

han reuon to Ie the - the merleau lIle pp - too i11cH1v7 plQJce 10 lie HriOllllJ eoklrlalaed tbelr denl among them II Brig GeD Horuab waa II atbullbull II Ie 11IeI u Ihelhuadelplla IAtliJrr to pIO

The Elllpero Alolnder of Ruula u _wued drank with ~re and th _II-I- not onlypn bullileallle blit to be aowal _Iilrocl lakll with peel ctltllOll1 DIIfInc laquoIlGlIamp- The oople of Gtuadr- uu _ ~oo_uIoa 01 ~ GIld lIIMaWio_ tIon the BDlpelOl lIrtIMd dlllllfllamp1llt liNt lllto lliftl amp111 the lUI Ie SOl Ill of bJ a

-r hGould he alloed ampveryluiUt iol publleblnl tbe JiIoJ-wa receld wltb leug 111 incident or the cerem001 The rep_led Brig Gen Jit111 I88po11111lo 11 draIIk to of IIIe Pope _ reaehed on 1111 occaeIon be- The Bed 8kIr of 1I1earas- t shy

I - --

blo IUCIea From all we can learn 10111 Hill quallllcatiOllll appear ~ bo good die-

n -0how othinc oIemenamph anlbmg Ike llalloolmiddoth boen ordtled -to the SardInian potU middotf9t111er rloctlol1-(f OIgIlDIZlltlon aod kllllclt to fhe nowl from Frallce I unimporlllll i01In principle beymiddot ilia) lIIlrprlee the Union 10 111 France hM growll up to hemiddotalli8 tat bilallbbeb

lire th_ ofanr other _IfY neCoatalUcanuNboglnnlnr(OltamwladoD

end theIP rttIIerJ to (ullow Preildellamp Xora III lUIother folAJaplneUflO8IIguI ucla_pIcIou

III our m1lld tltt they beslnlllng to bow wbats b

Tile 11010 from Buropeta DOl of III In -eat til l1li In Nicaragua Q_ Vlctorla lib a good _bl mother Is endorlug Iogeh lIItmiddot ablo spouao for hr aupterl Ibe 11111_ RoyalPrlll~ irederlck-m lrlIstlt 11 at proeenllh fa rltA In 1gtvl matrimOlIai IIIIrkel H baa aCeltmIpanled lbe roJa moth~r clllrllJU

middotmount~t roogtiI laddoll M unexpected Amiddotcoup u fat 11M been lIIk1mpted in Paill bJ -rrf nI hi its lerth to taIt the B~I u rtmiddotIIlI PrtlllllllIIPpcaraneeago their eandl- (leott~ODollnelltIukod ltltIeenlIlllheUa 11 IIIIee from Franklin the ed_ltlWd Irad rona hladoctor mullraquo alld air w pxketshyltlale ud Ibemlelvenn rar behind dcrblllleedenahSp 1b_Spanlahtroops hoW poue 011 bJthe plekel prltl ofbe rNIIOt hllllditerehlef

middotTho DfbIIlIIIn lind FrolllOlit lien are hathon 8Ionof Madrid bllCmiddotthe blew wa nOlllrlld 1111111 1114 - man killed The meIu bod WII hUll~ F4t 11111 ~-l---A-rua-n-p-n-Jal-Ir-porler aid il 1kelr 111 III In 8upplieatlon before tbe State middotof laneoueI~ amplllbe luge ollie mt therefore lcLraplcllY-~Inrr th pu~ofaIampok wa eo olOOllelt amp be ~ tbu ibnup -CD in lie Yo ftud Ponll8)lanl4 There lIever w only parllllllluCOO88lal A eho ar Ia SpaIn II 11 Je is ooei Jirallkl how -It grolt ~~~litl~way~~ma4t billlyen- iwI Ja

bull IlOOII t 1111 w II mo OU _ bullbull h1111therefore hlehl probahll It Ia thought -be w IIIalI aad tho collklmplated atiMlk JIOfi hbonld laquolad 10 bow NId tbeuegioL Wii France ie IlIlIOlIIe nYllOl1l1eel4d wllb the 1IIfaIt POlolied Thethumr -ped ~~ ~~ tllteat no Iongel alilee tbUl Ju~ IIlpl-agaillaamp II wil1middot R~~ h bull 10 1IIdlt e - t nes -lgt 11_ t -- poelufely lilted 10 IIblMOQ KaN mldlllampht howeyer (1ft aspreu Ived III IIUIIp A IaQd peculalor 01lt W- ladeellcllo

until LIlt mill of 1100 Allied rome hqultted with ~ Informaloa tllat 001 Oook wllb I _e his trac IJIInI th eba be Inaallilidl J th CrImea Tork h for the pretent nnt foroa of U 8 ~bad takeo lip I porJampIoall clcreel It Wu 10 h~lhl ~IIDd Ulera aDd 10 frem the dlplomalle boti_ lrolt of Ltowr8llCt the 1Irpoee or pIOleoI dllBClIIamp for toIbto dlO tbel iIII thela~ablampaAtiIIbtd

It froIn the pro~d ~I ~ Coodli~bu 10 draw tbelr lui breatb With a eolrallre ~aPOob _u to CI_Ie PRESIDENTIJtL SUPPBR toWlIJIIIlIOI810 Gel H~el~ warllln~ oe Pcmy eliC~bullbullVeUowoltben ~ t

__ tbe _equellcaa of III lkllllplOO lb bull It ollllh of JII1 ora hepiaHie ckdara 1On tbe nalramiddotof the 19th laaamp tb FI14 61B la uld that CIII Cook IIa~ beell Milt b1 Qea do noamp believe amp10 Is 11I~ wo_ or eIiIIllo

ly wbo w urgeatly oliel b) ~ people ot IIIIa ho_ who It_ttubed the age otM _e~ alld 018n of tbe General Stair Wlib a few Iewrallee 0 lDte~ Cor lheIt ~QJI Qn b~atmiddothU fell tilla tl1lth tbuwltriag ~ Cltizell8 lDel 81 the Pre8Ident lIIena10n ad tIM lb nib Gew -0 arrIYed at FnnIdlll amllled tbelritnilllll flPcQrl ag I

tlook of eupper bull oolllllllalion with Ibe IIIIoera of be lravadlog -10 h

bull th I 4 Dri ifill S IOld thembetmiddothe WM prepllCed en- I11III D ~ eaklr 4 9 _ushy_l _AOIOnamp guellawenttoe gI~enerrJ foroetbI teUftllHheoleutlimltowuhla eldeiitl11I~uowedf_gnIID80ftJcbtibullbull

JlorDeblIriglcllerOeneral Fry Drigtdler-Oeaeral _1Ioo J aupprtlll cllaordere with the aht of _04 ttom death lit the ampIinIhPa~lllIi1lf ehlOro-nnneingllJlftW Xbull RQgcro SubS ot Jlaermiddot tbe-~middot~ IIlJder Jb---middot~iIatit fmn ald bullbullbull~ elida CoL Pb R Thompson Aiijt OiIabullbull N AI the Interpoeilloa of XlIreu aHer (Jell ~ BII or~t qllellioo At tho 001 Ales Joo P~lIIUIer 0nl N AI ~e~=n~- t 111= lIowlhhen be l8i dO~alrO Ii iWir did Col T F Flab Q~termUlter-aeatlll N A thai be had)lllt UrtIIkId to or 190 ouIIa Who Col Ocoqe B Hall 00mmi1Ml)raJ N Awoold be prGperlJ tried b1 the lepIllUthOrlIIaa Whi III amp man wamph acom 06 middotetu toe Atl 0_1t 1 M tbe geollOmtaaU de10 take of the yltodl Aa _ the cllIIIIeaire

1eIIIlt)f Tho Hdth of tho pruldenlor lhe Republic

or Nicaragua was propelled and~lIk Ith eoshythualaam 10 tblt the Pretldent rtIIpoDlled propotllll W

Til OlBcera or the Nicaraguan Arm

The lIetlth oC General William Walker w III

en propoatd and drank with Ihroo ebte Tbe Generallf caUed upon to reply It1IIlmoatl posalblo 10 gl90 ao Ida of Ibe ellOlrI~ ellbOl loll words prodllCed IIded by loll graoUnl geelleolallon and peculiar feror we CII 0111 Mltmp 10 gIe 811 idee of wbat ho Hid bull

When bla 1)AIII had btllI repoampteclly oalIod he roee lad 14

GIIINTIIIUIM-Wbtever or hlator helon 10

tba Da wbalOVer of the 1I1111rol 1liiy be 1810shyorared Wllb It owea more 10 Ih lid recolfed ftOIIl the wisdom galbwlr) and derIng 01 Ibe geotlem811wilit wbom ampbe lndlYidual wbo bean i baa had the good middotfortune 10 opente thaa 10 III merit he blmaeU po_ [Cbe_l Ao lodiridual wbyenleer posltloo be 111amp1 bolitla gea oat

01tho P1l2I he repteaeDlII maltee hrlll gMaL It M Ie_ en tbe approach or Goy Geor Hept J A Ii my Ibrtene to lie the repr_tame of a with U S VcIopI aud weDI towlIllII Ne~ lIarr1l1g1on S prlnelp e willi hlcllyou all Imboed_ prin All b qqet ia tbe IerlllOl1 Henr A clple that cannot OOCOllftaed 10 thIa 01 an OIbtt Joaea J It

bey pl pro8t in thla pllttloqiar by 11Iuon- clple of ulIleraaI fraedm It mlltt ooalln to spread nlll I erubracee nOl OQ all hllcoatlshy

ucl ott 0 EtDperons Nicholas And AlulIIlnder ofnent bul the conlhlenlll of the old orldmiddot It will ll~ jhO bull IOn ililOctl to the United change old Y8amp8IIII ~d reinfipale -i alld Slates t AmoriCllII moehanica to come aDd Ive t~ Old 1flithorldNrecelung lIedlOlPullel ampom lbe

n~ oll 0 e ew 10 ellen to UI the paklmll In Ibelr 01111010118 and tbote wbo aceepted tbe embraCes of a IIlIivelllll blll~hhood (Iodlullallo have beu reated In a mallner com- cheering] __traIl wllh the wealth of llie Empire W080 After the General badcoQcludod TheSoldlllra

resoured tbelr Ibor will help 10 dovolop There of Ihe Nlcaraguall Army WII proP080d IIIId dlllllk I I I E tb t b d d I III hId b DO pe~o II urope n n vanee n e WI Oil C eel Arts of l~te a tIo same ratio lUI the Ruselall Utlg Oell UeoDmRBOo 10118 (Irank with IIlucb

d I l 10 L II E I ltb b bull All n fer coyer e en re IIIp 10 If a ent wlm lind III retpoollO Gon lIalogaen Aid Aetwork of ralroad tho Emperor bas Inlol semiddot In lubatallce Iltal he nOI muob 8OOWItolatd 4Wed til icoB of 8ovorai Amerlc1l engineers 10 liking ~et that ho w eatlrely a

apot It I - broad ue wllwene-lt Ii ampbe prla-

There were HyerrJ -er toute __enI draakaadabouU oeloek the geDtklllen Ithmiddot drew to their reaIdeII- mllCb plcued with amp0 ellteneinmtll


fUll lI ona ampIID ntce PROOLlIllU-lllI

bull t1t01l 11011 111110 Th St LoQIa BYelllllg New of Seplembe

Ib b the followlDamp IUlpllIIl1amp IIew1 Wo v clalei ftom 118 JSOlGer 01 me 1111bv _vl- t Iuamp -11 of tb war In

Kanua alld c1rculllllaneea atlendl lb 1IW Wal1 of peace amp Frtnklln

Tbe MIIsourIu we 10 their word tUlObed ampom Wolitport to aItIck Iewrlllloo on th nthT w compoud of OIIe reglmeD cit ampos_1 eae ef mounled m_1n all 1400 _ al- We dool _beu es_pte Ifre 10 lend Ii four pleooa of aHII1erJ Gen utt11 -1 ora - alike bllamp atdilterenl 111_middot In command On tbe 13tb aad 14th thete t=~t=O~Ath

~ebrmfori= rwbull Jllltlce

lamplllzed by came G8II Atelillollto tho dWt Itefohillou ere peel decJerlo ilia relllng OIl the proeCtiOll promised 10 peacelll bullbullttlenl bl tbeGOYOrIIO~ tbe Ibelnndlog army would dltbaud l1li01 relll to ~belr 1I0m_requ~Un the Go _ 10 reergamplllA and diatrlbukl middotOtCllhe Tern ~ Cfoe of mllllla to p~ the Mtthln from _auderl atld robbera-alld reoommeodlncIhal CoL Tim be made commander of tbe mUfti of Ihe Territor] lbe )(-urlane llien broke up cunp aed returned boule except th_ wbo Jp te)lded to IIIIUI lit doe l~

Tbe aillet or OH bullilretl 00l1li UrtIIkId bYGo 0 belollged to tho flOIIPIIA of Cal HlltYt1 wbo made ampbe aItIck on COL aolleriton

WI-d~~ t4 ~~III to f~ lI4I all __e lIpOIl t bull rae_ deg lUllmiddottIogocean middot10 -0 bl thle muno bue made report III whielr the d~lhat the ilia eouId be built OIl neuI7 dlrlaquot rltlIIte from sfamp 10 the OWt01 P~- with braneb Iio Ibe Nile The00fi It ts7~ 1114 the oooatructioo will take IIs88 At 8oM2lIfeeuf_wlllbetoliad M lIle diMDce 01amp000 feetlrom t4e bull_ The plrl 10 be ooiIIiInIcl4d III the GWI of Patm whleb the former proJect plaeed a Ill boUom ofth GQlf wiD be located wei mllee 10 the Willi 011 p or the cout wbere the wa1s 211 fee~ deep Ai leu ~han the cllatance of wo IDUea Tom tIN IOore mt where IIIIchOlampg g~ It Is tlmueil bet 1 -IU fie do In 4IN11cpbeleen the rotpeCtibull place IIld Bombr III fdllowt (Ionalallwllople 1J900 Havre 8928 Lolldoll 86GO LIrpool 8560 He York

7311 Ne Orlean 8178 Hore IhaD ball Ibt 0) I -een Ihe prlndp porloofJilliropo alld Alaia bJmiddot Ibe propoeed l Tbi slugle fact lIholllicalmmenle IIliIIl) 10 ill Damptlollll ail weU as 10 BVPI and Torkej olld ril lIeur tor iIamp projecCUnl the belt wlshea of the elvill1fd world

III view or faoII the 00_ lIIIfd the Ilk alargci landhold~rf Beea_ ~ ill p-d ~ to ~ 1IIIt middotbadoa tbeli- of tUII odtM-1IIeIII(It - 1

Gel Atobleoa Gen Reid and CIII TIl4 -Why iii a Inr Ike kIIoclampert Becaa~ dreaed the meetiR ad lIrlIed complianoo 1amp ho lIIiHotml to llifW4 (a d_) the GoYernor prOpol61 Th Govenaor thel bull -poundt

Wlthdrw from Ihe ~ to alfordto 1 Iist 01 Ietter IOUrlaaaauopportulloace amOllth~ D-rJl~middoth nIB I d 0IlIIhla ngeoUon A _tllIlI w jllllaDllj I e bull- v lII1ICO omiddotwag Cf tee ve

Iober 11 1866 lIolt Ooa(Dlrdeall V E tBullh J G Bllllch J BbardO E Bremer JClarlt ll WCaaIIlIo C Ohecklcy Xlll CUlton I Daly Iol J Jlllher J A lir141 Jishfr G W

aI Ulek~PoInl They were 08pwred at G_ GeuIeall 0 A ~IolillB oppotIte LeeomptoD OIl 1beIr reamplIrII Go1tbArl P A from 8ickory PolnI to Iampw_ 1111 ead bet (1_ J 0 Iathe aampempllO vteA them _ U S eoWter Hanele It fourteen of lfes men 10 killed HoagllUld M H

Lene III not Iio be folllld 10 eIIeTerritor II Berdy C

Fuu o bull t ftlna-lbe Now Orlealll Della Jorge A lHms tbat Red lUvor hu dimmed up lla owa Klpp S V inOUth and now mlkea 118 w y 10 Ihe Gult LorIog L th d Atcbaamplla B l fb II d bl Llnere or B

2 1~ X 11 LlflngslOn J WlIcGulgan 0 Hoy A Korri H

McCann H a IfcCudle J

Jlanofill S Mooney Hamp sb 1I Nellr E A OsborD D C Poal Dr A Pearaon J T POit Hlu A Roper J Hltllaquogton e 1 Roulrand ~ Sd1 Dr

- Scott W L 81110111 D ~ Sklnna J C Smiloro H SlantbrT7 E II Warren Wheeler 8 H WllIlalll800 CaptWIHiamSOD J

lIuilii tbe fOr~middotedurereor thdegat ~ til )8116bull and tbat at oue IiIlHl neTer Iouched III M - amp X TIIOlampIV lib d III b~ II b llI bull - I

I pp ut pllrlue bull coune w 118 1I0W WHOLESALE ])EALER IN Ulned elllptIDglRto the Gulf far to the ell I of Ibe Iolillalaeippi Tbo Red RI Ie now to BRANDY WH SKY WINE~IIld Ie remhla to ho up whether whcll full It _ t wUlliot re-opoo be outlet to the Joflulaolnnl ud AND ALL KI~fS OFihLQUORB Ira mill wIIb the aIbA~ of Wuerif - 40geer If bull r rrN COrrBn sJrJ9DBn2-rrzoJV

U-- J I L L 110 4Lt lDliOO ~ 0001II IOUgt NA WIIOUIiIAuU 8 TILl YI nOIY -An mIII - HltrJ etroet ulltoI ofampIIFruei800 COIlbaen lick for a long hoe and whit1n this _ate GIUIIlda Junlgt 1 1866

would OC4ulooII _e brealblng ftIId IIr be ------------ --__ - -Dr AAud Pobullbullpparanll eslhletfoe 80m tIMe when he wooIshy

~ III th~ dockyarde of lttllllia An~rICIIII 1I1collamiddot worker and that he ca~eto Nlea heca II apln COllie to On one or these ~ heo fBNDfRS UIS SERV1CESto the Ilhtz~Dbull1 IIkI hn~ lhe dlrectlon of nfthlrt The OODIC- tb ht II b It - - be lind JIIII awakeaed from bIs Bloop lgt1rIok uk Granada and vicini ill ilie praclille of

OIIg ero t eoe w wOr 10 do He would Ied 101111_ UITlCllli SURGEoy t_ H1DWlhIiJi qunoe fit 11111 will be tbat In a abort IIme tile nOl hae eome h_lt he uppoud Ibe tllICI8 of And howll w bo Jlmlll1 when oura IIIIWJ ~ bull l u j1l bull lOt

IwMlaII Veue6 III bo IIblo to compete III speed bla laborwOIIIS be IlOI1l1ned to IIII1t pI_ Re dead-1011re after klnup ini thllOf OftIce an4 roal4caCe 01 tb aouIbwl ted dumiddotmiddotllt with tb but buill Yankoe clipper tumln tballka - th b 1 bull Brlalg III a gleu omiddot Irioi an IA7 to tU- comer of tho lampreet 0pPOllltc tbe San PrandgtltOAoLr bull wr e on~ goD omen p hero lilt 1 Jimmy -airIf I dOll I au OouonL ~~~e~~ AlUerlclIiIorthlloontln~l1lw~to OIlteonre~upon ~m by ~ IIIUller In wblob IdbrlDk thin blll1 meor Gtanu Jail 1860


320 ElNICABA8lfENSEVol t No 51 p 6 5abado 25 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 25 18S~ i t l

BRIG dNN HENNlVeSIIN ketnft4 tore lItelrlllaquopoampolllpu gri_r __ dlis hnmlllatlcm Autrl of eOIl- Iolaled lit COM~lISSION IpoundR~ SALE

t ~_11l loo1ltlnl 01eI 1lI6 l)emOOlamptI Rlew lOr t~Ir- tIe pJlva~ aIl4 lIIampIIy _______ t86l1l dad ~~1I1D ~n the ampIIlprllD W-r TIIlrtee lIUDPm td_ ana geuellile Of pURSUANT to an order leeIIed by the Board of CommlWon I gtfIll on d1IFJ~T DIY DlIloh the ClOIIdllCt an AllCIIont iDd ablllamp of note_ dlieclly tbll lulftlldvballled or JANUART 181S7 ofter die lbiIowingmiddot invelltoried propottl for 80 III pllbilO ItU(tUIIlmiddot pigt he lleteODI bo llgu~d hl ttamiddotiermtlllOflbk bo tthoullbdley had bad fw 1IIDIlth ill1Itelr the IIUa It the citl Of ~randl middot1 Uiwwe are carefully lorDed OTUIO told amp ppwer 1wrIHt Atmtlpd Atulricm H olall TetIIlI-Ou~ or IIUllar1 WpL bull ___ I lie ranka priloioll irlthoulltluriuamp OIl or them The laIe HI conllnU1l ampom lay to dar IlnUHn~ wiolo 18 dtaponu Of troDt BIb fall upon tbembull Speaking 1gt( lhe Gdrse ampelng ~he middotol)ltllllll wb(nrvmiddotpl1t bull pta Pankos deahtma of leeing the property and emiing for tbemaelvtl8 will 06 fllmned ~ll

nr6I11 aceouna tba Ilad bean ltritten lip to lhal oner (Counl Ziclly aD UDollarim) to dBatll horselllld gukl8 bllppJioallon at my oftIce - I irrul of thla lDem_ble 81rOssie Alr eiloll ana Amolllllt lbe Icllml were -e mell of large V I b e ed In It we Grid tJle toUorill (orhme w~o1D the ~II were _nxlou to d V1I I PEY INamf 01 Biulli I _-l_oP_1I_0I ___ RtllIlIrk4 ~ e DIU iii g tpoO toll Balllyampbyl ror bilt eatftld wordl Hacienda do aeao Roaano IJOiii llItololo Lopez Treo hI full bearing tI4middot11) Tho tnl connected ndlaWlillibl_nuflllreemiddotliilllloaiordollampnmiddotOeneIK coodemD 110 do Oandetari Do Youngtreet 10bullbull0

tblleampaltnt 111 ampOIlIg 1Dd dierefwe of tIe ed by Hnau wbo Will hill dBbtor for Ilxty Do CaUle lAIa Or~ Do bull 1~~1 HIIInl e _ gen~1 whloh Olftnot bo ~houllld doll VecztJ wlotte ~her (sllllllv BOWIampID run Do A row of siJ ator~ 101 UIldeiMood wllIo __ling the mlblary eo ID ) wieand he IIIQ of lite late emperor Au- HaeIendo de (JaQlO

UlJOnli In thleOdntryiUOIIlallled ill ~ pampt Ilt tba eampIdIer Jlho-pbllr-dle pllont and I~dl8O Pit t Juan T0lI6 Rut 8 0 entitled- Nag) Sandor apd the rrIeeI Damiani who Hacienda de Caeao plz(I Do- H 11 ThI P4d 1lIl Ja~ iff l1JFmiddot bellIg _ed to he hlDge4leet 1114 with como Do Indigo Je1U8 lIIarl8 Do 1 I

Fod bat 11M iffirtt tlhuWaUflul tM poau liby 1aet here lJbull1 ~ alw~lI ~t Booee in Ri Do Largo IIdnbe 8 11 f( BtlIqgU middotdndFtItllrIl p~ 6ti upon IMhetlio lIeLfP Bacl~d de Cacao Sin FraDdleo Jose JArguello Aree 18 C HfII~~atJlllwmiddotolmiddot fWlw M01ItIM LoWe Bath~nyl 111)0 wbenllomom fell bad Do do De Abandoned Into Qall~jl1fllllllA ZtmIaolrTgm R_liOll b~ tried OYer pW atIer belnl eaotenced to B_1n Onmada bullbull bull Do ~ ~ bull bullbull 0 Pvoria tc rour 1 impi1aoDment the eharga middotormiddot l)eWs Baclellla ltleCaeU rdilacio Male1iP- bullbull i bull bullbullbullbull ~r


rI p1tt t I cd cJ to -1 W middot111_ ~f middotORII Latour ot 11_ In Gi-aWulo-- - ~- JO bullbull bullbull bull bull bull 10 Thouampbor 0( 1Id_ ptm e li~ ~ r l)-U wbiclt be notorlouir U1tu_h _ _ 1180-0 Plta~ Francisco GuerrA IS

PllbnO~qollleclampIIllIIotb~bmiddotmiddot bi th d9lamp1t0f WullingampUII wuCOlidemned to he BoilandIotIIlRIna ~ 1gt0 9 lib lbe ~Ut onamprll 0iJ0orIlJ hanged Hia wife IntrcdllClld bull lancet Into hla IIoUll8i11lUfU n Kill patUalll burnt 10shyuulll bl+aljJbh~ugh Ih~ m~mollll~ ~~~sn pn- h which hellldun Inelliletwallliempl Haolenda dB 0_ ~~Ia Fe Joa6- II lIaleailo 18 In which Ihl tr COIIUUeDbC IIg 11 ccteddu~ co et the Jugular Tela DllIOOYued helbre he Catd Bolnte JIaI ()lIa Do bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull G ~imte 11000middot lIr 07 ~II Chi r de bad Ill to death hiamp wound 1111 bandam lip HOIlllIn ru 00 Lollg IQW 1 bull defeltbl bull ~h d IDamp~ I 0 ~ wi alld hemiddotw horrlellltdflged OIl IIId alios lite Haalend de Cacao bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ~ bullbull Fetlpe amp S Saenz NearTolo-aome wlldlllltamp 3()IlO

1ftOJbt8eomiddotarmiddotall rtt Igmiddot d or gallo probampbl) not belDg rdy 1I0 P h DO do 11 Vi C1emonte SaIlIOl Old ealatc neer Rint 1(1041 liIlgt11IfI~~~O ~pSd r ~kJi1iUei word to Ire and fell abolltibg Long Iff ampIIB lIollle in RIT Do Large adobe 100(10hit ~ nmiddotiI_p 0) bull bull Ibe arreet of Dahyao1i hid beell amp 110- Bouse aDd proyery In

middotbeforeBllblo Imiddot lt bull middot~middotiIi ihislao 1 IIulOw 01middotamp111ampmiddot01 atlonllo-ble otenc WIll a Sanmiddot JUan de Sur ) fll lS UellD lieDden tIam b bull bllabion cawIUD1-blamiddot esecutlcm anmiddot _iDatloomiddot HacIOllda domiddot GROj Felipe Avilc8 bull bull bull bull 8000

IIIOlJIiy ~I RUIIIii ellj R JPII hiobD~ 1Ianr otIrtri w_put to dtaIh W_ of Do do Sallt~ Do With wildlands b~ ~Re~t 0 ~ ~II middotaM flnb IfflUlrippeli and Kourged helOre middotthbullll I1delld de Ca~o JlCII-LaGalpa F amp E Carazo bull 27001) _ nCr tI aoIdIerr OfIJcelB from liliiii or coIeoell David D Lopzamp B Daroe 100)tile Baclellda de Cacao~ 9ijdbf~he ~1Ie~ thorab~ dOlfDlfardl e~ abulIpflI middot1It If bgtced Into Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull II amp Jos6 OaracM ~wotbtrds of die eltarA II iIai1 a~tJter~ ~IIJII ~ed IplOb th AUUIO _llln pr(fatail ~ at lite Do do Boperlll P run amp famll middotrmiddotmiddot 800gt 11_ r~tIJ 8~~ ampdrIhu~Dbull 1d eaprice of IDd ears-ta to ~ D~middot do Chlta JOJl6 Alfaror Conlaminl 160 acree 2000 ~Qjlt ~e ttl th rJm I middotU dar s-~ BOIIfelnBl Demiddot 1600 Urqllllatund to 1 C~ u of iIIatorlo bull FrOm thequatadoDe here IIIIIk k wIUw_ ~~eCaCampo Pafniar Tun Agila bull 10000 ~ 9fmiddotIi~temiddot 11114 tbafBdc Gen B~ Iidu 1fi1h 111m to Do do PlllIIIf P~1o Torres ~ ~ -lOOO ~oI~ lOU ettIoa of Ruulamp iii 1 B_ltlruu 2000shy t~Imiddotaath~~~eibampt dunn _middotmiddotri ~themiddotweIpt or bull rtpIItaiIOII fwllJUan Do bull do O BuetOl amp (amp11111 Near St George) 3~ ~~rII~ Dt~~~IImiddotlJuilfe Otunli IInewled and liaeety of PIlrpOll that 111l1li1 Bad de Cacao fi Do dobulllt lOoQ alloo COm liI iir EurepO tID pnbU~ work raytllihl1 tor IIIY_ whlchho ~ en~ Do do Jayl 11~Oerde8 k tamlly bull bull bull MOO and deg eIO h I dltIcm of th ed B Ii alrad tTOtahI II III E B~ ill RIampef bull bull bullbull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bullbull bull bull o~ gtJ lIII-dnl flle rthl 8 PI II 1 110- bull mope Catlle Batalai Las Lalaa R Pala ampI fmIl1 bull bull 1 popilldlia DIIlft h bull or I~ a and doubt ne -thaI ldImo~ DllIItre pow H_ID ru bullbullbullbull Do dO On the Plaza 2 ItciUjmiddotJ1IUle d~ ~call88htroFer ttei1eclla Niea IfW lillke hlllWM falidllarDo do bull bullbullbull bullbull ))0 do Do QI

lOh~IL~ ~ II middottmiddoti~ wmiddotr hrO hOllmiddotADleaea Dobull do Do do edmiddot lwwlljlUll-adepamprlTleodeglmiddottoat 118 i CaUleamplampIemiddot HeC~IJtI lnoceDteRuele - Ihf St PeUnbllllt lnadluted It and bOle IlIf au r-l~laIe and Imiddot

Jdft1oillD ftJreIIP ~~ I -gt - lIIotiee rdieateDIJIIlIe- bull ItiIdmiddot bullbull oe bullu were D- bull lIl1111~~ da r F lid lIf 9 jIIturliaia oItlte llllIoWl81 _lddlKieaeeIJ pe BOIIIe In Rlne bullbullbullbull r bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull ~ ~middotCbIdimiddot =n H bull UeDllla ~YU Ioii wIltprenlM th~ to me dIll11111bll1t1oe~ Sugar Etemiddot nell 1110middot I

bull~ bt -eneecUMtto mltllilbnn Ihe pUbHoofmiddot ALL PmtlilONff bano tIahe na tilt 11- lUvae ~ Pedro Ohamorro bull l~rJnO

III the Bunf d~ti_O ~ Ollorbelorei1lellampt1idlryorneoo1868otherw_ tap 00 do 12(00 ol~ ~1I-noII IlQ tie a~oflii~1llI~tb1middot-middot ~1llr01l)li iterccentef Pedro ToaqIlM ~1I1l1 ~OIOO ttlbullwtmiddotcilr 6Ibplo-dIJ1Koiiot1t1 ~UIAtltJiB8GORDB1t 1gt0 do Ag~Agrla DI()~lcla)lemando 8laquogt0biild fll IL b ~ and tb ()rientili OIllRLBamp OALLAHAN)middotmiddot H_1n Granedamp CbhlDroampramlr SapA

~ll8gotlatlllW bullbull or bull ~middotJ1lLll1SKtSr ~dBlti I_Kula Do dobull ~00Ileattle300ltgtiu1l l2~Umiddot ~dJCted uallO~ todOonr- AIld-aU ~lIIdehl to tiM at tit Do do ~ROaa Do lt100 ~600caltle 1Ul0 hor8eI 16gttOOi ioot IlWlpr~ middotabOedec~ petdllOllllIIIIIka Immdiata Pato Bac1euda do Ccao bullbull to ~ Fnlgetlcla Vasa t 18

The crll11Ilj~~ I~ ~1 lal~ lenlll~t monuo me GILDK PlTUB Bon III (Jraneda bull bullbullbull Do ~ bull 15 O hllito Of tbbull bull piby- BeIIDlllpID bull wen all lnbk A4IIIIaIllrillorO D Stook lIn~b St Jeronlmo middotDo 1600 catlfe ~(lO hore HInhn

the bull t t Gralled yen St 18M Boote ill Graneda Do GuedaiouputMet ~ biublUtyllldellotlllllon mapa ~middotU om e __ - Do domiddot Do _ Domiddot middotmiddot11100 deslrabiek a iiillitarJr poln oC vie the movemiddot otlce Domiddot 40 bull bullbullbullbull Nfcaclo d~1 Qutlilo bullbullbull bullbull 8bull lIlent h111 n~li describe LL pertlOll8 hlnr clallIlII aplta lite tu of QoIrete bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull Do Near lIIalaeo 4jju

J kln 6fGill1eya middotlieon In bamplilgmiddotno- A~o fOllolngllllllled deoeutd plIrtIOIll 111 pre 11o In Qranada Antonio Barheteno bullbullbull ~ ~ U n pea I nHhem to me dilly Inthenlluated 011 or before Stock Ranch El rlldo Do $00 cattle 1~ hollelt 4fi

lated tho ~oodIIl0~8 O~ wblch KOIIulh delegl~ed lito tOth dlr of Deoember 181111 otherwllle th~ lantln Walk bullbull bullbullbull Do ~eer Granada 2 bl power lbo Bele pilbllahoJ the follOlYlDg wlH noamp he IIllowed by Jr I ~ In GratIlIdl Jns Maria EIllrada bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bullbull bullbull bull bull bull ~ quotatl11 bich we are templed to cOP1 aa It B1lOn Cole Wiley lfarahl~ Plantain Walle bull bull bull Do Ncar Granada l II Iii millent p081110n In European afIiIlr8 Robert JlHllkIII Jonaillan WIIecm HOIlBO In M_ 400catrJe fiO hlgtrfle8 4~ Lino CelIr

8 ow 0 pN 1 Dr Gen lie bull gatll bull S K Sackaun George White Stock Rench Clraeol Dmiddot fear San Roque 8 0I

beld by Ollr prlStli g IInto bull And Umiddot perllOol Indebted 0 lite estalel oC Ibe HOlII8 In Gratllld Lnla Montrel e 0 Kt)86utll had middotnot ~Ichd Oro ~pon dlo boTe deCeaeed pereoMl will make ImmedlMo PlY PIMntain Walk bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull Do N~middot VegM 1 (

rOllller befO4 the necouol 01 GOI8O I tIe1lSOD men to Il10 GILBBRl TITUS 1l01llOln Gnadn NAciso Raplnoza 4r ovemok him frOli1 whence togethmiddot wlth 1epl 11bllo Adllllllltttntor 0 D 8 BIJIuln GralUlda bull bullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull fala rlltoa Horall bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull 6( U Dembinkl Kmeuy GI1OO and 1If tbollltlllt~ 11 aranad BtpL SO 1848 Houeeln Granada lOll Ubaotl bull bull bull bull ~

ho puHd lIrollgh Wallacb to Vdbl In IV 1 - Ifulend de Cacao MlloO Tlo bull bull bull bull bull bull t I hefond lIIe Turkhlh frentler nO ee- ROUIein Gramplloda bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ROIIrio Vinamp Granada Hotel 9 ~ wlUle Gorgel bad omred tho gaITiIon of AItt peraoiIII areIIbJ oaiRIed agaiOI bul Do do gto bull bull ~ 0

Colllorn to III1rrender wblch I re~ lIrat to In or lI_solSatlllg flit the fulJOwing 1crIp~ Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Ponelano CoTftI bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbull ~~ d thoul11 entering Ioto neotiatiOll wllh the ~ne 1_ nUmberedmiddot(8G) tbltty-lllr In fayOI of amp do bull Pelar Mil~nco bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull 4lt IIV

A~triu~ Tb~ro were IIDfortuo~11 cmOlPI D lIa)Ie1 tor t810middot Do do~ bullbull bullbull bull Tlo 21 die o1lICltMI lOme dUpes of Gorgea parIoy who 0 1_ nlllOhered (19gt nfnetean 111 fu~Il of Stoclc Raocb 0101 Ito 1600 cattle 200 bor 110 0 were allrlollamp (0 maktmiddotterrM and Ie nolbiug 1188 Wm Baletor 18383 Uclenda do cetlO ~ Do A Malco ~o bean of K_IIlI fonll bull Gorgel bad ~Tel The lJlOye dllllCli1gted IIIitIp Is ~ elldoried by H_In Granado bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Femando ellman bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 0 fro him t~lll0w$tl Ibe f~lrell w Svoo liP me and Pi t Is pioleetiKhUbeoIIlce of the StoolfllAAelt at TOrell Do t600 cattle 300 boraes 12r 10 the AU8Ii1anl with ~~ealipulatloD hat tbe p Mlntaler ~endlaquo DANIIL BArIgtSY HtmfI$ In Granadn jOfoqnllla Iloran bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 6 iison 11(0111111141 1I~wcd ~ loen portion 0r11a a~~Pt Ib 1816 Hclendailo Cacao falaco Do 36 pay and Abould be pe~lltIdtorollreullUolecd HOII lnGrallllda Pedro Seqllenn ~ ~middotO

KOlIlhh~ng bead of tbele DegOtl~tIcm~ David l_raDI Hou-Itl Granarla Yna Horan igend conelilulllg b~~ tho Pwer oelegaled to Oor OFFERS FOR IiALE A hie plate San Seber Hacienda de Cacao ~ Hraor JLSimdonl O ge htd eKed bticlt to bnn on aocouD~ oC he Ian Stre h boG IIh Bee- Stock Ranelt Rcmltee Felipe Oahezas 1600 ClIIUe 9 DOll l1IUI1l1oee of the traitor wltb tbe COLldillona bull 81 on OWIII a bullbull H0I311 In Onnada Miguel rullerllZ i bullbullbull 3m III ateJ iIad bowr dilpttcheltl bull comulmiddot chon Jture SIllc1l RaMbmiddot San Pablo Do liOO caltie 40 alier wIth powerl and illitIlCllonB 0 prottll~~ 10 bullFlour Vb~e~ aIll11~fe=~n~hlt Do do HeCled r SelayoampDIejltraa 260 cattle 400 nOllle8 20 tho U~I t~ dB~nee of CO50rn bull Oilnltte blide~~I Ale ampDd p~ Do do ChllamlII10 Leandro SelAYo 600 caltle 50 horBeI ~o deg

That po 1fhlch he cotld oalr give ~ di Itelrt WI CIa) pipes Ifoo ln Guada bullbullbullbullbull Dolor LejaTftl bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull 0(raquo GOYemo ofmiddot Hunprl feN counteralgncd bl un~T aD b a lltoek Rancllmiddot Qlebda HODd~ Dr bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull (jollll Q-iiili BfodlaDyl TlIe Comlllieajone or ermaOlfjl bull Do 40 olnquto Do ~600 entUe 200 b01808 bull bull bull bull

lta1lL hilWA to (lqwtrll when fortr-lIIIf Recorder Oftice Do d SoIn Jampclno Miguel BolallOlampBroa 2500 caUle GOO horaee 1~ renderedmiddot bull __ __ De do San Francleeo tm~ 20

Thia oommkttoloner delegaed mlb aupreme Tml Ollloltofth B_ofDeeda lorICgeB Las Hampderae Do ~~OOO cattlo 200 bOae~ m oiflhlld mUtanpoer W baY8 reaampoD to kilo lIcrorthe OrieItIi D~ofth RolIbo -Do do ~~ Rolille ATUezIICluIlIIOrtO 801)0 cattle 1100 bol8ell H i wuUuolll Vae lIampbor of the pampblet JIoDi 110 will he optlledln thecltl of GranAda on _ HOll~ III Granada bull bullbull bull Do bull bull bull bull 41 bull fbIeh we C been 10 largely 1IlI1ftc1h1g daJ the 8th oampptlm~ 18~G1r ~~-r ~tlIk I_ncb s~ Blu Domiftlo Jarqllin TOO caUe 100 horae$ II lboup 1I1) boll a reteh 011 boreehaekhe aqutred by D_ to e ~__~~J ~dlin ~ fin do Tenabona )fillller Alvarado 600 cattle 100 horaOlll 6 ~ OOlIld nlltIumiddotImemiddot Illach lIIe fronlel ror middotwhlob Ibe toreNIdD~Dt re7GlLLm Do~ do COrplil Chrletl Menue Gltcia 600 CtlUle 100 horeetl 4~

putpOtllmiddotU waii ntCelllry to pili ~e lllrough monirdetteforthOriealll~t Do dB sm6ntonlo Tillloteo Lacayo 800 caI~Io 60boraea 8~O the 1ntL ~ 1 H_IIlGranadltClltolayorr _~v

Had ht dOlI10 he Wlamp J)led~ no to liltmiddot Oranadaj - $711301d Camont ror fU InOlIIte lid would haTe N ti T 0 l IJ I u

~n~rHn 900 Auatrial P~~8fII whQIU he 0 ee Together willi lorl) or fifty FarJU HQu- amp0 1 Iho Depar~ent of BIYa8 Iued at ~ ill ol1lltbave hold aa hOllagea for theeMnmiddot the I WILL give Uberal ~wvd to a01 person who three hundred to onll thollllllld doU_ ~ ttunJilt1nn clilefti-to th Oil thle incldenl hluged bull will tlUll to m) etore my Ledger Book II A btrge portloll of tho abue poperty 18 situated Idlin als houra ride of San Juan del Sur Vlts in tb tate of Moul BadlYllllyi udOrmiddothla COlllpan~ Will pIIIaed from lIlatore during tlielate attack Bay Rirulan Gorg NaDdBlme and Deriomo and the remalndu In Granad tnd ObOlltaea Iollllinmlafllflllland~nn1lirt1rdo I _ftbull~ _ 18 1866 1IA TllOllAN JOHN MYLARD MARSHAL bull

Tho fold(r~ of tbo garrison broke ~h1r milmiddot _ L i bull

F NlCARABllENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 1 sabado 1de Novtambre de lasS Saturdav November 1 1856 323


lEI NIC AU A GUENSE1middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotL bullbull 1 ~ bull =L~ bull


[OFFIotAL) If ~lIdortOollliull8loned Oc~ 8 rROamp FrrltltiNr4tt~ ~- Olear OrOllltoy II 9 DbullBamey Woolf COll1mlllliolled April 28 1S6f

REGISTER UI1l1M1U R barlfa Tylor lI_y 28 OF TUB Artlllit CoInIor1 GOmlUluiouElt AtgIIII lit l8G~ JollaW AndmlOn II June 21

amprotul lAl1Ilmdm ThOll F Wright Jul N lOA RA G tJ A A R lY O~O~e Von Hln oolllmlttdloncd Sept 211 18$GbullbullJoho MbullGilCIIu AUg

Newton l Webb I April 10 M T Neagle Sep~ JII OIlllIRU CO~IIfIIDINO IK OIIlB R LaIlIb Se~ u William NnrthWige ()cj y

William Wlllite 6 IIlft11et II 95 ~1 Lil1llmIt1lt bull did aCltlmp 11l1li1 8411u4lOlf 0111I11T nTILLUI Georg~nll8ti oblllillil8ltMd April 1 bullbull lIIN

aCajl Inlr lfahon e1Inlillealooed Jln 20 18lil _L MIIgtI lames bull T 1roe u May 9t

H F Pilled Matcli 81 - A Dltl1gtwarj2 comlllillgtlioll~d OclOber 18 11166 fm K PMliv~ II May 26 II

W81 P towl II il~ 1 CaptaIn Jbull~ ampnaford Julr IJ II II 0 W GIs a OJ 18~ Getlrge B elllllld IlOlI1mlllllloned Occ 18 1868 VJlIIm H Toler A_g 11

bull bull D U Dulaney II I_mea S Jldfe u 8op~ 25 DIItODIIIR OINEIIUII 8oeqrulIMui_t Joho M Wtllngtonmiddot bullbull Oat 101

Comer o Homeb commlllioned Jats 12 19116 John Crowell commluloned Sept 11 18118 BeuJamln Hardla 00 y A (lamp Cui O Staehle Occ ll4- Firat Lleutonant Jamel Small 1Il~lLlOI or UIIOIIIIamp a_liD ATTJtl01 O~ IKAlrIar

Birkett D Fry eomriliAiolled 6pl 16 Mqjor J hn A J ColtitUeOamta Joho P Wtel1 conomllllloaed J1IIII 18 1866 0 aqu~ commlolaiOMd]lIne 18 186amp

I bull R T 80 d igt LiMNat CIltm4l2dbull L GU bullbull c e corum 1 I II vilpt4lI1 Leonldu MCIntosh co isoiI ed AlII 19

L Nonrell Walker comllllllo~ Aprill 11166 M On 111middot O middotF Henningsen comDlfaaloned Oct 19 Robert Ellr Jllne 11 lien D_ n_ co l1~ft d A IA (~mp R W Plck ~nl ug j O_n mUlne ug 18l16bull

~ bullbull ~ A bull - bull A4iaJUmiddot Johu 8 FlnOlllJvfl Lieaftt Oct I 2d Lleut E H OIat~~i~88d JIlOO 18 18~6JDJOILIIT o~lIuJtlI I)BPtIIIIIIIITbull

lIltfut Q_ol W A Rhea cOlUlDmlsaiQQed August III 1816 Ja_ Umiddotmiddotmiddot- eomlDlealnomiddota Amiddot12 1middotmiddot~middot-001 Ph RThompson CODIIIIlMdFllb 1I18G8 w H Lenl 92 - ~ ~ Ilamutl -L October 1 J1l1$16 Dreux June 1~ tulffilt t4illtattl eMal JAIIIIe Lewis D WIlIkInS II AIIjI it IiUajor G R OMtoQ coDlmluioned occ 2amp ampcotul lMutma1ll Bllrale Bell II ~

ll1DQII IlgtvOOJTli OBMW ThomJ)lOn 1lI00u _liIlened JIID8 11118118 Lewis E GIIU1 se t 2lt bull T U Hewlett II Aug l6 p v

dbulltWllftt J+ o44u9cat OIJ W I Qukll~ II III It lIf Ll~1

11 llmiddotitar ngtitn~t~ ~_ i


Poet-Ollie Building OWEN DUFFY Ageut

y u ~~_~ 4 Ilrllil F D _ t

i bullbull en AWARD of THIampfi DOLL4RS esol will Ie Lieut J W

fOt appheDaloll aud dell (tu of thG Army) of t~ofollowI118 named 2d Lleut Wm ltP-t

from Company A Firat Jlltampntry Balta

[--FJS_ RIOH Aged Illyeare II r~elO In hAir blue o)eB ruddy cOlllploxlOl~ i() pound Occupalion baker

bull GLIDDON Aged 28yeara 6 feet high falr clllllpletIon IIllhthair blue largo feet and 10llg tlnlterod-bullbullellhl

bull 8

Oapt M bull 1 FlIIOr comt1lampIontd July is 18111 lolln Coo COInlDialloned Jlloe 18 1864 bull rllIII JlJTTJUOK or 1U1II8 AndrbullbullBrady Au 22

IMIIHCTO_ GIIIKIJL I)amp~TIIIIII bull clod GlOIge W lIa11er II Oc~ 18 Impector eIII~ BdwlIId I SaIldm COIIIIIIIadcme4 AprO II 18lS6 Fnnclsco IIotb II IS

CoL Bruno Hlltsme commlsalond NOf 12 18114 U~ CoIltm4l 1IlId LiNt bull Tler OUwllllt ~m~edl ll 18 8uluel a Allin c~mluioDed lflllOh 118116 B D lIorre~ comm~olled Au ~3 [8116

_ _ y fIlor J middotW Oonkhn OOl 18 qlllllTllalllAalllllS JlnuTIIIJII Johnmiddot O ONtII commflMoneli AprD 11 lRIIf BeDJlllllln Beechler U 18 it

Q_~III bttal o4~ L A Clark IIC 18 Col ThOll Fisber commiJalon~d 4prlll 1858 8 LIeut ~ Lathrop commlad lau U 8156

ttll Qiulrtnnw OMiMl ~ peUlliATIOJlll Lieuamp 001 Wm K ROlieJlf comd Ocs Y G W1l Leonard ool1UDlaIIooed AOtII UllSIf hI LIeuL B ABlltcbl Com et ampI1t np

QlUlrUrmallllll [Brevel 011 tile 11011 ()cj ILl Allgua I IS5amp [~or Thamp Benry CltJlIIlI88I0oed Oct 18 Co B J poundavail 81ilh COlIIIIlIud April 181bullbull 20d LIeut Thoml8 8tackh- 204 JalaaWy Ali-II Will HIIIria 23 C ThOt Dolan June 18 gill 11 1868

ampJdlanlQlrtmnalttl__ _ D B D )teCh_a II July e bullbull 2tcUJant D O F~t 18 RlIIH AcuR 2SCapl Wm II Wilhll_oomd Nov 10 18115 1- H A JObnlObe u i1 1866 BeltJ W Bamml Aug 4- 1858 G DamplIiel Oampgai OIl 4- tlld Lleu- W B Hen Inljleeor Ola IMPshy

Andrewa flmiddot it ~i r JObn Iwh1l1a II bull II Au~ Sll lBIamp Juh Y Price Oct 18 B J-- DIllUlicaAL O~ II 1 LleUI E 4 P~iI IUb lhtpIIQpL 11 middotJIIIO

April Imiddot lIfr lMI4u~ ~nd A A Moora lal IlII1 lug 21i liIH MUiI Slo~ 00 B Le R Latimer com d 4prD ie 1811 SUfReoD Wm H sun4eN Aupt 26 IUI6

W~m B WY~ K Bob P Gardner II Allg so Alor 10hn II bull 1111f1iba1~ Judge Ad Oel Au 8U88lIllIIIlOJ DllIBTilUT D AIa~ Anderson bullbull ~ 119 1868

Oommiry Qfmlllal Sutdluu A Wm H MIh Sept 11 Cp~ John Wmiddot amp7dr 11lUJIea Aug 81 1864 Col Georg B Hall commiufoned Jul i6lS~6 F -- - Oollllay Ii O~ 4- cpt II E Bradley TrAn ~llle SepUs 18nbull

tm44t110ilmmiuarp (I_I G -- LoUhamDler 111 Lieut A MePilIO lsI 11111 Occ Y 18GI MIor BIIIlj Y Or1Ie comlllissiond July Il Cbu H Welt II Oct 114 Capl Douglas JWllkhia(untcbd)ept 80 1861middot

Aulatll aommulIJrUu Subfm 811111plet WlUlalDeon ~ u U L Jilglehan tigtd Ioftolry 2) 11

Occupation tailor alao fruit deal~r Capt W H LyonS commisaloned Aug 1 1866 amp-d LiwfmlId R S WiUIIIlII 21ld RltIotI Oct 8 U

S LOUIS OOHEkT Aged ~l feetmiddot inchet leI Lieu~ W H Buttrick II 00 D Th_ Cbloh_ eornd April 1 185amp LIeut Col F bull P Audel D las Rilles Oet_IO bull 185$

l08o-welgbub9ut 195 poullda Oecupti~n 0iII Jame S Wet laquo I B tllke J _orr JIIIJ 6 Capt Cbarlet A Gore 2nd Rillea Oct 18 1811 bullflaquob rir comple~lol1 hlue er IIgh halr large Henr1 C Wall I E lb0i Y JllolIrnoy Ha12b

penwi bull 0 John B Moo Sep~ 11 2nd Mllllt M S Oro 18 PATRIOK H YS IrI- d ~III)IO DIPUT)lBff i David A Lawton It Aug 11 J G SIIDllllerll Out Is4 bullbull bull an mall Age 21 SIIrgetJ GI 1Il II ~d lUllet

JW8 G luet 4 il1cb~ blgll qotlt qGmplexion dlllle (with 110 rallk of COlonol) G Clayton Billllialr 011 8 1868 bullbulli dtrk 6et-welghs about 1411 pounus 00 F DIICj ONeal 4 2nd Lieut J W PolklIl1d Inlltnlry Oct 20 18~ ClIpalllll IdhOler BVrgtcll 6 H Ubrbrook Itlaquo it J M Williams 2nt Rill Oct t I 111shy

6 OLJVEl (JROMWLL Ag8l182 years 6 (wlthbo rok 0( lIaJor) B WlIas Allen II Oet JI 6 A H wl~y 0010 Dept 2518116 kef 6lnches high Ught tomploxloll Ugbt bilk John Dawson 4cllng 8middotG oomd NOT 14 18116 n ell Wilkinson 21 II Oapt J V Hoolf AilSt AdJt Gen 28 1856 lIiIudl wblakera hazel yell-weighs aboul 140 O S Coleman coblmleslooed April 28 1556 __III) BtnttIOIi or amD llcsignlune-III1 fOIld OecllpuioR millwright n T Roalon lep 18 (JolOftI

_ClIARLES W KltuGER flapt Comdg Jamea ellulII 00 111 Jobn Allee cOIIQlIIIlloned June at 1866 I)URII bull (0 A 1st lulQty BaLllLlion BurpOIl aM Anitalll Smiddotgeo bull LiNluta1ll CltJlI Capt H t Witter A llltant Adjutant General

pOlt Serapaqui 8op 26th 1856 0 twitb the flnk of Captain) bull Idmlllld II HoDonald commlllld JIIG 18 18118 2nd Lleul Wm M Rogera lat InamplIlry--r-----------L-- J Geli8ner eommlllSloned Jan 91856 Major Li~ut OoL Byrollmiddot Cole Aeltlatant QU~flenlluler 1 Dllvid 1Ilnllg W G Sicigh bullbull U W P (Jaycee comOllllllioned Ua11 166 General killed at San Jacinto

O~RS FOR ALE at hia pl~ee San Sebas- A Callahan Val 30 middoto4ltfultmt 2nd lieut n A Milliken 1 Ri4es killed t sen

lIan abeel OIlD boUlle abov~ U Ph Be OWDI LHLuSeondy JUlie IS IMLleulJ W Kllllacmdorf comd Oct 1818l6 Jaolntebulldie a litore eor$amp tI UI ()ttpt Oapt W Pmiddot Jartls 2nd Rift died from wOllndi

lhlto-Nf Oandl~ Hackcr11I Olive i I~IIUlf Aug 26 CoO Jolin B Otee bull middotCOllmla$d June 21 18G6 reooied Sao Jaciuto e Wolft ro~tlc8ebledanoSehnappl bullbull IU onall Oct 28 A John F llecgtrch Oct 18 CaptJ H WlUiamaon drowned al Vlrglu Bay

bull Bltte Phlladelphlll 110 and Porter Pol DlIPtBTlIliII B DenJ M AndorfOn it 16 lind Lleul H l lhemRn died from wOl1ld reshynan Alld bilIa Wie Claypipes loynuulw Ofmoral Ii ~ ceived at Ifuata Ocl 114 middot18M

lerlll eh 001 Alex middotJonu commlssiOlld Feb 8 18H Edward O HIIIf naCerrd fMm Ordnance Demiddot LlOnt Col F A LalIIO 4 h c tarharolrbull p tulNMII PlaquoyltlwlII ptl1ment CODllllleslone4 -ug U l85G murderd b1 the med forces opoeed to tbili

T~ O I ugUld III ost 2d Llout J Fiemlng conmlsaione4 Aug 4 S middotS McElroy Oll~ lS OoYelllDlcllh IJlhollt propOllng Itn excbango

DgltS IllS S~HVI9ES 10 Ih citlllns flI OII)AIIOI DUAllfllBllr Imorul LfMfnaoll of priaOneri _rdlig 10 the uaagee of war ~anadjl and vlcmllY III h praete of Ulior E W Rawle commissioned Jul 14 1966 N T~p OOll1tuiu1ooed October 81856 lit Lleus JulllIIIKeilkUled In action at San J

u mOINE SURGERY amp MlDWIFERY Hellry I bullbull POller bull it 14 Eo H 01018 II 8 clnto bull 2nd IlelltW W ~der killed in aClion at SaIl om and OlIidcnce on the lOulhw1 Capt JJfrori Swln~le AprO 11_ J T Booo 18

~r of tbe atleet oppte b _ __ lal Llel~ Il A Carllar Oct 18 I B Vaughan 18 Jaelllto _ 0 0 1amp1100 2d Will B Ulte II Benr1 Hlnea It 18 middotDealba-l0

ent OWG bull ad June I 1 86r 1III0I11UII COIIP raTe _ i - --- Oaptain 1II8r IItTTUIOIi or IlfFJIITIlY J)BOPPBD

i lntitmiddote E c F Ucsse cOlllnllaaioned October t 18fill lt011 cpl A U Hirsh August 0 1866 iL PERSONS hlulng clalma against tbo 8A~IIIU11I1) 11111amp11amp John B MlIIkham commlaa~onod October 10 18511 U A B Wulklll8 AogWltU Ig10

Al ealamp~ of tho following namod deooa8ltlol or Jrft L~lt Lieut ~ 181 Lieut 8 W QuayAug~1I9la5t1-werod I()ulwill presoul tb~m to DIe dulll1uthentieated flonr) O Porler ltmmisslOllou Oct 18 1866 A francie Rudler comllsaioned May Ill l81Samp 8urgtlUII p N lugrahan Sept I 1866 til Or baforo the 1I8b~ay of Dec 1866 otherwie SltCOftIl LilllltJIt lldJfJ1 Brig -Gell 1) de GoiC(lurl Ocl 19 i858 Iht~ will be barred h1 law C DeuulaE lIayuee commissiolled Oct 18 l~e W_ Raymond colllmlaaloned Hay 1218113 Dropped-5 1 CHARLES GORI)EN J K hgall 21 o44IId1ll bullI

I CHARI1tS OALLAHAN OfFIIIIU lINJlTJCIIED ind Leut Fred W JeIeCOlli d lpnl U 18118 n command of WlLLIAM ALItER1ULlUS KIJlL Ooltmll FraIl B OKeef cln~od A rlll 185 GeneIrolllmaUdlngmiddotlnuh~middot 11 pel8Oll8 indebteu to tho eeatee of tho U B Skerrett commillSioned lanltllly Ill 1850 James 0 JOJtUsone f is

ahor c deceated pereaa111 make homodiate pay CaptaiN OhllL B 11 II Pa R THOIlHOiI AdJ Gelleral N A t to lIIe GILBEltl TITU6 F UoncosOIl commllllloned JaR 28 1~8middot FrInk i ThomPecm June 2~ Headq1ampli~rI lfthe AltII1

Publlo Adnilllstriltor O D J Egbert FaIllUDI middotFeb I II Charlea A Waltere 8op~ II Adj General 08ce 8ept ~7 1866 W J Merryman II JlIDe 18 BIrarn BIlIIIIlII II Sept SIl G~ Oct is 1860bull

325ELWICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 3 Sabado 1de Novlembre de l8SS Saturday November 1 1856

- shy

I(OUTINU OlljlONIOLE FILtiloita P1l1GRuTbe Dime of amphept ~EJ[INIE A~M - elttie~middot~~~~M~r hi~Ibtmiddot~ 8I1~C~herortbo pteellhiplraottohoPreal- Vlo~PCOUI amlPletwillb~llIeaodioJurebull U denlW chair of Ibe United l116tee IIM Jolhn FlU- The CoDoltlng rtlmub upon iho Wled th- et alanaing liq~ean~ h6ldiifg mu~eHighCly III d~ f h ~Ilv w a L dmiddot f Bri II B Ihe8boulde aoldierll lite h whoutmiddot aurilljlJ

Dlor~ an a ler avlng hoen bull long tIme In ~ ea m e peu 0 en m- tb kl n k f ~ L Rlla 1- Id I I rom e - bull 0bullbull e 0 I e lln 1_eaplllIy b plrat tiled lIpon a farm In Conmiddot bull n n- on lapr uponevIlr10er 1 when loaded ~Iamph elonty~ve pina of rifte PO-DecdClUI where be ended bla daya NathanIel tho NIlIIl1Iguan Army to road carelnU or ell I~ der endllot rammellmiddotI tt1 Jlillcb leU thtb Flllmortltll _ amp100m hautOt htlndrelland oul bullbulld e6mmit it to momory h I a olea anel or the lIu8kel bllt 11111 too great 10 l)e 6redflOBl

eMy 1-alio When ayoutll be mom to lucid daeJriptlon or the manner ill whlcb amphe Ylni4 ~vrilu~~~~~ ~iiI ~~ ~J~i Verlllon and alded at Bennln~I1 WMtIl b should be M amplid m ampl1 repoy all tbe lI eqWl and holditlght to middotIbbullbullhl)uldbullbull Ihe r bullbull

fho ~Ct beteen Col $andbullbull i Old TOIII IIlId 11 r ltlay~eoq II 8tck Billy chronicled lut week I whlcli 011 Tom wal deolared a ylctor atartcd the 8po~tlnlf men ef tho city and this weft $ IIno hall aoveral asciUllg IIl1d ciofOl _let~ ruCtbullbull middot

On l edu-May ovolIIIIII a moteh was made lind run b woen Oape OcorgltJ Giel Ba alld MA jor Cfty4ecs II Black Billy Distance 400 ards fQr IWG hundred dolla Black Billy n on h7 K clqar engampb

Tho ext-on the me eveninll-IIu a conl t ~IWcel (l18t ~ay nd a d k grey ollJled by BlIvet 1I1lJor LeommJ This race was a try tlOampO~o-ite hors flllming side b1 Ide tbe h~lo tauee Gletmiddot be e as evldolltly overshyweiSb d bleh rul~ed In OllllSillg hDI to lOBe Ihe rA by a dialanee of only a lew feet

The eitt 11 II race Ileween MII)r Caycee u U1Ck~BilY and Col JUlIee middotu (re EMgle The IU ~et upon tho hoN1C8 eltCeed~d lin huushydrM do l~rlI A good llat wbullbull obtained and the hora 01 neck alld neck about lour hundllild yrds ~en the groy began te crawl a IiHe ahesd nd at be winning poet earnll oul n8lll11 holt II I ustb In dYaI08 Bolb boraes appeared t~ be I Chit IIce maoaged well but at Ihe end Ihe lid appfared 10 be In doubl as to wbleb Wamp8 III laater animal and a Dlaleh for two thoushyIDd d Utp Wal eWeeted on the lIeld bylbe Ame horaee llh chanRe of rlders~11 came 01 lhe DeXI ( urad ) evenlol( and Ihe Grey won

Coa UTIOtf or rRIl EIIrllloa or ioU 1111

R~881 e- Bhortly after ill amphe ahlatan had taken hplr pllOea til lfaater of COIemonlel raleed Ia liand and IAfe n ordor In RlI88Ian wbete pi)n tile trumpetl blt9l oul InlO a wild IIId i ln8 8ouah the herald ~ised their Noell In Ibe Ilr and II hllvi~g uncoyoted their _dl pile of Ibe Becretolri t4ll4 tbe prOtlalllashydon w~i~h i8 redem into Engllell 018 folio

Our Inry aUgUStlery high lind ve pulNttOI r Aleunder Nicolalevleti belnll tIlrone of bls anctors heb 18

lIIISiu as ell u upon tt(lSt of Poland and of amphe GrtUld Duchy

of Finlauit which aro Insepllrable t1middotorp II hAA deiW16il to order LDllt the eoronrlon of bls 1m perial iljeS~ nnd his Olltb Bbn lake illace on 1M 2 III of the monlh I Augu~t bis augU1lI epouro lie mprola I1kro Alqxandrovnl pllrtlelmiddot

bull ad celllmooy Tub 8I)lemll Ael the preeut pr~1anltiu 10 all

to the eld that on this hppy redouble ttelt feVotin theil pyera

g of King tba~ Ho middotm spreld by His _ VOlfer His faTO8 dmiddotbl bullbullsinll ou tfiO

reign ~( hi DlaJeat ~t1d tllrougloul it duration Ito nu~y mailltaln peace lind ~Ianquility to the glor) ~f Ills holy nAme and fogtr tho 1I11111terablc prosit of tit emplro

Wl~l ON loLlTlcs-EvelbOly knoYs WilIi8 -Iho peet nll~lky edilor or Ibe lIomu Journal 110 btl III)td matty good Ihinge In his life and tbe following upon politlrs lIod political cRndldltltlli Is bull ot OJtull b~tter ald lh ptople of IgtlcaragulI iU6ppreellltJill

I lind mylolf for Ibo flut tlmo middot111 tn life Inshylml~d for political candidAte or I hould ~1l1r[~IIY perhp~ In 1 Candldalo wililoUl hi politic I II1vo bltberto (10 account S(lDlebat rolllm apparent want of aImiddotlotlsm) thought tbe eount under a hend bioh iliad almost any Ilcor g safe enough It loomed 10 me of vcry liWo IIsnllnoe (10 anybodr but I)m~ oekers) wlulth r 1 whig 1ll1 domocrat wu at the holmshypllblt opluion besidlli being llOgether too wide l~ak hlo ollcated a Olgtnlry for Qlther a blun ~er or l lin of pilotage to b more tban opproadltd So 1M plnlo ft8 this confidence In Amerleas do loSee vlJlol QIUIC)rrllCll1one or bull coo8tilution Ibat ( lIuld lOU beliovo il P) I I~ver Tilted In m tire y

B It wlLh ampho ecnla of the lost year 0 t 0

uoi th n tho intellect oC lbo country at r rk UPOlIlt be grellt queallol8 t IS8ue it would be hard

loge blind 0 Il)len8iblc And yeto

raised a family 01 lis children all but one of pllDI 111111 pmlllil whOm lunln II dnDcM agee anraging oter Di tl U I h VI I ntA b ree ODS lOr S Illi t 6 IU n6 l1ltw6 ~ y ye

Nalhllni1 FIllm_ amphe fatller ot Ibe 4IPra~- [By OIlIllR 01 fUll JoIiIUIiDIlINI(Cillllr] dtnl yet aMieI in Iht elllbtymiddotblh year of bll -_ ge Ho hili been a lAIlUer thougll lite cult oaOkUOE OFFICE l vtlng bia IlllIdamp wiamph hie OWII handa unlil the OllAlIIJgt~ CklObe 28 18H f bull bull bull bull TI U I DA t I h N gt_ mllrmlties 01 ago dISable him Hia mdUIIlriOllt 6 iWU u 1 WI n t 0 _-SIIIl un temp~raw and hnpl~ babill alll6d to A cbeertltl tho American Klnl6 H Is dl~nguebed IlOm the

Fronch BI11leh and RU8IIlun lfiDl6 by amphe IlIperlshyand bopeful mind hA~e secured to him eontenmiddot Oflty otllS sight ThplMa In wbleh tbo noteh II menland a happy and green old ~o n Was iled fOltbe backllthl whlll peoaed between tbe

~ b d 8 Imiddotf U I bOIn in nonnlngtoll Vt and realded tlloro unlil be arrived al IMlhood

bull Near tbe cloae oi the lUI centllly 6he ptIIQlIlI

eml~ted to the Ih wilds or Wesleln New York Tbtl ere among tllo poneer seltlen of Ibat dilrlct of ooUnlrmiddot1I01 aparl for bounly landa

to the aoldtere or 1110 reloIullon knowD as the new mllimr tract rheir IIrBI 100000000n lIIIlu amphe original townlhip or Locke tblt pan of It no cOmp ialng ibe IlIwnahlp or au lime bill in lhamp

bull bull r pnt COllllt of Oa1u$ A slDdt rrm waa purchased In Ihe primeval fort and Iheir enrshygiea lIIl dppllM 10 clearlogAld aubduing n 1M middot In - h III prep g il tvr a 6me Herbullbull III an blllllble log cabin atnld Ihe wUdneaa of nat wiamphla hearing orlld bIa alld Ib8 _nd of the w ed man as Millard WIIS born on he nh of Jan shyMoo bull IIr7 bull

Millard Flllmol( receled a rudlmeDteledlloO tlon In a COIIlltr ecIoolhouae amplid whell et aldmiddot was 0middot_1 clerk In drY gooda 1101 and

ono of particular Inleroll _

r A ~I)rrespolldent or Iho BAllilnore SUII

II t1811 (IOIll amphe White Iulpllur Sprmllbullbullbully Wo have a iva a1lthoress two hundred (~pllllk Ing in round numbeltl) prof9sloualgftmblIf olle bundred membera of Oonellll Alld aboul one

hundred oamphel1l cf equall- doubtlll1 ~eplIltlon besiden membel of tbe New JerHY Leglgtlhttllr~

A N~w SPIO-lhe pltell~ ballot-box of olishyfornln bat 110 learn b1 ilist IIdvlceB betln aold for upward of Ibr thousand dollars fur amphe pllrpose of ethibitlllg it to he minors previous 10 the po plOllching eleclioll h i4 11 Iho handa of Ibe Dellloeflta who espeo to IoUill i~ to good account In Slumping tbe Stale

bull tr lhlolln a celebrated Frenth phf8lclAn It

is ~Id watkabl f~d 01 drugglnJ Oncu htVlOg a patient IIbo diluenlly ad punety swalloed all the 80114 110 onlerlld be W S(l demiddot

lighted at seeing all the vllUa lind pili bo~ empiy bet he hook him by tbe band exolalmlng M d~lr air It really aWords mo pleRsure 0 IIttend you and 70U 4t1lOl 10 be 1111

wurn an nger ( n e Arneriean m) up and down owl wben kpl properly oiledWlterebullbull bed It malllll IIIonary U _ as Ih~p_o of tile thumb and linger ceaeee and doea Dot link by tbe ooncullllon 01 the piece ID lIlng The ghl plall of Ihe French and BrltIah fmle II very atlff 10 Il101 If cloaely titled and If 100 enough 10 Ok euilyls apt to IIIId6 do )7 continnM IIrlDg bleb U Dot observed b1 ampho IOldler Ill mate him Ire ene or 110 or h_ hundred yards abort

The Alinl Rift elltued to the Nicaragua Armyrallg 141)1 )ardL or ahofl dia~_ I haa Dot

06- ~ amphat diltllllClt n 0 d bull d rl_aflelward turnM bis altenlloll to law The Th I II bull I bit __ rid III l re all - Isn lllquHlI I 5 era 0 gneraliy of readers afO acquainted lib hla powderbull Tbls dIart1II cootened In tho llatka === iIIbstquenl CMer 1Uud bl moving die charger of tile lIak 10 Ille 00101 Wise or Vlrglnl bullbull In a recene

aeoond Iiotcb It Is al80 contalt)ed In til eartrdgee speooil concernillg Ille Millou Cumpro1ll8e IIl1ti bull luuedfrom the OrdDllIoeOlllee 1 Ihhl da said The coal or nOlrunulng that hntou

Ibe aceulllOl of tbe ordinary rlfte That Ie to dllt_ on ab_Ugtlltnown to them bUI kno 01gt to ooe hundm yarde Bllt up co 0118 hUll to th luatructol who bould keel a NeoN III dmrarda 1amp IIiU pul ev shot InlO a eIteI 0 18 their obullers whereby the captain or II compa07 Inchee dlallleW1wblob is IlIlBclelll for war pur- would be able to dlslingulsb Ib080 bo pOlWeaaed poses aa II 11011 d hll 110 enelll1 1D amphe upper paH the greatesl lO4 1114 leaat judgmen~ in tIislDlshyof amphe body At onllamphoulandrarda Ih_ rilIea tel 110m men aN found to poseea lI uallllab 11111 Pllt went ttow out of Ibllyln a targr sen In hlch doG t ne acquire it b pracd~fe wid batt 111gb On lhe 26111 Lleue Bart others noe acqlre II though they may maDmiddot wllh n mea 01 amphu Second BllIes Ilml 1m) goo abote The I)e8t tried Judg~botyendthellgto efght rounds flom Ib~ gnu a fenr hundred f_ (~IDamp to rules aflerrds 10 oe __14 dbianee at a lIlIIte lit amphe We lhougb down) regulate lhe dllttance AI wbleb amphe ltb Brlag amph_ guilt for the lint time eleven mn pa1J In acllon aholoI 8el the Iglu8 of ampheir rillel GIlt of the rortyelght ttow 011111 h been hit C F HENNINGSEN Brig Gen

A VIOILUT 1M TllOIIJlLII-A Mr Colemaoamphe and amphOBO whoprefer till meaauHlI mit obtelD amphe President of tb~Som Frallci8eo Vigilanee Commit- same by requiAlllon II amphe OrdnollceOllee lee lately arreated In amphe elly of Iiow Yor( Ilunfortuoately happenM tllal the lJepIIIImtlt at ho suit of man nf tbo uame of Halon ho WIll forced by clteum8lallooeto 18100 lOme ot lOOn lIunbullbull and to Ptlt IOgeamphor cartridges before the

waa bamshed by order o the Committee from oeCleaal1 IWI~uclon8 bad 1Illvod Henao amphe caUrQlltmiddot4 Mr Malon IlIIrIll8~ lhe li(lWmiddotmiddoteaiUiilgeillillfiltColltillileil aUbuFtlfellt gralllS Yllk Bvenlng POlt his onUI) Innocence of en crime or oWnee and lthtrges Ibllt the parileo middotho bull mpmollcd IUId banished hint dlil80 tram ntampllclnua moUvoa mrymiddot aiid 10 goi rid lIf an lICtio c11t zoin wbo condcnmed and esisted the llrocGelloge of tho Corillllte~ middotanll WM about 10 10 lealioony

bull 6 in tile Unltell Sillies Courl at San lranelllCo III n proceeding whicb h middot since resulted III the InUetshylIIent and hnprlaonmont or IWamp melnbe~ of the

f bull

orgAnization at San Fraucisco ~r PlIlcI

to9 much tKlwderbull Ihe effect of which as 0 make IIiIrllI~ kick ~d to burallo bell lberebI dealrolng ftecouNey

lho nlnl6 Rille bill Ole tho ordln ritle tle advlltap Ihat Itma be 1000ded more easily and rapdl h ~ IlIaded wlamph tl~actll tho IIIIUQ rn pldl~y andfaCllty as the ordinary mllllket

Tho ~o llloat Important pollll8ln tbe jedloloUII use 01 thomiddotBinle relo1O Ibo imulIer of loading andto tho IllDner of holdllllllhepleee


To lond ampho 1I1n1~ Plumiddot In the charge of pow Tho question of ho lhls But Will bo settled Ii dcr put Illmiddotlle ball rgtiamphout pap hutllcr If III~

doe lip In CIImiddottrldge d plI tbu ball ImUle wlllloul nhllng Illltliit cI ~hu puwdr-Wbell il1GAUh ilo powde llitllduv IMI1I rod Itllout nen giving ouo amiddotuk~ tIwill 0Il11111~ke Iho pillCo kickbullbulllnd IIOY

coil I tun felt at all mil m~D ualoR 1M pleoo properly ma II Olla hundred ro~nda llholilrecelYing thll smailest braise or feellug Ibe leasl IOreneae

PUcnICK Wml I1l1U1 The proper lact to acllee tbe BinloS fit firt

Ie At Inob~ecton tbea~ beeansuh eIfCI or eve bOII8 Been For thr pllrlo II threemiddotlIIailea have boen plaoed on Ibe lako III lb water amphe two outer flake belug ten f t aparl Thll cel 1ft slake ill tbe h t 10 aim at The etlceil ~I(

h d- 0 eo h b (lne un yrds froln t e abol two und arde from theaborelhrbullbull more atakea Ire plfteed three btll~red yardo Ihroe 1110 takes avdao onup to onll toousand l abulldmiddot

JII1I9111G DtflmiddotUlIOIIbull

WheD holIer the sllooter knowing Ihe dill lance aI whleh be ill fring hOl8 Obtained eudlelenl proticlenoy II I 81111 ne_~y (in order 10 hlaeapon 001111 Ihe bid) thllt he abou14 l1Ian eaIooate known dlatao_ oorreellroampherise if he bas ligbted too ~igh or 100 low he may conllnue to aboot ~er Or under in the t1eld herll freqllt1y be - ~ot aee where 0of bla aholll 81rikee 10 correet hla etro~ On this accouo$ men sho 1d bit plBCllo1 10 guess at

If) lIccurae of the Ihot ~llher by pulit Il~ laquoO~ in PQ8tmiddotOlfice BuDdmg ~hapeof the ball or II) kllIin~ ) I HI-bullbullI bullbull ofo I 1866 IrOll cap whleh It cunulllli1 11 h lt~ plJlldce toIliPputO Ihat allY lt1111= T I E 1 O xrWK~ So I IUllnZQ Wl UtIIDLW not ramming nOlll provlltllllg th e~t tmiddot Kew~II oiande ampI Alandlln mON thMlI Ce IlIcbermiddotuhe IC I

WItlllbe gUIloulalromlullK lir q uF bg ABROGADOS

wbereas Wbtll Ie wipet 1111 IOlldc(1 gUll lno nextGmiddotpmiddotlitieRI thol)rlts 80 In_III) aropart A WIIUlltrE tBoUT TUII AOIl 0 Bo_-A llIIt blow oiIt tbe dbl lndM~9 tb~ ham1 8Ul1Ishy

PIRtampmiddotm (tlnll Abovo nil 80 01l01 m3Y Ihe chang few das ago we met a ~~lIemall from Ahlban~ cielltly bull ho e 118 1 lece of IIIforllltlOll hi re fli 10In II 0 of e~olll8 require p1tllltll CHIOl with lit- 118cuJtnlng thePage of a borde arlO boOf abo HOLDIIIO TlIII PIECIl 110 orln~ Iuf~renee 10 plrty Iheory o~ party platmiddot Ina paaaed Ihe niMb 7ear IIhicb woo 1I0W 10 Ill It I tbelntlllioll of tho tolnMllderlnOblcf rorm~ that It _ms 10 lIIe 0 should look mosbQn~ will be wo are lure to ~OSI of 011r flad 1~III rar M 10001Iiblc lit MiIlie ~iUIlll sh11 be it no~ oly II) tla~ lalityoJ la mlII-wtat ollr It8 tills ancr Illtl borao nblo YCIId lId l d$IIl~lItud ~ IlIeIl Irued) aCljlllllPlLtllYltl1 Ibtl CAlId t I wlI1klo comes on t~e oolid M he uIper corner II 01 tho 11110 Now Inen 1Wu41om~d to ~ha

I to I~ 11 nAtllte and culture retber thallio of Iho lower lid lind overy ycar IhcNltIItIlmiddot II h~ urolmRI rilo ltleil ck~ bllt 1 very amRlt bt Itt pai11 prnf8lSioD8 or bis 1IInt(oD promi ono well ltlellnld wrinkle fotmiddot ovor) 1 ()v~r nlllol cimrgtgt very pruperly reat 11111 bu I of tbe stock Jt~ If for Istancr 11 hor~u baa Ibreo 1It1kll$ bo I~ alililst tbo IIrmiddotlI lstnnd idew)~ to I U obJImiddotcl

or tho dnUlP~kllilJ ~f tlut ulnbtvttlmiddot~middott l~ ~lltit ~ III 11 tlrearmo 1amp lable 10 uck It 1lt tmiddotumiddot- Tbllll4obltcd by ubg II IVirh cmiddot 10 Ib~ end of Ill nUbrod 111 whillhwiii W u1 tOIlr with ~middot~aracrw on rUII he OIIuarlllll Oftlee TtU$ wlv~r iu ltretlaquo btJlImiddotmiddotC COIUCllcItg pacllce anIII bull ill U etWh~V8r amph 81100101 finds lhh hi Ii ill bishyling 10 CO dj)Y1I with ditllcul~ h -lImllI Iler lodll)g b~U btore ~plig ~ tbn I w~Ir once or IWCO dowlI tho buI lnu middottlt~ ~Il tlttlt is to l0080n the cakHl puwllll on tho 1lt11 1 tilG bltrmiddot reL 80 tIlen C8Jl11 ul lloc lIud tk~ 1110bullbull11 h~pB to clQl tbe gUll by bluwlu til dill Hllilre h Ill tI lUauuemiddot ~II imlldred h y be IIr11d rO1 018 pleca WIIlO1 ~qr ~1Ibg Tile reMOI wh) be I not III pu~ 1110 wIImiddot~r (11 thuuuoad bull plcCIl I brea_ II woul~ )lt) lhe bciJ dalllp anll tbill~l chargu Iul In fluid b~cOlDe IOml Ihem k

Paoillo lIlarmiddotb valuod thulO Virginia We no get a Ihouaand dollars for eounthlave we would then haye gollen from tbree 10 IIV6 1)U8Ad dot Iar8 rer an operaun it tho gold IIlInea ot middotOaliformiddot lila four hundred thoa mulllpiled b Ii- amphousand or even amphree tbousand will ahow _ mm_ lose Ollllpu1lon rdollam would nO compe~~ VI1l0ia for h~t 1088 III not rllooing the IIl1e on to llie Facillc

E I 0 nwtll L 84111gtpound WHo DAHOLlIfl



GRAilraquo 110AItAuUA 11ESSRS Kewen Simd~r8amp UanlUn III praeshy11 lieo In aU the COIlf~ of ~b Merilloual and Orlentel Depalments Rnd In tbti D~ptlllent of Le

PArlicular atienlilln 11111 be given to tbe reo covey Qf cl~ima ugainSl the GOvcrnmmiddotnt

lJ~oIbullbull mortfg leNlet Ie promply 0 ClIlel nd on Ii oralmiddotlermbullbullAI ow llId mo~ey brokerage busto will a lage tho AllenllOIl ofi6 finn bull

Q RAN A DAN lOA It A 0 UA bull

I~bull ~dlnrogtq REWEN SANDERSY IlAN IgtLIN ~jl)roosn lol PIOlesiOl1 de illmgllria ell tOUOllt los trihulltlle8 lj~ 103 t U d I 0middot l )tmiddotplIlttmlnt)8 lerl I()I1I1 v rleR

Y ~n el Dgtplrt~ento 00 Leon bull So dllrk atencIOII pnrticulllr III eobro If)

Imiddotmiddotdlm cr contlll dl1 gllhi rllo Itd 1Ijpotoc3~ Arrenimionto~

t ~ bull tc 1~n eJIIQlIlndos con IWOlIItlt y fllmiddotemiddotto~ mudeladollt TlmlJieu 1111 ocel1p~rall Itn rillgoeJoo do

I(rretagl el biencs rllice y dimro -- 1J h bull dIe= e~II1~e ~ en I Ctml 0 orr(~braundn NOlclObrc 1 de 1856

dup 111 jnll oIUII LOllt IN ampho early patlof amphb foe LAlfJ) W ~ 1tNT fQ IIvc hundred nCI ttl (If Innd drallO III fam of Col R J SJiltlors X_res hlTJ be~n takon 10 rendtr It of no e tlcJpt to the per8Ol fOl who It wns drtITIl WllOttOr ill It 10 ill NiiAlIguonao ollWe or to me ltiU bq suitably N11lIrded

OOL E J SANDERS GIlladI NQv 1 1836 1I~nrr- L~hUet

uvolll~ell if fOllt heiathirtc611 Ad til 11111 th) ro liillgt whoroby hcy do MtIlSeU1I$ nUltn~O-l tlIUiTISSuillrsa ETlqoE1TB - ceordiug tl 1 Iotc b IIf dliklea to nine atd YOII will hIV 111 Iltilgll lIlIk tu 1100 OIlOPI) lll~ ill mU3(~tlriug I 1lIorfwlit~r It III etiqueue fOf pelllollll of infot1or io So says the genUeman 811d Ito Is cOIIampuUI1 it lIee~y 118amp th~ 1I)~lcr shluM 3fIIillnL iIIder~ his pl)feMional lampniCCl

mnk io I~ol their healtia IOlVor han tho belds f 1111 Mef tail A a coo~ n~uy I)~I 14Vlllw I~ ltlec b I liing u 1111 rea tho muk(jt I to lhQ citi3Jlls of Graoaolo U ill bull bull I) horsts over Int a i$ wily tmiddotI II lIIc IIu I RIMtle amiddotIJ(lr amiddotlIe~middot in to tbe bll$O of Ih I hg l )0 found al tb Dosplt)

thelr l4ltupoOItI Iberefore wben a nabob aClOp I hOIampo dOll mutt slvo up liis trlt1~-lllonlllc I k s C lil middot1middot is ho ~1I1101 d) if Iro anda middotVmiddotIIm mbJnrtt _h_SjtflU ard sl~1 get Oil 1 (ltllIf2 Plnntel I aiemiddotx bullbull )1 ~ 110 bllU of hl~ pcco OraMd Novetllbe~ I 1~amp


328 EL NICABABUENS4VoL ~ No 52 p 4 Sabado 1de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 1 18qB

I But tberemiddotII point from wblch ~bl anbject

lhOnldIv _ad IItperlor to Iny mere Idalphaselt [Jittr ague ns t of tbe -i Itmiddotl6-how ~be buy tb deed In Ibla counll1 efFects th Ulag_od thlemiddota 011 1111shy

Saturday lIlorniD~ Nov~ L middotportanamp Dllrlnl the dry aeuon In thll coUlltry Itl Yer

HON COL 1QHl( H WHEELER dUlicuit 10 dig a gra or luDlclot depth to pro-

Thl amptnlleman wh has eo ably repreiented Int th polloDOUS paeafronl eacaplng 11110 the thII Jolted Bta1e8 ~ North Amerloa In thll couoshy

trl darlbg ahe varlbos oTillgea and atartllng Inclshydeata of tjle pasl two years Is we regre~ to 8Iy boul 10 dpar~ rom IOIOllg UI on a Iall to the uAiI~1t1atelo Hia beallll bu baeD of lale very _b brokllD IDd we InRir hI vlalt to 110 and nf bil blrtb 1JI1~ ~trellKthen ble fIoame by Ita Ron iov~t1i11 j~lIoaplire

_B rIOre will exolte a rept In the breut oC emf American In Nlosraguau blA aCQ4mshypUIIlliiilitt genlfemin bl aliampTl~y U )lInll~r

hII klndneas nd urbanl~ u a man and bis dieln lereledp u a friead ~as altcady g~lned him ~eliru~t ampad rove W~e~ver he goes tbe good wiebe or all who

uo-Iollllid thllCOI1iItry wlll follow hhn alld we trlMt at before la_IIY weeks we m ba middotth p~ule of Innoucbg Ita relum We wlab blm lfIe_t voyage



ED namp BURNED III II tbe dlkion ofthmaln of de

-r-~4 P llOD8 bas been a aubJectof Ihe promiddoteIQlUld98t ~iionUoo Wbh I~ are conDected the _tldenta of the warmes~ frlendlhlp tbo ileepetl eiltnltlbJl aud tlrelDost eaorad Ibougbtamiddot of tin

1iChaft~~ ~horo II anhll~lotl ID maDwblcb 1111 pell lilllll ~T8IlI wltb grea~ cate tbe romulD of his fiIampir orbullbulltur fbi ay bit esclted 10 pari by feeUng ibat we onl7 do IS we would be done

liJ toutpefhapi ~e -eat IncoU o 10 tblerupecl btl tbougllj that lhe Iplrll of lifo whleb anI -1 olampy before UI tnay be 1I0W before thea~llioron or the OIt High and Ihe nmdna tITeRlO WQJD 0101 our ioevltable dellliny

Tile IIIl1Dn of buryins the dead bas been a _II I _t I It f I

I ~Io Iou bleb ata n w w PlOCseda from deelylng

18tatabl We know tba lata1dlleuea are brollgbl ooby Innooulillon and hat I man canmiddot nn~ be Innoclllaled byanrlblllg mo8 dllllcul1O

L__ b

a~moephere and spreading lIIalri ampIIIong the Iiv-Ing The~ Iulso bull common oUltom among peoshypIe of th Ialler dayuo bury ~ remalDi of porsonl of no~ In nulta un~er the 1l00rs of cburchet and those In che dmp and gloom olihe luliterratiean cbambers In decomposing p~ddl_ and death among Ibose wblJ honored ~bn blloll logj Uld IUppose they thUI Ihow rpeet to their memory aner dealb h ta unnec_y to r8fe~ to the dangar of those who dIg gr In a Iae of OO1IIl11on Inte lIIent or how onen they como In contaCt wllb the polsoo of deeolOpoelng Jleah or wbat a s~ amount of dlseue Ibere II engendered bi the poleono pBel of sucb places by bel~g waRed amoog the habltatlonl of Ih~ IiVldg The evil elllcta or 11 tbeae clrcumstences ara Incalculable

We can onlyarrie at theamprulh In suck C8IU Iy Ulalol1middot W know that the gue_ of decumpoeo-Ing ~o~tsble mattedo swamps produce d98ues of eryerloll8cb~ractars wo know tbat on thla account 11 nu countrl are I_ healthy ampIian whera Ialor huefllleted a good drainage and ~bat higll dry land II more condllclve lOheal~h and Ions life tlian damp low Incamp We knowIi Ii Id- b I

JO tat ep em1 realmiddotoutmiddot1I parts of cl~le wh garbage ta a1lpwed to coUeet and tm1~ an eDlu~a Id we know also tbat gases from d cylg anllllal blatter are more daJlgelOUi and

The Late lnliulttlt the US llag I In olHla w publlebed a record of eiiollUng

eta All to tbe IneultllllC oonduc~ of ~e oIlied forces of Guatalllla and San Saludor toward the AlIlerican Oag the Mlnl~r of ~h8 Ulli~od Slates and tbe cold blooded murder 01 unarllled

American cltlrens But thll record dark and demiddot grilling as It Is te humanity WIS bulholf dlacload Dally circumstances of Dlulder _lnltioD and robl)e07 commltted On Alllericsn unarmed clll lensre being brought to ligbt which place the Governmenta of Gualeblala and San SAlvador bO yond the pale of ci illzallon and eta p them u BaIlon of ouUaw cutbro1e and bAndl~18o

Tbe accompnied allldavita of Cap~ Dunlcan and ~eut Gardner prove ~he diabolical IMurder of a Utile boy whose only offenco was being born In the Uolted Sla~ of wbite parenta and bnlng a while face

Doel not iIle blood of every frlcnd 01 humanl~y of every nalion ehudder at euoh ~Iroity Will not tbe lII08t eage and barbarous nallona of tha darkest agel of anllqully rise In judgment against luob uaboly and bloody deede _

tait of cOmpany D Fir~ Rille of tbe Army ~( ~be Republic of NlcaraguI and made oa~ ~haj

On Mon~ay the 1~11J October 18D6 during f

attack of h combIned foroea of Guatemala a d Ban Salvador on the city of Grallada during ~ e ba~le he approached ~Ioe houN of Mr JamoA Smi~h on the street of the Meulah opposite I e Churcb of San Franclaco f-om wbole bouse t e enemy bad been drIven out and he there lAW Q

tho arms of hie flher thamp dead body )f a about seven years old who bad just been murd bull ed by 1100 onemy whose body as horribly 10

lated ard deformed Mr E nllb was unc~~ nected wi~h ~he Army and como u a aettl9r~ NIcaragua He appeared hear~-broken and d shycOllsolate oxclalmlng tha~ he wished tiont loG co d bove sutrered In his child place Iln I tha~ in th amp alllnts opinion I~ WII and i ~he determlnallon for ~ho lovadillg forces 10 violate every rul of clViI~dwarfare and justice IDd lIIurdr eory Alnari n In Nicaragua J DUIIICJII

Sworn to before me this 21th October 1866 JOHN H WHEELER U S Minller

middot1 do hereby cortify tlia~ 1 W88 preBent wllh ~ taln Dunicnn aDd of my own kbol~dg 16~ abore aDldavit Is true In evel pa~ticuIRr

R p OAlIIlIpound1I Fi t Lieutenant Company E Firat Ri8es

Swonl to before me thIs 21th October 1866 JOHN II WHElLER U 8 MiDiter

oor8_ t e ~_Ing lIull of ble fellow maand would be reapecteo b all lla~IQDs even tb tho Amerlean 8a8 would protect him rba~ ~c Now u the guea whlob arise from vegetable most IIInge Bul how vain wu lhat hope I Let Lawless very frequehUy came to him 8 thOlmiddotMnmiddot lIIalterlo a atate or decAY appear 10 be lIIucb hll plunderod 1001180 bls murdered remaina tbe tay Goveroor of ~hll Dopartment in blthrfi mciro ftal thllD ~ODtact w~b Ihe solid_ from wblcb bodies of Iii f6110wmiddotclizen tbe mutilated bunting tb Datives o~~befllo~lnldt for whdOlll hIe perforbi th _ numeroua IC_ a bull n n au w lOBe rup bull

_ AO~ re lImiddott e lllallnorl 0 nu rolli tar llIImemotlalIiimiddot lome oountries oj E8YP~ ~~e present ago ought to be luDlclent to ri~ i9bIaDcie Dluch IDg epulty wu expended In enmiddot bove anyprt)UIIIce orallY old cuawm which haa ~orlng ~ lr~ee~e bodlel (rom decay anltl been haaded d~D t WI frolll ~pe~o~_bClo the the Orilllai ftcc~ of all burl~11 WII law ofnelilUi wee but lIttle s~OOIeil or known -0 --uOD of die body At tbo far Notth and auggoat auch remedlca as wlllleslen as far AI

whra th tro~ king relgnl many lDootba III ~he poIIlble the causes oC dll~uo bull

ey ann mut 1ler tbe~ 11011 II 110 the caso with tbe ps8I 101010 arise frolll putrid animal mellmiddot UleI If thll II eo thqenlightonment of

yar and all anImal de~omp08ltloD II auspended t

ibrough Ita etrecta tbe etrort 10 tilDes of 19oorshyihc mIght be aUPlosed to be parliaUr aucceBBful 11 Ii eeD no DO uncommon tblng to be ~oemer II tbat b would nollike 10 die In a

amputherll counlry on ac~ollnt oftbo audden decay ~ hll remaloa 1111 sontewhat remarkable tbat bile Nort~ern natlolls eYen In tbe most ancIent tImes burlod their dea~ In tile pound Ibe peo-DIe or the Southern countrl buroed tbem Thle wu ~bo cultom or Sou tbern Aala And Southorn E~op In our IlIgUsh literalure to tbll daTI ~wlng from oll Oreek we frequoutly her t)ili )ihnae peacmiddottomiddotI alhea I

1be Greeb a1wav burned 1100 bodle of their Wualrlou8 dud and In our opinIon thla lain many respecta lIIucb preferable 10 bllrylng_ bull In burnIng u lru tholr CUltom the ashea IIIlght bo carefully ciflllected and plaee4 In an mamen~ed urn j hero llOuld laDd wltbout otrendlng tho senses In the bleb of the temple or In tbe private aparl

m6llts of friends til Ihls manner I~ wu alwaYI In the careoilboao rho respected It and In wboaemlllol7middott wumiddot dear_ Tbo asbes of Ibe great mbl In Ihose dal1 beaeD~ fro plRce to place mldgled llb IIampYO7 locenlo receiving the roapocl due the blemor or Ibe Blirlt which pYa It lnishy

middot1111110110 In Ileae dy the remoYai oC a corpae croaten bOlrOr In all wbo 1ra1 wllh It not 1mshymedlIlotorealell to say nothing of tbe danger 0( belna In coplact with so Ruch rot~nn alld putrofotlon Ona balpound of Ihe borror of death con sists In the Idea of tho bedy pu~rU)lug io the e~ 4 Wng an obJect of loathsomene18 upon lJjlell worm gMiI and riot How much more pluinlmiddottw Idea of ha log the ashea carefully ptbelllllj amplid ~pi perhapa 8weamptlt aeented aa DOW ieepodaguerreotyp08

W~_ uale lhe aallsfactlon It would no lIfIorithe litem world to ha e preserved the

middotashe oIllli~Q Ot lIIilikapeore i or wbo can guess the care otmiddot venerAtion willi whleb the Frencb would ~gtrd the ashes 01 Napoleon or with wbat yeneratlon Americana would guard tbe reshymai1 ofWaabington h la truly to bo regretted that aU whlcb Was mortal oC tbose i1ulrloUi per sonages Isoow IndlltiDgubthable from ~hecommon eartb or tbe remalna of ~he earcasa of 80IIIe brow

There ta t~ls dvanhge ID burning bodlea OTCr burylDg tbem that IDltead ofperlnlltlng them 10 cauao dlaeue aRer death Ihe nry act of burning puriO ~he aIr It II lupposed the great plague ot London WII IoIICIted In lie ravagea by Ibe groat

Ore whlcb burned the greator parI 01 tbe city Ono thIng Is certaill iC history II correct that Ilthough Itraged with foarful voIoeelmmedla~lr hefore It ceueo to exll aimoillmllledialeit lifter Iho con8agratlon It It now a common pIlodco to fullllgate a roam In whch a parson baa died and doowrs ad 1ae boao who Yliit he remainI of a person ~hat lou died of cholera orany olber conmiddot mgloua dlieal to moke a cigar or plpo-tlo great

a purifier II fire And eelUng pr~udlc aside III~ Is after all

lIIuch more dealrable to be cooaumed by lire ner death than to rot ~n be devoured by worms alld 118 tbat eoaduccl well 10 tbe praseryallon of tho Ulng u to the retallling tbe uhes of tho de ceased we would fbor tho adoption of Ihe CUllOJll

In thle lOuntry It was the generoloplDlon In Granada Ifter Ito

batlle of the 131h of October tbattbe great nummiddot ber ot theonemy which wu killed would produce tbe cholera before they cluld be Interred DurnshyIng tbelll bnmedlatal would h prsvenwd tbe posilbillly of auch 1 p~llIful circumstanoe and would hve puriSe1 the air 01 any polsonoul gnaee wbleh might already slated 10 it

On object In ftuggeatlnlf thle II more 10 call tho 4tenllon of the publio u well 110 medical profeaslon 10 Ibe anbjecl chin 10 attempt at tble tim to dllcUBB Ihe m W are howovor under tile InlproBB Ion that If Ibe tlustom of burnshyIng the dOlld Inatead of bmiddotlng them were onco Ialrlylowoducecj It would In tbll lall~ude prove higbly benellclal w tbegenfral hulth

A Nw 01ft The Phll~dciPhia Mint hujull IMued a cent wblch II described as COlliposed or 1It88ven parb copper seven of nickel and one ohine 11 lou a lilht appearance with a faint red tint alld la In beautiful contra t with the Ameri cau a1lver nd gold plecea and will not u the old cent did tarnlsb thelll by oon~ol The weight of the newll only aevell~y-to gralnl-Ih~ of the present copper cenl la olle bundr~d and sixty ftghl

Tbe aDldavlt allo appended of (len fry u to LIG~TION or UUTID STATES or AnRIOA~ the nlurder of Ifr Lawl pro es Mr Lawl IIEAR Till REPUBLIO or NCARLOUA ~ earnest desire to presee lob neu~raliy in all 1100 Tbis day camo before me Birkett D Fry Bri dUBcoltiel wblcb have beset Ihle coun~ry of nis dier General ArDIto Nicagua Uld made OI~h blgh lOlled chacler and Integrily of conduct Rnd tbatshyorh pcrfeat oonOdeoce ~ha tbeaegis of the Bowasacquainted wllbJohll D LmiddotI~uaimiddot Amnoan fIig was amplyiuDlclent to prolect bis the month of Oc~ober 1bullbull1 Ihat having been rl liberty property IIld lif Be badmiddot een as cofmmnd of Ihls cl~y durn the greater POrllrshy

0 he past year he lou Ircquentl bad occbullbullI~ llIralloea (rolll the blgbeat aources tbat no Amori- 10 tallt wilb said Lwleas of Ibe polillcal atrairsio can wuld woder so far 1roII home that the pro- tho State of NiCllragu Tha~ the MId LRle tacling and powerful arm of tbe United Stat- s unifOImly re1beed 0 take ny part InarlUa wlti wal Dot over him lie reiuaed 10 COlli wilblo IheAforcea of lttI~nerol Wdalkellrdsaymg Iat hOe ~ri an lIIe can CI zen an re e upon Wle og o the line of onr Irclo mlylng oo~ho middotpeo~lon 01 his counlr for protecion_ Tba~ a(~r Oeoer Ibol Uulted States aDd Ihrew out beforebis house Walkers force marched upon dual and a few the Alllerican 8ag tba~ In ~Is patriotlo beart b hours _before Ihe auack u~D Granda loa urgtd fel wu honored in every laud anltl on every sea thbelabdblAdwl_11edto comde WtllIlI hila Ilhnol degb

f dle~fen~~w c e eo n to 0 expreaa ug s e Ie I ~

tom b the enemlee sllot and lbe loor of tbo Lo- alld good will he leetDed to pOSle That ~ ~ gatlon house perloQ~d bytboballe oftbe onemy Lawless had reaided for several ye a paa~ inOmiddot testify nlda apoKe tbe In~uago of ~he coulltry 8ue t-

Iy and WIB extensively engaged III IIIcrcalltUJ~ 10 ancln~Rome ~he exelamaUon lam a Ro- e~ita anil had mall) 01 tho nolives In hia ORlPi bull

mIlD cillzen arrested the falling blo of Ibo IIc- Tha said Lawlen justly ellJoyed the reputtti D

lor 10 fOmer ~oys ~n II the great Republic of for great pbllanthropy And unamp~~middot~~t tile North In 0 aayo ofJakson It is the bouth of ~ e loll lory of tha~ day ~hllt no American cltl zeD ever luWered lny In~ulT abroad without reo

dreu WefcOIlaurolhnUhesnm08plrltnowanlmatestbe

United Stateamp and ~hat tbe same feeUnga ~hat dlcmiddot tated tIe Kouta letter will be roady to defend Ibe rigllts aud proico~ tbe lives oC InDoeen~ AmerieRn



Thll 4ay came before 010 James II Smitb wbo tcatlO tbat he emigrated from Ne York clLy whero he hu resldcd for two years In the steaol ahlp Tennc88ee for Nlcaralua on thOl 1 III Sep tember laet accom~RRled by his three email chll drell lor the purpole of cultivating hind and satshy~nllg In Nicaragua lIo is by protession a taather

That on Sunday the 12th Inll an alarm of an lltack was made by the foroea of 9uaternala and San Baladof on this ci~y That be no~ crediting

S b bull h 2 hOb I 56worn ore me t IS middott cto er S bull JOliN II WHELER U S diolaler bull

I [ 0 F F I C I ~ L ]


ADJUTANT GENEIULS OUICpound J Granada Oct 26 186G

1 SOLnnRI--Each day demonstrates more cle iT ~hat tbe war we are wagiftg Is ono of IIUlh apl AI falbood of clmoalion againat barbarism GI satisScd wllh the bloed of lonocent cilicnssb d a~ Granada-with n appetile Ilnllghler h 1shyled by the nt_Ore 01 helpleu cbildren and b 11 ministers of CbriIIIII~y-our IIIvage foes II f

added ano~hcr crime to tbo long liRl reco d asaiDNt ~bem Thoy han sbot Lleu~ Col Lal wbo wu IRken by tbe n a prisoner of war 80 0

It)8 ngo At ~i1e very time thl_ cold-bloodedaal ofcroe 11

was boillg colDlIItted an exchange 01 prioa r was bciu proposed by tbe comntandermiddotinmiddotc er

tho Jolarmj wntto tholltlloplzaa8110r~dlitance If tbo Guatemala forcos WI~h an lona~a bull When tbe (ote aptearod and commenced an ac tive 8Mng ot musketry and Mlni6 rille wblch otlt off his relurn Tho foreee then approacbed 10 hOllie wbere bis li~tle fRmily wera seated ~ dillshyner consisting or a boy Frencb Berbert born In New York tlty on Ibe 6th March 1849 two lrirls one fI and the otber Iwo yeare 01 Ige 1hey were seated witblo three yards of a large wludow which opelled 011 ~118 street One of lhe troops approached the window and taking delib erate aim fired at 0 lillie group the I)all grazed the chin ef the fllrl nurse and atrlklilg the bo In the lower part of his face paselng out of the neck broke tbe plllol obord killing him instan~ly TIe reat 9f the children wee concealed iinnlcdl-

IDg for ~reacbe he bad smoolh WOrdl and Ii ~ sullmenls on hll Iipa wben he was In the act t murde

Tbe mnatlon of Lln4 show he ndlito of the ollemy wl~b whlcb we baYe 10 contend f Ibe sollie lan~age andreligion wilh tbelUself they bad nOl agains~ hilll the lying excuselmiddotw Which ~hoy are wont to justi~y Ihe murder of American citizens Nothing bu~ ~be love of til d aod ~he cowrdly loatlllc~ of tbo savage Call 0

urged for tho execution of thd Cuban palrlot Let ~ben soldiers a Bunle of tbe jUltico G d

grandeur of tbe C~U1e In which wo aro CDgae nerve ua lor the fullilmellt of tho Iftak wblcb I bull before us Remember that you luWer aud It

awly III an adJacen~ housl by the nurse under agio to redeem ono of the 10eUest 01 lalld_ ID bed hlle Ihe ~roop Ibreed tho cuing of ~ho barbalian rule aud lavage despo~lam In such a wlndo the door being fRBlened and resiatlng all Oft IIHO 118 t~is who ould 1I0~ gladlf eudure II ~ IV Iheir oRllrta Thoy then entel8d and searched In dayoCprl alion and fdtiguo r 10 would n I vahl for the cbildren Tbey plullucred tho house undcrS1l aome lillIe antrering and danger for I ~ of all bia iinpleonpnta of hUlbandry clo~bing gold sake of IIvlllg his nalllO enrolled amoug the be o and allvr walcllcs mono aDd valUAble of faotors fJf the rllce 7 amount 1lI0re ~hao two thoueaDd dollars ~ 2 Lieut ltlol ~ A LaID6 aiddemiddotClImp 10~ tbe

JAKa8 n SIITD Commandor-in-l)hler having bean brbIrOO~ Sworn to before me this 2~tb Ootober 18DO murdered bylhe enemy without ProPOiDg An shy

JOHN B WlIEELIlt U S Mini4ter change (If prlaoners i~ ie directed Ihll~ Lie t We do bereby certify that we reBlde In tho Col Brigido Valderraman and (Ja pt Bern~r 0

nme houle II~h Jamee H Smith Faq nnd 01 Allende be shot Ibis aernllon 11 6 oclock In Ollr own knowledgo the faclt tn~ed In hla aDldo vlt are Irue lu evcry particular


Sworn to beforo rno thl 27th O~oher 1856



Tbl day calllO bofore one Jamea Dunlcan Capmiddot

tbe plftZ of thl clly 3 11111 Gen Fry 19 charged wth tho esccullta

of the abovo order By command of WY W AUrER

Genernl-Coml~andng-in(jhipI Pn n TnoIlPBOII AdJ t Gcn N bullbull

~ h Is atato(1 that PrInce Albert 1038 b~~~t 111 Clllll1nOUe tract of lInd In AII9tralia Vbic1o1n nbout tnty years will tetulnabollt ono thou811 ~ i tlII10S oa much tIS all ~h~ amp Coburg alld Obi

In Germany put logctbor I

329NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 7 Sabado 1de Nllvlembre de 16561 Saturday November 1 1856

i lit I ALGO NAB BOBRILBL Dl4 UJ 1lJSOUOJON lIerosoaeajuitA al Cllpilitu delliglc y Ie r t t lIJ S 11 n1J R ea mlUlgrato perdmar que CIIstipr aunshy EqulUtlvo y aUII n_Slnll) nos parec Menelter earetrogradarlllol mM remomiddot que eata lIluy pronto a IIOtrar en el UIO

toear la materil de que vamos neumiddot t~s tlempos de barbirle yde ldlo~lemo pa de juatas represaUae lIa cual rere IU tS II Into NOT I de 1836 pamos no obstlnte haberll8 tratado en Ill1Icontmr el ejempl0 brutal a una Ie- naluralom 1 10 demandaren las circlin A WI ~ 101 1)umells anterloJel aunque nu cion quI Icsban de (omeler en Maaaya stanciU De consiulente 108 prl~ionrOl

JUEBPO VE ARTILLSJIU 4 tod I degtlt1d I I d I d 1 - ft -- con 1 1 ~que mereee por mf~ 01 Jenera ea e I IUfZaa iii on I heridOll lIOn tratadlll eon 10 mllyor be El lierpH de tLitiHerlll ha tomado un destla de lOB IRdmdus que 11 rlllawon Guatemala en estos lIltlmOl dia des- nignidad

ClIPCI) 0 imllolltmto bajo 11 direoclon del puesto que cl1ml mlmos t(lIl1aron una puea del ataque de aquella plllza I de Queda PUIIII demOlltlldo que falto8 de Jele I Henningsen IIventndo jofs de esa parte actin en los sucea~s Las buenllS las acclone quee Ilan referido ya tn 10$ fe ell itll mall s1 mnes compromiaos y Grmllj iuyos cOllocimientos Ie ban didO aceiones dlbon refe~lrse mlnuciollme~te d~8 humerns anteriores de elte periodlco de oumplimiento en sil palabra como mi MmladianQ $010 en los Estadol Uni Sin temor ~e Incumr en la tacha de dllil Vlolando 108 mas gmdos Plotos ma- Iitares 111 jefell do lIB fuIiIBs enemlgat JOI I nn fuora de ellos Es do cele- sos tnnta par que e8 un trihuto dllbido al lew reeonocidos univerenlmente y 0011middot flftll Incohado COIl ol ftlsilamiento flel Co brillS la recision y tino con que dh-ije m6rlto Cuanw por ue line de est-imulo aiguadol en aI derecho de jentel de una ronel lAid y aUI compslierea despues IRS bo 111111 Y granadas al punto que de- a100 d~mAA NOl oontraenos al IltaqU(o Inanera ~n ep~icita se han colQcsdo en de baber aupllcado el callge Y d recibir $igna uinnentaudo y dUlheando progresi qu~ re~I8~6 oatil piau dede el deee del una posiCIon odlo~a dtgrlldftnle y eceemiddot un Indi~lIo en este sentido un Miatem vame te las distnl1CIU siempre con el pUlIdo II 11 una de Is tarde basta las crable Indlgna de hombrea que 8e tltulan elttlaordin~rlo de gtlerrA que nosotrol nei nitID Rcli)lto Q inerrnble direocloll ocho de la maAana del diR siguiente milltare 10 temm~s puesto qf8 teMm1 mlobos Tolft los dias hay repeudos ejerclcioll y Buellas y lumlnolWl lIOn I referenoiaa fnmedlamente dupuee de 101 c(lneablmiddot prlonfrGS cODtrllrios y que hlta Is te()k~ IiOletas evohuiones en las que prl()ti~ del Coronel Allen Mayor Clyeee ftc dOl acunteomlento8 vino eata cludad un siempre hiL sido patente la slIperiodatide ean j Sefiores oficlales y 109 soldado8 pero notamo8 qne a~nqueliglran en 1 correo conduciendo una comunieaci(m nuesms armal Ahorl bien ~ Sol se nell ~tmn maravillo8(1lllIIte lisw de 108 que 8e distlnguiertm 81gllnOl de los jetea eN as flllrzas enemlga8 en la VOllOtroa 101 que hahllis habmdo de vanshy

En3 ClInnto 1 numem do indivitluoB numbres 110 ell con el tlIplerclol que que IIOlicltaban aqtlll1l08 del Jeneral dalisimo de Bomnidadea y oims cosa~ perbgt ecientc8 6 dicho cuerpB lie ha IU~ merC(tlll sin que sea rltI de 1o referenmiddot Walker JOr 10 pronto 6 cange de un in- aemejantelll en vnestrus periodi~os para men db do nna mllnera otable habien tes po que 1I11011 gllardaban y derendian divlduo d los suyos cometa d eaballe oontravenlr ahora eSC$ndalOsamente Ii (0 ad mllll unH gran compltlla do Zapa1 sus pue~tui re8peetivos y no podial esect na que fu6 heeho prlalonoro por Dilestra losmejores prlncipios del dereehu dl ilores I Mineros bien que para malle- tllr j todllS paltes Grande y her6ica parte con algunamp anterlorldad Eata clrmiddot jentll I 81 v08OtroB 80ls I Pero nad~ jllr clatro mortem do obuats y lo~ tllol II deietl q~e hizo 1amp KulIrnlclon de clnetancia Indicaba queeao jeres preten- trntiamos del oltallo de atrall en que Muon a que hay on lap)tuIt fO necesita estj plftZllcn ea c61eble JOIllampda en la dian ceAhle 101 prlnclpio organl_ de 08 ballail UR n6 nero eunsidurnblcmiddot1fe bombles qll8 doeientus hombre4 combatieron con III gllerr aun entre la naolonee minoe Conatlgt 8n conclu8ion qUII aceptamol

EI uelpo de artllleriA no deja que demiddot tla 01 ilunensu numero de oehgtelentOI clvllzadal y regullrlllAr la desde lU4lft) vuealroa aotos sea ellal (uere au natlishysearsusejercicins II 1011 111118 etCrupu- por eamppl()io do dillz y nueve hOrlll uglm lu demandlln la olvillziclon 1 _ mlez 10508 itotl Admirable el Jellledo y -80luololl siglo No 81a poslble dudar de la buena

do todOll basta del ultimo 1I0idado (e de aquell espon~nea proposlcion sin DOCUMENTOS 0FIeIALES ES Ef)OIOJV A OHONTALES dispueatos perecer antes que entregllr RgIlIlar a la e8 et bonor milltar 1 JOII

U - 6 h la pldl que se lea habia conllado cierto malt proclu90a atrlbutos del bombrel ElDECRtTAS DE OOB_ERlO


apol bull IfRon que Sill ny Guatro _ J Ch I 6 t A certilllmo y atln IIOmos COrto8 j pero lIus~re Jeneral Walker quo tantnll 1 bin No ito

EI t 1 p ra onts es 0 VI a es II puer ~__ d I M ON 1 ~ lifer ~11lI oeho de la matiana halfendo ph~oll afta Ir que e ayor eJ se repetJdllsprulIbae ha dado de maltnanl REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUAt

enndu 0 de una manera verdaderamente bull bull ~ desem ~ftado flU CQlnlslon los mdlVldoll ~ mldad ItO dudO en etecto ni Ull momen Seeretal1a de Elltado en el depaello (Ie t ti ~ - E her6ic~ Hallibllse postratio en una cama to y lIev6 8U generlllll(lad basta el utr Relacione Erterlores nuO rOI en snls aerlamen n I 1 d i h 11 b connn balazo 81 unap ema que elm- mo de entregar ill corneta que iIOhcUaban Granada Ootllhrl 2t de I85ampSan oS lIu v sus lOme lac 0110$ so a a a bull

bullJ I d I b d pll(ila dar un paso y Ie obhgaba bull servlrmiddot sill nlnguna de las lIeguridades que 8e El S P E so ha serVldo dlctar 411 de 1111 nUfillro e 10m res como e CIIn) d I EI 1_ __

d d 88 lIe os mu etas enemlgo lie lre- CIItJon en taIu CIlSOl COIltellto mnl Ceto igt~eD ~ -- _gt eine tode 1 QlIuotuelOn errotll Oil Oil Ii bmiddot I I WILUamp WR Preeldenw-daln eldla trece del corliente en csta cludn aerto y 1 eil


es om re que Illll a e featando que entre 101 mlillito prbonumiddot Republica deNlearagun lr sUiliabitsnte9 11 di I dtlene 89 UIIO de 04 indivlduOlI mall roa que habla hecho elY la lihlma aocion Siendo nece8SlrIo I~reditar un liinillrouo II IU u a tomaron a ue a reco on bull

q g q i 16nol 11 eJ6rlto Nada podia espemiddot e contaban Virios 06cla0bullbull que _tcba Plenipotenelano ltle rcpleaente a 111 RetshyDioo8 quo sahCTon escape as que $U- b _ d bll d Nt d I bl _T a raSede un 110m re en esta 0 en que dlpu_o cangellr respectivamente pGr pu ca e caragua cerca e ga n piera 111 Ilegadade Jos trem 6 tl~l11~ 61 se baUsba ain embargo hacienda un el Coronel Lain 1 por olnoo 6 sela in- de 108 Estados Unidos en IVI8hingtotl lIn RllngerB que III vapor cndllcla 0 b III el 81 t p l4 de dl II d J ntlab on U80 de IUS flleultades l

1 h b d b b t esueno 110 re uaUT J9 UOl e vopa que e 8oom- an DEC RET A bullIe d bull os Oil res 0 ar UI os comO d gt I I 0 ilia dlI8l1ila 0 que tellla sa 10 (1 clando Cueron presos por caaualldad en Articulo I N6mbralle Mlllistro Pleni ~ el 09 Icen locho tom6 lall mulllw y 81 sable y 8e il camino de llwaya En allo se es- pottnciarlo de la Republica de Nioaragua (JtfOETAS DE GUATEMALA Y presentO en ellugar ~a8 peJigfOSO arras peru la romillion del hombre ofteoldo cerl1 de 18 Eatedoll Unidoe al Senol

S AN S Hi VADOR trnndu la plema y atravesllndo las calles por 01 corne Q a1 conleta mlsmo que DoAn FemmCoFerrer I J b b t rt ~ IDnmquelle qu enes cor I -- con el agaa casl bull 1 rodlda (aca I a de era 10 replar y Jegitimo 81 ae aTrepenmiddot respondamp

Estos pOliodlcos pound0 oeupan do nuestro Hoverl dundo mnd6 con V071 do trueno tlan do nevar ndelante 10 que 4111011 mis- Dado en Granada 1 29 de Oetubre de Nienrlguell~o no parR reflllar nl una pn formal amp los hombres que alii se hallaban mOB babian Bollcltado opteniend) al fin 1856 WILLIAM WALKER Ilbm do los erimCIl-e1l servUes que hemOl y que Ilegaban oon sus armas dilltribuyo par unics rampZUII el J~er81 Walker una Al Se~or Jenoral Dun Jlliteu Pineda publi~do POrqIO III velmiddotdad os illcontesta la trnpn eolocindo en loslugarel opor carta del Jeneral Zavala en 1amp que fire MMn~troldoJa Guorra encargado deT dltl I bull mUltern enerable II~ deequltan descendlcn 0 as per tUllos orden6 1amp derenaa de vea eal ea testaba (ellto no puedo calUiCllrse) que D ~ d 1 I V bull evI en suprema 0 oumun eo 1

sonah ~de8 1In un lnnguage tan cl~lco que partell de aquellugampl y 8Oliclto 1 101 prlllOnerbullbull no querlan venir No ell para IIU intellgencia y demas erectos es ebmo us antares Su impotente uni e6caz It pelllr de su eltado de grandad a eato todo ino que en as propillll perandortlCibO su atento senillor Ie do p1i~8a fudose contla cl Jeneral tadu atendia bael6ndote oil su voz ell clrocnlltandlll Be supo oon allOmbro en 11 Pnnuu lIIque 10 ba dellpreelado stempre todas pa~teamp Nosotroa admlr4mol al e~ta cilldad el rullilamlento on 01 pueblo No 64 WI pe lulclo d - lllwlrles 8U cuenta eonlmiddot Mayor 0 Nell en aquelloe momentoa y de Diriomo del CoronelLalne y algunos

V bull l REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA ~ cnte Y oxneta eremos III e908 pan asi nOl plaee conS1lJllarlo on eata arUcl1 0 otros prisirneroa I I fllaa obre aquellOl S d __1 d ch d ecre1ana e ilAIo en e eeplt 0 e ~s 8 Oil ~ombre8 de chaneelarls COli EI Capitnn Wilkins lie condujo tnnbien jetos III deabonn eonmguiente y )1 IlCe- Relacionelllnteriores

dlglll d el dIll que 80 les presente que de unA manera brilllnnte en el millIDO cr8Clion univelflall i ~pnrten el des- GranadR Oetuble ~ de 1800 JlGr ci rto no ~t~d(jlls ($ si solo se con- lugar y despue ell la deftn~ del HOIIpi precio y vilipendlo que mcreccn Y 0011_ EI S P E ampe ha servldo dictar el de-ICIltllj COil eCBrlbu snrcnsmos tal en toda la neche Es de celebaTlle la pell el lugar degradante eli que les colOCll ereto -ul~nte

-------- d dId fa 1 I d d I El GOllemo coosldelando que soMalianl lie omharea con direceion u con ucta e 011 bull IS co tat voe qn~ IU In agllO proce el hallan vaeallte~ las Carteral de Reb

Nueva York el Sr Eermin Ferrer hallan en el h~8pltal oOClrgard08 continu Como era de eeparamprse loglco y natu- ciunes Haelenda y CrMito pu~lico POl 1 g b no amente de los enfermotl Dr Lundy y raJ e1 Jene1Walker ordeno y ae eloell- baberse encaado de la ml~lon dlploshynombrlld0 que ba SluO por e 0 leI bull t ~II b d W b

j I PI d t n_ (f Dr Brmkerhoff 110 8010 por las bUenae to II (I1I181111ento nu de todoll los prleo- m4tiea eel bull e ga mete e a Ing ~n s~o ellpo~enculT1o e es a p medidas de defen~ ue tomaron IIlno ton a1 Seior Don Fermin Ferrer quohllcs eefca dol Gabinete de Wasbingtoll ~ nellIS que en la Justa lndlnadlon acuo 1l1li desempeflsil 011 180 de aus facultades

Ell F rl b I rt II pur 10 resolueion que 81empre lea honrar otro mimo Jonero- en 8U lur hubler D E C RET A errcr Gsumpe a a ca ar - -- bullbull de Hciendn que qUGdo Ii cargodel Go altamente do pereeer todtlS antl8 que prevenldo sino Iolamelte el de un Ten Articul 1 El Sefior ~e~oral Don

D d M I - G S n ahandonar unos velnte y cilloo enCer- vnte Coronel I un Capitan que ctillltian Mateo Pmeda autual MIlllIItro de ItgtlIera ~ me A lUStrolaquo c uerft e - bull G bull gad dI I diS F mOil que no pod Ian movelse de IU lecbo eutre Iquellos nerra ser onear 0 IDtennamellte elimos i 1 auseMl1 tempola c I e diahaa caneras teQlumiendo el Mlnlsteio rer a~ paso qua nll8 alegramos de que EI Chbano que elo~11I 01 Mayor Potter MuchOll plllOl1ero quqda~ on poder de Jfjn~roJ ~1a do el c electo parala mislOIl que cn el ~rro que ~lmlltr6 cuyo nllmbre nuestla gblllrnocolltrA qlllel011 ~u4lera Art t ComtllllltpleleI qutenea cor IampMnuuce Alos EsttldOIl Unidostallto por no mllmfest6 pm IgnollrJo e8 el Seflor dMClrgllllle todo el pl8O delagravlo lnfo rCIJpcmda lI1llltlilrw y circuDttitceiR quole ldornall Don FtCncisco Aguero y Batrada Pre- ridn y hooerl(1S sentirde un una manera t8~do en GitLi1lAltt~Rdigt cuantq pOl que rCIihiramp belll1s impresio recto de esta cludad prolilllda los exesos de IUS ~etos qUI Pu AI Senor Jenera Don Mateo Pineda nos en 18 hormolllls ciudlulea del Norto (on 10 dicho sitiafacemos la justlcia ditgtran haber ngrlVlJdo au situacion I pero Miubltro Jenera Am6rfca debida aloe SenOIOs 1l0minadOl y nuestro I Jneral Wlker oon todaJ )R ventnjNl De urden supreml 10 eomuBlco V

Ie Idelleam(lll Ull viRge teli~ y pronto doseo de eselaroeer III ferdad siempre y la repolllioraucia de la posicion que pllrt IIU Intellgeneia y demas efootos retor~ quo podamoa baeorlo ocupa 011 tll embargo magnanlm~ y Je M Pnln4


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 2: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.

221EL NICABABUENSE Vol 1 No 39 p 3 Sabado 2 de Agosto de 1856 Saturday August 2 1856


dust IIntl sitting their borses in manner which howed they were U pelfectly sober So endod Ihc amusemenls of II day

10 show you how Iho nights or d least somo of them A1e panod I enclose you a copy of a playhiP by which you will _ tllal wo have lots of lragie and comic talent ill MIAya You bad beltor nol pUblish Ihe nllmes of Ihe performors as modoty is R prevailing dideQse horo Yours


III aecordanco with tho rcquest of MfISlya lIc Ielnctnlly nbstaln fom publishing Iho promiddot ~mo of somo thealrical porformnnce~ wblch are A I If Ito como On on prl lOt I wo can Rmmge I IYC will como up next Aplil to witness toe fun Dr Browes celcbrntod tfaely of DalbarosStl ill nvo ncta ami the Toodl~ In two act al-1

lIot to bo missed by pelsons so nppreclatlve of tlurntdcala as ollrsclles Como boy dont Pllt thclII oIi 60 long Cant rou lot va havo them by (Iuislmns We POlYS for a ropl e bull

--- ~-~ [Original]


IIail emblem of YOllths cally mOIn Thy ]l411Sillg sweetness I lohleshy

lhy dazzling beautys olmosl gOlle Thy glowing tinls are turning pille

lholl romlnds me of my lovoa IIrst dream WheD all was aparklillg bright and gay

Wilh not ono speck tf) dim the beam fbat brightened lifo tlnough each short day

Yel 800n frail lower Iilce theo I fouod A bUght-a chilling Iilight and aadshy

My pro~pccts Rea~tered to the ground My hopes all crushed my heart was dead

-0====== MUSIC HUll OIlAalols-The degree of rellno

illent ill n people can nlmot be told with accurncy by Ibe extent to which they Indulgo in music

yenusic has sinco the beginning gone hand in ~lnd with Civilization onJ Its enjoyments are of R higher and purer ebaracter than any oLher

Obitamiddoty Can6eldN A 2 Core1 CaUb R IlcCartby Timothy lfaltravera ElDut Crane James II Col WID I McGrothy Wm Mac llillor Wm L

Died at llanagoa on tbe 81at July J08Ult OftB01Toomaa Olark Alberl Morton George Morrison Capl A J Fnol1soN of Co A Ranger Dattlioll Lexing Cutler Ohas T Coey Caleb R McCardell John Cal )[orris James ton (Kentucky) papors will please copy Conklill BeCjanlln K Carpenter Saml 2 McGrotby WID Mac )[ooney John 2

Cooper ThOll Campbell John B Morton George Male Joseph R Co11I Dalll (JaulSam R MeldoriT lira 1 Mlms Jamel R Coulter Frod F Cady TW 2 layer Joseph McKay Jamea IIOFF~__ Craig Thos B ConditChli C Moire Jomes Mason Wm

REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA CheesmanD F Orey Christopher Mallory Chaa II Maronyltichd II Ministry of Relations Colton Jamea CaaUllo Ramon Murpby Patrick lleChasory Sam D

Granad July 211850 Connelly Duvld )f8I1roo James Martindale 1I8Iy J Sir-The Supremo Executive Power bas been )eC4ly Wm Mayne GeoDick James Dickson Honry McGlliganJohn Murphy Michaclpleased to dictate the followin docreo Didknlftll H L Herrn Devan Thos 0 2 )larks Wasbton Sergi Merrla Henry 2William WRIker Piesldent 01 tho Republic of Dorall Thomaa C Daldson () II W MorrlslIellry 2 Minier Capt F P

Mollery Drdano Aloller J R Nicaragua in virtue of hla Rllthorlly Doreey SalOl P Demarest Chas

DECREES Dickoon Oeo W Dubosy llenryAnT 1 Thero shall bo appointed for each of lIcOutchln David Marrony R II 2DUIlLon L P Uavls Joseph McCardell John Coltho Oeparlments of the Republic a Julge 01 First Daly M J Dowsing Chaa Insllinco whose Iluty II shall bo to bcftr decide Drummond John J Dick James Nordman Ohas Norton Wm amlllnaJly dotclmlno IJI ita hrought before him Dorsoyl~dw J 2 Duh31s Delmlro Nicholson 1111 Nicholson Wm C

Art 2 Tho Jllilgcsof FII~t Illatallcos amphnll bllye Dusenbury Alfred S De Ilrieaot Julius j Norlis Ceo Nicholon M H Juliadictlonln Ilf csos whore ono of tho partiea to Duckworth John Dnnn Wm Nicoll John Norris Julius lfrs tho such IIIfty roquho II In all casos where the Dufty Daniel Dollnd Tholaquo Lleut Neville Wm II Norria Julius title ( poss~S8ion of IUlld Is ill qlleslion in all DOlfty SamlP Demarest Ohl OGlady Cornelius CRsea of Ilhlllraity or n1alitimo jarlsdlctlon In all Dewar 000 Ddey John R 2 rerri~o Wm II PoUard Robtmntlers pertallling to tho cslutes of deceasol per- Do Fewer John W Dickerson Henry Polymino Mr David Parsons Aa E80llSi In oil criminal ces and gonorllyln all Dorsey t J Dick James Perrin Trautman 1coy SalDlCdSeS beyona tbo Juriadlc lioll of theabadel Duaonbury Altred S DOlvalng Chas Pala~eils 1I0nriquez Pdcsl John Roubl Art 8 Tho Jndges of ~rst InatoJoces aball Dl1vidsoll Cillstavila Dishon John J 2 Paxton Lieut 0 2 Plltney David 0bave tho power to IsslIe and onforee all persons DilIkermun I L 110m Pillman A McKenzlo Powerlt Erequlsilo for maintailling tile Jurisdiction hereby Estrada FIancJsc~ amp Eldridge James Peeler Jamea II Piko Robt graRted tbem Agllmo Evans Doel Wm Pebse7 Cyrlla Potter Iranklin IIAIt 4 fhoy lIIay IIppolnt a clerk and marshall Eatello Lleut Jennings Eing Tbeodore T Patterson Lew Potter n Franklin 2allowing them such foes as may be reasonable and Emerick U J Ellis lapt S Pero1 4 Palmeter GJ PaYAo B 0 proper

EVIID8 Isaac Estrada Francia Agu~ ro Paredes Juan Pellerin Joseph Art 6 hcy shall receive ono hundred and fifty dollars per month for their sorvicOB until olherwlse Forbes DAVid Fllber Willard S Pearion John T ordered Fitzgerald James Franklin Stephen Quail Wm R 2 Quaintaih M

Art O Published and communicated to whom Farnum Capt J E 8 Fello Thomas Ronalds Geo L Robbin David B 2loerrero Cbbullbull J Flaher Willard SIt may concern ReynandLS 2 Rievesr Felt Ira 4 Field (ireen BGiven In Granada Ihls 218t day of JalJ 1866 Reeves T Rose AlbCltField G B Lleut Fagon JaDle8WM WALKBR Robbins David D Rucker Oliver HFaben J W 2 Flnoey Jobn IITo tho Minister of Relations and Govornment Rose George C Reigler Henry )1French Col Parker H Don Felmln Ierrer Reid Aleyenandcr Reid Jese B Goodell Richard Ooodell Rlchd RuizJ J R~ndolph Edw

By sUlgterlor order this is comlnunicated to you GOvall Oineinaua Gay Jamel W lIawleEd W Uudler Col A F for your IntelUgence and Igtroper aotioD in ex Grlllzer Joseph Goft Robl K RiggEdlVinA ReynaUd L S pectatlon of the corresponding acknowledgment Gardner J )I Garvey Jame8 Reynolda Francis II Raymond Capl

FBnRER Minlstcr of Statc Greon John B Griftln Jobn W Runalds Geo I Rogan JasW Grlzalba Juan Griffith WDI R Robertson Wm H Rapier Jobn II

GENERAL ORDERS-NO 49 Gilmomiddoto Stophen Gay Jamel W Rotler A F Col Iteynand L S Glililar Joseph Gurdlng J W Randolph Edward Ryai John

AdJutantmiddotGeneral Oftlco HIlADQl1AnTlRS 01 THII Allllr

Gron1 William Goodall Richd 2 Richler B Trangote RU$o Wm B GRANADA Afarch 6 1858 Griftlltb Wm R 2 GoftRobt SummersJW Songatry Wm nGesner J G Ghnes OIrl_ALL npplicntlons for dlscbarge from aervlc Sherlock J T SlIIlth Walter G Giles C W Gates U aptalnlIIusl llrst recoive Iho approval of tho coni Swift J n Capt Seckell George

Mander of tho company llonfirmod by the com Gleeson P T Gauftrean Guatav Dr Stan Raymond Sonde Ed w II 3Gray P Jil Orou MOrrill Umandor of tho battalion before beinlf submitted te Smith Slephen SilJR 2pleasure The lovo of music la conllncd to no Goft Robt )J GUllnel Valcour thl office for IInal action by the Commandermiddotlnmiddot SnyderWD Slanford Wm class aud even the blute creation acknolellgo Girding John W Chief Sleeper J oaeph K Snyder WmDits potoncy III many countriot as In England By command of WILLIAlt WALKER IIixon S d Hueten n c Stowo Frederiek E 8 Jltgteepll E lTlterewlIJlcs aro 10IY anu the laboring clas orO General CommandingillOblet Hewitt Henry J Honsor William Snyder lIenry Soyder Thomas R

luston II 0 Haynes W GPII R TUOIIPBOK AdjutantGoneral N A Spies Geo H Seckel Richobliged to toll from dl1rk 10 dark for R subsistence Hunt Juliua 8 HUH Kre Shipley B G Shelton Lieul 0 Amusic is their only solaco N01 lonft slnco the Hall A I Hegoey Jno A GENERAL ORDERS-NO 182 Sherlock P T Snyder J C

~ignitnlir~ of the Church of England requestod lIart Lowery D Hortoll Joseph Skinner M L ampanlan M M Ihe authltios to plevent tbo playing of music In AdJutautmiddotGeneral Office

IhADQUAIITBR8 OP THB ARIoIY Hollonbeck J E Hocknell SquireaWIII K Sbowell John Haynel Watson G Col Howcock Joseph M Sproud John W Sanford Wm

FFICERS who havo DOt received Clgtmmir tho pulJlic squares on SUndRY This Aised nn inmiddot GRANADA July 80 1856

Hardy OApt E S 2 Hancock Cbaa Salmon Dr Chas Schling~r Captjeubu UAuhulllonf In Londo nd b h~8t ildoo Holbies Wm R Uanls nob~ pO sion by reporting U1e ract tc Ihe Adjutantmiddot ISterm W B Squil-cs W III Ite leAIll that several associntions have been Haley Oeo H Holfman LoYI BGenerol can obtain them Sickel1Jon John 2 ~1led for promoting SundllY music In tho By command or WILLIAM WALKER Harrington Thomaa Howard Thoma Thorp SaIDI Tbompson WmlIenrylIugbson Wm II Harty Casper T parks IIn(1 doleglltos from eaoh of theso associamiddot ooneral commanding middotinmiddotChlef Tueker Poct J C 9 faylor Anselm WHudgens Jacklon HIIblngs Will TPII R TUOllPSON AdjulantGenera N A Taney D TenBook Ilticns 11 nlted on LOId Pahnerston and asked him

~ Hill J osepn C Harell8 John Thompson J osrph Tuers Jacob 8to give nn orller for the bands to resumo playing Johnson Arthur 2 Jonel~J S Traak Wm F 2 Truelson WmList of IettersTord Palmerton declincd to glvo orders lind Josepb E Carson Irnsk Tho Tracy Prescolt Turnbull Cbas J IDled that the Governmont found it1olr invohed Romalning al tbo Poat Offico In Granada July Jones Lleut JR 2 Jennings Jaob M 8 Thrasher J K

28th 1856 Johllson Edward A Johnson W C SergIhi a rolitious quostion in consequencc of tho bands Venderwater Jolm D Vandyko Thomas J Adams II Q Artolaney W Kingsland E W Kilmister Joseph Vaughan Jamca 2 Vandyke Cap~ C111ylng 110 had therofol~ acceded to tbe reshyAm~sHonry Alley Josepb H Kellect R R Koish John 2 Vanmellaert BIinesl of the Arehbjshop of Oanterbury to stop Ayale Maria Arrett Thoa J Kewen J C col Klnger Capl Gh W Wadsworth David 4 While Dock D C the llIusic Rnd could hold out no hopa to the Astin Saini 0 AlienO Kelly J~III A Korner T a WaddellllyCoventry Worhcuo GeoAshbhry Geo T Atkins T G Kenney Gtn W 8 Kelly John A peoplo of it1 bcing resumed lho deputations Wilkin Douglas G 8 W oldell Luther C Aply Marehnl Adllna E l IC~neU G L 2 lCirtley Franciathcn askod if prilate bands would bo permilted tf) Wilson David 2 Willinms John 2

Lauth Edward 8 Lowenlhall Juliu 2 Willard Geo M 2 WarJ JIl~ICS M Beebe GeOlCo 11 2 Doll John Wm

Fl~y In tho k8 on SlIndays To this quoition Dolton JAmes Cllnlon Brenizer J S Luckett E H 4 Lockwood Edgar C Wyuns A Woitehead H L

I~~d Pnhncr~tou could gilS 110 reply but referlcd Lane Alion A Le Clair Lewis WlIIg Dmiddot A Webber 0 W ldioBiniI Wm A Burlord RicM S IIlelll to Sir Gcorgo Grey 011 lhc Sundny follolYmiddot Iimburg Jr Iuckell )rantelll Wilkins Geo W 2 Wynns A Ing ~rowds assembld III tho rioun palk and a BOIlDOtt Lewid T Bonnel1J A D

Bulke Martin Dennott Leis 1 Luther Edwin Bird Littlelleld Wm Worthillgham Henry G Villard Geo Lalle Heury Lockwood Edgar Wrigbt Gh Williams J Merick

Darnhoue Cba~ C DIennen JohllplhltO bROil pClfOlmed in eacb No Rttempl wa3 Balllter R D Boll Capt IIoraco

Laronco Sam WychoffLIndROy Malte Wilson JaB B WilliRmson S AI Lieut ~ IlIndo to stop thon by tho police As Lho rrowds LaYIO Jeseph H Iuc Lohu W J Wolf Barnny 3 WetJber Chas W lIllrlco W11 lBurford S R lIero 100 Ilirgo to be nddlesscd by any oico a Birtey Francis Donny P lo

8 Lollng LuclIls Lawrenao Col J[ Wiug A 1 0 Vynn A

lag Y1 hoiled AS a signal for a show of hond in Dotton Jame 0 DIhmiddot Es Wm IIttlelleld Joseph E Laslio Saml II Wootl lli lIargaret Wayno Geo Lamoureux Geo A Whe~ler Ohas U W cias AbrahamDoylc Jallles WIU BmiddotennellJohu

Blackwell John Durford S Rra~or of continuing the ngitatioll for SUllday recremiddot Morris Jacob W MetydorllMrs A Whiting Jonathan WiIlaret Goo Mnti)n Tho vote was IIhn08t IInaniOlous liner Mrer GC llayel Joseph WilkiM J D Douglas 2 Wccdo n u IhOlvo 000 Benlillgton llllidwin John M Capl

McMlIlIen Jno JI Moore Jamall)hicb tho people qniQtly dispersod WilliAlIlson lfnj W II Weiss Cllallotte A Baldwin Johu Burellard Tllcodor Boylo John C Brennon John

Melenlf R I Dr lldllory Chaa H Yflung Col W II YoungWH ColMali J08eph R llurpby Patrlek 1( E o~ ADSglltCE-Lioul S II 1I0arscy has Dreggazzo L BonllY P F 2 YRington Peter A Yates J 0Moore J N Monroo JamesDarNtt Will II Blanllo Josepllbee granle1 leavo of nbsellco from the dutlos of Ynlngton Imiddotet AMadison JIlmeg McGart) WOIDurcbard Th Balsly Samueltlle arruy for sixty dsJs )cGillJ W McGult1n JohnBrodrick Juel EI 2 DI8IOn S--- Zpbager Doct Zibeli0 Mary C

lllakeney Th J W Dently John W MlI80llWm Marks Waahlngton St People ho think thoros 80lllething ill II Dlme McKayJH Morris Henry 2Bulterfleld Josellh Barlalain S 11 MaceiDlian Sltaoisll List

Munroo James MOllory Dardanoltmark tbat the glCatest English philosopher VRS Baldwin Cnpt Th Dulger John AImos Francisco de Alanda CarlosMarsh libam )lcCutcbln DavidBaoon one of tho lineat Seotch J10cL~ Hogg lind BrOwn B I BIoadhcad Jolin Baptisto J~nll Bertholin Senor A)lcGlllf Mortimer Mirna James nBusbnell Capt Wm E Dlchamm Jobnono of tbe plesRutest e80yisi LRmu Markham Jolin D MeKay J8 H Canton Clemento Cnrpeneto Frallioo Dreckenrillgc Col ~--~----~~ Motalrn I lInson Wm Carmen JuanR Corllero J eddoro Cenal Patrick Oonklin R If )lcCla)polu Robt L MaronellUch H COllderido (Jiasitofllitmiddotty Donn ImiddotS Reward CovenlJ-y lohll Corbell David MIlSOn Cllpt Wm Mcchasory Sam D Gmrz Jo6 D G1l1ago J 016 JCllmpbell Aooaander Claro Jobn n REWAU) of Thirty 1)01lllr8 each will be pnit IlcIntyre D W i Maltindlllo Mary J Glllio(o Scxto ACogley Dennca Cook Michael A(cCulcbin David M~yne Geo~1 for tho npI)fchenslon and delivery (to any I)hee~man B J Colby E 11 lJurtluln Don J M JRiquin DomingoMcAlpine J W Major Murphy MichaeloUlcel cf tho AImy) of the follolVlug nallled (JOullor FIed Iieut Oollllan WM Marion Apolonio Montano Jos6lJESEiTERS liom CoDlpany D 1st Rilles AlayJohn W Morris Henry 2Clevelnnlt1 Dr A A Onentry John 2 lfarlinez Jos6 Marin McDowall RoblI SIIIgoant Thollls Cnilnil~Aged 28 y~ars McMurry Geo Minier Capt F P CUtlOI Chas J Calahrn C Machado Pcdro Muitos AnaMcKeeno Robt S lloller J R feel 10 irlehcs high aubuln hair bluo cye~ dark Crumnoy G W Coollt lIenry C comploxion Ocellpation-labOlcr Millor Oco S Marron) R II 2 I Pllech louiB A Polioro Louis 2 Privato John RUllle-Aged 19 yeare 6 feet

Cunningham Joseph II CadyL W MooreBaml NcGoft l[orllmel Polol-sano Agaton2~ Inchea high brown hair bluo oyea ruddy CaDI

Colby Edwin II Chopat Geo E McAlpine J W Mljor Miller WCrlstnlnr uavld UOJas Sr Capaforo Ruiz amp Co VictorillllOCatoll DrG K I )[agnusWm McGilIJW p~oxion Occupatiou-Iaborer Campboll John n Carllsld Geo IVanduson lhomas Walla Antoniollaron Wm Lleut Mock Wm Jr U W )I IEANARO Casey Thomas Ceney Chas M48OnLI8uI Wm MoAuley WmF Znvallas Joaquio Zabnla AdrianI Captain Company II Joirst RIOebullbull Cutlor Chas l II I )flEaa July 80 1866 Cromlloll Olilel J Morris Henry McAllister J A C E II LAWilOol~y John W 3 Canfted N A MIUt1nTbos W McCardel John CRlt I (lUlIIM JulT 211 1088

El NICABAGUENSE VoJ 1 No 40 p 5 Seurolbado 9de Agosto de 1856 Saturday August 9 lB5B 231

____5 ___

~~ tbe 2nd Lieut At P X seeing the Sod Lieu the rebelamp Aceording to the temen of one middot II r a tY nt ntI j) nearing large Dungo lent LleUl SlYeneon and well acquainted wltb tbelr lfaln Ibey have not ~1J


- ( l) g- sic men to Ilia 118818tance-11 proyed to bo tho half the men no_ tOl lilly elftetlYI movement -=============_=_ Ames with men to look 1er the rett brought bull ber lIong81de and pulall thl prisoners on her and II hlll continual dread of 0l1li Walker 8

i Saturday Morning August 9 -

N N 1I The lcaraguan avymiddot 1 - shy

~aptllro Or a Squadron or Bungoes 1middot1 middot IScI11JI SaUzar and otker Prisoner I I -- I fhe cvont4 of ~be past wcek Appell II convln cing cldeneo tllat 01 8pocial Provl4enoe guide middotnd directs Iho Am~~lcan6 In their clTorls to reo

letore peaoe andmiddot Houre tranquility to tna naUves this beautiful but unhappy country The fit Ing out of a vessel to cIulao upon tbe PaCific lit tbls particular juncture ond tho Ilirecting of the


lop amoog e~t the State and

01118 people polnta nut naillainly II

C1Ils 11 dhl the pillar ot llro

he land of Proml$e


Utt to Impro bullbull 1[011

u an tarmed epeement of the NIlAraguan navy

umnlof emiddotolll 10 118 to dellvr 1010 the handa f the Amorlesll8 the man bo above 1111 olhel8

Ih~ Instigator of tbo late treasonable der 1I10S0 wh_ Ilrat duty It waa Ul proshy

prove true In their allegiance PMllclIlar

tcrvenUon of Providence In favor of tlic Amershyby blcb Ibe cbll

l1In of I$Iael were gllided In tbei~ joumeylng$ to

fbat our reode may bave a full understanding ( ~lJ 01age we bero Insert a condensed accoUJ~

ied by Qommodore DeBrllset from bls log The descripllons are somiddotgrapbic aud tbere

ucb a (r8hne83 la the stylo as to make It dlfmiddot

1856-18 PlI SohoollOl ~OX aalled from San Juan

rat veasel tbal evEt went 10 Government vessel-the OOtllshy

aking 21 in U on bow--God speod middot TuQDAT J~ly 22 18116-Runnlng down tbe jloUv~ towarda liona_ bull t)1 IIDIIlIIIDAY July 23 18116 - Opened the 1illa of packed amunition-found iL unlit for Ulle

o SO Gund for the guns-at 3 P)f bor~ V~r for rigre Ioland aboo Iwolve miles distan jluUB8DAY July 24 181S6-Uruislng in the lilt At I PM pound1 a number of am1I craft ~ obore to elL~tward-gave chase Atl I M

a brig aboul 4 miles to wiOlhbullbullrd howlng CblliA~ 9010rs At 430 c31gttllrad the a100p ~hna Wrench POlll) no cargo or plUlengen At 6 a heayen

all from Soulb-double Ieefed tho salls aad 1 an Ul wok off tho ahoe ATDIlDU July 26-At 6 AY mAde all II bd ran up tho Gull for a brig aeen at anehnrshyproved to be the Oyno3ucof San FllClseo

~ from her we IUl1leU Ihllt the Bri Sarah Oa I

oxcepl Sellor Sl1i1ar III sbe Wampl large and new At 61 blowlIIg a gale from B SE AIlcliorod In thrae ana RbaltfaUlomaofwater

lI1Bl10n July ZII 1866 -B out of tb gult bound for ampn Juan del Sur-erew cleaolng and repairing 88ile

W_tsDAT July So 1856-lIeat d(llln the coasl tho ourrent very strOllg Wns Ul tho Nweather bod

flluIlSDAT 311181 18116-D1owlng hard wiill n rollgh hetldaeA At 1 1 II ~rrled away the pcrt after hroud AI 2 P V fore peilk halard gtIock parteri reBltted another IlIId 8M llie IIaftor part of tbo dl7 moderafe

l~alDAT Auguat 1 1856-)fi_to brelllcs wOl-klng down Ihe coast to Ibe s at IUI1SeI 81m JUlin bore ESE 111$0 mil dist mldlllghlcalm tide setllng us to tbe soulhward

ampTtmnU August 2 1866-At daylight ampn JURn bore N by Y elgllt miles distllnt Worked ora few 111111 bae almoatbewlldered him and ho in and como to DR anchor It 8 A X lives In great IIPpreben8ion that General Walker

Tbe capllllo of Salizar W8l oC but seoootdary immiddot may altack LeOll and perbapa take Ihutt tl8 part potIlnee wben wo corlder the OlpOle O tbe plan of the rlnnar Upon this polot however wo the ulter poverty and hopeI_eli of the reboil caD 11880re him he may middotresl III we believe the amouut oflnformatlouu well as Ibe names of the G_I wardrobe Is complete Iud lbe BOldmiddot pardes engaged In tile treason and ImpUmted b1 era of the Nicaragllll army haTllltwlr had fliO their own IIlgllalllreslo lamplt noll In Ibe p_- I1Ippl) efllncn ion of Gen Walker

Among tbo nlany valuable doeum6nli found upon tho penon of Sr ampIizar Wat bull lellor from iIle British Consul1I1 Leun 10 F10reJiline Souci at San Miguol San ampIyador This Ia anoheref dance of Ihe doublo dealing of Brltlah agenle ret I1vo to the affairs of Ihl8 COUll try

What we would tllk In the name ot pllilanlbroshyp And our common hllmonity does Great Britain

i b bull expect to ga n permitting her agenla to ell eourage the balfmiddotciyilized natiyu 01 tbl oountry to- but~ller each oiller or b1 wbU lpeoea of be allaobed to ibe llorda or Lord OIareniloowhen

~IOWlng are tbe lIamca lid rank of Ib_ IOpliilltrl dGel abe explOt to JuatlI) or 0_ he IIlId In the HoU811 or Lolds that amphe Br 1Iiall

tJ DeBrisset OOlllmodore hemlf before the tribunal of obri8lendom for 041 J Fa1lOux lal Lieutenant COllmllllding IOlldlllg to one pari of the world ageaampe wbo et1r leler Swenson 2nd up atrlfe and CIlllS$ the IgIlOraai natlvu to out-

I ~mo Van Slllyeke 3d b j[ T Ilewot O rpent~ G 0 S Ith S rage uman Ilaturemiddot whllo aile IOnds milllllnnariea ~ Hansn Beallla Dn~ia ~ e~an 01 peace with the bible in one hand and flannel ~id McOa1 Wm Allden~n ablrll In the otbor that botb the morel ud ~ Stoureh Dal llcGlnntil pbysleal condltion oC the heathen may be fm os re Thos R Snydor

hOI IIIINY 1beodoro Lane proved n~ltRagg R J Dowmen To thoae ho do not understand tbe Red Flaa 01ontgomery M - 0 ~ Lowell n --- agee nmiddot brlstlanlly of Englrnl we reopectfully till)

mit the loUowlng lotter or Mr )fanning her Illlent

_yo iberebol IIoop8areailopther nakedand nmay alao be presumed tbat wbere lach ponrty

I d Ina ex 8te bungor aad dlseale wlllaborl11 Illem te them faator lnd Q8 elfecually iii any IIr1 tht 001111 be brougbl against tbem But the leiter Itampelfluo explicit Q8 to reqllire (rojll us no elueshyd _

a_no It I lIOIItewhat unfortunate for Xr Manning

and we pity biu thathe aIIonld he dl4f1ing ao rapidly Into the condition DC the Leoo_ IIOldie17

U to bve the proapecl or being In a aIIort Umf BblrtlCll8 But Ihe poor all bullbullllllctlon III divided between hla ablrtle_eIIS In proapecdve entl Ihe lack or energy In the partlin hose fnlunc hil

II bull J Tmiddot eem80 elylnloreted bUlilloIpated loss

1Ir lofanning1 le~ ma) be 00_1Ied u Ihe csprell8ion or II mere prlfate Indl1dual to bull Mend bUi thla 111 he done IIIly b1 peraou Intertsted III euOh a ~atrllclioD Hia olllee ot Brlllab Con aw wlll he COIlIIlGlodb) the peopleorthl8coulliry wlb enry iblDg he say 00 quealiollll relative to aiftte policy tlId thuby hIa embraeiCgthe 110111

or a pari II Is aptmiddot 10 appepr III tr the wbole moral force or England wore Ihrowololla favor

Is bull _ u v In til parle r maulllogt gOGO b010nd 11111 Jill ofbll dul orlIlao there lno weigbt to

G01_oi latended wallow the Ceatral Amershyloan question to aclve lllelC He bu by hili jlllpiudenoo Welted the eoidkhnee of lbe legit-

d -lt Imale governmelll an oan tON no ooge r claim the protection of Ibe Stale


WIt k ad - 0 as wee m 0 a el rema lIpOO tho

proapecta oftbose wbo deserltho Americailrankl at Leon fwhich wo give II burrled trllllalallonl for tbe rank o tbe 6nemy and tb~ JUStnesa ot

bull Fne and Sehaone Emeline ~f 81n F w~ ounlslances no more actin I used In 80 aerlolll lyillg Ilt Tigre rs1lnd i 8hft 10 reported thAt on an affiIir At Ibe pC8ent tbpre are lIOO men from Ih lIZd a Chllltan IMg wllh eight Bun~OII Sn amplvAdormiddotSOO from Guatemampa And 800 bo

L_ Jul 24amp1 18~6 1

Dzlll FRIElO -1 am bere without knowlllgwbero to go linea Walltor will not give U$ pI88shyport to P$ threllgh Gnmndabull ~ understand that t t man fnrlous 11th me atlributing to me ill ehdango It Is cerlnin that all hill cls are rapid i un we hal not p_eeI here without great approhenlolIll that he will mAke an IlIlck on LeOIl lIe MlnO A rl1r III Managua IlOd IIIl IYO know la hat he retllrned to Granada If tbia man recelvu Ileell and monoy I aasure YIU tbat In tht CUllIt will not bo so oosy to drive bim oul oflhe State for as ~he forces come from ~ho other States In ~dfll1a of men nob~ng ia acoompliabed t aud

elpcn~sand 8aer~ceaare madehl nln I am much aftliClod to tblllk that lnder these cl

wilt we idmiddot1I made apparenl by Ibe IIVenls hlob 1fe chronicle in tbIa Issue The b

num Or that hllll already leA I IIOIIlcolT worthmiddots pllSllog 1I01lee l1li4 we would nol agaIlI revort to the submiddot Jcct were It not to commiserate Ibe poor Jellowa whom we al 0118 time reoognlaed u COUll shy

~rnenand wbo rO)YlIlg upon the rotten promisee of the Leoneao bela doserted their peslll tor iIle sake of rilIlng lelllprary benollts When Ihey rcaull

Ibe lIreates~ L lnetead f tb rI b bleb h eon 0 e 0 01 W I ey ere no I

doubt told eXi8led Ihero iIly will find bttle ciao Ihampll a borde of semimiddotbarbarlans halt clad and qUanelingamongtbellllcleafortbepoaessionof

Ibe rew CIltablds they cau lIh much dltllculty obmiddot Inn

Read iannlojsiettercarolblly In lIIIother col

=I~Jr~~~~~~~b~~~r-m~I P~~ ~~~DIO~Ib~~=~~~Jtoflb~~ limn and leara the collditlon of UIIIlampt In Leon ~Orlln eaob wateh q bull rym3 to proylde In eVefY poIIibIe manner (or my But ibis filii far ahert of the Ilctuall~y for It nmiddot

SOIIIlIY July 2 1856 -At daYllgbt fAll depllrture and in oan get on bosrd olle of the not he apposed thai a peraoa or Iannlnga


lOgO In allore distant aboat livemiles Soot sbip of Will which is Igtn the eoaet I will tak~ esparien woold abow to an All lb Worai conshye boat with Lleut Swenson and four men AI PUIIQgo III It t ampn Juan or to rampDma A~ lent a mall canoe and Ihre~ men llh In the pnlltlca of the country I un4eratand Iul Van SIft1Cke In chase of another Bun Ibal tho DOlnocrats bave gained much (or anl

tbreo mllel distanl At 9 A If II bree~ alrungtb On lili8 footing I go contcnted aln jnIIng up-got under weigh picked up tbe canoe Estr~ and his oompanlona are ruined bavlngtil a Bungo in ponession At 10 reached tbe cuI 1 ridiculous IIgure at Somobilio t with her prize At 1Q80 took anolller Bun POWOrll bavo gone from here appolnllng Xr lfIth bull Trll8almiddot1 to ~epreaent Nicaraguft Iear United

I) bogs I bags beans Stalel 01 Amerleamp since Padre Vbll h08 returned 1 ~g eora r 1gtbls plantains home W 8 do not ~nllll the motive of bla reo 9 bides I demlloblllltard tum for between b18 lind Grenada ther Ia 1104 boxes lOap communication Altogeiller aftldrbullbullre wrstcbed

lbia beill~ a large nell BUngo put ber crew In ia Nlciragua And Yer diatrOllllng and If I remllin ether ~tiOllro1ed her) ahe bad alBo some letshy bere muob longer I aIIall 110 hav ablrt wblch

by wbleh we learn tIlI Ibe Brig with the I can pilton Airead1youeaneuppoeehOWlllllch1 18 lied tbe Churu 1 bave 8IllIered by thOle _vlaiOIljl

At 1 P M lOOk anoiller Bungo wlh It III known Ibampt l oertaIn Fabens h 1IaIIed to i2 baga corn 2 eerOOM beaus Boaton wllb tho gold quarts IUId that with one

~ 1 bale grasa ]0 hid Mr Hellll be hll$ bought Ibe mlaOl frelll Padre

III a1ao lettelll conllrolillg the no of tbo B Sosa At S P M blowing hard-close ree(p~nd YOIl need not be afraid bot I wID do all I esn I up to the lIIloborage i mado Tigre Island let ror your Interest In lIIis aftiUr wiill IIeamClKnIl8 i

o thelarge ancbor alld twentyfiVO fatbon of 4114 you sbould wrl~e Ul Dnl81n Boaton via hainlo iIlree fboms water Omo In this paltlcula~ Inqllirlng wheamp111r tba 1l0llPU July 28 1866-AH II H took a orO w leh Fabens RdlOl took were from tbe I)of ccdlU colls1aliJIg of fiftoen logs bel~nwn tc mines of nll8taniere I Bhall write roylltlllf to Z rB Hoyl II Ames let It go atter tcklng ~he pate In IAboo on thia 8IIIJle 8UbJect The amprOGpa liar tht had At II A X I took the boat hore are altogether nued Iryou haye an1 K_ OIl puned for a laWlob ab lilt elgbt mlllll to the La 4r11l that oucall sell at lii ooota per ard

Chasod he on hore tb crew eo- I will take ten bales Dont forget my requlIIIllImiddot th f thel h~k her alongside lit tbe 2nd (Ieut falor of my polilW loo-Yr George Bow_1o powr 0 r hem Camp lt)an ope Cor IlO beUer Il~n in her wi~h orK~t Ul ob~$e to the hIVO him aspolllttd Ul repreaent Sail Salvador III urI tl)u Ibt led by Ib ampampYIIlelamonp wbom

~ I eouillg In our own boAt to the Y At 330 Liverpoot ill ban cut thalr 101 they muu tJpect to IUIad 111I1lt1b wltb Sr SaIi1ar IIi paaellper I am yonr obedlcot servant eulfer ulrelile prlvaUOIII ~ to be hall cad ~nd

u eeroool of eJCOa l middotldIM IlIld bddle )f LUlles GGIr hall W ampad with Ib braa4 or cm upoo 1 sword alAo lOme loners d paper d bullbull L ltOlllXfIllamp SoVCI San )lpe So IWshy f-e~--- bull_ hunwoil 11kshy t- shy d ~~e~ ~ --~- bull --p The lIatber lrgtoking bad ran dQWD 10 pick up ller e have Cull up6M of Ibe oon4it02 or YIIpb0n4S O1er tbe enlk Conllnenl

dltlon of IfaIr I llieh h b ed _ an a n II e op to ruterut

blm h III to bo pfWlmed on the -fRy that be would exhibit things ill Ihelr brlghlelt coIota in orde~ to elfoct hla purpoaee which Were to

obamplll both men and moa8Y to drive Ibampt audf CiOl1ll man out of the coulltry

Apart from the Inbumanity of taklas up arms against tl181t brethren American oan not be

guillyof a greater ploo~ or foil iIlan b selHng tjelr lerYI al any price to tOO Leon rebels If they we ncool8uI tbey would entetlampln luch a hatred fer Amer III woold ootira t

J OU them llft from all pl081 or bOlIOI alld Iru8t or perhaps Intox ted wiill thoir good forIwte Ibey would mllrder overy American whln they were

I I cod or bel i As no onger II n reery thelr d c1ared 01ll1now ill to extermlnate the Americana In Central America the presumpCion iii amphet wbon Ihore was no coullterba1l11lclng power to Iop Ihol UJ A erica

r 01COIael 0 In nl fho ON III tbeir power would hold 00 enviable po~itloa Aa things twnd bowever the Ilnfortunate men hu were weak enough tc he Illduced to put the_vea In


The prof_on 01 ams hili been from the earlimiddot est times In all ages lind IlalC3 one nf the mOlal

honorable of all the profelllioni In many courmiddot trietlt it hnl to this ~ the ver IIr rellk rd tbe highor tbo degree of elvlll llon Ibe greater hOI heen lis adnncemont rid lIe greater the numbcr ongaged in iI Froln Ihe crudes begin Inga II h gtadllally proglOId unlllll bsllttalncd the dignity of II acienee It III the science par elltllce In wblch both tho mind and body of men IIe eoerlnd to Ibllir rutlesl capacil In other profeaiona eithor the mind or the body Is oftfwOrked and abulled 0 Ibe Ileglect of the othbullbull II developing mail 1$ w bull onealdmiddot edl but III tbe prolo4e11 01 arme every raclllly of~he mind IlI well ever mueclo nd fiber In tht body I enrciaed and developed to ita fuUcal extent and Ihlls be following out of Ibo pro feI8io1l Inll) bring the menlAlllnd 1)1I1810al powen or m an to tbeir hlgb bullbull development

middotSome of the mo1 celebrated 8tampl8 of anliquil were ofopinion Iballho prolellSion or r0l8 only was worthy the attention of Cre men and len overything elae to the care of 11101 aad SO high 11amp8 Ibe repute or the profeaaion thai II vAS emmiddot blalJlamplic of Juellee ilaelf hendo an eppeal to enns Willi U8ually resorted 10 In Ibe aettlemont of qlOlllollll whether eocIaI religious Or polilial

In ooth aelent und modem tlmea the highest om amplid rewarda whleb llalea can befeow have bfIen conferred upon tbose who bave e~ooltld in tho rroression or arm and deservedly Do s he who 11111 10 thi profouion musl nol only have the oO$t abtlhile power over himself ba muat lao p088ess In nomiddot 8mall degree tho flcuhies wblcb enable him to govorn and cOIltrol othera

Ibe mind of bull man who mak arma t profeamiddot alon Is led on into the deepH~ ehollels of Ihought He II Ih1l6 enampbled to planlUId originate the broad est combinalon and exocullve abilities joined to the mOIl unceasing eneru IIIId ~ IcUyity lItercquillitebl the oarrying oul of bia ooneepshytiMe

The humblest indlldual engaged in profea IIII11lIlO noble nd ennobling bould feel prida

wbicb ooghllo keep him above anylhing low Ilr mn A prolouion In wblch tbere are 110 many opportunities of Jieplaylng 10 their ulmOfit all tbamp talents given U8 middotby nlule should be sludied l188iduoully by tbole anxious to lealo a name and all uamp1e to poaterity It Id scarcel possiblob tbeir labors can mINI a proper reward How ~ueh more 1118ulyand noble bow mueh more worthy the greM end for wbich mmiddoten re plaCed here ia bull devotioa Ulmiddot a profsalon whichmiddot cI1l1Iea with It sneb honors in Ill countries thln tbe mere idling way a life-time In tho illdulgence or tbe aplClites As Ibere i no roal road to know ledge tbe ptiIl is as open to the humgtlea aa 10

~~=~~~=--- Notice

ALL peraons bavin-g demanda ainet Or lubull debted to tbo Estte ofJ A RUGGLES de

ceased will call at the office of Wlnea Co tor aenlement of tbe samll

Alto all penou having Goooe ofanT descrip lion will all prove property and tnke llIem away

B tarder WU K ROGElU Administrator

Deseten l nEWARD or Thirt Dollars each wlli be pall

J1 fer tile apprehension and delivery (to any ollleer or the Arm) of tbe felloing named DEaBRlER rrom Company 0 lat Rilles

1 Corporal H J Dalton-Aged 110 ampara is 1Ilnch high bl k hair blue eyes fair complexon OCtlIpltion-Doctdr

II Nichola CailBeIdAged 20 yean II rIOt 8 nobe8 bigh allbum bait bazel eyes ruddy Ommiddot plexlon Occupatlon-Laboror

3 H Ori1lou-1I feMII IncbOll high bro1 hair huel eybullbullbull dark complexion OceuptllionLabshy

or F IIoIilllow-Aged 85 yean 5 reel 6 Inch blgh dark hazel ees dark 00111110110 Occupa Iion Laborer THOMAS bOhAN

Captain Company 0 Fira Rill Jlanagllllt July I B 1$6


1 REWAltD orTbirt1 Dollob wID be paid ror tbe apprehellslon aad deUory (to aDY

oftlcer of tho Army) of tbe following lIamed DESEiiTERS from Company A Rangera

t Pdve _- Nallll-Age4 (aboul) 26 yean Il feet linch bigh sandy hlr and wleera the Brlllh coa of a1Il1 In India Ink on hia left orm uauII Imllod when p~dllg and Ighed bout 186 penrdB

II )Mvalo mekrorlti-AC(Ul Iout i~ ya Ii feet II lucbt higll allu lIIr had all anchot In Indlamp Ink on left bud btlo the thamb lind welgbed abltgtut 1110 pulld

Ibullbull NORVIUI W UK~R (Jptaln (pan1 A Rh

Mn~nl nfl AUIC 8 HUI8

bull bull bull

237nNlCABA6UENSE Vol 1 No 41 p 5 Sabado 16 de Agosto de 18SS Saturday August 16 taSS

--~------_r--- shy

lil OUfL NIVb middot

middot On Wodneac1amp1 Nletllllguan aaniue conuu

tile gallant victory gAlRed by Uen tho SptIDlsh troopa at Las 100$

Col Lal1l6 amppplied to tho Gonerallll Ohlet 011 return Such emlpanta COIIStitute the true beltalf of tbe tbirtf-two Cubans to have Ita sup- clety of a State Wo learn that General 0 per nt bla quarto and requested tbe bon or Is Ito bearer oC despatell4ls from tile AmeriCAn

t0ud this ollnveraary occasion Rnd at tb JIlIDle lim 1 ~m commlnioned to place al 10ur dlspoaal

Ibuervlcelofthemenlnwla09llhobalftcomo W Afil Iure to advocate lind dutbud Ibe princlplPl of rivllizallon au] progmiddotcSlmiddot IIlId to 100al Itmr great ~bead and leader 0 Plloal for countenance and ppOImiddott on this oCCIIUon The Goneral cceplou flbo IIIVHMloll lho I1IItlle of LII$ Posas (or the UIs) W48

rought 011 tho 18th or August 1851 on tbe IsllUld or olib hCIlVeen 250 Cul1llna under Ge~ Lopez aud 700 Spaniards uuder Gell Elllla Tb battle di b th C blIuouglitntgrent SQuUIIege 1 e 11 ansbUI IlIlTerlhelen they gulned a brilliant ylctory IOotiog tbo Spanlllrds from ebosen and commalldshy hI pOllitlollil witb great 1058 It M In reloam llI4ne of d i victory thai tho tumlv6r ~ supper

bull ~ I ~ur edneaday mght fas gllmiddotOIl On the ontmnce of tbe GenorAI tho (lubana were dwn lip III line wllt Itor banner 10 frent At tho General walked pasl tb banner Wd8

drooped and Yankna Dooddle waB perfOlmed

by tho balld Tho bId Willi arrlUlled I General Walkers

iquartel1l the ilwleu guesta filled tbe reception room Anu parlor at a very early bour and alter

an lnltfval of conyersatlon nnd music were I filed to tbe supper table Tbe reped 6nlehed ~nd tbe glUBCS filled Ito Presldeot arose and prop080d bull I The batlle ot 1M Po_II demonstrated tha~U

Ibell tb y meet upon til open Ileld tho Spaniards leannot withstAna tho Cubens (Proinogad bullp I III ) P uu ( By Oharl Callahan Eaq-e bovo 1Ql8led Ibo living leI Ilamp remember the dead To Ito (emory of Crittenden Lopot alld the other bull r hlllvel wholo blood bas waleled the eoll of (luba llId COlI_rated It to tbe harvest of freedom

MaJor Caycee afier prefacing tbat Nicaragua was lbe nucieull erouod wblch thepalt1ot Oubau middot (1Illgbt rally and Ihat hori tboy ~Id flod bat lJ1llpRlhy Mid counsel wbicbmiddot fould Intorpose no bailie bus rether lend aeelatance to tho cauae

er progree8 everywhere proposed- It The Itealb ofour PresldiDt and General

i The wlldeet ellltusillSm 8uecoeded thll 011 monL and nolllDtII tba Gcneral aroea to respond

~uld nny volcalAIc been hoard tbe Prolldant d bo was lVell aware it Will tor 10 dced whlob IIGJ boen dono thet hi name reoelved ItII eb aeclamatlon bUI lor bat lt0lt1 10 bf tlMo And continued be If tbe countenance and support

or ~hosamp men who have 80 far sWlteioed me In

1117 cellrhall continuo to rollow and uphold the revolution what ever strength of mind or iorce of htud I possess shall be dOoted to tbe

bull cause GentiOnlell wbat has beenmiddot dODe It la to be hopod will lead to tbo (urlllmiddotIUlce or greater

resulta and tlollftdollt In tbltt I appeal to ~ middot (8IIIlIrelSa1 01 thIS clay III 186 bull DrigmiddotQen Ioras)y I drink to Ita 8UooOllll of

elll liule NaTi and to he beIIt of J Calonder )a18OIIXlbo flsl and only man te 8wb uhoro It (llrdenu witb II rope In bis mouth

Sellor Aruerro proposed the Liberation at luba for eaid the spOllter Ii b surrouodedmiddot b1 lillertv and muat be rce

111 Lieut-Col Lttlne Th~ Hope of OublshyimiddotOen Walker bull After tllle toilet Iho PreSIdent made 1 molo to withdraw hut bls tlcnlloo Willi claimed by lrig Ie~ lIornsby who proposed a toaet to d i

bullA woman wbosc glorious Iurt an act e JlIlnd will do mo 80rvioe to tho causa f IIberly tbal aU Olr etength 01 muaclo-to HIl Gen Cuneau-to COra Moulgomery

d h f Thunders of Ippll080 succeeded on t e eoll lIIent lIa8 drank ampt11l1ding and in honer

181P 70 ClloarALls-OIl tbe 23d of July party bullf ccnteen AIIICIicnns and twelve natives left thlnlt ulldar 001 nyrau Colo for an exploration 9ftbe DCpArtftlMI of Ohontala Aftor an absonce ufnlneteell dys tho pftloty returned 011 Saturday luI 111111 glod bOllllll lind well pleaed wl~h tlae Irip W lIayo to of th journe) teltell 1Io-n by 0110 of tho Ricers or tbe party llleh we laaU Irobably lay bcforllt ollr fflldol1lnext wtclk

bull gentkmnin amplid(0 In the literary

I4-0ora HontSO-gtr)

w eeks be muct to tirebull bad tbe pIoaelItt to meet bull bull 0 I aatiafacllo We

m to tle r OWll n olley IlIampve In tb_ next steamer for New

1 6rk ~~d we IU Ibem a Co pusage and aha

dlplomt accreditlllg bla rep_tetlnn his Attelldance ampld 001 1ln6- Legation to Ito Slate DeparUllent Art 8 Qomml1111cated to hona It mlY OlInmiddot

0)1 the PlUt or tbe Cubans I Illyite )011 to at- bull bull GOOI) Bu - Sovore oflte omcere or tla bull b tlali bull lied upon H~or DuatnburyYlrtOlU on Itll b r hie d rtllre for

last Friday evenng core I-e )lnesa) to bid hhn good~) ftIId a pp rea dunce ill the p~t lit wltlcli IU1 If aboUli to be t4tlollod Although tb vWt III probebly not

bull h It d to eltpe~led by hllll hu too mlu~ b 10~Ied bq talltcn ullawares preselltly bull a II ft

with gllS8e and tile report of th corke 1II~h eu out of clllllllpalgno OOtll Berved u all

pepp bel h I lnvltalion tor those plnt to t 81l1li v~ te dlctete It following yenajlll Hon gtlIl1oobuy 0 COIIIH ran wllt all be honore And lin D_bu and

obIbloek-ere Little Darry -It eblp IIII tb rI lid Th tout~ Intull bumpers ~Iler dIng Prsldent and mallY otber tolltlta to p~ot an absont friends tho company repeating Itelr but wlibes for tllOir 1101l retired lIoch plebullbulled with

omeot tbe HIOr 8 style of eotortel ====


DECREES OF m GOVumNT -- -~---

REPUBLIO OF NICARAGUAIIlnistry of Relatioll8 and Oovemllient

Granada Augaat 1amp66 The Supreme ElIecutive Power b been pl_ed

to dictate the following The place of Cblef Clerk 10 be Departllltm or Ullderalgned Board of Colllmldalell_

lJacienda blilog vacant Lit (IflIt Iiaciendat of 14CQ~ in ih 11 IS ORDlmlilD t J) R

1 Appofnted Ohlef Clerk or be Departolent of cpe 1Mn oJ - lIacieltda Mr Mauuel Flellr 111amp1 bclonslng to Juan lOR Rul_

2 CommWllcated to wbomlt lOlly concernmiddot parrs do WlLLIA)( WALXER Palmar Pablo Tor_

Br sulenor order Ihils eommWllcated to 10U Palmar J )llUluellCelelllo for )ourmiddotmtollIgenllllmiddotand pl10per action 8 Orcbarda or email

Fc8nCII Welsl of Stalle Haelendu F B Oarazo fiaclenda Indalecln IlaIGAllo

REPUDLIC OF NIOARAGUA Roaerio middotJose Antonio Lopezt )loiatt of Relations andOovomment o(the Uandel~ria do Supreme GllvernlllenltTraniLdaAugIlne SaliOay8taDO amplTadorampcau To It PrefecI or the Department or III P08IOci Hacienda Felipe A Yliles

The Supreme Executive Power hAl been pta DaYld Bartolo Darco to dictate be rolloing bull

THE GVERlfllEN 1 v I In Ie ot the _gnatlon of -- ampIIue

Oanaacoaa u IIlnister oC HacIenda d Public Oredit and 10 vlrlue or Ita anthonl

ORDERS 1 That the llinister or Relatiolll Don Fermin

Ferrer IIhall _ume the Seeretal-ysblpa or lIaelen d And Public Oredlt wbleh baTe been occupled bY Generllllallllel Oarraseoaa

la Communicated hi bom ft~~rLEt Commulllcated to )orr~r Inteiliaelloealld

to r aeUon awailing tbe oorreapendlng 0shy~Jledgemont

rEaM IIlnlateror State


HlnlaryOfReiatlOllll alld Government Granada AugWlt1 1866

To tho Pratoot ot It Department ot Tbe SUproDlO Executive Power hll8 been pl~

to dictate tbrough the Minister or Uaclellda tle following decree

The President o( Ite Repuhllc of Nicaragua being deairoWl of aupprnaslng the contraband trade wbich Ii 80 bllquelltl carried on te Ibe velJ great damplrimeut of Ibo ~ca1lnt0re8ta of the

RepllbUc bull DECREES

euedto dlctak tbe following U- Warelloll4U of Lopez Jose Anlonlo ~z 111 WALKER Preaident of the llepubllo of Good size corner of Piau Bar-el Pall

Nieargee 10 I lohahllant In rear 01 tame 1I0t colllplet do do III ~ of varioWl queaUoml which ~IlY_ Good size eaat comer of Piau 10 Alfaro

rl18n betw~~n~reat ~rlIaJ~~~h~~pbll~~ DvIellinJr Hllllem 11lt1 D GranadatheNIeangaa -fe to --s _ry 11 lablllg to eatabllah trlendablp IIIId harJllon~ be- VerylargUo 8to1 adobemiddot and brick comer of tween the two II8tlnnll tbe g cat aqllampre Fulgenclo Vf8 shy

DECREES lClddUllg ~ed adobe Alltonlo BUberelio Arllcle t Appointed Hillister PlenIpotentiary Large adobe the Oha_

lor be Repllbllo of NICllrAClt he Government )(lddling sized adobe ~ose )I-dbull of~2~it~M~~rich e~~da~O~i La~ ed~~ ~i~ClCe~~IIo

eflrn WH WALKER Given Itl Granada Auglllt 9 1858

B11dJ1erior order Itls tA communicated to you roryourlnfOlmAdonend properactlnn Your obedient eervut Frallill FamplIaltJl

Minister of State


llinlllry of Relatlnne end OOf8rnment Granada August til 1850

To the lrerec~ of tbll OeparhlllllltTho Supreme lbeoutlve Power bu been pleased

tnB GOVBBNllENT WlabIng 0 WIlteto the tranaecllon of the busImiddot

n ortho~oftheRepUbHcOfNlcareguaIn the Voltod

RDBBS Artlele 1 Appooted Seoretar) of IIIId Lege

110ft Don P~ro Ygmln Bel h I Art 2 Commuldeated to 11 0111 l mal conshy

cem Gino In GrampllAde AugIIIstltl8fi6 _ WIL(tAH WALJCER ouB1 811pe1 ~ larocom= e~~ct

for your 10 ODdln Packnowledampment alon ortbe =~ lIlnllUCll Hinler orampte

P1i N tl ~ a C 0 ce

IUfeutofJ of propedy levied upen amplid nbJect to enllfiatl08 by firlOe or tb deoreea or tbe tid April 18G6 aIId 161h July 18661 by th_

VleJO C1ell_n~ Bantoli one haU Sapoa of tbefllllllly ofSagaeru ene bait of be lbelenda Felipe ampSiDloro8o BaenzTba Jelio Tbe Cerdlll 8 HMielldlll J oae Abareo Ball Francl8co J JUIIII Arguello OomlllssionenJ two-tblrda of the lIacienda R ltlara111IIl Francleco Guerre

Biconte Guerra lIaclenda BopUote Franclaeo Ugalce Hacienda DOli FaSriclo JUy amp Bona

Lilt 01 Haci(mda of caDao ilt lui Depr(11I6 of 9r1lna44

LnHeroedea helonglog to be Chamonoe Acua Agrai do lIIa1aco Fulgenclo Yep Nlceclo Nieaolo 01110llombado ]lerneodo Sequeira Domingo Vega LllIamiddotHontlel Vlentlcuatro Narc80 Espinoza Cheiulte Joae Marie BstrJlda


Notiee Or DiMolUtiOIl 1 TIUI

Partnership of Wiedeman amp Bes6hor

In eM ()jill 0 (haM RPI~ 0 NIcaragua l PETITION having been filed by George tl Ph Beachoi before tba honllllble T~omu Beeyamp Judge of Iltst InBlampnce for Ihe OrIentalDeprt~t ot the Republic of NiCAragua for a dlaaoluuon of be partncrehlp buhToen WledeshymAon and Bellobor merchata In Ite city of Grenada alld Republlo aforeNd a ~~roe aa IS

Article I Any pelllon who hell manllftct~ Guaplnotapa Lula oouel P 0 0 VENABLE aDy contlablUld artieles or effecte or who avail lbe Palac~ AOlonlo Barbclreno bull trame In tile sal or puroh of said arIIclee or bull Oloit of Court ofPiral IUllene eff~ulll or ahell uaiII~ In condllc~ln Item flOlll Sock Ranclc In tAc Department of ADeTIOI lID CODI8B101 BODSE

bull bull wed In compllallc~ wllh tbo ~Id petiUon dlllllolvStoelt Ruflch III the Dpart1Mn of IIIg the aforesaid partuenhlp on 811lt1 from tho Okontales and fiiHIfOlJia fourth day 01 Allgust V166

_ G tbe talOiI of lulgooeia Vega The afomall Ueorge Ph Beechormlll he 1 eroullllG _ power to ottlothe ec~Ollllts of the flrm aforeeald Jeallll)laria - IUIIOUOli tho said Wicdemaqn baviog rellnqulsl1ed ail claim t~ LiDodc-r title or demllld to ampIIy of tbe Btock on band and one partofSan lose Anlmaa SalvadorSaetH tIlG~~~srtnrnthta IIfteontb dll of Au Qulmicbap FOIIIIlIl Se~uelra t k D 1856 y Y

one pltlca to lUIothlll wbolter employed ea teller RivasOr eonduetor of Ito same ~ or ho shall1n en) other way defraud the revonuea of the Stale ball Santa Fe tho fDlllilT of I Hmullfaleallo he punished by lIl1t not ~ng alx Inmdrad dollaraor imprillOnmetibHlieknnofalx mont

Ad S Tile obligation of an ciyn or militarY employeD eIIal be to pUl8ue lind apprehend all eontraballdl8ts and conduet them before the Jlldge ofFlI1lt Instanco of tbe DeplltlMat wbore tho _0 I to bv tned r the said Judga ebaU h and de31de tho CampI8 lixillg tbe penalUI)II estelr tlsbed in Art flit

Art 3 Commtnunlcaled to whom It mI tonshy

cern WAr WALKiltGiven In Gl1Innd tllla aeventh d~y of August

one tboUillllldmiddot elghUiulldred and fiily-aix

TO tbo Iflnieter of Haeicm Doll FOflIIrn Fer rer Brauplor ordor thl Is cemmullicated 10 10 roryour Illformation and proper acllOn 10 ex- JlOctetiOIl of Ito correa~ndinl acknowledgmenl

FEIIIU) hll8lta llilllater ofampato


Illnlstry of JtelatlOllll and Govommont Granada Augu-t II 186

Sir-Tbt Supreme Executive POIIer bii been

Jocote E ltlara80 Otal do Dopot near 8aOJIIIIII delSufdo Dopot llear Virgin Bay do Juan Davi Jose llaoue lIaIeaflo Lao LaJ RafaellzSan )(alCOll Joaquin Dendallegt bomiddot Joae Antollio bull

ltII Cruz J0I11 Anlonlo LOpez San Jrenclaco llontenegro )I~ lnocllottUuekOevadilla lalldino JetuMaria indigo eateto JuanJose Rulz

1J IlI tT Cil Rwe tnlf 1111$18 m e y 0 jllesII Dwollingl UBe AQtirca Oppoelto thlllarocllial Oburch Cboplta BI$toe Large adobe J n J080~ulz

bull raquo0 CIltmIe~te - 1Hal II

~~=Jo~~COIlfl 010shylhe Il~at )lal1 partly burned Fr cl8co Guerra llIddllu~ lle eOl11er o tile Piau or square

Ralael P_ HidIlIIng elle adobe Pable Torret

Do do Salvador Sa_ Do do Jose Argl1~Uq Arce bull Do do Luia )4onliel Du do Nar~leo Eaplo080 Do Luelano LUCiano Vega Do large Marie Lulaellorem Do do JooeUben Do do Ventura Gamez Do do Guadalupe Horalee

lIlarga altlobamp Dwellfng8 amprlo VivuLargo corner or the 8nall equa Juaa Bermud Large comer Indelecio Meailo Large adobe llarll Bellquechea

Uo dO llnciano Corales Two Dwelllllgt POO ifrenco Oorller or the square Fermin Arana Large adobe Jos AnlOriio Lacayo bull

Do do Fernando (luznlan dolUllg of Maleo Eaplnoltl

It neflltlbeRowea_ Drau11a Ubau

one pad ola houeo In llaoagua of J BreuUigt UbampD bull bull bull _ HacaendtU oj cClCoa fn tke JJsrdactlM

of Nandame Hacienda orFolrl1llo Atalla Sau AnlOlllo Vineente JOIlquin aad Pedlo Cuadra Hacienda fMateo pin_ In Jlalaco of Joee Breuli~ Ubeo In theSlnerualJ~ nearcraiY~Fetipll ltampbHaS

Ott Ra fkfq n vIampon 4tlCtSan Nicol of loelipamp Alfaro Hacienda of Joee Altoolo Lau)o HflnjId of L8Alldro amp 1amp

laA certain pad orSan Jose lee Callee Blcent_ Joaquin and Padro Cuad bullbull Ilerced in Tlpilaua of L_dro $amp1 San JldntO 01 Illguel Dolau08aod brothen 000balf ofBan Roque of Agustin Ayilez ~ebrada Boode DololOll ~IU Ban Blu of Domingo Jarquio Oorps of Pro Garcia 10 Acoyapa of )llguel Oullo __ ~ Timoeo Laca10

AU pOIllODI haVing claIm on Ibe pooler~11neluded III Ito Inventory of thlt publICation are hereby notified to psen thlyOll wilb the -ar1 proofs to the ndralJII~d BOlIrd of OomllllBllonerll a~ Iheir ollice In Orlllltdo t tbo hoUHcalled Onente lllIlolod da8oftbedate of thla publicUion aIId ahow eampiIseiC an Itey bave 11 said properlJ sbampll not be aoldCor and on accouotor be Republic ofNIcaragua

GraoadaAllgust 111868bull W K ROGERSJ H HARSH ALL J L RIOHMOND


ARE uo prepared -10 cerr1 on the Auetiollaod Commlaslon BNllneaa ill corumulon withtbeh

Exprcu Duties on goode conSigned will be ad vaneed and (lusOJll houe bullln attcnded te lor paltlel wbo tntrUl bU81neampa toIte compllll1 Llbc1 advAneea by drala on New York lind san Franoioco will bemadoon receipt of nlerehandiz In the custom house Te building oceuplcu Win amp Co Ie ~P of 8toring teu thou88nd barrels bulk and genoralIIercliandiee will b to ceived on Iorege

J A BUOGLES AgentGranade-Don latriclo RivlIlI Snn Froweiaco -0 K OrillOn 4 Co No York-Cbbullbullbull

MOrgllll amp 410Granada Aprill2tb 1866bull ___ __ ____

Dr lagolul Pot TENDERS IUS SERVICES to tit ciliaen It

Grallada alld vlclnl~y bgt the prACtice of

MED1CINE SURGERY amp MlDWlFERY ar om and residence on tbe 80ulbweat 1lOfUr of lbbullbulltroot op(lOlllc the ampn liaocl8co

Collvent GrIIII8da Jllnel 181S8

EL NICARA6UENSEVoll No 44 p 2 Sabado 6 de Sepllembre de 1856 Saturday September 6 1856280

l_ ----OenamprlllAerl forthoam-dtThotWltfor At I ~ t tar a gn() ntl t ll) fb ~ + 0_

Saturday Mornin~ Sept 6 ======== -~_


rocell nOll Tn eKNIUtU ORDERS or THEARllr

OIlHIIL COURT MARTIL-A general court ~utlal hu beon In ae88lon during tho week in veSligiltlng Iillch offellce aft might be brought bemiddot fore It Tbe rollowing omee constltutod th~

~Irt- Brlv Gen l~ry Col M B Skerrot Major J 0 ON~ and Second Lieu W H atbea AdJbtnt Dn Latllorp cted 88 Recorder bull

IlI(OlIpolUTIOJl or COlPANIKI - CompAIIY O Fir lAlli lalillltry hU beftoOmeJrted IntI) Com-PfUlT D vllh Captain J amel amleson com-bullmandlng and tbe coriqueat or Mexico It la our duty to

f C WII mako ar upon Nicera or In other words

pOwer deee not eeue when domlnlun1 attailled bperlenceproves thnhucc_onlyaggraTlltoll be dealre Spain has no Intentloll ~ Umlt ber conquest lt0 Mlco but ahlimiddotmiddotrlll carry her 11 to tbe eztreme pOint of80uth Amerl trsuqceaa ruirlIsitance Ii not mademiddot

II then devolea upon Nlcaigllamp to detOlmlne br line of c~nduct If the conOict mUll be for-cad upon ue-Ifwe are really in danger of Euro peea domioatloo-does It not stand us 10 haod to ClIocert witb otber Statoa wbat I bes to be dORe to avcrttbe borrors tltat ma reenltmiddot from the vicshytorlou reestablishmen of Spanlsh domlolon 011

bla Istbmus tbe leading nation of Central America I tbe representative of freedom asmiddottbo exemplar of Jolnlng StAiea I Ia tbo dut~ or NI ~gQ to Inirpose her ~wor bet~en Spain

080 or LBnIR-Tho letter 0 apt bull D- Is b th IIt_I comp 18 cbngedftomO to E and aasilt 10 defending th freedom of Spanlah Allier Illalor Captala centkeefmiddots jlompan1 cr(lm E to D lea andmiddot to do tbb auooonlullr we bould coun

It lIdIaliuriai 411 all dlfterencea and united elfori to AI~obullbullOaIlP TO TRII GIIER~L-Oaptalo Fran repel_ultAs one atlck may be easily brOfcefl

lfahon bu beea Irsnsfer1Id from tbe CommaryDe irmeu to tbe taft of the Commnder-In- hen eeparted fom the bundle so one StateChfeL unwJatOd b he GOorederates illiall an easy vlc- tim to tbe 1owerof Spain and baYing thle union

tfEXOO ANIJ SPAIN-DUTY OF la Tlew wo alould nOI exult tbat tbe Nortbern OENJRALmiddot AMERlOA

The comblntlon betwoon tbe northero States

Ilgaln Niearagua butlliled Forsomereloollllshykoonto Lbe publIc tbe acluall~y o( ar no 1011 ger e~on out oorthero frontier LeOIl II (It reseot OpOIl ~ tbeoccupatloo of die forceJl oUbe ~ublc and Ir tbe Commlnder-ln-Chltf doe not flUTlaoll ~h P- ils because tlereexliIino ueoeulTtba be ibould send a battalion aw7beshytore 1 IBldle are pald off t prnUbe Pa

Iagu balftiledi b~ttber look U~I) 1amp ann inshytrp88illon of tovldence guiding II the SlateS to

Iomiddotd Bmiddot d 111 Ibl h d anun n un ar on ran an II ex bull eR bull In Opposition tcunYlhlng like 10terpeJIllonnom Eushy



Oa the ad or8ept~mbar 1865 GlIn WIlIiln Walfftr with tortY-IlTe ~llleme ~rgeon od


-- co_vFisOATiiiTPROPERTY peoplo Iginot only unrcsonablebu~ i~idb a IiccDse to thom hereafter They willmiddot Dol reoogmiddot

In the oours ora week or t o we shall publi~h nlselts geueroity but attrIbllte-it to somo batemiddot ~ descptloD of many of tbo valuable estta In motive Rnd in their prll6cy h ~rnlDeb~ tb~ Deptment 01 Ri~a DO 8d~ertled in EI oald bderidodas a dupe We h middot no fcar Nlcaraguonse as ubject to con68ctlon Our esmiddot thM the Commission will aY-er fmiddotom ill ~mporanl peelel correepoDdent II at rmiddotresellt cngged in a and essloti1 duties j bUI we haTo tbrown 0111

mit to lhac Daportment j and beluga gentleman these general observalion as e~periencla gained of mucb discernment alld acquaintance with corremiddot from biatorvand overy doy )ilo i Ipondene w~ lDay promisemiddot faithful and re~ibl The Bord has already invostigated the firt account ofthe property liable to sale 110 til reo case and ita ruling alfords a u middotnt~e bullbull ~ its CutUrt

port upon tbo situation and capacities -of tiie hacimiddot conduct In tbe matter of Dltndano owcr of all eodaa tbeir present growth nd tho crops tboy estate In tilo department of Rivlll who I accused might Jiro~ueo i~ oWlled and dirltcted by experimiddot of leaving tbe State contrary to the law allbough enced frmors Embra~ed ~n ~he list wili be found be proved just as wighl have beell expected ranchea growlOg cacao IOdlgo sugar tobacco wbatever tha Board Irescribed that be should coBee rice corll banallBa aDd planlains Besides proye slill as he did 1101 ples~lIt tbe original till theaeataploarticlea ofproduction 011 thesa Oches pper~ the CABe set bck ond he was Qrdrod

b ~ middotmiddotmiddotd ~ d t bl lDaymiddote ouo ~any Ults an veg~ ~ ea toomiddot nu merous 10 menton The preent COlldlllon of-thee estates IUC at practlca mo~ mglIt U ollce takeboldand wltbthe firat year reahse an abundant 1lold 110 Bucb a crop h~wever as he might proshyduce III tho Iceond and tblrd yeunt wtth be supomiddot rio b od d tl t A I r mac mcrya c uea on omiddot QlClICa~ nven-middot lion and Inl8lecl The manner of growln~ corn 10 this ate I~ 10 make ~ Inlall round hole 10 the ground IR whICh tbe gralR Iadeposlted 1pound Is tbeo let to grow as bell It c~nl without any uaisuIRco except one or tWII weedlllga As a IDI tter of course 1 bullbull tU will no do everr1lting and the reault i a

glOtb ofstalk from three to five feethlgh~ bearshying notbing butamall nubbln~ to use a fannea term We ~ppeal to tho Igli~ulturia~ If wben illch Is th case h~ might not expect fitb proper sub-soli ploughing aodjudlcioUB boeing and hilIIollt n ear or com equal in evorrreapec to tbQ Indi ana or western Pl9duct 80 ILia wit every otber

~iterGeneralis bll8il1 eOIPC~d III maldag pa Bay br liTe hundred and forty oflbe bait oati training tbe sugar-caneofthls State challengel a ~~ta as rallu ~ par qUs IINI be mdemiddotou troop In OcIltnll Amerimiddotmiddotundertb coumand of comparison with tb of LouliRna or Texaamiddot Tbe hut tbe IIDMllled ooadltloo or the countly the iD~ GiiardIola The Ogbtlasteci abo~tlwo hours talk Ia uauoll ~a lJicb and a balf and two Incbes upld t tWo of alfalrs tbemiddot mant ll00lIIII18 and resulted III tbe eotire and oomple~ rou~ of In tblckneaagroI to tbo hlght ofeight and ton 111amp JllltraIIymiddot aCcru In time o~ war ha all eon- the attacking party- ff Guardiolas fore elgbty- feet closely Jointed and veYJdic1 Tbe 8tubble ~ to relUd tbumiddot aeUlemen wblcb Ue com ilxmiddotwe~kllle 011 tho apot ieveal wounde~ ho Is neYe~ luperaeded but Iii aUowed to glClw on for lllAoderbull 10 Ious abould bemiddot mad wltb the er~ broughtl~ Ier die lI~bt and onll omel1- a generatloo A~ auob a dliadYantage and with mr- Mvea g9t back to the town of RITas wlthou berdlyan apologrfolmiddot Dlills tbe augar of NiOllragua

Tbo raSult oftheloabloatlon In tlleNorlhl~ arm and of whom tbl1 lIerda died oftbelr Italmoa equal on Ita Brat b9i1IlIft to the best a poltlcal nec_It IbretliI upon ampoduraa ~u~- WOQntli At a minimum tbree bllodred ~~t lave cbryatallzed sugar sold iomiddotle 9rleans lbe gralo tJemllAimiddotbullbullutBao Bakadb~ noHnoramp b1 ttfolleo been ~HIljimiddotlId died 10 the wood1Dnd at Rival ia Rure aod clear IUld wo han a~n aRecimens

_ te~ oitve 1rOOpI W8a alacked In VI~gln pecles of planting and OIve) bull Ith thl Indifferen

tobrillg forwlUd the Decesery d()Cumell~ legally attested bJ the proper anlbolltie 0 hi- CSIt b 1confiscated

ThiJ is th~ ooy ~Afo rule Ibat wllere it Is at all possible the Court sbould illsist upqn haTing wiUIlI Instruments inatead or oral leaiimony

on 11 matlen pertalUing to tillea to real esltmiddotmiddot It is tben Impossible except by forgery 0 deli1tud tbe Govelnmeol

J middot1 DI~It EE TO SO ULEi

011 saturday the 80th Insl R dhner was gllCllL

by G~ F f t~ Ni It A bull n razcr 0 e car guan rmy b

comphmentto tbe Hon Pierre Soul who wal about to doparl ror bis home in the Uuited Stte Thea e we8 bo~ -8nlY peraons prescnt am~nK wbom fero Brlgader General Fry N Amiddot Col Weeler American M~ollter Hon Pierro Soul Pb R Tbopson AdJllant GeneralN A Col Tho FfFlher Quartermbter Oenerol N A MllJor Ccane Acting Postmutcr General Col Mark B_ Skerret F R Col Jooe~ Paymaller Geoeral Nmiddot A Mr Jobn Tabor of EI Hira gpen jMrCharles Gallaban of Ibe Customs Demiddot p~rtme)lt and In line all tbe delArtlD~ta of Iht CIVIl ad military gonrnment were rI reaentea The dlODer fas g~t up In a very exc lent manmiddot neralld Included lome of the rareit vegeltblt productlonsas weU as tbe cboces middotjallds and yy ~ood wl8a 4 I

B~SIdler (Ieneral Fry prelided supported 011 dUeohteot ofihe n=eolt thon bI tho fear nilw (It ounda ~eeoled In the lgM OM Walker perfoctl kaolpRrentwbici were never subJeeted his llgbt by rho U~II lJieCSoul alld bn bb I~ rreel) expreid tb Spa~o wlll mako an attempi bail nooe of his forco killed and but nine wonud- 10 any regular prooCII ofcbrratali~liop A gen by the UIitedStateB 1Iiniater i toaubJiJilllte )(exlca od IIIt1mately tbe Iybole of ed allof wbom recovered Of the nino two were het ampmtrlcul pOele88ion An Jgeoi frem Gua~ rIIlemen ~lId seveD 1I1l1e8 telitiilamp had OIIl11ited tft ympatbles of KuIco liidlt Gan Walker About thistillio the treasoR otRIYIIJ occvred aud he Ilad Iieen grsutcd pershybullnla1ioll to recruit forcel in that State 10 Ierve Jigalria thll Republic But on tbo receipt or cershylain rill~ frommiddot Europa that Spln seriously conmiddot ternplated a war Y1~h texico President Aluraes refoked tbe Iluthorlirmiddot io oalial soldl in bat StIlte an4 Ulltil arull planatloa was offered It wu ib~ugll ~ middota~ Iould ~r1i8 between Mexico nnd Guatemala Bul the matter WIIS explained aD as n matter oC COUJS8 Guatomala fell equally hterelted Mexico thll eve poasibllJ energy sbould be lel witb Alvaraell tomiddot repel Spanish agshygre~lon 9Il Mexicobull Tbe80 facts have notblng to 00 ~Itb ua other tbun to origloato a Rlaller beshytween Nlcrgllamp and Mexico whlcb mllSt be setmiddot tied beforemiddottbe ltate can eatertain an1thlng but coolness towa~ that Rilpublic

If I Imposllbleto conjecture how mucb trutt may be attacbed to tbe reported lotentlon ohlte Spanish goveuuont Wh~t8Ter tbeselnshytenton wete preleul to the exlatiog rovolytion tit hlime juat be Spain Is so fraught with Intershynal coo~ulllons t~aI ~IO apprebenslo~1 need be en terLllned- 011 thia aide the Atlantic of an attack from ber DOW too buon occupied 8Oidle1 FlIr

tbe ftlturehowenr wben ber govommelll may

TIl 84of Septombol~ 1816 being the ampRnl Teraary or Ihla victory ~Il of the bo)a wbo were the battle delermlned to saddle up aod reo qllelUbe GeMrsl to rldeout with chem tblnklng II the most aoberaod plea Ilt metbod ofabowlng their regard for thelr much btiloved ~olDnabder UnfortunteI1 they or 100 late for upon reo pairing to the Genrals qurters tboy found thtmiddot be btd already gone to ride It was a great dltshyappointmen to tbem but tbey took a galloll to th lake and on tbelr returll stopped at the ell of th b~tT81 andmiddot dtmlJlhn b) luvltalion oC Col Jones aJyenl touted Tb(- BaUlc or Virgin Bay and tbose w~o tfere ClQgaged In It Thoy tben rode arouod tbe city ~1 th~ Churcb or tire Altab ald baH to tbe Plua when b1 InYltatlon ot OoL An- deraon the repall-ed to tbe Walker Dbuaealld again IOIIlted tbe 81nloC tho ad efSeptembtr 1866 AlerwAMa by InTltadon fir (01 Jonel tbe) brougt up at hi relldeoce wbere seated arouud hi table wlLb plenty efbrand water and cigars many Incidents connected with tbe cammiddot palgn were relted many amusing aoecdote told and a gcood time bad generally up to ten oclock P raquo wben tbey dlpersed oscb to their reapecmiddot tin quarters

We gin the names of ~e genUemoa middotIn town en Wednesday who were preseat at thefigbt of

beeOllla stable from an allianco wltb tbe h)uae of Vlrgilmiddot BooPIIlO when FrCflch force than be aIded to ber obstinacy it la impossible to dc~ermioemiddotwat Action abe ~aJ take 0 realize ber long cherlsbec Iope of reoewed aOTeIelgoty OYer ber former colshy001 In America Tho kolowledge or tbes hope~ and along Rcquaintnocc witb the headlong penJatency oh~ Spanish l8ee creates a r8llll0nshyhle (er In tbe Mexico Republic tbat It will nol be long before Spaoish guna will como tace to face I~ tbe CIlltlo o~ San Juan do Ulloa The pout bWtr~ tbat I rance nlly alford ctd asalstshyaoce creates tbe greater danger and the moro wshygon lIecesai1 fo~ dereual preparalion

TIle 88me ~uso wbicll ahould c~eate appreben ion In )(osieo (ought not to bo aUen to NIra~ gUll It Spain desires to re-establisb Iter 10TershycltDtover on8 portion of ber tormer depellden-

CoL A Jon Cpt D n Bailey ~iPtbull J V Hoof Capt Oeo M Leollard To~nt~rdoelj ~ie~~~~arkhIDi Wm E bull Moody Bamuel Kenlltdy Lieut WID Matthew Wm Andcrson Charles Fiaber DUSIITIIO COIlPLlIfIRr_Th M_ya lIerald

88y th Mn DUlenbor 1111 at MllJor Dusenshybor1 now In conlUsndt M_ waa the firs Amerlcall lady thllt ever ascended to tho summit of the vohlano of middotMasaye We believc Mra DII Mnburl WI not only tbe firat American lad) that ever ucended thlll vo1callO lIII1lhU lIbe waa the 11m lad1 tbat ever broko tbemoootony of lIIllAY Ille by becoming a resident 10 Us midst

AlTAL 0 ~DA BrulIIR-The San Carlot

tlemao from Illlaaiasippl wbo baa lived III Leon Aner Ioe more substantal part of tbe entertaamiddot~ al80 Io~om uatha~ the iug~r uaod In that scctlo~ of the State la not ollly eqlllln every r~spect to tbe beat Loulalau table lugar but tbotlt18 sold cheaper Not Doly doe~ tbe country present In aspect moat fut9rable ~tbe agrlotmurl In all tbe abonrespects but It ia undeniably Olle of the beat grpegrowln~ atates in tboworld Theprieata inforlllll UI thttmiddot lnanyeara ago tho grape las cultlvated to cODalderabte extent and -Ine WO0 dllcecl lupenor even-totbe celebrated Catlonla brand The Spanilb government however In a Jealous mood ordered aUth~ vinea to be cut up

ment had bee~ disposed of toasts to tbe iPresiden~ of Ibe RepublIC Ib~ Hon PIrre Soul~ be AmeH cau Minlaterthe glvcr of Ibe entertalflJllent tI beads of the various Departments of t~e Gllveru meot and many of tb gentlemen pretoot ~ropoled drank 1I0d reaponded to Ith much gusto I

Gencral Fry presided wilb his ulual groe Soul displaed such eloquence upon Nicaragan alllrs as plaly sbo ed be iaterest he too~ hi theilgt and 001 Whoeter wla al usualbrilliant ~nd will1 11 would be useless to endeavour to deserlbe

and the manufacture of ine ~o~ be auspeildod Cptaln Frazier 8amptyle we sball not tbe~efOl1 amiddot Aler the revolutloo oflodependence th country tempt It It is lumclent to lIy that he performed beeame Involved Ill such a ltate of IPucby and tbe part ~H m~ne bos with ecl4t I) btselrbull1HI consequent uncertainty tbilt DOmiddot efForts weloe made to tho satsfllctOD of his guull to re-commeoce tbe cultivation of g-ape and a Tbo company separated al leven ocl ck to ~ look a tbe wasted rllncbes nd deoayed b uildi~g8 tond at tbe Presideot~s Levee bull that mark tbe Statea gradual decline Will lit once DUARTOR~-The stealDer Sail Oarl08 Ir cooYloce tbe most skeptical that this Is tbe 001 tbi port on ituesday iRat for middottbo Ban JUIO ril eri 1eI800 1by tbere are no vloeyarda ill Nicaragua with tbe Illtelltion of connuctlng Itbtho Nell at present At eYery point tbe 61gna ofmiddotdecay are Orleaa steaDIer I mallifeste and eTen the elthltmiddot baciendas are The Hon Piorre Soule took hia dedarturo o~ aot free trom tbe reproacb No Improvements tbe S crlo~ and 1188 attend d to th~1 b b b o appear to have been made within the Iut fifteen a large nUDlbe~ of friend In ompall ~~ 1I or twoot1 yelrs except allcb as e~e absolutely Soule Col Fisher Col Muocoaas and~L1eut Gbull neceaaary i and at evory f~olstep ell8ts tbo sign Y Giattook their departure fortbeUoiled Statu of I former wealth llId population not now known 1 tomiddot thomiddot State Jii~TIC~ to OYII2nS or LUB V_~L~Attenmiddot

The Boardof Commi88loners to dctennine on tbe tioo II dlfected to tbe notice of Cbarleal ColiabID rigbt or the Government to COnaSClle tho properly i another ~~tDn a~vertising 01 perso~a nuIS adYerliaetl leAt preaon in aston In this cit) tlng tbea of Nicaragua lIDd tbe ~ivor Sail Many place haTe been taken p08881Sion of by J uall tbAt hereofer tbey must take 0 IIcenHI tbo ollleen of tho Board which will probably be for their ve~8 before tbey can eftgae In tadm given back as the owoe wUl be IIble to prove on tbe oforesdid walers I Ihat tbey were not compromised III Ilny troasou PIlIISOIIAL--Col John n Markham lately in agalnlt tbe Republic But R8 n matter IIf justice command of the Meridional Department arrivOll to the State aRCI that 1 1e88on mlly be taugbt the In town ~ )tondlly by the SattCarloa d~d I stm dilUlleeled whlcll 11 be warning to otbers botb in thecity L~ Col A Rudlor in oollDand al bere and e~OThe it I highly proper in oumiddot Cutillo also came up a passenger but ilel oelt opinion tIa the BOllrd shollld proceed wltb closemiddot day on therturn nip of the boat i ncaa and rigor In ItSmiddot hyestlgatlon We have to I deal iLb lUCfI who art) i reality ellemies to tbo OnANO~ or nuo QUAITKas-~ng Oeneral State and who would take the Brat (vorable oe Uornsby III com)llan~ of tho Merldlo 1 Dep~r~ caalon to declaro for cootioued rel)lutlon Any end ~a removed bla head qumiddottors rrom Sll achellle they cOllld doviao regprdleaa of ita honor uan e ur to R t or Its collsequeoces would be qulckl) ndopted not GOHI TO SAH OARLoa-Capt JrRRk bOlDplOIl

eit in thla q~terwby ahould no her ambltlon Captalo ErrickacA Arrived alibi port on Monday onlr againampllbeGovcrnment bul against uupre- baa been ordered to San Oarl08 wi~b ComplaT cov~t the bol of tbllll Ihhe attempt and 1middotlPoIl Virgin Bay brlbgllg lip leveral p_ tellted women an~ children middotThnt conllderatioua F First Light Infantry He Ion on tb alellllUl tuceecdamiddot1Ii llbjlllBting ~nlco would abe oot gers and coosiderablCl freight or bumlnlly abould bo middotextended tlards sucb on Monday


268 I

El NlCABASUENSEVoll No 45 p 2 Sabado 13 de SepUembre de 1856 Saturday September 1318

Ohonllllu where the rar_ nampedmiddothey hamp4 been DEATH OF ESTRADA IHBRITiW iiiiiBIBUTIOf lenl bT ~etII Wilker nd on amphe angtli or ~ f Jitaragne nst About two weeD lince IlllormatIoD - re- bill 1b7lrobbed de minON or eyeryampblq the W are lafonned lbJori HarlaampI~ 1lIfmiddot

mid he1IJheamp TiJrle ad hll 11111 of ObbeN wnW AI leaglh amiddot phyalolla who was ~ the PUI8lded Preeld ot Nlinragua appointedlI _t__ S middott 18 had beea cutlo pi_I ihe 1DGlIIttm Of~OhoDmiddot millet of wlilt IlAlifit1 we did no hear ealled lill the yampCftmroccaakmed by the deeth ltf lKm 1Jaturday O ~ 8p bT a parll of llldlul 1M the DeWi caml In lb 811_ togolhor and loformed Ib~m di he JruIO Cliamorro baa beeo ltIlledmiddotblbemiddot Iodinoa

-- IVCll lodlroei wJ IIIId wal aUog$ampber en 110gt It Oeoenl Walker aod WaIJ tlllled UI he In the Department 01 New 8egolo ala town ARMY REGISTER hk 10 lIIyellCCu~ III Ibe _oner ied dtd had 1101 1l1li1 th_ ~ento pllloder them aod called Samoto Oraode It ppe~ Ibd A~tonlo

middot -da l_t te wdldnoamp~ I ~eo allude 10 IL 00 couaolledthemW_hlealldclrlnhemiddotmahlud UliRYiallatbom ~lradampbdllDpriSOllednPromottonl an_nppow men bull Wetla howlt a PIWIl airbed trlm ere from lhe couo he guard hooae of Ihla 0111 and who waareolsed

iI TH11 o-nu oeDII OJ lBUI1IT the hIcIeedaof Ualo Grode DellI Julpe be- The minera dId18II9IIIbIe 0 Ibe outaber or onr bl Gen Walke on hla eyloto GIampn~Wi wuTUO - - h l

1000cllII 10 non lermIo r_r which M DOW 00- two bOldredjbullrmed wllh mal)betaa picbaod t e mean of Estradu death Child ltolJecl G ~ Bawley appolnamped Second Lleutellut C1IpW b amllllludlna parIlIl~ aDd otherlUde IUIIHIbull The 8tanedlo p_~ ot Tur- bull partl oflotfIe meo In Leon ith wb~m he

en~ ~tampotCoIl1ll of BubeiatellClo be -rmoli the preriou amptor) III an 111 pfriIco ley and lila IIInd and lOOn _memiddot up wllb them went 10 Bomoto Grande where Estrada w- rht~Becou4 LlelltiOent Oenrg Femnd prolllOamped IarI IIIYlDgmiddot J~ed diem ftGai tha m ~ The aUe _ ther were oololllUered nd ltie he Incited thnUve poplilation agaID Estrada 10F1111 Lteutftan0UrlllI

loho C Crowell Ippojllied Iecolld Lltuleoant Balbelorerelolfllgthalle wewRlCor hellen manded a parle aad twr UI Interchnge lor lUch plleh tbal Ibe roao IIpon him WlthoUi ~ArtlI lIampot I~Of oar teIdera who malIoU poeted eeYenlftaga of - Ibe followillg lel1llaof caplbullbull meaDl of defeoce he fell the Ylcllm 10 hIe OWl

IamprII who and wW furle all4 hie _ reallf Iolon weie entered Into Turley party weN pervealty IBESlilloAfIONS wbull to up all um+ ar IIh the were to be

middotliiatLiauteou$ K Bew _tint 001lUlllmiddot QIp$ Tutley arrIcd hert 4He ~1111amp fumlabedwllb suibullbullwhowoold take them to the Hu III1 baJTubull-Th sehoGDer Pearl r~sarr of Suhlltlence baa retIgned bit pOllI1on Ibebetd ota plrty ofinoampfOur 1lItII 81idlated 1~leooQrmiddotBIerielclllnrf1rblO1i Ibey bolmd tbem to Ibla pOd on ~ueed rllr a severe ~D ~ i had teA hili ~ lieu and Jar- ItImtod_d and leavemiddottlte coooy lerooe Up to Virgin On t e prage up 8 e lIIelTWO IMPORTANT DEOREa8 _ ier 00II of III New Or~ a_ CrtuIIi II Ia _jtultd thai Torle) party mutl bue a tremendous 8118 which 8Jlrullg Iter timiumlo

Ja tha ~ NJooir e publlahad bull ~ ho woold be w by lie autlllea~~ been oulof _uoilloo oIberwlae the would nol mllcb thai Ie waf willi dUlieult abe maJ~ed to middotdtorft of bullbull8upreme BreOll~Y power ~ug Tude) hImaeJf had III Ipparendl IfIIIIlr I~ llayt aped- to I lip bel ~ arml i blu IIall ~eep afloel ~ngo and c IlW wetemiddotke~t ballmiddot a eeiIaJji penaft of abOr IIIi Idlelltll or III the did menuer whCll pre~ oftrfODemiddotla-1di eTealll lbaldIdo a3d II Ibe lodoua got pol- log alllhe while alld enl hell gllal apweh~ _ ~pNIIIlelra olthala ~~no ~1Of Be eonlrmed In hftappolotmeDtaDlI eeiIdon ofu-sa prepotIlion wa made to knt all 8~ wafelt lbIabe would go downbull In Ileat~S An p- whe iWl ~e BfteeR cla11 1louS em- hit eompIIl wu 10 1uII1e1 Of the robbeI1I ~ WI agted to bl 11141 patl aoout Ibe _de lb lee 01 tbe 18~ld or ZapaLeo plo1meot hanoI ao lIIbl - or IlIiPOJI II dered 10 be mouoW B ~ UI lii0i1 ofUle mllerlwblii ohe were In fayor of keep- and In comlog to tbla cl~ nayi_ted a cpnQel liable to~ aad WUI brouSht r_ lui orbllmenhad~ reeroItea 1IlIelIIweread IogUltreea It di1ll1oo 11111~ade aod IIItweeo Ibl Ielan~ od the _Inlalld htheo peteet8ab-PreIeOtOcrrrllotofPollcOI~Ide mlrab~ h_mali IIIIdfrom brlog pllilldpaled 1amp _ found UI the 1t1l~lIg pa1ele lalgeiy IInIcIlOWD CoL Btl Commluarr Generall CapL ma) be 1eOOId1o hard labor oPOIl be public III ~ border wus of1Ila( Side bodl1rilb Hex lu Ille lIIIIIori~ whin-eupoa thelaller HI UpoD TUImiddot Baldwin lleI loIeaL lage Gonrnmellamp agenl yorke tmondll DllllIIIId IruJIalIII ~euller 8Ued filr dIe khId et le1 gIIl wUb UtFmaclIelr and 04h~r capone caDle up 01 th Pearl LleuL Page brought up

In l1OdItr 00I11J111l of Ioodan prp~ II be 1108 for wIdob the R~ dtldtitd ~lllJlledall but two wilo mad their tgtecape but $600 for the goyernment CapL Bardl comma fOuod bull dtcre8 forlbe eliroroemeoa orall cOiI~rtOla lhII -1 ha been part true hollhlre U 110 wera u~entl caplu~d and are now plleooe hePearL for labor u If IIbOHr eIWl OODIIroamp to worlder opportODlt for Ibi r ok_ Bugen hel8 II AcofampPI MlJUltoUJ COIfDVIri-Defore a general CoIlII I IOlipl period tIiaa IIx IlIOn aod eha1111111 ~ to~ ~b 111amp11 of die _ittr bullbull T~a Thill milerabl pembed Ibe d_tera who but Hmld held 10 thie till dorlol ampbe week print abide bymiddot1iJa 8IIpgemeot tha Judgeof Jim Ja compao~ ~lt ~lDed ~era ate d1t WIiea lew _bl1ce were greeted ~hroder8 by tbe F A Bod of Ule 8ecoad Llgbt I~fillllr w elUte ~rec Subprefoot Agricultural tu UI were ordered 10 1IaolJUl wbra Ihree 001II _1lId0I1801 of NiCII1lg Iud wbe) mlgbt tried for lIIulinoul conduot In that while 011 lhe or Iridal Alcald - HlIlIaCe blmmiddot to forCed paal oftha1 ~w_m~OIedmiddotlIlIdercom middotnow be oooupting blgh and bODOlable position eteaDer 1 W SCou be drew llie knifo Ind reshy~ ~ ~ptlbllo oworb for the unuplred IerIIIm~ orltlIpL DolIO The were bull11 met bat tor tWr lIIbol ahlle for pili that 111 IU 8iated Ih gull1l alld alen tbreaened 1018 8UperkJr of lIIIlIeflM And~ pereon who abtl COIlo wli SIiirp CIrhIoee Illd 01 ad w~ 1111111 whloh woo141101 be COllte~1 lUI Ibe pro- oIIicere and DUd dl~pectful lan8uage to them middot(raCwodi aod fall IIhaIl be liehIe to nOli lIlao loon well mOlloamped whtu h1_ ~e4 10 ceedI Ofhoneeampmiddotloduet J bulmWlooedt IIIIeIr for Be WI tried Ind confloled and he Courl llargtll Clil rior lore dIII liJllonlbe fbioeed Imor on UI _ling rbout th lIelghboibood b1fbIoIlRlcIlI nddtit wealih by deepoilog oiberabullbull Tutlef WaIJ condeJIDed hlllllO erYo one ye at ~ hbor PW1~ lmpro~ta Uley cibtaIoed preUy good bowledge ~thlIII- bull _ ofgood educallon and exceedigIJ plampu ullder ohIrge of Ibe gllard 1Iilh bull bal III ohlin

n ~ eYideol1rom th_ two ImporJanl deereea roundIoOlJlItrJ lhIe _0101 od maoy tbhk lutl he decelnd bil rbolll 10111 legtha lb Goleroill~t Inteods to ~o y1f11b tha A IIW more 1Ilal _k lier Ibtlr Irrl1Il _ In Ihe fI1II 1lnee bY81lIlig Ural hemiddot WH - bull I ~18f()Ul aPdlmiddot of Idlen wldcQseeru 10 tIIe1fere ardere4 h1 CaptaIn DOlan 10 pIliMied III aelliagiJuder orde tloniGeo Wlter~ OfCOUrtl lluu amp018-10 uother columo pqbshyW uieUUri ~nlon oft pbpwtfOD n I Tl~ aad ueteIa Uleb of-~_ hedeception could 1101 ha II1ttdmiddotloug hot tha lleh tbe adYerlilement or the M la~ 1~ Plbable one-thlrd of the meo ~ Nleampng1II will a1uje 00II of tha bull_ Dad been 1111 men Dilllid lbemI It au enIIIf _ for Bered 111 ah r_ will CODmellce whttber II ~ 1IlIiSUltW deotamiddot of Ibe ngrut 10amp I tlldmiddot d-bulland a bull~te no1i to be mo the7 bd robhIlHbe DlIlI_lun dltecUoJie aOd ralal or bloea ~ attd 81 eLtenelv prellyenAIio- another lUIP pJO~lIon wm and th8lllaoln BoO Ihp inot)fiur bOllrll Thtf ted ~lnsl7 ofOOI1Ne mad thelia eneml laquolid heillde kilew ba8 boeo made b tile Ciub ~ week ue III~ lpot

jeeto dlel8jlO1ld The loealuhoriUeII nendIMJllpDl1IOueeOrmiddot1ffaa middotiAerwramiddotbull lberweralookedllpOlt deerampei1l bdel~com leespected Doll C~ot DraOIIamprtntllllI middotoatt byerbruUhe m~ halllmoob hoolll en It WII14 to ~ reparll ooaoooamped plul IImead of raa-_It~ouldno fgte d1ft1oo1tmiddot under lvoh cb~ aome tit the fln1 I~k In lbe counlry hlc1a iUn In all 111 Mneea ofllle te lolInd plug 10 TIpiamptpa lhe1e deloor of Iibout eUDllIMea to Induce them 10 _lInueon Ih han been llactly~ UIIO for lOme dt llenlt IIIIIIldeat emPlo1~8D~ the ay or cOIhiclklS fout mllell ilidmiddot Ib _ to OhonW u lfop~ of reaoltll Ibe coori andtetw1Ilog to of tbe olllOlll are 180 In the pOlae~lolI cU ncr grmtl IlId all empo7lr who desires labore AooOmplng Ulem_ Jolin J BiY8lll bull young tolbel bOlllelll1l th~ States Wilh tba08leera of 8Iook upon wbloh Ibe ~ willing to alaie Ilfr b onJi to mue a cootrret wllb ~~ 11m oJItill~e mill who hid _lIIIlIy 111l1li ~ed tom the IcolUHI~ WII illlIm~t Tbeyweol Jato tbbullbulllIalr pile Sportsmen rOIO a dlftell~e r~~ cordI] fu hombrt- be matte to _realu one biId IW II1IU to bull HCOlld lIeutammtillof - poIaO8 wlUllhelr 7e11 OpeD f1d ere only ampetuted by Ited to III preaant and parllclpald n Ib~ spotbull for he Goremmell Improemenl8 Idlenei Ind _JlIIII1aod w ~ Ibe time ot hIi deiertiolll adealre for plonder on Ihe 000II1011 IIIdt~bgotogetherl and It all appllcallon for ctoallrlllcommand~amphI_peo7 TnrI7wu~IIeof VloDurgh MIH alld IltllU-illmiddoty bull s~iYmiddotJ-t IV nether labo III nOI di_~rerused ItI ~I tlllWrId At lIral 1101 belteyed IIlaI Tllrl and bll hll tamil tbe 18 middotcouldered hlgllty felpeelable holiday among our Iodilll friend Ba8 the ~o8aya i8rmatlnly bot to be blOke Tb mneUIer _mind bad really d_ftHl Tht UII1Ie olllcera When bull ho1 bll cbataoler 1111 hid and he laquo8 Herald It was Ibe annolY_ we beley~ of the InduatrJ nor coneoience i alld ~y are of opi~ and Iwenlywo _ all Americana oouId be early obliged to lea hODle 011 account of bls dla qbjvgatio~ of Ibe 1Ioorebullod Wa6 entelpu InlB tbat th_ IWO 1flnU are aupplled b bull characer- Iolated tlIeif pIlgh~ faIth d_ried Ibelr eonll hoa1 prop8DIIltlea n ill Id Ihat a few yeal8 wllb phit Abougb w vou1lt1 nol UU


IRlII IIIOre alarming elill m~lIce It Ie Id ellmiddot tJtmeo and abandooed their lleDdard 10 jolo bull IIDce he made trip IlIto 80ulh Amerloarwbelll Iheir IlIUguase yet we alched Ibeitmiddot m OllVte8 perlenee upbolds tbe unrtloo that be lu hIrhIroIlI aad mlaerable lactIon 1fho Cete llnog bejoloed bull part ot no~ robDeIl IIIId was qulle wllh aU the lowt 1fe could lIIusler nd en lO8f about ahe hou8eII alld aguaclleote Ibope pllllldering tbelr own -- lOme-~ SllIce thenu lemiddotal3ledlbal be hn DeeD joyed Ibe scene YIlI1 much I will promlae to 1fork with 110 olber expecampttion 11101 too u~uoding IIIId oooatoni to be belleY I marelldlllg IIIOn the bordere of Kexlco nd Texae thao to disappoint We know thlt to bit the cue hot u lime pued 011 deIr eontlDUed hIIVIle ThliIe partloola haYe oom lllit 81nce bls deler Brr-Tbe llaaay Berald co~gralulatt8 Itot io mau1net0- wliere America han IIOlIght and nrlOIll ehCOlllllallcel whleh 0IIl8 to IIghl Uoo LIeu Rlnll Ia lIatiY6 we helie of ~ being pree~nt hot Moodal ntght aldauCl workillen for the laborer-if 10 dIJnIIled a _ unwllllugl1orced Ibe eonyicllon upoD Ibe mlnda Sao Antonio Tue IIIId 41a berne II good pYIln b Bellonte Marla Balellmela to tbe oIIker$ can)le fumlllhed to 81l0b libelll on lad~lIIye of d lIilUIwee Indeed 100 true aud from lila cbaraeter up t~ Ibtlimo of hit desertion Bew of Ibe secoDd LIght lofalliry Ba~ImiddotJlon T 6 perr ~Ude joked at their IUCC~ d-I Many 1Il0Dl Ule lIa1ile or Turley or of Idi conted liked by hit meo audmiddotlrllaled b bla IiUperlor lB ~8I a p_n olle I 01U llSU Ie C~D~ POn7 lmportllli works middotwould now be In courae of - -ee ~e a bTe-word and a _ -oor aU cere andoo mllnln lbearll1etood a fgteltercbaace knew blms_e_________ donbullIt bena could he employed alld e 11110 hononhIe mell to ttain high poeltlon tJiaa he did Ilh fatal TaUIIIIIII1 STOIIV-OII Tueeda nlghte amp11 tbe aallIon of knowlog tbat uoder th_ The pen opIldou of 000IIII wu Ulea amphi d momena the lempter foalld him aDd he bartered Rub II aucceaalOIl of beav claps of Ibuu er ahal deereei - k1ud or abow wlll be mlde toward eerlell would ~e Ulelr way 10 Leollud jolll Ibe all lila bop for the proapeot of bull robber life eIIID boiled milk UJ1lod to booD-clahbe Tbe colleolinl UI lleeusnry foroe to ~o on with lmIldmiddot hclloroblll Ibue but II few deemed more rro- OfIbe olbers we kaow nolhlog peltODlIlI but rbo Ia aboal Ihe moel forcible IIu8tramp1I0 of lb iOI up lIIe C)OUolry lC men II1ilI 00 work fot bable IIlas u had gone 00 a robbiDI npediampion ~ng to lilT who mIght b di8Pllled to follow etretl81b of Ibe atorm lhIt we call Ibl of JUII bemIIlm or olliors Ibe VilI MJI(J to work (or amoor lb riobbulendu cir Chonlillea aocl woald tbelr eulllJll If ampOy lUeh tbere be appsnd now Oanmmelll i Ind II few 8amp111 experience In this aodeaTOr to maIte tbelr way to de AdlUllio com Ihelllmee of fie mllerrbl wratcllee who IIIve paid i lIer llDe will plllhabl cure the llloelobelloato either Blew8eldt or San JOIII del NIlrte The en dead for UIlr crimea TIIVPIiJIICIIlampaTI1-rrOfe8llOrSli1IIWlt1 cubullof Idlen ord_lllaloeu laltMire lIagulirly oorreot for UIe 8m newl bull OJrI01M lecture 00 tho IObJect of Temperaoce h -1

i L_gt _0 r-abullbull b- _II Lgt Turl ltlIpL_~lfbuderR LieuL E FbullRullleli iO-lIIerrow enolng The d~ coureo wm givemiddot_ Lt

FLA( middotQF THERIilPUBLIa _ ft_ u 0 nJ vera th Ia I ~ t f tll b ft C beod had robbed etII haetendu In (Jbooet PRlY-T18 degDn e p Ya hn ~ronl degb__ urch at rP M

bull oort open I 0 t me UI b By a dec e puhllabed In an nolbor columll Ibe a olle of whleb the)- were bllllteo otr after coo- I R Fltzhogh A C Lewle I e our I

Fiac IIf Ibe Replblic 18 changod yerl materiampu lidertble of bull lIghL It did noamp appear th amphi i raquoj BBi ~ tok~fdl HOltampLITr If LIOIC-The Kill Berld plIb It oOW eooeleu of bille etripes wllh willte Iiad JOIn aD of Ibe lIylns hlna of pbamom ampm~1 Jlo~ne K R Moni llabea an eKnol of II Jetter giving Inrect InteJII etripe between them the IUer Iwlce u wide III tall III IIlat regJon but like de - of lebm8l1 H- Conant A N Moore gence from Leon fu 1Ihloh U Is elated ~t oflbli Ibe former 10 the lIillldle of the wblte etripe ie UIeIr IIInda lIemed to be agaIoet fIery man and George Dunn Samuel MOre few remaloiog foreign troOjNIlIOW In jat city Iobearedetarwlthivepolol8 Wbullbullretbuarld O1l11en hand 1Ipl1ld Ibn~ Wbll CoL W O bull Ear~ Y BBllllth ftOmIlReeotoI1leotdieotleerydtYl

a IIIId hla nw 10 Ih b Ch IWeII A lira W B Sb~are shyofUie eropn d11eewblcbhu hllhlrtoenap r-7were8 roog 1)110 J A Gamlllon B Spheara COlllampIIIampIPamptoOJ-TheFiraamp RillelBaLaf proprlalell8(1teampe11ted Ibe State taIet he 1108rtmed from a ff1el~lI) nade dtd I B Tylor D 11 Klink 100 h bten 1lI()elvlog It pr during the pas - Turleyaod lIlamiddotpart were fa hnlclollYt aod had r ~ Welcb II K Welle week Tbe followiag COlllpaaleJ baY call d

8runOtu-Thi dhigdowa 1Ol rtew _ -w O p Latoloo de Colanelaollcelllld 118ded bull e l ~ e plalll to lIIe lake 1m beeo thqrotghly to fOhL bullbull C D and F Companr A Il opened w(lblD the leal weell IlId tbe Impro The om 1DIeIlIleoee of Tudf IIIId hl1l pug H~luo-The breUlrell of Ibe lII)aIoiC tie bull _ 811 Ia decided 10 the IdYlllltge of the Ylelf ft) tha ~polte prelousl) meolloued thrt dey rd~ to all ednrllemenilll anoUler column RJFlII8II11G-A dllgbtfUlly reflelhill~riB felmiddot rOm the city~1eUo ~e beacb bad a1lbeell IIIIrdtIed and UIII 1m now been from ~hlth It will IIIH tlilt aregular meeting i~terday momlng unlll6outBeYeD 0 he~

__- r Grilli --- a ed III auch a mlnDer u lcae no - of Orruada Lodge U Dl ot1II beld on Wedmiddot the weelber cleared up cool aod bealtb TbDRun ~__r caep D no eon rmmiddot i nudar e18olll 1Ielt _ e alternate Wed- bull e been appointed H Deputy b M~ahal Stomgtt of of III trUth We give the padlculan u we beard n by thereaRor hey will take due nOllce lOci pWa look beaulltulllllll present coallui pf greeD h Court of FlnlloaUDce diem -TIII IIId goue ioto Ib milling diltricl of gGIera h_lm accordlnIITmiddotmiddot gruB I

$I NICABA6UENS4Voll No 45 p 31 S8bado 13 de Septlembre de 18561 Saturday September 13 185S

GLANOE Oul OF TOWN MASAYA JOOJmiddotEYOLUB OFFIOIAL By TUB OIllgtBIlLY At m~ellog ampf the olllcentlaquo tbe 2nd Llllb DECDMI- m THE A1I1D_ i - Iolmtr1 Battalion September fth 1861 HtJOr JKdiO V~ UVIIlAllIUtIl J

o tlie capaclLy otOrderly to tbe Captain bolll Heopound1 D_bupound1 wae called 10 ~e and N 44shy~ Iu 110 often appeared In eonnectlon wltb Lleut Arthlll Conner eleoled 8eoreorl1 o 1

the _loin u uJ lh obJeo III ataIed hJ lUWUBUO 01 NIOAllAGUAmiddot ~ Titu Bdelu 1 fell Wl_1Uamp SatunIaJ PMdent lIU Ibt tbe orpIIIIllon of Jock Deptrtmenl of aw lIIIillnwrlol Be_lIell $ldIaeoYerlng that ho AI not III bll qlamplterl A OIub G_ Sepl 1~6 Ye large demlJoho but re~ently purebed w On mellon of Lieuamp Ju fl LeYJ ~w reeoled lillr--Th Supreme Eseelltl Pow~ hu been

ply aod III hollow I)ulld _med to echo the tbat this erpnizallon be known fa Tbe )(_ pleaaea amp0 d1cta1O th tollowlng decree TIl Jockey Club lh PreallhM of the RepulIo of Nlcvqut 10 Ita

llalllG with eyer lEgtverberalon 0 On rdollon of Cap J G D-ellx It lohabltants _pany felt looosome wllhout the _lIIonal Iemiddot R4fOlNtl-Tbel the_lin proceed 10 III eJee In erdv amp0 _ ampbeelgtIC perfOnPalloo of__ 11110111141 commandlug ollleef and I therefore fel dO~ ofoillcen to thEgt _ulng yr tracII Cor labor In Ime of Ilia aulborlty 1 lore InCUlllbent upon m 10 dlscoer hla h_ Whereupon the toIIowlng gentlQlllen WIN Dmiddot DEORlBa

enlmoualy elected and lnataIIed I - Pmldem ArIIoIe 1 AllY _lrIC made Cor _bor (or bull 1 SundA paaaed In ampultlel endeayoll1l Itllor B Dlllenbupound1 VI_Presidents Doo JampIl- larm of mentha or ean haD ha binding Oil the did Honday d Tueaday At luI I eenob IIsCo Brayo and Lleut I amp Le Treu_ paramplulO Ie

gh ~h eouDlry around the aguardleote mallmiddot Capt Horace Bell i a-taq Lieut Joh Cooper Art So Any penon who lOa malt eontract ~ au-asled ilBelt and I determined to 00 mpUon II w reaolnd lb comml of 10 perform IIboI anhballtaU te ful611 tbe_tract

Ihree be appointed lOmiddotdral rulu and regulallona iball be aentalleed b) tile Judge of Jif IUlaftcelmPthlm In quartcn I knew be would like to Inmiddot lor the gOufDment o( lite Olub ~ Sub-Prefect AgneulturU Judge Ol local-btlt The rollowlng gentl_n were appoillted aahI Alealde amp0 foreed labor on the public work Ibt I middotte ho1I8 of Tlw Bricks as IlIlbeyard lied commilltee Cpt l O DNUr Lltul W )( tem J 1101 I than one IIOr more than Ilx

- d h h db I to III Ie Reeder lIId Dr W L Lundy manu Ol uotll the puLy to whom thlabor III lip a tree an e a cen ~ n on Onmotloo A(ljourned H DVIIEIIlVIIT Presamp due may aelillgtr tlle rel_ DC tblborer

two busbels of eOIll lit Brlckl gaYe him tbe Joni COOP II Secretapound1 ArtI ADy laborer umay contl_1O do work middotIter hie purcbaae I eonclu4ed to mount tor a 1011ier period tbIG 811 month and IhaII taU

l1I~IdO bim Untlelog Ibe rope and Idillg him 0011111881011 011 CollfllJOlnO Bar4111-)(n 10 fulfill~11 OOIItriCIl ~Y~IIII~ced bld~bull - bull 1~1 of the ore menlolloont 10 _ inl Qte street I w 8111prleetl al hi 0 e Rogen and rullhmend the oolylwo membotrl of bor 011 the publia worki for the time of hili gnel[ ~ Ielng JlIaI high anough to allow my tt to the lIove Board are JIIoaeedugurlpidlaspoao pIred nlee Omiddotuotlllpu~ to whom hlalabor

(Ibo grount when I w 8eated in tbe addle IIblo 10 deciding upo tb PIOpfil unlIled In Ia dua may uk to hi rel_ t ampaddled 111m however be reeled to aDd flo IllOthe column IUbjeot to conJIteation The Art Commlnicaled to whom II ma COIlCerL

bull bull G1vtlllo GnIlMII tllia 61h day ofSept 1866nl hlle flIen but tbat when ho PPolnlJllent of )( Baldwlll II Sollchor of Ballimiddot W)I W ALm

middot te olle lido my feel Jlropped blm up and enat will reline lbe ampOlrd In greal _ 10 th IfInlater of Sampate In th middotDepll1lmant 01 10 tJ~lIte other In tbll way be 1(111 kept rom of IlIlevereal wk In coIIeoampIlIS alld ftaIlIlIItbe Qolelllmen Don Farmln FerlW

bull but wllb all my efforlB lie could not be In idence Comm~ClIed to you Ibt your IntorJDtllon and bull proper acIIoa w10 CO ~rvr and nOlI Illtaring hla denl) in HIDiateI of illite

ugre1 language IUClU u bullbully-he-y-be-he Soflotoa or ID TnilIlVIII-Jobn )( Baldmiddot _eot8oGb-ahl whicb trIn8Ialed mClnlwlD Esq rormerl Oaptain of Comy 0 Fillt No 45

Itoowl mYlIIlI and I think I middotdo you Cin Light IllllDtq b~ been ponted to the Imporampo REPUBLIO or NIOARJOUA l 00 110 IUCb gam a Ibat Flndlog I Uleleea ant potIlIOII DC Solicitor General of the Trauutfmiddot Deparllnan of Sta and Interior RItlou 10 peel a ride 011 tbe horn of M~ Brick I eon The ppulntmell of IIr Blldwln 11 wllll unl GnDeda Sanamp t 1861 bull araaI b toa Sf_fte Snmiaml BseoIIII Pov hu beaD

~ Ilvor w eJtended 10 lIIe I ullt down hIe bed 10 bt taken out or her bottom and bv Art t CcirDmullIeaIed 10 wbom It ml1- covered Ith dea wltn 011 hoWNie k tb farm AI be U Od~ ~ II wbole bull needed recaulklng C1raaada Sept etb 1866 W)I WALDB con~ aboot lOrty -- 01 tud more or Jell

1vti~t te _11011 Itn e 0- Ol bull bull ComIJUDleated ~ to r IofoIlMllon and MId II I plantain baclenda wltlifeDleIIlllld eyeqNothing_ A peclIlIr lip with 1111 blDd PJlI8OiIlIk--HampJOl John P Watent although oileD you you thlDgiltlaohed neceuu1Cot their ooItI1loe aIiIo

d to trf It OIl foot alld tying Ibe animal up v appro pJeuad 10 dlctlte belolktwlng deoree

10 tree I started On 10 hunt Taking lite AraquoOllIftll PIIICY -Ih HanYJ x- 8legal 1BB GOVBRN1UilNT ampoWf~ the ComnUf San FllnciacoI gelld_noflIeilyb~lppOInted~reteot lbe~~~erI~n-~~

dIIIly looking place tt whlllh I hid Db III the Sontbem Depariment InpIIce of nt COle tandere paD~ y ed tho Captain and rille atop ollClllliollally reaigned Hr Kane o4Iqe wlU be ruT ArIIcIe 1 middotAppoInted Prefect of IIId Depart hare einglllllr to reIte an agreeable locklug ------- -I )I Billlpound1 Kalle I whe hiI tlke charse

with crI hal d hlnl teeth b t HtVLID Up-The acbooner P_l b bMa Cor theen CODMqltot upon ih realpaUonIn apy L bull ng U ullled aahore llear the wbarf and III IIOW Ullder- 0( the ltaceIerof the soiaIIa of ruuof the pub f dark COIIlplICtIon UHd 10 bend oIIt two dll iOIlIs repaln III mampoy pla_ enUre bGIrda 110 reyenlltl with tll esoaplion ofthe bnulobea of eclIlIollt1he 1Ie of bull pllli measure As ~te IIIId labor blllh Ife ureed 1eued

h 11 Uie WOIIWI 10 tbe doop bu ithout ltill aulfermgliom hla late IIIclmeaa left tll Uty ffOP8l )(Dltter of State =~tb~~~~~~eId ot caltle _ Of 1_

OM I relamp Ier iloll In th app11eaampon 011 Tneadaylu Cot )(aupa to tHe commwl of the bnuld ~OB~td~ right amplid ud to gt(l1IIIa1l1lst4 dobe~ my head dIIt lfllJJOlWl pOIamp No 46 W J STONE Karol

middot III wy from 10 InbOlpllible quarte~ I RBPllBLlO 01 NICARAGUA l Orlnut Sept 1866 middot elOJIg 40WII under the jooote treu tewa~ Raus )taees f r Ha r r DpaItmIII of~Is~~~~ J AUCTIOI DB amp0l1l88I01 1088pound

lIMrieancametepound1 NothlngmOlllllfulCtOl8eQ JfABAYA OOURSB Sf~ThI SupremeExeoullYe Power baa beeu G H WINESamp (() lpitlt1 but allo of thougbt leemed to en- THE ~rln Heeling ot the )(-1 lockey Club pland 10 dl~tlI toIIowlng Decree ABB now pfepamprOd 10 catTy on the Auctlon IIIId

middotthlLt there IlRIId tbe grandmiddot allll eolemll WIll commence OIl Sullday thth Septemmiddot THE OOVEaNlIENT OommlaloU B__ ln colllllClion with tbeltod tln dlil plllan or the State 111 bel 1114 OOII~lllue until ampturday the 20th n being -yto ppolD r~wbo p_ Du~ on goode cooal W be ampdshy

r- e Flnl Day-Blinda 141h-200 yudl beat a In IhaII repreaell and deteod Iherllaquobta and Intereall noed d h ~-~ gallant bo hive g008 to eleep amid II lurn 100 Eotrance 15 110 forteU of the NIIinD1n TImIe of Ita authorlt putl w=_isttblC~~ or Granada are onl tb foundation Two or more 10 mllte a _-Free fOt all hoI_ DEOREl8middot LlbenI adylIICe8 by drafta OIl New York d s

te1MW Itae III for IIl1)lU111ng the former and IIlU wllo h bull bOt _on t race Article 1 Appointed SolIcItor of the ~ Franeiaco wW be made on reeeipt of mercblUldlze aid 1IIe Spllllah dynasly ecllpee tbeIIldlan Second D-)(olldll1tb-8iagle daah 800 (FIIcIl General de UaoIeuda) of dI Republlo of In the cuatoJd hoUle Tile hulldlng OCCUpl1lQ 119 ylllllamp Pune 160 IlllranCII 1111 forr11 17 II NIcaragua )(rloba It Batawln wIIb the aaIary Win ok t_ II f rI lIaing tll m fee eu4denly tumbled Illd be- Three or more to make bull _ bull For mulu 0011 of iWO lI~dred doll per IlIOIItII barre bulkamplldc=~tom n~ ~O~d I could recover I Ity p_trate OIl wbat bull Third Dy-Tlleaday l11lh-tOO 1IIda beal Art So OomlllOlllnated te hom It may COIIetIII celvodOll a~e ampII WI roshya lIel( made grave CroeaIog mylllif de- i In 8 PUrH 1160 lkra_18Oj balUOIftlt GNMda September 9 l~ J A RUGGLES A-t

_t _ I ~- Two or _10 make 1ampCe-Flee [or middot11 honroa W)( W ALDB G ada- - p- RI San shy~1I1 --ng In a IIOOD _ GIlead but FOIIrtb Day-WedneedaJ l1b-Jocke Dr auperIor order thll Ie colllmWlIcIted 10 yo ran VI - Y~ I Franclloo JI1OIDimagtbullbull theUlampootperfectlJaelfpoa- ~ Enttanoetl0i tulltorialt lOO~= toyourlnformadoll md proper uUon awlllamplng if2~~~rIaon t Co New York-obaa A moman IIld I WI Cllm whed It 00- jree Cor 11 mulea ackhOwledgmanamp of th - GnaIda April It 18511 crfted 10 me to loot Uhe DeW amplid ~y hmed FIfth Dy-ThIl1edl118tll-Oblllo~BNYOpu inRnt )(lnIater ofSIIte MAX A THoAN hid -- and to h lid _ 26 EIII_ III balf rfelamp 560fIIdI-middot ---- 4 bull

my orrore I1Itp bull ~ Jreefor-ail hOllJlt mbullandjaek No 41 WHQUSAU DllALEB IN foIIowID81nacrip~0II apptuedeograved upon the nSWb Day-FrIday 111$h-Proprle~ Pll BBPUBLIO 011 mO~GUA BRANDY WHISKY UTINE IIIhogan1 l1bletbull 00 Bntnllce 46 balf forfeit 800 JIIIIIamp raquoepllrimeDtofState and lllleriOl ~ t

bull co Banth th_ tdcb 8eal8 in II-Two or IlIOre amp0 mak NOlI GrIIIIIdt Bopamp 18118 AND ALL KINDS 01 LIQUORS LleII Tlw Bricklll LutDa-Satur4ay 201h-)(_dteradStake Sir-fbI Snpreme ExecuIIy Power h been Together with AlId _ban be died Sflnr Cup Bntnonca ttl I torfeil 16 40( p1taiJed 10 dlctale the toIIowlng Decree rZIV COPPBJIl ANDS71lBJS~RON fb DevU cried ards F01II Gr more te IOIIlce a nlt-Free Ior tile lreIIdellt of the Republic of NlCIraIJlll amp0 III IIIDALL IUIIIII OJ OOODS IOU) III 1fIIOtaaALI IITOI

Weicome Bricks ~eqhlng wlBblng to 11m bull Inbablllllll I bull HOIfIItal atreet In frout of ~ Couy YourellillftLn All enkiCIlO bmadelbedaYJlre~lOthe I_ucb thD_COIICIIIIIIIIS~1lon GrI~ JUlIe 11866

Ow the rriand of my eellmlble Captain died raee berore II oeioolr PH ItOm the well knon publlahed 011 tha Ud of Nombel~ 1~hu been D r middotUtU P t bull reputallon of tll stock IIOW on the cou1 aeriou1t modllled IIIId made of aWe ~ b a bull na bull - O

W Inen I hvbull been unable to ucertaln No aport may be especled Tile racta w1 tlke Decree~tbe ProfialelUll Qolemman med In BEGS LEAVI TO INFOR)( tbe cilbcu of 4111 the pTe no one erected the monulllelll paee rain Ol ehlne Sportsmen ar dletance wiD Leon 011 tlle 29th of Marob _1 paat-Theretore O~a that be bas opened

lllICribed tbeapprepriampte epitaph and I pl_uddreaatheSacrelaq luirtueoflbeautborltJ1nmeYeItedItil A DRUG STORE_ lbarotore without amph means of informing you K H DUSENBURY Preet DdBBD I Nf4rll Opp4fU tA 81m Ilr4flri (0_

good fellow but1Ith8l IlioUned to A BullY ltleO pro WIlL )(-YI Jokey 0I1ib ArIIde 1 Emy free wbltemail who IhaIIIIJI Where be Q prepared to Ibmiab MEDIOINES aguar - mlptta 10 tlle Republlo may enter lIJloo and 1m- PBRJUIlERY ampc of u good qualit and t bull ~all allow bla Ilulta 10 rest witb PIUeultrr Notiee prove aUy_pIed ttIClofpllbilo IaD4 DD el[ fair pricea u _be obtained In tbeelt bull

Perhtp_ wheo I and he Cap~ I may AS the Ial ud 2d Llgbt Infantr tauaIIona aeedlng _ handfed and tidr _In eJampent PArtleularattenampon wW be p1 tOPQUins -II you with lOme Inteieatlng Items _ hi aot MOl In thelr mll~ to cbll a after tlx IlIOIIthuealdMet upon Ol 0C0IIpIti0n up preecrlptiont our deceUed mlgo OIlIlULT ollice they wlHnot be p14 until tham of 0 oi aahI 1IIod b1haII ~eeel till therete ampom Granada lillie 1 18n

j bar and tbe_ required 10 ~eDd In tbelr the GOfemmeCICj provided that t die Ume of bit DI Au bullbullu P t t_lle Ible IlIOIIth entr1lIe reglaIer lbbullbull1IIe ~blDg It b metel OS

U8InROLtaWumBo-Balloticeflomthe Tho Artlllepound1 lid thelal and SndBaUallone lid boondllll tlle olliee Of thelteCorderoftbe TBNDIRS BIS SERVIOES to Ibe citlrena III rarllter II will be - tht th Fim and BtC- of rutH are 0 required to IeIld to ble 01Bca DepmmaDi In wbleh the Iud liei GIIDI4a and mloy ill tbe praetlce of BaitaIIoDl of Light rnfPtry no haring _ new l[W8tet-orolle 011 wblch thy will rec)el pay_ Art Ally immigrant laclnded wllllllllbe pto MEDICINE SURGERYamp MIDWIFERY II fWt muateuolla flit DD be p~ldolf until tbe menhp 10 he llral a~~ND~Sio =iIol~~y~Jj~~~~~olredbete IF Office and realieoce 011 Ibe aoutlnreattr4 of October Tbe are requIred te nlld In PaymaaterQeneral NIcaragbamp cate ud ~ tlie eD4 ofm montha OCCUpadOll COlllijf of lbbullbullweel oppoaite Ibe San FlanclacQur muterrolkl thle month TIle Fira$lIld Sec- 1 ceive tide for thre buodred IDd t_ly acres of CoDt Gll41l111e BattaIIona IIld the ArtlIIcq are required G1ada Lod 1J no public Iud w complltinamp wltllthe pro110 of QrIlIIampda JIIII8 1 laGS

t bull a regIIIt In lite tlralrtlcIt T _ Ioew In Dew muter ron on whlcb they wID be 1 BB regular _lInp of tbIa Lodge wnl her Art~ It eball bethe u1ofthe Record of bull auvr amp DuayFIyen up 10 the IlllltofOetober I ~ be held on every ltemate WIDNBS- land tldte In lite eferal Departmel1ta te keep ArOORNBYS AND OOUNSEJOBS AT LlW 1 __ _ DAY eommenlliq onmiddotWedneadaythe lUh of leparate and dIatInotbookforampbereptrylll all OlBcelllmiddotBt NI04UOUJIIH BuUdinga-80utl

VWII luC18-We IIOtice In cltoulalloD September at tho liouae ~ex 10 be POll Oftlet aotllmen~ ~ p4lIIeIIIOl1 prhllePl occanIag Wtll 0lil01 ot Piua Oruada NIIragliL 1- religious riotsmiddot prillted In Bpanlab al balf1 1 oeiocIt VIaltlbg brethreD are Itamp- IIIIdv b18 dtlllree Puilellilr U8Dllon plId tomiddot clalma plnt $hll sent olll 10 thl oOllnlpound1 hJ the Ammcn telllalllilmiddotlted to _euit Art Tbe appllln Cot fide WIder the 1m Qo_t 4 ClIAS CALLABAN W II and aecomhrtleiof tbladecree abaIl eatabIItla 1IlI IOD TABOB t

~SocIelY septenl~er_a18~ If six _tha occupation beIbte tbe lUdie of lIIe OWEN Durn I GUII4lI4 amppi I laGs


Flreamp 1__ of tbe Deparunent In which Ihe land hlllltuated after baylngduy notified lb So- lIelto eI Hacienda of the tbDe ltbleb he will Ipply1O the lU~IM a eertl6cale of Ibe aettJigt ment and occupaJOI herein rIIIulNd Tbe notice 10 Ibe Sollollobullbullall be giell ill writl~g teD day_ W the ppllctliop for eertilcae 10 tho JudgeofllraI_De

Art II The DeCrPl of Nof 2ad 18611 wi o( IIareb t9th 1868 are refoked 8d lnulled al ways hoevll illtouamp prejudice 10 Illy rlghta beretofore acquired nnder tbem

Art S Conlmuuleawd 10 whom It bullbullbull concern GIenlli lthuad tlllalith day of Sept 1866

Wit W ALKgaTo Ibe Hlnlster of State ID $he DeparlJllenl of Goshy

vernmenamp Don Fermin Flller B1 lIperor order tla i commllllieampkid for our

Informllen and proper aclioll bull hallla Hlol~ler 01 State


Departmenl of Stale and interior Relatloot Granada Sept H 1856

Slr-Tbe SlIprome Executive Yoer haa been pJeDied 10 dictate the Illowog deeree The President 01 tlle RepubUIgt of Nic1JIII in VIrshy

lue of bls authority DECREIS

Arllcle I The lIag of the Republic ball eOllaiat of three slripes Lhe middle whita IIIId he other blue the middle Blripo shall be ice tbe widtb oethe 0111 8tripes ud In tbe ceIIlre of It ampball ha I red aLar with ave poIn

Art t Communicated to whom It mI concern GiTeII In GfIIIIe4a this 11 th da1 of Sept 1866

WHo WALKFR To the )(Inlater et Sampate 10 tbe DeplflDeo of

Qoveromen Doll Fermin Ferrer 11 poo ordor Ihlli I forwarded to )00 lb

your Ioformallon lDdproper actioD IlIabullbulla HilllatenfSampale bull PubJle llale

C THOHAS Rpound1 amp 00 1 DOIOTlLI 00N ADUD 00

~ bullBY fIme of bull writ orfMe IampoIu 10 me dJrected ballI~ the Ibo e~~tull IDd tll pubull tb jU~f~ reIIdt~~t~ 1Iel1the aame the courtobo_ door III GIIII ~ Sllurday Ibe wbullbullUetll da ot September1~t telYe e cleekmerldlau

lJampcIendaCOIIIDlGD knoIflluthe Baolellda Sulidad altlllted Ibout nine mU _t~ or San lmIIz~~J~1a dopbneDbullltllll the IIIlpnlYCgt menta t_lItlllted eonllilllol of tbree bouiea


278 EL NICAHABYENBEVoll No 46 p 21 Sabado 20 de Septlembre de 1856 Saturday September 20 185

I ~

JRogen Wouudedto be proud of Ihe COUIIIg lIe might 1 exoea EXEOUTION OF JENNINGS ESTlllL ItCaP Will Ionofdarillif dlplaYed hy thle _II alld undlclpllnad ~ lmiddotJititfaguf nSf Dan Flowery Atli oclock PM 00 tbo Qvenlni ofFridlJ tilpany BYeI) man In It ma) be oalled hGrO (or Liellt Crowel~ Illth Inst 2d Lieu Jennlogll Eslelle auft~oo Ibebull I no man gaye an) Indication orr_ IhrougbonHhe Lieu Musgrave extreme peDalty oftbo 1111 by beinl bOI olli th

To mako the nature of the IackclcM II may Saturday lIIlorninc Sept 20 whole fttlr Erumua Norton II

Pl for the murder of 2d LleKt Ghamprlllll GorlIonOhulIIaher W A swfer MWllclan In tbe guard hou90 in tbo city or Granada ~hiltTHE FI(JHT AT SAN JAOINTO bu weltoetato thaUofront ofthelacpbouse Pt Dawes acting amplI ollice ohhe guard iwblch wu _eIlIUy bllrricaded there If~ an open SergtanL Simpson

Estelle had been p~cvJouly arreated foubOOliltg cannening 10 the Nicaragcan Army ubder Ihe

About two weeka ago party of thlrt Amorlmiddot apace or neatly quarter or mile In 18IIglh 10 L De Sbleldi William II SlOne Thumu Jildl1lrdll aiid was whoo be coMmbted LIeut Q1III1

front otlt and that III ootering tIll clearauce It the unforlunate act for whicb he sutrered dealh command of Col leDonald atlacked alld droYe Wal 801111amp1) for tho yolunteel to peII by the

Major Cal ONeal ptiloDcr confined to bit quarlers Ho bad ~ fnlrbehilld dPJlr barricades a large number of rebels aide or a wood In auch II maoner tbat ~e enemy Alfred Jone8 umberlog lfiO or perhaps mora In the encounmiddot could couot every mao pf their Plrty lnd that and ilnpart1al trial and the gentlemen wllo ~ ia tor oot American waa killed and several wOllllded there I no apot III that a(IaQ which ko bou

Lieu- Artbur OConner Capt Watkins judgment upon blm gavo him overy opporl~il1 -- Haynes (SurYe)or)When the news of the occurrence rtaohed this does 11M command Xl mllst 1110 bo unlmtood to eal4bllsh adefellce hul in thiB lie ulterly f~dO Lo Ro The deed lIal COMmitted witbout an provoea oncit SWoIl feeling manifested 1lf among the lbat 1I-1Y tbe eutlro distance to tbe Iarp houlO Alyon Adlll1s

citi_ Ind aoldlera to venge tb death or their Ia up an 811C01I1 wbich gave the defend or It or without aDt aggranting circums-noe U Will

countrymen and both omeera and aoldlera I-I adota oyer a plIrly that would greatly O Dougherty -Brady eenlenctd to be hUlli but tho comwande Inmiddot L Jobnson chief caued It to bo 60 far~itlgated lUI to qu1ed Gen Walker to be allowed to volunteer OlllOtlmbar middotthem It n~ Dot thereforomiddotbo itashy J U01d

him to be abotand fonn a part for Ibis purpose AI tbe Gene- ted that a party of about mlyaye men ~eftr Jock BOlweil raI wouloJ not COIIsent to aUow anT of tbe efficclll Judloloual arraDsed lIltaolted It undor 0gte1-1 dsshy J VIlSOD There lUI a lnr~o copeourso s-tbered Ilillt or IOldllll attached to regiments to go lie cili- adlllllampge 0 While nllll the c~eClllion ~lole walked witb II 1ampn Heeter atep bl Ultl sKlb 6Orcye d latharor Iho cb bIi lila OY bo he bad no control volunteered By tbo lido of tbe large house nda 121111

A loberlll wbo prayed itb him aud lor 111m from tbe guardto the Illllllber or fort1-tWQ to Iighl the rebels cant building which WI also fortilied and full of snoel RIlMeI ujl~ thei own reapeo8lbllity Somo men were mll an In tho rear of IIIOM two bobullbull 18 houao to the plac of execution I

Native boy-orderly to Dr R9ton Dr anton

When he lrrived at the pot wher be wI taIao raised III 1ohssaa end Tipltapa making In aaother hoUle hieil lfaa also defemled b II large Henry Ealllon breathe hll 1881 he requested that hia bnd~al1 ilxtyy men forco III the IaUer building wu a large umbar --ltlaborne might bo utied as he wisbed to ddreas ItheTIt nn tolunteered at Granada tlartod from of honea with the necOSIary equipment tor a Wm Cassidy h about oclock Friday eYeaing 18th inaL companl or two of la~cOlamp crowd ThIs reljller belllg graDte9 he apokp insmel KeDnedy

H MeCftrty a firm unfaltering voico 111 hia epeech bo atedIIld paaallt througb Bossay were joined by the Lieuamp Robert lilligan who wae alpoilled to Capt Rider the Corgivo1tW1 of the ollicora and soldiers ofIhevolunlecraolthllt olty They arrived at Tip lead tile cbarge1ed hiaforees up to a pick fence Sergeant Ruma Nlcalllgllan army Voicee 18$pouded from thotapa stuny morning At tbl point Ibe expedl blllbtood at the comer large ho_ an Major Arkalltl_ Roekcnuck

crowd II God Corglve YOll Dr Dickton 118 Col H1)o~ald refUsed u b did oot kllow In tbe Nlcaragua1 arm7-led tho force hleh bo llou lV1I IlIty to Cl)me to a promaturo coaclution olTiD ONeal-who II the yOllngelt lloldmccr

-- Spinll8r Q II D 1f_ll Wblle 10 ptleoo he I1roto tile following IIdd~c Oberokee lIruntosh wldeh be requested to have published them to the tolunteOrs to paH the rlcr oommided to tbe VOl) froll of tho mall eAbO H C Cookbull

llh01l~ aDrdet to that effect from Gen Walter h_ llelllrYlllg tholr lire until the7 gilt ltltlll GRANADA Sept 101b 1806 Thla obJ~tlon wu overcome b lome person linton paces hi ilion poured In 8 nurderous

(apt llarah Thse illl tile dyitl~ dechrRlioM of nlng

Estelle I was born In Malllh~U Tenneille in Ib W Jones

uggeatlnlbat Lleul Col Byron Colbullbullboulu be vollev-a linglo ropelltlon of which oitllt lllllod IM 188S alld 11611 raised from my 10rKney In requetod lo yolurteer i~b tbem and take tbe or wounded evel) man III It A Foteas VEIIICIIl III N1ClRAQU -At no Hinds coullty lIi8tsampippi I sted to Clifor commanq Col Col did Dot biong to tho regu Capt Watkin leading II tblrd division eharged great diewee from tho elty of Gralleduro lIl1alll nia 111 Ulit Ontbe road I hd difficultYtltb lar line ~t waa Asaiatant Qeartermater Gen_l stralih 10 tron or tho large hOllle Hereached a elll5te of tile moat beautiful and fertile Islands a man of the namo of BOlYard ond 8hot himJ r

ailerraJltlltotR nftn oCthe name ofBays blthIn thla ~aebe yolunteercd 118 a private bu$ WIll wlthh twenty pacea or II heo he fell fOunded it II poaalble to eODceie The) Yal) from a few wound did not happ911 to proy fAlal UI Ih immedJ qlccted Captain of the comp~n Wlthaloud toice ho ordered bill men to lIP ou_ squlro yards to lOevel1ll aqUAre 01108 in BUpollshy same year I had 0 dlllleuly l1ilh Chatles Ito ill

BIron Colo tbu~ WIllng Ihe reaponalbilltt of command tbey obeyed wltb alaenty cl1 extent BeYlId tbese nd oopaMtod from SOil tillbullbulltabbed Ilinl la tbryn placea 111 I two dWeultiea while In CiliIIi middotoeeu alloading the ~ell became ~ uaranlee to Col He- Bot tiler Is no U8e cb4rging dobo walI tbe tllem by 0 drep navigable channel Blnnda the the SlaIu priaon where I hld b~eo emplovtll forDonald Ib~ ~ wu All right tbe olunlen mou Were failing 10 leI) tatt that before meny Jorge Island of Zapota1O wboao bold headland an~ the 100 Io yeara After ICtlinlt III lii IlSI rape I came 10 1iltgtllllgu nud HI~ot Tho w

nnell or Sao JAcinto where tbe rebela 6gt tfJoR tomiddot carty their woundod off tho Ileld In gate the lake ZapellllO IB In Ill wester extremmiddot took up their Ime of march Thor arrtIWIl~ the minulel clapeed there were lIot enough oftbo plII- Irregular surface aerve as a lllld to 1111 who naymiddot

Edwards i I lltI Itla bo~ Charlc GordOl i must Sly thaI in all my difficultie8 I wtS no 0 tatatloned about II ocloclc Sunday morning the Ihe mtttilno aU the leadell of the two other I~y IICOOped out 80 118 to fonn an almost circular In mv right mind Twico I htwe beel lorgt II

14th Inet and halted a few mOments III order t9 eomp had fall~n either kllld or wounded hay and tho sbore of tbe mainland opposite b~Imiddot and bop) 10 bo forginll for tbem aU I th nk IlflDge a plan of allack _~_ ________ e~lptOIfbullbull1 who ~Itboutll wounded b tho arm ing 4 deOl curve an abJloet circular bay is formed thero b God In huyen tht ill Qnd

The Ban Jactnto rancho Ii naturally well ad_pf donlin_d with tho (eroclty of a tiger OghUn of e~e1milllll In diameter 8 lecuMly sbeltered gj~Q And ho kno and I Imow thaI il ad n pllcr bullOBoe uu - ~ l ra Of II dIS by blgbllnde5 to makltl tho 911gllte8 sklft lio aemiddot I tllt killed Oherlo Gordon It was

d my CIIlZ) mind thnt did iI I 11amp lUIcieutiou which commlUldo ali tho ground In ila 10 to do whllo ~~e~r-~lIl1~ eurlI upon Ita SlIflllce Ien IIlien-atotmSlllay bo lIot In IIllright Inlnd then I did lb deed fillvicinity In a large corralatanda a hollSO whleb au_ ~- - lullng luto flll1 the moro c~poeed paris of Ike God koows It Forgi me ofticerslInd acid r

haa b~n IItted up In such a manner tbat III Inside Whou thore 118 no looger any poaslbillt) of Nicaragua and I can die hapP7 Inan I donl rite ht beeallB I think tbat I ought not to die I Inre Becute agaluat muekel or rl8e shots while COIItlndlng aueceafullylIlnatauch extraordinary TbolOutheaAtern part onbls bay i4 alao ellterd think till my tbllo haa como and that justlct IIthrough mallpertum In the thlok IYalJil troops odoli lIhtlng II the enemy re In Buch weiJ b a ellanne of deep water wblch divide tbe been clone me llellow 8OIdlorll remeolbor 11 IAI

illampld of it can lbe Into aU parta of the eonal fol1i8ed poaitlona tho America beg4ll to retreat IOUthestern 8stremll of Zapntero from the hAl brmght DIe 10 this death-fOil all know The corral itself II surrounded by a strong fence Prtyowt to this b01fIer a body of lAncCN maililand The elellDtr ampD Carlot b already wellul do Ify hUluble prayer Is tht I ml

forgilfn JENNINGS EST8Ll wbleb it 18 nee_y to Beale before any material were dered maklng a clroult In the wooda colored th bay dcacribed by the lut mentioned Hisllildy ampII 600n OS Ure was exliaol waildam ean be done by In auolllllg part1 On with the evldellt Inteotion of completely aurronnd chaDnel and aacertalned t~al the water Is of 8Ummiddot

ill a fIOed coffin and decently in~bull tod IMir IY from Tipltapa the loluutem heard th 1111 them andcuttlllg 011 their relreaL Thlt mon cient depth to alford IIeCIIre anchorage tor Teaaola bullthe already relatively large force of the enemy they were wablo to cart Into effoot and tbe The nonhern part of the bayla bounded by tbe Cvlloos-A aa1l1to Will Ared In bonor (gtfhad been the day previous BlreDllthned by an Americans lot oil tbo Ileld In tolerable good 01 cluster known 118 the II Thousand lillUlUS each

addition of two hundred men but Ihia In no wltt der Tbo lancers seeing thie wrecked their Yell OUe of which to our mind Ii In a ahort time d(lj new leg 011 lut lIondJlY The IIrOJO froID tbo eanllons moutgtabated tblr ardor aud the plJIn of allok 110 geanoe llpeo the dud bodlea wbich Ihey roulld tined 10 be fun of hOUle torea Clnd commercial formtjlluto a beautifulmade and b7 Ihllllltiog their Iaooes Into thoee AmerlCftI~ ware-roomll lIId whoro YOSIIelS of conSiderable ton bull

Upiln II couaull11liou it 11amp8 deemed db to wbo were already 80 near deat ft8 to m_ke tbelr nag can mOe Iro~ one depot to another with ~nto the air cn~ form the compauj Into three divisions each to be leadonb1 offieera chOlonfromamonll tbeltlaolvCII BjrOn Colo wat tben elected ColoDel alld Wiley llarab second ill command Robert Mi1IIgu WIS elected to lead tbe 61111 company to make tho ehage-out CIIlhla 19 ero killed wouoded and mlaalnl 1l1lJ Col ONeill was eaosen to leacl the second and Capt WatklM of M_ ChI) third eonlpany Wben all th_ alflDgemenl8 hid been completed the companlos eparated to ~tack the place a three dilFoten poluta

In commencing thua one ~artl1 got In adQllce of the ~elS wbu wel8 obltged to make aomc what of a detour and although eO~8ting of 011 tWtllt)-twO me~ i14 attack tn8 amp0 vlgoroUII that It succeeded In driving tho enemy baolt and 811011 tdler tile other CODlptmlu camo upon Ihc soone of action the Igor of tho _ult droyo tbo enQ~) from tbe eorralillto tho house I1ere tho pau) or the numher CII the _lIanta became IllallifeuIII bull to thelt di_duntoge Tere were not III C1cnt t bold the place ner It ~as a~en and tho 1ere obliged to lII1 baoltbagalO bC~lDdhtbalfence r Ih -raJ Tbl left t e enllllY n t e r ormer

~ c_ POSItlOU

lbo IIgbting (ontluuod In tbo corrlll and wben the AlIleritlllM retired behind hs woll I~ became _t-ldm ~ the Ilmber that ha elm killed Of wounded hat it would be Injudieioul to rtneW Ibe ftttatk A retroat was Olderod and -~~t Ilte band fell back Ilpon Tlpltapa

tlP gshyy Amerlcall In Nicaragua nnd In fact ey r -

J -triun in an pllfta of the world bbullbull reuoll

romoyallmpOSlllble 1D0re ease than tile olt-earla 11011 uoed In GraDada It attained We might gogt on and dlaeant UpOIl tlto CO mole fom 0118 sitee to another On thlcity of up~n bull

oftb_ 81thlhlllllllicolly bravo ml)D bllt thOu II thooaand Islands pure cool water will be always wa thomselfllll as they must appear to th d convenient and It would be Imp08Jlble for Impllrlshyspeak more eIoquentlylD their pralso t~77 tl or Inrectiool to exi In Ita vicinity Here ea- C

01l1 power to do It relcta more credit II ~bll Ulle will oocllpy the placo of stree and light 01 Amerioan l1amt thllll conld be done by andlll~ lIIrylike ple_te boats will suporcedo Iloraet wbi atY ylolory And If 110 mlatake not It will do Hore Instead of a WAllatreet 110 m have a RI CA more to COIlviDce the ellemywbllt sort ofl1lco the II1to I hore will be - and hoal~ sellon and s- ted ra beye to deal wltb than 1I8)tlling tbat bu mIl liolltu In tbelr gondoloa 81ngmg love songs In ~llteal transpired In thle country 1 tbe It-rllght and here 11111 b9 tho moat plellSing odlOt8

Appended to thll Is tile uame of ever mAli combination of bealtb convenloMc and bUIULy ill cutod ho 1l1li to our knowledge eJigagod In IIIghL IIny ~11 upon bidl beallo evoraholle preeed~d lbore may b9 tome one or lllo 1D0re wbaee Hame LlOKClI-The schoonel Pearl was Iuncleu chased him we conld not loarn but we ball be happy at anv 11l11terdllY (lrIday) fOleneon lrom the place 1I01U plaza BeCOI time to 0I1I0l their aamcaln the list of glerv W~ the wharf wbere be waa ulldcrgolqg repairs 11110 lIela lIappeoei silo give the killed wounded nlllllllllilng ~ lIear- tIe elemellt other futurG ulefullleM She iato 11 u we eould bullcurtniD bo commanded by Capt Hardy who has -altetly

Col Byron C-ole made a trip or Iwo In her Tho late modol ofhe 11fty --all Klled Peru II beoD OIllA-- alA d I I v~ bull0 An 8le 8 OwWIUi_ It Drinker aamp lDue looking craft as Bails 011 auy (Jeval ~~ ~tlk n merlean Wltora ~be bas UCell repaired byhlv __ Sberm~ II Ing placed In bar anolY bottom UampII 1I00riJI and 00rII0~ d k dH ~l OullwlI II II uew ec a altered from a frelgla boa Into a H l6 I comfortable palItIeDgor crnft We und_Ind that ~Jlaquofj l~IIOU (killed going up) II ahe win make regular trips botwcon Uraida St 1 _ Dc~11 G~olIlId Vlrgla _ ---~ - Lleut Hutehlll Chaa Calhlhan to Klat SlC J BAli lgtRL Nollrll-W a loam fror Thomu E H LaW Ing F Fisher thaI there aro eight Britlsbcam 11Ilr R Wheaton II Y-m at ampn Juan del Norte and ~bl toce areUtut JIllItIll[ 1 In dmiddot J ~_ $t~ WOlllded 100 to oae one Italian mo~ant vessel -- Vl1UfO E Uolopl W I-I It 000 n_bullone tOQ Stale) and CO yooe be

-~ _On~g 10 tilWOgua

painful to lDen A ale DC American the houae aud led ill th I k

C 00 er on 11110 dura _____

HORSU-PolllOna who h the viclully of S~ George or H

wltb tho power of JI) ing tbrou wltchOJl on II brOOIU-stirk will by providing tboullelC~ rltb av

~l~ Ir ~

p___ H h bull a ~11l _middot011 bullbull ftl til the

Departlllont bull--__- ~- shy

J4uruCItGaCII_Thiij edifice wllicl) ill do underllolng rcptlM mA) bo diltiogulsLef by1 very white color frolll flll olher buildings III ar am at R dietante oheY~raJ 1111011 Il p n$tt COIning lip lhe WEe


jtLNICABABlfENSEVOll No 47 p3 Sabado27 de Sepllembre de 1856 SaturdaySeptember 271856 2BS

er~ middot=wepon =again pla~~ OIh~d- T~OJTriijONNEW-YORK VOLUNTEiiiis PEEPS ABOUT TOIVN optaln made a deaperato eftort to dlaeharge 118

lly Tlull BalL oonlents-aiJed-handed it to me-It wa u dry bull -- bull 11ft a powder 110m In a feOOlld I eollid _ that

nevor eomplam~d In Ill) ~ifo Drlk~ are not the Optaln began to turn diUte pall1bleb atood ~p to cI)mplaln ~ltbOlgll the sometmes 8ufter close to Mm) wbile I preaerTed 1111 eqnanllllltyin 1IIIjIe~ IUch ~cght of It1Ju~U~ wOlld nl~C the ampplit of conciliation The weapon _ again Ih 1lea of ol~hnary pe8ons ISO with 11ldlgnAII~n loaded 10 tho vcry mllZ2le and pneed in the bands Dljring ~ Ibo~t absence fOn 0 ranadll my enelmeB or IiUl opiltln ~hose runds wel$ becoming IlatICO killed nlC (on paper) Ht up (inl)po) very unsteady Ihnt he VIIS IIMblo to taka prcpor III ctlll epI)h llIollneog my dc~th fter nlm And welO It not tIAI I seized tho Instrllment ~a IIIII IIndemiddotg~no till this I VlM 4~41 COIl$glled of dostructlon amI wrenched II from bls hand$ bo 10 he firm of] luto amp Co-hbcled rght ampldo up would hlfO pOllred tho cOlltents of It Into his ~b earo I~om the effects of a eliot ampom a prln- bull ~


I k N I h A I I breast With lUI energy Inplled by tllO liopo ofaI B ~ 100lng abullbullo ~ ow WId II ve 0 bull b godON

If 101 to undorstand thnt Drleke bclolllll ~o the pl~oud and gloriouR tnum[lh I agnlo disc IIrlIe blue strlpea Vltb a rod tiv~ pnilltod atll~ tho eOI~tellls or the pockot pistol (nlld travelllllg in ke cenror on white glmiddotOU -I) aod his 1I10ttO s nefCO say ~ie All greal 1lI01l Ita0 their ou

c~ and of COll1l6 Dlicks hIlS I is And utlhollh I J b J d II deg1fflUlcm IIIRy nlG cen p aye lllon 0 110

p lid T)ora ill Nicargll or PIcn uIgt0nL Ih blrp of a Uousnd strlhgs-phits of the JURI

td perfect he is willinllo appORt at the Fitt I~~ce or at tho In8tanco of nny of his friends

liiake lllIrmalioll that lio nevoI diltld durlng wholo eOllrso ofllid eventful IIrii

unfortunate repordvas spread by tlH)

~fl4in with wlom I ho lately bad a quarrel ~e hope tbat he wouldbjberlt alllhe properly cit I ha1I 80 carefully colleete1 during mylay In PIe lIepublie Ind wltIltt consists of one CAmp itl1 two tgtox~ of matches lind the bottle III

i ~h IfQ Iept our stock of nguardlente I lIa9 l f h h I I

01110 t e city w on my en umn amptors hegan to middotlIp tho 101 loll wllioll has been 110 eagerly II noeltl nut OliO awallow does nOI malte II

~ n01 although sevel1 8w41101l ortbla cockta1

8 brollghL on tho WItor of my dlscOtltOllt l all this happened becauae Illy trnducera neg-

I to 8eason tho tail thoy ao Induatrlonsly

i oe cd out tetho pllblc WhenI returned I could ~ middot 1uraue the COUrIIQ open t0fenofhonor nor a l~ul1luc filr bofol8 ~ caught It Ihit upon n

unately I bit It ro than I did h1m

~ tl

oldti depr ve

Ii( not

n lent to bring the Captltun Jusllco but unmiddot 80 hord tlllnt l huurod myself

An idea then struck me t i ought 10 mil him out bui II struck so bard

r It r IlIC 0 t ~ p(Welll 0 8pcce~-I

thlllefore mil hlO out A friendmdmiddot I) do It fo~ me but ail lOon all he t quarlera of 1n1 one~) he found he

-Ekhnly do tho thing hy balvea lIlI Ihe Captain

defiance with such force at his head 118 to for moment Now m) friend is Bueh a

trump-wben be knows hos rigM hos

compamon) Into the procllC spol I antell It to IOtlg~~ H tho fourth rOllnd the Opblln was unshynblo to come 10 tln~ a1 the aftIIr WIIB Amicably Ilrl~jUlgud by the frlenda of both IInltlo biking II Abot al ftlOund At each oiler Tho ltlAptnln thon pologtd to nneka and ~rlek8Apologhlld to tbe Oilplnin and b3~ npologlZol to IlvllIybody and o~eribodj apologzed to each other nd all oxmiddot dProBBdel tllelr firm convielion that Brlcke Is not

en yet

A FltUlER Boy In Dren fountyIve tlsea for a wifo Ho says

He wants to knOw ifalte can milk And make his IreallUld butler

Anti go 10 meculIg without elk To ok a 111011 and lutter k Ii fl Id IIlIe ltIii 0 10 nOlf I t WOII urt fer Itollds 10 tnk up IIllteheaj 0 tile bultou on ble ahlrt

rckuke a pall of~reeohea

AlInn-An ble bodied portIIln to bold my Wre~ tougue shu lUd I bolD unable to keep b atlll c___________ __________s

OFFICIAL __bull__bull__bullbullbull____bullbull___bull__ ________ DECREE OF IItID GOYEBmshy

----====~____11~_~ rl~lt~~ ~~er~~t

lIere IUO 1 large um~er of ailUftis belonging 10lta buw~r or at least-Ibat when proceedingr t II eourse 110 cannot be taken aback lind reo t1i wng a little he thrcw lin Insinuation In tho

of tbe Captain wltlch I am cretlihlylnformod IIi - 1 r II In h f 11 80ven 0 I m~ rs to 8ny no ~ng 0 Ihe number of teeth wllich II mote or leBB inJured nerstherage ofmy friend weDt beJondnJlbounrs

il mlllht hllTG cOlltlnued to trlvellQ Ihl~ day middot I I h I td t h bull Th ~ t nb bull 11 bull cou no cross I II ravlIle e~Ca btll losl all centrol of his temper and was

lged 10 call tho oftlcer of tllo guard Ilnd Il file loWle 10 foroll lamp inlo 1 tte of subottlinntlon

b I I h Stat t N fI I us 08 10 teo 0 ICalamp~1 orever

7 both u length cme to I resolullon which a great effort tI~v succeeded in moving II ~they ndoavoured to CIIrry II but tailed

b til t k d bull d t d d d y ot en 00 a etermllH 8 an till Ishy- equally belwoen tbem rellred from tho Bold hW lIot eUled wondedng at the efforts my

had mild In m) boble and exprcrsing my

Inllll vlulIl 1 note WAB put Into m~ hanltl Captain reqllostmg me to meet hlln 1m at tllo Veil known houle of Te_

Ilero prompt aettlelllcnts usually bike tl_ A I h d bull ltl ltlt t th1 8 a ICV~ rOlve My ere I a e tlllment and did not tilerofOl8 owo any11+8 I COllented The Oaplain bad arrived heshyaIgt me r coltld 110ft much rAtll aud foil pimshy bi r II hi d b bullPOI 8 ace W IC COllY nce met III be IlIIUt 8Omotlllng Of course tbe calm dlgnlt) of countenance proved to the Captni al once I~t I wsa liP to slllllf bull ~llriekl tt s~ the O~ptain with lite voice of

Y en nxcarl Brick choOlllt your 1V0apolla Pocket pistals act0B8 middottbe table said I conmiddotttof a victory

h d 1 I h d I I e lYeapons wero pro IIce( IV tout e ayshy1011ed lip rOI~ tllo IIrst ~hot-~be Captain won and

~k 6u~h 1I swig a coolnced me It was going to ho1lO ClII) tight lie banded me tho WcnpOIl

middott bull~fOIIS tho lable-he knew holY BrIcks could 11e ftetlU1Md nol to dlSllppomlhim llnd aavlIgely middot med Its ecolell to the fOr bottORl~ Truo gil is olwa) respected and I could see a 1 kle of adrnl Allon III the C t bull p 1m s eye

1IelOtd old ski 11M IIlIid the oplllln 1I1IIS C hgrwlcd tho landlord ftS the rtal

~ -~


Departmcnt of Stata and Interior Relation Grannda Sept~ 23 18Ge

SIr-Tho Supreme EX4IIgtIItlve POWIl1 hu boen pleae~ to dietata through lhe )Ilnillter of War the f1lIowmg DOOIee _ ~ ~ lmiddot~~h~t of lne Roplbllc of Nlc4rngtlllio ita

Wishing 10 rciieve the people from fNlah exaoshytiOIlS of holllOS for tho 1130 Ollho AllOY Alld talring Into consideration Iht In VlIIiOO8 parta of the RI public uwoll In tito p_loll oflndiritlU8ls

IIl1l Govcrnlllei IU Vlrtlle of IllS authorltv bull DECREES

Article 1 bullbull11 horses and mules belonging to tho Republic IU be delivered to tho (hulDlllent for the use of Ibo Ann1 througb the Profects8l1bPreflletB anll Alcaldes ofbo IOIIpecUyO 10WIIS witltin fifteen day from tho publication of tltls decree

Art 2 AllY plll1lOn who ahall bave In hie poeshysesslon1 0hllo rumnls indicllicd in Arllellllelo and shall nelt deliver up the 811l11e within tbe aposhycifted time sball be Judged M II thiefal)d pwllsboo wltli all tho rigor of the Illw

AImiddott 8 Th~ Goycrllmell~ will proteel all Indl viduals who lIIali denounce the retalnera 01 idanimal alld will pUllhlb witll me Bamo Bevelll) thoae ho boln Inbrmod or tho unlllwrul PlSlll8shy


COMPANY A CIIlIILpoundI A WUTI_Captain )f r NADu-lilrat LimUolaoU

JAllU S Jl1ooamp-amp1I11 Liet_ 1 O bull Armalrong 26 James Morrow 2 lWbert Acher 27 B Y )fOOllllamp 3 Fred Abott 28 H )lcLord lIenr Adams 29 William )faMlng ~ Rlcbmoml Du 3fl Ury Mannint II fl BLI bull 31 Oharlea ProhUogton I ThOlllA8 1$11111 3~ Henry lW~man 8 F n Obrillty 88 William B11n 8 Mlcb COnRldllll 34 A Roth

10 181110 Clark 8~~ Tbemaa taW1llt II Rlchattl Doc 86 Jamea Smith 12 Ohbullbulllea Doul$herly 8i P Slumnon 13 A 8 Falrcluld 88 W G Turnor 14 John Fl~ld 80 00 Van HOllen lIS Thumna GilJ~on 101 Sergeaui 16 John HlI8kl 40 JalllesWlIlsb 17 John lel~llml 41 II W Vbeler 18 William rY1 ri 42 John Wel3h 2nd 19 Geor~e Jlmtled amprgeanl 20 William JckaoJl 43 JUlies Werrln 21 WlIIlim Xylor 44 Jalnea R cker 22 E~ R F LIIIoII 411 Patrick Everett 28 Samuel LOOI18rd 46 John Corcoran 24 John lIoon1 41 J F Taylor 3d 211 llellll )fowray Sergeant

CO)(P4NY B ClInt RUIIILIltWIcz-Caploill F L d bullbull__bull

bull lWlOM-lmiddotrbullbull Ltampf_uG V H ampmid L ltIt t bull OK ILL- M tMlI

I JOhn CoIln-lg 2( Jobn Ldnz i Oharea Wenzel 25 Oharl88 LupusII J_ph Soler 211 Philip )feye~

J4 Fran Nflier- lI1 Gharlo lloos8e1 II Ollllrlu KrauM 28 Auguslna )fullet G Jollil Axamp 29 CIIaS M~e1 Jom amprcr 80 B Marun 8 Edward Bibra 81 lWbt NowlllUn Igt Jolm BltIlIt 32 Cbarlll8 Pten

10 John JlIeta 83 Oball RoRIIeN 11 WUllalllFllesell S Etyard Rhein JII Theodore Fiek 86 J088(gtb Sohm18 Julllll Fnlllk 88 T Schrempllf

14 Uen1 F~ 81 OharleaScriba

11 Josepll Hoene 40 O G Staebbi 18 Oscar Hemil_b 41 JSchetlllUller 19 J Kuperr80bmld~ 42 Dion Straub 20 Leopold Klortbhe 48 Emile Seibt 21 Rdward Knndlg 44 O Ummorlio22 T Krcthenbaue 411 Ferd~ W(I8enbor 28 Artblll Hopper 411 Elward Wilke g

41 OuoWcher OO)fPANY 0

H1IIlll llvIlljIlLL-Oczplai A MoK P11I1iAK-Fir1 Li~ull4l1l WII NOllmslDoz-ampco1lll LkutlfllUlt

1 PalrlekButler II Thomu Brooke 3 c_ I D mue lOwn 4 1 Connelly Ii TIIOIlIIlI GarroU 6 William Oharles 1 (eo Garpenter8 D Cornlllllan 9 Edward Oorey

16 Edward IJlark 11 John Denllampm III Y OavidaonIII Dennis Elliott 14 Plttrick Evelamp 15 d Taner 16 R W Jlornud 11 Jolm Foote 18 Alfred GrRT III BeD Hardin

sioll of Rny RDlntal8 shall not cOlllllnmihl thu middot20 JantO llaynes bullbull010 to the proper authoritieM for the apprehen 21 J Uendersou sion oCtile offender 112 Charles Ghrels

AI1A ConlDlUllieated to whom It IDA1 concorn 23 David Jobnes Given in Granada Sepl 281856 OOMpANY D

WHo WAL1CER 4 bullbull

To Ibe Uinisamper onVt Gen Hawo llneda Iw8 F GIIANFir-CapalllBy suporior ord~r thl~ Is communicated to you A STIIULun- Ir LiltUtnallt~

for your information anti plOper aCIOIl lOtto Wooke 23 Heury POlice M luuiPA Minitor of W IU 11 Emilo Barrora 24 Wm Sommer

- - 11 RttD Schmidt 211 Dan SchrAde~-otite 4 p Blite 2amp John Viti IIO Bauman 27 It Conslgne

AII PERSONS buylog eJaime agnlnI UO estetes of tho (ollowlng named dacouetl per-

SOIlS will preaon illem 10 HIli dulYlIulltontiealoo on Of bef_the 28lh day ef Dltltl 18M otllerwlso lher will be ban-od by law


And all persona indohled to tlie estates of Ihe above deC_tid pencns willlllllke immediate pay m~nt to me

bull GILBERT TlTUS lublic Administrator

bull OriclIl4l DptlI1mellt Scptam~r 27 18M

Gralladn Ci~ R nblic of Nicarn a 1 p _~_____~__ _

Recorders Office 1IlE Office or the Recorder of Deed llorlgftges

kclol~ tbo Oliolltal Dcpftl~tmet of the Repllb lie will be opolled ill tie cll) (If Grlln4da on )fon doy tho 9th ofSptembor 18$6 All persona are Icquired by Decre$ tu hllve tbelr 111106 10 lauds In tbe aforoeaid Departu6lIt recorded llIlin Ix mouthB afier thllt date A~ OIL[I

Uecorder Cotlto Oriental DllpArtmellt Granado Sept 0 11160

___________middot_~-_middot_~~N __

9 H F Jemel 26 Edward CI 4 U Ki ~~ ~uoa ng2l James Lovelace liS James Jandretll 211 Patrick LarriplI 30 H F Miller31 lV G Martin 32 J W LoughUo 311 Wtn UcCarthy 34 Pat ODonnegan 3~ Tbomas Pldgeoo~6 William Rose 87 J A $mlth 88 Oharlea Smilh 39 Thos Wintore 40 Jolin Barnacle 41 Oscar Cromrol 42 J Lyster 43 D W Wilkin 4-1 J W AUSllu 46 D Cook46 Tbomll3 Fitzgerald

8 Jolin DUjDIIII 28 FrAncia OUU8fOno T R D(lbn 211 Phil DlIllllagnu 8 amp Darllf SO W P O)piand 11 Theodoro DiU III UOIIIIY IWICII

10 Henry Dalion 32 Phillip Leondra 11 Allton Gtlbbe tz 33 J08 lchuillIlan 1il r Grantz 114 Fred Dirkop 13 Tboo f1e~Rrell 311 JAmes Muller 14 8 1I1l1Ilbellll 311 W m G4IIOlly 16 Pierre lUtirre 117 John IJargell 16 Leup~ KrotolVslty 38 Jllllles FiunegAIIIi Robort Kempf 19 J J Schuylor 18 Jllle3 Jehlolld 40 Jamea Dale 19 lieu lIerteo 41 James lIall 20 CharlO lrelltz 42 -~ ONea21 lIenry 1aul80n 43 W MAgntc 22 G P_I 44 Pal J Rivers

------middotmiddotmiddot-middotPmiddot--b-Ii bull S I U t a eNOTIOE 19 bereby given th3~ I will Pl1)Ceed to

sell at l~m1C UOTIONIO Ihe hlghot bid let III tllO cIty of Sai Juan del Sur 011 the 10th day ofOcto~r no~t all tho properly belOllglftg to the estate of 8 Worden deceased The PIOpel~ty conslsla of ono house and several articles of POI 80nal properly J lRIEST

Amerlcnn Co~ul Sail Juan del SIlr amppt lIG 1861) Id

Lilt 01 Letter Remalnlllg In 1011 ORlee in Granada Sept 27 66

Alvares J M Ayula Houie A Drown Geo If Drinson J P

BOD8II1I Chilli D Brclay lieDr)

Dohlldl Mula 1 Bula DOli F Drown Geo

Berry E nlngoryno Benell D J

BOtdlllIll FA Bowlllan Wm

DllU Z J

Cole Sam (oopr Thomllll Clrlslophle )fouanlr CIk B II

Oasaaamp Sam R Clark Albert ClIlpbell Oapt CoI8lnan J T


Gapwell G W Conklin B K 08181100 Don Franciaco Cowley tat CovlIlllry John Carpentar Courlarde Don BernadoCooper John CabreraE Campen Cr Colman M W cwillo M Dick JaB Dulton II J Dyer P Il Donalds 0 II De Fltlfer J W Dickaon II Dunn ThoQl Donamplly W D Dobert) 1 Duall F )fDbullbullhon J J EisoUIck Pablo EV~II~ ED Fiaber Ju T 8 ) IlIg_rald JIB Irnulll J C II Faysaux C J Grahalll D It 2 Geilacb S Gliddoll JT Gregor G AGuenero R Ga9kiUM Gt~hlk C Goodlllan W H (IIbbb Gillllor Thomas Gilmore Stph 4 Gray A GaltlliealV Do G A HouJ W nume W viHagallP Hoes8T Itchingamp Wm J Hob BaaT narrle Ohs Hooker Clark Haley 11[

Jollnlton L Johnaton A JohnslOn It A JOlle lfeBC Knapp l F KlpOscotKllimph J E Ktlch John LiIIlBeld WD

)leKy)f n )fdlpio J W )forrie J W McMullen Jno A Mackie Rob Mims J It Berm JIlS )f Mendel T )UIIlI J R look Wm Morales Pedro 1IyrtbullJno Mlrlonl J J )fOOl Jrred Marlin Robl M_bH)fellow WmT 1Iyora EnriqueMosl01 T A Hundel D Moore J GP MoMauo H JMylord Juan Nag R8 Orosco J A Polioo Lon Luis PattaraOD LulaPlacloa Enriquez PoloinoDPownder John Pemberton TboaPemberton Thos PlckreagiU R W PowersEdw PanooOha Qulntal1l11 Rue Paul Rutb Jobn Ronalda O L Roux LRogg J ~ RuckerO II Sturges G A Smitb T B Sandera E J 2 SweeneYlJas WSchundera T [ Sherrin HugbSnyder Dr J n Schleulnger EllqSpann A SUIlVII J Swan Jno It Salford F G Shed Ob Sturtz Jacob TIIICSCIIIc H L II fowns Aa 0 Templo T amp-8 Towsle) D TrentiniO Y 2 Tompkin W A TogllAoca Te C II Uoler FM Vega Don 0 Watklntt Lewis D 2 Wlllialll8Oll WITWeeb It II White Wm Wllre Edw 2 Wbite 86m IWiIllanl8A V Wayne Geo W oight Thoa Wood NF Willson Jno J( 2 WaH A WilIiAlms A Y Wyn A Walllh JaIn

n~ P CRANE PostmasterGeneral

Dr lingu Post ENDERS HIS SERVICES to the citieua 1)(TGranada and vicinity In the practice of

MEDICINE SURCERY amp MIDWIFERY ar Olllee and reaidollloo on the 80ulbweu

COrtlr of the street oppallte the San ampancl$eo Conven~

Granada 18li6

Dalid ISIaug FFERS FOR SAIE at his placo San SebasO tIan Street 0110 1101110 above G~ Ph lle~

chors store Flour Wltlte-sugar Candles Uackerels Olivo

4fOIllaUcScldodrun Sebnapp bllttdlphia Ale and POImiddotte

Wille Olaypipes TERYS CUB

- ~ -- - -- ---------~-ilIJlX A TRODJlN



Togellier wilb l~rJ COPPElt JvnBUEEr~rJlO AnD ALl KtlC 0middot 600D BOrn IN 4 VJlOLpound9AU)flO~HopitAl 8tNlO~ III -ollt ofSanraoeisco OoIlUII

GranAda June 7 1860




fpound NICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 49 p 5 Sabado 11 de Octubre de 18561 Saturday October 11 1856 3Dl

W~T WE ARB STRIVING FOR ROMANaS OJ WAR THII BAY ISLAND8 AaaAL 01 mIlt raow 5bullbull-)( J -- Fella iii IellowfMWollfr Ind fe-lIow_llaquo qI

Th ra AI a pe-rlod In the ahOi t bn CIcntrlll To lbole ho b noylll been parllclpators In The 1Ihlll rollm aetlled on IiIe 0 nclt Eetrampef In ClIba h arrlyed at New YOft timo bAt Americana bave been In Nicaragua whea campalgo war appeaR to ba roll 01 hononl about wInch eo much dlplomaoy h betn lIpelld ~hm 8paIOlaft~endurinamp 100amp aeri ofpua tu) Irere brandcd b tbe porltanlc people of the Their 1II1ncit dwell pon bloody OCIlIlIletll ind ed between Ihe United Statea aad G_t Britela Ea~~ 0 pUIr oIlt year ampnot

I - r- pItOIIIId I bull a IIHbute~) s little blllter thn the brlgandl oC the Bolmiddot on 01 _illig a1ft14 before til wbta do ool Hem dIOIIIl4 to IIIbIuIl to w lat eo -oel Ill Fells who bad beea i__ kolo P ropetiu mlddil IM or tho bUeMlI tb-t inmiddot tbeir thouamphta dwell apoll thlife of a lOIalr III Tentioll collcluded betw_ Mr nu IDJ Lord prleon ror a lonl tlrae wlib blm lID ~ IIImlshyrleq the COlltS oC Contral America daring ita traetioo irom sa ogo to half-eivUlzcd liCe Sollie wcre even bold enough 10 denounce U8 plrato and lao who wad 110 higher or more ennobling lurplea Ihall to rolS tho woak alld to oppreaa IhbIa ho could nol rcain our poer Why Ihey rho~ think 80110 (Quid not dcvlse for theycte~ publlshedtlleir roGSons with tbelr oplolonl They ~(lIgttulnlr did raquooUao any tbiog In tho nctlona f ~lnelmiddotlcan In Illb countr to jll8t1r lIucb an

I e bull don Thty seemed to overlook the eWllI tm ~at we having rccched our earliesl training utr Iho manlier of tilemsclTes Aroso to manmiddot 1uood~dQr tbo purifying InftllencC8 Of tbo sAone itOi alld hving instilled Into U3 Itom tllo lint 4bullbullm ~r our petClptionl the sreat principles o hlc call rcpu~UCllllism could nol do olberwlo

tban 1 turtAln tbe dellpeat r6gard8 for tllo broadut UbtI~ ff the Indlldud 1~6n Valker In bls Inaugural addrw

lY Ule IIIIIlOllt liberty of speech patiblo Iti~b order IIlId good sov

i 0 ~~h~fun~I ofnil polillcal bull I e cling 118 r u JlOI

IbIe Ie materlll deTelopnlcnt of th~ State J ballIO unmindful oflllllntellelaquoIIIII and motu reo ~Qltellellts To prolIIote the proper eduOitioll of Ihe p~ole and to oneollrage thenlln tho praet1cee or t04t Diflno flIlJllon wheh COlllltltbita hlIIIlla

~ or lIlIid~rn elvllbailoll eb1I be the objecl of prl-IMt) ~mportalco1I Ib~ Ito tile prillciplea wblch IIOt ollly JUld

th clUet ftliaR bll b I IIbh d dOPUL~J 0 1111 f c uaiwlC narlgallel h l1 po til 0 Amer cana nce ell ar VI In

do dollntry Tbe woret enemy toour poace and

Ih~lv J1XI dcanlmlla NlcAlquala but tbe genius of

olliam reduced down to practice We

lit ~ tbrougb the pme Impulse Of IDetllletfliat pela the Engllsb to push their colonlea to dIG remotest COrlllltf of th eArtb and iblt loduees 1M Amerieep ia tbe United States to I ould r 101

bull IU aad his rifle aDd penetrate tblt deptb oC the _ Illd ope~ an wlld__ Into the broad rllgbt of clvlftzatlon W bullbullre her bringing - L U oh tl 1401 f lit e _ago arta a~ t y Jllry 0 our famplhtre nd Ibe balloloboll of our brother and we are lIere fulfilling fot tbe first time 1118111vloo prophae1- Wbolo oitionslllmil be cooferted In ON ~1

W~bout hesItation or etaggcration we can eamp

6tt 0 are Ihe ollly ractfeal mlulonariolll of the pepelliince th day orst raul oSt Patrick IIId w_ hue ~lready done more fo~ tbe caUie of

lit don la Oenlral Amerllta than aU the preach IDC at liu been done lIere Ince the da1 of~ Et

bllll Nicaragua has already received from IlII 611Cb puth onwDrd ldlf ery 0110

ifill ere to leaveOmorro Itwould be1on1l L__ Ilate Ie tho Spanish retrograding tendency

ItIIId rng hor bkCk ioto th eocial politbal and IIOIA1 arkn from wbleh we hLe reBcuoi her

1IH1P Snoonu-A reglll corps of sharp ~ baa beoo orgaIlized in eacb hallaHon The 11M lIIavQmrll la eYery compau are selected IJId diell armed with a llonle muskei B this ~IIenl II body Is organizod who may bOIe-W~ to kill a mn 1I one tbollAnd yarde tllre8 II fill offlv~

(I BORNlnYS COllluIID-On Tuosda Jt t bull y bull

tH Vgin btOUih~ up f om Si (iJorgc the entire IOIIIUI~lId under Brig Gen O C 110rll8by making II addition to Ibo garrleon or 160 mell

~ lIIl ()~luBl-Tbi stealller arricd in San

JdIi 01 lur 011 W cdnesda S1le will remain at

I bull

01 t until tbe Pauenlllllamp arrive b1 tbe next lui r from Ne Yorkf11 $I SIIIgtOTINII-For the Ias~ tbroo daye the

ItI sertlee Bllt war wllbaU III dlIipeeabie Clarendon Afler a 101I1Iym8nt of th Bog 8l11rollndln ami 11 Hults ofteo tillia open 110 rule whlel INII 01111 eoaured jU811e but a Ul the pathway to more eoJoyment tbao can oc- hlol4 ohaCety they ho DO Idea of belog traMshycur11i Ibo doll round of a 1_ active liCe The lerted to the tender mercies InJ IIICOIIIpotent aumiddot plrll wbloll nrlse when b~lIe boata Ire about to lbodl 01 tbe nge Guardiola They bout engageln combat u properly evbed 1I11amp11lb oc- righ for th only prospeot 01 amp ohlUlp III Ibelr (ion arill and In ita ste-d the ruea of iltoatloilborthowonJC UndertheruleolHonshyfrlerubhlp and tbe bappleat of ROOd felloyenhip I lultlvled It is bllt nllIral that where II14II) men Ara mutually depOlldent upon the plowcas and bravery of each OIlier II Irong allllI of brothershyhopd 8110uld bind Ib~m In thlt tho Nicaraguan Army bosond aU othor allord bull the beat ll8tIllce of

_ bull - bullbull- II Friend no rbullbullt Ol1I Whoso doublemiddotbosoms seem to wear one beart Whuse ~jUI-s wbOl6 bedl 10_ meals and

exel CI80Are 1111 logoll18r whove tllln u twm In 100 lnupaable

Tho Flnl Rifte Bttellon ot Iho Arm Ie tba (lldot and on thle llecount appear to claim the right of setdng all example to their equally brave compllllioniof other batUion1 of tb Joillt of II

bull bull soldier lifo Being oflleered by men WilD Un told their forlunesal ibeIr IIIItlv hom Bearing their birthrightl proudly on thel b To IIIl1ke a hazard oIae foriunel h r IIC I r ore n briebull a braYer cltoleo 01 dauDtlebullbull _plrlts~~ft~u~~i~~degti~e


trut pldloeophera lId lIIeD of 1IIIdonJtandlng turn the preacnt to the beat adlIntap

When Itll undentood Ib tiltmiddot r IL ~ hmiddot bull I t 1- I Imiddotere 0

q e1n cOlIllgtry canna po 10 0 II e nmiddot Nortll Yere mareblal toward thlt capllal th ~ In wblch Americans here have eo rar forgot- Fint 111801 were ordered from their qurte U teft thp01aelv aa to eommlt any act w~lch would an dyaneeguard of the Nlcanguan Amy 1t8ec~upon Ile hlgb elate of clvllillltion of their Thev enCAmped at the J lteba Ch reb

d b th dmiddot OIl I t h bull II on w ~ ~ 0 lUI c bullbullbull men II Ollie outlklrta 0 11M elt1 rortlloI~I the polladimiddotma han been bore a there are and urrDulllllng Illeit pmeol pOeItlon I Id

- boo In ever CODIDlunily individllala 10 - gruay Th IccInllea for lancln III the Iocallt tjjly organized to allow thel pollllon to g 1

re too lIeat to _pe the 1tItchful ea of ~hlOr tbtlr bettlll Judgemeat But tbe tbe B16e11 and their hammock were _reel

on eplllirYllItn III ilriDltlliiCH alld ~ 11111019 up Tbey are too gallaut to keep to themlety AlllercAiIa bave treated tbe natin of tb iaeounlrJ eo much h1oyDlOOt Inltatiou re Immedt I k L v bull

~ ~ magnanimity Dot nown among ona ately lltued to the ladl ami pAtIomell of Ora IIld aa weUa to their brother 01lc8

Adance on tho greeD by moonllgb wOIIld bull A hi If _amp

temp n ooy mle e no lIot A1 thereCore 1I1Ih what a1aerlly the IlIvitltlon met wltb compliance

Befot tho moon badfaMy apread her hom bull

lIgure were rUdillg rapldllO And fre and ladlOll on boreoba~k belln to -mye The dear era turea looked In lb parllal gloom l1li1 pf moat bewltoblo beau wblcb altronwer IIhl If u1

thing augmented

__ Nlghl Shows tars and women la a fair IIgbi

rett Dancing waa Of cbulll Ihe order of the lIinht

I - _Aad when

lfumcrOl6 WIlli Ita yoluptuouuwollampn e~ea looked lue to YII8 which epoke apln And al went merr1 u marriAge bell

Dallclng with II Its lellirableneea does ltayeI r --t b II dbmiddotat I 11108 a 8 Ii Oll lUI IIg ten Olley ut we

Rille aro the IlIlIt III tlll wOld to rorget the nomiddot eeultlei of the Inner man In II eommodlollll toom at a eonv~nlent distance from where the dancers danced II board was ead ltll a prolll sian 01 viande and wboo beVtnl$eII wore reshyqUlred tlOJIIe Iere furnished lIIcll exhilirated but did not Intoxmte

001 Eo J~ere lind Lieut Col F Atldereon controlled the entertainment so 1111 aotl eo pleaalllgl) tiift were il IIOt they are alroad Imowno ellcel In the inillwy profeulun alld It bmiddotb lib tiel - Ih t

aYO O W I r 1110 cam an or thelllselee in the Temple)f Fame 1ft would be Inclined to adyl them to devoto tbemselves to Ing or aD entlreli dUfcrent and 1_ edIIf~ rol$ nalure Bul the plelUure wo enjoyed Is somowhat mingled wiLh 1 regret for thoeo Who

t ~ d tl I bCOU IIG en1 1 alice on 10 green If It II ellvlnblc felow whOle good fortune II I to Iotcd Ihe First RlRt Battalion

---------- Ll01EII-The laily of )111 Potier 01 tho Ordmiddot

dllma they will not only be lubJected to tho peUy tTrano) oCa bQlrmiddotbreed Indian J8IIoulOf their IU

periorilJlod pprehendy oetbelr power bullhybull

wlU be excmp Itom lnythlogllke proteCtion from ~ht ronp thai IIronger pow 1111 lee II~ to plol108 upon theXl In their IlIdlldu tapieIYFoelln(~1 their dQoadvantallOf thy Very MIumiddot bullbullU1 obJcel to 1111 amalgamation with th goy- tollty 9111he tid ~rlirrh lut M~rF~Ulm mellt of lItindllrU The followlllg extfaol flOlll a dlatetYleIkud went to Glb la from hloli cormpoodent oCtbo Now York Ifld dated al PaceUhe t paeaag~ O LtveIOOI d thence to

lilted 8htos amYmg Boston in thetea Ruatan AlIgl8t 19 will Fbow 1I0w the people hlp Nlapn on the 8th or lUlllt lut )lr Felli ~ere Iook Up80 the Coolfentloo and ho tbey II a cllifin of Ihis couatry 1IlIkcl) to act In the ueat lbo troty rallfied )lr FIIIII no ill thia city enPlled IS the wltbollt alty COIIIIIIItltiOa with ibeluclilimente Go1lmment lrantor

A reporamp having IJI~ em Ruatall tbat the Bn -------- shydab governlllent w gOIng to deli IiIe eoIony A HOlllItla-80111e gentleDlen were amlllinof the Bay Ulandl to their orlKlnal ~ (the Ihemaelrel yeate-d afteraooll b III tIii State of HondlllV) It ha caUted eonaiderable es- alii to t at dlatenc Y 00 g at

ciltment and the Prealdenlof 1M Leglaladve AI- II a on e frolll the 0 sembi called a It neral meetlogofthe InhablWttl wharf ampad aucceeded III _dlllg bullet Ibro11 for the purpoee of pelillolllo ber lIaJ~y 011 tho the IIrUa 0( one Th monster _II pye Ill the lIIUecl uuamp 11 bullthe~ allUmtnllll ~ at thlt men- - III 11 ed on tbe hore IiIII tawlI1e

log wblob tootplaoun I oclock on tb 18lb Stlidwl~ ~bout nille feet IIId eYeD III death he 11I1i1llld proIul$ toally reeoIllllolI belng-d J ee appearance oIlelng a II ugly elYshylalllyllldlldualtellprelled I 1rDII1tenaa tomer TboeewbowLlhtoatudytheanuomof their IIlItlmelltl 011 theUlattlr AcoJorftpomiddot tberilterwlllfindblmaowllogoDlhebeadampt1eman boldlog a hlllh ofllce on the IaIorul doell red that he would DeYer conlen( to -01 lloa luaus WampOOIl-Wina 00 bae _I GOt shyboln _t to th Bdlilh soY--t tor It bad _ IIaIHt oPplClled Ih people too much ampad II uo I 11_ e~plWl waampon we JWnled and quite a gDftmlllOUI gaYe th up II~ _ wmln and ampy100IuII concern In tblg eoUllt) wh tIIere able to take III rmlto deCend themaeleII (rolll are nothing but - willi whe lIIade byllampwfni thelllYMIoo oCthe Hon~_ So oth oIIthe butte oIa trbullbull and punchlog holethrwgb followed III the tlwe wlrlike emdn which _0 th Ier r h to tbe taete of Ill 1_lIag 1111 liiio ~ bull ceo or t I ampIlemiddotwe It Ie oow rIged lip Chat the lurplllll reveoue ehOuld be dnoted to dI ampad the drinr duhe through tile elty In a purehMe ofarms d amm1ll1llooi ob 1IIId that amtocratlc mteor mildbull If Ihe were 101 lIeutral the HoadufOll would lea them III the q Ie~OI of the BIII lll4UZlIIL-We are Indebted 10 II the Nlearagum eml~Dte lIditr the _d publ1tb and aIao to Wine Co EllprtM fof

~~b-ped wllh hit lite 111 FeU~ andIfhIl~g hoe ~ ~thtrlO ober 1861 tenced 00 the 24th of )larch fo~olnw- 11 JeanJ ilnpriloomen Ceute and to enJure I~4 -ryelllllllce oC the poIiee Ille ellpiration ofthllt i~ pU1lllUlce of II I h b SpainOlitheJtofJ~neamp1I d~~eavfo~ 011 the 811amp orte memolllh On the 181h ~f JuloIIOI~ be w tlkell to Cdur wllere he ~t ~~~II ~e ~thmo( 1If1~ Fromdtllbe prilshy

rov ula an t rown Into tbe IlronJlbold called UMbo and itep COtl

t1nuallr In ehalna Iu th mlWllillle tho friellot ~~Mr ~eUAaIll tmUited Statu were not Iliac by~b~nQeo s f nOII~~ tmiddotrb~ jug_ted

lIec ofthelrfoll1 hubeen M~olllJ b their wunhe a ~d~l(eoa ampbe 1Ieen wu got O(ClellIlValker 1Ii~(lllampOPJh_fuIIooplbullbull Q(tllube nlblallIthlT lertIOIIIIfIt promen tblt State h lib bull I ~~pored ha hlbe mtla~~tf~ Colllow do -1YWi ~ lubecribe to HI1 ta -I and attac llIenl to _I oroWII can 10 -IV net bull Co

but 1amp had qwte III opposite e4eoI (or dI (8e11nS It that lhi tallallon tbat It ImpOllidIbr the _eIIt WIIIUk Ce-lIrHlnkle theactlOtDmodatlllg Of_I_oJllclllllU1gh~ltat beea ed Jufdlbey ~oIth aboYIl lbp has plllcedumiddotlnpc been pOllllllted to relllalll llldepedelt ampad lItIo - of our replar fll 01 Butern Md Pacillt lrat ootcolouized III dlreet viorauoll of IiIe Clay ncban We h ton and Bulwer tre17 II ope to elbe Exp bllllintfa

HallY suggeatlona were 01l8red bUI thllt 1I1ob thorougbly organized agaIa

Tho gIy bat ceqQeltisb rldingack and the ward of the pori 01 lrUxUIo and about tlleame tanWlzlng Impudence of th 0101111 wbleh 1 tllttlnee (rom the IIInd of ftllliall There8

11011 now abollllorlJ Germampllll IIIId AlllerI_ a worki IOmellmilli 01181 11 thade of uncertaint over tllllr tuch au their PIOBpeCB thai tbe have J(feD the Call facM rendered the IICeno one of Intense 11Ite- place the name of New California Iluan I

seemed lito tn08~fslbIe wla made by 011amp of Ihe rea1denta-Ibic~ In the event 01 tho colon belag e _ted by til British they thOliId aend to PrealdeDt Walkar aoeking Ilia rdlluce ud reshyqlltiUng him 10 aend a bod) oIlrDIIpI to prrleon the Iellnd for aD 1I0vemmell~ 11 betler than that orHOliduru

Emi lion I _11m III to th ne1 dllccrrned pld de altuf on tbe _t Honduras at bull river called Belfltte within thirty mU wealo

therelOre IikelJ to bo tho depot to lind fioolll the

bllru OJ RxcAl1ITs-Co1 E J ampcod bull ~ 41li

broughl down (rom California secnty reQRlCII which ltayO been moatly _ignad to Iholllral Buia Battalion The tillookcd like men of therlght stripe


)1011 REOIIVITamp-Col Jack Allell amvW 0 Ifood It wltb near 008 hlllldred recruits UIlshy

der Capt J B Graeo Bolbmiddot lt101middotAlleoantl cpi Of0011 hbullbullbull retumed 6-0lIl furlough

PBR80NlL-WeannOllnce 111 I h t f J V Fb I ure I

e IIrn 0 bull bull ens to Grallada aaer aD amp1gt Ullited States all 118 ncelln harbOfll 0 arm llen~e ofthree moolbs to tb Eatttmiddotrn Stites advlllltages for 8ucb II purpose nuelt baing p fecily 1e from north winds 111 tbe winler amp8011 List oC Letter------=-----=-

ColllKG SrSl1JIER-Th ateamer Teno_e na Remaining in the Post Office middotrccei-ed adnrliaed III New York to lellve ror San J_ del sinoo August 30 J856 Norte OIIlhe 6th or oampObar wlIlub would mako A d J J had t t T it n reAlIer v GIl a preseo OIl or w Irf8 Andolllon 110m I aufllolellt to IMIIe lhe trip and we -1 th_ Aharez DtD rore expect 111 arrivil about Thursday nut with Dlalr Oharl datal up to the 6tll 01 October It ia IIIpJlOled Brown Oeorge that the Onba III bo at 8m JIIAn del Sur in Ood~ Themu time take tho PuaenllerA by tho ~elt8s throh g~itJDon to (lallfornla Afler the Tllne tht Teunesaee ia Cottle Caellye regularl posted to I on the 14th Ihllll piol or_lg R R utwo atelllnera thlsmWthftom New York 8ioce Orowel~ John Ue above WAll written the Orlube arIed Sail Co~por Tbomu luandel Sur EflCkeoD cP

Ftlgerald 0 0 NJ(IAuGu GlIuM-Werecelved largo FitzenldGeorgobun II 01 ti If I DB C Flshe~ Bordamln c n~ 00 grapca om bull e fIIfIO apt Frank II

N N whlcn a~lbough ~ot jQlte equ~II1 fllI~r GOltel H to Ibe best ~bOIIIh are fur an uncultivated milt Gardne RP of good qualilYmiddot We have 1)11 been ofopllIon Cilnllll John that NlcaraguR would before all1 very dlalaDt diy lIaley )I

Leltl8ll Ourtil Lockwood E 0 )lullen J Vahon 0 lIlIIer D 0 lie ioigan J 0 Nag R B

Otllllaa J D ~Imer J p~MA

2 Piper ~1 bull SwaD J R

a S1OCUIII Cpt BRlall Jaoee

Trvllllj Chas lJ

2 Taylor A W rlgbt A w~A H West Lleui J S

be the flfet vine growing counlryln tbe orld-A lIagtl_ TampOIllIl Zarrl J 6 11I th III d ft f h abo Jorlrnan Wme p 01

not un e so an u~ 0 t e vo mOIl lIooed buncbrengthODll St~U Taeticbull

IbllHD PlPIlIUI-Womual apo1og1ae to llr THE GBNTLB~UN Who boTOwad ftOID Col Munt Cooper Nwpaper Ageus III San Fran Fahers ~r Ille ampoolld VoIulIIe of

Hert companlee III the two ~Ul8 oualiona lIanee Deparlmenl CII1IO to Or_la by tbe Jut cIIco rot 001 relUrolDg mlr thub-for tlta COIIIIan~ Scott 8 Tacllcs will ampICfllle retlltll II 10 CoIollel lave elaquojn CIIgtged III target 8lercuu Tho oootmiddot steamer and w happy to A oXfleeta 10 make and eOpiOli IIIppllee 01 1- pap wlarla 1fI111 III Ii~t U~iT~iR)(AK ~_~~~~~plI~e~~a ~llghly crodtablo tbls her fumo Iollle conllauu to rerei lila baa-Clemmiddot1t (obullE 8ecoD411l


bull bull

pound+ NICABAS[JENSa Vol 1 No 50 p 3 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October lB 1856 309

IruIrti~1 mu~il to urge them on but with ISA J(E US FROM OUR FB1ENDS 1 victory land defiance Btamped on their mud8~ned figures lind written on their ampvin~ bllnneri-lllf I tlien there WIIs a eIIout went up rrom the anenat that was eohf)e~l from the old prochi~ churoh and rolledori and grev heuier nt the GUllrdshyhousea shuut that carried hope IIlId new lifo llri te1rful joy to the hearts of our flmil~s nnd friends but such terrOI to tho cr Ivon enelny that they could not fly and ~ II IIlIlUY of them in the pitfall they hi ug thmsolvel Ihore wero some who ampld it and at first knew not its mean ng-trhlllds who were cut (1ft and Iring n their hOll8ell In momentary ex

~on of the 118sasine knc But as Gen fNlllker and hu boy~ drew near the plpza alld saw stili floatmg (rom the

i1agStft ill Its centre tbe devieBlo( free Nica I h Ii Id I h

U mo dr gUR- d n It~~ w t ndazth

1 lr ers t Ie re P inot JArs -11 U8 bull b h h mg natives men w 0 were onre t ellbOWltlta t NIClalua was ltlll safe the drum and fife struck up Ihe homely old IUneof Yankee DOl)dle and tbosewbn knewtDflt tbe meanin of Iho lIbou knew

bull bull g 1bel that IR other dl~s had led theIr falhe~ from vlotoy to victory

On year preVIOIIB ell tIlt very day the n ver tobu-forgottoll 13th of Octuber Jr Viillnm Walker entilred Granllda bull hi d b b Iill t u1t tlUifl an t IS WlUl IS com

If n gt

middottom g 4lir 4VENlOROUS PdRTY

bull f _ _ bullLale 011 the evening or Sunday tbe

12th aparty COIliamptillg or MlijOI Rogers Minis o- of aaclenda Col Thos F C dtllce ahe Qualmiddottermaater General apt lute lite Those were the traltols who JUAN OTTON DB OPPLBIf

I T Slm~ls of t~e Qllarlomast)rs _par~ came 1Il~0 Grannda with patllotlo eheera IUIhNlJ1UU mel)j 901_ Lam~ olle of Gen W~Iker 8 llpoll thou lips thllse were the mon who Tbe card one of line Brhltol board ud In-Aills] flUd an escolmiddott (If about Haeen Ran promised to81e the country-these welo di6ttcd much taaampe lillie Uecullon Hla pookol gets ~ltted from Muaya for be city r- Lire Illell who cl~tIed Ibe eVllngelism of beok 10101 amp3 oil ca hie _muloC ~n Grandll They had Dot IIdYaneed far whenI It

bull became eVident that IUjwould be

bulllanirOOs to proceed and Mal R~ers bullT

retutlea to acquaint the Gcneral of the

ct_ The remallldel of the puty enmiddot d h h B bull etm e 01 t e nlg t 8)10 monnngiller ~vere attlcked and Lhough they deshyfended themselves bl8vclyMd 811Meoood in cutthll thlir VIY through they were

I~rg partllls of th6 cllemY line Wllle thlr foro obliged to mllk very Clircuitous lOIItIis- Col Fisher witll hismiddot two com pan~ns Iilturned on lhnltltday mnrni

bull Th4t wero very milch ftl~Ued havmg

h Ii h t h _l ell ~ not lUg 10rn l c IIno t tly start irom MlIsnyn until thl) arrived nt Grll-IIId excolpt 01100 whero they hllpPned tpg~ W a small hut where thelo were bullineieen women and children aud onlyL

OflO mnnbull fhe Colonel placed tI guard 11 tb~ dour ttl prevent tile Igres~ of IIny i ilftllF natives lind thonprovliled SOIllUmiddot

~h1rqt to pal rr himsdlf lind men ~1 D1rlng tho woek lievernl others f thll

rt IIlThmiddoteel IhtY nrted CRllt Slim fmiddot -- lOis ael II they Imd soen bis hrse CII IItd him and supposed tbat ho hllli reshy

loClvd a semiddotolo wound But fortunately CoP~ SammilS himself arlivlld III the tity

thiS OfulIlg_ II hnt Dllt belu founded adEd cllron nllthillir faom tltt) tilll he

left 81 II IIntll be IIrrlved ho( romaliishy

Weare informed by InttrUlgen and loyal Democrats of tbis city the when tbe late attllek Wllll made upon Granada they gave up all hope for the olty Nlit knowing the character nf tho American people nlld helllvhig it Impo8lllhie amphat OliO hundred and fiay mfR and a portion of those Infirm eould contend IIUCle8tlfully agnlust the heavy odd coming down upun U8 from U qUllrter many of thuse eople ran away to the Inountalnll allIlln 80me easel we have heard of them being alaulthshytered In the woodllwhithlr they had gone rr safety When it is known that mallY of the eini~salies of these brutalities were flrmer rosidents of Granada it call_reeshyy be credited that even savages would

th bull bull b pursue IIlr paSOllons 60 ar lit DeVrshy

bull theless It is a truth thnt the mOIl cold blooded atrocities were performed on flee

noxt door Doi hbor There were but rew enga ed in t~68e horrid trn edlea for we

g tfi dl I th t it r I Ie JUN len say ng a ou 0 fI ppu amiddot tlOIl of fiCteen thou8and Granada did not furnish mllle thall three hundred men to the ranks of theallOmy and th~we three gellOucbed hundred wele only enemies becluse the Among die -1 o-ro -pu trom lIIe elle-A h d i t duced I t G ad m1 shOll at tbe Jaltoba wu Uebrf WalleN

merlcans a n r~ n 0 ran a wbon 8ft heuy-casod gold hUlidn walch bull plan of hvlng Without the It waB ampeod bampIIich would ollletlt bay --_bull bull UN_

unce the prlvdege of the II1111tar1 Umllllrs hlacroln ill bullf auk 11110 III wate IIDt in this city to raile the wind by the laY Ibe Ju snob A sbocIt gave hit tam he re-

most questionable meuulesoodll8 a mall oeed 110 InJUlf He hu already fonpe III four lor of cOUrie when II better governmllRt bampltlea IIIlder Oell Welker ud 1fU he was established under Gen Wlliker these kldng of ()ta1IIIdbullbull

titletl thieves found their OOOtlpation Kune One genU_a left 1IIoIIowlng card In on of r alld thllrewith the chaneeot IivlIl a ditiSo tbe ho_ III wbleh be cook UpA tempotll1 rtal

order-these were the men who loved ad by Carrera Oell WlIlker no hoIda die com 1181

Granada too well to see her in tho hoods m onbull of the prosent Oernment and ye live I During tIae aght 1fahYerIIaRCII were

Wht did they do 1 What wefO their hltea frOID the eny III III bandt ot bull peI1IOII

ld9111i In delr _ dI__ lie fir middotefteotl+ works t _ I

r_ bull d d b weaptllll amp t_ certatD 1 _III 10 u ofAlmmg mto town a~ mt 3Y Y II

fOloy upon their own OOllotr)lIIou they wllre 8uOil fed Thuir next move was ror a whi~key shop ahd at IIlghtsllt onemiddot

1IIIfllrtunately rcparated filtm each other~ fourth of the attacking force WII3 turlled Col Laln6 WIIS take1 pri~onol Col int the SlIme sut of drunken vagllbolldH

FIsh~r With wo ~lIgers 11Itlllncd to Ma tllll~ had been dllvon ltu~ of Grllnllda JU$t lIIya but dlscovermg th3t Gon Walkr one ytampf befhre Thelf Rltve iustlllctil Ilad ~turned to the 1iS$ldanOO of Grant- sull hoM Illa~tery although thly wlfllin da t~(ly also retracod their stops to this tiont of danger lind In the JlIth of dllty F~ On thcir wily they If ot sevcrnl At light had not a rge prtlon u r the

bull I foreign furee beell (lIItrllmed to ~nlaln ~ober our omall garrieoll might hn~ gobe ftlrthlInd tied up with 1(P=4 the lotlliflg raBnis who CUltle into thlgt cit to rodeembull ~It ~o orler and gOll( guernllltmt

B I bull f I II ddlit t lell X ~~m (I 01 IIr I nut

stop here Thofo ~hn did not gut drunk uud cover ui nibt reolmiddotted to robbery I

i ~ lind bllt rlilV tonslll 1)~(jII)lld urpillaged Every thing ~IInhllllf b ing calried IIwuy

fidelity IIf th 1ple of Hranada Tholl6 coi BpoundIIDIu In hlllpoti _ loIae wbolt or who laW them make voluntar) ufterlng of be olBennd men ohb Jlm RII BUalloD did refreshments to the exhausted soldier bel dn amplid I ould be mock 10 110 know how willing i wlltliono They blul gl one oller mON pNile til _dler fte7

)1 bullbull 6 l 1 w IIII Wlng to cri8 Ibelr U1f II~lie ro ut a mo every WI Umiddot lot die _ ftft IIPl1a eel wlt n the American gum could ~ro-teet them but or what WII It they gave with a willing hand

Such met8 18 these Ire worthy to he studied by the wrld at hlrge bull Those wh hllve slAndered UII wlthollt knowing of

bull what they wrote can weigh the avldenshyces ald thEII decidu 1Ip1O wholR tu CIIt tbll title of frieud and proteotor to the people (If Nillllrngua


- I the Amurlcan 1OIdI approached lbel1ishyampeha chllrb tbe bullel from tbo glllll of the ttl shy

- -kl 1liii Wert 1mg ID tI 1 t errery peI1IOII on h_back m-iDCIIbullbulllulg 10 the ground and Il behind ble horse for pro~1I oa W~r aIon malmiddot b- oM bull re _ 011 lIg ers 10 _ 1111 abou as much MfIfroid III If orderIagA boltllt of wiDe Ibr hie dlMer I ud Ie Dol until bewlarepcatodl)reqllnledtbonoolllblm 10 diamount that 1M did 110 He emed 10 be as regardl of Ih elleou of a Millie blIll If 1M ere plOOhplm lIIem ForlullateiJ be did IIOl

litlle_nt hey are but aPlnHv~of cleD18eI~-eiDdelencOI Grallldbullbull the bew and erro of lIIe Indllll of tIae Honb alld baylollg aiDae b8llll dfioarded by dltllIAampIona tbatcondllClaiUfIa aclenCllle _11111

The handle of lIIe 11111laquo ill about hIce III 1000g andlIllek u an ordlnar1 broolllmiddotbUdle I lance on llie end It an onl pleco or IroD or iteel )ot fuur Inclin In length alld abouhlliaob and a balf In its grlA breadlb In rlulng tbey CUp tho Itallll19 About Ita cenUO 111111 0110 band and Ita loer end r811111 UIlOII lIIoir rlghl foot Close 10 the bead or III Iallce lIOn_ bad II lillie red g aplit Is be ceo like A s bull allows tall

bull A raquo~lIOIIOIl UI) A ~IIiIIIU11C -A cit

~ w_ bnlvorl during lhelate detenco or tblS ell) was atllpl delllOMtfAled byltle inc of a 1rouodet __ 110 1 11_ or en Iny on hearillg one of t1i9 cia

-- 01lttpI wy Her verI ltgtJOll1re11t1rlcOO l Ibe

ur In die report of Ilurspcclaleorreaponlellt wa _ndull Capt middotDrew The propr resdiog or tbolllUD8bDeul

------- shy or Tbo followDC COPl of lelk wrlltell h] Jlbullbull DW1 H Wheeler III Agenlof tbe Amm can Bible Society at Grallllda 80ell18 coneidetl6 wben a WM writteu 1111108amp propbelc IL III bull 01 (lilt aIAYmentbull and iiI excite illucbaflllpamiddot 1~7 Cur bill aad end BII~ be blood ormatly ill I ~ eed of e~e Clturcb Gild In tbe plaoll or OlIOshyMulonat killed by ampbllllo ungts bundredtt ill yel pnrdllHbtir goodly calling bere In_ ritf

GRlIIpoundIgtA Oct 3middot186amp bullbull rdMAIY I took my book Imd ent AfonnJ aud on youe leIItgtIment )luny 811id Ibey bAd no IJIOIIllI and otIl 1d tile Quid pnrcb lte afler die eomIJa~ over WlOr loakil Or autenem111very doy rull lllree thodU~g ~

feDo nl1gbl be a riliemlln but biil credeD~l B(lIl1agood omcclil lid BOllle vor) gdOd aofim were atllered In dUlerenl IIChool from botek b hi_

nOWD y I lit name n lIll1Cky Tbe Ileamiddot raga rifleman urna bil reputation by ~I

Iyaltacklng kunu and 111101111 othor people WIts stUlllI II(J~ lUly fngtnl foe~ bllt nlike goods whll tile KellluckllUl hlil the honOi to be rmm fmlllds liHI pooril~t natives were bull terror to -Iaucb rucala foilllesklll wltb which

fltmlM tu givo lip tleir IMIIOY lind tholll bo drops them Ihe dlelIlOO of one o two bunshywhu had nOlle ill IUlIIe 034el vera lashed ilred 7arda m Do

lruIlkn Ioxes 111111 evelY othor plll~ 4111 II PnIIlCL-ThLI IOpeclmoa of IIIlUtarl wbore g)Ida ~lr valullbleol millht be hId OtIIIlnlly ~paoled blluoope 10 Mala aM

( was -a wllh III IDOIt advanced of tbe Jim Wble tmieJ l~pylUlVy Ind whell clotll Rlh Tho bowllie w his fJlvorito poIIIon

Cor J0811 Auu-Thll ollCllr w11I com~d of Ibe body of tIae Second Rl4ea wldllblor Ca In tIae repll of Ib La- IIItl1t1oeed b 0IIf

eorrespIIIIdeot md proYed Ill_If 10 be A bnlle man After Ibl tlIg_nl he wu ordred amp0 _ dIiot Capt Drea aud Capt Ore In 1b~lt pOIishyampion near Ib luge pm The oomblnllllon _ ceeded In Njtulalog tbo enem hferal amp1_ dillgtshying tbe _y

CoL JlcI1l10811-Thfs eBcleot olllcer prOTed bfmeel(1 y w1I orlhy of the pOlilion Ii~ OCCllplee U was al walCbflll amplid a1ait ready 10 aUllnd 10 hI dUly Dis car for bia wounded men is well otlhl of nOII08 As soon ali II w ueertalaed lbe enemy wet driven oul of ()ran~da be Immedlaley dlapalcbed olle ofthe Compaat ullder ble oommand 10 bring IDilie ounded or hi Baltall-m lrom die _ne of l1Ie con8Ic4 at lIIe Jalwbe

Our tibullbull-From lIIe iDablllty of 011 man to - 1M whle of amp bald Ibe report of Oot

Speclal Oomepondellt Illat be DeeeuiampriI1 1ItJ defectT~ It apP8llMII lIla Capl Oreen of die tiecond RllIu 1Od Capt Dreal of die ampeolld lllranky 10 IlIMaIIl hi ~aDced poeilkn dUpug tbe dd7 and acled rery brnely Llell Henry T She wndOO In lIIe Deck liDe latmiddot Inll In be defmce ot (ble POIOI Sherman baaDOI been ablll 10 peak Iinco b reeelyed $lie ItooUad h II lIolllkalylo pro fallll

OUI 0R119~-Tble gentleman obved In A

house -ya flIl of Lb OIllllY wlIIIhla IIW~ in bud at neb a npld u tllet bla OomJlllll1 could lIot keep pace lib biOI Col T ~ Fi 1~ fld Uue Pg _mpanlW him and bad Ibe bouee cleared of tIae enemy before sbe llIeD ~ rIed

TIIII PIli AlID flrll SWORD -We tali pl8ual-c

i _ L oJ bull of b It _L d n -og 11 e compollliN8 I e ngl emiddot parlmeot of EI Nlcanoguellleollee (oogbl brnely In deCellCO of our clly Thel~ IIIIIIU are ()buies E Caulley William Bucbllllan Froderlk Kapt amplid P A Yarrington lbey hollOO tb lhey llOuld make goud UIIG of Ibe ehootilog Iron II weU u llhootlng amptIek

OVII CoKbullbullIISUU1 BIIIWI-Lleul W B Butmiddottri LI J B W Ll

aut 0IfIl e~t 9amp Hawley11l1li- H O Wall A A Conllng and Capt W_ B Lyou bebaved -Iotly aud rendered ear-

D tils force GIGII f1lIkCf ClIo oppose 1~~ light109 men 109 ul middottth whllt he mMy Neel from Califoml a d NIIW York lIlldIII be 300 wenbull A~ preseD~1be Ollemr arlllllOngl forllllej al Mi sa ollly 12 nliles dl8loUll Gen Walker i8 pm ~arillg1O recuio Ibow alld tbere will b 1JODle dmiddot~ ilf8lRing bUlplbtlhAmrIC~dn8 feel very 00011middotell 0 IQCOOIL er 1 pru tlIoa would aft

dlellltcd hOlI [8ho~I have lelt helll on Ihe live of a baltle 8tleh aa I~ exd every hou blll1 came hen Ibere lIaamp nu eoumy lI~ar and lIone ex peCWI and my IYw-k I bre and llHllII 1111gt8 1D~lIywouhdad and dybg 10 caro for fun doeome good certainl Tru I IIampY be am~ tbe slIlu formiddotlII_ Ulen have Ib8II1e1led a wtU cf

iug could ntlt be mnde useful It Mis-torn IIIId ilia 00 Wera ailbrded OOIlIiderabiA __~ ~~~~tlll apllldl aU AlllelOllJlII and If lie F Ii Ii Y -- ViCtoriOWl ley ill du II tbey han ampampiii

to pec~~ 01 twenty olle ourll t I IIIflII allud lIIe din of I~ bllule at tbe manner If I should perlah do Ie beat you can fgtt my cnnlinued 11111 WII say it with nil cUlldor In which be ould jump at an l_gllI1 ellemy (amlly lOl lIIuy POOl alld will need all lila can h I bull n d b dI fI II Prin I middot-~oo I be alfordOO them Sltould the enemy coine IIlld

t l simp 0 IIIlt1ves Ill) roll1 It as uom a eI e ~un as ~e a reg M tack lIle ol~ I hall leavoloy boob posled and pe~Ii1mcc They ran Into the wouds jill tIInghll bylilll Firat RIOes mOlle ~d olrOOIa in the hand of Col Johllii

h I I I II A N I W Wbeeler Ih~ Amerlcllll Hinlle For 1eM0Ii1Crlpt mto cornelS 11 t lem8e vel n a Ill ou Ilf AII-OUr RallgCfuomeli_ need 1I0t lIaOe tho lJolted Slatea IIlg IfI Alford iug hhuut food bout fiva dllye cpt kind~ uf placcK alld trlm~bled Illtilmiddotthe 8ad lying In 1IIood In tho lloillity of the city voryliUlo proaCllOII to AmeriCAn chizeab

I Ili h 10meoChOuIampemalianandSanlWvadoiansnlmiddot y lruly DAVIDlfWBEEliEItSaIllnlS 1S jUltti n youn mnnJlnC lie of plnguo wall (rlvon Ollt OlIO II 0 II d Ih h I I I I Th J C BBIOUpoundN Cor Aner nbla So leIshy bull - t 1VtOtO~tel esoprl80oers8ampy bull ~ vC

1M r(lSt pron)lllmg offiool6 in tllO army tho eager -yoa that watlled tbe bull Jill Lbey were lhue tle1 bllbolr office In order 10 OA

Ho or dog t-that lho qUoOlion U IheThe rbull10 1I0W only fOllf of Iho fMlir~ tllh W f01II hen they hllRld that the Americans prevent tblllll 11II1IllIg 11114) In tho lISbe ello aid whGn he IRt do wn 10 n dish of (riod~_~~llSi~ _ ~re coming can bear IfItimlny to ~b~ I VerUT th~~~~~blltg new IIIder the lin IlASASCl


- ---------------T--shy312 EL NICABABUENSEVoll No 50 p 6 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 181Br6


Tile Battles of tbe 12th and 13th of Octflber 1800

We b bMIl permitted to make the toDowln

oslne IlIDut dI porta 0 tJle 01Boe1ll In commiddot IIWId at tbe Yarlo ttallOD The OOIlfuOIl an4 laquolei 10 our 01108 oe by the late ttaclt -Ind Ib vofortuawte acoldeD hlch bappened to Mr 1bor tb edllOlooble~ put I out or our

pow to arran the repone u under 1II0re fampYoshytabl GlroUlllltanoeB e lboulil have done Th balties of the wo day era 10 connected thI

it oad be dilleult to rate diem on paper anal pnlClIl all dI Illcld8Oll

The report of ColellelSandaralalb1l ofintereal 8Ild beua-out theltlatemellll of Ollt correepOl1dellt

L WIIO It would ppear followed the fortllDes or die folr Rift He Y

About 12 oclock on die t tdl they took dlelr positlOIl hi line and the command u Iyen to moYl fotward The llIen wer11I good Iplrillalld abOUi oclock aalgbt theyenoelDped In Ibe IUbshyurb of _ya Sbortlyafter lying down alkirshymlall took plaoe beteen Vol Karkhaana regiment oC lufallw7 dd a_liDg prll of the en Dll blob luted bUI a few morun Idlout anl eerio Mal Bewean- lIyllght and unrile on ~ba mornlo 0( th 111d1 tbe wliole army took dlelr pOIJUoIl for bottle die bowlll8l1la lrollamp eupporampshyed by dae Rile reldman Aler aneing but a fe y Capt Ifwarb of the Artillery wu orde ed b-eJom_nreMnCblefto dlrowlbelliDto aelllampll plaM aDd (Jumpd C comllluded by Capt D~ obll8ed and took -Ion of the oburch In die pi bullnd tbe wbule arlll7 _11 fullowd IIIId OOlDlIlaDder- or reglDlllntll received their In alruoilonafrol the Coml1IIidi~hlel An- furtloer operatlo The Sappert amplid IlIlIeN were ordered to CO 10 advance end pportod b the Rill out their W8ylnto tho main plua beteen two t ruonlng dlrotly thereto-tbe 8818 on the right IIlId 11 belDg prolected by Ibe ellem wllb btarrl ltlad _OIInOOll and sharpmiddotlboote Afer bariog cut ball wa through to the main plnla the bow iteera colDmandadby Clpt Swrtz and Lieut F roD eN ordmd to the IUppO-t oC the amplft_nd of hoee to pliant ollloera too lDucb pralB C8II II be awarded (or tbelr daring braver aDd cool neealn dlaeharge oC dIlr dut) HlllOry has Ilot e parallel The11 edaaucClllfulho-illto au adolHl bnlldlng here a large nllmb ofthe enem were ~lIllg MClurel1behind barrlcad Oathe Imoke cleariag away Company B oOIBlllanded b Capt LfIonard alld Company G cummndd b Capl ORepn with tMlr gallanl eoldlera took 10811 alon ot he building wbere they were charged upon twice by tbe eneml Gap I Ewballks took pollOi slOl1 ot Ibe eomer hOllSe on the- right The RiBes w thn wlthlll HventyJ e Yld of lhe mlln pIMa he the galInt aI and arren again came to dlelr _lltallce 1Iltiampl their guna Tlte ouemy we 10 largp forcu ImIDedlatel1 III thelr Croa~ abOlit thll time

Th Commndermiddotln-Chif haring recelvod Info uatllD_ bat Granadll w attacked blarge force and bellering lb a larg8 portion o( Ihe foroeI Muya had gODe toaid in taklllg Grallada wbere tbe mo~t of our ammunition was he ordered ra lreat froni our poertlou and bo~t 12 oclock at niSht~ 011 our rod baok to Granada A tar mamiddotohlDg all dlgbt Ihe glorious aUD of the 181b or October roae In beau and splendor-tbo annlmiddot vera1 o( the 68 taking 01 Granada When we got Into the outsklrte 01 the clly wo were reo~iyd Epote4 u the wero Ihey fOllgla thelr wy by heaY ftra ffOm the enml but WIth a about ond 7011 TO ruabed on the elly of Oranadn] wlalh WIUI asain Oil tbe 88me day takell by lIeneral Walker

Of the olleera and men compoeln the Rifles Ilae1 did their duty well and it wouhl be mocker1 to try and give one ofllcur more plllie thall another The were all willing to tIIlClilloe thoir Ilve8 If nece8 88r1 fur Ihe cause tlaey aro engaged In

Ab Jut 11 -oolook on tbo 121h a8 atate41 b1 our _

correspondent Col Allell wu ordered to 1Ilal a de~hment of lIanger agailUlt a body of Lanoer

bull gaged untIl thoy hlUl fought their way 10 a poaco

1be Bohllo of Illy cOlllln4nd AdYanoed and roo ceived the ll of tho tllelll) coolly _ returnillg I ith efect After 1 I volloy had beea Oltmiddot cbangod the enelllY lel the lOad and reliod aprrefttll IOed AlaJor C7C tboulCh Field OCmiddot Beer of Ihe Day ndvallod Ith Ind Bhowed be innrlably doe great cooln1 and 8rllllle~8

After the enemy rroator I retulnod 10 tbe 11 St SbuUan heu 1 reeely_od ordN to IUIlPort Capt Druus 2nd Iufuntry nlld Ilpt Gree of my oOlllmand wbt) WUN armly enmiddot ~laquoed near he main Plaza I fOllnd on lD) arrimiddot Va[ th~ OAP Dmiddotult ha1 one prlte kllud and CApt Greon severol wouuded We re 1l1~okelt1 In thb p~ I (runt ami lin Ihu In but ltlpulsud tbem ter1 tlmee (rom tbe latter position

1 OIInllot epeek In too high tllt1I11 of tho conduct of bMh ollleera and men ~ngaged ht8 they exmiddot bllJlted tbo ~fttest cuolu autl glllalltrf

4bout ~ 0 clock Gell lIorn811y wilh ono (Jom P~IJY of lsi I fontmiddoty Joilled us and hortly altol this wo received ordel8 Irom Yonr E~ceilellcy_ I fall back ou the PI St ScbnLlan whloh did ill he bOIL of orhr ImmeliaLcly nn (lur ftrmiddotivKl

amproo wb-o p-led uo bloh dlylded - -a amphrolog ID1u1f ltlIpt OoreLleuL Bramp LIeut TrIIpp nd ee en pri18I a1man hI admiddot - ance 0 t1ie en command uob he w noeIyed Ord811 to obarp tbe eaDnOD haYiDS1l0 oeeded In wblob and bluing lriag In die l I ordeved thelll forwft lIalor (Jaycee (bj er of Cilea DorDIby) renlalned at dlls pointwldl die bala_ or my Battalion to guard the dlalllountecl bowlSHr

From dlk place my IlIIail commacd advampIIced rapidly and turning to die len one street from die PIIISI IOraaed th comer baok of dI Lobe Slu

- OIl yt( ldI _tbe other u to ho Ibould do ampbemOlamp gooleervloe

W81ao take pleuu IOlIIaldng die folloiDg -

esrac frolll tbe olloW repor of Co Natzm~r I have tht hOllor to reporamp 011 the evenlug pre

aedlng die da1 of the battle In lIaya Kajor Ihl Mnbur Field OlBllJr of tle Day IIld capt Jlatzdorll a Odlcer of tbe Guard dlttinlluiohd tbem~eIY b the greaten figll bullbull oe actiYlt alld cll~i1wapoictlon

rlle Plaza of SI 8ehaeUan being taken ou Ihe eneulng morning and tbe 1 RIlle Battalloll and

wb w killed a numller 01 the ellemy Capt part of the 2nd IUlantry Battalion adfanoiDg till Bell who ooolopaued lia in thla obarge If ldllll two blooka of the eat plaza optaina woundid In the thlh

W then proeeeded under a hot Ire to the GUlrdboule wben lI~or Potter gaYa up bla comlllampnd to me We Bred a oanllon from this po lot twke hlto Your Excellellcya quarte and once Into Ihe bOURa ooa1lvled by Capt Morrla dID oharged tbe litter place our lIlen gallant11 Oamprrlog n Thls 8 Ibe I place I beIIe tblll onl1ll1 coupled -In dI cill

I ampIn happ to atate dI~t no cuuolU occurred In III Battalioll dUriD tblI battleshy

llauor Oaycee wlllPve OU bull IIparate aoooun of bla proceedlDgs wllh th ramalllJer of die Btlalmiddot Ion

Th colIInd of Col Allen wu dl lded near

the lalCeba ()burcb The ollowlng estract ampom the report made bt JI~r Caycu III vel) _grph-o and llaow dI _yln wblob the eDODIl wu ban died b_Ibll -Ilul olloer and bll men shy

e-In 08lllpllince with en order giyen b1 Brig

GID Koroah_ I led dI BUalIQII towarch t1i Grand PhJa until oppoelte th mlns of die Me clld ()bri wbloh point I reoel ed an order d1 to Ib north amplid dlslodse a porilon of tbe enem1 wbo were at tbe dme occuP71og the

Leonard Dreu Rnd Hreen dietingulhed tbemmiddot MI by rellUlrkablo braver and cour-se ilh beir (Jumpalli

Altbllugh th Artillery did not haTe all the eCmiddot Selelle1 elpectud I 1amp11110 but acquillt Your Exmiddot CiIIlellc1 or tbe moet courageous and cool mallner III wbich Capt 8chwartz Iud Lieu Frrand ola oharltt hl dude wbloh deeervet bill aud full credt

III dI attack OR Grallada 011 the 13th iost Your Ecellenc h bullbull leen Yery-wol~ that the gul lalltrY 01 he odlltllN and lolltller~ gellerllll 1ell (lbIng to he- wiahed fur alhougb regom di~middot cipllDe the cClmmandera oC Ibe reBpeotive Battal-Iona and Companies did nOl keep their lIlen lougb together but when our troop reached Iho pl having oooealon to vbtervu ever Ollemore rartioularly I baye to recounond to Your Eloelmiddot e1l07 Vapl Swingle of tbe OrdllallCO Depart-Dlent wbo bebl llatloned befolll tbe OUllrdmiddot bouee (ough agaanal die enem1 In Your toscelmiddot lellcyampIId illlCio ~plnoaal bousea

Lieu Col McIlltDeh and Major Duaenbur1 hkewile bebaved ver1 brveI1 111 two charge

We haTe boell kindly pellilltted to lIIake the

CoIIowlng extracl from Gen Frys report of the ali_immediately In dI rear or die bulldlog oooumiddot _def~nee 01 GrnadaCled by Ibe Surgeon GenmL Baying bullbullcc~ed At 1 oolock P M the alarm w give and the

11 eIOIIIng he I raet (dlough under a lIloet IIRImiddot ling ~re) len mluln lullead to accompllsb dI dlsodgement and then Indeed hegau the werk of dedI Ibe enelll111vlllgin nery direction rece Ing aaadl at the bnds of our unerring nIIemen Flodlng after at length Ihat 1II0re remained to opmiddot POle va I ordered a mreh at quick lime to the Plaza and arrived Jill u die I -oC Ibe -panic etrlckea 100 wera king In Ilgbl thu eatelshywhleh dlilr vaullted_ Ior could not eecure thom III regarc to die o~nducl 01 tho troope I mlllt MY to-Your ExClIlenc1 tbat neYer In m life have 1

enem leen advancing The gtUIiIOIl coneLstillg~f a colopany of ahoul 40 cILi~1I8 (ullder Ibe oommanD 01 KaJor Gillis) tho woundud alld COli teeo~nt In the hoepltal and 80me m11 oC -tb aialr corpa haviog been pvlouily Inmucted 00 oupled the rallge 01 buildings tellding alollS tite eoutb lId ealt IIdes 01 the pI froD tbe Qu trmr alld OUamplIoo Dparllllolll8 to tbo ilpital The gllna bad been plocoj sa followa One elghteell Ind ono ail pounder at tbe auutb eot curner of the piau olle nine pounder tbe QuardbOll8e and one is pounder at lb Hcashy

lIlen IIlllre cool or gallampll III their actions _pita dian dI BtUe parly whlcb I commanded Tbe enemx advanced In colomll along Ihe Itreet

Intbreport of die otlonl of the Seeond leading Intu the nonhwsI coroer 01 bo plaza Light Intimtr1 GoL lIelntoeh 18 and I ol8red tbe Dine pounder to b rUD forwaro

and directed aglllul dleo whicb PrltllnpamplI woulll be doing InJultlee to bull brave officer done ullder tbe di-ection 01 Llelll Crowell and

IIld I lIot here mention the nallle of capt Roberl Captin Hard At the lirat discharge wmob w EU of me Rangenl for tbe fearleA manner In followed y three heart) cheera for Gen Walker hloh he expoeed bimself to the el18ny bullflro

11 wu 800n dacoveted Ibal we wera III danl(er shyfrolll the_ hell tbrown from OUr hOWltzen wlilcb GaOled en order til be giYeIl for 01 to fall baok to the email pia Companies A B 0 and D of111 command wero then tallonedt dUrNnt polllloll nnd held al a reeene (Jum E under Cap J DraUK wa then dlrown ouI on tbe len to keep die nem) f~om making aa1 moYe on Col Sandell command whlcb WII nobly wOrklllg It wa1 thlough tbo O8ntlO ampftet leading to- t1ie grand piua U wu llfierwllrde reillforced b1 Capl Green of die 2d Rilltl ThlSe Iwo olleera d_ne great credit Cor the braver1 the dLlpla1ed

neariy to the n~rthtust earner of the P~ and beld dlelr pOlltlon nllder a hot S untIl the1 were calld oB JuS be d~rk 1 regrel to Inmiddot fOlln 11u Ih Lieu Henry T Sbellnampn of Com pany Eo wbullbullbulluyuly wounded hll 1ol1li1lnly s~condlng Ihe eltor of bl~ Caplaln CflllIplplOl A and B ampcamptd l1li piquet-gIlHrd durng Ihe Jay alld

froID be_goortlson Ihe enemy f1l bao_k d makhg a clrcult alfvanred UpOIl tbe Hopita whore they were beld ID check by die tire ofdie 8i pQuuder under Capt awligl whicb diilmoullted one of their glln td b1 the fOlO rallied by Mljor ONeil The then cowmeuced amp vlgoruus attack UpOIl our rear front the t and nuth Idoa of_ t a pla where they ere gallantly lUeL b the force along our whole line The contesl in tbe rear of _the GunrdhoUde WIUI partlculrly obsi nate and maintained 011 oUrBide by lomeliny lOen ullder tbe comlDllld of Cpl alnample uailampetl b1 captalna Lewll alld Piekellgill

Juring the night alld lullowing 1D0mlng the ellemYIIIeal attempll to attack 111 ill frent but WIlO drlvell bao by tile IIIe 01 Our artillery

Boa of tbe American Idies and children were placed In the Church and in the house of tbe AIDerican Mlnbter In the rour uC blch 1 posted Pi guaCl 01 IG naen under Lieut Micoll

lJoring tbe flgbt the enemy through desertr from Our drm) lIlade a propuaitioll to U4 10 aur

penoMned their duy to ny entire aatittfIlClioD ~t tendmiddot promising ua prutaction and atating tbat

TIe enel0Y YOI repulsed and the fullowlllg fron to pott will show how ho and hilt mo were en Before going furth I be ~epetfltlly ItJ ltat~

dark nay ~thun wa posted on tbe two mil a~retllmiddot~II1K lato the pi and ocoupled bull POll tlOII 111 wllluh te1 could do good aerYlee Ihrough tllu nlglat In 0amp8 tho enemy meditated auylhlNg 10 tM oampIII_e Thlla we rem311 uluillhe u dllr- nII10bed UI to PlIIIlI-to IUArcb fur Granada

tbat tl porton r Illy ballnboll ordered 10relOIoIII Iellve thlou~hot thu d1 expmiddot ed greal cage __ to ho lod antu aciiunalld ill theil omd _ Uctullllllg OIl btalinn Wllt pOlttd on the ex troill lell a1 whun lIenrillg Granada 6riog w dioUllctl laeard IMy lIle thoogh lIIuoh Jadod no~d whh gre bullbull alclmiddotity alld OI~oiCOIIod great eager_ 10 bemiddotth tir illlO olloD Their poslmiddot tioll ctlul1 not adIII r II Uld we hud no cballoe tu tok part hI Ibe cOlltcal at thu JIteba A SlOn ft8 amplla~ puillt 1 g~io~d however and sulflclent Ppcu lOade (or UII tn com~ up IYO imlllediately olaatged dowll tbe rltlad An order to halt alld eland filiI reoeigtd for tbe Plrpose of protectmiddot lug tho raar and waa promplly obeyed with tho cx~eltIon of VaplainR Ball amplid Grnta Op~lIies th07 advancing witb sucil siloed alld the 1Irg IV8S au lleallmillg thlt Ihey could 110t bellr the or der Qd 10 continue1 on_ in tbe General charge Thll1G two nlliccrs bohaved ell the furRIer WUI ounded whilat at tbe hClld of hlann Aa BOOn II~ the dKnger Irom Lhe r WIIS pa~sed I walor dCImiddot1i to dvAllee wih Companies A n 0 and E Ib$Irpolld6d to tho cnI wltb che came up well and did much execution W0 elltered the piau and chllrged the 0llelll1In dlKerent direc

uur army w defeated at AIy Tbe anawor IoU 10 about 01 de8Ion and doftlIlce and tho batshytIe conlillued until IQ oclock the fOllowing lUurn lig when IllYpeedily termiuated by the en tnllloe of tbe army UDder tbe Commandfrin Chief

Thua for 21 houra a force of tt least 900 oC the eReml WII repulsed by I thall ~ii meDln which oUlnbr wu Illoluded alUbo aick and da abld of tlao rIll1

Where dlere were 10 many Illstances of gal lantr d good conduct II i dilHoulto apelfy who were IDl)lt deaerYlng of coullnondatioln All nOlted la a lilt of offiera soldier dnd OitiZell8 who were conplcuous for gallalltry and good conduot Alao a Iitlol the casualties in my com mind alllounting to klilod alld 10 woulldod

The 1_ or tbe enemy l m unable to report acouratel from Iho filcl tbat dUIhl Iho night of


From n hOlOle I ent Immediately to dI 0 nance OJ8ce and tbere 01Hld Lleul V ~ Hiler on dut1 wldl wo 8ergeanla and lDeDi reporteathe pplOIIooh of the 8Den Ild save tholll aach ordera bullbull l dlought nec_ar1 alld thom etarled (I

Mlnllter Wheel8f to loelf1ll1 lamil1 bd ilri~ ulil and artl ed t the oorller of IhoPlaza nw the reBideDce of Mr Teller Ju In time toch$ek the harge boing made b1 tbe enelDY dun tbo alreet fouhe Playen8 by killing tbeleader who WII gallauil1 leadiog the charge much In adfancuf his men running alld ahouting

Al1 firat hul w with a Sharp carbine oDI1 ollndill_ 1111 ataggerlng hilll agClin the ItlUle aod tbell rolled bim Into tbe allmiddott with my air Ihootor 1 think thi4 w the liIIIt man kUled in Ibe city Mr Hugheeand MVMfll othera I8W thi lorlulIte check (it cOlDpletel) baiting thu cbarg illgparly) br whicb those working au lIiue -pounshyder OoUOOII welo enabled to 111amp it

I canllot Ipeak In pr~ge or commendation or the nine pounder callnon doriug the comlUence lIIent of the attaok-~wo or our own meu were very aeriuusly ounded by h The ch gon th lla wbullbull Ilbaudolled by the enem) theirl (OICO colloentrated and mado a yigorouutlbrt toenter the IInlll pia b1 tho quarters of the Oommndcr inmiddotChier There Ihe enem1 were gIlUOIly held I check by Capt Swlngl with the ix pouude can nOli _isted and cov~re1 b- maDY eilizeut-witb ri80 and mll8kecs eucouraged raquolId direCIeltl b) ()ep- Watkin The bra fteldillece broullM 10 ber b) tbe eDemy a a point waa -00- dil moulltad b1 -tho h y and wIQlrellllsillire of Vapl Swingle ldI tbe ais poun Hi~ 0001middot 11_ and brayery cannol he too Duch praied

Voncluding that the hOlpital and gulllClhouso would Iequire Ul Addillonal lupply of ommualtion I returned to the OnlllampnOO olliee on the_ wa~ crossing the bolY lire of the eneflly near the enshytrance w the headquarLel$ of tbe CoulRollderin Cbiet and deapatcgtb d two Dlen loafled wilb am mUllilioll Cor the horpital-olle of thelll ooly reich IlIg tbere the other SlOpping at Ibe gu~rdouae 111 tbe lIeantlme Lbe attack of tbu enero1 belng u 8trudg and vlgorou lind having nu cove frOD Which to bold IWd work Ihe eAlIlIon d thro bemiddot log 110 com nander 0 dlrec~ the mOYemcll1oll 0 Ib~ YieiDltl Capt Swingle wlthdrelY tbe ~ilt poundr to the oover of the gllardlouae Ollt Ii ocloc~ P AI Tholo In tbe hopllal reualud In It undemiddot the directloll 01 Oap- Wllklnl whor they gallaot I) deteuoed tholDl8l_os uutil Ihe reillfoCemenl with the UommandermiddotillmiddotOhiefarrivd Defore Ih wilhdrawal of tbe six pounder to Ihe guardmiddot ou~ Capt W i1klu8 wu very aotlve-In rallylOg t citmiddot liens to auist hI coveting the loadingllld orkshylug the 0111111011

AlII ooloek P M I crossed from the Ordmiddot nance oJ8ce 10 the cburcb alon~ (not IIndin any one at he 1D00aenl willing to croll the au lIh as much amlllunition u 1 could carri I twoO baveanokl aDd soon Ret arriving tbere w deshysired by Gell Fry lotako cOlDllland oftbe d ot the Iroul of tbe church -

From the commenoemenl of the attack t Ex preas WagOD III U88 b1 the Comllli_v I) part aunt had been atanding hi frollt of the Ifou call ed the Lone Star Alter heing desired tJiIt~ dbage 01 tbe dCenoe of Ihe ohurch 1 Id man (I regret th t 1 am no~ able to givG h- Ime) who by DIy ordera ctossed the plaza and roy the wagou to tbe Ordoanoe oilloe_ and loaded it with alUmwlilion bUI from some Cause ullk~on to me did 1101 return jth II The lYago~ w~ loaded in tront of the Ordnance olBc~ Ilear an hour-no one appearing to be wUling to rOIl itla It-wben a Mr allyn81 crolll frol I~e arhou80 and drove 1 ovo-a -bighly or dilashybl$ perlurnaauce Aler making a c~rvtul exaID Inltlon of the church Uld rmLles Olll1uecl~ tho foroe to defelld h ampe placed Mr J L lobshymOlld with men In ilhlllge of tbe part c~ll tbe ~Ouad House ita yard alld aJoining lI11llmilnll III the quarlers Ih tbe IeIIr of tha ehlll~h exl~ndshyillg to the atreet below Capt Kell1 j Mr otank lin tobert H Smitb aud tnlee ollleI werol Sla tioned in tbe tow~r at Ihe lIorthet er ~ele they were of essential service and their COl ducl ie highly cllmmelldabl~ Othera wemiddotu plO erly stationed in the yarils aDd aportmeuts belol Ing toald quartllnl _The cOlnDluuication 01 tho a VI mentiuned quartora ith the-cburcli WM~ tbr ugb II hole ill amp10 eplLtatillg wall

Nu regular attacit ollld UpOIl Ihechub or preDliaCt CODllllulicating cpt 10119 ~ttbt Comlllieellly DepalmiddottmonG can gh-e much illio ma_ tlon of tbUle III the ohuCb lUI he I thore nlil tbe end of tbe attack About 8 to oclocll r )1 Uapl Pickolalill came In 1i00I tho l(uirdh~UI wlh thu inform ion _ thot tbe rcrce tlocreTlYU sII that Capt Swingle IDuoh lIbgdd 10 ~ho dfnoe of tbe YIlrd in tbo NIlI of ho gJI houe with bomb ahells ualng thent II hall~gn_ lIadbullbull aud makiftl fRe 10 explude amplem Iro tbo artillery match rop 110 lind that 90lOe m

the 12th tboy dlrew a large number of bodie~ into mauding oHicer wu requhed there or the dlaco ella and other hiding places ud buried some Abou 160 botlica bavo been diacovered

EsTuOt paoli RSPollT OP MAl -ParrsR 011 Sunda1 12th Inat abgtut it otlock P M

standing on Iho oorner of the PII~ lIer the ofmiddot lice oC the Oldnance Department aaw a man mounted on a gral hono galloping paat Ihe Jat-Itlba churob followed directly ~ter by altlrae dozen or moro men upon Iho rUII Tll006 standing ncar mo thought It courier (rom MaHAY dirctly the RUPPOled cllurier Ieturned alld 001111 after callie back again wltb thirtror forty muunted mellplIssing

would be tRken aa tbe eDem1 wore lIlaking Igor IUS attacks on it 0111 aluos everr aid - I

I wllB theD dbected b1 Gen bull r1 to tako domshymRnd of tbe guardhouso whemiddoto 1 remained bnla tbe rival of Uol Allen on the 13th 11181iwho courleously accepted ot Illy Iequell tIelleyellDe 1 then lB~istod In tho U80 of tile aix [Iounde~ on tbo quarto lately occupied by CApt Morri ind In oharglng the enemy from thOle quamiddott-a opl W m Lewis gave vllluoblo _Ica in th~ de fenoe o( tho guadhoue bUI wai prevented fIOm IIreat aotivity by hlj ill heRlth lio ClIII give nluch mformoLiou 01 tbe conduct of tho lIIell Iuj dc

Capl Green will ordoro~ to _isl Col ~ndQIl tiOll with aucll imp~luolty that Lhe) were quick tile Jlteba ohurcb towArds Lhe northeosl of tho ulci_ ~o glumiddotdho~ac OhllS Richnrd80~ tv where- be romlllned un1 ordCI8 ora Itl~n _to -I) rouled _ttelinl 11 al directions clt Suapectillg that II 111 a PallY of Lancere 811011 8as18talloe as hiS 11 health would rftutTond coocentrampl~ Ill the PI 81 Scbasti4J1 I CAnnut cloae this report wilhut milking (avo frona the ftnomy 1 ran lowardll the-church as fa~ 1 can reOOllllDend tho conduc of 0 (Juban bm

Tho poaltlon we ocoupiod on tbo march from nblo 1I1t-lItlon of IIlIor n DUOllbul-Y alld Ct 1j as the office of tho Altlutallt Uenbullbull middot I whn I WaS unknown to 1113 I lhln~ he Is n Ub-AII~ or tiOD 10 Urando aa in tbc ftr of- 101 RillellIllflY Th~ NlIItleNd gIC~t sistanoe III p llatisfted that It was it strung lorco of tho enelllY Prefect I hnvc seeu blln olen in all ullio eshyaud vall of ~nd Inf~lItry survillg olll~r alllOllg the men alld epcourgIIog Iwent Immediately 10 m hllUlle (the houso 10merly tho Lono Star ho~c Thero lYOle lllauy t ere

lSth In the atteck on Iho enelll) who wero tbelll b Ihe 1I~ld owned by Dolor~a LaJarsa) 1111 Bunt Uo) wife lind ho boha_ed credltllblf whl~o IIl1ncs ure not taliolO1 nur tbo JIIa UIorch with onu Iie o - The mun cODpoaing m bllUulioii aoted In har_ childrun wilh Mr alld Jtl~ Uuglle_to the resi- kllown to llIe I cau hghly cOIIwd tbe-O ion 01 Dn a _light cOllf oo uCClln-ed lu tbo _mon7 and obyod nl dlfurout ord promptly de_lice of Col Whoeler Mmlster from the U S bt John Aot-ton_ n mechomc employed I tbe rd

bull p

bullbull bull bull

313 i


lit Dtparlllltnt le_ Llrabert blaobmlm fa nce Dpartmenl (lfoml4ed) Tbe Lane and Lilt of KUW 4fId WotoMd of If fafllry

Joll4ll IUIde obamplll tor mum w AdJ r W PUOft wounded allllhll n1uble~e eranl the _ wlb Compllll1 B-EIIIed Private Will Ifnnlall _gOll to _d (ro Lleut Hlte all 1IfII woull~1 Sergt A oJ Falreblld Prlvau

au at my reqll Ilm~ ~~d Pat WllOOII JohnW~ Jobu lI_q Johu~lIIend 111m 0 the oIemaDcf - Barilla 4ad Oommander-lnOblet J B Lonpere II ComJllll7 O-WOIInded OorporelJ B_ hanlo eplOYld In the Orlln_Ret Departmtllt CoIIIPlUl7 D-Ellled _ 1errr Phnlp Bhlm lIfrJI bra mall w killed prlvato CbJi Smith Compan E-Wolllldea poundIul Wrighl r Ordnanco orlment aIao kl~ IUb ampbed Oompan7 G-WOIIruledliIorgeanamp lloLallahUndho_ one man II _aber G all I Prlet a W Foreman Deiil ~IM~ llIiarki 1m IIIIwwn to me wbullbull IdIIed an4 IeYera Gehrehl Tbot Brook DOminick CclInOIIaII J A OIIDded -C the wounded -Capt Green Smvth lbe P~tt Iu thechureilhoamplced the COlIdllot _

bull Lleuwntm DUie unknown to meL lfh_ LI oJ lliU~ WOII JlmI of I1Ilaquo1fIl Mllot I thllll w eoweNl-to 1amp t e lnat lnlaftl1l aolIIeeUke IIr H~_ghtl IidromN~ Yor~r Compan A-Wollnded Prifalel danlt11th me mlldl or the t an w_te COOl III Whl Ill r sere te KIlle 7middot

EL NICARABUENS4 VoL I No_ so p_ Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 18 1856

Inreprd to the der_ ortha pulohhe pt rirn~dk lI~lrimiddotete Frank mtIDr IIIUrderIDg him the mudlttad III bod with lIpled b7 tb OrIIoanee ollce l_oot A Company O-Wound[ Opt KatcdoI bl70llectln the moat hocklng _nr

blUbe een that I wbllt lborU 1M t areTb oree th_ w the latgeIIamp or III except jbA$ ~n the obureb ruI wu weU oouductad by ~ Ollila Capamp iWawlll lIr Bolchur and bull B Wyatt of the Ql1arlei1autel DepetlDlenc of wllom CUI sly report In detail bUI J Cellitlle aallut dlCeIl of the Qllantrmuter ormiddot ~nUlhereb7 eIbt ornblmen under lIr W yU berndd1Ir~or r~ - w bull II P II whla rellta to It mad that

Ie ellem aAer Idlll fttreOGe throocb th III Illto atrala to like p_IOII Irolllncb ~bi repelrle I h e neelYedl think that he IItaorYlng or milch credll

if 01 Ofierr ampltlHr 4fId OiH_ oflIrit Om Jtlyll e_ dilaquobullbullud in 1M laquodon at OrlZala Oct IS 0418 18G8

It bull J O ONeU lat Rillbullbull I CapL ASlt4tlngl OrdnDoa Dept H L Pouer (9f AIel Jon P II OOllelll ~I Jobll Baldwin capt a W Pickerag1l Rail

cp- Vm twla 08D Wilkerbullbulld LIeut Orowtll Dr Lllnd lIedlcal Depamp Ilt BrlukerhootDr Scott Ilt Stringer Dr 1gt111Ctp Gre pt or Port l~Dt Lamber Ordnance Dept ~Wm_eaTIII_LoIpcte


Jon Ahtou

i lin Yatu bull Byn aurOl

III JOlle CoAlQRlIIa Q K Dapt WK Wa

1 r I Arcbbold ILW~bullbull II WEeU7 IiV H bull fWnT Jolla 1t7lllt Thoe Ohapman Jobo Inial1_ hoi MOI1 I Bun u II T Sfki Gen Fr1 Orderly I OIDia Ollisoa oW Teller JchnTabor il Thombull u J L lUohmmlll CIJlt WllkfIII II HatbII1 lilir Elnpweullr Smith t ~RathnriU u1 Oeo Rieberdl lit Rouetll Obaplalo


oWUllllnrul W~ ill (JraMll4 JItWi 0IIII to fhtI Walk arriClal Oct 18 1fG8 RUllaquoI-1fr Bart mllllellu Geoat Gall

ItI I Ill Vlllablt Ooun-HolIIII Pavua B b IDA1mlT-Vllffl7 Jraderlcb Frank ph ~ bntelltl J(1w~9Inkle7 Jbplllll pllL W~ll~or Gil Capt Baldwlo Dr ~ Chu 8l1ettr Jobn Tabor Ed II NleA elWl W Telle elliseo Hamblldo 811cltlmiddot

SUchtlJ-Oarter Cp B II OapL Pickmiddot

oJ gm Won a Jliui of llu Jrrtt R~ Ballalion 001 UI~ lt11111181 iCoalpan a-I Lieut )lth wollllled

IimiddotI1Ilpao7 B-WOIIDded 1at LlRI Latimer d iL Hortll SergelUll1loekfallow ampllghll Impampnl O-Ellled Private Lats 1I000nded ut LeBallft Prinlet LlI __ Jat acklOlI Bouobllll

ftl~1I7 D-Wouoded lat LleuL AlldtrlOn i ~teI lIoCoI~dOlll8lullelOt~do

p aJUJled rrivatel BobblII- Mtu ad~ u~om~7 r-ifiiiet PrIYale lfcCurej wOllnll

PrlYlIeI Kerr ttel

[OolllmllnIcaWcL] tv Ine is obtained by the red hot plOshyHORRIBLE ASSASSINd 1ION Cless thus

_ bull bull ODe or tile moat barbamprlou blltcberiee w A platina cruclble IS made and mam

perpetrated 011 the P_I of Law Wllteler tained red hut over II la ge IiIpirit-llmp _____ _- 0- u anll lOme ~Iphurle acid is poured into it --- ers-111 y _ 0 AI bull Th _t I the cit 01 0rana4a 11 r_rded ou ampbe PIV aTom a lgtJpette III _I though of comshyor hletory

Th_ f Inom I ere dtIlberalel k o~ -~~l hmlolllh A _

II eo rom n w c refuse and mllrUrad iii cold blood

P La- II l ho bed reelded 10 001 w a maro III w

thle _utrylor ayeamprI 11111 un mntIned n611tra UId daImtd tbe PlCltaCtiOll of th Uliltad BlaHa h (aha atetlm to th_ blOodtblretyor Ii Ala B HI ampent Ith gu 1I1tem II COR W

mon temper ture one vf the most vola tile of known bodies liossedSllli the aingu lar property of rmahllng fixed in the redL_t bl d t f t crulli e a no bullbull drop 0 1 ~vapo-atea in fact It is not ID contact WIth the crucible but has IIlll1tmosphere of it Own interposed A faw drop ofOlnmon wa tor are now added to the sulphurous acid III he red hot cluclble The diluted Rcid gett mto Ilnmedw aootact with the heat ed metal Instantly flashes oifinto sulphur VUI acid vapor and such is the rapidity

b from otlon u b the aboehmiddoteJIGrt It DIMI7 td Llellt VODBII~ do Be 11 WoSoo4 a lllan to lin in thII -try and ener Clfthe IIvaratilln that the waA_ I for hi Co D-W 11_ nft B DoH I I ha mpan OIIn L Ollce wulm-b m II) fUCG t t ny

rIlIlYI t~ant ~k rgeI PrI4i people iii thII oIriUred age could be Ph of auchAJe~ II t 7 e 0 III It Vlte

Comn07 amp-Ellled Private OaIIaban wouruishy dT

B Sb d I bull au II JellL bullbullbull er_ angtrOlll1rut nln a1ttl~va~~ tIarkdo

middotaopan ~Eniedl Prl~1ea Q LPhilip OtOlllrd Pleno Brull Franclico JlIulwoulldelt Pri1eI B Smith lighll TbdB I __ bull H y _II d3 _ng II ampIIIIlpa

LiltoJ KUki 11ft WotW oJ LigAtArlUlnI

OomJllll7 A-Oed yate ~-en EtOHJlbeller PtedarioJt Dli1Iab i oullded Capt A sebWlrta lIgMI 8ergelmi lIiIIumb Gil iJo lrinkll Fr Stleub do BIII1 Jlalellllb do TheOdore Db erel2 Lu of KUlIil 04 WwttW of Rallo

EUled-Prlte Frederick HIlL llllelng-PriateJOIepb Klumpb OHrpoWllshy

uneL RIICUPE1U1IjlE poa OF fH18

OOUNlBY m____ t a __ b -1 _ ~-6- 10 7 ma -- 011

or the belt COlIDamprIea CD the globe amp0 III reproducinl power It 10 grt 110 1Ir111711d iIIn be at all 1011 (or ampD7 _t lea1 or tllIIlI

- shyfor prolIIoas III cold noHbera cIImatef h_ nllIfe Heamp for lIurIhalf the r ftooIIIampberon

made dllrinl the other bait thare h ben 1tampDceeln ~hlcb largebodlu of -0 ltoaoeritratad iii aarrow hit han aulJred tor fooIIlmamp iii thla QlunrJ filch nat campOD~o_B_ eOlt)

rudenrydil76r1ngalargeqllanUtleato tlldl In thts _n1 aIao where calli require 110

h the ~tertaI tbr dltlr ~ fll eare w tr plendlUl UId hare thert Ie no wiater to reduce or IlnpelYerlah them an abundance II aiw at hlId AI II In ~clitl providence held gW

dleliahlp onr dll amp1OIed land the great llapl of true food corn and bNlll alwalo aeuon Olher rult be wee at Umee bIIt th_ e neTer Belllco 8 theae IIllh tbe ntYeNaIIlllllllpo pl- of animal tood we 0amp11 11117 depend wIlli II eerlabil7 TbeAnppU _110 oollflned to 0111 place 0 department me ecRIIIW ibouruII iii tbem

U II-c bullamplid Ibe grealtlt dllllcult7 ur--OO oblalnlDClllppll Lillie - or tranpori

Sapr lfhloh I no Iooger bull IlIltllry bill nee

cano gro hare ao plncllilll thaI hori4ll lIneo from GnuadaltiadocouloIlllU to bonee Ifth or an olbe artlclo ot food 1h0ll1d be rOt a de or two dllllcult ro obtain lID _lIOt or the markHndle beln frlihlened b the late pree 8IIet of their heredl ellflDl ampIII011g them a 7 et two will ure tbem of tbJi ptOtoclion of the Amerlcantnd luurlee wilt bo epfD abushydanl u formeriJ


-bl lab or th bIlIbaroun will pgtVUOt y 1OII 801IIe wretcb who murlltred Amence1I oIllIIlIII amplid lIiaIIouut bre wlthollt ptO-1on and In cold bloodi llhen dIlIl learB th tbJi wounded tIIeln

belo cared for alld Iltelld d to with amoos_ are mueh reprlt7lUld atteutlon u the woWlded of our own am fbe WOUllddd we 8rat Pllt lilto the Ouard-Holln alolll wllh the olber Gell Walker had tbem relnovd to All boapltailie apari for thellllelvea AIId lallyo olllen ha been elllpl07ed 10 a116ru1 10 thelr aeoeullJee This follllS I stronl contuat with the baDGer 18

_ acl amphlIe wu mGlt woraU dllappolBtad I Be bew not that he bad to deal wlm agee_1 b uHow mlob t 10 be dep_ - not teke ampbe adyce of blafrillldt IIId aItoulder bit mlllltet la lIIIfltleCeuce ampgalast 1Il0lll $ha make no Illatlocdou

The Be lit Wheeler _ a mlulono- from bull bull -J

the Unltad SIaIeI bullbullllIiIter of tho Ooipel who WIS n 1a dWlibIIDI boob ad other aamiddot ored IItlee

Ameruau foreIpm Ohrlatlau will 1011 auf fer 1IIOb OIIlragu 011 humanlt to go upunlabed The blood or the IRnocent 011 for veogeancel

II the Will apllIIt tit Iodlan or NIIIth

America wu JtllIampgtI1I at that _I cia bow much moriIl thll Wll JUlilabl aphm bull lit or qul as __ dollbt I word ol t lb b~ wbo 0 lIOi plClltad b the IIIIl1aht- 1lueJ 1IIf-rapeci feqllirea liS lIever to bellen 811m or the age ad who 0amp11 _mit lIIIIh a bull of what 1IIOIIItJ01I alrocllltt Lo WhaU bHn tbe ampreatmant or the WOIInded and ft__ liken b7 Gn Walker The FROll ampbe _de or a Addle 011 the 18th iot

r- within II DlUe or tbe oilY II blue broadclotll Conaer were plOflded 101 iii bull bamlll mlllntr I OAPI IIntd IIlampb bleck wlib a bbck eIYltooO die latter treated u ~ of Bere Th Cape roUed uoiJnd a lew articles otuudeJo would haft bean a flile epporUlDlt7 for uereilllli c1othee A wleble ward wHI be paid to

W au _whO wID leaiII b at thl olllcampthe law of retaIlaIlOII BDI Gen aliter diOM Granada Oct 1fj8 IIthtr to loUowthe dlcliuee ot humlllli7 ad be pYemtd b7 the enlightanecl prlDelpa or the I WILL glvt II n~~i~ to any persoll who agt willreturn to 111 atore m Ledger Book It

Shall tlII -lUI collntry which fa 110 aumiddot was pUlaged from 1111 tore durlnS elate tackbull petlor to North Amerl be aUowad to remain In H A THOIIIAN

r shyter llIma ns bthlnd nnd ill frozen into a IlImp of ice III the rcd hot clucible (romwhich seizing the moment before it again mel it mtv bu thtown out befor~ lhe

Jeel of the Mtomsbed observer

We wisb some of our enterprising reashyderawould attempt the mtnuficture or ice

m In Granoda ~o the l~el8On who produCIlfltth Ii 1 III gI bull

e rllt samp e we w ve a ttptop no tice

l1J The Roman Elllpire In the Haith or illsIor did DOl colltain more than three milllona of aqaar mllel Th UolWd Btatu now C01enJ more ampI1an thlt aret Ind It latser than Rome wu when ehe If~ die mIIlrcel or the world

RNpeet tor amp 1Iuman Y81 Frellcbmall

1 II IlIelf BprInc Slimmer IIld II1II the und ot gea 1Iho woaM Il10IIII prohlblamp Oruada 0118 1868bull En iI WlbeJllnto belog ampbe germ orOllt (004 ialmIgratGD md PlCIgretl Bare natllrl bea Lost

dOlltlall that It 11_ 10 h_ happ~ ON TUESDAY the 81at 1111 LANDWAR God IIaItowend hill bleulnp and RANT tor 6 hundred drawn 10 favor

All th apMt or man II dI-fue H of J O ONqd SlIch mealln bJio beao ~ken as wID reruler the warraot or DO 11ft except t)

0 UR 8NIIIIIES DISPBRBINO the pellOl1 for wbolll it WM drawn ~I pel1lOn _ who returDS It to ampbe 8llbacrber Or Ib the olllce of

IntalUsenco IlpoD which WOampII reI II_SIIamp II Nlearag1IeOlle will be IUlleb~ OwaJ~L InampoGtanada thl mornlnamp 8tetet that the rem Granede October 18118 bull bull un or ampbe AlHed torcea are preparing to Itb -----_--=-_____--_

tllII~trJrlbundantin thllOOIIlltry f o(tbit compay in biadespateh ya

draw amp0111 the are _ding their lick forwanl to LHu and tUIng other pral1mlllampt7 for apeed7 lIIlllaum et 11 ftlalll nOlf with thembullbull matter or 6boIce If data-ed bull few da11 wo _lIIlder tho iIIIproa it wOllldIJ9 _ebullbulltarllllecMIlampy

SAPPIIR AN D MlnRl~Capt Hesse

1 have to state tha~uenr1 O Porter whom 1 temporarily appollltAld bt Lieu tlBa bhuyoo bravely as well in lIlauy III on euterlng Granada He was the only one to load the gun In ~e charge on the enemy beyond the Jateba Ohurch

ftampX A THOf1pound~) nHOLJl8ALE DEALER IN


AND ALL lUNDS or LIQUORSToSether willi

lIIN cOPzca tNJOs_zclJ1raOJV lIDiLL lUlIlII or GOOIII 11011gt 111 _ amu HOIpltalltreel lu Crout of 8enFllaelloo CouVIIDI

ClIIItda ~e_-18_66___~___ Dr ~I Po

TENDERS HIS SERVIOES to the oItIzetll Qf Granada and Ylcnlt71a tlte practke or

MEDIC ME SURCi RY amp lllDWlF 1 E m iRY l1J OftIet IIId ~ldC8 011 the 8Oohweat

the optain being wOIlnded and all the 1 ~ the treet GPpoelte the Bow FIanCitco other I~lel being either wounded or driven 0 JllIIet lillie from It under the hlllvy firing of the It entlmy Fagan lind Loyd attended well eeorder 8 Omee tomiddotall ordlllI and fuug1t well at Maaayn THE omce ortbe Rooorderor Deeds 1I01tpguand Granada Mr Latta WII8 wounded ~fortbJi 0rieIamp Depllltmetofthellepu~

d U Itc wU be opened III tho clt1 of G da CD Moo-In til exeutlon of bls 1Y mr Johnmiddot da7the 9m ofsptelllber 18L1amp All perIODs Inn did his dutj well throughout both required by Deero~ to bll~e their tltka ro IODdalD action al also did Mlll KcIeweR the r01ll8lld Departmen~ recorded within IIbc and Maloney monlha aAer that tI A Of LLIS

Recorder for the Orieotai Deparlm8llL _ W II P h_L i I GriDada Sept 6 18jI _ It lit w I II toe way _______________

to Buriingampun fn Ie ~o~did you knuw Tabor ampr 0118) 111( narnu waa Pat f Oh I guessed ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORSAT LAWshyitn ~D by t~e hOI~drker if yo Oftlee iii Et NJOAuovlIlI1I BuUdiOp-80ulh are 80 goo at gU_Rft Ie otter glllss 11 ~ol PIau Grnada NICAIIgIIa the way to Burhngton PartlcoI attention paid to e1a1 against til

J3gt An editor alks in talkin of po Goo~eiBOR 1 jOompan G-IIlIed Sergeant lIurrJ llOWIdmiddot whlob die AmerleanR b hlampl1l1J1o be811 treated ottmiddoty and matimonYt Who would indlte OWEN DVFFY r Ga~lIOamppt I 18C1(1

14 Ptlva Brandll OoUn70n Ellinger BIalrOII who bavII fallen Into It harul or the el1tlii) OIlDlts to a woman whom lie nw every Davlcl I_raftamp1IIiaIu Drummer onlar We call11pon the civilized lIaoos that - apeelemiddot Donlin in her night cap IIDd evert dlaquoy

tors ofuu 8tlllllea to nota ampbe dllference at dinner IIwallowlng meat and IDlhtard1 O~BS FOR SALE at his plac Se BollaLt 01 WouIIIW tA SfWII() Bi- Ballttllon ban iltreot ene bouee ampbon G PIt BeeCoiopampll1 A-t1iIto W 0I01ld 1Il1g1i1ly PampRPIOIIU CulII-FellolI-cltllll aald e tFTho bed of death brillJ1R on 1mmiddot char Ilore 1Jempan1 B-Plbalell I Dowell aUghtl7 11 bull h ~p llour Whlte-ltlllgar OtJUllee lIampIlkeralt Oil

~ do lllteheU do Fourtb of JQ1y orator I repea tho declaatoo I man beIDg to 18 puro IndiVIduality I to 011 eoKno VGIIl AfOIIIaticScbladem Selldo lIot bellevo there II I mOUl woman Of child In ~~tDen- alllhll1 Oorpo- the IlItenlIe contemplation of that dcepeat Stomach Bittelll Pbibulelpblll Ate UId H 111 do lriv A ruuerlon dangeshy this bolin IIbo b r_hed 1110 age Gfil~lY_ Ilnd most 8OIomn ot all relations tha rela Kllllgulan aDd Mdefra Win Cle7plpear SouJItI do J P lIle d(l but what has fel hit truth huuderllli throughtholr breloa C8l1tviOl gor iou between the oreatare and hill Creator TERMS ~_0lIl ldIJed

_ _~_____ ~_~~____M __ __


318 EL NICARABUENSEVoll No 51 p 2 Sabado 25 de Octubre de IBS6 Saturday October 25 la56~

lttpound 1 Jitaiagutnst ~ Satur4ayllominlt Octbull26


Promotion8 and Appointmenti lIJ~1I fllOll al OINpoundPU OIlDlI8 or fill lIIIT

PR OMO TIOlS bull C Ftfennlngsen Is appomted Brlgler Gene

rat ill tbe Ailny and will take charg of Ille OrdIWI ~ Arlllieri under orden from lite Comshylo~rIIlVCloi- n~ bullbullbull A bull

or bull _ ~ra III promo_ MlStentQuattermaster General wIth tho rank of LleutenshyllDtColonel andmiddot1II take charge or ~he Depar~ mant during the abaenoe of Col Illlller Quarto m~ter G_I Ia d u IPt III IIOrril QUlrtermaator promote JOt Quartermutermiddot Department

cpt George WLeoollfd Ifirlt Rlfttt II pro rnqtld Broyd MIJor for gallantry on the field0118Ib 1816

pt A Scltwa~tz ArtlllorY to bo 1110Pl Thomas Henry (UDMiaubed) Ie promoted

MflJor bi the Quartermllaters Deplrtment 11111 Lleol George B Farrand to be Ctplain liltt ampJellamp George W Glat Ald-de-camp to be

oplalnI tAout JlIIll1 F Schooh Company A ae

cone BIB Is promoled Captain Company A ~

Rlilett II -pled to take eAec October 18ampb 1656

The ratpatlon ofSecood Leu~ I a 8oDmlll Compan 0 ampeond Rift Is aCcopted to ake lIftte Ocober 18th 18GO

Th teelgnatlon or Second Lieut J W Polk 8eeond In1 II accepted to take efted Qcto ber 20tb 1866

The nelSlotion of Seeond LI J W vamiddot111m Second Rilles Is IIccepted to take eftect October till 1866


Col Thomu F Fllher QUlrtermoeter Oenera1 ordered to tbe United Statot on blllln811 of the Governmenamp WlII receive hie InatructioD from the Oomlllallderin-Ohief

Capt Wlllllm errmn Is granted leaf of abeenca (or ailtty dill from flle ht ofNovember18116 At Ita explmlon lIe will report foI detshyto tbe Commander-inOhIef

cp 1 NWeU Walker Ranger Dtlttallolffla glllllied leave or abeenee Ibr 1I1IIy day fromlIl November18i16 At ita ellplratloll heill report for ord011l to lite commanding omcaia o( bll BILlmiddotIIlIon

Cop J O JlmllOll Fi11ll I fanlry I gnlltld lean or ablence for elght1 days from Noycmbior 18t1868 At lIa cltpllllon he wUi report to the commandillg olllcer of bla Recltnent Cor orUII

Cal II Mallldorf Second Infantry nted ItaYO of abeenee 101 NU day At Its elplratlon he willmiddot report to lite com1l1anding Clllleer of ilia Bandon for ord_

Tlr Llent Robert GIIllIlOII Is gnllied leave of abINnce for mtl dAys At Its explrallon he WIll fllporl fGrdut1 ar Grailadamp to II eomlllanding of-

COIId Billes lIeer firat Lienamp B F Delaney Seeond IlIfnll1 III Fll1It LIenamp Lewis R Latimer IIm Rilles II

PIOllli)e4 Olpllln of Artillery gnnted Iena of abeeuee (or nlnet) da flllm llrit Lleut am Dunlcan Flnt Rilles I pro November let 1856 At Ita erplntlon he will

oted CaJltoln FIrat RlOos report to Col B J Sallden FIllt Rllin (of 01

SteOlld L1u B M Allderaell Compally A to deramiddot boa~IItLCoImlan1 B Seeond 11__ G Fi Lleut Arthur OOollnllr Seeond Infiantry

_Itt lUI YD orlbedmiddot paDY I auted leave of abllenee fOr lxl da fromFirat IIIfantrbull1e promoted Firat Lleulenaut Colli 1111110 FIrat Infantry

SNond Lleul O n WellFI11It ~IlIIl11 18 p

~=o~~ia~~~O~~I1I1~ Flllt Bla rolUoted Firat L1utampnant Firat Rilles S~nd Lieut B A Crhart of Ordnance to be

Firat ~~euteDaDtrt dLLleuamp aeo W nailer Second Infantryt lo - tit eutenlnt ~olld Lkll John F Price (unallacbed) Ia

))f41DfltedJijrt Lieutenant to repol to litomiddot Quu te=~I~fs 0H=~ Com A ae ~~4 -n __ to De Firat Llelltenftnt ompln A Steond JUfIM

a-d L1eld _ Wnllam Company D lieshycollli middotlUft to be Firat Lieutenant Company I

Second mlf~ RIa I hoorabl dJcba~oI from Ilia Army fItrmj IIO Porter 10 be1irfl LleUmlAlIfSllIl OOrporafi1anlel Smtlh1 00mpany D MtiiUUlIo

part till Ifhort I honondllrdlachfled - Ibe Army ~ Kleuelldotf Comrny A nangell to

b Firat Lit1tanllnt Oompany B Second 10 Iligoant-MlIjol MllIwel1 Allen Trll$ Rlller shy

nppolnted Socood Llelltanant Fl11It Rlao bull Firat Suetan Chl Wllklnoon Firat 1UIIcII It polntedmiddotSecond Lleute~antFirst JliflOi

Fillt Sargeant Carl G Sbockle Anillery I prOlllOted Second LIeutenant Ariillery r~rgeanl Hardin Jnlalllry Ie promoted Second IItORlnt Comptey a FllflI Jnfilntry

CeIlIt J V Conklin Company D SeeoDd Infalltry to be 8eeond Lieutenant Complllll B Iiecond IDraliky I ~ltlral IlenJ4aDelolter Company B Second ~~1fnnt~ nd Meutenant Compan7 D

Private lIrnncl Roth Company F Second In famplltry to be Firat Lleutellant Company F SeeoDd lnf4ntt

lrIto 1 A OIarko Company F Second I faDIr to bo Second Lieulanallt Company Ji Sec ODd IlIfantry

Prlvale Donnls E nlnea to be liecond Juumiddot teDant ampppOlll aDd tilDen

Prlute John G lla~ Company A Second RI tohoBocolld Lieutenant Company A SeeoDd RIIttJ Rirgeant IllIJot lugh Com8ny A Second _ft~ Second Lieu~nt IIlpteyA Beshy rriYlte B B-Yilt Company it Second Rlftet

to be 8eeond Llollellant Company B Second m 1Iu bull bull s~JaMi~~tod Seeond Lleutonan~ of

111 Slckl ia ppolna~ Second Lieutonant to date fiotn May ht 1856 (110 Ie acting at preaeot It AId to Brig Gen Fry)


Col lohn I Matich I reinstated and will kt1motlo~th~Fi1 Infialed fll RlfI 0 bull lit bull -e to 0 Irak Jk lI~n~~r Calling Oompftay O Secood InshyampII ared to Company 8eeond Iu-

The TreuaU RallgerJ with aU their equlpmonte are tranatened to di BIItamplllon of Rongelll b ~~ of llappef1l and 1I1n commanded

Noltmbr let 18GS At h uplratlon he will report tomiddot tho commanding omeer orhll Regiment for 9r4el1l

FIl~t ~wlcre~yQ~II~~D be 1I1U1 continue to IROn forwardbull It Ittut that cause of a conllnuanee of the oUlrage UP01 hi A pUtmanamp A Ita explratlol he wHl rellOn at Granada fO IIMer

Firat LIeuamp Robert Oardller Fraf lUlIea II lIltedampIe of abMllee for nlnet dlJl t weexplraUon of wlllcl1 b will report for ord_ to the commanding elilcel ot ilia Battallou ~ Llout J Bleier Jnaamptacbed) II _tod

Ihamplvenof llbaatt~t1ordormil O1t JJta~plratlonl te repor era at eueralutadqulricl1I


Sergeallt J A Bopldn Compan D Jim

rrlvato Benry Waiteill Compall Al~RIll 18 honorebld~arpd froII th Army

Private M Mlllloy ComPany A Volti~ tlOIle -dlui~ b~lariofltaereatlbu to rille 1t000000000lr fiIoiarnil hm lb Armlmiddot

Privata I4wlll P raquo CompOy 8Mond Inran Itdllollaraed trom lit army OIl Surgeoneertillcate of dIIobifity


Th n r oname of ~emiddot len D GoIcourIa IIl1tr1okon

from tho roll of III umy 21

AmtttIlT-On Thuraday evening Gen Ba1llo Illl1gaon 11amp01 the men under bla command OXOJo elellig In flle plu The JrtlllI) In two Com panles UDdOl the Imlnedlate direotl0ll8 of Mlllor Sehwallllo ClP DeilneT and cpt Farrand and tbo Sa ora and Min under Oa Hebaamp Tb

pp p e men were enrolled In maneuvrlllg lite mountallt bowltaera and frolll lite rapidity of tbelr 1000lag certainly ahowed IIIl1t1h profIcIelicy

shyOn ldal avenlng after bavlng ourcllod tor a

wblle on fll plua w111t blank cariridges a trial Wli mad Ith the regular sheila against lite wall ofanad ruin The captoIea proved thellllelw

aimed at and the aholle xplodlngIII the WIll tore out larg piece 1 IIPP_ to III from Wbat we ha _of tho e~ that wo lIbelle IItrildng In tho amplme opo will ellech breacb III fll8l1rOllg as adobe building aud tbat (or lite mlllorlty 0110

11011 directed Iliot 11111 be ~mclen The wall llrodlnto WU 1Ibullbullrly four flltt blthlekuou

fha Sap)lllt and Hillen coming to a Itoolder 1tIIT8 with hovello looked aUrat IOmlll1t odd but thoy anu line Iooidnglotofmenand are 0110

of Iho moat ulCfbleorps In 1110 aenlce

CoL T r Flnlll-W obamperY tllat 001 Thea r FIlbert Quartermuler Oeneral N A hu been dred to lite United Stotea 011 h_eII_nedld 11It thla (Jo__amp nelWl made Idmeolf euolt a Ibolite wllb tha paople of Granada that e

PLURALl1Y OF PABTIP9TONS The Late Insult to the U S Flagl The name of tle venerable Ind aimple dimeshy MURDER OF A1IERlOAN OITIZENS Dr TBg

MI1I Plrilnglou-18 In tltelle tlmell ol(n ug AILIED ARMY OF GUATEMALA ANIgt led There aremiddot now many lattlngton_ SAN SALVADOR man ho trlve to Irr01lI tlte advallce of oceanl wIth boom8Uclcl We are surrounded The murder of tbe Amricaa chIlena In tb~ b fllem I we read of them I ever mall brings city of OrMada on the Ush of the cormt aome new denlopment of flleir flllll1w labort month by middotlIte allied foreca of San Salndor tad TIley endampvOf to ouPvtlngton Partlngton by Ouatemala II one of tbe Infllmolll trtneaellolls IIIlng leas oIfrctual illBtrumenta In tbelr elforta to that mual for ever dmgraee the chllracter of tbe lIIeIIl more forcible and overwhelming occaM people bYllbom It 110 eomml~ted and bring tbe Th 11 I n ~ b II tImiddot bullbull middotmiddott h b I d Ibe or ~na anngton wa WII I nil a nl VI 1 ampIn em ~c D8Mloon9 un er e of th Clty of Liverpool now all England belongs contempt if not the dlrcct ceniure of every dr to flle famUy ud Franee by ylnue of ~ho Aliimiddot lIIlca Is ready 10 act Partington to the letter

Partington Is no longer II proper nAnle bullIt 1113

btltlomo common Ie ha beeome r princple of lclion It II now bull great pollllcal organization In facc Statesnol Kingdom tuck up thol PGIII coate and BtAnd mop In Iland ready to RlTelt tbbull rising tide of tbo limes let the cllort COlt wlo II m

TheN 18 an adage hich altlteugh worn bull II l

IItreadbue w would lIdbullbull6 arUngtolB 10

keep CODipleuoualy bofor them It will SIIve tbem milch labor and not a li~tlo ridicule ViII II Thne and tide wait for no mall In IItIa 18 l

b I Idworld of tllltli and pblloaopllYI If leh t fOU be weB for the Pringtons of tile age to aludy

Beroro lite wbeel of lime btU completed lIIlotber cycle Ihe obituary 01 ail lito Parllngtona wlllhabullbullnd ogalllBt hia protestltbeylllllt robbed him of

bull bull been wIllon I for althougb trutb IOmetlm reo all that wal valuable lu hl8110U8C Illd thon drag amp11 Itlell Iowly the dayla about to dawn If I~ ged out from und the folda or that II ltIcb he Ilot alread1 dwned when men wHl be conmiddot should huo mad hia pel8On ucrcd and hot vlneed of w) they ha kllllWD Or hneprof_d him Illh coolncea Illd deliberaUolt

10 know for a long tlme-illat man I a progr Aalf to add to the alroell tbey were nol COl

elvo ereature and tbat thlhllOllltabl WIsdom of tent willt taking hlUfe DlIlng all Americall illmiddot Dilialty haa set blm tranlllng In II patb 10 which IIIln inatead of protcetlng him while 11lng 1111 u

ou tbla road lhere 1IIa~ be ranters that lOme main alter dealb I Seven bayonets were tbrcel may atop oul of the Way and reellDe b) COlllfllltftble thl1lugh bll bod after he had bHD abot reatIng piIlClll but It Ie oqUillyt~ tllllt those The thought of how tkcao fiamplda dlnced lIm who teat toe long mUllt keop ou~ ot middotthe wly of lItel victim lind in thai hclliah glelr hinr

thcao who ate malaquoll~ Ollward or lltey WIU be JDOIt UllUredly troddon upon

It ClInnot be long before mOl will be convinced II II

ILlIeluwUIil laelrneat And the gray It Dot Ita goal

DWI~ thou In to dUlt returnnlVAI not spoken to Ib 10Ul

And that although Individual Of cles or peo

pi lIIay heeome u 11 were withllred limbs In tbo great tree ofllf flle mmk canllot pariah bll~COII country Be had been here tbrOugh two rr_

nd _~ III It h ~ed tlul I II 8 bull -_ 1111 as _III grea porpoaea (Or wblch It lloe _ied

But the Partinglolll of EurOpe and America IMllllnospahle of DIjIkin tbe proper deductiona 111 Llo of ellta~ fll8y aeem u Incapabl 6of comprahendlng the great lam of hnman 1I1e lIId thlr Teneraoto progenitor tbe tonlea whleh ro IIlated we ebb and 11011 of the AtlantIc

We a haYIng now re-enacted 011 tho etage of European plllr lite sceno of In lIleb tbe Par tlngton of ~be Inquilitlollllgured wben a lItey would ha us auppos clolltcd In tho IOlemn 111

h lItorill or God they compelled II nnar1lbla p Imiddot lesopber to relnee bll_dOll relative to the revolntlon of tIe amplrih But a1tbou h litis d I to aholl tI era ~I f I thmiddotYv r a me a gen e n tIrae the pro- of lit ampIlll iteelr WII not reated and the ParUngiona of tbe Old World w1loe 10 aaslduOua In thrlll4in fllelr mope Inm flle advanclo wamptora of lite sea ~r P n III allOO8ad onlYin being conllnced in ~d that

olteellont marbmen lhe1atruek the preollupot notwithstanding their elflllta flle world will con

~g (fou tJIIl~~ecd under tbe orden of donbt nol be 111 reoal Ii pleaeant reoeplioD do not weigh mere than a grain agalnat the elllrtll

t1nue to wag OD

It we tbe I lrit of ParUn tonim tbat threw obllampaclca In lit path of CoImbU 1I0d Luther alld KOllath It 11 to legllJlallng In tbla aplrlt that EnglandlIIayttnDute lite 10lIl of her North American Colonln and to tllil aplrlt Bpab) loa ber AmerlCftD POIIIIdIIIOUl 1amp Is the Parllngtonshylam of th that cndeavo11l to arreat flla Il1o Taneo of llrragua In flle road of 1101 desilny alld that would atlgma~ If pOIIlble one of th

b d _~ h1MII _t an moat nt__ men W 0 ever unmiddot dertook naople to proeperty

BII~ to lite philosopher 1114 lilt_ thllk thero Is a OOIII01atlon III the knowledge thllt erente are guided b7 111bull luperlor law of an aUwlle Deln III whOle balance the elloru of all the PrUngtreg

RESlrAATIONS The etlxnltlon or cApamp OIlldes A Gore Se

eoIld lUlu Is accepted to eke olfect October 1tIIl5O

Tliolampllgnltlon of Firat Lleu~ A M Pittman Firet Infantry II accepted tomiddot take tlleet from October 3 18Gbullbull

TIae retlgnalloll or Recond Lieu Groaa Second

wheruOlhe COIII We 111111 him afiaorabl TO age and a )Iced rotum

DItrIlIlDIIN 0 GIIIIUDl- We 100 been handod I 11 II th lIamn of all the persona wbo were present at the defence of Orampl)ada 011

th J11th and 18th of tbla monih It erowded out fllia eet We shall probably pulllllh It in our next IlIue

of WuhlngtoD er a Walker or 111 olhar of the InlltrUmonll wbose Ilame we might adduce wbom Be lIIOIintbo developemont of HI dealgnt

Tn I QuJlPBu VITVs-TbI8 flIslllonlble eillb we regnl to eay haa ceased to elleamp Au loq 0fO~ Ita remailll brought In a ferdlet of died of eoIIapea of tbe pocket RguitmJI ill p4tbullbull

IHzed nation_ It I nnmiddot ac~lon ao rar bOlond tho pale of 011 clrllifLd cII9toma8S to render IllmplJtoI I r bull ill E cld I

abo 0 Jual cation ~~ry In onl Olcry e ( eumstanco connected wlln it ene only 10 add to the guill and ink tho porpelratOll of Ihe onto Iago dcpArln tbe grcd 1lqulty

II cannot be Mid thumiddotlt nlpp1tml u or wbile tbe IOldlera 1010 in suebe Illtc of ~~ cUemen as not to be aware of what they did I I for I yet theyliad nOI been enpged in any BC

L1 h dmiddot L h d b t on nor a oy Il B ot yel re npon tnOIll 1 any of tha oltizens of Gmnada The residence of Mr Lawl_1s allUftted about midway between the large plaza IIIId tho Jalteba Chuteh Ria

bull h b bullbouse wal tho flral tber came to In a tag b Amerlco~ls lind wltboul pl1lvocotlon or culo while the American tlftg lfBI tIiDg over bla door

bullbull deprived aD American citiZen of life bee mlng iii Intoxicated witb (ury III to conlinue to Ibruit theit byoultalnto him la heortmckening

TheBe men cannot ucue themselves b 1lnl tbey were not awaro of LawleSl VClitlon Ibr h I Id d I II rat L av ug res e n t 8 coun~ry len yelm

spoke belr langulge Iluentl n wu 1Iell knOWI

tilroullbou~ Ibe country ampI a merchallt 110 bad never utor(ered or took part III the politlca of IhIt

dOli and mere than b(~w8ra utl had alWAY Ih reapect abown him Iue tbe flag llhose protoellOllha clalllled Belld all thl he 110 doubt oxi

bull pWoed hI JlClIon h lng bd ample lillie to 110 It but It avaned blul nothing tha~ be hid nol takeJl part In the wlra It lled him noihiaLbullbullbullbull I h- d I L ere were ItO arllll D Ie _ an t 1amp1 u~ wu 8Plrely 4efenceleu- a clrcumtaoce that among any people wltb a apark of chivalry or hUlnalllty among them wold hlYe 8Ied blalif He claimed to be an Amelican citizen and eluinr beneath and cillmin~ Ila pr~tectioll of the Star and Strlpell was by the deml demOllsmiddot ( we callIlO wi tbeln men) coDildered amp erime worthy or bull

hd d th meat orn 0amp

We do not wish to caUIUelltion esplloWl W lite death of the Rev Mr Wheeler bo IIU eUi gaged In lite ploua duty of dleklbutlng the ACIId Word of God amont tbe people of fllit pllCl

wltem neillter te aacreel banner orChriat IIOt Ih ftlllJ of Ihe Ulllted Stet cOIIloi aIIVO frou lite ruf 611111y butcbery nor to the murder of the Belr Ferg1llOD nor to Mr Camenl 1Ibo waa dng~ ~ed rrom the bosom of hia family And murdered hllo proclaiming that ha 1111 lin American oltlzen for tbe clrcum8laOCeli of thel~ death Is let rO~IIa plalnlyln tbo lIIIoexed aIIIdvlll i O do we wial( to make any oommenta upon tbampl deelre to get fller American Minister-who Willi at the time prot-[ trated by DlII83l1-1nto thelr huda tor w eel middot ured It wlluld be a work oCIuporeroptoultlu1Il parte tbe caae wID be setforth to the people ar the United SteteltJ by tbelr reprlen-lI e IIIQ we doubt not that Americana wHl indilllto Ibelr

dignity Btl we would ClIII attention to the faet that Ih

flAg 0 the oomparatiyely email BanHate toOI of Saxony 10 Europo waa raapoetcifbull hlle lbe American col011l were being abot at alld rlddleocl Wllh bullete whllmiddot tlylng ovor lhe bOllee of tbt Americalllliniatel and served rather to leduc outrage tban alford procctlon to th_ bG lOught ita ahelter 8 tbe following aJIIdill m bow

LEO Ollmiddot or UNlTro SumOJ AllIIle I liEU RmzllLtC 0 NIOaUOIlA J

Till day pereonally appeared betore lIIe Jamnl George Wledomanll nnd moe OA~ thai I ~

A-gores of the lIled Imyof Gllatemaltl I

319 El WICABA6UENSE Volt No 51 p 5 Sabado 25 de Octubre de 16561 Saturday October 25 1856


tile n SteamOl La Vhllo Capt Thom IlUlkert~rlnd al tbe port of IlrauadA on the ~ytlllDg lotSlaquoturd-y tbe 18th IDBt Iloe brought Jutem -lIP 0 1I1t of UI HItIt monb

br - bShe fOlIgbt o a Ollt ~Igbty Plt888Dgtl1l who nteld ljO nelde I~ 1111 COIInuy list) of 0111 ~ Joinell the NlcarogulIII Army Among t

- I IBanIfa we nol ct tho lIallle of Clt)L eonlngftnHow~ Joinell theNlearagutll Arm1andla In COIomlllll 01l11li ArIlIl~r1

1111 Jla Virgin brwpt alao tor the Army lU1 bull o if h nd-A M- L d middot11IDr ell X II nu m mUlld III i 11 et lour or wllb Ibclr ploper equipment the evrig~ for tb mountdn bowltze aI_d ro -- ld II Ivge quantity OfulIllullltlon

81 f I

struggle wUI be between Buchalampll and pOllUoR a alellder -agure and ver1l1ght bllr reoIOIl~ lillmoro ma however bo much BORland and Frlllee h made II warlike 01 alronger batt tbe pllbllc h lID idea of If Ibe 0I0nllramplloll aallIamp ~be Kin ofSarcllnla AI

ee 0 middotpapr we earn thI All the dey atproeCllee for Ihe rleSidential eltctlon In the tultcdSlateltlllulscltcmentalld1nleruUllor_

be nfoet ngg_1ed ltalemen are IDade by of lb riftl candldatea relale to

iuoqUt t II weoed wIb mor ~OtiOD ormore UDshyettlalra I lIor caprlceelIIan 11080 two Statee now

I od ha P ll 1amp t1 middottt t 1IlPlji t t en 1 YIUI I go or ImlomrDUllffilll4ll Ia 1101 cet~ of Ilanflng It iln Ib1~er ~andlt hlwampy been e Btrong ilIIIICIlItie 3Iett and h ginn Ddehanan large

Ai e roof of 118 entire dovollon to Uoellty I Hid lbal In Ita remoter di8lcta llaer are lililarge ItlllDben of Totee _t fqr AnshyUtW J~80II t

AI Ne York no etandll the Fremont men Ire alma I Ilire or ber But II e fllred tbat 10 otdtr I ifeeure tho election of lluebanall by Ihe L S d fN Y k 11o~r ~e thO emoerac ew or w go

om 10 1111101 The bull 4ft oro 8() nicely halllllud tbal eonaldmiddot

bit a~lIl1la of mOD01 are illaked upou tbe rampgt fill Willet III accounl of a mall wbo ble to lIhu aUIbullbull hlllr oft bl heed If lIucbanlUl Is 1I0~ Ilt~ted b_IID Ie e or bIa elCllllon be Is 10 be d lIh all lhe blta be CQD wear ri I -mo Buehan conUnue to realde I

Whl middotlIollll8 Thill aIlnde UI or PlOl8OiIor Stowe-hlllbllld r n Deecher 8towe-wbo wben Ihe FIIgishylift SIt LawwlIS p-d re latered vow that

oul~ not M hla beatd cut untO the Ia Will Itpeilled Il lla needl to that by this tim IU beerd of tho Proteeaor hal altainod coRaider

A bull Welangth lIla mil1 wil~ at lOme ulure time I able to 4etermlne the time which bae elapsed ~Rce tbbullp_go of tht celebrakld law by a _Irtllellt of Ibla bireuto ppendage

Olll neighborS Ia the Solltil It 11111 ben b

rtfHOell to lIIother pitt of tbla pape haye art IIt14 at a period wboll tbey are beginning to acl lei aot througb any ellerg of their 0100 but by

bull bull Iho torceof the elective spark wblch tbe pr0111OIt ~ lb AjDerlealll excitebullbull Aa Ie lIIuaU the cue ill ueh spaslllodic e1f~rta tbelr ICtiODS are neltber -At( b d Ira UI I ateedI-~ ~ pru ollee or grea~ til geDco II of t1llll~g tbolr atklptlou to tha aeveopomoot of cIIt reour0e8 or their St they e endeavoring 10 ftrm I agalnaua wllo If tbey 8amplIdled Ilatlr deg lotereat tbe would not olllylreat aa

htelben but endenOf to ludaoe us Inlo tbelr _trie b offorlng lerge 1IIwarda to U8f1 lIIIerIca fho would Httle amollg tbem

go andmiddotdo Ukewlh tI Ibe would In fow lola uame was reeeIedmiddothe ~onoludedlIIIId IDUO1 c u Aoa_ fII IlITIIIIo o BD-Thill L bull ~ Ia peu enklrpriae whleb for bullDaB1e Iou _med

han reuon to Ie the - the merleau lIle pp - too i11cH1v7 plQJce 10 lie HriOllllJ eoklrlalaed tbelr denl among them II Brig GeD Horuab waa II atbullbull II Ie 11IeI u Ihelhuadelplla IAtliJrr to pIO

The Elllpero Alolnder of Ruula u _wued drank with ~re and th _II-I- not onlypn bullileallle blit to be aowal _Iilrocl lakll with peel ctltllOll1 DIIfInc laquoIlGlIamp- The oople of Gtuadr- uu _ ~oo_uIoa 01 ~ GIld lIIMaWio_ tIon the BDlpelOl lIrtIMd dlllllfllamp1llt liNt lllto lliftl amp111 the lUI Ie SOl Ill of bJ a

-r hGould he alloed ampveryluiUt iol publleblnl tbe JiIoJ-wa receld wltb leug 111 incident or the cerem001 The rep_led Brig Gen Jit111 I88po11111lo 11 draIIk to of IIIe Pope _ reaehed on 1111 occaeIon be- The Bed 8kIr of 1I1earas- t shy

I - --

blo IUCIea From all we can learn 10111 Hill quallllcatiOllll appear ~ bo good die-

n -0how othinc oIemenamph anlbmg Ike llalloolmiddoth boen ordtled -to the SardInian potU middotf9t111er rloctlol1-(f OIgIlDIZlltlon aod kllllclt to fhe nowl from Frallce I unimporlllll i01In principle beymiddot ilia) lIIlrprlee the Union 10 111 France hM growll up to hemiddotalli8 tat bilallbbeb

lire th_ ofanr other _IfY neCoatalUcanuNboglnnlnr(OltamwladoD

end theIP rttIIerJ to (ullow Preildellamp Xora III lUIother folAJaplneUflO8IIguI ucla_pIcIou

III our m1lld tltt they beslnlllng to bow wbats b

Tile 11010 from Buropeta DOl of III In -eat til l1li In Nicaragua Q_ Vlctorla lib a good _bl mother Is endorlug Iogeh lIItmiddot ablo spouao for hr aupterl Ibe 11111_ RoyalPrlll~ irederlck-m lrlIstlt 11 at proeenllh fa rltA In 1gtvl matrimOlIai IIIIrkel H baa aCeltmIpanled lbe roJa moth~r clllrllJU

middotmount~t roogtiI laddoll M unexpected Amiddotcoup u fat 11M been lIIk1mpted in Paill bJ -rrf nI hi its lerth to taIt the B~I u rtmiddotIIlI PrtlllllllIIPpcaraneeago their eandl- (leott~ODollnelltIukod ltltIeenlIlllheUa 11 IIIIee from Franklin the ed_ltlWd Irad rona hladoctor mullraquo alld air w pxketshyltlale ud Ibemlelvenn rar behind dcrblllleedenahSp 1b_Spanlahtroops hoW poue 011 bJthe plekel prltl ofbe rNIIOt hllllditerehlef

middotTho DfbIIlIIIn lind FrolllOlit lien are hathon 8Ionof Madrid bllCmiddotthe blew wa nOlllrlld 1111111 1114 - man killed The meIu bod WII hUll~ F4t 11111 ~-l---A-rua-n-p-n-Jal-Ir-porler aid il 1kelr 111 III In 8upplieatlon before tbe State middotof laneoueI~ amplllbe luge ollie mt therefore lcLraplcllY-~Inrr th pu~ofaIampok wa eo olOOllelt amp be ~ tbu ibnup -CD in lie Yo ftud Ponll8)lanl4 There lIever w only parllllllluCOO88lal A eho ar Ia SpaIn II 11 Je is ooei Jirallkl how -It grolt ~~~litl~way~~ma4t billlyen- iwI Ja

bull IlOOII t 1111 w II mo OU _ bullbull h1111therefore hlehl probahll It Ia thought -be w IIIalI aad tho collklmplated atiMlk JIOfi hbonld laquolad 10 bow NId tbeuegioL Wii France ie IlIlIOlIIe nYllOl1l1eel4d wllb the 1IIfaIt POlolied Thethumr -ped ~~ ~~ tllteat no Iongel alilee tbUl Ju~ IIlpl-agaillaamp II wil1middot R~~ h bull 10 1IIdlt e - t nes -lgt 11_ t -- poelufely lilted 10 IIblMOQ KaN mldlllampht howeyer (1ft aspreu Ived III IIUIIp A IaQd peculalor 01lt W- ladeellcllo

until LIlt mill of 1100 Allied rome hqultted with ~ Informaloa tllat 001 Oook wllb I _e his trac IJIInI th eba be Inaallilidl J th CrImea Tork h for the pretent nnt foroa of U 8 ~bad takeo lip I porJampIoall clcreel It Wu 10 h~lhl ~IIDd Ulera aDd 10 frem the dlplomalle boti_ lrolt of Ltowr8llCt the 1Irpoee or pIOleoI dllBClIIamp for toIbto dlO tbel iIII thela~ablampaAtiIIbtd

It froIn the pro~d ~I ~ Coodli~bu 10 draw tbelr lui breatb With a eolrallre ~aPOob _u to CI_Ie PRESIDENTIJtL SUPPBR toWlIJIIIlIOI810 Gel H~el~ warllln~ oe Pcmy eliC~bullbullVeUowoltben ~ t

__ tbe _equellcaa of III lkllllplOO lb bull It ollllh of JII1 ora hepiaHie ckdara 1On tbe nalramiddotof the 19th laaamp tb FI14 61B la uld that CIII Cook IIa~ beell Milt b1 Qea do noamp believe amp10 Is 11I~ wo_ or eIiIIllo

ly wbo w urgeatly oliel b) ~ people ot IIIIa ho_ who It_ttubed the age otM _e~ alld 018n of tbe General Stair Wlib a few Iewrallee 0 lDte~ Cor lheIt ~QJI Qn b~atmiddothU fell tilla tl1lth tbuwltriag ~ Cltizell8 lDel 81 the Pre8Ident lIIena10n ad tIM lb nib Gew -0 arrIYed at FnnIdlll amllled tbelritnilllll flPcQrl ag I

tlook of eupper bull oolllllllalion with Ibe IIIIoera of be lravadlog -10 h

bull th I 4 Dri ifill S IOld thembetmiddothe WM prepllCed en- I11III D ~ eaklr 4 9 _ushy_l _AOIOnamp guellawenttoe gI~enerrJ foroetbI teUftllHheoleutlimltowuhla eldeiitl11I~uowedf_gnIID80ftJcbtibullbull

JlorDeblIriglcllerOeneral Fry Drigtdler-Oeaeral _1Ioo J aupprtlll cllaordere with the aht of _04 ttom death lit the ampIinIhPa~lllIi1lf ehlOro-nnneingllJlftW Xbull RQgcro SubS ot Jlaermiddot tbe-~middot~ IIlJder Jb---middot~iIatit fmn ald bullbullbull~ elida CoL Pb R Thompson Aiijt OiIabullbull N AI the Interpoeilloa of XlIreu aHer (Jell ~ BII or~t qllellioo At tho 001 Ales Joo P~lIIUIer 0nl N AI ~e~=n~- t 111= lIowlhhen be l8i dO~alrO Ii iWir did Col T F Flab Q~termUlter-aeatlll N A thai be had)lllt UrtIIkId to or 190 ouIIa Who Col Ocoqe B Hall 00mmi1Ml)raJ N Awoold be prGperlJ tried b1 the lepIllUthOrlIIaa Whi III amp man wamph acom 06 middotetu toe Atl 0_1t 1 M tbe geollOmtaaU de10 take of the yltodl Aa _ the cllIIIIeaire

1eIIIlt)f Tho Hdth of tho pruldenlor lhe Republic

or Nicaragua was propelled and~lIk Ith eoshythualaam 10 tblt the Pretldent rtIIpoDlled propotllll W

Til OlBcera or the Nicaraguan Arm

The lIetlth oC General William Walker w III

en propoatd and drank with Ihroo ebte Tbe Generallf caUed upon to reply It1IIlmoatl posalblo 10 gl90 ao Ida of Ibe ellOlrI~ ellbOl loll words prodllCed IIded by loll graoUnl geelleolallon and peculiar feror we CII 0111 Mltmp 10 gIe 811 idee of wbat ho Hid bull

When bla 1)AIII had btllI repoampteclly oalIod he roee lad 14

GIIINTIIIUIM-Wbtever or hlator helon 10

tba Da wbalOVer of the 1I1111rol 1liiy be 1810shyorared Wllb It owea more 10 Ih lid recolfed ftOIIl the wisdom galbwlr) and derIng 01 Ibe geotlem811wilit wbom ampbe lndlYidual wbo bean i baa had the good middotfortune 10 opente thaa 10 III merit he blmaeU po_ [Cbe_l Ao lodiridual wbyenleer posltloo be 111amp1 bolitla gea oat

01tho P1l2I he repteaeDlII maltee hrlll gMaL It M Ie_ en tbe approach or Goy Geor Hept J A Ii my Ibrtene to lie the repr_tame of a with U S VcIopI aud weDI towlIllII Ne~ lIarr1l1g1on S prlnelp e willi hlcllyou all Imboed_ prin All b qqet ia tbe IerlllOl1 Henr A clple that cannot OOCOllftaed 10 thIa 01 an OIbtt Joaea J It

bey pl pro8t in thla pllttloqiar by 11Iuon- clple of ulIleraaI fraedm It mlltt ooalln to spread nlll I erubracee nOl OQ all hllcoatlshy

ucl ott 0 EtDperons Nicholas And AlulIIlnder ofnent bul the conlhlenlll of the old orldmiddot It will ll~ jhO bull IOn ililOctl to the United change old Y8amp8IIII ~d reinfipale -i alld Slates t AmoriCllII moehanica to come aDd Ive t~ Old 1flithorldNrecelung lIedlOlPullel ampom lbe

n~ oll 0 e ew 10 ellen to UI the paklmll In Ibelr 01111010118 and tbote wbo aceepted tbe embraCes of a IIlIivelllll blll~hhood (Iodlullallo have beu reated In a mallner com- cheering] __traIl wllh the wealth of llie Empire W080 After the General badcoQcludod TheSoldlllra

resoured tbelr Ibor will help 10 dovolop There of Ihe Nlcaraguall Army WII proP080d IIIId dlllllk I I I E tb t b d d I III hId b DO pe~o II urope n n vanee n e WI Oil C eel Arts of l~te a tIo same ratio lUI the Ruselall Utlg Oell UeoDmRBOo 10118 (Irank with IIlucb

d I l 10 L II E I ltb b bull All n fer coyer e en re IIIp 10 If a ent wlm lind III retpoollO Gon lIalogaen Aid Aetwork of ralroad tho Emperor bas Inlol semiddot In lubatallce Iltal he nOI muob 8OOWItolatd 4Wed til icoB of 8ovorai Amerlc1l engineers 10 liking ~et that ho w eatlrely a

apot It I - broad ue wllwene-lt Ii ampbe prla-

There were HyerrJ -er toute __enI draakaadabouU oeloek the geDtklllen Ithmiddot drew to their reaIdeII- mllCb plcued with amp0 ellteneinmtll


fUll lI ona ampIID ntce PROOLlIllU-lllI

bull t1t01l 11011 111110 Th St LoQIa BYelllllg New of Seplembe

Ib b the followlDamp IUlpllIIl1amp IIew1 Wo v clalei ftom 118 JSOlGer 01 me 1111bv _vl- t Iuamp -11 of tb war In

Kanua alld c1rculllllaneea atlendl lb 1IW Wal1 of peace amp Frtnklln

Tbe MIIsourIu we 10 their word tUlObed ampom Wolitport to aItIck Iewrlllloo on th nthT w compoud of OIIe reglmeD cit ampos_1 eae ef mounled m_1n all 1400 _ al- We dool _beu es_pte Ifre 10 lend Ii four pleooa of aHII1erJ Gen utt11 -1 ora - alike bllamp atdilterenl 111_middot In command On tbe 13tb aad 14th thete t=~t=O~Ath

~ebrmfori= rwbull Jllltlce

lamplllzed by came G8II Atelillollto tho dWt Itefohillou ere peel decJerlo ilia relllng OIl the proeCtiOll promised 10 peacelll bullbullttlenl bl tbeGOYOrIIO~ tbe Ibelnndlog army would dltbaud l1li01 relll to ~belr 1I0m_requ~Un the Go _ 10 reergamplllA and diatrlbukl middotOtCllhe Tern ~ Cfoe of mllllla to p~ the Mtthln from _auderl atld robbera-alld reoommeodlncIhal CoL Tim be made commander of tbe mUfti of Ihe Territor] lbe )(-urlane llien broke up cunp aed returned boule except th_ wbo Jp te)lded to IIIIUI lit doe l~

Tbe aillet or OH bullilretl 00l1li UrtIIkId bYGo 0 belollged to tho flOIIPIIA of Cal HlltYt1 wbo made ampbe aItIck on COL aolleriton

WI-d~~ t4 ~~III to f~ lI4I all __e lIpOIl t bull rae_ deg lUllmiddottIogocean middot10 -0 bl thle muno bue made report III whielr the d~lhat the ilia eouId be built OIl neuI7 dlrlaquot rltlIIte from sfamp 10 the OWt01 P~- with braneb Iio Ibe Nile The00fi It ts7~ 1114 the oooatructioo will take IIs88 At 8oM2lIfeeuf_wlllbetoliad M lIle diMDce 01amp000 feetlrom t4e bull_ The plrl 10 be ooiIIiInIcl4d III the GWI of Patm whleb the former proJect plaeed a Ill boUom ofth GQlf wiD be located wei mllee 10 the Willi 011 p or the cout wbere the wa1s 211 fee~ deep Ai leu ~han the cllatance of wo IDUea Tom tIN IOore mt where IIIIchOlampg g~ It Is tlmueil bet 1 -IU fie do In 4IN11cpbeleen the rotpeCtibull place IIld Bombr III fdllowt (Ionalallwllople 1J900 Havre 8928 Lolldoll 86GO LIrpool 8560 He York

7311 Ne Orlean 8178 Hore IhaD ball Ibt 0) I -een Ihe prlndp porloofJilliropo alld Alaia bJmiddot Ibe propoeed l Tbi slugle fact lIholllicalmmenle IIliIIl) 10 ill Damptlollll ail weU as 10 BVPI and Torkej olld ril lIeur tor iIamp projecCUnl the belt wlshea of the elvill1fd world

III view or faoII the 00_ lIIIfd the Ilk alargci landhold~rf Beea_ ~ ill p-d ~ to ~ 1IIIt middotbadoa tbeli- of tUII odtM-1IIeIII(It - 1

Gel Atobleoa Gen Reid and CIII TIl4 -Why iii a Inr Ike kIIoclampert Becaa~ dreaed the meetiR ad lIrlIed complianoo 1amp ho lIIiHotml to llifW4 (a d_) the GoYernor prOpol61 Th Govenaor thel bull -poundt

Wlthdrw from Ihe ~ to alfordto 1 Iist 01 Ietter IOUrlaaaauopportulloace amOllth~ D-rJl~middoth nIB I d 0IlIIhla ngeoUon A _tllIlI w jllllaDllj I e bull- v lII1ICO omiddotwag Cf tee ve

Iober 11 1866 lIolt Ooa(Dlrdeall V E tBullh J G Bllllch J BbardO E Bremer JClarlt ll WCaaIIlIo C Ohecklcy Xlll CUlton I Daly Iol J Jlllher J A lir141 Jishfr G W

aI Ulek~PoInl They were 08pwred at G_ GeuIeall 0 A ~IolillB oppotIte LeeomptoD OIl 1beIr reamplIrII Go1tbArl P A from 8ickory PolnI to Iampw_ 1111 ead bet (1_ J 0 Iathe aampempllO vteA them _ U S eoWter Hanele It fourteen of lfes men 10 killed HoagllUld M H

Lene III not Iio be folllld 10 eIIeTerritor II Berdy C

Fuu o bull t ftlna-lbe Now Orlealll Della Jorge A lHms tbat Red lUvor hu dimmed up lla owa Klpp S V inOUth and now mlkea 118 w y 10 Ihe Gult LorIog L th d Atcbaamplla B l fb II d bl Llnere or B

2 1~ X 11 LlflngslOn J WlIcGulgan 0 Hoy A Korri H

McCann H a IfcCudle J

Jlanofill S Mooney Hamp sb 1I Nellr E A OsborD D C Poal Dr A Pearaon J T POit Hlu A Roper J Hltllaquogton e 1 Roulrand ~ Sd1 Dr

- Scott W L 81110111 D ~ Sklnna J C Smiloro H SlantbrT7 E II Warren Wheeler 8 H WllIlalll800 CaptWIHiamSOD J

lIuilii tbe fOr~middotedurereor thdegat ~ til )8116bull and tbat at oue IiIlHl neTer Iouched III M - amp X TIIOlampIV lib d III b~ II b llI bull - I

I pp ut pllrlue bull coune w 118 1I0W WHOLESALE ])EALER IN Ulned elllptIDglRto the Gulf far to the ell I of Ibe Iolillalaeippi Tbo Red RI Ie now to BRANDY WH SKY WINE~IIld Ie remhla to ho up whether whcll full It _ t wUlliot re-opoo be outlet to the Joflulaolnnl ud AND ALL KI~fS OFihLQUORB Ira mill wIIb the aIbA~ of Wuerif - 40geer If bull r rrN COrrBn sJrJ9DBn2-rrzoJV

U-- J I L L 110 4Lt lDliOO ~ 0001II IOUgt NA WIIOUIiIAuU 8 TILl YI nOIY -An mIII - HltrJ etroet ulltoI ofampIIFruei800 COIlbaen lick for a long hoe and whit1n this _ate GIUIIlda Junlgt 1 1866

would OC4ulooII _e brealblng ftIId IIr be ------------ --__ - -Dr AAud Pobullbullpparanll eslhletfoe 80m tIMe when he wooIshy

~ III th~ dockyarde of lttllllia An~rICIIII 1I1collamiddot worker and that he ca~eto Nlea heca II apln COllie to On one or these ~ heo fBNDfRS UIS SERV1CESto the Ilhtz~Dbull1 IIkI hn~ lhe dlrectlon of nfthlrt The OODIC- tb ht II b It - - be lind JIIII awakeaed from bIs Bloop lgt1rIok uk Granada and vicini ill ilie praclille of

OIIg ero t eoe w wOr 10 do He would Ied 101111_ UITlCllli SURGEoy t_ H1DWlhIiJi qunoe fit 11111 will be tbat In a abort IIme tile nOl hae eome h_lt he uppoud Ibe tllICI8 of And howll w bo Jlmlll1 when oura IIIIWJ ~ bull l u j1l bull lOt

IwMlaII Veue6 III bo IIblo to compete III speed bla laborwOIIIS be IlOI1l1ned to IIII1t pI_ Re dead-1011re after klnup ini thllOf OftIce an4 roal4caCe 01 tb aouIbwl ted dumiddotmiddotllt with tb but buill Yankoe clipper tumln tballka - th b 1 bull Brlalg III a gleu omiddot Irioi an IA7 to tU- comer of tho lampreet 0pPOllltc tbe San PrandgtltOAoLr bull wr e on~ goD omen p hero lilt 1 Jimmy -airIf I dOll I au OouonL ~~~e~~ AlUerlclIiIorthlloontln~l1lw~to OIlteonre~upon ~m by ~ IIIUller In wblob IdbrlDk thin blll1 meor Gtanu Jail 1860


320 ElNICABA8lfENSEVol t No 51 p 6 5abado 25 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 25 18S~ i t l

BRIG dNN HENNlVeSIIN ketnft4 tore lItelrlllaquopoampolllpu gri_r __ dlis hnmlllatlcm Autrl of eOIl- Iolaled lit COM~lISSION IpoundR~ SALE

t ~_11l loo1ltlnl 01eI 1lI6 l)emOOlamptI Rlew lOr t~Ir- tIe pJlva~ aIl4 lIIampIIy _______ t86l1l dad ~~1I1D ~n the ampIIlprllD W-r TIIlrtee lIUDPm td_ ana geuellile Of pURSUANT to an order leeIIed by the Board of CommlWon I gtfIll on d1IFJ~T DIY DlIloh the ClOIIdllCt an AllCIIont iDd ablllamp of note_ dlieclly tbll lulftlldvballled or JANUART 181S7 ofter die lbiIowingmiddot invelltoried propottl for 80 III pllbilO ItU(tUIIlmiddot pigt he lleteODI bo llgu~d hl ttamiddotiermtlllOflbk bo tthoullbdley had bad fw 1IIDIlth ill1Itelr the IIUa It the citl Of ~randl middot1 Uiwwe are carefully lorDed OTUIO told amp ppwer 1wrIHt Atmtlpd Atulricm H olall TetIIlI-Ou~ or IIUllar1 WpL bull ___ I lie ranka priloioll irlthoulltluriuamp OIl or them The laIe HI conllnU1l ampom lay to dar IlnUHn~ wiolo 18 dtaponu Of troDt BIb fall upon tbembull Speaking 1gt( lhe Gdrse ampelng ~he middotol)ltllllll wb(nrvmiddotpl1t bull pta Pankos deahtma of leeing the property and emiing for tbemaelvtl8 will 06 fllmned ~ll

nr6I11 aceouna tba Ilad bean ltritten lip to lhal oner (Counl Ziclly aD UDollarim) to dBatll horselllld gukl8 bllppJioallon at my oftIce - I irrul of thla lDem_ble 81rOssie Alr eiloll ana Amolllllt lbe Icllml were -e mell of large V I b e ed In It we Grid tJle toUorill (orhme w~o1D the ~II were _nxlou to d V1I I PEY INamf 01 Biulli I _-l_oP_1I_0I ___ RtllIlIrk4 ~ e DIU iii g tpoO toll Balllyampbyl ror bilt eatftld wordl Hacienda do aeao Roaano IJOiii llItololo Lopez Treo hI full bearing tI4middot11) Tho tnl connected ndlaWlillibl_nuflllreemiddotliilllloaiordollampnmiddotOeneIK coodemD 110 do Oandetari Do Youngtreet 10bullbull0

tblleampaltnt 111 ampOIlIg 1Dd dierefwe of tIe ed by Hnau wbo Will hill dBbtor for Ilxty Do CaUle lAIa Or~ Do bull 1~~1 HIIInl e _ gen~1 whloh Olftnot bo ~houllld doll VecztJ wlotte ~her (sllllllv BOWIampID run Do A row of siJ ator~ 101 UIldeiMood wllIo __ling the mlblary eo ID ) wieand he IIIQ of lite late emperor Au- HaeIendo de (JaQlO

UlJOnli In thleOdntryiUOIIlallled ill ~ pampt Ilt tba eampIdIer Jlho-pbllr-dle pllont and I~dl8O Pit t Juan T0lI6 Rut 8 0 entitled- Nag) Sandor apd the rrIeeI Damiani who Hacienda de Caeao plz(I Do- H 11 ThI P4d 1lIl Ja~ iff l1JFmiddot bellIg _ed to he hlDge4leet 1114 with como Do Indigo Je1U8 lIIarl8 Do 1 I

Fod bat 11M iffirtt tlhuWaUflul tM poau liby 1aet here lJbull1 ~ alw~lI ~t Booee in Ri Do Largo IIdnbe 8 11 f( BtlIqgU middotdndFtItllrIl p~ 6ti upon IMhetlio lIeLfP Bacl~d de Cacao Sin FraDdleo Jose JArguello Aree 18 C HfII~~atJlllwmiddotolmiddot fWlw M01ItIM LoWe Bath~nyl 111)0 wbenllomom fell bad Do do De Abandoned Into Qall~jl1fllllllA ZtmIaolrTgm R_liOll b~ tried OYer pW atIer belnl eaotenced to B_1n Onmada bullbull bull Do ~ ~ bull bullbull 0 Pvoria tc rour 1 impi1aoDment the eharga middotormiddot l)eWs Baclellla ltleCaeU rdilacio Male1iP- bullbull i bull bullbullbullbull ~r


rI p1tt t I cd cJ to -1 W middot111_ ~f middotORII Latour ot 11_ In Gi-aWulo-- - ~- JO bullbull bullbull bull bull bull 10 Thouampbor 0( 1Id_ ptm e li~ ~ r l)-U wbiclt be notorlouir U1tu_h _ _ 1180-0 Plta~ Francisco GuerrA IS

PllbnO~qollleclampIIllIIotb~bmiddotmiddot bi th d9lamp1t0f WullingampUII wuCOlidemned to he BoilandIotIIlRIna ~ 1gt0 9 lib lbe ~Ut onamprll 0iJ0orIlJ hanged Hia wife IntrcdllClld bull lancet Into hla IIoUll8i11lUfU n Kill patUalll burnt 10shyuulll bl+aljJbh~ugh Ih~ m~mollll~ ~~~sn pn- h which hellldun Inelliletwallliempl Haolenda dB 0_ ~~Ia Fe Joa6- II lIaleailo 18 In which Ihl tr COIIUUeDbC IIg 11 ccteddu~ co et the Jugular Tela DllIOOYued helbre he Catd Bolnte JIaI ()lIa Do bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull G ~imte 11000middot lIr 07 ~II Chi r de bad Ill to death hiamp wound 1111 bandam lip HOIlllIn ru 00 Lollg IQW 1 bull defeltbl bull ~h d IDamp~ I 0 ~ wi alld hemiddotw horrlellltdflged OIl IIId alios lite Haalend de Cacao bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ~ bullbull Fetlpe amp S Saenz NearTolo-aome wlldlllltamp 3()IlO

1ftOJbt8eomiddotarmiddotall rtt Igmiddot d or gallo probampbl) not belDg rdy 1I0 P h DO do 11 Vi C1emonte SaIlIOl Old ealatc neer Rint 1(1041 liIlgt11IfI~~~O ~pSd r ~kJi1iUei word to Ire and fell abolltibg Long Iff ampIIB lIollle in RIT Do Large adobe 100(10hit ~ nmiddotiI_p 0) bull bull Ibe arreet of Dahyao1i hid beell amp 110- Bouse aDd proyery In

middotbeforeBllblo Imiddot lt bull middot~middotiIi ihislao 1 IIulOw 01middotamp111ampmiddot01 atlonllo-ble otenc WIll a Sanmiddot JUan de Sur ) fll lS UellD lieDden tIam b bull bllabion cawIUD1-blamiddot esecutlcm anmiddot _iDatloomiddot HacIOllda domiddot GROj Felipe Avilc8 bull bull bull bull 8000

IIIOlJIiy ~I RUIIIii ellj R JPII hiobD~ 1Ianr otIrtri w_put to dtaIh W_ of Do do Sallt~ Do With wildlands b~ ~Re~t 0 ~ ~II middotaM flnb IfflUlrippeli and Kourged helOre middotthbullll I1delld de Ca~o JlCII-LaGalpa F amp E Carazo bull 27001) _ nCr tI aoIdIerr OfIJcelB from liliiii or coIeoell David D Lopzamp B Daroe 100)tile Baclellda de Cacao~ 9ijdbf~he ~1Ie~ thorab~ dOlfDlfardl e~ abulIpflI middot1It If bgtced Into Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull II amp Jos6 OaracM ~wotbtrds of die eltarA II iIai1 a~tJter~ ~IIJII ~ed IplOb th AUUIO _llln pr(fatail ~ at lite Do do Boperlll P run amp famll middotrmiddotmiddot 800gt 11_ r~tIJ 8~~ ampdrIhu~Dbull 1d eaprice of IDd ears-ta to ~ D~middot do Chlta JOJl6 Alfaror Conlaminl 160 acree 2000 ~Qjlt ~e ttl th rJm I middotU dar s-~ BOIIfelnBl Demiddot 1600 Urqllllatund to 1 C~ u of iIIatorlo bull FrOm thequatadoDe here IIIIIk k wIUw_ ~~eCaCampo Pafniar Tun Agila bull 10000 ~ 9fmiddotIi~temiddot 11114 tbafBdc Gen B~ Iidu 1fi1h 111m to Do do PlllIIIf P~1o Torres ~ ~ -lOOO ~oI~ lOU ettIoa of Ruulamp iii 1 B_ltlruu 2000shy t~Imiddotaath~~~eibampt dunn _middotmiddotri ~themiddotweIpt or bull rtpIItaiIOII fwllJUan Do bull do O BuetOl amp (amp11111 Near St George) 3~ ~~rII~ Dt~~~IImiddotlJuilfe Otunli IInewled and liaeety of PIlrpOll that 111l1li1 Bad de Cacao fi Do dobulllt lOoQ alloo COm liI iir EurepO tID pnbU~ work raytllihl1 tor IIIY_ whlchho ~ en~ Do do Jayl 11~Oerde8 k tamlly bull bull bull MOO and deg eIO h I dltIcm of th ed B Ii alrad tTOtahI II III E B~ ill RIampef bull bull bullbull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bullbull bull bull o~ gtJ lIII-dnl flle rthl 8 PI II 1 110- bull mope Catlle Batalai Las Lalaa R Pala ampI fmIl1 bull bull 1 popilldlia DIIlft h bull or I~ a and doubt ne -thaI ldImo~ DllIItre pow H_ID ru bullbullbullbull Do dO On the Plaza 2 ItciUjmiddotJ1IUle d~ ~call88htroFer ttei1eclla Niea IfW lillke hlllWM falidllarDo do bull bullbullbull bullbull ))0 do Do QI

lOh~IL~ ~ II middottmiddoti~ wmiddotr hrO hOllmiddotADleaea Dobull do Do do edmiddot lwwlljlUll-adepamprlTleodeglmiddottoat 118 i CaUleamplampIemiddot HeC~IJtI lnoceDteRuele - Ihf St PeUnbllllt lnadluted It and bOle IlIf au r-l~laIe and Imiddot

Jdft1oillD ftJreIIP ~~ I -gt - lIIotiee rdieateDIJIIlIe- bull ItiIdmiddot bullbull oe bullu were D- bull lIl1111~~ da r F lid lIf 9 jIIturliaia oItlte llllIoWl81 _lddlKieaeeIJ pe BOIIIe In Rlne bullbullbullbull r bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull ~ ~middotCbIdimiddot =n H bull UeDllla ~YU Ioii wIltprenlM th~ to me dIll11111bll1t1oe~ Sugar Etemiddot nell 1110middot I

bull~ bt -eneecUMtto mltllilbnn Ihe pUbHoofmiddot ALL PmtlilONff bano tIahe na tilt 11- lUvae ~ Pedro Ohamorro bull l~rJnO

III the Bunf d~ti_O ~ Ollorbelorei1lellampt1idlryorneoo1868otherw_ tap 00 do 12(00 ol~ ~1I-noII IlQ tie a~oflii~1llI~tb1middot-middot ~1llr01l)li iterccentef Pedro ToaqIlM ~1I1l1 ~OIOO ttlbullwtmiddotcilr 6Ibplo-dIJ1Koiiot1t1 ~UIAtltJiB8GORDB1t 1gt0 do Ag~Agrla DI()~lcla)lemando 8laquogt0biild fll IL b ~ and tb ()rientili OIllRLBamp OALLAHAN)middotmiddot H_1n Granedamp CbhlDroampramlr SapA

~ll8gotlatlllW bullbull or bull ~middotJ1lLll1SKtSr ~dBlti I_Kula Do dobull ~00Ileattle300ltgtiu1l l2~Umiddot ~dJCted uallO~ todOonr- AIld-aU ~lIIdehl to tiM at tit Do do ~ROaa Do lt100 ~600caltle 1Ul0 hor8eI 16gttOOi ioot IlWlpr~ middotabOedec~ petdllOllllIIIIIka Immdiata Pato Bac1euda do Ccao bullbull to ~ Fnlgetlcla Vasa t 18

The crll11Ilj~~ I~ ~1 lal~ lenlll~t monuo me GILDK PlTUB Bon III (Jraneda bull bullbullbull Do ~ bull 15 O hllito Of tbbull bull piby- BeIIDlllpID bull wen all lnbk A4IIIIaIllrillorO D Stook lIn~b St Jeronlmo middotDo 1600 catlfe ~(lO hore HInhn

the bull t t Gralled yen St 18M Boote ill Graneda Do GuedaiouputMet ~ biublUtyllldellotlllllon mapa ~middotU om e __ - Do domiddot Do _ Domiddot middotmiddot11100 deslrabiek a iiillitarJr poln oC vie the movemiddot otlce Domiddot 40 bull bullbullbullbull Nfcaclo d~1 Qutlilo bullbullbull bullbull 8bull lIlent h111 n~li describe LL pertlOll8 hlnr clallIlII aplta lite tu of QoIrete bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull Do Near lIIalaeo 4jju

J kln 6fGill1eya middotlieon In bamplilgmiddotno- A~o fOllolngllllllled deoeutd plIrtIOIll 111 pre 11o In Qranada Antonio Barheteno bullbullbull ~ ~ U n pea I nHhem to me dilly Inthenlluated 011 or before Stock Ranch El rlldo Do $00 cattle 1~ hollelt 4fi

lated tho ~oodIIl0~8 O~ wblch KOIIulh delegl~ed lito tOth dlr of Deoember 181111 otherwllle th~ lantln Walk bullbull bullbullbull Do ~eer Granada 2 bl power lbo Bele pilbllahoJ the follOlYlDg wlH noamp he IIllowed by Jr I ~ In GratIlIdl Jns Maria EIllrada bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bullbull bullbull bull bull bull ~ quotatl11 bich we are templed to cOP1 aa It B1lOn Cole Wiley lfarahl~ Plantain Walle bull bull bull Do Ncar Granada l II Iii millent p081110n In European afIiIlr8 Robert JlHllkIII Jonaillan WIIecm HOIlBO In M_ 400catrJe fiO hlgtrfle8 4~ Lino CelIr

8 ow 0 pN 1 Dr Gen lie bull gatll bull S K Sackaun George White Stock Rench Clraeol Dmiddot fear San Roque 8 0I

beld by Ollr prlStli g IInto bull And Umiddot perllOol Indebted 0 lite estalel oC Ibe HOlII8 In Gratllld Lnla Montrel e 0 Kt)86utll had middotnot ~Ichd Oro ~pon dlo boTe deCeaeed pereoMl will make ImmedlMo PlY PIMntain Walk bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull Do N~middot VegM 1 (

rOllller befO4 the necouol 01 GOI8O I tIe1lSOD men to Il10 GILBBRl TITUS 1l01llOln Gnadn NAciso Raplnoza 4r ovemok him frOli1 whence togethmiddot wlth 1epl 11bllo Adllllllltttntor 0 D 8 BIJIuln GralUlda bull bullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull fala rlltoa Horall bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull 6( U Dembinkl Kmeuy GI1OO and 1If tbollltlllt~ 11 aranad BtpL SO 1848 Houeeln Granada lOll Ubaotl bull bull bull bull ~

ho puHd lIrollgh Wallacb to Vdbl In IV 1 - Ifulend de Cacao MlloO Tlo bull bull bull bull bull bull t I hefond lIIe Turkhlh frentler nO ee- ROUIein Gramplloda bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ROIIrio Vinamp Granada Hotel 9 ~ wlUle Gorgel bad omred tho gaITiIon of AItt peraoiIII areIIbJ oaiRIed agaiOI bul Do do gto bull bull ~ 0

Colllorn to III1rrender wblch I re~ lIrat to In or lI_solSatlllg flit the fulJOwing 1crIp~ Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Ponelano CoTftI bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbull ~~ d thoul11 entering Ioto neotiatiOll wllh the ~ne 1_ nUmberedmiddot(8G) tbltty-lllr In fayOI of amp do bull Pelar Mil~nco bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull 4lt IIV

A~triu~ Tb~ro were IIDfortuo~11 cmOlPI D lIa)Ie1 tor t810middot Do do~ bullbull bullbull bull Tlo 21 die o1lICltMI lOme dUpes of Gorgea parIoy who 0 1_ nlllOhered (19gt nfnetean 111 fu~Il of Stoclc Raocb 0101 Ito 1600 cattle 200 bor 110 0 were allrlollamp (0 maktmiddotterrM and Ie nolbiug 1188 Wm Baletor 18383 Uclenda do cetlO ~ Do A Malco ~o bean of K_IIlI fonll bull Gorgel bad ~Tel The lJlOye dllllCli1gted IIIitIp Is ~ elldoried by H_In Granado bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Femando ellman bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 0 fro him t~lll0w$tl Ibe f~lrell w Svoo liP me and Pi t Is pioleetiKhUbeoIIlce of the StoolfllAAelt at TOrell Do t600 cattle 300 boraes 12r 10 the AU8Ii1anl with ~~ealipulatloD hat tbe p Mlntaler ~endlaquo DANIIL BArIgtSY HtmfI$ In Granadn jOfoqnllla Iloran bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 6 iison 11(0111111141 1I~wcd ~ loen portion 0r11a a~~Pt Ib 1816 Hclendailo Cacao falaco Do 36 pay and Abould be pe~lltIdtorollreullUolecd HOII lnGrallllda Pedro Seqllenn ~ ~middotO

KOlIlhh~ng bead of tbele DegOtl~tIcm~ David l_raDI Hou-Itl Granarla Yna Horan igend conelilulllg b~~ tho Pwer oelegaled to Oor OFFERS FOR IiALE A hie plate San Seber Hacienda de Cacao ~ Hraor JLSimdonl O ge htd eKed bticlt to bnn on aocouD~ oC he Ian Stre h boG IIh Bee- Stock Ranelt Rcmltee Felipe Oahezas 1600 ClIIUe 9 DOll l1IUI1l1oee of the traitor wltb tbe COLldillona bull 81 on OWIII a bullbull H0I311 In Onnada Miguel rullerllZ i bullbullbull 3m III ateJ iIad bowr dilpttcheltl bull comulmiddot chon Jture SIllc1l RaMbmiddot San Pablo Do liOO caltie 40 alier wIth powerl and illitIlCllonB 0 prottll~~ 10 bullFlour Vb~e~ aIll11~fe=~n~hlt Do do HeCled r SelayoampDIejltraa 260 cattle 400 nOllle8 20 tho U~I t~ dB~nee of CO50rn bull Oilnltte blide~~I Ale ampDd p~ Do do ChllamlII10 Leandro SelAYo 600 caltle 50 horBeI ~o deg

That po 1fhlch he cotld oalr give ~ di Itelrt WI CIa) pipes Ifoo ln Guada bullbullbullbullbull Dolor LejaTftl bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull 0(raquo GOYemo ofmiddot Hunprl feN counteralgncd bl un~T aD b a lltoek Rancllmiddot Qlebda HODd~ Dr bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull (jollll Q-iiili BfodlaDyl TlIe Comlllieajone or ermaOlfjl bull Do 40 olnquto Do ~600 entUe 200 b01808 bull bull bull bull

lta1lL hilWA to (lqwtrll when fortr-lIIIf Recorder Oftice Do d SoIn Jampclno Miguel BolallOlampBroa 2500 caUle GOO horaee 1~ renderedmiddot bull __ __ De do San Francleeo tm~ 20

Thia oommkttoloner delegaed mlb aupreme Tml Ollloltofth B_ofDeeda lorICgeB Las Hampderae Do ~~OOO cattlo 200 bOae~ m oiflhlld mUtanpoer W baY8 reaampoD to kilo lIcrorthe OrieItIi D~ofth RolIbo -Do do ~~ Rolille ATUezIICluIlIIOrtO 801)0 cattle 1100 bol8ell H i wuUuolll Vae lIampbor of the pampblet JIoDi 110 will he optlledln thecltl of GranAda on _ HOll~ III Granada bull bullbull bull Do bull bull bull bull 41 bull fbIeh we C been 10 largely 1IlI1ftc1h1g daJ the 8th oampptlm~ 18~G1r ~~-r ~tlIk I_ncb s~ Blu Domiftlo Jarqllin TOO caUe 100 horae$ II lboup 1I1) boll a reteh 011 boreehaekhe aqutred by D_ to e ~__~~J ~dlin ~ fin do Tenabona )fillller Alvarado 600 cattle 100 horaOlll 6 ~ OOlIld nlltIumiddotImemiddot Illach lIIe fronlel ror middotwhlob Ibe toreNIdD~Dt re7GlLLm Do~ do COrplil Chrletl Menue Gltcia 600 CtlUle 100 horeetl 4~

putpOtllmiddotU waii ntCelllry to pili ~e lllrough monirdetteforthOriealll~t Do dB sm6ntonlo Tillloteo Lacayo 800 caI~Io 60boraea 8~O the 1ntL ~ 1 H_IIlGranadltClltolayorr _~v

Had ht dOlI10 he Wlamp J)led~ no to liltmiddot Oranadaj - $711301d Camont ror fU InOlIIte lid would haTe N ti T 0 l IJ I u

~n~rHn 900 Auatrial P~~8fII whQIU he 0 ee Together willi lorl) or fifty FarJU HQu- amp0 1 Iho Depar~ent of BIYa8 Iued at ~ ill ol1lltbave hold aa hOllagea for theeMnmiddot the I WILL give Uberal ~wvd to a01 person who three hundred to onll thollllllld doU_ ~ ttunJilt1nn clilefti-to th Oil thle incldenl hluged bull will tlUll to m) etore my Ledger Book II A btrge portloll of tho abue poperty 18 situated Idlin als houra ride of San Juan del Sur Vlts in tb tate of Moul BadlYllllyi udOrmiddothla COlllpan~ Will pIIIaed from lIlatore during tlielate attack Bay Rirulan Gorg NaDdBlme and Deriomo and the remalndu In Granad tnd ObOlltaea Iollllinmlafllflllland~nn1lirt1rdo I _ftbull~ _ 18 1866 1IA TllOllAN JOHN MYLARD MARSHAL bull

Tho fold(r~ of tbo garrison broke ~h1r milmiddot _ L i bull

F NlCARABllENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 1 sabado 1de Novtambre de lasS Saturdav November 1 1856 323


lEI NIC AU A GUENSE1middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotL bullbull 1 ~ bull =L~ bull


[OFFIotAL) If ~lIdortOollliull8loned Oc~ 8 rROamp FrrltltiNr4tt~ ~- Olear OrOllltoy II 9 DbullBamey Woolf COll1mlllliolled April 28 1S6f

REGISTER UI1l1M1U R barlfa Tylor lI_y 28 OF TUB Artlllit CoInIor1 GOmlUluiouElt AtgIIII lit l8G~ JollaW AndmlOn II June 21

amprotul lAl1Ilmdm ThOll F Wright Jul N lOA RA G tJ A A R lY O~O~e Von Hln oolllmlttdloncd Sept 211 18$GbullbullJoho MbullGilCIIu AUg

Newton l Webb I April 10 M T Neagle Sep~ JII OIlllIRU CO~IIfIIDINO IK OIIlB R LaIlIb Se~ u William NnrthWige ()cj y

William Wlllite 6 IIlft11et II 95 ~1 Lil1llmIt1lt bull did aCltlmp 11l1li1 8411u4lOlf 0111I11T nTILLUI Georg~nll8ti oblllillil8ltMd April 1 bullbull lIIN

aCajl Inlr lfahon e1Inlillealooed Jln 20 18lil _L MIIgtI lames bull T 1roe u May 9t

H F Pilled Matcli 81 - A Dltl1gtwarj2 comlllillgtlioll~d OclOber 18 11166 fm K PMliv~ II May 26 II

W81 P towl II il~ 1 CaptaIn Jbull~ ampnaford Julr IJ II II 0 W GIs a OJ 18~ Getlrge B elllllld IlOlI1mlllllloned Occ 18 1868 VJlIIm H Toler A_g 11

bull bull D U Dulaney II I_mea S Jldfe u 8op~ 25 DIItODIIIR OINEIIUII 8oeqrulIMui_t Joho M Wtllngtonmiddot bullbull Oat 101

Comer o Homeb commlllioned Jats 12 19116 John Crowell commluloned Sept 11 18118 BeuJamln Hardla 00 y A (lamp Cui O Staehle Occ ll4- Firat Lleutonant Jamel Small 1Il~lLlOI or UIIOIIIIamp a_liD ATTJtl01 O~ IKAlrIar

Birkett D Fry eomriliAiolled 6pl 16 Mqjor J hn A J ColtitUeOamta Joho P Wtel1 conomllllloaed J1IIII 18 1866 0 aqu~ commlolaiOMd]lIne 18 186amp

I bull R T 80 d igt LiMNat CIltm4l2dbull L GU bullbull c e corum 1 I II vilpt4lI1 Leonldu MCIntosh co isoiI ed AlII 19

L Nonrell Walker comllllllo~ Aprill 11166 M On 111middot O middotF Henningsen comDlfaaloned Oct 19 Robert Ellr Jllne 11 lien D_ n_ co l1~ft d A IA (~mp R W Plck ~nl ug j O_n mUlne ug 18l16bull

~ bullbull ~ A bull - bull A4iaJUmiddot Johu 8 FlnOlllJvfl Lieaftt Oct I 2d Lleut E H OIat~~i~88d JIlOO 18 18~6JDJOILIIT o~lIuJtlI I)BPtIIIIIIIITbull

lIltfut Q_ol W A Rhea cOlUlDmlsaiQQed August III 1816 Ja_ Umiddotmiddotmiddot- eomlDlealnomiddota Amiddot12 1middotmiddot~middot-001 Ph RThompson CODIIIIlMdFllb 1I18G8 w H Lenl 92 - ~ ~ Ilamutl -L October 1 J1l1$16 Dreux June 1~ tulffilt t4illtattl eMal JAIIIIe Lewis D WIlIkInS II AIIjI it IiUajor G R OMtoQ coDlmluioned occ 2amp ampcotul lMutma1ll Bllrale Bell II ~

ll1DQII IlgtvOOJTli OBMW ThomJ)lOn 1lI00u _liIlened JIID8 11118118 Lewis E GIIU1 se t 2lt bull T U Hewlett II Aug l6 p v

dbulltWllftt J+ o44u9cat OIJ W I Qukll~ II III It lIf Ll~1

11 llmiddotitar ngtitn~t~ ~_ i


Poet-Ollie Building OWEN DUFFY Ageut

y u ~~_~ 4 Ilrllil F D _ t

i bullbull en AWARD of THIampfi DOLL4RS esol will Ie Lieut J W

fOt appheDaloll aud dell (tu of thG Army) of t~ofollowI118 named 2d Lleut Wm ltP-t

from Company A Firat Jlltampntry Balta

[--FJS_ RIOH Aged Illyeare II r~elO In hAir blue o)eB ruddy cOlllploxlOl~ i() pound Occupalion baker

bull GLIDDON Aged 28yeara 6 feet high falr clllllpletIon IIllhthair blue largo feet and 10llg tlnlterod-bullbullellhl

bull 8

Oapt M bull 1 FlIIOr comt1lampIontd July is 18111 lolln Coo COInlDialloned Jlloe 18 1864 bull rllIII JlJTTJUOK or 1U1II8 AndrbullbullBrady Au 22

IMIIHCTO_ GIIIKIJL I)amp~TIIIIII bull clod GlOIge W lIa11er II Oc~ 18 Impector eIII~ BdwlIId I SaIldm COIIIIIIIadcme4 AprO II 18lS6 Fnnclsco IIotb II IS

CoL Bruno Hlltsme commlsalond NOf 12 18114 U~ CoIltm4l 1IlId LiNt bull Tler OUwllllt ~m~edl ll 18 8uluel a Allin c~mluioDed lflllOh 118116 B D lIorre~ comm~olled Au ~3 [8116

_ _ y fIlor J middotW Oonkhn OOl 18 qlllllTllalllAalllllS JlnuTIIIJII Johnmiddot O ONtII commflMoneli AprD 11 lRIIf BeDJlllllln Beechler U 18 it

Q_~III bttal o4~ L A Clark IIC 18 Col ThOll Fisber commiJalon~d 4prlll 1858 8 LIeut ~ Lathrop commlad lau U 8156

ttll Qiulrtnnw OMiMl ~ peUlliATIOJlll Lieuamp 001 Wm K ROlieJlf comd Ocs Y G W1l Leonard ool1UDlaIIooed AOtII UllSIf hI LIeuL B ABlltcbl Com et ampI1t np

QlUlrUrmallllll [Brevel 011 tile 11011 ()cj ILl Allgua I IS5amp [~or Thamp Benry CltJlIIlI88I0oed Oct 18 Co B J poundavail 81ilh COlIIIIlIud April 181bullbull 20d LIeut Thoml8 8tackh- 204 JalaaWy Ali-II Will HIIIria 23 C ThOt Dolan June 18 gill 11 1868

ampJdlanlQlrtmnalttl__ _ D B D )teCh_a II July e bullbull 2tcUJant D O F~t 18 RlIIH AcuR 2SCapl Wm II Wilhll_oomd Nov 10 18115 1- H A JObnlObe u i1 1866 BeltJ W Bamml Aug 4- 1858 G DamplIiel Oampgai OIl 4- tlld Lleu- W B Hen Inljleeor Ola IMPshy

Andrewa flmiddot it ~i r JObn Iwh1l1a II bull II Au~ Sll lBIamp Juh Y Price Oct 18 B J-- DIllUlicaAL O~ II 1 LleUI E 4 P~iI IUb lhtpIIQpL 11 middotJIIIO

April Imiddot lIfr lMI4u~ ~nd A A Moora lal IlII1 lug 21i liIH MUiI Slo~ 00 B Le R Latimer com d 4prD ie 1811 SUfReoD Wm H sun4eN Aupt 26 IUI6

W~m B WY~ K Bob P Gardner II Allg so Alor 10hn II bull 1111f1iba1~ Judge Ad Oel Au 8U88lIllIIIlOJ DllIBTilUT D AIa~ Anderson bullbull ~ 119 1868

Oommiry Qfmlllal Sutdluu A Wm H MIh Sept 11 Cp~ John Wmiddot amp7dr 11lUJIea Aug 81 1864 Col Georg B Hall commiufoned Jul i6lS~6 F -- - Oollllay Ii O~ 4- cpt II E Bradley TrAn ~llle SepUs 18nbull

tm44t110ilmmiuarp (I_I G -- LoUhamDler 111 Lieut A MePilIO lsI 11111 Occ Y 18GI MIor BIIIlj Y Or1Ie comlllissiond July Il Cbu H Welt II Oct 114 Capl Douglas JWllkhia(untcbd)ept 80 1861middot

Aulatll aommulIJrUu Subfm 811111plet WlUlalDeon ~ u U L Jilglehan tigtd Ioftolry 2) 11

Occupation tailor alao fruit deal~r Capt W H LyonS commisaloned Aug 1 1866 amp-d LiwfmlId R S WiUIIIlII 21ld RltIotI Oct 8 U

S LOUIS OOHEkT Aged ~l feetmiddot inchet leI Lieu~ W H Buttrick II 00 D Th_ Cbloh_ eornd April 1 185amp LIeut Col F bull P Audel D las Rilles Oet_IO bull 185$

l08o-welgbub9ut 195 poullda Oecupti~n 0iII Jame S Wet laquo I B tllke J _orr JIIIJ 6 Capt Cbarlet A Gore 2nd Rillea Oct 18 1811 bullflaquob rir comple~lol1 hlue er IIgh halr large Henr1 C Wall I E lb0i Y JllolIrnoy Ha12b

penwi bull 0 John B Moo Sep~ 11 2nd Mllllt M S Oro 18 PATRIOK H YS IrI- d ~III)IO DIPUT)lBff i David A Lawton It Aug 11 J G SIIDllllerll Out Is4 bullbull bull an mall Age 21 SIIrgetJ GI 1Il II ~d lUllet

JW8 G luet 4 il1cb~ blgll qotlt qGmplexion dlllle (with 110 rallk of COlonol) G Clayton Billllialr 011 8 1868 bullbulli dtrk 6et-welghs about 1411 pounus 00 F DIICj ONeal 4 2nd Lieut J W PolklIl1d Inlltnlry Oct 20 18~ ClIpalllll IdhOler BVrgtcll 6 H Ubrbrook Itlaquo it J M Williams 2nt Rill Oct t I 111shy

6 OLJVEl (JROMWLL Ag8l182 years 6 (wlthbo rok 0( lIaJor) B WlIas Allen II Oet JI 6 A H wl~y 0010 Dept 2518116 kef 6lnches high Ught tomploxloll Ugbt bilk John Dawson 4cllng 8middotG oomd NOT 14 18116 n ell Wilkinson 21 II Oapt J V Hoolf AilSt AdJt Gen 28 1856 lIiIudl wblakera hazel yell-weighs aboul 140 O S Coleman coblmleslooed April 28 1556 __III) BtnttIOIi or amD llcsignlune-III1 fOIld OecllpuioR millwright n T Roalon lep 18 (JolOftI

_ClIARLES W KltuGER flapt Comdg Jamea ellulII 00 111 Jobn Allee cOIIQlIIIlloned June at 1866 I)URII bull (0 A 1st lulQty BaLllLlion BurpOIl aM Anitalll Smiddotgeo bull LiNluta1ll CltJlI Capt H t Witter A llltant Adjutant General

pOlt Serapaqui 8op 26th 1856 0 twitb the flnk of Captain) bull Idmlllld II HoDonald commlllld JIIG 18 18118 2nd Lleul Wm M Rogera lat InamplIlry--r-----------L-- J Geli8ner eommlllSloned Jan 91856 Major Li~ut OoL Byrollmiddot Cole Aeltlatant QU~flenlluler 1 Dllvid 1Ilnllg W G Sicigh bullbull U W P (Jaycee comOllllllioned Ua11 166 General killed at San Jacinto

O~RS FOR ALE at hia pl~ee San Sebas- A Callahan Val 30 middoto4ltfultmt 2nd lieut n A Milliken 1 Ri4es killed t sen

lIan abeel OIlD boUlle abov~ U Ph Be OWDI LHLuSeondy JUlie IS IMLleulJ W Kllllacmdorf comd Oct 1818l6 Jaolntebulldie a litore eor$amp tI UI ()ttpt Oapt W Pmiddot Jartls 2nd Rift died from wOllndi

lhlto-Nf Oandl~ Hackcr11I Olive i I~IIUlf Aug 26 CoO Jolin B Otee bull middotCOllmla$d June 21 18G6 reooied Sao Jaciuto e Wolft ro~tlc8ebledanoSehnappl bullbull IU onall Oct 28 A John F llecgtrch Oct 18 CaptJ H WlUiamaon drowned al Vlrglu Bay

bull Bltte Phlladelphlll 110 and Porter Pol DlIPtBTlIliII B DenJ M AndorfOn it 16 lind Lleul H l lhemRn died from wOl1ld reshynan Alld bilIa Wie Claypipes loynuulw Ofmoral Ii ~ ceived at Ifuata Ocl 114 middot18M

lerlll eh 001 Alex middotJonu commlssiOlld Feb 8 18H Edward O HIIIf naCerrd fMm Ordnance Demiddot LlOnt Col F A LalIIO 4 h c tarharolrbull p tulNMII PlaquoyltlwlII ptl1ment CODllllleslone4 -ug U l85G murderd b1 the med forces opoeed to tbili

T~ O I ugUld III ost 2d Llout J Fiemlng conmlsaione4 Aug 4 S middotS McElroy Oll~ lS OoYelllDlcllh IJlhollt propOllng Itn excbango

DgltS IllS S~HVI9ES 10 Ih citlllns flI OII)AIIOI DUAllfllBllr Imorul LfMfnaoll of priaOneri _rdlig 10 the uaagee of war ~anadjl and vlcmllY III h praete of Ulior E W Rawle commissioned Jul 14 1966 N T~p OOll1tuiu1ooed October 81856 lit Lleus JulllIIIKeilkUled In action at San J

u mOINE SURGERY amp MlDWIFERY Hellry I bullbull POller bull it 14 Eo H 01018 II 8 clnto bull 2nd IlelltW W ~der killed in aClion at SaIl om and OlIidcnce on the lOulhw1 Capt JJfrori Swln~le AprO 11_ J T Booo 18

~r of tbe atleet oppte b _ __ lal Llel~ Il A Carllar Oct 18 I B Vaughan 18 Jaelllto _ 0 0 1amp1100 2d Will B Ulte II Benr1 Hlnea It 18 middotDealba-l0

ent OWG bull ad June I 1 86r 1III0I11UII COIIP raTe _ i - --- Oaptain 1II8r IItTTUIOIi or IlfFJIITIlY J)BOPPBD

i lntitmiddote E c F Ucsse cOlllnllaaioned October t 18fill lt011 cpl A U Hirsh August 0 1866 iL PERSONS hlulng clalma against tbo 8A~IIIU11I1) 11111amp11amp John B MlIIkham commlaa~onod October 10 18511 U A B Wulklll8 AogWltU Ig10

Al ealamp~ of tho following namod deooa8ltlol or Jrft L~lt Lieut ~ 181 Lieut 8 W QuayAug~1I9la5t1-werod I()ulwill presoul tb~m to DIe dulll1uthentieated flonr) O Porler ltmmisslOllou Oct 18 1866 A francie Rudler comllsaioned May Ill l81Samp 8urgtlUII p N lugrahan Sept I 1866 til Or baforo the 1I8b~ay of Dec 1866 otherwie SltCOftIl LilllltJIt lldJfJ1 Brig -Gell 1) de GoiC(lurl Ocl 19 i858 Iht~ will be barred h1 law C DeuulaE lIayuee commissiolled Oct 18 l~e W_ Raymond colllmlaaloned Hay 1218113 Dropped-5 1 CHARLES GORI)EN J K hgall 21 o44IId1ll bullI

I CHARI1tS OALLAHAN OfFIIIIU lINJlTJCIIED ind Leut Fred W JeIeCOlli d lpnl U 18118 n command of WlLLIAM ALItER1ULlUS KIJlL Ooltmll FraIl B OKeef cln~od A rlll 185 GeneIrolllmaUdlngmiddotlnuh~middot 11 pel8Oll8 indebteu to tho eeatee of tho U B Skerrett commillSioned lanltllly Ill 1850 James 0 JOJtUsone f is

ahor c deceated pereaa111 make homodiate pay CaptaiN OhllL B 11 II Pa R THOIlHOiI AdJ Gelleral N A t to lIIe GILBEltl TITU6 F UoncosOIl commllllloned JaR 28 1~8middot FrInk i ThomPecm June 2~ Headq1ampli~rI lfthe AltII1

Publlo Adnilllstriltor O D J Egbert FaIllUDI middotFeb I II Charlea A Waltere 8op~ II Adj General 08ce 8ept ~7 1866 W J Merryman II JlIDe 18 BIrarn BIlIIIIlII II Sept SIl G~ Oct is 1860bull

325ELWICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 3 Sabado 1de Novlembre de l8SS Saturday November 1 1856

- shy

I(OUTINU OlljlONIOLE FILtiloita P1l1GRuTbe Dime of amphept ~EJ[INIE A~M - elttie~middot~~~~M~r hi~Ibtmiddot~ 8I1~C~herortbo pteellhiplraottohoPreal- Vlo~PCOUI amlPletwillb~llIeaodioJurebull U denlW chair of Ibe United l116tee IIM Jolhn FlU- The CoDoltlng rtlmub upon iho Wled th- et alanaing liq~ean~ h6ldiifg mu~eHighCly III d~ f h ~Ilv w a L dmiddot f Bri II B Ihe8boulde aoldierll lite h whoutmiddot aurilljlJ

Dlor~ an a ler avlng hoen bull long tIme In ~ ea m e peu 0 en m- tb kl n k f ~ L Rlla 1- Id I I rom e - bull 0bullbull e 0 I e lln 1_eaplllIy b plrat tiled lIpon a farm In Conmiddot bull n n- on lapr uponevIlr10er 1 when loaded ~Iamph elonty~ve pina of rifte PO-DecdClUI where be ended bla daya NathanIel tho NIlIIl1Iguan Army to road carelnU or ell I~ der endllot rammellmiddotI tt1 Jlillcb leU thtb Flllmortltll _ amp100m hautOt htlndrelland oul bullbulld e6mmit it to momory h I a olea anel or the lIu8kel bllt 11111 too great 10 l)e 6redflOBl

eMy 1-alio When ayoutll be mom to lucid daeJriptlon or the manner ill whlcb amphe Ylni4 ~vrilu~~~~~ ~iiI ~~ ~J~i Verlllon and alded at Bennln~I1 WMtIl b should be M amplid m ampl1 repoy all tbe lI eqWl and holditlght to middotIbbullbullhl)uldbullbull Ihe r bullbull

fho ~Ct beteen Col $andbullbull i Old TOIII IIlId 11 r ltlay~eoq II 8tck Billy chronicled lut week I whlcli 011 Tom wal deolared a ylctor atartcd the 8po~tlnlf men ef tho city and this weft $ IIno hall aoveral asciUllg IIl1d ciofOl _let~ ruCtbullbull middot

On l edu-May ovolIIIIII a moteh was made lind run b woen Oape OcorgltJ Giel Ba alld MA jor Cfty4ecs II Black Billy Distance 400 ards fQr IWG hundred dolla Black Billy n on h7 K clqar engampb

Tho ext-on the me eveninll-IIu a conl t ~IWcel (l18t ~ay nd a d k grey ollJled by BlIvet 1I1lJor LeommJ This race was a try tlOampO~o-ite hors flllming side b1 Ide tbe h~lo tauee Gletmiddot be e as evldolltly overshyweiSb d bleh rul~ed In OllllSillg hDI to lOBe Ihe rA by a dialanee of only a lew feet

The eitt 11 II race Ileween MII)r Caycee u U1Ck~BilY and Col JUlIee middotu (re EMgle The IU ~et upon tho hoN1C8 eltCeed~d lin huushydrM do l~rlI A good llat wbullbull obtained and the hora 01 neck alld neck about lour hundllild yrds ~en the groy began te crawl a IiHe ahesd nd at be winning poet earnll oul n8lll11 holt II I ustb In dYaI08 Bolb boraes appeared t~ be I Chit IIce maoaged well but at Ihe end Ihe lid appfared 10 be In doubl as to wbleb Wamp8 III laater animal and a Dlaleh for two thoushyIDd d Utp Wal eWeeted on the lIeld bylbe Ame horaee llh chanRe of rlders~11 came 01 lhe DeXI ( urad ) evenlol( and Ihe Grey won

Coa UTIOtf or rRIl EIIrllloa or ioU 1111

R~881 e- Bhortly after ill amphe ahlatan had taken hplr pllOea til lfaater of COIemonlel raleed Ia liand and IAfe n ordor In RlI88Ian wbete pi)n tile trumpetl blt9l oul InlO a wild IIId i ln8 8ouah the herald ~ised their Noell In Ibe Ilr and II hllvi~g uncoyoted their _dl pile of Ibe Becretolri t4ll4 tbe prOtlalllashydon w~i~h i8 redem into Engllell 018 folio

Our Inry aUgUStlery high lind ve pulNttOI r Aleunder Nicolalevleti belnll tIlrone of bls anctors heb 18

lIIISiu as ell u upon tt(lSt of Poland and of amphe GrtUld Duchy

of Finlauit which aro Insepllrable t1middotorp II hAA deiW16il to order LDllt the eoronrlon of bls 1m perial iljeS~ nnd his Olltb Bbn lake illace on 1M 2 III of the monlh I Augu~t bis augU1lI epouro lie mprola I1kro Alqxandrovnl pllrtlelmiddot

bull ad celllmooy Tub 8I)lemll Ael the preeut pr~1anltiu 10 all

to the eld that on this hppy redouble ttelt feVotin theil pyera

g of King tba~ Ho middotm spreld by His _ VOlfer His faTO8 dmiddotbl bullbullsinll ou tfiO

reign ~( hi DlaJeat ~t1d tllrougloul it duration Ito nu~y mailltaln peace lind ~Ianquility to the glor) ~f Ills holy nAme and fogtr tho 1I11111terablc prosit of tit emplro

Wl~l ON loLlTlcs-EvelbOly knoYs WilIi8 -Iho peet nll~lky edilor or Ibe lIomu Journal 110 btl III)td matty good Ihinge In his life and tbe following upon politlrs lIod political cRndldltltlli Is bull ot OJtull b~tter ald lh ptople of IgtlcaragulI iU6ppreellltJill

I lind mylolf for Ibo flut tlmo middot111 tn life Inshylml~d for political candidAte or I hould ~1l1r[~IIY perhp~ In 1 Candldalo wililoUl hi politic I II1vo bltberto (10 account S(lDlebat rolllm apparent want of aImiddotlotlsm) thought tbe eount under a hend bioh iliad almost any Ilcor g safe enough It loomed 10 me of vcry liWo IIsnllnoe (10 anybodr but I)m~ oekers) wlulth r 1 whig 1ll1 domocrat wu at the holmshypllblt opluion besidlli being llOgether too wide l~ak hlo ollcated a Olgtnlry for Qlther a blun ~er or l lin of pilotage to b more tban opproadltd So 1M plnlo ft8 this confidence In Amerleas do loSee vlJlol QIUIC)rrllCll1one or bull coo8tilution Ibat ( lIuld lOU beliovo il P) I I~ver Tilted In m tire y

B It wlLh ampho ecnla of the lost year 0 t 0

uoi th n tho intellect oC lbo country at r rk UPOlIlt be grellt queallol8 t IS8ue it would be hard

loge blind 0 Il)len8iblc And yeto

raised a family 01 lis children all but one of pllDI 111111 pmlllil whOm lunln II dnDcM agee anraging oter Di tl U I h VI I ntA b ree ODS lOr S Illi t 6 IU n6 l1ltw6 ~ y ye

Nalhllni1 FIllm_ amphe fatller ot Ibe 4IPra~- [By OIlIllR 01 fUll JoIiIUIiDIlINI(Cillllr] dtnl yet aMieI in Iht elllbtymiddotblh year of bll -_ ge Ho hili been a lAIlUer thougll lite cult oaOkUOE OFFICE l vtlng bia IlllIdamp wiamph hie OWII handa unlil the OllAlIIJgt~ CklObe 28 18H f bull bull bull bull TI U I DA t I h N gt_ mllrmlties 01 ago dISable him Hia mdUIIlriOllt 6 iWU u 1 WI n t 0 _-SIIIl un temp~raw and hnpl~ babill alll6d to A cbeertltl tho American Klnl6 H Is dl~nguebed IlOm the

Fronch BI11leh and RU8IIlun lfiDl6 by amphe IlIperlshyand bopeful mind hA~e secured to him eontenmiddot Oflty otllS sight ThplMa In wbleh tbo noteh II menland a happy and green old ~o n Was iled fOltbe backllthl whlll peoaed between tbe

~ b d 8 Imiddotf U I bOIn in nonnlngtoll Vt and realded tlloro unlil be arrived al IMlhood

bull Near tbe cloae oi the lUI centllly 6he ptIIQlIlI

eml~ted to the Ih wilds or Wesleln New York Tbtl ere among tllo poneer seltlen of Ibat dilrlct of ooUnlrmiddot1I01 aparl for bounly landa

to the aoldtere or 1110 reloIullon knowD as the new mllimr tract rheir IIrBI 100000000n lIIIlu amphe original townlhip or Locke tblt pan of It no cOmp ialng ibe IlIwnahlp or au lime bill in lhamp

bull bull r pnt COllllt of Oa1u$ A slDdt rrm waa purchased In Ihe primeval fort and Iheir enrshygiea lIIl dppllM 10 clearlogAld aubduing n 1M middot In - h III prep g il tvr a 6me Herbullbull III an blllllble log cabin atnld Ihe wUdneaa of nat wiamphla hearing orlld bIa alld Ib8 _nd of the w ed man as Millard WIIS born on he nh of Jan shyMoo bull IIr7 bull

Millard Flllmol( receled a rudlmeDteledlloO tlon In a COIIlltr ecIoolhouae amplid whell et aldmiddot was 0middot_1 clerk In drY gooda 1101 and

ono of particular Inleroll _

r A ~I)rrespolldent or Iho BAllilnore SUII

II t1811 (IOIll amphe White Iulpllur Sprmllbullbullbully Wo have a iva a1lthoress two hundred (~pllllk Ing in round numbeltl) prof9sloualgftmblIf olle bundred membera of Oonellll Alld aboul one

hundred oamphel1l cf equall- doubtlll1 ~eplIltlon besiden membel of tbe New JerHY Leglgtlhttllr~

A N~w SPIO-lhe pltell~ ballot-box of olishyfornln bat 110 learn b1 ilist IIdvlceB betln aold for upward of Ibr thousand dollars fur amphe pllrpose of ethibitlllg it to he minors previous 10 the po plOllching eleclioll h i4 11 Iho handa of Ibe Dellloeflta who espeo to IoUill i~ to good account In Slumping tbe Stale

bull tr lhlolln a celebrated Frenth phf8lclAn It

is ~Id watkabl f~d 01 drugglnJ Oncu htVlOg a patient IIbo diluenlly ad punety swalloed all the 80114 110 onlerlld be W S(l demiddot

lighted at seeing all the vllUa lind pili bo~ empiy bet he hook him by tbe band exolalmlng M d~lr air It really aWords mo pleRsure 0 IIttend you and 70U 4t1lOl 10 be 1111

wurn an nger ( n e Arneriean m) up and down owl wben kpl properly oiledWlterebullbull bed It malllll IIIonary U _ as Ih~p_o of tile thumb and linger ceaeee and doea Dot link by tbe ooncullllon 01 the piece ID lIlng The ghl plall of Ihe French and BrltIah fmle II very atlff 10 Il101 If cloaely titled and If 100 enough 10 Ok euilyls apt to IIIId6 do )7 continnM IIrlDg bleb U Dot observed b1 ampho IOldler Ill mate him Ire ene or 110 or h_ hundred yards abort

The Alinl Rift elltued to the Nicaragua Armyrallg 141)1 )ardL or ahofl dia~_ I haa Dot

06- ~ amphat diltllllClt n 0 d bull d rl_aflelward turnM bis altenlloll to law The Th I II bull I bit __ rid III l re all - Isn lllquHlI I 5 era 0 gneraliy of readers afO acquainted lib hla powderbull Tbls dIart1II cootened In tho llatka === iIIbstquenl CMer 1Uud bl moving die charger of tile lIak 10 Ille 00101 Wise or Vlrglnl bullbull In a recene

aeoond Iiotcb It Is al80 contalt)ed In til eartrdgee speooil concernillg Ille Millou Cumpro1ll8e IIl1ti bull luuedfrom the OrdDllIoeOlllee 1 Ihhl da said The coal or nOlrunulng that hntou

Ibe aceulllOl of tbe ordinary rlfte That Ie to dllt_ on ab_Ugtlltnown to them bUI kno 01gt to ooe hundm yarde Bllt up co 0118 hUll to th luatructol who bould keel a NeoN III dmrarda 1amp IIiU pul ev shot InlO a eIteI 0 18 their obullers whereby the captain or II compa07 Inchee dlallleW1wblob is IlIlBclelll for war pur- would be able to dlslingulsb Ib080 bo pOlWeaaed poses aa II 11011 d hll 110 enelll1 1D amphe upper paH the greatesl lO4 1114 leaat judgmen~ in tIislDlshyof amphe body At onllamphoulandrarda Ih_ rilIea tel 110m men aN found to poseea lI uallllab 11111 Pllt went ttow out of Ibllyln a targr sen In hlch doG t ne acquire it b pracd~fe wid batt 111gb On lhe 26111 Lleue Bart others noe acqlre II though they may maDmiddot wllh n mea 01 amphu Second BllIes Ilml 1m) goo abote The I)e8t tried Judg~botyendthellgto efght rounds flom Ib~ gnu a fenr hundred f_ (~IDamp to rules aflerrds 10 oe __14 dbianee at a lIlIIte lit amphe We lhougb down) regulate lhe dllttance AI wbleb amphe ltb Brlag amph_ guilt for the lint time eleven mn pa1J In acllon aholoI 8el the Iglu8 of ampheir rillel GIlt of the rortyelght ttow 011111 h been hit C F HENNINGSEN Brig Gen

A VIOILUT 1M TllOIIJlLII-A Mr Colemaoamphe and amphOBO whoprefer till meaauHlI mit obtelD amphe President of tb~Som Frallci8eo Vigilanee Commit- same by requiAlllon II amphe OrdnollceOllee lee lately arreated In amphe elly of Iiow Yor( Ilunfortuoately happenM tllal the lJepIIIImtlt at ho suit of man nf tbo uame of Halon ho WIll forced by clteum8lallooeto 18100 lOme ot lOOn lIunbullbull and to Ptlt IOgeamphor cartridges before the

waa bamshed by order o the Committee from oeCleaal1 IWI~uclon8 bad 1Illvod Henao amphe caUrQlltmiddot4 Mr Malon IlIIrIll8~ lhe li(lWmiddotmiddoteaiUiilgeillillfiltColltillileil aUbuFtlfellt gralllS Yllk Bvenlng POlt his onUI) Innocence of en crime or oWnee and lthtrges Ibllt the parileo middotho bull mpmollcd IUId banished hint dlil80 tram ntampllclnua moUvoa mrymiddot aiid 10 goi rid lIf an lICtio c11t zoin wbo condcnmed and esisted the llrocGelloge of tho Corillllte~ middotanll WM about 10 10 lealioony

bull 6 in tile Unltell Sillies Courl at San lranelllCo III n proceeding whicb h middot since resulted III the InUetshylIIent and hnprlaonmont or IWamp melnbe~ of the

f bull

orgAnization at San Fraucisco ~r PlIlcI

to9 much tKlwderbull Ihe effect of which as 0 make IIiIrllI~ kick ~d to burallo bell lberebI dealrolng ftecouNey

lho nlnl6 Rille bill Ole tho ordln ritle tle advlltap Ihat Itma be 1000ded more easily and rapdl h ~ IlIaded wlamph tl~actll tho IIIIUQ rn pldl~y andfaCllty as the ordinary mllllket

Tho ~o llloat Important pollll8ln tbe jedloloUII use 01 thomiddotBinle relo1O Ibo imulIer of loading andto tho IllDner of holdllllllhepleee


To lond ampho 1I1n1~ Plumiddot In the charge of pow Tho question of ho lhls But Will bo settled Ii dcr put Illmiddotlle ball rgtiamphout pap hutllcr If III~

doe lip In CIImiddottrldge d plI tbu ball ImUle wlllloul nhllng Illltliit cI ~hu puwdr-Wbell il1GAUh ilo powde llitllduv IMI1I rod Itllout nen giving ouo amiddotuk~ tIwill 0Il11111~ke Iho pillCo kickbullbulllnd IIOY

coil I tun felt at all mil m~D ualoR 1M pleoo properly ma II Olla hundred ro~nda llholilrecelYing thll smailest braise or feellug Ibe leasl IOreneae

PUcnICK Wml I1l1U1 The proper lact to acllee tbe BinloS fit firt

Ie At Inob~ecton tbea~ beeansuh eIfCI or eve bOII8 Been For thr pllrlo II threemiddotlIIailea have boen plaoed on Ibe lako III lb water amphe two outer flake belug ten f t aparl Thll cel 1ft slake ill tbe h t 10 aim at The etlceil ~I(

h d- 0 eo h b (lne un yrds froln t e abol two und arde from theaborelhrbullbull more atakea Ire plfteed three btll~red yardo Ihroe 1110 takes avdao onup to onll toousand l abulldmiddot

JII1I9111G DtflmiddotUlIOIIbull

WheD holIer the sllooter knowing Ihe dill lance aI whleh be ill fring hOl8 Obtained eudlelenl proticlenoy II I 81111 ne_~y (in order 10 hlaeapon 001111 Ihe bid) thllt he abou14 l1Ian eaIooate known dlatao_ oorreellroampherise if he bas ligbted too ~igh or 100 low he may conllnue to aboot ~er Or under in the t1eld herll freqllt1y be - ~ot aee where 0of bla aholll 81rikee 10 correet hla etro~ On this accouo$ men sho 1d bit plBCllo1 10 guess at

If) lIccurae of the Ihot ~llher by pulit Il~ laquoO~ in PQ8tmiddotOlfice BuDdmg ~hapeof the ball or II) kllIin~ ) I HI-bullbullI bullbull ofo I 1866 IrOll cap whleh It cunulllli1 11 h lt~ plJlldce toIliPputO Ihat allY lt1111= T I E 1 O xrWK~ So I IUllnZQ Wl UtIIDLW not ramming nOlll provlltllllg th e~t tmiddot Kew~II oiande ampI Alandlln mON thMlI Ce IlIcbermiddotuhe IC I

WItlllbe gUIloulalromlullK lir q uF bg ABROGADOS

wbereas Wbtll Ie wipet 1111 IOlldc(1 gUll lno nextGmiddotpmiddotlitieRI thol)rlts 80 In_III) aropart A WIIUlltrE tBoUT TUII AOIl 0 Bo_-A llIIt blow oiIt tbe dbl lndM~9 tb~ ham1 8Ul1Ishy

PIRtampmiddotm (tlnll Abovo nil 80 01l01 m3Y Ihe chang few das ago we met a ~~lIemall from Ahlban~ cielltly bull ho e 118 1 lece of IIIforllltlOll hi re fli 10In II 0 of e~olll8 require p1tllltll CHIOl with lit- 118cuJtnlng thePage of a borde arlO boOf abo HOLDIIIO TlIII PIECIl 110 orln~ Iuf~renee 10 plrty Iheory o~ party platmiddot Ina paaaed Ihe niMb 7ear IIhicb woo 1I0W 10 Ill It I tbelntlllioll of tho tolnMllderlnOblcf rorm~ that It _ms 10 lIIe 0 should look mosbQn~ will be wo are lure to ~OSI of 011r flad 1~III rar M 10001Iiblc lit MiIlie ~iUIlll sh11 be it no~ oly II) tla~ lalityoJ la mlII-wtat ollr It8 tills ancr Illtl borao nblo YCIId lId l d$IIl~lItud ~ IlIeIl Irued) aCljlllllPlLtllYltl1 Ibtl CAlId t I wlI1klo comes on t~e oolid M he uIper corner II 01 tho 11110 Now Inen 1Wu41om~d to ~ha

I to I~ 11 nAtllte and culture retber thallio of Iho lower lid lind overy ycar IhcNltIItIlmiddot II h~ urolmRI rilo ltleil ck~ bllt 1 very amRlt bt Itt pai11 prnf8lSioD8 or bis 1IInt(oD promi ono well ltlellnld wrinkle fotmiddot ovor) 1 ()v~r nlllol cimrgtgt very pruperly reat 11111 bu I of tbe stock Jt~ If for Istancr 11 hor~u baa Ibreo 1It1kll$ bo I~ alililst tbo IIrmiddotlI lstnnd idew)~ to I U obJImiddotcl

or tho dnUlP~kllilJ ~f tlut ulnbtvttlmiddot~middott l~ ~lltit ~ III 11 tlrearmo 1amp lable 10 uck It 1lt tmiddotumiddot- Tbllll4obltcd by ubg II IVirh cmiddot 10 Ib~ end of Ill nUbrod 111 whillhwiii W u1 tOIlr with ~middot~aracrw on rUII he OIIuarlllll Oftlee TtU$ wlv~r iu ltretlaquo btJlImiddotmiddotC COIUCllcItg pacllce anIII bull ill U etWh~V8r amph 81100101 finds lhh hi Ii ill bishyling 10 CO dj)Y1I with ditllcul~ h -lImllI Iler lodll)g b~U btore ~plig ~ tbn I w~Ir once or IWCO dowlI tho buI lnu middottlt~ ~Il tlttlt is to l0080n the cakHl puwllll on tho 1lt11 1 tilG bltrmiddot reL 80 tIlen C8Jl11 ul lloc lIud tk~ 1110bullbull11 h~pB to clQl tbe gUll by bluwlu til dill Hllilre h Ill tI lUauuemiddot ~II imlldred h y be IIr11d rO1 018 pleca WIIlO1 ~qr ~1Ibg Tile reMOI wh) be I not III pu~ 1110 wIImiddot~r (11 thuuuoad bull plcCIl I brea_ II woul~ )lt) lhe bciJ dalllp anll tbill~l chargu Iul In fluid b~cOlDe IOml Ihem k

Paoillo lIlarmiddotb valuod thulO Virginia We no get a Ihouaand dollars for eounthlave we would then haye gollen from tbree 10 IIV6 1)U8Ad dot Iar8 rer an operaun it tho gold IIlInea ot middotOaliformiddot lila four hundred thoa mulllpiled b Ii- amphousand or even amphree tbousand will ahow _ mm_ lose Ollllpu1lon rdollam would nO compe~~ VI1l0ia for h~t 1088 III not rllooing the IIl1e on to llie Facillc

E I 0 nwtll L 84111gtpound WHo DAHOLlIfl



GRAilraquo 110AItAuUA 11ESSRS Kewen Simd~r8amp UanlUn III praeshy11 lieo In aU the COIlf~ of ~b Merilloual and Orlentel Depalments Rnd In tbti D~ptlllent of Le

PArlicular atienlilln 11111 be given to tbe reo covey Qf cl~ima ugainSl the GOvcrnmmiddotnt

lJ~oIbullbull mortfg leNlet Ie promply 0 ClIlel nd on Ii oralmiddotlermbullbullAI ow llId mo~ey brokerage busto will a lage tho AllenllOIl ofi6 finn bull

Q RAN A DAN lOA It A 0 UA bull

I~bull ~dlnrogtq REWEN SANDERSY IlAN IgtLIN ~jl)roosn lol PIOlesiOl1 de illmgllria ell tOUOllt los trihulltlle8 lj~ 103 t U d I 0middot l )tmiddotplIlttmlnt)8 lerl I()I1I1 v rleR

Y ~n el Dgtplrt~ento 00 Leon bull So dllrk atencIOII pnrticulllr III eobro If)

Imiddotmiddotdlm cr contlll dl1 gllhi rllo Itd 1Ijpotoc3~ Arrenimionto~

t ~ bull tc 1~n eJIIQlIlndos con IWOlIItlt y fllmiddotemiddotto~ mudeladollt TlmlJieu 1111 ocel1p~rall Itn rillgoeJoo do

I(rretagl el biencs rllice y dimro -- 1J h bull dIe= e~II1~e ~ en I Ctml 0 orr(~braundn NOlclObrc 1 de 1856

dup 111 jnll oIUII LOllt IN ampho early patlof amphb foe LAlfJ) W ~ 1tNT fQ IIvc hundred nCI ttl (If Innd drallO III fam of Col R J SJiltlors X_res hlTJ be~n takon 10 rendtr It of no e tlcJpt to the per8Ol fOl who It wns drtITIl WllOttOr ill It 10 ill NiiAlIguonao ollWe or to me ltiU bq suitably N11lIrded

OOL E J SANDERS GIlladI NQv 1 1836 1I~nrr- L~hUet

uvolll~ell if fOllt heiathirtc611 Ad til 11111 th) ro liillgt whoroby hcy do MtIlSeU1I$ nUltn~O-l tlIUiTISSuillrsa ETlqoE1TB - ceordiug tl 1 Iotc b IIf dliklea to nine atd YOII will hIV 111 Iltilgll lIlIk tu 1100 OIlOPI) lll~ ill mU3(~tlriug I 1lIorfwlit~r It III etiqueue fOf pelllollll of infot1or io So says the genUeman 811d Ito Is cOIIampuUI1 it lIee~y 118amp th~ 1I)~lcr shluM 3fIIillnL iIIder~ his pl)feMional lampniCCl

mnk io I~ol their healtia IOlVor han tho belds f 1111 Mef tail A a coo~ n~uy I)~I 14Vlllw I~ ltlec b I liing u 1111 rea tho muk(jt I to lhQ citi3Jlls of Graoaolo U ill bull bull I) horsts over Int a i$ wily tmiddotI II lIIc IIu I RIMtle amiddotIJ(lr amiddotlIe~middot in to tbe bll$O of Ih I hg l )0 found al tb Dosplt)

thelr l4ltupoOItI Iberefore wben a nabob aClOp I hOIampo dOll mutt slvo up liis trlt1~-lllonlllc I k s C lil middot1middot is ho ~1I1101 d) if Iro anda middotVmiddotIIm mbJnrtt _h_SjtflU ard sl~1 get Oil 1 (ltllIf2 Plnntel I aiemiddotx bullbull )1 ~ 110 bllU of hl~ pcco OraMd Novetllbe~ I 1~amp


328 EL NICABABUENS4VoL ~ No 52 p 4 Sabado 1de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 1 18qB

I But tberemiddotII point from wblch ~bl anbject

lhOnldIv _ad IItperlor to Iny mere Idalphaselt [Jittr ague ns t of tbe -i Itmiddotl6-how ~be buy tb deed In Ibla counll1 efFects th Ulag_od thlemiddota 011 1111shy

Saturday lIlorniD~ Nov~ L middotportanamp Dllrlnl the dry aeuon In thll coUlltry Itl Yer

HON COL 1QHl( H WHEELER dUlicuit 10 dig a gra or luDlclot depth to pro-

Thl amptnlleman wh has eo ably repreiented Int th polloDOUS paeafronl eacaplng 11110 the thII Jolted Bta1e8 ~ North Amerloa In thll couoshy

trl darlbg ahe varlbos oTillgea and atartllng Inclshydeata of tjle pasl two years Is we regre~ to 8Iy boul 10 dpar~ rom IOIOllg UI on a Iall to the uAiI~1t1atelo Hia beallll bu baeD of lale very _b brokllD IDd we InRir hI vlalt to 110 and nf bil blrtb 1JI1~ ~trellKthen ble fIoame by Ita Ron iov~t1i11 j~lIoaplire

_B rIOre will exolte a rept In the breut oC emf American In Nlosraguau blA aCQ4mshypUIIlliiilitt genlfemin bl aliampTl~y U )lInll~r

hII klndneas nd urbanl~ u a man and bis dieln lereledp u a friead ~as altcady g~lned him ~eliru~t ampad rove W~e~ver he goes tbe good wiebe or all who

uo-Iollllid thllCOI1iItry wlll follow hhn alld we trlMt at before la_IIY weeks we m ba middotth p~ule of Innoucbg Ita relum We wlab blm lfIe_t voyage



ED namp BURNED III II tbe dlkion ofthmaln of de

-r-~4 P llOD8 bas been a aubJectof Ihe promiddoteIQlUld98t ~iionUoo Wbh I~ are conDected the _tldenta of the warmes~ frlendlhlp tbo ileepetl eiltnltlbJl aud tlrelDost eaorad Ibougbtamiddot of tin

1iChaft~~ ~horo II anhll~lotl ID maDwblcb 1111 pell lilllll ~T8IlI wltb grea~ cate tbe romulD of his fiIampir orbullbulltur fbi ay bit esclted 10 pari by feeUng ibat we onl7 do IS we would be done

liJ toutpefhapi ~e -eat IncoU o 10 tblerupecl btl tbougllj that lhe Iplrll of lifo whleb anI -1 olampy before UI tnay be 1I0W before thea~llioron or the OIt High and Ihe nmdna tITeRlO WQJD 0101 our ioevltable dellliny

Tile IIIl1Dn of buryins the dead bas been a _II I _t I It f I

I ~Io Iou bleb ata n w w PlOCseda from deelylng

18tatabl We know tba lata1dlleuea are brollgbl ooby Innooulillon and hat I man canmiddot nn~ be Innoclllaled byanrlblllg mo8 dllllcul1O

L__ b

a~moephere and spreading lIIalri ampIIIong the Iiv-Ing The~ Iulso bull common oUltom among peoshypIe of th Ialler dayuo bury ~ remalDi of porsonl of no~ In nulta un~er the 1l00rs of cburchet and those In che dmp and gloom olihe luliterratiean cbambers In decomposing p~ddl_ and death among Ibose wblJ honored ~bn blloll logj Uld IUppose they thUI Ihow rpeet to their memory aner dealb h ta unnec_y to r8fe~ to the dangar of those who dIg gr In a Iae of OO1IIl11on Inte lIIent or how onen they como In contaCt wllb the polsoo of deeolOpoelng Jleah or wbat a s~ amount of dlseue Ibere II engendered bi the poleono pBel of sucb places by bel~g waRed amoog the habltatlonl of Ih~ IiVldg The evil elllcta or 11 tbeae clrcumstences ara Incalculable

We can onlyarrie at theamprulh In suck C8IU Iy Ulalol1middot W know that the gue_ of decumpoeo-Ing ~o~tsble mattedo swamps produce d98ues of eryerloll8cb~ractars wo know tbat on thla account 11 nu countrl are I_ healthy ampIian whera Ialor huefllleted a good drainage and ~bat higll dry land II more condllclve lOheal~h and Ions life tlian damp low Incamp We knowIi Ii Id- b I

JO tat ep em1 realmiddotoutmiddot1I parts of cl~le wh garbage ta a1lpwed to coUeet and tm1~ an eDlu~a Id we know also tbat gases from d cylg anllllal blatter are more daJlgelOUi and

The Late lnliulttlt the US llag I In olHla w publlebed a record of eiiollUng

eta All to tbe IneultllllC oonduc~ of ~e oIlied forces of Guatalllla and San Saludor toward the AlIlerican Oag the Mlnl~r of ~h8 Ulli~od Slates and tbe cold blooded murder 01 unarllled

American cltlrens But thll record dark and demiddot grilling as It Is te humanity WIS bulholf dlacload Dally circumstances of Dlulder _lnltioD and robl)e07 commltted On Alllericsn unarmed clll lensre being brought to ligbt which place the Governmenta of Gualeblala and San SAlvador bO yond the pale of ci illzallon and eta p them u BaIlon of ouUaw cutbro1e and bAndl~18o

Tbe accompnied allldavita of Cap~ Dunlcan and ~eut Gardner prove ~he diabolical IMurder of a Utile boy whose only offenco was being born In the Uolted Sla~ of wbite parenta and bnlng a while face

Doel not iIle blood of every frlcnd 01 humanl~y of every nalion ehudder at euoh ~Iroity Will not tbe lII08t eage and barbarous nallona of tha darkest agel of anllqully rise In judgment against luob uaboly and bloody deede _

tait of cOmpany D Fir~ Rille of tbe Army ~( ~be Republic of NlcaraguI and made oa~ ~haj

On Mon~ay the 1~11J October 18D6 during f

attack of h combIned foroea of Guatemala a d Ban Salvador on the city of Grallada during ~ e ba~le he approached ~Ioe houN of Mr JamoA Smi~h on the street of the Meulah opposite I e Churcb of San Franclaco f-om wbole bouse t e enemy bad been drIven out and he there lAW Q

tho arms of hie flher thamp dead body )f a about seven years old who bad just been murd bull ed by 1100 onemy whose body as horribly 10

lated ard deformed Mr E nllb was unc~~ nected wi~h ~he Army and como u a aettl9r~ NIcaragua He appeared hear~-broken and d shycOllsolate oxclalmlng tha~ he wished tiont loG co d bove sutrered In his child place Iln I tha~ in th amp alllnts opinion I~ WII and i ~he determlnallon for ~ho lovadillg forces 10 violate every rul of clViI~dwarfare and justice IDd lIIurdr eory Alnari n In Nicaragua J DUIIICJII

Sworn to before me this 21th October 1866 JOHN H WHEELER U S Minller

middot1 do hereby cortify tlia~ 1 W88 preBent wllh ~ taln Dunicnn aDd of my own kbol~dg 16~ abore aDldavit Is true In evel pa~ticuIRr

R p OAlIIlIpound1I Fi t Lieutenant Company E Firat Ri8es

Swonl to before me thIs 21th October 1866 JOHN II WHElLER U 8 MiDiter

oor8_ t e ~_Ing lIull of ble fellow maand would be reapecteo b all lla~IQDs even tb tho Amerlean 8a8 would protect him rba~ ~c Now u the guea whlob arise from vegetable most IIInge Bul how vain wu lhat hope I Let Lawless very frequehUy came to him 8 thOlmiddotMnmiddot lIIalterlo a atate or decAY appear 10 be lIIucb hll plunderod 1001180 bls murdered remaina tbe tay Goveroor of ~hll Dopartment in blthrfi mciro ftal thllD ~ODtact w~b Ihe solid_ from wblcb bodies of Iii f6110wmiddotclizen tbe mutilated bunting tb Datives o~~befllo~lnldt for whdOlll hIe perforbi th _ numeroua IC_ a bull n n au w lOBe rup bull

_ AO~ re lImiddott e lllallnorl 0 nu rolli tar llIImemotlalIiimiddot lome oountries oj E8YP~ ~~e present ago ought to be luDlclent to ri~ i9bIaDcie Dluch IDg epulty wu expended In enmiddot bove anyprt)UIIIce orallY old cuawm which haa ~orlng ~ lr~ee~e bodlel (rom decay anltl been haaded d~D t WI frolll ~pe~o~_bClo the the Orilllai ftcc~ of all burl~11 WII law ofnelilUi wee but lIttle s~OOIeil or known -0 --uOD of die body At tbo far Notth and auggoat auch remedlca as wlllleslen as far AI

whra th tro~ king relgnl many lDootba III ~he poIIlble the causes oC dll~uo bull

ey ann mut 1ler tbe~ 11011 II 110 the caso with tbe ps8I 101010 arise frolll putrid animal mellmiddot UleI If thll II eo thqenlightonment of

yar and all anImal de~omp08ltloD II auspended t

ibrough Ita etrecta tbe etrort 10 tilDes of 19oorshyihc mIght be aUPlosed to be parliaUr aucceBBful 11 Ii eeD no DO uncommon tblng to be ~oemer II tbat b would nollike 10 die In a

amputherll counlry on ac~ollnt oftbo audden decay ~ hll remaloa 1111 sontewhat remarkable tbat bile Nort~ern natlolls eYen In tbe most ancIent tImes burlod their dea~ In tile pound Ibe peo-DIe or the Southern countrl buroed tbem Thle wu ~bo cultom or Sou tbern Aala And Southorn E~op In our IlIgUsh literalure to tbll daTI ~wlng from oll Oreek we frequoutly her t)ili )ihnae peacmiddottomiddotI alhea I

1be Greeb a1wav burned 1100 bodle of their Wualrlou8 dud and In our opinIon thla lain many respecta lIIucb preferable 10 bllrylng_ bull In burnIng u lru tholr CUltom the ashea IIIlght bo carefully ciflllected and plaee4 In an mamen~ed urn j hero llOuld laDd wltbout otrendlng tho senses In the bleb of the temple or In tbe private aparl

m6llts of friends til Ihls manner I~ wu alwaYI In the careoilboao rho respected It and In wboaemlllol7middott wumiddot dear_ Tbo asbes of Ibe great mbl In Ihose dal1 beaeD~ fro plRce to place mldgled llb IIampYO7 locenlo receiving the roapocl due the blemor or Ibe Blirlt which pYa It lnishy

middot1111110110 In Ileae dy the remoYai oC a corpae croaten bOlrOr In all wbo 1ra1 wllh It not 1mshymedlIlotorealell to say nothing of tbe danger 0( belna In coplact with so Ruch rot~nn alld putrofotlon Ona balpound of Ihe borror of death con sists In the Idea of tho bedy pu~rU)lug io the e~ 4 Wng an obJect of loathsomene18 upon lJjlell worm gMiI and riot How much more pluinlmiddottw Idea of ha log the ashea carefully ptbelllllj amplid ~pi perhapa 8weamptlt aeented aa DOW ieepodaguerreotyp08

W~_ uale lhe aallsfactlon It would no lIfIorithe litem world to ha e preserved the

middotashe oIllli~Q Ot lIIilikapeore i or wbo can guess the care otmiddot venerAtion willi whleb the Frencb would ~gtrd the ashes 01 Napoleon or with wbat yeneratlon Americana would guard tbe reshymai1 ofWaabington h la truly to bo regretted that aU whlcb Was mortal oC tbose i1ulrloUi per sonages Isoow IndlltiDgubthable from ~hecommon eartb or tbe remalna of ~he earcasa of 80IIIe brow

There ta t~ls dvanhge ID burning bodlea OTCr burylDg tbem that IDltead ofperlnlltlng them 10 cauao dlaeue aRer death Ihe nry act of burning puriO ~he aIr It II lupposed the great plague ot London WII IoIICIted In lie ravagea by Ibe groat

Ore whlcb burned the greator parI 01 tbe city Ono thIng Is certaill iC history II correct that Ilthough Itraged with foarful voIoeelmmedla~lr hefore It ceueo to exll aimoillmllledialeit lifter Iho con8agratlon It It now a common pIlodco to fullllgate a roam In whch a parson baa died and doowrs ad 1ae boao who Yliit he remainI of a person ~hat lou died of cholera orany olber conmiddot mgloua dlieal to moke a cigar or plpo-tlo great

a purifier II fire And eelUng pr~udlc aside III~ Is after all

lIIuch more dealrable to be cooaumed by lire ner death than to rot ~n be devoured by worms alld 118 tbat eoaduccl well 10 tbe praseryallon of tho Ulng u to the retallling tbe uhes of tho de ceased we would fbor tho adoption of Ihe CUllOJll

In thle lOuntry It was the generoloplDlon In Granada Ifter Ito

batlle of the 131h of October tbattbe great nummiddot ber ot theonemy which wu killed would produce tbe cholera before they cluld be Interred DurnshyIng tbelll bnmedlatal would h prsvenwd tbe posilbillly of auch 1 p~llIful circumstanoe and would hve puriSe1 the air 01 any polsonoul gnaee wbleh might already slated 10 it

On object In ftuggeatlnlf thle II more 10 call tho 4tenllon of the publio u well 110 medical profeaslon 10 Ibe anbjecl chin 10 attempt at tble tim to dllcUBB Ihe m W are howovor under tile InlproBB Ion that If Ibe tlustom of burnshyIng the dOlld Inatead of bmiddotlng them were onco Ialrlylowoducecj It would In tbll lall~ude prove higbly benellclal w tbegenfral hulth

A Nw 01ft The Phll~dciPhia Mint hujull IMued a cent wblch II described as COlliposed or 1It88ven parb copper seven of nickel and one ohine 11 lou a lilht appearance with a faint red tint alld la In beautiful contra t with the Ameri cau a1lver nd gold plecea and will not u the old cent did tarnlsb thelll by oon~ol The weight of the newll only aevell~y-to gralnl-Ih~ of the present copper cenl la olle bundr~d and sixty ftghl

Tbe aDldavlt allo appended of (len fry u to LIG~TION or UUTID STATES or AnRIOA~ the nlurder of Ifr Lawl pro es Mr Lawl IIEAR Till REPUBLIO or NCARLOUA ~ earnest desire to presee lob neu~raliy in all 1100 Tbis day camo before me Birkett D Fry Bri dUBcoltiel wblcb have beset Ihle coun~ry of nis dier General ArDIto Nicagua Uld made OI~h blgh lOlled chacler and Integrily of conduct Rnd tbatshyorh pcrfeat oonOdeoce ~ha tbeaegis of the Bowasacquainted wllbJohll D LmiddotI~uaimiddot Amnoan fIig was amplyiuDlclent to prolect bis the month of Oc~ober 1bullbull1 Ihat having been rl liberty property IIld lif Be badmiddot een as cofmmnd of Ihls cl~y durn the greater POrllrshy

0 he past year he lou Ircquentl bad occbullbullI~ llIralloea (rolll the blgbeat aources tbat no Amori- 10 tallt wilb said Lwleas of Ibe polillcal atrairsio can wuld woder so far 1roII home that the pro- tho State of NiCllragu Tha~ the MId LRle tacling and powerful arm of tbe United Stat- s unifOImly re1beed 0 take ny part InarlUa wlti wal Dot over him lie reiuaed 10 COlli wilblo IheAforcea of lttI~nerol Wdalkellrdsaymg Iat hOe ~ri an lIIe can CI zen an re e upon Wle og o the line of onr Irclo mlylng oo~ho middotpeo~lon 01 his counlr for protecion_ Tba~ a(~r Oeoer Ibol Uulted States aDd Ihrew out beforebis house Walkers force marched upon dual and a few the Alllerican 8ag tba~ In ~Is patriotlo beart b hours _before Ihe auack u~D Granda loa urgtd fel wu honored in every laud anltl on every sea thbelabdblAdwl_11edto comde WtllIlI hila Ilhnol degb

f dle~fen~~w c e eo n to 0 expreaa ug s e Ie I ~

tom b the enemlee sllot and lbe loor of tbo Lo- alld good will he leetDed to pOSle That ~ ~ gatlon house perloQ~d bytboballe oftbe onemy Lawless had reaided for several ye a paa~ inOmiddot testify nlda apoKe tbe In~uago of ~he coulltry 8ue t-

Iy and WIB extensively engaged III IIIcrcalltUJ~ 10 ancln~Rome ~he exelamaUon lam a Ro- e~ita anil had mall) 01 tho nolives In hia ORlPi bull

mIlD cillzen arrested the falling blo of Ibo IIc- Tha said Lawlen justly ellJoyed the reputtti D

lor 10 fOmer ~oys ~n II the great Republic of for great pbllanthropy And unamp~~middot~~t tile North In 0 aayo ofJakson It is the bouth of ~ e loll lory of tha~ day ~hllt no American cltl zeD ever luWered lny In~ulT abroad without reo

dreu WefcOIlaurolhnUhesnm08plrltnowanlmatestbe

United Stateamp and ~hat tbe same feeUnga ~hat dlcmiddot tated tIe Kouta letter will be roady to defend Ibe rigllts aud proico~ tbe lives oC InDoeen~ AmerieRn



Thll 4ay came before 010 James II Smitb wbo tcatlO tbat he emigrated from Ne York clLy whero he hu resldcd for two years In the steaol ahlp Tennc88ee for Nlcaralua on thOl 1 III Sep tember laet accom~RRled by his three email chll drell lor the purpole of cultivating hind and satshy~nllg In Nicaragua lIo is by protession a taather

That on Sunday the 12th Inll an alarm of an lltack was made by the foroea of 9uaternala and San Baladof on this ci~y That be no~ crediting

S b bull h 2 hOb I 56worn ore me t IS middott cto er S bull JOliN II WHELER U S diolaler bull

I [ 0 F F I C I ~ L ]


ADJUTANT GENEIULS OUICpound J Granada Oct 26 186G

1 SOLnnRI--Each day demonstrates more cle iT ~hat tbe war we are wagiftg Is ono of IIUlh apl AI falbood of clmoalion againat barbarism GI satisScd wllh the bloed of lonocent cilicnssb d a~ Granada-with n appetile Ilnllghler h 1shyled by the nt_Ore 01 helpleu cbildren and b 11 ministers of CbriIIIII~y-our IIIvage foes II f

added ano~hcr crime to tbo long liRl reco d asaiDNt ~bem Thoy han sbot Lleu~ Col Lal wbo wu IRken by tbe n a prisoner of war 80 0

It)8 ngo At ~i1e very time thl_ cold-bloodedaal ofcroe 11

was boillg colDlIItted an exchange 01 prioa r was bciu proposed by tbe comntandermiddotinmiddotc er

tho Jolarmj wntto tholltlloplzaa8110r~dlitance If tbo Guatemala forcos WI~h an lona~a bull When tbe (ote aptearod and commenced an ac tive 8Mng ot musketry and Mlni6 rille wblch otlt off his relurn Tho foreee then approacbed 10 hOllie wbere bis li~tle fRmily wera seated ~ dillshyner consisting or a boy Frencb Berbert born In New York tlty on Ibe 6th March 1849 two lrirls one fI and the otber Iwo yeare 01 Ige 1hey were seated witblo three yards of a large wludow which opelled 011 ~118 street One of lhe troops approached the window and taking delib erate aim fired at 0 lillie group the I)all grazed the chin ef the fllrl nurse and atrlklilg the bo In the lower part of his face paselng out of the neck broke tbe plllol obord killing him instan~ly TIe reat 9f the children wee concealed iinnlcdl-

IDg for ~reacbe he bad smoolh WOrdl and Ii ~ sullmenls on hll Iipa wben he was In the act t murde

Tbe mnatlon of Lln4 show he ndlito of the ollemy wl~b whlcb we baYe 10 contend f Ibe sollie lan~age andreligion wilh tbelUself they bad nOl agains~ hilll the lying excuselmiddotw Which ~hoy are wont to justi~y Ihe murder of American citizens Nothing bu~ ~be love of til d aod ~he cowrdly loatlllc~ of tbo savage Call 0

urged for tho execution of thd Cuban palrlot Let ~ben soldiers a Bunle of tbe jUltico G d

grandeur of tbe C~U1e In which wo aro CDgae nerve ua lor the fullilmellt of tho Iftak wblcb I bull before us Remember that you luWer aud It

awly III an adJacen~ housl by the nurse under agio to redeem ono of the 10eUest 01 lalld_ ID bed hlle Ihe ~roop Ibreed tho cuing of ~ho barbalian rule aud lavage despo~lam In such a wlndo the door being fRBlened and resiatlng all Oft IIHO 118 t~is who ould 1I0~ gladlf eudure II ~ IV Iheir oRllrta Thoy then entel8d and searched In dayoCprl alion and fdtiguo r 10 would n I vahl for the cbildren Tbey plullucred tho house undcrS1l aome lillIe antrering and danger for I ~ of all bia iinpleonpnta of hUlbandry clo~bing gold sake of IIvlllg his nalllO enrolled amoug the be o and allvr walcllcs mono aDd valUAble of faotors fJf the rllce 7 amount 1lI0re ~hao two thoueaDd dollars ~ 2 Lieut ltlol ~ A LaID6 aiddemiddotClImp 10~ tbe

JAKa8 n SIITD Commandor-in-l)hler having bean brbIrOO~ Sworn to before me this 2~tb Ootober 18DO murdered bylhe enemy without ProPOiDg An shy

JOHN B WlIEELIlt U S Mini4ter change (If prlaoners i~ ie directed Ihll~ Lie t We do bereby certify that we reBlde In tho Col Brigido Valderraman and (Ja pt Bern~r 0

nme houle II~h Jamee H Smith Faq nnd 01 Allende be shot Ibis aernllon 11 6 oclock In Ollr own knowledgo the faclt tn~ed In hla aDldo vlt are Irue lu evcry particular


Sworn to beforo rno thl 27th O~oher 1856



Tbl day calllO bofore one Jamea Dunlcan Capmiddot

tbe plftZ of thl clly 3 11111 Gen Fry 19 charged wth tho esccullta

of the abovo order By command of WY W AUrER

Genernl-Coml~andng-in(jhipI Pn n TnoIlPBOII AdJ t Gcn N bullbull

~ h Is atato(1 that PrInce Albert 1038 b~~~t 111 Clllll1nOUe tract of lInd In AII9tralia Vbic1o1n nbout tnty years will tetulnabollt ono thou811 ~ i tlII10S oa much tIS all ~h~ amp Coburg alld Obi

In Germany put logctbor I

329NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 7 Sabado 1de Nllvlembre de 16561 Saturday November 1 1856

i lit I ALGO NAB BOBRILBL Dl4 UJ 1lJSOUOJON lIerosoaeajuitA al Cllpilitu delliglc y Ie r t t lIJ S 11 n1J R ea mlUlgrato perdmar que CIIstipr aunshy EqulUtlvo y aUII n_Slnll) nos parec Menelter earetrogradarlllol mM remomiddot que eata lIluy pronto a IIOtrar en el UIO

toear la materil de que vamos neumiddot t~s tlempos de barbirle yde ldlo~lemo pa de juatas represaUae lIa cual rere IU tS II Into NOT I de 1836 pamos no obstlnte haberll8 tratado en Ill1Icontmr el ejempl0 brutal a una Ie- naluralom 1 10 demandaren las circlin A WI ~ 101 1)umells anterloJel aunque nu cion quI Icsban de (omeler en Maaaya stanciU De consiulente 108 prl~ionrOl

JUEBPO VE ARTILLSJIU 4 tod I degtlt1d I I d I d 1 - ft -- con 1 1 ~que mereee por mf~ 01 Jenera ea e I IUfZaa iii on I heridOll lIOn tratadlll eon 10 mllyor be El lierpH de tLitiHerlll ha tomado un destla de lOB IRdmdus que 11 rlllawon Guatemala en estos lIltlmOl dia des- nignidad

ClIPCI) 0 imllolltmto bajo 11 direoclon del puesto que cl1ml mlmos t(lIl1aron una puea del ataque de aquella plllza I de Queda PUIIII demOlltlldo que falto8 de Jele I Henningsen IIventndo jofs de esa parte actin en los sucea~s Las buenllS las acclone quee Ilan referido ya tn 10$ fe ell itll mall s1 mnes compromiaos y Grmllj iuyos cOllocimientos Ie ban didO aceiones dlbon refe~lrse mlnuciollme~te d~8 humerns anteriores de elte periodlco de oumplimiento en sil palabra como mi MmladianQ $010 en los Estadol Uni Sin temor ~e Incumr en la tacha de dllil Vlolando 108 mas gmdos Plotos ma- Iitares 111 jefell do lIB fuIiIBs enemlgat JOI I nn fuora de ellos Es do cele- sos tnnta par que e8 un trihuto dllbido al lew reeonocidos univerenlmente y 0011middot flftll Incohado COIl ol ftlsilamiento flel Co brillS la recision y tino con que dh-ije m6rlto Cuanw por ue line de est-imulo aiguadol en aI derecho de jentel de una ronel lAid y aUI compslierea despues IRS bo 111111 Y granadas al punto que de- a100 d~mAA NOl oontraenos al IltaqU(o Inanera ~n ep~icita se han colQcsdo en de baber aupllcado el callge Y d recibir $igna uinnentaudo y dUlheando progresi qu~ re~I8~6 oatil piau dede el deee del una posiCIon odlo~a dtgrlldftnle y eceemiddot un Indi~lIo en este sentido un Miatem vame te las distnl1CIU siempre con el pUlIdo II 11 una de Is tarde basta las crable Indlgna de hombrea que 8e tltulan elttlaordin~rlo de gtlerrA que nosotrol nei nitID Rcli)lto Q inerrnble direocloll ocho de la maAana del diR siguiente milltare 10 temm~s puesto qf8 teMm1 mlobos Tolft los dias hay repeudos ejerclcioll y Buellas y lumlnolWl lIOn I referenoiaa fnmedlamente dupuee de 101 c(lneablmiddot prlonfrGS cODtrllrios y que hlta Is te()k~ IiOletas evohuiones en las que prl()ti~ del Coronel Allen Mayor Clyeee ftc dOl acunteomlento8 vino eata cludad un siempre hiL sido patente la slIperiodatide ean j Sefiores oficlales y 109 soldado8 pero notamo8 qne a~nqueliglran en 1 correo conduciendo una comunieaci(m nuesms armal Ahorl bien ~ Sol se nell ~tmn maravillo8(1lllIIte lisw de 108 que 8e distlnguiertm 81gllnOl de los jetea eN as flllrzas enemlga8 en la VOllOtroa 101 que hahllis habmdo de vanshy

En3 ClInnto 1 numem do indivitluoB numbres 110 ell con el tlIplerclol que que IIOlicltaban aqtlll1l08 del Jeneral dalisimo de Bomnidadea y oims cosa~ perbgt ecientc8 6 dicho cuerpB lie ha IU~ merC(tlll sin que sea rltI de 1o referenmiddot Walker JOr 10 pronto 6 cange de un in- aemejantelll en vnestrus periodi~os para men db do nna mllnera otable habien tes po que 1I11011 gllardaban y derendian divlduo d los suyos cometa d eaballe oontravenlr ahora eSC$ndalOsamente Ii (0 ad mllll unH gran compltlla do Zapa1 sus pue~tui re8peetivos y no podial esect na que fu6 heeho prlalonoro por Dilestra losmejores prlncipios del dereehu dl ilores I Mineros bien que para malle- tllr j todllS paltes Grande y her6ica parte con algunamp anterlorldad Eata clrmiddot jentll I 81 v08OtroB 80ls I Pero nad~ jllr clatro mortem do obuats y lo~ tllol II deietl q~e hizo 1amp KulIrnlclon de clnetancia Indicaba queeao jeres preten- trntiamos del oltallo de atrall en que Muon a que hay on lap)tuIt fO necesita estj plftZllcn ea c61eble JOIllampda en la dian ceAhle 101 prlnclpio organl_ de 08 ballail UR n6 nero eunsidurnblcmiddot1fe bombles qll8 doeientus hombre4 combatieron con III gllerr aun entre la naolonee minoe Conatlgt 8n conclu8ion qUII aceptamol

EI uelpo de artllleriA no deja que demiddot tla 01 ilunensu numero de oehgtelentOI clvllzadal y regullrlllAr la desde lU4lft) vuealroa aotos sea ellal (uere au natlishysearsusejercicins II 1011 111118 etCrupu- por eamppl()io do dillz y nueve hOrlll uglm lu demandlln la olvillziclon 1 _ mlez 10508 itotl Admirable el Jellledo y -80luololl siglo No 81a poslble dudar de la buena

do todOll basta del ultimo 1I0idado (e de aquell espon~nea proposlcion sin DOCUMENTOS 0FIeIALES ES Ef)OIOJV A OHONTALES dispueatos perecer antes que entregllr RgIlIlar a la e8 et bonor milltar 1 JOII

U - 6 h la pldl que se lea habia conllado cierto malt proclu90a atrlbutos del bombrel ElDECRtTAS DE OOB_ERlO


apol bull IfRon que Sill ny Guatro _ J Ch I 6 t A certilllmo y atln IIOmos COrto8 j pero lIus~re Jeneral Walker quo tantnll 1 bin No ito

EI t 1 p ra onts es 0 VI a es II puer ~__ d I M ON 1 ~ lifer ~11lI oeho de la matiana halfendo ph~oll afta Ir que e ayor eJ se repetJdllsprulIbae ha dado de maltnanl REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUAt

enndu 0 de una manera verdaderamente bull bull ~ desem ~ftado flU CQlnlslon los mdlVldoll ~ mldad ItO dudO en etecto ni Ull momen Seeretal1a de Elltado en el depaello (Ie t ti ~ - E her6ic~ Hallibllse postratio en una cama to y lIev6 8U generlllll(lad basta el utr Relacione Erterlores nuO rOI en snls aerlamen n I 1 d i h 11 b connn balazo 81 unap ema que elm- mo de entregar ill corneta que iIOhcUaban Granada Ootllhrl 2t de I85ampSan oS lIu v sus lOme lac 0110$ so a a a bull

bullJ I d I b d pll(ila dar un paso y Ie obhgaba bull servlrmiddot sill nlnguna de las lIeguridades que 8e El S P E so ha serVldo dlctar 411 de 1111 nUfillro e 10m res como e CIIn) d I EI 1_ __

d d 88 lIe os mu etas enemlgo lie lre- CIItJon en taIu CIlSOl COIltellto mnl Ceto igt~eD ~ -- _gt eine tode 1 QlIuotuelOn errotll Oil Oil Ii bmiddot I I WILUamp WR Preeldenw-daln eldla trece del corliente en csta cludn aerto y 1 eil


es om re que Illll a e featando que entre 101 mlillito prbonumiddot Republica deNlearagun lr sUiliabitsnte9 11 di I dtlene 89 UIIO de 04 indivlduOlI mall roa que habla hecho elY la lihlma aocion Siendo nece8SlrIo I~reditar un liinillrouo II IU u a tomaron a ue a reco on bull

q g q i 16nol 11 eJ6rlto Nada podia espemiddot e contaban Virios 06cla0bullbull que _tcba Plenipotenelano ltle rcpleaente a 111 RetshyDioo8 quo sahCTon escape as que $U- b _ d bll d Nt d I bl _T a raSede un 110m re en esta 0 en que dlpu_o cangellr respectivamente pGr pu ca e caragua cerca e ga n piera 111 Ilegadade Jos trem 6 tl~l11~ 61 se baUsba ain embargo hacienda un el Coronel Lain 1 por olnoo 6 sela in- de 108 Estados Unidos en IVI8hingtotl lIn RllngerB que III vapor cndllcla 0 b III el 81 t p l4 de dl II d J ntlab on U80 de IUS flleultades l

1 h b d b b t esueno 110 re uaUT J9 UOl e vopa que e 8oom- an DEC RET A bullIe d bull os Oil res 0 ar UI os comO d gt I I 0 ilia dlI8l1ila 0 que tellla sa 10 (1 clando Cueron presos por caaualldad en Articulo I N6mbralle Mlllistro Pleni ~ el 09 Icen locho tom6 lall mulllw y 81 sable y 8e il camino de llwaya En allo se es- pottnciarlo de la Republica de Nioaragua (JtfOETAS DE GUATEMALA Y presentO en ellugar ~a8 peJigfOSO arras peru la romillion del hombre ofteoldo cerl1 de 18 Eatedoll Unidoe al Senol

S AN S Hi VADOR trnndu la plema y atravesllndo las calles por 01 corne Q a1 conleta mlsmo que DoAn FemmCoFerrer I J b b t rt ~ IDnmquelle qu enes cor I -- con el agaa casl bull 1 rodlda (aca I a de era 10 replar y Jegitimo 81 ae aTrepenmiddot respondamp

Estos pOliodlcos pound0 oeupan do nuestro Hoverl dundo mnd6 con V071 do trueno tlan do nevar ndelante 10 que 4111011 mis- Dado en Granada 1 29 de Oetubre de Nienrlguell~o no parR reflllar nl una pn formal amp los hombres que alii se hallaban mOB babian Bollcltado opteniend) al fin 1856 WILLIAM WALKER Ilbm do los erimCIl-e1l servUes que hemOl y que Ilegaban oon sus armas dilltribuyo par unics rampZUII el J~er81 Walker una Al Se~or Jenoral Dun Jlliteu Pineda publi~do POrqIO III velmiddotdad os illcontesta la trnpn eolocindo en loslugarel opor carta del Jeneral Zavala en 1amp que fire MMn~troldoJa Guorra encargado deT dltl I bull mUltern enerable II~ deequltan descendlcn 0 as per tUllos orden6 1amp derenaa de vea eal ea testaba (ellto no puedo calUiCllrse) que D ~ d 1 I V bull evI en suprema 0 oumun eo 1

sonah ~de8 1In un lnnguage tan cl~lco que partell de aquellugampl y 8Oliclto 1 101 prlllOnerbullbull no querlan venir No ell para IIU intellgencia y demas erectos es ebmo us antares Su impotente uni e6caz It pelllr de su eltado de grandad a eato todo ino que en as propillll perandortlCibO su atento senillor Ie do p1i~8a fudose contla cl Jeneral tadu atendia bael6ndote oil su voz ell clrocnlltandlll Be supo oon allOmbro en 11 Pnnuu lIIque 10 ba dellpreelado stempre todas pa~teamp Nosotroa admlr4mol al e~ta cilldad el rullilamlento on 01 pueblo No 64 WI pe lulclo d - lllwlrles 8U cuenta eonlmiddot Mayor 0 Nell en aquelloe momentoa y de Diriomo del CoronelLalne y algunos

V bull l REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA ~ cnte Y oxneta eremos III e908 pan asi nOl plaee conS1lJllarlo on eata arUcl1 0 otros prisirneroa I I fllaa obre aquellOl S d __1 d ch d ecre1ana e ilAIo en e eeplt 0 e ~s 8 Oil ~ombre8 de chaneelarls COli EI Capitnn Wilkins lie condujo tnnbien jetos III deabonn eonmguiente y )1 IlCe- Relacionelllnteriores

dlglll d el dIll que 80 les presente que de unA manera brilllnnte en el millIDO cr8Clion univelflall i ~pnrten el des- GranadR Oetuble ~ de 1800 JlGr ci rto no ~t~d(jlls ($ si solo se con- lugar y despue ell la deftn~ del HOIIpi precio y vilipendlo que mcreccn Y 0011_ EI S P E ampe ha servldo dictar el de-ICIltllj COil eCBrlbu snrcnsmos tal en toda la neche Es de celebaTlle la pell el lugar degradante eli que les colOCll ereto -ul~nte

-------- d dId fa 1 I d d I El GOllemo coosldelando que soMalianl lie omharea con direceion u con ucta e 011 bull IS co tat voe qn~ IU In agllO proce el hallan vaeallte~ las Carteral de Reb

Nueva York el Sr Eermin Ferrer hallan en el h~8pltal oOClrgard08 continu Como era de eeparamprse loglco y natu- ciunes Haelenda y CrMito pu~lico POl 1 g b no amente de los enfermotl Dr Lundy y raJ e1 Jene1Walker ordeno y ae eloell- baberse encaado de la ml~lon dlploshynombrlld0 que ba SluO por e 0 leI bull t ~II b d W b

j I PI d t n_ (f Dr Brmkerhoff 110 8010 por las bUenae to II (I1I181111ento nu de todoll los prleo- m4tiea eel bull e ga mete e a Ing ~n s~o ellpo~enculT1o e es a p medidas de defen~ ue tomaron IIlno ton a1 Seior Don Fermin Ferrer quohllcs eefca dol Gabinete de Wasbingtoll ~ nellIS que en la Justa lndlnadlon acuo 1l1li desempeflsil 011 180 de aus facultades

Ell F rl b I rt II pur 10 resolueion que 81empre lea honrar otro mimo Jonero- en 8U lur hubler D E C RET A errcr Gsumpe a a ca ar - -- bullbull de Hciendn que qUGdo Ii cargodel Go altamente do pereeer todtlS antl8 que prevenldo sino Iolamelte el de un Ten Articul 1 El Sefior ~e~oral Don

D d M I - G S n ahandonar unos velnte y cilloo enCer- vnte Coronel I un Capitan que ctillltian Mateo Pmeda autual MIlllIItro de ItgtlIera ~ me A lUStrolaquo c uerft e - bull G bull gad dI I diS F mOil que no pod Ian movelse de IU lecbo eutre Iquellos nerra ser onear 0 IDtennamellte elimos i 1 auseMl1 tempola c I e diahaa caneras teQlumiendo el Mlnlsteio rer a~ paso qua nll8 alegramos de que EI Chbano que elo~11I 01 Mayor Potter MuchOll plllOl1ero quqda~ on poder de Jfjn~roJ ~1a do el c electo parala mislOIl que cn el ~rro que ~lmlltr6 cuyo nllmbre nuestla gblllrnocolltrA qlllel011 ~u4lera Art t ComtllllltpleleI qutenea cor IampMnuuce Alos EsttldOIl Unidostallto por no mllmfest6 pm IgnollrJo e8 el Seflor dMClrgllllle todo el pl8O delagravlo lnfo rCIJpcmda lI1llltlilrw y circuDttitceiR quole ldornall Don FtCncisco Aguero y Batrada Pre- ridn y hooerl(1S sentirde un una manera t8~do en GitLi1lAltt~Rdigt cuantq pOl que rCIihiramp belll1s impresio recto de esta cludad prolilllda los exesos de IUS ~etos qUI Pu AI Senor Jenera Don Mateo Pineda nos en 18 hormolllls ciudlulea del Norto (on 10 dicho sitiafacemos la justlcia ditgtran haber ngrlVlJdo au situacion I pero Miubltro Jenera Am6rfca debida aloe SenOIOs 1l0minadOl y nuestro I Jneral Wlker oon todaJ )R ventnjNl De urden supreml 10 eomuBlco V

Ie Idelleam(lll Ull viRge teli~ y pronto doseo de eselaroeer III ferdad siempre y la repolllioraucia de la posicion que pllrt IIU Intellgeneia y demas efootos retor~ quo podamoa baeorlo ocupa 011 tll embargo magnanlm~ y Je M Pnln4


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 3: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.

El NICABAGUENSE VoJ 1 No 40 p 5 Seurolbado 9de Agosto de 1856 Saturday August 9 lB5B 231

____5 ___

~~ tbe 2nd Lieut At P X seeing the Sod Lieu the rebelamp Aceording to the temen of one middot II r a tY nt ntI j) nearing large Dungo lent LleUl SlYeneon and well acquainted wltb tbelr lfaln Ibey have not ~1J


- ( l) g- sic men to Ilia 118818tance-11 proyed to bo tho half the men no_ tOl lilly elftetlYI movement -=============_=_ Ames with men to look 1er the rett brought bull ber lIong81de and pulall thl prisoners on her and II hlll continual dread of 0l1li Walker 8

i Saturday Morning August 9 -

N N 1I The lcaraguan avymiddot 1 - shy

~aptllro Or a Squadron or Bungoes 1middot1 middot IScI11JI SaUzar and otker Prisoner I I -- I fhe cvont4 of ~be past wcek Appell II convln cing cldeneo tllat 01 8pocial Provl4enoe guide middotnd directs Iho Am~~lcan6 In their clTorls to reo

letore peaoe andmiddot Houre tranquility to tna naUves this beautiful but unhappy country The fit Ing out of a vessel to cIulao upon tbe PaCific lit tbls particular juncture ond tho Ilirecting of the


lop amoog e~t the State and

01118 people polnta nut naillainly II

C1Ils 11 dhl the pillar ot llro

he land of Proml$e


Utt to Impro bullbull 1[011

u an tarmed epeement of the NIlAraguan navy

umnlof emiddotolll 10 118 to dellvr 1010 the handa f the Amorlesll8 the man bo above 1111 olhel8

Ih~ Instigator of tbo late treasonable der 1I10S0 wh_ Ilrat duty It waa Ul proshy

prove true In their allegiance PMllclIlar

tcrvenUon of Providence In favor of tlic Amershyby blcb Ibe cbll

l1In of I$Iael were gllided In tbei~ joumeylng$ to

fbat our reode may bave a full understanding ( ~lJ 01age we bero Insert a condensed accoUJ~

ied by Qommodore DeBrllset from bls log The descripllons are somiddotgrapbic aud tbere

ucb a (r8hne83 la the stylo as to make It dlfmiddot

1856-18 PlI SohoollOl ~OX aalled from San Juan

rat veasel tbal evEt went 10 Government vessel-the OOtllshy

aking 21 in U on bow--God speod middot TuQDAT J~ly 22 18116-Runnlng down tbe jloUv~ towarda liona_ bull t)1 IIDIIlIIIDAY July 23 18116 - Opened the 1illa of packed amunition-found iL unlit for Ulle

o SO Gund for the guns-at 3 P)f bor~ V~r for rigre Ioland aboo Iwolve miles distan jluUB8DAY July 24 181S6-Uruislng in the lilt At I PM pound1 a number of am1I craft ~ obore to elL~tward-gave chase Atl I M

a brig aboul 4 miles to wiOlhbullbullrd howlng CblliA~ 9010rs At 430 c31gttllrad the a100p ~hna Wrench POlll) no cargo or plUlengen At 6 a heayen

all from Soulb-double Ieefed tho salls aad 1 an Ul wok off tho ahoe ATDIlDU July 26-At 6 AY mAde all II bd ran up tho Gull for a brig aeen at anehnrshyproved to be the Oyno3ucof San FllClseo

~ from her we IUl1leU Ihllt the Bri Sarah Oa I

oxcepl Sellor Sl1i1ar III sbe Wampl large and new At 61 blowlIIg a gale from B SE AIlcliorod In thrae ana RbaltfaUlomaofwater

lI1Bl10n July ZII 1866 -B out of tb gult bound for ampn Juan del Sur-erew cleaolng and repairing 88ile

W_tsDAT July So 1856-lIeat d(llln the coasl tho ourrent very strOllg Wns Ul tho Nweather bod

flluIlSDAT 311181 18116-D1owlng hard wiill n rollgh hetldaeA At 1 1 II ~rrled away the pcrt after hroud AI 2 P V fore peilk halard gtIock parteri reBltted another IlIId 8M llie IIaftor part of tbo dl7 moderafe

l~alDAT Auguat 1 1856-)fi_to brelllcs wOl-klng down Ihe coast to Ibe s at IUI1SeI 81m JUlin bore ESE 111$0 mil dist mldlllghlcalm tide setllng us to tbe soulhward

ampTtmnU August 2 1866-At daylight ampn JURn bore N by Y elgllt miles distllnt Worked ora few 111111 bae almoatbewlldered him and ho in and como to DR anchor It 8 A X lives In great IIPpreben8ion that General Walker

Tbe capllllo of Salizar W8l oC but seoootdary immiddot may altack LeOll and perbapa take Ihutt tl8 part potIlnee wben wo corlder the OlpOle O tbe plan of the rlnnar Upon this polot however wo the ulter poverty and hopeI_eli of the reboil caD 11880re him he may middotresl III we believe the amouut oflnformatlouu well as Ibe names of the G_I wardrobe Is complete Iud lbe BOldmiddot pardes engaged In tile treason and ImpUmted b1 era of the Nicaragllll army haTllltwlr had fliO their own IIlgllalllreslo lamplt noll In Ibe p_- I1Ippl) efllncn ion of Gen Walker

Among tbo nlany valuable doeum6nli found upon tho penon of Sr ampIizar Wat bull lellor from iIle British Consul1I1 Leun 10 F10reJiline Souci at San Miguol San ampIyador This Ia anoheref dance of Ihe doublo dealing of Brltlah agenle ret I1vo to the affairs of Ihl8 COUll try

What we would tllk In the name ot pllilanlbroshyp And our common hllmonity does Great Britain

i b bull expect to ga n permitting her agenla to ell eourage the balfmiddotciyilized natiyu 01 tbl oountry to- but~ller each oiller or b1 wbU lpeoea of be allaobed to ibe llorda or Lord OIareniloowhen

~IOWlng are tbe lIamca lid rank of Ib_ IOpliilltrl dGel abe explOt to JuatlI) or 0_ he IIlId In the HoU811 or Lolds that amphe Br 1Iiall

tJ DeBrisset OOlllmodore hemlf before the tribunal of obri8lendom for 041 J Fa1lOux lal Lieutenant COllmllllding IOlldlllg to one pari of the world ageaampe wbo et1r leler Swenson 2nd up atrlfe and CIlllS$ the IgIlOraai natlvu to out-

I ~mo Van Slllyeke 3d b j[ T Ilewot O rpent~ G 0 S Ith S rage uman Ilaturemiddot whllo aile IOnds milllllnnariea ~ Hansn Beallla Dn~ia ~ e~an 01 peace with the bible in one hand and flannel ~id McOa1 Wm Allden~n ablrll In the otbor that botb the morel ud ~ Stoureh Dal llcGlnntil pbysleal condltion oC the heathen may be fm os re Thos R Snydor

hOI IIIINY 1beodoro Lane proved n~ltRagg R J Dowmen To thoae ho do not understand tbe Red Flaa 01ontgomery M - 0 ~ Lowell n --- agee nmiddot brlstlanlly of Englrnl we reopectfully till)

mit the loUowlng lotter or Mr )fanning her Illlent

_yo iberebol IIoop8areailopther nakedand nmay alao be presumed tbat wbere lach ponrty

I d Ina ex 8te bungor aad dlseale wlllaborl11 Illem te them faator lnd Q8 elfecually iii any IIr1 tht 001111 be brougbl against tbem But the leiter Itampelfluo explicit Q8 to reqllire (rojll us no elueshyd _

a_no It I lIOIItewhat unfortunate for Xr Manning

and we pity biu thathe aIIonld he dl4f1ing ao rapidly Into the condition DC the Leoo_ IIOldie17

U to bve the proapecl or being In a aIIort Umf BblrtlCll8 But Ihe poor all bullbullllllctlon III divided between hla ablrtle_eIIS In proapecdve entl Ihe lack or energy In the partlin hose fnlunc hil

II bull J Tmiddot eem80 elylnloreted bUlilloIpated loss

1Ir lofanning1 le~ ma) be 00_1Ied u Ihe csprell8ion or II mere prlfate Indl1dual to bull Mend bUi thla 111 he done IIIly b1 peraou Intertsted III euOh a ~atrllclioD Hia olllee ot Brlllab Con aw wlll he COIlIIlGlodb) the peopleorthl8coulliry wlb enry iblDg he say 00 quealiollll relative to aiftte policy tlId thuby hIa embraeiCgthe 110111

or a pari II Is aptmiddot 10 appepr III tr the wbole moral force or England wore Ihrowololla favor

Is bull _ u v In til parle r maulllogt gOGO b010nd 11111 Jill ofbll dul orlIlao there lno weigbt to

G01_oi latended wallow the Ceatral Amershyloan question to aclve lllelC He bu by hili jlllpiudenoo Welted the eoidkhnee of lbe legit-

d -lt Imale governmelll an oan tON no ooge r claim the protection of Ibe Stale


WIt k ad - 0 as wee m 0 a el rema lIpOO tho

proapecta oftbose wbo deserltho Americailrankl at Leon fwhich wo give II burrled trllllalallonl for tbe rank o tbe 6nemy and tb~ JUStnesa ot

bull Fne and Sehaone Emeline ~f 81n F w~ ounlslances no more actin I used In 80 aerlolll lyillg Ilt Tigre rs1lnd i 8hft 10 reported thAt on an affiIir At Ibe pC8ent tbpre are lIOO men from Ih lIZd a Chllltan IMg wllh eight Bun~OII Sn amplvAdormiddotSOO from Guatemampa And 800 bo

L_ Jul 24amp1 18~6 1

Dzlll FRIElO -1 am bere without knowlllgwbero to go linea Walltor will not give U$ pI88shyport to P$ threllgh Gnmndabull ~ understand that t t man fnrlous 11th me atlributing to me ill ehdango It Is cerlnin that all hill cls are rapid i un we hal not p_eeI here without great approhenlolIll that he will mAke an IlIlck on LeOIl lIe MlnO A rl1r III Managua IlOd IIIl IYO know la hat he retllrned to Granada If tbia man recelvu Ileell and monoy I aasure YIU tbat In tht CUllIt will not bo so oosy to drive bim oul oflhe State for as ~he forces come from ~ho other States In ~dfll1a of men nob~ng ia acoompliabed t aud

elpcn~sand 8aer~ceaare madehl nln I am much aftliClod to tblllk that lnder these cl

wilt we idmiddot1I made apparenl by Ibe IIVenls hlob 1fe chronicle in tbIa Issue The b

num Or that hllll already leA I IIOIIlcolT worthmiddots pllSllog 1I01lee l1li4 we would nol agaIlI revort to the submiddot Jcct were It not to commiserate Ibe poor Jellowa whom we al 0118 time reoognlaed u COUll shy

~rnenand wbo rO)YlIlg upon the rotten promisee of the Leoneao bela doserted their peslll tor iIle sake of rilIlng lelllprary benollts When Ihey rcaull

Ibe lIreates~ L lnetead f tb rI b bleb h eon 0 e 0 01 W I ey ere no I

doubt told eXi8led Ihero iIly will find bttle ciao Ihampll a borde of semimiddotbarbarlans halt clad and qUanelingamongtbellllcleafortbepoaessionof

Ibe rew CIltablds they cau lIh much dltllculty obmiddot Inn

Read iannlojsiettercarolblly In lIIIother col

=I~Jr~~~~~~~b~~~r-m~I P~~ ~~~DIO~Ib~~=~~~Jtoflb~~ limn and leara the collditlon of UIIIlampt In Leon ~Orlln eaob wateh q bull rym3 to proylde In eVefY poIIibIe manner (or my But ibis filii far ahert of the Ilctuall~y for It nmiddot

SOIIIlIY July 2 1856 -At daYllgbt fAll depllrture and in oan get on bosrd olle of the not he apposed thai a peraoa or Iannlnga


lOgO In allore distant aboat livemiles Soot sbip of Will which is Igtn the eoaet I will tak~ esparien woold abow to an All lb Worai conshye boat with Lleut Swenson and four men AI PUIIQgo III It t ampn Juan or to rampDma A~ lent a mall canoe and Ihre~ men llh In the pnlltlca of the country I un4eratand Iul Van SIft1Cke In chase of another Bun Ibal tho DOlnocrats bave gained much (or anl

tbreo mllel distanl At 9 A If II bree~ alrungtb On lili8 footing I go contcnted aln jnIIng up-got under weigh picked up tbe canoe Estr~ and his oompanlona are ruined bavlngtil a Bungo in ponession At 10 reached tbe cuI 1 ridiculous IIgure at Somobilio t with her prize At 1Q80 took anolller Bun POWOrll bavo gone from here appolnllng Xr lfIth bull Trll8almiddot1 to ~epreaent Nicaraguft Iear United

I) bogs I bags beans Stalel 01 Amerleamp since Padre Vbll h08 returned 1 ~g eora r 1gtbls plantains home W 8 do not ~nllll the motive of bla reo 9 bides I demlloblllltard tum for between b18 lind Grenada ther Ia 1104 boxes lOap communication Altogeiller aftldrbullbullre wrstcbed

lbia beill~ a large nell BUngo put ber crew In ia Nlciragua And Yer diatrOllllng and If I remllin ether ~tiOllro1ed her) ahe bad alBo some letshy bere muob longer I aIIall 110 hav ablrt wblch

by wbleh we learn tIlI Ibe Brig with the I can pilton Airead1youeaneuppoeehOWlllllch1 18 lied tbe Churu 1 bave 8IllIered by thOle _vlaiOIljl

At 1 P M lOOk anoiller Bungo wlh It III known Ibampt l oertaIn Fabens h 1IaIIed to i2 baga corn 2 eerOOM beaus Boaton wllb tho gold quarts IUId that with one

~ 1 bale grasa ]0 hid Mr Hellll be hll$ bought Ibe mlaOl frelll Padre

III a1ao lettelll conllrolillg the no of tbo B Sosa At S P M blowing hard-close ree(p~nd YOIl need not be afraid bot I wID do all I esn I up to the lIIloborage i mado Tigre Island let ror your Interest In lIIis aftiUr wiill IIeamClKnIl8 i

o thelarge ancbor alld twentyfiVO fatbon of 4114 you sbould wrl~e Ul Dnl81n Boaton via hainlo iIlree fboms water Omo In this paltlcula~ Inqllirlng wheamp111r tba 1l0llPU July 28 1866-AH II H took a orO w leh Fabens RdlOl took were from tbe I)of ccdlU colls1aliJIg of fiftoen logs bel~nwn tc mines of nll8taniere I Bhall write roylltlllf to Z rB Hoyl II Ames let It go atter tcklng ~he pate In IAboo on thia 8IIIJle 8UbJect The amprOGpa liar tht had At II A X I took the boat hore are altogether nued Iryou haye an1 K_ OIl puned for a laWlob ab lilt elgbt mlllll to the La 4r11l that oucall sell at lii ooota per ard

Chasod he on hore tb crew eo- I will take ten bales Dont forget my requlIIIllImiddot th f thel h~k her alongside lit tbe 2nd (Ieut falor of my polilW loo-Yr George Bow_1o powr 0 r hem Camp lt)an ope Cor IlO beUer Il~n in her wi~h orK~t Ul ob~$e to the hIVO him aspolllttd Ul repreaent Sail Salvador III urI tl)u Ibt led by Ib ampampYIIlelamonp wbom

~ I eouillg In our own boAt to the Y At 330 Liverpoot ill ban cut thalr 101 they muu tJpect to IUIad 111I1lt1b wltb Sr SaIi1ar IIi paaellper I am yonr obedlcot servant eulfer ulrelile prlvaUOIII ~ to be hall cad ~nd

u eeroool of eJCOa l middotldIM IlIld bddle )f LUlles GGIr hall W ampad with Ib braa4 or cm upoo 1 sword alAo lOme loners d paper d bullbull L ltOlllXfIllamp SoVCI San )lpe So IWshy f-e~--- bull_ hunwoil 11kshy t- shy d ~~e~ ~ --~- bull --p The lIatber lrgtoking bad ran dQWD 10 pick up ller e have Cull up6M of Ibe oon4it02 or YIIpb0n4S O1er tbe enlk Conllnenl

dltlon of IfaIr I llieh h b ed _ an a n II e op to ruterut

blm h III to bo pfWlmed on the -fRy that be would exhibit things ill Ihelr brlghlelt coIota in orde~ to elfoct hla purpoaee which Were to

obamplll both men and moa8Y to drive Ibampt audf CiOl1ll man out of the coulltry

Apart from the Inbumanity of taklas up arms against tl181t brethren American oan not be

guillyof a greater ploo~ or foil iIlan b selHng tjelr lerYI al any price to tOO Leon rebels If they we ncool8uI tbey would entetlampln luch a hatred fer Amer III woold ootira t

J OU them llft from all pl081 or bOlIOI alld Iru8t or perhaps Intox ted wiill thoir good forIwte Ibey would mllrder overy American whln they were

I I cod or bel i As no onger II n reery thelr d c1ared 01ll1now ill to extermlnate the Americana In Central America the presumpCion iii amphet wbon Ihore was no coullterba1l11lclng power to Iop Ihol UJ A erica

r 01COIael 0 In nl fho ON III tbeir power would hold 00 enviable po~itloa Aa things twnd bowever the Ilnfortunate men hu were weak enough tc he Illduced to put the_vea In


The prof_on 01 ams hili been from the earlimiddot est times In all ages lind IlalC3 one nf the mOlal

honorable of all the profelllioni In many courmiddot trietlt it hnl to this ~ the ver IIr rellk rd tbe highor tbo degree of elvlll llon Ibe greater hOI heen lis adnncemont rid lIe greater the numbcr ongaged in iI Froln Ihe crudes begin Inga II h gtadllally proglOId unlllll bsllttalncd the dignity of II acienee It III the science par elltllce In wblch both tho mind and body of men IIe eoerlnd to Ibllir rutlesl capacil In other profeaiona eithor the mind or the body Is oftfwOrked and abulled 0 Ibe Ileglect of the othbullbull II developing mail 1$ w bull onealdmiddot edl but III tbe prolo4e11 01 arme every raclllly of~he mind IlI well ever mueclo nd fiber In tht body I enrciaed and developed to ita fuUcal extent and Ihlls be following out of Ibo pro feI8io1l Inll) bring the menlAlllnd 1)1I1810al powen or m an to tbeir hlgb bullbull development

middotSome of the mo1 celebrated 8tampl8 of anliquil were ofopinion Iballho prolellSion or r0l8 only was worthy the attention of Cre men and len overything elae to the care of 11101 aad SO high 11amp8 Ibe repute or the profeaaion thai II vAS emmiddot blalJlamplic of Juellee ilaelf hendo an eppeal to enns Willi U8ually resorted 10 In Ibe aettlemont of qlOlllollll whether eocIaI religious Or polilial

In ooth aelent und modem tlmea the highest om amplid rewarda whleb llalea can befeow have bfIen conferred upon tbose who bave e~ooltld in tho rroression or arm and deservedly Do s he who 11111 10 thi profouion musl nol only have the oO$t abtlhile power over himself ba muat lao p088ess In nomiddot 8mall degree tho flcuhies wblcb enable him to govorn and cOIltrol othera

Ibe mind of bull man who mak arma t profeamiddot alon Is led on into the deepH~ ehollels of Ihought He II Ih1l6 enampbled to planlUId originate the broad est combinalon and exocullve abilities joined to the mOIl unceasing eneru IIIId ~ IcUyity lItercquillitebl the oarrying oul of bia ooneepshytiMe

The humblest indlldual engaged in profea IIII11lIlO noble nd ennobling bould feel prida

wbicb ooghllo keep him above anylhing low Ilr mn A prolouion In wblch tbere are 110 many opportunities of Jieplaylng 10 their ulmOfit all tbamp talents given U8 middotby nlule should be sludied l188iduoully by tbole anxious to lealo a name and all uamp1e to poaterity It Id scarcel possiblob tbeir labors can mINI a proper reward How ~ueh more 1118ulyand noble bow mueh more worthy the greM end for wbich mmiddoten re plaCed here ia bull devotioa Ulmiddot a profsalon whichmiddot cI1l1Iea with It sneb honors in Ill countries thln tbe mere idling way a life-time In tho illdulgence or tbe aplClites As Ibere i no roal road to know ledge tbe ptiIl is as open to the humgtlea aa 10

~~=~~~=--- Notice

ALL peraons bavin-g demanda ainet Or lubull debted to tbo Estte ofJ A RUGGLES de

ceased will call at the office of Wlnea Co tor aenlement of tbe samll

Alto all penou having Goooe ofanT descrip lion will all prove property and tnke llIem away

B tarder WU K ROGElU Administrator

Deseten l nEWARD or Thirt Dollars each wlli be pall

J1 fer tile apprehension and delivery (to any ollleer or the Arm) of tbe felloing named DEaBRlER rrom Company 0 lat Rilles

1 Corporal H J Dalton-Aged 110 ampara is 1Ilnch high bl k hair blue eyes fair complexon OCtlIpltion-Doctdr

II Nichola CailBeIdAged 20 yean II rIOt 8 nobe8 bigh allbum bait bazel eyes ruddy Ommiddot plexlon Occupatlon-Laboror

3 H Ori1lou-1I feMII IncbOll high bro1 hair huel eybullbullbull dark complexion OceuptllionLabshy

or F IIoIilllow-Aged 85 yean 5 reel 6 Inch blgh dark hazel ees dark 00111110110 Occupa Iion Laborer THOMAS bOhAN

Captain Company 0 Fira Rill Jlanagllllt July I B 1$6


1 REWAltD orTbirt1 Dollob wID be paid ror tbe apprehellslon aad deUory (to aDY

oftlcer of tho Army) of tbe following lIamed DESEiiTERS from Company A Rangera

t Pdve _- Nallll-Age4 (aboul) 26 yean Il feet linch bigh sandy hlr and wleera the Brlllh coa of a1Il1 In India Ink on hia left orm uauII Imllod when p~dllg and Ighed bout 186 penrdB

II )Mvalo mekrorlti-AC(Ul Iout i~ ya Ii feet II lucbt higll allu lIIr had all anchot In Indlamp Ink on left bud btlo the thamb lind welgbed abltgtut 1110 pulld

Ibullbull NORVIUI W UK~R (Jptaln (pan1 A Rh

Mn~nl nfl AUIC 8 HUI8

bull bull bull

237nNlCABA6UENSE Vol 1 No 41 p 5 Sabado 16 de Agosto de 18SS Saturday August 16 taSS

--~------_r--- shy

lil OUfL NIVb middot

middot On Wodneac1amp1 Nletllllguan aaniue conuu

tile gallant victory gAlRed by Uen tho SptIDlsh troopa at Las 100$

Col Lal1l6 amppplied to tho Gonerallll Ohlet 011 return Such emlpanta COIIStitute the true beltalf of tbe tbirtf-two Cubans to have Ita sup- clety of a State Wo learn that General 0 per nt bla quarto and requested tbe bon or Is Ito bearer oC despatell4ls from tile AmeriCAn

t0ud this ollnveraary occasion Rnd at tb JIlIDle lim 1 ~m commlnioned to place al 10ur dlspoaal

Ibuervlcelofthemenlnwla09llhobalftcomo W Afil Iure to advocate lind dutbud Ibe princlplPl of rivllizallon au] progmiddotcSlmiddot IIlId to 100al Itmr great ~bead and leader 0 Plloal for countenance and ppOImiddott on this oCCIIUon The Goneral cceplou flbo IIIVHMloll lho I1IItlle of LII$ Posas (or the UIs) W48

rought 011 tho 18th or August 1851 on tbe IsllUld or olib hCIlVeen 250 Cul1llna under Ge~ Lopez aud 700 Spaniards uuder Gell Elllla Tb battle di b th C blIuouglitntgrent SQuUIIege 1 e 11 ansbUI IlIlTerlhelen they gulned a brilliant ylctory IOotiog tbo Spanlllrds from ebosen and commalldshy hI pOllitlollil witb great 1058 It M In reloam llI4ne of d i victory thai tho tumlv6r ~ supper

bull ~ I ~ur edneaday mght fas gllmiddotOIl On the ontmnce of tbe GenorAI tho (lubana were dwn lip III line wllt Itor banner 10 frent At tho General walked pasl tb banner Wd8

drooped and Yankna Dooddle waB perfOlmed

by tho balld Tho bId Willi arrlUlled I General Walkers

iquartel1l the ilwleu guesta filled tbe reception room Anu parlor at a very early bour and alter

an lnltfval of conyersatlon nnd music were I filed to tbe supper table Tbe reped 6nlehed ~nd tbe glUBCS filled Ito Presldeot arose and prop080d bull I The batlle ot 1M Po_II demonstrated tha~U

Ibell tb y meet upon til open Ileld tho Spaniards leannot withstAna tho Cubens (Proinogad bullp I III ) P uu ( By Oharl Callahan Eaq-e bovo 1Ql8led Ibo living leI Ilamp remember the dead To Ito (emory of Crittenden Lopot alld the other bull r hlllvel wholo blood bas waleled the eoll of (luba llId COlI_rated It to tbe harvest of freedom

MaJor Caycee afier prefacing tbat Nicaragua was lbe nucieull erouod wblch thepalt1ot Oubau middot (1Illgbt rally and Ihat hori tboy ~Id flod bat lJ1llpRlhy Mid counsel wbicbmiddot fould Intorpose no bailie bus rether lend aeelatance to tho cauae

er progree8 everywhere proposed- It The Itealb ofour PresldiDt and General

i The wlldeet ellltusillSm 8uecoeded thll 011 monL and nolllDtII tba Gcneral aroea to respond

~uld nny volcalAIc been hoard tbe Prolldant d bo was lVell aware it Will tor 10 dced whlob IIGJ boen dono thet hi name reoelved ItII eb aeclamatlon bUI lor bat lt0lt1 10 bf tlMo And continued be If tbe countenance and support

or ~hosamp men who have 80 far sWlteioed me In

1117 cellrhall continuo to rollow and uphold the revolution what ever strength of mind or iorce of htud I possess shall be dOoted to tbe

bull cause GentiOnlell wbat has beenmiddot dODe It la to be hopod will lead to tbo (urlllmiddotIUlce or greater

resulta and tlollftdollt In tbltt I appeal to ~ middot (8IIIlIrelSa1 01 thIS clay III 186 bull DrigmiddotQen Ioras)y I drink to Ita 8UooOllll of

elll liule NaTi and to he beIIt of J Calonder )a18OIIXlbo flsl and only man te 8wb uhoro It (llrdenu witb II rope In bis mouth

Sellor Aruerro proposed the Liberation at luba for eaid the spOllter Ii b surrouodedmiddot b1 lillertv and muat be rce

111 Lieut-Col Lttlne Th~ Hope of OublshyimiddotOen Walker bull After tllle toilet Iho PreSIdent made 1 molo to withdraw hut bls tlcnlloo Willi claimed by lrig Ie~ lIornsby who proposed a toaet to d i

bullA woman wbosc glorious Iurt an act e JlIlnd will do mo 80rvioe to tho causa f IIberly tbal aU Olr etength 01 muaclo-to HIl Gen Cuneau-to COra Moulgomery

d h f Thunders of Ippll080 succeeded on t e eoll lIIent lIa8 drank ampt11l1ding and in honer

181P 70 ClloarALls-OIl tbe 23d of July party bullf ccnteen AIIICIicnns and twelve natives left thlnlt ulldar 001 nyrau Colo for an exploration 9ftbe DCpArtftlMI of Ohontala Aftor an absonce ufnlneteell dys tho pftloty returned 011 Saturday luI 111111 glod bOllllll lind well pleaed wl~h tlae Irip W lIayo to of th journe) teltell 1Io-n by 0110 of tho Ricers or tbe party llleh we laaU Irobably lay bcforllt ollr fflldol1lnext wtclk

bull gentkmnin amplid(0 In the literary

I4-0ora HontSO-gtr)

w eeks be muct to tirebull bad tbe pIoaelItt to meet bull bull 0 I aatiafacllo We

m to tle r OWll n olley IlIampve In tb_ next steamer for New

1 6rk ~~d we IU Ibem a Co pusage and aha

dlplomt accreditlllg bla rep_tetlnn his Attelldance ampld 001 1ln6- Legation to Ito Slate DeparUllent Art 8 Qomml1111cated to hona It mlY OlInmiddot

0)1 the PlUt or tbe Cubans I Illyite )011 to at- bull bull GOOI) Bu - Sovore oflte omcere or tla bull b tlali bull lied upon H~or DuatnburyYlrtOlU on Itll b r hie d rtllre for

last Friday evenng core I-e )lnesa) to bid hhn good~) ftIId a pp rea dunce ill the p~t lit wltlcli IU1 If aboUli to be t4tlollod Although tb vWt III probebly not

bull h It d to eltpe~led by hllll hu too mlu~ b 10~Ied bq talltcn ullawares preselltly bull a II ft

with gllS8e and tile report of th corke 1II~h eu out of clllllllpalgno OOtll Berved u all

pepp bel h I lnvltalion tor those plnt to t 81l1li v~ te dlctete It following yenajlll Hon gtlIl1oobuy 0 COIIIH ran wllt all be honore And lin D_bu and

obIbloek-ere Little Darry -It eblp IIII tb rI lid Th tout~ Intull bumpers ~Iler dIng Prsldent and mallY otber tolltlta to p~ot an absont friends tho company repeating Itelr but wlibes for tllOir 1101l retired lIoch plebullbulled with

omeot tbe HIOr 8 style of eotortel ====


DECREES OF m GOVumNT -- -~---

REPUBLIO OF NICARAGUAIIlnistry of Relatioll8 and Oovemllient

Granada Augaat 1amp66 The Supreme ElIecutive Power b been pl_ed

to dictate the following The place of Cblef Clerk 10 be Departllltm or Ullderalgned Board of Colllmldalell_

lJacienda blilog vacant Lit (IflIt Iiaciendat of 14CQ~ in ih 11 IS ORDlmlilD t J) R

1 Appofnted Ohlef Clerk or be Departolent of cpe 1Mn oJ - lIacieltda Mr Mauuel Flellr 111amp1 bclonslng to Juan lOR Rul_

2 CommWllcated to wbomlt lOlly concernmiddot parrs do WlLLIA)( WALXER Palmar Pablo Tor_

Br sulenor order Ihils eommWllcated to 10U Palmar J )llUluellCelelllo for )ourmiddotmtollIgenllllmiddotand pl10per action 8 Orcbarda or email

Fc8nCII Welsl of Stalle Haelendu F B Oarazo fiaclenda Indalecln IlaIGAllo

REPUDLIC OF NIOARAGUA Roaerio middotJose Antonio Lopezt )loiatt of Relations andOovomment o(the Uandel~ria do Supreme GllvernlllenltTraniLdaAugIlne SaliOay8taDO amplTadorampcau To It PrefecI or the Department or III P08IOci Hacienda Felipe A Yliles

The Supreme Executive Power hAl been pta DaYld Bartolo Darco to dictate be rolloing bull

THE GVERlfllEN 1 v I In Ie ot the _gnatlon of -- ampIIue

Oanaacoaa u IIlnister oC HacIenda d Public Oredit and 10 vlrlue or Ita anthonl

ORDERS 1 That the llinister or Relatiolll Don Fermin

Ferrer IIhall _ume the Seeretal-ysblpa or lIaelen d And Public Oredlt wbleh baTe been occupled bY Generllllallllel Oarraseoaa

la Communicated hi bom ft~~rLEt Commulllcated to )orr~r Inteiliaelloealld

to r aeUon awailing tbe oorreapendlng 0shy~Jledgemont

rEaM IIlnlateror State


HlnlaryOfReiatlOllll alld Government Granada AugWlt1 1866

To tho Pratoot ot It Department ot Tbe SUproDlO Executive Power hll8 been pl~

to dictate tbrough the Minister or Uaclellda tle following decree

The President o( Ite Repuhllc of Nicaragua being deairoWl of aupprnaslng the contraband trade wbich Ii 80 bllquelltl carried on te Ibe velJ great damplrimeut of Ibo ~ca1lnt0re8ta of the

RepllbUc bull DECREES

euedto dlctak tbe following U- Warelloll4U of Lopez Jose Anlonlo ~z 111 WALKER Preaident of the llepubllo of Good size corner of Piau Bar-el Pall

Nieargee 10 I lohahllant In rear 01 tame 1I0t colllplet do do III ~ of varioWl queaUoml which ~IlY_ Good size eaat comer of Piau 10 Alfaro

rl18n betw~~n~reat ~rlIaJ~~~h~~pbll~~ DvIellinJr Hllllem 11lt1 D GranadatheNIeangaa -fe to --s _ry 11 lablllg to eatabllah trlendablp IIIId harJllon~ be- VerylargUo 8to1 adobemiddot and brick comer of tween the two II8tlnnll tbe g cat aqllampre Fulgenclo Vf8 shy

DECREES lClddUllg ~ed adobe Alltonlo BUberelio Arllcle t Appointed Hillister PlenIpotentiary Large adobe the Oha_

lor be Repllbllo of NICllrAClt he Government )(lddling sized adobe ~ose )I-dbull of~2~it~M~~rich e~~da~O~i La~ ed~~ ~i~ClCe~~IIo

eflrn WH WALKER Given Itl Granada Auglllt 9 1858

B11dJ1erior order Itls tA communicated to you roryourlnfOlmAdonend properactlnn Your obedient eervut Frallill FamplIaltJl

Minister of State


llinlllry of Relatlnne end OOf8rnment Granada August til 1850

To the lrerec~ of tbll OeparhlllllltTho Supreme lbeoutlve Power bu been pleased

tnB GOVBBNllENT WlabIng 0 WIlteto the tranaecllon of the busImiddot

n ortho~oftheRepUbHcOfNlcareguaIn the Voltod

RDBBS Artlele 1 Appooted Seoretar) of IIIId Lege

110ft Don P~ro Ygmln Bel h I Art 2 Commuldeated to 11 0111 l mal conshy

cem Gino In GrampllAde AugIIIstltl8fi6 _ WIL(tAH WALJCER ouB1 811pe1 ~ larocom= e~~ct

for your 10 ODdln Packnowledampment alon ortbe =~ lIlnllUCll Hinler orampte

P1i N tl ~ a C 0 ce

IUfeutofJ of propedy levied upen amplid nbJect to enllfiatl08 by firlOe or tb deoreea or tbe tid April 18G6 aIId 161h July 18661 by th_

VleJO C1ell_n~ Bantoli one haU Sapoa of tbefllllllly ofSagaeru ene bait of be lbelenda Felipe ampSiDloro8o BaenzTba Jelio Tbe Cerdlll 8 HMielldlll J oae Abareo Ball Francl8co J JUIIII Arguello OomlllssionenJ two-tblrda of the lIacienda R ltlara111IIl Francleco Guerre

Biconte Guerra lIaclenda BopUote Franclaeo Ugalce Hacienda DOli FaSriclo JUy amp Bona

Lilt 01 Haci(mda of caDao ilt lui Depr(11I6 of 9r1lna44

LnHeroedea helonglog to be Chamonoe Acua Agrai do lIIa1aco Fulgenclo Yep Nlceclo Nieaolo 01110llombado ]lerneodo Sequeira Domingo Vega LllIamiddotHontlel Vlentlcuatro Narc80 Espinoza Cheiulte Joae Marie BstrJlda


Notiee Or DiMolUtiOIl 1 TIUI

Partnership of Wiedeman amp Bes6hor

In eM ()jill 0 (haM RPI~ 0 NIcaragua l PETITION having been filed by George tl Ph Beachoi before tba honllllble T~omu Beeyamp Judge of Iltst InBlampnce for Ihe OrIentalDeprt~t ot the Republic of NiCAragua for a dlaaoluuon of be partncrehlp buhToen WledeshymAon and Bellobor merchata In Ite city of Grenada alld Republlo aforeNd a ~~roe aa IS

Article I Any pelllon who hell manllftct~ Guaplnotapa Lula oouel P 0 0 VENABLE aDy contlablUld artieles or effecte or who avail lbe Palac~ AOlonlo Barbclreno bull trame In tile sal or puroh of said arIIclee or bull Oloit of Court ofPiral IUllene eff~ulll or ahell uaiII~ In condllc~ln Item flOlll Sock Ranclc In tAc Department of ADeTIOI lID CODI8B101 BODSE

bull bull wed In compllallc~ wllh tbo ~Id petiUon dlllllolvStoelt Ruflch III the Dpart1Mn of IIIg the aforesaid partuenhlp on 811lt1 from tho Okontales and fiiHIfOlJia fourth day 01 Allgust V166

_ G tbe talOiI of lulgooeia Vega The afomall Ueorge Ph Beechormlll he 1 eroullllG _ power to ottlothe ec~Ollllts of the flrm aforeeald Jeallll)laria - IUIIOUOli tho said Wicdemaqn baviog rellnqulsl1ed ail claim t~ LiDodc-r title or demllld to ampIIy of tbe Btock on band and one partofSan lose Anlmaa SalvadorSaetH tIlG~~~srtnrnthta IIfteontb dll of Au Qulmicbap FOIIIIlIl Se~uelra t k D 1856 y Y

one pltlca to lUIothlll wbolter employed ea teller RivasOr eonduetor of Ito same ~ or ho shall1n en) other way defraud the revonuea of the Stale ball Santa Fe tho fDlllilT of I Hmullfaleallo he punished by lIl1t not ~ng alx Inmdrad dollaraor imprillOnmetibHlieknnofalx mont

Ad S Tile obligation of an ciyn or militarY employeD eIIal be to pUl8ue lind apprehend all eontraballdl8ts and conduet them before the Jlldge ofFlI1lt Instanco of tbe DeplltlMat wbore tho _0 I to bv tned r the said Judga ebaU h and de31de tho CampI8 lixillg tbe penalUI)II estelr tlsbed in Art flit

Art 3 Commtnunlcaled to whom It mI tonshy

cern WAr WALKiltGiven In Gl1Innd tllla aeventh d~y of August

one tboUillllldmiddot elghUiulldred and fiily-aix

TO tbo Iflnieter of Haeicm Doll FOflIIrn Fer rer Brauplor ordor thl Is cemmullicated 10 10 roryour Illformation and proper acllOn 10 ex- JlOctetiOIl of Ito correa~ndinl acknowledgmenl

FEIIIU) hll8lta llilllater ofampato


Illnlstry of JtelatlOllll and Govommont Granada Augu-t II 186

Sir-Tbt Supreme Executive POIIer bii been

Jocote E ltlara80 Otal do Dopot near 8aOJIIIIII delSufdo Dopot llear Virgin Bay do Juan Davi Jose llaoue lIaIeaflo Lao LaJ RafaellzSan )(alCOll Joaquin Dendallegt bomiddot Joae Antollio bull

ltII Cruz J0I11 Anlonlo LOpez San Jrenclaco llontenegro )I~ lnocllottUuekOevadilla lalldino JetuMaria indigo eateto JuanJose Rulz

1J IlI tT Cil Rwe tnlf 1111$18 m e y 0 jllesII Dwollingl UBe AQtirca Oppoelto thlllarocllial Oburch Cboplta BI$toe Large adobe J n J080~ulz

bull raquo0 CIltmIe~te - 1Hal II

~~=Jo~~COIlfl 010shylhe Il~at )lal1 partly burned Fr cl8co Guerra llIddllu~ lle eOl11er o tile Piau or square

Ralael P_ HidIlIIng elle adobe Pable Torret

Do do Salvador Sa_ Do do Jose Argl1~Uq Arce bull Do do Luia )4onliel Du do Nar~leo Eaplo080 Do Luelano LUCiano Vega Do large Marie Lulaellorem Do do JooeUben Do do Ventura Gamez Do do Guadalupe Horalee

lIlarga altlobamp Dwellfng8 amprlo VivuLargo corner or the 8nall equa Juaa Bermud Large comer Indelecio Meailo Large adobe llarll Bellquechea

Uo dO llnciano Corales Two Dwelllllgt POO ifrenco Oorller or the square Fermin Arana Large adobe Jos AnlOriio Lacayo bull

Do do Fernando (luznlan dolUllg of Maleo Eaplnoltl

It neflltlbeRowea_ Drau11a Ubau

one pad ola houeo In llaoagua of J BreuUigt UbampD bull bull bull _ HacaendtU oj cClCoa fn tke JJsrdactlM

of Nandame Hacienda orFolrl1llo Atalla Sau AnlOlllo Vineente JOIlquin aad Pedlo Cuadra Hacienda fMateo pin_ In Jlalaco of Joee Breuli~ Ubeo In theSlnerualJ~ nearcraiY~Fetipll ltampbHaS

Ott Ra fkfq n vIampon 4tlCtSan Nicol of loelipamp Alfaro Hacienda of Joee Altoolo Lau)o HflnjId of L8Alldro amp 1amp

laA certain pad orSan Jose lee Callee Blcent_ Joaquin and Padro Cuad bullbull Ilerced in Tlpilaua of L_dro $amp1 San JldntO 01 Illguel Dolau08aod brothen 000balf ofBan Roque of Agustin Ayilez ~ebrada Boode DololOll ~IU Ban Blu of Domingo Jarquio Oorps of Pro Garcia 10 Acoyapa of )llguel Oullo __ ~ Timoeo Laca10

AU pOIllODI haVing claIm on Ibe pooler~11neluded III Ito Inventory of thlt publICation are hereby notified to psen thlyOll wilb the -ar1 proofs to the ndralJII~d BOlIrd of OomllllBllonerll a~ Iheir ollice In Orlllltdo t tbo hoUHcalled Onente lllIlolod da8oftbedate of thla publicUion aIId ahow eampiIseiC an Itey bave 11 said properlJ sbampll not be aoldCor and on accouotor be Republic ofNIcaragua

GraoadaAllgust 111868bull W K ROGERSJ H HARSH ALL J L RIOHMOND


ARE uo prepared -10 cerr1 on the Auetiollaod Commlaslon BNllneaa ill corumulon withtbeh

Exprcu Duties on goode conSigned will be ad vaneed and (lusOJll houe bullln attcnded te lor paltlel wbo tntrUl bU81neampa toIte compllll1 Llbc1 advAneea by drala on New York lind san Franoioco will bemadoon receipt of nlerehandiz In the custom house Te building oceuplcu Win amp Co Ie ~P of 8toring teu thou88nd barrels bulk and genoralIIercliandiee will b to ceived on Iorege

J A BUOGLES AgentGranade-Don latriclo RivlIlI Snn Froweiaco -0 K OrillOn 4 Co No York-Cbbullbullbull

MOrgllll amp 410Granada Aprill2tb 1866bull ___ __ ____

Dr lagolul Pot TENDERS IUS SERVICES to tit ciliaen It

Grallada alld vlclnl~y bgt the prACtice of

MED1CINE SURGERY amp MlDWlFERY ar om and residence on tbe 80ulbweat 1lOfUr of lbbullbulltroot op(lOlllc the ampn liaocl8co

Collvent GrIIII8da Jllnel 181S8

EL NICARA6UENSEVoll No 44 p 2 Sabado 6 de Sepllembre de 1856 Saturday September 6 1856280

l_ ----OenamprlllAerl forthoam-dtThotWltfor At I ~ t tar a gn() ntl t ll) fb ~ + 0_

Saturday Mornin~ Sept 6 ======== -~_


rocell nOll Tn eKNIUtU ORDERS or THEARllr

OIlHIIL COURT MARTIL-A general court ~utlal hu beon In ae88lon during tho week in veSligiltlng Iillch offellce aft might be brought bemiddot fore It Tbe rollowing omee constltutod th~

~Irt- Brlv Gen l~ry Col M B Skerrot Major J 0 ON~ and Second Lieu W H atbea AdJbtnt Dn Latllorp cted 88 Recorder bull

IlI(OlIpolUTIOJl or COlPANIKI - CompAIIY O Fir lAlli lalillltry hU beftoOmeJrted IntI) Com-PfUlT D vllh Captain J amel amleson com-bullmandlng and tbe coriqueat or Mexico It la our duty to

f C WII mako ar upon Nicera or In other words

pOwer deee not eeue when domlnlun1 attailled bperlenceproves thnhucc_onlyaggraTlltoll be dealre Spain has no Intentloll ~ Umlt ber conquest lt0 Mlco but ahlimiddotmiddotrlll carry her 11 to tbe eztreme pOint of80uth Amerl trsuqceaa ruirlIsitance Ii not mademiddot

II then devolea upon Nlcaigllamp to detOlmlne br line of c~nduct If the conOict mUll be for-cad upon ue-Ifwe are really in danger of Euro peea domioatloo-does It not stand us 10 haod to ClIocert witb otber Statoa wbat I bes to be dORe to avcrttbe borrors tltat ma reenltmiddot from the vicshytorlou reestablishmen of Spanlsh domlolon 011

bla Istbmus tbe leading nation of Central America I tbe representative of freedom asmiddottbo exemplar of Jolnlng StAiea I Ia tbo dut~ or NI ~gQ to Inirpose her ~wor bet~en Spain

080 or LBnIR-Tho letter 0 apt bull D- Is b th IIt_I comp 18 cbngedftomO to E and aasilt 10 defending th freedom of Spanlah Allier Illalor Captala centkeefmiddots jlompan1 cr(lm E to D lea andmiddot to do tbb auooonlullr we bould coun

It lIdIaliuriai 411 all dlfterencea and united elfori to AI~obullbullOaIlP TO TRII GIIER~L-Oaptalo Fran repel_ultAs one atlck may be easily brOfcefl

lfahon bu beea Irsnsfer1Id from tbe CommaryDe irmeu to tbe taft of the Commnder-In- hen eeparted fom the bundle so one StateChfeL unwJatOd b he GOorederates illiall an easy vlc- tim to tbe 1owerof Spain and baYing thle union

tfEXOO ANIJ SPAIN-DUTY OF la Tlew wo alould nOI exult tbat tbe Nortbern OENJRALmiddot AMERlOA

The comblntlon betwoon tbe northero States

Ilgaln Niearagua butlliled Forsomereloollllshykoonto Lbe publIc tbe acluall~y o( ar no 1011 ger e~on out oorthero frontier LeOIl II (It reseot OpOIl ~ tbeoccupatloo of die forceJl oUbe ~ublc and Ir tbe Commlnder-ln-Chltf doe not flUTlaoll ~h P- ils because tlereexliIino ueoeulTtba be ibould send a battalion aw7beshytore 1 IBldle are pald off t prnUbe Pa

Iagu balftiledi b~ttber look U~I) 1amp ann inshytrp88illon of tovldence guiding II the SlateS to

Iomiddotd Bmiddot d 111 Ibl h d anun n un ar on ran an II ex bull eR bull In Opposition tcunYlhlng like 10terpeJIllonnom Eushy



Oa the ad or8ept~mbar 1865 GlIn WIlIiln Walfftr with tortY-IlTe ~llleme ~rgeon od


-- co_vFisOATiiiTPROPERTY peoplo Iginot only unrcsonablebu~ i~idb a IiccDse to thom hereafter They willmiddot Dol reoogmiddot

In the oours ora week or t o we shall publi~h nlselts geueroity but attrIbllte-it to somo batemiddot ~ descptloD of many of tbo valuable estta In motive Rnd in their prll6cy h ~rnlDeb~ tb~ Deptment 01 Ri~a DO 8d~ertled in EI oald bderidodas a dupe We h middot no fcar Nlcaraguonse as ubject to con68ctlon Our esmiddot thM the Commission will aY-er fmiddotom ill ~mporanl peelel correepoDdent II at rmiddotresellt cngged in a and essloti1 duties j bUI we haTo tbrown 0111

mit to lhac Daportment j and beluga gentleman these general observalion as e~periencla gained of mucb discernment alld acquaintance with corremiddot from biatorvand overy doy )ilo i Ipondene w~ lDay promisemiddot faithful and re~ibl The Bord has already invostigated the firt account ofthe property liable to sale 110 til reo case and ita ruling alfords a u middotnt~e bullbull ~ its CutUrt

port upon tbo situation and capacities -of tiie hacimiddot conduct In tbe matter of Dltndano owcr of all eodaa tbeir present growth nd tho crops tboy estate In tilo department of Rivlll who I accused might Jiro~ueo i~ oWlled and dirltcted by experimiddot of leaving tbe State contrary to the law allbough enced frmors Embra~ed ~n ~he list wili be found be proved just as wighl have beell expected ranchea growlOg cacao IOdlgo sugar tobacco wbatever tha Board Irescribed that be should coBee rice corll banallBa aDd planlains Besides proye slill as he did 1101 ples~lIt tbe original till theaeataploarticlea ofproduction 011 thesa Oches pper~ the CABe set bck ond he was Qrdrod

b ~ middotmiddotmiddotd ~ d t bl lDaymiddote ouo ~any Ults an veg~ ~ ea toomiddot nu merous 10 menton The preent COlldlllon of-thee estates IUC at practlca mo~ mglIt U ollce takeboldand wltbthe firat year reahse an abundant 1lold 110 Bucb a crop h~wever as he might proshyduce III tho Iceond and tblrd yeunt wtth be supomiddot rio b od d tl t A I r mac mcrya c uea on omiddot QlClICa~ nven-middot lion and Inl8lecl The manner of growln~ corn 10 this ate I~ 10 make ~ Inlall round hole 10 the ground IR whICh tbe gralR Iadeposlted 1pound Is tbeo let to grow as bell It c~nl without any uaisuIRco except one or tWII weedlllga As a IDI tter of course 1 bullbull tU will no do everr1lting and the reault i a

glOtb ofstalk from three to five feethlgh~ bearshying notbing butamall nubbln~ to use a fannea term We ~ppeal to tho Igli~ulturia~ If wben illch Is th case h~ might not expect fitb proper sub-soli ploughing aodjudlcioUB boeing and hilIIollt n ear or com equal in evorrreapec to tbQ Indi ana or western Pl9duct 80 ILia wit every otber

~iterGeneralis bll8il1 eOIPC~d III maldag pa Bay br liTe hundred and forty oflbe bait oati training tbe sugar-caneofthls State challengel a ~~ta as rallu ~ par qUs IINI be mdemiddotou troop In OcIltnll Amerimiddotmiddotundertb coumand of comparison with tb of LouliRna or Texaamiddot Tbe hut tbe IIDMllled ooadltloo or the countly the iD~ GiiardIola The Ogbtlasteci abo~tlwo hours talk Ia uauoll ~a lJicb and a balf and two Incbes upld t tWo of alfalrs tbemiddot mant ll00lIIII18 and resulted III tbe eotire and oomple~ rou~ of In tblckneaagroI to tbo hlght ofeight and ton 111amp JllltraIIymiddot aCcru In time o~ war ha all eon- the attacking party- ff Guardiolas fore elgbty- feet closely Jointed and veYJdic1 Tbe 8tubble ~ to relUd tbumiddot aeUlemen wblcb Ue com ilxmiddotwe~kllle 011 tho apot ieveal wounde~ ho Is neYe~ luperaeded but Iii aUowed to glClw on for lllAoderbull 10 Ious abould bemiddot mad wltb the er~ broughtl~ Ier die lI~bt and onll omel1- a generatloo A~ auob a dliadYantage and with mr- Mvea g9t back to the town of RITas wlthou berdlyan apologrfolmiddot Dlills tbe augar of NiOllragua

Tbo raSult oftheloabloatlon In tlleNorlhl~ arm and of whom tbl1 lIerda died oftbelr Italmoa equal on Ita Brat b9i1IlIft to the best a poltlcal nec_It IbretliI upon ampoduraa ~u~- WOQntli At a minimum tbree bllodred ~~t lave cbryatallzed sugar sold iomiddotle 9rleans lbe gralo tJemllAimiddotbullbullutBao Bakadb~ noHnoramp b1 ttfolleo been ~HIljimiddotlId died 10 the wood1Dnd at Rival ia Rure aod clear IUld wo han a~n aRecimens

_ te~ oitve 1rOOpI W8a alacked In VI~gln pecles of planting and OIve) bull Ith thl Indifferen

tobrillg forwlUd the Decesery d()Cumell~ legally attested bJ the proper anlbolltie 0 hi- CSIt b 1confiscated

ThiJ is th~ ooy ~Afo rule Ibat wllere it Is at all possible the Court sbould illsist upqn haTing wiUIlI Instruments inatead or oral leaiimony

on 11 matlen pertalUing to tillea to real esltmiddotmiddot It is tben Impossible except by forgery 0 deli1tud tbe Govelnmeol

J middot1 DI~It EE TO SO ULEi

011 saturday the 80th Insl R dhner was gllCllL

by G~ F f t~ Ni It A bull n razcr 0 e car guan rmy b

comphmentto tbe Hon Pierre Soul who wal about to doparl ror bis home in the Uuited Stte Thea e we8 bo~ -8nlY peraons prescnt am~nK wbom fero Brlgader General Fry N Amiddot Col Weeler American M~ollter Hon Pierro Soul Pb R Tbopson AdJllant GeneralN A Col Tho FfFlher Quartermbter Oenerol N A MllJor Ccane Acting Postmutcr General Col Mark B_ Skerret F R Col Jooe~ Paymaller Geoeral Nmiddot A Mr Jobn Tabor of EI Hira gpen jMrCharles Gallaban of Ibe Customs Demiddot p~rtme)lt and In line all tbe delArtlD~ta of Iht CIVIl ad military gonrnment were rI reaentea The dlODer fas g~t up In a very exc lent manmiddot neralld Included lome of the rareit vegeltblt productlonsas weU as tbe cboces middotjallds and yy ~ood wl8a 4 I

B~SIdler (Ieneral Fry prelided supported 011 dUeohteot ofihe n=eolt thon bI tho fear nilw (It ounda ~eeoled In the lgM OM Walker perfoctl kaolpRrentwbici were never subJeeted his llgbt by rho U~II lJieCSoul alld bn bb I~ rreel) expreid tb Spa~o wlll mako an attempi bail nooe of his forco killed and but nine wonud- 10 any regular prooCII ofcbrratali~liop A gen by the UIitedStateB 1Iiniater i toaubJiJilllte )(exlca od IIIt1mately tbe Iybole of ed allof wbom recovered Of the nino two were het ampmtrlcul pOele88ion An Jgeoi frem Gua~ rIIlemen ~lId seveD 1I1l1e8 telitiilamp had OIIl11ited tft ympatbles of KuIco liidlt Gan Walker About thistillio the treasoR otRIYIIJ occvred aud he Ilad Iieen grsutcd pershybullnla1ioll to recruit forcel in that State 10 Ierve Jigalria thll Republic But on tbo receipt or cershylain rill~ frommiddot Europa that Spln seriously conmiddot ternplated a war Y1~h texico President Aluraes refoked tbe Iluthorlirmiddot io oalial soldl in bat StIlte an4 Ulltil arull planatloa was offered It wu ib~ugll ~ middota~ Iould ~r1i8 between Mexico nnd Guatemala Bul the matter WIIS explained aD as n matter oC COUJS8 Guatomala fell equally hterelted Mexico thll eve poasibllJ energy sbould be lel witb Alvaraell tomiddot repel Spanish agshygre~lon 9Il Mexicobull Tbe80 facts have notblng to 00 ~Itb ua other tbun to origloato a Rlaller beshytween Nlcrgllamp and Mexico whlcb mllSt be setmiddot tied beforemiddottbe ltate can eatertain an1thlng but coolness towa~ that Rilpublic

If I Imposllbleto conjecture how mucb trutt may be attacbed to tbe reported lotentlon ohlte Spanish goveuuont Wh~t8Ter tbeselnshytenton wete preleul to the exlatiog rovolytion tit hlime juat be Spain Is so fraught with Intershynal coo~ulllons t~aI ~IO apprebenslo~1 need be en terLllned- 011 thia aide the Atlantic of an attack from ber DOW too buon occupied 8Oidle1 FlIr

tbe ftlturehowenr wben ber govommelll may

TIl 84of Septombol~ 1816 being the ampRnl Teraary or Ihla victory ~Il of the bo)a wbo were the battle delermlned to saddle up aod reo qllelUbe GeMrsl to rldeout with chem tblnklng II the most aoberaod plea Ilt metbod ofabowlng their regard for thelr much btiloved ~olDnabder UnfortunteI1 they or 100 late for upon reo pairing to the Genrals qurters tboy found thtmiddot be btd already gone to ride It was a great dltshyappointmen to tbem but tbey took a galloll to th lake and on tbelr returll stopped at the ell of th b~tT81 andmiddot dtmlJlhn b) luvltalion oC Col Jones aJyenl touted Tb(- BaUlc or Virgin Bay and tbose w~o tfere ClQgaged In It Thoy tben rode arouod tbe city ~1 th~ Churcb or tire Altab ald baH to tbe Plua when b1 InYltatlon ot OoL An- deraon the repall-ed to tbe Walker Dbuaealld again IOIIlted tbe 81nloC tho ad efSeptembtr 1866 AlerwAMa by InTltadon fir (01 Jonel tbe) brougt up at hi relldeoce wbere seated arouud hi table wlLb plenty efbrand water and cigars many Incidents connected with tbe cammiddot palgn were relted many amusing aoecdote told and a gcood time bad generally up to ten oclock P raquo wben tbey dlpersed oscb to their reapecmiddot tin quarters

We gin the names of ~e genUemoa middotIn town en Wednesday who were preseat at thefigbt of

beeOllla stable from an allianco wltb tbe h)uae of Vlrgilmiddot BooPIIlO when FrCflch force than be aIded to ber obstinacy it la impossible to dc~ermioemiddotwat Action abe ~aJ take 0 realize ber long cherlsbec Iope of reoewed aOTeIelgoty OYer ber former colshy001 In America Tho kolowledge or tbes hope~ and along Rcquaintnocc witb the headlong penJatency oh~ Spanish l8ee creates a r8llll0nshyhle (er In tbe Mexico Republic tbat It will nol be long before Spaoish guna will como tace to face I~ tbe CIlltlo o~ San Juan do Ulloa The pout bWtr~ tbat I rance nlly alford ctd asalstshyaoce creates tbe greater danger and the moro wshygon lIecesai1 fo~ dereual preparalion

TIle 88me ~uso wbicll ahould c~eate appreben ion In )(osieo (ought not to bo aUen to NIra~ gUll It Spain desires to re-establisb Iter 10TershycltDtover on8 portion of ber tormer depellden-

CoL A Jon Cpt D n Bailey ~iPtbull J V Hoof Capt Oeo M Leollard To~nt~rdoelj ~ie~~~~arkhIDi Wm E bull Moody Bamuel Kenlltdy Lieut WID Matthew Wm Andcrson Charles Fiaber DUSIITIIO COIlPLlIfIRr_Th M_ya lIerald

88y th Mn DUlenbor 1111 at MllJor Dusenshybor1 now In conlUsndt M_ waa the firs Amerlcall lady thllt ever ascended to tho summit of the vohlano of middotMasaye We believc Mra DII Mnburl WI not only tbe firat American lad) that ever ucended thlll vo1callO lIII1lhU lIbe waa the 11m lad1 tbat ever broko tbemoootony of lIIllAY Ille by becoming a resident 10 Us midst

AlTAL 0 ~DA BrulIIR-The San Carlot

tlemao from Illlaaiasippl wbo baa lived III Leon Aner Ioe more substantal part of tbe entertaamiddot~ al80 Io~om uatha~ the iug~r uaod In that scctlo~ of the State la not ollly eqlllln every r~spect to tbe beat Loulalau table lugar but tbotlt18 sold cheaper Not Doly doe~ tbe country present In aspect moat fut9rable ~tbe agrlotmurl In all tbe abonrespects but It ia undeniably Olle of the beat grpegrowln~ atates in tboworld Theprieata inforlllll UI thttmiddot lnanyeara ago tho grape las cultlvated to cODalderabte extent and -Ine WO0 dllcecl lupenor even-totbe celebrated Catlonla brand The Spanilb government however In a Jealous mood ordered aUth~ vinea to be cut up

ment had bee~ disposed of toasts to tbe iPresiden~ of Ibe RepublIC Ib~ Hon PIrre Soul~ be AmeH cau Minlaterthe glvcr of Ibe entertalflJllent tI beads of the various Departments of t~e Gllveru meot and many of tb gentlemen pretoot ~ropoled drank 1I0d reaponded to Ith much gusto I

Gencral Fry presided wilb his ulual groe Soul displaed such eloquence upon Nicaragan alllrs as plaly sbo ed be iaterest he too~ hi theilgt and 001 Whoeter wla al usualbrilliant ~nd will1 11 would be useless to endeavour to deserlbe

and the manufacture of ine ~o~ be auspeildod Cptaln Frazier 8amptyle we sball not tbe~efOl1 amiddot Aler the revolutloo oflodependence th country tempt It It is lumclent to lIy that he performed beeame Involved Ill such a ltate of IPucby and tbe part ~H m~ne bos with ecl4t I) btselrbull1HI consequent uncertainty tbilt DOmiddot efForts weloe made to tho satsfllctOD of his guull to re-commeoce tbe cultivation of g-ape and a Tbo company separated al leven ocl ck to ~ look a tbe wasted rllncbes nd deoayed b uildi~g8 tond at tbe Presideot~s Levee bull that mark tbe Statea gradual decline Will lit once DUARTOR~-The stealDer Sail Oarl08 Ir cooYloce tbe most skeptical that this Is tbe 001 tbi port on ituesday iRat for middottbo Ban JUIO ril eri 1eI800 1by tbere are no vloeyarda ill Nicaragua with tbe Illtelltion of connuctlng Itbtho Nell at present At eYery point tbe 61gna ofmiddotdecay are Orleaa steaDIer I mallifeste and eTen the elthltmiddot baciendas are The Hon Piorre Soule took hia dedarturo o~ aot free trom tbe reproacb No Improvements tbe S crlo~ and 1188 attend d to th~1 b b b o appear to have been made within the Iut fifteen a large nUDlbe~ of friend In ompall ~~ 1I or twoot1 yelrs except allcb as e~e absolutely Soule Col Fisher Col Muocoaas and~L1eut Gbull neceaaary i and at evory f~olstep ell8ts tbo sign Y Giattook their departure fortbeUoiled Statu of I former wealth llId population not now known 1 tomiddot thomiddot State Jii~TIC~ to OYII2nS or LUB V_~L~Attenmiddot

The Boardof Commi88loners to dctennine on tbe tioo II dlfected to tbe notice of Cbarleal ColiabID rigbt or the Government to COnaSClle tho properly i another ~~tDn a~vertising 01 perso~a nuIS adYerliaetl leAt preaon in aston In this cit) tlng tbea of Nicaragua lIDd tbe ~ivor Sail Many place haTe been taken p08881Sion of by J uall tbAt hereofer tbey must take 0 IIcenHI tbo ollleen of tho Board which will probably be for their ve~8 before tbey can eftgae In tadm given back as the owoe wUl be IIble to prove on tbe oforesdid walers I Ihat tbey were not compromised III Ilny troasou PIlIISOIIAL--Col John n Markham lately in agalnlt tbe Republic But R8 n matter IIf justice command of the Meridional Department arrivOll to the State aRCI that 1 1e88on mlly be taugbt the In town ~ )tondlly by the SattCarloa d~d I stm dilUlleeled whlcll 11 be warning to otbers botb in thecity L~ Col A Rudlor in oollDand al bere and e~OThe it I highly proper in oumiddot Cutillo also came up a passenger but ilel oelt opinion tIa the BOllrd shollld proceed wltb closemiddot day on therturn nip of the boat i ncaa and rigor In ItSmiddot hyestlgatlon We have to I deal iLb lUCfI who art) i reality ellemies to tbo OnANO~ or nuo QUAITKas-~ng Oeneral State and who would take the Brat (vorable oe Uornsby III com)llan~ of tho Merldlo 1 Dep~r~ caalon to declaro for cootioued rel)lutlon Any end ~a removed bla head qumiddottors rrom Sll achellle they cOllld doviao regprdleaa of ita honor uan e ur to R t or Its collsequeoces would be qulckl) ndopted not GOHI TO SAH OARLoa-Capt JrRRk bOlDplOIl

eit in thla q~terwby ahould no her ambltlon Captalo ErrickacA Arrived alibi port on Monday onlr againampllbeGovcrnment bul against uupre- baa been ordered to San Oarl08 wi~b ComplaT cov~t the bol of tbllll Ihhe attempt and 1middotlPoIl Virgin Bay brlbgllg lip leveral p_ tellted women an~ children middotThnt conllderatioua F First Light Infantry He Ion on tb alellllUl tuceecdamiddot1Ii llbjlllBting ~nlco would abe oot gers and coosiderablCl freight or bumlnlly abould bo middotextended tlards sucb on Monday


268 I

El NlCABASUENSEVoll No 45 p 2 Sabado 13 de SepUembre de 1856 Saturday September 1318

Ohonllllu where the rar_ nampedmiddothey hamp4 been DEATH OF ESTRADA IHBRITiW iiiiiBIBUTIOf lenl bT ~etII Wilker nd on amphe angtli or ~ f Jitaragne nst About two weeD lince IlllormatIoD - re- bill 1b7lrobbed de minON or eyeryampblq the W are lafonned lbJori HarlaampI~ 1lIfmiddot

mid he1IJheamp TiJrle ad hll 11111 of ObbeN wnW AI leaglh amiddot phyalolla who was ~ the PUI8lded Preeld ot Nlinragua appointedlI _t__ S middott 18 had beea cutlo pi_I ihe 1DGlIIttm Of~OhoDmiddot millet of wlilt IlAlifit1 we did no hear ealled lill the yampCftmroccaakmed by the deeth ltf lKm 1Jaturday O ~ 8p bT a parll of llldlul 1M the DeWi caml In lb 811_ togolhor and loformed Ib~m di he JruIO Cliamorro baa beeo ltIlledmiddotblbemiddot Iodinoa

-- IVCll lodlroei wJ IIIId wal aUog$ampber en 110gt It Oeoenl Walker aod WaIJ tlllled UI he In the Department 01 New 8egolo ala town ARMY REGISTER hk 10 lIIyellCCu~ III Ibe _oner ied dtd had 1101 1l1li1 th_ ~ento pllloder them aod called Samoto Oraode It ppe~ Ibd A~tonlo

middot -da l_t te wdldnoamp~ I ~eo allude 10 IL 00 couaolledthemW_hlealldclrlnhemiddotmahlud UliRYiallatbom ~lradampbdllDpriSOllednPromottonl an_nppow men bull Wetla howlt a PIWIl airbed trlm ere from lhe couo he guard hooae of Ihla 0111 and who waareolsed

iI TH11 o-nu oeDII OJ lBUI1IT the hIcIeedaof Ualo Grode DellI Julpe be- The minera dId18II9IIIbIe 0 Ibe outaber or onr bl Gen Walke on hla eyloto GIampn~Wi wuTUO - - h l

1000cllII 10 non lermIo r_r which M DOW 00- two bOldredjbullrmed wllh mal)betaa picbaod t e mean of Estradu death Child ltolJecl G ~ Bawley appolnamped Second Lleutellut C1IpW b amllllludlna parIlIl~ aDd otherlUde IUIIHIbull The 8tanedlo p_~ ot Tur- bull partl oflotfIe meo In Leon ith wb~m he

en~ ~tampotCoIl1ll of BubeiatellClo be -rmoli the preriou amptor) III an 111 pfriIco ley and lila IIInd and lOOn _memiddot up wllb them went 10 Bomoto Grande where Estrada w- rht~Becou4 LlelltiOent Oenrg Femnd prolllOamped IarI IIIYlDgmiddot J~ed diem ftGai tha m ~ The aUe _ ther were oololllUered nd ltie he Incited thnUve poplilation agaID Estrada 10F1111 Lteutftan0UrlllI

loho C Crowell Ippojllied Iecolld Lltuleoant Balbelorerelolfllgthalle wewRlCor hellen manded a parle aad twr UI Interchnge lor lUch plleh tbal Ibe roao IIpon him WlthoUi ~ArtlI lIampot I~Of oar teIdera who malIoU poeted eeYenlftaga of - Ibe followillg lel1llaof caplbullbull meaDl of defeoce he fell the Ylcllm 10 hIe OWl

IamprII who and wW furle all4 hie _ reallf Iolon weie entered Into Turley party weN pervealty IBESlilloAfIONS wbull to up all um+ ar IIh the were to be

middotliiatLiauteou$ K Bew _tint 001lUlllmiddot QIp$ Tutley arrIcd hert 4He ~1111amp fumlabedwllb suibullbullwhowoold take them to the Hu III1 baJTubull-Th sehoGDer Pearl r~sarr of Suhlltlence baa retIgned bit pOllI1on Ibebetd ota plrty ofinoampfOur 1lItII 81idlated 1~leooQrmiddotBIerielclllnrf1rblO1i Ibey bolmd tbem to Ibla pOd on ~ueed rllr a severe ~D ~ i had teA hili ~ lieu and Jar- ItImtod_d and leavemiddottlte coooy lerooe Up to Virgin On t e prage up 8 e lIIelTWO IMPORTANT DEOREa8 _ ier 00II of III New Or~ a_ CrtuIIi II Ia _jtultd thai Torle) party mutl bue a tremendous 8118 which 8Jlrullg Iter timiumlo

Ja tha ~ NJooir e publlahad bull ~ ho woold be w by lie autlllea~~ been oulof _uoilloo oIberwlae the would nol mllcb thai Ie waf willi dUlieult abe maJ~ed to middotdtorft of bullbull8upreme BreOll~Y power ~ug Tude) hImaeJf had III Ipparendl IfIIIIlr I~ llayt aped- to I lip bel ~ arml i blu IIall ~eep afloel ~ngo and c IlW wetemiddotke~t ballmiddot a eeiIaJji penaft of abOr IIIi Idlelltll or III the did menuer whCll pre~ oftrfODemiddotla-1di eTealll lbaldIdo a3d II Ibe lodoua got pol- log alllhe while alld enl hell gllal apweh~ _ ~pNIIIlelra olthala ~~no ~1Of Be eonlrmed In hftappolotmeDtaDlI eeiIdon ofu-sa prepotIlion wa made to knt all 8~ wafelt lbIabe would go downbull In Ileat~S An p- whe iWl ~e BfteeR cla11 1louS em- hit eompIIl wu 10 1uII1e1 Of the robbeI1I ~ WI agted to bl 11141 patl aoout Ibe _de lb lee 01 tbe 18~ld or ZapaLeo plo1meot hanoI ao lIIbl - or IlIiPOJI II dered 10 be mouoW B ~ UI lii0i1 ofUle mllerlwblii ohe were In fayor of keep- and In comlog to tbla cl~ nayi_ted a cpnQel liable to~ aad WUI brouSht r_ lui orbllmenhad~ reeroItea 1IlIelIIweread IogUltreea It di1ll1oo 11111~ade aod IIItweeo Ibl Ielan~ od the _Inlalld htheo peteet8ab-PreIeOtOcrrrllotofPollcOI~Ide mlrab~ h_mali IIIIdfrom brlog pllilldpaled 1amp _ found UI the 1t1l~lIg pa1ele lalgeiy IInIcIlOWD CoL Btl Commluarr Generall CapL ma) be 1eOOId1o hard labor oPOIl be public III ~ border wus of1Ila( Side bodl1rilb Hex lu Ille lIIIIIori~ whin-eupoa thelaller HI UpoD TUImiddot Baldwin lleI loIeaL lage Gonrnmellamp agenl yorke tmondll DllllIIIId IruJIalIII ~euller 8Ued filr dIe khId et le1 gIIl wUb UtFmaclIelr and 04h~r capone caDle up 01 th Pearl LleuL Page brought up

In l1OdItr 00I11J111l of Ioodan prp~ II be 1108 for wIdob the R~ dtldtitd ~lllJlledall but two wilo mad their tgtecape but $600 for the goyernment CapL Bardl comma fOuod bull dtcre8 forlbe eliroroemeoa orall cOiI~rtOla lhII -1 ha been part true hollhlre U 110 wera u~entl caplu~d and are now plleooe hePearL for labor u If IIbOHr eIWl OODIIroamp to worlder opportODlt for Ibi r ok_ Bugen hel8 II AcofampPI MlJUltoUJ COIfDVIri-Defore a general CoIlII I IOlipl period tIiaa IIx IlIOn aod eha1111111 ~ to~ ~b 111amp11 of die _ittr bullbull T~a Thill milerabl pembed Ibe d_tera who but Hmld held 10 thie till dorlol ampbe week print abide bymiddot1iJa 8IIpgemeot tha Judgeof Jim Ja compao~ ~lt ~lDed ~era ate d1t WIiea lew _bl1ce were greeted ~hroder8 by tbe F A Bod of Ule 8ecoad Llgbt I~fillllr w elUte ~rec Subprefoot Agricultural tu UI were ordered 10 1IaolJUl wbra Ihree 001II _1lId0I1801 of NiCII1lg Iud wbe) mlgbt tried for lIIulinoul conduot In that while 011 lhe or Iridal Alcald - HlIlIaCe blmmiddot to forCed paal oftha1 ~w_m~OIedmiddotlIlIdercom middotnow be oooupting blgh and bODOlable position eteaDer 1 W SCou be drew llie knifo Ind reshy~ ~ ~ptlbllo oworb for the unuplred IerIIIm~ orltlIpL DolIO The were bull11 met bat tor tWr lIIbol ahlle for pili that 111 IU 8iated Ih gull1l alld alen tbreaened 1018 8UperkJr of lIIIlIeflM And~ pereon who abtl COIlo wli SIiirp CIrhIoee Illd 01 ad w~ 1111111 whloh woo141101 be COllte~1 lUI Ibe pro- oIIicere and DUd dl~pectful lan8uage to them middot(raCwodi aod fall IIhaIl be liehIe to nOli lIlao loon well mOlloamped whtu h1_ ~e4 10 ceedI Ofhoneeampmiddotloduet J bulmWlooedt IIIIeIr for Be WI tried Ind confloled and he Courl llargtll Clil rior lore dIII liJllonlbe fbioeed Imor on UI _ling rbout th lIelghboibood b1fbIoIlRlcIlI nddtit wealih by deepoilog oiberabullbull Tutlef WaIJ condeJIDed hlllllO erYo one ye at ~ hbor PW1~ lmpro~ta Uley cibtaIoed preUy good bowledge ~thlIII- bull _ ofgood educallon and exceedigIJ plampu ullder ohIrge of Ibe gllard 1Iilh bull bal III ohlin

n ~ eYideol1rom th_ two ImporJanl deereea roundIoOlJlItrJ lhIe _0101 od maoy tbhk lutl he decelnd bil rbolll 10111 legtha lb Goleroill~t Inteods to ~o y1f11b tha A IIW more 1Ilal _k lier Ibtlr Irrl1Il _ In Ihe fI1II 1lnee bY81lIlig Ural hemiddot WH - bull I ~18f()Ul aPdlmiddot of Idlen wldcQseeru 10 tIIe1fere ardere4 h1 CaptaIn DOlan 10 pIliMied III aelliagiJuder orde tloniGeo Wlter~ OfCOUrtl lluu amp018-10 uother columo pqbshyW uieUUri ~nlon oft pbpwtfOD n I Tl~ aad ueteIa Uleb of-~_ hedeception could 1101 ha II1ttdmiddotloug hot tha lleh tbe adYerlilement or the M la~ 1~ Plbable one-thlrd of the meo ~ Nleampng1II will a1uje 00II of tha bull_ Dad been 1111 men Dilllid lbemI It au enIIIf _ for Bered 111 ah r_ will CODmellce whttber II ~ 1IlIiSUltW deotamiddot of Ibe ngrut 10amp I tlldmiddot d-bulland a bull~te no1i to be mo the7 bd robhIlHbe DlIlI_lun dltecUoJie aOd ralal or bloea ~ attd 81 eLtenelv prellyenAIio- another lUIP pJO~lIon wm and th8lllaoln BoO Ihp inot)fiur bOllrll Thtf ted ~lnsl7 ofOOI1Ne mad thelia eneml laquolid heillde kilew ba8 boeo made b tile Ciub ~ week ue III~ lpot

jeeto dlel8jlO1ld The loealuhoriUeII nendIMJllpDl1IOueeOrmiddot1ffaa middotiAerwramiddotbull lberweralookedllpOlt deerampei1l bdel~com leespected Doll C~ot DraOIIamprtntllllI middotoatt byerbruUhe m~ halllmoob hoolll en It WII14 to ~ reparll ooaoooamped plul IImead of raa-_It~ouldno fgte d1ft1oo1tmiddot under lvoh cb~ aome tit the fln1 I~k In lbe counlry hlc1a iUn In all 111 Mneea ofllle te lolInd plug 10 TIpiamptpa lhe1e deloor of Iibout eUDllIMea to Induce them 10 _lInueon Ih han been llactly~ UIIO for lOme dt llenlt IIIIIIldeat emPlo1~8D~ the ay or cOIhiclklS fout mllell ilidmiddot Ib _ to OhonW u lfop~ of reaoltll Ibe coori andtetw1Ilog to of tbe olllOlll are 180 In the pOlae~lolI cU ncr grmtl IlId all empo7lr who desires labore AooOmplng Ulem_ Jolin J BiY8lll bull young tolbel bOlllelll1l th~ States Wilh tba08leera of 8Iook upon wbloh Ibe ~ willing to alaie Ilfr b onJi to mue a cootrret wllb ~~ 11m oJItill~e mill who hid _lIIIlIy 111l1li ~ed tom the IcolUHI~ WII illlIm~t Tbeyweol Jato tbbullbulllIalr pile Sportsmen rOIO a dlftell~e r~~ cordI] fu hombrt- be matte to _realu one biId IW II1IU to bull HCOlld lIeutammtillof - poIaO8 wlUllhelr 7e11 OpeD f1d ere only ampetuted by Ited to III preaant and parllclpald n Ib~ spotbull for he Goremmell Improemenl8 Idlenei Ind _JlIIII1aod w ~ Ibe time ot hIi deiertiolll adealre for plonder on Ihe 000II1011 IIIdt~bgotogetherl and It all appllcallon for ctoallrlllcommand~amphI_peo7 TnrI7wu~IIeof VloDurgh MIH alld IltllU-illmiddoty bull s~iYmiddotJ-t IV nether labo III nOI di_~rerused ItI ~I tlllWrId At lIral 1101 belteyed IIlaI Tllrl and bll hll tamil tbe 18 middotcouldered hlgllty felpeelable holiday among our Iodilll friend Ba8 the ~o8aya i8rmatlnly bot to be blOke Tb mneUIer _mind bad really d_ftHl Tht UII1Ie olllcera When bull ho1 bll cbataoler 1111 hid and he laquo8 Herald It was Ibe annolY_ we beley~ of the InduatrJ nor coneoience i alld ~y are of opi~ and Iwenlywo _ all Americana oouId be early obliged to lea hODle 011 account of bls dla qbjvgatio~ of Ibe 1Ioorebullod Wa6 entelpu InlB tbat th_ IWO 1flnU are aupplled b bull characer- Iolated tlIeif pIlgh~ faIth d_ried Ibelr eonll hoa1 prop8DIIltlea n ill Id Ihat a few yeal8 wllb phit Abougb w vou1lt1 nol UU


IRlII IIIOre alarming elill m~lIce It Ie Id ellmiddot tJtmeo and abandooed their lleDdard 10 jolo bull IIDce he made trip IlIto 80ulh Amerloarwbelll Iheir IlIUguase yet we alched Ibeitmiddot m OllVte8 perlenee upbolds tbe unrtloo that be lu hIrhIroIlI aad mlaerable lactIon 1fho Cete llnog bejoloed bull part ot no~ robDeIl IIIId was qulle wllh aU the lowt 1fe could lIIusler nd en lO8f about ahe hou8eII alld aguaclleote Ibope pllllldering tbelr own -- lOme-~ SllIce thenu lemiddotal3ledlbal be hn DeeD joyed Ibe scene YIlI1 much I will promlae to 1fork with 110 olber expecampttion 11101 too u~uoding IIIId oooatoni to be belleY I marelldlllg IIIOn the bordere of Kexlco nd Texae thao to disappoint We know thlt to bit the cue hot u lime pued 011 deIr eontlDUed hIIVIle ThliIe partloola haYe oom lllit 81nce bls deler Brr-Tbe llaaay Berald co~gralulatt8 Itot io mau1net0- wliere America han IIOlIght and nrlOIll ehCOlllllallcel whleh 0IIl8 to IIghl Uoo LIeu Rlnll Ia lIatiY6 we helie of ~ being pree~nt hot Moodal ntght aldauCl workillen for the laborer-if 10 dIJnIIled a _ unwllllugl1orced Ibe eonyicllon upoD Ibe mlnda Sao Antonio Tue IIIId 41a berne II good pYIln b Bellonte Marla Balellmela to tbe oIIker$ can)le fumlllhed to 81l0b libelll on lad~lIIye of d lIilUIwee Indeed 100 true aud from lila cbaraeter up t~ Ibtlimo of hit desertion Bew of Ibe secoDd LIght lofalliry Ba~ImiddotJlon T 6 perr ~Ude joked at their IUCC~ d-I Many 1Il0Dl Ule lIa1ile or Turley or of Idi conted liked by hit meo audmiddotlrllaled b bla IiUperlor lB ~8I a p_n olle I 01U llSU Ie C~D~ POn7 lmportllli works middotwould now be In courae of - -ee ~e a bTe-word and a _ -oor aU cere andoo mllnln lbearll1etood a fgteltercbaace knew blms_e_________ donbullIt bena could he employed alld e 11110 hononhIe mell to ttain high poeltlon tJiaa he did Ilh fatal TaUIIIIIII1 STOIIV-OII Tueeda nlghte amp11 tbe aallIon of knowlog tbat uoder th_ The pen opIldou of 000IIII wu Ulea amphi d momena the lempter foalld him aDd he bartered Rub II aucceaalOIl of beav claps of Ibuu er ahal deereei - k1ud or abow wlll be mlde toward eerlell would ~e Ulelr way 10 Leollud jolll Ibe all lila bop for the proapeot of bull robber life eIIID boiled milk UJ1lod to booD-clahbe Tbe colleolinl UI lleeusnry foroe to ~o on with lmIldmiddot hclloroblll Ibue but II few deemed more rro- OfIbe olbers we kaow nolhlog peltODlIlI but rbo Ia aboal Ihe moel forcible IIu8tramp1I0 of lb iOI up lIIe C)OUolry lC men II1ilI 00 work fot bable IIlas u had gone 00 a robbiDI npediampion ~ng to lilT who mIght b di8Pllled to follow etretl81b of Ibe atorm lhIt we call Ibl of JUII bemIIlm or olliors Ibe VilI MJI(J to work (or amoor lb riobbulendu cir Chonlillea aocl woald tbelr eulllJll If ampOy lUeh tbere be appsnd now Oanmmelll i Ind II few 8amp111 experience In this aodeaTOr to maIte tbelr way to de AdlUllio com Ihelllmee of fie mllerrbl wratcllee who IIIve paid i lIer llDe will plllhabl cure the llloelobelloato either Blew8eldt or San JOIII del NIlrte The en dead for UIlr crimea TIIVPIiJIICIIlampaTI1-rrOfe8llOrSli1IIWlt1 cubullof Idlen ord_lllaloeu laltMire lIagulirly oorreot for UIe 8m newl bull OJrI01M lecture 00 tho IObJect of Temperaoce h -1

i L_gt _0 r-abullbull b- _II Lgt Turl ltlIpL_~lfbuderR LieuL E FbullRullleli iO-lIIerrow enolng The d~ coureo wm givemiddot_ Lt

FLA( middotQF THERIilPUBLIa _ ft_ u 0 nJ vera th Ia I ~ t f tll b ft C beod had robbed etII haetendu In (Jbooet PRlY-T18 degDn e p Ya hn ~ronl degb__ urch at rP M

bull oort open I 0 t me UI b By a dec e puhllabed In an nolbor columll Ibe a olle of whleb the)- were bllllteo otr after coo- I R Fltzhogh A C Lewle I e our I

Fiac IIf Ibe Replblic 18 changod yerl materiampu lidertble of bull lIghL It did noamp appear th amphi i raquoj BBi ~ tok~fdl HOltampLITr If LIOIC-The Kill Berld plIb It oOW eooeleu of bille etripes wllh willte Iiad JOIn aD of Ibe lIylns hlna of pbamom ampm~1 Jlo~ne K R Moni llabea an eKnol of II Jetter giving Inrect InteJII etripe between them the IUer Iwlce u wide III tall III IIlat regJon but like de - of lebm8l1 H- Conant A N Moore gence from Leon fu 1Ihloh U Is elated ~t oflbli Ibe former 10 the lIillldle of the wblte etripe ie UIeIr IIInda lIemed to be agaIoet fIery man and George Dunn Samuel MOre few remaloiog foreign troOjNIlIOW In jat city Iobearedetarwlthivepolol8 Wbullbullretbuarld O1l11en hand 1Ipl1ld Ibn~ Wbll CoL W O bull Ear~ Y BBllllth ftOmIlReeotoI1leotdieotleerydtYl

a IIIId hla nw 10 Ih b Ch IWeII A lira W B Sb~are shyofUie eropn d11eewblcbhu hllhlrtoenap r-7were8 roog 1)110 J A Gamlllon B Spheara COlllampIIIampIPamptoOJ-TheFiraamp RillelBaLaf proprlalell8(1teampe11ted Ibe State taIet he 1108rtmed from a ff1el~lI) nade dtd I B Tylor D 11 Klink 100 h bten 1lI()elvlog It pr during the pas - Turleyaod lIlamiddotpart were fa hnlclollYt aod had r ~ Welcb II K Welle week Tbe followiag COlllpaaleJ baY call d

8runOtu-Thi dhigdowa 1Ol rtew _ -w O p Latoloo de Colanelaollcelllld 118ded bull e l ~ e plalll to lIIe lake 1m beeo thqrotghly to fOhL bullbull C D and F Companr A Il opened w(lblD the leal weell IlId tbe Impro The om 1DIeIlIleoee of Tudf IIIId hl1l pug H~luo-The breUlrell of Ibe lII)aIoiC tie bull _ 811 Ia decided 10 the IdYlllltge of the Ylelf ft) tha ~polte prelousl) meolloued thrt dey rd~ to all ednrllemenilll anoUler column RJFlII8II11G-A dllgbtfUlly reflelhill~riB felmiddot rOm the city~1eUo ~e beacb bad a1lbeell IIIIrdtIed and UIII 1m now been from ~hlth It will IIIH tlilt aregular meeting i~terday momlng unlll6outBeYeD 0 he~

__- r Grilli --- a ed III auch a mlnDer u lcae no - of Orruada Lodge U Dl ot1II beld on Wedmiddot the weelber cleared up cool aod bealtb TbDRun ~__r caep D no eon rmmiddot i nudar e18olll 1Ielt _ e alternate Wed- bull e been appointed H Deputy b M~ahal Stomgtt of of III trUth We give the padlculan u we beard n by thereaRor hey will take due nOllce lOci pWa look beaulltulllllll present coallui pf greeD h Court of FlnlloaUDce diem -TIII IIId goue ioto Ib milling diltricl of gGIera h_lm accordlnIITmiddotmiddot gruB I

$I NICABA6UENS4Voll No 45 p 31 S8bado 13 de Septlembre de 18561 Saturday September 13 185S

GLANOE Oul OF TOWN MASAYA JOOJmiddotEYOLUB OFFIOIAL By TUB OIllgtBIlLY At m~ellog ampf the olllcentlaquo tbe 2nd Llllb DECDMI- m THE A1I1D_ i - Iolmtr1 Battalion September fth 1861 HtJOr JKdiO V~ UVIIlAllIUtIl J

o tlie capaclLy otOrderly to tbe Captain bolll Heopound1 D_bupound1 wae called 10 ~e and N 44shy~ Iu 110 often appeared In eonnectlon wltb Lleut Arthlll Conner eleoled 8eoreorl1 o 1

the _loin u uJ lh obJeo III ataIed hJ lUWUBUO 01 NIOAllAGUAmiddot ~ Titu Bdelu 1 fell Wl_1Uamp SatunIaJ PMdent lIU Ibt tbe orpIIIIllon of Jock Deptrtmenl of aw lIIIillnwrlol Be_lIell $ldIaeoYerlng that ho AI not III bll qlamplterl A OIub G_ Sepl 1~6 Ye large demlJoho but re~ently purebed w On mellon of Lieuamp Ju fl LeYJ ~w reeoled lillr--Th Supreme Eseelltl Pow~ hu been

ply aod III hollow I)ulld _med to echo the tbat this erpnizallon be known fa Tbe )(_ pleaaea amp0 d1cta1O th tollowlng decree TIl Jockey Club lh PreallhM of the RepulIo of Nlcvqut 10 Ita

llalllG with eyer lEgtverberalon 0 On rdollon of Cap J G D-ellx It lohabltants _pany felt looosome wllhout the _lIIonal Iemiddot R4fOlNtl-Tbel the_lin proceed 10 III eJee In erdv amp0 _ ampbeelgtIC perfOnPalloo of__ 11110111141 commandlug ollleef and I therefore fel dO~ ofoillcen to thEgt _ulng yr tracII Cor labor In Ime of Ilia aulborlty 1 lore InCUlllbent upon m 10 dlscoer hla h_ Whereupon the toIIowlng gentlQlllen WIN Dmiddot DEORlBa

enlmoualy elected and lnataIIed I - Pmldem ArIIoIe 1 AllY _lrIC made Cor _bor (or bull 1 SundA paaaed In ampultlel endeayoll1l Itllor B Dlllenbupound1 VI_Presidents Doo JampIl- larm of mentha or ean haD ha binding Oil the did Honday d Tueaday At luI I eenob IIsCo Brayo and Lleut I amp Le Treu_ paramplulO Ie

gh ~h eouDlry around the aguardleote mallmiddot Capt Horace Bell i a-taq Lieut Joh Cooper Art So Any penon who lOa malt eontract ~ au-asled ilBelt and I determined to 00 mpUon II w reaolnd lb comml of 10 perform IIboI anhballtaU te ful611 tbe_tract

Ihree be appointed lOmiddotdral rulu and regulallona iball be aentalleed b) tile Judge of Jif IUlaftcelmPthlm In quartcn I knew be would like to Inmiddot lor the gOufDment o( lite Olub ~ Sub-Prefect AgneulturU Judge Ol local-btlt The rollowlng gentl_n were appoillted aahI Alealde amp0 foreed labor on the public work Ibt I middotte ho1I8 of Tlw Bricks as IlIlbeyard lied commilltee Cpt l O DNUr Lltul W )( tem J 1101 I than one IIOr more than Ilx

- d h h db I to III Ie Reeder lIId Dr W L Lundy manu Ol uotll the puLy to whom thlabor III lip a tree an e a cen ~ n on Onmotloo A(ljourned H DVIIEIIlVIIT Presamp due may aelillgtr tlle rel_ DC tblborer

two busbels of eOIll lit Brlckl gaYe him tbe Joni COOP II Secretapound1 ArtI ADy laborer umay contl_1O do work middotIter hie purcbaae I eonclu4ed to mount tor a 1011ier period tbIG 811 month and IhaII taU

l1I~IdO bim Untlelog Ibe rope and Idillg him 0011111881011 011 CollfllJOlnO Bar4111-)(n 10 fulfill~11 OOIItriCIl ~Y~IIII~ced bld~bull - bull 1~1 of the ore menlolloont 10 _ inl Qte street I w 8111prleetl al hi 0 e Rogen and rullhmend the oolylwo membotrl of bor 011 the publia worki for the time of hili gnel[ ~ Ielng JlIaI high anough to allow my tt to the lIove Board are JIIoaeedugurlpidlaspoao pIred nlee Omiddotuotlllpu~ to whom hlalabor

(Ibo grount when I w 8eated in tbe addle IIblo 10 deciding upo tb PIOpfil unlIled In Ia dua may uk to hi rel_ t ampaddled 111m however be reeled to aDd flo IllOthe column IUbjeot to conJIteation The Art Commlnicaled to whom II ma COIlCerL

bull bull G1vtlllo GnIlMII tllia 61h day ofSept 1866nl hlle flIen but tbat when ho PPolnlJllent of )( Baldwlll II Sollchor of Ballimiddot W)I W ALm

middot te olle lido my feel Jlropped blm up and enat will reline lbe ampOlrd In greal _ 10 th IfInlater of Sampate In th middotDepll1lmant 01 10 tJ~lIte other In tbll way be 1(111 kept rom of IlIlevereal wk In coIIeoampIlIS alld ftaIlIlIItbe Qolelllmen Don Farmln FerlW

bull but wllb all my efforlB lie could not be In idence Comm~ClIed to you Ibt your IntorJDtllon and bull proper acIIoa w10 CO ~rvr and nOlI Illtaring hla denl) in HIDiateI of illite

ugre1 language IUClU u bullbully-he-y-be-he Soflotoa or ID TnilIlVIII-Jobn )( Baldmiddot _eot8oGb-ahl whicb trIn8Ialed mClnlwlD Esq rormerl Oaptain of Comy 0 Fillt No 45

Itoowl mYlIIlI and I think I middotdo you Cin Light IllllDtq b~ been ponted to the Imporampo REPUBLIO or NIOARJOUA l 00 110 IUCb gam a Ibat Flndlog I Uleleea ant potIlIOII DC Solicitor General of the Trauutfmiddot Deparllnan of Sta and Interior RItlou 10 peel a ride 011 tbe horn of M~ Brick I eon The ppulntmell of IIr Blldwln 11 wllll unl GnDeda Sanamp t 1861 bull araaI b toa Sf_fte Snmiaml BseoIIII Pov hu beaD

~ Ilvor w eJtended 10 lIIe I ullt down hIe bed 10 bt taken out or her bottom and bv Art t CcirDmullIeaIed 10 wbom It ml1- covered Ith dea wltn 011 hoWNie k tb farm AI be U Od~ ~ II wbole bull needed recaulklng C1raaada Sept etb 1866 W)I WALDB con~ aboot lOrty -- 01 tud more or Jell

1vti~t te _11011 Itn e 0- Ol bull bull ComIJUDleated ~ to r IofoIlMllon and MId II I plantain baclenda wltlifeDleIIlllld eyeqNothing_ A peclIlIr lip with 1111 blDd PJlI8OiIlIk--HampJOl John P Watent although oileD you you thlDgiltlaohed neceuu1Cot their ooItI1loe aIiIo

d to trf It OIl foot alld tying Ibe animal up v appro pJeuad 10 dlctlte belolktwlng deoree

10 tree I started On 10 hunt Taking lite AraquoOllIftll PIIICY -Ih HanYJ x- 8legal 1BB GOVBRN1UilNT ampoWf~ the ComnUf San FllnciacoI gelld_noflIeilyb~lppOInted~reteot lbe~~~erI~n-~~

dIIIly looking place tt whlllh I hid Db III the Sontbem Depariment InpIIce of nt COle tandere paD~ y ed tho Captain and rille atop ollClllliollally reaigned Hr Kane o4Iqe wlU be ruT ArIIcIe 1 middotAppoInted Prefect of IIId Depart hare einglllllr to reIte an agreeable locklug ------- -I )I Billlpound1 Kalle I whe hiI tlke charse

with crI hal d hlnl teeth b t HtVLID Up-The acbooner P_l b bMa Cor theen CODMqltot upon ih realpaUonIn apy L bull ng U ullled aahore llear the wbarf and III IIOW Ullder- 0( the ltaceIerof the soiaIIa of ruuof the pub f dark COIIlplICtIon UHd 10 bend oIIt two dll iOIlIs repaln III mampoy pla_ enUre bGIrda 110 reyenlltl with tll esoaplion ofthe bnulobea of eclIlIollt1he 1Ie of bull pllli measure As ~te IIIId labor blllh Ife ureed 1eued

h 11 Uie WOIIWI 10 tbe doop bu ithout ltill aulfermgliom hla late IIIclmeaa left tll Uty ffOP8l )(Dltter of State =~tb~~~~~~eId ot caltle _ Of 1_

OM I relamp Ier iloll In th app11eaampon 011 Tneadaylu Cot )(aupa to tHe commwl of the bnuld ~OB~td~ right amplid ud to gt(l1IIIa1l1lst4 dobe~ my head dIIt lfllJJOlWl pOIamp No 46 W J STONE Karol

middot III wy from 10 InbOlpllible quarte~ I RBPllBLlO 01 NICARAGUA l Orlnut Sept 1866 middot elOJIg 40WII under the jooote treu tewa~ Raus )taees f r Ha r r DpaItmIII of~Is~~~~ J AUCTIOI DB amp0l1l88I01 1088pound

lIMrieancametepound1 NothlngmOlllllfulCtOl8eQ JfABAYA OOURSB Sf~ThI SupremeExeoullYe Power baa beeu G H WINESamp (() lpitlt1 but allo of thougbt leemed to en- THE ~rln Heeling ot the )(-1 lockey Club pland 10 dl~tlI toIIowlng Decree ABB now pfepamprOd 10 catTy on the Auctlon IIIId

middotthlLt there IlRIId tbe grandmiddot allll eolemll WIll commence OIl Sullday thth Septemmiddot THE OOVEaNlIENT OommlaloU B__ ln colllllClion with tbeltod tln dlil plllan or the State 111 bel 1114 OOII~lllue until ampturday the 20th n being -yto ppolD r~wbo p_ Du~ on goode cooal W be ampdshy

r- e Flnl Day-Blinda 141h-200 yudl beat a In IhaII repreaell and deteod Iherllaquobta and Intereall noed d h ~-~ gallant bo hive g008 to eleep amid II lurn 100 Eotrance 15 110 forteU of the NIIinD1n TImIe of Ita authorlt putl w=_isttblC~~ or Granada are onl tb foundation Two or more 10 mllte a _-Free fOt all hoI_ DEOREl8middot LlbenI adylIICe8 by drafta OIl New York d s

te1MW Itae III for IIl1)lU111ng the former and IIlU wllo h bull bOt _on t race Article 1 Appointed SolIcItor of the ~ Franeiaco wW be made on reeeipt of mercblUldlze aid 1IIe Spllllah dynasly ecllpee tbeIIldlan Second D-)(olldll1tb-8iagle daah 800 (FIIcIl General de UaoIeuda) of dI Republlo of In the cuatoJd hoUle Tile hulldlng OCCUpl1lQ 119 ylllllamp Pune 160 IlllranCII 1111 forr11 17 II NIcaragua )(rloba It Batawln wIIb the aaIary Win ok t_ II f rI lIaing tll m fee eu4denly tumbled Illd be- Three or more to make bull _ bull For mulu 0011 of iWO lI~dred doll per IlIOIItII barre bulkamplldc=~tom n~ ~O~d I could recover I Ity p_trate OIl wbat bull Third Dy-Tlleaday l11lh-tOO 1IIda beal Art So OomlllOlllnated te hom It may COIIetIII celvodOll a~e ampII WI roshya lIel( made grave CroeaIog mylllif de- i In 8 PUrH 1160 lkra_18Oj balUOIftlt GNMda September 9 l~ J A RUGGLES A-t

_t _ I ~- Two or _10 make 1ampCe-Flee [or middot11 honroa W)( W ALDB G ada- - p- RI San shy~1I1 --ng In a IIOOD _ GIlead but FOIIrtb Day-WedneedaJ l1b-Jocke Dr auperIor order thll Ie colllmWlIcIted 10 yo ran VI - Y~ I Franclloo JI1OIDimagtbullbull theUlampootperfectlJaelfpoa- ~ Enttanoetl0i tulltorialt lOO~= toyourlnformadoll md proper uUon awlllamplng if2~~~rIaon t Co New York-obaa A moman IIld I WI Cllm whed It 00- jree Cor 11 mulea ackhOwledgmanamp of th - GnaIda April It 18511 crfted 10 me to loot Uhe DeW amplid ~y hmed FIfth Dy-ThIl1edl118tll-Oblllo~BNYOpu inRnt )(lnIater ofSIIte MAX A THoAN hid -- and to h lid _ 26 EIII_ III balf rfelamp 560fIIdI-middot ---- 4 bull

my orrore I1Itp bull ~ Jreefor-ail hOllJlt mbullandjaek No 41 WHQUSAU DllALEB IN foIIowID81nacrip~0II apptuedeograved upon the nSWb Day-FrIday 111$h-Proprle~ Pll BBPUBLIO 011 mO~GUA BRANDY WHISKY UTINE IIIhogan1 l1bletbull 00 Bntnllce 46 balf forfeit 800 JIIIIIamp raquoepllrimeDtofState and lllleriOl ~ t

bull co Banth th_ tdcb 8eal8 in II-Two or IlIOre amp0 mak NOlI GrIIIIIdt Bopamp 18118 AND ALL KINDS 01 LIQUORS LleII Tlw Bricklll LutDa-Satur4ay 201h-)(_dteradStake Sir-fbI Snpreme ExecuIIy Power h been Together with AlId _ban be died Sflnr Cup Bntnonca ttl I torfeil 16 40( p1taiJed 10 dlctale the toIIowlng Decree rZIV COPPBJIl ANDS71lBJS~RON fb DevU cried ards F01II Gr more te IOIIlce a nlt-Free Ior tile lreIIdellt of the Republic of NlCIraIJlll amp0 III IIIDALL IUIIIII OJ OOODS IOU) III 1fIIOtaaALI IITOI

Weicome Bricks ~eqhlng wlBblng to 11m bull Inbablllllll I bull HOIfIItal atreet In frout of ~ Couy YourellillftLn All enkiCIlO bmadelbedaYJlre~lOthe I_ucb thD_COIICIIIIIIIIS~1lon GrI~ JUlIe 11866

Ow the rriand of my eellmlble Captain died raee berore II oeioolr PH ItOm the well knon publlahed 011 tha Ud of Nombel~ 1~hu been D r middotUtU P t bull reputallon of tll stock IIOW on the cou1 aeriou1t modllled IIIId made of aWe ~ b a bull na bull - O

W Inen I hvbull been unable to ucertaln No aport may be especled Tile racta w1 tlke Decree~tbe ProfialelUll Qolemman med In BEGS LEAVI TO INFOR)( tbe cilbcu of 4111 the pTe no one erected the monulllelll paee rain Ol ehlne Sportsmen ar dletance wiD Leon 011 tlle 29th of Marob _1 paat-Theretore O~a that be bas opened

lllICribed tbeapprepriampte epitaph and I pl_uddreaatheSacrelaq luirtueoflbeautborltJ1nmeYeItedItil A DRUG STORE_ lbarotore without amph means of informing you K H DUSENBURY Preet DdBBD I Nf4rll Opp4fU tA 81m Ilr4flri (0_

good fellow but1Ith8l IlioUned to A BullY ltleO pro WIlL )(-YI Jokey 0I1ib ArIIde 1 Emy free wbltemail who IhaIIIIJI Where be Q prepared to Ibmiab MEDIOINES aguar - mlptta 10 tlle Republlo may enter lIJloo and 1m- PBRJUIlERY ampc of u good qualit and t bull ~all allow bla Ilulta 10 rest witb PIUeultrr Notiee prove aUy_pIed ttIClofpllbilo IaD4 DD el[ fair pricea u _be obtained In tbeelt bull

Perhtp_ wheo I and he Cap~ I may AS the Ial ud 2d Llgbt Infantr tauaIIona aeedlng _ handfed and tidr _In eJampent PArtleularattenampon wW be p1 tOPQUins -II you with lOme Inteieatlng Items _ hi aot MOl In thelr mll~ to cbll a after tlx IlIOIIthuealdMet upon Ol 0C0IIpIti0n up preecrlptiont our deceUed mlgo OIlIlULT ollice they wlHnot be p14 until tham of 0 oi aahI 1IIod b1haII ~eeel till therete ampom Granada lillie 1 18n

j bar and tbe_ required 10 ~eDd In tbelr the GOfemmeCICj provided that t die Ume of bit DI Au bullbullu P t t_lle Ible IlIOIIth entr1lIe reglaIer lbbullbull1IIe ~blDg It b metel OS

U8InROLtaWumBo-Balloticeflomthe Tho Artlllepound1 lid thelal and SndBaUallone lid boondllll tlle olliee Of thelteCorderoftbe TBNDIRS BIS SERVIOES to Ibe citlrena III rarllter II will be - tht th Fim and BtC- of rutH are 0 required to IeIld to ble 01Bca DepmmaDi In wbleh the Iud liei GIIDI4a and mloy ill tbe praetlce of BaitaIIoDl of Light rnfPtry no haring _ new l[W8tet-orolle 011 wblch thy will rec)el pay_ Art Ally immigrant laclnded wllllllllbe pto MEDICINE SURGERYamp MIDWIFERY II fWt muateuolla flit DD be p~ldolf until tbe menhp 10 he llral a~~ND~Sio =iIol~~y~Jj~~~~~olredbete IF Office and realieoce 011 Ibe aoutlnreattr4 of October Tbe are requIred te nlld In PaymaaterQeneral NIcaragbamp cate ud ~ tlie eD4 ofm montha OCCUpadOll COlllijf of lbbullbullweel oppoaite Ibe San FlanclacQur muterrolkl thle month TIle Fira$lIld Sec- 1 ceive tide for thre buodred IDd t_ly acres of CoDt Gll41l111e BattaIIona IIld the ArtlIIcq are required G1ada Lod 1J no public Iud w complltinamp wltllthe pro110 of QrIlIIampda JIIII8 1 laGS

t bull a regIIIt In lite tlralrtlcIt T _ Ioew In Dew muter ron on whlcb they wID be 1 BB regular _lInp of tbIa Lodge wnl her Art~ It eball bethe u1ofthe Record of bull auvr amp DuayFIyen up 10 the IlllltofOetober I ~ be held on every ltemate WIDNBS- land tldte In lite eferal Departmel1ta te keep ArOORNBYS AND OOUNSEJOBS AT LlW 1 __ _ DAY eommenlliq onmiddotWedneadaythe lUh of leparate and dIatInotbookforampbereptrylll all OlBcelllmiddotBt NI04UOUJIIH BuUdinga-80utl

VWII luC18-We IIOtice In cltoulalloD September at tho liouae ~ex 10 be POll Oftlet aotllmen~ ~ p4lIIeIIIOl1 prhllePl occanIag Wtll 0lil01 ot Piua Oruada NIIragliL 1- religious riotsmiddot prillted In Bpanlab al balf1 1 oeiocIt VIaltlbg brethreD are Itamp- IIIIdv b18 dtlllree Puilellilr U8Dllon plId tomiddot clalma plnt $hll sent olll 10 thl oOllnlpound1 hJ the Ammcn telllalllilmiddotlted to _euit Art Tbe appllln Cot fide WIder the 1m Qo_t 4 ClIAS CALLABAN W II and aecomhrtleiof tbladecree abaIl eatabIItla 1IlI IOD TABOB t

~SocIelY septenl~er_a18~ If six _tha occupation beIbte tbe lUdie of lIIe OWEN Durn I GUII4lI4 amppi I laGs


Flreamp 1__ of tbe Deparunent In which Ihe land hlllltuated after baylngduy notified lb So- lIelto eI Hacienda of the tbDe ltbleb he will Ipply1O the lU~IM a eertl6cale of Ibe aettJigt ment and occupaJOI herein rIIIulNd Tbe notice 10 Ibe Sollollobullbullall be giell ill writl~g teD day_ W the ppllctliop for eertilcae 10 tho JudgeofllraI_De

Art II The DeCrPl of Nof 2ad 18611 wi o( IIareb t9th 1868 are refoked 8d lnulled al ways hoevll illtouamp prejudice 10 Illy rlghta beretofore acquired nnder tbem

Art S Conlmuuleawd 10 whom It bullbullbull concern GIenlli lthuad tlllalith day of Sept 1866

Wit W ALKgaTo Ibe Hlnlster of State ID $he DeparlJllenl of Goshy

vernmenamp Don Fermin Flller B1 lIperor order tla i commllllieampkid for our

Informllen and proper aclioll bull hallla Hlol~ler 01 State


Departmenl of Stale and interior Relatloot Granada Sept H 1856

Slr-Tbe SlIprome Executive Yoer haa been pJeDied 10 dictate the Illowog deeree The President 01 tlle RepubUIgt of Nic1JIII in VIrshy

lue of bls authority DECREIS

Arllcle I The lIag of the Republic ball eOllaiat of three slripes Lhe middle whita IIIId he other blue the middle Blripo shall be ice tbe widtb oethe 0111 8tripes ud In tbe ceIIlre of It ampball ha I red aLar with ave poIn

Art t Communicated to whom It mI concern GiTeII In GfIIIIe4a this 11 th da1 of Sept 1866

WHo WALKFR To the )(Inlater et Sampate 10 tbe DeplflDeo of

Qoveromen Doll Fermin Ferrer 11 poo ordor Ihlli I forwarded to )00 lb

your Ioformallon lDdproper actioD IlIabullbulla HilllatenfSampale bull PubJle llale

C THOHAS Rpound1 amp 00 1 DOIOTlLI 00N ADUD 00

~ bullBY fIme of bull writ orfMe IampoIu 10 me dJrected ballI~ the Ibo e~~tull IDd tll pubull tb jU~f~ reIIdt~~t~ 1Iel1the aame the courtobo_ door III GIIII ~ Sllurday Ibe wbullbullUetll da ot September1~t telYe e cleekmerldlau

lJampcIendaCOIIIDlGD knoIflluthe Baolellda Sulidad altlllted Ibout nine mU _t~ or San lmIIz~~J~1a dopbneDbullltllll the IIIlpnlYCgt menta t_lItlllted eonllilllol of tbree bouiea


278 EL NICAHABYENBEVoll No 46 p 21 Sabado 20 de Septlembre de 1856 Saturday September 20 185

I ~

JRogen Wouudedto be proud of Ihe COUIIIg lIe might 1 exoea EXEOUTION OF JENNINGS ESTlllL ItCaP Will Ionofdarillif dlplaYed hy thle _II alld undlclpllnad ~ lmiddotJititfaguf nSf Dan Flowery Atli oclock PM 00 tbo Qvenlni ofFridlJ tilpany BYeI) man In It ma) be oalled hGrO (or Liellt Crowel~ Illth Inst 2d Lieu Jennlogll Eslelle auft~oo Ibebull I no man gaye an) Indication orr_ IhrougbonHhe Lieu Musgrave extreme peDalty oftbo 1111 by beinl bOI olli th

To mako the nature of the IackclcM II may Saturday lIIlorninc Sept 20 whole fttlr Erumua Norton II

Pl for the murder of 2d LleKt Ghamprlllll GorlIonOhulIIaher W A swfer MWllclan In tbe guard hou90 in tbo city or Granada ~hiltTHE FI(JHT AT SAN JAOINTO bu weltoetato thaUofront ofthelacpbouse Pt Dawes acting amplI ollice ohhe guard iwblch wu _eIlIUy bllrricaded there If~ an open SergtanL Simpson

Estelle had been p~cvJouly arreated foubOOliltg cannening 10 the Nicaragcan Army ubder Ihe

About two weeka ago party of thlrt Amorlmiddot apace or neatly quarter or mile In 18IIglh 10 L De Sbleldi William II SlOne Thumu Jildl1lrdll aiid was whoo be coMmbted LIeut Q1III1

front otlt and that III ootering tIll clearauce It the unforlunate act for whicb he sutrered dealh command of Col leDonald atlacked alld droYe Wal 801111amp1) for tho yolunteel to peII by the

Major Cal ONeal ptiloDcr confined to bit quarlers Ho bad ~ fnlrbehilld dPJlr barricades a large number of rebels aide or a wood In auch II maoner tbat ~e enemy Alfred Jone8 umberlog lfiO or perhaps mora In the encounmiddot could couot every mao pf their Plrty lnd that and ilnpart1al trial and the gentlemen wllo ~ ia tor oot American waa killed and several wOllllded there I no apot III that a(IaQ which ko bou

Lieu- Artbur OConner Capt Watkins judgment upon blm gavo him overy opporl~il1 -- Haynes (SurYe)or)When the news of the occurrence rtaohed this does 11M command Xl mllst 1110 bo unlmtood to eal4bllsh adefellce hul in thiB lie ulterly f~dO Lo Ro The deed lIal COMmitted witbout an provoea oncit SWoIl feeling manifested 1lf among the lbat 1I-1Y tbe eutlro distance to tbe Iarp houlO Alyon Adlll1s

citi_ Ind aoldlera to venge tb death or their Ia up an 811C01I1 wbich gave the defend or It or without aDt aggranting circums-noe U Will

countrymen and both omeera and aoldlera I-I adota oyer a plIrly that would greatly O Dougherty -Brady eenlenctd to be hUlli but tho comwande Inmiddot L Jobnson chief caued It to bo 60 far~itlgated lUI to qu1ed Gen Walker to be allowed to volunteer OlllOtlmbar middotthem It n~ Dot thereforomiddotbo itashy J U01d

him to be abotand fonn a part for Ibis purpose AI tbe Gene- ted that a party of about mlyaye men ~eftr Jock BOlweil raI wouloJ not COIIsent to aUow anT of tbe efficclll Judloloual arraDsed lIltaolted It undor 0gte1-1 dsshy J VIlSOD There lUI a lnr~o copeourso s-tbered Ilillt or IOldllll attached to regiments to go lie cili- adlllllampge 0 While nllll the c~eClllion ~lole walked witb II 1ampn Heeter atep bl Ultl sKlb 6Orcye d latharor Iho cb bIi lila OY bo he bad no control volunteered By tbo lido of tbe large house nda 121111

A loberlll wbo prayed itb him aud lor 111m from tbe guardto the Illllllber or fort1-tWQ to Iighl the rebels cant building which WI also fortilied and full of snoel RIlMeI ujl~ thei own reapeo8lbllity Somo men were mll an In tho rear of IIIOM two bobullbull 18 houao to the plac of execution I

Native boy-orderly to Dr R9ton Dr anton

When he lrrived at the pot wher be wI taIao raised III 1ohssaa end Tipltapa making In aaother hoUle hieil lfaa also defemled b II large Henry Ealllon breathe hll 1881 he requested that hia bnd~al1 ilxtyy men forco III the IaUer building wu a large umbar --ltlaborne might bo utied as he wisbed to ddreas ItheTIt nn tolunteered at Granada tlartod from of honea with the necOSIary equipment tor a Wm Cassidy h about oclock Friday eYeaing 18th inaL companl or two of la~cOlamp crowd ThIs reljller belllg graDte9 he apokp insmel KeDnedy

H MeCftrty a firm unfaltering voico 111 hia epeech bo atedIIld paaallt througb Bossay were joined by the Lieuamp Robert lilligan who wae alpoilled to Capt Rider the Corgivo1tW1 of the ollicora and soldiers ofIhevolunlecraolthllt olty They arrived at Tip lead tile cbarge1ed hiaforees up to a pick fence Sergeant Ruma Nlcalllgllan army Voicee 18$pouded from thotapa stuny morning At tbl point Ibe expedl blllbtood at the comer large ho_ an Major Arkalltl_ Roekcnuck

crowd II God Corglve YOll Dr Dickton 118 Col H1)o~ald refUsed u b did oot kllow In tbe Nlcaragua1 arm7-led tho force hleh bo llou lV1I IlIty to Cl)me to a promaturo coaclution olTiD ONeal-who II the yOllngelt lloldmccr

-- Spinll8r Q II D 1f_ll Wblle 10 ptleoo he I1roto tile following IIdd~c Oberokee lIruntosh wldeh be requested to have published them to the tolunteOrs to paH the rlcr oommided to tbe VOl) froll of tho mall eAbO H C Cookbull

llh01l~ aDrdet to that effect from Gen Walter h_ llelllrYlllg tholr lire until the7 gilt ltltlll GRANADA Sept 101b 1806 Thla obJ~tlon wu overcome b lome person linton paces hi ilion poured In 8 nurderous

(apt llarah Thse illl tile dyitl~ dechrRlioM of nlng

Estelle I was born In Malllh~U Tenneille in Ib W Jones

uggeatlnlbat Lleul Col Byron Colbullbullboulu be vollev-a linglo ropelltlon of which oitllt lllllod IM 188S alld 11611 raised from my 10rKney In requetod lo yolurteer i~b tbem and take tbe or wounded evel) man III It A Foteas VEIIICIIl III N1ClRAQU -At no Hinds coullty lIi8tsampippi I sted to Clifor commanq Col Col did Dot biong to tho regu Capt Watkin leading II tblrd division eharged great diewee from tho elty of Gralleduro lIl1alll nia 111 Ulit Ontbe road I hd difficultYtltb lar line ~t waa Asaiatant Qeartermater Gen_l stralih 10 tron or tho large hOllle Hereached a elll5te of tile moat beautiful and fertile Islands a man of the namo of BOlYard ond 8hot himJ r

ailerraJltlltotR nftn oCthe name ofBays blthIn thla ~aebe yolunteercd 118 a private bu$ WIll wlthh twenty pacea or II heo he fell fOunded it II poaalble to eODceie The) Yal) from a few wound did not happ911 to proy fAlal UI Ih immedJ qlccted Captain of the comp~n Wlthaloud toice ho ordered bill men to lIP ou_ squlro yards to lOevel1ll aqUAre 01108 in BUpollshy same year I had 0 dlllleuly l1ilh Chatles Ito ill

BIron Colo tbu~ WIllng Ihe reaponalbilltt of command tbey obeyed wltb alaenty cl1 extent BeYlId tbese nd oopaMtod from SOil tillbullbulltabbed Ilinl la tbryn placea 111 I two dWeultiea while In CiliIIi middotoeeu alloading the ~ell became ~ uaranlee to Col He- Bot tiler Is no U8e cb4rging dobo walI tbe tllem by 0 drep navigable channel Blnnda the the SlaIu priaon where I hld b~eo emplovtll forDonald Ib~ ~ wu All right tbe olunlen mou Were failing 10 leI) tatt that before meny Jorge Island of Zapota1O wboao bold headland an~ the 100 Io yeara After ICtlinlt III lii IlSI rape I came 10 1iltgtllllgu nud HI~ot Tho w

nnell or Sao JAcinto where tbe rebela 6gt tfJoR tomiddot carty their woundod off tho Ileld In gate the lake ZapellllO IB In Ill wester extremmiddot took up their Ime of march Thor arrtIWIl~ the minulel clapeed there were lIot enough oftbo plII- Irregular surface aerve as a lllld to 1111 who naymiddot

Edwards i I lltI Itla bo~ Charlc GordOl i must Sly thaI in all my difficultie8 I wtS no 0 tatatloned about II ocloclc Sunday morning the Ihe mtttilno aU the leadell of the two other I~y IICOOped out 80 118 to fonn an almost circular In mv right mind Twico I htwe beel lorgt II

14th Inet and halted a few mOments III order t9 eomp had fall~n either kllld or wounded hay and tho sbore of tbe mainland opposite b~Imiddot and bop) 10 bo forginll for tbem aU I th nk IlflDge a plan of allack _~_ ________ e~lptOIfbullbull1 who ~Itboutll wounded b tho arm ing 4 deOl curve an abJloet circular bay is formed thero b God In huyen tht ill Qnd

The Ban Jactnto rancho Ii naturally well ad_pf donlin_d with tho (eroclty of a tiger OghUn of e~e1milllll In diameter 8 lecuMly sbeltered gj~Q And ho kno and I Imow thaI il ad n pllcr bullOBoe uu - ~ l ra Of II dIS by blgbllnde5 to makltl tho 911gllte8 sklft lio aemiddot I tllt killed Oherlo Gordon It was

d my CIIlZ) mind thnt did iI I 11amp lUIcieutiou which commlUldo ali tho ground In ila 10 to do whllo ~~e~r-~lIl1~ eurlI upon Ita SlIflllce Ien IIlien-atotmSlllay bo lIot In IIllright Inlnd then I did lb deed fillvicinity In a large corralatanda a hollSO whleb au_ ~- - lullng luto flll1 the moro c~poeed paris of Ike God koows It Forgi me ofticerslInd acid r

haa b~n IItted up In such a manner tbat III Inside Whou thore 118 no looger any poaslbillt) of Nicaragua and I can die hapP7 Inan I donl rite ht beeallB I think tbat I ought not to die I Inre Becute agaluat muekel or rl8e shots while COIItlndlng aueceafullylIlnatauch extraordinary TbolOutheaAtern part onbls bay i4 alao ellterd think till my tbllo haa como and that justlct IIthrough mallpertum In the thlok IYalJil troops odoli lIhtlng II the enemy re In Buch weiJ b a ellanne of deep water wblch divide tbe been clone me llellow 8OIdlorll remeolbor 11 IAI

illampld of it can lbe Into aU parta of the eonal fol1i8ed poaitlona tho America beg4ll to retreat IOUthestern 8stremll of Zapntero from the hAl brmght DIe 10 this death-fOil all know The corral itself II surrounded by a strong fence Prtyowt to this b01fIer a body of lAncCN maililand The elellDtr ampD Carlot b already wellul do Ify hUluble prayer Is tht I ml

forgilfn JENNINGS EST8Ll wbleb it 18 nee_y to Beale before any material were dered maklng a clroult In the wooda colored th bay dcacribed by the lut mentioned Hisllildy ampII 600n OS Ure was exliaol waildam ean be done by In auolllllg part1 On with the evldellt Inteotion of completely aurronnd chaDnel and aacertalned t~al the water Is of 8Ummiddot

ill a fIOed coffin and decently in~bull tod IMir IY from Tipltapa the loluutem heard th 1111 them andcuttlllg 011 their relreaL Thlt mon cient depth to alford IIeCIIre anchorage tor Teaaola bullthe already relatively large force of the enemy they were wablo to cart Into effoot and tbe The nonhern part of the bayla bounded by tbe Cvlloos-A aa1l1to Will Ared In bonor (gtfhad been the day previous BlreDllthned by an Americans lot oil tbo Ileld In tolerable good 01 cluster known 118 the II Thousand lillUlUS each

addition of two hundred men but Ihia In no wltt der Tbo lancers seeing thie wrecked their Yell OUe of which to our mind Ii In a ahort time d(lj new leg 011 lut lIondJlY The IIrOJO froID tbo eanllons moutgtabated tblr ardor aud the plJIn of allok 110 geanoe llpeo the dud bodlea wbich Ihey roulld tined 10 be fun of hOUle torea Clnd commercial formtjlluto a beautifulmade and b7 Ihllllltiog their Iaooes Into thoee AmerlCftI~ ware-roomll lIId whoro YOSIIelS of conSiderable ton bull

Upiln II couaull11liou it 11amp8 deemed db to wbo were already 80 near deat ft8 to m_ke tbelr nag can mOe Iro~ one depot to another with ~nto the air cn~ form the compauj Into three divisions each to be leadonb1 offieera chOlonfromamonll tbeltlaolvCII BjrOn Colo wat tben elected ColoDel alld Wiley llarab second ill command Robert Mi1IIgu WIS elected to lead tbe 61111 company to make tho ehage-out CIIlhla 19 ero killed wouoded and mlaalnl 1l1lJ Col ONeill was eaosen to leacl the second and Capt WatklM of M_ ChI) third eonlpany Wben all th_ alflDgemenl8 hid been completed the companlos eparated to ~tack the place a three dilFoten poluta

In commencing thua one ~artl1 got In adQllce of the ~elS wbu wel8 obltged to make aomc what of a detour and although eO~8ting of 011 tWtllt)-twO me~ i14 attack tn8 amp0 vlgoroUII that It succeeded In driving tho enemy baolt and 811011 tdler tile other CODlptmlu camo upon Ihc soone of action the Igor of tho _ult droyo tbo enQ~) from tbe eorralillto tho house I1ere tho pau) or the numher CII the _lIanta became IllallifeuIII bull to thelt di_duntoge Tere were not III C1cnt t bold the place ner It ~as a~en and tho 1ere obliged to lII1 baoltbagalO bC~lDdhtbalfence r Ih -raJ Tbl left t e enllllY n t e r ormer

~ c_ POSItlOU

lbo IIgbting (ontluuod In tbo corrlll and wben the AlIleritlllM retired behind hs woll I~ became _t-ldm ~ the Ilmber that ha elm killed Of wounded hat it would be Injudieioul to rtneW Ibe ftttatk A retroat was Olderod and -~~t Ilte band fell back Ilpon Tlpltapa

tlP gshyy Amerlcall In Nicaragua nnd In fact ey r -

J -triun in an pllfta of the world bbullbull reuoll

romoyallmpOSlllble 1D0re ease than tile olt-earla 11011 uoed In GraDada It attained We might gogt on and dlaeant UpOIl tlto CO mole fom 0118 sitee to another On thlcity of up~n bull

oftb_ 81thlhlllllllicolly bravo ml)D bllt thOu II thooaand Islands pure cool water will be always wa thomselfllll as they must appear to th d convenient and It would be Imp08Jlble for Impllrlshyspeak more eIoquentlylD their pralso t~77 tl or Inrectiool to exi In Ita vicinity Here ea- C

01l1 power to do It relcta more credit II ~bll Ulle will oocllpy the placo of stree and light 01 Amerioan l1amt thllll conld be done by andlll~ lIIrylike ple_te boats will suporcedo Iloraet wbi atY ylolory And If 110 mlatake not It will do Hore Instead of a WAllatreet 110 m have a RI CA more to COIlviDce the ellemywbllt sort ofl1lco the II1to I hore will be - and hoal~ sellon and s- ted ra beye to deal wltb than 1I8)tlling tbat bu mIl liolltu In tbelr gondoloa 81ngmg love songs In ~llteal transpired In thle country 1 tbe It-rllght and here 11111 b9 tho moat plellSing odlOt8

Appended to thll Is tile uame of ever mAli combination of bealtb convenloMc and bUIULy ill cutod ho 1l1li to our knowledge eJigagod In IIIghL IIny ~11 upon bidl beallo evoraholle preeed~d lbore may b9 tome one or lllo 1D0re wbaee Hame LlOKClI-The schoonel Pearl was Iuncleu chased him we conld not loarn but we ball be happy at anv 11l11terdllY (lrIday) fOleneon lrom the place 1I01U plaza BeCOI time to 0I1I0l their aamcaln the list of glerv W~ the wharf wbere be waa ulldcrgolqg repairs 11110 lIela lIappeoei silo give the killed wounded nlllllllllilng ~ lIear- tIe elemellt other futurG ulefullleM She iato 11 u we eould bullcurtniD bo commanded by Capt Hardy who has -altetly

Col Byron C-ole made a trip or Iwo In her Tho late modol ofhe 11fty --all Klled Peru II beoD OIllA-- alA d I I v~ bull0 An 8le 8 OwWIUi_ It Drinker aamp lDue looking craft as Bails 011 auy (Jeval ~~ ~tlk n merlean Wltora ~be bas UCell repaired byhlv __ Sberm~ II Ing placed In bar anolY bottom UampII 1I00riJI and 00rII0~ d k dH ~l OullwlI II II uew ec a altered from a frelgla boa Into a H l6 I comfortable palItIeDgor crnft We und_Ind that ~Jlaquofj l~IIOU (killed going up) II ahe win make regular trips botwcon Uraida St 1 _ Dc~11 G~olIlId Vlrgla _ ---~ - Lleut Hutehlll Chaa Calhlhan to Klat SlC J BAli lgtRL Nollrll-W a loam fror Thomu E H LaW Ing F Fisher thaI there aro eight Britlsbcam 11Ilr R Wheaton II Y-m at ampn Juan del Norte and ~bl toce areUtut JIllItIll[ 1 In dmiddot J ~_ $t~ WOlllded 100 to oae one Italian mo~ant vessel -- Vl1UfO E Uolopl W I-I It 000 n_bullone tOQ Stale) and CO yooe be

-~ _On~g 10 tilWOgua

painful to lDen A ale DC American the houae aud led ill th I k

C 00 er on 11110 dura _____

HORSU-PolllOna who h the viclully of S~ George or H

wltb tho power of JI) ing tbrou wltchOJl on II brOOIU-stirk will by providing tboullelC~ rltb av

~l~ Ir ~

p___ H h bull a ~11l _middot011 bullbull ftl til the

Departlllont bull--__- ~- shy

J4uruCItGaCII_Thiij edifice wllicl) ill do underllolng rcptlM mA) bo diltiogulsLef by1 very white color frolll flll olher buildings III ar am at R dietante oheY~raJ 1111011 Il p n$tt COIning lip lhe WEe


jtLNICABABlfENSEVOll No 47 p3 Sabado27 de Sepllembre de 1856 SaturdaySeptember 271856 2BS

er~ middot=wepon =again pla~~ OIh~d- T~OJTriijONNEW-YORK VOLUNTEiiiis PEEPS ABOUT TOIVN optaln made a deaperato eftort to dlaeharge 118

lly Tlull BalL oonlents-aiJed-handed it to me-It wa u dry bull -- bull 11ft a powder 110m In a feOOlld I eollid _ that

nevor eomplam~d In Ill) ~ifo Drlk~ are not the Optaln began to turn diUte pall1bleb atood ~p to cI)mplaln ~ltbOlgll the sometmes 8ufter close to Mm) wbile I preaerTed 1111 eqnanllllltyin 1IIIjIe~ IUch ~cght of It1Ju~U~ wOlld nl~C the ampplit of conciliation The weapon _ again Ih 1lea of ol~hnary pe8ons ISO with 11ldlgnAII~n loaded 10 tho vcry mllZ2le and pneed in the bands Dljring ~ Ibo~t absence fOn 0 ranadll my enelmeB or IiUl opiltln ~hose runds wel$ becoming IlatICO killed nlC (on paper) Ht up (inl)po) very unsteady Ihnt he VIIS IIMblo to taka prcpor III ctlll epI)h llIollneog my dc~th fter nlm And welO It not tIAI I seized tho Instrllment ~a IIIII IIndemiddotg~no till this I VlM 4~41 COIl$glled of dostructlon amI wrenched II from bls hand$ bo 10 he firm of] luto amp Co-hbcled rght ampldo up would hlfO pOllred tho cOlltents of It Into his ~b earo I~om the effects of a eliot ampom a prln- bull ~


I k N I h A I I breast With lUI energy Inplled by tllO liopo ofaI B ~ 100lng abullbullo ~ ow WId II ve 0 bull b godON

If 101 to undorstand thnt Drleke bclolllll ~o the pl~oud and gloriouR tnum[lh I agnlo disc IIrlIe blue strlpea Vltb a rod tiv~ pnilltod atll~ tho eOI~tellls or the pockot pistol (nlld travelllllg in ke cenror on white glmiddotOU -I) aod his 1I10ttO s nefCO say ~ie All greal 1lI01l Ita0 their ou

c~ and of COll1l6 Dlicks hIlS I is And utlhollh I J b J d II deg1fflUlcm IIIRy nlG cen p aye lllon 0 110

p lid T)ora ill Nicargll or PIcn uIgt0nL Ih blrp of a Uousnd strlhgs-phits of the JURI

td perfect he is willinllo appORt at the Fitt I~~ce or at tho In8tanco of nny of his friends

liiake lllIrmalioll that lio nevoI diltld durlng wholo eOllrso ofllid eventful IIrii

unfortunate repordvas spread by tlH)

~fl4in with wlom I ho lately bad a quarrel ~e hope tbat he wouldbjberlt alllhe properly cit I ha1I 80 carefully colleete1 during mylay In PIe lIepublie Ind wltIltt consists of one CAmp itl1 two tgtox~ of matches lind the bottle III

i ~h IfQ Iept our stock of nguardlente I lIa9 l f h h I I

01110 t e city w on my en umn amptors hegan to middotlIp tho 101 loll wllioll has been 110 eagerly II noeltl nut OliO awallow does nOI malte II

~ n01 although sevel1 8w41101l ortbla cockta1

8 brollghL on tho WItor of my dlscOtltOllt l all this happened becauae Illy trnducera neg-

I to 8eason tho tail thoy ao Induatrlonsly

i oe cd out tetho pllblc WhenI returned I could ~ middot 1uraue the COUrIIQ open t0fenofhonor nor a l~ul1luc filr bofol8 ~ caught It Ihit upon n

unately I bit It ro than I did h1m

~ tl

oldti depr ve

Ii( not

n lent to bring the Captltun Jusllco but unmiddot 80 hord tlllnt l huurod myself

An idea then struck me t i ought 10 mil him out bui II struck so bard

r It r IlIC 0 t ~ p(Welll 0 8pcce~-I

thlllefore mil hlO out A friendmdmiddot I) do It fo~ me but ail lOon all he t quarlera of 1n1 one~) he found he

-Ekhnly do tho thing hy balvea lIlI Ihe Captain

defiance with such force at his head 118 to for moment Now m) friend is Bueh a

trump-wben be knows hos rigM hos

compamon) Into the procllC spol I antell It to IOtlg~~ H tho fourth rOllnd the Opblln was unshynblo to come 10 tln~ a1 the aftIIr WIIB Amicably Ilrl~jUlgud by the frlenda of both IInltlo biking II Abot al ftlOund At each oiler Tho ltlAptnln thon pologtd to nneka and ~rlek8Apologhlld to tbe Oilplnin and b3~ npologlZol to IlvllIybody and o~eribodj apologzed to each other nd all oxmiddot dProBBdel tllelr firm convielion that Brlcke Is not

en yet

A FltUlER Boy In Dren fountyIve tlsea for a wifo Ho says

He wants to knOw ifalte can milk And make his IreallUld butler

Anti go 10 meculIg without elk To ok a 111011 and lutter k Ii fl Id IIlIe ltIii 0 10 nOlf I t WOII urt fer Itollds 10 tnk up IIllteheaj 0 tile bultou on ble ahlrt

rckuke a pall of~reeohea

AlInn-An ble bodied portIIln to bold my Wre~ tougue shu lUd I bolD unable to keep b atlll c___________ __________s

OFFICIAL __bull__bull__bullbullbull____bullbull___bull__ ________ DECREE OF IItID GOYEBmshy

----====~____11~_~ rl~lt~~ ~~er~~t

lIere IUO 1 large um~er of ailUftis belonging 10lta buw~r or at least-Ibat when proceedingr t II eourse 110 cannot be taken aback lind reo t1i wng a little he thrcw lin Insinuation In tho

of tbe Captain wltlch I am cretlihlylnformod IIi - 1 r II In h f 11 80ven 0 I m~ rs to 8ny no ~ng 0 Ihe number of teeth wllich II mote or leBB inJured nerstherage ofmy friend weDt beJondnJlbounrs

il mlllht hllTG cOlltlnued to trlvellQ Ihl~ day middot I I h I td t h bull Th ~ t nb bull 11 bull cou no cross I II ravlIle e~Ca btll losl all centrol of his temper and was

lged 10 call tho oftlcer of tllo guard Ilnd Il file loWle 10 foroll lamp inlo 1 tte of subottlinntlon

b I I h Stat t N fI I us 08 10 teo 0 ICalamp~1 orever

7 both u length cme to I resolullon which a great effort tI~v succeeded in moving II ~they ndoavoured to CIIrry II but tailed

b til t k d bull d t d d d y ot en 00 a etermllH 8 an till Ishy- equally belwoen tbem rellred from tho Bold hW lIot eUled wondedng at the efforts my

had mild In m) boble and exprcrsing my

Inllll vlulIl 1 note WAB put Into m~ hanltl Captain reqllostmg me to meet hlln 1m at tllo Veil known houle of Te_

Ilero prompt aettlelllcnts usually bike tl_ A I h d bull ltl ltlt t th1 8 a ICV~ rOlve My ere I a e tlllment and did not tilerofOl8 owo any11+8 I COllented The Oaplain bad arrived heshyaIgt me r coltld 110ft much rAtll aud foil pimshy bi r II hi d b bullPOI 8 ace W IC COllY nce met III be IlIIUt 8Omotlllng Of course tbe calm dlgnlt) of countenance proved to the Captni al once I~t I wsa liP to slllllf bull ~llriekl tt s~ the O~ptain with lite voice of

Y en nxcarl Brick choOlllt your 1V0apolla Pocket pistals act0B8 middottbe table said I conmiddotttof a victory

h d 1 I h d I I e lYeapons wero pro IIce( IV tout e ayshy1011ed lip rOI~ tllo IIrst ~hot-~be Captain won and

~k 6u~h 1I swig a coolnced me It was going to ho1lO ClII) tight lie banded me tho WcnpOIl

middott bull~fOIIS tho lable-he knew holY BrIcks could 11e ftetlU1Md nol to dlSllppomlhim llnd aavlIgely middot med Its ecolell to the fOr bottORl~ Truo gil is olwa) respected and I could see a 1 kle of adrnl Allon III the C t bull p 1m s eye

1IelOtd old ski 11M IIlIid the oplllln 1I1IIS C hgrwlcd tho landlord ftS the rtal

~ -~


Departmcnt of Stata and Interior Relation Grannda Sept~ 23 18Ge

SIr-Tho Supreme EX4IIgtIItlve POWIl1 hu boen pleae~ to dietata through lhe )Ilnillter of War the f1lIowmg DOOIee _ ~ ~ lmiddot~~h~t of lne Roplbllc of Nlc4rngtlllio ita

Wishing 10 rciieve the people from fNlah exaoshytiOIlS of holllOS for tho 1130 Ollho AllOY Alld talring Into consideration Iht In VlIIiOO8 parta of the RI public uwoll In tito p_loll oflndiritlU8ls

IIl1l Govcrnlllei IU Vlrtlle of IllS authorltv bull DECREES

Article 1 bullbull11 horses and mules belonging to tho Republic IU be delivered to tho (hulDlllent for the use of Ibo Ann1 througb the Profects8l1bPreflletB anll Alcaldes ofbo IOIIpecUyO 10WIIS witltin fifteen day from tho publication of tltls decree

Art 2 AllY plll1lOn who ahall bave In hie poeshysesslon1 0hllo rumnls indicllicd in Arllellllelo and shall nelt deliver up the 811l11e within tbe aposhycifted time sball be Judged M II thiefal)d pwllsboo wltli all tho rigor of the Illw

AImiddott 8 Th~ Goycrllmell~ will proteel all Indl viduals who lIIali denounce the retalnera 01 idanimal alld will pUllhlb witll me Bamo Bevelll) thoae ho boln Inbrmod or tho unlllwrul PlSlll8shy


COMPANY A CIIlIILpoundI A WUTI_Captain )f r NADu-lilrat LimUolaoU

JAllU S Jl1ooamp-amp1I11 Liet_ 1 O bull Armalrong 26 James Morrow 2 lWbert Acher 27 B Y )fOOllllamp 3 Fred Abott 28 H )lcLord lIenr Adams 29 William )faMlng ~ Rlcbmoml Du 3fl Ury Mannint II fl BLI bull 31 Oharlea ProhUogton I ThOlllA8 1$11111 3~ Henry lW~man 8 F n Obrillty 88 William B11n 8 Mlcb COnRldllll 34 A Roth

10 181110 Clark 8~~ Tbemaa taW1llt II Rlchattl Doc 86 Jamea Smith 12 Ohbullbulllea Doul$herly 8i P Slumnon 13 A 8 Falrcluld 88 W G Turnor 14 John Fl~ld 80 00 Van HOllen lIS Thumna GilJ~on 101 Sergeaui 16 John HlI8kl 40 JalllesWlIlsb 17 John lel~llml 41 II W Vbeler 18 William rY1 ri 42 John Wel3h 2nd 19 Geor~e Jlmtled amprgeanl 20 William JckaoJl 43 JUlies Werrln 21 WlIIlim Xylor 44 Jalnea R cker 22 E~ R F LIIIoII 411 Patrick Everett 28 Samuel LOOI18rd 46 John Corcoran 24 John lIoon1 41 J F Taylor 3d 211 llellll )fowray Sergeant

CO)(P4NY B ClInt RUIIILIltWIcz-Caploill F L d bullbull__bull

bull lWlOM-lmiddotrbullbull Ltampf_uG V H ampmid L ltIt t bull OK ILL- M tMlI

I JOhn CoIln-lg 2( Jobn Ldnz i Oharea Wenzel 25 Oharl88 LupusII J_ph Soler 211 Philip )feye~

J4 Fran Nflier- lI1 Gharlo lloos8e1 II Ollllrlu KrauM 28 Auguslna )fullet G Jollil Axamp 29 CIIaS M~e1 Jom amprcr 80 B Marun 8 Edward Bibra 81 lWbt NowlllUn Igt Jolm BltIlIt 32 Cbarlll8 Pten

10 John JlIeta 83 Oball RoRIIeN 11 WUllalllFllesell S Etyard Rhein JII Theodore Fiek 86 J088(gtb Sohm18 Julllll Fnlllk 88 T Schrempllf

14 Uen1 F~ 81 OharleaScriba

11 Josepll Hoene 40 O G Staebbi 18 Oscar Hemil_b 41 JSchetlllUller 19 J Kuperr80bmld~ 42 Dion Straub 20 Leopold Klortbhe 48 Emile Seibt 21 Rdward Knndlg 44 O Ummorlio22 T Krcthenbaue 411 Ferd~ W(I8enbor 28 Artblll Hopper 411 Elward Wilke g

41 OuoWcher OO)fPANY 0

H1IIlll llvIlljIlLL-Oczplai A MoK P11I1iAK-Fir1 Li~ull4l1l WII NOllmslDoz-ampco1lll LkutlfllUlt

1 PalrlekButler II Thomu Brooke 3 c_ I D mue lOwn 4 1 Connelly Ii TIIOIlIIlI GarroU 6 William Oharles 1 (eo Garpenter8 D Cornlllllan 9 Edward Oorey

16 Edward IJlark 11 John Denllampm III Y OavidaonIII Dennis Elliott 14 Plttrick Evelamp 15 d Taner 16 R W Jlornud 11 Jolm Foote 18 Alfred GrRT III BeD Hardin

sioll of Rny RDlntal8 shall not cOlllllnmihl thu middot20 JantO llaynes bullbull010 to the proper authoritieM for the apprehen 21 J Uendersou sion oCtile offender 112 Charles Ghrels

AI1A ConlDlUllieated to whom It IDA1 concorn 23 David Jobnes Given in Granada Sepl 281856 OOMpANY D

WHo WAL1CER 4 bullbull

To Ibe Uinisamper onVt Gen Hawo llneda Iw8 F GIIANFir-CapalllBy suporior ord~r thl~ Is communicated to you A STIIULun- Ir LiltUtnallt~

for your information anti plOper aCIOIl lOtto Wooke 23 Heury POlice M luuiPA Minitor of W IU 11 Emilo Barrora 24 Wm Sommer

- - 11 RttD Schmidt 211 Dan SchrAde~-otite 4 p Blite 2amp John Viti IIO Bauman 27 It Conslgne

AII PERSONS buylog eJaime agnlnI UO estetes of tho (ollowlng named dacouetl per-

SOIlS will preaon illem 10 HIli dulYlIulltontiealoo on Of bef_the 28lh day ef Dltltl 18M otllerwlso lher will be ban-od by law


And all persona indohled to tlie estates of Ihe above deC_tid pencns willlllllke immediate pay m~nt to me

bull GILBERT TlTUS lublic Administrator

bull OriclIl4l DptlI1mellt Scptam~r 27 18M

Gralladn Ci~ R nblic of Nicarn a 1 p _~_____~__ _

Recorders Office 1IlE Office or the Recorder of Deed llorlgftges

kclol~ tbo Oliolltal Dcpftl~tmet of the Repllb lie will be opolled ill tie cll) (If Grlln4da on )fon doy tho 9th ofSptembor 18$6 All persona are Icquired by Decre$ tu hllve tbelr 111106 10 lauds In tbe aforoeaid Departu6lIt recorded llIlin Ix mouthB afier thllt date A~ OIL[I

Uecorder Cotlto Oriental DllpArtmellt Granado Sept 0 11160

___________middot_~-_middot_~~N __

9 H F Jemel 26 Edward CI 4 U Ki ~~ ~uoa ng2l James Lovelace liS James Jandretll 211 Patrick LarriplI 30 H F Miller31 lV G Martin 32 J W LoughUo 311 Wtn UcCarthy 34 Pat ODonnegan 3~ Tbomas Pldgeoo~6 William Rose 87 J A $mlth 88 Oharlea Smilh 39 Thos Wintore 40 Jolin Barnacle 41 Oscar Cromrol 42 J Lyster 43 D W Wilkin 4-1 J W AUSllu 46 D Cook46 Tbomll3 Fitzgerald

8 Jolin DUjDIIII 28 FrAncia OUU8fOno T R D(lbn 211 Phil DlIllllagnu 8 amp Darllf SO W P O)piand 11 Theodoro DiU III UOIIIIY IWICII

10 Henry Dalion 32 Phillip Leondra 11 Allton Gtlbbe tz 33 J08 lchuillIlan 1il r Grantz 114 Fred Dirkop 13 Tboo f1e~Rrell 311 JAmes Muller 14 8 1I1l1Ilbellll 311 W m G4IIOlly 16 Pierre lUtirre 117 John IJargell 16 Leup~ KrotolVslty 38 Jllllles FiunegAIIIi Robort Kempf 19 J J Schuylor 18 Jllle3 Jehlolld 40 Jamea Dale 19 lieu lIerteo 41 James lIall 20 CharlO lrelltz 42 -~ ONea21 lIenry 1aul80n 43 W MAgntc 22 G P_I 44 Pal J Rivers

------middotmiddotmiddot-middotPmiddot--b-Ii bull S I U t a eNOTIOE 19 bereby given th3~ I will Pl1)Ceed to

sell at l~m1C UOTIONIO Ihe hlghot bid let III tllO cIty of Sai Juan del Sur 011 the 10th day ofOcto~r no~t all tho properly belOllglftg to the estate of 8 Worden deceased The PIOpel~ty conslsla of ono house and several articles of POI 80nal properly J lRIEST

Amerlcnn Co~ul Sail Juan del SIlr amppt lIG 1861) Id

Lilt 01 Letter Remalnlllg In 1011 ORlee in Granada Sept 27 66

Alvares J M Ayula Houie A Drown Geo If Drinson J P

BOD8II1I Chilli D Brclay lieDr)

Dohlldl Mula 1 Bula DOli F Drown Geo

Berry E nlngoryno Benell D J

BOtdlllIll FA Bowlllan Wm

DllU Z J

Cole Sam (oopr Thomllll Clrlslophle )fouanlr CIk B II

Oasaaamp Sam R Clark Albert ClIlpbell Oapt CoI8lnan J T


Gapwell G W Conklin B K 08181100 Don Franciaco Cowley tat CovlIlllry John Carpentar Courlarde Don BernadoCooper John CabreraE Campen Cr Colman M W cwillo M Dick JaB Dulton II J Dyer P Il Donalds 0 II De Fltlfer J W Dickaon II Dunn ThoQl Donamplly W D Dobert) 1 Duall F )fDbullbullhon J J EisoUIck Pablo EV~II~ ED Fiaber Ju T 8 ) IlIg_rald JIB Irnulll J C II Faysaux C J Grahalll D It 2 Geilacb S Gliddoll JT Gregor G AGuenero R Ga9kiUM Gt~hlk C Goodlllan W H (IIbbb Gillllor Thomas Gilmore Stph 4 Gray A GaltlliealV Do G A HouJ W nume W viHagallP Hoes8T Itchingamp Wm J Hob BaaT narrle Ohs Hooker Clark Haley 11[

Jollnlton L Johnaton A JohnslOn It A JOlle lfeBC Knapp l F KlpOscotKllimph J E Ktlch John LiIIlBeld WD

)leKy)f n )fdlpio J W )forrie J W McMullen Jno A Mackie Rob Mims J It Berm JIlS )f Mendel T )UIIlI J R look Wm Morales Pedro 1IyrtbullJno Mlrlonl J J )fOOl Jrred Marlin Robl M_bH)fellow WmT 1Iyora EnriqueMosl01 T A Hundel D Moore J GP MoMauo H JMylord Juan Nag R8 Orosco J A Polioo Lon Luis PattaraOD LulaPlacloa Enriquez PoloinoDPownder John Pemberton TboaPemberton Thos PlckreagiU R W PowersEdw PanooOha Qulntal1l11 Rue Paul Rutb Jobn Ronalda O L Roux LRogg J ~ RuckerO II Sturges G A Smitb T B Sandera E J 2 SweeneYlJas WSchundera T [ Sherrin HugbSnyder Dr J n Schleulnger EllqSpann A SUIlVII J Swan Jno It Salford F G Shed Ob Sturtz Jacob TIIICSCIIIc H L II fowns Aa 0 Templo T amp-8 Towsle) D TrentiniO Y 2 Tompkin W A TogllAoca Te C II Uoler FM Vega Don 0 Watklntt Lewis D 2 Wlllialll8Oll WITWeeb It II White Wm Wllre Edw 2 Wbite 86m IWiIllanl8A V Wayne Geo W oight Thoa Wood NF Willson Jno J( 2 WaH A WilIiAlms A Y Wyn A Walllh JaIn

n~ P CRANE PostmasterGeneral

Dr lingu Post ENDERS HIS SERVICES to the citieua 1)(TGranada and vicinity In the practice of

MEDICINE SURCERY amp MIDWIFERY ar Olllee and reaidollloo on the 80ulbweu

COrtlr of the street oppallte the San ampancl$eo Conven~

Granada 18li6

Dalid ISIaug FFERS FOR SAIE at his placo San SebasO tIan Street 0110 1101110 above G~ Ph lle~

chors store Flour Wltlte-sugar Candles Uackerels Olivo

4fOIllaUcScldodrun Sebnapp bllttdlphia Ale and POImiddotte

Wille Olaypipes TERYS CUB

- ~ -- - -- ---------~-ilIJlX A TRODJlN



Togellier wilb l~rJ COPPElt JvnBUEEr~rJlO AnD ALl KtlC 0middot 600D BOrn IN 4 VJlOLpound9AU)flO~HopitAl 8tNlO~ III -ollt ofSanraoeisco OoIlUII

GranAda June 7 1860




fpound NICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 49 p 5 Sabado 11 de Octubre de 18561 Saturday October 11 1856 3Dl

W~T WE ARB STRIVING FOR ROMANaS OJ WAR THII BAY ISLAND8 AaaAL 01 mIlt raow 5bullbull-)( J -- Fella iii IellowfMWollfr Ind fe-lIow_llaquo qI

Th ra AI a pe-rlod In the ahOi t bn CIcntrlll To lbole ho b noylll been parllclpators In The 1Ihlll rollm aetlled on IiIe 0 nclt Eetrampef In ClIba h arrlyed at New YOft timo bAt Americana bave been In Nicaragua whea campalgo war appeaR to ba roll 01 hononl about wInch eo much dlplomaoy h betn lIpelld ~hm 8paIOlaft~endurinamp 100amp aeri ofpua tu) Irere brandcd b tbe porltanlc people of the Their 1II1ncit dwell pon bloody OCIlIlIletll ind ed between Ihe United Statea aad G_t Britela Ea~~ 0 pUIr oIlt year ampnot

I - r- pItOIIIId I bull a IIHbute~) s little blllter thn the brlgandl oC the Bolmiddot on 01 _illig a1ft14 before til wbta do ool Hem dIOIIIl4 to IIIbIuIl to w lat eo -oel Ill Fells who bad beea i__ kolo P ropetiu mlddil IM or tho bUeMlI tb-t inmiddot tbeir thouamphta dwell apoll thlife of a lOIalr III Tentioll collcluded betw_ Mr nu IDJ Lord prleon ror a lonl tlrae wlib blm lID ~ IIImlshyrleq the COlltS oC Contral America daring ita traetioo irom sa ogo to half-eivUlzcd liCe Sollie wcre even bold enough 10 denounce U8 plrato and lao who wad 110 higher or more ennobling lurplea Ihall to rolS tho woak alld to oppreaa IhbIa ho could nol rcain our poer Why Ihey rho~ think 80110 (Quid not dcvlse for theycte~ publlshedtlleir roGSons with tbelr oplolonl They ~(lIgttulnlr did raquooUao any tbiog In tho nctlona f ~lnelmiddotlcan In Illb countr to jll8t1r lIucb an

I e bull don Thty seemed to overlook the eWllI tm ~at we having rccched our earliesl training utr Iho manlier of tilemsclTes Aroso to manmiddot 1uood~dQr tbo purifying InftllencC8 Of tbo sAone itOi alld hving instilled Into U3 Itom tllo lint 4bullbullm ~r our petClptionl the sreat principles o hlc call rcpu~UCllllism could nol do olberwlo

tban 1 turtAln tbe dellpeat r6gard8 for tllo broadut UbtI~ ff the Indlldud 1~6n Valker In bls Inaugural addrw

lY Ule IIIIIlOllt liberty of speech patiblo Iti~b order IIlId good sov

i 0 ~~h~fun~I ofnil polillcal bull I e cling 118 r u JlOI

IbIe Ie materlll deTelopnlcnt of th~ State J ballIO unmindful oflllllntellelaquoIIIII and motu reo ~Qltellellts To prolIIote the proper eduOitioll of Ihe p~ole and to oneollrage thenlln tho praet1cee or t04t Diflno flIlJllon wheh COlllltltbita hlIIIlla

~ or lIlIid~rn elvllbailoll eb1I be the objecl of prl-IMt) ~mportalco1I Ib~ Ito tile prillciplea wblch IIOt ollly JUld

th clUet ftliaR bll b I IIbh d dOPUL~J 0 1111 f c uaiwlC narlgallel h l1 po til 0 Amer cana nce ell ar VI In

do dollntry Tbe woret enemy toour poace and

Ih~lv J1XI dcanlmlla NlcAlquala but tbe genius of

olliam reduced down to practice We

lit ~ tbrougb the pme Impulse Of IDetllletfliat pela the Engllsb to push their colonlea to dIG remotest COrlllltf of th eArtb and iblt loduees 1M Amerieep ia tbe United States to I ould r 101

bull IU aad his rifle aDd penetrate tblt deptb oC the _ Illd ope~ an wlld__ Into the broad rllgbt of clvlftzatlon W bullbullre her bringing - L U oh tl 1401 f lit e _ago arta a~ t y Jllry 0 our famplhtre nd Ibe balloloboll of our brother and we are lIere fulfilling fot tbe first time 1118111vloo prophae1- Wbolo oitionslllmil be cooferted In ON ~1

W~bout hesItation or etaggcration we can eamp

6tt 0 are Ihe ollly ractfeal mlulonariolll of the pepelliince th day orst raul oSt Patrick IIId w_ hue ~lready done more fo~ tbe caUie of

lit don la Oenlral Amerllta than aU the preach IDC at liu been done lIere Ince the da1 of~ Et

bllll Nicaragua has already received from IlII 611Cb puth onwDrd ldlf ery 0110

ifill ere to leaveOmorro Itwould be1on1l L__ Ilate Ie tho Spanish retrograding tendency

ItIIId rng hor bkCk ioto th eocial politbal and IIOIA1 arkn from wbleh we hLe reBcuoi her

1IH1P Snoonu-A reglll corps of sharp ~ baa beoo orgaIlized in eacb hallaHon The 11M lIIavQmrll la eYery compau are selected IJId diell armed with a llonle muskei B this ~IIenl II body Is organizod who may bOIe-W~ to kill a mn 1I one tbollAnd yarde tllre8 II fill offlv~

(I BORNlnYS COllluIID-On Tuosda Jt t bull y bull

tH Vgin btOUih~ up f om Si (iJorgc the entire IOIIIUI~lId under Brig Gen O C 110rll8by making II addition to Ibo garrleon or 160 mell

~ lIIl ()~luBl-Tbi stealller arricd in San

JdIi 01 lur 011 W cdnesda S1le will remain at

I bull

01 t until tbe Pauenlllllamp arrive b1 tbe next lui r from Ne Yorkf11 $I SIIIgtOTINII-For the Ias~ tbroo daye the

ItI sertlee Bllt war wllbaU III dlIipeeabie Clarendon Afler a 101I1Iym8nt of th Bog 8l11rollndln ami 11 Hults ofteo tillia open 110 rule whlel INII 01111 eoaured jU811e but a Ul the pathway to more eoJoyment tbao can oc- hlol4 ohaCety they ho DO Idea of belog traMshycur11i Ibo doll round of a 1_ active liCe The lerted to the tender mercies InJ IIICOIIIpotent aumiddot plrll wbloll nrlse when b~lIe boata Ire about to lbodl 01 tbe nge Guardiola They bout engageln combat u properly evbed 1I11amp11lb oc- righ for th only prospeot 01 amp ohlUlp III Ibelr (ion arill and In ita ste-d the ruea of iltoatloilborthowonJC UndertheruleolHonshyfrlerubhlp and tbe bappleat of ROOd felloyenhip I lultlvled It is bllt nllIral that where II14II) men Ara mutually depOlldent upon the plowcas and bravery of each OIlier II Irong allllI of brothershyhopd 8110uld bind Ib~m In thlt tho Nicaraguan Army bosond aU othor allord bull the beat ll8tIllce of

_ bull - bullbull- II Friend no rbullbullt Ol1I Whoso doublemiddotbosoms seem to wear one beart Whuse ~jUI-s wbOl6 bedl 10_ meals and

exel CI80Are 1111 logoll18r whove tllln u twm In 100 lnupaable

Tho Flnl Rifte Bttellon ot Iho Arm Ie tba (lldot and on thle llecount appear to claim the right of setdng all example to their equally brave compllllioniof other batUion1 of tb Joillt of II

bull bull soldier lifo Being oflleered by men WilD Un told their forlunesal ibeIr IIIItlv hom Bearing their birthrightl proudly on thel b To IIIl1ke a hazard oIae foriunel h r IIC I r ore n briebull a braYer cltoleo 01 dauDtlebullbull _plrlts~~ft~u~~i~~degti~e


trut pldloeophera lId lIIeD of 1IIIdonJtandlng turn the preacnt to the beat adlIntap

When Itll undentood Ib tiltmiddot r IL ~ hmiddot bull I t 1- I Imiddotere 0

q e1n cOlIllgtry canna po 10 0 II e nmiddot Nortll Yere mareblal toward thlt capllal th ~ In wblch Americans here have eo rar forgot- Fint 111801 were ordered from their qurte U teft thp01aelv aa to eommlt any act w~lch would an dyaneeguard of the Nlcanguan Amy 1t8ec~upon Ile hlgb elate of clvllillltion of their Thev enCAmped at the J lteba Ch reb

d b th dmiddot OIl I t h bull II on w ~ ~ 0 lUI c bullbullbull men II Ollie outlklrta 0 11M elt1 rortlloI~I the polladimiddotma han been bore a there are and urrDulllllng Illeit pmeol pOeItlon I Id

- boo In ever CODIDlunily individllala 10 - gruay Th IccInllea for lancln III the Iocallt tjjly organized to allow thel pollllon to g 1

re too lIeat to _pe the 1tItchful ea of ~hlOr tbtlr bettlll Judgemeat But tbe tbe B16e11 and their hammock were _reel

on eplllirYllItn III ilriDltlliiCH alld ~ 11111019 up Tbey are too gallaut to keep to themlety AlllercAiIa bave treated tbe natin of tb iaeounlrJ eo much h1oyDlOOt Inltatiou re Immedt I k L v bull

~ ~ magnanimity Dot nown among ona ately lltued to the ladl ami pAtIomell of Ora IIld aa weUa to their brother 01lc8

Adance on tho greeD by moonllgb wOIIld bull A hi If _amp

temp n ooy mle e no lIot A1 thereCore 1I1Ih what a1aerlly the IlIvitltlon met wltb compliance

Befot tho moon badfaMy apread her hom bull

lIgure were rUdillg rapldllO And fre and ladlOll on boreoba~k belln to -mye The dear era turea looked In lb parllal gloom l1li1 pf moat bewltoblo beau wblcb altronwer IIhl If u1

thing augmented

__ Nlghl Shows tars and women la a fair IIgbi

rett Dancing waa Of cbulll Ihe order of the lIinht

I - _Aad when

lfumcrOl6 WIlli Ita yoluptuouuwollampn e~ea looked lue to YII8 which epoke apln And al went merr1 u marriAge bell

Dallclng with II Its lellirableneea does ltayeI r --t b II dbmiddotat I 11108 a 8 Ii Oll lUI IIg ten Olley ut we

Rille aro the IlIlIt III tlll wOld to rorget the nomiddot eeultlei of the Inner man In II eommodlollll toom at a eonv~nlent distance from where the dancers danced II board was ead ltll a prolll sian 01 viande and wboo beVtnl$eII wore reshyqUlred tlOJIIe Iere furnished lIIcll exhilirated but did not Intoxmte

001 Eo J~ere lind Lieut Col F Atldereon controlled the entertainment so 1111 aotl eo pleaalllgl) tiift were il IIOt they are alroad Imowno ellcel In the inillwy profeulun alld It bmiddotb lib tiel - Ih t

aYO O W I r 1110 cam an or thelllselee in the Temple)f Fame 1ft would be Inclined to adyl them to devoto tbemselves to Ing or aD entlreli dUfcrent and 1_ edIIf~ rol$ nalure Bul the plelUure wo enjoyed Is somowhat mingled wiLh 1 regret for thoeo Who

t ~ d tl I bCOU IIG en1 1 alice on 10 green If It II ellvlnblc felow whOle good fortune II I to Iotcd Ihe First RlRt Battalion

---------- Ll01EII-The laily of )111 Potier 01 tho Ordmiddot

dllma they will not only be lubJected to tho peUy tTrano) oCa bQlrmiddotbreed Indian J8IIoulOf their IU

periorilJlod pprehendy oetbelr power bullhybull

wlU be excmp Itom lnythlogllke proteCtion from ~ht ronp thai IIronger pow 1111 lee II~ to plol108 upon theXl In their IlIdlldu tapieIYFoelln(~1 their dQoadvantallOf thy Very MIumiddot bullbullU1 obJcel to 1111 amalgamation with th goy- tollty 9111he tid ~rlirrh lut M~rF~Ulm mellt of lItindllrU The followlllg extfaol flOlll a dlatetYleIkud went to Glb la from hloli cormpoodent oCtbo Now York Ifld dated al PaceUhe t paeaag~ O LtveIOOI d thence to

lilted 8htos amYmg Boston in thetea Ruatan AlIgl8t 19 will Fbow 1I0w the people hlp Nlapn on the 8th or lUlllt lut )lr Felli ~ere Iook Up80 the Coolfentloo and ho tbey II a cllifin of Ihis couatry 1IlIkcl) to act In the ueat lbo troty rallfied )lr FIIIII no ill thia city enPlled IS the wltbollt alty COIIIIIIItltiOa with ibeluclilimente Go1lmment lrantor

A reporamp having IJI~ em Ruatall tbat the Bn -------- shydab governlllent w gOIng to deli IiIe eoIony A HOlllItla-80111e gentleDlen were amlllinof the Bay Ulandl to their orlKlnal ~ (the Ihemaelrel yeate-d afteraooll b III tIii State of HondlllV) It ha caUted eonaiderable es- alii to t at dlatenc Y 00 g at

ciltment and the Prealdenlof 1M Leglaladve AI- II a on e frolll the 0 sembi called a It neral meetlogofthe InhablWttl wharf ampad aucceeded III _dlllg bullet Ibro11 for the purpoee of pelillolllo ber lIaJ~y 011 tho the IIrUa 0( one Th monster _II pye Ill the lIIUecl uuamp 11 bullthe~ allUmtnllll ~ at thlt men- - III 11 ed on tbe hore IiIII tawlI1e

log wblob tootplaoun I oclock on tb 18lb Stlidwl~ ~bout nille feet IIId eYeD III death he 11I1i1llld proIul$ toally reeoIllllolI belng-d J ee appearance oIlelng a II ugly elYshylalllyllldlldualtellprelled I 1rDII1tenaa tomer TboeewbowLlhtoatudytheanuomof their IIlItlmelltl 011 theUlattlr AcoJorftpomiddot tberilterwlllfindblmaowllogoDlhebeadampt1eman boldlog a hlllh ofllce on the IaIorul doell red that he would DeYer conlen( to -01 lloa luaus WampOOIl-Wina 00 bae _I GOt shyboln _t to th Bdlilh soY--t tor It bad _ IIaIHt oPplClled Ih people too much ampad II uo I 11_ e~plWl waampon we JWnled and quite a gDftmlllOUI gaYe th up II~ _ wmln and ampy100IuII concern In tblg eoUllt) wh tIIere able to take III rmlto deCend themaeleII (rolll are nothing but - willi whe lIIade byllampwfni thelllYMIoo oCthe Hon~_ So oth oIIthe butte oIa trbullbull and punchlog holethrwgb followed III the tlwe wlrlike emdn which _0 th Ier r h to tbe taete of Ill 1_lIag 1111 liiio ~ bull ceo or t I ampIlemiddotwe It Ie oow rIged lip Chat the lurplllll reveoue ehOuld be dnoted to dI ampad the drinr duhe through tile elty In a purehMe ofarms d amm1ll1llooi ob 1IIId that amtocratlc mteor mildbull If Ihe were 101 lIeutral the HoadufOll would lea them III the q Ie~OI of the BIII lll4UZlIIL-We are Indebted 10 II the Nlearagum eml~Dte lIditr the _d publ1tb and aIao to Wine Co EllprtM fof

~~b-ped wllh hit lite 111 FeU~ andIfhIl~g hoe ~ ~thtrlO ober 1861 tenced 00 the 24th of )larch fo~olnw- 11 JeanJ ilnpriloomen Ceute and to enJure I~4 -ryelllllllce oC the poIiee Ille ellpiration ofthllt i~ pU1lllUlce of II I h b SpainOlitheJtofJ~neamp1I d~~eavfo~ 011 the 811amp orte memolllh On the 181h ~f JuloIIOI~ be w tlkell to Cdur wllere he ~t ~~~II ~e ~thmo( 1If1~ Fromdtllbe prilshy

rov ula an t rown Into tbe IlronJlbold called UMbo and itep COtl

t1nuallr In ehalna Iu th mlWllillle tho friellot ~~Mr ~eUAaIll tmUited Statu were not Iliac by~b~nQeo s f nOII~~ tmiddotrb~ jug_ted

lIec ofthelrfoll1 hubeen M~olllJ b their wunhe a ~d~l(eoa ampbe 1Ieen wu got O(ClellIlValker 1Ii~(lllampOPJh_fuIIooplbullbull Q(tllube nlblallIthlT lertIOIIIIfIt promen tblt State h lib bull I ~~pored ha hlbe mtla~~tf~ Colllow do -1YWi ~ lubecribe to HI1 ta -I and attac llIenl to _I oroWII can 10 -IV net bull Co

but 1amp had qwte III opposite e4eoI (or dI (8e11nS It that lhi tallallon tbat It ImpOllidIbr the _eIIt WIIIUk Ce-lIrHlnkle theactlOtDmodatlllg Of_I_oJllclllllU1gh~ltat beea ed Jufdlbey ~oIth aboYIl lbp has plllcedumiddotlnpc been pOllllllted to relllalll llldepedelt ampad lItIo - of our replar fll 01 Butern Md Pacillt lrat ootcolouized III dlreet viorauoll of IiIe Clay ncban We h ton and Bulwer tre17 II ope to elbe Exp bllllintfa

HallY suggeatlona were 01l8red bUI thllt 1I1ob thorougbly organized agaIa

Tho gIy bat ceqQeltisb rldingack and the ward of the pori 01 lrUxUIo and about tlleame tanWlzlng Impudence of th 0101111 wbleh 1 tllttlnee (rom the IIInd of ftllliall There8

11011 now abollllorlJ Germampllll IIIId AlllerI_ a worki IOmellmilli 01181 11 thade of uncertaint over tllllr tuch au their PIOBpeCB thai tbe have J(feD the Call facM rendered the IICeno one of Intense 11Ite- place the name of New California Iluan I

seemed lito tn08~fslbIe wla made by 011amp of Ihe rea1denta-Ibic~ In the event 01 tho colon belag e _ted by til British they thOliId aend to PrealdeDt Walkar aoeking Ilia rdlluce ud reshyqlltiUng him 10 aend a bod) oIlrDIIpI to prrleon the Iellnd for aD 1I0vemmell~ 11 betler than that orHOliduru

Emi lion I _11m III to th ne1 dllccrrned pld de altuf on tbe _t Honduras at bull river called Belfltte within thirty mU wealo

therelOre IikelJ to bo tho depot to lind fioolll the

bllru OJ RxcAl1ITs-Co1 E J ampcod bull ~ 41li

broughl down (rom California secnty reQRlCII which ltayO been moatly _ignad to Iholllral Buia Battalion The tillookcd like men of therlght stripe


)1011 REOIIVITamp-Col Jack Allell amvW 0 Ifood It wltb near 008 hlllldred recruits UIlshy

der Capt J B Graeo Bolbmiddot lt101middotAlleoantl cpi Of0011 hbullbullbull retumed 6-0lIl furlough

PBR80NlL-WeannOllnce 111 I h t f J V Fb I ure I

e IIrn 0 bull bull ens to Grallada aaer aD amp1gt Ullited States all 118 ncelln harbOfll 0 arm llen~e ofthree moolbs to tb Eatttmiddotrn Stites advlllltages for 8ucb II purpose nuelt baing p fecily 1e from north winds 111 tbe winler amp8011 List oC Letter------=-----=-

ColllKG SrSl1JIER-Th ateamer Teno_e na Remaining in the Post Office middotrccei-ed adnrliaed III New York to lellve ror San J_ del sinoo August 30 J856 Norte OIIlhe 6th or oampObar wlIlub would mako A d J J had t t T it n reAlIer v GIl a preseo OIl or w Irf8 Andolllon 110m I aufllolellt to IMIIe lhe trip and we -1 th_ Aharez DtD rore expect 111 arrivil about Thursday nut with Dlalr Oharl datal up to the 6tll 01 October It ia IIIpJlOled Brown Oeorge that the Onba III bo at 8m JIIAn del Sur in Ood~ Themu time take tho PuaenllerA by tho ~elt8s throh g~itJDon to (lallfornla Afler the Tllne tht Teunesaee ia Cottle Caellye regularl posted to I on the 14th Ihllll piol or_lg R R utwo atelllnera thlsmWthftom New York 8ioce Orowel~ John Ue above WAll written the Orlube arIed Sail Co~por Tbomu luandel Sur EflCkeoD cP

Ftlgerald 0 0 NJ(IAuGu GlIuM-Werecelved largo FitzenldGeorgobun II 01 ti If I DB C Flshe~ Bordamln c n~ 00 grapca om bull e fIIfIO apt Frank II

N N whlcn a~lbough ~ot jQlte equ~II1 fllI~r GOltel H to Ibe best ~bOIIIh are fur an uncultivated milt Gardne RP of good qualilYmiddot We have 1)11 been ofopllIon Cilnllll John that NlcaraguR would before all1 very dlalaDt diy lIaley )I

Leltl8ll Ourtil Lockwood E 0 )lullen J Vahon 0 lIlIIer D 0 lie ioigan J 0 Nag R B

Otllllaa J D ~Imer J p~MA

2 Piper ~1 bull SwaD J R

a S1OCUIII Cpt BRlall Jaoee

Trvllllj Chas lJ

2 Taylor A W rlgbt A w~A H West Lleui J S

be the flfet vine growing counlryln tbe orld-A lIagtl_ TampOIllIl Zarrl J 6 11I th III d ft f h abo Jorlrnan Wme p 01

not un e so an u~ 0 t e vo mOIl lIooed buncbrengthODll St~U Taeticbull

IbllHD PlPIlIUI-Womual apo1og1ae to llr THE GBNTLB~UN Who boTOwad ftOID Col Munt Cooper Nwpaper Ageus III San Fran Fahers ~r Ille ampoolld VoIulIIe of

Hert companlee III the two ~Ul8 oualiona lIanee Deparlmenl CII1IO to Or_la by tbe Jut cIIco rot 001 relUrolDg mlr thub-for tlta COIIIIan~ Scott 8 Tacllcs will ampICfllle retlltll II 10 CoIollel lave elaquojn CIIgtged III target 8lercuu Tho oootmiddot steamer and w happy to A oXfleeta 10 make and eOpiOli IIIppllee 01 1- pap wlarla 1fI111 III Ii~t U~iT~iR)(AK ~_~~~~~plI~e~~a ~llghly crodtablo tbls her fumo Iollle conllauu to rerei lila baa-Clemmiddot1t (obullE 8ecoD411l


bull bull

pound+ NICABAS[JENSa Vol 1 No 50 p 3 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October lB 1856 309

IruIrti~1 mu~il to urge them on but with ISA J(E US FROM OUR FB1ENDS 1 victory land defiance Btamped on their mud8~ned figures lind written on their ampvin~ bllnneri-lllf I tlien there WIIs a eIIout went up rrom the anenat that was eohf)e~l from the old prochi~ churoh and rolledori and grev heuier nt the GUllrdshyhousea shuut that carried hope IIlId new lifo llri te1rful joy to the hearts of our flmil~s nnd friends but such terrOI to tho cr Ivon enelny that they could not fly and ~ II IIlIlUY of them in the pitfall they hi ug thmsolvel Ihore wero some who ampld it and at first knew not its mean ng-trhlllds who were cut (1ft and Iring n their hOll8ell In momentary ex

~on of the 118sasine knc But as Gen fNlllker and hu boy~ drew near the plpza alld saw stili floatmg (rom the

i1agStft ill Its centre tbe devieBlo( free Nica I h Ii Id I h

U mo dr gUR- d n It~~ w t ndazth

1 lr ers t Ie re P inot JArs -11 U8 bull b h h mg natives men w 0 were onre t ellbOWltlta t NIClalua was ltlll safe the drum and fife struck up Ihe homely old IUneof Yankee DOl)dle and tbosewbn knewtDflt tbe meanin of Iho lIbou knew

bull bull g 1bel that IR other dl~s had led theIr falhe~ from vlotoy to victory

On year preVIOIIB ell tIlt very day the n ver tobu-forgottoll 13th of Octuber Jr Viillnm Walker entilred Granllda bull hi d b b Iill t u1t tlUifl an t IS WlUl IS com

If n gt

middottom g 4lir 4VENlOROUS PdRTY

bull f _ _ bullLale 011 the evening or Sunday tbe

12th aparty COIliamptillg or MlijOI Rogers Minis o- of aaclenda Col Thos F C dtllce ahe Qualmiddottermaater General apt lute lite Those were the traltols who JUAN OTTON DB OPPLBIf

I T Slm~ls of t~e Qllarlomast)rs _par~ came 1Il~0 Grannda with patllotlo eheera IUIhNlJ1UU mel)j 901_ Lam~ olle of Gen W~Iker 8 llpoll thou lips thllse were the mon who Tbe card one of line Brhltol board ud In-Aills] flUd an escolmiddott (If about Haeen Ran promised to81e the country-these welo di6ttcd much taaampe lillie Uecullon Hla pookol gets ~ltted from Muaya for be city r- Lire Illell who cl~tIed Ibe eVllngelism of beok 10101 amp3 oil ca hie _muloC ~n Grandll They had Dot IIdYaneed far whenI It

bull became eVident that IUjwould be

bulllanirOOs to proceed and Mal R~ers bullT

retutlea to acquaint the Gcneral of the

ct_ The remallldel of the puty enmiddot d h h B bull etm e 01 t e nlg t 8)10 monnngiller ~vere attlcked and Lhough they deshyfended themselves bl8vclyMd 811Meoood in cutthll thlir VIY through they were

I~rg partllls of th6 cllemY line Wllle thlr foro obliged to mllk very Clircuitous lOIItIis- Col Fisher witll hismiddot two com pan~ns Iilturned on lhnltltday mnrni

bull Th4t wero very milch ftl~Ued havmg

h Ii h t h _l ell ~ not lUg 10rn l c IIno t tly start irom MlIsnyn until thl) arrived nt Grll-IIId excolpt 01100 whero they hllpPned tpg~ W a small hut where thelo were bullineieen women and children aud onlyL

OflO mnnbull fhe Colonel placed tI guard 11 tb~ dour ttl prevent tile Igres~ of IIny i ilftllF natives lind thonprovliled SOIllUmiddot

~h1rqt to pal rr himsdlf lind men ~1 D1rlng tho woek lievernl others f thll

rt IIlThmiddoteel IhtY nrted CRllt Slim fmiddot -- lOis ael II they Imd soen bis hrse CII IItd him and supposed tbat ho hllli reshy

loClvd a semiddotolo wound But fortunately CoP~ SammilS himself arlivlld III the tity

thiS OfulIlg_ II hnt Dllt belu founded adEd cllron nllthillir faom tltt) tilll he

left 81 II IIntll be IIrrlved ho( romaliishy

Weare informed by InttrUlgen and loyal Democrats of tbis city the when tbe late attllek Wllll made upon Granada they gave up all hope for the olty Nlit knowing the character nf tho American people nlld helllvhig it Impo8lllhie amphat OliO hundred and fiay mfR and a portion of those Infirm eould contend IIUCle8tlfully agnlust the heavy odd coming down upun U8 from U qUllrter many of thuse eople ran away to the Inountalnll allIlln 80me easel we have heard of them being alaulthshytered In the woodllwhithlr they had gone rr safety When it is known that mallY of the eini~salies of these brutalities were flrmer rosidents of Granada it call_reeshyy be credited that even savages would

th bull bull b pursue IIlr paSOllons 60 ar lit DeVrshy

bull theless It is a truth thnt the mOIl cold blooded atrocities were performed on flee

noxt door Doi hbor There were but rew enga ed in t~68e horrid trn edlea for we

g tfi dl I th t it r I Ie JUN len say ng a ou 0 fI ppu amiddot tlOIl of fiCteen thou8and Granada did not furnish mllle thall three hundred men to the ranks of theallOmy and th~we three gellOucbed hundred wele only enemies becluse the Among die -1 o-ro -pu trom lIIe elle-A h d i t duced I t G ad m1 shOll at tbe Jaltoba wu Uebrf WalleN

merlcans a n r~ n 0 ran a wbon 8ft heuy-casod gold hUlidn walch bull plan of hvlng Without the It waB ampeod bampIIich would ollletlt bay --_bull bull UN_

unce the prlvdege of the II1111tar1 Umllllrs hlacroln ill bullf auk 11110 III wate IIDt in this city to raile the wind by the laY Ibe Ju snob A sbocIt gave hit tam he re-

most questionable meuulesoodll8 a mall oeed 110 InJUlf He hu already fonpe III four lor of cOUrie when II better governmllRt bampltlea IIIlder Oell Welker ud 1fU he was established under Gen Wlliker these kldng of ()ta1IIIdbullbull

titletl thieves found their OOOtlpation Kune One genU_a left 1IIoIIowlng card In on of r alld thllrewith the chaneeot IivlIl a ditiSo tbe ho_ III wbleh be cook UpA tempotll1 rtal

order-these were the men who loved ad by Carrera Oell WlIlker no hoIda die com 1181

Granada too well to see her in tho hoods m onbull of the prosent Oernment and ye live I During tIae aght 1fahYerIIaRCII were

Wht did they do 1 What wefO their hltea frOID the eny III III bandt ot bull peI1IOII

ld9111i In delr _ dI__ lie fir middotefteotl+ works t _ I

r_ bull d d b weaptllll amp t_ certatD 1 _III 10 u ofAlmmg mto town a~ mt 3Y Y II

fOloy upon their own OOllotr)lIIou they wllre 8uOil fed Thuir next move was ror a whi~key shop ahd at IIlghtsllt onemiddot

1IIIfllrtunately rcparated filtm each other~ fourth of the attacking force WII3 turlled Col Laln6 WIIS take1 pri~onol Col int the SlIme sut of drunken vagllbolldH

FIsh~r With wo ~lIgers 11Itlllncd to Ma tllll~ had been dllvon ltu~ of Grllnllda JU$t lIIya but dlscovermg th3t Gon Walkr one ytampf befhre Thelf Rltve iustlllctil Ilad ~turned to the 1iS$ldanOO of Grant- sull hoM Illa~tery although thly wlfllin da t~(ly also retracod their stops to this tiont of danger lind In the JlIth of dllty F~ On thcir wily they If ot sevcrnl At light had not a rge prtlon u r the

bull I foreign furee beell (lIItrllmed to ~nlaln ~ober our omall garrieoll might hn~ gobe ftlrthlInd tied up with 1(P=4 the lotlliflg raBnis who CUltle into thlgt cit to rodeembull ~It ~o orler and gOll( guernllltmt

B I bull f I II ddlit t lell X ~~m (I 01 IIr I nut

stop here Thofo ~hn did not gut drunk uud cover ui nibt reolmiddotted to robbery I

i ~ lind bllt rlilV tonslll 1)~(jII)lld urpillaged Every thing ~IInhllllf b ing calried IIwuy

fidelity IIf th 1ple of Hranada Tholl6 coi BpoundIIDIu In hlllpoti _ loIae wbolt or who laW them make voluntar) ufterlng of be olBennd men ohb Jlm RII BUalloD did refreshments to the exhausted soldier bel dn amplid I ould be mock 10 110 know how willing i wlltliono They blul gl one oller mON pNile til _dler fte7

)1 bullbull 6 l 1 w IIII Wlng to cri8 Ibelr U1f II~lie ro ut a mo every WI Umiddot lot die _ ftft IIPl1a eel wlt n the American gum could ~ro-teet them but or what WII It they gave with a willing hand

Such met8 18 these Ire worthy to he studied by the wrld at hlrge bull Those wh hllve slAndered UII wlthollt knowing of

bull what they wrote can weigh the avldenshyces ald thEII decidu 1Ip1O wholR tu CIIt tbll title of frieud and proteotor to the people (If Nillllrngua


- I the Amurlcan 1OIdI approached lbel1ishyampeha chllrb tbe bullel from tbo glllll of the ttl shy

- -kl 1liii Wert 1mg ID tI 1 t errery peI1IOII on h_back m-iDCIIbullbulllulg 10 the ground and Il behind ble horse for pro~1I oa W~r aIon malmiddot b- oM bull re _ 011 lIg ers 10 _ 1111 abou as much MfIfroid III If orderIagA boltllt of wiDe Ibr hie dlMer I ud Ie Dol until bewlarepcatodl)reqllnledtbonoolllblm 10 diamount that 1M did 110 He emed 10 be as regardl of Ih elleou of a Millie blIll If 1M ere plOOhplm lIIem ForlullateiJ be did IIOl

litlle_nt hey are but aPlnHv~of cleD18eI~-eiDdelencOI Grallldbullbull the bew and erro of lIIe Indllll of tIae Honb alld baylollg aiDae b8llll dfioarded by dltllIAampIona tbatcondllClaiUfIa aclenCllle _11111

The handle of lIIe 11111laquo ill about hIce III 1000g andlIllek u an ordlnar1 broolllmiddotbUdle I lance on llie end It an onl pleco or IroD or iteel )ot fuur Inclin In length alld abouhlliaob and a balf In its grlA breadlb In rlulng tbey CUp tho Itallll19 About Ita cenUO 111111 0110 band and Ita loer end r811111 UIlOII lIIoir rlghl foot Close 10 the bead or III Iallce lIOn_ bad II lillie red g aplit Is be ceo like A s bull allows tall

bull A raquo~lIOIIOIl UI) A ~IIiIIIU11C -A cit

~ w_ bnlvorl during lhelate detenco or tblS ell) was atllpl delllOMtfAled byltle inc of a 1rouodet __ 110 1 11_ or en Iny on hearillg one of t1i9 cia

-- 01lttpI wy Her verI ltgtJOll1re11t1rlcOO l Ibe

ur In die report of Ilurspcclaleorreaponlellt wa _ndull Capt middotDrew The propr resdiog or tbolllUD8bDeul

------- shy or Tbo followDC COPl of lelk wrlltell h] Jlbullbull DW1 H Wheeler III Agenlof tbe Amm can Bible Society at Grallllda 80ell18 coneidetl6 wben a WM writteu 1111108amp propbelc IL III bull 01 (lilt aIAYmentbull and iiI excite illucbaflllpamiddot 1~7 Cur bill aad end BII~ be blood ormatly ill I ~ eed of e~e Clturcb Gild In tbe plaoll or OlIOshyMulonat killed by ampbllllo ungts bundredtt ill yel pnrdllHbtir goodly calling bere In_ ritf

GRlIIpoundIgtA Oct 3middot186amp bullbull rdMAIY I took my book Imd ent AfonnJ aud on youe leIItgtIment )luny 811id Ibey bAd no IJIOIIllI and otIl 1d tile Quid pnrcb lte afler die eomIJa~ over WlOr loakil Or autenem111very doy rull lllree thodU~g ~

feDo nl1gbl be a riliemlln but biil credeD~l B(lIl1agood omcclil lid BOllle vor) gdOd aofim were atllered In dUlerenl IIChool from botek b hi_

nOWD y I lit name n lIll1Cky Tbe Ileamiddot raga rifleman urna bil reputation by ~I

Iyaltacklng kunu and 111101111 othor people WIts stUlllI II(J~ lUly fngtnl foe~ bllt nlike goods whll tile KellluckllUl hlil the honOi to be rmm fmlllds liHI pooril~t natives were bull terror to -Iaucb rucala foilllesklll wltb which

fltmlM tu givo lip tleir IMIIOY lind tholll bo drops them Ihe dlelIlOO of one o two bunshywhu had nOlle ill IUlIIe 034el vera lashed ilred 7arda m Do

lruIlkn Ioxes 111111 evelY othor plll~ 4111 II PnIIlCL-ThLI IOpeclmoa of IIIlUtarl wbore g)Ida ~lr valullbleol millht be hId OtIIIlnlly ~paoled blluoope 10 Mala aM

( was -a wllh III IDOIt advanced of tbe Jim Wble tmieJ l~pylUlVy Ind whell clotll Rlh Tho bowllie w his fJlvorito poIIIon

Cor J0811 Auu-Thll ollCllr w11I com~d of Ibe body of tIae Second Rl4ea wldllblor Ca In tIae repll of Ib La- IIItl1t1oeed b 0IIf

eorrespIIIIdeot md proYed Ill_If 10 be A bnlle man After Ibl tlIg_nl he wu ordred amp0 _ dIiot Capt Drea aud Capt Ore In 1b~lt pOIishyampion near Ib luge pm The oomblnllllon _ ceeded In Njtulalog tbo enem hferal amp1_ dillgtshying tbe _y

CoL JlcI1l10811-Thfs eBcleot olllcer prOTed bfmeel(1 y w1I orlhy of the pOlilion Ii~ OCCllplee U was al walCbflll amplid a1ait ready 10 aUllnd 10 hI dUly Dis car for bia wounded men is well otlhl of nOII08 As soon ali II w ueertalaed lbe enemy wet driven oul of ()ran~da be Immedlaley dlapalcbed olle ofthe Compaat ullder ble oommand 10 bring IDilie ounded or hi Baltall-m lrom die _ne of l1Ie con8Ic4 at lIIe Jalwbe

Our tibullbull-From lIIe iDablllty of 011 man to - 1M whle of amp bald Ibe report of Oot

Speclal Oomepondellt Illat be DeeeuiampriI1 1ItJ defectT~ It apP8llMII lIla Capl Oreen of die tiecond RllIu 1Od Capt Dreal of die ampeolld lllranky 10 IlIMaIIl hi ~aDced poeilkn dUpug tbe dd7 and acled rery brnely Llell Henry T She wndOO In lIIe Deck liDe latmiddot Inll In be defmce ot (ble POIOI Sherman baaDOI been ablll 10 peak Iinco b reeelyed $lie ItooUad h II lIolllkalylo pro fallll

OUI 0R119~-Tble gentleman obved In A

house -ya flIl of Lb OIllllY wlIIIhla IIW~ in bud at neb a npld u tllet bla OomJlllll1 could lIot keep pace lib biOI Col T ~ Fi 1~ fld Uue Pg _mpanlW him and bad Ibe bouee cleared of tIae enemy before sbe llIeD ~ rIed

TIIII PIli AlID flrll SWORD -We tali pl8ual-c

i _ L oJ bull of b It _L d n -og 11 e compollliN8 I e ngl emiddot parlmeot of EI Nlcanoguellleollee (oogbl brnely In deCellCO of our clly Thel~ IIIIIIU are ()buies E Caulley William Bucbllllan Froderlk Kapt amplid P A Yarrington lbey hollOO tb lhey llOuld make goud UIIG of Ibe ehootilog Iron II weU u llhootlng amptIek

OVII CoKbullbullIISUU1 BIIIWI-Lleul W B Butmiddottri LI J B W Ll

aut 0IfIl e~t 9amp Hawley11l1li- H O Wall A A Conllng and Capt W_ B Lyou bebaved -Iotly aud rendered ear-

D tils force GIGII f1lIkCf ClIo oppose 1~~ light109 men 109 ul middottth whllt he mMy Neel from Califoml a d NIIW York lIlldIII be 300 wenbull A~ preseD~1be Ollemr arlllllOngl forllllej al Mi sa ollly 12 nliles dl8loUll Gen Walker i8 pm ~arillg1O recuio Ibow alld tbere will b 1JODle dmiddot~ ilf8lRing bUlplbtlhAmrIC~dn8 feel very 00011middotell 0 IQCOOIL er 1 pru tlIoa would aft

dlellltcd hOlI [8ho~I have lelt helll on Ihe live of a baltle 8tleh aa I~ exd every hou blll1 came hen Ibere lIaamp nu eoumy lI~ar and lIone ex peCWI and my IYw-k I bre and llHllII 1111gt8 1D~lIywouhdad and dybg 10 caro for fun doeome good certainl Tru I IIampY be am~ tbe slIlu formiddotlII_ Ulen have Ib8II1e1led a wtU cf

iug could ntlt be mnde useful It Mis-torn IIIId ilia 00 Wera ailbrded OOIlIiderabiA __~ ~~~~tlll apllldl aU AlllelOllJlII and If lie F Ii Ii Y -- ViCtoriOWl ley ill du II tbey han ampampiii

to pec~~ 01 twenty olle ourll t I IIIflII allud lIIe din of I~ bllule at tbe manner If I should perlah do Ie beat you can fgtt my cnnlinued 11111 WII say it with nil cUlldor In which be ould jump at an l_gllI1 ellemy (amlly lOl lIIuy POOl alld will need all lila can h I bull n d b dI fI II Prin I middot-~oo I be alfordOO them Sltould the enemy coine IIlld

t l simp 0 IIIlt1ves Ill) roll1 It as uom a eI e ~un as ~e a reg M tack lIle ol~ I hall leavoloy boob posled and pe~Ii1mcc They ran Into the wouds jill tIInghll bylilll Firat RIOes mOlle ~d olrOOIa in the hand of Col Johllii

h I I I II A N I W Wbeeler Ih~ Amerlcllll Hinlle For 1eM0Ii1Crlpt mto cornelS 11 t lem8e vel n a Ill ou Ilf AII-OUr RallgCfuomeli_ need 1I0t lIaOe tho lJolted Slatea IIlg IfI Alford iug hhuut food bout fiva dllye cpt kind~ uf placcK alld trlm~bled Illtilmiddotthe 8ad lying In 1IIood In tho lloillity of the city voryliUlo proaCllOII to AmeriCAn chizeab

I Ili h 10meoChOuIampemalianandSanlWvadoiansnlmiddot y lruly DAVIDlfWBEEliEItSaIllnlS 1S jUltti n youn mnnJlnC lie of plnguo wall (rlvon Ollt OlIO II 0 II d Ih h I I I I Th J C BBIOUpoundN Cor Aner nbla So leIshy bull - t 1VtOtO~tel esoprl80oers8ampy bull ~ vC

1M r(lSt pron)lllmg offiool6 in tllO army tho eager -yoa that watlled tbe bull Jill Lbey were lhue tle1 bllbolr office In order 10 OA

Ho or dog t-that lho qUoOlion U IheThe rbull10 1I0W only fOllf of Iho fMlir~ tllh W f01II hen they hllRld that the Americans prevent tblllll 11II1IllIg 11114) In tho lISbe ello aid whGn he IRt do wn 10 n dish of (riod~_~~llSi~ _ ~re coming can bear IfItimlny to ~b~ I VerUT th~~~~~blltg new IIIder the lin IlASASCl


- ---------------T--shy312 EL NICABABUENSEVoll No 50 p 6 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 181Br6


Tile Battles of tbe 12th and 13th of Octflber 1800

We b bMIl permitted to make the toDowln

oslne IlIDut dI porta 0 tJle 01Boe1ll In commiddot IIWId at tbe Yarlo ttallOD The OOIlfuOIl an4 laquolei 10 our 01108 oe by the late ttaclt -Ind Ib vofortuawte acoldeD hlch bappened to Mr 1bor tb edllOlooble~ put I out or our

pow to arran the repone u under 1II0re fampYoshytabl GlroUlllltanoeB e lboulil have done Th balties of the wo day era 10 connected thI

it oad be dilleult to rate diem on paper anal pnlClIl all dI Illcld8Oll

The report of ColellelSandaralalb1l ofintereal 8Ild beua-out theltlatemellll of Ollt correepOl1dellt

L WIIO It would ppear followed the fortllDes or die folr Rift He Y

About 12 oclock on die t tdl they took dlelr positlOIl hi line and the command u Iyen to moYl fotward The llIen wer11I good Iplrillalld abOUi oclock aalgbt theyenoelDped In Ibe IUbshyurb of _ya Sbortlyafter lying down alkirshymlall took plaoe beteen Vol Karkhaana regiment oC lufallw7 dd a_liDg prll of the en Dll blob luted bUI a few morun Idlout anl eerio Mal Bewean- lIyllght and unrile on ~ba mornlo 0( th 111d1 tbe wliole army took dlelr pOIJUoIl for bottle die bowlll8l1la lrollamp eupporampshyed by dae Rile reldman Aler aneing but a fe y Capt Ifwarb of the Artillery wu orde ed b-eJom_nreMnCblefto dlrowlbelliDto aelllampll plaM aDd (Jumpd C comllluded by Capt D~ obll8ed and took -Ion of the oburch In die pi bullnd tbe wbule arlll7 _11 fullowd IIIId OOlDlIlaDder- or reglDlllntll received their In alruoilonafrol the Coml1IIidi~hlel An- furtloer operatlo The Sappert amplid IlIlIeN were ordered to CO 10 advance end pportod b the Rill out their W8ylnto tho main plua beteen two t ruonlng dlrotly thereto-tbe 8818 on the right IIlId 11 belDg prolected by Ibe ellem wllb btarrl ltlad _OIInOOll and sharpmiddotlboote Afer bariog cut ball wa through to the main plnla the bow iteera colDmandadby Clpt Swrtz and Lieut F roD eN ordmd to the IUppO-t oC the amplft_nd of hoee to pliant ollloera too lDucb pralB C8II II be awarded (or tbelr daring braver aDd cool neealn dlaeharge oC dIlr dut) HlllOry has Ilot e parallel The11 edaaucClllfulho-illto au adolHl bnlldlng here a large nllmb ofthe enem were ~lIllg MClurel1behind barrlcad Oathe Imoke cleariag away Company B oOIBlllanded b Capt LfIonard alld Company G cummndd b Capl ORepn with tMlr gallanl eoldlera took 10811 alon ot he building wbere they were charged upon twice by tbe eneml Gap I Ewballks took pollOi slOl1 ot Ibe eomer hOllSe on the- right The RiBes w thn wlthlll HventyJ e Yld of lhe mlln pIMa he the galInt aI and arren again came to dlelr _lltallce 1Iltiampl their guna Tlte ouemy we 10 largp forcu ImIDedlatel1 III thelr Croa~ abOlit thll time

Th Commndermiddotln-Chif haring recelvod Info uatllD_ bat Granadll w attacked blarge force and bellering lb a larg8 portion o( Ihe foroeI Muya had gODe toaid in taklllg Grallada wbere tbe mo~t of our ammunition was he ordered ra lreat froni our poertlou and bo~t 12 oclock at niSht~ 011 our rod baok to Granada A tar mamiddotohlDg all dlgbt Ihe glorious aUD of the 181b or October roae In beau and splendor-tbo annlmiddot vera1 o( the 68 taking 01 Granada When we got Into the outsklrte 01 the clly wo were reo~iyd Epote4 u the wero Ihey fOllgla thelr wy by heaY ftra ffOm the enml but WIth a about ond 7011 TO ruabed on the elly of Oranadn] wlalh WIUI asain Oil tbe 88me day takell by lIeneral Walker

Of the olleera and men compoeln the Rifles Ilae1 did their duty well and it wouhl be mocker1 to try and give one ofllcur more plllie thall another The were all willing to tIIlClilloe thoir Ilve8 If nece8 88r1 fur Ihe cause tlaey aro engaged In

Ab Jut 11 -oolook on tbo 121h a8 atate41 b1 our _

correspondent Col Allell wu ordered to 1Ilal a de~hment of lIanger agailUlt a body of Lanoer

bull gaged untIl thoy hlUl fought their way 10 a poaco

1be Bohllo of Illy cOlllln4nd AdYanoed and roo ceived the ll of tho tllelll) coolly _ returnillg I ith efect After 1 I volloy had beea Oltmiddot cbangod the enelllY lel the lOad and reliod aprrefttll IOed AlaJor C7C tboulCh Field OCmiddot Beer of Ihe Day ndvallod Ith Ind Bhowed be innrlably doe great cooln1 and 8rllllle~8

After the enemy rroator I retulnod 10 tbe 11 St SbuUan heu 1 reeely_od ordN to IUIlPort Capt Druus 2nd Iufuntry nlld Ilpt Gree of my oOlllmand wbt) WUN armly enmiddot ~laquoed near he main Plaza I fOllnd on lD) arrimiddot Va[ th~ OAP Dmiddotult ha1 one prlte kllud and CApt Greon severol wouuded We re 1l1~okelt1 In thb p~ I (runt ami lin Ihu In but ltlpulsud tbem ter1 tlmee (rom tbe latter position

1 OIInllot epeek In too high tllt1I11 of tho conduct of bMh ollleera and men ~ngaged ht8 they exmiddot bllJlted tbo ~fttest cuolu autl glllalltrf

4bout ~ 0 clock Gell lIorn811y wilh ono (Jom P~IJY of lsi I fontmiddoty Joilled us and hortly altol this wo received ordel8 Irom Yonr E~ceilellcy_ I fall back ou the PI St ScbnLlan whloh did ill he bOIL of orhr ImmeliaLcly nn (lur ftrmiddotivKl

amproo wb-o p-led uo bloh dlylded - -a amphrolog ID1u1f ltlIpt OoreLleuL Bramp LIeut TrIIpp nd ee en pri18I a1man hI admiddot - ance 0 t1ie en command uob he w noeIyed Ord811 to obarp tbe eaDnOD haYiDS1l0 oeeded In wblob and bluing lriag In die l I ordeved thelll forwft lIalor (Jaycee (bj er of Cilea DorDIby) renlalned at dlls pointwldl die bala_ or my Battalion to guard the dlalllountecl bowlSHr

From dlk place my IlIIail commacd advampIIced rapidly and turning to die len one street from die PIIISI IOraaed th comer baok of dI Lobe Slu

- OIl yt( ldI _tbe other u to ho Ibould do ampbemOlamp gooleervloe

W81ao take pleuu IOlIIaldng die folloiDg -

esrac frolll tbe olloW repor of Co Natzm~r I have tht hOllor to reporamp 011 the evenlug pre

aedlng die da1 of the battle In lIaya Kajor Ihl Mnbur Field OlBllJr of tle Day IIld capt Jlatzdorll a Odlcer of tbe Guard dlttinlluiohd tbem~eIY b the greaten figll bullbull oe actiYlt alld cll~i1wapoictlon

rlle Plaza of SI 8ehaeUan being taken ou Ihe eneulng morning and tbe 1 RIlle Battalloll and

wb w killed a numller 01 the ellemy Capt part of the 2nd IUlantry Battalion adfanoiDg till Bell who ooolopaued lia in thla obarge If ldllll two blooka of the eat plaza optaina woundid In the thlh

W then proeeeded under a hot Ire to the GUlrdboule wben lI~or Potter gaYa up bla comlllampnd to me We Bred a oanllon from this po lot twke hlto Your Excellellcya quarte and once Into Ihe bOURa ooa1lvled by Capt Morrla dID oharged tbe litter place our lIlen gallant11 Oamprrlog n Thls 8 Ibe I place I beIIe tblll onl1ll1 coupled -In dI cill

I ampIn happ to atate dI~t no cuuolU occurred In III Battalioll dUriD tblI battleshy

llauor Oaycee wlllPve OU bull IIparate aoooun of bla proceedlDgs wllh th ramalllJer of die Btlalmiddot Ion

Th colIInd of Col Allen wu dl lded near

the lalCeba ()burcb The ollowlng estract ampom the report made bt JI~r Caycu III vel) _grph-o and llaow dI _yln wblob the eDODIl wu ban died b_Ibll -Ilul olloer and bll men shy

e-In 08lllpllince with en order giyen b1 Brig

GID Koroah_ I led dI BUalIQII towarch t1i Grand PhJa until oppoelte th mlns of die Me clld ()bri wbloh point I reoel ed an order d1 to Ib north amplid dlslodse a porilon of tbe enem1 wbo were at tbe dme occuP71og the

Leonard Dreu Rnd Hreen dietingulhed tbemmiddot MI by rellUlrkablo braver and cour-se ilh beir (Jumpalli

Altbllugh th Artillery did not haTe all the eCmiddot Selelle1 elpectud I 1amp11110 but acquillt Your Exmiddot CiIIlellc1 or tbe moet courageous and cool mallner III wbich Capt 8chwartz Iud Lieu Frrand ola oharltt hl dude wbloh deeervet bill aud full credt

III dI attack OR Grallada 011 the 13th iost Your Ecellenc h bullbull leen Yery-wol~ that the gul lalltrY 01 he odlltllN and lolltller~ gellerllll 1ell (lbIng to he- wiahed fur alhougb regom di~middot cipllDe the cClmmandera oC Ibe reBpeotive Battal-Iona and Companies did nOl keep their lIlen lougb together but when our troop reached Iho pl having oooealon to vbtervu ever Ollemore rartioularly I baye to recounond to Your Eloelmiddot e1l07 Vapl Swingle of tbe OrdllallCO Depart-Dlent wbo bebl llatloned befolll tbe OUllrdmiddot bouee (ough agaanal die enem1 In Your toscelmiddot lellcyampIId illlCio ~plnoaal bousea

Lieu Col McIlltDeh and Major Duaenbur1 hkewile bebaved ver1 brveI1 111 two charge

We haTe boell kindly pellilltted to lIIake the

CoIIowlng extracl from Gen Frys report of the ali_immediately In dI rear or die bulldlog oooumiddot _def~nee 01 GrnadaCled by Ibe Surgeon GenmL Baying bullbullcc~ed At 1 oolock P M the alarm w give and the

11 eIOIIIng he I raet (dlough under a lIloet IIRImiddot ling ~re) len mluln lullead to accompllsb dI dlsodgement and then Indeed hegau the werk of dedI Ibe enelll111vlllgin nery direction rece Ing aaadl at the bnds of our unerring nIIemen Flodlng after at length Ihat 1II0re remained to opmiddot POle va I ordered a mreh at quick lime to the Plaza and arrived Jill u die I -oC Ibe -panic etrlckea 100 wera king In Ilgbl thu eatelshywhleh dlilr vaullted_ Ior could not eecure thom III regarc to die o~nducl 01 tho troope I mlllt MY to-Your ExClIlenc1 tbat neYer In m life have 1

enem leen advancing The gtUIiIOIl coneLstillg~f a colopany of ahoul 40 cILi~1I8 (ullder Ibe oommanD 01 KaJor Gillis) tho woundud alld COli teeo~nt In the hoepltal and 80me m11 oC -tb aialr corpa haviog been pvlouily Inmucted 00 oupled the rallge 01 buildings tellding alollS tite eoutb lId ealt IIdes 01 the pI froD tbe Qu trmr alld OUamplIoo Dparllllolll8 to tbo ilpital The gllna bad been plocoj sa followa One elghteell Ind ono ail pounder at tbe auutb eot curner of the piau olle nine pounder tbe QuardbOll8e and one is pounder at lb Hcashy

lIlen IIlllre cool or gallampll III their actions _pita dian dI BtUe parly whlcb I commanded Tbe enemx advanced In colomll along Ihe Itreet

Intbreport of die otlonl of the Seeond leading Intu the nonhwsI coroer 01 bo plaza Light Intimtr1 GoL lIelntoeh 18 and I ol8red tbe Dine pounder to b rUD forwaro

and directed aglllul dleo whicb PrltllnpamplI woulll be doing InJultlee to bull brave officer done ullder tbe di-ection 01 Llelll Crowell and

IIld I lIot here mention the nallle of capt Roberl Captin Hard At the lirat discharge wmob w EU of me Rangenl for tbe fearleA manner In followed y three heart) cheera for Gen Walker hloh he expoeed bimself to the el18ny bullflro

11 wu 800n dacoveted Ibal we wera III danl(er shyfrolll the_ hell tbrown from OUr hOWltzen wlilcb GaOled en order til be giYeIl for 01 to fall baok to the email pia Companies A B 0 and D of111 command wero then tallonedt dUrNnt polllloll nnd held al a reeene (Jum E under Cap J DraUK wa then dlrown ouI on tbe len to keep die nem) f~om making aa1 moYe on Col Sandell command whlcb WII nobly wOrklllg It wa1 thlough tbo O8ntlO ampftet leading to- t1ie grand piua U wu llfierwllrde reillforced b1 Capl Green of die 2d Rilltl ThlSe Iwo olleera d_ne great credit Cor the braver1 the dLlpla1ed

neariy to the n~rthtust earner of the P~ and beld dlelr pOlltlon nllder a hot S untIl the1 were calld oB JuS be d~rk 1 regrel to Inmiddot fOlln 11u Ih Lieu Henry T Sbellnampn of Com pany Eo wbullbullbulluyuly wounded hll 1ol1li1lnly s~condlng Ihe eltor of bl~ Caplaln CflllIplplOl A and B ampcamptd l1li piquet-gIlHrd durng Ihe Jay alld

froID be_goortlson Ihe enemy f1l bao_k d makhg a clrcult alfvanred UpOIl tbe Hopita whore they were beld ID check by die tire ofdie 8i pQuuder under Capt awligl whicb diilmoullted one of their glln td b1 the fOlO rallied by Mljor ONeil The then cowmeuced amp vlgoruus attack UpOIl our rear front the t and nuth Idoa of_ t a pla where they ere gallantly lUeL b the force along our whole line The contesl in tbe rear of _the GunrdhoUde WIUI partlculrly obsi nate and maintained 011 oUrBide by lomeliny lOen ullder tbe comlDllld of Cpl alnample uailampetl b1 captalna Lewll alld Piekellgill

Juring the night alld lullowing 1D0mlng the ellemYIIIeal attempll to attack 111 ill frent but WIlO drlvell bao by tile IIIe 01 Our artillery

Boa of tbe American Idies and children were placed In the Church and in the house of tbe AIDerican Mlnbter In the rour uC blch 1 posted Pi guaCl 01 IG naen under Lieut Micoll

lJoring tbe flgbt the enemy through desertr from Our drm) lIlade a propuaitioll to U4 10 aur

penoMned their duy to ny entire aatittfIlClioD ~t tendmiddot promising ua prutaction and atating tbat

TIe enel0Y YOI repulsed and the fullowlllg fron to pott will show how ho and hilt mo were en Before going furth I be ~epetfltlly ItJ ltat~

dark nay ~thun wa posted on tbe two mil a~retllmiddot~II1K lato the pi and ocoupled bull POll tlOII 111 wllluh te1 could do good aerYlee Ihrough tllu nlglat In 0amp8 tho enemy meditated auylhlNg 10 tM oampIII_e Thlla we rem311 uluillhe u dllr- nII10bed UI to PlIIIlI-to IUArcb fur Granada

tbat tl porton r Illy ballnboll ordered 10relOIoIII Iellve thlou~hot thu d1 expmiddot ed greal cage __ to ho lod antu aciiunalld ill theil omd _ Uctullllllg OIl btalinn Wllt pOlttd on the ex troill lell a1 whun lIenrillg Granada 6riog w dioUllctl laeard IMy lIle thoogh lIIuoh Jadod no~d whh gre bullbull alclmiddotity alld OI~oiCOIIod great eager_ 10 bemiddotth tir illlO olloD Their poslmiddot tioll ctlul1 not adIII r II Uld we hud no cballoe tu tok part hI Ibe cOlltcal at thu JIteba A SlOn ft8 amplla~ puillt 1 g~io~d however and sulflclent Ppcu lOade (or UII tn com~ up IYO imlllediately olaatged dowll tbe rltlad An order to halt alld eland filiI reoeigtd for tbe Plrpose of protectmiddot lug tho raar and waa promplly obeyed with tho cx~eltIon of VaplainR Ball amplid Grnta Op~lIies th07 advancing witb sucil siloed alld the 1Irg IV8S au lleallmillg thlt Ihey could 110t bellr the or der Qd 10 continue1 on_ in tbe General charge Thll1G two nlliccrs bohaved ell the furRIer WUI ounded whilat at tbe hClld of hlann Aa BOOn II~ the dKnger Irom Lhe r WIIS pa~sed I walor dCImiddot1i to dvAllee wih Companies A n 0 and E Ib$Irpolld6d to tho cnI wltb che came up well and did much execution W0 elltered the piau and chllrged the 0llelll1In dlKerent direc

uur army w defeated at AIy Tbe anawor IoU 10 about 01 de8Ion and doftlIlce and tho batshytIe conlillued until IQ oclock the fOllowing lUurn lig when IllYpeedily termiuated by the en tnllloe of tbe army UDder tbe Commandfrin Chief

Thua for 21 houra a force of tt least 900 oC the eReml WII repulsed by I thall ~ii meDln which oUlnbr wu Illoluded alUbo aick and da abld of tlao rIll1

Where dlere were 10 many Illstances of gal lantr d good conduct II i dilHoulto apelfy who were IDl)lt deaerYlng of coullnondatioln All nOlted la a lilt of offiera soldier dnd OitiZell8 who were conplcuous for gallalltry and good conduot Alao a Iitlol the casualties in my com mind alllounting to klilod alld 10 woulldod

The 1_ or tbe enemy l m unable to report acouratel from Iho filcl tbat dUIhl Iho night of


From n hOlOle I ent Immediately to dI 0 nance OJ8ce and tbere 01Hld Lleul V ~ Hiler on dut1 wldl wo 8ergeanla and lDeDi reporteathe pplOIIooh of the 8Den Ild save tholll aach ordera bullbull l dlought nec_ar1 alld thom etarled (I

Mlnllter Wheel8f to loelf1ll1 lamil1 bd ilri~ ulil and artl ed t the oorller of IhoPlaza nw the reBideDce of Mr Teller Ju In time toch$ek the harge boing made b1 tbe enelDY dun tbo alreet fouhe Playen8 by killing tbeleader who WII gallauil1 leadiog the charge much In adfancuf his men running alld ahouting

Al1 firat hul w with a Sharp carbine oDI1 ollndill_ 1111 ataggerlng hilll agClin the ItlUle aod tbell rolled bim Into tbe allmiddott with my air Ihootor 1 think thi4 w the liIIIt man kUled in Ibe city Mr Hugheeand MVMfll othera I8W thi lorlulIte check (it cOlDpletel) baiting thu cbarg illgparly) br whicb those working au lIiue -pounshyder OoUOOII welo enabled to 111amp it

I canllot Ipeak In pr~ge or commendation or the nine pounder callnon doriug the comlUence lIIent of the attaok-~wo or our own meu were very aeriuusly ounded by h The ch gon th lla wbullbull Ilbaudolled by the enem) theirl (OICO colloentrated and mado a yigorouutlbrt toenter the IInlll pia b1 tho quarters of the Oommndcr inmiddotChier There Ihe enem1 were gIlUOIly held I check by Capt Swlngl with the ix pouude can nOli _isted and cov~re1 b- maDY eilizeut-witb ri80 and mll8kecs eucouraged raquolId direCIeltl b) ()ep- Watkin The bra fteldillece broullM 10 ber b) tbe eDemy a a point waa -00- dil moulltad b1 -tho h y and wIQlrellllsillire of Vapl Swingle ldI tbe ais poun Hi~ 0001middot 11_ and brayery cannol he too Duch praied

Voncluding that the hOlpital and gulllClhouso would Iequire Ul Addillonal lupply of ommualtion I returned to the OnlllampnOO olliee on the_ wa~ crossing the bolY lire of the eneflly near the enshytrance w the headquarLel$ of tbe CoulRollderin Cbiet and deapatcgtb d two Dlen loafled wilb am mUllilioll Cor the horpital-olle of thelll ooly reich IlIg tbere the other SlOpping at Ibe gu~rdouae 111 tbe lIeantlme Lbe attack of tbu enero1 belng u 8trudg and vlgorou lind having nu cove frOD Which to bold IWd work Ihe eAlIlIon d thro bemiddot log 110 com nander 0 dlrec~ the mOYemcll1oll 0 Ib~ YieiDltl Capt Swingle wlthdrelY tbe ~ilt poundr to the oover of the gllardlouae Ollt Ii ocloc~ P AI Tholo In tbe hopllal reualud In It undemiddot the directloll 01 Oap- Wllklnl whor they gallaot I) deteuoed tholDl8l_os uutil Ihe reillfoCemenl with the UommandermiddotillmiddotOhiefarrivd Defore Ih wilhdrawal of tbe six pounder to Ihe guardmiddot ou~ Capt W i1klu8 wu very aotlve-In rallylOg t citmiddot liens to auist hI coveting the loadingllld orkshylug the 0111111011

AlII ooloek P M I crossed from the Ordmiddot nance oJ8ce 10 the cburcb alon~ (not IIndin any one at he 1D00aenl willing to croll the au lIh as much amlllunition u 1 could carri I twoO baveanokl aDd soon Ret arriving tbere w deshysired by Gell Fry lotako cOlDllland oftbe d ot the Iroul of tbe church -

From the commenoemenl of the attack t Ex preas WagOD III U88 b1 the Comllli_v I) part aunt had been atanding hi frollt of the Ifou call ed the Lone Star Alter heing desired tJiIt~ dbage 01 tbe dCenoe of Ihe ohurch 1 Id man (I regret th t 1 am no~ able to givG h- Ime) who by DIy ordera ctossed the plaza and roy the wagou to tbe Ordoanoe oilloe_ and loaded it with alUmwlilion bUI from some Cause ullk~on to me did 1101 return jth II The lYago~ w~ loaded in tront of the Ordnance olBc~ Ilear an hour-no one appearing to be wUling to rOIl itla It-wben a Mr allyn81 crolll frol I~e arhou80 and drove 1 ovo-a -bighly or dilashybl$ perlurnaauce Aler making a c~rvtul exaID Inltlon of the church Uld rmLles Olll1uecl~ tho foroe to defelld h ampe placed Mr J L lobshymOlld with men In ilhlllge of tbe part c~ll tbe ~Ouad House ita yard alld aJoining lI11llmilnll III the quarlers Ih tbe IeIIr of tha ehlll~h exl~ndshyillg to the atreet below Capt Kell1 j Mr otank lin tobert H Smitb aud tnlee ollleI werol Sla tioned in tbe tow~r at Ihe lIorthet er ~ele they were of essential service and their COl ducl ie highly cllmmelldabl~ Othera wemiddotu plO erly stationed in the yarils aDd aportmeuts belol Ing toald quartllnl _The cOlnDluuication 01 tho a VI mentiuned quartora ith the-cburcli WM~ tbr ugb II hole ill amp10 eplLtatillg wall

Nu regular attacit ollld UpOIl Ihechub or preDliaCt CODllllulicating cpt 10119 ~ttbt Comlllieellly DepalmiddottmonG can gh-e much illio ma_ tlon of tbUle III the ohuCb lUI he I thore nlil tbe end of tbe attack About 8 to oclocll r )1 Uapl Pickolalill came In 1i00I tho l(uirdh~UI wlh thu inform ion _ thot tbe rcrce tlocreTlYU sII that Capt Swingle IDuoh lIbgdd 10 ~ho dfnoe of tbe YIlrd in tbo NIlI of ho gJI houe with bomb ahells ualng thent II hall~gn_ lIadbullbull aud makiftl fRe 10 explude amplem Iro tbo artillery match rop 110 lind that 90lOe m

the 12th tboy dlrew a large number of bodie~ into mauding oHicer wu requhed there or the dlaco ella and other hiding places ud buried some Abou 160 botlica bavo been diacovered

EsTuOt paoli RSPollT OP MAl -ParrsR 011 Sunda1 12th Inat abgtut it otlock P M

standing on Iho oorner of the PII~ lIer the ofmiddot lice oC the Oldnance Department aaw a man mounted on a gral hono galloping paat Ihe Jat-Itlba churob followed directly ~ter by altlrae dozen or moro men upon Iho rUII Tll006 standing ncar mo thought It courier (rom MaHAY dirctly the RUPPOled cllurier Ieturned alld 001111 after callie back again wltb thirtror forty muunted mellplIssing

would be tRken aa tbe eDem1 wore lIlaking Igor IUS attacks on it 0111 aluos everr aid - I

I wllB theD dbected b1 Gen bull r1 to tako domshymRnd of tbe guardhouso whemiddoto 1 remained bnla tbe rival of Uol Allen on the 13th 11181iwho courleously accepted ot Illy Iequell tIelleyellDe 1 then lB~istod In tho U80 of tile aix [Iounde~ on tbo quarto lately occupied by CApt Morri ind In oharglng the enemy from thOle quamiddott-a opl W m Lewis gave vllluoblo _Ica in th~ de fenoe o( tho guadhoue bUI wai prevented fIOm IIreat aotivity by hlj ill heRlth lio ClIII give nluch mformoLiou 01 tbe conduct of tho lIIell Iuj dc

Capl Green will ordoro~ to _isl Col ~ndQIl tiOll with aucll imp~luolty that Lhe) were quick tile Jlteba ohurcb towArds Lhe northeosl of tho ulci_ ~o glumiddotdho~ac OhllS Richnrd80~ tv where- be romlllned un1 ordCI8 ora Itl~n _to -I) rouled _ttelinl 11 al directions clt Suapectillg that II 111 a PallY of Lancere 811011 8as18talloe as hiS 11 health would rftutTond coocentrampl~ Ill the PI 81 Scbasti4J1 I CAnnut cloae this report wilhut milking (avo frona the ftnomy 1 ran lowardll the-church as fa~ 1 can reOOllllDend tho conduc of 0 (Juban bm

Tho poaltlon we ocoupiod on tbo march from nblo 1I1t-lItlon of IIlIor n DUOllbul-Y alld Ct 1j as the office of tho Altlutallt Uenbullbull middot I whn I WaS unknown to 1113 I lhln~ he Is n Ub-AII~ or tiOD 10 Urando aa in tbc ftr of- 101 RillellIllflY Th~ NlIItleNd gIC~t sistanoe III p llatisfted that It was it strung lorco of tho enelllY Prefect I hnvc seeu blln olen in all ullio eshyaud vall of ~nd Inf~lItry survillg olll~r alllOllg the men alld epcourgIIog Iwent Immediately 10 m hllUlle (the houso 10merly tho Lono Star ho~c Thero lYOle lllauy t ere

lSth In the atteck on Iho enelll) who wero tbelll b Ihe 1I~ld owned by Dolor~a LaJarsa) 1111 Bunt Uo) wife lind ho boha_ed credltllblf whl~o IIl1ncs ure not taliolO1 nur tbo JIIa UIorch with onu Iie o - The mun cODpoaing m bllUulioii aoted In har_ childrun wilh Mr alld Jtl~ Uuglle_to the resi- kllown to llIe I cau hghly cOIIwd tbe-O ion 01 Dn a _light cOllf oo uCClln-ed lu tbo _mon7 and obyod nl dlfurout ord promptly de_lice of Col Whoeler Mmlster from the U S bt John Aot-ton_ n mechomc employed I tbe rd

bull p

bullbull bull bull

313 i


lit Dtparlllltnt le_ Llrabert blaobmlm fa nce Dpartmenl (lfoml4ed) Tbe Lane and Lilt of KUW 4fId WotoMd of If fafllry

Joll4ll IUIde obamplll tor mum w AdJ r W PUOft wounded allllhll n1uble~e eranl the _ wlb Compllll1 B-EIIIed Private Will Ifnnlall _gOll to _d (ro Lleut Hlte all 1IfII woull~1 Sergt A oJ Falreblld Prlvau

au at my reqll Ilm~ ~~d Pat WllOOII JohnW~ Jobu lI_q Johu~lIIend 111m 0 the oIemaDcf - Barilla 4ad Oommander-lnOblet J B Lonpere II ComJllll7 O-WOIInded OorporelJ B_ hanlo eplOYld In the Orlln_Ret Departmtllt CoIIIPlUl7 D-Ellled _ 1errr Phnlp Bhlm lIfrJI bra mall w killed prlvato CbJi Smith Compan E-Wolllldea poundIul Wrighl r Ordnanco orlment aIao kl~ IUb ampbed Oompan7 G-WOIIruledliIorgeanamp lloLallahUndho_ one man II _aber G all I Prlet a W Foreman Deiil ~IM~ llIiarki 1m IIIIwwn to me wbullbull IdIIed an4 IeYera Gehrehl Tbot Brook DOminick CclInOIIaII J A OIIDded -C the wounded -Capt Green Smvth lbe P~tt Iu thechureilhoamplced the COlIdllot _

bull Lleuwntm DUie unknown to meL lfh_ LI oJ lliU~ WOII JlmI of I1Ilaquo1fIl Mllot I thllll w eoweNl-to 1amp t e lnat lnlaftl1l aolIIeeUke IIr H~_ghtl IidromN~ Yor~r Compan A-Wollnded Prifalel danlt11th me mlldl or the t an w_te COOl III Whl Ill r sere te KIlle 7middot

EL NICARABUENS4 VoL I No_ so p_ Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 18 1856

Inreprd to the der_ ortha pulohhe pt rirn~dk lI~lrimiddotete Frank mtIDr IIIUrderIDg him the mudlttad III bod with lIpled b7 tb OrIIoanee ollce l_oot A Company O-Wound[ Opt KatcdoI bl70llectln the moat hocklng _nr

blUbe een that I wbllt lborU 1M t areTb oree th_ w the latgeIIamp or III except jbA$ ~n the obureb ruI wu weU oouductad by ~ Ollila Capamp iWawlll lIr Bolchur and bull B Wyatt of the Ql1arlei1autel DepetlDlenc of wllom CUI sly report In detail bUI J Cellitlle aallut dlCeIl of the Qllantrmuter ormiddot ~nUlhereb7 eIbt ornblmen under lIr W yU berndd1Ir~or r~ - w bull II P II whla rellta to It mad that

Ie ellem aAer Idlll fttreOGe throocb th III Illto atrala to like p_IOII Irolllncb ~bi repelrle I h e neelYedl think that he IItaorYlng or milch credll

if 01 Ofierr ampltlHr 4fId OiH_ oflIrit Om Jtlyll e_ dilaquobullbullud in 1M laquodon at OrlZala Oct IS 0418 18G8

It bull J O ONeU lat Rillbullbull I CapL ASlt4tlngl OrdnDoa Dept H L Pouer (9f AIel Jon P II OOllelll ~I Jobll Baldwin capt a W Pickerag1l Rail

cp- Vm twla 08D Wilkerbullbulld LIeut Orowtll Dr Lllnd lIedlcal Depamp Ilt BrlukerhootDr Scott Ilt Stringer Dr 1gt111Ctp Gre pt or Port l~Dt Lamber Ordnance Dept ~Wm_eaTIII_LoIpcte


Jon Ahtou

i lin Yatu bull Byn aurOl

III JOlle CoAlQRlIIa Q K Dapt WK Wa

1 r I Arcbbold ILW~bullbull II WEeU7 IiV H bull fWnT Jolla 1t7lllt Thoe Ohapman Jobo Inial1_ hoi MOI1 I Bun u II T Sfki Gen Fr1 Orderly I OIDia Ollisoa oW Teller JchnTabor il Thombull u J L lUohmmlll CIJlt WllkfIII II HatbII1 lilir Elnpweullr Smith t ~RathnriU u1 Oeo Rieberdl lit Rouetll Obaplalo


oWUllllnrul W~ ill (JraMll4 JItWi 0IIII to fhtI Walk arriClal Oct 18 1fG8 RUllaquoI-1fr Bart mllllellu Geoat Gall

ItI I Ill Vlllablt Ooun-HolIIII Pavua B b IDA1mlT-Vllffl7 Jraderlcb Frank ph ~ bntelltl J(1w~9Inkle7 Jbplllll pllL W~ll~or Gil Capt Baldwlo Dr ~ Chu 8l1ettr Jobn Tabor Ed II NleA elWl W Telle elliseo Hamblldo 811cltlmiddot

SUchtlJ-Oarter Cp B II OapL Pickmiddot

oJ gm Won a Jliui of llu Jrrtt R~ Ballalion 001 UI~ lt11111181 iCoalpan a-I Lieut )lth wollllled

IimiddotI1Ilpao7 B-WOIIDded 1at LlRI Latimer d iL Hortll SergelUll1loekfallow ampllghll Impampnl O-Ellled Private Lats 1I000nded ut LeBallft Prinlet LlI __ Jat acklOlI Bouobllll

ftl~1I7 D-Wouoded lat LleuL AlldtrlOn i ~teI lIoCoI~dOlll8lullelOt~do

p aJUJled rrivatel BobblII- Mtu ad~ u~om~7 r-ifiiiet PrIYale lfcCurej wOllnll

PrlYlIeI Kerr ttel

[OolllmllnIcaWcL] tv Ine is obtained by the red hot plOshyHORRIBLE ASSASSINd 1ION Cless thus

_ bull bull ODe or tile moat barbamprlou blltcberiee w A platina cruclble IS made and mam

perpetrated 011 the P_I of Law Wllteler tained red hut over II la ge IiIpirit-llmp _____ _- 0- u anll lOme ~Iphurle acid is poured into it --- ers-111 y _ 0 AI bull Th _t I the cit 01 0rana4a 11 r_rded ou ampbe PIV aTom a lgtJpette III _I though of comshyor hletory

Th_ f Inom I ere dtIlberalel k o~ -~~l hmlolllh A _

II eo rom n w c refuse and mllrUrad iii cold blood

P La- II l ho bed reelded 10 001 w a maro III w

thle _utrylor ayeamprI 11111 un mntIned n611tra UId daImtd tbe PlCltaCtiOll of th Uliltad BlaHa h (aha atetlm to th_ blOodtblretyor Ii Ala B HI ampent Ith gu 1I1tem II COR W

mon temper ture one vf the most vola tile of known bodies liossedSllli the aingu lar property of rmahllng fixed in the redL_t bl d t f t crulli e a no bullbull drop 0 1 ~vapo-atea in fact It is not ID contact WIth the crucible but has IIlll1tmosphere of it Own interposed A faw drop ofOlnmon wa tor are now added to the sulphurous acid III he red hot cluclble The diluted Rcid gett mto Ilnmedw aootact with the heat ed metal Instantly flashes oifinto sulphur VUI acid vapor and such is the rapidity

b from otlon u b the aboehmiddoteJIGrt It DIMI7 td Llellt VODBII~ do Be 11 WoSoo4 a lllan to lin in thII -try and ener Clfthe IIvaratilln that the waA_ I for hi Co D-W 11_ nft B DoH I I ha mpan OIIn L Ollce wulm-b m II) fUCG t t ny

rIlIlYI t~ant ~k rgeI PrI4i people iii thII oIriUred age could be Ph of auchAJe~ II t 7 e 0 III It Vlte

Comn07 amp-Ellled Private OaIIaban wouruishy dT

B Sb d I bull au II JellL bullbullbull er_ angtrOlll1rut nln a1ttl~va~~ tIarkdo

middotaopan ~Eniedl Prl~1ea Q LPhilip OtOlllrd Pleno Brull Franclico JlIulwoulldelt Pri1eI B Smith lighll TbdB I __ bull H y _II d3 _ng II ampIIIIlpa

LiltoJ KUki 11ft WotW oJ LigAtArlUlnI

OomJllll7 A-Oed yate ~-en EtOHJlbeller PtedarioJt Dli1Iab i oullded Capt A sebWlrta lIgMI 8ergelmi lIiIIumb Gil iJo lrinkll Fr Stleub do BIII1 Jlalellllb do TheOdore Db erel2 Lu of KUlIil 04 WwttW of Rallo

EUled-Prlte Frederick HIlL llllelng-PriateJOIepb Klumpb OHrpoWllshy

uneL RIICUPE1U1IjlE poa OF fH18

OOUNlBY m____ t a __ b -1 _ ~-6- 10 7 ma -- 011

or the belt COlIDamprIea CD the globe amp0 III reproducinl power It 10 grt 110 1Ir111711d iIIn be at all 1011 (or ampD7 _t lea1 or tllIIlI

- shyfor prolIIoas III cold noHbera cIImatef h_ nllIfe Heamp for lIurIhalf the r ftooIIIampberon

made dllrinl the other bait thare h ben 1tampDceeln ~hlcb largebodlu of -0 ltoaoeritratad iii aarrow hit han aulJred tor fooIIlmamp iii thla QlunrJ filch nat campOD~o_B_ eOlt)

rudenrydil76r1ngalargeqllanUtleato tlldl In thts _n1 aIao where calli require 110

h the ~tertaI tbr dltlr ~ fll eare w tr plendlUl UId hare thert Ie no wiater to reduce or IlnpelYerlah them an abundance II aiw at hlId AI II In ~clitl providence held gW

dleliahlp onr dll amp1OIed land the great llapl of true food corn and bNlll alwalo aeuon Olher rult be wee at Umee bIIt th_ e neTer Belllco 8 theae IIllh tbe ntYeNaIIlllllllpo pl- of animal tood we 0amp11 11117 depend wIlli II eerlabil7 TbeAnppU _110 oollflned to 0111 place 0 department me ecRIIIW ibouruII iii tbem

U II-c bullamplid Ibe grealtlt dllllcult7 ur--OO oblalnlDClllppll Lillie - or tranpori

Sapr lfhloh I no Iooger bull IlIltllry bill nee

cano gro hare ao plncllilll thaI hori4ll lIneo from GnuadaltiadocouloIlllU to bonee Ifth or an olbe artlclo ot food 1h0ll1d be rOt a de or two dllllcult ro obtain lID _lIOt or the markHndle beln frlihlened b the late pree 8IIet of their heredl ellflDl ampIII011g them a 7 et two will ure tbem of tbJi ptOtoclion of the Amerlcantnd luurlee wilt bo epfD abushydanl u formeriJ


-bl lab or th bIlIbaroun will pgtVUOt y 1OII 801IIe wretcb who murlltred Amence1I oIllIIlIII amplid lIiaIIouut bre wlthollt ptO-1on and In cold bloodi llhen dIlIl learB th tbJi wounded tIIeln

belo cared for alld Iltelld d to with amoos_ are mueh reprlt7lUld atteutlon u the woWlded of our own am fbe WOUllddd we 8rat Pllt lilto the Ouard-Holln alolll wllh the olber Gell Walker had tbem relnovd to All boapltailie apari for thellllelvea AIId lallyo olllen ha been elllpl07ed 10 a116ru1 10 thelr aeoeullJee This follllS I stronl contuat with the baDGer 18

_ acl amphlIe wu mGlt woraU dllappolBtad I Be bew not that he bad to deal wlm agee_1 b uHow mlob t 10 be dep_ - not teke ampbe adyce of blafrillldt IIId aItoulder bit mlllltet la lIIIfltleCeuce ampgalast 1Il0lll $ha make no Illatlocdou

The Be lit Wheeler _ a mlulono- from bull bull -J

the Unltad SIaIeI bullbullllIiIter of tho Ooipel who WIS n 1a dWlibIIDI boob ad other aamiddot ored IItlee

Ameruau foreIpm Ohrlatlau will 1011 auf fer 1IIOb OIIlragu 011 humanlt to go upunlabed The blood or the IRnocent 011 for veogeancel

II the Will apllIIt tit Iodlan or NIIIth

America wu JtllIampgtI1I at that _I cia bow much moriIl thll Wll JUlilabl aphm bull lit or qul as __ dollbt I word ol t lb b~ wbo 0 lIOi plClltad b the IIIIl1aht- 1lueJ 1IIf-rapeci feqllirea liS lIever to bellen 811m or the age ad who 0amp11 _mit lIIIIh a bull of what 1IIOIIItJ01I alrocllltt Lo WhaU bHn tbe ampreatmant or the WOIInded and ft__ liken b7 Gn Walker The FROll ampbe _de or a Addle 011 the 18th iot

r- within II DlUe or tbe oilY II blue broadclotll Conaer were plOflded 101 iii bull bamlll mlllntr I OAPI IIntd IIlampb bleck wlib a bbck eIYltooO die latter treated u ~ of Bere Th Cape roUed uoiJnd a lew articles otuudeJo would haft bean a flile epporUlDlt7 for uereilllli c1othee A wleble ward wHI be paid to

W au _whO wID leaiII b at thl olllcampthe law of retaIlaIlOII BDI Gen aliter diOM Granada Oct 1fj8 IIthtr to loUowthe dlcliuee ot humlllli7 ad be pYemtd b7 the enlightanecl prlDelpa or the I WILL glvt II n~~i~ to any persoll who agt willreturn to 111 atore m Ledger Book It

Shall tlII -lUI collntry which fa 110 aumiddot was pUlaged from 1111 tore durlnS elate tackbull petlor to North Amerl be aUowad to remain In H A THOIIIAN

r shyter llIma ns bthlnd nnd ill frozen into a IlImp of ice III the rcd hot clucible (romwhich seizing the moment before it again mel it mtv bu thtown out befor~ lhe

Jeel of the Mtomsbed observer

We wisb some of our enterprising reashyderawould attempt the mtnuficture or ice

m In Granoda ~o the l~el8On who produCIlfltth Ii 1 III gI bull

e rllt samp e we w ve a ttptop no tice

l1J The Roman Elllpire In the Haith or illsIor did DOl colltain more than three milllona of aqaar mllel Th UolWd Btatu now C01enJ more ampI1an thlt aret Ind It latser than Rome wu when ehe If~ die mIIlrcel or the world

RNpeet tor amp 1Iuman Y81 Frellcbmall

1 II IlIelf BprInc Slimmer IIld II1II the und ot gea 1Iho woaM Il10IIII prohlblamp Oruada 0118 1868bull En iI WlbeJllnto belog ampbe germ orOllt (004 ialmIgratGD md PlCIgretl Bare natllrl bea Lost

dOlltlall that It 11_ 10 h_ happ~ ON TUESDAY the 81at 1111 LANDWAR God IIaItowend hill bleulnp and RANT tor 6 hundred drawn 10 favor

All th apMt or man II dI-fue H of J O ONqd SlIch mealln bJio beao ~ken as wID reruler the warraot or DO 11ft except t)

0 UR 8NIIIIIES DISPBRBINO the pellOl1 for wbolll it WM drawn ~I pel1lOn _ who returDS It to ampbe 8llbacrber Or Ib the olllce of

IntalUsenco IlpoD which WOampII reI II_SIIamp II Nlearag1IeOlle will be IUlleb~ OwaJ~L InampoGtanada thl mornlnamp 8tetet that the rem Granede October 18118 bull bull un or ampbe AlHed torcea are preparing to Itb -----_--=-_____--_

tllII~trJrlbundantin thllOOIIlltry f o(tbit compay in biadespateh ya

draw amp0111 the are _ding their lick forwanl to LHu and tUIng other pral1mlllampt7 for apeed7 lIIlllaum et 11 ftlalll nOlf with thembullbull matter or 6boIce If data-ed bull few da11 wo _lIIlder tho iIIIproa it wOllldIJ9 _ebullbulltarllllecMIlampy

SAPPIIR AN D MlnRl~Capt Hesse

1 have to state tha~uenr1 O Porter whom 1 temporarily appollltAld bt Lieu tlBa bhuyoo bravely as well in lIlauy III on euterlng Granada He was the only one to load the gun In ~e charge on the enemy beyond the Jateba Ohurch

ftampX A THOf1pound~) nHOLJl8ALE DEALER IN


AND ALL lUNDS or LIQUORSToSether willi

lIIN cOPzca tNJOs_zclJ1raOJV lIDiLL lUlIlII or GOOIII 11011gt 111 _ amu HOIpltalltreel lu Crout of 8enFllaelloo CouVIIDI

ClIIItda ~e_-18_66___~___ Dr ~I Po

TENDERS HIS SERVIOES to the oItIzetll Qf Granada and Ylcnlt71a tlte practke or

MEDIC ME SURCi RY amp lllDWlF 1 E m iRY l1J OftIet IIId ~ldC8 011 the 8Oohweat

the optain being wOIlnded and all the 1 ~ the treet GPpoelte the Bow FIanCitco other I~lel being either wounded or driven 0 JllIIet lillie from It under the hlllvy firing of the It entlmy Fagan lind Loyd attended well eeorder 8 Omee tomiddotall ordlllI and fuug1t well at Maaayn THE omce ortbe Rooorderor Deeds 1I01tpguand Granada Mr Latta WII8 wounded ~fortbJi 0rieIamp Depllltmetofthellepu~

d U Itc wU be opened III tho clt1 of G da CD Moo-In til exeutlon of bls 1Y mr Johnmiddot da7the 9m ofsptelllber 18L1amp All perIODs Inn did his dutj well throughout both required by Deero~ to bll~e their tltka ro IODdalD action al also did Mlll KcIeweR the r01ll8lld Departmen~ recorded within IIbc and Maloney monlha aAer that tI A Of LLIS

Recorder for the Orieotai Deparlm8llL _ W II P h_L i I GriDada Sept 6 18jI _ It lit w I II toe way _______________

to Buriingampun fn Ie ~o~did you knuw Tabor ampr 0118) 111( narnu waa Pat f Oh I guessed ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORSAT LAWshyitn ~D by t~e hOI~drker if yo Oftlee iii Et NJOAuovlIlI1I BuUdiOp-80ulh are 80 goo at gU_Rft Ie otter glllss 11 ~ol PIau Grnada NICAIIgIIa the way to Burhngton PartlcoI attention paid to e1a1 against til

J3gt An editor alks in talkin of po Goo~eiBOR 1 jOompan G-IIlIed Sergeant lIurrJ llOWIdmiddot whlob die AmerleanR b hlampl1l1J1o be811 treated ottmiddoty and matimonYt Who would indlte OWEN DVFFY r Ga~lIOamppt I 18C1(1

14 Ptlva Brandll OoUn70n Ellinger BIalrOII who bavII fallen Into It harul or the el1tlii) OIlDlts to a woman whom lie nw every Davlcl I_raftamp1IIiaIu Drummer onlar We call11pon the civilized lIaoos that - apeelemiddot Donlin in her night cap IIDd evert dlaquoy

tors ofuu 8tlllllea to nota ampbe dllference at dinner IIwallowlng meat and IDlhtard1 O~BS FOR SALE at his plac Se BollaLt 01 WouIIIW tA SfWII() Bi- Ballttllon ban iltreot ene bouee ampbon G PIt BeeCoiopampll1 A-t1iIto W 0I01ld 1Il1g1i1ly PampRPIOIIU CulII-FellolI-cltllll aald e tFTho bed of death brillJ1R on 1mmiddot char Ilore 1Jempan1 B-Plbalell I Dowell aUghtl7 11 bull h ~p llour Whlte-ltlllgar OtJUllee lIampIlkeralt Oil

~ do lllteheU do Fourtb of JQ1y orator I repea tho declaatoo I man beIDg to 18 puro IndiVIduality I to 011 eoKno VGIIl AfOIIIaticScbladem Selldo lIot bellevo there II I mOUl woman Of child In ~~tDen- alllhll1 Oorpo- the IlItenlIe contemplation of that dcepeat Stomach Bittelll Pbibulelpblll Ate UId H 111 do lriv A ruuerlon dangeshy this bolin IIbo b r_hed 1110 age Gfil~lY_ Ilnd most 8OIomn ot all relations tha rela Kllllgulan aDd Mdefra Win Cle7plpear SouJItI do J P lIle d(l but what has fel hit truth huuderllli throughtholr breloa C8l1tviOl gor iou between the oreatare and hill Creator TERMS ~_0lIl ldIJed

_ _~_____ ~_~~____M __ __


318 EL NICARABUENSEVoll No 51 p 2 Sabado 25 de Octubre de IBS6 Saturday October 25 la56~

lttpound 1 Jitaiagutnst ~ Satur4ayllominlt Octbull26


Promotion8 and Appointmenti lIJ~1I fllOll al OINpoundPU OIlDlI8 or fill lIIIT

PR OMO TIOlS bull C Ftfennlngsen Is appomted Brlgler Gene

rat ill tbe Ailny and will take charg of Ille OrdIWI ~ Arlllieri under orden from lite Comshylo~rIIlVCloi- n~ bullbullbull A bull

or bull _ ~ra III promo_ MlStentQuattermaster General wIth tho rank of LleutenshyllDtColonel andmiddot1II take charge or ~he Depar~ mant during the abaenoe of Col Illlller Quarto m~ter G_I Ia d u IPt III IIOrril QUlrtermaator promote JOt Quartermutermiddot Department

cpt George WLeoollfd Ifirlt Rlfttt II pro rnqtld Broyd MIJor for gallantry on the field0118Ib 1816

pt A Scltwa~tz ArtlllorY to bo 1110Pl Thomas Henry (UDMiaubed) Ie promoted

MflJor bi the Quartermllaters Deplrtment 11111 Lleol George B Farrand to be Ctplain liltt ampJellamp George W Glat Ald-de-camp to be

oplalnI tAout JlIIll1 F Schooh Company A ae

cone BIB Is promoled Captain Company A ~

Rlilett II -pled to take eAec October 18ampb 1656

The ratpatlon ofSecood Leu~ I a 8oDmlll Compan 0 ampeond Rift Is aCcopted to ake lIftte Ocober 18th 18GO

Th teelgnatlon or Second Lieut J W Polk 8eeond In1 II accepted to take efted Qcto ber 20tb 1866

The nelSlotion of Seeond LI J W vamiddot111m Second Rilles Is IIccepted to take eftect October till 1866


Col Thomu F Fllher QUlrtermoeter Oenera1 ordered to tbe United Statot on blllln811 of the Governmenamp WlII receive hie InatructioD from the Oomlllallderin-Ohief

Capt Wlllllm errmn Is granted leaf of abeenca (or ailtty dill from flle ht ofNovember18116 At Ita explmlon lIe will report foI detshyto tbe Commander-inOhIef

cp 1 NWeU Walker Ranger Dtlttallolffla glllllied leave or abeenee Ibr 1I1IIy day fromlIl November18i16 At ita ellplratloll heill report for ord011l to lite commanding omcaia o( bll BILlmiddotIIlIon

Cop J O JlmllOll Fi11ll I fanlry I gnlltld lean or ablence for elght1 days from Noycmbior 18t1868 At lIa cltpllllon he wUi report to the commandillg olllcer of bla Recltnent Cor orUII

Cal II Mallldorf Second Infantry nted ItaYO of abeenee 101 NU day At Its elplratlon he willmiddot report to lite com1l1anding Clllleer of ilia Bandon for ord_

Tlr Llent Robert GIIllIlOII Is gnllied leave of abINnce for mtl dAys At Its explrallon he WIll fllporl fGrdut1 ar Grailadamp to II eomlllanding of-

COIId Billes lIeer firat Lienamp B F Delaney Seeond IlIfnll1 III Fll1It LIenamp Lewis R Latimer IIm Rilles II

PIOllli)e4 Olpllln of Artillery gnnted Iena of abeeuee (or nlnet) da flllm llrit Lleut am Dunlcan Flnt Rilles I pro November let 1856 At Ita erplntlon he will

oted CaJltoln FIrat RlOos report to Col B J Sallden FIllt Rllin (of 01

SteOlld L1u B M Allderaell Compally A to deramiddot boa~IItLCoImlan1 B Seeond 11__ G Fi Lleut Arthur OOollnllr Seeond Infiantry

_Itt lUI YD orlbedmiddot paDY I auted leave of abllenee fOr lxl da fromFirat IIIfantrbull1e promoted Firat Lleulenaut Colli 1111110 FIrat Infantry

SNond Lleul O n WellFI11It ~IlIIl11 18 p

~=o~~ia~~~O~~I1I1~ Flllt Bla rolUoted Firat L1utampnant Firat Rilles S~nd Lieut B A Crhart of Ordnance to be

Firat ~~euteDaDtrt dLLleuamp aeo W nailer Second Infantryt lo - tit eutenlnt ~olld Lkll John F Price (unallacbed) Ia

))f41DfltedJijrt Lieutenant to repol to litomiddot Quu te=~I~fs 0H=~ Com A ae ~~4 -n __ to De Firat Llelltenftnt ompln A Steond JUfIM

a-d L1eld _ Wnllam Company D lieshycollli middotlUft to be Firat Lieutenant Company I

Second mlf~ RIa I hoorabl dJcba~oI from Ilia Army fItrmj IIO Porter 10 be1irfl LleUmlAlIfSllIl OOrporafi1anlel Smtlh1 00mpany D MtiiUUlIo

part till Ifhort I honondllrdlachfled - Ibe Army ~ Kleuelldotf Comrny A nangell to

b Firat Lit1tanllnt Oompany B Second 10 Iligoant-MlIjol MllIwel1 Allen Trll$ Rlller shy

nppolnted Socood Llelltanant Fl11It Rlao bull Firat Suetan Chl Wllklnoon Firat 1UIIcII It polntedmiddotSecond Lleute~antFirst JliflOi

Fillt Sargeant Carl G Sbockle Anillery I prOlllOted Second LIeutenant Ariillery r~rgeanl Hardin Jnlalllry Ie promoted Second IItORlnt Comptey a FllflI Jnfilntry

CeIlIt J V Conklin Company D SeeoDd Infalltry to be 8eeond Lieutenant Complllll B Iiecond IDraliky I ~ltlral IlenJ4aDelolter Company B Second ~~1fnnt~ nd Meutenant Compan7 D

Private lIrnncl Roth Company F Second In famplltry to be Firat Lleutellant Company F SeeoDd lnf4ntt

lrIto 1 A OIarko Company F Second I faDIr to bo Second Lieulanallt Company Ji Sec ODd IlIfantry

Prlvale Donnls E nlnea to be liecond Juumiddot teDant ampppOlll aDd tilDen

Prlute John G lla~ Company A Second RI tohoBocolld Lieutenant Company A SeeoDd RIIttJ Rirgeant IllIJot lugh Com8ny A Second _ft~ Second Lieu~nt IIlpteyA Beshy rriYlte B B-Yilt Company it Second Rlftet

to be 8eeond Llollellant Company B Second m 1Iu bull bull s~JaMi~~tod Seeond Lleutonan~ of

111 Slckl ia ppolna~ Second Lieutonant to date fiotn May ht 1856 (110 Ie acting at preaeot It AId to Brig Gen Fry)


Col lohn I Matich I reinstated and will kt1motlo~th~Fi1 Infialed fll RlfI 0 bull lit bull -e to 0 Irak Jk lI~n~~r Calling Oompftay O Secood InshyampII ared to Company 8eeond Iu-

The TreuaU RallgerJ with aU their equlpmonte are tranatened to di BIItamplllon of Rongelll b ~~ of llappef1l and 1I1n commanded

Noltmbr let 18GS At h uplratlon he will report tomiddot tho commanding omeer orhll Regiment for 9r4el1l

FIl~t ~wlcre~yQ~II~~D be 1I1U1 continue to IROn forwardbull It Ittut that cause of a conllnuanee of the oUlrage UP01 hi A pUtmanamp A Ita explratlol he wHl rellOn at Granada fO IIMer

Firat LIeuamp Robert Oardller Fraf lUlIea II lIltedampIe of abMllee for nlnet dlJl t weexplraUon of wlllcl1 b will report for ord_ to the commanding elilcel ot ilia Battallou ~ Llout J Bleier Jnaamptacbed) II _tod

Ihamplvenof llbaatt~t1ordormil O1t JJta~plratlonl te repor era at eueralutadqulricl1I


Sergeallt J A Bopldn Compan D Jim

rrlvato Benry Waiteill Compall Al~RIll 18 honorebld~arpd froII th Army

Private M Mlllloy ComPany A Volti~ tlOIle -dlui~ b~lariofltaereatlbu to rille 1t000000000lr fiIoiarnil hm lb Armlmiddot

Privata I4wlll P raquo CompOy 8Mond Inran Itdllollaraed trom lit army OIl Surgeoneertillcate of dIIobifity


Th n r oname of ~emiddot len D GoIcourIa IIl1tr1okon

from tho roll of III umy 21

AmtttIlT-On Thuraday evening Gen Ba1llo Illl1gaon 11amp01 the men under bla command OXOJo elellig In flle plu The JrtlllI) In two Com panles UDdOl the Imlnedlate direotl0ll8 of Mlllor Sehwallllo ClP DeilneT and cpt Farrand and tbo Sa ora and Min under Oa Hebaamp Tb

pp p e men were enrolled In maneuvrlllg lite mountallt bowltaera and frolll lite rapidity of tbelr 1000lag certainly ahowed IIIl1t1h profIcIelicy

shyOn ldal avenlng after bavlng ourcllod tor a

wblle on fll plua w111t blank cariridges a trial Wli mad Ith the regular sheila against lite wall ofanad ruin The captoIea proved thellllelw

aimed at and the aholle xplodlngIII the WIll tore out larg piece 1 IIPP_ to III from Wbat we ha _of tho e~ that wo lIbelle IItrildng In tho amplme opo will ellech breacb III fll8l1rOllg as adobe building aud tbat (or lite mlllorlty 0110

11011 directed Iliot 11111 be ~mclen The wall llrodlnto WU 1Ibullbullrly four flltt blthlekuou

fha Sap)lllt and Hillen coming to a Itoolder 1tIIT8 with hovello looked aUrat IOmlll1t odd but thoy anu line Iooidnglotofmenand are 0110

of Iho moat ulCfbleorps In 1110 aenlce

CoL T r Flnlll-W obamperY tllat 001 Thea r FIlbert Quartermuler Oeneral N A hu been dred to lite United Stotea 011 h_eII_nedld 11It thla (Jo__amp nelWl made Idmeolf euolt a Ibolite wllb tha paople of Granada that e

PLURALl1Y OF PABTIP9TONS The Late Insult to the U S Flagl The name of tle venerable Ind aimple dimeshy MURDER OF A1IERlOAN OITIZENS Dr TBg

MI1I Plrilnglou-18 In tltelle tlmell ol(n ug AILIED ARMY OF GUATEMALA ANIgt led There aremiddot now many lattlngton_ SAN SALVADOR man ho trlve to Irr01lI tlte advallce of oceanl wIth boom8Uclcl We are surrounded The murder of tbe Amricaa chIlena In tb~ b fllem I we read of them I ever mall brings city of OrMada on the Ush of the cormt aome new denlopment of flleir flllll1w labort month by middotlIte allied foreca of San Salndor tad TIley endampvOf to ouPvtlngton Partlngton by Ouatemala II one of tbe Infllmolll trtneaellolls IIIlng leas oIfrctual illBtrumenta In tbelr elforta to that mual for ever dmgraee the chllracter of tbe lIIeIIl more forcible and overwhelming occaM people bYllbom It 110 eomml~ted and bring tbe Th 11 I n ~ b II tImiddot bullbull middotmiddott h b I d Ibe or ~na anngton wa WII I nil a nl VI 1 ampIn em ~c D8Mloon9 un er e of th Clty of Liverpool now all England belongs contempt if not the dlrcct ceniure of every dr to flle famUy ud Franee by ylnue of ~ho Aliimiddot lIIlca Is ready 10 act Partington to the letter

Partington Is no longer II proper nAnle bullIt 1113

btltlomo common Ie ha beeome r princple of lclion It II now bull great pollllcal organization In facc Statesnol Kingdom tuck up thol PGIII coate and BtAnd mop In Iland ready to RlTelt tbbull rising tide of tbo limes let the cllort COlt wlo II m

TheN 18 an adage hich altlteugh worn bull II l

IItreadbue w would lIdbullbull6 arUngtolB 10

keep CODipleuoualy bofor them It will SIIve tbem milch labor and not a li~tlo ridicule ViII II Thne and tide wait for no mall In IItIa 18 l

b I Idworld of tllltli and pblloaopllYI If leh t fOU be weB for the Pringtons of tile age to aludy

Beroro lite wbeel of lime btU completed lIIlotber cycle Ihe obituary 01 ail lito Parllngtona wlllhabullbullnd ogalllBt hia protestltbeylllllt robbed him of

bull bull been wIllon I for althougb trutb IOmetlm reo all that wal valuable lu hl8110U8C Illd thon drag amp11 Itlell Iowly the dayla about to dawn If I~ ged out from und the folda or that II ltIcb he Ilot alread1 dwned when men wHl be conmiddot should huo mad hia pel8On ucrcd and hot vlneed of w) they ha kllllWD Or hneprof_d him Illh coolncea Illd deliberaUolt

10 know for a long tlme-illat man I a progr Aalf to add to the alroell tbey were nol COl

elvo ereature and tbat thlhllOllltabl WIsdom of tent willt taking hlUfe DlIlng all Americall illmiddot Dilialty haa set blm tranlllng In II patb 10 which IIIln inatead of protcetlng him while 11lng 1111 u

ou tbla road lhere 1IIa~ be ranters that lOme main alter dealb I Seven bayonets were tbrcel may atop oul of the Way and reellDe b) COlllfllltftble thl1lugh bll bod after he had bHD abot reatIng piIlClll but It Ie oqUillyt~ tllllt those The thought of how tkcao fiamplda dlnced lIm who teat toe long mUllt keop ou~ ot middotthe wly of lItel victim lind in thai hclliah glelr hinr

thcao who ate malaquoll~ Ollward or lltey WIU be JDOIt UllUredly troddon upon

It ClInnot be long before mOl will be convinced II II

ILlIeluwUIil laelrneat And the gray It Dot Ita goal

DWI~ thou In to dUlt returnnlVAI not spoken to Ib 10Ul

And that although Individual Of cles or peo

pi lIIay heeome u 11 were withllred limbs In tbo great tree ofllf flle mmk canllot pariah bll~COII country Be had been here tbrOugh two rr_

nd _~ III It h ~ed tlul I II 8 bull -_ 1111 as _III grea porpoaea (Or wblch It lloe _ied

But the Partinglolll of EurOpe and America IMllllnospahle of DIjIkin tbe proper deductiona 111 Llo of ellta~ fll8y aeem u Incapabl 6of comprahendlng the great lam of hnman 1I1e lIId thlr Teneraoto progenitor tbe tonlea whleh ro IIlated we ebb and 11011 of the AtlantIc

We a haYIng now re-enacted 011 tho etage of European plllr lite sceno of In lIleb tbe Par tlngton of ~be Inquilitlollllgured wben a lItey would ha us auppos clolltcd In tho IOlemn 111

h lItorill or God they compelled II nnar1lbla p Imiddot lesopber to relnee bll_dOll relative to the revolntlon of tIe amplrih But a1tbou h litis d I to aholl tI era ~I f I thmiddotYv r a me a gen e n tIrae the pro- of lit ampIlll iteelr WII not reated and the ParUngiona of tbe Old World w1loe 10 aaslduOua In thrlll4in fllelr mope Inm flle advanclo wamptora of lite sea ~r P n III allOO8ad onlYin being conllnced in ~d that

olteellont marbmen lhe1atruek the preollupot notwithstanding their elflllta flle world will con

~g (fou tJIIl~~ecd under tbe orden of donbt nol be 111 reoal Ii pleaeant reoeplioD do not weigh mere than a grain agalnat the elllrtll

t1nue to wag OD

It we tbe I lrit of ParUn tonim tbat threw obllampaclca In lit path of CoImbU 1I0d Luther alld KOllath It 11 to legllJlallng In tbla aplrlt that EnglandlIIayttnDute lite 10lIl of her North American Colonln and to tllil aplrlt Bpab) loa ber AmerlCftD POIIIIdIIIOUl 1amp Is the Parllngtonshylam of th that cndeavo11l to arreat flla Il1o Taneo of llrragua In flle road of 1101 desilny alld that would atlgma~ If pOIIlble one of th

b d _~ h1MII _t an moat nt__ men W 0 ever unmiddot dertook naople to proeperty

BII~ to lite philosopher 1114 lilt_ thllk thero Is a OOIII01atlon III the knowledge thllt erente are guided b7 111bull luperlor law of an aUwlle Deln III whOle balance the elloru of all the PrUngtreg

RESlrAATIONS The etlxnltlon or cApamp OIlldes A Gore Se

eoIld lUlu Is accepted to eke olfect October 1tIIl5O

Tliolampllgnltlon of Firat Lleu~ A M Pittman Firet Infantry II accepted tomiddot take tlleet from October 3 18Gbullbull

TIae retlgnalloll or Recond Lieu Groaa Second

wheruOlhe COIII We 111111 him afiaorabl TO age and a )Iced rotum

DItrIlIlDIIN 0 GIIIIUDl- We 100 been handod I 11 II th lIamn of all the persona wbo were present at the defence of Orampl)ada 011

th J11th and 18th of tbla monih It erowded out fllia eet We shall probably pulllllh It in our next IlIue

of WuhlngtoD er a Walker or 111 olhar of the InlltrUmonll wbose Ilame we might adduce wbom Be lIIOIintbo developemont of HI dealgnt

Tn I QuJlPBu VITVs-TbI8 flIslllonlble eillb we regnl to eay haa ceased to elleamp Au loq 0fO~ Ita remailll brought In a ferdlet of died of eoIIapea of tbe pocket RguitmJI ill p4tbullbull

IHzed nation_ It I nnmiddot ac~lon ao rar bOlond tho pale of 011 clrllifLd cII9toma8S to render IllmplJtoI I r bull ill E cld I

abo 0 Jual cation ~~ry In onl Olcry e ( eumstanco connected wlln it ene only 10 add to the guill and ink tho porpelratOll of Ihe onto Iago dcpArln tbe grcd 1lqulty

II cannot be Mid thumiddotlt nlpp1tml u or wbile tbe IOldlera 1010 in suebe Illtc of ~~ cUemen as not to be aware of what they did I I for I yet theyliad nOI been enpged in any BC

L1 h dmiddot L h d b t on nor a oy Il B ot yel re npon tnOIll 1 any of tha oltizens of Gmnada The residence of Mr Lawl_1s allUftted about midway between the large plaza IIIId tho Jalteba Chuteh Ria

bull h b bullbouse wal tho flral tber came to In a tag b Amerlco~ls lind wltboul pl1lvocotlon or culo while the American tlftg lfBI tIiDg over bla door

bullbull deprived aD American citiZen of life bee mlng iii Intoxicated witb (ury III to conlinue to Ibruit theit byoultalnto him la heortmckening

TheBe men cannot ucue themselves b 1lnl tbey were not awaro of LawleSl VClitlon Ibr h I Id d I II rat L av ug res e n t 8 coun~ry len yelm

spoke belr langulge Iluentl n wu 1Iell knOWI

tilroullbou~ Ibe country ampI a merchallt 110 bad never utor(ered or took part III the politlca of IhIt

dOli and mere than b(~w8ra utl had alWAY Ih reapect abown him Iue tbe flag llhose protoellOllha clalllled Belld all thl he 110 doubt oxi

bull pWoed hI JlClIon h lng bd ample lillie to 110 It but It avaned blul nothing tha~ be hid nol takeJl part In the wlra It lled him noihiaLbullbullbullbull I h- d I L ere were ItO arllll D Ie _ an t 1amp1 u~ wu 8Plrely 4efenceleu- a clrcumtaoce that among any people wltb a apark of chivalry or hUlnalllty among them wold hlYe 8Ied blalif He claimed to be an Amelican citizen and eluinr beneath and cillmin~ Ila pr~tectioll of the Star and Strlpell was by the deml demOllsmiddot ( we callIlO wi tbeln men) coDildered amp erime worthy or bull

hd d th meat orn 0amp

We do not wish to caUIUelltion esplloWl W lite death of the Rev Mr Wheeler bo IIU eUi gaged In lite ploua duty of dleklbutlng the ACIId Word of God amont tbe people of fllit pllCl

wltem neillter te aacreel banner orChriat IIOt Ih ftlllJ of Ihe Ulllted Stet cOIIloi aIIVO frou lite ruf 611111y butcbery nor to the murder of the Belr Ferg1llOD nor to Mr Camenl 1Ibo waa dng~ ~ed rrom the bosom of hia family And murdered hllo proclaiming that ha 1111 lin American oltlzen for tbe clrcum8laOCeli of thel~ death Is let rO~IIa plalnlyln tbo lIIIoexed aIIIdvlll i O do we wial( to make any oommenta upon tbampl deelre to get fller American Minister-who Willi at the time prot-[ trated by DlII83l1-1nto thelr huda tor w eel middot ured It wlluld be a work oCIuporeroptoultlu1Il parte tbe caae wID be setforth to the people ar the United SteteltJ by tbelr reprlen-lI e IIIQ we doubt not that Americana wHl indilllto Ibelr

dignity Btl we would ClIII attention to the faet that Ih

flAg 0 the oomparatiyely email BanHate toOI of Saxony 10 Europo waa raapoetcifbull hlle lbe American col011l were being abot at alld rlddleocl Wllh bullete whllmiddot tlylng ovor lhe bOllee of tbt Americalllliniatel and served rather to leduc outrage tban alford procctlon to th_ bG lOught ita ahelter 8 tbe following aJIIdill m bow

LEO Ollmiddot or UNlTro SumOJ AllIIle I liEU RmzllLtC 0 NIOaUOIlA J

Till day pereonally appeared betore lIIe Jamnl George Wledomanll nnd moe OA~ thai I ~

A-gores of the lIled Imyof Gllatemaltl I

319 El WICABA6UENSE Volt No 51 p 5 Sabado 25 de Octubre de 16561 Saturday October 25 1856


tile n SteamOl La Vhllo Capt Thom IlUlkert~rlnd al tbe port of IlrauadA on the ~ytlllDg lotSlaquoturd-y tbe 18th IDBt Iloe brought Jutem -lIP 0 1I1t of UI HItIt monb

br - bShe fOlIgbt o a Ollt ~Igbty Plt888Dgtl1l who nteld ljO nelde I~ 1111 COIInuy list) of 0111 ~ Joinell the NlcarogulIII Army Among t

- I IBanIfa we nol ct tho lIallle of Clt)L eonlngftnHow~ Joinell theNlearagutll Arm1andla In COIomlllll 01l11li ArIlIl~r1

1111 Jla Virgin brwpt alao tor the Army lU1 bull o if h nd-A M- L d middot11IDr ell X II nu m mUlld III i 11 et lour or wllb Ibclr ploper equipment the evrig~ for tb mountdn bowltze aI_d ro -- ld II Ivge quantity OfulIllullltlon

81 f I

struggle wUI be between Buchalampll and pOllUoR a alellder -agure and ver1l1ght bllr reoIOIl~ lillmoro ma however bo much BORland and Frlllee h made II warlike 01 alronger batt tbe pllbllc h lID idea of If Ibe 0I0nllramplloll aallIamp ~be Kin ofSarcllnla AI

ee 0 middotpapr we earn thI All the dey atproeCllee for Ihe rleSidential eltctlon In the tultcdSlateltlllulscltcmentalld1nleruUllor_

be nfoet ngg_1ed ltalemen are IDade by of lb riftl candldatea relale to

iuoqUt t II weoed wIb mor ~OtiOD ormore UDshyettlalra I lIor caprlceelIIan 11080 two Statee now

I od ha P ll 1amp t1 middottt t 1IlPlji t t en 1 YIUI I go or ImlomrDUllffilll4ll Ia 1101 cet~ of Ilanflng It iln Ib1~er ~andlt hlwampy been e Btrong ilIIIICIlItie 3Iett and h ginn Ddehanan large

Ai e roof of 118 entire dovollon to Uoellty I Hid lbal In Ita remoter di8lcta llaer are lililarge ItlllDben of Totee _t fqr AnshyUtW J~80II t

AI Ne York no etandll the Fremont men Ire alma I Ilire or ber But II e fllred tbat 10 otdtr I ifeeure tho election of lluebanall by Ihe L S d fN Y k 11o~r ~e thO emoerac ew or w go

om 10 1111101 The bull 4ft oro 8() nicely halllllud tbal eonaldmiddot

bit a~lIl1la of mOD01 are illaked upou tbe rampgt fill Willet III accounl of a mall wbo ble to lIhu aUIbullbull hlllr oft bl heed If lIucbanlUl Is 1I0~ Ilt~ted b_IID Ie e or bIa elCllllon be Is 10 be d lIh all lhe blta be CQD wear ri I -mo Buehan conUnue to realde I

Whl middotlIollll8 Thill aIlnde UI or PlOl8OiIor Stowe-hlllbllld r n Deecher 8towe-wbo wben Ihe FIIgishylift SIt LawwlIS p-d re latered vow that

oul~ not M hla beatd cut untO the Ia Will Itpeilled Il lla needl to that by this tim IU beerd of tho Proteeaor hal altainod coRaider

A bull Welangth lIla mil1 wil~ at lOme ulure time I able to 4etermlne the time which bae elapsed ~Rce tbbullp_go of tht celebrakld law by a _Irtllellt of Ibla bireuto ppendage

Olll neighborS Ia the Solltil It 11111 ben b

rtfHOell to lIIother pitt of tbla pape haye art IIt14 at a period wboll tbey are beginning to acl lei aot througb any ellerg of their 0100 but by

bull bull Iho torceof the elective spark wblch tbe pr0111OIt ~ lb AjDerlealll excitebullbull Aa Ie lIIuaU the cue ill ueh spaslllodic e1f~rta tbelr ICtiODS are neltber -At( b d Ira UI I ateedI-~ ~ pru ollee or grea~ til geDco II of t1llll~g tbolr atklptlou to tha aeveopomoot of cIIt reour0e8 or their St they e endeavoring 10 ftrm I agalnaua wllo If tbey 8amplIdled Ilatlr deg lotereat tbe would not olllylreat aa

htelben but endenOf to ludaoe us Inlo tbelr _trie b offorlng lerge 1IIwarda to U8f1 lIIIerIca fho would Httle amollg tbem

go andmiddotdo Ukewlh tI Ibe would In fow lola uame was reeeIedmiddothe ~onoludedlIIIId IDUO1 c u Aoa_ fII IlITIIIIo o BD-Thill L bull ~ Ia peu enklrpriae whleb for bullDaB1e Iou _med

han reuon to Ie the - the merleau lIle pp - too i11cH1v7 plQJce 10 lie HriOllllJ eoklrlalaed tbelr denl among them II Brig GeD Horuab waa II atbullbull II Ie 11IeI u Ihelhuadelplla IAtliJrr to pIO

The Elllpero Alolnder of Ruula u _wued drank with ~re and th _II-I- not onlypn bullileallle blit to be aowal _Iilrocl lakll with peel ctltllOll1 DIIfInc laquoIlGlIamp- The oople of Gtuadr- uu _ ~oo_uIoa 01 ~ GIld lIIMaWio_ tIon the BDlpelOl lIrtIMd dlllllfllamp1llt liNt lllto lliftl amp111 the lUI Ie SOl Ill of bJ a

-r hGould he alloed ampveryluiUt iol publleblnl tbe JiIoJ-wa receld wltb leug 111 incident or the cerem001 The rep_led Brig Gen Jit111 I88po11111lo 11 draIIk to of IIIe Pope _ reaehed on 1111 occaeIon be- The Bed 8kIr of 1I1earas- t shy

I - --

blo IUCIea From all we can learn 10111 Hill quallllcatiOllll appear ~ bo good die-

n -0how othinc oIemenamph anlbmg Ike llalloolmiddoth boen ordtled -to the SardInian potU middotf9t111er rloctlol1-(f OIgIlDIZlltlon aod kllllclt to fhe nowl from Frallce I unimporlllll i01In principle beymiddot ilia) lIIlrprlee the Union 10 111 France hM growll up to hemiddotalli8 tat bilallbbeb

lire th_ ofanr other _IfY neCoatalUcanuNboglnnlnr(OltamwladoD

end theIP rttIIerJ to (ullow Preildellamp Xora III lUIother folAJaplneUflO8IIguI ucla_pIcIou

III our m1lld tltt they beslnlllng to bow wbats b

Tile 11010 from Buropeta DOl of III In -eat til l1li In Nicaragua Q_ Vlctorla lib a good _bl mother Is endorlug Iogeh lIItmiddot ablo spouao for hr aupterl Ibe 11111_ RoyalPrlll~ irederlck-m lrlIstlt 11 at proeenllh fa rltA In 1gtvl matrimOlIai IIIIrkel H baa aCeltmIpanled lbe roJa moth~r clllrllJU

middotmount~t roogtiI laddoll M unexpected Amiddotcoup u fat 11M been lIIk1mpted in Paill bJ -rrf nI hi its lerth to taIt the B~I u rtmiddotIIlI PrtlllllllIIPpcaraneeago their eandl- (leott~ODollnelltIukod ltltIeenlIlllheUa 11 IIIIee from Franklin the ed_ltlWd Irad rona hladoctor mullraquo alld air w pxketshyltlale ud Ibemlelvenn rar behind dcrblllleedenahSp 1b_Spanlahtroops hoW poue 011 bJthe plekel prltl ofbe rNIIOt hllllditerehlef

middotTho DfbIIlIIIn lind FrolllOlit lien are hathon 8Ionof Madrid bllCmiddotthe blew wa nOlllrlld 1111111 1114 - man killed The meIu bod WII hUll~ F4t 11111 ~-l---A-rua-n-p-n-Jal-Ir-porler aid il 1kelr 111 III In 8upplieatlon before tbe State middotof laneoueI~ amplllbe luge ollie mt therefore lcLraplcllY-~Inrr th pu~ofaIampok wa eo olOOllelt amp be ~ tbu ibnup -CD in lie Yo ftud Ponll8)lanl4 There lIever w only parllllllluCOO88lal A eho ar Ia SpaIn II 11 Je is ooei Jirallkl how -It grolt ~~~litl~way~~ma4t billlyen- iwI Ja

bull IlOOII t 1111 w II mo OU _ bullbull h1111therefore hlehl probahll It Ia thought -be w IIIalI aad tho collklmplated atiMlk JIOfi hbonld laquolad 10 bow NId tbeuegioL Wii France ie IlIlIOlIIe nYllOl1l1eel4d wllb the 1IIfaIt POlolied Thethumr -ped ~~ ~~ tllteat no Iongel alilee tbUl Ju~ IIlpl-agaillaamp II wil1middot R~~ h bull 10 1IIdlt e - t nes -lgt 11_ t -- poelufely lilted 10 IIblMOQ KaN mldlllampht howeyer (1ft aspreu Ived III IIUIIp A IaQd peculalor 01lt W- ladeellcllo

until LIlt mill of 1100 Allied rome hqultted with ~ Informaloa tllat 001 Oook wllb I _e his trac IJIInI th eba be Inaallilidl J th CrImea Tork h for the pretent nnt foroa of U 8 ~bad takeo lip I porJampIoall clcreel It Wu 10 h~lhl ~IIDd Ulera aDd 10 frem the dlplomalle boti_ lrolt of Ltowr8llCt the 1Irpoee or pIOleoI dllBClIIamp for toIbto dlO tbel iIII thela~ablampaAtiIIbtd

It froIn the pro~d ~I ~ Coodli~bu 10 draw tbelr lui breatb With a eolrallre ~aPOob _u to CI_Ie PRESIDENTIJtL SUPPBR toWlIJIIIlIOI810 Gel H~el~ warllln~ oe Pcmy eliC~bullbullVeUowoltben ~ t

__ tbe _equellcaa of III lkllllplOO lb bull It ollllh of JII1 ora hepiaHie ckdara 1On tbe nalramiddotof the 19th laaamp tb FI14 61B la uld that CIII Cook IIa~ beell Milt b1 Qea do noamp believe amp10 Is 11I~ wo_ or eIiIIllo

ly wbo w urgeatly oliel b) ~ people ot IIIIa ho_ who It_ttubed the age otM _e~ alld 018n of tbe General Stair Wlib a few Iewrallee 0 lDte~ Cor lheIt ~QJI Qn b~atmiddothU fell tilla tl1lth tbuwltriag ~ Cltizell8 lDel 81 the Pre8Ident lIIena10n ad tIM lb nib Gew -0 arrIYed at FnnIdlll amllled tbelritnilllll flPcQrl ag I

tlook of eupper bull oolllllllalion with Ibe IIIIoera of be lravadlog -10 h

bull th I 4 Dri ifill S IOld thembetmiddothe WM prepllCed en- I11III D ~ eaklr 4 9 _ushy_l _AOIOnamp guellawenttoe gI~enerrJ foroetbI teUftllHheoleutlimltowuhla eldeiitl11I~uowedf_gnIID80ftJcbtibullbull

JlorDeblIriglcllerOeneral Fry Drigtdler-Oeaeral _1Ioo J aupprtlll cllaordere with the aht of _04 ttom death lit the ampIinIhPa~lllIi1lf ehlOro-nnneingllJlftW Xbull RQgcro SubS ot Jlaermiddot tbe-~middot~ IIlJder Jb---middot~iIatit fmn ald bullbullbull~ elida CoL Pb R Thompson Aiijt OiIabullbull N AI the Interpoeilloa of XlIreu aHer (Jell ~ BII or~t qllellioo At tho 001 Ales Joo P~lIIUIer 0nl N AI ~e~=n~- t 111= lIowlhhen be l8i dO~alrO Ii iWir did Col T F Flab Q~termUlter-aeatlll N A thai be had)lllt UrtIIkId to or 190 ouIIa Who Col Ocoqe B Hall 00mmi1Ml)raJ N Awoold be prGperlJ tried b1 the lepIllUthOrlIIaa Whi III amp man wamph acom 06 middotetu toe Atl 0_1t 1 M tbe geollOmtaaU de10 take of the yltodl Aa _ the cllIIIIeaire

1eIIIlt)f Tho Hdth of tho pruldenlor lhe Republic

or Nicaragua was propelled and~lIk Ith eoshythualaam 10 tblt the Pretldent rtIIpoDlled propotllll W

Til OlBcera or the Nicaraguan Arm

The lIetlth oC General William Walker w III

en propoatd and drank with Ihroo ebte Tbe Generallf caUed upon to reply It1IIlmoatl posalblo 10 gl90 ao Ida of Ibe ellOlrI~ ellbOl loll words prodllCed IIded by loll graoUnl geelleolallon and peculiar feror we CII 0111 Mltmp 10 gIe 811 idee of wbat ho Hid bull

When bla 1)AIII had btllI repoampteclly oalIod he roee lad 14

GIIINTIIIUIM-Wbtever or hlator helon 10

tba Da wbalOVer of the 1I1111rol 1liiy be 1810shyorared Wllb It owea more 10 Ih lid recolfed ftOIIl the wisdom galbwlr) and derIng 01 Ibe geotlem811wilit wbom ampbe lndlYidual wbo bean i baa had the good middotfortune 10 opente thaa 10 III merit he blmaeU po_ [Cbe_l Ao lodiridual wbyenleer posltloo be 111amp1 bolitla gea oat

01tho P1l2I he repteaeDlII maltee hrlll gMaL It M Ie_ en tbe approach or Goy Geor Hept J A Ii my Ibrtene to lie the repr_tame of a with U S VcIopI aud weDI towlIllII Ne~ lIarr1l1g1on S prlnelp e willi hlcllyou all Imboed_ prin All b qqet ia tbe IerlllOl1 Henr A clple that cannot OOCOllftaed 10 thIa 01 an OIbtt Joaea J It

bey pl pro8t in thla pllttloqiar by 11Iuon- clple of ulIleraaI fraedm It mlltt ooalln to spread nlll I erubracee nOl OQ all hllcoatlshy

ucl ott 0 EtDperons Nicholas And AlulIIlnder ofnent bul the conlhlenlll of the old orldmiddot It will ll~ jhO bull IOn ililOctl to the United change old Y8amp8IIII ~d reinfipale -i alld Slates t AmoriCllII moehanica to come aDd Ive t~ Old 1flithorldNrecelung lIedlOlPullel ampom lbe

n~ oll 0 e ew 10 ellen to UI the paklmll In Ibelr 01111010118 and tbote wbo aceepted tbe embraCes of a IIlIivelllll blll~hhood (Iodlullallo have beu reated In a mallner com- cheering] __traIl wllh the wealth of llie Empire W080 After the General badcoQcludod TheSoldlllra

resoured tbelr Ibor will help 10 dovolop There of Ihe Nlcaraguall Army WII proP080d IIIId dlllllk I I I E tb t b d d I III hId b DO pe~o II urope n n vanee n e WI Oil C eel Arts of l~te a tIo same ratio lUI the Ruselall Utlg Oell UeoDmRBOo 10118 (Irank with IIlucb

d I l 10 L II E I ltb b bull All n fer coyer e en re IIIp 10 If a ent wlm lind III retpoollO Gon lIalogaen Aid Aetwork of ralroad tho Emperor bas Inlol semiddot In lubatallce Iltal he nOI muob 8OOWItolatd 4Wed til icoB of 8ovorai Amerlc1l engineers 10 liking ~et that ho w eatlrely a

apot It I - broad ue wllwene-lt Ii ampbe prla-

There were HyerrJ -er toute __enI draakaadabouU oeloek the geDtklllen Ithmiddot drew to their reaIdeII- mllCb plcued with amp0 ellteneinmtll


fUll lI ona ampIID ntce PROOLlIllU-lllI

bull t1t01l 11011 111110 Th St LoQIa BYelllllg New of Seplembe

Ib b the followlDamp IUlpllIIl1amp IIew1 Wo v clalei ftom 118 JSOlGer 01 me 1111bv _vl- t Iuamp -11 of tb war In

Kanua alld c1rculllllaneea atlendl lb 1IW Wal1 of peace amp Frtnklln

Tbe MIIsourIu we 10 their word tUlObed ampom Wolitport to aItIck Iewrlllloo on th nthT w compoud of OIIe reglmeD cit ampos_1 eae ef mounled m_1n all 1400 _ al- We dool _beu es_pte Ifre 10 lend Ii four pleooa of aHII1erJ Gen utt11 -1 ora - alike bllamp atdilterenl 111_middot In command On tbe 13tb aad 14th thete t=~t=O~Ath

~ebrmfori= rwbull Jllltlce

lamplllzed by came G8II Atelillollto tho dWt Itefohillou ere peel decJerlo ilia relllng OIl the proeCtiOll promised 10 peacelll bullbullttlenl bl tbeGOYOrIIO~ tbe Ibelnndlog army would dltbaud l1li01 relll to ~belr 1I0m_requ~Un the Go _ 10 reergamplllA and diatrlbukl middotOtCllhe Tern ~ Cfoe of mllllla to p~ the Mtthln from _auderl atld robbera-alld reoommeodlncIhal CoL Tim be made commander of tbe mUfti of Ihe Territor] lbe )(-urlane llien broke up cunp aed returned boule except th_ wbo Jp te)lded to IIIIUI lit doe l~

Tbe aillet or OH bullilretl 00l1li UrtIIkId bYGo 0 belollged to tho flOIIPIIA of Cal HlltYt1 wbo made ampbe aItIck on COL aolleriton

WI-d~~ t4 ~~III to f~ lI4I all __e lIpOIl t bull rae_ deg lUllmiddottIogocean middot10 -0 bl thle muno bue made report III whielr the d~lhat the ilia eouId be built OIl neuI7 dlrlaquot rltlIIte from sfamp 10 the OWt01 P~- with braneb Iio Ibe Nile The00fi It ts7~ 1114 the oooatructioo will take IIs88 At 8oM2lIfeeuf_wlllbetoliad M lIle diMDce 01amp000 feetlrom t4e bull_ The plrl 10 be ooiIIiInIcl4d III the GWI of Patm whleb the former proJect plaeed a Ill boUom ofth GQlf wiD be located wei mllee 10 the Willi 011 p or the cout wbere the wa1s 211 fee~ deep Ai leu ~han the cllatance of wo IDUea Tom tIN IOore mt where IIIIchOlampg g~ It Is tlmueil bet 1 -IU fie do In 4IN11cpbeleen the rotpeCtibull place IIld Bombr III fdllowt (Ionalallwllople 1J900 Havre 8928 Lolldoll 86GO LIrpool 8560 He York

7311 Ne Orlean 8178 Hore IhaD ball Ibt 0) I -een Ihe prlndp porloofJilliropo alld Alaia bJmiddot Ibe propoeed l Tbi slugle fact lIholllicalmmenle IIliIIl) 10 ill Damptlollll ail weU as 10 BVPI and Torkej olld ril lIeur tor iIamp projecCUnl the belt wlshea of the elvill1fd world

III view or faoII the 00_ lIIIfd the Ilk alargci landhold~rf Beea_ ~ ill p-d ~ to ~ 1IIIt middotbadoa tbeli- of tUII odtM-1IIeIII(It - 1

Gel Atobleoa Gen Reid and CIII TIl4 -Why iii a Inr Ike kIIoclampert Becaa~ dreaed the meetiR ad lIrlIed complianoo 1amp ho lIIiHotml to llifW4 (a d_) the GoYernor prOpol61 Th Govenaor thel bull -poundt

Wlthdrw from Ihe ~ to alfordto 1 Iist 01 Ietter IOUrlaaaauopportulloace amOllth~ D-rJl~middoth nIB I d 0IlIIhla ngeoUon A _tllIlI w jllllaDllj I e bull- v lII1ICO omiddotwag Cf tee ve

Iober 11 1866 lIolt Ooa(Dlrdeall V E tBullh J G Bllllch J BbardO E Bremer JClarlt ll WCaaIIlIo C Ohecklcy Xlll CUlton I Daly Iol J Jlllher J A lir141 Jishfr G W

aI Ulek~PoInl They were 08pwred at G_ GeuIeall 0 A ~IolillB oppotIte LeeomptoD OIl 1beIr reamplIrII Go1tbArl P A from 8ickory PolnI to Iampw_ 1111 ead bet (1_ J 0 Iathe aampempllO vteA them _ U S eoWter Hanele It fourteen of lfes men 10 killed HoagllUld M H

Lene III not Iio be folllld 10 eIIeTerritor II Berdy C

Fuu o bull t ftlna-lbe Now Orlealll Della Jorge A lHms tbat Red lUvor hu dimmed up lla owa Klpp S V inOUth and now mlkea 118 w y 10 Ihe Gult LorIog L th d Atcbaamplla B l fb II d bl Llnere or B

2 1~ X 11 LlflngslOn J WlIcGulgan 0 Hoy A Korri H

McCann H a IfcCudle J

Jlanofill S Mooney Hamp sb 1I Nellr E A OsborD D C Poal Dr A Pearaon J T POit Hlu A Roper J Hltllaquogton e 1 Roulrand ~ Sd1 Dr

- Scott W L 81110111 D ~ Sklnna J C Smiloro H SlantbrT7 E II Warren Wheeler 8 H WllIlalll800 CaptWIHiamSOD J

lIuilii tbe fOr~middotedurereor thdegat ~ til )8116bull and tbat at oue IiIlHl neTer Iouched III M - amp X TIIOlampIV lib d III b~ II b llI bull - I

I pp ut pllrlue bull coune w 118 1I0W WHOLESALE ])EALER IN Ulned elllptIDglRto the Gulf far to the ell I of Ibe Iolillalaeippi Tbo Red RI Ie now to BRANDY WH SKY WINE~IIld Ie remhla to ho up whether whcll full It _ t wUlliot re-opoo be outlet to the Joflulaolnnl ud AND ALL KI~fS OFihLQUORB Ira mill wIIb the aIbA~ of Wuerif - 40geer If bull r rrN COrrBn sJrJ9DBn2-rrzoJV

U-- J I L L 110 4Lt lDliOO ~ 0001II IOUgt NA WIIOUIiIAuU 8 TILl YI nOIY -An mIII - HltrJ etroet ulltoI ofampIIFruei800 COIlbaen lick for a long hoe and whit1n this _ate GIUIIlda Junlgt 1 1866

would OC4ulooII _e brealblng ftIId IIr be ------------ --__ - -Dr AAud Pobullbullpparanll eslhletfoe 80m tIMe when he wooIshy

~ III th~ dockyarde of lttllllia An~rICIIII 1I1collamiddot worker and that he ca~eto Nlea heca II apln COllie to On one or these ~ heo fBNDfRS UIS SERV1CESto the Ilhtz~Dbull1 IIkI hn~ lhe dlrectlon of nfthlrt The OODIC- tb ht II b It - - be lind JIIII awakeaed from bIs Bloop lgt1rIok uk Granada and vicini ill ilie praclille of

OIIg ero t eoe w wOr 10 do He would Ied 101111_ UITlCllli SURGEoy t_ H1DWlhIiJi qunoe fit 11111 will be tbat In a abort IIme tile nOl hae eome h_lt he uppoud Ibe tllICI8 of And howll w bo Jlmlll1 when oura IIIIWJ ~ bull l u j1l bull lOt

IwMlaII Veue6 III bo IIblo to compete III speed bla laborwOIIIS be IlOI1l1ned to IIII1t pI_ Re dead-1011re after klnup ini thllOf OftIce an4 roal4caCe 01 tb aouIbwl ted dumiddotmiddotllt with tb but buill Yankoe clipper tumln tballka - th b 1 bull Brlalg III a gleu omiddot Irioi an IA7 to tU- comer of tho lampreet 0pPOllltc tbe San PrandgtltOAoLr bull wr e on~ goD omen p hero lilt 1 Jimmy -airIf I dOll I au OouonL ~~~e~~ AlUerlclIiIorthlloontln~l1lw~to OIlteonre~upon ~m by ~ IIIUller In wblob IdbrlDk thin blll1 meor Gtanu Jail 1860


320 ElNICABA8lfENSEVol t No 51 p 6 5abado 25 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 25 18S~ i t l

BRIG dNN HENNlVeSIIN ketnft4 tore lItelrlllaquopoampolllpu gri_r __ dlis hnmlllatlcm Autrl of eOIl- Iolaled lit COM~lISSION IpoundR~ SALE

t ~_11l loo1ltlnl 01eI 1lI6 l)emOOlamptI Rlew lOr t~Ir- tIe pJlva~ aIl4 lIIampIIy _______ t86l1l dad ~~1I1D ~n the ampIIlprllD W-r TIIlrtee lIUDPm td_ ana geuellile Of pURSUANT to an order leeIIed by the Board of CommlWon I gtfIll on d1IFJ~T DIY DlIloh the ClOIIdllCt an AllCIIont iDd ablllamp of note_ dlieclly tbll lulftlldvballled or JANUART 181S7 ofter die lbiIowingmiddot invelltoried propottl for 80 III pllbilO ItU(tUIIlmiddot pigt he lleteODI bo llgu~d hl ttamiddotiermtlllOflbk bo tthoullbdley had bad fw 1IIDIlth ill1Itelr the IIUa It the citl Of ~randl middot1 Uiwwe are carefully lorDed OTUIO told amp ppwer 1wrIHt Atmtlpd Atulricm H olall TetIIlI-Ou~ or IIUllar1 WpL bull ___ I lie ranka priloioll irlthoulltluriuamp OIl or them The laIe HI conllnU1l ampom lay to dar IlnUHn~ wiolo 18 dtaponu Of troDt BIb fall upon tbembull Speaking 1gt( lhe Gdrse ampelng ~he middotol)ltllllll wb(nrvmiddotpl1t bull pta Pankos deahtma of leeing the property and emiing for tbemaelvtl8 will 06 fllmned ~ll

nr6I11 aceouna tba Ilad bean ltritten lip to lhal oner (Counl Ziclly aD UDollarim) to dBatll horselllld gukl8 bllppJioallon at my oftIce - I irrul of thla lDem_ble 81rOssie Alr eiloll ana Amolllllt lbe Icllml were -e mell of large V I b e ed In It we Grid tJle toUorill (orhme w~o1D the ~II were _nxlou to d V1I I PEY INamf 01 Biulli I _-l_oP_1I_0I ___ RtllIlIrk4 ~ e DIU iii g tpoO toll Balllyampbyl ror bilt eatftld wordl Hacienda do aeao Roaano IJOiii llItololo Lopez Treo hI full bearing tI4middot11) Tho tnl connected ndlaWlillibl_nuflllreemiddotliilllloaiordollampnmiddotOeneIK coodemD 110 do Oandetari Do Youngtreet 10bullbull0

tblleampaltnt 111 ampOIlIg 1Dd dierefwe of tIe ed by Hnau wbo Will hill dBbtor for Ilxty Do CaUle lAIa Or~ Do bull 1~~1 HIIInl e _ gen~1 whloh Olftnot bo ~houllld doll VecztJ wlotte ~her (sllllllv BOWIampID run Do A row of siJ ator~ 101 UIldeiMood wllIo __ling the mlblary eo ID ) wieand he IIIQ of lite late emperor Au- HaeIendo de (JaQlO

UlJOnli In thleOdntryiUOIIlallled ill ~ pampt Ilt tba eampIdIer Jlho-pbllr-dle pllont and I~dl8O Pit t Juan T0lI6 Rut 8 0 entitled- Nag) Sandor apd the rrIeeI Damiani who Hacienda de Caeao plz(I Do- H 11 ThI P4d 1lIl Ja~ iff l1JFmiddot bellIg _ed to he hlDge4leet 1114 with como Do Indigo Je1U8 lIIarl8 Do 1 I

Fod bat 11M iffirtt tlhuWaUflul tM poau liby 1aet here lJbull1 ~ alw~lI ~t Booee in Ri Do Largo IIdnbe 8 11 f( BtlIqgU middotdndFtItllrIl p~ 6ti upon IMhetlio lIeLfP Bacl~d de Cacao Sin FraDdleo Jose JArguello Aree 18 C HfII~~atJlllwmiddotolmiddot fWlw M01ItIM LoWe Bath~nyl 111)0 wbenllomom fell bad Do do De Abandoned Into Qall~jl1fllllllA ZtmIaolrTgm R_liOll b~ tried OYer pW atIer belnl eaotenced to B_1n Onmada bullbull bull Do ~ ~ bull bullbull 0 Pvoria tc rour 1 impi1aoDment the eharga middotormiddot l)eWs Baclellla ltleCaeU rdilacio Male1iP- bullbull i bull bullbullbullbull ~r


rI p1tt t I cd cJ to -1 W middot111_ ~f middotORII Latour ot 11_ In Gi-aWulo-- - ~- JO bullbull bullbull bull bull bull 10 Thouampbor 0( 1Id_ ptm e li~ ~ r l)-U wbiclt be notorlouir U1tu_h _ _ 1180-0 Plta~ Francisco GuerrA IS

PllbnO~qollleclampIIllIIotb~bmiddotmiddot bi th d9lamp1t0f WullingampUII wuCOlidemned to he BoilandIotIIlRIna ~ 1gt0 9 lib lbe ~Ut onamprll 0iJ0orIlJ hanged Hia wife IntrcdllClld bull lancet Into hla IIoUll8i11lUfU n Kill patUalll burnt 10shyuulll bl+aljJbh~ugh Ih~ m~mollll~ ~~~sn pn- h which hellldun Inelliletwallliempl Haolenda dB 0_ ~~Ia Fe Joa6- II lIaleailo 18 In which Ihl tr COIIUUeDbC IIg 11 ccteddu~ co et the Jugular Tela DllIOOYued helbre he Catd Bolnte JIaI ()lIa Do bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull G ~imte 11000middot lIr 07 ~II Chi r de bad Ill to death hiamp wound 1111 bandam lip HOIlllIn ru 00 Lollg IQW 1 bull defeltbl bull ~h d IDamp~ I 0 ~ wi alld hemiddotw horrlellltdflged OIl IIId alios lite Haalend de Cacao bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ~ bullbull Fetlpe amp S Saenz NearTolo-aome wlldlllltamp 3()IlO

1ftOJbt8eomiddotarmiddotall rtt Igmiddot d or gallo probampbl) not belDg rdy 1I0 P h DO do 11 Vi C1emonte SaIlIOl Old ealatc neer Rint 1(1041 liIlgt11IfI~~~O ~pSd r ~kJi1iUei word to Ire and fell abolltibg Long Iff ampIIB lIollle in RIT Do Large adobe 100(10hit ~ nmiddotiI_p 0) bull bull Ibe arreet of Dahyao1i hid beell amp 110- Bouse aDd proyery In

middotbeforeBllblo Imiddot lt bull middot~middotiIi ihislao 1 IIulOw 01middotamp111ampmiddot01 atlonllo-ble otenc WIll a Sanmiddot JUan de Sur ) fll lS UellD lieDden tIam b bull bllabion cawIUD1-blamiddot esecutlcm anmiddot _iDatloomiddot HacIOllda domiddot GROj Felipe Avilc8 bull bull bull bull 8000

IIIOlJIiy ~I RUIIIii ellj R JPII hiobD~ 1Ianr otIrtri w_put to dtaIh W_ of Do do Sallt~ Do With wildlands b~ ~Re~t 0 ~ ~II middotaM flnb IfflUlrippeli and Kourged helOre middotthbullll I1delld de Ca~o JlCII-LaGalpa F amp E Carazo bull 27001) _ nCr tI aoIdIerr OfIJcelB from liliiii or coIeoell David D Lopzamp B Daroe 100)tile Baclellda de Cacao~ 9ijdbf~he ~1Ie~ thorab~ dOlfDlfardl e~ abulIpflI middot1It If bgtced Into Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull II amp Jos6 OaracM ~wotbtrds of die eltarA II iIai1 a~tJter~ ~IIJII ~ed IplOb th AUUIO _llln pr(fatail ~ at lite Do do Boperlll P run amp famll middotrmiddotmiddot 800gt 11_ r~tIJ 8~~ ampdrIhu~Dbull 1d eaprice of IDd ears-ta to ~ D~middot do Chlta JOJl6 Alfaror Conlaminl 160 acree 2000 ~Qjlt ~e ttl th rJm I middotU dar s-~ BOIIfelnBl Demiddot 1600 Urqllllatund to 1 C~ u of iIIatorlo bull FrOm thequatadoDe here IIIIIk k wIUw_ ~~eCaCampo Pafniar Tun Agila bull 10000 ~ 9fmiddotIi~temiddot 11114 tbafBdc Gen B~ Iidu 1fi1h 111m to Do do PlllIIIf P~1o Torres ~ ~ -lOOO ~oI~ lOU ettIoa of Ruulamp iii 1 B_ltlruu 2000shy t~Imiddotaath~~~eibampt dunn _middotmiddotri ~themiddotweIpt or bull rtpIItaiIOII fwllJUan Do bull do O BuetOl amp (amp11111 Near St George) 3~ ~~rII~ Dt~~~IImiddotlJuilfe Otunli IInewled and liaeety of PIlrpOll that 111l1li1 Bad de Cacao fi Do dobulllt lOoQ alloo COm liI iir EurepO tID pnbU~ work raytllihl1 tor IIIY_ whlchho ~ en~ Do do Jayl 11~Oerde8 k tamlly bull bull bull MOO and deg eIO h I dltIcm of th ed B Ii alrad tTOtahI II III E B~ ill RIampef bull bull bullbull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bullbull bull bull o~ gtJ lIII-dnl flle rthl 8 PI II 1 110- bull mope Catlle Batalai Las Lalaa R Pala ampI fmIl1 bull bull 1 popilldlia DIIlft h bull or I~ a and doubt ne -thaI ldImo~ DllIItre pow H_ID ru bullbullbullbull Do dO On the Plaza 2 ItciUjmiddotJ1IUle d~ ~call88htroFer ttei1eclla Niea IfW lillke hlllWM falidllarDo do bull bullbullbull bullbull ))0 do Do QI

lOh~IL~ ~ II middottmiddoti~ wmiddotr hrO hOllmiddotADleaea Dobull do Do do edmiddot lwwlljlUll-adepamprlTleodeglmiddottoat 118 i CaUleamplampIemiddot HeC~IJtI lnoceDteRuele - Ihf St PeUnbllllt lnadluted It and bOle IlIf au r-l~laIe and Imiddot

Jdft1oillD ftJreIIP ~~ I -gt - lIIotiee rdieateDIJIIlIe- bull ItiIdmiddot bullbull oe bullu were D- bull lIl1111~~ da r F lid lIf 9 jIIturliaia oItlte llllIoWl81 _lddlKieaeeIJ pe BOIIIe In Rlne bullbullbullbull r bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull ~ ~middotCbIdimiddot =n H bull UeDllla ~YU Ioii wIltprenlM th~ to me dIll11111bll1t1oe~ Sugar Etemiddot nell 1110middot I

bull~ bt -eneecUMtto mltllilbnn Ihe pUbHoofmiddot ALL PmtlilONff bano tIahe na tilt 11- lUvae ~ Pedro Ohamorro bull l~rJnO

III the Bunf d~ti_O ~ Ollorbelorei1lellampt1idlryorneoo1868otherw_ tap 00 do 12(00 ol~ ~1I-noII IlQ tie a~oflii~1llI~tb1middot-middot ~1llr01l)li iterccentef Pedro ToaqIlM ~1I1l1 ~OIOO ttlbullwtmiddotcilr 6Ibplo-dIJ1Koiiot1t1 ~UIAtltJiB8GORDB1t 1gt0 do Ag~Agrla DI()~lcla)lemando 8laquogt0biild fll IL b ~ and tb ()rientili OIllRLBamp OALLAHAN)middotmiddot H_1n Granedamp CbhlDroampramlr SapA

~ll8gotlatlllW bullbull or bull ~middotJ1lLll1SKtSr ~dBlti I_Kula Do dobull ~00Ileattle300ltgtiu1l l2~Umiddot ~dJCted uallO~ todOonr- AIld-aU ~lIIdehl to tiM at tit Do do ~ROaa Do lt100 ~600caltle 1Ul0 hor8eI 16gttOOi ioot IlWlpr~ middotabOedec~ petdllOllllIIIIIka Immdiata Pato Bac1euda do Ccao bullbull to ~ Fnlgetlcla Vasa t 18

The crll11Ilj~~ I~ ~1 lal~ lenlll~t monuo me GILDK PlTUB Bon III (Jraneda bull bullbullbull Do ~ bull 15 O hllito Of tbbull bull piby- BeIIDlllpID bull wen all lnbk A4IIIIaIllrillorO D Stook lIn~b St Jeronlmo middotDo 1600 catlfe ~(lO hore HInhn

the bull t t Gralled yen St 18M Boote ill Graneda Do GuedaiouputMet ~ biublUtyllldellotlllllon mapa ~middotU om e __ - Do domiddot Do _ Domiddot middotmiddot11100 deslrabiek a iiillitarJr poln oC vie the movemiddot otlce Domiddot 40 bull bullbullbullbull Nfcaclo d~1 Qutlilo bullbullbull bullbull 8bull lIlent h111 n~li describe LL pertlOll8 hlnr clallIlII aplta lite tu of QoIrete bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull Do Near lIIalaeo 4jju

J kln 6fGill1eya middotlieon In bamplilgmiddotno- A~o fOllolngllllllled deoeutd plIrtIOIll 111 pre 11o In Qranada Antonio Barheteno bullbullbull ~ ~ U n pea I nHhem to me dilly Inthenlluated 011 or before Stock Ranch El rlldo Do $00 cattle 1~ hollelt 4fi

lated tho ~oodIIl0~8 O~ wblch KOIIulh delegl~ed lito tOth dlr of Deoember 181111 otherwllle th~ lantln Walk bullbull bullbullbull Do ~eer Granada 2 bl power lbo Bele pilbllahoJ the follOlYlDg wlH noamp he IIllowed by Jr I ~ In GratIlIdl Jns Maria EIllrada bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bullbull bullbull bull bull bull ~ quotatl11 bich we are templed to cOP1 aa It B1lOn Cole Wiley lfarahl~ Plantain Walle bull bull bull Do Ncar Granada l II Iii millent p081110n In European afIiIlr8 Robert JlHllkIII Jonaillan WIIecm HOIlBO In M_ 400catrJe fiO hlgtrfle8 4~ Lino CelIr

8 ow 0 pN 1 Dr Gen lie bull gatll bull S K Sackaun George White Stock Rench Clraeol Dmiddot fear San Roque 8 0I

beld by Ollr prlStli g IInto bull And Umiddot perllOol Indebted 0 lite estalel oC Ibe HOlII8 In Gratllld Lnla Montrel e 0 Kt)86utll had middotnot ~Ichd Oro ~pon dlo boTe deCeaeed pereoMl will make ImmedlMo PlY PIMntain Walk bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull Do N~middot VegM 1 (

rOllller befO4 the necouol 01 GOI8O I tIe1lSOD men to Il10 GILBBRl TITUS 1l01llOln Gnadn NAciso Raplnoza 4r ovemok him frOli1 whence togethmiddot wlth 1epl 11bllo Adllllllltttntor 0 D 8 BIJIuln GralUlda bull bullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull fala rlltoa Horall bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull 6( U Dembinkl Kmeuy GI1OO and 1If tbollltlllt~ 11 aranad BtpL SO 1848 Houeeln Granada lOll Ubaotl bull bull bull bull ~

ho puHd lIrollgh Wallacb to Vdbl In IV 1 - Ifulend de Cacao MlloO Tlo bull bull bull bull bull bull t I hefond lIIe Turkhlh frentler nO ee- ROUIein Gramplloda bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ROIIrio Vinamp Granada Hotel 9 ~ wlUle Gorgel bad omred tho gaITiIon of AItt peraoiIII areIIbJ oaiRIed agaiOI bul Do do gto bull bull ~ 0

Colllorn to III1rrender wblch I re~ lIrat to In or lI_solSatlllg flit the fulJOwing 1crIp~ Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Ponelano CoTftI bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbull ~~ d thoul11 entering Ioto neotiatiOll wllh the ~ne 1_ nUmberedmiddot(8G) tbltty-lllr In fayOI of amp do bull Pelar Mil~nco bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull 4lt IIV

A~triu~ Tb~ro were IIDfortuo~11 cmOlPI D lIa)Ie1 tor t810middot Do do~ bullbull bullbull bull Tlo 21 die o1lICltMI lOme dUpes of Gorgea parIoy who 0 1_ nlllOhered (19gt nfnetean 111 fu~Il of Stoclc Raocb 0101 Ito 1600 cattle 200 bor 110 0 were allrlollamp (0 maktmiddotterrM and Ie nolbiug 1188 Wm Baletor 18383 Uclenda do cetlO ~ Do A Malco ~o bean of K_IIlI fonll bull Gorgel bad ~Tel The lJlOye dllllCli1gted IIIitIp Is ~ elldoried by H_In Granado bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Femando ellman bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 0 fro him t~lll0w$tl Ibe f~lrell w Svoo liP me and Pi t Is pioleetiKhUbeoIIlce of the StoolfllAAelt at TOrell Do t600 cattle 300 boraes 12r 10 the AU8Ii1anl with ~~ealipulatloD hat tbe p Mlntaler ~endlaquo DANIIL BArIgtSY HtmfI$ In Granadn jOfoqnllla Iloran bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 6 iison 11(0111111141 1I~wcd ~ loen portion 0r11a a~~Pt Ib 1816 Hclendailo Cacao falaco Do 36 pay and Abould be pe~lltIdtorollreullUolecd HOII lnGrallllda Pedro Seqllenn ~ ~middotO

KOlIlhh~ng bead of tbele DegOtl~tIcm~ David l_raDI Hou-Itl Granarla Yna Horan igend conelilulllg b~~ tho Pwer oelegaled to Oor OFFERS FOR IiALE A hie plate San Seber Hacienda de Cacao ~ Hraor JLSimdonl O ge htd eKed bticlt to bnn on aocouD~ oC he Ian Stre h boG IIh Bee- Stock Ranelt Rcmltee Felipe Oahezas 1600 ClIIUe 9 DOll l1IUI1l1oee of the traitor wltb tbe COLldillona bull 81 on OWIII a bullbull H0I311 In Onnada Miguel rullerllZ i bullbullbull 3m III ateJ iIad bowr dilpttcheltl bull comulmiddot chon Jture SIllc1l RaMbmiddot San Pablo Do liOO caltie 40 alier wIth powerl and illitIlCllonB 0 prottll~~ 10 bullFlour Vb~e~ aIll11~fe=~n~hlt Do do HeCled r SelayoampDIejltraa 260 cattle 400 nOllle8 20 tho U~I t~ dB~nee of CO50rn bull Oilnltte blide~~I Ale ampDd p~ Do do ChllamlII10 Leandro SelAYo 600 caltle 50 horBeI ~o deg

That po 1fhlch he cotld oalr give ~ di Itelrt WI CIa) pipes Ifoo ln Guada bullbullbullbullbull Dolor LejaTftl bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull 0(raquo GOYemo ofmiddot Hunprl feN counteralgncd bl un~T aD b a lltoek Rancllmiddot Qlebda HODd~ Dr bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull (jollll Q-iiili BfodlaDyl TlIe Comlllieajone or ermaOlfjl bull Do 40 olnquto Do ~600 entUe 200 b01808 bull bull bull bull

lta1lL hilWA to (lqwtrll when fortr-lIIIf Recorder Oftice Do d SoIn Jampclno Miguel BolallOlampBroa 2500 caUle GOO horaee 1~ renderedmiddot bull __ __ De do San Francleeo tm~ 20

Thia oommkttoloner delegaed mlb aupreme Tml Ollloltofth B_ofDeeda lorICgeB Las Hampderae Do ~~OOO cattlo 200 bOae~ m oiflhlld mUtanpoer W baY8 reaampoD to kilo lIcrorthe OrieItIi D~ofth RolIbo -Do do ~~ Rolille ATUezIICluIlIIOrtO 801)0 cattle 1100 bol8ell H i wuUuolll Vae lIampbor of the pampblet JIoDi 110 will he optlledln thecltl of GranAda on _ HOll~ III Granada bull bullbull bull Do bull bull bull bull 41 bull fbIeh we C been 10 largely 1IlI1ftc1h1g daJ the 8th oampptlm~ 18~G1r ~~-r ~tlIk I_ncb s~ Blu Domiftlo Jarqllin TOO caUe 100 horae$ II lboup 1I1) boll a reteh 011 boreehaekhe aqutred by D_ to e ~__~~J ~dlin ~ fin do Tenabona )fillller Alvarado 600 cattle 100 horaOlll 6 ~ OOlIld nlltIumiddotImemiddot Illach lIIe fronlel ror middotwhlob Ibe toreNIdD~Dt re7GlLLm Do~ do COrplil Chrletl Menue Gltcia 600 CtlUle 100 horeetl 4~

putpOtllmiddotU waii ntCelllry to pili ~e lllrough monirdetteforthOriealll~t Do dB sm6ntonlo Tillloteo Lacayo 800 caI~Io 60boraea 8~O the 1ntL ~ 1 H_IIlGranadltClltolayorr _~v

Had ht dOlI10 he Wlamp J)led~ no to liltmiddot Oranadaj - $711301d Camont ror fU InOlIIte lid would haTe N ti T 0 l IJ I u

~n~rHn 900 Auatrial P~~8fII whQIU he 0 ee Together willi lorl) or fifty FarJU HQu- amp0 1 Iho Depar~ent of BIYa8 Iued at ~ ill ol1lltbave hold aa hOllagea for theeMnmiddot the I WILL give Uberal ~wvd to a01 person who three hundred to onll thollllllld doU_ ~ ttunJilt1nn clilefti-to th Oil thle incldenl hluged bull will tlUll to m) etore my Ledger Book II A btrge portloll of tho abue poperty 18 situated Idlin als houra ride of San Juan del Sur Vlts in tb tate of Moul BadlYllllyi udOrmiddothla COlllpan~ Will pIIIaed from lIlatore during tlielate attack Bay Rirulan Gorg NaDdBlme and Deriomo and the remalndu In Granad tnd ObOlltaea Iollllinmlafllflllland~nn1lirt1rdo I _ftbull~ _ 18 1866 1IA TllOllAN JOHN MYLARD MARSHAL bull

Tho fold(r~ of tbo garrison broke ~h1r milmiddot _ L i bull

F NlCARABllENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 1 sabado 1de Novtambre de lasS Saturdav November 1 1856 323


lEI NIC AU A GUENSE1middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotL bullbull 1 ~ bull =L~ bull


[OFFIotAL) If ~lIdortOollliull8loned Oc~ 8 rROamp FrrltltiNr4tt~ ~- Olear OrOllltoy II 9 DbullBamey Woolf COll1mlllliolled April 28 1S6f

REGISTER UI1l1M1U R barlfa Tylor lI_y 28 OF TUB Artlllit CoInIor1 GOmlUluiouElt AtgIIII lit l8G~ JollaW AndmlOn II June 21

amprotul lAl1Ilmdm ThOll F Wright Jul N lOA RA G tJ A A R lY O~O~e Von Hln oolllmlttdloncd Sept 211 18$GbullbullJoho MbullGilCIIu AUg

Newton l Webb I April 10 M T Neagle Sep~ JII OIlllIRU CO~IIfIIDINO IK OIIlB R LaIlIb Se~ u William NnrthWige ()cj y

William Wlllite 6 IIlft11et II 95 ~1 Lil1llmIt1lt bull did aCltlmp 11l1li1 8411u4lOlf 0111I11T nTILLUI Georg~nll8ti oblllillil8ltMd April 1 bullbull lIIN

aCajl Inlr lfahon e1Inlillealooed Jln 20 18lil _L MIIgtI lames bull T 1roe u May 9t

H F Pilled Matcli 81 - A Dltl1gtwarj2 comlllillgtlioll~d OclOber 18 11166 fm K PMliv~ II May 26 II

W81 P towl II il~ 1 CaptaIn Jbull~ ampnaford Julr IJ II II 0 W GIs a OJ 18~ Getlrge B elllllld IlOlI1mlllllloned Occ 18 1868 VJlIIm H Toler A_g 11

bull bull D U Dulaney II I_mea S Jldfe u 8op~ 25 DIItODIIIR OINEIIUII 8oeqrulIMui_t Joho M Wtllngtonmiddot bullbull Oat 101

Comer o Homeb commlllioned Jats 12 19116 John Crowell commluloned Sept 11 18118 BeuJamln Hardla 00 y A (lamp Cui O Staehle Occ ll4- Firat Lleutonant Jamel Small 1Il~lLlOI or UIIOIIIIamp a_liD ATTJtl01 O~ IKAlrIar

Birkett D Fry eomriliAiolled 6pl 16 Mqjor J hn A J ColtitUeOamta Joho P Wtel1 conomllllloaed J1IIII 18 1866 0 aqu~ commlolaiOMd]lIne 18 186amp

I bull R T 80 d igt LiMNat CIltm4l2dbull L GU bullbull c e corum 1 I II vilpt4lI1 Leonldu MCIntosh co isoiI ed AlII 19

L Nonrell Walker comllllllo~ Aprill 11166 M On 111middot O middotF Henningsen comDlfaaloned Oct 19 Robert Ellr Jllne 11 lien D_ n_ co l1~ft d A IA (~mp R W Plck ~nl ug j O_n mUlne ug 18l16bull

~ bullbull ~ A bull - bull A4iaJUmiddot Johu 8 FlnOlllJvfl Lieaftt Oct I 2d Lleut E H OIat~~i~88d JIlOO 18 18~6JDJOILIIT o~lIuJtlI I)BPtIIIIIIIITbull

lIltfut Q_ol W A Rhea cOlUlDmlsaiQQed August III 1816 Ja_ Umiddotmiddotmiddot- eomlDlealnomiddota Amiddot12 1middotmiddot~middot-001 Ph RThompson CODIIIIlMdFllb 1I18G8 w H Lenl 92 - ~ ~ Ilamutl -L October 1 J1l1$16 Dreux June 1~ tulffilt t4illtattl eMal JAIIIIe Lewis D WIlIkInS II AIIjI it IiUajor G R OMtoQ coDlmluioned occ 2amp ampcotul lMutma1ll Bllrale Bell II ~

ll1DQII IlgtvOOJTli OBMW ThomJ)lOn 1lI00u _liIlened JIID8 11118118 Lewis E GIIU1 se t 2lt bull T U Hewlett II Aug l6 p v

dbulltWllftt J+ o44u9cat OIJ W I Qukll~ II III It lIf Ll~1

11 llmiddotitar ngtitn~t~ ~_ i


Poet-Ollie Building OWEN DUFFY Ageut

y u ~~_~ 4 Ilrllil F D _ t

i bullbull en AWARD of THIampfi DOLL4RS esol will Ie Lieut J W

fOt appheDaloll aud dell (tu of thG Army) of t~ofollowI118 named 2d Lleut Wm ltP-t

from Company A Firat Jlltampntry Balta

[--FJS_ RIOH Aged Illyeare II r~elO In hAir blue o)eB ruddy cOlllploxlOl~ i() pound Occupalion baker

bull GLIDDON Aged 28yeara 6 feet high falr clllllpletIon IIllhthair blue largo feet and 10llg tlnlterod-bullbullellhl

bull 8

Oapt M bull 1 FlIIOr comt1lampIontd July is 18111 lolln Coo COInlDialloned Jlloe 18 1864 bull rllIII JlJTTJUOK or 1U1II8 AndrbullbullBrady Au 22

IMIIHCTO_ GIIIKIJL I)amp~TIIIIII bull clod GlOIge W lIa11er II Oc~ 18 Impector eIII~ BdwlIId I SaIldm COIIIIIIIadcme4 AprO II 18lS6 Fnnclsco IIotb II IS

CoL Bruno Hlltsme commlsalond NOf 12 18114 U~ CoIltm4l 1IlId LiNt bull Tler OUwllllt ~m~edl ll 18 8uluel a Allin c~mluioDed lflllOh 118116 B D lIorre~ comm~olled Au ~3 [8116

_ _ y fIlor J middotW Oonkhn OOl 18 qlllllTllalllAalllllS JlnuTIIIJII Johnmiddot O ONtII commflMoneli AprD 11 lRIIf BeDJlllllln Beechler U 18 it

Q_~III bttal o4~ L A Clark IIC 18 Col ThOll Fisber commiJalon~d 4prlll 1858 8 LIeut ~ Lathrop commlad lau U 8156

ttll Qiulrtnnw OMiMl ~ peUlliATIOJlll Lieuamp 001 Wm K ROlieJlf comd Ocs Y G W1l Leonard ool1UDlaIIooed AOtII UllSIf hI LIeuL B ABlltcbl Com et ampI1t np

QlUlrUrmallllll [Brevel 011 tile 11011 ()cj ILl Allgua I IS5amp [~or Thamp Benry CltJlIIlI88I0oed Oct 18 Co B J poundavail 81ilh COlIIIIlIud April 181bullbull 20d LIeut Thoml8 8tackh- 204 JalaaWy Ali-II Will HIIIria 23 C ThOt Dolan June 18 gill 11 1868

ampJdlanlQlrtmnalttl__ _ D B D )teCh_a II July e bullbull 2tcUJant D O F~t 18 RlIIH AcuR 2SCapl Wm II Wilhll_oomd Nov 10 18115 1- H A JObnlObe u i1 1866 BeltJ W Bamml Aug 4- 1858 G DamplIiel Oampgai OIl 4- tlld Lleu- W B Hen Inljleeor Ola IMPshy

Andrewa flmiddot it ~i r JObn Iwh1l1a II bull II Au~ Sll lBIamp Juh Y Price Oct 18 B J-- DIllUlicaAL O~ II 1 LleUI E 4 P~iI IUb lhtpIIQpL 11 middotJIIIO

April Imiddot lIfr lMI4u~ ~nd A A Moora lal IlII1 lug 21i liIH MUiI Slo~ 00 B Le R Latimer com d 4prD ie 1811 SUfReoD Wm H sun4eN Aupt 26 IUI6

W~m B WY~ K Bob P Gardner II Allg so Alor 10hn II bull 1111f1iba1~ Judge Ad Oel Au 8U88lIllIIIlOJ DllIBTilUT D AIa~ Anderson bullbull ~ 119 1868

Oommiry Qfmlllal Sutdluu A Wm H MIh Sept 11 Cp~ John Wmiddot amp7dr 11lUJIea Aug 81 1864 Col Georg B Hall commiufoned Jul i6lS~6 F -- - Oollllay Ii O~ 4- cpt II E Bradley TrAn ~llle SepUs 18nbull

tm44t110ilmmiuarp (I_I G -- LoUhamDler 111 Lieut A MePilIO lsI 11111 Occ Y 18GI MIor BIIIlj Y Or1Ie comlllissiond July Il Cbu H Welt II Oct 114 Capl Douglas JWllkhia(untcbd)ept 80 1861middot

Aulatll aommulIJrUu Subfm 811111plet WlUlalDeon ~ u U L Jilglehan tigtd Ioftolry 2) 11

Occupation tailor alao fruit deal~r Capt W H LyonS commisaloned Aug 1 1866 amp-d LiwfmlId R S WiUIIIlII 21ld RltIotI Oct 8 U

S LOUIS OOHEkT Aged ~l feetmiddot inchet leI Lieu~ W H Buttrick II 00 D Th_ Cbloh_ eornd April 1 185amp LIeut Col F bull P Audel D las Rilles Oet_IO bull 185$

l08o-welgbub9ut 195 poullda Oecupti~n 0iII Jame S Wet laquo I B tllke J _orr JIIIJ 6 Capt Cbarlet A Gore 2nd Rillea Oct 18 1811 bullflaquob rir comple~lol1 hlue er IIgh halr large Henr1 C Wall I E lb0i Y JllolIrnoy Ha12b

penwi bull 0 John B Moo Sep~ 11 2nd Mllllt M S Oro 18 PATRIOK H YS IrI- d ~III)IO DIPUT)lBff i David A Lawton It Aug 11 J G SIIDllllerll Out Is4 bullbull bull an mall Age 21 SIIrgetJ GI 1Il II ~d lUllet

JW8 G luet 4 il1cb~ blgll qotlt qGmplexion dlllle (with 110 rallk of COlonol) G Clayton Billllialr 011 8 1868 bullbulli dtrk 6et-welghs about 1411 pounus 00 F DIICj ONeal 4 2nd Lieut J W PolklIl1d Inlltnlry Oct 20 18~ ClIpalllll IdhOler BVrgtcll 6 H Ubrbrook Itlaquo it J M Williams 2nt Rill Oct t I 111shy

6 OLJVEl (JROMWLL Ag8l182 years 6 (wlthbo rok 0( lIaJor) B WlIas Allen II Oet JI 6 A H wl~y 0010 Dept 2518116 kef 6lnches high Ught tomploxloll Ugbt bilk John Dawson 4cllng 8middotG oomd NOT 14 18116 n ell Wilkinson 21 II Oapt J V Hoolf AilSt AdJt Gen 28 1856 lIiIudl wblakera hazel yell-weighs aboul 140 O S Coleman coblmleslooed April 28 1556 __III) BtnttIOIi or amD llcsignlune-III1 fOIld OecllpuioR millwright n T Roalon lep 18 (JolOftI

_ClIARLES W KltuGER flapt Comdg Jamea ellulII 00 111 Jobn Allee cOIIQlIIIlloned June at 1866 I)URII bull (0 A 1st lulQty BaLllLlion BurpOIl aM Anitalll Smiddotgeo bull LiNluta1ll CltJlI Capt H t Witter A llltant Adjutant General

pOlt Serapaqui 8op 26th 1856 0 twitb the flnk of Captain) bull Idmlllld II HoDonald commlllld JIIG 18 18118 2nd Lleul Wm M Rogera lat InamplIlry--r-----------L-- J Geli8ner eommlllSloned Jan 91856 Major Li~ut OoL Byrollmiddot Cole Aeltlatant QU~flenlluler 1 Dllvid 1Ilnllg W G Sicigh bullbull U W P (Jaycee comOllllllioned Ua11 166 General killed at San Jacinto

O~RS FOR ALE at hia pl~ee San Sebas- A Callahan Val 30 middoto4ltfultmt 2nd lieut n A Milliken 1 Ri4es killed t sen

lIan abeel OIlD boUlle abov~ U Ph Be OWDI LHLuSeondy JUlie IS IMLleulJ W Kllllacmdorf comd Oct 1818l6 Jaolntebulldie a litore eor$amp tI UI ()ttpt Oapt W Pmiddot Jartls 2nd Rift died from wOllndi

lhlto-Nf Oandl~ Hackcr11I Olive i I~IIUlf Aug 26 CoO Jolin B Otee bull middotCOllmla$d June 21 18G6 reooied Sao Jaciuto e Wolft ro~tlc8ebledanoSehnappl bullbull IU onall Oct 28 A John F llecgtrch Oct 18 CaptJ H WlUiamaon drowned al Vlrglu Bay

bull Bltte Phlladelphlll 110 and Porter Pol DlIPtBTlIliII B DenJ M AndorfOn it 16 lind Lleul H l lhemRn died from wOl1ld reshynan Alld bilIa Wie Claypipes loynuulw Ofmoral Ii ~ ceived at Ifuata Ocl 114 middot18M

lerlll eh 001 Alex middotJonu commlssiOlld Feb 8 18H Edward O HIIIf naCerrd fMm Ordnance Demiddot LlOnt Col F A LalIIO 4 h c tarharolrbull p tulNMII PlaquoyltlwlII ptl1ment CODllllleslone4 -ug U l85G murderd b1 the med forces opoeed to tbili

T~ O I ugUld III ost 2d Llout J Fiemlng conmlsaione4 Aug 4 S middotS McElroy Oll~ lS OoYelllDlcllh IJlhollt propOllng Itn excbango

DgltS IllS S~HVI9ES 10 Ih citlllns flI OII)AIIOI DUAllfllBllr Imorul LfMfnaoll of priaOneri _rdlig 10 the uaagee of war ~anadjl and vlcmllY III h praete of Ulior E W Rawle commissioned Jul 14 1966 N T~p OOll1tuiu1ooed October 81856 lit Lleus JulllIIIKeilkUled In action at San J

u mOINE SURGERY amp MlDWIFERY Hellry I bullbull POller bull it 14 Eo H 01018 II 8 clnto bull 2nd IlelltW W ~der killed in aClion at SaIl om and OlIidcnce on the lOulhw1 Capt JJfrori Swln~le AprO 11_ J T Booo 18

~r of tbe atleet oppte b _ __ lal Llel~ Il A Carllar Oct 18 I B Vaughan 18 Jaelllto _ 0 0 1amp1100 2d Will B Ulte II Benr1 Hlnea It 18 middotDealba-l0

ent OWG bull ad June I 1 86r 1III0I11UII COIIP raTe _ i - --- Oaptain 1II8r IItTTUIOIi or IlfFJIITIlY J)BOPPBD

i lntitmiddote E c F Ucsse cOlllnllaaioned October t 18fill lt011 cpl A U Hirsh August 0 1866 iL PERSONS hlulng clalma against tbo 8A~IIIU11I1) 11111amp11amp John B MlIIkham commlaa~onod October 10 18511 U A B Wulklll8 AogWltU Ig10

Al ealamp~ of tho following namod deooa8ltlol or Jrft L~lt Lieut ~ 181 Lieut 8 W QuayAug~1I9la5t1-werod I()ulwill presoul tb~m to DIe dulll1uthentieated flonr) O Porler ltmmisslOllou Oct 18 1866 A francie Rudler comllsaioned May Ill l81Samp 8urgtlUII p N lugrahan Sept I 1866 til Or baforo the 1I8b~ay of Dec 1866 otherwie SltCOftIl LilllltJIt lldJfJ1 Brig -Gell 1) de GoiC(lurl Ocl 19 i858 Iht~ will be barred h1 law C DeuulaE lIayuee commissiolled Oct 18 l~e W_ Raymond colllmlaaloned Hay 1218113 Dropped-5 1 CHARLES GORI)EN J K hgall 21 o44IId1ll bullI

I CHARI1tS OALLAHAN OfFIIIIU lINJlTJCIIED ind Leut Fred W JeIeCOlli d lpnl U 18118 n command of WlLLIAM ALItER1ULlUS KIJlL Ooltmll FraIl B OKeef cln~od A rlll 185 GeneIrolllmaUdlngmiddotlnuh~middot 11 pel8Oll8 indebteu to tho eeatee of tho U B Skerrett commillSioned lanltllly Ill 1850 James 0 JOJtUsone f is

ahor c deceated pereaa111 make homodiate pay CaptaiN OhllL B 11 II Pa R THOIlHOiI AdJ Gelleral N A t to lIIe GILBEltl TITU6 F UoncosOIl commllllloned JaR 28 1~8middot FrInk i ThomPecm June 2~ Headq1ampli~rI lfthe AltII1

Publlo Adnilllstriltor O D J Egbert FaIllUDI middotFeb I II Charlea A Waltere 8op~ II Adj General 08ce 8ept ~7 1866 W J Merryman II JlIDe 18 BIrarn BIlIIIIlII II Sept SIl G~ Oct is 1860bull

325ELWICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 3 Sabado 1de Novlembre de l8SS Saturday November 1 1856

- shy

I(OUTINU OlljlONIOLE FILtiloita P1l1GRuTbe Dime of amphept ~EJ[INIE A~M - elttie~middot~~~~M~r hi~Ibtmiddot~ 8I1~C~herortbo pteellhiplraottohoPreal- Vlo~PCOUI amlPletwillb~llIeaodioJurebull U denlW chair of Ibe United l116tee IIM Jolhn FlU- The CoDoltlng rtlmub upon iho Wled th- et alanaing liq~ean~ h6ldiifg mu~eHighCly III d~ f h ~Ilv w a L dmiddot f Bri II B Ihe8boulde aoldierll lite h whoutmiddot aurilljlJ

Dlor~ an a ler avlng hoen bull long tIme In ~ ea m e peu 0 en m- tb kl n k f ~ L Rlla 1- Id I I rom e - bull 0bullbull e 0 I e lln 1_eaplllIy b plrat tiled lIpon a farm In Conmiddot bull n n- on lapr uponevIlr10er 1 when loaded ~Iamph elonty~ve pina of rifte PO-DecdClUI where be ended bla daya NathanIel tho NIlIIl1Iguan Army to road carelnU or ell I~ der endllot rammellmiddotI tt1 Jlillcb leU thtb Flllmortltll _ amp100m hautOt htlndrelland oul bullbulld e6mmit it to momory h I a olea anel or the lIu8kel bllt 11111 too great 10 l)e 6redflOBl

eMy 1-alio When ayoutll be mom to lucid daeJriptlon or the manner ill whlcb amphe Ylni4 ~vrilu~~~~~ ~iiI ~~ ~J~i Verlllon and alded at Bennln~I1 WMtIl b should be M amplid m ampl1 repoy all tbe lI eqWl and holditlght to middotIbbullbullhl)uldbullbull Ihe r bullbull

fho ~Ct beteen Col $andbullbull i Old TOIII IIlId 11 r ltlay~eoq II 8tck Billy chronicled lut week I whlcli 011 Tom wal deolared a ylctor atartcd the 8po~tlnlf men ef tho city and this weft $ IIno hall aoveral asciUllg IIl1d ciofOl _let~ ruCtbullbull middot

On l edu-May ovolIIIIII a moteh was made lind run b woen Oape OcorgltJ Giel Ba alld MA jor Cfty4ecs II Black Billy Distance 400 ards fQr IWG hundred dolla Black Billy n on h7 K clqar engampb

Tho ext-on the me eveninll-IIu a conl t ~IWcel (l18t ~ay nd a d k grey ollJled by BlIvet 1I1lJor LeommJ This race was a try tlOampO~o-ite hors flllming side b1 Ide tbe h~lo tauee Gletmiddot be e as evldolltly overshyweiSb d bleh rul~ed In OllllSillg hDI to lOBe Ihe rA by a dialanee of only a lew feet

The eitt 11 II race Ileween MII)r Caycee u U1Ck~BilY and Col JUlIee middotu (re EMgle The IU ~et upon tho hoN1C8 eltCeed~d lin huushydrM do l~rlI A good llat wbullbull obtained and the hora 01 neck alld neck about lour hundllild yrds ~en the groy began te crawl a IiHe ahesd nd at be winning poet earnll oul n8lll11 holt II I ustb In dYaI08 Bolb boraes appeared t~ be I Chit IIce maoaged well but at Ihe end Ihe lid appfared 10 be In doubl as to wbleb Wamp8 III laater animal and a Dlaleh for two thoushyIDd d Utp Wal eWeeted on the lIeld bylbe Ame horaee llh chanRe of rlders~11 came 01 lhe DeXI ( urad ) evenlol( and Ihe Grey won

Coa UTIOtf or rRIl EIIrllloa or ioU 1111

R~881 e- Bhortly after ill amphe ahlatan had taken hplr pllOea til lfaater of COIemonlel raleed Ia liand and IAfe n ordor In RlI88Ian wbete pi)n tile trumpetl blt9l oul InlO a wild IIId i ln8 8ouah the herald ~ised their Noell In Ibe Ilr and II hllvi~g uncoyoted their _dl pile of Ibe Becretolri t4ll4 tbe prOtlalllashydon w~i~h i8 redem into Engllell 018 folio

Our Inry aUgUStlery high lind ve pulNttOI r Aleunder Nicolalevleti belnll tIlrone of bls anctors heb 18

lIIISiu as ell u upon tt(lSt of Poland and of amphe GrtUld Duchy

of Finlauit which aro Insepllrable t1middotorp II hAA deiW16il to order LDllt the eoronrlon of bls 1m perial iljeS~ nnd his Olltb Bbn lake illace on 1M 2 III of the monlh I Augu~t bis augU1lI epouro lie mprola I1kro Alqxandrovnl pllrtlelmiddot

bull ad celllmooy Tub 8I)lemll Ael the preeut pr~1anltiu 10 all

to the eld that on this hppy redouble ttelt feVotin theil pyera

g of King tba~ Ho middotm spreld by His _ VOlfer His faTO8 dmiddotbl bullbullsinll ou tfiO

reign ~( hi DlaJeat ~t1d tllrougloul it duration Ito nu~y mailltaln peace lind ~Ianquility to the glor) ~f Ills holy nAme and fogtr tho 1I11111terablc prosit of tit emplro

Wl~l ON loLlTlcs-EvelbOly knoYs WilIi8 -Iho peet nll~lky edilor or Ibe lIomu Journal 110 btl III)td matty good Ihinge In his life and tbe following upon politlrs lIod political cRndldltltlli Is bull ot OJtull b~tter ald lh ptople of IgtlcaragulI iU6ppreellltJill

I lind mylolf for Ibo flut tlmo middot111 tn life Inshylml~d for political candidAte or I hould ~1l1r[~IIY perhp~ In 1 Candldalo wililoUl hi politic I II1vo bltberto (10 account S(lDlebat rolllm apparent want of aImiddotlotlsm) thought tbe eount under a hend bioh iliad almost any Ilcor g safe enough It loomed 10 me of vcry liWo IIsnllnoe (10 anybodr but I)m~ oekers) wlulth r 1 whig 1ll1 domocrat wu at the holmshypllblt opluion besidlli being llOgether too wide l~ak hlo ollcated a Olgtnlry for Qlther a blun ~er or l lin of pilotage to b more tban opproadltd So 1M plnlo ft8 this confidence In Amerleas do loSee vlJlol QIUIC)rrllCll1one or bull coo8tilution Ibat ( lIuld lOU beliovo il P) I I~ver Tilted In m tire y

B It wlLh ampho ecnla of the lost year 0 t 0

uoi th n tho intellect oC lbo country at r rk UPOlIlt be grellt queallol8 t IS8ue it would be hard

loge blind 0 Il)len8iblc And yeto

raised a family 01 lis children all but one of pllDI 111111 pmlllil whOm lunln II dnDcM agee anraging oter Di tl U I h VI I ntA b ree ODS lOr S Illi t 6 IU n6 l1ltw6 ~ y ye

Nalhllni1 FIllm_ amphe fatller ot Ibe 4IPra~- [By OIlIllR 01 fUll JoIiIUIiDIlINI(Cillllr] dtnl yet aMieI in Iht elllbtymiddotblh year of bll -_ ge Ho hili been a lAIlUer thougll lite cult oaOkUOE OFFICE l vtlng bia IlllIdamp wiamph hie OWII handa unlil the OllAlIIJgt~ CklObe 28 18H f bull bull bull bull TI U I DA t I h N gt_ mllrmlties 01 ago dISable him Hia mdUIIlriOllt 6 iWU u 1 WI n t 0 _-SIIIl un temp~raw and hnpl~ babill alll6d to A cbeertltl tho American Klnl6 H Is dl~nguebed IlOm the

Fronch BI11leh and RU8IIlun lfiDl6 by amphe IlIperlshyand bopeful mind hA~e secured to him eontenmiddot Oflty otllS sight ThplMa In wbleh tbo noteh II menland a happy and green old ~o n Was iled fOltbe backllthl whlll peoaed between tbe

~ b d 8 Imiddotf U I bOIn in nonnlngtoll Vt and realded tlloro unlil be arrived al IMlhood

bull Near tbe cloae oi the lUI centllly 6he ptIIQlIlI

eml~ted to the Ih wilds or Wesleln New York Tbtl ere among tllo poneer seltlen of Ibat dilrlct of ooUnlrmiddot1I01 aparl for bounly landa

to the aoldtere or 1110 reloIullon knowD as the new mllimr tract rheir IIrBI 100000000n lIIIlu amphe original townlhip or Locke tblt pan of It no cOmp ialng ibe IlIwnahlp or au lime bill in lhamp

bull bull r pnt COllllt of Oa1u$ A slDdt rrm waa purchased In Ihe primeval fort and Iheir enrshygiea lIIl dppllM 10 clearlogAld aubduing n 1M middot In - h III prep g il tvr a 6me Herbullbull III an blllllble log cabin atnld Ihe wUdneaa of nat wiamphla hearing orlld bIa alld Ib8 _nd of the w ed man as Millard WIIS born on he nh of Jan shyMoo bull IIr7 bull

Millard Flllmol( receled a rudlmeDteledlloO tlon In a COIIlltr ecIoolhouae amplid whell et aldmiddot was 0middot_1 clerk In drY gooda 1101 and

ono of particular Inleroll _

r A ~I)rrespolldent or Iho BAllilnore SUII

II t1811 (IOIll amphe White Iulpllur Sprmllbullbullbully Wo have a iva a1lthoress two hundred (~pllllk Ing in round numbeltl) prof9sloualgftmblIf olle bundred membera of Oonellll Alld aboul one

hundred oamphel1l cf equall- doubtlll1 ~eplIltlon besiden membel of tbe New JerHY Leglgtlhttllr~

A N~w SPIO-lhe pltell~ ballot-box of olishyfornln bat 110 learn b1 ilist IIdvlceB betln aold for upward of Ibr thousand dollars fur amphe pllrpose of ethibitlllg it to he minors previous 10 the po plOllching eleclioll h i4 11 Iho handa of Ibe Dellloeflta who espeo to IoUill i~ to good account In Slumping tbe Stale

bull tr lhlolln a celebrated Frenth phf8lclAn It

is ~Id watkabl f~d 01 drugglnJ Oncu htVlOg a patient IIbo diluenlly ad punety swalloed all the 80114 110 onlerlld be W S(l demiddot

lighted at seeing all the vllUa lind pili bo~ empiy bet he hook him by tbe band exolalmlng M d~lr air It really aWords mo pleRsure 0 IIttend you and 70U 4t1lOl 10 be 1111

wurn an nger ( n e Arneriean m) up and down owl wben kpl properly oiledWlterebullbull bed It malllll IIIonary U _ as Ih~p_o of tile thumb and linger ceaeee and doea Dot link by tbe ooncullllon 01 the piece ID lIlng The ghl plall of Ihe French and BrltIah fmle II very atlff 10 Il101 If cloaely titled and If 100 enough 10 Ok euilyls apt to IIIId6 do )7 continnM IIrlDg bleb U Dot observed b1 ampho IOldler Ill mate him Ire ene or 110 or h_ hundred yards abort

The Alinl Rift elltued to the Nicaragua Armyrallg 141)1 )ardL or ahofl dia~_ I haa Dot

06- ~ amphat diltllllClt n 0 d bull d rl_aflelward turnM bis altenlloll to law The Th I II bull I bit __ rid III l re all - Isn lllquHlI I 5 era 0 gneraliy of readers afO acquainted lib hla powderbull Tbls dIart1II cootened In tho llatka === iIIbstquenl CMer 1Uud bl moving die charger of tile lIak 10 Ille 00101 Wise or Vlrglnl bullbull In a recene

aeoond Iiotcb It Is al80 contalt)ed In til eartrdgee speooil concernillg Ille Millou Cumpro1ll8e IIl1ti bull luuedfrom the OrdDllIoeOlllee 1 Ihhl da said The coal or nOlrunulng that hntou

Ibe aceulllOl of tbe ordinary rlfte That Ie to dllt_ on ab_Ugtlltnown to them bUI kno 01gt to ooe hundm yarde Bllt up co 0118 hUll to th luatructol who bould keel a NeoN III dmrarda 1amp IIiU pul ev shot InlO a eIteI 0 18 their obullers whereby the captain or II compa07 Inchee dlallleW1wblob is IlIlBclelll for war pur- would be able to dlslingulsb Ib080 bo pOlWeaaed poses aa II 11011 d hll 110 enelll1 1D amphe upper paH the greatesl lO4 1114 leaat judgmen~ in tIislDlshyof amphe body At onllamphoulandrarda Ih_ rilIea tel 110m men aN found to poseea lI uallllab 11111 Pllt went ttow out of Ibllyln a targr sen In hlch doG t ne acquire it b pracd~fe wid batt 111gb On lhe 26111 Lleue Bart others noe acqlre II though they may maDmiddot wllh n mea 01 amphu Second BllIes Ilml 1m) goo abote The I)e8t tried Judg~botyendthellgto efght rounds flom Ib~ gnu a fenr hundred f_ (~IDamp to rules aflerrds 10 oe __14 dbianee at a lIlIIte lit amphe We lhougb down) regulate lhe dllttance AI wbleb amphe ltb Brlag amph_ guilt for the lint time eleven mn pa1J In acllon aholoI 8el the Iglu8 of ampheir rillel GIlt of the rortyelght ttow 011111 h been hit C F HENNINGSEN Brig Gen

A VIOILUT 1M TllOIIJlLII-A Mr Colemaoamphe and amphOBO whoprefer till meaauHlI mit obtelD amphe President of tb~Som Frallci8eo Vigilanee Commit- same by requiAlllon II amphe OrdnollceOllee lee lately arreated In amphe elly of Iiow Yor( Ilunfortuoately happenM tllal the lJepIIIImtlt at ho suit of man nf tbo uame of Halon ho WIll forced by clteum8lallooeto 18100 lOme ot lOOn lIunbullbull and to Ptlt IOgeamphor cartridges before the

waa bamshed by order o the Committee from oeCleaal1 IWI~uclon8 bad 1Illvod Henao amphe caUrQlltmiddot4 Mr Malon IlIIrIll8~ lhe li(lWmiddotmiddoteaiUiilgeillillfiltColltillileil aUbuFtlfellt gralllS Yllk Bvenlng POlt his onUI) Innocence of en crime or oWnee and lthtrges Ibllt the parileo middotho bull mpmollcd IUId banished hint dlil80 tram ntampllclnua moUvoa mrymiddot aiid 10 goi rid lIf an lICtio c11t zoin wbo condcnmed and esisted the llrocGelloge of tho Corillllte~ middotanll WM about 10 10 lealioony

bull 6 in tile Unltell Sillies Courl at San lranelllCo III n proceeding whicb h middot since resulted III the InUetshylIIent and hnprlaonmont or IWamp melnbe~ of the

f bull

orgAnization at San Fraucisco ~r PlIlcI

to9 much tKlwderbull Ihe effect of which as 0 make IIiIrllI~ kick ~d to burallo bell lberebI dealrolng ftecouNey

lho nlnl6 Rille bill Ole tho ordln ritle tle advlltap Ihat Itma be 1000ded more easily and rapdl h ~ IlIaded wlamph tl~actll tho IIIIUQ rn pldl~y andfaCllty as the ordinary mllllket

Tho ~o llloat Important pollll8ln tbe jedloloUII use 01 thomiddotBinle relo1O Ibo imulIer of loading andto tho IllDner of holdllllllhepleee


To lond ampho 1I1n1~ Plumiddot In the charge of pow Tho question of ho lhls But Will bo settled Ii dcr put Illmiddotlle ball rgtiamphout pap hutllcr If III~

doe lip In CIImiddottrldge d plI tbu ball ImUle wlllloul nhllng Illltliit cI ~hu puwdr-Wbell il1GAUh ilo powde llitllduv IMI1I rod Itllout nen giving ouo amiddotuk~ tIwill 0Il11111~ke Iho pillCo kickbullbulllnd IIOY

coil I tun felt at all mil m~D ualoR 1M pleoo properly ma II Olla hundred ro~nda llholilrecelYing thll smailest braise or feellug Ibe leasl IOreneae

PUcnICK Wml I1l1U1 The proper lact to acllee tbe BinloS fit firt

Ie At Inob~ecton tbea~ beeansuh eIfCI or eve bOII8 Been For thr pllrlo II threemiddotlIIailea have boen plaoed on Ibe lako III lb water amphe two outer flake belug ten f t aparl Thll cel 1ft slake ill tbe h t 10 aim at The etlceil ~I(

h d- 0 eo h b (lne un yrds froln t e abol two und arde from theaborelhrbullbull more atakea Ire plfteed three btll~red yardo Ihroe 1110 takes avdao onup to onll toousand l abulldmiddot

JII1I9111G DtflmiddotUlIOIIbull

WheD holIer the sllooter knowing Ihe dill lance aI whleh be ill fring hOl8 Obtained eudlelenl proticlenoy II I 81111 ne_~y (in order 10 hlaeapon 001111 Ihe bid) thllt he abou14 l1Ian eaIooate known dlatao_ oorreellroampherise if he bas ligbted too ~igh or 100 low he may conllnue to aboot ~er Or under in the t1eld herll freqllt1y be - ~ot aee where 0of bla aholll 81rikee 10 correet hla etro~ On this accouo$ men sho 1d bit plBCllo1 10 guess at

If) lIccurae of the Ihot ~llher by pulit Il~ laquoO~ in PQ8tmiddotOlfice BuDdmg ~hapeof the ball or II) kllIin~ ) I HI-bullbullI bullbull ofo I 1866 IrOll cap whleh It cunulllli1 11 h lt~ plJlldce toIliPputO Ihat allY lt1111= T I E 1 O xrWK~ So I IUllnZQ Wl UtIIDLW not ramming nOlll provlltllllg th e~t tmiddot Kew~II oiande ampI Alandlln mON thMlI Ce IlIcbermiddotuhe IC I

WItlllbe gUIloulalromlullK lir q uF bg ABROGADOS

wbereas Wbtll Ie wipet 1111 IOlldc(1 gUll lno nextGmiddotpmiddotlitieRI thol)rlts 80 In_III) aropart A WIIUlltrE tBoUT TUII AOIl 0 Bo_-A llIIt blow oiIt tbe dbl lndM~9 tb~ ham1 8Ul1Ishy

PIRtampmiddotm (tlnll Abovo nil 80 01l01 m3Y Ihe chang few das ago we met a ~~lIemall from Ahlban~ cielltly bull ho e 118 1 lece of IIIforllltlOll hi re fli 10In II 0 of e~olll8 require p1tllltll CHIOl with lit- 118cuJtnlng thePage of a borde arlO boOf abo HOLDIIIO TlIII PIECIl 110 orln~ Iuf~renee 10 plrty Iheory o~ party platmiddot Ina paaaed Ihe niMb 7ear IIhicb woo 1I0W 10 Ill It I tbelntlllioll of tho tolnMllderlnOblcf rorm~ that It _ms 10 lIIe 0 should look mosbQn~ will be wo are lure to ~OSI of 011r flad 1~III rar M 10001Iiblc lit MiIlie ~iUIlll sh11 be it no~ oly II) tla~ lalityoJ la mlII-wtat ollr It8 tills ancr Illtl borao nblo YCIId lId l d$IIl~lItud ~ IlIeIl Irued) aCljlllllPlLtllYltl1 Ibtl CAlId t I wlI1klo comes on t~e oolid M he uIper corner II 01 tho 11110 Now Inen 1Wu41om~d to ~ha

I to I~ 11 nAtllte and culture retber thallio of Iho lower lid lind overy ycar IhcNltIItIlmiddot II h~ urolmRI rilo ltleil ck~ bllt 1 very amRlt bt Itt pai11 prnf8lSioD8 or bis 1IInt(oD promi ono well ltlellnld wrinkle fotmiddot ovor) 1 ()v~r nlllol cimrgtgt very pruperly reat 11111 bu I of tbe stock Jt~ If for Istancr 11 hor~u baa Ibreo 1It1kll$ bo I~ alililst tbo IIrmiddotlI lstnnd idew)~ to I U obJImiddotcl

or tho dnUlP~kllilJ ~f tlut ulnbtvttlmiddot~middott l~ ~lltit ~ III 11 tlrearmo 1amp lable 10 uck It 1lt tmiddotumiddot- Tbllll4obltcd by ubg II IVirh cmiddot 10 Ib~ end of Ill nUbrod 111 whillhwiii W u1 tOIlr with ~middot~aracrw on rUII he OIIuarlllll Oftlee TtU$ wlv~r iu ltretlaquo btJlImiddotmiddotC COIUCllcItg pacllce anIII bull ill U etWh~V8r amph 81100101 finds lhh hi Ii ill bishyling 10 CO dj)Y1I with ditllcul~ h -lImllI Iler lodll)g b~U btore ~plig ~ tbn I w~Ir once or IWCO dowlI tho buI lnu middottlt~ ~Il tlttlt is to l0080n the cakHl puwllll on tho 1lt11 1 tilG bltrmiddot reL 80 tIlen C8Jl11 ul lloc lIud tk~ 1110bullbull11 h~pB to clQl tbe gUll by bluwlu til dill Hllilre h Ill tI lUauuemiddot ~II imlldred h y be IIr11d rO1 018 pleca WIIlO1 ~qr ~1Ibg Tile reMOI wh) be I not III pu~ 1110 wIImiddot~r (11 thuuuoad bull plcCIl I brea_ II woul~ )lt) lhe bciJ dalllp anll tbill~l chargu Iul In fluid b~cOlDe IOml Ihem k

Paoillo lIlarmiddotb valuod thulO Virginia We no get a Ihouaand dollars for eounthlave we would then haye gollen from tbree 10 IIV6 1)U8Ad dot Iar8 rer an operaun it tho gold IIlInea ot middotOaliformiddot lila four hundred thoa mulllpiled b Ii- amphousand or even amphree tbousand will ahow _ mm_ lose Ollllpu1lon rdollam would nO compe~~ VI1l0ia for h~t 1088 III not rllooing the IIl1e on to llie Facillc

E I 0 nwtll L 84111gtpound WHo DAHOLlIfl



GRAilraquo 110AItAuUA 11ESSRS Kewen Simd~r8amp UanlUn III praeshy11 lieo In aU the COIlf~ of ~b Merilloual and Orlentel Depalments Rnd In tbti D~ptlllent of Le

PArlicular atienlilln 11111 be given to tbe reo covey Qf cl~ima ugainSl the GOvcrnmmiddotnt

lJ~oIbullbull mortfg leNlet Ie promply 0 ClIlel nd on Ii oralmiddotlermbullbullAI ow llId mo~ey brokerage busto will a lage tho AllenllOIl ofi6 finn bull

Q RAN A DAN lOA It A 0 UA bull

I~bull ~dlnrogtq REWEN SANDERSY IlAN IgtLIN ~jl)roosn lol PIOlesiOl1 de illmgllria ell tOUOllt los trihulltlle8 lj~ 103 t U d I 0middot l )tmiddotplIlttmlnt)8 lerl I()I1I1 v rleR

Y ~n el Dgtplrt~ento 00 Leon bull So dllrk atencIOII pnrticulllr III eobro If)

Imiddotmiddotdlm cr contlll dl1 gllhi rllo Itd 1Ijpotoc3~ Arrenimionto~

t ~ bull tc 1~n eJIIQlIlndos con IWOlIItlt y fllmiddotemiddotto~ mudeladollt TlmlJieu 1111 ocel1p~rall Itn rillgoeJoo do

I(rretagl el biencs rllice y dimro -- 1J h bull dIe= e~II1~e ~ en I Ctml 0 orr(~braundn NOlclObrc 1 de 1856

dup 111 jnll oIUII LOllt IN ampho early patlof amphb foe LAlfJ) W ~ 1tNT fQ IIvc hundred nCI ttl (If Innd drallO III fam of Col R J SJiltlors X_res hlTJ be~n takon 10 rendtr It of no e tlcJpt to the per8Ol fOl who It wns drtITIl WllOttOr ill It 10 ill NiiAlIguonao ollWe or to me ltiU bq suitably N11lIrded

OOL E J SANDERS GIlladI NQv 1 1836 1I~nrr- L~hUet

uvolll~ell if fOllt heiathirtc611 Ad til 11111 th) ro liillgt whoroby hcy do MtIlSeU1I$ nUltn~O-l tlIUiTISSuillrsa ETlqoE1TB - ceordiug tl 1 Iotc b IIf dliklea to nine atd YOII will hIV 111 Iltilgll lIlIk tu 1100 OIlOPI) lll~ ill mU3(~tlriug I 1lIorfwlit~r It III etiqueue fOf pelllollll of infot1or io So says the genUeman 811d Ito Is cOIIampuUI1 it lIee~y 118amp th~ 1I)~lcr shluM 3fIIillnL iIIder~ his pl)feMional lampniCCl

mnk io I~ol their healtia IOlVor han tho belds f 1111 Mef tail A a coo~ n~uy I)~I 14Vlllw I~ ltlec b I liing u 1111 rea tho muk(jt I to lhQ citi3Jlls of Graoaolo U ill bull bull I) horsts over Int a i$ wily tmiddotI II lIIc IIu I RIMtle amiddotIJ(lr amiddotlIe~middot in to tbe bll$O of Ih I hg l )0 found al tb Dosplt)

thelr l4ltupoOItI Iberefore wben a nabob aClOp I hOIampo dOll mutt slvo up liis trlt1~-lllonlllc I k s C lil middot1middot is ho ~1I1101 d) if Iro anda middotVmiddotIIm mbJnrtt _h_SjtflU ard sl~1 get Oil 1 (ltllIf2 Plnntel I aiemiddotx bullbull )1 ~ 110 bllU of hl~ pcco OraMd Novetllbe~ I 1~amp


328 EL NICABABUENS4VoL ~ No 52 p 4 Sabado 1de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 1 18qB

I But tberemiddotII point from wblch ~bl anbject

lhOnldIv _ad IItperlor to Iny mere Idalphaselt [Jittr ague ns t of tbe -i Itmiddotl6-how ~be buy tb deed In Ibla counll1 efFects th Ulag_od thlemiddota 011 1111shy

Saturday lIlorniD~ Nov~ L middotportanamp Dllrlnl the dry aeuon In thll coUlltry Itl Yer

HON COL 1QHl( H WHEELER dUlicuit 10 dig a gra or luDlclot depth to pro-

Thl amptnlleman wh has eo ably repreiented Int th polloDOUS paeafronl eacaplng 11110 the thII Jolted Bta1e8 ~ North Amerloa In thll couoshy

trl darlbg ahe varlbos oTillgea and atartllng Inclshydeata of tjle pasl two years Is we regre~ to 8Iy boul 10 dpar~ rom IOIOllg UI on a Iall to the uAiI~1t1atelo Hia beallll bu baeD of lale very _b brokllD IDd we InRir hI vlalt to 110 and nf bil blrtb 1JI1~ ~trellKthen ble fIoame by Ita Ron iov~t1i11 j~lIoaplire

_B rIOre will exolte a rept In the breut oC emf American In Nlosraguau blA aCQ4mshypUIIlliiilitt genlfemin bl aliampTl~y U )lInll~r

hII klndneas nd urbanl~ u a man and bis dieln lereledp u a friead ~as altcady g~lned him ~eliru~t ampad rove W~e~ver he goes tbe good wiebe or all who

uo-Iollllid thllCOI1iItry wlll follow hhn alld we trlMt at before la_IIY weeks we m ba middotth p~ule of Innoucbg Ita relum We wlab blm lfIe_t voyage



ED namp BURNED III II tbe dlkion ofthmaln of de

-r-~4 P llOD8 bas been a aubJectof Ihe promiddoteIQlUld98t ~iionUoo Wbh I~ are conDected the _tldenta of the warmes~ frlendlhlp tbo ileepetl eiltnltlbJl aud tlrelDost eaorad Ibougbtamiddot of tin

1iChaft~~ ~horo II anhll~lotl ID maDwblcb 1111 pell lilllll ~T8IlI wltb grea~ cate tbe romulD of his fiIampir orbullbulltur fbi ay bit esclted 10 pari by feeUng ibat we onl7 do IS we would be done

liJ toutpefhapi ~e -eat IncoU o 10 tblerupecl btl tbougllj that lhe Iplrll of lifo whleb anI -1 olampy before UI tnay be 1I0W before thea~llioron or the OIt High and Ihe nmdna tITeRlO WQJD 0101 our ioevltable dellliny

Tile IIIl1Dn of buryins the dead bas been a _II I _t I It f I

I ~Io Iou bleb ata n w w PlOCseda from deelylng

18tatabl We know tba lata1dlleuea are brollgbl ooby Innooulillon and hat I man canmiddot nn~ be Innoclllaled byanrlblllg mo8 dllllcul1O

L__ b

a~moephere and spreading lIIalri ampIIIong the Iiv-Ing The~ Iulso bull common oUltom among peoshypIe of th Ialler dayuo bury ~ remalDi of porsonl of no~ In nulta un~er the 1l00rs of cburchet and those In che dmp and gloom olihe luliterratiean cbambers In decomposing p~ddl_ and death among Ibose wblJ honored ~bn blloll logj Uld IUppose they thUI Ihow rpeet to their memory aner dealb h ta unnec_y to r8fe~ to the dangar of those who dIg gr In a Iae of OO1IIl11on Inte lIIent or how onen they como In contaCt wllb the polsoo of deeolOpoelng Jleah or wbat a s~ amount of dlseue Ibere II engendered bi the poleono pBel of sucb places by bel~g waRed amoog the habltatlonl of Ih~ IiVldg The evil elllcta or 11 tbeae clrcumstences ara Incalculable

We can onlyarrie at theamprulh In suck C8IU Iy Ulalol1middot W know that the gue_ of decumpoeo-Ing ~o~tsble mattedo swamps produce d98ues of eryerloll8cb~ractars wo know tbat on thla account 11 nu countrl are I_ healthy ampIian whera Ialor huefllleted a good drainage and ~bat higll dry land II more condllclve lOheal~h and Ions life tlian damp low Incamp We knowIi Ii Id- b I

JO tat ep em1 realmiddotoutmiddot1I parts of cl~le wh garbage ta a1lpwed to coUeet and tm1~ an eDlu~a Id we know also tbat gases from d cylg anllllal blatter are more daJlgelOUi and

The Late lnliulttlt the US llag I In olHla w publlebed a record of eiiollUng

eta All to tbe IneultllllC oonduc~ of ~e oIlied forces of Guatalllla and San Saludor toward the AlIlerican Oag the Mlnl~r of ~h8 Ulli~od Slates and tbe cold blooded murder 01 unarllled

American cltlrens But thll record dark and demiddot grilling as It Is te humanity WIS bulholf dlacload Dally circumstances of Dlulder _lnltioD and robl)e07 commltted On Alllericsn unarmed clll lensre being brought to ligbt which place the Governmenta of Gualeblala and San SAlvador bO yond the pale of ci illzallon and eta p them u BaIlon of ouUaw cutbro1e and bAndl~18o

Tbe accompnied allldavita of Cap~ Dunlcan and ~eut Gardner prove ~he diabolical IMurder of a Utile boy whose only offenco was being born In the Uolted Sla~ of wbite parenta and bnlng a while face

Doel not iIle blood of every frlcnd 01 humanl~y of every nalion ehudder at euoh ~Iroity Will not tbe lII08t eage and barbarous nallona of tha darkest agel of anllqully rise In judgment against luob uaboly and bloody deede _

tait of cOmpany D Fir~ Rille of tbe Army ~( ~be Republic of NlcaraguI and made oa~ ~haj

On Mon~ay the 1~11J October 18D6 during f

attack of h combIned foroea of Guatemala a d Ban Salvador on the city of Grallada during ~ e ba~le he approached ~Ioe houN of Mr JamoA Smi~h on the street of the Meulah opposite I e Churcb of San Franclaco f-om wbole bouse t e enemy bad been drIven out and he there lAW Q

tho arms of hie flher thamp dead body )f a about seven years old who bad just been murd bull ed by 1100 onemy whose body as horribly 10

lated ard deformed Mr E nllb was unc~~ nected wi~h ~he Army and como u a aettl9r~ NIcaragua He appeared hear~-broken and d shycOllsolate oxclalmlng tha~ he wished tiont loG co d bove sutrered In his child place Iln I tha~ in th amp alllnts opinion I~ WII and i ~he determlnallon for ~ho lovadillg forces 10 violate every rul of clViI~dwarfare and justice IDd lIIurdr eory Alnari n In Nicaragua J DUIIICJII

Sworn to before me this 21th October 1866 JOHN H WHEELER U S Minller

middot1 do hereby cortify tlia~ 1 W88 preBent wllh ~ taln Dunicnn aDd of my own kbol~dg 16~ abore aDldavit Is true In evel pa~ticuIRr

R p OAlIIlIpound1I Fi t Lieutenant Company E Firat Ri8es

Swonl to before me thIs 21th October 1866 JOHN II WHElLER U 8 MiDiter

oor8_ t e ~_Ing lIull of ble fellow maand would be reapecteo b all lla~IQDs even tb tho Amerlean 8a8 would protect him rba~ ~c Now u the guea whlob arise from vegetable most IIInge Bul how vain wu lhat hope I Let Lawless very frequehUy came to him 8 thOlmiddotMnmiddot lIIalterlo a atate or decAY appear 10 be lIIucb hll plunderod 1001180 bls murdered remaina tbe tay Goveroor of ~hll Dopartment in blthrfi mciro ftal thllD ~ODtact w~b Ihe solid_ from wblcb bodies of Iii f6110wmiddotclizen tbe mutilated bunting tb Datives o~~befllo~lnldt for whdOlll hIe perforbi th _ numeroua IC_ a bull n n au w lOBe rup bull

_ AO~ re lImiddott e lllallnorl 0 nu rolli tar llIImemotlalIiimiddot lome oountries oj E8YP~ ~~e present ago ought to be luDlclent to ri~ i9bIaDcie Dluch IDg epulty wu expended In enmiddot bove anyprt)UIIIce orallY old cuawm which haa ~orlng ~ lr~ee~e bodlel (rom decay anltl been haaded d~D t WI frolll ~pe~o~_bClo the the Orilllai ftcc~ of all burl~11 WII law ofnelilUi wee but lIttle s~OOIeil or known -0 --uOD of die body At tbo far Notth and auggoat auch remedlca as wlllleslen as far AI

whra th tro~ king relgnl many lDootba III ~he poIIlble the causes oC dll~uo bull

ey ann mut 1ler tbe~ 11011 II 110 the caso with tbe ps8I 101010 arise frolll putrid animal mellmiddot UleI If thll II eo thqenlightonment of

yar and all anImal de~omp08ltloD II auspended t

ibrough Ita etrecta tbe etrort 10 tilDes of 19oorshyihc mIght be aUPlosed to be parliaUr aucceBBful 11 Ii eeD no DO uncommon tblng to be ~oemer II tbat b would nollike 10 die In a

amputherll counlry on ac~ollnt oftbo audden decay ~ hll remaloa 1111 sontewhat remarkable tbat bile Nort~ern natlolls eYen In tbe most ancIent tImes burlod their dea~ In tile pound Ibe peo-DIe or the Southern countrl buroed tbem Thle wu ~bo cultom or Sou tbern Aala And Southorn E~op In our IlIgUsh literalure to tbll daTI ~wlng from oll Oreek we frequoutly her t)ili )ihnae peacmiddottomiddotI alhea I

1be Greeb a1wav burned 1100 bodle of their Wualrlou8 dud and In our opinIon thla lain many respecta lIIucb preferable 10 bllrylng_ bull In burnIng u lru tholr CUltom the ashea IIIlght bo carefully ciflllected and plaee4 In an mamen~ed urn j hero llOuld laDd wltbout otrendlng tho senses In the bleb of the temple or In tbe private aparl

m6llts of friends til Ihls manner I~ wu alwaYI In the careoilboao rho respected It and In wboaemlllol7middott wumiddot dear_ Tbo asbes of Ibe great mbl In Ihose dal1 beaeD~ fro plRce to place mldgled llb IIampYO7 locenlo receiving the roapocl due the blemor or Ibe Blirlt which pYa It lnishy

middot1111110110 In Ileae dy the remoYai oC a corpae croaten bOlrOr In all wbo 1ra1 wllh It not 1mshymedlIlotorealell to say nothing of tbe danger 0( belna In coplact with so Ruch rot~nn alld putrofotlon Ona balpound of Ihe borror of death con sists In the Idea of tho bedy pu~rU)lug io the e~ 4 Wng an obJect of loathsomene18 upon lJjlell worm gMiI and riot How much more pluinlmiddottw Idea of ha log the ashea carefully ptbelllllj amplid ~pi perhapa 8weamptlt aeented aa DOW ieepodaguerreotyp08

W~_ uale lhe aallsfactlon It would no lIfIorithe litem world to ha e preserved the

middotashe oIllli~Q Ot lIIilikapeore i or wbo can guess the care otmiddot venerAtion willi whleb the Frencb would ~gtrd the ashes 01 Napoleon or with wbat yeneratlon Americana would guard tbe reshymai1 ofWaabington h la truly to bo regretted that aU whlcb Was mortal oC tbose i1ulrloUi per sonages Isoow IndlltiDgubthable from ~hecommon eartb or tbe remalna of ~he earcasa of 80IIIe brow

There ta t~ls dvanhge ID burning bodlea OTCr burylDg tbem that IDltead ofperlnlltlng them 10 cauao dlaeue aRer death Ihe nry act of burning puriO ~he aIr It II lupposed the great plague ot London WII IoIICIted In lie ravagea by Ibe groat

Ore whlcb burned the greator parI 01 tbe city Ono thIng Is certaill iC history II correct that Ilthough Itraged with foarful voIoeelmmedla~lr hefore It ceueo to exll aimoillmllledialeit lifter Iho con8agratlon It It now a common pIlodco to fullllgate a roam In whch a parson baa died and doowrs ad 1ae boao who Yliit he remainI of a person ~hat lou died of cholera orany olber conmiddot mgloua dlieal to moke a cigar or plpo-tlo great

a purifier II fire And eelUng pr~udlc aside III~ Is after all

lIIuch more dealrable to be cooaumed by lire ner death than to rot ~n be devoured by worms alld 118 tbat eoaduccl well 10 tbe praseryallon of tho Ulng u to the retallling tbe uhes of tho de ceased we would fbor tho adoption of Ihe CUllOJll

In thle lOuntry It was the generoloplDlon In Granada Ifter Ito

batlle of the 131h of October tbattbe great nummiddot ber ot theonemy which wu killed would produce tbe cholera before they cluld be Interred DurnshyIng tbelll bnmedlatal would h prsvenwd tbe posilbillly of auch 1 p~llIful circumstanoe and would hve puriSe1 the air 01 any polsonoul gnaee wbleh might already slated 10 it

On object In ftuggeatlnlf thle II more 10 call tho 4tenllon of the publio u well 110 medical profeaslon 10 Ibe anbjecl chin 10 attempt at tble tim to dllcUBB Ihe m W are howovor under tile InlproBB Ion that If Ibe tlustom of burnshyIng the dOlld Inatead of bmiddotlng them were onco Ialrlylowoducecj It would In tbll lall~ude prove higbly benellclal w tbegenfral hulth

A Nw 01ft The Phll~dciPhia Mint hujull IMued a cent wblch II described as COlliposed or 1It88ven parb copper seven of nickel and one ohine 11 lou a lilht appearance with a faint red tint alld la In beautiful contra t with the Ameri cau a1lver nd gold plecea and will not u the old cent did tarnlsb thelll by oon~ol The weight of the newll only aevell~y-to gralnl-Ih~ of the present copper cenl la olle bundr~d and sixty ftghl

Tbe aDldavlt allo appended of (len fry u to LIG~TION or UUTID STATES or AnRIOA~ the nlurder of Ifr Lawl pro es Mr Lawl IIEAR Till REPUBLIO or NCARLOUA ~ earnest desire to presee lob neu~raliy in all 1100 Tbis day camo before me Birkett D Fry Bri dUBcoltiel wblcb have beset Ihle coun~ry of nis dier General ArDIto Nicagua Uld made OI~h blgh lOlled chacler and Integrily of conduct Rnd tbatshyorh pcrfeat oonOdeoce ~ha tbeaegis of the Bowasacquainted wllbJohll D LmiddotI~uaimiddot Amnoan fIig was amplyiuDlclent to prolect bis the month of Oc~ober 1bullbull1 Ihat having been rl liberty property IIld lif Be badmiddot een as cofmmnd of Ihls cl~y durn the greater POrllrshy

0 he past year he lou Ircquentl bad occbullbullI~ llIralloea (rolll the blgbeat aources tbat no Amori- 10 tallt wilb said Lwleas of Ibe polillcal atrairsio can wuld woder so far 1roII home that the pro- tho State of NiCllragu Tha~ the MId LRle tacling and powerful arm of tbe United Stat- s unifOImly re1beed 0 take ny part InarlUa wlti wal Dot over him lie reiuaed 10 COlli wilblo IheAforcea of lttI~nerol Wdalkellrdsaymg Iat hOe ~ri an lIIe can CI zen an re e upon Wle og o the line of onr Irclo mlylng oo~ho middotpeo~lon 01 his counlr for protecion_ Tba~ a(~r Oeoer Ibol Uulted States aDd Ihrew out beforebis house Walkers force marched upon dual and a few the Alllerican 8ag tba~ In ~Is patriotlo beart b hours _before Ihe auack u~D Granda loa urgtd fel wu honored in every laud anltl on every sea thbelabdblAdwl_11edto comde WtllIlI hila Ilhnol degb

f dle~fen~~w c e eo n to 0 expreaa ug s e Ie I ~

tom b the enemlee sllot and lbe loor of tbo Lo- alld good will he leetDed to pOSle That ~ ~ gatlon house perloQ~d bytboballe oftbe onemy Lawless had reaided for several ye a paa~ inOmiddot testify nlda apoKe tbe In~uago of ~he coulltry 8ue t-

Iy and WIB extensively engaged III IIIcrcalltUJ~ 10 ancln~Rome ~he exelamaUon lam a Ro- e~ita anil had mall) 01 tho nolives In hia ORlPi bull

mIlD cillzen arrested the falling blo of Ibo IIc- Tha said Lawlen justly ellJoyed the reputtti D

lor 10 fOmer ~oys ~n II the great Republic of for great pbllanthropy And unamp~~middot~~t tile North In 0 aayo ofJakson It is the bouth of ~ e loll lory of tha~ day ~hllt no American cltl zeD ever luWered lny In~ulT abroad without reo

dreu WefcOIlaurolhnUhesnm08plrltnowanlmatestbe

United Stateamp and ~hat tbe same feeUnga ~hat dlcmiddot tated tIe Kouta letter will be roady to defend Ibe rigllts aud proico~ tbe lives oC InDoeen~ AmerieRn



Thll 4ay came before 010 James II Smitb wbo tcatlO tbat he emigrated from Ne York clLy whero he hu resldcd for two years In the steaol ahlp Tennc88ee for Nlcaralua on thOl 1 III Sep tember laet accom~RRled by his three email chll drell lor the purpole of cultivating hind and satshy~nllg In Nicaragua lIo is by protession a taather

That on Sunday the 12th Inll an alarm of an lltack was made by the foroea of 9uaternala and San Baladof on this ci~y That be no~ crediting

S b bull h 2 hOb I 56worn ore me t IS middott cto er S bull JOliN II WHELER U S diolaler bull

I [ 0 F F I C I ~ L ]


ADJUTANT GENEIULS OUICpound J Granada Oct 26 186G

1 SOLnnRI--Each day demonstrates more cle iT ~hat tbe war we are wagiftg Is ono of IIUlh apl AI falbood of clmoalion againat barbarism GI satisScd wllh the bloed of lonocent cilicnssb d a~ Granada-with n appetile Ilnllghler h 1shyled by the nt_Ore 01 helpleu cbildren and b 11 ministers of CbriIIIII~y-our IIIvage foes II f

added ano~hcr crime to tbo long liRl reco d asaiDNt ~bem Thoy han sbot Lleu~ Col Lal wbo wu IRken by tbe n a prisoner of war 80 0

It)8 ngo At ~i1e very time thl_ cold-bloodedaal ofcroe 11

was boillg colDlIItted an exchange 01 prioa r was bciu proposed by tbe comntandermiddotinmiddotc er

tho Jolarmj wntto tholltlloplzaa8110r~dlitance If tbo Guatemala forcos WI~h an lona~a bull When tbe (ote aptearod and commenced an ac tive 8Mng ot musketry and Mlni6 rille wblch otlt off his relurn Tho foreee then approacbed 10 hOllie wbere bis li~tle fRmily wera seated ~ dillshyner consisting or a boy Frencb Berbert born In New York tlty on Ibe 6th March 1849 two lrirls one fI and the otber Iwo yeare 01 Ige 1hey were seated witblo three yards of a large wludow which opelled 011 ~118 street One of lhe troops approached the window and taking delib erate aim fired at 0 lillie group the I)all grazed the chin ef the fllrl nurse and atrlklilg the bo In the lower part of his face paselng out of the neck broke tbe plllol obord killing him instan~ly TIe reat 9f the children wee concealed iinnlcdl-

IDg for ~reacbe he bad smoolh WOrdl and Ii ~ sullmenls on hll Iipa wben he was In the act t murde

Tbe mnatlon of Lln4 show he ndlito of the ollemy wl~b whlcb we baYe 10 contend f Ibe sollie lan~age andreligion wilh tbelUself they bad nOl agains~ hilll the lying excuselmiddotw Which ~hoy are wont to justi~y Ihe murder of American citizens Nothing bu~ ~be love of til d aod ~he cowrdly loatlllc~ of tbo savage Call 0

urged for tho execution of thd Cuban palrlot Let ~ben soldiers a Bunle of tbe jUltico G d

grandeur of tbe C~U1e In which wo aro CDgae nerve ua lor the fullilmellt of tho Iftak wblcb I bull before us Remember that you luWer aud It

awly III an adJacen~ housl by the nurse under agio to redeem ono of the 10eUest 01 lalld_ ID bed hlle Ihe ~roop Ibreed tho cuing of ~ho barbalian rule aud lavage despo~lam In such a wlndo the door being fRBlened and resiatlng all Oft IIHO 118 t~is who ould 1I0~ gladlf eudure II ~ IV Iheir oRllrta Thoy then entel8d and searched In dayoCprl alion and fdtiguo r 10 would n I vahl for the cbildren Tbey plullucred tho house undcrS1l aome lillIe antrering and danger for I ~ of all bia iinpleonpnta of hUlbandry clo~bing gold sake of IIvlllg his nalllO enrolled amoug the be o and allvr walcllcs mono aDd valUAble of faotors fJf the rllce 7 amount 1lI0re ~hao two thoueaDd dollars ~ 2 Lieut ltlol ~ A LaID6 aiddemiddotClImp 10~ tbe

JAKa8 n SIITD Commandor-in-l)hler having bean brbIrOO~ Sworn to before me this 2~tb Ootober 18DO murdered bylhe enemy without ProPOiDg An shy

JOHN B WlIEELIlt U S Mini4ter change (If prlaoners i~ ie directed Ihll~ Lie t We do bereby certify that we reBlde In tho Col Brigido Valderraman and (Ja pt Bern~r 0

nme houle II~h Jamee H Smith Faq nnd 01 Allende be shot Ibis aernllon 11 6 oclock In Ollr own knowledgo the faclt tn~ed In hla aDldo vlt are Irue lu evcry particular


Sworn to beforo rno thl 27th O~oher 1856



Tbl day calllO bofore one Jamea Dunlcan Capmiddot

tbe plftZ of thl clly 3 11111 Gen Fry 19 charged wth tho esccullta

of the abovo order By command of WY W AUrER

Genernl-Coml~andng-in(jhipI Pn n TnoIlPBOII AdJ t Gcn N bullbull

~ h Is atato(1 that PrInce Albert 1038 b~~~t 111 Clllll1nOUe tract of lInd In AII9tralia Vbic1o1n nbout tnty years will tetulnabollt ono thou811 ~ i tlII10S oa much tIS all ~h~ amp Coburg alld Obi

In Germany put logctbor I

329NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 7 Sabado 1de Nllvlembre de 16561 Saturday November 1 1856

i lit I ALGO NAB BOBRILBL Dl4 UJ 1lJSOUOJON lIerosoaeajuitA al Cllpilitu delliglc y Ie r t t lIJ S 11 n1J R ea mlUlgrato perdmar que CIIstipr aunshy EqulUtlvo y aUII n_Slnll) nos parec Menelter earetrogradarlllol mM remomiddot que eata lIluy pronto a IIOtrar en el UIO

toear la materil de que vamos neumiddot t~s tlempos de barbirle yde ldlo~lemo pa de juatas represaUae lIa cual rere IU tS II Into NOT I de 1836 pamos no obstlnte haberll8 tratado en Ill1Icontmr el ejempl0 brutal a una Ie- naluralom 1 10 demandaren las circlin A WI ~ 101 1)umells anterloJel aunque nu cion quI Icsban de (omeler en Maaaya stanciU De consiulente 108 prl~ionrOl

JUEBPO VE ARTILLSJIU 4 tod I degtlt1d I I d I d 1 - ft -- con 1 1 ~que mereee por mf~ 01 Jenera ea e I IUfZaa iii on I heridOll lIOn tratadlll eon 10 mllyor be El lierpH de tLitiHerlll ha tomado un destla de lOB IRdmdus que 11 rlllawon Guatemala en estos lIltlmOl dia des- nignidad

ClIPCI) 0 imllolltmto bajo 11 direoclon del puesto que cl1ml mlmos t(lIl1aron una puea del ataque de aquella plllza I de Queda PUIIII demOlltlldo que falto8 de Jele I Henningsen IIventndo jofs de esa parte actin en los sucea~s Las buenllS las acclone quee Ilan referido ya tn 10$ fe ell itll mall s1 mnes compromiaos y Grmllj iuyos cOllocimientos Ie ban didO aceiones dlbon refe~lrse mlnuciollme~te d~8 humerns anteriores de elte periodlco de oumplimiento en sil palabra como mi MmladianQ $010 en los Estadol Uni Sin temor ~e Incumr en la tacha de dllil Vlolando 108 mas gmdos Plotos ma- Iitares 111 jefell do lIB fuIiIBs enemlgat JOI I nn fuora de ellos Es do cele- sos tnnta par que e8 un trihuto dllbido al lew reeonocidos univerenlmente y 0011middot flftll Incohado COIl ol ftlsilamiento flel Co brillS la recision y tino con que dh-ije m6rlto Cuanw por ue line de est-imulo aiguadol en aI derecho de jentel de una ronel lAid y aUI compslierea despues IRS bo 111111 Y granadas al punto que de- a100 d~mAA NOl oontraenos al IltaqU(o Inanera ~n ep~icita se han colQcsdo en de baber aupllcado el callge Y d recibir $igna uinnentaudo y dUlheando progresi qu~ re~I8~6 oatil piau dede el deee del una posiCIon odlo~a dtgrlldftnle y eceemiddot un Indi~lIo en este sentido un Miatem vame te las distnl1CIU siempre con el pUlIdo II 11 una de Is tarde basta las crable Indlgna de hombrea que 8e tltulan elttlaordin~rlo de gtlerrA que nosotrol nei nitID Rcli)lto Q inerrnble direocloll ocho de la maAana del diR siguiente milltare 10 temm~s puesto qf8 teMm1 mlobos Tolft los dias hay repeudos ejerclcioll y Buellas y lumlnolWl lIOn I referenoiaa fnmedlamente dupuee de 101 c(lneablmiddot prlonfrGS cODtrllrios y que hlta Is te()k~ IiOletas evohuiones en las que prl()ti~ del Coronel Allen Mayor Clyeee ftc dOl acunteomlento8 vino eata cludad un siempre hiL sido patente la slIperiodatide ean j Sefiores oficlales y 109 soldado8 pero notamo8 qne a~nqueliglran en 1 correo conduciendo una comunieaci(m nuesms armal Ahorl bien ~ Sol se nell ~tmn maravillo8(1lllIIte lisw de 108 que 8e distlnguiertm 81gllnOl de los jetea eN as flllrzas enemlga8 en la VOllOtroa 101 que hahllis habmdo de vanshy

En3 ClInnto 1 numem do indivitluoB numbres 110 ell con el tlIplerclol que que IIOlicltaban aqtlll1l08 del Jeneral dalisimo de Bomnidadea y oims cosa~ perbgt ecientc8 6 dicho cuerpB lie ha IU~ merC(tlll sin que sea rltI de 1o referenmiddot Walker JOr 10 pronto 6 cange de un in- aemejantelll en vnestrus periodi~os para men db do nna mllnera otable habien tes po que 1I11011 gllardaban y derendian divlduo d los suyos cometa d eaballe oontravenlr ahora eSC$ndalOsamente Ii (0 ad mllll unH gran compltlla do Zapa1 sus pue~tui re8peetivos y no podial esect na que fu6 heeho prlalonoro por Dilestra losmejores prlncipios del dereehu dl ilores I Mineros bien que para malle- tllr j todllS paltes Grande y her6ica parte con algunamp anterlorldad Eata clrmiddot jentll I 81 v08OtroB 80ls I Pero nad~ jllr clatro mortem do obuats y lo~ tllol II deietl q~e hizo 1amp KulIrnlclon de clnetancia Indicaba queeao jeres preten- trntiamos del oltallo de atrall en que Muon a que hay on lap)tuIt fO necesita estj plftZllcn ea c61eble JOIllampda en la dian ceAhle 101 prlnclpio organl_ de 08 ballail UR n6 nero eunsidurnblcmiddot1fe bombles qll8 doeientus hombre4 combatieron con III gllerr aun entre la naolonee minoe Conatlgt 8n conclu8ion qUII aceptamol

EI uelpo de artllleriA no deja que demiddot tla 01 ilunensu numero de oehgtelentOI clvllzadal y regullrlllAr la desde lU4lft) vuealroa aotos sea ellal (uere au natlishysearsusejercicins II 1011 111118 etCrupu- por eamppl()io do dillz y nueve hOrlll uglm lu demandlln la olvillziclon 1 _ mlez 10508 itotl Admirable el Jellledo y -80luololl siglo No 81a poslble dudar de la buena

do todOll basta del ultimo 1I0idado (e de aquell espon~nea proposlcion sin DOCUMENTOS 0FIeIALES ES Ef)OIOJV A OHONTALES dispueatos perecer antes que entregllr RgIlIlar a la e8 et bonor milltar 1 JOII

U - 6 h la pldl que se lea habia conllado cierto malt proclu90a atrlbutos del bombrel ElDECRtTAS DE OOB_ERlO


apol bull IfRon que Sill ny Guatro _ J Ch I 6 t A certilllmo y atln IIOmos COrto8 j pero lIus~re Jeneral Walker quo tantnll 1 bin No ito

EI t 1 p ra onts es 0 VI a es II puer ~__ d I M ON 1 ~ lifer ~11lI oeho de la matiana halfendo ph~oll afta Ir que e ayor eJ se repetJdllsprulIbae ha dado de maltnanl REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUAt

enndu 0 de una manera verdaderamente bull bull ~ desem ~ftado flU CQlnlslon los mdlVldoll ~ mldad ItO dudO en etecto ni Ull momen Seeretal1a de Elltado en el depaello (Ie t ti ~ - E her6ic~ Hallibllse postratio en una cama to y lIev6 8U generlllll(lad basta el utr Relacione Erterlores nuO rOI en snls aerlamen n I 1 d i h 11 b connn balazo 81 unap ema que elm- mo de entregar ill corneta que iIOhcUaban Granada Ootllhrl 2t de I85ampSan oS lIu v sus lOme lac 0110$ so a a a bull

bullJ I d I b d pll(ila dar un paso y Ie obhgaba bull servlrmiddot sill nlnguna de las lIeguridades que 8e El S P E so ha serVldo dlctar 411 de 1111 nUfillro e 10m res como e CIIn) d I EI 1_ __

d d 88 lIe os mu etas enemlgo lie lre- CIItJon en taIu CIlSOl COIltellto mnl Ceto igt~eD ~ -- _gt eine tode 1 QlIuotuelOn errotll Oil Oil Ii bmiddot I I WILUamp WR Preeldenw-daln eldla trece del corliente en csta cludn aerto y 1 eil


es om re que Illll a e featando que entre 101 mlillito prbonumiddot Republica deNlearagun lr sUiliabitsnte9 11 di I dtlene 89 UIIO de 04 indivlduOlI mall roa que habla hecho elY la lihlma aocion Siendo nece8SlrIo I~reditar un liinillrouo II IU u a tomaron a ue a reco on bull

q g q i 16nol 11 eJ6rlto Nada podia espemiddot e contaban Virios 06cla0bullbull que _tcba Plenipotenelano ltle rcpleaente a 111 RetshyDioo8 quo sahCTon escape as que $U- b _ d bll d Nt d I bl _T a raSede un 110m re en esta 0 en que dlpu_o cangellr respectivamente pGr pu ca e caragua cerca e ga n piera 111 Ilegadade Jos trem 6 tl~l11~ 61 se baUsba ain embargo hacienda un el Coronel Lain 1 por olnoo 6 sela in- de 108 Estados Unidos en IVI8hingtotl lIn RllngerB que III vapor cndllcla 0 b III el 81 t p l4 de dl II d J ntlab on U80 de IUS flleultades l

1 h b d b b t esueno 110 re uaUT J9 UOl e vopa que e 8oom- an DEC RET A bullIe d bull os Oil res 0 ar UI os comO d gt I I 0 ilia dlI8l1ila 0 que tellla sa 10 (1 clando Cueron presos por caaualldad en Articulo I N6mbralle Mlllistro Pleni ~ el 09 Icen locho tom6 lall mulllw y 81 sable y 8e il camino de llwaya En allo se es- pottnciarlo de la Republica de Nioaragua (JtfOETAS DE GUATEMALA Y presentO en ellugar ~a8 peJigfOSO arras peru la romillion del hombre ofteoldo cerl1 de 18 Eatedoll Unidoe al Senol

S AN S Hi VADOR trnndu la plema y atravesllndo las calles por 01 corne Q a1 conleta mlsmo que DoAn FemmCoFerrer I J b b t rt ~ IDnmquelle qu enes cor I -- con el agaa casl bull 1 rodlda (aca I a de era 10 replar y Jegitimo 81 ae aTrepenmiddot respondamp

Estos pOliodlcos pound0 oeupan do nuestro Hoverl dundo mnd6 con V071 do trueno tlan do nevar ndelante 10 que 4111011 mis- Dado en Granada 1 29 de Oetubre de Nienrlguell~o no parR reflllar nl una pn formal amp los hombres que alii se hallaban mOB babian Bollcltado opteniend) al fin 1856 WILLIAM WALKER Ilbm do los erimCIl-e1l servUes que hemOl y que Ilegaban oon sus armas dilltribuyo par unics rampZUII el J~er81 Walker una Al Se~or Jenoral Dun Jlliteu Pineda publi~do POrqIO III velmiddotdad os illcontesta la trnpn eolocindo en loslugarel opor carta del Jeneral Zavala en 1amp que fire MMn~troldoJa Guorra encargado deT dltl I bull mUltern enerable II~ deequltan descendlcn 0 as per tUllos orden6 1amp derenaa de vea eal ea testaba (ellto no puedo calUiCllrse) que D ~ d 1 I V bull evI en suprema 0 oumun eo 1

sonah ~de8 1In un lnnguage tan cl~lco que partell de aquellugampl y 8Oliclto 1 101 prlllOnerbullbull no querlan venir No ell para IIU intellgencia y demas erectos es ebmo us antares Su impotente uni e6caz It pelllr de su eltado de grandad a eato todo ino que en as propillll perandortlCibO su atento senillor Ie do p1i~8a fudose contla cl Jeneral tadu atendia bael6ndote oil su voz ell clrocnlltandlll Be supo oon allOmbro en 11 Pnnuu lIIque 10 ba dellpreelado stempre todas pa~teamp Nosotroa admlr4mol al e~ta cilldad el rullilamlento on 01 pueblo No 64 WI pe lulclo d - lllwlrles 8U cuenta eonlmiddot Mayor 0 Nell en aquelloe momentoa y de Diriomo del CoronelLalne y algunos

V bull l REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA ~ cnte Y oxneta eremos III e908 pan asi nOl plaee conS1lJllarlo on eata arUcl1 0 otros prisirneroa I I fllaa obre aquellOl S d __1 d ch d ecre1ana e ilAIo en e eeplt 0 e ~s 8 Oil ~ombre8 de chaneelarls COli EI Capitnn Wilkins lie condujo tnnbien jetos III deabonn eonmguiente y )1 IlCe- Relacionelllnteriores

dlglll d el dIll que 80 les presente que de unA manera brilllnnte en el millIDO cr8Clion univelflall i ~pnrten el des- GranadR Oetuble ~ de 1800 JlGr ci rto no ~t~d(jlls ($ si solo se con- lugar y despue ell la deftn~ del HOIIpi precio y vilipendlo que mcreccn Y 0011_ EI S P E ampe ha servldo dictar el de-ICIltllj COil eCBrlbu snrcnsmos tal en toda la neche Es de celebaTlle la pell el lugar degradante eli que les colOCll ereto -ul~nte

-------- d dId fa 1 I d d I El GOllemo coosldelando que soMalianl lie omharea con direceion u con ucta e 011 bull IS co tat voe qn~ IU In agllO proce el hallan vaeallte~ las Carteral de Reb

Nueva York el Sr Eermin Ferrer hallan en el h~8pltal oOClrgard08 continu Como era de eeparamprse loglco y natu- ciunes Haelenda y CrMito pu~lico POl 1 g b no amente de los enfermotl Dr Lundy y raJ e1 Jene1Walker ordeno y ae eloell- baberse encaado de la ml~lon dlploshynombrlld0 que ba SluO por e 0 leI bull t ~II b d W b

j I PI d t n_ (f Dr Brmkerhoff 110 8010 por las bUenae to II (I1I181111ento nu de todoll los prleo- m4tiea eel bull e ga mete e a Ing ~n s~o ellpo~enculT1o e es a p medidas de defen~ ue tomaron IIlno ton a1 Seior Don Fermin Ferrer quohllcs eefca dol Gabinete de Wasbingtoll ~ nellIS que en la Justa lndlnadlon acuo 1l1li desempeflsil 011 180 de aus facultades

Ell F rl b I rt II pur 10 resolueion que 81empre lea honrar otro mimo Jonero- en 8U lur hubler D E C RET A errcr Gsumpe a a ca ar - -- bullbull de Hciendn que qUGdo Ii cargodel Go altamente do pereeer todtlS antl8 que prevenldo sino Iolamelte el de un Ten Articul 1 El Sefior ~e~oral Don

D d M I - G S n ahandonar unos velnte y cilloo enCer- vnte Coronel I un Capitan que ctillltian Mateo Pmeda autual MIlllIItro de ItgtlIera ~ me A lUStrolaquo c uerft e - bull G bull gad dI I diS F mOil que no pod Ian movelse de IU lecbo eutre Iquellos nerra ser onear 0 IDtennamellte elimos i 1 auseMl1 tempola c I e diahaa caneras teQlumiendo el Mlnlsteio rer a~ paso qua nll8 alegramos de que EI Chbano que elo~11I 01 Mayor Potter MuchOll plllOl1ero quqda~ on poder de Jfjn~roJ ~1a do el c electo parala mislOIl que cn el ~rro que ~lmlltr6 cuyo nllmbre nuestla gblllrnocolltrA qlllel011 ~u4lera Art t ComtllllltpleleI qutenea cor IampMnuuce Alos EsttldOIl Unidostallto por no mllmfest6 pm IgnollrJo e8 el Seflor dMClrgllllle todo el pl8O delagravlo lnfo rCIJpcmda lI1llltlilrw y circuDttitceiR quole ldornall Don FtCncisco Aguero y Batrada Pre- ridn y hooerl(1S sentirde un una manera t8~do en GitLi1lAltt~Rdigt cuantq pOl que rCIihiramp belll1s impresio recto de esta cludad prolilllda los exesos de IUS ~etos qUI Pu AI Senor Jenera Don Mateo Pineda nos en 18 hormolllls ciudlulea del Norto (on 10 dicho sitiafacemos la justlcia ditgtran haber ngrlVlJdo au situacion I pero Miubltro Jenera Am6rfca debida aloe SenOIOs 1l0minadOl y nuestro I Jneral Wlker oon todaJ )R ventnjNl De urden supreml 10 eomuBlco V

Ie Idelleam(lll Ull viRge teli~ y pronto doseo de eselaroeer III ferdad siempre y la repolllioraucia de la posicion que pllrt IIU Intellgeneia y demas efootos retor~ quo podamoa baeorlo ocupa 011 tll embargo magnanlm~ y Je M Pnln4


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 4: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.

bull bull bull

237nNlCABA6UENSE Vol 1 No 41 p 5 Sabado 16 de Agosto de 18SS Saturday August 16 taSS

--~------_r--- shy

lil OUfL NIVb middot

middot On Wodneac1amp1 Nletllllguan aaniue conuu

tile gallant victory gAlRed by Uen tho SptIDlsh troopa at Las 100$

Col Lal1l6 amppplied to tho Gonerallll Ohlet 011 return Such emlpanta COIIStitute the true beltalf of tbe tbirtf-two Cubans to have Ita sup- clety of a State Wo learn that General 0 per nt bla quarto and requested tbe bon or Is Ito bearer oC despatell4ls from tile AmeriCAn

t0ud this ollnveraary occasion Rnd at tb JIlIDle lim 1 ~m commlnioned to place al 10ur dlspoaal

Ibuervlcelofthemenlnwla09llhobalftcomo W Afil Iure to advocate lind dutbud Ibe princlplPl of rivllizallon au] progmiddotcSlmiddot IIlId to 100al Itmr great ~bead and leader 0 Plloal for countenance and ppOImiddott on this oCCIIUon The Goneral cceplou flbo IIIVHMloll lho I1IItlle of LII$ Posas (or the UIs) W48

rought 011 tho 18th or August 1851 on tbe IsllUld or olib hCIlVeen 250 Cul1llna under Ge~ Lopez aud 700 Spaniards uuder Gell Elllla Tb battle di b th C blIuouglitntgrent SQuUIIege 1 e 11 ansbUI IlIlTerlhelen they gulned a brilliant ylctory IOotiog tbo Spanlllrds from ebosen and commalldshy hI pOllitlollil witb great 1058 It M In reloam llI4ne of d i victory thai tho tumlv6r ~ supper

bull ~ I ~ur edneaday mght fas gllmiddotOIl On the ontmnce of tbe GenorAI tho (lubana were dwn lip III line wllt Itor banner 10 frent At tho General walked pasl tb banner Wd8

drooped and Yankna Dooddle waB perfOlmed

by tho balld Tho bId Willi arrlUlled I General Walkers

iquartel1l the ilwleu guesta filled tbe reception room Anu parlor at a very early bour and alter

an lnltfval of conyersatlon nnd music were I filed to tbe supper table Tbe reped 6nlehed ~nd tbe glUBCS filled Ito Presldeot arose and prop080d bull I The batlle ot 1M Po_II demonstrated tha~U

Ibell tb y meet upon til open Ileld tho Spaniards leannot withstAna tho Cubens (Proinogad bullp I III ) P uu ( By Oharl Callahan Eaq-e bovo 1Ql8led Ibo living leI Ilamp remember the dead To Ito (emory of Crittenden Lopot alld the other bull r hlllvel wholo blood bas waleled the eoll of (luba llId COlI_rated It to tbe harvest of freedom

MaJor Caycee afier prefacing tbat Nicaragua was lbe nucieull erouod wblch thepalt1ot Oubau middot (1Illgbt rally and Ihat hori tboy ~Id flod bat lJ1llpRlhy Mid counsel wbicbmiddot fould Intorpose no bailie bus rether lend aeelatance to tho cauae

er progree8 everywhere proposed- It The Itealb ofour PresldiDt and General

i The wlldeet ellltusillSm 8uecoeded thll 011 monL and nolllDtII tba Gcneral aroea to respond

~uld nny volcalAIc been hoard tbe Prolldant d bo was lVell aware it Will tor 10 dced whlob IIGJ boen dono thet hi name reoelved ItII eb aeclamatlon bUI lor bat lt0lt1 10 bf tlMo And continued be If tbe countenance and support

or ~hosamp men who have 80 far sWlteioed me In

1117 cellrhall continuo to rollow and uphold the revolution what ever strength of mind or iorce of htud I possess shall be dOoted to tbe

bull cause GentiOnlell wbat has beenmiddot dODe It la to be hopod will lead to tbo (urlllmiddotIUlce or greater

resulta and tlollftdollt In tbltt I appeal to ~ middot (8IIIlIrelSa1 01 thIS clay III 186 bull DrigmiddotQen Ioras)y I drink to Ita 8UooOllll of

elll liule NaTi and to he beIIt of J Calonder )a18OIIXlbo flsl and only man te 8wb uhoro It (llrdenu witb II rope In bis mouth

Sellor Aruerro proposed the Liberation at luba for eaid the spOllter Ii b surrouodedmiddot b1 lillertv and muat be rce

111 Lieut-Col Lttlne Th~ Hope of OublshyimiddotOen Walker bull After tllle toilet Iho PreSIdent made 1 molo to withdraw hut bls tlcnlloo Willi claimed by lrig Ie~ lIornsby who proposed a toaet to d i

bullA woman wbosc glorious Iurt an act e JlIlnd will do mo 80rvioe to tho causa f IIberly tbal aU Olr etength 01 muaclo-to HIl Gen Cuneau-to COra Moulgomery

d h f Thunders of Ippll080 succeeded on t e eoll lIIent lIa8 drank ampt11l1ding and in honer

181P 70 ClloarALls-OIl tbe 23d of July party bullf ccnteen AIIICIicnns and twelve natives left thlnlt ulldar 001 nyrau Colo for an exploration 9ftbe DCpArtftlMI of Ohontala Aftor an absonce ufnlneteell dys tho pftloty returned 011 Saturday luI 111111 glod bOllllll lind well pleaed wl~h tlae Irip W lIayo to of th journe) teltell 1Io-n by 0110 of tho Ricers or tbe party llleh we laaU Irobably lay bcforllt ollr fflldol1lnext wtclk

bull gentkmnin amplid(0 In the literary

I4-0ora HontSO-gtr)

w eeks be muct to tirebull bad tbe pIoaelItt to meet bull bull 0 I aatiafacllo We

m to tle r OWll n olley IlIampve In tb_ next steamer for New

1 6rk ~~d we IU Ibem a Co pusage and aha

dlplomt accreditlllg bla rep_tetlnn his Attelldance ampld 001 1ln6- Legation to Ito Slate DeparUllent Art 8 Qomml1111cated to hona It mlY OlInmiddot

0)1 the PlUt or tbe Cubans I Illyite )011 to at- bull bull GOOI) Bu - Sovore oflte omcere or tla bull b tlali bull lied upon H~or DuatnburyYlrtOlU on Itll b r hie d rtllre for

last Friday evenng core I-e )lnesa) to bid hhn good~) ftIId a pp rea dunce ill the p~t lit wltlcli IU1 If aboUli to be t4tlollod Although tb vWt III probebly not

bull h It d to eltpe~led by hllll hu too mlu~ b 10~Ied bq talltcn ullawares preselltly bull a II ft

with gllS8e and tile report of th corke 1II~h eu out of clllllllpalgno OOtll Berved u all

pepp bel h I lnvltalion tor those plnt to t 81l1li v~ te dlctete It following yenajlll Hon gtlIl1oobuy 0 COIIIH ran wllt all be honore And lin D_bu and

obIbloek-ere Little Darry -It eblp IIII tb rI lid Th tout~ Intull bumpers ~Iler dIng Prsldent and mallY otber tolltlta to p~ot an absont friends tho company repeating Itelr but wlibes for tllOir 1101l retired lIoch plebullbulled with

omeot tbe HIOr 8 style of eotortel ====


DECREES OF m GOVumNT -- -~---

REPUBLIO OF NICARAGUAIIlnistry of Relatioll8 and Oovemllient

Granada Augaat 1amp66 The Supreme ElIecutive Power b been pl_ed

to dictate the following The place of Cblef Clerk 10 be Departllltm or Ullderalgned Board of Colllmldalell_

lJacienda blilog vacant Lit (IflIt Iiaciendat of 14CQ~ in ih 11 IS ORDlmlilD t J) R

1 Appofnted Ohlef Clerk or be Departolent of cpe 1Mn oJ - lIacieltda Mr Mauuel Flellr 111amp1 bclonslng to Juan lOR Rul_

2 CommWllcated to wbomlt lOlly concernmiddot parrs do WlLLIA)( WALXER Palmar Pablo Tor_

Br sulenor order Ihils eommWllcated to 10U Palmar J )llUluellCelelllo for )ourmiddotmtollIgenllllmiddotand pl10per action 8 Orcbarda or email

Fc8nCII Welsl of Stalle Haelendu F B Oarazo fiaclenda Indalecln IlaIGAllo

REPUDLIC OF NIOARAGUA Roaerio middotJose Antonio Lopezt )loiatt of Relations andOovomment o(the Uandel~ria do Supreme GllvernlllenltTraniLdaAugIlne SaliOay8taDO amplTadorampcau To It PrefecI or the Department or III P08IOci Hacienda Felipe A Yliles

The Supreme Executive Power hAl been pta DaYld Bartolo Darco to dictate be rolloing bull

THE GVERlfllEN 1 v I In Ie ot the _gnatlon of -- ampIIue

Oanaacoaa u IIlnister oC HacIenda d Public Oredit and 10 vlrlue or Ita anthonl

ORDERS 1 That the llinister or Relatiolll Don Fermin

Ferrer IIhall _ume the Seeretal-ysblpa or lIaelen d And Public Oredlt wbleh baTe been occupled bY Generllllallllel Oarraseoaa

la Communicated hi bom ft~~rLEt Commulllcated to )orr~r Inteiliaelloealld

to r aeUon awailing tbe oorreapendlng 0shy~Jledgemont

rEaM IIlnlateror State


HlnlaryOfReiatlOllll alld Government Granada AugWlt1 1866

To tho Pratoot ot It Department ot Tbe SUproDlO Executive Power hll8 been pl~

to dictate tbrough the Minister or Uaclellda tle following decree

The President o( Ite Repuhllc of Nicaragua being deairoWl of aupprnaslng the contraband trade wbich Ii 80 bllquelltl carried on te Ibe velJ great damplrimeut of Ibo ~ca1lnt0re8ta of the

RepllbUc bull DECREES

euedto dlctak tbe following U- Warelloll4U of Lopez Jose Anlonlo ~z 111 WALKER Preaident of the llepubllo of Good size corner of Piau Bar-el Pall

Nieargee 10 I lohahllant In rear 01 tame 1I0t colllplet do do III ~ of varioWl queaUoml which ~IlY_ Good size eaat comer of Piau 10 Alfaro

rl18n betw~~n~reat ~rlIaJ~~~h~~pbll~~ DvIellinJr Hllllem 11lt1 D GranadatheNIeangaa -fe to --s _ry 11 lablllg to eatabllah trlendablp IIIId harJllon~ be- VerylargUo 8to1 adobemiddot and brick comer of tween the two II8tlnnll tbe g cat aqllampre Fulgenclo Vf8 shy

DECREES lClddUllg ~ed adobe Alltonlo BUberelio Arllcle t Appointed Hillister PlenIpotentiary Large adobe the Oha_

lor be Repllbllo of NICllrAClt he Government )(lddling sized adobe ~ose )I-dbull of~2~it~M~~rich e~~da~O~i La~ ed~~ ~i~ClCe~~IIo

eflrn WH WALKER Given Itl Granada Auglllt 9 1858

B11dJ1erior order Itls tA communicated to you roryourlnfOlmAdonend properactlnn Your obedient eervut Frallill FamplIaltJl

Minister of State


llinlllry of Relatlnne end OOf8rnment Granada August til 1850

To the lrerec~ of tbll OeparhlllllltTho Supreme lbeoutlve Power bu been pleased

tnB GOVBBNllENT WlabIng 0 WIlteto the tranaecllon of the busImiddot

n ortho~oftheRepUbHcOfNlcareguaIn the Voltod

RDBBS Artlele 1 Appooted Seoretar) of IIIId Lege

110ft Don P~ro Ygmln Bel h I Art 2 Commuldeated to 11 0111 l mal conshy

cem Gino In GrampllAde AugIIIstltl8fi6 _ WIL(tAH WALJCER ouB1 811pe1 ~ larocom= e~~ct

for your 10 ODdln Packnowledampment alon ortbe =~ lIlnllUCll Hinler orampte

P1i N tl ~ a C 0 ce

IUfeutofJ of propedy levied upen amplid nbJect to enllfiatl08 by firlOe or tb deoreea or tbe tid April 18G6 aIId 161h July 18661 by th_

VleJO C1ell_n~ Bantoli one haU Sapoa of tbefllllllly ofSagaeru ene bait of be lbelenda Felipe ampSiDloro8o BaenzTba Jelio Tbe Cerdlll 8 HMielldlll J oae Abareo Ball Francl8co J JUIIII Arguello OomlllssionenJ two-tblrda of the lIacienda R ltlara111IIl Francleco Guerre

Biconte Guerra lIaclenda BopUote Franclaeo Ugalce Hacienda DOli FaSriclo JUy amp Bona

Lilt 01 Haci(mda of caDao ilt lui Depr(11I6 of 9r1lna44

LnHeroedea helonglog to be Chamonoe Acua Agrai do lIIa1aco Fulgenclo Yep Nlceclo Nieaolo 01110llombado ]lerneodo Sequeira Domingo Vega LllIamiddotHontlel Vlentlcuatro Narc80 Espinoza Cheiulte Joae Marie BstrJlda


Notiee Or DiMolUtiOIl 1 TIUI

Partnership of Wiedeman amp Bes6hor

In eM ()jill 0 (haM RPI~ 0 NIcaragua l PETITION having been filed by George tl Ph Beachoi before tba honllllble T~omu Beeyamp Judge of Iltst InBlampnce for Ihe OrIentalDeprt~t ot the Republic of NiCAragua for a dlaaoluuon of be partncrehlp buhToen WledeshymAon and Bellobor merchata In Ite city of Grenada alld Republlo aforeNd a ~~roe aa IS

Article I Any pelllon who hell manllftct~ Guaplnotapa Lula oouel P 0 0 VENABLE aDy contlablUld artieles or effecte or who avail lbe Palac~ AOlonlo Barbclreno bull trame In tile sal or puroh of said arIIclee or bull Oloit of Court ofPiral IUllene eff~ulll or ahell uaiII~ In condllc~ln Item flOlll Sock Ranclc In tAc Department of ADeTIOI lID CODI8B101 BODSE

bull bull wed In compllallc~ wllh tbo ~Id petiUon dlllllolvStoelt Ruflch III the Dpart1Mn of IIIg the aforesaid partuenhlp on 811lt1 from tho Okontales and fiiHIfOlJia fourth day 01 Allgust V166

_ G tbe talOiI of lulgooeia Vega The afomall Ueorge Ph Beechormlll he 1 eroullllG _ power to ottlothe ec~Ollllts of the flrm aforeeald Jeallll)laria - IUIIOUOli tho said Wicdemaqn baviog rellnqulsl1ed ail claim t~ LiDodc-r title or demllld to ampIIy of tbe Btock on band and one partofSan lose Anlmaa SalvadorSaetH tIlG~~~srtnrnthta IIfteontb dll of Au Qulmicbap FOIIIIlIl Se~uelra t k D 1856 y Y

one pltlca to lUIothlll wbolter employed ea teller RivasOr eonduetor of Ito same ~ or ho shall1n en) other way defraud the revonuea of the Stale ball Santa Fe tho fDlllilT of I Hmullfaleallo he punished by lIl1t not ~ng alx Inmdrad dollaraor imprillOnmetibHlieknnofalx mont

Ad S Tile obligation of an ciyn or militarY employeD eIIal be to pUl8ue lind apprehend all eontraballdl8ts and conduet them before the Jlldge ofFlI1lt Instanco of tbe DeplltlMat wbore tho _0 I to bv tned r the said Judga ebaU h and de31de tho CampI8 lixillg tbe penalUI)II estelr tlsbed in Art flit

Art 3 Commtnunlcaled to whom It mI tonshy

cern WAr WALKiltGiven In Gl1Innd tllla aeventh d~y of August

one tboUillllldmiddot elghUiulldred and fiily-aix

TO tbo Iflnieter of Haeicm Doll FOflIIrn Fer rer Brauplor ordor thl Is cemmullicated 10 10 roryour Illformation and proper acllOn 10 ex- JlOctetiOIl of Ito correa~ndinl acknowledgmenl

FEIIIU) hll8lta llilllater ofampato


Illnlstry of JtelatlOllll and Govommont Granada Augu-t II 186

Sir-Tbt Supreme Executive POIIer bii been

Jocote E ltlara80 Otal do Dopot near 8aOJIIIIII delSufdo Dopot llear Virgin Bay do Juan Davi Jose llaoue lIaIeaflo Lao LaJ RafaellzSan )(alCOll Joaquin Dendallegt bomiddot Joae Antollio bull

ltII Cruz J0I11 Anlonlo LOpez San Jrenclaco llontenegro )I~ lnocllottUuekOevadilla lalldino JetuMaria indigo eateto JuanJose Rulz

1J IlI tT Cil Rwe tnlf 1111$18 m e y 0 jllesII Dwollingl UBe AQtirca Oppoelto thlllarocllial Oburch Cboplta BI$toe Large adobe J n J080~ulz

bull raquo0 CIltmIe~te - 1Hal II

~~=Jo~~COIlfl 010shylhe Il~at )lal1 partly burned Fr cl8co Guerra llIddllu~ lle eOl11er o tile Piau or square

Ralael P_ HidIlIIng elle adobe Pable Torret

Do do Salvador Sa_ Do do Jose Argl1~Uq Arce bull Do do Luia )4onliel Du do Nar~leo Eaplo080 Do Luelano LUCiano Vega Do large Marie Lulaellorem Do do JooeUben Do do Ventura Gamez Do do Guadalupe Horalee

lIlarga altlobamp Dwellfng8 amprlo VivuLargo corner or the 8nall equa Juaa Bermud Large comer Indelecio Meailo Large adobe llarll Bellquechea

Uo dO llnciano Corales Two Dwelllllgt POO ifrenco Oorller or the square Fermin Arana Large adobe Jos AnlOriio Lacayo bull

Do do Fernando (luznlan dolUllg of Maleo Eaplnoltl

It neflltlbeRowea_ Drau11a Ubau

one pad ola houeo In llaoagua of J BreuUigt UbampD bull bull bull _ HacaendtU oj cClCoa fn tke JJsrdactlM

of Nandame Hacienda orFolrl1llo Atalla Sau AnlOlllo Vineente JOIlquin aad Pedlo Cuadra Hacienda fMateo pin_ In Jlalaco of Joee Breuli~ Ubeo In theSlnerualJ~ nearcraiY~Fetipll ltampbHaS

Ott Ra fkfq n vIampon 4tlCtSan Nicol of loelipamp Alfaro Hacienda of Joee Altoolo Lau)o HflnjId of L8Alldro amp 1amp

laA certain pad orSan Jose lee Callee Blcent_ Joaquin and Padro Cuad bullbull Ilerced in Tlpilaua of L_dro $amp1 San JldntO 01 Illguel Dolau08aod brothen 000balf ofBan Roque of Agustin Ayilez ~ebrada Boode DololOll ~IU Ban Blu of Domingo Jarquio Oorps of Pro Garcia 10 Acoyapa of )llguel Oullo __ ~ Timoeo Laca10

AU pOIllODI haVing claIm on Ibe pooler~11neluded III Ito Inventory of thlt publICation are hereby notified to psen thlyOll wilb the -ar1 proofs to the ndralJII~d BOlIrd of OomllllBllonerll a~ Iheir ollice In Orlllltdo t tbo hoUHcalled Onente lllIlolod da8oftbedate of thla publicUion aIId ahow eampiIseiC an Itey bave 11 said properlJ sbampll not be aoldCor and on accouotor be Republic ofNIcaragua

GraoadaAllgust 111868bull W K ROGERSJ H HARSH ALL J L RIOHMOND


ARE uo prepared -10 cerr1 on the Auetiollaod Commlaslon BNllneaa ill corumulon withtbeh

Exprcu Duties on goode conSigned will be ad vaneed and (lusOJll houe bullln attcnded te lor paltlel wbo tntrUl bU81neampa toIte compllll1 Llbc1 advAneea by drala on New York lind san Franoioco will bemadoon receipt of nlerehandiz In the custom house Te building oceuplcu Win amp Co Ie ~P of 8toring teu thou88nd barrels bulk and genoralIIercliandiee will b to ceived on Iorege

J A BUOGLES AgentGranade-Don latriclo RivlIlI Snn Froweiaco -0 K OrillOn 4 Co No York-Cbbullbullbull

MOrgllll amp 410Granada Aprill2tb 1866bull ___ __ ____

Dr lagolul Pot TENDERS IUS SERVICES to tit ciliaen It

Grallada alld vlclnl~y bgt the prACtice of

MED1CINE SURGERY amp MlDWlFERY ar om and residence on tbe 80ulbweat 1lOfUr of lbbullbulltroot op(lOlllc the ampn liaocl8co

Collvent GrIIII8da Jllnel 181S8

EL NICARA6UENSEVoll No 44 p 2 Sabado 6 de Sepllembre de 1856 Saturday September 6 1856280

l_ ----OenamprlllAerl forthoam-dtThotWltfor At I ~ t tar a gn() ntl t ll) fb ~ + 0_

Saturday Mornin~ Sept 6 ======== -~_


rocell nOll Tn eKNIUtU ORDERS or THEARllr

OIlHIIL COURT MARTIL-A general court ~utlal hu beon In ae88lon during tho week in veSligiltlng Iillch offellce aft might be brought bemiddot fore It Tbe rollowing omee constltutod th~

~Irt- Brlv Gen l~ry Col M B Skerrot Major J 0 ON~ and Second Lieu W H atbea AdJbtnt Dn Latllorp cted 88 Recorder bull

IlI(OlIpolUTIOJl or COlPANIKI - CompAIIY O Fir lAlli lalillltry hU beftoOmeJrted IntI) Com-PfUlT D vllh Captain J amel amleson com-bullmandlng and tbe coriqueat or Mexico It la our duty to

f C WII mako ar upon Nicera or In other words

pOwer deee not eeue when domlnlun1 attailled bperlenceproves thnhucc_onlyaggraTlltoll be dealre Spain has no Intentloll ~ Umlt ber conquest lt0 Mlco but ahlimiddotmiddotrlll carry her 11 to tbe eztreme pOint of80uth Amerl trsuqceaa ruirlIsitance Ii not mademiddot

II then devolea upon Nlcaigllamp to detOlmlne br line of c~nduct If the conOict mUll be for-cad upon ue-Ifwe are really in danger of Euro peea domioatloo-does It not stand us 10 haod to ClIocert witb otber Statoa wbat I bes to be dORe to avcrttbe borrors tltat ma reenltmiddot from the vicshytorlou reestablishmen of Spanlsh domlolon 011

bla Istbmus tbe leading nation of Central America I tbe representative of freedom asmiddottbo exemplar of Jolnlng StAiea I Ia tbo dut~ or NI ~gQ to Inirpose her ~wor bet~en Spain

080 or LBnIR-Tho letter 0 apt bull D- Is b th IIt_I comp 18 cbngedftomO to E and aasilt 10 defending th freedom of Spanlah Allier Illalor Captala centkeefmiddots jlompan1 cr(lm E to D lea andmiddot to do tbb auooonlullr we bould coun

It lIdIaliuriai 411 all dlfterencea and united elfori to AI~obullbullOaIlP TO TRII GIIER~L-Oaptalo Fran repel_ultAs one atlck may be easily brOfcefl

lfahon bu beea Irsnsfer1Id from tbe CommaryDe irmeu to tbe taft of the Commnder-In- hen eeparted fom the bundle so one StateChfeL unwJatOd b he GOorederates illiall an easy vlc- tim to tbe 1owerof Spain and baYing thle union

tfEXOO ANIJ SPAIN-DUTY OF la Tlew wo alould nOI exult tbat tbe Nortbern OENJRALmiddot AMERlOA

The comblntlon betwoon tbe northero States

Ilgaln Niearagua butlliled Forsomereloollllshykoonto Lbe publIc tbe acluall~y o( ar no 1011 ger e~on out oorthero frontier LeOIl II (It reseot OpOIl ~ tbeoccupatloo of die forceJl oUbe ~ublc and Ir tbe Commlnder-ln-Chltf doe not flUTlaoll ~h P- ils because tlereexliIino ueoeulTtba be ibould send a battalion aw7beshytore 1 IBldle are pald off t prnUbe Pa

Iagu balftiledi b~ttber look U~I) 1amp ann inshytrp88illon of tovldence guiding II the SlateS to

Iomiddotd Bmiddot d 111 Ibl h d anun n un ar on ran an II ex bull eR bull In Opposition tcunYlhlng like 10terpeJIllonnom Eushy



Oa the ad or8ept~mbar 1865 GlIn WIlIiln Walfftr with tortY-IlTe ~llleme ~rgeon od


-- co_vFisOATiiiTPROPERTY peoplo Iginot only unrcsonablebu~ i~idb a IiccDse to thom hereafter They willmiddot Dol reoogmiddot

In the oours ora week or t o we shall publi~h nlselts geueroity but attrIbllte-it to somo batemiddot ~ descptloD of many of tbo valuable estta In motive Rnd in their prll6cy h ~rnlDeb~ tb~ Deptment 01 Ri~a DO 8d~ertled in EI oald bderidodas a dupe We h middot no fcar Nlcaraguonse as ubject to con68ctlon Our esmiddot thM the Commission will aY-er fmiddotom ill ~mporanl peelel correepoDdent II at rmiddotresellt cngged in a and essloti1 duties j bUI we haTo tbrown 0111

mit to lhac Daportment j and beluga gentleman these general observalion as e~periencla gained of mucb discernment alld acquaintance with corremiddot from biatorvand overy doy )ilo i Ipondene w~ lDay promisemiddot faithful and re~ibl The Bord has already invostigated the firt account ofthe property liable to sale 110 til reo case and ita ruling alfords a u middotnt~e bullbull ~ its CutUrt

port upon tbo situation and capacities -of tiie hacimiddot conduct In tbe matter of Dltndano owcr of all eodaa tbeir present growth nd tho crops tboy estate In tilo department of Rivlll who I accused might Jiro~ueo i~ oWlled and dirltcted by experimiddot of leaving tbe State contrary to the law allbough enced frmors Embra~ed ~n ~he list wili be found be proved just as wighl have beell expected ranchea growlOg cacao IOdlgo sugar tobacco wbatever tha Board Irescribed that be should coBee rice corll banallBa aDd planlains Besides proye slill as he did 1101 ples~lIt tbe original till theaeataploarticlea ofproduction 011 thesa Oches pper~ the CABe set bck ond he was Qrdrod

b ~ middotmiddotmiddotd ~ d t bl lDaymiddote ouo ~any Ults an veg~ ~ ea toomiddot nu merous 10 menton The preent COlldlllon of-thee estates IUC at practlca mo~ mglIt U ollce takeboldand wltbthe firat year reahse an abundant 1lold 110 Bucb a crop h~wever as he might proshyduce III tho Iceond and tblrd yeunt wtth be supomiddot rio b od d tl t A I r mac mcrya c uea on omiddot QlClICa~ nven-middot lion and Inl8lecl The manner of growln~ corn 10 this ate I~ 10 make ~ Inlall round hole 10 the ground IR whICh tbe gralR Iadeposlted 1pound Is tbeo let to grow as bell It c~nl without any uaisuIRco except one or tWII weedlllga As a IDI tter of course 1 bullbull tU will no do everr1lting and the reault i a

glOtb ofstalk from three to five feethlgh~ bearshying notbing butamall nubbln~ to use a fannea term We ~ppeal to tho Igli~ulturia~ If wben illch Is th case h~ might not expect fitb proper sub-soli ploughing aodjudlcioUB boeing and hilIIollt n ear or com equal in evorrreapec to tbQ Indi ana or western Pl9duct 80 ILia wit every otber

~iterGeneralis bll8il1 eOIPC~d III maldag pa Bay br liTe hundred and forty oflbe bait oati training tbe sugar-caneofthls State challengel a ~~ta as rallu ~ par qUs IINI be mdemiddotou troop In OcIltnll Amerimiddotmiddotundertb coumand of comparison with tb of LouliRna or Texaamiddot Tbe hut tbe IIDMllled ooadltloo or the countly the iD~ GiiardIola The Ogbtlasteci abo~tlwo hours talk Ia uauoll ~a lJicb and a balf and two Incbes upld t tWo of alfalrs tbemiddot mant ll00lIIII18 and resulted III tbe eotire and oomple~ rou~ of In tblckneaagroI to tbo hlght ofeight and ton 111amp JllltraIIymiddot aCcru In time o~ war ha all eon- the attacking party- ff Guardiolas fore elgbty- feet closely Jointed and veYJdic1 Tbe 8tubble ~ to relUd tbumiddot aeUlemen wblcb Ue com ilxmiddotwe~kllle 011 tho apot ieveal wounde~ ho Is neYe~ luperaeded but Iii aUowed to glClw on for lllAoderbull 10 Ious abould bemiddot mad wltb the er~ broughtl~ Ier die lI~bt and onll omel1- a generatloo A~ auob a dliadYantage and with mr- Mvea g9t back to the town of RITas wlthou berdlyan apologrfolmiddot Dlills tbe augar of NiOllragua

Tbo raSult oftheloabloatlon In tlleNorlhl~ arm and of whom tbl1 lIerda died oftbelr Italmoa equal on Ita Brat b9i1IlIft to the best a poltlcal nec_It IbretliI upon ampoduraa ~u~- WOQntli At a minimum tbree bllodred ~~t lave cbryatallzed sugar sold iomiddotle 9rleans lbe gralo tJemllAimiddotbullbullutBao Bakadb~ noHnoramp b1 ttfolleo been ~HIljimiddotlId died 10 the wood1Dnd at Rival ia Rure aod clear IUld wo han a~n aRecimens

_ te~ oitve 1rOOpI W8a alacked In VI~gln pecles of planting and OIve) bull Ith thl Indifferen

tobrillg forwlUd the Decesery d()Cumell~ legally attested bJ the proper anlbolltie 0 hi- CSIt b 1confiscated

ThiJ is th~ ooy ~Afo rule Ibat wllere it Is at all possible the Court sbould illsist upqn haTing wiUIlI Instruments inatead or oral leaiimony

on 11 matlen pertalUing to tillea to real esltmiddotmiddot It is tben Impossible except by forgery 0 deli1tud tbe Govelnmeol

J middot1 DI~It EE TO SO ULEi

011 saturday the 80th Insl R dhner was gllCllL

by G~ F f t~ Ni It A bull n razcr 0 e car guan rmy b

comphmentto tbe Hon Pierre Soul who wal about to doparl ror bis home in the Uuited Stte Thea e we8 bo~ -8nlY peraons prescnt am~nK wbom fero Brlgader General Fry N Amiddot Col Weeler American M~ollter Hon Pierro Soul Pb R Tbopson AdJllant GeneralN A Col Tho FfFlher Quartermbter Oenerol N A MllJor Ccane Acting Postmutcr General Col Mark B_ Skerret F R Col Jooe~ Paymaller Geoeral Nmiddot A Mr Jobn Tabor of EI Hira gpen jMrCharles Gallaban of Ibe Customs Demiddot p~rtme)lt and In line all tbe delArtlD~ta of Iht CIVIl ad military gonrnment were rI reaentea The dlODer fas g~t up In a very exc lent manmiddot neralld Included lome of the rareit vegeltblt productlonsas weU as tbe cboces middotjallds and yy ~ood wl8a 4 I

B~SIdler (Ieneral Fry prelided supported 011 dUeohteot ofihe n=eolt thon bI tho fear nilw (It ounda ~eeoled In the lgM OM Walker perfoctl kaolpRrentwbici were never subJeeted his llgbt by rho U~II lJieCSoul alld bn bb I~ rreel) expreid tb Spa~o wlll mako an attempi bail nooe of his forco killed and but nine wonud- 10 any regular prooCII ofcbrratali~liop A gen by the UIitedStateB 1Iiniater i toaubJiJilllte )(exlca od IIIt1mately tbe Iybole of ed allof wbom recovered Of the nino two were het ampmtrlcul pOele88ion An Jgeoi frem Gua~ rIIlemen ~lId seveD 1I1l1e8 telitiilamp had OIIl11ited tft ympatbles of KuIco liidlt Gan Walker About thistillio the treasoR otRIYIIJ occvred aud he Ilad Iieen grsutcd pershybullnla1ioll to recruit forcel in that State 10 Ierve Jigalria thll Republic But on tbo receipt or cershylain rill~ frommiddot Europa that Spln seriously conmiddot ternplated a war Y1~h texico President Aluraes refoked tbe Iluthorlirmiddot io oalial soldl in bat StIlte an4 Ulltil arull planatloa was offered It wu ib~ugll ~ middota~ Iould ~r1i8 between Mexico nnd Guatemala Bul the matter WIIS explained aD as n matter oC COUJS8 Guatomala fell equally hterelted Mexico thll eve poasibllJ energy sbould be lel witb Alvaraell tomiddot repel Spanish agshygre~lon 9Il Mexicobull Tbe80 facts have notblng to 00 ~Itb ua other tbun to origloato a Rlaller beshytween Nlcrgllamp and Mexico whlcb mllSt be setmiddot tied beforemiddottbe ltate can eatertain an1thlng but coolness towa~ that Rilpublic

If I Imposllbleto conjecture how mucb trutt may be attacbed to tbe reported lotentlon ohlte Spanish goveuuont Wh~t8Ter tbeselnshytenton wete preleul to the exlatiog rovolytion tit hlime juat be Spain Is so fraught with Intershynal coo~ulllons t~aI ~IO apprebenslo~1 need be en terLllned- 011 thia aide the Atlantic of an attack from ber DOW too buon occupied 8Oidle1 FlIr

tbe ftlturehowenr wben ber govommelll may

TIl 84of Septombol~ 1816 being the ampRnl Teraary or Ihla victory ~Il of the bo)a wbo were the battle delermlned to saddle up aod reo qllelUbe GeMrsl to rldeout with chem tblnklng II the most aoberaod plea Ilt metbod ofabowlng their regard for thelr much btiloved ~olDnabder UnfortunteI1 they or 100 late for upon reo pairing to the Genrals qurters tboy found thtmiddot be btd already gone to ride It was a great dltshyappointmen to tbem but tbey took a galloll to th lake and on tbelr returll stopped at the ell of th b~tT81 andmiddot dtmlJlhn b) luvltalion oC Col Jones aJyenl touted Tb(- BaUlc or Virgin Bay and tbose w~o tfere ClQgaged In It Thoy tben rode arouod tbe city ~1 th~ Churcb or tire Altab ald baH to tbe Plua when b1 InYltatlon ot OoL An- deraon the repall-ed to tbe Walker Dbuaealld again IOIIlted tbe 81nloC tho ad efSeptembtr 1866 AlerwAMa by InTltadon fir (01 Jonel tbe) brougt up at hi relldeoce wbere seated arouud hi table wlLb plenty efbrand water and cigars many Incidents connected with tbe cammiddot palgn were relted many amusing aoecdote told and a gcood time bad generally up to ten oclock P raquo wben tbey dlpersed oscb to their reapecmiddot tin quarters

We gin the names of ~e genUemoa middotIn town en Wednesday who were preseat at thefigbt of

beeOllla stable from an allianco wltb tbe h)uae of Vlrgilmiddot BooPIIlO when FrCflch force than be aIded to ber obstinacy it la impossible to dc~ermioemiddotwat Action abe ~aJ take 0 realize ber long cherlsbec Iope of reoewed aOTeIelgoty OYer ber former colshy001 In America Tho kolowledge or tbes hope~ and along Rcquaintnocc witb the headlong penJatency oh~ Spanish l8ee creates a r8llll0nshyhle (er In tbe Mexico Republic tbat It will nol be long before Spaoish guna will como tace to face I~ tbe CIlltlo o~ San Juan do Ulloa The pout bWtr~ tbat I rance nlly alford ctd asalstshyaoce creates tbe greater danger and the moro wshygon lIecesai1 fo~ dereual preparalion

TIle 88me ~uso wbicll ahould c~eate appreben ion In )(osieo (ought not to bo aUen to NIra~ gUll It Spain desires to re-establisb Iter 10TershycltDtover on8 portion of ber tormer depellden-

CoL A Jon Cpt D n Bailey ~iPtbull J V Hoof Capt Oeo M Leollard To~nt~rdoelj ~ie~~~~arkhIDi Wm E bull Moody Bamuel Kenlltdy Lieut WID Matthew Wm Andcrson Charles Fiaber DUSIITIIO COIlPLlIfIRr_Th M_ya lIerald

88y th Mn DUlenbor 1111 at MllJor Dusenshybor1 now In conlUsndt M_ waa the firs Amerlcall lady thllt ever ascended to tho summit of the vohlano of middotMasaye We believc Mra DII Mnburl WI not only tbe firat American lad) that ever ucended thlll vo1callO lIII1lhU lIbe waa the 11m lad1 tbat ever broko tbemoootony of lIIllAY Ille by becoming a resident 10 Us midst

AlTAL 0 ~DA BrulIIR-The San Carlot

tlemao from Illlaaiasippl wbo baa lived III Leon Aner Ioe more substantal part of tbe entertaamiddot~ al80 Io~om uatha~ the iug~r uaod In that scctlo~ of the State la not ollly eqlllln every r~spect to tbe beat Loulalau table lugar but tbotlt18 sold cheaper Not Doly doe~ tbe country present In aspect moat fut9rable ~tbe agrlotmurl In all tbe abonrespects but It ia undeniably Olle of the beat grpegrowln~ atates in tboworld Theprieata inforlllll UI thttmiddot lnanyeara ago tho grape las cultlvated to cODalderabte extent and -Ine WO0 dllcecl lupenor even-totbe celebrated Catlonla brand The Spanilb government however In a Jealous mood ordered aUth~ vinea to be cut up

ment had bee~ disposed of toasts to tbe iPresiden~ of Ibe RepublIC Ib~ Hon PIrre Soul~ be AmeH cau Minlaterthe glvcr of Ibe entertalflJllent tI beads of the various Departments of t~e Gllveru meot and many of tb gentlemen pretoot ~ropoled drank 1I0d reaponded to Ith much gusto I

Gencral Fry presided wilb his ulual groe Soul displaed such eloquence upon Nicaragan alllrs as plaly sbo ed be iaterest he too~ hi theilgt and 001 Whoeter wla al usualbrilliant ~nd will1 11 would be useless to endeavour to deserlbe

and the manufacture of ine ~o~ be auspeildod Cptaln Frazier 8amptyle we sball not tbe~efOl1 amiddot Aler the revolutloo oflodependence th country tempt It It is lumclent to lIy that he performed beeame Involved Ill such a ltate of IPucby and tbe part ~H m~ne bos with ecl4t I) btselrbull1HI consequent uncertainty tbilt DOmiddot efForts weloe made to tho satsfllctOD of his guull to re-commeoce tbe cultivation of g-ape and a Tbo company separated al leven ocl ck to ~ look a tbe wasted rllncbes nd deoayed b uildi~g8 tond at tbe Presideot~s Levee bull that mark tbe Statea gradual decline Will lit once DUARTOR~-The stealDer Sail Oarl08 Ir cooYloce tbe most skeptical that this Is tbe 001 tbi port on ituesday iRat for middottbo Ban JUIO ril eri 1eI800 1by tbere are no vloeyarda ill Nicaragua with tbe Illtelltion of connuctlng Itbtho Nell at present At eYery point tbe 61gna ofmiddotdecay are Orleaa steaDIer I mallifeste and eTen the elthltmiddot baciendas are The Hon Piorre Soule took hia dedarturo o~ aot free trom tbe reproacb No Improvements tbe S crlo~ and 1188 attend d to th~1 b b b o appear to have been made within the Iut fifteen a large nUDlbe~ of friend In ompall ~~ 1I or twoot1 yelrs except allcb as e~e absolutely Soule Col Fisher Col Muocoaas and~L1eut Gbull neceaaary i and at evory f~olstep ell8ts tbo sign Y Giattook their departure fortbeUoiled Statu of I former wealth llId population not now known 1 tomiddot thomiddot State Jii~TIC~ to OYII2nS or LUB V_~L~Attenmiddot

The Boardof Commi88loners to dctennine on tbe tioo II dlfected to tbe notice of Cbarleal ColiabID rigbt or the Government to COnaSClle tho properly i another ~~tDn a~vertising 01 perso~a nuIS adYerliaetl leAt preaon in aston In this cit) tlng tbea of Nicaragua lIDd tbe ~ivor Sail Many place haTe been taken p08881Sion of by J uall tbAt hereofer tbey must take 0 IIcenHI tbo ollleen of tho Board which will probably be for their ve~8 before tbey can eftgae In tadm given back as the owoe wUl be IIble to prove on tbe oforesdid walers I Ihat tbey were not compromised III Ilny troasou PIlIISOIIAL--Col John n Markham lately in agalnlt tbe Republic But R8 n matter IIf justice command of the Meridional Department arrivOll to the State aRCI that 1 1e88on mlly be taugbt the In town ~ )tondlly by the SattCarloa d~d I stm dilUlleeled whlcll 11 be warning to otbers botb in thecity L~ Col A Rudlor in oollDand al bere and e~OThe it I highly proper in oumiddot Cutillo also came up a passenger but ilel oelt opinion tIa the BOllrd shollld proceed wltb closemiddot day on therturn nip of the boat i ncaa and rigor In ItSmiddot hyestlgatlon We have to I deal iLb lUCfI who art) i reality ellemies to tbo OnANO~ or nuo QUAITKas-~ng Oeneral State and who would take the Brat (vorable oe Uornsby III com)llan~ of tho Merldlo 1 Dep~r~ caalon to declaro for cootioued rel)lutlon Any end ~a removed bla head qumiddottors rrom Sll achellle they cOllld doviao regprdleaa of ita honor uan e ur to R t or Its collsequeoces would be qulckl) ndopted not GOHI TO SAH OARLoa-Capt JrRRk bOlDplOIl

eit in thla q~terwby ahould no her ambltlon Captalo ErrickacA Arrived alibi port on Monday onlr againampllbeGovcrnment bul against uupre- baa been ordered to San Oarl08 wi~b ComplaT cov~t the bol of tbllll Ihhe attempt and 1middotlPoIl Virgin Bay brlbgllg lip leveral p_ tellted women an~ children middotThnt conllderatioua F First Light Infantry He Ion on tb alellllUl tuceecdamiddot1Ii llbjlllBting ~nlco would abe oot gers and coosiderablCl freight or bumlnlly abould bo middotextended tlards sucb on Monday


268 I

El NlCABASUENSEVoll No 45 p 2 Sabado 13 de SepUembre de 1856 Saturday September 1318

Ohonllllu where the rar_ nampedmiddothey hamp4 been DEATH OF ESTRADA IHBRITiW iiiiiBIBUTIOf lenl bT ~etII Wilker nd on amphe angtli or ~ f Jitaragne nst About two weeD lince IlllormatIoD - re- bill 1b7lrobbed de minON or eyeryampblq the W are lafonned lbJori HarlaampI~ 1lIfmiddot

mid he1IJheamp TiJrle ad hll 11111 of ObbeN wnW AI leaglh amiddot phyalolla who was ~ the PUI8lded Preeld ot Nlinragua appointedlI _t__ S middott 18 had beea cutlo pi_I ihe 1DGlIIttm Of~OhoDmiddot millet of wlilt IlAlifit1 we did no hear ealled lill the yampCftmroccaakmed by the deeth ltf lKm 1Jaturday O ~ 8p bT a parll of llldlul 1M the DeWi caml In lb 811_ togolhor and loformed Ib~m di he JruIO Cliamorro baa beeo ltIlledmiddotblbemiddot Iodinoa

-- IVCll lodlroei wJ IIIId wal aUog$ampber en 110gt It Oeoenl Walker aod WaIJ tlllled UI he In the Department 01 New 8egolo ala town ARMY REGISTER hk 10 lIIyellCCu~ III Ibe _oner ied dtd had 1101 1l1li1 th_ ~ento pllloder them aod called Samoto Oraode It ppe~ Ibd A~tonlo

middot -da l_t te wdldnoamp~ I ~eo allude 10 IL 00 couaolledthemW_hlealldclrlnhemiddotmahlud UliRYiallatbom ~lradampbdllDpriSOllednPromottonl an_nppow men bull Wetla howlt a PIWIl airbed trlm ere from lhe couo he guard hooae of Ihla 0111 and who waareolsed

iI TH11 o-nu oeDII OJ lBUI1IT the hIcIeedaof Ualo Grode DellI Julpe be- The minera dId18II9IIIbIe 0 Ibe outaber or onr bl Gen Walke on hla eyloto GIampn~Wi wuTUO - - h l

1000cllII 10 non lermIo r_r which M DOW 00- two bOldredjbullrmed wllh mal)betaa picbaod t e mean of Estradu death Child ltolJecl G ~ Bawley appolnamped Second Lleutellut C1IpW b amllllludlna parIlIl~ aDd otherlUde IUIIHIbull The 8tanedlo p_~ ot Tur- bull partl oflotfIe meo In Leon ith wb~m he

en~ ~tampotCoIl1ll of BubeiatellClo be -rmoli the preriou amptor) III an 111 pfriIco ley and lila IIInd and lOOn _memiddot up wllb them went 10 Bomoto Grande where Estrada w- rht~Becou4 LlelltiOent Oenrg Femnd prolllOamped IarI IIIYlDgmiddot J~ed diem ftGai tha m ~ The aUe _ ther were oololllUered nd ltie he Incited thnUve poplilation agaID Estrada 10F1111 Lteutftan0UrlllI

loho C Crowell Ippojllied Iecolld Lltuleoant Balbelorerelolfllgthalle wewRlCor hellen manded a parle aad twr UI Interchnge lor lUch plleh tbal Ibe roao IIpon him WlthoUi ~ArtlI lIampot I~Of oar teIdera who malIoU poeted eeYenlftaga of - Ibe followillg lel1llaof caplbullbull meaDl of defeoce he fell the Ylcllm 10 hIe OWl

IamprII who and wW furle all4 hie _ reallf Iolon weie entered Into Turley party weN pervealty IBESlilloAfIONS wbull to up all um+ ar IIh the were to be

middotliiatLiauteou$ K Bew _tint 001lUlllmiddot QIp$ Tutley arrIcd hert 4He ~1111amp fumlabedwllb suibullbullwhowoold take them to the Hu III1 baJTubull-Th sehoGDer Pearl r~sarr of Suhlltlence baa retIgned bit pOllI1on Ibebetd ota plrty ofinoampfOur 1lItII 81idlated 1~leooQrmiddotBIerielclllnrf1rblO1i Ibey bolmd tbem to Ibla pOd on ~ueed rllr a severe ~D ~ i had teA hili ~ lieu and Jar- ItImtod_d and leavemiddottlte coooy lerooe Up to Virgin On t e prage up 8 e lIIelTWO IMPORTANT DEOREa8 _ ier 00II of III New Or~ a_ CrtuIIi II Ia _jtultd thai Torle) party mutl bue a tremendous 8118 which 8Jlrullg Iter timiumlo

Ja tha ~ NJooir e publlahad bull ~ ho woold be w by lie autlllea~~ been oulof _uoilloo oIberwlae the would nol mllcb thai Ie waf willi dUlieult abe maJ~ed to middotdtorft of bullbull8upreme BreOll~Y power ~ug Tude) hImaeJf had III Ipparendl IfIIIIlr I~ llayt aped- to I lip bel ~ arml i blu IIall ~eep afloel ~ngo and c IlW wetemiddotke~t ballmiddot a eeiIaJji penaft of abOr IIIi Idlelltll or III the did menuer whCll pre~ oftrfODemiddotla-1di eTealll lbaldIdo a3d II Ibe lodoua got pol- log alllhe while alld enl hell gllal apweh~ _ ~pNIIIlelra olthala ~~no ~1Of Be eonlrmed In hftappolotmeDtaDlI eeiIdon ofu-sa prepotIlion wa made to knt all 8~ wafelt lbIabe would go downbull In Ileat~S An p- whe iWl ~e BfteeR cla11 1louS em- hit eompIIl wu 10 1uII1e1 Of the robbeI1I ~ WI agted to bl 11141 patl aoout Ibe _de lb lee 01 tbe 18~ld or ZapaLeo plo1meot hanoI ao lIIbl - or IlIiPOJI II dered 10 be mouoW B ~ UI lii0i1 ofUle mllerlwblii ohe were In fayor of keep- and In comlog to tbla cl~ nayi_ted a cpnQel liable to~ aad WUI brouSht r_ lui orbllmenhad~ reeroItea 1IlIelIIweread IogUltreea It di1ll1oo 11111~ade aod IIItweeo Ibl Ielan~ od the _Inlalld htheo peteet8ab-PreIeOtOcrrrllotofPollcOI~Ide mlrab~ h_mali IIIIdfrom brlog pllilldpaled 1amp _ found UI the 1t1l~lIg pa1ele lalgeiy IInIcIlOWD CoL Btl Commluarr Generall CapL ma) be 1eOOId1o hard labor oPOIl be public III ~ border wus of1Ila( Side bodl1rilb Hex lu Ille lIIIIIori~ whin-eupoa thelaller HI UpoD TUImiddot Baldwin lleI loIeaL lage Gonrnmellamp agenl yorke tmondll DllllIIIId IruJIalIII ~euller 8Ued filr dIe khId et le1 gIIl wUb UtFmaclIelr and 04h~r capone caDle up 01 th Pearl LleuL Page brought up

In l1OdItr 00I11J111l of Ioodan prp~ II be 1108 for wIdob the R~ dtldtitd ~lllJlledall but two wilo mad their tgtecape but $600 for the goyernment CapL Bardl comma fOuod bull dtcre8 forlbe eliroroemeoa orall cOiI~rtOla lhII -1 ha been part true hollhlre U 110 wera u~entl caplu~d and are now plleooe hePearL for labor u If IIbOHr eIWl OODIIroamp to worlder opportODlt for Ibi r ok_ Bugen hel8 II AcofampPI MlJUltoUJ COIfDVIri-Defore a general CoIlII I IOlipl period tIiaa IIx IlIOn aod eha1111111 ~ to~ ~b 111amp11 of die _ittr bullbull T~a Thill milerabl pembed Ibe d_tera who but Hmld held 10 thie till dorlol ampbe week print abide bymiddot1iJa 8IIpgemeot tha Judgeof Jim Ja compao~ ~lt ~lDed ~era ate d1t WIiea lew _bl1ce were greeted ~hroder8 by tbe F A Bod of Ule 8ecoad Llgbt I~fillllr w elUte ~rec Subprefoot Agricultural tu UI were ordered 10 1IaolJUl wbra Ihree 001II _1lId0I1801 of NiCII1lg Iud wbe) mlgbt tried for lIIulinoul conduot In that while 011 lhe or Iridal Alcald - HlIlIaCe blmmiddot to forCed paal oftha1 ~w_m~OIedmiddotlIlIdercom middotnow be oooupting blgh and bODOlable position eteaDer 1 W SCou be drew llie knifo Ind reshy~ ~ ~ptlbllo oworb for the unuplred IerIIIm~ orltlIpL DolIO The were bull11 met bat tor tWr lIIbol ahlle for pili that 111 IU 8iated Ih gull1l alld alen tbreaened 1018 8UperkJr of lIIIlIeflM And~ pereon who abtl COIlo wli SIiirp CIrhIoee Illd 01 ad w~ 1111111 whloh woo141101 be COllte~1 lUI Ibe pro- oIIicere and DUd dl~pectful lan8uage to them middot(raCwodi aod fall IIhaIl be liehIe to nOli lIlao loon well mOlloamped whtu h1_ ~e4 10 ceedI Ofhoneeampmiddotloduet J bulmWlooedt IIIIeIr for Be WI tried Ind confloled and he Courl llargtll Clil rior lore dIII liJllonlbe fbioeed Imor on UI _ling rbout th lIelghboibood b1fbIoIlRlcIlI nddtit wealih by deepoilog oiberabullbull Tutlef WaIJ condeJIDed hlllllO erYo one ye at ~ hbor PW1~ lmpro~ta Uley cibtaIoed preUy good bowledge ~thlIII- bull _ ofgood educallon and exceedigIJ plampu ullder ohIrge of Ibe gllard 1Iilh bull bal III ohlin

n ~ eYideol1rom th_ two ImporJanl deereea roundIoOlJlItrJ lhIe _0101 od maoy tbhk lutl he decelnd bil rbolll 10111 legtha lb Goleroill~t Inteods to ~o y1f11b tha A IIW more 1Ilal _k lier Ibtlr Irrl1Il _ In Ihe fI1II 1lnee bY81lIlig Ural hemiddot WH - bull I ~18f()Ul aPdlmiddot of Idlen wldcQseeru 10 tIIe1fere ardere4 h1 CaptaIn DOlan 10 pIliMied III aelliagiJuder orde tloniGeo Wlter~ OfCOUrtl lluu amp018-10 uother columo pqbshyW uieUUri ~nlon oft pbpwtfOD n I Tl~ aad ueteIa Uleb of-~_ hedeception could 1101 ha II1ttdmiddotloug hot tha lleh tbe adYerlilement or the M la~ 1~ Plbable one-thlrd of the meo ~ Nleampng1II will a1uje 00II of tha bull_ Dad been 1111 men Dilllid lbemI It au enIIIf _ for Bered 111 ah r_ will CODmellce whttber II ~ 1IlIiSUltW deotamiddot of Ibe ngrut 10amp I tlldmiddot d-bulland a bull~te no1i to be mo the7 bd robhIlHbe DlIlI_lun dltecUoJie aOd ralal or bloea ~ attd 81 eLtenelv prellyenAIio- another lUIP pJO~lIon wm and th8lllaoln BoO Ihp inot)fiur bOllrll Thtf ted ~lnsl7 ofOOI1Ne mad thelia eneml laquolid heillde kilew ba8 boeo made b tile Ciub ~ week ue III~ lpot

jeeto dlel8jlO1ld The loealuhoriUeII nendIMJllpDl1IOueeOrmiddot1ffaa middotiAerwramiddotbull lberweralookedllpOlt deerampei1l bdel~com leespected Doll C~ot DraOIIamprtntllllI middotoatt byerbruUhe m~ halllmoob hoolll en It WII14 to ~ reparll ooaoooamped plul IImead of raa-_It~ouldno fgte d1ft1oo1tmiddot under lvoh cb~ aome tit the fln1 I~k In lbe counlry hlc1a iUn In all 111 Mneea ofllle te lolInd plug 10 TIpiamptpa lhe1e deloor of Iibout eUDllIMea to Induce them 10 _lInueon Ih han been llactly~ UIIO for lOme dt llenlt IIIIIIldeat emPlo1~8D~ the ay or cOIhiclklS fout mllell ilidmiddot Ib _ to OhonW u lfop~ of reaoltll Ibe coori andtetw1Ilog to of tbe olllOlll are 180 In the pOlae~lolI cU ncr grmtl IlId all empo7lr who desires labore AooOmplng Ulem_ Jolin J BiY8lll bull young tolbel bOlllelll1l th~ States Wilh tba08leera of 8Iook upon wbloh Ibe ~ willing to alaie Ilfr b onJi to mue a cootrret wllb ~~ 11m oJItill~e mill who hid _lIIIlIy 111l1li ~ed tom the IcolUHI~ WII illlIm~t Tbeyweol Jato tbbullbulllIalr pile Sportsmen rOIO a dlftell~e r~~ cordI] fu hombrt- be matte to _realu one biId IW II1IU to bull HCOlld lIeutammtillof - poIaO8 wlUllhelr 7e11 OpeD f1d ere only ampetuted by Ited to III preaant and parllclpald n Ib~ spotbull for he Goremmell Improemenl8 Idlenei Ind _JlIIII1aod w ~ Ibe time ot hIi deiertiolll adealre for plonder on Ihe 000II1011 IIIdt~bgotogetherl and It all appllcallon for ctoallrlllcommand~amphI_peo7 TnrI7wu~IIeof VloDurgh MIH alld IltllU-illmiddoty bull s~iYmiddotJ-t IV nether labo III nOI di_~rerused ItI ~I tlllWrId At lIral 1101 belteyed IIlaI Tllrl and bll hll tamil tbe 18 middotcouldered hlgllty felpeelable holiday among our Iodilll friend Ba8 the ~o8aya i8rmatlnly bot to be blOke Tb mneUIer _mind bad really d_ftHl Tht UII1Ie olllcera When bull ho1 bll cbataoler 1111 hid and he laquo8 Herald It was Ibe annolY_ we beley~ of the InduatrJ nor coneoience i alld ~y are of opi~ and Iwenlywo _ all Americana oouId be early obliged to lea hODle 011 account of bls dla qbjvgatio~ of Ibe 1Ioorebullod Wa6 entelpu InlB tbat th_ IWO 1flnU are aupplled b bull characer- Iolated tlIeif pIlgh~ faIth d_ried Ibelr eonll hoa1 prop8DIIltlea n ill Id Ihat a few yeal8 wllb phit Abougb w vou1lt1 nol UU


IRlII IIIOre alarming elill m~lIce It Ie Id ellmiddot tJtmeo and abandooed their lleDdard 10 jolo bull IIDce he made trip IlIto 80ulh Amerloarwbelll Iheir IlIUguase yet we alched Ibeitmiddot m OllVte8 perlenee upbolds tbe unrtloo that be lu hIrhIroIlI aad mlaerable lactIon 1fho Cete llnog bejoloed bull part ot no~ robDeIl IIIId was qulle wllh aU the lowt 1fe could lIIusler nd en lO8f about ahe hou8eII alld aguaclleote Ibope pllllldering tbelr own -- lOme-~ SllIce thenu lemiddotal3ledlbal be hn DeeD joyed Ibe scene YIlI1 much I will promlae to 1fork with 110 olber expecampttion 11101 too u~uoding IIIId oooatoni to be belleY I marelldlllg IIIOn the bordere of Kexlco nd Texae thao to disappoint We know thlt to bit the cue hot u lime pued 011 deIr eontlDUed hIIVIle ThliIe partloola haYe oom lllit 81nce bls deler Brr-Tbe llaaay Berald co~gralulatt8 Itot io mau1net0- wliere America han IIOlIght and nrlOIll ehCOlllllallcel whleh 0IIl8 to IIghl Uoo LIeu Rlnll Ia lIatiY6 we helie of ~ being pree~nt hot Moodal ntght aldauCl workillen for the laborer-if 10 dIJnIIled a _ unwllllugl1orced Ibe eonyicllon upoD Ibe mlnda Sao Antonio Tue IIIId 41a berne II good pYIln b Bellonte Marla Balellmela to tbe oIIker$ can)le fumlllhed to 81l0b libelll on lad~lIIye of d lIilUIwee Indeed 100 true aud from lila cbaraeter up t~ Ibtlimo of hit desertion Bew of Ibe secoDd LIght lofalliry Ba~ImiddotJlon T 6 perr ~Ude joked at their IUCC~ d-I Many 1Il0Dl Ule lIa1ile or Turley or of Idi conted liked by hit meo audmiddotlrllaled b bla IiUperlor lB ~8I a p_n olle I 01U llSU Ie C~D~ POn7 lmportllli works middotwould now be In courae of - -ee ~e a bTe-word and a _ -oor aU cere andoo mllnln lbearll1etood a fgteltercbaace knew blms_e_________ donbullIt bena could he employed alld e 11110 hononhIe mell to ttain high poeltlon tJiaa he did Ilh fatal TaUIIIIIII1 STOIIV-OII Tueeda nlghte amp11 tbe aallIon of knowlog tbat uoder th_ The pen opIldou of 000IIII wu Ulea amphi d momena the lempter foalld him aDd he bartered Rub II aucceaalOIl of beav claps of Ibuu er ahal deereei - k1ud or abow wlll be mlde toward eerlell would ~e Ulelr way 10 Leollud jolll Ibe all lila bop for the proapeot of bull robber life eIIID boiled milk UJ1lod to booD-clahbe Tbe colleolinl UI lleeusnry foroe to ~o on with lmIldmiddot hclloroblll Ibue but II few deemed more rro- OfIbe olbers we kaow nolhlog peltODlIlI but rbo Ia aboal Ihe moel forcible IIu8tramp1I0 of lb iOI up lIIe C)OUolry lC men II1ilI 00 work fot bable IIlas u had gone 00 a robbiDI npediampion ~ng to lilT who mIght b di8Pllled to follow etretl81b of Ibe atorm lhIt we call Ibl of JUII bemIIlm or olliors Ibe VilI MJI(J to work (or amoor lb riobbulendu cir Chonlillea aocl woald tbelr eulllJll If ampOy lUeh tbere be appsnd now Oanmmelll i Ind II few 8amp111 experience In this aodeaTOr to maIte tbelr way to de AdlUllio com Ihelllmee of fie mllerrbl wratcllee who IIIve paid i lIer llDe will plllhabl cure the llloelobelloato either Blew8eldt or San JOIII del NIlrte The en dead for UIlr crimea TIIVPIiJIICIIlampaTI1-rrOfe8llOrSli1IIWlt1 cubullof Idlen ord_lllaloeu laltMire lIagulirly oorreot for UIe 8m newl bull OJrI01M lecture 00 tho IObJect of Temperaoce h -1

i L_gt _0 r-abullbull b- _II Lgt Turl ltlIpL_~lfbuderR LieuL E FbullRullleli iO-lIIerrow enolng The d~ coureo wm givemiddot_ Lt

FLA( middotQF THERIilPUBLIa _ ft_ u 0 nJ vera th Ia I ~ t f tll b ft C beod had robbed etII haetendu In (Jbooet PRlY-T18 degDn e p Ya hn ~ronl degb__ urch at rP M

bull oort open I 0 t me UI b By a dec e puhllabed In an nolbor columll Ibe a olle of whleb the)- were bllllteo otr after coo- I R Fltzhogh A C Lewle I e our I

Fiac IIf Ibe Replblic 18 changod yerl materiampu lidertble of bull lIghL It did noamp appear th amphi i raquoj BBi ~ tok~fdl HOltampLITr If LIOIC-The Kill Berld plIb It oOW eooeleu of bille etripes wllh willte Iiad JOIn aD of Ibe lIylns hlna of pbamom ampm~1 Jlo~ne K R Moni llabea an eKnol of II Jetter giving Inrect InteJII etripe between them the IUer Iwlce u wide III tall III IIlat regJon but like de - of lebm8l1 H- Conant A N Moore gence from Leon fu 1Ihloh U Is elated ~t oflbli Ibe former 10 the lIillldle of the wblte etripe ie UIeIr IIInda lIemed to be agaIoet fIery man and George Dunn Samuel MOre few remaloiog foreign troOjNIlIOW In jat city Iobearedetarwlthivepolol8 Wbullbullretbuarld O1l11en hand 1Ipl1ld Ibn~ Wbll CoL W O bull Ear~ Y BBllllth ftOmIlReeotoI1leotdieotleerydtYl

a IIIId hla nw 10 Ih b Ch IWeII A lira W B Sb~are shyofUie eropn d11eewblcbhu hllhlrtoenap r-7were8 roog 1)110 J A Gamlllon B Spheara COlllampIIIampIPamptoOJ-TheFiraamp RillelBaLaf proprlalell8(1teampe11ted Ibe State taIet he 1108rtmed from a ff1el~lI) nade dtd I B Tylor D 11 Klink 100 h bten 1lI()elvlog It pr during the pas - Turleyaod lIlamiddotpart were fa hnlclollYt aod had r ~ Welcb II K Welle week Tbe followiag COlllpaaleJ baY call d

8runOtu-Thi dhigdowa 1Ol rtew _ -w O p Latoloo de Colanelaollcelllld 118ded bull e l ~ e plalll to lIIe lake 1m beeo thqrotghly to fOhL bullbull C D and F Companr A Il opened w(lblD the leal weell IlId tbe Impro The om 1DIeIlIleoee of Tudf IIIId hl1l pug H~luo-The breUlrell of Ibe lII)aIoiC tie bull _ 811 Ia decided 10 the IdYlllltge of the Ylelf ft) tha ~polte prelousl) meolloued thrt dey rd~ to all ednrllemenilll anoUler column RJFlII8II11G-A dllgbtfUlly reflelhill~riB felmiddot rOm the city~1eUo ~e beacb bad a1lbeell IIIIrdtIed and UIII 1m now been from ~hlth It will IIIH tlilt aregular meeting i~terday momlng unlll6outBeYeD 0 he~

__- r Grilli --- a ed III auch a mlnDer u lcae no - of Orruada Lodge U Dl ot1II beld on Wedmiddot the weelber cleared up cool aod bealtb TbDRun ~__r caep D no eon rmmiddot i nudar e18olll 1Ielt _ e alternate Wed- bull e been appointed H Deputy b M~ahal Stomgtt of of III trUth We give the padlculan u we beard n by thereaRor hey will take due nOllce lOci pWa look beaulltulllllll present coallui pf greeD h Court of FlnlloaUDce diem -TIII IIId goue ioto Ib milling diltricl of gGIera h_lm accordlnIITmiddotmiddot gruB I

$I NICABA6UENS4Voll No 45 p 31 S8bado 13 de Septlembre de 18561 Saturday September 13 185S

GLANOE Oul OF TOWN MASAYA JOOJmiddotEYOLUB OFFIOIAL By TUB OIllgtBIlLY At m~ellog ampf the olllcentlaquo tbe 2nd Llllb DECDMI- m THE A1I1D_ i - Iolmtr1 Battalion September fth 1861 HtJOr JKdiO V~ UVIIlAllIUtIl J

o tlie capaclLy otOrderly to tbe Captain bolll Heopound1 D_bupound1 wae called 10 ~e and N 44shy~ Iu 110 often appeared In eonnectlon wltb Lleut Arthlll Conner eleoled 8eoreorl1 o 1

the _loin u uJ lh obJeo III ataIed hJ lUWUBUO 01 NIOAllAGUAmiddot ~ Titu Bdelu 1 fell Wl_1Uamp SatunIaJ PMdent lIU Ibt tbe orpIIIIllon of Jock Deptrtmenl of aw lIIIillnwrlol Be_lIell $ldIaeoYerlng that ho AI not III bll qlamplterl A OIub G_ Sepl 1~6 Ye large demlJoho but re~ently purebed w On mellon of Lieuamp Ju fl LeYJ ~w reeoled lillr--Th Supreme Eseelltl Pow~ hu been

ply aod III hollow I)ulld _med to echo the tbat this erpnizallon be known fa Tbe )(_ pleaaea amp0 d1cta1O th tollowlng decree TIl Jockey Club lh PreallhM of the RepulIo of Nlcvqut 10 Ita

llalllG with eyer lEgtverberalon 0 On rdollon of Cap J G D-ellx It lohabltants _pany felt looosome wllhout the _lIIonal Iemiddot R4fOlNtl-Tbel the_lin proceed 10 III eJee In erdv amp0 _ ampbeelgtIC perfOnPalloo of__ 11110111141 commandlug ollleef and I therefore fel dO~ ofoillcen to thEgt _ulng yr tracII Cor labor In Ime of Ilia aulborlty 1 lore InCUlllbent upon m 10 dlscoer hla h_ Whereupon the toIIowlng gentlQlllen WIN Dmiddot DEORlBa

enlmoualy elected and lnataIIed I - Pmldem ArIIoIe 1 AllY _lrIC made Cor _bor (or bull 1 SundA paaaed In ampultlel endeayoll1l Itllor B Dlllenbupound1 VI_Presidents Doo JampIl- larm of mentha or ean haD ha binding Oil the did Honday d Tueaday At luI I eenob IIsCo Brayo and Lleut I amp Le Treu_ paramplulO Ie

gh ~h eouDlry around the aguardleote mallmiddot Capt Horace Bell i a-taq Lieut Joh Cooper Art So Any penon who lOa malt eontract ~ au-asled ilBelt and I determined to 00 mpUon II w reaolnd lb comml of 10 perform IIboI anhballtaU te ful611 tbe_tract

Ihree be appointed lOmiddotdral rulu and regulallona iball be aentalleed b) tile Judge of Jif IUlaftcelmPthlm In quartcn I knew be would like to Inmiddot lor the gOufDment o( lite Olub ~ Sub-Prefect AgneulturU Judge Ol local-btlt The rollowlng gentl_n were appoillted aahI Alealde amp0 foreed labor on the public work Ibt I middotte ho1I8 of Tlw Bricks as IlIlbeyard lied commilltee Cpt l O DNUr Lltul W )( tem J 1101 I than one IIOr more than Ilx

- d h h db I to III Ie Reeder lIId Dr W L Lundy manu Ol uotll the puLy to whom thlabor III lip a tree an e a cen ~ n on Onmotloo A(ljourned H DVIIEIIlVIIT Presamp due may aelillgtr tlle rel_ DC tblborer

two busbels of eOIll lit Brlckl gaYe him tbe Joni COOP II Secretapound1 ArtI ADy laborer umay contl_1O do work middotIter hie purcbaae I eonclu4ed to mount tor a 1011ier period tbIG 811 month and IhaII taU

l1I~IdO bim Untlelog Ibe rope and Idillg him 0011111881011 011 CollfllJOlnO Bar4111-)(n 10 fulfill~11 OOIItriCIl ~Y~IIII~ced bld~bull - bull 1~1 of the ore menlolloont 10 _ inl Qte street I w 8111prleetl al hi 0 e Rogen and rullhmend the oolylwo membotrl of bor 011 the publia worki for the time of hili gnel[ ~ Ielng JlIaI high anough to allow my tt to the lIove Board are JIIoaeedugurlpidlaspoao pIred nlee Omiddotuotlllpu~ to whom hlalabor

(Ibo grount when I w 8eated in tbe addle IIblo 10 deciding upo tb PIOpfil unlIled In Ia dua may uk to hi rel_ t ampaddled 111m however be reeled to aDd flo IllOthe column IUbjeot to conJIteation The Art Commlnicaled to whom II ma COIlCerL

bull bull G1vtlllo GnIlMII tllia 61h day ofSept 1866nl hlle flIen but tbat when ho PPolnlJllent of )( Baldwlll II Sollchor of Ballimiddot W)I W ALm

middot te olle lido my feel Jlropped blm up and enat will reline lbe ampOlrd In greal _ 10 th IfInlater of Sampate In th middotDepll1lmant 01 10 tJ~lIte other In tbll way be 1(111 kept rom of IlIlevereal wk In coIIeoampIlIS alld ftaIlIlIItbe Qolelllmen Don Farmln FerlW

bull but wllb all my efforlB lie could not be In idence Comm~ClIed to you Ibt your IntorJDtllon and bull proper acIIoa w10 CO ~rvr and nOlI Illtaring hla denl) in HIDiateI of illite

ugre1 language IUClU u bullbully-he-y-be-he Soflotoa or ID TnilIlVIII-Jobn )( Baldmiddot _eot8oGb-ahl whicb trIn8Ialed mClnlwlD Esq rormerl Oaptain of Comy 0 Fillt No 45

Itoowl mYlIIlI and I think I middotdo you Cin Light IllllDtq b~ been ponted to the Imporampo REPUBLIO or NIOARJOUA l 00 110 IUCb gam a Ibat Flndlog I Uleleea ant potIlIOII DC Solicitor General of the Trauutfmiddot Deparllnan of Sta and Interior RItlou 10 peel a ride 011 tbe horn of M~ Brick I eon The ppulntmell of IIr Blldwln 11 wllll unl GnDeda Sanamp t 1861 bull araaI b toa Sf_fte Snmiaml BseoIIII Pov hu beaD

~ Ilvor w eJtended 10 lIIe I ullt down hIe bed 10 bt taken out or her bottom and bv Art t CcirDmullIeaIed 10 wbom It ml1- covered Ith dea wltn 011 hoWNie k tb farm AI be U Od~ ~ II wbole bull needed recaulklng C1raaada Sept etb 1866 W)I WALDB con~ aboot lOrty -- 01 tud more or Jell

1vti~t te _11011 Itn e 0- Ol bull bull ComIJUDleated ~ to r IofoIlMllon and MId II I plantain baclenda wltlifeDleIIlllld eyeqNothing_ A peclIlIr lip with 1111 blDd PJlI8OiIlIk--HampJOl John P Watent although oileD you you thlDgiltlaohed neceuu1Cot their ooItI1loe aIiIo

d to trf It OIl foot alld tying Ibe animal up v appro pJeuad 10 dlctlte belolktwlng deoree

10 tree I started On 10 hunt Taking lite AraquoOllIftll PIIICY -Ih HanYJ x- 8legal 1BB GOVBRN1UilNT ampoWf~ the ComnUf San FllnciacoI gelld_noflIeilyb~lppOInted~reteot lbe~~~erI~n-~~

dIIIly looking place tt whlllh I hid Db III the Sontbem Depariment InpIIce of nt COle tandere paD~ y ed tho Captain and rille atop ollClllliollally reaigned Hr Kane o4Iqe wlU be ruT ArIIcIe 1 middotAppoInted Prefect of IIId Depart hare einglllllr to reIte an agreeable locklug ------- -I )I Billlpound1 Kalle I whe hiI tlke charse

with crI hal d hlnl teeth b t HtVLID Up-The acbooner P_l b bMa Cor theen CODMqltot upon ih realpaUonIn apy L bull ng U ullled aahore llear the wbarf and III IIOW Ullder- 0( the ltaceIerof the soiaIIa of ruuof the pub f dark COIIlplICtIon UHd 10 bend oIIt two dll iOIlIs repaln III mampoy pla_ enUre bGIrda 110 reyenlltl with tll esoaplion ofthe bnulobea of eclIlIollt1he 1Ie of bull pllli measure As ~te IIIId labor blllh Ife ureed 1eued

h 11 Uie WOIIWI 10 tbe doop bu ithout ltill aulfermgliom hla late IIIclmeaa left tll Uty ffOP8l )(Dltter of State =~tb~~~~~~eId ot caltle _ Of 1_

OM I relamp Ier iloll In th app11eaampon 011 Tneadaylu Cot )(aupa to tHe commwl of the bnuld ~OB~td~ right amplid ud to gt(l1IIIa1l1lst4 dobe~ my head dIIt lfllJJOlWl pOIamp No 46 W J STONE Karol

middot III wy from 10 InbOlpllible quarte~ I RBPllBLlO 01 NICARAGUA l Orlnut Sept 1866 middot elOJIg 40WII under the jooote treu tewa~ Raus )taees f r Ha r r DpaItmIII of~Is~~~~ J AUCTIOI DB amp0l1l88I01 1088pound

lIMrieancametepound1 NothlngmOlllllfulCtOl8eQ JfABAYA OOURSB Sf~ThI SupremeExeoullYe Power baa beeu G H WINESamp (() lpitlt1 but allo of thougbt leemed to en- THE ~rln Heeling ot the )(-1 lockey Club pland 10 dl~tlI toIIowlng Decree ABB now pfepamprOd 10 catTy on the Auctlon IIIId

middotthlLt there IlRIId tbe grandmiddot allll eolemll WIll commence OIl Sullday thth Septemmiddot THE OOVEaNlIENT OommlaloU B__ ln colllllClion with tbeltod tln dlil plllan or the State 111 bel 1114 OOII~lllue until ampturday the 20th n being -yto ppolD r~wbo p_ Du~ on goode cooal W be ampdshy

r- e Flnl Day-Blinda 141h-200 yudl beat a In IhaII repreaell and deteod Iherllaquobta and Intereall noed d h ~-~ gallant bo hive g008 to eleep amid II lurn 100 Eotrance 15 110 forteU of the NIIinD1n TImIe of Ita authorlt putl w=_isttblC~~ or Granada are onl tb foundation Two or more 10 mllte a _-Free fOt all hoI_ DEOREl8middot LlbenI adylIICe8 by drafta OIl New York d s

te1MW Itae III for IIl1)lU111ng the former and IIlU wllo h bull bOt _on t race Article 1 Appointed SolIcItor of the ~ Franeiaco wW be made on reeeipt of mercblUldlze aid 1IIe Spllllah dynasly ecllpee tbeIIldlan Second D-)(olldll1tb-8iagle daah 800 (FIIcIl General de UaoIeuda) of dI Republlo of In the cuatoJd hoUle Tile hulldlng OCCUpl1lQ 119 ylllllamp Pune 160 IlllranCII 1111 forr11 17 II NIcaragua )(rloba It Batawln wIIb the aaIary Win ok t_ II f rI lIaing tll m fee eu4denly tumbled Illd be- Three or more to make bull _ bull For mulu 0011 of iWO lI~dred doll per IlIOIItII barre bulkamplldc=~tom n~ ~O~d I could recover I Ity p_trate OIl wbat bull Third Dy-Tlleaday l11lh-tOO 1IIda beal Art So OomlllOlllnated te hom It may COIIetIII celvodOll a~e ampII WI roshya lIel( made grave CroeaIog mylllif de- i In 8 PUrH 1160 lkra_18Oj balUOIftlt GNMda September 9 l~ J A RUGGLES A-t

_t _ I ~- Two or _10 make 1ampCe-Flee [or middot11 honroa W)( W ALDB G ada- - p- RI San shy~1I1 --ng In a IIOOD _ GIlead but FOIIrtb Day-WedneedaJ l1b-Jocke Dr auperIor order thll Ie colllmWlIcIted 10 yo ran VI - Y~ I Franclloo JI1OIDimagtbullbull theUlampootperfectlJaelfpoa- ~ Enttanoetl0i tulltorialt lOO~= toyourlnformadoll md proper uUon awlllamplng if2~~~rIaon t Co New York-obaa A moman IIld I WI Cllm whed It 00- jree Cor 11 mulea ackhOwledgmanamp of th - GnaIda April It 18511 crfted 10 me to loot Uhe DeW amplid ~y hmed FIfth Dy-ThIl1edl118tll-Oblllo~BNYOpu inRnt )(lnIater ofSIIte MAX A THoAN hid -- and to h lid _ 26 EIII_ III balf rfelamp 560fIIdI-middot ---- 4 bull

my orrore I1Itp bull ~ Jreefor-ail hOllJlt mbullandjaek No 41 WHQUSAU DllALEB IN foIIowID81nacrip~0II apptuedeograved upon the nSWb Day-FrIday 111$h-Proprle~ Pll BBPUBLIO 011 mO~GUA BRANDY WHISKY UTINE IIIhogan1 l1bletbull 00 Bntnllce 46 balf forfeit 800 JIIIIIamp raquoepllrimeDtofState and lllleriOl ~ t

bull co Banth th_ tdcb 8eal8 in II-Two or IlIOre amp0 mak NOlI GrIIIIIdt Bopamp 18118 AND ALL KINDS 01 LIQUORS LleII Tlw Bricklll LutDa-Satur4ay 201h-)(_dteradStake Sir-fbI Snpreme ExecuIIy Power h been Together with AlId _ban be died Sflnr Cup Bntnonca ttl I torfeil 16 40( p1taiJed 10 dlctale the toIIowlng Decree rZIV COPPBJIl ANDS71lBJS~RON fb DevU cried ards F01II Gr more te IOIIlce a nlt-Free Ior tile lreIIdellt of the Republic of NlCIraIJlll amp0 III IIIDALL IUIIIII OJ OOODS IOU) III 1fIIOtaaALI IITOI

Weicome Bricks ~eqhlng wlBblng to 11m bull Inbablllllll I bull HOIfIItal atreet In frout of ~ Couy YourellillftLn All enkiCIlO bmadelbedaYJlre~lOthe I_ucb thD_COIICIIIIIIIIS~1lon GrI~ JUlIe 11866

Ow the rriand of my eellmlble Captain died raee berore II oeioolr PH ItOm the well knon publlahed 011 tha Ud of Nombel~ 1~hu been D r middotUtU P t bull reputallon of tll stock IIOW on the cou1 aeriou1t modllled IIIId made of aWe ~ b a bull na bull - O

W Inen I hvbull been unable to ucertaln No aport may be especled Tile racta w1 tlke Decree~tbe ProfialelUll Qolemman med In BEGS LEAVI TO INFOR)( tbe cilbcu of 4111 the pTe no one erected the monulllelll paee rain Ol ehlne Sportsmen ar dletance wiD Leon 011 tlle 29th of Marob _1 paat-Theretore O~a that be bas opened

lllICribed tbeapprepriampte epitaph and I pl_uddreaatheSacrelaq luirtueoflbeautborltJ1nmeYeItedItil A DRUG STORE_ lbarotore without amph means of informing you K H DUSENBURY Preet DdBBD I Nf4rll Opp4fU tA 81m Ilr4flri (0_

good fellow but1Ith8l IlioUned to A BullY ltleO pro WIlL )(-YI Jokey 0I1ib ArIIde 1 Emy free wbltemail who IhaIIIIJI Where be Q prepared to Ibmiab MEDIOINES aguar - mlptta 10 tlle Republlo may enter lIJloo and 1m- PBRJUIlERY ampc of u good qualit and t bull ~all allow bla Ilulta 10 rest witb PIUeultrr Notiee prove aUy_pIed ttIClofpllbilo IaD4 DD el[ fair pricea u _be obtained In tbeelt bull

Perhtp_ wheo I and he Cap~ I may AS the Ial ud 2d Llgbt Infantr tauaIIona aeedlng _ handfed and tidr _In eJampent PArtleularattenampon wW be p1 tOPQUins -II you with lOme Inteieatlng Items _ hi aot MOl In thelr mll~ to cbll a after tlx IlIOIIthuealdMet upon Ol 0C0IIpIti0n up preecrlptiont our deceUed mlgo OIlIlULT ollice they wlHnot be p14 until tham of 0 oi aahI 1IIod b1haII ~eeel till therete ampom Granada lillie 1 18n

j bar and tbe_ required 10 ~eDd In tbelr the GOfemmeCICj provided that t die Ume of bit DI Au bullbullu P t t_lle Ible IlIOIIth entr1lIe reglaIer lbbullbull1IIe ~blDg It b metel OS

U8InROLtaWumBo-Balloticeflomthe Tho Artlllepound1 lid thelal and SndBaUallone lid boondllll tlle olliee Of thelteCorderoftbe TBNDIRS BIS SERVIOES to Ibe citlrena III rarllter II will be - tht th Fim and BtC- of rutH are 0 required to IeIld to ble 01Bca DepmmaDi In wbleh the Iud liei GIIDI4a and mloy ill tbe praetlce of BaitaIIoDl of Light rnfPtry no haring _ new l[W8tet-orolle 011 wblch thy will rec)el pay_ Art Ally immigrant laclnded wllllllllbe pto MEDICINE SURGERYamp MIDWIFERY II fWt muateuolla flit DD be p~ldolf until tbe menhp 10 he llral a~~ND~Sio =iIol~~y~Jj~~~~~olredbete IF Office and realieoce 011 Ibe aoutlnreattr4 of October Tbe are requIred te nlld In PaymaaterQeneral NIcaragbamp cate ud ~ tlie eD4 ofm montha OCCUpadOll COlllijf of lbbullbullweel oppoaite Ibe San FlanclacQur muterrolkl thle month TIle Fira$lIld Sec- 1 ceive tide for thre buodred IDd t_ly acres of CoDt Gll41l111e BattaIIona IIld the ArtlIIcq are required G1ada Lod 1J no public Iud w complltinamp wltllthe pro110 of QrIlIIampda JIIII8 1 laGS

t bull a regIIIt In lite tlralrtlcIt T _ Ioew In Dew muter ron on whlcb they wID be 1 BB regular _lInp of tbIa Lodge wnl her Art~ It eball bethe u1ofthe Record of bull auvr amp DuayFIyen up 10 the IlllltofOetober I ~ be held on every ltemate WIDNBS- land tldte In lite eferal Departmel1ta te keep ArOORNBYS AND OOUNSEJOBS AT LlW 1 __ _ DAY eommenlliq onmiddotWedneadaythe lUh of leparate and dIatInotbookforampbereptrylll all OlBcelllmiddotBt NI04UOUJIIH BuUdinga-80utl

VWII luC18-We IIOtice In cltoulalloD September at tho liouae ~ex 10 be POll Oftlet aotllmen~ ~ p4lIIeIIIOl1 prhllePl occanIag Wtll 0lil01 ot Piua Oruada NIIragliL 1- religious riotsmiddot prillted In Bpanlab al balf1 1 oeiocIt VIaltlbg brethreD are Itamp- IIIIdv b18 dtlllree Puilellilr U8Dllon plId tomiddot clalma plnt $hll sent olll 10 thl oOllnlpound1 hJ the Ammcn telllalllilmiddotlted to _euit Art Tbe appllln Cot fide WIder the 1m Qo_t 4 ClIAS CALLABAN W II and aecomhrtleiof tbladecree abaIl eatabIItla 1IlI IOD TABOB t

~SocIelY septenl~er_a18~ If six _tha occupation beIbte tbe lUdie of lIIe OWEN Durn I GUII4lI4 amppi I laGs


Flreamp 1__ of tbe Deparunent In which Ihe land hlllltuated after baylngduy notified lb So- lIelto eI Hacienda of the tbDe ltbleb he will Ipply1O the lU~IM a eertl6cale of Ibe aettJigt ment and occupaJOI herein rIIIulNd Tbe notice 10 Ibe Sollollobullbullall be giell ill writl~g teD day_ W the ppllctliop for eertilcae 10 tho JudgeofllraI_De

Art II The DeCrPl of Nof 2ad 18611 wi o( IIareb t9th 1868 are refoked 8d lnulled al ways hoevll illtouamp prejudice 10 Illy rlghta beretofore acquired nnder tbem

Art S Conlmuuleawd 10 whom It bullbullbull concern GIenlli lthuad tlllalith day of Sept 1866

Wit W ALKgaTo Ibe Hlnlster of State ID $he DeparlJllenl of Goshy

vernmenamp Don Fermin Flller B1 lIperor order tla i commllllieampkid for our

Informllen and proper aclioll bull hallla Hlol~ler 01 State


Departmenl of Stale and interior Relatloot Granada Sept H 1856

Slr-Tbe SlIprome Executive Yoer haa been pJeDied 10 dictate the Illowog deeree The President 01 tlle RepubUIgt of Nic1JIII in VIrshy

lue of bls authority DECREIS

Arllcle I The lIag of the Republic ball eOllaiat of three slripes Lhe middle whita IIIId he other blue the middle Blripo shall be ice tbe widtb oethe 0111 8tripes ud In tbe ceIIlre of It ampball ha I red aLar with ave poIn

Art t Communicated to whom It mI concern GiTeII In GfIIIIe4a this 11 th da1 of Sept 1866

WHo WALKFR To the )(Inlater et Sampate 10 tbe DeplflDeo of

Qoveromen Doll Fermin Ferrer 11 poo ordor Ihlli I forwarded to )00 lb

your Ioformallon lDdproper actioD IlIabullbulla HilllatenfSampale bull PubJle llale

C THOHAS Rpound1 amp 00 1 DOIOTlLI 00N ADUD 00

~ bullBY fIme of bull writ orfMe IampoIu 10 me dJrected ballI~ the Ibo e~~tull IDd tll pubull tb jU~f~ reIIdt~~t~ 1Iel1the aame the courtobo_ door III GIIII ~ Sllurday Ibe wbullbullUetll da ot September1~t telYe e cleekmerldlau

lJampcIendaCOIIIDlGD knoIflluthe Baolellda Sulidad altlllted Ibout nine mU _t~ or San lmIIz~~J~1a dopbneDbullltllll the IIIlpnlYCgt menta t_lItlllted eonllilllol of tbree bouiea


278 EL NICAHABYENBEVoll No 46 p 21 Sabado 20 de Septlembre de 1856 Saturday September 20 185

I ~

JRogen Wouudedto be proud of Ihe COUIIIg lIe might 1 exoea EXEOUTION OF JENNINGS ESTlllL ItCaP Will Ionofdarillif dlplaYed hy thle _II alld undlclpllnad ~ lmiddotJititfaguf nSf Dan Flowery Atli oclock PM 00 tbo Qvenlni ofFridlJ tilpany BYeI) man In It ma) be oalled hGrO (or Liellt Crowel~ Illth Inst 2d Lieu Jennlogll Eslelle auft~oo Ibebull I no man gaye an) Indication orr_ IhrougbonHhe Lieu Musgrave extreme peDalty oftbo 1111 by beinl bOI olli th

To mako the nature of the IackclcM II may Saturday lIIlorninc Sept 20 whole fttlr Erumua Norton II

Pl for the murder of 2d LleKt Ghamprlllll GorlIonOhulIIaher W A swfer MWllclan In tbe guard hou90 in tbo city or Granada ~hiltTHE FI(JHT AT SAN JAOINTO bu weltoetato thaUofront ofthelacpbouse Pt Dawes acting amplI ollice ohhe guard iwblch wu _eIlIUy bllrricaded there If~ an open SergtanL Simpson

Estelle had been p~cvJouly arreated foubOOliltg cannening 10 the Nicaragcan Army ubder Ihe

About two weeka ago party of thlrt Amorlmiddot apace or neatly quarter or mile In 18IIglh 10 L De Sbleldi William II SlOne Thumu Jildl1lrdll aiid was whoo be coMmbted LIeut Q1III1

front otlt and that III ootering tIll clearauce It the unforlunate act for whicb he sutrered dealh command of Col leDonald atlacked alld droYe Wal 801111amp1) for tho yolunteel to peII by the

Major Cal ONeal ptiloDcr confined to bit quarlers Ho bad ~ fnlrbehilld dPJlr barricades a large number of rebels aide or a wood In auch II maoner tbat ~e enemy Alfred Jone8 umberlog lfiO or perhaps mora In the encounmiddot could couot every mao pf their Plrty lnd that and ilnpart1al trial and the gentlemen wllo ~ ia tor oot American waa killed and several wOllllded there I no apot III that a(IaQ which ko bou

Lieu- Artbur OConner Capt Watkins judgment upon blm gavo him overy opporl~il1 -- Haynes (SurYe)or)When the news of the occurrence rtaohed this does 11M command Xl mllst 1110 bo unlmtood to eal4bllsh adefellce hul in thiB lie ulterly f~dO Lo Ro The deed lIal COMmitted witbout an provoea oncit SWoIl feeling manifested 1lf among the lbat 1I-1Y tbe eutlro distance to tbe Iarp houlO Alyon Adlll1s

citi_ Ind aoldlera to venge tb death or their Ia up an 811C01I1 wbich gave the defend or It or without aDt aggranting circums-noe U Will

countrymen and both omeera and aoldlera I-I adota oyer a plIrly that would greatly O Dougherty -Brady eenlenctd to be hUlli but tho comwande Inmiddot L Jobnson chief caued It to bo 60 far~itlgated lUI to qu1ed Gen Walker to be allowed to volunteer OlllOtlmbar middotthem It n~ Dot thereforomiddotbo itashy J U01d

him to be abotand fonn a part for Ibis purpose AI tbe Gene- ted that a party of about mlyaye men ~eftr Jock BOlweil raI wouloJ not COIIsent to aUow anT of tbe efficclll Judloloual arraDsed lIltaolted It undor 0gte1-1 dsshy J VIlSOD There lUI a lnr~o copeourso s-tbered Ilillt or IOldllll attached to regiments to go lie cili- adlllllampge 0 While nllll the c~eClllion ~lole walked witb II 1ampn Heeter atep bl Ultl sKlb 6Orcye d latharor Iho cb bIi lila OY bo he bad no control volunteered By tbo lido of tbe large house nda 121111

A loberlll wbo prayed itb him aud lor 111m from tbe guardto the Illllllber or fort1-tWQ to Iighl the rebels cant building which WI also fortilied and full of snoel RIlMeI ujl~ thei own reapeo8lbllity Somo men were mll an In tho rear of IIIOM two bobullbull 18 houao to the plac of execution I

Native boy-orderly to Dr R9ton Dr anton

When he lrrived at the pot wher be wI taIao raised III 1ohssaa end Tipltapa making In aaother hoUle hieil lfaa also defemled b II large Henry Ealllon breathe hll 1881 he requested that hia bnd~al1 ilxtyy men forco III the IaUer building wu a large umbar --ltlaborne might bo utied as he wisbed to ddreas ItheTIt nn tolunteered at Granada tlartod from of honea with the necOSIary equipment tor a Wm Cassidy h about oclock Friday eYeaing 18th inaL companl or two of la~cOlamp crowd ThIs reljller belllg graDte9 he apokp insmel KeDnedy

H MeCftrty a firm unfaltering voico 111 hia epeech bo atedIIld paaallt througb Bossay were joined by the Lieuamp Robert lilligan who wae alpoilled to Capt Rider the Corgivo1tW1 of the ollicora and soldiers ofIhevolunlecraolthllt olty They arrived at Tip lead tile cbarge1ed hiaforees up to a pick fence Sergeant Ruma Nlcalllgllan army Voicee 18$pouded from thotapa stuny morning At tbl point Ibe expedl blllbtood at the comer large ho_ an Major Arkalltl_ Roekcnuck

crowd II God Corglve YOll Dr Dickton 118 Col H1)o~ald refUsed u b did oot kllow In tbe Nlcaragua1 arm7-led tho force hleh bo llou lV1I IlIty to Cl)me to a promaturo coaclution olTiD ONeal-who II the yOllngelt lloldmccr

-- Spinll8r Q II D 1f_ll Wblle 10 ptleoo he I1roto tile following IIdd~c Oberokee lIruntosh wldeh be requested to have published them to the tolunteOrs to paH the rlcr oommided to tbe VOl) froll of tho mall eAbO H C Cookbull

llh01l~ aDrdet to that effect from Gen Walter h_ llelllrYlllg tholr lire until the7 gilt ltltlll GRANADA Sept 101b 1806 Thla obJ~tlon wu overcome b lome person linton paces hi ilion poured In 8 nurderous

(apt llarah Thse illl tile dyitl~ dechrRlioM of nlng

Estelle I was born In Malllh~U Tenneille in Ib W Jones

uggeatlnlbat Lleul Col Byron Colbullbullboulu be vollev-a linglo ropelltlon of which oitllt lllllod IM 188S alld 11611 raised from my 10rKney In requetod lo yolurteer i~b tbem and take tbe or wounded evel) man III It A Foteas VEIIICIIl III N1ClRAQU -At no Hinds coullty lIi8tsampippi I sted to Clifor commanq Col Col did Dot biong to tho regu Capt Watkin leading II tblrd division eharged great diewee from tho elty of Gralleduro lIl1alll nia 111 Ulit Ontbe road I hd difficultYtltb lar line ~t waa Asaiatant Qeartermater Gen_l stralih 10 tron or tho large hOllle Hereached a elll5te of tile moat beautiful and fertile Islands a man of the namo of BOlYard ond 8hot himJ r

ailerraJltlltotR nftn oCthe name ofBays blthIn thla ~aebe yolunteercd 118 a private bu$ WIll wlthh twenty pacea or II heo he fell fOunded it II poaalble to eODceie The) Yal) from a few wound did not happ911 to proy fAlal UI Ih immedJ qlccted Captain of the comp~n Wlthaloud toice ho ordered bill men to lIP ou_ squlro yards to lOevel1ll aqUAre 01108 in BUpollshy same year I had 0 dlllleuly l1ilh Chatles Ito ill

BIron Colo tbu~ WIllng Ihe reaponalbilltt of command tbey obeyed wltb alaenty cl1 extent BeYlId tbese nd oopaMtod from SOil tillbullbulltabbed Ilinl la tbryn placea 111 I two dWeultiea while In CiliIIi middotoeeu alloading the ~ell became ~ uaranlee to Col He- Bot tiler Is no U8e cb4rging dobo walI tbe tllem by 0 drep navigable channel Blnnda the the SlaIu priaon where I hld b~eo emplovtll forDonald Ib~ ~ wu All right tbe olunlen mou Were failing 10 leI) tatt that before meny Jorge Island of Zapota1O wboao bold headland an~ the 100 Io yeara After ICtlinlt III lii IlSI rape I came 10 1iltgtllllgu nud HI~ot Tho w

nnell or Sao JAcinto where tbe rebela 6gt tfJoR tomiddot carty their woundod off tho Ileld In gate the lake ZapellllO IB In Ill wester extremmiddot took up their Ime of march Thor arrtIWIl~ the minulel clapeed there were lIot enough oftbo plII- Irregular surface aerve as a lllld to 1111 who naymiddot

Edwards i I lltI Itla bo~ Charlc GordOl i must Sly thaI in all my difficultie8 I wtS no 0 tatatloned about II ocloclc Sunday morning the Ihe mtttilno aU the leadell of the two other I~y IICOOped out 80 118 to fonn an almost circular In mv right mind Twico I htwe beel lorgt II

14th Inet and halted a few mOments III order t9 eomp had fall~n either kllld or wounded hay and tho sbore of tbe mainland opposite b~Imiddot and bop) 10 bo forginll for tbem aU I th nk IlflDge a plan of allack _~_ ________ e~lptOIfbullbull1 who ~Itboutll wounded b tho arm ing 4 deOl curve an abJloet circular bay is formed thero b God In huyen tht ill Qnd

The Ban Jactnto rancho Ii naturally well ad_pf donlin_d with tho (eroclty of a tiger OghUn of e~e1milllll In diameter 8 lecuMly sbeltered gj~Q And ho kno and I Imow thaI il ad n pllcr bullOBoe uu - ~ l ra Of II dIS by blgbllnde5 to makltl tho 911gllte8 sklft lio aemiddot I tllt killed Oherlo Gordon It was

d my CIIlZ) mind thnt did iI I 11amp lUIcieutiou which commlUldo ali tho ground In ila 10 to do whllo ~~e~r-~lIl1~ eurlI upon Ita SlIflllce Ien IIlien-atotmSlllay bo lIot In IIllright Inlnd then I did lb deed fillvicinity In a large corralatanda a hollSO whleb au_ ~- - lullng luto flll1 the moro c~poeed paris of Ike God koows It Forgi me ofticerslInd acid r

haa b~n IItted up In such a manner tbat III Inside Whou thore 118 no looger any poaslbillt) of Nicaragua and I can die hapP7 Inan I donl rite ht beeallB I think tbat I ought not to die I Inre Becute agaluat muekel or rl8e shots while COIItlndlng aueceafullylIlnatauch extraordinary TbolOutheaAtern part onbls bay i4 alao ellterd think till my tbllo haa como and that justlct IIthrough mallpertum In the thlok IYalJil troops odoli lIhtlng II the enemy re In Buch weiJ b a ellanne of deep water wblch divide tbe been clone me llellow 8OIdlorll remeolbor 11 IAI

illampld of it can lbe Into aU parta of the eonal fol1i8ed poaitlona tho America beg4ll to retreat IOUthestern 8stremll of Zapntero from the hAl brmght DIe 10 this death-fOil all know The corral itself II surrounded by a strong fence Prtyowt to this b01fIer a body of lAncCN maililand The elellDtr ampD Carlot b already wellul do Ify hUluble prayer Is tht I ml

forgilfn JENNINGS EST8Ll wbleb it 18 nee_y to Beale before any material were dered maklng a clroult In the wooda colored th bay dcacribed by the lut mentioned Hisllildy ampII 600n OS Ure was exliaol waildam ean be done by In auolllllg part1 On with the evldellt Inteotion of completely aurronnd chaDnel and aacertalned t~al the water Is of 8Ummiddot

ill a fIOed coffin and decently in~bull tod IMir IY from Tipltapa the loluutem heard th 1111 them andcuttlllg 011 their relreaL Thlt mon cient depth to alford IIeCIIre anchorage tor Teaaola bullthe already relatively large force of the enemy they were wablo to cart Into effoot and tbe The nonhern part of the bayla bounded by tbe Cvlloos-A aa1l1to Will Ared In bonor (gtfhad been the day previous BlreDllthned by an Americans lot oil tbo Ileld In tolerable good 01 cluster known 118 the II Thousand lillUlUS each

addition of two hundred men but Ihia In no wltt der Tbo lancers seeing thie wrecked their Yell OUe of which to our mind Ii In a ahort time d(lj new leg 011 lut lIondJlY The IIrOJO froID tbo eanllons moutgtabated tblr ardor aud the plJIn of allok 110 geanoe llpeo the dud bodlea wbich Ihey roulld tined 10 be fun of hOUle torea Clnd commercial formtjlluto a beautifulmade and b7 Ihllllltiog their Iaooes Into thoee AmerlCftI~ ware-roomll lIId whoro YOSIIelS of conSiderable ton bull

Upiln II couaull11liou it 11amp8 deemed db to wbo were already 80 near deat ft8 to m_ke tbelr nag can mOe Iro~ one depot to another with ~nto the air cn~ form the compauj Into three divisions each to be leadonb1 offieera chOlonfromamonll tbeltlaolvCII BjrOn Colo wat tben elected ColoDel alld Wiley llarab second ill command Robert Mi1IIgu WIS elected to lead tbe 61111 company to make tho ehage-out CIIlhla 19 ero killed wouoded and mlaalnl 1l1lJ Col ONeill was eaosen to leacl the second and Capt WatklM of M_ ChI) third eonlpany Wben all th_ alflDgemenl8 hid been completed the companlos eparated to ~tack the place a three dilFoten poluta

In commencing thua one ~artl1 got In adQllce of the ~elS wbu wel8 obltged to make aomc what of a detour and although eO~8ting of 011 tWtllt)-twO me~ i14 attack tn8 amp0 vlgoroUII that It succeeded In driving tho enemy baolt and 811011 tdler tile other CODlptmlu camo upon Ihc soone of action the Igor of tho _ult droyo tbo enQ~) from tbe eorralillto tho house I1ere tho pau) or the numher CII the _lIanta became IllallifeuIII bull to thelt di_duntoge Tere were not III C1cnt t bold the place ner It ~as a~en and tho 1ere obliged to lII1 baoltbagalO bC~lDdhtbalfence r Ih -raJ Tbl left t e enllllY n t e r ormer

~ c_ POSItlOU

lbo IIgbting (ontluuod In tbo corrlll and wben the AlIleritlllM retired behind hs woll I~ became _t-ldm ~ the Ilmber that ha elm killed Of wounded hat it would be Injudieioul to rtneW Ibe ftttatk A retroat was Olderod and -~~t Ilte band fell back Ilpon Tlpltapa

tlP gshyy Amerlcall In Nicaragua nnd In fact ey r -

J -triun in an pllfta of the world bbullbull reuoll

romoyallmpOSlllble 1D0re ease than tile olt-earla 11011 uoed In GraDada It attained We might gogt on and dlaeant UpOIl tlto CO mole fom 0118 sitee to another On thlcity of up~n bull

oftb_ 81thlhlllllllicolly bravo ml)D bllt thOu II thooaand Islands pure cool water will be always wa thomselfllll as they must appear to th d convenient and It would be Imp08Jlble for Impllrlshyspeak more eIoquentlylD their pralso t~77 tl or Inrectiool to exi In Ita vicinity Here ea- C

01l1 power to do It relcta more credit II ~bll Ulle will oocllpy the placo of stree and light 01 Amerioan l1amt thllll conld be done by andlll~ lIIrylike ple_te boats will suporcedo Iloraet wbi atY ylolory And If 110 mlatake not It will do Hore Instead of a WAllatreet 110 m have a RI CA more to COIlviDce the ellemywbllt sort ofl1lco the II1to I hore will be - and hoal~ sellon and s- ted ra beye to deal wltb than 1I8)tlling tbat bu mIl liolltu In tbelr gondoloa 81ngmg love songs In ~llteal transpired In thle country 1 tbe It-rllght and here 11111 b9 tho moat plellSing odlOt8

Appended to thll Is tile uame of ever mAli combination of bealtb convenloMc and bUIULy ill cutod ho 1l1li to our knowledge eJigagod In IIIghL IIny ~11 upon bidl beallo evoraholle preeed~d lbore may b9 tome one or lllo 1D0re wbaee Hame LlOKClI-The schoonel Pearl was Iuncleu chased him we conld not loarn but we ball be happy at anv 11l11terdllY (lrIday) fOleneon lrom the place 1I01U plaza BeCOI time to 0I1I0l their aamcaln the list of glerv W~ the wharf wbere be waa ulldcrgolqg repairs 11110 lIela lIappeoei silo give the killed wounded nlllllllllilng ~ lIear- tIe elemellt other futurG ulefullleM She iato 11 u we eould bullcurtniD bo commanded by Capt Hardy who has -altetly

Col Byron C-ole made a trip or Iwo In her Tho late modol ofhe 11fty --all Klled Peru II beoD OIllA-- alA d I I v~ bull0 An 8le 8 OwWIUi_ It Drinker aamp lDue looking craft as Bails 011 auy (Jeval ~~ ~tlk n merlean Wltora ~be bas UCell repaired byhlv __ Sberm~ II Ing placed In bar anolY bottom UampII 1I00riJI and 00rII0~ d k dH ~l OullwlI II II uew ec a altered from a frelgla boa Into a H l6 I comfortable palItIeDgor crnft We und_Ind that ~Jlaquofj l~IIOU (killed going up) II ahe win make regular trips botwcon Uraida St 1 _ Dc~11 G~olIlId Vlrgla _ ---~ - Lleut Hutehlll Chaa Calhlhan to Klat SlC J BAli lgtRL Nollrll-W a loam fror Thomu E H LaW Ing F Fisher thaI there aro eight Britlsbcam 11Ilr R Wheaton II Y-m at ampn Juan del Norte and ~bl toce areUtut JIllItIll[ 1 In dmiddot J ~_ $t~ WOlllded 100 to oae one Italian mo~ant vessel -- Vl1UfO E Uolopl W I-I It 000 n_bullone tOQ Stale) and CO yooe be

-~ _On~g 10 tilWOgua

painful to lDen A ale DC American the houae aud led ill th I k

C 00 er on 11110 dura _____

HORSU-PolllOna who h the viclully of S~ George or H

wltb tho power of JI) ing tbrou wltchOJl on II brOOIU-stirk will by providing tboullelC~ rltb av

~l~ Ir ~

p___ H h bull a ~11l _middot011 bullbull ftl til the

Departlllont bull--__- ~- shy

J4uruCItGaCII_Thiij edifice wllicl) ill do underllolng rcptlM mA) bo diltiogulsLef by1 very white color frolll flll olher buildings III ar am at R dietante oheY~raJ 1111011 Il p n$tt COIning lip lhe WEe


jtLNICABABlfENSEVOll No 47 p3 Sabado27 de Sepllembre de 1856 SaturdaySeptember 271856 2BS

er~ middot=wepon =again pla~~ OIh~d- T~OJTriijONNEW-YORK VOLUNTEiiiis PEEPS ABOUT TOIVN optaln made a deaperato eftort to dlaeharge 118

lly Tlull BalL oonlents-aiJed-handed it to me-It wa u dry bull -- bull 11ft a powder 110m In a feOOlld I eollid _ that

nevor eomplam~d In Ill) ~ifo Drlk~ are not the Optaln began to turn diUte pall1bleb atood ~p to cI)mplaln ~ltbOlgll the sometmes 8ufter close to Mm) wbile I preaerTed 1111 eqnanllllltyin 1IIIjIe~ IUch ~cght of It1Ju~U~ wOlld nl~C the ampplit of conciliation The weapon _ again Ih 1lea of ol~hnary pe8ons ISO with 11ldlgnAII~n loaded 10 tho vcry mllZ2le and pneed in the bands Dljring ~ Ibo~t absence fOn 0 ranadll my enelmeB or IiUl opiltln ~hose runds wel$ becoming IlatICO killed nlC (on paper) Ht up (inl)po) very unsteady Ihnt he VIIS IIMblo to taka prcpor III ctlll epI)h llIollneog my dc~th fter nlm And welO It not tIAI I seized tho Instrllment ~a IIIII IIndemiddotg~no till this I VlM 4~41 COIl$glled of dostructlon amI wrenched II from bls hand$ bo 10 he firm of] luto amp Co-hbcled rght ampldo up would hlfO pOllred tho cOlltents of It Into his ~b earo I~om the effects of a eliot ampom a prln- bull ~


I k N I h A I I breast With lUI energy Inplled by tllO liopo ofaI B ~ 100lng abullbullo ~ ow WId II ve 0 bull b godON

If 101 to undorstand thnt Drleke bclolllll ~o the pl~oud and gloriouR tnum[lh I agnlo disc IIrlIe blue strlpea Vltb a rod tiv~ pnilltod atll~ tho eOI~tellls or the pockot pistol (nlld travelllllg in ke cenror on white glmiddotOU -I) aod his 1I10ttO s nefCO say ~ie All greal 1lI01l Ita0 their ou

c~ and of COll1l6 Dlicks hIlS I is And utlhollh I J b J d II deg1fflUlcm IIIRy nlG cen p aye lllon 0 110

p lid T)ora ill Nicargll or PIcn uIgt0nL Ih blrp of a Uousnd strlhgs-phits of the JURI

td perfect he is willinllo appORt at the Fitt I~~ce or at tho In8tanco of nny of his friends

liiake lllIrmalioll that lio nevoI diltld durlng wholo eOllrso ofllid eventful IIrii

unfortunate repordvas spread by tlH)

~fl4in with wlom I ho lately bad a quarrel ~e hope tbat he wouldbjberlt alllhe properly cit I ha1I 80 carefully colleete1 during mylay In PIe lIepublie Ind wltIltt consists of one CAmp itl1 two tgtox~ of matches lind the bottle III

i ~h IfQ Iept our stock of nguardlente I lIa9 l f h h I I

01110 t e city w on my en umn amptors hegan to middotlIp tho 101 loll wllioll has been 110 eagerly II noeltl nut OliO awallow does nOI malte II

~ n01 although sevel1 8w41101l ortbla cockta1

8 brollghL on tho WItor of my dlscOtltOllt l all this happened becauae Illy trnducera neg-

I to 8eason tho tail thoy ao Induatrlonsly

i oe cd out tetho pllblc WhenI returned I could ~ middot 1uraue the COUrIIQ open t0fenofhonor nor a l~ul1luc filr bofol8 ~ caught It Ihit upon n

unately I bit It ro than I did h1m

~ tl

oldti depr ve

Ii( not

n lent to bring the Captltun Jusllco but unmiddot 80 hord tlllnt l huurod myself

An idea then struck me t i ought 10 mil him out bui II struck so bard

r It r IlIC 0 t ~ p(Welll 0 8pcce~-I

thlllefore mil hlO out A friendmdmiddot I) do It fo~ me but ail lOon all he t quarlera of 1n1 one~) he found he

-Ekhnly do tho thing hy balvea lIlI Ihe Captain

defiance with such force at his head 118 to for moment Now m) friend is Bueh a

trump-wben be knows hos rigM hos

compamon) Into the procllC spol I antell It to IOtlg~~ H tho fourth rOllnd the Opblln was unshynblo to come 10 tln~ a1 the aftIIr WIIB Amicably Ilrl~jUlgud by the frlenda of both IInltlo biking II Abot al ftlOund At each oiler Tho ltlAptnln thon pologtd to nneka and ~rlek8Apologhlld to tbe Oilplnin and b3~ npologlZol to IlvllIybody and o~eribodj apologzed to each other nd all oxmiddot dProBBdel tllelr firm convielion that Brlcke Is not

en yet

A FltUlER Boy In Dren fountyIve tlsea for a wifo Ho says

He wants to knOw ifalte can milk And make his IreallUld butler

Anti go 10 meculIg without elk To ok a 111011 and lutter k Ii fl Id IIlIe ltIii 0 10 nOlf I t WOII urt fer Itollds 10 tnk up IIllteheaj 0 tile bultou on ble ahlrt

rckuke a pall of~reeohea

AlInn-An ble bodied portIIln to bold my Wre~ tougue shu lUd I bolD unable to keep b atlll c___________ __________s

OFFICIAL __bull__bull__bullbullbull____bullbull___bull__ ________ DECREE OF IItID GOYEBmshy

----====~____11~_~ rl~lt~~ ~~er~~t

lIere IUO 1 large um~er of ailUftis belonging 10lta buw~r or at least-Ibat when proceedingr t II eourse 110 cannot be taken aback lind reo t1i wng a little he thrcw lin Insinuation In tho

of tbe Captain wltlch I am cretlihlylnformod IIi - 1 r II In h f 11 80ven 0 I m~ rs to 8ny no ~ng 0 Ihe number of teeth wllich II mote or leBB inJured nerstherage ofmy friend weDt beJondnJlbounrs

il mlllht hllTG cOlltlnued to trlvellQ Ihl~ day middot I I h I td t h bull Th ~ t nb bull 11 bull cou no cross I II ravlIle e~Ca btll losl all centrol of his temper and was

lged 10 call tho oftlcer of tllo guard Ilnd Il file loWle 10 foroll lamp inlo 1 tte of subottlinntlon

b I I h Stat t N fI I us 08 10 teo 0 ICalamp~1 orever

7 both u length cme to I resolullon which a great effort tI~v succeeded in moving II ~they ndoavoured to CIIrry II but tailed

b til t k d bull d t d d d y ot en 00 a etermllH 8 an till Ishy- equally belwoen tbem rellred from tho Bold hW lIot eUled wondedng at the efforts my

had mild In m) boble and exprcrsing my

Inllll vlulIl 1 note WAB put Into m~ hanltl Captain reqllostmg me to meet hlln 1m at tllo Veil known houle of Te_

Ilero prompt aettlelllcnts usually bike tl_ A I h d bull ltl ltlt t th1 8 a ICV~ rOlve My ere I a e tlllment and did not tilerofOl8 owo any11+8 I COllented The Oaplain bad arrived heshyaIgt me r coltld 110ft much rAtll aud foil pimshy bi r II hi d b bullPOI 8 ace W IC COllY nce met III be IlIIUt 8Omotlllng Of course tbe calm dlgnlt) of countenance proved to the Captni al once I~t I wsa liP to slllllf bull ~llriekl tt s~ the O~ptain with lite voice of

Y en nxcarl Brick choOlllt your 1V0apolla Pocket pistals act0B8 middottbe table said I conmiddotttof a victory

h d 1 I h d I I e lYeapons wero pro IIce( IV tout e ayshy1011ed lip rOI~ tllo IIrst ~hot-~be Captain won and

~k 6u~h 1I swig a coolnced me It was going to ho1lO ClII) tight lie banded me tho WcnpOIl

middott bull~fOIIS tho lable-he knew holY BrIcks could 11e ftetlU1Md nol to dlSllppomlhim llnd aavlIgely middot med Its ecolell to the fOr bottORl~ Truo gil is olwa) respected and I could see a 1 kle of adrnl Allon III the C t bull p 1m s eye

1IelOtd old ski 11M IIlIid the oplllln 1I1IIS C hgrwlcd tho landlord ftS the rtal

~ -~


Departmcnt of Stata and Interior Relation Grannda Sept~ 23 18Ge

SIr-Tho Supreme EX4IIgtIItlve POWIl1 hu boen pleae~ to dietata through lhe )Ilnillter of War the f1lIowmg DOOIee _ ~ ~ lmiddot~~h~t of lne Roplbllc of Nlc4rngtlllio ita

Wishing 10 rciieve the people from fNlah exaoshytiOIlS of holllOS for tho 1130 Ollho AllOY Alld talring Into consideration Iht In VlIIiOO8 parta of the RI public uwoll In tito p_loll oflndiritlU8ls

IIl1l Govcrnlllei IU Vlrtlle of IllS authorltv bull DECREES

Article 1 bullbull11 horses and mules belonging to tho Republic IU be delivered to tho (hulDlllent for the use of Ibo Ann1 througb the Profects8l1bPreflletB anll Alcaldes ofbo IOIIpecUyO 10WIIS witltin fifteen day from tho publication of tltls decree

Art 2 AllY plll1lOn who ahall bave In hie poeshysesslon1 0hllo rumnls indicllicd in Arllellllelo and shall nelt deliver up the 811l11e within tbe aposhycifted time sball be Judged M II thiefal)d pwllsboo wltli all tho rigor of the Illw

AImiddott 8 Th~ Goycrllmell~ will proteel all Indl viduals who lIIali denounce the retalnera 01 idanimal alld will pUllhlb witll me Bamo Bevelll) thoae ho boln Inbrmod or tho unlllwrul PlSlll8shy


COMPANY A CIIlIILpoundI A WUTI_Captain )f r NADu-lilrat LimUolaoU

JAllU S Jl1ooamp-amp1I11 Liet_ 1 O bull Armalrong 26 James Morrow 2 lWbert Acher 27 B Y )fOOllllamp 3 Fred Abott 28 H )lcLord lIenr Adams 29 William )faMlng ~ Rlcbmoml Du 3fl Ury Mannint II fl BLI bull 31 Oharlea ProhUogton I ThOlllA8 1$11111 3~ Henry lW~man 8 F n Obrillty 88 William B11n 8 Mlcb COnRldllll 34 A Roth

10 181110 Clark 8~~ Tbemaa taW1llt II Rlchattl Doc 86 Jamea Smith 12 Ohbullbulllea Doul$herly 8i P Slumnon 13 A 8 Falrcluld 88 W G Turnor 14 John Fl~ld 80 00 Van HOllen lIS Thumna GilJ~on 101 Sergeaui 16 John HlI8kl 40 JalllesWlIlsb 17 John lel~llml 41 II W Vbeler 18 William rY1 ri 42 John Wel3h 2nd 19 Geor~e Jlmtled amprgeanl 20 William JckaoJl 43 JUlies Werrln 21 WlIIlim Xylor 44 Jalnea R cker 22 E~ R F LIIIoII 411 Patrick Everett 28 Samuel LOOI18rd 46 John Corcoran 24 John lIoon1 41 J F Taylor 3d 211 llellll )fowray Sergeant

CO)(P4NY B ClInt RUIIILIltWIcz-Caploill F L d bullbull__bull

bull lWlOM-lmiddotrbullbull Ltampf_uG V H ampmid L ltIt t bull OK ILL- M tMlI

I JOhn CoIln-lg 2( Jobn Ldnz i Oharea Wenzel 25 Oharl88 LupusII J_ph Soler 211 Philip )feye~

J4 Fran Nflier- lI1 Gharlo lloos8e1 II Ollllrlu KrauM 28 Auguslna )fullet G Jollil Axamp 29 CIIaS M~e1 Jom amprcr 80 B Marun 8 Edward Bibra 81 lWbt NowlllUn Igt Jolm BltIlIt 32 Cbarlll8 Pten

10 John JlIeta 83 Oball RoRIIeN 11 WUllalllFllesell S Etyard Rhein JII Theodore Fiek 86 J088(gtb Sohm18 Julllll Fnlllk 88 T Schrempllf

14 Uen1 F~ 81 OharleaScriba

11 Josepll Hoene 40 O G Staebbi 18 Oscar Hemil_b 41 JSchetlllUller 19 J Kuperr80bmld~ 42 Dion Straub 20 Leopold Klortbhe 48 Emile Seibt 21 Rdward Knndlg 44 O Ummorlio22 T Krcthenbaue 411 Ferd~ W(I8enbor 28 Artblll Hopper 411 Elward Wilke g

41 OuoWcher OO)fPANY 0

H1IIlll llvIlljIlLL-Oczplai A MoK P11I1iAK-Fir1 Li~ull4l1l WII NOllmslDoz-ampco1lll LkutlfllUlt

1 PalrlekButler II Thomu Brooke 3 c_ I D mue lOwn 4 1 Connelly Ii TIIOIlIIlI GarroU 6 William Oharles 1 (eo Garpenter8 D Cornlllllan 9 Edward Oorey

16 Edward IJlark 11 John Denllampm III Y OavidaonIII Dennis Elliott 14 Plttrick Evelamp 15 d Taner 16 R W Jlornud 11 Jolm Foote 18 Alfred GrRT III BeD Hardin

sioll of Rny RDlntal8 shall not cOlllllnmihl thu middot20 JantO llaynes bullbull010 to the proper authoritieM for the apprehen 21 J Uendersou sion oCtile offender 112 Charles Ghrels

AI1A ConlDlUllieated to whom It IDA1 concorn 23 David Jobnes Given in Granada Sepl 281856 OOMpANY D

WHo WAL1CER 4 bullbull

To Ibe Uinisamper onVt Gen Hawo llneda Iw8 F GIIANFir-CapalllBy suporior ord~r thl~ Is communicated to you A STIIULun- Ir LiltUtnallt~

for your information anti plOper aCIOIl lOtto Wooke 23 Heury POlice M luuiPA Minitor of W IU 11 Emilo Barrora 24 Wm Sommer

- - 11 RttD Schmidt 211 Dan SchrAde~-otite 4 p Blite 2amp John Viti IIO Bauman 27 It Conslgne

AII PERSONS buylog eJaime agnlnI UO estetes of tho (ollowlng named dacouetl per-

SOIlS will preaon illem 10 HIli dulYlIulltontiealoo on Of bef_the 28lh day ef Dltltl 18M otllerwlso lher will be ban-od by law


And all persona indohled to tlie estates of Ihe above deC_tid pencns willlllllke immediate pay m~nt to me

bull GILBERT TlTUS lublic Administrator

bull OriclIl4l DptlI1mellt Scptam~r 27 18M

Gralladn Ci~ R nblic of Nicarn a 1 p _~_____~__ _

Recorders Office 1IlE Office or the Recorder of Deed llorlgftges

kclol~ tbo Oliolltal Dcpftl~tmet of the Repllb lie will be opolled ill tie cll) (If Grlln4da on )fon doy tho 9th ofSptembor 18$6 All persona are Icquired by Decre$ tu hllve tbelr 111106 10 lauds In tbe aforoeaid Departu6lIt recorded llIlin Ix mouthB afier thllt date A~ OIL[I

Uecorder Cotlto Oriental DllpArtmellt Granado Sept 0 11160

___________middot_~-_middot_~~N __

9 H F Jemel 26 Edward CI 4 U Ki ~~ ~uoa ng2l James Lovelace liS James Jandretll 211 Patrick LarriplI 30 H F Miller31 lV G Martin 32 J W LoughUo 311 Wtn UcCarthy 34 Pat ODonnegan 3~ Tbomas Pldgeoo~6 William Rose 87 J A $mlth 88 Oharlea Smilh 39 Thos Wintore 40 Jolin Barnacle 41 Oscar Cromrol 42 J Lyster 43 D W Wilkin 4-1 J W AUSllu 46 D Cook46 Tbomll3 Fitzgerald

8 Jolin DUjDIIII 28 FrAncia OUU8fOno T R D(lbn 211 Phil DlIllllagnu 8 amp Darllf SO W P O)piand 11 Theodoro DiU III UOIIIIY IWICII

10 Henry Dalion 32 Phillip Leondra 11 Allton Gtlbbe tz 33 J08 lchuillIlan 1il r Grantz 114 Fred Dirkop 13 Tboo f1e~Rrell 311 JAmes Muller 14 8 1I1l1Ilbellll 311 W m G4IIOlly 16 Pierre lUtirre 117 John IJargell 16 Leup~ KrotolVslty 38 Jllllles FiunegAIIIi Robort Kempf 19 J J Schuylor 18 Jllle3 Jehlolld 40 Jamea Dale 19 lieu lIerteo 41 James lIall 20 CharlO lrelltz 42 -~ ONea21 lIenry 1aul80n 43 W MAgntc 22 G P_I 44 Pal J Rivers

------middotmiddotmiddot-middotPmiddot--b-Ii bull S I U t a eNOTIOE 19 bereby given th3~ I will Pl1)Ceed to

sell at l~m1C UOTIONIO Ihe hlghot bid let III tllO cIty of Sai Juan del Sur 011 the 10th day ofOcto~r no~t all tho properly belOllglftg to the estate of 8 Worden deceased The PIOpel~ty conslsla of ono house and several articles of POI 80nal properly J lRIEST

Amerlcnn Co~ul Sail Juan del SIlr amppt lIG 1861) Id

Lilt 01 Letter Remalnlllg In 1011 ORlee in Granada Sept 27 66

Alvares J M Ayula Houie A Drown Geo If Drinson J P

BOD8II1I Chilli D Brclay lieDr)

Dohlldl Mula 1 Bula DOli F Drown Geo

Berry E nlngoryno Benell D J

BOtdlllIll FA Bowlllan Wm

DllU Z J

Cole Sam (oopr Thomllll Clrlslophle )fouanlr CIk B II

Oasaaamp Sam R Clark Albert ClIlpbell Oapt CoI8lnan J T


Gapwell G W Conklin B K 08181100 Don Franciaco Cowley tat CovlIlllry John Carpentar Courlarde Don BernadoCooper John CabreraE Campen Cr Colman M W cwillo M Dick JaB Dulton II J Dyer P Il Donalds 0 II De Fltlfer J W Dickaon II Dunn ThoQl Donamplly W D Dobert) 1 Duall F )fDbullbullhon J J EisoUIck Pablo EV~II~ ED Fiaber Ju T 8 ) IlIg_rald JIB Irnulll J C II Faysaux C J Grahalll D It 2 Geilacb S Gliddoll JT Gregor G AGuenero R Ga9kiUM Gt~hlk C Goodlllan W H (IIbbb Gillllor Thomas Gilmore Stph 4 Gray A GaltlliealV Do G A HouJ W nume W viHagallP Hoes8T Itchingamp Wm J Hob BaaT narrle Ohs Hooker Clark Haley 11[

Jollnlton L Johnaton A JohnslOn It A JOlle lfeBC Knapp l F KlpOscotKllimph J E Ktlch John LiIIlBeld WD

)leKy)f n )fdlpio J W )forrie J W McMullen Jno A Mackie Rob Mims J It Berm JIlS )f Mendel T )UIIlI J R look Wm Morales Pedro 1IyrtbullJno Mlrlonl J J )fOOl Jrred Marlin Robl M_bH)fellow WmT 1Iyora EnriqueMosl01 T A Hundel D Moore J GP MoMauo H JMylord Juan Nag R8 Orosco J A Polioo Lon Luis PattaraOD LulaPlacloa Enriquez PoloinoDPownder John Pemberton TboaPemberton Thos PlckreagiU R W PowersEdw PanooOha Qulntal1l11 Rue Paul Rutb Jobn Ronalda O L Roux LRogg J ~ RuckerO II Sturges G A Smitb T B Sandera E J 2 SweeneYlJas WSchundera T [ Sherrin HugbSnyder Dr J n Schleulnger EllqSpann A SUIlVII J Swan Jno It Salford F G Shed Ob Sturtz Jacob TIIICSCIIIc H L II fowns Aa 0 Templo T amp-8 Towsle) D TrentiniO Y 2 Tompkin W A TogllAoca Te C II Uoler FM Vega Don 0 Watklntt Lewis D 2 Wlllialll8Oll WITWeeb It II White Wm Wllre Edw 2 Wbite 86m IWiIllanl8A V Wayne Geo W oight Thoa Wood NF Willson Jno J( 2 WaH A WilIiAlms A Y Wyn A Walllh JaIn

n~ P CRANE PostmasterGeneral

Dr lingu Post ENDERS HIS SERVICES to the citieua 1)(TGranada and vicinity In the practice of

MEDICINE SURCERY amp MIDWIFERY ar Olllee and reaidollloo on the 80ulbweu

COrtlr of the street oppallte the San ampancl$eo Conven~

Granada 18li6

Dalid ISIaug FFERS FOR SAIE at his placo San SebasO tIan Street 0110 1101110 above G~ Ph lle~

chors store Flour Wltlte-sugar Candles Uackerels Olivo

4fOIllaUcScldodrun Sebnapp bllttdlphia Ale and POImiddotte

Wille Olaypipes TERYS CUB

- ~ -- - -- ---------~-ilIJlX A TRODJlN



Togellier wilb l~rJ COPPElt JvnBUEEr~rJlO AnD ALl KtlC 0middot 600D BOrn IN 4 VJlOLpound9AU)flO~HopitAl 8tNlO~ III -ollt ofSanraoeisco OoIlUII

GranAda June 7 1860




fpound NICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 49 p 5 Sabado 11 de Octubre de 18561 Saturday October 11 1856 3Dl

W~T WE ARB STRIVING FOR ROMANaS OJ WAR THII BAY ISLAND8 AaaAL 01 mIlt raow 5bullbull-)( J -- Fella iii IellowfMWollfr Ind fe-lIow_llaquo qI

Th ra AI a pe-rlod In the ahOi t bn CIcntrlll To lbole ho b noylll been parllclpators In The 1Ihlll rollm aetlled on IiIe 0 nclt Eetrampef In ClIba h arrlyed at New YOft timo bAt Americana bave been In Nicaragua whea campalgo war appeaR to ba roll 01 hononl about wInch eo much dlplomaoy h betn lIpelld ~hm 8paIOlaft~endurinamp 100amp aeri ofpua tu) Irere brandcd b tbe porltanlc people of the Their 1II1ncit dwell pon bloody OCIlIlIletll ind ed between Ihe United Statea aad G_t Britela Ea~~ 0 pUIr oIlt year ampnot

I - r- pItOIIIId I bull a IIHbute~) s little blllter thn the brlgandl oC the Bolmiddot on 01 _illig a1ft14 before til wbta do ool Hem dIOIIIl4 to IIIbIuIl to w lat eo -oel Ill Fells who bad beea i__ kolo P ropetiu mlddil IM or tho bUeMlI tb-t inmiddot tbeir thouamphta dwell apoll thlife of a lOIalr III Tentioll collcluded betw_ Mr nu IDJ Lord prleon ror a lonl tlrae wlib blm lID ~ IIImlshyrleq the COlltS oC Contral America daring ita traetioo irom sa ogo to half-eivUlzcd liCe Sollie wcre even bold enough 10 denounce U8 plrato and lao who wad 110 higher or more ennobling lurplea Ihall to rolS tho woak alld to oppreaa IhbIa ho could nol rcain our poer Why Ihey rho~ think 80110 (Quid not dcvlse for theycte~ publlshedtlleir roGSons with tbelr oplolonl They ~(lIgttulnlr did raquooUao any tbiog In tho nctlona f ~lnelmiddotlcan In Illb countr to jll8t1r lIucb an

I e bull don Thty seemed to overlook the eWllI tm ~at we having rccched our earliesl training utr Iho manlier of tilemsclTes Aroso to manmiddot 1uood~dQr tbo purifying InftllencC8 Of tbo sAone itOi alld hving instilled Into U3 Itom tllo lint 4bullbullm ~r our petClptionl the sreat principles o hlc call rcpu~UCllllism could nol do olberwlo

tban 1 turtAln tbe dellpeat r6gard8 for tllo broadut UbtI~ ff the Indlldud 1~6n Valker In bls Inaugural addrw

lY Ule IIIIIlOllt liberty of speech patiblo Iti~b order IIlId good sov

i 0 ~~h~fun~I ofnil polillcal bull I e cling 118 r u JlOI

IbIe Ie materlll deTelopnlcnt of th~ State J ballIO unmindful oflllllntellelaquoIIIII and motu reo ~Qltellellts To prolIIote the proper eduOitioll of Ihe p~ole and to oneollrage thenlln tho praet1cee or t04t Diflno flIlJllon wheh COlllltltbita hlIIIlla

~ or lIlIid~rn elvllbailoll eb1I be the objecl of prl-IMt) ~mportalco1I Ib~ Ito tile prillciplea wblch IIOt ollly JUld

th clUet ftliaR bll b I IIbh d dOPUL~J 0 1111 f c uaiwlC narlgallel h l1 po til 0 Amer cana nce ell ar VI In

do dollntry Tbe woret enemy toour poace and

Ih~lv J1XI dcanlmlla NlcAlquala but tbe genius of

olliam reduced down to practice We

lit ~ tbrougb the pme Impulse Of IDetllletfliat pela the Engllsb to push their colonlea to dIG remotest COrlllltf of th eArtb and iblt loduees 1M Amerieep ia tbe United States to I ould r 101

bull IU aad his rifle aDd penetrate tblt deptb oC the _ Illd ope~ an wlld__ Into the broad rllgbt of clvlftzatlon W bullbullre her bringing - L U oh tl 1401 f lit e _ago arta a~ t y Jllry 0 our famplhtre nd Ibe balloloboll of our brother and we are lIere fulfilling fot tbe first time 1118111vloo prophae1- Wbolo oitionslllmil be cooferted In ON ~1

W~bout hesItation or etaggcration we can eamp

6tt 0 are Ihe ollly ractfeal mlulonariolll of the pepelliince th day orst raul oSt Patrick IIId w_ hue ~lready done more fo~ tbe caUie of

lit don la Oenlral Amerllta than aU the preach IDC at liu been done lIere Ince the da1 of~ Et

bllll Nicaragua has already received from IlII 611Cb puth onwDrd ldlf ery 0110

ifill ere to leaveOmorro Itwould be1on1l L__ Ilate Ie tho Spanish retrograding tendency

ItIIId rng hor bkCk ioto th eocial politbal and IIOIA1 arkn from wbleh we hLe reBcuoi her

1IH1P Snoonu-A reglll corps of sharp ~ baa beoo orgaIlized in eacb hallaHon The 11M lIIavQmrll la eYery compau are selected IJId diell armed with a llonle muskei B this ~IIenl II body Is organizod who may bOIe-W~ to kill a mn 1I one tbollAnd yarde tllre8 II fill offlv~

(I BORNlnYS COllluIID-On Tuosda Jt t bull y bull

tH Vgin btOUih~ up f om Si (iJorgc the entire IOIIIUI~lId under Brig Gen O C 110rll8by making II addition to Ibo garrleon or 160 mell

~ lIIl ()~luBl-Tbi stealller arricd in San

JdIi 01 lur 011 W cdnesda S1le will remain at

I bull

01 t until tbe Pauenlllllamp arrive b1 tbe next lui r from Ne Yorkf11 $I SIIIgtOTINII-For the Ias~ tbroo daye the

ItI sertlee Bllt war wllbaU III dlIipeeabie Clarendon Afler a 101I1Iym8nt of th Bog 8l11rollndln ami 11 Hults ofteo tillia open 110 rule whlel INII 01111 eoaured jU811e but a Ul the pathway to more eoJoyment tbao can oc- hlol4 ohaCety they ho DO Idea of belog traMshycur11i Ibo doll round of a 1_ active liCe The lerted to the tender mercies InJ IIICOIIIpotent aumiddot plrll wbloll nrlse when b~lIe boata Ire about to lbodl 01 tbe nge Guardiola They bout engageln combat u properly evbed 1I11amp11lb oc- righ for th only prospeot 01 amp ohlUlp III Ibelr (ion arill and In ita ste-d the ruea of iltoatloilborthowonJC UndertheruleolHonshyfrlerubhlp and tbe bappleat of ROOd felloyenhip I lultlvled It is bllt nllIral that where II14II) men Ara mutually depOlldent upon the plowcas and bravery of each OIlier II Irong allllI of brothershyhopd 8110uld bind Ib~m In thlt tho Nicaraguan Army bosond aU othor allord bull the beat ll8tIllce of

_ bull - bullbull- II Friend no rbullbullt Ol1I Whoso doublemiddotbosoms seem to wear one beart Whuse ~jUI-s wbOl6 bedl 10_ meals and

exel CI80Are 1111 logoll18r whove tllln u twm In 100 lnupaable

Tho Flnl Rifte Bttellon ot Iho Arm Ie tba (lldot and on thle llecount appear to claim the right of setdng all example to their equally brave compllllioniof other batUion1 of tb Joillt of II

bull bull soldier lifo Being oflleered by men WilD Un told their forlunesal ibeIr IIIItlv hom Bearing their birthrightl proudly on thel b To IIIl1ke a hazard oIae foriunel h r IIC I r ore n briebull a braYer cltoleo 01 dauDtlebullbull _plrlts~~ft~u~~i~~degti~e


trut pldloeophera lId lIIeD of 1IIIdonJtandlng turn the preacnt to the beat adlIntap

When Itll undentood Ib tiltmiddot r IL ~ hmiddot bull I t 1- I Imiddotere 0

q e1n cOlIllgtry canna po 10 0 II e nmiddot Nortll Yere mareblal toward thlt capllal th ~ In wblch Americans here have eo rar forgot- Fint 111801 were ordered from their qurte U teft thp01aelv aa to eommlt any act w~lch would an dyaneeguard of the Nlcanguan Amy 1t8ec~upon Ile hlgb elate of clvllillltion of their Thev enCAmped at the J lteba Ch reb

d b th dmiddot OIl I t h bull II on w ~ ~ 0 lUI c bullbullbull men II Ollie outlklrta 0 11M elt1 rortlloI~I the polladimiddotma han been bore a there are and urrDulllllng Illeit pmeol pOeItlon I Id

- boo In ever CODIDlunily individllala 10 - gruay Th IccInllea for lancln III the Iocallt tjjly organized to allow thel pollllon to g 1

re too lIeat to _pe the 1tItchful ea of ~hlOr tbtlr bettlll Judgemeat But tbe tbe B16e11 and their hammock were _reel

on eplllirYllItn III ilriDltlliiCH alld ~ 11111019 up Tbey are too gallaut to keep to themlety AlllercAiIa bave treated tbe natin of tb iaeounlrJ eo much h1oyDlOOt Inltatiou re Immedt I k L v bull

~ ~ magnanimity Dot nown among ona ately lltued to the ladl ami pAtIomell of Ora IIld aa weUa to their brother 01lc8

Adance on tho greeD by moonllgb wOIIld bull A hi If _amp

temp n ooy mle e no lIot A1 thereCore 1I1Ih what a1aerlly the IlIvitltlon met wltb compliance

Befot tho moon badfaMy apread her hom bull

lIgure were rUdillg rapldllO And fre and ladlOll on boreoba~k belln to -mye The dear era turea looked In lb parllal gloom l1li1 pf moat bewltoblo beau wblcb altronwer IIhl If u1

thing augmented

__ Nlghl Shows tars and women la a fair IIgbi

rett Dancing waa Of cbulll Ihe order of the lIinht

I - _Aad when

lfumcrOl6 WIlli Ita yoluptuouuwollampn e~ea looked lue to YII8 which epoke apln And al went merr1 u marriAge bell

Dallclng with II Its lellirableneea does ltayeI r --t b II dbmiddotat I 11108 a 8 Ii Oll lUI IIg ten Olley ut we

Rille aro the IlIlIt III tlll wOld to rorget the nomiddot eeultlei of the Inner man In II eommodlollll toom at a eonv~nlent distance from where the dancers danced II board was ead ltll a prolll sian 01 viande and wboo beVtnl$eII wore reshyqUlred tlOJIIe Iere furnished lIIcll exhilirated but did not Intoxmte

001 Eo J~ere lind Lieut Col F Atldereon controlled the entertainment so 1111 aotl eo pleaalllgl) tiift were il IIOt they are alroad Imowno ellcel In the inillwy profeulun alld It bmiddotb lib tiel - Ih t

aYO O W I r 1110 cam an or thelllselee in the Temple)f Fame 1ft would be Inclined to adyl them to devoto tbemselves to Ing or aD entlreli dUfcrent and 1_ edIIf~ rol$ nalure Bul the plelUure wo enjoyed Is somowhat mingled wiLh 1 regret for thoeo Who

t ~ d tl I bCOU IIG en1 1 alice on 10 green If It II ellvlnblc felow whOle good fortune II I to Iotcd Ihe First RlRt Battalion

---------- Ll01EII-The laily of )111 Potier 01 tho Ordmiddot

dllma they will not only be lubJected to tho peUy tTrano) oCa bQlrmiddotbreed Indian J8IIoulOf their IU

periorilJlod pprehendy oetbelr power bullhybull

wlU be excmp Itom lnythlogllke proteCtion from ~ht ronp thai IIronger pow 1111 lee II~ to plol108 upon theXl In their IlIdlldu tapieIYFoelln(~1 their dQoadvantallOf thy Very MIumiddot bullbullU1 obJcel to 1111 amalgamation with th goy- tollty 9111he tid ~rlirrh lut M~rF~Ulm mellt of lItindllrU The followlllg extfaol flOlll a dlatetYleIkud went to Glb la from hloli cormpoodent oCtbo Now York Ifld dated al PaceUhe t paeaag~ O LtveIOOI d thence to

lilted 8htos amYmg Boston in thetea Ruatan AlIgl8t 19 will Fbow 1I0w the people hlp Nlapn on the 8th or lUlllt lut )lr Felli ~ere Iook Up80 the Coolfentloo and ho tbey II a cllifin of Ihis couatry 1IlIkcl) to act In the ueat lbo troty rallfied )lr FIIIII no ill thia city enPlled IS the wltbollt alty COIIIIIIItltiOa with ibeluclilimente Go1lmment lrantor

A reporamp having IJI~ em Ruatall tbat the Bn -------- shydab governlllent w gOIng to deli IiIe eoIony A HOlllItla-80111e gentleDlen were amlllinof the Bay Ulandl to their orlKlnal ~ (the Ihemaelrel yeate-d afteraooll b III tIii State of HondlllV) It ha caUted eonaiderable es- alii to t at dlatenc Y 00 g at

ciltment and the Prealdenlof 1M Leglaladve AI- II a on e frolll the 0 sembi called a It neral meetlogofthe InhablWttl wharf ampad aucceeded III _dlllg bullet Ibro11 for the purpoee of pelillolllo ber lIaJ~y 011 tho the IIrUa 0( one Th monster _II pye Ill the lIIUecl uuamp 11 bullthe~ allUmtnllll ~ at thlt men- - III 11 ed on tbe hore IiIII tawlI1e

log wblob tootplaoun I oclock on tb 18lb Stlidwl~ ~bout nille feet IIId eYeD III death he 11I1i1llld proIul$ toally reeoIllllolI belng-d J ee appearance oIlelng a II ugly elYshylalllyllldlldualtellprelled I 1rDII1tenaa tomer TboeewbowLlhtoatudytheanuomof their IIlItlmelltl 011 theUlattlr AcoJorftpomiddot tberilterwlllfindblmaowllogoDlhebeadampt1eman boldlog a hlllh ofllce on the IaIorul doell red that he would DeYer conlen( to -01 lloa luaus WampOOIl-Wina 00 bae _I GOt shyboln _t to th Bdlilh soY--t tor It bad _ IIaIHt oPplClled Ih people too much ampad II uo I 11_ e~plWl waampon we JWnled and quite a gDftmlllOUI gaYe th up II~ _ wmln and ampy100IuII concern In tblg eoUllt) wh tIIere able to take III rmlto deCend themaeleII (rolll are nothing but - willi whe lIIade byllampwfni thelllYMIoo oCthe Hon~_ So oth oIIthe butte oIa trbullbull and punchlog holethrwgb followed III the tlwe wlrlike emdn which _0 th Ier r h to tbe taete of Ill 1_lIag 1111 liiio ~ bull ceo or t I ampIlemiddotwe It Ie oow rIged lip Chat the lurplllll reveoue ehOuld be dnoted to dI ampad the drinr duhe through tile elty In a purehMe ofarms d amm1ll1llooi ob 1IIId that amtocratlc mteor mildbull If Ihe were 101 lIeutral the HoadufOll would lea them III the q Ie~OI of the BIII lll4UZlIIL-We are Indebted 10 II the Nlearagum eml~Dte lIditr the _d publ1tb and aIao to Wine Co EllprtM fof

~~b-ped wllh hit lite 111 FeU~ andIfhIl~g hoe ~ ~thtrlO ober 1861 tenced 00 the 24th of )larch fo~olnw- 11 JeanJ ilnpriloomen Ceute and to enJure I~4 -ryelllllllce oC the poIiee Ille ellpiration ofthllt i~ pU1lllUlce of II I h b SpainOlitheJtofJ~neamp1I d~~eavfo~ 011 the 811amp orte memolllh On the 181h ~f JuloIIOI~ be w tlkell to Cdur wllere he ~t ~~~II ~e ~thmo( 1If1~ Fromdtllbe prilshy

rov ula an t rown Into tbe IlronJlbold called UMbo and itep COtl

t1nuallr In ehalna Iu th mlWllillle tho friellot ~~Mr ~eUAaIll tmUited Statu were not Iliac by~b~nQeo s f nOII~~ tmiddotrb~ jug_ted

lIec ofthelrfoll1 hubeen M~olllJ b their wunhe a ~d~l(eoa ampbe 1Ieen wu got O(ClellIlValker 1Ii~(lllampOPJh_fuIIooplbullbull Q(tllube nlblallIthlT lertIOIIIIfIt promen tblt State h lib bull I ~~pored ha hlbe mtla~~tf~ Colllow do -1YWi ~ lubecribe to HI1 ta -I and attac llIenl to _I oroWII can 10 -IV net bull Co

but 1amp had qwte III opposite e4eoI (or dI (8e11nS It that lhi tallallon tbat It ImpOllidIbr the _eIIt WIIIUk Ce-lIrHlnkle theactlOtDmodatlllg Of_I_oJllclllllU1gh~ltat beea ed Jufdlbey ~oIth aboYIl lbp has plllcedumiddotlnpc been pOllllllted to relllalll llldepedelt ampad lItIo - of our replar fll 01 Butern Md Pacillt lrat ootcolouized III dlreet viorauoll of IiIe Clay ncban We h ton and Bulwer tre17 II ope to elbe Exp bllllintfa

HallY suggeatlona were 01l8red bUI thllt 1I1ob thorougbly organized agaIa

Tho gIy bat ceqQeltisb rldingack and the ward of the pori 01 lrUxUIo and about tlleame tanWlzlng Impudence of th 0101111 wbleh 1 tllttlnee (rom the IIInd of ftllliall There8

11011 now abollllorlJ Germampllll IIIId AlllerI_ a worki IOmellmilli 01181 11 thade of uncertaint over tllllr tuch au their PIOBpeCB thai tbe have J(feD the Call facM rendered the IICeno one of Intense 11Ite- place the name of New California Iluan I

seemed lito tn08~fslbIe wla made by 011amp of Ihe rea1denta-Ibic~ In the event 01 tho colon belag e _ted by til British they thOliId aend to PrealdeDt Walkar aoeking Ilia rdlluce ud reshyqlltiUng him 10 aend a bod) oIlrDIIpI to prrleon the Iellnd for aD 1I0vemmell~ 11 betler than that orHOliduru

Emi lion I _11m III to th ne1 dllccrrned pld de altuf on tbe _t Honduras at bull river called Belfltte within thirty mU wealo

therelOre IikelJ to bo tho depot to lind fioolll the

bllru OJ RxcAl1ITs-Co1 E J ampcod bull ~ 41li

broughl down (rom California secnty reQRlCII which ltayO been moatly _ignad to Iholllral Buia Battalion The tillookcd like men of therlght stripe


)1011 REOIIVITamp-Col Jack Allell amvW 0 Ifood It wltb near 008 hlllldred recruits UIlshy

der Capt J B Graeo Bolbmiddot lt101middotAlleoantl cpi Of0011 hbullbullbull retumed 6-0lIl furlough

PBR80NlL-WeannOllnce 111 I h t f J V Fb I ure I

e IIrn 0 bull bull ens to Grallada aaer aD amp1gt Ullited States all 118 ncelln harbOfll 0 arm llen~e ofthree moolbs to tb Eatttmiddotrn Stites advlllltages for 8ucb II purpose nuelt baing p fecily 1e from north winds 111 tbe winler amp8011 List oC Letter------=-----=-

ColllKG SrSl1JIER-Th ateamer Teno_e na Remaining in the Post Office middotrccei-ed adnrliaed III New York to lellve ror San J_ del sinoo August 30 J856 Norte OIIlhe 6th or oampObar wlIlub would mako A d J J had t t T it n reAlIer v GIl a preseo OIl or w Irf8 Andolllon 110m I aufllolellt to IMIIe lhe trip and we -1 th_ Aharez DtD rore expect 111 arrivil about Thursday nut with Dlalr Oharl datal up to the 6tll 01 October It ia IIIpJlOled Brown Oeorge that the Onba III bo at 8m JIIAn del Sur in Ood~ Themu time take tho PuaenllerA by tho ~elt8s throh g~itJDon to (lallfornla Afler the Tllne tht Teunesaee ia Cottle Caellye regularl posted to I on the 14th Ihllll piol or_lg R R utwo atelllnera thlsmWthftom New York 8ioce Orowel~ John Ue above WAll written the Orlube arIed Sail Co~por Tbomu luandel Sur EflCkeoD cP

Ftlgerald 0 0 NJ(IAuGu GlIuM-Werecelved largo FitzenldGeorgobun II 01 ti If I DB C Flshe~ Bordamln c n~ 00 grapca om bull e fIIfIO apt Frank II

N N whlcn a~lbough ~ot jQlte equ~II1 fllI~r GOltel H to Ibe best ~bOIIIh are fur an uncultivated milt Gardne RP of good qualilYmiddot We have 1)11 been ofopllIon Cilnllll John that NlcaraguR would before all1 very dlalaDt diy lIaley )I

Leltl8ll Ourtil Lockwood E 0 )lullen J Vahon 0 lIlIIer D 0 lie ioigan J 0 Nag R B

Otllllaa J D ~Imer J p~MA

2 Piper ~1 bull SwaD J R

a S1OCUIII Cpt BRlall Jaoee

Trvllllj Chas lJ

2 Taylor A W rlgbt A w~A H West Lleui J S

be the flfet vine growing counlryln tbe orld-A lIagtl_ TampOIllIl Zarrl J 6 11I th III d ft f h abo Jorlrnan Wme p 01

not un e so an u~ 0 t e vo mOIl lIooed buncbrengthODll St~U Taeticbull

IbllHD PlPIlIUI-Womual apo1og1ae to llr THE GBNTLB~UN Who boTOwad ftOID Col Munt Cooper Nwpaper Ageus III San Fran Fahers ~r Ille ampoolld VoIulIIe of

Hert companlee III the two ~Ul8 oualiona lIanee Deparlmenl CII1IO to Or_la by tbe Jut cIIco rot 001 relUrolDg mlr thub-for tlta COIIIIan~ Scott 8 Tacllcs will ampICfllle retlltll II 10 CoIollel lave elaquojn CIIgtged III target 8lercuu Tho oootmiddot steamer and w happy to A oXfleeta 10 make and eOpiOli IIIppllee 01 1- pap wlarla 1fI111 III Ii~t U~iT~iR)(AK ~_~~~~~plI~e~~a ~llghly crodtablo tbls her fumo Iollle conllauu to rerei lila baa-Clemmiddot1t (obullE 8ecoD411l


bull bull

pound+ NICABAS[JENSa Vol 1 No 50 p 3 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October lB 1856 309

IruIrti~1 mu~il to urge them on but with ISA J(E US FROM OUR FB1ENDS 1 victory land defiance Btamped on their mud8~ned figures lind written on their ampvin~ bllnneri-lllf I tlien there WIIs a eIIout went up rrom the anenat that was eohf)e~l from the old prochi~ churoh and rolledori and grev heuier nt the GUllrdshyhousea shuut that carried hope IIlId new lifo llri te1rful joy to the hearts of our flmil~s nnd friends but such terrOI to tho cr Ivon enelny that they could not fly and ~ II IIlIlUY of them in the pitfall they hi ug thmsolvel Ihore wero some who ampld it and at first knew not its mean ng-trhlllds who were cut (1ft and Iring n their hOll8ell In momentary ex

~on of the 118sasine knc But as Gen fNlllker and hu boy~ drew near the plpza alld saw stili floatmg (rom the

i1agStft ill Its centre tbe devieBlo( free Nica I h Ii Id I h

U mo dr gUR- d n It~~ w t ndazth

1 lr ers t Ie re P inot JArs -11 U8 bull b h h mg natives men w 0 were onre t ellbOWltlta t NIClalua was ltlll safe the drum and fife struck up Ihe homely old IUneof Yankee DOl)dle and tbosewbn knewtDflt tbe meanin of Iho lIbou knew

bull bull g 1bel that IR other dl~s had led theIr falhe~ from vlotoy to victory

On year preVIOIIB ell tIlt very day the n ver tobu-forgottoll 13th of Octuber Jr Viillnm Walker entilred Granllda bull hi d b b Iill t u1t tlUifl an t IS WlUl IS com

If n gt

middottom g 4lir 4VENlOROUS PdRTY

bull f _ _ bullLale 011 the evening or Sunday tbe

12th aparty COIliamptillg or MlijOI Rogers Minis o- of aaclenda Col Thos F C dtllce ahe Qualmiddottermaater General apt lute lite Those were the traltols who JUAN OTTON DB OPPLBIf

I T Slm~ls of t~e Qllarlomast)rs _par~ came 1Il~0 Grannda with patllotlo eheera IUIhNlJ1UU mel)j 901_ Lam~ olle of Gen W~Iker 8 llpoll thou lips thllse were the mon who Tbe card one of line Brhltol board ud In-Aills] flUd an escolmiddott (If about Haeen Ran promised to81e the country-these welo di6ttcd much taaampe lillie Uecullon Hla pookol gets ~ltted from Muaya for be city r- Lire Illell who cl~tIed Ibe eVllngelism of beok 10101 amp3 oil ca hie _muloC ~n Grandll They had Dot IIdYaneed far whenI It

bull became eVident that IUjwould be

bulllanirOOs to proceed and Mal R~ers bullT

retutlea to acquaint the Gcneral of the

ct_ The remallldel of the puty enmiddot d h h B bull etm e 01 t e nlg t 8)10 monnngiller ~vere attlcked and Lhough they deshyfended themselves bl8vclyMd 811Meoood in cutthll thlir VIY through they were

I~rg partllls of th6 cllemY line Wllle thlr foro obliged to mllk very Clircuitous lOIItIis- Col Fisher witll hismiddot two com pan~ns Iilturned on lhnltltday mnrni

bull Th4t wero very milch ftl~Ued havmg

h Ii h t h _l ell ~ not lUg 10rn l c IIno t tly start irom MlIsnyn until thl) arrived nt Grll-IIId excolpt 01100 whero they hllpPned tpg~ W a small hut where thelo were bullineieen women and children aud onlyL

OflO mnnbull fhe Colonel placed tI guard 11 tb~ dour ttl prevent tile Igres~ of IIny i ilftllF natives lind thonprovliled SOIllUmiddot

~h1rqt to pal rr himsdlf lind men ~1 D1rlng tho woek lievernl others f thll

rt IIlThmiddoteel IhtY nrted CRllt Slim fmiddot -- lOis ael II they Imd soen bis hrse CII IItd him and supposed tbat ho hllli reshy

loClvd a semiddotolo wound But fortunately CoP~ SammilS himself arlivlld III the tity

thiS OfulIlg_ II hnt Dllt belu founded adEd cllron nllthillir faom tltt) tilll he

left 81 II IIntll be IIrrlved ho( romaliishy

Weare informed by InttrUlgen and loyal Democrats of tbis city the when tbe late attllek Wllll made upon Granada they gave up all hope for the olty Nlit knowing the character nf tho American people nlld helllvhig it Impo8lllhie amphat OliO hundred and fiay mfR and a portion of those Infirm eould contend IIUCle8tlfully agnlust the heavy odd coming down upun U8 from U qUllrter many of thuse eople ran away to the Inountalnll allIlln 80me easel we have heard of them being alaulthshytered In the woodllwhithlr they had gone rr safety When it is known that mallY of the eini~salies of these brutalities were flrmer rosidents of Granada it call_reeshyy be credited that even savages would

th bull bull b pursue IIlr paSOllons 60 ar lit DeVrshy

bull theless It is a truth thnt the mOIl cold blooded atrocities were performed on flee

noxt door Doi hbor There were but rew enga ed in t~68e horrid trn edlea for we

g tfi dl I th t it r I Ie JUN len say ng a ou 0 fI ppu amiddot tlOIl of fiCteen thou8and Granada did not furnish mllle thall three hundred men to the ranks of theallOmy and th~we three gellOucbed hundred wele only enemies becluse the Among die -1 o-ro -pu trom lIIe elle-A h d i t duced I t G ad m1 shOll at tbe Jaltoba wu Uebrf WalleN

merlcans a n r~ n 0 ran a wbon 8ft heuy-casod gold hUlidn walch bull plan of hvlng Without the It waB ampeod bampIIich would ollletlt bay --_bull bull UN_

unce the prlvdege of the II1111tar1 Umllllrs hlacroln ill bullf auk 11110 III wate IIDt in this city to raile the wind by the laY Ibe Ju snob A sbocIt gave hit tam he re-

most questionable meuulesoodll8 a mall oeed 110 InJUlf He hu already fonpe III four lor of cOUrie when II better governmllRt bampltlea IIIlder Oell Welker ud 1fU he was established under Gen Wlliker these kldng of ()ta1IIIdbullbull

titletl thieves found their OOOtlpation Kune One genU_a left 1IIoIIowlng card In on of r alld thllrewith the chaneeot IivlIl a ditiSo tbe ho_ III wbleh be cook UpA tempotll1 rtal

order-these were the men who loved ad by Carrera Oell WlIlker no hoIda die com 1181

Granada too well to see her in tho hoods m onbull of the prosent Oernment and ye live I During tIae aght 1fahYerIIaRCII were

Wht did they do 1 What wefO their hltea frOID the eny III III bandt ot bull peI1IOII

ld9111i In delr _ dI__ lie fir middotefteotl+ works t _ I

r_ bull d d b weaptllll amp t_ certatD 1 _III 10 u ofAlmmg mto town a~ mt 3Y Y II

fOloy upon their own OOllotr)lIIou they wllre 8uOil fed Thuir next move was ror a whi~key shop ahd at IIlghtsllt onemiddot

1IIIfllrtunately rcparated filtm each other~ fourth of the attacking force WII3 turlled Col Laln6 WIIS take1 pri~onol Col int the SlIme sut of drunken vagllbolldH

FIsh~r With wo ~lIgers 11Itlllncd to Ma tllll~ had been dllvon ltu~ of Grllnllda JU$t lIIya but dlscovermg th3t Gon Walkr one ytampf befhre Thelf Rltve iustlllctil Ilad ~turned to the 1iS$ldanOO of Grant- sull hoM Illa~tery although thly wlfllin da t~(ly also retracod their stops to this tiont of danger lind In the JlIth of dllty F~ On thcir wily they If ot sevcrnl At light had not a rge prtlon u r the

bull I foreign furee beell (lIItrllmed to ~nlaln ~ober our omall garrieoll might hn~ gobe ftlrthlInd tied up with 1(P=4 the lotlliflg raBnis who CUltle into thlgt cit to rodeembull ~It ~o orler and gOll( guernllltmt

B I bull f I II ddlit t lell X ~~m (I 01 IIr I nut

stop here Thofo ~hn did not gut drunk uud cover ui nibt reolmiddotted to robbery I

i ~ lind bllt rlilV tonslll 1)~(jII)lld urpillaged Every thing ~IInhllllf b ing calried IIwuy

fidelity IIf th 1ple of Hranada Tholl6 coi BpoundIIDIu In hlllpoti _ loIae wbolt or who laW them make voluntar) ufterlng of be olBennd men ohb Jlm RII BUalloD did refreshments to the exhausted soldier bel dn amplid I ould be mock 10 110 know how willing i wlltliono They blul gl one oller mON pNile til _dler fte7

)1 bullbull 6 l 1 w IIII Wlng to cri8 Ibelr U1f II~lie ro ut a mo every WI Umiddot lot die _ ftft IIPl1a eel wlt n the American gum could ~ro-teet them but or what WII It they gave with a willing hand

Such met8 18 these Ire worthy to he studied by the wrld at hlrge bull Those wh hllve slAndered UII wlthollt knowing of

bull what they wrote can weigh the avldenshyces ald thEII decidu 1Ip1O wholR tu CIIt tbll title of frieud and proteotor to the people (If Nillllrngua


- I the Amurlcan 1OIdI approached lbel1ishyampeha chllrb tbe bullel from tbo glllll of the ttl shy

- -kl 1liii Wert 1mg ID tI 1 t errery peI1IOII on h_back m-iDCIIbullbulllulg 10 the ground and Il behind ble horse for pro~1I oa W~r aIon malmiddot b- oM bull re _ 011 lIg ers 10 _ 1111 abou as much MfIfroid III If orderIagA boltllt of wiDe Ibr hie dlMer I ud Ie Dol until bewlarepcatodl)reqllnledtbonoolllblm 10 diamount that 1M did 110 He emed 10 be as regardl of Ih elleou of a Millie blIll If 1M ere plOOhplm lIIem ForlullateiJ be did IIOl

litlle_nt hey are but aPlnHv~of cleD18eI~-eiDdelencOI Grallldbullbull the bew and erro of lIIe Indllll of tIae Honb alld baylollg aiDae b8llll dfioarded by dltllIAampIona tbatcondllClaiUfIa aclenCllle _11111

The handle of lIIe 11111laquo ill about hIce III 1000g andlIllek u an ordlnar1 broolllmiddotbUdle I lance on llie end It an onl pleco or IroD or iteel )ot fuur Inclin In length alld abouhlliaob and a balf In its grlA breadlb In rlulng tbey CUp tho Itallll19 About Ita cenUO 111111 0110 band and Ita loer end r811111 UIlOII lIIoir rlghl foot Close 10 the bead or III Iallce lIOn_ bad II lillie red g aplit Is be ceo like A s bull allows tall

bull A raquo~lIOIIOIl UI) A ~IIiIIIU11C -A cit

~ w_ bnlvorl during lhelate detenco or tblS ell) was atllpl delllOMtfAled byltle inc of a 1rouodet __ 110 1 11_ or en Iny on hearillg one of t1i9 cia

-- 01lttpI wy Her verI ltgtJOll1re11t1rlcOO l Ibe

ur In die report of Ilurspcclaleorreaponlellt wa _ndull Capt middotDrew The propr resdiog or tbolllUD8bDeul

------- shy or Tbo followDC COPl of lelk wrlltell h] Jlbullbull DW1 H Wheeler III Agenlof tbe Amm can Bible Society at Grallllda 80ell18 coneidetl6 wben a WM writteu 1111108amp propbelc IL III bull 01 (lilt aIAYmentbull and iiI excite illucbaflllpamiddot 1~7 Cur bill aad end BII~ be blood ormatly ill I ~ eed of e~e Clturcb Gild In tbe plaoll or OlIOshyMulonat killed by ampbllllo ungts bundredtt ill yel pnrdllHbtir goodly calling bere In_ ritf

GRlIIpoundIgtA Oct 3middot186amp bullbull rdMAIY I took my book Imd ent AfonnJ aud on youe leIItgtIment )luny 811id Ibey bAd no IJIOIIllI and otIl 1d tile Quid pnrcb lte afler die eomIJa~ over WlOr loakil Or autenem111very doy rull lllree thodU~g ~

feDo nl1gbl be a riliemlln but biil credeD~l B(lIl1agood omcclil lid BOllle vor) gdOd aofim were atllered In dUlerenl IIChool from botek b hi_

nOWD y I lit name n lIll1Cky Tbe Ileamiddot raga rifleman urna bil reputation by ~I

Iyaltacklng kunu and 111101111 othor people WIts stUlllI II(J~ lUly fngtnl foe~ bllt nlike goods whll tile KellluckllUl hlil the honOi to be rmm fmlllds liHI pooril~t natives were bull terror to -Iaucb rucala foilllesklll wltb which

fltmlM tu givo lip tleir IMIIOY lind tholll bo drops them Ihe dlelIlOO of one o two bunshywhu had nOlle ill IUlIIe 034el vera lashed ilred 7arda m Do

lruIlkn Ioxes 111111 evelY othor plll~ 4111 II PnIIlCL-ThLI IOpeclmoa of IIIlUtarl wbore g)Ida ~lr valullbleol millht be hId OtIIIlnlly ~paoled blluoope 10 Mala aM

( was -a wllh III IDOIt advanced of tbe Jim Wble tmieJ l~pylUlVy Ind whell clotll Rlh Tho bowllie w his fJlvorito poIIIon

Cor J0811 Auu-Thll ollCllr w11I com~d of Ibe body of tIae Second Rl4ea wldllblor Ca In tIae repll of Ib La- IIItl1t1oeed b 0IIf

eorrespIIIIdeot md proYed Ill_If 10 be A bnlle man After Ibl tlIg_nl he wu ordred amp0 _ dIiot Capt Drea aud Capt Ore In 1b~lt pOIishyampion near Ib luge pm The oomblnllllon _ ceeded In Njtulalog tbo enem hferal amp1_ dillgtshying tbe _y

CoL JlcI1l10811-Thfs eBcleot olllcer prOTed bfmeel(1 y w1I orlhy of the pOlilion Ii~ OCCllplee U was al walCbflll amplid a1ait ready 10 aUllnd 10 hI dUly Dis car for bia wounded men is well otlhl of nOII08 As soon ali II w ueertalaed lbe enemy wet driven oul of ()ran~da be Immedlaley dlapalcbed olle ofthe Compaat ullder ble oommand 10 bring IDilie ounded or hi Baltall-m lrom die _ne of l1Ie con8Ic4 at lIIe Jalwbe

Our tibullbull-From lIIe iDablllty of 011 man to - 1M whle of amp bald Ibe report of Oot

Speclal Oomepondellt Illat be DeeeuiampriI1 1ItJ defectT~ It apP8llMII lIla Capl Oreen of die tiecond RllIu 1Od Capt Dreal of die ampeolld lllranky 10 IlIMaIIl hi ~aDced poeilkn dUpug tbe dd7 and acled rery brnely Llell Henry T She wndOO In lIIe Deck liDe latmiddot Inll In be defmce ot (ble POIOI Sherman baaDOI been ablll 10 peak Iinco b reeelyed $lie ItooUad h II lIolllkalylo pro fallll

OUI 0R119~-Tble gentleman obved In A

house -ya flIl of Lb OIllllY wlIIIhla IIW~ in bud at neb a npld u tllet bla OomJlllll1 could lIot keep pace lib biOI Col T ~ Fi 1~ fld Uue Pg _mpanlW him and bad Ibe bouee cleared of tIae enemy before sbe llIeD ~ rIed

TIIII PIli AlID flrll SWORD -We tali pl8ual-c

i _ L oJ bull of b It _L d n -og 11 e compollliN8 I e ngl emiddot parlmeot of EI Nlcanoguellleollee (oogbl brnely In deCellCO of our clly Thel~ IIIIIIU are ()buies E Caulley William Bucbllllan Froderlk Kapt amplid P A Yarrington lbey hollOO tb lhey llOuld make goud UIIG of Ibe ehootilog Iron II weU u llhootlng amptIek

OVII CoKbullbullIISUU1 BIIIWI-Lleul W B Butmiddottri LI J B W Ll

aut 0IfIl e~t 9amp Hawley11l1li- H O Wall A A Conllng and Capt W_ B Lyou bebaved -Iotly aud rendered ear-

D tils force GIGII f1lIkCf ClIo oppose 1~~ light109 men 109 ul middottth whllt he mMy Neel from Califoml a d NIIW York lIlldIII be 300 wenbull A~ preseD~1be Ollemr arlllllOngl forllllej al Mi sa ollly 12 nliles dl8loUll Gen Walker i8 pm ~arillg1O recuio Ibow alld tbere will b 1JODle dmiddot~ ilf8lRing bUlplbtlhAmrIC~dn8 feel very 00011middotell 0 IQCOOIL er 1 pru tlIoa would aft

dlellltcd hOlI [8ho~I have lelt helll on Ihe live of a baltle 8tleh aa I~ exd every hou blll1 came hen Ibere lIaamp nu eoumy lI~ar and lIone ex peCWI and my IYw-k I bre and llHllII 1111gt8 1D~lIywouhdad and dybg 10 caro for fun doeome good certainl Tru I IIampY be am~ tbe slIlu formiddotlII_ Ulen have Ib8II1e1led a wtU cf

iug could ntlt be mnde useful It Mis-torn IIIId ilia 00 Wera ailbrded OOIlIiderabiA __~ ~~~~tlll apllldl aU AlllelOllJlII and If lie F Ii Ii Y -- ViCtoriOWl ley ill du II tbey han ampampiii

to pec~~ 01 twenty olle ourll t I IIIflII allud lIIe din of I~ bllule at tbe manner If I should perlah do Ie beat you can fgtt my cnnlinued 11111 WII say it with nil cUlldor In which be ould jump at an l_gllI1 ellemy (amlly lOl lIIuy POOl alld will need all lila can h I bull n d b dI fI II Prin I middot-~oo I be alfordOO them Sltould the enemy coine IIlld

t l simp 0 IIIlt1ves Ill) roll1 It as uom a eI e ~un as ~e a reg M tack lIle ol~ I hall leavoloy boob posled and pe~Ii1mcc They ran Into the wouds jill tIInghll bylilll Firat RIOes mOlle ~d olrOOIa in the hand of Col Johllii

h I I I II A N I W Wbeeler Ih~ Amerlcllll Hinlle For 1eM0Ii1Crlpt mto cornelS 11 t lem8e vel n a Ill ou Ilf AII-OUr RallgCfuomeli_ need 1I0t lIaOe tho lJolted Slatea IIlg IfI Alford iug hhuut food bout fiva dllye cpt kind~ uf placcK alld trlm~bled Illtilmiddotthe 8ad lying In 1IIood In tho lloillity of the city voryliUlo proaCllOII to AmeriCAn chizeab

I Ili h 10meoChOuIampemalianandSanlWvadoiansnlmiddot y lruly DAVIDlfWBEEliEItSaIllnlS 1S jUltti n youn mnnJlnC lie of plnguo wall (rlvon Ollt OlIO II 0 II d Ih h I I I I Th J C BBIOUpoundN Cor Aner nbla So leIshy bull - t 1VtOtO~tel esoprl80oers8ampy bull ~ vC

1M r(lSt pron)lllmg offiool6 in tllO army tho eager -yoa that watlled tbe bull Jill Lbey were lhue tle1 bllbolr office In order 10 OA

Ho or dog t-that lho qUoOlion U IheThe rbull10 1I0W only fOllf of Iho fMlir~ tllh W f01II hen they hllRld that the Americans prevent tblllll 11II1IllIg 11114) In tho lISbe ello aid whGn he IRt do wn 10 n dish of (riod~_~~llSi~ _ ~re coming can bear IfItimlny to ~b~ I VerUT th~~~~~blltg new IIIder the lin IlASASCl


- ---------------T--shy312 EL NICABABUENSEVoll No 50 p 6 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 181Br6


Tile Battles of tbe 12th and 13th of Octflber 1800

We b bMIl permitted to make the toDowln

oslne IlIDut dI porta 0 tJle 01Boe1ll In commiddot IIWId at tbe Yarlo ttallOD The OOIlfuOIl an4 laquolei 10 our 01108 oe by the late ttaclt -Ind Ib vofortuawte acoldeD hlch bappened to Mr 1bor tb edllOlooble~ put I out or our

pow to arran the repone u under 1II0re fampYoshytabl GlroUlllltanoeB e lboulil have done Th balties of the wo day era 10 connected thI

it oad be dilleult to rate diem on paper anal pnlClIl all dI Illcld8Oll

The report of ColellelSandaralalb1l ofintereal 8Ild beua-out theltlatemellll of Ollt correepOl1dellt

L WIIO It would ppear followed the fortllDes or die folr Rift He Y

About 12 oclock on die t tdl they took dlelr positlOIl hi line and the command u Iyen to moYl fotward The llIen wer11I good Iplrillalld abOUi oclock aalgbt theyenoelDped In Ibe IUbshyurb of _ya Sbortlyafter lying down alkirshymlall took plaoe beteen Vol Karkhaana regiment oC lufallw7 dd a_liDg prll of the en Dll blob luted bUI a few morun Idlout anl eerio Mal Bewean- lIyllght and unrile on ~ba mornlo 0( th 111d1 tbe wliole army took dlelr pOIJUoIl for bottle die bowlll8l1la lrollamp eupporampshyed by dae Rile reldman Aler aneing but a fe y Capt Ifwarb of the Artillery wu orde ed b-eJom_nreMnCblefto dlrowlbelliDto aelllampll plaM aDd (Jumpd C comllluded by Capt D~ obll8ed and took -Ion of the oburch In die pi bullnd tbe wbule arlll7 _11 fullowd IIIId OOlDlIlaDder- or reglDlllntll received their In alruoilonafrol the Coml1IIidi~hlel An- furtloer operatlo The Sappert amplid IlIlIeN were ordered to CO 10 advance end pportod b the Rill out their W8ylnto tho main plua beteen two t ruonlng dlrotly thereto-tbe 8818 on the right IIlId 11 belDg prolected by Ibe ellem wllb btarrl ltlad _OIInOOll and sharpmiddotlboote Afer bariog cut ball wa through to the main plnla the bow iteera colDmandadby Clpt Swrtz and Lieut F roD eN ordmd to the IUppO-t oC the amplft_nd of hoee to pliant ollloera too lDucb pralB C8II II be awarded (or tbelr daring braver aDd cool neealn dlaeharge oC dIlr dut) HlllOry has Ilot e parallel The11 edaaucClllfulho-illto au adolHl bnlldlng here a large nllmb ofthe enem were ~lIllg MClurel1behind barrlcad Oathe Imoke cleariag away Company B oOIBlllanded b Capt LfIonard alld Company G cummndd b Capl ORepn with tMlr gallanl eoldlera took 10811 alon ot he building wbere they were charged upon twice by tbe eneml Gap I Ewballks took pollOi slOl1 ot Ibe eomer hOllSe on the- right The RiBes w thn wlthlll HventyJ e Yld of lhe mlln pIMa he the galInt aI and arren again came to dlelr _lltallce 1Iltiampl their guna Tlte ouemy we 10 largp forcu ImIDedlatel1 III thelr Croa~ abOlit thll time

Th Commndermiddotln-Chif haring recelvod Info uatllD_ bat Granadll w attacked blarge force and bellering lb a larg8 portion o( Ihe foroeI Muya had gODe toaid in taklllg Grallada wbere tbe mo~t of our ammunition was he ordered ra lreat froni our poertlou and bo~t 12 oclock at niSht~ 011 our rod baok to Granada A tar mamiddotohlDg all dlgbt Ihe glorious aUD of the 181b or October roae In beau and splendor-tbo annlmiddot vera1 o( the 68 taking 01 Granada When we got Into the outsklrte 01 the clly wo were reo~iyd Epote4 u the wero Ihey fOllgla thelr wy by heaY ftra ffOm the enml but WIth a about ond 7011 TO ruabed on the elly of Oranadn] wlalh WIUI asain Oil tbe 88me day takell by lIeneral Walker

Of the olleera and men compoeln the Rifles Ilae1 did their duty well and it wouhl be mocker1 to try and give one ofllcur more plllie thall another The were all willing to tIIlClilloe thoir Ilve8 If nece8 88r1 fur Ihe cause tlaey aro engaged In

Ab Jut 11 -oolook on tbo 121h a8 atate41 b1 our _

correspondent Col Allell wu ordered to 1Ilal a de~hment of lIanger agailUlt a body of Lanoer

bull gaged untIl thoy hlUl fought their way 10 a poaco

1be Bohllo of Illy cOlllln4nd AdYanoed and roo ceived the ll of tho tllelll) coolly _ returnillg I ith efect After 1 I volloy had beea Oltmiddot cbangod the enelllY lel the lOad and reliod aprrefttll IOed AlaJor C7C tboulCh Field OCmiddot Beer of Ihe Day ndvallod Ith Ind Bhowed be innrlably doe great cooln1 and 8rllllle~8

After the enemy rroator I retulnod 10 tbe 11 St SbuUan heu 1 reeely_od ordN to IUIlPort Capt Druus 2nd Iufuntry nlld Ilpt Gree of my oOlllmand wbt) WUN armly enmiddot ~laquoed near he main Plaza I fOllnd on lD) arrimiddot Va[ th~ OAP Dmiddotult ha1 one prlte kllud and CApt Greon severol wouuded We re 1l1~okelt1 In thb p~ I (runt ami lin Ihu In but ltlpulsud tbem ter1 tlmee (rom tbe latter position

1 OIInllot epeek In too high tllt1I11 of tho conduct of bMh ollleera and men ~ngaged ht8 they exmiddot bllJlted tbo ~fttest cuolu autl glllalltrf

4bout ~ 0 clock Gell lIorn811y wilh ono (Jom P~IJY of lsi I fontmiddoty Joilled us and hortly altol this wo received ordel8 Irom Yonr E~ceilellcy_ I fall back ou the PI St ScbnLlan whloh did ill he bOIL of orhr ImmeliaLcly nn (lur ftrmiddotivKl

amproo wb-o p-led uo bloh dlylded - -a amphrolog ID1u1f ltlIpt OoreLleuL Bramp LIeut TrIIpp nd ee en pri18I a1man hI admiddot - ance 0 t1ie en command uob he w noeIyed Ord811 to obarp tbe eaDnOD haYiDS1l0 oeeded In wblob and bluing lriag In die l I ordeved thelll forwft lIalor (Jaycee (bj er of Cilea DorDIby) renlalned at dlls pointwldl die bala_ or my Battalion to guard the dlalllountecl bowlSHr

From dlk place my IlIIail commacd advampIIced rapidly and turning to die len one street from die PIIISI IOraaed th comer baok of dI Lobe Slu

- OIl yt( ldI _tbe other u to ho Ibould do ampbemOlamp gooleervloe

W81ao take pleuu IOlIIaldng die folloiDg -

esrac frolll tbe olloW repor of Co Natzm~r I have tht hOllor to reporamp 011 the evenlug pre

aedlng die da1 of the battle In lIaya Kajor Ihl Mnbur Field OlBllJr of tle Day IIld capt Jlatzdorll a Odlcer of tbe Guard dlttinlluiohd tbem~eIY b the greaten figll bullbull oe actiYlt alld cll~i1wapoictlon

rlle Plaza of SI 8ehaeUan being taken ou Ihe eneulng morning and tbe 1 RIlle Battalloll and

wb w killed a numller 01 the ellemy Capt part of the 2nd IUlantry Battalion adfanoiDg till Bell who ooolopaued lia in thla obarge If ldllll two blooka of the eat plaza optaina woundid In the thlh

W then proeeeded under a hot Ire to the GUlrdboule wben lI~or Potter gaYa up bla comlllampnd to me We Bred a oanllon from this po lot twke hlto Your Excellellcya quarte and once Into Ihe bOURa ooa1lvled by Capt Morrla dID oharged tbe litter place our lIlen gallant11 Oamprrlog n Thls 8 Ibe I place I beIIe tblll onl1ll1 coupled -In dI cill

I ampIn happ to atate dI~t no cuuolU occurred In III Battalioll dUriD tblI battleshy

llauor Oaycee wlllPve OU bull IIparate aoooun of bla proceedlDgs wllh th ramalllJer of die Btlalmiddot Ion

Th colIInd of Col Allen wu dl lded near

the lalCeba ()burcb The ollowlng estract ampom the report made bt JI~r Caycu III vel) _grph-o and llaow dI _yln wblob the eDODIl wu ban died b_Ibll -Ilul olloer and bll men shy

e-In 08lllpllince with en order giyen b1 Brig

GID Koroah_ I led dI BUalIQII towarch t1i Grand PhJa until oppoelte th mlns of die Me clld ()bri wbloh point I reoel ed an order d1 to Ib north amplid dlslodse a porilon of tbe enem1 wbo were at tbe dme occuP71og the

Leonard Dreu Rnd Hreen dietingulhed tbemmiddot MI by rellUlrkablo braver and cour-se ilh beir (Jumpalli

Altbllugh th Artillery did not haTe all the eCmiddot Selelle1 elpectud I 1amp11110 but acquillt Your Exmiddot CiIIlellc1 or tbe moet courageous and cool mallner III wbich Capt 8chwartz Iud Lieu Frrand ola oharltt hl dude wbloh deeervet bill aud full credt

III dI attack OR Grallada 011 the 13th iost Your Ecellenc h bullbull leen Yery-wol~ that the gul lalltrY 01 he odlltllN and lolltller~ gellerllll 1ell (lbIng to he- wiahed fur alhougb regom di~middot cipllDe the cClmmandera oC Ibe reBpeotive Battal-Iona and Companies did nOl keep their lIlen lougb together but when our troop reached Iho pl having oooealon to vbtervu ever Ollemore rartioularly I baye to recounond to Your Eloelmiddot e1l07 Vapl Swingle of tbe OrdllallCO Depart-Dlent wbo bebl llatloned befolll tbe OUllrdmiddot bouee (ough agaanal die enem1 In Your toscelmiddot lellcyampIId illlCio ~plnoaal bousea

Lieu Col McIlltDeh and Major Duaenbur1 hkewile bebaved ver1 brveI1 111 two charge

We haTe boell kindly pellilltted to lIIake the

CoIIowlng extracl from Gen Frys report of the ali_immediately In dI rear or die bulldlog oooumiddot _def~nee 01 GrnadaCled by Ibe Surgeon GenmL Baying bullbullcc~ed At 1 oolock P M the alarm w give and the

11 eIOIIIng he I raet (dlough under a lIloet IIRImiddot ling ~re) len mluln lullead to accompllsb dI dlsodgement and then Indeed hegau the werk of dedI Ibe enelll111vlllgin nery direction rece Ing aaadl at the bnds of our unerring nIIemen Flodlng after at length Ihat 1II0re remained to opmiddot POle va I ordered a mreh at quick lime to the Plaza and arrived Jill u die I -oC Ibe -panic etrlckea 100 wera king In Ilgbl thu eatelshywhleh dlilr vaullted_ Ior could not eecure thom III regarc to die o~nducl 01 tho troope I mlllt MY to-Your ExClIlenc1 tbat neYer In m life have 1

enem leen advancing The gtUIiIOIl coneLstillg~f a colopany of ahoul 40 cILi~1I8 (ullder Ibe oommanD 01 KaJor Gillis) tho woundud alld COli teeo~nt In the hoepltal and 80me m11 oC -tb aialr corpa haviog been pvlouily Inmucted 00 oupled the rallge 01 buildings tellding alollS tite eoutb lId ealt IIdes 01 the pI froD tbe Qu trmr alld OUamplIoo Dparllllolll8 to tbo ilpital The gllna bad been plocoj sa followa One elghteell Ind ono ail pounder at tbe auutb eot curner of the piau olle nine pounder tbe QuardbOll8e and one is pounder at lb Hcashy

lIlen IIlllre cool or gallampll III their actions _pita dian dI BtUe parly whlcb I commanded Tbe enemx advanced In colomll along Ihe Itreet

Intbreport of die otlonl of the Seeond leading Intu the nonhwsI coroer 01 bo plaza Light Intimtr1 GoL lIelntoeh 18 and I ol8red tbe Dine pounder to b rUD forwaro

and directed aglllul dleo whicb PrltllnpamplI woulll be doing InJultlee to bull brave officer done ullder tbe di-ection 01 Llelll Crowell and

IIld I lIot here mention the nallle of capt Roberl Captin Hard At the lirat discharge wmob w EU of me Rangenl for tbe fearleA manner In followed y three heart) cheera for Gen Walker hloh he expoeed bimself to the el18ny bullflro

11 wu 800n dacoveted Ibal we wera III danl(er shyfrolll the_ hell tbrown from OUr hOWltzen wlilcb GaOled en order til be giYeIl for 01 to fall baok to the email pia Companies A B 0 and D of111 command wero then tallonedt dUrNnt polllloll nnd held al a reeene (Jum E under Cap J DraUK wa then dlrown ouI on tbe len to keep die nem) f~om making aa1 moYe on Col Sandell command whlcb WII nobly wOrklllg It wa1 thlough tbo O8ntlO ampftet leading to- t1ie grand piua U wu llfierwllrde reillforced b1 Capl Green of die 2d Rilltl ThlSe Iwo olleera d_ne great credit Cor the braver1 the dLlpla1ed

neariy to the n~rthtust earner of the P~ and beld dlelr pOlltlon nllder a hot S untIl the1 were calld oB JuS be d~rk 1 regrel to Inmiddot fOlln 11u Ih Lieu Henry T Sbellnampn of Com pany Eo wbullbullbulluyuly wounded hll 1ol1li1lnly s~condlng Ihe eltor of bl~ Caplaln CflllIplplOl A and B ampcamptd l1li piquet-gIlHrd durng Ihe Jay alld

froID be_goortlson Ihe enemy f1l bao_k d makhg a clrcult alfvanred UpOIl tbe Hopita whore they were beld ID check by die tire ofdie 8i pQuuder under Capt awligl whicb diilmoullted one of their glln td b1 the fOlO rallied by Mljor ONeil The then cowmeuced amp vlgoruus attack UpOIl our rear front the t and nuth Idoa of_ t a pla where they ere gallantly lUeL b the force along our whole line The contesl in tbe rear of _the GunrdhoUde WIUI partlculrly obsi nate and maintained 011 oUrBide by lomeliny lOen ullder tbe comlDllld of Cpl alnample uailampetl b1 captalna Lewll alld Piekellgill

Juring the night alld lullowing 1D0mlng the ellemYIIIeal attempll to attack 111 ill frent but WIlO drlvell bao by tile IIIe 01 Our artillery

Boa of tbe American Idies and children were placed In the Church and in the house of tbe AIDerican Mlnbter In the rour uC blch 1 posted Pi guaCl 01 IG naen under Lieut Micoll

lJoring tbe flgbt the enemy through desertr from Our drm) lIlade a propuaitioll to U4 10 aur

penoMned their duy to ny entire aatittfIlClioD ~t tendmiddot promising ua prutaction and atating tbat

TIe enel0Y YOI repulsed and the fullowlllg fron to pott will show how ho and hilt mo were en Before going furth I be ~epetfltlly ItJ ltat~

dark nay ~thun wa posted on tbe two mil a~retllmiddot~II1K lato the pi and ocoupled bull POll tlOII 111 wllluh te1 could do good aerYlee Ihrough tllu nlglat In 0amp8 tho enemy meditated auylhlNg 10 tM oampIII_e Thlla we rem311 uluillhe u dllr- nII10bed UI to PlIIIlI-to IUArcb fur Granada

tbat tl porton r Illy ballnboll ordered 10relOIoIII Iellve thlou~hot thu d1 expmiddot ed greal cage __ to ho lod antu aciiunalld ill theil omd _ Uctullllllg OIl btalinn Wllt pOlttd on the ex troill lell a1 whun lIenrillg Granada 6riog w dioUllctl laeard IMy lIle thoogh lIIuoh Jadod no~d whh gre bullbull alclmiddotity alld OI~oiCOIIod great eager_ 10 bemiddotth tir illlO olloD Their poslmiddot tioll ctlul1 not adIII r II Uld we hud no cballoe tu tok part hI Ibe cOlltcal at thu JIteba A SlOn ft8 amplla~ puillt 1 g~io~d however and sulflclent Ppcu lOade (or UII tn com~ up IYO imlllediately olaatged dowll tbe rltlad An order to halt alld eland filiI reoeigtd for tbe Plrpose of protectmiddot lug tho raar and waa promplly obeyed with tho cx~eltIon of VaplainR Ball amplid Grnta Op~lIies th07 advancing witb sucil siloed alld the 1Irg IV8S au lleallmillg thlt Ihey could 110t bellr the or der Qd 10 continue1 on_ in tbe General charge Thll1G two nlliccrs bohaved ell the furRIer WUI ounded whilat at tbe hClld of hlann Aa BOOn II~ the dKnger Irom Lhe r WIIS pa~sed I walor dCImiddot1i to dvAllee wih Companies A n 0 and E Ib$Irpolld6d to tho cnI wltb che came up well and did much execution W0 elltered the piau and chllrged the 0llelll1In dlKerent direc

uur army w defeated at AIy Tbe anawor IoU 10 about 01 de8Ion and doftlIlce and tho batshytIe conlillued until IQ oclock the fOllowing lUurn lig when IllYpeedily termiuated by the en tnllloe of tbe army UDder tbe Commandfrin Chief

Thua for 21 houra a force of tt least 900 oC the eReml WII repulsed by I thall ~ii meDln which oUlnbr wu Illoluded alUbo aick and da abld of tlao rIll1

Where dlere were 10 many Illstances of gal lantr d good conduct II i dilHoulto apelfy who were IDl)lt deaerYlng of coullnondatioln All nOlted la a lilt of offiera soldier dnd OitiZell8 who were conplcuous for gallalltry and good conduot Alao a Iitlol the casualties in my com mind alllounting to klilod alld 10 woulldod

The 1_ or tbe enemy l m unable to report acouratel from Iho filcl tbat dUIhl Iho night of


From n hOlOle I ent Immediately to dI 0 nance OJ8ce and tbere 01Hld Lleul V ~ Hiler on dut1 wldl wo 8ergeanla and lDeDi reporteathe pplOIIooh of the 8Den Ild save tholll aach ordera bullbull l dlought nec_ar1 alld thom etarled (I

Mlnllter Wheel8f to loelf1ll1 lamil1 bd ilri~ ulil and artl ed t the oorller of IhoPlaza nw the reBideDce of Mr Teller Ju In time toch$ek the harge boing made b1 tbe enelDY dun tbo alreet fouhe Playen8 by killing tbeleader who WII gallauil1 leadiog the charge much In adfancuf his men running alld ahouting

Al1 firat hul w with a Sharp carbine oDI1 ollndill_ 1111 ataggerlng hilll agClin the ItlUle aod tbell rolled bim Into tbe allmiddott with my air Ihootor 1 think thi4 w the liIIIt man kUled in Ibe city Mr Hugheeand MVMfll othera I8W thi lorlulIte check (it cOlDpletel) baiting thu cbarg illgparly) br whicb those working au lIiue -pounshyder OoUOOII welo enabled to 111amp it

I canllot Ipeak In pr~ge or commendation or the nine pounder callnon doriug the comlUence lIIent of the attaok-~wo or our own meu were very aeriuusly ounded by h The ch gon th lla wbullbull Ilbaudolled by the enem) theirl (OICO colloentrated and mado a yigorouutlbrt toenter the IInlll pia b1 tho quarters of the Oommndcr inmiddotChier There Ihe enem1 were gIlUOIly held I check by Capt Swlngl with the ix pouude can nOli _isted and cov~re1 b- maDY eilizeut-witb ri80 and mll8kecs eucouraged raquolId direCIeltl b) ()ep- Watkin The bra fteldillece broullM 10 ber b) tbe eDemy a a point waa -00- dil moulltad b1 -tho h y and wIQlrellllsillire of Vapl Swingle ldI tbe ais poun Hi~ 0001middot 11_ and brayery cannol he too Duch praied

Voncluding that the hOlpital and gulllClhouso would Iequire Ul Addillonal lupply of ommualtion I returned to the OnlllampnOO olliee on the_ wa~ crossing the bolY lire of the eneflly near the enshytrance w the headquarLel$ of tbe CoulRollderin Cbiet and deapatcgtb d two Dlen loafled wilb am mUllilioll Cor the horpital-olle of thelll ooly reich IlIg tbere the other SlOpping at Ibe gu~rdouae 111 tbe lIeantlme Lbe attack of tbu enero1 belng u 8trudg and vlgorou lind having nu cove frOD Which to bold IWd work Ihe eAlIlIon d thro bemiddot log 110 com nander 0 dlrec~ the mOYemcll1oll 0 Ib~ YieiDltl Capt Swingle wlthdrelY tbe ~ilt poundr to the oover of the gllardlouae Ollt Ii ocloc~ P AI Tholo In tbe hopllal reualud In It undemiddot the directloll 01 Oap- Wllklnl whor they gallaot I) deteuoed tholDl8l_os uutil Ihe reillfoCemenl with the UommandermiddotillmiddotOhiefarrivd Defore Ih wilhdrawal of tbe six pounder to Ihe guardmiddot ou~ Capt W i1klu8 wu very aotlve-In rallylOg t citmiddot liens to auist hI coveting the loadingllld orkshylug the 0111111011

AlII ooloek P M I crossed from the Ordmiddot nance oJ8ce 10 the cburcb alon~ (not IIndin any one at he 1D00aenl willing to croll the au lIh as much amlllunition u 1 could carri I twoO baveanokl aDd soon Ret arriving tbere w deshysired by Gell Fry lotako cOlDllland oftbe d ot the Iroul of tbe church -

From the commenoemenl of the attack t Ex preas WagOD III U88 b1 the Comllli_v I) part aunt had been atanding hi frollt of the Ifou call ed the Lone Star Alter heing desired tJiIt~ dbage 01 tbe dCenoe of Ihe ohurch 1 Id man (I regret th t 1 am no~ able to givG h- Ime) who by DIy ordera ctossed the plaza and roy the wagou to tbe Ordoanoe oilloe_ and loaded it with alUmwlilion bUI from some Cause ullk~on to me did 1101 return jth II The lYago~ w~ loaded in tront of the Ordnance olBc~ Ilear an hour-no one appearing to be wUling to rOIl itla It-wben a Mr allyn81 crolll frol I~e arhou80 and drove 1 ovo-a -bighly or dilashybl$ perlurnaauce Aler making a c~rvtul exaID Inltlon of the church Uld rmLles Olll1uecl~ tho foroe to defelld h ampe placed Mr J L lobshymOlld with men In ilhlllge of tbe part c~ll tbe ~Ouad House ita yard alld aJoining lI11llmilnll III the quarlers Ih tbe IeIIr of tha ehlll~h exl~ndshyillg to the atreet below Capt Kell1 j Mr otank lin tobert H Smitb aud tnlee ollleI werol Sla tioned in tbe tow~r at Ihe lIorthet er ~ele they were of essential service and their COl ducl ie highly cllmmelldabl~ Othera wemiddotu plO erly stationed in the yarils aDd aportmeuts belol Ing toald quartllnl _The cOlnDluuication 01 tho a VI mentiuned quartora ith the-cburcli WM~ tbr ugb II hole ill amp10 eplLtatillg wall

Nu regular attacit ollld UpOIl Ihechub or preDliaCt CODllllulicating cpt 10119 ~ttbt Comlllieellly DepalmiddottmonG can gh-e much illio ma_ tlon of tbUle III the ohuCb lUI he I thore nlil tbe end of tbe attack About 8 to oclocll r )1 Uapl Pickolalill came In 1i00I tho l(uirdh~UI wlh thu inform ion _ thot tbe rcrce tlocreTlYU sII that Capt Swingle IDuoh lIbgdd 10 ~ho dfnoe of tbe YIlrd in tbo NIlI of ho gJI houe with bomb ahells ualng thent II hall~gn_ lIadbullbull aud makiftl fRe 10 explude amplem Iro tbo artillery match rop 110 lind that 90lOe m

the 12th tboy dlrew a large number of bodie~ into mauding oHicer wu requhed there or the dlaco ella and other hiding places ud buried some Abou 160 botlica bavo been diacovered

EsTuOt paoli RSPollT OP MAl -ParrsR 011 Sunda1 12th Inat abgtut it otlock P M

standing on Iho oorner of the PII~ lIer the ofmiddot lice oC the Oldnance Department aaw a man mounted on a gral hono galloping paat Ihe Jat-Itlba churob followed directly ~ter by altlrae dozen or moro men upon Iho rUII Tll006 standing ncar mo thought It courier (rom MaHAY dirctly the RUPPOled cllurier Ieturned alld 001111 after callie back again wltb thirtror forty muunted mellplIssing

would be tRken aa tbe eDem1 wore lIlaking Igor IUS attacks on it 0111 aluos everr aid - I

I wllB theD dbected b1 Gen bull r1 to tako domshymRnd of tbe guardhouso whemiddoto 1 remained bnla tbe rival of Uol Allen on the 13th 11181iwho courleously accepted ot Illy Iequell tIelleyellDe 1 then lB~istod In tho U80 of tile aix [Iounde~ on tbo quarto lately occupied by CApt Morri ind In oharglng the enemy from thOle quamiddott-a opl W m Lewis gave vllluoblo _Ica in th~ de fenoe o( tho guadhoue bUI wai prevented fIOm IIreat aotivity by hlj ill heRlth lio ClIII give nluch mformoLiou 01 tbe conduct of tho lIIell Iuj dc

Capl Green will ordoro~ to _isl Col ~ndQIl tiOll with aucll imp~luolty that Lhe) were quick tile Jlteba ohurcb towArds Lhe northeosl of tho ulci_ ~o glumiddotdho~ac OhllS Richnrd80~ tv where- be romlllned un1 ordCI8 ora Itl~n _to -I) rouled _ttelinl 11 al directions clt Suapectillg that II 111 a PallY of Lancere 811011 8as18talloe as hiS 11 health would rftutTond coocentrampl~ Ill the PI 81 Scbasti4J1 I CAnnut cloae this report wilhut milking (avo frona the ftnomy 1 ran lowardll the-church as fa~ 1 can reOOllllDend tho conduc of 0 (Juban bm

Tho poaltlon we ocoupiod on tbo march from nblo 1I1t-lItlon of IIlIor n DUOllbul-Y alld Ct 1j as the office of tho Altlutallt Uenbullbull middot I whn I WaS unknown to 1113 I lhln~ he Is n Ub-AII~ or tiOD 10 Urando aa in tbc ftr of- 101 RillellIllflY Th~ NlIItleNd gIC~t sistanoe III p llatisfted that It was it strung lorco of tho enelllY Prefect I hnvc seeu blln olen in all ullio eshyaud vall of ~nd Inf~lItry survillg olll~r alllOllg the men alld epcourgIIog Iwent Immediately 10 m hllUlle (the houso 10merly tho Lono Star ho~c Thero lYOle lllauy t ere

lSth In the atteck on Iho enelll) who wero tbelll b Ihe 1I~ld owned by Dolor~a LaJarsa) 1111 Bunt Uo) wife lind ho boha_ed credltllblf whl~o IIl1ncs ure not taliolO1 nur tbo JIIa UIorch with onu Iie o - The mun cODpoaing m bllUulioii aoted In har_ childrun wilh Mr alld Jtl~ Uuglle_to the resi- kllown to llIe I cau hghly cOIIwd tbe-O ion 01 Dn a _light cOllf oo uCClln-ed lu tbo _mon7 and obyod nl dlfurout ord promptly de_lice of Col Whoeler Mmlster from the U S bt John Aot-ton_ n mechomc employed I tbe rd

bull p

bullbull bull bull

313 i


lit Dtparlllltnt le_ Llrabert blaobmlm fa nce Dpartmenl (lfoml4ed) Tbe Lane and Lilt of KUW 4fId WotoMd of If fafllry

Joll4ll IUIde obamplll tor mum w AdJ r W PUOft wounded allllhll n1uble~e eranl the _ wlb Compllll1 B-EIIIed Private Will Ifnnlall _gOll to _d (ro Lleut Hlte all 1IfII woull~1 Sergt A oJ Falreblld Prlvau

au at my reqll Ilm~ ~~d Pat WllOOII JohnW~ Jobu lI_q Johu~lIIend 111m 0 the oIemaDcf - Barilla 4ad Oommander-lnOblet J B Lonpere II ComJllll7 O-WOIInded OorporelJ B_ hanlo eplOYld In the Orlln_Ret Departmtllt CoIIIPlUl7 D-Ellled _ 1errr Phnlp Bhlm lIfrJI bra mall w killed prlvato CbJi Smith Compan E-Wolllldea poundIul Wrighl r Ordnanco orlment aIao kl~ IUb ampbed Oompan7 G-WOIIruledliIorgeanamp lloLallahUndho_ one man II _aber G all I Prlet a W Foreman Deiil ~IM~ llIiarki 1m IIIIwwn to me wbullbull IdIIed an4 IeYera Gehrehl Tbot Brook DOminick CclInOIIaII J A OIIDded -C the wounded -Capt Green Smvth lbe P~tt Iu thechureilhoamplced the COlIdllot _

bull Lleuwntm DUie unknown to meL lfh_ LI oJ lliU~ WOII JlmI of I1Ilaquo1fIl Mllot I thllll w eoweNl-to 1amp t e lnat lnlaftl1l aolIIeeUke IIr H~_ghtl IidromN~ Yor~r Compan A-Wollnded Prifalel danlt11th me mlldl or the t an w_te COOl III Whl Ill r sere te KIlle 7middot

EL NICARABUENS4 VoL I No_ so p_ Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 18 1856

Inreprd to the der_ ortha pulohhe pt rirn~dk lI~lrimiddotete Frank mtIDr IIIUrderIDg him the mudlttad III bod with lIpled b7 tb OrIIoanee ollce l_oot A Company O-Wound[ Opt KatcdoI bl70llectln the moat hocklng _nr

blUbe een that I wbllt lborU 1M t areTb oree th_ w the latgeIIamp or III except jbA$ ~n the obureb ruI wu weU oouductad by ~ Ollila Capamp iWawlll lIr Bolchur and bull B Wyatt of the Ql1arlei1autel DepetlDlenc of wllom CUI sly report In detail bUI J Cellitlle aallut dlCeIl of the Qllantrmuter ormiddot ~nUlhereb7 eIbt ornblmen under lIr W yU berndd1Ir~or r~ - w bull II P II whla rellta to It mad that

Ie ellem aAer Idlll fttreOGe throocb th III Illto atrala to like p_IOII Irolllncb ~bi repelrle I h e neelYedl think that he IItaorYlng or milch credll

if 01 Ofierr ampltlHr 4fId OiH_ oflIrit Om Jtlyll e_ dilaquobullbullud in 1M laquodon at OrlZala Oct IS 0418 18G8

It bull J O ONeU lat Rillbullbull I CapL ASlt4tlngl OrdnDoa Dept H L Pouer (9f AIel Jon P II OOllelll ~I Jobll Baldwin capt a W Pickerag1l Rail

cp- Vm twla 08D Wilkerbullbulld LIeut Orowtll Dr Lllnd lIedlcal Depamp Ilt BrlukerhootDr Scott Ilt Stringer Dr 1gt111Ctp Gre pt or Port l~Dt Lamber Ordnance Dept ~Wm_eaTIII_LoIpcte


Jon Ahtou

i lin Yatu bull Byn aurOl

III JOlle CoAlQRlIIa Q K Dapt WK Wa

1 r I Arcbbold ILW~bullbull II WEeU7 IiV H bull fWnT Jolla 1t7lllt Thoe Ohapman Jobo Inial1_ hoi MOI1 I Bun u II T Sfki Gen Fr1 Orderly I OIDia Ollisoa oW Teller JchnTabor il Thombull u J L lUohmmlll CIJlt WllkfIII II HatbII1 lilir Elnpweullr Smith t ~RathnriU u1 Oeo Rieberdl lit Rouetll Obaplalo


oWUllllnrul W~ ill (JraMll4 JItWi 0IIII to fhtI Walk arriClal Oct 18 1fG8 RUllaquoI-1fr Bart mllllellu Geoat Gall

ItI I Ill Vlllablt Ooun-HolIIII Pavua B b IDA1mlT-Vllffl7 Jraderlcb Frank ph ~ bntelltl J(1w~9Inkle7 Jbplllll pllL W~ll~or Gil Capt Baldwlo Dr ~ Chu 8l1ettr Jobn Tabor Ed II NleA elWl W Telle elliseo Hamblldo 811cltlmiddot

SUchtlJ-Oarter Cp B II OapL Pickmiddot

oJ gm Won a Jliui of llu Jrrtt R~ Ballalion 001 UI~ lt11111181 iCoalpan a-I Lieut )lth wollllled

IimiddotI1Ilpao7 B-WOIIDded 1at LlRI Latimer d iL Hortll SergelUll1loekfallow ampllghll Impampnl O-Ellled Private Lats 1I000nded ut LeBallft Prinlet LlI __ Jat acklOlI Bouobllll

ftl~1I7 D-Wouoded lat LleuL AlldtrlOn i ~teI lIoCoI~dOlll8lullelOt~do

p aJUJled rrivatel BobblII- Mtu ad~ u~om~7 r-ifiiiet PrIYale lfcCurej wOllnll

PrlYlIeI Kerr ttel

[OolllmllnIcaWcL] tv Ine is obtained by the red hot plOshyHORRIBLE ASSASSINd 1ION Cless thus

_ bull bull ODe or tile moat barbamprlou blltcberiee w A platina cruclble IS made and mam

perpetrated 011 the P_I of Law Wllteler tained red hut over II la ge IiIpirit-llmp _____ _- 0- u anll lOme ~Iphurle acid is poured into it --- ers-111 y _ 0 AI bull Th _t I the cit 01 0rana4a 11 r_rded ou ampbe PIV aTom a lgtJpette III _I though of comshyor hletory

Th_ f Inom I ere dtIlberalel k o~ -~~l hmlolllh A _

II eo rom n w c refuse and mllrUrad iii cold blood

P La- II l ho bed reelded 10 001 w a maro III w

thle _utrylor ayeamprI 11111 un mntIned n611tra UId daImtd tbe PlCltaCtiOll of th Uliltad BlaHa h (aha atetlm to th_ blOodtblretyor Ii Ala B HI ampent Ith gu 1I1tem II COR W

mon temper ture one vf the most vola tile of known bodies liossedSllli the aingu lar property of rmahllng fixed in the redL_t bl d t f t crulli e a no bullbull drop 0 1 ~vapo-atea in fact It is not ID contact WIth the crucible but has IIlll1tmosphere of it Own interposed A faw drop ofOlnmon wa tor are now added to the sulphurous acid III he red hot cluclble The diluted Rcid gett mto Ilnmedw aootact with the heat ed metal Instantly flashes oifinto sulphur VUI acid vapor and such is the rapidity

b from otlon u b the aboehmiddoteJIGrt It DIMI7 td Llellt VODBII~ do Be 11 WoSoo4 a lllan to lin in thII -try and ener Clfthe IIvaratilln that the waA_ I for hi Co D-W 11_ nft B DoH I I ha mpan OIIn L Ollce wulm-b m II) fUCG t t ny

rIlIlYI t~ant ~k rgeI PrI4i people iii thII oIriUred age could be Ph of auchAJe~ II t 7 e 0 III It Vlte

Comn07 amp-Ellled Private OaIIaban wouruishy dT

B Sb d I bull au II JellL bullbullbull er_ angtrOlll1rut nln a1ttl~va~~ tIarkdo

middotaopan ~Eniedl Prl~1ea Q LPhilip OtOlllrd Pleno Brull Franclico JlIulwoulldelt Pri1eI B Smith lighll TbdB I __ bull H y _II d3 _ng II ampIIIIlpa

LiltoJ KUki 11ft WotW oJ LigAtArlUlnI

OomJllll7 A-Oed yate ~-en EtOHJlbeller PtedarioJt Dli1Iab i oullded Capt A sebWlrta lIgMI 8ergelmi lIiIIumb Gil iJo lrinkll Fr Stleub do BIII1 Jlalellllb do TheOdore Db erel2 Lu of KUlIil 04 WwttW of Rallo

EUled-Prlte Frederick HIlL llllelng-PriateJOIepb Klumpb OHrpoWllshy

uneL RIICUPE1U1IjlE poa OF fH18

OOUNlBY m____ t a __ b -1 _ ~-6- 10 7 ma -- 011

or the belt COlIDamprIea CD the globe amp0 III reproducinl power It 10 grt 110 1Ir111711d iIIn be at all 1011 (or ampD7 _t lea1 or tllIIlI

- shyfor prolIIoas III cold noHbera cIImatef h_ nllIfe Heamp for lIurIhalf the r ftooIIIampberon

made dllrinl the other bait thare h ben 1tampDceeln ~hlcb largebodlu of -0 ltoaoeritratad iii aarrow hit han aulJred tor fooIIlmamp iii thla QlunrJ filch nat campOD~o_B_ eOlt)

rudenrydil76r1ngalargeqllanUtleato tlldl In thts _n1 aIao where calli require 110

h the ~tertaI tbr dltlr ~ fll eare w tr plendlUl UId hare thert Ie no wiater to reduce or IlnpelYerlah them an abundance II aiw at hlId AI II In ~clitl providence held gW

dleliahlp onr dll amp1OIed land the great llapl of true food corn and bNlll alwalo aeuon Olher rult be wee at Umee bIIt th_ e neTer Belllco 8 theae IIllh tbe ntYeNaIIlllllllpo pl- of animal tood we 0amp11 11117 depend wIlli II eerlabil7 TbeAnppU _110 oollflned to 0111 place 0 department me ecRIIIW ibouruII iii tbem

U II-c bullamplid Ibe grealtlt dllllcult7 ur--OO oblalnlDClllppll Lillie - or tranpori

Sapr lfhloh I no Iooger bull IlIltllry bill nee

cano gro hare ao plncllilll thaI hori4ll lIneo from GnuadaltiadocouloIlllU to bonee Ifth or an olbe artlclo ot food 1h0ll1d be rOt a de or two dllllcult ro obtain lID _lIOt or the markHndle beln frlihlened b the late pree 8IIet of their heredl ellflDl ampIII011g them a 7 et two will ure tbem of tbJi ptOtoclion of the Amerlcantnd luurlee wilt bo epfD abushydanl u formeriJ


-bl lab or th bIlIbaroun will pgtVUOt y 1OII 801IIe wretcb who murlltred Amence1I oIllIIlIII amplid lIiaIIouut bre wlthollt ptO-1on and In cold bloodi llhen dIlIl learB th tbJi wounded tIIeln

belo cared for alld Iltelld d to with amoos_ are mueh reprlt7lUld atteutlon u the woWlded of our own am fbe WOUllddd we 8rat Pllt lilto the Ouard-Holln alolll wllh the olber Gell Walker had tbem relnovd to All boapltailie apari for thellllelvea AIId lallyo olllen ha been elllpl07ed 10 a116ru1 10 thelr aeoeullJee This follllS I stronl contuat with the baDGer 18

_ acl amphlIe wu mGlt woraU dllappolBtad I Be bew not that he bad to deal wlm agee_1 b uHow mlob t 10 be dep_ - not teke ampbe adyce of blafrillldt IIId aItoulder bit mlllltet la lIIIfltleCeuce ampgalast 1Il0lll $ha make no Illatlocdou

The Be lit Wheeler _ a mlulono- from bull bull -J

the Unltad SIaIeI bullbullllIiIter of tho Ooipel who WIS n 1a dWlibIIDI boob ad other aamiddot ored IItlee

Ameruau foreIpm Ohrlatlau will 1011 auf fer 1IIOb OIIlragu 011 humanlt to go upunlabed The blood or the IRnocent 011 for veogeancel

II the Will apllIIt tit Iodlan or NIIIth

America wu JtllIampgtI1I at that _I cia bow much moriIl thll Wll JUlilabl aphm bull lit or qul as __ dollbt I word ol t lb b~ wbo 0 lIOi plClltad b the IIIIl1aht- 1lueJ 1IIf-rapeci feqllirea liS lIever to bellen 811m or the age ad who 0amp11 _mit lIIIIh a bull of what 1IIOIIItJ01I alrocllltt Lo WhaU bHn tbe ampreatmant or the WOIInded and ft__ liken b7 Gn Walker The FROll ampbe _de or a Addle 011 the 18th iot

r- within II DlUe or tbe oilY II blue broadclotll Conaer were plOflded 101 iii bull bamlll mlllntr I OAPI IIntd IIlampb bleck wlib a bbck eIYltooO die latter treated u ~ of Bere Th Cape roUed uoiJnd a lew articles otuudeJo would haft bean a flile epporUlDlt7 for uereilllli c1othee A wleble ward wHI be paid to

W au _whO wID leaiII b at thl olllcampthe law of retaIlaIlOII BDI Gen aliter diOM Granada Oct 1fj8 IIthtr to loUowthe dlcliuee ot humlllli7 ad be pYemtd b7 the enlightanecl prlDelpa or the I WILL glvt II n~~i~ to any persoll who agt willreturn to 111 atore m Ledger Book It

Shall tlII -lUI collntry which fa 110 aumiddot was pUlaged from 1111 tore durlnS elate tackbull petlor to North Amerl be aUowad to remain In H A THOIIIAN

r shyter llIma ns bthlnd nnd ill frozen into a IlImp of ice III the rcd hot clucible (romwhich seizing the moment before it again mel it mtv bu thtown out befor~ lhe

Jeel of the Mtomsbed observer

We wisb some of our enterprising reashyderawould attempt the mtnuficture or ice

m In Granoda ~o the l~el8On who produCIlfltth Ii 1 III gI bull

e rllt samp e we w ve a ttptop no tice

l1J The Roman Elllpire In the Haith or illsIor did DOl colltain more than three milllona of aqaar mllel Th UolWd Btatu now C01enJ more ampI1an thlt aret Ind It latser than Rome wu when ehe If~ die mIIlrcel or the world

RNpeet tor amp 1Iuman Y81 Frellcbmall

1 II IlIelf BprInc Slimmer IIld II1II the und ot gea 1Iho woaM Il10IIII prohlblamp Oruada 0118 1868bull En iI WlbeJllnto belog ampbe germ orOllt (004 ialmIgratGD md PlCIgretl Bare natllrl bea Lost

dOlltlall that It 11_ 10 h_ happ~ ON TUESDAY the 81at 1111 LANDWAR God IIaItowend hill bleulnp and RANT tor 6 hundred drawn 10 favor

All th apMt or man II dI-fue H of J O ONqd SlIch mealln bJio beao ~ken as wID reruler the warraot or DO 11ft except t)

0 UR 8NIIIIIES DISPBRBINO the pellOl1 for wbolll it WM drawn ~I pel1lOn _ who returDS It to ampbe 8llbacrber Or Ib the olllce of

IntalUsenco IlpoD which WOampII reI II_SIIamp II Nlearag1IeOlle will be IUlleb~ OwaJ~L InampoGtanada thl mornlnamp 8tetet that the rem Granede October 18118 bull bull un or ampbe AlHed torcea are preparing to Itb -----_--=-_____--_

tllII~trJrlbundantin thllOOIIlltry f o(tbit compay in biadespateh ya

draw amp0111 the are _ding their lick forwanl to LHu and tUIng other pral1mlllampt7 for apeed7 lIIlllaum et 11 ftlalll nOlf with thembullbull matter or 6boIce If data-ed bull few da11 wo _lIIlder tho iIIIproa it wOllldIJ9 _ebullbulltarllllecMIlampy

SAPPIIR AN D MlnRl~Capt Hesse

1 have to state tha~uenr1 O Porter whom 1 temporarily appollltAld bt Lieu tlBa bhuyoo bravely as well in lIlauy III on euterlng Granada He was the only one to load the gun In ~e charge on the enemy beyond the Jateba Ohurch

ftampX A THOf1pound~) nHOLJl8ALE DEALER IN


AND ALL lUNDS or LIQUORSToSether willi

lIIN cOPzca tNJOs_zclJ1raOJV lIDiLL lUlIlII or GOOIII 11011gt 111 _ amu HOIpltalltreel lu Crout of 8enFllaelloo CouVIIDI

ClIIItda ~e_-18_66___~___ Dr ~I Po

TENDERS HIS SERVIOES to the oItIzetll Qf Granada and Ylcnlt71a tlte practke or

MEDIC ME SURCi RY amp lllDWlF 1 E m iRY l1J OftIet IIId ~ldC8 011 the 8Oohweat

the optain being wOIlnded and all the 1 ~ the treet GPpoelte the Bow FIanCitco other I~lel being either wounded or driven 0 JllIIet lillie from It under the hlllvy firing of the It entlmy Fagan lind Loyd attended well eeorder 8 Omee tomiddotall ordlllI and fuug1t well at Maaayn THE omce ortbe Rooorderor Deeds 1I01tpguand Granada Mr Latta WII8 wounded ~fortbJi 0rieIamp Depllltmetofthellepu~

d U Itc wU be opened III tho clt1 of G da CD Moo-In til exeutlon of bls 1Y mr Johnmiddot da7the 9m ofsptelllber 18L1amp All perIODs Inn did his dutj well throughout both required by Deero~ to bll~e their tltka ro IODdalD action al also did Mlll KcIeweR the r01ll8lld Departmen~ recorded within IIbc and Maloney monlha aAer that tI A Of LLIS

Recorder for the Orieotai Deparlm8llL _ W II P h_L i I GriDada Sept 6 18jI _ It lit w I II toe way _______________

to Buriingampun fn Ie ~o~did you knuw Tabor ampr 0118) 111( narnu waa Pat f Oh I guessed ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORSAT LAWshyitn ~D by t~e hOI~drker if yo Oftlee iii Et NJOAuovlIlI1I BuUdiOp-80ulh are 80 goo at gU_Rft Ie otter glllss 11 ~ol PIau Grnada NICAIIgIIa the way to Burhngton PartlcoI attention paid to e1a1 against til

J3gt An editor alks in talkin of po Goo~eiBOR 1 jOompan G-IIlIed Sergeant lIurrJ llOWIdmiddot whlob die AmerleanR b hlampl1l1J1o be811 treated ottmiddoty and matimonYt Who would indlte OWEN DVFFY r Ga~lIOamppt I 18C1(1

14 Ptlva Brandll OoUn70n Ellinger BIalrOII who bavII fallen Into It harul or the el1tlii) OIlDlts to a woman whom lie nw every Davlcl I_raftamp1IIiaIu Drummer onlar We call11pon the civilized lIaoos that - apeelemiddot Donlin in her night cap IIDd evert dlaquoy

tors ofuu 8tlllllea to nota ampbe dllference at dinner IIwallowlng meat and IDlhtard1 O~BS FOR SALE at his plac Se BollaLt 01 WouIIIW tA SfWII() Bi- Ballttllon ban iltreot ene bouee ampbon G PIt BeeCoiopampll1 A-t1iIto W 0I01ld 1Il1g1i1ly PampRPIOIIU CulII-FellolI-cltllll aald e tFTho bed of death brillJ1R on 1mmiddot char Ilore 1Jempan1 B-Plbalell I Dowell aUghtl7 11 bull h ~p llour Whlte-ltlllgar OtJUllee lIampIlkeralt Oil

~ do lllteheU do Fourtb of JQ1y orator I repea tho declaatoo I man beIDg to 18 puro IndiVIduality I to 011 eoKno VGIIl AfOIIIaticScbladem Selldo lIot bellevo there II I mOUl woman Of child In ~~tDen- alllhll1 Oorpo- the IlItenlIe contemplation of that dcepeat Stomach Bittelll Pbibulelpblll Ate UId H 111 do lriv A ruuerlon dangeshy this bolin IIbo b r_hed 1110 age Gfil~lY_ Ilnd most 8OIomn ot all relations tha rela Kllllgulan aDd Mdefra Win Cle7plpear SouJItI do J P lIle d(l but what has fel hit truth huuderllli throughtholr breloa C8l1tviOl gor iou between the oreatare and hill Creator TERMS ~_0lIl ldIJed

_ _~_____ ~_~~____M __ __


318 EL NICARABUENSEVoll No 51 p 2 Sabado 25 de Octubre de IBS6 Saturday October 25 la56~

lttpound 1 Jitaiagutnst ~ Satur4ayllominlt Octbull26


Promotion8 and Appointmenti lIJ~1I fllOll al OINpoundPU OIlDlI8 or fill lIIIT

PR OMO TIOlS bull C Ftfennlngsen Is appomted Brlgler Gene

rat ill tbe Ailny and will take charg of Ille OrdIWI ~ Arlllieri under orden from lite Comshylo~rIIlVCloi- n~ bullbullbull A bull

or bull _ ~ra III promo_ MlStentQuattermaster General wIth tho rank of LleutenshyllDtColonel andmiddot1II take charge or ~he Depar~ mant during the abaenoe of Col Illlller Quarto m~ter G_I Ia d u IPt III IIOrril QUlrtermaator promote JOt Quartermutermiddot Department

cpt George WLeoollfd Ifirlt Rlfttt II pro rnqtld Broyd MIJor for gallantry on the field0118Ib 1816

pt A Scltwa~tz ArtlllorY to bo 1110Pl Thomas Henry (UDMiaubed) Ie promoted

MflJor bi the Quartermllaters Deplrtment 11111 Lleol George B Farrand to be Ctplain liltt ampJellamp George W Glat Ald-de-camp to be

oplalnI tAout JlIIll1 F Schooh Company A ae

cone BIB Is promoled Captain Company A ~

Rlilett II -pled to take eAec October 18ampb 1656

The ratpatlon ofSecood Leu~ I a 8oDmlll Compan 0 ampeond Rift Is aCcopted to ake lIftte Ocober 18th 18GO

Th teelgnatlon or Second Lieut J W Polk 8eeond In1 II accepted to take efted Qcto ber 20tb 1866

The nelSlotion of Seeond LI J W vamiddot111m Second Rilles Is IIccepted to take eftect October till 1866


Col Thomu F Fllher QUlrtermoeter Oenera1 ordered to tbe United Statot on blllln811 of the Governmenamp WlII receive hie InatructioD from the Oomlllallderin-Ohief

Capt Wlllllm errmn Is granted leaf of abeenca (or ailtty dill from flle ht ofNovember18116 At Ita explmlon lIe will report foI detshyto tbe Commander-inOhIef

cp 1 NWeU Walker Ranger Dtlttallolffla glllllied leave or abeenee Ibr 1I1IIy day fromlIl November18i16 At ita ellplratloll heill report for ord011l to lite commanding omcaia o( bll BILlmiddotIIlIon

Cop J O JlmllOll Fi11ll I fanlry I gnlltld lean or ablence for elght1 days from Noycmbior 18t1868 At lIa cltpllllon he wUi report to the commandillg olllcer of bla Recltnent Cor orUII

Cal II Mallldorf Second Infantry nted ItaYO of abeenee 101 NU day At Its elplratlon he willmiddot report to lite com1l1anding Clllleer of ilia Bandon for ord_

Tlr Llent Robert GIIllIlOII Is gnllied leave of abINnce for mtl dAys At Its explrallon he WIll fllporl fGrdut1 ar Grailadamp to II eomlllanding of-

COIId Billes lIeer firat Lienamp B F Delaney Seeond IlIfnll1 III Fll1It LIenamp Lewis R Latimer IIm Rilles II

PIOllli)e4 Olpllln of Artillery gnnted Iena of abeeuee (or nlnet) da flllm llrit Lleut am Dunlcan Flnt Rilles I pro November let 1856 At Ita erplntlon he will

oted CaJltoln FIrat RlOos report to Col B J Sallden FIllt Rllin (of 01

SteOlld L1u B M Allderaell Compally A to deramiddot boa~IItLCoImlan1 B Seeond 11__ G Fi Lleut Arthur OOollnllr Seeond Infiantry

_Itt lUI YD orlbedmiddot paDY I auted leave of abllenee fOr lxl da fromFirat IIIfantrbull1e promoted Firat Lleulenaut Colli 1111110 FIrat Infantry

SNond Lleul O n WellFI11It ~IlIIl11 18 p

~=o~~ia~~~O~~I1I1~ Flllt Bla rolUoted Firat L1utampnant Firat Rilles S~nd Lieut B A Crhart of Ordnance to be

Firat ~~euteDaDtrt dLLleuamp aeo W nailer Second Infantryt lo - tit eutenlnt ~olld Lkll John F Price (unallacbed) Ia

))f41DfltedJijrt Lieutenant to repol to litomiddot Quu te=~I~fs 0H=~ Com A ae ~~4 -n __ to De Firat Llelltenftnt ompln A Steond JUfIM

a-d L1eld _ Wnllam Company D lieshycollli middotlUft to be Firat Lieutenant Company I

Second mlf~ RIa I hoorabl dJcba~oI from Ilia Army fItrmj IIO Porter 10 be1irfl LleUmlAlIfSllIl OOrporafi1anlel Smtlh1 00mpany D MtiiUUlIo

part till Ifhort I honondllrdlachfled - Ibe Army ~ Kleuelldotf Comrny A nangell to

b Firat Lit1tanllnt Oompany B Second 10 Iligoant-MlIjol MllIwel1 Allen Trll$ Rlller shy

nppolnted Socood Llelltanant Fl11It Rlao bull Firat Suetan Chl Wllklnoon Firat 1UIIcII It polntedmiddotSecond Lleute~antFirst JliflOi

Fillt Sargeant Carl G Sbockle Anillery I prOlllOted Second LIeutenant Ariillery r~rgeanl Hardin Jnlalllry Ie promoted Second IItORlnt Comptey a FllflI Jnfilntry

CeIlIt J V Conklin Company D SeeoDd Infalltry to be 8eeond Lieutenant Complllll B Iiecond IDraliky I ~ltlral IlenJ4aDelolter Company B Second ~~1fnnt~ nd Meutenant Compan7 D

Private lIrnncl Roth Company F Second In famplltry to be Firat Lleutellant Company F SeeoDd lnf4ntt

lrIto 1 A OIarko Company F Second I faDIr to bo Second Lieulanallt Company Ji Sec ODd IlIfantry

Prlvale Donnls E nlnea to be liecond Juumiddot teDant ampppOlll aDd tilDen

Prlute John G lla~ Company A Second RI tohoBocolld Lieutenant Company A SeeoDd RIIttJ Rirgeant IllIJot lugh Com8ny A Second _ft~ Second Lieu~nt IIlpteyA Beshy rriYlte B B-Yilt Company it Second Rlftet

to be 8eeond Llollellant Company B Second m 1Iu bull bull s~JaMi~~tod Seeond Lleutonan~ of

111 Slckl ia ppolna~ Second Lieutonant to date fiotn May ht 1856 (110 Ie acting at preaeot It AId to Brig Gen Fry)


Col lohn I Matich I reinstated and will kt1motlo~th~Fi1 Infialed fll RlfI 0 bull lit bull -e to 0 Irak Jk lI~n~~r Calling Oompftay O Secood InshyampII ared to Company 8eeond Iu-

The TreuaU RallgerJ with aU their equlpmonte are tranatened to di BIItamplllon of Rongelll b ~~ of llappef1l and 1I1n commanded

Noltmbr let 18GS At h uplratlon he will report tomiddot tho commanding omeer orhll Regiment for 9r4el1l

FIl~t ~wlcre~yQ~II~~D be 1I1U1 continue to IROn forwardbull It Ittut that cause of a conllnuanee of the oUlrage UP01 hi A pUtmanamp A Ita explratlol he wHl rellOn at Granada fO IIMer

Firat LIeuamp Robert Oardller Fraf lUlIea II lIltedampIe of abMllee for nlnet dlJl t weexplraUon of wlllcl1 b will report for ord_ to the commanding elilcel ot ilia Battallou ~ Llout J Bleier Jnaamptacbed) II _tod

Ihamplvenof llbaatt~t1ordormil O1t JJta~plratlonl te repor era at eueralutadqulricl1I


Sergeallt J A Bopldn Compan D Jim

rrlvato Benry Waiteill Compall Al~RIll 18 honorebld~arpd froII th Army

Private M Mlllloy ComPany A Volti~ tlOIle -dlui~ b~lariofltaereatlbu to rille 1t000000000lr fiIoiarnil hm lb Armlmiddot

Privata I4wlll P raquo CompOy 8Mond Inran Itdllollaraed trom lit army OIl Surgeoneertillcate of dIIobifity


Th n r oname of ~emiddot len D GoIcourIa IIl1tr1okon

from tho roll of III umy 21

AmtttIlT-On Thuraday evening Gen Ba1llo Illl1gaon 11amp01 the men under bla command OXOJo elellig In flle plu The JrtlllI) In two Com panles UDdOl the Imlnedlate direotl0ll8 of Mlllor Sehwallllo ClP DeilneT and cpt Farrand and tbo Sa ora and Min under Oa Hebaamp Tb

pp p e men were enrolled In maneuvrlllg lite mountallt bowltaera and frolll lite rapidity of tbelr 1000lag certainly ahowed IIIl1t1h profIcIelicy

shyOn ldal avenlng after bavlng ourcllod tor a

wblle on fll plua w111t blank cariridges a trial Wli mad Ith the regular sheila against lite wall ofanad ruin The captoIea proved thellllelw

aimed at and the aholle xplodlngIII the WIll tore out larg piece 1 IIPP_ to III from Wbat we ha _of tho e~ that wo lIbelle IItrildng In tho amplme opo will ellech breacb III fll8l1rOllg as adobe building aud tbat (or lite mlllorlty 0110

11011 directed Iliot 11111 be ~mclen The wall llrodlnto WU 1Ibullbullrly four flltt blthlekuou

fha Sap)lllt and Hillen coming to a Itoolder 1tIIT8 with hovello looked aUrat IOmlll1t odd but thoy anu line Iooidnglotofmenand are 0110

of Iho moat ulCfbleorps In 1110 aenlce

CoL T r Flnlll-W obamperY tllat 001 Thea r FIlbert Quartermuler Oeneral N A hu been dred to lite United Stotea 011 h_eII_nedld 11It thla (Jo__amp nelWl made Idmeolf euolt a Ibolite wllb tha paople of Granada that e

PLURALl1Y OF PABTIP9TONS The Late Insult to the U S Flagl The name of tle venerable Ind aimple dimeshy MURDER OF A1IERlOAN OITIZENS Dr TBg

MI1I Plrilnglou-18 In tltelle tlmell ol(n ug AILIED ARMY OF GUATEMALA ANIgt led There aremiddot now many lattlngton_ SAN SALVADOR man ho trlve to Irr01lI tlte advallce of oceanl wIth boom8Uclcl We are surrounded The murder of tbe Amricaa chIlena In tb~ b fllem I we read of them I ever mall brings city of OrMada on the Ush of the cormt aome new denlopment of flleir flllll1w labort month by middotlIte allied foreca of San Salndor tad TIley endampvOf to ouPvtlngton Partlngton by Ouatemala II one of tbe Infllmolll trtneaellolls IIIlng leas oIfrctual illBtrumenta In tbelr elforta to that mual for ever dmgraee the chllracter of tbe lIIeIIl more forcible and overwhelming occaM people bYllbom It 110 eomml~ted and bring tbe Th 11 I n ~ b II tImiddot bullbull middotmiddott h b I d Ibe or ~na anngton wa WII I nil a nl VI 1 ampIn em ~c D8Mloon9 un er e of th Clty of Liverpool now all England belongs contempt if not the dlrcct ceniure of every dr to flle famUy ud Franee by ylnue of ~ho Aliimiddot lIIlca Is ready 10 act Partington to the letter

Partington Is no longer II proper nAnle bullIt 1113

btltlomo common Ie ha beeome r princple of lclion It II now bull great pollllcal organization In facc Statesnol Kingdom tuck up thol PGIII coate and BtAnd mop In Iland ready to RlTelt tbbull rising tide of tbo limes let the cllort COlt wlo II m

TheN 18 an adage hich altlteugh worn bull II l

IItreadbue w would lIdbullbull6 arUngtolB 10

keep CODipleuoualy bofor them It will SIIve tbem milch labor and not a li~tlo ridicule ViII II Thne and tide wait for no mall In IItIa 18 l

b I Idworld of tllltli and pblloaopllYI If leh t fOU be weB for the Pringtons of tile age to aludy

Beroro lite wbeel of lime btU completed lIIlotber cycle Ihe obituary 01 ail lito Parllngtona wlllhabullbullnd ogalllBt hia protestltbeylllllt robbed him of

bull bull been wIllon I for althougb trutb IOmetlm reo all that wal valuable lu hl8110U8C Illd thon drag amp11 Itlell Iowly the dayla about to dawn If I~ ged out from und the folda or that II ltIcb he Ilot alread1 dwned when men wHl be conmiddot should huo mad hia pel8On ucrcd and hot vlneed of w) they ha kllllWD Or hneprof_d him Illh coolncea Illd deliberaUolt

10 know for a long tlme-illat man I a progr Aalf to add to the alroell tbey were nol COl

elvo ereature and tbat thlhllOllltabl WIsdom of tent willt taking hlUfe DlIlng all Americall illmiddot Dilialty haa set blm tranlllng In II patb 10 which IIIln inatead of protcetlng him while 11lng 1111 u

ou tbla road lhere 1IIa~ be ranters that lOme main alter dealb I Seven bayonets were tbrcel may atop oul of the Way and reellDe b) COlllfllltftble thl1lugh bll bod after he had bHD abot reatIng piIlClll but It Ie oqUillyt~ tllllt those The thought of how tkcao fiamplda dlnced lIm who teat toe long mUllt keop ou~ ot middotthe wly of lItel victim lind in thai hclliah glelr hinr

thcao who ate malaquoll~ Ollward or lltey WIU be JDOIt UllUredly troddon upon

It ClInnot be long before mOl will be convinced II II

ILlIeluwUIil laelrneat And the gray It Dot Ita goal

DWI~ thou In to dUlt returnnlVAI not spoken to Ib 10Ul

And that although Individual Of cles or peo

pi lIIay heeome u 11 were withllred limbs In tbo great tree ofllf flle mmk canllot pariah bll~COII country Be had been here tbrOugh two rr_

nd _~ III It h ~ed tlul I II 8 bull -_ 1111 as _III grea porpoaea (Or wblch It lloe _ied

But the Partinglolll of EurOpe and America IMllllnospahle of DIjIkin tbe proper deductiona 111 Llo of ellta~ fll8y aeem u Incapabl 6of comprahendlng the great lam of hnman 1I1e lIId thlr Teneraoto progenitor tbe tonlea whleh ro IIlated we ebb and 11011 of the AtlantIc

We a haYIng now re-enacted 011 tho etage of European plllr lite sceno of In lIleb tbe Par tlngton of ~be Inquilitlollllgured wben a lItey would ha us auppos clolltcd In tho IOlemn 111

h lItorill or God they compelled II nnar1lbla p Imiddot lesopber to relnee bll_dOll relative to the revolntlon of tIe amplrih But a1tbou h litis d I to aholl tI era ~I f I thmiddotYv r a me a gen e n tIrae the pro- of lit ampIlll iteelr WII not reated and the ParUngiona of tbe Old World w1loe 10 aaslduOua In thrlll4in fllelr mope Inm flle advanclo wamptora of lite sea ~r P n III allOO8ad onlYin being conllnced in ~d that

olteellont marbmen lhe1atruek the preollupot notwithstanding their elflllta flle world will con

~g (fou tJIIl~~ecd under tbe orden of donbt nol be 111 reoal Ii pleaeant reoeplioD do not weigh mere than a grain agalnat the elllrtll

t1nue to wag OD

It we tbe I lrit of ParUn tonim tbat threw obllampaclca In lit path of CoImbU 1I0d Luther alld KOllath It 11 to legllJlallng In tbla aplrlt that EnglandlIIayttnDute lite 10lIl of her North American Colonln and to tllil aplrlt Bpab) loa ber AmerlCftD POIIIIdIIIOUl 1amp Is the Parllngtonshylam of th that cndeavo11l to arreat flla Il1o Taneo of llrragua In flle road of 1101 desilny alld that would atlgma~ If pOIIlble one of th

b d _~ h1MII _t an moat nt__ men W 0 ever unmiddot dertook naople to proeperty

BII~ to lite philosopher 1114 lilt_ thllk thero Is a OOIII01atlon III the knowledge thllt erente are guided b7 111bull luperlor law of an aUwlle Deln III whOle balance the elloru of all the PrUngtreg

RESlrAATIONS The etlxnltlon or cApamp OIlldes A Gore Se

eoIld lUlu Is accepted to eke olfect October 1tIIl5O

Tliolampllgnltlon of Firat Lleu~ A M Pittman Firet Infantry II accepted tomiddot take tlleet from October 3 18Gbullbull

TIae retlgnalloll or Recond Lieu Groaa Second

wheruOlhe COIII We 111111 him afiaorabl TO age and a )Iced rotum

DItrIlIlDIIN 0 GIIIIUDl- We 100 been handod I 11 II th lIamn of all the persona wbo were present at the defence of Orampl)ada 011

th J11th and 18th of tbla monih It erowded out fllia eet We shall probably pulllllh It in our next IlIue

of WuhlngtoD er a Walker or 111 olhar of the InlltrUmonll wbose Ilame we might adduce wbom Be lIIOIintbo developemont of HI dealgnt

Tn I QuJlPBu VITVs-TbI8 flIslllonlble eillb we regnl to eay haa ceased to elleamp Au loq 0fO~ Ita remailll brought In a ferdlet of died of eoIIapea of tbe pocket RguitmJI ill p4tbullbull

IHzed nation_ It I nnmiddot ac~lon ao rar bOlond tho pale of 011 clrllifLd cII9toma8S to render IllmplJtoI I r bull ill E cld I

abo 0 Jual cation ~~ry In onl Olcry e ( eumstanco connected wlln it ene only 10 add to the guill and ink tho porpelratOll of Ihe onto Iago dcpArln tbe grcd 1lqulty

II cannot be Mid thumiddotlt nlpp1tml u or wbile tbe IOldlera 1010 in suebe Illtc of ~~ cUemen as not to be aware of what they did I I for I yet theyliad nOI been enpged in any BC

L1 h dmiddot L h d b t on nor a oy Il B ot yel re npon tnOIll 1 any of tha oltizens of Gmnada The residence of Mr Lawl_1s allUftted about midway between the large plaza IIIId tho Jalteba Chuteh Ria

bull h b bullbouse wal tho flral tber came to In a tag b Amerlco~ls lind wltboul pl1lvocotlon or culo while the American tlftg lfBI tIiDg over bla door

bullbull deprived aD American citiZen of life bee mlng iii Intoxicated witb (ury III to conlinue to Ibruit theit byoultalnto him la heortmckening

TheBe men cannot ucue themselves b 1lnl tbey were not awaro of LawleSl VClitlon Ibr h I Id d I II rat L av ug res e n t 8 coun~ry len yelm

spoke belr langulge Iluentl n wu 1Iell knOWI

tilroullbou~ Ibe country ampI a merchallt 110 bad never utor(ered or took part III the politlca of IhIt

dOli and mere than b(~w8ra utl had alWAY Ih reapect abown him Iue tbe flag llhose protoellOllha clalllled Belld all thl he 110 doubt oxi

bull pWoed hI JlClIon h lng bd ample lillie to 110 It but It avaned blul nothing tha~ be hid nol takeJl part In the wlra It lled him noihiaLbullbullbullbull I h- d I L ere were ItO arllll D Ie _ an t 1amp1 u~ wu 8Plrely 4efenceleu- a clrcumtaoce that among any people wltb a apark of chivalry or hUlnalllty among them wold hlYe 8Ied blalif He claimed to be an Amelican citizen and eluinr beneath and cillmin~ Ila pr~tectioll of the Star and Strlpell was by the deml demOllsmiddot ( we callIlO wi tbeln men) coDildered amp erime worthy or bull

hd d th meat orn 0amp

We do not wish to caUIUelltion esplloWl W lite death of the Rev Mr Wheeler bo IIU eUi gaged In lite ploua duty of dleklbutlng the ACIId Word of God amont tbe people of fllit pllCl

wltem neillter te aacreel banner orChriat IIOt Ih ftlllJ of Ihe Ulllted Stet cOIIloi aIIVO frou lite ruf 611111y butcbery nor to the murder of the Belr Ferg1llOD nor to Mr Camenl 1Ibo waa dng~ ~ed rrom the bosom of hia family And murdered hllo proclaiming that ha 1111 lin American oltlzen for tbe clrcum8laOCeli of thel~ death Is let rO~IIa plalnlyln tbo lIIIoexed aIIIdvlll i O do we wial( to make any oommenta upon tbampl deelre to get fller American Minister-who Willi at the time prot-[ trated by DlII83l1-1nto thelr huda tor w eel middot ured It wlluld be a work oCIuporeroptoultlu1Il parte tbe caae wID be setforth to the people ar the United SteteltJ by tbelr reprlen-lI e IIIQ we doubt not that Americana wHl indilllto Ibelr

dignity Btl we would ClIII attention to the faet that Ih

flAg 0 the oomparatiyely email BanHate toOI of Saxony 10 Europo waa raapoetcifbull hlle lbe American col011l were being abot at alld rlddleocl Wllh bullete whllmiddot tlylng ovor lhe bOllee of tbt Americalllliniatel and served rather to leduc outrage tban alford procctlon to th_ bG lOught ita ahelter 8 tbe following aJIIdill m bow

LEO Ollmiddot or UNlTro SumOJ AllIIle I liEU RmzllLtC 0 NIOaUOIlA J

Till day pereonally appeared betore lIIe Jamnl George Wledomanll nnd moe OA~ thai I ~

A-gores of the lIled Imyof Gllatemaltl I

319 El WICABA6UENSE Volt No 51 p 5 Sabado 25 de Octubre de 16561 Saturday October 25 1856


tile n SteamOl La Vhllo Capt Thom IlUlkert~rlnd al tbe port of IlrauadA on the ~ytlllDg lotSlaquoturd-y tbe 18th IDBt Iloe brought Jutem -lIP 0 1I1t of UI HItIt monb

br - bShe fOlIgbt o a Ollt ~Igbty Plt888Dgtl1l who nteld ljO nelde I~ 1111 COIInuy list) of 0111 ~ Joinell the NlcarogulIII Army Among t

- I IBanIfa we nol ct tho lIallle of Clt)L eonlngftnHow~ Joinell theNlearagutll Arm1andla In COIomlllll 01l11li ArIlIl~r1

1111 Jla Virgin brwpt alao tor the Army lU1 bull o if h nd-A M- L d middot11IDr ell X II nu m mUlld III i 11 et lour or wllb Ibclr ploper equipment the evrig~ for tb mountdn bowltze aI_d ro -- ld II Ivge quantity OfulIllullltlon

81 f I

struggle wUI be between Buchalampll and pOllUoR a alellder -agure and ver1l1ght bllr reoIOIl~ lillmoro ma however bo much BORland and Frlllee h made II warlike 01 alronger batt tbe pllbllc h lID idea of If Ibe 0I0nllramplloll aallIamp ~be Kin ofSarcllnla AI

ee 0 middotpapr we earn thI All the dey atproeCllee for Ihe rleSidential eltctlon In the tultcdSlateltlllulscltcmentalld1nleruUllor_

be nfoet ngg_1ed ltalemen are IDade by of lb riftl candldatea relale to

iuoqUt t II weoed wIb mor ~OtiOD ormore UDshyettlalra I lIor caprlceelIIan 11080 two Statee now

I od ha P ll 1amp t1 middottt t 1IlPlji t t en 1 YIUI I go or ImlomrDUllffilll4ll Ia 1101 cet~ of Ilanflng It iln Ib1~er ~andlt hlwampy been e Btrong ilIIIICIlItie 3Iett and h ginn Ddehanan large

Ai e roof of 118 entire dovollon to Uoellty I Hid lbal In Ita remoter di8lcta llaer are lililarge ItlllDben of Totee _t fqr AnshyUtW J~80II t

AI Ne York no etandll the Fremont men Ire alma I Ilire or ber But II e fllred tbat 10 otdtr I ifeeure tho election of lluebanall by Ihe L S d fN Y k 11o~r ~e thO emoerac ew or w go

om 10 1111101 The bull 4ft oro 8() nicely halllllud tbal eonaldmiddot

bit a~lIl1la of mOD01 are illaked upou tbe rampgt fill Willet III accounl of a mall wbo ble to lIhu aUIbullbull hlllr oft bl heed If lIucbanlUl Is 1I0~ Ilt~ted b_IID Ie e or bIa elCllllon be Is 10 be d lIh all lhe blta be CQD wear ri I -mo Buehan conUnue to realde I

Whl middotlIollll8 Thill aIlnde UI or PlOl8OiIor Stowe-hlllbllld r n Deecher 8towe-wbo wben Ihe FIIgishylift SIt LawwlIS p-d re latered vow that

oul~ not M hla beatd cut untO the Ia Will Itpeilled Il lla needl to that by this tim IU beerd of tho Proteeaor hal altainod coRaider

A bull Welangth lIla mil1 wil~ at lOme ulure time I able to 4etermlne the time which bae elapsed ~Rce tbbullp_go of tht celebrakld law by a _Irtllellt of Ibla bireuto ppendage

Olll neighborS Ia the Solltil It 11111 ben b

rtfHOell to lIIother pitt of tbla pape haye art IIt14 at a period wboll tbey are beginning to acl lei aot througb any ellerg of their 0100 but by

bull bull Iho torceof the elective spark wblch tbe pr0111OIt ~ lb AjDerlealll excitebullbull Aa Ie lIIuaU the cue ill ueh spaslllodic e1f~rta tbelr ICtiODS are neltber -At( b d Ira UI I ateedI-~ ~ pru ollee or grea~ til geDco II of t1llll~g tbolr atklptlou to tha aeveopomoot of cIIt reour0e8 or their St they e endeavoring 10 ftrm I agalnaua wllo If tbey 8amplIdled Ilatlr deg lotereat tbe would not olllylreat aa

htelben but endenOf to ludaoe us Inlo tbelr _trie b offorlng lerge 1IIwarda to U8f1 lIIIerIca fho would Httle amollg tbem

go andmiddotdo Ukewlh tI Ibe would In fow lola uame was reeeIedmiddothe ~onoludedlIIIId IDUO1 c u Aoa_ fII IlITIIIIo o BD-Thill L bull ~ Ia peu enklrpriae whleb for bullDaB1e Iou _med

han reuon to Ie the - the merleau lIle pp - too i11cH1v7 plQJce 10 lie HriOllllJ eoklrlalaed tbelr denl among them II Brig GeD Horuab waa II atbullbull II Ie 11IeI u Ihelhuadelplla IAtliJrr to pIO

The Elllpero Alolnder of Ruula u _wued drank with ~re and th _II-I- not onlypn bullileallle blit to be aowal _Iilrocl lakll with peel ctltllOll1 DIIfInc laquoIlGlIamp- The oople of Gtuadr- uu _ ~oo_uIoa 01 ~ GIld lIIMaWio_ tIon the BDlpelOl lIrtIMd dlllllfllamp1llt liNt lllto lliftl amp111 the lUI Ie SOl Ill of bJ a

-r hGould he alloed ampveryluiUt iol publleblnl tbe JiIoJ-wa receld wltb leug 111 incident or the cerem001 The rep_led Brig Gen Jit111 I88po11111lo 11 draIIk to of IIIe Pope _ reaehed on 1111 occaeIon be- The Bed 8kIr of 1I1earas- t shy

I - --

blo IUCIea From all we can learn 10111 Hill quallllcatiOllll appear ~ bo good die-

n -0how othinc oIemenamph anlbmg Ike llalloolmiddoth boen ordtled -to the SardInian potU middotf9t111er rloctlol1-(f OIgIlDIZlltlon aod kllllclt to fhe nowl from Frallce I unimporlllll i01In principle beymiddot ilia) lIIlrprlee the Union 10 111 France hM growll up to hemiddotalli8 tat bilallbbeb

lire th_ ofanr other _IfY neCoatalUcanuNboglnnlnr(OltamwladoD

end theIP rttIIerJ to (ullow Preildellamp Xora III lUIother folAJaplneUflO8IIguI ucla_pIcIou

III our m1lld tltt they beslnlllng to bow wbats b

Tile 11010 from Buropeta DOl of III In -eat til l1li In Nicaragua Q_ Vlctorla lib a good _bl mother Is endorlug Iogeh lIItmiddot ablo spouao for hr aupterl Ibe 11111_ RoyalPrlll~ irederlck-m lrlIstlt 11 at proeenllh fa rltA In 1gtvl matrimOlIai IIIIrkel H baa aCeltmIpanled lbe roJa moth~r clllrllJU

middotmount~t roogtiI laddoll M unexpected Amiddotcoup u fat 11M been lIIk1mpted in Paill bJ -rrf nI hi its lerth to taIt the B~I u rtmiddotIIlI PrtlllllllIIPpcaraneeago their eandl- (leott~ODollnelltIukod ltltIeenlIlllheUa 11 IIIIee from Franklin the ed_ltlWd Irad rona hladoctor mullraquo alld air w pxketshyltlale ud Ibemlelvenn rar behind dcrblllleedenahSp 1b_Spanlahtroops hoW poue 011 bJthe plekel prltl ofbe rNIIOt hllllditerehlef

middotTho DfbIIlIIIn lind FrolllOlit lien are hathon 8Ionof Madrid bllCmiddotthe blew wa nOlllrlld 1111111 1114 - man killed The meIu bod WII hUll~ F4t 11111 ~-l---A-rua-n-p-n-Jal-Ir-porler aid il 1kelr 111 III In 8upplieatlon before tbe State middotof laneoueI~ amplllbe luge ollie mt therefore lcLraplcllY-~Inrr th pu~ofaIampok wa eo olOOllelt amp be ~ tbu ibnup -CD in lie Yo ftud Ponll8)lanl4 There lIever w only parllllllluCOO88lal A eho ar Ia SpaIn II 11 Je is ooei Jirallkl how -It grolt ~~~litl~way~~ma4t billlyen- iwI Ja

bull IlOOII t 1111 w II mo OU _ bullbull h1111therefore hlehl probahll It Ia thought -be w IIIalI aad tho collklmplated atiMlk JIOfi hbonld laquolad 10 bow NId tbeuegioL Wii France ie IlIlIOlIIe nYllOl1l1eel4d wllb the 1IIfaIt POlolied Thethumr -ped ~~ ~~ tllteat no Iongel alilee tbUl Ju~ IIlpl-agaillaamp II wil1middot R~~ h bull 10 1IIdlt e - t nes -lgt 11_ t -- poelufely lilted 10 IIblMOQ KaN mldlllampht howeyer (1ft aspreu Ived III IIUIIp A IaQd peculalor 01lt W- ladeellcllo

until LIlt mill of 1100 Allied rome hqultted with ~ Informaloa tllat 001 Oook wllb I _e his trac IJIInI th eba be Inaallilidl J th CrImea Tork h for the pretent nnt foroa of U 8 ~bad takeo lip I porJampIoall clcreel It Wu 10 h~lhl ~IIDd Ulera aDd 10 frem the dlplomalle boti_ lrolt of Ltowr8llCt the 1Irpoee or pIOleoI dllBClIIamp for toIbto dlO tbel iIII thela~ablampaAtiIIbtd

It froIn the pro~d ~I ~ Coodli~bu 10 draw tbelr lui breatb With a eolrallre ~aPOob _u to CI_Ie PRESIDENTIJtL SUPPBR toWlIJIIIlIOI810 Gel H~el~ warllln~ oe Pcmy eliC~bullbullVeUowoltben ~ t

__ tbe _equellcaa of III lkllllplOO lb bull It ollllh of JII1 ora hepiaHie ckdara 1On tbe nalramiddotof the 19th laaamp tb FI14 61B la uld that CIII Cook IIa~ beell Milt b1 Qea do noamp believe amp10 Is 11I~ wo_ or eIiIIllo

ly wbo w urgeatly oliel b) ~ people ot IIIIa ho_ who It_ttubed the age otM _e~ alld 018n of tbe General Stair Wlib a few Iewrallee 0 lDte~ Cor lheIt ~QJI Qn b~atmiddothU fell tilla tl1lth tbuwltriag ~ Cltizell8 lDel 81 the Pre8Ident lIIena10n ad tIM lb nib Gew -0 arrIYed at FnnIdlll amllled tbelritnilllll flPcQrl ag I

tlook of eupper bull oolllllllalion with Ibe IIIIoera of be lravadlog -10 h

bull th I 4 Dri ifill S IOld thembetmiddothe WM prepllCed en- I11III D ~ eaklr 4 9 _ushy_l _AOIOnamp guellawenttoe gI~enerrJ foroetbI teUftllHheoleutlimltowuhla eldeiitl11I~uowedf_gnIID80ftJcbtibullbull

JlorDeblIriglcllerOeneral Fry Drigtdler-Oeaeral _1Ioo J aupprtlll cllaordere with the aht of _04 ttom death lit the ampIinIhPa~lllIi1lf ehlOro-nnneingllJlftW Xbull RQgcro SubS ot Jlaermiddot tbe-~middot~ IIlJder Jb---middot~iIatit fmn ald bullbullbull~ elida CoL Pb R Thompson Aiijt OiIabullbull N AI the Interpoeilloa of XlIreu aHer (Jell ~ BII or~t qllellioo At tho 001 Ales Joo P~lIIUIer 0nl N AI ~e~=n~- t 111= lIowlhhen be l8i dO~alrO Ii iWir did Col T F Flab Q~termUlter-aeatlll N A thai be had)lllt UrtIIkId to or 190 ouIIa Who Col Ocoqe B Hall 00mmi1Ml)raJ N Awoold be prGperlJ tried b1 the lepIllUthOrlIIaa Whi III amp man wamph acom 06 middotetu toe Atl 0_1t 1 M tbe geollOmtaaU de10 take of the yltodl Aa _ the cllIIIIeaire

1eIIIlt)f Tho Hdth of tho pruldenlor lhe Republic

or Nicaragua was propelled and~lIk Ith eoshythualaam 10 tblt the Pretldent rtIIpoDlled propotllll W

Til OlBcera or the Nicaraguan Arm

The lIetlth oC General William Walker w III

en propoatd and drank with Ihroo ebte Tbe Generallf caUed upon to reply It1IIlmoatl posalblo 10 gl90 ao Ida of Ibe ellOlrI~ ellbOl loll words prodllCed IIded by loll graoUnl geelleolallon and peculiar feror we CII 0111 Mltmp 10 gIe 811 idee of wbat ho Hid bull

When bla 1)AIII had btllI repoampteclly oalIod he roee lad 14

GIIINTIIIUIM-Wbtever or hlator helon 10

tba Da wbalOVer of the 1I1111rol 1liiy be 1810shyorared Wllb It owea more 10 Ih lid recolfed ftOIIl the wisdom galbwlr) and derIng 01 Ibe geotlem811wilit wbom ampbe lndlYidual wbo bean i baa had the good middotfortune 10 opente thaa 10 III merit he blmaeU po_ [Cbe_l Ao lodiridual wbyenleer posltloo be 111amp1 bolitla gea oat

01tho P1l2I he repteaeDlII maltee hrlll gMaL It M Ie_ en tbe approach or Goy Geor Hept J A Ii my Ibrtene to lie the repr_tame of a with U S VcIopI aud weDI towlIllII Ne~ lIarr1l1g1on S prlnelp e willi hlcllyou all Imboed_ prin All b qqet ia tbe IerlllOl1 Henr A clple that cannot OOCOllftaed 10 thIa 01 an OIbtt Joaea J It

bey pl pro8t in thla pllttloqiar by 11Iuon- clple of ulIleraaI fraedm It mlltt ooalln to spread nlll I erubracee nOl OQ all hllcoatlshy

ucl ott 0 EtDperons Nicholas And AlulIIlnder ofnent bul the conlhlenlll of the old orldmiddot It will ll~ jhO bull IOn ililOctl to the United change old Y8amp8IIII ~d reinfipale -i alld Slates t AmoriCllII moehanica to come aDd Ive t~ Old 1flithorldNrecelung lIedlOlPullel ampom lbe

n~ oll 0 e ew 10 ellen to UI the paklmll In Ibelr 01111010118 and tbote wbo aceepted tbe embraCes of a IIlIivelllll blll~hhood (Iodlullallo have beu reated In a mallner com- cheering] __traIl wllh the wealth of llie Empire W080 After the General badcoQcludod TheSoldlllra

resoured tbelr Ibor will help 10 dovolop There of Ihe Nlcaraguall Army WII proP080d IIIId dlllllk I I I E tb t b d d I III hId b DO pe~o II urope n n vanee n e WI Oil C eel Arts of l~te a tIo same ratio lUI the Ruselall Utlg Oell UeoDmRBOo 10118 (Irank with IIlucb

d I l 10 L II E I ltb b bull All n fer coyer e en re IIIp 10 If a ent wlm lind III retpoollO Gon lIalogaen Aid Aetwork of ralroad tho Emperor bas Inlol semiddot In lubatallce Iltal he nOI muob 8OOWItolatd 4Wed til icoB of 8ovorai Amerlc1l engineers 10 liking ~et that ho w eatlrely a

apot It I - broad ue wllwene-lt Ii ampbe prla-

There were HyerrJ -er toute __enI draakaadabouU oeloek the geDtklllen Ithmiddot drew to their reaIdeII- mllCb plcued with amp0 ellteneinmtll


fUll lI ona ampIID ntce PROOLlIllU-lllI

bull t1t01l 11011 111110 Th St LoQIa BYelllllg New of Seplembe

Ib b the followlDamp IUlpllIIl1amp IIew1 Wo v clalei ftom 118 JSOlGer 01 me 1111bv _vl- t Iuamp -11 of tb war In

Kanua alld c1rculllllaneea atlendl lb 1IW Wal1 of peace amp Frtnklln

Tbe MIIsourIu we 10 their word tUlObed ampom Wolitport to aItIck Iewrlllloo on th nthT w compoud of OIIe reglmeD cit ampos_1 eae ef mounled m_1n all 1400 _ al- We dool _beu es_pte Ifre 10 lend Ii four pleooa of aHII1erJ Gen utt11 -1 ora - alike bllamp atdilterenl 111_middot In command On tbe 13tb aad 14th thete t=~t=O~Ath

~ebrmfori= rwbull Jllltlce

lamplllzed by came G8II Atelillollto tho dWt Itefohillou ere peel decJerlo ilia relllng OIl the proeCtiOll promised 10 peacelll bullbullttlenl bl tbeGOYOrIIO~ tbe Ibelnndlog army would dltbaud l1li01 relll to ~belr 1I0m_requ~Un the Go _ 10 reergamplllA and diatrlbukl middotOtCllhe Tern ~ Cfoe of mllllla to p~ the Mtthln from _auderl atld robbera-alld reoommeodlncIhal CoL Tim be made commander of tbe mUfti of Ihe Territor] lbe )(-urlane llien broke up cunp aed returned boule except th_ wbo Jp te)lded to IIIIUI lit doe l~

Tbe aillet or OH bullilretl 00l1li UrtIIkId bYGo 0 belollged to tho flOIIPIIA of Cal HlltYt1 wbo made ampbe aItIck on COL aolleriton

WI-d~~ t4 ~~III to f~ lI4I all __e lIpOIl t bull rae_ deg lUllmiddottIogocean middot10 -0 bl thle muno bue made report III whielr the d~lhat the ilia eouId be built OIl neuI7 dlrlaquot rltlIIte from sfamp 10 the OWt01 P~- with braneb Iio Ibe Nile The00fi It ts7~ 1114 the oooatructioo will take IIs88 At 8oM2lIfeeuf_wlllbetoliad M lIle diMDce 01amp000 feetlrom t4e bull_ The plrl 10 be ooiIIiInIcl4d III the GWI of Patm whleb the former proJect plaeed a Ill boUom ofth GQlf wiD be located wei mllee 10 the Willi 011 p or the cout wbere the wa1s 211 fee~ deep Ai leu ~han the cllatance of wo IDUea Tom tIN IOore mt where IIIIchOlampg g~ It Is tlmueil bet 1 -IU fie do In 4IN11cpbeleen the rotpeCtibull place IIld Bombr III fdllowt (Ionalallwllople 1J900 Havre 8928 Lolldoll 86GO LIrpool 8560 He York

7311 Ne Orlean 8178 Hore IhaD ball Ibt 0) I -een Ihe prlndp porloofJilliropo alld Alaia bJmiddot Ibe propoeed l Tbi slugle fact lIholllicalmmenle IIliIIl) 10 ill Damptlollll ail weU as 10 BVPI and Torkej olld ril lIeur tor iIamp projecCUnl the belt wlshea of the elvill1fd world

III view or faoII the 00_ lIIIfd the Ilk alargci landhold~rf Beea_ ~ ill p-d ~ to ~ 1IIIt middotbadoa tbeli- of tUII odtM-1IIeIII(It - 1

Gel Atobleoa Gen Reid and CIII TIl4 -Why iii a Inr Ike kIIoclampert Becaa~ dreaed the meetiR ad lIrlIed complianoo 1amp ho lIIiHotml to llifW4 (a d_) the GoYernor prOpol61 Th Govenaor thel bull -poundt

Wlthdrw from Ihe ~ to alfordto 1 Iist 01 Ietter IOUrlaaaauopportulloace amOllth~ D-rJl~middoth nIB I d 0IlIIhla ngeoUon A _tllIlI w jllllaDllj I e bull- v lII1ICO omiddotwag Cf tee ve

Iober 11 1866 lIolt Ooa(Dlrdeall V E tBullh J G Bllllch J BbardO E Bremer JClarlt ll WCaaIIlIo C Ohecklcy Xlll CUlton I Daly Iol J Jlllher J A lir141 Jishfr G W

aI Ulek~PoInl They were 08pwred at G_ GeuIeall 0 A ~IolillB oppotIte LeeomptoD OIl 1beIr reamplIrII Go1tbArl P A from 8ickory PolnI to Iampw_ 1111 ead bet (1_ J 0 Iathe aampempllO vteA them _ U S eoWter Hanele It fourteen of lfes men 10 killed HoagllUld M H

Lene III not Iio be folllld 10 eIIeTerritor II Berdy C

Fuu o bull t ftlna-lbe Now Orlealll Della Jorge A lHms tbat Red lUvor hu dimmed up lla owa Klpp S V inOUth and now mlkea 118 w y 10 Ihe Gult LorIog L th d Atcbaamplla B l fb II d bl Llnere or B

2 1~ X 11 LlflngslOn J WlIcGulgan 0 Hoy A Korri H

McCann H a IfcCudle J

Jlanofill S Mooney Hamp sb 1I Nellr E A OsborD D C Poal Dr A Pearaon J T POit Hlu A Roper J Hltllaquogton e 1 Roulrand ~ Sd1 Dr

- Scott W L 81110111 D ~ Sklnna J C Smiloro H SlantbrT7 E II Warren Wheeler 8 H WllIlalll800 CaptWIHiamSOD J

lIuilii tbe fOr~middotedurereor thdegat ~ til )8116bull and tbat at oue IiIlHl neTer Iouched III M - amp X TIIOlampIV lib d III b~ II b llI bull - I

I pp ut pllrlue bull coune w 118 1I0W WHOLESALE ])EALER IN Ulned elllptIDglRto the Gulf far to the ell I of Ibe Iolillalaeippi Tbo Red RI Ie now to BRANDY WH SKY WINE~IIld Ie remhla to ho up whether whcll full It _ t wUlliot re-opoo be outlet to the Joflulaolnnl ud AND ALL KI~fS OFihLQUORB Ira mill wIIb the aIbA~ of Wuerif - 40geer If bull r rrN COrrBn sJrJ9DBn2-rrzoJV

U-- J I L L 110 4Lt lDliOO ~ 0001II IOUgt NA WIIOUIiIAuU 8 TILl YI nOIY -An mIII - HltrJ etroet ulltoI ofampIIFruei800 COIlbaen lick for a long hoe and whit1n this _ate GIUIIlda Junlgt 1 1866

would OC4ulooII _e brealblng ftIId IIr be ------------ --__ - -Dr AAud Pobullbullpparanll eslhletfoe 80m tIMe when he wooIshy

~ III th~ dockyarde of lttllllia An~rICIIII 1I1collamiddot worker and that he ca~eto Nlea heca II apln COllie to On one or these ~ heo fBNDfRS UIS SERV1CESto the Ilhtz~Dbull1 IIkI hn~ lhe dlrectlon of nfthlrt The OODIC- tb ht II b It - - be lind JIIII awakeaed from bIs Bloop lgt1rIok uk Granada and vicini ill ilie praclille of

OIIg ero t eoe w wOr 10 do He would Ied 101111_ UITlCllli SURGEoy t_ H1DWlhIiJi qunoe fit 11111 will be tbat In a abort IIme tile nOl hae eome h_lt he uppoud Ibe tllICI8 of And howll w bo Jlmlll1 when oura IIIIWJ ~ bull l u j1l bull lOt

IwMlaII Veue6 III bo IIblo to compete III speed bla laborwOIIIS be IlOI1l1ned to IIII1t pI_ Re dead-1011re after klnup ini thllOf OftIce an4 roal4caCe 01 tb aouIbwl ted dumiddotmiddotllt with tb but buill Yankoe clipper tumln tballka - th b 1 bull Brlalg III a gleu omiddot Irioi an IA7 to tU- comer of tho lampreet 0pPOllltc tbe San PrandgtltOAoLr bull wr e on~ goD omen p hero lilt 1 Jimmy -airIf I dOll I au OouonL ~~~e~~ AlUerlclIiIorthlloontln~l1lw~to OIlteonre~upon ~m by ~ IIIUller In wblob IdbrlDk thin blll1 meor Gtanu Jail 1860


320 ElNICABA8lfENSEVol t No 51 p 6 5abado 25 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 25 18S~ i t l

BRIG dNN HENNlVeSIIN ketnft4 tore lItelrlllaquopoampolllpu gri_r __ dlis hnmlllatlcm Autrl of eOIl- Iolaled lit COM~lISSION IpoundR~ SALE

t ~_11l loo1ltlnl 01eI 1lI6 l)emOOlamptI Rlew lOr t~Ir- tIe pJlva~ aIl4 lIIampIIy _______ t86l1l dad ~~1I1D ~n the ampIIlprllD W-r TIIlrtee lIUDPm td_ ana geuellile Of pURSUANT to an order leeIIed by the Board of CommlWon I gtfIll on d1IFJ~T DIY DlIloh the ClOIIdllCt an AllCIIont iDd ablllamp of note_ dlieclly tbll lulftlldvballled or JANUART 181S7 ofter die lbiIowingmiddot invelltoried propottl for 80 III pllbilO ItU(tUIIlmiddot pigt he lleteODI bo llgu~d hl ttamiddotiermtlllOflbk bo tthoullbdley had bad fw 1IIDIlth ill1Itelr the IIUa It the citl Of ~randl middot1 Uiwwe are carefully lorDed OTUIO told amp ppwer 1wrIHt Atmtlpd Atulricm H olall TetIIlI-Ou~ or IIUllar1 WpL bull ___ I lie ranka priloioll irlthoulltluriuamp OIl or them The laIe HI conllnU1l ampom lay to dar IlnUHn~ wiolo 18 dtaponu Of troDt BIb fall upon tbembull Speaking 1gt( lhe Gdrse ampelng ~he middotol)ltllllll wb(nrvmiddotpl1t bull pta Pankos deahtma of leeing the property and emiing for tbemaelvtl8 will 06 fllmned ~ll

nr6I11 aceouna tba Ilad bean ltritten lip to lhal oner (Counl Ziclly aD UDollarim) to dBatll horselllld gukl8 bllppJioallon at my oftIce - I irrul of thla lDem_ble 81rOssie Alr eiloll ana Amolllllt lbe Icllml were -e mell of large V I b e ed In It we Grid tJle toUorill (orhme w~o1D the ~II were _nxlou to d V1I I PEY INamf 01 Biulli I _-l_oP_1I_0I ___ RtllIlIrk4 ~ e DIU iii g tpoO toll Balllyampbyl ror bilt eatftld wordl Hacienda do aeao Roaano IJOiii llItololo Lopez Treo hI full bearing tI4middot11) Tho tnl connected ndlaWlillibl_nuflllreemiddotliilllloaiordollampnmiddotOeneIK coodemD 110 do Oandetari Do Youngtreet 10bullbull0

tblleampaltnt 111 ampOIlIg 1Dd dierefwe of tIe ed by Hnau wbo Will hill dBbtor for Ilxty Do CaUle lAIa Or~ Do bull 1~~1 HIIInl e _ gen~1 whloh Olftnot bo ~houllld doll VecztJ wlotte ~her (sllllllv BOWIampID run Do A row of siJ ator~ 101 UIldeiMood wllIo __ling the mlblary eo ID ) wieand he IIIQ of lite late emperor Au- HaeIendo de (JaQlO

UlJOnli In thleOdntryiUOIIlallled ill ~ pampt Ilt tba eampIdIer Jlho-pbllr-dle pllont and I~dl8O Pit t Juan T0lI6 Rut 8 0 entitled- Nag) Sandor apd the rrIeeI Damiani who Hacienda de Caeao plz(I Do- H 11 ThI P4d 1lIl Ja~ iff l1JFmiddot bellIg _ed to he hlDge4leet 1114 with como Do Indigo Je1U8 lIIarl8 Do 1 I

Fod bat 11M iffirtt tlhuWaUflul tM poau liby 1aet here lJbull1 ~ alw~lI ~t Booee in Ri Do Largo IIdnbe 8 11 f( BtlIqgU middotdndFtItllrIl p~ 6ti upon IMhetlio lIeLfP Bacl~d de Cacao Sin FraDdleo Jose JArguello Aree 18 C HfII~~atJlllwmiddotolmiddot fWlw M01ItIM LoWe Bath~nyl 111)0 wbenllomom fell bad Do do De Abandoned Into Qall~jl1fllllllA ZtmIaolrTgm R_liOll b~ tried OYer pW atIer belnl eaotenced to B_1n Onmada bullbull bull Do ~ ~ bull bullbull 0 Pvoria tc rour 1 impi1aoDment the eharga middotormiddot l)eWs Baclellla ltleCaeU rdilacio Male1iP- bullbull i bull bullbullbullbull ~r


rI p1tt t I cd cJ to -1 W middot111_ ~f middotORII Latour ot 11_ In Gi-aWulo-- - ~- JO bullbull bullbull bull bull bull 10 Thouampbor 0( 1Id_ ptm e li~ ~ r l)-U wbiclt be notorlouir U1tu_h _ _ 1180-0 Plta~ Francisco GuerrA IS

PllbnO~qollleclampIIllIIotb~bmiddotmiddot bi th d9lamp1t0f WullingampUII wuCOlidemned to he BoilandIotIIlRIna ~ 1gt0 9 lib lbe ~Ut onamprll 0iJ0orIlJ hanged Hia wife IntrcdllClld bull lancet Into hla IIoUll8i11lUfU n Kill patUalll burnt 10shyuulll bl+aljJbh~ugh Ih~ m~mollll~ ~~~sn pn- h which hellldun Inelliletwallliempl Haolenda dB 0_ ~~Ia Fe Joa6- II lIaleailo 18 In which Ihl tr COIIUUeDbC IIg 11 ccteddu~ co et the Jugular Tela DllIOOYued helbre he Catd Bolnte JIaI ()lIa Do bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull G ~imte 11000middot lIr 07 ~II Chi r de bad Ill to death hiamp wound 1111 bandam lip HOIlllIn ru 00 Lollg IQW 1 bull defeltbl bull ~h d IDamp~ I 0 ~ wi alld hemiddotw horrlellltdflged OIl IIId alios lite Haalend de Cacao bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ~ bullbull Fetlpe amp S Saenz NearTolo-aome wlldlllltamp 3()IlO

1ftOJbt8eomiddotarmiddotall rtt Igmiddot d or gallo probampbl) not belDg rdy 1I0 P h DO do 11 Vi C1emonte SaIlIOl Old ealatc neer Rint 1(1041 liIlgt11IfI~~~O ~pSd r ~kJi1iUei word to Ire and fell abolltibg Long Iff ampIIB lIollle in RIT Do Large adobe 100(10hit ~ nmiddotiI_p 0) bull bull Ibe arreet of Dahyao1i hid beell amp 110- Bouse aDd proyery In

middotbeforeBllblo Imiddot lt bull middot~middotiIi ihislao 1 IIulOw 01middotamp111ampmiddot01 atlonllo-ble otenc WIll a Sanmiddot JUan de Sur ) fll lS UellD lieDden tIam b bull bllabion cawIUD1-blamiddot esecutlcm anmiddot _iDatloomiddot HacIOllda domiddot GROj Felipe Avilc8 bull bull bull bull 8000

IIIOlJIiy ~I RUIIIii ellj R JPII hiobD~ 1Ianr otIrtri w_put to dtaIh W_ of Do do Sallt~ Do With wildlands b~ ~Re~t 0 ~ ~II middotaM flnb IfflUlrippeli and Kourged helOre middotthbullll I1delld de Ca~o JlCII-LaGalpa F amp E Carazo bull 27001) _ nCr tI aoIdIerr OfIJcelB from liliiii or coIeoell David D Lopzamp B Daroe 100)tile Baclellda de Cacao~ 9ijdbf~he ~1Ie~ thorab~ dOlfDlfardl e~ abulIpflI middot1It If bgtced Into Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull II amp Jos6 OaracM ~wotbtrds of die eltarA II iIai1 a~tJter~ ~IIJII ~ed IplOb th AUUIO _llln pr(fatail ~ at lite Do do Boperlll P run amp famll middotrmiddotmiddot 800gt 11_ r~tIJ 8~~ ampdrIhu~Dbull 1d eaprice of IDd ears-ta to ~ D~middot do Chlta JOJl6 Alfaror Conlaminl 160 acree 2000 ~Qjlt ~e ttl th rJm I middotU dar s-~ BOIIfelnBl Demiddot 1600 Urqllllatund to 1 C~ u of iIIatorlo bull FrOm thequatadoDe here IIIIIk k wIUw_ ~~eCaCampo Pafniar Tun Agila bull 10000 ~ 9fmiddotIi~temiddot 11114 tbafBdc Gen B~ Iidu 1fi1h 111m to Do do PlllIIIf P~1o Torres ~ ~ -lOOO ~oI~ lOU ettIoa of Ruulamp iii 1 B_ltlruu 2000shy t~Imiddotaath~~~eibampt dunn _middotmiddotri ~themiddotweIpt or bull rtpIItaiIOII fwllJUan Do bull do O BuetOl amp (amp11111 Near St George) 3~ ~~rII~ Dt~~~IImiddotlJuilfe Otunli IInewled and liaeety of PIlrpOll that 111l1li1 Bad de Cacao fi Do dobulllt lOoQ alloo COm liI iir EurepO tID pnbU~ work raytllihl1 tor IIIY_ whlchho ~ en~ Do do Jayl 11~Oerde8 k tamlly bull bull bull MOO and deg eIO h I dltIcm of th ed B Ii alrad tTOtahI II III E B~ ill RIampef bull bull bullbull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bullbull bull bull o~ gtJ lIII-dnl flle rthl 8 PI II 1 110- bull mope Catlle Batalai Las Lalaa R Pala ampI fmIl1 bull bull 1 popilldlia DIIlft h bull or I~ a and doubt ne -thaI ldImo~ DllIItre pow H_ID ru bullbullbullbull Do dO On the Plaza 2 ItciUjmiddotJ1IUle d~ ~call88htroFer ttei1eclla Niea IfW lillke hlllWM falidllarDo do bull bullbullbull bullbull ))0 do Do QI

lOh~IL~ ~ II middottmiddoti~ wmiddotr hrO hOllmiddotADleaea Dobull do Do do edmiddot lwwlljlUll-adepamprlTleodeglmiddottoat 118 i CaUleamplampIemiddot HeC~IJtI lnoceDteRuele - Ihf St PeUnbllllt lnadluted It and bOle IlIf au r-l~laIe and Imiddot

Jdft1oillD ftJreIIP ~~ I -gt - lIIotiee rdieateDIJIIlIe- bull ItiIdmiddot bullbull oe bullu were D- bull lIl1111~~ da r F lid lIf 9 jIIturliaia oItlte llllIoWl81 _lddlKieaeeIJ pe BOIIIe In Rlne bullbullbullbull r bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull ~ ~middotCbIdimiddot =n H bull UeDllla ~YU Ioii wIltprenlM th~ to me dIll11111bll1t1oe~ Sugar Etemiddot nell 1110middot I

bull~ bt -eneecUMtto mltllilbnn Ihe pUbHoofmiddot ALL PmtlilONff bano tIahe na tilt 11- lUvae ~ Pedro Ohamorro bull l~rJnO

III the Bunf d~ti_O ~ Ollorbelorei1lellampt1idlryorneoo1868otherw_ tap 00 do 12(00 ol~ ~1I-noII IlQ tie a~oflii~1llI~tb1middot-middot ~1llr01l)li iterccentef Pedro ToaqIlM ~1I1l1 ~OIOO ttlbullwtmiddotcilr 6Ibplo-dIJ1Koiiot1t1 ~UIAtltJiB8GORDB1t 1gt0 do Ag~Agrla DI()~lcla)lemando 8laquogt0biild fll IL b ~ and tb ()rientili OIllRLBamp OALLAHAN)middotmiddot H_1n Granedamp CbhlDroampramlr SapA

~ll8gotlatlllW bullbull or bull ~middotJ1lLll1SKtSr ~dBlti I_Kula Do dobull ~00Ileattle300ltgtiu1l l2~Umiddot ~dJCted uallO~ todOonr- AIld-aU ~lIIdehl to tiM at tit Do do ~ROaa Do lt100 ~600caltle 1Ul0 hor8eI 16gttOOi ioot IlWlpr~ middotabOedec~ petdllOllllIIIIIka Immdiata Pato Bac1euda do Ccao bullbull to ~ Fnlgetlcla Vasa t 18

The crll11Ilj~~ I~ ~1 lal~ lenlll~t monuo me GILDK PlTUB Bon III (Jraneda bull bullbullbull Do ~ bull 15 O hllito Of tbbull bull piby- BeIIDlllpID bull wen all lnbk A4IIIIaIllrillorO D Stook lIn~b St Jeronlmo middotDo 1600 catlfe ~(lO hore HInhn

the bull t t Gralled yen St 18M Boote ill Graneda Do GuedaiouputMet ~ biublUtyllldellotlllllon mapa ~middotU om e __ - Do domiddot Do _ Domiddot middotmiddot11100 deslrabiek a iiillitarJr poln oC vie the movemiddot otlce Domiddot 40 bull bullbullbullbull Nfcaclo d~1 Qutlilo bullbullbull bullbull 8bull lIlent h111 n~li describe LL pertlOll8 hlnr clallIlII aplta lite tu of QoIrete bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull Do Near lIIalaeo 4jju

J kln 6fGill1eya middotlieon In bamplilgmiddotno- A~o fOllolngllllllled deoeutd plIrtIOIll 111 pre 11o In Qranada Antonio Barheteno bullbullbull ~ ~ U n pea I nHhem to me dilly Inthenlluated 011 or before Stock Ranch El rlldo Do $00 cattle 1~ hollelt 4fi

lated tho ~oodIIl0~8 O~ wblch KOIIulh delegl~ed lito tOth dlr of Deoember 181111 otherwllle th~ lantln Walk bullbull bullbullbull Do ~eer Granada 2 bl power lbo Bele pilbllahoJ the follOlYlDg wlH noamp he IIllowed by Jr I ~ In GratIlIdl Jns Maria EIllrada bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bullbull bullbull bull bull bull ~ quotatl11 bich we are templed to cOP1 aa It B1lOn Cole Wiley lfarahl~ Plantain Walle bull bull bull Do Ncar Granada l II Iii millent p081110n In European afIiIlr8 Robert JlHllkIII Jonaillan WIIecm HOIlBO In M_ 400catrJe fiO hlgtrfle8 4~ Lino CelIr

8 ow 0 pN 1 Dr Gen lie bull gatll bull S K Sackaun George White Stock Rench Clraeol Dmiddot fear San Roque 8 0I

beld by Ollr prlStli g IInto bull And Umiddot perllOol Indebted 0 lite estalel oC Ibe HOlII8 In Gratllld Lnla Montrel e 0 Kt)86utll had middotnot ~Ichd Oro ~pon dlo boTe deCeaeed pereoMl will make ImmedlMo PlY PIMntain Walk bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull Do N~middot VegM 1 (

rOllller befO4 the necouol 01 GOI8O I tIe1lSOD men to Il10 GILBBRl TITUS 1l01llOln Gnadn NAciso Raplnoza 4r ovemok him frOli1 whence togethmiddot wlth 1epl 11bllo Adllllllltttntor 0 D 8 BIJIuln GralUlda bull bullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull fala rlltoa Horall bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull 6( U Dembinkl Kmeuy GI1OO and 1If tbollltlllt~ 11 aranad BtpL SO 1848 Houeeln Granada lOll Ubaotl bull bull bull bull ~

ho puHd lIrollgh Wallacb to Vdbl In IV 1 - Ifulend de Cacao MlloO Tlo bull bull bull bull bull bull t I hefond lIIe Turkhlh frentler nO ee- ROUIein Gramplloda bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ROIIrio Vinamp Granada Hotel 9 ~ wlUle Gorgel bad omred tho gaITiIon of AItt peraoiIII areIIbJ oaiRIed agaiOI bul Do do gto bull bull ~ 0

Colllorn to III1rrender wblch I re~ lIrat to In or lI_solSatlllg flit the fulJOwing 1crIp~ Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Ponelano CoTftI bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbull ~~ d thoul11 entering Ioto neotiatiOll wllh the ~ne 1_ nUmberedmiddot(8G) tbltty-lllr In fayOI of amp do bull Pelar Mil~nco bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull 4lt IIV

A~triu~ Tb~ro were IIDfortuo~11 cmOlPI D lIa)Ie1 tor t810middot Do do~ bullbull bullbull bull Tlo 21 die o1lICltMI lOme dUpes of Gorgea parIoy who 0 1_ nlllOhered (19gt nfnetean 111 fu~Il of Stoclc Raocb 0101 Ito 1600 cattle 200 bor 110 0 were allrlollamp (0 maktmiddotterrM and Ie nolbiug 1188 Wm Baletor 18383 Uclenda do cetlO ~ Do A Malco ~o bean of K_IIlI fonll bull Gorgel bad ~Tel The lJlOye dllllCli1gted IIIitIp Is ~ elldoried by H_In Granado bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Femando ellman bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 0 fro him t~lll0w$tl Ibe f~lrell w Svoo liP me and Pi t Is pioleetiKhUbeoIIlce of the StoolfllAAelt at TOrell Do t600 cattle 300 boraes 12r 10 the AU8Ii1anl with ~~ealipulatloD hat tbe p Mlntaler ~endlaquo DANIIL BArIgtSY HtmfI$ In Granadn jOfoqnllla Iloran bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 6 iison 11(0111111141 1I~wcd ~ loen portion 0r11a a~~Pt Ib 1816 Hclendailo Cacao falaco Do 36 pay and Abould be pe~lltIdtorollreullUolecd HOII lnGrallllda Pedro Seqllenn ~ ~middotO

KOlIlhh~ng bead of tbele DegOtl~tIcm~ David l_raDI Hou-Itl Granarla Yna Horan igend conelilulllg b~~ tho Pwer oelegaled to Oor OFFERS FOR IiALE A hie plate San Seber Hacienda de Cacao ~ Hraor JLSimdonl O ge htd eKed bticlt to bnn on aocouD~ oC he Ian Stre h boG IIh Bee- Stock Ranelt Rcmltee Felipe Oahezas 1600 ClIIUe 9 DOll l1IUI1l1oee of the traitor wltb tbe COLldillona bull 81 on OWIII a bullbull H0I311 In Onnada Miguel rullerllZ i bullbullbull 3m III ateJ iIad bowr dilpttcheltl bull comulmiddot chon Jture SIllc1l RaMbmiddot San Pablo Do liOO caltie 40 alier wIth powerl and illitIlCllonB 0 prottll~~ 10 bullFlour Vb~e~ aIll11~fe=~n~hlt Do do HeCled r SelayoampDIejltraa 260 cattle 400 nOllle8 20 tho U~I t~ dB~nee of CO50rn bull Oilnltte blide~~I Ale ampDd p~ Do do ChllamlII10 Leandro SelAYo 600 caltle 50 horBeI ~o deg

That po 1fhlch he cotld oalr give ~ di Itelrt WI CIa) pipes Ifoo ln Guada bullbullbullbullbull Dolor LejaTftl bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull 0(raquo GOYemo ofmiddot Hunprl feN counteralgncd bl un~T aD b a lltoek Rancllmiddot Qlebda HODd~ Dr bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull (jollll Q-iiili BfodlaDyl TlIe Comlllieajone or ermaOlfjl bull Do 40 olnquto Do ~600 entUe 200 b01808 bull bull bull bull

lta1lL hilWA to (lqwtrll when fortr-lIIIf Recorder Oftice Do d SoIn Jampclno Miguel BolallOlampBroa 2500 caUle GOO horaee 1~ renderedmiddot bull __ __ De do San Francleeo tm~ 20

Thia oommkttoloner delegaed mlb aupreme Tml Ollloltofth B_ofDeeda lorICgeB Las Hampderae Do ~~OOO cattlo 200 bOae~ m oiflhlld mUtanpoer W baY8 reaampoD to kilo lIcrorthe OrieItIi D~ofth RolIbo -Do do ~~ Rolille ATUezIICluIlIIOrtO 801)0 cattle 1100 bol8ell H i wuUuolll Vae lIampbor of the pampblet JIoDi 110 will he optlledln thecltl of GranAda on _ HOll~ III Granada bull bullbull bull Do bull bull bull bull 41 bull fbIeh we C been 10 largely 1IlI1ftc1h1g daJ the 8th oampptlm~ 18~G1r ~~-r ~tlIk I_ncb s~ Blu Domiftlo Jarqllin TOO caUe 100 horae$ II lboup 1I1) boll a reteh 011 boreehaekhe aqutred by D_ to e ~__~~J ~dlin ~ fin do Tenabona )fillller Alvarado 600 cattle 100 horaOlll 6 ~ OOlIld nlltIumiddotImemiddot Illach lIIe fronlel ror middotwhlob Ibe toreNIdD~Dt re7GlLLm Do~ do COrplil Chrletl Menue Gltcia 600 CtlUle 100 horeetl 4~

putpOtllmiddotU waii ntCelllry to pili ~e lllrough monirdetteforthOriealll~t Do dB sm6ntonlo Tillloteo Lacayo 800 caI~Io 60boraea 8~O the 1ntL ~ 1 H_IIlGranadltClltolayorr _~v

Had ht dOlI10 he Wlamp J)led~ no to liltmiddot Oranadaj - $711301d Camont ror fU InOlIIte lid would haTe N ti T 0 l IJ I u

~n~rHn 900 Auatrial P~~8fII whQIU he 0 ee Together willi lorl) or fifty FarJU HQu- amp0 1 Iho Depar~ent of BIYa8 Iued at ~ ill ol1lltbave hold aa hOllagea for theeMnmiddot the I WILL give Uberal ~wvd to a01 person who three hundred to onll thollllllld doU_ ~ ttunJilt1nn clilefti-to th Oil thle incldenl hluged bull will tlUll to m) etore my Ledger Book II A btrge portloll of tho abue poperty 18 situated Idlin als houra ride of San Juan del Sur Vlts in tb tate of Moul BadlYllllyi udOrmiddothla COlllpan~ Will pIIIaed from lIlatore during tlielate attack Bay Rirulan Gorg NaDdBlme and Deriomo and the remalndu In Granad tnd ObOlltaea Iollllinmlafllflllland~nn1lirt1rdo I _ftbull~ _ 18 1866 1IA TllOllAN JOHN MYLARD MARSHAL bull

Tho fold(r~ of tbo garrison broke ~h1r milmiddot _ L i bull

F NlCARABllENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 1 sabado 1de Novtambre de lasS Saturdav November 1 1856 323


lEI NIC AU A GUENSE1middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotL bullbull 1 ~ bull =L~ bull


[OFFIotAL) If ~lIdortOollliull8loned Oc~ 8 rROamp FrrltltiNr4tt~ ~- Olear OrOllltoy II 9 DbullBamey Woolf COll1mlllliolled April 28 1S6f

REGISTER UI1l1M1U R barlfa Tylor lI_y 28 OF TUB Artlllit CoInIor1 GOmlUluiouElt AtgIIII lit l8G~ JollaW AndmlOn II June 21

amprotul lAl1Ilmdm ThOll F Wright Jul N lOA RA G tJ A A R lY O~O~e Von Hln oolllmlttdloncd Sept 211 18$GbullbullJoho MbullGilCIIu AUg

Newton l Webb I April 10 M T Neagle Sep~ JII OIlllIRU CO~IIfIIDINO IK OIIlB R LaIlIb Se~ u William NnrthWige ()cj y

William Wlllite 6 IIlft11et II 95 ~1 Lil1llmIt1lt bull did aCltlmp 11l1li1 8411u4lOlf 0111I11T nTILLUI Georg~nll8ti oblllillil8ltMd April 1 bullbull lIIN

aCajl Inlr lfahon e1Inlillealooed Jln 20 18lil _L MIIgtI lames bull T 1roe u May 9t

H F Pilled Matcli 81 - A Dltl1gtwarj2 comlllillgtlioll~d OclOber 18 11166 fm K PMliv~ II May 26 II

W81 P towl II il~ 1 CaptaIn Jbull~ ampnaford Julr IJ II II 0 W GIs a OJ 18~ Getlrge B elllllld IlOlI1mlllllloned Occ 18 1868 VJlIIm H Toler A_g 11

bull bull D U Dulaney II I_mea S Jldfe u 8op~ 25 DIItODIIIR OINEIIUII 8oeqrulIMui_t Joho M Wtllngtonmiddot bullbull Oat 101

Comer o Homeb commlllioned Jats 12 19116 John Crowell commluloned Sept 11 18118 BeuJamln Hardla 00 y A (lamp Cui O Staehle Occ ll4- Firat Lleutonant Jamel Small 1Il~lLlOI or UIIOIIIIamp a_liD ATTJtl01 O~ IKAlrIar

Birkett D Fry eomriliAiolled 6pl 16 Mqjor J hn A J ColtitUeOamta Joho P Wtel1 conomllllloaed J1IIII 18 1866 0 aqu~ commlolaiOMd]lIne 18 186amp

I bull R T 80 d igt LiMNat CIltm4l2dbull L GU bullbull c e corum 1 I II vilpt4lI1 Leonldu MCIntosh co isoiI ed AlII 19

L Nonrell Walker comllllllo~ Aprill 11166 M On 111middot O middotF Henningsen comDlfaaloned Oct 19 Robert Ellr Jllne 11 lien D_ n_ co l1~ft d A IA (~mp R W Plck ~nl ug j O_n mUlne ug 18l16bull

~ bullbull ~ A bull - bull A4iaJUmiddot Johu 8 FlnOlllJvfl Lieaftt Oct I 2d Lleut E H OIat~~i~88d JIlOO 18 18~6JDJOILIIT o~lIuJtlI I)BPtIIIIIIIITbull

lIltfut Q_ol W A Rhea cOlUlDmlsaiQQed August III 1816 Ja_ Umiddotmiddotmiddot- eomlDlealnomiddota Amiddot12 1middotmiddot~middot-001 Ph RThompson CODIIIIlMdFllb 1I18G8 w H Lenl 92 - ~ ~ Ilamutl -L October 1 J1l1$16 Dreux June 1~ tulffilt t4illtattl eMal JAIIIIe Lewis D WIlIkInS II AIIjI it IiUajor G R OMtoQ coDlmluioned occ 2amp ampcotul lMutma1ll Bllrale Bell II ~

ll1DQII IlgtvOOJTli OBMW ThomJ)lOn 1lI00u _liIlened JIID8 11118118 Lewis E GIIU1 se t 2lt bull T U Hewlett II Aug l6 p v

dbulltWllftt J+ o44u9cat OIJ W I Qukll~ II III It lIf Ll~1

11 llmiddotitar ngtitn~t~ ~_ i


Poet-Ollie Building OWEN DUFFY Ageut

y u ~~_~ 4 Ilrllil F D _ t

i bullbull en AWARD of THIampfi DOLL4RS esol will Ie Lieut J W

fOt appheDaloll aud dell (tu of thG Army) of t~ofollowI118 named 2d Lleut Wm ltP-t

from Company A Firat Jlltampntry Balta

[--FJS_ RIOH Aged Illyeare II r~elO In hAir blue o)eB ruddy cOlllploxlOl~ i() pound Occupalion baker

bull GLIDDON Aged 28yeara 6 feet high falr clllllpletIon IIllhthair blue largo feet and 10llg tlnlterod-bullbullellhl

bull 8

Oapt M bull 1 FlIIOr comt1lampIontd July is 18111 lolln Coo COInlDialloned Jlloe 18 1864 bull rllIII JlJTTJUOK or 1U1II8 AndrbullbullBrady Au 22

IMIIHCTO_ GIIIKIJL I)amp~TIIIIII bull clod GlOIge W lIa11er II Oc~ 18 Impector eIII~ BdwlIId I SaIldm COIIIIIIIadcme4 AprO II 18lS6 Fnnclsco IIotb II IS

CoL Bruno Hlltsme commlsalond NOf 12 18114 U~ CoIltm4l 1IlId LiNt bull Tler OUwllllt ~m~edl ll 18 8uluel a Allin c~mluioDed lflllOh 118116 B D lIorre~ comm~olled Au ~3 [8116

_ _ y fIlor J middotW Oonkhn OOl 18 qlllllTllalllAalllllS JlnuTIIIJII Johnmiddot O ONtII commflMoneli AprD 11 lRIIf BeDJlllllln Beechler U 18 it

Q_~III bttal o4~ L A Clark IIC 18 Col ThOll Fisber commiJalon~d 4prlll 1858 8 LIeut ~ Lathrop commlad lau U 8156

ttll Qiulrtnnw OMiMl ~ peUlliATIOJlll Lieuamp 001 Wm K ROlieJlf comd Ocs Y G W1l Leonard ool1UDlaIIooed AOtII UllSIf hI LIeuL B ABlltcbl Com et ampI1t np

QlUlrUrmallllll [Brevel 011 tile 11011 ()cj ILl Allgua I IS5amp [~or Thamp Benry CltJlIIlI88I0oed Oct 18 Co B J poundavail 81ilh COlIIIIlIud April 181bullbull 20d LIeut Thoml8 8tackh- 204 JalaaWy Ali-II Will HIIIria 23 C ThOt Dolan June 18 gill 11 1868

ampJdlanlQlrtmnalttl__ _ D B D )teCh_a II July e bullbull 2tcUJant D O F~t 18 RlIIH AcuR 2SCapl Wm II Wilhll_oomd Nov 10 18115 1- H A JObnlObe u i1 1866 BeltJ W Bamml Aug 4- 1858 G DamplIiel Oampgai OIl 4- tlld Lleu- W B Hen Inljleeor Ola IMPshy

Andrewa flmiddot it ~i r JObn Iwh1l1a II bull II Au~ Sll lBIamp Juh Y Price Oct 18 B J-- DIllUlicaAL O~ II 1 LleUI E 4 P~iI IUb lhtpIIQpL 11 middotJIIIO

April Imiddot lIfr lMI4u~ ~nd A A Moora lal IlII1 lug 21i liIH MUiI Slo~ 00 B Le R Latimer com d 4prD ie 1811 SUfReoD Wm H sun4eN Aupt 26 IUI6

W~m B WY~ K Bob P Gardner II Allg so Alor 10hn II bull 1111f1iba1~ Judge Ad Oel Au 8U88lIllIIIlOJ DllIBTilUT D AIa~ Anderson bullbull ~ 119 1868

Oommiry Qfmlllal Sutdluu A Wm H MIh Sept 11 Cp~ John Wmiddot amp7dr 11lUJIea Aug 81 1864 Col Georg B Hall commiufoned Jul i6lS~6 F -- - Oollllay Ii O~ 4- cpt II E Bradley TrAn ~llle SepUs 18nbull

tm44t110ilmmiuarp (I_I G -- LoUhamDler 111 Lieut A MePilIO lsI 11111 Occ Y 18GI MIor BIIIlj Y Or1Ie comlllissiond July Il Cbu H Welt II Oct 114 Capl Douglas JWllkhia(untcbd)ept 80 1861middot

Aulatll aommulIJrUu Subfm 811111plet WlUlalDeon ~ u U L Jilglehan tigtd Ioftolry 2) 11

Occupation tailor alao fruit deal~r Capt W H LyonS commisaloned Aug 1 1866 amp-d LiwfmlId R S WiUIIIlII 21ld RltIotI Oct 8 U

S LOUIS OOHEkT Aged ~l feetmiddot inchet leI Lieu~ W H Buttrick II 00 D Th_ Cbloh_ eornd April 1 185amp LIeut Col F bull P Audel D las Rilles Oet_IO bull 185$

l08o-welgbub9ut 195 poullda Oecupti~n 0iII Jame S Wet laquo I B tllke J _orr JIIIJ 6 Capt Cbarlet A Gore 2nd Rillea Oct 18 1811 bullflaquob rir comple~lol1 hlue er IIgh halr large Henr1 C Wall I E lb0i Y JllolIrnoy Ha12b

penwi bull 0 John B Moo Sep~ 11 2nd Mllllt M S Oro 18 PATRIOK H YS IrI- d ~III)IO DIPUT)lBff i David A Lawton It Aug 11 J G SIIDllllerll Out Is4 bullbull bull an mall Age 21 SIIrgetJ GI 1Il II ~d lUllet

JW8 G luet 4 il1cb~ blgll qotlt qGmplexion dlllle (with 110 rallk of COlonol) G Clayton Billllialr 011 8 1868 bullbulli dtrk 6et-welghs about 1411 pounus 00 F DIICj ONeal 4 2nd Lieut J W PolklIl1d Inlltnlry Oct 20 18~ ClIpalllll IdhOler BVrgtcll 6 H Ubrbrook Itlaquo it J M Williams 2nt Rill Oct t I 111shy

6 OLJVEl (JROMWLL Ag8l182 years 6 (wlthbo rok 0( lIaJor) B WlIas Allen II Oet JI 6 A H wl~y 0010 Dept 2518116 kef 6lnches high Ught tomploxloll Ugbt bilk John Dawson 4cllng 8middotG oomd NOT 14 18116 n ell Wilkinson 21 II Oapt J V Hoolf AilSt AdJt Gen 28 1856 lIiIudl wblakera hazel yell-weighs aboul 140 O S Coleman coblmleslooed April 28 1556 __III) BtnttIOIi or amD llcsignlune-III1 fOIld OecllpuioR millwright n T Roalon lep 18 (JolOftI

_ClIARLES W KltuGER flapt Comdg Jamea ellulII 00 111 Jobn Allee cOIIQlIIIlloned June at 1866 I)URII bull (0 A 1st lulQty BaLllLlion BurpOIl aM Anitalll Smiddotgeo bull LiNluta1ll CltJlI Capt H t Witter A llltant Adjutant General

pOlt Serapaqui 8op 26th 1856 0 twitb the flnk of Captain) bull Idmlllld II HoDonald commlllld JIIG 18 18118 2nd Lleul Wm M Rogera lat InamplIlry--r-----------L-- J Geli8ner eommlllSloned Jan 91856 Major Li~ut OoL Byrollmiddot Cole Aeltlatant QU~flenlluler 1 Dllvid 1Ilnllg W G Sicigh bullbull U W P (Jaycee comOllllllioned Ua11 166 General killed at San Jacinto

O~RS FOR ALE at hia pl~ee San Sebas- A Callahan Val 30 middoto4ltfultmt 2nd lieut n A Milliken 1 Ri4es killed t sen

lIan abeel OIlD boUlle abov~ U Ph Be OWDI LHLuSeondy JUlie IS IMLleulJ W Kllllacmdorf comd Oct 1818l6 Jaolntebulldie a litore eor$amp tI UI ()ttpt Oapt W Pmiddot Jartls 2nd Rift died from wOllndi

lhlto-Nf Oandl~ Hackcr11I Olive i I~IIUlf Aug 26 CoO Jolin B Otee bull middotCOllmla$d June 21 18G6 reooied Sao Jaciuto e Wolft ro~tlc8ebledanoSehnappl bullbull IU onall Oct 28 A John F llecgtrch Oct 18 CaptJ H WlUiamaon drowned al Vlrglu Bay

bull Bltte Phlladelphlll 110 and Porter Pol DlIPtBTlIliII B DenJ M AndorfOn it 16 lind Lleul H l lhemRn died from wOl1ld reshynan Alld bilIa Wie Claypipes loynuulw Ofmoral Ii ~ ceived at Ifuata Ocl 114 middot18M

lerlll eh 001 Alex middotJonu commlssiOlld Feb 8 18H Edward O HIIIf naCerrd fMm Ordnance Demiddot LlOnt Col F A LalIIO 4 h c tarharolrbull p tulNMII PlaquoyltlwlII ptl1ment CODllllleslone4 -ug U l85G murderd b1 the med forces opoeed to tbili

T~ O I ugUld III ost 2d Llout J Fiemlng conmlsaione4 Aug 4 S middotS McElroy Oll~ lS OoYelllDlcllh IJlhollt propOllng Itn excbango

DgltS IllS S~HVI9ES 10 Ih citlllns flI OII)AIIOI DUAllfllBllr Imorul LfMfnaoll of priaOneri _rdlig 10 the uaagee of war ~anadjl and vlcmllY III h praete of Ulior E W Rawle commissioned Jul 14 1966 N T~p OOll1tuiu1ooed October 81856 lit Lleus JulllIIIKeilkUled In action at San J

u mOINE SURGERY amp MlDWIFERY Hellry I bullbull POller bull it 14 Eo H 01018 II 8 clnto bull 2nd IlelltW W ~der killed in aClion at SaIl om and OlIidcnce on the lOulhw1 Capt JJfrori Swln~le AprO 11_ J T Booo 18

~r of tbe atleet oppte b _ __ lal Llel~ Il A Carllar Oct 18 I B Vaughan 18 Jaelllto _ 0 0 1amp1100 2d Will B Ulte II Benr1 Hlnea It 18 middotDealba-l0

ent OWG bull ad June I 1 86r 1III0I11UII COIIP raTe _ i - --- Oaptain 1II8r IItTTUIOIi or IlfFJIITIlY J)BOPPBD

i lntitmiddote E c F Ucsse cOlllnllaaioned October t 18fill lt011 cpl A U Hirsh August 0 1866 iL PERSONS hlulng clalma against tbo 8A~IIIU11I1) 11111amp11amp John B MlIIkham commlaa~onod October 10 18511 U A B Wulklll8 AogWltU Ig10

Al ealamp~ of tho following namod deooa8ltlol or Jrft L~lt Lieut ~ 181 Lieut 8 W QuayAug~1I9la5t1-werod I()ulwill presoul tb~m to DIe dulll1uthentieated flonr) O Porler ltmmisslOllou Oct 18 1866 A francie Rudler comllsaioned May Ill l81Samp 8urgtlUII p N lugrahan Sept I 1866 til Or baforo the 1I8b~ay of Dec 1866 otherwie SltCOftIl LilllltJIt lldJfJ1 Brig -Gell 1) de GoiC(lurl Ocl 19 i858 Iht~ will be barred h1 law C DeuulaE lIayuee commissiolled Oct 18 l~e W_ Raymond colllmlaaloned Hay 1218113 Dropped-5 1 CHARLES GORI)EN J K hgall 21 o44IId1ll bullI

I CHARI1tS OALLAHAN OfFIIIIU lINJlTJCIIED ind Leut Fred W JeIeCOlli d lpnl U 18118 n command of WlLLIAM ALItER1ULlUS KIJlL Ooltmll FraIl B OKeef cln~od A rlll 185 GeneIrolllmaUdlngmiddotlnuh~middot 11 pel8Oll8 indebteu to tho eeatee of tho U B Skerrett commillSioned lanltllly Ill 1850 James 0 JOJtUsone f is

ahor c deceated pereaa111 make homodiate pay CaptaiN OhllL B 11 II Pa R THOIlHOiI AdJ Gelleral N A t to lIIe GILBEltl TITU6 F UoncosOIl commllllloned JaR 28 1~8middot FrInk i ThomPecm June 2~ Headq1ampli~rI lfthe AltII1

Publlo Adnilllstriltor O D J Egbert FaIllUDI middotFeb I II Charlea A Waltere 8op~ II Adj General 08ce 8ept ~7 1866 W J Merryman II JlIDe 18 BIrarn BIlIIIIlII II Sept SIl G~ Oct is 1860bull

325ELWICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 3 Sabado 1de Novlembre de l8SS Saturday November 1 1856

- shy

I(OUTINU OlljlONIOLE FILtiloita P1l1GRuTbe Dime of amphept ~EJ[INIE A~M - elttie~middot~~~~M~r hi~Ibtmiddot~ 8I1~C~herortbo pteellhiplraottohoPreal- Vlo~PCOUI amlPletwillb~llIeaodioJurebull U denlW chair of Ibe United l116tee IIM Jolhn FlU- The CoDoltlng rtlmub upon iho Wled th- et alanaing liq~ean~ h6ldiifg mu~eHighCly III d~ f h ~Ilv w a L dmiddot f Bri II B Ihe8boulde aoldierll lite h whoutmiddot aurilljlJ

Dlor~ an a ler avlng hoen bull long tIme In ~ ea m e peu 0 en m- tb kl n k f ~ L Rlla 1- Id I I rom e - bull 0bullbull e 0 I e lln 1_eaplllIy b plrat tiled lIpon a farm In Conmiddot bull n n- on lapr uponevIlr10er 1 when loaded ~Iamph elonty~ve pina of rifte PO-DecdClUI where be ended bla daya NathanIel tho NIlIIl1Iguan Army to road carelnU or ell I~ der endllot rammellmiddotI tt1 Jlillcb leU thtb Flllmortltll _ amp100m hautOt htlndrelland oul bullbulld e6mmit it to momory h I a olea anel or the lIu8kel bllt 11111 too great 10 l)e 6redflOBl

eMy 1-alio When ayoutll be mom to lucid daeJriptlon or the manner ill whlcb amphe Ylni4 ~vrilu~~~~~ ~iiI ~~ ~J~i Verlllon and alded at Bennln~I1 WMtIl b should be M amplid m ampl1 repoy all tbe lI eqWl and holditlght to middotIbbullbullhl)uldbullbull Ihe r bullbull

fho ~Ct beteen Col $andbullbull i Old TOIII IIlId 11 r ltlay~eoq II 8tck Billy chronicled lut week I whlcli 011 Tom wal deolared a ylctor atartcd the 8po~tlnlf men ef tho city and this weft $ IIno hall aoveral asciUllg IIl1d ciofOl _let~ ruCtbullbull middot

On l edu-May ovolIIIIII a moteh was made lind run b woen Oape OcorgltJ Giel Ba alld MA jor Cfty4ecs II Black Billy Distance 400 ards fQr IWG hundred dolla Black Billy n on h7 K clqar engampb

Tho ext-on the me eveninll-IIu a conl t ~IWcel (l18t ~ay nd a d k grey ollJled by BlIvet 1I1lJor LeommJ This race was a try tlOampO~o-ite hors flllming side b1 Ide tbe h~lo tauee Gletmiddot be e as evldolltly overshyweiSb d bleh rul~ed In OllllSillg hDI to lOBe Ihe rA by a dialanee of only a lew feet

The eitt 11 II race Ileween MII)r Caycee u U1Ck~BilY and Col JUlIee middotu (re EMgle The IU ~et upon tho hoN1C8 eltCeed~d lin huushydrM do l~rlI A good llat wbullbull obtained and the hora 01 neck alld neck about lour hundllild yrds ~en the groy began te crawl a IiHe ahesd nd at be winning poet earnll oul n8lll11 holt II I ustb In dYaI08 Bolb boraes appeared t~ be I Chit IIce maoaged well but at Ihe end Ihe lid appfared 10 be In doubl as to wbleb Wamp8 III laater animal and a Dlaleh for two thoushyIDd d Utp Wal eWeeted on the lIeld bylbe Ame horaee llh chanRe of rlders~11 came 01 lhe DeXI ( urad ) evenlol( and Ihe Grey won

Coa UTIOtf or rRIl EIIrllloa or ioU 1111

R~881 e- Bhortly after ill amphe ahlatan had taken hplr pllOea til lfaater of COIemonlel raleed Ia liand and IAfe n ordor In RlI88Ian wbete pi)n tile trumpetl blt9l oul InlO a wild IIId i ln8 8ouah the herald ~ised their Noell In Ibe Ilr and II hllvi~g uncoyoted their _dl pile of Ibe Becretolri t4ll4 tbe prOtlalllashydon w~i~h i8 redem into Engllell 018 folio

Our Inry aUgUStlery high lind ve pulNttOI r Aleunder Nicolalevleti belnll tIlrone of bls anctors heb 18

lIIISiu as ell u upon tt(lSt of Poland and of amphe GrtUld Duchy

of Finlauit which aro Insepllrable t1middotorp II hAA deiW16il to order LDllt the eoronrlon of bls 1m perial iljeS~ nnd his Olltb Bbn lake illace on 1M 2 III of the monlh I Augu~t bis augU1lI epouro lie mprola I1kro Alqxandrovnl pllrtlelmiddot

bull ad celllmooy Tub 8I)lemll Ael the preeut pr~1anltiu 10 all

to the eld that on this hppy redouble ttelt feVotin theil pyera

g of King tba~ Ho middotm spreld by His _ VOlfer His faTO8 dmiddotbl bullbullsinll ou tfiO

reign ~( hi DlaJeat ~t1d tllrougloul it duration Ito nu~y mailltaln peace lind ~Ianquility to the glor) ~f Ills holy nAme and fogtr tho 1I11111terablc prosit of tit emplro

Wl~l ON loLlTlcs-EvelbOly knoYs WilIi8 -Iho peet nll~lky edilor or Ibe lIomu Journal 110 btl III)td matty good Ihinge In his life and tbe following upon politlrs lIod political cRndldltltlli Is bull ot OJtull b~tter ald lh ptople of IgtlcaragulI iU6ppreellltJill

I lind mylolf for Ibo flut tlmo middot111 tn life Inshylml~d for political candidAte or I hould ~1l1r[~IIY perhp~ In 1 Candldalo wililoUl hi politic I II1vo bltberto (10 account S(lDlebat rolllm apparent want of aImiddotlotlsm) thought tbe eount under a hend bioh iliad almost any Ilcor g safe enough It loomed 10 me of vcry liWo IIsnllnoe (10 anybodr but I)m~ oekers) wlulth r 1 whig 1ll1 domocrat wu at the holmshypllblt opluion besidlli being llOgether too wide l~ak hlo ollcated a Olgtnlry for Qlther a blun ~er or l lin of pilotage to b more tban opproadltd So 1M plnlo ft8 this confidence In Amerleas do loSee vlJlol QIUIC)rrllCll1one or bull coo8tilution Ibat ( lIuld lOU beliovo il P) I I~ver Tilted In m tire y

B It wlLh ampho ecnla of the lost year 0 t 0

uoi th n tho intellect oC lbo country at r rk UPOlIlt be grellt queallol8 t IS8ue it would be hard

loge blind 0 Il)len8iblc And yeto

raised a family 01 lis children all but one of pllDI 111111 pmlllil whOm lunln II dnDcM agee anraging oter Di tl U I h VI I ntA b ree ODS lOr S Illi t 6 IU n6 l1ltw6 ~ y ye

Nalhllni1 FIllm_ amphe fatller ot Ibe 4IPra~- [By OIlIllR 01 fUll JoIiIUIiDIlINI(Cillllr] dtnl yet aMieI in Iht elllbtymiddotblh year of bll -_ ge Ho hili been a lAIlUer thougll lite cult oaOkUOE OFFICE l vtlng bia IlllIdamp wiamph hie OWII handa unlil the OllAlIIJgt~ CklObe 28 18H f bull bull bull bull TI U I DA t I h N gt_ mllrmlties 01 ago dISable him Hia mdUIIlriOllt 6 iWU u 1 WI n t 0 _-SIIIl un temp~raw and hnpl~ babill alll6d to A cbeertltl tho American Klnl6 H Is dl~nguebed IlOm the

Fronch BI11leh and RU8IIlun lfiDl6 by amphe IlIperlshyand bopeful mind hA~e secured to him eontenmiddot Oflty otllS sight ThplMa In wbleh tbo noteh II menland a happy and green old ~o n Was iled fOltbe backllthl whlll peoaed between tbe

~ b d 8 Imiddotf U I bOIn in nonnlngtoll Vt and realded tlloro unlil be arrived al IMlhood

bull Near tbe cloae oi the lUI centllly 6he ptIIQlIlI

eml~ted to the Ih wilds or Wesleln New York Tbtl ere among tllo poneer seltlen of Ibat dilrlct of ooUnlrmiddot1I01 aparl for bounly landa

to the aoldtere or 1110 reloIullon knowD as the new mllimr tract rheir IIrBI 100000000n lIIIlu amphe original townlhip or Locke tblt pan of It no cOmp ialng ibe IlIwnahlp or au lime bill in lhamp

bull bull r pnt COllllt of Oa1u$ A slDdt rrm waa purchased In Ihe primeval fort and Iheir enrshygiea lIIl dppllM 10 clearlogAld aubduing n 1M middot In - h III prep g il tvr a 6me Herbullbull III an blllllble log cabin atnld Ihe wUdneaa of nat wiamphla hearing orlld bIa alld Ib8 _nd of the w ed man as Millard WIIS born on he nh of Jan shyMoo bull IIr7 bull

Millard Flllmol( receled a rudlmeDteledlloO tlon In a COIIlltr ecIoolhouae amplid whell et aldmiddot was 0middot_1 clerk In drY gooda 1101 and

ono of particular Inleroll _

r A ~I)rrespolldent or Iho BAllilnore SUII

II t1811 (IOIll amphe White Iulpllur Sprmllbullbullbully Wo have a iva a1lthoress two hundred (~pllllk Ing in round numbeltl) prof9sloualgftmblIf olle bundred membera of Oonellll Alld aboul one

hundred oamphel1l cf equall- doubtlll1 ~eplIltlon besiden membel of tbe New JerHY Leglgtlhttllr~

A N~w SPIO-lhe pltell~ ballot-box of olishyfornln bat 110 learn b1 ilist IIdvlceB betln aold for upward of Ibr thousand dollars fur amphe pllrpose of ethibitlllg it to he minors previous 10 the po plOllching eleclioll h i4 11 Iho handa of Ibe Dellloeflta who espeo to IoUill i~ to good account In Slumping tbe Stale

bull tr lhlolln a celebrated Frenth phf8lclAn It

is ~Id watkabl f~d 01 drugglnJ Oncu htVlOg a patient IIbo diluenlly ad punety swalloed all the 80114 110 onlerlld be W S(l demiddot

lighted at seeing all the vllUa lind pili bo~ empiy bet he hook him by tbe band exolalmlng M d~lr air It really aWords mo pleRsure 0 IIttend you and 70U 4t1lOl 10 be 1111

wurn an nger ( n e Arneriean m) up and down owl wben kpl properly oiledWlterebullbull bed It malllll IIIonary U _ as Ih~p_o of tile thumb and linger ceaeee and doea Dot link by tbe ooncullllon 01 the piece ID lIlng The ghl plall of Ihe French and BrltIah fmle II very atlff 10 Il101 If cloaely titled and If 100 enough 10 Ok euilyls apt to IIIId6 do )7 continnM IIrlDg bleb U Dot observed b1 ampho IOldler Ill mate him Ire ene or 110 or h_ hundred yards abort

The Alinl Rift elltued to the Nicaragua Armyrallg 141)1 )ardL or ahofl dia~_ I haa Dot

06- ~ amphat diltllllClt n 0 d bull d rl_aflelward turnM bis altenlloll to law The Th I II bull I bit __ rid III l re all - Isn lllquHlI I 5 era 0 gneraliy of readers afO acquainted lib hla powderbull Tbls dIart1II cootened In tho llatka === iIIbstquenl CMer 1Uud bl moving die charger of tile lIak 10 Ille 00101 Wise or Vlrglnl bullbull In a recene

aeoond Iiotcb It Is al80 contalt)ed In til eartrdgee speooil concernillg Ille Millou Cumpro1ll8e IIl1ti bull luuedfrom the OrdDllIoeOlllee 1 Ihhl da said The coal or nOlrunulng that hntou

Ibe aceulllOl of tbe ordinary rlfte That Ie to dllt_ on ab_Ugtlltnown to them bUI kno 01gt to ooe hundm yarde Bllt up co 0118 hUll to th luatructol who bould keel a NeoN III dmrarda 1amp IIiU pul ev shot InlO a eIteI 0 18 their obullers whereby the captain or II compa07 Inchee dlallleW1wblob is IlIlBclelll for war pur- would be able to dlslingulsb Ib080 bo pOlWeaaed poses aa II 11011 d hll 110 enelll1 1D amphe upper paH the greatesl lO4 1114 leaat judgmen~ in tIislDlshyof amphe body At onllamphoulandrarda Ih_ rilIea tel 110m men aN found to poseea lI uallllab 11111 Pllt went ttow out of Ibllyln a targr sen In hlch doG t ne acquire it b pracd~fe wid batt 111gb On lhe 26111 Lleue Bart others noe acqlre II though they may maDmiddot wllh n mea 01 amphu Second BllIes Ilml 1m) goo abote The I)e8t tried Judg~botyendthellgto efght rounds flom Ib~ gnu a fenr hundred f_ (~IDamp to rules aflerrds 10 oe __14 dbianee at a lIlIIte lit amphe We lhougb down) regulate lhe dllttance AI wbleb amphe ltb Brlag amph_ guilt for the lint time eleven mn pa1J In acllon aholoI 8el the Iglu8 of ampheir rillel GIlt of the rortyelght ttow 011111 h been hit C F HENNINGSEN Brig Gen

A VIOILUT 1M TllOIIJlLII-A Mr Colemaoamphe and amphOBO whoprefer till meaauHlI mit obtelD amphe President of tb~Som Frallci8eo Vigilanee Commit- same by requiAlllon II amphe OrdnollceOllee lee lately arreated In amphe elly of Iiow Yor( Ilunfortuoately happenM tllal the lJepIIIImtlt at ho suit of man nf tbo uame of Halon ho WIll forced by clteum8lallooeto 18100 lOme ot lOOn lIunbullbull and to Ptlt IOgeamphor cartridges before the

waa bamshed by order o the Committee from oeCleaal1 IWI~uclon8 bad 1Illvod Henao amphe caUrQlltmiddot4 Mr Malon IlIIrIll8~ lhe li(lWmiddotmiddoteaiUiilgeillillfiltColltillileil aUbuFtlfellt gralllS Yllk Bvenlng POlt his onUI) Innocence of en crime or oWnee and lthtrges Ibllt the parileo middotho bull mpmollcd IUId banished hint dlil80 tram ntampllclnua moUvoa mrymiddot aiid 10 goi rid lIf an lICtio c11t zoin wbo condcnmed and esisted the llrocGelloge of tho Corillllte~ middotanll WM about 10 10 lealioony

bull 6 in tile Unltell Sillies Courl at San lranelllCo III n proceeding whicb h middot since resulted III the InUetshylIIent and hnprlaonmont or IWamp melnbe~ of the

f bull

orgAnization at San Fraucisco ~r PlIlcI

to9 much tKlwderbull Ihe effect of which as 0 make IIiIrllI~ kick ~d to burallo bell lberebI dealrolng ftecouNey

lho nlnl6 Rille bill Ole tho ordln ritle tle advlltap Ihat Itma be 1000ded more easily and rapdl h ~ IlIaded wlamph tl~actll tho IIIIUQ rn pldl~y andfaCllty as the ordinary mllllket

Tho ~o llloat Important pollll8ln tbe jedloloUII use 01 thomiddotBinle relo1O Ibo imulIer of loading andto tho IllDner of holdllllllhepleee


To lond ampho 1I1n1~ Plumiddot In the charge of pow Tho question of ho lhls But Will bo settled Ii dcr put Illmiddotlle ball rgtiamphout pap hutllcr If III~

doe lip In CIImiddottrldge d plI tbu ball ImUle wlllloul nhllng Illltliit cI ~hu puwdr-Wbell il1GAUh ilo powde llitllduv IMI1I rod Itllout nen giving ouo amiddotuk~ tIwill 0Il11111~ke Iho pillCo kickbullbulllnd IIOY

coil I tun felt at all mil m~D ualoR 1M pleoo properly ma II Olla hundred ro~nda llholilrecelYing thll smailest braise or feellug Ibe leasl IOreneae

PUcnICK Wml I1l1U1 The proper lact to acllee tbe BinloS fit firt

Ie At Inob~ecton tbea~ beeansuh eIfCI or eve bOII8 Been For thr pllrlo II threemiddotlIIailea have boen plaoed on Ibe lako III lb water amphe two outer flake belug ten f t aparl Thll cel 1ft slake ill tbe h t 10 aim at The etlceil ~I(

h d- 0 eo h b (lne un yrds froln t e abol two und arde from theaborelhrbullbull more atakea Ire plfteed three btll~red yardo Ihroe 1110 takes avdao onup to onll toousand l abulldmiddot

JII1I9111G DtflmiddotUlIOIIbull

WheD holIer the sllooter knowing Ihe dill lance aI whleh be ill fring hOl8 Obtained eudlelenl proticlenoy II I 81111 ne_~y (in order 10 hlaeapon 001111 Ihe bid) thllt he abou14 l1Ian eaIooate known dlatao_ oorreellroampherise if he bas ligbted too ~igh or 100 low he may conllnue to aboot ~er Or under in the t1eld herll freqllt1y be - ~ot aee where 0of bla aholll 81rikee 10 correet hla etro~ On this accouo$ men sho 1d bit plBCllo1 10 guess at

If) lIccurae of the Ihot ~llher by pulit Il~ laquoO~ in PQ8tmiddotOlfice BuDdmg ~hapeof the ball or II) kllIin~ ) I HI-bullbullI bullbull ofo I 1866 IrOll cap whleh It cunulllli1 11 h lt~ plJlldce toIliPputO Ihat allY lt1111= T I E 1 O xrWK~ So I IUllnZQ Wl UtIIDLW not ramming nOlll provlltllllg th e~t tmiddot Kew~II oiande ampI Alandlln mON thMlI Ce IlIcbermiddotuhe IC I

WItlllbe gUIloulalromlullK lir q uF bg ABROGADOS

wbereas Wbtll Ie wipet 1111 IOlldc(1 gUll lno nextGmiddotpmiddotlitieRI thol)rlts 80 In_III) aropart A WIIUlltrE tBoUT TUII AOIl 0 Bo_-A llIIt blow oiIt tbe dbl lndM~9 tb~ ham1 8Ul1Ishy

PIRtampmiddotm (tlnll Abovo nil 80 01l01 m3Y Ihe chang few das ago we met a ~~lIemall from Ahlban~ cielltly bull ho e 118 1 lece of IIIforllltlOll hi re fli 10In II 0 of e~olll8 require p1tllltll CHIOl with lit- 118cuJtnlng thePage of a borde arlO boOf abo HOLDIIIO TlIII PIECIl 110 orln~ Iuf~renee 10 plrty Iheory o~ party platmiddot Ina paaaed Ihe niMb 7ear IIhicb woo 1I0W 10 Ill It I tbelntlllioll of tho tolnMllderlnOblcf rorm~ that It _ms 10 lIIe 0 should look mosbQn~ will be wo are lure to ~OSI of 011r flad 1~III rar M 10001Iiblc lit MiIlie ~iUIlll sh11 be it no~ oly II) tla~ lalityoJ la mlII-wtat ollr It8 tills ancr Illtl borao nblo YCIId lId l d$IIl~lItud ~ IlIeIl Irued) aCljlllllPlLtllYltl1 Ibtl CAlId t I wlI1klo comes on t~e oolid M he uIper corner II 01 tho 11110 Now Inen 1Wu41om~d to ~ha

I to I~ 11 nAtllte and culture retber thallio of Iho lower lid lind overy ycar IhcNltIItIlmiddot II h~ urolmRI rilo ltleil ck~ bllt 1 very amRlt bt Itt pai11 prnf8lSioD8 or bis 1IInt(oD promi ono well ltlellnld wrinkle fotmiddot ovor) 1 ()v~r nlllol cimrgtgt very pruperly reat 11111 bu I of tbe stock Jt~ If for Istancr 11 hor~u baa Ibreo 1It1kll$ bo I~ alililst tbo IIrmiddotlI lstnnd idew)~ to I U obJImiddotcl

or tho dnUlP~kllilJ ~f tlut ulnbtvttlmiddot~middott l~ ~lltit ~ III 11 tlrearmo 1amp lable 10 uck It 1lt tmiddotumiddot- Tbllll4obltcd by ubg II IVirh cmiddot 10 Ib~ end of Ill nUbrod 111 whillhwiii W u1 tOIlr with ~middot~aracrw on rUII he OIIuarlllll Oftlee TtU$ wlv~r iu ltretlaquo btJlImiddotmiddotC COIUCllcItg pacllce anIII bull ill U etWh~V8r amph 81100101 finds lhh hi Ii ill bishyling 10 CO dj)Y1I with ditllcul~ h -lImllI Iler lodll)g b~U btore ~plig ~ tbn I w~Ir once or IWCO dowlI tho buI lnu middottlt~ ~Il tlttlt is to l0080n the cakHl puwllll on tho 1lt11 1 tilG bltrmiddot reL 80 tIlen C8Jl11 ul lloc lIud tk~ 1110bullbull11 h~pB to clQl tbe gUll by bluwlu til dill Hllilre h Ill tI lUauuemiddot ~II imlldred h y be IIr11d rO1 018 pleca WIIlO1 ~qr ~1Ibg Tile reMOI wh) be I not III pu~ 1110 wIImiddot~r (11 thuuuoad bull plcCIl I brea_ II woul~ )lt) lhe bciJ dalllp anll tbill~l chargu Iul In fluid b~cOlDe IOml Ihem k

Paoillo lIlarmiddotb valuod thulO Virginia We no get a Ihouaand dollars for eounthlave we would then haye gollen from tbree 10 IIV6 1)U8Ad dot Iar8 rer an operaun it tho gold IIlInea ot middotOaliformiddot lila four hundred thoa mulllpiled b Ii- amphousand or even amphree tbousand will ahow _ mm_ lose Ollllpu1lon rdollam would nO compe~~ VI1l0ia for h~t 1088 III not rllooing the IIl1e on to llie Facillc

E I 0 nwtll L 84111gtpound WHo DAHOLlIfl



GRAilraquo 110AItAuUA 11ESSRS Kewen Simd~r8amp UanlUn III praeshy11 lieo In aU the COIlf~ of ~b Merilloual and Orlentel Depalments Rnd In tbti D~ptlllent of Le

PArlicular atienlilln 11111 be given to tbe reo covey Qf cl~ima ugainSl the GOvcrnmmiddotnt

lJ~oIbullbull mortfg leNlet Ie promply 0 ClIlel nd on Ii oralmiddotlermbullbullAI ow llId mo~ey brokerage busto will a lage tho AllenllOIl ofi6 finn bull

Q RAN A DAN lOA It A 0 UA bull

I~bull ~dlnrogtq REWEN SANDERSY IlAN IgtLIN ~jl)roosn lol PIOlesiOl1 de illmgllria ell tOUOllt los trihulltlle8 lj~ 103 t U d I 0middot l )tmiddotplIlttmlnt)8 lerl I()I1I1 v rleR

Y ~n el Dgtplrt~ento 00 Leon bull So dllrk atencIOII pnrticulllr III eobro If)

Imiddotmiddotdlm cr contlll dl1 gllhi rllo Itd 1Ijpotoc3~ Arrenimionto~

t ~ bull tc 1~n eJIIQlIlndos con IWOlIItlt y fllmiddotemiddotto~ mudeladollt TlmlJieu 1111 ocel1p~rall Itn rillgoeJoo do

I(rretagl el biencs rllice y dimro -- 1J h bull dIe= e~II1~e ~ en I Ctml 0 orr(~braundn NOlclObrc 1 de 1856

dup 111 jnll oIUII LOllt IN ampho early patlof amphb foe LAlfJ) W ~ 1tNT fQ IIvc hundred nCI ttl (If Innd drallO III fam of Col R J SJiltlors X_res hlTJ be~n takon 10 rendtr It of no e tlcJpt to the per8Ol fOl who It wns drtITIl WllOttOr ill It 10 ill NiiAlIguonao ollWe or to me ltiU bq suitably N11lIrded

OOL E J SANDERS GIlladI NQv 1 1836 1I~nrr- L~hUet

uvolll~ell if fOllt heiathirtc611 Ad til 11111 th) ro liillgt whoroby hcy do MtIlSeU1I$ nUltn~O-l tlIUiTISSuillrsa ETlqoE1TB - ceordiug tl 1 Iotc b IIf dliklea to nine atd YOII will hIV 111 Iltilgll lIlIk tu 1100 OIlOPI) lll~ ill mU3(~tlriug I 1lIorfwlit~r It III etiqueue fOf pelllollll of infot1or io So says the genUeman 811d Ito Is cOIIampuUI1 it lIee~y 118amp th~ 1I)~lcr shluM 3fIIillnL iIIder~ his pl)feMional lampniCCl

mnk io I~ol their healtia IOlVor han tho belds f 1111 Mef tail A a coo~ n~uy I)~I 14Vlllw I~ ltlec b I liing u 1111 rea tho muk(jt I to lhQ citi3Jlls of Graoaolo U ill bull bull I) horsts over Int a i$ wily tmiddotI II lIIc IIu I RIMtle amiddotIJ(lr amiddotlIe~middot in to tbe bll$O of Ih I hg l )0 found al tb Dosplt)

thelr l4ltupoOItI Iberefore wben a nabob aClOp I hOIampo dOll mutt slvo up liis trlt1~-lllonlllc I k s C lil middot1middot is ho ~1I1101 d) if Iro anda middotVmiddotIIm mbJnrtt _h_SjtflU ard sl~1 get Oil 1 (ltllIf2 Plnntel I aiemiddotx bullbull )1 ~ 110 bllU of hl~ pcco OraMd Novetllbe~ I 1~amp


328 EL NICABABUENS4VoL ~ No 52 p 4 Sabado 1de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 1 18qB

I But tberemiddotII point from wblch ~bl anbject

lhOnldIv _ad IItperlor to Iny mere Idalphaselt [Jittr ague ns t of tbe -i Itmiddotl6-how ~be buy tb deed In Ibla counll1 efFects th Ulag_od thlemiddota 011 1111shy

Saturday lIlorniD~ Nov~ L middotportanamp Dllrlnl the dry aeuon In thll coUlltry Itl Yer

HON COL 1QHl( H WHEELER dUlicuit 10 dig a gra or luDlclot depth to pro-

Thl amptnlleman wh has eo ably repreiented Int th polloDOUS paeafronl eacaplng 11110 the thII Jolted Bta1e8 ~ North Amerloa In thll couoshy

trl darlbg ahe varlbos oTillgea and atartllng Inclshydeata of tjle pasl two years Is we regre~ to 8Iy boul 10 dpar~ rom IOIOllg UI on a Iall to the uAiI~1t1atelo Hia beallll bu baeD of lale very _b brokllD IDd we InRir hI vlalt to 110 and nf bil blrtb 1JI1~ ~trellKthen ble fIoame by Ita Ron iov~t1i11 j~lIoaplire

_B rIOre will exolte a rept In the breut oC emf American In Nlosraguau blA aCQ4mshypUIIlliiilitt genlfemin bl aliampTl~y U )lInll~r

hII klndneas nd urbanl~ u a man and bis dieln lereledp u a friead ~as altcady g~lned him ~eliru~t ampad rove W~e~ver he goes tbe good wiebe or all who

uo-Iollllid thllCOI1iItry wlll follow hhn alld we trlMt at before la_IIY weeks we m ba middotth p~ule of Innoucbg Ita relum We wlab blm lfIe_t voyage



ED namp BURNED III II tbe dlkion ofthmaln of de

-r-~4 P llOD8 bas been a aubJectof Ihe promiddoteIQlUld98t ~iionUoo Wbh I~ are conDected the _tldenta of the warmes~ frlendlhlp tbo ileepetl eiltnltlbJl aud tlrelDost eaorad Ibougbtamiddot of tin

1iChaft~~ ~horo II anhll~lotl ID maDwblcb 1111 pell lilllll ~T8IlI wltb grea~ cate tbe romulD of his fiIampir orbullbulltur fbi ay bit esclted 10 pari by feeUng ibat we onl7 do IS we would be done

liJ toutpefhapi ~e -eat IncoU o 10 tblerupecl btl tbougllj that lhe Iplrll of lifo whleb anI -1 olampy before UI tnay be 1I0W before thea~llioron or the OIt High and Ihe nmdna tITeRlO WQJD 0101 our ioevltable dellliny

Tile IIIl1Dn of buryins the dead bas been a _II I _t I It f I

I ~Io Iou bleb ata n w w PlOCseda from deelylng

18tatabl We know tba lata1dlleuea are brollgbl ooby Innooulillon and hat I man canmiddot nn~ be Innoclllaled byanrlblllg mo8 dllllcul1O

L__ b

a~moephere and spreading lIIalri ampIIIong the Iiv-Ing The~ Iulso bull common oUltom among peoshypIe of th Ialler dayuo bury ~ remalDi of porsonl of no~ In nulta un~er the 1l00rs of cburchet and those In che dmp and gloom olihe luliterratiean cbambers In decomposing p~ddl_ and death among Ibose wblJ honored ~bn blloll logj Uld IUppose they thUI Ihow rpeet to their memory aner dealb h ta unnec_y to r8fe~ to the dangar of those who dIg gr In a Iae of OO1IIl11on Inte lIIent or how onen they como In contaCt wllb the polsoo of deeolOpoelng Jleah or wbat a s~ amount of dlseue Ibere II engendered bi the poleono pBel of sucb places by bel~g waRed amoog the habltatlonl of Ih~ IiVldg The evil elllcta or 11 tbeae clrcumstences ara Incalculable

We can onlyarrie at theamprulh In suck C8IU Iy Ulalol1middot W know that the gue_ of decumpoeo-Ing ~o~tsble mattedo swamps produce d98ues of eryerloll8cb~ractars wo know tbat on thla account 11 nu countrl are I_ healthy ampIian whera Ialor huefllleted a good drainage and ~bat higll dry land II more condllclve lOheal~h and Ions life tlian damp low Incamp We knowIi Ii Id- b I

JO tat ep em1 realmiddotoutmiddot1I parts of cl~le wh garbage ta a1lpwed to coUeet and tm1~ an eDlu~a Id we know also tbat gases from d cylg anllllal blatter are more daJlgelOUi and

The Late lnliulttlt the US llag I In olHla w publlebed a record of eiiollUng

eta All to tbe IneultllllC oonduc~ of ~e oIlied forces of Guatalllla and San Saludor toward the AlIlerican Oag the Mlnl~r of ~h8 Ulli~od Slates and tbe cold blooded murder 01 unarllled

American cltlrens But thll record dark and demiddot grilling as It Is te humanity WIS bulholf dlacload Dally circumstances of Dlulder _lnltioD and robl)e07 commltted On Alllericsn unarmed clll lensre being brought to ligbt which place the Governmenta of Gualeblala and San SAlvador bO yond the pale of ci illzallon and eta p them u BaIlon of ouUaw cutbro1e and bAndl~18o

Tbe accompnied allldavita of Cap~ Dunlcan and ~eut Gardner prove ~he diabolical IMurder of a Utile boy whose only offenco was being born In the Uolted Sla~ of wbite parenta and bnlng a while face

Doel not iIle blood of every frlcnd 01 humanl~y of every nalion ehudder at euoh ~Iroity Will not tbe lII08t eage and barbarous nallona of tha darkest agel of anllqully rise In judgment against luob uaboly and bloody deede _

tait of cOmpany D Fir~ Rille of tbe Army ~( ~be Republic of NlcaraguI and made oa~ ~haj

On Mon~ay the 1~11J October 18D6 during f

attack of h combIned foroea of Guatemala a d Ban Salvador on the city of Grallada during ~ e ba~le he approached ~Ioe houN of Mr JamoA Smi~h on the street of the Meulah opposite I e Churcb of San Franclaco f-om wbole bouse t e enemy bad been drIven out and he there lAW Q

tho arms of hie flher thamp dead body )f a about seven years old who bad just been murd bull ed by 1100 onemy whose body as horribly 10

lated ard deformed Mr E nllb was unc~~ nected wi~h ~he Army and como u a aettl9r~ NIcaragua He appeared hear~-broken and d shycOllsolate oxclalmlng tha~ he wished tiont loG co d bove sutrered In his child place Iln I tha~ in th amp alllnts opinion I~ WII and i ~he determlnallon for ~ho lovadillg forces 10 violate every rul of clViI~dwarfare and justice IDd lIIurdr eory Alnari n In Nicaragua J DUIIICJII

Sworn to before me this 21th October 1866 JOHN H WHEELER U S Minller

middot1 do hereby cortify tlia~ 1 W88 preBent wllh ~ taln Dunicnn aDd of my own kbol~dg 16~ abore aDldavit Is true In evel pa~ticuIRr

R p OAlIIlIpound1I Fi t Lieutenant Company E Firat Ri8es

Swonl to before me thIs 21th October 1866 JOHN II WHElLER U 8 MiDiter

oor8_ t e ~_Ing lIull of ble fellow maand would be reapecteo b all lla~IQDs even tb tho Amerlean 8a8 would protect him rba~ ~c Now u the guea whlob arise from vegetable most IIInge Bul how vain wu lhat hope I Let Lawless very frequehUy came to him 8 thOlmiddotMnmiddot lIIalterlo a atate or decAY appear 10 be lIIucb hll plunderod 1001180 bls murdered remaina tbe tay Goveroor of ~hll Dopartment in blthrfi mciro ftal thllD ~ODtact w~b Ihe solid_ from wblcb bodies of Iii f6110wmiddotclizen tbe mutilated bunting tb Datives o~~befllo~lnldt for whdOlll hIe perforbi th _ numeroua IC_ a bull n n au w lOBe rup bull

_ AO~ re lImiddott e lllallnorl 0 nu rolli tar llIImemotlalIiimiddot lome oountries oj E8YP~ ~~e present ago ought to be luDlclent to ri~ i9bIaDcie Dluch IDg epulty wu expended In enmiddot bove anyprt)UIIIce orallY old cuawm which haa ~orlng ~ lr~ee~e bodlel (rom decay anltl been haaded d~D t WI frolll ~pe~o~_bClo the the Orilllai ftcc~ of all burl~11 WII law ofnelilUi wee but lIttle s~OOIeil or known -0 --uOD of die body At tbo far Notth and auggoat auch remedlca as wlllleslen as far AI

whra th tro~ king relgnl many lDootba III ~he poIIlble the causes oC dll~uo bull

ey ann mut 1ler tbe~ 11011 II 110 the caso with tbe ps8I 101010 arise frolll putrid animal mellmiddot UleI If thll II eo thqenlightonment of

yar and all anImal de~omp08ltloD II auspended t

ibrough Ita etrecta tbe etrort 10 tilDes of 19oorshyihc mIght be aUPlosed to be parliaUr aucceBBful 11 Ii eeD no DO uncommon tblng to be ~oemer II tbat b would nollike 10 die In a

amputherll counlry on ac~ollnt oftbo audden decay ~ hll remaloa 1111 sontewhat remarkable tbat bile Nort~ern natlolls eYen In tbe most ancIent tImes burlod their dea~ In tile pound Ibe peo-DIe or the Southern countrl buroed tbem Thle wu ~bo cultom or Sou tbern Aala And Southorn E~op In our IlIgUsh literalure to tbll daTI ~wlng from oll Oreek we frequoutly her t)ili )ihnae peacmiddottomiddotI alhea I

1be Greeb a1wav burned 1100 bodle of their Wualrlou8 dud and In our opinIon thla lain many respecta lIIucb preferable 10 bllrylng_ bull In burnIng u lru tholr CUltom the ashea IIIlght bo carefully ciflllected and plaee4 In an mamen~ed urn j hero llOuld laDd wltbout otrendlng tho senses In the bleb of the temple or In tbe private aparl

m6llts of friends til Ihls manner I~ wu alwaYI In the careoilboao rho respected It and In wboaemlllol7middott wumiddot dear_ Tbo asbes of Ibe great mbl In Ihose dal1 beaeD~ fro plRce to place mldgled llb IIampYO7 locenlo receiving the roapocl due the blemor or Ibe Blirlt which pYa It lnishy

middot1111110110 In Ileae dy the remoYai oC a corpae croaten bOlrOr In all wbo 1ra1 wllh It not 1mshymedlIlotorealell to say nothing of tbe danger 0( belna In coplact with so Ruch rot~nn alld putrofotlon Ona balpound of Ihe borror of death con sists In the Idea of tho bedy pu~rU)lug io the e~ 4 Wng an obJect of loathsomene18 upon lJjlell worm gMiI and riot How much more pluinlmiddottw Idea of ha log the ashea carefully ptbelllllj amplid ~pi perhapa 8weamptlt aeented aa DOW ieepodaguerreotyp08

W~_ uale lhe aallsfactlon It would no lIfIorithe litem world to ha e preserved the

middotashe oIllli~Q Ot lIIilikapeore i or wbo can guess the care otmiddot venerAtion willi whleb the Frencb would ~gtrd the ashes 01 Napoleon or with wbat yeneratlon Americana would guard tbe reshymai1 ofWaabington h la truly to bo regretted that aU whlcb Was mortal oC tbose i1ulrloUi per sonages Isoow IndlltiDgubthable from ~hecommon eartb or tbe remalna of ~he earcasa of 80IIIe brow

There ta t~ls dvanhge ID burning bodlea OTCr burylDg tbem that IDltead ofperlnlltlng them 10 cauao dlaeue aRer death Ihe nry act of burning puriO ~he aIr It II lupposed the great plague ot London WII IoIICIted In lie ravagea by Ibe groat

Ore whlcb burned the greator parI 01 tbe city Ono thIng Is certaill iC history II correct that Ilthough Itraged with foarful voIoeelmmedla~lr hefore It ceueo to exll aimoillmllledialeit lifter Iho con8agratlon It It now a common pIlodco to fullllgate a roam In whch a parson baa died and doowrs ad 1ae boao who Yliit he remainI of a person ~hat lou died of cholera orany olber conmiddot mgloua dlieal to moke a cigar or plpo-tlo great

a purifier II fire And eelUng pr~udlc aside III~ Is after all

lIIuch more dealrable to be cooaumed by lire ner death than to rot ~n be devoured by worms alld 118 tbat eoaduccl well 10 tbe praseryallon of tho Ulng u to the retallling tbe uhes of tho de ceased we would fbor tho adoption of Ihe CUllOJll

In thle lOuntry It was the generoloplDlon In Granada Ifter Ito

batlle of the 131h of October tbattbe great nummiddot ber ot theonemy which wu killed would produce tbe cholera before they cluld be Interred DurnshyIng tbelll bnmedlatal would h prsvenwd tbe posilbillly of auch 1 p~llIful circumstanoe and would hve puriSe1 the air 01 any polsonoul gnaee wbleh might already slated 10 it

On object In ftuggeatlnlf thle II more 10 call tho 4tenllon of the publio u well 110 medical profeaslon 10 Ibe anbjecl chin 10 attempt at tble tim to dllcUBB Ihe m W are howovor under tile InlproBB Ion that If Ibe tlustom of burnshyIng the dOlld Inatead of bmiddotlng them were onco Ialrlylowoducecj It would In tbll lall~ude prove higbly benellclal w tbegenfral hulth

A Nw 01ft The Phll~dciPhia Mint hujull IMued a cent wblch II described as COlliposed or 1It88ven parb copper seven of nickel and one ohine 11 lou a lilht appearance with a faint red tint alld la In beautiful contra t with the Ameri cau a1lver nd gold plecea and will not u the old cent did tarnlsb thelll by oon~ol The weight of the newll only aevell~y-to gralnl-Ih~ of the present copper cenl la olle bundr~d and sixty ftghl

Tbe aDldavlt allo appended of (len fry u to LIG~TION or UUTID STATES or AnRIOA~ the nlurder of Ifr Lawl pro es Mr Lawl IIEAR Till REPUBLIO or NCARLOUA ~ earnest desire to presee lob neu~raliy in all 1100 Tbis day camo before me Birkett D Fry Bri dUBcoltiel wblcb have beset Ihle coun~ry of nis dier General ArDIto Nicagua Uld made OI~h blgh lOlled chacler and Integrily of conduct Rnd tbatshyorh pcrfeat oonOdeoce ~ha tbeaegis of the Bowasacquainted wllbJohll D LmiddotI~uaimiddot Amnoan fIig was amplyiuDlclent to prolect bis the month of Oc~ober 1bullbull1 Ihat having been rl liberty property IIld lif Be badmiddot een as cofmmnd of Ihls cl~y durn the greater POrllrshy

0 he past year he lou Ircquentl bad occbullbullI~ llIralloea (rolll the blgbeat aources tbat no Amori- 10 tallt wilb said Lwleas of Ibe polillcal atrairsio can wuld woder so far 1roII home that the pro- tho State of NiCllragu Tha~ the MId LRle tacling and powerful arm of tbe United Stat- s unifOImly re1beed 0 take ny part InarlUa wlti wal Dot over him lie reiuaed 10 COlli wilblo IheAforcea of lttI~nerol Wdalkellrdsaymg Iat hOe ~ri an lIIe can CI zen an re e upon Wle og o the line of onr Irclo mlylng oo~ho middotpeo~lon 01 his counlr for protecion_ Tba~ a(~r Oeoer Ibol Uulted States aDd Ihrew out beforebis house Walkers force marched upon dual and a few the Alllerican 8ag tba~ In ~Is patriotlo beart b hours _before Ihe auack u~D Granda loa urgtd fel wu honored in every laud anltl on every sea thbelabdblAdwl_11edto comde WtllIlI hila Ilhnol degb

f dle~fen~~w c e eo n to 0 expreaa ug s e Ie I ~

tom b the enemlee sllot and lbe loor of tbo Lo- alld good will he leetDed to pOSle That ~ ~ gatlon house perloQ~d bytboballe oftbe onemy Lawless had reaided for several ye a paa~ inOmiddot testify nlda apoKe tbe In~uago of ~he coulltry 8ue t-

Iy and WIB extensively engaged III IIIcrcalltUJ~ 10 ancln~Rome ~he exelamaUon lam a Ro- e~ita anil had mall) 01 tho nolives In hia ORlPi bull

mIlD cillzen arrested the falling blo of Ibo IIc- Tha said Lawlen justly ellJoyed the reputtti D

lor 10 fOmer ~oys ~n II the great Republic of for great pbllanthropy And unamp~~middot~~t tile North In 0 aayo ofJakson It is the bouth of ~ e loll lory of tha~ day ~hllt no American cltl zeD ever luWered lny In~ulT abroad without reo

dreu WefcOIlaurolhnUhesnm08plrltnowanlmatestbe

United Stateamp and ~hat tbe same feeUnga ~hat dlcmiddot tated tIe Kouta letter will be roady to defend Ibe rigllts aud proico~ tbe lives oC InDoeen~ AmerieRn



Thll 4ay came before 010 James II Smitb wbo tcatlO tbat he emigrated from Ne York clLy whero he hu resldcd for two years In the steaol ahlp Tennc88ee for Nlcaralua on thOl 1 III Sep tember laet accom~RRled by his three email chll drell lor the purpole of cultivating hind and satshy~nllg In Nicaragua lIo is by protession a taather

That on Sunday the 12th Inll an alarm of an lltack was made by the foroea of 9uaternala and San Baladof on this ci~y That be no~ crediting

S b bull h 2 hOb I 56worn ore me t IS middott cto er S bull JOliN II WHELER U S diolaler bull

I [ 0 F F I C I ~ L ]


ADJUTANT GENEIULS OUICpound J Granada Oct 26 186G

1 SOLnnRI--Each day demonstrates more cle iT ~hat tbe war we are wagiftg Is ono of IIUlh apl AI falbood of clmoalion againat barbarism GI satisScd wllh the bloed of lonocent cilicnssb d a~ Granada-with n appetile Ilnllghler h 1shyled by the nt_Ore 01 helpleu cbildren and b 11 ministers of CbriIIIII~y-our IIIvage foes II f

added ano~hcr crime to tbo long liRl reco d asaiDNt ~bem Thoy han sbot Lleu~ Col Lal wbo wu IRken by tbe n a prisoner of war 80 0

It)8 ngo At ~i1e very time thl_ cold-bloodedaal ofcroe 11

was boillg colDlIItted an exchange 01 prioa r was bciu proposed by tbe comntandermiddotinmiddotc er

tho Jolarmj wntto tholltlloplzaa8110r~dlitance If tbo Guatemala forcos WI~h an lona~a bull When tbe (ote aptearod and commenced an ac tive 8Mng ot musketry and Mlni6 rille wblch otlt off his relurn Tho foreee then approacbed 10 hOllie wbere bis li~tle fRmily wera seated ~ dillshyner consisting or a boy Frencb Berbert born In New York tlty on Ibe 6th March 1849 two lrirls one fI and the otber Iwo yeare 01 Ige 1hey were seated witblo three yards of a large wludow which opelled 011 ~118 street One of lhe troops approached the window and taking delib erate aim fired at 0 lillie group the I)all grazed the chin ef the fllrl nurse and atrlklilg the bo In the lower part of his face paselng out of the neck broke tbe plllol obord killing him instan~ly TIe reat 9f the children wee concealed iinnlcdl-

IDg for ~reacbe he bad smoolh WOrdl and Ii ~ sullmenls on hll Iipa wben he was In the act t murde

Tbe mnatlon of Lln4 show he ndlito of the ollemy wl~b whlcb we baYe 10 contend f Ibe sollie lan~age andreligion wilh tbelUself they bad nOl agains~ hilll the lying excuselmiddotw Which ~hoy are wont to justi~y Ihe murder of American citizens Nothing bu~ ~be love of til d aod ~he cowrdly loatlllc~ of tbo savage Call 0

urged for tho execution of thd Cuban palrlot Let ~ben soldiers a Bunle of tbe jUltico G d

grandeur of tbe C~U1e In which wo aro CDgae nerve ua lor the fullilmellt of tho Iftak wblcb I bull before us Remember that you luWer aud It

awly III an adJacen~ housl by the nurse under agio to redeem ono of the 10eUest 01 lalld_ ID bed hlle Ihe ~roop Ibreed tho cuing of ~ho barbalian rule aud lavage despo~lam In such a wlndo the door being fRBlened and resiatlng all Oft IIHO 118 t~is who ould 1I0~ gladlf eudure II ~ IV Iheir oRllrta Thoy then entel8d and searched In dayoCprl alion and fdtiguo r 10 would n I vahl for the cbildren Tbey plullucred tho house undcrS1l aome lillIe antrering and danger for I ~ of all bia iinpleonpnta of hUlbandry clo~bing gold sake of IIvlllg his nalllO enrolled amoug the be o and allvr walcllcs mono aDd valUAble of faotors fJf the rllce 7 amount 1lI0re ~hao two thoueaDd dollars ~ 2 Lieut ltlol ~ A LaID6 aiddemiddotClImp 10~ tbe

JAKa8 n SIITD Commandor-in-l)hler having bean brbIrOO~ Sworn to before me this 2~tb Ootober 18DO murdered bylhe enemy without ProPOiDg An shy

JOHN B WlIEELIlt U S Mini4ter change (If prlaoners i~ ie directed Ihll~ Lie t We do bereby certify that we reBlde In tho Col Brigido Valderraman and (Ja pt Bern~r 0

nme houle II~h Jamee H Smith Faq nnd 01 Allende be shot Ibis aernllon 11 6 oclock In Ollr own knowledgo the faclt tn~ed In hla aDldo vlt are Irue lu evcry particular


Sworn to beforo rno thl 27th O~oher 1856



Tbl day calllO bofore one Jamea Dunlcan Capmiddot

tbe plftZ of thl clly 3 11111 Gen Fry 19 charged wth tho esccullta

of the abovo order By command of WY W AUrER

Genernl-Coml~andng-in(jhipI Pn n TnoIlPBOII AdJ t Gcn N bullbull

~ h Is atato(1 that PrInce Albert 1038 b~~~t 111 Clllll1nOUe tract of lInd In AII9tralia Vbic1o1n nbout tnty years will tetulnabollt ono thou811 ~ i tlII10S oa much tIS all ~h~ amp Coburg alld Obi

In Germany put logctbor I

329NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 7 Sabado 1de Nllvlembre de 16561 Saturday November 1 1856

i lit I ALGO NAB BOBRILBL Dl4 UJ 1lJSOUOJON lIerosoaeajuitA al Cllpilitu delliglc y Ie r t t lIJ S 11 n1J R ea mlUlgrato perdmar que CIIstipr aunshy EqulUtlvo y aUII n_Slnll) nos parec Menelter earetrogradarlllol mM remomiddot que eata lIluy pronto a IIOtrar en el UIO

toear la materil de que vamos neumiddot t~s tlempos de barbirle yde ldlo~lemo pa de juatas represaUae lIa cual rere IU tS II Into NOT I de 1836 pamos no obstlnte haberll8 tratado en Ill1Icontmr el ejempl0 brutal a una Ie- naluralom 1 10 demandaren las circlin A WI ~ 101 1)umells anterloJel aunque nu cion quI Icsban de (omeler en Maaaya stanciU De consiulente 108 prl~ionrOl

JUEBPO VE ARTILLSJIU 4 tod I degtlt1d I I d I d 1 - ft -- con 1 1 ~que mereee por mf~ 01 Jenera ea e I IUfZaa iii on I heridOll lIOn tratadlll eon 10 mllyor be El lierpH de tLitiHerlll ha tomado un destla de lOB IRdmdus que 11 rlllawon Guatemala en estos lIltlmOl dia des- nignidad

ClIPCI) 0 imllolltmto bajo 11 direoclon del puesto que cl1ml mlmos t(lIl1aron una puea del ataque de aquella plllza I de Queda PUIIII demOlltlldo que falto8 de Jele I Henningsen IIventndo jofs de esa parte actin en los sucea~s Las buenllS las acclone quee Ilan referido ya tn 10$ fe ell itll mall s1 mnes compromiaos y Grmllj iuyos cOllocimientos Ie ban didO aceiones dlbon refe~lrse mlnuciollme~te d~8 humerns anteriores de elte periodlco de oumplimiento en sil palabra como mi MmladianQ $010 en los Estadol Uni Sin temor ~e Incumr en la tacha de dllil Vlolando 108 mas gmdos Plotos ma- Iitares 111 jefell do lIB fuIiIBs enemlgat JOI I nn fuora de ellos Es do cele- sos tnnta par que e8 un trihuto dllbido al lew reeonocidos univerenlmente y 0011middot flftll Incohado COIl ol ftlsilamiento flel Co brillS la recision y tino con que dh-ije m6rlto Cuanw por ue line de est-imulo aiguadol en aI derecho de jentel de una ronel lAid y aUI compslierea despues IRS bo 111111 Y granadas al punto que de- a100 d~mAA NOl oontraenos al IltaqU(o Inanera ~n ep~icita se han colQcsdo en de baber aupllcado el callge Y d recibir $igna uinnentaudo y dUlheando progresi qu~ re~I8~6 oatil piau dede el deee del una posiCIon odlo~a dtgrlldftnle y eceemiddot un Indi~lIo en este sentido un Miatem vame te las distnl1CIU siempre con el pUlIdo II 11 una de Is tarde basta las crable Indlgna de hombrea que 8e tltulan elttlaordin~rlo de gtlerrA que nosotrol nei nitID Rcli)lto Q inerrnble direocloll ocho de la maAana del diR siguiente milltare 10 temm~s puesto qf8 teMm1 mlobos Tolft los dias hay repeudos ejerclcioll y Buellas y lumlnolWl lIOn I referenoiaa fnmedlamente dupuee de 101 c(lneablmiddot prlonfrGS cODtrllrios y que hlta Is te()k~ IiOletas evohuiones en las que prl()ti~ del Coronel Allen Mayor Clyeee ftc dOl acunteomlento8 vino eata cludad un siempre hiL sido patente la slIperiodatide ean j Sefiores oficlales y 109 soldado8 pero notamo8 qne a~nqueliglran en 1 correo conduciendo una comunieaci(m nuesms armal Ahorl bien ~ Sol se nell ~tmn maravillo8(1lllIIte lisw de 108 que 8e distlnguiertm 81gllnOl de los jetea eN as flllrzas enemlga8 en la VOllOtroa 101 que hahllis habmdo de vanshy

En3 ClInnto 1 numem do indivitluoB numbres 110 ell con el tlIplerclol que que IIOlicltaban aqtlll1l08 del Jeneral dalisimo de Bomnidadea y oims cosa~ perbgt ecientc8 6 dicho cuerpB lie ha IU~ merC(tlll sin que sea rltI de 1o referenmiddot Walker JOr 10 pronto 6 cange de un in- aemejantelll en vnestrus periodi~os para men db do nna mllnera otable habien tes po que 1I11011 gllardaban y derendian divlduo d los suyos cometa d eaballe oontravenlr ahora eSC$ndalOsamente Ii (0 ad mllll unH gran compltlla do Zapa1 sus pue~tui re8peetivos y no podial esect na que fu6 heeho prlalonoro por Dilestra losmejores prlncipios del dereehu dl ilores I Mineros bien que para malle- tllr j todllS paltes Grande y her6ica parte con algunamp anterlorldad Eata clrmiddot jentll I 81 v08OtroB 80ls I Pero nad~ jllr clatro mortem do obuats y lo~ tllol II deietl q~e hizo 1amp KulIrnlclon de clnetancia Indicaba queeao jeres preten- trntiamos del oltallo de atrall en que Muon a que hay on lap)tuIt fO necesita estj plftZllcn ea c61eble JOIllampda en la dian ceAhle 101 prlnclpio organl_ de 08 ballail UR n6 nero eunsidurnblcmiddot1fe bombles qll8 doeientus hombre4 combatieron con III gllerr aun entre la naolonee minoe Conatlgt 8n conclu8ion qUII aceptamol

EI uelpo de artllleriA no deja que demiddot tla 01 ilunensu numero de oehgtelentOI clvllzadal y regullrlllAr la desde lU4lft) vuealroa aotos sea ellal (uere au natlishysearsusejercicins II 1011 111118 etCrupu- por eamppl()io do dillz y nueve hOrlll uglm lu demandlln la olvillziclon 1 _ mlez 10508 itotl Admirable el Jellledo y -80luololl siglo No 81a poslble dudar de la buena

do todOll basta del ultimo 1I0idado (e de aquell espon~nea proposlcion sin DOCUMENTOS 0FIeIALES ES Ef)OIOJV A OHONTALES dispueatos perecer antes que entregllr RgIlIlar a la e8 et bonor milltar 1 JOII

U - 6 h la pldl que se lea habia conllado cierto malt proclu90a atrlbutos del bombrel ElDECRtTAS DE OOB_ERlO


apol bull IfRon que Sill ny Guatro _ J Ch I 6 t A certilllmo y atln IIOmos COrto8 j pero lIus~re Jeneral Walker quo tantnll 1 bin No ito

EI t 1 p ra onts es 0 VI a es II puer ~__ d I M ON 1 ~ lifer ~11lI oeho de la matiana halfendo ph~oll afta Ir que e ayor eJ se repetJdllsprulIbae ha dado de maltnanl REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUAt

enndu 0 de una manera verdaderamente bull bull ~ desem ~ftado flU CQlnlslon los mdlVldoll ~ mldad ItO dudO en etecto ni Ull momen Seeretal1a de Elltado en el depaello (Ie t ti ~ - E her6ic~ Hallibllse postratio en una cama to y lIev6 8U generlllll(lad basta el utr Relacione Erterlores nuO rOI en snls aerlamen n I 1 d i h 11 b connn balazo 81 unap ema que elm- mo de entregar ill corneta que iIOhcUaban Granada Ootllhrl 2t de I85ampSan oS lIu v sus lOme lac 0110$ so a a a bull

bullJ I d I b d pll(ila dar un paso y Ie obhgaba bull servlrmiddot sill nlnguna de las lIeguridades que 8e El S P E so ha serVldo dlctar 411 de 1111 nUfillro e 10m res como e CIIn) d I EI 1_ __

d d 88 lIe os mu etas enemlgo lie lre- CIItJon en taIu CIlSOl COIltellto mnl Ceto igt~eD ~ -- _gt eine tode 1 QlIuotuelOn errotll Oil Oil Ii bmiddot I I WILUamp WR Preeldenw-daln eldla trece del corliente en csta cludn aerto y 1 eil


es om re que Illll a e featando que entre 101 mlillito prbonumiddot Republica deNlearagun lr sUiliabitsnte9 11 di I dtlene 89 UIIO de 04 indivlduOlI mall roa que habla hecho elY la lihlma aocion Siendo nece8SlrIo I~reditar un liinillrouo II IU u a tomaron a ue a reco on bull

q g q i 16nol 11 eJ6rlto Nada podia espemiddot e contaban Virios 06cla0bullbull que _tcba Plenipotenelano ltle rcpleaente a 111 RetshyDioo8 quo sahCTon escape as que $U- b _ d bll d Nt d I bl _T a raSede un 110m re en esta 0 en que dlpu_o cangellr respectivamente pGr pu ca e caragua cerca e ga n piera 111 Ilegadade Jos trem 6 tl~l11~ 61 se baUsba ain embargo hacienda un el Coronel Lain 1 por olnoo 6 sela in- de 108 Estados Unidos en IVI8hingtotl lIn RllngerB que III vapor cndllcla 0 b III el 81 t p l4 de dl II d J ntlab on U80 de IUS flleultades l

1 h b d b b t esueno 110 re uaUT J9 UOl e vopa que e 8oom- an DEC RET A bullIe d bull os Oil res 0 ar UI os comO d gt I I 0 ilia dlI8l1ila 0 que tellla sa 10 (1 clando Cueron presos por caaualldad en Articulo I N6mbralle Mlllistro Pleni ~ el 09 Icen locho tom6 lall mulllw y 81 sable y 8e il camino de llwaya En allo se es- pottnciarlo de la Republica de Nioaragua (JtfOETAS DE GUATEMALA Y presentO en ellugar ~a8 peJigfOSO arras peru la romillion del hombre ofteoldo cerl1 de 18 Eatedoll Unidoe al Senol

S AN S Hi VADOR trnndu la plema y atravesllndo las calles por 01 corne Q a1 conleta mlsmo que DoAn FemmCoFerrer I J b b t rt ~ IDnmquelle qu enes cor I -- con el agaa casl bull 1 rodlda (aca I a de era 10 replar y Jegitimo 81 ae aTrepenmiddot respondamp

Estos pOliodlcos pound0 oeupan do nuestro Hoverl dundo mnd6 con V071 do trueno tlan do nevar ndelante 10 que 4111011 mis- Dado en Granada 1 29 de Oetubre de Nienrlguell~o no parR reflllar nl una pn formal amp los hombres que alii se hallaban mOB babian Bollcltado opteniend) al fin 1856 WILLIAM WALKER Ilbm do los erimCIl-e1l servUes que hemOl y que Ilegaban oon sus armas dilltribuyo par unics rampZUII el J~er81 Walker una Al Se~or Jenoral Dun Jlliteu Pineda publi~do POrqIO III velmiddotdad os illcontesta la trnpn eolocindo en loslugarel opor carta del Jeneral Zavala en 1amp que fire MMn~troldoJa Guorra encargado deT dltl I bull mUltern enerable II~ deequltan descendlcn 0 as per tUllos orden6 1amp derenaa de vea eal ea testaba (ellto no puedo calUiCllrse) que D ~ d 1 I V bull evI en suprema 0 oumun eo 1

sonah ~de8 1In un lnnguage tan cl~lco que partell de aquellugampl y 8Oliclto 1 101 prlllOnerbullbull no querlan venir No ell para IIU intellgencia y demas erectos es ebmo us antares Su impotente uni e6caz It pelllr de su eltado de grandad a eato todo ino que en as propillll perandortlCibO su atento senillor Ie do p1i~8a fudose contla cl Jeneral tadu atendia bael6ndote oil su voz ell clrocnlltandlll Be supo oon allOmbro en 11 Pnnuu lIIque 10 ba dellpreelado stempre todas pa~teamp Nosotroa admlr4mol al e~ta cilldad el rullilamlento on 01 pueblo No 64 WI pe lulclo d - lllwlrles 8U cuenta eonlmiddot Mayor 0 Nell en aquelloe momentoa y de Diriomo del CoronelLalne y algunos

V bull l REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA ~ cnte Y oxneta eremos III e908 pan asi nOl plaee conS1lJllarlo on eata arUcl1 0 otros prisirneroa I I fllaa obre aquellOl S d __1 d ch d ecre1ana e ilAIo en e eeplt 0 e ~s 8 Oil ~ombre8 de chaneelarls COli EI Capitnn Wilkins lie condujo tnnbien jetos III deabonn eonmguiente y )1 IlCe- Relacionelllnteriores

dlglll d el dIll que 80 les presente que de unA manera brilllnnte en el millIDO cr8Clion univelflall i ~pnrten el des- GranadR Oetuble ~ de 1800 JlGr ci rto no ~t~d(jlls ($ si solo se con- lugar y despue ell la deftn~ del HOIIpi precio y vilipendlo que mcreccn Y 0011_ EI S P E ampe ha servldo dictar el de-ICIltllj COil eCBrlbu snrcnsmos tal en toda la neche Es de celebaTlle la pell el lugar degradante eli que les colOCll ereto -ul~nte

-------- d dId fa 1 I d d I El GOllemo coosldelando que soMalianl lie omharea con direceion u con ucta e 011 bull IS co tat voe qn~ IU In agllO proce el hallan vaeallte~ las Carteral de Reb

Nueva York el Sr Eermin Ferrer hallan en el h~8pltal oOClrgard08 continu Como era de eeparamprse loglco y natu- ciunes Haelenda y CrMito pu~lico POl 1 g b no amente de los enfermotl Dr Lundy y raJ e1 Jene1Walker ordeno y ae eloell- baberse encaado de la ml~lon dlploshynombrlld0 que ba SluO por e 0 leI bull t ~II b d W b

j I PI d t n_ (f Dr Brmkerhoff 110 8010 por las bUenae to II (I1I181111ento nu de todoll los prleo- m4tiea eel bull e ga mete e a Ing ~n s~o ellpo~enculT1o e es a p medidas de defen~ ue tomaron IIlno ton a1 Seior Don Fermin Ferrer quohllcs eefca dol Gabinete de Wasbingtoll ~ nellIS que en la Justa lndlnadlon acuo 1l1li desempeflsil 011 180 de aus facultades

Ell F rl b I rt II pur 10 resolueion que 81empre lea honrar otro mimo Jonero- en 8U lur hubler D E C RET A errcr Gsumpe a a ca ar - -- bullbull de Hciendn que qUGdo Ii cargodel Go altamente do pereeer todtlS antl8 que prevenldo sino Iolamelte el de un Ten Articul 1 El Sefior ~e~oral Don

D d M I - G S n ahandonar unos velnte y cilloo enCer- vnte Coronel I un Capitan que ctillltian Mateo Pmeda autual MIlllIItro de ItgtlIera ~ me A lUStrolaquo c uerft e - bull G bull gad dI I diS F mOil que no pod Ian movelse de IU lecbo eutre Iquellos nerra ser onear 0 IDtennamellte elimos i 1 auseMl1 tempola c I e diahaa caneras teQlumiendo el Mlnlsteio rer a~ paso qua nll8 alegramos de que EI Chbano que elo~11I 01 Mayor Potter MuchOll plllOl1ero quqda~ on poder de Jfjn~roJ ~1a do el c electo parala mislOIl que cn el ~rro que ~lmlltr6 cuyo nllmbre nuestla gblllrnocolltrA qlllel011 ~u4lera Art t ComtllllltpleleI qutenea cor IampMnuuce Alos EsttldOIl Unidostallto por no mllmfest6 pm IgnollrJo e8 el Seflor dMClrgllllle todo el pl8O delagravlo lnfo rCIJpcmda lI1llltlilrw y circuDttitceiR quole ldornall Don FtCncisco Aguero y Batrada Pre- ridn y hooerl(1S sentirde un una manera t8~do en GitLi1lAltt~Rdigt cuantq pOl que rCIihiramp belll1s impresio recto de esta cludad prolilllda los exesos de IUS ~etos qUI Pu AI Senor Jenera Don Mateo Pineda nos en 18 hormolllls ciudlulea del Norto (on 10 dicho sitiafacemos la justlcia ditgtran haber ngrlVlJdo au situacion I pero Miubltro Jenera Am6rfca debida aloe SenOIOs 1l0minadOl y nuestro I Jneral Wlker oon todaJ )R ventnjNl De urden supreml 10 eomuBlco V

Ie Idelleam(lll Ull viRge teli~ y pronto doseo de eselaroeer III ferdad siempre y la repolllioraucia de la posicion que pllrt IIU Intellgeneia y demas efootos retor~ quo podamoa baeorlo ocupa 011 tll embargo magnanlm~ y Je M Pnln4


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 5: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.

EL NICARA6UENSEVoll No 44 p 2 Sabado 6 de Sepllembre de 1856 Saturday September 6 1856280

l_ ----OenamprlllAerl forthoam-dtThotWltfor At I ~ t tar a gn() ntl t ll) fb ~ + 0_

Saturday Mornin~ Sept 6 ======== -~_


rocell nOll Tn eKNIUtU ORDERS or THEARllr

OIlHIIL COURT MARTIL-A general court ~utlal hu beon In ae88lon during tho week in veSligiltlng Iillch offellce aft might be brought bemiddot fore It Tbe rollowing omee constltutod th~

~Irt- Brlv Gen l~ry Col M B Skerrot Major J 0 ON~ and Second Lieu W H atbea AdJbtnt Dn Latllorp cted 88 Recorder bull

IlI(OlIpolUTIOJl or COlPANIKI - CompAIIY O Fir lAlli lalillltry hU beftoOmeJrted IntI) Com-PfUlT D vllh Captain J amel amleson com-bullmandlng and tbe coriqueat or Mexico It la our duty to

f C WII mako ar upon Nicera or In other words

pOwer deee not eeue when domlnlun1 attailled bperlenceproves thnhucc_onlyaggraTlltoll be dealre Spain has no Intentloll ~ Umlt ber conquest lt0 Mlco but ahlimiddotmiddotrlll carry her 11 to tbe eztreme pOint of80uth Amerl trsuqceaa ruirlIsitance Ii not mademiddot

II then devolea upon Nlcaigllamp to detOlmlne br line of c~nduct If the conOict mUll be for-cad upon ue-Ifwe are really in danger of Euro peea domioatloo-does It not stand us 10 haod to ClIocert witb otber Statoa wbat I bes to be dORe to avcrttbe borrors tltat ma reenltmiddot from the vicshytorlou reestablishmen of Spanlsh domlolon 011

bla Istbmus tbe leading nation of Central America I tbe representative of freedom asmiddottbo exemplar of Jolnlng StAiea I Ia tbo dut~ or NI ~gQ to Inirpose her ~wor bet~en Spain

080 or LBnIR-Tho letter 0 apt bull D- Is b th IIt_I comp 18 cbngedftomO to E and aasilt 10 defending th freedom of Spanlah Allier Illalor Captala centkeefmiddots jlompan1 cr(lm E to D lea andmiddot to do tbb auooonlullr we bould coun

It lIdIaliuriai 411 all dlfterencea and united elfori to AI~obullbullOaIlP TO TRII GIIER~L-Oaptalo Fran repel_ultAs one atlck may be easily brOfcefl

lfahon bu beea Irsnsfer1Id from tbe CommaryDe irmeu to tbe taft of the Commnder-In- hen eeparted fom the bundle so one StateChfeL unwJatOd b he GOorederates illiall an easy vlc- tim to tbe 1owerof Spain and baYing thle union

tfEXOO ANIJ SPAIN-DUTY OF la Tlew wo alould nOI exult tbat tbe Nortbern OENJRALmiddot AMERlOA

The comblntlon betwoon tbe northero States

Ilgaln Niearagua butlliled Forsomereloollllshykoonto Lbe publIc tbe acluall~y o( ar no 1011 ger e~on out oorthero frontier LeOIl II (It reseot OpOIl ~ tbeoccupatloo of die forceJl oUbe ~ublc and Ir tbe Commlnder-ln-Chltf doe not flUTlaoll ~h P- ils because tlereexliIino ueoeulTtba be ibould send a battalion aw7beshytore 1 IBldle are pald off t prnUbe Pa

Iagu balftiledi b~ttber look U~I) 1amp ann inshytrp88illon of tovldence guiding II the SlateS to

Iomiddotd Bmiddot d 111 Ibl h d anun n un ar on ran an II ex bull eR bull In Opposition tcunYlhlng like 10terpeJIllonnom Eushy



Oa the ad or8ept~mbar 1865 GlIn WIlIiln Walfftr with tortY-IlTe ~llleme ~rgeon od


-- co_vFisOATiiiTPROPERTY peoplo Iginot only unrcsonablebu~ i~idb a IiccDse to thom hereafter They willmiddot Dol reoogmiddot

In the oours ora week or t o we shall publi~h nlselts geueroity but attrIbllte-it to somo batemiddot ~ descptloD of many of tbo valuable estta In motive Rnd in their prll6cy h ~rnlDeb~ tb~ Deptment 01 Ri~a DO 8d~ertled in EI oald bderidodas a dupe We h middot no fcar Nlcaraguonse as ubject to con68ctlon Our esmiddot thM the Commission will aY-er fmiddotom ill ~mporanl peelel correepoDdent II at rmiddotresellt cngged in a and essloti1 duties j bUI we haTo tbrown 0111

mit to lhac Daportment j and beluga gentleman these general observalion as e~periencla gained of mucb discernment alld acquaintance with corremiddot from biatorvand overy doy )ilo i Ipondene w~ lDay promisemiddot faithful and re~ibl The Bord has already invostigated the firt account ofthe property liable to sale 110 til reo case and ita ruling alfords a u middotnt~e bullbull ~ its CutUrt

port upon tbo situation and capacities -of tiie hacimiddot conduct In tbe matter of Dltndano owcr of all eodaa tbeir present growth nd tho crops tboy estate In tilo department of Rivlll who I accused might Jiro~ueo i~ oWlled and dirltcted by experimiddot of leaving tbe State contrary to the law allbough enced frmors Embra~ed ~n ~he list wili be found be proved just as wighl have beell expected ranchea growlOg cacao IOdlgo sugar tobacco wbatever tha Board Irescribed that be should coBee rice corll banallBa aDd planlains Besides proye slill as he did 1101 ples~lIt tbe original till theaeataploarticlea ofproduction 011 thesa Oches pper~ the CABe set bck ond he was Qrdrod

b ~ middotmiddotmiddotd ~ d t bl lDaymiddote ouo ~any Ults an veg~ ~ ea toomiddot nu merous 10 menton The preent COlldlllon of-thee estates IUC at practlca mo~ mglIt U ollce takeboldand wltbthe firat year reahse an abundant 1lold 110 Bucb a crop h~wever as he might proshyduce III tho Iceond and tblrd yeunt wtth be supomiddot rio b od d tl t A I r mac mcrya c uea on omiddot QlClICa~ nven-middot lion and Inl8lecl The manner of growln~ corn 10 this ate I~ 10 make ~ Inlall round hole 10 the ground IR whICh tbe gralR Iadeposlted 1pound Is tbeo let to grow as bell It c~nl without any uaisuIRco except one or tWII weedlllga As a IDI tter of course 1 bullbull tU will no do everr1lting and the reault i a

glOtb ofstalk from three to five feethlgh~ bearshying notbing butamall nubbln~ to use a fannea term We ~ppeal to tho Igli~ulturia~ If wben illch Is th case h~ might not expect fitb proper sub-soli ploughing aodjudlcioUB boeing and hilIIollt n ear or com equal in evorrreapec to tbQ Indi ana or western Pl9duct 80 ILia wit every otber

~iterGeneralis bll8il1 eOIPC~d III maldag pa Bay br liTe hundred and forty oflbe bait oati training tbe sugar-caneofthls State challengel a ~~ta as rallu ~ par qUs IINI be mdemiddotou troop In OcIltnll Amerimiddotmiddotundertb coumand of comparison with tb of LouliRna or Texaamiddot Tbe hut tbe IIDMllled ooadltloo or the countly the iD~ GiiardIola The Ogbtlasteci abo~tlwo hours talk Ia uauoll ~a lJicb and a balf and two Incbes upld t tWo of alfalrs tbemiddot mant ll00lIIII18 and resulted III tbe eotire and oomple~ rou~ of In tblckneaagroI to tbo hlght ofeight and ton 111amp JllltraIIymiddot aCcru In time o~ war ha all eon- the attacking party- ff Guardiolas fore elgbty- feet closely Jointed and veYJdic1 Tbe 8tubble ~ to relUd tbumiddot aeUlemen wblcb Ue com ilxmiddotwe~kllle 011 tho apot ieveal wounde~ ho Is neYe~ luperaeded but Iii aUowed to glClw on for lllAoderbull 10 Ious abould bemiddot mad wltb the er~ broughtl~ Ier die lI~bt and onll omel1- a generatloo A~ auob a dliadYantage and with mr- Mvea g9t back to the town of RITas wlthou berdlyan apologrfolmiddot Dlills tbe augar of NiOllragua

Tbo raSult oftheloabloatlon In tlleNorlhl~ arm and of whom tbl1 lIerda died oftbelr Italmoa equal on Ita Brat b9i1IlIft to the best a poltlcal nec_It IbretliI upon ampoduraa ~u~- WOQntli At a minimum tbree bllodred ~~t lave cbryatallzed sugar sold iomiddotle 9rleans lbe gralo tJemllAimiddotbullbullutBao Bakadb~ noHnoramp b1 ttfolleo been ~HIljimiddotlId died 10 the wood1Dnd at Rival ia Rure aod clear IUld wo han a~n aRecimens

_ te~ oitve 1rOOpI W8a alacked In VI~gln pecles of planting and OIve) bull Ith thl Indifferen

tobrillg forwlUd the Decesery d()Cumell~ legally attested bJ the proper anlbolltie 0 hi- CSIt b 1confiscated

ThiJ is th~ ooy ~Afo rule Ibat wllere it Is at all possible the Court sbould illsist upqn haTing wiUIlI Instruments inatead or oral leaiimony

on 11 matlen pertalUing to tillea to real esltmiddotmiddot It is tben Impossible except by forgery 0 deli1tud tbe Govelnmeol

J middot1 DI~It EE TO SO ULEi

011 saturday the 80th Insl R dhner was gllCllL

by G~ F f t~ Ni It A bull n razcr 0 e car guan rmy b

comphmentto tbe Hon Pierre Soul who wal about to doparl ror bis home in the Uuited Stte Thea e we8 bo~ -8nlY peraons prescnt am~nK wbom fero Brlgader General Fry N Amiddot Col Weeler American M~ollter Hon Pierro Soul Pb R Tbopson AdJllant GeneralN A Col Tho FfFlher Quartermbter Oenerol N A MllJor Ccane Acting Postmutcr General Col Mark B_ Skerret F R Col Jooe~ Paymaller Geoeral Nmiddot A Mr Jobn Tabor of EI Hira gpen jMrCharles Gallaban of Ibe Customs Demiddot p~rtme)lt and In line all tbe delArtlD~ta of Iht CIVIl ad military gonrnment were rI reaentea The dlODer fas g~t up In a very exc lent manmiddot neralld Included lome of the rareit vegeltblt productlonsas weU as tbe cboces middotjallds and yy ~ood wl8a 4 I

B~SIdler (Ieneral Fry prelided supported 011 dUeohteot ofihe n=eolt thon bI tho fear nilw (It ounda ~eeoled In the lgM OM Walker perfoctl kaolpRrentwbici were never subJeeted his llgbt by rho U~II lJieCSoul alld bn bb I~ rreel) expreid tb Spa~o wlll mako an attempi bail nooe of his forco killed and but nine wonud- 10 any regular prooCII ofcbrratali~liop A gen by the UIitedStateB 1Iiniater i toaubJiJilllte )(exlca od IIIt1mately tbe Iybole of ed allof wbom recovered Of the nino two were het ampmtrlcul pOele88ion An Jgeoi frem Gua~ rIIlemen ~lId seveD 1I1l1e8 telitiilamp had OIIl11ited tft ympatbles of KuIco liidlt Gan Walker About thistillio the treasoR otRIYIIJ occvred aud he Ilad Iieen grsutcd pershybullnla1ioll to recruit forcel in that State 10 Ierve Jigalria thll Republic But on tbo receipt or cershylain rill~ frommiddot Europa that Spln seriously conmiddot ternplated a war Y1~h texico President Aluraes refoked tbe Iluthorlirmiddot io oalial soldl in bat StIlte an4 Ulltil arull planatloa was offered It wu ib~ugll ~ middota~ Iould ~r1i8 between Mexico nnd Guatemala Bul the matter WIIS explained aD as n matter oC COUJS8 Guatomala fell equally hterelted Mexico thll eve poasibllJ energy sbould be lel witb Alvaraell tomiddot repel Spanish agshygre~lon 9Il Mexicobull Tbe80 facts have notblng to 00 ~Itb ua other tbun to origloato a Rlaller beshytween Nlcrgllamp and Mexico whlcb mllSt be setmiddot tied beforemiddottbe ltate can eatertain an1thlng but coolness towa~ that Rilpublic

If I Imposllbleto conjecture how mucb trutt may be attacbed to tbe reported lotentlon ohlte Spanish goveuuont Wh~t8Ter tbeselnshytenton wete preleul to the exlatiog rovolytion tit hlime juat be Spain Is so fraught with Intershynal coo~ulllons t~aI ~IO apprebenslo~1 need be en terLllned- 011 thia aide the Atlantic of an attack from ber DOW too buon occupied 8Oidle1 FlIr

tbe ftlturehowenr wben ber govommelll may

TIl 84of Septombol~ 1816 being the ampRnl Teraary or Ihla victory ~Il of the bo)a wbo were the battle delermlned to saddle up aod reo qllelUbe GeMrsl to rldeout with chem tblnklng II the most aoberaod plea Ilt metbod ofabowlng their regard for thelr much btiloved ~olDnabder UnfortunteI1 they or 100 late for upon reo pairing to the Genrals qurters tboy found thtmiddot be btd already gone to ride It was a great dltshyappointmen to tbem but tbey took a galloll to th lake and on tbelr returll stopped at the ell of th b~tT81 andmiddot dtmlJlhn b) luvltalion oC Col Jones aJyenl touted Tb(- BaUlc or Virgin Bay and tbose w~o tfere ClQgaged In It Thoy tben rode arouod tbe city ~1 th~ Churcb or tire Altab ald baH to tbe Plua when b1 InYltatlon ot OoL An- deraon the repall-ed to tbe Walker Dbuaealld again IOIIlted tbe 81nloC tho ad efSeptembtr 1866 AlerwAMa by InTltadon fir (01 Jonel tbe) brougt up at hi relldeoce wbere seated arouud hi table wlLb plenty efbrand water and cigars many Incidents connected with tbe cammiddot palgn were relted many amusing aoecdote told and a gcood time bad generally up to ten oclock P raquo wben tbey dlpersed oscb to their reapecmiddot tin quarters

We gin the names of ~e genUemoa middotIn town en Wednesday who were preseat at thefigbt of

beeOllla stable from an allianco wltb tbe h)uae of Vlrgilmiddot BooPIIlO when FrCflch force than be aIded to ber obstinacy it la impossible to dc~ermioemiddotwat Action abe ~aJ take 0 realize ber long cherlsbec Iope of reoewed aOTeIelgoty OYer ber former colshy001 In America Tho kolowledge or tbes hope~ and along Rcquaintnocc witb the headlong penJatency oh~ Spanish l8ee creates a r8llll0nshyhle (er In tbe Mexico Republic tbat It will nol be long before Spaoish guna will como tace to face I~ tbe CIlltlo o~ San Juan do Ulloa The pout bWtr~ tbat I rance nlly alford ctd asalstshyaoce creates tbe greater danger and the moro wshygon lIecesai1 fo~ dereual preparalion

TIle 88me ~uso wbicll ahould c~eate appreben ion In )(osieo (ought not to bo aUen to NIra~ gUll It Spain desires to re-establisb Iter 10TershycltDtover on8 portion of ber tormer depellden-

CoL A Jon Cpt D n Bailey ~iPtbull J V Hoof Capt Oeo M Leollard To~nt~rdoelj ~ie~~~~arkhIDi Wm E bull Moody Bamuel Kenlltdy Lieut WID Matthew Wm Andcrson Charles Fiaber DUSIITIIO COIlPLlIfIRr_Th M_ya lIerald

88y th Mn DUlenbor 1111 at MllJor Dusenshybor1 now In conlUsndt M_ waa the firs Amerlcall lady thllt ever ascended to tho summit of the vohlano of middotMasaye We believc Mra DII Mnburl WI not only tbe firat American lad) that ever ucended thlll vo1callO lIII1lhU lIbe waa the 11m lad1 tbat ever broko tbemoootony of lIIllAY Ille by becoming a resident 10 Us midst

AlTAL 0 ~DA BrulIIR-The San Carlot

tlemao from Illlaaiasippl wbo baa lived III Leon Aner Ioe more substantal part of tbe entertaamiddot~ al80 Io~om uatha~ the iug~r uaod In that scctlo~ of the State la not ollly eqlllln every r~spect to tbe beat Loulalau table lugar but tbotlt18 sold cheaper Not Doly doe~ tbe country present In aspect moat fut9rable ~tbe agrlotmurl In all tbe abonrespects but It ia undeniably Olle of the beat grpegrowln~ atates in tboworld Theprieata inforlllll UI thttmiddot lnanyeara ago tho grape las cultlvated to cODalderabte extent and -Ine WO0 dllcecl lupenor even-totbe celebrated Catlonla brand The Spanilb government however In a Jealous mood ordered aUth~ vinea to be cut up

ment had bee~ disposed of toasts to tbe iPresiden~ of Ibe RepublIC Ib~ Hon PIrre Soul~ be AmeH cau Minlaterthe glvcr of Ibe entertalflJllent tI beads of the various Departments of t~e Gllveru meot and many of tb gentlemen pretoot ~ropoled drank 1I0d reaponded to Ith much gusto I

Gencral Fry presided wilb his ulual groe Soul displaed such eloquence upon Nicaragan alllrs as plaly sbo ed be iaterest he too~ hi theilgt and 001 Whoeter wla al usualbrilliant ~nd will1 11 would be useless to endeavour to deserlbe

and the manufacture of ine ~o~ be auspeildod Cptaln Frazier 8amptyle we sball not tbe~efOl1 amiddot Aler the revolutloo oflodependence th country tempt It It is lumclent to lIy that he performed beeame Involved Ill such a ltate of IPucby and tbe part ~H m~ne bos with ecl4t I) btselrbull1HI consequent uncertainty tbilt DOmiddot efForts weloe made to tho satsfllctOD of his guull to re-commeoce tbe cultivation of g-ape and a Tbo company separated al leven ocl ck to ~ look a tbe wasted rllncbes nd deoayed b uildi~g8 tond at tbe Presideot~s Levee bull that mark tbe Statea gradual decline Will lit once DUARTOR~-The stealDer Sail Oarl08 Ir cooYloce tbe most skeptical that this Is tbe 001 tbi port on ituesday iRat for middottbo Ban JUIO ril eri 1eI800 1by tbere are no vloeyarda ill Nicaragua with tbe Illtelltion of connuctlng Itbtho Nell at present At eYery point tbe 61gna ofmiddotdecay are Orleaa steaDIer I mallifeste and eTen the elthltmiddot baciendas are The Hon Piorre Soule took hia dedarturo o~ aot free trom tbe reproacb No Improvements tbe S crlo~ and 1188 attend d to th~1 b b b o appear to have been made within the Iut fifteen a large nUDlbe~ of friend In ompall ~~ 1I or twoot1 yelrs except allcb as e~e absolutely Soule Col Fisher Col Muocoaas and~L1eut Gbull neceaaary i and at evory f~olstep ell8ts tbo sign Y Giattook their departure fortbeUoiled Statu of I former wealth llId population not now known 1 tomiddot thomiddot State Jii~TIC~ to OYII2nS or LUB V_~L~Attenmiddot

The Boardof Commi88loners to dctennine on tbe tioo II dlfected to tbe notice of Cbarleal ColiabID rigbt or the Government to COnaSClle tho properly i another ~~tDn a~vertising 01 perso~a nuIS adYerliaetl leAt preaon in aston In this cit) tlng tbea of Nicaragua lIDd tbe ~ivor Sail Many place haTe been taken p08881Sion of by J uall tbAt hereofer tbey must take 0 IIcenHI tbo ollleen of tho Board which will probably be for their ve~8 before tbey can eftgae In tadm given back as the owoe wUl be IIble to prove on tbe oforesdid walers I Ihat tbey were not compromised III Ilny troasou PIlIISOIIAL--Col John n Markham lately in agalnlt tbe Republic But R8 n matter IIf justice command of the Meridional Department arrivOll to the State aRCI that 1 1e88on mlly be taugbt the In town ~ )tondlly by the SattCarloa d~d I stm dilUlleeled whlcll 11 be warning to otbers botb in thecity L~ Col A Rudlor in oollDand al bere and e~OThe it I highly proper in oumiddot Cutillo also came up a passenger but ilel oelt opinion tIa the BOllrd shollld proceed wltb closemiddot day on therturn nip of the boat i ncaa and rigor In ItSmiddot hyestlgatlon We have to I deal iLb lUCfI who art) i reality ellemies to tbo OnANO~ or nuo QUAITKas-~ng Oeneral State and who would take the Brat (vorable oe Uornsby III com)llan~ of tho Merldlo 1 Dep~r~ caalon to declaro for cootioued rel)lutlon Any end ~a removed bla head qumiddottors rrom Sll achellle they cOllld doviao regprdleaa of ita honor uan e ur to R t or Its collsequeoces would be qulckl) ndopted not GOHI TO SAH OARLoa-Capt JrRRk bOlDplOIl

eit in thla q~terwby ahould no her ambltlon Captalo ErrickacA Arrived alibi port on Monday onlr againampllbeGovcrnment bul against uupre- baa been ordered to San Oarl08 wi~b ComplaT cov~t the bol of tbllll Ihhe attempt and 1middotlPoIl Virgin Bay brlbgllg lip leveral p_ tellted women an~ children middotThnt conllderatioua F First Light Infantry He Ion on tb alellllUl tuceecdamiddot1Ii llbjlllBting ~nlco would abe oot gers and coosiderablCl freight or bumlnlly abould bo middotextended tlards sucb on Monday


268 I

El NlCABASUENSEVoll No 45 p 2 Sabado 13 de SepUembre de 1856 Saturday September 1318

Ohonllllu where the rar_ nampedmiddothey hamp4 been DEATH OF ESTRADA IHBRITiW iiiiiBIBUTIOf lenl bT ~etII Wilker nd on amphe angtli or ~ f Jitaragne nst About two weeD lince IlllormatIoD - re- bill 1b7lrobbed de minON or eyeryampblq the W are lafonned lbJori HarlaampI~ 1lIfmiddot

mid he1IJheamp TiJrle ad hll 11111 of ObbeN wnW AI leaglh amiddot phyalolla who was ~ the PUI8lded Preeld ot Nlinragua appointedlI _t__ S middott 18 had beea cutlo pi_I ihe 1DGlIIttm Of~OhoDmiddot millet of wlilt IlAlifit1 we did no hear ealled lill the yampCftmroccaakmed by the deeth ltf lKm 1Jaturday O ~ 8p bT a parll of llldlul 1M the DeWi caml In lb 811_ togolhor and loformed Ib~m di he JruIO Cliamorro baa beeo ltIlledmiddotblbemiddot Iodinoa

-- IVCll lodlroei wJ IIIId wal aUog$ampber en 110gt It Oeoenl Walker aod WaIJ tlllled UI he In the Department 01 New 8egolo ala town ARMY REGISTER hk 10 lIIyellCCu~ III Ibe _oner ied dtd had 1101 1l1li1 th_ ~ento pllloder them aod called Samoto Oraode It ppe~ Ibd A~tonlo

middot -da l_t te wdldnoamp~ I ~eo allude 10 IL 00 couaolledthemW_hlealldclrlnhemiddotmahlud UliRYiallatbom ~lradampbdllDpriSOllednPromottonl an_nppow men bull Wetla howlt a PIWIl airbed trlm ere from lhe couo he guard hooae of Ihla 0111 and who waareolsed

iI TH11 o-nu oeDII OJ lBUI1IT the hIcIeedaof Ualo Grode DellI Julpe be- The minera dId18II9IIIbIe 0 Ibe outaber or onr bl Gen Walke on hla eyloto GIampn~Wi wuTUO - - h l

1000cllII 10 non lermIo r_r which M DOW 00- two bOldredjbullrmed wllh mal)betaa picbaod t e mean of Estradu death Child ltolJecl G ~ Bawley appolnamped Second Lleutellut C1IpW b amllllludlna parIlIl~ aDd otherlUde IUIIHIbull The 8tanedlo p_~ ot Tur- bull partl oflotfIe meo In Leon ith wb~m he

en~ ~tampotCoIl1ll of BubeiatellClo be -rmoli the preriou amptor) III an 111 pfriIco ley and lila IIInd and lOOn _memiddot up wllb them went 10 Bomoto Grande where Estrada w- rht~Becou4 LlelltiOent Oenrg Femnd prolllOamped IarI IIIYlDgmiddot J~ed diem ftGai tha m ~ The aUe _ ther were oololllUered nd ltie he Incited thnUve poplilation agaID Estrada 10F1111 Lteutftan0UrlllI

loho C Crowell Ippojllied Iecolld Lltuleoant Balbelorerelolfllgthalle wewRlCor hellen manded a parle aad twr UI Interchnge lor lUch plleh tbal Ibe roao IIpon him WlthoUi ~ArtlI lIampot I~Of oar teIdera who malIoU poeted eeYenlftaga of - Ibe followillg lel1llaof caplbullbull meaDl of defeoce he fell the Ylcllm 10 hIe OWl

IamprII who and wW furle all4 hie _ reallf Iolon weie entered Into Turley party weN pervealty IBESlilloAfIONS wbull to up all um+ ar IIh the were to be

middotliiatLiauteou$ K Bew _tint 001lUlllmiddot QIp$ Tutley arrIcd hert 4He ~1111amp fumlabedwllb suibullbullwhowoold take them to the Hu III1 baJTubull-Th sehoGDer Pearl r~sarr of Suhlltlence baa retIgned bit pOllI1on Ibebetd ota plrty ofinoampfOur 1lItII 81idlated 1~leooQrmiddotBIerielclllnrf1rblO1i Ibey bolmd tbem to Ibla pOd on ~ueed rllr a severe ~D ~ i had teA hili ~ lieu and Jar- ItImtod_d and leavemiddottlte coooy lerooe Up to Virgin On t e prage up 8 e lIIelTWO IMPORTANT DEOREa8 _ ier 00II of III New Or~ a_ CrtuIIi II Ia _jtultd thai Torle) party mutl bue a tremendous 8118 which 8Jlrullg Iter timiumlo

Ja tha ~ NJooir e publlahad bull ~ ho woold be w by lie autlllea~~ been oulof _uoilloo oIberwlae the would nol mllcb thai Ie waf willi dUlieult abe maJ~ed to middotdtorft of bullbull8upreme BreOll~Y power ~ug Tude) hImaeJf had III Ipparendl IfIIIIlr I~ llayt aped- to I lip bel ~ arml i blu IIall ~eep afloel ~ngo and c IlW wetemiddotke~t ballmiddot a eeiIaJji penaft of abOr IIIi Idlelltll or III the did menuer whCll pre~ oftrfODemiddotla-1di eTealll lbaldIdo a3d II Ibe lodoua got pol- log alllhe while alld enl hell gllal apweh~ _ ~pNIIIlelra olthala ~~no ~1Of Be eonlrmed In hftappolotmeDtaDlI eeiIdon ofu-sa prepotIlion wa made to knt all 8~ wafelt lbIabe would go downbull In Ileat~S An p- whe iWl ~e BfteeR cla11 1louS em- hit eompIIl wu 10 1uII1e1 Of the robbeI1I ~ WI agted to bl 11141 patl aoout Ibe _de lb lee 01 tbe 18~ld or ZapaLeo plo1meot hanoI ao lIIbl - or IlIiPOJI II dered 10 be mouoW B ~ UI lii0i1 ofUle mllerlwblii ohe were In fayor of keep- and In comlog to tbla cl~ nayi_ted a cpnQel liable to~ aad WUI brouSht r_ lui orbllmenhad~ reeroItea 1IlIelIIweread IogUltreea It di1ll1oo 11111~ade aod IIItweeo Ibl Ielan~ od the _Inlalld htheo peteet8ab-PreIeOtOcrrrllotofPollcOI~Ide mlrab~ h_mali IIIIdfrom brlog pllilldpaled 1amp _ found UI the 1t1l~lIg pa1ele lalgeiy IInIcIlOWD CoL Btl Commluarr Generall CapL ma) be 1eOOId1o hard labor oPOIl be public III ~ border wus of1Ila( Side bodl1rilb Hex lu Ille lIIIIIori~ whin-eupoa thelaller HI UpoD TUImiddot Baldwin lleI loIeaL lage Gonrnmellamp agenl yorke tmondll DllllIIIId IruJIalIII ~euller 8Ued filr dIe khId et le1 gIIl wUb UtFmaclIelr and 04h~r capone caDle up 01 th Pearl LleuL Page brought up

In l1OdItr 00I11J111l of Ioodan prp~ II be 1108 for wIdob the R~ dtldtitd ~lllJlledall but two wilo mad their tgtecape but $600 for the goyernment CapL Bardl comma fOuod bull dtcre8 forlbe eliroroemeoa orall cOiI~rtOla lhII -1 ha been part true hollhlre U 110 wera u~entl caplu~d and are now plleooe hePearL for labor u If IIbOHr eIWl OODIIroamp to worlder opportODlt for Ibi r ok_ Bugen hel8 II AcofampPI MlJUltoUJ COIfDVIri-Defore a general CoIlII I IOlipl period tIiaa IIx IlIOn aod eha1111111 ~ to~ ~b 111amp11 of die _ittr bullbull T~a Thill milerabl pembed Ibe d_tera who but Hmld held 10 thie till dorlol ampbe week print abide bymiddot1iJa 8IIpgemeot tha Judgeof Jim Ja compao~ ~lt ~lDed ~era ate d1t WIiea lew _bl1ce were greeted ~hroder8 by tbe F A Bod of Ule 8ecoad Llgbt I~fillllr w elUte ~rec Subprefoot Agricultural tu UI were ordered 10 1IaolJUl wbra Ihree 001II _1lId0I1801 of NiCII1lg Iud wbe) mlgbt tried for lIIulinoul conduot In that while 011 lhe or Iridal Alcald - HlIlIaCe blmmiddot to forCed paal oftha1 ~w_m~OIedmiddotlIlIdercom middotnow be oooupting blgh and bODOlable position eteaDer 1 W SCou be drew llie knifo Ind reshy~ ~ ~ptlbllo oworb for the unuplred IerIIIm~ orltlIpL DolIO The were bull11 met bat tor tWr lIIbol ahlle for pili that 111 IU 8iated Ih gull1l alld alen tbreaened 1018 8UperkJr of lIIIlIeflM And~ pereon who abtl COIlo wli SIiirp CIrhIoee Illd 01 ad w~ 1111111 whloh woo141101 be COllte~1 lUI Ibe pro- oIIicere and DUd dl~pectful lan8uage to them middot(raCwodi aod fall IIhaIl be liehIe to nOli lIlao loon well mOlloamped whtu h1_ ~e4 10 ceedI Ofhoneeampmiddotloduet J bulmWlooedt IIIIeIr for Be WI tried Ind confloled and he Courl llargtll Clil rior lore dIII liJllonlbe fbioeed Imor on UI _ling rbout th lIelghboibood b1fbIoIlRlcIlI nddtit wealih by deepoilog oiberabullbull Tutlef WaIJ condeJIDed hlllllO erYo one ye at ~ hbor PW1~ lmpro~ta Uley cibtaIoed preUy good bowledge ~thlIII- bull _ ofgood educallon and exceedigIJ plampu ullder ohIrge of Ibe gllard 1Iilh bull bal III ohlin

n ~ eYideol1rom th_ two ImporJanl deereea roundIoOlJlItrJ lhIe _0101 od maoy tbhk lutl he decelnd bil rbolll 10111 legtha lb Goleroill~t Inteods to ~o y1f11b tha A IIW more 1Ilal _k lier Ibtlr Irrl1Il _ In Ihe fI1II 1lnee bY81lIlig Ural hemiddot WH - bull I ~18f()Ul aPdlmiddot of Idlen wldcQseeru 10 tIIe1fere ardere4 h1 CaptaIn DOlan 10 pIliMied III aelliagiJuder orde tloniGeo Wlter~ OfCOUrtl lluu amp018-10 uother columo pqbshyW uieUUri ~nlon oft pbpwtfOD n I Tl~ aad ueteIa Uleb of-~_ hedeception could 1101 ha II1ttdmiddotloug hot tha lleh tbe adYerlilement or the M la~ 1~ Plbable one-thlrd of the meo ~ Nleampng1II will a1uje 00II of tha bull_ Dad been 1111 men Dilllid lbemI It au enIIIf _ for Bered 111 ah r_ will CODmellce whttber II ~ 1IlIiSUltW deotamiddot of Ibe ngrut 10amp I tlldmiddot d-bulland a bull~te no1i to be mo the7 bd robhIlHbe DlIlI_lun dltecUoJie aOd ralal or bloea ~ attd 81 eLtenelv prellyenAIio- another lUIP pJO~lIon wm and th8lllaoln BoO Ihp inot)fiur bOllrll Thtf ted ~lnsl7 ofOOI1Ne mad thelia eneml laquolid heillde kilew ba8 boeo made b tile Ciub ~ week ue III~ lpot

jeeto dlel8jlO1ld The loealuhoriUeII nendIMJllpDl1IOueeOrmiddot1ffaa middotiAerwramiddotbull lberweralookedllpOlt deerampei1l bdel~com leespected Doll C~ot DraOIIamprtntllllI middotoatt byerbruUhe m~ halllmoob hoolll en It WII14 to ~ reparll ooaoooamped plul IImead of raa-_It~ouldno fgte d1ft1oo1tmiddot under lvoh cb~ aome tit the fln1 I~k In lbe counlry hlc1a iUn In all 111 Mneea ofllle te lolInd plug 10 TIpiamptpa lhe1e deloor of Iibout eUDllIMea to Induce them 10 _lInueon Ih han been llactly~ UIIO for lOme dt llenlt IIIIIIldeat emPlo1~8D~ the ay or cOIhiclklS fout mllell ilidmiddot Ib _ to OhonW u lfop~ of reaoltll Ibe coori andtetw1Ilog to of tbe olllOlll are 180 In the pOlae~lolI cU ncr grmtl IlId all empo7lr who desires labore AooOmplng Ulem_ Jolin J BiY8lll bull young tolbel bOlllelll1l th~ States Wilh tba08leera of 8Iook upon wbloh Ibe ~ willing to alaie Ilfr b onJi to mue a cootrret wllb ~~ 11m oJItill~e mill who hid _lIIIlIy 111l1li ~ed tom the IcolUHI~ WII illlIm~t Tbeyweol Jato tbbullbulllIalr pile Sportsmen rOIO a dlftell~e r~~ cordI] fu hombrt- be matte to _realu one biId IW II1IU to bull HCOlld lIeutammtillof - poIaO8 wlUllhelr 7e11 OpeD f1d ere only ampetuted by Ited to III preaant and parllclpald n Ib~ spotbull for he Goremmell Improemenl8 Idlenei Ind _JlIIII1aod w ~ Ibe time ot hIi deiertiolll adealre for plonder on Ihe 000II1011 IIIdt~bgotogetherl and It all appllcallon for ctoallrlllcommand~amphI_peo7 TnrI7wu~IIeof VloDurgh MIH alld IltllU-illmiddoty bull s~iYmiddotJ-t IV nether labo III nOI di_~rerused ItI ~I tlllWrId At lIral 1101 belteyed IIlaI Tllrl and bll hll tamil tbe 18 middotcouldered hlgllty felpeelable holiday among our Iodilll friend Ba8 the ~o8aya i8rmatlnly bot to be blOke Tb mneUIer _mind bad really d_ftHl Tht UII1Ie olllcera When bull ho1 bll cbataoler 1111 hid and he laquo8 Herald It was Ibe annolY_ we beley~ of the InduatrJ nor coneoience i alld ~y are of opi~ and Iwenlywo _ all Americana oouId be early obliged to lea hODle 011 account of bls dla qbjvgatio~ of Ibe 1Ioorebullod Wa6 entelpu InlB tbat th_ IWO 1flnU are aupplled b bull characer- Iolated tlIeif pIlgh~ faIth d_ried Ibelr eonll hoa1 prop8DIIltlea n ill Id Ihat a few yeal8 wllb phit Abougb w vou1lt1 nol UU


IRlII IIIOre alarming elill m~lIce It Ie Id ellmiddot tJtmeo and abandooed their lleDdard 10 jolo bull IIDce he made trip IlIto 80ulh Amerloarwbelll Iheir IlIUguase yet we alched Ibeitmiddot m OllVte8 perlenee upbolds tbe unrtloo that be lu hIrhIroIlI aad mlaerable lactIon 1fho Cete llnog bejoloed bull part ot no~ robDeIl IIIId was qulle wllh aU the lowt 1fe could lIIusler nd en lO8f about ahe hou8eII alld aguaclleote Ibope pllllldering tbelr own -- lOme-~ SllIce thenu lemiddotal3ledlbal be hn DeeD joyed Ibe scene YIlI1 much I will promlae to 1fork with 110 olber expecampttion 11101 too u~uoding IIIId oooatoni to be belleY I marelldlllg IIIOn the bordere of Kexlco nd Texae thao to disappoint We know thlt to bit the cue hot u lime pued 011 deIr eontlDUed hIIVIle ThliIe partloola haYe oom lllit 81nce bls deler Brr-Tbe llaaay Berald co~gralulatt8 Itot io mau1net0- wliere America han IIOlIght and nrlOIll ehCOlllllallcel whleh 0IIl8 to IIghl Uoo LIeu Rlnll Ia lIatiY6 we helie of ~ being pree~nt hot Moodal ntght aldauCl workillen for the laborer-if 10 dIJnIIled a _ unwllllugl1orced Ibe eonyicllon upoD Ibe mlnda Sao Antonio Tue IIIId 41a berne II good pYIln b Bellonte Marla Balellmela to tbe oIIker$ can)le fumlllhed to 81l0b libelll on lad~lIIye of d lIilUIwee Indeed 100 true aud from lila cbaraeter up t~ Ibtlimo of hit desertion Bew of Ibe secoDd LIght lofalliry Ba~ImiddotJlon T 6 perr ~Ude joked at their IUCC~ d-I Many 1Il0Dl Ule lIa1ile or Turley or of Idi conted liked by hit meo audmiddotlrllaled b bla IiUperlor lB ~8I a p_n olle I 01U llSU Ie C~D~ POn7 lmportllli works middotwould now be In courae of - -ee ~e a bTe-word and a _ -oor aU cere andoo mllnln lbearll1etood a fgteltercbaace knew blms_e_________ donbullIt bena could he employed alld e 11110 hononhIe mell to ttain high poeltlon tJiaa he did Ilh fatal TaUIIIIIII1 STOIIV-OII Tueeda nlghte amp11 tbe aallIon of knowlog tbat uoder th_ The pen opIldou of 000IIII wu Ulea amphi d momena the lempter foalld him aDd he bartered Rub II aucceaalOIl of beav claps of Ibuu er ahal deereei - k1ud or abow wlll be mlde toward eerlell would ~e Ulelr way 10 Leollud jolll Ibe all lila bop for the proapeot of bull robber life eIIID boiled milk UJ1lod to booD-clahbe Tbe colleolinl UI lleeusnry foroe to ~o on with lmIldmiddot hclloroblll Ibue but II few deemed more rro- OfIbe olbers we kaow nolhlog peltODlIlI but rbo Ia aboal Ihe moel forcible IIu8tramp1I0 of lb iOI up lIIe C)OUolry lC men II1ilI 00 work fot bable IIlas u had gone 00 a robbiDI npediampion ~ng to lilT who mIght b di8Pllled to follow etretl81b of Ibe atorm lhIt we call Ibl of JUII bemIIlm or olliors Ibe VilI MJI(J to work (or amoor lb riobbulendu cir Chonlillea aocl woald tbelr eulllJll If ampOy lUeh tbere be appsnd now Oanmmelll i Ind II few 8amp111 experience In this aodeaTOr to maIte tbelr way to de AdlUllio com Ihelllmee of fie mllerrbl wratcllee who IIIve paid i lIer llDe will plllhabl cure the llloelobelloato either Blew8eldt or San JOIII del NIlrte The en dead for UIlr crimea TIIVPIiJIICIIlampaTI1-rrOfe8llOrSli1IIWlt1 cubullof Idlen ord_lllaloeu laltMire lIagulirly oorreot for UIe 8m newl bull OJrI01M lecture 00 tho IObJect of Temperaoce h -1

i L_gt _0 r-abullbull b- _II Lgt Turl ltlIpL_~lfbuderR LieuL E FbullRullleli iO-lIIerrow enolng The d~ coureo wm givemiddot_ Lt

FLA( middotQF THERIilPUBLIa _ ft_ u 0 nJ vera th Ia I ~ t f tll b ft C beod had robbed etII haetendu In (Jbooet PRlY-T18 degDn e p Ya hn ~ronl degb__ urch at rP M

bull oort open I 0 t me UI b By a dec e puhllabed In an nolbor columll Ibe a olle of whleb the)- were bllllteo otr after coo- I R Fltzhogh A C Lewle I e our I

Fiac IIf Ibe Replblic 18 changod yerl materiampu lidertble of bull lIghL It did noamp appear th amphi i raquoj BBi ~ tok~fdl HOltampLITr If LIOIC-The Kill Berld plIb It oOW eooeleu of bille etripes wllh willte Iiad JOIn aD of Ibe lIylns hlna of pbamom ampm~1 Jlo~ne K R Moni llabea an eKnol of II Jetter giving Inrect InteJII etripe between them the IUer Iwlce u wide III tall III IIlat regJon but like de - of lebm8l1 H- Conant A N Moore gence from Leon fu 1Ihloh U Is elated ~t oflbli Ibe former 10 the lIillldle of the wblte etripe ie UIeIr IIInda lIemed to be agaIoet fIery man and George Dunn Samuel MOre few remaloiog foreign troOjNIlIOW In jat city Iobearedetarwlthivepolol8 Wbullbullretbuarld O1l11en hand 1Ipl1ld Ibn~ Wbll CoL W O bull Ear~ Y BBllllth ftOmIlReeotoI1leotdieotleerydtYl

a IIIId hla nw 10 Ih b Ch IWeII A lira W B Sb~are shyofUie eropn d11eewblcbhu hllhlrtoenap r-7were8 roog 1)110 J A Gamlllon B Spheara COlllampIIIampIPamptoOJ-TheFiraamp RillelBaLaf proprlalell8(1teampe11ted Ibe State taIet he 1108rtmed from a ff1el~lI) nade dtd I B Tylor D 11 Klink 100 h bten 1lI()elvlog It pr during the pas - Turleyaod lIlamiddotpart were fa hnlclollYt aod had r ~ Welcb II K Welle week Tbe followiag COlllpaaleJ baY call d

8runOtu-Thi dhigdowa 1Ol rtew _ -w O p Latoloo de Colanelaollcelllld 118ded bull e l ~ e plalll to lIIe lake 1m beeo thqrotghly to fOhL bullbull C D and F Companr A Il opened w(lblD the leal weell IlId tbe Impro The om 1DIeIlIleoee of Tudf IIIId hl1l pug H~luo-The breUlrell of Ibe lII)aIoiC tie bull _ 811 Ia decided 10 the IdYlllltge of the Ylelf ft) tha ~polte prelousl) meolloued thrt dey rd~ to all ednrllemenilll anoUler column RJFlII8II11G-A dllgbtfUlly reflelhill~riB felmiddot rOm the city~1eUo ~e beacb bad a1lbeell IIIIrdtIed and UIII 1m now been from ~hlth It will IIIH tlilt aregular meeting i~terday momlng unlll6outBeYeD 0 he~

__- r Grilli --- a ed III auch a mlnDer u lcae no - of Orruada Lodge U Dl ot1II beld on Wedmiddot the weelber cleared up cool aod bealtb TbDRun ~__r caep D no eon rmmiddot i nudar e18olll 1Ielt _ e alternate Wed- bull e been appointed H Deputy b M~ahal Stomgtt of of III trUth We give the padlculan u we beard n by thereaRor hey will take due nOllce lOci pWa look beaulltulllllll present coallui pf greeD h Court of FlnlloaUDce diem -TIII IIId goue ioto Ib milling diltricl of gGIera h_lm accordlnIITmiddotmiddot gruB I

$I NICABA6UENS4Voll No 45 p 31 S8bado 13 de Septlembre de 18561 Saturday September 13 185S

GLANOE Oul OF TOWN MASAYA JOOJmiddotEYOLUB OFFIOIAL By TUB OIllgtBIlLY At m~ellog ampf the olllcentlaquo tbe 2nd Llllb DECDMI- m THE A1I1D_ i - Iolmtr1 Battalion September fth 1861 HtJOr JKdiO V~ UVIIlAllIUtIl J

o tlie capaclLy otOrderly to tbe Captain bolll Heopound1 D_bupound1 wae called 10 ~e and N 44shy~ Iu 110 often appeared In eonnectlon wltb Lleut Arthlll Conner eleoled 8eoreorl1 o 1

the _loin u uJ lh obJeo III ataIed hJ lUWUBUO 01 NIOAllAGUAmiddot ~ Titu Bdelu 1 fell Wl_1Uamp SatunIaJ PMdent lIU Ibt tbe orpIIIIllon of Jock Deptrtmenl of aw lIIIillnwrlol Be_lIell $ldIaeoYerlng that ho AI not III bll qlamplterl A OIub G_ Sepl 1~6 Ye large demlJoho but re~ently purebed w On mellon of Lieuamp Ju fl LeYJ ~w reeoled lillr--Th Supreme Eseelltl Pow~ hu been

ply aod III hollow I)ulld _med to echo the tbat this erpnizallon be known fa Tbe )(_ pleaaea amp0 d1cta1O th tollowlng decree TIl Jockey Club lh PreallhM of the RepulIo of Nlcvqut 10 Ita

llalllG with eyer lEgtverberalon 0 On rdollon of Cap J G D-ellx It lohabltants _pany felt looosome wllhout the _lIIonal Iemiddot R4fOlNtl-Tbel the_lin proceed 10 III eJee In erdv amp0 _ ampbeelgtIC perfOnPalloo of__ 11110111141 commandlug ollleef and I therefore fel dO~ ofoillcen to thEgt _ulng yr tracII Cor labor In Ime of Ilia aulborlty 1 lore InCUlllbent upon m 10 dlscoer hla h_ Whereupon the toIIowlng gentlQlllen WIN Dmiddot DEORlBa

enlmoualy elected and lnataIIed I - Pmldem ArIIoIe 1 AllY _lrIC made Cor _bor (or bull 1 SundA paaaed In ampultlel endeayoll1l Itllor B Dlllenbupound1 VI_Presidents Doo JampIl- larm of mentha or ean haD ha binding Oil the did Honday d Tueaday At luI I eenob IIsCo Brayo and Lleut I amp Le Treu_ paramplulO Ie

gh ~h eouDlry around the aguardleote mallmiddot Capt Horace Bell i a-taq Lieut Joh Cooper Art So Any penon who lOa malt eontract ~ au-asled ilBelt and I determined to 00 mpUon II w reaolnd lb comml of 10 perform IIboI anhballtaU te ful611 tbe_tract

Ihree be appointed lOmiddotdral rulu and regulallona iball be aentalleed b) tile Judge of Jif IUlaftcelmPthlm In quartcn I knew be would like to Inmiddot lor the gOufDment o( lite Olub ~ Sub-Prefect AgneulturU Judge Ol local-btlt The rollowlng gentl_n were appoillted aahI Alealde amp0 foreed labor on the public work Ibt I middotte ho1I8 of Tlw Bricks as IlIlbeyard lied commilltee Cpt l O DNUr Lltul W )( tem J 1101 I than one IIOr more than Ilx

- d h h db I to III Ie Reeder lIId Dr W L Lundy manu Ol uotll the puLy to whom thlabor III lip a tree an e a cen ~ n on Onmotloo A(ljourned H DVIIEIIlVIIT Presamp due may aelillgtr tlle rel_ DC tblborer

two busbels of eOIll lit Brlckl gaYe him tbe Joni COOP II Secretapound1 ArtI ADy laborer umay contl_1O do work middotIter hie purcbaae I eonclu4ed to mount tor a 1011ier period tbIG 811 month and IhaII taU

l1I~IdO bim Untlelog Ibe rope and Idillg him 0011111881011 011 CollfllJOlnO Bar4111-)(n 10 fulfill~11 OOIItriCIl ~Y~IIII~ced bld~bull - bull 1~1 of the ore menlolloont 10 _ inl Qte street I w 8111prleetl al hi 0 e Rogen and rullhmend the oolylwo membotrl of bor 011 the publia worki for the time of hili gnel[ ~ Ielng JlIaI high anough to allow my tt to the lIove Board are JIIoaeedugurlpidlaspoao pIred nlee Omiddotuotlllpu~ to whom hlalabor

(Ibo grount when I w 8eated in tbe addle IIblo 10 deciding upo tb PIOpfil unlIled In Ia dua may uk to hi rel_ t ampaddled 111m however be reeled to aDd flo IllOthe column IUbjeot to conJIteation The Art Commlnicaled to whom II ma COIlCerL

bull bull G1vtlllo GnIlMII tllia 61h day ofSept 1866nl hlle flIen but tbat when ho PPolnlJllent of )( Baldwlll II Sollchor of Ballimiddot W)I W ALm

middot te olle lido my feel Jlropped blm up and enat will reline lbe ampOlrd In greal _ 10 th IfInlater of Sampate In th middotDepll1lmant 01 10 tJ~lIte other In tbll way be 1(111 kept rom of IlIlevereal wk In coIIeoampIlIS alld ftaIlIlIItbe Qolelllmen Don Farmln FerlW

bull but wllb all my efforlB lie could not be In idence Comm~ClIed to you Ibt your IntorJDtllon and bull proper acIIoa w10 CO ~rvr and nOlI Illtaring hla denl) in HIDiateI of illite

ugre1 language IUClU u bullbully-he-y-be-he Soflotoa or ID TnilIlVIII-Jobn )( Baldmiddot _eot8oGb-ahl whicb trIn8Ialed mClnlwlD Esq rormerl Oaptain of Comy 0 Fillt No 45

Itoowl mYlIIlI and I think I middotdo you Cin Light IllllDtq b~ been ponted to the Imporampo REPUBLIO or NIOARJOUA l 00 110 IUCb gam a Ibat Flndlog I Uleleea ant potIlIOII DC Solicitor General of the Trauutfmiddot Deparllnan of Sta and Interior RItlou 10 peel a ride 011 tbe horn of M~ Brick I eon The ppulntmell of IIr Blldwln 11 wllll unl GnDeda Sanamp t 1861 bull araaI b toa Sf_fte Snmiaml BseoIIII Pov hu beaD

~ Ilvor w eJtended 10 lIIe I ullt down hIe bed 10 bt taken out or her bottom and bv Art t CcirDmullIeaIed 10 wbom It ml1- covered Ith dea wltn 011 hoWNie k tb farm AI be U Od~ ~ II wbole bull needed recaulklng C1raaada Sept etb 1866 W)I WALDB con~ aboot lOrty -- 01 tud more or Jell

1vti~t te _11011 Itn e 0- Ol bull bull ComIJUDleated ~ to r IofoIlMllon and MId II I plantain baclenda wltlifeDleIIlllld eyeqNothing_ A peclIlIr lip with 1111 blDd PJlI8OiIlIk--HampJOl John P Watent although oileD you you thlDgiltlaohed neceuu1Cot their ooItI1loe aIiIo

d to trf It OIl foot alld tying Ibe animal up v appro pJeuad 10 dlctlte belolktwlng deoree

10 tree I started On 10 hunt Taking lite AraquoOllIftll PIIICY -Ih HanYJ x- 8legal 1BB GOVBRN1UilNT ampoWf~ the ComnUf San FllnciacoI gelld_noflIeilyb~lppOInted~reteot lbe~~~erI~n-~~

dIIIly looking place tt whlllh I hid Db III the Sontbem Depariment InpIIce of nt COle tandere paD~ y ed tho Captain and rille atop ollClllliollally reaigned Hr Kane o4Iqe wlU be ruT ArIIcIe 1 middotAppoInted Prefect of IIId Depart hare einglllllr to reIte an agreeable locklug ------- -I )I Billlpound1 Kalle I whe hiI tlke charse

with crI hal d hlnl teeth b t HtVLID Up-The acbooner P_l b bMa Cor theen CODMqltot upon ih realpaUonIn apy L bull ng U ullled aahore llear the wbarf and III IIOW Ullder- 0( the ltaceIerof the soiaIIa of ruuof the pub f dark COIIlplICtIon UHd 10 bend oIIt two dll iOIlIs repaln III mampoy pla_ enUre bGIrda 110 reyenlltl with tll esoaplion ofthe bnulobea of eclIlIollt1he 1Ie of bull pllli measure As ~te IIIId labor blllh Ife ureed 1eued

h 11 Uie WOIIWI 10 tbe doop bu ithout ltill aulfermgliom hla late IIIclmeaa left tll Uty ffOP8l )(Dltter of State =~tb~~~~~~eId ot caltle _ Of 1_

OM I relamp Ier iloll In th app11eaampon 011 Tneadaylu Cot )(aupa to tHe commwl of the bnuld ~OB~td~ right amplid ud to gt(l1IIIa1l1lst4 dobe~ my head dIIt lfllJJOlWl pOIamp No 46 W J STONE Karol

middot III wy from 10 InbOlpllible quarte~ I RBPllBLlO 01 NICARAGUA l Orlnut Sept 1866 middot elOJIg 40WII under the jooote treu tewa~ Raus )taees f r Ha r r DpaItmIII of~Is~~~~ J AUCTIOI DB amp0l1l88I01 1088pound

lIMrieancametepound1 NothlngmOlllllfulCtOl8eQ JfABAYA OOURSB Sf~ThI SupremeExeoullYe Power baa beeu G H WINESamp (() lpitlt1 but allo of thougbt leemed to en- THE ~rln Heeling ot the )(-1 lockey Club pland 10 dl~tlI toIIowlng Decree ABB now pfepamprOd 10 catTy on the Auctlon IIIId

middotthlLt there IlRIId tbe grandmiddot allll eolemll WIll commence OIl Sullday thth Septemmiddot THE OOVEaNlIENT OommlaloU B__ ln colllllClion with tbeltod tln dlil plllan or the State 111 bel 1114 OOII~lllue until ampturday the 20th n being -yto ppolD r~wbo p_ Du~ on goode cooal W be ampdshy

r- e Flnl Day-Blinda 141h-200 yudl beat a In IhaII repreaell and deteod Iherllaquobta and Intereall noed d h ~-~ gallant bo hive g008 to eleep amid II lurn 100 Eotrance 15 110 forteU of the NIIinD1n TImIe of Ita authorlt putl w=_isttblC~~ or Granada are onl tb foundation Two or more 10 mllte a _-Free fOt all hoI_ DEOREl8middot LlbenI adylIICe8 by drafta OIl New York d s

te1MW Itae III for IIl1)lU111ng the former and IIlU wllo h bull bOt _on t race Article 1 Appointed SolIcItor of the ~ Franeiaco wW be made on reeeipt of mercblUldlze aid 1IIe Spllllah dynasly ecllpee tbeIIldlan Second D-)(olldll1tb-8iagle daah 800 (FIIcIl General de UaoIeuda) of dI Republlo of In the cuatoJd hoUle Tile hulldlng OCCUpl1lQ 119 ylllllamp Pune 160 IlllranCII 1111 forr11 17 II NIcaragua )(rloba It Batawln wIIb the aaIary Win ok t_ II f rI lIaing tll m fee eu4denly tumbled Illd be- Three or more to make bull _ bull For mulu 0011 of iWO lI~dred doll per IlIOIItII barre bulkamplldc=~tom n~ ~O~d I could recover I Ity p_trate OIl wbat bull Third Dy-Tlleaday l11lh-tOO 1IIda beal Art So OomlllOlllnated te hom It may COIIetIII celvodOll a~e ampII WI roshya lIel( made grave CroeaIog mylllif de- i In 8 PUrH 1160 lkra_18Oj balUOIftlt GNMda September 9 l~ J A RUGGLES A-t

_t _ I ~- Two or _10 make 1ampCe-Flee [or middot11 honroa W)( W ALDB G ada- - p- RI San shy~1I1 --ng In a IIOOD _ GIlead but FOIIrtb Day-WedneedaJ l1b-Jocke Dr auperIor order thll Ie colllmWlIcIted 10 yo ran VI - Y~ I Franclloo JI1OIDimagtbullbull theUlampootperfectlJaelfpoa- ~ Enttanoetl0i tulltorialt lOO~= toyourlnformadoll md proper uUon awlllamplng if2~~~rIaon t Co New York-obaa A moman IIld I WI Cllm whed It 00- jree Cor 11 mulea ackhOwledgmanamp of th - GnaIda April It 18511 crfted 10 me to loot Uhe DeW amplid ~y hmed FIfth Dy-ThIl1edl118tll-Oblllo~BNYOpu inRnt )(lnIater ofSIIte MAX A THoAN hid -- and to h lid _ 26 EIII_ III balf rfelamp 560fIIdI-middot ---- 4 bull

my orrore I1Itp bull ~ Jreefor-ail hOllJlt mbullandjaek No 41 WHQUSAU DllALEB IN foIIowID81nacrip~0II apptuedeograved upon the nSWb Day-FrIday 111$h-Proprle~ Pll BBPUBLIO 011 mO~GUA BRANDY WHISKY UTINE IIIhogan1 l1bletbull 00 Bntnllce 46 balf forfeit 800 JIIIIIamp raquoepllrimeDtofState and lllleriOl ~ t

bull co Banth th_ tdcb 8eal8 in II-Two or IlIOre amp0 mak NOlI GrIIIIIdt Bopamp 18118 AND ALL KINDS 01 LIQUORS LleII Tlw Bricklll LutDa-Satur4ay 201h-)(_dteradStake Sir-fbI Snpreme ExecuIIy Power h been Together with AlId _ban be died Sflnr Cup Bntnonca ttl I torfeil 16 40( p1taiJed 10 dlctale the toIIowlng Decree rZIV COPPBJIl ANDS71lBJS~RON fb DevU cried ards F01II Gr more te IOIIlce a nlt-Free Ior tile lreIIdellt of the Republic of NlCIraIJlll amp0 III IIIDALL IUIIIII OJ OOODS IOU) III 1fIIOtaaALI IITOI

Weicome Bricks ~eqhlng wlBblng to 11m bull Inbablllllll I bull HOIfIItal atreet In frout of ~ Couy YourellillftLn All enkiCIlO bmadelbedaYJlre~lOthe I_ucb thD_COIICIIIIIIIIS~1lon GrI~ JUlIe 11866

Ow the rriand of my eellmlble Captain died raee berore II oeioolr PH ItOm the well knon publlahed 011 tha Ud of Nombel~ 1~hu been D r middotUtU P t bull reputallon of tll stock IIOW on the cou1 aeriou1t modllled IIIId made of aWe ~ b a bull na bull - O

W Inen I hvbull been unable to ucertaln No aport may be especled Tile racta w1 tlke Decree~tbe ProfialelUll Qolemman med In BEGS LEAVI TO INFOR)( tbe cilbcu of 4111 the pTe no one erected the monulllelll paee rain Ol ehlne Sportsmen ar dletance wiD Leon 011 tlle 29th of Marob _1 paat-Theretore O~a that be bas opened

lllICribed tbeapprepriampte epitaph and I pl_uddreaatheSacrelaq luirtueoflbeautborltJ1nmeYeItedItil A DRUG STORE_ lbarotore without amph means of informing you K H DUSENBURY Preet DdBBD I Nf4rll Opp4fU tA 81m Ilr4flri (0_

good fellow but1Ith8l IlioUned to A BullY ltleO pro WIlL )(-YI Jokey 0I1ib ArIIde 1 Emy free wbltemail who IhaIIIIJI Where be Q prepared to Ibmiab MEDIOINES aguar - mlptta 10 tlle Republlo may enter lIJloo and 1m- PBRJUIlERY ampc of u good qualit and t bull ~all allow bla Ilulta 10 rest witb PIUeultrr Notiee prove aUy_pIed ttIClofpllbilo IaD4 DD el[ fair pricea u _be obtained In tbeelt bull

Perhtp_ wheo I and he Cap~ I may AS the Ial ud 2d Llgbt Infantr tauaIIona aeedlng _ handfed and tidr _In eJampent PArtleularattenampon wW be p1 tOPQUins -II you with lOme Inteieatlng Items _ hi aot MOl In thelr mll~ to cbll a after tlx IlIOIIthuealdMet upon Ol 0C0IIpIti0n up preecrlptiont our deceUed mlgo OIlIlULT ollice they wlHnot be p14 until tham of 0 oi aahI 1IIod b1haII ~eeel till therete ampom Granada lillie 1 18n

j bar and tbe_ required 10 ~eDd In tbelr the GOfemmeCICj provided that t die Ume of bit DI Au bullbullu P t t_lle Ible IlIOIIth entr1lIe reglaIer lbbullbull1IIe ~blDg It b metel OS

U8InROLtaWumBo-Balloticeflomthe Tho Artlllepound1 lid thelal and SndBaUallone lid boondllll tlle olliee Of thelteCorderoftbe TBNDIRS BIS SERVIOES to Ibe citlrena III rarllter II will be - tht th Fim and BtC- of rutH are 0 required to IeIld to ble 01Bca DepmmaDi In wbleh the Iud liei GIIDI4a and mloy ill tbe praetlce of BaitaIIoDl of Light rnfPtry no haring _ new l[W8tet-orolle 011 wblch thy will rec)el pay_ Art Ally immigrant laclnded wllllllllbe pto MEDICINE SURGERYamp MIDWIFERY II fWt muateuolla flit DD be p~ldolf until tbe menhp 10 he llral a~~ND~Sio =iIol~~y~Jj~~~~~olredbete IF Office and realieoce 011 Ibe aoutlnreattr4 of October Tbe are requIred te nlld In PaymaaterQeneral NIcaragbamp cate ud ~ tlie eD4 ofm montha OCCUpadOll COlllijf of lbbullbullweel oppoaite Ibe San FlanclacQur muterrolkl thle month TIle Fira$lIld Sec- 1 ceive tide for thre buodred IDd t_ly acres of CoDt Gll41l111e BattaIIona IIld the ArtlIIcq are required G1ada Lod 1J no public Iud w complltinamp wltllthe pro110 of QrIlIIampda JIIII8 1 laGS

t bull a regIIIt In lite tlralrtlcIt T _ Ioew In Dew muter ron on whlcb they wID be 1 BB regular _lInp of tbIa Lodge wnl her Art~ It eball bethe u1ofthe Record of bull auvr amp DuayFIyen up 10 the IlllltofOetober I ~ be held on every ltemate WIDNBS- land tldte In lite eferal Departmel1ta te keep ArOORNBYS AND OOUNSEJOBS AT LlW 1 __ _ DAY eommenlliq onmiddotWedneadaythe lUh of leparate and dIatInotbookforampbereptrylll all OlBcelllmiddotBt NI04UOUJIIH BuUdinga-80utl

VWII luC18-We IIOtice In cltoulalloD September at tho liouae ~ex 10 be POll Oftlet aotllmen~ ~ p4lIIeIIIOl1 prhllePl occanIag Wtll 0lil01 ot Piua Oruada NIIragliL 1- religious riotsmiddot prillted In Bpanlab al balf1 1 oeiocIt VIaltlbg brethreD are Itamp- IIIIdv b18 dtlllree Puilellilr U8Dllon plId tomiddot clalma plnt $hll sent olll 10 thl oOllnlpound1 hJ the Ammcn telllalllilmiddotlted to _euit Art Tbe appllln Cot fide WIder the 1m Qo_t 4 ClIAS CALLABAN W II and aecomhrtleiof tbladecree abaIl eatabIItla 1IlI IOD TABOB t

~SocIelY septenl~er_a18~ If six _tha occupation beIbte tbe lUdie of lIIe OWEN Durn I GUII4lI4 amppi I laGs


Flreamp 1__ of tbe Deparunent In which Ihe land hlllltuated after baylngduy notified lb So- lIelto eI Hacienda of the tbDe ltbleb he will Ipply1O the lU~IM a eertl6cale of Ibe aettJigt ment and occupaJOI herein rIIIulNd Tbe notice 10 Ibe Sollollobullbullall be giell ill writl~g teD day_ W the ppllctliop for eertilcae 10 tho JudgeofllraI_De

Art II The DeCrPl of Nof 2ad 18611 wi o( IIareb t9th 1868 are refoked 8d lnulled al ways hoevll illtouamp prejudice 10 Illy rlghta beretofore acquired nnder tbem

Art S Conlmuuleawd 10 whom It bullbullbull concern GIenlli lthuad tlllalith day of Sept 1866

Wit W ALKgaTo Ibe Hlnlster of State ID $he DeparlJllenl of Goshy

vernmenamp Don Fermin Flller B1 lIperor order tla i commllllieampkid for our

Informllen and proper aclioll bull hallla Hlol~ler 01 State


Departmenl of Stale and interior Relatloot Granada Sept H 1856

Slr-Tbe SlIprome Executive Yoer haa been pJeDied 10 dictate the Illowog deeree The President 01 tlle RepubUIgt of Nic1JIII in VIrshy

lue of bls authority DECREIS

Arllcle I The lIag of the Republic ball eOllaiat of three slripes Lhe middle whita IIIId he other blue the middle Blripo shall be ice tbe widtb oethe 0111 8tripes ud In tbe ceIIlre of It ampball ha I red aLar with ave poIn

Art t Communicated to whom It mI concern GiTeII In GfIIIIe4a this 11 th da1 of Sept 1866

WHo WALKFR To the )(Inlater et Sampate 10 tbe DeplflDeo of

Qoveromen Doll Fermin Ferrer 11 poo ordor Ihlli I forwarded to )00 lb

your Ioformallon lDdproper actioD IlIabullbulla HilllatenfSampale bull PubJle llale

C THOHAS Rpound1 amp 00 1 DOIOTlLI 00N ADUD 00

~ bullBY fIme of bull writ orfMe IampoIu 10 me dJrected ballI~ the Ibo e~~tull IDd tll pubull tb jU~f~ reIIdt~~t~ 1Iel1the aame the courtobo_ door III GIIII ~ Sllurday Ibe wbullbullUetll da ot September1~t telYe e cleekmerldlau

lJampcIendaCOIIIDlGD knoIflluthe Baolellda Sulidad altlllted Ibout nine mU _t~ or San lmIIz~~J~1a dopbneDbullltllll the IIIlpnlYCgt menta t_lItlllted eonllilllol of tbree bouiea


278 EL NICAHABYENBEVoll No 46 p 21 Sabado 20 de Septlembre de 1856 Saturday September 20 185

I ~

JRogen Wouudedto be proud of Ihe COUIIIg lIe might 1 exoea EXEOUTION OF JENNINGS ESTlllL ItCaP Will Ionofdarillif dlplaYed hy thle _II alld undlclpllnad ~ lmiddotJititfaguf nSf Dan Flowery Atli oclock PM 00 tbo Qvenlni ofFridlJ tilpany BYeI) man In It ma) be oalled hGrO (or Liellt Crowel~ Illth Inst 2d Lieu Jennlogll Eslelle auft~oo Ibebull I no man gaye an) Indication orr_ IhrougbonHhe Lieu Musgrave extreme peDalty oftbo 1111 by beinl bOI olli th

To mako the nature of the IackclcM II may Saturday lIIlorninc Sept 20 whole fttlr Erumua Norton II

Pl for the murder of 2d LleKt Ghamprlllll GorlIonOhulIIaher W A swfer MWllclan In tbe guard hou90 in tbo city or Granada ~hiltTHE FI(JHT AT SAN JAOINTO bu weltoetato thaUofront ofthelacpbouse Pt Dawes acting amplI ollice ohhe guard iwblch wu _eIlIUy bllrricaded there If~ an open SergtanL Simpson

Estelle had been p~cvJouly arreated foubOOliltg cannening 10 the Nicaragcan Army ubder Ihe

About two weeka ago party of thlrt Amorlmiddot apace or neatly quarter or mile In 18IIglh 10 L De Sbleldi William II SlOne Thumu Jildl1lrdll aiid was whoo be coMmbted LIeut Q1III1

front otlt and that III ootering tIll clearauce It the unforlunate act for whicb he sutrered dealh command of Col leDonald atlacked alld droYe Wal 801111amp1) for tho yolunteel to peII by the

Major Cal ONeal ptiloDcr confined to bit quarlers Ho bad ~ fnlrbehilld dPJlr barricades a large number of rebels aide or a wood In auch II maoner tbat ~e enemy Alfred Jone8 umberlog lfiO or perhaps mora In the encounmiddot could couot every mao pf their Plrty lnd that and ilnpart1al trial and the gentlemen wllo ~ ia tor oot American waa killed and several wOllllded there I no apot III that a(IaQ which ko bou

Lieu- Artbur OConner Capt Watkins judgment upon blm gavo him overy opporl~il1 -- Haynes (SurYe)or)When the news of the occurrence rtaohed this does 11M command Xl mllst 1110 bo unlmtood to eal4bllsh adefellce hul in thiB lie ulterly f~dO Lo Ro The deed lIal COMmitted witbout an provoea oncit SWoIl feeling manifested 1lf among the lbat 1I-1Y tbe eutlro distance to tbe Iarp houlO Alyon Adlll1s

citi_ Ind aoldlera to venge tb death or their Ia up an 811C01I1 wbich gave the defend or It or without aDt aggranting circums-noe U Will

countrymen and both omeera and aoldlera I-I adota oyer a plIrly that would greatly O Dougherty -Brady eenlenctd to be hUlli but tho comwande Inmiddot L Jobnson chief caued It to bo 60 far~itlgated lUI to qu1ed Gen Walker to be allowed to volunteer OlllOtlmbar middotthem It n~ Dot thereforomiddotbo itashy J U01d

him to be abotand fonn a part for Ibis purpose AI tbe Gene- ted that a party of about mlyaye men ~eftr Jock BOlweil raI wouloJ not COIIsent to aUow anT of tbe efficclll Judloloual arraDsed lIltaolted It undor 0gte1-1 dsshy J VIlSOD There lUI a lnr~o copeourso s-tbered Ilillt or IOldllll attached to regiments to go lie cili- adlllllampge 0 While nllll the c~eClllion ~lole walked witb II 1ampn Heeter atep bl Ultl sKlb 6Orcye d latharor Iho cb bIi lila OY bo he bad no control volunteered By tbo lido of tbe large house nda 121111

A loberlll wbo prayed itb him aud lor 111m from tbe guardto the Illllllber or fort1-tWQ to Iighl the rebels cant building which WI also fortilied and full of snoel RIlMeI ujl~ thei own reapeo8lbllity Somo men were mll an In tho rear of IIIOM two bobullbull 18 houao to the plac of execution I

Native boy-orderly to Dr R9ton Dr anton

When he lrrived at the pot wher be wI taIao raised III 1ohssaa end Tipltapa making In aaother hoUle hieil lfaa also defemled b II large Henry Ealllon breathe hll 1881 he requested that hia bnd~al1 ilxtyy men forco III the IaUer building wu a large umbar --ltlaborne might bo utied as he wisbed to ddreas ItheTIt nn tolunteered at Granada tlartod from of honea with the necOSIary equipment tor a Wm Cassidy h about oclock Friday eYeaing 18th inaL companl or two of la~cOlamp crowd ThIs reljller belllg graDte9 he apokp insmel KeDnedy

H MeCftrty a firm unfaltering voico 111 hia epeech bo atedIIld paaallt througb Bossay were joined by the Lieuamp Robert lilligan who wae alpoilled to Capt Rider the Corgivo1tW1 of the ollicora and soldiers ofIhevolunlecraolthllt olty They arrived at Tip lead tile cbarge1ed hiaforees up to a pick fence Sergeant Ruma Nlcalllgllan army Voicee 18$pouded from thotapa stuny morning At tbl point Ibe expedl blllbtood at the comer large ho_ an Major Arkalltl_ Roekcnuck

crowd II God Corglve YOll Dr Dickton 118 Col H1)o~ald refUsed u b did oot kllow In tbe Nlcaragua1 arm7-led tho force hleh bo llou lV1I IlIty to Cl)me to a promaturo coaclution olTiD ONeal-who II the yOllngelt lloldmccr

-- Spinll8r Q II D 1f_ll Wblle 10 ptleoo he I1roto tile following IIdd~c Oberokee lIruntosh wldeh be requested to have published them to the tolunteOrs to paH the rlcr oommided to tbe VOl) froll of tho mall eAbO H C Cookbull

llh01l~ aDrdet to that effect from Gen Walter h_ llelllrYlllg tholr lire until the7 gilt ltltlll GRANADA Sept 101b 1806 Thla obJ~tlon wu overcome b lome person linton paces hi ilion poured In 8 nurderous

(apt llarah Thse illl tile dyitl~ dechrRlioM of nlng

Estelle I was born In Malllh~U Tenneille in Ib W Jones

uggeatlnlbat Lleul Col Byron Colbullbullboulu be vollev-a linglo ropelltlon of which oitllt lllllod IM 188S alld 11611 raised from my 10rKney In requetod lo yolurteer i~b tbem and take tbe or wounded evel) man III It A Foteas VEIIICIIl III N1ClRAQU -At no Hinds coullty lIi8tsampippi I sted to Clifor commanq Col Col did Dot biong to tho regu Capt Watkin leading II tblrd division eharged great diewee from tho elty of Gralleduro lIl1alll nia 111 Ulit Ontbe road I hd difficultYtltb lar line ~t waa Asaiatant Qeartermater Gen_l stralih 10 tron or tho large hOllle Hereached a elll5te of tile moat beautiful and fertile Islands a man of the namo of BOlYard ond 8hot himJ r

ailerraJltlltotR nftn oCthe name ofBays blthIn thla ~aebe yolunteercd 118 a private bu$ WIll wlthh twenty pacea or II heo he fell fOunded it II poaalble to eODceie The) Yal) from a few wound did not happ911 to proy fAlal UI Ih immedJ qlccted Captain of the comp~n Wlthaloud toice ho ordered bill men to lIP ou_ squlro yards to lOevel1ll aqUAre 01108 in BUpollshy same year I had 0 dlllleuly l1ilh Chatles Ito ill

BIron Colo tbu~ WIllng Ihe reaponalbilltt of command tbey obeyed wltb alaenty cl1 extent BeYlId tbese nd oopaMtod from SOil tillbullbulltabbed Ilinl la tbryn placea 111 I two dWeultiea while In CiliIIi middotoeeu alloading the ~ell became ~ uaranlee to Col He- Bot tiler Is no U8e cb4rging dobo walI tbe tllem by 0 drep navigable channel Blnnda the the SlaIu priaon where I hld b~eo emplovtll forDonald Ib~ ~ wu All right tbe olunlen mou Were failing 10 leI) tatt that before meny Jorge Island of Zapota1O wboao bold headland an~ the 100 Io yeara After ICtlinlt III lii IlSI rape I came 10 1iltgtllllgu nud HI~ot Tho w

nnell or Sao JAcinto where tbe rebela 6gt tfJoR tomiddot carty their woundod off tho Ileld In gate the lake ZapellllO IB In Ill wester extremmiddot took up their Ime of march Thor arrtIWIl~ the minulel clapeed there were lIot enough oftbo plII- Irregular surface aerve as a lllld to 1111 who naymiddot

Edwards i I lltI Itla bo~ Charlc GordOl i must Sly thaI in all my difficultie8 I wtS no 0 tatatloned about II ocloclc Sunday morning the Ihe mtttilno aU the leadell of the two other I~y IICOOped out 80 118 to fonn an almost circular In mv right mind Twico I htwe beel lorgt II

14th Inet and halted a few mOments III order t9 eomp had fall~n either kllld or wounded hay and tho sbore of tbe mainland opposite b~Imiddot and bop) 10 bo forginll for tbem aU I th nk IlflDge a plan of allack _~_ ________ e~lptOIfbullbull1 who ~Itboutll wounded b tho arm ing 4 deOl curve an abJloet circular bay is formed thero b God In huyen tht ill Qnd

The Ban Jactnto rancho Ii naturally well ad_pf donlin_d with tho (eroclty of a tiger OghUn of e~e1milllll In diameter 8 lecuMly sbeltered gj~Q And ho kno and I Imow thaI il ad n pllcr bullOBoe uu - ~ l ra Of II dIS by blgbllnde5 to makltl tho 911gllte8 sklft lio aemiddot I tllt killed Oherlo Gordon It was

d my CIIlZ) mind thnt did iI I 11amp lUIcieutiou which commlUldo ali tho ground In ila 10 to do whllo ~~e~r-~lIl1~ eurlI upon Ita SlIflllce Ien IIlien-atotmSlllay bo lIot In IIllright Inlnd then I did lb deed fillvicinity In a large corralatanda a hollSO whleb au_ ~- - lullng luto flll1 the moro c~poeed paris of Ike God koows It Forgi me ofticerslInd acid r

haa b~n IItted up In such a manner tbat III Inside Whou thore 118 no looger any poaslbillt) of Nicaragua and I can die hapP7 Inan I donl rite ht beeallB I think tbat I ought not to die I Inre Becute agaluat muekel or rl8e shots while COIItlndlng aueceafullylIlnatauch extraordinary TbolOutheaAtern part onbls bay i4 alao ellterd think till my tbllo haa como and that justlct IIthrough mallpertum In the thlok IYalJil troops odoli lIhtlng II the enemy re In Buch weiJ b a ellanne of deep water wblch divide tbe been clone me llellow 8OIdlorll remeolbor 11 IAI

illampld of it can lbe Into aU parta of the eonal fol1i8ed poaitlona tho America beg4ll to retreat IOUthestern 8stremll of Zapntero from the hAl brmght DIe 10 this death-fOil all know The corral itself II surrounded by a strong fence Prtyowt to this b01fIer a body of lAncCN maililand The elellDtr ampD Carlot b already wellul do Ify hUluble prayer Is tht I ml

forgilfn JENNINGS EST8Ll wbleb it 18 nee_y to Beale before any material were dered maklng a clroult In the wooda colored th bay dcacribed by the lut mentioned Hisllildy ampII 600n OS Ure was exliaol waildam ean be done by In auolllllg part1 On with the evldellt Inteotion of completely aurronnd chaDnel and aacertalned t~al the water Is of 8Ummiddot

ill a fIOed coffin and decently in~bull tod IMir IY from Tipltapa the loluutem heard th 1111 them andcuttlllg 011 their relreaL Thlt mon cient depth to alford IIeCIIre anchorage tor Teaaola bullthe already relatively large force of the enemy they were wablo to cart Into effoot and tbe The nonhern part of the bayla bounded by tbe Cvlloos-A aa1l1to Will Ared In bonor (gtfhad been the day previous BlreDllthned by an Americans lot oil tbo Ileld In tolerable good 01 cluster known 118 the II Thousand lillUlUS each

addition of two hundred men but Ihia In no wltt der Tbo lancers seeing thie wrecked their Yell OUe of which to our mind Ii In a ahort time d(lj new leg 011 lut lIondJlY The IIrOJO froID tbo eanllons moutgtabated tblr ardor aud the plJIn of allok 110 geanoe llpeo the dud bodlea wbich Ihey roulld tined 10 be fun of hOUle torea Clnd commercial formtjlluto a beautifulmade and b7 Ihllllltiog their Iaooes Into thoee AmerlCftI~ ware-roomll lIId whoro YOSIIelS of conSiderable ton bull

Upiln II couaull11liou it 11amp8 deemed db to wbo were already 80 near deat ft8 to m_ke tbelr nag can mOe Iro~ one depot to another with ~nto the air cn~ form the compauj Into three divisions each to be leadonb1 offieera chOlonfromamonll tbeltlaolvCII BjrOn Colo wat tben elected ColoDel alld Wiley llarab second ill command Robert Mi1IIgu WIS elected to lead tbe 61111 company to make tho ehage-out CIIlhla 19 ero killed wouoded and mlaalnl 1l1lJ Col ONeill was eaosen to leacl the second and Capt WatklM of M_ ChI) third eonlpany Wben all th_ alflDgemenl8 hid been completed the companlos eparated to ~tack the place a three dilFoten poluta

In commencing thua one ~artl1 got In adQllce of the ~elS wbu wel8 obltged to make aomc what of a detour and although eO~8ting of 011 tWtllt)-twO me~ i14 attack tn8 amp0 vlgoroUII that It succeeded In driving tho enemy baolt and 811011 tdler tile other CODlptmlu camo upon Ihc soone of action the Igor of tho _ult droyo tbo enQ~) from tbe eorralillto tho house I1ere tho pau) or the numher CII the _lIanta became IllallifeuIII bull to thelt di_duntoge Tere were not III C1cnt t bold the place ner It ~as a~en and tho 1ere obliged to lII1 baoltbagalO bC~lDdhtbalfence r Ih -raJ Tbl left t e enllllY n t e r ormer

~ c_ POSItlOU

lbo IIgbting (ontluuod In tbo corrlll and wben the AlIleritlllM retired behind hs woll I~ became _t-ldm ~ the Ilmber that ha elm killed Of wounded hat it would be Injudieioul to rtneW Ibe ftttatk A retroat was Olderod and -~~t Ilte band fell back Ilpon Tlpltapa

tlP gshyy Amerlcall In Nicaragua nnd In fact ey r -

J -triun in an pllfta of the world bbullbull reuoll

romoyallmpOSlllble 1D0re ease than tile olt-earla 11011 uoed In GraDada It attained We might gogt on and dlaeant UpOIl tlto CO mole fom 0118 sitee to another On thlcity of up~n bull

oftb_ 81thlhlllllllicolly bravo ml)D bllt thOu II thooaand Islands pure cool water will be always wa thomselfllll as they must appear to th d convenient and It would be Imp08Jlble for Impllrlshyspeak more eIoquentlylD their pralso t~77 tl or Inrectiool to exi In Ita vicinity Here ea- C

01l1 power to do It relcta more credit II ~bll Ulle will oocllpy the placo of stree and light 01 Amerioan l1amt thllll conld be done by andlll~ lIIrylike ple_te boats will suporcedo Iloraet wbi atY ylolory And If 110 mlatake not It will do Hore Instead of a WAllatreet 110 m have a RI CA more to COIlviDce the ellemywbllt sort ofl1lco the II1to I hore will be - and hoal~ sellon and s- ted ra beye to deal wltb than 1I8)tlling tbat bu mIl liolltu In tbelr gondoloa 81ngmg love songs In ~llteal transpired In thle country 1 tbe It-rllght and here 11111 b9 tho moat plellSing odlOt8

Appended to thll Is tile uame of ever mAli combination of bealtb convenloMc and bUIULy ill cutod ho 1l1li to our knowledge eJigagod In IIIghL IIny ~11 upon bidl beallo evoraholle preeed~d lbore may b9 tome one or lllo 1D0re wbaee Hame LlOKClI-The schoonel Pearl was Iuncleu chased him we conld not loarn but we ball be happy at anv 11l11terdllY (lrIday) fOleneon lrom the place 1I01U plaza BeCOI time to 0I1I0l their aamcaln the list of glerv W~ the wharf wbere be waa ulldcrgolqg repairs 11110 lIela lIappeoei silo give the killed wounded nlllllllllilng ~ lIear- tIe elemellt other futurG ulefullleM She iato 11 u we eould bullcurtniD bo commanded by Capt Hardy who has -altetly

Col Byron C-ole made a trip or Iwo In her Tho late modol ofhe 11fty --all Klled Peru II beoD OIllA-- alA d I I v~ bull0 An 8le 8 OwWIUi_ It Drinker aamp lDue looking craft as Bails 011 auy (Jeval ~~ ~tlk n merlean Wltora ~be bas UCell repaired byhlv __ Sberm~ II Ing placed In bar anolY bottom UampII 1I00riJI and 00rII0~ d k dH ~l OullwlI II II uew ec a altered from a frelgla boa Into a H l6 I comfortable palItIeDgor crnft We und_Ind that ~Jlaquofj l~IIOU (killed going up) II ahe win make regular trips botwcon Uraida St 1 _ Dc~11 G~olIlId Vlrgla _ ---~ - Lleut Hutehlll Chaa Calhlhan to Klat SlC J BAli lgtRL Nollrll-W a loam fror Thomu E H LaW Ing F Fisher thaI there aro eight Britlsbcam 11Ilr R Wheaton II Y-m at ampn Juan del Norte and ~bl toce areUtut JIllItIll[ 1 In dmiddot J ~_ $t~ WOlllded 100 to oae one Italian mo~ant vessel -- Vl1UfO E Uolopl W I-I It 000 n_bullone tOQ Stale) and CO yooe be

-~ _On~g 10 tilWOgua

painful to lDen A ale DC American the houae aud led ill th I k

C 00 er on 11110 dura _____

HORSU-PolllOna who h the viclully of S~ George or H

wltb tho power of JI) ing tbrou wltchOJl on II brOOIU-stirk will by providing tboullelC~ rltb av

~l~ Ir ~

p___ H h bull a ~11l _middot011 bullbull ftl til the

Departlllont bull--__- ~- shy

J4uruCItGaCII_Thiij edifice wllicl) ill do underllolng rcptlM mA) bo diltiogulsLef by1 very white color frolll flll olher buildings III ar am at R dietante oheY~raJ 1111011 Il p n$tt COIning lip lhe WEe


jtLNICABABlfENSEVOll No 47 p3 Sabado27 de Sepllembre de 1856 SaturdaySeptember 271856 2BS

er~ middot=wepon =again pla~~ OIh~d- T~OJTriijONNEW-YORK VOLUNTEiiiis PEEPS ABOUT TOIVN optaln made a deaperato eftort to dlaeharge 118

lly Tlull BalL oonlents-aiJed-handed it to me-It wa u dry bull -- bull 11ft a powder 110m In a feOOlld I eollid _ that

nevor eomplam~d In Ill) ~ifo Drlk~ are not the Optaln began to turn diUte pall1bleb atood ~p to cI)mplaln ~ltbOlgll the sometmes 8ufter close to Mm) wbile I preaerTed 1111 eqnanllllltyin 1IIIjIe~ IUch ~cght of It1Ju~U~ wOlld nl~C the ampplit of conciliation The weapon _ again Ih 1lea of ol~hnary pe8ons ISO with 11ldlgnAII~n loaded 10 tho vcry mllZ2le and pneed in the bands Dljring ~ Ibo~t absence fOn 0 ranadll my enelmeB or IiUl opiltln ~hose runds wel$ becoming IlatICO killed nlC (on paper) Ht up (inl)po) very unsteady Ihnt he VIIS IIMblo to taka prcpor III ctlll epI)h llIollneog my dc~th fter nlm And welO It not tIAI I seized tho Instrllment ~a IIIII IIndemiddotg~no till this I VlM 4~41 COIl$glled of dostructlon amI wrenched II from bls hand$ bo 10 he firm of] luto amp Co-hbcled rght ampldo up would hlfO pOllred tho cOlltents of It Into his ~b earo I~om the effects of a eliot ampom a prln- bull ~


I k N I h A I I breast With lUI energy Inplled by tllO liopo ofaI B ~ 100lng abullbullo ~ ow WId II ve 0 bull b godON

If 101 to undorstand thnt Drleke bclolllll ~o the pl~oud and gloriouR tnum[lh I agnlo disc IIrlIe blue strlpea Vltb a rod tiv~ pnilltod atll~ tho eOI~tellls or the pockot pistol (nlld travelllllg in ke cenror on white glmiddotOU -I) aod his 1I10ttO s nefCO say ~ie All greal 1lI01l Ita0 their ou

c~ and of COll1l6 Dlicks hIlS I is And utlhollh I J b J d II deg1fflUlcm IIIRy nlG cen p aye lllon 0 110

p lid T)ora ill Nicargll or PIcn uIgt0nL Ih blrp of a Uousnd strlhgs-phits of the JURI

td perfect he is willinllo appORt at the Fitt I~~ce or at tho In8tanco of nny of his friends

liiake lllIrmalioll that lio nevoI diltld durlng wholo eOllrso ofllid eventful IIrii

unfortunate repordvas spread by tlH)

~fl4in with wlom I ho lately bad a quarrel ~e hope tbat he wouldbjberlt alllhe properly cit I ha1I 80 carefully colleete1 during mylay In PIe lIepublie Ind wltIltt consists of one CAmp itl1 two tgtox~ of matches lind the bottle III

i ~h IfQ Iept our stock of nguardlente I lIa9 l f h h I I

01110 t e city w on my en umn amptors hegan to middotlIp tho 101 loll wllioll has been 110 eagerly II noeltl nut OliO awallow does nOI malte II

~ n01 although sevel1 8w41101l ortbla cockta1

8 brollghL on tho WItor of my dlscOtltOllt l all this happened becauae Illy trnducera neg-

I to 8eason tho tail thoy ao Induatrlonsly

i oe cd out tetho pllblc WhenI returned I could ~ middot 1uraue the COUrIIQ open t0fenofhonor nor a l~ul1luc filr bofol8 ~ caught It Ihit upon n

unately I bit It ro than I did h1m

~ tl

oldti depr ve

Ii( not

n lent to bring the Captltun Jusllco but unmiddot 80 hord tlllnt l huurod myself

An idea then struck me t i ought 10 mil him out bui II struck so bard

r It r IlIC 0 t ~ p(Welll 0 8pcce~-I

thlllefore mil hlO out A friendmdmiddot I) do It fo~ me but ail lOon all he t quarlera of 1n1 one~) he found he

-Ekhnly do tho thing hy balvea lIlI Ihe Captain

defiance with such force at his head 118 to for moment Now m) friend is Bueh a

trump-wben be knows hos rigM hos

compamon) Into the procllC spol I antell It to IOtlg~~ H tho fourth rOllnd the Opblln was unshynblo to come 10 tln~ a1 the aftIIr WIIB Amicably Ilrl~jUlgud by the frlenda of both IInltlo biking II Abot al ftlOund At each oiler Tho ltlAptnln thon pologtd to nneka and ~rlek8Apologhlld to tbe Oilplnin and b3~ npologlZol to IlvllIybody and o~eribodj apologzed to each other nd all oxmiddot dProBBdel tllelr firm convielion that Brlcke Is not

en yet

A FltUlER Boy In Dren fountyIve tlsea for a wifo Ho says

He wants to knOw ifalte can milk And make his IreallUld butler

Anti go 10 meculIg without elk To ok a 111011 and lutter k Ii fl Id IIlIe ltIii 0 10 nOlf I t WOII urt fer Itollds 10 tnk up IIllteheaj 0 tile bultou on ble ahlrt

rckuke a pall of~reeohea

AlInn-An ble bodied portIIln to bold my Wre~ tougue shu lUd I bolD unable to keep b atlll c___________ __________s

OFFICIAL __bull__bull__bullbullbull____bullbull___bull__ ________ DECREE OF IItID GOYEBmshy

----====~____11~_~ rl~lt~~ ~~er~~t

lIere IUO 1 large um~er of ailUftis belonging 10lta buw~r or at least-Ibat when proceedingr t II eourse 110 cannot be taken aback lind reo t1i wng a little he thrcw lin Insinuation In tho

of tbe Captain wltlch I am cretlihlylnformod IIi - 1 r II In h f 11 80ven 0 I m~ rs to 8ny no ~ng 0 Ihe number of teeth wllich II mote or leBB inJured nerstherage ofmy friend weDt beJondnJlbounrs

il mlllht hllTG cOlltlnued to trlvellQ Ihl~ day middot I I h I td t h bull Th ~ t nb bull 11 bull cou no cross I II ravlIle e~Ca btll losl all centrol of his temper and was

lged 10 call tho oftlcer of tllo guard Ilnd Il file loWle 10 foroll lamp inlo 1 tte of subottlinntlon

b I I h Stat t N fI I us 08 10 teo 0 ICalamp~1 orever

7 both u length cme to I resolullon which a great effort tI~v succeeded in moving II ~they ndoavoured to CIIrry II but tailed

b til t k d bull d t d d d y ot en 00 a etermllH 8 an till Ishy- equally belwoen tbem rellred from tho Bold hW lIot eUled wondedng at the efforts my

had mild In m) boble and exprcrsing my

Inllll vlulIl 1 note WAB put Into m~ hanltl Captain reqllostmg me to meet hlln 1m at tllo Veil known houle of Te_

Ilero prompt aettlelllcnts usually bike tl_ A I h d bull ltl ltlt t th1 8 a ICV~ rOlve My ere I a e tlllment and did not tilerofOl8 owo any11+8 I COllented The Oaplain bad arrived heshyaIgt me r coltld 110ft much rAtll aud foil pimshy bi r II hi d b bullPOI 8 ace W IC COllY nce met III be IlIIUt 8Omotlllng Of course tbe calm dlgnlt) of countenance proved to the Captni al once I~t I wsa liP to slllllf bull ~llriekl tt s~ the O~ptain with lite voice of

Y en nxcarl Brick choOlllt your 1V0apolla Pocket pistals act0B8 middottbe table said I conmiddotttof a victory

h d 1 I h d I I e lYeapons wero pro IIce( IV tout e ayshy1011ed lip rOI~ tllo IIrst ~hot-~be Captain won and

~k 6u~h 1I swig a coolnced me It was going to ho1lO ClII) tight lie banded me tho WcnpOIl

middott bull~fOIIS tho lable-he knew holY BrIcks could 11e ftetlU1Md nol to dlSllppomlhim llnd aavlIgely middot med Its ecolell to the fOr bottORl~ Truo gil is olwa) respected and I could see a 1 kle of adrnl Allon III the C t bull p 1m s eye

1IelOtd old ski 11M IIlIid the oplllln 1I1IIS C hgrwlcd tho landlord ftS the rtal

~ -~


Departmcnt of Stata and Interior Relation Grannda Sept~ 23 18Ge

SIr-Tho Supreme EX4IIgtIItlve POWIl1 hu boen pleae~ to dietata through lhe )Ilnillter of War the f1lIowmg DOOIee _ ~ ~ lmiddot~~h~t of lne Roplbllc of Nlc4rngtlllio ita

Wishing 10 rciieve the people from fNlah exaoshytiOIlS of holllOS for tho 1130 Ollho AllOY Alld talring Into consideration Iht In VlIIiOO8 parta of the RI public uwoll In tito p_loll oflndiritlU8ls

IIl1l Govcrnlllei IU Vlrtlle of IllS authorltv bull DECREES

Article 1 bullbull11 horses and mules belonging to tho Republic IU be delivered to tho (hulDlllent for the use of Ibo Ann1 througb the Profects8l1bPreflletB anll Alcaldes ofbo IOIIpecUyO 10WIIS witltin fifteen day from tho publication of tltls decree

Art 2 AllY plll1lOn who ahall bave In hie poeshysesslon1 0hllo rumnls indicllicd in Arllellllelo and shall nelt deliver up the 811l11e within tbe aposhycifted time sball be Judged M II thiefal)d pwllsboo wltli all tho rigor of the Illw

AImiddott 8 Th~ Goycrllmell~ will proteel all Indl viduals who lIIali denounce the retalnera 01 idanimal alld will pUllhlb witll me Bamo Bevelll) thoae ho boln Inbrmod or tho unlllwrul PlSlll8shy


COMPANY A CIIlIILpoundI A WUTI_Captain )f r NADu-lilrat LimUolaoU

JAllU S Jl1ooamp-amp1I11 Liet_ 1 O bull Armalrong 26 James Morrow 2 lWbert Acher 27 B Y )fOOllllamp 3 Fred Abott 28 H )lcLord lIenr Adams 29 William )faMlng ~ Rlcbmoml Du 3fl Ury Mannint II fl BLI bull 31 Oharlea ProhUogton I ThOlllA8 1$11111 3~ Henry lW~man 8 F n Obrillty 88 William B11n 8 Mlcb COnRldllll 34 A Roth

10 181110 Clark 8~~ Tbemaa taW1llt II Rlchattl Doc 86 Jamea Smith 12 Ohbullbulllea Doul$herly 8i P Slumnon 13 A 8 Falrcluld 88 W G Turnor 14 John Fl~ld 80 00 Van HOllen lIS Thumna GilJ~on 101 Sergeaui 16 John HlI8kl 40 JalllesWlIlsb 17 John lel~llml 41 II W Vbeler 18 William rY1 ri 42 John Wel3h 2nd 19 Geor~e Jlmtled amprgeanl 20 William JckaoJl 43 JUlies Werrln 21 WlIIlim Xylor 44 Jalnea R cker 22 E~ R F LIIIoII 411 Patrick Everett 28 Samuel LOOI18rd 46 John Corcoran 24 John lIoon1 41 J F Taylor 3d 211 llellll )fowray Sergeant

CO)(P4NY B ClInt RUIIILIltWIcz-Caploill F L d bullbull__bull

bull lWlOM-lmiddotrbullbull Ltampf_uG V H ampmid L ltIt t bull OK ILL- M tMlI

I JOhn CoIln-lg 2( Jobn Ldnz i Oharea Wenzel 25 Oharl88 LupusII J_ph Soler 211 Philip )feye~

J4 Fran Nflier- lI1 Gharlo lloos8e1 II Ollllrlu KrauM 28 Auguslna )fullet G Jollil Axamp 29 CIIaS M~e1 Jom amprcr 80 B Marun 8 Edward Bibra 81 lWbt NowlllUn Igt Jolm BltIlIt 32 Cbarlll8 Pten

10 John JlIeta 83 Oball RoRIIeN 11 WUllalllFllesell S Etyard Rhein JII Theodore Fiek 86 J088(gtb Sohm18 Julllll Fnlllk 88 T Schrempllf

14 Uen1 F~ 81 OharleaScriba

11 Josepll Hoene 40 O G Staebbi 18 Oscar Hemil_b 41 JSchetlllUller 19 J Kuperr80bmld~ 42 Dion Straub 20 Leopold Klortbhe 48 Emile Seibt 21 Rdward Knndlg 44 O Ummorlio22 T Krcthenbaue 411 Ferd~ W(I8enbor 28 Artblll Hopper 411 Elward Wilke g

41 OuoWcher OO)fPANY 0

H1IIlll llvIlljIlLL-Oczplai A MoK P11I1iAK-Fir1 Li~ull4l1l WII NOllmslDoz-ampco1lll LkutlfllUlt

1 PalrlekButler II Thomu Brooke 3 c_ I D mue lOwn 4 1 Connelly Ii TIIOIlIIlI GarroU 6 William Oharles 1 (eo Garpenter8 D Cornlllllan 9 Edward Oorey

16 Edward IJlark 11 John Denllampm III Y OavidaonIII Dennis Elliott 14 Plttrick Evelamp 15 d Taner 16 R W Jlornud 11 Jolm Foote 18 Alfred GrRT III BeD Hardin

sioll of Rny RDlntal8 shall not cOlllllnmihl thu middot20 JantO llaynes bullbull010 to the proper authoritieM for the apprehen 21 J Uendersou sion oCtile offender 112 Charles Ghrels

AI1A ConlDlUllieated to whom It IDA1 concorn 23 David Jobnes Given in Granada Sepl 281856 OOMpANY D

WHo WAL1CER 4 bullbull

To Ibe Uinisamper onVt Gen Hawo llneda Iw8 F GIIANFir-CapalllBy suporior ord~r thl~ Is communicated to you A STIIULun- Ir LiltUtnallt~

for your information anti plOper aCIOIl lOtto Wooke 23 Heury POlice M luuiPA Minitor of W IU 11 Emilo Barrora 24 Wm Sommer

- - 11 RttD Schmidt 211 Dan SchrAde~-otite 4 p Blite 2amp John Viti IIO Bauman 27 It Conslgne

AII PERSONS buylog eJaime agnlnI UO estetes of tho (ollowlng named dacouetl per-

SOIlS will preaon illem 10 HIli dulYlIulltontiealoo on Of bef_the 28lh day ef Dltltl 18M otllerwlso lher will be ban-od by law


And all persona indohled to tlie estates of Ihe above deC_tid pencns willlllllke immediate pay m~nt to me

bull GILBERT TlTUS lublic Administrator

bull OriclIl4l DptlI1mellt Scptam~r 27 18M

Gralladn Ci~ R nblic of Nicarn a 1 p _~_____~__ _

Recorders Office 1IlE Office or the Recorder of Deed llorlgftges

kclol~ tbo Oliolltal Dcpftl~tmet of the Repllb lie will be opolled ill tie cll) (If Grlln4da on )fon doy tho 9th ofSptembor 18$6 All persona are Icquired by Decre$ tu hllve tbelr 111106 10 lauds In tbe aforoeaid Departu6lIt recorded llIlin Ix mouthB afier thllt date A~ OIL[I

Uecorder Cotlto Oriental DllpArtmellt Granado Sept 0 11160

___________middot_~-_middot_~~N __

9 H F Jemel 26 Edward CI 4 U Ki ~~ ~uoa ng2l James Lovelace liS James Jandretll 211 Patrick LarriplI 30 H F Miller31 lV G Martin 32 J W LoughUo 311 Wtn UcCarthy 34 Pat ODonnegan 3~ Tbomas Pldgeoo~6 William Rose 87 J A $mlth 88 Oharlea Smilh 39 Thos Wintore 40 Jolin Barnacle 41 Oscar Cromrol 42 J Lyster 43 D W Wilkin 4-1 J W AUSllu 46 D Cook46 Tbomll3 Fitzgerald

8 Jolin DUjDIIII 28 FrAncia OUU8fOno T R D(lbn 211 Phil DlIllllagnu 8 amp Darllf SO W P O)piand 11 Theodoro DiU III UOIIIIY IWICII

10 Henry Dalion 32 Phillip Leondra 11 Allton Gtlbbe tz 33 J08 lchuillIlan 1il r Grantz 114 Fred Dirkop 13 Tboo f1e~Rrell 311 JAmes Muller 14 8 1I1l1Ilbellll 311 W m G4IIOlly 16 Pierre lUtirre 117 John IJargell 16 Leup~ KrotolVslty 38 Jllllles FiunegAIIIi Robort Kempf 19 J J Schuylor 18 Jllle3 Jehlolld 40 Jamea Dale 19 lieu lIerteo 41 James lIall 20 CharlO lrelltz 42 -~ ONea21 lIenry 1aul80n 43 W MAgntc 22 G P_I 44 Pal J Rivers

------middotmiddotmiddot-middotPmiddot--b-Ii bull S I U t a eNOTIOE 19 bereby given th3~ I will Pl1)Ceed to

sell at l~m1C UOTIONIO Ihe hlghot bid let III tllO cIty of Sai Juan del Sur 011 the 10th day ofOcto~r no~t all tho properly belOllglftg to the estate of 8 Worden deceased The PIOpel~ty conslsla of ono house and several articles of POI 80nal properly J lRIEST

Amerlcnn Co~ul Sail Juan del SIlr amppt lIG 1861) Id

Lilt 01 Letter Remalnlllg In 1011 ORlee in Granada Sept 27 66

Alvares J M Ayula Houie A Drown Geo If Drinson J P

BOD8II1I Chilli D Brclay lieDr)

Dohlldl Mula 1 Bula DOli F Drown Geo

Berry E nlngoryno Benell D J

BOtdlllIll FA Bowlllan Wm

DllU Z J

Cole Sam (oopr Thomllll Clrlslophle )fouanlr CIk B II

Oasaaamp Sam R Clark Albert ClIlpbell Oapt CoI8lnan J T


Gapwell G W Conklin B K 08181100 Don Franciaco Cowley tat CovlIlllry John Carpentar Courlarde Don BernadoCooper John CabreraE Campen Cr Colman M W cwillo M Dick JaB Dulton II J Dyer P Il Donalds 0 II De Fltlfer J W Dickaon II Dunn ThoQl Donamplly W D Dobert) 1 Duall F )fDbullbullhon J J EisoUIck Pablo EV~II~ ED Fiaber Ju T 8 ) IlIg_rald JIB Irnulll J C II Faysaux C J Grahalll D It 2 Geilacb S Gliddoll JT Gregor G AGuenero R Ga9kiUM Gt~hlk C Goodlllan W H (IIbbb Gillllor Thomas Gilmore Stph 4 Gray A GaltlliealV Do G A HouJ W nume W viHagallP Hoes8T Itchingamp Wm J Hob BaaT narrle Ohs Hooker Clark Haley 11[

Jollnlton L Johnaton A JohnslOn It A JOlle lfeBC Knapp l F KlpOscotKllimph J E Ktlch John LiIIlBeld WD

)leKy)f n )fdlpio J W )forrie J W McMullen Jno A Mackie Rob Mims J It Berm JIlS )f Mendel T )UIIlI J R look Wm Morales Pedro 1IyrtbullJno Mlrlonl J J )fOOl Jrred Marlin Robl M_bH)fellow WmT 1Iyora EnriqueMosl01 T A Hundel D Moore J GP MoMauo H JMylord Juan Nag R8 Orosco J A Polioo Lon Luis PattaraOD LulaPlacloa Enriquez PoloinoDPownder John Pemberton TboaPemberton Thos PlckreagiU R W PowersEdw PanooOha Qulntal1l11 Rue Paul Rutb Jobn Ronalda O L Roux LRogg J ~ RuckerO II Sturges G A Smitb T B Sandera E J 2 SweeneYlJas WSchundera T [ Sherrin HugbSnyder Dr J n Schleulnger EllqSpann A SUIlVII J Swan Jno It Salford F G Shed Ob Sturtz Jacob TIIICSCIIIc H L II fowns Aa 0 Templo T amp-8 Towsle) D TrentiniO Y 2 Tompkin W A TogllAoca Te C II Uoler FM Vega Don 0 Watklntt Lewis D 2 Wlllialll8Oll WITWeeb It II White Wm Wllre Edw 2 Wbite 86m IWiIllanl8A V Wayne Geo W oight Thoa Wood NF Willson Jno J( 2 WaH A WilIiAlms A Y Wyn A Walllh JaIn

n~ P CRANE PostmasterGeneral

Dr lingu Post ENDERS HIS SERVICES to the citieua 1)(TGranada and vicinity In the practice of

MEDICINE SURCERY amp MIDWIFERY ar Olllee and reaidollloo on the 80ulbweu

COrtlr of the street oppallte the San ampancl$eo Conven~

Granada 18li6

Dalid ISIaug FFERS FOR SAIE at his placo San SebasO tIan Street 0110 1101110 above G~ Ph lle~

chors store Flour Wltlte-sugar Candles Uackerels Olivo

4fOIllaUcScldodrun Sebnapp bllttdlphia Ale and POImiddotte

Wille Olaypipes TERYS CUB

- ~ -- - -- ---------~-ilIJlX A TRODJlN



Togellier wilb l~rJ COPPElt JvnBUEEr~rJlO AnD ALl KtlC 0middot 600D BOrn IN 4 VJlOLpound9AU)flO~HopitAl 8tNlO~ III -ollt ofSanraoeisco OoIlUII

GranAda June 7 1860




fpound NICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 49 p 5 Sabado 11 de Octubre de 18561 Saturday October 11 1856 3Dl

W~T WE ARB STRIVING FOR ROMANaS OJ WAR THII BAY ISLAND8 AaaAL 01 mIlt raow 5bullbull-)( J -- Fella iii IellowfMWollfr Ind fe-lIow_llaquo qI

Th ra AI a pe-rlod In the ahOi t bn CIcntrlll To lbole ho b noylll been parllclpators In The 1Ihlll rollm aetlled on IiIe 0 nclt Eetrampef In ClIba h arrlyed at New YOft timo bAt Americana bave been In Nicaragua whea campalgo war appeaR to ba roll 01 hononl about wInch eo much dlplomaoy h betn lIpelld ~hm 8paIOlaft~endurinamp 100amp aeri ofpua tu) Irere brandcd b tbe porltanlc people of the Their 1II1ncit dwell pon bloody OCIlIlIletll ind ed between Ihe United Statea aad G_t Britela Ea~~ 0 pUIr oIlt year ampnot

I - r- pItOIIIId I bull a IIHbute~) s little blllter thn the brlgandl oC the Bolmiddot on 01 _illig a1ft14 before til wbta do ool Hem dIOIIIl4 to IIIbIuIl to w lat eo -oel Ill Fells who bad beea i__ kolo P ropetiu mlddil IM or tho bUeMlI tb-t inmiddot tbeir thouamphta dwell apoll thlife of a lOIalr III Tentioll collcluded betw_ Mr nu IDJ Lord prleon ror a lonl tlrae wlib blm lID ~ IIImlshyrleq the COlltS oC Contral America daring ita traetioo irom sa ogo to half-eivUlzcd liCe Sollie wcre even bold enough 10 denounce U8 plrato and lao who wad 110 higher or more ennobling lurplea Ihall to rolS tho woak alld to oppreaa IhbIa ho could nol rcain our poer Why Ihey rho~ think 80110 (Quid not dcvlse for theycte~ publlshedtlleir roGSons with tbelr oplolonl They ~(lIgttulnlr did raquooUao any tbiog In tho nctlona f ~lnelmiddotlcan In Illb countr to jll8t1r lIucb an

I e bull don Thty seemed to overlook the eWllI tm ~at we having rccched our earliesl training utr Iho manlier of tilemsclTes Aroso to manmiddot 1uood~dQr tbo purifying InftllencC8 Of tbo sAone itOi alld hving instilled Into U3 Itom tllo lint 4bullbullm ~r our petClptionl the sreat principles o hlc call rcpu~UCllllism could nol do olberwlo

tban 1 turtAln tbe dellpeat r6gard8 for tllo broadut UbtI~ ff the Indlldud 1~6n Valker In bls Inaugural addrw

lY Ule IIIIIlOllt liberty of speech patiblo Iti~b order IIlId good sov

i 0 ~~h~fun~I ofnil polillcal bull I e cling 118 r u JlOI

IbIe Ie materlll deTelopnlcnt of th~ State J ballIO unmindful oflllllntellelaquoIIIII and motu reo ~Qltellellts To prolIIote the proper eduOitioll of Ihe p~ole and to oneollrage thenlln tho praet1cee or t04t Diflno flIlJllon wheh COlllltltbita hlIIIlla

~ or lIlIid~rn elvllbailoll eb1I be the objecl of prl-IMt) ~mportalco1I Ib~ Ito tile prillciplea wblch IIOt ollly JUld

th clUet ftliaR bll b I IIbh d dOPUL~J 0 1111 f c uaiwlC narlgallel h l1 po til 0 Amer cana nce ell ar VI In

do dollntry Tbe woret enemy toour poace and

Ih~lv J1XI dcanlmlla NlcAlquala but tbe genius of

olliam reduced down to practice We

lit ~ tbrougb the pme Impulse Of IDetllletfliat pela the Engllsb to push their colonlea to dIG remotest COrlllltf of th eArtb and iblt loduees 1M Amerieep ia tbe United States to I ould r 101

bull IU aad his rifle aDd penetrate tblt deptb oC the _ Illd ope~ an wlld__ Into the broad rllgbt of clvlftzatlon W bullbullre her bringing - L U oh tl 1401 f lit e _ago arta a~ t y Jllry 0 our famplhtre nd Ibe balloloboll of our brother and we are lIere fulfilling fot tbe first time 1118111vloo prophae1- Wbolo oitionslllmil be cooferted In ON ~1

W~bout hesItation or etaggcration we can eamp

6tt 0 are Ihe ollly ractfeal mlulonariolll of the pepelliince th day orst raul oSt Patrick IIId w_ hue ~lready done more fo~ tbe caUie of

lit don la Oenlral Amerllta than aU the preach IDC at liu been done lIere Ince the da1 of~ Et

bllll Nicaragua has already received from IlII 611Cb puth onwDrd ldlf ery 0110

ifill ere to leaveOmorro Itwould be1on1l L__ Ilate Ie tho Spanish retrograding tendency

ItIIId rng hor bkCk ioto th eocial politbal and IIOIA1 arkn from wbleh we hLe reBcuoi her

1IH1P Snoonu-A reglll corps of sharp ~ baa beoo orgaIlized in eacb hallaHon The 11M lIIavQmrll la eYery compau are selected IJId diell armed with a llonle muskei B this ~IIenl II body Is organizod who may bOIe-W~ to kill a mn 1I one tbollAnd yarde tllre8 II fill offlv~

(I BORNlnYS COllluIID-On Tuosda Jt t bull y bull

tH Vgin btOUih~ up f om Si (iJorgc the entire IOIIIUI~lId under Brig Gen O C 110rll8by making II addition to Ibo garrleon or 160 mell

~ lIIl ()~luBl-Tbi stealller arricd in San

JdIi 01 lur 011 W cdnesda S1le will remain at

I bull

01 t until tbe Pauenlllllamp arrive b1 tbe next lui r from Ne Yorkf11 $I SIIIgtOTINII-For the Ias~ tbroo daye the

ItI sertlee Bllt war wllbaU III dlIipeeabie Clarendon Afler a 101I1Iym8nt of th Bog 8l11rollndln ami 11 Hults ofteo tillia open 110 rule whlel INII 01111 eoaured jU811e but a Ul the pathway to more eoJoyment tbao can oc- hlol4 ohaCety they ho DO Idea of belog traMshycur11i Ibo doll round of a 1_ active liCe The lerted to the tender mercies InJ IIICOIIIpotent aumiddot plrll wbloll nrlse when b~lIe boata Ire about to lbodl 01 tbe nge Guardiola They bout engageln combat u properly evbed 1I11amp11lb oc- righ for th only prospeot 01 amp ohlUlp III Ibelr (ion arill and In ita ste-d the ruea of iltoatloilborthowonJC UndertheruleolHonshyfrlerubhlp and tbe bappleat of ROOd felloyenhip I lultlvled It is bllt nllIral that where II14II) men Ara mutually depOlldent upon the plowcas and bravery of each OIlier II Irong allllI of brothershyhopd 8110uld bind Ib~m In thlt tho Nicaraguan Army bosond aU othor allord bull the beat ll8tIllce of

_ bull - bullbull- II Friend no rbullbullt Ol1I Whoso doublemiddotbosoms seem to wear one beart Whuse ~jUI-s wbOl6 bedl 10_ meals and

exel CI80Are 1111 logoll18r whove tllln u twm In 100 lnupaable

Tho Flnl Rifte Bttellon ot Iho Arm Ie tba (lldot and on thle llecount appear to claim the right of setdng all example to their equally brave compllllioniof other batUion1 of tb Joillt of II

bull bull soldier lifo Being oflleered by men WilD Un told their forlunesal ibeIr IIIItlv hom Bearing their birthrightl proudly on thel b To IIIl1ke a hazard oIae foriunel h r IIC I r ore n briebull a braYer cltoleo 01 dauDtlebullbull _plrlts~~ft~u~~i~~degti~e


trut pldloeophera lId lIIeD of 1IIIdonJtandlng turn the preacnt to the beat adlIntap

When Itll undentood Ib tiltmiddot r IL ~ hmiddot bull I t 1- I Imiddotere 0

q e1n cOlIllgtry canna po 10 0 II e nmiddot Nortll Yere mareblal toward thlt capllal th ~ In wblch Americans here have eo rar forgot- Fint 111801 were ordered from their qurte U teft thp01aelv aa to eommlt any act w~lch would an dyaneeguard of the Nlcanguan Amy 1t8ec~upon Ile hlgb elate of clvllillltion of their Thev enCAmped at the J lteba Ch reb

d b th dmiddot OIl I t h bull II on w ~ ~ 0 lUI c bullbullbull men II Ollie outlklrta 0 11M elt1 rortlloI~I the polladimiddotma han been bore a there are and urrDulllllng Illeit pmeol pOeItlon I Id

- boo In ever CODIDlunily individllala 10 - gruay Th IccInllea for lancln III the Iocallt tjjly organized to allow thel pollllon to g 1

re too lIeat to _pe the 1tItchful ea of ~hlOr tbtlr bettlll Judgemeat But tbe tbe B16e11 and their hammock were _reel

on eplllirYllItn III ilriDltlliiCH alld ~ 11111019 up Tbey are too gallaut to keep to themlety AlllercAiIa bave treated tbe natin of tb iaeounlrJ eo much h1oyDlOOt Inltatiou re Immedt I k L v bull

~ ~ magnanimity Dot nown among ona ately lltued to the ladl ami pAtIomell of Ora IIld aa weUa to their brother 01lc8

Adance on tho greeD by moonllgb wOIIld bull A hi If _amp

temp n ooy mle e no lIot A1 thereCore 1I1Ih what a1aerlly the IlIvitltlon met wltb compliance

Befot tho moon badfaMy apread her hom bull

lIgure were rUdillg rapldllO And fre and ladlOll on boreoba~k belln to -mye The dear era turea looked In lb parllal gloom l1li1 pf moat bewltoblo beau wblcb altronwer IIhl If u1

thing augmented

__ Nlghl Shows tars and women la a fair IIgbi

rett Dancing waa Of cbulll Ihe order of the lIinht

I - _Aad when

lfumcrOl6 WIlli Ita yoluptuouuwollampn e~ea looked lue to YII8 which epoke apln And al went merr1 u marriAge bell

Dallclng with II Its lellirableneea does ltayeI r --t b II dbmiddotat I 11108 a 8 Ii Oll lUI IIg ten Olley ut we

Rille aro the IlIlIt III tlll wOld to rorget the nomiddot eeultlei of the Inner man In II eommodlollll toom at a eonv~nlent distance from where the dancers danced II board was ead ltll a prolll sian 01 viande and wboo beVtnl$eII wore reshyqUlred tlOJIIe Iere furnished lIIcll exhilirated but did not Intoxmte

001 Eo J~ere lind Lieut Col F Atldereon controlled the entertainment so 1111 aotl eo pleaalllgl) tiift were il IIOt they are alroad Imowno ellcel In the inillwy profeulun alld It bmiddotb lib tiel - Ih t

aYO O W I r 1110 cam an or thelllselee in the Temple)f Fame 1ft would be Inclined to adyl them to devoto tbemselves to Ing or aD entlreli dUfcrent and 1_ edIIf~ rol$ nalure Bul the plelUure wo enjoyed Is somowhat mingled wiLh 1 regret for thoeo Who

t ~ d tl I bCOU IIG en1 1 alice on 10 green If It II ellvlnblc felow whOle good fortune II I to Iotcd Ihe First RlRt Battalion

---------- Ll01EII-The laily of )111 Potier 01 tho Ordmiddot

dllma they will not only be lubJected to tho peUy tTrano) oCa bQlrmiddotbreed Indian J8IIoulOf their IU

periorilJlod pprehendy oetbelr power bullhybull

wlU be excmp Itom lnythlogllke proteCtion from ~ht ronp thai IIronger pow 1111 lee II~ to plol108 upon theXl In their IlIdlldu tapieIYFoelln(~1 their dQoadvantallOf thy Very MIumiddot bullbullU1 obJcel to 1111 amalgamation with th goy- tollty 9111he tid ~rlirrh lut M~rF~Ulm mellt of lItindllrU The followlllg extfaol flOlll a dlatetYleIkud went to Glb la from hloli cormpoodent oCtbo Now York Ifld dated al PaceUhe t paeaag~ O LtveIOOI d thence to

lilted 8htos amYmg Boston in thetea Ruatan AlIgl8t 19 will Fbow 1I0w the people hlp Nlapn on the 8th or lUlllt lut )lr Felli ~ere Iook Up80 the Coolfentloo and ho tbey II a cllifin of Ihis couatry 1IlIkcl) to act In the ueat lbo troty rallfied )lr FIIIII no ill thia city enPlled IS the wltbollt alty COIIIIIIItltiOa with ibeluclilimente Go1lmment lrantor

A reporamp having IJI~ em Ruatall tbat the Bn -------- shydab governlllent w gOIng to deli IiIe eoIony A HOlllItla-80111e gentleDlen were amlllinof the Bay Ulandl to their orlKlnal ~ (the Ihemaelrel yeate-d afteraooll b III tIii State of HondlllV) It ha caUted eonaiderable es- alii to t at dlatenc Y 00 g at

ciltment and the Prealdenlof 1M Leglaladve AI- II a on e frolll the 0 sembi called a It neral meetlogofthe InhablWttl wharf ampad aucceeded III _dlllg bullet Ibro11 for the purpoee of pelillolllo ber lIaJ~y 011 tho the IIrUa 0( one Th monster _II pye Ill the lIIUecl uuamp 11 bullthe~ allUmtnllll ~ at thlt men- - III 11 ed on tbe hore IiIII tawlI1e

log wblob tootplaoun I oclock on tb 18lb Stlidwl~ ~bout nille feet IIId eYeD III death he 11I1i1llld proIul$ toally reeoIllllolI belng-d J ee appearance oIlelng a II ugly elYshylalllyllldlldualtellprelled I 1rDII1tenaa tomer TboeewbowLlhtoatudytheanuomof their IIlItlmelltl 011 theUlattlr AcoJorftpomiddot tberilterwlllfindblmaowllogoDlhebeadampt1eman boldlog a hlllh ofllce on the IaIorul doell red that he would DeYer conlen( to -01 lloa luaus WampOOIl-Wina 00 bae _I GOt shyboln _t to th Bdlilh soY--t tor It bad _ IIaIHt oPplClled Ih people too much ampad II uo I 11_ e~plWl waampon we JWnled and quite a gDftmlllOUI gaYe th up II~ _ wmln and ampy100IuII concern In tblg eoUllt) wh tIIere able to take III rmlto deCend themaeleII (rolll are nothing but - willi whe lIIade byllampwfni thelllYMIoo oCthe Hon~_ So oth oIIthe butte oIa trbullbull and punchlog holethrwgb followed III the tlwe wlrlike emdn which _0 th Ier r h to tbe taete of Ill 1_lIag 1111 liiio ~ bull ceo or t I ampIlemiddotwe It Ie oow rIged lip Chat the lurplllll reveoue ehOuld be dnoted to dI ampad the drinr duhe through tile elty In a purehMe ofarms d amm1ll1llooi ob 1IIId that amtocratlc mteor mildbull If Ihe were 101 lIeutral the HoadufOll would lea them III the q Ie~OI of the BIII lll4UZlIIL-We are Indebted 10 II the Nlearagum eml~Dte lIditr the _d publ1tb and aIao to Wine Co EllprtM fof

~~b-ped wllh hit lite 111 FeU~ andIfhIl~g hoe ~ ~thtrlO ober 1861 tenced 00 the 24th of )larch fo~olnw- 11 JeanJ ilnpriloomen Ceute and to enJure I~4 -ryelllllllce oC the poIiee Ille ellpiration ofthllt i~ pU1lllUlce of II I h b SpainOlitheJtofJ~neamp1I d~~eavfo~ 011 the 811amp orte memolllh On the 181h ~f JuloIIOI~ be w tlkell to Cdur wllere he ~t ~~~II ~e ~thmo( 1If1~ Fromdtllbe prilshy

rov ula an t rown Into tbe IlronJlbold called UMbo and itep COtl

t1nuallr In ehalna Iu th mlWllillle tho friellot ~~Mr ~eUAaIll tmUited Statu were not Iliac by~b~nQeo s f nOII~~ tmiddotrb~ jug_ted

lIec ofthelrfoll1 hubeen M~olllJ b their wunhe a ~d~l(eoa ampbe 1Ieen wu got O(ClellIlValker 1Ii~(lllampOPJh_fuIIooplbullbull Q(tllube nlblallIthlT lertIOIIIIfIt promen tblt State h lib bull I ~~pored ha hlbe mtla~~tf~ Colllow do -1YWi ~ lubecribe to HI1 ta -I and attac llIenl to _I oroWII can 10 -IV net bull Co

but 1amp had qwte III opposite e4eoI (or dI (8e11nS It that lhi tallallon tbat It ImpOllidIbr the _eIIt WIIIUk Ce-lIrHlnkle theactlOtDmodatlllg Of_I_oJllclllllU1gh~ltat beea ed Jufdlbey ~oIth aboYIl lbp has plllcedumiddotlnpc been pOllllllted to relllalll llldepedelt ampad lItIo - of our replar fll 01 Butern Md Pacillt lrat ootcolouized III dlreet viorauoll of IiIe Clay ncban We h ton and Bulwer tre17 II ope to elbe Exp bllllintfa

HallY suggeatlona were 01l8red bUI thllt 1I1ob thorougbly organized agaIa

Tho gIy bat ceqQeltisb rldingack and the ward of the pori 01 lrUxUIo and about tlleame tanWlzlng Impudence of th 0101111 wbleh 1 tllttlnee (rom the IIInd of ftllliall There8

11011 now abollllorlJ Germampllll IIIId AlllerI_ a worki IOmellmilli 01181 11 thade of uncertaint over tllllr tuch au their PIOBpeCB thai tbe have J(feD the Call facM rendered the IICeno one of Intense 11Ite- place the name of New California Iluan I

seemed lito tn08~fslbIe wla made by 011amp of Ihe rea1denta-Ibic~ In the event 01 tho colon belag e _ted by til British they thOliId aend to PrealdeDt Walkar aoeking Ilia rdlluce ud reshyqlltiUng him 10 aend a bod) oIlrDIIpI to prrleon the Iellnd for aD 1I0vemmell~ 11 betler than that orHOliduru

Emi lion I _11m III to th ne1 dllccrrned pld de altuf on tbe _t Honduras at bull river called Belfltte within thirty mU wealo

therelOre IikelJ to bo tho depot to lind fioolll the

bllru OJ RxcAl1ITs-Co1 E J ampcod bull ~ 41li

broughl down (rom California secnty reQRlCII which ltayO been moatly _ignad to Iholllral Buia Battalion The tillookcd like men of therlght stripe


)1011 REOIIVITamp-Col Jack Allell amvW 0 Ifood It wltb near 008 hlllldred recruits UIlshy

der Capt J B Graeo Bolbmiddot lt101middotAlleoantl cpi Of0011 hbullbullbull retumed 6-0lIl furlough

PBR80NlL-WeannOllnce 111 I h t f J V Fb I ure I

e IIrn 0 bull bull ens to Grallada aaer aD amp1gt Ullited States all 118 ncelln harbOfll 0 arm llen~e ofthree moolbs to tb Eatttmiddotrn Stites advlllltages for 8ucb II purpose nuelt baing p fecily 1e from north winds 111 tbe winler amp8011 List oC Letter------=-----=-

ColllKG SrSl1JIER-Th ateamer Teno_e na Remaining in the Post Office middotrccei-ed adnrliaed III New York to lellve ror San J_ del sinoo August 30 J856 Norte OIIlhe 6th or oampObar wlIlub would mako A d J J had t t T it n reAlIer v GIl a preseo OIl or w Irf8 Andolllon 110m I aufllolellt to IMIIe lhe trip and we -1 th_ Aharez DtD rore expect 111 arrivil about Thursday nut with Dlalr Oharl datal up to the 6tll 01 October It ia IIIpJlOled Brown Oeorge that the Onba III bo at 8m JIIAn del Sur in Ood~ Themu time take tho PuaenllerA by tho ~elt8s throh g~itJDon to (lallfornla Afler the Tllne tht Teunesaee ia Cottle Caellye regularl posted to I on the 14th Ihllll piol or_lg R R utwo atelllnera thlsmWthftom New York 8ioce Orowel~ John Ue above WAll written the Orlube arIed Sail Co~por Tbomu luandel Sur EflCkeoD cP

Ftlgerald 0 0 NJ(IAuGu GlIuM-Werecelved largo FitzenldGeorgobun II 01 ti If I DB C Flshe~ Bordamln c n~ 00 grapca om bull e fIIfIO apt Frank II

N N whlcn a~lbough ~ot jQlte equ~II1 fllI~r GOltel H to Ibe best ~bOIIIh are fur an uncultivated milt Gardne RP of good qualilYmiddot We have 1)11 been ofopllIon Cilnllll John that NlcaraguR would before all1 very dlalaDt diy lIaley )I

Leltl8ll Ourtil Lockwood E 0 )lullen J Vahon 0 lIlIIer D 0 lie ioigan J 0 Nag R B

Otllllaa J D ~Imer J p~MA

2 Piper ~1 bull SwaD J R

a S1OCUIII Cpt BRlall Jaoee

Trvllllj Chas lJ

2 Taylor A W rlgbt A w~A H West Lleui J S

be the flfet vine growing counlryln tbe orld-A lIagtl_ TampOIllIl Zarrl J 6 11I th III d ft f h abo Jorlrnan Wme p 01

not un e so an u~ 0 t e vo mOIl lIooed buncbrengthODll St~U Taeticbull

IbllHD PlPIlIUI-Womual apo1og1ae to llr THE GBNTLB~UN Who boTOwad ftOID Col Munt Cooper Nwpaper Ageus III San Fran Fahers ~r Ille ampoolld VoIulIIe of

Hert companlee III the two ~Ul8 oualiona lIanee Deparlmenl CII1IO to Or_la by tbe Jut cIIco rot 001 relUrolDg mlr thub-for tlta COIIIIan~ Scott 8 Tacllcs will ampICfllle retlltll II 10 CoIollel lave elaquojn CIIgtged III target 8lercuu Tho oootmiddot steamer and w happy to A oXfleeta 10 make and eOpiOli IIIppllee 01 1- pap wlarla 1fI111 III Ii~t U~iT~iR)(AK ~_~~~~~plI~e~~a ~llghly crodtablo tbls her fumo Iollle conllauu to rerei lila baa-Clemmiddot1t (obullE 8ecoD411l


bull bull

pound+ NICABAS[JENSa Vol 1 No 50 p 3 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October lB 1856 309

IruIrti~1 mu~il to urge them on but with ISA J(E US FROM OUR FB1ENDS 1 victory land defiance Btamped on their mud8~ned figures lind written on their ampvin~ bllnneri-lllf I tlien there WIIs a eIIout went up rrom the anenat that was eohf)e~l from the old prochi~ churoh and rolledori and grev heuier nt the GUllrdshyhousea shuut that carried hope IIlId new lifo llri te1rful joy to the hearts of our flmil~s nnd friends but such terrOI to tho cr Ivon enelny that they could not fly and ~ II IIlIlUY of them in the pitfall they hi ug thmsolvel Ihore wero some who ampld it and at first knew not its mean ng-trhlllds who were cut (1ft and Iring n their hOll8ell In momentary ex

~on of the 118sasine knc But as Gen fNlllker and hu boy~ drew near the plpza alld saw stili floatmg (rom the

i1agStft ill Its centre tbe devieBlo( free Nica I h Ii Id I h

U mo dr gUR- d n It~~ w t ndazth

1 lr ers t Ie re P inot JArs -11 U8 bull b h h mg natives men w 0 were onre t ellbOWltlta t NIClalua was ltlll safe the drum and fife struck up Ihe homely old IUneof Yankee DOl)dle and tbosewbn knewtDflt tbe meanin of Iho lIbou knew

bull bull g 1bel that IR other dl~s had led theIr falhe~ from vlotoy to victory

On year preVIOIIB ell tIlt very day the n ver tobu-forgottoll 13th of Octuber Jr Viillnm Walker entilred Granllda bull hi d b b Iill t u1t tlUifl an t IS WlUl IS com

If n gt

middottom g 4lir 4VENlOROUS PdRTY

bull f _ _ bullLale 011 the evening or Sunday tbe

12th aparty COIliamptillg or MlijOI Rogers Minis o- of aaclenda Col Thos F C dtllce ahe Qualmiddottermaater General apt lute lite Those were the traltols who JUAN OTTON DB OPPLBIf

I T Slm~ls of t~e Qllarlomast)rs _par~ came 1Il~0 Grannda with patllotlo eheera IUIhNlJ1UU mel)j 901_ Lam~ olle of Gen W~Iker 8 llpoll thou lips thllse were the mon who Tbe card one of line Brhltol board ud In-Aills] flUd an escolmiddott (If about Haeen Ran promised to81e the country-these welo di6ttcd much taaampe lillie Uecullon Hla pookol gets ~ltted from Muaya for be city r- Lire Illell who cl~tIed Ibe eVllngelism of beok 10101 amp3 oil ca hie _muloC ~n Grandll They had Dot IIdYaneed far whenI It

bull became eVident that IUjwould be

bulllanirOOs to proceed and Mal R~ers bullT

retutlea to acquaint the Gcneral of the

ct_ The remallldel of the puty enmiddot d h h B bull etm e 01 t e nlg t 8)10 monnngiller ~vere attlcked and Lhough they deshyfended themselves bl8vclyMd 811Meoood in cutthll thlir VIY through they were

I~rg partllls of th6 cllemY line Wllle thlr foro obliged to mllk very Clircuitous lOIItIis- Col Fisher witll hismiddot two com pan~ns Iilturned on lhnltltday mnrni

bull Th4t wero very milch ftl~Ued havmg

h Ii h t h _l ell ~ not lUg 10rn l c IIno t tly start irom MlIsnyn until thl) arrived nt Grll-IIId excolpt 01100 whero they hllpPned tpg~ W a small hut where thelo were bullineieen women and children aud onlyL

OflO mnnbull fhe Colonel placed tI guard 11 tb~ dour ttl prevent tile Igres~ of IIny i ilftllF natives lind thonprovliled SOIllUmiddot

~h1rqt to pal rr himsdlf lind men ~1 D1rlng tho woek lievernl others f thll

rt IIlThmiddoteel IhtY nrted CRllt Slim fmiddot -- lOis ael II they Imd soen bis hrse CII IItd him and supposed tbat ho hllli reshy

loClvd a semiddotolo wound But fortunately CoP~ SammilS himself arlivlld III the tity

thiS OfulIlg_ II hnt Dllt belu founded adEd cllron nllthillir faom tltt) tilll he

left 81 II IIntll be IIrrlved ho( romaliishy

Weare informed by InttrUlgen and loyal Democrats of tbis city the when tbe late attllek Wllll made upon Granada they gave up all hope for the olty Nlit knowing the character nf tho American people nlld helllvhig it Impo8lllhie amphat OliO hundred and fiay mfR and a portion of those Infirm eould contend IIUCle8tlfully agnlust the heavy odd coming down upun U8 from U qUllrter many of thuse eople ran away to the Inountalnll allIlln 80me easel we have heard of them being alaulthshytered In the woodllwhithlr they had gone rr safety When it is known that mallY of the eini~salies of these brutalities were flrmer rosidents of Granada it call_reeshyy be credited that even savages would

th bull bull b pursue IIlr paSOllons 60 ar lit DeVrshy

bull theless It is a truth thnt the mOIl cold blooded atrocities were performed on flee

noxt door Doi hbor There were but rew enga ed in t~68e horrid trn edlea for we

g tfi dl I th t it r I Ie JUN len say ng a ou 0 fI ppu amiddot tlOIl of fiCteen thou8and Granada did not furnish mllle thall three hundred men to the ranks of theallOmy and th~we three gellOucbed hundred wele only enemies becluse the Among die -1 o-ro -pu trom lIIe elle-A h d i t duced I t G ad m1 shOll at tbe Jaltoba wu Uebrf WalleN

merlcans a n r~ n 0 ran a wbon 8ft heuy-casod gold hUlidn walch bull plan of hvlng Without the It waB ampeod bampIIich would ollletlt bay --_bull bull UN_

unce the prlvdege of the II1111tar1 Umllllrs hlacroln ill bullf auk 11110 III wate IIDt in this city to raile the wind by the laY Ibe Ju snob A sbocIt gave hit tam he re-

most questionable meuulesoodll8 a mall oeed 110 InJUlf He hu already fonpe III four lor of cOUrie when II better governmllRt bampltlea IIIlder Oell Welker ud 1fU he was established under Gen Wlliker these kldng of ()ta1IIIdbullbull

titletl thieves found their OOOtlpation Kune One genU_a left 1IIoIIowlng card In on of r alld thllrewith the chaneeot IivlIl a ditiSo tbe ho_ III wbleh be cook UpA tempotll1 rtal

order-these were the men who loved ad by Carrera Oell WlIlker no hoIda die com 1181

Granada too well to see her in tho hoods m onbull of the prosent Oernment and ye live I During tIae aght 1fahYerIIaRCII were

Wht did they do 1 What wefO their hltea frOID the eny III III bandt ot bull peI1IOII

ld9111i In delr _ dI__ lie fir middotefteotl+ works t _ I

r_ bull d d b weaptllll amp t_ certatD 1 _III 10 u ofAlmmg mto town a~ mt 3Y Y II

fOloy upon their own OOllotr)lIIou they wllre 8uOil fed Thuir next move was ror a whi~key shop ahd at IIlghtsllt onemiddot

1IIIfllrtunately rcparated filtm each other~ fourth of the attacking force WII3 turlled Col Laln6 WIIS take1 pri~onol Col int the SlIme sut of drunken vagllbolldH

FIsh~r With wo ~lIgers 11Itlllncd to Ma tllll~ had been dllvon ltu~ of Grllnllda JU$t lIIya but dlscovermg th3t Gon Walkr one ytampf befhre Thelf Rltve iustlllctil Ilad ~turned to the 1iS$ldanOO of Grant- sull hoM Illa~tery although thly wlfllin da t~(ly also retracod their stops to this tiont of danger lind In the JlIth of dllty F~ On thcir wily they If ot sevcrnl At light had not a rge prtlon u r the

bull I foreign furee beell (lIItrllmed to ~nlaln ~ober our omall garrieoll might hn~ gobe ftlrthlInd tied up with 1(P=4 the lotlliflg raBnis who CUltle into thlgt cit to rodeembull ~It ~o orler and gOll( guernllltmt

B I bull f I II ddlit t lell X ~~m (I 01 IIr I nut

stop here Thofo ~hn did not gut drunk uud cover ui nibt reolmiddotted to robbery I

i ~ lind bllt rlilV tonslll 1)~(jII)lld urpillaged Every thing ~IInhllllf b ing calried IIwuy

fidelity IIf th 1ple of Hranada Tholl6 coi BpoundIIDIu In hlllpoti _ loIae wbolt or who laW them make voluntar) ufterlng of be olBennd men ohb Jlm RII BUalloD did refreshments to the exhausted soldier bel dn amplid I ould be mock 10 110 know how willing i wlltliono They blul gl one oller mON pNile til _dler fte7

)1 bullbull 6 l 1 w IIII Wlng to cri8 Ibelr U1f II~lie ro ut a mo every WI Umiddot lot die _ ftft IIPl1a eel wlt n the American gum could ~ro-teet them but or what WII It they gave with a willing hand

Such met8 18 these Ire worthy to he studied by the wrld at hlrge bull Those wh hllve slAndered UII wlthollt knowing of

bull what they wrote can weigh the avldenshyces ald thEII decidu 1Ip1O wholR tu CIIt tbll title of frieud and proteotor to the people (If Nillllrngua


- I the Amurlcan 1OIdI approached lbel1ishyampeha chllrb tbe bullel from tbo glllll of the ttl shy

- -kl 1liii Wert 1mg ID tI 1 t errery peI1IOII on h_back m-iDCIIbullbulllulg 10 the ground and Il behind ble horse for pro~1I oa W~r aIon malmiddot b- oM bull re _ 011 lIg ers 10 _ 1111 abou as much MfIfroid III If orderIagA boltllt of wiDe Ibr hie dlMer I ud Ie Dol until bewlarepcatodl)reqllnledtbonoolllblm 10 diamount that 1M did 110 He emed 10 be as regardl of Ih elleou of a Millie blIll If 1M ere plOOhplm lIIem ForlullateiJ be did IIOl

litlle_nt hey are but aPlnHv~of cleD18eI~-eiDdelencOI Grallldbullbull the bew and erro of lIIe Indllll of tIae Honb alld baylollg aiDae b8llll dfioarded by dltllIAampIona tbatcondllClaiUfIa aclenCllle _11111

The handle of lIIe 11111laquo ill about hIce III 1000g andlIllek u an ordlnar1 broolllmiddotbUdle I lance on llie end It an onl pleco or IroD or iteel )ot fuur Inclin In length alld abouhlliaob and a balf In its grlA breadlb In rlulng tbey CUp tho Itallll19 About Ita cenUO 111111 0110 band and Ita loer end r811111 UIlOII lIIoir rlghl foot Close 10 the bead or III Iallce lIOn_ bad II lillie red g aplit Is be ceo like A s bull allows tall

bull A raquo~lIOIIOIl UI) A ~IIiIIIU11C -A cit

~ w_ bnlvorl during lhelate detenco or tblS ell) was atllpl delllOMtfAled byltle inc of a 1rouodet __ 110 1 11_ or en Iny on hearillg one of t1i9 cia

-- 01lttpI wy Her verI ltgtJOll1re11t1rlcOO l Ibe

ur In die report of Ilurspcclaleorreaponlellt wa _ndull Capt middotDrew The propr resdiog or tbolllUD8bDeul

------- shy or Tbo followDC COPl of lelk wrlltell h] Jlbullbull DW1 H Wheeler III Agenlof tbe Amm can Bible Society at Grallllda 80ell18 coneidetl6 wben a WM writteu 1111108amp propbelc IL III bull 01 (lilt aIAYmentbull and iiI excite illucbaflllpamiddot 1~7 Cur bill aad end BII~ be blood ormatly ill I ~ eed of e~e Clturcb Gild In tbe plaoll or OlIOshyMulonat killed by ampbllllo ungts bundredtt ill yel pnrdllHbtir goodly calling bere In_ ritf

GRlIIpoundIgtA Oct 3middot186amp bullbull rdMAIY I took my book Imd ent AfonnJ aud on youe leIItgtIment )luny 811id Ibey bAd no IJIOIIllI and otIl 1d tile Quid pnrcb lte afler die eomIJa~ over WlOr loakil Or autenem111very doy rull lllree thodU~g ~

feDo nl1gbl be a riliemlln but biil credeD~l B(lIl1agood omcclil lid BOllle vor) gdOd aofim were atllered In dUlerenl IIChool from botek b hi_

nOWD y I lit name n lIll1Cky Tbe Ileamiddot raga rifleman urna bil reputation by ~I

Iyaltacklng kunu and 111101111 othor people WIts stUlllI II(J~ lUly fngtnl foe~ bllt nlike goods whll tile KellluckllUl hlil the honOi to be rmm fmlllds liHI pooril~t natives were bull terror to -Iaucb rucala foilllesklll wltb which

fltmlM tu givo lip tleir IMIIOY lind tholll bo drops them Ihe dlelIlOO of one o two bunshywhu had nOlle ill IUlIIe 034el vera lashed ilred 7arda m Do

lruIlkn Ioxes 111111 evelY othor plll~ 4111 II PnIIlCL-ThLI IOpeclmoa of IIIlUtarl wbore g)Ida ~lr valullbleol millht be hId OtIIIlnlly ~paoled blluoope 10 Mala aM

( was -a wllh III IDOIt advanced of tbe Jim Wble tmieJ l~pylUlVy Ind whell clotll Rlh Tho bowllie w his fJlvorito poIIIon

Cor J0811 Auu-Thll ollCllr w11I com~d of Ibe body of tIae Second Rl4ea wldllblor Ca In tIae repll of Ib La- IIItl1t1oeed b 0IIf

eorrespIIIIdeot md proYed Ill_If 10 be A bnlle man After Ibl tlIg_nl he wu ordred amp0 _ dIiot Capt Drea aud Capt Ore In 1b~lt pOIishyampion near Ib luge pm The oomblnllllon _ ceeded In Njtulalog tbo enem hferal amp1_ dillgtshying tbe _y

CoL JlcI1l10811-Thfs eBcleot olllcer prOTed bfmeel(1 y w1I orlhy of the pOlilion Ii~ OCCllplee U was al walCbflll amplid a1ait ready 10 aUllnd 10 hI dUly Dis car for bia wounded men is well otlhl of nOII08 As soon ali II w ueertalaed lbe enemy wet driven oul of ()ran~da be Immedlaley dlapalcbed olle ofthe Compaat ullder ble oommand 10 bring IDilie ounded or hi Baltall-m lrom die _ne of l1Ie con8Ic4 at lIIe Jalwbe

Our tibullbull-From lIIe iDablllty of 011 man to - 1M whle of amp bald Ibe report of Oot

Speclal Oomepondellt Illat be DeeeuiampriI1 1ItJ defectT~ It apP8llMII lIla Capl Oreen of die tiecond RllIu 1Od Capt Dreal of die ampeolld lllranky 10 IlIMaIIl hi ~aDced poeilkn dUpug tbe dd7 and acled rery brnely Llell Henry T She wndOO In lIIe Deck liDe latmiddot Inll In be defmce ot (ble POIOI Sherman baaDOI been ablll 10 peak Iinco b reeelyed $lie ItooUad h II lIolllkalylo pro fallll

OUI 0R119~-Tble gentleman obved In A

house -ya flIl of Lb OIllllY wlIIIhla IIW~ in bud at neb a npld u tllet bla OomJlllll1 could lIot keep pace lib biOI Col T ~ Fi 1~ fld Uue Pg _mpanlW him and bad Ibe bouee cleared of tIae enemy before sbe llIeD ~ rIed

TIIII PIli AlID flrll SWORD -We tali pl8ual-c

i _ L oJ bull of b It _L d n -og 11 e compollliN8 I e ngl emiddot parlmeot of EI Nlcanoguellleollee (oogbl brnely In deCellCO of our clly Thel~ IIIIIIU are ()buies E Caulley William Bucbllllan Froderlk Kapt amplid P A Yarrington lbey hollOO tb lhey llOuld make goud UIIG of Ibe ehootilog Iron II weU u llhootlng amptIek

OVII CoKbullbullIISUU1 BIIIWI-Lleul W B Butmiddottri LI J B W Ll

aut 0IfIl e~t 9amp Hawley11l1li- H O Wall A A Conllng and Capt W_ B Lyou bebaved -Iotly aud rendered ear-

D tils force GIGII f1lIkCf ClIo oppose 1~~ light109 men 109 ul middottth whllt he mMy Neel from Califoml a d NIIW York lIlldIII be 300 wenbull A~ preseD~1be Ollemr arlllllOngl forllllej al Mi sa ollly 12 nliles dl8loUll Gen Walker i8 pm ~arillg1O recuio Ibow alld tbere will b 1JODle dmiddot~ ilf8lRing bUlplbtlhAmrIC~dn8 feel very 00011middotell 0 IQCOOIL er 1 pru tlIoa would aft

dlellltcd hOlI [8ho~I have lelt helll on Ihe live of a baltle 8tleh aa I~ exd every hou blll1 came hen Ibere lIaamp nu eoumy lI~ar and lIone ex peCWI and my IYw-k I bre and llHllII 1111gt8 1D~lIywouhdad and dybg 10 caro for fun doeome good certainl Tru I IIampY be am~ tbe slIlu formiddotlII_ Ulen have Ib8II1e1led a wtU cf

iug could ntlt be mnde useful It Mis-torn IIIId ilia 00 Wera ailbrded OOIlIiderabiA __~ ~~~~tlll apllldl aU AlllelOllJlII and If lie F Ii Ii Y -- ViCtoriOWl ley ill du II tbey han ampampiii

to pec~~ 01 twenty olle ourll t I IIIflII allud lIIe din of I~ bllule at tbe manner If I should perlah do Ie beat you can fgtt my cnnlinued 11111 WII say it with nil cUlldor In which be ould jump at an l_gllI1 ellemy (amlly lOl lIIuy POOl alld will need all lila can h I bull n d b dI fI II Prin I middot-~oo I be alfordOO them Sltould the enemy coine IIlld

t l simp 0 IIIlt1ves Ill) roll1 It as uom a eI e ~un as ~e a reg M tack lIle ol~ I hall leavoloy boob posled and pe~Ii1mcc They ran Into the wouds jill tIInghll bylilll Firat RIOes mOlle ~d olrOOIa in the hand of Col Johllii

h I I I II A N I W Wbeeler Ih~ Amerlcllll Hinlle For 1eM0Ii1Crlpt mto cornelS 11 t lem8e vel n a Ill ou Ilf AII-OUr RallgCfuomeli_ need 1I0t lIaOe tho lJolted Slatea IIlg IfI Alford iug hhuut food bout fiva dllye cpt kind~ uf placcK alld trlm~bled Illtilmiddotthe 8ad lying In 1IIood In tho lloillity of the city voryliUlo proaCllOII to AmeriCAn chizeab

I Ili h 10meoChOuIampemalianandSanlWvadoiansnlmiddot y lruly DAVIDlfWBEEliEItSaIllnlS 1S jUltti n youn mnnJlnC lie of plnguo wall (rlvon Ollt OlIO II 0 II d Ih h I I I I Th J C BBIOUpoundN Cor Aner nbla So leIshy bull - t 1VtOtO~tel esoprl80oers8ampy bull ~ vC

1M r(lSt pron)lllmg offiool6 in tllO army tho eager -yoa that watlled tbe bull Jill Lbey were lhue tle1 bllbolr office In order 10 OA

Ho or dog t-that lho qUoOlion U IheThe rbull10 1I0W only fOllf of Iho fMlir~ tllh W f01II hen they hllRld that the Americans prevent tblllll 11II1IllIg 11114) In tho lISbe ello aid whGn he IRt do wn 10 n dish of (riod~_~~llSi~ _ ~re coming can bear IfItimlny to ~b~ I VerUT th~~~~~blltg new IIIder the lin IlASASCl


- ---------------T--shy312 EL NICABABUENSEVoll No 50 p 6 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 181Br6


Tile Battles of tbe 12th and 13th of Octflber 1800

We b bMIl permitted to make the toDowln

oslne IlIDut dI porta 0 tJle 01Boe1ll In commiddot IIWId at tbe Yarlo ttallOD The OOIlfuOIl an4 laquolei 10 our 01108 oe by the late ttaclt -Ind Ib vofortuawte acoldeD hlch bappened to Mr 1bor tb edllOlooble~ put I out or our

pow to arran the repone u under 1II0re fampYoshytabl GlroUlllltanoeB e lboulil have done Th balties of the wo day era 10 connected thI

it oad be dilleult to rate diem on paper anal pnlClIl all dI Illcld8Oll

The report of ColellelSandaralalb1l ofintereal 8Ild beua-out theltlatemellll of Ollt correepOl1dellt

L WIIO It would ppear followed the fortllDes or die folr Rift He Y

About 12 oclock on die t tdl they took dlelr positlOIl hi line and the command u Iyen to moYl fotward The llIen wer11I good Iplrillalld abOUi oclock aalgbt theyenoelDped In Ibe IUbshyurb of _ya Sbortlyafter lying down alkirshymlall took plaoe beteen Vol Karkhaana regiment oC lufallw7 dd a_liDg prll of the en Dll blob luted bUI a few morun Idlout anl eerio Mal Bewean- lIyllght and unrile on ~ba mornlo 0( th 111d1 tbe wliole army took dlelr pOIJUoIl for bottle die bowlll8l1la lrollamp eupporampshyed by dae Rile reldman Aler aneing but a fe y Capt Ifwarb of the Artillery wu orde ed b-eJom_nreMnCblefto dlrowlbelliDto aelllampll plaM aDd (Jumpd C comllluded by Capt D~ obll8ed and took -Ion of the oburch In die pi bullnd tbe wbule arlll7 _11 fullowd IIIId OOlDlIlaDder- or reglDlllntll received their In alruoilonafrol the Coml1IIidi~hlel An- furtloer operatlo The Sappert amplid IlIlIeN were ordered to CO 10 advance end pportod b the Rill out their W8ylnto tho main plua beteen two t ruonlng dlrotly thereto-tbe 8818 on the right IIlId 11 belDg prolected by Ibe ellem wllb btarrl ltlad _OIInOOll and sharpmiddotlboote Afer bariog cut ball wa through to the main plnla the bow iteera colDmandadby Clpt Swrtz and Lieut F roD eN ordmd to the IUppO-t oC the amplft_nd of hoee to pliant ollloera too lDucb pralB C8II II be awarded (or tbelr daring braver aDd cool neealn dlaeharge oC dIlr dut) HlllOry has Ilot e parallel The11 edaaucClllfulho-illto au adolHl bnlldlng here a large nllmb ofthe enem were ~lIllg MClurel1behind barrlcad Oathe Imoke cleariag away Company B oOIBlllanded b Capt LfIonard alld Company G cummndd b Capl ORepn with tMlr gallanl eoldlera took 10811 alon ot he building wbere they were charged upon twice by tbe eneml Gap I Ewballks took pollOi slOl1 ot Ibe eomer hOllSe on the- right The RiBes w thn wlthlll HventyJ e Yld of lhe mlln pIMa he the galInt aI and arren again came to dlelr _lltallce 1Iltiampl their guna Tlte ouemy we 10 largp forcu ImIDedlatel1 III thelr Croa~ abOlit thll time

Th Commndermiddotln-Chif haring recelvod Info uatllD_ bat Granadll w attacked blarge force and bellering lb a larg8 portion o( Ihe foroeI Muya had gODe toaid in taklllg Grallada wbere tbe mo~t of our ammunition was he ordered ra lreat froni our poertlou and bo~t 12 oclock at niSht~ 011 our rod baok to Granada A tar mamiddotohlDg all dlgbt Ihe glorious aUD of the 181b or October roae In beau and splendor-tbo annlmiddot vera1 o( the 68 taking 01 Granada When we got Into the outsklrte 01 the clly wo were reo~iyd Epote4 u the wero Ihey fOllgla thelr wy by heaY ftra ffOm the enml but WIth a about ond 7011 TO ruabed on the elly of Oranadn] wlalh WIUI asain Oil tbe 88me day takell by lIeneral Walker

Of the olleera and men compoeln the Rifles Ilae1 did their duty well and it wouhl be mocker1 to try and give one ofllcur more plllie thall another The were all willing to tIIlClilloe thoir Ilve8 If nece8 88r1 fur Ihe cause tlaey aro engaged In

Ab Jut 11 -oolook on tbo 121h a8 atate41 b1 our _

correspondent Col Allell wu ordered to 1Ilal a de~hment of lIanger agailUlt a body of Lanoer

bull gaged untIl thoy hlUl fought their way 10 a poaco

1be Bohllo of Illy cOlllln4nd AdYanoed and roo ceived the ll of tho tllelll) coolly _ returnillg I ith efect After 1 I volloy had beea Oltmiddot cbangod the enelllY lel the lOad and reliod aprrefttll IOed AlaJor C7C tboulCh Field OCmiddot Beer of Ihe Day ndvallod Ith Ind Bhowed be innrlably doe great cooln1 and 8rllllle~8

After the enemy rroator I retulnod 10 tbe 11 St SbuUan heu 1 reeely_od ordN to IUIlPort Capt Druus 2nd Iufuntry nlld Ilpt Gree of my oOlllmand wbt) WUN armly enmiddot ~laquoed near he main Plaza I fOllnd on lD) arrimiddot Va[ th~ OAP Dmiddotult ha1 one prlte kllud and CApt Greon severol wouuded We re 1l1~okelt1 In thb p~ I (runt ami lin Ihu In but ltlpulsud tbem ter1 tlmee (rom tbe latter position

1 OIInllot epeek In too high tllt1I11 of tho conduct of bMh ollleera and men ~ngaged ht8 they exmiddot bllJlted tbo ~fttest cuolu autl glllalltrf

4bout ~ 0 clock Gell lIorn811y wilh ono (Jom P~IJY of lsi I fontmiddoty Joilled us and hortly altol this wo received ordel8 Irom Yonr E~ceilellcy_ I fall back ou the PI St ScbnLlan whloh did ill he bOIL of orhr ImmeliaLcly nn (lur ftrmiddotivKl

amproo wb-o p-led uo bloh dlylded - -a amphrolog ID1u1f ltlIpt OoreLleuL Bramp LIeut TrIIpp nd ee en pri18I a1man hI admiddot - ance 0 t1ie en command uob he w noeIyed Ord811 to obarp tbe eaDnOD haYiDS1l0 oeeded In wblob and bluing lriag In die l I ordeved thelll forwft lIalor (Jaycee (bj er of Cilea DorDIby) renlalned at dlls pointwldl die bala_ or my Battalion to guard the dlalllountecl bowlSHr

From dlk place my IlIIail commacd advampIIced rapidly and turning to die len one street from die PIIISI IOraaed th comer baok of dI Lobe Slu

- OIl yt( ldI _tbe other u to ho Ibould do ampbemOlamp gooleervloe

W81ao take pleuu IOlIIaldng die folloiDg -

esrac frolll tbe olloW repor of Co Natzm~r I have tht hOllor to reporamp 011 the evenlug pre

aedlng die da1 of the battle In lIaya Kajor Ihl Mnbur Field OlBllJr of tle Day IIld capt Jlatzdorll a Odlcer of tbe Guard dlttinlluiohd tbem~eIY b the greaten figll bullbull oe actiYlt alld cll~i1wapoictlon

rlle Plaza of SI 8ehaeUan being taken ou Ihe eneulng morning and tbe 1 RIlle Battalloll and

wb w killed a numller 01 the ellemy Capt part of the 2nd IUlantry Battalion adfanoiDg till Bell who ooolopaued lia in thla obarge If ldllll two blooka of the eat plaza optaina woundid In the thlh

W then proeeeded under a hot Ire to the GUlrdboule wben lI~or Potter gaYa up bla comlllampnd to me We Bred a oanllon from this po lot twke hlto Your Excellellcya quarte and once Into Ihe bOURa ooa1lvled by Capt Morrla dID oharged tbe litter place our lIlen gallant11 Oamprrlog n Thls 8 Ibe I place I beIIe tblll onl1ll1 coupled -In dI cill

I ampIn happ to atate dI~t no cuuolU occurred In III Battalioll dUriD tblI battleshy

llauor Oaycee wlllPve OU bull IIparate aoooun of bla proceedlDgs wllh th ramalllJer of die Btlalmiddot Ion

Th colIInd of Col Allen wu dl lded near

the lalCeba ()burcb The ollowlng estract ampom the report made bt JI~r Caycu III vel) _grph-o and llaow dI _yln wblob the eDODIl wu ban died b_Ibll -Ilul olloer and bll men shy

e-In 08lllpllince with en order giyen b1 Brig

GID Koroah_ I led dI BUalIQII towarch t1i Grand PhJa until oppoelte th mlns of die Me clld ()bri wbloh point I reoel ed an order d1 to Ib north amplid dlslodse a porilon of tbe enem1 wbo were at tbe dme occuP71og the

Leonard Dreu Rnd Hreen dietingulhed tbemmiddot MI by rellUlrkablo braver and cour-se ilh beir (Jumpalli

Altbllugh th Artillery did not haTe all the eCmiddot Selelle1 elpectud I 1amp11110 but acquillt Your Exmiddot CiIIlellc1 or tbe moet courageous and cool mallner III wbich Capt 8chwartz Iud Lieu Frrand ola oharltt hl dude wbloh deeervet bill aud full credt

III dI attack OR Grallada 011 the 13th iost Your Ecellenc h bullbull leen Yery-wol~ that the gul lalltrY 01 he odlltllN and lolltller~ gellerllll 1ell (lbIng to he- wiahed fur alhougb regom di~middot cipllDe the cClmmandera oC Ibe reBpeotive Battal-Iona and Companies did nOl keep their lIlen lougb together but when our troop reached Iho pl having oooealon to vbtervu ever Ollemore rartioularly I baye to recounond to Your Eloelmiddot e1l07 Vapl Swingle of tbe OrdllallCO Depart-Dlent wbo bebl llatloned befolll tbe OUllrdmiddot bouee (ough agaanal die enem1 In Your toscelmiddot lellcyampIId illlCio ~plnoaal bousea

Lieu Col McIlltDeh and Major Duaenbur1 hkewile bebaved ver1 brveI1 111 two charge

We haTe boell kindly pellilltted to lIIake the

CoIIowlng extracl from Gen Frys report of the ali_immediately In dI rear or die bulldlog oooumiddot _def~nee 01 GrnadaCled by Ibe Surgeon GenmL Baying bullbullcc~ed At 1 oolock P M the alarm w give and the

11 eIOIIIng he I raet (dlough under a lIloet IIRImiddot ling ~re) len mluln lullead to accompllsb dI dlsodgement and then Indeed hegau the werk of dedI Ibe enelll111vlllgin nery direction rece Ing aaadl at the bnds of our unerring nIIemen Flodlng after at length Ihat 1II0re remained to opmiddot POle va I ordered a mreh at quick lime to the Plaza and arrived Jill u die I -oC Ibe -panic etrlckea 100 wera king In Ilgbl thu eatelshywhleh dlilr vaullted_ Ior could not eecure thom III regarc to die o~nducl 01 tho troope I mlllt MY to-Your ExClIlenc1 tbat neYer In m life have 1

enem leen advancing The gtUIiIOIl coneLstillg~f a colopany of ahoul 40 cILi~1I8 (ullder Ibe oommanD 01 KaJor Gillis) tho woundud alld COli teeo~nt In the hoepltal and 80me m11 oC -tb aialr corpa haviog been pvlouily Inmucted 00 oupled the rallge 01 buildings tellding alollS tite eoutb lId ealt IIdes 01 the pI froD tbe Qu trmr alld OUamplIoo Dparllllolll8 to tbo ilpital The gllna bad been plocoj sa followa One elghteell Ind ono ail pounder at tbe auutb eot curner of the piau olle nine pounder tbe QuardbOll8e and one is pounder at lb Hcashy

lIlen IIlllre cool or gallampll III their actions _pita dian dI BtUe parly whlcb I commanded Tbe enemx advanced In colomll along Ihe Itreet

Intbreport of die otlonl of the Seeond leading Intu the nonhwsI coroer 01 bo plaza Light Intimtr1 GoL lIelntoeh 18 and I ol8red tbe Dine pounder to b rUD forwaro

and directed aglllul dleo whicb PrltllnpamplI woulll be doing InJultlee to bull brave officer done ullder tbe di-ection 01 Llelll Crowell and

IIld I lIot here mention the nallle of capt Roberl Captin Hard At the lirat discharge wmob w EU of me Rangenl for tbe fearleA manner In followed y three heart) cheera for Gen Walker hloh he expoeed bimself to the el18ny bullflro

11 wu 800n dacoveted Ibal we wera III danl(er shyfrolll the_ hell tbrown from OUr hOWltzen wlilcb GaOled en order til be giYeIl for 01 to fall baok to the email pia Companies A B 0 and D of111 command wero then tallonedt dUrNnt polllloll nnd held al a reeene (Jum E under Cap J DraUK wa then dlrown ouI on tbe len to keep die nem) f~om making aa1 moYe on Col Sandell command whlcb WII nobly wOrklllg It wa1 thlough tbo O8ntlO ampftet leading to- t1ie grand piua U wu llfierwllrde reillforced b1 Capl Green of die 2d Rilltl ThlSe Iwo olleera d_ne great credit Cor the braver1 the dLlpla1ed

neariy to the n~rthtust earner of the P~ and beld dlelr pOlltlon nllder a hot S untIl the1 were calld oB JuS be d~rk 1 regrel to Inmiddot fOlln 11u Ih Lieu Henry T Sbellnampn of Com pany Eo wbullbullbulluyuly wounded hll 1ol1li1lnly s~condlng Ihe eltor of bl~ Caplaln CflllIplplOl A and B ampcamptd l1li piquet-gIlHrd durng Ihe Jay alld

froID be_goortlson Ihe enemy f1l bao_k d makhg a clrcult alfvanred UpOIl tbe Hopita whore they were beld ID check by die tire ofdie 8i pQuuder under Capt awligl whicb diilmoullted one of their glln td b1 the fOlO rallied by Mljor ONeil The then cowmeuced amp vlgoruus attack UpOIl our rear front the t and nuth Idoa of_ t a pla where they ere gallantly lUeL b the force along our whole line The contesl in tbe rear of _the GunrdhoUde WIUI partlculrly obsi nate and maintained 011 oUrBide by lomeliny lOen ullder tbe comlDllld of Cpl alnample uailampetl b1 captalna Lewll alld Piekellgill

Juring the night alld lullowing 1D0mlng the ellemYIIIeal attempll to attack 111 ill frent but WIlO drlvell bao by tile IIIe 01 Our artillery

Boa of tbe American Idies and children were placed In the Church and in the house of tbe AIDerican Mlnbter In the rour uC blch 1 posted Pi guaCl 01 IG naen under Lieut Micoll

lJoring tbe flgbt the enemy through desertr from Our drm) lIlade a propuaitioll to U4 10 aur

penoMned their duy to ny entire aatittfIlClioD ~t tendmiddot promising ua prutaction and atating tbat

TIe enel0Y YOI repulsed and the fullowlllg fron to pott will show how ho and hilt mo were en Before going furth I be ~epetfltlly ItJ ltat~

dark nay ~thun wa posted on tbe two mil a~retllmiddot~II1K lato the pi and ocoupled bull POll tlOII 111 wllluh te1 could do good aerYlee Ihrough tllu nlglat In 0amp8 tho enemy meditated auylhlNg 10 tM oampIII_e Thlla we rem311 uluillhe u dllr- nII10bed UI to PlIIIlI-to IUArcb fur Granada

tbat tl porton r Illy ballnboll ordered 10relOIoIII Iellve thlou~hot thu d1 expmiddot ed greal cage __ to ho lod antu aciiunalld ill theil omd _ Uctullllllg OIl btalinn Wllt pOlttd on the ex troill lell a1 whun lIenrillg Granada 6riog w dioUllctl laeard IMy lIle thoogh lIIuoh Jadod no~d whh gre bullbull alclmiddotity alld OI~oiCOIIod great eager_ 10 bemiddotth tir illlO olloD Their poslmiddot tioll ctlul1 not adIII r II Uld we hud no cballoe tu tok part hI Ibe cOlltcal at thu JIteba A SlOn ft8 amplla~ puillt 1 g~io~d however and sulflclent Ppcu lOade (or UII tn com~ up IYO imlllediately olaatged dowll tbe rltlad An order to halt alld eland filiI reoeigtd for tbe Plrpose of protectmiddot lug tho raar and waa promplly obeyed with tho cx~eltIon of VaplainR Ball amplid Grnta Op~lIies th07 advancing witb sucil siloed alld the 1Irg IV8S au lleallmillg thlt Ihey could 110t bellr the or der Qd 10 continue1 on_ in tbe General charge Thll1G two nlliccrs bohaved ell the furRIer WUI ounded whilat at tbe hClld of hlann Aa BOOn II~ the dKnger Irom Lhe r WIIS pa~sed I walor dCImiddot1i to dvAllee wih Companies A n 0 and E Ib$Irpolld6d to tho cnI wltb che came up well and did much execution W0 elltered the piau and chllrged the 0llelll1In dlKerent direc

uur army w defeated at AIy Tbe anawor IoU 10 about 01 de8Ion and doftlIlce and tho batshytIe conlillued until IQ oclock the fOllowing lUurn lig when IllYpeedily termiuated by the en tnllloe of tbe army UDder tbe Commandfrin Chief

Thua for 21 houra a force of tt least 900 oC the eReml WII repulsed by I thall ~ii meDln which oUlnbr wu Illoluded alUbo aick and da abld of tlao rIll1

Where dlere were 10 many Illstances of gal lantr d good conduct II i dilHoulto apelfy who were IDl)lt deaerYlng of coullnondatioln All nOlted la a lilt of offiera soldier dnd OitiZell8 who were conplcuous for gallalltry and good conduot Alao a Iitlol the casualties in my com mind alllounting to klilod alld 10 woulldod

The 1_ or tbe enemy l m unable to report acouratel from Iho filcl tbat dUIhl Iho night of


From n hOlOle I ent Immediately to dI 0 nance OJ8ce and tbere 01Hld Lleul V ~ Hiler on dut1 wldl wo 8ergeanla and lDeDi reporteathe pplOIIooh of the 8Den Ild save tholll aach ordera bullbull l dlought nec_ar1 alld thom etarled (I

Mlnllter Wheel8f to loelf1ll1 lamil1 bd ilri~ ulil and artl ed t the oorller of IhoPlaza nw the reBideDce of Mr Teller Ju In time toch$ek the harge boing made b1 tbe enelDY dun tbo alreet fouhe Playen8 by killing tbeleader who WII gallauil1 leadiog the charge much In adfancuf his men running alld ahouting

Al1 firat hul w with a Sharp carbine oDI1 ollndill_ 1111 ataggerlng hilll agClin the ItlUle aod tbell rolled bim Into tbe allmiddott with my air Ihootor 1 think thi4 w the liIIIt man kUled in Ibe city Mr Hugheeand MVMfll othera I8W thi lorlulIte check (it cOlDpletel) baiting thu cbarg illgparly) br whicb those working au lIiue -pounshyder OoUOOII welo enabled to 111amp it

I canllot Ipeak In pr~ge or commendation or the nine pounder callnon doriug the comlUence lIIent of the attaok-~wo or our own meu were very aeriuusly ounded by h The ch gon th lla wbullbull Ilbaudolled by the enem) theirl (OICO colloentrated and mado a yigorouutlbrt toenter the IInlll pia b1 tho quarters of the Oommndcr inmiddotChier There Ihe enem1 were gIlUOIly held I check by Capt Swlngl with the ix pouude can nOli _isted and cov~re1 b- maDY eilizeut-witb ri80 and mll8kecs eucouraged raquolId direCIeltl b) ()ep- Watkin The bra fteldillece broullM 10 ber b) tbe eDemy a a point waa -00- dil moulltad b1 -tho h y and wIQlrellllsillire of Vapl Swingle ldI tbe ais poun Hi~ 0001middot 11_ and brayery cannol he too Duch praied

Voncluding that the hOlpital and gulllClhouso would Iequire Ul Addillonal lupply of ommualtion I returned to the OnlllampnOO olliee on the_ wa~ crossing the bolY lire of the eneflly near the enshytrance w the headquarLel$ of tbe CoulRollderin Cbiet and deapatcgtb d two Dlen loafled wilb am mUllilioll Cor the horpital-olle of thelll ooly reich IlIg tbere the other SlOpping at Ibe gu~rdouae 111 tbe lIeantlme Lbe attack of tbu enero1 belng u 8trudg and vlgorou lind having nu cove frOD Which to bold IWd work Ihe eAlIlIon d thro bemiddot log 110 com nander 0 dlrec~ the mOYemcll1oll 0 Ib~ YieiDltl Capt Swingle wlthdrelY tbe ~ilt poundr to the oover of the gllardlouae Ollt Ii ocloc~ P AI Tholo In tbe hopllal reualud In It undemiddot the directloll 01 Oap- Wllklnl whor they gallaot I) deteuoed tholDl8l_os uutil Ihe reillfoCemenl with the UommandermiddotillmiddotOhiefarrivd Defore Ih wilhdrawal of tbe six pounder to Ihe guardmiddot ou~ Capt W i1klu8 wu very aotlve-In rallylOg t citmiddot liens to auist hI coveting the loadingllld orkshylug the 0111111011

AlII ooloek P M I crossed from the Ordmiddot nance oJ8ce 10 the cburcb alon~ (not IIndin any one at he 1D00aenl willing to croll the au lIh as much amlllunition u 1 could carri I twoO baveanokl aDd soon Ret arriving tbere w deshysired by Gell Fry lotako cOlDllland oftbe d ot the Iroul of tbe church -

From the commenoemenl of the attack t Ex preas WagOD III U88 b1 the Comllli_v I) part aunt had been atanding hi frollt of the Ifou call ed the Lone Star Alter heing desired tJiIt~ dbage 01 tbe dCenoe of Ihe ohurch 1 Id man (I regret th t 1 am no~ able to givG h- Ime) who by DIy ordera ctossed the plaza and roy the wagou to tbe Ordoanoe oilloe_ and loaded it with alUmwlilion bUI from some Cause ullk~on to me did 1101 return jth II The lYago~ w~ loaded in tront of the Ordnance olBc~ Ilear an hour-no one appearing to be wUling to rOIl itla It-wben a Mr allyn81 crolll frol I~e arhou80 and drove 1 ovo-a -bighly or dilashybl$ perlurnaauce Aler making a c~rvtul exaID Inltlon of the church Uld rmLles Olll1uecl~ tho foroe to defelld h ampe placed Mr J L lobshymOlld with men In ilhlllge of tbe part c~ll tbe ~Ouad House ita yard alld aJoining lI11llmilnll III the quarlers Ih tbe IeIIr of tha ehlll~h exl~ndshyillg to the atreet below Capt Kell1 j Mr otank lin tobert H Smitb aud tnlee ollleI werol Sla tioned in tbe tow~r at Ihe lIorthet er ~ele they were of essential service and their COl ducl ie highly cllmmelldabl~ Othera wemiddotu plO erly stationed in the yarils aDd aportmeuts belol Ing toald quartllnl _The cOlnDluuication 01 tho a VI mentiuned quartora ith the-cburcli WM~ tbr ugb II hole ill amp10 eplLtatillg wall

Nu regular attacit ollld UpOIl Ihechub or preDliaCt CODllllulicating cpt 10119 ~ttbt Comlllieellly DepalmiddottmonG can gh-e much illio ma_ tlon of tbUle III the ohuCb lUI he I thore nlil tbe end of tbe attack About 8 to oclocll r )1 Uapl Pickolalill came In 1i00I tho l(uirdh~UI wlh thu inform ion _ thot tbe rcrce tlocreTlYU sII that Capt Swingle IDuoh lIbgdd 10 ~ho dfnoe of tbe YIlrd in tbo NIlI of ho gJI houe with bomb ahells ualng thent II hall~gn_ lIadbullbull aud makiftl fRe 10 explude amplem Iro tbo artillery match rop 110 lind that 90lOe m

the 12th tboy dlrew a large number of bodie~ into mauding oHicer wu requhed there or the dlaco ella and other hiding places ud buried some Abou 160 botlica bavo been diacovered

EsTuOt paoli RSPollT OP MAl -ParrsR 011 Sunda1 12th Inat abgtut it otlock P M

standing on Iho oorner of the PII~ lIer the ofmiddot lice oC the Oldnance Department aaw a man mounted on a gral hono galloping paat Ihe Jat-Itlba churob followed directly ~ter by altlrae dozen or moro men upon Iho rUII Tll006 standing ncar mo thought It courier (rom MaHAY dirctly the RUPPOled cllurier Ieturned alld 001111 after callie back again wltb thirtror forty muunted mellplIssing

would be tRken aa tbe eDem1 wore lIlaking Igor IUS attacks on it 0111 aluos everr aid - I

I wllB theD dbected b1 Gen bull r1 to tako domshymRnd of tbe guardhouso whemiddoto 1 remained bnla tbe rival of Uol Allen on the 13th 11181iwho courleously accepted ot Illy Iequell tIelleyellDe 1 then lB~istod In tho U80 of tile aix [Iounde~ on tbo quarto lately occupied by CApt Morri ind In oharglng the enemy from thOle quamiddott-a opl W m Lewis gave vllluoblo _Ica in th~ de fenoe o( tho guadhoue bUI wai prevented fIOm IIreat aotivity by hlj ill heRlth lio ClIII give nluch mformoLiou 01 tbe conduct of tho lIIell Iuj dc

Capl Green will ordoro~ to _isl Col ~ndQIl tiOll with aucll imp~luolty that Lhe) were quick tile Jlteba ohurcb towArds Lhe northeosl of tho ulci_ ~o glumiddotdho~ac OhllS Richnrd80~ tv where- be romlllned un1 ordCI8 ora Itl~n _to -I) rouled _ttelinl 11 al directions clt Suapectillg that II 111 a PallY of Lancere 811011 8as18talloe as hiS 11 health would rftutTond coocentrampl~ Ill the PI 81 Scbasti4J1 I CAnnut cloae this report wilhut milking (avo frona the ftnomy 1 ran lowardll the-church as fa~ 1 can reOOllllDend tho conduc of 0 (Juban bm

Tho poaltlon we ocoupiod on tbo march from nblo 1I1t-lItlon of IIlIor n DUOllbul-Y alld Ct 1j as the office of tho Altlutallt Uenbullbull middot I whn I WaS unknown to 1113 I lhln~ he Is n Ub-AII~ or tiOD 10 Urando aa in tbc ftr of- 101 RillellIllflY Th~ NlIItleNd gIC~t sistanoe III p llatisfted that It was it strung lorco of tho enelllY Prefect I hnvc seeu blln olen in all ullio eshyaud vall of ~nd Inf~lItry survillg olll~r alllOllg the men alld epcourgIIog Iwent Immediately 10 m hllUlle (the houso 10merly tho Lono Star ho~c Thero lYOle lllauy t ere

lSth In the atteck on Iho enelll) who wero tbelll b Ihe 1I~ld owned by Dolor~a LaJarsa) 1111 Bunt Uo) wife lind ho boha_ed credltllblf whl~o IIl1ncs ure not taliolO1 nur tbo JIIa UIorch with onu Iie o - The mun cODpoaing m bllUulioii aoted In har_ childrun wilh Mr alld Jtl~ Uuglle_to the resi- kllown to llIe I cau hghly cOIIwd tbe-O ion 01 Dn a _light cOllf oo uCClln-ed lu tbo _mon7 and obyod nl dlfurout ord promptly de_lice of Col Whoeler Mmlster from the U S bt John Aot-ton_ n mechomc employed I tbe rd

bull p

bullbull bull bull

313 i


lit Dtparlllltnt le_ Llrabert blaobmlm fa nce Dpartmenl (lfoml4ed) Tbe Lane and Lilt of KUW 4fId WotoMd of If fafllry

Joll4ll IUIde obamplll tor mum w AdJ r W PUOft wounded allllhll n1uble~e eranl the _ wlb Compllll1 B-EIIIed Private Will Ifnnlall _gOll to _d (ro Lleut Hlte all 1IfII woull~1 Sergt A oJ Falreblld Prlvau

au at my reqll Ilm~ ~~d Pat WllOOII JohnW~ Jobu lI_q Johu~lIIend 111m 0 the oIemaDcf - Barilla 4ad Oommander-lnOblet J B Lonpere II ComJllll7 O-WOIInded OorporelJ B_ hanlo eplOYld In the Orlln_Ret Departmtllt CoIIIPlUl7 D-Ellled _ 1errr Phnlp Bhlm lIfrJI bra mall w killed prlvato CbJi Smith Compan E-Wolllldea poundIul Wrighl r Ordnanco orlment aIao kl~ IUb ampbed Oompan7 G-WOIIruledliIorgeanamp lloLallahUndho_ one man II _aber G all I Prlet a W Foreman Deiil ~IM~ llIiarki 1m IIIIwwn to me wbullbull IdIIed an4 IeYera Gehrehl Tbot Brook DOminick CclInOIIaII J A OIIDded -C the wounded -Capt Green Smvth lbe P~tt Iu thechureilhoamplced the COlIdllot _

bull Lleuwntm DUie unknown to meL lfh_ LI oJ lliU~ WOII JlmI of I1Ilaquo1fIl Mllot I thllll w eoweNl-to 1amp t e lnat lnlaftl1l aolIIeeUke IIr H~_ghtl IidromN~ Yor~r Compan A-Wollnded Prifalel danlt11th me mlldl or the t an w_te COOl III Whl Ill r sere te KIlle 7middot

EL NICARABUENS4 VoL I No_ so p_ Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 18 1856

Inreprd to the der_ ortha pulohhe pt rirn~dk lI~lrimiddotete Frank mtIDr IIIUrderIDg him the mudlttad III bod with lIpled b7 tb OrIIoanee ollce l_oot A Company O-Wound[ Opt KatcdoI bl70llectln the moat hocklng _nr

blUbe een that I wbllt lborU 1M t areTb oree th_ w the latgeIIamp or III except jbA$ ~n the obureb ruI wu weU oouductad by ~ Ollila Capamp iWawlll lIr Bolchur and bull B Wyatt of the Ql1arlei1autel DepetlDlenc of wllom CUI sly report In detail bUI J Cellitlle aallut dlCeIl of the Qllantrmuter ormiddot ~nUlhereb7 eIbt ornblmen under lIr W yU berndd1Ir~or r~ - w bull II P II whla rellta to It mad that

Ie ellem aAer Idlll fttreOGe throocb th III Illto atrala to like p_IOII Irolllncb ~bi repelrle I h e neelYedl think that he IItaorYlng or milch credll

if 01 Ofierr ampltlHr 4fId OiH_ oflIrit Om Jtlyll e_ dilaquobullbullud in 1M laquodon at OrlZala Oct IS 0418 18G8

It bull J O ONeU lat Rillbullbull I CapL ASlt4tlngl OrdnDoa Dept H L Pouer (9f AIel Jon P II OOllelll ~I Jobll Baldwin capt a W Pickerag1l Rail

cp- Vm twla 08D Wilkerbullbulld LIeut Orowtll Dr Lllnd lIedlcal Depamp Ilt BrlukerhootDr Scott Ilt Stringer Dr 1gt111Ctp Gre pt or Port l~Dt Lamber Ordnance Dept ~Wm_eaTIII_LoIpcte


Jon Ahtou

i lin Yatu bull Byn aurOl

III JOlle CoAlQRlIIa Q K Dapt WK Wa

1 r I Arcbbold ILW~bullbull II WEeU7 IiV H bull fWnT Jolla 1t7lllt Thoe Ohapman Jobo Inial1_ hoi MOI1 I Bun u II T Sfki Gen Fr1 Orderly I OIDia Ollisoa oW Teller JchnTabor il Thombull u J L lUohmmlll CIJlt WllkfIII II HatbII1 lilir Elnpweullr Smith t ~RathnriU u1 Oeo Rieberdl lit Rouetll Obaplalo


oWUllllnrul W~ ill (JraMll4 JItWi 0IIII to fhtI Walk arriClal Oct 18 1fG8 RUllaquoI-1fr Bart mllllellu Geoat Gall

ItI I Ill Vlllablt Ooun-HolIIII Pavua B b IDA1mlT-Vllffl7 Jraderlcb Frank ph ~ bntelltl J(1w~9Inkle7 Jbplllll pllL W~ll~or Gil Capt Baldwlo Dr ~ Chu 8l1ettr Jobn Tabor Ed II NleA elWl W Telle elliseo Hamblldo 811cltlmiddot

SUchtlJ-Oarter Cp B II OapL Pickmiddot

oJ gm Won a Jliui of llu Jrrtt R~ Ballalion 001 UI~ lt11111181 iCoalpan a-I Lieut )lth wollllled

IimiddotI1Ilpao7 B-WOIIDded 1at LlRI Latimer d iL Hortll SergelUll1loekfallow ampllghll Impampnl O-Ellled Private Lats 1I000nded ut LeBallft Prinlet LlI __ Jat acklOlI Bouobllll

ftl~1I7 D-Wouoded lat LleuL AlldtrlOn i ~teI lIoCoI~dOlll8lullelOt~do

p aJUJled rrivatel BobblII- Mtu ad~ u~om~7 r-ifiiiet PrIYale lfcCurej wOllnll

PrlYlIeI Kerr ttel

[OolllmllnIcaWcL] tv Ine is obtained by the red hot plOshyHORRIBLE ASSASSINd 1ION Cless thus

_ bull bull ODe or tile moat barbamprlou blltcberiee w A platina cruclble IS made and mam

perpetrated 011 the P_I of Law Wllteler tained red hut over II la ge IiIpirit-llmp _____ _- 0- u anll lOme ~Iphurle acid is poured into it --- ers-111 y _ 0 AI bull Th _t I the cit 01 0rana4a 11 r_rded ou ampbe PIV aTom a lgtJpette III _I though of comshyor hletory

Th_ f Inom I ere dtIlberalel k o~ -~~l hmlolllh A _

II eo rom n w c refuse and mllrUrad iii cold blood

P La- II l ho bed reelded 10 001 w a maro III w

thle _utrylor ayeamprI 11111 un mntIned n611tra UId daImtd tbe PlCltaCtiOll of th Uliltad BlaHa h (aha atetlm to th_ blOodtblretyor Ii Ala B HI ampent Ith gu 1I1tem II COR W

mon temper ture one vf the most vola tile of known bodies liossedSllli the aingu lar property of rmahllng fixed in the redL_t bl d t f t crulli e a no bullbull drop 0 1 ~vapo-atea in fact It is not ID contact WIth the crucible but has IIlll1tmosphere of it Own interposed A faw drop ofOlnmon wa tor are now added to the sulphurous acid III he red hot cluclble The diluted Rcid gett mto Ilnmedw aootact with the heat ed metal Instantly flashes oifinto sulphur VUI acid vapor and such is the rapidity

b from otlon u b the aboehmiddoteJIGrt It DIMI7 td Llellt VODBII~ do Be 11 WoSoo4 a lllan to lin in thII -try and ener Clfthe IIvaratilln that the waA_ I for hi Co D-W 11_ nft B DoH I I ha mpan OIIn L Ollce wulm-b m II) fUCG t t ny

rIlIlYI t~ant ~k rgeI PrI4i people iii thII oIriUred age could be Ph of auchAJe~ II t 7 e 0 III It Vlte

Comn07 amp-Ellled Private OaIIaban wouruishy dT

B Sb d I bull au II JellL bullbullbull er_ angtrOlll1rut nln a1ttl~va~~ tIarkdo

middotaopan ~Eniedl Prl~1ea Q LPhilip OtOlllrd Pleno Brull Franclico JlIulwoulldelt Pri1eI B Smith lighll TbdB I __ bull H y _II d3 _ng II ampIIIIlpa

LiltoJ KUki 11ft WotW oJ LigAtArlUlnI

OomJllll7 A-Oed yate ~-en EtOHJlbeller PtedarioJt Dli1Iab i oullded Capt A sebWlrta lIgMI 8ergelmi lIiIIumb Gil iJo lrinkll Fr Stleub do BIII1 Jlalellllb do TheOdore Db erel2 Lu of KUlIil 04 WwttW of Rallo

EUled-Prlte Frederick HIlL llllelng-PriateJOIepb Klumpb OHrpoWllshy

uneL RIICUPE1U1IjlE poa OF fH18

OOUNlBY m____ t a __ b -1 _ ~-6- 10 7 ma -- 011

or the belt COlIDamprIea CD the globe amp0 III reproducinl power It 10 grt 110 1Ir111711d iIIn be at all 1011 (or ampD7 _t lea1 or tllIIlI

- shyfor prolIIoas III cold noHbera cIImatef h_ nllIfe Heamp for lIurIhalf the r ftooIIIampberon

made dllrinl the other bait thare h ben 1tampDceeln ~hlcb largebodlu of -0 ltoaoeritratad iii aarrow hit han aulJred tor fooIIlmamp iii thla QlunrJ filch nat campOD~o_B_ eOlt)

rudenrydil76r1ngalargeqllanUtleato tlldl In thts _n1 aIao where calli require 110

h the ~tertaI tbr dltlr ~ fll eare w tr plendlUl UId hare thert Ie no wiater to reduce or IlnpelYerlah them an abundance II aiw at hlId AI II In ~clitl providence held gW

dleliahlp onr dll amp1OIed land the great llapl of true food corn and bNlll alwalo aeuon Olher rult be wee at Umee bIIt th_ e neTer Belllco 8 theae IIllh tbe ntYeNaIIlllllllpo pl- of animal tood we 0amp11 11117 depend wIlli II eerlabil7 TbeAnppU _110 oollflned to 0111 place 0 department me ecRIIIW ibouruII iii tbem

U II-c bullamplid Ibe grealtlt dllllcult7 ur--OO oblalnlDClllppll Lillie - or tranpori

Sapr lfhloh I no Iooger bull IlIltllry bill nee

cano gro hare ao plncllilll thaI hori4ll lIneo from GnuadaltiadocouloIlllU to bonee Ifth or an olbe artlclo ot food 1h0ll1d be rOt a de or two dllllcult ro obtain lID _lIOt or the markHndle beln frlihlened b the late pree 8IIet of their heredl ellflDl ampIII011g them a 7 et two will ure tbem of tbJi ptOtoclion of the Amerlcantnd luurlee wilt bo epfD abushydanl u formeriJ


-bl lab or th bIlIbaroun will pgtVUOt y 1OII 801IIe wretcb who murlltred Amence1I oIllIIlIII amplid lIiaIIouut bre wlthollt ptO-1on and In cold bloodi llhen dIlIl learB th tbJi wounded tIIeln

belo cared for alld Iltelld d to with amoos_ are mueh reprlt7lUld atteutlon u the woWlded of our own am fbe WOUllddd we 8rat Pllt lilto the Ouard-Holln alolll wllh the olber Gell Walker had tbem relnovd to All boapltailie apari for thellllelvea AIId lallyo olllen ha been elllpl07ed 10 a116ru1 10 thelr aeoeullJee This follllS I stronl contuat with the baDGer 18

_ acl amphlIe wu mGlt woraU dllappolBtad I Be bew not that he bad to deal wlm agee_1 b uHow mlob t 10 be dep_ - not teke ampbe adyce of blafrillldt IIId aItoulder bit mlllltet la lIIIfltleCeuce ampgalast 1Il0lll $ha make no Illatlocdou

The Be lit Wheeler _ a mlulono- from bull bull -J

the Unltad SIaIeI bullbullllIiIter of tho Ooipel who WIS n 1a dWlibIIDI boob ad other aamiddot ored IItlee

Ameruau foreIpm Ohrlatlau will 1011 auf fer 1IIOb OIIlragu 011 humanlt to go upunlabed The blood or the IRnocent 011 for veogeancel

II the Will apllIIt tit Iodlan or NIIIth

America wu JtllIampgtI1I at that _I cia bow much moriIl thll Wll JUlilabl aphm bull lit or qul as __ dollbt I word ol t lb b~ wbo 0 lIOi plClltad b the IIIIl1aht- 1lueJ 1IIf-rapeci feqllirea liS lIever to bellen 811m or the age ad who 0amp11 _mit lIIIIh a bull of what 1IIOIIItJ01I alrocllltt Lo WhaU bHn tbe ampreatmant or the WOIInded and ft__ liken b7 Gn Walker The FROll ampbe _de or a Addle 011 the 18th iot

r- within II DlUe or tbe oilY II blue broadclotll Conaer were plOflded 101 iii bull bamlll mlllntr I OAPI IIntd IIlampb bleck wlib a bbck eIYltooO die latter treated u ~ of Bere Th Cape roUed uoiJnd a lew articles otuudeJo would haft bean a flile epporUlDlt7 for uereilllli c1othee A wleble ward wHI be paid to

W au _whO wID leaiII b at thl olllcampthe law of retaIlaIlOII BDI Gen aliter diOM Granada Oct 1fj8 IIthtr to loUowthe dlcliuee ot humlllli7 ad be pYemtd b7 the enlightanecl prlDelpa or the I WILL glvt II n~~i~ to any persoll who agt willreturn to 111 atore m Ledger Book It

Shall tlII -lUI collntry which fa 110 aumiddot was pUlaged from 1111 tore durlnS elate tackbull petlor to North Amerl be aUowad to remain In H A THOIIIAN

r shyter llIma ns bthlnd nnd ill frozen into a IlImp of ice III the rcd hot clucible (romwhich seizing the moment before it again mel it mtv bu thtown out befor~ lhe

Jeel of the Mtomsbed observer

We wisb some of our enterprising reashyderawould attempt the mtnuficture or ice

m In Granoda ~o the l~el8On who produCIlfltth Ii 1 III gI bull

e rllt samp e we w ve a ttptop no tice

l1J The Roman Elllpire In the Haith or illsIor did DOl colltain more than three milllona of aqaar mllel Th UolWd Btatu now C01enJ more ampI1an thlt aret Ind It latser than Rome wu when ehe If~ die mIIlrcel or the world

RNpeet tor amp 1Iuman Y81 Frellcbmall

1 II IlIelf BprInc Slimmer IIld II1II the und ot gea 1Iho woaM Il10IIII prohlblamp Oruada 0118 1868bull En iI WlbeJllnto belog ampbe germ orOllt (004 ialmIgratGD md PlCIgretl Bare natllrl bea Lost

dOlltlall that It 11_ 10 h_ happ~ ON TUESDAY the 81at 1111 LANDWAR God IIaItowend hill bleulnp and RANT tor 6 hundred drawn 10 favor

All th apMt or man II dI-fue H of J O ONqd SlIch mealln bJio beao ~ken as wID reruler the warraot or DO 11ft except t)

0 UR 8NIIIIIES DISPBRBINO the pellOl1 for wbolll it WM drawn ~I pel1lOn _ who returDS It to ampbe 8llbacrber Or Ib the olllce of

IntalUsenco IlpoD which WOampII reI II_SIIamp II Nlearag1IeOlle will be IUlleb~ OwaJ~L InampoGtanada thl mornlnamp 8tetet that the rem Granede October 18118 bull bull un or ampbe AlHed torcea are preparing to Itb -----_--=-_____--_

tllII~trJrlbundantin thllOOIIlltry f o(tbit compay in biadespateh ya

draw amp0111 the are _ding their lick forwanl to LHu and tUIng other pral1mlllampt7 for apeed7 lIIlllaum et 11 ftlalll nOlf with thembullbull matter or 6boIce If data-ed bull few da11 wo _lIIlder tho iIIIproa it wOllldIJ9 _ebullbulltarllllecMIlampy

SAPPIIR AN D MlnRl~Capt Hesse

1 have to state tha~uenr1 O Porter whom 1 temporarily appollltAld bt Lieu tlBa bhuyoo bravely as well in lIlauy III on euterlng Granada He was the only one to load the gun In ~e charge on the enemy beyond the Jateba Ohurch

ftampX A THOf1pound~) nHOLJl8ALE DEALER IN


AND ALL lUNDS or LIQUORSToSether willi

lIIN cOPzca tNJOs_zclJ1raOJV lIDiLL lUlIlII or GOOIII 11011gt 111 _ amu HOIpltalltreel lu Crout of 8enFllaelloo CouVIIDI

ClIIItda ~e_-18_66___~___ Dr ~I Po

TENDERS HIS SERVIOES to the oItIzetll Qf Granada and Ylcnlt71a tlte practke or

MEDIC ME SURCi RY amp lllDWlF 1 E m iRY l1J OftIet IIId ~ldC8 011 the 8Oohweat

the optain being wOIlnded and all the 1 ~ the treet GPpoelte the Bow FIanCitco other I~lel being either wounded or driven 0 JllIIet lillie from It under the hlllvy firing of the It entlmy Fagan lind Loyd attended well eeorder 8 Omee tomiddotall ordlllI and fuug1t well at Maaayn THE omce ortbe Rooorderor Deeds 1I01tpguand Granada Mr Latta WII8 wounded ~fortbJi 0rieIamp Depllltmetofthellepu~

d U Itc wU be opened III tho clt1 of G da CD Moo-In til exeutlon of bls 1Y mr Johnmiddot da7the 9m ofsptelllber 18L1amp All perIODs Inn did his dutj well throughout both required by Deero~ to bll~e their tltka ro IODdalD action al also did Mlll KcIeweR the r01ll8lld Departmen~ recorded within IIbc and Maloney monlha aAer that tI A Of LLIS

Recorder for the Orieotai Deparlm8llL _ W II P h_L i I GriDada Sept 6 18jI _ It lit w I II toe way _______________

to Buriingampun fn Ie ~o~did you knuw Tabor ampr 0118) 111( narnu waa Pat f Oh I guessed ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORSAT LAWshyitn ~D by t~e hOI~drker if yo Oftlee iii Et NJOAuovlIlI1I BuUdiOp-80ulh are 80 goo at gU_Rft Ie otter glllss 11 ~ol PIau Grnada NICAIIgIIa the way to Burhngton PartlcoI attention paid to e1a1 against til

J3gt An editor alks in talkin of po Goo~eiBOR 1 jOompan G-IIlIed Sergeant lIurrJ llOWIdmiddot whlob die AmerleanR b hlampl1l1J1o be811 treated ottmiddoty and matimonYt Who would indlte OWEN DVFFY r Ga~lIOamppt I 18C1(1

14 Ptlva Brandll OoUn70n Ellinger BIalrOII who bavII fallen Into It harul or the el1tlii) OIlDlts to a woman whom lie nw every Davlcl I_raftamp1IIiaIu Drummer onlar We call11pon the civilized lIaoos that - apeelemiddot Donlin in her night cap IIDd evert dlaquoy

tors ofuu 8tlllllea to nota ampbe dllference at dinner IIwallowlng meat and IDlhtard1 O~BS FOR SALE at his plac Se BollaLt 01 WouIIIW tA SfWII() Bi- Ballttllon ban iltreot ene bouee ampbon G PIt BeeCoiopampll1 A-t1iIto W 0I01ld 1Il1g1i1ly PampRPIOIIU CulII-FellolI-cltllll aald e tFTho bed of death brillJ1R on 1mmiddot char Ilore 1Jempan1 B-Plbalell I Dowell aUghtl7 11 bull h ~p llour Whlte-ltlllgar OtJUllee lIampIlkeralt Oil

~ do lllteheU do Fourtb of JQ1y orator I repea tho declaatoo I man beIDg to 18 puro IndiVIduality I to 011 eoKno VGIIl AfOIIIaticScbladem Selldo lIot bellevo there II I mOUl woman Of child In ~~tDen- alllhll1 Oorpo- the IlItenlIe contemplation of that dcepeat Stomach Bittelll Pbibulelpblll Ate UId H 111 do lriv A ruuerlon dangeshy this bolin IIbo b r_hed 1110 age Gfil~lY_ Ilnd most 8OIomn ot all relations tha rela Kllllgulan aDd Mdefra Win Cle7plpear SouJItI do J P lIle d(l but what has fel hit truth huuderllli throughtholr breloa C8l1tviOl gor iou between the oreatare and hill Creator TERMS ~_0lIl ldIJed

_ _~_____ ~_~~____M __ __


318 EL NICARABUENSEVoll No 51 p 2 Sabado 25 de Octubre de IBS6 Saturday October 25 la56~

lttpound 1 Jitaiagutnst ~ Satur4ayllominlt Octbull26


Promotion8 and Appointmenti lIJ~1I fllOll al OINpoundPU OIlDlI8 or fill lIIIT

PR OMO TIOlS bull C Ftfennlngsen Is appomted Brlgler Gene

rat ill tbe Ailny and will take charg of Ille OrdIWI ~ Arlllieri under orden from lite Comshylo~rIIlVCloi- n~ bullbullbull A bull

or bull _ ~ra III promo_ MlStentQuattermaster General wIth tho rank of LleutenshyllDtColonel andmiddot1II take charge or ~he Depar~ mant during the abaenoe of Col Illlller Quarto m~ter G_I Ia d u IPt III IIOrril QUlrtermaator promote JOt Quartermutermiddot Department

cpt George WLeoollfd Ifirlt Rlfttt II pro rnqtld Broyd MIJor for gallantry on the field0118Ib 1816

pt A Scltwa~tz ArtlllorY to bo 1110Pl Thomas Henry (UDMiaubed) Ie promoted

MflJor bi the Quartermllaters Deplrtment 11111 Lleol George B Farrand to be Ctplain liltt ampJellamp George W Glat Ald-de-camp to be

oplalnI tAout JlIIll1 F Schooh Company A ae

cone BIB Is promoled Captain Company A ~

Rlilett II -pled to take eAec October 18ampb 1656

The ratpatlon ofSecood Leu~ I a 8oDmlll Compan 0 ampeond Rift Is aCcopted to ake lIftte Ocober 18th 18GO

Th teelgnatlon or Second Lieut J W Polk 8eeond In1 II accepted to take efted Qcto ber 20tb 1866

The nelSlotion of Seeond LI J W vamiddot111m Second Rilles Is IIccepted to take eftect October till 1866


Col Thomu F Fllher QUlrtermoeter Oenera1 ordered to tbe United Statot on blllln811 of the Governmenamp WlII receive hie InatructioD from the Oomlllallderin-Ohief

Capt Wlllllm errmn Is granted leaf of abeenca (or ailtty dill from flle ht ofNovember18116 At Ita explmlon lIe will report foI detshyto tbe Commander-inOhIef

cp 1 NWeU Walker Ranger Dtlttallolffla glllllied leave or abeenee Ibr 1I1IIy day fromlIl November18i16 At ita ellplratloll heill report for ord011l to lite commanding omcaia o( bll BILlmiddotIIlIon

Cop J O JlmllOll Fi11ll I fanlry I gnlltld lean or ablence for elght1 days from Noycmbior 18t1868 At lIa cltpllllon he wUi report to the commandillg olllcer of bla Recltnent Cor orUII

Cal II Mallldorf Second Infantry nted ItaYO of abeenee 101 NU day At Its elplratlon he willmiddot report to lite com1l1anding Clllleer of ilia Bandon for ord_

Tlr Llent Robert GIIllIlOII Is gnllied leave of abINnce for mtl dAys At Its explrallon he WIll fllporl fGrdut1 ar Grailadamp to II eomlllanding of-

COIId Billes lIeer firat Lienamp B F Delaney Seeond IlIfnll1 III Fll1It LIenamp Lewis R Latimer IIm Rilles II

PIOllli)e4 Olpllln of Artillery gnnted Iena of abeeuee (or nlnet) da flllm llrit Lleut am Dunlcan Flnt Rilles I pro November let 1856 At Ita erplntlon he will

oted CaJltoln FIrat RlOos report to Col B J Sallden FIllt Rllin (of 01

SteOlld L1u B M Allderaell Compally A to deramiddot boa~IItLCoImlan1 B Seeond 11__ G Fi Lleut Arthur OOollnllr Seeond Infiantry

_Itt lUI YD orlbedmiddot paDY I auted leave of abllenee fOr lxl da fromFirat IIIfantrbull1e promoted Firat Lleulenaut Colli 1111110 FIrat Infantry

SNond Lleul O n WellFI11It ~IlIIl11 18 p

~=o~~ia~~~O~~I1I1~ Flllt Bla rolUoted Firat L1utampnant Firat Rilles S~nd Lieut B A Crhart of Ordnance to be

Firat ~~euteDaDtrt dLLleuamp aeo W nailer Second Infantryt lo - tit eutenlnt ~olld Lkll John F Price (unallacbed) Ia

))f41DfltedJijrt Lieutenant to repol to litomiddot Quu te=~I~fs 0H=~ Com A ae ~~4 -n __ to De Firat Llelltenftnt ompln A Steond JUfIM

a-d L1eld _ Wnllam Company D lieshycollli middotlUft to be Firat Lieutenant Company I

Second mlf~ RIa I hoorabl dJcba~oI from Ilia Army fItrmj IIO Porter 10 be1irfl LleUmlAlIfSllIl OOrporafi1anlel Smtlh1 00mpany D MtiiUUlIo

part till Ifhort I honondllrdlachfled - Ibe Army ~ Kleuelldotf Comrny A nangell to

b Firat Lit1tanllnt Oompany B Second 10 Iligoant-MlIjol MllIwel1 Allen Trll$ Rlller shy

nppolnted Socood Llelltanant Fl11It Rlao bull Firat Suetan Chl Wllklnoon Firat 1UIIcII It polntedmiddotSecond Lleute~antFirst JliflOi

Fillt Sargeant Carl G Sbockle Anillery I prOlllOted Second LIeutenant Ariillery r~rgeanl Hardin Jnlalllry Ie promoted Second IItORlnt Comptey a FllflI Jnfilntry

CeIlIt J V Conklin Company D SeeoDd Infalltry to be 8eeond Lieutenant Complllll B Iiecond IDraliky I ~ltlral IlenJ4aDelolter Company B Second ~~1fnnt~ nd Meutenant Compan7 D

Private lIrnncl Roth Company F Second In famplltry to be Firat Lleutellant Company F SeeoDd lnf4ntt

lrIto 1 A OIarko Company F Second I faDIr to bo Second Lieulanallt Company Ji Sec ODd IlIfantry

Prlvale Donnls E nlnea to be liecond Juumiddot teDant ampppOlll aDd tilDen

Prlute John G lla~ Company A Second RI tohoBocolld Lieutenant Company A SeeoDd RIIttJ Rirgeant IllIJot lugh Com8ny A Second _ft~ Second Lieu~nt IIlpteyA Beshy rriYlte B B-Yilt Company it Second Rlftet

to be 8eeond Llollellant Company B Second m 1Iu bull bull s~JaMi~~tod Seeond Lleutonan~ of

111 Slckl ia ppolna~ Second Lieutonant to date fiotn May ht 1856 (110 Ie acting at preaeot It AId to Brig Gen Fry)


Col lohn I Matich I reinstated and will kt1motlo~th~Fi1 Infialed fll RlfI 0 bull lit bull -e to 0 Irak Jk lI~n~~r Calling Oompftay O Secood InshyampII ared to Company 8eeond Iu-

The TreuaU RallgerJ with aU their equlpmonte are tranatened to di BIItamplllon of Rongelll b ~~ of llappef1l and 1I1n commanded

Noltmbr let 18GS At h uplratlon he will report tomiddot tho commanding omeer orhll Regiment for 9r4el1l

FIl~t ~wlcre~yQ~II~~D be 1I1U1 continue to IROn forwardbull It Ittut that cause of a conllnuanee of the oUlrage UP01 hi A pUtmanamp A Ita explratlol he wHl rellOn at Granada fO IIMer

Firat LIeuamp Robert Oardller Fraf lUlIea II lIltedampIe of abMllee for nlnet dlJl t weexplraUon of wlllcl1 b will report for ord_ to the commanding elilcel ot ilia Battallou ~ Llout J Bleier Jnaamptacbed) II _tod

Ihamplvenof llbaatt~t1ordormil O1t JJta~plratlonl te repor era at eueralutadqulricl1I


Sergeallt J A Bopldn Compan D Jim

rrlvato Benry Waiteill Compall Al~RIll 18 honorebld~arpd froII th Army

Private M Mlllloy ComPany A Volti~ tlOIle -dlui~ b~lariofltaereatlbu to rille 1t000000000lr fiIoiarnil hm lb Armlmiddot

Privata I4wlll P raquo CompOy 8Mond Inran Itdllollaraed trom lit army OIl Surgeoneertillcate of dIIobifity


Th n r oname of ~emiddot len D GoIcourIa IIl1tr1okon

from tho roll of III umy 21

AmtttIlT-On Thuraday evening Gen Ba1llo Illl1gaon 11amp01 the men under bla command OXOJo elellig In flle plu The JrtlllI) In two Com panles UDdOl the Imlnedlate direotl0ll8 of Mlllor Sehwallllo ClP DeilneT and cpt Farrand and tbo Sa ora and Min under Oa Hebaamp Tb

pp p e men were enrolled In maneuvrlllg lite mountallt bowltaera and frolll lite rapidity of tbelr 1000lag certainly ahowed IIIl1t1h profIcIelicy

shyOn ldal avenlng after bavlng ourcllod tor a

wblle on fll plua w111t blank cariridges a trial Wli mad Ith the regular sheila against lite wall ofanad ruin The captoIea proved thellllelw

aimed at and the aholle xplodlngIII the WIll tore out larg piece 1 IIPP_ to III from Wbat we ha _of tho e~ that wo lIbelle IItrildng In tho amplme opo will ellech breacb III fll8l1rOllg as adobe building aud tbat (or lite mlllorlty 0110

11011 directed Iliot 11111 be ~mclen The wall llrodlnto WU 1Ibullbullrly four flltt blthlekuou

fha Sap)lllt and Hillen coming to a Itoolder 1tIIT8 with hovello looked aUrat IOmlll1t odd but thoy anu line Iooidnglotofmenand are 0110

of Iho moat ulCfbleorps In 1110 aenlce

CoL T r Flnlll-W obamperY tllat 001 Thea r FIlbert Quartermuler Oeneral N A hu been dred to lite United Stotea 011 h_eII_nedld 11It thla (Jo__amp nelWl made Idmeolf euolt a Ibolite wllb tha paople of Granada that e

PLURALl1Y OF PABTIP9TONS The Late Insult to the U S Flagl The name of tle venerable Ind aimple dimeshy MURDER OF A1IERlOAN OITIZENS Dr TBg

MI1I Plrilnglou-18 In tltelle tlmell ol(n ug AILIED ARMY OF GUATEMALA ANIgt led There aremiddot now many lattlngton_ SAN SALVADOR man ho trlve to Irr01lI tlte advallce of oceanl wIth boom8Uclcl We are surrounded The murder of tbe Amricaa chIlena In tb~ b fllem I we read of them I ever mall brings city of OrMada on the Ush of the cormt aome new denlopment of flleir flllll1w labort month by middotlIte allied foreca of San Salndor tad TIley endampvOf to ouPvtlngton Partlngton by Ouatemala II one of tbe Infllmolll trtneaellolls IIIlng leas oIfrctual illBtrumenta In tbelr elforta to that mual for ever dmgraee the chllracter of tbe lIIeIIl more forcible and overwhelming occaM people bYllbom It 110 eomml~ted and bring tbe Th 11 I n ~ b II tImiddot bullbull middotmiddott h b I d Ibe or ~na anngton wa WII I nil a nl VI 1 ampIn em ~c D8Mloon9 un er e of th Clty of Liverpool now all England belongs contempt if not the dlrcct ceniure of every dr to flle famUy ud Franee by ylnue of ~ho Aliimiddot lIIlca Is ready 10 act Partington to the letter

Partington Is no longer II proper nAnle bullIt 1113

btltlomo common Ie ha beeome r princple of lclion It II now bull great pollllcal organization In facc Statesnol Kingdom tuck up thol PGIII coate and BtAnd mop In Iland ready to RlTelt tbbull rising tide of tbo limes let the cllort COlt wlo II m

TheN 18 an adage hich altlteugh worn bull II l

IItreadbue w would lIdbullbull6 arUngtolB 10

keep CODipleuoualy bofor them It will SIIve tbem milch labor and not a li~tlo ridicule ViII II Thne and tide wait for no mall In IItIa 18 l

b I Idworld of tllltli and pblloaopllYI If leh t fOU be weB for the Pringtons of tile age to aludy

Beroro lite wbeel of lime btU completed lIIlotber cycle Ihe obituary 01 ail lito Parllngtona wlllhabullbullnd ogalllBt hia protestltbeylllllt robbed him of

bull bull been wIllon I for althougb trutb IOmetlm reo all that wal valuable lu hl8110U8C Illd thon drag amp11 Itlell Iowly the dayla about to dawn If I~ ged out from und the folda or that II ltIcb he Ilot alread1 dwned when men wHl be conmiddot should huo mad hia pel8On ucrcd and hot vlneed of w) they ha kllllWD Or hneprof_d him Illh coolncea Illd deliberaUolt

10 know for a long tlme-illat man I a progr Aalf to add to the alroell tbey were nol COl

elvo ereature and tbat thlhllOllltabl WIsdom of tent willt taking hlUfe DlIlng all Americall illmiddot Dilialty haa set blm tranlllng In II patb 10 which IIIln inatead of protcetlng him while 11lng 1111 u

ou tbla road lhere 1IIa~ be ranters that lOme main alter dealb I Seven bayonets were tbrcel may atop oul of the Way and reellDe b) COlllfllltftble thl1lugh bll bod after he had bHD abot reatIng piIlClll but It Ie oqUillyt~ tllllt those The thought of how tkcao fiamplda dlnced lIm who teat toe long mUllt keop ou~ ot middotthe wly of lItel victim lind in thai hclliah glelr hinr

thcao who ate malaquoll~ Ollward or lltey WIU be JDOIt UllUredly troddon upon

It ClInnot be long before mOl will be convinced II II

ILlIeluwUIil laelrneat And the gray It Dot Ita goal

DWI~ thou In to dUlt returnnlVAI not spoken to Ib 10Ul

And that although Individual Of cles or peo

pi lIIay heeome u 11 were withllred limbs In tbo great tree ofllf flle mmk canllot pariah bll~COII country Be had been here tbrOugh two rr_

nd _~ III It h ~ed tlul I II 8 bull -_ 1111 as _III grea porpoaea (Or wblch It lloe _ied

But the Partinglolll of EurOpe and America IMllllnospahle of DIjIkin tbe proper deductiona 111 Llo of ellta~ fll8y aeem u Incapabl 6of comprahendlng the great lam of hnman 1I1e lIId thlr Teneraoto progenitor tbe tonlea whleh ro IIlated we ebb and 11011 of the AtlantIc

We a haYIng now re-enacted 011 tho etage of European plllr lite sceno of In lIleb tbe Par tlngton of ~be Inquilitlollllgured wben a lItey would ha us auppos clolltcd In tho IOlemn 111

h lItorill or God they compelled II nnar1lbla p Imiddot lesopber to relnee bll_dOll relative to the revolntlon of tIe amplrih But a1tbou h litis d I to aholl tI era ~I f I thmiddotYv r a me a gen e n tIrae the pro- of lit ampIlll iteelr WII not reated and the ParUngiona of tbe Old World w1loe 10 aaslduOua In thrlll4in fllelr mope Inm flle advanclo wamptora of lite sea ~r P n III allOO8ad onlYin being conllnced in ~d that

olteellont marbmen lhe1atruek the preollupot notwithstanding their elflllta flle world will con

~g (fou tJIIl~~ecd under tbe orden of donbt nol be 111 reoal Ii pleaeant reoeplioD do not weigh mere than a grain agalnat the elllrtll

t1nue to wag OD

It we tbe I lrit of ParUn tonim tbat threw obllampaclca In lit path of CoImbU 1I0d Luther alld KOllath It 11 to legllJlallng In tbla aplrlt that EnglandlIIayttnDute lite 10lIl of her North American Colonln and to tllil aplrlt Bpab) loa ber AmerlCftD POIIIIdIIIOUl 1amp Is the Parllngtonshylam of th that cndeavo11l to arreat flla Il1o Taneo of llrragua In flle road of 1101 desilny alld that would atlgma~ If pOIIlble one of th

b d _~ h1MII _t an moat nt__ men W 0 ever unmiddot dertook naople to proeperty

BII~ to lite philosopher 1114 lilt_ thllk thero Is a OOIII01atlon III the knowledge thllt erente are guided b7 111bull luperlor law of an aUwlle Deln III whOle balance the elloru of all the PrUngtreg

RESlrAATIONS The etlxnltlon or cApamp OIlldes A Gore Se

eoIld lUlu Is accepted to eke olfect October 1tIIl5O

Tliolampllgnltlon of Firat Lleu~ A M Pittman Firet Infantry II accepted tomiddot take tlleet from October 3 18Gbullbull

TIae retlgnalloll or Recond Lieu Groaa Second

wheruOlhe COIII We 111111 him afiaorabl TO age and a )Iced rotum

DItrIlIlDIIN 0 GIIIIUDl- We 100 been handod I 11 II th lIamn of all the persona wbo were present at the defence of Orampl)ada 011

th J11th and 18th of tbla monih It erowded out fllia eet We shall probably pulllllh It in our next IlIue

of WuhlngtoD er a Walker or 111 olhar of the InlltrUmonll wbose Ilame we might adduce wbom Be lIIOIintbo developemont of HI dealgnt

Tn I QuJlPBu VITVs-TbI8 flIslllonlble eillb we regnl to eay haa ceased to elleamp Au loq 0fO~ Ita remailll brought In a ferdlet of died of eoIIapea of tbe pocket RguitmJI ill p4tbullbull

IHzed nation_ It I nnmiddot ac~lon ao rar bOlond tho pale of 011 clrllifLd cII9toma8S to render IllmplJtoI I r bull ill E cld I

abo 0 Jual cation ~~ry In onl Olcry e ( eumstanco connected wlln it ene only 10 add to the guill and ink tho porpelratOll of Ihe onto Iago dcpArln tbe grcd 1lqulty

II cannot be Mid thumiddotlt nlpp1tml u or wbile tbe IOldlera 1010 in suebe Illtc of ~~ cUemen as not to be aware of what they did I I for I yet theyliad nOI been enpged in any BC

L1 h dmiddot L h d b t on nor a oy Il B ot yel re npon tnOIll 1 any of tha oltizens of Gmnada The residence of Mr Lawl_1s allUftted about midway between the large plaza IIIId tho Jalteba Chuteh Ria

bull h b bullbouse wal tho flral tber came to In a tag b Amerlco~ls lind wltboul pl1lvocotlon or culo while the American tlftg lfBI tIiDg over bla door

bullbull deprived aD American citiZen of life bee mlng iii Intoxicated witb (ury III to conlinue to Ibruit theit byoultalnto him la heortmckening

TheBe men cannot ucue themselves b 1lnl tbey were not awaro of LawleSl VClitlon Ibr h I Id d I II rat L av ug res e n t 8 coun~ry len yelm

spoke belr langulge Iluentl n wu 1Iell knOWI

tilroullbou~ Ibe country ampI a merchallt 110 bad never utor(ered or took part III the politlca of IhIt

dOli and mere than b(~w8ra utl had alWAY Ih reapect abown him Iue tbe flag llhose protoellOllha clalllled Belld all thl he 110 doubt oxi

bull pWoed hI JlClIon h lng bd ample lillie to 110 It but It avaned blul nothing tha~ be hid nol takeJl part In the wlra It lled him noihiaLbullbullbullbull I h- d I L ere were ItO arllll D Ie _ an t 1amp1 u~ wu 8Plrely 4efenceleu- a clrcumtaoce that among any people wltb a apark of chivalry or hUlnalllty among them wold hlYe 8Ied blalif He claimed to be an Amelican citizen and eluinr beneath and cillmin~ Ila pr~tectioll of the Star and Strlpell was by the deml demOllsmiddot ( we callIlO wi tbeln men) coDildered amp erime worthy or bull

hd d th meat orn 0amp

We do not wish to caUIUelltion esplloWl W lite death of the Rev Mr Wheeler bo IIU eUi gaged In lite ploua duty of dleklbutlng the ACIId Word of God amont tbe people of fllit pllCl

wltem neillter te aacreel banner orChriat IIOt Ih ftlllJ of Ihe Ulllted Stet cOIIloi aIIVO frou lite ruf 611111y butcbery nor to the murder of the Belr Ferg1llOD nor to Mr Camenl 1Ibo waa dng~ ~ed rrom the bosom of hia family And murdered hllo proclaiming that ha 1111 lin American oltlzen for tbe clrcum8laOCeli of thel~ death Is let rO~IIa plalnlyln tbo lIIIoexed aIIIdvlll i O do we wial( to make any oommenta upon tbampl deelre to get fller American Minister-who Willi at the time prot-[ trated by DlII83l1-1nto thelr huda tor w eel middot ured It wlluld be a work oCIuporeroptoultlu1Il parte tbe caae wID be setforth to the people ar the United SteteltJ by tbelr reprlen-lI e IIIQ we doubt not that Americana wHl indilllto Ibelr

dignity Btl we would ClIII attention to the faet that Ih

flAg 0 the oomparatiyely email BanHate toOI of Saxony 10 Europo waa raapoetcifbull hlle lbe American col011l were being abot at alld rlddleocl Wllh bullete whllmiddot tlylng ovor lhe bOllee of tbt Americalllliniatel and served rather to leduc outrage tban alford procctlon to th_ bG lOught ita ahelter 8 tbe following aJIIdill m bow

LEO Ollmiddot or UNlTro SumOJ AllIIle I liEU RmzllLtC 0 NIOaUOIlA J

Till day pereonally appeared betore lIIe Jamnl George Wledomanll nnd moe OA~ thai I ~

A-gores of the lIled Imyof Gllatemaltl I

319 El WICABA6UENSE Volt No 51 p 5 Sabado 25 de Octubre de 16561 Saturday October 25 1856


tile n SteamOl La Vhllo Capt Thom IlUlkert~rlnd al tbe port of IlrauadA on the ~ytlllDg lotSlaquoturd-y tbe 18th IDBt Iloe brought Jutem -lIP 0 1I1t of UI HItIt monb

br - bShe fOlIgbt o a Ollt ~Igbty Plt888Dgtl1l who nteld ljO nelde I~ 1111 COIInuy list) of 0111 ~ Joinell the NlcarogulIII Army Among t

- I IBanIfa we nol ct tho lIallle of Clt)L eonlngftnHow~ Joinell theNlearagutll Arm1andla In COIomlllll 01l11li ArIlIl~r1

1111 Jla Virgin brwpt alao tor the Army lU1 bull o if h nd-A M- L d middot11IDr ell X II nu m mUlld III i 11 et lour or wllb Ibclr ploper equipment the evrig~ for tb mountdn bowltze aI_d ro -- ld II Ivge quantity OfulIllullltlon

81 f I

struggle wUI be between Buchalampll and pOllUoR a alellder -agure and ver1l1ght bllr reoIOIl~ lillmoro ma however bo much BORland and Frlllee h made II warlike 01 alronger batt tbe pllbllc h lID idea of If Ibe 0I0nllramplloll aallIamp ~be Kin ofSarcllnla AI

ee 0 middotpapr we earn thI All the dey atproeCllee for Ihe rleSidential eltctlon In the tultcdSlateltlllulscltcmentalld1nleruUllor_

be nfoet ngg_1ed ltalemen are IDade by of lb riftl candldatea relale to

iuoqUt t II weoed wIb mor ~OtiOD ormore UDshyettlalra I lIor caprlceelIIan 11080 two Statee now

I od ha P ll 1amp t1 middottt t 1IlPlji t t en 1 YIUI I go or ImlomrDUllffilll4ll Ia 1101 cet~ of Ilanflng It iln Ib1~er ~andlt hlwampy been e Btrong ilIIIICIlItie 3Iett and h ginn Ddehanan large

Ai e roof of 118 entire dovollon to Uoellty I Hid lbal In Ita remoter di8lcta llaer are lililarge ItlllDben of Totee _t fqr AnshyUtW J~80II t

AI Ne York no etandll the Fremont men Ire alma I Ilire or ber But II e fllred tbat 10 otdtr I ifeeure tho election of lluebanall by Ihe L S d fN Y k 11o~r ~e thO emoerac ew or w go

om 10 1111101 The bull 4ft oro 8() nicely halllllud tbal eonaldmiddot

bit a~lIl1la of mOD01 are illaked upou tbe rampgt fill Willet III accounl of a mall wbo ble to lIhu aUIbullbull hlllr oft bl heed If lIucbanlUl Is 1I0~ Ilt~ted b_IID Ie e or bIa elCllllon be Is 10 be d lIh all lhe blta be CQD wear ri I -mo Buehan conUnue to realde I

Whl middotlIollll8 Thill aIlnde UI or PlOl8OiIor Stowe-hlllbllld r n Deecher 8towe-wbo wben Ihe FIIgishylift SIt LawwlIS p-d re latered vow that

oul~ not M hla beatd cut untO the Ia Will Itpeilled Il lla needl to that by this tim IU beerd of tho Proteeaor hal altainod coRaider

A bull Welangth lIla mil1 wil~ at lOme ulure time I able to 4etermlne the time which bae elapsed ~Rce tbbullp_go of tht celebrakld law by a _Irtllellt of Ibla bireuto ppendage

Olll neighborS Ia the Solltil It 11111 ben b

rtfHOell to lIIother pitt of tbla pape haye art IIt14 at a period wboll tbey are beginning to acl lei aot througb any ellerg of their 0100 but by

bull bull Iho torceof the elective spark wblch tbe pr0111OIt ~ lb AjDerlealll excitebullbull Aa Ie lIIuaU the cue ill ueh spaslllodic e1f~rta tbelr ICtiODS are neltber -At( b d Ira UI I ateedI-~ ~ pru ollee or grea~ til geDco II of t1llll~g tbolr atklptlou to tha aeveopomoot of cIIt reour0e8 or their St they e endeavoring 10 ftrm I agalnaua wllo If tbey 8amplIdled Ilatlr deg lotereat tbe would not olllylreat aa

htelben but endenOf to ludaoe us Inlo tbelr _trie b offorlng lerge 1IIwarda to U8f1 lIIIerIca fho would Httle amollg tbem

go andmiddotdo Ukewlh tI Ibe would In fow lola uame was reeeIedmiddothe ~onoludedlIIIId IDUO1 c u Aoa_ fII IlITIIIIo o BD-Thill L bull ~ Ia peu enklrpriae whleb for bullDaB1e Iou _med

han reuon to Ie the - the merleau lIle pp - too i11cH1v7 plQJce 10 lie HriOllllJ eoklrlalaed tbelr denl among them II Brig GeD Horuab waa II atbullbull II Ie 11IeI u Ihelhuadelplla IAtliJrr to pIO

The Elllpero Alolnder of Ruula u _wued drank with ~re and th _II-I- not onlypn bullileallle blit to be aowal _Iilrocl lakll with peel ctltllOll1 DIIfInc laquoIlGlIamp- The oople of Gtuadr- uu _ ~oo_uIoa 01 ~ GIld lIIMaWio_ tIon the BDlpelOl lIrtIMd dlllllfllamp1llt liNt lllto lliftl amp111 the lUI Ie SOl Ill of bJ a

-r hGould he alloed ampveryluiUt iol publleblnl tbe JiIoJ-wa receld wltb leug 111 incident or the cerem001 The rep_led Brig Gen Jit111 I88po11111lo 11 draIIk to of IIIe Pope _ reaehed on 1111 occaeIon be- The Bed 8kIr of 1I1earas- t shy

I - --

blo IUCIea From all we can learn 10111 Hill quallllcatiOllll appear ~ bo good die-

n -0how othinc oIemenamph anlbmg Ike llalloolmiddoth boen ordtled -to the SardInian potU middotf9t111er rloctlol1-(f OIgIlDIZlltlon aod kllllclt to fhe nowl from Frallce I unimporlllll i01In principle beymiddot ilia) lIIlrprlee the Union 10 111 France hM growll up to hemiddotalli8 tat bilallbbeb

lire th_ ofanr other _IfY neCoatalUcanuNboglnnlnr(OltamwladoD

end theIP rttIIerJ to (ullow Preildellamp Xora III lUIother folAJaplneUflO8IIguI ucla_pIcIou

III our m1lld tltt they beslnlllng to bow wbats b

Tile 11010 from Buropeta DOl of III In -eat til l1li In Nicaragua Q_ Vlctorla lib a good _bl mother Is endorlug Iogeh lIItmiddot ablo spouao for hr aupterl Ibe 11111_ RoyalPrlll~ irederlck-m lrlIstlt 11 at proeenllh fa rltA In 1gtvl matrimOlIai IIIIrkel H baa aCeltmIpanled lbe roJa moth~r clllrllJU

middotmount~t roogtiI laddoll M unexpected Amiddotcoup u fat 11M been lIIk1mpted in Paill bJ -rrf nI hi its lerth to taIt the B~I u rtmiddotIIlI PrtlllllllIIPpcaraneeago their eandl- (leott~ODollnelltIukod ltltIeenlIlllheUa 11 IIIIee from Franklin the ed_ltlWd Irad rona hladoctor mullraquo alld air w pxketshyltlale ud Ibemlelvenn rar behind dcrblllleedenahSp 1b_Spanlahtroops hoW poue 011 bJthe plekel prltl ofbe rNIIOt hllllditerehlef

middotTho DfbIIlIIIn lind FrolllOlit lien are hathon 8Ionof Madrid bllCmiddotthe blew wa nOlllrlld 1111111 1114 - man killed The meIu bod WII hUll~ F4t 11111 ~-l---A-rua-n-p-n-Jal-Ir-porler aid il 1kelr 111 III In 8upplieatlon before tbe State middotof laneoueI~ amplllbe luge ollie mt therefore lcLraplcllY-~Inrr th pu~ofaIampok wa eo olOOllelt amp be ~ tbu ibnup -CD in lie Yo ftud Ponll8)lanl4 There lIever w only parllllllluCOO88lal A eho ar Ia SpaIn II 11 Je is ooei Jirallkl how -It grolt ~~~litl~way~~ma4t billlyen- iwI Ja

bull IlOOII t 1111 w II mo OU _ bullbull h1111therefore hlehl probahll It Ia thought -be w IIIalI aad tho collklmplated atiMlk JIOfi hbonld laquolad 10 bow NId tbeuegioL Wii France ie IlIlIOlIIe nYllOl1l1eel4d wllb the 1IIfaIt POlolied Thethumr -ped ~~ ~~ tllteat no Iongel alilee tbUl Ju~ IIlpl-agaillaamp II wil1middot R~~ h bull 10 1IIdlt e - t nes -lgt 11_ t -- poelufely lilted 10 IIblMOQ KaN mldlllampht howeyer (1ft aspreu Ived III IIUIIp A IaQd peculalor 01lt W- ladeellcllo

until LIlt mill of 1100 Allied rome hqultted with ~ Informaloa tllat 001 Oook wllb I _e his trac IJIInI th eba be Inaallilidl J th CrImea Tork h for the pretent nnt foroa of U 8 ~bad takeo lip I porJampIoall clcreel It Wu 10 h~lhl ~IIDd Ulera aDd 10 frem the dlplomalle boti_ lrolt of Ltowr8llCt the 1Irpoee or pIOleoI dllBClIIamp for toIbto dlO tbel iIII thela~ablampaAtiIIbtd

It froIn the pro~d ~I ~ Coodli~bu 10 draw tbelr lui breatb With a eolrallre ~aPOob _u to CI_Ie PRESIDENTIJtL SUPPBR toWlIJIIIlIOI810 Gel H~el~ warllln~ oe Pcmy eliC~bullbullVeUowoltben ~ t

__ tbe _equellcaa of III lkllllplOO lb bull It ollllh of JII1 ora hepiaHie ckdara 1On tbe nalramiddotof the 19th laaamp tb FI14 61B la uld that CIII Cook IIa~ beell Milt b1 Qea do noamp believe amp10 Is 11I~ wo_ or eIiIIllo

ly wbo w urgeatly oliel b) ~ people ot IIIIa ho_ who It_ttubed the age otM _e~ alld 018n of tbe General Stair Wlib a few Iewrallee 0 lDte~ Cor lheIt ~QJI Qn b~atmiddothU fell tilla tl1lth tbuwltriag ~ Cltizell8 lDel 81 the Pre8Ident lIIena10n ad tIM lb nib Gew -0 arrIYed at FnnIdlll amllled tbelritnilllll flPcQrl ag I

tlook of eupper bull oolllllllalion with Ibe IIIIoera of be lravadlog -10 h

bull th I 4 Dri ifill S IOld thembetmiddothe WM prepllCed en- I11III D ~ eaklr 4 9 _ushy_l _AOIOnamp guellawenttoe gI~enerrJ foroetbI teUftllHheoleutlimltowuhla eldeiitl11I~uowedf_gnIID80ftJcbtibullbull

JlorDeblIriglcllerOeneral Fry Drigtdler-Oeaeral _1Ioo J aupprtlll cllaordere with the aht of _04 ttom death lit the ampIinIhPa~lllIi1lf ehlOro-nnneingllJlftW Xbull RQgcro SubS ot Jlaermiddot tbe-~middot~ IIlJder Jb---middot~iIatit fmn ald bullbullbull~ elida CoL Pb R Thompson Aiijt OiIabullbull N AI the Interpoeilloa of XlIreu aHer (Jell ~ BII or~t qllellioo At tho 001 Ales Joo P~lIIUIer 0nl N AI ~e~=n~- t 111= lIowlhhen be l8i dO~alrO Ii iWir did Col T F Flab Q~termUlter-aeatlll N A thai be had)lllt UrtIIkId to or 190 ouIIa Who Col Ocoqe B Hall 00mmi1Ml)raJ N Awoold be prGperlJ tried b1 the lepIllUthOrlIIaa Whi III amp man wamph acom 06 middotetu toe Atl 0_1t 1 M tbe geollOmtaaU de10 take of the yltodl Aa _ the cllIIIIeaire

1eIIIlt)f Tho Hdth of tho pruldenlor lhe Republic

or Nicaragua was propelled and~lIk Ith eoshythualaam 10 tblt the Pretldent rtIIpoDlled propotllll W

Til OlBcera or the Nicaraguan Arm

The lIetlth oC General William Walker w III

en propoatd and drank with Ihroo ebte Tbe Generallf caUed upon to reply It1IIlmoatl posalblo 10 gl90 ao Ida of Ibe ellOlrI~ ellbOl loll words prodllCed IIded by loll graoUnl geelleolallon and peculiar feror we CII 0111 Mltmp 10 gIe 811 idee of wbat ho Hid bull

When bla 1)AIII had btllI repoampteclly oalIod he roee lad 14

GIIINTIIIUIM-Wbtever or hlator helon 10

tba Da wbalOVer of the 1I1111rol 1liiy be 1810shyorared Wllb It owea more 10 Ih lid recolfed ftOIIl the wisdom galbwlr) and derIng 01 Ibe geotlem811wilit wbom ampbe lndlYidual wbo bean i baa had the good middotfortune 10 opente thaa 10 III merit he blmaeU po_ [Cbe_l Ao lodiridual wbyenleer posltloo be 111amp1 bolitla gea oat

01tho P1l2I he repteaeDlII maltee hrlll gMaL It M Ie_ en tbe approach or Goy Geor Hept J A Ii my Ibrtene to lie the repr_tame of a with U S VcIopI aud weDI towlIllII Ne~ lIarr1l1g1on S prlnelp e willi hlcllyou all Imboed_ prin All b qqet ia tbe IerlllOl1 Henr A clple that cannot OOCOllftaed 10 thIa 01 an OIbtt Joaea J It

bey pl pro8t in thla pllttloqiar by 11Iuon- clple of ulIleraaI fraedm It mlltt ooalln to spread nlll I erubracee nOl OQ all hllcoatlshy

ucl ott 0 EtDperons Nicholas And AlulIIlnder ofnent bul the conlhlenlll of the old orldmiddot It will ll~ jhO bull IOn ililOctl to the United change old Y8amp8IIII ~d reinfipale -i alld Slates t AmoriCllII moehanica to come aDd Ive t~ Old 1flithorldNrecelung lIedlOlPullel ampom lbe

n~ oll 0 e ew 10 ellen to UI the paklmll In Ibelr 01111010118 and tbote wbo aceepted tbe embraCes of a IIlIivelllll blll~hhood (Iodlullallo have beu reated In a mallner com- cheering] __traIl wllh the wealth of llie Empire W080 After the General badcoQcludod TheSoldlllra

resoured tbelr Ibor will help 10 dovolop There of Ihe Nlcaraguall Army WII proP080d IIIId dlllllk I I I E tb t b d d I III hId b DO pe~o II urope n n vanee n e WI Oil C eel Arts of l~te a tIo same ratio lUI the Ruselall Utlg Oell UeoDmRBOo 10118 (Irank with IIlucb

d I l 10 L II E I ltb b bull All n fer coyer e en re IIIp 10 If a ent wlm lind III retpoollO Gon lIalogaen Aid Aetwork of ralroad tho Emperor bas Inlol semiddot In lubatallce Iltal he nOI muob 8OOWItolatd 4Wed til icoB of 8ovorai Amerlc1l engineers 10 liking ~et that ho w eatlrely a

apot It I - broad ue wllwene-lt Ii ampbe prla-

There were HyerrJ -er toute __enI draakaadabouU oeloek the geDtklllen Ithmiddot drew to their reaIdeII- mllCb plcued with amp0 ellteneinmtll


fUll lI ona ampIID ntce PROOLlIllU-lllI

bull t1t01l 11011 111110 Th St LoQIa BYelllllg New of Seplembe

Ib b the followlDamp IUlpllIIl1amp IIew1 Wo v clalei ftom 118 JSOlGer 01 me 1111bv _vl- t Iuamp -11 of tb war In

Kanua alld c1rculllllaneea atlendl lb 1IW Wal1 of peace amp Frtnklln

Tbe MIIsourIu we 10 their word tUlObed ampom Wolitport to aItIck Iewrlllloo on th nthT w compoud of OIIe reglmeD cit ampos_1 eae ef mounled m_1n all 1400 _ al- We dool _beu es_pte Ifre 10 lend Ii four pleooa of aHII1erJ Gen utt11 -1 ora - alike bllamp atdilterenl 111_middot In command On tbe 13tb aad 14th thete t=~t=O~Ath

~ebrmfori= rwbull Jllltlce

lamplllzed by came G8II Atelillollto tho dWt Itefohillou ere peel decJerlo ilia relllng OIl the proeCtiOll promised 10 peacelll bullbullttlenl bl tbeGOYOrIIO~ tbe Ibelnndlog army would dltbaud l1li01 relll to ~belr 1I0m_requ~Un the Go _ 10 reergamplllA and diatrlbukl middotOtCllhe Tern ~ Cfoe of mllllla to p~ the Mtthln from _auderl atld robbera-alld reoommeodlncIhal CoL Tim be made commander of tbe mUfti of Ihe Territor] lbe )(-urlane llien broke up cunp aed returned boule except th_ wbo Jp te)lded to IIIIUI lit doe l~

Tbe aillet or OH bullilretl 00l1li UrtIIkId bYGo 0 belollged to tho flOIIPIIA of Cal HlltYt1 wbo made ampbe aItIck on COL aolleriton

WI-d~~ t4 ~~III to f~ lI4I all __e lIpOIl t bull rae_ deg lUllmiddottIogocean middot10 -0 bl thle muno bue made report III whielr the d~lhat the ilia eouId be built OIl neuI7 dlrlaquot rltlIIte from sfamp 10 the OWt01 P~- with braneb Iio Ibe Nile The00fi It ts7~ 1114 the oooatructioo will take IIs88 At 8oM2lIfeeuf_wlllbetoliad M lIle diMDce 01amp000 feetlrom t4e bull_ The plrl 10 be ooiIIiInIcl4d III the GWI of Patm whleb the former proJect plaeed a Ill boUom ofth GQlf wiD be located wei mllee 10 the Willi 011 p or the cout wbere the wa1s 211 fee~ deep Ai leu ~han the cllatance of wo IDUea Tom tIN IOore mt where IIIIchOlampg g~ It Is tlmueil bet 1 -IU fie do In 4IN11cpbeleen the rotpeCtibull place IIld Bombr III fdllowt (Ionalallwllople 1J900 Havre 8928 Lolldoll 86GO LIrpool 8560 He York

7311 Ne Orlean 8178 Hore IhaD ball Ibt 0) I -een Ihe prlndp porloofJilliropo alld Alaia bJmiddot Ibe propoeed l Tbi slugle fact lIholllicalmmenle IIliIIl) 10 ill Damptlollll ail weU as 10 BVPI and Torkej olld ril lIeur tor iIamp projecCUnl the belt wlshea of the elvill1fd world

III view or faoII the 00_ lIIIfd the Ilk alargci landhold~rf Beea_ ~ ill p-d ~ to ~ 1IIIt middotbadoa tbeli- of tUII odtM-1IIeIII(It - 1

Gel Atobleoa Gen Reid and CIII TIl4 -Why iii a Inr Ike kIIoclampert Becaa~ dreaed the meetiR ad lIrlIed complianoo 1amp ho lIIiHotml to llifW4 (a d_) the GoYernor prOpol61 Th Govenaor thel bull -poundt

Wlthdrw from Ihe ~ to alfordto 1 Iist 01 Ietter IOUrlaaaauopportulloace amOllth~ D-rJl~middoth nIB I d 0IlIIhla ngeoUon A _tllIlI w jllllaDllj I e bull- v lII1ICO omiddotwag Cf tee ve

Iober 11 1866 lIolt Ooa(Dlrdeall V E tBullh J G Bllllch J BbardO E Bremer JClarlt ll WCaaIIlIo C Ohecklcy Xlll CUlton I Daly Iol J Jlllher J A lir141 Jishfr G W

aI Ulek~PoInl They were 08pwred at G_ GeuIeall 0 A ~IolillB oppotIte LeeomptoD OIl 1beIr reamplIrII Go1tbArl P A from 8ickory PolnI to Iampw_ 1111 ead bet (1_ J 0 Iathe aampempllO vteA them _ U S eoWter Hanele It fourteen of lfes men 10 killed HoagllUld M H

Lene III not Iio be folllld 10 eIIeTerritor II Berdy C

Fuu o bull t ftlna-lbe Now Orlealll Della Jorge A lHms tbat Red lUvor hu dimmed up lla owa Klpp S V inOUth and now mlkea 118 w y 10 Ihe Gult LorIog L th d Atcbaamplla B l fb II d bl Llnere or B

2 1~ X 11 LlflngslOn J WlIcGulgan 0 Hoy A Korri H

McCann H a IfcCudle J

Jlanofill S Mooney Hamp sb 1I Nellr E A OsborD D C Poal Dr A Pearaon J T POit Hlu A Roper J Hltllaquogton e 1 Roulrand ~ Sd1 Dr

- Scott W L 81110111 D ~ Sklnna J C Smiloro H SlantbrT7 E II Warren Wheeler 8 H WllIlalll800 CaptWIHiamSOD J

lIuilii tbe fOr~middotedurereor thdegat ~ til )8116bull and tbat at oue IiIlHl neTer Iouched III M - amp X TIIOlampIV lib d III b~ II b llI bull - I

I pp ut pllrlue bull coune w 118 1I0W WHOLESALE ])EALER IN Ulned elllptIDglRto the Gulf far to the ell I of Ibe Iolillalaeippi Tbo Red RI Ie now to BRANDY WH SKY WINE~IIld Ie remhla to ho up whether whcll full It _ t wUlliot re-opoo be outlet to the Joflulaolnnl ud AND ALL KI~fS OFihLQUORB Ira mill wIIb the aIbA~ of Wuerif - 40geer If bull r rrN COrrBn sJrJ9DBn2-rrzoJV

U-- J I L L 110 4Lt lDliOO ~ 0001II IOUgt NA WIIOUIiIAuU 8 TILl YI nOIY -An mIII - HltrJ etroet ulltoI ofampIIFruei800 COIlbaen lick for a long hoe and whit1n this _ate GIUIIlda Junlgt 1 1866

would OC4ulooII _e brealblng ftIId IIr be ------------ --__ - -Dr AAud Pobullbullpparanll eslhletfoe 80m tIMe when he wooIshy

~ III th~ dockyarde of lttllllia An~rICIIII 1I1collamiddot worker and that he ca~eto Nlea heca II apln COllie to On one or these ~ heo fBNDfRS UIS SERV1CESto the Ilhtz~Dbull1 IIkI hn~ lhe dlrectlon of nfthlrt The OODIC- tb ht II b It - - be lind JIIII awakeaed from bIs Bloop lgt1rIok uk Granada and vicini ill ilie praclille of

OIIg ero t eoe w wOr 10 do He would Ied 101111_ UITlCllli SURGEoy t_ H1DWlhIiJi qunoe fit 11111 will be tbat In a abort IIme tile nOl hae eome h_lt he uppoud Ibe tllICI8 of And howll w bo Jlmlll1 when oura IIIIWJ ~ bull l u j1l bull lOt

IwMlaII Veue6 III bo IIblo to compete III speed bla laborwOIIIS be IlOI1l1ned to IIII1t pI_ Re dead-1011re after klnup ini thllOf OftIce an4 roal4caCe 01 tb aouIbwl ted dumiddotmiddotllt with tb but buill Yankoe clipper tumln tballka - th b 1 bull Brlalg III a gleu omiddot Irioi an IA7 to tU- comer of tho lampreet 0pPOllltc tbe San PrandgtltOAoLr bull wr e on~ goD omen p hero lilt 1 Jimmy -airIf I dOll I au OouonL ~~~e~~ AlUerlclIiIorthlloontln~l1lw~to OIlteonre~upon ~m by ~ IIIUller In wblob IdbrlDk thin blll1 meor Gtanu Jail 1860


320 ElNICABA8lfENSEVol t No 51 p 6 5abado 25 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 25 18S~ i t l

BRIG dNN HENNlVeSIIN ketnft4 tore lItelrlllaquopoampolllpu gri_r __ dlis hnmlllatlcm Autrl of eOIl- Iolaled lit COM~lISSION IpoundR~ SALE

t ~_11l loo1ltlnl 01eI 1lI6 l)emOOlamptI Rlew lOr t~Ir- tIe pJlva~ aIl4 lIIampIIy _______ t86l1l dad ~~1I1D ~n the ampIIlprllD W-r TIIlrtee lIUDPm td_ ana geuellile Of pURSUANT to an order leeIIed by the Board of CommlWon I gtfIll on d1IFJ~T DIY DlIloh the ClOIIdllCt an AllCIIont iDd ablllamp of note_ dlieclly tbll lulftlldvballled or JANUART 181S7 ofter die lbiIowingmiddot invelltoried propottl for 80 III pllbilO ItU(tUIIlmiddot pigt he lleteODI bo llgu~d hl ttamiddotiermtlllOflbk bo tthoullbdley had bad fw 1IIDIlth ill1Itelr the IIUa It the citl Of ~randl middot1 Uiwwe are carefully lorDed OTUIO told amp ppwer 1wrIHt Atmtlpd Atulricm H olall TetIIlI-Ou~ or IIUllar1 WpL bull ___ I lie ranka priloioll irlthoulltluriuamp OIl or them The laIe HI conllnU1l ampom lay to dar IlnUHn~ wiolo 18 dtaponu Of troDt BIb fall upon tbembull Speaking 1gt( lhe Gdrse ampelng ~he middotol)ltllllll wb(nrvmiddotpl1t bull pta Pankos deahtma of leeing the property and emiing for tbemaelvtl8 will 06 fllmned ~ll

nr6I11 aceouna tba Ilad bean ltritten lip to lhal oner (Counl Ziclly aD UDollarim) to dBatll horselllld gukl8 bllppJioallon at my oftIce - I irrul of thla lDem_ble 81rOssie Alr eiloll ana Amolllllt lbe Icllml were -e mell of large V I b e ed In It we Grid tJle toUorill (orhme w~o1D the ~II were _nxlou to d V1I I PEY INamf 01 Biulli I _-l_oP_1I_0I ___ RtllIlIrk4 ~ e DIU iii g tpoO toll Balllyampbyl ror bilt eatftld wordl Hacienda do aeao Roaano IJOiii llItololo Lopez Treo hI full bearing tI4middot11) Tho tnl connected ndlaWlillibl_nuflllreemiddotliilllloaiordollampnmiddotOeneIK coodemD 110 do Oandetari Do Youngtreet 10bullbull0

tblleampaltnt 111 ampOIlIg 1Dd dierefwe of tIe ed by Hnau wbo Will hill dBbtor for Ilxty Do CaUle lAIa Or~ Do bull 1~~1 HIIInl e _ gen~1 whloh Olftnot bo ~houllld doll VecztJ wlotte ~her (sllllllv BOWIampID run Do A row of siJ ator~ 101 UIldeiMood wllIo __ling the mlblary eo ID ) wieand he IIIQ of lite late emperor Au- HaeIendo de (JaQlO

UlJOnli In thleOdntryiUOIIlallled ill ~ pampt Ilt tba eampIdIer Jlho-pbllr-dle pllont and I~dl8O Pit t Juan T0lI6 Rut 8 0 entitled- Nag) Sandor apd the rrIeeI Damiani who Hacienda de Caeao plz(I Do- H 11 ThI P4d 1lIl Ja~ iff l1JFmiddot bellIg _ed to he hlDge4leet 1114 with como Do Indigo Je1U8 lIIarl8 Do 1 I

Fod bat 11M iffirtt tlhuWaUflul tM poau liby 1aet here lJbull1 ~ alw~lI ~t Booee in Ri Do Largo IIdnbe 8 11 f( BtlIqgU middotdndFtItllrIl p~ 6ti upon IMhetlio lIeLfP Bacl~d de Cacao Sin FraDdleo Jose JArguello Aree 18 C HfII~~atJlllwmiddotolmiddot fWlw M01ItIM LoWe Bath~nyl 111)0 wbenllomom fell bad Do do De Abandoned Into Qall~jl1fllllllA ZtmIaolrTgm R_liOll b~ tried OYer pW atIer belnl eaotenced to B_1n Onmada bullbull bull Do ~ ~ bull bullbull 0 Pvoria tc rour 1 impi1aoDment the eharga middotormiddot l)eWs Baclellla ltleCaeU rdilacio Male1iP- bullbull i bull bullbullbullbull ~r


rI p1tt t I cd cJ to -1 W middot111_ ~f middotORII Latour ot 11_ In Gi-aWulo-- - ~- JO bullbull bullbull bull bull bull 10 Thouampbor 0( 1Id_ ptm e li~ ~ r l)-U wbiclt be notorlouir U1tu_h _ _ 1180-0 Plta~ Francisco GuerrA IS

PllbnO~qollleclampIIllIIotb~bmiddotmiddot bi th d9lamp1t0f WullingampUII wuCOlidemned to he BoilandIotIIlRIna ~ 1gt0 9 lib lbe ~Ut onamprll 0iJ0orIlJ hanged Hia wife IntrcdllClld bull lancet Into hla IIoUll8i11lUfU n Kill patUalll burnt 10shyuulll bl+aljJbh~ugh Ih~ m~mollll~ ~~~sn pn- h which hellldun Inelliletwallliempl Haolenda dB 0_ ~~Ia Fe Joa6- II lIaleailo 18 In which Ihl tr COIIUUeDbC IIg 11 ccteddu~ co et the Jugular Tela DllIOOYued helbre he Catd Bolnte JIaI ()lIa Do bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull G ~imte 11000middot lIr 07 ~II Chi r de bad Ill to death hiamp wound 1111 bandam lip HOIlllIn ru 00 Lollg IQW 1 bull defeltbl bull ~h d IDamp~ I 0 ~ wi alld hemiddotw horrlellltdflged OIl IIId alios lite Haalend de Cacao bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ~ bullbull Fetlpe amp S Saenz NearTolo-aome wlldlllltamp 3()IlO

1ftOJbt8eomiddotarmiddotall rtt Igmiddot d or gallo probampbl) not belDg rdy 1I0 P h DO do 11 Vi C1emonte SaIlIOl Old ealatc neer Rint 1(1041 liIlgt11IfI~~~O ~pSd r ~kJi1iUei word to Ire and fell abolltibg Long Iff ampIIB lIollle in RIT Do Large adobe 100(10hit ~ nmiddotiI_p 0) bull bull Ibe arreet of Dahyao1i hid beell amp 110- Bouse aDd proyery In

middotbeforeBllblo Imiddot lt bull middot~middotiIi ihislao 1 IIulOw 01middotamp111ampmiddot01 atlonllo-ble otenc WIll a Sanmiddot JUan de Sur ) fll lS UellD lieDden tIam b bull bllabion cawIUD1-blamiddot esecutlcm anmiddot _iDatloomiddot HacIOllda domiddot GROj Felipe Avilc8 bull bull bull bull 8000

IIIOlJIiy ~I RUIIIii ellj R JPII hiobD~ 1Ianr otIrtri w_put to dtaIh W_ of Do do Sallt~ Do With wildlands b~ ~Re~t 0 ~ ~II middotaM flnb IfflUlrippeli and Kourged helOre middotthbullll I1delld de Ca~o JlCII-LaGalpa F amp E Carazo bull 27001) _ nCr tI aoIdIerr OfIJcelB from liliiii or coIeoell David D Lopzamp B Daroe 100)tile Baclellda de Cacao~ 9ijdbf~he ~1Ie~ thorab~ dOlfDlfardl e~ abulIpflI middot1It If bgtced Into Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull II amp Jos6 OaracM ~wotbtrds of die eltarA II iIai1 a~tJter~ ~IIJII ~ed IplOb th AUUIO _llln pr(fatail ~ at lite Do do Boperlll P run amp famll middotrmiddotmiddot 800gt 11_ r~tIJ 8~~ ampdrIhu~Dbull 1d eaprice of IDd ears-ta to ~ D~middot do Chlta JOJl6 Alfaror Conlaminl 160 acree 2000 ~Qjlt ~e ttl th rJm I middotU dar s-~ BOIIfelnBl Demiddot 1600 Urqllllatund to 1 C~ u of iIIatorlo bull FrOm thequatadoDe here IIIIIk k wIUw_ ~~eCaCampo Pafniar Tun Agila bull 10000 ~ 9fmiddotIi~temiddot 11114 tbafBdc Gen B~ Iidu 1fi1h 111m to Do do PlllIIIf P~1o Torres ~ ~ -lOOO ~oI~ lOU ettIoa of Ruulamp iii 1 B_ltlruu 2000shy t~Imiddotaath~~~eibampt dunn _middotmiddotri ~themiddotweIpt or bull rtpIItaiIOII fwllJUan Do bull do O BuetOl amp (amp11111 Near St George) 3~ ~~rII~ Dt~~~IImiddotlJuilfe Otunli IInewled and liaeety of PIlrpOll that 111l1li1 Bad de Cacao fi Do dobulllt lOoQ alloo COm liI iir EurepO tID pnbU~ work raytllihl1 tor IIIY_ whlchho ~ en~ Do do Jayl 11~Oerde8 k tamlly bull bull bull MOO and deg eIO h I dltIcm of th ed B Ii alrad tTOtahI II III E B~ ill RIampef bull bull bullbull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bullbull bull bull o~ gtJ lIII-dnl flle rthl 8 PI II 1 110- bull mope Catlle Batalai Las Lalaa R Pala ampI fmIl1 bull bull 1 popilldlia DIIlft h bull or I~ a and doubt ne -thaI ldImo~ DllIItre pow H_ID ru bullbullbullbull Do dO On the Plaza 2 ItciUjmiddotJ1IUle d~ ~call88htroFer ttei1eclla Niea IfW lillke hlllWM falidllarDo do bull bullbullbull bullbull ))0 do Do QI

lOh~IL~ ~ II middottmiddoti~ wmiddotr hrO hOllmiddotADleaea Dobull do Do do edmiddot lwwlljlUll-adepamprlTleodeglmiddottoat 118 i CaUleamplampIemiddot HeC~IJtI lnoceDteRuele - Ihf St PeUnbllllt lnadluted It and bOle IlIf au r-l~laIe and Imiddot

Jdft1oillD ftJreIIP ~~ I -gt - lIIotiee rdieateDIJIIlIe- bull ItiIdmiddot bullbull oe bullu were D- bull lIl1111~~ da r F lid lIf 9 jIIturliaia oItlte llllIoWl81 _lddlKieaeeIJ pe BOIIIe In Rlne bullbullbullbull r bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull ~ ~middotCbIdimiddot =n H bull UeDllla ~YU Ioii wIltprenlM th~ to me dIll11111bll1t1oe~ Sugar Etemiddot nell 1110middot I

bull~ bt -eneecUMtto mltllilbnn Ihe pUbHoofmiddot ALL PmtlilONff bano tIahe na tilt 11- lUvae ~ Pedro Ohamorro bull l~rJnO

III the Bunf d~ti_O ~ Ollorbelorei1lellampt1idlryorneoo1868otherw_ tap 00 do 12(00 ol~ ~1I-noII IlQ tie a~oflii~1llI~tb1middot-middot ~1llr01l)li iterccentef Pedro ToaqIlM ~1I1l1 ~OIOO ttlbullwtmiddotcilr 6Ibplo-dIJ1Koiiot1t1 ~UIAtltJiB8GORDB1t 1gt0 do Ag~Agrla DI()~lcla)lemando 8laquogt0biild fll IL b ~ and tb ()rientili OIllRLBamp OALLAHAN)middotmiddot H_1n Granedamp CbhlDroampramlr SapA

~ll8gotlatlllW bullbull or bull ~middotJ1lLll1SKtSr ~dBlti I_Kula Do dobull ~00Ileattle300ltgtiu1l l2~Umiddot ~dJCted uallO~ todOonr- AIld-aU ~lIIdehl to tiM at tit Do do ~ROaa Do lt100 ~600caltle 1Ul0 hor8eI 16gttOOi ioot IlWlpr~ middotabOedec~ petdllOllllIIIIIka Immdiata Pato Bac1euda do Ccao bullbull to ~ Fnlgetlcla Vasa t 18

The crll11Ilj~~ I~ ~1 lal~ lenlll~t monuo me GILDK PlTUB Bon III (Jraneda bull bullbullbull Do ~ bull 15 O hllito Of tbbull bull piby- BeIIDlllpID bull wen all lnbk A4IIIIaIllrillorO D Stook lIn~b St Jeronlmo middotDo 1600 catlfe ~(lO hore HInhn

the bull t t Gralled yen St 18M Boote ill Graneda Do GuedaiouputMet ~ biublUtyllldellotlllllon mapa ~middotU om e __ - Do domiddot Do _ Domiddot middotmiddot11100 deslrabiek a iiillitarJr poln oC vie the movemiddot otlce Domiddot 40 bull bullbullbullbull Nfcaclo d~1 Qutlilo bullbullbull bullbull 8bull lIlent h111 n~li describe LL pertlOll8 hlnr clallIlII aplta lite tu of QoIrete bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull Do Near lIIalaeo 4jju

J kln 6fGill1eya middotlieon In bamplilgmiddotno- A~o fOllolngllllllled deoeutd plIrtIOIll 111 pre 11o In Qranada Antonio Barheteno bullbullbull ~ ~ U n pea I nHhem to me dilly Inthenlluated 011 or before Stock Ranch El rlldo Do $00 cattle 1~ hollelt 4fi

lated tho ~oodIIl0~8 O~ wblch KOIIulh delegl~ed lito tOth dlr of Deoember 181111 otherwllle th~ lantln Walk bullbull bullbullbull Do ~eer Granada 2 bl power lbo Bele pilbllahoJ the follOlYlDg wlH noamp he IIllowed by Jr I ~ In GratIlIdl Jns Maria EIllrada bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bullbull bullbull bull bull bull ~ quotatl11 bich we are templed to cOP1 aa It B1lOn Cole Wiley lfarahl~ Plantain Walle bull bull bull Do Ncar Granada l II Iii millent p081110n In European afIiIlr8 Robert JlHllkIII Jonaillan WIIecm HOIlBO In M_ 400catrJe fiO hlgtrfle8 4~ Lino CelIr

8 ow 0 pN 1 Dr Gen lie bull gatll bull S K Sackaun George White Stock Rench Clraeol Dmiddot fear San Roque 8 0I

beld by Ollr prlStli g IInto bull And Umiddot perllOol Indebted 0 lite estalel oC Ibe HOlII8 In Gratllld Lnla Montrel e 0 Kt)86utll had middotnot ~Ichd Oro ~pon dlo boTe deCeaeed pereoMl will make ImmedlMo PlY PIMntain Walk bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull Do N~middot VegM 1 (

rOllller befO4 the necouol 01 GOI8O I tIe1lSOD men to Il10 GILBBRl TITUS 1l01llOln Gnadn NAciso Raplnoza 4r ovemok him frOli1 whence togethmiddot wlth 1epl 11bllo Adllllllltttntor 0 D 8 BIJIuln GralUlda bull bullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull fala rlltoa Horall bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull 6( U Dembinkl Kmeuy GI1OO and 1If tbollltlllt~ 11 aranad BtpL SO 1848 Houeeln Granada lOll Ubaotl bull bull bull bull ~

ho puHd lIrollgh Wallacb to Vdbl In IV 1 - Ifulend de Cacao MlloO Tlo bull bull bull bull bull bull t I hefond lIIe Turkhlh frentler nO ee- ROUIein Gramplloda bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ROIIrio Vinamp Granada Hotel 9 ~ wlUle Gorgel bad omred tho gaITiIon of AItt peraoiIII areIIbJ oaiRIed agaiOI bul Do do gto bull bull ~ 0

Colllorn to III1rrender wblch I re~ lIrat to In or lI_solSatlllg flit the fulJOwing 1crIp~ Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Ponelano CoTftI bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbull ~~ d thoul11 entering Ioto neotiatiOll wllh the ~ne 1_ nUmberedmiddot(8G) tbltty-lllr In fayOI of amp do bull Pelar Mil~nco bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull 4lt IIV

A~triu~ Tb~ro were IIDfortuo~11 cmOlPI D lIa)Ie1 tor t810middot Do do~ bullbull bullbull bull Tlo 21 die o1lICltMI lOme dUpes of Gorgea parIoy who 0 1_ nlllOhered (19gt nfnetean 111 fu~Il of Stoclc Raocb 0101 Ito 1600 cattle 200 bor 110 0 were allrlollamp (0 maktmiddotterrM and Ie nolbiug 1188 Wm Baletor 18383 Uclenda do cetlO ~ Do A Malco ~o bean of K_IIlI fonll bull Gorgel bad ~Tel The lJlOye dllllCli1gted IIIitIp Is ~ elldoried by H_In Granado bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Femando ellman bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 0 fro him t~lll0w$tl Ibe f~lrell w Svoo liP me and Pi t Is pioleetiKhUbeoIIlce of the StoolfllAAelt at TOrell Do t600 cattle 300 boraes 12r 10 the AU8Ii1anl with ~~ealipulatloD hat tbe p Mlntaler ~endlaquo DANIIL BArIgtSY HtmfI$ In Granadn jOfoqnllla Iloran bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 6 iison 11(0111111141 1I~wcd ~ loen portion 0r11a a~~Pt Ib 1816 Hclendailo Cacao falaco Do 36 pay and Abould be pe~lltIdtorollreullUolecd HOII lnGrallllda Pedro Seqllenn ~ ~middotO

KOlIlhh~ng bead of tbele DegOtl~tIcm~ David l_raDI Hou-Itl Granarla Yna Horan igend conelilulllg b~~ tho Pwer oelegaled to Oor OFFERS FOR IiALE A hie plate San Seber Hacienda de Cacao ~ Hraor JLSimdonl O ge htd eKed bticlt to bnn on aocouD~ oC he Ian Stre h boG IIh Bee- Stock Ranelt Rcmltee Felipe Oahezas 1600 ClIIUe 9 DOll l1IUI1l1oee of the traitor wltb tbe COLldillona bull 81 on OWIII a bullbull H0I311 In Onnada Miguel rullerllZ i bullbullbull 3m III ateJ iIad bowr dilpttcheltl bull comulmiddot chon Jture SIllc1l RaMbmiddot San Pablo Do liOO caltie 40 alier wIth powerl and illitIlCllonB 0 prottll~~ 10 bullFlour Vb~e~ aIll11~fe=~n~hlt Do do HeCled r SelayoampDIejltraa 260 cattle 400 nOllle8 20 tho U~I t~ dB~nee of CO50rn bull Oilnltte blide~~I Ale ampDd p~ Do do ChllamlII10 Leandro SelAYo 600 caltle 50 horBeI ~o deg

That po 1fhlch he cotld oalr give ~ di Itelrt WI CIa) pipes Ifoo ln Guada bullbullbullbullbull Dolor LejaTftl bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull 0(raquo GOYemo ofmiddot Hunprl feN counteralgncd bl un~T aD b a lltoek Rancllmiddot Qlebda HODd~ Dr bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull (jollll Q-iiili BfodlaDyl TlIe Comlllieajone or ermaOlfjl bull Do 40 olnquto Do ~600 entUe 200 b01808 bull bull bull bull

lta1lL hilWA to (lqwtrll when fortr-lIIIf Recorder Oftice Do d SoIn Jampclno Miguel BolallOlampBroa 2500 caUle GOO horaee 1~ renderedmiddot bull __ __ De do San Francleeo tm~ 20

Thia oommkttoloner delegaed mlb aupreme Tml Ollloltofth B_ofDeeda lorICgeB Las Hampderae Do ~~OOO cattlo 200 bOae~ m oiflhlld mUtanpoer W baY8 reaampoD to kilo lIcrorthe OrieItIi D~ofth RolIbo -Do do ~~ Rolille ATUezIICluIlIIOrtO 801)0 cattle 1100 bol8ell H i wuUuolll Vae lIampbor of the pampblet JIoDi 110 will he optlledln thecltl of GranAda on _ HOll~ III Granada bull bullbull bull Do bull bull bull bull 41 bull fbIeh we C been 10 largely 1IlI1ftc1h1g daJ the 8th oampptlm~ 18~G1r ~~-r ~tlIk I_ncb s~ Blu Domiftlo Jarqllin TOO caUe 100 horae$ II lboup 1I1) boll a reteh 011 boreehaekhe aqutred by D_ to e ~__~~J ~dlin ~ fin do Tenabona )fillller Alvarado 600 cattle 100 horaOlll 6 ~ OOlIld nlltIumiddotImemiddot Illach lIIe fronlel ror middotwhlob Ibe toreNIdD~Dt re7GlLLm Do~ do COrplil Chrletl Menue Gltcia 600 CtlUle 100 horeetl 4~

putpOtllmiddotU waii ntCelllry to pili ~e lllrough monirdetteforthOriealll~t Do dB sm6ntonlo Tillloteo Lacayo 800 caI~Io 60boraea 8~O the 1ntL ~ 1 H_IIlGranadltClltolayorr _~v

Had ht dOlI10 he Wlamp J)led~ no to liltmiddot Oranadaj - $711301d Camont ror fU InOlIIte lid would haTe N ti T 0 l IJ I u

~n~rHn 900 Auatrial P~~8fII whQIU he 0 ee Together willi lorl) or fifty FarJU HQu- amp0 1 Iho Depar~ent of BIYa8 Iued at ~ ill ol1lltbave hold aa hOllagea for theeMnmiddot the I WILL give Uberal ~wvd to a01 person who three hundred to onll thollllllld doU_ ~ ttunJilt1nn clilefti-to th Oil thle incldenl hluged bull will tlUll to m) etore my Ledger Book II A btrge portloll of tho abue poperty 18 situated Idlin als houra ride of San Juan del Sur Vlts in tb tate of Moul BadlYllllyi udOrmiddothla COlllpan~ Will pIIIaed from lIlatore during tlielate attack Bay Rirulan Gorg NaDdBlme and Deriomo and the remalndu In Granad tnd ObOlltaea Iollllinmlafllflllland~nn1lirt1rdo I _ftbull~ _ 18 1866 1IA TllOllAN JOHN MYLARD MARSHAL bull

Tho fold(r~ of tbo garrison broke ~h1r milmiddot _ L i bull

F NlCARABllENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 1 sabado 1de Novtambre de lasS Saturdav November 1 1856 323


lEI NIC AU A GUENSE1middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotL bullbull 1 ~ bull =L~ bull


[OFFIotAL) If ~lIdortOollliull8loned Oc~ 8 rROamp FrrltltiNr4tt~ ~- Olear OrOllltoy II 9 DbullBamey Woolf COll1mlllliolled April 28 1S6f

REGISTER UI1l1M1U R barlfa Tylor lI_y 28 OF TUB Artlllit CoInIor1 GOmlUluiouElt AtgIIII lit l8G~ JollaW AndmlOn II June 21

amprotul lAl1Ilmdm ThOll F Wright Jul N lOA RA G tJ A A R lY O~O~e Von Hln oolllmlttdloncd Sept 211 18$GbullbullJoho MbullGilCIIu AUg

Newton l Webb I April 10 M T Neagle Sep~ JII OIlllIRU CO~IIfIIDINO IK OIIlB R LaIlIb Se~ u William NnrthWige ()cj y

William Wlllite 6 IIlft11et II 95 ~1 Lil1llmIt1lt bull did aCltlmp 11l1li1 8411u4lOlf 0111I11T nTILLUI Georg~nll8ti oblllillil8ltMd April 1 bullbull lIIN

aCajl Inlr lfahon e1Inlillealooed Jln 20 18lil _L MIIgtI lames bull T 1roe u May 9t

H F Pilled Matcli 81 - A Dltl1gtwarj2 comlllillgtlioll~d OclOber 18 11166 fm K PMliv~ II May 26 II

W81 P towl II il~ 1 CaptaIn Jbull~ ampnaford Julr IJ II II 0 W GIs a OJ 18~ Getlrge B elllllld IlOlI1mlllllloned Occ 18 1868 VJlIIm H Toler A_g 11

bull bull D U Dulaney II I_mea S Jldfe u 8op~ 25 DIItODIIIR OINEIIUII 8oeqrulIMui_t Joho M Wtllngtonmiddot bullbull Oat 101

Comer o Homeb commlllioned Jats 12 19116 John Crowell commluloned Sept 11 18118 BeuJamln Hardla 00 y A (lamp Cui O Staehle Occ ll4- Firat Lleutonant Jamel Small 1Il~lLlOI or UIIOIIIIamp a_liD ATTJtl01 O~ IKAlrIar

Birkett D Fry eomriliAiolled 6pl 16 Mqjor J hn A J ColtitUeOamta Joho P Wtel1 conomllllloaed J1IIII 18 1866 0 aqu~ commlolaiOMd]lIne 18 186amp

I bull R T 80 d igt LiMNat CIltm4l2dbull L GU bullbull c e corum 1 I II vilpt4lI1 Leonldu MCIntosh co isoiI ed AlII 19

L Nonrell Walker comllllllo~ Aprill 11166 M On 111middot O middotF Henningsen comDlfaaloned Oct 19 Robert Ellr Jllne 11 lien D_ n_ co l1~ft d A IA (~mp R W Plck ~nl ug j O_n mUlne ug 18l16bull

~ bullbull ~ A bull - bull A4iaJUmiddot Johu 8 FlnOlllJvfl Lieaftt Oct I 2d Lleut E H OIat~~i~88d JIlOO 18 18~6JDJOILIIT o~lIuJtlI I)BPtIIIIIIIITbull

lIltfut Q_ol W A Rhea cOlUlDmlsaiQQed August III 1816 Ja_ Umiddotmiddotmiddot- eomlDlealnomiddota Amiddot12 1middotmiddot~middot-001 Ph RThompson CODIIIIlMdFllb 1I18G8 w H Lenl 92 - ~ ~ Ilamutl -L October 1 J1l1$16 Dreux June 1~ tulffilt t4illtattl eMal JAIIIIe Lewis D WIlIkInS II AIIjI it IiUajor G R OMtoQ coDlmluioned occ 2amp ampcotul lMutma1ll Bllrale Bell II ~

ll1DQII IlgtvOOJTli OBMW ThomJ)lOn 1lI00u _liIlened JIID8 11118118 Lewis E GIIU1 se t 2lt bull T U Hewlett II Aug l6 p v

dbulltWllftt J+ o44u9cat OIJ W I Qukll~ II III It lIf Ll~1

11 llmiddotitar ngtitn~t~ ~_ i


Poet-Ollie Building OWEN DUFFY Ageut

y u ~~_~ 4 Ilrllil F D _ t

i bullbull en AWARD of THIampfi DOLL4RS esol will Ie Lieut J W

fOt appheDaloll aud dell (tu of thG Army) of t~ofollowI118 named 2d Lleut Wm ltP-t

from Company A Firat Jlltampntry Balta

[--FJS_ RIOH Aged Illyeare II r~elO In hAir blue o)eB ruddy cOlllploxlOl~ i() pound Occupalion baker

bull GLIDDON Aged 28yeara 6 feet high falr clllllpletIon IIllhthair blue largo feet and 10llg tlnlterod-bullbullellhl

bull 8

Oapt M bull 1 FlIIOr comt1lampIontd July is 18111 lolln Coo COInlDialloned Jlloe 18 1864 bull rllIII JlJTTJUOK or 1U1II8 AndrbullbullBrady Au 22

IMIIHCTO_ GIIIKIJL I)amp~TIIIIII bull clod GlOIge W lIa11er II Oc~ 18 Impector eIII~ BdwlIId I SaIldm COIIIIIIIadcme4 AprO II 18lS6 Fnnclsco IIotb II IS

CoL Bruno Hlltsme commlsalond NOf 12 18114 U~ CoIltm4l 1IlId LiNt bull Tler OUwllllt ~m~edl ll 18 8uluel a Allin c~mluioDed lflllOh 118116 B D lIorre~ comm~olled Au ~3 [8116

_ _ y fIlor J middotW Oonkhn OOl 18 qlllllTllalllAalllllS JlnuTIIIJII Johnmiddot O ONtII commflMoneli AprD 11 lRIIf BeDJlllllln Beechler U 18 it

Q_~III bttal o4~ L A Clark IIC 18 Col ThOll Fisber commiJalon~d 4prlll 1858 8 LIeut ~ Lathrop commlad lau U 8156

ttll Qiulrtnnw OMiMl ~ peUlliATIOJlll Lieuamp 001 Wm K ROlieJlf comd Ocs Y G W1l Leonard ool1UDlaIIooed AOtII UllSIf hI LIeuL B ABlltcbl Com et ampI1t np

QlUlrUrmallllll [Brevel 011 tile 11011 ()cj ILl Allgua I IS5amp [~or Thamp Benry CltJlIIlI88I0oed Oct 18 Co B J poundavail 81ilh COlIIIIlIud April 181bullbull 20d LIeut Thoml8 8tackh- 204 JalaaWy Ali-II Will HIIIria 23 C ThOt Dolan June 18 gill 11 1868

ampJdlanlQlrtmnalttl__ _ D B D )teCh_a II July e bullbull 2tcUJant D O F~t 18 RlIIH AcuR 2SCapl Wm II Wilhll_oomd Nov 10 18115 1- H A JObnlObe u i1 1866 BeltJ W Bamml Aug 4- 1858 G DamplIiel Oampgai OIl 4- tlld Lleu- W B Hen Inljleeor Ola IMPshy

Andrewa flmiddot it ~i r JObn Iwh1l1a II bull II Au~ Sll lBIamp Juh Y Price Oct 18 B J-- DIllUlicaAL O~ II 1 LleUI E 4 P~iI IUb lhtpIIQpL 11 middotJIIIO

April Imiddot lIfr lMI4u~ ~nd A A Moora lal IlII1 lug 21i liIH MUiI Slo~ 00 B Le R Latimer com d 4prD ie 1811 SUfReoD Wm H sun4eN Aupt 26 IUI6

W~m B WY~ K Bob P Gardner II Allg so Alor 10hn II bull 1111f1iba1~ Judge Ad Oel Au 8U88lIllIIIlOJ DllIBTilUT D AIa~ Anderson bullbull ~ 119 1868

Oommiry Qfmlllal Sutdluu A Wm H MIh Sept 11 Cp~ John Wmiddot amp7dr 11lUJIea Aug 81 1864 Col Georg B Hall commiufoned Jul i6lS~6 F -- - Oollllay Ii O~ 4- cpt II E Bradley TrAn ~llle SepUs 18nbull

tm44t110ilmmiuarp (I_I G -- LoUhamDler 111 Lieut A MePilIO lsI 11111 Occ Y 18GI MIor BIIIlj Y Or1Ie comlllissiond July Il Cbu H Welt II Oct 114 Capl Douglas JWllkhia(untcbd)ept 80 1861middot

Aulatll aommulIJrUu Subfm 811111plet WlUlalDeon ~ u U L Jilglehan tigtd Ioftolry 2) 11

Occupation tailor alao fruit deal~r Capt W H LyonS commisaloned Aug 1 1866 amp-d LiwfmlId R S WiUIIIlII 21ld RltIotI Oct 8 U

S LOUIS OOHEkT Aged ~l feetmiddot inchet leI Lieu~ W H Buttrick II 00 D Th_ Cbloh_ eornd April 1 185amp LIeut Col F bull P Audel D las Rilles Oet_IO bull 185$

l08o-welgbub9ut 195 poullda Oecupti~n 0iII Jame S Wet laquo I B tllke J _orr JIIIJ 6 Capt Cbarlet A Gore 2nd Rillea Oct 18 1811 bullflaquob rir comple~lol1 hlue er IIgh halr large Henr1 C Wall I E lb0i Y JllolIrnoy Ha12b

penwi bull 0 John B Moo Sep~ 11 2nd Mllllt M S Oro 18 PATRIOK H YS IrI- d ~III)IO DIPUT)lBff i David A Lawton It Aug 11 J G SIIDllllerll Out Is4 bullbull bull an mall Age 21 SIIrgetJ GI 1Il II ~d lUllet

JW8 G luet 4 il1cb~ blgll qotlt qGmplexion dlllle (with 110 rallk of COlonol) G Clayton Billllialr 011 8 1868 bullbulli dtrk 6et-welghs about 1411 pounus 00 F DIICj ONeal 4 2nd Lieut J W PolklIl1d Inlltnlry Oct 20 18~ ClIpalllll IdhOler BVrgtcll 6 H Ubrbrook Itlaquo it J M Williams 2nt Rill Oct t I 111shy

6 OLJVEl (JROMWLL Ag8l182 years 6 (wlthbo rok 0( lIaJor) B WlIas Allen II Oet JI 6 A H wl~y 0010 Dept 2518116 kef 6lnches high Ught tomploxloll Ugbt bilk John Dawson 4cllng 8middotG oomd NOT 14 18116 n ell Wilkinson 21 II Oapt J V Hoolf AilSt AdJt Gen 28 1856 lIiIudl wblakera hazel yell-weighs aboul 140 O S Coleman coblmleslooed April 28 1556 __III) BtnttIOIi or amD llcsignlune-III1 fOIld OecllpuioR millwright n T Roalon lep 18 (JolOftI

_ClIARLES W KltuGER flapt Comdg Jamea ellulII 00 111 Jobn Allee cOIIQlIIIlloned June at 1866 I)URII bull (0 A 1st lulQty BaLllLlion BurpOIl aM Anitalll Smiddotgeo bull LiNluta1ll CltJlI Capt H t Witter A llltant Adjutant General

pOlt Serapaqui 8op 26th 1856 0 twitb the flnk of Captain) bull Idmlllld II HoDonald commlllld JIIG 18 18118 2nd Lleul Wm M Rogera lat InamplIlry--r-----------L-- J Geli8ner eommlllSloned Jan 91856 Major Li~ut OoL Byrollmiddot Cole Aeltlatant QU~flenlluler 1 Dllvid 1Ilnllg W G Sicigh bullbull U W P (Jaycee comOllllllioned Ua11 166 General killed at San Jacinto

O~RS FOR ALE at hia pl~ee San Sebas- A Callahan Val 30 middoto4ltfultmt 2nd lieut n A Milliken 1 Ri4es killed t sen

lIan abeel OIlD boUlle abov~ U Ph Be OWDI LHLuSeondy JUlie IS IMLleulJ W Kllllacmdorf comd Oct 1818l6 Jaolntebulldie a litore eor$amp tI UI ()ttpt Oapt W Pmiddot Jartls 2nd Rift died from wOllndi

lhlto-Nf Oandl~ Hackcr11I Olive i I~IIUlf Aug 26 CoO Jolin B Otee bull middotCOllmla$d June 21 18G6 reooied Sao Jaciuto e Wolft ro~tlc8ebledanoSehnappl bullbull IU onall Oct 28 A John F llecgtrch Oct 18 CaptJ H WlUiamaon drowned al Vlrglu Bay

bull Bltte Phlladelphlll 110 and Porter Pol DlIPtBTlIliII B DenJ M AndorfOn it 16 lind Lleul H l lhemRn died from wOl1ld reshynan Alld bilIa Wie Claypipes loynuulw Ofmoral Ii ~ ceived at Ifuata Ocl 114 middot18M

lerlll eh 001 Alex middotJonu commlssiOlld Feb 8 18H Edward O HIIIf naCerrd fMm Ordnance Demiddot LlOnt Col F A LalIIO 4 h c tarharolrbull p tulNMII PlaquoyltlwlII ptl1ment CODllllleslone4 -ug U l85G murderd b1 the med forces opoeed to tbili

T~ O I ugUld III ost 2d Llout J Fiemlng conmlsaione4 Aug 4 S middotS McElroy Oll~ lS OoYelllDlcllh IJlhollt propOllng Itn excbango

DgltS IllS S~HVI9ES 10 Ih citlllns flI OII)AIIOI DUAllfllBllr Imorul LfMfnaoll of priaOneri _rdlig 10 the uaagee of war ~anadjl and vlcmllY III h praete of Ulior E W Rawle commissioned Jul 14 1966 N T~p OOll1tuiu1ooed October 81856 lit Lleus JulllIIIKeilkUled In action at San J

u mOINE SURGERY amp MlDWIFERY Hellry I bullbull POller bull it 14 Eo H 01018 II 8 clnto bull 2nd IlelltW W ~der killed in aClion at SaIl om and OlIidcnce on the lOulhw1 Capt JJfrori Swln~le AprO 11_ J T Booo 18

~r of tbe atleet oppte b _ __ lal Llel~ Il A Carllar Oct 18 I B Vaughan 18 Jaelllto _ 0 0 1amp1100 2d Will B Ulte II Benr1 Hlnea It 18 middotDealba-l0

ent OWG bull ad June I 1 86r 1III0I11UII COIIP raTe _ i - --- Oaptain 1II8r IItTTUIOIi or IlfFJIITIlY J)BOPPBD

i lntitmiddote E c F Ucsse cOlllnllaaioned October t 18fill lt011 cpl A U Hirsh August 0 1866 iL PERSONS hlulng clalma against tbo 8A~IIIU11I1) 11111amp11amp John B MlIIkham commlaa~onod October 10 18511 U A B Wulklll8 AogWltU Ig10

Al ealamp~ of tho following namod deooa8ltlol or Jrft L~lt Lieut ~ 181 Lieut 8 W QuayAug~1I9la5t1-werod I()ulwill presoul tb~m to DIe dulll1uthentieated flonr) O Porler ltmmisslOllou Oct 18 1866 A francie Rudler comllsaioned May Ill l81Samp 8urgtlUII p N lugrahan Sept I 1866 til Or baforo the 1I8b~ay of Dec 1866 otherwie SltCOftIl LilllltJIt lldJfJ1 Brig -Gell 1) de GoiC(lurl Ocl 19 i858 Iht~ will be barred h1 law C DeuulaE lIayuee commissiolled Oct 18 l~e W_ Raymond colllmlaaloned Hay 1218113 Dropped-5 1 CHARLES GORI)EN J K hgall 21 o44IId1ll bullI

I CHARI1tS OALLAHAN OfFIIIIU lINJlTJCIIED ind Leut Fred W JeIeCOlli d lpnl U 18118 n command of WlLLIAM ALItER1ULlUS KIJlL Ooltmll FraIl B OKeef cln~od A rlll 185 GeneIrolllmaUdlngmiddotlnuh~middot 11 pel8Oll8 indebteu to tho eeatee of tho U B Skerrett commillSioned lanltllly Ill 1850 James 0 JOJtUsone f is

ahor c deceated pereaa111 make homodiate pay CaptaiN OhllL B 11 II Pa R THOIlHOiI AdJ Gelleral N A t to lIIe GILBEltl TITU6 F UoncosOIl commllllloned JaR 28 1~8middot FrInk i ThomPecm June 2~ Headq1ampli~rI lfthe AltII1

Publlo Adnilllstriltor O D J Egbert FaIllUDI middotFeb I II Charlea A Waltere 8op~ II Adj General 08ce 8ept ~7 1866 W J Merryman II JlIDe 18 BIrarn BIlIIIIlII II Sept SIl G~ Oct is 1860bull

325ELWICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 3 Sabado 1de Novlembre de l8SS Saturday November 1 1856

- shy

I(OUTINU OlljlONIOLE FILtiloita P1l1GRuTbe Dime of amphept ~EJ[INIE A~M - elttie~middot~~~~M~r hi~Ibtmiddot~ 8I1~C~herortbo pteellhiplraottohoPreal- Vlo~PCOUI amlPletwillb~llIeaodioJurebull U denlW chair of Ibe United l116tee IIM Jolhn FlU- The CoDoltlng rtlmub upon iho Wled th- et alanaing liq~ean~ h6ldiifg mu~eHighCly III d~ f h ~Ilv w a L dmiddot f Bri II B Ihe8boulde aoldierll lite h whoutmiddot aurilljlJ

Dlor~ an a ler avlng hoen bull long tIme In ~ ea m e peu 0 en m- tb kl n k f ~ L Rlla 1- Id I I rom e - bull 0bullbull e 0 I e lln 1_eaplllIy b plrat tiled lIpon a farm In Conmiddot bull n n- on lapr uponevIlr10er 1 when loaded ~Iamph elonty~ve pina of rifte PO-DecdClUI where be ended bla daya NathanIel tho NIlIIl1Iguan Army to road carelnU or ell I~ der endllot rammellmiddotI tt1 Jlillcb leU thtb Flllmortltll _ amp100m hautOt htlndrelland oul bullbulld e6mmit it to momory h I a olea anel or the lIu8kel bllt 11111 too great 10 l)e 6redflOBl

eMy 1-alio When ayoutll be mom to lucid daeJriptlon or the manner ill whlcb amphe Ylni4 ~vrilu~~~~~ ~iiI ~~ ~J~i Verlllon and alded at Bennln~I1 WMtIl b should be M amplid m ampl1 repoy all tbe lI eqWl and holditlght to middotIbbullbullhl)uldbullbull Ihe r bullbull

fho ~Ct beteen Col $andbullbull i Old TOIII IIlId 11 r ltlay~eoq II 8tck Billy chronicled lut week I whlcli 011 Tom wal deolared a ylctor atartcd the 8po~tlnlf men ef tho city and this weft $ IIno hall aoveral asciUllg IIl1d ciofOl _let~ ruCtbullbull middot

On l edu-May ovolIIIIII a moteh was made lind run b woen Oape OcorgltJ Giel Ba alld MA jor Cfty4ecs II Black Billy Distance 400 ards fQr IWG hundred dolla Black Billy n on h7 K clqar engampb

Tho ext-on the me eveninll-IIu a conl t ~IWcel (l18t ~ay nd a d k grey ollJled by BlIvet 1I1lJor LeommJ This race was a try tlOampO~o-ite hors flllming side b1 Ide tbe h~lo tauee Gletmiddot be e as evldolltly overshyweiSb d bleh rul~ed In OllllSillg hDI to lOBe Ihe rA by a dialanee of only a lew feet

The eitt 11 II race Ileween MII)r Caycee u U1Ck~BilY and Col JUlIee middotu (re EMgle The IU ~et upon tho hoN1C8 eltCeed~d lin huushydrM do l~rlI A good llat wbullbull obtained and the hora 01 neck alld neck about lour hundllild yrds ~en the groy began te crawl a IiHe ahesd nd at be winning poet earnll oul n8lll11 holt II I ustb In dYaI08 Bolb boraes appeared t~ be I Chit IIce maoaged well but at Ihe end Ihe lid appfared 10 be In doubl as to wbleb Wamp8 III laater animal and a Dlaleh for two thoushyIDd d Utp Wal eWeeted on the lIeld bylbe Ame horaee llh chanRe of rlders~11 came 01 lhe DeXI ( urad ) evenlol( and Ihe Grey won

Coa UTIOtf or rRIl EIIrllloa or ioU 1111

R~881 e- Bhortly after ill amphe ahlatan had taken hplr pllOea til lfaater of COIemonlel raleed Ia liand and IAfe n ordor In RlI88Ian wbete pi)n tile trumpetl blt9l oul InlO a wild IIId i ln8 8ouah the herald ~ised their Noell In Ibe Ilr and II hllvi~g uncoyoted their _dl pile of Ibe Becretolri t4ll4 tbe prOtlalllashydon w~i~h i8 redem into Engllell 018 folio

Our Inry aUgUStlery high lind ve pulNttOI r Aleunder Nicolalevleti belnll tIlrone of bls anctors heb 18

lIIISiu as ell u upon tt(lSt of Poland and of amphe GrtUld Duchy

of Finlauit which aro Insepllrable t1middotorp II hAA deiW16il to order LDllt the eoronrlon of bls 1m perial iljeS~ nnd his Olltb Bbn lake illace on 1M 2 III of the monlh I Augu~t bis augU1lI epouro lie mprola I1kro Alqxandrovnl pllrtlelmiddot

bull ad celllmooy Tub 8I)lemll Ael the preeut pr~1anltiu 10 all

to the eld that on this hppy redouble ttelt feVotin theil pyera

g of King tba~ Ho middotm spreld by His _ VOlfer His faTO8 dmiddotbl bullbullsinll ou tfiO

reign ~( hi DlaJeat ~t1d tllrougloul it duration Ito nu~y mailltaln peace lind ~Ianquility to the glor) ~f Ills holy nAme and fogtr tho 1I11111terablc prosit of tit emplro

Wl~l ON loLlTlcs-EvelbOly knoYs WilIi8 -Iho peet nll~lky edilor or Ibe lIomu Journal 110 btl III)td matty good Ihinge In his life and tbe following upon politlrs lIod political cRndldltltlli Is bull ot OJtull b~tter ald lh ptople of IgtlcaragulI iU6ppreellltJill

I lind mylolf for Ibo flut tlmo middot111 tn life Inshylml~d for political candidAte or I hould ~1l1r[~IIY perhp~ In 1 Candldalo wililoUl hi politic I II1vo bltberto (10 account S(lDlebat rolllm apparent want of aImiddotlotlsm) thought tbe eount under a hend bioh iliad almost any Ilcor g safe enough It loomed 10 me of vcry liWo IIsnllnoe (10 anybodr but I)m~ oekers) wlulth r 1 whig 1ll1 domocrat wu at the holmshypllblt opluion besidlli being llOgether too wide l~ak hlo ollcated a Olgtnlry for Qlther a blun ~er or l lin of pilotage to b more tban opproadltd So 1M plnlo ft8 this confidence In Amerleas do loSee vlJlol QIUIC)rrllCll1one or bull coo8tilution Ibat ( lIuld lOU beliovo il P) I I~ver Tilted In m tire y

B It wlLh ampho ecnla of the lost year 0 t 0

uoi th n tho intellect oC lbo country at r rk UPOlIlt be grellt queallol8 t IS8ue it would be hard

loge blind 0 Il)len8iblc And yeto

raised a family 01 lis children all but one of pllDI 111111 pmlllil whOm lunln II dnDcM agee anraging oter Di tl U I h VI I ntA b ree ODS lOr S Illi t 6 IU n6 l1ltw6 ~ y ye

Nalhllni1 FIllm_ amphe fatller ot Ibe 4IPra~- [By OIlIllR 01 fUll JoIiIUIiDIlINI(Cillllr] dtnl yet aMieI in Iht elllbtymiddotblh year of bll -_ ge Ho hili been a lAIlUer thougll lite cult oaOkUOE OFFICE l vtlng bia IlllIdamp wiamph hie OWII handa unlil the OllAlIIJgt~ CklObe 28 18H f bull bull bull bull TI U I DA t I h N gt_ mllrmlties 01 ago dISable him Hia mdUIIlriOllt 6 iWU u 1 WI n t 0 _-SIIIl un temp~raw and hnpl~ babill alll6d to A cbeertltl tho American Klnl6 H Is dl~nguebed IlOm the

Fronch BI11leh and RU8IIlun lfiDl6 by amphe IlIperlshyand bopeful mind hA~e secured to him eontenmiddot Oflty otllS sight ThplMa In wbleh tbo noteh II menland a happy and green old ~o n Was iled fOltbe backllthl whlll peoaed between tbe

~ b d 8 Imiddotf U I bOIn in nonnlngtoll Vt and realded tlloro unlil be arrived al IMlhood

bull Near tbe cloae oi the lUI centllly 6he ptIIQlIlI

eml~ted to the Ih wilds or Wesleln New York Tbtl ere among tllo poneer seltlen of Ibat dilrlct of ooUnlrmiddot1I01 aparl for bounly landa

to the aoldtere or 1110 reloIullon knowD as the new mllimr tract rheir IIrBI 100000000n lIIIlu amphe original townlhip or Locke tblt pan of It no cOmp ialng ibe IlIwnahlp or au lime bill in lhamp

bull bull r pnt COllllt of Oa1u$ A slDdt rrm waa purchased In Ihe primeval fort and Iheir enrshygiea lIIl dppllM 10 clearlogAld aubduing n 1M middot In - h III prep g il tvr a 6me Herbullbull III an blllllble log cabin atnld Ihe wUdneaa of nat wiamphla hearing orlld bIa alld Ib8 _nd of the w ed man as Millard WIIS born on he nh of Jan shyMoo bull IIr7 bull

Millard Flllmol( receled a rudlmeDteledlloO tlon In a COIIlltr ecIoolhouae amplid whell et aldmiddot was 0middot_1 clerk In drY gooda 1101 and

ono of particular Inleroll _

r A ~I)rrespolldent or Iho BAllilnore SUII

II t1811 (IOIll amphe White Iulpllur Sprmllbullbullbully Wo have a iva a1lthoress two hundred (~pllllk Ing in round numbeltl) prof9sloualgftmblIf olle bundred membera of Oonellll Alld aboul one

hundred oamphel1l cf equall- doubtlll1 ~eplIltlon besiden membel of tbe New JerHY Leglgtlhttllr~

A N~w SPIO-lhe pltell~ ballot-box of olishyfornln bat 110 learn b1 ilist IIdvlceB betln aold for upward of Ibr thousand dollars fur amphe pllrpose of ethibitlllg it to he minors previous 10 the po plOllching eleclioll h i4 11 Iho handa of Ibe Dellloeflta who espeo to IoUill i~ to good account In Slumping tbe Stale

bull tr lhlolln a celebrated Frenth phf8lclAn It

is ~Id watkabl f~d 01 drugglnJ Oncu htVlOg a patient IIbo diluenlly ad punety swalloed all the 80114 110 onlerlld be W S(l demiddot

lighted at seeing all the vllUa lind pili bo~ empiy bet he hook him by tbe band exolalmlng M d~lr air It really aWords mo pleRsure 0 IIttend you and 70U 4t1lOl 10 be 1111

wurn an nger ( n e Arneriean m) up and down owl wben kpl properly oiledWlterebullbull bed It malllll IIIonary U _ as Ih~p_o of tile thumb and linger ceaeee and doea Dot link by tbe ooncullllon 01 the piece ID lIlng The ghl plall of Ihe French and BrltIah fmle II very atlff 10 Il101 If cloaely titled and If 100 enough 10 Ok euilyls apt to IIIId6 do )7 continnM IIrlDg bleb U Dot observed b1 ampho IOldler Ill mate him Ire ene or 110 or h_ hundred yards abort

The Alinl Rift elltued to the Nicaragua Armyrallg 141)1 )ardL or ahofl dia~_ I haa Dot

06- ~ amphat diltllllClt n 0 d bull d rl_aflelward turnM bis altenlloll to law The Th I II bull I bit __ rid III l re all - Isn lllquHlI I 5 era 0 gneraliy of readers afO acquainted lib hla powderbull Tbls dIart1II cootened In tho llatka === iIIbstquenl CMer 1Uud bl moving die charger of tile lIak 10 Ille 00101 Wise or Vlrglnl bullbull In a recene

aeoond Iiotcb It Is al80 contalt)ed In til eartrdgee speooil concernillg Ille Millou Cumpro1ll8e IIl1ti bull luuedfrom the OrdDllIoeOlllee 1 Ihhl da said The coal or nOlrunulng that hntou

Ibe aceulllOl of tbe ordinary rlfte That Ie to dllt_ on ab_Ugtlltnown to them bUI kno 01gt to ooe hundm yarde Bllt up co 0118 hUll to th luatructol who bould keel a NeoN III dmrarda 1amp IIiU pul ev shot InlO a eIteI 0 18 their obullers whereby the captain or II compa07 Inchee dlallleW1wblob is IlIlBclelll for war pur- would be able to dlslingulsb Ib080 bo pOlWeaaed poses aa II 11011 d hll 110 enelll1 1D amphe upper paH the greatesl lO4 1114 leaat judgmen~ in tIislDlshyof amphe body At onllamphoulandrarda Ih_ rilIea tel 110m men aN found to poseea lI uallllab 11111 Pllt went ttow out of Ibllyln a targr sen In hlch doG t ne acquire it b pracd~fe wid batt 111gb On lhe 26111 Lleue Bart others noe acqlre II though they may maDmiddot wllh n mea 01 amphu Second BllIes Ilml 1m) goo abote The I)e8t tried Judg~botyendthellgto efght rounds flom Ib~ gnu a fenr hundred f_ (~IDamp to rules aflerrds 10 oe __14 dbianee at a lIlIIte lit amphe We lhougb down) regulate lhe dllttance AI wbleb amphe ltb Brlag amph_ guilt for the lint time eleven mn pa1J In acllon aholoI 8el the Iglu8 of ampheir rillel GIlt of the rortyelght ttow 011111 h been hit C F HENNINGSEN Brig Gen

A VIOILUT 1M TllOIIJlLII-A Mr Colemaoamphe and amphOBO whoprefer till meaauHlI mit obtelD amphe President of tb~Som Frallci8eo Vigilanee Commit- same by requiAlllon II amphe OrdnollceOllee lee lately arreated In amphe elly of Iiow Yor( Ilunfortuoately happenM tllal the lJepIIIImtlt at ho suit of man nf tbo uame of Halon ho WIll forced by clteum8lallooeto 18100 lOme ot lOOn lIunbullbull and to Ptlt IOgeamphor cartridges before the

waa bamshed by order o the Committee from oeCleaal1 IWI~uclon8 bad 1Illvod Henao amphe caUrQlltmiddot4 Mr Malon IlIIrIll8~ lhe li(lWmiddotmiddoteaiUiilgeillillfiltColltillileil aUbuFtlfellt gralllS Yllk Bvenlng POlt his onUI) Innocence of en crime or oWnee and lthtrges Ibllt the parileo middotho bull mpmollcd IUId banished hint dlil80 tram ntampllclnua moUvoa mrymiddot aiid 10 goi rid lIf an lICtio c11t zoin wbo condcnmed and esisted the llrocGelloge of tho Corillllte~ middotanll WM about 10 10 lealioony

bull 6 in tile Unltell Sillies Courl at San lranelllCo III n proceeding whicb h middot since resulted III the InUetshylIIent and hnprlaonmont or IWamp melnbe~ of the

f bull

orgAnization at San Fraucisco ~r PlIlcI

to9 much tKlwderbull Ihe effect of which as 0 make IIiIrllI~ kick ~d to burallo bell lberebI dealrolng ftecouNey

lho nlnl6 Rille bill Ole tho ordln ritle tle advlltap Ihat Itma be 1000ded more easily and rapdl h ~ IlIaded wlamph tl~actll tho IIIIUQ rn pldl~y andfaCllty as the ordinary mllllket

Tho ~o llloat Important pollll8ln tbe jedloloUII use 01 thomiddotBinle relo1O Ibo imulIer of loading andto tho IllDner of holdllllllhepleee


To lond ampho 1I1n1~ Plumiddot In the charge of pow Tho question of ho lhls But Will bo settled Ii dcr put Illmiddotlle ball rgtiamphout pap hutllcr If III~

doe lip In CIImiddottrldge d plI tbu ball ImUle wlllloul nhllng Illltliit cI ~hu puwdr-Wbell il1GAUh ilo powde llitllduv IMI1I rod Itllout nen giving ouo amiddotuk~ tIwill 0Il11111~ke Iho pillCo kickbullbulllnd IIOY

coil I tun felt at all mil m~D ualoR 1M pleoo properly ma II Olla hundred ro~nda llholilrecelYing thll smailest braise or feellug Ibe leasl IOreneae

PUcnICK Wml I1l1U1 The proper lact to acllee tbe BinloS fit firt

Ie At Inob~ecton tbea~ beeansuh eIfCI or eve bOII8 Been For thr pllrlo II threemiddotlIIailea have boen plaoed on Ibe lako III lb water amphe two outer flake belug ten f t aparl Thll cel 1ft slake ill tbe h t 10 aim at The etlceil ~I(

h d- 0 eo h b (lne un yrds froln t e abol two und arde from theaborelhrbullbull more atakea Ire plfteed three btll~red yardo Ihroe 1110 takes avdao onup to onll toousand l abulldmiddot

JII1I9111G DtflmiddotUlIOIIbull

WheD holIer the sllooter knowing Ihe dill lance aI whleh be ill fring hOl8 Obtained eudlelenl proticlenoy II I 81111 ne_~y (in order 10 hlaeapon 001111 Ihe bid) thllt he abou14 l1Ian eaIooate known dlatao_ oorreellroampherise if he bas ligbted too ~igh or 100 low he may conllnue to aboot ~er Or under in the t1eld herll freqllt1y be - ~ot aee where 0of bla aholll 81rikee 10 correet hla etro~ On this accouo$ men sho 1d bit plBCllo1 10 guess at

If) lIccurae of the Ihot ~llher by pulit Il~ laquoO~ in PQ8tmiddotOlfice BuDdmg ~hapeof the ball or II) kllIin~ ) I HI-bullbullI bullbull ofo I 1866 IrOll cap whleh It cunulllli1 11 h lt~ plJlldce toIliPputO Ihat allY lt1111= T I E 1 O xrWK~ So I IUllnZQ Wl UtIIDLW not ramming nOlll provlltllllg th e~t tmiddot Kew~II oiande ampI Alandlln mON thMlI Ce IlIcbermiddotuhe IC I

WItlllbe gUIloulalromlullK lir q uF bg ABROGADOS

wbereas Wbtll Ie wipet 1111 IOlldc(1 gUll lno nextGmiddotpmiddotlitieRI thol)rlts 80 In_III) aropart A WIIUlltrE tBoUT TUII AOIl 0 Bo_-A llIIt blow oiIt tbe dbl lndM~9 tb~ ham1 8Ul1Ishy

PIRtampmiddotm (tlnll Abovo nil 80 01l01 m3Y Ihe chang few das ago we met a ~~lIemall from Ahlban~ cielltly bull ho e 118 1 lece of IIIforllltlOll hi re fli 10In II 0 of e~olll8 require p1tllltll CHIOl with lit- 118cuJtnlng thePage of a borde arlO boOf abo HOLDIIIO TlIII PIECIl 110 orln~ Iuf~renee 10 plrty Iheory o~ party platmiddot Ina paaaed Ihe niMb 7ear IIhicb woo 1I0W 10 Ill It I tbelntlllioll of tho tolnMllderlnOblcf rorm~ that It _ms 10 lIIe 0 should look mosbQn~ will be wo are lure to ~OSI of 011r flad 1~III rar M 10001Iiblc lit MiIlie ~iUIlll sh11 be it no~ oly II) tla~ lalityoJ la mlII-wtat ollr It8 tills ancr Illtl borao nblo YCIId lId l d$IIl~lItud ~ IlIeIl Irued) aCljlllllPlLtllYltl1 Ibtl CAlId t I wlI1klo comes on t~e oolid M he uIper corner II 01 tho 11110 Now Inen 1Wu41om~d to ~ha

I to I~ 11 nAtllte and culture retber thallio of Iho lower lid lind overy ycar IhcNltIItIlmiddot II h~ urolmRI rilo ltleil ck~ bllt 1 very amRlt bt Itt pai11 prnf8lSioD8 or bis 1IInt(oD promi ono well ltlellnld wrinkle fotmiddot ovor) 1 ()v~r nlllol cimrgtgt very pruperly reat 11111 bu I of tbe stock Jt~ If for Istancr 11 hor~u baa Ibreo 1It1kll$ bo I~ alililst tbo IIrmiddotlI lstnnd idew)~ to I U obJImiddotcl

or tho dnUlP~kllilJ ~f tlut ulnbtvttlmiddot~middott l~ ~lltit ~ III 11 tlrearmo 1amp lable 10 uck It 1lt tmiddotumiddot- Tbllll4obltcd by ubg II IVirh cmiddot 10 Ib~ end of Ill nUbrod 111 whillhwiii W u1 tOIlr with ~middot~aracrw on rUII he OIIuarlllll Oftlee TtU$ wlv~r iu ltretlaquo btJlImiddotmiddotC COIUCllcItg pacllce anIII bull ill U etWh~V8r amph 81100101 finds lhh hi Ii ill bishyling 10 CO dj)Y1I with ditllcul~ h -lImllI Iler lodll)g b~U btore ~plig ~ tbn I w~Ir once or IWCO dowlI tho buI lnu middottlt~ ~Il tlttlt is to l0080n the cakHl puwllll on tho 1lt11 1 tilG bltrmiddot reL 80 tIlen C8Jl11 ul lloc lIud tk~ 1110bullbull11 h~pB to clQl tbe gUll by bluwlu til dill Hllilre h Ill tI lUauuemiddot ~II imlldred h y be IIr11d rO1 018 pleca WIIlO1 ~qr ~1Ibg Tile reMOI wh) be I not III pu~ 1110 wIImiddot~r (11 thuuuoad bull plcCIl I brea_ II woul~ )lt) lhe bciJ dalllp anll tbill~l chargu Iul In fluid b~cOlDe IOml Ihem k

Paoillo lIlarmiddotb valuod thulO Virginia We no get a Ihouaand dollars for eounthlave we would then haye gollen from tbree 10 IIV6 1)U8Ad dot Iar8 rer an operaun it tho gold IIlInea ot middotOaliformiddot lila four hundred thoa mulllpiled b Ii- amphousand or even amphree tbousand will ahow _ mm_ lose Ollllpu1lon rdollam would nO compe~~ VI1l0ia for h~t 1088 III not rllooing the IIl1e on to llie Facillc

E I 0 nwtll L 84111gtpound WHo DAHOLlIfl



GRAilraquo 110AItAuUA 11ESSRS Kewen Simd~r8amp UanlUn III praeshy11 lieo In aU the COIlf~ of ~b Merilloual and Orlentel Depalments Rnd In tbti D~ptlllent of Le

PArlicular atienlilln 11111 be given to tbe reo covey Qf cl~ima ugainSl the GOvcrnmmiddotnt

lJ~oIbullbull mortfg leNlet Ie promply 0 ClIlel nd on Ii oralmiddotlermbullbullAI ow llId mo~ey brokerage busto will a lage tho AllenllOIl ofi6 finn bull

Q RAN A DAN lOA It A 0 UA bull

I~bull ~dlnrogtq REWEN SANDERSY IlAN IgtLIN ~jl)roosn lol PIOlesiOl1 de illmgllria ell tOUOllt los trihulltlle8 lj~ 103 t U d I 0middot l )tmiddotplIlttmlnt)8 lerl I()I1I1 v rleR

Y ~n el Dgtplrt~ento 00 Leon bull So dllrk atencIOII pnrticulllr III eobro If)

Imiddotmiddotdlm cr contlll dl1 gllhi rllo Itd 1Ijpotoc3~ Arrenimionto~

t ~ bull tc 1~n eJIIQlIlndos con IWOlIItlt y fllmiddotemiddotto~ mudeladollt TlmlJieu 1111 ocel1p~rall Itn rillgoeJoo do

I(rretagl el biencs rllice y dimro -- 1J h bull dIe= e~II1~e ~ en I Ctml 0 orr(~braundn NOlclObrc 1 de 1856

dup 111 jnll oIUII LOllt IN ampho early patlof amphb foe LAlfJ) W ~ 1tNT fQ IIvc hundred nCI ttl (If Innd drallO III fam of Col R J SJiltlors X_res hlTJ be~n takon 10 rendtr It of no e tlcJpt to the per8Ol fOl who It wns drtITIl WllOttOr ill It 10 ill NiiAlIguonao ollWe or to me ltiU bq suitably N11lIrded

OOL E J SANDERS GIlladI NQv 1 1836 1I~nrr- L~hUet

uvolll~ell if fOllt heiathirtc611 Ad til 11111 th) ro liillgt whoroby hcy do MtIlSeU1I$ nUltn~O-l tlIUiTISSuillrsa ETlqoE1TB - ceordiug tl 1 Iotc b IIf dliklea to nine atd YOII will hIV 111 Iltilgll lIlIk tu 1100 OIlOPI) lll~ ill mU3(~tlriug I 1lIorfwlit~r It III etiqueue fOf pelllollll of infot1or io So says the genUeman 811d Ito Is cOIIampuUI1 it lIee~y 118amp th~ 1I)~lcr shluM 3fIIillnL iIIder~ his pl)feMional lampniCCl

mnk io I~ol their healtia IOlVor han tho belds f 1111 Mef tail A a coo~ n~uy I)~I 14Vlllw I~ ltlec b I liing u 1111 rea tho muk(jt I to lhQ citi3Jlls of Graoaolo U ill bull bull I) horsts over Int a i$ wily tmiddotI II lIIc IIu I RIMtle amiddotIJ(lr amiddotlIe~middot in to tbe bll$O of Ih I hg l )0 found al tb Dosplt)

thelr l4ltupoOItI Iberefore wben a nabob aClOp I hOIampo dOll mutt slvo up liis trlt1~-lllonlllc I k s C lil middot1middot is ho ~1I1101 d) if Iro anda middotVmiddotIIm mbJnrtt _h_SjtflU ard sl~1 get Oil 1 (ltllIf2 Plnntel I aiemiddotx bullbull )1 ~ 110 bllU of hl~ pcco OraMd Novetllbe~ I 1~amp


328 EL NICABABUENS4VoL ~ No 52 p 4 Sabado 1de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 1 18qB

I But tberemiddotII point from wblch ~bl anbject

lhOnldIv _ad IItperlor to Iny mere Idalphaselt [Jittr ague ns t of tbe -i Itmiddotl6-how ~be buy tb deed In Ibla counll1 efFects th Ulag_od thlemiddota 011 1111shy

Saturday lIlorniD~ Nov~ L middotportanamp Dllrlnl the dry aeuon In thll coUlltry Itl Yer

HON COL 1QHl( H WHEELER dUlicuit 10 dig a gra or luDlclot depth to pro-

Thl amptnlleman wh has eo ably repreiented Int th polloDOUS paeafronl eacaplng 11110 the thII Jolted Bta1e8 ~ North Amerloa In thll couoshy

trl darlbg ahe varlbos oTillgea and atartllng Inclshydeata of tjle pasl two years Is we regre~ to 8Iy boul 10 dpar~ rom IOIOllg UI on a Iall to the uAiI~1t1atelo Hia beallll bu baeD of lale very _b brokllD IDd we InRir hI vlalt to 110 and nf bil blrtb 1JI1~ ~trellKthen ble fIoame by Ita Ron iov~t1i11 j~lIoaplire

_B rIOre will exolte a rept In the breut oC emf American In Nlosraguau blA aCQ4mshypUIIlliiilitt genlfemin bl aliampTl~y U )lInll~r

hII klndneas nd urbanl~ u a man and bis dieln lereledp u a friead ~as altcady g~lned him ~eliru~t ampad rove W~e~ver he goes tbe good wiebe or all who

uo-Iollllid thllCOI1iItry wlll follow hhn alld we trlMt at before la_IIY weeks we m ba middotth p~ule of Innoucbg Ita relum We wlab blm lfIe_t voyage



ED namp BURNED III II tbe dlkion ofthmaln of de

-r-~4 P llOD8 bas been a aubJectof Ihe promiddoteIQlUld98t ~iionUoo Wbh I~ are conDected the _tldenta of the warmes~ frlendlhlp tbo ileepetl eiltnltlbJl aud tlrelDost eaorad Ibougbtamiddot of tin

1iChaft~~ ~horo II anhll~lotl ID maDwblcb 1111 pell lilllll ~T8IlI wltb grea~ cate tbe romulD of his fiIampir orbullbulltur fbi ay bit esclted 10 pari by feeUng ibat we onl7 do IS we would be done

liJ toutpefhapi ~e -eat IncoU o 10 tblerupecl btl tbougllj that lhe Iplrll of lifo whleb anI -1 olampy before UI tnay be 1I0W before thea~llioron or the OIt High and Ihe nmdna tITeRlO WQJD 0101 our ioevltable dellliny

Tile IIIl1Dn of buryins the dead bas been a _II I _t I It f I

I ~Io Iou bleb ata n w w PlOCseda from deelylng

18tatabl We know tba lata1dlleuea are brollgbl ooby Innooulillon and hat I man canmiddot nn~ be Innoclllaled byanrlblllg mo8 dllllcul1O

L__ b

a~moephere and spreading lIIalri ampIIIong the Iiv-Ing The~ Iulso bull common oUltom among peoshypIe of th Ialler dayuo bury ~ remalDi of porsonl of no~ In nulta un~er the 1l00rs of cburchet and those In che dmp and gloom olihe luliterratiean cbambers In decomposing p~ddl_ and death among Ibose wblJ honored ~bn blloll logj Uld IUppose they thUI Ihow rpeet to their memory aner dealb h ta unnec_y to r8fe~ to the dangar of those who dIg gr In a Iae of OO1IIl11on Inte lIIent or how onen they como In contaCt wllb the polsoo of deeolOpoelng Jleah or wbat a s~ amount of dlseue Ibere II engendered bi the poleono pBel of sucb places by bel~g waRed amoog the habltatlonl of Ih~ IiVldg The evil elllcta or 11 tbeae clrcumstences ara Incalculable

We can onlyarrie at theamprulh In suck C8IU Iy Ulalol1middot W know that the gue_ of decumpoeo-Ing ~o~tsble mattedo swamps produce d98ues of eryerloll8cb~ractars wo know tbat on thla account 11 nu countrl are I_ healthy ampIian whera Ialor huefllleted a good drainage and ~bat higll dry land II more condllclve lOheal~h and Ions life tlian damp low Incamp We knowIi Ii Id- b I

JO tat ep em1 realmiddotoutmiddot1I parts of cl~le wh garbage ta a1lpwed to coUeet and tm1~ an eDlu~a Id we know also tbat gases from d cylg anllllal blatter are more daJlgelOUi and

The Late lnliulttlt the US llag I In olHla w publlebed a record of eiiollUng

eta All to tbe IneultllllC oonduc~ of ~e oIlied forces of Guatalllla and San Saludor toward the AlIlerican Oag the Mlnl~r of ~h8 Ulli~od Slates and tbe cold blooded murder 01 unarllled

American cltlrens But thll record dark and demiddot grilling as It Is te humanity WIS bulholf dlacload Dally circumstances of Dlulder _lnltioD and robl)e07 commltted On Alllericsn unarmed clll lensre being brought to ligbt which place the Governmenta of Gualeblala and San SAlvador bO yond the pale of ci illzallon and eta p them u BaIlon of ouUaw cutbro1e and bAndl~18o

Tbe accompnied allldavita of Cap~ Dunlcan and ~eut Gardner prove ~he diabolical IMurder of a Utile boy whose only offenco was being born In the Uolted Sla~ of wbite parenta and bnlng a while face

Doel not iIle blood of every frlcnd 01 humanl~y of every nalion ehudder at euoh ~Iroity Will not tbe lII08t eage and barbarous nallona of tha darkest agel of anllqully rise In judgment against luob uaboly and bloody deede _

tait of cOmpany D Fir~ Rille of tbe Army ~( ~be Republic of NlcaraguI and made oa~ ~haj

On Mon~ay the 1~11J October 18D6 during f

attack of h combIned foroea of Guatemala a d Ban Salvador on the city of Grallada during ~ e ba~le he approached ~Ioe houN of Mr JamoA Smi~h on the street of the Meulah opposite I e Churcb of San Franclaco f-om wbole bouse t e enemy bad been drIven out and he there lAW Q

tho arms of hie flher thamp dead body )f a about seven years old who bad just been murd bull ed by 1100 onemy whose body as horribly 10

lated ard deformed Mr E nllb was unc~~ nected wi~h ~he Army and como u a aettl9r~ NIcaragua He appeared hear~-broken and d shycOllsolate oxclalmlng tha~ he wished tiont loG co d bove sutrered In his child place Iln I tha~ in th amp alllnts opinion I~ WII and i ~he determlnallon for ~ho lovadillg forces 10 violate every rul of clViI~dwarfare and justice IDd lIIurdr eory Alnari n In Nicaragua J DUIIICJII

Sworn to before me this 21th October 1866 JOHN H WHEELER U S Minller

middot1 do hereby cortify tlia~ 1 W88 preBent wllh ~ taln Dunicnn aDd of my own kbol~dg 16~ abore aDldavit Is true In evel pa~ticuIRr

R p OAlIIlIpound1I Fi t Lieutenant Company E Firat Ri8es

Swonl to before me thIs 21th October 1866 JOHN II WHElLER U 8 MiDiter

oor8_ t e ~_Ing lIull of ble fellow maand would be reapecteo b all lla~IQDs even tb tho Amerlean 8a8 would protect him rba~ ~c Now u the guea whlob arise from vegetable most IIInge Bul how vain wu lhat hope I Let Lawless very frequehUy came to him 8 thOlmiddotMnmiddot lIIalterlo a atate or decAY appear 10 be lIIucb hll plunderod 1001180 bls murdered remaina tbe tay Goveroor of ~hll Dopartment in blthrfi mciro ftal thllD ~ODtact w~b Ihe solid_ from wblcb bodies of Iii f6110wmiddotclizen tbe mutilated bunting tb Datives o~~befllo~lnldt for whdOlll hIe perforbi th _ numeroua IC_ a bull n n au w lOBe rup bull

_ AO~ re lImiddott e lllallnorl 0 nu rolli tar llIImemotlalIiimiddot lome oountries oj E8YP~ ~~e present ago ought to be luDlclent to ri~ i9bIaDcie Dluch IDg epulty wu expended In enmiddot bove anyprt)UIIIce orallY old cuawm which haa ~orlng ~ lr~ee~e bodlel (rom decay anltl been haaded d~D t WI frolll ~pe~o~_bClo the the Orilllai ftcc~ of all burl~11 WII law ofnelilUi wee but lIttle s~OOIeil or known -0 --uOD of die body At tbo far Notth and auggoat auch remedlca as wlllleslen as far AI

whra th tro~ king relgnl many lDootba III ~he poIIlble the causes oC dll~uo bull

ey ann mut 1ler tbe~ 11011 II 110 the caso with tbe ps8I 101010 arise frolll putrid animal mellmiddot UleI If thll II eo thqenlightonment of

yar and all anImal de~omp08ltloD II auspended t

ibrough Ita etrecta tbe etrort 10 tilDes of 19oorshyihc mIght be aUPlosed to be parliaUr aucceBBful 11 Ii eeD no DO uncommon tblng to be ~oemer II tbat b would nollike 10 die In a

amputherll counlry on ac~ollnt oftbo audden decay ~ hll remaloa 1111 sontewhat remarkable tbat bile Nort~ern natlolls eYen In tbe most ancIent tImes burlod their dea~ In tile pound Ibe peo-DIe or the Southern countrl buroed tbem Thle wu ~bo cultom or Sou tbern Aala And Southorn E~op In our IlIgUsh literalure to tbll daTI ~wlng from oll Oreek we frequoutly her t)ili )ihnae peacmiddottomiddotI alhea I

1be Greeb a1wav burned 1100 bodle of their Wualrlou8 dud and In our opinIon thla lain many respecta lIIucb preferable 10 bllrylng_ bull In burnIng u lru tholr CUltom the ashea IIIlght bo carefully ciflllected and plaee4 In an mamen~ed urn j hero llOuld laDd wltbout otrendlng tho senses In the bleb of the temple or In tbe private aparl

m6llts of friends til Ihls manner I~ wu alwaYI In the careoilboao rho respected It and In wboaemlllol7middott wumiddot dear_ Tbo asbes of Ibe great mbl In Ihose dal1 beaeD~ fro plRce to place mldgled llb IIampYO7 locenlo receiving the roapocl due the blemor or Ibe Blirlt which pYa It lnishy

middot1111110110 In Ileae dy the remoYai oC a corpae croaten bOlrOr In all wbo 1ra1 wllh It not 1mshymedlIlotorealell to say nothing of tbe danger 0( belna In coplact with so Ruch rot~nn alld putrofotlon Ona balpound of Ihe borror of death con sists In the Idea of tho bedy pu~rU)lug io the e~ 4 Wng an obJect of loathsomene18 upon lJjlell worm gMiI and riot How much more pluinlmiddottw Idea of ha log the ashea carefully ptbelllllj amplid ~pi perhapa 8weamptlt aeented aa DOW ieepodaguerreotyp08

W~_ uale lhe aallsfactlon It would no lIfIorithe litem world to ha e preserved the

middotashe oIllli~Q Ot lIIilikapeore i or wbo can guess the care otmiddot venerAtion willi whleb the Frencb would ~gtrd the ashes 01 Napoleon or with wbat yeneratlon Americana would guard tbe reshymai1 ofWaabington h la truly to bo regretted that aU whlcb Was mortal oC tbose i1ulrloUi per sonages Isoow IndlltiDgubthable from ~hecommon eartb or tbe remalna of ~he earcasa of 80IIIe brow

There ta t~ls dvanhge ID burning bodlea OTCr burylDg tbem that IDltead ofperlnlltlng them 10 cauao dlaeue aRer death Ihe nry act of burning puriO ~he aIr It II lupposed the great plague ot London WII IoIICIted In lie ravagea by Ibe groat

Ore whlcb burned the greator parI 01 tbe city Ono thIng Is certaill iC history II correct that Ilthough Itraged with foarful voIoeelmmedla~lr hefore It ceueo to exll aimoillmllledialeit lifter Iho con8agratlon It It now a common pIlodco to fullllgate a roam In whch a parson baa died and doowrs ad 1ae boao who Yliit he remainI of a person ~hat lou died of cholera orany olber conmiddot mgloua dlieal to moke a cigar or plpo-tlo great

a purifier II fire And eelUng pr~udlc aside III~ Is after all

lIIuch more dealrable to be cooaumed by lire ner death than to rot ~n be devoured by worms alld 118 tbat eoaduccl well 10 tbe praseryallon of tho Ulng u to the retallling tbe uhes of tho de ceased we would fbor tho adoption of Ihe CUllOJll

In thle lOuntry It was the generoloplDlon In Granada Ifter Ito

batlle of the 131h of October tbattbe great nummiddot ber ot theonemy which wu killed would produce tbe cholera before they cluld be Interred DurnshyIng tbelll bnmedlatal would h prsvenwd tbe posilbillly of auch 1 p~llIful circumstanoe and would hve puriSe1 the air 01 any polsonoul gnaee wbleh might already slated 10 it

On object In ftuggeatlnlf thle II more 10 call tho 4tenllon of the publio u well 110 medical profeaslon 10 Ibe anbjecl chin 10 attempt at tble tim to dllcUBB Ihe m W are howovor under tile InlproBB Ion that If Ibe tlustom of burnshyIng the dOlld Inatead of bmiddotlng them were onco Ialrlylowoducecj It would In tbll lall~ude prove higbly benellclal w tbegenfral hulth

A Nw 01ft The Phll~dciPhia Mint hujull IMued a cent wblch II described as COlliposed or 1It88ven parb copper seven of nickel and one ohine 11 lou a lilht appearance with a faint red tint alld la In beautiful contra t with the Ameri cau a1lver nd gold plecea and will not u the old cent did tarnlsb thelll by oon~ol The weight of the newll only aevell~y-to gralnl-Ih~ of the present copper cenl la olle bundr~d and sixty ftghl

Tbe aDldavlt allo appended of (len fry u to LIG~TION or UUTID STATES or AnRIOA~ the nlurder of Ifr Lawl pro es Mr Lawl IIEAR Till REPUBLIO or NCARLOUA ~ earnest desire to presee lob neu~raliy in all 1100 Tbis day camo before me Birkett D Fry Bri dUBcoltiel wblcb have beset Ihle coun~ry of nis dier General ArDIto Nicagua Uld made OI~h blgh lOlled chacler and Integrily of conduct Rnd tbatshyorh pcrfeat oonOdeoce ~ha tbeaegis of the Bowasacquainted wllbJohll D LmiddotI~uaimiddot Amnoan fIig was amplyiuDlclent to prolect bis the month of Oc~ober 1bullbull1 Ihat having been rl liberty property IIld lif Be badmiddot een as cofmmnd of Ihls cl~y durn the greater POrllrshy

0 he past year he lou Ircquentl bad occbullbullI~ llIralloea (rolll the blgbeat aources tbat no Amori- 10 tallt wilb said Lwleas of Ibe polillcal atrairsio can wuld woder so far 1roII home that the pro- tho State of NiCllragu Tha~ the MId LRle tacling and powerful arm of tbe United Stat- s unifOImly re1beed 0 take ny part InarlUa wlti wal Dot over him lie reiuaed 10 COlli wilblo IheAforcea of lttI~nerol Wdalkellrdsaymg Iat hOe ~ri an lIIe can CI zen an re e upon Wle og o the line of onr Irclo mlylng oo~ho middotpeo~lon 01 his counlr for protecion_ Tba~ a(~r Oeoer Ibol Uulted States aDd Ihrew out beforebis house Walkers force marched upon dual and a few the Alllerican 8ag tba~ In ~Is patriotlo beart b hours _before Ihe auack u~D Granda loa urgtd fel wu honored in every laud anltl on every sea thbelabdblAdwl_11edto comde WtllIlI hila Ilhnol degb

f dle~fen~~w c e eo n to 0 expreaa ug s e Ie I ~

tom b the enemlee sllot and lbe loor of tbo Lo- alld good will he leetDed to pOSle That ~ ~ gatlon house perloQ~d bytboballe oftbe onemy Lawless had reaided for several ye a paa~ inOmiddot testify nlda apoKe tbe In~uago of ~he coulltry 8ue t-

Iy and WIB extensively engaged III IIIcrcalltUJ~ 10 ancln~Rome ~he exelamaUon lam a Ro- e~ita anil had mall) 01 tho nolives In hia ORlPi bull

mIlD cillzen arrested the falling blo of Ibo IIc- Tha said Lawlen justly ellJoyed the reputtti D

lor 10 fOmer ~oys ~n II the great Republic of for great pbllanthropy And unamp~~middot~~t tile North In 0 aayo ofJakson It is the bouth of ~ e loll lory of tha~ day ~hllt no American cltl zeD ever luWered lny In~ulT abroad without reo

dreu WefcOIlaurolhnUhesnm08plrltnowanlmatestbe

United Stateamp and ~hat tbe same feeUnga ~hat dlcmiddot tated tIe Kouta letter will be roady to defend Ibe rigllts aud proico~ tbe lives oC InDoeen~ AmerieRn



Thll 4ay came before 010 James II Smitb wbo tcatlO tbat he emigrated from Ne York clLy whero he hu resldcd for two years In the steaol ahlp Tennc88ee for Nlcaralua on thOl 1 III Sep tember laet accom~RRled by his three email chll drell lor the purpole of cultivating hind and satshy~nllg In Nicaragua lIo is by protession a taather

That on Sunday the 12th Inll an alarm of an lltack was made by the foroea of 9uaternala and San Baladof on this ci~y That be no~ crediting

S b bull h 2 hOb I 56worn ore me t IS middott cto er S bull JOliN II WHELER U S diolaler bull

I [ 0 F F I C I ~ L ]


ADJUTANT GENEIULS OUICpound J Granada Oct 26 186G

1 SOLnnRI--Each day demonstrates more cle iT ~hat tbe war we are wagiftg Is ono of IIUlh apl AI falbood of clmoalion againat barbarism GI satisScd wllh the bloed of lonocent cilicnssb d a~ Granada-with n appetile Ilnllghler h 1shyled by the nt_Ore 01 helpleu cbildren and b 11 ministers of CbriIIIII~y-our IIIvage foes II f

added ano~hcr crime to tbo long liRl reco d asaiDNt ~bem Thoy han sbot Lleu~ Col Lal wbo wu IRken by tbe n a prisoner of war 80 0

It)8 ngo At ~i1e very time thl_ cold-bloodedaal ofcroe 11

was boillg colDlIItted an exchange 01 prioa r was bciu proposed by tbe comntandermiddotinmiddotc er

tho Jolarmj wntto tholltlloplzaa8110r~dlitance If tbo Guatemala forcos WI~h an lona~a bull When tbe (ote aptearod and commenced an ac tive 8Mng ot musketry and Mlni6 rille wblch otlt off his relurn Tho foreee then approacbed 10 hOllie wbere bis li~tle fRmily wera seated ~ dillshyner consisting or a boy Frencb Berbert born In New York tlty on Ibe 6th March 1849 two lrirls one fI and the otber Iwo yeare 01 Ige 1hey were seated witblo three yards of a large wludow which opelled 011 ~118 street One of lhe troops approached the window and taking delib erate aim fired at 0 lillie group the I)all grazed the chin ef the fllrl nurse and atrlklilg the bo In the lower part of his face paselng out of the neck broke tbe plllol obord killing him instan~ly TIe reat 9f the children wee concealed iinnlcdl-

IDg for ~reacbe he bad smoolh WOrdl and Ii ~ sullmenls on hll Iipa wben he was In the act t murde

Tbe mnatlon of Lln4 show he ndlito of the ollemy wl~b whlcb we baYe 10 contend f Ibe sollie lan~age andreligion wilh tbelUself they bad nOl agains~ hilll the lying excuselmiddotw Which ~hoy are wont to justi~y Ihe murder of American citizens Nothing bu~ ~be love of til d aod ~he cowrdly loatlllc~ of tbo savage Call 0

urged for tho execution of thd Cuban palrlot Let ~ben soldiers a Bunle of tbe jUltico G d

grandeur of tbe C~U1e In which wo aro CDgae nerve ua lor the fullilmellt of tho Iftak wblcb I bull before us Remember that you luWer aud It

awly III an adJacen~ housl by the nurse under agio to redeem ono of the 10eUest 01 lalld_ ID bed hlle Ihe ~roop Ibreed tho cuing of ~ho barbalian rule aud lavage despo~lam In such a wlndo the door being fRBlened and resiatlng all Oft IIHO 118 t~is who ould 1I0~ gladlf eudure II ~ IV Iheir oRllrta Thoy then entel8d and searched In dayoCprl alion and fdtiguo r 10 would n I vahl for the cbildren Tbey plullucred tho house undcrS1l aome lillIe antrering and danger for I ~ of all bia iinpleonpnta of hUlbandry clo~bing gold sake of IIvlllg his nalllO enrolled amoug the be o and allvr walcllcs mono aDd valUAble of faotors fJf the rllce 7 amount 1lI0re ~hao two thoueaDd dollars ~ 2 Lieut ltlol ~ A LaID6 aiddemiddotClImp 10~ tbe

JAKa8 n SIITD Commandor-in-l)hler having bean brbIrOO~ Sworn to before me this 2~tb Ootober 18DO murdered bylhe enemy without ProPOiDg An shy

JOHN B WlIEELIlt U S Mini4ter change (If prlaoners i~ ie directed Ihll~ Lie t We do bereby certify that we reBlde In tho Col Brigido Valderraman and (Ja pt Bern~r 0

nme houle II~h Jamee H Smith Faq nnd 01 Allende be shot Ibis aernllon 11 6 oclock In Ollr own knowledgo the faclt tn~ed In hla aDldo vlt are Irue lu evcry particular


Sworn to beforo rno thl 27th O~oher 1856



Tbl day calllO bofore one Jamea Dunlcan Capmiddot

tbe plftZ of thl clly 3 11111 Gen Fry 19 charged wth tho esccullta

of the abovo order By command of WY W AUrER

Genernl-Coml~andng-in(jhipI Pn n TnoIlPBOII AdJ t Gcn N bullbull

~ h Is atato(1 that PrInce Albert 1038 b~~~t 111 Clllll1nOUe tract of lInd In AII9tralia Vbic1o1n nbout tnty years will tetulnabollt ono thou811 ~ i tlII10S oa much tIS all ~h~ amp Coburg alld Obi

In Germany put logctbor I

329NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 7 Sabado 1de Nllvlembre de 16561 Saturday November 1 1856

i lit I ALGO NAB BOBRILBL Dl4 UJ 1lJSOUOJON lIerosoaeajuitA al Cllpilitu delliglc y Ie r t t lIJ S 11 n1J R ea mlUlgrato perdmar que CIIstipr aunshy EqulUtlvo y aUII n_Slnll) nos parec Menelter earetrogradarlllol mM remomiddot que eata lIluy pronto a IIOtrar en el UIO

toear la materil de que vamos neumiddot t~s tlempos de barbirle yde ldlo~lemo pa de juatas represaUae lIa cual rere IU tS II Into NOT I de 1836 pamos no obstlnte haberll8 tratado en Ill1Icontmr el ejempl0 brutal a una Ie- naluralom 1 10 demandaren las circlin A WI ~ 101 1)umells anterloJel aunque nu cion quI Icsban de (omeler en Maaaya stanciU De consiulente 108 prl~ionrOl

JUEBPO VE ARTILLSJIU 4 tod I degtlt1d I I d I d 1 - ft -- con 1 1 ~que mereee por mf~ 01 Jenera ea e I IUfZaa iii on I heridOll lIOn tratadlll eon 10 mllyor be El lierpH de tLitiHerlll ha tomado un destla de lOB IRdmdus que 11 rlllawon Guatemala en estos lIltlmOl dia des- nignidad

ClIPCI) 0 imllolltmto bajo 11 direoclon del puesto que cl1ml mlmos t(lIl1aron una puea del ataque de aquella plllza I de Queda PUIIII demOlltlldo que falto8 de Jele I Henningsen IIventndo jofs de esa parte actin en los sucea~s Las buenllS las acclone quee Ilan referido ya tn 10$ fe ell itll mall s1 mnes compromiaos y Grmllj iuyos cOllocimientos Ie ban didO aceiones dlbon refe~lrse mlnuciollme~te d~8 humerns anteriores de elte periodlco de oumplimiento en sil palabra como mi MmladianQ $010 en los Estadol Uni Sin temor ~e Incumr en la tacha de dllil Vlolando 108 mas gmdos Plotos ma- Iitares 111 jefell do lIB fuIiIBs enemlgat JOI I nn fuora de ellos Es do cele- sos tnnta par que e8 un trihuto dllbido al lew reeonocidos univerenlmente y 0011middot flftll Incohado COIl ol ftlsilamiento flel Co brillS la recision y tino con que dh-ije m6rlto Cuanw por ue line de est-imulo aiguadol en aI derecho de jentel de una ronel lAid y aUI compslierea despues IRS bo 111111 Y granadas al punto que de- a100 d~mAA NOl oontraenos al IltaqU(o Inanera ~n ep~icita se han colQcsdo en de baber aupllcado el callge Y d recibir $igna uinnentaudo y dUlheando progresi qu~ re~I8~6 oatil piau dede el deee del una posiCIon odlo~a dtgrlldftnle y eceemiddot un Indi~lIo en este sentido un Miatem vame te las distnl1CIU siempre con el pUlIdo II 11 una de Is tarde basta las crable Indlgna de hombrea que 8e tltulan elttlaordin~rlo de gtlerrA que nosotrol nei nitID Rcli)lto Q inerrnble direocloll ocho de la maAana del diR siguiente milltare 10 temm~s puesto qf8 teMm1 mlobos Tolft los dias hay repeudos ejerclcioll y Buellas y lumlnolWl lIOn I referenoiaa fnmedlamente dupuee de 101 c(lneablmiddot prlonfrGS cODtrllrios y que hlta Is te()k~ IiOletas evohuiones en las que prl()ti~ del Coronel Allen Mayor Clyeee ftc dOl acunteomlento8 vino eata cludad un siempre hiL sido patente la slIperiodatide ean j Sefiores oficlales y 109 soldado8 pero notamo8 qne a~nqueliglran en 1 correo conduciendo una comunieaci(m nuesms armal Ahorl bien ~ Sol se nell ~tmn maravillo8(1lllIIte lisw de 108 que 8e distlnguiertm 81gllnOl de los jetea eN as flllrzas enemlga8 en la VOllOtroa 101 que hahllis habmdo de vanshy

En3 ClInnto 1 numem do indivitluoB numbres 110 ell con el tlIplerclol que que IIOlicltaban aqtlll1l08 del Jeneral dalisimo de Bomnidadea y oims cosa~ perbgt ecientc8 6 dicho cuerpB lie ha IU~ merC(tlll sin que sea rltI de 1o referenmiddot Walker JOr 10 pronto 6 cange de un in- aemejantelll en vnestrus periodi~os para men db do nna mllnera otable habien tes po que 1I11011 gllardaban y derendian divlduo d los suyos cometa d eaballe oontravenlr ahora eSC$ndalOsamente Ii (0 ad mllll unH gran compltlla do Zapa1 sus pue~tui re8peetivos y no podial esect na que fu6 heeho prlalonoro por Dilestra losmejores prlncipios del dereehu dl ilores I Mineros bien que para malle- tllr j todllS paltes Grande y her6ica parte con algunamp anterlorldad Eata clrmiddot jentll I 81 v08OtroB 80ls I Pero nad~ jllr clatro mortem do obuats y lo~ tllol II deietl q~e hizo 1amp KulIrnlclon de clnetancia Indicaba queeao jeres preten- trntiamos del oltallo de atrall en que Muon a que hay on lap)tuIt fO necesita estj plftZllcn ea c61eble JOIllampda en la dian ceAhle 101 prlnclpio organl_ de 08 ballail UR n6 nero eunsidurnblcmiddot1fe bombles qll8 doeientus hombre4 combatieron con III gllerr aun entre la naolonee minoe Conatlgt 8n conclu8ion qUII aceptamol

EI uelpo de artllleriA no deja que demiddot tla 01 ilunensu numero de oehgtelentOI clvllzadal y regullrlllAr la desde lU4lft) vuealroa aotos sea ellal (uere au natlishysearsusejercicins II 1011 111118 etCrupu- por eamppl()io do dillz y nueve hOrlll uglm lu demandlln la olvillziclon 1 _ mlez 10508 itotl Admirable el Jellledo y -80luololl siglo No 81a poslble dudar de la buena

do todOll basta del ultimo 1I0idado (e de aquell espon~nea proposlcion sin DOCUMENTOS 0FIeIALES ES Ef)OIOJV A OHONTALES dispueatos perecer antes que entregllr RgIlIlar a la e8 et bonor milltar 1 JOII

U - 6 h la pldl que se lea habia conllado cierto malt proclu90a atrlbutos del bombrel ElDECRtTAS DE OOB_ERlO


apol bull IfRon que Sill ny Guatro _ J Ch I 6 t A certilllmo y atln IIOmos COrto8 j pero lIus~re Jeneral Walker quo tantnll 1 bin No ito

EI t 1 p ra onts es 0 VI a es II puer ~__ d I M ON 1 ~ lifer ~11lI oeho de la matiana halfendo ph~oll afta Ir que e ayor eJ se repetJdllsprulIbae ha dado de maltnanl REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUAt

enndu 0 de una manera verdaderamente bull bull ~ desem ~ftado flU CQlnlslon los mdlVldoll ~ mldad ItO dudO en etecto ni Ull momen Seeretal1a de Elltado en el depaello (Ie t ti ~ - E her6ic~ Hallibllse postratio en una cama to y lIev6 8U generlllll(lad basta el utr Relacione Erterlores nuO rOI en snls aerlamen n I 1 d i h 11 b connn balazo 81 unap ema que elm- mo de entregar ill corneta que iIOhcUaban Granada Ootllhrl 2t de I85ampSan oS lIu v sus lOme lac 0110$ so a a a bull

bullJ I d I b d pll(ila dar un paso y Ie obhgaba bull servlrmiddot sill nlnguna de las lIeguridades que 8e El S P E so ha serVldo dlctar 411 de 1111 nUfillro e 10m res como e CIIn) d I EI 1_ __

d d 88 lIe os mu etas enemlgo lie lre- CIItJon en taIu CIlSOl COIltellto mnl Ceto igt~eD ~ -- _gt eine tode 1 QlIuotuelOn errotll Oil Oil Ii bmiddot I I WILUamp WR Preeldenw-daln eldla trece del corliente en csta cludn aerto y 1 eil


es om re que Illll a e featando que entre 101 mlillito prbonumiddot Republica deNlearagun lr sUiliabitsnte9 11 di I dtlene 89 UIIO de 04 indivlduOlI mall roa que habla hecho elY la lihlma aocion Siendo nece8SlrIo I~reditar un liinillrouo II IU u a tomaron a ue a reco on bull

q g q i 16nol 11 eJ6rlto Nada podia espemiddot e contaban Virios 06cla0bullbull que _tcba Plenipotenelano ltle rcpleaente a 111 RetshyDioo8 quo sahCTon escape as que $U- b _ d bll d Nt d I bl _T a raSede un 110m re en esta 0 en que dlpu_o cangellr respectivamente pGr pu ca e caragua cerca e ga n piera 111 Ilegadade Jos trem 6 tl~l11~ 61 se baUsba ain embargo hacienda un el Coronel Lain 1 por olnoo 6 sela in- de 108 Estados Unidos en IVI8hingtotl lIn RllngerB que III vapor cndllcla 0 b III el 81 t p l4 de dl II d J ntlab on U80 de IUS flleultades l

1 h b d b b t esueno 110 re uaUT J9 UOl e vopa que e 8oom- an DEC RET A bullIe d bull os Oil res 0 ar UI os comO d gt I I 0 ilia dlI8l1ila 0 que tellla sa 10 (1 clando Cueron presos por caaualldad en Articulo I N6mbralle Mlllistro Pleni ~ el 09 Icen locho tom6 lall mulllw y 81 sable y 8e il camino de llwaya En allo se es- pottnciarlo de la Republica de Nioaragua (JtfOETAS DE GUATEMALA Y presentO en ellugar ~a8 peJigfOSO arras peru la romillion del hombre ofteoldo cerl1 de 18 Eatedoll Unidoe al Senol

S AN S Hi VADOR trnndu la plema y atravesllndo las calles por 01 corne Q a1 conleta mlsmo que DoAn FemmCoFerrer I J b b t rt ~ IDnmquelle qu enes cor I -- con el agaa casl bull 1 rodlda (aca I a de era 10 replar y Jegitimo 81 ae aTrepenmiddot respondamp

Estos pOliodlcos pound0 oeupan do nuestro Hoverl dundo mnd6 con V071 do trueno tlan do nevar ndelante 10 que 4111011 mis- Dado en Granada 1 29 de Oetubre de Nienrlguell~o no parR reflllar nl una pn formal amp los hombres que alii se hallaban mOB babian Bollcltado opteniend) al fin 1856 WILLIAM WALKER Ilbm do los erimCIl-e1l servUes que hemOl y que Ilegaban oon sus armas dilltribuyo par unics rampZUII el J~er81 Walker una Al Se~or Jenoral Dun Jlliteu Pineda publi~do POrqIO III velmiddotdad os illcontesta la trnpn eolocindo en loslugarel opor carta del Jeneral Zavala en 1amp que fire MMn~troldoJa Guorra encargado deT dltl I bull mUltern enerable II~ deequltan descendlcn 0 as per tUllos orden6 1amp derenaa de vea eal ea testaba (ellto no puedo calUiCllrse) que D ~ d 1 I V bull evI en suprema 0 oumun eo 1

sonah ~de8 1In un lnnguage tan cl~lco que partell de aquellugampl y 8Oliclto 1 101 prlllOnerbullbull no querlan venir No ell para IIU intellgencia y demas erectos es ebmo us antares Su impotente uni e6caz It pelllr de su eltado de grandad a eato todo ino que en as propillll perandortlCibO su atento senillor Ie do p1i~8a fudose contla cl Jeneral tadu atendia bael6ndote oil su voz ell clrocnlltandlll Be supo oon allOmbro en 11 Pnnuu lIIque 10 ba dellpreelado stempre todas pa~teamp Nosotroa admlr4mol al e~ta cilldad el rullilamlento on 01 pueblo No 64 WI pe lulclo d - lllwlrles 8U cuenta eonlmiddot Mayor 0 Nell en aquelloe momentoa y de Diriomo del CoronelLalne y algunos

V bull l REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA ~ cnte Y oxneta eremos III e908 pan asi nOl plaee conS1lJllarlo on eata arUcl1 0 otros prisirneroa I I fllaa obre aquellOl S d __1 d ch d ecre1ana e ilAIo en e eeplt 0 e ~s 8 Oil ~ombre8 de chaneelarls COli EI Capitnn Wilkins lie condujo tnnbien jetos III deabonn eonmguiente y )1 IlCe- Relacionelllnteriores

dlglll d el dIll que 80 les presente que de unA manera brilllnnte en el millIDO cr8Clion univelflall i ~pnrten el des- GranadR Oetuble ~ de 1800 JlGr ci rto no ~t~d(jlls ($ si solo se con- lugar y despue ell la deftn~ del HOIIpi precio y vilipendlo que mcreccn Y 0011_ EI S P E ampe ha servldo dictar el de-ICIltllj COil eCBrlbu snrcnsmos tal en toda la neche Es de celebaTlle la pell el lugar degradante eli que les colOCll ereto -ul~nte

-------- d dId fa 1 I d d I El GOllemo coosldelando que soMalianl lie omharea con direceion u con ucta e 011 bull IS co tat voe qn~ IU In agllO proce el hallan vaeallte~ las Carteral de Reb

Nueva York el Sr Eermin Ferrer hallan en el h~8pltal oOClrgard08 continu Como era de eeparamprse loglco y natu- ciunes Haelenda y CrMito pu~lico POl 1 g b no amente de los enfermotl Dr Lundy y raJ e1 Jene1Walker ordeno y ae eloell- baberse encaado de la ml~lon dlploshynombrlld0 que ba SluO por e 0 leI bull t ~II b d W b

j I PI d t n_ (f Dr Brmkerhoff 110 8010 por las bUenae to II (I1I181111ento nu de todoll los prleo- m4tiea eel bull e ga mete e a Ing ~n s~o ellpo~enculT1o e es a p medidas de defen~ ue tomaron IIlno ton a1 Seior Don Fermin Ferrer quohllcs eefca dol Gabinete de Wasbingtoll ~ nellIS que en la Justa lndlnadlon acuo 1l1li desempeflsil 011 180 de aus facultades

Ell F rl b I rt II pur 10 resolueion que 81empre lea honrar otro mimo Jonero- en 8U lur hubler D E C RET A errcr Gsumpe a a ca ar - -- bullbull de Hciendn que qUGdo Ii cargodel Go altamente do pereeer todtlS antl8 que prevenldo sino Iolamelte el de un Ten Articul 1 El Sefior ~e~oral Don

D d M I - G S n ahandonar unos velnte y cilloo enCer- vnte Coronel I un Capitan que ctillltian Mateo Pmeda autual MIlllIItro de ItgtlIera ~ me A lUStrolaquo c uerft e - bull G bull gad dI I diS F mOil que no pod Ian movelse de IU lecbo eutre Iquellos nerra ser onear 0 IDtennamellte elimos i 1 auseMl1 tempola c I e diahaa caneras teQlumiendo el Mlnlsteio rer a~ paso qua nll8 alegramos de que EI Chbano que elo~11I 01 Mayor Potter MuchOll plllOl1ero quqda~ on poder de Jfjn~roJ ~1a do el c electo parala mislOIl que cn el ~rro que ~lmlltr6 cuyo nllmbre nuestla gblllrnocolltrA qlllel011 ~u4lera Art t ComtllllltpleleI qutenea cor IampMnuuce Alos EsttldOIl Unidostallto por no mllmfest6 pm IgnollrJo e8 el Seflor dMClrgllllle todo el pl8O delagravlo lnfo rCIJpcmda lI1llltlilrw y circuDttitceiR quole ldornall Don FtCncisco Aguero y Batrada Pre- ridn y hooerl(1S sentirde un una manera t8~do en GitLi1lAltt~Rdigt cuantq pOl que rCIihiramp belll1s impresio recto de esta cludad prolilllda los exesos de IUS ~etos qUI Pu AI Senor Jenera Don Mateo Pineda nos en 18 hormolllls ciudlulea del Norto (on 10 dicho sitiafacemos la justlcia ditgtran haber ngrlVlJdo au situacion I pero Miubltro Jenera Am6rfca debida aloe SenOIOs 1l0minadOl y nuestro I Jneral Wlker oon todaJ )R ventnjNl De urden supreml 10 eomuBlco V

Ie Idelleam(lll Ull viRge teli~ y pronto doseo de eselaroeer III ferdad siempre y la repolllioraucia de la posicion que pllrt IIU Intellgeneia y demas efootos retor~ quo podamoa baeorlo ocupa 011 tll embargo magnanlm~ y Je M Pnln4


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 6: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.

268 I

El NlCABASUENSEVoll No 45 p 2 Sabado 13 de SepUembre de 1856 Saturday September 1318

Ohonllllu where the rar_ nampedmiddothey hamp4 been DEATH OF ESTRADA IHBRITiW iiiiiBIBUTIOf lenl bT ~etII Wilker nd on amphe angtli or ~ f Jitaragne nst About two weeD lince IlllormatIoD - re- bill 1b7lrobbed de minON or eyeryampblq the W are lafonned lbJori HarlaampI~ 1lIfmiddot

mid he1IJheamp TiJrle ad hll 11111 of ObbeN wnW AI leaglh amiddot phyalolla who was ~ the PUI8lded Preeld ot Nlinragua appointedlI _t__ S middott 18 had beea cutlo pi_I ihe 1DGlIIttm Of~OhoDmiddot millet of wlilt IlAlifit1 we did no hear ealled lill the yampCftmroccaakmed by the deeth ltf lKm 1Jaturday O ~ 8p bT a parll of llldlul 1M the DeWi caml In lb 811_ togolhor and loformed Ib~m di he JruIO Cliamorro baa beeo ltIlledmiddotblbemiddot Iodinoa

-- IVCll lodlroei wJ IIIId wal aUog$ampber en 110gt It Oeoenl Walker aod WaIJ tlllled UI he In the Department 01 New 8egolo ala town ARMY REGISTER hk 10 lIIyellCCu~ III Ibe _oner ied dtd had 1101 1l1li1 th_ ~ento pllloder them aod called Samoto Oraode It ppe~ Ibd A~tonlo

middot -da l_t te wdldnoamp~ I ~eo allude 10 IL 00 couaolledthemW_hlealldclrlnhemiddotmahlud UliRYiallatbom ~lradampbdllDpriSOllednPromottonl an_nppow men bull Wetla howlt a PIWIl airbed trlm ere from lhe couo he guard hooae of Ihla 0111 and who waareolsed

iI TH11 o-nu oeDII OJ lBUI1IT the hIcIeedaof Ualo Grode DellI Julpe be- The minera dId18II9IIIbIe 0 Ibe outaber or onr bl Gen Walke on hla eyloto GIampn~Wi wuTUO - - h l

1000cllII 10 non lermIo r_r which M DOW 00- two bOldredjbullrmed wllh mal)betaa picbaod t e mean of Estradu death Child ltolJecl G ~ Bawley appolnamped Second Lleutellut C1IpW b amllllludlna parIlIl~ aDd otherlUde IUIIHIbull The 8tanedlo p_~ ot Tur- bull partl oflotfIe meo In Leon ith wb~m he

en~ ~tampotCoIl1ll of BubeiatellClo be -rmoli the preriou amptor) III an 111 pfriIco ley and lila IIInd and lOOn _memiddot up wllb them went 10 Bomoto Grande where Estrada w- rht~Becou4 LlelltiOent Oenrg Femnd prolllOamped IarI IIIYlDgmiddot J~ed diem ftGai tha m ~ The aUe _ ther were oololllUered nd ltie he Incited thnUve poplilation agaID Estrada 10F1111 Lteutftan0UrlllI

loho C Crowell Ippojllied Iecolld Lltuleoant Balbelorerelolfllgthalle wewRlCor hellen manded a parle aad twr UI Interchnge lor lUch plleh tbal Ibe roao IIpon him WlthoUi ~ArtlI lIampot I~Of oar teIdera who malIoU poeted eeYenlftaga of - Ibe followillg lel1llaof caplbullbull meaDl of defeoce he fell the Ylcllm 10 hIe OWl

IamprII who and wW furle all4 hie _ reallf Iolon weie entered Into Turley party weN pervealty IBESlilloAfIONS wbull to up all um+ ar IIh the were to be

middotliiatLiauteou$ K Bew _tint 001lUlllmiddot QIp$ Tutley arrIcd hert 4He ~1111amp fumlabedwllb suibullbullwhowoold take them to the Hu III1 baJTubull-Th sehoGDer Pearl r~sarr of Suhlltlence baa retIgned bit pOllI1on Ibebetd ota plrty ofinoampfOur 1lItII 81idlated 1~leooQrmiddotBIerielclllnrf1rblO1i Ibey bolmd tbem to Ibla pOd on ~ueed rllr a severe ~D ~ i had teA hili ~ lieu and Jar- ItImtod_d and leavemiddottlte coooy lerooe Up to Virgin On t e prage up 8 e lIIelTWO IMPORTANT DEOREa8 _ ier 00II of III New Or~ a_ CrtuIIi II Ia _jtultd thai Torle) party mutl bue a tremendous 8118 which 8Jlrullg Iter timiumlo

Ja tha ~ NJooir e publlahad bull ~ ho woold be w by lie autlllea~~ been oulof _uoilloo oIberwlae the would nol mllcb thai Ie waf willi dUlieult abe maJ~ed to middotdtorft of bullbull8upreme BreOll~Y power ~ug Tude) hImaeJf had III Ipparendl IfIIIIlr I~ llayt aped- to I lip bel ~ arml i blu IIall ~eep afloel ~ngo and c IlW wetemiddotke~t ballmiddot a eeiIaJji penaft of abOr IIIi Idlelltll or III the did menuer whCll pre~ oftrfODemiddotla-1di eTealll lbaldIdo a3d II Ibe lodoua got pol- log alllhe while alld enl hell gllal apweh~ _ ~pNIIIlelra olthala ~~no ~1Of Be eonlrmed In hftappolotmeDtaDlI eeiIdon ofu-sa prepotIlion wa made to knt all 8~ wafelt lbIabe would go downbull In Ileat~S An p- whe iWl ~e BfteeR cla11 1louS em- hit eompIIl wu 10 1uII1e1 Of the robbeI1I ~ WI agted to bl 11141 patl aoout Ibe _de lb lee 01 tbe 18~ld or ZapaLeo plo1meot hanoI ao lIIbl - or IlIiPOJI II dered 10 be mouoW B ~ UI lii0i1 ofUle mllerlwblii ohe were In fayor of keep- and In comlog to tbla cl~ nayi_ted a cpnQel liable to~ aad WUI brouSht r_ lui orbllmenhad~ reeroItea 1IlIelIIweread IogUltreea It di1ll1oo 11111~ade aod IIItweeo Ibl Ielan~ od the _Inlalld htheo peteet8ab-PreIeOtOcrrrllotofPollcOI~Ide mlrab~ h_mali IIIIdfrom brlog pllilldpaled 1amp _ found UI the 1t1l~lIg pa1ele lalgeiy IInIcIlOWD CoL Btl Commluarr Generall CapL ma) be 1eOOId1o hard labor oPOIl be public III ~ border wus of1Ila( Side bodl1rilb Hex lu Ille lIIIIIori~ whin-eupoa thelaller HI UpoD TUImiddot Baldwin lleI loIeaL lage Gonrnmellamp agenl yorke tmondll DllllIIIId IruJIalIII ~euller 8Ued filr dIe khId et le1 gIIl wUb UtFmaclIelr and 04h~r capone caDle up 01 th Pearl LleuL Page brought up

In l1OdItr 00I11J111l of Ioodan prp~ II be 1108 for wIdob the R~ dtldtitd ~lllJlledall but two wilo mad their tgtecape but $600 for the goyernment CapL Bardl comma fOuod bull dtcre8 forlbe eliroroemeoa orall cOiI~rtOla lhII -1 ha been part true hollhlre U 110 wera u~entl caplu~d and are now plleooe hePearL for labor u If IIbOHr eIWl OODIIroamp to worlder opportODlt for Ibi r ok_ Bugen hel8 II AcofampPI MlJUltoUJ COIfDVIri-Defore a general CoIlII I IOlipl period tIiaa IIx IlIOn aod eha1111111 ~ to~ ~b 111amp11 of die _ittr bullbull T~a Thill milerabl pembed Ibe d_tera who but Hmld held 10 thie till dorlol ampbe week print abide bymiddot1iJa 8IIpgemeot tha Judgeof Jim Ja compao~ ~lt ~lDed ~era ate d1t WIiea lew _bl1ce were greeted ~hroder8 by tbe F A Bod of Ule 8ecoad Llgbt I~fillllr w elUte ~rec Subprefoot Agricultural tu UI were ordered 10 1IaolJUl wbra Ihree 001II _1lId0I1801 of NiCII1lg Iud wbe) mlgbt tried for lIIulinoul conduot In that while 011 lhe or Iridal Alcald - HlIlIaCe blmmiddot to forCed paal oftha1 ~w_m~OIedmiddotlIlIdercom middotnow be oooupting blgh and bODOlable position eteaDer 1 W SCou be drew llie knifo Ind reshy~ ~ ~ptlbllo oworb for the unuplred IerIIIm~ orltlIpL DolIO The were bull11 met bat tor tWr lIIbol ahlle for pili that 111 IU 8iated Ih gull1l alld alen tbreaened 1018 8UperkJr of lIIIlIeflM And~ pereon who abtl COIlo wli SIiirp CIrhIoee Illd 01 ad w~ 1111111 whloh woo141101 be COllte~1 lUI Ibe pro- oIIicere and DUd dl~pectful lan8uage to them middot(raCwodi aod fall IIhaIl be liehIe to nOli lIlao loon well mOlloamped whtu h1_ ~e4 10 ceedI Ofhoneeampmiddotloduet J bulmWlooedt IIIIeIr for Be WI tried Ind confloled and he Courl llargtll Clil rior lore dIII liJllonlbe fbioeed Imor on UI _ling rbout th lIelghboibood b1fbIoIlRlcIlI nddtit wealih by deepoilog oiberabullbull Tutlef WaIJ condeJIDed hlllllO erYo one ye at ~ hbor PW1~ lmpro~ta Uley cibtaIoed preUy good bowledge ~thlIII- bull _ ofgood educallon and exceedigIJ plampu ullder ohIrge of Ibe gllard 1Iilh bull bal III ohlin

n ~ eYideol1rom th_ two ImporJanl deereea roundIoOlJlItrJ lhIe _0101 od maoy tbhk lutl he decelnd bil rbolll 10111 legtha lb Goleroill~t Inteods to ~o y1f11b tha A IIW more 1Ilal _k lier Ibtlr Irrl1Il _ In Ihe fI1II 1lnee bY81lIlig Ural hemiddot WH - bull I ~18f()Ul aPdlmiddot of Idlen wldcQseeru 10 tIIe1fere ardere4 h1 CaptaIn DOlan 10 pIliMied III aelliagiJuder orde tloniGeo Wlter~ OfCOUrtl lluu amp018-10 uother columo pqbshyW uieUUri ~nlon oft pbpwtfOD n I Tl~ aad ueteIa Uleb of-~_ hedeception could 1101 ha II1ttdmiddotloug hot tha lleh tbe adYerlilement or the M la~ 1~ Plbable one-thlrd of the meo ~ Nleampng1II will a1uje 00II of tha bull_ Dad been 1111 men Dilllid lbemI It au enIIIf _ for Bered 111 ah r_ will CODmellce whttber II ~ 1IlIiSUltW deotamiddot of Ibe ngrut 10amp I tlldmiddot d-bulland a bull~te no1i to be mo the7 bd robhIlHbe DlIlI_lun dltecUoJie aOd ralal or bloea ~ attd 81 eLtenelv prellyenAIio- another lUIP pJO~lIon wm and th8lllaoln BoO Ihp inot)fiur bOllrll Thtf ted ~lnsl7 ofOOI1Ne mad thelia eneml laquolid heillde kilew ba8 boeo made b tile Ciub ~ week ue III~ lpot

jeeto dlel8jlO1ld The loealuhoriUeII nendIMJllpDl1IOueeOrmiddot1ffaa middotiAerwramiddotbull lberweralookedllpOlt deerampei1l bdel~com leespected Doll C~ot DraOIIamprtntllllI middotoatt byerbruUhe m~ halllmoob hoolll en It WII14 to ~ reparll ooaoooamped plul IImead of raa-_It~ouldno fgte d1ft1oo1tmiddot under lvoh cb~ aome tit the fln1 I~k In lbe counlry hlc1a iUn In all 111 Mneea ofllle te lolInd plug 10 TIpiamptpa lhe1e deloor of Iibout eUDllIMea to Induce them 10 _lInueon Ih han been llactly~ UIIO for lOme dt llenlt IIIIIIldeat emPlo1~8D~ the ay or cOIhiclklS fout mllell ilidmiddot Ib _ to OhonW u lfop~ of reaoltll Ibe coori andtetw1Ilog to of tbe olllOlll are 180 In the pOlae~lolI cU ncr grmtl IlId all empo7lr who desires labore AooOmplng Ulem_ Jolin J BiY8lll bull young tolbel bOlllelll1l th~ States Wilh tba08leera of 8Iook upon wbloh Ibe ~ willing to alaie Ilfr b onJi to mue a cootrret wllb ~~ 11m oJItill~e mill who hid _lIIIlIy 111l1li ~ed tom the IcolUHI~ WII illlIm~t Tbeyweol Jato tbbullbulllIalr pile Sportsmen rOIO a dlftell~e r~~ cordI] fu hombrt- be matte to _realu one biId IW II1IU to bull HCOlld lIeutammtillof - poIaO8 wlUllhelr 7e11 OpeD f1d ere only ampetuted by Ited to III preaant and parllclpald n Ib~ spotbull for he Goremmell Improemenl8 Idlenei Ind _JlIIII1aod w ~ Ibe time ot hIi deiertiolll adealre for plonder on Ihe 000II1011 IIIdt~bgotogetherl and It all appllcallon for ctoallrlllcommand~amphI_peo7 TnrI7wu~IIeof VloDurgh MIH alld IltllU-illmiddoty bull s~iYmiddotJ-t IV nether labo III nOI di_~rerused ItI ~I tlllWrId At lIral 1101 belteyed IIlaI Tllrl and bll hll tamil tbe 18 middotcouldered hlgllty felpeelable holiday among our Iodilll friend Ba8 the ~o8aya i8rmatlnly bot to be blOke Tb mneUIer _mind bad really d_ftHl Tht UII1Ie olllcera When bull ho1 bll cbataoler 1111 hid and he laquo8 Herald It was Ibe annolY_ we beley~ of the InduatrJ nor coneoience i alld ~y are of opi~ and Iwenlywo _ all Americana oouId be early obliged to lea hODle 011 account of bls dla qbjvgatio~ of Ibe 1Ioorebullod Wa6 entelpu InlB tbat th_ IWO 1flnU are aupplled b bull characer- Iolated tlIeif pIlgh~ faIth d_ried Ibelr eonll hoa1 prop8DIIltlea n ill Id Ihat a few yeal8 wllb phit Abougb w vou1lt1 nol UU


IRlII IIIOre alarming elill m~lIce It Ie Id ellmiddot tJtmeo and abandooed their lleDdard 10 jolo bull IIDce he made trip IlIto 80ulh Amerloarwbelll Iheir IlIUguase yet we alched Ibeitmiddot m OllVte8 perlenee upbolds tbe unrtloo that be lu hIrhIroIlI aad mlaerable lactIon 1fho Cete llnog bejoloed bull part ot no~ robDeIl IIIId was qulle wllh aU the lowt 1fe could lIIusler nd en lO8f about ahe hou8eII alld aguaclleote Ibope pllllldering tbelr own -- lOme-~ SllIce thenu lemiddotal3ledlbal be hn DeeD joyed Ibe scene YIlI1 much I will promlae to 1fork with 110 olber expecampttion 11101 too u~uoding IIIId oooatoni to be belleY I marelldlllg IIIOn the bordere of Kexlco nd Texae thao to disappoint We know thlt to bit the cue hot u lime pued 011 deIr eontlDUed hIIVIle ThliIe partloola haYe oom lllit 81nce bls deler Brr-Tbe llaaay Berald co~gralulatt8 Itot io mau1net0- wliere America han IIOlIght and nrlOIll ehCOlllllallcel whleh 0IIl8 to IIghl Uoo LIeu Rlnll Ia lIatiY6 we helie of ~ being pree~nt hot Moodal ntght aldauCl workillen for the laborer-if 10 dIJnIIled a _ unwllllugl1orced Ibe eonyicllon upoD Ibe mlnda Sao Antonio Tue IIIId 41a berne II good pYIln b Bellonte Marla Balellmela to tbe oIIker$ can)le fumlllhed to 81l0b libelll on lad~lIIye of d lIilUIwee Indeed 100 true aud from lila cbaraeter up t~ Ibtlimo of hit desertion Bew of Ibe secoDd LIght lofalliry Ba~ImiddotJlon T 6 perr ~Ude joked at their IUCC~ d-I Many 1Il0Dl Ule lIa1ile or Turley or of Idi conted liked by hit meo audmiddotlrllaled b bla IiUperlor lB ~8I a p_n olle I 01U llSU Ie C~D~ POn7 lmportllli works middotwould now be In courae of - -ee ~e a bTe-word and a _ -oor aU cere andoo mllnln lbearll1etood a fgteltercbaace knew blms_e_________ donbullIt bena could he employed alld e 11110 hononhIe mell to ttain high poeltlon tJiaa he did Ilh fatal TaUIIIIIII1 STOIIV-OII Tueeda nlghte amp11 tbe aallIon of knowlog tbat uoder th_ The pen opIldou of 000IIII wu Ulea amphi d momena the lempter foalld him aDd he bartered Rub II aucceaalOIl of beav claps of Ibuu er ahal deereei - k1ud or abow wlll be mlde toward eerlell would ~e Ulelr way 10 Leollud jolll Ibe all lila bop for the proapeot of bull robber life eIIID boiled milk UJ1lod to booD-clahbe Tbe colleolinl UI lleeusnry foroe to ~o on with lmIldmiddot hclloroblll Ibue but II few deemed more rro- OfIbe olbers we kaow nolhlog peltODlIlI but rbo Ia aboal Ihe moel forcible IIu8tramp1I0 of lb iOI up lIIe C)OUolry lC men II1ilI 00 work fot bable IIlas u had gone 00 a robbiDI npediampion ~ng to lilT who mIght b di8Pllled to follow etretl81b of Ibe atorm lhIt we call Ibl of JUII bemIIlm or olliors Ibe VilI MJI(J to work (or amoor lb riobbulendu cir Chonlillea aocl woald tbelr eulllJll If ampOy lUeh tbere be appsnd now Oanmmelll i Ind II few 8amp111 experience In this aodeaTOr to maIte tbelr way to de AdlUllio com Ihelllmee of fie mllerrbl wratcllee who IIIve paid i lIer llDe will plllhabl cure the llloelobelloato either Blew8eldt or San JOIII del NIlrte The en dead for UIlr crimea TIIVPIiJIICIIlampaTI1-rrOfe8llOrSli1IIWlt1 cubullof Idlen ord_lllaloeu laltMire lIagulirly oorreot for UIe 8m newl bull OJrI01M lecture 00 tho IObJect of Temperaoce h -1

i L_gt _0 r-abullbull b- _II Lgt Turl ltlIpL_~lfbuderR LieuL E FbullRullleli iO-lIIerrow enolng The d~ coureo wm givemiddot_ Lt

FLA( middotQF THERIilPUBLIa _ ft_ u 0 nJ vera th Ia I ~ t f tll b ft C beod had robbed etII haetendu In (Jbooet PRlY-T18 degDn e p Ya hn ~ronl degb__ urch at rP M

bull oort open I 0 t me UI b By a dec e puhllabed In an nolbor columll Ibe a olle of whleb the)- were bllllteo otr after coo- I R Fltzhogh A C Lewle I e our I

Fiac IIf Ibe Replblic 18 changod yerl materiampu lidertble of bull lIghL It did noamp appear th amphi i raquoj BBi ~ tok~fdl HOltampLITr If LIOIC-The Kill Berld plIb It oOW eooeleu of bille etripes wllh willte Iiad JOIn aD of Ibe lIylns hlna of pbamom ampm~1 Jlo~ne K R Moni llabea an eKnol of II Jetter giving Inrect InteJII etripe between them the IUer Iwlce u wide III tall III IIlat regJon but like de - of lebm8l1 H- Conant A N Moore gence from Leon fu 1Ihloh U Is elated ~t oflbli Ibe former 10 the lIillldle of the wblte etripe ie UIeIr IIInda lIemed to be agaIoet fIery man and George Dunn Samuel MOre few remaloiog foreign troOjNIlIOW In jat city Iobearedetarwlthivepolol8 Wbullbullretbuarld O1l11en hand 1Ipl1ld Ibn~ Wbll CoL W O bull Ear~ Y BBllllth ftOmIlReeotoI1leotdieotleerydtYl

a IIIId hla nw 10 Ih b Ch IWeII A lira W B Sb~are shyofUie eropn d11eewblcbhu hllhlrtoenap r-7were8 roog 1)110 J A Gamlllon B Spheara COlllampIIIampIPamptoOJ-TheFiraamp RillelBaLaf proprlalell8(1teampe11ted Ibe State taIet he 1108rtmed from a ff1el~lI) nade dtd I B Tylor D 11 Klink 100 h bten 1lI()elvlog It pr during the pas - Turleyaod lIlamiddotpart were fa hnlclollYt aod had r ~ Welcb II K Welle week Tbe followiag COlllpaaleJ baY call d

8runOtu-Thi dhigdowa 1Ol rtew _ -w O p Latoloo de Colanelaollcelllld 118ded bull e l ~ e plalll to lIIe lake 1m beeo thqrotghly to fOhL bullbull C D and F Companr A Il opened w(lblD the leal weell IlId tbe Impro The om 1DIeIlIleoee of Tudf IIIId hl1l pug H~luo-The breUlrell of Ibe lII)aIoiC tie bull _ 811 Ia decided 10 the IdYlllltge of the Ylelf ft) tha ~polte prelousl) meolloued thrt dey rd~ to all ednrllemenilll anoUler column RJFlII8II11G-A dllgbtfUlly reflelhill~riB felmiddot rOm the city~1eUo ~e beacb bad a1lbeell IIIIrdtIed and UIII 1m now been from ~hlth It will IIIH tlilt aregular meeting i~terday momlng unlll6outBeYeD 0 he~

__- r Grilli --- a ed III auch a mlnDer u lcae no - of Orruada Lodge U Dl ot1II beld on Wedmiddot the weelber cleared up cool aod bealtb TbDRun ~__r caep D no eon rmmiddot i nudar e18olll 1Ielt _ e alternate Wed- bull e been appointed H Deputy b M~ahal Stomgtt of of III trUth We give the padlculan u we beard n by thereaRor hey will take due nOllce lOci pWa look beaulltulllllll present coallui pf greeD h Court of FlnlloaUDce diem -TIII IIId goue ioto Ib milling diltricl of gGIera h_lm accordlnIITmiddotmiddot gruB I

$I NICABA6UENS4Voll No 45 p 31 S8bado 13 de Septlembre de 18561 Saturday September 13 185S

GLANOE Oul OF TOWN MASAYA JOOJmiddotEYOLUB OFFIOIAL By TUB OIllgtBIlLY At m~ellog ampf the olllcentlaquo tbe 2nd Llllb DECDMI- m THE A1I1D_ i - Iolmtr1 Battalion September fth 1861 HtJOr JKdiO V~ UVIIlAllIUtIl J

o tlie capaclLy otOrderly to tbe Captain bolll Heopound1 D_bupound1 wae called 10 ~e and N 44shy~ Iu 110 often appeared In eonnectlon wltb Lleut Arthlll Conner eleoled 8eoreorl1 o 1

the _loin u uJ lh obJeo III ataIed hJ lUWUBUO 01 NIOAllAGUAmiddot ~ Titu Bdelu 1 fell Wl_1Uamp SatunIaJ PMdent lIU Ibt tbe orpIIIIllon of Jock Deptrtmenl of aw lIIIillnwrlol Be_lIell $ldIaeoYerlng that ho AI not III bll qlamplterl A OIub G_ Sepl 1~6 Ye large demlJoho but re~ently purebed w On mellon of Lieuamp Ju fl LeYJ ~w reeoled lillr--Th Supreme Eseelltl Pow~ hu been

ply aod III hollow I)ulld _med to echo the tbat this erpnizallon be known fa Tbe )(_ pleaaea amp0 d1cta1O th tollowlng decree TIl Jockey Club lh PreallhM of the RepulIo of Nlcvqut 10 Ita

llalllG with eyer lEgtverberalon 0 On rdollon of Cap J G D-ellx It lohabltants _pany felt looosome wllhout the _lIIonal Iemiddot R4fOlNtl-Tbel the_lin proceed 10 III eJee In erdv amp0 _ ampbeelgtIC perfOnPalloo of__ 11110111141 commandlug ollleef and I therefore fel dO~ ofoillcen to thEgt _ulng yr tracII Cor labor In Ime of Ilia aulborlty 1 lore InCUlllbent upon m 10 dlscoer hla h_ Whereupon the toIIowlng gentlQlllen WIN Dmiddot DEORlBa

enlmoualy elected and lnataIIed I - Pmldem ArIIoIe 1 AllY _lrIC made Cor _bor (or bull 1 SundA paaaed In ampultlel endeayoll1l Itllor B Dlllenbupound1 VI_Presidents Doo JampIl- larm of mentha or ean haD ha binding Oil the did Honday d Tueaday At luI I eenob IIsCo Brayo and Lleut I amp Le Treu_ paramplulO Ie

gh ~h eouDlry around the aguardleote mallmiddot Capt Horace Bell i a-taq Lieut Joh Cooper Art So Any penon who lOa malt eontract ~ au-asled ilBelt and I determined to 00 mpUon II w reaolnd lb comml of 10 perform IIboI anhballtaU te ful611 tbe_tract

Ihree be appointed lOmiddotdral rulu and regulallona iball be aentalleed b) tile Judge of Jif IUlaftcelmPthlm In quartcn I knew be would like to Inmiddot lor the gOufDment o( lite Olub ~ Sub-Prefect AgneulturU Judge Ol local-btlt The rollowlng gentl_n were appoillted aahI Alealde amp0 foreed labor on the public work Ibt I middotte ho1I8 of Tlw Bricks as IlIlbeyard lied commilltee Cpt l O DNUr Lltul W )( tem J 1101 I than one IIOr more than Ilx

- d h h db I to III Ie Reeder lIId Dr W L Lundy manu Ol uotll the puLy to whom thlabor III lip a tree an e a cen ~ n on Onmotloo A(ljourned H DVIIEIIlVIIT Presamp due may aelillgtr tlle rel_ DC tblborer

two busbels of eOIll lit Brlckl gaYe him tbe Joni COOP II Secretapound1 ArtI ADy laborer umay contl_1O do work middotIter hie purcbaae I eonclu4ed to mount tor a 1011ier period tbIG 811 month and IhaII taU

l1I~IdO bim Untlelog Ibe rope and Idillg him 0011111881011 011 CollfllJOlnO Bar4111-)(n 10 fulfill~11 OOIItriCIl ~Y~IIII~ced bld~bull - bull 1~1 of the ore menlolloont 10 _ inl Qte street I w 8111prleetl al hi 0 e Rogen and rullhmend the oolylwo membotrl of bor 011 the publia worki for the time of hili gnel[ ~ Ielng JlIaI high anough to allow my tt to the lIove Board are JIIoaeedugurlpidlaspoao pIred nlee Omiddotuotlllpu~ to whom hlalabor

(Ibo grount when I w 8eated in tbe addle IIblo 10 deciding upo tb PIOpfil unlIled In Ia dua may uk to hi rel_ t ampaddled 111m however be reeled to aDd flo IllOthe column IUbjeot to conJIteation The Art Commlnicaled to whom II ma COIlCerL

bull bull G1vtlllo GnIlMII tllia 61h day ofSept 1866nl hlle flIen but tbat when ho PPolnlJllent of )( Baldwlll II Sollchor of Ballimiddot W)I W ALm

middot te olle lido my feel Jlropped blm up and enat will reline lbe ampOlrd In greal _ 10 th IfInlater of Sampate In th middotDepll1lmant 01 10 tJ~lIte other In tbll way be 1(111 kept rom of IlIlevereal wk In coIIeoampIlIS alld ftaIlIlIItbe Qolelllmen Don Farmln FerlW

bull but wllb all my efforlB lie could not be In idence Comm~ClIed to you Ibt your IntorJDtllon and bull proper acIIoa w10 CO ~rvr and nOlI Illtaring hla denl) in HIDiateI of illite

ugre1 language IUClU u bullbully-he-y-be-he Soflotoa or ID TnilIlVIII-Jobn )( Baldmiddot _eot8oGb-ahl whicb trIn8Ialed mClnlwlD Esq rormerl Oaptain of Comy 0 Fillt No 45

Itoowl mYlIIlI and I think I middotdo you Cin Light IllllDtq b~ been ponted to the Imporampo REPUBLIO or NIOARJOUA l 00 110 IUCb gam a Ibat Flndlog I Uleleea ant potIlIOII DC Solicitor General of the Trauutfmiddot Deparllnan of Sta and Interior RItlou 10 peel a ride 011 tbe horn of M~ Brick I eon The ppulntmell of IIr Blldwln 11 wllll unl GnDeda Sanamp t 1861 bull araaI b toa Sf_fte Snmiaml BseoIIII Pov hu beaD

~ Ilvor w eJtended 10 lIIe I ullt down hIe bed 10 bt taken out or her bottom and bv Art t CcirDmullIeaIed 10 wbom It ml1- covered Ith dea wltn 011 hoWNie k tb farm AI be U Od~ ~ II wbole bull needed recaulklng C1raaada Sept etb 1866 W)I WALDB con~ aboot lOrty -- 01 tud more or Jell

1vti~t te _11011 Itn e 0- Ol bull bull ComIJUDleated ~ to r IofoIlMllon and MId II I plantain baclenda wltlifeDleIIlllld eyeqNothing_ A peclIlIr lip with 1111 blDd PJlI8OiIlIk--HampJOl John P Watent although oileD you you thlDgiltlaohed neceuu1Cot their ooItI1loe aIiIo

d to trf It OIl foot alld tying Ibe animal up v appro pJeuad 10 dlctlte belolktwlng deoree

10 tree I started On 10 hunt Taking lite AraquoOllIftll PIIICY -Ih HanYJ x- 8legal 1BB GOVBRN1UilNT ampoWf~ the ComnUf San FllnciacoI gelld_noflIeilyb~lppOInted~reteot lbe~~~erI~n-~~

dIIIly looking place tt whlllh I hid Db III the Sontbem Depariment InpIIce of nt COle tandere paD~ y ed tho Captain and rille atop ollClllliollally reaigned Hr Kane o4Iqe wlU be ruT ArIIcIe 1 middotAppoInted Prefect of IIId Depart hare einglllllr to reIte an agreeable locklug ------- -I )I Billlpound1 Kalle I whe hiI tlke charse

with crI hal d hlnl teeth b t HtVLID Up-The acbooner P_l b bMa Cor theen CODMqltot upon ih realpaUonIn apy L bull ng U ullled aahore llear the wbarf and III IIOW Ullder- 0( the ltaceIerof the soiaIIa of ruuof the pub f dark COIIlplICtIon UHd 10 bend oIIt two dll iOIlIs repaln III mampoy pla_ enUre bGIrda 110 reyenlltl with tll esoaplion ofthe bnulobea of eclIlIollt1he 1Ie of bull pllli measure As ~te IIIId labor blllh Ife ureed 1eued

h 11 Uie WOIIWI 10 tbe doop bu ithout ltill aulfermgliom hla late IIIclmeaa left tll Uty ffOP8l )(Dltter of State =~tb~~~~~~eId ot caltle _ Of 1_

OM I relamp Ier iloll In th app11eaampon 011 Tneadaylu Cot )(aupa to tHe commwl of the bnuld ~OB~td~ right amplid ud to gt(l1IIIa1l1lst4 dobe~ my head dIIt lfllJJOlWl pOIamp No 46 W J STONE Karol

middot III wy from 10 InbOlpllible quarte~ I RBPllBLlO 01 NICARAGUA l Orlnut Sept 1866 middot elOJIg 40WII under the jooote treu tewa~ Raus )taees f r Ha r r DpaItmIII of~Is~~~~ J AUCTIOI DB amp0l1l88I01 1088pound

lIMrieancametepound1 NothlngmOlllllfulCtOl8eQ JfABAYA OOURSB Sf~ThI SupremeExeoullYe Power baa beeu G H WINESamp (() lpitlt1 but allo of thougbt leemed to en- THE ~rln Heeling ot the )(-1 lockey Club pland 10 dl~tlI toIIowlng Decree ABB now pfepamprOd 10 catTy on the Auctlon IIIId

middotthlLt there IlRIId tbe grandmiddot allll eolemll WIll commence OIl Sullday thth Septemmiddot THE OOVEaNlIENT OommlaloU B__ ln colllllClion with tbeltod tln dlil plllan or the State 111 bel 1114 OOII~lllue until ampturday the 20th n being -yto ppolD r~wbo p_ Du~ on goode cooal W be ampdshy

r- e Flnl Day-Blinda 141h-200 yudl beat a In IhaII repreaell and deteod Iherllaquobta and Intereall noed d h ~-~ gallant bo hive g008 to eleep amid II lurn 100 Eotrance 15 110 forteU of the NIIinD1n TImIe of Ita authorlt putl w=_isttblC~~ or Granada are onl tb foundation Two or more 10 mllte a _-Free fOt all hoI_ DEOREl8middot LlbenI adylIICe8 by drafta OIl New York d s

te1MW Itae III for IIl1)lU111ng the former and IIlU wllo h bull bOt _on t race Article 1 Appointed SolIcItor of the ~ Franeiaco wW be made on reeeipt of mercblUldlze aid 1IIe Spllllah dynasly ecllpee tbeIIldlan Second D-)(olldll1tb-8iagle daah 800 (FIIcIl General de UaoIeuda) of dI Republlo of In the cuatoJd hoUle Tile hulldlng OCCUpl1lQ 119 ylllllamp Pune 160 IlllranCII 1111 forr11 17 II NIcaragua )(rloba It Batawln wIIb the aaIary Win ok t_ II f rI lIaing tll m fee eu4denly tumbled Illd be- Three or more to make bull _ bull For mulu 0011 of iWO lI~dred doll per IlIOIItII barre bulkamplldc=~tom n~ ~O~d I could recover I Ity p_trate OIl wbat bull Third Dy-Tlleaday l11lh-tOO 1IIda beal Art So OomlllOlllnated te hom It may COIIetIII celvodOll a~e ampII WI roshya lIel( made grave CroeaIog mylllif de- i In 8 PUrH 1160 lkra_18Oj balUOIftlt GNMda September 9 l~ J A RUGGLES A-t

_t _ I ~- Two or _10 make 1ampCe-Flee [or middot11 honroa W)( W ALDB G ada- - p- RI San shy~1I1 --ng In a IIOOD _ GIlead but FOIIrtb Day-WedneedaJ l1b-Jocke Dr auperIor order thll Ie colllmWlIcIted 10 yo ran VI - Y~ I Franclloo JI1OIDimagtbullbull theUlampootperfectlJaelfpoa- ~ Enttanoetl0i tulltorialt lOO~= toyourlnformadoll md proper uUon awlllamplng if2~~~rIaon t Co New York-obaa A moman IIld I WI Cllm whed It 00- jree Cor 11 mulea ackhOwledgmanamp of th - GnaIda April It 18511 crfted 10 me to loot Uhe DeW amplid ~y hmed FIfth Dy-ThIl1edl118tll-Oblllo~BNYOpu inRnt )(lnIater ofSIIte MAX A THoAN hid -- and to h lid _ 26 EIII_ III balf rfelamp 560fIIdI-middot ---- 4 bull

my orrore I1Itp bull ~ Jreefor-ail hOllJlt mbullandjaek No 41 WHQUSAU DllALEB IN foIIowID81nacrip~0II apptuedeograved upon the nSWb Day-FrIday 111$h-Proprle~ Pll BBPUBLIO 011 mO~GUA BRANDY WHISKY UTINE IIIhogan1 l1bletbull 00 Bntnllce 46 balf forfeit 800 JIIIIIamp raquoepllrimeDtofState and lllleriOl ~ t

bull co Banth th_ tdcb 8eal8 in II-Two or IlIOre amp0 mak NOlI GrIIIIIdt Bopamp 18118 AND ALL KINDS 01 LIQUORS LleII Tlw Bricklll LutDa-Satur4ay 201h-)(_dteradStake Sir-fbI Snpreme ExecuIIy Power h been Together with AlId _ban be died Sflnr Cup Bntnonca ttl I torfeil 16 40( p1taiJed 10 dlctale the toIIowlng Decree rZIV COPPBJIl ANDS71lBJS~RON fb DevU cried ards F01II Gr more te IOIIlce a nlt-Free Ior tile lreIIdellt of the Republic of NlCIraIJlll amp0 III IIIDALL IUIIIII OJ OOODS IOU) III 1fIIOtaaALI IITOI

Weicome Bricks ~eqhlng wlBblng to 11m bull Inbablllllll I bull HOIfIItal atreet In frout of ~ Couy YourellillftLn All enkiCIlO bmadelbedaYJlre~lOthe I_ucb thD_COIICIIIIIIIIS~1lon GrI~ JUlIe 11866

Ow the rriand of my eellmlble Captain died raee berore II oeioolr PH ItOm the well knon publlahed 011 tha Ud of Nombel~ 1~hu been D r middotUtU P t bull reputallon of tll stock IIOW on the cou1 aeriou1t modllled IIIId made of aWe ~ b a bull na bull - O

W Inen I hvbull been unable to ucertaln No aport may be especled Tile racta w1 tlke Decree~tbe ProfialelUll Qolemman med In BEGS LEAVI TO INFOR)( tbe cilbcu of 4111 the pTe no one erected the monulllelll paee rain Ol ehlne Sportsmen ar dletance wiD Leon 011 tlle 29th of Marob _1 paat-Theretore O~a that be bas opened

lllICribed tbeapprepriampte epitaph and I pl_uddreaatheSacrelaq luirtueoflbeautborltJ1nmeYeItedItil A DRUG STORE_ lbarotore without amph means of informing you K H DUSENBURY Preet DdBBD I Nf4rll Opp4fU tA 81m Ilr4flri (0_

good fellow but1Ith8l IlioUned to A BullY ltleO pro WIlL )(-YI Jokey 0I1ib ArIIde 1 Emy free wbltemail who IhaIIIIJI Where be Q prepared to Ibmiab MEDIOINES aguar - mlptta 10 tlle Republlo may enter lIJloo and 1m- PBRJUIlERY ampc of u good qualit and t bull ~all allow bla Ilulta 10 rest witb PIUeultrr Notiee prove aUy_pIed ttIClofpllbilo IaD4 DD el[ fair pricea u _be obtained In tbeelt bull

Perhtp_ wheo I and he Cap~ I may AS the Ial ud 2d Llgbt Infantr tauaIIona aeedlng _ handfed and tidr _In eJampent PArtleularattenampon wW be p1 tOPQUins -II you with lOme Inteieatlng Items _ hi aot MOl In thelr mll~ to cbll a after tlx IlIOIIthuealdMet upon Ol 0C0IIpIti0n up preecrlptiont our deceUed mlgo OIlIlULT ollice they wlHnot be p14 until tham of 0 oi aahI 1IIod b1haII ~eeel till therete ampom Granada lillie 1 18n

j bar and tbe_ required 10 ~eDd In tbelr the GOfemmeCICj provided that t die Ume of bit DI Au bullbullu P t t_lle Ible IlIOIIth entr1lIe reglaIer lbbullbull1IIe ~blDg It b metel OS

U8InROLtaWumBo-Balloticeflomthe Tho Artlllepound1 lid thelal and SndBaUallone lid boondllll tlle olliee Of thelteCorderoftbe TBNDIRS BIS SERVIOES to Ibe citlrena III rarllter II will be - tht th Fim and BtC- of rutH are 0 required to IeIld to ble 01Bca DepmmaDi In wbleh the Iud liei GIIDI4a and mloy ill tbe praetlce of BaitaIIoDl of Light rnfPtry no haring _ new l[W8tet-orolle 011 wblch thy will rec)el pay_ Art Ally immigrant laclnded wllllllllbe pto MEDICINE SURGERYamp MIDWIFERY II fWt muateuolla flit DD be p~ldolf until tbe menhp 10 he llral a~~ND~Sio =iIol~~y~Jj~~~~~olredbete IF Office and realieoce 011 Ibe aoutlnreattr4 of October Tbe are requIred te nlld In PaymaaterQeneral NIcaragbamp cate ud ~ tlie eD4 ofm montha OCCUpadOll COlllijf of lbbullbullweel oppoaite Ibe San FlanclacQur muterrolkl thle month TIle Fira$lIld Sec- 1 ceive tide for thre buodred IDd t_ly acres of CoDt Gll41l111e BattaIIona IIld the ArtlIIcq are required G1ada Lod 1J no public Iud w complltinamp wltllthe pro110 of QrIlIIampda JIIII8 1 laGS

t bull a regIIIt In lite tlralrtlcIt T _ Ioew In Dew muter ron on whlcb they wID be 1 BB regular _lInp of tbIa Lodge wnl her Art~ It eball bethe u1ofthe Record of bull auvr amp DuayFIyen up 10 the IlllltofOetober I ~ be held on every ltemate WIDNBS- land tldte In lite eferal Departmel1ta te keep ArOORNBYS AND OOUNSEJOBS AT LlW 1 __ _ DAY eommenlliq onmiddotWedneadaythe lUh of leparate and dIatInotbookforampbereptrylll all OlBcelllmiddotBt NI04UOUJIIH BuUdinga-80utl

VWII luC18-We IIOtice In cltoulalloD September at tho liouae ~ex 10 be POll Oftlet aotllmen~ ~ p4lIIeIIIOl1 prhllePl occanIag Wtll 0lil01 ot Piua Oruada NIIragliL 1- religious riotsmiddot prillted In Bpanlab al balf1 1 oeiocIt VIaltlbg brethreD are Itamp- IIIIdv b18 dtlllree Puilellilr U8Dllon plId tomiddot clalma plnt $hll sent olll 10 thl oOllnlpound1 hJ the Ammcn telllalllilmiddotlted to _euit Art Tbe appllln Cot fide WIder the 1m Qo_t 4 ClIAS CALLABAN W II and aecomhrtleiof tbladecree abaIl eatabIItla 1IlI IOD TABOB t

~SocIelY septenl~er_a18~ If six _tha occupation beIbte tbe lUdie of lIIe OWEN Durn I GUII4lI4 amppi I laGs


Flreamp 1__ of tbe Deparunent In which Ihe land hlllltuated after baylngduy notified lb So- lIelto eI Hacienda of the tbDe ltbleb he will Ipply1O the lU~IM a eertl6cale of Ibe aettJigt ment and occupaJOI herein rIIIulNd Tbe notice 10 Ibe Sollollobullbullall be giell ill writl~g teD day_ W the ppllctliop for eertilcae 10 tho JudgeofllraI_De

Art II The DeCrPl of Nof 2ad 18611 wi o( IIareb t9th 1868 are refoked 8d lnulled al ways hoevll illtouamp prejudice 10 Illy rlghta beretofore acquired nnder tbem

Art S Conlmuuleawd 10 whom It bullbullbull concern GIenlli lthuad tlllalith day of Sept 1866

Wit W ALKgaTo Ibe Hlnlster of State ID $he DeparlJllenl of Goshy

vernmenamp Don Fermin Flller B1 lIperor order tla i commllllieampkid for our

Informllen and proper aclioll bull hallla Hlol~ler 01 State


Departmenl of Stale and interior Relatloot Granada Sept H 1856

Slr-Tbe SlIprome Executive Yoer haa been pJeDied 10 dictate the Illowog deeree The President 01 tlle RepubUIgt of Nic1JIII in VIrshy

lue of bls authority DECREIS

Arllcle I The lIag of the Republic ball eOllaiat of three slripes Lhe middle whita IIIId he other blue the middle Blripo shall be ice tbe widtb oethe 0111 8tripes ud In tbe ceIIlre of It ampball ha I red aLar with ave poIn

Art t Communicated to whom It mI concern GiTeII In GfIIIIe4a this 11 th da1 of Sept 1866

WHo WALKFR To the )(Inlater et Sampate 10 tbe DeplflDeo of

Qoveromen Doll Fermin Ferrer 11 poo ordor Ihlli I forwarded to )00 lb

your Ioformallon lDdproper actioD IlIabullbulla HilllatenfSampale bull PubJle llale

C THOHAS Rpound1 amp 00 1 DOIOTlLI 00N ADUD 00

~ bullBY fIme of bull writ orfMe IampoIu 10 me dJrected ballI~ the Ibo e~~tull IDd tll pubull tb jU~f~ reIIdt~~t~ 1Iel1the aame the courtobo_ door III GIIII ~ Sllurday Ibe wbullbullUetll da ot September1~t telYe e cleekmerldlau

lJampcIendaCOIIIDlGD knoIflluthe Baolellda Sulidad altlllted Ibout nine mU _t~ or San lmIIz~~J~1a dopbneDbullltllll the IIIlpnlYCgt menta t_lItlllted eonllilllol of tbree bouiea


278 EL NICAHABYENBEVoll No 46 p 21 Sabado 20 de Septlembre de 1856 Saturday September 20 185

I ~

JRogen Wouudedto be proud of Ihe COUIIIg lIe might 1 exoea EXEOUTION OF JENNINGS ESTlllL ItCaP Will Ionofdarillif dlplaYed hy thle _II alld undlclpllnad ~ lmiddotJititfaguf nSf Dan Flowery Atli oclock PM 00 tbo Qvenlni ofFridlJ tilpany BYeI) man In It ma) be oalled hGrO (or Liellt Crowel~ Illth Inst 2d Lieu Jennlogll Eslelle auft~oo Ibebull I no man gaye an) Indication orr_ IhrougbonHhe Lieu Musgrave extreme peDalty oftbo 1111 by beinl bOI olli th

To mako the nature of the IackclcM II may Saturday lIIlorninc Sept 20 whole fttlr Erumua Norton II

Pl for the murder of 2d LleKt Ghamprlllll GorlIonOhulIIaher W A swfer MWllclan In tbe guard hou90 in tbo city or Granada ~hiltTHE FI(JHT AT SAN JAOINTO bu weltoetato thaUofront ofthelacpbouse Pt Dawes acting amplI ollice ohhe guard iwblch wu _eIlIUy bllrricaded there If~ an open SergtanL Simpson

Estelle had been p~cvJouly arreated foubOOliltg cannening 10 the Nicaragcan Army ubder Ihe

About two weeka ago party of thlrt Amorlmiddot apace or neatly quarter or mile In 18IIglh 10 L De Sbleldi William II SlOne Thumu Jildl1lrdll aiid was whoo be coMmbted LIeut Q1III1

front otlt and that III ootering tIll clearauce It the unforlunate act for whicb he sutrered dealh command of Col leDonald atlacked alld droYe Wal 801111amp1) for tho yolunteel to peII by the

Major Cal ONeal ptiloDcr confined to bit quarlers Ho bad ~ fnlrbehilld dPJlr barricades a large number of rebels aide or a wood In auch II maoner tbat ~e enemy Alfred Jone8 umberlog lfiO or perhaps mora In the encounmiddot could couot every mao pf their Plrty lnd that and ilnpart1al trial and the gentlemen wllo ~ ia tor oot American waa killed and several wOllllded there I no apot III that a(IaQ which ko bou

Lieu- Artbur OConner Capt Watkins judgment upon blm gavo him overy opporl~il1 -- Haynes (SurYe)or)When the news of the occurrence rtaohed this does 11M command Xl mllst 1110 bo unlmtood to eal4bllsh adefellce hul in thiB lie ulterly f~dO Lo Ro The deed lIal COMmitted witbout an provoea oncit SWoIl feeling manifested 1lf among the lbat 1I-1Y tbe eutlro distance to tbe Iarp houlO Alyon Adlll1s

citi_ Ind aoldlera to venge tb death or their Ia up an 811C01I1 wbich gave the defend or It or without aDt aggranting circums-noe U Will

countrymen and both omeera and aoldlera I-I adota oyer a plIrly that would greatly O Dougherty -Brady eenlenctd to be hUlli but tho comwande Inmiddot L Jobnson chief caued It to bo 60 far~itlgated lUI to qu1ed Gen Walker to be allowed to volunteer OlllOtlmbar middotthem It n~ Dot thereforomiddotbo itashy J U01d

him to be abotand fonn a part for Ibis purpose AI tbe Gene- ted that a party of about mlyaye men ~eftr Jock BOlweil raI wouloJ not COIIsent to aUow anT of tbe efficclll Judloloual arraDsed lIltaolted It undor 0gte1-1 dsshy J VIlSOD There lUI a lnr~o copeourso s-tbered Ilillt or IOldllll attached to regiments to go lie cili- adlllllampge 0 While nllll the c~eClllion ~lole walked witb II 1ampn Heeter atep bl Ultl sKlb 6Orcye d latharor Iho cb bIi lila OY bo he bad no control volunteered By tbo lido of tbe large house nda 121111

A loberlll wbo prayed itb him aud lor 111m from tbe guardto the Illllllber or fort1-tWQ to Iighl the rebels cant building which WI also fortilied and full of snoel RIlMeI ujl~ thei own reapeo8lbllity Somo men were mll an In tho rear of IIIOM two bobullbull 18 houao to the plac of execution I

Native boy-orderly to Dr R9ton Dr anton

When he lrrived at the pot wher be wI taIao raised III 1ohssaa end Tipltapa making In aaother hoUle hieil lfaa also defemled b II large Henry Ealllon breathe hll 1881 he requested that hia bnd~al1 ilxtyy men forco III the IaUer building wu a large umbar --ltlaborne might bo utied as he wisbed to ddreas ItheTIt nn tolunteered at Granada tlartod from of honea with the necOSIary equipment tor a Wm Cassidy h about oclock Friday eYeaing 18th inaL companl or two of la~cOlamp crowd ThIs reljller belllg graDte9 he apokp insmel KeDnedy

H MeCftrty a firm unfaltering voico 111 hia epeech bo atedIIld paaallt througb Bossay were joined by the Lieuamp Robert lilligan who wae alpoilled to Capt Rider the Corgivo1tW1 of the ollicora and soldiers ofIhevolunlecraolthllt olty They arrived at Tip lead tile cbarge1ed hiaforees up to a pick fence Sergeant Ruma Nlcalllgllan army Voicee 18$pouded from thotapa stuny morning At tbl point Ibe expedl blllbtood at the comer large ho_ an Major Arkalltl_ Roekcnuck

crowd II God Corglve YOll Dr Dickton 118 Col H1)o~ald refUsed u b did oot kllow In tbe Nlcaragua1 arm7-led tho force hleh bo llou lV1I IlIty to Cl)me to a promaturo coaclution olTiD ONeal-who II the yOllngelt lloldmccr

-- Spinll8r Q II D 1f_ll Wblle 10 ptleoo he I1roto tile following IIdd~c Oberokee lIruntosh wldeh be requested to have published them to the tolunteOrs to paH the rlcr oommided to tbe VOl) froll of tho mall eAbO H C Cookbull

llh01l~ aDrdet to that effect from Gen Walter h_ llelllrYlllg tholr lire until the7 gilt ltltlll GRANADA Sept 101b 1806 Thla obJ~tlon wu overcome b lome person linton paces hi ilion poured In 8 nurderous

(apt llarah Thse illl tile dyitl~ dechrRlioM of nlng

Estelle I was born In Malllh~U Tenneille in Ib W Jones

uggeatlnlbat Lleul Col Byron Colbullbullboulu be vollev-a linglo ropelltlon of which oitllt lllllod IM 188S alld 11611 raised from my 10rKney In requetod lo yolurteer i~b tbem and take tbe or wounded evel) man III It A Foteas VEIIICIIl III N1ClRAQU -At no Hinds coullty lIi8tsampippi I sted to Clifor commanq Col Col did Dot biong to tho regu Capt Watkin leading II tblrd division eharged great diewee from tho elty of Gralleduro lIl1alll nia 111 Ulit Ontbe road I hd difficultYtltb lar line ~t waa Asaiatant Qeartermater Gen_l stralih 10 tron or tho large hOllle Hereached a elll5te of tile moat beautiful and fertile Islands a man of the namo of BOlYard ond 8hot himJ r

ailerraJltlltotR nftn oCthe name ofBays blthIn thla ~aebe yolunteercd 118 a private bu$ WIll wlthh twenty pacea or II heo he fell fOunded it II poaalble to eODceie The) Yal) from a few wound did not happ911 to proy fAlal UI Ih immedJ qlccted Captain of the comp~n Wlthaloud toice ho ordered bill men to lIP ou_ squlro yards to lOevel1ll aqUAre 01108 in BUpollshy same year I had 0 dlllleuly l1ilh Chatles Ito ill

BIron Colo tbu~ WIllng Ihe reaponalbilltt of command tbey obeyed wltb alaenty cl1 extent BeYlId tbese nd oopaMtod from SOil tillbullbulltabbed Ilinl la tbryn placea 111 I two dWeultiea while In CiliIIi middotoeeu alloading the ~ell became ~ uaranlee to Col He- Bot tiler Is no U8e cb4rging dobo walI tbe tllem by 0 drep navigable channel Blnnda the the SlaIu priaon where I hld b~eo emplovtll forDonald Ib~ ~ wu All right tbe olunlen mou Were failing 10 leI) tatt that before meny Jorge Island of Zapota1O wboao bold headland an~ the 100 Io yeara After ICtlinlt III lii IlSI rape I came 10 1iltgtllllgu nud HI~ot Tho w

nnell or Sao JAcinto where tbe rebela 6gt tfJoR tomiddot carty their woundod off tho Ileld In gate the lake ZapellllO IB In Ill wester extremmiddot took up their Ime of march Thor arrtIWIl~ the minulel clapeed there were lIot enough oftbo plII- Irregular surface aerve as a lllld to 1111 who naymiddot

Edwards i I lltI Itla bo~ Charlc GordOl i must Sly thaI in all my difficultie8 I wtS no 0 tatatloned about II ocloclc Sunday morning the Ihe mtttilno aU the leadell of the two other I~y IICOOped out 80 118 to fonn an almost circular In mv right mind Twico I htwe beel lorgt II

14th Inet and halted a few mOments III order t9 eomp had fall~n either kllld or wounded hay and tho sbore of tbe mainland opposite b~Imiddot and bop) 10 bo forginll for tbem aU I th nk IlflDge a plan of allack _~_ ________ e~lptOIfbullbull1 who ~Itboutll wounded b tho arm ing 4 deOl curve an abJloet circular bay is formed thero b God In huyen tht ill Qnd

The Ban Jactnto rancho Ii naturally well ad_pf donlin_d with tho (eroclty of a tiger OghUn of e~e1milllll In diameter 8 lecuMly sbeltered gj~Q And ho kno and I Imow thaI il ad n pllcr bullOBoe uu - ~ l ra Of II dIS by blgbllnde5 to makltl tho 911gllte8 sklft lio aemiddot I tllt killed Oherlo Gordon It was

d my CIIlZ) mind thnt did iI I 11amp lUIcieutiou which commlUldo ali tho ground In ila 10 to do whllo ~~e~r-~lIl1~ eurlI upon Ita SlIflllce Ien IIlien-atotmSlllay bo lIot In IIllright Inlnd then I did lb deed fillvicinity In a large corralatanda a hollSO whleb au_ ~- - lullng luto flll1 the moro c~poeed paris of Ike God koows It Forgi me ofticerslInd acid r

haa b~n IItted up In such a manner tbat III Inside Whou thore 118 no looger any poaslbillt) of Nicaragua and I can die hapP7 Inan I donl rite ht beeallB I think tbat I ought not to die I Inre Becute agaluat muekel or rl8e shots while COIItlndlng aueceafullylIlnatauch extraordinary TbolOutheaAtern part onbls bay i4 alao ellterd think till my tbllo haa como and that justlct IIthrough mallpertum In the thlok IYalJil troops odoli lIhtlng II the enemy re In Buch weiJ b a ellanne of deep water wblch divide tbe been clone me llellow 8OIdlorll remeolbor 11 IAI

illampld of it can lbe Into aU parta of the eonal fol1i8ed poaitlona tho America beg4ll to retreat IOUthestern 8stremll of Zapntero from the hAl brmght DIe 10 this death-fOil all know The corral itself II surrounded by a strong fence Prtyowt to this b01fIer a body of lAncCN maililand The elellDtr ampD Carlot b already wellul do Ify hUluble prayer Is tht I ml

forgilfn JENNINGS EST8Ll wbleb it 18 nee_y to Beale before any material were dered maklng a clroult In the wooda colored th bay dcacribed by the lut mentioned Hisllildy ampII 600n OS Ure was exliaol waildam ean be done by In auolllllg part1 On with the evldellt Inteotion of completely aurronnd chaDnel and aacertalned t~al the water Is of 8Ummiddot

ill a fIOed coffin and decently in~bull tod IMir IY from Tipltapa the loluutem heard th 1111 them andcuttlllg 011 their relreaL Thlt mon cient depth to alford IIeCIIre anchorage tor Teaaola bullthe already relatively large force of the enemy they were wablo to cart Into effoot and tbe The nonhern part of the bayla bounded by tbe Cvlloos-A aa1l1to Will Ared In bonor (gtfhad been the day previous BlreDllthned by an Americans lot oil tbo Ileld In tolerable good 01 cluster known 118 the II Thousand lillUlUS each

addition of two hundred men but Ihia In no wltt der Tbo lancers seeing thie wrecked their Yell OUe of which to our mind Ii In a ahort time d(lj new leg 011 lut lIondJlY The IIrOJO froID tbo eanllons moutgtabated tblr ardor aud the plJIn of allok 110 geanoe llpeo the dud bodlea wbich Ihey roulld tined 10 be fun of hOUle torea Clnd commercial formtjlluto a beautifulmade and b7 Ihllllltiog their Iaooes Into thoee AmerlCftI~ ware-roomll lIId whoro YOSIIelS of conSiderable ton bull

Upiln II couaull11liou it 11amp8 deemed db to wbo were already 80 near deat ft8 to m_ke tbelr nag can mOe Iro~ one depot to another with ~nto the air cn~ form the compauj Into three divisions each to be leadonb1 offieera chOlonfromamonll tbeltlaolvCII BjrOn Colo wat tben elected ColoDel alld Wiley llarab second ill command Robert Mi1IIgu WIS elected to lead tbe 61111 company to make tho ehage-out CIIlhla 19 ero killed wouoded and mlaalnl 1l1lJ Col ONeill was eaosen to leacl the second and Capt WatklM of M_ ChI) third eonlpany Wben all th_ alflDgemenl8 hid been completed the companlos eparated to ~tack the place a three dilFoten poluta

In commencing thua one ~artl1 got In adQllce of the ~elS wbu wel8 obltged to make aomc what of a detour and although eO~8ting of 011 tWtllt)-twO me~ i14 attack tn8 amp0 vlgoroUII that It succeeded In driving tho enemy baolt and 811011 tdler tile other CODlptmlu camo upon Ihc soone of action the Igor of tho _ult droyo tbo enQ~) from tbe eorralillto tho house I1ere tho pau) or the numher CII the _lIanta became IllallifeuIII bull to thelt di_duntoge Tere were not III C1cnt t bold the place ner It ~as a~en and tho 1ere obliged to lII1 baoltbagalO bC~lDdhtbalfence r Ih -raJ Tbl left t e enllllY n t e r ormer

~ c_ POSItlOU

lbo IIgbting (ontluuod In tbo corrlll and wben the AlIleritlllM retired behind hs woll I~ became _t-ldm ~ the Ilmber that ha elm killed Of wounded hat it would be Injudieioul to rtneW Ibe ftttatk A retroat was Olderod and -~~t Ilte band fell back Ilpon Tlpltapa

tlP gshyy Amerlcall In Nicaragua nnd In fact ey r -

J -triun in an pllfta of the world bbullbull reuoll

romoyallmpOSlllble 1D0re ease than tile olt-earla 11011 uoed In GraDada It attained We might gogt on and dlaeant UpOIl tlto CO mole fom 0118 sitee to another On thlcity of up~n bull

oftb_ 81thlhlllllllicolly bravo ml)D bllt thOu II thooaand Islands pure cool water will be always wa thomselfllll as they must appear to th d convenient and It would be Imp08Jlble for Impllrlshyspeak more eIoquentlylD their pralso t~77 tl or Inrectiool to exi In Ita vicinity Here ea- C

01l1 power to do It relcta more credit II ~bll Ulle will oocllpy the placo of stree and light 01 Amerioan l1amt thllll conld be done by andlll~ lIIrylike ple_te boats will suporcedo Iloraet wbi atY ylolory And If 110 mlatake not It will do Hore Instead of a WAllatreet 110 m have a RI CA more to COIlviDce the ellemywbllt sort ofl1lco the II1to I hore will be - and hoal~ sellon and s- ted ra beye to deal wltb than 1I8)tlling tbat bu mIl liolltu In tbelr gondoloa 81ngmg love songs In ~llteal transpired In thle country 1 tbe It-rllght and here 11111 b9 tho moat plellSing odlOt8

Appended to thll Is tile uame of ever mAli combination of bealtb convenloMc and bUIULy ill cutod ho 1l1li to our knowledge eJigagod In IIIghL IIny ~11 upon bidl beallo evoraholle preeed~d lbore may b9 tome one or lllo 1D0re wbaee Hame LlOKClI-The schoonel Pearl was Iuncleu chased him we conld not loarn but we ball be happy at anv 11l11terdllY (lrIday) fOleneon lrom the place 1I01U plaza BeCOI time to 0I1I0l their aamcaln the list of glerv W~ the wharf wbere be waa ulldcrgolqg repairs 11110 lIela lIappeoei silo give the killed wounded nlllllllllilng ~ lIear- tIe elemellt other futurG ulefullleM She iato 11 u we eould bullcurtniD bo commanded by Capt Hardy who has -altetly

Col Byron C-ole made a trip or Iwo In her Tho late modol ofhe 11fty --all Klled Peru II beoD OIllA-- alA d I I v~ bull0 An 8le 8 OwWIUi_ It Drinker aamp lDue looking craft as Bails 011 auy (Jeval ~~ ~tlk n merlean Wltora ~be bas UCell repaired byhlv __ Sberm~ II Ing placed In bar anolY bottom UampII 1I00riJI and 00rII0~ d k dH ~l OullwlI II II uew ec a altered from a frelgla boa Into a H l6 I comfortable palItIeDgor crnft We und_Ind that ~Jlaquofj l~IIOU (killed going up) II ahe win make regular trips botwcon Uraida St 1 _ Dc~11 G~olIlId Vlrgla _ ---~ - Lleut Hutehlll Chaa Calhlhan to Klat SlC J BAli lgtRL Nollrll-W a loam fror Thomu E H LaW Ing F Fisher thaI there aro eight Britlsbcam 11Ilr R Wheaton II Y-m at ampn Juan del Norte and ~bl toce areUtut JIllItIll[ 1 In dmiddot J ~_ $t~ WOlllded 100 to oae one Italian mo~ant vessel -- Vl1UfO E Uolopl W I-I It 000 n_bullone tOQ Stale) and CO yooe be

-~ _On~g 10 tilWOgua

painful to lDen A ale DC American the houae aud led ill th I k

C 00 er on 11110 dura _____

HORSU-PolllOna who h the viclully of S~ George or H

wltb tho power of JI) ing tbrou wltchOJl on II brOOIU-stirk will by providing tboullelC~ rltb av

~l~ Ir ~

p___ H h bull a ~11l _middot011 bullbull ftl til the

Departlllont bull--__- ~- shy

J4uruCItGaCII_Thiij edifice wllicl) ill do underllolng rcptlM mA) bo diltiogulsLef by1 very white color frolll flll olher buildings III ar am at R dietante oheY~raJ 1111011 Il p n$tt COIning lip lhe WEe


jtLNICABABlfENSEVOll No 47 p3 Sabado27 de Sepllembre de 1856 SaturdaySeptember 271856 2BS

er~ middot=wepon =again pla~~ OIh~d- T~OJTriijONNEW-YORK VOLUNTEiiiis PEEPS ABOUT TOIVN optaln made a deaperato eftort to dlaeharge 118

lly Tlull BalL oonlents-aiJed-handed it to me-It wa u dry bull -- bull 11ft a powder 110m In a feOOlld I eollid _ that

nevor eomplam~d In Ill) ~ifo Drlk~ are not the Optaln began to turn diUte pall1bleb atood ~p to cI)mplaln ~ltbOlgll the sometmes 8ufter close to Mm) wbile I preaerTed 1111 eqnanllllltyin 1IIIjIe~ IUch ~cght of It1Ju~U~ wOlld nl~C the ampplit of conciliation The weapon _ again Ih 1lea of ol~hnary pe8ons ISO with 11ldlgnAII~n loaded 10 tho vcry mllZ2le and pneed in the bands Dljring ~ Ibo~t absence fOn 0 ranadll my enelmeB or IiUl opiltln ~hose runds wel$ becoming IlatICO killed nlC (on paper) Ht up (inl)po) very unsteady Ihnt he VIIS IIMblo to taka prcpor III ctlll epI)h llIollneog my dc~th fter nlm And welO It not tIAI I seized tho Instrllment ~a IIIII IIndemiddotg~no till this I VlM 4~41 COIl$glled of dostructlon amI wrenched II from bls hand$ bo 10 he firm of] luto amp Co-hbcled rght ampldo up would hlfO pOllred tho cOlltents of It Into his ~b earo I~om the effects of a eliot ampom a prln- bull ~


I k N I h A I I breast With lUI energy Inplled by tllO liopo ofaI B ~ 100lng abullbullo ~ ow WId II ve 0 bull b godON

If 101 to undorstand thnt Drleke bclolllll ~o the pl~oud and gloriouR tnum[lh I agnlo disc IIrlIe blue strlpea Vltb a rod tiv~ pnilltod atll~ tho eOI~tellls or the pockot pistol (nlld travelllllg in ke cenror on white glmiddotOU -I) aod his 1I10ttO s nefCO say ~ie All greal 1lI01l Ita0 their ou

c~ and of COll1l6 Dlicks hIlS I is And utlhollh I J b J d II deg1fflUlcm IIIRy nlG cen p aye lllon 0 110

p lid T)ora ill Nicargll or PIcn uIgt0nL Ih blrp of a Uousnd strlhgs-phits of the JURI

td perfect he is willinllo appORt at the Fitt I~~ce or at tho In8tanco of nny of his friends

liiake lllIrmalioll that lio nevoI diltld durlng wholo eOllrso ofllid eventful IIrii

unfortunate repordvas spread by tlH)

~fl4in with wlom I ho lately bad a quarrel ~e hope tbat he wouldbjberlt alllhe properly cit I ha1I 80 carefully colleete1 during mylay In PIe lIepublie Ind wltIltt consists of one CAmp itl1 two tgtox~ of matches lind the bottle III

i ~h IfQ Iept our stock of nguardlente I lIa9 l f h h I I

01110 t e city w on my en umn amptors hegan to middotlIp tho 101 loll wllioll has been 110 eagerly II noeltl nut OliO awallow does nOI malte II

~ n01 although sevel1 8w41101l ortbla cockta1

8 brollghL on tho WItor of my dlscOtltOllt l all this happened becauae Illy trnducera neg-

I to 8eason tho tail thoy ao Induatrlonsly

i oe cd out tetho pllblc WhenI returned I could ~ middot 1uraue the COUrIIQ open t0fenofhonor nor a l~ul1luc filr bofol8 ~ caught It Ihit upon n

unately I bit It ro than I did h1m

~ tl

oldti depr ve

Ii( not

n lent to bring the Captltun Jusllco but unmiddot 80 hord tlllnt l huurod myself

An idea then struck me t i ought 10 mil him out bui II struck so bard

r It r IlIC 0 t ~ p(Welll 0 8pcce~-I

thlllefore mil hlO out A friendmdmiddot I) do It fo~ me but ail lOon all he t quarlera of 1n1 one~) he found he

-Ekhnly do tho thing hy balvea lIlI Ihe Captain

defiance with such force at his head 118 to for moment Now m) friend is Bueh a

trump-wben be knows hos rigM hos

compamon) Into the procllC spol I antell It to IOtlg~~ H tho fourth rOllnd the Opblln was unshynblo to come 10 tln~ a1 the aftIIr WIIB Amicably Ilrl~jUlgud by the frlenda of both IInltlo biking II Abot al ftlOund At each oiler Tho ltlAptnln thon pologtd to nneka and ~rlek8Apologhlld to tbe Oilplnin and b3~ npologlZol to IlvllIybody and o~eribodj apologzed to each other nd all oxmiddot dProBBdel tllelr firm convielion that Brlcke Is not

en yet

A FltUlER Boy In Dren fountyIve tlsea for a wifo Ho says

He wants to knOw ifalte can milk And make his IreallUld butler

Anti go 10 meculIg without elk To ok a 111011 and lutter k Ii fl Id IIlIe ltIii 0 10 nOlf I t WOII urt fer Itollds 10 tnk up IIllteheaj 0 tile bultou on ble ahlrt

rckuke a pall of~reeohea

AlInn-An ble bodied portIIln to bold my Wre~ tougue shu lUd I bolD unable to keep b atlll c___________ __________s

OFFICIAL __bull__bull__bullbullbull____bullbull___bull__ ________ DECREE OF IItID GOYEBmshy

----====~____11~_~ rl~lt~~ ~~er~~t

lIere IUO 1 large um~er of ailUftis belonging 10lta buw~r or at least-Ibat when proceedingr t II eourse 110 cannot be taken aback lind reo t1i wng a little he thrcw lin Insinuation In tho

of tbe Captain wltlch I am cretlihlylnformod IIi - 1 r II In h f 11 80ven 0 I m~ rs to 8ny no ~ng 0 Ihe number of teeth wllich II mote or leBB inJured nerstherage ofmy friend weDt beJondnJlbounrs

il mlllht hllTG cOlltlnued to trlvellQ Ihl~ day middot I I h I td t h bull Th ~ t nb bull 11 bull cou no cross I II ravlIle e~Ca btll losl all centrol of his temper and was

lged 10 call tho oftlcer of tllo guard Ilnd Il file loWle 10 foroll lamp inlo 1 tte of subottlinntlon

b I I h Stat t N fI I us 08 10 teo 0 ICalamp~1 orever

7 both u length cme to I resolullon which a great effort tI~v succeeded in moving II ~they ndoavoured to CIIrry II but tailed

b til t k d bull d t d d d y ot en 00 a etermllH 8 an till Ishy- equally belwoen tbem rellred from tho Bold hW lIot eUled wondedng at the efforts my

had mild In m) boble and exprcrsing my

Inllll vlulIl 1 note WAB put Into m~ hanltl Captain reqllostmg me to meet hlln 1m at tllo Veil known houle of Te_

Ilero prompt aettlelllcnts usually bike tl_ A I h d bull ltl ltlt t th1 8 a ICV~ rOlve My ere I a e tlllment and did not tilerofOl8 owo any11+8 I COllented The Oaplain bad arrived heshyaIgt me r coltld 110ft much rAtll aud foil pimshy bi r II hi d b bullPOI 8 ace W IC COllY nce met III be IlIIUt 8Omotlllng Of course tbe calm dlgnlt) of countenance proved to the Captni al once I~t I wsa liP to slllllf bull ~llriekl tt s~ the O~ptain with lite voice of

Y en nxcarl Brick choOlllt your 1V0apolla Pocket pistals act0B8 middottbe table said I conmiddotttof a victory

h d 1 I h d I I e lYeapons wero pro IIce( IV tout e ayshy1011ed lip rOI~ tllo IIrst ~hot-~be Captain won and

~k 6u~h 1I swig a coolnced me It was going to ho1lO ClII) tight lie banded me tho WcnpOIl

middott bull~fOIIS tho lable-he knew holY BrIcks could 11e ftetlU1Md nol to dlSllppomlhim llnd aavlIgely middot med Its ecolell to the fOr bottORl~ Truo gil is olwa) respected and I could see a 1 kle of adrnl Allon III the C t bull p 1m s eye

1IelOtd old ski 11M IIlIid the oplllln 1I1IIS C hgrwlcd tho landlord ftS the rtal

~ -~


Departmcnt of Stata and Interior Relation Grannda Sept~ 23 18Ge

SIr-Tho Supreme EX4IIgtIItlve POWIl1 hu boen pleae~ to dietata through lhe )Ilnillter of War the f1lIowmg DOOIee _ ~ ~ lmiddot~~h~t of lne Roplbllc of Nlc4rngtlllio ita

Wishing 10 rciieve the people from fNlah exaoshytiOIlS of holllOS for tho 1130 Ollho AllOY Alld talring Into consideration Iht In VlIIiOO8 parta of the RI public uwoll In tito p_loll oflndiritlU8ls

IIl1l Govcrnlllei IU Vlrtlle of IllS authorltv bull DECREES

Article 1 bullbull11 horses and mules belonging to tho Republic IU be delivered to tho (hulDlllent for the use of Ibo Ann1 througb the Profects8l1bPreflletB anll Alcaldes ofbo IOIIpecUyO 10WIIS witltin fifteen day from tho publication of tltls decree

Art 2 AllY plll1lOn who ahall bave In hie poeshysesslon1 0hllo rumnls indicllicd in Arllellllelo and shall nelt deliver up the 811l11e within tbe aposhycifted time sball be Judged M II thiefal)d pwllsboo wltli all tho rigor of the Illw

AImiddott 8 Th~ Goycrllmell~ will proteel all Indl viduals who lIIali denounce the retalnera 01 idanimal alld will pUllhlb witll me Bamo Bevelll) thoae ho boln Inbrmod or tho unlllwrul PlSlll8shy


COMPANY A CIIlIILpoundI A WUTI_Captain )f r NADu-lilrat LimUolaoU

JAllU S Jl1ooamp-amp1I11 Liet_ 1 O bull Armalrong 26 James Morrow 2 lWbert Acher 27 B Y )fOOllllamp 3 Fred Abott 28 H )lcLord lIenr Adams 29 William )faMlng ~ Rlcbmoml Du 3fl Ury Mannint II fl BLI bull 31 Oharlea ProhUogton I ThOlllA8 1$11111 3~ Henry lW~man 8 F n Obrillty 88 William B11n 8 Mlcb COnRldllll 34 A Roth

10 181110 Clark 8~~ Tbemaa taW1llt II Rlchattl Doc 86 Jamea Smith 12 Ohbullbulllea Doul$herly 8i P Slumnon 13 A 8 Falrcluld 88 W G Turnor 14 John Fl~ld 80 00 Van HOllen lIS Thumna GilJ~on 101 Sergeaui 16 John HlI8kl 40 JalllesWlIlsb 17 John lel~llml 41 II W Vbeler 18 William rY1 ri 42 John Wel3h 2nd 19 Geor~e Jlmtled amprgeanl 20 William JckaoJl 43 JUlies Werrln 21 WlIIlim Xylor 44 Jalnea R cker 22 E~ R F LIIIoII 411 Patrick Everett 28 Samuel LOOI18rd 46 John Corcoran 24 John lIoon1 41 J F Taylor 3d 211 llellll )fowray Sergeant

CO)(P4NY B ClInt RUIIILIltWIcz-Caploill F L d bullbull__bull

bull lWlOM-lmiddotrbullbull Ltampf_uG V H ampmid L ltIt t bull OK ILL- M tMlI

I JOhn CoIln-lg 2( Jobn Ldnz i Oharea Wenzel 25 Oharl88 LupusII J_ph Soler 211 Philip )feye~

J4 Fran Nflier- lI1 Gharlo lloos8e1 II Ollllrlu KrauM 28 Auguslna )fullet G Jollil Axamp 29 CIIaS M~e1 Jom amprcr 80 B Marun 8 Edward Bibra 81 lWbt NowlllUn Igt Jolm BltIlIt 32 Cbarlll8 Pten

10 John JlIeta 83 Oball RoRIIeN 11 WUllalllFllesell S Etyard Rhein JII Theodore Fiek 86 J088(gtb Sohm18 Julllll Fnlllk 88 T Schrempllf

14 Uen1 F~ 81 OharleaScriba

11 Josepll Hoene 40 O G Staebbi 18 Oscar Hemil_b 41 JSchetlllUller 19 J Kuperr80bmld~ 42 Dion Straub 20 Leopold Klortbhe 48 Emile Seibt 21 Rdward Knndlg 44 O Ummorlio22 T Krcthenbaue 411 Ferd~ W(I8enbor 28 Artblll Hopper 411 Elward Wilke g

41 OuoWcher OO)fPANY 0

H1IIlll llvIlljIlLL-Oczplai A MoK P11I1iAK-Fir1 Li~ull4l1l WII NOllmslDoz-ampco1lll LkutlfllUlt

1 PalrlekButler II Thomu Brooke 3 c_ I D mue lOwn 4 1 Connelly Ii TIIOIlIIlI GarroU 6 William Oharles 1 (eo Garpenter8 D Cornlllllan 9 Edward Oorey

16 Edward IJlark 11 John Denllampm III Y OavidaonIII Dennis Elliott 14 Plttrick Evelamp 15 d Taner 16 R W Jlornud 11 Jolm Foote 18 Alfred GrRT III BeD Hardin

sioll of Rny RDlntal8 shall not cOlllllnmihl thu middot20 JantO llaynes bullbull010 to the proper authoritieM for the apprehen 21 J Uendersou sion oCtile offender 112 Charles Ghrels

AI1A ConlDlUllieated to whom It IDA1 concorn 23 David Jobnes Given in Granada Sepl 281856 OOMpANY D

WHo WAL1CER 4 bullbull

To Ibe Uinisamper onVt Gen Hawo llneda Iw8 F GIIANFir-CapalllBy suporior ord~r thl~ Is communicated to you A STIIULun- Ir LiltUtnallt~

for your information anti plOper aCIOIl lOtto Wooke 23 Heury POlice M luuiPA Minitor of W IU 11 Emilo Barrora 24 Wm Sommer

- - 11 RttD Schmidt 211 Dan SchrAde~-otite 4 p Blite 2amp John Viti IIO Bauman 27 It Conslgne

AII PERSONS buylog eJaime agnlnI UO estetes of tho (ollowlng named dacouetl per-

SOIlS will preaon illem 10 HIli dulYlIulltontiealoo on Of bef_the 28lh day ef Dltltl 18M otllerwlso lher will be ban-od by law


And all persona indohled to tlie estates of Ihe above deC_tid pencns willlllllke immediate pay m~nt to me

bull GILBERT TlTUS lublic Administrator

bull OriclIl4l DptlI1mellt Scptam~r 27 18M

Gralladn Ci~ R nblic of Nicarn a 1 p _~_____~__ _

Recorders Office 1IlE Office or the Recorder of Deed llorlgftges

kclol~ tbo Oliolltal Dcpftl~tmet of the Repllb lie will be opolled ill tie cll) (If Grlln4da on )fon doy tho 9th ofSptembor 18$6 All persona are Icquired by Decre$ tu hllve tbelr 111106 10 lauds In tbe aforoeaid Departu6lIt recorded llIlin Ix mouthB afier thllt date A~ OIL[I

Uecorder Cotlto Oriental DllpArtmellt Granado Sept 0 11160

___________middot_~-_middot_~~N __

9 H F Jemel 26 Edward CI 4 U Ki ~~ ~uoa ng2l James Lovelace liS James Jandretll 211 Patrick LarriplI 30 H F Miller31 lV G Martin 32 J W LoughUo 311 Wtn UcCarthy 34 Pat ODonnegan 3~ Tbomas Pldgeoo~6 William Rose 87 J A $mlth 88 Oharlea Smilh 39 Thos Wintore 40 Jolin Barnacle 41 Oscar Cromrol 42 J Lyster 43 D W Wilkin 4-1 J W AUSllu 46 D Cook46 Tbomll3 Fitzgerald

8 Jolin DUjDIIII 28 FrAncia OUU8fOno T R D(lbn 211 Phil DlIllllagnu 8 amp Darllf SO W P O)piand 11 Theodoro DiU III UOIIIIY IWICII

10 Henry Dalion 32 Phillip Leondra 11 Allton Gtlbbe tz 33 J08 lchuillIlan 1il r Grantz 114 Fred Dirkop 13 Tboo f1e~Rrell 311 JAmes Muller 14 8 1I1l1Ilbellll 311 W m G4IIOlly 16 Pierre lUtirre 117 John IJargell 16 Leup~ KrotolVslty 38 Jllllles FiunegAIIIi Robort Kempf 19 J J Schuylor 18 Jllle3 Jehlolld 40 Jamea Dale 19 lieu lIerteo 41 James lIall 20 CharlO lrelltz 42 -~ ONea21 lIenry 1aul80n 43 W MAgntc 22 G P_I 44 Pal J Rivers

------middotmiddotmiddot-middotPmiddot--b-Ii bull S I U t a eNOTIOE 19 bereby given th3~ I will Pl1)Ceed to

sell at l~m1C UOTIONIO Ihe hlghot bid let III tllO cIty of Sai Juan del Sur 011 the 10th day ofOcto~r no~t all tho properly belOllglftg to the estate of 8 Worden deceased The PIOpel~ty conslsla of ono house and several articles of POI 80nal properly J lRIEST

Amerlcnn Co~ul Sail Juan del SIlr amppt lIG 1861) Id

Lilt 01 Letter Remalnlllg In 1011 ORlee in Granada Sept 27 66

Alvares J M Ayula Houie A Drown Geo If Drinson J P

BOD8II1I Chilli D Brclay lieDr)

Dohlldl Mula 1 Bula DOli F Drown Geo

Berry E nlngoryno Benell D J

BOtdlllIll FA Bowlllan Wm

DllU Z J

Cole Sam (oopr Thomllll Clrlslophle )fouanlr CIk B II

Oasaaamp Sam R Clark Albert ClIlpbell Oapt CoI8lnan J T


Gapwell G W Conklin B K 08181100 Don Franciaco Cowley tat CovlIlllry John Carpentar Courlarde Don BernadoCooper John CabreraE Campen Cr Colman M W cwillo M Dick JaB Dulton II J Dyer P Il Donalds 0 II De Fltlfer J W Dickaon II Dunn ThoQl Donamplly W D Dobert) 1 Duall F )fDbullbullhon J J EisoUIck Pablo EV~II~ ED Fiaber Ju T 8 ) IlIg_rald JIB Irnulll J C II Faysaux C J Grahalll D It 2 Geilacb S Gliddoll JT Gregor G AGuenero R Ga9kiUM Gt~hlk C Goodlllan W H (IIbbb Gillllor Thomas Gilmore Stph 4 Gray A GaltlliealV Do G A HouJ W nume W viHagallP Hoes8T Itchingamp Wm J Hob BaaT narrle Ohs Hooker Clark Haley 11[

Jollnlton L Johnaton A JohnslOn It A JOlle lfeBC Knapp l F KlpOscotKllimph J E Ktlch John LiIIlBeld WD

)leKy)f n )fdlpio J W )forrie J W McMullen Jno A Mackie Rob Mims J It Berm JIlS )f Mendel T )UIIlI J R look Wm Morales Pedro 1IyrtbullJno Mlrlonl J J )fOOl Jrred Marlin Robl M_bH)fellow WmT 1Iyora EnriqueMosl01 T A Hundel D Moore J GP MoMauo H JMylord Juan Nag R8 Orosco J A Polioo Lon Luis PattaraOD LulaPlacloa Enriquez PoloinoDPownder John Pemberton TboaPemberton Thos PlckreagiU R W PowersEdw PanooOha Qulntal1l11 Rue Paul Rutb Jobn Ronalda O L Roux LRogg J ~ RuckerO II Sturges G A Smitb T B Sandera E J 2 SweeneYlJas WSchundera T [ Sherrin HugbSnyder Dr J n Schleulnger EllqSpann A SUIlVII J Swan Jno It Salford F G Shed Ob Sturtz Jacob TIIICSCIIIc H L II fowns Aa 0 Templo T amp-8 Towsle) D TrentiniO Y 2 Tompkin W A TogllAoca Te C II Uoler FM Vega Don 0 Watklntt Lewis D 2 Wlllialll8Oll WITWeeb It II White Wm Wllre Edw 2 Wbite 86m IWiIllanl8A V Wayne Geo W oight Thoa Wood NF Willson Jno J( 2 WaH A WilIiAlms A Y Wyn A Walllh JaIn

n~ P CRANE PostmasterGeneral

Dr lingu Post ENDERS HIS SERVICES to the citieua 1)(TGranada and vicinity In the practice of

MEDICINE SURCERY amp MIDWIFERY ar Olllee and reaidollloo on the 80ulbweu

COrtlr of the street oppallte the San ampancl$eo Conven~

Granada 18li6

Dalid ISIaug FFERS FOR SAIE at his placo San SebasO tIan Street 0110 1101110 above G~ Ph lle~

chors store Flour Wltlte-sugar Candles Uackerels Olivo

4fOIllaUcScldodrun Sebnapp bllttdlphia Ale and POImiddotte

Wille Olaypipes TERYS CUB

- ~ -- - -- ---------~-ilIJlX A TRODJlN



Togellier wilb l~rJ COPPElt JvnBUEEr~rJlO AnD ALl KtlC 0middot 600D BOrn IN 4 VJlOLpound9AU)flO~HopitAl 8tNlO~ III -ollt ofSanraoeisco OoIlUII

GranAda June 7 1860




fpound NICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 49 p 5 Sabado 11 de Octubre de 18561 Saturday October 11 1856 3Dl

W~T WE ARB STRIVING FOR ROMANaS OJ WAR THII BAY ISLAND8 AaaAL 01 mIlt raow 5bullbull-)( J -- Fella iii IellowfMWollfr Ind fe-lIow_llaquo qI

Th ra AI a pe-rlod In the ahOi t bn CIcntrlll To lbole ho b noylll been parllclpators In The 1Ihlll rollm aetlled on IiIe 0 nclt Eetrampef In ClIba h arrlyed at New YOft timo bAt Americana bave been In Nicaragua whea campalgo war appeaR to ba roll 01 hononl about wInch eo much dlplomaoy h betn lIpelld ~hm 8paIOlaft~endurinamp 100amp aeri ofpua tu) Irere brandcd b tbe porltanlc people of the Their 1II1ncit dwell pon bloody OCIlIlIletll ind ed between Ihe United Statea aad G_t Britela Ea~~ 0 pUIr oIlt year ampnot

I - r- pItOIIIId I bull a IIHbute~) s little blllter thn the brlgandl oC the Bolmiddot on 01 _illig a1ft14 before til wbta do ool Hem dIOIIIl4 to IIIbIuIl to w lat eo -oel Ill Fells who bad beea i__ kolo P ropetiu mlddil IM or tho bUeMlI tb-t inmiddot tbeir thouamphta dwell apoll thlife of a lOIalr III Tentioll collcluded betw_ Mr nu IDJ Lord prleon ror a lonl tlrae wlib blm lID ~ IIImlshyrleq the COlltS oC Contral America daring ita traetioo irom sa ogo to half-eivUlzcd liCe Sollie wcre even bold enough 10 denounce U8 plrato and lao who wad 110 higher or more ennobling lurplea Ihall to rolS tho woak alld to oppreaa IhbIa ho could nol rcain our poer Why Ihey rho~ think 80110 (Quid not dcvlse for theycte~ publlshedtlleir roGSons with tbelr oplolonl They ~(lIgttulnlr did raquooUao any tbiog In tho nctlona f ~lnelmiddotlcan In Illb countr to jll8t1r lIucb an

I e bull don Thty seemed to overlook the eWllI tm ~at we having rccched our earliesl training utr Iho manlier of tilemsclTes Aroso to manmiddot 1uood~dQr tbo purifying InftllencC8 Of tbo sAone itOi alld hving instilled Into U3 Itom tllo lint 4bullbullm ~r our petClptionl the sreat principles o hlc call rcpu~UCllllism could nol do olberwlo

tban 1 turtAln tbe dellpeat r6gard8 for tllo broadut UbtI~ ff the Indlldud 1~6n Valker In bls Inaugural addrw

lY Ule IIIIIlOllt liberty of speech patiblo Iti~b order IIlId good sov

i 0 ~~h~fun~I ofnil polillcal bull I e cling 118 r u JlOI

IbIe Ie materlll deTelopnlcnt of th~ State J ballIO unmindful oflllllntellelaquoIIIII and motu reo ~Qltellellts To prolIIote the proper eduOitioll of Ihe p~ole and to oneollrage thenlln tho praet1cee or t04t Diflno flIlJllon wheh COlllltltbita hlIIIlla

~ or lIlIid~rn elvllbailoll eb1I be the objecl of prl-IMt) ~mportalco1I Ib~ Ito tile prillciplea wblch IIOt ollly JUld

th clUet ftliaR bll b I IIbh d dOPUL~J 0 1111 f c uaiwlC narlgallel h l1 po til 0 Amer cana nce ell ar VI In

do dollntry Tbe woret enemy toour poace and

Ih~lv J1XI dcanlmlla NlcAlquala but tbe genius of

olliam reduced down to practice We

lit ~ tbrougb the pme Impulse Of IDetllletfliat pela the Engllsb to push their colonlea to dIG remotest COrlllltf of th eArtb and iblt loduees 1M Amerieep ia tbe United States to I ould r 101

bull IU aad his rifle aDd penetrate tblt deptb oC the _ Illd ope~ an wlld__ Into the broad rllgbt of clvlftzatlon W bullbullre her bringing - L U oh tl 1401 f lit e _ago arta a~ t y Jllry 0 our famplhtre nd Ibe balloloboll of our brother and we are lIere fulfilling fot tbe first time 1118111vloo prophae1- Wbolo oitionslllmil be cooferted In ON ~1

W~bout hesItation or etaggcration we can eamp

6tt 0 are Ihe ollly ractfeal mlulonariolll of the pepelliince th day orst raul oSt Patrick IIId w_ hue ~lready done more fo~ tbe caUie of

lit don la Oenlral Amerllta than aU the preach IDC at liu been done lIere Ince the da1 of~ Et

bllll Nicaragua has already received from IlII 611Cb puth onwDrd ldlf ery 0110

ifill ere to leaveOmorro Itwould be1on1l L__ Ilate Ie tho Spanish retrograding tendency

ItIIId rng hor bkCk ioto th eocial politbal and IIOIA1 arkn from wbleh we hLe reBcuoi her

1IH1P Snoonu-A reglll corps of sharp ~ baa beoo orgaIlized in eacb hallaHon The 11M lIIavQmrll la eYery compau are selected IJId diell armed with a llonle muskei B this ~IIenl II body Is organizod who may bOIe-W~ to kill a mn 1I one tbollAnd yarde tllre8 II fill offlv~

(I BORNlnYS COllluIID-On Tuosda Jt t bull y bull

tH Vgin btOUih~ up f om Si (iJorgc the entire IOIIIUI~lId under Brig Gen O C 110rll8by making II addition to Ibo garrleon or 160 mell

~ lIIl ()~luBl-Tbi stealller arricd in San

JdIi 01 lur 011 W cdnesda S1le will remain at

I bull

01 t until tbe Pauenlllllamp arrive b1 tbe next lui r from Ne Yorkf11 $I SIIIgtOTINII-For the Ias~ tbroo daye the

ItI sertlee Bllt war wllbaU III dlIipeeabie Clarendon Afler a 101I1Iym8nt of th Bog 8l11rollndln ami 11 Hults ofteo tillia open 110 rule whlel INII 01111 eoaured jU811e but a Ul the pathway to more eoJoyment tbao can oc- hlol4 ohaCety they ho DO Idea of belog traMshycur11i Ibo doll round of a 1_ active liCe The lerted to the tender mercies InJ IIICOIIIpotent aumiddot plrll wbloll nrlse when b~lIe boata Ire about to lbodl 01 tbe nge Guardiola They bout engageln combat u properly evbed 1I11amp11lb oc- righ for th only prospeot 01 amp ohlUlp III Ibelr (ion arill and In ita ste-d the ruea of iltoatloilborthowonJC UndertheruleolHonshyfrlerubhlp and tbe bappleat of ROOd felloyenhip I lultlvled It is bllt nllIral that where II14II) men Ara mutually depOlldent upon the plowcas and bravery of each OIlier II Irong allllI of brothershyhopd 8110uld bind Ib~m In thlt tho Nicaraguan Army bosond aU othor allord bull the beat ll8tIllce of

_ bull - bullbull- II Friend no rbullbullt Ol1I Whoso doublemiddotbosoms seem to wear one beart Whuse ~jUI-s wbOl6 bedl 10_ meals and

exel CI80Are 1111 logoll18r whove tllln u twm In 100 lnupaable

Tho Flnl Rifte Bttellon ot Iho Arm Ie tba (lldot and on thle llecount appear to claim the right of setdng all example to their equally brave compllllioniof other batUion1 of tb Joillt of II

bull bull soldier lifo Being oflleered by men WilD Un told their forlunesal ibeIr IIIItlv hom Bearing their birthrightl proudly on thel b To IIIl1ke a hazard oIae foriunel h r IIC I r ore n briebull a braYer cltoleo 01 dauDtlebullbull _plrlts~~ft~u~~i~~degti~e


trut pldloeophera lId lIIeD of 1IIIdonJtandlng turn the preacnt to the beat adlIntap

When Itll undentood Ib tiltmiddot r IL ~ hmiddot bull I t 1- I Imiddotere 0

q e1n cOlIllgtry canna po 10 0 II e nmiddot Nortll Yere mareblal toward thlt capllal th ~ In wblch Americans here have eo rar forgot- Fint 111801 were ordered from their qurte U teft thp01aelv aa to eommlt any act w~lch would an dyaneeguard of the Nlcanguan Amy 1t8ec~upon Ile hlgb elate of clvllillltion of their Thev enCAmped at the J lteba Ch reb

d b th dmiddot OIl I t h bull II on w ~ ~ 0 lUI c bullbullbull men II Ollie outlklrta 0 11M elt1 rortlloI~I the polladimiddotma han been bore a there are and urrDulllllng Illeit pmeol pOeItlon I Id

- boo In ever CODIDlunily individllala 10 - gruay Th IccInllea for lancln III the Iocallt tjjly organized to allow thel pollllon to g 1

re too lIeat to _pe the 1tItchful ea of ~hlOr tbtlr bettlll Judgemeat But tbe tbe B16e11 and their hammock were _reel

on eplllirYllItn III ilriDltlliiCH alld ~ 11111019 up Tbey are too gallaut to keep to themlety AlllercAiIa bave treated tbe natin of tb iaeounlrJ eo much h1oyDlOOt Inltatiou re Immedt I k L v bull

~ ~ magnanimity Dot nown among ona ately lltued to the ladl ami pAtIomell of Ora IIld aa weUa to their brother 01lc8

Adance on tho greeD by moonllgb wOIIld bull A hi If _amp

temp n ooy mle e no lIot A1 thereCore 1I1Ih what a1aerlly the IlIvitltlon met wltb compliance

Befot tho moon badfaMy apread her hom bull

lIgure were rUdillg rapldllO And fre and ladlOll on boreoba~k belln to -mye The dear era turea looked In lb parllal gloom l1li1 pf moat bewltoblo beau wblcb altronwer IIhl If u1

thing augmented

__ Nlghl Shows tars and women la a fair IIgbi

rett Dancing waa Of cbulll Ihe order of the lIinht

I - _Aad when

lfumcrOl6 WIlli Ita yoluptuouuwollampn e~ea looked lue to YII8 which epoke apln And al went merr1 u marriAge bell

Dallclng with II Its lellirableneea does ltayeI r --t b II dbmiddotat I 11108 a 8 Ii Oll lUI IIg ten Olley ut we

Rille aro the IlIlIt III tlll wOld to rorget the nomiddot eeultlei of the Inner man In II eommodlollll toom at a eonv~nlent distance from where the dancers danced II board was ead ltll a prolll sian 01 viande and wboo beVtnl$eII wore reshyqUlred tlOJIIe Iere furnished lIIcll exhilirated but did not Intoxmte

001 Eo J~ere lind Lieut Col F Atldereon controlled the entertainment so 1111 aotl eo pleaalllgl) tiift were il IIOt they are alroad Imowno ellcel In the inillwy profeulun alld It bmiddotb lib tiel - Ih t

aYO O W I r 1110 cam an or thelllselee in the Temple)f Fame 1ft would be Inclined to adyl them to devoto tbemselves to Ing or aD entlreli dUfcrent and 1_ edIIf~ rol$ nalure Bul the plelUure wo enjoyed Is somowhat mingled wiLh 1 regret for thoeo Who

t ~ d tl I bCOU IIG en1 1 alice on 10 green If It II ellvlnblc felow whOle good fortune II I to Iotcd Ihe First RlRt Battalion

---------- Ll01EII-The laily of )111 Potier 01 tho Ordmiddot

dllma they will not only be lubJected to tho peUy tTrano) oCa bQlrmiddotbreed Indian J8IIoulOf their IU

periorilJlod pprehendy oetbelr power bullhybull

wlU be excmp Itom lnythlogllke proteCtion from ~ht ronp thai IIronger pow 1111 lee II~ to plol108 upon theXl In their IlIdlldu tapieIYFoelln(~1 their dQoadvantallOf thy Very MIumiddot bullbullU1 obJcel to 1111 amalgamation with th goy- tollty 9111he tid ~rlirrh lut M~rF~Ulm mellt of lItindllrU The followlllg extfaol flOlll a dlatetYleIkud went to Glb la from hloli cormpoodent oCtbo Now York Ifld dated al PaceUhe t paeaag~ O LtveIOOI d thence to

lilted 8htos amYmg Boston in thetea Ruatan AlIgl8t 19 will Fbow 1I0w the people hlp Nlapn on the 8th or lUlllt lut )lr Felli ~ere Iook Up80 the Coolfentloo and ho tbey II a cllifin of Ihis couatry 1IlIkcl) to act In the ueat lbo troty rallfied )lr FIIIII no ill thia city enPlled IS the wltbollt alty COIIIIIIItltiOa with ibeluclilimente Go1lmment lrantor

A reporamp having IJI~ em Ruatall tbat the Bn -------- shydab governlllent w gOIng to deli IiIe eoIony A HOlllItla-80111e gentleDlen were amlllinof the Bay Ulandl to their orlKlnal ~ (the Ihemaelrel yeate-d afteraooll b III tIii State of HondlllV) It ha caUted eonaiderable es- alii to t at dlatenc Y 00 g at

ciltment and the Prealdenlof 1M Leglaladve AI- II a on e frolll the 0 sembi called a It neral meetlogofthe InhablWttl wharf ampad aucceeded III _dlllg bullet Ibro11 for the purpoee of pelillolllo ber lIaJ~y 011 tho the IIrUa 0( one Th monster _II pye Ill the lIIUecl uuamp 11 bullthe~ allUmtnllll ~ at thlt men- - III 11 ed on tbe hore IiIII tawlI1e

log wblob tootplaoun I oclock on tb 18lb Stlidwl~ ~bout nille feet IIId eYeD III death he 11I1i1llld proIul$ toally reeoIllllolI belng-d J ee appearance oIlelng a II ugly elYshylalllyllldlldualtellprelled I 1rDII1tenaa tomer TboeewbowLlhtoatudytheanuomof their IIlItlmelltl 011 theUlattlr AcoJorftpomiddot tberilterwlllfindblmaowllogoDlhebeadampt1eman boldlog a hlllh ofllce on the IaIorul doell red that he would DeYer conlen( to -01 lloa luaus WampOOIl-Wina 00 bae _I GOt shyboln _t to th Bdlilh soY--t tor It bad _ IIaIHt oPplClled Ih people too much ampad II uo I 11_ e~plWl waampon we JWnled and quite a gDftmlllOUI gaYe th up II~ _ wmln and ampy100IuII concern In tblg eoUllt) wh tIIere able to take III rmlto deCend themaeleII (rolll are nothing but - willi whe lIIade byllampwfni thelllYMIoo oCthe Hon~_ So oth oIIthe butte oIa trbullbull and punchlog holethrwgb followed III the tlwe wlrlike emdn which _0 th Ier r h to tbe taete of Ill 1_lIag 1111 liiio ~ bull ceo or t I ampIlemiddotwe It Ie oow rIged lip Chat the lurplllll reveoue ehOuld be dnoted to dI ampad the drinr duhe through tile elty In a purehMe ofarms d amm1ll1llooi ob 1IIId that amtocratlc mteor mildbull If Ihe were 101 lIeutral the HoadufOll would lea them III the q Ie~OI of the BIII lll4UZlIIL-We are Indebted 10 II the Nlearagum eml~Dte lIditr the _d publ1tb and aIao to Wine Co EllprtM fof

~~b-ped wllh hit lite 111 FeU~ andIfhIl~g hoe ~ ~thtrlO ober 1861 tenced 00 the 24th of )larch fo~olnw- 11 JeanJ ilnpriloomen Ceute and to enJure I~4 -ryelllllllce oC the poIiee Ille ellpiration ofthllt i~ pU1lllUlce of II I h b SpainOlitheJtofJ~neamp1I d~~eavfo~ 011 the 811amp orte memolllh On the 181h ~f JuloIIOI~ be w tlkell to Cdur wllere he ~t ~~~II ~e ~thmo( 1If1~ Fromdtllbe prilshy

rov ula an t rown Into tbe IlronJlbold called UMbo and itep COtl

t1nuallr In ehalna Iu th mlWllillle tho friellot ~~Mr ~eUAaIll tmUited Statu were not Iliac by~b~nQeo s f nOII~~ tmiddotrb~ jug_ted

lIec ofthelrfoll1 hubeen M~olllJ b their wunhe a ~d~l(eoa ampbe 1Ieen wu got O(ClellIlValker 1Ii~(lllampOPJh_fuIIooplbullbull Q(tllube nlblallIthlT lertIOIIIIfIt promen tblt State h lib bull I ~~pored ha hlbe mtla~~tf~ Colllow do -1YWi ~ lubecribe to HI1 ta -I and attac llIenl to _I oroWII can 10 -IV net bull Co

but 1amp had qwte III opposite e4eoI (or dI (8e11nS It that lhi tallallon tbat It ImpOllidIbr the _eIIt WIIIUk Ce-lIrHlnkle theactlOtDmodatlllg Of_I_oJllclllllU1gh~ltat beea ed Jufdlbey ~oIth aboYIl lbp has plllcedumiddotlnpc been pOllllllted to relllalll llldepedelt ampad lItIo - of our replar fll 01 Butern Md Pacillt lrat ootcolouized III dlreet viorauoll of IiIe Clay ncban We h ton and Bulwer tre17 II ope to elbe Exp bllllintfa

HallY suggeatlona were 01l8red bUI thllt 1I1ob thorougbly organized agaIa

Tho gIy bat ceqQeltisb rldingack and the ward of the pori 01 lrUxUIo and about tlleame tanWlzlng Impudence of th 0101111 wbleh 1 tllttlnee (rom the IIInd of ftllliall There8

11011 now abollllorlJ Germampllll IIIId AlllerI_ a worki IOmellmilli 01181 11 thade of uncertaint over tllllr tuch au their PIOBpeCB thai tbe have J(feD the Call facM rendered the IICeno one of Intense 11Ite- place the name of New California Iluan I

seemed lito tn08~fslbIe wla made by 011amp of Ihe rea1denta-Ibic~ In the event 01 tho colon belag e _ted by til British they thOliId aend to PrealdeDt Walkar aoeking Ilia rdlluce ud reshyqlltiUng him 10 aend a bod) oIlrDIIpI to prrleon the Iellnd for aD 1I0vemmell~ 11 betler than that orHOliduru

Emi lion I _11m III to th ne1 dllccrrned pld de altuf on tbe _t Honduras at bull river called Belfltte within thirty mU wealo

therelOre IikelJ to bo tho depot to lind fioolll the

bllru OJ RxcAl1ITs-Co1 E J ampcod bull ~ 41li

broughl down (rom California secnty reQRlCII which ltayO been moatly _ignad to Iholllral Buia Battalion The tillookcd like men of therlght stripe


)1011 REOIIVITamp-Col Jack Allell amvW 0 Ifood It wltb near 008 hlllldred recruits UIlshy

der Capt J B Graeo Bolbmiddot lt101middotAlleoantl cpi Of0011 hbullbullbull retumed 6-0lIl furlough

PBR80NlL-WeannOllnce 111 I h t f J V Fb I ure I

e IIrn 0 bull bull ens to Grallada aaer aD amp1gt Ullited States all 118 ncelln harbOfll 0 arm llen~e ofthree moolbs to tb Eatttmiddotrn Stites advlllltages for 8ucb II purpose nuelt baing p fecily 1e from north winds 111 tbe winler amp8011 List oC Letter------=-----=-

ColllKG SrSl1JIER-Th ateamer Teno_e na Remaining in the Post Office middotrccei-ed adnrliaed III New York to lellve ror San J_ del sinoo August 30 J856 Norte OIIlhe 6th or oampObar wlIlub would mako A d J J had t t T it n reAlIer v GIl a preseo OIl or w Irf8 Andolllon 110m I aufllolellt to IMIIe lhe trip and we -1 th_ Aharez DtD rore expect 111 arrivil about Thursday nut with Dlalr Oharl datal up to the 6tll 01 October It ia IIIpJlOled Brown Oeorge that the Onba III bo at 8m JIIAn del Sur in Ood~ Themu time take tho PuaenllerA by tho ~elt8s throh g~itJDon to (lallfornla Afler the Tllne tht Teunesaee ia Cottle Caellye regularl posted to I on the 14th Ihllll piol or_lg R R utwo atelllnera thlsmWthftom New York 8ioce Orowel~ John Ue above WAll written the Orlube arIed Sail Co~por Tbomu luandel Sur EflCkeoD cP

Ftlgerald 0 0 NJ(IAuGu GlIuM-Werecelved largo FitzenldGeorgobun II 01 ti If I DB C Flshe~ Bordamln c n~ 00 grapca om bull e fIIfIO apt Frank II

N N whlcn a~lbough ~ot jQlte equ~II1 fllI~r GOltel H to Ibe best ~bOIIIh are fur an uncultivated milt Gardne RP of good qualilYmiddot We have 1)11 been ofopllIon Cilnllll John that NlcaraguR would before all1 very dlalaDt diy lIaley )I

Leltl8ll Ourtil Lockwood E 0 )lullen J Vahon 0 lIlIIer D 0 lie ioigan J 0 Nag R B

Otllllaa J D ~Imer J p~MA

2 Piper ~1 bull SwaD J R

a S1OCUIII Cpt BRlall Jaoee

Trvllllj Chas lJ

2 Taylor A W rlgbt A w~A H West Lleui J S

be the flfet vine growing counlryln tbe orld-A lIagtl_ TampOIllIl Zarrl J 6 11I th III d ft f h abo Jorlrnan Wme p 01

not un e so an u~ 0 t e vo mOIl lIooed buncbrengthODll St~U Taeticbull

IbllHD PlPIlIUI-Womual apo1og1ae to llr THE GBNTLB~UN Who boTOwad ftOID Col Munt Cooper Nwpaper Ageus III San Fran Fahers ~r Ille ampoolld VoIulIIe of

Hert companlee III the two ~Ul8 oualiona lIanee Deparlmenl CII1IO to Or_la by tbe Jut cIIco rot 001 relUrolDg mlr thub-for tlta COIIIIan~ Scott 8 Tacllcs will ampICfllle retlltll II 10 CoIollel lave elaquojn CIIgtged III target 8lercuu Tho oootmiddot steamer and w happy to A oXfleeta 10 make and eOpiOli IIIppllee 01 1- pap wlarla 1fI111 III Ii~t U~iT~iR)(AK ~_~~~~~plI~e~~a ~llghly crodtablo tbls her fumo Iollle conllauu to rerei lila baa-Clemmiddot1t (obullE 8ecoD411l


bull bull

pound+ NICABAS[JENSa Vol 1 No 50 p 3 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October lB 1856 309

IruIrti~1 mu~il to urge them on but with ISA J(E US FROM OUR FB1ENDS 1 victory land defiance Btamped on their mud8~ned figures lind written on their ampvin~ bllnneri-lllf I tlien there WIIs a eIIout went up rrom the anenat that was eohf)e~l from the old prochi~ churoh and rolledori and grev heuier nt the GUllrdshyhousea shuut that carried hope IIlId new lifo llri te1rful joy to the hearts of our flmil~s nnd friends but such terrOI to tho cr Ivon enelny that they could not fly and ~ II IIlIlUY of them in the pitfall they hi ug thmsolvel Ihore wero some who ampld it and at first knew not its mean ng-trhlllds who were cut (1ft and Iring n their hOll8ell In momentary ex

~on of the 118sasine knc But as Gen fNlllker and hu boy~ drew near the plpza alld saw stili floatmg (rom the

i1agStft ill Its centre tbe devieBlo( free Nica I h Ii Id I h

U mo dr gUR- d n It~~ w t ndazth

1 lr ers t Ie re P inot JArs -11 U8 bull b h h mg natives men w 0 were onre t ellbOWltlta t NIClalua was ltlll safe the drum and fife struck up Ihe homely old IUneof Yankee DOl)dle and tbosewbn knewtDflt tbe meanin of Iho lIbou knew

bull bull g 1bel that IR other dl~s had led theIr falhe~ from vlotoy to victory

On year preVIOIIB ell tIlt very day the n ver tobu-forgottoll 13th of Octuber Jr Viillnm Walker entilred Granllda bull hi d b b Iill t u1t tlUifl an t IS WlUl IS com

If n gt

middottom g 4lir 4VENlOROUS PdRTY

bull f _ _ bullLale 011 the evening or Sunday tbe

12th aparty COIliamptillg or MlijOI Rogers Minis o- of aaclenda Col Thos F C dtllce ahe Qualmiddottermaater General apt lute lite Those were the traltols who JUAN OTTON DB OPPLBIf

I T Slm~ls of t~e Qllarlomast)rs _par~ came 1Il~0 Grannda with patllotlo eheera IUIhNlJ1UU mel)j 901_ Lam~ olle of Gen W~Iker 8 llpoll thou lips thllse were the mon who Tbe card one of line Brhltol board ud In-Aills] flUd an escolmiddott (If about Haeen Ran promised to81e the country-these welo di6ttcd much taaampe lillie Uecullon Hla pookol gets ~ltted from Muaya for be city r- Lire Illell who cl~tIed Ibe eVllngelism of beok 10101 amp3 oil ca hie _muloC ~n Grandll They had Dot IIdYaneed far whenI It

bull became eVident that IUjwould be

bulllanirOOs to proceed and Mal R~ers bullT

retutlea to acquaint the Gcneral of the

ct_ The remallldel of the puty enmiddot d h h B bull etm e 01 t e nlg t 8)10 monnngiller ~vere attlcked and Lhough they deshyfended themselves bl8vclyMd 811Meoood in cutthll thlir VIY through they were

I~rg partllls of th6 cllemY line Wllle thlr foro obliged to mllk very Clircuitous lOIItIis- Col Fisher witll hismiddot two com pan~ns Iilturned on lhnltltday mnrni

bull Th4t wero very milch ftl~Ued havmg

h Ii h t h _l ell ~ not lUg 10rn l c IIno t tly start irom MlIsnyn until thl) arrived nt Grll-IIId excolpt 01100 whero they hllpPned tpg~ W a small hut where thelo were bullineieen women and children aud onlyL

OflO mnnbull fhe Colonel placed tI guard 11 tb~ dour ttl prevent tile Igres~ of IIny i ilftllF natives lind thonprovliled SOIllUmiddot

~h1rqt to pal rr himsdlf lind men ~1 D1rlng tho woek lievernl others f thll

rt IIlThmiddoteel IhtY nrted CRllt Slim fmiddot -- lOis ael II they Imd soen bis hrse CII IItd him and supposed tbat ho hllli reshy

loClvd a semiddotolo wound But fortunately CoP~ SammilS himself arlivlld III the tity

thiS OfulIlg_ II hnt Dllt belu founded adEd cllron nllthillir faom tltt) tilll he

left 81 II IIntll be IIrrlved ho( romaliishy

Weare informed by InttrUlgen and loyal Democrats of tbis city the when tbe late attllek Wllll made upon Granada they gave up all hope for the olty Nlit knowing the character nf tho American people nlld helllvhig it Impo8lllhie amphat OliO hundred and fiay mfR and a portion of those Infirm eould contend IIUCle8tlfully agnlust the heavy odd coming down upun U8 from U qUllrter many of thuse eople ran away to the Inountalnll allIlln 80me easel we have heard of them being alaulthshytered In the woodllwhithlr they had gone rr safety When it is known that mallY of the eini~salies of these brutalities were flrmer rosidents of Granada it call_reeshyy be credited that even savages would

th bull bull b pursue IIlr paSOllons 60 ar lit DeVrshy

bull theless It is a truth thnt the mOIl cold blooded atrocities were performed on flee

noxt door Doi hbor There were but rew enga ed in t~68e horrid trn edlea for we

g tfi dl I th t it r I Ie JUN len say ng a ou 0 fI ppu amiddot tlOIl of fiCteen thou8and Granada did not furnish mllle thall three hundred men to the ranks of theallOmy and th~we three gellOucbed hundred wele only enemies becluse the Among die -1 o-ro -pu trom lIIe elle-A h d i t duced I t G ad m1 shOll at tbe Jaltoba wu Uebrf WalleN

merlcans a n r~ n 0 ran a wbon 8ft heuy-casod gold hUlidn walch bull plan of hvlng Without the It waB ampeod bampIIich would ollletlt bay --_bull bull UN_

unce the prlvdege of the II1111tar1 Umllllrs hlacroln ill bullf auk 11110 III wate IIDt in this city to raile the wind by the laY Ibe Ju snob A sbocIt gave hit tam he re-

most questionable meuulesoodll8 a mall oeed 110 InJUlf He hu already fonpe III four lor of cOUrie when II better governmllRt bampltlea IIIlder Oell Welker ud 1fU he was established under Gen Wlliker these kldng of ()ta1IIIdbullbull

titletl thieves found their OOOtlpation Kune One genU_a left 1IIoIIowlng card In on of r alld thllrewith the chaneeot IivlIl a ditiSo tbe ho_ III wbleh be cook UpA tempotll1 rtal

order-these were the men who loved ad by Carrera Oell WlIlker no hoIda die com 1181

Granada too well to see her in tho hoods m onbull of the prosent Oernment and ye live I During tIae aght 1fahYerIIaRCII were

Wht did they do 1 What wefO their hltea frOID the eny III III bandt ot bull peI1IOII

ld9111i In delr _ dI__ lie fir middotefteotl+ works t _ I

r_ bull d d b weaptllll amp t_ certatD 1 _III 10 u ofAlmmg mto town a~ mt 3Y Y II

fOloy upon their own OOllotr)lIIou they wllre 8uOil fed Thuir next move was ror a whi~key shop ahd at IIlghtsllt onemiddot

1IIIfllrtunately rcparated filtm each other~ fourth of the attacking force WII3 turlled Col Laln6 WIIS take1 pri~onol Col int the SlIme sut of drunken vagllbolldH

FIsh~r With wo ~lIgers 11Itlllncd to Ma tllll~ had been dllvon ltu~ of Grllnllda JU$t lIIya but dlscovermg th3t Gon Walkr one ytampf befhre Thelf Rltve iustlllctil Ilad ~turned to the 1iS$ldanOO of Grant- sull hoM Illa~tery although thly wlfllin da t~(ly also retracod their stops to this tiont of danger lind In the JlIth of dllty F~ On thcir wily they If ot sevcrnl At light had not a rge prtlon u r the

bull I foreign furee beell (lIItrllmed to ~nlaln ~ober our omall garrieoll might hn~ gobe ftlrthlInd tied up with 1(P=4 the lotlliflg raBnis who CUltle into thlgt cit to rodeembull ~It ~o orler and gOll( guernllltmt

B I bull f I II ddlit t lell X ~~m (I 01 IIr I nut

stop here Thofo ~hn did not gut drunk uud cover ui nibt reolmiddotted to robbery I

i ~ lind bllt rlilV tonslll 1)~(jII)lld urpillaged Every thing ~IInhllllf b ing calried IIwuy

fidelity IIf th 1ple of Hranada Tholl6 coi BpoundIIDIu In hlllpoti _ loIae wbolt or who laW them make voluntar) ufterlng of be olBennd men ohb Jlm RII BUalloD did refreshments to the exhausted soldier bel dn amplid I ould be mock 10 110 know how willing i wlltliono They blul gl one oller mON pNile til _dler fte7

)1 bullbull 6 l 1 w IIII Wlng to cri8 Ibelr U1f II~lie ro ut a mo every WI Umiddot lot die _ ftft IIPl1a eel wlt n the American gum could ~ro-teet them but or what WII It they gave with a willing hand

Such met8 18 these Ire worthy to he studied by the wrld at hlrge bull Those wh hllve slAndered UII wlthollt knowing of

bull what they wrote can weigh the avldenshyces ald thEII decidu 1Ip1O wholR tu CIIt tbll title of frieud and proteotor to the people (If Nillllrngua


- I the Amurlcan 1OIdI approached lbel1ishyampeha chllrb tbe bullel from tbo glllll of the ttl shy

- -kl 1liii Wert 1mg ID tI 1 t errery peI1IOII on h_back m-iDCIIbullbulllulg 10 the ground and Il behind ble horse for pro~1I oa W~r aIon malmiddot b- oM bull re _ 011 lIg ers 10 _ 1111 abou as much MfIfroid III If orderIagA boltllt of wiDe Ibr hie dlMer I ud Ie Dol until bewlarepcatodl)reqllnledtbonoolllblm 10 diamount that 1M did 110 He emed 10 be as regardl of Ih elleou of a Millie blIll If 1M ere plOOhplm lIIem ForlullateiJ be did IIOl

litlle_nt hey are but aPlnHv~of cleD18eI~-eiDdelencOI Grallldbullbull the bew and erro of lIIe Indllll of tIae Honb alld baylollg aiDae b8llll dfioarded by dltllIAampIona tbatcondllClaiUfIa aclenCllle _11111

The handle of lIIe 11111laquo ill about hIce III 1000g andlIllek u an ordlnar1 broolllmiddotbUdle I lance on llie end It an onl pleco or IroD or iteel )ot fuur Inclin In length alld abouhlliaob and a balf In its grlA breadlb In rlulng tbey CUp tho Itallll19 About Ita cenUO 111111 0110 band and Ita loer end r811111 UIlOII lIIoir rlghl foot Close 10 the bead or III Iallce lIOn_ bad II lillie red g aplit Is be ceo like A s bull allows tall

bull A raquo~lIOIIOIl UI) A ~IIiIIIU11C -A cit

~ w_ bnlvorl during lhelate detenco or tblS ell) was atllpl delllOMtfAled byltle inc of a 1rouodet __ 110 1 11_ or en Iny on hearillg one of t1i9 cia

-- 01lttpI wy Her verI ltgtJOll1re11t1rlcOO l Ibe

ur In die report of Ilurspcclaleorreaponlellt wa _ndull Capt middotDrew The propr resdiog or tbolllUD8bDeul

------- shy or Tbo followDC COPl of lelk wrlltell h] Jlbullbull DW1 H Wheeler III Agenlof tbe Amm can Bible Society at Grallllda 80ell18 coneidetl6 wben a WM writteu 1111108amp propbelc IL III bull 01 (lilt aIAYmentbull and iiI excite illucbaflllpamiddot 1~7 Cur bill aad end BII~ be blood ormatly ill I ~ eed of e~e Clturcb Gild In tbe plaoll or OlIOshyMulonat killed by ampbllllo ungts bundredtt ill yel pnrdllHbtir goodly calling bere In_ ritf

GRlIIpoundIgtA Oct 3middot186amp bullbull rdMAIY I took my book Imd ent AfonnJ aud on youe leIItgtIment )luny 811id Ibey bAd no IJIOIIllI and otIl 1d tile Quid pnrcb lte afler die eomIJa~ over WlOr loakil Or autenem111very doy rull lllree thodU~g ~

feDo nl1gbl be a riliemlln but biil credeD~l B(lIl1agood omcclil lid BOllle vor) gdOd aofim were atllered In dUlerenl IIChool from botek b hi_

nOWD y I lit name n lIll1Cky Tbe Ileamiddot raga rifleman urna bil reputation by ~I

Iyaltacklng kunu and 111101111 othor people WIts stUlllI II(J~ lUly fngtnl foe~ bllt nlike goods whll tile KellluckllUl hlil the honOi to be rmm fmlllds liHI pooril~t natives were bull terror to -Iaucb rucala foilllesklll wltb which

fltmlM tu givo lip tleir IMIIOY lind tholll bo drops them Ihe dlelIlOO of one o two bunshywhu had nOlle ill IUlIIe 034el vera lashed ilred 7arda m Do

lruIlkn Ioxes 111111 evelY othor plll~ 4111 II PnIIlCL-ThLI IOpeclmoa of IIIlUtarl wbore g)Ida ~lr valullbleol millht be hId OtIIIlnlly ~paoled blluoope 10 Mala aM

( was -a wllh III IDOIt advanced of tbe Jim Wble tmieJ l~pylUlVy Ind whell clotll Rlh Tho bowllie w his fJlvorito poIIIon

Cor J0811 Auu-Thll ollCllr w11I com~d of Ibe body of tIae Second Rl4ea wldllblor Ca In tIae repll of Ib La- IIItl1t1oeed b 0IIf

eorrespIIIIdeot md proYed Ill_If 10 be A bnlle man After Ibl tlIg_nl he wu ordred amp0 _ dIiot Capt Drea aud Capt Ore In 1b~lt pOIishyampion near Ib luge pm The oomblnllllon _ ceeded In Njtulalog tbo enem hferal amp1_ dillgtshying tbe _y

CoL JlcI1l10811-Thfs eBcleot olllcer prOTed bfmeel(1 y w1I orlhy of the pOlilion Ii~ OCCllplee U was al walCbflll amplid a1ait ready 10 aUllnd 10 hI dUly Dis car for bia wounded men is well otlhl of nOII08 As soon ali II w ueertalaed lbe enemy wet driven oul of ()ran~da be Immedlaley dlapalcbed olle ofthe Compaat ullder ble oommand 10 bring IDilie ounded or hi Baltall-m lrom die _ne of l1Ie con8Ic4 at lIIe Jalwbe

Our tibullbull-From lIIe iDablllty of 011 man to - 1M whle of amp bald Ibe report of Oot

Speclal Oomepondellt Illat be DeeeuiampriI1 1ItJ defectT~ It apP8llMII lIla Capl Oreen of die tiecond RllIu 1Od Capt Dreal of die ampeolld lllranky 10 IlIMaIIl hi ~aDced poeilkn dUpug tbe dd7 and acled rery brnely Llell Henry T She wndOO In lIIe Deck liDe latmiddot Inll In be defmce ot (ble POIOI Sherman baaDOI been ablll 10 peak Iinco b reeelyed $lie ItooUad h II lIolllkalylo pro fallll

OUI 0R119~-Tble gentleman obved In A

house -ya flIl of Lb OIllllY wlIIIhla IIW~ in bud at neb a npld u tllet bla OomJlllll1 could lIot keep pace lib biOI Col T ~ Fi 1~ fld Uue Pg _mpanlW him and bad Ibe bouee cleared of tIae enemy before sbe llIeD ~ rIed

TIIII PIli AlID flrll SWORD -We tali pl8ual-c

i _ L oJ bull of b It _L d n -og 11 e compollliN8 I e ngl emiddot parlmeot of EI Nlcanoguellleollee (oogbl brnely In deCellCO of our clly Thel~ IIIIIIU are ()buies E Caulley William Bucbllllan Froderlk Kapt amplid P A Yarrington lbey hollOO tb lhey llOuld make goud UIIG of Ibe ehootilog Iron II weU u llhootlng amptIek

OVII CoKbullbullIISUU1 BIIIWI-Lleul W B Butmiddottri LI J B W Ll

aut 0IfIl e~t 9amp Hawley11l1li- H O Wall A A Conllng and Capt W_ B Lyou bebaved -Iotly aud rendered ear-

D tils force GIGII f1lIkCf ClIo oppose 1~~ light109 men 109 ul middottth whllt he mMy Neel from Califoml a d NIIW York lIlldIII be 300 wenbull A~ preseD~1be Ollemr arlllllOngl forllllej al Mi sa ollly 12 nliles dl8loUll Gen Walker i8 pm ~arillg1O recuio Ibow alld tbere will b 1JODle dmiddot~ ilf8lRing bUlplbtlhAmrIC~dn8 feel very 00011middotell 0 IQCOOIL er 1 pru tlIoa would aft

dlellltcd hOlI [8ho~I have lelt helll on Ihe live of a baltle 8tleh aa I~ exd every hou blll1 came hen Ibere lIaamp nu eoumy lI~ar and lIone ex peCWI and my IYw-k I bre and llHllII 1111gt8 1D~lIywouhdad and dybg 10 caro for fun doeome good certainl Tru I IIampY be am~ tbe slIlu formiddotlII_ Ulen have Ib8II1e1led a wtU cf

iug could ntlt be mnde useful It Mis-torn IIIId ilia 00 Wera ailbrded OOIlIiderabiA __~ ~~~~tlll apllldl aU AlllelOllJlII and If lie F Ii Ii Y -- ViCtoriOWl ley ill du II tbey han ampampiii

to pec~~ 01 twenty olle ourll t I IIIflII allud lIIe din of I~ bllule at tbe manner If I should perlah do Ie beat you can fgtt my cnnlinued 11111 WII say it with nil cUlldor In which be ould jump at an l_gllI1 ellemy (amlly lOl lIIuy POOl alld will need all lila can h I bull n d b dI fI II Prin I middot-~oo I be alfordOO them Sltould the enemy coine IIlld

t l simp 0 IIIlt1ves Ill) roll1 It as uom a eI e ~un as ~e a reg M tack lIle ol~ I hall leavoloy boob posled and pe~Ii1mcc They ran Into the wouds jill tIInghll bylilll Firat RIOes mOlle ~d olrOOIa in the hand of Col Johllii

h I I I II A N I W Wbeeler Ih~ Amerlcllll Hinlle For 1eM0Ii1Crlpt mto cornelS 11 t lem8e vel n a Ill ou Ilf AII-OUr RallgCfuomeli_ need 1I0t lIaOe tho lJolted Slatea IIlg IfI Alford iug hhuut food bout fiva dllye cpt kind~ uf placcK alld trlm~bled Illtilmiddotthe 8ad lying In 1IIood In tho lloillity of the city voryliUlo proaCllOII to AmeriCAn chizeab

I Ili h 10meoChOuIampemalianandSanlWvadoiansnlmiddot y lruly DAVIDlfWBEEliEItSaIllnlS 1S jUltti n youn mnnJlnC lie of plnguo wall (rlvon Ollt OlIO II 0 II d Ih h I I I I Th J C BBIOUpoundN Cor Aner nbla So leIshy bull - t 1VtOtO~tel esoprl80oers8ampy bull ~ vC

1M r(lSt pron)lllmg offiool6 in tllO army tho eager -yoa that watlled tbe bull Jill Lbey were lhue tle1 bllbolr office In order 10 OA

Ho or dog t-that lho qUoOlion U IheThe rbull10 1I0W only fOllf of Iho fMlir~ tllh W f01II hen they hllRld that the Americans prevent tblllll 11II1IllIg 11114) In tho lISbe ello aid whGn he IRt do wn 10 n dish of (riod~_~~llSi~ _ ~re coming can bear IfItimlny to ~b~ I VerUT th~~~~~blltg new IIIder the lin IlASASCl


- ---------------T--shy312 EL NICABABUENSEVoll No 50 p 6 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 181Br6


Tile Battles of tbe 12th and 13th of Octflber 1800

We b bMIl permitted to make the toDowln

oslne IlIDut dI porta 0 tJle 01Boe1ll In commiddot IIWId at tbe Yarlo ttallOD The OOIlfuOIl an4 laquolei 10 our 01108 oe by the late ttaclt -Ind Ib vofortuawte acoldeD hlch bappened to Mr 1bor tb edllOlooble~ put I out or our

pow to arran the repone u under 1II0re fampYoshytabl GlroUlllltanoeB e lboulil have done Th balties of the wo day era 10 connected thI

it oad be dilleult to rate diem on paper anal pnlClIl all dI Illcld8Oll

The report of ColellelSandaralalb1l ofintereal 8Ild beua-out theltlatemellll of Ollt correepOl1dellt

L WIIO It would ppear followed the fortllDes or die folr Rift He Y

About 12 oclock on die t tdl they took dlelr positlOIl hi line and the command u Iyen to moYl fotward The llIen wer11I good Iplrillalld abOUi oclock aalgbt theyenoelDped In Ibe IUbshyurb of _ya Sbortlyafter lying down alkirshymlall took plaoe beteen Vol Karkhaana regiment oC lufallw7 dd a_liDg prll of the en Dll blob luted bUI a few morun Idlout anl eerio Mal Bewean- lIyllght and unrile on ~ba mornlo 0( th 111d1 tbe wliole army took dlelr pOIJUoIl for bottle die bowlll8l1la lrollamp eupporampshyed by dae Rile reldman Aler aneing but a fe y Capt Ifwarb of the Artillery wu orde ed b-eJom_nreMnCblefto dlrowlbelliDto aelllampll plaM aDd (Jumpd C comllluded by Capt D~ obll8ed and took -Ion of the oburch In die pi bullnd tbe wbule arlll7 _11 fullowd IIIId OOlDlIlaDder- or reglDlllntll received their In alruoilonafrol the Coml1IIidi~hlel An- furtloer operatlo The Sappert amplid IlIlIeN were ordered to CO 10 advance end pportod b the Rill out their W8ylnto tho main plua beteen two t ruonlng dlrotly thereto-tbe 8818 on the right IIlId 11 belDg prolected by Ibe ellem wllb btarrl ltlad _OIInOOll and sharpmiddotlboote Afer bariog cut ball wa through to the main plnla the bow iteera colDmandadby Clpt Swrtz and Lieut F roD eN ordmd to the IUppO-t oC the amplft_nd of hoee to pliant ollloera too lDucb pralB C8II II be awarded (or tbelr daring braver aDd cool neealn dlaeharge oC dIlr dut) HlllOry has Ilot e parallel The11 edaaucClllfulho-illto au adolHl bnlldlng here a large nllmb ofthe enem were ~lIllg MClurel1behind barrlcad Oathe Imoke cleariag away Company B oOIBlllanded b Capt LfIonard alld Company G cummndd b Capl ORepn with tMlr gallanl eoldlera took 10811 alon ot he building wbere they were charged upon twice by tbe eneml Gap I Ewballks took pollOi slOl1 ot Ibe eomer hOllSe on the- right The RiBes w thn wlthlll HventyJ e Yld of lhe mlln pIMa he the galInt aI and arren again came to dlelr _lltallce 1Iltiampl their guna Tlte ouemy we 10 largp forcu ImIDedlatel1 III thelr Croa~ abOlit thll time

Th Commndermiddotln-Chif haring recelvod Info uatllD_ bat Granadll w attacked blarge force and bellering lb a larg8 portion o( Ihe foroeI Muya had gODe toaid in taklllg Grallada wbere tbe mo~t of our ammunition was he ordered ra lreat froni our poertlou and bo~t 12 oclock at niSht~ 011 our rod baok to Granada A tar mamiddotohlDg all dlgbt Ihe glorious aUD of the 181b or October roae In beau and splendor-tbo annlmiddot vera1 o( the 68 taking 01 Granada When we got Into the outsklrte 01 the clly wo were reo~iyd Epote4 u the wero Ihey fOllgla thelr wy by heaY ftra ffOm the enml but WIth a about ond 7011 TO ruabed on the elly of Oranadn] wlalh WIUI asain Oil tbe 88me day takell by lIeneral Walker

Of the olleera and men compoeln the Rifles Ilae1 did their duty well and it wouhl be mocker1 to try and give one ofllcur more plllie thall another The were all willing to tIIlClilloe thoir Ilve8 If nece8 88r1 fur Ihe cause tlaey aro engaged In

Ab Jut 11 -oolook on tbo 121h a8 atate41 b1 our _

correspondent Col Allell wu ordered to 1Ilal a de~hment of lIanger agailUlt a body of Lanoer

bull gaged untIl thoy hlUl fought their way 10 a poaco

1be Bohllo of Illy cOlllln4nd AdYanoed and roo ceived the ll of tho tllelll) coolly _ returnillg I ith efect After 1 I volloy had beea Oltmiddot cbangod the enelllY lel the lOad and reliod aprrefttll IOed AlaJor C7C tboulCh Field OCmiddot Beer of Ihe Day ndvallod Ith Ind Bhowed be innrlably doe great cooln1 and 8rllllle~8

After the enemy rroator I retulnod 10 tbe 11 St SbuUan heu 1 reeely_od ordN to IUIlPort Capt Druus 2nd Iufuntry nlld Ilpt Gree of my oOlllmand wbt) WUN armly enmiddot ~laquoed near he main Plaza I fOllnd on lD) arrimiddot Va[ th~ OAP Dmiddotult ha1 one prlte kllud and CApt Greon severol wouuded We re 1l1~okelt1 In thb p~ I (runt ami lin Ihu In but ltlpulsud tbem ter1 tlmee (rom tbe latter position

1 OIInllot epeek In too high tllt1I11 of tho conduct of bMh ollleera and men ~ngaged ht8 they exmiddot bllJlted tbo ~fttest cuolu autl glllalltrf

4bout ~ 0 clock Gell lIorn811y wilh ono (Jom P~IJY of lsi I fontmiddoty Joilled us and hortly altol this wo received ordel8 Irom Yonr E~ceilellcy_ I fall back ou the PI St ScbnLlan whloh did ill he bOIL of orhr ImmeliaLcly nn (lur ftrmiddotivKl

amproo wb-o p-led uo bloh dlylded - -a amphrolog ID1u1f ltlIpt OoreLleuL Bramp LIeut TrIIpp nd ee en pri18I a1man hI admiddot - ance 0 t1ie en command uob he w noeIyed Ord811 to obarp tbe eaDnOD haYiDS1l0 oeeded In wblob and bluing lriag In die l I ordeved thelll forwft lIalor (Jaycee (bj er of Cilea DorDIby) renlalned at dlls pointwldl die bala_ or my Battalion to guard the dlalllountecl bowlSHr

From dlk place my IlIIail commacd advampIIced rapidly and turning to die len one street from die PIIISI IOraaed th comer baok of dI Lobe Slu

- OIl yt( ldI _tbe other u to ho Ibould do ampbemOlamp gooleervloe

W81ao take pleuu IOlIIaldng die folloiDg -

esrac frolll tbe olloW repor of Co Natzm~r I have tht hOllor to reporamp 011 the evenlug pre

aedlng die da1 of the battle In lIaya Kajor Ihl Mnbur Field OlBllJr of tle Day IIld capt Jlatzdorll a Odlcer of tbe Guard dlttinlluiohd tbem~eIY b the greaten figll bullbull oe actiYlt alld cll~i1wapoictlon

rlle Plaza of SI 8ehaeUan being taken ou Ihe eneulng morning and tbe 1 RIlle Battalloll and

wb w killed a numller 01 the ellemy Capt part of the 2nd IUlantry Battalion adfanoiDg till Bell who ooolopaued lia in thla obarge If ldllll two blooka of the eat plaza optaina woundid In the thlh

W then proeeeded under a hot Ire to the GUlrdboule wben lI~or Potter gaYa up bla comlllampnd to me We Bred a oanllon from this po lot twke hlto Your Excellellcya quarte and once Into Ihe bOURa ooa1lvled by Capt Morrla dID oharged tbe litter place our lIlen gallant11 Oamprrlog n Thls 8 Ibe I place I beIIe tblll onl1ll1 coupled -In dI cill

I ampIn happ to atate dI~t no cuuolU occurred In III Battalioll dUriD tblI battleshy

llauor Oaycee wlllPve OU bull IIparate aoooun of bla proceedlDgs wllh th ramalllJer of die Btlalmiddot Ion

Th colIInd of Col Allen wu dl lded near

the lalCeba ()burcb The ollowlng estract ampom the report made bt JI~r Caycu III vel) _grph-o and llaow dI _yln wblob the eDODIl wu ban died b_Ibll -Ilul olloer and bll men shy

e-In 08lllpllince with en order giyen b1 Brig

GID Koroah_ I led dI BUalIQII towarch t1i Grand PhJa until oppoelte th mlns of die Me clld ()bri wbloh point I reoel ed an order d1 to Ib north amplid dlslodse a porilon of tbe enem1 wbo were at tbe dme occuP71og the

Leonard Dreu Rnd Hreen dietingulhed tbemmiddot MI by rellUlrkablo braver and cour-se ilh beir (Jumpalli

Altbllugh th Artillery did not haTe all the eCmiddot Selelle1 elpectud I 1amp11110 but acquillt Your Exmiddot CiIIlellc1 or tbe moet courageous and cool mallner III wbich Capt 8chwartz Iud Lieu Frrand ola oharltt hl dude wbloh deeervet bill aud full credt

III dI attack OR Grallada 011 the 13th iost Your Ecellenc h bullbull leen Yery-wol~ that the gul lalltrY 01 he odlltllN and lolltller~ gellerllll 1ell (lbIng to he- wiahed fur alhougb regom di~middot cipllDe the cClmmandera oC Ibe reBpeotive Battal-Iona and Companies did nOl keep their lIlen lougb together but when our troop reached Iho pl having oooealon to vbtervu ever Ollemore rartioularly I baye to recounond to Your Eloelmiddot e1l07 Vapl Swingle of tbe OrdllallCO Depart-Dlent wbo bebl llatloned befolll tbe OUllrdmiddot bouee (ough agaanal die enem1 In Your toscelmiddot lellcyampIId illlCio ~plnoaal bousea

Lieu Col McIlltDeh and Major Duaenbur1 hkewile bebaved ver1 brveI1 111 two charge

We haTe boell kindly pellilltted to lIIake the

CoIIowlng extracl from Gen Frys report of the ali_immediately In dI rear or die bulldlog oooumiddot _def~nee 01 GrnadaCled by Ibe Surgeon GenmL Baying bullbullcc~ed At 1 oolock P M the alarm w give and the

11 eIOIIIng he I raet (dlough under a lIloet IIRImiddot ling ~re) len mluln lullead to accompllsb dI dlsodgement and then Indeed hegau the werk of dedI Ibe enelll111vlllgin nery direction rece Ing aaadl at the bnds of our unerring nIIemen Flodlng after at length Ihat 1II0re remained to opmiddot POle va I ordered a mreh at quick lime to the Plaza and arrived Jill u die I -oC Ibe -panic etrlckea 100 wera king In Ilgbl thu eatelshywhleh dlilr vaullted_ Ior could not eecure thom III regarc to die o~nducl 01 tho troope I mlllt MY to-Your ExClIlenc1 tbat neYer In m life have 1

enem leen advancing The gtUIiIOIl coneLstillg~f a colopany of ahoul 40 cILi~1I8 (ullder Ibe oommanD 01 KaJor Gillis) tho woundud alld COli teeo~nt In the hoepltal and 80me m11 oC -tb aialr corpa haviog been pvlouily Inmucted 00 oupled the rallge 01 buildings tellding alollS tite eoutb lId ealt IIdes 01 the pI froD tbe Qu trmr alld OUamplIoo Dparllllolll8 to tbo ilpital The gllna bad been plocoj sa followa One elghteell Ind ono ail pounder at tbe auutb eot curner of the piau olle nine pounder tbe QuardbOll8e and one is pounder at lb Hcashy

lIlen IIlllre cool or gallampll III their actions _pita dian dI BtUe parly whlcb I commanded Tbe enemx advanced In colomll along Ihe Itreet

Intbreport of die otlonl of the Seeond leading Intu the nonhwsI coroer 01 bo plaza Light Intimtr1 GoL lIelntoeh 18 and I ol8red tbe Dine pounder to b rUD forwaro

and directed aglllul dleo whicb PrltllnpamplI woulll be doing InJultlee to bull brave officer done ullder tbe di-ection 01 Llelll Crowell and

IIld I lIot here mention the nallle of capt Roberl Captin Hard At the lirat discharge wmob w EU of me Rangenl for tbe fearleA manner In followed y three heart) cheera for Gen Walker hloh he expoeed bimself to the el18ny bullflro

11 wu 800n dacoveted Ibal we wera III danl(er shyfrolll the_ hell tbrown from OUr hOWltzen wlilcb GaOled en order til be giYeIl for 01 to fall baok to the email pia Companies A B 0 and D of111 command wero then tallonedt dUrNnt polllloll nnd held al a reeene (Jum E under Cap J DraUK wa then dlrown ouI on tbe len to keep die nem) f~om making aa1 moYe on Col Sandell command whlcb WII nobly wOrklllg It wa1 thlough tbo O8ntlO ampftet leading to- t1ie grand piua U wu llfierwllrde reillforced b1 Capl Green of die 2d Rilltl ThlSe Iwo olleera d_ne great credit Cor the braver1 the dLlpla1ed

neariy to the n~rthtust earner of the P~ and beld dlelr pOlltlon nllder a hot S untIl the1 were calld oB JuS be d~rk 1 regrel to Inmiddot fOlln 11u Ih Lieu Henry T Sbellnampn of Com pany Eo wbullbullbulluyuly wounded hll 1ol1li1lnly s~condlng Ihe eltor of bl~ Caplaln CflllIplplOl A and B ampcamptd l1li piquet-gIlHrd durng Ihe Jay alld

froID be_goortlson Ihe enemy f1l bao_k d makhg a clrcult alfvanred UpOIl tbe Hopita whore they were beld ID check by die tire ofdie 8i pQuuder under Capt awligl whicb diilmoullted one of their glln td b1 the fOlO rallied by Mljor ONeil The then cowmeuced amp vlgoruus attack UpOIl our rear front the t and nuth Idoa of_ t a pla where they ere gallantly lUeL b the force along our whole line The contesl in tbe rear of _the GunrdhoUde WIUI partlculrly obsi nate and maintained 011 oUrBide by lomeliny lOen ullder tbe comlDllld of Cpl alnample uailampetl b1 captalna Lewll alld Piekellgill

Juring the night alld lullowing 1D0mlng the ellemYIIIeal attempll to attack 111 ill frent but WIlO drlvell bao by tile IIIe 01 Our artillery

Boa of tbe American Idies and children were placed In the Church and in the house of tbe AIDerican Mlnbter In the rour uC blch 1 posted Pi guaCl 01 IG naen under Lieut Micoll

lJoring tbe flgbt the enemy through desertr from Our drm) lIlade a propuaitioll to U4 10 aur

penoMned their duy to ny entire aatittfIlClioD ~t tendmiddot promising ua prutaction and atating tbat

TIe enel0Y YOI repulsed and the fullowlllg fron to pott will show how ho and hilt mo were en Before going furth I be ~epetfltlly ItJ ltat~

dark nay ~thun wa posted on tbe two mil a~retllmiddot~II1K lato the pi and ocoupled bull POll tlOII 111 wllluh te1 could do good aerYlee Ihrough tllu nlglat In 0amp8 tho enemy meditated auylhlNg 10 tM oampIII_e Thlla we rem311 uluillhe u dllr- nII10bed UI to PlIIIlI-to IUArcb fur Granada

tbat tl porton r Illy ballnboll ordered 10relOIoIII Iellve thlou~hot thu d1 expmiddot ed greal cage __ to ho lod antu aciiunalld ill theil omd _ Uctullllllg OIl btalinn Wllt pOlttd on the ex troill lell a1 whun lIenrillg Granada 6riog w dioUllctl laeard IMy lIle thoogh lIIuoh Jadod no~d whh gre bullbull alclmiddotity alld OI~oiCOIIod great eager_ 10 bemiddotth tir illlO olloD Their poslmiddot tioll ctlul1 not adIII r II Uld we hud no cballoe tu tok part hI Ibe cOlltcal at thu JIteba A SlOn ft8 amplla~ puillt 1 g~io~d however and sulflclent Ppcu lOade (or UII tn com~ up IYO imlllediately olaatged dowll tbe rltlad An order to halt alld eland filiI reoeigtd for tbe Plrpose of protectmiddot lug tho raar and waa promplly obeyed with tho cx~eltIon of VaplainR Ball amplid Grnta Op~lIies th07 advancing witb sucil siloed alld the 1Irg IV8S au lleallmillg thlt Ihey could 110t bellr the or der Qd 10 continue1 on_ in tbe General charge Thll1G two nlliccrs bohaved ell the furRIer WUI ounded whilat at tbe hClld of hlann Aa BOOn II~ the dKnger Irom Lhe r WIIS pa~sed I walor dCImiddot1i to dvAllee wih Companies A n 0 and E Ib$Irpolld6d to tho cnI wltb che came up well and did much execution W0 elltered the piau and chllrged the 0llelll1In dlKerent direc

uur army w defeated at AIy Tbe anawor IoU 10 about 01 de8Ion and doftlIlce and tho batshytIe conlillued until IQ oclock the fOllowing lUurn lig when IllYpeedily termiuated by the en tnllloe of tbe army UDder tbe Commandfrin Chief

Thua for 21 houra a force of tt least 900 oC the eReml WII repulsed by I thall ~ii meDln which oUlnbr wu Illoluded alUbo aick and da abld of tlao rIll1

Where dlere were 10 many Illstances of gal lantr d good conduct II i dilHoulto apelfy who were IDl)lt deaerYlng of coullnondatioln All nOlted la a lilt of offiera soldier dnd OitiZell8 who were conplcuous for gallalltry and good conduot Alao a Iitlol the casualties in my com mind alllounting to klilod alld 10 woulldod

The 1_ or tbe enemy l m unable to report acouratel from Iho filcl tbat dUIhl Iho night of


From n hOlOle I ent Immediately to dI 0 nance OJ8ce and tbere 01Hld Lleul V ~ Hiler on dut1 wldl wo 8ergeanla and lDeDi reporteathe pplOIIooh of the 8Den Ild save tholll aach ordera bullbull l dlought nec_ar1 alld thom etarled (I

Mlnllter Wheel8f to loelf1ll1 lamil1 bd ilri~ ulil and artl ed t the oorller of IhoPlaza nw the reBideDce of Mr Teller Ju In time toch$ek the harge boing made b1 tbe enelDY dun tbo alreet fouhe Playen8 by killing tbeleader who WII gallauil1 leadiog the charge much In adfancuf his men running alld ahouting

Al1 firat hul w with a Sharp carbine oDI1 ollndill_ 1111 ataggerlng hilll agClin the ItlUle aod tbell rolled bim Into tbe allmiddott with my air Ihootor 1 think thi4 w the liIIIt man kUled in Ibe city Mr Hugheeand MVMfll othera I8W thi lorlulIte check (it cOlDpletel) baiting thu cbarg illgparly) br whicb those working au lIiue -pounshyder OoUOOII welo enabled to 111amp it

I canllot Ipeak In pr~ge or commendation or the nine pounder callnon doriug the comlUence lIIent of the attaok-~wo or our own meu were very aeriuusly ounded by h The ch gon th lla wbullbull Ilbaudolled by the enem) theirl (OICO colloentrated and mado a yigorouutlbrt toenter the IInlll pia b1 tho quarters of the Oommndcr inmiddotChier There Ihe enem1 were gIlUOIly held I check by Capt Swlngl with the ix pouude can nOli _isted and cov~re1 b- maDY eilizeut-witb ri80 and mll8kecs eucouraged raquolId direCIeltl b) ()ep- Watkin The bra fteldillece broullM 10 ber b) tbe eDemy a a point waa -00- dil moulltad b1 -tho h y and wIQlrellllsillire of Vapl Swingle ldI tbe ais poun Hi~ 0001middot 11_ and brayery cannol he too Duch praied

Voncluding that the hOlpital and gulllClhouso would Iequire Ul Addillonal lupply of ommualtion I returned to the OnlllampnOO olliee on the_ wa~ crossing the bolY lire of the eneflly near the enshytrance w the headquarLel$ of tbe CoulRollderin Cbiet and deapatcgtb d two Dlen loafled wilb am mUllilioll Cor the horpital-olle of thelll ooly reich IlIg tbere the other SlOpping at Ibe gu~rdouae 111 tbe lIeantlme Lbe attack of tbu enero1 belng u 8trudg and vlgorou lind having nu cove frOD Which to bold IWd work Ihe eAlIlIon d thro bemiddot log 110 com nander 0 dlrec~ the mOYemcll1oll 0 Ib~ YieiDltl Capt Swingle wlthdrelY tbe ~ilt poundr to the oover of the gllardlouae Ollt Ii ocloc~ P AI Tholo In tbe hopllal reualud In It undemiddot the directloll 01 Oap- Wllklnl whor they gallaot I) deteuoed tholDl8l_os uutil Ihe reillfoCemenl with the UommandermiddotillmiddotOhiefarrivd Defore Ih wilhdrawal of tbe six pounder to Ihe guardmiddot ou~ Capt W i1klu8 wu very aotlve-In rallylOg t citmiddot liens to auist hI coveting the loadingllld orkshylug the 0111111011

AlII ooloek P M I crossed from the Ordmiddot nance oJ8ce 10 the cburcb alon~ (not IIndin any one at he 1D00aenl willing to croll the au lIh as much amlllunition u 1 could carri I twoO baveanokl aDd soon Ret arriving tbere w deshysired by Gell Fry lotako cOlDllland oftbe d ot the Iroul of tbe church -

From the commenoemenl of the attack t Ex preas WagOD III U88 b1 the Comllli_v I) part aunt had been atanding hi frollt of the Ifou call ed the Lone Star Alter heing desired tJiIt~ dbage 01 tbe dCenoe of Ihe ohurch 1 Id man (I regret th t 1 am no~ able to givG h- Ime) who by DIy ordera ctossed the plaza and roy the wagou to tbe Ordoanoe oilloe_ and loaded it with alUmwlilion bUI from some Cause ullk~on to me did 1101 return jth II The lYago~ w~ loaded in tront of the Ordnance olBc~ Ilear an hour-no one appearing to be wUling to rOIl itla It-wben a Mr allyn81 crolll frol I~e arhou80 and drove 1 ovo-a -bighly or dilashybl$ perlurnaauce Aler making a c~rvtul exaID Inltlon of the church Uld rmLles Olll1uecl~ tho foroe to defelld h ampe placed Mr J L lobshymOlld with men In ilhlllge of tbe part c~ll tbe ~Ouad House ita yard alld aJoining lI11llmilnll III the quarlers Ih tbe IeIIr of tha ehlll~h exl~ndshyillg to the atreet below Capt Kell1 j Mr otank lin tobert H Smitb aud tnlee ollleI werol Sla tioned in tbe tow~r at Ihe lIorthet er ~ele they were of essential service and their COl ducl ie highly cllmmelldabl~ Othera wemiddotu plO erly stationed in the yarils aDd aportmeuts belol Ing toald quartllnl _The cOlnDluuication 01 tho a VI mentiuned quartora ith the-cburcli WM~ tbr ugb II hole ill amp10 eplLtatillg wall

Nu regular attacit ollld UpOIl Ihechub or preDliaCt CODllllulicating cpt 10119 ~ttbt Comlllieellly DepalmiddottmonG can gh-e much illio ma_ tlon of tbUle III the ohuCb lUI he I thore nlil tbe end of tbe attack About 8 to oclocll r )1 Uapl Pickolalill came In 1i00I tho l(uirdh~UI wlh thu inform ion _ thot tbe rcrce tlocreTlYU sII that Capt Swingle IDuoh lIbgdd 10 ~ho dfnoe of tbe YIlrd in tbo NIlI of ho gJI houe with bomb ahells ualng thent II hall~gn_ lIadbullbull aud makiftl fRe 10 explude amplem Iro tbo artillery match rop 110 lind that 90lOe m

the 12th tboy dlrew a large number of bodie~ into mauding oHicer wu requhed there or the dlaco ella and other hiding places ud buried some Abou 160 botlica bavo been diacovered

EsTuOt paoli RSPollT OP MAl -ParrsR 011 Sunda1 12th Inat abgtut it otlock P M

standing on Iho oorner of the PII~ lIer the ofmiddot lice oC the Oldnance Department aaw a man mounted on a gral hono galloping paat Ihe Jat-Itlba churob followed directly ~ter by altlrae dozen or moro men upon Iho rUII Tll006 standing ncar mo thought It courier (rom MaHAY dirctly the RUPPOled cllurier Ieturned alld 001111 after callie back again wltb thirtror forty muunted mellplIssing

would be tRken aa tbe eDem1 wore lIlaking Igor IUS attacks on it 0111 aluos everr aid - I

I wllB theD dbected b1 Gen bull r1 to tako domshymRnd of tbe guardhouso whemiddoto 1 remained bnla tbe rival of Uol Allen on the 13th 11181iwho courleously accepted ot Illy Iequell tIelleyellDe 1 then lB~istod In tho U80 of tile aix [Iounde~ on tbo quarto lately occupied by CApt Morri ind In oharglng the enemy from thOle quamiddott-a opl W m Lewis gave vllluoblo _Ica in th~ de fenoe o( tho guadhoue bUI wai prevented fIOm IIreat aotivity by hlj ill heRlth lio ClIII give nluch mformoLiou 01 tbe conduct of tho lIIell Iuj dc

Capl Green will ordoro~ to _isl Col ~ndQIl tiOll with aucll imp~luolty that Lhe) were quick tile Jlteba ohurcb towArds Lhe northeosl of tho ulci_ ~o glumiddotdho~ac OhllS Richnrd80~ tv where- be romlllned un1 ordCI8 ora Itl~n _to -I) rouled _ttelinl 11 al directions clt Suapectillg that II 111 a PallY of Lancere 811011 8as18talloe as hiS 11 health would rftutTond coocentrampl~ Ill the PI 81 Scbasti4J1 I CAnnut cloae this report wilhut milking (avo frona the ftnomy 1 ran lowardll the-church as fa~ 1 can reOOllllDend tho conduc of 0 (Juban bm

Tho poaltlon we ocoupiod on tbo march from nblo 1I1t-lItlon of IIlIor n DUOllbul-Y alld Ct 1j as the office of tho Altlutallt Uenbullbull middot I whn I WaS unknown to 1113 I lhln~ he Is n Ub-AII~ or tiOD 10 Urando aa in tbc ftr of- 101 RillellIllflY Th~ NlIItleNd gIC~t sistanoe III p llatisfted that It was it strung lorco of tho enelllY Prefect I hnvc seeu blln olen in all ullio eshyaud vall of ~nd Inf~lItry survillg olll~r alllOllg the men alld epcourgIIog Iwent Immediately 10 m hllUlle (the houso 10merly tho Lono Star ho~c Thero lYOle lllauy t ere

lSth In the atteck on Iho enelll) who wero tbelll b Ihe 1I~ld owned by Dolor~a LaJarsa) 1111 Bunt Uo) wife lind ho boha_ed credltllblf whl~o IIl1ncs ure not taliolO1 nur tbo JIIa UIorch with onu Iie o - The mun cODpoaing m bllUulioii aoted In har_ childrun wilh Mr alld Jtl~ Uuglle_to the resi- kllown to llIe I cau hghly cOIIwd tbe-O ion 01 Dn a _light cOllf oo uCClln-ed lu tbo _mon7 and obyod nl dlfurout ord promptly de_lice of Col Whoeler Mmlster from the U S bt John Aot-ton_ n mechomc employed I tbe rd

bull p

bullbull bull bull

313 i


lit Dtparlllltnt le_ Llrabert blaobmlm fa nce Dpartmenl (lfoml4ed) Tbe Lane and Lilt of KUW 4fId WotoMd of If fafllry

Joll4ll IUIde obamplll tor mum w AdJ r W PUOft wounded allllhll n1uble~e eranl the _ wlb Compllll1 B-EIIIed Private Will Ifnnlall _gOll to _d (ro Lleut Hlte all 1IfII woull~1 Sergt A oJ Falreblld Prlvau

au at my reqll Ilm~ ~~d Pat WllOOII JohnW~ Jobu lI_q Johu~lIIend 111m 0 the oIemaDcf - Barilla 4ad Oommander-lnOblet J B Lonpere II ComJllll7 O-WOIInded OorporelJ B_ hanlo eplOYld In the Orlln_Ret Departmtllt CoIIIPlUl7 D-Ellled _ 1errr Phnlp Bhlm lIfrJI bra mall w killed prlvato CbJi Smith Compan E-Wolllldea poundIul Wrighl r Ordnanco orlment aIao kl~ IUb ampbed Oompan7 G-WOIIruledliIorgeanamp lloLallahUndho_ one man II _aber G all I Prlet a W Foreman Deiil ~IM~ llIiarki 1m IIIIwwn to me wbullbull IdIIed an4 IeYera Gehrehl Tbot Brook DOminick CclInOIIaII J A OIIDded -C the wounded -Capt Green Smvth lbe P~tt Iu thechureilhoamplced the COlIdllot _

bull Lleuwntm DUie unknown to meL lfh_ LI oJ lliU~ WOII JlmI of I1Ilaquo1fIl Mllot I thllll w eoweNl-to 1amp t e lnat lnlaftl1l aolIIeeUke IIr H~_ghtl IidromN~ Yor~r Compan A-Wollnded Prifalel danlt11th me mlldl or the t an w_te COOl III Whl Ill r sere te KIlle 7middot

EL NICARABUENS4 VoL I No_ so p_ Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 18 1856

Inreprd to the der_ ortha pulohhe pt rirn~dk lI~lrimiddotete Frank mtIDr IIIUrderIDg him the mudlttad III bod with lIpled b7 tb OrIIoanee ollce l_oot A Company O-Wound[ Opt KatcdoI bl70llectln the moat hocklng _nr

blUbe een that I wbllt lborU 1M t areTb oree th_ w the latgeIIamp or III except jbA$ ~n the obureb ruI wu weU oouductad by ~ Ollila Capamp iWawlll lIr Bolchur and bull B Wyatt of the Ql1arlei1autel DepetlDlenc of wllom CUI sly report In detail bUI J Cellitlle aallut dlCeIl of the Qllantrmuter ormiddot ~nUlhereb7 eIbt ornblmen under lIr W yU berndd1Ir~or r~ - w bull II P II whla rellta to It mad that

Ie ellem aAer Idlll fttreOGe throocb th III Illto atrala to like p_IOII Irolllncb ~bi repelrle I h e neelYedl think that he IItaorYlng or milch credll

if 01 Ofierr ampltlHr 4fId OiH_ oflIrit Om Jtlyll e_ dilaquobullbullud in 1M laquodon at OrlZala Oct IS 0418 18G8

It bull J O ONeU lat Rillbullbull I CapL ASlt4tlngl OrdnDoa Dept H L Pouer (9f AIel Jon P II OOllelll ~I Jobll Baldwin capt a W Pickerag1l Rail

cp- Vm twla 08D Wilkerbullbulld LIeut Orowtll Dr Lllnd lIedlcal Depamp Ilt BrlukerhootDr Scott Ilt Stringer Dr 1gt111Ctp Gre pt or Port l~Dt Lamber Ordnance Dept ~Wm_eaTIII_LoIpcte


Jon Ahtou

i lin Yatu bull Byn aurOl

III JOlle CoAlQRlIIa Q K Dapt WK Wa

1 r I Arcbbold ILW~bullbull II WEeU7 IiV H bull fWnT Jolla 1t7lllt Thoe Ohapman Jobo Inial1_ hoi MOI1 I Bun u II T Sfki Gen Fr1 Orderly I OIDia Ollisoa oW Teller JchnTabor il Thombull u J L lUohmmlll CIJlt WllkfIII II HatbII1 lilir Elnpweullr Smith t ~RathnriU u1 Oeo Rieberdl lit Rouetll Obaplalo


oWUllllnrul W~ ill (JraMll4 JItWi 0IIII to fhtI Walk arriClal Oct 18 1fG8 RUllaquoI-1fr Bart mllllellu Geoat Gall

ItI I Ill Vlllablt Ooun-HolIIII Pavua B b IDA1mlT-Vllffl7 Jraderlcb Frank ph ~ bntelltl J(1w~9Inkle7 Jbplllll pllL W~ll~or Gil Capt Baldwlo Dr ~ Chu 8l1ettr Jobn Tabor Ed II NleA elWl W Telle elliseo Hamblldo 811cltlmiddot

SUchtlJ-Oarter Cp B II OapL Pickmiddot

oJ gm Won a Jliui of llu Jrrtt R~ Ballalion 001 UI~ lt11111181 iCoalpan a-I Lieut )lth wollllled

IimiddotI1Ilpao7 B-WOIIDded 1at LlRI Latimer d iL Hortll SergelUll1loekfallow ampllghll Impampnl O-Ellled Private Lats 1I000nded ut LeBallft Prinlet LlI __ Jat acklOlI Bouobllll

ftl~1I7 D-Wouoded lat LleuL AlldtrlOn i ~teI lIoCoI~dOlll8lullelOt~do

p aJUJled rrivatel BobblII- Mtu ad~ u~om~7 r-ifiiiet PrIYale lfcCurej wOllnll

PrlYlIeI Kerr ttel

[OolllmllnIcaWcL] tv Ine is obtained by the red hot plOshyHORRIBLE ASSASSINd 1ION Cless thus

_ bull bull ODe or tile moat barbamprlou blltcberiee w A platina cruclble IS made and mam

perpetrated 011 the P_I of Law Wllteler tained red hut over II la ge IiIpirit-llmp _____ _- 0- u anll lOme ~Iphurle acid is poured into it --- ers-111 y _ 0 AI bull Th _t I the cit 01 0rana4a 11 r_rded ou ampbe PIV aTom a lgtJpette III _I though of comshyor hletory

Th_ f Inom I ere dtIlberalel k o~ -~~l hmlolllh A _

II eo rom n w c refuse and mllrUrad iii cold blood

P La- II l ho bed reelded 10 001 w a maro III w

thle _utrylor ayeamprI 11111 un mntIned n611tra UId daImtd tbe PlCltaCtiOll of th Uliltad BlaHa h (aha atetlm to th_ blOodtblretyor Ii Ala B HI ampent Ith gu 1I1tem II COR W

mon temper ture one vf the most vola tile of known bodies liossedSllli the aingu lar property of rmahllng fixed in the redL_t bl d t f t crulli e a no bullbull drop 0 1 ~vapo-atea in fact It is not ID contact WIth the crucible but has IIlll1tmosphere of it Own interposed A faw drop ofOlnmon wa tor are now added to the sulphurous acid III he red hot cluclble The diluted Rcid gett mto Ilnmedw aootact with the heat ed metal Instantly flashes oifinto sulphur VUI acid vapor and such is the rapidity

b from otlon u b the aboehmiddoteJIGrt It DIMI7 td Llellt VODBII~ do Be 11 WoSoo4 a lllan to lin in thII -try and ener Clfthe IIvaratilln that the waA_ I for hi Co D-W 11_ nft B DoH I I ha mpan OIIn L Ollce wulm-b m II) fUCG t t ny

rIlIlYI t~ant ~k rgeI PrI4i people iii thII oIriUred age could be Ph of auchAJe~ II t 7 e 0 III It Vlte

Comn07 amp-Ellled Private OaIIaban wouruishy dT

B Sb d I bull au II JellL bullbullbull er_ angtrOlll1rut nln a1ttl~va~~ tIarkdo

middotaopan ~Eniedl Prl~1ea Q LPhilip OtOlllrd Pleno Brull Franclico JlIulwoulldelt Pri1eI B Smith lighll TbdB I __ bull H y _II d3 _ng II ampIIIIlpa

LiltoJ KUki 11ft WotW oJ LigAtArlUlnI

OomJllll7 A-Oed yate ~-en EtOHJlbeller PtedarioJt Dli1Iab i oullded Capt A sebWlrta lIgMI 8ergelmi lIiIIumb Gil iJo lrinkll Fr Stleub do BIII1 Jlalellllb do TheOdore Db erel2 Lu of KUlIil 04 WwttW of Rallo

EUled-Prlte Frederick HIlL llllelng-PriateJOIepb Klumpb OHrpoWllshy

uneL RIICUPE1U1IjlE poa OF fH18

OOUNlBY m____ t a __ b -1 _ ~-6- 10 7 ma -- 011

or the belt COlIDamprIea CD the globe amp0 III reproducinl power It 10 grt 110 1Ir111711d iIIn be at all 1011 (or ampD7 _t lea1 or tllIIlI

- shyfor prolIIoas III cold noHbera cIImatef h_ nllIfe Heamp for lIurIhalf the r ftooIIIampberon

made dllrinl the other bait thare h ben 1tampDceeln ~hlcb largebodlu of -0 ltoaoeritratad iii aarrow hit han aulJred tor fooIIlmamp iii thla QlunrJ filch nat campOD~o_B_ eOlt)

rudenrydil76r1ngalargeqllanUtleato tlldl In thts _n1 aIao where calli require 110

h the ~tertaI tbr dltlr ~ fll eare w tr plendlUl UId hare thert Ie no wiater to reduce or IlnpelYerlah them an abundance II aiw at hlId AI II In ~clitl providence held gW

dleliahlp onr dll amp1OIed land the great llapl of true food corn and bNlll alwalo aeuon Olher rult be wee at Umee bIIt th_ e neTer Belllco 8 theae IIllh tbe ntYeNaIIlllllllpo pl- of animal tood we 0amp11 11117 depend wIlli II eerlabil7 TbeAnppU _110 oollflned to 0111 place 0 department me ecRIIIW ibouruII iii tbem

U II-c bullamplid Ibe grealtlt dllllcult7 ur--OO oblalnlDClllppll Lillie - or tranpori

Sapr lfhloh I no Iooger bull IlIltllry bill nee

cano gro hare ao plncllilll thaI hori4ll lIneo from GnuadaltiadocouloIlllU to bonee Ifth or an olbe artlclo ot food 1h0ll1d be rOt a de or two dllllcult ro obtain lID _lIOt or the markHndle beln frlihlened b the late pree 8IIet of their heredl ellflDl ampIII011g them a 7 et two will ure tbem of tbJi ptOtoclion of the Amerlcantnd luurlee wilt bo epfD abushydanl u formeriJ


-bl lab or th bIlIbaroun will pgtVUOt y 1OII 801IIe wretcb who murlltred Amence1I oIllIIlIII amplid lIiaIIouut bre wlthollt ptO-1on and In cold bloodi llhen dIlIl learB th tbJi wounded tIIeln

belo cared for alld Iltelld d to with amoos_ are mueh reprlt7lUld atteutlon u the woWlded of our own am fbe WOUllddd we 8rat Pllt lilto the Ouard-Holln alolll wllh the olber Gell Walker had tbem relnovd to All boapltailie apari for thellllelvea AIId lallyo olllen ha been elllpl07ed 10 a116ru1 10 thelr aeoeullJee This follllS I stronl contuat with the baDGer 18

_ acl amphlIe wu mGlt woraU dllappolBtad I Be bew not that he bad to deal wlm agee_1 b uHow mlob t 10 be dep_ - not teke ampbe adyce of blafrillldt IIId aItoulder bit mlllltet la lIIIfltleCeuce ampgalast 1Il0lll $ha make no Illatlocdou

The Be lit Wheeler _ a mlulono- from bull bull -J

the Unltad SIaIeI bullbullllIiIter of tho Ooipel who WIS n 1a dWlibIIDI boob ad other aamiddot ored IItlee

Ameruau foreIpm Ohrlatlau will 1011 auf fer 1IIOb OIIlragu 011 humanlt to go upunlabed The blood or the IRnocent 011 for veogeancel

II the Will apllIIt tit Iodlan or NIIIth

America wu JtllIampgtI1I at that _I cia bow much moriIl thll Wll JUlilabl aphm bull lit or qul as __ dollbt I word ol t lb b~ wbo 0 lIOi plClltad b the IIIIl1aht- 1lueJ 1IIf-rapeci feqllirea liS lIever to bellen 811m or the age ad who 0amp11 _mit lIIIIh a bull of what 1IIOIIItJ01I alrocllltt Lo WhaU bHn tbe ampreatmant or the WOIInded and ft__ liken b7 Gn Walker The FROll ampbe _de or a Addle 011 the 18th iot

r- within II DlUe or tbe oilY II blue broadclotll Conaer were plOflded 101 iii bull bamlll mlllntr I OAPI IIntd IIlampb bleck wlib a bbck eIYltooO die latter treated u ~ of Bere Th Cape roUed uoiJnd a lew articles otuudeJo would haft bean a flile epporUlDlt7 for uereilllli c1othee A wleble ward wHI be paid to

W au _whO wID leaiII b at thl olllcampthe law of retaIlaIlOII BDI Gen aliter diOM Granada Oct 1fj8 IIthtr to loUowthe dlcliuee ot humlllli7 ad be pYemtd b7 the enlightanecl prlDelpa or the I WILL glvt II n~~i~ to any persoll who agt willreturn to 111 atore m Ledger Book It

Shall tlII -lUI collntry which fa 110 aumiddot was pUlaged from 1111 tore durlnS elate tackbull petlor to North Amerl be aUowad to remain In H A THOIIIAN

r shyter llIma ns bthlnd nnd ill frozen into a IlImp of ice III the rcd hot clucible (romwhich seizing the moment before it again mel it mtv bu thtown out befor~ lhe

Jeel of the Mtomsbed observer

We wisb some of our enterprising reashyderawould attempt the mtnuficture or ice

m In Granoda ~o the l~el8On who produCIlfltth Ii 1 III gI bull

e rllt samp e we w ve a ttptop no tice

l1J The Roman Elllpire In the Haith or illsIor did DOl colltain more than three milllona of aqaar mllel Th UolWd Btatu now C01enJ more ampI1an thlt aret Ind It latser than Rome wu when ehe If~ die mIIlrcel or the world

RNpeet tor amp 1Iuman Y81 Frellcbmall

1 II IlIelf BprInc Slimmer IIld II1II the und ot gea 1Iho woaM Il10IIII prohlblamp Oruada 0118 1868bull En iI WlbeJllnto belog ampbe germ orOllt (004 ialmIgratGD md PlCIgretl Bare natllrl bea Lost

dOlltlall that It 11_ 10 h_ happ~ ON TUESDAY the 81at 1111 LANDWAR God IIaItowend hill bleulnp and RANT tor 6 hundred drawn 10 favor

All th apMt or man II dI-fue H of J O ONqd SlIch mealln bJio beao ~ken as wID reruler the warraot or DO 11ft except t)

0 UR 8NIIIIIES DISPBRBINO the pellOl1 for wbolll it WM drawn ~I pel1lOn _ who returDS It to ampbe 8llbacrber Or Ib the olllce of

IntalUsenco IlpoD which WOampII reI II_SIIamp II Nlearag1IeOlle will be IUlleb~ OwaJ~L InampoGtanada thl mornlnamp 8tetet that the rem Granede October 18118 bull bull un or ampbe AlHed torcea are preparing to Itb -----_--=-_____--_

tllII~trJrlbundantin thllOOIIlltry f o(tbit compay in biadespateh ya

draw amp0111 the are _ding their lick forwanl to LHu and tUIng other pral1mlllampt7 for apeed7 lIIlllaum et 11 ftlalll nOlf with thembullbull matter or 6boIce If data-ed bull few da11 wo _lIIlder tho iIIIproa it wOllldIJ9 _ebullbulltarllllecMIlampy

SAPPIIR AN D MlnRl~Capt Hesse

1 have to state tha~uenr1 O Porter whom 1 temporarily appollltAld bt Lieu tlBa bhuyoo bravely as well in lIlauy III on euterlng Granada He was the only one to load the gun In ~e charge on the enemy beyond the Jateba Ohurch

ftampX A THOf1pound~) nHOLJl8ALE DEALER IN


AND ALL lUNDS or LIQUORSToSether willi

lIIN cOPzca tNJOs_zclJ1raOJV lIDiLL lUlIlII or GOOIII 11011gt 111 _ amu HOIpltalltreel lu Crout of 8enFllaelloo CouVIIDI

ClIIItda ~e_-18_66___~___ Dr ~I Po

TENDERS HIS SERVIOES to the oItIzetll Qf Granada and Ylcnlt71a tlte practke or

MEDIC ME SURCi RY amp lllDWlF 1 E m iRY l1J OftIet IIId ~ldC8 011 the 8Oohweat

the optain being wOIlnded and all the 1 ~ the treet GPpoelte the Bow FIanCitco other I~lel being either wounded or driven 0 JllIIet lillie from It under the hlllvy firing of the It entlmy Fagan lind Loyd attended well eeorder 8 Omee tomiddotall ordlllI and fuug1t well at Maaayn THE omce ortbe Rooorderor Deeds 1I01tpguand Granada Mr Latta WII8 wounded ~fortbJi 0rieIamp Depllltmetofthellepu~

d U Itc wU be opened III tho clt1 of G da CD Moo-In til exeutlon of bls 1Y mr Johnmiddot da7the 9m ofsptelllber 18L1amp All perIODs Inn did his dutj well throughout both required by Deero~ to bll~e their tltka ro IODdalD action al also did Mlll KcIeweR the r01ll8lld Departmen~ recorded within IIbc and Maloney monlha aAer that tI A Of LLIS

Recorder for the Orieotai Deparlm8llL _ W II P h_L i I GriDada Sept 6 18jI _ It lit w I II toe way _______________

to Buriingampun fn Ie ~o~did you knuw Tabor ampr 0118) 111( narnu waa Pat f Oh I guessed ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORSAT LAWshyitn ~D by t~e hOI~drker if yo Oftlee iii Et NJOAuovlIlI1I BuUdiOp-80ulh are 80 goo at gU_Rft Ie otter glllss 11 ~ol PIau Grnada NICAIIgIIa the way to Burhngton PartlcoI attention paid to e1a1 against til

J3gt An editor alks in talkin of po Goo~eiBOR 1 jOompan G-IIlIed Sergeant lIurrJ llOWIdmiddot whlob die AmerleanR b hlampl1l1J1o be811 treated ottmiddoty and matimonYt Who would indlte OWEN DVFFY r Ga~lIOamppt I 18C1(1

14 Ptlva Brandll OoUn70n Ellinger BIalrOII who bavII fallen Into It harul or the el1tlii) OIlDlts to a woman whom lie nw every Davlcl I_raftamp1IIiaIu Drummer onlar We call11pon the civilized lIaoos that - apeelemiddot Donlin in her night cap IIDd evert dlaquoy

tors ofuu 8tlllllea to nota ampbe dllference at dinner IIwallowlng meat and IDlhtard1 O~BS FOR SALE at his plac Se BollaLt 01 WouIIIW tA SfWII() Bi- Ballttllon ban iltreot ene bouee ampbon G PIt BeeCoiopampll1 A-t1iIto W 0I01ld 1Il1g1i1ly PampRPIOIIU CulII-FellolI-cltllll aald e tFTho bed of death brillJ1R on 1mmiddot char Ilore 1Jempan1 B-Plbalell I Dowell aUghtl7 11 bull h ~p llour Whlte-ltlllgar OtJUllee lIampIlkeralt Oil

~ do lllteheU do Fourtb of JQ1y orator I repea tho declaatoo I man beIDg to 18 puro IndiVIduality I to 011 eoKno VGIIl AfOIIIaticScbladem Selldo lIot bellevo there II I mOUl woman Of child In ~~tDen- alllhll1 Oorpo- the IlItenlIe contemplation of that dcepeat Stomach Bittelll Pbibulelpblll Ate UId H 111 do lriv A ruuerlon dangeshy this bolin IIbo b r_hed 1110 age Gfil~lY_ Ilnd most 8OIomn ot all relations tha rela Kllllgulan aDd Mdefra Win Cle7plpear SouJItI do J P lIle d(l but what has fel hit truth huuderllli throughtholr breloa C8l1tviOl gor iou between the oreatare and hill Creator TERMS ~_0lIl ldIJed

_ _~_____ ~_~~____M __ __


318 EL NICARABUENSEVoll No 51 p 2 Sabado 25 de Octubre de IBS6 Saturday October 25 la56~

lttpound 1 Jitaiagutnst ~ Satur4ayllominlt Octbull26


Promotion8 and Appointmenti lIJ~1I fllOll al OINpoundPU OIlDlI8 or fill lIIIT

PR OMO TIOlS bull C Ftfennlngsen Is appomted Brlgler Gene

rat ill tbe Ailny and will take charg of Ille OrdIWI ~ Arlllieri under orden from lite Comshylo~rIIlVCloi- n~ bullbullbull A bull

or bull _ ~ra III promo_ MlStentQuattermaster General wIth tho rank of LleutenshyllDtColonel andmiddot1II take charge or ~he Depar~ mant during the abaenoe of Col Illlller Quarto m~ter G_I Ia d u IPt III IIOrril QUlrtermaator promote JOt Quartermutermiddot Department

cpt George WLeoollfd Ifirlt Rlfttt II pro rnqtld Broyd MIJor for gallantry on the field0118Ib 1816

pt A Scltwa~tz ArtlllorY to bo 1110Pl Thomas Henry (UDMiaubed) Ie promoted

MflJor bi the Quartermllaters Deplrtment 11111 Lleol George B Farrand to be Ctplain liltt ampJellamp George W Glat Ald-de-camp to be

oplalnI tAout JlIIll1 F Schooh Company A ae

cone BIB Is promoled Captain Company A ~

Rlilett II -pled to take eAec October 18ampb 1656

The ratpatlon ofSecood Leu~ I a 8oDmlll Compan 0 ampeond Rift Is aCcopted to ake lIftte Ocober 18th 18GO

Th teelgnatlon or Second Lieut J W Polk 8eeond In1 II accepted to take efted Qcto ber 20tb 1866

The nelSlotion of Seeond LI J W vamiddot111m Second Rilles Is IIccepted to take eftect October till 1866


Col Thomu F Fllher QUlrtermoeter Oenera1 ordered to tbe United Statot on blllln811 of the Governmenamp WlII receive hie InatructioD from the Oomlllallderin-Ohief

Capt Wlllllm errmn Is granted leaf of abeenca (or ailtty dill from flle ht ofNovember18116 At Ita explmlon lIe will report foI detshyto tbe Commander-inOhIef

cp 1 NWeU Walker Ranger Dtlttallolffla glllllied leave or abeenee Ibr 1I1IIy day fromlIl November18i16 At ita ellplratloll heill report for ord011l to lite commanding omcaia o( bll BILlmiddotIIlIon

Cop J O JlmllOll Fi11ll I fanlry I gnlltld lean or ablence for elght1 days from Noycmbior 18t1868 At lIa cltpllllon he wUi report to the commandillg olllcer of bla Recltnent Cor orUII

Cal II Mallldorf Second Infantry nted ItaYO of abeenee 101 NU day At Its elplratlon he willmiddot report to lite com1l1anding Clllleer of ilia Bandon for ord_

Tlr Llent Robert GIIllIlOII Is gnllied leave of abINnce for mtl dAys At Its explrallon he WIll fllporl fGrdut1 ar Grailadamp to II eomlllanding of-

COIId Billes lIeer firat Lienamp B F Delaney Seeond IlIfnll1 III Fll1It LIenamp Lewis R Latimer IIm Rilles II

PIOllli)e4 Olpllln of Artillery gnnted Iena of abeeuee (or nlnet) da flllm llrit Lleut am Dunlcan Flnt Rilles I pro November let 1856 At Ita erplntlon he will

oted CaJltoln FIrat RlOos report to Col B J Sallden FIllt Rllin (of 01

SteOlld L1u B M Allderaell Compally A to deramiddot boa~IItLCoImlan1 B Seeond 11__ G Fi Lleut Arthur OOollnllr Seeond Infiantry

_Itt lUI YD orlbedmiddot paDY I auted leave of abllenee fOr lxl da fromFirat IIIfantrbull1e promoted Firat Lleulenaut Colli 1111110 FIrat Infantry

SNond Lleul O n WellFI11It ~IlIIl11 18 p

~=o~~ia~~~O~~I1I1~ Flllt Bla rolUoted Firat L1utampnant Firat Rilles S~nd Lieut B A Crhart of Ordnance to be

Firat ~~euteDaDtrt dLLleuamp aeo W nailer Second Infantryt lo - tit eutenlnt ~olld Lkll John F Price (unallacbed) Ia

))f41DfltedJijrt Lieutenant to repol to litomiddot Quu te=~I~fs 0H=~ Com A ae ~~4 -n __ to De Firat Llelltenftnt ompln A Steond JUfIM

a-d L1eld _ Wnllam Company D lieshycollli middotlUft to be Firat Lieutenant Company I

Second mlf~ RIa I hoorabl dJcba~oI from Ilia Army fItrmj IIO Porter 10 be1irfl LleUmlAlIfSllIl OOrporafi1anlel Smtlh1 00mpany D MtiiUUlIo

part till Ifhort I honondllrdlachfled - Ibe Army ~ Kleuelldotf Comrny A nangell to

b Firat Lit1tanllnt Oompany B Second 10 Iligoant-MlIjol MllIwel1 Allen Trll$ Rlller shy

nppolnted Socood Llelltanant Fl11It Rlao bull Firat Suetan Chl Wllklnoon Firat 1UIIcII It polntedmiddotSecond Lleute~antFirst JliflOi

Fillt Sargeant Carl G Sbockle Anillery I prOlllOted Second LIeutenant Ariillery r~rgeanl Hardin Jnlalllry Ie promoted Second IItORlnt Comptey a FllflI Jnfilntry

CeIlIt J V Conklin Company D SeeoDd Infalltry to be 8eeond Lieutenant Complllll B Iiecond IDraliky I ~ltlral IlenJ4aDelolter Company B Second ~~1fnnt~ nd Meutenant Compan7 D

Private lIrnncl Roth Company F Second In famplltry to be Firat Lleutellant Company F SeeoDd lnf4ntt

lrIto 1 A OIarko Company F Second I faDIr to bo Second Lieulanallt Company Ji Sec ODd IlIfantry

Prlvale Donnls E nlnea to be liecond Juumiddot teDant ampppOlll aDd tilDen

Prlute John G lla~ Company A Second RI tohoBocolld Lieutenant Company A SeeoDd RIIttJ Rirgeant IllIJot lugh Com8ny A Second _ft~ Second Lieu~nt IIlpteyA Beshy rriYlte B B-Yilt Company it Second Rlftet

to be 8eeond Llollellant Company B Second m 1Iu bull bull s~JaMi~~tod Seeond Lleutonan~ of

111 Slckl ia ppolna~ Second Lieutonant to date fiotn May ht 1856 (110 Ie acting at preaeot It AId to Brig Gen Fry)


Col lohn I Matich I reinstated and will kt1motlo~th~Fi1 Infialed fll RlfI 0 bull lit bull -e to 0 Irak Jk lI~n~~r Calling Oompftay O Secood InshyampII ared to Company 8eeond Iu-

The TreuaU RallgerJ with aU their equlpmonte are tranatened to di BIItamplllon of Rongelll b ~~ of llappef1l and 1I1n commanded

Noltmbr let 18GS At h uplratlon he will report tomiddot tho commanding omeer orhll Regiment for 9r4el1l

FIl~t ~wlcre~yQ~II~~D be 1I1U1 continue to IROn forwardbull It Ittut that cause of a conllnuanee of the oUlrage UP01 hi A pUtmanamp A Ita explratlol he wHl rellOn at Granada fO IIMer

Firat LIeuamp Robert Oardller Fraf lUlIea II lIltedampIe of abMllee for nlnet dlJl t weexplraUon of wlllcl1 b will report for ord_ to the commanding elilcel ot ilia Battallou ~ Llout J Bleier Jnaamptacbed) II _tod

Ihamplvenof llbaatt~t1ordormil O1t JJta~plratlonl te repor era at eueralutadqulricl1I


Sergeallt J A Bopldn Compan D Jim

rrlvato Benry Waiteill Compall Al~RIll 18 honorebld~arpd froII th Army

Private M Mlllloy ComPany A Volti~ tlOIle -dlui~ b~lariofltaereatlbu to rille 1t000000000lr fiIoiarnil hm lb Armlmiddot

Privata I4wlll P raquo CompOy 8Mond Inran Itdllollaraed trom lit army OIl Surgeoneertillcate of dIIobifity


Th n r oname of ~emiddot len D GoIcourIa IIl1tr1okon

from tho roll of III umy 21

AmtttIlT-On Thuraday evening Gen Ba1llo Illl1gaon 11amp01 the men under bla command OXOJo elellig In flle plu The JrtlllI) In two Com panles UDdOl the Imlnedlate direotl0ll8 of Mlllor Sehwallllo ClP DeilneT and cpt Farrand and tbo Sa ora and Min under Oa Hebaamp Tb

pp p e men were enrolled In maneuvrlllg lite mountallt bowltaera and frolll lite rapidity of tbelr 1000lag certainly ahowed IIIl1t1h profIcIelicy

shyOn ldal avenlng after bavlng ourcllod tor a

wblle on fll plua w111t blank cariridges a trial Wli mad Ith the regular sheila against lite wall ofanad ruin The captoIea proved thellllelw

aimed at and the aholle xplodlngIII the WIll tore out larg piece 1 IIPP_ to III from Wbat we ha _of tho e~ that wo lIbelle IItrildng In tho amplme opo will ellech breacb III fll8l1rOllg as adobe building aud tbat (or lite mlllorlty 0110

11011 directed Iliot 11111 be ~mclen The wall llrodlnto WU 1Ibullbullrly four flltt blthlekuou

fha Sap)lllt and Hillen coming to a Itoolder 1tIIT8 with hovello looked aUrat IOmlll1t odd but thoy anu line Iooidnglotofmenand are 0110

of Iho moat ulCfbleorps In 1110 aenlce

CoL T r Flnlll-W obamperY tllat 001 Thea r FIlbert Quartermuler Oeneral N A hu been dred to lite United Stotea 011 h_eII_nedld 11It thla (Jo__amp nelWl made Idmeolf euolt a Ibolite wllb tha paople of Granada that e

PLURALl1Y OF PABTIP9TONS The Late Insult to the U S Flagl The name of tle venerable Ind aimple dimeshy MURDER OF A1IERlOAN OITIZENS Dr TBg

MI1I Plrilnglou-18 In tltelle tlmell ol(n ug AILIED ARMY OF GUATEMALA ANIgt led There aremiddot now many lattlngton_ SAN SALVADOR man ho trlve to Irr01lI tlte advallce of oceanl wIth boom8Uclcl We are surrounded The murder of tbe Amricaa chIlena In tb~ b fllem I we read of them I ever mall brings city of OrMada on the Ush of the cormt aome new denlopment of flleir flllll1w labort month by middotlIte allied foreca of San Salndor tad TIley endampvOf to ouPvtlngton Partlngton by Ouatemala II one of tbe Infllmolll trtneaellolls IIIlng leas oIfrctual illBtrumenta In tbelr elforta to that mual for ever dmgraee the chllracter of tbe lIIeIIl more forcible and overwhelming occaM people bYllbom It 110 eomml~ted and bring tbe Th 11 I n ~ b II tImiddot bullbull middotmiddott h b I d Ibe or ~na anngton wa WII I nil a nl VI 1 ampIn em ~c D8Mloon9 un er e of th Clty of Liverpool now all England belongs contempt if not the dlrcct ceniure of every dr to flle famUy ud Franee by ylnue of ~ho Aliimiddot lIIlca Is ready 10 act Partington to the letter

Partington Is no longer II proper nAnle bullIt 1113

btltlomo common Ie ha beeome r princple of lclion It II now bull great pollllcal organization In facc Statesnol Kingdom tuck up thol PGIII coate and BtAnd mop In Iland ready to RlTelt tbbull rising tide of tbo limes let the cllort COlt wlo II m

TheN 18 an adage hich altlteugh worn bull II l

IItreadbue w would lIdbullbull6 arUngtolB 10

keep CODipleuoualy bofor them It will SIIve tbem milch labor and not a li~tlo ridicule ViII II Thne and tide wait for no mall In IItIa 18 l

b I Idworld of tllltli and pblloaopllYI If leh t fOU be weB for the Pringtons of tile age to aludy

Beroro lite wbeel of lime btU completed lIIlotber cycle Ihe obituary 01 ail lito Parllngtona wlllhabullbullnd ogalllBt hia protestltbeylllllt robbed him of

bull bull been wIllon I for althougb trutb IOmetlm reo all that wal valuable lu hl8110U8C Illd thon drag amp11 Itlell Iowly the dayla about to dawn If I~ ged out from und the folda or that II ltIcb he Ilot alread1 dwned when men wHl be conmiddot should huo mad hia pel8On ucrcd and hot vlneed of w) they ha kllllWD Or hneprof_d him Illh coolncea Illd deliberaUolt

10 know for a long tlme-illat man I a progr Aalf to add to the alroell tbey were nol COl

elvo ereature and tbat thlhllOllltabl WIsdom of tent willt taking hlUfe DlIlng all Americall illmiddot Dilialty haa set blm tranlllng In II patb 10 which IIIln inatead of protcetlng him while 11lng 1111 u

ou tbla road lhere 1IIa~ be ranters that lOme main alter dealb I Seven bayonets were tbrcel may atop oul of the Way and reellDe b) COlllfllltftble thl1lugh bll bod after he had bHD abot reatIng piIlClll but It Ie oqUillyt~ tllllt those The thought of how tkcao fiamplda dlnced lIm who teat toe long mUllt keop ou~ ot middotthe wly of lItel victim lind in thai hclliah glelr hinr

thcao who ate malaquoll~ Ollward or lltey WIU be JDOIt UllUredly troddon upon

It ClInnot be long before mOl will be convinced II II

ILlIeluwUIil laelrneat And the gray It Dot Ita goal

DWI~ thou In to dUlt returnnlVAI not spoken to Ib 10Ul

And that although Individual Of cles or peo

pi lIIay heeome u 11 were withllred limbs In tbo great tree ofllf flle mmk canllot pariah bll~COII country Be had been here tbrOugh two rr_

nd _~ III It h ~ed tlul I II 8 bull -_ 1111 as _III grea porpoaea (Or wblch It lloe _ied

But the Partinglolll of EurOpe and America IMllllnospahle of DIjIkin tbe proper deductiona 111 Llo of ellta~ fll8y aeem u Incapabl 6of comprahendlng the great lam of hnman 1I1e lIId thlr Teneraoto progenitor tbe tonlea whleh ro IIlated we ebb and 11011 of the AtlantIc

We a haYIng now re-enacted 011 tho etage of European plllr lite sceno of In lIleb tbe Par tlngton of ~be Inquilitlollllgured wben a lItey would ha us auppos clolltcd In tho IOlemn 111

h lItorill or God they compelled II nnar1lbla p Imiddot lesopber to relnee bll_dOll relative to the revolntlon of tIe amplrih But a1tbou h litis d I to aholl tI era ~I f I thmiddotYv r a me a gen e n tIrae the pro- of lit ampIlll iteelr WII not reated and the ParUngiona of tbe Old World w1loe 10 aaslduOua In thrlll4in fllelr mope Inm flle advanclo wamptora of lite sea ~r P n III allOO8ad onlYin being conllnced in ~d that

olteellont marbmen lhe1atruek the preollupot notwithstanding their elflllta flle world will con

~g (fou tJIIl~~ecd under tbe orden of donbt nol be 111 reoal Ii pleaeant reoeplioD do not weigh mere than a grain agalnat the elllrtll

t1nue to wag OD

It we tbe I lrit of ParUn tonim tbat threw obllampaclca In lit path of CoImbU 1I0d Luther alld KOllath It 11 to legllJlallng In tbla aplrlt that EnglandlIIayttnDute lite 10lIl of her North American Colonln and to tllil aplrlt Bpab) loa ber AmerlCftD POIIIIdIIIOUl 1amp Is the Parllngtonshylam of th that cndeavo11l to arreat flla Il1o Taneo of llrragua In flle road of 1101 desilny alld that would atlgma~ If pOIIlble one of th

b d _~ h1MII _t an moat nt__ men W 0 ever unmiddot dertook naople to proeperty

BII~ to lite philosopher 1114 lilt_ thllk thero Is a OOIII01atlon III the knowledge thllt erente are guided b7 111bull luperlor law of an aUwlle Deln III whOle balance the elloru of all the PrUngtreg

RESlrAATIONS The etlxnltlon or cApamp OIlldes A Gore Se

eoIld lUlu Is accepted to eke olfect October 1tIIl5O

Tliolampllgnltlon of Firat Lleu~ A M Pittman Firet Infantry II accepted tomiddot take tlleet from October 3 18Gbullbull

TIae retlgnalloll or Recond Lieu Groaa Second

wheruOlhe COIII We 111111 him afiaorabl TO age and a )Iced rotum

DItrIlIlDIIN 0 GIIIIUDl- We 100 been handod I 11 II th lIamn of all the persona wbo were present at the defence of Orampl)ada 011

th J11th and 18th of tbla monih It erowded out fllia eet We shall probably pulllllh It in our next IlIue

of WuhlngtoD er a Walker or 111 olhar of the InlltrUmonll wbose Ilame we might adduce wbom Be lIIOIintbo developemont of HI dealgnt

Tn I QuJlPBu VITVs-TbI8 flIslllonlble eillb we regnl to eay haa ceased to elleamp Au loq 0fO~ Ita remailll brought In a ferdlet of died of eoIIapea of tbe pocket RguitmJI ill p4tbullbull

IHzed nation_ It I nnmiddot ac~lon ao rar bOlond tho pale of 011 clrllifLd cII9toma8S to render IllmplJtoI I r bull ill E cld I

abo 0 Jual cation ~~ry In onl Olcry e ( eumstanco connected wlln it ene only 10 add to the guill and ink tho porpelratOll of Ihe onto Iago dcpArln tbe grcd 1lqulty

II cannot be Mid thumiddotlt nlpp1tml u or wbile tbe IOldlera 1010 in suebe Illtc of ~~ cUemen as not to be aware of what they did I I for I yet theyliad nOI been enpged in any BC

L1 h dmiddot L h d b t on nor a oy Il B ot yel re npon tnOIll 1 any of tha oltizens of Gmnada The residence of Mr Lawl_1s allUftted about midway between the large plaza IIIId tho Jalteba Chuteh Ria

bull h b bullbouse wal tho flral tber came to In a tag b Amerlco~ls lind wltboul pl1lvocotlon or culo while the American tlftg lfBI tIiDg over bla door

bullbull deprived aD American citiZen of life bee mlng iii Intoxicated witb (ury III to conlinue to Ibruit theit byoultalnto him la heortmckening

TheBe men cannot ucue themselves b 1lnl tbey were not awaro of LawleSl VClitlon Ibr h I Id d I II rat L av ug res e n t 8 coun~ry len yelm

spoke belr langulge Iluentl n wu 1Iell knOWI

tilroullbou~ Ibe country ampI a merchallt 110 bad never utor(ered or took part III the politlca of IhIt

dOli and mere than b(~w8ra utl had alWAY Ih reapect abown him Iue tbe flag llhose protoellOllha clalllled Belld all thl he 110 doubt oxi

bull pWoed hI JlClIon h lng bd ample lillie to 110 It but It avaned blul nothing tha~ be hid nol takeJl part In the wlra It lled him noihiaLbullbullbullbull I h- d I L ere were ItO arllll D Ie _ an t 1amp1 u~ wu 8Plrely 4efenceleu- a clrcumtaoce that among any people wltb a apark of chivalry or hUlnalllty among them wold hlYe 8Ied blalif He claimed to be an Amelican citizen and eluinr beneath and cillmin~ Ila pr~tectioll of the Star and Strlpell was by the deml demOllsmiddot ( we callIlO wi tbeln men) coDildered amp erime worthy or bull

hd d th meat orn 0amp

We do not wish to caUIUelltion esplloWl W lite death of the Rev Mr Wheeler bo IIU eUi gaged In lite ploua duty of dleklbutlng the ACIId Word of God amont tbe people of fllit pllCl

wltem neillter te aacreel banner orChriat IIOt Ih ftlllJ of Ihe Ulllted Stet cOIIloi aIIVO frou lite ruf 611111y butcbery nor to the murder of the Belr Ferg1llOD nor to Mr Camenl 1Ibo waa dng~ ~ed rrom the bosom of hia family And murdered hllo proclaiming that ha 1111 lin American oltlzen for tbe clrcum8laOCeli of thel~ death Is let rO~IIa plalnlyln tbo lIIIoexed aIIIdvlll i O do we wial( to make any oommenta upon tbampl deelre to get fller American Minister-who Willi at the time prot-[ trated by DlII83l1-1nto thelr huda tor w eel middot ured It wlluld be a work oCIuporeroptoultlu1Il parte tbe caae wID be setforth to the people ar the United SteteltJ by tbelr reprlen-lI e IIIQ we doubt not that Americana wHl indilllto Ibelr

dignity Btl we would ClIII attention to the faet that Ih

flAg 0 the oomparatiyely email BanHate toOI of Saxony 10 Europo waa raapoetcifbull hlle lbe American col011l were being abot at alld rlddleocl Wllh bullete whllmiddot tlylng ovor lhe bOllee of tbt Americalllliniatel and served rather to leduc outrage tban alford procctlon to th_ bG lOught ita ahelter 8 tbe following aJIIdill m bow

LEO Ollmiddot or UNlTro SumOJ AllIIle I liEU RmzllLtC 0 NIOaUOIlA J

Till day pereonally appeared betore lIIe Jamnl George Wledomanll nnd moe OA~ thai I ~

A-gores of the lIled Imyof Gllatemaltl I

319 El WICABA6UENSE Volt No 51 p 5 Sabado 25 de Octubre de 16561 Saturday October 25 1856


tile n SteamOl La Vhllo Capt Thom IlUlkert~rlnd al tbe port of IlrauadA on the ~ytlllDg lotSlaquoturd-y tbe 18th IDBt Iloe brought Jutem -lIP 0 1I1t of UI HItIt monb

br - bShe fOlIgbt o a Ollt ~Igbty Plt888Dgtl1l who nteld ljO nelde I~ 1111 COIInuy list) of 0111 ~ Joinell the NlcarogulIII Army Among t

- I IBanIfa we nol ct tho lIallle of Clt)L eonlngftnHow~ Joinell theNlearagutll Arm1andla In COIomlllll 01l11li ArIlIl~r1

1111 Jla Virgin brwpt alao tor the Army lU1 bull o if h nd-A M- L d middot11IDr ell X II nu m mUlld III i 11 et lour or wllb Ibclr ploper equipment the evrig~ for tb mountdn bowltze aI_d ro -- ld II Ivge quantity OfulIllullltlon

81 f I

struggle wUI be between Buchalampll and pOllUoR a alellder -agure and ver1l1ght bllr reoIOIl~ lillmoro ma however bo much BORland and Frlllee h made II warlike 01 alronger batt tbe pllbllc h lID idea of If Ibe 0I0nllramplloll aallIamp ~be Kin ofSarcllnla AI

ee 0 middotpapr we earn thI All the dey atproeCllee for Ihe rleSidential eltctlon In the tultcdSlateltlllulscltcmentalld1nleruUllor_

be nfoet ngg_1ed ltalemen are IDade by of lb riftl candldatea relale to

iuoqUt t II weoed wIb mor ~OtiOD ormore UDshyettlalra I lIor caprlceelIIan 11080 two Statee now

I od ha P ll 1amp t1 middottt t 1IlPlji t t en 1 YIUI I go or ImlomrDUllffilll4ll Ia 1101 cet~ of Ilanflng It iln Ib1~er ~andlt hlwampy been e Btrong ilIIIICIlItie 3Iett and h ginn Ddehanan large

Ai e roof of 118 entire dovollon to Uoellty I Hid lbal In Ita remoter di8lcta llaer are lililarge ItlllDben of Totee _t fqr AnshyUtW J~80II t

AI Ne York no etandll the Fremont men Ire alma I Ilire or ber But II e fllred tbat 10 otdtr I ifeeure tho election of lluebanall by Ihe L S d fN Y k 11o~r ~e thO emoerac ew or w go

om 10 1111101 The bull 4ft oro 8() nicely halllllud tbal eonaldmiddot

bit a~lIl1la of mOD01 are illaked upou tbe rampgt fill Willet III accounl of a mall wbo ble to lIhu aUIbullbull hlllr oft bl heed If lIucbanlUl Is 1I0~ Ilt~ted b_IID Ie e or bIa elCllllon be Is 10 be d lIh all lhe blta be CQD wear ri I -mo Buehan conUnue to realde I

Whl middotlIollll8 Thill aIlnde UI or PlOl8OiIor Stowe-hlllbllld r n Deecher 8towe-wbo wben Ihe FIIgishylift SIt LawwlIS p-d re latered vow that

oul~ not M hla beatd cut untO the Ia Will Itpeilled Il lla needl to that by this tim IU beerd of tho Proteeaor hal altainod coRaider

A bull Welangth lIla mil1 wil~ at lOme ulure time I able to 4etermlne the time which bae elapsed ~Rce tbbullp_go of tht celebrakld law by a _Irtllellt of Ibla bireuto ppendage

Olll neighborS Ia the Solltil It 11111 ben b

rtfHOell to lIIother pitt of tbla pape haye art IIt14 at a period wboll tbey are beginning to acl lei aot througb any ellerg of their 0100 but by

bull bull Iho torceof the elective spark wblch tbe pr0111OIt ~ lb AjDerlealll excitebullbull Aa Ie lIIuaU the cue ill ueh spaslllodic e1f~rta tbelr ICtiODS are neltber -At( b d Ira UI I ateedI-~ ~ pru ollee or grea~ til geDco II of t1llll~g tbolr atklptlou to tha aeveopomoot of cIIt reour0e8 or their St they e endeavoring 10 ftrm I agalnaua wllo If tbey 8amplIdled Ilatlr deg lotereat tbe would not olllylreat aa

htelben but endenOf to ludaoe us Inlo tbelr _trie b offorlng lerge 1IIwarda to U8f1 lIIIerIca fho would Httle amollg tbem

go andmiddotdo Ukewlh tI Ibe would In fow lola uame was reeeIedmiddothe ~onoludedlIIIId IDUO1 c u Aoa_ fII IlITIIIIo o BD-Thill L bull ~ Ia peu enklrpriae whleb for bullDaB1e Iou _med

han reuon to Ie the - the merleau lIle pp - too i11cH1v7 plQJce 10 lie HriOllllJ eoklrlalaed tbelr denl among them II Brig GeD Horuab waa II atbullbull II Ie 11IeI u Ihelhuadelplla IAtliJrr to pIO

The Elllpero Alolnder of Ruula u _wued drank with ~re and th _II-I- not onlypn bullileallle blit to be aowal _Iilrocl lakll with peel ctltllOll1 DIIfInc laquoIlGlIamp- The oople of Gtuadr- uu _ ~oo_uIoa 01 ~ GIld lIIMaWio_ tIon the BDlpelOl lIrtIMd dlllllfllamp1llt liNt lllto lliftl amp111 the lUI Ie SOl Ill of bJ a

-r hGould he alloed ampveryluiUt iol publleblnl tbe JiIoJ-wa receld wltb leug 111 incident or the cerem001 The rep_led Brig Gen Jit111 I88po11111lo 11 draIIk to of IIIe Pope _ reaehed on 1111 occaeIon be- The Bed 8kIr of 1I1earas- t shy

I - --

blo IUCIea From all we can learn 10111 Hill quallllcatiOllll appear ~ bo good die-

n -0how othinc oIemenamph anlbmg Ike llalloolmiddoth boen ordtled -to the SardInian potU middotf9t111er rloctlol1-(f OIgIlDIZlltlon aod kllllclt to fhe nowl from Frallce I unimporlllll i01In principle beymiddot ilia) lIIlrprlee the Union 10 111 France hM growll up to hemiddotalli8 tat bilallbbeb

lire th_ ofanr other _IfY neCoatalUcanuNboglnnlnr(OltamwladoD

end theIP rttIIerJ to (ullow Preildellamp Xora III lUIother folAJaplneUflO8IIguI ucla_pIcIou

III our m1lld tltt they beslnlllng to bow wbats b

Tile 11010 from Buropeta DOl of III In -eat til l1li In Nicaragua Q_ Vlctorla lib a good _bl mother Is endorlug Iogeh lIItmiddot ablo spouao for hr aupterl Ibe 11111_ RoyalPrlll~ irederlck-m lrlIstlt 11 at proeenllh fa rltA In 1gtvl matrimOlIai IIIIrkel H baa aCeltmIpanled lbe roJa moth~r clllrllJU

middotmount~t roogtiI laddoll M unexpected Amiddotcoup u fat 11M been lIIk1mpted in Paill bJ -rrf nI hi its lerth to taIt the B~I u rtmiddotIIlI PrtlllllllIIPpcaraneeago their eandl- (leott~ODollnelltIukod ltltIeenlIlllheUa 11 IIIIee from Franklin the ed_ltlWd Irad rona hladoctor mullraquo alld air w pxketshyltlale ud Ibemlelvenn rar behind dcrblllleedenahSp 1b_Spanlahtroops hoW poue 011 bJthe plekel prltl ofbe rNIIOt hllllditerehlef

middotTho DfbIIlIIIn lind FrolllOlit lien are hathon 8Ionof Madrid bllCmiddotthe blew wa nOlllrlld 1111111 1114 - man killed The meIu bod WII hUll~ F4t 11111 ~-l---A-rua-n-p-n-Jal-Ir-porler aid il 1kelr 111 III In 8upplieatlon before tbe State middotof laneoueI~ amplllbe luge ollie mt therefore lcLraplcllY-~Inrr th pu~ofaIampok wa eo olOOllelt amp be ~ tbu ibnup -CD in lie Yo ftud Ponll8)lanl4 There lIever w only parllllllluCOO88lal A eho ar Ia SpaIn II 11 Je is ooei Jirallkl how -It grolt ~~~litl~way~~ma4t billlyen- iwI Ja

bull IlOOII t 1111 w II mo OU _ bullbull h1111therefore hlehl probahll It Ia thought -be w IIIalI aad tho collklmplated atiMlk JIOfi hbonld laquolad 10 bow NId tbeuegioL Wii France ie IlIlIOlIIe nYllOl1l1eel4d wllb the 1IIfaIt POlolied Thethumr -ped ~~ ~~ tllteat no Iongel alilee tbUl Ju~ IIlpl-agaillaamp II wil1middot R~~ h bull 10 1IIdlt e - t nes -lgt 11_ t -- poelufely lilted 10 IIblMOQ KaN mldlllampht howeyer (1ft aspreu Ived III IIUIIp A IaQd peculalor 01lt W- ladeellcllo

until LIlt mill of 1100 Allied rome hqultted with ~ Informaloa tllat 001 Oook wllb I _e his trac IJIInI th eba be Inaallilidl J th CrImea Tork h for the pretent nnt foroa of U 8 ~bad takeo lip I porJampIoall clcreel It Wu 10 h~lhl ~IIDd Ulera aDd 10 frem the dlplomalle boti_ lrolt of Ltowr8llCt the 1Irpoee or pIOleoI dllBClIIamp for toIbto dlO tbel iIII thela~ablampaAtiIIbtd

It froIn the pro~d ~I ~ Coodli~bu 10 draw tbelr lui breatb With a eolrallre ~aPOob _u to CI_Ie PRESIDENTIJtL SUPPBR toWlIJIIIlIOI810 Gel H~el~ warllln~ oe Pcmy eliC~bullbullVeUowoltben ~ t

__ tbe _equellcaa of III lkllllplOO lb bull It ollllh of JII1 ora hepiaHie ckdara 1On tbe nalramiddotof the 19th laaamp tb FI14 61B la uld that CIII Cook IIa~ beell Milt b1 Qea do noamp believe amp10 Is 11I~ wo_ or eIiIIllo

ly wbo w urgeatly oliel b) ~ people ot IIIIa ho_ who It_ttubed the age otM _e~ alld 018n of tbe General Stair Wlib a few Iewrallee 0 lDte~ Cor lheIt ~QJI Qn b~atmiddothU fell tilla tl1lth tbuwltriag ~ Cltizell8 lDel 81 the Pre8Ident lIIena10n ad tIM lb nib Gew -0 arrIYed at FnnIdlll amllled tbelritnilllll flPcQrl ag I

tlook of eupper bull oolllllllalion with Ibe IIIIoera of be lravadlog -10 h

bull th I 4 Dri ifill S IOld thembetmiddothe WM prepllCed en- I11III D ~ eaklr 4 9 _ushy_l _AOIOnamp guellawenttoe gI~enerrJ foroetbI teUftllHheoleutlimltowuhla eldeiitl11I~uowedf_gnIID80ftJcbtibullbull

JlorDeblIriglcllerOeneral Fry Drigtdler-Oeaeral _1Ioo J aupprtlll cllaordere with the aht of _04 ttom death lit the ampIinIhPa~lllIi1lf ehlOro-nnneingllJlftW Xbull RQgcro SubS ot Jlaermiddot tbe-~middot~ IIlJder Jb---middot~iIatit fmn ald bullbullbull~ elida CoL Pb R Thompson Aiijt OiIabullbull N AI the Interpoeilloa of XlIreu aHer (Jell ~ BII or~t qllellioo At tho 001 Ales Joo P~lIIUIer 0nl N AI ~e~=n~- t 111= lIowlhhen be l8i dO~alrO Ii iWir did Col T F Flab Q~termUlter-aeatlll N A thai be had)lllt UrtIIkId to or 190 ouIIa Who Col Ocoqe B Hall 00mmi1Ml)raJ N Awoold be prGperlJ tried b1 the lepIllUthOrlIIaa Whi III amp man wamph acom 06 middotetu toe Atl 0_1t 1 M tbe geollOmtaaU de10 take of the yltodl Aa _ the cllIIIIeaire

1eIIIlt)f Tho Hdth of tho pruldenlor lhe Republic

or Nicaragua was propelled and~lIk Ith eoshythualaam 10 tblt the Pretldent rtIIpoDlled propotllll W

Til OlBcera or the Nicaraguan Arm

The lIetlth oC General William Walker w III

en propoatd and drank with Ihroo ebte Tbe Generallf caUed upon to reply It1IIlmoatl posalblo 10 gl90 ao Ida of Ibe ellOlrI~ ellbOl loll words prodllCed IIded by loll graoUnl geelleolallon and peculiar feror we CII 0111 Mltmp 10 gIe 811 idee of wbat ho Hid bull

When bla 1)AIII had btllI repoampteclly oalIod he roee lad 14

GIIINTIIIUIM-Wbtever or hlator helon 10

tba Da wbalOVer of the 1I1111rol 1liiy be 1810shyorared Wllb It owea more 10 Ih lid recolfed ftOIIl the wisdom galbwlr) and derIng 01 Ibe geotlem811wilit wbom ampbe lndlYidual wbo bean i baa had the good middotfortune 10 opente thaa 10 III merit he blmaeU po_ [Cbe_l Ao lodiridual wbyenleer posltloo be 111amp1 bolitla gea oat

01tho P1l2I he repteaeDlII maltee hrlll gMaL It M Ie_ en tbe approach or Goy Geor Hept J A Ii my Ibrtene to lie the repr_tame of a with U S VcIopI aud weDI towlIllII Ne~ lIarr1l1g1on S prlnelp e willi hlcllyou all Imboed_ prin All b qqet ia tbe IerlllOl1 Henr A clple that cannot OOCOllftaed 10 thIa 01 an OIbtt Joaea J It

bey pl pro8t in thla pllttloqiar by 11Iuon- clple of ulIleraaI fraedm It mlltt ooalln to spread nlll I erubracee nOl OQ all hllcoatlshy

ucl ott 0 EtDperons Nicholas And AlulIIlnder ofnent bul the conlhlenlll of the old orldmiddot It will ll~ jhO bull IOn ililOctl to the United change old Y8amp8IIII ~d reinfipale -i alld Slates t AmoriCllII moehanica to come aDd Ive t~ Old 1flithorldNrecelung lIedlOlPullel ampom lbe

n~ oll 0 e ew 10 ellen to UI the paklmll In Ibelr 01111010118 and tbote wbo aceepted tbe embraCes of a IIlIivelllll blll~hhood (Iodlullallo have beu reated In a mallner com- cheering] __traIl wllh the wealth of llie Empire W080 After the General badcoQcludod TheSoldlllra

resoured tbelr Ibor will help 10 dovolop There of Ihe Nlcaraguall Army WII proP080d IIIId dlllllk I I I E tb t b d d I III hId b DO pe~o II urope n n vanee n e WI Oil C eel Arts of l~te a tIo same ratio lUI the Ruselall Utlg Oell UeoDmRBOo 10118 (Irank with IIlucb

d I l 10 L II E I ltb b bull All n fer coyer e en re IIIp 10 If a ent wlm lind III retpoollO Gon lIalogaen Aid Aetwork of ralroad tho Emperor bas Inlol semiddot In lubatallce Iltal he nOI muob 8OOWItolatd 4Wed til icoB of 8ovorai Amerlc1l engineers 10 liking ~et that ho w eatlrely a

apot It I - broad ue wllwene-lt Ii ampbe prla-

There were HyerrJ -er toute __enI draakaadabouU oeloek the geDtklllen Ithmiddot drew to their reaIdeII- mllCb plcued with amp0 ellteneinmtll


fUll lI ona ampIID ntce PROOLlIllU-lllI

bull t1t01l 11011 111110 Th St LoQIa BYelllllg New of Seplembe

Ib b the followlDamp IUlpllIIl1amp IIew1 Wo v clalei ftom 118 JSOlGer 01 me 1111bv _vl- t Iuamp -11 of tb war In

Kanua alld c1rculllllaneea atlendl lb 1IW Wal1 of peace amp Frtnklln

Tbe MIIsourIu we 10 their word tUlObed ampom Wolitport to aItIck Iewrlllloo on th nthT w compoud of OIIe reglmeD cit ampos_1 eae ef mounled m_1n all 1400 _ al- We dool _beu es_pte Ifre 10 lend Ii four pleooa of aHII1erJ Gen utt11 -1 ora - alike bllamp atdilterenl 111_middot In command On tbe 13tb aad 14th thete t=~t=O~Ath

~ebrmfori= rwbull Jllltlce

lamplllzed by came G8II Atelillollto tho dWt Itefohillou ere peel decJerlo ilia relllng OIl the proeCtiOll promised 10 peacelll bullbullttlenl bl tbeGOYOrIIO~ tbe Ibelnndlog army would dltbaud l1li01 relll to ~belr 1I0m_requ~Un the Go _ 10 reergamplllA and diatrlbukl middotOtCllhe Tern ~ Cfoe of mllllla to p~ the Mtthln from _auderl atld robbera-alld reoommeodlncIhal CoL Tim be made commander of tbe mUfti of Ihe Territor] lbe )(-urlane llien broke up cunp aed returned boule except th_ wbo Jp te)lded to IIIIUI lit doe l~

Tbe aillet or OH bullilretl 00l1li UrtIIkId bYGo 0 belollged to tho flOIIPIIA of Cal HlltYt1 wbo made ampbe aItIck on COL aolleriton

WI-d~~ t4 ~~III to f~ lI4I all __e lIpOIl t bull rae_ deg lUllmiddottIogocean middot10 -0 bl thle muno bue made report III whielr the d~lhat the ilia eouId be built OIl neuI7 dlrlaquot rltlIIte from sfamp 10 the OWt01 P~- with braneb Iio Ibe Nile The00fi It ts7~ 1114 the oooatructioo will take IIs88 At 8oM2lIfeeuf_wlllbetoliad M lIle diMDce 01amp000 feetlrom t4e bull_ The plrl 10 be ooiIIiInIcl4d III the GWI of Patm whleb the former proJect plaeed a Ill boUom ofth GQlf wiD be located wei mllee 10 the Willi 011 p or the cout wbere the wa1s 211 fee~ deep Ai leu ~han the cllatance of wo IDUea Tom tIN IOore mt where IIIIchOlampg g~ It Is tlmueil bet 1 -IU fie do In 4IN11cpbeleen the rotpeCtibull place IIld Bombr III fdllowt (Ionalallwllople 1J900 Havre 8928 Lolldoll 86GO LIrpool 8560 He York

7311 Ne Orlean 8178 Hore IhaD ball Ibt 0) I -een Ihe prlndp porloofJilliropo alld Alaia bJmiddot Ibe propoeed l Tbi slugle fact lIholllicalmmenle IIliIIl) 10 ill Damptlollll ail weU as 10 BVPI and Torkej olld ril lIeur tor iIamp projecCUnl the belt wlshea of the elvill1fd world

III view or faoII the 00_ lIIIfd the Ilk alargci landhold~rf Beea_ ~ ill p-d ~ to ~ 1IIIt middotbadoa tbeli- of tUII odtM-1IIeIII(It - 1

Gel Atobleoa Gen Reid and CIII TIl4 -Why iii a Inr Ike kIIoclampert Becaa~ dreaed the meetiR ad lIrlIed complianoo 1amp ho lIIiHotml to llifW4 (a d_) the GoYernor prOpol61 Th Govenaor thel bull -poundt

Wlthdrw from Ihe ~ to alfordto 1 Iist 01 Ietter IOUrlaaaauopportulloace amOllth~ D-rJl~middoth nIB I d 0IlIIhla ngeoUon A _tllIlI w jllllaDllj I e bull- v lII1ICO omiddotwag Cf tee ve

Iober 11 1866 lIolt Ooa(Dlrdeall V E tBullh J G Bllllch J BbardO E Bremer JClarlt ll WCaaIIlIo C Ohecklcy Xlll CUlton I Daly Iol J Jlllher J A lir141 Jishfr G W

aI Ulek~PoInl They were 08pwred at G_ GeuIeall 0 A ~IolillB oppotIte LeeomptoD OIl 1beIr reamplIrII Go1tbArl P A from 8ickory PolnI to Iampw_ 1111 ead bet (1_ J 0 Iathe aampempllO vteA them _ U S eoWter Hanele It fourteen of lfes men 10 killed HoagllUld M H

Lene III not Iio be folllld 10 eIIeTerritor II Berdy C

Fuu o bull t ftlna-lbe Now Orlealll Della Jorge A lHms tbat Red lUvor hu dimmed up lla owa Klpp S V inOUth and now mlkea 118 w y 10 Ihe Gult LorIog L th d Atcbaamplla B l fb II d bl Llnere or B

2 1~ X 11 LlflngslOn J WlIcGulgan 0 Hoy A Korri H

McCann H a IfcCudle J

Jlanofill S Mooney Hamp sb 1I Nellr E A OsborD D C Poal Dr A Pearaon J T POit Hlu A Roper J Hltllaquogton e 1 Roulrand ~ Sd1 Dr

- Scott W L 81110111 D ~ Sklnna J C Smiloro H SlantbrT7 E II Warren Wheeler 8 H WllIlalll800 CaptWIHiamSOD J

lIuilii tbe fOr~middotedurereor thdegat ~ til )8116bull and tbat at oue IiIlHl neTer Iouched III M - amp X TIIOlampIV lib d III b~ II b llI bull - I

I pp ut pllrlue bull coune w 118 1I0W WHOLESALE ])EALER IN Ulned elllptIDglRto the Gulf far to the ell I of Ibe Iolillalaeippi Tbo Red RI Ie now to BRANDY WH SKY WINE~IIld Ie remhla to ho up whether whcll full It _ t wUlliot re-opoo be outlet to the Joflulaolnnl ud AND ALL KI~fS OFihLQUORB Ira mill wIIb the aIbA~ of Wuerif - 40geer If bull r rrN COrrBn sJrJ9DBn2-rrzoJV

U-- J I L L 110 4Lt lDliOO ~ 0001II IOUgt NA WIIOUIiIAuU 8 TILl YI nOIY -An mIII - HltrJ etroet ulltoI ofampIIFruei800 COIlbaen lick for a long hoe and whit1n this _ate GIUIIlda Junlgt 1 1866

would OC4ulooII _e brealblng ftIId IIr be ------------ --__ - -Dr AAud Pobullbullpparanll eslhletfoe 80m tIMe when he wooIshy

~ III th~ dockyarde of lttllllia An~rICIIII 1I1collamiddot worker and that he ca~eto Nlea heca II apln COllie to On one or these ~ heo fBNDfRS UIS SERV1CESto the Ilhtz~Dbull1 IIkI hn~ lhe dlrectlon of nfthlrt The OODIC- tb ht II b It - - be lind JIIII awakeaed from bIs Bloop lgt1rIok uk Granada and vicini ill ilie praclille of

OIIg ero t eoe w wOr 10 do He would Ied 101111_ UITlCllli SURGEoy t_ H1DWlhIiJi qunoe fit 11111 will be tbat In a abort IIme tile nOl hae eome h_lt he uppoud Ibe tllICI8 of And howll w bo Jlmlll1 when oura IIIIWJ ~ bull l u j1l bull lOt

IwMlaII Veue6 III bo IIblo to compete III speed bla laborwOIIIS be IlOI1l1ned to IIII1t pI_ Re dead-1011re after klnup ini thllOf OftIce an4 roal4caCe 01 tb aouIbwl ted dumiddotmiddotllt with tb but buill Yankoe clipper tumln tballka - th b 1 bull Brlalg III a gleu omiddot Irioi an IA7 to tU- comer of tho lampreet 0pPOllltc tbe San PrandgtltOAoLr bull wr e on~ goD omen p hero lilt 1 Jimmy -airIf I dOll I au OouonL ~~~e~~ AlUerlclIiIorthlloontln~l1lw~to OIlteonre~upon ~m by ~ IIIUller In wblob IdbrlDk thin blll1 meor Gtanu Jail 1860


320 ElNICABA8lfENSEVol t No 51 p 6 5abado 25 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 25 18S~ i t l

BRIG dNN HENNlVeSIIN ketnft4 tore lItelrlllaquopoampolllpu gri_r __ dlis hnmlllatlcm Autrl of eOIl- Iolaled lit COM~lISSION IpoundR~ SALE

t ~_11l loo1ltlnl 01eI 1lI6 l)emOOlamptI Rlew lOr t~Ir- tIe pJlva~ aIl4 lIIampIIy _______ t86l1l dad ~~1I1D ~n the ampIIlprllD W-r TIIlrtee lIUDPm td_ ana geuellile Of pURSUANT to an order leeIIed by the Board of CommlWon I gtfIll on d1IFJ~T DIY DlIloh the ClOIIdllCt an AllCIIont iDd ablllamp of note_ dlieclly tbll lulftlldvballled or JANUART 181S7 ofter die lbiIowingmiddot invelltoried propottl for 80 III pllbilO ItU(tUIIlmiddot pigt he lleteODI bo llgu~d hl ttamiddotiermtlllOflbk bo tthoullbdley had bad fw 1IIDIlth ill1Itelr the IIUa It the citl Of ~randl middot1 Uiwwe are carefully lorDed OTUIO told amp ppwer 1wrIHt Atmtlpd Atulricm H olall TetIIlI-Ou~ or IIUllar1 WpL bull ___ I lie ranka priloioll irlthoulltluriuamp OIl or them The laIe HI conllnU1l ampom lay to dar IlnUHn~ wiolo 18 dtaponu Of troDt BIb fall upon tbembull Speaking 1gt( lhe Gdrse ampelng ~he middotol)ltllllll wb(nrvmiddotpl1t bull pta Pankos deahtma of leeing the property and emiing for tbemaelvtl8 will 06 fllmned ~ll

nr6I11 aceouna tba Ilad bean ltritten lip to lhal oner (Counl Ziclly aD UDollarim) to dBatll horselllld gukl8 bllppJioallon at my oftIce - I irrul of thla lDem_ble 81rOssie Alr eiloll ana Amolllllt lbe Icllml were -e mell of large V I b e ed In It we Grid tJle toUorill (orhme w~o1D the ~II were _nxlou to d V1I I PEY INamf 01 Biulli I _-l_oP_1I_0I ___ RtllIlIrk4 ~ e DIU iii g tpoO toll Balllyampbyl ror bilt eatftld wordl Hacienda do aeao Roaano IJOiii llItololo Lopez Treo hI full bearing tI4middot11) Tho tnl connected ndlaWlillibl_nuflllreemiddotliilllloaiordollampnmiddotOeneIK coodemD 110 do Oandetari Do Youngtreet 10bullbull0

tblleampaltnt 111 ampOIlIg 1Dd dierefwe of tIe ed by Hnau wbo Will hill dBbtor for Ilxty Do CaUle lAIa Or~ Do bull 1~~1 HIIInl e _ gen~1 whloh Olftnot bo ~houllld doll VecztJ wlotte ~her (sllllllv BOWIampID run Do A row of siJ ator~ 101 UIldeiMood wllIo __ling the mlblary eo ID ) wieand he IIIQ of lite late emperor Au- HaeIendo de (JaQlO

UlJOnli In thleOdntryiUOIIlallled ill ~ pampt Ilt tba eampIdIer Jlho-pbllr-dle pllont and I~dl8O Pit t Juan T0lI6 Rut 8 0 entitled- Nag) Sandor apd the rrIeeI Damiani who Hacienda de Caeao plz(I Do- H 11 ThI P4d 1lIl Ja~ iff l1JFmiddot bellIg _ed to he hlDge4leet 1114 with como Do Indigo Je1U8 lIIarl8 Do 1 I

Fod bat 11M iffirtt tlhuWaUflul tM poau liby 1aet here lJbull1 ~ alw~lI ~t Booee in Ri Do Largo IIdnbe 8 11 f( BtlIqgU middotdndFtItllrIl p~ 6ti upon IMhetlio lIeLfP Bacl~d de Cacao Sin FraDdleo Jose JArguello Aree 18 C HfII~~atJlllwmiddotolmiddot fWlw M01ItIM LoWe Bath~nyl 111)0 wbenllomom fell bad Do do De Abandoned Into Qall~jl1fllllllA ZtmIaolrTgm R_liOll b~ tried OYer pW atIer belnl eaotenced to B_1n Onmada bullbull bull Do ~ ~ bull bullbull 0 Pvoria tc rour 1 impi1aoDment the eharga middotormiddot l)eWs Baclellla ltleCaeU rdilacio Male1iP- bullbull i bull bullbullbullbull ~r


rI p1tt t I cd cJ to -1 W middot111_ ~f middotORII Latour ot 11_ In Gi-aWulo-- - ~- JO bullbull bullbull bull bull bull 10 Thouampbor 0( 1Id_ ptm e li~ ~ r l)-U wbiclt be notorlouir U1tu_h _ _ 1180-0 Plta~ Francisco GuerrA IS

PllbnO~qollleclampIIllIIotb~bmiddotmiddot bi th d9lamp1t0f WullingampUII wuCOlidemned to he BoilandIotIIlRIna ~ 1gt0 9 lib lbe ~Ut onamprll 0iJ0orIlJ hanged Hia wife IntrcdllClld bull lancet Into hla IIoUll8i11lUfU n Kill patUalll burnt 10shyuulll bl+aljJbh~ugh Ih~ m~mollll~ ~~~sn pn- h which hellldun Inelliletwallliempl Haolenda dB 0_ ~~Ia Fe Joa6- II lIaleailo 18 In which Ihl tr COIIUUeDbC IIg 11 ccteddu~ co et the Jugular Tela DllIOOYued helbre he Catd Bolnte JIaI ()lIa Do bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull G ~imte 11000middot lIr 07 ~II Chi r de bad Ill to death hiamp wound 1111 bandam lip HOIlllIn ru 00 Lollg IQW 1 bull defeltbl bull ~h d IDamp~ I 0 ~ wi alld hemiddotw horrlellltdflged OIl IIId alios lite Haalend de Cacao bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ~ bullbull Fetlpe amp S Saenz NearTolo-aome wlldlllltamp 3()IlO

1ftOJbt8eomiddotarmiddotall rtt Igmiddot d or gallo probampbl) not belDg rdy 1I0 P h DO do 11 Vi C1emonte SaIlIOl Old ealatc neer Rint 1(1041 liIlgt11IfI~~~O ~pSd r ~kJi1iUei word to Ire and fell abolltibg Long Iff ampIIB lIollle in RIT Do Large adobe 100(10hit ~ nmiddotiI_p 0) bull bull Ibe arreet of Dahyao1i hid beell amp 110- Bouse aDd proyery In

middotbeforeBllblo Imiddot lt bull middot~middotiIi ihislao 1 IIulOw 01middotamp111ampmiddot01 atlonllo-ble otenc WIll a Sanmiddot JUan de Sur ) fll lS UellD lieDden tIam b bull bllabion cawIUD1-blamiddot esecutlcm anmiddot _iDatloomiddot HacIOllda domiddot GROj Felipe Avilc8 bull bull bull bull 8000

IIIOlJIiy ~I RUIIIii ellj R JPII hiobD~ 1Ianr otIrtri w_put to dtaIh W_ of Do do Sallt~ Do With wildlands b~ ~Re~t 0 ~ ~II middotaM flnb IfflUlrippeli and Kourged helOre middotthbullll I1delld de Ca~o JlCII-LaGalpa F amp E Carazo bull 27001) _ nCr tI aoIdIerr OfIJcelB from liliiii or coIeoell David D Lopzamp B Daroe 100)tile Baclellda de Cacao~ 9ijdbf~he ~1Ie~ thorab~ dOlfDlfardl e~ abulIpflI middot1It If bgtced Into Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull II amp Jos6 OaracM ~wotbtrds of die eltarA II iIai1 a~tJter~ ~IIJII ~ed IplOb th AUUIO _llln pr(fatail ~ at lite Do do Boperlll P run amp famll middotrmiddotmiddot 800gt 11_ r~tIJ 8~~ ampdrIhu~Dbull 1d eaprice of IDd ears-ta to ~ D~middot do Chlta JOJl6 Alfaror Conlaminl 160 acree 2000 ~Qjlt ~e ttl th rJm I middotU dar s-~ BOIIfelnBl Demiddot 1600 Urqllllatund to 1 C~ u of iIIatorlo bull FrOm thequatadoDe here IIIIIk k wIUw_ ~~eCaCampo Pafniar Tun Agila bull 10000 ~ 9fmiddotIi~temiddot 11114 tbafBdc Gen B~ Iidu 1fi1h 111m to Do do PlllIIIf P~1o Torres ~ ~ -lOOO ~oI~ lOU ettIoa of Ruulamp iii 1 B_ltlruu 2000shy t~Imiddotaath~~~eibampt dunn _middotmiddotri ~themiddotweIpt or bull rtpIItaiIOII fwllJUan Do bull do O BuetOl amp (amp11111 Near St George) 3~ ~~rII~ Dt~~~IImiddotlJuilfe Otunli IInewled and liaeety of PIlrpOll that 111l1li1 Bad de Cacao fi Do dobulllt lOoQ alloo COm liI iir EurepO tID pnbU~ work raytllihl1 tor IIIY_ whlchho ~ en~ Do do Jayl 11~Oerde8 k tamlly bull bull bull MOO and deg eIO h I dltIcm of th ed B Ii alrad tTOtahI II III E B~ ill RIampef bull bull bullbull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bullbull bull bull o~ gtJ lIII-dnl flle rthl 8 PI II 1 110- bull mope Catlle Batalai Las Lalaa R Pala ampI fmIl1 bull bull 1 popilldlia DIIlft h bull or I~ a and doubt ne -thaI ldImo~ DllIItre pow H_ID ru bullbullbullbull Do dO On the Plaza 2 ItciUjmiddotJ1IUle d~ ~call88htroFer ttei1eclla Niea IfW lillke hlllWM falidllarDo do bull bullbullbull bullbull ))0 do Do QI

lOh~IL~ ~ II middottmiddoti~ wmiddotr hrO hOllmiddotADleaea Dobull do Do do edmiddot lwwlljlUll-adepamprlTleodeglmiddottoat 118 i CaUleamplampIemiddot HeC~IJtI lnoceDteRuele - Ihf St PeUnbllllt lnadluted It and bOle IlIf au r-l~laIe and Imiddot

Jdft1oillD ftJreIIP ~~ I -gt - lIIotiee rdieateDIJIIlIe- bull ItiIdmiddot bullbull oe bullu were D- bull lIl1111~~ da r F lid lIf 9 jIIturliaia oItlte llllIoWl81 _lddlKieaeeIJ pe BOIIIe In Rlne bullbullbullbull r bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull ~ ~middotCbIdimiddot =n H bull UeDllla ~YU Ioii wIltprenlM th~ to me dIll11111bll1t1oe~ Sugar Etemiddot nell 1110middot I

bull~ bt -eneecUMtto mltllilbnn Ihe pUbHoofmiddot ALL PmtlilONff bano tIahe na tilt 11- lUvae ~ Pedro Ohamorro bull l~rJnO

III the Bunf d~ti_O ~ Ollorbelorei1lellampt1idlryorneoo1868otherw_ tap 00 do 12(00 ol~ ~1I-noII IlQ tie a~oflii~1llI~tb1middot-middot ~1llr01l)li iterccentef Pedro ToaqIlM ~1I1l1 ~OIOO ttlbullwtmiddotcilr 6Ibplo-dIJ1Koiiot1t1 ~UIAtltJiB8GORDB1t 1gt0 do Ag~Agrla DI()~lcla)lemando 8laquogt0biild fll IL b ~ and tb ()rientili OIllRLBamp OALLAHAN)middotmiddot H_1n Granedamp CbhlDroampramlr SapA

~ll8gotlatlllW bullbull or bull ~middotJ1lLll1SKtSr ~dBlti I_Kula Do dobull ~00Ileattle300ltgtiu1l l2~Umiddot ~dJCted uallO~ todOonr- AIld-aU ~lIIdehl to tiM at tit Do do ~ROaa Do lt100 ~600caltle 1Ul0 hor8eI 16gttOOi ioot IlWlpr~ middotabOedec~ petdllOllllIIIIIka Immdiata Pato Bac1euda do Ccao bullbull to ~ Fnlgetlcla Vasa t 18

The crll11Ilj~~ I~ ~1 lal~ lenlll~t monuo me GILDK PlTUB Bon III (Jraneda bull bullbullbull Do ~ bull 15 O hllito Of tbbull bull piby- BeIIDlllpID bull wen all lnbk A4IIIIaIllrillorO D Stook lIn~b St Jeronlmo middotDo 1600 catlfe ~(lO hore HInhn

the bull t t Gralled yen St 18M Boote ill Graneda Do GuedaiouputMet ~ biublUtyllldellotlllllon mapa ~middotU om e __ - Do domiddot Do _ Domiddot middotmiddot11100 deslrabiek a iiillitarJr poln oC vie the movemiddot otlce Domiddot 40 bull bullbullbullbull Nfcaclo d~1 Qutlilo bullbullbull bullbull 8bull lIlent h111 n~li describe LL pertlOll8 hlnr clallIlII aplta lite tu of QoIrete bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull Do Near lIIalaeo 4jju

J kln 6fGill1eya middotlieon In bamplilgmiddotno- A~o fOllolngllllllled deoeutd plIrtIOIll 111 pre 11o In Qranada Antonio Barheteno bullbullbull ~ ~ U n pea I nHhem to me dilly Inthenlluated 011 or before Stock Ranch El rlldo Do $00 cattle 1~ hollelt 4fi

lated tho ~oodIIl0~8 O~ wblch KOIIulh delegl~ed lito tOth dlr of Deoember 181111 otherwllle th~ lantln Walk bullbull bullbullbull Do ~eer Granada 2 bl power lbo Bele pilbllahoJ the follOlYlDg wlH noamp he IIllowed by Jr I ~ In GratIlIdl Jns Maria EIllrada bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bullbull bullbull bull bull bull ~ quotatl11 bich we are templed to cOP1 aa It B1lOn Cole Wiley lfarahl~ Plantain Walle bull bull bull Do Ncar Granada l II Iii millent p081110n In European afIiIlr8 Robert JlHllkIII Jonaillan WIIecm HOIlBO In M_ 400catrJe fiO hlgtrfle8 4~ Lino CelIr

8 ow 0 pN 1 Dr Gen lie bull gatll bull S K Sackaun George White Stock Rench Clraeol Dmiddot fear San Roque 8 0I

beld by Ollr prlStli g IInto bull And Umiddot perllOol Indebted 0 lite estalel oC Ibe HOlII8 In Gratllld Lnla Montrel e 0 Kt)86utll had middotnot ~Ichd Oro ~pon dlo boTe deCeaeed pereoMl will make ImmedlMo PlY PIMntain Walk bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull Do N~middot VegM 1 (

rOllller befO4 the necouol 01 GOI8O I tIe1lSOD men to Il10 GILBBRl TITUS 1l01llOln Gnadn NAciso Raplnoza 4r ovemok him frOli1 whence togethmiddot wlth 1epl 11bllo Adllllllltttntor 0 D 8 BIJIuln GralUlda bull bullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull fala rlltoa Horall bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull 6( U Dembinkl Kmeuy GI1OO and 1If tbollltlllt~ 11 aranad BtpL SO 1848 Houeeln Granada lOll Ubaotl bull bull bull bull ~

ho puHd lIrollgh Wallacb to Vdbl In IV 1 - Ifulend de Cacao MlloO Tlo bull bull bull bull bull bull t I hefond lIIe Turkhlh frentler nO ee- ROUIein Gramplloda bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ROIIrio Vinamp Granada Hotel 9 ~ wlUle Gorgel bad omred tho gaITiIon of AItt peraoiIII areIIbJ oaiRIed agaiOI bul Do do gto bull bull ~ 0

Colllorn to III1rrender wblch I re~ lIrat to In or lI_solSatlllg flit the fulJOwing 1crIp~ Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Ponelano CoTftI bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbull ~~ d thoul11 entering Ioto neotiatiOll wllh the ~ne 1_ nUmberedmiddot(8G) tbltty-lllr In fayOI of amp do bull Pelar Mil~nco bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull 4lt IIV

A~triu~ Tb~ro were IIDfortuo~11 cmOlPI D lIa)Ie1 tor t810middot Do do~ bullbull bullbull bull Tlo 21 die o1lICltMI lOme dUpes of Gorgea parIoy who 0 1_ nlllOhered (19gt nfnetean 111 fu~Il of Stoclc Raocb 0101 Ito 1600 cattle 200 bor 110 0 were allrlollamp (0 maktmiddotterrM and Ie nolbiug 1188 Wm Baletor 18383 Uclenda do cetlO ~ Do A Malco ~o bean of K_IIlI fonll bull Gorgel bad ~Tel The lJlOye dllllCli1gted IIIitIp Is ~ elldoried by H_In Granado bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Femando ellman bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 0 fro him t~lll0w$tl Ibe f~lrell w Svoo liP me and Pi t Is pioleetiKhUbeoIIlce of the StoolfllAAelt at TOrell Do t600 cattle 300 boraes 12r 10 the AU8Ii1anl with ~~ealipulatloD hat tbe p Mlntaler ~endlaquo DANIIL BArIgtSY HtmfI$ In Granadn jOfoqnllla Iloran bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 6 iison 11(0111111141 1I~wcd ~ loen portion 0r11a a~~Pt Ib 1816 Hclendailo Cacao falaco Do 36 pay and Abould be pe~lltIdtorollreullUolecd HOII lnGrallllda Pedro Seqllenn ~ ~middotO

KOlIlhh~ng bead of tbele DegOtl~tIcm~ David l_raDI Hou-Itl Granarla Yna Horan igend conelilulllg b~~ tho Pwer oelegaled to Oor OFFERS FOR IiALE A hie plate San Seber Hacienda de Cacao ~ Hraor JLSimdonl O ge htd eKed bticlt to bnn on aocouD~ oC he Ian Stre h boG IIh Bee- Stock Ranelt Rcmltee Felipe Oahezas 1600 ClIIUe 9 DOll l1IUI1l1oee of the traitor wltb tbe COLldillona bull 81 on OWIII a bullbull H0I311 In Onnada Miguel rullerllZ i bullbullbull 3m III ateJ iIad bowr dilpttcheltl bull comulmiddot chon Jture SIllc1l RaMbmiddot San Pablo Do liOO caltie 40 alier wIth powerl and illitIlCllonB 0 prottll~~ 10 bullFlour Vb~e~ aIll11~fe=~n~hlt Do do HeCled r SelayoampDIejltraa 260 cattle 400 nOllle8 20 tho U~I t~ dB~nee of CO50rn bull Oilnltte blide~~I Ale ampDd p~ Do do ChllamlII10 Leandro SelAYo 600 caltle 50 horBeI ~o deg

That po 1fhlch he cotld oalr give ~ di Itelrt WI CIa) pipes Ifoo ln Guada bullbullbullbullbull Dolor LejaTftl bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull 0(raquo GOYemo ofmiddot Hunprl feN counteralgncd bl un~T aD b a lltoek Rancllmiddot Qlebda HODd~ Dr bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull (jollll Q-iiili BfodlaDyl TlIe Comlllieajone or ermaOlfjl bull Do 40 olnquto Do ~600 entUe 200 b01808 bull bull bull bull

lta1lL hilWA to (lqwtrll when fortr-lIIIf Recorder Oftice Do d SoIn Jampclno Miguel BolallOlampBroa 2500 caUle GOO horaee 1~ renderedmiddot bull __ __ De do San Francleeo tm~ 20

Thia oommkttoloner delegaed mlb aupreme Tml Ollloltofth B_ofDeeda lorICgeB Las Hampderae Do ~~OOO cattlo 200 bOae~ m oiflhlld mUtanpoer W baY8 reaampoD to kilo lIcrorthe OrieItIi D~ofth RolIbo -Do do ~~ Rolille ATUezIICluIlIIOrtO 801)0 cattle 1100 bol8ell H i wuUuolll Vae lIampbor of the pampblet JIoDi 110 will he optlledln thecltl of GranAda on _ HOll~ III Granada bull bullbull bull Do bull bull bull bull 41 bull fbIeh we C been 10 largely 1IlI1ftc1h1g daJ the 8th oampptlm~ 18~G1r ~~-r ~tlIk I_ncb s~ Blu Domiftlo Jarqllin TOO caUe 100 horae$ II lboup 1I1) boll a reteh 011 boreehaekhe aqutred by D_ to e ~__~~J ~dlin ~ fin do Tenabona )fillller Alvarado 600 cattle 100 horaOlll 6 ~ OOlIld nlltIumiddotImemiddot Illach lIIe fronlel ror middotwhlob Ibe toreNIdD~Dt re7GlLLm Do~ do COrplil Chrletl Menue Gltcia 600 CtlUle 100 horeetl 4~

putpOtllmiddotU waii ntCelllry to pili ~e lllrough monirdetteforthOriealll~t Do dB sm6ntonlo Tillloteo Lacayo 800 caI~Io 60boraea 8~O the 1ntL ~ 1 H_IIlGranadltClltolayorr _~v

Had ht dOlI10 he Wlamp J)led~ no to liltmiddot Oranadaj - $711301d Camont ror fU InOlIIte lid would haTe N ti T 0 l IJ I u

~n~rHn 900 Auatrial P~~8fII whQIU he 0 ee Together willi lorl) or fifty FarJU HQu- amp0 1 Iho Depar~ent of BIYa8 Iued at ~ ill ol1lltbave hold aa hOllagea for theeMnmiddot the I WILL give Uberal ~wvd to a01 person who three hundred to onll thollllllld doU_ ~ ttunJilt1nn clilefti-to th Oil thle incldenl hluged bull will tlUll to m) etore my Ledger Book II A btrge portloll of tho abue poperty 18 situated Idlin als houra ride of San Juan del Sur Vlts in tb tate of Moul BadlYllllyi udOrmiddothla COlllpan~ Will pIIIaed from lIlatore during tlielate attack Bay Rirulan Gorg NaDdBlme and Deriomo and the remalndu In Granad tnd ObOlltaea Iollllinmlafllflllland~nn1lirt1rdo I _ftbull~ _ 18 1866 1IA TllOllAN JOHN MYLARD MARSHAL bull

Tho fold(r~ of tbo garrison broke ~h1r milmiddot _ L i bull

F NlCARABllENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 1 sabado 1de Novtambre de lasS Saturdav November 1 1856 323


lEI NIC AU A GUENSE1middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotL bullbull 1 ~ bull =L~ bull


[OFFIotAL) If ~lIdortOollliull8loned Oc~ 8 rROamp FrrltltiNr4tt~ ~- Olear OrOllltoy II 9 DbullBamey Woolf COll1mlllliolled April 28 1S6f

REGISTER UI1l1M1U R barlfa Tylor lI_y 28 OF TUB Artlllit CoInIor1 GOmlUluiouElt AtgIIII lit l8G~ JollaW AndmlOn II June 21

amprotul lAl1Ilmdm ThOll F Wright Jul N lOA RA G tJ A A R lY O~O~e Von Hln oolllmlttdloncd Sept 211 18$GbullbullJoho MbullGilCIIu AUg

Newton l Webb I April 10 M T Neagle Sep~ JII OIlllIRU CO~IIfIIDINO IK OIIlB R LaIlIb Se~ u William NnrthWige ()cj y

William Wlllite 6 IIlft11et II 95 ~1 Lil1llmIt1lt bull did aCltlmp 11l1li1 8411u4lOlf 0111I11T nTILLUI Georg~nll8ti oblllillil8ltMd April 1 bullbull lIIN

aCajl Inlr lfahon e1Inlillealooed Jln 20 18lil _L MIIgtI lames bull T 1roe u May 9t

H F Pilled Matcli 81 - A Dltl1gtwarj2 comlllillgtlioll~d OclOber 18 11166 fm K PMliv~ II May 26 II

W81 P towl II il~ 1 CaptaIn Jbull~ ampnaford Julr IJ II II 0 W GIs a OJ 18~ Getlrge B elllllld IlOlI1mlllllloned Occ 18 1868 VJlIIm H Toler A_g 11

bull bull D U Dulaney II I_mea S Jldfe u 8op~ 25 DIItODIIIR OINEIIUII 8oeqrulIMui_t Joho M Wtllngtonmiddot bullbull Oat 101

Comer o Homeb commlllioned Jats 12 19116 John Crowell commluloned Sept 11 18118 BeuJamln Hardla 00 y A (lamp Cui O Staehle Occ ll4- Firat Lleutonant Jamel Small 1Il~lLlOI or UIIOIIIIamp a_liD ATTJtl01 O~ IKAlrIar

Birkett D Fry eomriliAiolled 6pl 16 Mqjor J hn A J ColtitUeOamta Joho P Wtel1 conomllllloaed J1IIII 18 1866 0 aqu~ commlolaiOMd]lIne 18 186amp

I bull R T 80 d igt LiMNat CIltm4l2dbull L GU bullbull c e corum 1 I II vilpt4lI1 Leonldu MCIntosh co isoiI ed AlII 19

L Nonrell Walker comllllllo~ Aprill 11166 M On 111middot O middotF Henningsen comDlfaaloned Oct 19 Robert Ellr Jllne 11 lien D_ n_ co l1~ft d A IA (~mp R W Plck ~nl ug j O_n mUlne ug 18l16bull

~ bullbull ~ A bull - bull A4iaJUmiddot Johu 8 FlnOlllJvfl Lieaftt Oct I 2d Lleut E H OIat~~i~88d JIlOO 18 18~6JDJOILIIT o~lIuJtlI I)BPtIIIIIIIITbull

lIltfut Q_ol W A Rhea cOlUlDmlsaiQQed August III 1816 Ja_ Umiddotmiddotmiddot- eomlDlealnomiddota Amiddot12 1middotmiddot~middot-001 Ph RThompson CODIIIIlMdFllb 1I18G8 w H Lenl 92 - ~ ~ Ilamutl -L October 1 J1l1$16 Dreux June 1~ tulffilt t4illtattl eMal JAIIIIe Lewis D WIlIkInS II AIIjI it IiUajor G R OMtoQ coDlmluioned occ 2amp ampcotul lMutma1ll Bllrale Bell II ~

ll1DQII IlgtvOOJTli OBMW ThomJ)lOn 1lI00u _liIlened JIID8 11118118 Lewis E GIIU1 se t 2lt bull T U Hewlett II Aug l6 p v

dbulltWllftt J+ o44u9cat OIJ W I Qukll~ II III It lIf Ll~1

11 llmiddotitar ngtitn~t~ ~_ i


Poet-Ollie Building OWEN DUFFY Ageut

y u ~~_~ 4 Ilrllil F D _ t

i bullbull en AWARD of THIampfi DOLL4RS esol will Ie Lieut J W

fOt appheDaloll aud dell (tu of thG Army) of t~ofollowI118 named 2d Lleut Wm ltP-t

from Company A Firat Jlltampntry Balta

[--FJS_ RIOH Aged Illyeare II r~elO In hAir blue o)eB ruddy cOlllploxlOl~ i() pound Occupalion baker

bull GLIDDON Aged 28yeara 6 feet high falr clllllpletIon IIllhthair blue largo feet and 10llg tlnlterod-bullbullellhl

bull 8

Oapt M bull 1 FlIIOr comt1lampIontd July is 18111 lolln Coo COInlDialloned Jlloe 18 1864 bull rllIII JlJTTJUOK or 1U1II8 AndrbullbullBrady Au 22

IMIIHCTO_ GIIIKIJL I)amp~TIIIIII bull clod GlOIge W lIa11er II Oc~ 18 Impector eIII~ BdwlIId I SaIldm COIIIIIIIadcme4 AprO II 18lS6 Fnnclsco IIotb II IS

CoL Bruno Hlltsme commlsalond NOf 12 18114 U~ CoIltm4l 1IlId LiNt bull Tler OUwllllt ~m~edl ll 18 8uluel a Allin c~mluioDed lflllOh 118116 B D lIorre~ comm~olled Au ~3 [8116

_ _ y fIlor J middotW Oonkhn OOl 18 qlllllTllalllAalllllS JlnuTIIIJII Johnmiddot O ONtII commflMoneli AprD 11 lRIIf BeDJlllllln Beechler U 18 it

Q_~III bttal o4~ L A Clark IIC 18 Col ThOll Fisber commiJalon~d 4prlll 1858 8 LIeut ~ Lathrop commlad lau U 8156

ttll Qiulrtnnw OMiMl ~ peUlliATIOJlll Lieuamp 001 Wm K ROlieJlf comd Ocs Y G W1l Leonard ool1UDlaIIooed AOtII UllSIf hI LIeuL B ABlltcbl Com et ampI1t np

QlUlrUrmallllll [Brevel 011 tile 11011 ()cj ILl Allgua I IS5amp [~or Thamp Benry CltJlIIlI88I0oed Oct 18 Co B J poundavail 81ilh COlIIIIlIud April 181bullbull 20d LIeut Thoml8 8tackh- 204 JalaaWy Ali-II Will HIIIria 23 C ThOt Dolan June 18 gill 11 1868

ampJdlanlQlrtmnalttl__ _ D B D )teCh_a II July e bullbull 2tcUJant D O F~t 18 RlIIH AcuR 2SCapl Wm II Wilhll_oomd Nov 10 18115 1- H A JObnlObe u i1 1866 BeltJ W Bamml Aug 4- 1858 G DamplIiel Oampgai OIl 4- tlld Lleu- W B Hen Inljleeor Ola IMPshy

Andrewa flmiddot it ~i r JObn Iwh1l1a II bull II Au~ Sll lBIamp Juh Y Price Oct 18 B J-- DIllUlicaAL O~ II 1 LleUI E 4 P~iI IUb lhtpIIQpL 11 middotJIIIO

April Imiddot lIfr lMI4u~ ~nd A A Moora lal IlII1 lug 21i liIH MUiI Slo~ 00 B Le R Latimer com d 4prD ie 1811 SUfReoD Wm H sun4eN Aupt 26 IUI6

W~m B WY~ K Bob P Gardner II Allg so Alor 10hn II bull 1111f1iba1~ Judge Ad Oel Au 8U88lIllIIIlOJ DllIBTilUT D AIa~ Anderson bullbull ~ 119 1868

Oommiry Qfmlllal Sutdluu A Wm H MIh Sept 11 Cp~ John Wmiddot amp7dr 11lUJIea Aug 81 1864 Col Georg B Hall commiufoned Jul i6lS~6 F -- - Oollllay Ii O~ 4- cpt II E Bradley TrAn ~llle SepUs 18nbull

tm44t110ilmmiuarp (I_I G -- LoUhamDler 111 Lieut A MePilIO lsI 11111 Occ Y 18GI MIor BIIIlj Y Or1Ie comlllissiond July Il Cbu H Welt II Oct 114 Capl Douglas JWllkhia(untcbd)ept 80 1861middot

Aulatll aommulIJrUu Subfm 811111plet WlUlalDeon ~ u U L Jilglehan tigtd Ioftolry 2) 11

Occupation tailor alao fruit deal~r Capt W H LyonS commisaloned Aug 1 1866 amp-d LiwfmlId R S WiUIIIlII 21ld RltIotI Oct 8 U

S LOUIS OOHEkT Aged ~l feetmiddot inchet leI Lieu~ W H Buttrick II 00 D Th_ Cbloh_ eornd April 1 185amp LIeut Col F bull P Audel D las Rilles Oet_IO bull 185$

l08o-welgbub9ut 195 poullda Oecupti~n 0iII Jame S Wet laquo I B tllke J _orr JIIIJ 6 Capt Cbarlet A Gore 2nd Rillea Oct 18 1811 bullflaquob rir comple~lol1 hlue er IIgh halr large Henr1 C Wall I E lb0i Y JllolIrnoy Ha12b

penwi bull 0 John B Moo Sep~ 11 2nd Mllllt M S Oro 18 PATRIOK H YS IrI- d ~III)IO DIPUT)lBff i David A Lawton It Aug 11 J G SIIDllllerll Out Is4 bullbull bull an mall Age 21 SIIrgetJ GI 1Il II ~d lUllet

JW8 G luet 4 il1cb~ blgll qotlt qGmplexion dlllle (with 110 rallk of COlonol) G Clayton Billllialr 011 8 1868 bullbulli dtrk 6et-welghs about 1411 pounus 00 F DIICj ONeal 4 2nd Lieut J W PolklIl1d Inlltnlry Oct 20 18~ ClIpalllll IdhOler BVrgtcll 6 H Ubrbrook Itlaquo it J M Williams 2nt Rill Oct t I 111shy

6 OLJVEl (JROMWLL Ag8l182 years 6 (wlthbo rok 0( lIaJor) B WlIas Allen II Oet JI 6 A H wl~y 0010 Dept 2518116 kef 6lnches high Ught tomploxloll Ugbt bilk John Dawson 4cllng 8middotG oomd NOT 14 18116 n ell Wilkinson 21 II Oapt J V Hoolf AilSt AdJt Gen 28 1856 lIiIudl wblakera hazel yell-weighs aboul 140 O S Coleman coblmleslooed April 28 1556 __III) BtnttIOIi or amD llcsignlune-III1 fOIld OecllpuioR millwright n T Roalon lep 18 (JolOftI

_ClIARLES W KltuGER flapt Comdg Jamea ellulII 00 111 Jobn Allee cOIIQlIIIlloned June at 1866 I)URII bull (0 A 1st lulQty BaLllLlion BurpOIl aM Anitalll Smiddotgeo bull LiNluta1ll CltJlI Capt H t Witter A llltant Adjutant General

pOlt Serapaqui 8op 26th 1856 0 twitb the flnk of Captain) bull Idmlllld II HoDonald commlllld JIIG 18 18118 2nd Lleul Wm M Rogera lat InamplIlry--r-----------L-- J Geli8ner eommlllSloned Jan 91856 Major Li~ut OoL Byrollmiddot Cole Aeltlatant QU~flenlluler 1 Dllvid 1Ilnllg W G Sicigh bullbull U W P (Jaycee comOllllllioned Ua11 166 General killed at San Jacinto

O~RS FOR ALE at hia pl~ee San Sebas- A Callahan Val 30 middoto4ltfultmt 2nd lieut n A Milliken 1 Ri4es killed t sen

lIan abeel OIlD boUlle abov~ U Ph Be OWDI LHLuSeondy JUlie IS IMLleulJ W Kllllacmdorf comd Oct 1818l6 Jaolntebulldie a litore eor$amp tI UI ()ttpt Oapt W Pmiddot Jartls 2nd Rift died from wOllndi

lhlto-Nf Oandl~ Hackcr11I Olive i I~IIUlf Aug 26 CoO Jolin B Otee bull middotCOllmla$d June 21 18G6 reooied Sao Jaciuto e Wolft ro~tlc8ebledanoSehnappl bullbull IU onall Oct 28 A John F llecgtrch Oct 18 CaptJ H WlUiamaon drowned al Vlrglu Bay

bull Bltte Phlladelphlll 110 and Porter Pol DlIPtBTlIliII B DenJ M AndorfOn it 16 lind Lleul H l lhemRn died from wOl1ld reshynan Alld bilIa Wie Claypipes loynuulw Ofmoral Ii ~ ceived at Ifuata Ocl 114 middot18M

lerlll eh 001 Alex middotJonu commlssiOlld Feb 8 18H Edward O HIIIf naCerrd fMm Ordnance Demiddot LlOnt Col F A LalIIO 4 h c tarharolrbull p tulNMII PlaquoyltlwlII ptl1ment CODllllleslone4 -ug U l85G murderd b1 the med forces opoeed to tbili

T~ O I ugUld III ost 2d Llout J Fiemlng conmlsaione4 Aug 4 S middotS McElroy Oll~ lS OoYelllDlcllh IJlhollt propOllng Itn excbango

DgltS IllS S~HVI9ES 10 Ih citlllns flI OII)AIIOI DUAllfllBllr Imorul LfMfnaoll of priaOneri _rdlig 10 the uaagee of war ~anadjl and vlcmllY III h praete of Ulior E W Rawle commissioned Jul 14 1966 N T~p OOll1tuiu1ooed October 81856 lit Lleus JulllIIIKeilkUled In action at San J

u mOINE SURGERY amp MlDWIFERY Hellry I bullbull POller bull it 14 Eo H 01018 II 8 clnto bull 2nd IlelltW W ~der killed in aClion at SaIl om and OlIidcnce on the lOulhw1 Capt JJfrori Swln~le AprO 11_ J T Booo 18

~r of tbe atleet oppte b _ __ lal Llel~ Il A Carllar Oct 18 I B Vaughan 18 Jaelllto _ 0 0 1amp1100 2d Will B Ulte II Benr1 Hlnea It 18 middotDealba-l0

ent OWG bull ad June I 1 86r 1III0I11UII COIIP raTe _ i - --- Oaptain 1II8r IItTTUIOIi or IlfFJIITIlY J)BOPPBD

i lntitmiddote E c F Ucsse cOlllnllaaioned October t 18fill lt011 cpl A U Hirsh August 0 1866 iL PERSONS hlulng clalma against tbo 8A~IIIU11I1) 11111amp11amp John B MlIIkham commlaa~onod October 10 18511 U A B Wulklll8 AogWltU Ig10

Al ealamp~ of tho following namod deooa8ltlol or Jrft L~lt Lieut ~ 181 Lieut 8 W QuayAug~1I9la5t1-werod I()ulwill presoul tb~m to DIe dulll1uthentieated flonr) O Porler ltmmisslOllou Oct 18 1866 A francie Rudler comllsaioned May Ill l81Samp 8urgtlUII p N lugrahan Sept I 1866 til Or baforo the 1I8b~ay of Dec 1866 otherwie SltCOftIl LilllltJIt lldJfJ1 Brig -Gell 1) de GoiC(lurl Ocl 19 i858 Iht~ will be barred h1 law C DeuulaE lIayuee commissiolled Oct 18 l~e W_ Raymond colllmlaaloned Hay 1218113 Dropped-5 1 CHARLES GORI)EN J K hgall 21 o44IId1ll bullI

I CHARI1tS OALLAHAN OfFIIIIU lINJlTJCIIED ind Leut Fred W JeIeCOlli d lpnl U 18118 n command of WlLLIAM ALItER1ULlUS KIJlL Ooltmll FraIl B OKeef cln~od A rlll 185 GeneIrolllmaUdlngmiddotlnuh~middot 11 pel8Oll8 indebteu to tho eeatee of tho U B Skerrett commillSioned lanltllly Ill 1850 James 0 JOJtUsone f is

ahor c deceated pereaa111 make homodiate pay CaptaiN OhllL B 11 II Pa R THOIlHOiI AdJ Gelleral N A t to lIIe GILBEltl TITU6 F UoncosOIl commllllloned JaR 28 1~8middot FrInk i ThomPecm June 2~ Headq1ampli~rI lfthe AltII1

Publlo Adnilllstriltor O D J Egbert FaIllUDI middotFeb I II Charlea A Waltere 8op~ II Adj General 08ce 8ept ~7 1866 W J Merryman II JlIDe 18 BIrarn BIlIIIIlII II Sept SIl G~ Oct is 1860bull

325ELWICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 3 Sabado 1de Novlembre de l8SS Saturday November 1 1856

- shy

I(OUTINU OlljlONIOLE FILtiloita P1l1GRuTbe Dime of amphept ~EJ[INIE A~M - elttie~middot~~~~M~r hi~Ibtmiddot~ 8I1~C~herortbo pteellhiplraottohoPreal- Vlo~PCOUI amlPletwillb~llIeaodioJurebull U denlW chair of Ibe United l116tee IIM Jolhn FlU- The CoDoltlng rtlmub upon iho Wled th- et alanaing liq~ean~ h6ldiifg mu~eHighCly III d~ f h ~Ilv w a L dmiddot f Bri II B Ihe8boulde aoldierll lite h whoutmiddot aurilljlJ

Dlor~ an a ler avlng hoen bull long tIme In ~ ea m e peu 0 en m- tb kl n k f ~ L Rlla 1- Id I I rom e - bull 0bullbull e 0 I e lln 1_eaplllIy b plrat tiled lIpon a farm In Conmiddot bull n n- on lapr uponevIlr10er 1 when loaded ~Iamph elonty~ve pina of rifte PO-DecdClUI where be ended bla daya NathanIel tho NIlIIl1Iguan Army to road carelnU or ell I~ der endllot rammellmiddotI tt1 Jlillcb leU thtb Flllmortltll _ amp100m hautOt htlndrelland oul bullbulld e6mmit it to momory h I a olea anel or the lIu8kel bllt 11111 too great 10 l)e 6redflOBl

eMy 1-alio When ayoutll be mom to lucid daeJriptlon or the manner ill whlcb amphe Ylni4 ~vrilu~~~~~ ~iiI ~~ ~J~i Verlllon and alded at Bennln~I1 WMtIl b should be M amplid m ampl1 repoy all tbe lI eqWl and holditlght to middotIbbullbullhl)uldbullbull Ihe r bullbull

fho ~Ct beteen Col $andbullbull i Old TOIII IIlId 11 r ltlay~eoq II 8tck Billy chronicled lut week I whlcli 011 Tom wal deolared a ylctor atartcd the 8po~tlnlf men ef tho city and this weft $ IIno hall aoveral asciUllg IIl1d ciofOl _let~ ruCtbullbull middot

On l edu-May ovolIIIIII a moteh was made lind run b woen Oape OcorgltJ Giel Ba alld MA jor Cfty4ecs II Black Billy Distance 400 ards fQr IWG hundred dolla Black Billy n on h7 K clqar engampb

Tho ext-on the me eveninll-IIu a conl t ~IWcel (l18t ~ay nd a d k grey ollJled by BlIvet 1I1lJor LeommJ This race was a try tlOampO~o-ite hors flllming side b1 Ide tbe h~lo tauee Gletmiddot be e as evldolltly overshyweiSb d bleh rul~ed In OllllSillg hDI to lOBe Ihe rA by a dialanee of only a lew feet

The eitt 11 II race Ileween MII)r Caycee u U1Ck~BilY and Col JUlIee middotu (re EMgle The IU ~et upon tho hoN1C8 eltCeed~d lin huushydrM do l~rlI A good llat wbullbull obtained and the hora 01 neck alld neck about lour hundllild yrds ~en the groy began te crawl a IiHe ahesd nd at be winning poet earnll oul n8lll11 holt II I ustb In dYaI08 Bolb boraes appeared t~ be I Chit IIce maoaged well but at Ihe end Ihe lid appfared 10 be In doubl as to wbleb Wamp8 III laater animal and a Dlaleh for two thoushyIDd d Utp Wal eWeeted on the lIeld bylbe Ame horaee llh chanRe of rlders~11 came 01 lhe DeXI ( urad ) evenlol( and Ihe Grey won

Coa UTIOtf or rRIl EIIrllloa or ioU 1111

R~881 e- Bhortly after ill amphe ahlatan had taken hplr pllOea til lfaater of COIemonlel raleed Ia liand and IAfe n ordor In RlI88Ian wbete pi)n tile trumpetl blt9l oul InlO a wild IIId i ln8 8ouah the herald ~ised their Noell In Ibe Ilr and II hllvi~g uncoyoted their _dl pile of Ibe Becretolri t4ll4 tbe prOtlalllashydon w~i~h i8 redem into Engllell 018 folio

Our Inry aUgUStlery high lind ve pulNttOI r Aleunder Nicolalevleti belnll tIlrone of bls anctors heb 18

lIIISiu as ell u upon tt(lSt of Poland and of amphe GrtUld Duchy

of Finlauit which aro Insepllrable t1middotorp II hAA deiW16il to order LDllt the eoronrlon of bls 1m perial iljeS~ nnd his Olltb Bbn lake illace on 1M 2 III of the monlh I Augu~t bis augU1lI epouro lie mprola I1kro Alqxandrovnl pllrtlelmiddot

bull ad celllmooy Tub 8I)lemll Ael the preeut pr~1anltiu 10 all

to the eld that on this hppy redouble ttelt feVotin theil pyera

g of King tba~ Ho middotm spreld by His _ VOlfer His faTO8 dmiddotbl bullbullsinll ou tfiO

reign ~( hi DlaJeat ~t1d tllrougloul it duration Ito nu~y mailltaln peace lind ~Ianquility to the glor) ~f Ills holy nAme and fogtr tho 1I11111terablc prosit of tit emplro

Wl~l ON loLlTlcs-EvelbOly knoYs WilIi8 -Iho peet nll~lky edilor or Ibe lIomu Journal 110 btl III)td matty good Ihinge In his life and tbe following upon politlrs lIod political cRndldltltlli Is bull ot OJtull b~tter ald lh ptople of IgtlcaragulI iU6ppreellltJill

I lind mylolf for Ibo flut tlmo middot111 tn life Inshylml~d for political candidAte or I hould ~1l1r[~IIY perhp~ In 1 Candldalo wililoUl hi politic I II1vo bltberto (10 account S(lDlebat rolllm apparent want of aImiddotlotlsm) thought tbe eount under a hend bioh iliad almost any Ilcor g safe enough It loomed 10 me of vcry liWo IIsnllnoe (10 anybodr but I)m~ oekers) wlulth r 1 whig 1ll1 domocrat wu at the holmshypllblt opluion besidlli being llOgether too wide l~ak hlo ollcated a Olgtnlry for Qlther a blun ~er or l lin of pilotage to b more tban opproadltd So 1M plnlo ft8 this confidence In Amerleas do loSee vlJlol QIUIC)rrllCll1one or bull coo8tilution Ibat ( lIuld lOU beliovo il P) I I~ver Tilted In m tire y

B It wlLh ampho ecnla of the lost year 0 t 0

uoi th n tho intellect oC lbo country at r rk UPOlIlt be grellt queallol8 t IS8ue it would be hard

loge blind 0 Il)len8iblc And yeto

raised a family 01 lis children all but one of pllDI 111111 pmlllil whOm lunln II dnDcM agee anraging oter Di tl U I h VI I ntA b ree ODS lOr S Illi t 6 IU n6 l1ltw6 ~ y ye

Nalhllni1 FIllm_ amphe fatller ot Ibe 4IPra~- [By OIlIllR 01 fUll JoIiIUIiDIlINI(Cillllr] dtnl yet aMieI in Iht elllbtymiddotblh year of bll -_ ge Ho hili been a lAIlUer thougll lite cult oaOkUOE OFFICE l vtlng bia IlllIdamp wiamph hie OWII handa unlil the OllAlIIJgt~ CklObe 28 18H f bull bull bull bull TI U I DA t I h N gt_ mllrmlties 01 ago dISable him Hia mdUIIlriOllt 6 iWU u 1 WI n t 0 _-SIIIl un temp~raw and hnpl~ babill alll6d to A cbeertltl tho American Klnl6 H Is dl~nguebed IlOm the

Fronch BI11leh and RU8IIlun lfiDl6 by amphe IlIperlshyand bopeful mind hA~e secured to him eontenmiddot Oflty otllS sight ThplMa In wbleh tbo noteh II menland a happy and green old ~o n Was iled fOltbe backllthl whlll peoaed between tbe

~ b d 8 Imiddotf U I bOIn in nonnlngtoll Vt and realded tlloro unlil be arrived al IMlhood

bull Near tbe cloae oi the lUI centllly 6he ptIIQlIlI

eml~ted to the Ih wilds or Wesleln New York Tbtl ere among tllo poneer seltlen of Ibat dilrlct of ooUnlrmiddot1I01 aparl for bounly landa

to the aoldtere or 1110 reloIullon knowD as the new mllimr tract rheir IIrBI 100000000n lIIIlu amphe original townlhip or Locke tblt pan of It no cOmp ialng ibe IlIwnahlp or au lime bill in lhamp

bull bull r pnt COllllt of Oa1u$ A slDdt rrm waa purchased In Ihe primeval fort and Iheir enrshygiea lIIl dppllM 10 clearlogAld aubduing n 1M middot In - h III prep g il tvr a 6me Herbullbull III an blllllble log cabin atnld Ihe wUdneaa of nat wiamphla hearing orlld bIa alld Ib8 _nd of the w ed man as Millard WIIS born on he nh of Jan shyMoo bull IIr7 bull

Millard Flllmol( receled a rudlmeDteledlloO tlon In a COIIlltr ecIoolhouae amplid whell et aldmiddot was 0middot_1 clerk In drY gooda 1101 and

ono of particular Inleroll _

r A ~I)rrespolldent or Iho BAllilnore SUII

II t1811 (IOIll amphe White Iulpllur Sprmllbullbullbully Wo have a iva a1lthoress two hundred (~pllllk Ing in round numbeltl) prof9sloualgftmblIf olle bundred membera of Oonellll Alld aboul one

hundred oamphel1l cf equall- doubtlll1 ~eplIltlon besiden membel of tbe New JerHY Leglgtlhttllr~

A N~w SPIO-lhe pltell~ ballot-box of olishyfornln bat 110 learn b1 ilist IIdvlceB betln aold for upward of Ibr thousand dollars fur amphe pllrpose of ethibitlllg it to he minors previous 10 the po plOllching eleclioll h i4 11 Iho handa of Ibe Dellloeflta who espeo to IoUill i~ to good account In Slumping tbe Stale

bull tr lhlolln a celebrated Frenth phf8lclAn It

is ~Id watkabl f~d 01 drugglnJ Oncu htVlOg a patient IIbo diluenlly ad punety swalloed all the 80114 110 onlerlld be W S(l demiddot

lighted at seeing all the vllUa lind pili bo~ empiy bet he hook him by tbe band exolalmlng M d~lr air It really aWords mo pleRsure 0 IIttend you and 70U 4t1lOl 10 be 1111

wurn an nger ( n e Arneriean m) up and down owl wben kpl properly oiledWlterebullbull bed It malllll IIIonary U _ as Ih~p_o of tile thumb and linger ceaeee and doea Dot link by tbe ooncullllon 01 the piece ID lIlng The ghl plall of Ihe French and BrltIah fmle II very atlff 10 Il101 If cloaely titled and If 100 enough 10 Ok euilyls apt to IIIId6 do )7 continnM IIrlDg bleb U Dot observed b1 ampho IOldler Ill mate him Ire ene or 110 or h_ hundred yards abort

The Alinl Rift elltued to the Nicaragua Armyrallg 141)1 )ardL or ahofl dia~_ I haa Dot

06- ~ amphat diltllllClt n 0 d bull d rl_aflelward turnM bis altenlloll to law The Th I II bull I bit __ rid III l re all - Isn lllquHlI I 5 era 0 gneraliy of readers afO acquainted lib hla powderbull Tbls dIart1II cootened In tho llatka === iIIbstquenl CMer 1Uud bl moving die charger of tile lIak 10 Ille 00101 Wise or Vlrglnl bullbull In a recene

aeoond Iiotcb It Is al80 contalt)ed In til eartrdgee speooil concernillg Ille Millou Cumpro1ll8e IIl1ti bull luuedfrom the OrdDllIoeOlllee 1 Ihhl da said The coal or nOlrunulng that hntou

Ibe aceulllOl of tbe ordinary rlfte That Ie to dllt_ on ab_Ugtlltnown to them bUI kno 01gt to ooe hundm yarde Bllt up co 0118 hUll to th luatructol who bould keel a NeoN III dmrarda 1amp IIiU pul ev shot InlO a eIteI 0 18 their obullers whereby the captain or II compa07 Inchee dlallleW1wblob is IlIlBclelll for war pur- would be able to dlslingulsb Ib080 bo pOlWeaaed poses aa II 11011 d hll 110 enelll1 1D amphe upper paH the greatesl lO4 1114 leaat judgmen~ in tIislDlshyof amphe body At onllamphoulandrarda Ih_ rilIea tel 110m men aN found to poseea lI uallllab 11111 Pllt went ttow out of Ibllyln a targr sen In hlch doG t ne acquire it b pracd~fe wid batt 111gb On lhe 26111 Lleue Bart others noe acqlre II though they may maDmiddot wllh n mea 01 amphu Second BllIes Ilml 1m) goo abote The I)e8t tried Judg~botyendthellgto efght rounds flom Ib~ gnu a fenr hundred f_ (~IDamp to rules aflerrds 10 oe __14 dbianee at a lIlIIte lit amphe We lhougb down) regulate lhe dllttance AI wbleb amphe ltb Brlag amph_ guilt for the lint time eleven mn pa1J In acllon aholoI 8el the Iglu8 of ampheir rillel GIlt of the rortyelght ttow 011111 h been hit C F HENNINGSEN Brig Gen

A VIOILUT 1M TllOIIJlLII-A Mr Colemaoamphe and amphOBO whoprefer till meaauHlI mit obtelD amphe President of tb~Som Frallci8eo Vigilanee Commit- same by requiAlllon II amphe OrdnollceOllee lee lately arreated In amphe elly of Iiow Yor( Ilunfortuoately happenM tllal the lJepIIIImtlt at ho suit of man nf tbo uame of Halon ho WIll forced by clteum8lallooeto 18100 lOme ot lOOn lIunbullbull and to Ptlt IOgeamphor cartridges before the

waa bamshed by order o the Committee from oeCleaal1 IWI~uclon8 bad 1Illvod Henao amphe caUrQlltmiddot4 Mr Malon IlIIrIll8~ lhe li(lWmiddotmiddoteaiUiilgeillillfiltColltillileil aUbuFtlfellt gralllS Yllk Bvenlng POlt his onUI) Innocence of en crime or oWnee and lthtrges Ibllt the parileo middotho bull mpmollcd IUId banished hint dlil80 tram ntampllclnua moUvoa mrymiddot aiid 10 goi rid lIf an lICtio c11t zoin wbo condcnmed and esisted the llrocGelloge of tho Corillllte~ middotanll WM about 10 10 lealioony

bull 6 in tile Unltell Sillies Courl at San lranelllCo III n proceeding whicb h middot since resulted III the InUetshylIIent and hnprlaonmont or IWamp melnbe~ of the

f bull

orgAnization at San Fraucisco ~r PlIlcI

to9 much tKlwderbull Ihe effect of which as 0 make IIiIrllI~ kick ~d to burallo bell lberebI dealrolng ftecouNey

lho nlnl6 Rille bill Ole tho ordln ritle tle advlltap Ihat Itma be 1000ded more easily and rapdl h ~ IlIaded wlamph tl~actll tho IIIIUQ rn pldl~y andfaCllty as the ordinary mllllket

Tho ~o llloat Important pollll8ln tbe jedloloUII use 01 thomiddotBinle relo1O Ibo imulIer of loading andto tho IllDner of holdllllllhepleee


To lond ampho 1I1n1~ Plumiddot In the charge of pow Tho question of ho lhls But Will bo settled Ii dcr put Illmiddotlle ball rgtiamphout pap hutllcr If III~

doe lip In CIImiddottrldge d plI tbu ball ImUle wlllloul nhllng Illltliit cI ~hu puwdr-Wbell il1GAUh ilo powde llitllduv IMI1I rod Itllout nen giving ouo amiddotuk~ tIwill 0Il11111~ke Iho pillCo kickbullbulllnd IIOY

coil I tun felt at all mil m~D ualoR 1M pleoo properly ma II Olla hundred ro~nda llholilrecelYing thll smailest braise or feellug Ibe leasl IOreneae

PUcnICK Wml I1l1U1 The proper lact to acllee tbe BinloS fit firt

Ie At Inob~ecton tbea~ beeansuh eIfCI or eve bOII8 Been For thr pllrlo II threemiddotlIIailea have boen plaoed on Ibe lako III lb water amphe two outer flake belug ten f t aparl Thll cel 1ft slake ill tbe h t 10 aim at The etlceil ~I(

h d- 0 eo h b (lne un yrds froln t e abol two und arde from theaborelhrbullbull more atakea Ire plfteed three btll~red yardo Ihroe 1110 takes avdao onup to onll toousand l abulldmiddot

JII1I9111G DtflmiddotUlIOIIbull

WheD holIer the sllooter knowing Ihe dill lance aI whleh be ill fring hOl8 Obtained eudlelenl proticlenoy II I 81111 ne_~y (in order 10 hlaeapon 001111 Ihe bid) thllt he abou14 l1Ian eaIooate known dlatao_ oorreellroampherise if he bas ligbted too ~igh or 100 low he may conllnue to aboot ~er Or under in the t1eld herll freqllt1y be - ~ot aee where 0of bla aholll 81rikee 10 correet hla etro~ On this accouo$ men sho 1d bit plBCllo1 10 guess at

If) lIccurae of the Ihot ~llher by pulit Il~ laquoO~ in PQ8tmiddotOlfice BuDdmg ~hapeof the ball or II) kllIin~ ) I HI-bullbullI bullbull ofo I 1866 IrOll cap whleh It cunulllli1 11 h lt~ plJlldce toIliPputO Ihat allY lt1111= T I E 1 O xrWK~ So I IUllnZQ Wl UtIIDLW not ramming nOlll provlltllllg th e~t tmiddot Kew~II oiande ampI Alandlln mON thMlI Ce IlIcbermiddotuhe IC I

WItlllbe gUIloulalromlullK lir q uF bg ABROGADOS

wbereas Wbtll Ie wipet 1111 IOlldc(1 gUll lno nextGmiddotpmiddotlitieRI thol)rlts 80 In_III) aropart A WIIUlltrE tBoUT TUII AOIl 0 Bo_-A llIIt blow oiIt tbe dbl lndM~9 tb~ ham1 8Ul1Ishy

PIRtampmiddotm (tlnll Abovo nil 80 01l01 m3Y Ihe chang few das ago we met a ~~lIemall from Ahlban~ cielltly bull ho e 118 1 lece of IIIforllltlOll hi re fli 10In II 0 of e~olll8 require p1tllltll CHIOl with lit- 118cuJtnlng thePage of a borde arlO boOf abo HOLDIIIO TlIII PIECIl 110 orln~ Iuf~renee 10 plrty Iheory o~ party platmiddot Ina paaaed Ihe niMb 7ear IIhicb woo 1I0W 10 Ill It I tbelntlllioll of tho tolnMllderlnOblcf rorm~ that It _ms 10 lIIe 0 should look mosbQn~ will be wo are lure to ~OSI of 011r flad 1~III rar M 10001Iiblc lit MiIlie ~iUIlll sh11 be it no~ oly II) tla~ lalityoJ la mlII-wtat ollr It8 tills ancr Illtl borao nblo YCIId lId l d$IIl~lItud ~ IlIeIl Irued) aCljlllllPlLtllYltl1 Ibtl CAlId t I wlI1klo comes on t~e oolid M he uIper corner II 01 tho 11110 Now Inen 1Wu41om~d to ~ha

I to I~ 11 nAtllte and culture retber thallio of Iho lower lid lind overy ycar IhcNltIItIlmiddot II h~ urolmRI rilo ltleil ck~ bllt 1 very amRlt bt Itt pai11 prnf8lSioD8 or bis 1IInt(oD promi ono well ltlellnld wrinkle fotmiddot ovor) 1 ()v~r nlllol cimrgtgt very pruperly reat 11111 bu I of tbe stock Jt~ If for Istancr 11 hor~u baa Ibreo 1It1kll$ bo I~ alililst tbo IIrmiddotlI lstnnd idew)~ to I U obJImiddotcl

or tho dnUlP~kllilJ ~f tlut ulnbtvttlmiddot~middott l~ ~lltit ~ III 11 tlrearmo 1amp lable 10 uck It 1lt tmiddotumiddot- Tbllll4obltcd by ubg II IVirh cmiddot 10 Ib~ end of Ill nUbrod 111 whillhwiii W u1 tOIlr with ~middot~aracrw on rUII he OIIuarlllll Oftlee TtU$ wlv~r iu ltretlaquo btJlImiddotmiddotC COIUCllcItg pacllce anIII bull ill U etWh~V8r amph 81100101 finds lhh hi Ii ill bishyling 10 CO dj)Y1I with ditllcul~ h -lImllI Iler lodll)g b~U btore ~plig ~ tbn I w~Ir once or IWCO dowlI tho buI lnu middottlt~ ~Il tlttlt is to l0080n the cakHl puwllll on tho 1lt11 1 tilG bltrmiddot reL 80 tIlen C8Jl11 ul lloc lIud tk~ 1110bullbull11 h~pB to clQl tbe gUll by bluwlu til dill Hllilre h Ill tI lUauuemiddot ~II imlldred h y be IIr11d rO1 018 pleca WIIlO1 ~qr ~1Ibg Tile reMOI wh) be I not III pu~ 1110 wIImiddot~r (11 thuuuoad bull plcCIl I brea_ II woul~ )lt) lhe bciJ dalllp anll tbill~l chargu Iul In fluid b~cOlDe IOml Ihem k

Paoillo lIlarmiddotb valuod thulO Virginia We no get a Ihouaand dollars for eounthlave we would then haye gollen from tbree 10 IIV6 1)U8Ad dot Iar8 rer an operaun it tho gold IIlInea ot middotOaliformiddot lila four hundred thoa mulllpiled b Ii- amphousand or even amphree tbousand will ahow _ mm_ lose Ollllpu1lon rdollam would nO compe~~ VI1l0ia for h~t 1088 III not rllooing the IIl1e on to llie Facillc

E I 0 nwtll L 84111gtpound WHo DAHOLlIfl



GRAilraquo 110AItAuUA 11ESSRS Kewen Simd~r8amp UanlUn III praeshy11 lieo In aU the COIlf~ of ~b Merilloual and Orlentel Depalments Rnd In tbti D~ptlllent of Le

PArlicular atienlilln 11111 be given to tbe reo covey Qf cl~ima ugainSl the GOvcrnmmiddotnt

lJ~oIbullbull mortfg leNlet Ie promply 0 ClIlel nd on Ii oralmiddotlermbullbullAI ow llId mo~ey brokerage busto will a lage tho AllenllOIl ofi6 finn bull

Q RAN A DAN lOA It A 0 UA bull

I~bull ~dlnrogtq REWEN SANDERSY IlAN IgtLIN ~jl)roosn lol PIOlesiOl1 de illmgllria ell tOUOllt los trihulltlle8 lj~ 103 t U d I 0middot l )tmiddotplIlttmlnt)8 lerl I()I1I1 v rleR

Y ~n el Dgtplrt~ento 00 Leon bull So dllrk atencIOII pnrticulllr III eobro If)

Imiddotmiddotdlm cr contlll dl1 gllhi rllo Itd 1Ijpotoc3~ Arrenimionto~

t ~ bull tc 1~n eJIIQlIlndos con IWOlIItlt y fllmiddotemiddotto~ mudeladollt TlmlJieu 1111 ocel1p~rall Itn rillgoeJoo do

I(rretagl el biencs rllice y dimro -- 1J h bull dIe= e~II1~e ~ en I Ctml 0 orr(~braundn NOlclObrc 1 de 1856

dup 111 jnll oIUII LOllt IN ampho early patlof amphb foe LAlfJ) W ~ 1tNT fQ IIvc hundred nCI ttl (If Innd drallO III fam of Col R J SJiltlors X_res hlTJ be~n takon 10 rendtr It of no e tlcJpt to the per8Ol fOl who It wns drtITIl WllOttOr ill It 10 ill NiiAlIguonao ollWe or to me ltiU bq suitably N11lIrded

OOL E J SANDERS GIlladI NQv 1 1836 1I~nrr- L~hUet

uvolll~ell if fOllt heiathirtc611 Ad til 11111 th) ro liillgt whoroby hcy do MtIlSeU1I$ nUltn~O-l tlIUiTISSuillrsa ETlqoE1TB - ceordiug tl 1 Iotc b IIf dliklea to nine atd YOII will hIV 111 Iltilgll lIlIk tu 1100 OIlOPI) lll~ ill mU3(~tlriug I 1lIorfwlit~r It III etiqueue fOf pelllollll of infot1or io So says the genUeman 811d Ito Is cOIIampuUI1 it lIee~y 118amp th~ 1I)~lcr shluM 3fIIillnL iIIder~ his pl)feMional lampniCCl

mnk io I~ol their healtia IOlVor han tho belds f 1111 Mef tail A a coo~ n~uy I)~I 14Vlllw I~ ltlec b I liing u 1111 rea tho muk(jt I to lhQ citi3Jlls of Graoaolo U ill bull bull I) horsts over Int a i$ wily tmiddotI II lIIc IIu I RIMtle amiddotIJ(lr amiddotlIe~middot in to tbe bll$O of Ih I hg l )0 found al tb Dosplt)

thelr l4ltupoOItI Iberefore wben a nabob aClOp I hOIampo dOll mutt slvo up liis trlt1~-lllonlllc I k s C lil middot1middot is ho ~1I1101 d) if Iro anda middotVmiddotIIm mbJnrtt _h_SjtflU ard sl~1 get Oil 1 (ltllIf2 Plnntel I aiemiddotx bullbull )1 ~ 110 bllU of hl~ pcco OraMd Novetllbe~ I 1~amp


328 EL NICABABUENS4VoL ~ No 52 p 4 Sabado 1de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 1 18qB

I But tberemiddotII point from wblch ~bl anbject

lhOnldIv _ad IItperlor to Iny mere Idalphaselt [Jittr ague ns t of tbe -i Itmiddotl6-how ~be buy tb deed In Ibla counll1 efFects th Ulag_od thlemiddota 011 1111shy

Saturday lIlorniD~ Nov~ L middotportanamp Dllrlnl the dry aeuon In thll coUlltry Itl Yer

HON COL 1QHl( H WHEELER dUlicuit 10 dig a gra or luDlclot depth to pro-

Thl amptnlleman wh has eo ably repreiented Int th polloDOUS paeafronl eacaplng 11110 the thII Jolted Bta1e8 ~ North Amerloa In thll couoshy

trl darlbg ahe varlbos oTillgea and atartllng Inclshydeata of tjle pasl two years Is we regre~ to 8Iy boul 10 dpar~ rom IOIOllg UI on a Iall to the uAiI~1t1atelo Hia beallll bu baeD of lale very _b brokllD IDd we InRir hI vlalt to 110 and nf bil blrtb 1JI1~ ~trellKthen ble fIoame by Ita Ron iov~t1i11 j~lIoaplire

_B rIOre will exolte a rept In the breut oC emf American In Nlosraguau blA aCQ4mshypUIIlliiilitt genlfemin bl aliampTl~y U )lInll~r

hII klndneas nd urbanl~ u a man and bis dieln lereledp u a friead ~as altcady g~lned him ~eliru~t ampad rove W~e~ver he goes tbe good wiebe or all who

uo-Iollllid thllCOI1iItry wlll follow hhn alld we trlMt at before la_IIY weeks we m ba middotth p~ule of Innoucbg Ita relum We wlab blm lfIe_t voyage



ED namp BURNED III II tbe dlkion ofthmaln of de

-r-~4 P llOD8 bas been a aubJectof Ihe promiddoteIQlUld98t ~iionUoo Wbh I~ are conDected the _tldenta of the warmes~ frlendlhlp tbo ileepetl eiltnltlbJl aud tlrelDost eaorad Ibougbtamiddot of tin

1iChaft~~ ~horo II anhll~lotl ID maDwblcb 1111 pell lilllll ~T8IlI wltb grea~ cate tbe romulD of his fiIampir orbullbulltur fbi ay bit esclted 10 pari by feeUng ibat we onl7 do IS we would be done

liJ toutpefhapi ~e -eat IncoU o 10 tblerupecl btl tbougllj that lhe Iplrll of lifo whleb anI -1 olampy before UI tnay be 1I0W before thea~llioron or the OIt High and Ihe nmdna tITeRlO WQJD 0101 our ioevltable dellliny

Tile IIIl1Dn of buryins the dead bas been a _II I _t I It f I

I ~Io Iou bleb ata n w w PlOCseda from deelylng

18tatabl We know tba lata1dlleuea are brollgbl ooby Innooulillon and hat I man canmiddot nn~ be Innoclllaled byanrlblllg mo8 dllllcul1O

L__ b

a~moephere and spreading lIIalri ampIIIong the Iiv-Ing The~ Iulso bull common oUltom among peoshypIe of th Ialler dayuo bury ~ remalDi of porsonl of no~ In nulta un~er the 1l00rs of cburchet and those In che dmp and gloom olihe luliterratiean cbambers In decomposing p~ddl_ and death among Ibose wblJ honored ~bn blloll logj Uld IUppose they thUI Ihow rpeet to their memory aner dealb h ta unnec_y to r8fe~ to the dangar of those who dIg gr In a Iae of OO1IIl11on Inte lIIent or how onen they como In contaCt wllb the polsoo of deeolOpoelng Jleah or wbat a s~ amount of dlseue Ibere II engendered bi the poleono pBel of sucb places by bel~g waRed amoog the habltatlonl of Ih~ IiVldg The evil elllcta or 11 tbeae clrcumstences ara Incalculable

We can onlyarrie at theamprulh In suck C8IU Iy Ulalol1middot W know that the gue_ of decumpoeo-Ing ~o~tsble mattedo swamps produce d98ues of eryerloll8cb~ractars wo know tbat on thla account 11 nu countrl are I_ healthy ampIian whera Ialor huefllleted a good drainage and ~bat higll dry land II more condllclve lOheal~h and Ions life tlian damp low Incamp We knowIi Ii Id- b I

JO tat ep em1 realmiddotoutmiddot1I parts of cl~le wh garbage ta a1lpwed to coUeet and tm1~ an eDlu~a Id we know also tbat gases from d cylg anllllal blatter are more daJlgelOUi and

The Late lnliulttlt the US llag I In olHla w publlebed a record of eiiollUng

eta All to tbe IneultllllC oonduc~ of ~e oIlied forces of Guatalllla and San Saludor toward the AlIlerican Oag the Mlnl~r of ~h8 Ulli~od Slates and tbe cold blooded murder 01 unarllled

American cltlrens But thll record dark and demiddot grilling as It Is te humanity WIS bulholf dlacload Dally circumstances of Dlulder _lnltioD and robl)e07 commltted On Alllericsn unarmed clll lensre being brought to ligbt which place the Governmenta of Gualeblala and San SAlvador bO yond the pale of ci illzallon and eta p them u BaIlon of ouUaw cutbro1e and bAndl~18o

Tbe accompnied allldavita of Cap~ Dunlcan and ~eut Gardner prove ~he diabolical IMurder of a Utile boy whose only offenco was being born In the Uolted Sla~ of wbite parenta and bnlng a while face

Doel not iIle blood of every frlcnd 01 humanl~y of every nalion ehudder at euoh ~Iroity Will not tbe lII08t eage and barbarous nallona of tha darkest agel of anllqully rise In judgment against luob uaboly and bloody deede _

tait of cOmpany D Fir~ Rille of tbe Army ~( ~be Republic of NlcaraguI and made oa~ ~haj

On Mon~ay the 1~11J October 18D6 during f

attack of h combIned foroea of Guatemala a d Ban Salvador on the city of Grallada during ~ e ba~le he approached ~Ioe houN of Mr JamoA Smi~h on the street of the Meulah opposite I e Churcb of San Franclaco f-om wbole bouse t e enemy bad been drIven out and he there lAW Q

tho arms of hie flher thamp dead body )f a about seven years old who bad just been murd bull ed by 1100 onemy whose body as horribly 10

lated ard deformed Mr E nllb was unc~~ nected wi~h ~he Army and como u a aettl9r~ NIcaragua He appeared hear~-broken and d shycOllsolate oxclalmlng tha~ he wished tiont loG co d bove sutrered In his child place Iln I tha~ in th amp alllnts opinion I~ WII and i ~he determlnallon for ~ho lovadillg forces 10 violate every rul of clViI~dwarfare and justice IDd lIIurdr eory Alnari n In Nicaragua J DUIIICJII

Sworn to before me this 21th October 1866 JOHN H WHEELER U S Minller

middot1 do hereby cortify tlia~ 1 W88 preBent wllh ~ taln Dunicnn aDd of my own kbol~dg 16~ abore aDldavit Is true In evel pa~ticuIRr

R p OAlIIlIpound1I Fi t Lieutenant Company E Firat Ri8es

Swonl to before me thIs 21th October 1866 JOHN II WHElLER U 8 MiDiter

oor8_ t e ~_Ing lIull of ble fellow maand would be reapecteo b all lla~IQDs even tb tho Amerlean 8a8 would protect him rba~ ~c Now u the guea whlob arise from vegetable most IIInge Bul how vain wu lhat hope I Let Lawless very frequehUy came to him 8 thOlmiddotMnmiddot lIIalterlo a atate or decAY appear 10 be lIIucb hll plunderod 1001180 bls murdered remaina tbe tay Goveroor of ~hll Dopartment in blthrfi mciro ftal thllD ~ODtact w~b Ihe solid_ from wblcb bodies of Iii f6110wmiddotclizen tbe mutilated bunting tb Datives o~~befllo~lnldt for whdOlll hIe perforbi th _ numeroua IC_ a bull n n au w lOBe rup bull

_ AO~ re lImiddott e lllallnorl 0 nu rolli tar llIImemotlalIiimiddot lome oountries oj E8YP~ ~~e present ago ought to be luDlclent to ri~ i9bIaDcie Dluch IDg epulty wu expended In enmiddot bove anyprt)UIIIce orallY old cuawm which haa ~orlng ~ lr~ee~e bodlel (rom decay anltl been haaded d~D t WI frolll ~pe~o~_bClo the the Orilllai ftcc~ of all burl~11 WII law ofnelilUi wee but lIttle s~OOIeil or known -0 --uOD of die body At tbo far Notth and auggoat auch remedlca as wlllleslen as far AI

whra th tro~ king relgnl many lDootba III ~he poIIlble the causes oC dll~uo bull

ey ann mut 1ler tbe~ 11011 II 110 the caso with tbe ps8I 101010 arise frolll putrid animal mellmiddot UleI If thll II eo thqenlightonment of

yar and all anImal de~omp08ltloD II auspended t

ibrough Ita etrecta tbe etrort 10 tilDes of 19oorshyihc mIght be aUPlosed to be parliaUr aucceBBful 11 Ii eeD no DO uncommon tblng to be ~oemer II tbat b would nollike 10 die In a

amputherll counlry on ac~ollnt oftbo audden decay ~ hll remaloa 1111 sontewhat remarkable tbat bile Nort~ern natlolls eYen In tbe most ancIent tImes burlod their dea~ In tile pound Ibe peo-DIe or the Southern countrl buroed tbem Thle wu ~bo cultom or Sou tbern Aala And Southorn E~op In our IlIgUsh literalure to tbll daTI ~wlng from oll Oreek we frequoutly her t)ili )ihnae peacmiddottomiddotI alhea I

1be Greeb a1wav burned 1100 bodle of their Wualrlou8 dud and In our opinIon thla lain many respecta lIIucb preferable 10 bllrylng_ bull In burnIng u lru tholr CUltom the ashea IIIlght bo carefully ciflllected and plaee4 In an mamen~ed urn j hero llOuld laDd wltbout otrendlng tho senses In the bleb of the temple or In tbe private aparl

m6llts of friends til Ihls manner I~ wu alwaYI In the careoilboao rho respected It and In wboaemlllol7middott wumiddot dear_ Tbo asbes of Ibe great mbl In Ihose dal1 beaeD~ fro plRce to place mldgled llb IIampYO7 locenlo receiving the roapocl due the blemor or Ibe Blirlt which pYa It lnishy

middot1111110110 In Ileae dy the remoYai oC a corpae croaten bOlrOr In all wbo 1ra1 wllh It not 1mshymedlIlotorealell to say nothing of tbe danger 0( belna In coplact with so Ruch rot~nn alld putrofotlon Ona balpound of Ihe borror of death con sists In the Idea of tho bedy pu~rU)lug io the e~ 4 Wng an obJect of loathsomene18 upon lJjlell worm gMiI and riot How much more pluinlmiddottw Idea of ha log the ashea carefully ptbelllllj amplid ~pi perhapa 8weamptlt aeented aa DOW ieepodaguerreotyp08

W~_ uale lhe aallsfactlon It would no lIfIorithe litem world to ha e preserved the

middotashe oIllli~Q Ot lIIilikapeore i or wbo can guess the care otmiddot venerAtion willi whleb the Frencb would ~gtrd the ashes 01 Napoleon or with wbat yeneratlon Americana would guard tbe reshymai1 ofWaabington h la truly to bo regretted that aU whlcb Was mortal oC tbose i1ulrloUi per sonages Isoow IndlltiDgubthable from ~hecommon eartb or tbe remalna of ~he earcasa of 80IIIe brow

There ta t~ls dvanhge ID burning bodlea OTCr burylDg tbem that IDltead ofperlnlltlng them 10 cauao dlaeue aRer death Ihe nry act of burning puriO ~he aIr It II lupposed the great plague ot London WII IoIICIted In lie ravagea by Ibe groat

Ore whlcb burned the greator parI 01 tbe city Ono thIng Is certaill iC history II correct that Ilthough Itraged with foarful voIoeelmmedla~lr hefore It ceueo to exll aimoillmllledialeit lifter Iho con8agratlon It It now a common pIlodco to fullllgate a roam In whch a parson baa died and doowrs ad 1ae boao who Yliit he remainI of a person ~hat lou died of cholera orany olber conmiddot mgloua dlieal to moke a cigar or plpo-tlo great

a purifier II fire And eelUng pr~udlc aside III~ Is after all

lIIuch more dealrable to be cooaumed by lire ner death than to rot ~n be devoured by worms alld 118 tbat eoaduccl well 10 tbe praseryallon of tho Ulng u to the retallling tbe uhes of tho de ceased we would fbor tho adoption of Ihe CUllOJll

In thle lOuntry It was the generoloplDlon In Granada Ifter Ito

batlle of the 131h of October tbattbe great nummiddot ber ot theonemy which wu killed would produce tbe cholera before they cluld be Interred DurnshyIng tbelll bnmedlatal would h prsvenwd tbe posilbillly of auch 1 p~llIful circumstanoe and would hve puriSe1 the air 01 any polsonoul gnaee wbleh might already slated 10 it

On object In ftuggeatlnlf thle II more 10 call tho 4tenllon of the publio u well 110 medical profeaslon 10 Ibe anbjecl chin 10 attempt at tble tim to dllcUBB Ihe m W are howovor under tile InlproBB Ion that If Ibe tlustom of burnshyIng the dOlld Inatead of bmiddotlng them were onco Ialrlylowoducecj It would In tbll lall~ude prove higbly benellclal w tbegenfral hulth

A Nw 01ft The Phll~dciPhia Mint hujull IMued a cent wblch II described as COlliposed or 1It88ven parb copper seven of nickel and one ohine 11 lou a lilht appearance with a faint red tint alld la In beautiful contra t with the Ameri cau a1lver nd gold plecea and will not u the old cent did tarnlsb thelll by oon~ol The weight of the newll only aevell~y-to gralnl-Ih~ of the present copper cenl la olle bundr~d and sixty ftghl

Tbe aDldavlt allo appended of (len fry u to LIG~TION or UUTID STATES or AnRIOA~ the nlurder of Ifr Lawl pro es Mr Lawl IIEAR Till REPUBLIO or NCARLOUA ~ earnest desire to presee lob neu~raliy in all 1100 Tbis day camo before me Birkett D Fry Bri dUBcoltiel wblcb have beset Ihle coun~ry of nis dier General ArDIto Nicagua Uld made OI~h blgh lOlled chacler and Integrily of conduct Rnd tbatshyorh pcrfeat oonOdeoce ~ha tbeaegis of the Bowasacquainted wllbJohll D LmiddotI~uaimiddot Amnoan fIig was amplyiuDlclent to prolect bis the month of Oc~ober 1bullbull1 Ihat having been rl liberty property IIld lif Be badmiddot een as cofmmnd of Ihls cl~y durn the greater POrllrshy

0 he past year he lou Ircquentl bad occbullbullI~ llIralloea (rolll the blgbeat aources tbat no Amori- 10 tallt wilb said Lwleas of Ibe polillcal atrairsio can wuld woder so far 1roII home that the pro- tho State of NiCllragu Tha~ the MId LRle tacling and powerful arm of tbe United Stat- s unifOImly re1beed 0 take ny part InarlUa wlti wal Dot over him lie reiuaed 10 COlli wilblo IheAforcea of lttI~nerol Wdalkellrdsaymg Iat hOe ~ri an lIIe can CI zen an re e upon Wle og o the line of onr Irclo mlylng oo~ho middotpeo~lon 01 his counlr for protecion_ Tba~ a(~r Oeoer Ibol Uulted States aDd Ihrew out beforebis house Walkers force marched upon dual and a few the Alllerican 8ag tba~ In ~Is patriotlo beart b hours _before Ihe auack u~D Granda loa urgtd fel wu honored in every laud anltl on every sea thbelabdblAdwl_11edto comde WtllIlI hila Ilhnol degb

f dle~fen~~w c e eo n to 0 expreaa ug s e Ie I ~

tom b the enemlee sllot and lbe loor of tbo Lo- alld good will he leetDed to pOSle That ~ ~ gatlon house perloQ~d bytboballe oftbe onemy Lawless had reaided for several ye a paa~ inOmiddot testify nlda apoKe tbe In~uago of ~he coulltry 8ue t-

Iy and WIB extensively engaged III IIIcrcalltUJ~ 10 ancln~Rome ~he exelamaUon lam a Ro- e~ita anil had mall) 01 tho nolives In hia ORlPi bull

mIlD cillzen arrested the falling blo of Ibo IIc- Tha said Lawlen justly ellJoyed the reputtti D

lor 10 fOmer ~oys ~n II the great Republic of for great pbllanthropy And unamp~~middot~~t tile North In 0 aayo ofJakson It is the bouth of ~ e loll lory of tha~ day ~hllt no American cltl zeD ever luWered lny In~ulT abroad without reo

dreu WefcOIlaurolhnUhesnm08plrltnowanlmatestbe

United Stateamp and ~hat tbe same feeUnga ~hat dlcmiddot tated tIe Kouta letter will be roady to defend Ibe rigllts aud proico~ tbe lives oC InDoeen~ AmerieRn



Thll 4ay came before 010 James II Smitb wbo tcatlO tbat he emigrated from Ne York clLy whero he hu resldcd for two years In the steaol ahlp Tennc88ee for Nlcaralua on thOl 1 III Sep tember laet accom~RRled by his three email chll drell lor the purpole of cultivating hind and satshy~nllg In Nicaragua lIo is by protession a taather

That on Sunday the 12th Inll an alarm of an lltack was made by the foroea of 9uaternala and San Baladof on this ci~y That be no~ crediting

S b bull h 2 hOb I 56worn ore me t IS middott cto er S bull JOliN II WHELER U S diolaler bull

I [ 0 F F I C I ~ L ]


ADJUTANT GENEIULS OUICpound J Granada Oct 26 186G

1 SOLnnRI--Each day demonstrates more cle iT ~hat tbe war we are wagiftg Is ono of IIUlh apl AI falbood of clmoalion againat barbarism GI satisScd wllh the bloed of lonocent cilicnssb d a~ Granada-with n appetile Ilnllghler h 1shyled by the nt_Ore 01 helpleu cbildren and b 11 ministers of CbriIIIII~y-our IIIvage foes II f

added ano~hcr crime to tbo long liRl reco d asaiDNt ~bem Thoy han sbot Lleu~ Col Lal wbo wu IRken by tbe n a prisoner of war 80 0

It)8 ngo At ~i1e very time thl_ cold-bloodedaal ofcroe 11

was boillg colDlIItted an exchange 01 prioa r was bciu proposed by tbe comntandermiddotinmiddotc er

tho Jolarmj wntto tholltlloplzaa8110r~dlitance If tbo Guatemala forcos WI~h an lona~a bull When tbe (ote aptearod and commenced an ac tive 8Mng ot musketry and Mlni6 rille wblch otlt off his relurn Tho foreee then approacbed 10 hOllie wbere bis li~tle fRmily wera seated ~ dillshyner consisting or a boy Frencb Berbert born In New York tlty on Ibe 6th March 1849 two lrirls one fI and the otber Iwo yeare 01 Ige 1hey were seated witblo three yards of a large wludow which opelled 011 ~118 street One of lhe troops approached the window and taking delib erate aim fired at 0 lillie group the I)all grazed the chin ef the fllrl nurse and atrlklilg the bo In the lower part of his face paselng out of the neck broke tbe plllol obord killing him instan~ly TIe reat 9f the children wee concealed iinnlcdl-

IDg for ~reacbe he bad smoolh WOrdl and Ii ~ sullmenls on hll Iipa wben he was In the act t murde

Tbe mnatlon of Lln4 show he ndlito of the ollemy wl~b whlcb we baYe 10 contend f Ibe sollie lan~age andreligion wilh tbelUself they bad nOl agains~ hilll the lying excuselmiddotw Which ~hoy are wont to justi~y Ihe murder of American citizens Nothing bu~ ~be love of til d aod ~he cowrdly loatlllc~ of tbo savage Call 0

urged for tho execution of thd Cuban palrlot Let ~ben soldiers a Bunle of tbe jUltico G d

grandeur of tbe C~U1e In which wo aro CDgae nerve ua lor the fullilmellt of tho Iftak wblcb I bull before us Remember that you luWer aud It

awly III an adJacen~ housl by the nurse under agio to redeem ono of the 10eUest 01 lalld_ ID bed hlle Ihe ~roop Ibreed tho cuing of ~ho barbalian rule aud lavage despo~lam In such a wlndo the door being fRBlened and resiatlng all Oft IIHO 118 t~is who ould 1I0~ gladlf eudure II ~ IV Iheir oRllrta Thoy then entel8d and searched In dayoCprl alion and fdtiguo r 10 would n I vahl for the cbildren Tbey plullucred tho house undcrS1l aome lillIe antrering and danger for I ~ of all bia iinpleonpnta of hUlbandry clo~bing gold sake of IIvlllg his nalllO enrolled amoug the be o and allvr walcllcs mono aDd valUAble of faotors fJf the rllce 7 amount 1lI0re ~hao two thoueaDd dollars ~ 2 Lieut ltlol ~ A LaID6 aiddemiddotClImp 10~ tbe

JAKa8 n SIITD Commandor-in-l)hler having bean brbIrOO~ Sworn to before me this 2~tb Ootober 18DO murdered bylhe enemy without ProPOiDg An shy

JOHN B WlIEELIlt U S Mini4ter change (If prlaoners i~ ie directed Ihll~ Lie t We do bereby certify that we reBlde In tho Col Brigido Valderraman and (Ja pt Bern~r 0

nme houle II~h Jamee H Smith Faq nnd 01 Allende be shot Ibis aernllon 11 6 oclock In Ollr own knowledgo the faclt tn~ed In hla aDldo vlt are Irue lu evcry particular


Sworn to beforo rno thl 27th O~oher 1856



Tbl day calllO bofore one Jamea Dunlcan Capmiddot

tbe plftZ of thl clly 3 11111 Gen Fry 19 charged wth tho esccullta

of the abovo order By command of WY W AUrER

Genernl-Coml~andng-in(jhipI Pn n TnoIlPBOII AdJ t Gcn N bullbull

~ h Is atato(1 that PrInce Albert 1038 b~~~t 111 Clllll1nOUe tract of lInd In AII9tralia Vbic1o1n nbout tnty years will tetulnabollt ono thou811 ~ i tlII10S oa much tIS all ~h~ amp Coburg alld Obi

In Germany put logctbor I

329NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 7 Sabado 1de Nllvlembre de 16561 Saturday November 1 1856

i lit I ALGO NAB BOBRILBL Dl4 UJ 1lJSOUOJON lIerosoaeajuitA al Cllpilitu delliglc y Ie r t t lIJ S 11 n1J R ea mlUlgrato perdmar que CIIstipr aunshy EqulUtlvo y aUII n_Slnll) nos parec Menelter earetrogradarlllol mM remomiddot que eata lIluy pronto a IIOtrar en el UIO

toear la materil de que vamos neumiddot t~s tlempos de barbirle yde ldlo~lemo pa de juatas represaUae lIa cual rere IU tS II Into NOT I de 1836 pamos no obstlnte haberll8 tratado en Ill1Icontmr el ejempl0 brutal a una Ie- naluralom 1 10 demandaren las circlin A WI ~ 101 1)umells anterloJel aunque nu cion quI Icsban de (omeler en Maaaya stanciU De consiulente 108 prl~ionrOl

JUEBPO VE ARTILLSJIU 4 tod I degtlt1d I I d I d 1 - ft -- con 1 1 ~que mereee por mf~ 01 Jenera ea e I IUfZaa iii on I heridOll lIOn tratadlll eon 10 mllyor be El lierpH de tLitiHerlll ha tomado un destla de lOB IRdmdus que 11 rlllawon Guatemala en estos lIltlmOl dia des- nignidad

ClIPCI) 0 imllolltmto bajo 11 direoclon del puesto que cl1ml mlmos t(lIl1aron una puea del ataque de aquella plllza I de Queda PUIIII demOlltlldo que falto8 de Jele I Henningsen IIventndo jofs de esa parte actin en los sucea~s Las buenllS las acclone quee Ilan referido ya tn 10$ fe ell itll mall s1 mnes compromiaos y Grmllj iuyos cOllocimientos Ie ban didO aceiones dlbon refe~lrse mlnuciollme~te d~8 humerns anteriores de elte periodlco de oumplimiento en sil palabra como mi MmladianQ $010 en los Estadol Uni Sin temor ~e Incumr en la tacha de dllil Vlolando 108 mas gmdos Plotos ma- Iitares 111 jefell do lIB fuIiIBs enemlgat JOI I nn fuora de ellos Es do cele- sos tnnta par que e8 un trihuto dllbido al lew reeonocidos univerenlmente y 0011middot flftll Incohado COIl ol ftlsilamiento flel Co brillS la recision y tino con que dh-ije m6rlto Cuanw por ue line de est-imulo aiguadol en aI derecho de jentel de una ronel lAid y aUI compslierea despues IRS bo 111111 Y granadas al punto que de- a100 d~mAA NOl oontraenos al IltaqU(o Inanera ~n ep~icita se han colQcsdo en de baber aupllcado el callge Y d recibir $igna uinnentaudo y dUlheando progresi qu~ re~I8~6 oatil piau dede el deee del una posiCIon odlo~a dtgrlldftnle y eceemiddot un Indi~lIo en este sentido un Miatem vame te las distnl1CIU siempre con el pUlIdo II 11 una de Is tarde basta las crable Indlgna de hombrea que 8e tltulan elttlaordin~rlo de gtlerrA que nosotrol nei nitID Rcli)lto Q inerrnble direocloll ocho de la maAana del diR siguiente milltare 10 temm~s puesto qf8 teMm1 mlobos Tolft los dias hay repeudos ejerclcioll y Buellas y lumlnolWl lIOn I referenoiaa fnmedlamente dupuee de 101 c(lneablmiddot prlonfrGS cODtrllrios y que hlta Is te()k~ IiOletas evohuiones en las que prl()ti~ del Coronel Allen Mayor Clyeee ftc dOl acunteomlento8 vino eata cludad un siempre hiL sido patente la slIperiodatide ean j Sefiores oficlales y 109 soldado8 pero notamo8 qne a~nqueliglran en 1 correo conduciendo una comunieaci(m nuesms armal Ahorl bien ~ Sol se nell ~tmn maravillo8(1lllIIte lisw de 108 que 8e distlnguiertm 81gllnOl de los jetea eN as flllrzas enemlga8 en la VOllOtroa 101 que hahllis habmdo de vanshy

En3 ClInnto 1 numem do indivitluoB numbres 110 ell con el tlIplerclol que que IIOlicltaban aqtlll1l08 del Jeneral dalisimo de Bomnidadea y oims cosa~ perbgt ecientc8 6 dicho cuerpB lie ha IU~ merC(tlll sin que sea rltI de 1o referenmiddot Walker JOr 10 pronto 6 cange de un in- aemejantelll en vnestrus periodi~os para men db do nna mllnera otable habien tes po que 1I11011 gllardaban y derendian divlduo d los suyos cometa d eaballe oontravenlr ahora eSC$ndalOsamente Ii (0 ad mllll unH gran compltlla do Zapa1 sus pue~tui re8peetivos y no podial esect na que fu6 heeho prlalonoro por Dilestra losmejores prlncipios del dereehu dl ilores I Mineros bien que para malle- tllr j todllS paltes Grande y her6ica parte con algunamp anterlorldad Eata clrmiddot jentll I 81 v08OtroB 80ls I Pero nad~ jllr clatro mortem do obuats y lo~ tllol II deietl q~e hizo 1amp KulIrnlclon de clnetancia Indicaba queeao jeres preten- trntiamos del oltallo de atrall en que Muon a que hay on lap)tuIt fO necesita estj plftZllcn ea c61eble JOIllampda en la dian ceAhle 101 prlnclpio organl_ de 08 ballail UR n6 nero eunsidurnblcmiddot1fe bombles qll8 doeientus hombre4 combatieron con III gllerr aun entre la naolonee minoe Conatlgt 8n conclu8ion qUII aceptamol

EI uelpo de artllleriA no deja que demiddot tla 01 ilunensu numero de oehgtelentOI clvllzadal y regullrlllAr la desde lU4lft) vuealroa aotos sea ellal (uere au natlishysearsusejercicins II 1011 111118 etCrupu- por eamppl()io do dillz y nueve hOrlll uglm lu demandlln la olvillziclon 1 _ mlez 10508 itotl Admirable el Jellledo y -80luololl siglo No 81a poslble dudar de la buena

do todOll basta del ultimo 1I0idado (e de aquell espon~nea proposlcion sin DOCUMENTOS 0FIeIALES ES Ef)OIOJV A OHONTALES dispueatos perecer antes que entregllr RgIlIlar a la e8 et bonor milltar 1 JOII

U - 6 h la pldl que se lea habia conllado cierto malt proclu90a atrlbutos del bombrel ElDECRtTAS DE OOB_ERlO


apol bull IfRon que Sill ny Guatro _ J Ch I 6 t A certilllmo y atln IIOmos COrto8 j pero lIus~re Jeneral Walker quo tantnll 1 bin No ito

EI t 1 p ra onts es 0 VI a es II puer ~__ d I M ON 1 ~ lifer ~11lI oeho de la matiana halfendo ph~oll afta Ir que e ayor eJ se repetJdllsprulIbae ha dado de maltnanl REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUAt

enndu 0 de una manera verdaderamente bull bull ~ desem ~ftado flU CQlnlslon los mdlVldoll ~ mldad ItO dudO en etecto ni Ull momen Seeretal1a de Elltado en el depaello (Ie t ti ~ - E her6ic~ Hallibllse postratio en una cama to y lIev6 8U generlllll(lad basta el utr Relacione Erterlores nuO rOI en snls aerlamen n I 1 d i h 11 b connn balazo 81 unap ema que elm- mo de entregar ill corneta que iIOhcUaban Granada Ootllhrl 2t de I85ampSan oS lIu v sus lOme lac 0110$ so a a a bull

bullJ I d I b d pll(ila dar un paso y Ie obhgaba bull servlrmiddot sill nlnguna de las lIeguridades que 8e El S P E so ha serVldo dlctar 411 de 1111 nUfillro e 10m res como e CIIn) d I EI 1_ __

d d 88 lIe os mu etas enemlgo lie lre- CIItJon en taIu CIlSOl COIltellto mnl Ceto igt~eD ~ -- _gt eine tode 1 QlIuotuelOn errotll Oil Oil Ii bmiddot I I WILUamp WR Preeldenw-daln eldla trece del corliente en csta cludn aerto y 1 eil


es om re que Illll a e featando que entre 101 mlillito prbonumiddot Republica deNlearagun lr sUiliabitsnte9 11 di I dtlene 89 UIIO de 04 indivlduOlI mall roa que habla hecho elY la lihlma aocion Siendo nece8SlrIo I~reditar un liinillrouo II IU u a tomaron a ue a reco on bull

q g q i 16nol 11 eJ6rlto Nada podia espemiddot e contaban Virios 06cla0bullbull que _tcba Plenipotenelano ltle rcpleaente a 111 RetshyDioo8 quo sahCTon escape as que $U- b _ d bll d Nt d I bl _T a raSede un 110m re en esta 0 en que dlpu_o cangellr respectivamente pGr pu ca e caragua cerca e ga n piera 111 Ilegadade Jos trem 6 tl~l11~ 61 se baUsba ain embargo hacienda un el Coronel Lain 1 por olnoo 6 sela in- de 108 Estados Unidos en IVI8hingtotl lIn RllngerB que III vapor cndllcla 0 b III el 81 t p l4 de dl II d J ntlab on U80 de IUS flleultades l

1 h b d b b t esueno 110 re uaUT J9 UOl e vopa que e 8oom- an DEC RET A bullIe d bull os Oil res 0 ar UI os comO d gt I I 0 ilia dlI8l1ila 0 que tellla sa 10 (1 clando Cueron presos por caaualldad en Articulo I N6mbralle Mlllistro Pleni ~ el 09 Icen locho tom6 lall mulllw y 81 sable y 8e il camino de llwaya En allo se es- pottnciarlo de la Republica de Nioaragua (JtfOETAS DE GUATEMALA Y presentO en ellugar ~a8 peJigfOSO arras peru la romillion del hombre ofteoldo cerl1 de 18 Eatedoll Unidoe al Senol

S AN S Hi VADOR trnndu la plema y atravesllndo las calles por 01 corne Q a1 conleta mlsmo que DoAn FemmCoFerrer I J b b t rt ~ IDnmquelle qu enes cor I -- con el agaa casl bull 1 rodlda (aca I a de era 10 replar y Jegitimo 81 ae aTrepenmiddot respondamp

Estos pOliodlcos pound0 oeupan do nuestro Hoverl dundo mnd6 con V071 do trueno tlan do nevar ndelante 10 que 4111011 mis- Dado en Granada 1 29 de Oetubre de Nienrlguell~o no parR reflllar nl una pn formal amp los hombres que alii se hallaban mOB babian Bollcltado opteniend) al fin 1856 WILLIAM WALKER Ilbm do los erimCIl-e1l servUes que hemOl y que Ilegaban oon sus armas dilltribuyo par unics rampZUII el J~er81 Walker una Al Se~or Jenoral Dun Jlliteu Pineda publi~do POrqIO III velmiddotdad os illcontesta la trnpn eolocindo en loslugarel opor carta del Jeneral Zavala en 1amp que fire MMn~troldoJa Guorra encargado deT dltl I bull mUltern enerable II~ deequltan descendlcn 0 as per tUllos orden6 1amp derenaa de vea eal ea testaba (ellto no puedo calUiCllrse) que D ~ d 1 I V bull evI en suprema 0 oumun eo 1

sonah ~de8 1In un lnnguage tan cl~lco que partell de aquellugampl y 8Oliclto 1 101 prlllOnerbullbull no querlan venir No ell para IIU intellgencia y demas erectos es ebmo us antares Su impotente uni e6caz It pelllr de su eltado de grandad a eato todo ino que en as propillll perandortlCibO su atento senillor Ie do p1i~8a fudose contla cl Jeneral tadu atendia bael6ndote oil su voz ell clrocnlltandlll Be supo oon allOmbro en 11 Pnnuu lIIque 10 ba dellpreelado stempre todas pa~teamp Nosotroa admlr4mol al e~ta cilldad el rullilamlento on 01 pueblo No 64 WI pe lulclo d - lllwlrles 8U cuenta eonlmiddot Mayor 0 Nell en aquelloe momentoa y de Diriomo del CoronelLalne y algunos

V bull l REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA ~ cnte Y oxneta eremos III e908 pan asi nOl plaee conS1lJllarlo on eata arUcl1 0 otros prisirneroa I I fllaa obre aquellOl S d __1 d ch d ecre1ana e ilAIo en e eeplt 0 e ~s 8 Oil ~ombre8 de chaneelarls COli EI Capitnn Wilkins lie condujo tnnbien jetos III deabonn eonmguiente y )1 IlCe- Relacionelllnteriores

dlglll d el dIll que 80 les presente que de unA manera brilllnnte en el millIDO cr8Clion univelflall i ~pnrten el des- GranadR Oetuble ~ de 1800 JlGr ci rto no ~t~d(jlls ($ si solo se con- lugar y despue ell la deftn~ del HOIIpi precio y vilipendlo que mcreccn Y 0011_ EI S P E ampe ha servldo dictar el de-ICIltllj COil eCBrlbu snrcnsmos tal en toda la neche Es de celebaTlle la pell el lugar degradante eli que les colOCll ereto -ul~nte

-------- d dId fa 1 I d d I El GOllemo coosldelando que soMalianl lie omharea con direceion u con ucta e 011 bull IS co tat voe qn~ IU In agllO proce el hallan vaeallte~ las Carteral de Reb

Nueva York el Sr Eermin Ferrer hallan en el h~8pltal oOClrgard08 continu Como era de eeparamprse loglco y natu- ciunes Haelenda y CrMito pu~lico POl 1 g b no amente de los enfermotl Dr Lundy y raJ e1 Jene1Walker ordeno y ae eloell- baberse encaado de la ml~lon dlploshynombrlld0 que ba SluO por e 0 leI bull t ~II b d W b

j I PI d t n_ (f Dr Brmkerhoff 110 8010 por las bUenae to II (I1I181111ento nu de todoll los prleo- m4tiea eel bull e ga mete e a Ing ~n s~o ellpo~enculT1o e es a p medidas de defen~ ue tomaron IIlno ton a1 Seior Don Fermin Ferrer quohllcs eefca dol Gabinete de Wasbingtoll ~ nellIS que en la Justa lndlnadlon acuo 1l1li desempeflsil 011 180 de aus facultades

Ell F rl b I rt II pur 10 resolueion que 81empre lea honrar otro mimo Jonero- en 8U lur hubler D E C RET A errcr Gsumpe a a ca ar - -- bullbull de Hciendn que qUGdo Ii cargodel Go altamente do pereeer todtlS antl8 que prevenldo sino Iolamelte el de un Ten Articul 1 El Sefior ~e~oral Don

D d M I - G S n ahandonar unos velnte y cilloo enCer- vnte Coronel I un Capitan que ctillltian Mateo Pmeda autual MIlllIItro de ItgtlIera ~ me A lUStrolaquo c uerft e - bull G bull gad dI I diS F mOil que no pod Ian movelse de IU lecbo eutre Iquellos nerra ser onear 0 IDtennamellte elimos i 1 auseMl1 tempola c I e diahaa caneras teQlumiendo el Mlnlsteio rer a~ paso qua nll8 alegramos de que EI Chbano que elo~11I 01 Mayor Potter MuchOll plllOl1ero quqda~ on poder de Jfjn~roJ ~1a do el c electo parala mislOIl que cn el ~rro que ~lmlltr6 cuyo nllmbre nuestla gblllrnocolltrA qlllel011 ~u4lera Art t ComtllllltpleleI qutenea cor IampMnuuce Alos EsttldOIl Unidostallto por no mllmfest6 pm IgnollrJo e8 el Seflor dMClrgllllle todo el pl8O delagravlo lnfo rCIJpcmda lI1llltlilrw y circuDttitceiR quole ldornall Don FtCncisco Aguero y Batrada Pre- ridn y hooerl(1S sentirde un una manera t8~do en GitLi1lAltt~Rdigt cuantq pOl que rCIihiramp belll1s impresio recto de esta cludad prolilllda los exesos de IUS ~etos qUI Pu AI Senor Jenera Don Mateo Pineda nos en 18 hormolllls ciudlulea del Norto (on 10 dicho sitiafacemos la justlcia ditgtran haber ngrlVlJdo au situacion I pero Miubltro Jenera Am6rfca debida aloe SenOIOs 1l0minadOl y nuestro I Jneral Wlker oon todaJ )R ventnjNl De urden supreml 10 eomuBlco V

Ie Idelleam(lll Ull viRge teli~ y pronto doseo de eselaroeer III ferdad siempre y la repolllioraucia de la posicion que pllrt IIU Intellgeneia y demas efootos retor~ quo podamoa baeorlo ocupa 011 tll embargo magnanlm~ y Je M Pnln4


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 7: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.

$I NICABA6UENS4Voll No 45 p 31 S8bado 13 de Septlembre de 18561 Saturday September 13 185S

GLANOE Oul OF TOWN MASAYA JOOJmiddotEYOLUB OFFIOIAL By TUB OIllgtBIlLY At m~ellog ampf the olllcentlaquo tbe 2nd Llllb DECDMI- m THE A1I1D_ i - Iolmtr1 Battalion September fth 1861 HtJOr JKdiO V~ UVIIlAllIUtIl J

o tlie capaclLy otOrderly to tbe Captain bolll Heopound1 D_bupound1 wae called 10 ~e and N 44shy~ Iu 110 often appeared In eonnectlon wltb Lleut Arthlll Conner eleoled 8eoreorl1 o 1

the _loin u uJ lh obJeo III ataIed hJ lUWUBUO 01 NIOAllAGUAmiddot ~ Titu Bdelu 1 fell Wl_1Uamp SatunIaJ PMdent lIU Ibt tbe orpIIIIllon of Jock Deptrtmenl of aw lIIIillnwrlol Be_lIell $ldIaeoYerlng that ho AI not III bll qlamplterl A OIub G_ Sepl 1~6 Ye large demlJoho but re~ently purebed w On mellon of Lieuamp Ju fl LeYJ ~w reeoled lillr--Th Supreme Eseelltl Pow~ hu been

ply aod III hollow I)ulld _med to echo the tbat this erpnizallon be known fa Tbe )(_ pleaaea amp0 d1cta1O th tollowlng decree TIl Jockey Club lh PreallhM of the RepulIo of Nlcvqut 10 Ita

llalllG with eyer lEgtverberalon 0 On rdollon of Cap J G D-ellx It lohabltants _pany felt looosome wllhout the _lIIonal Iemiddot R4fOlNtl-Tbel the_lin proceed 10 III eJee In erdv amp0 _ ampbeelgtIC perfOnPalloo of__ 11110111141 commandlug ollleef and I therefore fel dO~ ofoillcen to thEgt _ulng yr tracII Cor labor In Ime of Ilia aulborlty 1 lore InCUlllbent upon m 10 dlscoer hla h_ Whereupon the toIIowlng gentlQlllen WIN Dmiddot DEORlBa

enlmoualy elected and lnataIIed I - Pmldem ArIIoIe 1 AllY _lrIC made Cor _bor (or bull 1 SundA paaaed In ampultlel endeayoll1l Itllor B Dlllenbupound1 VI_Presidents Doo JampIl- larm of mentha or ean haD ha binding Oil the did Honday d Tueaday At luI I eenob IIsCo Brayo and Lleut I amp Le Treu_ paramplulO Ie

gh ~h eouDlry around the aguardleote mallmiddot Capt Horace Bell i a-taq Lieut Joh Cooper Art So Any penon who lOa malt eontract ~ au-asled ilBelt and I determined to 00 mpUon II w reaolnd lb comml of 10 perform IIboI anhballtaU te ful611 tbe_tract

Ihree be appointed lOmiddotdral rulu and regulallona iball be aentalleed b) tile Judge of Jif IUlaftcelmPthlm In quartcn I knew be would like to Inmiddot lor the gOufDment o( lite Olub ~ Sub-Prefect AgneulturU Judge Ol local-btlt The rollowlng gentl_n were appoillted aahI Alealde amp0 foreed labor on the public work Ibt I middotte ho1I8 of Tlw Bricks as IlIlbeyard lied commilltee Cpt l O DNUr Lltul W )( tem J 1101 I than one IIOr more than Ilx

- d h h db I to III Ie Reeder lIId Dr W L Lundy manu Ol uotll the puLy to whom thlabor III lip a tree an e a cen ~ n on Onmotloo A(ljourned H DVIIEIIlVIIT Presamp due may aelillgtr tlle rel_ DC tblborer

two busbels of eOIll lit Brlckl gaYe him tbe Joni COOP II Secretapound1 ArtI ADy laborer umay contl_1O do work middotIter hie purcbaae I eonclu4ed to mount tor a 1011ier period tbIG 811 month and IhaII taU

l1I~IdO bim Untlelog Ibe rope and Idillg him 0011111881011 011 CollfllJOlnO Bar4111-)(n 10 fulfill~11 OOIItriCIl ~Y~IIII~ced bld~bull - bull 1~1 of the ore menlolloont 10 _ inl Qte street I w 8111prleetl al hi 0 e Rogen and rullhmend the oolylwo membotrl of bor 011 the publia worki for the time of hili gnel[ ~ Ielng JlIaI high anough to allow my tt to the lIove Board are JIIoaeedugurlpidlaspoao pIred nlee Omiddotuotlllpu~ to whom hlalabor

(Ibo grount when I w 8eated in tbe addle IIblo 10 deciding upo tb PIOpfil unlIled In Ia dua may uk to hi rel_ t ampaddled 111m however be reeled to aDd flo IllOthe column IUbjeot to conJIteation The Art Commlnicaled to whom II ma COIlCerL

bull bull G1vtlllo GnIlMII tllia 61h day ofSept 1866nl hlle flIen but tbat when ho PPolnlJllent of )( Baldwlll II Sollchor of Ballimiddot W)I W ALm

middot te olle lido my feel Jlropped blm up and enat will reline lbe ampOlrd In greal _ 10 th IfInlater of Sampate In th middotDepll1lmant 01 10 tJ~lIte other In tbll way be 1(111 kept rom of IlIlevereal wk In coIIeoampIlIS alld ftaIlIlIItbe Qolelllmen Don Farmln FerlW

bull but wllb all my efforlB lie could not be In idence Comm~ClIed to you Ibt your IntorJDtllon and bull proper acIIoa w10 CO ~rvr and nOlI Illtaring hla denl) in HIDiateI of illite

ugre1 language IUClU u bullbully-he-y-be-he Soflotoa or ID TnilIlVIII-Jobn )( Baldmiddot _eot8oGb-ahl whicb trIn8Ialed mClnlwlD Esq rormerl Oaptain of Comy 0 Fillt No 45

Itoowl mYlIIlI and I think I middotdo you Cin Light IllllDtq b~ been ponted to the Imporampo REPUBLIO or NIOARJOUA l 00 110 IUCb gam a Ibat Flndlog I Uleleea ant potIlIOII DC Solicitor General of the Trauutfmiddot Deparllnan of Sta and Interior RItlou 10 peel a ride 011 tbe horn of M~ Brick I eon The ppulntmell of IIr Blldwln 11 wllll unl GnDeda Sanamp t 1861 bull araaI b toa Sf_fte Snmiaml BseoIIII Pov hu beaD

~ Ilvor w eJtended 10 lIIe I ullt down hIe bed 10 bt taken out or her bottom and bv Art t CcirDmullIeaIed 10 wbom It ml1- covered Ith dea wltn 011 hoWNie k tb farm AI be U Od~ ~ II wbole bull needed recaulklng C1raaada Sept etb 1866 W)I WALDB con~ aboot lOrty -- 01 tud more or Jell

1vti~t te _11011 Itn e 0- Ol bull bull ComIJUDleated ~ to r IofoIlMllon and MId II I plantain baclenda wltlifeDleIIlllld eyeqNothing_ A peclIlIr lip with 1111 blDd PJlI8OiIlIk--HampJOl John P Watent although oileD you you thlDgiltlaohed neceuu1Cot their ooItI1loe aIiIo

d to trf It OIl foot alld tying Ibe animal up v appro pJeuad 10 dlctlte belolktwlng deoree

10 tree I started On 10 hunt Taking lite AraquoOllIftll PIIICY -Ih HanYJ x- 8legal 1BB GOVBRN1UilNT ampoWf~ the ComnUf San FllnciacoI gelld_noflIeilyb~lppOInted~reteot lbe~~~erI~n-~~

dIIIly looking place tt whlllh I hid Db III the Sontbem Depariment InpIIce of nt COle tandere paD~ y ed tho Captain and rille atop ollClllliollally reaigned Hr Kane o4Iqe wlU be ruT ArIIcIe 1 middotAppoInted Prefect of IIId Depart hare einglllllr to reIte an agreeable locklug ------- -I )I Billlpound1 Kalle I whe hiI tlke charse

with crI hal d hlnl teeth b t HtVLID Up-The acbooner P_l b bMa Cor theen CODMqltot upon ih realpaUonIn apy L bull ng U ullled aahore llear the wbarf and III IIOW Ullder- 0( the ltaceIerof the soiaIIa of ruuof the pub f dark COIIlplICtIon UHd 10 bend oIIt two dll iOIlIs repaln III mampoy pla_ enUre bGIrda 110 reyenlltl with tll esoaplion ofthe bnulobea of eclIlIollt1he 1Ie of bull pllli measure As ~te IIIId labor blllh Ife ureed 1eued

h 11 Uie WOIIWI 10 tbe doop bu ithout ltill aulfermgliom hla late IIIclmeaa left tll Uty ffOP8l )(Dltter of State =~tb~~~~~~eId ot caltle _ Of 1_

OM I relamp Ier iloll In th app11eaampon 011 Tneadaylu Cot )(aupa to tHe commwl of the bnuld ~OB~td~ right amplid ud to gt(l1IIIa1l1lst4 dobe~ my head dIIt lfllJJOlWl pOIamp No 46 W J STONE Karol

middot III wy from 10 InbOlpllible quarte~ I RBPllBLlO 01 NICARAGUA l Orlnut Sept 1866 middot elOJIg 40WII under the jooote treu tewa~ Raus )taees f r Ha r r DpaItmIII of~Is~~~~ J AUCTIOI DB amp0l1l88I01 1088pound

lIMrieancametepound1 NothlngmOlllllfulCtOl8eQ JfABAYA OOURSB Sf~ThI SupremeExeoullYe Power baa beeu G H WINESamp (() lpitlt1 but allo of thougbt leemed to en- THE ~rln Heeling ot the )(-1 lockey Club pland 10 dl~tlI toIIowlng Decree ABB now pfepamprOd 10 catTy on the Auctlon IIIId

middotthlLt there IlRIId tbe grandmiddot allll eolemll WIll commence OIl Sullday thth Septemmiddot THE OOVEaNlIENT OommlaloU B__ ln colllllClion with tbeltod tln dlil plllan or the State 111 bel 1114 OOII~lllue until ampturday the 20th n being -yto ppolD r~wbo p_ Du~ on goode cooal W be ampdshy

r- e Flnl Day-Blinda 141h-200 yudl beat a In IhaII repreaell and deteod Iherllaquobta and Intereall noed d h ~-~ gallant bo hive g008 to eleep amid II lurn 100 Eotrance 15 110 forteU of the NIIinD1n TImIe of Ita authorlt putl w=_isttblC~~ or Granada are onl tb foundation Two or more 10 mllte a _-Free fOt all hoI_ DEOREl8middot LlbenI adylIICe8 by drafta OIl New York d s

te1MW Itae III for IIl1)lU111ng the former and IIlU wllo h bull bOt _on t race Article 1 Appointed SolIcItor of the ~ Franeiaco wW be made on reeeipt of mercblUldlze aid 1IIe Spllllah dynasly ecllpee tbeIIldlan Second D-)(olldll1tb-8iagle daah 800 (FIIcIl General de UaoIeuda) of dI Republlo of In the cuatoJd hoUle Tile hulldlng OCCUpl1lQ 119 ylllllamp Pune 160 IlllranCII 1111 forr11 17 II NIcaragua )(rloba It Batawln wIIb the aaIary Win ok t_ II f rI lIaing tll m fee eu4denly tumbled Illd be- Three or more to make bull _ bull For mulu 0011 of iWO lI~dred doll per IlIOIItII barre bulkamplldc=~tom n~ ~O~d I could recover I Ity p_trate OIl wbat bull Third Dy-Tlleaday l11lh-tOO 1IIda beal Art So OomlllOlllnated te hom It may COIIetIII celvodOll a~e ampII WI roshya lIel( made grave CroeaIog mylllif de- i In 8 PUrH 1160 lkra_18Oj balUOIftlt GNMda September 9 l~ J A RUGGLES A-t

_t _ I ~- Two or _10 make 1ampCe-Flee [or middot11 honroa W)( W ALDB G ada- - p- RI San shy~1I1 --ng In a IIOOD _ GIlead but FOIIrtb Day-WedneedaJ l1b-Jocke Dr auperIor order thll Ie colllmWlIcIted 10 yo ran VI - Y~ I Franclloo JI1OIDimagtbullbull theUlampootperfectlJaelfpoa- ~ Enttanoetl0i tulltorialt lOO~= toyourlnformadoll md proper uUon awlllamplng if2~~~rIaon t Co New York-obaa A moman IIld I WI Cllm whed It 00- jree Cor 11 mulea ackhOwledgmanamp of th - GnaIda April It 18511 crfted 10 me to loot Uhe DeW amplid ~y hmed FIfth Dy-ThIl1edl118tll-Oblllo~BNYOpu inRnt )(lnIater ofSIIte MAX A THoAN hid -- and to h lid _ 26 EIII_ III balf rfelamp 560fIIdI-middot ---- 4 bull

my orrore I1Itp bull ~ Jreefor-ail hOllJlt mbullandjaek No 41 WHQUSAU DllALEB IN foIIowID81nacrip~0II apptuedeograved upon the nSWb Day-FrIday 111$h-Proprle~ Pll BBPUBLIO 011 mO~GUA BRANDY WHISKY UTINE IIIhogan1 l1bletbull 00 Bntnllce 46 balf forfeit 800 JIIIIIamp raquoepllrimeDtofState and lllleriOl ~ t

bull co Banth th_ tdcb 8eal8 in II-Two or IlIOre amp0 mak NOlI GrIIIIIdt Bopamp 18118 AND ALL KINDS 01 LIQUORS LleII Tlw Bricklll LutDa-Satur4ay 201h-)(_dteradStake Sir-fbI Snpreme ExecuIIy Power h been Together with AlId _ban be died Sflnr Cup Bntnonca ttl I torfeil 16 40( p1taiJed 10 dlctale the toIIowlng Decree rZIV COPPBJIl ANDS71lBJS~RON fb DevU cried ards F01II Gr more te IOIIlce a nlt-Free Ior tile lreIIdellt of the Republic of NlCIraIJlll amp0 III IIIDALL IUIIIII OJ OOODS IOU) III 1fIIOtaaALI IITOI

Weicome Bricks ~eqhlng wlBblng to 11m bull Inbablllllll I bull HOIfIItal atreet In frout of ~ Couy YourellillftLn All enkiCIlO bmadelbedaYJlre~lOthe I_ucb thD_COIICIIIIIIIIS~1lon GrI~ JUlIe 11866

Ow the rriand of my eellmlble Captain died raee berore II oeioolr PH ItOm the well knon publlahed 011 tha Ud of Nombel~ 1~hu been D r middotUtU P t bull reputallon of tll stock IIOW on the cou1 aeriou1t modllled IIIId made of aWe ~ b a bull na bull - O

W Inen I hvbull been unable to ucertaln No aport may be especled Tile racta w1 tlke Decree~tbe ProfialelUll Qolemman med In BEGS LEAVI TO INFOR)( tbe cilbcu of 4111 the pTe no one erected the monulllelll paee rain Ol ehlne Sportsmen ar dletance wiD Leon 011 tlle 29th of Marob _1 paat-Theretore O~a that be bas opened

lllICribed tbeapprepriampte epitaph and I pl_uddreaatheSacrelaq luirtueoflbeautborltJ1nmeYeItedItil A DRUG STORE_ lbarotore without amph means of informing you K H DUSENBURY Preet DdBBD I Nf4rll Opp4fU tA 81m Ilr4flri (0_

good fellow but1Ith8l IlioUned to A BullY ltleO pro WIlL )(-YI Jokey 0I1ib ArIIde 1 Emy free wbltemail who IhaIIIIJI Where be Q prepared to Ibmiab MEDIOINES aguar - mlptta 10 tlle Republlo may enter lIJloo and 1m- PBRJUIlERY ampc of u good qualit and t bull ~all allow bla Ilulta 10 rest witb PIUeultrr Notiee prove aUy_pIed ttIClofpllbilo IaD4 DD el[ fair pricea u _be obtained In tbeelt bull

Perhtp_ wheo I and he Cap~ I may AS the Ial ud 2d Llgbt Infantr tauaIIona aeedlng _ handfed and tidr _In eJampent PArtleularattenampon wW be p1 tOPQUins -II you with lOme Inteieatlng Items _ hi aot MOl In thelr mll~ to cbll a after tlx IlIOIIthuealdMet upon Ol 0C0IIpIti0n up preecrlptiont our deceUed mlgo OIlIlULT ollice they wlHnot be p14 until tham of 0 oi aahI 1IIod b1haII ~eeel till therete ampom Granada lillie 1 18n

j bar and tbe_ required 10 ~eDd In tbelr the GOfemmeCICj provided that t die Ume of bit DI Au bullbullu P t t_lle Ible IlIOIIth entr1lIe reglaIer lbbullbull1IIe ~blDg It b metel OS

U8InROLtaWumBo-Balloticeflomthe Tho Artlllepound1 lid thelal and SndBaUallone lid boondllll tlle olliee Of thelteCorderoftbe TBNDIRS BIS SERVIOES to Ibe citlrena III rarllter II will be - tht th Fim and BtC- of rutH are 0 required to IeIld to ble 01Bca DepmmaDi In wbleh the Iud liei GIIDI4a and mloy ill tbe praetlce of BaitaIIoDl of Light rnfPtry no haring _ new l[W8tet-orolle 011 wblch thy will rec)el pay_ Art Ally immigrant laclnded wllllllllbe pto MEDICINE SURGERYamp MIDWIFERY II fWt muateuolla flit DD be p~ldolf until tbe menhp 10 he llral a~~ND~Sio =iIol~~y~Jj~~~~~olredbete IF Office and realieoce 011 Ibe aoutlnreattr4 of October Tbe are requIred te nlld In PaymaaterQeneral NIcaragbamp cate ud ~ tlie eD4 ofm montha OCCUpadOll COlllijf of lbbullbullweel oppoaite Ibe San FlanclacQur muterrolkl thle month TIle Fira$lIld Sec- 1 ceive tide for thre buodred IDd t_ly acres of CoDt Gll41l111e BattaIIona IIld the ArtlIIcq are required G1ada Lod 1J no public Iud w complltinamp wltllthe pro110 of QrIlIIampda JIIII8 1 laGS

t bull a regIIIt In lite tlralrtlcIt T _ Ioew In Dew muter ron on whlcb they wID be 1 BB regular _lInp of tbIa Lodge wnl her Art~ It eball bethe u1ofthe Record of bull auvr amp DuayFIyen up 10 the IlllltofOetober I ~ be held on every ltemate WIDNBS- land tldte In lite eferal Departmel1ta te keep ArOORNBYS AND OOUNSEJOBS AT LlW 1 __ _ DAY eommenlliq onmiddotWedneadaythe lUh of leparate and dIatInotbookforampbereptrylll all OlBcelllmiddotBt NI04UOUJIIH BuUdinga-80utl

VWII luC18-We IIOtice In cltoulalloD September at tho liouae ~ex 10 be POll Oftlet aotllmen~ ~ p4lIIeIIIOl1 prhllePl occanIag Wtll 0lil01 ot Piua Oruada NIIragliL 1- religious riotsmiddot prillted In Bpanlab al balf1 1 oeiocIt VIaltlbg brethreD are Itamp- IIIIdv b18 dtlllree Puilellilr U8Dllon plId tomiddot clalma plnt $hll sent olll 10 thl oOllnlpound1 hJ the Ammcn telllalllilmiddotlted to _euit Art Tbe appllln Cot fide WIder the 1m Qo_t 4 ClIAS CALLABAN W II and aecomhrtleiof tbladecree abaIl eatabIItla 1IlI IOD TABOB t

~SocIelY septenl~er_a18~ If six _tha occupation beIbte tbe lUdie of lIIe OWEN Durn I GUII4lI4 amppi I laGs


Flreamp 1__ of tbe Deparunent In which Ihe land hlllltuated after baylngduy notified lb So- lIelto eI Hacienda of the tbDe ltbleb he will Ipply1O the lU~IM a eertl6cale of Ibe aettJigt ment and occupaJOI herein rIIIulNd Tbe notice 10 Ibe Sollollobullbullall be giell ill writl~g teD day_ W the ppllctliop for eertilcae 10 tho JudgeofllraI_De

Art II The DeCrPl of Nof 2ad 18611 wi o( IIareb t9th 1868 are refoked 8d lnulled al ways hoevll illtouamp prejudice 10 Illy rlghta beretofore acquired nnder tbem

Art S Conlmuuleawd 10 whom It bullbullbull concern GIenlli lthuad tlllalith day of Sept 1866

Wit W ALKgaTo Ibe Hlnlster of State ID $he DeparlJllenl of Goshy

vernmenamp Don Fermin Flller B1 lIperor order tla i commllllieampkid for our

Informllen and proper aclioll bull hallla Hlol~ler 01 State


Departmenl of Stale and interior Relatloot Granada Sept H 1856

Slr-Tbe SlIprome Executive Yoer haa been pJeDied 10 dictate the Illowog deeree The President 01 tlle RepubUIgt of Nic1JIII in VIrshy

lue of bls authority DECREIS

Arllcle I The lIag of the Republic ball eOllaiat of three slripes Lhe middle whita IIIId he other blue the middle Blripo shall be ice tbe widtb oethe 0111 8tripes ud In tbe ceIIlre of It ampball ha I red aLar with ave poIn

Art t Communicated to whom It mI concern GiTeII In GfIIIIe4a this 11 th da1 of Sept 1866

WHo WALKFR To the )(Inlater et Sampate 10 tbe DeplflDeo of

Qoveromen Doll Fermin Ferrer 11 poo ordor Ihlli I forwarded to )00 lb

your Ioformallon lDdproper actioD IlIabullbulla HilllatenfSampale bull PubJle llale

C THOHAS Rpound1 amp 00 1 DOIOTlLI 00N ADUD 00

~ bullBY fIme of bull writ orfMe IampoIu 10 me dJrected ballI~ the Ibo e~~tull IDd tll pubull tb jU~f~ reIIdt~~t~ 1Iel1the aame the courtobo_ door III GIIII ~ Sllurday Ibe wbullbullUetll da ot September1~t telYe e cleekmerldlau

lJampcIendaCOIIIDlGD knoIflluthe Baolellda Sulidad altlllted Ibout nine mU _t~ or San lmIIz~~J~1a dopbneDbullltllll the IIIlpnlYCgt menta t_lItlllted eonllilllol of tbree bouiea


278 EL NICAHABYENBEVoll No 46 p 21 Sabado 20 de Septlembre de 1856 Saturday September 20 185

I ~

JRogen Wouudedto be proud of Ihe COUIIIg lIe might 1 exoea EXEOUTION OF JENNINGS ESTlllL ItCaP Will Ionofdarillif dlplaYed hy thle _II alld undlclpllnad ~ lmiddotJititfaguf nSf Dan Flowery Atli oclock PM 00 tbo Qvenlni ofFridlJ tilpany BYeI) man In It ma) be oalled hGrO (or Liellt Crowel~ Illth Inst 2d Lieu Jennlogll Eslelle auft~oo Ibebull I no man gaye an) Indication orr_ IhrougbonHhe Lieu Musgrave extreme peDalty oftbo 1111 by beinl bOI olli th

To mako the nature of the IackclcM II may Saturday lIIlorninc Sept 20 whole fttlr Erumua Norton II

Pl for the murder of 2d LleKt Ghamprlllll GorlIonOhulIIaher W A swfer MWllclan In tbe guard hou90 in tbo city or Granada ~hiltTHE FI(JHT AT SAN JAOINTO bu weltoetato thaUofront ofthelacpbouse Pt Dawes acting amplI ollice ohhe guard iwblch wu _eIlIUy bllrricaded there If~ an open SergtanL Simpson

Estelle had been p~cvJouly arreated foubOOliltg cannening 10 the Nicaragcan Army ubder Ihe

About two weeka ago party of thlrt Amorlmiddot apace or neatly quarter or mile In 18IIglh 10 L De Sbleldi William II SlOne Thumu Jildl1lrdll aiid was whoo be coMmbted LIeut Q1III1

front otlt and that III ootering tIll clearauce It the unforlunate act for whicb he sutrered dealh command of Col leDonald atlacked alld droYe Wal 801111amp1) for tho yolunteel to peII by the

Major Cal ONeal ptiloDcr confined to bit quarlers Ho bad ~ fnlrbehilld dPJlr barricades a large number of rebels aide or a wood In auch II maoner tbat ~e enemy Alfred Jone8 umberlog lfiO or perhaps mora In the encounmiddot could couot every mao pf their Plrty lnd that and ilnpart1al trial and the gentlemen wllo ~ ia tor oot American waa killed and several wOllllded there I no apot III that a(IaQ which ko bou

Lieu- Artbur OConner Capt Watkins judgment upon blm gavo him overy opporl~il1 -- Haynes (SurYe)or)When the news of the occurrence rtaohed this does 11M command Xl mllst 1110 bo unlmtood to eal4bllsh adefellce hul in thiB lie ulterly f~dO Lo Ro The deed lIal COMmitted witbout an provoea oncit SWoIl feeling manifested 1lf among the lbat 1I-1Y tbe eutlro distance to tbe Iarp houlO Alyon Adlll1s

citi_ Ind aoldlera to venge tb death or their Ia up an 811C01I1 wbich gave the defend or It or without aDt aggranting circums-noe U Will

countrymen and both omeera and aoldlera I-I adota oyer a plIrly that would greatly O Dougherty -Brady eenlenctd to be hUlli but tho comwande Inmiddot L Jobnson chief caued It to bo 60 far~itlgated lUI to qu1ed Gen Walker to be allowed to volunteer OlllOtlmbar middotthem It n~ Dot thereforomiddotbo itashy J U01d

him to be abotand fonn a part for Ibis purpose AI tbe Gene- ted that a party of about mlyaye men ~eftr Jock BOlweil raI wouloJ not COIIsent to aUow anT of tbe efficclll Judloloual arraDsed lIltaolted It undor 0gte1-1 dsshy J VIlSOD There lUI a lnr~o copeourso s-tbered Ilillt or IOldllll attached to regiments to go lie cili- adlllllampge 0 While nllll the c~eClllion ~lole walked witb II 1ampn Heeter atep bl Ultl sKlb 6Orcye d latharor Iho cb bIi lila OY bo he bad no control volunteered By tbo lido of tbe large house nda 121111

A loberlll wbo prayed itb him aud lor 111m from tbe guardto the Illllllber or fort1-tWQ to Iighl the rebels cant building which WI also fortilied and full of snoel RIlMeI ujl~ thei own reapeo8lbllity Somo men were mll an In tho rear of IIIOM two bobullbull 18 houao to the plac of execution I

Native boy-orderly to Dr R9ton Dr anton

When he lrrived at the pot wher be wI taIao raised III 1ohssaa end Tipltapa making In aaother hoUle hieil lfaa also defemled b II large Henry Ealllon breathe hll 1881 he requested that hia bnd~al1 ilxtyy men forco III the IaUer building wu a large umbar --ltlaborne might bo utied as he wisbed to ddreas ItheTIt nn tolunteered at Granada tlartod from of honea with the necOSIary equipment tor a Wm Cassidy h about oclock Friday eYeaing 18th inaL companl or two of la~cOlamp crowd ThIs reljller belllg graDte9 he apokp insmel KeDnedy

H MeCftrty a firm unfaltering voico 111 hia epeech bo atedIIld paaallt througb Bossay were joined by the Lieuamp Robert lilligan who wae alpoilled to Capt Rider the Corgivo1tW1 of the ollicora and soldiers ofIhevolunlecraolthllt olty They arrived at Tip lead tile cbarge1ed hiaforees up to a pick fence Sergeant Ruma Nlcalllgllan army Voicee 18$pouded from thotapa stuny morning At tbl point Ibe expedl blllbtood at the comer large ho_ an Major Arkalltl_ Roekcnuck

crowd II God Corglve YOll Dr Dickton 118 Col H1)o~ald refUsed u b did oot kllow In tbe Nlcaragua1 arm7-led tho force hleh bo llou lV1I IlIty to Cl)me to a promaturo coaclution olTiD ONeal-who II the yOllngelt lloldmccr

-- Spinll8r Q II D 1f_ll Wblle 10 ptleoo he I1roto tile following IIdd~c Oberokee lIruntosh wldeh be requested to have published them to the tolunteOrs to paH the rlcr oommided to tbe VOl) froll of tho mall eAbO H C Cookbull

llh01l~ aDrdet to that effect from Gen Walter h_ llelllrYlllg tholr lire until the7 gilt ltltlll GRANADA Sept 101b 1806 Thla obJ~tlon wu overcome b lome person linton paces hi ilion poured In 8 nurderous

(apt llarah Thse illl tile dyitl~ dechrRlioM of nlng

Estelle I was born In Malllh~U Tenneille in Ib W Jones

uggeatlnlbat Lleul Col Byron Colbullbullboulu be vollev-a linglo ropelltlon of which oitllt lllllod IM 188S alld 11611 raised from my 10rKney In requetod lo yolurteer i~b tbem and take tbe or wounded evel) man III It A Foteas VEIIICIIl III N1ClRAQU -At no Hinds coullty lIi8tsampippi I sted to Clifor commanq Col Col did Dot biong to tho regu Capt Watkin leading II tblrd division eharged great diewee from tho elty of Gralleduro lIl1alll nia 111 Ulit Ontbe road I hd difficultYtltb lar line ~t waa Asaiatant Qeartermater Gen_l stralih 10 tron or tho large hOllle Hereached a elll5te of tile moat beautiful and fertile Islands a man of the namo of BOlYard ond 8hot himJ r

ailerraJltlltotR nftn oCthe name ofBays blthIn thla ~aebe yolunteercd 118 a private bu$ WIll wlthh twenty pacea or II heo he fell fOunded it II poaalble to eODceie The) Yal) from a few wound did not happ911 to proy fAlal UI Ih immedJ qlccted Captain of the comp~n Wlthaloud toice ho ordered bill men to lIP ou_ squlro yards to lOevel1ll aqUAre 01108 in BUpollshy same year I had 0 dlllleuly l1ilh Chatles Ito ill

BIron Colo tbu~ WIllng Ihe reaponalbilltt of command tbey obeyed wltb alaenty cl1 extent BeYlId tbese nd oopaMtod from SOil tillbullbulltabbed Ilinl la tbryn placea 111 I two dWeultiea while In CiliIIi middotoeeu alloading the ~ell became ~ uaranlee to Col He- Bot tiler Is no U8e cb4rging dobo walI tbe tllem by 0 drep navigable channel Blnnda the the SlaIu priaon where I hld b~eo emplovtll forDonald Ib~ ~ wu All right tbe olunlen mou Were failing 10 leI) tatt that before meny Jorge Island of Zapota1O wboao bold headland an~ the 100 Io yeara After ICtlinlt III lii IlSI rape I came 10 1iltgtllllgu nud HI~ot Tho w

nnell or Sao JAcinto where tbe rebela 6gt tfJoR tomiddot carty their woundod off tho Ileld In gate the lake ZapellllO IB In Ill wester extremmiddot took up their Ime of march Thor arrtIWIl~ the minulel clapeed there were lIot enough oftbo plII- Irregular surface aerve as a lllld to 1111 who naymiddot

Edwards i I lltI Itla bo~ Charlc GordOl i must Sly thaI in all my difficultie8 I wtS no 0 tatatloned about II ocloclc Sunday morning the Ihe mtttilno aU the leadell of the two other I~y IICOOped out 80 118 to fonn an almost circular In mv right mind Twico I htwe beel lorgt II

14th Inet and halted a few mOments III order t9 eomp had fall~n either kllld or wounded hay and tho sbore of tbe mainland opposite b~Imiddot and bop) 10 bo forginll for tbem aU I th nk IlflDge a plan of allack _~_ ________ e~lptOIfbullbull1 who ~Itboutll wounded b tho arm ing 4 deOl curve an abJloet circular bay is formed thero b God In huyen tht ill Qnd

The Ban Jactnto rancho Ii naturally well ad_pf donlin_d with tho (eroclty of a tiger OghUn of e~e1milllll In diameter 8 lecuMly sbeltered gj~Q And ho kno and I Imow thaI il ad n pllcr bullOBoe uu - ~ l ra Of II dIS by blgbllnde5 to makltl tho 911gllte8 sklft lio aemiddot I tllt killed Oherlo Gordon It was

d my CIIlZ) mind thnt did iI I 11amp lUIcieutiou which commlUldo ali tho ground In ila 10 to do whllo ~~e~r-~lIl1~ eurlI upon Ita SlIflllce Ien IIlien-atotmSlllay bo lIot In IIllright Inlnd then I did lb deed fillvicinity In a large corralatanda a hollSO whleb au_ ~- - lullng luto flll1 the moro c~poeed paris of Ike God koows It Forgi me ofticerslInd acid r

haa b~n IItted up In such a manner tbat III Inside Whou thore 118 no looger any poaslbillt) of Nicaragua and I can die hapP7 Inan I donl rite ht beeallB I think tbat I ought not to die I Inre Becute agaluat muekel or rl8e shots while COIItlndlng aueceafullylIlnatauch extraordinary TbolOutheaAtern part onbls bay i4 alao ellterd think till my tbllo haa como and that justlct IIthrough mallpertum In the thlok IYalJil troops odoli lIhtlng II the enemy re In Buch weiJ b a ellanne of deep water wblch divide tbe been clone me llellow 8OIdlorll remeolbor 11 IAI

illampld of it can lbe Into aU parta of the eonal fol1i8ed poaitlona tho America beg4ll to retreat IOUthestern 8stremll of Zapntero from the hAl brmght DIe 10 this death-fOil all know The corral itself II surrounded by a strong fence Prtyowt to this b01fIer a body of lAncCN maililand The elellDtr ampD Carlot b already wellul do Ify hUluble prayer Is tht I ml

forgilfn JENNINGS EST8Ll wbleb it 18 nee_y to Beale before any material were dered maklng a clroult In the wooda colored th bay dcacribed by the lut mentioned Hisllildy ampII 600n OS Ure was exliaol waildam ean be done by In auolllllg part1 On with the evldellt Inteotion of completely aurronnd chaDnel and aacertalned t~al the water Is of 8Ummiddot

ill a fIOed coffin and decently in~bull tod IMir IY from Tipltapa the loluutem heard th 1111 them andcuttlllg 011 their relreaL Thlt mon cient depth to alford IIeCIIre anchorage tor Teaaola bullthe already relatively large force of the enemy they were wablo to cart Into effoot and tbe The nonhern part of the bayla bounded by tbe Cvlloos-A aa1l1to Will Ared In bonor (gtfhad been the day previous BlreDllthned by an Americans lot oil tbo Ileld In tolerable good 01 cluster known 118 the II Thousand lillUlUS each

addition of two hundred men but Ihia In no wltt der Tbo lancers seeing thie wrecked their Yell OUe of which to our mind Ii In a ahort time d(lj new leg 011 lut lIondJlY The IIrOJO froID tbo eanllons moutgtabated tblr ardor aud the plJIn of allok 110 geanoe llpeo the dud bodlea wbich Ihey roulld tined 10 be fun of hOUle torea Clnd commercial formtjlluto a beautifulmade and b7 Ihllllltiog their Iaooes Into thoee AmerlCftI~ ware-roomll lIId whoro YOSIIelS of conSiderable ton bull

Upiln II couaull11liou it 11amp8 deemed db to wbo were already 80 near deat ft8 to m_ke tbelr nag can mOe Iro~ one depot to another with ~nto the air cn~ form the compauj Into three divisions each to be leadonb1 offieera chOlonfromamonll tbeltlaolvCII BjrOn Colo wat tben elected ColoDel alld Wiley llarab second ill command Robert Mi1IIgu WIS elected to lead tbe 61111 company to make tho ehage-out CIIlhla 19 ero killed wouoded and mlaalnl 1l1lJ Col ONeill was eaosen to leacl the second and Capt WatklM of M_ ChI) third eonlpany Wben all th_ alflDgemenl8 hid been completed the companlos eparated to ~tack the place a three dilFoten poluta

In commencing thua one ~artl1 got In adQllce of the ~elS wbu wel8 obltged to make aomc what of a detour and although eO~8ting of 011 tWtllt)-twO me~ i14 attack tn8 amp0 vlgoroUII that It succeeded In driving tho enemy baolt and 811011 tdler tile other CODlptmlu camo upon Ihc soone of action the Igor of tho _ult droyo tbo enQ~) from tbe eorralillto tho house I1ere tho pau) or the numher CII the _lIanta became IllallifeuIII bull to thelt di_duntoge Tere were not III C1cnt t bold the place ner It ~as a~en and tho 1ere obliged to lII1 baoltbagalO bC~lDdhtbalfence r Ih -raJ Tbl left t e enllllY n t e r ormer

~ c_ POSItlOU

lbo IIgbting (ontluuod In tbo corrlll and wben the AlIleritlllM retired behind hs woll I~ became _t-ldm ~ the Ilmber that ha elm killed Of wounded hat it would be Injudieioul to rtneW Ibe ftttatk A retroat was Olderod and -~~t Ilte band fell back Ilpon Tlpltapa

tlP gshyy Amerlcall In Nicaragua nnd In fact ey r -

J -triun in an pllfta of the world bbullbull reuoll

romoyallmpOSlllble 1D0re ease than tile olt-earla 11011 uoed In GraDada It attained We might gogt on and dlaeant UpOIl tlto CO mole fom 0118 sitee to another On thlcity of up~n bull

oftb_ 81thlhlllllllicolly bravo ml)D bllt thOu II thooaand Islands pure cool water will be always wa thomselfllll as they must appear to th d convenient and It would be Imp08Jlble for Impllrlshyspeak more eIoquentlylD their pralso t~77 tl or Inrectiool to exi In Ita vicinity Here ea- C

01l1 power to do It relcta more credit II ~bll Ulle will oocllpy the placo of stree and light 01 Amerioan l1amt thllll conld be done by andlll~ lIIrylike ple_te boats will suporcedo Iloraet wbi atY ylolory And If 110 mlatake not It will do Hore Instead of a WAllatreet 110 m have a RI CA more to COIlviDce the ellemywbllt sort ofl1lco the II1to I hore will be - and hoal~ sellon and s- ted ra beye to deal wltb than 1I8)tlling tbat bu mIl liolltu In tbelr gondoloa 81ngmg love songs In ~llteal transpired In thle country 1 tbe It-rllght and here 11111 b9 tho moat plellSing odlOt8

Appended to thll Is tile uame of ever mAli combination of bealtb convenloMc and bUIULy ill cutod ho 1l1li to our knowledge eJigagod In IIIghL IIny ~11 upon bidl beallo evoraholle preeed~d lbore may b9 tome one or lllo 1D0re wbaee Hame LlOKClI-The schoonel Pearl was Iuncleu chased him we conld not loarn but we ball be happy at anv 11l11terdllY (lrIday) fOleneon lrom the place 1I01U plaza BeCOI time to 0I1I0l their aamcaln the list of glerv W~ the wharf wbere be waa ulldcrgolqg repairs 11110 lIela lIappeoei silo give the killed wounded nlllllllllilng ~ lIear- tIe elemellt other futurG ulefullleM She iato 11 u we eould bullcurtniD bo commanded by Capt Hardy who has -altetly

Col Byron C-ole made a trip or Iwo In her Tho late modol ofhe 11fty --all Klled Peru II beoD OIllA-- alA d I I v~ bull0 An 8le 8 OwWIUi_ It Drinker aamp lDue looking craft as Bails 011 auy (Jeval ~~ ~tlk n merlean Wltora ~be bas UCell repaired byhlv __ Sberm~ II Ing placed In bar anolY bottom UampII 1I00riJI and 00rII0~ d k dH ~l OullwlI II II uew ec a altered from a frelgla boa Into a H l6 I comfortable palItIeDgor crnft We und_Ind that ~Jlaquofj l~IIOU (killed going up) II ahe win make regular trips botwcon Uraida St 1 _ Dc~11 G~olIlId Vlrgla _ ---~ - Lleut Hutehlll Chaa Calhlhan to Klat SlC J BAli lgtRL Nollrll-W a loam fror Thomu E H LaW Ing F Fisher thaI there aro eight Britlsbcam 11Ilr R Wheaton II Y-m at ampn Juan del Norte and ~bl toce areUtut JIllItIll[ 1 In dmiddot J ~_ $t~ WOlllded 100 to oae one Italian mo~ant vessel -- Vl1UfO E Uolopl W I-I It 000 n_bullone tOQ Stale) and CO yooe be

-~ _On~g 10 tilWOgua

painful to lDen A ale DC American the houae aud led ill th I k

C 00 er on 11110 dura _____

HORSU-PolllOna who h the viclully of S~ George or H

wltb tho power of JI) ing tbrou wltchOJl on II brOOIU-stirk will by providing tboullelC~ rltb av

~l~ Ir ~

p___ H h bull a ~11l _middot011 bullbull ftl til the

Departlllont bull--__- ~- shy

J4uruCItGaCII_Thiij edifice wllicl) ill do underllolng rcptlM mA) bo diltiogulsLef by1 very white color frolll flll olher buildings III ar am at R dietante oheY~raJ 1111011 Il p n$tt COIning lip lhe WEe


jtLNICABABlfENSEVOll No 47 p3 Sabado27 de Sepllembre de 1856 SaturdaySeptember 271856 2BS

er~ middot=wepon =again pla~~ OIh~d- T~OJTriijONNEW-YORK VOLUNTEiiiis PEEPS ABOUT TOIVN optaln made a deaperato eftort to dlaeharge 118

lly Tlull BalL oonlents-aiJed-handed it to me-It wa u dry bull -- bull 11ft a powder 110m In a feOOlld I eollid _ that

nevor eomplam~d In Ill) ~ifo Drlk~ are not the Optaln began to turn diUte pall1bleb atood ~p to cI)mplaln ~ltbOlgll the sometmes 8ufter close to Mm) wbile I preaerTed 1111 eqnanllllltyin 1IIIjIe~ IUch ~cght of It1Ju~U~ wOlld nl~C the ampplit of conciliation The weapon _ again Ih 1lea of ol~hnary pe8ons ISO with 11ldlgnAII~n loaded 10 tho vcry mllZ2le and pneed in the bands Dljring ~ Ibo~t absence fOn 0 ranadll my enelmeB or IiUl opiltln ~hose runds wel$ becoming IlatICO killed nlC (on paper) Ht up (inl)po) very unsteady Ihnt he VIIS IIMblo to taka prcpor III ctlll epI)h llIollneog my dc~th fter nlm And welO It not tIAI I seized tho Instrllment ~a IIIII IIndemiddotg~no till this I VlM 4~41 COIl$glled of dostructlon amI wrenched II from bls hand$ bo 10 he firm of] luto amp Co-hbcled rght ampldo up would hlfO pOllred tho cOlltents of It Into his ~b earo I~om the effects of a eliot ampom a prln- bull ~


I k N I h A I I breast With lUI energy Inplled by tllO liopo ofaI B ~ 100lng abullbullo ~ ow WId II ve 0 bull b godON

If 101 to undorstand thnt Drleke bclolllll ~o the pl~oud and gloriouR tnum[lh I agnlo disc IIrlIe blue strlpea Vltb a rod tiv~ pnilltod atll~ tho eOI~tellls or the pockot pistol (nlld travelllllg in ke cenror on white glmiddotOU -I) aod his 1I10ttO s nefCO say ~ie All greal 1lI01l Ita0 their ou

c~ and of COll1l6 Dlicks hIlS I is And utlhollh I J b J d II deg1fflUlcm IIIRy nlG cen p aye lllon 0 110

p lid T)ora ill Nicargll or PIcn uIgt0nL Ih blrp of a Uousnd strlhgs-phits of the JURI

td perfect he is willinllo appORt at the Fitt I~~ce or at tho In8tanco of nny of his friends

liiake lllIrmalioll that lio nevoI diltld durlng wholo eOllrso ofllid eventful IIrii

unfortunate repordvas spread by tlH)

~fl4in with wlom I ho lately bad a quarrel ~e hope tbat he wouldbjberlt alllhe properly cit I ha1I 80 carefully colleete1 during mylay In PIe lIepublie Ind wltIltt consists of one CAmp itl1 two tgtox~ of matches lind the bottle III

i ~h IfQ Iept our stock of nguardlente I lIa9 l f h h I I

01110 t e city w on my en umn amptors hegan to middotlIp tho 101 loll wllioll has been 110 eagerly II noeltl nut OliO awallow does nOI malte II

~ n01 although sevel1 8w41101l ortbla cockta1

8 brollghL on tho WItor of my dlscOtltOllt l all this happened becauae Illy trnducera neg-

I to 8eason tho tail thoy ao Induatrlonsly

i oe cd out tetho pllblc WhenI returned I could ~ middot 1uraue the COUrIIQ open t0fenofhonor nor a l~ul1luc filr bofol8 ~ caught It Ihit upon n

unately I bit It ro than I did h1m

~ tl

oldti depr ve

Ii( not

n lent to bring the Captltun Jusllco but unmiddot 80 hord tlllnt l huurod myself

An idea then struck me t i ought 10 mil him out bui II struck so bard

r It r IlIC 0 t ~ p(Welll 0 8pcce~-I

thlllefore mil hlO out A friendmdmiddot I) do It fo~ me but ail lOon all he t quarlera of 1n1 one~) he found he

-Ekhnly do tho thing hy balvea lIlI Ihe Captain

defiance with such force at his head 118 to for moment Now m) friend is Bueh a

trump-wben be knows hos rigM hos

compamon) Into the procllC spol I antell It to IOtlg~~ H tho fourth rOllnd the Opblln was unshynblo to come 10 tln~ a1 the aftIIr WIIB Amicably Ilrl~jUlgud by the frlenda of both IInltlo biking II Abot al ftlOund At each oiler Tho ltlAptnln thon pologtd to nneka and ~rlek8Apologhlld to tbe Oilplnin and b3~ npologlZol to IlvllIybody and o~eribodj apologzed to each other nd all oxmiddot dProBBdel tllelr firm convielion that Brlcke Is not

en yet

A FltUlER Boy In Dren fountyIve tlsea for a wifo Ho says

He wants to knOw ifalte can milk And make his IreallUld butler

Anti go 10 meculIg without elk To ok a 111011 and lutter k Ii fl Id IIlIe ltIii 0 10 nOlf I t WOII urt fer Itollds 10 tnk up IIllteheaj 0 tile bultou on ble ahlrt

rckuke a pall of~reeohea

AlInn-An ble bodied portIIln to bold my Wre~ tougue shu lUd I bolD unable to keep b atlll c___________ __________s

OFFICIAL __bull__bull__bullbullbull____bullbull___bull__ ________ DECREE OF IItID GOYEBmshy

----====~____11~_~ rl~lt~~ ~~er~~t

lIere IUO 1 large um~er of ailUftis belonging 10lta buw~r or at least-Ibat when proceedingr t II eourse 110 cannot be taken aback lind reo t1i wng a little he thrcw lin Insinuation In tho

of tbe Captain wltlch I am cretlihlylnformod IIi - 1 r II In h f 11 80ven 0 I m~ rs to 8ny no ~ng 0 Ihe number of teeth wllich II mote or leBB inJured nerstherage ofmy friend weDt beJondnJlbounrs

il mlllht hllTG cOlltlnued to trlvellQ Ihl~ day middot I I h I td t h bull Th ~ t nb bull 11 bull cou no cross I II ravlIle e~Ca btll losl all centrol of his temper and was

lged 10 call tho oftlcer of tllo guard Ilnd Il file loWle 10 foroll lamp inlo 1 tte of subottlinntlon

b I I h Stat t N fI I us 08 10 teo 0 ICalamp~1 orever

7 both u length cme to I resolullon which a great effort tI~v succeeded in moving II ~they ndoavoured to CIIrry II but tailed

b til t k d bull d t d d d y ot en 00 a etermllH 8 an till Ishy- equally belwoen tbem rellred from tho Bold hW lIot eUled wondedng at the efforts my

had mild In m) boble and exprcrsing my

Inllll vlulIl 1 note WAB put Into m~ hanltl Captain reqllostmg me to meet hlln 1m at tllo Veil known houle of Te_

Ilero prompt aettlelllcnts usually bike tl_ A I h d bull ltl ltlt t th1 8 a ICV~ rOlve My ere I a e tlllment and did not tilerofOl8 owo any11+8 I COllented The Oaplain bad arrived heshyaIgt me r coltld 110ft much rAtll aud foil pimshy bi r II hi d b bullPOI 8 ace W IC COllY nce met III be IlIIUt 8Omotlllng Of course tbe calm dlgnlt) of countenance proved to the Captni al once I~t I wsa liP to slllllf bull ~llriekl tt s~ the O~ptain with lite voice of

Y en nxcarl Brick choOlllt your 1V0apolla Pocket pistals act0B8 middottbe table said I conmiddotttof a victory

h d 1 I h d I I e lYeapons wero pro IIce( IV tout e ayshy1011ed lip rOI~ tllo IIrst ~hot-~be Captain won and

~k 6u~h 1I swig a coolnced me It was going to ho1lO ClII) tight lie banded me tho WcnpOIl

middott bull~fOIIS tho lable-he knew holY BrIcks could 11e ftetlU1Md nol to dlSllppomlhim llnd aavlIgely middot med Its ecolell to the fOr bottORl~ Truo gil is olwa) respected and I could see a 1 kle of adrnl Allon III the C t bull p 1m s eye

1IelOtd old ski 11M IIlIid the oplllln 1I1IIS C hgrwlcd tho landlord ftS the rtal

~ -~


Departmcnt of Stata and Interior Relation Grannda Sept~ 23 18Ge

SIr-Tho Supreme EX4IIgtIItlve POWIl1 hu boen pleae~ to dietata through lhe )Ilnillter of War the f1lIowmg DOOIee _ ~ ~ lmiddot~~h~t of lne Roplbllc of Nlc4rngtlllio ita

Wishing 10 rciieve the people from fNlah exaoshytiOIlS of holllOS for tho 1130 Ollho AllOY Alld talring Into consideration Iht In VlIIiOO8 parta of the RI public uwoll In tito p_loll oflndiritlU8ls

IIl1l Govcrnlllei IU Vlrtlle of IllS authorltv bull DECREES

Article 1 bullbull11 horses and mules belonging to tho Republic IU be delivered to tho (hulDlllent for the use of Ibo Ann1 througb the Profects8l1bPreflletB anll Alcaldes ofbo IOIIpecUyO 10WIIS witltin fifteen day from tho publication of tltls decree

Art 2 AllY plll1lOn who ahall bave In hie poeshysesslon1 0hllo rumnls indicllicd in Arllellllelo and shall nelt deliver up the 811l11e within tbe aposhycifted time sball be Judged M II thiefal)d pwllsboo wltli all tho rigor of the Illw

AImiddott 8 Th~ Goycrllmell~ will proteel all Indl viduals who lIIali denounce the retalnera 01 idanimal alld will pUllhlb witll me Bamo Bevelll) thoae ho boln Inbrmod or tho unlllwrul PlSlll8shy


COMPANY A CIIlIILpoundI A WUTI_Captain )f r NADu-lilrat LimUolaoU

JAllU S Jl1ooamp-amp1I11 Liet_ 1 O bull Armalrong 26 James Morrow 2 lWbert Acher 27 B Y )fOOllllamp 3 Fred Abott 28 H )lcLord lIenr Adams 29 William )faMlng ~ Rlcbmoml Du 3fl Ury Mannint II fl BLI bull 31 Oharlea ProhUogton I ThOlllA8 1$11111 3~ Henry lW~man 8 F n Obrillty 88 William B11n 8 Mlcb COnRldllll 34 A Roth

10 181110 Clark 8~~ Tbemaa taW1llt II Rlchattl Doc 86 Jamea Smith 12 Ohbullbulllea Doul$herly 8i P Slumnon 13 A 8 Falrcluld 88 W G Turnor 14 John Fl~ld 80 00 Van HOllen lIS Thumna GilJ~on 101 Sergeaui 16 John HlI8kl 40 JalllesWlIlsb 17 John lel~llml 41 II W Vbeler 18 William rY1 ri 42 John Wel3h 2nd 19 Geor~e Jlmtled amprgeanl 20 William JckaoJl 43 JUlies Werrln 21 WlIIlim Xylor 44 Jalnea R cker 22 E~ R F LIIIoII 411 Patrick Everett 28 Samuel LOOI18rd 46 John Corcoran 24 John lIoon1 41 J F Taylor 3d 211 llellll )fowray Sergeant

CO)(P4NY B ClInt RUIIILIltWIcz-Caploill F L d bullbull__bull

bull lWlOM-lmiddotrbullbull Ltampf_uG V H ampmid L ltIt t bull OK ILL- M tMlI

I JOhn CoIln-lg 2( Jobn Ldnz i Oharea Wenzel 25 Oharl88 LupusII J_ph Soler 211 Philip )feye~

J4 Fran Nflier- lI1 Gharlo lloos8e1 II Ollllrlu KrauM 28 Auguslna )fullet G Jollil Axamp 29 CIIaS M~e1 Jom amprcr 80 B Marun 8 Edward Bibra 81 lWbt NowlllUn Igt Jolm BltIlIt 32 Cbarlll8 Pten

10 John JlIeta 83 Oball RoRIIeN 11 WUllalllFllesell S Etyard Rhein JII Theodore Fiek 86 J088(gtb Sohm18 Julllll Fnlllk 88 T Schrempllf

14 Uen1 F~ 81 OharleaScriba

11 Josepll Hoene 40 O G Staebbi 18 Oscar Hemil_b 41 JSchetlllUller 19 J Kuperr80bmld~ 42 Dion Straub 20 Leopold Klortbhe 48 Emile Seibt 21 Rdward Knndlg 44 O Ummorlio22 T Krcthenbaue 411 Ferd~ W(I8enbor 28 Artblll Hopper 411 Elward Wilke g

41 OuoWcher OO)fPANY 0

H1IIlll llvIlljIlLL-Oczplai A MoK P11I1iAK-Fir1 Li~ull4l1l WII NOllmslDoz-ampco1lll LkutlfllUlt

1 PalrlekButler II Thomu Brooke 3 c_ I D mue lOwn 4 1 Connelly Ii TIIOIlIIlI GarroU 6 William Oharles 1 (eo Garpenter8 D Cornlllllan 9 Edward Oorey

16 Edward IJlark 11 John Denllampm III Y OavidaonIII Dennis Elliott 14 Plttrick Evelamp 15 d Taner 16 R W Jlornud 11 Jolm Foote 18 Alfred GrRT III BeD Hardin

sioll of Rny RDlntal8 shall not cOlllllnmihl thu middot20 JantO llaynes bullbull010 to the proper authoritieM for the apprehen 21 J Uendersou sion oCtile offender 112 Charles Ghrels

AI1A ConlDlUllieated to whom It IDA1 concorn 23 David Jobnes Given in Granada Sepl 281856 OOMpANY D

WHo WAL1CER 4 bullbull

To Ibe Uinisamper onVt Gen Hawo llneda Iw8 F GIIANFir-CapalllBy suporior ord~r thl~ Is communicated to you A STIIULun- Ir LiltUtnallt~

for your information anti plOper aCIOIl lOtto Wooke 23 Heury POlice M luuiPA Minitor of W IU 11 Emilo Barrora 24 Wm Sommer

- - 11 RttD Schmidt 211 Dan SchrAde~-otite 4 p Blite 2amp John Viti IIO Bauman 27 It Conslgne

AII PERSONS buylog eJaime agnlnI UO estetes of tho (ollowlng named dacouetl per-

SOIlS will preaon illem 10 HIli dulYlIulltontiealoo on Of bef_the 28lh day ef Dltltl 18M otllerwlso lher will be ban-od by law


And all persona indohled to tlie estates of Ihe above deC_tid pencns willlllllke immediate pay m~nt to me

bull GILBERT TlTUS lublic Administrator

bull OriclIl4l DptlI1mellt Scptam~r 27 18M

Gralladn Ci~ R nblic of Nicarn a 1 p _~_____~__ _

Recorders Office 1IlE Office or the Recorder of Deed llorlgftges

kclol~ tbo Oliolltal Dcpftl~tmet of the Repllb lie will be opolled ill tie cll) (If Grlln4da on )fon doy tho 9th ofSptembor 18$6 All persona are Icquired by Decre$ tu hllve tbelr 111106 10 lauds In tbe aforoeaid Departu6lIt recorded llIlin Ix mouthB afier thllt date A~ OIL[I

Uecorder Cotlto Oriental DllpArtmellt Granado Sept 0 11160

___________middot_~-_middot_~~N __

9 H F Jemel 26 Edward CI 4 U Ki ~~ ~uoa ng2l James Lovelace liS James Jandretll 211 Patrick LarriplI 30 H F Miller31 lV G Martin 32 J W LoughUo 311 Wtn UcCarthy 34 Pat ODonnegan 3~ Tbomas Pldgeoo~6 William Rose 87 J A $mlth 88 Oharlea Smilh 39 Thos Wintore 40 Jolin Barnacle 41 Oscar Cromrol 42 J Lyster 43 D W Wilkin 4-1 J W AUSllu 46 D Cook46 Tbomll3 Fitzgerald

8 Jolin DUjDIIII 28 FrAncia OUU8fOno T R D(lbn 211 Phil DlIllllagnu 8 amp Darllf SO W P O)piand 11 Theodoro DiU III UOIIIIY IWICII

10 Henry Dalion 32 Phillip Leondra 11 Allton Gtlbbe tz 33 J08 lchuillIlan 1il r Grantz 114 Fred Dirkop 13 Tboo f1e~Rrell 311 JAmes Muller 14 8 1I1l1Ilbellll 311 W m G4IIOlly 16 Pierre lUtirre 117 John IJargell 16 Leup~ KrotolVslty 38 Jllllles FiunegAIIIi Robort Kempf 19 J J Schuylor 18 Jllle3 Jehlolld 40 Jamea Dale 19 lieu lIerteo 41 James lIall 20 CharlO lrelltz 42 -~ ONea21 lIenry 1aul80n 43 W MAgntc 22 G P_I 44 Pal J Rivers

------middotmiddotmiddot-middotPmiddot--b-Ii bull S I U t a eNOTIOE 19 bereby given th3~ I will Pl1)Ceed to

sell at l~m1C UOTIONIO Ihe hlghot bid let III tllO cIty of Sai Juan del Sur 011 the 10th day ofOcto~r no~t all tho properly belOllglftg to the estate of 8 Worden deceased The PIOpel~ty conslsla of ono house and several articles of POI 80nal properly J lRIEST

Amerlcnn Co~ul Sail Juan del SIlr amppt lIG 1861) Id

Lilt 01 Letter Remalnlllg In 1011 ORlee in Granada Sept 27 66

Alvares J M Ayula Houie A Drown Geo If Drinson J P

BOD8II1I Chilli D Brclay lieDr)

Dohlldl Mula 1 Bula DOli F Drown Geo

Berry E nlngoryno Benell D J

BOtdlllIll FA Bowlllan Wm

DllU Z J

Cole Sam (oopr Thomllll Clrlslophle )fouanlr CIk B II

Oasaaamp Sam R Clark Albert ClIlpbell Oapt CoI8lnan J T


Gapwell G W Conklin B K 08181100 Don Franciaco Cowley tat CovlIlllry John Carpentar Courlarde Don BernadoCooper John CabreraE Campen Cr Colman M W cwillo M Dick JaB Dulton II J Dyer P Il Donalds 0 II De Fltlfer J W Dickaon II Dunn ThoQl Donamplly W D Dobert) 1 Duall F )fDbullbullhon J J EisoUIck Pablo EV~II~ ED Fiaber Ju T 8 ) IlIg_rald JIB Irnulll J C II Faysaux C J Grahalll D It 2 Geilacb S Gliddoll JT Gregor G AGuenero R Ga9kiUM Gt~hlk C Goodlllan W H (IIbbb Gillllor Thomas Gilmore Stph 4 Gray A GaltlliealV Do G A HouJ W nume W viHagallP Hoes8T Itchingamp Wm J Hob BaaT narrle Ohs Hooker Clark Haley 11[

Jollnlton L Johnaton A JohnslOn It A JOlle lfeBC Knapp l F KlpOscotKllimph J E Ktlch John LiIIlBeld WD

)leKy)f n )fdlpio J W )forrie J W McMullen Jno A Mackie Rob Mims J It Berm JIlS )f Mendel T )UIIlI J R look Wm Morales Pedro 1IyrtbullJno Mlrlonl J J )fOOl Jrred Marlin Robl M_bH)fellow WmT 1Iyora EnriqueMosl01 T A Hundel D Moore J GP MoMauo H JMylord Juan Nag R8 Orosco J A Polioo Lon Luis PattaraOD LulaPlacloa Enriquez PoloinoDPownder John Pemberton TboaPemberton Thos PlckreagiU R W PowersEdw PanooOha Qulntal1l11 Rue Paul Rutb Jobn Ronalda O L Roux LRogg J ~ RuckerO II Sturges G A Smitb T B Sandera E J 2 SweeneYlJas WSchundera T [ Sherrin HugbSnyder Dr J n Schleulnger EllqSpann A SUIlVII J Swan Jno It Salford F G Shed Ob Sturtz Jacob TIIICSCIIIc H L II fowns Aa 0 Templo T amp-8 Towsle) D TrentiniO Y 2 Tompkin W A TogllAoca Te C II Uoler FM Vega Don 0 Watklntt Lewis D 2 Wlllialll8Oll WITWeeb It II White Wm Wllre Edw 2 Wbite 86m IWiIllanl8A V Wayne Geo W oight Thoa Wood NF Willson Jno J( 2 WaH A WilIiAlms A Y Wyn A Walllh JaIn

n~ P CRANE PostmasterGeneral

Dr lingu Post ENDERS HIS SERVICES to the citieua 1)(TGranada and vicinity In the practice of

MEDICINE SURCERY amp MIDWIFERY ar Olllee and reaidollloo on the 80ulbweu

COrtlr of the street oppallte the San ampancl$eo Conven~

Granada 18li6

Dalid ISIaug FFERS FOR SAIE at his placo San SebasO tIan Street 0110 1101110 above G~ Ph lle~

chors store Flour Wltlte-sugar Candles Uackerels Olivo

4fOIllaUcScldodrun Sebnapp bllttdlphia Ale and POImiddotte

Wille Olaypipes TERYS CUB

- ~ -- - -- ---------~-ilIJlX A TRODJlN



Togellier wilb l~rJ COPPElt JvnBUEEr~rJlO AnD ALl KtlC 0middot 600D BOrn IN 4 VJlOLpound9AU)flO~HopitAl 8tNlO~ III -ollt ofSanraoeisco OoIlUII

GranAda June 7 1860




fpound NICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 49 p 5 Sabado 11 de Octubre de 18561 Saturday October 11 1856 3Dl

W~T WE ARB STRIVING FOR ROMANaS OJ WAR THII BAY ISLAND8 AaaAL 01 mIlt raow 5bullbull-)( J -- Fella iii IellowfMWollfr Ind fe-lIow_llaquo qI

Th ra AI a pe-rlod In the ahOi t bn CIcntrlll To lbole ho b noylll been parllclpators In The 1Ihlll rollm aetlled on IiIe 0 nclt Eetrampef In ClIba h arrlyed at New YOft timo bAt Americana bave been In Nicaragua whea campalgo war appeaR to ba roll 01 hononl about wInch eo much dlplomaoy h betn lIpelld ~hm 8paIOlaft~endurinamp 100amp aeri ofpua tu) Irere brandcd b tbe porltanlc people of the Their 1II1ncit dwell pon bloody OCIlIlIletll ind ed between Ihe United Statea aad G_t Britela Ea~~ 0 pUIr oIlt year ampnot

I - r- pItOIIIId I bull a IIHbute~) s little blllter thn the brlgandl oC the Bolmiddot on 01 _illig a1ft14 before til wbta do ool Hem dIOIIIl4 to IIIbIuIl to w lat eo -oel Ill Fells who bad beea i__ kolo P ropetiu mlddil IM or tho bUeMlI tb-t inmiddot tbeir thouamphta dwell apoll thlife of a lOIalr III Tentioll collcluded betw_ Mr nu IDJ Lord prleon ror a lonl tlrae wlib blm lID ~ IIImlshyrleq the COlltS oC Contral America daring ita traetioo irom sa ogo to half-eivUlzcd liCe Sollie wcre even bold enough 10 denounce U8 plrato and lao who wad 110 higher or more ennobling lurplea Ihall to rolS tho woak alld to oppreaa IhbIa ho could nol rcain our poer Why Ihey rho~ think 80110 (Quid not dcvlse for theycte~ publlshedtlleir roGSons with tbelr oplolonl They ~(lIgttulnlr did raquooUao any tbiog In tho nctlona f ~lnelmiddotlcan In Illb countr to jll8t1r lIucb an

I e bull don Thty seemed to overlook the eWllI tm ~at we having rccched our earliesl training utr Iho manlier of tilemsclTes Aroso to manmiddot 1uood~dQr tbo purifying InftllencC8 Of tbo sAone itOi alld hving instilled Into U3 Itom tllo lint 4bullbullm ~r our petClptionl the sreat principles o hlc call rcpu~UCllllism could nol do olberwlo

tban 1 turtAln tbe dellpeat r6gard8 for tllo broadut UbtI~ ff the Indlldud 1~6n Valker In bls Inaugural addrw

lY Ule IIIIIlOllt liberty of speech patiblo Iti~b order IIlId good sov

i 0 ~~h~fun~I ofnil polillcal bull I e cling 118 r u JlOI

IbIe Ie materlll deTelopnlcnt of th~ State J ballIO unmindful oflllllntellelaquoIIIII and motu reo ~Qltellellts To prolIIote the proper eduOitioll of Ihe p~ole and to oneollrage thenlln tho praet1cee or t04t Diflno flIlJllon wheh COlllltltbita hlIIIlla

~ or lIlIid~rn elvllbailoll eb1I be the objecl of prl-IMt) ~mportalco1I Ib~ Ito tile prillciplea wblch IIOt ollly JUld

th clUet ftliaR bll b I IIbh d dOPUL~J 0 1111 f c uaiwlC narlgallel h l1 po til 0 Amer cana nce ell ar VI In

do dollntry Tbe woret enemy toour poace and

Ih~lv J1XI dcanlmlla NlcAlquala but tbe genius of

olliam reduced down to practice We

lit ~ tbrougb the pme Impulse Of IDetllletfliat pela the Engllsb to push their colonlea to dIG remotest COrlllltf of th eArtb and iblt loduees 1M Amerieep ia tbe United States to I ould r 101

bull IU aad his rifle aDd penetrate tblt deptb oC the _ Illd ope~ an wlld__ Into the broad rllgbt of clvlftzatlon W bullbullre her bringing - L U oh tl 1401 f lit e _ago arta a~ t y Jllry 0 our famplhtre nd Ibe balloloboll of our brother and we are lIere fulfilling fot tbe first time 1118111vloo prophae1- Wbolo oitionslllmil be cooferted In ON ~1

W~bout hesItation or etaggcration we can eamp

6tt 0 are Ihe ollly ractfeal mlulonariolll of the pepelliince th day orst raul oSt Patrick IIId w_ hue ~lready done more fo~ tbe caUie of

lit don la Oenlral Amerllta than aU the preach IDC at liu been done lIere Ince the da1 of~ Et

bllll Nicaragua has already received from IlII 611Cb puth onwDrd ldlf ery 0110

ifill ere to leaveOmorro Itwould be1on1l L__ Ilate Ie tho Spanish retrograding tendency

ItIIId rng hor bkCk ioto th eocial politbal and IIOIA1 arkn from wbleh we hLe reBcuoi her

1IH1P Snoonu-A reglll corps of sharp ~ baa beoo orgaIlized in eacb hallaHon The 11M lIIavQmrll la eYery compau are selected IJId diell armed with a llonle muskei B this ~IIenl II body Is organizod who may bOIe-W~ to kill a mn 1I one tbollAnd yarde tllre8 II fill offlv~

(I BORNlnYS COllluIID-On Tuosda Jt t bull y bull

tH Vgin btOUih~ up f om Si (iJorgc the entire IOIIIUI~lId under Brig Gen O C 110rll8by making II addition to Ibo garrleon or 160 mell

~ lIIl ()~luBl-Tbi stealller arricd in San

JdIi 01 lur 011 W cdnesda S1le will remain at

I bull

01 t until tbe Pauenlllllamp arrive b1 tbe next lui r from Ne Yorkf11 $I SIIIgtOTINII-For the Ias~ tbroo daye the

ItI sertlee Bllt war wllbaU III dlIipeeabie Clarendon Afler a 101I1Iym8nt of th Bog 8l11rollndln ami 11 Hults ofteo tillia open 110 rule whlel INII 01111 eoaured jU811e but a Ul the pathway to more eoJoyment tbao can oc- hlol4 ohaCety they ho DO Idea of belog traMshycur11i Ibo doll round of a 1_ active liCe The lerted to the tender mercies InJ IIICOIIIpotent aumiddot plrll wbloll nrlse when b~lIe boata Ire about to lbodl 01 tbe nge Guardiola They bout engageln combat u properly evbed 1I11amp11lb oc- righ for th only prospeot 01 amp ohlUlp III Ibelr (ion arill and In ita ste-d the ruea of iltoatloilborthowonJC UndertheruleolHonshyfrlerubhlp and tbe bappleat of ROOd felloyenhip I lultlvled It is bllt nllIral that where II14II) men Ara mutually depOlldent upon the plowcas and bravery of each OIlier II Irong allllI of brothershyhopd 8110uld bind Ib~m In thlt tho Nicaraguan Army bosond aU othor allord bull the beat ll8tIllce of

_ bull - bullbull- II Friend no rbullbullt Ol1I Whoso doublemiddotbosoms seem to wear one beart Whuse ~jUI-s wbOl6 bedl 10_ meals and

exel CI80Are 1111 logoll18r whove tllln u twm In 100 lnupaable

Tho Flnl Rifte Bttellon ot Iho Arm Ie tba (lldot and on thle llecount appear to claim the right of setdng all example to their equally brave compllllioniof other batUion1 of tb Joillt of II

bull bull soldier lifo Being oflleered by men WilD Un told their forlunesal ibeIr IIIItlv hom Bearing their birthrightl proudly on thel b To IIIl1ke a hazard oIae foriunel h r IIC I r ore n briebull a braYer cltoleo 01 dauDtlebullbull _plrlts~~ft~u~~i~~degti~e


trut pldloeophera lId lIIeD of 1IIIdonJtandlng turn the preacnt to the beat adlIntap

When Itll undentood Ib tiltmiddot r IL ~ hmiddot bull I t 1- I Imiddotere 0

q e1n cOlIllgtry canna po 10 0 II e nmiddot Nortll Yere mareblal toward thlt capllal th ~ In wblch Americans here have eo rar forgot- Fint 111801 were ordered from their qurte U teft thp01aelv aa to eommlt any act w~lch would an dyaneeguard of the Nlcanguan Amy 1t8ec~upon Ile hlgb elate of clvllillltion of their Thev enCAmped at the J lteba Ch reb

d b th dmiddot OIl I t h bull II on w ~ ~ 0 lUI c bullbullbull men II Ollie outlklrta 0 11M elt1 rortlloI~I the polladimiddotma han been bore a there are and urrDulllllng Illeit pmeol pOeItlon I Id

- boo In ever CODIDlunily individllala 10 - gruay Th IccInllea for lancln III the Iocallt tjjly organized to allow thel pollllon to g 1

re too lIeat to _pe the 1tItchful ea of ~hlOr tbtlr bettlll Judgemeat But tbe tbe B16e11 and their hammock were _reel

on eplllirYllItn III ilriDltlliiCH alld ~ 11111019 up Tbey are too gallaut to keep to themlety AlllercAiIa bave treated tbe natin of tb iaeounlrJ eo much h1oyDlOOt Inltatiou re Immedt I k L v bull

~ ~ magnanimity Dot nown among ona ately lltued to the ladl ami pAtIomell of Ora IIld aa weUa to their brother 01lc8

Adance on tho greeD by moonllgb wOIIld bull A hi If _amp

temp n ooy mle e no lIot A1 thereCore 1I1Ih what a1aerlly the IlIvitltlon met wltb compliance

Befot tho moon badfaMy apread her hom bull

lIgure were rUdillg rapldllO And fre and ladlOll on boreoba~k belln to -mye The dear era turea looked In lb parllal gloom l1li1 pf moat bewltoblo beau wblcb altronwer IIhl If u1

thing augmented

__ Nlghl Shows tars and women la a fair IIgbi

rett Dancing waa Of cbulll Ihe order of the lIinht

I - _Aad when

lfumcrOl6 WIlli Ita yoluptuouuwollampn e~ea looked lue to YII8 which epoke apln And al went merr1 u marriAge bell

Dallclng with II Its lellirableneea does ltayeI r --t b II dbmiddotat I 11108 a 8 Ii Oll lUI IIg ten Olley ut we

Rille aro the IlIlIt III tlll wOld to rorget the nomiddot eeultlei of the Inner man In II eommodlollll toom at a eonv~nlent distance from where the dancers danced II board was ead ltll a prolll sian 01 viande and wboo beVtnl$eII wore reshyqUlred tlOJIIe Iere furnished lIIcll exhilirated but did not Intoxmte

001 Eo J~ere lind Lieut Col F Atldereon controlled the entertainment so 1111 aotl eo pleaalllgl) tiift were il IIOt they are alroad Imowno ellcel In the inillwy profeulun alld It bmiddotb lib tiel - Ih t

aYO O W I r 1110 cam an or thelllselee in the Temple)f Fame 1ft would be Inclined to adyl them to devoto tbemselves to Ing or aD entlreli dUfcrent and 1_ edIIf~ rol$ nalure Bul the plelUure wo enjoyed Is somowhat mingled wiLh 1 regret for thoeo Who

t ~ d tl I bCOU IIG en1 1 alice on 10 green If It II ellvlnblc felow whOle good fortune II I to Iotcd Ihe First RlRt Battalion

---------- Ll01EII-The laily of )111 Potier 01 tho Ordmiddot

dllma they will not only be lubJected to tho peUy tTrano) oCa bQlrmiddotbreed Indian J8IIoulOf their IU

periorilJlod pprehendy oetbelr power bullhybull

wlU be excmp Itom lnythlogllke proteCtion from ~ht ronp thai IIronger pow 1111 lee II~ to plol108 upon theXl In their IlIdlldu tapieIYFoelln(~1 their dQoadvantallOf thy Very MIumiddot bullbullU1 obJcel to 1111 amalgamation with th goy- tollty 9111he tid ~rlirrh lut M~rF~Ulm mellt of lItindllrU The followlllg extfaol flOlll a dlatetYleIkud went to Glb la from hloli cormpoodent oCtbo Now York Ifld dated al PaceUhe t paeaag~ O LtveIOOI d thence to

lilted 8htos amYmg Boston in thetea Ruatan AlIgl8t 19 will Fbow 1I0w the people hlp Nlapn on the 8th or lUlllt lut )lr Felli ~ere Iook Up80 the Coolfentloo and ho tbey II a cllifin of Ihis couatry 1IlIkcl) to act In the ueat lbo troty rallfied )lr FIIIII no ill thia city enPlled IS the wltbollt alty COIIIIIIItltiOa with ibeluclilimente Go1lmment lrantor

A reporamp having IJI~ em Ruatall tbat the Bn -------- shydab governlllent w gOIng to deli IiIe eoIony A HOlllItla-80111e gentleDlen were amlllinof the Bay Ulandl to their orlKlnal ~ (the Ihemaelrel yeate-d afteraooll b III tIii State of HondlllV) It ha caUted eonaiderable es- alii to t at dlatenc Y 00 g at

ciltment and the Prealdenlof 1M Leglaladve AI- II a on e frolll the 0 sembi called a It neral meetlogofthe InhablWttl wharf ampad aucceeded III _dlllg bullet Ibro11 for the purpoee of pelillolllo ber lIaJ~y 011 tho the IIrUa 0( one Th monster _II pye Ill the lIIUecl uuamp 11 bullthe~ allUmtnllll ~ at thlt men- - III 11 ed on tbe hore IiIII tawlI1e

log wblob tootplaoun I oclock on tb 18lb Stlidwl~ ~bout nille feet IIId eYeD III death he 11I1i1llld proIul$ toally reeoIllllolI belng-d J ee appearance oIlelng a II ugly elYshylalllyllldlldualtellprelled I 1rDII1tenaa tomer TboeewbowLlhtoatudytheanuomof their IIlItlmelltl 011 theUlattlr AcoJorftpomiddot tberilterwlllfindblmaowllogoDlhebeadampt1eman boldlog a hlllh ofllce on the IaIorul doell red that he would DeYer conlen( to -01 lloa luaus WampOOIl-Wina 00 bae _I GOt shyboln _t to th Bdlilh soY--t tor It bad _ IIaIHt oPplClled Ih people too much ampad II uo I 11_ e~plWl waampon we JWnled and quite a gDftmlllOUI gaYe th up II~ _ wmln and ampy100IuII concern In tblg eoUllt) wh tIIere able to take III rmlto deCend themaeleII (rolll are nothing but - willi whe lIIade byllampwfni thelllYMIoo oCthe Hon~_ So oth oIIthe butte oIa trbullbull and punchlog holethrwgb followed III the tlwe wlrlike emdn which _0 th Ier r h to tbe taete of Ill 1_lIag 1111 liiio ~ bull ceo or t I ampIlemiddotwe It Ie oow rIged lip Chat the lurplllll reveoue ehOuld be dnoted to dI ampad the drinr duhe through tile elty In a purehMe ofarms d amm1ll1llooi ob 1IIId that amtocratlc mteor mildbull If Ihe were 101 lIeutral the HoadufOll would lea them III the q Ie~OI of the BIII lll4UZlIIL-We are Indebted 10 II the Nlearagum eml~Dte lIditr the _d publ1tb and aIao to Wine Co EllprtM fof

~~b-ped wllh hit lite 111 FeU~ andIfhIl~g hoe ~ ~thtrlO ober 1861 tenced 00 the 24th of )larch fo~olnw- 11 JeanJ ilnpriloomen Ceute and to enJure I~4 -ryelllllllce oC the poIiee Ille ellpiration ofthllt i~ pU1lllUlce of II I h b SpainOlitheJtofJ~neamp1I d~~eavfo~ 011 the 811amp orte memolllh On the 181h ~f JuloIIOI~ be w tlkell to Cdur wllere he ~t ~~~II ~e ~thmo( 1If1~ Fromdtllbe prilshy

rov ula an t rown Into tbe IlronJlbold called UMbo and itep COtl

t1nuallr In ehalna Iu th mlWllillle tho friellot ~~Mr ~eUAaIll tmUited Statu were not Iliac by~b~nQeo s f nOII~~ tmiddotrb~ jug_ted

lIec ofthelrfoll1 hubeen M~olllJ b their wunhe a ~d~l(eoa ampbe 1Ieen wu got O(ClellIlValker 1Ii~(lllampOPJh_fuIIooplbullbull Q(tllube nlblallIthlT lertIOIIIIfIt promen tblt State h lib bull I ~~pored ha hlbe mtla~~tf~ Colllow do -1YWi ~ lubecribe to HI1 ta -I and attac llIenl to _I oroWII can 10 -IV net bull Co

but 1amp had qwte III opposite e4eoI (or dI (8e11nS It that lhi tallallon tbat It ImpOllidIbr the _eIIt WIIIUk Ce-lIrHlnkle theactlOtDmodatlllg Of_I_oJllclllllU1gh~ltat beea ed Jufdlbey ~oIth aboYIl lbp has plllcedumiddotlnpc been pOllllllted to relllalll llldepedelt ampad lItIo - of our replar fll 01 Butern Md Pacillt lrat ootcolouized III dlreet viorauoll of IiIe Clay ncban We h ton and Bulwer tre17 II ope to elbe Exp bllllintfa

HallY suggeatlona were 01l8red bUI thllt 1I1ob thorougbly organized agaIa

Tho gIy bat ceqQeltisb rldingack and the ward of the pori 01 lrUxUIo and about tlleame tanWlzlng Impudence of th 0101111 wbleh 1 tllttlnee (rom the IIInd of ftllliall There8

11011 now abollllorlJ Germampllll IIIId AlllerI_ a worki IOmellmilli 01181 11 thade of uncertaint over tllllr tuch au their PIOBpeCB thai tbe have J(feD the Call facM rendered the IICeno one of Intense 11Ite- place the name of New California Iluan I

seemed lito tn08~fslbIe wla made by 011amp of Ihe rea1denta-Ibic~ In the event 01 tho colon belag e _ted by til British they thOliId aend to PrealdeDt Walkar aoeking Ilia rdlluce ud reshyqlltiUng him 10 aend a bod) oIlrDIIpI to prrleon the Iellnd for aD 1I0vemmell~ 11 betler than that orHOliduru

Emi lion I _11m III to th ne1 dllccrrned pld de altuf on tbe _t Honduras at bull river called Belfltte within thirty mU wealo

therelOre IikelJ to bo tho depot to lind fioolll the

bllru OJ RxcAl1ITs-Co1 E J ampcod bull ~ 41li

broughl down (rom California secnty reQRlCII which ltayO been moatly _ignad to Iholllral Buia Battalion The tillookcd like men of therlght stripe


)1011 REOIIVITamp-Col Jack Allell amvW 0 Ifood It wltb near 008 hlllldred recruits UIlshy

der Capt J B Graeo Bolbmiddot lt101middotAlleoantl cpi Of0011 hbullbullbull retumed 6-0lIl furlough

PBR80NlL-WeannOllnce 111 I h t f J V Fb I ure I

e IIrn 0 bull bull ens to Grallada aaer aD amp1gt Ullited States all 118 ncelln harbOfll 0 arm llen~e ofthree moolbs to tb Eatttmiddotrn Stites advlllltages for 8ucb II purpose nuelt baing p fecily 1e from north winds 111 tbe winler amp8011 List oC Letter------=-----=-

ColllKG SrSl1JIER-Th ateamer Teno_e na Remaining in the Post Office middotrccei-ed adnrliaed III New York to lellve ror San J_ del sinoo August 30 J856 Norte OIIlhe 6th or oampObar wlIlub would mako A d J J had t t T it n reAlIer v GIl a preseo OIl or w Irf8 Andolllon 110m I aufllolellt to IMIIe lhe trip and we -1 th_ Aharez DtD rore expect 111 arrivil about Thursday nut with Dlalr Oharl datal up to the 6tll 01 October It ia IIIpJlOled Brown Oeorge that the Onba III bo at 8m JIIAn del Sur in Ood~ Themu time take tho PuaenllerA by tho ~elt8s throh g~itJDon to (lallfornla Afler the Tllne tht Teunesaee ia Cottle Caellye regularl posted to I on the 14th Ihllll piol or_lg R R utwo atelllnera thlsmWthftom New York 8ioce Orowel~ John Ue above WAll written the Orlube arIed Sail Co~por Tbomu luandel Sur EflCkeoD cP

Ftlgerald 0 0 NJ(IAuGu GlIuM-Werecelved largo FitzenldGeorgobun II 01 ti If I DB C Flshe~ Bordamln c n~ 00 grapca om bull e fIIfIO apt Frank II

N N whlcn a~lbough ~ot jQlte equ~II1 fllI~r GOltel H to Ibe best ~bOIIIh are fur an uncultivated milt Gardne RP of good qualilYmiddot We have 1)11 been ofopllIon Cilnllll John that NlcaraguR would before all1 very dlalaDt diy lIaley )I

Leltl8ll Ourtil Lockwood E 0 )lullen J Vahon 0 lIlIIer D 0 lie ioigan J 0 Nag R B

Otllllaa J D ~Imer J p~MA

2 Piper ~1 bull SwaD J R

a S1OCUIII Cpt BRlall Jaoee

Trvllllj Chas lJ

2 Taylor A W rlgbt A w~A H West Lleui J S

be the flfet vine growing counlryln tbe orld-A lIagtl_ TampOIllIl Zarrl J 6 11I th III d ft f h abo Jorlrnan Wme p 01

not un e so an u~ 0 t e vo mOIl lIooed buncbrengthODll St~U Taeticbull

IbllHD PlPIlIUI-Womual apo1og1ae to llr THE GBNTLB~UN Who boTOwad ftOID Col Munt Cooper Nwpaper Ageus III San Fran Fahers ~r Ille ampoolld VoIulIIe of

Hert companlee III the two ~Ul8 oualiona lIanee Deparlmenl CII1IO to Or_la by tbe Jut cIIco rot 001 relUrolDg mlr thub-for tlta COIIIIan~ Scott 8 Tacllcs will ampICfllle retlltll II 10 CoIollel lave elaquojn CIIgtged III target 8lercuu Tho oootmiddot steamer and w happy to A oXfleeta 10 make and eOpiOli IIIppllee 01 1- pap wlarla 1fI111 III Ii~t U~iT~iR)(AK ~_~~~~~plI~e~~a ~llghly crodtablo tbls her fumo Iollle conllauu to rerei lila baa-Clemmiddot1t (obullE 8ecoD411l


bull bull

pound+ NICABAS[JENSa Vol 1 No 50 p 3 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October lB 1856 309

IruIrti~1 mu~il to urge them on but with ISA J(E US FROM OUR FB1ENDS 1 victory land defiance Btamped on their mud8~ned figures lind written on their ampvin~ bllnneri-lllf I tlien there WIIs a eIIout went up rrom the anenat that was eohf)e~l from the old prochi~ churoh and rolledori and grev heuier nt the GUllrdshyhousea shuut that carried hope IIlId new lifo llri te1rful joy to the hearts of our flmil~s nnd friends but such terrOI to tho cr Ivon enelny that they could not fly and ~ II IIlIlUY of them in the pitfall they hi ug thmsolvel Ihore wero some who ampld it and at first knew not its mean ng-trhlllds who were cut (1ft and Iring n their hOll8ell In momentary ex

~on of the 118sasine knc But as Gen fNlllker and hu boy~ drew near the plpza alld saw stili floatmg (rom the

i1agStft ill Its centre tbe devieBlo( free Nica I h Ii Id I h

U mo dr gUR- d n It~~ w t ndazth

1 lr ers t Ie re P inot JArs -11 U8 bull b h h mg natives men w 0 were onre t ellbOWltlta t NIClalua was ltlll safe the drum and fife struck up Ihe homely old IUneof Yankee DOl)dle and tbosewbn knewtDflt tbe meanin of Iho lIbou knew

bull bull g 1bel that IR other dl~s had led theIr falhe~ from vlotoy to victory

On year preVIOIIB ell tIlt very day the n ver tobu-forgottoll 13th of Octuber Jr Viillnm Walker entilred Granllda bull hi d b b Iill t u1t tlUifl an t IS WlUl IS com

If n gt

middottom g 4lir 4VENlOROUS PdRTY

bull f _ _ bullLale 011 the evening or Sunday tbe

12th aparty COIliamptillg or MlijOI Rogers Minis o- of aaclenda Col Thos F C dtllce ahe Qualmiddottermaater General apt lute lite Those were the traltols who JUAN OTTON DB OPPLBIf

I T Slm~ls of t~e Qllarlomast)rs _par~ came 1Il~0 Grannda with patllotlo eheera IUIhNlJ1UU mel)j 901_ Lam~ olle of Gen W~Iker 8 llpoll thou lips thllse were the mon who Tbe card one of line Brhltol board ud In-Aills] flUd an escolmiddott (If about Haeen Ran promised to81e the country-these welo di6ttcd much taaampe lillie Uecullon Hla pookol gets ~ltted from Muaya for be city r- Lire Illell who cl~tIed Ibe eVllngelism of beok 10101 amp3 oil ca hie _muloC ~n Grandll They had Dot IIdYaneed far whenI It

bull became eVident that IUjwould be

bulllanirOOs to proceed and Mal R~ers bullT

retutlea to acquaint the Gcneral of the

ct_ The remallldel of the puty enmiddot d h h B bull etm e 01 t e nlg t 8)10 monnngiller ~vere attlcked and Lhough they deshyfended themselves bl8vclyMd 811Meoood in cutthll thlir VIY through they were

I~rg partllls of th6 cllemY line Wllle thlr foro obliged to mllk very Clircuitous lOIItIis- Col Fisher witll hismiddot two com pan~ns Iilturned on lhnltltday mnrni

bull Th4t wero very milch ftl~Ued havmg

h Ii h t h _l ell ~ not lUg 10rn l c IIno t tly start irom MlIsnyn until thl) arrived nt Grll-IIId excolpt 01100 whero they hllpPned tpg~ W a small hut where thelo were bullineieen women and children aud onlyL

OflO mnnbull fhe Colonel placed tI guard 11 tb~ dour ttl prevent tile Igres~ of IIny i ilftllF natives lind thonprovliled SOIllUmiddot

~h1rqt to pal rr himsdlf lind men ~1 D1rlng tho woek lievernl others f thll

rt IIlThmiddoteel IhtY nrted CRllt Slim fmiddot -- lOis ael II they Imd soen bis hrse CII IItd him and supposed tbat ho hllli reshy

loClvd a semiddotolo wound But fortunately CoP~ SammilS himself arlivlld III the tity

thiS OfulIlg_ II hnt Dllt belu founded adEd cllron nllthillir faom tltt) tilll he

left 81 II IIntll be IIrrlved ho( romaliishy

Weare informed by InttrUlgen and loyal Democrats of tbis city the when tbe late attllek Wllll made upon Granada they gave up all hope for the olty Nlit knowing the character nf tho American people nlld helllvhig it Impo8lllhie amphat OliO hundred and fiay mfR and a portion of those Infirm eould contend IIUCle8tlfully agnlust the heavy odd coming down upun U8 from U qUllrter many of thuse eople ran away to the Inountalnll allIlln 80me easel we have heard of them being alaulthshytered In the woodllwhithlr they had gone rr safety When it is known that mallY of the eini~salies of these brutalities were flrmer rosidents of Granada it call_reeshyy be credited that even savages would

th bull bull b pursue IIlr paSOllons 60 ar lit DeVrshy

bull theless It is a truth thnt the mOIl cold blooded atrocities were performed on flee

noxt door Doi hbor There were but rew enga ed in t~68e horrid trn edlea for we

g tfi dl I th t it r I Ie JUN len say ng a ou 0 fI ppu amiddot tlOIl of fiCteen thou8and Granada did not furnish mllle thall three hundred men to the ranks of theallOmy and th~we three gellOucbed hundred wele only enemies becluse the Among die -1 o-ro -pu trom lIIe elle-A h d i t duced I t G ad m1 shOll at tbe Jaltoba wu Uebrf WalleN

merlcans a n r~ n 0 ran a wbon 8ft heuy-casod gold hUlidn walch bull plan of hvlng Without the It waB ampeod bampIIich would ollletlt bay --_bull bull UN_

unce the prlvdege of the II1111tar1 Umllllrs hlacroln ill bullf auk 11110 III wate IIDt in this city to raile the wind by the laY Ibe Ju snob A sbocIt gave hit tam he re-

most questionable meuulesoodll8 a mall oeed 110 InJUlf He hu already fonpe III four lor of cOUrie when II better governmllRt bampltlea IIIlder Oell Welker ud 1fU he was established under Gen Wlliker these kldng of ()ta1IIIdbullbull

titletl thieves found their OOOtlpation Kune One genU_a left 1IIoIIowlng card In on of r alld thllrewith the chaneeot IivlIl a ditiSo tbe ho_ III wbleh be cook UpA tempotll1 rtal

order-these were the men who loved ad by Carrera Oell WlIlker no hoIda die com 1181

Granada too well to see her in tho hoods m onbull of the prosent Oernment and ye live I During tIae aght 1fahYerIIaRCII were

Wht did they do 1 What wefO their hltea frOID the eny III III bandt ot bull peI1IOII

ld9111i In delr _ dI__ lie fir middotefteotl+ works t _ I

r_ bull d d b weaptllll amp t_ certatD 1 _III 10 u ofAlmmg mto town a~ mt 3Y Y II

fOloy upon their own OOllotr)lIIou they wllre 8uOil fed Thuir next move was ror a whi~key shop ahd at IIlghtsllt onemiddot

1IIIfllrtunately rcparated filtm each other~ fourth of the attacking force WII3 turlled Col Laln6 WIIS take1 pri~onol Col int the SlIme sut of drunken vagllbolldH

FIsh~r With wo ~lIgers 11Itlllncd to Ma tllll~ had been dllvon ltu~ of Grllnllda JU$t lIIya but dlscovermg th3t Gon Walkr one ytampf befhre Thelf Rltve iustlllctil Ilad ~turned to the 1iS$ldanOO of Grant- sull hoM Illa~tery although thly wlfllin da t~(ly also retracod their stops to this tiont of danger lind In the JlIth of dllty F~ On thcir wily they If ot sevcrnl At light had not a rge prtlon u r the

bull I foreign furee beell (lIItrllmed to ~nlaln ~ober our omall garrieoll might hn~ gobe ftlrthlInd tied up with 1(P=4 the lotlliflg raBnis who CUltle into thlgt cit to rodeembull ~It ~o orler and gOll( guernllltmt

B I bull f I II ddlit t lell X ~~m (I 01 IIr I nut

stop here Thofo ~hn did not gut drunk uud cover ui nibt reolmiddotted to robbery I

i ~ lind bllt rlilV tonslll 1)~(jII)lld urpillaged Every thing ~IInhllllf b ing calried IIwuy

fidelity IIf th 1ple of Hranada Tholl6 coi BpoundIIDIu In hlllpoti _ loIae wbolt or who laW them make voluntar) ufterlng of be olBennd men ohb Jlm RII BUalloD did refreshments to the exhausted soldier bel dn amplid I ould be mock 10 110 know how willing i wlltliono They blul gl one oller mON pNile til _dler fte7

)1 bullbull 6 l 1 w IIII Wlng to cri8 Ibelr U1f II~lie ro ut a mo every WI Umiddot lot die _ ftft IIPl1a eel wlt n the American gum could ~ro-teet them but or what WII It they gave with a willing hand

Such met8 18 these Ire worthy to he studied by the wrld at hlrge bull Those wh hllve slAndered UII wlthollt knowing of

bull what they wrote can weigh the avldenshyces ald thEII decidu 1Ip1O wholR tu CIIt tbll title of frieud and proteotor to the people (If Nillllrngua


- I the Amurlcan 1OIdI approached lbel1ishyampeha chllrb tbe bullel from tbo glllll of the ttl shy

- -kl 1liii Wert 1mg ID tI 1 t errery peI1IOII on h_back m-iDCIIbullbulllulg 10 the ground and Il behind ble horse for pro~1I oa W~r aIon malmiddot b- oM bull re _ 011 lIg ers 10 _ 1111 abou as much MfIfroid III If orderIagA boltllt of wiDe Ibr hie dlMer I ud Ie Dol until bewlarepcatodl)reqllnledtbonoolllblm 10 diamount that 1M did 110 He emed 10 be as regardl of Ih elleou of a Millie blIll If 1M ere plOOhplm lIIem ForlullateiJ be did IIOl

litlle_nt hey are but aPlnHv~of cleD18eI~-eiDdelencOI Grallldbullbull the bew and erro of lIIe Indllll of tIae Honb alld baylollg aiDae b8llll dfioarded by dltllIAampIona tbatcondllClaiUfIa aclenCllle _11111

The handle of lIIe 11111laquo ill about hIce III 1000g andlIllek u an ordlnar1 broolllmiddotbUdle I lance on llie end It an onl pleco or IroD or iteel )ot fuur Inclin In length alld abouhlliaob and a balf In its grlA breadlb In rlulng tbey CUp tho Itallll19 About Ita cenUO 111111 0110 band and Ita loer end r811111 UIlOII lIIoir rlghl foot Close 10 the bead or III Iallce lIOn_ bad II lillie red g aplit Is be ceo like A s bull allows tall

bull A raquo~lIOIIOIl UI) A ~IIiIIIU11C -A cit

~ w_ bnlvorl during lhelate detenco or tblS ell) was atllpl delllOMtfAled byltle inc of a 1rouodet __ 110 1 11_ or en Iny on hearillg one of t1i9 cia

-- 01lttpI wy Her verI ltgtJOll1re11t1rlcOO l Ibe

ur In die report of Ilurspcclaleorreaponlellt wa _ndull Capt middotDrew The propr resdiog or tbolllUD8bDeul

------- shy or Tbo followDC COPl of lelk wrlltell h] Jlbullbull DW1 H Wheeler III Agenlof tbe Amm can Bible Society at Grallllda 80ell18 coneidetl6 wben a WM writteu 1111108amp propbelc IL III bull 01 (lilt aIAYmentbull and iiI excite illucbaflllpamiddot 1~7 Cur bill aad end BII~ be blood ormatly ill I ~ eed of e~e Clturcb Gild In tbe plaoll or OlIOshyMulonat killed by ampbllllo ungts bundredtt ill yel pnrdllHbtir goodly calling bere In_ ritf

GRlIIpoundIgtA Oct 3middot186amp bullbull rdMAIY I took my book Imd ent AfonnJ aud on youe leIItgtIment )luny 811id Ibey bAd no IJIOIIllI and otIl 1d tile Quid pnrcb lte afler die eomIJa~ over WlOr loakil Or autenem111very doy rull lllree thodU~g ~

feDo nl1gbl be a riliemlln but biil credeD~l B(lIl1agood omcclil lid BOllle vor) gdOd aofim were atllered In dUlerenl IIChool from botek b hi_

nOWD y I lit name n lIll1Cky Tbe Ileamiddot raga rifleman urna bil reputation by ~I

Iyaltacklng kunu and 111101111 othor people WIts stUlllI II(J~ lUly fngtnl foe~ bllt nlike goods whll tile KellluckllUl hlil the honOi to be rmm fmlllds liHI pooril~t natives were bull terror to -Iaucb rucala foilllesklll wltb which

fltmlM tu givo lip tleir IMIIOY lind tholll bo drops them Ihe dlelIlOO of one o two bunshywhu had nOlle ill IUlIIe 034el vera lashed ilred 7arda m Do

lruIlkn Ioxes 111111 evelY othor plll~ 4111 II PnIIlCL-ThLI IOpeclmoa of IIIlUtarl wbore g)Ida ~lr valullbleol millht be hId OtIIIlnlly ~paoled blluoope 10 Mala aM

( was -a wllh III IDOIt advanced of tbe Jim Wble tmieJ l~pylUlVy Ind whell clotll Rlh Tho bowllie w his fJlvorito poIIIon

Cor J0811 Auu-Thll ollCllr w11I com~d of Ibe body of tIae Second Rl4ea wldllblor Ca In tIae repll of Ib La- IIItl1t1oeed b 0IIf

eorrespIIIIdeot md proYed Ill_If 10 be A bnlle man After Ibl tlIg_nl he wu ordred amp0 _ dIiot Capt Drea aud Capt Ore In 1b~lt pOIishyampion near Ib luge pm The oomblnllllon _ ceeded In Njtulalog tbo enem hferal amp1_ dillgtshying tbe _y

CoL JlcI1l10811-Thfs eBcleot olllcer prOTed bfmeel(1 y w1I orlhy of the pOlilion Ii~ OCCllplee U was al walCbflll amplid a1ait ready 10 aUllnd 10 hI dUly Dis car for bia wounded men is well otlhl of nOII08 As soon ali II w ueertalaed lbe enemy wet driven oul of ()ran~da be Immedlaley dlapalcbed olle ofthe Compaat ullder ble oommand 10 bring IDilie ounded or hi Baltall-m lrom die _ne of l1Ie con8Ic4 at lIIe Jalwbe

Our tibullbull-From lIIe iDablllty of 011 man to - 1M whle of amp bald Ibe report of Oot

Speclal Oomepondellt Illat be DeeeuiampriI1 1ItJ defectT~ It apP8llMII lIla Capl Oreen of die tiecond RllIu 1Od Capt Dreal of die ampeolld lllranky 10 IlIMaIIl hi ~aDced poeilkn dUpug tbe dd7 and acled rery brnely Llell Henry T She wndOO In lIIe Deck liDe latmiddot Inll In be defmce ot (ble POIOI Sherman baaDOI been ablll 10 peak Iinco b reeelyed $lie ItooUad h II lIolllkalylo pro fallll

OUI 0R119~-Tble gentleman obved In A

house -ya flIl of Lb OIllllY wlIIIhla IIW~ in bud at neb a npld u tllet bla OomJlllll1 could lIot keep pace lib biOI Col T ~ Fi 1~ fld Uue Pg _mpanlW him and bad Ibe bouee cleared of tIae enemy before sbe llIeD ~ rIed

TIIII PIli AlID flrll SWORD -We tali pl8ual-c

i _ L oJ bull of b It _L d n -og 11 e compollliN8 I e ngl emiddot parlmeot of EI Nlcanoguellleollee (oogbl brnely In deCellCO of our clly Thel~ IIIIIIU are ()buies E Caulley William Bucbllllan Froderlk Kapt amplid P A Yarrington lbey hollOO tb lhey llOuld make goud UIIG of Ibe ehootilog Iron II weU u llhootlng amptIek

OVII CoKbullbullIISUU1 BIIIWI-Lleul W B Butmiddottri LI J B W Ll

aut 0IfIl e~t 9amp Hawley11l1li- H O Wall A A Conllng and Capt W_ B Lyou bebaved -Iotly aud rendered ear-

D tils force GIGII f1lIkCf ClIo oppose 1~~ light109 men 109 ul middottth whllt he mMy Neel from Califoml a d NIIW York lIlldIII be 300 wenbull A~ preseD~1be Ollemr arlllllOngl forllllej al Mi sa ollly 12 nliles dl8loUll Gen Walker i8 pm ~arillg1O recuio Ibow alld tbere will b 1JODle dmiddot~ ilf8lRing bUlplbtlhAmrIC~dn8 feel very 00011middotell 0 IQCOOIL er 1 pru tlIoa would aft

dlellltcd hOlI [8ho~I have lelt helll on Ihe live of a baltle 8tleh aa I~ exd every hou blll1 came hen Ibere lIaamp nu eoumy lI~ar and lIone ex peCWI and my IYw-k I bre and llHllII 1111gt8 1D~lIywouhdad and dybg 10 caro for fun doeome good certainl Tru I IIampY be am~ tbe slIlu formiddotlII_ Ulen have Ib8II1e1led a wtU cf

iug could ntlt be mnde useful It Mis-torn IIIId ilia 00 Wera ailbrded OOIlIiderabiA __~ ~~~~tlll apllldl aU AlllelOllJlII and If lie F Ii Ii Y -- ViCtoriOWl ley ill du II tbey han ampampiii

to pec~~ 01 twenty olle ourll t I IIIflII allud lIIe din of I~ bllule at tbe manner If I should perlah do Ie beat you can fgtt my cnnlinued 11111 WII say it with nil cUlldor In which be ould jump at an l_gllI1 ellemy (amlly lOl lIIuy POOl alld will need all lila can h I bull n d b dI fI II Prin I middot-~oo I be alfordOO them Sltould the enemy coine IIlld

t l simp 0 IIIlt1ves Ill) roll1 It as uom a eI e ~un as ~e a reg M tack lIle ol~ I hall leavoloy boob posled and pe~Ii1mcc They ran Into the wouds jill tIInghll bylilll Firat RIOes mOlle ~d olrOOIa in the hand of Col Johllii

h I I I II A N I W Wbeeler Ih~ Amerlcllll Hinlle For 1eM0Ii1Crlpt mto cornelS 11 t lem8e vel n a Ill ou Ilf AII-OUr RallgCfuomeli_ need 1I0t lIaOe tho lJolted Slatea IIlg IfI Alford iug hhuut food bout fiva dllye cpt kind~ uf placcK alld trlm~bled Illtilmiddotthe 8ad lying In 1IIood In tho lloillity of the city voryliUlo proaCllOII to AmeriCAn chizeab

I Ili h 10meoChOuIampemalianandSanlWvadoiansnlmiddot y lruly DAVIDlfWBEEliEItSaIllnlS 1S jUltti n youn mnnJlnC lie of plnguo wall (rlvon Ollt OlIO II 0 II d Ih h I I I I Th J C BBIOUpoundN Cor Aner nbla So leIshy bull - t 1VtOtO~tel esoprl80oers8ampy bull ~ vC

1M r(lSt pron)lllmg offiool6 in tllO army tho eager -yoa that watlled tbe bull Jill Lbey were lhue tle1 bllbolr office In order 10 OA

Ho or dog t-that lho qUoOlion U IheThe rbull10 1I0W only fOllf of Iho fMlir~ tllh W f01II hen they hllRld that the Americans prevent tblllll 11II1IllIg 11114) In tho lISbe ello aid whGn he IRt do wn 10 n dish of (riod~_~~llSi~ _ ~re coming can bear IfItimlny to ~b~ I VerUT th~~~~~blltg new IIIder the lin IlASASCl


- ---------------T--shy312 EL NICABABUENSEVoll No 50 p 6 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 181Br6


Tile Battles of tbe 12th and 13th of Octflber 1800

We b bMIl permitted to make the toDowln

oslne IlIDut dI porta 0 tJle 01Boe1ll In commiddot IIWId at tbe Yarlo ttallOD The OOIlfuOIl an4 laquolei 10 our 01108 oe by the late ttaclt -Ind Ib vofortuawte acoldeD hlch bappened to Mr 1bor tb edllOlooble~ put I out or our

pow to arran the repone u under 1II0re fampYoshytabl GlroUlllltanoeB e lboulil have done Th balties of the wo day era 10 connected thI

it oad be dilleult to rate diem on paper anal pnlClIl all dI Illcld8Oll

The report of ColellelSandaralalb1l ofintereal 8Ild beua-out theltlatemellll of Ollt correepOl1dellt

L WIIO It would ppear followed the fortllDes or die folr Rift He Y

About 12 oclock on die t tdl they took dlelr positlOIl hi line and the command u Iyen to moYl fotward The llIen wer11I good Iplrillalld abOUi oclock aalgbt theyenoelDped In Ibe IUbshyurb of _ya Sbortlyafter lying down alkirshymlall took plaoe beteen Vol Karkhaana regiment oC lufallw7 dd a_liDg prll of the en Dll blob luted bUI a few morun Idlout anl eerio Mal Bewean- lIyllght and unrile on ~ba mornlo 0( th 111d1 tbe wliole army took dlelr pOIJUoIl for bottle die bowlll8l1la lrollamp eupporampshyed by dae Rile reldman Aler aneing but a fe y Capt Ifwarb of the Artillery wu orde ed b-eJom_nreMnCblefto dlrowlbelliDto aelllampll plaM aDd (Jumpd C comllluded by Capt D~ obll8ed and took -Ion of the oburch In die pi bullnd tbe wbule arlll7 _11 fullowd IIIId OOlDlIlaDder- or reglDlllntll received their In alruoilonafrol the Coml1IIidi~hlel An- furtloer operatlo The Sappert amplid IlIlIeN were ordered to CO 10 advance end pportod b the Rill out their W8ylnto tho main plua beteen two t ruonlng dlrotly thereto-tbe 8818 on the right IIlId 11 belDg prolected by Ibe ellem wllb btarrl ltlad _OIInOOll and sharpmiddotlboote Afer bariog cut ball wa through to the main plnla the bow iteera colDmandadby Clpt Swrtz and Lieut F roD eN ordmd to the IUppO-t oC the amplft_nd of hoee to pliant ollloera too lDucb pralB C8II II be awarded (or tbelr daring braver aDd cool neealn dlaeharge oC dIlr dut) HlllOry has Ilot e parallel The11 edaaucClllfulho-illto au adolHl bnlldlng here a large nllmb ofthe enem were ~lIllg MClurel1behind barrlcad Oathe Imoke cleariag away Company B oOIBlllanded b Capt LfIonard alld Company G cummndd b Capl ORepn with tMlr gallanl eoldlera took 10811 alon ot he building wbere they were charged upon twice by tbe eneml Gap I Ewballks took pollOi slOl1 ot Ibe eomer hOllSe on the- right The RiBes w thn wlthlll HventyJ e Yld of lhe mlln pIMa he the galInt aI and arren again came to dlelr _lltallce 1Iltiampl their guna Tlte ouemy we 10 largp forcu ImIDedlatel1 III thelr Croa~ abOlit thll time

Th Commndermiddotln-Chif haring recelvod Info uatllD_ bat Granadll w attacked blarge force and bellering lb a larg8 portion o( Ihe foroeI Muya had gODe toaid in taklllg Grallada wbere tbe mo~t of our ammunition was he ordered ra lreat froni our poertlou and bo~t 12 oclock at niSht~ 011 our rod baok to Granada A tar mamiddotohlDg all dlgbt Ihe glorious aUD of the 181b or October roae In beau and splendor-tbo annlmiddot vera1 o( the 68 taking 01 Granada When we got Into the outsklrte 01 the clly wo were reo~iyd Epote4 u the wero Ihey fOllgla thelr wy by heaY ftra ffOm the enml but WIth a about ond 7011 TO ruabed on the elly of Oranadn] wlalh WIUI asain Oil tbe 88me day takell by lIeneral Walker

Of the olleera and men compoeln the Rifles Ilae1 did their duty well and it wouhl be mocker1 to try and give one ofllcur more plllie thall another The were all willing to tIIlClilloe thoir Ilve8 If nece8 88r1 fur Ihe cause tlaey aro engaged In

Ab Jut 11 -oolook on tbo 121h a8 atate41 b1 our _

correspondent Col Allell wu ordered to 1Ilal a de~hment of lIanger agailUlt a body of Lanoer

bull gaged untIl thoy hlUl fought their way 10 a poaco

1be Bohllo of Illy cOlllln4nd AdYanoed and roo ceived the ll of tho tllelll) coolly _ returnillg I ith efect After 1 I volloy had beea Oltmiddot cbangod the enelllY lel the lOad and reliod aprrefttll IOed AlaJor C7C tboulCh Field OCmiddot Beer of Ihe Day ndvallod Ith Ind Bhowed be innrlably doe great cooln1 and 8rllllle~8

After the enemy rroator I retulnod 10 tbe 11 St SbuUan heu 1 reeely_od ordN to IUIlPort Capt Druus 2nd Iufuntry nlld Ilpt Gree of my oOlllmand wbt) WUN armly enmiddot ~laquoed near he main Plaza I fOllnd on lD) arrimiddot Va[ th~ OAP Dmiddotult ha1 one prlte kllud and CApt Greon severol wouuded We re 1l1~okelt1 In thb p~ I (runt ami lin Ihu In but ltlpulsud tbem ter1 tlmee (rom tbe latter position

1 OIInllot epeek In too high tllt1I11 of tho conduct of bMh ollleera and men ~ngaged ht8 they exmiddot bllJlted tbo ~fttest cuolu autl glllalltrf

4bout ~ 0 clock Gell lIorn811y wilh ono (Jom P~IJY of lsi I fontmiddoty Joilled us and hortly altol this wo received ordel8 Irom Yonr E~ceilellcy_ I fall back ou the PI St ScbnLlan whloh did ill he bOIL of orhr ImmeliaLcly nn (lur ftrmiddotivKl

amproo wb-o p-led uo bloh dlylded - -a amphrolog ID1u1f ltlIpt OoreLleuL Bramp LIeut TrIIpp nd ee en pri18I a1man hI admiddot - ance 0 t1ie en command uob he w noeIyed Ord811 to obarp tbe eaDnOD haYiDS1l0 oeeded In wblob and bluing lriag In die l I ordeved thelll forwft lIalor (Jaycee (bj er of Cilea DorDIby) renlalned at dlls pointwldl die bala_ or my Battalion to guard the dlalllountecl bowlSHr

From dlk place my IlIIail commacd advampIIced rapidly and turning to die len one street from die PIIISI IOraaed th comer baok of dI Lobe Slu

- OIl yt( ldI _tbe other u to ho Ibould do ampbemOlamp gooleervloe

W81ao take pleuu IOlIIaldng die folloiDg -

esrac frolll tbe olloW repor of Co Natzm~r I have tht hOllor to reporamp 011 the evenlug pre

aedlng die da1 of the battle In lIaya Kajor Ihl Mnbur Field OlBllJr of tle Day IIld capt Jlatzdorll a Odlcer of tbe Guard dlttinlluiohd tbem~eIY b the greaten figll bullbull oe actiYlt alld cll~i1wapoictlon

rlle Plaza of SI 8ehaeUan being taken ou Ihe eneulng morning and tbe 1 RIlle Battalloll and

wb w killed a numller 01 the ellemy Capt part of the 2nd IUlantry Battalion adfanoiDg till Bell who ooolopaued lia in thla obarge If ldllll two blooka of the eat plaza optaina woundid In the thlh

W then proeeeded under a hot Ire to the GUlrdboule wben lI~or Potter gaYa up bla comlllampnd to me We Bred a oanllon from this po lot twke hlto Your Excellellcya quarte and once Into Ihe bOURa ooa1lvled by Capt Morrla dID oharged tbe litter place our lIlen gallant11 Oamprrlog n Thls 8 Ibe I place I beIIe tblll onl1ll1 coupled -In dI cill

I ampIn happ to atate dI~t no cuuolU occurred In III Battalioll dUriD tblI battleshy

llauor Oaycee wlllPve OU bull IIparate aoooun of bla proceedlDgs wllh th ramalllJer of die Btlalmiddot Ion

Th colIInd of Col Allen wu dl lded near

the lalCeba ()burcb The ollowlng estract ampom the report made bt JI~r Caycu III vel) _grph-o and llaow dI _yln wblob the eDODIl wu ban died b_Ibll -Ilul olloer and bll men shy

e-In 08lllpllince with en order giyen b1 Brig

GID Koroah_ I led dI BUalIQII towarch t1i Grand PhJa until oppoelte th mlns of die Me clld ()bri wbloh point I reoel ed an order d1 to Ib north amplid dlslodse a porilon of tbe enem1 wbo were at tbe dme occuP71og the

Leonard Dreu Rnd Hreen dietingulhed tbemmiddot MI by rellUlrkablo braver and cour-se ilh beir (Jumpalli

Altbllugh th Artillery did not haTe all the eCmiddot Selelle1 elpectud I 1amp11110 but acquillt Your Exmiddot CiIIlellc1 or tbe moet courageous and cool mallner III wbich Capt 8chwartz Iud Lieu Frrand ola oharltt hl dude wbloh deeervet bill aud full credt

III dI attack OR Grallada 011 the 13th iost Your Ecellenc h bullbull leen Yery-wol~ that the gul lalltrY 01 he odlltllN and lolltller~ gellerllll 1ell (lbIng to he- wiahed fur alhougb regom di~middot cipllDe the cClmmandera oC Ibe reBpeotive Battal-Iona and Companies did nOl keep their lIlen lougb together but when our troop reached Iho pl having oooealon to vbtervu ever Ollemore rartioularly I baye to recounond to Your Eloelmiddot e1l07 Vapl Swingle of tbe OrdllallCO Depart-Dlent wbo bebl llatloned befolll tbe OUllrdmiddot bouee (ough agaanal die enem1 In Your toscelmiddot lellcyampIId illlCio ~plnoaal bousea

Lieu Col McIlltDeh and Major Duaenbur1 hkewile bebaved ver1 brveI1 111 two charge

We haTe boell kindly pellilltted to lIIake the

CoIIowlng extracl from Gen Frys report of the ali_immediately In dI rear or die bulldlog oooumiddot _def~nee 01 GrnadaCled by Ibe Surgeon GenmL Baying bullbullcc~ed At 1 oolock P M the alarm w give and the

11 eIOIIIng he I raet (dlough under a lIloet IIRImiddot ling ~re) len mluln lullead to accompllsb dI dlsodgement and then Indeed hegau the werk of dedI Ibe enelll111vlllgin nery direction rece Ing aaadl at the bnds of our unerring nIIemen Flodlng after at length Ihat 1II0re remained to opmiddot POle va I ordered a mreh at quick lime to the Plaza and arrived Jill u die I -oC Ibe -panic etrlckea 100 wera king In Ilgbl thu eatelshywhleh dlilr vaullted_ Ior could not eecure thom III regarc to die o~nducl 01 tho troope I mlllt MY to-Your ExClIlenc1 tbat neYer In m life have 1

enem leen advancing The gtUIiIOIl coneLstillg~f a colopany of ahoul 40 cILi~1I8 (ullder Ibe oommanD 01 KaJor Gillis) tho woundud alld COli teeo~nt In the hoepltal and 80me m11 oC -tb aialr corpa haviog been pvlouily Inmucted 00 oupled the rallge 01 buildings tellding alollS tite eoutb lId ealt IIdes 01 the pI froD tbe Qu trmr alld OUamplIoo Dparllllolll8 to tbo ilpital The gllna bad been plocoj sa followa One elghteell Ind ono ail pounder at tbe auutb eot curner of the piau olle nine pounder tbe QuardbOll8e and one is pounder at lb Hcashy

lIlen IIlllre cool or gallampll III their actions _pita dian dI BtUe parly whlcb I commanded Tbe enemx advanced In colomll along Ihe Itreet

Intbreport of die otlonl of the Seeond leading Intu the nonhwsI coroer 01 bo plaza Light Intimtr1 GoL lIelntoeh 18 and I ol8red tbe Dine pounder to b rUD forwaro

and directed aglllul dleo whicb PrltllnpamplI woulll be doing InJultlee to bull brave officer done ullder tbe di-ection 01 Llelll Crowell and

IIld I lIot here mention the nallle of capt Roberl Captin Hard At the lirat discharge wmob w EU of me Rangenl for tbe fearleA manner In followed y three heart) cheera for Gen Walker hloh he expoeed bimself to the el18ny bullflro

11 wu 800n dacoveted Ibal we wera III danl(er shyfrolll the_ hell tbrown from OUr hOWltzen wlilcb GaOled en order til be giYeIl for 01 to fall baok to the email pia Companies A B 0 and D of111 command wero then tallonedt dUrNnt polllloll nnd held al a reeene (Jum E under Cap J DraUK wa then dlrown ouI on tbe len to keep die nem) f~om making aa1 moYe on Col Sandell command whlcb WII nobly wOrklllg It wa1 thlough tbo O8ntlO ampftet leading to- t1ie grand piua U wu llfierwllrde reillforced b1 Capl Green of die 2d Rilltl ThlSe Iwo olleera d_ne great credit Cor the braver1 the dLlpla1ed

neariy to the n~rthtust earner of the P~ and beld dlelr pOlltlon nllder a hot S untIl the1 were calld oB JuS be d~rk 1 regrel to Inmiddot fOlln 11u Ih Lieu Henry T Sbellnampn of Com pany Eo wbullbullbulluyuly wounded hll 1ol1li1lnly s~condlng Ihe eltor of bl~ Caplaln CflllIplplOl A and B ampcamptd l1li piquet-gIlHrd durng Ihe Jay alld

froID be_goortlson Ihe enemy f1l bao_k d makhg a clrcult alfvanred UpOIl tbe Hopita whore they were beld ID check by die tire ofdie 8i pQuuder under Capt awligl whicb diilmoullted one of their glln td b1 the fOlO rallied by Mljor ONeil The then cowmeuced amp vlgoruus attack UpOIl our rear front the t and nuth Idoa of_ t a pla where they ere gallantly lUeL b the force along our whole line The contesl in tbe rear of _the GunrdhoUde WIUI partlculrly obsi nate and maintained 011 oUrBide by lomeliny lOen ullder tbe comlDllld of Cpl alnample uailampetl b1 captalna Lewll alld Piekellgill

Juring the night alld lullowing 1D0mlng the ellemYIIIeal attempll to attack 111 ill frent but WIlO drlvell bao by tile IIIe 01 Our artillery

Boa of tbe American Idies and children were placed In the Church and in the house of tbe AIDerican Mlnbter In the rour uC blch 1 posted Pi guaCl 01 IG naen under Lieut Micoll

lJoring tbe flgbt the enemy through desertr from Our drm) lIlade a propuaitioll to U4 10 aur

penoMned their duy to ny entire aatittfIlClioD ~t tendmiddot promising ua prutaction and atating tbat

TIe enel0Y YOI repulsed and the fullowlllg fron to pott will show how ho and hilt mo were en Before going furth I be ~epetfltlly ItJ ltat~

dark nay ~thun wa posted on tbe two mil a~retllmiddot~II1K lato the pi and ocoupled bull POll tlOII 111 wllluh te1 could do good aerYlee Ihrough tllu nlglat In 0amp8 tho enemy meditated auylhlNg 10 tM oampIII_e Thlla we rem311 uluillhe u dllr- nII10bed UI to PlIIIlI-to IUArcb fur Granada

tbat tl porton r Illy ballnboll ordered 10relOIoIII Iellve thlou~hot thu d1 expmiddot ed greal cage __ to ho lod antu aciiunalld ill theil omd _ Uctullllllg OIl btalinn Wllt pOlttd on the ex troill lell a1 whun lIenrillg Granada 6riog w dioUllctl laeard IMy lIle thoogh lIIuoh Jadod no~d whh gre bullbull alclmiddotity alld OI~oiCOIIod great eager_ 10 bemiddotth tir illlO olloD Their poslmiddot tioll ctlul1 not adIII r II Uld we hud no cballoe tu tok part hI Ibe cOlltcal at thu JIteba A SlOn ft8 amplla~ puillt 1 g~io~d however and sulflclent Ppcu lOade (or UII tn com~ up IYO imlllediately olaatged dowll tbe rltlad An order to halt alld eland filiI reoeigtd for tbe Plrpose of protectmiddot lug tho raar and waa promplly obeyed with tho cx~eltIon of VaplainR Ball amplid Grnta Op~lIies th07 advancing witb sucil siloed alld the 1Irg IV8S au lleallmillg thlt Ihey could 110t bellr the or der Qd 10 continue1 on_ in tbe General charge Thll1G two nlliccrs bohaved ell the furRIer WUI ounded whilat at tbe hClld of hlann Aa BOOn II~ the dKnger Irom Lhe r WIIS pa~sed I walor dCImiddot1i to dvAllee wih Companies A n 0 and E Ib$Irpolld6d to tho cnI wltb che came up well and did much execution W0 elltered the piau and chllrged the 0llelll1In dlKerent direc

uur army w defeated at AIy Tbe anawor IoU 10 about 01 de8Ion and doftlIlce and tho batshytIe conlillued until IQ oclock the fOllowing lUurn lig when IllYpeedily termiuated by the en tnllloe of tbe army UDder tbe Commandfrin Chief

Thua for 21 houra a force of tt least 900 oC the eReml WII repulsed by I thall ~ii meDln which oUlnbr wu Illoluded alUbo aick and da abld of tlao rIll1

Where dlere were 10 many Illstances of gal lantr d good conduct II i dilHoulto apelfy who were IDl)lt deaerYlng of coullnondatioln All nOlted la a lilt of offiera soldier dnd OitiZell8 who were conplcuous for gallalltry and good conduot Alao a Iitlol the casualties in my com mind alllounting to klilod alld 10 woulldod

The 1_ or tbe enemy l m unable to report acouratel from Iho filcl tbat dUIhl Iho night of


From n hOlOle I ent Immediately to dI 0 nance OJ8ce and tbere 01Hld Lleul V ~ Hiler on dut1 wldl wo 8ergeanla and lDeDi reporteathe pplOIIooh of the 8Den Ild save tholll aach ordera bullbull l dlought nec_ar1 alld thom etarled (I

Mlnllter Wheel8f to loelf1ll1 lamil1 bd ilri~ ulil and artl ed t the oorller of IhoPlaza nw the reBideDce of Mr Teller Ju In time toch$ek the harge boing made b1 tbe enelDY dun tbo alreet fouhe Playen8 by killing tbeleader who WII gallauil1 leadiog the charge much In adfancuf his men running alld ahouting

Al1 firat hul w with a Sharp carbine oDI1 ollndill_ 1111 ataggerlng hilll agClin the ItlUle aod tbell rolled bim Into tbe allmiddott with my air Ihootor 1 think thi4 w the liIIIt man kUled in Ibe city Mr Hugheeand MVMfll othera I8W thi lorlulIte check (it cOlDpletel) baiting thu cbarg illgparly) br whicb those working au lIiue -pounshyder OoUOOII welo enabled to 111amp it

I canllot Ipeak In pr~ge or commendation or the nine pounder callnon doriug the comlUence lIIent of the attaok-~wo or our own meu were very aeriuusly ounded by h The ch gon th lla wbullbull Ilbaudolled by the enem) theirl (OICO colloentrated and mado a yigorouutlbrt toenter the IInlll pia b1 tho quarters of the Oommndcr inmiddotChier There Ihe enem1 were gIlUOIly held I check by Capt Swlngl with the ix pouude can nOli _isted and cov~re1 b- maDY eilizeut-witb ri80 and mll8kecs eucouraged raquolId direCIeltl b) ()ep- Watkin The bra fteldillece broullM 10 ber b) tbe eDemy a a point waa -00- dil moulltad b1 -tho h y and wIQlrellllsillire of Vapl Swingle ldI tbe ais poun Hi~ 0001middot 11_ and brayery cannol he too Duch praied

Voncluding that the hOlpital and gulllClhouso would Iequire Ul Addillonal lupply of ommualtion I returned to the OnlllampnOO olliee on the_ wa~ crossing the bolY lire of the eneflly near the enshytrance w the headquarLel$ of tbe CoulRollderin Cbiet and deapatcgtb d two Dlen loafled wilb am mUllilioll Cor the horpital-olle of thelll ooly reich IlIg tbere the other SlOpping at Ibe gu~rdouae 111 tbe lIeantlme Lbe attack of tbu enero1 belng u 8trudg and vlgorou lind having nu cove frOD Which to bold IWd work Ihe eAlIlIon d thro bemiddot log 110 com nander 0 dlrec~ the mOYemcll1oll 0 Ib~ YieiDltl Capt Swingle wlthdrelY tbe ~ilt poundr to the oover of the gllardlouae Ollt Ii ocloc~ P AI Tholo In tbe hopllal reualud In It undemiddot the directloll 01 Oap- Wllklnl whor they gallaot I) deteuoed tholDl8l_os uutil Ihe reillfoCemenl with the UommandermiddotillmiddotOhiefarrivd Defore Ih wilhdrawal of tbe six pounder to Ihe guardmiddot ou~ Capt W i1klu8 wu very aotlve-In rallylOg t citmiddot liens to auist hI coveting the loadingllld orkshylug the 0111111011

AlII ooloek P M I crossed from the Ordmiddot nance oJ8ce 10 the cburcb alon~ (not IIndin any one at he 1D00aenl willing to croll the au lIh as much amlllunition u 1 could carri I twoO baveanokl aDd soon Ret arriving tbere w deshysired by Gell Fry lotako cOlDllland oftbe d ot the Iroul of tbe church -

From the commenoemenl of the attack t Ex preas WagOD III U88 b1 the Comllli_v I) part aunt had been atanding hi frollt of the Ifou call ed the Lone Star Alter heing desired tJiIt~ dbage 01 tbe dCenoe of Ihe ohurch 1 Id man (I regret th t 1 am no~ able to givG h- Ime) who by DIy ordera ctossed the plaza and roy the wagou to tbe Ordoanoe oilloe_ and loaded it with alUmwlilion bUI from some Cause ullk~on to me did 1101 return jth II The lYago~ w~ loaded in tront of the Ordnance olBc~ Ilear an hour-no one appearing to be wUling to rOIl itla It-wben a Mr allyn81 crolll frol I~e arhou80 and drove 1 ovo-a -bighly or dilashybl$ perlurnaauce Aler making a c~rvtul exaID Inltlon of the church Uld rmLles Olll1uecl~ tho foroe to defelld h ampe placed Mr J L lobshymOlld with men In ilhlllge of tbe part c~ll tbe ~Ouad House ita yard alld aJoining lI11llmilnll III the quarlers Ih tbe IeIIr of tha ehlll~h exl~ndshyillg to the atreet below Capt Kell1 j Mr otank lin tobert H Smitb aud tnlee ollleI werol Sla tioned in tbe tow~r at Ihe lIorthet er ~ele they were of essential service and their COl ducl ie highly cllmmelldabl~ Othera wemiddotu plO erly stationed in the yarils aDd aportmeuts belol Ing toald quartllnl _The cOlnDluuication 01 tho a VI mentiuned quartora ith the-cburcli WM~ tbr ugb II hole ill amp10 eplLtatillg wall

Nu regular attacit ollld UpOIl Ihechub or preDliaCt CODllllulicating cpt 10119 ~ttbt Comlllieellly DepalmiddottmonG can gh-e much illio ma_ tlon of tbUle III the ohuCb lUI he I thore nlil tbe end of tbe attack About 8 to oclocll r )1 Uapl Pickolalill came In 1i00I tho l(uirdh~UI wlh thu inform ion _ thot tbe rcrce tlocreTlYU sII that Capt Swingle IDuoh lIbgdd 10 ~ho dfnoe of tbe YIlrd in tbo NIlI of ho gJI houe with bomb ahells ualng thent II hall~gn_ lIadbullbull aud makiftl fRe 10 explude amplem Iro tbo artillery match rop 110 lind that 90lOe m

the 12th tboy dlrew a large number of bodie~ into mauding oHicer wu requhed there or the dlaco ella and other hiding places ud buried some Abou 160 botlica bavo been diacovered

EsTuOt paoli RSPollT OP MAl -ParrsR 011 Sunda1 12th Inat abgtut it otlock P M

standing on Iho oorner of the PII~ lIer the ofmiddot lice oC the Oldnance Department aaw a man mounted on a gral hono galloping paat Ihe Jat-Itlba churob followed directly ~ter by altlrae dozen or moro men upon Iho rUII Tll006 standing ncar mo thought It courier (rom MaHAY dirctly the RUPPOled cllurier Ieturned alld 001111 after callie back again wltb thirtror forty muunted mellplIssing

would be tRken aa tbe eDem1 wore lIlaking Igor IUS attacks on it 0111 aluos everr aid - I

I wllB theD dbected b1 Gen bull r1 to tako domshymRnd of tbe guardhouso whemiddoto 1 remained bnla tbe rival of Uol Allen on the 13th 11181iwho courleously accepted ot Illy Iequell tIelleyellDe 1 then lB~istod In tho U80 of tile aix [Iounde~ on tbo quarto lately occupied by CApt Morri ind In oharglng the enemy from thOle quamiddott-a opl W m Lewis gave vllluoblo _Ica in th~ de fenoe o( tho guadhoue bUI wai prevented fIOm IIreat aotivity by hlj ill heRlth lio ClIII give nluch mformoLiou 01 tbe conduct of tho lIIell Iuj dc

Capl Green will ordoro~ to _isl Col ~ndQIl tiOll with aucll imp~luolty that Lhe) were quick tile Jlteba ohurcb towArds Lhe northeosl of tho ulci_ ~o glumiddotdho~ac OhllS Richnrd80~ tv where- be romlllned un1 ordCI8 ora Itl~n _to -I) rouled _ttelinl 11 al directions clt Suapectillg that II 111 a PallY of Lancere 811011 8as18talloe as hiS 11 health would rftutTond coocentrampl~ Ill the PI 81 Scbasti4J1 I CAnnut cloae this report wilhut milking (avo frona the ftnomy 1 ran lowardll the-church as fa~ 1 can reOOllllDend tho conduc of 0 (Juban bm

Tho poaltlon we ocoupiod on tbo march from nblo 1I1t-lItlon of IIlIor n DUOllbul-Y alld Ct 1j as the office of tho Altlutallt Uenbullbull middot I whn I WaS unknown to 1113 I lhln~ he Is n Ub-AII~ or tiOD 10 Urando aa in tbc ftr of- 101 RillellIllflY Th~ NlIItleNd gIC~t sistanoe III p llatisfted that It was it strung lorco of tho enelllY Prefect I hnvc seeu blln olen in all ullio eshyaud vall of ~nd Inf~lItry survillg olll~r alllOllg the men alld epcourgIIog Iwent Immediately 10 m hllUlle (the houso 10merly tho Lono Star ho~c Thero lYOle lllauy t ere

lSth In the atteck on Iho enelll) who wero tbelll b Ihe 1I~ld owned by Dolor~a LaJarsa) 1111 Bunt Uo) wife lind ho boha_ed credltllblf whl~o IIl1ncs ure not taliolO1 nur tbo JIIa UIorch with onu Iie o - The mun cODpoaing m bllUulioii aoted In har_ childrun wilh Mr alld Jtl~ Uuglle_to the resi- kllown to llIe I cau hghly cOIIwd tbe-O ion 01 Dn a _light cOllf oo uCClln-ed lu tbo _mon7 and obyod nl dlfurout ord promptly de_lice of Col Whoeler Mmlster from the U S bt John Aot-ton_ n mechomc employed I tbe rd

bull p

bullbull bull bull

313 i


lit Dtparlllltnt le_ Llrabert blaobmlm fa nce Dpartmenl (lfoml4ed) Tbe Lane and Lilt of KUW 4fId WotoMd of If fafllry

Joll4ll IUIde obamplll tor mum w AdJ r W PUOft wounded allllhll n1uble~e eranl the _ wlb Compllll1 B-EIIIed Private Will Ifnnlall _gOll to _d (ro Lleut Hlte all 1IfII woull~1 Sergt A oJ Falreblld Prlvau

au at my reqll Ilm~ ~~d Pat WllOOII JohnW~ Jobu lI_q Johu~lIIend 111m 0 the oIemaDcf - Barilla 4ad Oommander-lnOblet J B Lonpere II ComJllll7 O-WOIInded OorporelJ B_ hanlo eplOYld In the Orlln_Ret Departmtllt CoIIIPlUl7 D-Ellled _ 1errr Phnlp Bhlm lIfrJI bra mall w killed prlvato CbJi Smith Compan E-Wolllldea poundIul Wrighl r Ordnanco orlment aIao kl~ IUb ampbed Oompan7 G-WOIIruledliIorgeanamp lloLallahUndho_ one man II _aber G all I Prlet a W Foreman Deiil ~IM~ llIiarki 1m IIIIwwn to me wbullbull IdIIed an4 IeYera Gehrehl Tbot Brook DOminick CclInOIIaII J A OIIDded -C the wounded -Capt Green Smvth lbe P~tt Iu thechureilhoamplced the COlIdllot _

bull Lleuwntm DUie unknown to meL lfh_ LI oJ lliU~ WOII JlmI of I1Ilaquo1fIl Mllot I thllll w eoweNl-to 1amp t e lnat lnlaftl1l aolIIeeUke IIr H~_ghtl IidromN~ Yor~r Compan A-Wollnded Prifalel danlt11th me mlldl or the t an w_te COOl III Whl Ill r sere te KIlle 7middot

EL NICARABUENS4 VoL I No_ so p_ Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 18 1856

Inreprd to the der_ ortha pulohhe pt rirn~dk lI~lrimiddotete Frank mtIDr IIIUrderIDg him the mudlttad III bod with lIpled b7 tb OrIIoanee ollce l_oot A Company O-Wound[ Opt KatcdoI bl70llectln the moat hocklng _nr

blUbe een that I wbllt lborU 1M t areTb oree th_ w the latgeIIamp or III except jbA$ ~n the obureb ruI wu weU oouductad by ~ Ollila Capamp iWawlll lIr Bolchur and bull B Wyatt of the Ql1arlei1autel DepetlDlenc of wllom CUI sly report In detail bUI J Cellitlle aallut dlCeIl of the Qllantrmuter ormiddot ~nUlhereb7 eIbt ornblmen under lIr W yU berndd1Ir~or r~ - w bull II P II whla rellta to It mad that

Ie ellem aAer Idlll fttreOGe throocb th III Illto atrala to like p_IOII Irolllncb ~bi repelrle I h e neelYedl think that he IItaorYlng or milch credll

if 01 Ofierr ampltlHr 4fId OiH_ oflIrit Om Jtlyll e_ dilaquobullbullud in 1M laquodon at OrlZala Oct IS 0418 18G8

It bull J O ONeU lat Rillbullbull I CapL ASlt4tlngl OrdnDoa Dept H L Pouer (9f AIel Jon P II OOllelll ~I Jobll Baldwin capt a W Pickerag1l Rail

cp- Vm twla 08D Wilkerbullbulld LIeut Orowtll Dr Lllnd lIedlcal Depamp Ilt BrlukerhootDr Scott Ilt Stringer Dr 1gt111Ctp Gre pt or Port l~Dt Lamber Ordnance Dept ~Wm_eaTIII_LoIpcte


Jon Ahtou

i lin Yatu bull Byn aurOl

III JOlle CoAlQRlIIa Q K Dapt WK Wa

1 r I Arcbbold ILW~bullbull II WEeU7 IiV H bull fWnT Jolla 1t7lllt Thoe Ohapman Jobo Inial1_ hoi MOI1 I Bun u II T Sfki Gen Fr1 Orderly I OIDia Ollisoa oW Teller JchnTabor il Thombull u J L lUohmmlll CIJlt WllkfIII II HatbII1 lilir Elnpweullr Smith t ~RathnriU u1 Oeo Rieberdl lit Rouetll Obaplalo


oWUllllnrul W~ ill (JraMll4 JItWi 0IIII to fhtI Walk arriClal Oct 18 1fG8 RUllaquoI-1fr Bart mllllellu Geoat Gall

ItI I Ill Vlllablt Ooun-HolIIII Pavua B b IDA1mlT-Vllffl7 Jraderlcb Frank ph ~ bntelltl J(1w~9Inkle7 Jbplllll pllL W~ll~or Gil Capt Baldwlo Dr ~ Chu 8l1ettr Jobn Tabor Ed II NleA elWl W Telle elliseo Hamblldo 811cltlmiddot

SUchtlJ-Oarter Cp B II OapL Pickmiddot

oJ gm Won a Jliui of llu Jrrtt R~ Ballalion 001 UI~ lt11111181 iCoalpan a-I Lieut )lth wollllled

IimiddotI1Ilpao7 B-WOIIDded 1at LlRI Latimer d iL Hortll SergelUll1loekfallow ampllghll Impampnl O-Ellled Private Lats 1I000nded ut LeBallft Prinlet LlI __ Jat acklOlI Bouobllll

ftl~1I7 D-Wouoded lat LleuL AlldtrlOn i ~teI lIoCoI~dOlll8lullelOt~do

p aJUJled rrivatel BobblII- Mtu ad~ u~om~7 r-ifiiiet PrIYale lfcCurej wOllnll

PrlYlIeI Kerr ttel

[OolllmllnIcaWcL] tv Ine is obtained by the red hot plOshyHORRIBLE ASSASSINd 1ION Cless thus

_ bull bull ODe or tile moat barbamprlou blltcberiee w A platina cruclble IS made and mam

perpetrated 011 the P_I of Law Wllteler tained red hut over II la ge IiIpirit-llmp _____ _- 0- u anll lOme ~Iphurle acid is poured into it --- ers-111 y _ 0 AI bull Th _t I the cit 01 0rana4a 11 r_rded ou ampbe PIV aTom a lgtJpette III _I though of comshyor hletory

Th_ f Inom I ere dtIlberalel k o~ -~~l hmlolllh A _

II eo rom n w c refuse and mllrUrad iii cold blood

P La- II l ho bed reelded 10 001 w a maro III w

thle _utrylor ayeamprI 11111 un mntIned n611tra UId daImtd tbe PlCltaCtiOll of th Uliltad BlaHa h (aha atetlm to th_ blOodtblretyor Ii Ala B HI ampent Ith gu 1I1tem II COR W

mon temper ture one vf the most vola tile of known bodies liossedSllli the aingu lar property of rmahllng fixed in the redL_t bl d t f t crulli e a no bullbull drop 0 1 ~vapo-atea in fact It is not ID contact WIth the crucible but has IIlll1tmosphere of it Own interposed A faw drop ofOlnmon wa tor are now added to the sulphurous acid III he red hot cluclble The diluted Rcid gett mto Ilnmedw aootact with the heat ed metal Instantly flashes oifinto sulphur VUI acid vapor and such is the rapidity

b from otlon u b the aboehmiddoteJIGrt It DIMI7 td Llellt VODBII~ do Be 11 WoSoo4 a lllan to lin in thII -try and ener Clfthe IIvaratilln that the waA_ I for hi Co D-W 11_ nft B DoH I I ha mpan OIIn L Ollce wulm-b m II) fUCG t t ny

rIlIlYI t~ant ~k rgeI PrI4i people iii thII oIriUred age could be Ph of auchAJe~ II t 7 e 0 III It Vlte

Comn07 amp-Ellled Private OaIIaban wouruishy dT

B Sb d I bull au II JellL bullbullbull er_ angtrOlll1rut nln a1ttl~va~~ tIarkdo

middotaopan ~Eniedl Prl~1ea Q LPhilip OtOlllrd Pleno Brull Franclico JlIulwoulldelt Pri1eI B Smith lighll TbdB I __ bull H y _II d3 _ng II ampIIIIlpa

LiltoJ KUki 11ft WotW oJ LigAtArlUlnI

OomJllll7 A-Oed yate ~-en EtOHJlbeller PtedarioJt Dli1Iab i oullded Capt A sebWlrta lIgMI 8ergelmi lIiIIumb Gil iJo lrinkll Fr Stleub do BIII1 Jlalellllb do TheOdore Db erel2 Lu of KUlIil 04 WwttW of Rallo

EUled-Prlte Frederick HIlL llllelng-PriateJOIepb Klumpb OHrpoWllshy

uneL RIICUPE1U1IjlE poa OF fH18

OOUNlBY m____ t a __ b -1 _ ~-6- 10 7 ma -- 011

or the belt COlIDamprIea CD the globe amp0 III reproducinl power It 10 grt 110 1Ir111711d iIIn be at all 1011 (or ampD7 _t lea1 or tllIIlI

- shyfor prolIIoas III cold noHbera cIImatef h_ nllIfe Heamp for lIurIhalf the r ftooIIIampberon

made dllrinl the other bait thare h ben 1tampDceeln ~hlcb largebodlu of -0 ltoaoeritratad iii aarrow hit han aulJred tor fooIIlmamp iii thla QlunrJ filch nat campOD~o_B_ eOlt)

rudenrydil76r1ngalargeqllanUtleato tlldl In thts _n1 aIao where calli require 110

h the ~tertaI tbr dltlr ~ fll eare w tr plendlUl UId hare thert Ie no wiater to reduce or IlnpelYerlah them an abundance II aiw at hlId AI II In ~clitl providence held gW

dleliahlp onr dll amp1OIed land the great llapl of true food corn and bNlll alwalo aeuon Olher rult be wee at Umee bIIt th_ e neTer Belllco 8 theae IIllh tbe ntYeNaIIlllllllpo pl- of animal tood we 0amp11 11117 depend wIlli II eerlabil7 TbeAnppU _110 oollflned to 0111 place 0 department me ecRIIIW ibouruII iii tbem

U II-c bullamplid Ibe grealtlt dllllcult7 ur--OO oblalnlDClllppll Lillie - or tranpori

Sapr lfhloh I no Iooger bull IlIltllry bill nee

cano gro hare ao plncllilll thaI hori4ll lIneo from GnuadaltiadocouloIlllU to bonee Ifth or an olbe artlclo ot food 1h0ll1d be rOt a de or two dllllcult ro obtain lID _lIOt or the markHndle beln frlihlened b the late pree 8IIet of their heredl ellflDl ampIII011g them a 7 et two will ure tbem of tbJi ptOtoclion of the Amerlcantnd luurlee wilt bo epfD abushydanl u formeriJ


-bl lab or th bIlIbaroun will pgtVUOt y 1OII 801IIe wretcb who murlltred Amence1I oIllIIlIII amplid lIiaIIouut bre wlthollt ptO-1on and In cold bloodi llhen dIlIl learB th tbJi wounded tIIeln

belo cared for alld Iltelld d to with amoos_ are mueh reprlt7lUld atteutlon u the woWlded of our own am fbe WOUllddd we 8rat Pllt lilto the Ouard-Holln alolll wllh the olber Gell Walker had tbem relnovd to All boapltailie apari for thellllelvea AIId lallyo olllen ha been elllpl07ed 10 a116ru1 10 thelr aeoeullJee This follllS I stronl contuat with the baDGer 18

_ acl amphlIe wu mGlt woraU dllappolBtad I Be bew not that he bad to deal wlm agee_1 b uHow mlob t 10 be dep_ - not teke ampbe adyce of blafrillldt IIId aItoulder bit mlllltet la lIIIfltleCeuce ampgalast 1Il0lll $ha make no Illatlocdou

The Be lit Wheeler _ a mlulono- from bull bull -J

the Unltad SIaIeI bullbullllIiIter of tho Ooipel who WIS n 1a dWlibIIDI boob ad other aamiddot ored IItlee

Ameruau foreIpm Ohrlatlau will 1011 auf fer 1IIOb OIIlragu 011 humanlt to go upunlabed The blood or the IRnocent 011 for veogeancel

II the Will apllIIt tit Iodlan or NIIIth

America wu JtllIampgtI1I at that _I cia bow much moriIl thll Wll JUlilabl aphm bull lit or qul as __ dollbt I word ol t lb b~ wbo 0 lIOi plClltad b the IIIIl1aht- 1lueJ 1IIf-rapeci feqllirea liS lIever to bellen 811m or the age ad who 0amp11 _mit lIIIIh a bull of what 1IIOIIItJ01I alrocllltt Lo WhaU bHn tbe ampreatmant or the WOIInded and ft__ liken b7 Gn Walker The FROll ampbe _de or a Addle 011 the 18th iot

r- within II DlUe or tbe oilY II blue broadclotll Conaer were plOflded 101 iii bull bamlll mlllntr I OAPI IIntd IIlampb bleck wlib a bbck eIYltooO die latter treated u ~ of Bere Th Cape roUed uoiJnd a lew articles otuudeJo would haft bean a flile epporUlDlt7 for uereilllli c1othee A wleble ward wHI be paid to

W au _whO wID leaiII b at thl olllcampthe law of retaIlaIlOII BDI Gen aliter diOM Granada Oct 1fj8 IIthtr to loUowthe dlcliuee ot humlllli7 ad be pYemtd b7 the enlightanecl prlDelpa or the I WILL glvt II n~~i~ to any persoll who agt willreturn to 111 atore m Ledger Book It

Shall tlII -lUI collntry which fa 110 aumiddot was pUlaged from 1111 tore durlnS elate tackbull petlor to North Amerl be aUowad to remain In H A THOIIIAN

r shyter llIma ns bthlnd nnd ill frozen into a IlImp of ice III the rcd hot clucible (romwhich seizing the moment before it again mel it mtv bu thtown out befor~ lhe

Jeel of the Mtomsbed observer

We wisb some of our enterprising reashyderawould attempt the mtnuficture or ice

m In Granoda ~o the l~el8On who produCIlfltth Ii 1 III gI bull

e rllt samp e we w ve a ttptop no tice

l1J The Roman Elllpire In the Haith or illsIor did DOl colltain more than three milllona of aqaar mllel Th UolWd Btatu now C01enJ more ampI1an thlt aret Ind It latser than Rome wu when ehe If~ die mIIlrcel or the world

RNpeet tor amp 1Iuman Y81 Frellcbmall

1 II IlIelf BprInc Slimmer IIld II1II the und ot gea 1Iho woaM Il10IIII prohlblamp Oruada 0118 1868bull En iI WlbeJllnto belog ampbe germ orOllt (004 ialmIgratGD md PlCIgretl Bare natllrl bea Lost

dOlltlall that It 11_ 10 h_ happ~ ON TUESDAY the 81at 1111 LANDWAR God IIaItowend hill bleulnp and RANT tor 6 hundred drawn 10 favor

All th apMt or man II dI-fue H of J O ONqd SlIch mealln bJio beao ~ken as wID reruler the warraot or DO 11ft except t)

0 UR 8NIIIIIES DISPBRBINO the pellOl1 for wbolll it WM drawn ~I pel1lOn _ who returDS It to ampbe 8llbacrber Or Ib the olllce of

IntalUsenco IlpoD which WOampII reI II_SIIamp II Nlearag1IeOlle will be IUlleb~ OwaJ~L InampoGtanada thl mornlnamp 8tetet that the rem Granede October 18118 bull bull un or ampbe AlHed torcea are preparing to Itb -----_--=-_____--_

tllII~trJrlbundantin thllOOIIlltry f o(tbit compay in biadespateh ya

draw amp0111 the are _ding their lick forwanl to LHu and tUIng other pral1mlllampt7 for apeed7 lIIlllaum et 11 ftlalll nOlf with thembullbull matter or 6boIce If data-ed bull few da11 wo _lIIlder tho iIIIproa it wOllldIJ9 _ebullbulltarllllecMIlampy

SAPPIIR AN D MlnRl~Capt Hesse

1 have to state tha~uenr1 O Porter whom 1 temporarily appollltAld bt Lieu tlBa bhuyoo bravely as well in lIlauy III on euterlng Granada He was the only one to load the gun In ~e charge on the enemy beyond the Jateba Ohurch

ftampX A THOf1pound~) nHOLJl8ALE DEALER IN


AND ALL lUNDS or LIQUORSToSether willi

lIIN cOPzca tNJOs_zclJ1raOJV lIDiLL lUlIlII or GOOIII 11011gt 111 _ amu HOIpltalltreel lu Crout of 8enFllaelloo CouVIIDI

ClIIItda ~e_-18_66___~___ Dr ~I Po

TENDERS HIS SERVIOES to the oItIzetll Qf Granada and Ylcnlt71a tlte practke or

MEDIC ME SURCi RY amp lllDWlF 1 E m iRY l1J OftIet IIId ~ldC8 011 the 8Oohweat

the optain being wOIlnded and all the 1 ~ the treet GPpoelte the Bow FIanCitco other I~lel being either wounded or driven 0 JllIIet lillie from It under the hlllvy firing of the It entlmy Fagan lind Loyd attended well eeorder 8 Omee tomiddotall ordlllI and fuug1t well at Maaayn THE omce ortbe Rooorderor Deeds 1I01tpguand Granada Mr Latta WII8 wounded ~fortbJi 0rieIamp Depllltmetofthellepu~

d U Itc wU be opened III tho clt1 of G da CD Moo-In til exeutlon of bls 1Y mr Johnmiddot da7the 9m ofsptelllber 18L1amp All perIODs Inn did his dutj well throughout both required by Deero~ to bll~e their tltka ro IODdalD action al also did Mlll KcIeweR the r01ll8lld Departmen~ recorded within IIbc and Maloney monlha aAer that tI A Of LLIS

Recorder for the Orieotai Deparlm8llL _ W II P h_L i I GriDada Sept 6 18jI _ It lit w I II toe way _______________

to Buriingampun fn Ie ~o~did you knuw Tabor ampr 0118) 111( narnu waa Pat f Oh I guessed ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORSAT LAWshyitn ~D by t~e hOI~drker if yo Oftlee iii Et NJOAuovlIlI1I BuUdiOp-80ulh are 80 goo at gU_Rft Ie otter glllss 11 ~ol PIau Grnada NICAIIgIIa the way to Burhngton PartlcoI attention paid to e1a1 against til

J3gt An editor alks in talkin of po Goo~eiBOR 1 jOompan G-IIlIed Sergeant lIurrJ llOWIdmiddot whlob die AmerleanR b hlampl1l1J1o be811 treated ottmiddoty and matimonYt Who would indlte OWEN DVFFY r Ga~lIOamppt I 18C1(1

14 Ptlva Brandll OoUn70n Ellinger BIalrOII who bavII fallen Into It harul or the el1tlii) OIlDlts to a woman whom lie nw every Davlcl I_raftamp1IIiaIu Drummer onlar We call11pon the civilized lIaoos that - apeelemiddot Donlin in her night cap IIDd evert dlaquoy

tors ofuu 8tlllllea to nota ampbe dllference at dinner IIwallowlng meat and IDlhtard1 O~BS FOR SALE at his plac Se BollaLt 01 WouIIIW tA SfWII() Bi- Ballttllon ban iltreot ene bouee ampbon G PIt BeeCoiopampll1 A-t1iIto W 0I01ld 1Il1g1i1ly PampRPIOIIU CulII-FellolI-cltllll aald e tFTho bed of death brillJ1R on 1mmiddot char Ilore 1Jempan1 B-Plbalell I Dowell aUghtl7 11 bull h ~p llour Whlte-ltlllgar OtJUllee lIampIlkeralt Oil

~ do lllteheU do Fourtb of JQ1y orator I repea tho declaatoo I man beIDg to 18 puro IndiVIduality I to 011 eoKno VGIIl AfOIIIaticScbladem Selldo lIot bellevo there II I mOUl woman Of child In ~~tDen- alllhll1 Oorpo- the IlItenlIe contemplation of that dcepeat Stomach Bittelll Pbibulelpblll Ate UId H 111 do lriv A ruuerlon dangeshy this bolin IIbo b r_hed 1110 age Gfil~lY_ Ilnd most 8OIomn ot all relations tha rela Kllllgulan aDd Mdefra Win Cle7plpear SouJItI do J P lIle d(l but what has fel hit truth huuderllli throughtholr breloa C8l1tviOl gor iou between the oreatare and hill Creator TERMS ~_0lIl ldIJed

_ _~_____ ~_~~____M __ __


318 EL NICARABUENSEVoll No 51 p 2 Sabado 25 de Octubre de IBS6 Saturday October 25 la56~

lttpound 1 Jitaiagutnst ~ Satur4ayllominlt Octbull26


Promotion8 and Appointmenti lIJ~1I fllOll al OINpoundPU OIlDlI8 or fill lIIIT

PR OMO TIOlS bull C Ftfennlngsen Is appomted Brlgler Gene

rat ill tbe Ailny and will take charg of Ille OrdIWI ~ Arlllieri under orden from lite Comshylo~rIIlVCloi- n~ bullbullbull A bull

or bull _ ~ra III promo_ MlStentQuattermaster General wIth tho rank of LleutenshyllDtColonel andmiddot1II take charge or ~he Depar~ mant during the abaenoe of Col Illlller Quarto m~ter G_I Ia d u IPt III IIOrril QUlrtermaator promote JOt Quartermutermiddot Department

cpt George WLeoollfd Ifirlt Rlfttt II pro rnqtld Broyd MIJor for gallantry on the field0118Ib 1816

pt A Scltwa~tz ArtlllorY to bo 1110Pl Thomas Henry (UDMiaubed) Ie promoted

MflJor bi the Quartermllaters Deplrtment 11111 Lleol George B Farrand to be Ctplain liltt ampJellamp George W Glat Ald-de-camp to be

oplalnI tAout JlIIll1 F Schooh Company A ae

cone BIB Is promoled Captain Company A ~

Rlilett II -pled to take eAec October 18ampb 1656

The ratpatlon ofSecood Leu~ I a 8oDmlll Compan 0 ampeond Rift Is aCcopted to ake lIftte Ocober 18th 18GO

Th teelgnatlon or Second Lieut J W Polk 8eeond In1 II accepted to take efted Qcto ber 20tb 1866

The nelSlotion of Seeond LI J W vamiddot111m Second Rilles Is IIccepted to take eftect October till 1866


Col Thomu F Fllher QUlrtermoeter Oenera1 ordered to tbe United Statot on blllln811 of the Governmenamp WlII receive hie InatructioD from the Oomlllallderin-Ohief

Capt Wlllllm errmn Is granted leaf of abeenca (or ailtty dill from flle ht ofNovember18116 At Ita explmlon lIe will report foI detshyto tbe Commander-inOhIef

cp 1 NWeU Walker Ranger Dtlttallolffla glllllied leave or abeenee Ibr 1I1IIy day fromlIl November18i16 At ita ellplratloll heill report for ord011l to lite commanding omcaia o( bll BILlmiddotIIlIon

Cop J O JlmllOll Fi11ll I fanlry I gnlltld lean or ablence for elght1 days from Noycmbior 18t1868 At lIa cltpllllon he wUi report to the commandillg olllcer of bla Recltnent Cor orUII

Cal II Mallldorf Second Infantry nted ItaYO of abeenee 101 NU day At Its elplratlon he willmiddot report to lite com1l1anding Clllleer of ilia Bandon for ord_

Tlr Llent Robert GIIllIlOII Is gnllied leave of abINnce for mtl dAys At Its explrallon he WIll fllporl fGrdut1 ar Grailadamp to II eomlllanding of-

COIId Billes lIeer firat Lienamp B F Delaney Seeond IlIfnll1 III Fll1It LIenamp Lewis R Latimer IIm Rilles II

PIOllli)e4 Olpllln of Artillery gnnted Iena of abeeuee (or nlnet) da flllm llrit Lleut am Dunlcan Flnt Rilles I pro November let 1856 At Ita erplntlon he will

oted CaJltoln FIrat RlOos report to Col B J Sallden FIllt Rllin (of 01

SteOlld L1u B M Allderaell Compally A to deramiddot boa~IItLCoImlan1 B Seeond 11__ G Fi Lleut Arthur OOollnllr Seeond Infiantry

_Itt lUI YD orlbedmiddot paDY I auted leave of abllenee fOr lxl da fromFirat IIIfantrbull1e promoted Firat Lleulenaut Colli 1111110 FIrat Infantry

SNond Lleul O n WellFI11It ~IlIIl11 18 p

~=o~~ia~~~O~~I1I1~ Flllt Bla rolUoted Firat L1utampnant Firat Rilles S~nd Lieut B A Crhart of Ordnance to be

Firat ~~euteDaDtrt dLLleuamp aeo W nailer Second Infantryt lo - tit eutenlnt ~olld Lkll John F Price (unallacbed) Ia

))f41DfltedJijrt Lieutenant to repol to litomiddot Quu te=~I~fs 0H=~ Com A ae ~~4 -n __ to De Firat Llelltenftnt ompln A Steond JUfIM

a-d L1eld _ Wnllam Company D lieshycollli middotlUft to be Firat Lieutenant Company I

Second mlf~ RIa I hoorabl dJcba~oI from Ilia Army fItrmj IIO Porter 10 be1irfl LleUmlAlIfSllIl OOrporafi1anlel Smtlh1 00mpany D MtiiUUlIo

part till Ifhort I honondllrdlachfled - Ibe Army ~ Kleuelldotf Comrny A nangell to

b Firat Lit1tanllnt Oompany B Second 10 Iligoant-MlIjol MllIwel1 Allen Trll$ Rlller shy

nppolnted Socood Llelltanant Fl11It Rlao bull Firat Suetan Chl Wllklnoon Firat 1UIIcII It polntedmiddotSecond Lleute~antFirst JliflOi

Fillt Sargeant Carl G Sbockle Anillery I prOlllOted Second LIeutenant Ariillery r~rgeanl Hardin Jnlalllry Ie promoted Second IItORlnt Comptey a FllflI Jnfilntry

CeIlIt J V Conklin Company D SeeoDd Infalltry to be 8eeond Lieutenant Complllll B Iiecond IDraliky I ~ltlral IlenJ4aDelolter Company B Second ~~1fnnt~ nd Meutenant Compan7 D

Private lIrnncl Roth Company F Second In famplltry to be Firat Lleutellant Company F SeeoDd lnf4ntt

lrIto 1 A OIarko Company F Second I faDIr to bo Second Lieulanallt Company Ji Sec ODd IlIfantry

Prlvale Donnls E nlnea to be liecond Juumiddot teDant ampppOlll aDd tilDen

Prlute John G lla~ Company A Second RI tohoBocolld Lieutenant Company A SeeoDd RIIttJ Rirgeant IllIJot lugh Com8ny A Second _ft~ Second Lieu~nt IIlpteyA Beshy rriYlte B B-Yilt Company it Second Rlftet

to be 8eeond Llollellant Company B Second m 1Iu bull bull s~JaMi~~tod Seeond Lleutonan~ of

111 Slckl ia ppolna~ Second Lieutonant to date fiotn May ht 1856 (110 Ie acting at preaeot It AId to Brig Gen Fry)


Col lohn I Matich I reinstated and will kt1motlo~th~Fi1 Infialed fll RlfI 0 bull lit bull -e to 0 Irak Jk lI~n~~r Calling Oompftay O Secood InshyampII ared to Company 8eeond Iu-

The TreuaU RallgerJ with aU their equlpmonte are tranatened to di BIItamplllon of Rongelll b ~~ of llappef1l and 1I1n commanded

Noltmbr let 18GS At h uplratlon he will report tomiddot tho commanding omeer orhll Regiment for 9r4el1l

FIl~t ~wlcre~yQ~II~~D be 1I1U1 continue to IROn forwardbull It Ittut that cause of a conllnuanee of the oUlrage UP01 hi A pUtmanamp A Ita explratlol he wHl rellOn at Granada fO IIMer

Firat LIeuamp Robert Oardller Fraf lUlIea II lIltedampIe of abMllee for nlnet dlJl t weexplraUon of wlllcl1 b will report for ord_ to the commanding elilcel ot ilia Battallou ~ Llout J Bleier Jnaamptacbed) II _tod

Ihamplvenof llbaatt~t1ordormil O1t JJta~plratlonl te repor era at eueralutadqulricl1I


Sergeallt J A Bopldn Compan D Jim

rrlvato Benry Waiteill Compall Al~RIll 18 honorebld~arpd froII th Army

Private M Mlllloy ComPany A Volti~ tlOIle -dlui~ b~lariofltaereatlbu to rille 1t000000000lr fiIoiarnil hm lb Armlmiddot

Privata I4wlll P raquo CompOy 8Mond Inran Itdllollaraed trom lit army OIl Surgeoneertillcate of dIIobifity


Th n r oname of ~emiddot len D GoIcourIa IIl1tr1okon

from tho roll of III umy 21

AmtttIlT-On Thuraday evening Gen Ba1llo Illl1gaon 11amp01 the men under bla command OXOJo elellig In flle plu The JrtlllI) In two Com panles UDdOl the Imlnedlate direotl0ll8 of Mlllor Sehwallllo ClP DeilneT and cpt Farrand and tbo Sa ora and Min under Oa Hebaamp Tb

pp p e men were enrolled In maneuvrlllg lite mountallt bowltaera and frolll lite rapidity of tbelr 1000lag certainly ahowed IIIl1t1h profIcIelicy

shyOn ldal avenlng after bavlng ourcllod tor a

wblle on fll plua w111t blank cariridges a trial Wli mad Ith the regular sheila against lite wall ofanad ruin The captoIea proved thellllelw

aimed at and the aholle xplodlngIII the WIll tore out larg piece 1 IIPP_ to III from Wbat we ha _of tho e~ that wo lIbelle IItrildng In tho amplme opo will ellech breacb III fll8l1rOllg as adobe building aud tbat (or lite mlllorlty 0110

11011 directed Iliot 11111 be ~mclen The wall llrodlnto WU 1Ibullbullrly four flltt blthlekuou

fha Sap)lllt and Hillen coming to a Itoolder 1tIIT8 with hovello looked aUrat IOmlll1t odd but thoy anu line Iooidnglotofmenand are 0110

of Iho moat ulCfbleorps In 1110 aenlce

CoL T r Flnlll-W obamperY tllat 001 Thea r FIlbert Quartermuler Oeneral N A hu been dred to lite United Stotea 011 h_eII_nedld 11It thla (Jo__amp nelWl made Idmeolf euolt a Ibolite wllb tha paople of Granada that e

PLURALl1Y OF PABTIP9TONS The Late Insult to the U S Flagl The name of tle venerable Ind aimple dimeshy MURDER OF A1IERlOAN OITIZENS Dr TBg

MI1I Plrilnglou-18 In tltelle tlmell ol(n ug AILIED ARMY OF GUATEMALA ANIgt led There aremiddot now many lattlngton_ SAN SALVADOR man ho trlve to Irr01lI tlte advallce of oceanl wIth boom8Uclcl We are surrounded The murder of tbe Amricaa chIlena In tb~ b fllem I we read of them I ever mall brings city of OrMada on the Ush of the cormt aome new denlopment of flleir flllll1w labort month by middotlIte allied foreca of San Salndor tad TIley endampvOf to ouPvtlngton Partlngton by Ouatemala II one of tbe Infllmolll trtneaellolls IIIlng leas oIfrctual illBtrumenta In tbelr elforta to that mual for ever dmgraee the chllracter of tbe lIIeIIl more forcible and overwhelming occaM people bYllbom It 110 eomml~ted and bring tbe Th 11 I n ~ b II tImiddot bullbull middotmiddott h b I d Ibe or ~na anngton wa WII I nil a nl VI 1 ampIn em ~c D8Mloon9 un er e of th Clty of Liverpool now all England belongs contempt if not the dlrcct ceniure of every dr to flle famUy ud Franee by ylnue of ~ho Aliimiddot lIIlca Is ready 10 act Partington to the letter

Partington Is no longer II proper nAnle bullIt 1113

btltlomo common Ie ha beeome r princple of lclion It II now bull great pollllcal organization In facc Statesnol Kingdom tuck up thol PGIII coate and BtAnd mop In Iland ready to RlTelt tbbull rising tide of tbo limes let the cllort COlt wlo II m

TheN 18 an adage hich altlteugh worn bull II l

IItreadbue w would lIdbullbull6 arUngtolB 10

keep CODipleuoualy bofor them It will SIIve tbem milch labor and not a li~tlo ridicule ViII II Thne and tide wait for no mall In IItIa 18 l

b I Idworld of tllltli and pblloaopllYI If leh t fOU be weB for the Pringtons of tile age to aludy

Beroro lite wbeel of lime btU completed lIIlotber cycle Ihe obituary 01 ail lito Parllngtona wlllhabullbullnd ogalllBt hia protestltbeylllllt robbed him of

bull bull been wIllon I for althougb trutb IOmetlm reo all that wal valuable lu hl8110U8C Illd thon drag amp11 Itlell Iowly the dayla about to dawn If I~ ged out from und the folda or that II ltIcb he Ilot alread1 dwned when men wHl be conmiddot should huo mad hia pel8On ucrcd and hot vlneed of w) they ha kllllWD Or hneprof_d him Illh coolncea Illd deliberaUolt

10 know for a long tlme-illat man I a progr Aalf to add to the alroell tbey were nol COl

elvo ereature and tbat thlhllOllltabl WIsdom of tent willt taking hlUfe DlIlng all Americall illmiddot Dilialty haa set blm tranlllng In II patb 10 which IIIln inatead of protcetlng him while 11lng 1111 u

ou tbla road lhere 1IIa~ be ranters that lOme main alter dealb I Seven bayonets were tbrcel may atop oul of the Way and reellDe b) COlllfllltftble thl1lugh bll bod after he had bHD abot reatIng piIlClll but It Ie oqUillyt~ tllllt those The thought of how tkcao fiamplda dlnced lIm who teat toe long mUllt keop ou~ ot middotthe wly of lItel victim lind in thai hclliah glelr hinr

thcao who ate malaquoll~ Ollward or lltey WIU be JDOIt UllUredly troddon upon

It ClInnot be long before mOl will be convinced II II

ILlIeluwUIil laelrneat And the gray It Dot Ita goal

DWI~ thou In to dUlt returnnlVAI not spoken to Ib 10Ul

And that although Individual Of cles or peo

pi lIIay heeome u 11 were withllred limbs In tbo great tree ofllf flle mmk canllot pariah bll~COII country Be had been here tbrOugh two rr_

nd _~ III It h ~ed tlul I II 8 bull -_ 1111 as _III grea porpoaea (Or wblch It lloe _ied

But the Partinglolll of EurOpe and America IMllllnospahle of DIjIkin tbe proper deductiona 111 Llo of ellta~ fll8y aeem u Incapabl 6of comprahendlng the great lam of hnman 1I1e lIId thlr Teneraoto progenitor tbe tonlea whleh ro IIlated we ebb and 11011 of the AtlantIc

We a haYIng now re-enacted 011 tho etage of European plllr lite sceno of In lIleb tbe Par tlngton of ~be Inquilitlollllgured wben a lItey would ha us auppos clolltcd In tho IOlemn 111

h lItorill or God they compelled II nnar1lbla p Imiddot lesopber to relnee bll_dOll relative to the revolntlon of tIe amplrih But a1tbou h litis d I to aholl tI era ~I f I thmiddotYv r a me a gen e n tIrae the pro- of lit ampIlll iteelr WII not reated and the ParUngiona of tbe Old World w1loe 10 aaslduOua In thrlll4in fllelr mope Inm flle advanclo wamptora of lite sea ~r P n III allOO8ad onlYin being conllnced in ~d that

olteellont marbmen lhe1atruek the preollupot notwithstanding their elflllta flle world will con

~g (fou tJIIl~~ecd under tbe orden of donbt nol be 111 reoal Ii pleaeant reoeplioD do not weigh mere than a grain agalnat the elllrtll

t1nue to wag OD

It we tbe I lrit of ParUn tonim tbat threw obllampaclca In lit path of CoImbU 1I0d Luther alld KOllath It 11 to legllJlallng In tbla aplrlt that EnglandlIIayttnDute lite 10lIl of her North American Colonln and to tllil aplrlt Bpab) loa ber AmerlCftD POIIIIdIIIOUl 1amp Is the Parllngtonshylam of th that cndeavo11l to arreat flla Il1o Taneo of llrragua In flle road of 1101 desilny alld that would atlgma~ If pOIIlble one of th

b d _~ h1MII _t an moat nt__ men W 0 ever unmiddot dertook naople to proeperty

BII~ to lite philosopher 1114 lilt_ thllk thero Is a OOIII01atlon III the knowledge thllt erente are guided b7 111bull luperlor law of an aUwlle Deln III whOle balance the elloru of all the PrUngtreg

RESlrAATIONS The etlxnltlon or cApamp OIlldes A Gore Se

eoIld lUlu Is accepted to eke olfect October 1tIIl5O

Tliolampllgnltlon of Firat Lleu~ A M Pittman Firet Infantry II accepted tomiddot take tlleet from October 3 18Gbullbull

TIae retlgnalloll or Recond Lieu Groaa Second

wheruOlhe COIII We 111111 him afiaorabl TO age and a )Iced rotum

DItrIlIlDIIN 0 GIIIIUDl- We 100 been handod I 11 II th lIamn of all the persona wbo were present at the defence of Orampl)ada 011

th J11th and 18th of tbla monih It erowded out fllia eet We shall probably pulllllh It in our next IlIue

of WuhlngtoD er a Walker or 111 olhar of the InlltrUmonll wbose Ilame we might adduce wbom Be lIIOIintbo developemont of HI dealgnt

Tn I QuJlPBu VITVs-TbI8 flIslllonlble eillb we regnl to eay haa ceased to elleamp Au loq 0fO~ Ita remailll brought In a ferdlet of died of eoIIapea of tbe pocket RguitmJI ill p4tbullbull

IHzed nation_ It I nnmiddot ac~lon ao rar bOlond tho pale of 011 clrllifLd cII9toma8S to render IllmplJtoI I r bull ill E cld I

abo 0 Jual cation ~~ry In onl Olcry e ( eumstanco connected wlln it ene only 10 add to the guill and ink tho porpelratOll of Ihe onto Iago dcpArln tbe grcd 1lqulty

II cannot be Mid thumiddotlt nlpp1tml u or wbile tbe IOldlera 1010 in suebe Illtc of ~~ cUemen as not to be aware of what they did I I for I yet theyliad nOI been enpged in any BC

L1 h dmiddot L h d b t on nor a oy Il B ot yel re npon tnOIll 1 any of tha oltizens of Gmnada The residence of Mr Lawl_1s allUftted about midway between the large plaza IIIId tho Jalteba Chuteh Ria

bull h b bullbouse wal tho flral tber came to In a tag b Amerlco~ls lind wltboul pl1lvocotlon or culo while the American tlftg lfBI tIiDg over bla door

bullbull deprived aD American citiZen of life bee mlng iii Intoxicated witb (ury III to conlinue to Ibruit theit byoultalnto him la heortmckening

TheBe men cannot ucue themselves b 1lnl tbey were not awaro of LawleSl VClitlon Ibr h I Id d I II rat L av ug res e n t 8 coun~ry len yelm

spoke belr langulge Iluentl n wu 1Iell knOWI

tilroullbou~ Ibe country ampI a merchallt 110 bad never utor(ered or took part III the politlca of IhIt

dOli and mere than b(~w8ra utl had alWAY Ih reapect abown him Iue tbe flag llhose protoellOllha clalllled Belld all thl he 110 doubt oxi

bull pWoed hI JlClIon h lng bd ample lillie to 110 It but It avaned blul nothing tha~ be hid nol takeJl part In the wlra It lled him noihiaLbullbullbullbull I h- d I L ere were ItO arllll D Ie _ an t 1amp1 u~ wu 8Plrely 4efenceleu- a clrcumtaoce that among any people wltb a apark of chivalry or hUlnalllty among them wold hlYe 8Ied blalif He claimed to be an Amelican citizen and eluinr beneath and cillmin~ Ila pr~tectioll of the Star and Strlpell was by the deml demOllsmiddot ( we callIlO wi tbeln men) coDildered amp erime worthy or bull

hd d th meat orn 0amp

We do not wish to caUIUelltion esplloWl W lite death of the Rev Mr Wheeler bo IIU eUi gaged In lite ploua duty of dleklbutlng the ACIId Word of God amont tbe people of fllit pllCl

wltem neillter te aacreel banner orChriat IIOt Ih ftlllJ of Ihe Ulllted Stet cOIIloi aIIVO frou lite ruf 611111y butcbery nor to the murder of the Belr Ferg1llOD nor to Mr Camenl 1Ibo waa dng~ ~ed rrom the bosom of hia family And murdered hllo proclaiming that ha 1111 lin American oltlzen for tbe clrcum8laOCeli of thel~ death Is let rO~IIa plalnlyln tbo lIIIoexed aIIIdvlll i O do we wial( to make any oommenta upon tbampl deelre to get fller American Minister-who Willi at the time prot-[ trated by DlII83l1-1nto thelr huda tor w eel middot ured It wlluld be a work oCIuporeroptoultlu1Il parte tbe caae wID be setforth to the people ar the United SteteltJ by tbelr reprlen-lI e IIIQ we doubt not that Americana wHl indilllto Ibelr

dignity Btl we would ClIII attention to the faet that Ih

flAg 0 the oomparatiyely email BanHate toOI of Saxony 10 Europo waa raapoetcifbull hlle lbe American col011l were being abot at alld rlddleocl Wllh bullete whllmiddot tlylng ovor lhe bOllee of tbt Americalllliniatel and served rather to leduc outrage tban alford procctlon to th_ bG lOught ita ahelter 8 tbe following aJIIdill m bow

LEO Ollmiddot or UNlTro SumOJ AllIIle I liEU RmzllLtC 0 NIOaUOIlA J

Till day pereonally appeared betore lIIe Jamnl George Wledomanll nnd moe OA~ thai I ~

A-gores of the lIled Imyof Gllatemaltl I

319 El WICABA6UENSE Volt No 51 p 5 Sabado 25 de Octubre de 16561 Saturday October 25 1856


tile n SteamOl La Vhllo Capt Thom IlUlkert~rlnd al tbe port of IlrauadA on the ~ytlllDg lotSlaquoturd-y tbe 18th IDBt Iloe brought Jutem -lIP 0 1I1t of UI HItIt monb

br - bShe fOlIgbt o a Ollt ~Igbty Plt888Dgtl1l who nteld ljO nelde I~ 1111 COIInuy list) of 0111 ~ Joinell the NlcarogulIII Army Among t

- I IBanIfa we nol ct tho lIallle of Clt)L eonlngftnHow~ Joinell theNlearagutll Arm1andla In COIomlllll 01l11li ArIlIl~r1

1111 Jla Virgin brwpt alao tor the Army lU1 bull o if h nd-A M- L d middot11IDr ell X II nu m mUlld III i 11 et lour or wllb Ibclr ploper equipment the evrig~ for tb mountdn bowltze aI_d ro -- ld II Ivge quantity OfulIllullltlon

81 f I

struggle wUI be between Buchalampll and pOllUoR a alellder -agure and ver1l1ght bllr reoIOIl~ lillmoro ma however bo much BORland and Frlllee h made II warlike 01 alronger batt tbe pllbllc h lID idea of If Ibe 0I0nllramplloll aallIamp ~be Kin ofSarcllnla AI

ee 0 middotpapr we earn thI All the dey atproeCllee for Ihe rleSidential eltctlon In the tultcdSlateltlllulscltcmentalld1nleruUllor_

be nfoet ngg_1ed ltalemen are IDade by of lb riftl candldatea relale to

iuoqUt t II weoed wIb mor ~OtiOD ormore UDshyettlalra I lIor caprlceelIIan 11080 two Statee now

I od ha P ll 1amp t1 middottt t 1IlPlji t t en 1 YIUI I go or ImlomrDUllffilll4ll Ia 1101 cet~ of Ilanflng It iln Ib1~er ~andlt hlwampy been e Btrong ilIIIICIlItie 3Iett and h ginn Ddehanan large

Ai e roof of 118 entire dovollon to Uoellty I Hid lbal In Ita remoter di8lcta llaer are lililarge ItlllDben of Totee _t fqr AnshyUtW J~80II t

AI Ne York no etandll the Fremont men Ire alma I Ilire or ber But II e fllred tbat 10 otdtr I ifeeure tho election of lluebanall by Ihe L S d fN Y k 11o~r ~e thO emoerac ew or w go

om 10 1111101 The bull 4ft oro 8() nicely halllllud tbal eonaldmiddot

bit a~lIl1la of mOD01 are illaked upou tbe rampgt fill Willet III accounl of a mall wbo ble to lIhu aUIbullbull hlllr oft bl heed If lIucbanlUl Is 1I0~ Ilt~ted b_IID Ie e or bIa elCllllon be Is 10 be d lIh all lhe blta be CQD wear ri I -mo Buehan conUnue to realde I

Whl middotlIollll8 Thill aIlnde UI or PlOl8OiIor Stowe-hlllbllld r n Deecher 8towe-wbo wben Ihe FIIgishylift SIt LawwlIS p-d re latered vow that

oul~ not M hla beatd cut untO the Ia Will Itpeilled Il lla needl to that by this tim IU beerd of tho Proteeaor hal altainod coRaider

A bull Welangth lIla mil1 wil~ at lOme ulure time I able to 4etermlne the time which bae elapsed ~Rce tbbullp_go of tht celebrakld law by a _Irtllellt of Ibla bireuto ppendage

Olll neighborS Ia the Solltil It 11111 ben b

rtfHOell to lIIother pitt of tbla pape haye art IIt14 at a period wboll tbey are beginning to acl lei aot througb any ellerg of their 0100 but by

bull bull Iho torceof the elective spark wblch tbe pr0111OIt ~ lb AjDerlealll excitebullbull Aa Ie lIIuaU the cue ill ueh spaslllodic e1f~rta tbelr ICtiODS are neltber -At( b d Ira UI I ateedI-~ ~ pru ollee or grea~ til geDco II of t1llll~g tbolr atklptlou to tha aeveopomoot of cIIt reour0e8 or their St they e endeavoring 10 ftrm I agalnaua wllo If tbey 8amplIdled Ilatlr deg lotereat tbe would not olllylreat aa

htelben but endenOf to ludaoe us Inlo tbelr _trie b offorlng lerge 1IIwarda to U8f1 lIIIerIca fho would Httle amollg tbem

go andmiddotdo Ukewlh tI Ibe would In fow lola uame was reeeIedmiddothe ~onoludedlIIIId IDUO1 c u Aoa_ fII IlITIIIIo o BD-Thill L bull ~ Ia peu enklrpriae whleb for bullDaB1e Iou _med

han reuon to Ie the - the merleau lIle pp - too i11cH1v7 plQJce 10 lie HriOllllJ eoklrlalaed tbelr denl among them II Brig GeD Horuab waa II atbullbull II Ie 11IeI u Ihelhuadelplla IAtliJrr to pIO

The Elllpero Alolnder of Ruula u _wued drank with ~re and th _II-I- not onlypn bullileallle blit to be aowal _Iilrocl lakll with peel ctltllOll1 DIIfInc laquoIlGlIamp- The oople of Gtuadr- uu _ ~oo_uIoa 01 ~ GIld lIIMaWio_ tIon the BDlpelOl lIrtIMd dlllllfllamp1llt liNt lllto lliftl amp111 the lUI Ie SOl Ill of bJ a

-r hGould he alloed ampveryluiUt iol publleblnl tbe JiIoJ-wa receld wltb leug 111 incident or the cerem001 The rep_led Brig Gen Jit111 I88po11111lo 11 draIIk to of IIIe Pope _ reaehed on 1111 occaeIon be- The Bed 8kIr of 1I1earas- t shy

I - --

blo IUCIea From all we can learn 10111 Hill quallllcatiOllll appear ~ bo good die-

n -0how othinc oIemenamph anlbmg Ike llalloolmiddoth boen ordtled -to the SardInian potU middotf9t111er rloctlol1-(f OIgIlDIZlltlon aod kllllclt to fhe nowl from Frallce I unimporlllll i01In principle beymiddot ilia) lIIlrprlee the Union 10 111 France hM growll up to hemiddotalli8 tat bilallbbeb

lire th_ ofanr other _IfY neCoatalUcanuNboglnnlnr(OltamwladoD

end theIP rttIIerJ to (ullow Preildellamp Xora III lUIother folAJaplneUflO8IIguI ucla_pIcIou

III our m1lld tltt they beslnlllng to bow wbats b

Tile 11010 from Buropeta DOl of III In -eat til l1li In Nicaragua Q_ Vlctorla lib a good _bl mother Is endorlug Iogeh lIItmiddot ablo spouao for hr aupterl Ibe 11111_ RoyalPrlll~ irederlck-m lrlIstlt 11 at proeenllh fa rltA In 1gtvl matrimOlIai IIIIrkel H baa aCeltmIpanled lbe roJa moth~r clllrllJU

middotmount~t roogtiI laddoll M unexpected Amiddotcoup u fat 11M been lIIk1mpted in Paill bJ -rrf nI hi its lerth to taIt the B~I u rtmiddotIIlI PrtlllllllIIPpcaraneeago their eandl- (leott~ODollnelltIukod ltltIeenlIlllheUa 11 IIIIee from Franklin the ed_ltlWd Irad rona hladoctor mullraquo alld air w pxketshyltlale ud Ibemlelvenn rar behind dcrblllleedenahSp 1b_Spanlahtroops hoW poue 011 bJthe plekel prltl ofbe rNIIOt hllllditerehlef

middotTho DfbIIlIIIn lind FrolllOlit lien are hathon 8Ionof Madrid bllCmiddotthe blew wa nOlllrlld 1111111 1114 - man killed The meIu bod WII hUll~ F4t 11111 ~-l---A-rua-n-p-n-Jal-Ir-porler aid il 1kelr 111 III In 8upplieatlon before tbe State middotof laneoueI~ amplllbe luge ollie mt therefore lcLraplcllY-~Inrr th pu~ofaIampok wa eo olOOllelt amp be ~ tbu ibnup -CD in lie Yo ftud Ponll8)lanl4 There lIever w only parllllllluCOO88lal A eho ar Ia SpaIn II 11 Je is ooei Jirallkl how -It grolt ~~~litl~way~~ma4t billlyen- iwI Ja

bull IlOOII t 1111 w II mo OU _ bullbull h1111therefore hlehl probahll It Ia thought -be w IIIalI aad tho collklmplated atiMlk JIOfi hbonld laquolad 10 bow NId tbeuegioL Wii France ie IlIlIOlIIe nYllOl1l1eel4d wllb the 1IIfaIt POlolied Thethumr -ped ~~ ~~ tllteat no Iongel alilee tbUl Ju~ IIlpl-agaillaamp II wil1middot R~~ h bull 10 1IIdlt e - t nes -lgt 11_ t -- poelufely lilted 10 IIblMOQ KaN mldlllampht howeyer (1ft aspreu Ived III IIUIIp A IaQd peculalor 01lt W- ladeellcllo

until LIlt mill of 1100 Allied rome hqultted with ~ Informaloa tllat 001 Oook wllb I _e his trac IJIInI th eba be Inaallilidl J th CrImea Tork h for the pretent nnt foroa of U 8 ~bad takeo lip I porJampIoall clcreel It Wu 10 h~lhl ~IIDd Ulera aDd 10 frem the dlplomalle boti_ lrolt of Ltowr8llCt the 1Irpoee or pIOleoI dllBClIIamp for toIbto dlO tbel iIII thela~ablampaAtiIIbtd

It froIn the pro~d ~I ~ Coodli~bu 10 draw tbelr lui breatb With a eolrallre ~aPOob _u to CI_Ie PRESIDENTIJtL SUPPBR toWlIJIIIlIOI810 Gel H~el~ warllln~ oe Pcmy eliC~bullbullVeUowoltben ~ t

__ tbe _equellcaa of III lkllllplOO lb bull It ollllh of JII1 ora hepiaHie ckdara 1On tbe nalramiddotof the 19th laaamp tb FI14 61B la uld that CIII Cook IIa~ beell Milt b1 Qea do noamp believe amp10 Is 11I~ wo_ or eIiIIllo

ly wbo w urgeatly oliel b) ~ people ot IIIIa ho_ who It_ttubed the age otM _e~ alld 018n of tbe General Stair Wlib a few Iewrallee 0 lDte~ Cor lheIt ~QJI Qn b~atmiddothU fell tilla tl1lth tbuwltriag ~ Cltizell8 lDel 81 the Pre8Ident lIIena10n ad tIM lb nib Gew -0 arrIYed at FnnIdlll amllled tbelritnilllll flPcQrl ag I

tlook of eupper bull oolllllllalion with Ibe IIIIoera of be lravadlog -10 h

bull th I 4 Dri ifill S IOld thembetmiddothe WM prepllCed en- I11III D ~ eaklr 4 9 _ushy_l _AOIOnamp guellawenttoe gI~enerrJ foroetbI teUftllHheoleutlimltowuhla eldeiitl11I~uowedf_gnIID80ftJcbtibullbull

JlorDeblIriglcllerOeneral Fry Drigtdler-Oeaeral _1Ioo J aupprtlll cllaordere with the aht of _04 ttom death lit the ampIinIhPa~lllIi1lf ehlOro-nnneingllJlftW Xbull RQgcro SubS ot Jlaermiddot tbe-~middot~ IIlJder Jb---middot~iIatit fmn ald bullbullbull~ elida CoL Pb R Thompson Aiijt OiIabullbull N AI the Interpoeilloa of XlIreu aHer (Jell ~ BII or~t qllellioo At tho 001 Ales Joo P~lIIUIer 0nl N AI ~e~=n~- t 111= lIowlhhen be l8i dO~alrO Ii iWir did Col T F Flab Q~termUlter-aeatlll N A thai be had)lllt UrtIIkId to or 190 ouIIa Who Col Ocoqe B Hall 00mmi1Ml)raJ N Awoold be prGperlJ tried b1 the lepIllUthOrlIIaa Whi III amp man wamph acom 06 middotetu toe Atl 0_1t 1 M tbe geollOmtaaU de10 take of the yltodl Aa _ the cllIIIIeaire

1eIIIlt)f Tho Hdth of tho pruldenlor lhe Republic

or Nicaragua was propelled and~lIk Ith eoshythualaam 10 tblt the Pretldent rtIIpoDlled propotllll W

Til OlBcera or the Nicaraguan Arm

The lIetlth oC General William Walker w III

en propoatd and drank with Ihroo ebte Tbe Generallf caUed upon to reply It1IIlmoatl posalblo 10 gl90 ao Ida of Ibe ellOlrI~ ellbOl loll words prodllCed IIded by loll graoUnl geelleolallon and peculiar feror we CII 0111 Mltmp 10 gIe 811 idee of wbat ho Hid bull

When bla 1)AIII had btllI repoampteclly oalIod he roee lad 14

GIIINTIIIUIM-Wbtever or hlator helon 10

tba Da wbalOVer of the 1I1111rol 1liiy be 1810shyorared Wllb It owea more 10 Ih lid recolfed ftOIIl the wisdom galbwlr) and derIng 01 Ibe geotlem811wilit wbom ampbe lndlYidual wbo bean i baa had the good middotfortune 10 opente thaa 10 III merit he blmaeU po_ [Cbe_l Ao lodiridual wbyenleer posltloo be 111amp1 bolitla gea oat

01tho P1l2I he repteaeDlII maltee hrlll gMaL It M Ie_ en tbe approach or Goy Geor Hept J A Ii my Ibrtene to lie the repr_tame of a with U S VcIopI aud weDI towlIllII Ne~ lIarr1l1g1on S prlnelp e willi hlcllyou all Imboed_ prin All b qqet ia tbe IerlllOl1 Henr A clple that cannot OOCOllftaed 10 thIa 01 an OIbtt Joaea J It

bey pl pro8t in thla pllttloqiar by 11Iuon- clple of ulIleraaI fraedm It mlltt ooalln to spread nlll I erubracee nOl OQ all hllcoatlshy

ucl ott 0 EtDperons Nicholas And AlulIIlnder ofnent bul the conlhlenlll of the old orldmiddot It will ll~ jhO bull IOn ililOctl to the United change old Y8amp8IIII ~d reinfipale -i alld Slates t AmoriCllII moehanica to come aDd Ive t~ Old 1flithorldNrecelung lIedlOlPullel ampom lbe

n~ oll 0 e ew 10 ellen to UI the paklmll In Ibelr 01111010118 and tbote wbo aceepted tbe embraCes of a IIlIivelllll blll~hhood (Iodlullallo have beu reated In a mallner com- cheering] __traIl wllh the wealth of llie Empire W080 After the General badcoQcludod TheSoldlllra

resoured tbelr Ibor will help 10 dovolop There of Ihe Nlcaraguall Army WII proP080d IIIId dlllllk I I I E tb t b d d I III hId b DO pe~o II urope n n vanee n e WI Oil C eel Arts of l~te a tIo same ratio lUI the Ruselall Utlg Oell UeoDmRBOo 10118 (Irank with IIlucb

d I l 10 L II E I ltb b bull All n fer coyer e en re IIIp 10 If a ent wlm lind III retpoollO Gon lIalogaen Aid Aetwork of ralroad tho Emperor bas Inlol semiddot In lubatallce Iltal he nOI muob 8OOWItolatd 4Wed til icoB of 8ovorai Amerlc1l engineers 10 liking ~et that ho w eatlrely a

apot It I - broad ue wllwene-lt Ii ampbe prla-

There were HyerrJ -er toute __enI draakaadabouU oeloek the geDtklllen Ithmiddot drew to their reaIdeII- mllCb plcued with amp0 ellteneinmtll


fUll lI ona ampIID ntce PROOLlIllU-lllI

bull t1t01l 11011 111110 Th St LoQIa BYelllllg New of Seplembe

Ib b the followlDamp IUlpllIIl1amp IIew1 Wo v clalei ftom 118 JSOlGer 01 me 1111bv _vl- t Iuamp -11 of tb war In

Kanua alld c1rculllllaneea atlendl lb 1IW Wal1 of peace amp Frtnklln

Tbe MIIsourIu we 10 their word tUlObed ampom Wolitport to aItIck Iewrlllloo on th nthT w compoud of OIIe reglmeD cit ampos_1 eae ef mounled m_1n all 1400 _ al- We dool _beu es_pte Ifre 10 lend Ii four pleooa of aHII1erJ Gen utt11 -1 ora - alike bllamp atdilterenl 111_middot In command On tbe 13tb aad 14th thete t=~t=O~Ath

~ebrmfori= rwbull Jllltlce

lamplllzed by came G8II Atelillollto tho dWt Itefohillou ere peel decJerlo ilia relllng OIl the proeCtiOll promised 10 peacelll bullbullttlenl bl tbeGOYOrIIO~ tbe Ibelnndlog army would dltbaud l1li01 relll to ~belr 1I0m_requ~Un the Go _ 10 reergamplllA and diatrlbukl middotOtCllhe Tern ~ Cfoe of mllllla to p~ the Mtthln from _auderl atld robbera-alld reoommeodlncIhal CoL Tim be made commander of tbe mUfti of Ihe Territor] lbe )(-urlane llien broke up cunp aed returned boule except th_ wbo Jp te)lded to IIIIUI lit doe l~

Tbe aillet or OH bullilretl 00l1li UrtIIkId bYGo 0 belollged to tho flOIIPIIA of Cal HlltYt1 wbo made ampbe aItIck on COL aolleriton

WI-d~~ t4 ~~III to f~ lI4I all __e lIpOIl t bull rae_ deg lUllmiddottIogocean middot10 -0 bl thle muno bue made report III whielr the d~lhat the ilia eouId be built OIl neuI7 dlrlaquot rltlIIte from sfamp 10 the OWt01 P~- with braneb Iio Ibe Nile The00fi It ts7~ 1114 the oooatructioo will take IIs88 At 8oM2lIfeeuf_wlllbetoliad M lIle diMDce 01amp000 feetlrom t4e bull_ The plrl 10 be ooiIIiInIcl4d III the GWI of Patm whleb the former proJect plaeed a Ill boUom ofth GQlf wiD be located wei mllee 10 the Willi 011 p or the cout wbere the wa1s 211 fee~ deep Ai leu ~han the cllatance of wo IDUea Tom tIN IOore mt where IIIIchOlampg g~ It Is tlmueil bet 1 -IU fie do In 4IN11cpbeleen the rotpeCtibull place IIld Bombr III fdllowt (Ionalallwllople 1J900 Havre 8928 Lolldoll 86GO LIrpool 8560 He York

7311 Ne Orlean 8178 Hore IhaD ball Ibt 0) I -een Ihe prlndp porloofJilliropo alld Alaia bJmiddot Ibe propoeed l Tbi slugle fact lIholllicalmmenle IIliIIl) 10 ill Damptlollll ail weU as 10 BVPI and Torkej olld ril lIeur tor iIamp projecCUnl the belt wlshea of the elvill1fd world

III view or faoII the 00_ lIIIfd the Ilk alargci landhold~rf Beea_ ~ ill p-d ~ to ~ 1IIIt middotbadoa tbeli- of tUII odtM-1IIeIII(It - 1

Gel Atobleoa Gen Reid and CIII TIl4 -Why iii a Inr Ike kIIoclampert Becaa~ dreaed the meetiR ad lIrlIed complianoo 1amp ho lIIiHotml to llifW4 (a d_) the GoYernor prOpol61 Th Govenaor thel bull -poundt

Wlthdrw from Ihe ~ to alfordto 1 Iist 01 Ietter IOUrlaaaauopportulloace amOllth~ D-rJl~middoth nIB I d 0IlIIhla ngeoUon A _tllIlI w jllllaDllj I e bull- v lII1ICO omiddotwag Cf tee ve

Iober 11 1866 lIolt Ooa(Dlrdeall V E tBullh J G Bllllch J BbardO E Bremer JClarlt ll WCaaIIlIo C Ohecklcy Xlll CUlton I Daly Iol J Jlllher J A lir141 Jishfr G W

aI Ulek~PoInl They were 08pwred at G_ GeuIeall 0 A ~IolillB oppotIte LeeomptoD OIl 1beIr reamplIrII Go1tbArl P A from 8ickory PolnI to Iampw_ 1111 ead bet (1_ J 0 Iathe aampempllO vteA them _ U S eoWter Hanele It fourteen of lfes men 10 killed HoagllUld M H

Lene III not Iio be folllld 10 eIIeTerritor II Berdy C

Fuu o bull t ftlna-lbe Now Orlealll Della Jorge A lHms tbat Red lUvor hu dimmed up lla owa Klpp S V inOUth and now mlkea 118 w y 10 Ihe Gult LorIog L th d Atcbaamplla B l fb II d bl Llnere or B

2 1~ X 11 LlflngslOn J WlIcGulgan 0 Hoy A Korri H

McCann H a IfcCudle J

Jlanofill S Mooney Hamp sb 1I Nellr E A OsborD D C Poal Dr A Pearaon J T POit Hlu A Roper J Hltllaquogton e 1 Roulrand ~ Sd1 Dr

- Scott W L 81110111 D ~ Sklnna J C Smiloro H SlantbrT7 E II Warren Wheeler 8 H WllIlalll800 CaptWIHiamSOD J

lIuilii tbe fOr~middotedurereor thdegat ~ til )8116bull and tbat at oue IiIlHl neTer Iouched III M - amp X TIIOlampIV lib d III b~ II b llI bull - I

I pp ut pllrlue bull coune w 118 1I0W WHOLESALE ])EALER IN Ulned elllptIDglRto the Gulf far to the ell I of Ibe Iolillalaeippi Tbo Red RI Ie now to BRANDY WH SKY WINE~IIld Ie remhla to ho up whether whcll full It _ t wUlliot re-opoo be outlet to the Joflulaolnnl ud AND ALL KI~fS OFihLQUORB Ira mill wIIb the aIbA~ of Wuerif - 40geer If bull r rrN COrrBn sJrJ9DBn2-rrzoJV

U-- J I L L 110 4Lt lDliOO ~ 0001II IOUgt NA WIIOUIiIAuU 8 TILl YI nOIY -An mIII - HltrJ etroet ulltoI ofampIIFruei800 COIlbaen lick for a long hoe and whit1n this _ate GIUIIlda Junlgt 1 1866

would OC4ulooII _e brealblng ftIId IIr be ------------ --__ - -Dr AAud Pobullbullpparanll eslhletfoe 80m tIMe when he wooIshy

~ III th~ dockyarde of lttllllia An~rICIIII 1I1collamiddot worker and that he ca~eto Nlea heca II apln COllie to On one or these ~ heo fBNDfRS UIS SERV1CESto the Ilhtz~Dbull1 IIkI hn~ lhe dlrectlon of nfthlrt The OODIC- tb ht II b It - - be lind JIIII awakeaed from bIs Bloop lgt1rIok uk Granada and vicini ill ilie praclille of

OIIg ero t eoe w wOr 10 do He would Ied 101111_ UITlCllli SURGEoy t_ H1DWlhIiJi qunoe fit 11111 will be tbat In a abort IIme tile nOl hae eome h_lt he uppoud Ibe tllICI8 of And howll w bo Jlmlll1 when oura IIIIWJ ~ bull l u j1l bull lOt

IwMlaII Veue6 III bo IIblo to compete III speed bla laborwOIIIS be IlOI1l1ned to IIII1t pI_ Re dead-1011re after klnup ini thllOf OftIce an4 roal4caCe 01 tb aouIbwl ted dumiddotmiddotllt with tb but buill Yankoe clipper tumln tballka - th b 1 bull Brlalg III a gleu omiddot Irioi an IA7 to tU- comer of tho lampreet 0pPOllltc tbe San PrandgtltOAoLr bull wr e on~ goD omen p hero lilt 1 Jimmy -airIf I dOll I au OouonL ~~~e~~ AlUerlclIiIorthlloontln~l1lw~to OIlteonre~upon ~m by ~ IIIUller In wblob IdbrlDk thin blll1 meor Gtanu Jail 1860


320 ElNICABA8lfENSEVol t No 51 p 6 5abado 25 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 25 18S~ i t l

BRIG dNN HENNlVeSIIN ketnft4 tore lItelrlllaquopoampolllpu gri_r __ dlis hnmlllatlcm Autrl of eOIl- Iolaled lit COM~lISSION IpoundR~ SALE

t ~_11l loo1ltlnl 01eI 1lI6 l)emOOlamptI Rlew lOr t~Ir- tIe pJlva~ aIl4 lIIampIIy _______ t86l1l dad ~~1I1D ~n the ampIIlprllD W-r TIIlrtee lIUDPm td_ ana geuellile Of pURSUANT to an order leeIIed by the Board of CommlWon I gtfIll on d1IFJ~T DIY DlIloh the ClOIIdllCt an AllCIIont iDd ablllamp of note_ dlieclly tbll lulftlldvballled or JANUART 181S7 ofter die lbiIowingmiddot invelltoried propottl for 80 III pllbilO ItU(tUIIlmiddot pigt he lleteODI bo llgu~d hl ttamiddotiermtlllOflbk bo tthoullbdley had bad fw 1IIDIlth ill1Itelr the IIUa It the citl Of ~randl middot1 Uiwwe are carefully lorDed OTUIO told amp ppwer 1wrIHt Atmtlpd Atulricm H olall TetIIlI-Ou~ or IIUllar1 WpL bull ___ I lie ranka priloioll irlthoulltluriuamp OIl or them The laIe HI conllnU1l ampom lay to dar IlnUHn~ wiolo 18 dtaponu Of troDt BIb fall upon tbembull Speaking 1gt( lhe Gdrse ampelng ~he middotol)ltllllll wb(nrvmiddotpl1t bull pta Pankos deahtma of leeing the property and emiing for tbemaelvtl8 will 06 fllmned ~ll

nr6I11 aceouna tba Ilad bean ltritten lip to lhal oner (Counl Ziclly aD UDollarim) to dBatll horselllld gukl8 bllppJioallon at my oftIce - I irrul of thla lDem_ble 81rOssie Alr eiloll ana Amolllllt lbe Icllml were -e mell of large V I b e ed In It we Grid tJle toUorill (orhme w~o1D the ~II were _nxlou to d V1I I PEY INamf 01 Biulli I _-l_oP_1I_0I ___ RtllIlIrk4 ~ e DIU iii g tpoO toll Balllyampbyl ror bilt eatftld wordl Hacienda do aeao Roaano IJOiii llItololo Lopez Treo hI full bearing tI4middot11) Tho tnl connected ndlaWlillibl_nuflllreemiddotliilllloaiordollampnmiddotOeneIK coodemD 110 do Oandetari Do Youngtreet 10bullbull0

tblleampaltnt 111 ampOIlIg 1Dd dierefwe of tIe ed by Hnau wbo Will hill dBbtor for Ilxty Do CaUle lAIa Or~ Do bull 1~~1 HIIInl e _ gen~1 whloh Olftnot bo ~houllld doll VecztJ wlotte ~her (sllllllv BOWIampID run Do A row of siJ ator~ 101 UIldeiMood wllIo __ling the mlblary eo ID ) wieand he IIIQ of lite late emperor Au- HaeIendo de (JaQlO

UlJOnli In thleOdntryiUOIIlallled ill ~ pampt Ilt tba eampIdIer Jlho-pbllr-dle pllont and I~dl8O Pit t Juan T0lI6 Rut 8 0 entitled- Nag) Sandor apd the rrIeeI Damiani who Hacienda de Caeao plz(I Do- H 11 ThI P4d 1lIl Ja~ iff l1JFmiddot bellIg _ed to he hlDge4leet 1114 with como Do Indigo Je1U8 lIIarl8 Do 1 I

Fod bat 11M iffirtt tlhuWaUflul tM poau liby 1aet here lJbull1 ~ alw~lI ~t Booee in Ri Do Largo IIdnbe 8 11 f( BtlIqgU middotdndFtItllrIl p~ 6ti upon IMhetlio lIeLfP Bacl~d de Cacao Sin FraDdleo Jose JArguello Aree 18 C HfII~~atJlllwmiddotolmiddot fWlw M01ItIM LoWe Bath~nyl 111)0 wbenllomom fell bad Do do De Abandoned Into Qall~jl1fllllllA ZtmIaolrTgm R_liOll b~ tried OYer pW atIer belnl eaotenced to B_1n Onmada bullbull bull Do ~ ~ bull bullbull 0 Pvoria tc rour 1 impi1aoDment the eharga middotormiddot l)eWs Baclellla ltleCaeU rdilacio Male1iP- bullbull i bull bullbullbullbull ~r


rI p1tt t I cd cJ to -1 W middot111_ ~f middotORII Latour ot 11_ In Gi-aWulo-- - ~- JO bullbull bullbull bull bull bull 10 Thouampbor 0( 1Id_ ptm e li~ ~ r l)-U wbiclt be notorlouir U1tu_h _ _ 1180-0 Plta~ Francisco GuerrA IS

PllbnO~qollleclampIIllIIotb~bmiddotmiddot bi th d9lamp1t0f WullingampUII wuCOlidemned to he BoilandIotIIlRIna ~ 1gt0 9 lib lbe ~Ut onamprll 0iJ0orIlJ hanged Hia wife IntrcdllClld bull lancet Into hla IIoUll8i11lUfU n Kill patUalll burnt 10shyuulll bl+aljJbh~ugh Ih~ m~mollll~ ~~~sn pn- h which hellldun Inelliletwallliempl Haolenda dB 0_ ~~Ia Fe Joa6- II lIaleailo 18 In which Ihl tr COIIUUeDbC IIg 11 ccteddu~ co et the Jugular Tela DllIOOYued helbre he Catd Bolnte JIaI ()lIa Do bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull G ~imte 11000middot lIr 07 ~II Chi r de bad Ill to death hiamp wound 1111 bandam lip HOIlllIn ru 00 Lollg IQW 1 bull defeltbl bull ~h d IDamp~ I 0 ~ wi alld hemiddotw horrlellltdflged OIl IIId alios lite Haalend de Cacao bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ~ bullbull Fetlpe amp S Saenz NearTolo-aome wlldlllltamp 3()IlO

1ftOJbt8eomiddotarmiddotall rtt Igmiddot d or gallo probampbl) not belDg rdy 1I0 P h DO do 11 Vi C1emonte SaIlIOl Old ealatc neer Rint 1(1041 liIlgt11IfI~~~O ~pSd r ~kJi1iUei word to Ire and fell abolltibg Long Iff ampIIB lIollle in RIT Do Large adobe 100(10hit ~ nmiddotiI_p 0) bull bull Ibe arreet of Dahyao1i hid beell amp 110- Bouse aDd proyery In

middotbeforeBllblo Imiddot lt bull middot~middotiIi ihislao 1 IIulOw 01middotamp111ampmiddot01 atlonllo-ble otenc WIll a Sanmiddot JUan de Sur ) fll lS UellD lieDden tIam b bull bllabion cawIUD1-blamiddot esecutlcm anmiddot _iDatloomiddot HacIOllda domiddot GROj Felipe Avilc8 bull bull bull bull 8000

IIIOlJIiy ~I RUIIIii ellj R JPII hiobD~ 1Ianr otIrtri w_put to dtaIh W_ of Do do Sallt~ Do With wildlands b~ ~Re~t 0 ~ ~II middotaM flnb IfflUlrippeli and Kourged helOre middotthbullll I1delld de Ca~o JlCII-LaGalpa F amp E Carazo bull 27001) _ nCr tI aoIdIerr OfIJcelB from liliiii or coIeoell David D Lopzamp B Daroe 100)tile Baclellda de Cacao~ 9ijdbf~he ~1Ie~ thorab~ dOlfDlfardl e~ abulIpflI middot1It If bgtced Into Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull II amp Jos6 OaracM ~wotbtrds of die eltarA II iIai1 a~tJter~ ~IIJII ~ed IplOb th AUUIO _llln pr(fatail ~ at lite Do do Boperlll P run amp famll middotrmiddotmiddot 800gt 11_ r~tIJ 8~~ ampdrIhu~Dbull 1d eaprice of IDd ears-ta to ~ D~middot do Chlta JOJl6 Alfaror Conlaminl 160 acree 2000 ~Qjlt ~e ttl th rJm I middotU dar s-~ BOIIfelnBl Demiddot 1600 Urqllllatund to 1 C~ u of iIIatorlo bull FrOm thequatadoDe here IIIIIk k wIUw_ ~~eCaCampo Pafniar Tun Agila bull 10000 ~ 9fmiddotIi~temiddot 11114 tbafBdc Gen B~ Iidu 1fi1h 111m to Do do PlllIIIf P~1o Torres ~ ~ -lOOO ~oI~ lOU ettIoa of Ruulamp iii 1 B_ltlruu 2000shy t~Imiddotaath~~~eibampt dunn _middotmiddotri ~themiddotweIpt or bull rtpIItaiIOII fwllJUan Do bull do O BuetOl amp (amp11111 Near St George) 3~ ~~rII~ Dt~~~IImiddotlJuilfe Otunli IInewled and liaeety of PIlrpOll that 111l1li1 Bad de Cacao fi Do dobulllt lOoQ alloo COm liI iir EurepO tID pnbU~ work raytllihl1 tor IIIY_ whlchho ~ en~ Do do Jayl 11~Oerde8 k tamlly bull bull bull MOO and deg eIO h I dltIcm of th ed B Ii alrad tTOtahI II III E B~ ill RIampef bull bull bullbull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bullbull bull bull o~ gtJ lIII-dnl flle rthl 8 PI II 1 110- bull mope Catlle Batalai Las Lalaa R Pala ampI fmIl1 bull bull 1 popilldlia DIIlft h bull or I~ a and doubt ne -thaI ldImo~ DllIItre pow H_ID ru bullbullbullbull Do dO On the Plaza 2 ItciUjmiddotJ1IUle d~ ~call88htroFer ttei1eclla Niea IfW lillke hlllWM falidllarDo do bull bullbullbull bullbull ))0 do Do QI

lOh~IL~ ~ II middottmiddoti~ wmiddotr hrO hOllmiddotADleaea Dobull do Do do edmiddot lwwlljlUll-adepamprlTleodeglmiddottoat 118 i CaUleamplampIemiddot HeC~IJtI lnoceDteRuele - Ihf St PeUnbllllt lnadluted It and bOle IlIf au r-l~laIe and Imiddot

Jdft1oillD ftJreIIP ~~ I -gt - lIIotiee rdieateDIJIIlIe- bull ItiIdmiddot bullbull oe bullu were D- bull lIl1111~~ da r F lid lIf 9 jIIturliaia oItlte llllIoWl81 _lddlKieaeeIJ pe BOIIIe In Rlne bullbullbullbull r bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull ~ ~middotCbIdimiddot =n H bull UeDllla ~YU Ioii wIltprenlM th~ to me dIll11111bll1t1oe~ Sugar Etemiddot nell 1110middot I

bull~ bt -eneecUMtto mltllilbnn Ihe pUbHoofmiddot ALL PmtlilONff bano tIahe na tilt 11- lUvae ~ Pedro Ohamorro bull l~rJnO

III the Bunf d~ti_O ~ Ollorbelorei1lellampt1idlryorneoo1868otherw_ tap 00 do 12(00 ol~ ~1I-noII IlQ tie a~oflii~1llI~tb1middot-middot ~1llr01l)li iterccentef Pedro ToaqIlM ~1I1l1 ~OIOO ttlbullwtmiddotcilr 6Ibplo-dIJ1Koiiot1t1 ~UIAtltJiB8GORDB1t 1gt0 do Ag~Agrla DI()~lcla)lemando 8laquogt0biild fll IL b ~ and tb ()rientili OIllRLBamp OALLAHAN)middotmiddot H_1n Granedamp CbhlDroampramlr SapA

~ll8gotlatlllW bullbull or bull ~middotJ1lLll1SKtSr ~dBlti I_Kula Do dobull ~00Ileattle300ltgtiu1l l2~Umiddot ~dJCted uallO~ todOonr- AIld-aU ~lIIdehl to tiM at tit Do do ~ROaa Do lt100 ~600caltle 1Ul0 hor8eI 16gttOOi ioot IlWlpr~ middotabOedec~ petdllOllllIIIIIka Immdiata Pato Bac1euda do Ccao bullbull to ~ Fnlgetlcla Vasa t 18

The crll11Ilj~~ I~ ~1 lal~ lenlll~t monuo me GILDK PlTUB Bon III (Jraneda bull bullbullbull Do ~ bull 15 O hllito Of tbbull bull piby- BeIIDlllpID bull wen all lnbk A4IIIIaIllrillorO D Stook lIn~b St Jeronlmo middotDo 1600 catlfe ~(lO hore HInhn

the bull t t Gralled yen St 18M Boote ill Graneda Do GuedaiouputMet ~ biublUtyllldellotlllllon mapa ~middotU om e __ - Do domiddot Do _ Domiddot middotmiddot11100 deslrabiek a iiillitarJr poln oC vie the movemiddot otlce Domiddot 40 bull bullbullbullbull Nfcaclo d~1 Qutlilo bullbullbull bullbull 8bull lIlent h111 n~li describe LL pertlOll8 hlnr clallIlII aplta lite tu of QoIrete bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull Do Near lIIalaeo 4jju

J kln 6fGill1eya middotlieon In bamplilgmiddotno- A~o fOllolngllllllled deoeutd plIrtIOIll 111 pre 11o In Qranada Antonio Barheteno bullbullbull ~ ~ U n pea I nHhem to me dilly Inthenlluated 011 or before Stock Ranch El rlldo Do $00 cattle 1~ hollelt 4fi

lated tho ~oodIIl0~8 O~ wblch KOIIulh delegl~ed lito tOth dlr of Deoember 181111 otherwllle th~ lantln Walk bullbull bullbullbull Do ~eer Granada 2 bl power lbo Bele pilbllahoJ the follOlYlDg wlH noamp he IIllowed by Jr I ~ In GratIlIdl Jns Maria EIllrada bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bullbull bullbull bull bull bull ~ quotatl11 bich we are templed to cOP1 aa It B1lOn Cole Wiley lfarahl~ Plantain Walle bull bull bull Do Ncar Granada l II Iii millent p081110n In European afIiIlr8 Robert JlHllkIII Jonaillan WIIecm HOIlBO In M_ 400catrJe fiO hlgtrfle8 4~ Lino CelIr

8 ow 0 pN 1 Dr Gen lie bull gatll bull S K Sackaun George White Stock Rench Clraeol Dmiddot fear San Roque 8 0I

beld by Ollr prlStli g IInto bull And Umiddot perllOol Indebted 0 lite estalel oC Ibe HOlII8 In Gratllld Lnla Montrel e 0 Kt)86utll had middotnot ~Ichd Oro ~pon dlo boTe deCeaeed pereoMl will make ImmedlMo PlY PIMntain Walk bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull Do N~middot VegM 1 (

rOllller befO4 the necouol 01 GOI8O I tIe1lSOD men to Il10 GILBBRl TITUS 1l01llOln Gnadn NAciso Raplnoza 4r ovemok him frOli1 whence togethmiddot wlth 1epl 11bllo Adllllllltttntor 0 D 8 BIJIuln GralUlda bull bullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull fala rlltoa Horall bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull 6( U Dembinkl Kmeuy GI1OO and 1If tbollltlllt~ 11 aranad BtpL SO 1848 Houeeln Granada lOll Ubaotl bull bull bull bull ~

ho puHd lIrollgh Wallacb to Vdbl In IV 1 - Ifulend de Cacao MlloO Tlo bull bull bull bull bull bull t I hefond lIIe Turkhlh frentler nO ee- ROUIein Gramplloda bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ROIIrio Vinamp Granada Hotel 9 ~ wlUle Gorgel bad omred tho gaITiIon of AItt peraoiIII areIIbJ oaiRIed agaiOI bul Do do gto bull bull ~ 0

Colllorn to III1rrender wblch I re~ lIrat to In or lI_solSatlllg flit the fulJOwing 1crIp~ Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Ponelano CoTftI bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbull ~~ d thoul11 entering Ioto neotiatiOll wllh the ~ne 1_ nUmberedmiddot(8G) tbltty-lllr In fayOI of amp do bull Pelar Mil~nco bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull 4lt IIV

A~triu~ Tb~ro were IIDfortuo~11 cmOlPI D lIa)Ie1 tor t810middot Do do~ bullbull bullbull bull Tlo 21 die o1lICltMI lOme dUpes of Gorgea parIoy who 0 1_ nlllOhered (19gt nfnetean 111 fu~Il of Stoclc Raocb 0101 Ito 1600 cattle 200 bor 110 0 were allrlollamp (0 maktmiddotterrM and Ie nolbiug 1188 Wm Baletor 18383 Uclenda do cetlO ~ Do A Malco ~o bean of K_IIlI fonll bull Gorgel bad ~Tel The lJlOye dllllCli1gted IIIitIp Is ~ elldoried by H_In Granado bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Femando ellman bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 0 fro him t~lll0w$tl Ibe f~lrell w Svoo liP me and Pi t Is pioleetiKhUbeoIIlce of the StoolfllAAelt at TOrell Do t600 cattle 300 boraes 12r 10 the AU8Ii1anl with ~~ealipulatloD hat tbe p Mlntaler ~endlaquo DANIIL BArIgtSY HtmfI$ In Granadn jOfoqnllla Iloran bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 6 iison 11(0111111141 1I~wcd ~ loen portion 0r11a a~~Pt Ib 1816 Hclendailo Cacao falaco Do 36 pay and Abould be pe~lltIdtorollreullUolecd HOII lnGrallllda Pedro Seqllenn ~ ~middotO

KOlIlhh~ng bead of tbele DegOtl~tIcm~ David l_raDI Hou-Itl Granarla Yna Horan igend conelilulllg b~~ tho Pwer oelegaled to Oor OFFERS FOR IiALE A hie plate San Seber Hacienda de Cacao ~ Hraor JLSimdonl O ge htd eKed bticlt to bnn on aocouD~ oC he Ian Stre h boG IIh Bee- Stock Ranelt Rcmltee Felipe Oahezas 1600 ClIIUe 9 DOll l1IUI1l1oee of the traitor wltb tbe COLldillona bull 81 on OWIII a bullbull H0I311 In Onnada Miguel rullerllZ i bullbullbull 3m III ateJ iIad bowr dilpttcheltl bull comulmiddot chon Jture SIllc1l RaMbmiddot San Pablo Do liOO caltie 40 alier wIth powerl and illitIlCllonB 0 prottll~~ 10 bullFlour Vb~e~ aIll11~fe=~n~hlt Do do HeCled r SelayoampDIejltraa 260 cattle 400 nOllle8 20 tho U~I t~ dB~nee of CO50rn bull Oilnltte blide~~I Ale ampDd p~ Do do ChllamlII10 Leandro SelAYo 600 caltle 50 horBeI ~o deg

That po 1fhlch he cotld oalr give ~ di Itelrt WI CIa) pipes Ifoo ln Guada bullbullbullbullbull Dolor LejaTftl bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull 0(raquo GOYemo ofmiddot Hunprl feN counteralgncd bl un~T aD b a lltoek Rancllmiddot Qlebda HODd~ Dr bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull (jollll Q-iiili BfodlaDyl TlIe Comlllieajone or ermaOlfjl bull Do 40 olnquto Do ~600 entUe 200 b01808 bull bull bull bull

lta1lL hilWA to (lqwtrll when fortr-lIIIf Recorder Oftice Do d SoIn Jampclno Miguel BolallOlampBroa 2500 caUle GOO horaee 1~ renderedmiddot bull __ __ De do San Francleeo tm~ 20

Thia oommkttoloner delegaed mlb aupreme Tml Ollloltofth B_ofDeeda lorICgeB Las Hampderae Do ~~OOO cattlo 200 bOae~ m oiflhlld mUtanpoer W baY8 reaampoD to kilo lIcrorthe OrieItIi D~ofth RolIbo -Do do ~~ Rolille ATUezIICluIlIIOrtO 801)0 cattle 1100 bol8ell H i wuUuolll Vae lIampbor of the pampblet JIoDi 110 will he optlledln thecltl of GranAda on _ HOll~ III Granada bull bullbull bull Do bull bull bull bull 41 bull fbIeh we C been 10 largely 1IlI1ftc1h1g daJ the 8th oampptlm~ 18~G1r ~~-r ~tlIk I_ncb s~ Blu Domiftlo Jarqllin TOO caUe 100 horae$ II lboup 1I1) boll a reteh 011 boreehaekhe aqutred by D_ to e ~__~~J ~dlin ~ fin do Tenabona )fillller Alvarado 600 cattle 100 horaOlll 6 ~ OOlIld nlltIumiddotImemiddot Illach lIIe fronlel ror middotwhlob Ibe toreNIdD~Dt re7GlLLm Do~ do COrplil Chrletl Menue Gltcia 600 CtlUle 100 horeetl 4~

putpOtllmiddotU waii ntCelllry to pili ~e lllrough monirdetteforthOriealll~t Do dB sm6ntonlo Tillloteo Lacayo 800 caI~Io 60boraea 8~O the 1ntL ~ 1 H_IIlGranadltClltolayorr _~v

Had ht dOlI10 he Wlamp J)led~ no to liltmiddot Oranadaj - $711301d Camont ror fU InOlIIte lid would haTe N ti T 0 l IJ I u

~n~rHn 900 Auatrial P~~8fII whQIU he 0 ee Together willi lorl) or fifty FarJU HQu- amp0 1 Iho Depar~ent of BIYa8 Iued at ~ ill ol1lltbave hold aa hOllagea for theeMnmiddot the I WILL give Uberal ~wvd to a01 person who three hundred to onll thollllllld doU_ ~ ttunJilt1nn clilefti-to th Oil thle incldenl hluged bull will tlUll to m) etore my Ledger Book II A btrge portloll of tho abue poperty 18 situated Idlin als houra ride of San Juan del Sur Vlts in tb tate of Moul BadlYllllyi udOrmiddothla COlllpan~ Will pIIIaed from lIlatore during tlielate attack Bay Rirulan Gorg NaDdBlme and Deriomo and the remalndu In Granad tnd ObOlltaea Iollllinmlafllflllland~nn1lirt1rdo I _ftbull~ _ 18 1866 1IA TllOllAN JOHN MYLARD MARSHAL bull

Tho fold(r~ of tbo garrison broke ~h1r milmiddot _ L i bull

F NlCARABllENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 1 sabado 1de Novtambre de lasS Saturdav November 1 1856 323


lEI NIC AU A GUENSE1middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotL bullbull 1 ~ bull =L~ bull


[OFFIotAL) If ~lIdortOollliull8loned Oc~ 8 rROamp FrrltltiNr4tt~ ~- Olear OrOllltoy II 9 DbullBamey Woolf COll1mlllliolled April 28 1S6f

REGISTER UI1l1M1U R barlfa Tylor lI_y 28 OF TUB Artlllit CoInIor1 GOmlUluiouElt AtgIIII lit l8G~ JollaW AndmlOn II June 21

amprotul lAl1Ilmdm ThOll F Wright Jul N lOA RA G tJ A A R lY O~O~e Von Hln oolllmlttdloncd Sept 211 18$GbullbullJoho MbullGilCIIu AUg

Newton l Webb I April 10 M T Neagle Sep~ JII OIlllIRU CO~IIfIIDINO IK OIIlB R LaIlIb Se~ u William NnrthWige ()cj y

William Wlllite 6 IIlft11et II 95 ~1 Lil1llmIt1lt bull did aCltlmp 11l1li1 8411u4lOlf 0111I11T nTILLUI Georg~nll8ti oblllillil8ltMd April 1 bullbull lIIN

aCajl Inlr lfahon e1Inlillealooed Jln 20 18lil _L MIIgtI lames bull T 1roe u May 9t

H F Pilled Matcli 81 - A Dltl1gtwarj2 comlllillgtlioll~d OclOber 18 11166 fm K PMliv~ II May 26 II

W81 P towl II il~ 1 CaptaIn Jbull~ ampnaford Julr IJ II II 0 W GIs a OJ 18~ Getlrge B elllllld IlOlI1mlllllloned Occ 18 1868 VJlIIm H Toler A_g 11

bull bull D U Dulaney II I_mea S Jldfe u 8op~ 25 DIItODIIIR OINEIIUII 8oeqrulIMui_t Joho M Wtllngtonmiddot bullbull Oat 101

Comer o Homeb commlllioned Jats 12 19116 John Crowell commluloned Sept 11 18118 BeuJamln Hardla 00 y A (lamp Cui O Staehle Occ ll4- Firat Lleutonant Jamel Small 1Il~lLlOI or UIIOIIIIamp a_liD ATTJtl01 O~ IKAlrIar

Birkett D Fry eomriliAiolled 6pl 16 Mqjor J hn A J ColtitUeOamta Joho P Wtel1 conomllllloaed J1IIII 18 1866 0 aqu~ commlolaiOMd]lIne 18 186amp

I bull R T 80 d igt LiMNat CIltm4l2dbull L GU bullbull c e corum 1 I II vilpt4lI1 Leonldu MCIntosh co isoiI ed AlII 19

L Nonrell Walker comllllllo~ Aprill 11166 M On 111middot O middotF Henningsen comDlfaaloned Oct 19 Robert Ellr Jllne 11 lien D_ n_ co l1~ft d A IA (~mp R W Plck ~nl ug j O_n mUlne ug 18l16bull

~ bullbull ~ A bull - bull A4iaJUmiddot Johu 8 FlnOlllJvfl Lieaftt Oct I 2d Lleut E H OIat~~i~88d JIlOO 18 18~6JDJOILIIT o~lIuJtlI I)BPtIIIIIIIITbull

lIltfut Q_ol W A Rhea cOlUlDmlsaiQQed August III 1816 Ja_ Umiddotmiddotmiddot- eomlDlealnomiddota Amiddot12 1middotmiddot~middot-001 Ph RThompson CODIIIIlMdFllb 1I18G8 w H Lenl 92 - ~ ~ Ilamutl -L October 1 J1l1$16 Dreux June 1~ tulffilt t4illtattl eMal JAIIIIe Lewis D WIlIkInS II AIIjI it IiUajor G R OMtoQ coDlmluioned occ 2amp ampcotul lMutma1ll Bllrale Bell II ~

ll1DQII IlgtvOOJTli OBMW ThomJ)lOn 1lI00u _liIlened JIID8 11118118 Lewis E GIIU1 se t 2lt bull T U Hewlett II Aug l6 p v

dbulltWllftt J+ o44u9cat OIJ W I Qukll~ II III It lIf Ll~1

11 llmiddotitar ngtitn~t~ ~_ i


Poet-Ollie Building OWEN DUFFY Ageut

y u ~~_~ 4 Ilrllil F D _ t

i bullbull en AWARD of THIampfi DOLL4RS esol will Ie Lieut J W

fOt appheDaloll aud dell (tu of thG Army) of t~ofollowI118 named 2d Lleut Wm ltP-t

from Company A Firat Jlltampntry Balta

[--FJS_ RIOH Aged Illyeare II r~elO In hAir blue o)eB ruddy cOlllploxlOl~ i() pound Occupalion baker

bull GLIDDON Aged 28yeara 6 feet high falr clllllpletIon IIllhthair blue largo feet and 10llg tlnlterod-bullbullellhl

bull 8

Oapt M bull 1 FlIIOr comt1lampIontd July is 18111 lolln Coo COInlDialloned Jlloe 18 1864 bull rllIII JlJTTJUOK or 1U1II8 AndrbullbullBrady Au 22

IMIIHCTO_ GIIIKIJL I)amp~TIIIIII bull clod GlOIge W lIa11er II Oc~ 18 Impector eIII~ BdwlIId I SaIldm COIIIIIIIadcme4 AprO II 18lS6 Fnnclsco IIotb II IS

CoL Bruno Hlltsme commlsalond NOf 12 18114 U~ CoIltm4l 1IlId LiNt bull Tler OUwllllt ~m~edl ll 18 8uluel a Allin c~mluioDed lflllOh 118116 B D lIorre~ comm~olled Au ~3 [8116

_ _ y fIlor J middotW Oonkhn OOl 18 qlllllTllalllAalllllS JlnuTIIIJII Johnmiddot O ONtII commflMoneli AprD 11 lRIIf BeDJlllllln Beechler U 18 it

Q_~III bttal o4~ L A Clark IIC 18 Col ThOll Fisber commiJalon~d 4prlll 1858 8 LIeut ~ Lathrop commlad lau U 8156

ttll Qiulrtnnw OMiMl ~ peUlliATIOJlll Lieuamp 001 Wm K ROlieJlf comd Ocs Y G W1l Leonard ool1UDlaIIooed AOtII UllSIf hI LIeuL B ABlltcbl Com et ampI1t np

QlUlrUrmallllll [Brevel 011 tile 11011 ()cj ILl Allgua I IS5amp [~or Thamp Benry CltJlIIlI88I0oed Oct 18 Co B J poundavail 81ilh COlIIIIlIud April 181bullbull 20d LIeut Thoml8 8tackh- 204 JalaaWy Ali-II Will HIIIria 23 C ThOt Dolan June 18 gill 11 1868

ampJdlanlQlrtmnalttl__ _ D B D )teCh_a II July e bullbull 2tcUJant D O F~t 18 RlIIH AcuR 2SCapl Wm II Wilhll_oomd Nov 10 18115 1- H A JObnlObe u i1 1866 BeltJ W Bamml Aug 4- 1858 G DamplIiel Oampgai OIl 4- tlld Lleu- W B Hen Inljleeor Ola IMPshy

Andrewa flmiddot it ~i r JObn Iwh1l1a II bull II Au~ Sll lBIamp Juh Y Price Oct 18 B J-- DIllUlicaAL O~ II 1 LleUI E 4 P~iI IUb lhtpIIQpL 11 middotJIIIO

April Imiddot lIfr lMI4u~ ~nd A A Moora lal IlII1 lug 21i liIH MUiI Slo~ 00 B Le R Latimer com d 4prD ie 1811 SUfReoD Wm H sun4eN Aupt 26 IUI6

W~m B WY~ K Bob P Gardner II Allg so Alor 10hn II bull 1111f1iba1~ Judge Ad Oel Au 8U88lIllIIIlOJ DllIBTilUT D AIa~ Anderson bullbull ~ 119 1868

Oommiry Qfmlllal Sutdluu A Wm H MIh Sept 11 Cp~ John Wmiddot amp7dr 11lUJIea Aug 81 1864 Col Georg B Hall commiufoned Jul i6lS~6 F -- - Oollllay Ii O~ 4- cpt II E Bradley TrAn ~llle SepUs 18nbull

tm44t110ilmmiuarp (I_I G -- LoUhamDler 111 Lieut A MePilIO lsI 11111 Occ Y 18GI MIor BIIIlj Y Or1Ie comlllissiond July Il Cbu H Welt II Oct 114 Capl Douglas JWllkhia(untcbd)ept 80 1861middot

Aulatll aommulIJrUu Subfm 811111plet WlUlalDeon ~ u U L Jilglehan tigtd Ioftolry 2) 11

Occupation tailor alao fruit deal~r Capt W H LyonS commisaloned Aug 1 1866 amp-d LiwfmlId R S WiUIIIlII 21ld RltIotI Oct 8 U

S LOUIS OOHEkT Aged ~l feetmiddot inchet leI Lieu~ W H Buttrick II 00 D Th_ Cbloh_ eornd April 1 185amp LIeut Col F bull P Audel D las Rilles Oet_IO bull 185$

l08o-welgbub9ut 195 poullda Oecupti~n 0iII Jame S Wet laquo I B tllke J _orr JIIIJ 6 Capt Cbarlet A Gore 2nd Rillea Oct 18 1811 bullflaquob rir comple~lol1 hlue er IIgh halr large Henr1 C Wall I E lb0i Y JllolIrnoy Ha12b

penwi bull 0 John B Moo Sep~ 11 2nd Mllllt M S Oro 18 PATRIOK H YS IrI- d ~III)IO DIPUT)lBff i David A Lawton It Aug 11 J G SIIDllllerll Out Is4 bullbull bull an mall Age 21 SIIrgetJ GI 1Il II ~d lUllet

JW8 G luet 4 il1cb~ blgll qotlt qGmplexion dlllle (with 110 rallk of COlonol) G Clayton Billllialr 011 8 1868 bullbulli dtrk 6et-welghs about 1411 pounus 00 F DIICj ONeal 4 2nd Lieut J W PolklIl1d Inlltnlry Oct 20 18~ ClIpalllll IdhOler BVrgtcll 6 H Ubrbrook Itlaquo it J M Williams 2nt Rill Oct t I 111shy

6 OLJVEl (JROMWLL Ag8l182 years 6 (wlthbo rok 0( lIaJor) B WlIas Allen II Oet JI 6 A H wl~y 0010 Dept 2518116 kef 6lnches high Ught tomploxloll Ugbt bilk John Dawson 4cllng 8middotG oomd NOT 14 18116 n ell Wilkinson 21 II Oapt J V Hoolf AilSt AdJt Gen 28 1856 lIiIudl wblakera hazel yell-weighs aboul 140 O S Coleman coblmleslooed April 28 1556 __III) BtnttIOIi or amD llcsignlune-III1 fOIld OecllpuioR millwright n T Roalon lep 18 (JolOftI

_ClIARLES W KltuGER flapt Comdg Jamea ellulII 00 111 Jobn Allee cOIIQlIIIlloned June at 1866 I)URII bull (0 A 1st lulQty BaLllLlion BurpOIl aM Anitalll Smiddotgeo bull LiNluta1ll CltJlI Capt H t Witter A llltant Adjutant General

pOlt Serapaqui 8op 26th 1856 0 twitb the flnk of Captain) bull Idmlllld II HoDonald commlllld JIIG 18 18118 2nd Lleul Wm M Rogera lat InamplIlry--r-----------L-- J Geli8ner eommlllSloned Jan 91856 Major Li~ut OoL Byrollmiddot Cole Aeltlatant QU~flenlluler 1 Dllvid 1Ilnllg W G Sicigh bullbull U W P (Jaycee comOllllllioned Ua11 166 General killed at San Jacinto

O~RS FOR ALE at hia pl~ee San Sebas- A Callahan Val 30 middoto4ltfultmt 2nd lieut n A Milliken 1 Ri4es killed t sen

lIan abeel OIlD boUlle abov~ U Ph Be OWDI LHLuSeondy JUlie IS IMLleulJ W Kllllacmdorf comd Oct 1818l6 Jaolntebulldie a litore eor$amp tI UI ()ttpt Oapt W Pmiddot Jartls 2nd Rift died from wOllndi

lhlto-Nf Oandl~ Hackcr11I Olive i I~IIUlf Aug 26 CoO Jolin B Otee bull middotCOllmla$d June 21 18G6 reooied Sao Jaciuto e Wolft ro~tlc8ebledanoSehnappl bullbull IU onall Oct 28 A John F llecgtrch Oct 18 CaptJ H WlUiamaon drowned al Vlrglu Bay

bull Bltte Phlladelphlll 110 and Porter Pol DlIPtBTlIliII B DenJ M AndorfOn it 16 lind Lleul H l lhemRn died from wOl1ld reshynan Alld bilIa Wie Claypipes loynuulw Ofmoral Ii ~ ceived at Ifuata Ocl 114 middot18M

lerlll eh 001 Alex middotJonu commlssiOlld Feb 8 18H Edward O HIIIf naCerrd fMm Ordnance Demiddot LlOnt Col F A LalIIO 4 h c tarharolrbull p tulNMII PlaquoyltlwlII ptl1ment CODllllleslone4 -ug U l85G murderd b1 the med forces opoeed to tbili

T~ O I ugUld III ost 2d Llout J Fiemlng conmlsaione4 Aug 4 S middotS McElroy Oll~ lS OoYelllDlcllh IJlhollt propOllng Itn excbango

DgltS IllS S~HVI9ES 10 Ih citlllns flI OII)AIIOI DUAllfllBllr Imorul LfMfnaoll of priaOneri _rdlig 10 the uaagee of war ~anadjl and vlcmllY III h praete of Ulior E W Rawle commissioned Jul 14 1966 N T~p OOll1tuiu1ooed October 81856 lit Lleus JulllIIIKeilkUled In action at San J

u mOINE SURGERY amp MlDWIFERY Hellry I bullbull POller bull it 14 Eo H 01018 II 8 clnto bull 2nd IlelltW W ~der killed in aClion at SaIl om and OlIidcnce on the lOulhw1 Capt JJfrori Swln~le AprO 11_ J T Booo 18

~r of tbe atleet oppte b _ __ lal Llel~ Il A Carllar Oct 18 I B Vaughan 18 Jaelllto _ 0 0 1amp1100 2d Will B Ulte II Benr1 Hlnea It 18 middotDealba-l0

ent OWG bull ad June I 1 86r 1III0I11UII COIIP raTe _ i - --- Oaptain 1II8r IItTTUIOIi or IlfFJIITIlY J)BOPPBD

i lntitmiddote E c F Ucsse cOlllnllaaioned October t 18fill lt011 cpl A U Hirsh August 0 1866 iL PERSONS hlulng clalma against tbo 8A~IIIU11I1) 11111amp11amp John B MlIIkham commlaa~onod October 10 18511 U A B Wulklll8 AogWltU Ig10

Al ealamp~ of tho following namod deooa8ltlol or Jrft L~lt Lieut ~ 181 Lieut 8 W QuayAug~1I9la5t1-werod I()ulwill presoul tb~m to DIe dulll1uthentieated flonr) O Porler ltmmisslOllou Oct 18 1866 A francie Rudler comllsaioned May Ill l81Samp 8urgtlUII p N lugrahan Sept I 1866 til Or baforo the 1I8b~ay of Dec 1866 otherwie SltCOftIl LilllltJIt lldJfJ1 Brig -Gell 1) de GoiC(lurl Ocl 19 i858 Iht~ will be barred h1 law C DeuulaE lIayuee commissiolled Oct 18 l~e W_ Raymond colllmlaaloned Hay 1218113 Dropped-5 1 CHARLES GORI)EN J K hgall 21 o44IId1ll bullI

I CHARI1tS OALLAHAN OfFIIIIU lINJlTJCIIED ind Leut Fred W JeIeCOlli d lpnl U 18118 n command of WlLLIAM ALItER1ULlUS KIJlL Ooltmll FraIl B OKeef cln~od A rlll 185 GeneIrolllmaUdlngmiddotlnuh~middot 11 pel8Oll8 indebteu to tho eeatee of tho U B Skerrett commillSioned lanltllly Ill 1850 James 0 JOJtUsone f is

ahor c deceated pereaa111 make homodiate pay CaptaiN OhllL B 11 II Pa R THOIlHOiI AdJ Gelleral N A t to lIIe GILBEltl TITU6 F UoncosOIl commllllloned JaR 28 1~8middot FrInk i ThomPecm June 2~ Headq1ampli~rI lfthe AltII1

Publlo Adnilllstriltor O D J Egbert FaIllUDI middotFeb I II Charlea A Waltere 8op~ II Adj General 08ce 8ept ~7 1866 W J Merryman II JlIDe 18 BIrarn BIlIIIIlII II Sept SIl G~ Oct is 1860bull

325ELWICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 3 Sabado 1de Novlembre de l8SS Saturday November 1 1856

- shy

I(OUTINU OlljlONIOLE FILtiloita P1l1GRuTbe Dime of amphept ~EJ[INIE A~M - elttie~middot~~~~M~r hi~Ibtmiddot~ 8I1~C~herortbo pteellhiplraottohoPreal- Vlo~PCOUI amlPletwillb~llIeaodioJurebull U denlW chair of Ibe United l116tee IIM Jolhn FlU- The CoDoltlng rtlmub upon iho Wled th- et alanaing liq~ean~ h6ldiifg mu~eHighCly III d~ f h ~Ilv w a L dmiddot f Bri II B Ihe8boulde aoldierll lite h whoutmiddot aurilljlJ

Dlor~ an a ler avlng hoen bull long tIme In ~ ea m e peu 0 en m- tb kl n k f ~ L Rlla 1- Id I I rom e - bull 0bullbull e 0 I e lln 1_eaplllIy b plrat tiled lIpon a farm In Conmiddot bull n n- on lapr uponevIlr10er 1 when loaded ~Iamph elonty~ve pina of rifte PO-DecdClUI where be ended bla daya NathanIel tho NIlIIl1Iguan Army to road carelnU or ell I~ der endllot rammellmiddotI tt1 Jlillcb leU thtb Flllmortltll _ amp100m hautOt htlndrelland oul bullbulld e6mmit it to momory h I a olea anel or the lIu8kel bllt 11111 too great 10 l)e 6redflOBl

eMy 1-alio When ayoutll be mom to lucid daeJriptlon or the manner ill whlcb amphe Ylni4 ~vrilu~~~~~ ~iiI ~~ ~J~i Verlllon and alded at Bennln~I1 WMtIl b should be M amplid m ampl1 repoy all tbe lI eqWl and holditlght to middotIbbullbullhl)uldbullbull Ihe r bullbull

fho ~Ct beteen Col $andbullbull i Old TOIII IIlId 11 r ltlay~eoq II 8tck Billy chronicled lut week I whlcli 011 Tom wal deolared a ylctor atartcd the 8po~tlnlf men ef tho city and this weft $ IIno hall aoveral asciUllg IIl1d ciofOl _let~ ruCtbullbull middot

On l edu-May ovolIIIIII a moteh was made lind run b woen Oape OcorgltJ Giel Ba alld MA jor Cfty4ecs II Black Billy Distance 400 ards fQr IWG hundred dolla Black Billy n on h7 K clqar engampb

Tho ext-on the me eveninll-IIu a conl t ~IWcel (l18t ~ay nd a d k grey ollJled by BlIvet 1I1lJor LeommJ This race was a try tlOampO~o-ite hors flllming side b1 Ide tbe h~lo tauee Gletmiddot be e as evldolltly overshyweiSb d bleh rul~ed In OllllSillg hDI to lOBe Ihe rA by a dialanee of only a lew feet

The eitt 11 II race Ileween MII)r Caycee u U1Ck~BilY and Col JUlIee middotu (re EMgle The IU ~et upon tho hoN1C8 eltCeed~d lin huushydrM do l~rlI A good llat wbullbull obtained and the hora 01 neck alld neck about lour hundllild yrds ~en the groy began te crawl a IiHe ahesd nd at be winning poet earnll oul n8lll11 holt II I ustb In dYaI08 Bolb boraes appeared t~ be I Chit IIce maoaged well but at Ihe end Ihe lid appfared 10 be In doubl as to wbleb Wamp8 III laater animal and a Dlaleh for two thoushyIDd d Utp Wal eWeeted on the lIeld bylbe Ame horaee llh chanRe of rlders~11 came 01 lhe DeXI ( urad ) evenlol( and Ihe Grey won

Coa UTIOtf or rRIl EIIrllloa or ioU 1111

R~881 e- Bhortly after ill amphe ahlatan had taken hplr pllOea til lfaater of COIemonlel raleed Ia liand and IAfe n ordor In RlI88Ian wbete pi)n tile trumpetl blt9l oul InlO a wild IIId i ln8 8ouah the herald ~ised their Noell In Ibe Ilr and II hllvi~g uncoyoted their _dl pile of Ibe Becretolri t4ll4 tbe prOtlalllashydon w~i~h i8 redem into Engllell 018 folio

Our Inry aUgUStlery high lind ve pulNttOI r Aleunder Nicolalevleti belnll tIlrone of bls anctors heb 18

lIIISiu as ell u upon tt(lSt of Poland and of amphe GrtUld Duchy

of Finlauit which aro Insepllrable t1middotorp II hAA deiW16il to order LDllt the eoronrlon of bls 1m perial iljeS~ nnd his Olltb Bbn lake illace on 1M 2 III of the monlh I Augu~t bis augU1lI epouro lie mprola I1kro Alqxandrovnl pllrtlelmiddot

bull ad celllmooy Tub 8I)lemll Ael the preeut pr~1anltiu 10 all

to the eld that on this hppy redouble ttelt feVotin theil pyera

g of King tba~ Ho middotm spreld by His _ VOlfer His faTO8 dmiddotbl bullbullsinll ou tfiO

reign ~( hi DlaJeat ~t1d tllrougloul it duration Ito nu~y mailltaln peace lind ~Ianquility to the glor) ~f Ills holy nAme and fogtr tho 1I11111terablc prosit of tit emplro

Wl~l ON loLlTlcs-EvelbOly knoYs WilIi8 -Iho peet nll~lky edilor or Ibe lIomu Journal 110 btl III)td matty good Ihinge In his life and tbe following upon politlrs lIod political cRndldltltlli Is bull ot OJtull b~tter ald lh ptople of IgtlcaragulI iU6ppreellltJill

I lind mylolf for Ibo flut tlmo middot111 tn life Inshylml~d for political candidAte or I hould ~1l1r[~IIY perhp~ In 1 Candldalo wililoUl hi politic I II1vo bltberto (10 account S(lDlebat rolllm apparent want of aImiddotlotlsm) thought tbe eount under a hend bioh iliad almost any Ilcor g safe enough It loomed 10 me of vcry liWo IIsnllnoe (10 anybodr but I)m~ oekers) wlulth r 1 whig 1ll1 domocrat wu at the holmshypllblt opluion besidlli being llOgether too wide l~ak hlo ollcated a Olgtnlry for Qlther a blun ~er or l lin of pilotage to b more tban opproadltd So 1M plnlo ft8 this confidence In Amerleas do loSee vlJlol QIUIC)rrllCll1one or bull coo8tilution Ibat ( lIuld lOU beliovo il P) I I~ver Tilted In m tire y

B It wlLh ampho ecnla of the lost year 0 t 0

uoi th n tho intellect oC lbo country at r rk UPOlIlt be grellt queallol8 t IS8ue it would be hard

loge blind 0 Il)len8iblc And yeto

raised a family 01 lis children all but one of pllDI 111111 pmlllil whOm lunln II dnDcM agee anraging oter Di tl U I h VI I ntA b ree ODS lOr S Illi t 6 IU n6 l1ltw6 ~ y ye

Nalhllni1 FIllm_ amphe fatller ot Ibe 4IPra~- [By OIlIllR 01 fUll JoIiIUIiDIlINI(Cillllr] dtnl yet aMieI in Iht elllbtymiddotblh year of bll -_ ge Ho hili been a lAIlUer thougll lite cult oaOkUOE OFFICE l vtlng bia IlllIdamp wiamph hie OWII handa unlil the OllAlIIJgt~ CklObe 28 18H f bull bull bull bull TI U I DA t I h N gt_ mllrmlties 01 ago dISable him Hia mdUIIlriOllt 6 iWU u 1 WI n t 0 _-SIIIl un temp~raw and hnpl~ babill alll6d to A cbeertltl tho American Klnl6 H Is dl~nguebed IlOm the

Fronch BI11leh and RU8IIlun lfiDl6 by amphe IlIperlshyand bopeful mind hA~e secured to him eontenmiddot Oflty otllS sight ThplMa In wbleh tbo noteh II menland a happy and green old ~o n Was iled fOltbe backllthl whlll peoaed between tbe

~ b d 8 Imiddotf U I bOIn in nonnlngtoll Vt and realded tlloro unlil be arrived al IMlhood

bull Near tbe cloae oi the lUI centllly 6he ptIIQlIlI

eml~ted to the Ih wilds or Wesleln New York Tbtl ere among tllo poneer seltlen of Ibat dilrlct of ooUnlrmiddot1I01 aparl for bounly landa

to the aoldtere or 1110 reloIullon knowD as the new mllimr tract rheir IIrBI 100000000n lIIIlu amphe original townlhip or Locke tblt pan of It no cOmp ialng ibe IlIwnahlp or au lime bill in lhamp

bull bull r pnt COllllt of Oa1u$ A slDdt rrm waa purchased In Ihe primeval fort and Iheir enrshygiea lIIl dppllM 10 clearlogAld aubduing n 1M middot In - h III prep g il tvr a 6me Herbullbull III an blllllble log cabin atnld Ihe wUdneaa of nat wiamphla hearing orlld bIa alld Ib8 _nd of the w ed man as Millard WIIS born on he nh of Jan shyMoo bull IIr7 bull

Millard Flllmol( receled a rudlmeDteledlloO tlon In a COIIlltr ecIoolhouae amplid whell et aldmiddot was 0middot_1 clerk In drY gooda 1101 and

ono of particular Inleroll _

r A ~I)rrespolldent or Iho BAllilnore SUII

II t1811 (IOIll amphe White Iulpllur Sprmllbullbullbully Wo have a iva a1lthoress two hundred (~pllllk Ing in round numbeltl) prof9sloualgftmblIf olle bundred membera of Oonellll Alld aboul one

hundred oamphel1l cf equall- doubtlll1 ~eplIltlon besiden membel of tbe New JerHY Leglgtlhttllr~

A N~w SPIO-lhe pltell~ ballot-box of olishyfornln bat 110 learn b1 ilist IIdvlceB betln aold for upward of Ibr thousand dollars fur amphe pllrpose of ethibitlllg it to he minors previous 10 the po plOllching eleclioll h i4 11 Iho handa of Ibe Dellloeflta who espeo to IoUill i~ to good account In Slumping tbe Stale

bull tr lhlolln a celebrated Frenth phf8lclAn It

is ~Id watkabl f~d 01 drugglnJ Oncu htVlOg a patient IIbo diluenlly ad punety swalloed all the 80114 110 onlerlld be W S(l demiddot

lighted at seeing all the vllUa lind pili bo~ empiy bet he hook him by tbe band exolalmlng M d~lr air It really aWords mo pleRsure 0 IIttend you and 70U 4t1lOl 10 be 1111

wurn an nger ( n e Arneriean m) up and down owl wben kpl properly oiledWlterebullbull bed It malllll IIIonary U _ as Ih~p_o of tile thumb and linger ceaeee and doea Dot link by tbe ooncullllon 01 the piece ID lIlng The ghl plall of Ihe French and BrltIah fmle II very atlff 10 Il101 If cloaely titled and If 100 enough 10 Ok euilyls apt to IIIId6 do )7 continnM IIrlDg bleb U Dot observed b1 ampho IOldler Ill mate him Ire ene or 110 or h_ hundred yards abort

The Alinl Rift elltued to the Nicaragua Armyrallg 141)1 )ardL or ahofl dia~_ I haa Dot

06- ~ amphat diltllllClt n 0 d bull d rl_aflelward turnM bis altenlloll to law The Th I II bull I bit __ rid III l re all - Isn lllquHlI I 5 era 0 gneraliy of readers afO acquainted lib hla powderbull Tbls dIart1II cootened In tho llatka === iIIbstquenl CMer 1Uud bl moving die charger of tile lIak 10 Ille 00101 Wise or Vlrglnl bullbull In a recene

aeoond Iiotcb It Is al80 contalt)ed In til eartrdgee speooil concernillg Ille Millou Cumpro1ll8e IIl1ti bull luuedfrom the OrdDllIoeOlllee 1 Ihhl da said The coal or nOlrunulng that hntou

Ibe aceulllOl of tbe ordinary rlfte That Ie to dllt_ on ab_Ugtlltnown to them bUI kno 01gt to ooe hundm yarde Bllt up co 0118 hUll to th luatructol who bould keel a NeoN III dmrarda 1amp IIiU pul ev shot InlO a eIteI 0 18 their obullers whereby the captain or II compa07 Inchee dlallleW1wblob is IlIlBclelll for war pur- would be able to dlslingulsb Ib080 bo pOlWeaaed poses aa II 11011 d hll 110 enelll1 1D amphe upper paH the greatesl lO4 1114 leaat judgmen~ in tIislDlshyof amphe body At onllamphoulandrarda Ih_ rilIea tel 110m men aN found to poseea lI uallllab 11111 Pllt went ttow out of Ibllyln a targr sen In hlch doG t ne acquire it b pracd~fe wid batt 111gb On lhe 26111 Lleue Bart others noe acqlre II though they may maDmiddot wllh n mea 01 amphu Second BllIes Ilml 1m) goo abote The I)e8t tried Judg~botyendthellgto efght rounds flom Ib~ gnu a fenr hundred f_ (~IDamp to rules aflerrds 10 oe __14 dbianee at a lIlIIte lit amphe We lhougb down) regulate lhe dllttance AI wbleb amphe ltb Brlag amph_ guilt for the lint time eleven mn pa1J In acllon aholoI 8el the Iglu8 of ampheir rillel GIlt of the rortyelght ttow 011111 h been hit C F HENNINGSEN Brig Gen

A VIOILUT 1M TllOIIJlLII-A Mr Colemaoamphe and amphOBO whoprefer till meaauHlI mit obtelD amphe President of tb~Som Frallci8eo Vigilanee Commit- same by requiAlllon II amphe OrdnollceOllee lee lately arreated In amphe elly of Iiow Yor( Ilunfortuoately happenM tllal the lJepIIIImtlt at ho suit of man nf tbo uame of Halon ho WIll forced by clteum8lallooeto 18100 lOme ot lOOn lIunbullbull and to Ptlt IOgeamphor cartridges before the

waa bamshed by order o the Committee from oeCleaal1 IWI~uclon8 bad 1Illvod Henao amphe caUrQlltmiddot4 Mr Malon IlIIrIll8~ lhe li(lWmiddotmiddoteaiUiilgeillillfiltColltillileil aUbuFtlfellt gralllS Yllk Bvenlng POlt his onUI) Innocence of en crime or oWnee and lthtrges Ibllt the parileo middotho bull mpmollcd IUId banished hint dlil80 tram ntampllclnua moUvoa mrymiddot aiid 10 goi rid lIf an lICtio c11t zoin wbo condcnmed and esisted the llrocGelloge of tho Corillllte~ middotanll WM about 10 10 lealioony

bull 6 in tile Unltell Sillies Courl at San lranelllCo III n proceeding whicb h middot since resulted III the InUetshylIIent and hnprlaonmont or IWamp melnbe~ of the

f bull

orgAnization at San Fraucisco ~r PlIlcI

to9 much tKlwderbull Ihe effect of which as 0 make IIiIrllI~ kick ~d to burallo bell lberebI dealrolng ftecouNey

lho nlnl6 Rille bill Ole tho ordln ritle tle advlltap Ihat Itma be 1000ded more easily and rapdl h ~ IlIaded wlamph tl~actll tho IIIIUQ rn pldl~y andfaCllty as the ordinary mllllket

Tho ~o llloat Important pollll8ln tbe jedloloUII use 01 thomiddotBinle relo1O Ibo imulIer of loading andto tho IllDner of holdllllllhepleee


To lond ampho 1I1n1~ Plumiddot In the charge of pow Tho question of ho lhls But Will bo settled Ii dcr put Illmiddotlle ball rgtiamphout pap hutllcr If III~

doe lip In CIImiddottrldge d plI tbu ball ImUle wlllloul nhllng Illltliit cI ~hu puwdr-Wbell il1GAUh ilo powde llitllduv IMI1I rod Itllout nen giving ouo amiddotuk~ tIwill 0Il11111~ke Iho pillCo kickbullbulllnd IIOY

coil I tun felt at all mil m~D ualoR 1M pleoo properly ma II Olla hundred ro~nda llholilrecelYing thll smailest braise or feellug Ibe leasl IOreneae

PUcnICK Wml I1l1U1 The proper lact to acllee tbe BinloS fit firt

Ie At Inob~ecton tbea~ beeansuh eIfCI or eve bOII8 Been For thr pllrlo II threemiddotlIIailea have boen plaoed on Ibe lako III lb water amphe two outer flake belug ten f t aparl Thll cel 1ft slake ill tbe h t 10 aim at The etlceil ~I(

h d- 0 eo h b (lne un yrds froln t e abol two und arde from theaborelhrbullbull more atakea Ire plfteed three btll~red yardo Ihroe 1110 takes avdao onup to onll toousand l abulldmiddot

JII1I9111G DtflmiddotUlIOIIbull

WheD holIer the sllooter knowing Ihe dill lance aI whleh be ill fring hOl8 Obtained eudlelenl proticlenoy II I 81111 ne_~y (in order 10 hlaeapon 001111 Ihe bid) thllt he abou14 l1Ian eaIooate known dlatao_ oorreellroampherise if he bas ligbted too ~igh or 100 low he may conllnue to aboot ~er Or under in the t1eld herll freqllt1y be - ~ot aee where 0of bla aholll 81rikee 10 correet hla etro~ On this accouo$ men sho 1d bit plBCllo1 10 guess at

If) lIccurae of the Ihot ~llher by pulit Il~ laquoO~ in PQ8tmiddotOlfice BuDdmg ~hapeof the ball or II) kllIin~ ) I HI-bullbullI bullbull ofo I 1866 IrOll cap whleh It cunulllli1 11 h lt~ plJlldce toIliPputO Ihat allY lt1111= T I E 1 O xrWK~ So I IUllnZQ Wl UtIIDLW not ramming nOlll provlltllllg th e~t tmiddot Kew~II oiande ampI Alandlln mON thMlI Ce IlIcbermiddotuhe IC I

WItlllbe gUIloulalromlullK lir q uF bg ABROGADOS

wbereas Wbtll Ie wipet 1111 IOlldc(1 gUll lno nextGmiddotpmiddotlitieRI thol)rlts 80 In_III) aropart A WIIUlltrE tBoUT TUII AOIl 0 Bo_-A llIIt blow oiIt tbe dbl lndM~9 tb~ ham1 8Ul1Ishy

PIRtampmiddotm (tlnll Abovo nil 80 01l01 m3Y Ihe chang few das ago we met a ~~lIemall from Ahlban~ cielltly bull ho e 118 1 lece of IIIforllltlOll hi re fli 10In II 0 of e~olll8 require p1tllltll CHIOl with lit- 118cuJtnlng thePage of a borde arlO boOf abo HOLDIIIO TlIII PIECIl 110 orln~ Iuf~renee 10 plrty Iheory o~ party platmiddot Ina paaaed Ihe niMb 7ear IIhicb woo 1I0W 10 Ill It I tbelntlllioll of tho tolnMllderlnOblcf rorm~ that It _ms 10 lIIe 0 should look mosbQn~ will be wo are lure to ~OSI of 011r flad 1~III rar M 10001Iiblc lit MiIlie ~iUIlll sh11 be it no~ oly II) tla~ lalityoJ la mlII-wtat ollr It8 tills ancr Illtl borao nblo YCIId lId l d$IIl~lItud ~ IlIeIl Irued) aCljlllllPlLtllYltl1 Ibtl CAlId t I wlI1klo comes on t~e oolid M he uIper corner II 01 tho 11110 Now Inen 1Wu41om~d to ~ha

I to I~ 11 nAtllte and culture retber thallio of Iho lower lid lind overy ycar IhcNltIItIlmiddot II h~ urolmRI rilo ltleil ck~ bllt 1 very amRlt bt Itt pai11 prnf8lSioD8 or bis 1IInt(oD promi ono well ltlellnld wrinkle fotmiddot ovor) 1 ()v~r nlllol cimrgtgt very pruperly reat 11111 bu I of tbe stock Jt~ If for Istancr 11 hor~u baa Ibreo 1It1kll$ bo I~ alililst tbo IIrmiddotlI lstnnd idew)~ to I U obJImiddotcl

or tho dnUlP~kllilJ ~f tlut ulnbtvttlmiddot~middott l~ ~lltit ~ III 11 tlrearmo 1amp lable 10 uck It 1lt tmiddotumiddot- Tbllll4obltcd by ubg II IVirh cmiddot 10 Ib~ end of Ill nUbrod 111 whillhwiii W u1 tOIlr with ~middot~aracrw on rUII he OIIuarlllll Oftlee TtU$ wlv~r iu ltretlaquo btJlImiddotmiddotC COIUCllcItg pacllce anIII bull ill U etWh~V8r amph 81100101 finds lhh hi Ii ill bishyling 10 CO dj)Y1I with ditllcul~ h -lImllI Iler lodll)g b~U btore ~plig ~ tbn I w~Ir once or IWCO dowlI tho buI lnu middottlt~ ~Il tlttlt is to l0080n the cakHl puwllll on tho 1lt11 1 tilG bltrmiddot reL 80 tIlen C8Jl11 ul lloc lIud tk~ 1110bullbull11 h~pB to clQl tbe gUll by bluwlu til dill Hllilre h Ill tI lUauuemiddot ~II imlldred h y be IIr11d rO1 018 pleca WIIlO1 ~qr ~1Ibg Tile reMOI wh) be I not III pu~ 1110 wIImiddot~r (11 thuuuoad bull plcCIl I brea_ II woul~ )lt) lhe bciJ dalllp anll tbill~l chargu Iul In fluid b~cOlDe IOml Ihem k

Paoillo lIlarmiddotb valuod thulO Virginia We no get a Ihouaand dollars for eounthlave we would then haye gollen from tbree 10 IIV6 1)U8Ad dot Iar8 rer an operaun it tho gold IIlInea ot middotOaliformiddot lila four hundred thoa mulllpiled b Ii- amphousand or even amphree tbousand will ahow _ mm_ lose Ollllpu1lon rdollam would nO compe~~ VI1l0ia for h~t 1088 III not rllooing the IIl1e on to llie Facillc

E I 0 nwtll L 84111gtpound WHo DAHOLlIfl



GRAilraquo 110AItAuUA 11ESSRS Kewen Simd~r8amp UanlUn III praeshy11 lieo In aU the COIlf~ of ~b Merilloual and Orlentel Depalments Rnd In tbti D~ptlllent of Le

PArlicular atienlilln 11111 be given to tbe reo covey Qf cl~ima ugainSl the GOvcrnmmiddotnt

lJ~oIbullbull mortfg leNlet Ie promply 0 ClIlel nd on Ii oralmiddotlermbullbullAI ow llId mo~ey brokerage busto will a lage tho AllenllOIl ofi6 finn bull

Q RAN A DAN lOA It A 0 UA bull

I~bull ~dlnrogtq REWEN SANDERSY IlAN IgtLIN ~jl)roosn lol PIOlesiOl1 de illmgllria ell tOUOllt los trihulltlle8 lj~ 103 t U d I 0middot l )tmiddotplIlttmlnt)8 lerl I()I1I1 v rleR

Y ~n el Dgtplrt~ento 00 Leon bull So dllrk atencIOII pnrticulllr III eobro If)

Imiddotmiddotdlm cr contlll dl1 gllhi rllo Itd 1Ijpotoc3~ Arrenimionto~

t ~ bull tc 1~n eJIIQlIlndos con IWOlIItlt y fllmiddotemiddotto~ mudeladollt TlmlJieu 1111 ocel1p~rall Itn rillgoeJoo do

I(rretagl el biencs rllice y dimro -- 1J h bull dIe= e~II1~e ~ en I Ctml 0 orr(~braundn NOlclObrc 1 de 1856

dup 111 jnll oIUII LOllt IN ampho early patlof amphb foe LAlfJ) W ~ 1tNT fQ IIvc hundred nCI ttl (If Innd drallO III fam of Col R J SJiltlors X_res hlTJ be~n takon 10 rendtr It of no e tlcJpt to the per8Ol fOl who It wns drtITIl WllOttOr ill It 10 ill NiiAlIguonao ollWe or to me ltiU bq suitably N11lIrded

OOL E J SANDERS GIlladI NQv 1 1836 1I~nrr- L~hUet

uvolll~ell if fOllt heiathirtc611 Ad til 11111 th) ro liillgt whoroby hcy do MtIlSeU1I$ nUltn~O-l tlIUiTISSuillrsa ETlqoE1TB - ceordiug tl 1 Iotc b IIf dliklea to nine atd YOII will hIV 111 Iltilgll lIlIk tu 1100 OIlOPI) lll~ ill mU3(~tlriug I 1lIorfwlit~r It III etiqueue fOf pelllollll of infot1or io So says the genUeman 811d Ito Is cOIIampuUI1 it lIee~y 118amp th~ 1I)~lcr shluM 3fIIillnL iIIder~ his pl)feMional lampniCCl

mnk io I~ol their healtia IOlVor han tho belds f 1111 Mef tail A a coo~ n~uy I)~I 14Vlllw I~ ltlec b I liing u 1111 rea tho muk(jt I to lhQ citi3Jlls of Graoaolo U ill bull bull I) horsts over Int a i$ wily tmiddotI II lIIc IIu I RIMtle amiddotIJ(lr amiddotlIe~middot in to tbe bll$O of Ih I hg l )0 found al tb Dosplt)

thelr l4ltupoOItI Iberefore wben a nabob aClOp I hOIampo dOll mutt slvo up liis trlt1~-lllonlllc I k s C lil middot1middot is ho ~1I1101 d) if Iro anda middotVmiddotIIm mbJnrtt _h_SjtflU ard sl~1 get Oil 1 (ltllIf2 Plnntel I aiemiddotx bullbull )1 ~ 110 bllU of hl~ pcco OraMd Novetllbe~ I 1~amp


328 EL NICABABUENS4VoL ~ No 52 p 4 Sabado 1de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 1 18qB

I But tberemiddotII point from wblch ~bl anbject

lhOnldIv _ad IItperlor to Iny mere Idalphaselt [Jittr ague ns t of tbe -i Itmiddotl6-how ~be buy tb deed In Ibla counll1 efFects th Ulag_od thlemiddota 011 1111shy

Saturday lIlorniD~ Nov~ L middotportanamp Dllrlnl the dry aeuon In thll coUlltry Itl Yer

HON COL 1QHl( H WHEELER dUlicuit 10 dig a gra or luDlclot depth to pro-

Thl amptnlleman wh has eo ably repreiented Int th polloDOUS paeafronl eacaplng 11110 the thII Jolted Bta1e8 ~ North Amerloa In thll couoshy

trl darlbg ahe varlbos oTillgea and atartllng Inclshydeata of tjle pasl two years Is we regre~ to 8Iy boul 10 dpar~ rom IOIOllg UI on a Iall to the uAiI~1t1atelo Hia beallll bu baeD of lale very _b brokllD IDd we InRir hI vlalt to 110 and nf bil blrtb 1JI1~ ~trellKthen ble fIoame by Ita Ron iov~t1i11 j~lIoaplire

_B rIOre will exolte a rept In the breut oC emf American In Nlosraguau blA aCQ4mshypUIIlliiilitt genlfemin bl aliampTl~y U )lInll~r

hII klndneas nd urbanl~ u a man and bis dieln lereledp u a friead ~as altcady g~lned him ~eliru~t ampad rove W~e~ver he goes tbe good wiebe or all who

uo-Iollllid thllCOI1iItry wlll follow hhn alld we trlMt at before la_IIY weeks we m ba middotth p~ule of Innoucbg Ita relum We wlab blm lfIe_t voyage



ED namp BURNED III II tbe dlkion ofthmaln of de

-r-~4 P llOD8 bas been a aubJectof Ihe promiddoteIQlUld98t ~iionUoo Wbh I~ are conDected the _tldenta of the warmes~ frlendlhlp tbo ileepetl eiltnltlbJl aud tlrelDost eaorad Ibougbtamiddot of tin

1iChaft~~ ~horo II anhll~lotl ID maDwblcb 1111 pell lilllll ~T8IlI wltb grea~ cate tbe romulD of his fiIampir orbullbulltur fbi ay bit esclted 10 pari by feeUng ibat we onl7 do IS we would be done

liJ toutpefhapi ~e -eat IncoU o 10 tblerupecl btl tbougllj that lhe Iplrll of lifo whleb anI -1 olampy before UI tnay be 1I0W before thea~llioron or the OIt High and Ihe nmdna tITeRlO WQJD 0101 our ioevltable dellliny

Tile IIIl1Dn of buryins the dead bas been a _II I _t I It f I

I ~Io Iou bleb ata n w w PlOCseda from deelylng

18tatabl We know tba lata1dlleuea are brollgbl ooby Innooulillon and hat I man canmiddot nn~ be Innoclllaled byanrlblllg mo8 dllllcul1O

L__ b

a~moephere and spreading lIIalri ampIIIong the Iiv-Ing The~ Iulso bull common oUltom among peoshypIe of th Ialler dayuo bury ~ remalDi of porsonl of no~ In nulta un~er the 1l00rs of cburchet and those In che dmp and gloom olihe luliterratiean cbambers In decomposing p~ddl_ and death among Ibose wblJ honored ~bn blloll logj Uld IUppose they thUI Ihow rpeet to their memory aner dealb h ta unnec_y to r8fe~ to the dangar of those who dIg gr In a Iae of OO1IIl11on Inte lIIent or how onen they como In contaCt wllb the polsoo of deeolOpoelng Jleah or wbat a s~ amount of dlseue Ibere II engendered bi the poleono pBel of sucb places by bel~g waRed amoog the habltatlonl of Ih~ IiVldg The evil elllcta or 11 tbeae clrcumstences ara Incalculable

We can onlyarrie at theamprulh In suck C8IU Iy Ulalol1middot W know that the gue_ of decumpoeo-Ing ~o~tsble mattedo swamps produce d98ues of eryerloll8cb~ractars wo know tbat on thla account 11 nu countrl are I_ healthy ampIian whera Ialor huefllleted a good drainage and ~bat higll dry land II more condllclve lOheal~h and Ions life tlian damp low Incamp We knowIi Ii Id- b I

JO tat ep em1 realmiddotoutmiddot1I parts of cl~le wh garbage ta a1lpwed to coUeet and tm1~ an eDlu~a Id we know also tbat gases from d cylg anllllal blatter are more daJlgelOUi and

The Late lnliulttlt the US llag I In olHla w publlebed a record of eiiollUng

eta All to tbe IneultllllC oonduc~ of ~e oIlied forces of Guatalllla and San Saludor toward the AlIlerican Oag the Mlnl~r of ~h8 Ulli~od Slates and tbe cold blooded murder 01 unarllled

American cltlrens But thll record dark and demiddot grilling as It Is te humanity WIS bulholf dlacload Dally circumstances of Dlulder _lnltioD and robl)e07 commltted On Alllericsn unarmed clll lensre being brought to ligbt which place the Governmenta of Gualeblala and San SAlvador bO yond the pale of ci illzallon and eta p them u BaIlon of ouUaw cutbro1e and bAndl~18o

Tbe accompnied allldavita of Cap~ Dunlcan and ~eut Gardner prove ~he diabolical IMurder of a Utile boy whose only offenco was being born In the Uolted Sla~ of wbite parenta and bnlng a while face

Doel not iIle blood of every frlcnd 01 humanl~y of every nalion ehudder at euoh ~Iroity Will not tbe lII08t eage and barbarous nallona of tha darkest agel of anllqully rise In judgment against luob uaboly and bloody deede _

tait of cOmpany D Fir~ Rille of tbe Army ~( ~be Republic of NlcaraguI and made oa~ ~haj

On Mon~ay the 1~11J October 18D6 during f

attack of h combIned foroea of Guatemala a d Ban Salvador on the city of Grallada during ~ e ba~le he approached ~Ioe houN of Mr JamoA Smi~h on the street of the Meulah opposite I e Churcb of San Franclaco f-om wbole bouse t e enemy bad been drIven out and he there lAW Q

tho arms of hie flher thamp dead body )f a about seven years old who bad just been murd bull ed by 1100 onemy whose body as horribly 10

lated ard deformed Mr E nllb was unc~~ nected wi~h ~he Army and como u a aettl9r~ NIcaragua He appeared hear~-broken and d shycOllsolate oxclalmlng tha~ he wished tiont loG co d bove sutrered In his child place Iln I tha~ in th amp alllnts opinion I~ WII and i ~he determlnallon for ~ho lovadillg forces 10 violate every rul of clViI~dwarfare and justice IDd lIIurdr eory Alnari n In Nicaragua J DUIIICJII

Sworn to before me this 21th October 1866 JOHN H WHEELER U S Minller

middot1 do hereby cortify tlia~ 1 W88 preBent wllh ~ taln Dunicnn aDd of my own kbol~dg 16~ abore aDldavit Is true In evel pa~ticuIRr

R p OAlIIlIpound1I Fi t Lieutenant Company E Firat Ri8es

Swonl to before me thIs 21th October 1866 JOHN II WHElLER U 8 MiDiter

oor8_ t e ~_Ing lIull of ble fellow maand would be reapecteo b all lla~IQDs even tb tho Amerlean 8a8 would protect him rba~ ~c Now u the guea whlob arise from vegetable most IIInge Bul how vain wu lhat hope I Let Lawless very frequehUy came to him 8 thOlmiddotMnmiddot lIIalterlo a atate or decAY appear 10 be lIIucb hll plunderod 1001180 bls murdered remaina tbe tay Goveroor of ~hll Dopartment in blthrfi mciro ftal thllD ~ODtact w~b Ihe solid_ from wblcb bodies of Iii f6110wmiddotclizen tbe mutilated bunting tb Datives o~~befllo~lnldt for whdOlll hIe perforbi th _ numeroua IC_ a bull n n au w lOBe rup bull

_ AO~ re lImiddott e lllallnorl 0 nu rolli tar llIImemotlalIiimiddot lome oountries oj E8YP~ ~~e present ago ought to be luDlclent to ri~ i9bIaDcie Dluch IDg epulty wu expended In enmiddot bove anyprt)UIIIce orallY old cuawm which haa ~orlng ~ lr~ee~e bodlel (rom decay anltl been haaded d~D t WI frolll ~pe~o~_bClo the the Orilllai ftcc~ of all burl~11 WII law ofnelilUi wee but lIttle s~OOIeil or known -0 --uOD of die body At tbo far Notth and auggoat auch remedlca as wlllleslen as far AI

whra th tro~ king relgnl many lDootba III ~he poIIlble the causes oC dll~uo bull

ey ann mut 1ler tbe~ 11011 II 110 the caso with tbe ps8I 101010 arise frolll putrid animal mellmiddot UleI If thll II eo thqenlightonment of

yar and all anImal de~omp08ltloD II auspended t

ibrough Ita etrecta tbe etrort 10 tilDes of 19oorshyihc mIght be aUPlosed to be parliaUr aucceBBful 11 Ii eeD no DO uncommon tblng to be ~oemer II tbat b would nollike 10 die In a

amputherll counlry on ac~ollnt oftbo audden decay ~ hll remaloa 1111 sontewhat remarkable tbat bile Nort~ern natlolls eYen In tbe most ancIent tImes burlod their dea~ In tile pound Ibe peo-DIe or the Southern countrl buroed tbem Thle wu ~bo cultom or Sou tbern Aala And Southorn E~op In our IlIgUsh literalure to tbll daTI ~wlng from oll Oreek we frequoutly her t)ili )ihnae peacmiddottomiddotI alhea I

1be Greeb a1wav burned 1100 bodle of their Wualrlou8 dud and In our opinIon thla lain many respecta lIIucb preferable 10 bllrylng_ bull In burnIng u lru tholr CUltom the ashea IIIlght bo carefully ciflllected and plaee4 In an mamen~ed urn j hero llOuld laDd wltbout otrendlng tho senses In the bleb of the temple or In tbe private aparl

m6llts of friends til Ihls manner I~ wu alwaYI In the careoilboao rho respected It and In wboaemlllol7middott wumiddot dear_ Tbo asbes of Ibe great mbl In Ihose dal1 beaeD~ fro plRce to place mldgled llb IIampYO7 locenlo receiving the roapocl due the blemor or Ibe Blirlt which pYa It lnishy

middot1111110110 In Ileae dy the remoYai oC a corpae croaten bOlrOr In all wbo 1ra1 wllh It not 1mshymedlIlotorealell to say nothing of tbe danger 0( belna In coplact with so Ruch rot~nn alld putrofotlon Ona balpound of Ihe borror of death con sists In the Idea of tho bedy pu~rU)lug io the e~ 4 Wng an obJect of loathsomene18 upon lJjlell worm gMiI and riot How much more pluinlmiddottw Idea of ha log the ashea carefully ptbelllllj amplid ~pi perhapa 8weamptlt aeented aa DOW ieepodaguerreotyp08

W~_ uale lhe aallsfactlon It would no lIfIorithe litem world to ha e preserved the

middotashe oIllli~Q Ot lIIilikapeore i or wbo can guess the care otmiddot venerAtion willi whleb the Frencb would ~gtrd the ashes 01 Napoleon or with wbat yeneratlon Americana would guard tbe reshymai1 ofWaabington h la truly to bo regretted that aU whlcb Was mortal oC tbose i1ulrloUi per sonages Isoow IndlltiDgubthable from ~hecommon eartb or tbe remalna of ~he earcasa of 80IIIe brow

There ta t~ls dvanhge ID burning bodlea OTCr burylDg tbem that IDltead ofperlnlltlng them 10 cauao dlaeue aRer death Ihe nry act of burning puriO ~he aIr It II lupposed the great plague ot London WII IoIICIted In lie ravagea by Ibe groat

Ore whlcb burned the greator parI 01 tbe city Ono thIng Is certaill iC history II correct that Ilthough Itraged with foarful voIoeelmmedla~lr hefore It ceueo to exll aimoillmllledialeit lifter Iho con8agratlon It It now a common pIlodco to fullllgate a roam In whch a parson baa died and doowrs ad 1ae boao who Yliit he remainI of a person ~hat lou died of cholera orany olber conmiddot mgloua dlieal to moke a cigar or plpo-tlo great

a purifier II fire And eelUng pr~udlc aside III~ Is after all

lIIuch more dealrable to be cooaumed by lire ner death than to rot ~n be devoured by worms alld 118 tbat eoaduccl well 10 tbe praseryallon of tho Ulng u to the retallling tbe uhes of tho de ceased we would fbor tho adoption of Ihe CUllOJll

In thle lOuntry It was the generoloplDlon In Granada Ifter Ito

batlle of the 131h of October tbattbe great nummiddot ber ot theonemy which wu killed would produce tbe cholera before they cluld be Interred DurnshyIng tbelll bnmedlatal would h prsvenwd tbe posilbillly of auch 1 p~llIful circumstanoe and would hve puriSe1 the air 01 any polsonoul gnaee wbleh might already slated 10 it

On object In ftuggeatlnlf thle II more 10 call tho 4tenllon of the publio u well 110 medical profeaslon 10 Ibe anbjecl chin 10 attempt at tble tim to dllcUBB Ihe m W are howovor under tile InlproBB Ion that If Ibe tlustom of burnshyIng the dOlld Inatead of bmiddotlng them were onco Ialrlylowoducecj It would In tbll lall~ude prove higbly benellclal w tbegenfral hulth

A Nw 01ft The Phll~dciPhia Mint hujull IMued a cent wblch II described as COlliposed or 1It88ven parb copper seven of nickel and one ohine 11 lou a lilht appearance with a faint red tint alld la In beautiful contra t with the Ameri cau a1lver nd gold plecea and will not u the old cent did tarnlsb thelll by oon~ol The weight of the newll only aevell~y-to gralnl-Ih~ of the present copper cenl la olle bundr~d and sixty ftghl

Tbe aDldavlt allo appended of (len fry u to LIG~TION or UUTID STATES or AnRIOA~ the nlurder of Ifr Lawl pro es Mr Lawl IIEAR Till REPUBLIO or NCARLOUA ~ earnest desire to presee lob neu~raliy in all 1100 Tbis day camo before me Birkett D Fry Bri dUBcoltiel wblcb have beset Ihle coun~ry of nis dier General ArDIto Nicagua Uld made OI~h blgh lOlled chacler and Integrily of conduct Rnd tbatshyorh pcrfeat oonOdeoce ~ha tbeaegis of the Bowasacquainted wllbJohll D LmiddotI~uaimiddot Amnoan fIig was amplyiuDlclent to prolect bis the month of Oc~ober 1bullbull1 Ihat having been rl liberty property IIld lif Be badmiddot een as cofmmnd of Ihls cl~y durn the greater POrllrshy

0 he past year he lou Ircquentl bad occbullbullI~ llIralloea (rolll the blgbeat aources tbat no Amori- 10 tallt wilb said Lwleas of Ibe polillcal atrairsio can wuld woder so far 1roII home that the pro- tho State of NiCllragu Tha~ the MId LRle tacling and powerful arm of tbe United Stat- s unifOImly re1beed 0 take ny part InarlUa wlti wal Dot over him lie reiuaed 10 COlli wilblo IheAforcea of lttI~nerol Wdalkellrdsaymg Iat hOe ~ri an lIIe can CI zen an re e upon Wle og o the line of onr Irclo mlylng oo~ho middotpeo~lon 01 his counlr for protecion_ Tba~ a(~r Oeoer Ibol Uulted States aDd Ihrew out beforebis house Walkers force marched upon dual and a few the Alllerican 8ag tba~ In ~Is patriotlo beart b hours _before Ihe auack u~D Granda loa urgtd fel wu honored in every laud anltl on every sea thbelabdblAdwl_11edto comde WtllIlI hila Ilhnol degb

f dle~fen~~w c e eo n to 0 expreaa ug s e Ie I ~

tom b the enemlee sllot and lbe loor of tbo Lo- alld good will he leetDed to pOSle That ~ ~ gatlon house perloQ~d bytboballe oftbe onemy Lawless had reaided for several ye a paa~ inOmiddot testify nlda apoKe tbe In~uago of ~he coulltry 8ue t-

Iy and WIB extensively engaged III IIIcrcalltUJ~ 10 ancln~Rome ~he exelamaUon lam a Ro- e~ita anil had mall) 01 tho nolives In hia ORlPi bull

mIlD cillzen arrested the falling blo of Ibo IIc- Tha said Lawlen justly ellJoyed the reputtti D

lor 10 fOmer ~oys ~n II the great Republic of for great pbllanthropy And unamp~~middot~~t tile North In 0 aayo ofJakson It is the bouth of ~ e loll lory of tha~ day ~hllt no American cltl zeD ever luWered lny In~ulT abroad without reo

dreu WefcOIlaurolhnUhesnm08plrltnowanlmatestbe

United Stateamp and ~hat tbe same feeUnga ~hat dlcmiddot tated tIe Kouta letter will be roady to defend Ibe rigllts aud proico~ tbe lives oC InDoeen~ AmerieRn



Thll 4ay came before 010 James II Smitb wbo tcatlO tbat he emigrated from Ne York clLy whero he hu resldcd for two years In the steaol ahlp Tennc88ee for Nlcaralua on thOl 1 III Sep tember laet accom~RRled by his three email chll drell lor the purpole of cultivating hind and satshy~nllg In Nicaragua lIo is by protession a taather

That on Sunday the 12th Inll an alarm of an lltack was made by the foroea of 9uaternala and San Baladof on this ci~y That be no~ crediting

S b bull h 2 hOb I 56worn ore me t IS middott cto er S bull JOliN II WHELER U S diolaler bull

I [ 0 F F I C I ~ L ]


ADJUTANT GENEIULS OUICpound J Granada Oct 26 186G

1 SOLnnRI--Each day demonstrates more cle iT ~hat tbe war we are wagiftg Is ono of IIUlh apl AI falbood of clmoalion againat barbarism GI satisScd wllh the bloed of lonocent cilicnssb d a~ Granada-with n appetile Ilnllghler h 1shyled by the nt_Ore 01 helpleu cbildren and b 11 ministers of CbriIIIII~y-our IIIvage foes II f

added ano~hcr crime to tbo long liRl reco d asaiDNt ~bem Thoy han sbot Lleu~ Col Lal wbo wu IRken by tbe n a prisoner of war 80 0

It)8 ngo At ~i1e very time thl_ cold-bloodedaal ofcroe 11

was boillg colDlIItted an exchange 01 prioa r was bciu proposed by tbe comntandermiddotinmiddotc er

tho Jolarmj wntto tholltlloplzaa8110r~dlitance If tbo Guatemala forcos WI~h an lona~a bull When tbe (ote aptearod and commenced an ac tive 8Mng ot musketry and Mlni6 rille wblch otlt off his relurn Tho foreee then approacbed 10 hOllie wbere bis li~tle fRmily wera seated ~ dillshyner consisting or a boy Frencb Berbert born In New York tlty on Ibe 6th March 1849 two lrirls one fI and the otber Iwo yeare 01 Ige 1hey were seated witblo three yards of a large wludow which opelled 011 ~118 street One of lhe troops approached the window and taking delib erate aim fired at 0 lillie group the I)all grazed the chin ef the fllrl nurse and atrlklilg the bo In the lower part of his face paselng out of the neck broke tbe plllol obord killing him instan~ly TIe reat 9f the children wee concealed iinnlcdl-

IDg for ~reacbe he bad smoolh WOrdl and Ii ~ sullmenls on hll Iipa wben he was In the act t murde

Tbe mnatlon of Lln4 show he ndlito of the ollemy wl~b whlcb we baYe 10 contend f Ibe sollie lan~age andreligion wilh tbelUself they bad nOl agains~ hilll the lying excuselmiddotw Which ~hoy are wont to justi~y Ihe murder of American citizens Nothing bu~ ~be love of til d aod ~he cowrdly loatlllc~ of tbo savage Call 0

urged for tho execution of thd Cuban palrlot Let ~ben soldiers a Bunle of tbe jUltico G d

grandeur of tbe C~U1e In which wo aro CDgae nerve ua lor the fullilmellt of tho Iftak wblcb I bull before us Remember that you luWer aud It

awly III an adJacen~ housl by the nurse under agio to redeem ono of the 10eUest 01 lalld_ ID bed hlle Ihe ~roop Ibreed tho cuing of ~ho barbalian rule aud lavage despo~lam In such a wlndo the door being fRBlened and resiatlng all Oft IIHO 118 t~is who ould 1I0~ gladlf eudure II ~ IV Iheir oRllrta Thoy then entel8d and searched In dayoCprl alion and fdtiguo r 10 would n I vahl for the cbildren Tbey plullucred tho house undcrS1l aome lillIe antrering and danger for I ~ of all bia iinpleonpnta of hUlbandry clo~bing gold sake of IIvlllg his nalllO enrolled amoug the be o and allvr walcllcs mono aDd valUAble of faotors fJf the rllce 7 amount 1lI0re ~hao two thoueaDd dollars ~ 2 Lieut ltlol ~ A LaID6 aiddemiddotClImp 10~ tbe

JAKa8 n SIITD Commandor-in-l)hler having bean brbIrOO~ Sworn to before me this 2~tb Ootober 18DO murdered bylhe enemy without ProPOiDg An shy

JOHN B WlIEELIlt U S Mini4ter change (If prlaoners i~ ie directed Ihll~ Lie t We do bereby certify that we reBlde In tho Col Brigido Valderraman and (Ja pt Bern~r 0

nme houle II~h Jamee H Smith Faq nnd 01 Allende be shot Ibis aernllon 11 6 oclock In Ollr own knowledgo the faclt tn~ed In hla aDldo vlt are Irue lu evcry particular


Sworn to beforo rno thl 27th O~oher 1856



Tbl day calllO bofore one Jamea Dunlcan Capmiddot

tbe plftZ of thl clly 3 11111 Gen Fry 19 charged wth tho esccullta

of the abovo order By command of WY W AUrER

Genernl-Coml~andng-in(jhipI Pn n TnoIlPBOII AdJ t Gcn N bullbull

~ h Is atato(1 that PrInce Albert 1038 b~~~t 111 Clllll1nOUe tract of lInd In AII9tralia Vbic1o1n nbout tnty years will tetulnabollt ono thou811 ~ i tlII10S oa much tIS all ~h~ amp Coburg alld Obi

In Germany put logctbor I

329NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 7 Sabado 1de Nllvlembre de 16561 Saturday November 1 1856

i lit I ALGO NAB BOBRILBL Dl4 UJ 1lJSOUOJON lIerosoaeajuitA al Cllpilitu delliglc y Ie r t t lIJ S 11 n1J R ea mlUlgrato perdmar que CIIstipr aunshy EqulUtlvo y aUII n_Slnll) nos parec Menelter earetrogradarlllol mM remomiddot que eata lIluy pronto a IIOtrar en el UIO

toear la materil de que vamos neumiddot t~s tlempos de barbirle yde ldlo~lemo pa de juatas represaUae lIa cual rere IU tS II Into NOT I de 1836 pamos no obstlnte haberll8 tratado en Ill1Icontmr el ejempl0 brutal a una Ie- naluralom 1 10 demandaren las circlin A WI ~ 101 1)umells anterloJel aunque nu cion quI Icsban de (omeler en Maaaya stanciU De consiulente 108 prl~ionrOl

JUEBPO VE ARTILLSJIU 4 tod I degtlt1d I I d I d 1 - ft -- con 1 1 ~que mereee por mf~ 01 Jenera ea e I IUfZaa iii on I heridOll lIOn tratadlll eon 10 mllyor be El lierpH de tLitiHerlll ha tomado un destla de lOB IRdmdus que 11 rlllawon Guatemala en estos lIltlmOl dia des- nignidad

ClIPCI) 0 imllolltmto bajo 11 direoclon del puesto que cl1ml mlmos t(lIl1aron una puea del ataque de aquella plllza I de Queda PUIIII demOlltlldo que falto8 de Jele I Henningsen IIventndo jofs de esa parte actin en los sucea~s Las buenllS las acclone quee Ilan referido ya tn 10$ fe ell itll mall s1 mnes compromiaos y Grmllj iuyos cOllocimientos Ie ban didO aceiones dlbon refe~lrse mlnuciollme~te d~8 humerns anteriores de elte periodlco de oumplimiento en sil palabra como mi MmladianQ $010 en los Estadol Uni Sin temor ~e Incumr en la tacha de dllil Vlolando 108 mas gmdos Plotos ma- Iitares 111 jefell do lIB fuIiIBs enemlgat JOI I nn fuora de ellos Es do cele- sos tnnta par que e8 un trihuto dllbido al lew reeonocidos univerenlmente y 0011middot flftll Incohado COIl ol ftlsilamiento flel Co brillS la recision y tino con que dh-ije m6rlto Cuanw por ue line de est-imulo aiguadol en aI derecho de jentel de una ronel lAid y aUI compslierea despues IRS bo 111111 Y granadas al punto que de- a100 d~mAA NOl oontraenos al IltaqU(o Inanera ~n ep~icita se han colQcsdo en de baber aupllcado el callge Y d recibir $igna uinnentaudo y dUlheando progresi qu~ re~I8~6 oatil piau dede el deee del una posiCIon odlo~a dtgrlldftnle y eceemiddot un Indi~lIo en este sentido un Miatem vame te las distnl1CIU siempre con el pUlIdo II 11 una de Is tarde basta las crable Indlgna de hombrea que 8e tltulan elttlaordin~rlo de gtlerrA que nosotrol nei nitID Rcli)lto Q inerrnble direocloll ocho de la maAana del diR siguiente milltare 10 temm~s puesto qf8 teMm1 mlobos Tolft los dias hay repeudos ejerclcioll y Buellas y lumlnolWl lIOn I referenoiaa fnmedlamente dupuee de 101 c(lneablmiddot prlonfrGS cODtrllrios y que hlta Is te()k~ IiOletas evohuiones en las que prl()ti~ del Coronel Allen Mayor Clyeee ftc dOl acunteomlento8 vino eata cludad un siempre hiL sido patente la slIperiodatide ean j Sefiores oficlales y 109 soldado8 pero notamo8 qne a~nqueliglran en 1 correo conduciendo una comunieaci(m nuesms armal Ahorl bien ~ Sol se nell ~tmn maravillo8(1lllIIte lisw de 108 que 8e distlnguiertm 81gllnOl de los jetea eN as flllrzas enemlga8 en la VOllOtroa 101 que hahllis habmdo de vanshy

En3 ClInnto 1 numem do indivitluoB numbres 110 ell con el tlIplerclol que que IIOlicltaban aqtlll1l08 del Jeneral dalisimo de Bomnidadea y oims cosa~ perbgt ecientc8 6 dicho cuerpB lie ha IU~ merC(tlll sin que sea rltI de 1o referenmiddot Walker JOr 10 pronto 6 cange de un in- aemejantelll en vnestrus periodi~os para men db do nna mllnera otable habien tes po que 1I11011 gllardaban y derendian divlduo d los suyos cometa d eaballe oontravenlr ahora eSC$ndalOsamente Ii (0 ad mllll unH gran compltlla do Zapa1 sus pue~tui re8peetivos y no podial esect na que fu6 heeho prlalonoro por Dilestra losmejores prlncipios del dereehu dl ilores I Mineros bien que para malle- tllr j todllS paltes Grande y her6ica parte con algunamp anterlorldad Eata clrmiddot jentll I 81 v08OtroB 80ls I Pero nad~ jllr clatro mortem do obuats y lo~ tllol II deietl q~e hizo 1amp KulIrnlclon de clnetancia Indicaba queeao jeres preten- trntiamos del oltallo de atrall en que Muon a que hay on lap)tuIt fO necesita estj plftZllcn ea c61eble JOIllampda en la dian ceAhle 101 prlnclpio organl_ de 08 ballail UR n6 nero eunsidurnblcmiddot1fe bombles qll8 doeientus hombre4 combatieron con III gllerr aun entre la naolonee minoe Conatlgt 8n conclu8ion qUII aceptamol

EI uelpo de artllleriA no deja que demiddot tla 01 ilunensu numero de oehgtelentOI clvllzadal y regullrlllAr la desde lU4lft) vuealroa aotos sea ellal (uere au natlishysearsusejercicins II 1011 111118 etCrupu- por eamppl()io do dillz y nueve hOrlll uglm lu demandlln la olvillziclon 1 _ mlez 10508 itotl Admirable el Jellledo y -80luololl siglo No 81a poslble dudar de la buena

do todOll basta del ultimo 1I0idado (e de aquell espon~nea proposlcion sin DOCUMENTOS 0FIeIALES ES Ef)OIOJV A OHONTALES dispueatos perecer antes que entregllr RgIlIlar a la e8 et bonor milltar 1 JOII

U - 6 h la pldl que se lea habia conllado cierto malt proclu90a atrlbutos del bombrel ElDECRtTAS DE OOB_ERlO


apol bull IfRon que Sill ny Guatro _ J Ch I 6 t A certilllmo y atln IIOmos COrto8 j pero lIus~re Jeneral Walker quo tantnll 1 bin No ito

EI t 1 p ra onts es 0 VI a es II puer ~__ d I M ON 1 ~ lifer ~11lI oeho de la matiana halfendo ph~oll afta Ir que e ayor eJ se repetJdllsprulIbae ha dado de maltnanl REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUAt

enndu 0 de una manera verdaderamente bull bull ~ desem ~ftado flU CQlnlslon los mdlVldoll ~ mldad ItO dudO en etecto ni Ull momen Seeretal1a de Elltado en el depaello (Ie t ti ~ - E her6ic~ Hallibllse postratio en una cama to y lIev6 8U generlllll(lad basta el utr Relacione Erterlores nuO rOI en snls aerlamen n I 1 d i h 11 b connn balazo 81 unap ema que elm- mo de entregar ill corneta que iIOhcUaban Granada Ootllhrl 2t de I85ampSan oS lIu v sus lOme lac 0110$ so a a a bull

bullJ I d I b d pll(ila dar un paso y Ie obhgaba bull servlrmiddot sill nlnguna de las lIeguridades que 8e El S P E so ha serVldo dlctar 411 de 1111 nUfillro e 10m res como e CIIn) d I EI 1_ __

d d 88 lIe os mu etas enemlgo lie lre- CIItJon en taIu CIlSOl COIltellto mnl Ceto igt~eD ~ -- _gt eine tode 1 QlIuotuelOn errotll Oil Oil Ii bmiddot I I WILUamp WR Preeldenw-daln eldla trece del corliente en csta cludn aerto y 1 eil


es om re que Illll a e featando que entre 101 mlillito prbonumiddot Republica deNlearagun lr sUiliabitsnte9 11 di I dtlene 89 UIIO de 04 indivlduOlI mall roa que habla hecho elY la lihlma aocion Siendo nece8SlrIo I~reditar un liinillrouo II IU u a tomaron a ue a reco on bull

q g q i 16nol 11 eJ6rlto Nada podia espemiddot e contaban Virios 06cla0bullbull que _tcba Plenipotenelano ltle rcpleaente a 111 RetshyDioo8 quo sahCTon escape as que $U- b _ d bll d Nt d I bl _T a raSede un 110m re en esta 0 en que dlpu_o cangellr respectivamente pGr pu ca e caragua cerca e ga n piera 111 Ilegadade Jos trem 6 tl~l11~ 61 se baUsba ain embargo hacienda un el Coronel Lain 1 por olnoo 6 sela in- de 108 Estados Unidos en IVI8hingtotl lIn RllngerB que III vapor cndllcla 0 b III el 81 t p l4 de dl II d J ntlab on U80 de IUS flleultades l

1 h b d b b t esueno 110 re uaUT J9 UOl e vopa que e 8oom- an DEC RET A bullIe d bull os Oil res 0 ar UI os comO d gt I I 0 ilia dlI8l1ila 0 que tellla sa 10 (1 clando Cueron presos por caaualldad en Articulo I N6mbralle Mlllistro Pleni ~ el 09 Icen locho tom6 lall mulllw y 81 sable y 8e il camino de llwaya En allo se es- pottnciarlo de la Republica de Nioaragua (JtfOETAS DE GUATEMALA Y presentO en ellugar ~a8 peJigfOSO arras peru la romillion del hombre ofteoldo cerl1 de 18 Eatedoll Unidoe al Senol

S AN S Hi VADOR trnndu la plema y atravesllndo las calles por 01 corne Q a1 conleta mlsmo que DoAn FemmCoFerrer I J b b t rt ~ IDnmquelle qu enes cor I -- con el agaa casl bull 1 rodlda (aca I a de era 10 replar y Jegitimo 81 ae aTrepenmiddot respondamp

Estos pOliodlcos pound0 oeupan do nuestro Hoverl dundo mnd6 con V071 do trueno tlan do nevar ndelante 10 que 4111011 mis- Dado en Granada 1 29 de Oetubre de Nienrlguell~o no parR reflllar nl una pn formal amp los hombres que alii se hallaban mOB babian Bollcltado opteniend) al fin 1856 WILLIAM WALKER Ilbm do los erimCIl-e1l servUes que hemOl y que Ilegaban oon sus armas dilltribuyo par unics rampZUII el J~er81 Walker una Al Se~or Jenoral Dun Jlliteu Pineda publi~do POrqIO III velmiddotdad os illcontesta la trnpn eolocindo en loslugarel opor carta del Jeneral Zavala en 1amp que fire MMn~troldoJa Guorra encargado deT dltl I bull mUltern enerable II~ deequltan descendlcn 0 as per tUllos orden6 1amp derenaa de vea eal ea testaba (ellto no puedo calUiCllrse) que D ~ d 1 I V bull evI en suprema 0 oumun eo 1

sonah ~de8 1In un lnnguage tan cl~lco que partell de aquellugampl y 8Oliclto 1 101 prlllOnerbullbull no querlan venir No ell para IIU intellgencia y demas erectos es ebmo us antares Su impotente uni e6caz It pelllr de su eltado de grandad a eato todo ino que en as propillll perandortlCibO su atento senillor Ie do p1i~8a fudose contla cl Jeneral tadu atendia bael6ndote oil su voz ell clrocnlltandlll Be supo oon allOmbro en 11 Pnnuu lIIque 10 ba dellpreelado stempre todas pa~teamp Nosotroa admlr4mol al e~ta cilldad el rullilamlento on 01 pueblo No 64 WI pe lulclo d - lllwlrles 8U cuenta eonlmiddot Mayor 0 Nell en aquelloe momentoa y de Diriomo del CoronelLalne y algunos

V bull l REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA ~ cnte Y oxneta eremos III e908 pan asi nOl plaee conS1lJllarlo on eata arUcl1 0 otros prisirneroa I I fllaa obre aquellOl S d __1 d ch d ecre1ana e ilAIo en e eeplt 0 e ~s 8 Oil ~ombre8 de chaneelarls COli EI Capitnn Wilkins lie condujo tnnbien jetos III deabonn eonmguiente y )1 IlCe- Relacionelllnteriores

dlglll d el dIll que 80 les presente que de unA manera brilllnnte en el millIDO cr8Clion univelflall i ~pnrten el des- GranadR Oetuble ~ de 1800 JlGr ci rto no ~t~d(jlls ($ si solo se con- lugar y despue ell la deftn~ del HOIIpi precio y vilipendlo que mcreccn Y 0011_ EI S P E ampe ha servldo dictar el de-ICIltllj COil eCBrlbu snrcnsmos tal en toda la neche Es de celebaTlle la pell el lugar degradante eli que les colOCll ereto -ul~nte

-------- d dId fa 1 I d d I El GOllemo coosldelando que soMalianl lie omharea con direceion u con ucta e 011 bull IS co tat voe qn~ IU In agllO proce el hallan vaeallte~ las Carteral de Reb

Nueva York el Sr Eermin Ferrer hallan en el h~8pltal oOClrgard08 continu Como era de eeparamprse loglco y natu- ciunes Haelenda y CrMito pu~lico POl 1 g b no amente de los enfermotl Dr Lundy y raJ e1 Jene1Walker ordeno y ae eloell- baberse encaado de la ml~lon dlploshynombrlld0 que ba SluO por e 0 leI bull t ~II b d W b

j I PI d t n_ (f Dr Brmkerhoff 110 8010 por las bUenae to II (I1I181111ento nu de todoll los prleo- m4tiea eel bull e ga mete e a Ing ~n s~o ellpo~enculT1o e es a p medidas de defen~ ue tomaron IIlno ton a1 Seior Don Fermin Ferrer quohllcs eefca dol Gabinete de Wasbingtoll ~ nellIS que en la Justa lndlnadlon acuo 1l1li desempeflsil 011 180 de aus facultades

Ell F rl b I rt II pur 10 resolueion que 81empre lea honrar otro mimo Jonero- en 8U lur hubler D E C RET A errcr Gsumpe a a ca ar - -- bullbull de Hciendn que qUGdo Ii cargodel Go altamente do pereeer todtlS antl8 que prevenldo sino Iolamelte el de un Ten Articul 1 El Sefior ~e~oral Don

D d M I - G S n ahandonar unos velnte y cilloo enCer- vnte Coronel I un Capitan que ctillltian Mateo Pmeda autual MIlllIItro de ItgtlIera ~ me A lUStrolaquo c uerft e - bull G bull gad dI I diS F mOil que no pod Ian movelse de IU lecbo eutre Iquellos nerra ser onear 0 IDtennamellte elimos i 1 auseMl1 tempola c I e diahaa caneras teQlumiendo el Mlnlsteio rer a~ paso qua nll8 alegramos de que EI Chbano que elo~11I 01 Mayor Potter MuchOll plllOl1ero quqda~ on poder de Jfjn~roJ ~1a do el c electo parala mislOIl que cn el ~rro que ~lmlltr6 cuyo nllmbre nuestla gblllrnocolltrA qlllel011 ~u4lera Art t ComtllllltpleleI qutenea cor IampMnuuce Alos EsttldOIl Unidostallto por no mllmfest6 pm IgnollrJo e8 el Seflor dMClrgllllle todo el pl8O delagravlo lnfo rCIJpcmda lI1llltlilrw y circuDttitceiR quole ldornall Don FtCncisco Aguero y Batrada Pre- ridn y hooerl(1S sentirde un una manera t8~do en GitLi1lAltt~Rdigt cuantq pOl que rCIihiramp belll1s impresio recto de esta cludad prolilllda los exesos de IUS ~etos qUI Pu AI Senor Jenera Don Mateo Pineda nos en 18 hormolllls ciudlulea del Norto (on 10 dicho sitiafacemos la justlcia ditgtran haber ngrlVlJdo au situacion I pero Miubltro Jenera Am6rfca debida aloe SenOIOs 1l0minadOl y nuestro I Jneral Wlker oon todaJ )R ventnjNl De urden supreml 10 eomuBlco V

Ie Idelleam(lll Ull viRge teli~ y pronto doseo de eselaroeer III ferdad siempre y la repolllioraucia de la posicion que pllrt IIU Intellgeneia y demas efootos retor~ quo podamoa baeorlo ocupa 011 tll embargo magnanlm~ y Je M Pnln4


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 8: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.

278 EL NICAHABYENBEVoll No 46 p 21 Sabado 20 de Septlembre de 1856 Saturday September 20 185

I ~

JRogen Wouudedto be proud of Ihe COUIIIg lIe might 1 exoea EXEOUTION OF JENNINGS ESTlllL ItCaP Will Ionofdarillif dlplaYed hy thle _II alld undlclpllnad ~ lmiddotJititfaguf nSf Dan Flowery Atli oclock PM 00 tbo Qvenlni ofFridlJ tilpany BYeI) man In It ma) be oalled hGrO (or Liellt Crowel~ Illth Inst 2d Lieu Jennlogll Eslelle auft~oo Ibebull I no man gaye an) Indication orr_ IhrougbonHhe Lieu Musgrave extreme peDalty oftbo 1111 by beinl bOI olli th

To mako the nature of the IackclcM II may Saturday lIIlorninc Sept 20 whole fttlr Erumua Norton II

Pl for the murder of 2d LleKt Ghamprlllll GorlIonOhulIIaher W A swfer MWllclan In tbe guard hou90 in tbo city or Granada ~hiltTHE FI(JHT AT SAN JAOINTO bu weltoetato thaUofront ofthelacpbouse Pt Dawes acting amplI ollice ohhe guard iwblch wu _eIlIUy bllrricaded there If~ an open SergtanL Simpson

Estelle had been p~cvJouly arreated foubOOliltg cannening 10 the Nicaragcan Army ubder Ihe

About two weeka ago party of thlrt Amorlmiddot apace or neatly quarter or mile In 18IIglh 10 L De Sbleldi William II SlOne Thumu Jildl1lrdll aiid was whoo be coMmbted LIeut Q1III1

front otlt and that III ootering tIll clearauce It the unforlunate act for whicb he sutrered dealh command of Col leDonald atlacked alld droYe Wal 801111amp1) for tho yolunteel to peII by the

Major Cal ONeal ptiloDcr confined to bit quarlers Ho bad ~ fnlrbehilld dPJlr barricades a large number of rebels aide or a wood In auch II maoner tbat ~e enemy Alfred Jone8 umberlog lfiO or perhaps mora In the encounmiddot could couot every mao pf their Plrty lnd that and ilnpart1al trial and the gentlemen wllo ~ ia tor oot American waa killed and several wOllllded there I no apot III that a(IaQ which ko bou

Lieu- Artbur OConner Capt Watkins judgment upon blm gavo him overy opporl~il1 -- Haynes (SurYe)or)When the news of the occurrence rtaohed this does 11M command Xl mllst 1110 bo unlmtood to eal4bllsh adefellce hul in thiB lie ulterly f~dO Lo Ro The deed lIal COMmitted witbout an provoea oncit SWoIl feeling manifested 1lf among the lbat 1I-1Y tbe eutlro distance to tbe Iarp houlO Alyon Adlll1s

citi_ Ind aoldlera to venge tb death or their Ia up an 811C01I1 wbich gave the defend or It or without aDt aggranting circums-noe U Will

countrymen and both omeera and aoldlera I-I adota oyer a plIrly that would greatly O Dougherty -Brady eenlenctd to be hUlli but tho comwande Inmiddot L Jobnson chief caued It to bo 60 far~itlgated lUI to qu1ed Gen Walker to be allowed to volunteer OlllOtlmbar middotthem It n~ Dot thereforomiddotbo itashy J U01d

him to be abotand fonn a part for Ibis purpose AI tbe Gene- ted that a party of about mlyaye men ~eftr Jock BOlweil raI wouloJ not COIIsent to aUow anT of tbe efficclll Judloloual arraDsed lIltaolted It undor 0gte1-1 dsshy J VIlSOD There lUI a lnr~o copeourso s-tbered Ilillt or IOldllll attached to regiments to go lie cili- adlllllampge 0 While nllll the c~eClllion ~lole walked witb II 1ampn Heeter atep bl Ultl sKlb 6Orcye d latharor Iho cb bIi lila OY bo he bad no control volunteered By tbo lido of tbe large house nda 121111

A loberlll wbo prayed itb him aud lor 111m from tbe guardto the Illllllber or fort1-tWQ to Iighl the rebels cant building which WI also fortilied and full of snoel RIlMeI ujl~ thei own reapeo8lbllity Somo men were mll an In tho rear of IIIOM two bobullbull 18 houao to the plac of execution I

Native boy-orderly to Dr R9ton Dr anton

When he lrrived at the pot wher be wI taIao raised III 1ohssaa end Tipltapa making In aaother hoUle hieil lfaa also defemled b II large Henry Ealllon breathe hll 1881 he requested that hia bnd~al1 ilxtyy men forco III the IaUer building wu a large umbar --ltlaborne might bo utied as he wisbed to ddreas ItheTIt nn tolunteered at Granada tlartod from of honea with the necOSIary equipment tor a Wm Cassidy h about oclock Friday eYeaing 18th inaL companl or two of la~cOlamp crowd ThIs reljller belllg graDte9 he apokp insmel KeDnedy

H MeCftrty a firm unfaltering voico 111 hia epeech bo atedIIld paaallt througb Bossay were joined by the Lieuamp Robert lilligan who wae alpoilled to Capt Rider the Corgivo1tW1 of the ollicora and soldiers ofIhevolunlecraolthllt olty They arrived at Tip lead tile cbarge1ed hiaforees up to a pick fence Sergeant Ruma Nlcalllgllan army Voicee 18$pouded from thotapa stuny morning At tbl point Ibe expedl blllbtood at the comer large ho_ an Major Arkalltl_ Roekcnuck

crowd II God Corglve YOll Dr Dickton 118 Col H1)o~ald refUsed u b did oot kllow In tbe Nlcaragua1 arm7-led tho force hleh bo llou lV1I IlIty to Cl)me to a promaturo coaclution olTiD ONeal-who II the yOllngelt lloldmccr

-- Spinll8r Q II D 1f_ll Wblle 10 ptleoo he I1roto tile following IIdd~c Oberokee lIruntosh wldeh be requested to have published them to the tolunteOrs to paH the rlcr oommided to tbe VOl) froll of tho mall eAbO H C Cookbull

llh01l~ aDrdet to that effect from Gen Walter h_ llelllrYlllg tholr lire until the7 gilt ltltlll GRANADA Sept 101b 1806 Thla obJ~tlon wu overcome b lome person linton paces hi ilion poured In 8 nurderous

(apt llarah Thse illl tile dyitl~ dechrRlioM of nlng

Estelle I was born In Malllh~U Tenneille in Ib W Jones

uggeatlnlbat Lleul Col Byron Colbullbullboulu be vollev-a linglo ropelltlon of which oitllt lllllod IM 188S alld 11611 raised from my 10rKney In requetod lo yolurteer i~b tbem and take tbe or wounded evel) man III It A Foteas VEIIICIIl III N1ClRAQU -At no Hinds coullty lIi8tsampippi I sted to Clifor commanq Col Col did Dot biong to tho regu Capt Watkin leading II tblrd division eharged great diewee from tho elty of Gralleduro lIl1alll nia 111 Ulit Ontbe road I hd difficultYtltb lar line ~t waa Asaiatant Qeartermater Gen_l stralih 10 tron or tho large hOllle Hereached a elll5te of tile moat beautiful and fertile Islands a man of the namo of BOlYard ond 8hot himJ r

ailerraJltlltotR nftn oCthe name ofBays blthIn thla ~aebe yolunteercd 118 a private bu$ WIll wlthh twenty pacea or II heo he fell fOunded it II poaalble to eODceie The) Yal) from a few wound did not happ911 to proy fAlal UI Ih immedJ qlccted Captain of the comp~n Wlthaloud toice ho ordered bill men to lIP ou_ squlro yards to lOevel1ll aqUAre 01108 in BUpollshy same year I had 0 dlllleuly l1ilh Chatles Ito ill

BIron Colo tbu~ WIllng Ihe reaponalbilltt of command tbey obeyed wltb alaenty cl1 extent BeYlId tbese nd oopaMtod from SOil tillbullbulltabbed Ilinl la tbryn placea 111 I two dWeultiea while In CiliIIi middotoeeu alloading the ~ell became ~ uaranlee to Col He- Bot tiler Is no U8e cb4rging dobo walI tbe tllem by 0 drep navigable channel Blnnda the the SlaIu priaon where I hld b~eo emplovtll forDonald Ib~ ~ wu All right tbe olunlen mou Were failing 10 leI) tatt that before meny Jorge Island of Zapota1O wboao bold headland an~ the 100 Io yeara After ICtlinlt III lii IlSI rape I came 10 1iltgtllllgu nud HI~ot Tho w

nnell or Sao JAcinto where tbe rebela 6gt tfJoR tomiddot carty their woundod off tho Ileld In gate the lake ZapellllO IB In Ill wester extremmiddot took up their Ime of march Thor arrtIWIl~ the minulel clapeed there were lIot enough oftbo plII- Irregular surface aerve as a lllld to 1111 who naymiddot

Edwards i I lltI Itla bo~ Charlc GordOl i must Sly thaI in all my difficultie8 I wtS no 0 tatatloned about II ocloclc Sunday morning the Ihe mtttilno aU the leadell of the two other I~y IICOOped out 80 118 to fonn an almost circular In mv right mind Twico I htwe beel lorgt II

14th Inet and halted a few mOments III order t9 eomp had fall~n either kllld or wounded hay and tho sbore of tbe mainland opposite b~Imiddot and bop) 10 bo forginll for tbem aU I th nk IlflDge a plan of allack _~_ ________ e~lptOIfbullbull1 who ~Itboutll wounded b tho arm ing 4 deOl curve an abJloet circular bay is formed thero b God In huyen tht ill Qnd

The Ban Jactnto rancho Ii naturally well ad_pf donlin_d with tho (eroclty of a tiger OghUn of e~e1milllll In diameter 8 lecuMly sbeltered gj~Q And ho kno and I Imow thaI il ad n pllcr bullOBoe uu - ~ l ra Of II dIS by blgbllnde5 to makltl tho 911gllte8 sklft lio aemiddot I tllt killed Oherlo Gordon It was

d my CIIlZ) mind thnt did iI I 11amp lUIcieutiou which commlUldo ali tho ground In ila 10 to do whllo ~~e~r-~lIl1~ eurlI upon Ita SlIflllce Ien IIlien-atotmSlllay bo lIot In IIllright Inlnd then I did lb deed fillvicinity In a large corralatanda a hollSO whleb au_ ~- - lullng luto flll1 the moro c~poeed paris of Ike God koows It Forgi me ofticerslInd acid r

haa b~n IItted up In such a manner tbat III Inside Whou thore 118 no looger any poaslbillt) of Nicaragua and I can die hapP7 Inan I donl rite ht beeallB I think tbat I ought not to die I Inre Becute agaluat muekel or rl8e shots while COIItlndlng aueceafullylIlnatauch extraordinary TbolOutheaAtern part onbls bay i4 alao ellterd think till my tbllo haa como and that justlct IIthrough mallpertum In the thlok IYalJil troops odoli lIhtlng II the enemy re In Buch weiJ b a ellanne of deep water wblch divide tbe been clone me llellow 8OIdlorll remeolbor 11 IAI

illampld of it can lbe Into aU parta of the eonal fol1i8ed poaitlona tho America beg4ll to retreat IOUthestern 8stremll of Zapntero from the hAl brmght DIe 10 this death-fOil all know The corral itself II surrounded by a strong fence Prtyowt to this b01fIer a body of lAncCN maililand The elellDtr ampD Carlot b already wellul do Ify hUluble prayer Is tht I ml

forgilfn JENNINGS EST8Ll wbleb it 18 nee_y to Beale before any material were dered maklng a clroult In the wooda colored th bay dcacribed by the lut mentioned Hisllildy ampII 600n OS Ure was exliaol waildam ean be done by In auolllllg part1 On with the evldellt Inteotion of completely aurronnd chaDnel and aacertalned t~al the water Is of 8Ummiddot

ill a fIOed coffin and decently in~bull tod IMir IY from Tipltapa the loluutem heard th 1111 them andcuttlllg 011 their relreaL Thlt mon cient depth to alford IIeCIIre anchorage tor Teaaola bullthe already relatively large force of the enemy they were wablo to cart Into effoot and tbe The nonhern part of the bayla bounded by tbe Cvlloos-A aa1l1to Will Ared In bonor (gtfhad been the day previous BlreDllthned by an Americans lot oil tbo Ileld In tolerable good 01 cluster known 118 the II Thousand lillUlUS each

addition of two hundred men but Ihia In no wltt der Tbo lancers seeing thie wrecked their Yell OUe of which to our mind Ii In a ahort time d(lj new leg 011 lut lIondJlY The IIrOJO froID tbo eanllons moutgtabated tblr ardor aud the plJIn of allok 110 geanoe llpeo the dud bodlea wbich Ihey roulld tined 10 be fun of hOUle torea Clnd commercial formtjlluto a beautifulmade and b7 Ihllllltiog their Iaooes Into thoee AmerlCftI~ ware-roomll lIId whoro YOSIIelS of conSiderable ton bull

Upiln II couaull11liou it 11amp8 deemed db to wbo were already 80 near deat ft8 to m_ke tbelr nag can mOe Iro~ one depot to another with ~nto the air cn~ form the compauj Into three divisions each to be leadonb1 offieera chOlonfromamonll tbeltlaolvCII BjrOn Colo wat tben elected ColoDel alld Wiley llarab second ill command Robert Mi1IIgu WIS elected to lead tbe 61111 company to make tho ehage-out CIIlhla 19 ero killed wouoded and mlaalnl 1l1lJ Col ONeill was eaosen to leacl the second and Capt WatklM of M_ ChI) third eonlpany Wben all th_ alflDgemenl8 hid been completed the companlos eparated to ~tack the place a three dilFoten poluta

In commencing thua one ~artl1 got In adQllce of the ~elS wbu wel8 obltged to make aomc what of a detour and although eO~8ting of 011 tWtllt)-twO me~ i14 attack tn8 amp0 vlgoroUII that It succeeded In driving tho enemy baolt and 811011 tdler tile other CODlptmlu camo upon Ihc soone of action the Igor of tho _ult droyo tbo enQ~) from tbe eorralillto tho house I1ere tho pau) or the numher CII the _lIanta became IllallifeuIII bull to thelt di_duntoge Tere were not III C1cnt t bold the place ner It ~as a~en and tho 1ere obliged to lII1 baoltbagalO bC~lDdhtbalfence r Ih -raJ Tbl left t e enllllY n t e r ormer

~ c_ POSItlOU

lbo IIgbting (ontluuod In tbo corrlll and wben the AlIleritlllM retired behind hs woll I~ became _t-ldm ~ the Ilmber that ha elm killed Of wounded hat it would be Injudieioul to rtneW Ibe ftttatk A retroat was Olderod and -~~t Ilte band fell back Ilpon Tlpltapa

tlP gshyy Amerlcall In Nicaragua nnd In fact ey r -

J -triun in an pllfta of the world bbullbull reuoll

romoyallmpOSlllble 1D0re ease than tile olt-earla 11011 uoed In GraDada It attained We might gogt on and dlaeant UpOIl tlto CO mole fom 0118 sitee to another On thlcity of up~n bull

oftb_ 81thlhlllllllicolly bravo ml)D bllt thOu II thooaand Islands pure cool water will be always wa thomselfllll as they must appear to th d convenient and It would be Imp08Jlble for Impllrlshyspeak more eIoquentlylD their pralso t~77 tl or Inrectiool to exi In Ita vicinity Here ea- C

01l1 power to do It relcta more credit II ~bll Ulle will oocllpy the placo of stree and light 01 Amerioan l1amt thllll conld be done by andlll~ lIIrylike ple_te boats will suporcedo Iloraet wbi atY ylolory And If 110 mlatake not It will do Hore Instead of a WAllatreet 110 m have a RI CA more to COIlviDce the ellemywbllt sort ofl1lco the II1to I hore will be - and hoal~ sellon and s- ted ra beye to deal wltb than 1I8)tlling tbat bu mIl liolltu In tbelr gondoloa 81ngmg love songs In ~llteal transpired In thle country 1 tbe It-rllght and here 11111 b9 tho moat plellSing odlOt8

Appended to thll Is tile uame of ever mAli combination of bealtb convenloMc and bUIULy ill cutod ho 1l1li to our knowledge eJigagod In IIIghL IIny ~11 upon bidl beallo evoraholle preeed~d lbore may b9 tome one or lllo 1D0re wbaee Hame LlOKClI-The schoonel Pearl was Iuncleu chased him we conld not loarn but we ball be happy at anv 11l11terdllY (lrIday) fOleneon lrom the place 1I01U plaza BeCOI time to 0I1I0l their aamcaln the list of glerv W~ the wharf wbere be waa ulldcrgolqg repairs 11110 lIela lIappeoei silo give the killed wounded nlllllllllilng ~ lIear- tIe elemellt other futurG ulefullleM She iato 11 u we eould bullcurtniD bo commanded by Capt Hardy who has -altetly

Col Byron C-ole made a trip or Iwo In her Tho late modol ofhe 11fty --all Klled Peru II beoD OIllA-- alA d I I v~ bull0 An 8le 8 OwWIUi_ It Drinker aamp lDue looking craft as Bails 011 auy (Jeval ~~ ~tlk n merlean Wltora ~be bas UCell repaired byhlv __ Sberm~ II Ing placed In bar anolY bottom UampII 1I00riJI and 00rII0~ d k dH ~l OullwlI II II uew ec a altered from a frelgla boa Into a H l6 I comfortable palItIeDgor crnft We und_Ind that ~Jlaquofj l~IIOU (killed going up) II ahe win make regular trips botwcon Uraida St 1 _ Dc~11 G~olIlId Vlrgla _ ---~ - Lleut Hutehlll Chaa Calhlhan to Klat SlC J BAli lgtRL Nollrll-W a loam fror Thomu E H LaW Ing F Fisher thaI there aro eight Britlsbcam 11Ilr R Wheaton II Y-m at ampn Juan del Norte and ~bl toce areUtut JIllItIll[ 1 In dmiddot J ~_ $t~ WOlllded 100 to oae one Italian mo~ant vessel -- Vl1UfO E Uolopl W I-I It 000 n_bullone tOQ Stale) and CO yooe be

-~ _On~g 10 tilWOgua

painful to lDen A ale DC American the houae aud led ill th I k

C 00 er on 11110 dura _____

HORSU-PolllOna who h the viclully of S~ George or H

wltb tho power of JI) ing tbrou wltchOJl on II brOOIU-stirk will by providing tboullelC~ rltb av

~l~ Ir ~

p___ H h bull a ~11l _middot011 bullbull ftl til the

Departlllont bull--__- ~- shy

J4uruCItGaCII_Thiij edifice wllicl) ill do underllolng rcptlM mA) bo diltiogulsLef by1 very white color frolll flll olher buildings III ar am at R dietante oheY~raJ 1111011 Il p n$tt COIning lip lhe WEe


jtLNICABABlfENSEVOll No 47 p3 Sabado27 de Sepllembre de 1856 SaturdaySeptember 271856 2BS

er~ middot=wepon =again pla~~ OIh~d- T~OJTriijONNEW-YORK VOLUNTEiiiis PEEPS ABOUT TOIVN optaln made a deaperato eftort to dlaeharge 118

lly Tlull BalL oonlents-aiJed-handed it to me-It wa u dry bull -- bull 11ft a powder 110m In a feOOlld I eollid _ that

nevor eomplam~d In Ill) ~ifo Drlk~ are not the Optaln began to turn diUte pall1bleb atood ~p to cI)mplaln ~ltbOlgll the sometmes 8ufter close to Mm) wbile I preaerTed 1111 eqnanllllltyin 1IIIjIe~ IUch ~cght of It1Ju~U~ wOlld nl~C the ampplit of conciliation The weapon _ again Ih 1lea of ol~hnary pe8ons ISO with 11ldlgnAII~n loaded 10 tho vcry mllZ2le and pneed in the bands Dljring ~ Ibo~t absence fOn 0 ranadll my enelmeB or IiUl opiltln ~hose runds wel$ becoming IlatICO killed nlC (on paper) Ht up (inl)po) very unsteady Ihnt he VIIS IIMblo to taka prcpor III ctlll epI)h llIollneog my dc~th fter nlm And welO It not tIAI I seized tho Instrllment ~a IIIII IIndemiddotg~no till this I VlM 4~41 COIl$glled of dostructlon amI wrenched II from bls hand$ bo 10 he firm of] luto amp Co-hbcled rght ampldo up would hlfO pOllred tho cOlltents of It Into his ~b earo I~om the effects of a eliot ampom a prln- bull ~


I k N I h A I I breast With lUI energy Inplled by tllO liopo ofaI B ~ 100lng abullbullo ~ ow WId II ve 0 bull b godON

If 101 to undorstand thnt Drleke bclolllll ~o the pl~oud and gloriouR tnum[lh I agnlo disc IIrlIe blue strlpea Vltb a rod tiv~ pnilltod atll~ tho eOI~tellls or the pockot pistol (nlld travelllllg in ke cenror on white glmiddotOU -I) aod his 1I10ttO s nefCO say ~ie All greal 1lI01l Ita0 their ou

c~ and of COll1l6 Dlicks hIlS I is And utlhollh I J b J d II deg1fflUlcm IIIRy nlG cen p aye lllon 0 110

p lid T)ora ill Nicargll or PIcn uIgt0nL Ih blrp of a Uousnd strlhgs-phits of the JURI

td perfect he is willinllo appORt at the Fitt I~~ce or at tho In8tanco of nny of his friends

liiake lllIrmalioll that lio nevoI diltld durlng wholo eOllrso ofllid eventful IIrii

unfortunate repordvas spread by tlH)

~fl4in with wlom I ho lately bad a quarrel ~e hope tbat he wouldbjberlt alllhe properly cit I ha1I 80 carefully colleete1 during mylay In PIe lIepublie Ind wltIltt consists of one CAmp itl1 two tgtox~ of matches lind the bottle III

i ~h IfQ Iept our stock of nguardlente I lIa9 l f h h I I

01110 t e city w on my en umn amptors hegan to middotlIp tho 101 loll wllioll has been 110 eagerly II noeltl nut OliO awallow does nOI malte II

~ n01 although sevel1 8w41101l ortbla cockta1

8 brollghL on tho WItor of my dlscOtltOllt l all this happened becauae Illy trnducera neg-

I to 8eason tho tail thoy ao Induatrlonsly

i oe cd out tetho pllblc WhenI returned I could ~ middot 1uraue the COUrIIQ open t0fenofhonor nor a l~ul1luc filr bofol8 ~ caught It Ihit upon n

unately I bit It ro than I did h1m

~ tl

oldti depr ve

Ii( not

n lent to bring the Captltun Jusllco but unmiddot 80 hord tlllnt l huurod myself

An idea then struck me t i ought 10 mil him out bui II struck so bard

r It r IlIC 0 t ~ p(Welll 0 8pcce~-I

thlllefore mil hlO out A friendmdmiddot I) do It fo~ me but ail lOon all he t quarlera of 1n1 one~) he found he

-Ekhnly do tho thing hy balvea lIlI Ihe Captain

defiance with such force at his head 118 to for moment Now m) friend is Bueh a

trump-wben be knows hos rigM hos

compamon) Into the procllC spol I antell It to IOtlg~~ H tho fourth rOllnd the Opblln was unshynblo to come 10 tln~ a1 the aftIIr WIIB Amicably Ilrl~jUlgud by the frlenda of both IInltlo biking II Abot al ftlOund At each oiler Tho ltlAptnln thon pologtd to nneka and ~rlek8Apologhlld to tbe Oilplnin and b3~ npologlZol to IlvllIybody and o~eribodj apologzed to each other nd all oxmiddot dProBBdel tllelr firm convielion that Brlcke Is not

en yet

A FltUlER Boy In Dren fountyIve tlsea for a wifo Ho says

He wants to knOw ifalte can milk And make his IreallUld butler

Anti go 10 meculIg without elk To ok a 111011 and lutter k Ii fl Id IIlIe ltIii 0 10 nOlf I t WOII urt fer Itollds 10 tnk up IIllteheaj 0 tile bultou on ble ahlrt

rckuke a pall of~reeohea

AlInn-An ble bodied portIIln to bold my Wre~ tougue shu lUd I bolD unable to keep b atlll c___________ __________s

OFFICIAL __bull__bull__bullbullbull____bullbull___bull__ ________ DECREE OF IItID GOYEBmshy

----====~____11~_~ rl~lt~~ ~~er~~t

lIere IUO 1 large um~er of ailUftis belonging 10lta buw~r or at least-Ibat when proceedingr t II eourse 110 cannot be taken aback lind reo t1i wng a little he thrcw lin Insinuation In tho

of tbe Captain wltlch I am cretlihlylnformod IIi - 1 r II In h f 11 80ven 0 I m~ rs to 8ny no ~ng 0 Ihe number of teeth wllich II mote or leBB inJured nerstherage ofmy friend weDt beJondnJlbounrs

il mlllht hllTG cOlltlnued to trlvellQ Ihl~ day middot I I h I td t h bull Th ~ t nb bull 11 bull cou no cross I II ravlIle e~Ca btll losl all centrol of his temper and was

lged 10 call tho oftlcer of tllo guard Ilnd Il file loWle 10 foroll lamp inlo 1 tte of subottlinntlon

b I I h Stat t N fI I us 08 10 teo 0 ICalamp~1 orever

7 both u length cme to I resolullon which a great effort tI~v succeeded in moving II ~they ndoavoured to CIIrry II but tailed

b til t k d bull d t d d d y ot en 00 a etermllH 8 an till Ishy- equally belwoen tbem rellred from tho Bold hW lIot eUled wondedng at the efforts my

had mild In m) boble and exprcrsing my

Inllll vlulIl 1 note WAB put Into m~ hanltl Captain reqllostmg me to meet hlln 1m at tllo Veil known houle of Te_

Ilero prompt aettlelllcnts usually bike tl_ A I h d bull ltl ltlt t th1 8 a ICV~ rOlve My ere I a e tlllment and did not tilerofOl8 owo any11+8 I COllented The Oaplain bad arrived heshyaIgt me r coltld 110ft much rAtll aud foil pimshy bi r II hi d b bullPOI 8 ace W IC COllY nce met III be IlIIUt 8Omotlllng Of course tbe calm dlgnlt) of countenance proved to the Captni al once I~t I wsa liP to slllllf bull ~llriekl tt s~ the O~ptain with lite voice of

Y en nxcarl Brick choOlllt your 1V0apolla Pocket pistals act0B8 middottbe table said I conmiddotttof a victory

h d 1 I h d I I e lYeapons wero pro IIce( IV tout e ayshy1011ed lip rOI~ tllo IIrst ~hot-~be Captain won and

~k 6u~h 1I swig a coolnced me It was going to ho1lO ClII) tight lie banded me tho WcnpOIl

middott bull~fOIIS tho lable-he knew holY BrIcks could 11e ftetlU1Md nol to dlSllppomlhim llnd aavlIgely middot med Its ecolell to the fOr bottORl~ Truo gil is olwa) respected and I could see a 1 kle of adrnl Allon III the C t bull p 1m s eye

1IelOtd old ski 11M IIlIid the oplllln 1I1IIS C hgrwlcd tho landlord ftS the rtal

~ -~


Departmcnt of Stata and Interior Relation Grannda Sept~ 23 18Ge

SIr-Tho Supreme EX4IIgtIItlve POWIl1 hu boen pleae~ to dietata through lhe )Ilnillter of War the f1lIowmg DOOIee _ ~ ~ lmiddot~~h~t of lne Roplbllc of Nlc4rngtlllio ita

Wishing 10 rciieve the people from fNlah exaoshytiOIlS of holllOS for tho 1130 Ollho AllOY Alld talring Into consideration Iht In VlIIiOO8 parta of the RI public uwoll In tito p_loll oflndiritlU8ls

IIl1l Govcrnlllei IU Vlrtlle of IllS authorltv bull DECREES

Article 1 bullbull11 horses and mules belonging to tho Republic IU be delivered to tho (hulDlllent for the use of Ibo Ann1 througb the Profects8l1bPreflletB anll Alcaldes ofbo IOIIpecUyO 10WIIS witltin fifteen day from tho publication of tltls decree

Art 2 AllY plll1lOn who ahall bave In hie poeshysesslon1 0hllo rumnls indicllicd in Arllellllelo and shall nelt deliver up the 811l11e within tbe aposhycifted time sball be Judged M II thiefal)d pwllsboo wltli all tho rigor of the Illw

AImiddott 8 Th~ Goycrllmell~ will proteel all Indl viduals who lIIali denounce the retalnera 01 idanimal alld will pUllhlb witll me Bamo Bevelll) thoae ho boln Inbrmod or tho unlllwrul PlSlll8shy


COMPANY A CIIlIILpoundI A WUTI_Captain )f r NADu-lilrat LimUolaoU

JAllU S Jl1ooamp-amp1I11 Liet_ 1 O bull Armalrong 26 James Morrow 2 lWbert Acher 27 B Y )fOOllllamp 3 Fred Abott 28 H )lcLord lIenr Adams 29 William )faMlng ~ Rlcbmoml Du 3fl Ury Mannint II fl BLI bull 31 Oharlea ProhUogton I ThOlllA8 1$11111 3~ Henry lW~man 8 F n Obrillty 88 William B11n 8 Mlcb COnRldllll 34 A Roth

10 181110 Clark 8~~ Tbemaa taW1llt II Rlchattl Doc 86 Jamea Smith 12 Ohbullbulllea Doul$herly 8i P Slumnon 13 A 8 Falrcluld 88 W G Turnor 14 John Fl~ld 80 00 Van HOllen lIS Thumna GilJ~on 101 Sergeaui 16 John HlI8kl 40 JalllesWlIlsb 17 John lel~llml 41 II W Vbeler 18 William rY1 ri 42 John Wel3h 2nd 19 Geor~e Jlmtled amprgeanl 20 William JckaoJl 43 JUlies Werrln 21 WlIIlim Xylor 44 Jalnea R cker 22 E~ R F LIIIoII 411 Patrick Everett 28 Samuel LOOI18rd 46 John Corcoran 24 John lIoon1 41 J F Taylor 3d 211 llellll )fowray Sergeant

CO)(P4NY B ClInt RUIIILIltWIcz-Caploill F L d bullbull__bull

bull lWlOM-lmiddotrbullbull Ltampf_uG V H ampmid L ltIt t bull OK ILL- M tMlI

I JOhn CoIln-lg 2( Jobn Ldnz i Oharea Wenzel 25 Oharl88 LupusII J_ph Soler 211 Philip )feye~

J4 Fran Nflier- lI1 Gharlo lloos8e1 II Ollllrlu KrauM 28 Auguslna )fullet G Jollil Axamp 29 CIIaS M~e1 Jom amprcr 80 B Marun 8 Edward Bibra 81 lWbt NowlllUn Igt Jolm BltIlIt 32 Cbarlll8 Pten

10 John JlIeta 83 Oball RoRIIeN 11 WUllalllFllesell S Etyard Rhein JII Theodore Fiek 86 J088(gtb Sohm18 Julllll Fnlllk 88 T Schrempllf

14 Uen1 F~ 81 OharleaScriba

11 Josepll Hoene 40 O G Staebbi 18 Oscar Hemil_b 41 JSchetlllUller 19 J Kuperr80bmld~ 42 Dion Straub 20 Leopold Klortbhe 48 Emile Seibt 21 Rdward Knndlg 44 O Ummorlio22 T Krcthenbaue 411 Ferd~ W(I8enbor 28 Artblll Hopper 411 Elward Wilke g

41 OuoWcher OO)fPANY 0

H1IIlll llvIlljIlLL-Oczplai A MoK P11I1iAK-Fir1 Li~ull4l1l WII NOllmslDoz-ampco1lll LkutlfllUlt

1 PalrlekButler II Thomu Brooke 3 c_ I D mue lOwn 4 1 Connelly Ii TIIOIlIIlI GarroU 6 William Oharles 1 (eo Garpenter8 D Cornlllllan 9 Edward Oorey

16 Edward IJlark 11 John Denllampm III Y OavidaonIII Dennis Elliott 14 Plttrick Evelamp 15 d Taner 16 R W Jlornud 11 Jolm Foote 18 Alfred GrRT III BeD Hardin

sioll of Rny RDlntal8 shall not cOlllllnmihl thu middot20 JantO llaynes bullbull010 to the proper authoritieM for the apprehen 21 J Uendersou sion oCtile offender 112 Charles Ghrels

AI1A ConlDlUllieated to whom It IDA1 concorn 23 David Jobnes Given in Granada Sepl 281856 OOMpANY D

WHo WAL1CER 4 bullbull

To Ibe Uinisamper onVt Gen Hawo llneda Iw8 F GIIANFir-CapalllBy suporior ord~r thl~ Is communicated to you A STIIULun- Ir LiltUtnallt~

for your information anti plOper aCIOIl lOtto Wooke 23 Heury POlice M luuiPA Minitor of W IU 11 Emilo Barrora 24 Wm Sommer

- - 11 RttD Schmidt 211 Dan SchrAde~-otite 4 p Blite 2amp John Viti IIO Bauman 27 It Conslgne

AII PERSONS buylog eJaime agnlnI UO estetes of tho (ollowlng named dacouetl per-

SOIlS will preaon illem 10 HIli dulYlIulltontiealoo on Of bef_the 28lh day ef Dltltl 18M otllerwlso lher will be ban-od by law


And all persona indohled to tlie estates of Ihe above deC_tid pencns willlllllke immediate pay m~nt to me

bull GILBERT TlTUS lublic Administrator

bull OriclIl4l DptlI1mellt Scptam~r 27 18M

Gralladn Ci~ R nblic of Nicarn a 1 p _~_____~__ _

Recorders Office 1IlE Office or the Recorder of Deed llorlgftges

kclol~ tbo Oliolltal Dcpftl~tmet of the Repllb lie will be opolled ill tie cll) (If Grlln4da on )fon doy tho 9th ofSptembor 18$6 All persona are Icquired by Decre$ tu hllve tbelr 111106 10 lauds In tbe aforoeaid Departu6lIt recorded llIlin Ix mouthB afier thllt date A~ OIL[I

Uecorder Cotlto Oriental DllpArtmellt Granado Sept 0 11160

___________middot_~-_middot_~~N __

9 H F Jemel 26 Edward CI 4 U Ki ~~ ~uoa ng2l James Lovelace liS James Jandretll 211 Patrick LarriplI 30 H F Miller31 lV G Martin 32 J W LoughUo 311 Wtn UcCarthy 34 Pat ODonnegan 3~ Tbomas Pldgeoo~6 William Rose 87 J A $mlth 88 Oharlea Smilh 39 Thos Wintore 40 Jolin Barnacle 41 Oscar Cromrol 42 J Lyster 43 D W Wilkin 4-1 J W AUSllu 46 D Cook46 Tbomll3 Fitzgerald

8 Jolin DUjDIIII 28 FrAncia OUU8fOno T R D(lbn 211 Phil DlIllllagnu 8 amp Darllf SO W P O)piand 11 Theodoro DiU III UOIIIIY IWICII

10 Henry Dalion 32 Phillip Leondra 11 Allton Gtlbbe tz 33 J08 lchuillIlan 1il r Grantz 114 Fred Dirkop 13 Tboo f1e~Rrell 311 JAmes Muller 14 8 1I1l1Ilbellll 311 W m G4IIOlly 16 Pierre lUtirre 117 John IJargell 16 Leup~ KrotolVslty 38 Jllllles FiunegAIIIi Robort Kempf 19 J J Schuylor 18 Jllle3 Jehlolld 40 Jamea Dale 19 lieu lIerteo 41 James lIall 20 CharlO lrelltz 42 -~ ONea21 lIenry 1aul80n 43 W MAgntc 22 G P_I 44 Pal J Rivers

------middotmiddotmiddot-middotPmiddot--b-Ii bull S I U t a eNOTIOE 19 bereby given th3~ I will Pl1)Ceed to

sell at l~m1C UOTIONIO Ihe hlghot bid let III tllO cIty of Sai Juan del Sur 011 the 10th day ofOcto~r no~t all tho properly belOllglftg to the estate of 8 Worden deceased The PIOpel~ty conslsla of ono house and several articles of POI 80nal properly J lRIEST

Amerlcnn Co~ul Sail Juan del SIlr amppt lIG 1861) Id

Lilt 01 Letter Remalnlllg In 1011 ORlee in Granada Sept 27 66

Alvares J M Ayula Houie A Drown Geo If Drinson J P

BOD8II1I Chilli D Brclay lieDr)

Dohlldl Mula 1 Bula DOli F Drown Geo

Berry E nlngoryno Benell D J

BOtdlllIll FA Bowlllan Wm

DllU Z J

Cole Sam (oopr Thomllll Clrlslophle )fouanlr CIk B II

Oasaaamp Sam R Clark Albert ClIlpbell Oapt CoI8lnan J T


Gapwell G W Conklin B K 08181100 Don Franciaco Cowley tat CovlIlllry John Carpentar Courlarde Don BernadoCooper John CabreraE Campen Cr Colman M W cwillo M Dick JaB Dulton II J Dyer P Il Donalds 0 II De Fltlfer J W Dickaon II Dunn ThoQl Donamplly W D Dobert) 1 Duall F )fDbullbullhon J J EisoUIck Pablo EV~II~ ED Fiaber Ju T 8 ) IlIg_rald JIB Irnulll J C II Faysaux C J Grahalll D It 2 Geilacb S Gliddoll JT Gregor G AGuenero R Ga9kiUM Gt~hlk C Goodlllan W H (IIbbb Gillllor Thomas Gilmore Stph 4 Gray A GaltlliealV Do G A HouJ W nume W viHagallP Hoes8T Itchingamp Wm J Hob BaaT narrle Ohs Hooker Clark Haley 11[

Jollnlton L Johnaton A JohnslOn It A JOlle lfeBC Knapp l F KlpOscotKllimph J E Ktlch John LiIIlBeld WD

)leKy)f n )fdlpio J W )forrie J W McMullen Jno A Mackie Rob Mims J It Berm JIlS )f Mendel T )UIIlI J R look Wm Morales Pedro 1IyrtbullJno Mlrlonl J J )fOOl Jrred Marlin Robl M_bH)fellow WmT 1Iyora EnriqueMosl01 T A Hundel D Moore J GP MoMauo H JMylord Juan Nag R8 Orosco J A Polioo Lon Luis PattaraOD LulaPlacloa Enriquez PoloinoDPownder John Pemberton TboaPemberton Thos PlckreagiU R W PowersEdw PanooOha Qulntal1l11 Rue Paul Rutb Jobn Ronalda O L Roux LRogg J ~ RuckerO II Sturges G A Smitb T B Sandera E J 2 SweeneYlJas WSchundera T [ Sherrin HugbSnyder Dr J n Schleulnger EllqSpann A SUIlVII J Swan Jno It Salford F G Shed Ob Sturtz Jacob TIIICSCIIIc H L II fowns Aa 0 Templo T amp-8 Towsle) D TrentiniO Y 2 Tompkin W A TogllAoca Te C II Uoler FM Vega Don 0 Watklntt Lewis D 2 Wlllialll8Oll WITWeeb It II White Wm Wllre Edw 2 Wbite 86m IWiIllanl8A V Wayne Geo W oight Thoa Wood NF Willson Jno J( 2 WaH A WilIiAlms A Y Wyn A Walllh JaIn

n~ P CRANE PostmasterGeneral

Dr lingu Post ENDERS HIS SERVICES to the citieua 1)(TGranada and vicinity In the practice of

MEDICINE SURCERY amp MIDWIFERY ar Olllee and reaidollloo on the 80ulbweu

COrtlr of the street oppallte the San ampancl$eo Conven~

Granada 18li6

Dalid ISIaug FFERS FOR SAIE at his placo San SebasO tIan Street 0110 1101110 above G~ Ph lle~

chors store Flour Wltlte-sugar Candles Uackerels Olivo

4fOIllaUcScldodrun Sebnapp bllttdlphia Ale and POImiddotte

Wille Olaypipes TERYS CUB

- ~ -- - -- ---------~-ilIJlX A TRODJlN



Togellier wilb l~rJ COPPElt JvnBUEEr~rJlO AnD ALl KtlC 0middot 600D BOrn IN 4 VJlOLpound9AU)flO~HopitAl 8tNlO~ III -ollt ofSanraoeisco OoIlUII

GranAda June 7 1860




fpound NICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 49 p 5 Sabado 11 de Octubre de 18561 Saturday October 11 1856 3Dl

W~T WE ARB STRIVING FOR ROMANaS OJ WAR THII BAY ISLAND8 AaaAL 01 mIlt raow 5bullbull-)( J -- Fella iii IellowfMWollfr Ind fe-lIow_llaquo qI

Th ra AI a pe-rlod In the ahOi t bn CIcntrlll To lbole ho b noylll been parllclpators In The 1Ihlll rollm aetlled on IiIe 0 nclt Eetrampef In ClIba h arrlyed at New YOft timo bAt Americana bave been In Nicaragua whea campalgo war appeaR to ba roll 01 hononl about wInch eo much dlplomaoy h betn lIpelld ~hm 8paIOlaft~endurinamp 100amp aeri ofpua tu) Irere brandcd b tbe porltanlc people of the Their 1II1ncit dwell pon bloody OCIlIlIletll ind ed between Ihe United Statea aad G_t Britela Ea~~ 0 pUIr oIlt year ampnot

I - r- pItOIIIId I bull a IIHbute~) s little blllter thn the brlgandl oC the Bolmiddot on 01 _illig a1ft14 before til wbta do ool Hem dIOIIIl4 to IIIbIuIl to w lat eo -oel Ill Fells who bad beea i__ kolo P ropetiu mlddil IM or tho bUeMlI tb-t inmiddot tbeir thouamphta dwell apoll thlife of a lOIalr III Tentioll collcluded betw_ Mr nu IDJ Lord prleon ror a lonl tlrae wlib blm lID ~ IIImlshyrleq the COlltS oC Contral America daring ita traetioo irom sa ogo to half-eivUlzcd liCe Sollie wcre even bold enough 10 denounce U8 plrato and lao who wad 110 higher or more ennobling lurplea Ihall to rolS tho woak alld to oppreaa IhbIa ho could nol rcain our poer Why Ihey rho~ think 80110 (Quid not dcvlse for theycte~ publlshedtlleir roGSons with tbelr oplolonl They ~(lIgttulnlr did raquooUao any tbiog In tho nctlona f ~lnelmiddotlcan In Illb countr to jll8t1r lIucb an

I e bull don Thty seemed to overlook the eWllI tm ~at we having rccched our earliesl training utr Iho manlier of tilemsclTes Aroso to manmiddot 1uood~dQr tbo purifying InftllencC8 Of tbo sAone itOi alld hving instilled Into U3 Itom tllo lint 4bullbullm ~r our petClptionl the sreat principles o hlc call rcpu~UCllllism could nol do olberwlo

tban 1 turtAln tbe dellpeat r6gard8 for tllo broadut UbtI~ ff the Indlldud 1~6n Valker In bls Inaugural addrw

lY Ule IIIIIlOllt liberty of speech patiblo Iti~b order IIlId good sov

i 0 ~~h~fun~I ofnil polillcal bull I e cling 118 r u JlOI

IbIe Ie materlll deTelopnlcnt of th~ State J ballIO unmindful oflllllntellelaquoIIIII and motu reo ~Qltellellts To prolIIote the proper eduOitioll of Ihe p~ole and to oneollrage thenlln tho praet1cee or t04t Diflno flIlJllon wheh COlllltltbita hlIIIlla

~ or lIlIid~rn elvllbailoll eb1I be the objecl of prl-IMt) ~mportalco1I Ib~ Ito tile prillciplea wblch IIOt ollly JUld

th clUet ftliaR bll b I IIbh d dOPUL~J 0 1111 f c uaiwlC narlgallel h l1 po til 0 Amer cana nce ell ar VI In

do dollntry Tbe woret enemy toour poace and

Ih~lv J1XI dcanlmlla NlcAlquala but tbe genius of

olliam reduced down to practice We

lit ~ tbrougb the pme Impulse Of IDetllletfliat pela the Engllsb to push their colonlea to dIG remotest COrlllltf of th eArtb and iblt loduees 1M Amerieep ia tbe United States to I ould r 101

bull IU aad his rifle aDd penetrate tblt deptb oC the _ Illd ope~ an wlld__ Into the broad rllgbt of clvlftzatlon W bullbullre her bringing - L U oh tl 1401 f lit e _ago arta a~ t y Jllry 0 our famplhtre nd Ibe balloloboll of our brother and we are lIere fulfilling fot tbe first time 1118111vloo prophae1- Wbolo oitionslllmil be cooferted In ON ~1

W~bout hesItation or etaggcration we can eamp

6tt 0 are Ihe ollly ractfeal mlulonariolll of the pepelliince th day orst raul oSt Patrick IIId w_ hue ~lready done more fo~ tbe caUie of

lit don la Oenlral Amerllta than aU the preach IDC at liu been done lIere Ince the da1 of~ Et

bllll Nicaragua has already received from IlII 611Cb puth onwDrd ldlf ery 0110

ifill ere to leaveOmorro Itwould be1on1l L__ Ilate Ie tho Spanish retrograding tendency

ItIIId rng hor bkCk ioto th eocial politbal and IIOIA1 arkn from wbleh we hLe reBcuoi her

1IH1P Snoonu-A reglll corps of sharp ~ baa beoo orgaIlized in eacb hallaHon The 11M lIIavQmrll la eYery compau are selected IJId diell armed with a llonle muskei B this ~IIenl II body Is organizod who may bOIe-W~ to kill a mn 1I one tbollAnd yarde tllre8 II fill offlv~

(I BORNlnYS COllluIID-On Tuosda Jt t bull y bull

tH Vgin btOUih~ up f om Si (iJorgc the entire IOIIIUI~lId under Brig Gen O C 110rll8by making II addition to Ibo garrleon or 160 mell

~ lIIl ()~luBl-Tbi stealller arricd in San

JdIi 01 lur 011 W cdnesda S1le will remain at

I bull

01 t until tbe Pauenlllllamp arrive b1 tbe next lui r from Ne Yorkf11 $I SIIIgtOTINII-For the Ias~ tbroo daye the

ItI sertlee Bllt war wllbaU III dlIipeeabie Clarendon Afler a 101I1Iym8nt of th Bog 8l11rollndln ami 11 Hults ofteo tillia open 110 rule whlel INII 01111 eoaured jU811e but a Ul the pathway to more eoJoyment tbao can oc- hlol4 ohaCety they ho DO Idea of belog traMshycur11i Ibo doll round of a 1_ active liCe The lerted to the tender mercies InJ IIICOIIIpotent aumiddot plrll wbloll nrlse when b~lIe boata Ire about to lbodl 01 tbe nge Guardiola They bout engageln combat u properly evbed 1I11amp11lb oc- righ for th only prospeot 01 amp ohlUlp III Ibelr (ion arill and In ita ste-d the ruea of iltoatloilborthowonJC UndertheruleolHonshyfrlerubhlp and tbe bappleat of ROOd felloyenhip I lultlvled It is bllt nllIral that where II14II) men Ara mutually depOlldent upon the plowcas and bravery of each OIlier II Irong allllI of brothershyhopd 8110uld bind Ib~m In thlt tho Nicaraguan Army bosond aU othor allord bull the beat ll8tIllce of

_ bull - bullbull- II Friend no rbullbullt Ol1I Whoso doublemiddotbosoms seem to wear one beart Whuse ~jUI-s wbOl6 bedl 10_ meals and

exel CI80Are 1111 logoll18r whove tllln u twm In 100 lnupaable

Tho Flnl Rifte Bttellon ot Iho Arm Ie tba (lldot and on thle llecount appear to claim the right of setdng all example to their equally brave compllllioniof other batUion1 of tb Joillt of II

bull bull soldier lifo Being oflleered by men WilD Un told their forlunesal ibeIr IIIItlv hom Bearing their birthrightl proudly on thel b To IIIl1ke a hazard oIae foriunel h r IIC I r ore n briebull a braYer cltoleo 01 dauDtlebullbull _plrlts~~ft~u~~i~~degti~e


trut pldloeophera lId lIIeD of 1IIIdonJtandlng turn the preacnt to the beat adlIntap

When Itll undentood Ib tiltmiddot r IL ~ hmiddot bull I t 1- I Imiddotere 0

q e1n cOlIllgtry canna po 10 0 II e nmiddot Nortll Yere mareblal toward thlt capllal th ~ In wblch Americans here have eo rar forgot- Fint 111801 were ordered from their qurte U teft thp01aelv aa to eommlt any act w~lch would an dyaneeguard of the Nlcanguan Amy 1t8ec~upon Ile hlgb elate of clvllillltion of their Thev enCAmped at the J lteba Ch reb

d b th dmiddot OIl I t h bull II on w ~ ~ 0 lUI c bullbullbull men II Ollie outlklrta 0 11M elt1 rortlloI~I the polladimiddotma han been bore a there are and urrDulllllng Illeit pmeol pOeItlon I Id

- boo In ever CODIDlunily individllala 10 - gruay Th IccInllea for lancln III the Iocallt tjjly organized to allow thel pollllon to g 1

re too lIeat to _pe the 1tItchful ea of ~hlOr tbtlr bettlll Judgemeat But tbe tbe B16e11 and their hammock were _reel

on eplllirYllItn III ilriDltlliiCH alld ~ 11111019 up Tbey are too gallaut to keep to themlety AlllercAiIa bave treated tbe natin of tb iaeounlrJ eo much h1oyDlOOt Inltatiou re Immedt I k L v bull

~ ~ magnanimity Dot nown among ona ately lltued to the ladl ami pAtIomell of Ora IIld aa weUa to their brother 01lc8

Adance on tho greeD by moonllgb wOIIld bull A hi If _amp

temp n ooy mle e no lIot A1 thereCore 1I1Ih what a1aerlly the IlIvitltlon met wltb compliance

Befot tho moon badfaMy apread her hom bull

lIgure were rUdillg rapldllO And fre and ladlOll on boreoba~k belln to -mye The dear era turea looked In lb parllal gloom l1li1 pf moat bewltoblo beau wblcb altronwer IIhl If u1

thing augmented

__ Nlghl Shows tars and women la a fair IIgbi

rett Dancing waa Of cbulll Ihe order of the lIinht

I - _Aad when

lfumcrOl6 WIlli Ita yoluptuouuwollampn e~ea looked lue to YII8 which epoke apln And al went merr1 u marriAge bell

Dallclng with II Its lellirableneea does ltayeI r --t b II dbmiddotat I 11108 a 8 Ii Oll lUI IIg ten Olley ut we

Rille aro the IlIlIt III tlll wOld to rorget the nomiddot eeultlei of the Inner man In II eommodlollll toom at a eonv~nlent distance from where the dancers danced II board was ead ltll a prolll sian 01 viande and wboo beVtnl$eII wore reshyqUlred tlOJIIe Iere furnished lIIcll exhilirated but did not Intoxmte

001 Eo J~ere lind Lieut Col F Atldereon controlled the entertainment so 1111 aotl eo pleaalllgl) tiift were il IIOt they are alroad Imowno ellcel In the inillwy profeulun alld It bmiddotb lib tiel - Ih t

aYO O W I r 1110 cam an or thelllselee in the Temple)f Fame 1ft would be Inclined to adyl them to devoto tbemselves to Ing or aD entlreli dUfcrent and 1_ edIIf~ rol$ nalure Bul the plelUure wo enjoyed Is somowhat mingled wiLh 1 regret for thoeo Who

t ~ d tl I bCOU IIG en1 1 alice on 10 green If It II ellvlnblc felow whOle good fortune II I to Iotcd Ihe First RlRt Battalion

---------- Ll01EII-The laily of )111 Potier 01 tho Ordmiddot

dllma they will not only be lubJected to tho peUy tTrano) oCa bQlrmiddotbreed Indian J8IIoulOf their IU

periorilJlod pprehendy oetbelr power bullhybull

wlU be excmp Itom lnythlogllke proteCtion from ~ht ronp thai IIronger pow 1111 lee II~ to plol108 upon theXl In their IlIdlldu tapieIYFoelln(~1 their dQoadvantallOf thy Very MIumiddot bullbullU1 obJcel to 1111 amalgamation with th goy- tollty 9111he tid ~rlirrh lut M~rF~Ulm mellt of lItindllrU The followlllg extfaol flOlll a dlatetYleIkud went to Glb la from hloli cormpoodent oCtbo Now York Ifld dated al PaceUhe t paeaag~ O LtveIOOI d thence to

lilted 8htos amYmg Boston in thetea Ruatan AlIgl8t 19 will Fbow 1I0w the people hlp Nlapn on the 8th or lUlllt lut )lr Felli ~ere Iook Up80 the Coolfentloo and ho tbey II a cllifin of Ihis couatry 1IlIkcl) to act In the ueat lbo troty rallfied )lr FIIIII no ill thia city enPlled IS the wltbollt alty COIIIIIIItltiOa with ibeluclilimente Go1lmment lrantor

A reporamp having IJI~ em Ruatall tbat the Bn -------- shydab governlllent w gOIng to deli IiIe eoIony A HOlllItla-80111e gentleDlen were amlllinof the Bay Ulandl to their orlKlnal ~ (the Ihemaelrel yeate-d afteraooll b III tIii State of HondlllV) It ha caUted eonaiderable es- alii to t at dlatenc Y 00 g at

ciltment and the Prealdenlof 1M Leglaladve AI- II a on e frolll the 0 sembi called a It neral meetlogofthe InhablWttl wharf ampad aucceeded III _dlllg bullet Ibro11 for the purpoee of pelillolllo ber lIaJ~y 011 tho the IIrUa 0( one Th monster _II pye Ill the lIIUecl uuamp 11 bullthe~ allUmtnllll ~ at thlt men- - III 11 ed on tbe hore IiIII tawlI1e

log wblob tootplaoun I oclock on tb 18lb Stlidwl~ ~bout nille feet IIId eYeD III death he 11I1i1llld proIul$ toally reeoIllllolI belng-d J ee appearance oIlelng a II ugly elYshylalllyllldlldualtellprelled I 1rDII1tenaa tomer TboeewbowLlhtoatudytheanuomof their IIlItlmelltl 011 theUlattlr AcoJorftpomiddot tberilterwlllfindblmaowllogoDlhebeadampt1eman boldlog a hlllh ofllce on the IaIorul doell red that he would DeYer conlen( to -01 lloa luaus WampOOIl-Wina 00 bae _I GOt shyboln _t to th Bdlilh soY--t tor It bad _ IIaIHt oPplClled Ih people too much ampad II uo I 11_ e~plWl waampon we JWnled and quite a gDftmlllOUI gaYe th up II~ _ wmln and ampy100IuII concern In tblg eoUllt) wh tIIere able to take III rmlto deCend themaeleII (rolll are nothing but - willi whe lIIade byllampwfni thelllYMIoo oCthe Hon~_ So oth oIIthe butte oIa trbullbull and punchlog holethrwgb followed III the tlwe wlrlike emdn which _0 th Ier r h to tbe taete of Ill 1_lIag 1111 liiio ~ bull ceo or t I ampIlemiddotwe It Ie oow rIged lip Chat the lurplllll reveoue ehOuld be dnoted to dI ampad the drinr duhe through tile elty In a purehMe ofarms d amm1ll1llooi ob 1IIId that amtocratlc mteor mildbull If Ihe were 101 lIeutral the HoadufOll would lea them III the q Ie~OI of the BIII lll4UZlIIL-We are Indebted 10 II the Nlearagum eml~Dte lIditr the _d publ1tb and aIao to Wine Co EllprtM fof

~~b-ped wllh hit lite 111 FeU~ andIfhIl~g hoe ~ ~thtrlO ober 1861 tenced 00 the 24th of )larch fo~olnw- 11 JeanJ ilnpriloomen Ceute and to enJure I~4 -ryelllllllce oC the poIiee Ille ellpiration ofthllt i~ pU1lllUlce of II I h b SpainOlitheJtofJ~neamp1I d~~eavfo~ 011 the 811amp orte memolllh On the 181h ~f JuloIIOI~ be w tlkell to Cdur wllere he ~t ~~~II ~e ~thmo( 1If1~ Fromdtllbe prilshy

rov ula an t rown Into tbe IlronJlbold called UMbo and itep COtl

t1nuallr In ehalna Iu th mlWllillle tho friellot ~~Mr ~eUAaIll tmUited Statu were not Iliac by~b~nQeo s f nOII~~ tmiddotrb~ jug_ted

lIec ofthelrfoll1 hubeen M~olllJ b their wunhe a ~d~l(eoa ampbe 1Ieen wu got O(ClellIlValker 1Ii~(lllampOPJh_fuIIooplbullbull Q(tllube nlblallIthlT lertIOIIIIfIt promen tblt State h lib bull I ~~pored ha hlbe mtla~~tf~ Colllow do -1YWi ~ lubecribe to HI1 ta -I and attac llIenl to _I oroWII can 10 -IV net bull Co

but 1amp had qwte III opposite e4eoI (or dI (8e11nS It that lhi tallallon tbat It ImpOllidIbr the _eIIt WIIIUk Ce-lIrHlnkle theactlOtDmodatlllg Of_I_oJllclllllU1gh~ltat beea ed Jufdlbey ~oIth aboYIl lbp has plllcedumiddotlnpc been pOllllllted to relllalll llldepedelt ampad lItIo - of our replar fll 01 Butern Md Pacillt lrat ootcolouized III dlreet viorauoll of IiIe Clay ncban We h ton and Bulwer tre17 II ope to elbe Exp bllllintfa

HallY suggeatlona were 01l8red bUI thllt 1I1ob thorougbly organized agaIa

Tho gIy bat ceqQeltisb rldingack and the ward of the pori 01 lrUxUIo and about tlleame tanWlzlng Impudence of th 0101111 wbleh 1 tllttlnee (rom the IIInd of ftllliall There8

11011 now abollllorlJ Germampllll IIIId AlllerI_ a worki IOmellmilli 01181 11 thade of uncertaint over tllllr tuch au their PIOBpeCB thai tbe have J(feD the Call facM rendered the IICeno one of Intense 11Ite- place the name of New California Iluan I

seemed lito tn08~fslbIe wla made by 011amp of Ihe rea1denta-Ibic~ In the event 01 tho colon belag e _ted by til British they thOliId aend to PrealdeDt Walkar aoeking Ilia rdlluce ud reshyqlltiUng him 10 aend a bod) oIlrDIIpI to prrleon the Iellnd for aD 1I0vemmell~ 11 betler than that orHOliduru

Emi lion I _11m III to th ne1 dllccrrned pld de altuf on tbe _t Honduras at bull river called Belfltte within thirty mU wealo

therelOre IikelJ to bo tho depot to lind fioolll the

bllru OJ RxcAl1ITs-Co1 E J ampcod bull ~ 41li

broughl down (rom California secnty reQRlCII which ltayO been moatly _ignad to Iholllral Buia Battalion The tillookcd like men of therlght stripe


)1011 REOIIVITamp-Col Jack Allell amvW 0 Ifood It wltb near 008 hlllldred recruits UIlshy

der Capt J B Graeo Bolbmiddot lt101middotAlleoantl cpi Of0011 hbullbullbull retumed 6-0lIl furlough

PBR80NlL-WeannOllnce 111 I h t f J V Fb I ure I

e IIrn 0 bull bull ens to Grallada aaer aD amp1gt Ullited States all 118 ncelln harbOfll 0 arm llen~e ofthree moolbs to tb Eatttmiddotrn Stites advlllltages for 8ucb II purpose nuelt baing p fecily 1e from north winds 111 tbe winler amp8011 List oC Letter------=-----=-

ColllKG SrSl1JIER-Th ateamer Teno_e na Remaining in the Post Office middotrccei-ed adnrliaed III New York to lellve ror San J_ del sinoo August 30 J856 Norte OIIlhe 6th or oampObar wlIlub would mako A d J J had t t T it n reAlIer v GIl a preseo OIl or w Irf8 Andolllon 110m I aufllolellt to IMIIe lhe trip and we -1 th_ Aharez DtD rore expect 111 arrivil about Thursday nut with Dlalr Oharl datal up to the 6tll 01 October It ia IIIpJlOled Brown Oeorge that the Onba III bo at 8m JIIAn del Sur in Ood~ Themu time take tho PuaenllerA by tho ~elt8s throh g~itJDon to (lallfornla Afler the Tllne tht Teunesaee ia Cottle Caellye regularl posted to I on the 14th Ihllll piol or_lg R R utwo atelllnera thlsmWthftom New York 8ioce Orowel~ John Ue above WAll written the Orlube arIed Sail Co~por Tbomu luandel Sur EflCkeoD cP

Ftlgerald 0 0 NJ(IAuGu GlIuM-Werecelved largo FitzenldGeorgobun II 01 ti If I DB C Flshe~ Bordamln c n~ 00 grapca om bull e fIIfIO apt Frank II

N N whlcn a~lbough ~ot jQlte equ~II1 fllI~r GOltel H to Ibe best ~bOIIIh are fur an uncultivated milt Gardne RP of good qualilYmiddot We have 1)11 been ofopllIon Cilnllll John that NlcaraguR would before all1 very dlalaDt diy lIaley )I

Leltl8ll Ourtil Lockwood E 0 )lullen J Vahon 0 lIlIIer D 0 lie ioigan J 0 Nag R B

Otllllaa J D ~Imer J p~MA

2 Piper ~1 bull SwaD J R

a S1OCUIII Cpt BRlall Jaoee

Trvllllj Chas lJ

2 Taylor A W rlgbt A w~A H West Lleui J S

be the flfet vine growing counlryln tbe orld-A lIagtl_ TampOIllIl Zarrl J 6 11I th III d ft f h abo Jorlrnan Wme p 01

not un e so an u~ 0 t e vo mOIl lIooed buncbrengthODll St~U Taeticbull

IbllHD PlPIlIUI-Womual apo1og1ae to llr THE GBNTLB~UN Who boTOwad ftOID Col Munt Cooper Nwpaper Ageus III San Fran Fahers ~r Ille ampoolld VoIulIIe of

Hert companlee III the two ~Ul8 oualiona lIanee Deparlmenl CII1IO to Or_la by tbe Jut cIIco rot 001 relUrolDg mlr thub-for tlta COIIIIan~ Scott 8 Tacllcs will ampICfllle retlltll II 10 CoIollel lave elaquojn CIIgtged III target 8lercuu Tho oootmiddot steamer and w happy to A oXfleeta 10 make and eOpiOli IIIppllee 01 1- pap wlarla 1fI111 III Ii~t U~iT~iR)(AK ~_~~~~~plI~e~~a ~llghly crodtablo tbls her fumo Iollle conllauu to rerei lila baa-Clemmiddot1t (obullE 8ecoD411l


bull bull

pound+ NICABAS[JENSa Vol 1 No 50 p 3 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October lB 1856 309

IruIrti~1 mu~il to urge them on but with ISA J(E US FROM OUR FB1ENDS 1 victory land defiance Btamped on their mud8~ned figures lind written on their ampvin~ bllnneri-lllf I tlien there WIIs a eIIout went up rrom the anenat that was eohf)e~l from the old prochi~ churoh and rolledori and grev heuier nt the GUllrdshyhousea shuut that carried hope IIlId new lifo llri te1rful joy to the hearts of our flmil~s nnd friends but such terrOI to tho cr Ivon enelny that they could not fly and ~ II IIlIlUY of them in the pitfall they hi ug thmsolvel Ihore wero some who ampld it and at first knew not its mean ng-trhlllds who were cut (1ft and Iring n their hOll8ell In momentary ex

~on of the 118sasine knc But as Gen fNlllker and hu boy~ drew near the plpza alld saw stili floatmg (rom the

i1agStft ill Its centre tbe devieBlo( free Nica I h Ii Id I h

U mo dr gUR- d n It~~ w t ndazth

1 lr ers t Ie re P inot JArs -11 U8 bull b h h mg natives men w 0 were onre t ellbOWltlta t NIClalua was ltlll safe the drum and fife struck up Ihe homely old IUneof Yankee DOl)dle and tbosewbn knewtDflt tbe meanin of Iho lIbou knew

bull bull g 1bel that IR other dl~s had led theIr falhe~ from vlotoy to victory

On year preVIOIIB ell tIlt very day the n ver tobu-forgottoll 13th of Octuber Jr Viillnm Walker entilred Granllda bull hi d b b Iill t u1t tlUifl an t IS WlUl IS com

If n gt

middottom g 4lir 4VENlOROUS PdRTY

bull f _ _ bullLale 011 the evening or Sunday tbe

12th aparty COIliamptillg or MlijOI Rogers Minis o- of aaclenda Col Thos F C dtllce ahe Qualmiddottermaater General apt lute lite Those were the traltols who JUAN OTTON DB OPPLBIf

I T Slm~ls of t~e Qllarlomast)rs _par~ came 1Il~0 Grannda with patllotlo eheera IUIhNlJ1UU mel)j 901_ Lam~ olle of Gen W~Iker 8 llpoll thou lips thllse were the mon who Tbe card one of line Brhltol board ud In-Aills] flUd an escolmiddott (If about Haeen Ran promised to81e the country-these welo di6ttcd much taaampe lillie Uecullon Hla pookol gets ~ltted from Muaya for be city r- Lire Illell who cl~tIed Ibe eVllngelism of beok 10101 amp3 oil ca hie _muloC ~n Grandll They had Dot IIdYaneed far whenI It

bull became eVident that IUjwould be

bulllanirOOs to proceed and Mal R~ers bullT

retutlea to acquaint the Gcneral of the

ct_ The remallldel of the puty enmiddot d h h B bull etm e 01 t e nlg t 8)10 monnngiller ~vere attlcked and Lhough they deshyfended themselves bl8vclyMd 811Meoood in cutthll thlir VIY through they were

I~rg partllls of th6 cllemY line Wllle thlr foro obliged to mllk very Clircuitous lOIItIis- Col Fisher witll hismiddot two com pan~ns Iilturned on lhnltltday mnrni

bull Th4t wero very milch ftl~Ued havmg

h Ii h t h _l ell ~ not lUg 10rn l c IIno t tly start irom MlIsnyn until thl) arrived nt Grll-IIId excolpt 01100 whero they hllpPned tpg~ W a small hut where thelo were bullineieen women and children aud onlyL

OflO mnnbull fhe Colonel placed tI guard 11 tb~ dour ttl prevent tile Igres~ of IIny i ilftllF natives lind thonprovliled SOIllUmiddot

~h1rqt to pal rr himsdlf lind men ~1 D1rlng tho woek lievernl others f thll

rt IIlThmiddoteel IhtY nrted CRllt Slim fmiddot -- lOis ael II they Imd soen bis hrse CII IItd him and supposed tbat ho hllli reshy

loClvd a semiddotolo wound But fortunately CoP~ SammilS himself arlivlld III the tity

thiS OfulIlg_ II hnt Dllt belu founded adEd cllron nllthillir faom tltt) tilll he

left 81 II IIntll be IIrrlved ho( romaliishy

Weare informed by InttrUlgen and loyal Democrats of tbis city the when tbe late attllek Wllll made upon Granada they gave up all hope for the olty Nlit knowing the character nf tho American people nlld helllvhig it Impo8lllhie amphat OliO hundred and fiay mfR and a portion of those Infirm eould contend IIUCle8tlfully agnlust the heavy odd coming down upun U8 from U qUllrter many of thuse eople ran away to the Inountalnll allIlln 80me easel we have heard of them being alaulthshytered In the woodllwhithlr they had gone rr safety When it is known that mallY of the eini~salies of these brutalities were flrmer rosidents of Granada it call_reeshyy be credited that even savages would

th bull bull b pursue IIlr paSOllons 60 ar lit DeVrshy

bull theless It is a truth thnt the mOIl cold blooded atrocities were performed on flee

noxt door Doi hbor There were but rew enga ed in t~68e horrid trn edlea for we

g tfi dl I th t it r I Ie JUN len say ng a ou 0 fI ppu amiddot tlOIl of fiCteen thou8and Granada did not furnish mllle thall three hundred men to the ranks of theallOmy and th~we three gellOucbed hundred wele only enemies becluse the Among die -1 o-ro -pu trom lIIe elle-A h d i t duced I t G ad m1 shOll at tbe Jaltoba wu Uebrf WalleN

merlcans a n r~ n 0 ran a wbon 8ft heuy-casod gold hUlidn walch bull plan of hvlng Without the It waB ampeod bampIIich would ollletlt bay --_bull bull UN_

unce the prlvdege of the II1111tar1 Umllllrs hlacroln ill bullf auk 11110 III wate IIDt in this city to raile the wind by the laY Ibe Ju snob A sbocIt gave hit tam he re-

most questionable meuulesoodll8 a mall oeed 110 InJUlf He hu already fonpe III four lor of cOUrie when II better governmllRt bampltlea IIIlder Oell Welker ud 1fU he was established under Gen Wlliker these kldng of ()ta1IIIdbullbull

titletl thieves found their OOOtlpation Kune One genU_a left 1IIoIIowlng card In on of r alld thllrewith the chaneeot IivlIl a ditiSo tbe ho_ III wbleh be cook UpA tempotll1 rtal

order-these were the men who loved ad by Carrera Oell WlIlker no hoIda die com 1181

Granada too well to see her in tho hoods m onbull of the prosent Oernment and ye live I During tIae aght 1fahYerIIaRCII were

Wht did they do 1 What wefO their hltea frOID the eny III III bandt ot bull peI1IOII

ld9111i In delr _ dI__ lie fir middotefteotl+ works t _ I

r_ bull d d b weaptllll amp t_ certatD 1 _III 10 u ofAlmmg mto town a~ mt 3Y Y II

fOloy upon their own OOllotr)lIIou they wllre 8uOil fed Thuir next move was ror a whi~key shop ahd at IIlghtsllt onemiddot

1IIIfllrtunately rcparated filtm each other~ fourth of the attacking force WII3 turlled Col Laln6 WIIS take1 pri~onol Col int the SlIme sut of drunken vagllbolldH

FIsh~r With wo ~lIgers 11Itlllncd to Ma tllll~ had been dllvon ltu~ of Grllnllda JU$t lIIya but dlscovermg th3t Gon Walkr one ytampf befhre Thelf Rltve iustlllctil Ilad ~turned to the 1iS$ldanOO of Grant- sull hoM Illa~tery although thly wlfllin da t~(ly also retracod their stops to this tiont of danger lind In the JlIth of dllty F~ On thcir wily they If ot sevcrnl At light had not a rge prtlon u r the

bull I foreign furee beell (lIItrllmed to ~nlaln ~ober our omall garrieoll might hn~ gobe ftlrthlInd tied up with 1(P=4 the lotlliflg raBnis who CUltle into thlgt cit to rodeembull ~It ~o orler and gOll( guernllltmt

B I bull f I II ddlit t lell X ~~m (I 01 IIr I nut

stop here Thofo ~hn did not gut drunk uud cover ui nibt reolmiddotted to robbery I

i ~ lind bllt rlilV tonslll 1)~(jII)lld urpillaged Every thing ~IInhllllf b ing calried IIwuy

fidelity IIf th 1ple of Hranada Tholl6 coi BpoundIIDIu In hlllpoti _ loIae wbolt or who laW them make voluntar) ufterlng of be olBennd men ohb Jlm RII BUalloD did refreshments to the exhausted soldier bel dn amplid I ould be mock 10 110 know how willing i wlltliono They blul gl one oller mON pNile til _dler fte7

)1 bullbull 6 l 1 w IIII Wlng to cri8 Ibelr U1f II~lie ro ut a mo every WI Umiddot lot die _ ftft IIPl1a eel wlt n the American gum could ~ro-teet them but or what WII It they gave with a willing hand

Such met8 18 these Ire worthy to he studied by the wrld at hlrge bull Those wh hllve slAndered UII wlthollt knowing of

bull what they wrote can weigh the avldenshyces ald thEII decidu 1Ip1O wholR tu CIIt tbll title of frieud and proteotor to the people (If Nillllrngua


- I the Amurlcan 1OIdI approached lbel1ishyampeha chllrb tbe bullel from tbo glllll of the ttl shy

- -kl 1liii Wert 1mg ID tI 1 t errery peI1IOII on h_back m-iDCIIbullbulllulg 10 the ground and Il behind ble horse for pro~1I oa W~r aIon malmiddot b- oM bull re _ 011 lIg ers 10 _ 1111 abou as much MfIfroid III If orderIagA boltllt of wiDe Ibr hie dlMer I ud Ie Dol until bewlarepcatodl)reqllnledtbonoolllblm 10 diamount that 1M did 110 He emed 10 be as regardl of Ih elleou of a Millie blIll If 1M ere plOOhplm lIIem ForlullateiJ be did IIOl

litlle_nt hey are but aPlnHv~of cleD18eI~-eiDdelencOI Grallldbullbull the bew and erro of lIIe Indllll of tIae Honb alld baylollg aiDae b8llll dfioarded by dltllIAampIona tbatcondllClaiUfIa aclenCllle _11111

The handle of lIIe 11111laquo ill about hIce III 1000g andlIllek u an ordlnar1 broolllmiddotbUdle I lance on llie end It an onl pleco or IroD or iteel )ot fuur Inclin In length alld abouhlliaob and a balf In its grlA breadlb In rlulng tbey CUp tho Itallll19 About Ita cenUO 111111 0110 band and Ita loer end r811111 UIlOII lIIoir rlghl foot Close 10 the bead or III Iallce lIOn_ bad II lillie red g aplit Is be ceo like A s bull allows tall

bull A raquo~lIOIIOIl UI) A ~IIiIIIU11C -A cit

~ w_ bnlvorl during lhelate detenco or tblS ell) was atllpl delllOMtfAled byltle inc of a 1rouodet __ 110 1 11_ or en Iny on hearillg one of t1i9 cia

-- 01lttpI wy Her verI ltgtJOll1re11t1rlcOO l Ibe

ur In die report of Ilurspcclaleorreaponlellt wa _ndull Capt middotDrew The propr resdiog or tbolllUD8bDeul

------- shy or Tbo followDC COPl of lelk wrlltell h] Jlbullbull DW1 H Wheeler III Agenlof tbe Amm can Bible Society at Grallllda 80ell18 coneidetl6 wben a WM writteu 1111108amp propbelc IL III bull 01 (lilt aIAYmentbull and iiI excite illucbaflllpamiddot 1~7 Cur bill aad end BII~ be blood ormatly ill I ~ eed of e~e Clturcb Gild In tbe plaoll or OlIOshyMulonat killed by ampbllllo ungts bundredtt ill yel pnrdllHbtir goodly calling bere In_ ritf

GRlIIpoundIgtA Oct 3middot186amp bullbull rdMAIY I took my book Imd ent AfonnJ aud on youe leIItgtIment )luny 811id Ibey bAd no IJIOIIllI and otIl 1d tile Quid pnrcb lte afler die eomIJa~ over WlOr loakil Or autenem111very doy rull lllree thodU~g ~

feDo nl1gbl be a riliemlln but biil credeD~l B(lIl1agood omcclil lid BOllle vor) gdOd aofim were atllered In dUlerenl IIChool from botek b hi_

nOWD y I lit name n lIll1Cky Tbe Ileamiddot raga rifleman urna bil reputation by ~I

Iyaltacklng kunu and 111101111 othor people WIts stUlllI II(J~ lUly fngtnl foe~ bllt nlike goods whll tile KellluckllUl hlil the honOi to be rmm fmlllds liHI pooril~t natives were bull terror to -Iaucb rucala foilllesklll wltb which

fltmlM tu givo lip tleir IMIIOY lind tholll bo drops them Ihe dlelIlOO of one o two bunshywhu had nOlle ill IUlIIe 034el vera lashed ilred 7arda m Do

lruIlkn Ioxes 111111 evelY othor plll~ 4111 II PnIIlCL-ThLI IOpeclmoa of IIIlUtarl wbore g)Ida ~lr valullbleol millht be hId OtIIIlnlly ~paoled blluoope 10 Mala aM

( was -a wllh III IDOIt advanced of tbe Jim Wble tmieJ l~pylUlVy Ind whell clotll Rlh Tho bowllie w his fJlvorito poIIIon

Cor J0811 Auu-Thll ollCllr w11I com~d of Ibe body of tIae Second Rl4ea wldllblor Ca In tIae repll of Ib La- IIItl1t1oeed b 0IIf

eorrespIIIIdeot md proYed Ill_If 10 be A bnlle man After Ibl tlIg_nl he wu ordred amp0 _ dIiot Capt Drea aud Capt Ore In 1b~lt pOIishyampion near Ib luge pm The oomblnllllon _ ceeded In Njtulalog tbo enem hferal amp1_ dillgtshying tbe _y

CoL JlcI1l10811-Thfs eBcleot olllcer prOTed bfmeel(1 y w1I orlhy of the pOlilion Ii~ OCCllplee U was al walCbflll amplid a1ait ready 10 aUllnd 10 hI dUly Dis car for bia wounded men is well otlhl of nOII08 As soon ali II w ueertalaed lbe enemy wet driven oul of ()ran~da be Immedlaley dlapalcbed olle ofthe Compaat ullder ble oommand 10 bring IDilie ounded or hi Baltall-m lrom die _ne of l1Ie con8Ic4 at lIIe Jalwbe

Our tibullbull-From lIIe iDablllty of 011 man to - 1M whle of amp bald Ibe report of Oot

Speclal Oomepondellt Illat be DeeeuiampriI1 1ItJ defectT~ It apP8llMII lIla Capl Oreen of die tiecond RllIu 1Od Capt Dreal of die ampeolld lllranky 10 IlIMaIIl hi ~aDced poeilkn dUpug tbe dd7 and acled rery brnely Llell Henry T She wndOO In lIIe Deck liDe latmiddot Inll In be defmce ot (ble POIOI Sherman baaDOI been ablll 10 peak Iinco b reeelyed $lie ItooUad h II lIolllkalylo pro fallll

OUI 0R119~-Tble gentleman obved In A

house -ya flIl of Lb OIllllY wlIIIhla IIW~ in bud at neb a npld u tllet bla OomJlllll1 could lIot keep pace lib biOI Col T ~ Fi 1~ fld Uue Pg _mpanlW him and bad Ibe bouee cleared of tIae enemy before sbe llIeD ~ rIed

TIIII PIli AlID flrll SWORD -We tali pl8ual-c

i _ L oJ bull of b It _L d n -og 11 e compollliN8 I e ngl emiddot parlmeot of EI Nlcanoguellleollee (oogbl brnely In deCellCO of our clly Thel~ IIIIIIU are ()buies E Caulley William Bucbllllan Froderlk Kapt amplid P A Yarrington lbey hollOO tb lhey llOuld make goud UIIG of Ibe ehootilog Iron II weU u llhootlng amptIek

OVII CoKbullbullIISUU1 BIIIWI-Lleul W B Butmiddottri LI J B W Ll

aut 0IfIl e~t 9amp Hawley11l1li- H O Wall A A Conllng and Capt W_ B Lyou bebaved -Iotly aud rendered ear-

D tils force GIGII f1lIkCf ClIo oppose 1~~ light109 men 109 ul middottth whllt he mMy Neel from Califoml a d NIIW York lIlldIII be 300 wenbull A~ preseD~1be Ollemr arlllllOngl forllllej al Mi sa ollly 12 nliles dl8loUll Gen Walker i8 pm ~arillg1O recuio Ibow alld tbere will b 1JODle dmiddot~ ilf8lRing bUlplbtlhAmrIC~dn8 feel very 00011middotell 0 IQCOOIL er 1 pru tlIoa would aft

dlellltcd hOlI [8ho~I have lelt helll on Ihe live of a baltle 8tleh aa I~ exd every hou blll1 came hen Ibere lIaamp nu eoumy lI~ar and lIone ex peCWI and my IYw-k I bre and llHllII 1111gt8 1D~lIywouhdad and dybg 10 caro for fun doeome good certainl Tru I IIampY be am~ tbe slIlu formiddotlII_ Ulen have Ib8II1e1led a wtU cf

iug could ntlt be mnde useful It Mis-torn IIIId ilia 00 Wera ailbrded OOIlIiderabiA __~ ~~~~tlll apllldl aU AlllelOllJlII and If lie F Ii Ii Y -- ViCtoriOWl ley ill du II tbey han ampampiii

to pec~~ 01 twenty olle ourll t I IIIflII allud lIIe din of I~ bllule at tbe manner If I should perlah do Ie beat you can fgtt my cnnlinued 11111 WII say it with nil cUlldor In which be ould jump at an l_gllI1 ellemy (amlly lOl lIIuy POOl alld will need all lila can h I bull n d b dI fI II Prin I middot-~oo I be alfordOO them Sltould the enemy coine IIlld

t l simp 0 IIIlt1ves Ill) roll1 It as uom a eI e ~un as ~e a reg M tack lIle ol~ I hall leavoloy boob posled and pe~Ii1mcc They ran Into the wouds jill tIInghll bylilll Firat RIOes mOlle ~d olrOOIa in the hand of Col Johllii

h I I I II A N I W Wbeeler Ih~ Amerlcllll Hinlle For 1eM0Ii1Crlpt mto cornelS 11 t lem8e vel n a Ill ou Ilf AII-OUr RallgCfuomeli_ need 1I0t lIaOe tho lJolted Slatea IIlg IfI Alford iug hhuut food bout fiva dllye cpt kind~ uf placcK alld trlm~bled Illtilmiddotthe 8ad lying In 1IIood In tho lloillity of the city voryliUlo proaCllOII to AmeriCAn chizeab

I Ili h 10meoChOuIampemalianandSanlWvadoiansnlmiddot y lruly DAVIDlfWBEEliEItSaIllnlS 1S jUltti n youn mnnJlnC lie of plnguo wall (rlvon Ollt OlIO II 0 II d Ih h I I I I Th J C BBIOUpoundN Cor Aner nbla So leIshy bull - t 1VtOtO~tel esoprl80oers8ampy bull ~ vC

1M r(lSt pron)lllmg offiool6 in tllO army tho eager -yoa that watlled tbe bull Jill Lbey were lhue tle1 bllbolr office In order 10 OA

Ho or dog t-that lho qUoOlion U IheThe rbull10 1I0W only fOllf of Iho fMlir~ tllh W f01II hen they hllRld that the Americans prevent tblllll 11II1IllIg 11114) In tho lISbe ello aid whGn he IRt do wn 10 n dish of (riod~_~~llSi~ _ ~re coming can bear IfItimlny to ~b~ I VerUT th~~~~~blltg new IIIder the lin IlASASCl


- ---------------T--shy312 EL NICABABUENSEVoll No 50 p 6 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 181Br6


Tile Battles of tbe 12th and 13th of Octflber 1800

We b bMIl permitted to make the toDowln

oslne IlIDut dI porta 0 tJle 01Boe1ll In commiddot IIWId at tbe Yarlo ttallOD The OOIlfuOIl an4 laquolei 10 our 01108 oe by the late ttaclt -Ind Ib vofortuawte acoldeD hlch bappened to Mr 1bor tb edllOlooble~ put I out or our

pow to arran the repone u under 1II0re fampYoshytabl GlroUlllltanoeB e lboulil have done Th balties of the wo day era 10 connected thI

it oad be dilleult to rate diem on paper anal pnlClIl all dI Illcld8Oll

The report of ColellelSandaralalb1l ofintereal 8Ild beua-out theltlatemellll of Ollt correepOl1dellt

L WIIO It would ppear followed the fortllDes or die folr Rift He Y

About 12 oclock on die t tdl they took dlelr positlOIl hi line and the command u Iyen to moYl fotward The llIen wer11I good Iplrillalld abOUi oclock aalgbt theyenoelDped In Ibe IUbshyurb of _ya Sbortlyafter lying down alkirshymlall took plaoe beteen Vol Karkhaana regiment oC lufallw7 dd a_liDg prll of the en Dll blob luted bUI a few morun Idlout anl eerio Mal Bewean- lIyllght and unrile on ~ba mornlo 0( th 111d1 tbe wliole army took dlelr pOIJUoIl for bottle die bowlll8l1la lrollamp eupporampshyed by dae Rile reldman Aler aneing but a fe y Capt Ifwarb of the Artillery wu orde ed b-eJom_nreMnCblefto dlrowlbelliDto aelllampll plaM aDd (Jumpd C comllluded by Capt D~ obll8ed and took -Ion of the oburch In die pi bullnd tbe wbule arlll7 _11 fullowd IIIId OOlDlIlaDder- or reglDlllntll received their In alruoilonafrol the Coml1IIidi~hlel An- furtloer operatlo The Sappert amplid IlIlIeN were ordered to CO 10 advance end pportod b the Rill out their W8ylnto tho main plua beteen two t ruonlng dlrotly thereto-tbe 8818 on the right IIlId 11 belDg prolected by Ibe ellem wllb btarrl ltlad _OIInOOll and sharpmiddotlboote Afer bariog cut ball wa through to the main plnla the bow iteera colDmandadby Clpt Swrtz and Lieut F roD eN ordmd to the IUppO-t oC the amplft_nd of hoee to pliant ollloera too lDucb pralB C8II II be awarded (or tbelr daring braver aDd cool neealn dlaeharge oC dIlr dut) HlllOry has Ilot e parallel The11 edaaucClllfulho-illto au adolHl bnlldlng here a large nllmb ofthe enem were ~lIllg MClurel1behind barrlcad Oathe Imoke cleariag away Company B oOIBlllanded b Capt LfIonard alld Company G cummndd b Capl ORepn with tMlr gallanl eoldlera took 10811 alon ot he building wbere they were charged upon twice by tbe eneml Gap I Ewballks took pollOi slOl1 ot Ibe eomer hOllSe on the- right The RiBes w thn wlthlll HventyJ e Yld of lhe mlln pIMa he the galInt aI and arren again came to dlelr _lltallce 1Iltiampl their guna Tlte ouemy we 10 largp forcu ImIDedlatel1 III thelr Croa~ abOlit thll time

Th Commndermiddotln-Chif haring recelvod Info uatllD_ bat Granadll w attacked blarge force and bellering lb a larg8 portion o( Ihe foroeI Muya had gODe toaid in taklllg Grallada wbere tbe mo~t of our ammunition was he ordered ra lreat froni our poertlou and bo~t 12 oclock at niSht~ 011 our rod baok to Granada A tar mamiddotohlDg all dlgbt Ihe glorious aUD of the 181b or October roae In beau and splendor-tbo annlmiddot vera1 o( the 68 taking 01 Granada When we got Into the outsklrte 01 the clly wo were reo~iyd Epote4 u the wero Ihey fOllgla thelr wy by heaY ftra ffOm the enml but WIth a about ond 7011 TO ruabed on the elly of Oranadn] wlalh WIUI asain Oil tbe 88me day takell by lIeneral Walker

Of the olleera and men compoeln the Rifles Ilae1 did their duty well and it wouhl be mocker1 to try and give one ofllcur more plllie thall another The were all willing to tIIlClilloe thoir Ilve8 If nece8 88r1 fur Ihe cause tlaey aro engaged In

Ab Jut 11 -oolook on tbo 121h a8 atate41 b1 our _

correspondent Col Allell wu ordered to 1Ilal a de~hment of lIanger agailUlt a body of Lanoer

bull gaged untIl thoy hlUl fought their way 10 a poaco

1be Bohllo of Illy cOlllln4nd AdYanoed and roo ceived the ll of tho tllelll) coolly _ returnillg I ith efect After 1 I volloy had beea Oltmiddot cbangod the enelllY lel the lOad and reliod aprrefttll IOed AlaJor C7C tboulCh Field OCmiddot Beer of Ihe Day ndvallod Ith Ind Bhowed be innrlably doe great cooln1 and 8rllllle~8

After the enemy rroator I retulnod 10 tbe 11 St SbuUan heu 1 reeely_od ordN to IUIlPort Capt Druus 2nd Iufuntry nlld Ilpt Gree of my oOlllmand wbt) WUN armly enmiddot ~laquoed near he main Plaza I fOllnd on lD) arrimiddot Va[ th~ OAP Dmiddotult ha1 one prlte kllud and CApt Greon severol wouuded We re 1l1~okelt1 In thb p~ I (runt ami lin Ihu In but ltlpulsud tbem ter1 tlmee (rom tbe latter position

1 OIInllot epeek In too high tllt1I11 of tho conduct of bMh ollleera and men ~ngaged ht8 they exmiddot bllJlted tbo ~fttest cuolu autl glllalltrf

4bout ~ 0 clock Gell lIorn811y wilh ono (Jom P~IJY of lsi I fontmiddoty Joilled us and hortly altol this wo received ordel8 Irom Yonr E~ceilellcy_ I fall back ou the PI St ScbnLlan whloh did ill he bOIL of orhr ImmeliaLcly nn (lur ftrmiddotivKl

amproo wb-o p-led uo bloh dlylded - -a amphrolog ID1u1f ltlIpt OoreLleuL Bramp LIeut TrIIpp nd ee en pri18I a1man hI admiddot - ance 0 t1ie en command uob he w noeIyed Ord811 to obarp tbe eaDnOD haYiDS1l0 oeeded In wblob and bluing lriag In die l I ordeved thelll forwft lIalor (Jaycee (bj er of Cilea DorDIby) renlalned at dlls pointwldl die bala_ or my Battalion to guard the dlalllountecl bowlSHr

From dlk place my IlIIail commacd advampIIced rapidly and turning to die len one street from die PIIISI IOraaed th comer baok of dI Lobe Slu

- OIl yt( ldI _tbe other u to ho Ibould do ampbemOlamp gooleervloe

W81ao take pleuu IOlIIaldng die folloiDg -

esrac frolll tbe olloW repor of Co Natzm~r I have tht hOllor to reporamp 011 the evenlug pre

aedlng die da1 of the battle In lIaya Kajor Ihl Mnbur Field OlBllJr of tle Day IIld capt Jlatzdorll a Odlcer of tbe Guard dlttinlluiohd tbem~eIY b the greaten figll bullbull oe actiYlt alld cll~i1wapoictlon

rlle Plaza of SI 8ehaeUan being taken ou Ihe eneulng morning and tbe 1 RIlle Battalloll and

wb w killed a numller 01 the ellemy Capt part of the 2nd IUlantry Battalion adfanoiDg till Bell who ooolopaued lia in thla obarge If ldllll two blooka of the eat plaza optaina woundid In the thlh

W then proeeeded under a hot Ire to the GUlrdboule wben lI~or Potter gaYa up bla comlllampnd to me We Bred a oanllon from this po lot twke hlto Your Excellellcya quarte and once Into Ihe bOURa ooa1lvled by Capt Morrla dID oharged tbe litter place our lIlen gallant11 Oamprrlog n Thls 8 Ibe I place I beIIe tblll onl1ll1 coupled -In dI cill

I ampIn happ to atate dI~t no cuuolU occurred In III Battalioll dUriD tblI battleshy

llauor Oaycee wlllPve OU bull IIparate aoooun of bla proceedlDgs wllh th ramalllJer of die Btlalmiddot Ion

Th colIInd of Col Allen wu dl lded near

the lalCeba ()burcb The ollowlng estract ampom the report made bt JI~r Caycu III vel) _grph-o and llaow dI _yln wblob the eDODIl wu ban died b_Ibll -Ilul olloer and bll men shy

e-In 08lllpllince with en order giyen b1 Brig

GID Koroah_ I led dI BUalIQII towarch t1i Grand PhJa until oppoelte th mlns of die Me clld ()bri wbloh point I reoel ed an order d1 to Ib north amplid dlslodse a porilon of tbe enem1 wbo were at tbe dme occuP71og the

Leonard Dreu Rnd Hreen dietingulhed tbemmiddot MI by rellUlrkablo braver and cour-se ilh beir (Jumpalli

Altbllugh th Artillery did not haTe all the eCmiddot Selelle1 elpectud I 1amp11110 but acquillt Your Exmiddot CiIIlellc1 or tbe moet courageous and cool mallner III wbich Capt 8chwartz Iud Lieu Frrand ola oharltt hl dude wbloh deeervet bill aud full credt

III dI attack OR Grallada 011 the 13th iost Your Ecellenc h bullbull leen Yery-wol~ that the gul lalltrY 01 he odlltllN and lolltller~ gellerllll 1ell (lbIng to he- wiahed fur alhougb regom di~middot cipllDe the cClmmandera oC Ibe reBpeotive Battal-Iona and Companies did nOl keep their lIlen lougb together but when our troop reached Iho pl having oooealon to vbtervu ever Ollemore rartioularly I baye to recounond to Your Eloelmiddot e1l07 Vapl Swingle of tbe OrdllallCO Depart-Dlent wbo bebl llatloned befolll tbe OUllrdmiddot bouee (ough agaanal die enem1 In Your toscelmiddot lellcyampIId illlCio ~plnoaal bousea

Lieu Col McIlltDeh and Major Duaenbur1 hkewile bebaved ver1 brveI1 111 two charge

We haTe boell kindly pellilltted to lIIake the

CoIIowlng extracl from Gen Frys report of the ali_immediately In dI rear or die bulldlog oooumiddot _def~nee 01 GrnadaCled by Ibe Surgeon GenmL Baying bullbullcc~ed At 1 oolock P M the alarm w give and the

11 eIOIIIng he I raet (dlough under a lIloet IIRImiddot ling ~re) len mluln lullead to accompllsb dI dlsodgement and then Indeed hegau the werk of dedI Ibe enelll111vlllgin nery direction rece Ing aaadl at the bnds of our unerring nIIemen Flodlng after at length Ihat 1II0re remained to opmiddot POle va I ordered a mreh at quick lime to the Plaza and arrived Jill u die I -oC Ibe -panic etrlckea 100 wera king In Ilgbl thu eatelshywhleh dlilr vaullted_ Ior could not eecure thom III regarc to die o~nducl 01 tho troope I mlllt MY to-Your ExClIlenc1 tbat neYer In m life have 1

enem leen advancing The gtUIiIOIl coneLstillg~f a colopany of ahoul 40 cILi~1I8 (ullder Ibe oommanD 01 KaJor Gillis) tho woundud alld COli teeo~nt In the hoepltal and 80me m11 oC -tb aialr corpa haviog been pvlouily Inmucted 00 oupled the rallge 01 buildings tellding alollS tite eoutb lId ealt IIdes 01 the pI froD tbe Qu trmr alld OUamplIoo Dparllllolll8 to tbo ilpital The gllna bad been plocoj sa followa One elghteell Ind ono ail pounder at tbe auutb eot curner of the piau olle nine pounder tbe QuardbOll8e and one is pounder at lb Hcashy

lIlen IIlllre cool or gallampll III their actions _pita dian dI BtUe parly whlcb I commanded Tbe enemx advanced In colomll along Ihe Itreet

Intbreport of die otlonl of the Seeond leading Intu the nonhwsI coroer 01 bo plaza Light Intimtr1 GoL lIelntoeh 18 and I ol8red tbe Dine pounder to b rUD forwaro

and directed aglllul dleo whicb PrltllnpamplI woulll be doing InJultlee to bull brave officer done ullder tbe di-ection 01 Llelll Crowell and

IIld I lIot here mention the nallle of capt Roberl Captin Hard At the lirat discharge wmob w EU of me Rangenl for tbe fearleA manner In followed y three heart) cheera for Gen Walker hloh he expoeed bimself to the el18ny bullflro

11 wu 800n dacoveted Ibal we wera III danl(er shyfrolll the_ hell tbrown from OUr hOWltzen wlilcb GaOled en order til be giYeIl for 01 to fall baok to the email pia Companies A B 0 and D of111 command wero then tallonedt dUrNnt polllloll nnd held al a reeene (Jum E under Cap J DraUK wa then dlrown ouI on tbe len to keep die nem) f~om making aa1 moYe on Col Sandell command whlcb WII nobly wOrklllg It wa1 thlough tbo O8ntlO ampftet leading to- t1ie grand piua U wu llfierwllrde reillforced b1 Capl Green of die 2d Rilltl ThlSe Iwo olleera d_ne great credit Cor the braver1 the dLlpla1ed

neariy to the n~rthtust earner of the P~ and beld dlelr pOlltlon nllder a hot S untIl the1 were calld oB JuS be d~rk 1 regrel to Inmiddot fOlln 11u Ih Lieu Henry T Sbellnampn of Com pany Eo wbullbullbulluyuly wounded hll 1ol1li1lnly s~condlng Ihe eltor of bl~ Caplaln CflllIplplOl A and B ampcamptd l1li piquet-gIlHrd durng Ihe Jay alld

froID be_goortlson Ihe enemy f1l bao_k d makhg a clrcult alfvanred UpOIl tbe Hopita whore they were beld ID check by die tire ofdie 8i pQuuder under Capt awligl whicb diilmoullted one of their glln td b1 the fOlO rallied by Mljor ONeil The then cowmeuced amp vlgoruus attack UpOIl our rear front the t and nuth Idoa of_ t a pla where they ere gallantly lUeL b the force along our whole line The contesl in tbe rear of _the GunrdhoUde WIUI partlculrly obsi nate and maintained 011 oUrBide by lomeliny lOen ullder tbe comlDllld of Cpl alnample uailampetl b1 captalna Lewll alld Piekellgill

Juring the night alld lullowing 1D0mlng the ellemYIIIeal attempll to attack 111 ill frent but WIlO drlvell bao by tile IIIe 01 Our artillery

Boa of tbe American Idies and children were placed In the Church and in the house of tbe AIDerican Mlnbter In the rour uC blch 1 posted Pi guaCl 01 IG naen under Lieut Micoll

lJoring tbe flgbt the enemy through desertr from Our drm) lIlade a propuaitioll to U4 10 aur

penoMned their duy to ny entire aatittfIlClioD ~t tendmiddot promising ua prutaction and atating tbat

TIe enel0Y YOI repulsed and the fullowlllg fron to pott will show how ho and hilt mo were en Before going furth I be ~epetfltlly ItJ ltat~

dark nay ~thun wa posted on tbe two mil a~retllmiddot~II1K lato the pi and ocoupled bull POll tlOII 111 wllluh te1 could do good aerYlee Ihrough tllu nlglat In 0amp8 tho enemy meditated auylhlNg 10 tM oampIII_e Thlla we rem311 uluillhe u dllr- nII10bed UI to PlIIIlI-to IUArcb fur Granada

tbat tl porton r Illy ballnboll ordered 10relOIoIII Iellve thlou~hot thu d1 expmiddot ed greal cage __ to ho lod antu aciiunalld ill theil omd _ Uctullllllg OIl btalinn Wllt pOlttd on the ex troill lell a1 whun lIenrillg Granada 6riog w dioUllctl laeard IMy lIle thoogh lIIuoh Jadod no~d whh gre bullbull alclmiddotity alld OI~oiCOIIod great eager_ 10 bemiddotth tir illlO olloD Their poslmiddot tioll ctlul1 not adIII r II Uld we hud no cballoe tu tok part hI Ibe cOlltcal at thu JIteba A SlOn ft8 amplla~ puillt 1 g~io~d however and sulflclent Ppcu lOade (or UII tn com~ up IYO imlllediately olaatged dowll tbe rltlad An order to halt alld eland filiI reoeigtd for tbe Plrpose of protectmiddot lug tho raar and waa promplly obeyed with tho cx~eltIon of VaplainR Ball amplid Grnta Op~lIies th07 advancing witb sucil siloed alld the 1Irg IV8S au lleallmillg thlt Ihey could 110t bellr the or der Qd 10 continue1 on_ in tbe General charge Thll1G two nlliccrs bohaved ell the furRIer WUI ounded whilat at tbe hClld of hlann Aa BOOn II~ the dKnger Irom Lhe r WIIS pa~sed I walor dCImiddot1i to dvAllee wih Companies A n 0 and E Ib$Irpolld6d to tho cnI wltb che came up well and did much execution W0 elltered the piau and chllrged the 0llelll1In dlKerent direc

uur army w defeated at AIy Tbe anawor IoU 10 about 01 de8Ion and doftlIlce and tho batshytIe conlillued until IQ oclock the fOllowing lUurn lig when IllYpeedily termiuated by the en tnllloe of tbe army UDder tbe Commandfrin Chief

Thua for 21 houra a force of tt least 900 oC the eReml WII repulsed by I thall ~ii meDln which oUlnbr wu Illoluded alUbo aick and da abld of tlao rIll1

Where dlere were 10 many Illstances of gal lantr d good conduct II i dilHoulto apelfy who were IDl)lt deaerYlng of coullnondatioln All nOlted la a lilt of offiera soldier dnd OitiZell8 who were conplcuous for gallalltry and good conduot Alao a Iitlol the casualties in my com mind alllounting to klilod alld 10 woulldod

The 1_ or tbe enemy l m unable to report acouratel from Iho filcl tbat dUIhl Iho night of


From n hOlOle I ent Immediately to dI 0 nance OJ8ce and tbere 01Hld Lleul V ~ Hiler on dut1 wldl wo 8ergeanla and lDeDi reporteathe pplOIIooh of the 8Den Ild save tholll aach ordera bullbull l dlought nec_ar1 alld thom etarled (I

Mlnllter Wheel8f to loelf1ll1 lamil1 bd ilri~ ulil and artl ed t the oorller of IhoPlaza nw the reBideDce of Mr Teller Ju In time toch$ek the harge boing made b1 tbe enelDY dun tbo alreet fouhe Playen8 by killing tbeleader who WII gallauil1 leadiog the charge much In adfancuf his men running alld ahouting

Al1 firat hul w with a Sharp carbine oDI1 ollndill_ 1111 ataggerlng hilll agClin the ItlUle aod tbell rolled bim Into tbe allmiddott with my air Ihootor 1 think thi4 w the liIIIt man kUled in Ibe city Mr Hugheeand MVMfll othera I8W thi lorlulIte check (it cOlDpletel) baiting thu cbarg illgparly) br whicb those working au lIiue -pounshyder OoUOOII welo enabled to 111amp it

I canllot Ipeak In pr~ge or commendation or the nine pounder callnon doriug the comlUence lIIent of the attaok-~wo or our own meu were very aeriuusly ounded by h The ch gon th lla wbullbull Ilbaudolled by the enem) theirl (OICO colloentrated and mado a yigorouutlbrt toenter the IInlll pia b1 tho quarters of the Oommndcr inmiddotChier There Ihe enem1 were gIlUOIly held I check by Capt Swlngl with the ix pouude can nOli _isted and cov~re1 b- maDY eilizeut-witb ri80 and mll8kecs eucouraged raquolId direCIeltl b) ()ep- Watkin The bra fteldillece broullM 10 ber b) tbe eDemy a a point waa -00- dil moulltad b1 -tho h y and wIQlrellllsillire of Vapl Swingle ldI tbe ais poun Hi~ 0001middot 11_ and brayery cannol he too Duch praied

Voncluding that the hOlpital and gulllClhouso would Iequire Ul Addillonal lupply of ommualtion I returned to the OnlllampnOO olliee on the_ wa~ crossing the bolY lire of the eneflly near the enshytrance w the headquarLel$ of tbe CoulRollderin Cbiet and deapatcgtb d two Dlen loafled wilb am mUllilioll Cor the horpital-olle of thelll ooly reich IlIg tbere the other SlOpping at Ibe gu~rdouae 111 tbe lIeantlme Lbe attack of tbu enero1 belng u 8trudg and vlgorou lind having nu cove frOD Which to bold IWd work Ihe eAlIlIon d thro bemiddot log 110 com nander 0 dlrec~ the mOYemcll1oll 0 Ib~ YieiDltl Capt Swingle wlthdrelY tbe ~ilt poundr to the oover of the gllardlouae Ollt Ii ocloc~ P AI Tholo In tbe hopllal reualud In It undemiddot the directloll 01 Oap- Wllklnl whor they gallaot I) deteuoed tholDl8l_os uutil Ihe reillfoCemenl with the UommandermiddotillmiddotOhiefarrivd Defore Ih wilhdrawal of tbe six pounder to Ihe guardmiddot ou~ Capt W i1klu8 wu very aotlve-In rallylOg t citmiddot liens to auist hI coveting the loadingllld orkshylug the 0111111011

AlII ooloek P M I crossed from the Ordmiddot nance oJ8ce 10 the cburcb alon~ (not IIndin any one at he 1D00aenl willing to croll the au lIh as much amlllunition u 1 could carri I twoO baveanokl aDd soon Ret arriving tbere w deshysired by Gell Fry lotako cOlDllland oftbe d ot the Iroul of tbe church -

From the commenoemenl of the attack t Ex preas WagOD III U88 b1 the Comllli_v I) part aunt had been atanding hi frollt of the Ifou call ed the Lone Star Alter heing desired tJiIt~ dbage 01 tbe dCenoe of Ihe ohurch 1 Id man (I regret th t 1 am no~ able to givG h- Ime) who by DIy ordera ctossed the plaza and roy the wagou to tbe Ordoanoe oilloe_ and loaded it with alUmwlilion bUI from some Cause ullk~on to me did 1101 return jth II The lYago~ w~ loaded in tront of the Ordnance olBc~ Ilear an hour-no one appearing to be wUling to rOIl itla It-wben a Mr allyn81 crolll frol I~e arhou80 and drove 1 ovo-a -bighly or dilashybl$ perlurnaauce Aler making a c~rvtul exaID Inltlon of the church Uld rmLles Olll1uecl~ tho foroe to defelld h ampe placed Mr J L lobshymOlld with men In ilhlllge of tbe part c~ll tbe ~Ouad House ita yard alld aJoining lI11llmilnll III the quarlers Ih tbe IeIIr of tha ehlll~h exl~ndshyillg to the atreet below Capt Kell1 j Mr otank lin tobert H Smitb aud tnlee ollleI werol Sla tioned in tbe tow~r at Ihe lIorthet er ~ele they were of essential service and their COl ducl ie highly cllmmelldabl~ Othera wemiddotu plO erly stationed in the yarils aDd aportmeuts belol Ing toald quartllnl _The cOlnDluuication 01 tho a VI mentiuned quartora ith the-cburcli WM~ tbr ugb II hole ill amp10 eplLtatillg wall

Nu regular attacit ollld UpOIl Ihechub or preDliaCt CODllllulicating cpt 10119 ~ttbt Comlllieellly DepalmiddottmonG can gh-e much illio ma_ tlon of tbUle III the ohuCb lUI he I thore nlil tbe end of tbe attack About 8 to oclocll r )1 Uapl Pickolalill came In 1i00I tho l(uirdh~UI wlh thu inform ion _ thot tbe rcrce tlocreTlYU sII that Capt Swingle IDuoh lIbgdd 10 ~ho dfnoe of tbe YIlrd in tbo NIlI of ho gJI houe with bomb ahells ualng thent II hall~gn_ lIadbullbull aud makiftl fRe 10 explude amplem Iro tbo artillery match rop 110 lind that 90lOe m

the 12th tboy dlrew a large number of bodie~ into mauding oHicer wu requhed there or the dlaco ella and other hiding places ud buried some Abou 160 botlica bavo been diacovered

EsTuOt paoli RSPollT OP MAl -ParrsR 011 Sunda1 12th Inat abgtut it otlock P M

standing on Iho oorner of the PII~ lIer the ofmiddot lice oC the Oldnance Department aaw a man mounted on a gral hono galloping paat Ihe Jat-Itlba churob followed directly ~ter by altlrae dozen or moro men upon Iho rUII Tll006 standing ncar mo thought It courier (rom MaHAY dirctly the RUPPOled cllurier Ieturned alld 001111 after callie back again wltb thirtror forty muunted mellplIssing

would be tRken aa tbe eDem1 wore lIlaking Igor IUS attacks on it 0111 aluos everr aid - I

I wllB theD dbected b1 Gen bull r1 to tako domshymRnd of tbe guardhouso whemiddoto 1 remained bnla tbe rival of Uol Allen on the 13th 11181iwho courleously accepted ot Illy Iequell tIelleyellDe 1 then lB~istod In tho U80 of tile aix [Iounde~ on tbo quarto lately occupied by CApt Morri ind In oharglng the enemy from thOle quamiddott-a opl W m Lewis gave vllluoblo _Ica in th~ de fenoe o( tho guadhoue bUI wai prevented fIOm IIreat aotivity by hlj ill heRlth lio ClIII give nluch mformoLiou 01 tbe conduct of tho lIIell Iuj dc

Capl Green will ordoro~ to _isl Col ~ndQIl tiOll with aucll imp~luolty that Lhe) were quick tile Jlteba ohurcb towArds Lhe northeosl of tho ulci_ ~o glumiddotdho~ac OhllS Richnrd80~ tv where- be romlllned un1 ordCI8 ora Itl~n _to -I) rouled _ttelinl 11 al directions clt Suapectillg that II 111 a PallY of Lancere 811011 8as18talloe as hiS 11 health would rftutTond coocentrampl~ Ill the PI 81 Scbasti4J1 I CAnnut cloae this report wilhut milking (avo frona the ftnomy 1 ran lowardll the-church as fa~ 1 can reOOllllDend tho conduc of 0 (Juban bm

Tho poaltlon we ocoupiod on tbo march from nblo 1I1t-lItlon of IIlIor n DUOllbul-Y alld Ct 1j as the office of tho Altlutallt Uenbullbull middot I whn I WaS unknown to 1113 I lhln~ he Is n Ub-AII~ or tiOD 10 Urando aa in tbc ftr of- 101 RillellIllflY Th~ NlIItleNd gIC~t sistanoe III p llatisfted that It was it strung lorco of tho enelllY Prefect I hnvc seeu blln olen in all ullio eshyaud vall of ~nd Inf~lItry survillg olll~r alllOllg the men alld epcourgIIog Iwent Immediately 10 m hllUlle (the houso 10merly tho Lono Star ho~c Thero lYOle lllauy t ere

lSth In the atteck on Iho enelll) who wero tbelll b Ihe 1I~ld owned by Dolor~a LaJarsa) 1111 Bunt Uo) wife lind ho boha_ed credltllblf whl~o IIl1ncs ure not taliolO1 nur tbo JIIa UIorch with onu Iie o - The mun cODpoaing m bllUulioii aoted In har_ childrun wilh Mr alld Jtl~ Uuglle_to the resi- kllown to llIe I cau hghly cOIIwd tbe-O ion 01 Dn a _light cOllf oo uCClln-ed lu tbo _mon7 and obyod nl dlfurout ord promptly de_lice of Col Whoeler Mmlster from the U S bt John Aot-ton_ n mechomc employed I tbe rd

bull p

bullbull bull bull

313 i


lit Dtparlllltnt le_ Llrabert blaobmlm fa nce Dpartmenl (lfoml4ed) Tbe Lane and Lilt of KUW 4fId WotoMd of If fafllry

Joll4ll IUIde obamplll tor mum w AdJ r W PUOft wounded allllhll n1uble~e eranl the _ wlb Compllll1 B-EIIIed Private Will Ifnnlall _gOll to _d (ro Lleut Hlte all 1IfII woull~1 Sergt A oJ Falreblld Prlvau

au at my reqll Ilm~ ~~d Pat WllOOII JohnW~ Jobu lI_q Johu~lIIend 111m 0 the oIemaDcf - Barilla 4ad Oommander-lnOblet J B Lonpere II ComJllll7 O-WOIInded OorporelJ B_ hanlo eplOYld In the Orlln_Ret Departmtllt CoIIIPlUl7 D-Ellled _ 1errr Phnlp Bhlm lIfrJI bra mall w killed prlvato CbJi Smith Compan E-Wolllldea poundIul Wrighl r Ordnanco orlment aIao kl~ IUb ampbed Oompan7 G-WOIIruledliIorgeanamp lloLallahUndho_ one man II _aber G all I Prlet a W Foreman Deiil ~IM~ llIiarki 1m IIIIwwn to me wbullbull IdIIed an4 IeYera Gehrehl Tbot Brook DOminick CclInOIIaII J A OIIDded -C the wounded -Capt Green Smvth lbe P~tt Iu thechureilhoamplced the COlIdllot _

bull Lleuwntm DUie unknown to meL lfh_ LI oJ lliU~ WOII JlmI of I1Ilaquo1fIl Mllot I thllll w eoweNl-to 1amp t e lnat lnlaftl1l aolIIeeUke IIr H~_ghtl IidromN~ Yor~r Compan A-Wollnded Prifalel danlt11th me mlldl or the t an w_te COOl III Whl Ill r sere te KIlle 7middot

EL NICARABUENS4 VoL I No_ so p_ Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 18 1856

Inreprd to the der_ ortha pulohhe pt rirn~dk lI~lrimiddotete Frank mtIDr IIIUrderIDg him the mudlttad III bod with lIpled b7 tb OrIIoanee ollce l_oot A Company O-Wound[ Opt KatcdoI bl70llectln the moat hocklng _nr

blUbe een that I wbllt lborU 1M t areTb oree th_ w the latgeIIamp or III except jbA$ ~n the obureb ruI wu weU oouductad by ~ Ollila Capamp iWawlll lIr Bolchur and bull B Wyatt of the Ql1arlei1autel DepetlDlenc of wllom CUI sly report In detail bUI J Cellitlle aallut dlCeIl of the Qllantrmuter ormiddot ~nUlhereb7 eIbt ornblmen under lIr W yU berndd1Ir~or r~ - w bull II P II whla rellta to It mad that

Ie ellem aAer Idlll fttreOGe throocb th III Illto atrala to like p_IOII Irolllncb ~bi repelrle I h e neelYedl think that he IItaorYlng or milch credll

if 01 Ofierr ampltlHr 4fId OiH_ oflIrit Om Jtlyll e_ dilaquobullbullud in 1M laquodon at OrlZala Oct IS 0418 18G8

It bull J O ONeU lat Rillbullbull I CapL ASlt4tlngl OrdnDoa Dept H L Pouer (9f AIel Jon P II OOllelll ~I Jobll Baldwin capt a W Pickerag1l Rail

cp- Vm twla 08D Wilkerbullbulld LIeut Orowtll Dr Lllnd lIedlcal Depamp Ilt BrlukerhootDr Scott Ilt Stringer Dr 1gt111Ctp Gre pt or Port l~Dt Lamber Ordnance Dept ~Wm_eaTIII_LoIpcte


Jon Ahtou

i lin Yatu bull Byn aurOl

III JOlle CoAlQRlIIa Q K Dapt WK Wa

1 r I Arcbbold ILW~bullbull II WEeU7 IiV H bull fWnT Jolla 1t7lllt Thoe Ohapman Jobo Inial1_ hoi MOI1 I Bun u II T Sfki Gen Fr1 Orderly I OIDia Ollisoa oW Teller JchnTabor il Thombull u J L lUohmmlll CIJlt WllkfIII II HatbII1 lilir Elnpweullr Smith t ~RathnriU u1 Oeo Rieberdl lit Rouetll Obaplalo


oWUllllnrul W~ ill (JraMll4 JItWi 0IIII to fhtI Walk arriClal Oct 18 1fG8 RUllaquoI-1fr Bart mllllellu Geoat Gall

ItI I Ill Vlllablt Ooun-HolIIII Pavua B b IDA1mlT-Vllffl7 Jraderlcb Frank ph ~ bntelltl J(1w~9Inkle7 Jbplllll pllL W~ll~or Gil Capt Baldwlo Dr ~ Chu 8l1ettr Jobn Tabor Ed II NleA elWl W Telle elliseo Hamblldo 811cltlmiddot

SUchtlJ-Oarter Cp B II OapL Pickmiddot

oJ gm Won a Jliui of llu Jrrtt R~ Ballalion 001 UI~ lt11111181 iCoalpan a-I Lieut )lth wollllled

IimiddotI1Ilpao7 B-WOIIDded 1at LlRI Latimer d iL Hortll SergelUll1loekfallow ampllghll Impampnl O-Ellled Private Lats 1I000nded ut LeBallft Prinlet LlI __ Jat acklOlI Bouobllll

ftl~1I7 D-Wouoded lat LleuL AlldtrlOn i ~teI lIoCoI~dOlll8lullelOt~do

p aJUJled rrivatel BobblII- Mtu ad~ u~om~7 r-ifiiiet PrIYale lfcCurej wOllnll

PrlYlIeI Kerr ttel

[OolllmllnIcaWcL] tv Ine is obtained by the red hot plOshyHORRIBLE ASSASSINd 1ION Cless thus

_ bull bull ODe or tile moat barbamprlou blltcberiee w A platina cruclble IS made and mam

perpetrated 011 the P_I of Law Wllteler tained red hut over II la ge IiIpirit-llmp _____ _- 0- u anll lOme ~Iphurle acid is poured into it --- ers-111 y _ 0 AI bull Th _t I the cit 01 0rana4a 11 r_rded ou ampbe PIV aTom a lgtJpette III _I though of comshyor hletory

Th_ f Inom I ere dtIlberalel k o~ -~~l hmlolllh A _

II eo rom n w c refuse and mllrUrad iii cold blood

P La- II l ho bed reelded 10 001 w a maro III w

thle _utrylor ayeamprI 11111 un mntIned n611tra UId daImtd tbe PlCltaCtiOll of th Uliltad BlaHa h (aha atetlm to th_ blOodtblretyor Ii Ala B HI ampent Ith gu 1I1tem II COR W

mon temper ture one vf the most vola tile of known bodies liossedSllli the aingu lar property of rmahllng fixed in the redL_t bl d t f t crulli e a no bullbull drop 0 1 ~vapo-atea in fact It is not ID contact WIth the crucible but has IIlll1tmosphere of it Own interposed A faw drop ofOlnmon wa tor are now added to the sulphurous acid III he red hot cluclble The diluted Rcid gett mto Ilnmedw aootact with the heat ed metal Instantly flashes oifinto sulphur VUI acid vapor and such is the rapidity

b from otlon u b the aboehmiddoteJIGrt It DIMI7 td Llellt VODBII~ do Be 11 WoSoo4 a lllan to lin in thII -try and ener Clfthe IIvaratilln that the waA_ I for hi Co D-W 11_ nft B DoH I I ha mpan OIIn L Ollce wulm-b m II) fUCG t t ny

rIlIlYI t~ant ~k rgeI PrI4i people iii thII oIriUred age could be Ph of auchAJe~ II t 7 e 0 III It Vlte

Comn07 amp-Ellled Private OaIIaban wouruishy dT

B Sb d I bull au II JellL bullbullbull er_ angtrOlll1rut nln a1ttl~va~~ tIarkdo

middotaopan ~Eniedl Prl~1ea Q LPhilip OtOlllrd Pleno Brull Franclico JlIulwoulldelt Pri1eI B Smith lighll TbdB I __ bull H y _II d3 _ng II ampIIIIlpa

LiltoJ KUki 11ft WotW oJ LigAtArlUlnI

OomJllll7 A-Oed yate ~-en EtOHJlbeller PtedarioJt Dli1Iab i oullded Capt A sebWlrta lIgMI 8ergelmi lIiIIumb Gil iJo lrinkll Fr Stleub do BIII1 Jlalellllb do TheOdore Db erel2 Lu of KUlIil 04 WwttW of Rallo

EUled-Prlte Frederick HIlL llllelng-PriateJOIepb Klumpb OHrpoWllshy

uneL RIICUPE1U1IjlE poa OF fH18

OOUNlBY m____ t a __ b -1 _ ~-6- 10 7 ma -- 011

or the belt COlIDamprIea CD the globe amp0 III reproducinl power It 10 grt 110 1Ir111711d iIIn be at all 1011 (or ampD7 _t lea1 or tllIIlI

- shyfor prolIIoas III cold noHbera cIImatef h_ nllIfe Heamp for lIurIhalf the r ftooIIIampberon

made dllrinl the other bait thare h ben 1tampDceeln ~hlcb largebodlu of -0 ltoaoeritratad iii aarrow hit han aulJred tor fooIIlmamp iii thla QlunrJ filch nat campOD~o_B_ eOlt)

rudenrydil76r1ngalargeqllanUtleato tlldl In thts _n1 aIao where calli require 110

h the ~tertaI tbr dltlr ~ fll eare w tr plendlUl UId hare thert Ie no wiater to reduce or IlnpelYerlah them an abundance II aiw at hlId AI II In ~clitl providence held gW

dleliahlp onr dll amp1OIed land the great llapl of true food corn and bNlll alwalo aeuon Olher rult be wee at Umee bIIt th_ e neTer Belllco 8 theae IIllh tbe ntYeNaIIlllllllpo pl- of animal tood we 0amp11 11117 depend wIlli II eerlabil7 TbeAnppU _110 oollflned to 0111 place 0 department me ecRIIIW ibouruII iii tbem

U II-c bullamplid Ibe grealtlt dllllcult7 ur--OO oblalnlDClllppll Lillie - or tranpori

Sapr lfhloh I no Iooger bull IlIltllry bill nee

cano gro hare ao plncllilll thaI hori4ll lIneo from GnuadaltiadocouloIlllU to bonee Ifth or an olbe artlclo ot food 1h0ll1d be rOt a de or two dllllcult ro obtain lID _lIOt or the markHndle beln frlihlened b the late pree 8IIet of their heredl ellflDl ampIII011g them a 7 et two will ure tbem of tbJi ptOtoclion of the Amerlcantnd luurlee wilt bo epfD abushydanl u formeriJ


-bl lab or th bIlIbaroun will pgtVUOt y 1OII 801IIe wretcb who murlltred Amence1I oIllIIlIII amplid lIiaIIouut bre wlthollt ptO-1on and In cold bloodi llhen dIlIl learB th tbJi wounded tIIeln

belo cared for alld Iltelld d to with amoos_ are mueh reprlt7lUld atteutlon u the woWlded of our own am fbe WOUllddd we 8rat Pllt lilto the Ouard-Holln alolll wllh the olber Gell Walker had tbem relnovd to All boapltailie apari for thellllelvea AIId lallyo olllen ha been elllpl07ed 10 a116ru1 10 thelr aeoeullJee This follllS I stronl contuat with the baDGer 18

_ acl amphlIe wu mGlt woraU dllappolBtad I Be bew not that he bad to deal wlm agee_1 b uHow mlob t 10 be dep_ - not teke ampbe adyce of blafrillldt IIId aItoulder bit mlllltet la lIIIfltleCeuce ampgalast 1Il0lll $ha make no Illatlocdou

The Be lit Wheeler _ a mlulono- from bull bull -J

the Unltad SIaIeI bullbullllIiIter of tho Ooipel who WIS n 1a dWlibIIDI boob ad other aamiddot ored IItlee

Ameruau foreIpm Ohrlatlau will 1011 auf fer 1IIOb OIIlragu 011 humanlt to go upunlabed The blood or the IRnocent 011 for veogeancel

II the Will apllIIt tit Iodlan or NIIIth

America wu JtllIampgtI1I at that _I cia bow much moriIl thll Wll JUlilabl aphm bull lit or qul as __ dollbt I word ol t lb b~ wbo 0 lIOi plClltad b the IIIIl1aht- 1lueJ 1IIf-rapeci feqllirea liS lIever to bellen 811m or the age ad who 0amp11 _mit lIIIIh a bull of what 1IIOIIItJ01I alrocllltt Lo WhaU bHn tbe ampreatmant or the WOIInded and ft__ liken b7 Gn Walker The FROll ampbe _de or a Addle 011 the 18th iot

r- within II DlUe or tbe oilY II blue broadclotll Conaer were plOflded 101 iii bull bamlll mlllntr I OAPI IIntd IIlampb bleck wlib a bbck eIYltooO die latter treated u ~ of Bere Th Cape roUed uoiJnd a lew articles otuudeJo would haft bean a flile epporUlDlt7 for uereilllli c1othee A wleble ward wHI be paid to

W au _whO wID leaiII b at thl olllcampthe law of retaIlaIlOII BDI Gen aliter diOM Granada Oct 1fj8 IIthtr to loUowthe dlcliuee ot humlllli7 ad be pYemtd b7 the enlightanecl prlDelpa or the I WILL glvt II n~~i~ to any persoll who agt willreturn to 111 atore m Ledger Book It

Shall tlII -lUI collntry which fa 110 aumiddot was pUlaged from 1111 tore durlnS elate tackbull petlor to North Amerl be aUowad to remain In H A THOIIIAN

r shyter llIma ns bthlnd nnd ill frozen into a IlImp of ice III the rcd hot clucible (romwhich seizing the moment before it again mel it mtv bu thtown out befor~ lhe

Jeel of the Mtomsbed observer

We wisb some of our enterprising reashyderawould attempt the mtnuficture or ice

m In Granoda ~o the l~el8On who produCIlfltth Ii 1 III gI bull

e rllt samp e we w ve a ttptop no tice

l1J The Roman Elllpire In the Haith or illsIor did DOl colltain more than three milllona of aqaar mllel Th UolWd Btatu now C01enJ more ampI1an thlt aret Ind It latser than Rome wu when ehe If~ die mIIlrcel or the world

RNpeet tor amp 1Iuman Y81 Frellcbmall

1 II IlIelf BprInc Slimmer IIld II1II the und ot gea 1Iho woaM Il10IIII prohlblamp Oruada 0118 1868bull En iI WlbeJllnto belog ampbe germ orOllt (004 ialmIgratGD md PlCIgretl Bare natllrl bea Lost

dOlltlall that It 11_ 10 h_ happ~ ON TUESDAY the 81at 1111 LANDWAR God IIaItowend hill bleulnp and RANT tor 6 hundred drawn 10 favor

All th apMt or man II dI-fue H of J O ONqd SlIch mealln bJio beao ~ken as wID reruler the warraot or DO 11ft except t)

0 UR 8NIIIIIES DISPBRBINO the pellOl1 for wbolll it WM drawn ~I pel1lOn _ who returDS It to ampbe 8llbacrber Or Ib the olllce of

IntalUsenco IlpoD which WOampII reI II_SIIamp II Nlearag1IeOlle will be IUlleb~ OwaJ~L InampoGtanada thl mornlnamp 8tetet that the rem Granede October 18118 bull bull un or ampbe AlHed torcea are preparing to Itb -----_--=-_____--_

tllII~trJrlbundantin thllOOIIlltry f o(tbit compay in biadespateh ya

draw amp0111 the are _ding their lick forwanl to LHu and tUIng other pral1mlllampt7 for apeed7 lIIlllaum et 11 ftlalll nOlf with thembullbull matter or 6boIce If data-ed bull few da11 wo _lIIlder tho iIIIproa it wOllldIJ9 _ebullbulltarllllecMIlampy

SAPPIIR AN D MlnRl~Capt Hesse

1 have to state tha~uenr1 O Porter whom 1 temporarily appollltAld bt Lieu tlBa bhuyoo bravely as well in lIlauy III on euterlng Granada He was the only one to load the gun In ~e charge on the enemy beyond the Jateba Ohurch

ftampX A THOf1pound~) nHOLJl8ALE DEALER IN


AND ALL lUNDS or LIQUORSToSether willi

lIIN cOPzca tNJOs_zclJ1raOJV lIDiLL lUlIlII or GOOIII 11011gt 111 _ amu HOIpltalltreel lu Crout of 8enFllaelloo CouVIIDI

ClIIItda ~e_-18_66___~___ Dr ~I Po

TENDERS HIS SERVIOES to the oItIzetll Qf Granada and Ylcnlt71a tlte practke or

MEDIC ME SURCi RY amp lllDWlF 1 E m iRY l1J OftIet IIId ~ldC8 011 the 8Oohweat

the optain being wOIlnded and all the 1 ~ the treet GPpoelte the Bow FIanCitco other I~lel being either wounded or driven 0 JllIIet lillie from It under the hlllvy firing of the It entlmy Fagan lind Loyd attended well eeorder 8 Omee tomiddotall ordlllI and fuug1t well at Maaayn THE omce ortbe Rooorderor Deeds 1I01tpguand Granada Mr Latta WII8 wounded ~fortbJi 0rieIamp Depllltmetofthellepu~

d U Itc wU be opened III tho clt1 of G da CD Moo-In til exeutlon of bls 1Y mr Johnmiddot da7the 9m ofsptelllber 18L1amp All perIODs Inn did his dutj well throughout both required by Deero~ to bll~e their tltka ro IODdalD action al also did Mlll KcIeweR the r01ll8lld Departmen~ recorded within IIbc and Maloney monlha aAer that tI A Of LLIS

Recorder for the Orieotai Deparlm8llL _ W II P h_L i I GriDada Sept 6 18jI _ It lit w I II toe way _______________

to Buriingampun fn Ie ~o~did you knuw Tabor ampr 0118) 111( narnu waa Pat f Oh I guessed ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORSAT LAWshyitn ~D by t~e hOI~drker if yo Oftlee iii Et NJOAuovlIlI1I BuUdiOp-80ulh are 80 goo at gU_Rft Ie otter glllss 11 ~ol PIau Grnada NICAIIgIIa the way to Burhngton PartlcoI attention paid to e1a1 against til

J3gt An editor alks in talkin of po Goo~eiBOR 1 jOompan G-IIlIed Sergeant lIurrJ llOWIdmiddot whlob die AmerleanR b hlampl1l1J1o be811 treated ottmiddoty and matimonYt Who would indlte OWEN DVFFY r Ga~lIOamppt I 18C1(1

14 Ptlva Brandll OoUn70n Ellinger BIalrOII who bavII fallen Into It harul or the el1tlii) OIlDlts to a woman whom lie nw every Davlcl I_raftamp1IIiaIu Drummer onlar We call11pon the civilized lIaoos that - apeelemiddot Donlin in her night cap IIDd evert dlaquoy

tors ofuu 8tlllllea to nota ampbe dllference at dinner IIwallowlng meat and IDlhtard1 O~BS FOR SALE at his plac Se BollaLt 01 WouIIIW tA SfWII() Bi- Ballttllon ban iltreot ene bouee ampbon G PIt BeeCoiopampll1 A-t1iIto W 0I01ld 1Il1g1i1ly PampRPIOIIU CulII-FellolI-cltllll aald e tFTho bed of death brillJ1R on 1mmiddot char Ilore 1Jempan1 B-Plbalell I Dowell aUghtl7 11 bull h ~p llour Whlte-ltlllgar OtJUllee lIampIlkeralt Oil

~ do lllteheU do Fourtb of JQ1y orator I repea tho declaatoo I man beIDg to 18 puro IndiVIduality I to 011 eoKno VGIIl AfOIIIaticScbladem Selldo lIot bellevo there II I mOUl woman Of child In ~~tDen- alllhll1 Oorpo- the IlItenlIe contemplation of that dcepeat Stomach Bittelll Pbibulelpblll Ate UId H 111 do lriv A ruuerlon dangeshy this bolin IIbo b r_hed 1110 age Gfil~lY_ Ilnd most 8OIomn ot all relations tha rela Kllllgulan aDd Mdefra Win Cle7plpear SouJItI do J P lIle d(l but what has fel hit truth huuderllli throughtholr breloa C8l1tviOl gor iou between the oreatare and hill Creator TERMS ~_0lIl ldIJed

_ _~_____ ~_~~____M __ __


318 EL NICARABUENSEVoll No 51 p 2 Sabado 25 de Octubre de IBS6 Saturday October 25 la56~

lttpound 1 Jitaiagutnst ~ Satur4ayllominlt Octbull26


Promotion8 and Appointmenti lIJ~1I fllOll al OINpoundPU OIlDlI8 or fill lIIIT

PR OMO TIOlS bull C Ftfennlngsen Is appomted Brlgler Gene

rat ill tbe Ailny and will take charg of Ille OrdIWI ~ Arlllieri under orden from lite Comshylo~rIIlVCloi- n~ bullbullbull A bull

or bull _ ~ra III promo_ MlStentQuattermaster General wIth tho rank of LleutenshyllDtColonel andmiddot1II take charge or ~he Depar~ mant during the abaenoe of Col Illlller Quarto m~ter G_I Ia d u IPt III IIOrril QUlrtermaator promote JOt Quartermutermiddot Department

cpt George WLeoollfd Ifirlt Rlfttt II pro rnqtld Broyd MIJor for gallantry on the field0118Ib 1816

pt A Scltwa~tz ArtlllorY to bo 1110Pl Thomas Henry (UDMiaubed) Ie promoted

MflJor bi the Quartermllaters Deplrtment 11111 Lleol George B Farrand to be Ctplain liltt ampJellamp George W Glat Ald-de-camp to be

oplalnI tAout JlIIll1 F Schooh Company A ae

cone BIB Is promoled Captain Company A ~

Rlilett II -pled to take eAec October 18ampb 1656

The ratpatlon ofSecood Leu~ I a 8oDmlll Compan 0 ampeond Rift Is aCcopted to ake lIftte Ocober 18th 18GO

Th teelgnatlon or Second Lieut J W Polk 8eeond In1 II accepted to take efted Qcto ber 20tb 1866

The nelSlotion of Seeond LI J W vamiddot111m Second Rilles Is IIccepted to take eftect October till 1866


Col Thomu F Fllher QUlrtermoeter Oenera1 ordered to tbe United Statot on blllln811 of the Governmenamp WlII receive hie InatructioD from the Oomlllallderin-Ohief

Capt Wlllllm errmn Is granted leaf of abeenca (or ailtty dill from flle ht ofNovember18116 At Ita explmlon lIe will report foI detshyto tbe Commander-inOhIef

cp 1 NWeU Walker Ranger Dtlttallolffla glllllied leave or abeenee Ibr 1I1IIy day fromlIl November18i16 At ita ellplratloll heill report for ord011l to lite commanding omcaia o( bll BILlmiddotIIlIon

Cop J O JlmllOll Fi11ll I fanlry I gnlltld lean or ablence for elght1 days from Noycmbior 18t1868 At lIa cltpllllon he wUi report to the commandillg olllcer of bla Recltnent Cor orUII

Cal II Mallldorf Second Infantry nted ItaYO of abeenee 101 NU day At Its elplratlon he willmiddot report to lite com1l1anding Clllleer of ilia Bandon for ord_

Tlr Llent Robert GIIllIlOII Is gnllied leave of abINnce for mtl dAys At Its explrallon he WIll fllporl fGrdut1 ar Grailadamp to II eomlllanding of-

COIId Billes lIeer firat Lienamp B F Delaney Seeond IlIfnll1 III Fll1It LIenamp Lewis R Latimer IIm Rilles II

PIOllli)e4 Olpllln of Artillery gnnted Iena of abeeuee (or nlnet) da flllm llrit Lleut am Dunlcan Flnt Rilles I pro November let 1856 At Ita erplntlon he will

oted CaJltoln FIrat RlOos report to Col B J Sallden FIllt Rllin (of 01

SteOlld L1u B M Allderaell Compally A to deramiddot boa~IItLCoImlan1 B Seeond 11__ G Fi Lleut Arthur OOollnllr Seeond Infiantry

_Itt lUI YD orlbedmiddot paDY I auted leave of abllenee fOr lxl da fromFirat IIIfantrbull1e promoted Firat Lleulenaut Colli 1111110 FIrat Infantry

SNond Lleul O n WellFI11It ~IlIIl11 18 p

~=o~~ia~~~O~~I1I1~ Flllt Bla rolUoted Firat L1utampnant Firat Rilles S~nd Lieut B A Crhart of Ordnance to be

Firat ~~euteDaDtrt dLLleuamp aeo W nailer Second Infantryt lo - tit eutenlnt ~olld Lkll John F Price (unallacbed) Ia

))f41DfltedJijrt Lieutenant to repol to litomiddot Quu te=~I~fs 0H=~ Com A ae ~~4 -n __ to De Firat Llelltenftnt ompln A Steond JUfIM

a-d L1eld _ Wnllam Company D lieshycollli middotlUft to be Firat Lieutenant Company I

Second mlf~ RIa I hoorabl dJcba~oI from Ilia Army fItrmj IIO Porter 10 be1irfl LleUmlAlIfSllIl OOrporafi1anlel Smtlh1 00mpany D MtiiUUlIo

part till Ifhort I honondllrdlachfled - Ibe Army ~ Kleuelldotf Comrny A nangell to

b Firat Lit1tanllnt Oompany B Second 10 Iligoant-MlIjol MllIwel1 Allen Trll$ Rlller shy

nppolnted Socood Llelltanant Fl11It Rlao bull Firat Suetan Chl Wllklnoon Firat 1UIIcII It polntedmiddotSecond Lleute~antFirst JliflOi

Fillt Sargeant Carl G Sbockle Anillery I prOlllOted Second LIeutenant Ariillery r~rgeanl Hardin Jnlalllry Ie promoted Second IItORlnt Comptey a FllflI Jnfilntry

CeIlIt J V Conklin Company D SeeoDd Infalltry to be 8eeond Lieutenant Complllll B Iiecond IDraliky I ~ltlral IlenJ4aDelolter Company B Second ~~1fnnt~ nd Meutenant Compan7 D

Private lIrnncl Roth Company F Second In famplltry to be Firat Lleutellant Company F SeeoDd lnf4ntt

lrIto 1 A OIarko Company F Second I faDIr to bo Second Lieulanallt Company Ji Sec ODd IlIfantry

Prlvale Donnls E nlnea to be liecond Juumiddot teDant ampppOlll aDd tilDen

Prlute John G lla~ Company A Second RI tohoBocolld Lieutenant Company A SeeoDd RIIttJ Rirgeant IllIJot lugh Com8ny A Second _ft~ Second Lieu~nt IIlpteyA Beshy rriYlte B B-Yilt Company it Second Rlftet

to be 8eeond Llollellant Company B Second m 1Iu bull bull s~JaMi~~tod Seeond Lleutonan~ of

111 Slckl ia ppolna~ Second Lieutonant to date fiotn May ht 1856 (110 Ie acting at preaeot It AId to Brig Gen Fry)


Col lohn I Matich I reinstated and will kt1motlo~th~Fi1 Infialed fll RlfI 0 bull lit bull -e to 0 Irak Jk lI~n~~r Calling Oompftay O Secood InshyampII ared to Company 8eeond Iu-

The TreuaU RallgerJ with aU their equlpmonte are tranatened to di BIItamplllon of Rongelll b ~~ of llappef1l and 1I1n commanded

Noltmbr let 18GS At h uplratlon he will report tomiddot tho commanding omeer orhll Regiment for 9r4el1l

FIl~t ~wlcre~yQ~II~~D be 1I1U1 continue to IROn forwardbull It Ittut that cause of a conllnuanee of the oUlrage UP01 hi A pUtmanamp A Ita explratlol he wHl rellOn at Granada fO IIMer

Firat LIeuamp Robert Oardller Fraf lUlIea II lIltedampIe of abMllee for nlnet dlJl t weexplraUon of wlllcl1 b will report for ord_ to the commanding elilcel ot ilia Battallou ~ Llout J Bleier Jnaamptacbed) II _tod

Ihamplvenof llbaatt~t1ordormil O1t JJta~plratlonl te repor era at eueralutadqulricl1I


Sergeallt J A Bopldn Compan D Jim

rrlvato Benry Waiteill Compall Al~RIll 18 honorebld~arpd froII th Army

Private M Mlllloy ComPany A Volti~ tlOIle -dlui~ b~lariofltaereatlbu to rille 1t000000000lr fiIoiarnil hm lb Armlmiddot

Privata I4wlll P raquo CompOy 8Mond Inran Itdllollaraed trom lit army OIl Surgeoneertillcate of dIIobifity


Th n r oname of ~emiddot len D GoIcourIa IIl1tr1okon

from tho roll of III umy 21

AmtttIlT-On Thuraday evening Gen Ba1llo Illl1gaon 11amp01 the men under bla command OXOJo elellig In flle plu The JrtlllI) In two Com panles UDdOl the Imlnedlate direotl0ll8 of Mlllor Sehwallllo ClP DeilneT and cpt Farrand and tbo Sa ora and Min under Oa Hebaamp Tb

pp p e men were enrolled In maneuvrlllg lite mountallt bowltaera and frolll lite rapidity of tbelr 1000lag certainly ahowed IIIl1t1h profIcIelicy

shyOn ldal avenlng after bavlng ourcllod tor a

wblle on fll plua w111t blank cariridges a trial Wli mad Ith the regular sheila against lite wall ofanad ruin The captoIea proved thellllelw

aimed at and the aholle xplodlngIII the WIll tore out larg piece 1 IIPP_ to III from Wbat we ha _of tho e~ that wo lIbelle IItrildng In tho amplme opo will ellech breacb III fll8l1rOllg as adobe building aud tbat (or lite mlllorlty 0110

11011 directed Iliot 11111 be ~mclen The wall llrodlnto WU 1Ibullbullrly four flltt blthlekuou

fha Sap)lllt and Hillen coming to a Itoolder 1tIIT8 with hovello looked aUrat IOmlll1t odd but thoy anu line Iooidnglotofmenand are 0110

of Iho moat ulCfbleorps In 1110 aenlce

CoL T r Flnlll-W obamperY tllat 001 Thea r FIlbert Quartermuler Oeneral N A hu been dred to lite United Stotea 011 h_eII_nedld 11It thla (Jo__amp nelWl made Idmeolf euolt a Ibolite wllb tha paople of Granada that e

PLURALl1Y OF PABTIP9TONS The Late Insult to the U S Flagl The name of tle venerable Ind aimple dimeshy MURDER OF A1IERlOAN OITIZENS Dr TBg

MI1I Plrilnglou-18 In tltelle tlmell ol(n ug AILIED ARMY OF GUATEMALA ANIgt led There aremiddot now many lattlngton_ SAN SALVADOR man ho trlve to Irr01lI tlte advallce of oceanl wIth boom8Uclcl We are surrounded The murder of tbe Amricaa chIlena In tb~ b fllem I we read of them I ever mall brings city of OrMada on the Ush of the cormt aome new denlopment of flleir flllll1w labort month by middotlIte allied foreca of San Salndor tad TIley endampvOf to ouPvtlngton Partlngton by Ouatemala II one of tbe Infllmolll trtneaellolls IIIlng leas oIfrctual illBtrumenta In tbelr elforta to that mual for ever dmgraee the chllracter of tbe lIIeIIl more forcible and overwhelming occaM people bYllbom It 110 eomml~ted and bring tbe Th 11 I n ~ b II tImiddot bullbull middotmiddott h b I d Ibe or ~na anngton wa WII I nil a nl VI 1 ampIn em ~c D8Mloon9 un er e of th Clty of Liverpool now all England belongs contempt if not the dlrcct ceniure of every dr to flle famUy ud Franee by ylnue of ~ho Aliimiddot lIIlca Is ready 10 act Partington to the letter

Partington Is no longer II proper nAnle bullIt 1113

btltlomo common Ie ha beeome r princple of lclion It II now bull great pollllcal organization In facc Statesnol Kingdom tuck up thol PGIII coate and BtAnd mop In Iland ready to RlTelt tbbull rising tide of tbo limes let the cllort COlt wlo II m

TheN 18 an adage hich altlteugh worn bull II l

IItreadbue w would lIdbullbull6 arUngtolB 10

keep CODipleuoualy bofor them It will SIIve tbem milch labor and not a li~tlo ridicule ViII II Thne and tide wait for no mall In IItIa 18 l

b I Idworld of tllltli and pblloaopllYI If leh t fOU be weB for the Pringtons of tile age to aludy

Beroro lite wbeel of lime btU completed lIIlotber cycle Ihe obituary 01 ail lito Parllngtona wlllhabullbullnd ogalllBt hia protestltbeylllllt robbed him of

bull bull been wIllon I for althougb trutb IOmetlm reo all that wal valuable lu hl8110U8C Illd thon drag amp11 Itlell Iowly the dayla about to dawn If I~ ged out from und the folda or that II ltIcb he Ilot alread1 dwned when men wHl be conmiddot should huo mad hia pel8On ucrcd and hot vlneed of w) they ha kllllWD Or hneprof_d him Illh coolncea Illd deliberaUolt

10 know for a long tlme-illat man I a progr Aalf to add to the alroell tbey were nol COl

elvo ereature and tbat thlhllOllltabl WIsdom of tent willt taking hlUfe DlIlng all Americall illmiddot Dilialty haa set blm tranlllng In II patb 10 which IIIln inatead of protcetlng him while 11lng 1111 u

ou tbla road lhere 1IIa~ be ranters that lOme main alter dealb I Seven bayonets were tbrcel may atop oul of the Way and reellDe b) COlllfllltftble thl1lugh bll bod after he had bHD abot reatIng piIlClll but It Ie oqUillyt~ tllllt those The thought of how tkcao fiamplda dlnced lIm who teat toe long mUllt keop ou~ ot middotthe wly of lItel victim lind in thai hclliah glelr hinr

thcao who ate malaquoll~ Ollward or lltey WIU be JDOIt UllUredly troddon upon

It ClInnot be long before mOl will be convinced II II

ILlIeluwUIil laelrneat And the gray It Dot Ita goal

DWI~ thou In to dUlt returnnlVAI not spoken to Ib 10Ul

And that although Individual Of cles or peo

pi lIIay heeome u 11 were withllred limbs In tbo great tree ofllf flle mmk canllot pariah bll~COII country Be had been here tbrOugh two rr_

nd _~ III It h ~ed tlul I II 8 bull -_ 1111 as _III grea porpoaea (Or wblch It lloe _ied

But the Partinglolll of EurOpe and America IMllllnospahle of DIjIkin tbe proper deductiona 111 Llo of ellta~ fll8y aeem u Incapabl 6of comprahendlng the great lam of hnman 1I1e lIId thlr Teneraoto progenitor tbe tonlea whleh ro IIlated we ebb and 11011 of the AtlantIc

We a haYIng now re-enacted 011 tho etage of European plllr lite sceno of In lIleb tbe Par tlngton of ~be Inquilitlollllgured wben a lItey would ha us auppos clolltcd In tho IOlemn 111

h lItorill or God they compelled II nnar1lbla p Imiddot lesopber to relnee bll_dOll relative to the revolntlon of tIe amplrih But a1tbou h litis d I to aholl tI era ~I f I thmiddotYv r a me a gen e n tIrae the pro- of lit ampIlll iteelr WII not reated and the ParUngiona of tbe Old World w1loe 10 aaslduOua In thrlll4in fllelr mope Inm flle advanclo wamptora of lite sea ~r P n III allOO8ad onlYin being conllnced in ~d that

olteellont marbmen lhe1atruek the preollupot notwithstanding their elflllta flle world will con

~g (fou tJIIl~~ecd under tbe orden of donbt nol be 111 reoal Ii pleaeant reoeplioD do not weigh mere than a grain agalnat the elllrtll

t1nue to wag OD

It we tbe I lrit of ParUn tonim tbat threw obllampaclca In lit path of CoImbU 1I0d Luther alld KOllath It 11 to legllJlallng In tbla aplrlt that EnglandlIIayttnDute lite 10lIl of her North American Colonln and to tllil aplrlt Bpab) loa ber AmerlCftD POIIIIdIIIOUl 1amp Is the Parllngtonshylam of th that cndeavo11l to arreat flla Il1o Taneo of llrragua In flle road of 1101 desilny alld that would atlgma~ If pOIIlble one of th

b d _~ h1MII _t an moat nt__ men W 0 ever unmiddot dertook naople to proeperty

BII~ to lite philosopher 1114 lilt_ thllk thero Is a OOIII01atlon III the knowledge thllt erente are guided b7 111bull luperlor law of an aUwlle Deln III whOle balance the elloru of all the PrUngtreg

RESlrAATIONS The etlxnltlon or cApamp OIlldes A Gore Se

eoIld lUlu Is accepted to eke olfect October 1tIIl5O

Tliolampllgnltlon of Firat Lleu~ A M Pittman Firet Infantry II accepted tomiddot take tlleet from October 3 18Gbullbull

TIae retlgnalloll or Recond Lieu Groaa Second

wheruOlhe COIII We 111111 him afiaorabl TO age and a )Iced rotum

DItrIlIlDIIN 0 GIIIIUDl- We 100 been handod I 11 II th lIamn of all the persona wbo were present at the defence of Orampl)ada 011

th J11th and 18th of tbla monih It erowded out fllia eet We shall probably pulllllh It in our next IlIue

of WuhlngtoD er a Walker or 111 olhar of the InlltrUmonll wbose Ilame we might adduce wbom Be lIIOIintbo developemont of HI dealgnt

Tn I QuJlPBu VITVs-TbI8 flIslllonlble eillb we regnl to eay haa ceased to elleamp Au loq 0fO~ Ita remailll brought In a ferdlet of died of eoIIapea of tbe pocket RguitmJI ill p4tbullbull

IHzed nation_ It I nnmiddot ac~lon ao rar bOlond tho pale of 011 clrllifLd cII9toma8S to render IllmplJtoI I r bull ill E cld I

abo 0 Jual cation ~~ry In onl Olcry e ( eumstanco connected wlln it ene only 10 add to the guill and ink tho porpelratOll of Ihe onto Iago dcpArln tbe grcd 1lqulty

II cannot be Mid thumiddotlt nlpp1tml u or wbile tbe IOldlera 1010 in suebe Illtc of ~~ cUemen as not to be aware of what they did I I for I yet theyliad nOI been enpged in any BC

L1 h dmiddot L h d b t on nor a oy Il B ot yel re npon tnOIll 1 any of tha oltizens of Gmnada The residence of Mr Lawl_1s allUftted about midway between the large plaza IIIId tho Jalteba Chuteh Ria

bull h b bullbouse wal tho flral tber came to In a tag b Amerlco~ls lind wltboul pl1lvocotlon or culo while the American tlftg lfBI tIiDg over bla door

bullbull deprived aD American citiZen of life bee mlng iii Intoxicated witb (ury III to conlinue to Ibruit theit byoultalnto him la heortmckening

TheBe men cannot ucue themselves b 1lnl tbey were not awaro of LawleSl VClitlon Ibr h I Id d I II rat L av ug res e n t 8 coun~ry len yelm

spoke belr langulge Iluentl n wu 1Iell knOWI

tilroullbou~ Ibe country ampI a merchallt 110 bad never utor(ered or took part III the politlca of IhIt

dOli and mere than b(~w8ra utl had alWAY Ih reapect abown him Iue tbe flag llhose protoellOllha clalllled Belld all thl he 110 doubt oxi

bull pWoed hI JlClIon h lng bd ample lillie to 110 It but It avaned blul nothing tha~ be hid nol takeJl part In the wlra It lled him noihiaLbullbullbullbull I h- d I L ere were ItO arllll D Ie _ an t 1amp1 u~ wu 8Plrely 4efenceleu- a clrcumtaoce that among any people wltb a apark of chivalry or hUlnalllty among them wold hlYe 8Ied blalif He claimed to be an Amelican citizen and eluinr beneath and cillmin~ Ila pr~tectioll of the Star and Strlpell was by the deml demOllsmiddot ( we callIlO wi tbeln men) coDildered amp erime worthy or bull

hd d th meat orn 0amp

We do not wish to caUIUelltion esplloWl W lite death of the Rev Mr Wheeler bo IIU eUi gaged In lite ploua duty of dleklbutlng the ACIId Word of God amont tbe people of fllit pllCl

wltem neillter te aacreel banner orChriat IIOt Ih ftlllJ of Ihe Ulllted Stet cOIIloi aIIVO frou lite ruf 611111y butcbery nor to the murder of the Belr Ferg1llOD nor to Mr Camenl 1Ibo waa dng~ ~ed rrom the bosom of hia family And murdered hllo proclaiming that ha 1111 lin American oltlzen for tbe clrcum8laOCeli of thel~ death Is let rO~IIa plalnlyln tbo lIIIoexed aIIIdvlll i O do we wial( to make any oommenta upon tbampl deelre to get fller American Minister-who Willi at the time prot-[ trated by DlII83l1-1nto thelr huda tor w eel middot ured It wlluld be a work oCIuporeroptoultlu1Il parte tbe caae wID be setforth to the people ar the United SteteltJ by tbelr reprlen-lI e IIIQ we doubt not that Americana wHl indilllto Ibelr

dignity Btl we would ClIII attention to the faet that Ih

flAg 0 the oomparatiyely email BanHate toOI of Saxony 10 Europo waa raapoetcifbull hlle lbe American col011l were being abot at alld rlddleocl Wllh bullete whllmiddot tlylng ovor lhe bOllee of tbt Americalllliniatel and served rather to leduc outrage tban alford procctlon to th_ bG lOught ita ahelter 8 tbe following aJIIdill m bow

LEO Ollmiddot or UNlTro SumOJ AllIIle I liEU RmzllLtC 0 NIOaUOIlA J

Till day pereonally appeared betore lIIe Jamnl George Wledomanll nnd moe OA~ thai I ~

A-gores of the lIled Imyof Gllatemaltl I

319 El WICABA6UENSE Volt No 51 p 5 Sabado 25 de Octubre de 16561 Saturday October 25 1856


tile n SteamOl La Vhllo Capt Thom IlUlkert~rlnd al tbe port of IlrauadA on the ~ytlllDg lotSlaquoturd-y tbe 18th IDBt Iloe brought Jutem -lIP 0 1I1t of UI HItIt monb

br - bShe fOlIgbt o a Ollt ~Igbty Plt888Dgtl1l who nteld ljO nelde I~ 1111 COIInuy list) of 0111 ~ Joinell the NlcarogulIII Army Among t

- I IBanIfa we nol ct tho lIallle of Clt)L eonlngftnHow~ Joinell theNlearagutll Arm1andla In COIomlllll 01l11li ArIlIl~r1

1111 Jla Virgin brwpt alao tor the Army lU1 bull o if h nd-A M- L d middot11IDr ell X II nu m mUlld III i 11 et lour or wllb Ibclr ploper equipment the evrig~ for tb mountdn bowltze aI_d ro -- ld II Ivge quantity OfulIllullltlon

81 f I

struggle wUI be between Buchalampll and pOllUoR a alellder -agure and ver1l1ght bllr reoIOIl~ lillmoro ma however bo much BORland and Frlllee h made II warlike 01 alronger batt tbe pllbllc h lID idea of If Ibe 0I0nllramplloll aallIamp ~be Kin ofSarcllnla AI

ee 0 middotpapr we earn thI All the dey atproeCllee for Ihe rleSidential eltctlon In the tultcdSlateltlllulscltcmentalld1nleruUllor_

be nfoet ngg_1ed ltalemen are IDade by of lb riftl candldatea relale to

iuoqUt t II weoed wIb mor ~OtiOD ormore UDshyettlalra I lIor caprlceelIIan 11080 two Statee now

I od ha P ll 1amp t1 middottt t 1IlPlji t t en 1 YIUI I go or ImlomrDUllffilll4ll Ia 1101 cet~ of Ilanflng It iln Ib1~er ~andlt hlwampy been e Btrong ilIIIICIlItie 3Iett and h ginn Ddehanan large

Ai e roof of 118 entire dovollon to Uoellty I Hid lbal In Ita remoter di8lcta llaer are lililarge ItlllDben of Totee _t fqr AnshyUtW J~80II t

AI Ne York no etandll the Fremont men Ire alma I Ilire or ber But II e fllred tbat 10 otdtr I ifeeure tho election of lluebanall by Ihe L S d fN Y k 11o~r ~e thO emoerac ew or w go

om 10 1111101 The bull 4ft oro 8() nicely halllllud tbal eonaldmiddot

bit a~lIl1la of mOD01 are illaked upou tbe rampgt fill Willet III accounl of a mall wbo ble to lIhu aUIbullbull hlllr oft bl heed If lIucbanlUl Is 1I0~ Ilt~ted b_IID Ie e or bIa elCllllon be Is 10 be d lIh all lhe blta be CQD wear ri I -mo Buehan conUnue to realde I

Whl middotlIollll8 Thill aIlnde UI or PlOl8OiIor Stowe-hlllbllld r n Deecher 8towe-wbo wben Ihe FIIgishylift SIt LawwlIS p-d re latered vow that

oul~ not M hla beatd cut untO the Ia Will Itpeilled Il lla needl to that by this tim IU beerd of tho Proteeaor hal altainod coRaider

A bull Welangth lIla mil1 wil~ at lOme ulure time I able to 4etermlne the time which bae elapsed ~Rce tbbullp_go of tht celebrakld law by a _Irtllellt of Ibla bireuto ppendage

Olll neighborS Ia the Solltil It 11111 ben b

rtfHOell to lIIother pitt of tbla pape haye art IIt14 at a period wboll tbey are beginning to acl lei aot througb any ellerg of their 0100 but by

bull bull Iho torceof the elective spark wblch tbe pr0111OIt ~ lb AjDerlealll excitebullbull Aa Ie lIIuaU the cue ill ueh spaslllodic e1f~rta tbelr ICtiODS are neltber -At( b d Ira UI I ateedI-~ ~ pru ollee or grea~ til geDco II of t1llll~g tbolr atklptlou to tha aeveopomoot of cIIt reour0e8 or their St they e endeavoring 10 ftrm I agalnaua wllo If tbey 8amplIdled Ilatlr deg lotereat tbe would not olllylreat aa

htelben but endenOf to ludaoe us Inlo tbelr _trie b offorlng lerge 1IIwarda to U8f1 lIIIerIca fho would Httle amollg tbem

go andmiddotdo Ukewlh tI Ibe would In fow lola uame was reeeIedmiddothe ~onoludedlIIIId IDUO1 c u Aoa_ fII IlITIIIIo o BD-Thill L bull ~ Ia peu enklrpriae whleb for bullDaB1e Iou _med

han reuon to Ie the - the merleau lIle pp - too i11cH1v7 plQJce 10 lie HriOllllJ eoklrlalaed tbelr denl among them II Brig GeD Horuab waa II atbullbull II Ie 11IeI u Ihelhuadelplla IAtliJrr to pIO

The Elllpero Alolnder of Ruula u _wued drank with ~re and th _II-I- not onlypn bullileallle blit to be aowal _Iilrocl lakll with peel ctltllOll1 DIIfInc laquoIlGlIamp- The oople of Gtuadr- uu _ ~oo_uIoa 01 ~ GIld lIIMaWio_ tIon the BDlpelOl lIrtIMd dlllllfllamp1llt liNt lllto lliftl amp111 the lUI Ie SOl Ill of bJ a

-r hGould he alloed ampveryluiUt iol publleblnl tbe JiIoJ-wa receld wltb leug 111 incident or the cerem001 The rep_led Brig Gen Jit111 I88po11111lo 11 draIIk to of IIIe Pope _ reaehed on 1111 occaeIon be- The Bed 8kIr of 1I1earas- t shy

I - --

blo IUCIea From all we can learn 10111 Hill quallllcatiOllll appear ~ bo good die-

n -0how othinc oIemenamph anlbmg Ike llalloolmiddoth boen ordtled -to the SardInian potU middotf9t111er rloctlol1-(f OIgIlDIZlltlon aod kllllclt to fhe nowl from Frallce I unimporlllll i01In principle beymiddot ilia) lIIlrprlee the Union 10 111 France hM growll up to hemiddotalli8 tat bilallbbeb

lire th_ ofanr other _IfY neCoatalUcanuNboglnnlnr(OltamwladoD

end theIP rttIIerJ to (ullow Preildellamp Xora III lUIother folAJaplneUflO8IIguI ucla_pIcIou

III our m1lld tltt they beslnlllng to bow wbats b

Tile 11010 from Buropeta DOl of III In -eat til l1li In Nicaragua Q_ Vlctorla lib a good _bl mother Is endorlug Iogeh lIItmiddot ablo spouao for hr aupterl Ibe 11111_ RoyalPrlll~ irederlck-m lrlIstlt 11 at proeenllh fa rltA In 1gtvl matrimOlIai IIIIrkel H baa aCeltmIpanled lbe roJa moth~r clllrllJU

middotmount~t roogtiI laddoll M unexpected Amiddotcoup u fat 11M been lIIk1mpted in Paill bJ -rrf nI hi its lerth to taIt the B~I u rtmiddotIIlI PrtlllllllIIPpcaraneeago their eandl- (leott~ODollnelltIukod ltltIeenlIlllheUa 11 IIIIee from Franklin the ed_ltlWd Irad rona hladoctor mullraquo alld air w pxketshyltlale ud Ibemlelvenn rar behind dcrblllleedenahSp 1b_Spanlahtroops hoW poue 011 bJthe plekel prltl ofbe rNIIOt hllllditerehlef

middotTho DfbIIlIIIn lind FrolllOlit lien are hathon 8Ionof Madrid bllCmiddotthe blew wa nOlllrlld 1111111 1114 - man killed The meIu bod WII hUll~ F4t 11111 ~-l---A-rua-n-p-n-Jal-Ir-porler aid il 1kelr 111 III In 8upplieatlon before tbe State middotof laneoueI~ amplllbe luge ollie mt therefore lcLraplcllY-~Inrr th pu~ofaIampok wa eo olOOllelt amp be ~ tbu ibnup -CD in lie Yo ftud Ponll8)lanl4 There lIever w only parllllllluCOO88lal A eho ar Ia SpaIn II 11 Je is ooei Jirallkl how -It grolt ~~~litl~way~~ma4t billlyen- iwI Ja

bull IlOOII t 1111 w II mo OU _ bullbull h1111therefore hlehl probahll It Ia thought -be w IIIalI aad tho collklmplated atiMlk JIOfi hbonld laquolad 10 bow NId tbeuegioL Wii France ie IlIlIOlIIe nYllOl1l1eel4d wllb the 1IIfaIt POlolied Thethumr -ped ~~ ~~ tllteat no Iongel alilee tbUl Ju~ IIlpl-agaillaamp II wil1middot R~~ h bull 10 1IIdlt e - t nes -lgt 11_ t -- poelufely lilted 10 IIblMOQ KaN mldlllampht howeyer (1ft aspreu Ived III IIUIIp A IaQd peculalor 01lt W- ladeellcllo

until LIlt mill of 1100 Allied rome hqultted with ~ Informaloa tllat 001 Oook wllb I _e his trac IJIInI th eba be Inaallilidl J th CrImea Tork h for the pretent nnt foroa of U 8 ~bad takeo lip I porJampIoall clcreel It Wu 10 h~lhl ~IIDd Ulera aDd 10 frem the dlplomalle boti_ lrolt of Ltowr8llCt the 1Irpoee or pIOleoI dllBClIIamp for toIbto dlO tbel iIII thela~ablampaAtiIIbtd

It froIn the pro~d ~I ~ Coodli~bu 10 draw tbelr lui breatb With a eolrallre ~aPOob _u to CI_Ie PRESIDENTIJtL SUPPBR toWlIJIIIlIOI810 Gel H~el~ warllln~ oe Pcmy eliC~bullbullVeUowoltben ~ t

__ tbe _equellcaa of III lkllllplOO lb bull It ollllh of JII1 ora hepiaHie ckdara 1On tbe nalramiddotof the 19th laaamp tb FI14 61B la uld that CIII Cook IIa~ beell Milt b1 Qea do noamp believe amp10 Is 11I~ wo_ or eIiIIllo

ly wbo w urgeatly oliel b) ~ people ot IIIIa ho_ who It_ttubed the age otM _e~ alld 018n of tbe General Stair Wlib a few Iewrallee 0 lDte~ Cor lheIt ~QJI Qn b~atmiddothU fell tilla tl1lth tbuwltriag ~ Cltizell8 lDel 81 the Pre8Ident lIIena10n ad tIM lb nib Gew -0 arrIYed at FnnIdlll amllled tbelritnilllll flPcQrl ag I

tlook of eupper bull oolllllllalion with Ibe IIIIoera of be lravadlog -10 h

bull th I 4 Dri ifill S IOld thembetmiddothe WM prepllCed en- I11III D ~ eaklr 4 9 _ushy_l _AOIOnamp guellawenttoe gI~enerrJ foroetbI teUftllHheoleutlimltowuhla eldeiitl11I~uowedf_gnIID80ftJcbtibullbull

JlorDeblIriglcllerOeneral Fry Drigtdler-Oeaeral _1Ioo J aupprtlll cllaordere with the aht of _04 ttom death lit the ampIinIhPa~lllIi1lf ehlOro-nnneingllJlftW Xbull RQgcro SubS ot Jlaermiddot tbe-~middot~ IIlJder Jb---middot~iIatit fmn ald bullbullbull~ elida CoL Pb R Thompson Aiijt OiIabullbull N AI the Interpoeilloa of XlIreu aHer (Jell ~ BII or~t qllellioo At tho 001 Ales Joo P~lIIUIer 0nl N AI ~e~=n~- t 111= lIowlhhen be l8i dO~alrO Ii iWir did Col T F Flab Q~termUlter-aeatlll N A thai be had)lllt UrtIIkId to or 190 ouIIa Who Col Ocoqe B Hall 00mmi1Ml)raJ N Awoold be prGperlJ tried b1 the lepIllUthOrlIIaa Whi III amp man wamph acom 06 middotetu toe Atl 0_1t 1 M tbe geollOmtaaU de10 take of the yltodl Aa _ the cllIIIIeaire

1eIIIlt)f Tho Hdth of tho pruldenlor lhe Republic

or Nicaragua was propelled and~lIk Ith eoshythualaam 10 tblt the Pretldent rtIIpoDlled propotllll W

Til OlBcera or the Nicaraguan Arm

The lIetlth oC General William Walker w III

en propoatd and drank with Ihroo ebte Tbe Generallf caUed upon to reply It1IIlmoatl posalblo 10 gl90 ao Ida of Ibe ellOlrI~ ellbOl loll words prodllCed IIded by loll graoUnl geelleolallon and peculiar feror we CII 0111 Mltmp 10 gIe 811 idee of wbat ho Hid bull

When bla 1)AIII had btllI repoampteclly oalIod he roee lad 14

GIIINTIIIUIM-Wbtever or hlator helon 10

tba Da wbalOVer of the 1I1111rol 1liiy be 1810shyorared Wllb It owea more 10 Ih lid recolfed ftOIIl the wisdom galbwlr) and derIng 01 Ibe geotlem811wilit wbom ampbe lndlYidual wbo bean i baa had the good middotfortune 10 opente thaa 10 III merit he blmaeU po_ [Cbe_l Ao lodiridual wbyenleer posltloo be 111amp1 bolitla gea oat

01tho P1l2I he repteaeDlII maltee hrlll gMaL It M Ie_ en tbe approach or Goy Geor Hept J A Ii my Ibrtene to lie the repr_tame of a with U S VcIopI aud weDI towlIllII Ne~ lIarr1l1g1on S prlnelp e willi hlcllyou all Imboed_ prin All b qqet ia tbe IerlllOl1 Henr A clple that cannot OOCOllftaed 10 thIa 01 an OIbtt Joaea J It

bey pl pro8t in thla pllttloqiar by 11Iuon- clple of ulIleraaI fraedm It mlltt ooalln to spread nlll I erubracee nOl OQ all hllcoatlshy

ucl ott 0 EtDperons Nicholas And AlulIIlnder ofnent bul the conlhlenlll of the old orldmiddot It will ll~ jhO bull IOn ililOctl to the United change old Y8amp8IIII ~d reinfipale -i alld Slates t AmoriCllII moehanica to come aDd Ive t~ Old 1flithorldNrecelung lIedlOlPullel ampom lbe

n~ oll 0 e ew 10 ellen to UI the paklmll In Ibelr 01111010118 and tbote wbo aceepted tbe embraCes of a IIlIivelllll blll~hhood (Iodlullallo have beu reated In a mallner com- cheering] __traIl wllh the wealth of llie Empire W080 After the General badcoQcludod TheSoldlllra

resoured tbelr Ibor will help 10 dovolop There of Ihe Nlcaraguall Army WII proP080d IIIId dlllllk I I I E tb t b d d I III hId b DO pe~o II urope n n vanee n e WI Oil C eel Arts of l~te a tIo same ratio lUI the Ruselall Utlg Oell UeoDmRBOo 10118 (Irank with IIlucb

d I l 10 L II E I ltb b bull All n fer coyer e en re IIIp 10 If a ent wlm lind III retpoollO Gon lIalogaen Aid Aetwork of ralroad tho Emperor bas Inlol semiddot In lubatallce Iltal he nOI muob 8OOWItolatd 4Wed til icoB of 8ovorai Amerlc1l engineers 10 liking ~et that ho w eatlrely a

apot It I - broad ue wllwene-lt Ii ampbe prla-

There were HyerrJ -er toute __enI draakaadabouU oeloek the geDtklllen Ithmiddot drew to their reaIdeII- mllCb plcued with amp0 ellteneinmtll


fUll lI ona ampIID ntce PROOLlIllU-lllI

bull t1t01l 11011 111110 Th St LoQIa BYelllllg New of Seplembe

Ib b the followlDamp IUlpllIIl1amp IIew1 Wo v clalei ftom 118 JSOlGer 01 me 1111bv _vl- t Iuamp -11 of tb war In

Kanua alld c1rculllllaneea atlendl lb 1IW Wal1 of peace amp Frtnklln

Tbe MIIsourIu we 10 their word tUlObed ampom Wolitport to aItIck Iewrlllloo on th nthT w compoud of OIIe reglmeD cit ampos_1 eae ef mounled m_1n all 1400 _ al- We dool _beu es_pte Ifre 10 lend Ii four pleooa of aHII1erJ Gen utt11 -1 ora - alike bllamp atdilterenl 111_middot In command On tbe 13tb aad 14th thete t=~t=O~Ath

~ebrmfori= rwbull Jllltlce

lamplllzed by came G8II Atelillollto tho dWt Itefohillou ere peel decJerlo ilia relllng OIl the proeCtiOll promised 10 peacelll bullbullttlenl bl tbeGOYOrIIO~ tbe Ibelnndlog army would dltbaud l1li01 relll to ~belr 1I0m_requ~Un the Go _ 10 reergamplllA and diatrlbukl middotOtCllhe Tern ~ Cfoe of mllllla to p~ the Mtthln from _auderl atld robbera-alld reoommeodlncIhal CoL Tim be made commander of tbe mUfti of Ihe Territor] lbe )(-urlane llien broke up cunp aed returned boule except th_ wbo Jp te)lded to IIIIUI lit doe l~

Tbe aillet or OH bullilretl 00l1li UrtIIkId bYGo 0 belollged to tho flOIIPIIA of Cal HlltYt1 wbo made ampbe aItIck on COL aolleriton

WI-d~~ t4 ~~III to f~ lI4I all __e lIpOIl t bull rae_ deg lUllmiddottIogocean middot10 -0 bl thle muno bue made report III whielr the d~lhat the ilia eouId be built OIl neuI7 dlrlaquot rltlIIte from sfamp 10 the OWt01 P~- with braneb Iio Ibe Nile The00fi It ts7~ 1114 the oooatructioo will take IIs88 At 8oM2lIfeeuf_wlllbetoliad M lIle diMDce 01amp000 feetlrom t4e bull_ The plrl 10 be ooiIIiInIcl4d III the GWI of Patm whleb the former proJect plaeed a Ill boUom ofth GQlf wiD be located wei mllee 10 the Willi 011 p or the cout wbere the wa1s 211 fee~ deep Ai leu ~han the cllatance of wo IDUea Tom tIN IOore mt where IIIIchOlampg g~ It Is tlmueil bet 1 -IU fie do In 4IN11cpbeleen the rotpeCtibull place IIld Bombr III fdllowt (Ionalallwllople 1J900 Havre 8928 Lolldoll 86GO LIrpool 8560 He York

7311 Ne Orlean 8178 Hore IhaD ball Ibt 0) I -een Ihe prlndp porloofJilliropo alld Alaia bJmiddot Ibe propoeed l Tbi slugle fact lIholllicalmmenle IIliIIl) 10 ill Damptlollll ail weU as 10 BVPI and Torkej olld ril lIeur tor iIamp projecCUnl the belt wlshea of the elvill1fd world

III view or faoII the 00_ lIIIfd the Ilk alargci landhold~rf Beea_ ~ ill p-d ~ to ~ 1IIIt middotbadoa tbeli- of tUII odtM-1IIeIII(It - 1

Gel Atobleoa Gen Reid and CIII TIl4 -Why iii a Inr Ike kIIoclampert Becaa~ dreaed the meetiR ad lIrlIed complianoo 1amp ho lIIiHotml to llifW4 (a d_) the GoYernor prOpol61 Th Govenaor thel bull -poundt

Wlthdrw from Ihe ~ to alfordto 1 Iist 01 Ietter IOUrlaaaauopportulloace amOllth~ D-rJl~middoth nIB I d 0IlIIhla ngeoUon A _tllIlI w jllllaDllj I e bull- v lII1ICO omiddotwag Cf tee ve

Iober 11 1866 lIolt Ooa(Dlrdeall V E tBullh J G Bllllch J BbardO E Bremer JClarlt ll WCaaIIlIo C Ohecklcy Xlll CUlton I Daly Iol J Jlllher J A lir141 Jishfr G W

aI Ulek~PoInl They were 08pwred at G_ GeuIeall 0 A ~IolillB oppotIte LeeomptoD OIl 1beIr reamplIrII Go1tbArl P A from 8ickory PolnI to Iampw_ 1111 ead bet (1_ J 0 Iathe aampempllO vteA them _ U S eoWter Hanele It fourteen of lfes men 10 killed HoagllUld M H

Lene III not Iio be folllld 10 eIIeTerritor II Berdy C

Fuu o bull t ftlna-lbe Now Orlealll Della Jorge A lHms tbat Red lUvor hu dimmed up lla owa Klpp S V inOUth and now mlkea 118 w y 10 Ihe Gult LorIog L th d Atcbaamplla B l fb II d bl Llnere or B

2 1~ X 11 LlflngslOn J WlIcGulgan 0 Hoy A Korri H

McCann H a IfcCudle J

Jlanofill S Mooney Hamp sb 1I Nellr E A OsborD D C Poal Dr A Pearaon J T POit Hlu A Roper J Hltllaquogton e 1 Roulrand ~ Sd1 Dr

- Scott W L 81110111 D ~ Sklnna J C Smiloro H SlantbrT7 E II Warren Wheeler 8 H WllIlalll800 CaptWIHiamSOD J

lIuilii tbe fOr~middotedurereor thdegat ~ til )8116bull and tbat at oue IiIlHl neTer Iouched III M - amp X TIIOlampIV lib d III b~ II b llI bull - I

I pp ut pllrlue bull coune w 118 1I0W WHOLESALE ])EALER IN Ulned elllptIDglRto the Gulf far to the ell I of Ibe Iolillalaeippi Tbo Red RI Ie now to BRANDY WH SKY WINE~IIld Ie remhla to ho up whether whcll full It _ t wUlliot re-opoo be outlet to the Joflulaolnnl ud AND ALL KI~fS OFihLQUORB Ira mill wIIb the aIbA~ of Wuerif - 40geer If bull r rrN COrrBn sJrJ9DBn2-rrzoJV

U-- J I L L 110 4Lt lDliOO ~ 0001II IOUgt NA WIIOUIiIAuU 8 TILl YI nOIY -An mIII - HltrJ etroet ulltoI ofampIIFruei800 COIlbaen lick for a long hoe and whit1n this _ate GIUIIlda Junlgt 1 1866

would OC4ulooII _e brealblng ftIId IIr be ------------ --__ - -Dr AAud Pobullbullpparanll eslhletfoe 80m tIMe when he wooIshy

~ III th~ dockyarde of lttllllia An~rICIIII 1I1collamiddot worker and that he ca~eto Nlea heca II apln COllie to On one or these ~ heo fBNDfRS UIS SERV1CESto the Ilhtz~Dbull1 IIkI hn~ lhe dlrectlon of nfthlrt The OODIC- tb ht II b It - - be lind JIIII awakeaed from bIs Bloop lgt1rIok uk Granada and vicini ill ilie praclille of

OIIg ero t eoe w wOr 10 do He would Ied 101111_ UITlCllli SURGEoy t_ H1DWlhIiJi qunoe fit 11111 will be tbat In a abort IIme tile nOl hae eome h_lt he uppoud Ibe tllICI8 of And howll w bo Jlmlll1 when oura IIIIWJ ~ bull l u j1l bull lOt

IwMlaII Veue6 III bo IIblo to compete III speed bla laborwOIIIS be IlOI1l1ned to IIII1t pI_ Re dead-1011re after klnup ini thllOf OftIce an4 roal4caCe 01 tb aouIbwl ted dumiddotmiddotllt with tb but buill Yankoe clipper tumln tballka - th b 1 bull Brlalg III a gleu omiddot Irioi an IA7 to tU- comer of tho lampreet 0pPOllltc tbe San PrandgtltOAoLr bull wr e on~ goD omen p hero lilt 1 Jimmy -airIf I dOll I au OouonL ~~~e~~ AlUerlclIiIorthlloontln~l1lw~to OIlteonre~upon ~m by ~ IIIUller In wblob IdbrlDk thin blll1 meor Gtanu Jail 1860


320 ElNICABA8lfENSEVol t No 51 p 6 5abado 25 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 25 18S~ i t l

BRIG dNN HENNlVeSIIN ketnft4 tore lItelrlllaquopoampolllpu gri_r __ dlis hnmlllatlcm Autrl of eOIl- Iolaled lit COM~lISSION IpoundR~ SALE

t ~_11l loo1ltlnl 01eI 1lI6 l)emOOlamptI Rlew lOr t~Ir- tIe pJlva~ aIl4 lIIampIIy _______ t86l1l dad ~~1I1D ~n the ampIIlprllD W-r TIIlrtee lIUDPm td_ ana geuellile Of pURSUANT to an order leeIIed by the Board of CommlWon I gtfIll on d1IFJ~T DIY DlIloh the ClOIIdllCt an AllCIIont iDd ablllamp of note_ dlieclly tbll lulftlldvballled or JANUART 181S7 ofter die lbiIowingmiddot invelltoried propottl for 80 III pllbilO ItU(tUIIlmiddot pigt he lleteODI bo llgu~d hl ttamiddotiermtlllOflbk bo tthoullbdley had bad fw 1IIDIlth ill1Itelr the IIUa It the citl Of ~randl middot1 Uiwwe are carefully lorDed OTUIO told amp ppwer 1wrIHt Atmtlpd Atulricm H olall TetIIlI-Ou~ or IIUllar1 WpL bull ___ I lie ranka priloioll irlthoulltluriuamp OIl or them The laIe HI conllnU1l ampom lay to dar IlnUHn~ wiolo 18 dtaponu Of troDt BIb fall upon tbembull Speaking 1gt( lhe Gdrse ampelng ~he middotol)ltllllll wb(nrvmiddotpl1t bull pta Pankos deahtma of leeing the property and emiing for tbemaelvtl8 will 06 fllmned ~ll

nr6I11 aceouna tba Ilad bean ltritten lip to lhal oner (Counl Ziclly aD UDollarim) to dBatll horselllld gukl8 bllppJioallon at my oftIce - I irrul of thla lDem_ble 81rOssie Alr eiloll ana Amolllllt lbe Icllml were -e mell of large V I b e ed In It we Grid tJle toUorill (orhme w~o1D the ~II were _nxlou to d V1I I PEY INamf 01 Biulli I _-l_oP_1I_0I ___ RtllIlIrk4 ~ e DIU iii g tpoO toll Balllyampbyl ror bilt eatftld wordl Hacienda do aeao Roaano IJOiii llItololo Lopez Treo hI full bearing tI4middot11) Tho tnl connected ndlaWlillibl_nuflllreemiddotliilllloaiordollampnmiddotOeneIK coodemD 110 do Oandetari Do Youngtreet 10bullbull0

tblleampaltnt 111 ampOIlIg 1Dd dierefwe of tIe ed by Hnau wbo Will hill dBbtor for Ilxty Do CaUle lAIa Or~ Do bull 1~~1 HIIInl e _ gen~1 whloh Olftnot bo ~houllld doll VecztJ wlotte ~her (sllllllv BOWIampID run Do A row of siJ ator~ 101 UIldeiMood wllIo __ling the mlblary eo ID ) wieand he IIIQ of lite late emperor Au- HaeIendo de (JaQlO

UlJOnli In thleOdntryiUOIIlallled ill ~ pampt Ilt tba eampIdIer Jlho-pbllr-dle pllont and I~dl8O Pit t Juan T0lI6 Rut 8 0 entitled- Nag) Sandor apd the rrIeeI Damiani who Hacienda de Caeao plz(I Do- H 11 ThI P4d 1lIl Ja~ iff l1JFmiddot bellIg _ed to he hlDge4leet 1114 with como Do Indigo Je1U8 lIIarl8 Do 1 I

Fod bat 11M iffirtt tlhuWaUflul tM poau liby 1aet here lJbull1 ~ alw~lI ~t Booee in Ri Do Largo IIdnbe 8 11 f( BtlIqgU middotdndFtItllrIl p~ 6ti upon IMhetlio lIeLfP Bacl~d de Cacao Sin FraDdleo Jose JArguello Aree 18 C HfII~~atJlllwmiddotolmiddot fWlw M01ItIM LoWe Bath~nyl 111)0 wbenllomom fell bad Do do De Abandoned Into Qall~jl1fllllllA ZtmIaolrTgm R_liOll b~ tried OYer pW atIer belnl eaotenced to B_1n Onmada bullbull bull Do ~ ~ bull bullbull 0 Pvoria tc rour 1 impi1aoDment the eharga middotormiddot l)eWs Baclellla ltleCaeU rdilacio Male1iP- bullbull i bull bullbullbullbull ~r


rI p1tt t I cd cJ to -1 W middot111_ ~f middotORII Latour ot 11_ In Gi-aWulo-- - ~- JO bullbull bullbull bull bull bull 10 Thouampbor 0( 1Id_ ptm e li~ ~ r l)-U wbiclt be notorlouir U1tu_h _ _ 1180-0 Plta~ Francisco GuerrA IS

PllbnO~qollleclampIIllIIotb~bmiddotmiddot bi th d9lamp1t0f WullingampUII wuCOlidemned to he BoilandIotIIlRIna ~ 1gt0 9 lib lbe ~Ut onamprll 0iJ0orIlJ hanged Hia wife IntrcdllClld bull lancet Into hla IIoUll8i11lUfU n Kill patUalll burnt 10shyuulll bl+aljJbh~ugh Ih~ m~mollll~ ~~~sn pn- h which hellldun Inelliletwallliempl Haolenda dB 0_ ~~Ia Fe Joa6- II lIaleailo 18 In which Ihl tr COIIUUeDbC IIg 11 ccteddu~ co et the Jugular Tela DllIOOYued helbre he Catd Bolnte JIaI ()lIa Do bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull G ~imte 11000middot lIr 07 ~II Chi r de bad Ill to death hiamp wound 1111 bandam lip HOIlllIn ru 00 Lollg IQW 1 bull defeltbl bull ~h d IDamp~ I 0 ~ wi alld hemiddotw horrlellltdflged OIl IIId alios lite Haalend de Cacao bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ~ bullbull Fetlpe amp S Saenz NearTolo-aome wlldlllltamp 3()IlO

1ftOJbt8eomiddotarmiddotall rtt Igmiddot d or gallo probampbl) not belDg rdy 1I0 P h DO do 11 Vi C1emonte SaIlIOl Old ealatc neer Rint 1(1041 liIlgt11IfI~~~O ~pSd r ~kJi1iUei word to Ire and fell abolltibg Long Iff ampIIB lIollle in RIT Do Large adobe 100(10hit ~ nmiddotiI_p 0) bull bull Ibe arreet of Dahyao1i hid beell amp 110- Bouse aDd proyery In

middotbeforeBllblo Imiddot lt bull middot~middotiIi ihislao 1 IIulOw 01middotamp111ampmiddot01 atlonllo-ble otenc WIll a Sanmiddot JUan de Sur ) fll lS UellD lieDden tIam b bull bllabion cawIUD1-blamiddot esecutlcm anmiddot _iDatloomiddot HacIOllda domiddot GROj Felipe Avilc8 bull bull bull bull 8000

IIIOlJIiy ~I RUIIIii ellj R JPII hiobD~ 1Ianr otIrtri w_put to dtaIh W_ of Do do Sallt~ Do With wildlands b~ ~Re~t 0 ~ ~II middotaM flnb IfflUlrippeli and Kourged helOre middotthbullll I1delld de Ca~o JlCII-LaGalpa F amp E Carazo bull 27001) _ nCr tI aoIdIerr OfIJcelB from liliiii or coIeoell David D Lopzamp B Daroe 100)tile Baclellda de Cacao~ 9ijdbf~he ~1Ie~ thorab~ dOlfDlfardl e~ abulIpflI middot1It If bgtced Into Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull II amp Jos6 OaracM ~wotbtrds of die eltarA II iIai1 a~tJter~ ~IIJII ~ed IplOb th AUUIO _llln pr(fatail ~ at lite Do do Boperlll P run amp famll middotrmiddotmiddot 800gt 11_ r~tIJ 8~~ ampdrIhu~Dbull 1d eaprice of IDd ears-ta to ~ D~middot do Chlta JOJl6 Alfaror Conlaminl 160 acree 2000 ~Qjlt ~e ttl th rJm I middotU dar s-~ BOIIfelnBl Demiddot 1600 Urqllllatund to 1 C~ u of iIIatorlo bull FrOm thequatadoDe here IIIIIk k wIUw_ ~~eCaCampo Pafniar Tun Agila bull 10000 ~ 9fmiddotIi~temiddot 11114 tbafBdc Gen B~ Iidu 1fi1h 111m to Do do PlllIIIf P~1o Torres ~ ~ -lOOO ~oI~ lOU ettIoa of Ruulamp iii 1 B_ltlruu 2000shy t~Imiddotaath~~~eibampt dunn _middotmiddotri ~themiddotweIpt or bull rtpIItaiIOII fwllJUan Do bull do O BuetOl amp (amp11111 Near St George) 3~ ~~rII~ Dt~~~IImiddotlJuilfe Otunli IInewled and liaeety of PIlrpOll that 111l1li1 Bad de Cacao fi Do dobulllt lOoQ alloo COm liI iir EurepO tID pnbU~ work raytllihl1 tor IIIY_ whlchho ~ en~ Do do Jayl 11~Oerde8 k tamlly bull bull bull MOO and deg eIO h I dltIcm of th ed B Ii alrad tTOtahI II III E B~ ill RIampef bull bull bullbull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bullbull bull bull o~ gtJ lIII-dnl flle rthl 8 PI II 1 110- bull mope Catlle Batalai Las Lalaa R Pala ampI fmIl1 bull bull 1 popilldlia DIIlft h bull or I~ a and doubt ne -thaI ldImo~ DllIItre pow H_ID ru bullbullbullbull Do dO On the Plaza 2 ItciUjmiddotJ1IUle d~ ~call88htroFer ttei1eclla Niea IfW lillke hlllWM falidllarDo do bull bullbullbull bullbull ))0 do Do QI

lOh~IL~ ~ II middottmiddoti~ wmiddotr hrO hOllmiddotADleaea Dobull do Do do edmiddot lwwlljlUll-adepamprlTleodeglmiddottoat 118 i CaUleamplampIemiddot HeC~IJtI lnoceDteRuele - Ihf St PeUnbllllt lnadluted It and bOle IlIf au r-l~laIe and Imiddot

Jdft1oillD ftJreIIP ~~ I -gt - lIIotiee rdieateDIJIIlIe- bull ItiIdmiddot bullbull oe bullu were D- bull lIl1111~~ da r F lid lIf 9 jIIturliaia oItlte llllIoWl81 _lddlKieaeeIJ pe BOIIIe In Rlne bullbullbullbull r bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull ~ ~middotCbIdimiddot =n H bull UeDllla ~YU Ioii wIltprenlM th~ to me dIll11111bll1t1oe~ Sugar Etemiddot nell 1110middot I

bull~ bt -eneecUMtto mltllilbnn Ihe pUbHoofmiddot ALL PmtlilONff bano tIahe na tilt 11- lUvae ~ Pedro Ohamorro bull l~rJnO

III the Bunf d~ti_O ~ Ollorbelorei1lellampt1idlryorneoo1868otherw_ tap 00 do 12(00 ol~ ~1I-noII IlQ tie a~oflii~1llI~tb1middot-middot ~1llr01l)li iterccentef Pedro ToaqIlM ~1I1l1 ~OIOO ttlbullwtmiddotcilr 6Ibplo-dIJ1Koiiot1t1 ~UIAtltJiB8GORDB1t 1gt0 do Ag~Agrla DI()~lcla)lemando 8laquogt0biild fll IL b ~ and tb ()rientili OIllRLBamp OALLAHAN)middotmiddot H_1n Granedamp CbhlDroampramlr SapA

~ll8gotlatlllW bullbull or bull ~middotJ1lLll1SKtSr ~dBlti I_Kula Do dobull ~00Ileattle300ltgtiu1l l2~Umiddot ~dJCted uallO~ todOonr- AIld-aU ~lIIdehl to tiM at tit Do do ~ROaa Do lt100 ~600caltle 1Ul0 hor8eI 16gttOOi ioot IlWlpr~ middotabOedec~ petdllOllllIIIIIka Immdiata Pato Bac1euda do Ccao bullbull to ~ Fnlgetlcla Vasa t 18

The crll11Ilj~~ I~ ~1 lal~ lenlll~t monuo me GILDK PlTUB Bon III (Jraneda bull bullbullbull Do ~ bull 15 O hllito Of tbbull bull piby- BeIIDlllpID bull wen all lnbk A4IIIIaIllrillorO D Stook lIn~b St Jeronlmo middotDo 1600 catlfe ~(lO hore HInhn

the bull t t Gralled yen St 18M Boote ill Graneda Do GuedaiouputMet ~ biublUtyllldellotlllllon mapa ~middotU om e __ - Do domiddot Do _ Domiddot middotmiddot11100 deslrabiek a iiillitarJr poln oC vie the movemiddot otlce Domiddot 40 bull bullbullbullbull Nfcaclo d~1 Qutlilo bullbullbull bullbull 8bull lIlent h111 n~li describe LL pertlOll8 hlnr clallIlII aplta lite tu of QoIrete bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull Do Near lIIalaeo 4jju

J kln 6fGill1eya middotlieon In bamplilgmiddotno- A~o fOllolngllllllled deoeutd plIrtIOIll 111 pre 11o In Qranada Antonio Barheteno bullbullbull ~ ~ U n pea I nHhem to me dilly Inthenlluated 011 or before Stock Ranch El rlldo Do $00 cattle 1~ hollelt 4fi

lated tho ~oodIIl0~8 O~ wblch KOIIulh delegl~ed lito tOth dlr of Deoember 181111 otherwllle th~ lantln Walk bullbull bullbullbull Do ~eer Granada 2 bl power lbo Bele pilbllahoJ the follOlYlDg wlH noamp he IIllowed by Jr I ~ In GratIlIdl Jns Maria EIllrada bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bullbull bullbull bull bull bull ~ quotatl11 bich we are templed to cOP1 aa It B1lOn Cole Wiley lfarahl~ Plantain Walle bull bull bull Do Ncar Granada l II Iii millent p081110n In European afIiIlr8 Robert JlHllkIII Jonaillan WIIecm HOIlBO In M_ 400catrJe fiO hlgtrfle8 4~ Lino CelIr

8 ow 0 pN 1 Dr Gen lie bull gatll bull S K Sackaun George White Stock Rench Clraeol Dmiddot fear San Roque 8 0I

beld by Ollr prlStli g IInto bull And Umiddot perllOol Indebted 0 lite estalel oC Ibe HOlII8 In Gratllld Lnla Montrel e 0 Kt)86utll had middotnot ~Ichd Oro ~pon dlo boTe deCeaeed pereoMl will make ImmedlMo PlY PIMntain Walk bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull Do N~middot VegM 1 (

rOllller befO4 the necouol 01 GOI8O I tIe1lSOD men to Il10 GILBBRl TITUS 1l01llOln Gnadn NAciso Raplnoza 4r ovemok him frOli1 whence togethmiddot wlth 1epl 11bllo Adllllllltttntor 0 D 8 BIJIuln GralUlda bull bullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull fala rlltoa Horall bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull 6( U Dembinkl Kmeuy GI1OO and 1If tbollltlllt~ 11 aranad BtpL SO 1848 Houeeln Granada lOll Ubaotl bull bull bull bull ~

ho puHd lIrollgh Wallacb to Vdbl In IV 1 - Ifulend de Cacao MlloO Tlo bull bull bull bull bull bull t I hefond lIIe Turkhlh frentler nO ee- ROUIein Gramplloda bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ROIIrio Vinamp Granada Hotel 9 ~ wlUle Gorgel bad omred tho gaITiIon of AItt peraoiIII areIIbJ oaiRIed agaiOI bul Do do gto bull bull ~ 0

Colllorn to III1rrender wblch I re~ lIrat to In or lI_solSatlllg flit the fulJOwing 1crIp~ Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Ponelano CoTftI bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbull ~~ d thoul11 entering Ioto neotiatiOll wllh the ~ne 1_ nUmberedmiddot(8G) tbltty-lllr In fayOI of amp do bull Pelar Mil~nco bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull 4lt IIV

A~triu~ Tb~ro were IIDfortuo~11 cmOlPI D lIa)Ie1 tor t810middot Do do~ bullbull bullbull bull Tlo 21 die o1lICltMI lOme dUpes of Gorgea parIoy who 0 1_ nlllOhered (19gt nfnetean 111 fu~Il of Stoclc Raocb 0101 Ito 1600 cattle 200 bor 110 0 were allrlollamp (0 maktmiddotterrM and Ie nolbiug 1188 Wm Baletor 18383 Uclenda do cetlO ~ Do A Malco ~o bean of K_IIlI fonll bull Gorgel bad ~Tel The lJlOye dllllCli1gted IIIitIp Is ~ elldoried by H_In Granado bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Femando ellman bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 0 fro him t~lll0w$tl Ibe f~lrell w Svoo liP me and Pi t Is pioleetiKhUbeoIIlce of the StoolfllAAelt at TOrell Do t600 cattle 300 boraes 12r 10 the AU8Ii1anl with ~~ealipulatloD hat tbe p Mlntaler ~endlaquo DANIIL BArIgtSY HtmfI$ In Granadn jOfoqnllla Iloran bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 6 iison 11(0111111141 1I~wcd ~ loen portion 0r11a a~~Pt Ib 1816 Hclendailo Cacao falaco Do 36 pay and Abould be pe~lltIdtorollreullUolecd HOII lnGrallllda Pedro Seqllenn ~ ~middotO

KOlIlhh~ng bead of tbele DegOtl~tIcm~ David l_raDI Hou-Itl Granarla Yna Horan igend conelilulllg b~~ tho Pwer oelegaled to Oor OFFERS FOR IiALE A hie plate San Seber Hacienda de Cacao ~ Hraor JLSimdonl O ge htd eKed bticlt to bnn on aocouD~ oC he Ian Stre h boG IIh Bee- Stock Ranelt Rcmltee Felipe Oahezas 1600 ClIIUe 9 DOll l1IUI1l1oee of the traitor wltb tbe COLldillona bull 81 on OWIII a bullbull H0I311 In Onnada Miguel rullerllZ i bullbullbull 3m III ateJ iIad bowr dilpttcheltl bull comulmiddot chon Jture SIllc1l RaMbmiddot San Pablo Do liOO caltie 40 alier wIth powerl and illitIlCllonB 0 prottll~~ 10 bullFlour Vb~e~ aIll11~fe=~n~hlt Do do HeCled r SelayoampDIejltraa 260 cattle 400 nOllle8 20 tho U~I t~ dB~nee of CO50rn bull Oilnltte blide~~I Ale ampDd p~ Do do ChllamlII10 Leandro SelAYo 600 caltle 50 horBeI ~o deg

That po 1fhlch he cotld oalr give ~ di Itelrt WI CIa) pipes Ifoo ln Guada bullbullbullbullbull Dolor LejaTftl bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull 0(raquo GOYemo ofmiddot Hunprl feN counteralgncd bl un~T aD b a lltoek Rancllmiddot Qlebda HODd~ Dr bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull (jollll Q-iiili BfodlaDyl TlIe Comlllieajone or ermaOlfjl bull Do 40 olnquto Do ~600 entUe 200 b01808 bull bull bull bull

lta1lL hilWA to (lqwtrll when fortr-lIIIf Recorder Oftice Do d SoIn Jampclno Miguel BolallOlampBroa 2500 caUle GOO horaee 1~ renderedmiddot bull __ __ De do San Francleeo tm~ 20

Thia oommkttoloner delegaed mlb aupreme Tml Ollloltofth B_ofDeeda lorICgeB Las Hampderae Do ~~OOO cattlo 200 bOae~ m oiflhlld mUtanpoer W baY8 reaampoD to kilo lIcrorthe OrieItIi D~ofth RolIbo -Do do ~~ Rolille ATUezIICluIlIIOrtO 801)0 cattle 1100 bol8ell H i wuUuolll Vae lIampbor of the pampblet JIoDi 110 will he optlledln thecltl of GranAda on _ HOll~ III Granada bull bullbull bull Do bull bull bull bull 41 bull fbIeh we C been 10 largely 1IlI1ftc1h1g daJ the 8th oampptlm~ 18~G1r ~~-r ~tlIk I_ncb s~ Blu Domiftlo Jarqllin TOO caUe 100 horae$ II lboup 1I1) boll a reteh 011 boreehaekhe aqutred by D_ to e ~__~~J ~dlin ~ fin do Tenabona )fillller Alvarado 600 cattle 100 horaOlll 6 ~ OOlIld nlltIumiddotImemiddot Illach lIIe fronlel ror middotwhlob Ibe toreNIdD~Dt re7GlLLm Do~ do COrplil Chrletl Menue Gltcia 600 CtlUle 100 horeetl 4~

putpOtllmiddotU waii ntCelllry to pili ~e lllrough monirdetteforthOriealll~t Do dB sm6ntonlo Tillloteo Lacayo 800 caI~Io 60boraea 8~O the 1ntL ~ 1 H_IIlGranadltClltolayorr _~v

Had ht dOlI10 he Wlamp J)led~ no to liltmiddot Oranadaj - $711301d Camont ror fU InOlIIte lid would haTe N ti T 0 l IJ I u

~n~rHn 900 Auatrial P~~8fII whQIU he 0 ee Together willi lorl) or fifty FarJU HQu- amp0 1 Iho Depar~ent of BIYa8 Iued at ~ ill ol1lltbave hold aa hOllagea for theeMnmiddot the I WILL give Uberal ~wvd to a01 person who three hundred to onll thollllllld doU_ ~ ttunJilt1nn clilefti-to th Oil thle incldenl hluged bull will tlUll to m) etore my Ledger Book II A btrge portloll of tho abue poperty 18 situated Idlin als houra ride of San Juan del Sur Vlts in tb tate of Moul BadlYllllyi udOrmiddothla COlllpan~ Will pIIIaed from lIlatore during tlielate attack Bay Rirulan Gorg NaDdBlme and Deriomo and the remalndu In Granad tnd ObOlltaea Iollllinmlafllflllland~nn1lirt1rdo I _ftbull~ _ 18 1866 1IA TllOllAN JOHN MYLARD MARSHAL bull

Tho fold(r~ of tbo garrison broke ~h1r milmiddot _ L i bull

F NlCARABllENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 1 sabado 1de Novtambre de lasS Saturdav November 1 1856 323


lEI NIC AU A GUENSE1middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotL bullbull 1 ~ bull =L~ bull


[OFFIotAL) If ~lIdortOollliull8loned Oc~ 8 rROamp FrrltltiNr4tt~ ~- Olear OrOllltoy II 9 DbullBamey Woolf COll1mlllliolled April 28 1S6f

REGISTER UI1l1M1U R barlfa Tylor lI_y 28 OF TUB Artlllit CoInIor1 GOmlUluiouElt AtgIIII lit l8G~ JollaW AndmlOn II June 21

amprotul lAl1Ilmdm ThOll F Wright Jul N lOA RA G tJ A A R lY O~O~e Von Hln oolllmlttdloncd Sept 211 18$GbullbullJoho MbullGilCIIu AUg

Newton l Webb I April 10 M T Neagle Sep~ JII OIlllIRU CO~IIfIIDINO IK OIIlB R LaIlIb Se~ u William NnrthWige ()cj y

William Wlllite 6 IIlft11et II 95 ~1 Lil1llmIt1lt bull did aCltlmp 11l1li1 8411u4lOlf 0111I11T nTILLUI Georg~nll8ti oblllillil8ltMd April 1 bullbull lIIN

aCajl Inlr lfahon e1Inlillealooed Jln 20 18lil _L MIIgtI lames bull T 1roe u May 9t

H F Pilled Matcli 81 - A Dltl1gtwarj2 comlllillgtlioll~d OclOber 18 11166 fm K PMliv~ II May 26 II

W81 P towl II il~ 1 CaptaIn Jbull~ ampnaford Julr IJ II II 0 W GIs a OJ 18~ Getlrge B elllllld IlOlI1mlllllloned Occ 18 1868 VJlIIm H Toler A_g 11

bull bull D U Dulaney II I_mea S Jldfe u 8op~ 25 DIItODIIIR OINEIIUII 8oeqrulIMui_t Joho M Wtllngtonmiddot bullbull Oat 101

Comer o Homeb commlllioned Jats 12 19116 John Crowell commluloned Sept 11 18118 BeuJamln Hardla 00 y A (lamp Cui O Staehle Occ ll4- Firat Lleutonant Jamel Small 1Il~lLlOI or UIIOIIIIamp a_liD ATTJtl01 O~ IKAlrIar

Birkett D Fry eomriliAiolled 6pl 16 Mqjor J hn A J ColtitUeOamta Joho P Wtel1 conomllllloaed J1IIII 18 1866 0 aqu~ commlolaiOMd]lIne 18 186amp

I bull R T 80 d igt LiMNat CIltm4l2dbull L GU bullbull c e corum 1 I II vilpt4lI1 Leonldu MCIntosh co isoiI ed AlII 19

L Nonrell Walker comllllllo~ Aprill 11166 M On 111middot O middotF Henningsen comDlfaaloned Oct 19 Robert Ellr Jllne 11 lien D_ n_ co l1~ft d A IA (~mp R W Plck ~nl ug j O_n mUlne ug 18l16bull

~ bullbull ~ A bull - bull A4iaJUmiddot Johu 8 FlnOlllJvfl Lieaftt Oct I 2d Lleut E H OIat~~i~88d JIlOO 18 18~6JDJOILIIT o~lIuJtlI I)BPtIIIIIIIITbull

lIltfut Q_ol W A Rhea cOlUlDmlsaiQQed August III 1816 Ja_ Umiddotmiddotmiddot- eomlDlealnomiddota Amiddot12 1middotmiddot~middot-001 Ph RThompson CODIIIIlMdFllb 1I18G8 w H Lenl 92 - ~ ~ Ilamutl -L October 1 J1l1$16 Dreux June 1~ tulffilt t4illtattl eMal JAIIIIe Lewis D WIlIkInS II AIIjI it IiUajor G R OMtoQ coDlmluioned occ 2amp ampcotul lMutma1ll Bllrale Bell II ~

ll1DQII IlgtvOOJTli OBMW ThomJ)lOn 1lI00u _liIlened JIID8 11118118 Lewis E GIIU1 se t 2lt bull T U Hewlett II Aug l6 p v

dbulltWllftt J+ o44u9cat OIJ W I Qukll~ II III It lIf Ll~1

11 llmiddotitar ngtitn~t~ ~_ i


Poet-Ollie Building OWEN DUFFY Ageut

y u ~~_~ 4 Ilrllil F D _ t

i bullbull en AWARD of THIampfi DOLL4RS esol will Ie Lieut J W

fOt appheDaloll aud dell (tu of thG Army) of t~ofollowI118 named 2d Lleut Wm ltP-t

from Company A Firat Jlltampntry Balta

[--FJS_ RIOH Aged Illyeare II r~elO In hAir blue o)eB ruddy cOlllploxlOl~ i() pound Occupalion baker

bull GLIDDON Aged 28yeara 6 feet high falr clllllpletIon IIllhthair blue largo feet and 10llg tlnlterod-bullbullellhl

bull 8

Oapt M bull 1 FlIIOr comt1lampIontd July is 18111 lolln Coo COInlDialloned Jlloe 18 1864 bull rllIII JlJTTJUOK or 1U1II8 AndrbullbullBrady Au 22

IMIIHCTO_ GIIIKIJL I)amp~TIIIIII bull clod GlOIge W lIa11er II Oc~ 18 Impector eIII~ BdwlIId I SaIldm COIIIIIIIadcme4 AprO II 18lS6 Fnnclsco IIotb II IS

CoL Bruno Hlltsme commlsalond NOf 12 18114 U~ CoIltm4l 1IlId LiNt bull Tler OUwllllt ~m~edl ll 18 8uluel a Allin c~mluioDed lflllOh 118116 B D lIorre~ comm~olled Au ~3 [8116

_ _ y fIlor J middotW Oonkhn OOl 18 qlllllTllalllAalllllS JlnuTIIIJII Johnmiddot O ONtII commflMoneli AprD 11 lRIIf BeDJlllllln Beechler U 18 it

Q_~III bttal o4~ L A Clark IIC 18 Col ThOll Fisber commiJalon~d 4prlll 1858 8 LIeut ~ Lathrop commlad lau U 8156

ttll Qiulrtnnw OMiMl ~ peUlliATIOJlll Lieuamp 001 Wm K ROlieJlf comd Ocs Y G W1l Leonard ool1UDlaIIooed AOtII UllSIf hI LIeuL B ABlltcbl Com et ampI1t np

QlUlrUrmallllll [Brevel 011 tile 11011 ()cj ILl Allgua I IS5amp [~or Thamp Benry CltJlIIlI88I0oed Oct 18 Co B J poundavail 81ilh COlIIIIlIud April 181bullbull 20d LIeut Thoml8 8tackh- 204 JalaaWy Ali-II Will HIIIria 23 C ThOt Dolan June 18 gill 11 1868

ampJdlanlQlrtmnalttl__ _ D B D )teCh_a II July e bullbull 2tcUJant D O F~t 18 RlIIH AcuR 2SCapl Wm II Wilhll_oomd Nov 10 18115 1- H A JObnlObe u i1 1866 BeltJ W Bamml Aug 4- 1858 G DamplIiel Oampgai OIl 4- tlld Lleu- W B Hen Inljleeor Ola IMPshy

Andrewa flmiddot it ~i r JObn Iwh1l1a II bull II Au~ Sll lBIamp Juh Y Price Oct 18 B J-- DIllUlicaAL O~ II 1 LleUI E 4 P~iI IUb lhtpIIQpL 11 middotJIIIO

April Imiddot lIfr lMI4u~ ~nd A A Moora lal IlII1 lug 21i liIH MUiI Slo~ 00 B Le R Latimer com d 4prD ie 1811 SUfReoD Wm H sun4eN Aupt 26 IUI6

W~m B WY~ K Bob P Gardner II Allg so Alor 10hn II bull 1111f1iba1~ Judge Ad Oel Au 8U88lIllIIIlOJ DllIBTilUT D AIa~ Anderson bullbull ~ 119 1868

Oommiry Qfmlllal Sutdluu A Wm H MIh Sept 11 Cp~ John Wmiddot amp7dr 11lUJIea Aug 81 1864 Col Georg B Hall commiufoned Jul i6lS~6 F -- - Oollllay Ii O~ 4- cpt II E Bradley TrAn ~llle SepUs 18nbull

tm44t110ilmmiuarp (I_I G -- LoUhamDler 111 Lieut A MePilIO lsI 11111 Occ Y 18GI MIor BIIIlj Y Or1Ie comlllissiond July Il Cbu H Welt II Oct 114 Capl Douglas JWllkhia(untcbd)ept 80 1861middot

Aulatll aommulIJrUu Subfm 811111plet WlUlalDeon ~ u U L Jilglehan tigtd Ioftolry 2) 11

Occupation tailor alao fruit deal~r Capt W H LyonS commisaloned Aug 1 1866 amp-d LiwfmlId R S WiUIIIlII 21ld RltIotI Oct 8 U

S LOUIS OOHEkT Aged ~l feetmiddot inchet leI Lieu~ W H Buttrick II 00 D Th_ Cbloh_ eornd April 1 185amp LIeut Col F bull P Audel D las Rilles Oet_IO bull 185$

l08o-welgbub9ut 195 poullda Oecupti~n 0iII Jame S Wet laquo I B tllke J _orr JIIIJ 6 Capt Cbarlet A Gore 2nd Rillea Oct 18 1811 bullflaquob rir comple~lol1 hlue er IIgh halr large Henr1 C Wall I E lb0i Y JllolIrnoy Ha12b

penwi bull 0 John B Moo Sep~ 11 2nd Mllllt M S Oro 18 PATRIOK H YS IrI- d ~III)IO DIPUT)lBff i David A Lawton It Aug 11 J G SIIDllllerll Out Is4 bullbull bull an mall Age 21 SIIrgetJ GI 1Il II ~d lUllet

JW8 G luet 4 il1cb~ blgll qotlt qGmplexion dlllle (with 110 rallk of COlonol) G Clayton Billllialr 011 8 1868 bullbulli dtrk 6et-welghs about 1411 pounus 00 F DIICj ONeal 4 2nd Lieut J W PolklIl1d Inlltnlry Oct 20 18~ ClIpalllll IdhOler BVrgtcll 6 H Ubrbrook Itlaquo it J M Williams 2nt Rill Oct t I 111shy

6 OLJVEl (JROMWLL Ag8l182 years 6 (wlthbo rok 0( lIaJor) B WlIas Allen II Oet JI 6 A H wl~y 0010 Dept 2518116 kef 6lnches high Ught tomploxloll Ugbt bilk John Dawson 4cllng 8middotG oomd NOT 14 18116 n ell Wilkinson 21 II Oapt J V Hoolf AilSt AdJt Gen 28 1856 lIiIudl wblakera hazel yell-weighs aboul 140 O S Coleman coblmleslooed April 28 1556 __III) BtnttIOIi or amD llcsignlune-III1 fOIld OecllpuioR millwright n T Roalon lep 18 (JolOftI

_ClIARLES W KltuGER flapt Comdg Jamea ellulII 00 111 Jobn Allee cOIIQlIIIlloned June at 1866 I)URII bull (0 A 1st lulQty BaLllLlion BurpOIl aM Anitalll Smiddotgeo bull LiNluta1ll CltJlI Capt H t Witter A llltant Adjutant General

pOlt Serapaqui 8op 26th 1856 0 twitb the flnk of Captain) bull Idmlllld II HoDonald commlllld JIIG 18 18118 2nd Lleul Wm M Rogera lat InamplIlry--r-----------L-- J Geli8ner eommlllSloned Jan 91856 Major Li~ut OoL Byrollmiddot Cole Aeltlatant QU~flenlluler 1 Dllvid 1Ilnllg W G Sicigh bullbull U W P (Jaycee comOllllllioned Ua11 166 General killed at San Jacinto

O~RS FOR ALE at hia pl~ee San Sebas- A Callahan Val 30 middoto4ltfultmt 2nd lieut n A Milliken 1 Ri4es killed t sen

lIan abeel OIlD boUlle abov~ U Ph Be OWDI LHLuSeondy JUlie IS IMLleulJ W Kllllacmdorf comd Oct 1818l6 Jaolntebulldie a litore eor$amp tI UI ()ttpt Oapt W Pmiddot Jartls 2nd Rift died from wOllndi

lhlto-Nf Oandl~ Hackcr11I Olive i I~IIUlf Aug 26 CoO Jolin B Otee bull middotCOllmla$d June 21 18G6 reooied Sao Jaciuto e Wolft ro~tlc8ebledanoSehnappl bullbull IU onall Oct 28 A John F llecgtrch Oct 18 CaptJ H WlUiamaon drowned al Vlrglu Bay

bull Bltte Phlladelphlll 110 and Porter Pol DlIPtBTlIliII B DenJ M AndorfOn it 16 lind Lleul H l lhemRn died from wOl1ld reshynan Alld bilIa Wie Claypipes loynuulw Ofmoral Ii ~ ceived at Ifuata Ocl 114 middot18M

lerlll eh 001 Alex middotJonu commlssiOlld Feb 8 18H Edward O HIIIf naCerrd fMm Ordnance Demiddot LlOnt Col F A LalIIO 4 h c tarharolrbull p tulNMII PlaquoyltlwlII ptl1ment CODllllleslone4 -ug U l85G murderd b1 the med forces opoeed to tbili

T~ O I ugUld III ost 2d Llout J Fiemlng conmlsaione4 Aug 4 S middotS McElroy Oll~ lS OoYelllDlcllh IJlhollt propOllng Itn excbango

DgltS IllS S~HVI9ES 10 Ih citlllns flI OII)AIIOI DUAllfllBllr Imorul LfMfnaoll of priaOneri _rdlig 10 the uaagee of war ~anadjl and vlcmllY III h praete of Ulior E W Rawle commissioned Jul 14 1966 N T~p OOll1tuiu1ooed October 81856 lit Lleus JulllIIIKeilkUled In action at San J

u mOINE SURGERY amp MlDWIFERY Hellry I bullbull POller bull it 14 Eo H 01018 II 8 clnto bull 2nd IlelltW W ~der killed in aClion at SaIl om and OlIidcnce on the lOulhw1 Capt JJfrori Swln~le AprO 11_ J T Booo 18

~r of tbe atleet oppte b _ __ lal Llel~ Il A Carllar Oct 18 I B Vaughan 18 Jaelllto _ 0 0 1amp1100 2d Will B Ulte II Benr1 Hlnea It 18 middotDealba-l0

ent OWG bull ad June I 1 86r 1III0I11UII COIIP raTe _ i - --- Oaptain 1II8r IItTTUIOIi or IlfFJIITIlY J)BOPPBD

i lntitmiddote E c F Ucsse cOlllnllaaioned October t 18fill lt011 cpl A U Hirsh August 0 1866 iL PERSONS hlulng clalma against tbo 8A~IIIU11I1) 11111amp11amp John B MlIIkham commlaa~onod October 10 18511 U A B Wulklll8 AogWltU Ig10

Al ealamp~ of tho following namod deooa8ltlol or Jrft L~lt Lieut ~ 181 Lieut 8 W QuayAug~1I9la5t1-werod I()ulwill presoul tb~m to DIe dulll1uthentieated flonr) O Porler ltmmisslOllou Oct 18 1866 A francie Rudler comllsaioned May Ill l81Samp 8urgtlUII p N lugrahan Sept I 1866 til Or baforo the 1I8b~ay of Dec 1866 otherwie SltCOftIl LilllltJIt lldJfJ1 Brig -Gell 1) de GoiC(lurl Ocl 19 i858 Iht~ will be barred h1 law C DeuulaE lIayuee commissiolled Oct 18 l~e W_ Raymond colllmlaaloned Hay 1218113 Dropped-5 1 CHARLES GORI)EN J K hgall 21 o44IId1ll bullI

I CHARI1tS OALLAHAN OfFIIIIU lINJlTJCIIED ind Leut Fred W JeIeCOlli d lpnl U 18118 n command of WlLLIAM ALItER1ULlUS KIJlL Ooltmll FraIl B OKeef cln~od A rlll 185 GeneIrolllmaUdlngmiddotlnuh~middot 11 pel8Oll8 indebteu to tho eeatee of tho U B Skerrett commillSioned lanltllly Ill 1850 James 0 JOJtUsone f is

ahor c deceated pereaa111 make homodiate pay CaptaiN OhllL B 11 II Pa R THOIlHOiI AdJ Gelleral N A t to lIIe GILBEltl TITU6 F UoncosOIl commllllloned JaR 28 1~8middot FrInk i ThomPecm June 2~ Headq1ampli~rI lfthe AltII1

Publlo Adnilllstriltor O D J Egbert FaIllUDI middotFeb I II Charlea A Waltere 8op~ II Adj General 08ce 8ept ~7 1866 W J Merryman II JlIDe 18 BIrarn BIlIIIIlII II Sept SIl G~ Oct is 1860bull

325ELWICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 3 Sabado 1de Novlembre de l8SS Saturday November 1 1856

- shy

I(OUTINU OlljlONIOLE FILtiloita P1l1GRuTbe Dime of amphept ~EJ[INIE A~M - elttie~middot~~~~M~r hi~Ibtmiddot~ 8I1~C~herortbo pteellhiplraottohoPreal- Vlo~PCOUI amlPletwillb~llIeaodioJurebull U denlW chair of Ibe United l116tee IIM Jolhn FlU- The CoDoltlng rtlmub upon iho Wled th- et alanaing liq~ean~ h6ldiifg mu~eHighCly III d~ f h ~Ilv w a L dmiddot f Bri II B Ihe8boulde aoldierll lite h whoutmiddot aurilljlJ

Dlor~ an a ler avlng hoen bull long tIme In ~ ea m e peu 0 en m- tb kl n k f ~ L Rlla 1- Id I I rom e - bull 0bullbull e 0 I e lln 1_eaplllIy b plrat tiled lIpon a farm In Conmiddot bull n n- on lapr uponevIlr10er 1 when loaded ~Iamph elonty~ve pina of rifte PO-DecdClUI where be ended bla daya NathanIel tho NIlIIl1Iguan Army to road carelnU or ell I~ der endllot rammellmiddotI tt1 Jlillcb leU thtb Flllmortltll _ amp100m hautOt htlndrelland oul bullbulld e6mmit it to momory h I a olea anel or the lIu8kel bllt 11111 too great 10 l)e 6redflOBl

eMy 1-alio When ayoutll be mom to lucid daeJriptlon or the manner ill whlcb amphe Ylni4 ~vrilu~~~~~ ~iiI ~~ ~J~i Verlllon and alded at Bennln~I1 WMtIl b should be M amplid m ampl1 repoy all tbe lI eqWl and holditlght to middotIbbullbullhl)uldbullbull Ihe r bullbull

fho ~Ct beteen Col $andbullbull i Old TOIII IIlId 11 r ltlay~eoq II 8tck Billy chronicled lut week I whlcli 011 Tom wal deolared a ylctor atartcd the 8po~tlnlf men ef tho city and this weft $ IIno hall aoveral asciUllg IIl1d ciofOl _let~ ruCtbullbull middot

On l edu-May ovolIIIIII a moteh was made lind run b woen Oape OcorgltJ Giel Ba alld MA jor Cfty4ecs II Black Billy Distance 400 ards fQr IWG hundred dolla Black Billy n on h7 K clqar engampb

Tho ext-on the me eveninll-IIu a conl t ~IWcel (l18t ~ay nd a d k grey ollJled by BlIvet 1I1lJor LeommJ This race was a try tlOampO~o-ite hors flllming side b1 Ide tbe h~lo tauee Gletmiddot be e as evldolltly overshyweiSb d bleh rul~ed In OllllSillg hDI to lOBe Ihe rA by a dialanee of only a lew feet

The eitt 11 II race Ileween MII)r Caycee u U1Ck~BilY and Col JUlIee middotu (re EMgle The IU ~et upon tho hoN1C8 eltCeed~d lin huushydrM do l~rlI A good llat wbullbull obtained and the hora 01 neck alld neck about lour hundllild yrds ~en the groy began te crawl a IiHe ahesd nd at be winning poet earnll oul n8lll11 holt II I ustb In dYaI08 Bolb boraes appeared t~ be I Chit IIce maoaged well but at Ihe end Ihe lid appfared 10 be In doubl as to wbleb Wamp8 III laater animal and a Dlaleh for two thoushyIDd d Utp Wal eWeeted on the lIeld bylbe Ame horaee llh chanRe of rlders~11 came 01 lhe DeXI ( urad ) evenlol( and Ihe Grey won

Coa UTIOtf or rRIl EIIrllloa or ioU 1111

R~881 e- Bhortly after ill amphe ahlatan had taken hplr pllOea til lfaater of COIemonlel raleed Ia liand and IAfe n ordor In RlI88Ian wbete pi)n tile trumpetl blt9l oul InlO a wild IIId i ln8 8ouah the herald ~ised their Noell In Ibe Ilr and II hllvi~g uncoyoted their _dl pile of Ibe Becretolri t4ll4 tbe prOtlalllashydon w~i~h i8 redem into Engllell 018 folio

Our Inry aUgUStlery high lind ve pulNttOI r Aleunder Nicolalevleti belnll tIlrone of bls anctors heb 18

lIIISiu as ell u upon tt(lSt of Poland and of amphe GrtUld Duchy

of Finlauit which aro Insepllrable t1middotorp II hAA deiW16il to order LDllt the eoronrlon of bls 1m perial iljeS~ nnd his Olltb Bbn lake illace on 1M 2 III of the monlh I Augu~t bis augU1lI epouro lie mprola I1kro Alqxandrovnl pllrtlelmiddot

bull ad celllmooy Tub 8I)lemll Ael the preeut pr~1anltiu 10 all

to the eld that on this hppy redouble ttelt feVotin theil pyera

g of King tba~ Ho middotm spreld by His _ VOlfer His faTO8 dmiddotbl bullbullsinll ou tfiO

reign ~( hi DlaJeat ~t1d tllrougloul it duration Ito nu~y mailltaln peace lind ~Ianquility to the glor) ~f Ills holy nAme and fogtr tho 1I11111terablc prosit of tit emplro

Wl~l ON loLlTlcs-EvelbOly knoYs WilIi8 -Iho peet nll~lky edilor or Ibe lIomu Journal 110 btl III)td matty good Ihinge In his life and tbe following upon politlrs lIod political cRndldltltlli Is bull ot OJtull b~tter ald lh ptople of IgtlcaragulI iU6ppreellltJill

I lind mylolf for Ibo flut tlmo middot111 tn life Inshylml~d for political candidAte or I hould ~1l1r[~IIY perhp~ In 1 Candldalo wililoUl hi politic I II1vo bltberto (10 account S(lDlebat rolllm apparent want of aImiddotlotlsm) thought tbe eount under a hend bioh iliad almost any Ilcor g safe enough It loomed 10 me of vcry liWo IIsnllnoe (10 anybodr but I)m~ oekers) wlulth r 1 whig 1ll1 domocrat wu at the holmshypllblt opluion besidlli being llOgether too wide l~ak hlo ollcated a Olgtnlry for Qlther a blun ~er or l lin of pilotage to b more tban opproadltd So 1M plnlo ft8 this confidence In Amerleas do loSee vlJlol QIUIC)rrllCll1one or bull coo8tilution Ibat ( lIuld lOU beliovo il P) I I~ver Tilted In m tire y

B It wlLh ampho ecnla of the lost year 0 t 0

uoi th n tho intellect oC lbo country at r rk UPOlIlt be grellt queallol8 t IS8ue it would be hard

loge blind 0 Il)len8iblc And yeto

raised a family 01 lis children all but one of pllDI 111111 pmlllil whOm lunln II dnDcM agee anraging oter Di tl U I h VI I ntA b ree ODS lOr S Illi t 6 IU n6 l1ltw6 ~ y ye

Nalhllni1 FIllm_ amphe fatller ot Ibe 4IPra~- [By OIlIllR 01 fUll JoIiIUIiDIlINI(Cillllr] dtnl yet aMieI in Iht elllbtymiddotblh year of bll -_ ge Ho hili been a lAIlUer thougll lite cult oaOkUOE OFFICE l vtlng bia IlllIdamp wiamph hie OWII handa unlil the OllAlIIJgt~ CklObe 28 18H f bull bull bull bull TI U I DA t I h N gt_ mllrmlties 01 ago dISable him Hia mdUIIlriOllt 6 iWU u 1 WI n t 0 _-SIIIl un temp~raw and hnpl~ babill alll6d to A cbeertltl tho American Klnl6 H Is dl~nguebed IlOm the

Fronch BI11leh and RU8IIlun lfiDl6 by amphe IlIperlshyand bopeful mind hA~e secured to him eontenmiddot Oflty otllS sight ThplMa In wbleh tbo noteh II menland a happy and green old ~o n Was iled fOltbe backllthl whlll peoaed between tbe

~ b d 8 Imiddotf U I bOIn in nonnlngtoll Vt and realded tlloro unlil be arrived al IMlhood

bull Near tbe cloae oi the lUI centllly 6he ptIIQlIlI

eml~ted to the Ih wilds or Wesleln New York Tbtl ere among tllo poneer seltlen of Ibat dilrlct of ooUnlrmiddot1I01 aparl for bounly landa

to the aoldtere or 1110 reloIullon knowD as the new mllimr tract rheir IIrBI 100000000n lIIIlu amphe original townlhip or Locke tblt pan of It no cOmp ialng ibe IlIwnahlp or au lime bill in lhamp

bull bull r pnt COllllt of Oa1u$ A slDdt rrm waa purchased In Ihe primeval fort and Iheir enrshygiea lIIl dppllM 10 clearlogAld aubduing n 1M middot In - h III prep g il tvr a 6me Herbullbull III an blllllble log cabin atnld Ihe wUdneaa of nat wiamphla hearing orlld bIa alld Ib8 _nd of the w ed man as Millard WIIS born on he nh of Jan shyMoo bull IIr7 bull

Millard Flllmol( receled a rudlmeDteledlloO tlon In a COIIlltr ecIoolhouae amplid whell et aldmiddot was 0middot_1 clerk In drY gooda 1101 and

ono of particular Inleroll _

r A ~I)rrespolldent or Iho BAllilnore SUII

II t1811 (IOIll amphe White Iulpllur Sprmllbullbullbully Wo have a iva a1lthoress two hundred (~pllllk Ing in round numbeltl) prof9sloualgftmblIf olle bundred membera of Oonellll Alld aboul one

hundred oamphel1l cf equall- doubtlll1 ~eplIltlon besiden membel of tbe New JerHY Leglgtlhttllr~

A N~w SPIO-lhe pltell~ ballot-box of olishyfornln bat 110 learn b1 ilist IIdvlceB betln aold for upward of Ibr thousand dollars fur amphe pllrpose of ethibitlllg it to he minors previous 10 the po plOllching eleclioll h i4 11 Iho handa of Ibe Dellloeflta who espeo to IoUill i~ to good account In Slumping tbe Stale

bull tr lhlolln a celebrated Frenth phf8lclAn It

is ~Id watkabl f~d 01 drugglnJ Oncu htVlOg a patient IIbo diluenlly ad punety swalloed all the 80114 110 onlerlld be W S(l demiddot

lighted at seeing all the vllUa lind pili bo~ empiy bet he hook him by tbe band exolalmlng M d~lr air It really aWords mo pleRsure 0 IIttend you and 70U 4t1lOl 10 be 1111

wurn an nger ( n e Arneriean m) up and down owl wben kpl properly oiledWlterebullbull bed It malllll IIIonary U _ as Ih~p_o of tile thumb and linger ceaeee and doea Dot link by tbe ooncullllon 01 the piece ID lIlng The ghl plall of Ihe French and BrltIah fmle II very atlff 10 Il101 If cloaely titled and If 100 enough 10 Ok euilyls apt to IIIId6 do )7 continnM IIrlDg bleb U Dot observed b1 ampho IOldler Ill mate him Ire ene or 110 or h_ hundred yards abort

The Alinl Rift elltued to the Nicaragua Armyrallg 141)1 )ardL or ahofl dia~_ I haa Dot

06- ~ amphat diltllllClt n 0 d bull d rl_aflelward turnM bis altenlloll to law The Th I II bull I bit __ rid III l re all - Isn lllquHlI I 5 era 0 gneraliy of readers afO acquainted lib hla powderbull Tbls dIart1II cootened In tho llatka === iIIbstquenl CMer 1Uud bl moving die charger of tile lIak 10 Ille 00101 Wise or Vlrglnl bullbull In a recene

aeoond Iiotcb It Is al80 contalt)ed In til eartrdgee speooil concernillg Ille Millou Cumpro1ll8e IIl1ti bull luuedfrom the OrdDllIoeOlllee 1 Ihhl da said The coal or nOlrunulng that hntou

Ibe aceulllOl of tbe ordinary rlfte That Ie to dllt_ on ab_Ugtlltnown to them bUI kno 01gt to ooe hundm yarde Bllt up co 0118 hUll to th luatructol who bould keel a NeoN III dmrarda 1amp IIiU pul ev shot InlO a eIteI 0 18 their obullers whereby the captain or II compa07 Inchee dlallleW1wblob is IlIlBclelll for war pur- would be able to dlslingulsb Ib080 bo pOlWeaaed poses aa II 11011 d hll 110 enelll1 1D amphe upper paH the greatesl lO4 1114 leaat judgmen~ in tIislDlshyof amphe body At onllamphoulandrarda Ih_ rilIea tel 110m men aN found to poseea lI uallllab 11111 Pllt went ttow out of Ibllyln a targr sen In hlch doG t ne acquire it b pracd~fe wid batt 111gb On lhe 26111 Lleue Bart others noe acqlre II though they may maDmiddot wllh n mea 01 amphu Second BllIes Ilml 1m) goo abote The I)e8t tried Judg~botyendthellgto efght rounds flom Ib~ gnu a fenr hundred f_ (~IDamp to rules aflerrds 10 oe __14 dbianee at a lIlIIte lit amphe We lhougb down) regulate lhe dllttance AI wbleb amphe ltb Brlag amph_ guilt for the lint time eleven mn pa1J In acllon aholoI 8el the Iglu8 of ampheir rillel GIlt of the rortyelght ttow 011111 h been hit C F HENNINGSEN Brig Gen

A VIOILUT 1M TllOIIJlLII-A Mr Colemaoamphe and amphOBO whoprefer till meaauHlI mit obtelD amphe President of tb~Som Frallci8eo Vigilanee Commit- same by requiAlllon II amphe OrdnollceOllee lee lately arreated In amphe elly of Iiow Yor( Ilunfortuoately happenM tllal the lJepIIIImtlt at ho suit of man nf tbo uame of Halon ho WIll forced by clteum8lallooeto 18100 lOme ot lOOn lIunbullbull and to Ptlt IOgeamphor cartridges before the

waa bamshed by order o the Committee from oeCleaal1 IWI~uclon8 bad 1Illvod Henao amphe caUrQlltmiddot4 Mr Malon IlIIrIll8~ lhe li(lWmiddotmiddoteaiUiilgeillillfiltColltillileil aUbuFtlfellt gralllS Yllk Bvenlng POlt his onUI) Innocence of en crime or oWnee and lthtrges Ibllt the parileo middotho bull mpmollcd IUId banished hint dlil80 tram ntampllclnua moUvoa mrymiddot aiid 10 goi rid lIf an lICtio c11t zoin wbo condcnmed and esisted the llrocGelloge of tho Corillllte~ middotanll WM about 10 10 lealioony

bull 6 in tile Unltell Sillies Courl at San lranelllCo III n proceeding whicb h middot since resulted III the InUetshylIIent and hnprlaonmont or IWamp melnbe~ of the

f bull

orgAnization at San Fraucisco ~r PlIlcI

to9 much tKlwderbull Ihe effect of which as 0 make IIiIrllI~ kick ~d to burallo bell lberebI dealrolng ftecouNey

lho nlnl6 Rille bill Ole tho ordln ritle tle advlltap Ihat Itma be 1000ded more easily and rapdl h ~ IlIaded wlamph tl~actll tho IIIIUQ rn pldl~y andfaCllty as the ordinary mllllket

Tho ~o llloat Important pollll8ln tbe jedloloUII use 01 thomiddotBinle relo1O Ibo imulIer of loading andto tho IllDner of holdllllllhepleee


To lond ampho 1I1n1~ Plumiddot In the charge of pow Tho question of ho lhls But Will bo settled Ii dcr put Illmiddotlle ball rgtiamphout pap hutllcr If III~

doe lip In CIImiddottrldge d plI tbu ball ImUle wlllloul nhllng Illltliit cI ~hu puwdr-Wbell il1GAUh ilo powde llitllduv IMI1I rod Itllout nen giving ouo amiddotuk~ tIwill 0Il11111~ke Iho pillCo kickbullbulllnd IIOY

coil I tun felt at all mil m~D ualoR 1M pleoo properly ma II Olla hundred ro~nda llholilrecelYing thll smailest braise or feellug Ibe leasl IOreneae

PUcnICK Wml I1l1U1 The proper lact to acllee tbe BinloS fit firt

Ie At Inob~ecton tbea~ beeansuh eIfCI or eve bOII8 Been For thr pllrlo II threemiddotlIIailea have boen plaoed on Ibe lako III lb water amphe two outer flake belug ten f t aparl Thll cel 1ft slake ill tbe h t 10 aim at The etlceil ~I(

h d- 0 eo h b (lne un yrds froln t e abol two und arde from theaborelhrbullbull more atakea Ire plfteed three btll~red yardo Ihroe 1110 takes avdao onup to onll toousand l abulldmiddot

JII1I9111G DtflmiddotUlIOIIbull

WheD holIer the sllooter knowing Ihe dill lance aI whleh be ill fring hOl8 Obtained eudlelenl proticlenoy II I 81111 ne_~y (in order 10 hlaeapon 001111 Ihe bid) thllt he abou14 l1Ian eaIooate known dlatao_ oorreellroampherise if he bas ligbted too ~igh or 100 low he may conllnue to aboot ~er Or under in the t1eld herll freqllt1y be - ~ot aee where 0of bla aholll 81rikee 10 correet hla etro~ On this accouo$ men sho 1d bit plBCllo1 10 guess at

If) lIccurae of the Ihot ~llher by pulit Il~ laquoO~ in PQ8tmiddotOlfice BuDdmg ~hapeof the ball or II) kllIin~ ) I HI-bullbullI bullbull ofo I 1866 IrOll cap whleh It cunulllli1 11 h lt~ plJlldce toIliPputO Ihat allY lt1111= T I E 1 O xrWK~ So I IUllnZQ Wl UtIIDLW not ramming nOlll provlltllllg th e~t tmiddot Kew~II oiande ampI Alandlln mON thMlI Ce IlIcbermiddotuhe IC I

WItlllbe gUIloulalromlullK lir q uF bg ABROGADOS

wbereas Wbtll Ie wipet 1111 IOlldc(1 gUll lno nextGmiddotpmiddotlitieRI thol)rlts 80 In_III) aropart A WIIUlltrE tBoUT TUII AOIl 0 Bo_-A llIIt blow oiIt tbe dbl lndM~9 tb~ ham1 8Ul1Ishy

PIRtampmiddotm (tlnll Abovo nil 80 01l01 m3Y Ihe chang few das ago we met a ~~lIemall from Ahlban~ cielltly bull ho e 118 1 lece of IIIforllltlOll hi re fli 10In II 0 of e~olll8 require p1tllltll CHIOl with lit- 118cuJtnlng thePage of a borde arlO boOf abo HOLDIIIO TlIII PIECIl 110 orln~ Iuf~renee 10 plrty Iheory o~ party platmiddot Ina paaaed Ihe niMb 7ear IIhicb woo 1I0W 10 Ill It I tbelntlllioll of tho tolnMllderlnOblcf rorm~ that It _ms 10 lIIe 0 should look mosbQn~ will be wo are lure to ~OSI of 011r flad 1~III rar M 10001Iiblc lit MiIlie ~iUIlll sh11 be it no~ oly II) tla~ lalityoJ la mlII-wtat ollr It8 tills ancr Illtl borao nblo YCIId lId l d$IIl~lItud ~ IlIeIl Irued) aCljlllllPlLtllYltl1 Ibtl CAlId t I wlI1klo comes on t~e oolid M he uIper corner II 01 tho 11110 Now Inen 1Wu41om~d to ~ha

I to I~ 11 nAtllte and culture retber thallio of Iho lower lid lind overy ycar IhcNltIItIlmiddot II h~ urolmRI rilo ltleil ck~ bllt 1 very amRlt bt Itt pai11 prnf8lSioD8 or bis 1IInt(oD promi ono well ltlellnld wrinkle fotmiddot ovor) 1 ()v~r nlllol cimrgtgt very pruperly reat 11111 bu I of tbe stock Jt~ If for Istancr 11 hor~u baa Ibreo 1It1kll$ bo I~ alililst tbo IIrmiddotlI lstnnd idew)~ to I U obJImiddotcl

or tho dnUlP~kllilJ ~f tlut ulnbtvttlmiddot~middott l~ ~lltit ~ III 11 tlrearmo 1amp lable 10 uck It 1lt tmiddotumiddot- Tbllll4obltcd by ubg II IVirh cmiddot 10 Ib~ end of Ill nUbrod 111 whillhwiii W u1 tOIlr with ~middot~aracrw on rUII he OIIuarlllll Oftlee TtU$ wlv~r iu ltretlaquo btJlImiddotmiddotC COIUCllcItg pacllce anIII bull ill U etWh~V8r amph 81100101 finds lhh hi Ii ill bishyling 10 CO dj)Y1I with ditllcul~ h -lImllI Iler lodll)g b~U btore ~plig ~ tbn I w~Ir once or IWCO dowlI tho buI lnu middottlt~ ~Il tlttlt is to l0080n the cakHl puwllll on tho 1lt11 1 tilG bltrmiddot reL 80 tIlen C8Jl11 ul lloc lIud tk~ 1110bullbull11 h~pB to clQl tbe gUll by bluwlu til dill Hllilre h Ill tI lUauuemiddot ~II imlldred h y be IIr11d rO1 018 pleca WIIlO1 ~qr ~1Ibg Tile reMOI wh) be I not III pu~ 1110 wIImiddot~r (11 thuuuoad bull plcCIl I brea_ II woul~ )lt) lhe bciJ dalllp anll tbill~l chargu Iul In fluid b~cOlDe IOml Ihem k

Paoillo lIlarmiddotb valuod thulO Virginia We no get a Ihouaand dollars for eounthlave we would then haye gollen from tbree 10 IIV6 1)U8Ad dot Iar8 rer an operaun it tho gold IIlInea ot middotOaliformiddot lila four hundred thoa mulllpiled b Ii- amphousand or even amphree tbousand will ahow _ mm_ lose Ollllpu1lon rdollam would nO compe~~ VI1l0ia for h~t 1088 III not rllooing the IIl1e on to llie Facillc

E I 0 nwtll L 84111gtpound WHo DAHOLlIfl



GRAilraquo 110AItAuUA 11ESSRS Kewen Simd~r8amp UanlUn III praeshy11 lieo In aU the COIlf~ of ~b Merilloual and Orlentel Depalments Rnd In tbti D~ptlllent of Le

PArlicular atienlilln 11111 be given to tbe reo covey Qf cl~ima ugainSl the GOvcrnmmiddotnt

lJ~oIbullbull mortfg leNlet Ie promply 0 ClIlel nd on Ii oralmiddotlermbullbullAI ow llId mo~ey brokerage busto will a lage tho AllenllOIl ofi6 finn bull

Q RAN A DAN lOA It A 0 UA bull

I~bull ~dlnrogtq REWEN SANDERSY IlAN IgtLIN ~jl)roosn lol PIOlesiOl1 de illmgllria ell tOUOllt los trihulltlle8 lj~ 103 t U d I 0middot l )tmiddotplIlttmlnt)8 lerl I()I1I1 v rleR

Y ~n el Dgtplrt~ento 00 Leon bull So dllrk atencIOII pnrticulllr III eobro If)

Imiddotmiddotdlm cr contlll dl1 gllhi rllo Itd 1Ijpotoc3~ Arrenimionto~

t ~ bull tc 1~n eJIIQlIlndos con IWOlIItlt y fllmiddotemiddotto~ mudeladollt TlmlJieu 1111 ocel1p~rall Itn rillgoeJoo do

I(rretagl el biencs rllice y dimro -- 1J h bull dIe= e~II1~e ~ en I Ctml 0 orr(~braundn NOlclObrc 1 de 1856

dup 111 jnll oIUII LOllt IN ampho early patlof amphb foe LAlfJ) W ~ 1tNT fQ IIvc hundred nCI ttl (If Innd drallO III fam of Col R J SJiltlors X_res hlTJ be~n takon 10 rendtr It of no e tlcJpt to the per8Ol fOl who It wns drtITIl WllOttOr ill It 10 ill NiiAlIguonao ollWe or to me ltiU bq suitably N11lIrded

OOL E J SANDERS GIlladI NQv 1 1836 1I~nrr- L~hUet

uvolll~ell if fOllt heiathirtc611 Ad til 11111 th) ro liillgt whoroby hcy do MtIlSeU1I$ nUltn~O-l tlIUiTISSuillrsa ETlqoE1TB - ceordiug tl 1 Iotc b IIf dliklea to nine atd YOII will hIV 111 Iltilgll lIlIk tu 1100 OIlOPI) lll~ ill mU3(~tlriug I 1lIorfwlit~r It III etiqueue fOf pelllollll of infot1or io So says the genUeman 811d Ito Is cOIIampuUI1 it lIee~y 118amp th~ 1I)~lcr shluM 3fIIillnL iIIder~ his pl)feMional lampniCCl

mnk io I~ol their healtia IOlVor han tho belds f 1111 Mef tail A a coo~ n~uy I)~I 14Vlllw I~ ltlec b I liing u 1111 rea tho muk(jt I to lhQ citi3Jlls of Graoaolo U ill bull bull I) horsts over Int a i$ wily tmiddotI II lIIc IIu I RIMtle amiddotIJ(lr amiddotlIe~middot in to tbe bll$O of Ih I hg l )0 found al tb Dosplt)

thelr l4ltupoOItI Iberefore wben a nabob aClOp I hOIampo dOll mutt slvo up liis trlt1~-lllonlllc I k s C lil middot1middot is ho ~1I1101 d) if Iro anda middotVmiddotIIm mbJnrtt _h_SjtflU ard sl~1 get Oil 1 (ltllIf2 Plnntel I aiemiddotx bullbull )1 ~ 110 bllU of hl~ pcco OraMd Novetllbe~ I 1~amp


328 EL NICABABUENS4VoL ~ No 52 p 4 Sabado 1de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 1 18qB

I But tberemiddotII point from wblch ~bl anbject

lhOnldIv _ad IItperlor to Iny mere Idalphaselt [Jittr ague ns t of tbe -i Itmiddotl6-how ~be buy tb deed In Ibla counll1 efFects th Ulag_od thlemiddota 011 1111shy

Saturday lIlorniD~ Nov~ L middotportanamp Dllrlnl the dry aeuon In thll coUlltry Itl Yer

HON COL 1QHl( H WHEELER dUlicuit 10 dig a gra or luDlclot depth to pro-

Thl amptnlleman wh has eo ably repreiented Int th polloDOUS paeafronl eacaplng 11110 the thII Jolted Bta1e8 ~ North Amerloa In thll couoshy

trl darlbg ahe varlbos oTillgea and atartllng Inclshydeata of tjle pasl two years Is we regre~ to 8Iy boul 10 dpar~ rom IOIOllg UI on a Iall to the uAiI~1t1atelo Hia beallll bu baeD of lale very _b brokllD IDd we InRir hI vlalt to 110 and nf bil blrtb 1JI1~ ~trellKthen ble fIoame by Ita Ron iov~t1i11 j~lIoaplire

_B rIOre will exolte a rept In the breut oC emf American In Nlosraguau blA aCQ4mshypUIIlliiilitt genlfemin bl aliampTl~y U )lInll~r

hII klndneas nd urbanl~ u a man and bis dieln lereledp u a friead ~as altcady g~lned him ~eliru~t ampad rove W~e~ver he goes tbe good wiebe or all who

uo-Iollllid thllCOI1iItry wlll follow hhn alld we trlMt at before la_IIY weeks we m ba middotth p~ule of Innoucbg Ita relum We wlab blm lfIe_t voyage



ED namp BURNED III II tbe dlkion ofthmaln of de

-r-~4 P llOD8 bas been a aubJectof Ihe promiddoteIQlUld98t ~iionUoo Wbh I~ are conDected the _tldenta of the warmes~ frlendlhlp tbo ileepetl eiltnltlbJl aud tlrelDost eaorad Ibougbtamiddot of tin

1iChaft~~ ~horo II anhll~lotl ID maDwblcb 1111 pell lilllll ~T8IlI wltb grea~ cate tbe romulD of his fiIampir orbullbulltur fbi ay bit esclted 10 pari by feeUng ibat we onl7 do IS we would be done

liJ toutpefhapi ~e -eat IncoU o 10 tblerupecl btl tbougllj that lhe Iplrll of lifo whleb anI -1 olampy before UI tnay be 1I0W before thea~llioron or the OIt High and Ihe nmdna tITeRlO WQJD 0101 our ioevltable dellliny

Tile IIIl1Dn of buryins the dead bas been a _II I _t I It f I

I ~Io Iou bleb ata n w w PlOCseda from deelylng

18tatabl We know tba lata1dlleuea are brollgbl ooby Innooulillon and hat I man canmiddot nn~ be Innoclllaled byanrlblllg mo8 dllllcul1O

L__ b

a~moephere and spreading lIIalri ampIIIong the Iiv-Ing The~ Iulso bull common oUltom among peoshypIe of th Ialler dayuo bury ~ remalDi of porsonl of no~ In nulta un~er the 1l00rs of cburchet and those In che dmp and gloom olihe luliterratiean cbambers In decomposing p~ddl_ and death among Ibose wblJ honored ~bn blloll logj Uld IUppose they thUI Ihow rpeet to their memory aner dealb h ta unnec_y to r8fe~ to the dangar of those who dIg gr In a Iae of OO1IIl11on Inte lIIent or how onen they como In contaCt wllb the polsoo of deeolOpoelng Jleah or wbat a s~ amount of dlseue Ibere II engendered bi the poleono pBel of sucb places by bel~g waRed amoog the habltatlonl of Ih~ IiVldg The evil elllcta or 11 tbeae clrcumstences ara Incalculable

We can onlyarrie at theamprulh In suck C8IU Iy Ulalol1middot W know that the gue_ of decumpoeo-Ing ~o~tsble mattedo swamps produce d98ues of eryerloll8cb~ractars wo know tbat on thla account 11 nu countrl are I_ healthy ampIian whera Ialor huefllleted a good drainage and ~bat higll dry land II more condllclve lOheal~h and Ions life tlian damp low Incamp We knowIi Ii Id- b I

JO tat ep em1 realmiddotoutmiddot1I parts of cl~le wh garbage ta a1lpwed to coUeet and tm1~ an eDlu~a Id we know also tbat gases from d cylg anllllal blatter are more daJlgelOUi and

The Late lnliulttlt the US llag I In olHla w publlebed a record of eiiollUng

eta All to tbe IneultllllC oonduc~ of ~e oIlied forces of Guatalllla and San Saludor toward the AlIlerican Oag the Mlnl~r of ~h8 Ulli~od Slates and tbe cold blooded murder 01 unarllled

American cltlrens But thll record dark and demiddot grilling as It Is te humanity WIS bulholf dlacload Dally circumstances of Dlulder _lnltioD and robl)e07 commltted On Alllericsn unarmed clll lensre being brought to ligbt which place the Governmenta of Gualeblala and San SAlvador bO yond the pale of ci illzallon and eta p them u BaIlon of ouUaw cutbro1e and bAndl~18o

Tbe accompnied allldavita of Cap~ Dunlcan and ~eut Gardner prove ~he diabolical IMurder of a Utile boy whose only offenco was being born In the Uolted Sla~ of wbite parenta and bnlng a while face

Doel not iIle blood of every frlcnd 01 humanl~y of every nalion ehudder at euoh ~Iroity Will not tbe lII08t eage and barbarous nallona of tha darkest agel of anllqully rise In judgment against luob uaboly and bloody deede _

tait of cOmpany D Fir~ Rille of tbe Army ~( ~be Republic of NlcaraguI and made oa~ ~haj

On Mon~ay the 1~11J October 18D6 during f

attack of h combIned foroea of Guatemala a d Ban Salvador on the city of Grallada during ~ e ba~le he approached ~Ioe houN of Mr JamoA Smi~h on the street of the Meulah opposite I e Churcb of San Franclaco f-om wbole bouse t e enemy bad been drIven out and he there lAW Q

tho arms of hie flher thamp dead body )f a about seven years old who bad just been murd bull ed by 1100 onemy whose body as horribly 10

lated ard deformed Mr E nllb was unc~~ nected wi~h ~he Army and como u a aettl9r~ NIcaragua He appeared hear~-broken and d shycOllsolate oxclalmlng tha~ he wished tiont loG co d bove sutrered In his child place Iln I tha~ in th amp alllnts opinion I~ WII and i ~he determlnallon for ~ho lovadillg forces 10 violate every rul of clViI~dwarfare and justice IDd lIIurdr eory Alnari n In Nicaragua J DUIIICJII

Sworn to before me this 21th October 1866 JOHN H WHEELER U S Minller

middot1 do hereby cortify tlia~ 1 W88 preBent wllh ~ taln Dunicnn aDd of my own kbol~dg 16~ abore aDldavit Is true In evel pa~ticuIRr

R p OAlIIlIpound1I Fi t Lieutenant Company E Firat Ri8es

Swonl to before me thIs 21th October 1866 JOHN II WHElLER U 8 MiDiter

oor8_ t e ~_Ing lIull of ble fellow maand would be reapecteo b all lla~IQDs even tb tho Amerlean 8a8 would protect him rba~ ~c Now u the guea whlob arise from vegetable most IIInge Bul how vain wu lhat hope I Let Lawless very frequehUy came to him 8 thOlmiddotMnmiddot lIIalterlo a atate or decAY appear 10 be lIIucb hll plunderod 1001180 bls murdered remaina tbe tay Goveroor of ~hll Dopartment in blthrfi mciro ftal thllD ~ODtact w~b Ihe solid_ from wblcb bodies of Iii f6110wmiddotclizen tbe mutilated bunting tb Datives o~~befllo~lnldt for whdOlll hIe perforbi th _ numeroua IC_ a bull n n au w lOBe rup bull

_ AO~ re lImiddott e lllallnorl 0 nu rolli tar llIImemotlalIiimiddot lome oountries oj E8YP~ ~~e present ago ought to be luDlclent to ri~ i9bIaDcie Dluch IDg epulty wu expended In enmiddot bove anyprt)UIIIce orallY old cuawm which haa ~orlng ~ lr~ee~e bodlel (rom decay anltl been haaded d~D t WI frolll ~pe~o~_bClo the the Orilllai ftcc~ of all burl~11 WII law ofnelilUi wee but lIttle s~OOIeil or known -0 --uOD of die body At tbo far Notth and auggoat auch remedlca as wlllleslen as far AI

whra th tro~ king relgnl many lDootba III ~he poIIlble the causes oC dll~uo bull

ey ann mut 1ler tbe~ 11011 II 110 the caso with tbe ps8I 101010 arise frolll putrid animal mellmiddot UleI If thll II eo thqenlightonment of

yar and all anImal de~omp08ltloD II auspended t

ibrough Ita etrecta tbe etrort 10 tilDes of 19oorshyihc mIght be aUPlosed to be parliaUr aucceBBful 11 Ii eeD no DO uncommon tblng to be ~oemer II tbat b would nollike 10 die In a

amputherll counlry on ac~ollnt oftbo audden decay ~ hll remaloa 1111 sontewhat remarkable tbat bile Nort~ern natlolls eYen In tbe most ancIent tImes burlod their dea~ In tile pound Ibe peo-DIe or the Southern countrl buroed tbem Thle wu ~bo cultom or Sou tbern Aala And Southorn E~op In our IlIgUsh literalure to tbll daTI ~wlng from oll Oreek we frequoutly her t)ili )ihnae peacmiddottomiddotI alhea I

1be Greeb a1wav burned 1100 bodle of their Wualrlou8 dud and In our opinIon thla lain many respecta lIIucb preferable 10 bllrylng_ bull In burnIng u lru tholr CUltom the ashea IIIlght bo carefully ciflllected and plaee4 In an mamen~ed urn j hero llOuld laDd wltbout otrendlng tho senses In the bleb of the temple or In tbe private aparl

m6llts of friends til Ihls manner I~ wu alwaYI In the careoilboao rho respected It and In wboaemlllol7middott wumiddot dear_ Tbo asbes of Ibe great mbl In Ihose dal1 beaeD~ fro plRce to place mldgled llb IIampYO7 locenlo receiving the roapocl due the blemor or Ibe Blirlt which pYa It lnishy

middot1111110110 In Ileae dy the remoYai oC a corpae croaten bOlrOr In all wbo 1ra1 wllh It not 1mshymedlIlotorealell to say nothing of tbe danger 0( belna In coplact with so Ruch rot~nn alld putrofotlon Ona balpound of Ihe borror of death con sists In the Idea of tho bedy pu~rU)lug io the e~ 4 Wng an obJect of loathsomene18 upon lJjlell worm gMiI and riot How much more pluinlmiddottw Idea of ha log the ashea carefully ptbelllllj amplid ~pi perhapa 8weamptlt aeented aa DOW ieepodaguerreotyp08

W~_ uale lhe aallsfactlon It would no lIfIorithe litem world to ha e preserved the

middotashe oIllli~Q Ot lIIilikapeore i or wbo can guess the care otmiddot venerAtion willi whleb the Frencb would ~gtrd the ashes 01 Napoleon or with wbat yeneratlon Americana would guard tbe reshymai1 ofWaabington h la truly to bo regretted that aU whlcb Was mortal oC tbose i1ulrloUi per sonages Isoow IndlltiDgubthable from ~hecommon eartb or tbe remalna of ~he earcasa of 80IIIe brow

There ta t~ls dvanhge ID burning bodlea OTCr burylDg tbem that IDltead ofperlnlltlng them 10 cauao dlaeue aRer death Ihe nry act of burning puriO ~he aIr It II lupposed the great plague ot London WII IoIICIted In lie ravagea by Ibe groat

Ore whlcb burned the greator parI 01 tbe city Ono thIng Is certaill iC history II correct that Ilthough Itraged with foarful voIoeelmmedla~lr hefore It ceueo to exll aimoillmllledialeit lifter Iho con8agratlon It It now a common pIlodco to fullllgate a roam In whch a parson baa died and doowrs ad 1ae boao who Yliit he remainI of a person ~hat lou died of cholera orany olber conmiddot mgloua dlieal to moke a cigar or plpo-tlo great

a purifier II fire And eelUng pr~udlc aside III~ Is after all

lIIuch more dealrable to be cooaumed by lire ner death than to rot ~n be devoured by worms alld 118 tbat eoaduccl well 10 tbe praseryallon of tho Ulng u to the retallling tbe uhes of tho de ceased we would fbor tho adoption of Ihe CUllOJll

In thle lOuntry It was the generoloplDlon In Granada Ifter Ito

batlle of the 131h of October tbattbe great nummiddot ber ot theonemy which wu killed would produce tbe cholera before they cluld be Interred DurnshyIng tbelll bnmedlatal would h prsvenwd tbe posilbillly of auch 1 p~llIful circumstanoe and would hve puriSe1 the air 01 any polsonoul gnaee wbleh might already slated 10 it

On object In ftuggeatlnlf thle II more 10 call tho 4tenllon of the publio u well 110 medical profeaslon 10 Ibe anbjecl chin 10 attempt at tble tim to dllcUBB Ihe m W are howovor under tile InlproBB Ion that If Ibe tlustom of burnshyIng the dOlld Inatead of bmiddotlng them were onco Ialrlylowoducecj It would In tbll lall~ude prove higbly benellclal w tbegenfral hulth

A Nw 01ft The Phll~dciPhia Mint hujull IMued a cent wblch II described as COlliposed or 1It88ven parb copper seven of nickel and one ohine 11 lou a lilht appearance with a faint red tint alld la In beautiful contra t with the Ameri cau a1lver nd gold plecea and will not u the old cent did tarnlsb thelll by oon~ol The weight of the newll only aevell~y-to gralnl-Ih~ of the present copper cenl la olle bundr~d and sixty ftghl

Tbe aDldavlt allo appended of (len fry u to LIG~TION or UUTID STATES or AnRIOA~ the nlurder of Ifr Lawl pro es Mr Lawl IIEAR Till REPUBLIO or NCARLOUA ~ earnest desire to presee lob neu~raliy in all 1100 Tbis day camo before me Birkett D Fry Bri dUBcoltiel wblcb have beset Ihle coun~ry of nis dier General ArDIto Nicagua Uld made OI~h blgh lOlled chacler and Integrily of conduct Rnd tbatshyorh pcrfeat oonOdeoce ~ha tbeaegis of the Bowasacquainted wllbJohll D LmiddotI~uaimiddot Amnoan fIig was amplyiuDlclent to prolect bis the month of Oc~ober 1bullbull1 Ihat having been rl liberty property IIld lif Be badmiddot een as cofmmnd of Ihls cl~y durn the greater POrllrshy

0 he past year he lou Ircquentl bad occbullbullI~ llIralloea (rolll the blgbeat aources tbat no Amori- 10 tallt wilb said Lwleas of Ibe polillcal atrairsio can wuld woder so far 1roII home that the pro- tho State of NiCllragu Tha~ the MId LRle tacling and powerful arm of tbe United Stat- s unifOImly re1beed 0 take ny part InarlUa wlti wal Dot over him lie reiuaed 10 COlli wilblo IheAforcea of lttI~nerol Wdalkellrdsaymg Iat hOe ~ri an lIIe can CI zen an re e upon Wle og o the line of onr Irclo mlylng oo~ho middotpeo~lon 01 his counlr for protecion_ Tba~ a(~r Oeoer Ibol Uulted States aDd Ihrew out beforebis house Walkers force marched upon dual and a few the Alllerican 8ag tba~ In ~Is patriotlo beart b hours _before Ihe auack u~D Granda loa urgtd fel wu honored in every laud anltl on every sea thbelabdblAdwl_11edto comde WtllIlI hila Ilhnol degb

f dle~fen~~w c e eo n to 0 expreaa ug s e Ie I ~

tom b the enemlee sllot and lbe loor of tbo Lo- alld good will he leetDed to pOSle That ~ ~ gatlon house perloQ~d bytboballe oftbe onemy Lawless had reaided for several ye a paa~ inOmiddot testify nlda apoKe tbe In~uago of ~he coulltry 8ue t-

Iy and WIB extensively engaged III IIIcrcalltUJ~ 10 ancln~Rome ~he exelamaUon lam a Ro- e~ita anil had mall) 01 tho nolives In hia ORlPi bull

mIlD cillzen arrested the falling blo of Ibo IIc- Tha said Lawlen justly ellJoyed the reputtti D

lor 10 fOmer ~oys ~n II the great Republic of for great pbllanthropy And unamp~~middot~~t tile North In 0 aayo ofJakson It is the bouth of ~ e loll lory of tha~ day ~hllt no American cltl zeD ever luWered lny In~ulT abroad without reo

dreu WefcOIlaurolhnUhesnm08plrltnowanlmatestbe

United Stateamp and ~hat tbe same feeUnga ~hat dlcmiddot tated tIe Kouta letter will be roady to defend Ibe rigllts aud proico~ tbe lives oC InDoeen~ AmerieRn



Thll 4ay came before 010 James II Smitb wbo tcatlO tbat he emigrated from Ne York clLy whero he hu resldcd for two years In the steaol ahlp Tennc88ee for Nlcaralua on thOl 1 III Sep tember laet accom~RRled by his three email chll drell lor the purpole of cultivating hind and satshy~nllg In Nicaragua lIo is by protession a taather

That on Sunday the 12th Inll an alarm of an lltack was made by the foroea of 9uaternala and San Baladof on this ci~y That be no~ crediting

S b bull h 2 hOb I 56worn ore me t IS middott cto er S bull JOliN II WHELER U S diolaler bull

I [ 0 F F I C I ~ L ]


ADJUTANT GENEIULS OUICpound J Granada Oct 26 186G

1 SOLnnRI--Each day demonstrates more cle iT ~hat tbe war we are wagiftg Is ono of IIUlh apl AI falbood of clmoalion againat barbarism GI satisScd wllh the bloed of lonocent cilicnssb d a~ Granada-with n appetile Ilnllghler h 1shyled by the nt_Ore 01 helpleu cbildren and b 11 ministers of CbriIIIII~y-our IIIvage foes II f

added ano~hcr crime to tbo long liRl reco d asaiDNt ~bem Thoy han sbot Lleu~ Col Lal wbo wu IRken by tbe n a prisoner of war 80 0

It)8 ngo At ~i1e very time thl_ cold-bloodedaal ofcroe 11

was boillg colDlIItted an exchange 01 prioa r was bciu proposed by tbe comntandermiddotinmiddotc er

tho Jolarmj wntto tholltlloplzaa8110r~dlitance If tbo Guatemala forcos WI~h an lona~a bull When tbe (ote aptearod and commenced an ac tive 8Mng ot musketry and Mlni6 rille wblch otlt off his relurn Tho foreee then approacbed 10 hOllie wbere bis li~tle fRmily wera seated ~ dillshyner consisting or a boy Frencb Berbert born In New York tlty on Ibe 6th March 1849 two lrirls one fI and the otber Iwo yeare 01 Ige 1hey were seated witblo three yards of a large wludow which opelled 011 ~118 street One of lhe troops approached the window and taking delib erate aim fired at 0 lillie group the I)all grazed the chin ef the fllrl nurse and atrlklilg the bo In the lower part of his face paselng out of the neck broke tbe plllol obord killing him instan~ly TIe reat 9f the children wee concealed iinnlcdl-

IDg for ~reacbe he bad smoolh WOrdl and Ii ~ sullmenls on hll Iipa wben he was In the act t murde

Tbe mnatlon of Lln4 show he ndlito of the ollemy wl~b whlcb we baYe 10 contend f Ibe sollie lan~age andreligion wilh tbelUself they bad nOl agains~ hilll the lying excuselmiddotw Which ~hoy are wont to justi~y Ihe murder of American citizens Nothing bu~ ~be love of til d aod ~he cowrdly loatlllc~ of tbo savage Call 0

urged for tho execution of thd Cuban palrlot Let ~ben soldiers a Bunle of tbe jUltico G d

grandeur of tbe C~U1e In which wo aro CDgae nerve ua lor the fullilmellt of tho Iftak wblcb I bull before us Remember that you luWer aud It

awly III an adJacen~ housl by the nurse under agio to redeem ono of the 10eUest 01 lalld_ ID bed hlle Ihe ~roop Ibreed tho cuing of ~ho barbalian rule aud lavage despo~lam In such a wlndo the door being fRBlened and resiatlng all Oft IIHO 118 t~is who ould 1I0~ gladlf eudure II ~ IV Iheir oRllrta Thoy then entel8d and searched In dayoCprl alion and fdtiguo r 10 would n I vahl for the cbildren Tbey plullucred tho house undcrS1l aome lillIe antrering and danger for I ~ of all bia iinpleonpnta of hUlbandry clo~bing gold sake of IIvlllg his nalllO enrolled amoug the be o and allvr walcllcs mono aDd valUAble of faotors fJf the rllce 7 amount 1lI0re ~hao two thoueaDd dollars ~ 2 Lieut ltlol ~ A LaID6 aiddemiddotClImp 10~ tbe

JAKa8 n SIITD Commandor-in-l)hler having bean brbIrOO~ Sworn to before me this 2~tb Ootober 18DO murdered bylhe enemy without ProPOiDg An shy

JOHN B WlIEELIlt U S Mini4ter change (If prlaoners i~ ie directed Ihll~ Lie t We do bereby certify that we reBlde In tho Col Brigido Valderraman and (Ja pt Bern~r 0

nme houle II~h Jamee H Smith Faq nnd 01 Allende be shot Ibis aernllon 11 6 oclock In Ollr own knowledgo the faclt tn~ed In hla aDldo vlt are Irue lu evcry particular


Sworn to beforo rno thl 27th O~oher 1856



Tbl day calllO bofore one Jamea Dunlcan Capmiddot

tbe plftZ of thl clly 3 11111 Gen Fry 19 charged wth tho esccullta

of the abovo order By command of WY W AUrER

Genernl-Coml~andng-in(jhipI Pn n TnoIlPBOII AdJ t Gcn N bullbull

~ h Is atato(1 that PrInce Albert 1038 b~~~t 111 Clllll1nOUe tract of lInd In AII9tralia Vbic1o1n nbout tnty years will tetulnabollt ono thou811 ~ i tlII10S oa much tIS all ~h~ amp Coburg alld Obi

In Germany put logctbor I

329NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 7 Sabado 1de Nllvlembre de 16561 Saturday November 1 1856

i lit I ALGO NAB BOBRILBL Dl4 UJ 1lJSOUOJON lIerosoaeajuitA al Cllpilitu delliglc y Ie r t t lIJ S 11 n1J R ea mlUlgrato perdmar que CIIstipr aunshy EqulUtlvo y aUII n_Slnll) nos parec Menelter earetrogradarlllol mM remomiddot que eata lIluy pronto a IIOtrar en el UIO

toear la materil de que vamos neumiddot t~s tlempos de barbirle yde ldlo~lemo pa de juatas represaUae lIa cual rere IU tS II Into NOT I de 1836 pamos no obstlnte haberll8 tratado en Ill1Icontmr el ejempl0 brutal a una Ie- naluralom 1 10 demandaren las circlin A WI ~ 101 1)umells anterloJel aunque nu cion quI Icsban de (omeler en Maaaya stanciU De consiulente 108 prl~ionrOl

JUEBPO VE ARTILLSJIU 4 tod I degtlt1d I I d I d 1 - ft -- con 1 1 ~que mereee por mf~ 01 Jenera ea e I IUfZaa iii on I heridOll lIOn tratadlll eon 10 mllyor be El lierpH de tLitiHerlll ha tomado un destla de lOB IRdmdus que 11 rlllawon Guatemala en estos lIltlmOl dia des- nignidad

ClIPCI) 0 imllolltmto bajo 11 direoclon del puesto que cl1ml mlmos t(lIl1aron una puea del ataque de aquella plllza I de Queda PUIIII demOlltlldo que falto8 de Jele I Henningsen IIventndo jofs de esa parte actin en los sucea~s Las buenllS las acclone quee Ilan referido ya tn 10$ fe ell itll mall s1 mnes compromiaos y Grmllj iuyos cOllocimientos Ie ban didO aceiones dlbon refe~lrse mlnuciollme~te d~8 humerns anteriores de elte periodlco de oumplimiento en sil palabra como mi MmladianQ $010 en los Estadol Uni Sin temor ~e Incumr en la tacha de dllil Vlolando 108 mas gmdos Plotos ma- Iitares 111 jefell do lIB fuIiIBs enemlgat JOI I nn fuora de ellos Es do cele- sos tnnta par que e8 un trihuto dllbido al lew reeonocidos univerenlmente y 0011middot flftll Incohado COIl ol ftlsilamiento flel Co brillS la recision y tino con que dh-ije m6rlto Cuanw por ue line de est-imulo aiguadol en aI derecho de jentel de una ronel lAid y aUI compslierea despues IRS bo 111111 Y granadas al punto que de- a100 d~mAA NOl oontraenos al IltaqU(o Inanera ~n ep~icita se han colQcsdo en de baber aupllcado el callge Y d recibir $igna uinnentaudo y dUlheando progresi qu~ re~I8~6 oatil piau dede el deee del una posiCIon odlo~a dtgrlldftnle y eceemiddot un Indi~lIo en este sentido un Miatem vame te las distnl1CIU siempre con el pUlIdo II 11 una de Is tarde basta las crable Indlgna de hombrea que 8e tltulan elttlaordin~rlo de gtlerrA que nosotrol nei nitID Rcli)lto Q inerrnble direocloll ocho de la maAana del diR siguiente milltare 10 temm~s puesto qf8 teMm1 mlobos Tolft los dias hay repeudos ejerclcioll y Buellas y lumlnolWl lIOn I referenoiaa fnmedlamente dupuee de 101 c(lneablmiddot prlonfrGS cODtrllrios y que hlta Is te()k~ IiOletas evohuiones en las que prl()ti~ del Coronel Allen Mayor Clyeee ftc dOl acunteomlento8 vino eata cludad un siempre hiL sido patente la slIperiodatide ean j Sefiores oficlales y 109 soldado8 pero notamo8 qne a~nqueliglran en 1 correo conduciendo una comunieaci(m nuesms armal Ahorl bien ~ Sol se nell ~tmn maravillo8(1lllIIte lisw de 108 que 8e distlnguiertm 81gllnOl de los jetea eN as flllrzas enemlga8 en la VOllOtroa 101 que hahllis habmdo de vanshy

En3 ClInnto 1 numem do indivitluoB numbres 110 ell con el tlIplerclol que que IIOlicltaban aqtlll1l08 del Jeneral dalisimo de Bomnidadea y oims cosa~ perbgt ecientc8 6 dicho cuerpB lie ha IU~ merC(tlll sin que sea rltI de 1o referenmiddot Walker JOr 10 pronto 6 cange de un in- aemejantelll en vnestrus periodi~os para men db do nna mllnera otable habien tes po que 1I11011 gllardaban y derendian divlduo d los suyos cometa d eaballe oontravenlr ahora eSC$ndalOsamente Ii (0 ad mllll unH gran compltlla do Zapa1 sus pue~tui re8peetivos y no podial esect na que fu6 heeho prlalonoro por Dilestra losmejores prlncipios del dereehu dl ilores I Mineros bien que para malle- tllr j todllS paltes Grande y her6ica parte con algunamp anterlorldad Eata clrmiddot jentll I 81 v08OtroB 80ls I Pero nad~ jllr clatro mortem do obuats y lo~ tllol II deietl q~e hizo 1amp KulIrnlclon de clnetancia Indicaba queeao jeres preten- trntiamos del oltallo de atrall en que Muon a que hay on lap)tuIt fO necesita estj plftZllcn ea c61eble JOIllampda en la dian ceAhle 101 prlnclpio organl_ de 08 ballail UR n6 nero eunsidurnblcmiddot1fe bombles qll8 doeientus hombre4 combatieron con III gllerr aun entre la naolonee minoe Conatlgt 8n conclu8ion qUII aceptamol

EI uelpo de artllleriA no deja que demiddot tla 01 ilunensu numero de oehgtelentOI clvllzadal y regullrlllAr la desde lU4lft) vuealroa aotos sea ellal (uere au natlishysearsusejercicins II 1011 111118 etCrupu- por eamppl()io do dillz y nueve hOrlll uglm lu demandlln la olvillziclon 1 _ mlez 10508 itotl Admirable el Jellledo y -80luololl siglo No 81a poslble dudar de la buena

do todOll basta del ultimo 1I0idado (e de aquell espon~nea proposlcion sin DOCUMENTOS 0FIeIALES ES Ef)OIOJV A OHONTALES dispueatos perecer antes que entregllr RgIlIlar a la e8 et bonor milltar 1 JOII

U - 6 h la pldl que se lea habia conllado cierto malt proclu90a atrlbutos del bombrel ElDECRtTAS DE OOB_ERlO


apol bull IfRon que Sill ny Guatro _ J Ch I 6 t A certilllmo y atln IIOmos COrto8 j pero lIus~re Jeneral Walker quo tantnll 1 bin No ito

EI t 1 p ra onts es 0 VI a es II puer ~__ d I M ON 1 ~ lifer ~11lI oeho de la matiana halfendo ph~oll afta Ir que e ayor eJ se repetJdllsprulIbae ha dado de maltnanl REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUAt

enndu 0 de una manera verdaderamente bull bull ~ desem ~ftado flU CQlnlslon los mdlVldoll ~ mldad ItO dudO en etecto ni Ull momen Seeretal1a de Elltado en el depaello (Ie t ti ~ - E her6ic~ Hallibllse postratio en una cama to y lIev6 8U generlllll(lad basta el utr Relacione Erterlores nuO rOI en snls aerlamen n I 1 d i h 11 b connn balazo 81 unap ema que elm- mo de entregar ill corneta que iIOhcUaban Granada Ootllhrl 2t de I85ampSan oS lIu v sus lOme lac 0110$ so a a a bull

bullJ I d I b d pll(ila dar un paso y Ie obhgaba bull servlrmiddot sill nlnguna de las lIeguridades que 8e El S P E so ha serVldo dlctar 411 de 1111 nUfillro e 10m res como e CIIn) d I EI 1_ __

d d 88 lIe os mu etas enemlgo lie lre- CIItJon en taIu CIlSOl COIltellto mnl Ceto igt~eD ~ -- _gt eine tode 1 QlIuotuelOn errotll Oil Oil Ii bmiddot I I WILUamp WR Preeldenw-daln eldla trece del corliente en csta cludn aerto y 1 eil


es om re que Illll a e featando que entre 101 mlillito prbonumiddot Republica deNlearagun lr sUiliabitsnte9 11 di I dtlene 89 UIIO de 04 indivlduOlI mall roa que habla hecho elY la lihlma aocion Siendo nece8SlrIo I~reditar un liinillrouo II IU u a tomaron a ue a reco on bull

q g q i 16nol 11 eJ6rlto Nada podia espemiddot e contaban Virios 06cla0bullbull que _tcba Plenipotenelano ltle rcpleaente a 111 RetshyDioo8 quo sahCTon escape as que $U- b _ d bll d Nt d I bl _T a raSede un 110m re en esta 0 en que dlpu_o cangellr respectivamente pGr pu ca e caragua cerca e ga n piera 111 Ilegadade Jos trem 6 tl~l11~ 61 se baUsba ain embargo hacienda un el Coronel Lain 1 por olnoo 6 sela in- de 108 Estados Unidos en IVI8hingtotl lIn RllngerB que III vapor cndllcla 0 b III el 81 t p l4 de dl II d J ntlab on U80 de IUS flleultades l

1 h b d b b t esueno 110 re uaUT J9 UOl e vopa que e 8oom- an DEC RET A bullIe d bull os Oil res 0 ar UI os comO d gt I I 0 ilia dlI8l1ila 0 que tellla sa 10 (1 clando Cueron presos por caaualldad en Articulo I N6mbralle Mlllistro Pleni ~ el 09 Icen locho tom6 lall mulllw y 81 sable y 8e il camino de llwaya En allo se es- pottnciarlo de la Republica de Nioaragua (JtfOETAS DE GUATEMALA Y presentO en ellugar ~a8 peJigfOSO arras peru la romillion del hombre ofteoldo cerl1 de 18 Eatedoll Unidoe al Senol

S AN S Hi VADOR trnndu la plema y atravesllndo las calles por 01 corne Q a1 conleta mlsmo que DoAn FemmCoFerrer I J b b t rt ~ IDnmquelle qu enes cor I -- con el agaa casl bull 1 rodlda (aca I a de era 10 replar y Jegitimo 81 ae aTrepenmiddot respondamp

Estos pOliodlcos pound0 oeupan do nuestro Hoverl dundo mnd6 con V071 do trueno tlan do nevar ndelante 10 que 4111011 mis- Dado en Granada 1 29 de Oetubre de Nienrlguell~o no parR reflllar nl una pn formal amp los hombres que alii se hallaban mOB babian Bollcltado opteniend) al fin 1856 WILLIAM WALKER Ilbm do los erimCIl-e1l servUes que hemOl y que Ilegaban oon sus armas dilltribuyo par unics rampZUII el J~er81 Walker una Al Se~or Jenoral Dun Jlliteu Pineda publi~do POrqIO III velmiddotdad os illcontesta la trnpn eolocindo en loslugarel opor carta del Jeneral Zavala en 1amp que fire MMn~troldoJa Guorra encargado deT dltl I bull mUltern enerable II~ deequltan descendlcn 0 as per tUllos orden6 1amp derenaa de vea eal ea testaba (ellto no puedo calUiCllrse) que D ~ d 1 I V bull evI en suprema 0 oumun eo 1

sonah ~de8 1In un lnnguage tan cl~lco que partell de aquellugampl y 8Oliclto 1 101 prlllOnerbullbull no querlan venir No ell para IIU intellgencia y demas erectos es ebmo us antares Su impotente uni e6caz It pelllr de su eltado de grandad a eato todo ino que en as propillll perandortlCibO su atento senillor Ie do p1i~8a fudose contla cl Jeneral tadu atendia bael6ndote oil su voz ell clrocnlltandlll Be supo oon allOmbro en 11 Pnnuu lIIque 10 ba dellpreelado stempre todas pa~teamp Nosotroa admlr4mol al e~ta cilldad el rullilamlento on 01 pueblo No 64 WI pe lulclo d - lllwlrles 8U cuenta eonlmiddot Mayor 0 Nell en aquelloe momentoa y de Diriomo del CoronelLalne y algunos

V bull l REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA ~ cnte Y oxneta eremos III e908 pan asi nOl plaee conS1lJllarlo on eata arUcl1 0 otros prisirneroa I I fllaa obre aquellOl S d __1 d ch d ecre1ana e ilAIo en e eeplt 0 e ~s 8 Oil ~ombre8 de chaneelarls COli EI Capitnn Wilkins lie condujo tnnbien jetos III deabonn eonmguiente y )1 IlCe- Relacionelllnteriores

dlglll d el dIll que 80 les presente que de unA manera brilllnnte en el millIDO cr8Clion univelflall i ~pnrten el des- GranadR Oetuble ~ de 1800 JlGr ci rto no ~t~d(jlls ($ si solo se con- lugar y despue ell la deftn~ del HOIIpi precio y vilipendlo que mcreccn Y 0011_ EI S P E ampe ha servldo dictar el de-ICIltllj COil eCBrlbu snrcnsmos tal en toda la neche Es de celebaTlle la pell el lugar degradante eli que les colOCll ereto -ul~nte

-------- d dId fa 1 I d d I El GOllemo coosldelando que soMalianl lie omharea con direceion u con ucta e 011 bull IS co tat voe qn~ IU In agllO proce el hallan vaeallte~ las Carteral de Reb

Nueva York el Sr Eermin Ferrer hallan en el h~8pltal oOClrgard08 continu Como era de eeparamprse loglco y natu- ciunes Haelenda y CrMito pu~lico POl 1 g b no amente de los enfermotl Dr Lundy y raJ e1 Jene1Walker ordeno y ae eloell- baberse encaado de la ml~lon dlploshynombrlld0 que ba SluO por e 0 leI bull t ~II b d W b

j I PI d t n_ (f Dr Brmkerhoff 110 8010 por las bUenae to II (I1I181111ento nu de todoll los prleo- m4tiea eel bull e ga mete e a Ing ~n s~o ellpo~enculT1o e es a p medidas de defen~ ue tomaron IIlno ton a1 Seior Don Fermin Ferrer quohllcs eefca dol Gabinete de Wasbingtoll ~ nellIS que en la Justa lndlnadlon acuo 1l1li desempeflsil 011 180 de aus facultades

Ell F rl b I rt II pur 10 resolueion que 81empre lea honrar otro mimo Jonero- en 8U lur hubler D E C RET A errcr Gsumpe a a ca ar - -- bullbull de Hciendn que qUGdo Ii cargodel Go altamente do pereeer todtlS antl8 que prevenldo sino Iolamelte el de un Ten Articul 1 El Sefior ~e~oral Don

D d M I - G S n ahandonar unos velnte y cilloo enCer- vnte Coronel I un Capitan que ctillltian Mateo Pmeda autual MIlllIItro de ItgtlIera ~ me A lUStrolaquo c uerft e - bull G bull gad dI I diS F mOil que no pod Ian movelse de IU lecbo eutre Iquellos nerra ser onear 0 IDtennamellte elimos i 1 auseMl1 tempola c I e diahaa caneras teQlumiendo el Mlnlsteio rer a~ paso qua nll8 alegramos de que EI Chbano que elo~11I 01 Mayor Potter MuchOll plllOl1ero quqda~ on poder de Jfjn~roJ ~1a do el c electo parala mislOIl que cn el ~rro que ~lmlltr6 cuyo nllmbre nuestla gblllrnocolltrA qlllel011 ~u4lera Art t ComtllllltpleleI qutenea cor IampMnuuce Alos EsttldOIl Unidostallto por no mllmfest6 pm IgnollrJo e8 el Seflor dMClrgllllle todo el pl8O delagravlo lnfo rCIJpcmda lI1llltlilrw y circuDttitceiR quole ldornall Don FtCncisco Aguero y Batrada Pre- ridn y hooerl(1S sentirde un una manera t8~do en GitLi1lAltt~Rdigt cuantq pOl que rCIihiramp belll1s impresio recto de esta cludad prolilllda los exesos de IUS ~etos qUI Pu AI Senor Jenera Don Mateo Pineda nos en 18 hormolllls ciudlulea del Norto (on 10 dicho sitiafacemos la justlcia ditgtran haber ngrlVlJdo au situacion I pero Miubltro Jenera Am6rfca debida aloe SenOIOs 1l0minadOl y nuestro I Jneral Wlker oon todaJ )R ventnjNl De urden supreml 10 eomuBlco V

Ie Idelleam(lll Ull viRge teli~ y pronto doseo de eselaroeer III ferdad siempre y la repolllioraucia de la posicion que pllrt IIU Intellgeneia y demas efootos retor~ quo podamoa baeorlo ocupa 011 tll embargo magnanlm~ y Je M Pnln4


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 9: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.


jtLNICABABlfENSEVOll No 47 p3 Sabado27 de Sepllembre de 1856 SaturdaySeptember 271856 2BS

er~ middot=wepon =again pla~~ OIh~d- T~OJTriijONNEW-YORK VOLUNTEiiiis PEEPS ABOUT TOIVN optaln made a deaperato eftort to dlaeharge 118

lly Tlull BalL oonlents-aiJed-handed it to me-It wa u dry bull -- bull 11ft a powder 110m In a feOOlld I eollid _ that

nevor eomplam~d In Ill) ~ifo Drlk~ are not the Optaln began to turn diUte pall1bleb atood ~p to cI)mplaln ~ltbOlgll the sometmes 8ufter close to Mm) wbile I preaerTed 1111 eqnanllllltyin 1IIIjIe~ IUch ~cght of It1Ju~U~ wOlld nl~C the ampplit of conciliation The weapon _ again Ih 1lea of ol~hnary pe8ons ISO with 11ldlgnAII~n loaded 10 tho vcry mllZ2le and pneed in the bands Dljring ~ Ibo~t absence fOn 0 ranadll my enelmeB or IiUl opiltln ~hose runds wel$ becoming IlatICO killed nlC (on paper) Ht up (inl)po) very unsteady Ihnt he VIIS IIMblo to taka prcpor III ctlll epI)h llIollneog my dc~th fter nlm And welO It not tIAI I seized tho Instrllment ~a IIIII IIndemiddotg~no till this I VlM 4~41 COIl$glled of dostructlon amI wrenched II from bls hand$ bo 10 he firm of] luto amp Co-hbcled rght ampldo up would hlfO pOllred tho cOlltents of It Into his ~b earo I~om the effects of a eliot ampom a prln- bull ~


I k N I h A I I breast With lUI energy Inplled by tllO liopo ofaI B ~ 100lng abullbullo ~ ow WId II ve 0 bull b godON

If 101 to undorstand thnt Drleke bclolllll ~o the pl~oud and gloriouR tnum[lh I agnlo disc IIrlIe blue strlpea Vltb a rod tiv~ pnilltod atll~ tho eOI~tellls or the pockot pistol (nlld travelllllg in ke cenror on white glmiddotOU -I) aod his 1I10ttO s nefCO say ~ie All greal 1lI01l Ita0 their ou

c~ and of COll1l6 Dlicks hIlS I is And utlhollh I J b J d II deg1fflUlcm IIIRy nlG cen p aye lllon 0 110

p lid T)ora ill Nicargll or PIcn uIgt0nL Ih blrp of a Uousnd strlhgs-phits of the JURI

td perfect he is willinllo appORt at the Fitt I~~ce or at tho In8tanco of nny of his friends

liiake lllIrmalioll that lio nevoI diltld durlng wholo eOllrso ofllid eventful IIrii

unfortunate repordvas spread by tlH)

~fl4in with wlom I ho lately bad a quarrel ~e hope tbat he wouldbjberlt alllhe properly cit I ha1I 80 carefully colleete1 during mylay In PIe lIepublie Ind wltIltt consists of one CAmp itl1 two tgtox~ of matches lind the bottle III

i ~h IfQ Iept our stock of nguardlente I lIa9 l f h h I I

01110 t e city w on my en umn amptors hegan to middotlIp tho 101 loll wllioll has been 110 eagerly II noeltl nut OliO awallow does nOI malte II

~ n01 although sevel1 8w41101l ortbla cockta1

8 brollghL on tho WItor of my dlscOtltOllt l all this happened becauae Illy trnducera neg-

I to 8eason tho tail thoy ao Induatrlonsly

i oe cd out tetho pllblc WhenI returned I could ~ middot 1uraue the COUrIIQ open t0fenofhonor nor a l~ul1luc filr bofol8 ~ caught It Ihit upon n

unately I bit It ro than I did h1m

~ tl

oldti depr ve

Ii( not

n lent to bring the Captltun Jusllco but unmiddot 80 hord tlllnt l huurod myself

An idea then struck me t i ought 10 mil him out bui II struck so bard

r It r IlIC 0 t ~ p(Welll 0 8pcce~-I

thlllefore mil hlO out A friendmdmiddot I) do It fo~ me but ail lOon all he t quarlera of 1n1 one~) he found he

-Ekhnly do tho thing hy balvea lIlI Ihe Captain

defiance with such force at his head 118 to for moment Now m) friend is Bueh a

trump-wben be knows hos rigM hos

compamon) Into the procllC spol I antell It to IOtlg~~ H tho fourth rOllnd the Opblln was unshynblo to come 10 tln~ a1 the aftIIr WIIB Amicably Ilrl~jUlgud by the frlenda of both IInltlo biking II Abot al ftlOund At each oiler Tho ltlAptnln thon pologtd to nneka and ~rlek8Apologhlld to tbe Oilplnin and b3~ npologlZol to IlvllIybody and o~eribodj apologzed to each other nd all oxmiddot dProBBdel tllelr firm convielion that Brlcke Is not

en yet

A FltUlER Boy In Dren fountyIve tlsea for a wifo Ho says

He wants to knOw ifalte can milk And make his IreallUld butler

Anti go 10 meculIg without elk To ok a 111011 and lutter k Ii fl Id IIlIe ltIii 0 10 nOlf I t WOII urt fer Itollds 10 tnk up IIllteheaj 0 tile bultou on ble ahlrt

rckuke a pall of~reeohea

AlInn-An ble bodied portIIln to bold my Wre~ tougue shu lUd I bolD unable to keep b atlll c___________ __________s

OFFICIAL __bull__bull__bullbullbull____bullbull___bull__ ________ DECREE OF IItID GOYEBmshy

----====~____11~_~ rl~lt~~ ~~er~~t

lIere IUO 1 large um~er of ailUftis belonging 10lta buw~r or at least-Ibat when proceedingr t II eourse 110 cannot be taken aback lind reo t1i wng a little he thrcw lin Insinuation In tho

of tbe Captain wltlch I am cretlihlylnformod IIi - 1 r II In h f 11 80ven 0 I m~ rs to 8ny no ~ng 0 Ihe number of teeth wllich II mote or leBB inJured nerstherage ofmy friend weDt beJondnJlbounrs

il mlllht hllTG cOlltlnued to trlvellQ Ihl~ day middot I I h I td t h bull Th ~ t nb bull 11 bull cou no cross I II ravlIle e~Ca btll losl all centrol of his temper and was

lged 10 call tho oftlcer of tllo guard Ilnd Il file loWle 10 foroll lamp inlo 1 tte of subottlinntlon

b I I h Stat t N fI I us 08 10 teo 0 ICalamp~1 orever

7 both u length cme to I resolullon which a great effort tI~v succeeded in moving II ~they ndoavoured to CIIrry II but tailed

b til t k d bull d t d d d y ot en 00 a etermllH 8 an till Ishy- equally belwoen tbem rellred from tho Bold hW lIot eUled wondedng at the efforts my

had mild In m) boble and exprcrsing my

Inllll vlulIl 1 note WAB put Into m~ hanltl Captain reqllostmg me to meet hlln 1m at tllo Veil known houle of Te_

Ilero prompt aettlelllcnts usually bike tl_ A I h d bull ltl ltlt t th1 8 a ICV~ rOlve My ere I a e tlllment and did not tilerofOl8 owo any11+8 I COllented The Oaplain bad arrived heshyaIgt me r coltld 110ft much rAtll aud foil pimshy bi r II hi d b bullPOI 8 ace W IC COllY nce met III be IlIIUt 8Omotlllng Of course tbe calm dlgnlt) of countenance proved to the Captni al once I~t I wsa liP to slllllf bull ~llriekl tt s~ the O~ptain with lite voice of

Y en nxcarl Brick choOlllt your 1V0apolla Pocket pistals act0B8 middottbe table said I conmiddotttof a victory

h d 1 I h d I I e lYeapons wero pro IIce( IV tout e ayshy1011ed lip rOI~ tllo IIrst ~hot-~be Captain won and

~k 6u~h 1I swig a coolnced me It was going to ho1lO ClII) tight lie banded me tho WcnpOIl

middott bull~fOIIS tho lable-he knew holY BrIcks could 11e ftetlU1Md nol to dlSllppomlhim llnd aavlIgely middot med Its ecolell to the fOr bottORl~ Truo gil is olwa) respected and I could see a 1 kle of adrnl Allon III the C t bull p 1m s eye

1IelOtd old ski 11M IIlIid the oplllln 1I1IIS C hgrwlcd tho landlord ftS the rtal

~ -~


Departmcnt of Stata and Interior Relation Grannda Sept~ 23 18Ge

SIr-Tho Supreme EX4IIgtIItlve POWIl1 hu boen pleae~ to dietata through lhe )Ilnillter of War the f1lIowmg DOOIee _ ~ ~ lmiddot~~h~t of lne Roplbllc of Nlc4rngtlllio ita

Wishing 10 rciieve the people from fNlah exaoshytiOIlS of holllOS for tho 1130 Ollho AllOY Alld talring Into consideration Iht In VlIIiOO8 parta of the RI public uwoll In tito p_loll oflndiritlU8ls

IIl1l Govcrnlllei IU Vlrtlle of IllS authorltv bull DECREES

Article 1 bullbull11 horses and mules belonging to tho Republic IU be delivered to tho (hulDlllent for the use of Ibo Ann1 througb the Profects8l1bPreflletB anll Alcaldes ofbo IOIIpecUyO 10WIIS witltin fifteen day from tho publication of tltls decree

Art 2 AllY plll1lOn who ahall bave In hie poeshysesslon1 0hllo rumnls indicllicd in Arllellllelo and shall nelt deliver up the 811l11e within tbe aposhycifted time sball be Judged M II thiefal)d pwllsboo wltli all tho rigor of the Illw

AImiddott 8 Th~ Goycrllmell~ will proteel all Indl viduals who lIIali denounce the retalnera 01 idanimal alld will pUllhlb witll me Bamo Bevelll) thoae ho boln Inbrmod or tho unlllwrul PlSlll8shy


COMPANY A CIIlIILpoundI A WUTI_Captain )f r NADu-lilrat LimUolaoU

JAllU S Jl1ooamp-amp1I11 Liet_ 1 O bull Armalrong 26 James Morrow 2 lWbert Acher 27 B Y )fOOllllamp 3 Fred Abott 28 H )lcLord lIenr Adams 29 William )faMlng ~ Rlcbmoml Du 3fl Ury Mannint II fl BLI bull 31 Oharlea ProhUogton I ThOlllA8 1$11111 3~ Henry lW~man 8 F n Obrillty 88 William B11n 8 Mlcb COnRldllll 34 A Roth

10 181110 Clark 8~~ Tbemaa taW1llt II Rlchattl Doc 86 Jamea Smith 12 Ohbullbulllea Doul$herly 8i P Slumnon 13 A 8 Falrcluld 88 W G Turnor 14 John Fl~ld 80 00 Van HOllen lIS Thumna GilJ~on 101 Sergeaui 16 John HlI8kl 40 JalllesWlIlsb 17 John lel~llml 41 II W Vbeler 18 William rY1 ri 42 John Wel3h 2nd 19 Geor~e Jlmtled amprgeanl 20 William JckaoJl 43 JUlies Werrln 21 WlIIlim Xylor 44 Jalnea R cker 22 E~ R F LIIIoII 411 Patrick Everett 28 Samuel LOOI18rd 46 John Corcoran 24 John lIoon1 41 J F Taylor 3d 211 llellll )fowray Sergeant

CO)(P4NY B ClInt RUIIILIltWIcz-Caploill F L d bullbull__bull

bull lWlOM-lmiddotrbullbull Ltampf_uG V H ampmid L ltIt t bull OK ILL- M tMlI

I JOhn CoIln-lg 2( Jobn Ldnz i Oharea Wenzel 25 Oharl88 LupusII J_ph Soler 211 Philip )feye~

J4 Fran Nflier- lI1 Gharlo lloos8e1 II Ollllrlu KrauM 28 Auguslna )fullet G Jollil Axamp 29 CIIaS M~e1 Jom amprcr 80 B Marun 8 Edward Bibra 81 lWbt NowlllUn Igt Jolm BltIlIt 32 Cbarlll8 Pten

10 John JlIeta 83 Oball RoRIIeN 11 WUllalllFllesell S Etyard Rhein JII Theodore Fiek 86 J088(gtb Sohm18 Julllll Fnlllk 88 T Schrempllf

14 Uen1 F~ 81 OharleaScriba

11 Josepll Hoene 40 O G Staebbi 18 Oscar Hemil_b 41 JSchetlllUller 19 J Kuperr80bmld~ 42 Dion Straub 20 Leopold Klortbhe 48 Emile Seibt 21 Rdward Knndlg 44 O Ummorlio22 T Krcthenbaue 411 Ferd~ W(I8enbor 28 Artblll Hopper 411 Elward Wilke g

41 OuoWcher OO)fPANY 0

H1IIlll llvIlljIlLL-Oczplai A MoK P11I1iAK-Fir1 Li~ull4l1l WII NOllmslDoz-ampco1lll LkutlfllUlt

1 PalrlekButler II Thomu Brooke 3 c_ I D mue lOwn 4 1 Connelly Ii TIIOIlIIlI GarroU 6 William Oharles 1 (eo Garpenter8 D Cornlllllan 9 Edward Oorey

16 Edward IJlark 11 John Denllampm III Y OavidaonIII Dennis Elliott 14 Plttrick Evelamp 15 d Taner 16 R W Jlornud 11 Jolm Foote 18 Alfred GrRT III BeD Hardin

sioll of Rny RDlntal8 shall not cOlllllnmihl thu middot20 JantO llaynes bullbull010 to the proper authoritieM for the apprehen 21 J Uendersou sion oCtile offender 112 Charles Ghrels

AI1A ConlDlUllieated to whom It IDA1 concorn 23 David Jobnes Given in Granada Sepl 281856 OOMpANY D

WHo WAL1CER 4 bullbull

To Ibe Uinisamper onVt Gen Hawo llneda Iw8 F GIIANFir-CapalllBy suporior ord~r thl~ Is communicated to you A STIIULun- Ir LiltUtnallt~

for your information anti plOper aCIOIl lOtto Wooke 23 Heury POlice M luuiPA Minitor of W IU 11 Emilo Barrora 24 Wm Sommer

- - 11 RttD Schmidt 211 Dan SchrAde~-otite 4 p Blite 2amp John Viti IIO Bauman 27 It Conslgne

AII PERSONS buylog eJaime agnlnI UO estetes of tho (ollowlng named dacouetl per-

SOIlS will preaon illem 10 HIli dulYlIulltontiealoo on Of bef_the 28lh day ef Dltltl 18M otllerwlso lher will be ban-od by law


And all persona indohled to tlie estates of Ihe above deC_tid pencns willlllllke immediate pay m~nt to me

bull GILBERT TlTUS lublic Administrator

bull OriclIl4l DptlI1mellt Scptam~r 27 18M

Gralladn Ci~ R nblic of Nicarn a 1 p _~_____~__ _

Recorders Office 1IlE Office or the Recorder of Deed llorlgftges

kclol~ tbo Oliolltal Dcpftl~tmet of the Repllb lie will be opolled ill tie cll) (If Grlln4da on )fon doy tho 9th ofSptembor 18$6 All persona are Icquired by Decre$ tu hllve tbelr 111106 10 lauds In tbe aforoeaid Departu6lIt recorded llIlin Ix mouthB afier thllt date A~ OIL[I

Uecorder Cotlto Oriental DllpArtmellt Granado Sept 0 11160

___________middot_~-_middot_~~N __

9 H F Jemel 26 Edward CI 4 U Ki ~~ ~uoa ng2l James Lovelace liS James Jandretll 211 Patrick LarriplI 30 H F Miller31 lV G Martin 32 J W LoughUo 311 Wtn UcCarthy 34 Pat ODonnegan 3~ Tbomas Pldgeoo~6 William Rose 87 J A $mlth 88 Oharlea Smilh 39 Thos Wintore 40 Jolin Barnacle 41 Oscar Cromrol 42 J Lyster 43 D W Wilkin 4-1 J W AUSllu 46 D Cook46 Tbomll3 Fitzgerald

8 Jolin DUjDIIII 28 FrAncia OUU8fOno T R D(lbn 211 Phil DlIllllagnu 8 amp Darllf SO W P O)piand 11 Theodoro DiU III UOIIIIY IWICII

10 Henry Dalion 32 Phillip Leondra 11 Allton Gtlbbe tz 33 J08 lchuillIlan 1il r Grantz 114 Fred Dirkop 13 Tboo f1e~Rrell 311 JAmes Muller 14 8 1I1l1Ilbellll 311 W m G4IIOlly 16 Pierre lUtirre 117 John IJargell 16 Leup~ KrotolVslty 38 Jllllles FiunegAIIIi Robort Kempf 19 J J Schuylor 18 Jllle3 Jehlolld 40 Jamea Dale 19 lieu lIerteo 41 James lIall 20 CharlO lrelltz 42 -~ ONea21 lIenry 1aul80n 43 W MAgntc 22 G P_I 44 Pal J Rivers

------middotmiddotmiddot-middotPmiddot--b-Ii bull S I U t a eNOTIOE 19 bereby given th3~ I will Pl1)Ceed to

sell at l~m1C UOTIONIO Ihe hlghot bid let III tllO cIty of Sai Juan del Sur 011 the 10th day ofOcto~r no~t all tho properly belOllglftg to the estate of 8 Worden deceased The PIOpel~ty conslsla of ono house and several articles of POI 80nal properly J lRIEST

Amerlcnn Co~ul Sail Juan del SIlr amppt lIG 1861) Id

Lilt 01 Letter Remalnlllg In 1011 ORlee in Granada Sept 27 66

Alvares J M Ayula Houie A Drown Geo If Drinson J P

BOD8II1I Chilli D Brclay lieDr)

Dohlldl Mula 1 Bula DOli F Drown Geo

Berry E nlngoryno Benell D J

BOtdlllIll FA Bowlllan Wm

DllU Z J

Cole Sam (oopr Thomllll Clrlslophle )fouanlr CIk B II

Oasaaamp Sam R Clark Albert ClIlpbell Oapt CoI8lnan J T


Gapwell G W Conklin B K 08181100 Don Franciaco Cowley tat CovlIlllry John Carpentar Courlarde Don BernadoCooper John CabreraE Campen Cr Colman M W cwillo M Dick JaB Dulton II J Dyer P Il Donalds 0 II De Fltlfer J W Dickaon II Dunn ThoQl Donamplly W D Dobert) 1 Duall F )fDbullbullhon J J EisoUIck Pablo EV~II~ ED Fiaber Ju T 8 ) IlIg_rald JIB Irnulll J C II Faysaux C J Grahalll D It 2 Geilacb S Gliddoll JT Gregor G AGuenero R Ga9kiUM Gt~hlk C Goodlllan W H (IIbbb Gillllor Thomas Gilmore Stph 4 Gray A GaltlliealV Do G A HouJ W nume W viHagallP Hoes8T Itchingamp Wm J Hob BaaT narrle Ohs Hooker Clark Haley 11[

Jollnlton L Johnaton A JohnslOn It A JOlle lfeBC Knapp l F KlpOscotKllimph J E Ktlch John LiIIlBeld WD

)leKy)f n )fdlpio J W )forrie J W McMullen Jno A Mackie Rob Mims J It Berm JIlS )f Mendel T )UIIlI J R look Wm Morales Pedro 1IyrtbullJno Mlrlonl J J )fOOl Jrred Marlin Robl M_bH)fellow WmT 1Iyora EnriqueMosl01 T A Hundel D Moore J GP MoMauo H JMylord Juan Nag R8 Orosco J A Polioo Lon Luis PattaraOD LulaPlacloa Enriquez PoloinoDPownder John Pemberton TboaPemberton Thos PlckreagiU R W PowersEdw PanooOha Qulntal1l11 Rue Paul Rutb Jobn Ronalda O L Roux LRogg J ~ RuckerO II Sturges G A Smitb T B Sandera E J 2 SweeneYlJas WSchundera T [ Sherrin HugbSnyder Dr J n Schleulnger EllqSpann A SUIlVII J Swan Jno It Salford F G Shed Ob Sturtz Jacob TIIICSCIIIc H L II fowns Aa 0 Templo T amp-8 Towsle) D TrentiniO Y 2 Tompkin W A TogllAoca Te C II Uoler FM Vega Don 0 Watklntt Lewis D 2 Wlllialll8Oll WITWeeb It II White Wm Wllre Edw 2 Wbite 86m IWiIllanl8A V Wayne Geo W oight Thoa Wood NF Willson Jno J( 2 WaH A WilIiAlms A Y Wyn A Walllh JaIn

n~ P CRANE PostmasterGeneral

Dr lingu Post ENDERS HIS SERVICES to the citieua 1)(TGranada and vicinity In the practice of

MEDICINE SURCERY amp MIDWIFERY ar Olllee and reaidollloo on the 80ulbweu

COrtlr of the street oppallte the San ampancl$eo Conven~

Granada 18li6

Dalid ISIaug FFERS FOR SAIE at his placo San SebasO tIan Street 0110 1101110 above G~ Ph lle~

chors store Flour Wltlte-sugar Candles Uackerels Olivo

4fOIllaUcScldodrun Sebnapp bllttdlphia Ale and POImiddotte

Wille Olaypipes TERYS CUB

- ~ -- - -- ---------~-ilIJlX A TRODJlN



Togellier wilb l~rJ COPPElt JvnBUEEr~rJlO AnD ALl KtlC 0middot 600D BOrn IN 4 VJlOLpound9AU)flO~HopitAl 8tNlO~ III -ollt ofSanraoeisco OoIlUII

GranAda June 7 1860




fpound NICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 49 p 5 Sabado 11 de Octubre de 18561 Saturday October 11 1856 3Dl

W~T WE ARB STRIVING FOR ROMANaS OJ WAR THII BAY ISLAND8 AaaAL 01 mIlt raow 5bullbull-)( J -- Fella iii IellowfMWollfr Ind fe-lIow_llaquo qI

Th ra AI a pe-rlod In the ahOi t bn CIcntrlll To lbole ho b noylll been parllclpators In The 1Ihlll rollm aetlled on IiIe 0 nclt Eetrampef In ClIba h arrlyed at New YOft timo bAt Americana bave been In Nicaragua whea campalgo war appeaR to ba roll 01 hononl about wInch eo much dlplomaoy h betn lIpelld ~hm 8paIOlaft~endurinamp 100amp aeri ofpua tu) Irere brandcd b tbe porltanlc people of the Their 1II1ncit dwell pon bloody OCIlIlIletll ind ed between Ihe United Statea aad G_t Britela Ea~~ 0 pUIr oIlt year ampnot

I - r- pItOIIIId I bull a IIHbute~) s little blllter thn the brlgandl oC the Bolmiddot on 01 _illig a1ft14 before til wbta do ool Hem dIOIIIl4 to IIIbIuIl to w lat eo -oel Ill Fells who bad beea i__ kolo P ropetiu mlddil IM or tho bUeMlI tb-t inmiddot tbeir thouamphta dwell apoll thlife of a lOIalr III Tentioll collcluded betw_ Mr nu IDJ Lord prleon ror a lonl tlrae wlib blm lID ~ IIImlshyrleq the COlltS oC Contral America daring ita traetioo irom sa ogo to half-eivUlzcd liCe Sollie wcre even bold enough 10 denounce U8 plrato and lao who wad 110 higher or more ennobling lurplea Ihall to rolS tho woak alld to oppreaa IhbIa ho could nol rcain our poer Why Ihey rho~ think 80110 (Quid not dcvlse for theycte~ publlshedtlleir roGSons with tbelr oplolonl They ~(lIgttulnlr did raquooUao any tbiog In tho nctlona f ~lnelmiddotlcan In Illb countr to jll8t1r lIucb an

I e bull don Thty seemed to overlook the eWllI tm ~at we having rccched our earliesl training utr Iho manlier of tilemsclTes Aroso to manmiddot 1uood~dQr tbo purifying InftllencC8 Of tbo sAone itOi alld hving instilled Into U3 Itom tllo lint 4bullbullm ~r our petClptionl the sreat principles o hlc call rcpu~UCllllism could nol do olberwlo

tban 1 turtAln tbe dellpeat r6gard8 for tllo broadut UbtI~ ff the Indlldud 1~6n Valker In bls Inaugural addrw

lY Ule IIIIIlOllt liberty of speech patiblo Iti~b order IIlId good sov

i 0 ~~h~fun~I ofnil polillcal bull I e cling 118 r u JlOI

IbIe Ie materlll deTelopnlcnt of th~ State J ballIO unmindful oflllllntellelaquoIIIII and motu reo ~Qltellellts To prolIIote the proper eduOitioll of Ihe p~ole and to oneollrage thenlln tho praet1cee or t04t Diflno flIlJllon wheh COlllltltbita hlIIIlla

~ or lIlIid~rn elvllbailoll eb1I be the objecl of prl-IMt) ~mportalco1I Ib~ Ito tile prillciplea wblch IIOt ollly JUld

th clUet ftliaR bll b I IIbh d dOPUL~J 0 1111 f c uaiwlC narlgallel h l1 po til 0 Amer cana nce ell ar VI In

do dollntry Tbe woret enemy toour poace and

Ih~lv J1XI dcanlmlla NlcAlquala but tbe genius of

olliam reduced down to practice We

lit ~ tbrougb the pme Impulse Of IDetllletfliat pela the Engllsb to push their colonlea to dIG remotest COrlllltf of th eArtb and iblt loduees 1M Amerieep ia tbe United States to I ould r 101

bull IU aad his rifle aDd penetrate tblt deptb oC the _ Illd ope~ an wlld__ Into the broad rllgbt of clvlftzatlon W bullbullre her bringing - L U oh tl 1401 f lit e _ago arta a~ t y Jllry 0 our famplhtre nd Ibe balloloboll of our brother and we are lIere fulfilling fot tbe first time 1118111vloo prophae1- Wbolo oitionslllmil be cooferted In ON ~1

W~bout hesItation or etaggcration we can eamp

6tt 0 are Ihe ollly ractfeal mlulonariolll of the pepelliince th day orst raul oSt Patrick IIId w_ hue ~lready done more fo~ tbe caUie of

lit don la Oenlral Amerllta than aU the preach IDC at liu been done lIere Ince the da1 of~ Et

bllll Nicaragua has already received from IlII 611Cb puth onwDrd ldlf ery 0110

ifill ere to leaveOmorro Itwould be1on1l L__ Ilate Ie tho Spanish retrograding tendency

ItIIId rng hor bkCk ioto th eocial politbal and IIOIA1 arkn from wbleh we hLe reBcuoi her

1IH1P Snoonu-A reglll corps of sharp ~ baa beoo orgaIlized in eacb hallaHon The 11M lIIavQmrll la eYery compau are selected IJId diell armed with a llonle muskei B this ~IIenl II body Is organizod who may bOIe-W~ to kill a mn 1I one tbollAnd yarde tllre8 II fill offlv~

(I BORNlnYS COllluIID-On Tuosda Jt t bull y bull

tH Vgin btOUih~ up f om Si (iJorgc the entire IOIIIUI~lId under Brig Gen O C 110rll8by making II addition to Ibo garrleon or 160 mell

~ lIIl ()~luBl-Tbi stealller arricd in San

JdIi 01 lur 011 W cdnesda S1le will remain at

I bull

01 t until tbe Pauenlllllamp arrive b1 tbe next lui r from Ne Yorkf11 $I SIIIgtOTINII-For the Ias~ tbroo daye the

ItI sertlee Bllt war wllbaU III dlIipeeabie Clarendon Afler a 101I1Iym8nt of th Bog 8l11rollndln ami 11 Hults ofteo tillia open 110 rule whlel INII 01111 eoaured jU811e but a Ul the pathway to more eoJoyment tbao can oc- hlol4 ohaCety they ho DO Idea of belog traMshycur11i Ibo doll round of a 1_ active liCe The lerted to the tender mercies InJ IIICOIIIpotent aumiddot plrll wbloll nrlse when b~lIe boata Ire about to lbodl 01 tbe nge Guardiola They bout engageln combat u properly evbed 1I11amp11lb oc- righ for th only prospeot 01 amp ohlUlp III Ibelr (ion arill and In ita ste-d the ruea of iltoatloilborthowonJC UndertheruleolHonshyfrlerubhlp and tbe bappleat of ROOd felloyenhip I lultlvled It is bllt nllIral that where II14II) men Ara mutually depOlldent upon the plowcas and bravery of each OIlier II Irong allllI of brothershyhopd 8110uld bind Ib~m In thlt tho Nicaraguan Army bosond aU othor allord bull the beat ll8tIllce of

_ bull - bullbull- II Friend no rbullbullt Ol1I Whoso doublemiddotbosoms seem to wear one beart Whuse ~jUI-s wbOl6 bedl 10_ meals and

exel CI80Are 1111 logoll18r whove tllln u twm In 100 lnupaable

Tho Flnl Rifte Bttellon ot Iho Arm Ie tba (lldot and on thle llecount appear to claim the right of setdng all example to their equally brave compllllioniof other batUion1 of tb Joillt of II

bull bull soldier lifo Being oflleered by men WilD Un told their forlunesal ibeIr IIIItlv hom Bearing their birthrightl proudly on thel b To IIIl1ke a hazard oIae foriunel h r IIC I r ore n briebull a braYer cltoleo 01 dauDtlebullbull _plrlts~~ft~u~~i~~degti~e


trut pldloeophera lId lIIeD of 1IIIdonJtandlng turn the preacnt to the beat adlIntap

When Itll undentood Ib tiltmiddot r IL ~ hmiddot bull I t 1- I Imiddotere 0

q e1n cOlIllgtry canna po 10 0 II e nmiddot Nortll Yere mareblal toward thlt capllal th ~ In wblch Americans here have eo rar forgot- Fint 111801 were ordered from their qurte U teft thp01aelv aa to eommlt any act w~lch would an dyaneeguard of the Nlcanguan Amy 1t8ec~upon Ile hlgb elate of clvllillltion of their Thev enCAmped at the J lteba Ch reb

d b th dmiddot OIl I t h bull II on w ~ ~ 0 lUI c bullbullbull men II Ollie outlklrta 0 11M elt1 rortlloI~I the polladimiddotma han been bore a there are and urrDulllllng Illeit pmeol pOeItlon I Id

- boo In ever CODIDlunily individllala 10 - gruay Th IccInllea for lancln III the Iocallt tjjly organized to allow thel pollllon to g 1

re too lIeat to _pe the 1tItchful ea of ~hlOr tbtlr bettlll Judgemeat But tbe tbe B16e11 and their hammock were _reel

on eplllirYllItn III ilriDltlliiCH alld ~ 11111019 up Tbey are too gallaut to keep to themlety AlllercAiIa bave treated tbe natin of tb iaeounlrJ eo much h1oyDlOOt Inltatiou re Immedt I k L v bull

~ ~ magnanimity Dot nown among ona ately lltued to the ladl ami pAtIomell of Ora IIld aa weUa to their brother 01lc8

Adance on tho greeD by moonllgb wOIIld bull A hi If _amp

temp n ooy mle e no lIot A1 thereCore 1I1Ih what a1aerlly the IlIvitltlon met wltb compliance

Befot tho moon badfaMy apread her hom bull

lIgure were rUdillg rapldllO And fre and ladlOll on boreoba~k belln to -mye The dear era turea looked In lb parllal gloom l1li1 pf moat bewltoblo beau wblcb altronwer IIhl If u1

thing augmented

__ Nlghl Shows tars and women la a fair IIgbi

rett Dancing waa Of cbulll Ihe order of the lIinht

I - _Aad when

lfumcrOl6 WIlli Ita yoluptuouuwollampn e~ea looked lue to YII8 which epoke apln And al went merr1 u marriAge bell

Dallclng with II Its lellirableneea does ltayeI r --t b II dbmiddotat I 11108 a 8 Ii Oll lUI IIg ten Olley ut we

Rille aro the IlIlIt III tlll wOld to rorget the nomiddot eeultlei of the Inner man In II eommodlollll toom at a eonv~nlent distance from where the dancers danced II board was ead ltll a prolll sian 01 viande and wboo beVtnl$eII wore reshyqUlred tlOJIIe Iere furnished lIIcll exhilirated but did not Intoxmte

001 Eo J~ere lind Lieut Col F Atldereon controlled the entertainment so 1111 aotl eo pleaalllgl) tiift were il IIOt they are alroad Imowno ellcel In the inillwy profeulun alld It bmiddotb lib tiel - Ih t

aYO O W I r 1110 cam an or thelllselee in the Temple)f Fame 1ft would be Inclined to adyl them to devoto tbemselves to Ing or aD entlreli dUfcrent and 1_ edIIf~ rol$ nalure Bul the plelUure wo enjoyed Is somowhat mingled wiLh 1 regret for thoeo Who

t ~ d tl I bCOU IIG en1 1 alice on 10 green If It II ellvlnblc felow whOle good fortune II I to Iotcd Ihe First RlRt Battalion

---------- Ll01EII-The laily of )111 Potier 01 tho Ordmiddot

dllma they will not only be lubJected to tho peUy tTrano) oCa bQlrmiddotbreed Indian J8IIoulOf their IU

periorilJlod pprehendy oetbelr power bullhybull

wlU be excmp Itom lnythlogllke proteCtion from ~ht ronp thai IIronger pow 1111 lee II~ to plol108 upon theXl In their IlIdlldu tapieIYFoelln(~1 their dQoadvantallOf thy Very MIumiddot bullbullU1 obJcel to 1111 amalgamation with th goy- tollty 9111he tid ~rlirrh lut M~rF~Ulm mellt of lItindllrU The followlllg extfaol flOlll a dlatetYleIkud went to Glb la from hloli cormpoodent oCtbo Now York Ifld dated al PaceUhe t paeaag~ O LtveIOOI d thence to

lilted 8htos amYmg Boston in thetea Ruatan AlIgl8t 19 will Fbow 1I0w the people hlp Nlapn on the 8th or lUlllt lut )lr Felli ~ere Iook Up80 the Coolfentloo and ho tbey II a cllifin of Ihis couatry 1IlIkcl) to act In the ueat lbo troty rallfied )lr FIIIII no ill thia city enPlled IS the wltbollt alty COIIIIIIItltiOa with ibeluclilimente Go1lmment lrantor

A reporamp having IJI~ em Ruatall tbat the Bn -------- shydab governlllent w gOIng to deli IiIe eoIony A HOlllItla-80111e gentleDlen were amlllinof the Bay Ulandl to their orlKlnal ~ (the Ihemaelrel yeate-d afteraooll b III tIii State of HondlllV) It ha caUted eonaiderable es- alii to t at dlatenc Y 00 g at

ciltment and the Prealdenlof 1M Leglaladve AI- II a on e frolll the 0 sembi called a It neral meetlogofthe InhablWttl wharf ampad aucceeded III _dlllg bullet Ibro11 for the purpoee of pelillolllo ber lIaJ~y 011 tho the IIrUa 0( one Th monster _II pye Ill the lIIUecl uuamp 11 bullthe~ allUmtnllll ~ at thlt men- - III 11 ed on tbe hore IiIII tawlI1e

log wblob tootplaoun I oclock on tb 18lb Stlidwl~ ~bout nille feet IIId eYeD III death he 11I1i1llld proIul$ toally reeoIllllolI belng-d J ee appearance oIlelng a II ugly elYshylalllyllldlldualtellprelled I 1rDII1tenaa tomer TboeewbowLlhtoatudytheanuomof their IIlItlmelltl 011 theUlattlr AcoJorftpomiddot tberilterwlllfindblmaowllogoDlhebeadampt1eman boldlog a hlllh ofllce on the IaIorul doell red that he would DeYer conlen( to -01 lloa luaus WampOOIl-Wina 00 bae _I GOt shyboln _t to th Bdlilh soY--t tor It bad _ IIaIHt oPplClled Ih people too much ampad II uo I 11_ e~plWl waampon we JWnled and quite a gDftmlllOUI gaYe th up II~ _ wmln and ampy100IuII concern In tblg eoUllt) wh tIIere able to take III rmlto deCend themaeleII (rolll are nothing but - willi whe lIIade byllampwfni thelllYMIoo oCthe Hon~_ So oth oIIthe butte oIa trbullbull and punchlog holethrwgb followed III the tlwe wlrlike emdn which _0 th Ier r h to tbe taete of Ill 1_lIag 1111 liiio ~ bull ceo or t I ampIlemiddotwe It Ie oow rIged lip Chat the lurplllll reveoue ehOuld be dnoted to dI ampad the drinr duhe through tile elty In a purehMe ofarms d amm1ll1llooi ob 1IIId that amtocratlc mteor mildbull If Ihe were 101 lIeutral the HoadufOll would lea them III the q Ie~OI of the BIII lll4UZlIIL-We are Indebted 10 II the Nlearagum eml~Dte lIditr the _d publ1tb and aIao to Wine Co EllprtM fof

~~b-ped wllh hit lite 111 FeU~ andIfhIl~g hoe ~ ~thtrlO ober 1861 tenced 00 the 24th of )larch fo~olnw- 11 JeanJ ilnpriloomen Ceute and to enJure I~4 -ryelllllllce oC the poIiee Ille ellpiration ofthllt i~ pU1lllUlce of II I h b SpainOlitheJtofJ~neamp1I d~~eavfo~ 011 the 811amp orte memolllh On the 181h ~f JuloIIOI~ be w tlkell to Cdur wllere he ~t ~~~II ~e ~thmo( 1If1~ Fromdtllbe prilshy

rov ula an t rown Into tbe IlronJlbold called UMbo and itep COtl

t1nuallr In ehalna Iu th mlWllillle tho friellot ~~Mr ~eUAaIll tmUited Statu were not Iliac by~b~nQeo s f nOII~~ tmiddotrb~ jug_ted

lIec ofthelrfoll1 hubeen M~olllJ b their wunhe a ~d~l(eoa ampbe 1Ieen wu got O(ClellIlValker 1Ii~(lllampOPJh_fuIIooplbullbull Q(tllube nlblallIthlT lertIOIIIIfIt promen tblt State h lib bull I ~~pored ha hlbe mtla~~tf~ Colllow do -1YWi ~ lubecribe to HI1 ta -I and attac llIenl to _I oroWII can 10 -IV net bull Co

but 1amp had qwte III opposite e4eoI (or dI (8e11nS It that lhi tallallon tbat It ImpOllidIbr the _eIIt WIIIUk Ce-lIrHlnkle theactlOtDmodatlllg Of_I_oJllclllllU1gh~ltat beea ed Jufdlbey ~oIth aboYIl lbp has plllcedumiddotlnpc been pOllllllted to relllalll llldepedelt ampad lItIo - of our replar fll 01 Butern Md Pacillt lrat ootcolouized III dlreet viorauoll of IiIe Clay ncban We h ton and Bulwer tre17 II ope to elbe Exp bllllintfa

HallY suggeatlona were 01l8red bUI thllt 1I1ob thorougbly organized agaIa

Tho gIy bat ceqQeltisb rldingack and the ward of the pori 01 lrUxUIo and about tlleame tanWlzlng Impudence of th 0101111 wbleh 1 tllttlnee (rom the IIInd of ftllliall There8

11011 now abollllorlJ Germampllll IIIId AlllerI_ a worki IOmellmilli 01181 11 thade of uncertaint over tllllr tuch au their PIOBpeCB thai tbe have J(feD the Call facM rendered the IICeno one of Intense 11Ite- place the name of New California Iluan I

seemed lito tn08~fslbIe wla made by 011amp of Ihe rea1denta-Ibic~ In the event 01 tho colon belag e _ted by til British they thOliId aend to PrealdeDt Walkar aoeking Ilia rdlluce ud reshyqlltiUng him 10 aend a bod) oIlrDIIpI to prrleon the Iellnd for aD 1I0vemmell~ 11 betler than that orHOliduru

Emi lion I _11m III to th ne1 dllccrrned pld de altuf on tbe _t Honduras at bull river called Belfltte within thirty mU wealo

therelOre IikelJ to bo tho depot to lind fioolll the

bllru OJ RxcAl1ITs-Co1 E J ampcod bull ~ 41li

broughl down (rom California secnty reQRlCII which ltayO been moatly _ignad to Iholllral Buia Battalion The tillookcd like men of therlght stripe


)1011 REOIIVITamp-Col Jack Allell amvW 0 Ifood It wltb near 008 hlllldred recruits UIlshy

der Capt J B Graeo Bolbmiddot lt101middotAlleoantl cpi Of0011 hbullbullbull retumed 6-0lIl furlough

PBR80NlL-WeannOllnce 111 I h t f J V Fb I ure I

e IIrn 0 bull bull ens to Grallada aaer aD amp1gt Ullited States all 118 ncelln harbOfll 0 arm llen~e ofthree moolbs to tb Eatttmiddotrn Stites advlllltages for 8ucb II purpose nuelt baing p fecily 1e from north winds 111 tbe winler amp8011 List oC Letter------=-----=-

ColllKG SrSl1JIER-Th ateamer Teno_e na Remaining in the Post Office middotrccei-ed adnrliaed III New York to lellve ror San J_ del sinoo August 30 J856 Norte OIIlhe 6th or oampObar wlIlub would mako A d J J had t t T it n reAlIer v GIl a preseo OIl or w Irf8 Andolllon 110m I aufllolellt to IMIIe lhe trip and we -1 th_ Aharez DtD rore expect 111 arrivil about Thursday nut with Dlalr Oharl datal up to the 6tll 01 October It ia IIIpJlOled Brown Oeorge that the Onba III bo at 8m JIIAn del Sur in Ood~ Themu time take tho PuaenllerA by tho ~elt8s throh g~itJDon to (lallfornla Afler the Tllne tht Teunesaee ia Cottle Caellye regularl posted to I on the 14th Ihllll piol or_lg R R utwo atelllnera thlsmWthftom New York 8ioce Orowel~ John Ue above WAll written the Orlube arIed Sail Co~por Tbomu luandel Sur EflCkeoD cP

Ftlgerald 0 0 NJ(IAuGu GlIuM-Werecelved largo FitzenldGeorgobun II 01 ti If I DB C Flshe~ Bordamln c n~ 00 grapca om bull e fIIfIO apt Frank II

N N whlcn a~lbough ~ot jQlte equ~II1 fllI~r GOltel H to Ibe best ~bOIIIh are fur an uncultivated milt Gardne RP of good qualilYmiddot We have 1)11 been ofopllIon Cilnllll John that NlcaraguR would before all1 very dlalaDt diy lIaley )I

Leltl8ll Ourtil Lockwood E 0 )lullen J Vahon 0 lIlIIer D 0 lie ioigan J 0 Nag R B

Otllllaa J D ~Imer J p~MA

2 Piper ~1 bull SwaD J R

a S1OCUIII Cpt BRlall Jaoee

Trvllllj Chas lJ

2 Taylor A W rlgbt A w~A H West Lleui J S

be the flfet vine growing counlryln tbe orld-A lIagtl_ TampOIllIl Zarrl J 6 11I th III d ft f h abo Jorlrnan Wme p 01

not un e so an u~ 0 t e vo mOIl lIooed buncbrengthODll St~U Taeticbull

IbllHD PlPIlIUI-Womual apo1og1ae to llr THE GBNTLB~UN Who boTOwad ftOID Col Munt Cooper Nwpaper Ageus III San Fran Fahers ~r Ille ampoolld VoIulIIe of

Hert companlee III the two ~Ul8 oualiona lIanee Deparlmenl CII1IO to Or_la by tbe Jut cIIco rot 001 relUrolDg mlr thub-for tlta COIIIIan~ Scott 8 Tacllcs will ampICfllle retlltll II 10 CoIollel lave elaquojn CIIgtged III target 8lercuu Tho oootmiddot steamer and w happy to A oXfleeta 10 make and eOpiOli IIIppllee 01 1- pap wlarla 1fI111 III Ii~t U~iT~iR)(AK ~_~~~~~plI~e~~a ~llghly crodtablo tbls her fumo Iollle conllauu to rerei lila baa-Clemmiddot1t (obullE 8ecoD411l


bull bull

pound+ NICABAS[JENSa Vol 1 No 50 p 3 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October lB 1856 309

IruIrti~1 mu~il to urge them on but with ISA J(E US FROM OUR FB1ENDS 1 victory land defiance Btamped on their mud8~ned figures lind written on their ampvin~ bllnneri-lllf I tlien there WIIs a eIIout went up rrom the anenat that was eohf)e~l from the old prochi~ churoh and rolledori and grev heuier nt the GUllrdshyhousea shuut that carried hope IIlId new lifo llri te1rful joy to the hearts of our flmil~s nnd friends but such terrOI to tho cr Ivon enelny that they could not fly and ~ II IIlIlUY of them in the pitfall they hi ug thmsolvel Ihore wero some who ampld it and at first knew not its mean ng-trhlllds who were cut (1ft and Iring n their hOll8ell In momentary ex

~on of the 118sasine knc But as Gen fNlllker and hu boy~ drew near the plpza alld saw stili floatmg (rom the

i1agStft ill Its centre tbe devieBlo( free Nica I h Ii Id I h

U mo dr gUR- d n It~~ w t ndazth

1 lr ers t Ie re P inot JArs -11 U8 bull b h h mg natives men w 0 were onre t ellbOWltlta t NIClalua was ltlll safe the drum and fife struck up Ihe homely old IUneof Yankee DOl)dle and tbosewbn knewtDflt tbe meanin of Iho lIbou knew

bull bull g 1bel that IR other dl~s had led theIr falhe~ from vlotoy to victory

On year preVIOIIB ell tIlt very day the n ver tobu-forgottoll 13th of Octuber Jr Viillnm Walker entilred Granllda bull hi d b b Iill t u1t tlUifl an t IS WlUl IS com

If n gt

middottom g 4lir 4VENlOROUS PdRTY

bull f _ _ bullLale 011 the evening or Sunday tbe

12th aparty COIliamptillg or MlijOI Rogers Minis o- of aaclenda Col Thos F C dtllce ahe Qualmiddottermaater General apt lute lite Those were the traltols who JUAN OTTON DB OPPLBIf

I T Slm~ls of t~e Qllarlomast)rs _par~ came 1Il~0 Grannda with patllotlo eheera IUIhNlJ1UU mel)j 901_ Lam~ olle of Gen W~Iker 8 llpoll thou lips thllse were the mon who Tbe card one of line Brhltol board ud In-Aills] flUd an escolmiddott (If about Haeen Ran promised to81e the country-these welo di6ttcd much taaampe lillie Uecullon Hla pookol gets ~ltted from Muaya for be city r- Lire Illell who cl~tIed Ibe eVllngelism of beok 10101 amp3 oil ca hie _muloC ~n Grandll They had Dot IIdYaneed far whenI It

bull became eVident that IUjwould be

bulllanirOOs to proceed and Mal R~ers bullT

retutlea to acquaint the Gcneral of the

ct_ The remallldel of the puty enmiddot d h h B bull etm e 01 t e nlg t 8)10 monnngiller ~vere attlcked and Lhough they deshyfended themselves bl8vclyMd 811Meoood in cutthll thlir VIY through they were

I~rg partllls of th6 cllemY line Wllle thlr foro obliged to mllk very Clircuitous lOIItIis- Col Fisher witll hismiddot two com pan~ns Iilturned on lhnltltday mnrni

bull Th4t wero very milch ftl~Ued havmg

h Ii h t h _l ell ~ not lUg 10rn l c IIno t tly start irom MlIsnyn until thl) arrived nt Grll-IIId excolpt 01100 whero they hllpPned tpg~ W a small hut where thelo were bullineieen women and children aud onlyL

OflO mnnbull fhe Colonel placed tI guard 11 tb~ dour ttl prevent tile Igres~ of IIny i ilftllF natives lind thonprovliled SOIllUmiddot

~h1rqt to pal rr himsdlf lind men ~1 D1rlng tho woek lievernl others f thll

rt IIlThmiddoteel IhtY nrted CRllt Slim fmiddot -- lOis ael II they Imd soen bis hrse CII IItd him and supposed tbat ho hllli reshy

loClvd a semiddotolo wound But fortunately CoP~ SammilS himself arlivlld III the tity

thiS OfulIlg_ II hnt Dllt belu founded adEd cllron nllthillir faom tltt) tilll he

left 81 II IIntll be IIrrlved ho( romaliishy

Weare informed by InttrUlgen and loyal Democrats of tbis city the when tbe late attllek Wllll made upon Granada they gave up all hope for the olty Nlit knowing the character nf tho American people nlld helllvhig it Impo8lllhie amphat OliO hundred and fiay mfR and a portion of those Infirm eould contend IIUCle8tlfully agnlust the heavy odd coming down upun U8 from U qUllrter many of thuse eople ran away to the Inountalnll allIlln 80me easel we have heard of them being alaulthshytered In the woodllwhithlr they had gone rr safety When it is known that mallY of the eini~salies of these brutalities were flrmer rosidents of Granada it call_reeshyy be credited that even savages would

th bull bull b pursue IIlr paSOllons 60 ar lit DeVrshy

bull theless It is a truth thnt the mOIl cold blooded atrocities were performed on flee

noxt door Doi hbor There were but rew enga ed in t~68e horrid trn edlea for we

g tfi dl I th t it r I Ie JUN len say ng a ou 0 fI ppu amiddot tlOIl of fiCteen thou8and Granada did not furnish mllle thall three hundred men to the ranks of theallOmy and th~we three gellOucbed hundred wele only enemies becluse the Among die -1 o-ro -pu trom lIIe elle-A h d i t duced I t G ad m1 shOll at tbe Jaltoba wu Uebrf WalleN

merlcans a n r~ n 0 ran a wbon 8ft heuy-casod gold hUlidn walch bull plan of hvlng Without the It waB ampeod bampIIich would ollletlt bay --_bull bull UN_

unce the prlvdege of the II1111tar1 Umllllrs hlacroln ill bullf auk 11110 III wate IIDt in this city to raile the wind by the laY Ibe Ju snob A sbocIt gave hit tam he re-

most questionable meuulesoodll8 a mall oeed 110 InJUlf He hu already fonpe III four lor of cOUrie when II better governmllRt bampltlea IIIlder Oell Welker ud 1fU he was established under Gen Wlliker these kldng of ()ta1IIIdbullbull

titletl thieves found their OOOtlpation Kune One genU_a left 1IIoIIowlng card In on of r alld thllrewith the chaneeot IivlIl a ditiSo tbe ho_ III wbleh be cook UpA tempotll1 rtal

order-these were the men who loved ad by Carrera Oell WlIlker no hoIda die com 1181

Granada too well to see her in tho hoods m onbull of the prosent Oernment and ye live I During tIae aght 1fahYerIIaRCII were

Wht did they do 1 What wefO their hltea frOID the eny III III bandt ot bull peI1IOII

ld9111i In delr _ dI__ lie fir middotefteotl+ works t _ I

r_ bull d d b weaptllll amp t_ certatD 1 _III 10 u ofAlmmg mto town a~ mt 3Y Y II

fOloy upon their own OOllotr)lIIou they wllre 8uOil fed Thuir next move was ror a whi~key shop ahd at IIlghtsllt onemiddot

1IIIfllrtunately rcparated filtm each other~ fourth of the attacking force WII3 turlled Col Laln6 WIIS take1 pri~onol Col int the SlIme sut of drunken vagllbolldH

FIsh~r With wo ~lIgers 11Itlllncd to Ma tllll~ had been dllvon ltu~ of Grllnllda JU$t lIIya but dlscovermg th3t Gon Walkr one ytampf befhre Thelf Rltve iustlllctil Ilad ~turned to the 1iS$ldanOO of Grant- sull hoM Illa~tery although thly wlfllin da t~(ly also retracod their stops to this tiont of danger lind In the JlIth of dllty F~ On thcir wily they If ot sevcrnl At light had not a rge prtlon u r the

bull I foreign furee beell (lIItrllmed to ~nlaln ~ober our omall garrieoll might hn~ gobe ftlrthlInd tied up with 1(P=4 the lotlliflg raBnis who CUltle into thlgt cit to rodeembull ~It ~o orler and gOll( guernllltmt

B I bull f I II ddlit t lell X ~~m (I 01 IIr I nut

stop here Thofo ~hn did not gut drunk uud cover ui nibt reolmiddotted to robbery I

i ~ lind bllt rlilV tonslll 1)~(jII)lld urpillaged Every thing ~IInhllllf b ing calried IIwuy

fidelity IIf th 1ple of Hranada Tholl6 coi BpoundIIDIu In hlllpoti _ loIae wbolt or who laW them make voluntar) ufterlng of be olBennd men ohb Jlm RII BUalloD did refreshments to the exhausted soldier bel dn amplid I ould be mock 10 110 know how willing i wlltliono They blul gl one oller mON pNile til _dler fte7

)1 bullbull 6 l 1 w IIII Wlng to cri8 Ibelr U1f II~lie ro ut a mo every WI Umiddot lot die _ ftft IIPl1a eel wlt n the American gum could ~ro-teet them but or what WII It they gave with a willing hand

Such met8 18 these Ire worthy to he studied by the wrld at hlrge bull Those wh hllve slAndered UII wlthollt knowing of

bull what they wrote can weigh the avldenshyces ald thEII decidu 1Ip1O wholR tu CIIt tbll title of frieud and proteotor to the people (If Nillllrngua


- I the Amurlcan 1OIdI approached lbel1ishyampeha chllrb tbe bullel from tbo glllll of the ttl shy

- -kl 1liii Wert 1mg ID tI 1 t errery peI1IOII on h_back m-iDCIIbullbulllulg 10 the ground and Il behind ble horse for pro~1I oa W~r aIon malmiddot b- oM bull re _ 011 lIg ers 10 _ 1111 abou as much MfIfroid III If orderIagA boltllt of wiDe Ibr hie dlMer I ud Ie Dol until bewlarepcatodl)reqllnledtbonoolllblm 10 diamount that 1M did 110 He emed 10 be as regardl of Ih elleou of a Millie blIll If 1M ere plOOhplm lIIem ForlullateiJ be did IIOl

litlle_nt hey are but aPlnHv~of cleD18eI~-eiDdelencOI Grallldbullbull the bew and erro of lIIe Indllll of tIae Honb alld baylollg aiDae b8llll dfioarded by dltllIAampIona tbatcondllClaiUfIa aclenCllle _11111

The handle of lIIe 11111laquo ill about hIce III 1000g andlIllek u an ordlnar1 broolllmiddotbUdle I lance on llie end It an onl pleco or IroD or iteel )ot fuur Inclin In length alld abouhlliaob and a balf In its grlA breadlb In rlulng tbey CUp tho Itallll19 About Ita cenUO 111111 0110 band and Ita loer end r811111 UIlOII lIIoir rlghl foot Close 10 the bead or III Iallce lIOn_ bad II lillie red g aplit Is be ceo like A s bull allows tall

bull A raquo~lIOIIOIl UI) A ~IIiIIIU11C -A cit

~ w_ bnlvorl during lhelate detenco or tblS ell) was atllpl delllOMtfAled byltle inc of a 1rouodet __ 110 1 11_ or en Iny on hearillg one of t1i9 cia

-- 01lttpI wy Her verI ltgtJOll1re11t1rlcOO l Ibe

ur In die report of Ilurspcclaleorreaponlellt wa _ndull Capt middotDrew The propr resdiog or tbolllUD8bDeul

------- shy or Tbo followDC COPl of lelk wrlltell h] Jlbullbull DW1 H Wheeler III Agenlof tbe Amm can Bible Society at Grallllda 80ell18 coneidetl6 wben a WM writteu 1111108amp propbelc IL III bull 01 (lilt aIAYmentbull and iiI excite illucbaflllpamiddot 1~7 Cur bill aad end BII~ be blood ormatly ill I ~ eed of e~e Clturcb Gild In tbe plaoll or OlIOshyMulonat killed by ampbllllo ungts bundredtt ill yel pnrdllHbtir goodly calling bere In_ ritf

GRlIIpoundIgtA Oct 3middot186amp bullbull rdMAIY I took my book Imd ent AfonnJ aud on youe leIItgtIment )luny 811id Ibey bAd no IJIOIIllI and otIl 1d tile Quid pnrcb lte afler die eomIJa~ over WlOr loakil Or autenem111very doy rull lllree thodU~g ~

feDo nl1gbl be a riliemlln but biil credeD~l B(lIl1agood omcclil lid BOllle vor) gdOd aofim were atllered In dUlerenl IIChool from botek b hi_

nOWD y I lit name n lIll1Cky Tbe Ileamiddot raga rifleman urna bil reputation by ~I

Iyaltacklng kunu and 111101111 othor people WIts stUlllI II(J~ lUly fngtnl foe~ bllt nlike goods whll tile KellluckllUl hlil the honOi to be rmm fmlllds liHI pooril~t natives were bull terror to -Iaucb rucala foilllesklll wltb which

fltmlM tu givo lip tleir IMIIOY lind tholll bo drops them Ihe dlelIlOO of one o two bunshywhu had nOlle ill IUlIIe 034el vera lashed ilred 7arda m Do

lruIlkn Ioxes 111111 evelY othor plll~ 4111 II PnIIlCL-ThLI IOpeclmoa of IIIlUtarl wbore g)Ida ~lr valullbleol millht be hId OtIIIlnlly ~paoled blluoope 10 Mala aM

( was -a wllh III IDOIt advanced of tbe Jim Wble tmieJ l~pylUlVy Ind whell clotll Rlh Tho bowllie w his fJlvorito poIIIon

Cor J0811 Auu-Thll ollCllr w11I com~d of Ibe body of tIae Second Rl4ea wldllblor Ca In tIae repll of Ib La- IIItl1t1oeed b 0IIf

eorrespIIIIdeot md proYed Ill_If 10 be A bnlle man After Ibl tlIg_nl he wu ordred amp0 _ dIiot Capt Drea aud Capt Ore In 1b~lt pOIishyampion near Ib luge pm The oomblnllllon _ ceeded In Njtulalog tbo enem hferal amp1_ dillgtshying tbe _y

CoL JlcI1l10811-Thfs eBcleot olllcer prOTed bfmeel(1 y w1I orlhy of the pOlilion Ii~ OCCllplee U was al walCbflll amplid a1ait ready 10 aUllnd 10 hI dUly Dis car for bia wounded men is well otlhl of nOII08 As soon ali II w ueertalaed lbe enemy wet driven oul of ()ran~da be Immedlaley dlapalcbed olle ofthe Compaat ullder ble oommand 10 bring IDilie ounded or hi Baltall-m lrom die _ne of l1Ie con8Ic4 at lIIe Jalwbe

Our tibullbull-From lIIe iDablllty of 011 man to - 1M whle of amp bald Ibe report of Oot

Speclal Oomepondellt Illat be DeeeuiampriI1 1ItJ defectT~ It apP8llMII lIla Capl Oreen of die tiecond RllIu 1Od Capt Dreal of die ampeolld lllranky 10 IlIMaIIl hi ~aDced poeilkn dUpug tbe dd7 and acled rery brnely Llell Henry T She wndOO In lIIe Deck liDe latmiddot Inll In be defmce ot (ble POIOI Sherman baaDOI been ablll 10 peak Iinco b reeelyed $lie ItooUad h II lIolllkalylo pro fallll

OUI 0R119~-Tble gentleman obved In A

house -ya flIl of Lb OIllllY wlIIIhla IIW~ in bud at neb a npld u tllet bla OomJlllll1 could lIot keep pace lib biOI Col T ~ Fi 1~ fld Uue Pg _mpanlW him and bad Ibe bouee cleared of tIae enemy before sbe llIeD ~ rIed

TIIII PIli AlID flrll SWORD -We tali pl8ual-c

i _ L oJ bull of b It _L d n -og 11 e compollliN8 I e ngl emiddot parlmeot of EI Nlcanoguellleollee (oogbl brnely In deCellCO of our clly Thel~ IIIIIIU are ()buies E Caulley William Bucbllllan Froderlk Kapt amplid P A Yarrington lbey hollOO tb lhey llOuld make goud UIIG of Ibe ehootilog Iron II weU u llhootlng amptIek

OVII CoKbullbullIISUU1 BIIIWI-Lleul W B Butmiddottri LI J B W Ll

aut 0IfIl e~t 9amp Hawley11l1li- H O Wall A A Conllng and Capt W_ B Lyou bebaved -Iotly aud rendered ear-

D tils force GIGII f1lIkCf ClIo oppose 1~~ light109 men 109 ul middottth whllt he mMy Neel from Califoml a d NIIW York lIlldIII be 300 wenbull A~ preseD~1be Ollemr arlllllOngl forllllej al Mi sa ollly 12 nliles dl8loUll Gen Walker i8 pm ~arillg1O recuio Ibow alld tbere will b 1JODle dmiddot~ ilf8lRing bUlplbtlhAmrIC~dn8 feel very 00011middotell 0 IQCOOIL er 1 pru tlIoa would aft

dlellltcd hOlI [8ho~I have lelt helll on Ihe live of a baltle 8tleh aa I~ exd every hou blll1 came hen Ibere lIaamp nu eoumy lI~ar and lIone ex peCWI and my IYw-k I bre and llHllII 1111gt8 1D~lIywouhdad and dybg 10 caro for fun doeome good certainl Tru I IIampY be am~ tbe slIlu formiddotlII_ Ulen have Ib8II1e1led a wtU cf

iug could ntlt be mnde useful It Mis-torn IIIId ilia 00 Wera ailbrded OOIlIiderabiA __~ ~~~~tlll apllldl aU AlllelOllJlII and If lie F Ii Ii Y -- ViCtoriOWl ley ill du II tbey han ampampiii

to pec~~ 01 twenty olle ourll t I IIIflII allud lIIe din of I~ bllule at tbe manner If I should perlah do Ie beat you can fgtt my cnnlinued 11111 WII say it with nil cUlldor In which be ould jump at an l_gllI1 ellemy (amlly lOl lIIuy POOl alld will need all lila can h I bull n d b dI fI II Prin I middot-~oo I be alfordOO them Sltould the enemy coine IIlld

t l simp 0 IIIlt1ves Ill) roll1 It as uom a eI e ~un as ~e a reg M tack lIle ol~ I hall leavoloy boob posled and pe~Ii1mcc They ran Into the wouds jill tIInghll bylilll Firat RIOes mOlle ~d olrOOIa in the hand of Col Johllii

h I I I II A N I W Wbeeler Ih~ Amerlcllll Hinlle For 1eM0Ii1Crlpt mto cornelS 11 t lem8e vel n a Ill ou Ilf AII-OUr RallgCfuomeli_ need 1I0t lIaOe tho lJolted Slatea IIlg IfI Alford iug hhuut food bout fiva dllye cpt kind~ uf placcK alld trlm~bled Illtilmiddotthe 8ad lying In 1IIood In tho lloillity of the city voryliUlo proaCllOII to AmeriCAn chizeab

I Ili h 10meoChOuIampemalianandSanlWvadoiansnlmiddot y lruly DAVIDlfWBEEliEItSaIllnlS 1S jUltti n youn mnnJlnC lie of plnguo wall (rlvon Ollt OlIO II 0 II d Ih h I I I I Th J C BBIOUpoundN Cor Aner nbla So leIshy bull - t 1VtOtO~tel esoprl80oers8ampy bull ~ vC

1M r(lSt pron)lllmg offiool6 in tllO army tho eager -yoa that watlled tbe bull Jill Lbey were lhue tle1 bllbolr office In order 10 OA

Ho or dog t-that lho qUoOlion U IheThe rbull10 1I0W only fOllf of Iho fMlir~ tllh W f01II hen they hllRld that the Americans prevent tblllll 11II1IllIg 11114) In tho lISbe ello aid whGn he IRt do wn 10 n dish of (riod~_~~llSi~ _ ~re coming can bear IfItimlny to ~b~ I VerUT th~~~~~blltg new IIIder the lin IlASASCl


- ---------------T--shy312 EL NICABABUENSEVoll No 50 p 6 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 181Br6


Tile Battles of tbe 12th and 13th of Octflber 1800

We b bMIl permitted to make the toDowln

oslne IlIDut dI porta 0 tJle 01Boe1ll In commiddot IIWId at tbe Yarlo ttallOD The OOIlfuOIl an4 laquolei 10 our 01108 oe by the late ttaclt -Ind Ib vofortuawte acoldeD hlch bappened to Mr 1bor tb edllOlooble~ put I out or our

pow to arran the repone u under 1II0re fampYoshytabl GlroUlllltanoeB e lboulil have done Th balties of the wo day era 10 connected thI

it oad be dilleult to rate diem on paper anal pnlClIl all dI Illcld8Oll

The report of ColellelSandaralalb1l ofintereal 8Ild beua-out theltlatemellll of Ollt correepOl1dellt

L WIIO It would ppear followed the fortllDes or die folr Rift He Y

About 12 oclock on die t tdl they took dlelr positlOIl hi line and the command u Iyen to moYl fotward The llIen wer11I good Iplrillalld abOUi oclock aalgbt theyenoelDped In Ibe IUbshyurb of _ya Sbortlyafter lying down alkirshymlall took plaoe beteen Vol Karkhaana regiment oC lufallw7 dd a_liDg prll of the en Dll blob luted bUI a few morun Idlout anl eerio Mal Bewean- lIyllght and unrile on ~ba mornlo 0( th 111d1 tbe wliole army took dlelr pOIJUoIl for bottle die bowlll8l1la lrollamp eupporampshyed by dae Rile reldman Aler aneing but a fe y Capt Ifwarb of the Artillery wu orde ed b-eJom_nreMnCblefto dlrowlbelliDto aelllampll plaM aDd (Jumpd C comllluded by Capt D~ obll8ed and took -Ion of the oburch In die pi bullnd tbe wbule arlll7 _11 fullowd IIIId OOlDlIlaDder- or reglDlllntll received their In alruoilonafrol the Coml1IIidi~hlel An- furtloer operatlo The Sappert amplid IlIlIeN were ordered to CO 10 advance end pportod b the Rill out their W8ylnto tho main plua beteen two t ruonlng dlrotly thereto-tbe 8818 on the right IIlId 11 belDg prolected by Ibe ellem wllb btarrl ltlad _OIInOOll and sharpmiddotlboote Afer bariog cut ball wa through to the main plnla the bow iteera colDmandadby Clpt Swrtz and Lieut F roD eN ordmd to the IUppO-t oC the amplft_nd of hoee to pliant ollloera too lDucb pralB C8II II be awarded (or tbelr daring braver aDd cool neealn dlaeharge oC dIlr dut) HlllOry has Ilot e parallel The11 edaaucClllfulho-illto au adolHl bnlldlng here a large nllmb ofthe enem were ~lIllg MClurel1behind barrlcad Oathe Imoke cleariag away Company B oOIBlllanded b Capt LfIonard alld Company G cummndd b Capl ORepn with tMlr gallanl eoldlera took 10811 alon ot he building wbere they were charged upon twice by tbe eneml Gap I Ewballks took pollOi slOl1 ot Ibe eomer hOllSe on the- right The RiBes w thn wlthlll HventyJ e Yld of lhe mlln pIMa he the galInt aI and arren again came to dlelr _lltallce 1Iltiampl their guna Tlte ouemy we 10 largp forcu ImIDedlatel1 III thelr Croa~ abOlit thll time

Th Commndermiddotln-Chif haring recelvod Info uatllD_ bat Granadll w attacked blarge force and bellering lb a larg8 portion o( Ihe foroeI Muya had gODe toaid in taklllg Grallada wbere tbe mo~t of our ammunition was he ordered ra lreat froni our poertlou and bo~t 12 oclock at niSht~ 011 our rod baok to Granada A tar mamiddotohlDg all dlgbt Ihe glorious aUD of the 181b or October roae In beau and splendor-tbo annlmiddot vera1 o( the 68 taking 01 Granada When we got Into the outsklrte 01 the clly wo were reo~iyd Epote4 u the wero Ihey fOllgla thelr wy by heaY ftra ffOm the enml but WIth a about ond 7011 TO ruabed on the elly of Oranadn] wlalh WIUI asain Oil tbe 88me day takell by lIeneral Walker

Of the olleera and men compoeln the Rifles Ilae1 did their duty well and it wouhl be mocker1 to try and give one ofllcur more plllie thall another The were all willing to tIIlClilloe thoir Ilve8 If nece8 88r1 fur Ihe cause tlaey aro engaged In

Ab Jut 11 -oolook on tbo 121h a8 atate41 b1 our _

correspondent Col Allell wu ordered to 1Ilal a de~hment of lIanger agailUlt a body of Lanoer

bull gaged untIl thoy hlUl fought their way 10 a poaco

1be Bohllo of Illy cOlllln4nd AdYanoed and roo ceived the ll of tho tllelll) coolly _ returnillg I ith efect After 1 I volloy had beea Oltmiddot cbangod the enelllY lel the lOad and reliod aprrefttll IOed AlaJor C7C tboulCh Field OCmiddot Beer of Ihe Day ndvallod Ith Ind Bhowed be innrlably doe great cooln1 and 8rllllle~8

After the enemy rroator I retulnod 10 tbe 11 St SbuUan heu 1 reeely_od ordN to IUIlPort Capt Druus 2nd Iufuntry nlld Ilpt Gree of my oOlllmand wbt) WUN armly enmiddot ~laquoed near he main Plaza I fOllnd on lD) arrimiddot Va[ th~ OAP Dmiddotult ha1 one prlte kllud and CApt Greon severol wouuded We re 1l1~okelt1 In thb p~ I (runt ami lin Ihu In but ltlpulsud tbem ter1 tlmee (rom tbe latter position

1 OIInllot epeek In too high tllt1I11 of tho conduct of bMh ollleera and men ~ngaged ht8 they exmiddot bllJlted tbo ~fttest cuolu autl glllalltrf

4bout ~ 0 clock Gell lIorn811y wilh ono (Jom P~IJY of lsi I fontmiddoty Joilled us and hortly altol this wo received ordel8 Irom Yonr E~ceilellcy_ I fall back ou the PI St ScbnLlan whloh did ill he bOIL of orhr ImmeliaLcly nn (lur ftrmiddotivKl

amproo wb-o p-led uo bloh dlylded - -a amphrolog ID1u1f ltlIpt OoreLleuL Bramp LIeut TrIIpp nd ee en pri18I a1man hI admiddot - ance 0 t1ie en command uob he w noeIyed Ord811 to obarp tbe eaDnOD haYiDS1l0 oeeded In wblob and bluing lriag In die l I ordeved thelll forwft lIalor (Jaycee (bj er of Cilea DorDIby) renlalned at dlls pointwldl die bala_ or my Battalion to guard the dlalllountecl bowlSHr

From dlk place my IlIIail commacd advampIIced rapidly and turning to die len one street from die PIIISI IOraaed th comer baok of dI Lobe Slu

- OIl yt( ldI _tbe other u to ho Ibould do ampbemOlamp gooleervloe

W81ao take pleuu IOlIIaldng die folloiDg -

esrac frolll tbe olloW repor of Co Natzm~r I have tht hOllor to reporamp 011 the evenlug pre

aedlng die da1 of the battle In lIaya Kajor Ihl Mnbur Field OlBllJr of tle Day IIld capt Jlatzdorll a Odlcer of tbe Guard dlttinlluiohd tbem~eIY b the greaten figll bullbull oe actiYlt alld cll~i1wapoictlon

rlle Plaza of SI 8ehaeUan being taken ou Ihe eneulng morning and tbe 1 RIlle Battalloll and

wb w killed a numller 01 the ellemy Capt part of the 2nd IUlantry Battalion adfanoiDg till Bell who ooolopaued lia in thla obarge If ldllll two blooka of the eat plaza optaina woundid In the thlh

W then proeeeded under a hot Ire to the GUlrdboule wben lI~or Potter gaYa up bla comlllampnd to me We Bred a oanllon from this po lot twke hlto Your Excellellcya quarte and once Into Ihe bOURa ooa1lvled by Capt Morrla dID oharged tbe litter place our lIlen gallant11 Oamprrlog n Thls 8 Ibe I place I beIIe tblll onl1ll1 coupled -In dI cill

I ampIn happ to atate dI~t no cuuolU occurred In III Battalioll dUriD tblI battleshy

llauor Oaycee wlllPve OU bull IIparate aoooun of bla proceedlDgs wllh th ramalllJer of die Btlalmiddot Ion

Th colIInd of Col Allen wu dl lded near

the lalCeba ()burcb The ollowlng estract ampom the report made bt JI~r Caycu III vel) _grph-o and llaow dI _yln wblob the eDODIl wu ban died b_Ibll -Ilul olloer and bll men shy

e-In 08lllpllince with en order giyen b1 Brig

GID Koroah_ I led dI BUalIQII towarch t1i Grand PhJa until oppoelte th mlns of die Me clld ()bri wbloh point I reoel ed an order d1 to Ib north amplid dlslodse a porilon of tbe enem1 wbo were at tbe dme occuP71og the

Leonard Dreu Rnd Hreen dietingulhed tbemmiddot MI by rellUlrkablo braver and cour-se ilh beir (Jumpalli

Altbllugh th Artillery did not haTe all the eCmiddot Selelle1 elpectud I 1amp11110 but acquillt Your Exmiddot CiIIlellc1 or tbe moet courageous and cool mallner III wbich Capt 8chwartz Iud Lieu Frrand ola oharltt hl dude wbloh deeervet bill aud full credt

III dI attack OR Grallada 011 the 13th iost Your Ecellenc h bullbull leen Yery-wol~ that the gul lalltrY 01 he odlltllN and lolltller~ gellerllll 1ell (lbIng to he- wiahed fur alhougb regom di~middot cipllDe the cClmmandera oC Ibe reBpeotive Battal-Iona and Companies did nOl keep their lIlen lougb together but when our troop reached Iho pl having oooealon to vbtervu ever Ollemore rartioularly I baye to recounond to Your Eloelmiddot e1l07 Vapl Swingle of tbe OrdllallCO Depart-Dlent wbo bebl llatloned befolll tbe OUllrdmiddot bouee (ough agaanal die enem1 In Your toscelmiddot lellcyampIId illlCio ~plnoaal bousea

Lieu Col McIlltDeh and Major Duaenbur1 hkewile bebaved ver1 brveI1 111 two charge

We haTe boell kindly pellilltted to lIIake the

CoIIowlng extracl from Gen Frys report of the ali_immediately In dI rear or die bulldlog oooumiddot _def~nee 01 GrnadaCled by Ibe Surgeon GenmL Baying bullbullcc~ed At 1 oolock P M the alarm w give and the

11 eIOIIIng he I raet (dlough under a lIloet IIRImiddot ling ~re) len mluln lullead to accompllsb dI dlsodgement and then Indeed hegau the werk of dedI Ibe enelll111vlllgin nery direction rece Ing aaadl at the bnds of our unerring nIIemen Flodlng after at length Ihat 1II0re remained to opmiddot POle va I ordered a mreh at quick lime to the Plaza and arrived Jill u die I -oC Ibe -panic etrlckea 100 wera king In Ilgbl thu eatelshywhleh dlilr vaullted_ Ior could not eecure thom III regarc to die o~nducl 01 tho troope I mlllt MY to-Your ExClIlenc1 tbat neYer In m life have 1

enem leen advancing The gtUIiIOIl coneLstillg~f a colopany of ahoul 40 cILi~1I8 (ullder Ibe oommanD 01 KaJor Gillis) tho woundud alld COli teeo~nt In the hoepltal and 80me m11 oC -tb aialr corpa haviog been pvlouily Inmucted 00 oupled the rallge 01 buildings tellding alollS tite eoutb lId ealt IIdes 01 the pI froD tbe Qu trmr alld OUamplIoo Dparllllolll8 to tbo ilpital The gllna bad been plocoj sa followa One elghteell Ind ono ail pounder at tbe auutb eot curner of the piau olle nine pounder tbe QuardbOll8e and one is pounder at lb Hcashy

lIlen IIlllre cool or gallampll III their actions _pita dian dI BtUe parly whlcb I commanded Tbe enemx advanced In colomll along Ihe Itreet

Intbreport of die otlonl of the Seeond leading Intu the nonhwsI coroer 01 bo plaza Light Intimtr1 GoL lIelntoeh 18 and I ol8red tbe Dine pounder to b rUD forwaro

and directed aglllul dleo whicb PrltllnpamplI woulll be doing InJultlee to bull brave officer done ullder tbe di-ection 01 Llelll Crowell and

IIld I lIot here mention the nallle of capt Roberl Captin Hard At the lirat discharge wmob w EU of me Rangenl for tbe fearleA manner In followed y three heart) cheera for Gen Walker hloh he expoeed bimself to the el18ny bullflro

11 wu 800n dacoveted Ibal we wera III danl(er shyfrolll the_ hell tbrown from OUr hOWltzen wlilcb GaOled en order til be giYeIl for 01 to fall baok to the email pia Companies A B 0 and D of111 command wero then tallonedt dUrNnt polllloll nnd held al a reeene (Jum E under Cap J DraUK wa then dlrown ouI on tbe len to keep die nem) f~om making aa1 moYe on Col Sandell command whlcb WII nobly wOrklllg It wa1 thlough tbo O8ntlO ampftet leading to- t1ie grand piua U wu llfierwllrde reillforced b1 Capl Green of die 2d Rilltl ThlSe Iwo olleera d_ne great credit Cor the braver1 the dLlpla1ed

neariy to the n~rthtust earner of the P~ and beld dlelr pOlltlon nllder a hot S untIl the1 were calld oB JuS be d~rk 1 regrel to Inmiddot fOlln 11u Ih Lieu Henry T Sbellnampn of Com pany Eo wbullbullbulluyuly wounded hll 1ol1li1lnly s~condlng Ihe eltor of bl~ Caplaln CflllIplplOl A and B ampcamptd l1li piquet-gIlHrd durng Ihe Jay alld

froID be_goortlson Ihe enemy f1l bao_k d makhg a clrcult alfvanred UpOIl tbe Hopita whore they were beld ID check by die tire ofdie 8i pQuuder under Capt awligl whicb diilmoullted one of their glln td b1 the fOlO rallied by Mljor ONeil The then cowmeuced amp vlgoruus attack UpOIl our rear front the t and nuth Idoa of_ t a pla where they ere gallantly lUeL b the force along our whole line The contesl in tbe rear of _the GunrdhoUde WIUI partlculrly obsi nate and maintained 011 oUrBide by lomeliny lOen ullder tbe comlDllld of Cpl alnample uailampetl b1 captalna Lewll alld Piekellgill

Juring the night alld lullowing 1D0mlng the ellemYIIIeal attempll to attack 111 ill frent but WIlO drlvell bao by tile IIIe 01 Our artillery

Boa of tbe American Idies and children were placed In the Church and in the house of tbe AIDerican Mlnbter In the rour uC blch 1 posted Pi guaCl 01 IG naen under Lieut Micoll

lJoring tbe flgbt the enemy through desertr from Our drm) lIlade a propuaitioll to U4 10 aur

penoMned their duy to ny entire aatittfIlClioD ~t tendmiddot promising ua prutaction and atating tbat

TIe enel0Y YOI repulsed and the fullowlllg fron to pott will show how ho and hilt mo were en Before going furth I be ~epetfltlly ItJ ltat~

dark nay ~thun wa posted on tbe two mil a~retllmiddot~II1K lato the pi and ocoupled bull POll tlOII 111 wllluh te1 could do good aerYlee Ihrough tllu nlglat In 0amp8 tho enemy meditated auylhlNg 10 tM oampIII_e Thlla we rem311 uluillhe u dllr- nII10bed UI to PlIIIlI-to IUArcb fur Granada

tbat tl porton r Illy ballnboll ordered 10relOIoIII Iellve thlou~hot thu d1 expmiddot ed greal cage __ to ho lod antu aciiunalld ill theil omd _ Uctullllllg OIl btalinn Wllt pOlttd on the ex troill lell a1 whun lIenrillg Granada 6riog w dioUllctl laeard IMy lIle thoogh lIIuoh Jadod no~d whh gre bullbull alclmiddotity alld OI~oiCOIIod great eager_ 10 bemiddotth tir illlO olloD Their poslmiddot tioll ctlul1 not adIII r II Uld we hud no cballoe tu tok part hI Ibe cOlltcal at thu JIteba A SlOn ft8 amplla~ puillt 1 g~io~d however and sulflclent Ppcu lOade (or UII tn com~ up IYO imlllediately olaatged dowll tbe rltlad An order to halt alld eland filiI reoeigtd for tbe Plrpose of protectmiddot lug tho raar and waa promplly obeyed with tho cx~eltIon of VaplainR Ball amplid Grnta Op~lIies th07 advancing witb sucil siloed alld the 1Irg IV8S au lleallmillg thlt Ihey could 110t bellr the or der Qd 10 continue1 on_ in tbe General charge Thll1G two nlliccrs bohaved ell the furRIer WUI ounded whilat at tbe hClld of hlann Aa BOOn II~ the dKnger Irom Lhe r WIIS pa~sed I walor dCImiddot1i to dvAllee wih Companies A n 0 and E Ib$Irpolld6d to tho cnI wltb che came up well and did much execution W0 elltered the piau and chllrged the 0llelll1In dlKerent direc

uur army w defeated at AIy Tbe anawor IoU 10 about 01 de8Ion and doftlIlce and tho batshytIe conlillued until IQ oclock the fOllowing lUurn lig when IllYpeedily termiuated by the en tnllloe of tbe army UDder tbe Commandfrin Chief

Thua for 21 houra a force of tt least 900 oC the eReml WII repulsed by I thall ~ii meDln which oUlnbr wu Illoluded alUbo aick and da abld of tlao rIll1

Where dlere were 10 many Illstances of gal lantr d good conduct II i dilHoulto apelfy who were IDl)lt deaerYlng of coullnondatioln All nOlted la a lilt of offiera soldier dnd OitiZell8 who were conplcuous for gallalltry and good conduot Alao a Iitlol the casualties in my com mind alllounting to klilod alld 10 woulldod

The 1_ or tbe enemy l m unable to report acouratel from Iho filcl tbat dUIhl Iho night of


From n hOlOle I ent Immediately to dI 0 nance OJ8ce and tbere 01Hld Lleul V ~ Hiler on dut1 wldl wo 8ergeanla and lDeDi reporteathe pplOIIooh of the 8Den Ild save tholll aach ordera bullbull l dlought nec_ar1 alld thom etarled (I

Mlnllter Wheel8f to loelf1ll1 lamil1 bd ilri~ ulil and artl ed t the oorller of IhoPlaza nw the reBideDce of Mr Teller Ju In time toch$ek the harge boing made b1 tbe enelDY dun tbo alreet fouhe Playen8 by killing tbeleader who WII gallauil1 leadiog the charge much In adfancuf his men running alld ahouting

Al1 firat hul w with a Sharp carbine oDI1 ollndill_ 1111 ataggerlng hilll agClin the ItlUle aod tbell rolled bim Into tbe allmiddott with my air Ihootor 1 think thi4 w the liIIIt man kUled in Ibe city Mr Hugheeand MVMfll othera I8W thi lorlulIte check (it cOlDpletel) baiting thu cbarg illgparly) br whicb those working au lIiue -pounshyder OoUOOII welo enabled to 111amp it

I canllot Ipeak In pr~ge or commendation or the nine pounder callnon doriug the comlUence lIIent of the attaok-~wo or our own meu were very aeriuusly ounded by h The ch gon th lla wbullbull Ilbaudolled by the enem) theirl (OICO colloentrated and mado a yigorouutlbrt toenter the IInlll pia b1 tho quarters of the Oommndcr inmiddotChier There Ihe enem1 were gIlUOIly held I check by Capt Swlngl with the ix pouude can nOli _isted and cov~re1 b- maDY eilizeut-witb ri80 and mll8kecs eucouraged raquolId direCIeltl b) ()ep- Watkin The bra fteldillece broullM 10 ber b) tbe eDemy a a point waa -00- dil moulltad b1 -tho h y and wIQlrellllsillire of Vapl Swingle ldI tbe ais poun Hi~ 0001middot 11_ and brayery cannol he too Duch praied

Voncluding that the hOlpital and gulllClhouso would Iequire Ul Addillonal lupply of ommualtion I returned to the OnlllampnOO olliee on the_ wa~ crossing the bolY lire of the eneflly near the enshytrance w the headquarLel$ of tbe CoulRollderin Cbiet and deapatcgtb d two Dlen loafled wilb am mUllilioll Cor the horpital-olle of thelll ooly reich IlIg tbere the other SlOpping at Ibe gu~rdouae 111 tbe lIeantlme Lbe attack of tbu enero1 belng u 8trudg and vlgorou lind having nu cove frOD Which to bold IWd work Ihe eAlIlIon d thro bemiddot log 110 com nander 0 dlrec~ the mOYemcll1oll 0 Ib~ YieiDltl Capt Swingle wlthdrelY tbe ~ilt poundr to the oover of the gllardlouae Ollt Ii ocloc~ P AI Tholo In tbe hopllal reualud In It undemiddot the directloll 01 Oap- Wllklnl whor they gallaot I) deteuoed tholDl8l_os uutil Ihe reillfoCemenl with the UommandermiddotillmiddotOhiefarrivd Defore Ih wilhdrawal of tbe six pounder to Ihe guardmiddot ou~ Capt W i1klu8 wu very aotlve-In rallylOg t citmiddot liens to auist hI coveting the loadingllld orkshylug the 0111111011

AlII ooloek P M I crossed from the Ordmiddot nance oJ8ce 10 the cburcb alon~ (not IIndin any one at he 1D00aenl willing to croll the au lIh as much amlllunition u 1 could carri I twoO baveanokl aDd soon Ret arriving tbere w deshysired by Gell Fry lotako cOlDllland oftbe d ot the Iroul of tbe church -

From the commenoemenl of the attack t Ex preas WagOD III U88 b1 the Comllli_v I) part aunt had been atanding hi frollt of the Ifou call ed the Lone Star Alter heing desired tJiIt~ dbage 01 tbe dCenoe of Ihe ohurch 1 Id man (I regret th t 1 am no~ able to givG h- Ime) who by DIy ordera ctossed the plaza and roy the wagou to tbe Ordoanoe oilloe_ and loaded it with alUmwlilion bUI from some Cause ullk~on to me did 1101 return jth II The lYago~ w~ loaded in tront of the Ordnance olBc~ Ilear an hour-no one appearing to be wUling to rOIl itla It-wben a Mr allyn81 crolll frol I~e arhou80 and drove 1 ovo-a -bighly or dilashybl$ perlurnaauce Aler making a c~rvtul exaID Inltlon of the church Uld rmLles Olll1uecl~ tho foroe to defelld h ampe placed Mr J L lobshymOlld with men In ilhlllge of tbe part c~ll tbe ~Ouad House ita yard alld aJoining lI11llmilnll III the quarlers Ih tbe IeIIr of tha ehlll~h exl~ndshyillg to the atreet below Capt Kell1 j Mr otank lin tobert H Smitb aud tnlee ollleI werol Sla tioned in tbe tow~r at Ihe lIorthet er ~ele they were of essential service and their COl ducl ie highly cllmmelldabl~ Othera wemiddotu plO erly stationed in the yarils aDd aportmeuts belol Ing toald quartllnl _The cOlnDluuication 01 tho a VI mentiuned quartora ith the-cburcli WM~ tbr ugb II hole ill amp10 eplLtatillg wall

Nu regular attacit ollld UpOIl Ihechub or preDliaCt CODllllulicating cpt 10119 ~ttbt Comlllieellly DepalmiddottmonG can gh-e much illio ma_ tlon of tbUle III the ohuCb lUI he I thore nlil tbe end of tbe attack About 8 to oclocll r )1 Uapl Pickolalill came In 1i00I tho l(uirdh~UI wlh thu inform ion _ thot tbe rcrce tlocreTlYU sII that Capt Swingle IDuoh lIbgdd 10 ~ho dfnoe of tbe YIlrd in tbo NIlI of ho gJI houe with bomb ahells ualng thent II hall~gn_ lIadbullbull aud makiftl fRe 10 explude amplem Iro tbo artillery match rop 110 lind that 90lOe m

the 12th tboy dlrew a large number of bodie~ into mauding oHicer wu requhed there or the dlaco ella and other hiding places ud buried some Abou 160 botlica bavo been diacovered

EsTuOt paoli RSPollT OP MAl -ParrsR 011 Sunda1 12th Inat abgtut it otlock P M

standing on Iho oorner of the PII~ lIer the ofmiddot lice oC the Oldnance Department aaw a man mounted on a gral hono galloping paat Ihe Jat-Itlba churob followed directly ~ter by altlrae dozen or moro men upon Iho rUII Tll006 standing ncar mo thought It courier (rom MaHAY dirctly the RUPPOled cllurier Ieturned alld 001111 after callie back again wltb thirtror forty muunted mellplIssing

would be tRken aa tbe eDem1 wore lIlaking Igor IUS attacks on it 0111 aluos everr aid - I

I wllB theD dbected b1 Gen bull r1 to tako domshymRnd of tbe guardhouso whemiddoto 1 remained bnla tbe rival of Uol Allen on the 13th 11181iwho courleously accepted ot Illy Iequell tIelleyellDe 1 then lB~istod In tho U80 of tile aix [Iounde~ on tbo quarto lately occupied by CApt Morri ind In oharglng the enemy from thOle quamiddott-a opl W m Lewis gave vllluoblo _Ica in th~ de fenoe o( tho guadhoue bUI wai prevented fIOm IIreat aotivity by hlj ill heRlth lio ClIII give nluch mformoLiou 01 tbe conduct of tho lIIell Iuj dc

Capl Green will ordoro~ to _isl Col ~ndQIl tiOll with aucll imp~luolty that Lhe) were quick tile Jlteba ohurcb towArds Lhe northeosl of tho ulci_ ~o glumiddotdho~ac OhllS Richnrd80~ tv where- be romlllned un1 ordCI8 ora Itl~n _to -I) rouled _ttelinl 11 al directions clt Suapectillg that II 111 a PallY of Lancere 811011 8as18talloe as hiS 11 health would rftutTond coocentrampl~ Ill the PI 81 Scbasti4J1 I CAnnut cloae this report wilhut milking (avo frona the ftnomy 1 ran lowardll the-church as fa~ 1 can reOOllllDend tho conduc of 0 (Juban bm

Tho poaltlon we ocoupiod on tbo march from nblo 1I1t-lItlon of IIlIor n DUOllbul-Y alld Ct 1j as the office of tho Altlutallt Uenbullbull middot I whn I WaS unknown to 1113 I lhln~ he Is n Ub-AII~ or tiOD 10 Urando aa in tbc ftr of- 101 RillellIllflY Th~ NlIItleNd gIC~t sistanoe III p llatisfted that It was it strung lorco of tho enelllY Prefect I hnvc seeu blln olen in all ullio eshyaud vall of ~nd Inf~lItry survillg olll~r alllOllg the men alld epcourgIIog Iwent Immediately 10 m hllUlle (the houso 10merly tho Lono Star ho~c Thero lYOle lllauy t ere

lSth In the atteck on Iho enelll) who wero tbelll b Ihe 1I~ld owned by Dolor~a LaJarsa) 1111 Bunt Uo) wife lind ho boha_ed credltllblf whl~o IIl1ncs ure not taliolO1 nur tbo JIIa UIorch with onu Iie o - The mun cODpoaing m bllUulioii aoted In har_ childrun wilh Mr alld Jtl~ Uuglle_to the resi- kllown to llIe I cau hghly cOIIwd tbe-O ion 01 Dn a _light cOllf oo uCClln-ed lu tbo _mon7 and obyod nl dlfurout ord promptly de_lice of Col Whoeler Mmlster from the U S bt John Aot-ton_ n mechomc employed I tbe rd

bull p

bullbull bull bull

313 i


lit Dtparlllltnt le_ Llrabert blaobmlm fa nce Dpartmenl (lfoml4ed) Tbe Lane and Lilt of KUW 4fId WotoMd of If fafllry

Joll4ll IUIde obamplll tor mum w AdJ r W PUOft wounded allllhll n1uble~e eranl the _ wlb Compllll1 B-EIIIed Private Will Ifnnlall _gOll to _d (ro Lleut Hlte all 1IfII woull~1 Sergt A oJ Falreblld Prlvau

au at my reqll Ilm~ ~~d Pat WllOOII JohnW~ Jobu lI_q Johu~lIIend 111m 0 the oIemaDcf - Barilla 4ad Oommander-lnOblet J B Lonpere II ComJllll7 O-WOIInded OorporelJ B_ hanlo eplOYld In the Orlln_Ret Departmtllt CoIIIPlUl7 D-Ellled _ 1errr Phnlp Bhlm lIfrJI bra mall w killed prlvato CbJi Smith Compan E-Wolllldea poundIul Wrighl r Ordnanco orlment aIao kl~ IUb ampbed Oompan7 G-WOIIruledliIorgeanamp lloLallahUndho_ one man II _aber G all I Prlet a W Foreman Deiil ~IM~ llIiarki 1m IIIIwwn to me wbullbull IdIIed an4 IeYera Gehrehl Tbot Brook DOminick CclInOIIaII J A OIIDded -C the wounded -Capt Green Smvth lbe P~tt Iu thechureilhoamplced the COlIdllot _

bull Lleuwntm DUie unknown to meL lfh_ LI oJ lliU~ WOII JlmI of I1Ilaquo1fIl Mllot I thllll w eoweNl-to 1amp t e lnat lnlaftl1l aolIIeeUke IIr H~_ghtl IidromN~ Yor~r Compan A-Wollnded Prifalel danlt11th me mlldl or the t an w_te COOl III Whl Ill r sere te KIlle 7middot

EL NICARABUENS4 VoL I No_ so p_ Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 18 1856

Inreprd to the der_ ortha pulohhe pt rirn~dk lI~lrimiddotete Frank mtIDr IIIUrderIDg him the mudlttad III bod with lIpled b7 tb OrIIoanee ollce l_oot A Company O-Wound[ Opt KatcdoI bl70llectln the moat hocklng _nr

blUbe een that I wbllt lborU 1M t areTb oree th_ w the latgeIIamp or III except jbA$ ~n the obureb ruI wu weU oouductad by ~ Ollila Capamp iWawlll lIr Bolchur and bull B Wyatt of the Ql1arlei1autel DepetlDlenc of wllom CUI sly report In detail bUI J Cellitlle aallut dlCeIl of the Qllantrmuter ormiddot ~nUlhereb7 eIbt ornblmen under lIr W yU berndd1Ir~or r~ - w bull II P II whla rellta to It mad that

Ie ellem aAer Idlll fttreOGe throocb th III Illto atrala to like p_IOII Irolllncb ~bi repelrle I h e neelYedl think that he IItaorYlng or milch credll

if 01 Ofierr ampltlHr 4fId OiH_ oflIrit Om Jtlyll e_ dilaquobullbullud in 1M laquodon at OrlZala Oct IS 0418 18G8

It bull J O ONeU lat Rillbullbull I CapL ASlt4tlngl OrdnDoa Dept H L Pouer (9f AIel Jon P II OOllelll ~I Jobll Baldwin capt a W Pickerag1l Rail

cp- Vm twla 08D Wilkerbullbulld LIeut Orowtll Dr Lllnd lIedlcal Depamp Ilt BrlukerhootDr Scott Ilt Stringer Dr 1gt111Ctp Gre pt or Port l~Dt Lamber Ordnance Dept ~Wm_eaTIII_LoIpcte


Jon Ahtou

i lin Yatu bull Byn aurOl

III JOlle CoAlQRlIIa Q K Dapt WK Wa

1 r I Arcbbold ILW~bullbull II WEeU7 IiV H bull fWnT Jolla 1t7lllt Thoe Ohapman Jobo Inial1_ hoi MOI1 I Bun u II T Sfki Gen Fr1 Orderly I OIDia Ollisoa oW Teller JchnTabor il Thombull u J L lUohmmlll CIJlt WllkfIII II HatbII1 lilir Elnpweullr Smith t ~RathnriU u1 Oeo Rieberdl lit Rouetll Obaplalo


oWUllllnrul W~ ill (JraMll4 JItWi 0IIII to fhtI Walk arriClal Oct 18 1fG8 RUllaquoI-1fr Bart mllllellu Geoat Gall

ItI I Ill Vlllablt Ooun-HolIIII Pavua B b IDA1mlT-Vllffl7 Jraderlcb Frank ph ~ bntelltl J(1w~9Inkle7 Jbplllll pllL W~ll~or Gil Capt Baldwlo Dr ~ Chu 8l1ettr Jobn Tabor Ed II NleA elWl W Telle elliseo Hamblldo 811cltlmiddot

SUchtlJ-Oarter Cp B II OapL Pickmiddot

oJ gm Won a Jliui of llu Jrrtt R~ Ballalion 001 UI~ lt11111181 iCoalpan a-I Lieut )lth wollllled

IimiddotI1Ilpao7 B-WOIIDded 1at LlRI Latimer d iL Hortll SergelUll1loekfallow ampllghll Impampnl O-Ellled Private Lats 1I000nded ut LeBallft Prinlet LlI __ Jat acklOlI Bouobllll

ftl~1I7 D-Wouoded lat LleuL AlldtrlOn i ~teI lIoCoI~dOlll8lullelOt~do

p aJUJled rrivatel BobblII- Mtu ad~ u~om~7 r-ifiiiet PrIYale lfcCurej wOllnll

PrlYlIeI Kerr ttel

[OolllmllnIcaWcL] tv Ine is obtained by the red hot plOshyHORRIBLE ASSASSINd 1ION Cless thus

_ bull bull ODe or tile moat barbamprlou blltcberiee w A platina cruclble IS made and mam

perpetrated 011 the P_I of Law Wllteler tained red hut over II la ge IiIpirit-llmp _____ _- 0- u anll lOme ~Iphurle acid is poured into it --- ers-111 y _ 0 AI bull Th _t I the cit 01 0rana4a 11 r_rded ou ampbe PIV aTom a lgtJpette III _I though of comshyor hletory

Th_ f Inom I ere dtIlberalel k o~ -~~l hmlolllh A _

II eo rom n w c refuse and mllrUrad iii cold blood

P La- II l ho bed reelded 10 001 w a maro III w

thle _utrylor ayeamprI 11111 un mntIned n611tra UId daImtd tbe PlCltaCtiOll of th Uliltad BlaHa h (aha atetlm to th_ blOodtblretyor Ii Ala B HI ampent Ith gu 1I1tem II COR W

mon temper ture one vf the most vola tile of known bodies liossedSllli the aingu lar property of rmahllng fixed in the redL_t bl d t f t crulli e a no bullbull drop 0 1 ~vapo-atea in fact It is not ID contact WIth the crucible but has IIlll1tmosphere of it Own interposed A faw drop ofOlnmon wa tor are now added to the sulphurous acid III he red hot cluclble The diluted Rcid gett mto Ilnmedw aootact with the heat ed metal Instantly flashes oifinto sulphur VUI acid vapor and such is the rapidity

b from otlon u b the aboehmiddoteJIGrt It DIMI7 td Llellt VODBII~ do Be 11 WoSoo4 a lllan to lin in thII -try and ener Clfthe IIvaratilln that the waA_ I for hi Co D-W 11_ nft B DoH I I ha mpan OIIn L Ollce wulm-b m II) fUCG t t ny

rIlIlYI t~ant ~k rgeI PrI4i people iii thII oIriUred age could be Ph of auchAJe~ II t 7 e 0 III It Vlte

Comn07 amp-Ellled Private OaIIaban wouruishy dT

B Sb d I bull au II JellL bullbullbull er_ angtrOlll1rut nln a1ttl~va~~ tIarkdo

middotaopan ~Eniedl Prl~1ea Q LPhilip OtOlllrd Pleno Brull Franclico JlIulwoulldelt Pri1eI B Smith lighll TbdB I __ bull H y _II d3 _ng II ampIIIIlpa

LiltoJ KUki 11ft WotW oJ LigAtArlUlnI

OomJllll7 A-Oed yate ~-en EtOHJlbeller PtedarioJt Dli1Iab i oullded Capt A sebWlrta lIgMI 8ergelmi lIiIIumb Gil iJo lrinkll Fr Stleub do BIII1 Jlalellllb do TheOdore Db erel2 Lu of KUlIil 04 WwttW of Rallo

EUled-Prlte Frederick HIlL llllelng-PriateJOIepb Klumpb OHrpoWllshy

uneL RIICUPE1U1IjlE poa OF fH18

OOUNlBY m____ t a __ b -1 _ ~-6- 10 7 ma -- 011

or the belt COlIDamprIea CD the globe amp0 III reproducinl power It 10 grt 110 1Ir111711d iIIn be at all 1011 (or ampD7 _t lea1 or tllIIlI

- shyfor prolIIoas III cold noHbera cIImatef h_ nllIfe Heamp for lIurIhalf the r ftooIIIampberon

made dllrinl the other bait thare h ben 1tampDceeln ~hlcb largebodlu of -0 ltoaoeritratad iii aarrow hit han aulJred tor fooIIlmamp iii thla QlunrJ filch nat campOD~o_B_ eOlt)

rudenrydil76r1ngalargeqllanUtleato tlldl In thts _n1 aIao where calli require 110

h the ~tertaI tbr dltlr ~ fll eare w tr plendlUl UId hare thert Ie no wiater to reduce or IlnpelYerlah them an abundance II aiw at hlId AI II In ~clitl providence held gW

dleliahlp onr dll amp1OIed land the great llapl of true food corn and bNlll alwalo aeuon Olher rult be wee at Umee bIIt th_ e neTer Belllco 8 theae IIllh tbe ntYeNaIIlllllllpo pl- of animal tood we 0amp11 11117 depend wIlli II eerlabil7 TbeAnppU _110 oollflned to 0111 place 0 department me ecRIIIW ibouruII iii tbem

U II-c bullamplid Ibe grealtlt dllllcult7 ur--OO oblalnlDClllppll Lillie - or tranpori

Sapr lfhloh I no Iooger bull IlIltllry bill nee

cano gro hare ao plncllilll thaI hori4ll lIneo from GnuadaltiadocouloIlllU to bonee Ifth or an olbe artlclo ot food 1h0ll1d be rOt a de or two dllllcult ro obtain lID _lIOt or the markHndle beln frlihlened b the late pree 8IIet of their heredl ellflDl ampIII011g them a 7 et two will ure tbem of tbJi ptOtoclion of the Amerlcantnd luurlee wilt bo epfD abushydanl u formeriJ


-bl lab or th bIlIbaroun will pgtVUOt y 1OII 801IIe wretcb who murlltred Amence1I oIllIIlIII amplid lIiaIIouut bre wlthollt ptO-1on and In cold bloodi llhen dIlIl learB th tbJi wounded tIIeln

belo cared for alld Iltelld d to with amoos_ are mueh reprlt7lUld atteutlon u the woWlded of our own am fbe WOUllddd we 8rat Pllt lilto the Ouard-Holln alolll wllh the olber Gell Walker had tbem relnovd to All boapltailie apari for thellllelvea AIId lallyo olllen ha been elllpl07ed 10 a116ru1 10 thelr aeoeullJee This follllS I stronl contuat with the baDGer 18

_ acl amphlIe wu mGlt woraU dllappolBtad I Be bew not that he bad to deal wlm agee_1 b uHow mlob t 10 be dep_ - not teke ampbe adyce of blafrillldt IIId aItoulder bit mlllltet la lIIIfltleCeuce ampgalast 1Il0lll $ha make no Illatlocdou

The Be lit Wheeler _ a mlulono- from bull bull -J

the Unltad SIaIeI bullbullllIiIter of tho Ooipel who WIS n 1a dWlibIIDI boob ad other aamiddot ored IItlee

Ameruau foreIpm Ohrlatlau will 1011 auf fer 1IIOb OIIlragu 011 humanlt to go upunlabed The blood or the IRnocent 011 for veogeancel

II the Will apllIIt tit Iodlan or NIIIth

America wu JtllIampgtI1I at that _I cia bow much moriIl thll Wll JUlilabl aphm bull lit or qul as __ dollbt I word ol t lb b~ wbo 0 lIOi plClltad b the IIIIl1aht- 1lueJ 1IIf-rapeci feqllirea liS lIever to bellen 811m or the age ad who 0amp11 _mit lIIIIh a bull of what 1IIOIIItJ01I alrocllltt Lo WhaU bHn tbe ampreatmant or the WOIInded and ft__ liken b7 Gn Walker The FROll ampbe _de or a Addle 011 the 18th iot

r- within II DlUe or tbe oilY II blue broadclotll Conaer were plOflded 101 iii bull bamlll mlllntr I OAPI IIntd IIlampb bleck wlib a bbck eIYltooO die latter treated u ~ of Bere Th Cape roUed uoiJnd a lew articles otuudeJo would haft bean a flile epporUlDlt7 for uereilllli c1othee A wleble ward wHI be paid to

W au _whO wID leaiII b at thl olllcampthe law of retaIlaIlOII BDI Gen aliter diOM Granada Oct 1fj8 IIthtr to loUowthe dlcliuee ot humlllli7 ad be pYemtd b7 the enlightanecl prlDelpa or the I WILL glvt II n~~i~ to any persoll who agt willreturn to 111 atore m Ledger Book It

Shall tlII -lUI collntry which fa 110 aumiddot was pUlaged from 1111 tore durlnS elate tackbull petlor to North Amerl be aUowad to remain In H A THOIIIAN

r shyter llIma ns bthlnd nnd ill frozen into a IlImp of ice III the rcd hot clucible (romwhich seizing the moment before it again mel it mtv bu thtown out befor~ lhe

Jeel of the Mtomsbed observer

We wisb some of our enterprising reashyderawould attempt the mtnuficture or ice

m In Granoda ~o the l~el8On who produCIlfltth Ii 1 III gI bull

e rllt samp e we w ve a ttptop no tice

l1J The Roman Elllpire In the Haith or illsIor did DOl colltain more than three milllona of aqaar mllel Th UolWd Btatu now C01enJ more ampI1an thlt aret Ind It latser than Rome wu when ehe If~ die mIIlrcel or the world

RNpeet tor amp 1Iuman Y81 Frellcbmall

1 II IlIelf BprInc Slimmer IIld II1II the und ot gea 1Iho woaM Il10IIII prohlblamp Oruada 0118 1868bull En iI WlbeJllnto belog ampbe germ orOllt (004 ialmIgratGD md PlCIgretl Bare natllrl bea Lost

dOlltlall that It 11_ 10 h_ happ~ ON TUESDAY the 81at 1111 LANDWAR God IIaItowend hill bleulnp and RANT tor 6 hundred drawn 10 favor

All th apMt or man II dI-fue H of J O ONqd SlIch mealln bJio beao ~ken as wID reruler the warraot or DO 11ft except t)

0 UR 8NIIIIIES DISPBRBINO the pellOl1 for wbolll it WM drawn ~I pel1lOn _ who returDS It to ampbe 8llbacrber Or Ib the olllce of

IntalUsenco IlpoD which WOampII reI II_SIIamp II Nlearag1IeOlle will be IUlleb~ OwaJ~L InampoGtanada thl mornlnamp 8tetet that the rem Granede October 18118 bull bull un or ampbe AlHed torcea are preparing to Itb -----_--=-_____--_

tllII~trJrlbundantin thllOOIIlltry f o(tbit compay in biadespateh ya

draw amp0111 the are _ding their lick forwanl to LHu and tUIng other pral1mlllampt7 for apeed7 lIIlllaum et 11 ftlalll nOlf with thembullbull matter or 6boIce If data-ed bull few da11 wo _lIIlder tho iIIIproa it wOllldIJ9 _ebullbulltarllllecMIlampy

SAPPIIR AN D MlnRl~Capt Hesse

1 have to state tha~uenr1 O Porter whom 1 temporarily appollltAld bt Lieu tlBa bhuyoo bravely as well in lIlauy III on euterlng Granada He was the only one to load the gun In ~e charge on the enemy beyond the Jateba Ohurch

ftampX A THOf1pound~) nHOLJl8ALE DEALER IN


AND ALL lUNDS or LIQUORSToSether willi

lIIN cOPzca tNJOs_zclJ1raOJV lIDiLL lUlIlII or GOOIII 11011gt 111 _ amu HOIpltalltreel lu Crout of 8enFllaelloo CouVIIDI

ClIIItda ~e_-18_66___~___ Dr ~I Po

TENDERS HIS SERVIOES to the oItIzetll Qf Granada and Ylcnlt71a tlte practke or

MEDIC ME SURCi RY amp lllDWlF 1 E m iRY l1J OftIet IIId ~ldC8 011 the 8Oohweat

the optain being wOIlnded and all the 1 ~ the treet GPpoelte the Bow FIanCitco other I~lel being either wounded or driven 0 JllIIet lillie from It under the hlllvy firing of the It entlmy Fagan lind Loyd attended well eeorder 8 Omee tomiddotall ordlllI and fuug1t well at Maaayn THE omce ortbe Rooorderor Deeds 1I01tpguand Granada Mr Latta WII8 wounded ~fortbJi 0rieIamp Depllltmetofthellepu~

d U Itc wU be opened III tho clt1 of G da CD Moo-In til exeutlon of bls 1Y mr Johnmiddot da7the 9m ofsptelllber 18L1amp All perIODs Inn did his dutj well throughout both required by Deero~ to bll~e their tltka ro IODdalD action al also did Mlll KcIeweR the r01ll8lld Departmen~ recorded within IIbc and Maloney monlha aAer that tI A Of LLIS

Recorder for the Orieotai Deparlm8llL _ W II P h_L i I GriDada Sept 6 18jI _ It lit w I II toe way _______________

to Buriingampun fn Ie ~o~did you knuw Tabor ampr 0118) 111( narnu waa Pat f Oh I guessed ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORSAT LAWshyitn ~D by t~e hOI~drker if yo Oftlee iii Et NJOAuovlIlI1I BuUdiOp-80ulh are 80 goo at gU_Rft Ie otter glllss 11 ~ol PIau Grnada NICAIIgIIa the way to Burhngton PartlcoI attention paid to e1a1 against til

J3gt An editor alks in talkin of po Goo~eiBOR 1 jOompan G-IIlIed Sergeant lIurrJ llOWIdmiddot whlob die AmerleanR b hlampl1l1J1o be811 treated ottmiddoty and matimonYt Who would indlte OWEN DVFFY r Ga~lIOamppt I 18C1(1

14 Ptlva Brandll OoUn70n Ellinger BIalrOII who bavII fallen Into It harul or the el1tlii) OIlDlts to a woman whom lie nw every Davlcl I_raftamp1IIiaIu Drummer onlar We call11pon the civilized lIaoos that - apeelemiddot Donlin in her night cap IIDd evert dlaquoy

tors ofuu 8tlllllea to nota ampbe dllference at dinner IIwallowlng meat and IDlhtard1 O~BS FOR SALE at his plac Se BollaLt 01 WouIIIW tA SfWII() Bi- Ballttllon ban iltreot ene bouee ampbon G PIt BeeCoiopampll1 A-t1iIto W 0I01ld 1Il1g1i1ly PampRPIOIIU CulII-FellolI-cltllll aald e tFTho bed of death brillJ1R on 1mmiddot char Ilore 1Jempan1 B-Plbalell I Dowell aUghtl7 11 bull h ~p llour Whlte-ltlllgar OtJUllee lIampIlkeralt Oil

~ do lllteheU do Fourtb of JQ1y orator I repea tho declaatoo I man beIDg to 18 puro IndiVIduality I to 011 eoKno VGIIl AfOIIIaticScbladem Selldo lIot bellevo there II I mOUl woman Of child In ~~tDen- alllhll1 Oorpo- the IlItenlIe contemplation of that dcepeat Stomach Bittelll Pbibulelpblll Ate UId H 111 do lriv A ruuerlon dangeshy this bolin IIbo b r_hed 1110 age Gfil~lY_ Ilnd most 8OIomn ot all relations tha rela Kllllgulan aDd Mdefra Win Cle7plpear SouJItI do J P lIle d(l but what has fel hit truth huuderllli throughtholr breloa C8l1tviOl gor iou between the oreatare and hill Creator TERMS ~_0lIl ldIJed

_ _~_____ ~_~~____M __ __


318 EL NICARABUENSEVoll No 51 p 2 Sabado 25 de Octubre de IBS6 Saturday October 25 la56~

lttpound 1 Jitaiagutnst ~ Satur4ayllominlt Octbull26


Promotion8 and Appointmenti lIJ~1I fllOll al OINpoundPU OIlDlI8 or fill lIIIT

PR OMO TIOlS bull C Ftfennlngsen Is appomted Brlgler Gene

rat ill tbe Ailny and will take charg of Ille OrdIWI ~ Arlllieri under orden from lite Comshylo~rIIlVCloi- n~ bullbullbull A bull

or bull _ ~ra III promo_ MlStentQuattermaster General wIth tho rank of LleutenshyllDtColonel andmiddot1II take charge or ~he Depar~ mant during the abaenoe of Col Illlller Quarto m~ter G_I Ia d u IPt III IIOrril QUlrtermaator promote JOt Quartermutermiddot Department

cpt George WLeoollfd Ifirlt Rlfttt II pro rnqtld Broyd MIJor for gallantry on the field0118Ib 1816

pt A Scltwa~tz ArtlllorY to bo 1110Pl Thomas Henry (UDMiaubed) Ie promoted

MflJor bi the Quartermllaters Deplrtment 11111 Lleol George B Farrand to be Ctplain liltt ampJellamp George W Glat Ald-de-camp to be

oplalnI tAout JlIIll1 F Schooh Company A ae

cone BIB Is promoled Captain Company A ~

Rlilett II -pled to take eAec October 18ampb 1656

The ratpatlon ofSecood Leu~ I a 8oDmlll Compan 0 ampeond Rift Is aCcopted to ake lIftte Ocober 18th 18GO

Th teelgnatlon or Second Lieut J W Polk 8eeond In1 II accepted to take efted Qcto ber 20tb 1866

The nelSlotion of Seeond LI J W vamiddot111m Second Rilles Is IIccepted to take eftect October till 1866


Col Thomu F Fllher QUlrtermoeter Oenera1 ordered to tbe United Statot on blllln811 of the Governmenamp WlII receive hie InatructioD from the Oomlllallderin-Ohief

Capt Wlllllm errmn Is granted leaf of abeenca (or ailtty dill from flle ht ofNovember18116 At Ita explmlon lIe will report foI detshyto tbe Commander-inOhIef

cp 1 NWeU Walker Ranger Dtlttallolffla glllllied leave or abeenee Ibr 1I1IIy day fromlIl November18i16 At ita ellplratloll heill report for ord011l to lite commanding omcaia o( bll BILlmiddotIIlIon

Cop J O JlmllOll Fi11ll I fanlry I gnlltld lean or ablence for elght1 days from Noycmbior 18t1868 At lIa cltpllllon he wUi report to the commandillg olllcer of bla Recltnent Cor orUII

Cal II Mallldorf Second Infantry nted ItaYO of abeenee 101 NU day At Its elplratlon he willmiddot report to lite com1l1anding Clllleer of ilia Bandon for ord_

Tlr Llent Robert GIIllIlOII Is gnllied leave of abINnce for mtl dAys At Its explrallon he WIll fllporl fGrdut1 ar Grailadamp to II eomlllanding of-

COIId Billes lIeer firat Lienamp B F Delaney Seeond IlIfnll1 III Fll1It LIenamp Lewis R Latimer IIm Rilles II

PIOllli)e4 Olpllln of Artillery gnnted Iena of abeeuee (or nlnet) da flllm llrit Lleut am Dunlcan Flnt Rilles I pro November let 1856 At Ita erplntlon he will

oted CaJltoln FIrat RlOos report to Col B J Sallden FIllt Rllin (of 01

SteOlld L1u B M Allderaell Compally A to deramiddot boa~IItLCoImlan1 B Seeond 11__ G Fi Lleut Arthur OOollnllr Seeond Infiantry

_Itt lUI YD orlbedmiddot paDY I auted leave of abllenee fOr lxl da fromFirat IIIfantrbull1e promoted Firat Lleulenaut Colli 1111110 FIrat Infantry

SNond Lleul O n WellFI11It ~IlIIl11 18 p

~=o~~ia~~~O~~I1I1~ Flllt Bla rolUoted Firat L1utampnant Firat Rilles S~nd Lieut B A Crhart of Ordnance to be

Firat ~~euteDaDtrt dLLleuamp aeo W nailer Second Infantryt lo - tit eutenlnt ~olld Lkll John F Price (unallacbed) Ia

))f41DfltedJijrt Lieutenant to repol to litomiddot Quu te=~I~fs 0H=~ Com A ae ~~4 -n __ to De Firat Llelltenftnt ompln A Steond JUfIM

a-d L1eld _ Wnllam Company D lieshycollli middotlUft to be Firat Lieutenant Company I

Second mlf~ RIa I hoorabl dJcba~oI from Ilia Army fItrmj IIO Porter 10 be1irfl LleUmlAlIfSllIl OOrporafi1anlel Smtlh1 00mpany D MtiiUUlIo

part till Ifhort I honondllrdlachfled - Ibe Army ~ Kleuelldotf Comrny A nangell to

b Firat Lit1tanllnt Oompany B Second 10 Iligoant-MlIjol MllIwel1 Allen Trll$ Rlller shy

nppolnted Socood Llelltanant Fl11It Rlao bull Firat Suetan Chl Wllklnoon Firat 1UIIcII It polntedmiddotSecond Lleute~antFirst JliflOi

Fillt Sargeant Carl G Sbockle Anillery I prOlllOted Second LIeutenant Ariillery r~rgeanl Hardin Jnlalllry Ie promoted Second IItORlnt Comptey a FllflI Jnfilntry

CeIlIt J V Conklin Company D SeeoDd Infalltry to be 8eeond Lieutenant Complllll B Iiecond IDraliky I ~ltlral IlenJ4aDelolter Company B Second ~~1fnnt~ nd Meutenant Compan7 D

Private lIrnncl Roth Company F Second In famplltry to be Firat Lleutellant Company F SeeoDd lnf4ntt

lrIto 1 A OIarko Company F Second I faDIr to bo Second Lieulanallt Company Ji Sec ODd IlIfantry

Prlvale Donnls E nlnea to be liecond Juumiddot teDant ampppOlll aDd tilDen

Prlute John G lla~ Company A Second RI tohoBocolld Lieutenant Company A SeeoDd RIIttJ Rirgeant IllIJot lugh Com8ny A Second _ft~ Second Lieu~nt IIlpteyA Beshy rriYlte B B-Yilt Company it Second Rlftet

to be 8eeond Llollellant Company B Second m 1Iu bull bull s~JaMi~~tod Seeond Lleutonan~ of

111 Slckl ia ppolna~ Second Lieutonant to date fiotn May ht 1856 (110 Ie acting at preaeot It AId to Brig Gen Fry)


Col lohn I Matich I reinstated and will kt1motlo~th~Fi1 Infialed fll RlfI 0 bull lit bull -e to 0 Irak Jk lI~n~~r Calling Oompftay O Secood InshyampII ared to Company 8eeond Iu-

The TreuaU RallgerJ with aU their equlpmonte are tranatened to di BIItamplllon of Rongelll b ~~ of llappef1l and 1I1n commanded

Noltmbr let 18GS At h uplratlon he will report tomiddot tho commanding omeer orhll Regiment for 9r4el1l

FIl~t ~wlcre~yQ~II~~D be 1I1U1 continue to IROn forwardbull It Ittut that cause of a conllnuanee of the oUlrage UP01 hi A pUtmanamp A Ita explratlol he wHl rellOn at Granada fO IIMer

Firat LIeuamp Robert Oardller Fraf lUlIea II lIltedampIe of abMllee for nlnet dlJl t weexplraUon of wlllcl1 b will report for ord_ to the commanding elilcel ot ilia Battallou ~ Llout J Bleier Jnaamptacbed) II _tod

Ihamplvenof llbaatt~t1ordormil O1t JJta~plratlonl te repor era at eueralutadqulricl1I


Sergeallt J A Bopldn Compan D Jim

rrlvato Benry Waiteill Compall Al~RIll 18 honorebld~arpd froII th Army

Private M Mlllloy ComPany A Volti~ tlOIle -dlui~ b~lariofltaereatlbu to rille 1t000000000lr fiIoiarnil hm lb Armlmiddot

Privata I4wlll P raquo CompOy 8Mond Inran Itdllollaraed trom lit army OIl Surgeoneertillcate of dIIobifity


Th n r oname of ~emiddot len D GoIcourIa IIl1tr1okon

from tho roll of III umy 21

AmtttIlT-On Thuraday evening Gen Ba1llo Illl1gaon 11amp01 the men under bla command OXOJo elellig In flle plu The JrtlllI) In two Com panles UDdOl the Imlnedlate direotl0ll8 of Mlllor Sehwallllo ClP DeilneT and cpt Farrand and tbo Sa ora and Min under Oa Hebaamp Tb

pp p e men were enrolled In maneuvrlllg lite mountallt bowltaera and frolll lite rapidity of tbelr 1000lag certainly ahowed IIIl1t1h profIcIelicy

shyOn ldal avenlng after bavlng ourcllod tor a

wblle on fll plua w111t blank cariridges a trial Wli mad Ith the regular sheila against lite wall ofanad ruin The captoIea proved thellllelw

aimed at and the aholle xplodlngIII the WIll tore out larg piece 1 IIPP_ to III from Wbat we ha _of tho e~ that wo lIbelle IItrildng In tho amplme opo will ellech breacb III fll8l1rOllg as adobe building aud tbat (or lite mlllorlty 0110

11011 directed Iliot 11111 be ~mclen The wall llrodlnto WU 1Ibullbullrly four flltt blthlekuou

fha Sap)lllt and Hillen coming to a Itoolder 1tIIT8 with hovello looked aUrat IOmlll1t odd but thoy anu line Iooidnglotofmenand are 0110

of Iho moat ulCfbleorps In 1110 aenlce

CoL T r Flnlll-W obamperY tllat 001 Thea r FIlbert Quartermuler Oeneral N A hu been dred to lite United Stotea 011 h_eII_nedld 11It thla (Jo__amp nelWl made Idmeolf euolt a Ibolite wllb tha paople of Granada that e

PLURALl1Y OF PABTIP9TONS The Late Insult to the U S Flagl The name of tle venerable Ind aimple dimeshy MURDER OF A1IERlOAN OITIZENS Dr TBg

MI1I Plrilnglou-18 In tltelle tlmell ol(n ug AILIED ARMY OF GUATEMALA ANIgt led There aremiddot now many lattlngton_ SAN SALVADOR man ho trlve to Irr01lI tlte advallce of oceanl wIth boom8Uclcl We are surrounded The murder of tbe Amricaa chIlena In tb~ b fllem I we read of them I ever mall brings city of OrMada on the Ush of the cormt aome new denlopment of flleir flllll1w labort month by middotlIte allied foreca of San Salndor tad TIley endampvOf to ouPvtlngton Partlngton by Ouatemala II one of tbe Infllmolll trtneaellolls IIIlng leas oIfrctual illBtrumenta In tbelr elforta to that mual for ever dmgraee the chllracter of tbe lIIeIIl more forcible and overwhelming occaM people bYllbom It 110 eomml~ted and bring tbe Th 11 I n ~ b II tImiddot bullbull middotmiddott h b I d Ibe or ~na anngton wa WII I nil a nl VI 1 ampIn em ~c D8Mloon9 un er e of th Clty of Liverpool now all England belongs contempt if not the dlrcct ceniure of every dr to flle famUy ud Franee by ylnue of ~ho Aliimiddot lIIlca Is ready 10 act Partington to the letter

Partington Is no longer II proper nAnle bullIt 1113

btltlomo common Ie ha beeome r princple of lclion It II now bull great pollllcal organization In facc Statesnol Kingdom tuck up thol PGIII coate and BtAnd mop In Iland ready to RlTelt tbbull rising tide of tbo limes let the cllort COlt wlo II m

TheN 18 an adage hich altlteugh worn bull II l

IItreadbue w would lIdbullbull6 arUngtolB 10

keep CODipleuoualy bofor them It will SIIve tbem milch labor and not a li~tlo ridicule ViII II Thne and tide wait for no mall In IItIa 18 l

b I Idworld of tllltli and pblloaopllYI If leh t fOU be weB for the Pringtons of tile age to aludy

Beroro lite wbeel of lime btU completed lIIlotber cycle Ihe obituary 01 ail lito Parllngtona wlllhabullbullnd ogalllBt hia protestltbeylllllt robbed him of

bull bull been wIllon I for althougb trutb IOmetlm reo all that wal valuable lu hl8110U8C Illd thon drag amp11 Itlell Iowly the dayla about to dawn If I~ ged out from und the folda or that II ltIcb he Ilot alread1 dwned when men wHl be conmiddot should huo mad hia pel8On ucrcd and hot vlneed of w) they ha kllllWD Or hneprof_d him Illh coolncea Illd deliberaUolt

10 know for a long tlme-illat man I a progr Aalf to add to the alroell tbey were nol COl

elvo ereature and tbat thlhllOllltabl WIsdom of tent willt taking hlUfe DlIlng all Americall illmiddot Dilialty haa set blm tranlllng In II patb 10 which IIIln inatead of protcetlng him while 11lng 1111 u

ou tbla road lhere 1IIa~ be ranters that lOme main alter dealb I Seven bayonets were tbrcel may atop oul of the Way and reellDe b) COlllfllltftble thl1lugh bll bod after he had bHD abot reatIng piIlClll but It Ie oqUillyt~ tllllt those The thought of how tkcao fiamplda dlnced lIm who teat toe long mUllt keop ou~ ot middotthe wly of lItel victim lind in thai hclliah glelr hinr

thcao who ate malaquoll~ Ollward or lltey WIU be JDOIt UllUredly troddon upon

It ClInnot be long before mOl will be convinced II II

ILlIeluwUIil laelrneat And the gray It Dot Ita goal

DWI~ thou In to dUlt returnnlVAI not spoken to Ib 10Ul

And that although Individual Of cles or peo

pi lIIay heeome u 11 were withllred limbs In tbo great tree ofllf flle mmk canllot pariah bll~COII country Be had been here tbrOugh two rr_

nd _~ III It h ~ed tlul I II 8 bull -_ 1111 as _III grea porpoaea (Or wblch It lloe _ied

But the Partinglolll of EurOpe and America IMllllnospahle of DIjIkin tbe proper deductiona 111 Llo of ellta~ fll8y aeem u Incapabl 6of comprahendlng the great lam of hnman 1I1e lIId thlr Teneraoto progenitor tbe tonlea whleh ro IIlated we ebb and 11011 of the AtlantIc

We a haYIng now re-enacted 011 tho etage of European plllr lite sceno of In lIleb tbe Par tlngton of ~be Inquilitlollllgured wben a lItey would ha us auppos clolltcd In tho IOlemn 111

h lItorill or God they compelled II nnar1lbla p Imiddot lesopber to relnee bll_dOll relative to the revolntlon of tIe amplrih But a1tbou h litis d I to aholl tI era ~I f I thmiddotYv r a me a gen e n tIrae the pro- of lit ampIlll iteelr WII not reated and the ParUngiona of tbe Old World w1loe 10 aaslduOua In thrlll4in fllelr mope Inm flle advanclo wamptora of lite sea ~r P n III allOO8ad onlYin being conllnced in ~d that

olteellont marbmen lhe1atruek the preollupot notwithstanding their elflllta flle world will con

~g (fou tJIIl~~ecd under tbe orden of donbt nol be 111 reoal Ii pleaeant reoeplioD do not weigh mere than a grain agalnat the elllrtll

t1nue to wag OD

It we tbe I lrit of ParUn tonim tbat threw obllampaclca In lit path of CoImbU 1I0d Luther alld KOllath It 11 to legllJlallng In tbla aplrlt that EnglandlIIayttnDute lite 10lIl of her North American Colonln and to tllil aplrlt Bpab) loa ber AmerlCftD POIIIIdIIIOUl 1amp Is the Parllngtonshylam of th that cndeavo11l to arreat flla Il1o Taneo of llrragua In flle road of 1101 desilny alld that would atlgma~ If pOIIlble one of th

b d _~ h1MII _t an moat nt__ men W 0 ever unmiddot dertook naople to proeperty

BII~ to lite philosopher 1114 lilt_ thllk thero Is a OOIII01atlon III the knowledge thllt erente are guided b7 111bull luperlor law of an aUwlle Deln III whOle balance the elloru of all the PrUngtreg

RESlrAATIONS The etlxnltlon or cApamp OIlldes A Gore Se

eoIld lUlu Is accepted to eke olfect October 1tIIl5O

Tliolampllgnltlon of Firat Lleu~ A M Pittman Firet Infantry II accepted tomiddot take tlleet from October 3 18Gbullbull

TIae retlgnalloll or Recond Lieu Groaa Second

wheruOlhe COIII We 111111 him afiaorabl TO age and a )Iced rotum

DItrIlIlDIIN 0 GIIIIUDl- We 100 been handod I 11 II th lIamn of all the persona wbo were present at the defence of Orampl)ada 011

th J11th and 18th of tbla monih It erowded out fllia eet We shall probably pulllllh It in our next IlIue

of WuhlngtoD er a Walker or 111 olhar of the InlltrUmonll wbose Ilame we might adduce wbom Be lIIOIintbo developemont of HI dealgnt

Tn I QuJlPBu VITVs-TbI8 flIslllonlble eillb we regnl to eay haa ceased to elleamp Au loq 0fO~ Ita remailll brought In a ferdlet of died of eoIIapea of tbe pocket RguitmJI ill p4tbullbull

IHzed nation_ It I nnmiddot ac~lon ao rar bOlond tho pale of 011 clrllifLd cII9toma8S to render IllmplJtoI I r bull ill E cld I

abo 0 Jual cation ~~ry In onl Olcry e ( eumstanco connected wlln it ene only 10 add to the guill and ink tho porpelratOll of Ihe onto Iago dcpArln tbe grcd 1lqulty

II cannot be Mid thumiddotlt nlpp1tml u or wbile tbe IOldlera 1010 in suebe Illtc of ~~ cUemen as not to be aware of what they did I I for I yet theyliad nOI been enpged in any BC

L1 h dmiddot L h d b t on nor a oy Il B ot yel re npon tnOIll 1 any of tha oltizens of Gmnada The residence of Mr Lawl_1s allUftted about midway between the large plaza IIIId tho Jalteba Chuteh Ria

bull h b bullbouse wal tho flral tber came to In a tag b Amerlco~ls lind wltboul pl1lvocotlon or culo while the American tlftg lfBI tIiDg over bla door

bullbull deprived aD American citiZen of life bee mlng iii Intoxicated witb (ury III to conlinue to Ibruit theit byoultalnto him la heortmckening

TheBe men cannot ucue themselves b 1lnl tbey were not awaro of LawleSl VClitlon Ibr h I Id d I II rat L av ug res e n t 8 coun~ry len yelm

spoke belr langulge Iluentl n wu 1Iell knOWI

tilroullbou~ Ibe country ampI a merchallt 110 bad never utor(ered or took part III the politlca of IhIt

dOli and mere than b(~w8ra utl had alWAY Ih reapect abown him Iue tbe flag llhose protoellOllha clalllled Belld all thl he 110 doubt oxi

bull pWoed hI JlClIon h lng bd ample lillie to 110 It but It avaned blul nothing tha~ be hid nol takeJl part In the wlra It lled him noihiaLbullbullbullbull I h- d I L ere were ItO arllll D Ie _ an t 1amp1 u~ wu 8Plrely 4efenceleu- a clrcumtaoce that among any people wltb a apark of chivalry or hUlnalllty among them wold hlYe 8Ied blalif He claimed to be an Amelican citizen and eluinr beneath and cillmin~ Ila pr~tectioll of the Star and Strlpell was by the deml demOllsmiddot ( we callIlO wi tbeln men) coDildered amp erime worthy or bull

hd d th meat orn 0amp

We do not wish to caUIUelltion esplloWl W lite death of the Rev Mr Wheeler bo IIU eUi gaged In lite ploua duty of dleklbutlng the ACIId Word of God amont tbe people of fllit pllCl

wltem neillter te aacreel banner orChriat IIOt Ih ftlllJ of Ihe Ulllted Stet cOIIloi aIIVO frou lite ruf 611111y butcbery nor to the murder of the Belr Ferg1llOD nor to Mr Camenl 1Ibo waa dng~ ~ed rrom the bosom of hia family And murdered hllo proclaiming that ha 1111 lin American oltlzen for tbe clrcum8laOCeli of thel~ death Is let rO~IIa plalnlyln tbo lIIIoexed aIIIdvlll i O do we wial( to make any oommenta upon tbampl deelre to get fller American Minister-who Willi at the time prot-[ trated by DlII83l1-1nto thelr huda tor w eel middot ured It wlluld be a work oCIuporeroptoultlu1Il parte tbe caae wID be setforth to the people ar the United SteteltJ by tbelr reprlen-lI e IIIQ we doubt not that Americana wHl indilllto Ibelr

dignity Btl we would ClIII attention to the faet that Ih

flAg 0 the oomparatiyely email BanHate toOI of Saxony 10 Europo waa raapoetcifbull hlle lbe American col011l were being abot at alld rlddleocl Wllh bullete whllmiddot tlylng ovor lhe bOllee of tbt Americalllliniatel and served rather to leduc outrage tban alford procctlon to th_ bG lOught ita ahelter 8 tbe following aJIIdill m bow

LEO Ollmiddot or UNlTro SumOJ AllIIle I liEU RmzllLtC 0 NIOaUOIlA J

Till day pereonally appeared betore lIIe Jamnl George Wledomanll nnd moe OA~ thai I ~

A-gores of the lIled Imyof Gllatemaltl I

319 El WICABA6UENSE Volt No 51 p 5 Sabado 25 de Octubre de 16561 Saturday October 25 1856


tile n SteamOl La Vhllo Capt Thom IlUlkert~rlnd al tbe port of IlrauadA on the ~ytlllDg lotSlaquoturd-y tbe 18th IDBt Iloe brought Jutem -lIP 0 1I1t of UI HItIt monb

br - bShe fOlIgbt o a Ollt ~Igbty Plt888Dgtl1l who nteld ljO nelde I~ 1111 COIInuy list) of 0111 ~ Joinell the NlcarogulIII Army Among t

- I IBanIfa we nol ct tho lIallle of Clt)L eonlngftnHow~ Joinell theNlearagutll Arm1andla In COIomlllll 01l11li ArIlIl~r1

1111 Jla Virgin brwpt alao tor the Army lU1 bull o if h nd-A M- L d middot11IDr ell X II nu m mUlld III i 11 et lour or wllb Ibclr ploper equipment the evrig~ for tb mountdn bowltze aI_d ro -- ld II Ivge quantity OfulIllullltlon

81 f I

struggle wUI be between Buchalampll and pOllUoR a alellder -agure and ver1l1ght bllr reoIOIl~ lillmoro ma however bo much BORland and Frlllee h made II warlike 01 alronger batt tbe pllbllc h lID idea of If Ibe 0I0nllramplloll aallIamp ~be Kin ofSarcllnla AI

ee 0 middotpapr we earn thI All the dey atproeCllee for Ihe rleSidential eltctlon In the tultcdSlateltlllulscltcmentalld1nleruUllor_

be nfoet ngg_1ed ltalemen are IDade by of lb riftl candldatea relale to

iuoqUt t II weoed wIb mor ~OtiOD ormore UDshyettlalra I lIor caprlceelIIan 11080 two Statee now

I od ha P ll 1amp t1 middottt t 1IlPlji t t en 1 YIUI I go or ImlomrDUllffilll4ll Ia 1101 cet~ of Ilanflng It iln Ib1~er ~andlt hlwampy been e Btrong ilIIIICIlItie 3Iett and h ginn Ddehanan large

Ai e roof of 118 entire dovollon to Uoellty I Hid lbal In Ita remoter di8lcta llaer are lililarge ItlllDben of Totee _t fqr AnshyUtW J~80II t

AI Ne York no etandll the Fremont men Ire alma I Ilire or ber But II e fllred tbat 10 otdtr I ifeeure tho election of lluebanall by Ihe L S d fN Y k 11o~r ~e thO emoerac ew or w go

om 10 1111101 The bull 4ft oro 8() nicely halllllud tbal eonaldmiddot

bit a~lIl1la of mOD01 are illaked upou tbe rampgt fill Willet III accounl of a mall wbo ble to lIhu aUIbullbull hlllr oft bl heed If lIucbanlUl Is 1I0~ Ilt~ted b_IID Ie e or bIa elCllllon be Is 10 be d lIh all lhe blta be CQD wear ri I -mo Buehan conUnue to realde I

Whl middotlIollll8 Thill aIlnde UI or PlOl8OiIor Stowe-hlllbllld r n Deecher 8towe-wbo wben Ihe FIIgishylift SIt LawwlIS p-d re latered vow that

oul~ not M hla beatd cut untO the Ia Will Itpeilled Il lla needl to that by this tim IU beerd of tho Proteeaor hal altainod coRaider

A bull Welangth lIla mil1 wil~ at lOme ulure time I able to 4etermlne the time which bae elapsed ~Rce tbbullp_go of tht celebrakld law by a _Irtllellt of Ibla bireuto ppendage

Olll neighborS Ia the Solltil It 11111 ben b

rtfHOell to lIIother pitt of tbla pape haye art IIt14 at a period wboll tbey are beginning to acl lei aot througb any ellerg of their 0100 but by

bull bull Iho torceof the elective spark wblch tbe pr0111OIt ~ lb AjDerlealll excitebullbull Aa Ie lIIuaU the cue ill ueh spaslllodic e1f~rta tbelr ICtiODS are neltber -At( b d Ira UI I ateedI-~ ~ pru ollee or grea~ til geDco II of t1llll~g tbolr atklptlou to tha aeveopomoot of cIIt reour0e8 or their St they e endeavoring 10 ftrm I agalnaua wllo If tbey 8amplIdled Ilatlr deg lotereat tbe would not olllylreat aa

htelben but endenOf to ludaoe us Inlo tbelr _trie b offorlng lerge 1IIwarda to U8f1 lIIIerIca fho would Httle amollg tbem

go andmiddotdo Ukewlh tI Ibe would In fow lola uame was reeeIedmiddothe ~onoludedlIIIId IDUO1 c u Aoa_ fII IlITIIIIo o BD-Thill L bull ~ Ia peu enklrpriae whleb for bullDaB1e Iou _med

han reuon to Ie the - the merleau lIle pp - too i11cH1v7 plQJce 10 lie HriOllllJ eoklrlalaed tbelr denl among them II Brig GeD Horuab waa II atbullbull II Ie 11IeI u Ihelhuadelplla IAtliJrr to pIO

The Elllpero Alolnder of Ruula u _wued drank with ~re and th _II-I- not onlypn bullileallle blit to be aowal _Iilrocl lakll with peel ctltllOll1 DIIfInc laquoIlGlIamp- The oople of Gtuadr- uu _ ~oo_uIoa 01 ~ GIld lIIMaWio_ tIon the BDlpelOl lIrtIMd dlllllfllamp1llt liNt lllto lliftl amp111 the lUI Ie SOl Ill of bJ a

-r hGould he alloed ampveryluiUt iol publleblnl tbe JiIoJ-wa receld wltb leug 111 incident or the cerem001 The rep_led Brig Gen Jit111 I88po11111lo 11 draIIk to of IIIe Pope _ reaehed on 1111 occaeIon be- The Bed 8kIr of 1I1earas- t shy

I - --

blo IUCIea From all we can learn 10111 Hill quallllcatiOllll appear ~ bo good die-

n -0how othinc oIemenamph anlbmg Ike llalloolmiddoth boen ordtled -to the SardInian potU middotf9t111er rloctlol1-(f OIgIlDIZlltlon aod kllllclt to fhe nowl from Frallce I unimporlllll i01In principle beymiddot ilia) lIIlrprlee the Union 10 111 France hM growll up to hemiddotalli8 tat bilallbbeb

lire th_ ofanr other _IfY neCoatalUcanuNboglnnlnr(OltamwladoD

end theIP rttIIerJ to (ullow Preildellamp Xora III lUIother folAJaplneUflO8IIguI ucla_pIcIou

III our m1lld tltt they beslnlllng to bow wbats b

Tile 11010 from Buropeta DOl of III In -eat til l1li In Nicaragua Q_ Vlctorla lib a good _bl mother Is endorlug Iogeh lIItmiddot ablo spouao for hr aupterl Ibe 11111_ RoyalPrlll~ irederlck-m lrlIstlt 11 at proeenllh fa rltA In 1gtvl matrimOlIai IIIIrkel H baa aCeltmIpanled lbe roJa moth~r clllrllJU

middotmount~t roogtiI laddoll M unexpected Amiddotcoup u fat 11M been lIIk1mpted in Paill bJ -rrf nI hi its lerth to taIt the B~I u rtmiddotIIlI PrtlllllllIIPpcaraneeago their eandl- (leott~ODollnelltIukod ltltIeenlIlllheUa 11 IIIIee from Franklin the ed_ltlWd Irad rona hladoctor mullraquo alld air w pxketshyltlale ud Ibemlelvenn rar behind dcrblllleedenahSp 1b_Spanlahtroops hoW poue 011 bJthe plekel prltl ofbe rNIIOt hllllditerehlef

middotTho DfbIIlIIIn lind FrolllOlit lien are hathon 8Ionof Madrid bllCmiddotthe blew wa nOlllrlld 1111111 1114 - man killed The meIu bod WII hUll~ F4t 11111 ~-l---A-rua-n-p-n-Jal-Ir-porler aid il 1kelr 111 III In 8upplieatlon before tbe State middotof laneoueI~ amplllbe luge ollie mt therefore lcLraplcllY-~Inrr th pu~ofaIampok wa eo olOOllelt amp be ~ tbu ibnup -CD in lie Yo ftud Ponll8)lanl4 There lIever w only parllllllluCOO88lal A eho ar Ia SpaIn II 11 Je is ooei Jirallkl how -It grolt ~~~litl~way~~ma4t billlyen- iwI Ja

bull IlOOII t 1111 w II mo OU _ bullbull h1111therefore hlehl probahll It Ia thought -be w IIIalI aad tho collklmplated atiMlk JIOfi hbonld laquolad 10 bow NId tbeuegioL Wii France ie IlIlIOlIIe nYllOl1l1eel4d wllb the 1IIfaIt POlolied Thethumr -ped ~~ ~~ tllteat no Iongel alilee tbUl Ju~ IIlpl-agaillaamp II wil1middot R~~ h bull 10 1IIdlt e - t nes -lgt 11_ t -- poelufely lilted 10 IIblMOQ KaN mldlllampht howeyer (1ft aspreu Ived III IIUIIp A IaQd peculalor 01lt W- ladeellcllo

until LIlt mill of 1100 Allied rome hqultted with ~ Informaloa tllat 001 Oook wllb I _e his trac IJIInI th eba be Inaallilidl J th CrImea Tork h for the pretent nnt foroa of U 8 ~bad takeo lip I porJampIoall clcreel It Wu 10 h~lhl ~IIDd Ulera aDd 10 frem the dlplomalle boti_ lrolt of Ltowr8llCt the 1Irpoee or pIOleoI dllBClIIamp for toIbto dlO tbel iIII thela~ablampaAtiIIbtd

It froIn the pro~d ~I ~ Coodli~bu 10 draw tbelr lui breatb With a eolrallre ~aPOob _u to CI_Ie PRESIDENTIJtL SUPPBR toWlIJIIIlIOI810 Gel H~el~ warllln~ oe Pcmy eliC~bullbullVeUowoltben ~ t

__ tbe _equellcaa of III lkllllplOO lb bull It ollllh of JII1 ora hepiaHie ckdara 1On tbe nalramiddotof the 19th laaamp tb FI14 61B la uld that CIII Cook IIa~ beell Milt b1 Qea do noamp believe amp10 Is 11I~ wo_ or eIiIIllo

ly wbo w urgeatly oliel b) ~ people ot IIIIa ho_ who It_ttubed the age otM _e~ alld 018n of tbe General Stair Wlib a few Iewrallee 0 lDte~ Cor lheIt ~QJI Qn b~atmiddothU fell tilla tl1lth tbuwltriag ~ Cltizell8 lDel 81 the Pre8Ident lIIena10n ad tIM lb nib Gew -0 arrIYed at FnnIdlll amllled tbelritnilllll flPcQrl ag I

tlook of eupper bull oolllllllalion with Ibe IIIIoera of be lravadlog -10 h

bull th I 4 Dri ifill S IOld thembetmiddothe WM prepllCed en- I11III D ~ eaklr 4 9 _ushy_l _AOIOnamp guellawenttoe gI~enerrJ foroetbI teUftllHheoleutlimltowuhla eldeiitl11I~uowedf_gnIID80ftJcbtibullbull

JlorDeblIriglcllerOeneral Fry Drigtdler-Oeaeral _1Ioo J aupprtlll cllaordere with the aht of _04 ttom death lit the ampIinIhPa~lllIi1lf ehlOro-nnneingllJlftW Xbull RQgcro SubS ot Jlaermiddot tbe-~middot~ IIlJder Jb---middot~iIatit fmn ald bullbullbull~ elida CoL Pb R Thompson Aiijt OiIabullbull N AI the Interpoeilloa of XlIreu aHer (Jell ~ BII or~t qllellioo At tho 001 Ales Joo P~lIIUIer 0nl N AI ~e~=n~- t 111= lIowlhhen be l8i dO~alrO Ii iWir did Col T F Flab Q~termUlter-aeatlll N A thai be had)lllt UrtIIkId to or 190 ouIIa Who Col Ocoqe B Hall 00mmi1Ml)raJ N Awoold be prGperlJ tried b1 the lepIllUthOrlIIaa Whi III amp man wamph acom 06 middotetu toe Atl 0_1t 1 M tbe geollOmtaaU de10 take of the yltodl Aa _ the cllIIIIeaire

1eIIIlt)f Tho Hdth of tho pruldenlor lhe Republic

or Nicaragua was propelled and~lIk Ith eoshythualaam 10 tblt the Pretldent rtIIpoDlled propotllll W

Til OlBcera or the Nicaraguan Arm

The lIetlth oC General William Walker w III

en propoatd and drank with Ihroo ebte Tbe Generallf caUed upon to reply It1IIlmoatl posalblo 10 gl90 ao Ida of Ibe ellOlrI~ ellbOl loll words prodllCed IIded by loll graoUnl geelleolallon and peculiar feror we CII 0111 Mltmp 10 gIe 811 idee of wbat ho Hid bull

When bla 1)AIII had btllI repoampteclly oalIod he roee lad 14

GIIINTIIIUIM-Wbtever or hlator helon 10

tba Da wbalOVer of the 1I1111rol 1liiy be 1810shyorared Wllb It owea more 10 Ih lid recolfed ftOIIl the wisdom galbwlr) and derIng 01 Ibe geotlem811wilit wbom ampbe lndlYidual wbo bean i baa had the good middotfortune 10 opente thaa 10 III merit he blmaeU po_ [Cbe_l Ao lodiridual wbyenleer posltloo be 111amp1 bolitla gea oat

01tho P1l2I he repteaeDlII maltee hrlll gMaL It M Ie_ en tbe approach or Goy Geor Hept J A Ii my Ibrtene to lie the repr_tame of a with U S VcIopI aud weDI towlIllII Ne~ lIarr1l1g1on S prlnelp e willi hlcllyou all Imboed_ prin All b qqet ia tbe IerlllOl1 Henr A clple that cannot OOCOllftaed 10 thIa 01 an OIbtt Joaea J It

bey pl pro8t in thla pllttloqiar by 11Iuon- clple of ulIleraaI fraedm It mlltt ooalln to spread nlll I erubracee nOl OQ all hllcoatlshy

ucl ott 0 EtDperons Nicholas And AlulIIlnder ofnent bul the conlhlenlll of the old orldmiddot It will ll~ jhO bull IOn ililOctl to the United change old Y8amp8IIII ~d reinfipale -i alld Slates t AmoriCllII moehanica to come aDd Ive t~ Old 1flithorldNrecelung lIedlOlPullel ampom lbe

n~ oll 0 e ew 10 ellen to UI the paklmll In Ibelr 01111010118 and tbote wbo aceepted tbe embraCes of a IIlIivelllll blll~hhood (Iodlullallo have beu reated In a mallner com- cheering] __traIl wllh the wealth of llie Empire W080 After the General badcoQcludod TheSoldlllra

resoured tbelr Ibor will help 10 dovolop There of Ihe Nlcaraguall Army WII proP080d IIIId dlllllk I I I E tb t b d d I III hId b DO pe~o II urope n n vanee n e WI Oil C eel Arts of l~te a tIo same ratio lUI the Ruselall Utlg Oell UeoDmRBOo 10118 (Irank with IIlucb

d I l 10 L II E I ltb b bull All n fer coyer e en re IIIp 10 If a ent wlm lind III retpoollO Gon lIalogaen Aid Aetwork of ralroad tho Emperor bas Inlol semiddot In lubatallce Iltal he nOI muob 8OOWItolatd 4Wed til icoB of 8ovorai Amerlc1l engineers 10 liking ~et that ho w eatlrely a

apot It I - broad ue wllwene-lt Ii ampbe prla-

There were HyerrJ -er toute __enI draakaadabouU oeloek the geDtklllen Ithmiddot drew to their reaIdeII- mllCb plcued with amp0 ellteneinmtll


fUll lI ona ampIID ntce PROOLlIllU-lllI

bull t1t01l 11011 111110 Th St LoQIa BYelllllg New of Seplembe

Ib b the followlDamp IUlpllIIl1amp IIew1 Wo v clalei ftom 118 JSOlGer 01 me 1111bv _vl- t Iuamp -11 of tb war In

Kanua alld c1rculllllaneea atlendl lb 1IW Wal1 of peace amp Frtnklln

Tbe MIIsourIu we 10 their word tUlObed ampom Wolitport to aItIck Iewrlllloo on th nthT w compoud of OIIe reglmeD cit ampos_1 eae ef mounled m_1n all 1400 _ al- We dool _beu es_pte Ifre 10 lend Ii four pleooa of aHII1erJ Gen utt11 -1 ora - alike bllamp atdilterenl 111_middot In command On tbe 13tb aad 14th thete t=~t=O~Ath

~ebrmfori= rwbull Jllltlce

lamplllzed by came G8II Atelillollto tho dWt Itefohillou ere peel decJerlo ilia relllng OIl the proeCtiOll promised 10 peacelll bullbullttlenl bl tbeGOYOrIIO~ tbe Ibelnndlog army would dltbaud l1li01 relll to ~belr 1I0m_requ~Un the Go _ 10 reergamplllA and diatrlbukl middotOtCllhe Tern ~ Cfoe of mllllla to p~ the Mtthln from _auderl atld robbera-alld reoommeodlncIhal CoL Tim be made commander of tbe mUfti of Ihe Territor] lbe )(-urlane llien broke up cunp aed returned boule except th_ wbo Jp te)lded to IIIIUI lit doe l~

Tbe aillet or OH bullilretl 00l1li UrtIIkId bYGo 0 belollged to tho flOIIPIIA of Cal HlltYt1 wbo made ampbe aItIck on COL aolleriton

WI-d~~ t4 ~~III to f~ lI4I all __e lIpOIl t bull rae_ deg lUllmiddottIogocean middot10 -0 bl thle muno bue made report III whielr the d~lhat the ilia eouId be built OIl neuI7 dlrlaquot rltlIIte from sfamp 10 the OWt01 P~- with braneb Iio Ibe Nile The00fi It ts7~ 1114 the oooatructioo will take IIs88 At 8oM2lIfeeuf_wlllbetoliad M lIle diMDce 01amp000 feetlrom t4e bull_ The plrl 10 be ooiIIiInIcl4d III the GWI of Patm whleb the former proJect plaeed a Ill boUom ofth GQlf wiD be located wei mllee 10 the Willi 011 p or the cout wbere the wa1s 211 fee~ deep Ai leu ~han the cllatance of wo IDUea Tom tIN IOore mt where IIIIchOlampg g~ It Is tlmueil bet 1 -IU fie do In 4IN11cpbeleen the rotpeCtibull place IIld Bombr III fdllowt (Ionalallwllople 1J900 Havre 8928 Lolldoll 86GO LIrpool 8560 He York

7311 Ne Orlean 8178 Hore IhaD ball Ibt 0) I -een Ihe prlndp porloofJilliropo alld Alaia bJmiddot Ibe propoeed l Tbi slugle fact lIholllicalmmenle IIliIIl) 10 ill Damptlollll ail weU as 10 BVPI and Torkej olld ril lIeur tor iIamp projecCUnl the belt wlshea of the elvill1fd world

III view or faoII the 00_ lIIIfd the Ilk alargci landhold~rf Beea_ ~ ill p-d ~ to ~ 1IIIt middotbadoa tbeli- of tUII odtM-1IIeIII(It - 1

Gel Atobleoa Gen Reid and CIII TIl4 -Why iii a Inr Ike kIIoclampert Becaa~ dreaed the meetiR ad lIrlIed complianoo 1amp ho lIIiHotml to llifW4 (a d_) the GoYernor prOpol61 Th Govenaor thel bull -poundt

Wlthdrw from Ihe ~ to alfordto 1 Iist 01 Ietter IOUrlaaaauopportulloace amOllth~ D-rJl~middoth nIB I d 0IlIIhla ngeoUon A _tllIlI w jllllaDllj I e bull- v lII1ICO omiddotwag Cf tee ve

Iober 11 1866 lIolt Ooa(Dlrdeall V E tBullh J G Bllllch J BbardO E Bremer JClarlt ll WCaaIIlIo C Ohecklcy Xlll CUlton I Daly Iol J Jlllher J A lir141 Jishfr G W

aI Ulek~PoInl They were 08pwred at G_ GeuIeall 0 A ~IolillB oppotIte LeeomptoD OIl 1beIr reamplIrII Go1tbArl P A from 8ickory PolnI to Iampw_ 1111 ead bet (1_ J 0 Iathe aampempllO vteA them _ U S eoWter Hanele It fourteen of lfes men 10 killed HoagllUld M H

Lene III not Iio be folllld 10 eIIeTerritor II Berdy C

Fuu o bull t ftlna-lbe Now Orlealll Della Jorge A lHms tbat Red lUvor hu dimmed up lla owa Klpp S V inOUth and now mlkea 118 w y 10 Ihe Gult LorIog L th d Atcbaamplla B l fb II d bl Llnere or B

2 1~ X 11 LlflngslOn J WlIcGulgan 0 Hoy A Korri H

McCann H a IfcCudle J

Jlanofill S Mooney Hamp sb 1I Nellr E A OsborD D C Poal Dr A Pearaon J T POit Hlu A Roper J Hltllaquogton e 1 Roulrand ~ Sd1 Dr

- Scott W L 81110111 D ~ Sklnna J C Smiloro H SlantbrT7 E II Warren Wheeler 8 H WllIlalll800 CaptWIHiamSOD J

lIuilii tbe fOr~middotedurereor thdegat ~ til )8116bull and tbat at oue IiIlHl neTer Iouched III M - amp X TIIOlampIV lib d III b~ II b llI bull - I

I pp ut pllrlue bull coune w 118 1I0W WHOLESALE ])EALER IN Ulned elllptIDglRto the Gulf far to the ell I of Ibe Iolillalaeippi Tbo Red RI Ie now to BRANDY WH SKY WINE~IIld Ie remhla to ho up whether whcll full It _ t wUlliot re-opoo be outlet to the Joflulaolnnl ud AND ALL KI~fS OFihLQUORB Ira mill wIIb the aIbA~ of Wuerif - 40geer If bull r rrN COrrBn sJrJ9DBn2-rrzoJV

U-- J I L L 110 4Lt lDliOO ~ 0001II IOUgt NA WIIOUIiIAuU 8 TILl YI nOIY -An mIII - HltrJ etroet ulltoI ofampIIFruei800 COIlbaen lick for a long hoe and whit1n this _ate GIUIIlda Junlgt 1 1866

would OC4ulooII _e brealblng ftIId IIr be ------------ --__ - -Dr AAud Pobullbullpparanll eslhletfoe 80m tIMe when he wooIshy

~ III th~ dockyarde of lttllllia An~rICIIII 1I1collamiddot worker and that he ca~eto Nlea heca II apln COllie to On one or these ~ heo fBNDfRS UIS SERV1CESto the Ilhtz~Dbull1 IIkI hn~ lhe dlrectlon of nfthlrt The OODIC- tb ht II b It - - be lind JIIII awakeaed from bIs Bloop lgt1rIok uk Granada and vicini ill ilie praclille of

OIIg ero t eoe w wOr 10 do He would Ied 101111_ UITlCllli SURGEoy t_ H1DWlhIiJi qunoe fit 11111 will be tbat In a abort IIme tile nOl hae eome h_lt he uppoud Ibe tllICI8 of And howll w bo Jlmlll1 when oura IIIIWJ ~ bull l u j1l bull lOt

IwMlaII Veue6 III bo IIblo to compete III speed bla laborwOIIIS be IlOI1l1ned to IIII1t pI_ Re dead-1011re after klnup ini thllOf OftIce an4 roal4caCe 01 tb aouIbwl ted dumiddotmiddotllt with tb but buill Yankoe clipper tumln tballka - th b 1 bull Brlalg III a gleu omiddot Irioi an IA7 to tU- comer of tho lampreet 0pPOllltc tbe San PrandgtltOAoLr bull wr e on~ goD omen p hero lilt 1 Jimmy -airIf I dOll I au OouonL ~~~e~~ AlUerlclIiIorthlloontln~l1lw~to OIlteonre~upon ~m by ~ IIIUller In wblob IdbrlDk thin blll1 meor Gtanu Jail 1860


320 ElNICABA8lfENSEVol t No 51 p 6 5abado 25 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 25 18S~ i t l

BRIG dNN HENNlVeSIIN ketnft4 tore lItelrlllaquopoampolllpu gri_r __ dlis hnmlllatlcm Autrl of eOIl- Iolaled lit COM~lISSION IpoundR~ SALE

t ~_11l loo1ltlnl 01eI 1lI6 l)emOOlamptI Rlew lOr t~Ir- tIe pJlva~ aIl4 lIIampIIy _______ t86l1l dad ~~1I1D ~n the ampIIlprllD W-r TIIlrtee lIUDPm td_ ana geuellile Of pURSUANT to an order leeIIed by the Board of CommlWon I gtfIll on d1IFJ~T DIY DlIloh the ClOIIdllCt an AllCIIont iDd ablllamp of note_ dlieclly tbll lulftlldvballled or JANUART 181S7 ofter die lbiIowingmiddot invelltoried propottl for 80 III pllbilO ItU(tUIIlmiddot pigt he lleteODI bo llgu~d hl ttamiddotiermtlllOflbk bo tthoullbdley had bad fw 1IIDIlth ill1Itelr the IIUa It the citl Of ~randl middot1 Uiwwe are carefully lorDed OTUIO told amp ppwer 1wrIHt Atmtlpd Atulricm H olall TetIIlI-Ou~ or IIUllar1 WpL bull ___ I lie ranka priloioll irlthoulltluriuamp OIl or them The laIe HI conllnU1l ampom lay to dar IlnUHn~ wiolo 18 dtaponu Of troDt BIb fall upon tbembull Speaking 1gt( lhe Gdrse ampelng ~he middotol)ltllllll wb(nrvmiddotpl1t bull pta Pankos deahtma of leeing the property and emiing for tbemaelvtl8 will 06 fllmned ~ll

nr6I11 aceouna tba Ilad bean ltritten lip to lhal oner (Counl Ziclly aD UDollarim) to dBatll horselllld gukl8 bllppJioallon at my oftIce - I irrul of thla lDem_ble 81rOssie Alr eiloll ana Amolllllt lbe Icllml were -e mell of large V I b e ed In It we Grid tJle toUorill (orhme w~o1D the ~II were _nxlou to d V1I I PEY INamf 01 Biulli I _-l_oP_1I_0I ___ RtllIlIrk4 ~ e DIU iii g tpoO toll Balllyampbyl ror bilt eatftld wordl Hacienda do aeao Roaano IJOiii llItololo Lopez Treo hI full bearing tI4middot11) Tho tnl connected ndlaWlillibl_nuflllreemiddotliilllloaiordollampnmiddotOeneIK coodemD 110 do Oandetari Do Youngtreet 10bullbull0

tblleampaltnt 111 ampOIlIg 1Dd dierefwe of tIe ed by Hnau wbo Will hill dBbtor for Ilxty Do CaUle lAIa Or~ Do bull 1~~1 HIIInl e _ gen~1 whloh Olftnot bo ~houllld doll VecztJ wlotte ~her (sllllllv BOWIampID run Do A row of siJ ator~ 101 UIldeiMood wllIo __ling the mlblary eo ID ) wieand he IIIQ of lite late emperor Au- HaeIendo de (JaQlO

UlJOnli In thleOdntryiUOIIlallled ill ~ pampt Ilt tba eampIdIer Jlho-pbllr-dle pllont and I~dl8O Pit t Juan T0lI6 Rut 8 0 entitled- Nag) Sandor apd the rrIeeI Damiani who Hacienda de Caeao plz(I Do- H 11 ThI P4d 1lIl Ja~ iff l1JFmiddot bellIg _ed to he hlDge4leet 1114 with como Do Indigo Je1U8 lIIarl8 Do 1 I

Fod bat 11M iffirtt tlhuWaUflul tM poau liby 1aet here lJbull1 ~ alw~lI ~t Booee in Ri Do Largo IIdnbe 8 11 f( BtlIqgU middotdndFtItllrIl p~ 6ti upon IMhetlio lIeLfP Bacl~d de Cacao Sin FraDdleo Jose JArguello Aree 18 C HfII~~atJlllwmiddotolmiddot fWlw M01ItIM LoWe Bath~nyl 111)0 wbenllomom fell bad Do do De Abandoned Into Qall~jl1fllllllA ZtmIaolrTgm R_liOll b~ tried OYer pW atIer belnl eaotenced to B_1n Onmada bullbull bull Do ~ ~ bull bullbull 0 Pvoria tc rour 1 impi1aoDment the eharga middotormiddot l)eWs Baclellla ltleCaeU rdilacio Male1iP- bullbull i bull bullbullbullbull ~r


rI p1tt t I cd cJ to -1 W middot111_ ~f middotORII Latour ot 11_ In Gi-aWulo-- - ~- JO bullbull bullbull bull bull bull 10 Thouampbor 0( 1Id_ ptm e li~ ~ r l)-U wbiclt be notorlouir U1tu_h _ _ 1180-0 Plta~ Francisco GuerrA IS

PllbnO~qollleclampIIllIIotb~bmiddotmiddot bi th d9lamp1t0f WullingampUII wuCOlidemned to he BoilandIotIIlRIna ~ 1gt0 9 lib lbe ~Ut onamprll 0iJ0orIlJ hanged Hia wife IntrcdllClld bull lancet Into hla IIoUll8i11lUfU n Kill patUalll burnt 10shyuulll bl+aljJbh~ugh Ih~ m~mollll~ ~~~sn pn- h which hellldun Inelliletwallliempl Haolenda dB 0_ ~~Ia Fe Joa6- II lIaleailo 18 In which Ihl tr COIIUUeDbC IIg 11 ccteddu~ co et the Jugular Tela DllIOOYued helbre he Catd Bolnte JIaI ()lIa Do bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull G ~imte 11000middot lIr 07 ~II Chi r de bad Ill to death hiamp wound 1111 bandam lip HOIlllIn ru 00 Lollg IQW 1 bull defeltbl bull ~h d IDamp~ I 0 ~ wi alld hemiddotw horrlellltdflged OIl IIId alios lite Haalend de Cacao bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ~ bullbull Fetlpe amp S Saenz NearTolo-aome wlldlllltamp 3()IlO

1ftOJbt8eomiddotarmiddotall rtt Igmiddot d or gallo probampbl) not belDg rdy 1I0 P h DO do 11 Vi C1emonte SaIlIOl Old ealatc neer Rint 1(1041 liIlgt11IfI~~~O ~pSd r ~kJi1iUei word to Ire and fell abolltibg Long Iff ampIIB lIollle in RIT Do Large adobe 100(10hit ~ nmiddotiI_p 0) bull bull Ibe arreet of Dahyao1i hid beell amp 110- Bouse aDd proyery In

middotbeforeBllblo Imiddot lt bull middot~middotiIi ihislao 1 IIulOw 01middotamp111ampmiddot01 atlonllo-ble otenc WIll a Sanmiddot JUan de Sur ) fll lS UellD lieDden tIam b bull bllabion cawIUD1-blamiddot esecutlcm anmiddot _iDatloomiddot HacIOllda domiddot GROj Felipe Avilc8 bull bull bull bull 8000

IIIOlJIiy ~I RUIIIii ellj R JPII hiobD~ 1Ianr otIrtri w_put to dtaIh W_ of Do do Sallt~ Do With wildlands b~ ~Re~t 0 ~ ~II middotaM flnb IfflUlrippeli and Kourged helOre middotthbullll I1delld de Ca~o JlCII-LaGalpa F amp E Carazo bull 27001) _ nCr tI aoIdIerr OfIJcelB from liliiii or coIeoell David D Lopzamp B Daroe 100)tile Baclellda de Cacao~ 9ijdbf~he ~1Ie~ thorab~ dOlfDlfardl e~ abulIpflI middot1It If bgtced Into Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull II amp Jos6 OaracM ~wotbtrds of die eltarA II iIai1 a~tJter~ ~IIJII ~ed IplOb th AUUIO _llln pr(fatail ~ at lite Do do Boperlll P run amp famll middotrmiddotmiddot 800gt 11_ r~tIJ 8~~ ampdrIhu~Dbull 1d eaprice of IDd ears-ta to ~ D~middot do Chlta JOJl6 Alfaror Conlaminl 160 acree 2000 ~Qjlt ~e ttl th rJm I middotU dar s-~ BOIIfelnBl Demiddot 1600 Urqllllatund to 1 C~ u of iIIatorlo bull FrOm thequatadoDe here IIIIIk k wIUw_ ~~eCaCampo Pafniar Tun Agila bull 10000 ~ 9fmiddotIi~temiddot 11114 tbafBdc Gen B~ Iidu 1fi1h 111m to Do do PlllIIIf P~1o Torres ~ ~ -lOOO ~oI~ lOU ettIoa of Ruulamp iii 1 B_ltlruu 2000shy t~Imiddotaath~~~eibampt dunn _middotmiddotri ~themiddotweIpt or bull rtpIItaiIOII fwllJUan Do bull do O BuetOl amp (amp11111 Near St George) 3~ ~~rII~ Dt~~~IImiddotlJuilfe Otunli IInewled and liaeety of PIlrpOll that 111l1li1 Bad de Cacao fi Do dobulllt lOoQ alloo COm liI iir EurepO tID pnbU~ work raytllihl1 tor IIIY_ whlchho ~ en~ Do do Jayl 11~Oerde8 k tamlly bull bull bull MOO and deg eIO h I dltIcm of th ed B Ii alrad tTOtahI II III E B~ ill RIampef bull bull bullbull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bullbull bull bull o~ gtJ lIII-dnl flle rthl 8 PI II 1 110- bull mope Catlle Batalai Las Lalaa R Pala ampI fmIl1 bull bull 1 popilldlia DIIlft h bull or I~ a and doubt ne -thaI ldImo~ DllIItre pow H_ID ru bullbullbullbull Do dO On the Plaza 2 ItciUjmiddotJ1IUle d~ ~call88htroFer ttei1eclla Niea IfW lillke hlllWM falidllarDo do bull bullbullbull bullbull ))0 do Do QI

lOh~IL~ ~ II middottmiddoti~ wmiddotr hrO hOllmiddotADleaea Dobull do Do do edmiddot lwwlljlUll-adepamprlTleodeglmiddottoat 118 i CaUleamplampIemiddot HeC~IJtI lnoceDteRuele - Ihf St PeUnbllllt lnadluted It and bOle IlIf au r-l~laIe and Imiddot

Jdft1oillD ftJreIIP ~~ I -gt - lIIotiee rdieateDIJIIlIe- bull ItiIdmiddot bullbull oe bullu were D- bull lIl1111~~ da r F lid lIf 9 jIIturliaia oItlte llllIoWl81 _lddlKieaeeIJ pe BOIIIe In Rlne bullbullbullbull r bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull ~ ~middotCbIdimiddot =n H bull UeDllla ~YU Ioii wIltprenlM th~ to me dIll11111bll1t1oe~ Sugar Etemiddot nell 1110middot I

bull~ bt -eneecUMtto mltllilbnn Ihe pUbHoofmiddot ALL PmtlilONff bano tIahe na tilt 11- lUvae ~ Pedro Ohamorro bull l~rJnO

III the Bunf d~ti_O ~ Ollorbelorei1lellampt1idlryorneoo1868otherw_ tap 00 do 12(00 ol~ ~1I-noII IlQ tie a~oflii~1llI~tb1middot-middot ~1llr01l)li iterccentef Pedro ToaqIlM ~1I1l1 ~OIOO ttlbullwtmiddotcilr 6Ibplo-dIJ1Koiiot1t1 ~UIAtltJiB8GORDB1t 1gt0 do Ag~Agrla DI()~lcla)lemando 8laquogt0biild fll IL b ~ and tb ()rientili OIllRLBamp OALLAHAN)middotmiddot H_1n Granedamp CbhlDroampramlr SapA

~ll8gotlatlllW bullbull or bull ~middotJ1lLll1SKtSr ~dBlti I_Kula Do dobull ~00Ileattle300ltgtiu1l l2~Umiddot ~dJCted uallO~ todOonr- AIld-aU ~lIIdehl to tiM at tit Do do ~ROaa Do lt100 ~600caltle 1Ul0 hor8eI 16gttOOi ioot IlWlpr~ middotabOedec~ petdllOllllIIIIIka Immdiata Pato Bac1euda do Ccao bullbull to ~ Fnlgetlcla Vasa t 18

The crll11Ilj~~ I~ ~1 lal~ lenlll~t monuo me GILDK PlTUB Bon III (Jraneda bull bullbullbull Do ~ bull 15 O hllito Of tbbull bull piby- BeIIDlllpID bull wen all lnbk A4IIIIaIllrillorO D Stook lIn~b St Jeronlmo middotDo 1600 catlfe ~(lO hore HInhn

the bull t t Gralled yen St 18M Boote ill Graneda Do GuedaiouputMet ~ biublUtyllldellotlllllon mapa ~middotU om e __ - Do domiddot Do _ Domiddot middotmiddot11100 deslrabiek a iiillitarJr poln oC vie the movemiddot otlce Domiddot 40 bull bullbullbullbull Nfcaclo d~1 Qutlilo bullbullbull bullbull 8bull lIlent h111 n~li describe LL pertlOll8 hlnr clallIlII aplta lite tu of QoIrete bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull Do Near lIIalaeo 4jju

J kln 6fGill1eya middotlieon In bamplilgmiddotno- A~o fOllolngllllllled deoeutd plIrtIOIll 111 pre 11o In Qranada Antonio Barheteno bullbullbull ~ ~ U n pea I nHhem to me dilly Inthenlluated 011 or before Stock Ranch El rlldo Do $00 cattle 1~ hollelt 4fi

lated tho ~oodIIl0~8 O~ wblch KOIIulh delegl~ed lito tOth dlr of Deoember 181111 otherwllle th~ lantln Walk bullbull bullbullbull Do ~eer Granada 2 bl power lbo Bele pilbllahoJ the follOlYlDg wlH noamp he IIllowed by Jr I ~ In GratIlIdl Jns Maria EIllrada bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bullbull bullbull bull bull bull ~ quotatl11 bich we are templed to cOP1 aa It B1lOn Cole Wiley lfarahl~ Plantain Walle bull bull bull Do Ncar Granada l II Iii millent p081110n In European afIiIlr8 Robert JlHllkIII Jonaillan WIIecm HOIlBO In M_ 400catrJe fiO hlgtrfle8 4~ Lino CelIr

8 ow 0 pN 1 Dr Gen lie bull gatll bull S K Sackaun George White Stock Rench Clraeol Dmiddot fear San Roque 8 0I

beld by Ollr prlStli g IInto bull And Umiddot perllOol Indebted 0 lite estalel oC Ibe HOlII8 In Gratllld Lnla Montrel e 0 Kt)86utll had middotnot ~Ichd Oro ~pon dlo boTe deCeaeed pereoMl will make ImmedlMo PlY PIMntain Walk bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull Do N~middot VegM 1 (

rOllller befO4 the necouol 01 GOI8O I tIe1lSOD men to Il10 GILBBRl TITUS 1l01llOln Gnadn NAciso Raplnoza 4r ovemok him frOli1 whence togethmiddot wlth 1epl 11bllo Adllllllltttntor 0 D 8 BIJIuln GralUlda bull bullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull fala rlltoa Horall bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull 6( U Dembinkl Kmeuy GI1OO and 1If tbollltlllt~ 11 aranad BtpL SO 1848 Houeeln Granada lOll Ubaotl bull bull bull bull ~

ho puHd lIrollgh Wallacb to Vdbl In IV 1 - Ifulend de Cacao MlloO Tlo bull bull bull bull bull bull t I hefond lIIe Turkhlh frentler nO ee- ROUIein Gramplloda bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ROIIrio Vinamp Granada Hotel 9 ~ wlUle Gorgel bad omred tho gaITiIon of AItt peraoiIII areIIbJ oaiRIed agaiOI bul Do do gto bull bull ~ 0

Colllorn to III1rrender wblch I re~ lIrat to In or lI_solSatlllg flit the fulJOwing 1crIp~ Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Ponelano CoTftI bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbull ~~ d thoul11 entering Ioto neotiatiOll wllh the ~ne 1_ nUmberedmiddot(8G) tbltty-lllr In fayOI of amp do bull Pelar Mil~nco bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull 4lt IIV

A~triu~ Tb~ro were IIDfortuo~11 cmOlPI D lIa)Ie1 tor t810middot Do do~ bullbull bullbull bull Tlo 21 die o1lICltMI lOme dUpes of Gorgea parIoy who 0 1_ nlllOhered (19gt nfnetean 111 fu~Il of Stoclc Raocb 0101 Ito 1600 cattle 200 bor 110 0 were allrlollamp (0 maktmiddotterrM and Ie nolbiug 1188 Wm Baletor 18383 Uclenda do cetlO ~ Do A Malco ~o bean of K_IIlI fonll bull Gorgel bad ~Tel The lJlOye dllllCli1gted IIIitIp Is ~ elldoried by H_In Granado bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Femando ellman bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 0 fro him t~lll0w$tl Ibe f~lrell w Svoo liP me and Pi t Is pioleetiKhUbeoIIlce of the StoolfllAAelt at TOrell Do t600 cattle 300 boraes 12r 10 the AU8Ii1anl with ~~ealipulatloD hat tbe p Mlntaler ~endlaquo DANIIL BArIgtSY HtmfI$ In Granadn jOfoqnllla Iloran bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 6 iison 11(0111111141 1I~wcd ~ loen portion 0r11a a~~Pt Ib 1816 Hclendailo Cacao falaco Do 36 pay and Abould be pe~lltIdtorollreullUolecd HOII lnGrallllda Pedro Seqllenn ~ ~middotO

KOlIlhh~ng bead of tbele DegOtl~tIcm~ David l_raDI Hou-Itl Granarla Yna Horan igend conelilulllg b~~ tho Pwer oelegaled to Oor OFFERS FOR IiALE A hie plate San Seber Hacienda de Cacao ~ Hraor JLSimdonl O ge htd eKed bticlt to bnn on aocouD~ oC he Ian Stre h boG IIh Bee- Stock Ranelt Rcmltee Felipe Oahezas 1600 ClIIUe 9 DOll l1IUI1l1oee of the traitor wltb tbe COLldillona bull 81 on OWIII a bullbull H0I311 In Onnada Miguel rullerllZ i bullbullbull 3m III ateJ iIad bowr dilpttcheltl bull comulmiddot chon Jture SIllc1l RaMbmiddot San Pablo Do liOO caltie 40 alier wIth powerl and illitIlCllonB 0 prottll~~ 10 bullFlour Vb~e~ aIll11~fe=~n~hlt Do do HeCled r SelayoampDIejltraa 260 cattle 400 nOllle8 20 tho U~I t~ dB~nee of CO50rn bull Oilnltte blide~~I Ale ampDd p~ Do do ChllamlII10 Leandro SelAYo 600 caltle 50 horBeI ~o deg

That po 1fhlch he cotld oalr give ~ di Itelrt WI CIa) pipes Ifoo ln Guada bullbullbullbullbull Dolor LejaTftl bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull 0(raquo GOYemo ofmiddot Hunprl feN counteralgncd bl un~T aD b a lltoek Rancllmiddot Qlebda HODd~ Dr bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull (jollll Q-iiili BfodlaDyl TlIe Comlllieajone or ermaOlfjl bull Do 40 olnquto Do ~600 entUe 200 b01808 bull bull bull bull

lta1lL hilWA to (lqwtrll when fortr-lIIIf Recorder Oftice Do d SoIn Jampclno Miguel BolallOlampBroa 2500 caUle GOO horaee 1~ renderedmiddot bull __ __ De do San Francleeo tm~ 20

Thia oommkttoloner delegaed mlb aupreme Tml Ollloltofth B_ofDeeda lorICgeB Las Hampderae Do ~~OOO cattlo 200 bOae~ m oiflhlld mUtanpoer W baY8 reaampoD to kilo lIcrorthe OrieItIi D~ofth RolIbo -Do do ~~ Rolille ATUezIICluIlIIOrtO 801)0 cattle 1100 bol8ell H i wuUuolll Vae lIampbor of the pampblet JIoDi 110 will he optlledln thecltl of GranAda on _ HOll~ III Granada bull bullbull bull Do bull bull bull bull 41 bull fbIeh we C been 10 largely 1IlI1ftc1h1g daJ the 8th oampptlm~ 18~G1r ~~-r ~tlIk I_ncb s~ Blu Domiftlo Jarqllin TOO caUe 100 horae$ II lboup 1I1) boll a reteh 011 boreehaekhe aqutred by D_ to e ~__~~J ~dlin ~ fin do Tenabona )fillller Alvarado 600 cattle 100 horaOlll 6 ~ OOlIld nlltIumiddotImemiddot Illach lIIe fronlel ror middotwhlob Ibe toreNIdD~Dt re7GlLLm Do~ do COrplil Chrletl Menue Gltcia 600 CtlUle 100 horeetl 4~

putpOtllmiddotU waii ntCelllry to pili ~e lllrough monirdetteforthOriealll~t Do dB sm6ntonlo Tillloteo Lacayo 800 caI~Io 60boraea 8~O the 1ntL ~ 1 H_IIlGranadltClltolayorr _~v

Had ht dOlI10 he Wlamp J)led~ no to liltmiddot Oranadaj - $711301d Camont ror fU InOlIIte lid would haTe N ti T 0 l IJ I u

~n~rHn 900 Auatrial P~~8fII whQIU he 0 ee Together willi lorl) or fifty FarJU HQu- amp0 1 Iho Depar~ent of BIYa8 Iued at ~ ill ol1lltbave hold aa hOllagea for theeMnmiddot the I WILL give Uberal ~wvd to a01 person who three hundred to onll thollllllld doU_ ~ ttunJilt1nn clilefti-to th Oil thle incldenl hluged bull will tlUll to m) etore my Ledger Book II A btrge portloll of tho abue poperty 18 situated Idlin als houra ride of San Juan del Sur Vlts in tb tate of Moul BadlYllllyi udOrmiddothla COlllpan~ Will pIIIaed from lIlatore during tlielate attack Bay Rirulan Gorg NaDdBlme and Deriomo and the remalndu In Granad tnd ObOlltaea Iollllinmlafllflllland~nn1lirt1rdo I _ftbull~ _ 18 1866 1IA TllOllAN JOHN MYLARD MARSHAL bull

Tho fold(r~ of tbo garrison broke ~h1r milmiddot _ L i bull

F NlCARABllENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 1 sabado 1de Novtambre de lasS Saturdav November 1 1856 323


lEI NIC AU A GUENSE1middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotL bullbull 1 ~ bull =L~ bull


[OFFIotAL) If ~lIdortOollliull8loned Oc~ 8 rROamp FrrltltiNr4tt~ ~- Olear OrOllltoy II 9 DbullBamey Woolf COll1mlllliolled April 28 1S6f

REGISTER UI1l1M1U R barlfa Tylor lI_y 28 OF TUB Artlllit CoInIor1 GOmlUluiouElt AtgIIII lit l8G~ JollaW AndmlOn II June 21

amprotul lAl1Ilmdm ThOll F Wright Jul N lOA RA G tJ A A R lY O~O~e Von Hln oolllmlttdloncd Sept 211 18$GbullbullJoho MbullGilCIIu AUg

Newton l Webb I April 10 M T Neagle Sep~ JII OIlllIRU CO~IIfIIDINO IK OIIlB R LaIlIb Se~ u William NnrthWige ()cj y

William Wlllite 6 IIlft11et II 95 ~1 Lil1llmIt1lt bull did aCltlmp 11l1li1 8411u4lOlf 0111I11T nTILLUI Georg~nll8ti oblllillil8ltMd April 1 bullbull lIIN

aCajl Inlr lfahon e1Inlillealooed Jln 20 18lil _L MIIgtI lames bull T 1roe u May 9t

H F Pilled Matcli 81 - A Dltl1gtwarj2 comlllillgtlioll~d OclOber 18 11166 fm K PMliv~ II May 26 II

W81 P towl II il~ 1 CaptaIn Jbull~ ampnaford Julr IJ II II 0 W GIs a OJ 18~ Getlrge B elllllld IlOlI1mlllllloned Occ 18 1868 VJlIIm H Toler A_g 11

bull bull D U Dulaney II I_mea S Jldfe u 8op~ 25 DIItODIIIR OINEIIUII 8oeqrulIMui_t Joho M Wtllngtonmiddot bullbull Oat 101

Comer o Homeb commlllioned Jats 12 19116 John Crowell commluloned Sept 11 18118 BeuJamln Hardla 00 y A (lamp Cui O Staehle Occ ll4- Firat Lleutonant Jamel Small 1Il~lLlOI or UIIOIIIIamp a_liD ATTJtl01 O~ IKAlrIar

Birkett D Fry eomriliAiolled 6pl 16 Mqjor J hn A J ColtitUeOamta Joho P Wtel1 conomllllloaed J1IIII 18 1866 0 aqu~ commlolaiOMd]lIne 18 186amp

I bull R T 80 d igt LiMNat CIltm4l2dbull L GU bullbull c e corum 1 I II vilpt4lI1 Leonldu MCIntosh co isoiI ed AlII 19

L Nonrell Walker comllllllo~ Aprill 11166 M On 111middot O middotF Henningsen comDlfaaloned Oct 19 Robert Ellr Jllne 11 lien D_ n_ co l1~ft d A IA (~mp R W Plck ~nl ug j O_n mUlne ug 18l16bull

~ bullbull ~ A bull - bull A4iaJUmiddot Johu 8 FlnOlllJvfl Lieaftt Oct I 2d Lleut E H OIat~~i~88d JIlOO 18 18~6JDJOILIIT o~lIuJtlI I)BPtIIIIIIIITbull

lIltfut Q_ol W A Rhea cOlUlDmlsaiQQed August III 1816 Ja_ Umiddotmiddotmiddot- eomlDlealnomiddota Amiddot12 1middotmiddot~middot-001 Ph RThompson CODIIIIlMdFllb 1I18G8 w H Lenl 92 - ~ ~ Ilamutl -L October 1 J1l1$16 Dreux June 1~ tulffilt t4illtattl eMal JAIIIIe Lewis D WIlIkInS II AIIjI it IiUajor G R OMtoQ coDlmluioned occ 2amp ampcotul lMutma1ll Bllrale Bell II ~

ll1DQII IlgtvOOJTli OBMW ThomJ)lOn 1lI00u _liIlened JIID8 11118118 Lewis E GIIU1 se t 2lt bull T U Hewlett II Aug l6 p v

dbulltWllftt J+ o44u9cat OIJ W I Qukll~ II III It lIf Ll~1

11 llmiddotitar ngtitn~t~ ~_ i


Poet-Ollie Building OWEN DUFFY Ageut

y u ~~_~ 4 Ilrllil F D _ t

i bullbull en AWARD of THIampfi DOLL4RS esol will Ie Lieut J W

fOt appheDaloll aud dell (tu of thG Army) of t~ofollowI118 named 2d Lleut Wm ltP-t

from Company A Firat Jlltampntry Balta

[--FJS_ RIOH Aged Illyeare II r~elO In hAir blue o)eB ruddy cOlllploxlOl~ i() pound Occupalion baker

bull GLIDDON Aged 28yeara 6 feet high falr clllllpletIon IIllhthair blue largo feet and 10llg tlnlterod-bullbullellhl

bull 8

Oapt M bull 1 FlIIOr comt1lampIontd July is 18111 lolln Coo COInlDialloned Jlloe 18 1864 bull rllIII JlJTTJUOK or 1U1II8 AndrbullbullBrady Au 22

IMIIHCTO_ GIIIKIJL I)amp~TIIIIII bull clod GlOIge W lIa11er II Oc~ 18 Impector eIII~ BdwlIId I SaIldm COIIIIIIIadcme4 AprO II 18lS6 Fnnclsco IIotb II IS

CoL Bruno Hlltsme commlsalond NOf 12 18114 U~ CoIltm4l 1IlId LiNt bull Tler OUwllllt ~m~edl ll 18 8uluel a Allin c~mluioDed lflllOh 118116 B D lIorre~ comm~olled Au ~3 [8116

_ _ y fIlor J middotW Oonkhn OOl 18 qlllllTllalllAalllllS JlnuTIIIJII Johnmiddot O ONtII commflMoneli AprD 11 lRIIf BeDJlllllln Beechler U 18 it

Q_~III bttal o4~ L A Clark IIC 18 Col ThOll Fisber commiJalon~d 4prlll 1858 8 LIeut ~ Lathrop commlad lau U 8156

ttll Qiulrtnnw OMiMl ~ peUlliATIOJlll Lieuamp 001 Wm K ROlieJlf comd Ocs Y G W1l Leonard ool1UDlaIIooed AOtII UllSIf hI LIeuL B ABlltcbl Com et ampI1t np

QlUlrUrmallllll [Brevel 011 tile 11011 ()cj ILl Allgua I IS5amp [~or Thamp Benry CltJlIIlI88I0oed Oct 18 Co B J poundavail 81ilh COlIIIIlIud April 181bullbull 20d LIeut Thoml8 8tackh- 204 JalaaWy Ali-II Will HIIIria 23 C ThOt Dolan June 18 gill 11 1868

ampJdlanlQlrtmnalttl__ _ D B D )teCh_a II July e bullbull 2tcUJant D O F~t 18 RlIIH AcuR 2SCapl Wm II Wilhll_oomd Nov 10 18115 1- H A JObnlObe u i1 1866 BeltJ W Bamml Aug 4- 1858 G DamplIiel Oampgai OIl 4- tlld Lleu- W B Hen Inljleeor Ola IMPshy

Andrewa flmiddot it ~i r JObn Iwh1l1a II bull II Au~ Sll lBIamp Juh Y Price Oct 18 B J-- DIllUlicaAL O~ II 1 LleUI E 4 P~iI IUb lhtpIIQpL 11 middotJIIIO

April Imiddot lIfr lMI4u~ ~nd A A Moora lal IlII1 lug 21i liIH MUiI Slo~ 00 B Le R Latimer com d 4prD ie 1811 SUfReoD Wm H sun4eN Aupt 26 IUI6

W~m B WY~ K Bob P Gardner II Allg so Alor 10hn II bull 1111f1iba1~ Judge Ad Oel Au 8U88lIllIIIlOJ DllIBTilUT D AIa~ Anderson bullbull ~ 119 1868

Oommiry Qfmlllal Sutdluu A Wm H MIh Sept 11 Cp~ John Wmiddot amp7dr 11lUJIea Aug 81 1864 Col Georg B Hall commiufoned Jul i6lS~6 F -- - Oollllay Ii O~ 4- cpt II E Bradley TrAn ~llle SepUs 18nbull

tm44t110ilmmiuarp (I_I G -- LoUhamDler 111 Lieut A MePilIO lsI 11111 Occ Y 18GI MIor BIIIlj Y Or1Ie comlllissiond July Il Cbu H Welt II Oct 114 Capl Douglas JWllkhia(untcbd)ept 80 1861middot

Aulatll aommulIJrUu Subfm 811111plet WlUlalDeon ~ u U L Jilglehan tigtd Ioftolry 2) 11

Occupation tailor alao fruit deal~r Capt W H LyonS commisaloned Aug 1 1866 amp-d LiwfmlId R S WiUIIIlII 21ld RltIotI Oct 8 U

S LOUIS OOHEkT Aged ~l feetmiddot inchet leI Lieu~ W H Buttrick II 00 D Th_ Cbloh_ eornd April 1 185amp LIeut Col F bull P Audel D las Rilles Oet_IO bull 185$

l08o-welgbub9ut 195 poullda Oecupti~n 0iII Jame S Wet laquo I B tllke J _orr JIIIJ 6 Capt Cbarlet A Gore 2nd Rillea Oct 18 1811 bullflaquob rir comple~lol1 hlue er IIgh halr large Henr1 C Wall I E lb0i Y JllolIrnoy Ha12b

penwi bull 0 John B Moo Sep~ 11 2nd Mllllt M S Oro 18 PATRIOK H YS IrI- d ~III)IO DIPUT)lBff i David A Lawton It Aug 11 J G SIIDllllerll Out Is4 bullbull bull an mall Age 21 SIIrgetJ GI 1Il II ~d lUllet

JW8 G luet 4 il1cb~ blgll qotlt qGmplexion dlllle (with 110 rallk of COlonol) G Clayton Billllialr 011 8 1868 bullbulli dtrk 6et-welghs about 1411 pounus 00 F DIICj ONeal 4 2nd Lieut J W PolklIl1d Inlltnlry Oct 20 18~ ClIpalllll IdhOler BVrgtcll 6 H Ubrbrook Itlaquo it J M Williams 2nt Rill Oct t I 111shy

6 OLJVEl (JROMWLL Ag8l182 years 6 (wlthbo rok 0( lIaJor) B WlIas Allen II Oet JI 6 A H wl~y 0010 Dept 2518116 kef 6lnches high Ught tomploxloll Ugbt bilk John Dawson 4cllng 8middotG oomd NOT 14 18116 n ell Wilkinson 21 II Oapt J V Hoolf AilSt AdJt Gen 28 1856 lIiIudl wblakera hazel yell-weighs aboul 140 O S Coleman coblmleslooed April 28 1556 __III) BtnttIOIi or amD llcsignlune-III1 fOIld OecllpuioR millwright n T Roalon lep 18 (JolOftI

_ClIARLES W KltuGER flapt Comdg Jamea ellulII 00 111 Jobn Allee cOIIQlIIIlloned June at 1866 I)URII bull (0 A 1st lulQty BaLllLlion BurpOIl aM Anitalll Smiddotgeo bull LiNluta1ll CltJlI Capt H t Witter A llltant Adjutant General

pOlt Serapaqui 8op 26th 1856 0 twitb the flnk of Captain) bull Idmlllld II HoDonald commlllld JIIG 18 18118 2nd Lleul Wm M Rogera lat InamplIlry--r-----------L-- J Geli8ner eommlllSloned Jan 91856 Major Li~ut OoL Byrollmiddot Cole Aeltlatant QU~flenlluler 1 Dllvid 1Ilnllg W G Sicigh bullbull U W P (Jaycee comOllllllioned Ua11 166 General killed at San Jacinto

O~RS FOR ALE at hia pl~ee San Sebas- A Callahan Val 30 middoto4ltfultmt 2nd lieut n A Milliken 1 Ri4es killed t sen

lIan abeel OIlD boUlle abov~ U Ph Be OWDI LHLuSeondy JUlie IS IMLleulJ W Kllllacmdorf comd Oct 1818l6 Jaolntebulldie a litore eor$amp tI UI ()ttpt Oapt W Pmiddot Jartls 2nd Rift died from wOllndi

lhlto-Nf Oandl~ Hackcr11I Olive i I~IIUlf Aug 26 CoO Jolin B Otee bull middotCOllmla$d June 21 18G6 reooied Sao Jaciuto e Wolft ro~tlc8ebledanoSehnappl bullbull IU onall Oct 28 A John F llecgtrch Oct 18 CaptJ H WlUiamaon drowned al Vlrglu Bay

bull Bltte Phlladelphlll 110 and Porter Pol DlIPtBTlIliII B DenJ M AndorfOn it 16 lind Lleul H l lhemRn died from wOl1ld reshynan Alld bilIa Wie Claypipes loynuulw Ofmoral Ii ~ ceived at Ifuata Ocl 114 middot18M

lerlll eh 001 Alex middotJonu commlssiOlld Feb 8 18H Edward O HIIIf naCerrd fMm Ordnance Demiddot LlOnt Col F A LalIIO 4 h c tarharolrbull p tulNMII PlaquoyltlwlII ptl1ment CODllllleslone4 -ug U l85G murderd b1 the med forces opoeed to tbili

T~ O I ugUld III ost 2d Llout J Fiemlng conmlsaione4 Aug 4 S middotS McElroy Oll~ lS OoYelllDlcllh IJlhollt propOllng Itn excbango

DgltS IllS S~HVI9ES 10 Ih citlllns flI OII)AIIOI DUAllfllBllr Imorul LfMfnaoll of priaOneri _rdlig 10 the uaagee of war ~anadjl and vlcmllY III h praete of Ulior E W Rawle commissioned Jul 14 1966 N T~p OOll1tuiu1ooed October 81856 lit Lleus JulllIIIKeilkUled In action at San J

u mOINE SURGERY amp MlDWIFERY Hellry I bullbull POller bull it 14 Eo H 01018 II 8 clnto bull 2nd IlelltW W ~der killed in aClion at SaIl om and OlIidcnce on the lOulhw1 Capt JJfrori Swln~le AprO 11_ J T Booo 18

~r of tbe atleet oppte b _ __ lal Llel~ Il A Carllar Oct 18 I B Vaughan 18 Jaelllto _ 0 0 1amp1100 2d Will B Ulte II Benr1 Hlnea It 18 middotDealba-l0

ent OWG bull ad June I 1 86r 1III0I11UII COIIP raTe _ i - --- Oaptain 1II8r IItTTUIOIi or IlfFJIITIlY J)BOPPBD

i lntitmiddote E c F Ucsse cOlllnllaaioned October t 18fill lt011 cpl A U Hirsh August 0 1866 iL PERSONS hlulng clalma against tbo 8A~IIIU11I1) 11111amp11amp John B MlIIkham commlaa~onod October 10 18511 U A B Wulklll8 AogWltU Ig10

Al ealamp~ of tho following namod deooa8ltlol or Jrft L~lt Lieut ~ 181 Lieut 8 W QuayAug~1I9la5t1-werod I()ulwill presoul tb~m to DIe dulll1uthentieated flonr) O Porler ltmmisslOllou Oct 18 1866 A francie Rudler comllsaioned May Ill l81Samp 8urgtlUII p N lugrahan Sept I 1866 til Or baforo the 1I8b~ay of Dec 1866 otherwie SltCOftIl LilllltJIt lldJfJ1 Brig -Gell 1) de GoiC(lurl Ocl 19 i858 Iht~ will be barred h1 law C DeuulaE lIayuee commissiolled Oct 18 l~e W_ Raymond colllmlaaloned Hay 1218113 Dropped-5 1 CHARLES GORI)EN J K hgall 21 o44IId1ll bullI

I CHARI1tS OALLAHAN OfFIIIIU lINJlTJCIIED ind Leut Fred W JeIeCOlli d lpnl U 18118 n command of WlLLIAM ALItER1ULlUS KIJlL Ooltmll FraIl B OKeef cln~od A rlll 185 GeneIrolllmaUdlngmiddotlnuh~middot 11 pel8Oll8 indebteu to tho eeatee of tho U B Skerrett commillSioned lanltllly Ill 1850 James 0 JOJtUsone f is

ahor c deceated pereaa111 make homodiate pay CaptaiN OhllL B 11 II Pa R THOIlHOiI AdJ Gelleral N A t to lIIe GILBEltl TITU6 F UoncosOIl commllllloned JaR 28 1~8middot FrInk i ThomPecm June 2~ Headq1ampli~rI lfthe AltII1

Publlo Adnilllstriltor O D J Egbert FaIllUDI middotFeb I II Charlea A Waltere 8op~ II Adj General 08ce 8ept ~7 1866 W J Merryman II JlIDe 18 BIrarn BIlIIIIlII II Sept SIl G~ Oct is 1860bull

325ELWICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 3 Sabado 1de Novlembre de l8SS Saturday November 1 1856

- shy

I(OUTINU OlljlONIOLE FILtiloita P1l1GRuTbe Dime of amphept ~EJ[INIE A~M - elttie~middot~~~~M~r hi~Ibtmiddot~ 8I1~C~herortbo pteellhiplraottohoPreal- Vlo~PCOUI amlPletwillb~llIeaodioJurebull U denlW chair of Ibe United l116tee IIM Jolhn FlU- The CoDoltlng rtlmub upon iho Wled th- et alanaing liq~ean~ h6ldiifg mu~eHighCly III d~ f h ~Ilv w a L dmiddot f Bri II B Ihe8boulde aoldierll lite h whoutmiddot aurilljlJ

Dlor~ an a ler avlng hoen bull long tIme In ~ ea m e peu 0 en m- tb kl n k f ~ L Rlla 1- Id I I rom e - bull 0bullbull e 0 I e lln 1_eaplllIy b plrat tiled lIpon a farm In Conmiddot bull n n- on lapr uponevIlr10er 1 when loaded ~Iamph elonty~ve pina of rifte PO-DecdClUI where be ended bla daya NathanIel tho NIlIIl1Iguan Army to road carelnU or ell I~ der endllot rammellmiddotI tt1 Jlillcb leU thtb Flllmortltll _ amp100m hautOt htlndrelland oul bullbulld e6mmit it to momory h I a olea anel or the lIu8kel bllt 11111 too great 10 l)e 6redflOBl

eMy 1-alio When ayoutll be mom to lucid daeJriptlon or the manner ill whlcb amphe Ylni4 ~vrilu~~~~~ ~iiI ~~ ~J~i Verlllon and alded at Bennln~I1 WMtIl b should be M amplid m ampl1 repoy all tbe lI eqWl and holditlght to middotIbbullbullhl)uldbullbull Ihe r bullbull

fho ~Ct beteen Col $andbullbull i Old TOIII IIlId 11 r ltlay~eoq II 8tck Billy chronicled lut week I whlcli 011 Tom wal deolared a ylctor atartcd the 8po~tlnlf men ef tho city and this weft $ IIno hall aoveral asciUllg IIl1d ciofOl _let~ ruCtbullbull middot

On l edu-May ovolIIIIII a moteh was made lind run b woen Oape OcorgltJ Giel Ba alld MA jor Cfty4ecs II Black Billy Distance 400 ards fQr IWG hundred dolla Black Billy n on h7 K clqar engampb

Tho ext-on the me eveninll-IIu a conl t ~IWcel (l18t ~ay nd a d k grey ollJled by BlIvet 1I1lJor LeommJ This race was a try tlOampO~o-ite hors flllming side b1 Ide tbe h~lo tauee Gletmiddot be e as evldolltly overshyweiSb d bleh rul~ed In OllllSillg hDI to lOBe Ihe rA by a dialanee of only a lew feet

The eitt 11 II race Ileween MII)r Caycee u U1Ck~BilY and Col JUlIee middotu (re EMgle The IU ~et upon tho hoN1C8 eltCeed~d lin huushydrM do l~rlI A good llat wbullbull obtained and the hora 01 neck alld neck about lour hundllild yrds ~en the groy began te crawl a IiHe ahesd nd at be winning poet earnll oul n8lll11 holt II I ustb In dYaI08 Bolb boraes appeared t~ be I Chit IIce maoaged well but at Ihe end Ihe lid appfared 10 be In doubl as to wbleb Wamp8 III laater animal and a Dlaleh for two thoushyIDd d Utp Wal eWeeted on the lIeld bylbe Ame horaee llh chanRe of rlders~11 came 01 lhe DeXI ( urad ) evenlol( and Ihe Grey won

Coa UTIOtf or rRIl EIIrllloa or ioU 1111

R~881 e- Bhortly after ill amphe ahlatan had taken hplr pllOea til lfaater of COIemonlel raleed Ia liand and IAfe n ordor In RlI88Ian wbete pi)n tile trumpetl blt9l oul InlO a wild IIId i ln8 8ouah the herald ~ised their Noell In Ibe Ilr and II hllvi~g uncoyoted their _dl pile of Ibe Becretolri t4ll4 tbe prOtlalllashydon w~i~h i8 redem into Engllell 018 folio

Our Inry aUgUStlery high lind ve pulNttOI r Aleunder Nicolalevleti belnll tIlrone of bls anctors heb 18

lIIISiu as ell u upon tt(lSt of Poland and of amphe GrtUld Duchy

of Finlauit which aro Insepllrable t1middotorp II hAA deiW16il to order LDllt the eoronrlon of bls 1m perial iljeS~ nnd his Olltb Bbn lake illace on 1M 2 III of the monlh I Augu~t bis augU1lI epouro lie mprola I1kro Alqxandrovnl pllrtlelmiddot

bull ad celllmooy Tub 8I)lemll Ael the preeut pr~1anltiu 10 all

to the eld that on this hppy redouble ttelt feVotin theil pyera

g of King tba~ Ho middotm spreld by His _ VOlfer His faTO8 dmiddotbl bullbullsinll ou tfiO

reign ~( hi DlaJeat ~t1d tllrougloul it duration Ito nu~y mailltaln peace lind ~Ianquility to the glor) ~f Ills holy nAme and fogtr tho 1I11111terablc prosit of tit emplro

Wl~l ON loLlTlcs-EvelbOly knoYs WilIi8 -Iho peet nll~lky edilor or Ibe lIomu Journal 110 btl III)td matty good Ihinge In his life and tbe following upon politlrs lIod political cRndldltltlli Is bull ot OJtull b~tter ald lh ptople of IgtlcaragulI iU6ppreellltJill

I lind mylolf for Ibo flut tlmo middot111 tn life Inshylml~d for political candidAte or I hould ~1l1r[~IIY perhp~ In 1 Candldalo wililoUl hi politic I II1vo bltberto (10 account S(lDlebat rolllm apparent want of aImiddotlotlsm) thought tbe eount under a hend bioh iliad almost any Ilcor g safe enough It loomed 10 me of vcry liWo IIsnllnoe (10 anybodr but I)m~ oekers) wlulth r 1 whig 1ll1 domocrat wu at the holmshypllblt opluion besidlli being llOgether too wide l~ak hlo ollcated a Olgtnlry for Qlther a blun ~er or l lin of pilotage to b more tban opproadltd So 1M plnlo ft8 this confidence In Amerleas do loSee vlJlol QIUIC)rrllCll1one or bull coo8tilution Ibat ( lIuld lOU beliovo il P) I I~ver Tilted In m tire y

B It wlLh ampho ecnla of the lost year 0 t 0

uoi th n tho intellect oC lbo country at r rk UPOlIlt be grellt queallol8 t IS8ue it would be hard

loge blind 0 Il)len8iblc And yeto

raised a family 01 lis children all but one of pllDI 111111 pmlllil whOm lunln II dnDcM agee anraging oter Di tl U I h VI I ntA b ree ODS lOr S Illi t 6 IU n6 l1ltw6 ~ y ye

Nalhllni1 FIllm_ amphe fatller ot Ibe 4IPra~- [By OIlIllR 01 fUll JoIiIUIiDIlINI(Cillllr] dtnl yet aMieI in Iht elllbtymiddotblh year of bll -_ ge Ho hili been a lAIlUer thougll lite cult oaOkUOE OFFICE l vtlng bia IlllIdamp wiamph hie OWII handa unlil the OllAlIIJgt~ CklObe 28 18H f bull bull bull bull TI U I DA t I h N gt_ mllrmlties 01 ago dISable him Hia mdUIIlriOllt 6 iWU u 1 WI n t 0 _-SIIIl un temp~raw and hnpl~ babill alll6d to A cbeertltl tho American Klnl6 H Is dl~nguebed IlOm the

Fronch BI11leh and RU8IIlun lfiDl6 by amphe IlIperlshyand bopeful mind hA~e secured to him eontenmiddot Oflty otllS sight ThplMa In wbleh tbo noteh II menland a happy and green old ~o n Was iled fOltbe backllthl whlll peoaed between tbe

~ b d 8 Imiddotf U I bOIn in nonnlngtoll Vt and realded tlloro unlil be arrived al IMlhood

bull Near tbe cloae oi the lUI centllly 6he ptIIQlIlI

eml~ted to the Ih wilds or Wesleln New York Tbtl ere among tllo poneer seltlen of Ibat dilrlct of ooUnlrmiddot1I01 aparl for bounly landa

to the aoldtere or 1110 reloIullon knowD as the new mllimr tract rheir IIrBI 100000000n lIIIlu amphe original townlhip or Locke tblt pan of It no cOmp ialng ibe IlIwnahlp or au lime bill in lhamp

bull bull r pnt COllllt of Oa1u$ A slDdt rrm waa purchased In Ihe primeval fort and Iheir enrshygiea lIIl dppllM 10 clearlogAld aubduing n 1M middot In - h III prep g il tvr a 6me Herbullbull III an blllllble log cabin atnld Ihe wUdneaa of nat wiamphla hearing orlld bIa alld Ib8 _nd of the w ed man as Millard WIIS born on he nh of Jan shyMoo bull IIr7 bull

Millard Flllmol( receled a rudlmeDteledlloO tlon In a COIIlltr ecIoolhouae amplid whell et aldmiddot was 0middot_1 clerk In drY gooda 1101 and

ono of particular Inleroll _

r A ~I)rrespolldent or Iho BAllilnore SUII

II t1811 (IOIll amphe White Iulpllur Sprmllbullbullbully Wo have a iva a1lthoress two hundred (~pllllk Ing in round numbeltl) prof9sloualgftmblIf olle bundred membera of Oonellll Alld aboul one

hundred oamphel1l cf equall- doubtlll1 ~eplIltlon besiden membel of tbe New JerHY Leglgtlhttllr~

A N~w SPIO-lhe pltell~ ballot-box of olishyfornln bat 110 learn b1 ilist IIdvlceB betln aold for upward of Ibr thousand dollars fur amphe pllrpose of ethibitlllg it to he minors previous 10 the po plOllching eleclioll h i4 11 Iho handa of Ibe Dellloeflta who espeo to IoUill i~ to good account In Slumping tbe Stale

bull tr lhlolln a celebrated Frenth phf8lclAn It

is ~Id watkabl f~d 01 drugglnJ Oncu htVlOg a patient IIbo diluenlly ad punety swalloed all the 80114 110 onlerlld be W S(l demiddot

lighted at seeing all the vllUa lind pili bo~ empiy bet he hook him by tbe band exolalmlng M d~lr air It really aWords mo pleRsure 0 IIttend you and 70U 4t1lOl 10 be 1111

wurn an nger ( n e Arneriean m) up and down owl wben kpl properly oiledWlterebullbull bed It malllll IIIonary U _ as Ih~p_o of tile thumb and linger ceaeee and doea Dot link by tbe ooncullllon 01 the piece ID lIlng The ghl plall of Ihe French and BrltIah fmle II very atlff 10 Il101 If cloaely titled and If 100 enough 10 Ok euilyls apt to IIIId6 do )7 continnM IIrlDg bleb U Dot observed b1 ampho IOldler Ill mate him Ire ene or 110 or h_ hundred yards abort

The Alinl Rift elltued to the Nicaragua Armyrallg 141)1 )ardL or ahofl dia~_ I haa Dot

06- ~ amphat diltllllClt n 0 d bull d rl_aflelward turnM bis altenlloll to law The Th I II bull I bit __ rid III l re all - Isn lllquHlI I 5 era 0 gneraliy of readers afO acquainted lib hla powderbull Tbls dIart1II cootened In tho llatka === iIIbstquenl CMer 1Uud bl moving die charger of tile lIak 10 Ille 00101 Wise or Vlrglnl bullbull In a recene

aeoond Iiotcb It Is al80 contalt)ed In til eartrdgee speooil concernillg Ille Millou Cumpro1ll8e IIl1ti bull luuedfrom the OrdDllIoeOlllee 1 Ihhl da said The coal or nOlrunulng that hntou

Ibe aceulllOl of tbe ordinary rlfte That Ie to dllt_ on ab_Ugtlltnown to them bUI kno 01gt to ooe hundm yarde Bllt up co 0118 hUll to th luatructol who bould keel a NeoN III dmrarda 1amp IIiU pul ev shot InlO a eIteI 0 18 their obullers whereby the captain or II compa07 Inchee dlallleW1wblob is IlIlBclelll for war pur- would be able to dlslingulsb Ib080 bo pOlWeaaed poses aa II 11011 d hll 110 enelll1 1D amphe upper paH the greatesl lO4 1114 leaat judgmen~ in tIislDlshyof amphe body At onllamphoulandrarda Ih_ rilIea tel 110m men aN found to poseea lI uallllab 11111 Pllt went ttow out of Ibllyln a targr sen In hlch doG t ne acquire it b pracd~fe wid batt 111gb On lhe 26111 Lleue Bart others noe acqlre II though they may maDmiddot wllh n mea 01 amphu Second BllIes Ilml 1m) goo abote The I)e8t tried Judg~botyendthellgto efght rounds flom Ib~ gnu a fenr hundred f_ (~IDamp to rules aflerrds 10 oe __14 dbianee at a lIlIIte lit amphe We lhougb down) regulate lhe dllttance AI wbleb amphe ltb Brlag amph_ guilt for the lint time eleven mn pa1J In acllon aholoI 8el the Iglu8 of ampheir rillel GIlt of the rortyelght ttow 011111 h been hit C F HENNINGSEN Brig Gen

A VIOILUT 1M TllOIIJlLII-A Mr Colemaoamphe and amphOBO whoprefer till meaauHlI mit obtelD amphe President of tb~Som Frallci8eo Vigilanee Commit- same by requiAlllon II amphe OrdnollceOllee lee lately arreated In amphe elly of Iiow Yor( Ilunfortuoately happenM tllal the lJepIIIImtlt at ho suit of man nf tbo uame of Halon ho WIll forced by clteum8lallooeto 18100 lOme ot lOOn lIunbullbull and to Ptlt IOgeamphor cartridges before the

waa bamshed by order o the Committee from oeCleaal1 IWI~uclon8 bad 1Illvod Henao amphe caUrQlltmiddot4 Mr Malon IlIIrIll8~ lhe li(lWmiddotmiddoteaiUiilgeillillfiltColltillileil aUbuFtlfellt gralllS Yllk Bvenlng POlt his onUI) Innocence of en crime or oWnee and lthtrges Ibllt the parileo middotho bull mpmollcd IUId banished hint dlil80 tram ntampllclnua moUvoa mrymiddot aiid 10 goi rid lIf an lICtio c11t zoin wbo condcnmed and esisted the llrocGelloge of tho Corillllte~ middotanll WM about 10 10 lealioony

bull 6 in tile Unltell Sillies Courl at San lranelllCo III n proceeding whicb h middot since resulted III the InUetshylIIent and hnprlaonmont or IWamp melnbe~ of the

f bull

orgAnization at San Fraucisco ~r PlIlcI

to9 much tKlwderbull Ihe effect of which as 0 make IIiIrllI~ kick ~d to burallo bell lberebI dealrolng ftecouNey

lho nlnl6 Rille bill Ole tho ordln ritle tle advlltap Ihat Itma be 1000ded more easily and rapdl h ~ IlIaded wlamph tl~actll tho IIIIUQ rn pldl~y andfaCllty as the ordinary mllllket

Tho ~o llloat Important pollll8ln tbe jedloloUII use 01 thomiddotBinle relo1O Ibo imulIer of loading andto tho IllDner of holdllllllhepleee


To lond ampho 1I1n1~ Plumiddot In the charge of pow Tho question of ho lhls But Will bo settled Ii dcr put Illmiddotlle ball rgtiamphout pap hutllcr If III~

doe lip In CIImiddottrldge d plI tbu ball ImUle wlllloul nhllng Illltliit cI ~hu puwdr-Wbell il1GAUh ilo powde llitllduv IMI1I rod Itllout nen giving ouo amiddotuk~ tIwill 0Il11111~ke Iho pillCo kickbullbulllnd IIOY

coil I tun felt at all mil m~D ualoR 1M pleoo properly ma II Olla hundred ro~nda llholilrecelYing thll smailest braise or feellug Ibe leasl IOreneae

PUcnICK Wml I1l1U1 The proper lact to acllee tbe BinloS fit firt

Ie At Inob~ecton tbea~ beeansuh eIfCI or eve bOII8 Been For thr pllrlo II threemiddotlIIailea have boen plaoed on Ibe lako III lb water amphe two outer flake belug ten f t aparl Thll cel 1ft slake ill tbe h t 10 aim at The etlceil ~I(

h d- 0 eo h b (lne un yrds froln t e abol two und arde from theaborelhrbullbull more atakea Ire plfteed three btll~red yardo Ihroe 1110 takes avdao onup to onll toousand l abulldmiddot

JII1I9111G DtflmiddotUlIOIIbull

WheD holIer the sllooter knowing Ihe dill lance aI whleh be ill fring hOl8 Obtained eudlelenl proticlenoy II I 81111 ne_~y (in order 10 hlaeapon 001111 Ihe bid) thllt he abou14 l1Ian eaIooate known dlatao_ oorreellroampherise if he bas ligbted too ~igh or 100 low he may conllnue to aboot ~er Or under in the t1eld herll freqllt1y be - ~ot aee where 0of bla aholll 81rikee 10 correet hla etro~ On this accouo$ men sho 1d bit plBCllo1 10 guess at

If) lIccurae of the Ihot ~llher by pulit Il~ laquoO~ in PQ8tmiddotOlfice BuDdmg ~hapeof the ball or II) kllIin~ ) I HI-bullbullI bullbull ofo I 1866 IrOll cap whleh It cunulllli1 11 h lt~ plJlldce toIliPputO Ihat allY lt1111= T I E 1 O xrWK~ So I IUllnZQ Wl UtIIDLW not ramming nOlll provlltllllg th e~t tmiddot Kew~II oiande ampI Alandlln mON thMlI Ce IlIcbermiddotuhe IC I

WItlllbe gUIloulalromlullK lir q uF bg ABROGADOS

wbereas Wbtll Ie wipet 1111 IOlldc(1 gUll lno nextGmiddotpmiddotlitieRI thol)rlts 80 In_III) aropart A WIIUlltrE tBoUT TUII AOIl 0 Bo_-A llIIt blow oiIt tbe dbl lndM~9 tb~ ham1 8Ul1Ishy

PIRtampmiddotm (tlnll Abovo nil 80 01l01 m3Y Ihe chang few das ago we met a ~~lIemall from Ahlban~ cielltly bull ho e 118 1 lece of IIIforllltlOll hi re fli 10In II 0 of e~olll8 require p1tllltll CHIOl with lit- 118cuJtnlng thePage of a borde arlO boOf abo HOLDIIIO TlIII PIECIl 110 orln~ Iuf~renee 10 plrty Iheory o~ party platmiddot Ina paaaed Ihe niMb 7ear IIhicb woo 1I0W 10 Ill It I tbelntlllioll of tho tolnMllderlnOblcf rorm~ that It _ms 10 lIIe 0 should look mosbQn~ will be wo are lure to ~OSI of 011r flad 1~III rar M 10001Iiblc lit MiIlie ~iUIlll sh11 be it no~ oly II) tla~ lalityoJ la mlII-wtat ollr It8 tills ancr Illtl borao nblo YCIId lId l d$IIl~lItud ~ IlIeIl Irued) aCljlllllPlLtllYltl1 Ibtl CAlId t I wlI1klo comes on t~e oolid M he uIper corner II 01 tho 11110 Now Inen 1Wu41om~d to ~ha

I to I~ 11 nAtllte and culture retber thallio of Iho lower lid lind overy ycar IhcNltIItIlmiddot II h~ urolmRI rilo ltleil ck~ bllt 1 very amRlt bt Itt pai11 prnf8lSioD8 or bis 1IInt(oD promi ono well ltlellnld wrinkle fotmiddot ovor) 1 ()v~r nlllol cimrgtgt very pruperly reat 11111 bu I of tbe stock Jt~ If for Istancr 11 hor~u baa Ibreo 1It1kll$ bo I~ alililst tbo IIrmiddotlI lstnnd idew)~ to I U obJImiddotcl

or tho dnUlP~kllilJ ~f tlut ulnbtvttlmiddot~middott l~ ~lltit ~ III 11 tlrearmo 1amp lable 10 uck It 1lt tmiddotumiddot- Tbllll4obltcd by ubg II IVirh cmiddot 10 Ib~ end of Ill nUbrod 111 whillhwiii W u1 tOIlr with ~middot~aracrw on rUII he OIIuarlllll Oftlee TtU$ wlv~r iu ltretlaquo btJlImiddotmiddotC COIUCllcItg pacllce anIII bull ill U etWh~V8r amph 81100101 finds lhh hi Ii ill bishyling 10 CO dj)Y1I with ditllcul~ h -lImllI Iler lodll)g b~U btore ~plig ~ tbn I w~Ir once or IWCO dowlI tho buI lnu middottlt~ ~Il tlttlt is to l0080n the cakHl puwllll on tho 1lt11 1 tilG bltrmiddot reL 80 tIlen C8Jl11 ul lloc lIud tk~ 1110bullbull11 h~pB to clQl tbe gUll by bluwlu til dill Hllilre h Ill tI lUauuemiddot ~II imlldred h y be IIr11d rO1 018 pleca WIIlO1 ~qr ~1Ibg Tile reMOI wh) be I not III pu~ 1110 wIImiddot~r (11 thuuuoad bull plcCIl I brea_ II woul~ )lt) lhe bciJ dalllp anll tbill~l chargu Iul In fluid b~cOlDe IOml Ihem k

Paoillo lIlarmiddotb valuod thulO Virginia We no get a Ihouaand dollars for eounthlave we would then haye gollen from tbree 10 IIV6 1)U8Ad dot Iar8 rer an operaun it tho gold IIlInea ot middotOaliformiddot lila four hundred thoa mulllpiled b Ii- amphousand or even amphree tbousand will ahow _ mm_ lose Ollllpu1lon rdollam would nO compe~~ VI1l0ia for h~t 1088 III not rllooing the IIl1e on to llie Facillc

E I 0 nwtll L 84111gtpound WHo DAHOLlIfl



GRAilraquo 110AItAuUA 11ESSRS Kewen Simd~r8amp UanlUn III praeshy11 lieo In aU the COIlf~ of ~b Merilloual and Orlentel Depalments Rnd In tbti D~ptlllent of Le

PArlicular atienlilln 11111 be given to tbe reo covey Qf cl~ima ugainSl the GOvcrnmmiddotnt

lJ~oIbullbull mortfg leNlet Ie promply 0 ClIlel nd on Ii oralmiddotlermbullbullAI ow llId mo~ey brokerage busto will a lage tho AllenllOIl ofi6 finn bull

Q RAN A DAN lOA It A 0 UA bull

I~bull ~dlnrogtq REWEN SANDERSY IlAN IgtLIN ~jl)roosn lol PIOlesiOl1 de illmgllria ell tOUOllt los trihulltlle8 lj~ 103 t U d I 0middot l )tmiddotplIlttmlnt)8 lerl I()I1I1 v rleR

Y ~n el Dgtplrt~ento 00 Leon bull So dllrk atencIOII pnrticulllr III eobro If)

Imiddotmiddotdlm cr contlll dl1 gllhi rllo Itd 1Ijpotoc3~ Arrenimionto~

t ~ bull tc 1~n eJIIQlIlndos con IWOlIItlt y fllmiddotemiddotto~ mudeladollt TlmlJieu 1111 ocel1p~rall Itn rillgoeJoo do

I(rretagl el biencs rllice y dimro -- 1J h bull dIe= e~II1~e ~ en I Ctml 0 orr(~braundn NOlclObrc 1 de 1856

dup 111 jnll oIUII LOllt IN ampho early patlof amphb foe LAlfJ) W ~ 1tNT fQ IIvc hundred nCI ttl (If Innd drallO III fam of Col R J SJiltlors X_res hlTJ be~n takon 10 rendtr It of no e tlcJpt to the per8Ol fOl who It wns drtITIl WllOttOr ill It 10 ill NiiAlIguonao ollWe or to me ltiU bq suitably N11lIrded

OOL E J SANDERS GIlladI NQv 1 1836 1I~nrr- L~hUet

uvolll~ell if fOllt heiathirtc611 Ad til 11111 th) ro liillgt whoroby hcy do MtIlSeU1I$ nUltn~O-l tlIUiTISSuillrsa ETlqoE1TB - ceordiug tl 1 Iotc b IIf dliklea to nine atd YOII will hIV 111 Iltilgll lIlIk tu 1100 OIlOPI) lll~ ill mU3(~tlriug I 1lIorfwlit~r It III etiqueue fOf pelllollll of infot1or io So says the genUeman 811d Ito Is cOIIampuUI1 it lIee~y 118amp th~ 1I)~lcr shluM 3fIIillnL iIIder~ his pl)feMional lampniCCl

mnk io I~ol their healtia IOlVor han tho belds f 1111 Mef tail A a coo~ n~uy I)~I 14Vlllw I~ ltlec b I liing u 1111 rea tho muk(jt I to lhQ citi3Jlls of Graoaolo U ill bull bull I) horsts over Int a i$ wily tmiddotI II lIIc IIu I RIMtle amiddotIJ(lr amiddotlIe~middot in to tbe bll$O of Ih I hg l )0 found al tb Dosplt)

thelr l4ltupoOItI Iberefore wben a nabob aClOp I hOIampo dOll mutt slvo up liis trlt1~-lllonlllc I k s C lil middot1middot is ho ~1I1101 d) if Iro anda middotVmiddotIIm mbJnrtt _h_SjtflU ard sl~1 get Oil 1 (ltllIf2 Plnntel I aiemiddotx bullbull )1 ~ 110 bllU of hl~ pcco OraMd Novetllbe~ I 1~amp


328 EL NICABABUENS4VoL ~ No 52 p 4 Sabado 1de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 1 18qB

I But tberemiddotII point from wblch ~bl anbject

lhOnldIv _ad IItperlor to Iny mere Idalphaselt [Jittr ague ns t of tbe -i Itmiddotl6-how ~be buy tb deed In Ibla counll1 efFects th Ulag_od thlemiddota 011 1111shy

Saturday lIlorniD~ Nov~ L middotportanamp Dllrlnl the dry aeuon In thll coUlltry Itl Yer

HON COL 1QHl( H WHEELER dUlicuit 10 dig a gra or luDlclot depth to pro-

Thl amptnlleman wh has eo ably repreiented Int th polloDOUS paeafronl eacaplng 11110 the thII Jolted Bta1e8 ~ North Amerloa In thll couoshy

trl darlbg ahe varlbos oTillgea and atartllng Inclshydeata of tjle pasl two years Is we regre~ to 8Iy boul 10 dpar~ rom IOIOllg UI on a Iall to the uAiI~1t1atelo Hia beallll bu baeD of lale very _b brokllD IDd we InRir hI vlalt to 110 and nf bil blrtb 1JI1~ ~trellKthen ble fIoame by Ita Ron iov~t1i11 j~lIoaplire

_B rIOre will exolte a rept In the breut oC emf American In Nlosraguau blA aCQ4mshypUIIlliiilitt genlfemin bl aliampTl~y U )lInll~r

hII klndneas nd urbanl~ u a man and bis dieln lereledp u a friead ~as altcady g~lned him ~eliru~t ampad rove W~e~ver he goes tbe good wiebe or all who

uo-Iollllid thllCOI1iItry wlll follow hhn alld we trlMt at before la_IIY weeks we m ba middotth p~ule of Innoucbg Ita relum We wlab blm lfIe_t voyage



ED namp BURNED III II tbe dlkion ofthmaln of de

-r-~4 P llOD8 bas been a aubJectof Ihe promiddoteIQlUld98t ~iionUoo Wbh I~ are conDected the _tldenta of the warmes~ frlendlhlp tbo ileepetl eiltnltlbJl aud tlrelDost eaorad Ibougbtamiddot of tin

1iChaft~~ ~horo II anhll~lotl ID maDwblcb 1111 pell lilllll ~T8IlI wltb grea~ cate tbe romulD of his fiIampir orbullbulltur fbi ay bit esclted 10 pari by feeUng ibat we onl7 do IS we would be done

liJ toutpefhapi ~e -eat IncoU o 10 tblerupecl btl tbougllj that lhe Iplrll of lifo whleb anI -1 olampy before UI tnay be 1I0W before thea~llioron or the OIt High and Ihe nmdna tITeRlO WQJD 0101 our ioevltable dellliny

Tile IIIl1Dn of buryins the dead bas been a _II I _t I It f I

I ~Io Iou bleb ata n w w PlOCseda from deelylng

18tatabl We know tba lata1dlleuea are brollgbl ooby Innooulillon and hat I man canmiddot nn~ be Innoclllaled byanrlblllg mo8 dllllcul1O

L__ b

a~moephere and spreading lIIalri ampIIIong the Iiv-Ing The~ Iulso bull common oUltom among peoshypIe of th Ialler dayuo bury ~ remalDi of porsonl of no~ In nulta un~er the 1l00rs of cburchet and those In che dmp and gloom olihe luliterratiean cbambers In decomposing p~ddl_ and death among Ibose wblJ honored ~bn blloll logj Uld IUppose they thUI Ihow rpeet to their memory aner dealb h ta unnec_y to r8fe~ to the dangar of those who dIg gr In a Iae of OO1IIl11on Inte lIIent or how onen they como In contaCt wllb the polsoo of deeolOpoelng Jleah or wbat a s~ amount of dlseue Ibere II engendered bi the poleono pBel of sucb places by bel~g waRed amoog the habltatlonl of Ih~ IiVldg The evil elllcta or 11 tbeae clrcumstences ara Incalculable

We can onlyarrie at theamprulh In suck C8IU Iy Ulalol1middot W know that the gue_ of decumpoeo-Ing ~o~tsble mattedo swamps produce d98ues of eryerloll8cb~ractars wo know tbat on thla account 11 nu countrl are I_ healthy ampIian whera Ialor huefllleted a good drainage and ~bat higll dry land II more condllclve lOheal~h and Ions life tlian damp low Incamp We knowIi Ii Id- b I

JO tat ep em1 realmiddotoutmiddot1I parts of cl~le wh garbage ta a1lpwed to coUeet and tm1~ an eDlu~a Id we know also tbat gases from d cylg anllllal blatter are more daJlgelOUi and

The Late lnliulttlt the US llag I In olHla w publlebed a record of eiiollUng

eta All to tbe IneultllllC oonduc~ of ~e oIlied forces of Guatalllla and San Saludor toward the AlIlerican Oag the Mlnl~r of ~h8 Ulli~od Slates and tbe cold blooded murder 01 unarllled

American cltlrens But thll record dark and demiddot grilling as It Is te humanity WIS bulholf dlacload Dally circumstances of Dlulder _lnltioD and robl)e07 commltted On Alllericsn unarmed clll lensre being brought to ligbt which place the Governmenta of Gualeblala and San SAlvador bO yond the pale of ci illzallon and eta p them u BaIlon of ouUaw cutbro1e and bAndl~18o

Tbe accompnied allldavita of Cap~ Dunlcan and ~eut Gardner prove ~he diabolical IMurder of a Utile boy whose only offenco was being born In the Uolted Sla~ of wbite parenta and bnlng a while face

Doel not iIle blood of every frlcnd 01 humanl~y of every nalion ehudder at euoh ~Iroity Will not tbe lII08t eage and barbarous nallona of tha darkest agel of anllqully rise In judgment against luob uaboly and bloody deede _

tait of cOmpany D Fir~ Rille of tbe Army ~( ~be Republic of NlcaraguI and made oa~ ~haj

On Mon~ay the 1~11J October 18D6 during f

attack of h combIned foroea of Guatemala a d Ban Salvador on the city of Grallada during ~ e ba~le he approached ~Ioe houN of Mr JamoA Smi~h on the street of the Meulah opposite I e Churcb of San Franclaco f-om wbole bouse t e enemy bad been drIven out and he there lAW Q

tho arms of hie flher thamp dead body )f a about seven years old who bad just been murd bull ed by 1100 onemy whose body as horribly 10

lated ard deformed Mr E nllb was unc~~ nected wi~h ~he Army and como u a aettl9r~ NIcaragua He appeared hear~-broken and d shycOllsolate oxclalmlng tha~ he wished tiont loG co d bove sutrered In his child place Iln I tha~ in th amp alllnts opinion I~ WII and i ~he determlnallon for ~ho lovadillg forces 10 violate every rul of clViI~dwarfare and justice IDd lIIurdr eory Alnari n In Nicaragua J DUIIICJII

Sworn to before me this 21th October 1866 JOHN H WHEELER U S Minller

middot1 do hereby cortify tlia~ 1 W88 preBent wllh ~ taln Dunicnn aDd of my own kbol~dg 16~ abore aDldavit Is true In evel pa~ticuIRr

R p OAlIIlIpound1I Fi t Lieutenant Company E Firat Ri8es

Swonl to before me thIs 21th October 1866 JOHN II WHElLER U 8 MiDiter

oor8_ t e ~_Ing lIull of ble fellow maand would be reapecteo b all lla~IQDs even tb tho Amerlean 8a8 would protect him rba~ ~c Now u the guea whlob arise from vegetable most IIInge Bul how vain wu lhat hope I Let Lawless very frequehUy came to him 8 thOlmiddotMnmiddot lIIalterlo a atate or decAY appear 10 be lIIucb hll plunderod 1001180 bls murdered remaina tbe tay Goveroor of ~hll Dopartment in blthrfi mciro ftal thllD ~ODtact w~b Ihe solid_ from wblcb bodies of Iii f6110wmiddotclizen tbe mutilated bunting tb Datives o~~befllo~lnldt for whdOlll hIe perforbi th _ numeroua IC_ a bull n n au w lOBe rup bull

_ AO~ re lImiddott e lllallnorl 0 nu rolli tar llIImemotlalIiimiddot lome oountries oj E8YP~ ~~e present ago ought to be luDlclent to ri~ i9bIaDcie Dluch IDg epulty wu expended In enmiddot bove anyprt)UIIIce orallY old cuawm which haa ~orlng ~ lr~ee~e bodlel (rom decay anltl been haaded d~D t WI frolll ~pe~o~_bClo the the Orilllai ftcc~ of all burl~11 WII law ofnelilUi wee but lIttle s~OOIeil or known -0 --uOD of die body At tbo far Notth and auggoat auch remedlca as wlllleslen as far AI

whra th tro~ king relgnl many lDootba III ~he poIIlble the causes oC dll~uo bull

ey ann mut 1ler tbe~ 11011 II 110 the caso with tbe ps8I 101010 arise frolll putrid animal mellmiddot UleI If thll II eo thqenlightonment of

yar and all anImal de~omp08ltloD II auspended t

ibrough Ita etrecta tbe etrort 10 tilDes of 19oorshyihc mIght be aUPlosed to be parliaUr aucceBBful 11 Ii eeD no DO uncommon tblng to be ~oemer II tbat b would nollike 10 die In a

amputherll counlry on ac~ollnt oftbo audden decay ~ hll remaloa 1111 sontewhat remarkable tbat bile Nort~ern natlolls eYen In tbe most ancIent tImes burlod their dea~ In tile pound Ibe peo-DIe or the Southern countrl buroed tbem Thle wu ~bo cultom or Sou tbern Aala And Southorn E~op In our IlIgUsh literalure to tbll daTI ~wlng from oll Oreek we frequoutly her t)ili )ihnae peacmiddottomiddotI alhea I

1be Greeb a1wav burned 1100 bodle of their Wualrlou8 dud and In our opinIon thla lain many respecta lIIucb preferable 10 bllrylng_ bull In burnIng u lru tholr CUltom the ashea IIIlght bo carefully ciflllected and plaee4 In an mamen~ed urn j hero llOuld laDd wltbout otrendlng tho senses In the bleb of the temple or In tbe private aparl

m6llts of friends til Ihls manner I~ wu alwaYI In the careoilboao rho respected It and In wboaemlllol7middott wumiddot dear_ Tbo asbes of Ibe great mbl In Ihose dal1 beaeD~ fro plRce to place mldgled llb IIampYO7 locenlo receiving the roapocl due the blemor or Ibe Blirlt which pYa It lnishy

middot1111110110 In Ileae dy the remoYai oC a corpae croaten bOlrOr In all wbo 1ra1 wllh It not 1mshymedlIlotorealell to say nothing of tbe danger 0( belna In coplact with so Ruch rot~nn alld putrofotlon Ona balpound of Ihe borror of death con sists In the Idea of tho bedy pu~rU)lug io the e~ 4 Wng an obJect of loathsomene18 upon lJjlell worm gMiI and riot How much more pluinlmiddottw Idea of ha log the ashea carefully ptbelllllj amplid ~pi perhapa 8weamptlt aeented aa DOW ieepodaguerreotyp08

W~_ uale lhe aallsfactlon It would no lIfIorithe litem world to ha e preserved the

middotashe oIllli~Q Ot lIIilikapeore i or wbo can guess the care otmiddot venerAtion willi whleb the Frencb would ~gtrd the ashes 01 Napoleon or with wbat yeneratlon Americana would guard tbe reshymai1 ofWaabington h la truly to bo regretted that aU whlcb Was mortal oC tbose i1ulrloUi per sonages Isoow IndlltiDgubthable from ~hecommon eartb or tbe remalna of ~he earcasa of 80IIIe brow

There ta t~ls dvanhge ID burning bodlea OTCr burylDg tbem that IDltead ofperlnlltlng them 10 cauao dlaeue aRer death Ihe nry act of burning puriO ~he aIr It II lupposed the great plague ot London WII IoIICIted In lie ravagea by Ibe groat

Ore whlcb burned the greator parI 01 tbe city Ono thIng Is certaill iC history II correct that Ilthough Itraged with foarful voIoeelmmedla~lr hefore It ceueo to exll aimoillmllledialeit lifter Iho con8agratlon It It now a common pIlodco to fullllgate a roam In whch a parson baa died and doowrs ad 1ae boao who Yliit he remainI of a person ~hat lou died of cholera orany olber conmiddot mgloua dlieal to moke a cigar or plpo-tlo great

a purifier II fire And eelUng pr~udlc aside III~ Is after all

lIIuch more dealrable to be cooaumed by lire ner death than to rot ~n be devoured by worms alld 118 tbat eoaduccl well 10 tbe praseryallon of tho Ulng u to the retallling tbe uhes of tho de ceased we would fbor tho adoption of Ihe CUllOJll

In thle lOuntry It was the generoloplDlon In Granada Ifter Ito

batlle of the 131h of October tbattbe great nummiddot ber ot theonemy which wu killed would produce tbe cholera before they cluld be Interred DurnshyIng tbelll bnmedlatal would h prsvenwd tbe posilbillly of auch 1 p~llIful circumstanoe and would hve puriSe1 the air 01 any polsonoul gnaee wbleh might already slated 10 it

On object In ftuggeatlnlf thle II more 10 call tho 4tenllon of the publio u well 110 medical profeaslon 10 Ibe anbjecl chin 10 attempt at tble tim to dllcUBB Ihe m W are howovor under tile InlproBB Ion that If Ibe tlustom of burnshyIng the dOlld Inatead of bmiddotlng them were onco Ialrlylowoducecj It would In tbll lall~ude prove higbly benellclal w tbegenfral hulth

A Nw 01ft The Phll~dciPhia Mint hujull IMued a cent wblch II described as COlliposed or 1It88ven parb copper seven of nickel and one ohine 11 lou a lilht appearance with a faint red tint alld la In beautiful contra t with the Ameri cau a1lver nd gold plecea and will not u the old cent did tarnlsb thelll by oon~ol The weight of the newll only aevell~y-to gralnl-Ih~ of the present copper cenl la olle bundr~d and sixty ftghl

Tbe aDldavlt allo appended of (len fry u to LIG~TION or UUTID STATES or AnRIOA~ the nlurder of Ifr Lawl pro es Mr Lawl IIEAR Till REPUBLIO or NCARLOUA ~ earnest desire to presee lob neu~raliy in all 1100 Tbis day camo before me Birkett D Fry Bri dUBcoltiel wblcb have beset Ihle coun~ry of nis dier General ArDIto Nicagua Uld made OI~h blgh lOlled chacler and Integrily of conduct Rnd tbatshyorh pcrfeat oonOdeoce ~ha tbeaegis of the Bowasacquainted wllbJohll D LmiddotI~uaimiddot Amnoan fIig was amplyiuDlclent to prolect bis the month of Oc~ober 1bullbull1 Ihat having been rl liberty property IIld lif Be badmiddot een as cofmmnd of Ihls cl~y durn the greater POrllrshy

0 he past year he lou Ircquentl bad occbullbullI~ llIralloea (rolll the blgbeat aources tbat no Amori- 10 tallt wilb said Lwleas of Ibe polillcal atrairsio can wuld woder so far 1roII home that the pro- tho State of NiCllragu Tha~ the MId LRle tacling and powerful arm of tbe United Stat- s unifOImly re1beed 0 take ny part InarlUa wlti wal Dot over him lie reiuaed 10 COlli wilblo IheAforcea of lttI~nerol Wdalkellrdsaymg Iat hOe ~ri an lIIe can CI zen an re e upon Wle og o the line of onr Irclo mlylng oo~ho middotpeo~lon 01 his counlr for protecion_ Tba~ a(~r Oeoer Ibol Uulted States aDd Ihrew out beforebis house Walkers force marched upon dual and a few the Alllerican 8ag tba~ In ~Is patriotlo beart b hours _before Ihe auack u~D Granda loa urgtd fel wu honored in every laud anltl on every sea thbelabdblAdwl_11edto comde WtllIlI hila Ilhnol degb

f dle~fen~~w c e eo n to 0 expreaa ug s e Ie I ~

tom b the enemlee sllot and lbe loor of tbo Lo- alld good will he leetDed to pOSle That ~ ~ gatlon house perloQ~d bytboballe oftbe onemy Lawless had reaided for several ye a paa~ inOmiddot testify nlda apoKe tbe In~uago of ~he coulltry 8ue t-

Iy and WIB extensively engaged III IIIcrcalltUJ~ 10 ancln~Rome ~he exelamaUon lam a Ro- e~ita anil had mall) 01 tho nolives In hia ORlPi bull

mIlD cillzen arrested the falling blo of Ibo IIc- Tha said Lawlen justly ellJoyed the reputtti D

lor 10 fOmer ~oys ~n II the great Republic of for great pbllanthropy And unamp~~middot~~t tile North In 0 aayo ofJakson It is the bouth of ~ e loll lory of tha~ day ~hllt no American cltl zeD ever luWered lny In~ulT abroad without reo

dreu WefcOIlaurolhnUhesnm08plrltnowanlmatestbe

United Stateamp and ~hat tbe same feeUnga ~hat dlcmiddot tated tIe Kouta letter will be roady to defend Ibe rigllts aud proico~ tbe lives oC InDoeen~ AmerieRn



Thll 4ay came before 010 James II Smitb wbo tcatlO tbat he emigrated from Ne York clLy whero he hu resldcd for two years In the steaol ahlp Tennc88ee for Nlcaralua on thOl 1 III Sep tember laet accom~RRled by his three email chll drell lor the purpole of cultivating hind and satshy~nllg In Nicaragua lIo is by protession a taather

That on Sunday the 12th Inll an alarm of an lltack was made by the foroea of 9uaternala and San Baladof on this ci~y That be no~ crediting

S b bull h 2 hOb I 56worn ore me t IS middott cto er S bull JOliN II WHELER U S diolaler bull

I [ 0 F F I C I ~ L ]


ADJUTANT GENEIULS OUICpound J Granada Oct 26 186G

1 SOLnnRI--Each day demonstrates more cle iT ~hat tbe war we are wagiftg Is ono of IIUlh apl AI falbood of clmoalion againat barbarism GI satisScd wllh the bloed of lonocent cilicnssb d a~ Granada-with n appetile Ilnllghler h 1shyled by the nt_Ore 01 helpleu cbildren and b 11 ministers of CbriIIIII~y-our IIIvage foes II f

added ano~hcr crime to tbo long liRl reco d asaiDNt ~bem Thoy han sbot Lleu~ Col Lal wbo wu IRken by tbe n a prisoner of war 80 0

It)8 ngo At ~i1e very time thl_ cold-bloodedaal ofcroe 11

was boillg colDlIItted an exchange 01 prioa r was bciu proposed by tbe comntandermiddotinmiddotc er

tho Jolarmj wntto tholltlloplzaa8110r~dlitance If tbo Guatemala forcos WI~h an lona~a bull When tbe (ote aptearod and commenced an ac tive 8Mng ot musketry and Mlni6 rille wblch otlt off his relurn Tho foreee then approacbed 10 hOllie wbere bis li~tle fRmily wera seated ~ dillshyner consisting or a boy Frencb Berbert born In New York tlty on Ibe 6th March 1849 two lrirls one fI and the otber Iwo yeare 01 Ige 1hey were seated witblo three yards of a large wludow which opelled 011 ~118 street One of lhe troops approached the window and taking delib erate aim fired at 0 lillie group the I)all grazed the chin ef the fllrl nurse and atrlklilg the bo In the lower part of his face paselng out of the neck broke tbe plllol obord killing him instan~ly TIe reat 9f the children wee concealed iinnlcdl-

IDg for ~reacbe he bad smoolh WOrdl and Ii ~ sullmenls on hll Iipa wben he was In the act t murde

Tbe mnatlon of Lln4 show he ndlito of the ollemy wl~b whlcb we baYe 10 contend f Ibe sollie lan~age andreligion wilh tbelUself they bad nOl agains~ hilll the lying excuselmiddotw Which ~hoy are wont to justi~y Ihe murder of American citizens Nothing bu~ ~be love of til d aod ~he cowrdly loatlllc~ of tbo savage Call 0

urged for tho execution of thd Cuban palrlot Let ~ben soldiers a Bunle of tbe jUltico G d

grandeur of tbe C~U1e In which wo aro CDgae nerve ua lor the fullilmellt of tho Iftak wblcb I bull before us Remember that you luWer aud It

awly III an adJacen~ housl by the nurse under agio to redeem ono of the 10eUest 01 lalld_ ID bed hlle Ihe ~roop Ibreed tho cuing of ~ho barbalian rule aud lavage despo~lam In such a wlndo the door being fRBlened and resiatlng all Oft IIHO 118 t~is who ould 1I0~ gladlf eudure II ~ IV Iheir oRllrta Thoy then entel8d and searched In dayoCprl alion and fdtiguo r 10 would n I vahl for the cbildren Tbey plullucred tho house undcrS1l aome lillIe antrering and danger for I ~ of all bia iinpleonpnta of hUlbandry clo~bing gold sake of IIvlllg his nalllO enrolled amoug the be o and allvr walcllcs mono aDd valUAble of faotors fJf the rllce 7 amount 1lI0re ~hao two thoueaDd dollars ~ 2 Lieut ltlol ~ A LaID6 aiddemiddotClImp 10~ tbe

JAKa8 n SIITD Commandor-in-l)hler having bean brbIrOO~ Sworn to before me this 2~tb Ootober 18DO murdered bylhe enemy without ProPOiDg An shy

JOHN B WlIEELIlt U S Mini4ter change (If prlaoners i~ ie directed Ihll~ Lie t We do bereby certify that we reBlde In tho Col Brigido Valderraman and (Ja pt Bern~r 0

nme houle II~h Jamee H Smith Faq nnd 01 Allende be shot Ibis aernllon 11 6 oclock In Ollr own knowledgo the faclt tn~ed In hla aDldo vlt are Irue lu evcry particular


Sworn to beforo rno thl 27th O~oher 1856



Tbl day calllO bofore one Jamea Dunlcan Capmiddot

tbe plftZ of thl clly 3 11111 Gen Fry 19 charged wth tho esccullta

of the abovo order By command of WY W AUrER

Genernl-Coml~andng-in(jhipI Pn n TnoIlPBOII AdJ t Gcn N bullbull

~ h Is atato(1 that PrInce Albert 1038 b~~~t 111 Clllll1nOUe tract of lInd In AII9tralia Vbic1o1n nbout tnty years will tetulnabollt ono thou811 ~ i tlII10S oa much tIS all ~h~ amp Coburg alld Obi

In Germany put logctbor I

329NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 7 Sabado 1de Nllvlembre de 16561 Saturday November 1 1856

i lit I ALGO NAB BOBRILBL Dl4 UJ 1lJSOUOJON lIerosoaeajuitA al Cllpilitu delliglc y Ie r t t lIJ S 11 n1J R ea mlUlgrato perdmar que CIIstipr aunshy EqulUtlvo y aUII n_Slnll) nos parec Menelter earetrogradarlllol mM remomiddot que eata lIluy pronto a IIOtrar en el UIO

toear la materil de que vamos neumiddot t~s tlempos de barbirle yde ldlo~lemo pa de juatas represaUae lIa cual rere IU tS II Into NOT I de 1836 pamos no obstlnte haberll8 tratado en Ill1Icontmr el ejempl0 brutal a una Ie- naluralom 1 10 demandaren las circlin A WI ~ 101 1)umells anterloJel aunque nu cion quI Icsban de (omeler en Maaaya stanciU De consiulente 108 prl~ionrOl

JUEBPO VE ARTILLSJIU 4 tod I degtlt1d I I d I d 1 - ft -- con 1 1 ~que mereee por mf~ 01 Jenera ea e I IUfZaa iii on I heridOll lIOn tratadlll eon 10 mllyor be El lierpH de tLitiHerlll ha tomado un destla de lOB IRdmdus que 11 rlllawon Guatemala en estos lIltlmOl dia des- nignidad

ClIPCI) 0 imllolltmto bajo 11 direoclon del puesto que cl1ml mlmos t(lIl1aron una puea del ataque de aquella plllza I de Queda PUIIII demOlltlldo que falto8 de Jele I Henningsen IIventndo jofs de esa parte actin en los sucea~s Las buenllS las acclone quee Ilan referido ya tn 10$ fe ell itll mall s1 mnes compromiaos y Grmllj iuyos cOllocimientos Ie ban didO aceiones dlbon refe~lrse mlnuciollme~te d~8 humerns anteriores de elte periodlco de oumplimiento en sil palabra como mi MmladianQ $010 en los Estadol Uni Sin temor ~e Incumr en la tacha de dllil Vlolando 108 mas gmdos Plotos ma- Iitares 111 jefell do lIB fuIiIBs enemlgat JOI I nn fuora de ellos Es do cele- sos tnnta par que e8 un trihuto dllbido al lew reeonocidos univerenlmente y 0011middot flftll Incohado COIl ol ftlsilamiento flel Co brillS la recision y tino con que dh-ije m6rlto Cuanw por ue line de est-imulo aiguadol en aI derecho de jentel de una ronel lAid y aUI compslierea despues IRS bo 111111 Y granadas al punto que de- a100 d~mAA NOl oontraenos al IltaqU(o Inanera ~n ep~icita se han colQcsdo en de baber aupllcado el callge Y d recibir $igna uinnentaudo y dUlheando progresi qu~ re~I8~6 oatil piau dede el deee del una posiCIon odlo~a dtgrlldftnle y eceemiddot un Indi~lIo en este sentido un Miatem vame te las distnl1CIU siempre con el pUlIdo II 11 una de Is tarde basta las crable Indlgna de hombrea que 8e tltulan elttlaordin~rlo de gtlerrA que nosotrol nei nitID Rcli)lto Q inerrnble direocloll ocho de la maAana del diR siguiente milltare 10 temm~s puesto qf8 teMm1 mlobos Tolft los dias hay repeudos ejerclcioll y Buellas y lumlnolWl lIOn I referenoiaa fnmedlamente dupuee de 101 c(lneablmiddot prlonfrGS cODtrllrios y que hlta Is te()k~ IiOletas evohuiones en las que prl()ti~ del Coronel Allen Mayor Clyeee ftc dOl acunteomlento8 vino eata cludad un siempre hiL sido patente la slIperiodatide ean j Sefiores oficlales y 109 soldado8 pero notamo8 qne a~nqueliglran en 1 correo conduciendo una comunieaci(m nuesms armal Ahorl bien ~ Sol se nell ~tmn maravillo8(1lllIIte lisw de 108 que 8e distlnguiertm 81gllnOl de los jetea eN as flllrzas enemlga8 en la VOllOtroa 101 que hahllis habmdo de vanshy

En3 ClInnto 1 numem do indivitluoB numbres 110 ell con el tlIplerclol que que IIOlicltaban aqtlll1l08 del Jeneral dalisimo de Bomnidadea y oims cosa~ perbgt ecientc8 6 dicho cuerpB lie ha IU~ merC(tlll sin que sea rltI de 1o referenmiddot Walker JOr 10 pronto 6 cange de un in- aemejantelll en vnestrus periodi~os para men db do nna mllnera otable habien tes po que 1I11011 gllardaban y derendian divlduo d los suyos cometa d eaballe oontravenlr ahora eSC$ndalOsamente Ii (0 ad mllll unH gran compltlla do Zapa1 sus pue~tui re8peetivos y no podial esect na que fu6 heeho prlalonoro por Dilestra losmejores prlncipios del dereehu dl ilores I Mineros bien que para malle- tllr j todllS paltes Grande y her6ica parte con algunamp anterlorldad Eata clrmiddot jentll I 81 v08OtroB 80ls I Pero nad~ jllr clatro mortem do obuats y lo~ tllol II deietl q~e hizo 1amp KulIrnlclon de clnetancia Indicaba queeao jeres preten- trntiamos del oltallo de atrall en que Muon a que hay on lap)tuIt fO necesita estj plftZllcn ea c61eble JOIllampda en la dian ceAhle 101 prlnclpio organl_ de 08 ballail UR n6 nero eunsidurnblcmiddot1fe bombles qll8 doeientus hombre4 combatieron con III gllerr aun entre la naolonee minoe Conatlgt 8n conclu8ion qUII aceptamol

EI uelpo de artllleriA no deja que demiddot tla 01 ilunensu numero de oehgtelentOI clvllzadal y regullrlllAr la desde lU4lft) vuealroa aotos sea ellal (uere au natlishysearsusejercicins II 1011 111118 etCrupu- por eamppl()io do dillz y nueve hOrlll uglm lu demandlln la olvillziclon 1 _ mlez 10508 itotl Admirable el Jellledo y -80luololl siglo No 81a poslble dudar de la buena

do todOll basta del ultimo 1I0idado (e de aquell espon~nea proposlcion sin DOCUMENTOS 0FIeIALES ES Ef)OIOJV A OHONTALES dispueatos perecer antes que entregllr RgIlIlar a la e8 et bonor milltar 1 JOII

U - 6 h la pldl que se lea habia conllado cierto malt proclu90a atrlbutos del bombrel ElDECRtTAS DE OOB_ERlO


apol bull IfRon que Sill ny Guatro _ J Ch I 6 t A certilllmo y atln IIOmos COrto8 j pero lIus~re Jeneral Walker quo tantnll 1 bin No ito

EI t 1 p ra onts es 0 VI a es II puer ~__ d I M ON 1 ~ lifer ~11lI oeho de la matiana halfendo ph~oll afta Ir que e ayor eJ se repetJdllsprulIbae ha dado de maltnanl REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUAt

enndu 0 de una manera verdaderamente bull bull ~ desem ~ftado flU CQlnlslon los mdlVldoll ~ mldad ItO dudO en etecto ni Ull momen Seeretal1a de Elltado en el depaello (Ie t ti ~ - E her6ic~ Hallibllse postratio en una cama to y lIev6 8U generlllll(lad basta el utr Relacione Erterlores nuO rOI en snls aerlamen n I 1 d i h 11 b connn balazo 81 unap ema que elm- mo de entregar ill corneta que iIOhcUaban Granada Ootllhrl 2t de I85ampSan oS lIu v sus lOme lac 0110$ so a a a bull

bullJ I d I b d pll(ila dar un paso y Ie obhgaba bull servlrmiddot sill nlnguna de las lIeguridades que 8e El S P E so ha serVldo dlctar 411 de 1111 nUfillro e 10m res como e CIIn) d I EI 1_ __

d d 88 lIe os mu etas enemlgo lie lre- CIItJon en taIu CIlSOl COIltellto mnl Ceto igt~eD ~ -- _gt eine tode 1 QlIuotuelOn errotll Oil Oil Ii bmiddot I I WILUamp WR Preeldenw-daln eldla trece del corliente en csta cludn aerto y 1 eil


es om re que Illll a e featando que entre 101 mlillito prbonumiddot Republica deNlearagun lr sUiliabitsnte9 11 di I dtlene 89 UIIO de 04 indivlduOlI mall roa que habla hecho elY la lihlma aocion Siendo nece8SlrIo I~reditar un liinillrouo II IU u a tomaron a ue a reco on bull

q g q i 16nol 11 eJ6rlto Nada podia espemiddot e contaban Virios 06cla0bullbull que _tcba Plenipotenelano ltle rcpleaente a 111 RetshyDioo8 quo sahCTon escape as que $U- b _ d bll d Nt d I bl _T a raSede un 110m re en esta 0 en que dlpu_o cangellr respectivamente pGr pu ca e caragua cerca e ga n piera 111 Ilegadade Jos trem 6 tl~l11~ 61 se baUsba ain embargo hacienda un el Coronel Lain 1 por olnoo 6 sela in- de 108 Estados Unidos en IVI8hingtotl lIn RllngerB que III vapor cndllcla 0 b III el 81 t p l4 de dl II d J ntlab on U80 de IUS flleultades l

1 h b d b b t esueno 110 re uaUT J9 UOl e vopa que e 8oom- an DEC RET A bullIe d bull os Oil res 0 ar UI os comO d gt I I 0 ilia dlI8l1ila 0 que tellla sa 10 (1 clando Cueron presos por caaualldad en Articulo I N6mbralle Mlllistro Pleni ~ el 09 Icen locho tom6 lall mulllw y 81 sable y 8e il camino de llwaya En allo se es- pottnciarlo de la Republica de Nioaragua (JtfOETAS DE GUATEMALA Y presentO en ellugar ~a8 peJigfOSO arras peru la romillion del hombre ofteoldo cerl1 de 18 Eatedoll Unidoe al Senol

S AN S Hi VADOR trnndu la plema y atravesllndo las calles por 01 corne Q a1 conleta mlsmo que DoAn FemmCoFerrer I J b b t rt ~ IDnmquelle qu enes cor I -- con el agaa casl bull 1 rodlda (aca I a de era 10 replar y Jegitimo 81 ae aTrepenmiddot respondamp

Estos pOliodlcos pound0 oeupan do nuestro Hoverl dundo mnd6 con V071 do trueno tlan do nevar ndelante 10 que 4111011 mis- Dado en Granada 1 29 de Oetubre de Nienrlguell~o no parR reflllar nl una pn formal amp los hombres que alii se hallaban mOB babian Bollcltado opteniend) al fin 1856 WILLIAM WALKER Ilbm do los erimCIl-e1l servUes que hemOl y que Ilegaban oon sus armas dilltribuyo par unics rampZUII el J~er81 Walker una Al Se~or Jenoral Dun Jlliteu Pineda publi~do POrqIO III velmiddotdad os illcontesta la trnpn eolocindo en loslugarel opor carta del Jeneral Zavala en 1amp que fire MMn~troldoJa Guorra encargado deT dltl I bull mUltern enerable II~ deequltan descendlcn 0 as per tUllos orden6 1amp derenaa de vea eal ea testaba (ellto no puedo calUiCllrse) que D ~ d 1 I V bull evI en suprema 0 oumun eo 1

sonah ~de8 1In un lnnguage tan cl~lco que partell de aquellugampl y 8Oliclto 1 101 prlllOnerbullbull no querlan venir No ell para IIU intellgencia y demas erectos es ebmo us antares Su impotente uni e6caz It pelllr de su eltado de grandad a eato todo ino que en as propillll perandortlCibO su atento senillor Ie do p1i~8a fudose contla cl Jeneral tadu atendia bael6ndote oil su voz ell clrocnlltandlll Be supo oon allOmbro en 11 Pnnuu lIIque 10 ba dellpreelado stempre todas pa~teamp Nosotroa admlr4mol al e~ta cilldad el rullilamlento on 01 pueblo No 64 WI pe lulclo d - lllwlrles 8U cuenta eonlmiddot Mayor 0 Nell en aquelloe momentoa y de Diriomo del CoronelLalne y algunos

V bull l REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA ~ cnte Y oxneta eremos III e908 pan asi nOl plaee conS1lJllarlo on eata arUcl1 0 otros prisirneroa I I fllaa obre aquellOl S d __1 d ch d ecre1ana e ilAIo en e eeplt 0 e ~s 8 Oil ~ombre8 de chaneelarls COli EI Capitnn Wilkins lie condujo tnnbien jetos III deabonn eonmguiente y )1 IlCe- Relacionelllnteriores

dlglll d el dIll que 80 les presente que de unA manera brilllnnte en el millIDO cr8Clion univelflall i ~pnrten el des- GranadR Oetuble ~ de 1800 JlGr ci rto no ~t~d(jlls ($ si solo se con- lugar y despue ell la deftn~ del HOIIpi precio y vilipendlo que mcreccn Y 0011_ EI S P E ampe ha servldo dictar el de-ICIltllj COil eCBrlbu snrcnsmos tal en toda la neche Es de celebaTlle la pell el lugar degradante eli que les colOCll ereto -ul~nte

-------- d dId fa 1 I d d I El GOllemo coosldelando que soMalianl lie omharea con direceion u con ucta e 011 bull IS co tat voe qn~ IU In agllO proce el hallan vaeallte~ las Carteral de Reb

Nueva York el Sr Eermin Ferrer hallan en el h~8pltal oOClrgard08 continu Como era de eeparamprse loglco y natu- ciunes Haelenda y CrMito pu~lico POl 1 g b no amente de los enfermotl Dr Lundy y raJ e1 Jene1Walker ordeno y ae eloell- baberse encaado de la ml~lon dlploshynombrlld0 que ba SluO por e 0 leI bull t ~II b d W b

j I PI d t n_ (f Dr Brmkerhoff 110 8010 por las bUenae to II (I1I181111ento nu de todoll los prleo- m4tiea eel bull e ga mete e a Ing ~n s~o ellpo~enculT1o e es a p medidas de defen~ ue tomaron IIlno ton a1 Seior Don Fermin Ferrer quohllcs eefca dol Gabinete de Wasbingtoll ~ nellIS que en la Justa lndlnadlon acuo 1l1li desempeflsil 011 180 de aus facultades

Ell F rl b I rt II pur 10 resolueion que 81empre lea honrar otro mimo Jonero- en 8U lur hubler D E C RET A errcr Gsumpe a a ca ar - -- bullbull de Hciendn que qUGdo Ii cargodel Go altamente do pereeer todtlS antl8 que prevenldo sino Iolamelte el de un Ten Articul 1 El Sefior ~e~oral Don

D d M I - G S n ahandonar unos velnte y cilloo enCer- vnte Coronel I un Capitan que ctillltian Mateo Pmeda autual MIlllIItro de ItgtlIera ~ me A lUStrolaquo c uerft e - bull G bull gad dI I diS F mOil que no pod Ian movelse de IU lecbo eutre Iquellos nerra ser onear 0 IDtennamellte elimos i 1 auseMl1 tempola c I e diahaa caneras teQlumiendo el Mlnlsteio rer a~ paso qua nll8 alegramos de que EI Chbano que elo~11I 01 Mayor Potter MuchOll plllOl1ero quqda~ on poder de Jfjn~roJ ~1a do el c electo parala mislOIl que cn el ~rro que ~lmlltr6 cuyo nllmbre nuestla gblllrnocolltrA qlllel011 ~u4lera Art t ComtllllltpleleI qutenea cor IampMnuuce Alos EsttldOIl Unidostallto por no mllmfest6 pm IgnollrJo e8 el Seflor dMClrgllllle todo el pl8O delagravlo lnfo rCIJpcmda lI1llltlilrw y circuDttitceiR quole ldornall Don FtCncisco Aguero y Batrada Pre- ridn y hooerl(1S sentirde un una manera t8~do en GitLi1lAltt~Rdigt cuantq pOl que rCIihiramp belll1s impresio recto de esta cludad prolilllda los exesos de IUS ~etos qUI Pu AI Senor Jenera Don Mateo Pineda nos en 18 hormolllls ciudlulea del Norto (on 10 dicho sitiafacemos la justlcia ditgtran haber ngrlVlJdo au situacion I pero Miubltro Jenera Am6rfca debida aloe SenOIOs 1l0minadOl y nuestro I Jneral Wlker oon todaJ )R ventnjNl De urden supreml 10 eomuBlco V

Ie Idelleam(lll Ull viRge teli~ y pronto doseo de eselaroeer III ferdad siempre y la repolllioraucia de la posicion que pllrt IIU Intellgeneia y demas efootos retor~ quo podamoa baeorlo ocupa 011 tll embargo magnanlm~ y Je M Pnln4


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 10: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.



fpound NICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 49 p 5 Sabado 11 de Octubre de 18561 Saturday October 11 1856 3Dl

W~T WE ARB STRIVING FOR ROMANaS OJ WAR THII BAY ISLAND8 AaaAL 01 mIlt raow 5bullbull-)( J -- Fella iii IellowfMWollfr Ind fe-lIow_llaquo qI

Th ra AI a pe-rlod In the ahOi t bn CIcntrlll To lbole ho b noylll been parllclpators In The 1Ihlll rollm aetlled on IiIe 0 nclt Eetrampef In ClIba h arrlyed at New YOft timo bAt Americana bave been In Nicaragua whea campalgo war appeaR to ba roll 01 hononl about wInch eo much dlplomaoy h betn lIpelld ~hm 8paIOlaft~endurinamp 100amp aeri ofpua tu) Irere brandcd b tbe porltanlc people of the Their 1II1ncit dwell pon bloody OCIlIlIletll ind ed between Ihe United Statea aad G_t Britela Ea~~ 0 pUIr oIlt year ampnot

I - r- pItOIIIId I bull a IIHbute~) s little blllter thn the brlgandl oC the Bolmiddot on 01 _illig a1ft14 before til wbta do ool Hem dIOIIIl4 to IIIbIuIl to w lat eo -oel Ill Fells who bad beea i__ kolo P ropetiu mlddil IM or tho bUeMlI tb-t inmiddot tbeir thouamphta dwell apoll thlife of a lOIalr III Tentioll collcluded betw_ Mr nu IDJ Lord prleon ror a lonl tlrae wlib blm lID ~ IIImlshyrleq the COlltS oC Contral America daring ita traetioo irom sa ogo to half-eivUlzcd liCe Sollie wcre even bold enough 10 denounce U8 plrato and lao who wad 110 higher or more ennobling lurplea Ihall to rolS tho woak alld to oppreaa IhbIa ho could nol rcain our poer Why Ihey rho~ think 80110 (Quid not dcvlse for theycte~ publlshedtlleir roGSons with tbelr oplolonl They ~(lIgttulnlr did raquooUao any tbiog In tho nctlona f ~lnelmiddotlcan In Illb countr to jll8t1r lIucb an

I e bull don Thty seemed to overlook the eWllI tm ~at we having rccched our earliesl training utr Iho manlier of tilemsclTes Aroso to manmiddot 1uood~dQr tbo purifying InftllencC8 Of tbo sAone itOi alld hving instilled Into U3 Itom tllo lint 4bullbullm ~r our petClptionl the sreat principles o hlc call rcpu~UCllllism could nol do olberwlo

tban 1 turtAln tbe dellpeat r6gard8 for tllo broadut UbtI~ ff the Indlldud 1~6n Valker In bls Inaugural addrw

lY Ule IIIIIlOllt liberty of speech patiblo Iti~b order IIlId good sov

i 0 ~~h~fun~I ofnil polillcal bull I e cling 118 r u JlOI

IbIe Ie materlll deTelopnlcnt of th~ State J ballIO unmindful oflllllntellelaquoIIIII and motu reo ~Qltellellts To prolIIote the proper eduOitioll of Ihe p~ole and to oneollrage thenlln tho praet1cee or t04t Diflno flIlJllon wheh COlllltltbita hlIIIlla

~ or lIlIid~rn elvllbailoll eb1I be the objecl of prl-IMt) ~mportalco1I Ib~ Ito tile prillciplea wblch IIOt ollly JUld

th clUet ftliaR bll b I IIbh d dOPUL~J 0 1111 f c uaiwlC narlgallel h l1 po til 0 Amer cana nce ell ar VI In

do dollntry Tbe woret enemy toour poace and

Ih~lv J1XI dcanlmlla NlcAlquala but tbe genius of

olliam reduced down to practice We

lit ~ tbrougb the pme Impulse Of IDetllletfliat pela the Engllsb to push their colonlea to dIG remotest COrlllltf of th eArtb and iblt loduees 1M Amerieep ia tbe United States to I ould r 101

bull IU aad his rifle aDd penetrate tblt deptb oC the _ Illd ope~ an wlld__ Into the broad rllgbt of clvlftzatlon W bullbullre her bringing - L U oh tl 1401 f lit e _ago arta a~ t y Jllry 0 our famplhtre nd Ibe balloloboll of our brother and we are lIere fulfilling fot tbe first time 1118111vloo prophae1- Wbolo oitionslllmil be cooferted In ON ~1

W~bout hesItation or etaggcration we can eamp

6tt 0 are Ihe ollly ractfeal mlulonariolll of the pepelliince th day orst raul oSt Patrick IIId w_ hue ~lready done more fo~ tbe caUie of

lit don la Oenlral Amerllta than aU the preach IDC at liu been done lIere Ince the da1 of~ Et

bllll Nicaragua has already received from IlII 611Cb puth onwDrd ldlf ery 0110

ifill ere to leaveOmorro Itwould be1on1l L__ Ilate Ie tho Spanish retrograding tendency

ItIIId rng hor bkCk ioto th eocial politbal and IIOIA1 arkn from wbleh we hLe reBcuoi her

1IH1P Snoonu-A reglll corps of sharp ~ baa beoo orgaIlized in eacb hallaHon The 11M lIIavQmrll la eYery compau are selected IJId diell armed with a llonle muskei B this ~IIenl II body Is organizod who may bOIe-W~ to kill a mn 1I one tbollAnd yarde tllre8 II fill offlv~

(I BORNlnYS COllluIID-On Tuosda Jt t bull y bull

tH Vgin btOUih~ up f om Si (iJorgc the entire IOIIIUI~lId under Brig Gen O C 110rll8by making II addition to Ibo garrleon or 160 mell

~ lIIl ()~luBl-Tbi stealller arricd in San

JdIi 01 lur 011 W cdnesda S1le will remain at

I bull

01 t until tbe Pauenlllllamp arrive b1 tbe next lui r from Ne Yorkf11 $I SIIIgtOTINII-For the Ias~ tbroo daye the

ItI sertlee Bllt war wllbaU III dlIipeeabie Clarendon Afler a 101I1Iym8nt of th Bog 8l11rollndln ami 11 Hults ofteo tillia open 110 rule whlel INII 01111 eoaured jU811e but a Ul the pathway to more eoJoyment tbao can oc- hlol4 ohaCety they ho DO Idea of belog traMshycur11i Ibo doll round of a 1_ active liCe The lerted to the tender mercies InJ IIICOIIIpotent aumiddot plrll wbloll nrlse when b~lIe boata Ire about to lbodl 01 tbe nge Guardiola They bout engageln combat u properly evbed 1I11amp11lb oc- righ for th only prospeot 01 amp ohlUlp III Ibelr (ion arill and In ita ste-d the ruea of iltoatloilborthowonJC UndertheruleolHonshyfrlerubhlp and tbe bappleat of ROOd felloyenhip I lultlvled It is bllt nllIral that where II14II) men Ara mutually depOlldent upon the plowcas and bravery of each OIlier II Irong allllI of brothershyhopd 8110uld bind Ib~m In thlt tho Nicaraguan Army bosond aU othor allord bull the beat ll8tIllce of

_ bull - bullbull- II Friend no rbullbullt Ol1I Whoso doublemiddotbosoms seem to wear one beart Whuse ~jUI-s wbOl6 bedl 10_ meals and

exel CI80Are 1111 logoll18r whove tllln u twm In 100 lnupaable

Tho Flnl Rifte Bttellon ot Iho Arm Ie tba (lldot and on thle llecount appear to claim the right of setdng all example to their equally brave compllllioniof other batUion1 of tb Joillt of II

bull bull soldier lifo Being oflleered by men WilD Un told their forlunesal ibeIr IIIItlv hom Bearing their birthrightl proudly on thel b To IIIl1ke a hazard oIae foriunel h r IIC I r ore n briebull a braYer cltoleo 01 dauDtlebullbull _plrlts~~ft~u~~i~~degti~e


trut pldloeophera lId lIIeD of 1IIIdonJtandlng turn the preacnt to the beat adlIntap

When Itll undentood Ib tiltmiddot r IL ~ hmiddot bull I t 1- I Imiddotere 0

q e1n cOlIllgtry canna po 10 0 II e nmiddot Nortll Yere mareblal toward thlt capllal th ~ In wblch Americans here have eo rar forgot- Fint 111801 were ordered from their qurte U teft thp01aelv aa to eommlt any act w~lch would an dyaneeguard of the Nlcanguan Amy 1t8ec~upon Ile hlgb elate of clvllillltion of their Thev enCAmped at the J lteba Ch reb

d b th dmiddot OIl I t h bull II on w ~ ~ 0 lUI c bullbullbull men II Ollie outlklrta 0 11M elt1 rortlloI~I the polladimiddotma han been bore a there are and urrDulllllng Illeit pmeol pOeItlon I Id

- boo In ever CODIDlunily individllala 10 - gruay Th IccInllea for lancln III the Iocallt tjjly organized to allow thel pollllon to g 1

re too lIeat to _pe the 1tItchful ea of ~hlOr tbtlr bettlll Judgemeat But tbe tbe B16e11 and their hammock were _reel

on eplllirYllItn III ilriDltlliiCH alld ~ 11111019 up Tbey are too gallaut to keep to themlety AlllercAiIa bave treated tbe natin of tb iaeounlrJ eo much h1oyDlOOt Inltatiou re Immedt I k L v bull

~ ~ magnanimity Dot nown among ona ately lltued to the ladl ami pAtIomell of Ora IIld aa weUa to their brother 01lc8

Adance on tho greeD by moonllgb wOIIld bull A hi If _amp

temp n ooy mle e no lIot A1 thereCore 1I1Ih what a1aerlly the IlIvitltlon met wltb compliance

Befot tho moon badfaMy apread her hom bull

lIgure were rUdillg rapldllO And fre and ladlOll on boreoba~k belln to -mye The dear era turea looked In lb parllal gloom l1li1 pf moat bewltoblo beau wblcb altronwer IIhl If u1

thing augmented

__ Nlghl Shows tars and women la a fair IIgbi

rett Dancing waa Of cbulll Ihe order of the lIinht

I - _Aad when

lfumcrOl6 WIlli Ita yoluptuouuwollampn e~ea looked lue to YII8 which epoke apln And al went merr1 u marriAge bell

Dallclng with II Its lellirableneea does ltayeI r --t b II dbmiddotat I 11108 a 8 Ii Oll lUI IIg ten Olley ut we

Rille aro the IlIlIt III tlll wOld to rorget the nomiddot eeultlei of the Inner man In II eommodlollll toom at a eonv~nlent distance from where the dancers danced II board was ead ltll a prolll sian 01 viande and wboo beVtnl$eII wore reshyqUlred tlOJIIe Iere furnished lIIcll exhilirated but did not Intoxmte

001 Eo J~ere lind Lieut Col F Atldereon controlled the entertainment so 1111 aotl eo pleaalllgl) tiift were il IIOt they are alroad Imowno ellcel In the inillwy profeulun alld It bmiddotb lib tiel - Ih t

aYO O W I r 1110 cam an or thelllselee in the Temple)f Fame 1ft would be Inclined to adyl them to devoto tbemselves to Ing or aD entlreli dUfcrent and 1_ edIIf~ rol$ nalure Bul the plelUure wo enjoyed Is somowhat mingled wiLh 1 regret for thoeo Who

t ~ d tl I bCOU IIG en1 1 alice on 10 green If It II ellvlnblc felow whOle good fortune II I to Iotcd Ihe First RlRt Battalion

---------- Ll01EII-The laily of )111 Potier 01 tho Ordmiddot

dllma they will not only be lubJected to tho peUy tTrano) oCa bQlrmiddotbreed Indian J8IIoulOf their IU

periorilJlod pprehendy oetbelr power bullhybull

wlU be excmp Itom lnythlogllke proteCtion from ~ht ronp thai IIronger pow 1111 lee II~ to plol108 upon theXl In their IlIdlldu tapieIYFoelln(~1 their dQoadvantallOf thy Very MIumiddot bullbullU1 obJcel to 1111 amalgamation with th goy- tollty 9111he tid ~rlirrh lut M~rF~Ulm mellt of lItindllrU The followlllg extfaol flOlll a dlatetYleIkud went to Glb la from hloli cormpoodent oCtbo Now York Ifld dated al PaceUhe t paeaag~ O LtveIOOI d thence to

lilted 8htos amYmg Boston in thetea Ruatan AlIgl8t 19 will Fbow 1I0w the people hlp Nlapn on the 8th or lUlllt lut )lr Felli ~ere Iook Up80 the Coolfentloo and ho tbey II a cllifin of Ihis couatry 1IlIkcl) to act In the ueat lbo troty rallfied )lr FIIIII no ill thia city enPlled IS the wltbollt alty COIIIIIIItltiOa with ibeluclilimente Go1lmment lrantor

A reporamp having IJI~ em Ruatall tbat the Bn -------- shydab governlllent w gOIng to deli IiIe eoIony A HOlllItla-80111e gentleDlen were amlllinof the Bay Ulandl to their orlKlnal ~ (the Ihemaelrel yeate-d afteraooll b III tIii State of HondlllV) It ha caUted eonaiderable es- alii to t at dlatenc Y 00 g at

ciltment and the Prealdenlof 1M Leglaladve AI- II a on e frolll the 0 sembi called a It neral meetlogofthe InhablWttl wharf ampad aucceeded III _dlllg bullet Ibro11 for the purpoee of pelillolllo ber lIaJ~y 011 tho the IIrUa 0( one Th monster _II pye Ill the lIIUecl uuamp 11 bullthe~ allUmtnllll ~ at thlt men- - III 11 ed on tbe hore IiIII tawlI1e

log wblob tootplaoun I oclock on tb 18lb Stlidwl~ ~bout nille feet IIId eYeD III death he 11I1i1llld proIul$ toally reeoIllllolI belng-d J ee appearance oIlelng a II ugly elYshylalllyllldlldualtellprelled I 1rDII1tenaa tomer TboeewbowLlhtoatudytheanuomof their IIlItlmelltl 011 theUlattlr AcoJorftpomiddot tberilterwlllfindblmaowllogoDlhebeadampt1eman boldlog a hlllh ofllce on the IaIorul doell red that he would DeYer conlen( to -01 lloa luaus WampOOIl-Wina 00 bae _I GOt shyboln _t to th Bdlilh soY--t tor It bad _ IIaIHt oPplClled Ih people too much ampad II uo I 11_ e~plWl waampon we JWnled and quite a gDftmlllOUI gaYe th up II~ _ wmln and ampy100IuII concern In tblg eoUllt) wh tIIere able to take III rmlto deCend themaeleII (rolll are nothing but - willi whe lIIade byllampwfni thelllYMIoo oCthe Hon~_ So oth oIIthe butte oIa trbullbull and punchlog holethrwgb followed III the tlwe wlrlike emdn which _0 th Ier r h to tbe taete of Ill 1_lIag 1111 liiio ~ bull ceo or t I ampIlemiddotwe It Ie oow rIged lip Chat the lurplllll reveoue ehOuld be dnoted to dI ampad the drinr duhe through tile elty In a purehMe ofarms d amm1ll1llooi ob 1IIId that amtocratlc mteor mildbull If Ihe were 101 lIeutral the HoadufOll would lea them III the q Ie~OI of the BIII lll4UZlIIL-We are Indebted 10 II the Nlearagum eml~Dte lIditr the _d publ1tb and aIao to Wine Co EllprtM fof

~~b-ped wllh hit lite 111 FeU~ andIfhIl~g hoe ~ ~thtrlO ober 1861 tenced 00 the 24th of )larch fo~olnw- 11 JeanJ ilnpriloomen Ceute and to enJure I~4 -ryelllllllce oC the poIiee Ille ellpiration ofthllt i~ pU1lllUlce of II I h b SpainOlitheJtofJ~neamp1I d~~eavfo~ 011 the 811amp orte memolllh On the 181h ~f JuloIIOI~ be w tlkell to Cdur wllere he ~t ~~~II ~e ~thmo( 1If1~ Fromdtllbe prilshy

rov ula an t rown Into tbe IlronJlbold called UMbo and itep COtl

t1nuallr In ehalna Iu th mlWllillle tho friellot ~~Mr ~eUAaIll tmUited Statu were not Iliac by~b~nQeo s f nOII~~ tmiddotrb~ jug_ted

lIec ofthelrfoll1 hubeen M~olllJ b their wunhe a ~d~l(eoa ampbe 1Ieen wu got O(ClellIlValker 1Ii~(lllampOPJh_fuIIooplbullbull Q(tllube nlblallIthlT lertIOIIIIfIt promen tblt State h lib bull I ~~pored ha hlbe mtla~~tf~ Colllow do -1YWi ~ lubecribe to HI1 ta -I and attac llIenl to _I oroWII can 10 -IV net bull Co

but 1amp had qwte III opposite e4eoI (or dI (8e11nS It that lhi tallallon tbat It ImpOllidIbr the _eIIt WIIIUk Ce-lIrHlnkle theactlOtDmodatlllg Of_I_oJllclllllU1gh~ltat beea ed Jufdlbey ~oIth aboYIl lbp has plllcedumiddotlnpc been pOllllllted to relllalll llldepedelt ampad lItIo - of our replar fll 01 Butern Md Pacillt lrat ootcolouized III dlreet viorauoll of IiIe Clay ncban We h ton and Bulwer tre17 II ope to elbe Exp bllllintfa

HallY suggeatlona were 01l8red bUI thllt 1I1ob thorougbly organized agaIa

Tho gIy bat ceqQeltisb rldingack and the ward of the pori 01 lrUxUIo and about tlleame tanWlzlng Impudence of th 0101111 wbleh 1 tllttlnee (rom the IIInd of ftllliall There8

11011 now abollllorlJ Germampllll IIIId AlllerI_ a worki IOmellmilli 01181 11 thade of uncertaint over tllllr tuch au their PIOBpeCB thai tbe have J(feD the Call facM rendered the IICeno one of Intense 11Ite- place the name of New California Iluan I

seemed lito tn08~fslbIe wla made by 011amp of Ihe rea1denta-Ibic~ In the event 01 tho colon belag e _ted by til British they thOliId aend to PrealdeDt Walkar aoeking Ilia rdlluce ud reshyqlltiUng him 10 aend a bod) oIlrDIIpI to prrleon the Iellnd for aD 1I0vemmell~ 11 betler than that orHOliduru

Emi lion I _11m III to th ne1 dllccrrned pld de altuf on tbe _t Honduras at bull river called Belfltte within thirty mU wealo

therelOre IikelJ to bo tho depot to lind fioolll the

bllru OJ RxcAl1ITs-Co1 E J ampcod bull ~ 41li

broughl down (rom California secnty reQRlCII which ltayO been moatly _ignad to Iholllral Buia Battalion The tillookcd like men of therlght stripe


)1011 REOIIVITamp-Col Jack Allell amvW 0 Ifood It wltb near 008 hlllldred recruits UIlshy

der Capt J B Graeo Bolbmiddot lt101middotAlleoantl cpi Of0011 hbullbullbull retumed 6-0lIl furlough

PBR80NlL-WeannOllnce 111 I h t f J V Fb I ure I

e IIrn 0 bull bull ens to Grallada aaer aD amp1gt Ullited States all 118 ncelln harbOfll 0 arm llen~e ofthree moolbs to tb Eatttmiddotrn Stites advlllltages for 8ucb II purpose nuelt baing p fecily 1e from north winds 111 tbe winler amp8011 List oC Letter------=-----=-

ColllKG SrSl1JIER-Th ateamer Teno_e na Remaining in the Post Office middotrccei-ed adnrliaed III New York to lellve ror San J_ del sinoo August 30 J856 Norte OIIlhe 6th or oampObar wlIlub would mako A d J J had t t T it n reAlIer v GIl a preseo OIl or w Irf8 Andolllon 110m I aufllolellt to IMIIe lhe trip and we -1 th_ Aharez DtD rore expect 111 arrivil about Thursday nut with Dlalr Oharl datal up to the 6tll 01 October It ia IIIpJlOled Brown Oeorge that the Onba III bo at 8m JIIAn del Sur in Ood~ Themu time take tho PuaenllerA by tho ~elt8s throh g~itJDon to (lallfornla Afler the Tllne tht Teunesaee ia Cottle Caellye regularl posted to I on the 14th Ihllll piol or_lg R R utwo atelllnera thlsmWthftom New York 8ioce Orowel~ John Ue above WAll written the Orlube arIed Sail Co~por Tbomu luandel Sur EflCkeoD cP

Ftlgerald 0 0 NJ(IAuGu GlIuM-Werecelved largo FitzenldGeorgobun II 01 ti If I DB C Flshe~ Bordamln c n~ 00 grapca om bull e fIIfIO apt Frank II

N N whlcn a~lbough ~ot jQlte equ~II1 fllI~r GOltel H to Ibe best ~bOIIIh are fur an uncultivated milt Gardne RP of good qualilYmiddot We have 1)11 been ofopllIon Cilnllll John that NlcaraguR would before all1 very dlalaDt diy lIaley )I

Leltl8ll Ourtil Lockwood E 0 )lullen J Vahon 0 lIlIIer D 0 lie ioigan J 0 Nag R B

Otllllaa J D ~Imer J p~MA

2 Piper ~1 bull SwaD J R

a S1OCUIII Cpt BRlall Jaoee

Trvllllj Chas lJ

2 Taylor A W rlgbt A w~A H West Lleui J S

be the flfet vine growing counlryln tbe orld-A lIagtl_ TampOIllIl Zarrl J 6 11I th III d ft f h abo Jorlrnan Wme p 01

not un e so an u~ 0 t e vo mOIl lIooed buncbrengthODll St~U Taeticbull

IbllHD PlPIlIUI-Womual apo1og1ae to llr THE GBNTLB~UN Who boTOwad ftOID Col Munt Cooper Nwpaper Ageus III San Fran Fahers ~r Ille ampoolld VoIulIIe of

Hert companlee III the two ~Ul8 oualiona lIanee Deparlmenl CII1IO to Or_la by tbe Jut cIIco rot 001 relUrolDg mlr thub-for tlta COIIIIan~ Scott 8 Tacllcs will ampICfllle retlltll II 10 CoIollel lave elaquojn CIIgtged III target 8lercuu Tho oootmiddot steamer and w happy to A oXfleeta 10 make and eOpiOli IIIppllee 01 1- pap wlarla 1fI111 III Ii~t U~iT~iR)(AK ~_~~~~~plI~e~~a ~llghly crodtablo tbls her fumo Iollle conllauu to rerei lila baa-Clemmiddot1t (obullE 8ecoD411l


bull bull

pound+ NICABAS[JENSa Vol 1 No 50 p 3 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October lB 1856 309

IruIrti~1 mu~il to urge them on but with ISA J(E US FROM OUR FB1ENDS 1 victory land defiance Btamped on their mud8~ned figures lind written on their ampvin~ bllnneri-lllf I tlien there WIIs a eIIout went up rrom the anenat that was eohf)e~l from the old prochi~ churoh and rolledori and grev heuier nt the GUllrdshyhousea shuut that carried hope IIlId new lifo llri te1rful joy to the hearts of our flmil~s nnd friends but such terrOI to tho cr Ivon enelny that they could not fly and ~ II IIlIlUY of them in the pitfall they hi ug thmsolvel Ihore wero some who ampld it and at first knew not its mean ng-trhlllds who were cut (1ft and Iring n their hOll8ell In momentary ex

~on of the 118sasine knc But as Gen fNlllker and hu boy~ drew near the plpza alld saw stili floatmg (rom the

i1agStft ill Its centre tbe devieBlo( free Nica I h Ii Id I h

U mo dr gUR- d n It~~ w t ndazth

1 lr ers t Ie re P inot JArs -11 U8 bull b h h mg natives men w 0 were onre t ellbOWltlta t NIClalua was ltlll safe the drum and fife struck up Ihe homely old IUneof Yankee DOl)dle and tbosewbn knewtDflt tbe meanin of Iho lIbou knew

bull bull g 1bel that IR other dl~s had led theIr falhe~ from vlotoy to victory

On year preVIOIIB ell tIlt very day the n ver tobu-forgottoll 13th of Octuber Jr Viillnm Walker entilred Granllda bull hi d b b Iill t u1t tlUifl an t IS WlUl IS com

If n gt

middottom g 4lir 4VENlOROUS PdRTY

bull f _ _ bullLale 011 the evening or Sunday tbe

12th aparty COIliamptillg or MlijOI Rogers Minis o- of aaclenda Col Thos F C dtllce ahe Qualmiddottermaater General apt lute lite Those were the traltols who JUAN OTTON DB OPPLBIf

I T Slm~ls of t~e Qllarlomast)rs _par~ came 1Il~0 Grannda with patllotlo eheera IUIhNlJ1UU mel)j 901_ Lam~ olle of Gen W~Iker 8 llpoll thou lips thllse were the mon who Tbe card one of line Brhltol board ud In-Aills] flUd an escolmiddott (If about Haeen Ran promised to81e the country-these welo di6ttcd much taaampe lillie Uecullon Hla pookol gets ~ltted from Muaya for be city r- Lire Illell who cl~tIed Ibe eVllngelism of beok 10101 amp3 oil ca hie _muloC ~n Grandll They had Dot IIdYaneed far whenI It

bull became eVident that IUjwould be

bulllanirOOs to proceed and Mal R~ers bullT

retutlea to acquaint the Gcneral of the

ct_ The remallldel of the puty enmiddot d h h B bull etm e 01 t e nlg t 8)10 monnngiller ~vere attlcked and Lhough they deshyfended themselves bl8vclyMd 811Meoood in cutthll thlir VIY through they were

I~rg partllls of th6 cllemY line Wllle thlr foro obliged to mllk very Clircuitous lOIItIis- Col Fisher witll hismiddot two com pan~ns Iilturned on lhnltltday mnrni

bull Th4t wero very milch ftl~Ued havmg

h Ii h t h _l ell ~ not lUg 10rn l c IIno t tly start irom MlIsnyn until thl) arrived nt Grll-IIId excolpt 01100 whero they hllpPned tpg~ W a small hut where thelo were bullineieen women and children aud onlyL

OflO mnnbull fhe Colonel placed tI guard 11 tb~ dour ttl prevent tile Igres~ of IIny i ilftllF natives lind thonprovliled SOIllUmiddot

~h1rqt to pal rr himsdlf lind men ~1 D1rlng tho woek lievernl others f thll

rt IIlThmiddoteel IhtY nrted CRllt Slim fmiddot -- lOis ael II they Imd soen bis hrse CII IItd him and supposed tbat ho hllli reshy

loClvd a semiddotolo wound But fortunately CoP~ SammilS himself arlivlld III the tity

thiS OfulIlg_ II hnt Dllt belu founded adEd cllron nllthillir faom tltt) tilll he

left 81 II IIntll be IIrrlved ho( romaliishy

Weare informed by InttrUlgen and loyal Democrats of tbis city the when tbe late attllek Wllll made upon Granada they gave up all hope for the olty Nlit knowing the character nf tho American people nlld helllvhig it Impo8lllhie amphat OliO hundred and fiay mfR and a portion of those Infirm eould contend IIUCle8tlfully agnlust the heavy odd coming down upun U8 from U qUllrter many of thuse eople ran away to the Inountalnll allIlln 80me easel we have heard of them being alaulthshytered In the woodllwhithlr they had gone rr safety When it is known that mallY of the eini~salies of these brutalities were flrmer rosidents of Granada it call_reeshyy be credited that even savages would

th bull bull b pursue IIlr paSOllons 60 ar lit DeVrshy

bull theless It is a truth thnt the mOIl cold blooded atrocities were performed on flee

noxt door Doi hbor There were but rew enga ed in t~68e horrid trn edlea for we

g tfi dl I th t it r I Ie JUN len say ng a ou 0 fI ppu amiddot tlOIl of fiCteen thou8and Granada did not furnish mllle thall three hundred men to the ranks of theallOmy and th~we three gellOucbed hundred wele only enemies becluse the Among die -1 o-ro -pu trom lIIe elle-A h d i t duced I t G ad m1 shOll at tbe Jaltoba wu Uebrf WalleN

merlcans a n r~ n 0 ran a wbon 8ft heuy-casod gold hUlidn walch bull plan of hvlng Without the It waB ampeod bampIIich would ollletlt bay --_bull bull UN_

unce the prlvdege of the II1111tar1 Umllllrs hlacroln ill bullf auk 11110 III wate IIDt in this city to raile the wind by the laY Ibe Ju snob A sbocIt gave hit tam he re-

most questionable meuulesoodll8 a mall oeed 110 InJUlf He hu already fonpe III four lor of cOUrie when II better governmllRt bampltlea IIIlder Oell Welker ud 1fU he was established under Gen Wlliker these kldng of ()ta1IIIdbullbull

titletl thieves found their OOOtlpation Kune One genU_a left 1IIoIIowlng card In on of r alld thllrewith the chaneeot IivlIl a ditiSo tbe ho_ III wbleh be cook UpA tempotll1 rtal

order-these were the men who loved ad by Carrera Oell WlIlker no hoIda die com 1181

Granada too well to see her in tho hoods m onbull of the prosent Oernment and ye live I During tIae aght 1fahYerIIaRCII were

Wht did they do 1 What wefO their hltea frOID the eny III III bandt ot bull peI1IOII

ld9111i In delr _ dI__ lie fir middotefteotl+ works t _ I

r_ bull d d b weaptllll amp t_ certatD 1 _III 10 u ofAlmmg mto town a~ mt 3Y Y II

fOloy upon their own OOllotr)lIIou they wllre 8uOil fed Thuir next move was ror a whi~key shop ahd at IIlghtsllt onemiddot

1IIIfllrtunately rcparated filtm each other~ fourth of the attacking force WII3 turlled Col Laln6 WIIS take1 pri~onol Col int the SlIme sut of drunken vagllbolldH

FIsh~r With wo ~lIgers 11Itlllncd to Ma tllll~ had been dllvon ltu~ of Grllnllda JU$t lIIya but dlscovermg th3t Gon Walkr one ytampf befhre Thelf Rltve iustlllctil Ilad ~turned to the 1iS$ldanOO of Grant- sull hoM Illa~tery although thly wlfllin da t~(ly also retracod their stops to this tiont of danger lind In the JlIth of dllty F~ On thcir wily they If ot sevcrnl At light had not a rge prtlon u r the

bull I foreign furee beell (lIItrllmed to ~nlaln ~ober our omall garrieoll might hn~ gobe ftlrthlInd tied up with 1(P=4 the lotlliflg raBnis who CUltle into thlgt cit to rodeembull ~It ~o orler and gOll( guernllltmt

B I bull f I II ddlit t lell X ~~m (I 01 IIr I nut

stop here Thofo ~hn did not gut drunk uud cover ui nibt reolmiddotted to robbery I

i ~ lind bllt rlilV tonslll 1)~(jII)lld urpillaged Every thing ~IInhllllf b ing calried IIwuy

fidelity IIf th 1ple of Hranada Tholl6 coi BpoundIIDIu In hlllpoti _ loIae wbolt or who laW them make voluntar) ufterlng of be olBennd men ohb Jlm RII BUalloD did refreshments to the exhausted soldier bel dn amplid I ould be mock 10 110 know how willing i wlltliono They blul gl one oller mON pNile til _dler fte7

)1 bullbull 6 l 1 w IIII Wlng to cri8 Ibelr U1f II~lie ro ut a mo every WI Umiddot lot die _ ftft IIPl1a eel wlt n the American gum could ~ro-teet them but or what WII It they gave with a willing hand

Such met8 18 these Ire worthy to he studied by the wrld at hlrge bull Those wh hllve slAndered UII wlthollt knowing of

bull what they wrote can weigh the avldenshyces ald thEII decidu 1Ip1O wholR tu CIIt tbll title of frieud and proteotor to the people (If Nillllrngua


- I the Amurlcan 1OIdI approached lbel1ishyampeha chllrb tbe bullel from tbo glllll of the ttl shy

- -kl 1liii Wert 1mg ID tI 1 t errery peI1IOII on h_back m-iDCIIbullbulllulg 10 the ground and Il behind ble horse for pro~1I oa W~r aIon malmiddot b- oM bull re _ 011 lIg ers 10 _ 1111 abou as much MfIfroid III If orderIagA boltllt of wiDe Ibr hie dlMer I ud Ie Dol until bewlarepcatodl)reqllnledtbonoolllblm 10 diamount that 1M did 110 He emed 10 be as regardl of Ih elleou of a Millie blIll If 1M ere plOOhplm lIIem ForlullateiJ be did IIOl

litlle_nt hey are but aPlnHv~of cleD18eI~-eiDdelencOI Grallldbullbull the bew and erro of lIIe Indllll of tIae Honb alld baylollg aiDae b8llll dfioarded by dltllIAampIona tbatcondllClaiUfIa aclenCllle _11111

The handle of lIIe 11111laquo ill about hIce III 1000g andlIllek u an ordlnar1 broolllmiddotbUdle I lance on llie end It an onl pleco or IroD or iteel )ot fuur Inclin In length alld abouhlliaob and a balf In its grlA breadlb In rlulng tbey CUp tho Itallll19 About Ita cenUO 111111 0110 band and Ita loer end r811111 UIlOII lIIoir rlghl foot Close 10 the bead or III Iallce lIOn_ bad II lillie red g aplit Is be ceo like A s bull allows tall

bull A raquo~lIOIIOIl UI) A ~IIiIIIU11C -A cit

~ w_ bnlvorl during lhelate detenco or tblS ell) was atllpl delllOMtfAled byltle inc of a 1rouodet __ 110 1 11_ or en Iny on hearillg one of t1i9 cia

-- 01lttpI wy Her verI ltgtJOll1re11t1rlcOO l Ibe

ur In die report of Ilurspcclaleorreaponlellt wa _ndull Capt middotDrew The propr resdiog or tbolllUD8bDeul

------- shy or Tbo followDC COPl of lelk wrlltell h] Jlbullbull DW1 H Wheeler III Agenlof tbe Amm can Bible Society at Grallllda 80ell18 coneidetl6 wben a WM writteu 1111108amp propbelc IL III bull 01 (lilt aIAYmentbull and iiI excite illucbaflllpamiddot 1~7 Cur bill aad end BII~ be blood ormatly ill I ~ eed of e~e Clturcb Gild In tbe plaoll or OlIOshyMulonat killed by ampbllllo ungts bundredtt ill yel pnrdllHbtir goodly calling bere In_ ritf

GRlIIpoundIgtA Oct 3middot186amp bullbull rdMAIY I took my book Imd ent AfonnJ aud on youe leIItgtIment )luny 811id Ibey bAd no IJIOIIllI and otIl 1d tile Quid pnrcb lte afler die eomIJa~ over WlOr loakil Or autenem111very doy rull lllree thodU~g ~

feDo nl1gbl be a riliemlln but biil credeD~l B(lIl1agood omcclil lid BOllle vor) gdOd aofim were atllered In dUlerenl IIChool from botek b hi_

nOWD y I lit name n lIll1Cky Tbe Ileamiddot raga rifleman urna bil reputation by ~I

Iyaltacklng kunu and 111101111 othor people WIts stUlllI II(J~ lUly fngtnl foe~ bllt nlike goods whll tile KellluckllUl hlil the honOi to be rmm fmlllds liHI pooril~t natives were bull terror to -Iaucb rucala foilllesklll wltb which

fltmlM tu givo lip tleir IMIIOY lind tholll bo drops them Ihe dlelIlOO of one o two bunshywhu had nOlle ill IUlIIe 034el vera lashed ilred 7arda m Do

lruIlkn Ioxes 111111 evelY othor plll~ 4111 II PnIIlCL-ThLI IOpeclmoa of IIIlUtarl wbore g)Ida ~lr valullbleol millht be hId OtIIIlnlly ~paoled blluoope 10 Mala aM

( was -a wllh III IDOIt advanced of tbe Jim Wble tmieJ l~pylUlVy Ind whell clotll Rlh Tho bowllie w his fJlvorito poIIIon

Cor J0811 Auu-Thll ollCllr w11I com~d of Ibe body of tIae Second Rl4ea wldllblor Ca In tIae repll of Ib La- IIItl1t1oeed b 0IIf

eorrespIIIIdeot md proYed Ill_If 10 be A bnlle man After Ibl tlIg_nl he wu ordred amp0 _ dIiot Capt Drea aud Capt Ore In 1b~lt pOIishyampion near Ib luge pm The oomblnllllon _ ceeded In Njtulalog tbo enem hferal amp1_ dillgtshying tbe _y

CoL JlcI1l10811-Thfs eBcleot olllcer prOTed bfmeel(1 y w1I orlhy of the pOlilion Ii~ OCCllplee U was al walCbflll amplid a1ait ready 10 aUllnd 10 hI dUly Dis car for bia wounded men is well otlhl of nOII08 As soon ali II w ueertalaed lbe enemy wet driven oul of ()ran~da be Immedlaley dlapalcbed olle ofthe Compaat ullder ble oommand 10 bring IDilie ounded or hi Baltall-m lrom die _ne of l1Ie con8Ic4 at lIIe Jalwbe

Our tibullbull-From lIIe iDablllty of 011 man to - 1M whle of amp bald Ibe report of Oot

Speclal Oomepondellt Illat be DeeeuiampriI1 1ItJ defectT~ It apP8llMII lIla Capl Oreen of die tiecond RllIu 1Od Capt Dreal of die ampeolld lllranky 10 IlIMaIIl hi ~aDced poeilkn dUpug tbe dd7 and acled rery brnely Llell Henry T She wndOO In lIIe Deck liDe latmiddot Inll In be defmce ot (ble POIOI Sherman baaDOI been ablll 10 peak Iinco b reeelyed $lie ItooUad h II lIolllkalylo pro fallll

OUI 0R119~-Tble gentleman obved In A

house -ya flIl of Lb OIllllY wlIIIhla IIW~ in bud at neb a npld u tllet bla OomJlllll1 could lIot keep pace lib biOI Col T ~ Fi 1~ fld Uue Pg _mpanlW him and bad Ibe bouee cleared of tIae enemy before sbe llIeD ~ rIed

TIIII PIli AlID flrll SWORD -We tali pl8ual-c

i _ L oJ bull of b It _L d n -og 11 e compollliN8 I e ngl emiddot parlmeot of EI Nlcanoguellleollee (oogbl brnely In deCellCO of our clly Thel~ IIIIIIU are ()buies E Caulley William Bucbllllan Froderlk Kapt amplid P A Yarrington lbey hollOO tb lhey llOuld make goud UIIG of Ibe ehootilog Iron II weU u llhootlng amptIek

OVII CoKbullbullIISUU1 BIIIWI-Lleul W B Butmiddottri LI J B W Ll

aut 0IfIl e~t 9amp Hawley11l1li- H O Wall A A Conllng and Capt W_ B Lyou bebaved -Iotly aud rendered ear-

D tils force GIGII f1lIkCf ClIo oppose 1~~ light109 men 109 ul middottth whllt he mMy Neel from Califoml a d NIIW York lIlldIII be 300 wenbull A~ preseD~1be Ollemr arlllllOngl forllllej al Mi sa ollly 12 nliles dl8loUll Gen Walker i8 pm ~arillg1O recuio Ibow alld tbere will b 1JODle dmiddot~ ilf8lRing bUlplbtlhAmrIC~dn8 feel very 00011middotell 0 IQCOOIL er 1 pru tlIoa would aft

dlellltcd hOlI [8ho~I have lelt helll on Ihe live of a baltle 8tleh aa I~ exd every hou blll1 came hen Ibere lIaamp nu eoumy lI~ar and lIone ex peCWI and my IYw-k I bre and llHllII 1111gt8 1D~lIywouhdad and dybg 10 caro for fun doeome good certainl Tru I IIampY be am~ tbe slIlu formiddotlII_ Ulen have Ib8II1e1led a wtU cf

iug could ntlt be mnde useful It Mis-torn IIIId ilia 00 Wera ailbrded OOIlIiderabiA __~ ~~~~tlll apllldl aU AlllelOllJlII and If lie F Ii Ii Y -- ViCtoriOWl ley ill du II tbey han ampampiii

to pec~~ 01 twenty olle ourll t I IIIflII allud lIIe din of I~ bllule at tbe manner If I should perlah do Ie beat you can fgtt my cnnlinued 11111 WII say it with nil cUlldor In which be ould jump at an l_gllI1 ellemy (amlly lOl lIIuy POOl alld will need all lila can h I bull n d b dI fI II Prin I middot-~oo I be alfordOO them Sltould the enemy coine IIlld

t l simp 0 IIIlt1ves Ill) roll1 It as uom a eI e ~un as ~e a reg M tack lIle ol~ I hall leavoloy boob posled and pe~Ii1mcc They ran Into the wouds jill tIInghll bylilll Firat RIOes mOlle ~d olrOOIa in the hand of Col Johllii

h I I I II A N I W Wbeeler Ih~ Amerlcllll Hinlle For 1eM0Ii1Crlpt mto cornelS 11 t lem8e vel n a Ill ou Ilf AII-OUr RallgCfuomeli_ need 1I0t lIaOe tho lJolted Slatea IIlg IfI Alford iug hhuut food bout fiva dllye cpt kind~ uf placcK alld trlm~bled Illtilmiddotthe 8ad lying In 1IIood In tho lloillity of the city voryliUlo proaCllOII to AmeriCAn chizeab

I Ili h 10meoChOuIampemalianandSanlWvadoiansnlmiddot y lruly DAVIDlfWBEEliEItSaIllnlS 1S jUltti n youn mnnJlnC lie of plnguo wall (rlvon Ollt OlIO II 0 II d Ih h I I I I Th J C BBIOUpoundN Cor Aner nbla So leIshy bull - t 1VtOtO~tel esoprl80oers8ampy bull ~ vC

1M r(lSt pron)lllmg offiool6 in tllO army tho eager -yoa that watlled tbe bull Jill Lbey were lhue tle1 bllbolr office In order 10 OA

Ho or dog t-that lho qUoOlion U IheThe rbull10 1I0W only fOllf of Iho fMlir~ tllh W f01II hen they hllRld that the Americans prevent tblllll 11II1IllIg 11114) In tho lISbe ello aid whGn he IRt do wn 10 n dish of (riod~_~~llSi~ _ ~re coming can bear IfItimlny to ~b~ I VerUT th~~~~~blltg new IIIder the lin IlASASCl


- ---------------T--shy312 EL NICABABUENSEVoll No 50 p 6 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 181Br6


Tile Battles of tbe 12th and 13th of Octflber 1800

We b bMIl permitted to make the toDowln

oslne IlIDut dI porta 0 tJle 01Boe1ll In commiddot IIWId at tbe Yarlo ttallOD The OOIlfuOIl an4 laquolei 10 our 01108 oe by the late ttaclt -Ind Ib vofortuawte acoldeD hlch bappened to Mr 1bor tb edllOlooble~ put I out or our

pow to arran the repone u under 1II0re fampYoshytabl GlroUlllltanoeB e lboulil have done Th balties of the wo day era 10 connected thI

it oad be dilleult to rate diem on paper anal pnlClIl all dI Illcld8Oll

The report of ColellelSandaralalb1l ofintereal 8Ild beua-out theltlatemellll of Ollt correepOl1dellt

L WIIO It would ppear followed the fortllDes or die folr Rift He Y

About 12 oclock on die t tdl they took dlelr positlOIl hi line and the command u Iyen to moYl fotward The llIen wer11I good Iplrillalld abOUi oclock aalgbt theyenoelDped In Ibe IUbshyurb of _ya Sbortlyafter lying down alkirshymlall took plaoe beteen Vol Karkhaana regiment oC lufallw7 dd a_liDg prll of the en Dll blob luted bUI a few morun Idlout anl eerio Mal Bewean- lIyllght and unrile on ~ba mornlo 0( th 111d1 tbe wliole army took dlelr pOIJUoIl for bottle die bowlll8l1la lrollamp eupporampshyed by dae Rile reldman Aler aneing but a fe y Capt Ifwarb of the Artillery wu orde ed b-eJom_nreMnCblefto dlrowlbelliDto aelllampll plaM aDd (Jumpd C comllluded by Capt D~ obll8ed and took -Ion of the oburch In die pi bullnd tbe wbule arlll7 _11 fullowd IIIId OOlDlIlaDder- or reglDlllntll received their In alruoilonafrol the Coml1IIidi~hlel An- furtloer operatlo The Sappert amplid IlIlIeN were ordered to CO 10 advance end pportod b the Rill out their W8ylnto tho main plua beteen two t ruonlng dlrotly thereto-tbe 8818 on the right IIlId 11 belDg prolected by Ibe ellem wllb btarrl ltlad _OIInOOll and sharpmiddotlboote Afer bariog cut ball wa through to the main plnla the bow iteera colDmandadby Clpt Swrtz and Lieut F roD eN ordmd to the IUppO-t oC the amplft_nd of hoee to pliant ollloera too lDucb pralB C8II II be awarded (or tbelr daring braver aDd cool neealn dlaeharge oC dIlr dut) HlllOry has Ilot e parallel The11 edaaucClllfulho-illto au adolHl bnlldlng here a large nllmb ofthe enem were ~lIllg MClurel1behind barrlcad Oathe Imoke cleariag away Company B oOIBlllanded b Capt LfIonard alld Company G cummndd b Capl ORepn with tMlr gallanl eoldlera took 10811 alon ot he building wbere they were charged upon twice by tbe eneml Gap I Ewballks took pollOi slOl1 ot Ibe eomer hOllSe on the- right The RiBes w thn wlthlll HventyJ e Yld of lhe mlln pIMa he the galInt aI and arren again came to dlelr _lltallce 1Iltiampl their guna Tlte ouemy we 10 largp forcu ImIDedlatel1 III thelr Croa~ abOlit thll time

Th Commndermiddotln-Chif haring recelvod Info uatllD_ bat Granadll w attacked blarge force and bellering lb a larg8 portion o( Ihe foroeI Muya had gODe toaid in taklllg Grallada wbere tbe mo~t of our ammunition was he ordered ra lreat froni our poertlou and bo~t 12 oclock at niSht~ 011 our rod baok to Granada A tar mamiddotohlDg all dlgbt Ihe glorious aUD of the 181b or October roae In beau and splendor-tbo annlmiddot vera1 o( the 68 taking 01 Granada When we got Into the outsklrte 01 the clly wo were reo~iyd Epote4 u the wero Ihey fOllgla thelr wy by heaY ftra ffOm the enml but WIth a about ond 7011 TO ruabed on the elly of Oranadn] wlalh WIUI asain Oil tbe 88me day takell by lIeneral Walker

Of the olleera and men compoeln the Rifles Ilae1 did their duty well and it wouhl be mocker1 to try and give one ofllcur more plllie thall another The were all willing to tIIlClilloe thoir Ilve8 If nece8 88r1 fur Ihe cause tlaey aro engaged In

Ab Jut 11 -oolook on tbo 121h a8 atate41 b1 our _

correspondent Col Allell wu ordered to 1Ilal a de~hment of lIanger agailUlt a body of Lanoer

bull gaged untIl thoy hlUl fought their way 10 a poaco

1be Bohllo of Illy cOlllln4nd AdYanoed and roo ceived the ll of tho tllelll) coolly _ returnillg I ith efect After 1 I volloy had beea Oltmiddot cbangod the enelllY lel the lOad and reliod aprrefttll IOed AlaJor C7C tboulCh Field OCmiddot Beer of Ihe Day ndvallod Ith Ind Bhowed be innrlably doe great cooln1 and 8rllllle~8

After the enemy rroator I retulnod 10 tbe 11 St SbuUan heu 1 reeely_od ordN to IUIlPort Capt Druus 2nd Iufuntry nlld Ilpt Gree of my oOlllmand wbt) WUN armly enmiddot ~laquoed near he main Plaza I fOllnd on lD) arrimiddot Va[ th~ OAP Dmiddotult ha1 one prlte kllud and CApt Greon severol wouuded We re 1l1~okelt1 In thb p~ I (runt ami lin Ihu In but ltlpulsud tbem ter1 tlmee (rom tbe latter position

1 OIInllot epeek In too high tllt1I11 of tho conduct of bMh ollleera and men ~ngaged ht8 they exmiddot bllJlted tbo ~fttest cuolu autl glllalltrf

4bout ~ 0 clock Gell lIorn811y wilh ono (Jom P~IJY of lsi I fontmiddoty Joilled us and hortly altol this wo received ordel8 Irom Yonr E~ceilellcy_ I fall back ou the PI St ScbnLlan whloh did ill he bOIL of orhr ImmeliaLcly nn (lur ftrmiddotivKl

amproo wb-o p-led uo bloh dlylded - -a amphrolog ID1u1f ltlIpt OoreLleuL Bramp LIeut TrIIpp nd ee en pri18I a1man hI admiddot - ance 0 t1ie en command uob he w noeIyed Ord811 to obarp tbe eaDnOD haYiDS1l0 oeeded In wblob and bluing lriag In die l I ordeved thelll forwft lIalor (Jaycee (bj er of Cilea DorDIby) renlalned at dlls pointwldl die bala_ or my Battalion to guard the dlalllountecl bowlSHr

From dlk place my IlIIail commacd advampIIced rapidly and turning to die len one street from die PIIISI IOraaed th comer baok of dI Lobe Slu

- OIl yt( ldI _tbe other u to ho Ibould do ampbemOlamp gooleervloe

W81ao take pleuu IOlIIaldng die folloiDg -

esrac frolll tbe olloW repor of Co Natzm~r I have tht hOllor to reporamp 011 the evenlug pre

aedlng die da1 of the battle In lIaya Kajor Ihl Mnbur Field OlBllJr of tle Day IIld capt Jlatzdorll a Odlcer of tbe Guard dlttinlluiohd tbem~eIY b the greaten figll bullbull oe actiYlt alld cll~i1wapoictlon

rlle Plaza of SI 8ehaeUan being taken ou Ihe eneulng morning and tbe 1 RIlle Battalloll and

wb w killed a numller 01 the ellemy Capt part of the 2nd IUlantry Battalion adfanoiDg till Bell who ooolopaued lia in thla obarge If ldllll two blooka of the eat plaza optaina woundid In the thlh

W then proeeeded under a hot Ire to the GUlrdboule wben lI~or Potter gaYa up bla comlllampnd to me We Bred a oanllon from this po lot twke hlto Your Excellellcya quarte and once Into Ihe bOURa ooa1lvled by Capt Morrla dID oharged tbe litter place our lIlen gallant11 Oamprrlog n Thls 8 Ibe I place I beIIe tblll onl1ll1 coupled -In dI cill

I ampIn happ to atate dI~t no cuuolU occurred In III Battalioll dUriD tblI battleshy

llauor Oaycee wlllPve OU bull IIparate aoooun of bla proceedlDgs wllh th ramalllJer of die Btlalmiddot Ion

Th colIInd of Col Allen wu dl lded near

the lalCeba ()burcb The ollowlng estract ampom the report made bt JI~r Caycu III vel) _grph-o and llaow dI _yln wblob the eDODIl wu ban died b_Ibll -Ilul olloer and bll men shy

e-In 08lllpllince with en order giyen b1 Brig

GID Koroah_ I led dI BUalIQII towarch t1i Grand PhJa until oppoelte th mlns of die Me clld ()bri wbloh point I reoel ed an order d1 to Ib north amplid dlslodse a porilon of tbe enem1 wbo were at tbe dme occuP71og the

Leonard Dreu Rnd Hreen dietingulhed tbemmiddot MI by rellUlrkablo braver and cour-se ilh beir (Jumpalli

Altbllugh th Artillery did not haTe all the eCmiddot Selelle1 elpectud I 1amp11110 but acquillt Your Exmiddot CiIIlellc1 or tbe moet courageous and cool mallner III wbich Capt 8chwartz Iud Lieu Frrand ola oharltt hl dude wbloh deeervet bill aud full credt

III dI attack OR Grallada 011 the 13th iost Your Ecellenc h bullbull leen Yery-wol~ that the gul lalltrY 01 he odlltllN and lolltller~ gellerllll 1ell (lbIng to he- wiahed fur alhougb regom di~middot cipllDe the cClmmandera oC Ibe reBpeotive Battal-Iona and Companies did nOl keep their lIlen lougb together but when our troop reached Iho pl having oooealon to vbtervu ever Ollemore rartioularly I baye to recounond to Your Eloelmiddot e1l07 Vapl Swingle of tbe OrdllallCO Depart-Dlent wbo bebl llatloned befolll tbe OUllrdmiddot bouee (ough agaanal die enem1 In Your toscelmiddot lellcyampIId illlCio ~plnoaal bousea

Lieu Col McIlltDeh and Major Duaenbur1 hkewile bebaved ver1 brveI1 111 two charge

We haTe boell kindly pellilltted to lIIake the

CoIIowlng extracl from Gen Frys report of the ali_immediately In dI rear or die bulldlog oooumiddot _def~nee 01 GrnadaCled by Ibe Surgeon GenmL Baying bullbullcc~ed At 1 oolock P M the alarm w give and the

11 eIOIIIng he I raet (dlough under a lIloet IIRImiddot ling ~re) len mluln lullead to accompllsb dI dlsodgement and then Indeed hegau the werk of dedI Ibe enelll111vlllgin nery direction rece Ing aaadl at the bnds of our unerring nIIemen Flodlng after at length Ihat 1II0re remained to opmiddot POle va I ordered a mreh at quick lime to the Plaza and arrived Jill u die I -oC Ibe -panic etrlckea 100 wera king In Ilgbl thu eatelshywhleh dlilr vaullted_ Ior could not eecure thom III regarc to die o~nducl 01 tho troope I mlllt MY to-Your ExClIlenc1 tbat neYer In m life have 1

enem leen advancing The gtUIiIOIl coneLstillg~f a colopany of ahoul 40 cILi~1I8 (ullder Ibe oommanD 01 KaJor Gillis) tho woundud alld COli teeo~nt In the hoepltal and 80me m11 oC -tb aialr corpa haviog been pvlouily Inmucted 00 oupled the rallge 01 buildings tellding alollS tite eoutb lId ealt IIdes 01 the pI froD tbe Qu trmr alld OUamplIoo Dparllllolll8 to tbo ilpital The gllna bad been plocoj sa followa One elghteell Ind ono ail pounder at tbe auutb eot curner of the piau olle nine pounder tbe QuardbOll8e and one is pounder at lb Hcashy

lIlen IIlllre cool or gallampll III their actions _pita dian dI BtUe parly whlcb I commanded Tbe enemx advanced In colomll along Ihe Itreet

Intbreport of die otlonl of the Seeond leading Intu the nonhwsI coroer 01 bo plaza Light Intimtr1 GoL lIelntoeh 18 and I ol8red tbe Dine pounder to b rUD forwaro

and directed aglllul dleo whicb PrltllnpamplI woulll be doing InJultlee to bull brave officer done ullder tbe di-ection 01 Llelll Crowell and

IIld I lIot here mention the nallle of capt Roberl Captin Hard At the lirat discharge wmob w EU of me Rangenl for tbe fearleA manner In followed y three heart) cheera for Gen Walker hloh he expoeed bimself to the el18ny bullflro

11 wu 800n dacoveted Ibal we wera III danl(er shyfrolll the_ hell tbrown from OUr hOWltzen wlilcb GaOled en order til be giYeIl for 01 to fall baok to the email pia Companies A B 0 and D of111 command wero then tallonedt dUrNnt polllloll nnd held al a reeene (Jum E under Cap J DraUK wa then dlrown ouI on tbe len to keep die nem) f~om making aa1 moYe on Col Sandell command whlcb WII nobly wOrklllg It wa1 thlough tbo O8ntlO ampftet leading to- t1ie grand piua U wu llfierwllrde reillforced b1 Capl Green of die 2d Rilltl ThlSe Iwo olleera d_ne great credit Cor the braver1 the dLlpla1ed

neariy to the n~rthtust earner of the P~ and beld dlelr pOlltlon nllder a hot S untIl the1 were calld oB JuS be d~rk 1 regrel to Inmiddot fOlln 11u Ih Lieu Henry T Sbellnampn of Com pany Eo wbullbullbulluyuly wounded hll 1ol1li1lnly s~condlng Ihe eltor of bl~ Caplaln CflllIplplOl A and B ampcamptd l1li piquet-gIlHrd durng Ihe Jay alld

froID be_goortlson Ihe enemy f1l bao_k d makhg a clrcult alfvanred UpOIl tbe Hopita whore they were beld ID check by die tire ofdie 8i pQuuder under Capt awligl whicb diilmoullted one of their glln td b1 the fOlO rallied by Mljor ONeil The then cowmeuced amp vlgoruus attack UpOIl our rear front the t and nuth Idoa of_ t a pla where they ere gallantly lUeL b the force along our whole line The contesl in tbe rear of _the GunrdhoUde WIUI partlculrly obsi nate and maintained 011 oUrBide by lomeliny lOen ullder tbe comlDllld of Cpl alnample uailampetl b1 captalna Lewll alld Piekellgill

Juring the night alld lullowing 1D0mlng the ellemYIIIeal attempll to attack 111 ill frent but WIlO drlvell bao by tile IIIe 01 Our artillery

Boa of tbe American Idies and children were placed In the Church and in the house of tbe AIDerican Mlnbter In the rour uC blch 1 posted Pi guaCl 01 IG naen under Lieut Micoll

lJoring tbe flgbt the enemy through desertr from Our drm) lIlade a propuaitioll to U4 10 aur

penoMned their duy to ny entire aatittfIlClioD ~t tendmiddot promising ua prutaction and atating tbat

TIe enel0Y YOI repulsed and the fullowlllg fron to pott will show how ho and hilt mo were en Before going furth I be ~epetfltlly ItJ ltat~

dark nay ~thun wa posted on tbe two mil a~retllmiddot~II1K lato the pi and ocoupled bull POll tlOII 111 wllluh te1 could do good aerYlee Ihrough tllu nlglat In 0amp8 tho enemy meditated auylhlNg 10 tM oampIII_e Thlla we rem311 uluillhe u dllr- nII10bed UI to PlIIIlI-to IUArcb fur Granada

tbat tl porton r Illy ballnboll ordered 10relOIoIII Iellve thlou~hot thu d1 expmiddot ed greal cage __ to ho lod antu aciiunalld ill theil omd _ Uctullllllg OIl btalinn Wllt pOlttd on the ex troill lell a1 whun lIenrillg Granada 6riog w dioUllctl laeard IMy lIle thoogh lIIuoh Jadod no~d whh gre bullbull alclmiddotity alld OI~oiCOIIod great eager_ 10 bemiddotth tir illlO olloD Their poslmiddot tioll ctlul1 not adIII r II Uld we hud no cballoe tu tok part hI Ibe cOlltcal at thu JIteba A SlOn ft8 amplla~ puillt 1 g~io~d however and sulflclent Ppcu lOade (or UII tn com~ up IYO imlllediately olaatged dowll tbe rltlad An order to halt alld eland filiI reoeigtd for tbe Plrpose of protectmiddot lug tho raar and waa promplly obeyed with tho cx~eltIon of VaplainR Ball amplid Grnta Op~lIies th07 advancing witb sucil siloed alld the 1Irg IV8S au lleallmillg thlt Ihey could 110t bellr the or der Qd 10 continue1 on_ in tbe General charge Thll1G two nlliccrs bohaved ell the furRIer WUI ounded whilat at tbe hClld of hlann Aa BOOn II~ the dKnger Irom Lhe r WIIS pa~sed I walor dCImiddot1i to dvAllee wih Companies A n 0 and E Ib$Irpolld6d to tho cnI wltb che came up well and did much execution W0 elltered the piau and chllrged the 0llelll1In dlKerent direc

uur army w defeated at AIy Tbe anawor IoU 10 about 01 de8Ion and doftlIlce and tho batshytIe conlillued until IQ oclock the fOllowing lUurn lig when IllYpeedily termiuated by the en tnllloe of tbe army UDder tbe Commandfrin Chief

Thua for 21 houra a force of tt least 900 oC the eReml WII repulsed by I thall ~ii meDln which oUlnbr wu Illoluded alUbo aick and da abld of tlao rIll1

Where dlere were 10 many Illstances of gal lantr d good conduct II i dilHoulto apelfy who were IDl)lt deaerYlng of coullnondatioln All nOlted la a lilt of offiera soldier dnd OitiZell8 who were conplcuous for gallalltry and good conduot Alao a Iitlol the casualties in my com mind alllounting to klilod alld 10 woulldod

The 1_ or tbe enemy l m unable to report acouratel from Iho filcl tbat dUIhl Iho night of


From n hOlOle I ent Immediately to dI 0 nance OJ8ce and tbere 01Hld Lleul V ~ Hiler on dut1 wldl wo 8ergeanla and lDeDi reporteathe pplOIIooh of the 8Den Ild save tholll aach ordera bullbull l dlought nec_ar1 alld thom etarled (I

Mlnllter Wheel8f to loelf1ll1 lamil1 bd ilri~ ulil and artl ed t the oorller of IhoPlaza nw the reBideDce of Mr Teller Ju In time toch$ek the harge boing made b1 tbe enelDY dun tbo alreet fouhe Playen8 by killing tbeleader who WII gallauil1 leadiog the charge much In adfancuf his men running alld ahouting

Al1 firat hul w with a Sharp carbine oDI1 ollndill_ 1111 ataggerlng hilll agClin the ItlUle aod tbell rolled bim Into tbe allmiddott with my air Ihootor 1 think thi4 w the liIIIt man kUled in Ibe city Mr Hugheeand MVMfll othera I8W thi lorlulIte check (it cOlDpletel) baiting thu cbarg illgparly) br whicb those working au lIiue -pounshyder OoUOOII welo enabled to 111amp it

I canllot Ipeak In pr~ge or commendation or the nine pounder callnon doriug the comlUence lIIent of the attaok-~wo or our own meu were very aeriuusly ounded by h The ch gon th lla wbullbull Ilbaudolled by the enem) theirl (OICO colloentrated and mado a yigorouutlbrt toenter the IInlll pia b1 tho quarters of the Oommndcr inmiddotChier There Ihe enem1 were gIlUOIly held I check by Capt Swlngl with the ix pouude can nOli _isted and cov~re1 b- maDY eilizeut-witb ri80 and mll8kecs eucouraged raquolId direCIeltl b) ()ep- Watkin The bra fteldillece broullM 10 ber b) tbe eDemy a a point waa -00- dil moulltad b1 -tho h y and wIQlrellllsillire of Vapl Swingle ldI tbe ais poun Hi~ 0001middot 11_ and brayery cannol he too Duch praied

Voncluding that the hOlpital and gulllClhouso would Iequire Ul Addillonal lupply of ommualtion I returned to the OnlllampnOO olliee on the_ wa~ crossing the bolY lire of the eneflly near the enshytrance w the headquarLel$ of tbe CoulRollderin Cbiet and deapatcgtb d two Dlen loafled wilb am mUllilioll Cor the horpital-olle of thelll ooly reich IlIg tbere the other SlOpping at Ibe gu~rdouae 111 tbe lIeantlme Lbe attack of tbu enero1 belng u 8trudg and vlgorou lind having nu cove frOD Which to bold IWd work Ihe eAlIlIon d thro bemiddot log 110 com nander 0 dlrec~ the mOYemcll1oll 0 Ib~ YieiDltl Capt Swingle wlthdrelY tbe ~ilt poundr to the oover of the gllardlouae Ollt Ii ocloc~ P AI Tholo In tbe hopllal reualud In It undemiddot the directloll 01 Oap- Wllklnl whor they gallaot I) deteuoed tholDl8l_os uutil Ihe reillfoCemenl with the UommandermiddotillmiddotOhiefarrivd Defore Ih wilhdrawal of tbe six pounder to Ihe guardmiddot ou~ Capt W i1klu8 wu very aotlve-In rallylOg t citmiddot liens to auist hI coveting the loadingllld orkshylug the 0111111011

AlII ooloek P M I crossed from the Ordmiddot nance oJ8ce 10 the cburcb alon~ (not IIndin any one at he 1D00aenl willing to croll the au lIh as much amlllunition u 1 could carri I twoO baveanokl aDd soon Ret arriving tbere w deshysired by Gell Fry lotako cOlDllland oftbe d ot the Iroul of tbe church -

From the commenoemenl of the attack t Ex preas WagOD III U88 b1 the Comllli_v I) part aunt had been atanding hi frollt of the Ifou call ed the Lone Star Alter heing desired tJiIt~ dbage 01 tbe dCenoe of Ihe ohurch 1 Id man (I regret th t 1 am no~ able to givG h- Ime) who by DIy ordera ctossed the plaza and roy the wagou to tbe Ordoanoe oilloe_ and loaded it with alUmwlilion bUI from some Cause ullk~on to me did 1101 return jth II The lYago~ w~ loaded in tront of the Ordnance olBc~ Ilear an hour-no one appearing to be wUling to rOIl itla It-wben a Mr allyn81 crolll frol I~e arhou80 and drove 1 ovo-a -bighly or dilashybl$ perlurnaauce Aler making a c~rvtul exaID Inltlon of the church Uld rmLles Olll1uecl~ tho foroe to defelld h ampe placed Mr J L lobshymOlld with men In ilhlllge of tbe part c~ll tbe ~Ouad House ita yard alld aJoining lI11llmilnll III the quarlers Ih tbe IeIIr of tha ehlll~h exl~ndshyillg to the atreet below Capt Kell1 j Mr otank lin tobert H Smitb aud tnlee ollleI werol Sla tioned in tbe tow~r at Ihe lIorthet er ~ele they were of essential service and their COl ducl ie highly cllmmelldabl~ Othera wemiddotu plO erly stationed in the yarils aDd aportmeuts belol Ing toald quartllnl _The cOlnDluuication 01 tho a VI mentiuned quartora ith the-cburcli WM~ tbr ugb II hole ill amp10 eplLtatillg wall

Nu regular attacit ollld UpOIl Ihechub or preDliaCt CODllllulicating cpt 10119 ~ttbt Comlllieellly DepalmiddottmonG can gh-e much illio ma_ tlon of tbUle III the ohuCb lUI he I thore nlil tbe end of tbe attack About 8 to oclocll r )1 Uapl Pickolalill came In 1i00I tho l(uirdh~UI wlh thu inform ion _ thot tbe rcrce tlocreTlYU sII that Capt Swingle IDuoh lIbgdd 10 ~ho dfnoe of tbe YIlrd in tbo NIlI of ho gJI houe with bomb ahells ualng thent II hall~gn_ lIadbullbull aud makiftl fRe 10 explude amplem Iro tbo artillery match rop 110 lind that 90lOe m

the 12th tboy dlrew a large number of bodie~ into mauding oHicer wu requhed there or the dlaco ella and other hiding places ud buried some Abou 160 botlica bavo been diacovered

EsTuOt paoli RSPollT OP MAl -ParrsR 011 Sunda1 12th Inat abgtut it otlock P M

standing on Iho oorner of the PII~ lIer the ofmiddot lice oC the Oldnance Department aaw a man mounted on a gral hono galloping paat Ihe Jat-Itlba churob followed directly ~ter by altlrae dozen or moro men upon Iho rUII Tll006 standing ncar mo thought It courier (rom MaHAY dirctly the RUPPOled cllurier Ieturned alld 001111 after callie back again wltb thirtror forty muunted mellplIssing

would be tRken aa tbe eDem1 wore lIlaking Igor IUS attacks on it 0111 aluos everr aid - I

I wllB theD dbected b1 Gen bull r1 to tako domshymRnd of tbe guardhouso whemiddoto 1 remained bnla tbe rival of Uol Allen on the 13th 11181iwho courleously accepted ot Illy Iequell tIelleyellDe 1 then lB~istod In tho U80 of tile aix [Iounde~ on tbo quarto lately occupied by CApt Morri ind In oharglng the enemy from thOle quamiddott-a opl W m Lewis gave vllluoblo _Ica in th~ de fenoe o( tho guadhoue bUI wai prevented fIOm IIreat aotivity by hlj ill heRlth lio ClIII give nluch mformoLiou 01 tbe conduct of tho lIIell Iuj dc

Capl Green will ordoro~ to _isl Col ~ndQIl tiOll with aucll imp~luolty that Lhe) were quick tile Jlteba ohurcb towArds Lhe northeosl of tho ulci_ ~o glumiddotdho~ac OhllS Richnrd80~ tv where- be romlllned un1 ordCI8 ora Itl~n _to -I) rouled _ttelinl 11 al directions clt Suapectillg that II 111 a PallY of Lancere 811011 8as18talloe as hiS 11 health would rftutTond coocentrampl~ Ill the PI 81 Scbasti4J1 I CAnnut cloae this report wilhut milking (avo frona the ftnomy 1 ran lowardll the-church as fa~ 1 can reOOllllDend tho conduc of 0 (Juban bm

Tho poaltlon we ocoupiod on tbo march from nblo 1I1t-lItlon of IIlIor n DUOllbul-Y alld Ct 1j as the office of tho Altlutallt Uenbullbull middot I whn I WaS unknown to 1113 I lhln~ he Is n Ub-AII~ or tiOD 10 Urando aa in tbc ftr of- 101 RillellIllflY Th~ NlIItleNd gIC~t sistanoe III p llatisfted that It was it strung lorco of tho enelllY Prefect I hnvc seeu blln olen in all ullio eshyaud vall of ~nd Inf~lItry survillg olll~r alllOllg the men alld epcourgIIog Iwent Immediately 10 m hllUlle (the houso 10merly tho Lono Star ho~c Thero lYOle lllauy t ere

lSth In the atteck on Iho enelll) who wero tbelll b Ihe 1I~ld owned by Dolor~a LaJarsa) 1111 Bunt Uo) wife lind ho boha_ed credltllblf whl~o IIl1ncs ure not taliolO1 nur tbo JIIa UIorch with onu Iie o - The mun cODpoaing m bllUulioii aoted In har_ childrun wilh Mr alld Jtl~ Uuglle_to the resi- kllown to llIe I cau hghly cOIIwd tbe-O ion 01 Dn a _light cOllf oo uCClln-ed lu tbo _mon7 and obyod nl dlfurout ord promptly de_lice of Col Whoeler Mmlster from the U S bt John Aot-ton_ n mechomc employed I tbe rd

bull p

bullbull bull bull

313 i


lit Dtparlllltnt le_ Llrabert blaobmlm fa nce Dpartmenl (lfoml4ed) Tbe Lane and Lilt of KUW 4fId WotoMd of If fafllry

Joll4ll IUIde obamplll tor mum w AdJ r W PUOft wounded allllhll n1uble~e eranl the _ wlb Compllll1 B-EIIIed Private Will Ifnnlall _gOll to _d (ro Lleut Hlte all 1IfII woull~1 Sergt A oJ Falreblld Prlvau

au at my reqll Ilm~ ~~d Pat WllOOII JohnW~ Jobu lI_q Johu~lIIend 111m 0 the oIemaDcf - Barilla 4ad Oommander-lnOblet J B Lonpere II ComJllll7 O-WOIInded OorporelJ B_ hanlo eplOYld In the Orlln_Ret Departmtllt CoIIIPlUl7 D-Ellled _ 1errr Phnlp Bhlm lIfrJI bra mall w killed prlvato CbJi Smith Compan E-Wolllldea poundIul Wrighl r Ordnanco orlment aIao kl~ IUb ampbed Oompan7 G-WOIIruledliIorgeanamp lloLallahUndho_ one man II _aber G all I Prlet a W Foreman Deiil ~IM~ llIiarki 1m IIIIwwn to me wbullbull IdIIed an4 IeYera Gehrehl Tbot Brook DOminick CclInOIIaII J A OIIDded -C the wounded -Capt Green Smvth lbe P~tt Iu thechureilhoamplced the COlIdllot _

bull Lleuwntm DUie unknown to meL lfh_ LI oJ lliU~ WOII JlmI of I1Ilaquo1fIl Mllot I thllll w eoweNl-to 1amp t e lnat lnlaftl1l aolIIeeUke IIr H~_ghtl IidromN~ Yor~r Compan A-Wollnded Prifalel danlt11th me mlldl or the t an w_te COOl III Whl Ill r sere te KIlle 7middot

EL NICARABUENS4 VoL I No_ so p_ Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 18 1856

Inreprd to the der_ ortha pulohhe pt rirn~dk lI~lrimiddotete Frank mtIDr IIIUrderIDg him the mudlttad III bod with lIpled b7 tb OrIIoanee ollce l_oot A Company O-Wound[ Opt KatcdoI bl70llectln the moat hocklng _nr

blUbe een that I wbllt lborU 1M t areTb oree th_ w the latgeIIamp or III except jbA$ ~n the obureb ruI wu weU oouductad by ~ Ollila Capamp iWawlll lIr Bolchur and bull B Wyatt of the Ql1arlei1autel DepetlDlenc of wllom CUI sly report In detail bUI J Cellitlle aallut dlCeIl of the Qllantrmuter ormiddot ~nUlhereb7 eIbt ornblmen under lIr W yU berndd1Ir~or r~ - w bull II P II whla rellta to It mad that

Ie ellem aAer Idlll fttreOGe throocb th III Illto atrala to like p_IOII Irolllncb ~bi repelrle I h e neelYedl think that he IItaorYlng or milch credll

if 01 Ofierr ampltlHr 4fId OiH_ oflIrit Om Jtlyll e_ dilaquobullbullud in 1M laquodon at OrlZala Oct IS 0418 18G8

It bull J O ONeU lat Rillbullbull I CapL ASlt4tlngl OrdnDoa Dept H L Pouer (9f AIel Jon P II OOllelll ~I Jobll Baldwin capt a W Pickerag1l Rail

cp- Vm twla 08D Wilkerbullbulld LIeut Orowtll Dr Lllnd lIedlcal Depamp Ilt BrlukerhootDr Scott Ilt Stringer Dr 1gt111Ctp Gre pt or Port l~Dt Lamber Ordnance Dept ~Wm_eaTIII_LoIpcte


Jon Ahtou

i lin Yatu bull Byn aurOl

III JOlle CoAlQRlIIa Q K Dapt WK Wa

1 r I Arcbbold ILW~bullbull II WEeU7 IiV H bull fWnT Jolla 1t7lllt Thoe Ohapman Jobo Inial1_ hoi MOI1 I Bun u II T Sfki Gen Fr1 Orderly I OIDia Ollisoa oW Teller JchnTabor il Thombull u J L lUohmmlll CIJlt WllkfIII II HatbII1 lilir Elnpweullr Smith t ~RathnriU u1 Oeo Rieberdl lit Rouetll Obaplalo


oWUllllnrul W~ ill (JraMll4 JItWi 0IIII to fhtI Walk arriClal Oct 18 1fG8 RUllaquoI-1fr Bart mllllellu Geoat Gall

ItI I Ill Vlllablt Ooun-HolIIII Pavua B b IDA1mlT-Vllffl7 Jraderlcb Frank ph ~ bntelltl J(1w~9Inkle7 Jbplllll pllL W~ll~or Gil Capt Baldwlo Dr ~ Chu 8l1ettr Jobn Tabor Ed II NleA elWl W Telle elliseo Hamblldo 811cltlmiddot

SUchtlJ-Oarter Cp B II OapL Pickmiddot

oJ gm Won a Jliui of llu Jrrtt R~ Ballalion 001 UI~ lt11111181 iCoalpan a-I Lieut )lth wollllled

IimiddotI1Ilpao7 B-WOIIDded 1at LlRI Latimer d iL Hortll SergelUll1loekfallow ampllghll Impampnl O-Ellled Private Lats 1I000nded ut LeBallft Prinlet LlI __ Jat acklOlI Bouobllll

ftl~1I7 D-Wouoded lat LleuL AlldtrlOn i ~teI lIoCoI~dOlll8lullelOt~do

p aJUJled rrivatel BobblII- Mtu ad~ u~om~7 r-ifiiiet PrIYale lfcCurej wOllnll

PrlYlIeI Kerr ttel

[OolllmllnIcaWcL] tv Ine is obtained by the red hot plOshyHORRIBLE ASSASSINd 1ION Cless thus

_ bull bull ODe or tile moat barbamprlou blltcberiee w A platina cruclble IS made and mam

perpetrated 011 the P_I of Law Wllteler tained red hut over II la ge IiIpirit-llmp _____ _- 0- u anll lOme ~Iphurle acid is poured into it --- ers-111 y _ 0 AI bull Th _t I the cit 01 0rana4a 11 r_rded ou ampbe PIV aTom a lgtJpette III _I though of comshyor hletory

Th_ f Inom I ere dtIlberalel k o~ -~~l hmlolllh A _

II eo rom n w c refuse and mllrUrad iii cold blood

P La- II l ho bed reelded 10 001 w a maro III w

thle _utrylor ayeamprI 11111 un mntIned n611tra UId daImtd tbe PlCltaCtiOll of th Uliltad BlaHa h (aha atetlm to th_ blOodtblretyor Ii Ala B HI ampent Ith gu 1I1tem II COR W

mon temper ture one vf the most vola tile of known bodies liossedSllli the aingu lar property of rmahllng fixed in the redL_t bl d t f t crulli e a no bullbull drop 0 1 ~vapo-atea in fact It is not ID contact WIth the crucible but has IIlll1tmosphere of it Own interposed A faw drop ofOlnmon wa tor are now added to the sulphurous acid III he red hot cluclble The diluted Rcid gett mto Ilnmedw aootact with the heat ed metal Instantly flashes oifinto sulphur VUI acid vapor and such is the rapidity

b from otlon u b the aboehmiddoteJIGrt It DIMI7 td Llellt VODBII~ do Be 11 WoSoo4 a lllan to lin in thII -try and ener Clfthe IIvaratilln that the waA_ I for hi Co D-W 11_ nft B DoH I I ha mpan OIIn L Ollce wulm-b m II) fUCG t t ny

rIlIlYI t~ant ~k rgeI PrI4i people iii thII oIriUred age could be Ph of auchAJe~ II t 7 e 0 III It Vlte

Comn07 amp-Ellled Private OaIIaban wouruishy dT

B Sb d I bull au II JellL bullbullbull er_ angtrOlll1rut nln a1ttl~va~~ tIarkdo

middotaopan ~Eniedl Prl~1ea Q LPhilip OtOlllrd Pleno Brull Franclico JlIulwoulldelt Pri1eI B Smith lighll TbdB I __ bull H y _II d3 _ng II ampIIIIlpa

LiltoJ KUki 11ft WotW oJ LigAtArlUlnI

OomJllll7 A-Oed yate ~-en EtOHJlbeller PtedarioJt Dli1Iab i oullded Capt A sebWlrta lIgMI 8ergelmi lIiIIumb Gil iJo lrinkll Fr Stleub do BIII1 Jlalellllb do TheOdore Db erel2 Lu of KUlIil 04 WwttW of Rallo

EUled-Prlte Frederick HIlL llllelng-PriateJOIepb Klumpb OHrpoWllshy

uneL RIICUPE1U1IjlE poa OF fH18

OOUNlBY m____ t a __ b -1 _ ~-6- 10 7 ma -- 011

or the belt COlIDamprIea CD the globe amp0 III reproducinl power It 10 grt 110 1Ir111711d iIIn be at all 1011 (or ampD7 _t lea1 or tllIIlI

- shyfor prolIIoas III cold noHbera cIImatef h_ nllIfe Heamp for lIurIhalf the r ftooIIIampberon

made dllrinl the other bait thare h ben 1tampDceeln ~hlcb largebodlu of -0 ltoaoeritratad iii aarrow hit han aulJred tor fooIIlmamp iii thla QlunrJ filch nat campOD~o_B_ eOlt)

rudenrydil76r1ngalargeqllanUtleato tlldl In thts _n1 aIao where calli require 110

h the ~tertaI tbr dltlr ~ fll eare w tr plendlUl UId hare thert Ie no wiater to reduce or IlnpelYerlah them an abundance II aiw at hlId AI II In ~clitl providence held gW

dleliahlp onr dll amp1OIed land the great llapl of true food corn and bNlll alwalo aeuon Olher rult be wee at Umee bIIt th_ e neTer Belllco 8 theae IIllh tbe ntYeNaIIlllllllpo pl- of animal tood we 0amp11 11117 depend wIlli II eerlabil7 TbeAnppU _110 oollflned to 0111 place 0 department me ecRIIIW ibouruII iii tbem

U II-c bullamplid Ibe grealtlt dllllcult7 ur--OO oblalnlDClllppll Lillie - or tranpori

Sapr lfhloh I no Iooger bull IlIltllry bill nee

cano gro hare ao plncllilll thaI hori4ll lIneo from GnuadaltiadocouloIlllU to bonee Ifth or an olbe artlclo ot food 1h0ll1d be rOt a de or two dllllcult ro obtain lID _lIOt or the markHndle beln frlihlened b the late pree 8IIet of their heredl ellflDl ampIII011g them a 7 et two will ure tbem of tbJi ptOtoclion of the Amerlcantnd luurlee wilt bo epfD abushydanl u formeriJ


-bl lab or th bIlIbaroun will pgtVUOt y 1OII 801IIe wretcb who murlltred Amence1I oIllIIlIII amplid lIiaIIouut bre wlthollt ptO-1on and In cold bloodi llhen dIlIl learB th tbJi wounded tIIeln

belo cared for alld Iltelld d to with amoos_ are mueh reprlt7lUld atteutlon u the woWlded of our own am fbe WOUllddd we 8rat Pllt lilto the Ouard-Holln alolll wllh the olber Gell Walker had tbem relnovd to All boapltailie apari for thellllelvea AIId lallyo olllen ha been elllpl07ed 10 a116ru1 10 thelr aeoeullJee This follllS I stronl contuat with the baDGer 18

_ acl amphlIe wu mGlt woraU dllappolBtad I Be bew not that he bad to deal wlm agee_1 b uHow mlob t 10 be dep_ - not teke ampbe adyce of blafrillldt IIId aItoulder bit mlllltet la lIIIfltleCeuce ampgalast 1Il0lll $ha make no Illatlocdou

The Be lit Wheeler _ a mlulono- from bull bull -J

the Unltad SIaIeI bullbullllIiIter of tho Ooipel who WIS n 1a dWlibIIDI boob ad other aamiddot ored IItlee

Ameruau foreIpm Ohrlatlau will 1011 auf fer 1IIOb OIIlragu 011 humanlt to go upunlabed The blood or the IRnocent 011 for veogeancel

II the Will apllIIt tit Iodlan or NIIIth

America wu JtllIampgtI1I at that _I cia bow much moriIl thll Wll JUlilabl aphm bull lit or qul as __ dollbt I word ol t lb b~ wbo 0 lIOi plClltad b the IIIIl1aht- 1lueJ 1IIf-rapeci feqllirea liS lIever to bellen 811m or the age ad who 0amp11 _mit lIIIIh a bull of what 1IIOIIItJ01I alrocllltt Lo WhaU bHn tbe ampreatmant or the WOIInded and ft__ liken b7 Gn Walker The FROll ampbe _de or a Addle 011 the 18th iot

r- within II DlUe or tbe oilY II blue broadclotll Conaer were plOflded 101 iii bull bamlll mlllntr I OAPI IIntd IIlampb bleck wlib a bbck eIYltooO die latter treated u ~ of Bere Th Cape roUed uoiJnd a lew articles otuudeJo would haft bean a flile epporUlDlt7 for uereilllli c1othee A wleble ward wHI be paid to

W au _whO wID leaiII b at thl olllcampthe law of retaIlaIlOII BDI Gen aliter diOM Granada Oct 1fj8 IIthtr to loUowthe dlcliuee ot humlllli7 ad be pYemtd b7 the enlightanecl prlDelpa or the I WILL glvt II n~~i~ to any persoll who agt willreturn to 111 atore m Ledger Book It

Shall tlII -lUI collntry which fa 110 aumiddot was pUlaged from 1111 tore durlnS elate tackbull petlor to North Amerl be aUowad to remain In H A THOIIIAN

r shyter llIma ns bthlnd nnd ill frozen into a IlImp of ice III the rcd hot clucible (romwhich seizing the moment before it again mel it mtv bu thtown out befor~ lhe

Jeel of the Mtomsbed observer

We wisb some of our enterprising reashyderawould attempt the mtnuficture or ice

m In Granoda ~o the l~el8On who produCIlfltth Ii 1 III gI bull

e rllt samp e we w ve a ttptop no tice

l1J The Roman Elllpire In the Haith or illsIor did DOl colltain more than three milllona of aqaar mllel Th UolWd Btatu now C01enJ more ampI1an thlt aret Ind It latser than Rome wu when ehe If~ die mIIlrcel or the world

RNpeet tor amp 1Iuman Y81 Frellcbmall

1 II IlIelf BprInc Slimmer IIld II1II the und ot gea 1Iho woaM Il10IIII prohlblamp Oruada 0118 1868bull En iI WlbeJllnto belog ampbe germ orOllt (004 ialmIgratGD md PlCIgretl Bare natllrl bea Lost

dOlltlall that It 11_ 10 h_ happ~ ON TUESDAY the 81at 1111 LANDWAR God IIaItowend hill bleulnp and RANT tor 6 hundred drawn 10 favor

All th apMt or man II dI-fue H of J O ONqd SlIch mealln bJio beao ~ken as wID reruler the warraot or DO 11ft except t)

0 UR 8NIIIIIES DISPBRBINO the pellOl1 for wbolll it WM drawn ~I pel1lOn _ who returDS It to ampbe 8llbacrber Or Ib the olllce of

IntalUsenco IlpoD which WOampII reI II_SIIamp II Nlearag1IeOlle will be IUlleb~ OwaJ~L InampoGtanada thl mornlnamp 8tetet that the rem Granede October 18118 bull bull un or ampbe AlHed torcea are preparing to Itb -----_--=-_____--_

tllII~trJrlbundantin thllOOIIlltry f o(tbit compay in biadespateh ya

draw amp0111 the are _ding their lick forwanl to LHu and tUIng other pral1mlllampt7 for apeed7 lIIlllaum et 11 ftlalll nOlf with thembullbull matter or 6boIce If data-ed bull few da11 wo _lIIlder tho iIIIproa it wOllldIJ9 _ebullbulltarllllecMIlampy

SAPPIIR AN D MlnRl~Capt Hesse

1 have to state tha~uenr1 O Porter whom 1 temporarily appollltAld bt Lieu tlBa bhuyoo bravely as well in lIlauy III on euterlng Granada He was the only one to load the gun In ~e charge on the enemy beyond the Jateba Ohurch

ftampX A THOf1pound~) nHOLJl8ALE DEALER IN


AND ALL lUNDS or LIQUORSToSether willi

lIIN cOPzca tNJOs_zclJ1raOJV lIDiLL lUlIlII or GOOIII 11011gt 111 _ amu HOIpltalltreel lu Crout of 8enFllaelloo CouVIIDI

ClIIItda ~e_-18_66___~___ Dr ~I Po

TENDERS HIS SERVIOES to the oItIzetll Qf Granada and Ylcnlt71a tlte practke or

MEDIC ME SURCi RY amp lllDWlF 1 E m iRY l1J OftIet IIId ~ldC8 011 the 8Oohweat

the optain being wOIlnded and all the 1 ~ the treet GPpoelte the Bow FIanCitco other I~lel being either wounded or driven 0 JllIIet lillie from It under the hlllvy firing of the It entlmy Fagan lind Loyd attended well eeorder 8 Omee tomiddotall ordlllI and fuug1t well at Maaayn THE omce ortbe Rooorderor Deeds 1I01tpguand Granada Mr Latta WII8 wounded ~fortbJi 0rieIamp Depllltmetofthellepu~

d U Itc wU be opened III tho clt1 of G da CD Moo-In til exeutlon of bls 1Y mr Johnmiddot da7the 9m ofsptelllber 18L1amp All perIODs Inn did his dutj well throughout both required by Deero~ to bll~e their tltka ro IODdalD action al also did Mlll KcIeweR the r01ll8lld Departmen~ recorded within IIbc and Maloney monlha aAer that tI A Of LLIS

Recorder for the Orieotai Deparlm8llL _ W II P h_L i I GriDada Sept 6 18jI _ It lit w I II toe way _______________

to Buriingampun fn Ie ~o~did you knuw Tabor ampr 0118) 111( narnu waa Pat f Oh I guessed ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORSAT LAWshyitn ~D by t~e hOI~drker if yo Oftlee iii Et NJOAuovlIlI1I BuUdiOp-80ulh are 80 goo at gU_Rft Ie otter glllss 11 ~ol PIau Grnada NICAIIgIIa the way to Burhngton PartlcoI attention paid to e1a1 against til

J3gt An editor alks in talkin of po Goo~eiBOR 1 jOompan G-IIlIed Sergeant lIurrJ llOWIdmiddot whlob die AmerleanR b hlampl1l1J1o be811 treated ottmiddoty and matimonYt Who would indlte OWEN DVFFY r Ga~lIOamppt I 18C1(1

14 Ptlva Brandll OoUn70n Ellinger BIalrOII who bavII fallen Into It harul or the el1tlii) OIlDlts to a woman whom lie nw every Davlcl I_raftamp1IIiaIu Drummer onlar We call11pon the civilized lIaoos that - apeelemiddot Donlin in her night cap IIDd evert dlaquoy

tors ofuu 8tlllllea to nota ampbe dllference at dinner IIwallowlng meat and IDlhtard1 O~BS FOR SALE at his plac Se BollaLt 01 WouIIIW tA SfWII() Bi- Ballttllon ban iltreot ene bouee ampbon G PIt BeeCoiopampll1 A-t1iIto W 0I01ld 1Il1g1i1ly PampRPIOIIU CulII-FellolI-cltllll aald e tFTho bed of death brillJ1R on 1mmiddot char Ilore 1Jempan1 B-Plbalell I Dowell aUghtl7 11 bull h ~p llour Whlte-ltlllgar OtJUllee lIampIlkeralt Oil

~ do lllteheU do Fourtb of JQ1y orator I repea tho declaatoo I man beIDg to 18 puro IndiVIduality I to 011 eoKno VGIIl AfOIIIaticScbladem Selldo lIot bellevo there II I mOUl woman Of child In ~~tDen- alllhll1 Oorpo- the IlItenlIe contemplation of that dcepeat Stomach Bittelll Pbibulelpblll Ate UId H 111 do lriv A ruuerlon dangeshy this bolin IIbo b r_hed 1110 age Gfil~lY_ Ilnd most 8OIomn ot all relations tha rela Kllllgulan aDd Mdefra Win Cle7plpear SouJItI do J P lIle d(l but what has fel hit truth huuderllli throughtholr breloa C8l1tviOl gor iou between the oreatare and hill Creator TERMS ~_0lIl ldIJed

_ _~_____ ~_~~____M __ __


318 EL NICARABUENSEVoll No 51 p 2 Sabado 25 de Octubre de IBS6 Saturday October 25 la56~

lttpound 1 Jitaiagutnst ~ Satur4ayllominlt Octbull26


Promotion8 and Appointmenti lIJ~1I fllOll al OINpoundPU OIlDlI8 or fill lIIIT

PR OMO TIOlS bull C Ftfennlngsen Is appomted Brlgler Gene

rat ill tbe Ailny and will take charg of Ille OrdIWI ~ Arlllieri under orden from lite Comshylo~rIIlVCloi- n~ bullbullbull A bull

or bull _ ~ra III promo_ MlStentQuattermaster General wIth tho rank of LleutenshyllDtColonel andmiddot1II take charge or ~he Depar~ mant during the abaenoe of Col Illlller Quarto m~ter G_I Ia d u IPt III IIOrril QUlrtermaator promote JOt Quartermutermiddot Department

cpt George WLeoollfd Ifirlt Rlfttt II pro rnqtld Broyd MIJor for gallantry on the field0118Ib 1816

pt A Scltwa~tz ArtlllorY to bo 1110Pl Thomas Henry (UDMiaubed) Ie promoted

MflJor bi the Quartermllaters Deplrtment 11111 Lleol George B Farrand to be Ctplain liltt ampJellamp George W Glat Ald-de-camp to be

oplalnI tAout JlIIll1 F Schooh Company A ae

cone BIB Is promoled Captain Company A ~

Rlilett II -pled to take eAec October 18ampb 1656

The ratpatlon ofSecood Leu~ I a 8oDmlll Compan 0 ampeond Rift Is aCcopted to ake lIftte Ocober 18th 18GO

Th teelgnatlon or Second Lieut J W Polk 8eeond In1 II accepted to take efted Qcto ber 20tb 1866

The nelSlotion of Seeond LI J W vamiddot111m Second Rilles Is IIccepted to take eftect October till 1866


Col Thomu F Fllher QUlrtermoeter Oenera1 ordered to tbe United Statot on blllln811 of the Governmenamp WlII receive hie InatructioD from the Oomlllallderin-Ohief

Capt Wlllllm errmn Is granted leaf of abeenca (or ailtty dill from flle ht ofNovember18116 At Ita explmlon lIe will report foI detshyto tbe Commander-inOhIef

cp 1 NWeU Walker Ranger Dtlttallolffla glllllied leave or abeenee Ibr 1I1IIy day fromlIl November18i16 At ita ellplratloll heill report for ord011l to lite commanding omcaia o( bll BILlmiddotIIlIon

Cop J O JlmllOll Fi11ll I fanlry I gnlltld lean or ablence for elght1 days from Noycmbior 18t1868 At lIa cltpllllon he wUi report to the commandillg olllcer of bla Recltnent Cor orUII

Cal II Mallldorf Second Infantry nted ItaYO of abeenee 101 NU day At Its elplratlon he willmiddot report to lite com1l1anding Clllleer of ilia Bandon for ord_

Tlr Llent Robert GIIllIlOII Is gnllied leave of abINnce for mtl dAys At Its explrallon he WIll fllporl fGrdut1 ar Grailadamp to II eomlllanding of-

COIId Billes lIeer firat Lienamp B F Delaney Seeond IlIfnll1 III Fll1It LIenamp Lewis R Latimer IIm Rilles II

PIOllli)e4 Olpllln of Artillery gnnted Iena of abeeuee (or nlnet) da flllm llrit Lleut am Dunlcan Flnt Rilles I pro November let 1856 At Ita erplntlon he will

oted CaJltoln FIrat RlOos report to Col B J Sallden FIllt Rllin (of 01

SteOlld L1u B M Allderaell Compally A to deramiddot boa~IItLCoImlan1 B Seeond 11__ G Fi Lleut Arthur OOollnllr Seeond Infiantry

_Itt lUI YD orlbedmiddot paDY I auted leave of abllenee fOr lxl da fromFirat IIIfantrbull1e promoted Firat Lleulenaut Colli 1111110 FIrat Infantry

SNond Lleul O n WellFI11It ~IlIIl11 18 p

~=o~~ia~~~O~~I1I1~ Flllt Bla rolUoted Firat L1utampnant Firat Rilles S~nd Lieut B A Crhart of Ordnance to be

Firat ~~euteDaDtrt dLLleuamp aeo W nailer Second Infantryt lo - tit eutenlnt ~olld Lkll John F Price (unallacbed) Ia

))f41DfltedJijrt Lieutenant to repol to litomiddot Quu te=~I~fs 0H=~ Com A ae ~~4 -n __ to De Firat Llelltenftnt ompln A Steond JUfIM

a-d L1eld _ Wnllam Company D lieshycollli middotlUft to be Firat Lieutenant Company I

Second mlf~ RIa I hoorabl dJcba~oI from Ilia Army fItrmj IIO Porter 10 be1irfl LleUmlAlIfSllIl OOrporafi1anlel Smtlh1 00mpany D MtiiUUlIo

part till Ifhort I honondllrdlachfled - Ibe Army ~ Kleuelldotf Comrny A nangell to

b Firat Lit1tanllnt Oompany B Second 10 Iligoant-MlIjol MllIwel1 Allen Trll$ Rlller shy

nppolnted Socood Llelltanant Fl11It Rlao bull Firat Suetan Chl Wllklnoon Firat 1UIIcII It polntedmiddotSecond Lleute~antFirst JliflOi

Fillt Sargeant Carl G Sbockle Anillery I prOlllOted Second LIeutenant Ariillery r~rgeanl Hardin Jnlalllry Ie promoted Second IItORlnt Comptey a FllflI Jnfilntry

CeIlIt J V Conklin Company D SeeoDd Infalltry to be 8eeond Lieutenant Complllll B Iiecond IDraliky I ~ltlral IlenJ4aDelolter Company B Second ~~1fnnt~ nd Meutenant Compan7 D

Private lIrnncl Roth Company F Second In famplltry to be Firat Lleutellant Company F SeeoDd lnf4ntt

lrIto 1 A OIarko Company F Second I faDIr to bo Second Lieulanallt Company Ji Sec ODd IlIfantry

Prlvale Donnls E nlnea to be liecond Juumiddot teDant ampppOlll aDd tilDen

Prlute John G lla~ Company A Second RI tohoBocolld Lieutenant Company A SeeoDd RIIttJ Rirgeant IllIJot lugh Com8ny A Second _ft~ Second Lieu~nt IIlpteyA Beshy rriYlte B B-Yilt Company it Second Rlftet

to be 8eeond Llollellant Company B Second m 1Iu bull bull s~JaMi~~tod Seeond Lleutonan~ of

111 Slckl ia ppolna~ Second Lieutonant to date fiotn May ht 1856 (110 Ie acting at preaeot It AId to Brig Gen Fry)


Col lohn I Matich I reinstated and will kt1motlo~th~Fi1 Infialed fll RlfI 0 bull lit bull -e to 0 Irak Jk lI~n~~r Calling Oompftay O Secood InshyampII ared to Company 8eeond Iu-

The TreuaU RallgerJ with aU their equlpmonte are tranatened to di BIItamplllon of Rongelll b ~~ of llappef1l and 1I1n commanded

Noltmbr let 18GS At h uplratlon he will report tomiddot tho commanding omeer orhll Regiment for 9r4el1l

FIl~t ~wlcre~yQ~II~~D be 1I1U1 continue to IROn forwardbull It Ittut that cause of a conllnuanee of the oUlrage UP01 hi A pUtmanamp A Ita explratlol he wHl rellOn at Granada fO IIMer

Firat LIeuamp Robert Oardller Fraf lUlIea II lIltedampIe of abMllee for nlnet dlJl t weexplraUon of wlllcl1 b will report for ord_ to the commanding elilcel ot ilia Battallou ~ Llout J Bleier Jnaamptacbed) II _tod

Ihamplvenof llbaatt~t1ordormil O1t JJta~plratlonl te repor era at eueralutadqulricl1I


Sergeallt J A Bopldn Compan D Jim

rrlvato Benry Waiteill Compall Al~RIll 18 honorebld~arpd froII th Army

Private M Mlllloy ComPany A Volti~ tlOIle -dlui~ b~lariofltaereatlbu to rille 1t000000000lr fiIoiarnil hm lb Armlmiddot

Privata I4wlll P raquo CompOy 8Mond Inran Itdllollaraed trom lit army OIl Surgeoneertillcate of dIIobifity


Th n r oname of ~emiddot len D GoIcourIa IIl1tr1okon

from tho roll of III umy 21

AmtttIlT-On Thuraday evening Gen Ba1llo Illl1gaon 11amp01 the men under bla command OXOJo elellig In flle plu The JrtlllI) In two Com panles UDdOl the Imlnedlate direotl0ll8 of Mlllor Sehwallllo ClP DeilneT and cpt Farrand and tbo Sa ora and Min under Oa Hebaamp Tb

pp p e men were enrolled In maneuvrlllg lite mountallt bowltaera and frolll lite rapidity of tbelr 1000lag certainly ahowed IIIl1t1h profIcIelicy

shyOn ldal avenlng after bavlng ourcllod tor a

wblle on fll plua w111t blank cariridges a trial Wli mad Ith the regular sheila against lite wall ofanad ruin The captoIea proved thellllelw

aimed at and the aholle xplodlngIII the WIll tore out larg piece 1 IIPP_ to III from Wbat we ha _of tho e~ that wo lIbelle IItrildng In tho amplme opo will ellech breacb III fll8l1rOllg as adobe building aud tbat (or lite mlllorlty 0110

11011 directed Iliot 11111 be ~mclen The wall llrodlnto WU 1Ibullbullrly four flltt blthlekuou

fha Sap)lllt and Hillen coming to a Itoolder 1tIIT8 with hovello looked aUrat IOmlll1t odd but thoy anu line Iooidnglotofmenand are 0110

of Iho moat ulCfbleorps In 1110 aenlce

CoL T r Flnlll-W obamperY tllat 001 Thea r FIlbert Quartermuler Oeneral N A hu been dred to lite United Stotea 011 h_eII_nedld 11It thla (Jo__amp nelWl made Idmeolf euolt a Ibolite wllb tha paople of Granada that e

PLURALl1Y OF PABTIP9TONS The Late Insult to the U S Flagl The name of tle venerable Ind aimple dimeshy MURDER OF A1IERlOAN OITIZENS Dr TBg

MI1I Plrilnglou-18 In tltelle tlmell ol(n ug AILIED ARMY OF GUATEMALA ANIgt led There aremiddot now many lattlngton_ SAN SALVADOR man ho trlve to Irr01lI tlte advallce of oceanl wIth boom8Uclcl We are surrounded The murder of tbe Amricaa chIlena In tb~ b fllem I we read of them I ever mall brings city of OrMada on the Ush of the cormt aome new denlopment of flleir flllll1w labort month by middotlIte allied foreca of San Salndor tad TIley endampvOf to ouPvtlngton Partlngton by Ouatemala II one of tbe Infllmolll trtneaellolls IIIlng leas oIfrctual illBtrumenta In tbelr elforta to that mual for ever dmgraee the chllracter of tbe lIIeIIl more forcible and overwhelming occaM people bYllbom It 110 eomml~ted and bring tbe Th 11 I n ~ b II tImiddot bullbull middotmiddott h b I d Ibe or ~na anngton wa WII I nil a nl VI 1 ampIn em ~c D8Mloon9 un er e of th Clty of Liverpool now all England belongs contempt if not the dlrcct ceniure of every dr to flle famUy ud Franee by ylnue of ~ho Aliimiddot lIIlca Is ready 10 act Partington to the letter

Partington Is no longer II proper nAnle bullIt 1113

btltlomo common Ie ha beeome r princple of lclion It II now bull great pollllcal organization In facc Statesnol Kingdom tuck up thol PGIII coate and BtAnd mop In Iland ready to RlTelt tbbull rising tide of tbo limes let the cllort COlt wlo II m

TheN 18 an adage hich altlteugh worn bull II l

IItreadbue w would lIdbullbull6 arUngtolB 10

keep CODipleuoualy bofor them It will SIIve tbem milch labor and not a li~tlo ridicule ViII II Thne and tide wait for no mall In IItIa 18 l

b I Idworld of tllltli and pblloaopllYI If leh t fOU be weB for the Pringtons of tile age to aludy

Beroro lite wbeel of lime btU completed lIIlotber cycle Ihe obituary 01 ail lito Parllngtona wlllhabullbullnd ogalllBt hia protestltbeylllllt robbed him of

bull bull been wIllon I for althougb trutb IOmetlm reo all that wal valuable lu hl8110U8C Illd thon drag amp11 Itlell Iowly the dayla about to dawn If I~ ged out from und the folda or that II ltIcb he Ilot alread1 dwned when men wHl be conmiddot should huo mad hia pel8On ucrcd and hot vlneed of w) they ha kllllWD Or hneprof_d him Illh coolncea Illd deliberaUolt

10 know for a long tlme-illat man I a progr Aalf to add to the alroell tbey were nol COl

elvo ereature and tbat thlhllOllltabl WIsdom of tent willt taking hlUfe DlIlng all Americall illmiddot Dilialty haa set blm tranlllng In II patb 10 which IIIln inatead of protcetlng him while 11lng 1111 u

ou tbla road lhere 1IIa~ be ranters that lOme main alter dealb I Seven bayonets were tbrcel may atop oul of the Way and reellDe b) COlllfllltftble thl1lugh bll bod after he had bHD abot reatIng piIlClll but It Ie oqUillyt~ tllllt those The thought of how tkcao fiamplda dlnced lIm who teat toe long mUllt keop ou~ ot middotthe wly of lItel victim lind in thai hclliah glelr hinr

thcao who ate malaquoll~ Ollward or lltey WIU be JDOIt UllUredly troddon upon

It ClInnot be long before mOl will be convinced II II

ILlIeluwUIil laelrneat And the gray It Dot Ita goal

DWI~ thou In to dUlt returnnlVAI not spoken to Ib 10Ul

And that although Individual Of cles or peo

pi lIIay heeome u 11 were withllred limbs In tbo great tree ofllf flle mmk canllot pariah bll~COII country Be had been here tbrOugh two rr_

nd _~ III It h ~ed tlul I II 8 bull -_ 1111 as _III grea porpoaea (Or wblch It lloe _ied

But the Partinglolll of EurOpe and America IMllllnospahle of DIjIkin tbe proper deductiona 111 Llo of ellta~ fll8y aeem u Incapabl 6of comprahendlng the great lam of hnman 1I1e lIId thlr Teneraoto progenitor tbe tonlea whleh ro IIlated we ebb and 11011 of the AtlantIc

We a haYIng now re-enacted 011 tho etage of European plllr lite sceno of In lIleb tbe Par tlngton of ~be Inquilitlollllgured wben a lItey would ha us auppos clolltcd In tho IOlemn 111

h lItorill or God they compelled II nnar1lbla p Imiddot lesopber to relnee bll_dOll relative to the revolntlon of tIe amplrih But a1tbou h litis d I to aholl tI era ~I f I thmiddotYv r a me a gen e n tIrae the pro- of lit ampIlll iteelr WII not reated and the ParUngiona of tbe Old World w1loe 10 aaslduOua In thrlll4in fllelr mope Inm flle advanclo wamptora of lite sea ~r P n III allOO8ad onlYin being conllnced in ~d that

olteellont marbmen lhe1atruek the preollupot notwithstanding their elflllta flle world will con

~g (fou tJIIl~~ecd under tbe orden of donbt nol be 111 reoal Ii pleaeant reoeplioD do not weigh mere than a grain agalnat the elllrtll

t1nue to wag OD

It we tbe I lrit of ParUn tonim tbat threw obllampaclca In lit path of CoImbU 1I0d Luther alld KOllath It 11 to legllJlallng In tbla aplrlt that EnglandlIIayttnDute lite 10lIl of her North American Colonln and to tllil aplrlt Bpab) loa ber AmerlCftD POIIIIdIIIOUl 1amp Is the Parllngtonshylam of th that cndeavo11l to arreat flla Il1o Taneo of llrragua In flle road of 1101 desilny alld that would atlgma~ If pOIIlble one of th

b d _~ h1MII _t an moat nt__ men W 0 ever unmiddot dertook naople to proeperty

BII~ to lite philosopher 1114 lilt_ thllk thero Is a OOIII01atlon III the knowledge thllt erente are guided b7 111bull luperlor law of an aUwlle Deln III whOle balance the elloru of all the PrUngtreg

RESlrAATIONS The etlxnltlon or cApamp OIlldes A Gore Se

eoIld lUlu Is accepted to eke olfect October 1tIIl5O

Tliolampllgnltlon of Firat Lleu~ A M Pittman Firet Infantry II accepted tomiddot take tlleet from October 3 18Gbullbull

TIae retlgnalloll or Recond Lieu Groaa Second

wheruOlhe COIII We 111111 him afiaorabl TO age and a )Iced rotum

DItrIlIlDIIN 0 GIIIIUDl- We 100 been handod I 11 II th lIamn of all the persona wbo were present at the defence of Orampl)ada 011

th J11th and 18th of tbla monih It erowded out fllia eet We shall probably pulllllh It in our next IlIue

of WuhlngtoD er a Walker or 111 olhar of the InlltrUmonll wbose Ilame we might adduce wbom Be lIIOIintbo developemont of HI dealgnt

Tn I QuJlPBu VITVs-TbI8 flIslllonlble eillb we regnl to eay haa ceased to elleamp Au loq 0fO~ Ita remailll brought In a ferdlet of died of eoIIapea of tbe pocket RguitmJI ill p4tbullbull

IHzed nation_ It I nnmiddot ac~lon ao rar bOlond tho pale of 011 clrllifLd cII9toma8S to render IllmplJtoI I r bull ill E cld I

abo 0 Jual cation ~~ry In onl Olcry e ( eumstanco connected wlln it ene only 10 add to the guill and ink tho porpelratOll of Ihe onto Iago dcpArln tbe grcd 1lqulty

II cannot be Mid thumiddotlt nlpp1tml u or wbile tbe IOldlera 1010 in suebe Illtc of ~~ cUemen as not to be aware of what they did I I for I yet theyliad nOI been enpged in any BC

L1 h dmiddot L h d b t on nor a oy Il B ot yel re npon tnOIll 1 any of tha oltizens of Gmnada The residence of Mr Lawl_1s allUftted about midway between the large plaza IIIId tho Jalteba Chuteh Ria

bull h b bullbouse wal tho flral tber came to In a tag b Amerlco~ls lind wltboul pl1lvocotlon or culo while the American tlftg lfBI tIiDg over bla door

bullbull deprived aD American citiZen of life bee mlng iii Intoxicated witb (ury III to conlinue to Ibruit theit byoultalnto him la heortmckening

TheBe men cannot ucue themselves b 1lnl tbey were not awaro of LawleSl VClitlon Ibr h I Id d I II rat L av ug res e n t 8 coun~ry len yelm

spoke belr langulge Iluentl n wu 1Iell knOWI

tilroullbou~ Ibe country ampI a merchallt 110 bad never utor(ered or took part III the politlca of IhIt

dOli and mere than b(~w8ra utl had alWAY Ih reapect abown him Iue tbe flag llhose protoellOllha clalllled Belld all thl he 110 doubt oxi

bull pWoed hI JlClIon h lng bd ample lillie to 110 It but It avaned blul nothing tha~ be hid nol takeJl part In the wlra It lled him noihiaLbullbullbullbull I h- d I L ere were ItO arllll D Ie _ an t 1amp1 u~ wu 8Plrely 4efenceleu- a clrcumtaoce that among any people wltb a apark of chivalry or hUlnalllty among them wold hlYe 8Ied blalif He claimed to be an Amelican citizen and eluinr beneath and cillmin~ Ila pr~tectioll of the Star and Strlpell was by the deml demOllsmiddot ( we callIlO wi tbeln men) coDildered amp erime worthy or bull

hd d th meat orn 0amp

We do not wish to caUIUelltion esplloWl W lite death of the Rev Mr Wheeler bo IIU eUi gaged In lite ploua duty of dleklbutlng the ACIId Word of God amont tbe people of fllit pllCl

wltem neillter te aacreel banner orChriat IIOt Ih ftlllJ of Ihe Ulllted Stet cOIIloi aIIVO frou lite ruf 611111y butcbery nor to the murder of the Belr Ferg1llOD nor to Mr Camenl 1Ibo waa dng~ ~ed rrom the bosom of hia family And murdered hllo proclaiming that ha 1111 lin American oltlzen for tbe clrcum8laOCeli of thel~ death Is let rO~IIa plalnlyln tbo lIIIoexed aIIIdvlll i O do we wial( to make any oommenta upon tbampl deelre to get fller American Minister-who Willi at the time prot-[ trated by DlII83l1-1nto thelr huda tor w eel middot ured It wlluld be a work oCIuporeroptoultlu1Il parte tbe caae wID be setforth to the people ar the United SteteltJ by tbelr reprlen-lI e IIIQ we doubt not that Americana wHl indilllto Ibelr

dignity Btl we would ClIII attention to the faet that Ih

flAg 0 the oomparatiyely email BanHate toOI of Saxony 10 Europo waa raapoetcifbull hlle lbe American col011l were being abot at alld rlddleocl Wllh bullete whllmiddot tlylng ovor lhe bOllee of tbt Americalllliniatel and served rather to leduc outrage tban alford procctlon to th_ bG lOught ita ahelter 8 tbe following aJIIdill m bow

LEO Ollmiddot or UNlTro SumOJ AllIIle I liEU RmzllLtC 0 NIOaUOIlA J

Till day pereonally appeared betore lIIe Jamnl George Wledomanll nnd moe OA~ thai I ~

A-gores of the lIled Imyof Gllatemaltl I

319 El WICABA6UENSE Volt No 51 p 5 Sabado 25 de Octubre de 16561 Saturday October 25 1856


tile n SteamOl La Vhllo Capt Thom IlUlkert~rlnd al tbe port of IlrauadA on the ~ytlllDg lotSlaquoturd-y tbe 18th IDBt Iloe brought Jutem -lIP 0 1I1t of UI HItIt monb

br - bShe fOlIgbt o a Ollt ~Igbty Plt888Dgtl1l who nteld ljO nelde I~ 1111 COIInuy list) of 0111 ~ Joinell the NlcarogulIII Army Among t

- I IBanIfa we nol ct tho lIallle of Clt)L eonlngftnHow~ Joinell theNlearagutll Arm1andla In COIomlllll 01l11li ArIlIl~r1

1111 Jla Virgin brwpt alao tor the Army lU1 bull o if h nd-A M- L d middot11IDr ell X II nu m mUlld III i 11 et lour or wllb Ibclr ploper equipment the evrig~ for tb mountdn bowltze aI_d ro -- ld II Ivge quantity OfulIllullltlon

81 f I

struggle wUI be between Buchalampll and pOllUoR a alellder -agure and ver1l1ght bllr reoIOIl~ lillmoro ma however bo much BORland and Frlllee h made II warlike 01 alronger batt tbe pllbllc h lID idea of If Ibe 0I0nllramplloll aallIamp ~be Kin ofSarcllnla AI

ee 0 middotpapr we earn thI All the dey atproeCllee for Ihe rleSidential eltctlon In the tultcdSlateltlllulscltcmentalld1nleruUllor_

be nfoet ngg_1ed ltalemen are IDade by of lb riftl candldatea relale to

iuoqUt t II weoed wIb mor ~OtiOD ormore UDshyettlalra I lIor caprlceelIIan 11080 two Statee now

I od ha P ll 1amp t1 middottt t 1IlPlji t t en 1 YIUI I go or ImlomrDUllffilll4ll Ia 1101 cet~ of Ilanflng It iln Ib1~er ~andlt hlwampy been e Btrong ilIIIICIlItie 3Iett and h ginn Ddehanan large

Ai e roof of 118 entire dovollon to Uoellty I Hid lbal In Ita remoter di8lcta llaer are lililarge ItlllDben of Totee _t fqr AnshyUtW J~80II t

AI Ne York no etandll the Fremont men Ire alma I Ilire or ber But II e fllred tbat 10 otdtr I ifeeure tho election of lluebanall by Ihe L S d fN Y k 11o~r ~e thO emoerac ew or w go

om 10 1111101 The bull 4ft oro 8() nicely halllllud tbal eonaldmiddot

bit a~lIl1la of mOD01 are illaked upou tbe rampgt fill Willet III accounl of a mall wbo ble to lIhu aUIbullbull hlllr oft bl heed If lIucbanlUl Is 1I0~ Ilt~ted b_IID Ie e or bIa elCllllon be Is 10 be d lIh all lhe blta be CQD wear ri I -mo Buehan conUnue to realde I

Whl middotlIollll8 Thill aIlnde UI or PlOl8OiIor Stowe-hlllbllld r n Deecher 8towe-wbo wben Ihe FIIgishylift SIt LawwlIS p-d re latered vow that

oul~ not M hla beatd cut untO the Ia Will Itpeilled Il lla needl to that by this tim IU beerd of tho Proteeaor hal altainod coRaider

A bull Welangth lIla mil1 wil~ at lOme ulure time I able to 4etermlne the time which bae elapsed ~Rce tbbullp_go of tht celebrakld law by a _Irtllellt of Ibla bireuto ppendage

Olll neighborS Ia the Solltil It 11111 ben b

rtfHOell to lIIother pitt of tbla pape haye art IIt14 at a period wboll tbey are beginning to acl lei aot througb any ellerg of their 0100 but by

bull bull Iho torceof the elective spark wblch tbe pr0111OIt ~ lb AjDerlealll excitebullbull Aa Ie lIIuaU the cue ill ueh spaslllodic e1f~rta tbelr ICtiODS are neltber -At( b d Ira UI I ateedI-~ ~ pru ollee or grea~ til geDco II of t1llll~g tbolr atklptlou to tha aeveopomoot of cIIt reour0e8 or their St they e endeavoring 10 ftrm I agalnaua wllo If tbey 8amplIdled Ilatlr deg lotereat tbe would not olllylreat aa

htelben but endenOf to ludaoe us Inlo tbelr _trie b offorlng lerge 1IIwarda to U8f1 lIIIerIca fho would Httle amollg tbem

go andmiddotdo Ukewlh tI Ibe would In fow lola uame was reeeIedmiddothe ~onoludedlIIIId IDUO1 c u Aoa_ fII IlITIIIIo o BD-Thill L bull ~ Ia peu enklrpriae whleb for bullDaB1e Iou _med

han reuon to Ie the - the merleau lIle pp - too i11cH1v7 plQJce 10 lie HriOllllJ eoklrlalaed tbelr denl among them II Brig GeD Horuab waa II atbullbull II Ie 11IeI u Ihelhuadelplla IAtliJrr to pIO

The Elllpero Alolnder of Ruula u _wued drank with ~re and th _II-I- not onlypn bullileallle blit to be aowal _Iilrocl lakll with peel ctltllOll1 DIIfInc laquoIlGlIamp- The oople of Gtuadr- uu _ ~oo_uIoa 01 ~ GIld lIIMaWio_ tIon the BDlpelOl lIrtIMd dlllllfllamp1llt liNt lllto lliftl amp111 the lUI Ie SOl Ill of bJ a

-r hGould he alloed ampveryluiUt iol publleblnl tbe JiIoJ-wa receld wltb leug 111 incident or the cerem001 The rep_led Brig Gen Jit111 I88po11111lo 11 draIIk to of IIIe Pope _ reaehed on 1111 occaeIon be- The Bed 8kIr of 1I1earas- t shy

I - --

blo IUCIea From all we can learn 10111 Hill quallllcatiOllll appear ~ bo good die-

n -0how othinc oIemenamph anlbmg Ike llalloolmiddoth boen ordtled -to the SardInian potU middotf9t111er rloctlol1-(f OIgIlDIZlltlon aod kllllclt to fhe nowl from Frallce I unimporlllll i01In principle beymiddot ilia) lIIlrprlee the Union 10 111 France hM growll up to hemiddotalli8 tat bilallbbeb

lire th_ ofanr other _IfY neCoatalUcanuNboglnnlnr(OltamwladoD

end theIP rttIIerJ to (ullow Preildellamp Xora III lUIother folAJaplneUflO8IIguI ucla_pIcIou

III our m1lld tltt they beslnlllng to bow wbats b

Tile 11010 from Buropeta DOl of III In -eat til l1li In Nicaragua Q_ Vlctorla lib a good _bl mother Is endorlug Iogeh lIItmiddot ablo spouao for hr aupterl Ibe 11111_ RoyalPrlll~ irederlck-m lrlIstlt 11 at proeenllh fa rltA In 1gtvl matrimOlIai IIIIrkel H baa aCeltmIpanled lbe roJa moth~r clllrllJU

middotmount~t roogtiI laddoll M unexpected Amiddotcoup u fat 11M been lIIk1mpted in Paill bJ -rrf nI hi its lerth to taIt the B~I u rtmiddotIIlI PrtlllllllIIPpcaraneeago their eandl- (leott~ODollnelltIukod ltltIeenlIlllheUa 11 IIIIee from Franklin the ed_ltlWd Irad rona hladoctor mullraquo alld air w pxketshyltlale ud Ibemlelvenn rar behind dcrblllleedenahSp 1b_Spanlahtroops hoW poue 011 bJthe plekel prltl ofbe rNIIOt hllllditerehlef

middotTho DfbIIlIIIn lind FrolllOlit lien are hathon 8Ionof Madrid bllCmiddotthe blew wa nOlllrlld 1111111 1114 - man killed The meIu bod WII hUll~ F4t 11111 ~-l---A-rua-n-p-n-Jal-Ir-porler aid il 1kelr 111 III In 8upplieatlon before tbe State middotof laneoueI~ amplllbe luge ollie mt therefore lcLraplcllY-~Inrr th pu~ofaIampok wa eo olOOllelt amp be ~ tbu ibnup -CD in lie Yo ftud Ponll8)lanl4 There lIever w only parllllllluCOO88lal A eho ar Ia SpaIn II 11 Je is ooei Jirallkl how -It grolt ~~~litl~way~~ma4t billlyen- iwI Ja

bull IlOOII t 1111 w II mo OU _ bullbull h1111therefore hlehl probahll It Ia thought -be w IIIalI aad tho collklmplated atiMlk JIOfi hbonld laquolad 10 bow NId tbeuegioL Wii France ie IlIlIOlIIe nYllOl1l1eel4d wllb the 1IIfaIt POlolied Thethumr -ped ~~ ~~ tllteat no Iongel alilee tbUl Ju~ IIlpl-agaillaamp II wil1middot R~~ h bull 10 1IIdlt e - t nes -lgt 11_ t -- poelufely lilted 10 IIblMOQ KaN mldlllampht howeyer (1ft aspreu Ived III IIUIIp A IaQd peculalor 01lt W- ladeellcllo

until LIlt mill of 1100 Allied rome hqultted with ~ Informaloa tllat 001 Oook wllb I _e his trac IJIInI th eba be Inaallilidl J th CrImea Tork h for the pretent nnt foroa of U 8 ~bad takeo lip I porJampIoall clcreel It Wu 10 h~lhl ~IIDd Ulera aDd 10 frem the dlplomalle boti_ lrolt of Ltowr8llCt the 1Irpoee or pIOleoI dllBClIIamp for toIbto dlO tbel iIII thela~ablampaAtiIIbtd

It froIn the pro~d ~I ~ Coodli~bu 10 draw tbelr lui breatb With a eolrallre ~aPOob _u to CI_Ie PRESIDENTIJtL SUPPBR toWlIJIIIlIOI810 Gel H~el~ warllln~ oe Pcmy eliC~bullbullVeUowoltben ~ t

__ tbe _equellcaa of III lkllllplOO lb bull It ollllh of JII1 ora hepiaHie ckdara 1On tbe nalramiddotof the 19th laaamp tb FI14 61B la uld that CIII Cook IIa~ beell Milt b1 Qea do noamp believe amp10 Is 11I~ wo_ or eIiIIllo

ly wbo w urgeatly oliel b) ~ people ot IIIIa ho_ who It_ttubed the age otM _e~ alld 018n of tbe General Stair Wlib a few Iewrallee 0 lDte~ Cor lheIt ~QJI Qn b~atmiddothU fell tilla tl1lth tbuwltriag ~ Cltizell8 lDel 81 the Pre8Ident lIIena10n ad tIM lb nib Gew -0 arrIYed at FnnIdlll amllled tbelritnilllll flPcQrl ag I

tlook of eupper bull oolllllllalion with Ibe IIIIoera of be lravadlog -10 h

bull th I 4 Dri ifill S IOld thembetmiddothe WM prepllCed en- I11III D ~ eaklr 4 9 _ushy_l _AOIOnamp guellawenttoe gI~enerrJ foroetbI teUftllHheoleutlimltowuhla eldeiitl11I~uowedf_gnIID80ftJcbtibullbull

JlorDeblIriglcllerOeneral Fry Drigtdler-Oeaeral _1Ioo J aupprtlll cllaordere with the aht of _04 ttom death lit the ampIinIhPa~lllIi1lf ehlOro-nnneingllJlftW Xbull RQgcro SubS ot Jlaermiddot tbe-~middot~ IIlJder Jb---middot~iIatit fmn ald bullbullbull~ elida CoL Pb R Thompson Aiijt OiIabullbull N AI the Interpoeilloa of XlIreu aHer (Jell ~ BII or~t qllellioo At tho 001 Ales Joo P~lIIUIer 0nl N AI ~e~=n~- t 111= lIowlhhen be l8i dO~alrO Ii iWir did Col T F Flab Q~termUlter-aeatlll N A thai be had)lllt UrtIIkId to or 190 ouIIa Who Col Ocoqe B Hall 00mmi1Ml)raJ N Awoold be prGperlJ tried b1 the lepIllUthOrlIIaa Whi III amp man wamph acom 06 middotetu toe Atl 0_1t 1 M tbe geollOmtaaU de10 take of the yltodl Aa _ the cllIIIIeaire

1eIIIlt)f Tho Hdth of tho pruldenlor lhe Republic

or Nicaragua was propelled and~lIk Ith eoshythualaam 10 tblt the Pretldent rtIIpoDlled propotllll W

Til OlBcera or the Nicaraguan Arm

The lIetlth oC General William Walker w III

en propoatd and drank with Ihroo ebte Tbe Generallf caUed upon to reply It1IIlmoatl posalblo 10 gl90 ao Ida of Ibe ellOlrI~ ellbOl loll words prodllCed IIded by loll graoUnl geelleolallon and peculiar feror we CII 0111 Mltmp 10 gIe 811 idee of wbat ho Hid bull

When bla 1)AIII had btllI repoampteclly oalIod he roee lad 14

GIIINTIIIUIM-Wbtever or hlator helon 10

tba Da wbalOVer of the 1I1111rol 1liiy be 1810shyorared Wllb It owea more 10 Ih lid recolfed ftOIIl the wisdom galbwlr) and derIng 01 Ibe geotlem811wilit wbom ampbe lndlYidual wbo bean i baa had the good middotfortune 10 opente thaa 10 III merit he blmaeU po_ [Cbe_l Ao lodiridual wbyenleer posltloo be 111amp1 bolitla gea oat

01tho P1l2I he repteaeDlII maltee hrlll gMaL It M Ie_ en tbe approach or Goy Geor Hept J A Ii my Ibrtene to lie the repr_tame of a with U S VcIopI aud weDI towlIllII Ne~ lIarr1l1g1on S prlnelp e willi hlcllyou all Imboed_ prin All b qqet ia tbe IerlllOl1 Henr A clple that cannot OOCOllftaed 10 thIa 01 an OIbtt Joaea J It

bey pl pro8t in thla pllttloqiar by 11Iuon- clple of ulIleraaI fraedm It mlltt ooalln to spread nlll I erubracee nOl OQ all hllcoatlshy

ucl ott 0 EtDperons Nicholas And AlulIIlnder ofnent bul the conlhlenlll of the old orldmiddot It will ll~ jhO bull IOn ililOctl to the United change old Y8amp8IIII ~d reinfipale -i alld Slates t AmoriCllII moehanica to come aDd Ive t~ Old 1flithorldNrecelung lIedlOlPullel ampom lbe

n~ oll 0 e ew 10 ellen to UI the paklmll In Ibelr 01111010118 and tbote wbo aceepted tbe embraCes of a IIlIivelllll blll~hhood (Iodlullallo have beu reated In a mallner com- cheering] __traIl wllh the wealth of llie Empire W080 After the General badcoQcludod TheSoldlllra

resoured tbelr Ibor will help 10 dovolop There of Ihe Nlcaraguall Army WII proP080d IIIId dlllllk I I I E tb t b d d I III hId b DO pe~o II urope n n vanee n e WI Oil C eel Arts of l~te a tIo same ratio lUI the Ruselall Utlg Oell UeoDmRBOo 10118 (Irank with IIlucb

d I l 10 L II E I ltb b bull All n fer coyer e en re IIIp 10 If a ent wlm lind III retpoollO Gon lIalogaen Aid Aetwork of ralroad tho Emperor bas Inlol semiddot In lubatallce Iltal he nOI muob 8OOWItolatd 4Wed til icoB of 8ovorai Amerlc1l engineers 10 liking ~et that ho w eatlrely a

apot It I - broad ue wllwene-lt Ii ampbe prla-

There were HyerrJ -er toute __enI draakaadabouU oeloek the geDtklllen Ithmiddot drew to their reaIdeII- mllCb plcued with amp0 ellteneinmtll


fUll lI ona ampIID ntce PROOLlIllU-lllI

bull t1t01l 11011 111110 Th St LoQIa BYelllllg New of Seplembe

Ib b the followlDamp IUlpllIIl1amp IIew1 Wo v clalei ftom 118 JSOlGer 01 me 1111bv _vl- t Iuamp -11 of tb war In

Kanua alld c1rculllllaneea atlendl lb 1IW Wal1 of peace amp Frtnklln

Tbe MIIsourIu we 10 their word tUlObed ampom Wolitport to aItIck Iewrlllloo on th nthT w compoud of OIIe reglmeD cit ampos_1 eae ef mounled m_1n all 1400 _ al- We dool _beu es_pte Ifre 10 lend Ii four pleooa of aHII1erJ Gen utt11 -1 ora - alike bllamp atdilterenl 111_middot In command On tbe 13tb aad 14th thete t=~t=O~Ath

~ebrmfori= rwbull Jllltlce

lamplllzed by came G8II Atelillollto tho dWt Itefohillou ere peel decJerlo ilia relllng OIl the proeCtiOll promised 10 peacelll bullbullttlenl bl tbeGOYOrIIO~ tbe Ibelnndlog army would dltbaud l1li01 relll to ~belr 1I0m_requ~Un the Go _ 10 reergamplllA and diatrlbukl middotOtCllhe Tern ~ Cfoe of mllllla to p~ the Mtthln from _auderl atld robbera-alld reoommeodlncIhal CoL Tim be made commander of tbe mUfti of Ihe Territor] lbe )(-urlane llien broke up cunp aed returned boule except th_ wbo Jp te)lded to IIIIUI lit doe l~

Tbe aillet or OH bullilretl 00l1li UrtIIkId bYGo 0 belollged to tho flOIIPIIA of Cal HlltYt1 wbo made ampbe aItIck on COL aolleriton

WI-d~~ t4 ~~III to f~ lI4I all __e lIpOIl t bull rae_ deg lUllmiddottIogocean middot10 -0 bl thle muno bue made report III whielr the d~lhat the ilia eouId be built OIl neuI7 dlrlaquot rltlIIte from sfamp 10 the OWt01 P~- with braneb Iio Ibe Nile The00fi It ts7~ 1114 the oooatructioo will take IIs88 At 8oM2lIfeeuf_wlllbetoliad M lIle diMDce 01amp000 feetlrom t4e bull_ The plrl 10 be ooiIIiInIcl4d III the GWI of Patm whleb the former proJect plaeed a Ill boUom ofth GQlf wiD be located wei mllee 10 the Willi 011 p or the cout wbere the wa1s 211 fee~ deep Ai leu ~han the cllatance of wo IDUea Tom tIN IOore mt where IIIIchOlampg g~ It Is tlmueil bet 1 -IU fie do In 4IN11cpbeleen the rotpeCtibull place IIld Bombr III fdllowt (Ionalallwllople 1J900 Havre 8928 Lolldoll 86GO LIrpool 8560 He York

7311 Ne Orlean 8178 Hore IhaD ball Ibt 0) I -een Ihe prlndp porloofJilliropo alld Alaia bJmiddot Ibe propoeed l Tbi slugle fact lIholllicalmmenle IIliIIl) 10 ill Damptlollll ail weU as 10 BVPI and Torkej olld ril lIeur tor iIamp projecCUnl the belt wlshea of the elvill1fd world

III view or faoII the 00_ lIIIfd the Ilk alargci landhold~rf Beea_ ~ ill p-d ~ to ~ 1IIIt middotbadoa tbeli- of tUII odtM-1IIeIII(It - 1

Gel Atobleoa Gen Reid and CIII TIl4 -Why iii a Inr Ike kIIoclampert Becaa~ dreaed the meetiR ad lIrlIed complianoo 1amp ho lIIiHotml to llifW4 (a d_) the GoYernor prOpol61 Th Govenaor thel bull -poundt

Wlthdrw from Ihe ~ to alfordto 1 Iist 01 Ietter IOUrlaaaauopportulloace amOllth~ D-rJl~middoth nIB I d 0IlIIhla ngeoUon A _tllIlI w jllllaDllj I e bull- v lII1ICO omiddotwag Cf tee ve

Iober 11 1866 lIolt Ooa(Dlrdeall V E tBullh J G Bllllch J BbardO E Bremer JClarlt ll WCaaIIlIo C Ohecklcy Xlll CUlton I Daly Iol J Jlllher J A lir141 Jishfr G W

aI Ulek~PoInl They were 08pwred at G_ GeuIeall 0 A ~IolillB oppotIte LeeomptoD OIl 1beIr reamplIrII Go1tbArl P A from 8ickory PolnI to Iampw_ 1111 ead bet (1_ J 0 Iathe aampempllO vteA them _ U S eoWter Hanele It fourteen of lfes men 10 killed HoagllUld M H

Lene III not Iio be folllld 10 eIIeTerritor II Berdy C

Fuu o bull t ftlna-lbe Now Orlealll Della Jorge A lHms tbat Red lUvor hu dimmed up lla owa Klpp S V inOUth and now mlkea 118 w y 10 Ihe Gult LorIog L th d Atcbaamplla B l fb II d bl Llnere or B

2 1~ X 11 LlflngslOn J WlIcGulgan 0 Hoy A Korri H

McCann H a IfcCudle J

Jlanofill S Mooney Hamp sb 1I Nellr E A OsborD D C Poal Dr A Pearaon J T POit Hlu A Roper J Hltllaquogton e 1 Roulrand ~ Sd1 Dr

- Scott W L 81110111 D ~ Sklnna J C Smiloro H SlantbrT7 E II Warren Wheeler 8 H WllIlalll800 CaptWIHiamSOD J

lIuilii tbe fOr~middotedurereor thdegat ~ til )8116bull and tbat at oue IiIlHl neTer Iouched III M - amp X TIIOlampIV lib d III b~ II b llI bull - I

I pp ut pllrlue bull coune w 118 1I0W WHOLESALE ])EALER IN Ulned elllptIDglRto the Gulf far to the ell I of Ibe Iolillalaeippi Tbo Red RI Ie now to BRANDY WH SKY WINE~IIld Ie remhla to ho up whether whcll full It _ t wUlliot re-opoo be outlet to the Joflulaolnnl ud AND ALL KI~fS OFihLQUORB Ira mill wIIb the aIbA~ of Wuerif - 40geer If bull r rrN COrrBn sJrJ9DBn2-rrzoJV

U-- J I L L 110 4Lt lDliOO ~ 0001II IOUgt NA WIIOUIiIAuU 8 TILl YI nOIY -An mIII - HltrJ etroet ulltoI ofampIIFruei800 COIlbaen lick for a long hoe and whit1n this _ate GIUIIlda Junlgt 1 1866

would OC4ulooII _e brealblng ftIId IIr be ------------ --__ - -Dr AAud Pobullbullpparanll eslhletfoe 80m tIMe when he wooIshy

~ III th~ dockyarde of lttllllia An~rICIIII 1I1collamiddot worker and that he ca~eto Nlea heca II apln COllie to On one or these ~ heo fBNDfRS UIS SERV1CESto the Ilhtz~Dbull1 IIkI hn~ lhe dlrectlon of nfthlrt The OODIC- tb ht II b It - - be lind JIIII awakeaed from bIs Bloop lgt1rIok uk Granada and vicini ill ilie praclille of

OIIg ero t eoe w wOr 10 do He would Ied 101111_ UITlCllli SURGEoy t_ H1DWlhIiJi qunoe fit 11111 will be tbat In a abort IIme tile nOl hae eome h_lt he uppoud Ibe tllICI8 of And howll w bo Jlmlll1 when oura IIIIWJ ~ bull l u j1l bull lOt

IwMlaII Veue6 III bo IIblo to compete III speed bla laborwOIIIS be IlOI1l1ned to IIII1t pI_ Re dead-1011re after klnup ini thllOf OftIce an4 roal4caCe 01 tb aouIbwl ted dumiddotmiddotllt with tb but buill Yankoe clipper tumln tballka - th b 1 bull Brlalg III a gleu omiddot Irioi an IA7 to tU- comer of tho lampreet 0pPOllltc tbe San PrandgtltOAoLr bull wr e on~ goD omen p hero lilt 1 Jimmy -airIf I dOll I au OouonL ~~~e~~ AlUerlclIiIorthlloontln~l1lw~to OIlteonre~upon ~m by ~ IIIUller In wblob IdbrlDk thin blll1 meor Gtanu Jail 1860


320 ElNICABA8lfENSEVol t No 51 p 6 5abado 25 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 25 18S~ i t l

BRIG dNN HENNlVeSIIN ketnft4 tore lItelrlllaquopoampolllpu gri_r __ dlis hnmlllatlcm Autrl of eOIl- Iolaled lit COM~lISSION IpoundR~ SALE

t ~_11l loo1ltlnl 01eI 1lI6 l)emOOlamptI Rlew lOr t~Ir- tIe pJlva~ aIl4 lIIampIIy _______ t86l1l dad ~~1I1D ~n the ampIIlprllD W-r TIIlrtee lIUDPm td_ ana geuellile Of pURSUANT to an order leeIIed by the Board of CommlWon I gtfIll on d1IFJ~T DIY DlIloh the ClOIIdllCt an AllCIIont iDd ablllamp of note_ dlieclly tbll lulftlldvballled or JANUART 181S7 ofter die lbiIowingmiddot invelltoried propottl for 80 III pllbilO ItU(tUIIlmiddot pigt he lleteODI bo llgu~d hl ttamiddotiermtlllOflbk bo tthoullbdley had bad fw 1IIDIlth ill1Itelr the IIUa It the citl Of ~randl middot1 Uiwwe are carefully lorDed OTUIO told amp ppwer 1wrIHt Atmtlpd Atulricm H olall TetIIlI-Ou~ or IIUllar1 WpL bull ___ I lie ranka priloioll irlthoulltluriuamp OIl or them The laIe HI conllnU1l ampom lay to dar IlnUHn~ wiolo 18 dtaponu Of troDt BIb fall upon tbembull Speaking 1gt( lhe Gdrse ampelng ~he middotol)ltllllll wb(nrvmiddotpl1t bull pta Pankos deahtma of leeing the property and emiing for tbemaelvtl8 will 06 fllmned ~ll

nr6I11 aceouna tba Ilad bean ltritten lip to lhal oner (Counl Ziclly aD UDollarim) to dBatll horselllld gukl8 bllppJioallon at my oftIce - I irrul of thla lDem_ble 81rOssie Alr eiloll ana Amolllllt lbe Icllml were -e mell of large V I b e ed In It we Grid tJle toUorill (orhme w~o1D the ~II were _nxlou to d V1I I PEY INamf 01 Biulli I _-l_oP_1I_0I ___ RtllIlIrk4 ~ e DIU iii g tpoO toll Balllyampbyl ror bilt eatftld wordl Hacienda do aeao Roaano IJOiii llItololo Lopez Treo hI full bearing tI4middot11) Tho tnl connected ndlaWlillibl_nuflllreemiddotliilllloaiordollampnmiddotOeneIK coodemD 110 do Oandetari Do Youngtreet 10bullbull0

tblleampaltnt 111 ampOIlIg 1Dd dierefwe of tIe ed by Hnau wbo Will hill dBbtor for Ilxty Do CaUle lAIa Or~ Do bull 1~~1 HIIInl e _ gen~1 whloh Olftnot bo ~houllld doll VecztJ wlotte ~her (sllllllv BOWIampID run Do A row of siJ ator~ 101 UIldeiMood wllIo __ling the mlblary eo ID ) wieand he IIIQ of lite late emperor Au- HaeIendo de (JaQlO

UlJOnli In thleOdntryiUOIIlallled ill ~ pampt Ilt tba eampIdIer Jlho-pbllr-dle pllont and I~dl8O Pit t Juan T0lI6 Rut 8 0 entitled- Nag) Sandor apd the rrIeeI Damiani who Hacienda de Caeao plz(I Do- H 11 ThI P4d 1lIl Ja~ iff l1JFmiddot bellIg _ed to he hlDge4leet 1114 with como Do Indigo Je1U8 lIIarl8 Do 1 I

Fod bat 11M iffirtt tlhuWaUflul tM poau liby 1aet here lJbull1 ~ alw~lI ~t Booee in Ri Do Largo IIdnbe 8 11 f( BtlIqgU middotdndFtItllrIl p~ 6ti upon IMhetlio lIeLfP Bacl~d de Cacao Sin FraDdleo Jose JArguello Aree 18 C HfII~~atJlllwmiddotolmiddot fWlw M01ItIM LoWe Bath~nyl 111)0 wbenllomom fell bad Do do De Abandoned Into Qall~jl1fllllllA ZtmIaolrTgm R_liOll b~ tried OYer pW atIer belnl eaotenced to B_1n Onmada bullbull bull Do ~ ~ bull bullbull 0 Pvoria tc rour 1 impi1aoDment the eharga middotormiddot l)eWs Baclellla ltleCaeU rdilacio Male1iP- bullbull i bull bullbullbullbull ~r


rI p1tt t I cd cJ to -1 W middot111_ ~f middotORII Latour ot 11_ In Gi-aWulo-- - ~- JO bullbull bullbull bull bull bull 10 Thouampbor 0( 1Id_ ptm e li~ ~ r l)-U wbiclt be notorlouir U1tu_h _ _ 1180-0 Plta~ Francisco GuerrA IS

PllbnO~qollleclampIIllIIotb~bmiddotmiddot bi th d9lamp1t0f WullingampUII wuCOlidemned to he BoilandIotIIlRIna ~ 1gt0 9 lib lbe ~Ut onamprll 0iJ0orIlJ hanged Hia wife IntrcdllClld bull lancet Into hla IIoUll8i11lUfU n Kill patUalll burnt 10shyuulll bl+aljJbh~ugh Ih~ m~mollll~ ~~~sn pn- h which hellldun Inelliletwallliempl Haolenda dB 0_ ~~Ia Fe Joa6- II lIaleailo 18 In which Ihl tr COIIUUeDbC IIg 11 ccteddu~ co et the Jugular Tela DllIOOYued helbre he Catd Bolnte JIaI ()lIa Do bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull G ~imte 11000middot lIr 07 ~II Chi r de bad Ill to death hiamp wound 1111 bandam lip HOIlllIn ru 00 Lollg IQW 1 bull defeltbl bull ~h d IDamp~ I 0 ~ wi alld hemiddotw horrlellltdflged OIl IIId alios lite Haalend de Cacao bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ~ bullbull Fetlpe amp S Saenz NearTolo-aome wlldlllltamp 3()IlO

1ftOJbt8eomiddotarmiddotall rtt Igmiddot d or gallo probampbl) not belDg rdy 1I0 P h DO do 11 Vi C1emonte SaIlIOl Old ealatc neer Rint 1(1041 liIlgt11IfI~~~O ~pSd r ~kJi1iUei word to Ire and fell abolltibg Long Iff ampIIB lIollle in RIT Do Large adobe 100(10hit ~ nmiddotiI_p 0) bull bull Ibe arreet of Dahyao1i hid beell amp 110- Bouse aDd proyery In

middotbeforeBllblo Imiddot lt bull middot~middotiIi ihislao 1 IIulOw 01middotamp111ampmiddot01 atlonllo-ble otenc WIll a Sanmiddot JUan de Sur ) fll lS UellD lieDden tIam b bull bllabion cawIUD1-blamiddot esecutlcm anmiddot _iDatloomiddot HacIOllda domiddot GROj Felipe Avilc8 bull bull bull bull 8000

IIIOlJIiy ~I RUIIIii ellj R JPII hiobD~ 1Ianr otIrtri w_put to dtaIh W_ of Do do Sallt~ Do With wildlands b~ ~Re~t 0 ~ ~II middotaM flnb IfflUlrippeli and Kourged helOre middotthbullll I1delld de Ca~o JlCII-LaGalpa F amp E Carazo bull 27001) _ nCr tI aoIdIerr OfIJcelB from liliiii or coIeoell David D Lopzamp B Daroe 100)tile Baclellda de Cacao~ 9ijdbf~he ~1Ie~ thorab~ dOlfDlfardl e~ abulIpflI middot1It If bgtced Into Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull II amp Jos6 OaracM ~wotbtrds of die eltarA II iIai1 a~tJter~ ~IIJII ~ed IplOb th AUUIO _llln pr(fatail ~ at lite Do do Boperlll P run amp famll middotrmiddotmiddot 800gt 11_ r~tIJ 8~~ ampdrIhu~Dbull 1d eaprice of IDd ears-ta to ~ D~middot do Chlta JOJl6 Alfaror Conlaminl 160 acree 2000 ~Qjlt ~e ttl th rJm I middotU dar s-~ BOIIfelnBl Demiddot 1600 Urqllllatund to 1 C~ u of iIIatorlo bull FrOm thequatadoDe here IIIIIk k wIUw_ ~~eCaCampo Pafniar Tun Agila bull 10000 ~ 9fmiddotIi~temiddot 11114 tbafBdc Gen B~ Iidu 1fi1h 111m to Do do PlllIIIf P~1o Torres ~ ~ -lOOO ~oI~ lOU ettIoa of Ruulamp iii 1 B_ltlruu 2000shy t~Imiddotaath~~~eibampt dunn _middotmiddotri ~themiddotweIpt or bull rtpIItaiIOII fwllJUan Do bull do O BuetOl amp (amp11111 Near St George) 3~ ~~rII~ Dt~~~IImiddotlJuilfe Otunli IInewled and liaeety of PIlrpOll that 111l1li1 Bad de Cacao fi Do dobulllt lOoQ alloo COm liI iir EurepO tID pnbU~ work raytllihl1 tor IIIY_ whlchho ~ en~ Do do Jayl 11~Oerde8 k tamlly bull bull bull MOO and deg eIO h I dltIcm of th ed B Ii alrad tTOtahI II III E B~ ill RIampef bull bull bullbull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bullbull bull bull o~ gtJ lIII-dnl flle rthl 8 PI II 1 110- bull mope Catlle Batalai Las Lalaa R Pala ampI fmIl1 bull bull 1 popilldlia DIIlft h bull or I~ a and doubt ne -thaI ldImo~ DllIItre pow H_ID ru bullbullbullbull Do dO On the Plaza 2 ItciUjmiddotJ1IUle d~ ~call88htroFer ttei1eclla Niea IfW lillke hlllWM falidllarDo do bull bullbullbull bullbull ))0 do Do QI

lOh~IL~ ~ II middottmiddoti~ wmiddotr hrO hOllmiddotADleaea Dobull do Do do edmiddot lwwlljlUll-adepamprlTleodeglmiddottoat 118 i CaUleamplampIemiddot HeC~IJtI lnoceDteRuele - Ihf St PeUnbllllt lnadluted It and bOle IlIf au r-l~laIe and Imiddot

Jdft1oillD ftJreIIP ~~ I -gt - lIIotiee rdieateDIJIIlIe- bull ItiIdmiddot bullbull oe bullu were D- bull lIl1111~~ da r F lid lIf 9 jIIturliaia oItlte llllIoWl81 _lddlKieaeeIJ pe BOIIIe In Rlne bullbullbullbull r bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull ~ ~middotCbIdimiddot =n H bull UeDllla ~YU Ioii wIltprenlM th~ to me dIll11111bll1t1oe~ Sugar Etemiddot nell 1110middot I

bull~ bt -eneecUMtto mltllilbnn Ihe pUbHoofmiddot ALL PmtlilONff bano tIahe na tilt 11- lUvae ~ Pedro Ohamorro bull l~rJnO

III the Bunf d~ti_O ~ Ollorbelorei1lellampt1idlryorneoo1868otherw_ tap 00 do 12(00 ol~ ~1I-noII IlQ tie a~oflii~1llI~tb1middot-middot ~1llr01l)li iterccentef Pedro ToaqIlM ~1I1l1 ~OIOO ttlbullwtmiddotcilr 6Ibplo-dIJ1Koiiot1t1 ~UIAtltJiB8GORDB1t 1gt0 do Ag~Agrla DI()~lcla)lemando 8laquogt0biild fll IL b ~ and tb ()rientili OIllRLBamp OALLAHAN)middotmiddot H_1n Granedamp CbhlDroampramlr SapA

~ll8gotlatlllW bullbull or bull ~middotJ1lLll1SKtSr ~dBlti I_Kula Do dobull ~00Ileattle300ltgtiu1l l2~Umiddot ~dJCted uallO~ todOonr- AIld-aU ~lIIdehl to tiM at tit Do do ~ROaa Do lt100 ~600caltle 1Ul0 hor8eI 16gttOOi ioot IlWlpr~ middotabOedec~ petdllOllllIIIIIka Immdiata Pato Bac1euda do Ccao bullbull to ~ Fnlgetlcla Vasa t 18

The crll11Ilj~~ I~ ~1 lal~ lenlll~t monuo me GILDK PlTUB Bon III (Jraneda bull bullbullbull Do ~ bull 15 O hllito Of tbbull bull piby- BeIIDlllpID bull wen all lnbk A4IIIIaIllrillorO D Stook lIn~b St Jeronlmo middotDo 1600 catlfe ~(lO hore HInhn

the bull t t Gralled yen St 18M Boote ill Graneda Do GuedaiouputMet ~ biublUtyllldellotlllllon mapa ~middotU om e __ - Do domiddot Do _ Domiddot middotmiddot11100 deslrabiek a iiillitarJr poln oC vie the movemiddot otlce Domiddot 40 bull bullbullbullbull Nfcaclo d~1 Qutlilo bullbullbull bullbull 8bull lIlent h111 n~li describe LL pertlOll8 hlnr clallIlII aplta lite tu of QoIrete bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull Do Near lIIalaeo 4jju

J kln 6fGill1eya middotlieon In bamplilgmiddotno- A~o fOllolngllllllled deoeutd plIrtIOIll 111 pre 11o In Qranada Antonio Barheteno bullbullbull ~ ~ U n pea I nHhem to me dilly Inthenlluated 011 or before Stock Ranch El rlldo Do $00 cattle 1~ hollelt 4fi

lated tho ~oodIIl0~8 O~ wblch KOIIulh delegl~ed lito tOth dlr of Deoember 181111 otherwllle th~ lantln Walk bullbull bullbullbull Do ~eer Granada 2 bl power lbo Bele pilbllahoJ the follOlYlDg wlH noamp he IIllowed by Jr I ~ In GratIlIdl Jns Maria EIllrada bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bullbull bullbull bull bull bull ~ quotatl11 bich we are templed to cOP1 aa It B1lOn Cole Wiley lfarahl~ Plantain Walle bull bull bull Do Ncar Granada l II Iii millent p081110n In European afIiIlr8 Robert JlHllkIII Jonaillan WIIecm HOIlBO In M_ 400catrJe fiO hlgtrfle8 4~ Lino CelIr

8 ow 0 pN 1 Dr Gen lie bull gatll bull S K Sackaun George White Stock Rench Clraeol Dmiddot fear San Roque 8 0I

beld by Ollr prlStli g IInto bull And Umiddot perllOol Indebted 0 lite estalel oC Ibe HOlII8 In Gratllld Lnla Montrel e 0 Kt)86utll had middotnot ~Ichd Oro ~pon dlo boTe deCeaeed pereoMl will make ImmedlMo PlY PIMntain Walk bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull Do N~middot VegM 1 (

rOllller befO4 the necouol 01 GOI8O I tIe1lSOD men to Il10 GILBBRl TITUS 1l01llOln Gnadn NAciso Raplnoza 4r ovemok him frOli1 whence togethmiddot wlth 1epl 11bllo Adllllllltttntor 0 D 8 BIJIuln GralUlda bull bullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull fala rlltoa Horall bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull 6( U Dembinkl Kmeuy GI1OO and 1If tbollltlllt~ 11 aranad BtpL SO 1848 Houeeln Granada lOll Ubaotl bull bull bull bull ~

ho puHd lIrollgh Wallacb to Vdbl In IV 1 - Ifulend de Cacao MlloO Tlo bull bull bull bull bull bull t I hefond lIIe Turkhlh frentler nO ee- ROUIein Gramplloda bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ROIIrio Vinamp Granada Hotel 9 ~ wlUle Gorgel bad omred tho gaITiIon of AItt peraoiIII areIIbJ oaiRIed agaiOI bul Do do gto bull bull ~ 0

Colllorn to III1rrender wblch I re~ lIrat to In or lI_solSatlllg flit the fulJOwing 1crIp~ Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Ponelano CoTftI bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbull ~~ d thoul11 entering Ioto neotiatiOll wllh the ~ne 1_ nUmberedmiddot(8G) tbltty-lllr In fayOI of amp do bull Pelar Mil~nco bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull 4lt IIV

A~triu~ Tb~ro were IIDfortuo~11 cmOlPI D lIa)Ie1 tor t810middot Do do~ bullbull bullbull bull Tlo 21 die o1lICltMI lOme dUpes of Gorgea parIoy who 0 1_ nlllOhered (19gt nfnetean 111 fu~Il of Stoclc Raocb 0101 Ito 1600 cattle 200 bor 110 0 were allrlollamp (0 maktmiddotterrM and Ie nolbiug 1188 Wm Baletor 18383 Uclenda do cetlO ~ Do A Malco ~o bean of K_IIlI fonll bull Gorgel bad ~Tel The lJlOye dllllCli1gted IIIitIp Is ~ elldoried by H_In Granado bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Femando ellman bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 0 fro him t~lll0w$tl Ibe f~lrell w Svoo liP me and Pi t Is pioleetiKhUbeoIIlce of the StoolfllAAelt at TOrell Do t600 cattle 300 boraes 12r 10 the AU8Ii1anl with ~~ealipulatloD hat tbe p Mlntaler ~endlaquo DANIIL BArIgtSY HtmfI$ In Granadn jOfoqnllla Iloran bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 6 iison 11(0111111141 1I~wcd ~ loen portion 0r11a a~~Pt Ib 1816 Hclendailo Cacao falaco Do 36 pay and Abould be pe~lltIdtorollreullUolecd HOII lnGrallllda Pedro Seqllenn ~ ~middotO

KOlIlhh~ng bead of tbele DegOtl~tIcm~ David l_raDI Hou-Itl Granarla Yna Horan igend conelilulllg b~~ tho Pwer oelegaled to Oor OFFERS FOR IiALE A hie plate San Seber Hacienda de Cacao ~ Hraor JLSimdonl O ge htd eKed bticlt to bnn on aocouD~ oC he Ian Stre h boG IIh Bee- Stock Ranelt Rcmltee Felipe Oahezas 1600 ClIIUe 9 DOll l1IUI1l1oee of the traitor wltb tbe COLldillona bull 81 on OWIII a bullbull H0I311 In Onnada Miguel rullerllZ i bullbullbull 3m III ateJ iIad bowr dilpttcheltl bull comulmiddot chon Jture SIllc1l RaMbmiddot San Pablo Do liOO caltie 40 alier wIth powerl and illitIlCllonB 0 prottll~~ 10 bullFlour Vb~e~ aIll11~fe=~n~hlt Do do HeCled r SelayoampDIejltraa 260 cattle 400 nOllle8 20 tho U~I t~ dB~nee of CO50rn bull Oilnltte blide~~I Ale ampDd p~ Do do ChllamlII10 Leandro SelAYo 600 caltle 50 horBeI ~o deg

That po 1fhlch he cotld oalr give ~ di Itelrt WI CIa) pipes Ifoo ln Guada bullbullbullbullbull Dolor LejaTftl bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull 0(raquo GOYemo ofmiddot Hunprl feN counteralgncd bl un~T aD b a lltoek Rancllmiddot Qlebda HODd~ Dr bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull (jollll Q-iiili BfodlaDyl TlIe Comlllieajone or ermaOlfjl bull Do 40 olnquto Do ~600 entUe 200 b01808 bull bull bull bull

lta1lL hilWA to (lqwtrll when fortr-lIIIf Recorder Oftice Do d SoIn Jampclno Miguel BolallOlampBroa 2500 caUle GOO horaee 1~ renderedmiddot bull __ __ De do San Francleeo tm~ 20

Thia oommkttoloner delegaed mlb aupreme Tml Ollloltofth B_ofDeeda lorICgeB Las Hampderae Do ~~OOO cattlo 200 bOae~ m oiflhlld mUtanpoer W baY8 reaampoD to kilo lIcrorthe OrieItIi D~ofth RolIbo -Do do ~~ Rolille ATUezIICluIlIIOrtO 801)0 cattle 1100 bol8ell H i wuUuolll Vae lIampbor of the pampblet JIoDi 110 will he optlledln thecltl of GranAda on _ HOll~ III Granada bull bullbull bull Do bull bull bull bull 41 bull fbIeh we C been 10 largely 1IlI1ftc1h1g daJ the 8th oampptlm~ 18~G1r ~~-r ~tlIk I_ncb s~ Blu Domiftlo Jarqllin TOO caUe 100 horae$ II lboup 1I1) boll a reteh 011 boreehaekhe aqutred by D_ to e ~__~~J ~dlin ~ fin do Tenabona )fillller Alvarado 600 cattle 100 horaOlll 6 ~ OOlIld nlltIumiddotImemiddot Illach lIIe fronlel ror middotwhlob Ibe toreNIdD~Dt re7GlLLm Do~ do COrplil Chrletl Menue Gltcia 600 CtlUle 100 horeetl 4~

putpOtllmiddotU waii ntCelllry to pili ~e lllrough monirdetteforthOriealll~t Do dB sm6ntonlo Tillloteo Lacayo 800 caI~Io 60boraea 8~O the 1ntL ~ 1 H_IIlGranadltClltolayorr _~v

Had ht dOlI10 he Wlamp J)led~ no to liltmiddot Oranadaj - $711301d Camont ror fU InOlIIte lid would haTe N ti T 0 l IJ I u

~n~rHn 900 Auatrial P~~8fII whQIU he 0 ee Together willi lorl) or fifty FarJU HQu- amp0 1 Iho Depar~ent of BIYa8 Iued at ~ ill ol1lltbave hold aa hOllagea for theeMnmiddot the I WILL give Uberal ~wvd to a01 person who three hundred to onll thollllllld doU_ ~ ttunJilt1nn clilefti-to th Oil thle incldenl hluged bull will tlUll to m) etore my Ledger Book II A btrge portloll of tho abue poperty 18 situated Idlin als houra ride of San Juan del Sur Vlts in tb tate of Moul BadlYllllyi udOrmiddothla COlllpan~ Will pIIIaed from lIlatore during tlielate attack Bay Rirulan Gorg NaDdBlme and Deriomo and the remalndu In Granad tnd ObOlltaea Iollllinmlafllflllland~nn1lirt1rdo I _ftbull~ _ 18 1866 1IA TllOllAN JOHN MYLARD MARSHAL bull

Tho fold(r~ of tbo garrison broke ~h1r milmiddot _ L i bull

F NlCARABllENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 1 sabado 1de Novtambre de lasS Saturdav November 1 1856 323


lEI NIC AU A GUENSE1middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotL bullbull 1 ~ bull =L~ bull


[OFFIotAL) If ~lIdortOollliull8loned Oc~ 8 rROamp FrrltltiNr4tt~ ~- Olear OrOllltoy II 9 DbullBamey Woolf COll1mlllliolled April 28 1S6f

REGISTER UI1l1M1U R barlfa Tylor lI_y 28 OF TUB Artlllit CoInIor1 GOmlUluiouElt AtgIIII lit l8G~ JollaW AndmlOn II June 21

amprotul lAl1Ilmdm ThOll F Wright Jul N lOA RA G tJ A A R lY O~O~e Von Hln oolllmlttdloncd Sept 211 18$GbullbullJoho MbullGilCIIu AUg

Newton l Webb I April 10 M T Neagle Sep~ JII OIlllIRU CO~IIfIIDINO IK OIIlB R LaIlIb Se~ u William NnrthWige ()cj y

William Wlllite 6 IIlft11et II 95 ~1 Lil1llmIt1lt bull did aCltlmp 11l1li1 8411u4lOlf 0111I11T nTILLUI Georg~nll8ti oblllillil8ltMd April 1 bullbull lIIN

aCajl Inlr lfahon e1Inlillealooed Jln 20 18lil _L MIIgtI lames bull T 1roe u May 9t

H F Pilled Matcli 81 - A Dltl1gtwarj2 comlllillgtlioll~d OclOber 18 11166 fm K PMliv~ II May 26 II

W81 P towl II il~ 1 CaptaIn Jbull~ ampnaford Julr IJ II II 0 W GIs a OJ 18~ Getlrge B elllllld IlOlI1mlllllloned Occ 18 1868 VJlIIm H Toler A_g 11

bull bull D U Dulaney II I_mea S Jldfe u 8op~ 25 DIItODIIIR OINEIIUII 8oeqrulIMui_t Joho M Wtllngtonmiddot bullbull Oat 101

Comer o Homeb commlllioned Jats 12 19116 John Crowell commluloned Sept 11 18118 BeuJamln Hardla 00 y A (lamp Cui O Staehle Occ ll4- Firat Lleutonant Jamel Small 1Il~lLlOI or UIIOIIIIamp a_liD ATTJtl01 O~ IKAlrIar

Birkett D Fry eomriliAiolled 6pl 16 Mqjor J hn A J ColtitUeOamta Joho P Wtel1 conomllllloaed J1IIII 18 1866 0 aqu~ commlolaiOMd]lIne 18 186amp

I bull R T 80 d igt LiMNat CIltm4l2dbull L GU bullbull c e corum 1 I II vilpt4lI1 Leonldu MCIntosh co isoiI ed AlII 19

L Nonrell Walker comllllllo~ Aprill 11166 M On 111middot O middotF Henningsen comDlfaaloned Oct 19 Robert Ellr Jllne 11 lien D_ n_ co l1~ft d A IA (~mp R W Plck ~nl ug j O_n mUlne ug 18l16bull

~ bullbull ~ A bull - bull A4iaJUmiddot Johu 8 FlnOlllJvfl Lieaftt Oct I 2d Lleut E H OIat~~i~88d JIlOO 18 18~6JDJOILIIT o~lIuJtlI I)BPtIIIIIIIITbull

lIltfut Q_ol W A Rhea cOlUlDmlsaiQQed August III 1816 Ja_ Umiddotmiddotmiddot- eomlDlealnomiddota Amiddot12 1middotmiddot~middot-001 Ph RThompson CODIIIIlMdFllb 1I18G8 w H Lenl 92 - ~ ~ Ilamutl -L October 1 J1l1$16 Dreux June 1~ tulffilt t4illtattl eMal JAIIIIe Lewis D WIlIkInS II AIIjI it IiUajor G R OMtoQ coDlmluioned occ 2amp ampcotul lMutma1ll Bllrale Bell II ~

ll1DQII IlgtvOOJTli OBMW ThomJ)lOn 1lI00u _liIlened JIID8 11118118 Lewis E GIIU1 se t 2lt bull T U Hewlett II Aug l6 p v

dbulltWllftt J+ o44u9cat OIJ W I Qukll~ II III It lIf Ll~1

11 llmiddotitar ngtitn~t~ ~_ i


Poet-Ollie Building OWEN DUFFY Ageut

y u ~~_~ 4 Ilrllil F D _ t

i bullbull en AWARD of THIampfi DOLL4RS esol will Ie Lieut J W

fOt appheDaloll aud dell (tu of thG Army) of t~ofollowI118 named 2d Lleut Wm ltP-t

from Company A Firat Jlltampntry Balta

[--FJS_ RIOH Aged Illyeare II r~elO In hAir blue o)eB ruddy cOlllploxlOl~ i() pound Occupalion baker

bull GLIDDON Aged 28yeara 6 feet high falr clllllpletIon IIllhthair blue largo feet and 10llg tlnlterod-bullbullellhl

bull 8

Oapt M bull 1 FlIIOr comt1lampIontd July is 18111 lolln Coo COInlDialloned Jlloe 18 1864 bull rllIII JlJTTJUOK or 1U1II8 AndrbullbullBrady Au 22

IMIIHCTO_ GIIIKIJL I)amp~TIIIIII bull clod GlOIge W lIa11er II Oc~ 18 Impector eIII~ BdwlIId I SaIldm COIIIIIIIadcme4 AprO II 18lS6 Fnnclsco IIotb II IS

CoL Bruno Hlltsme commlsalond NOf 12 18114 U~ CoIltm4l 1IlId LiNt bull Tler OUwllllt ~m~edl ll 18 8uluel a Allin c~mluioDed lflllOh 118116 B D lIorre~ comm~olled Au ~3 [8116

_ _ y fIlor J middotW Oonkhn OOl 18 qlllllTllalllAalllllS JlnuTIIIJII Johnmiddot O ONtII commflMoneli AprD 11 lRIIf BeDJlllllln Beechler U 18 it

Q_~III bttal o4~ L A Clark IIC 18 Col ThOll Fisber commiJalon~d 4prlll 1858 8 LIeut ~ Lathrop commlad lau U 8156

ttll Qiulrtnnw OMiMl ~ peUlliATIOJlll Lieuamp 001 Wm K ROlieJlf comd Ocs Y G W1l Leonard ool1UDlaIIooed AOtII UllSIf hI LIeuL B ABlltcbl Com et ampI1t np

QlUlrUrmallllll [Brevel 011 tile 11011 ()cj ILl Allgua I IS5amp [~or Thamp Benry CltJlIIlI88I0oed Oct 18 Co B J poundavail 81ilh COlIIIIlIud April 181bullbull 20d LIeut Thoml8 8tackh- 204 JalaaWy Ali-II Will HIIIria 23 C ThOt Dolan June 18 gill 11 1868

ampJdlanlQlrtmnalttl__ _ D B D )teCh_a II July e bullbull 2tcUJant D O F~t 18 RlIIH AcuR 2SCapl Wm II Wilhll_oomd Nov 10 18115 1- H A JObnlObe u i1 1866 BeltJ W Bamml Aug 4- 1858 G DamplIiel Oampgai OIl 4- tlld Lleu- W B Hen Inljleeor Ola IMPshy

Andrewa flmiddot it ~i r JObn Iwh1l1a II bull II Au~ Sll lBIamp Juh Y Price Oct 18 B J-- DIllUlicaAL O~ II 1 LleUI E 4 P~iI IUb lhtpIIQpL 11 middotJIIIO

April Imiddot lIfr lMI4u~ ~nd A A Moora lal IlII1 lug 21i liIH MUiI Slo~ 00 B Le R Latimer com d 4prD ie 1811 SUfReoD Wm H sun4eN Aupt 26 IUI6

W~m B WY~ K Bob P Gardner II Allg so Alor 10hn II bull 1111f1iba1~ Judge Ad Oel Au 8U88lIllIIIlOJ DllIBTilUT D AIa~ Anderson bullbull ~ 119 1868

Oommiry Qfmlllal Sutdluu A Wm H MIh Sept 11 Cp~ John Wmiddot amp7dr 11lUJIea Aug 81 1864 Col Georg B Hall commiufoned Jul i6lS~6 F -- - Oollllay Ii O~ 4- cpt II E Bradley TrAn ~llle SepUs 18nbull

tm44t110ilmmiuarp (I_I G -- LoUhamDler 111 Lieut A MePilIO lsI 11111 Occ Y 18GI MIor BIIIlj Y Or1Ie comlllissiond July Il Cbu H Welt II Oct 114 Capl Douglas JWllkhia(untcbd)ept 80 1861middot

Aulatll aommulIJrUu Subfm 811111plet WlUlalDeon ~ u U L Jilglehan tigtd Ioftolry 2) 11

Occupation tailor alao fruit deal~r Capt W H LyonS commisaloned Aug 1 1866 amp-d LiwfmlId R S WiUIIIlII 21ld RltIotI Oct 8 U

S LOUIS OOHEkT Aged ~l feetmiddot inchet leI Lieu~ W H Buttrick II 00 D Th_ Cbloh_ eornd April 1 185amp LIeut Col F bull P Audel D las Rilles Oet_IO bull 185$

l08o-welgbub9ut 195 poullda Oecupti~n 0iII Jame S Wet laquo I B tllke J _orr JIIIJ 6 Capt Cbarlet A Gore 2nd Rillea Oct 18 1811 bullflaquob rir comple~lol1 hlue er IIgh halr large Henr1 C Wall I E lb0i Y JllolIrnoy Ha12b

penwi bull 0 John B Moo Sep~ 11 2nd Mllllt M S Oro 18 PATRIOK H YS IrI- d ~III)IO DIPUT)lBff i David A Lawton It Aug 11 J G SIIDllllerll Out Is4 bullbull bull an mall Age 21 SIIrgetJ GI 1Il II ~d lUllet

JW8 G luet 4 il1cb~ blgll qotlt qGmplexion dlllle (with 110 rallk of COlonol) G Clayton Billllialr 011 8 1868 bullbulli dtrk 6et-welghs about 1411 pounus 00 F DIICj ONeal 4 2nd Lieut J W PolklIl1d Inlltnlry Oct 20 18~ ClIpalllll IdhOler BVrgtcll 6 H Ubrbrook Itlaquo it J M Williams 2nt Rill Oct t I 111shy

6 OLJVEl (JROMWLL Ag8l182 years 6 (wlthbo rok 0( lIaJor) B WlIas Allen II Oet JI 6 A H wl~y 0010 Dept 2518116 kef 6lnches high Ught tomploxloll Ugbt bilk John Dawson 4cllng 8middotG oomd NOT 14 18116 n ell Wilkinson 21 II Oapt J V Hoolf AilSt AdJt Gen 28 1856 lIiIudl wblakera hazel yell-weighs aboul 140 O S Coleman coblmleslooed April 28 1556 __III) BtnttIOIi or amD llcsignlune-III1 fOIld OecllpuioR millwright n T Roalon lep 18 (JolOftI

_ClIARLES W KltuGER flapt Comdg Jamea ellulII 00 111 Jobn Allee cOIIQlIIIlloned June at 1866 I)URII bull (0 A 1st lulQty BaLllLlion BurpOIl aM Anitalll Smiddotgeo bull LiNluta1ll CltJlI Capt H t Witter A llltant Adjutant General

pOlt Serapaqui 8op 26th 1856 0 twitb the flnk of Captain) bull Idmlllld II HoDonald commlllld JIIG 18 18118 2nd Lleul Wm M Rogera lat InamplIlry--r-----------L-- J Geli8ner eommlllSloned Jan 91856 Major Li~ut OoL Byrollmiddot Cole Aeltlatant QU~flenlluler 1 Dllvid 1Ilnllg W G Sicigh bullbull U W P (Jaycee comOllllllioned Ua11 166 General killed at San Jacinto

O~RS FOR ALE at hia pl~ee San Sebas- A Callahan Val 30 middoto4ltfultmt 2nd lieut n A Milliken 1 Ri4es killed t sen

lIan abeel OIlD boUlle abov~ U Ph Be OWDI LHLuSeondy JUlie IS IMLleulJ W Kllllacmdorf comd Oct 1818l6 Jaolntebulldie a litore eor$amp tI UI ()ttpt Oapt W Pmiddot Jartls 2nd Rift died from wOllndi

lhlto-Nf Oandl~ Hackcr11I Olive i I~IIUlf Aug 26 CoO Jolin B Otee bull middotCOllmla$d June 21 18G6 reooied Sao Jaciuto e Wolft ro~tlc8ebledanoSehnappl bullbull IU onall Oct 28 A John F llecgtrch Oct 18 CaptJ H WlUiamaon drowned al Vlrglu Bay

bull Bltte Phlladelphlll 110 and Porter Pol DlIPtBTlIliII B DenJ M AndorfOn it 16 lind Lleul H l lhemRn died from wOl1ld reshynan Alld bilIa Wie Claypipes loynuulw Ofmoral Ii ~ ceived at Ifuata Ocl 114 middot18M

lerlll eh 001 Alex middotJonu commlssiOlld Feb 8 18H Edward O HIIIf naCerrd fMm Ordnance Demiddot LlOnt Col F A LalIIO 4 h c tarharolrbull p tulNMII PlaquoyltlwlII ptl1ment CODllllleslone4 -ug U l85G murderd b1 the med forces opoeed to tbili

T~ O I ugUld III ost 2d Llout J Fiemlng conmlsaione4 Aug 4 S middotS McElroy Oll~ lS OoYelllDlcllh IJlhollt propOllng Itn excbango

DgltS IllS S~HVI9ES 10 Ih citlllns flI OII)AIIOI DUAllfllBllr Imorul LfMfnaoll of priaOneri _rdlig 10 the uaagee of war ~anadjl and vlcmllY III h praete of Ulior E W Rawle commissioned Jul 14 1966 N T~p OOll1tuiu1ooed October 81856 lit Lleus JulllIIIKeilkUled In action at San J

u mOINE SURGERY amp MlDWIFERY Hellry I bullbull POller bull it 14 Eo H 01018 II 8 clnto bull 2nd IlelltW W ~der killed in aClion at SaIl om and OlIidcnce on the lOulhw1 Capt JJfrori Swln~le AprO 11_ J T Booo 18

~r of tbe atleet oppte b _ __ lal Llel~ Il A Carllar Oct 18 I B Vaughan 18 Jaelllto _ 0 0 1amp1100 2d Will B Ulte II Benr1 Hlnea It 18 middotDealba-l0

ent OWG bull ad June I 1 86r 1III0I11UII COIIP raTe _ i - --- Oaptain 1II8r IItTTUIOIi or IlfFJIITIlY J)BOPPBD

i lntitmiddote E c F Ucsse cOlllnllaaioned October t 18fill lt011 cpl A U Hirsh August 0 1866 iL PERSONS hlulng clalma against tbo 8A~IIIU11I1) 11111amp11amp John B MlIIkham commlaa~onod October 10 18511 U A B Wulklll8 AogWltU Ig10

Al ealamp~ of tho following namod deooa8ltlol or Jrft L~lt Lieut ~ 181 Lieut 8 W QuayAug~1I9la5t1-werod I()ulwill presoul tb~m to DIe dulll1uthentieated flonr) O Porler ltmmisslOllou Oct 18 1866 A francie Rudler comllsaioned May Ill l81Samp 8urgtlUII p N lugrahan Sept I 1866 til Or baforo the 1I8b~ay of Dec 1866 otherwie SltCOftIl LilllltJIt lldJfJ1 Brig -Gell 1) de GoiC(lurl Ocl 19 i858 Iht~ will be barred h1 law C DeuulaE lIayuee commissiolled Oct 18 l~e W_ Raymond colllmlaaloned Hay 1218113 Dropped-5 1 CHARLES GORI)EN J K hgall 21 o44IId1ll bullI

I CHARI1tS OALLAHAN OfFIIIIU lINJlTJCIIED ind Leut Fred W JeIeCOlli d lpnl U 18118 n command of WlLLIAM ALItER1ULlUS KIJlL Ooltmll FraIl B OKeef cln~od A rlll 185 GeneIrolllmaUdlngmiddotlnuh~middot 11 pel8Oll8 indebteu to tho eeatee of tho U B Skerrett commillSioned lanltllly Ill 1850 James 0 JOJtUsone f is

ahor c deceated pereaa111 make homodiate pay CaptaiN OhllL B 11 II Pa R THOIlHOiI AdJ Gelleral N A t to lIIe GILBEltl TITU6 F UoncosOIl commllllloned JaR 28 1~8middot FrInk i ThomPecm June 2~ Headq1ampli~rI lfthe AltII1

Publlo Adnilllstriltor O D J Egbert FaIllUDI middotFeb I II Charlea A Waltere 8op~ II Adj General 08ce 8ept ~7 1866 W J Merryman II JlIDe 18 BIrarn BIlIIIIlII II Sept SIl G~ Oct is 1860bull

325ELWICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 3 Sabado 1de Novlembre de l8SS Saturday November 1 1856

- shy

I(OUTINU OlljlONIOLE FILtiloita P1l1GRuTbe Dime of amphept ~EJ[INIE A~M - elttie~middot~~~~M~r hi~Ibtmiddot~ 8I1~C~herortbo pteellhiplraottohoPreal- Vlo~PCOUI amlPletwillb~llIeaodioJurebull U denlW chair of Ibe United l116tee IIM Jolhn FlU- The CoDoltlng rtlmub upon iho Wled th- et alanaing liq~ean~ h6ldiifg mu~eHighCly III d~ f h ~Ilv w a L dmiddot f Bri II B Ihe8boulde aoldierll lite h whoutmiddot aurilljlJ

Dlor~ an a ler avlng hoen bull long tIme In ~ ea m e peu 0 en m- tb kl n k f ~ L Rlla 1- Id I I rom e - bull 0bullbull e 0 I e lln 1_eaplllIy b plrat tiled lIpon a farm In Conmiddot bull n n- on lapr uponevIlr10er 1 when loaded ~Iamph elonty~ve pina of rifte PO-DecdClUI where be ended bla daya NathanIel tho NIlIIl1Iguan Army to road carelnU or ell I~ der endllot rammellmiddotI tt1 Jlillcb leU thtb Flllmortltll _ amp100m hautOt htlndrelland oul bullbulld e6mmit it to momory h I a olea anel or the lIu8kel bllt 11111 too great 10 l)e 6redflOBl

eMy 1-alio When ayoutll be mom to lucid daeJriptlon or the manner ill whlcb amphe Ylni4 ~vrilu~~~~~ ~iiI ~~ ~J~i Verlllon and alded at Bennln~I1 WMtIl b should be M amplid m ampl1 repoy all tbe lI eqWl and holditlght to middotIbbullbullhl)uldbullbull Ihe r bullbull

fho ~Ct beteen Col $andbullbull i Old TOIII IIlId 11 r ltlay~eoq II 8tck Billy chronicled lut week I whlcli 011 Tom wal deolared a ylctor atartcd the 8po~tlnlf men ef tho city and this weft $ IIno hall aoveral asciUllg IIl1d ciofOl _let~ ruCtbullbull middot

On l edu-May ovolIIIIII a moteh was made lind run b woen Oape OcorgltJ Giel Ba alld MA jor Cfty4ecs II Black Billy Distance 400 ards fQr IWG hundred dolla Black Billy n on h7 K clqar engampb

Tho ext-on the me eveninll-IIu a conl t ~IWcel (l18t ~ay nd a d k grey ollJled by BlIvet 1I1lJor LeommJ This race was a try tlOampO~o-ite hors flllming side b1 Ide tbe h~lo tauee Gletmiddot be e as evldolltly overshyweiSb d bleh rul~ed In OllllSillg hDI to lOBe Ihe rA by a dialanee of only a lew feet

The eitt 11 II race Ileween MII)r Caycee u U1Ck~BilY and Col JUlIee middotu (re EMgle The IU ~et upon tho hoN1C8 eltCeed~d lin huushydrM do l~rlI A good llat wbullbull obtained and the hora 01 neck alld neck about lour hundllild yrds ~en the groy began te crawl a IiHe ahesd nd at be winning poet earnll oul n8lll11 holt II I ustb In dYaI08 Bolb boraes appeared t~ be I Chit IIce maoaged well but at Ihe end Ihe lid appfared 10 be In doubl as to wbleb Wamp8 III laater animal and a Dlaleh for two thoushyIDd d Utp Wal eWeeted on the lIeld bylbe Ame horaee llh chanRe of rlders~11 came 01 lhe DeXI ( urad ) evenlol( and Ihe Grey won

Coa UTIOtf or rRIl EIIrllloa or ioU 1111

R~881 e- Bhortly after ill amphe ahlatan had taken hplr pllOea til lfaater of COIemonlel raleed Ia liand and IAfe n ordor In RlI88Ian wbete pi)n tile trumpetl blt9l oul InlO a wild IIId i ln8 8ouah the herald ~ised their Noell In Ibe Ilr and II hllvi~g uncoyoted their _dl pile of Ibe Becretolri t4ll4 tbe prOtlalllashydon w~i~h i8 redem into Engllell 018 folio

Our Inry aUgUStlery high lind ve pulNttOI r Aleunder Nicolalevleti belnll tIlrone of bls anctors heb 18

lIIISiu as ell u upon tt(lSt of Poland and of amphe GrtUld Duchy

of Finlauit which aro Insepllrable t1middotorp II hAA deiW16il to order LDllt the eoronrlon of bls 1m perial iljeS~ nnd his Olltb Bbn lake illace on 1M 2 III of the monlh I Augu~t bis augU1lI epouro lie mprola I1kro Alqxandrovnl pllrtlelmiddot

bull ad celllmooy Tub 8I)lemll Ael the preeut pr~1anltiu 10 all

to the eld that on this hppy redouble ttelt feVotin theil pyera

g of King tba~ Ho middotm spreld by His _ VOlfer His faTO8 dmiddotbl bullbullsinll ou tfiO

reign ~( hi DlaJeat ~t1d tllrougloul it duration Ito nu~y mailltaln peace lind ~Ianquility to the glor) ~f Ills holy nAme and fogtr tho 1I11111terablc prosit of tit emplro

Wl~l ON loLlTlcs-EvelbOly knoYs WilIi8 -Iho peet nll~lky edilor or Ibe lIomu Journal 110 btl III)td matty good Ihinge In his life and tbe following upon politlrs lIod political cRndldltltlli Is bull ot OJtull b~tter ald lh ptople of IgtlcaragulI iU6ppreellltJill

I lind mylolf for Ibo flut tlmo middot111 tn life Inshylml~d for political candidAte or I hould ~1l1r[~IIY perhp~ In 1 Candldalo wililoUl hi politic I II1vo bltberto (10 account S(lDlebat rolllm apparent want of aImiddotlotlsm) thought tbe eount under a hend bioh iliad almost any Ilcor g safe enough It loomed 10 me of vcry liWo IIsnllnoe (10 anybodr but I)m~ oekers) wlulth r 1 whig 1ll1 domocrat wu at the holmshypllblt opluion besidlli being llOgether too wide l~ak hlo ollcated a Olgtnlry for Qlther a blun ~er or l lin of pilotage to b more tban opproadltd So 1M plnlo ft8 this confidence In Amerleas do loSee vlJlol QIUIC)rrllCll1one or bull coo8tilution Ibat ( lIuld lOU beliovo il P) I I~ver Tilted In m tire y

B It wlLh ampho ecnla of the lost year 0 t 0

uoi th n tho intellect oC lbo country at r rk UPOlIlt be grellt queallol8 t IS8ue it would be hard

loge blind 0 Il)len8iblc And yeto

raised a family 01 lis children all but one of pllDI 111111 pmlllil whOm lunln II dnDcM agee anraging oter Di tl U I h VI I ntA b ree ODS lOr S Illi t 6 IU n6 l1ltw6 ~ y ye

Nalhllni1 FIllm_ amphe fatller ot Ibe 4IPra~- [By OIlIllR 01 fUll JoIiIUIiDIlINI(Cillllr] dtnl yet aMieI in Iht elllbtymiddotblh year of bll -_ ge Ho hili been a lAIlUer thougll lite cult oaOkUOE OFFICE l vtlng bia IlllIdamp wiamph hie OWII handa unlil the OllAlIIJgt~ CklObe 28 18H f bull bull bull bull TI U I DA t I h N gt_ mllrmlties 01 ago dISable him Hia mdUIIlriOllt 6 iWU u 1 WI n t 0 _-SIIIl un temp~raw and hnpl~ babill alll6d to A cbeertltl tho American Klnl6 H Is dl~nguebed IlOm the

Fronch BI11leh and RU8IIlun lfiDl6 by amphe IlIperlshyand bopeful mind hA~e secured to him eontenmiddot Oflty otllS sight ThplMa In wbleh tbo noteh II menland a happy and green old ~o n Was iled fOltbe backllthl whlll peoaed between tbe

~ b d 8 Imiddotf U I bOIn in nonnlngtoll Vt and realded tlloro unlil be arrived al IMlhood

bull Near tbe cloae oi the lUI centllly 6he ptIIQlIlI

eml~ted to the Ih wilds or Wesleln New York Tbtl ere among tllo poneer seltlen of Ibat dilrlct of ooUnlrmiddot1I01 aparl for bounly landa

to the aoldtere or 1110 reloIullon knowD as the new mllimr tract rheir IIrBI 100000000n lIIIlu amphe original townlhip or Locke tblt pan of It no cOmp ialng ibe IlIwnahlp or au lime bill in lhamp

bull bull r pnt COllllt of Oa1u$ A slDdt rrm waa purchased In Ihe primeval fort and Iheir enrshygiea lIIl dppllM 10 clearlogAld aubduing n 1M middot In - h III prep g il tvr a 6me Herbullbull III an blllllble log cabin atnld Ihe wUdneaa of nat wiamphla hearing orlld bIa alld Ib8 _nd of the w ed man as Millard WIIS born on he nh of Jan shyMoo bull IIr7 bull

Millard Flllmol( receled a rudlmeDteledlloO tlon In a COIIlltr ecIoolhouae amplid whell et aldmiddot was 0middot_1 clerk In drY gooda 1101 and

ono of particular Inleroll _

r A ~I)rrespolldent or Iho BAllilnore SUII

II t1811 (IOIll amphe White Iulpllur Sprmllbullbullbully Wo have a iva a1lthoress two hundred (~pllllk Ing in round numbeltl) prof9sloualgftmblIf olle bundred membera of Oonellll Alld aboul one

hundred oamphel1l cf equall- doubtlll1 ~eplIltlon besiden membel of tbe New JerHY Leglgtlhttllr~

A N~w SPIO-lhe pltell~ ballot-box of olishyfornln bat 110 learn b1 ilist IIdvlceB betln aold for upward of Ibr thousand dollars fur amphe pllrpose of ethibitlllg it to he minors previous 10 the po plOllching eleclioll h i4 11 Iho handa of Ibe Dellloeflta who espeo to IoUill i~ to good account In Slumping tbe Stale

bull tr lhlolln a celebrated Frenth phf8lclAn It

is ~Id watkabl f~d 01 drugglnJ Oncu htVlOg a patient IIbo diluenlly ad punety swalloed all the 80114 110 onlerlld be W S(l demiddot

lighted at seeing all the vllUa lind pili bo~ empiy bet he hook him by tbe band exolalmlng M d~lr air It really aWords mo pleRsure 0 IIttend you and 70U 4t1lOl 10 be 1111

wurn an nger ( n e Arneriean m) up and down owl wben kpl properly oiledWlterebullbull bed It malllll IIIonary U _ as Ih~p_o of tile thumb and linger ceaeee and doea Dot link by tbe ooncullllon 01 the piece ID lIlng The ghl plall of Ihe French and BrltIah fmle II very atlff 10 Il101 If cloaely titled and If 100 enough 10 Ok euilyls apt to IIIId6 do )7 continnM IIrlDg bleb U Dot observed b1 ampho IOldler Ill mate him Ire ene or 110 or h_ hundred yards abort

The Alinl Rift elltued to the Nicaragua Armyrallg 141)1 )ardL or ahofl dia~_ I haa Dot

06- ~ amphat diltllllClt n 0 d bull d rl_aflelward turnM bis altenlloll to law The Th I II bull I bit __ rid III l re all - Isn lllquHlI I 5 era 0 gneraliy of readers afO acquainted lib hla powderbull Tbls dIart1II cootened In tho llatka === iIIbstquenl CMer 1Uud bl moving die charger of tile lIak 10 Ille 00101 Wise or Vlrglnl bullbull In a recene

aeoond Iiotcb It Is al80 contalt)ed In til eartrdgee speooil concernillg Ille Millou Cumpro1ll8e IIl1ti bull luuedfrom the OrdDllIoeOlllee 1 Ihhl da said The coal or nOlrunulng that hntou

Ibe aceulllOl of tbe ordinary rlfte That Ie to dllt_ on ab_Ugtlltnown to them bUI kno 01gt to ooe hundm yarde Bllt up co 0118 hUll to th luatructol who bould keel a NeoN III dmrarda 1amp IIiU pul ev shot InlO a eIteI 0 18 their obullers whereby the captain or II compa07 Inchee dlallleW1wblob is IlIlBclelll for war pur- would be able to dlslingulsb Ib080 bo pOlWeaaed poses aa II 11011 d hll 110 enelll1 1D amphe upper paH the greatesl lO4 1114 leaat judgmen~ in tIislDlshyof amphe body At onllamphoulandrarda Ih_ rilIea tel 110m men aN found to poseea lI uallllab 11111 Pllt went ttow out of Ibllyln a targr sen In hlch doG t ne acquire it b pracd~fe wid batt 111gb On lhe 26111 Lleue Bart others noe acqlre II though they may maDmiddot wllh n mea 01 amphu Second BllIes Ilml 1m) goo abote The I)e8t tried Judg~botyendthellgto efght rounds flom Ib~ gnu a fenr hundred f_ (~IDamp to rules aflerrds 10 oe __14 dbianee at a lIlIIte lit amphe We lhougb down) regulate lhe dllttance AI wbleb amphe ltb Brlag amph_ guilt for the lint time eleven mn pa1J In acllon aholoI 8el the Iglu8 of ampheir rillel GIlt of the rortyelght ttow 011111 h been hit C F HENNINGSEN Brig Gen

A VIOILUT 1M TllOIIJlLII-A Mr Colemaoamphe and amphOBO whoprefer till meaauHlI mit obtelD amphe President of tb~Som Frallci8eo Vigilanee Commit- same by requiAlllon II amphe OrdnollceOllee lee lately arreated In amphe elly of Iiow Yor( Ilunfortuoately happenM tllal the lJepIIIImtlt at ho suit of man nf tbo uame of Halon ho WIll forced by clteum8lallooeto 18100 lOme ot lOOn lIunbullbull and to Ptlt IOgeamphor cartridges before the

waa bamshed by order o the Committee from oeCleaal1 IWI~uclon8 bad 1Illvod Henao amphe caUrQlltmiddot4 Mr Malon IlIIrIll8~ lhe li(lWmiddotmiddoteaiUiilgeillillfiltColltillileil aUbuFtlfellt gralllS Yllk Bvenlng POlt his onUI) Innocence of en crime or oWnee and lthtrges Ibllt the parileo middotho bull mpmollcd IUId banished hint dlil80 tram ntampllclnua moUvoa mrymiddot aiid 10 goi rid lIf an lICtio c11t zoin wbo condcnmed and esisted the llrocGelloge of tho Corillllte~ middotanll WM about 10 10 lealioony

bull 6 in tile Unltell Sillies Courl at San lranelllCo III n proceeding whicb h middot since resulted III the InUetshylIIent and hnprlaonmont or IWamp melnbe~ of the

f bull

orgAnization at San Fraucisco ~r PlIlcI

to9 much tKlwderbull Ihe effect of which as 0 make IIiIrllI~ kick ~d to burallo bell lberebI dealrolng ftecouNey

lho nlnl6 Rille bill Ole tho ordln ritle tle advlltap Ihat Itma be 1000ded more easily and rapdl h ~ IlIaded wlamph tl~actll tho IIIIUQ rn pldl~y andfaCllty as the ordinary mllllket

Tho ~o llloat Important pollll8ln tbe jedloloUII use 01 thomiddotBinle relo1O Ibo imulIer of loading andto tho IllDner of holdllllllhepleee


To lond ampho 1I1n1~ Plumiddot In the charge of pow Tho question of ho lhls But Will bo settled Ii dcr put Illmiddotlle ball rgtiamphout pap hutllcr If III~

doe lip In CIImiddottrldge d plI tbu ball ImUle wlllloul nhllng Illltliit cI ~hu puwdr-Wbell il1GAUh ilo powde llitllduv IMI1I rod Itllout nen giving ouo amiddotuk~ tIwill 0Il11111~ke Iho pillCo kickbullbulllnd IIOY

coil I tun felt at all mil m~D ualoR 1M pleoo properly ma II Olla hundred ro~nda llholilrecelYing thll smailest braise or feellug Ibe leasl IOreneae

PUcnICK Wml I1l1U1 The proper lact to acllee tbe BinloS fit firt

Ie At Inob~ecton tbea~ beeansuh eIfCI or eve bOII8 Been For thr pllrlo II threemiddotlIIailea have boen plaoed on Ibe lako III lb water amphe two outer flake belug ten f t aparl Thll cel 1ft slake ill tbe h t 10 aim at The etlceil ~I(

h d- 0 eo h b (lne un yrds froln t e abol two und arde from theaborelhrbullbull more atakea Ire plfteed three btll~red yardo Ihroe 1110 takes avdao onup to onll toousand l abulldmiddot

JII1I9111G DtflmiddotUlIOIIbull

WheD holIer the sllooter knowing Ihe dill lance aI whleh be ill fring hOl8 Obtained eudlelenl proticlenoy II I 81111 ne_~y (in order 10 hlaeapon 001111 Ihe bid) thllt he abou14 l1Ian eaIooate known dlatao_ oorreellroampherise if he bas ligbted too ~igh or 100 low he may conllnue to aboot ~er Or under in the t1eld herll freqllt1y be - ~ot aee where 0of bla aholll 81rikee 10 correet hla etro~ On this accouo$ men sho 1d bit plBCllo1 10 guess at

If) lIccurae of the Ihot ~llher by pulit Il~ laquoO~ in PQ8tmiddotOlfice BuDdmg ~hapeof the ball or II) kllIin~ ) I HI-bullbullI bullbull ofo I 1866 IrOll cap whleh It cunulllli1 11 h lt~ plJlldce toIliPputO Ihat allY lt1111= T I E 1 O xrWK~ So I IUllnZQ Wl UtIIDLW not ramming nOlll provlltllllg th e~t tmiddot Kew~II oiande ampI Alandlln mON thMlI Ce IlIcbermiddotuhe IC I

WItlllbe gUIloulalromlullK lir q uF bg ABROGADOS

wbereas Wbtll Ie wipet 1111 IOlldc(1 gUll lno nextGmiddotpmiddotlitieRI thol)rlts 80 In_III) aropart A WIIUlltrE tBoUT TUII AOIl 0 Bo_-A llIIt blow oiIt tbe dbl lndM~9 tb~ ham1 8Ul1Ishy

PIRtampmiddotm (tlnll Abovo nil 80 01l01 m3Y Ihe chang few das ago we met a ~~lIemall from Ahlban~ cielltly bull ho e 118 1 lece of IIIforllltlOll hi re fli 10In II 0 of e~olll8 require p1tllltll CHIOl with lit- 118cuJtnlng thePage of a borde arlO boOf abo HOLDIIIO TlIII PIECIl 110 orln~ Iuf~renee 10 plrty Iheory o~ party platmiddot Ina paaaed Ihe niMb 7ear IIhicb woo 1I0W 10 Ill It I tbelntlllioll of tho tolnMllderlnOblcf rorm~ that It _ms 10 lIIe 0 should look mosbQn~ will be wo are lure to ~OSI of 011r flad 1~III rar M 10001Iiblc lit MiIlie ~iUIlll sh11 be it no~ oly II) tla~ lalityoJ la mlII-wtat ollr It8 tills ancr Illtl borao nblo YCIId lId l d$IIl~lItud ~ IlIeIl Irued) aCljlllllPlLtllYltl1 Ibtl CAlId t I wlI1klo comes on t~e oolid M he uIper corner II 01 tho 11110 Now Inen 1Wu41om~d to ~ha

I to I~ 11 nAtllte and culture retber thallio of Iho lower lid lind overy ycar IhcNltIItIlmiddot II h~ urolmRI rilo ltleil ck~ bllt 1 very amRlt bt Itt pai11 prnf8lSioD8 or bis 1IInt(oD promi ono well ltlellnld wrinkle fotmiddot ovor) 1 ()v~r nlllol cimrgtgt very pruperly reat 11111 bu I of tbe stock Jt~ If for Istancr 11 hor~u baa Ibreo 1It1kll$ bo I~ alililst tbo IIrmiddotlI lstnnd idew)~ to I U obJImiddotcl

or tho dnUlP~kllilJ ~f tlut ulnbtvttlmiddot~middott l~ ~lltit ~ III 11 tlrearmo 1amp lable 10 uck It 1lt tmiddotumiddot- Tbllll4obltcd by ubg II IVirh cmiddot 10 Ib~ end of Ill nUbrod 111 whillhwiii W u1 tOIlr with ~middot~aracrw on rUII he OIIuarlllll Oftlee TtU$ wlv~r iu ltretlaquo btJlImiddotmiddotC COIUCllcItg pacllce anIII bull ill U etWh~V8r amph 81100101 finds lhh hi Ii ill bishyling 10 CO dj)Y1I with ditllcul~ h -lImllI Iler lodll)g b~U btore ~plig ~ tbn I w~Ir once or IWCO dowlI tho buI lnu middottlt~ ~Il tlttlt is to l0080n the cakHl puwllll on tho 1lt11 1 tilG bltrmiddot reL 80 tIlen C8Jl11 ul lloc lIud tk~ 1110bullbull11 h~pB to clQl tbe gUll by bluwlu til dill Hllilre h Ill tI lUauuemiddot ~II imlldred h y be IIr11d rO1 018 pleca WIIlO1 ~qr ~1Ibg Tile reMOI wh) be I not III pu~ 1110 wIImiddot~r (11 thuuuoad bull plcCIl I brea_ II woul~ )lt) lhe bciJ dalllp anll tbill~l chargu Iul In fluid b~cOlDe IOml Ihem k

Paoillo lIlarmiddotb valuod thulO Virginia We no get a Ihouaand dollars for eounthlave we would then haye gollen from tbree 10 IIV6 1)U8Ad dot Iar8 rer an operaun it tho gold IIlInea ot middotOaliformiddot lila four hundred thoa mulllpiled b Ii- amphousand or even amphree tbousand will ahow _ mm_ lose Ollllpu1lon rdollam would nO compe~~ VI1l0ia for h~t 1088 III not rllooing the IIl1e on to llie Facillc

E I 0 nwtll L 84111gtpound WHo DAHOLlIfl



GRAilraquo 110AItAuUA 11ESSRS Kewen Simd~r8amp UanlUn III praeshy11 lieo In aU the COIlf~ of ~b Merilloual and Orlentel Depalments Rnd In tbti D~ptlllent of Le

PArlicular atienlilln 11111 be given to tbe reo covey Qf cl~ima ugainSl the GOvcrnmmiddotnt

lJ~oIbullbull mortfg leNlet Ie promply 0 ClIlel nd on Ii oralmiddotlermbullbullAI ow llId mo~ey brokerage busto will a lage tho AllenllOIl ofi6 finn bull

Q RAN A DAN lOA It A 0 UA bull

I~bull ~dlnrogtq REWEN SANDERSY IlAN IgtLIN ~jl)roosn lol PIOlesiOl1 de illmgllria ell tOUOllt los trihulltlle8 lj~ 103 t U d I 0middot l )tmiddotplIlttmlnt)8 lerl I()I1I1 v rleR

Y ~n el Dgtplrt~ento 00 Leon bull So dllrk atencIOII pnrticulllr III eobro If)

Imiddotmiddotdlm cr contlll dl1 gllhi rllo Itd 1Ijpotoc3~ Arrenimionto~

t ~ bull tc 1~n eJIIQlIlndos con IWOlIItlt y fllmiddotemiddotto~ mudeladollt TlmlJieu 1111 ocel1p~rall Itn rillgoeJoo do

I(rretagl el biencs rllice y dimro -- 1J h bull dIe= e~II1~e ~ en I Ctml 0 orr(~braundn NOlclObrc 1 de 1856

dup 111 jnll oIUII LOllt IN ampho early patlof amphb foe LAlfJ) W ~ 1tNT fQ IIvc hundred nCI ttl (If Innd drallO III fam of Col R J SJiltlors X_res hlTJ be~n takon 10 rendtr It of no e tlcJpt to the per8Ol fOl who It wns drtITIl WllOttOr ill It 10 ill NiiAlIguonao ollWe or to me ltiU bq suitably N11lIrded

OOL E J SANDERS GIlladI NQv 1 1836 1I~nrr- L~hUet

uvolll~ell if fOllt heiathirtc611 Ad til 11111 th) ro liillgt whoroby hcy do MtIlSeU1I$ nUltn~O-l tlIUiTISSuillrsa ETlqoE1TB - ceordiug tl 1 Iotc b IIf dliklea to nine atd YOII will hIV 111 Iltilgll lIlIk tu 1100 OIlOPI) lll~ ill mU3(~tlriug I 1lIorfwlit~r It III etiqueue fOf pelllollll of infot1or io So says the genUeman 811d Ito Is cOIIampuUI1 it lIee~y 118amp th~ 1I)~lcr shluM 3fIIillnL iIIder~ his pl)feMional lampniCCl

mnk io I~ol their healtia IOlVor han tho belds f 1111 Mef tail A a coo~ n~uy I)~I 14Vlllw I~ ltlec b I liing u 1111 rea tho muk(jt I to lhQ citi3Jlls of Graoaolo U ill bull bull I) horsts over Int a i$ wily tmiddotI II lIIc IIu I RIMtle amiddotIJ(lr amiddotlIe~middot in to tbe bll$O of Ih I hg l )0 found al tb Dosplt)

thelr l4ltupoOItI Iberefore wben a nabob aClOp I hOIampo dOll mutt slvo up liis trlt1~-lllonlllc I k s C lil middot1middot is ho ~1I1101 d) if Iro anda middotVmiddotIIm mbJnrtt _h_SjtflU ard sl~1 get Oil 1 (ltllIf2 Plnntel I aiemiddotx bullbull )1 ~ 110 bllU of hl~ pcco OraMd Novetllbe~ I 1~amp


328 EL NICABABUENS4VoL ~ No 52 p 4 Sabado 1de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 1 18qB

I But tberemiddotII point from wblch ~bl anbject

lhOnldIv _ad IItperlor to Iny mere Idalphaselt [Jittr ague ns t of tbe -i Itmiddotl6-how ~be buy tb deed In Ibla counll1 efFects th Ulag_od thlemiddota 011 1111shy

Saturday lIlorniD~ Nov~ L middotportanamp Dllrlnl the dry aeuon In thll coUlltry Itl Yer

HON COL 1QHl( H WHEELER dUlicuit 10 dig a gra or luDlclot depth to pro-

Thl amptnlleman wh has eo ably repreiented Int th polloDOUS paeafronl eacaplng 11110 the thII Jolted Bta1e8 ~ North Amerloa In thll couoshy

trl darlbg ahe varlbos oTillgea and atartllng Inclshydeata of tjle pasl two years Is we regre~ to 8Iy boul 10 dpar~ rom IOIOllg UI on a Iall to the uAiI~1t1atelo Hia beallll bu baeD of lale very _b brokllD IDd we InRir hI vlalt to 110 and nf bil blrtb 1JI1~ ~trellKthen ble fIoame by Ita Ron iov~t1i11 j~lIoaplire

_B rIOre will exolte a rept In the breut oC emf American In Nlosraguau blA aCQ4mshypUIIlliiilitt genlfemin bl aliampTl~y U )lInll~r

hII klndneas nd urbanl~ u a man and bis dieln lereledp u a friead ~as altcady g~lned him ~eliru~t ampad rove W~e~ver he goes tbe good wiebe or all who

uo-Iollllid thllCOI1iItry wlll follow hhn alld we trlMt at before la_IIY weeks we m ba middotth p~ule of Innoucbg Ita relum We wlab blm lfIe_t voyage



ED namp BURNED III II tbe dlkion ofthmaln of de

-r-~4 P llOD8 bas been a aubJectof Ihe promiddoteIQlUld98t ~iionUoo Wbh I~ are conDected the _tldenta of the warmes~ frlendlhlp tbo ileepetl eiltnltlbJl aud tlrelDost eaorad Ibougbtamiddot of tin

1iChaft~~ ~horo II anhll~lotl ID maDwblcb 1111 pell lilllll ~T8IlI wltb grea~ cate tbe romulD of his fiIampir orbullbulltur fbi ay bit esclted 10 pari by feeUng ibat we onl7 do IS we would be done

liJ toutpefhapi ~e -eat IncoU o 10 tblerupecl btl tbougllj that lhe Iplrll of lifo whleb anI -1 olampy before UI tnay be 1I0W before thea~llioron or the OIt High and Ihe nmdna tITeRlO WQJD 0101 our ioevltable dellliny

Tile IIIl1Dn of buryins the dead bas been a _II I _t I It f I

I ~Io Iou bleb ata n w w PlOCseda from deelylng

18tatabl We know tba lata1dlleuea are brollgbl ooby Innooulillon and hat I man canmiddot nn~ be Innoclllaled byanrlblllg mo8 dllllcul1O

L__ b

a~moephere and spreading lIIalri ampIIIong the Iiv-Ing The~ Iulso bull common oUltom among peoshypIe of th Ialler dayuo bury ~ remalDi of porsonl of no~ In nulta un~er the 1l00rs of cburchet and those In che dmp and gloom olihe luliterratiean cbambers In decomposing p~ddl_ and death among Ibose wblJ honored ~bn blloll logj Uld IUppose they thUI Ihow rpeet to their memory aner dealb h ta unnec_y to r8fe~ to the dangar of those who dIg gr In a Iae of OO1IIl11on Inte lIIent or how onen they como In contaCt wllb the polsoo of deeolOpoelng Jleah or wbat a s~ amount of dlseue Ibere II engendered bi the poleono pBel of sucb places by bel~g waRed amoog the habltatlonl of Ih~ IiVldg The evil elllcta or 11 tbeae clrcumstences ara Incalculable

We can onlyarrie at theamprulh In suck C8IU Iy Ulalol1middot W know that the gue_ of decumpoeo-Ing ~o~tsble mattedo swamps produce d98ues of eryerloll8cb~ractars wo know tbat on thla account 11 nu countrl are I_ healthy ampIian whera Ialor huefllleted a good drainage and ~bat higll dry land II more condllclve lOheal~h and Ions life tlian damp low Incamp We knowIi Ii Id- b I

JO tat ep em1 realmiddotoutmiddot1I parts of cl~le wh garbage ta a1lpwed to coUeet and tm1~ an eDlu~a Id we know also tbat gases from d cylg anllllal blatter are more daJlgelOUi and

The Late lnliulttlt the US llag I In olHla w publlebed a record of eiiollUng

eta All to tbe IneultllllC oonduc~ of ~e oIlied forces of Guatalllla and San Saludor toward the AlIlerican Oag the Mlnl~r of ~h8 Ulli~od Slates and tbe cold blooded murder 01 unarllled

American cltlrens But thll record dark and demiddot grilling as It Is te humanity WIS bulholf dlacload Dally circumstances of Dlulder _lnltioD and robl)e07 commltted On Alllericsn unarmed clll lensre being brought to ligbt which place the Governmenta of Gualeblala and San SAlvador bO yond the pale of ci illzallon and eta p them u BaIlon of ouUaw cutbro1e and bAndl~18o

Tbe accompnied allldavita of Cap~ Dunlcan and ~eut Gardner prove ~he diabolical IMurder of a Utile boy whose only offenco was being born In the Uolted Sla~ of wbite parenta and bnlng a while face

Doel not iIle blood of every frlcnd 01 humanl~y of every nalion ehudder at euoh ~Iroity Will not tbe lII08t eage and barbarous nallona of tha darkest agel of anllqully rise In judgment against luob uaboly and bloody deede _

tait of cOmpany D Fir~ Rille of tbe Army ~( ~be Republic of NlcaraguI and made oa~ ~haj

On Mon~ay the 1~11J October 18D6 during f

attack of h combIned foroea of Guatemala a d Ban Salvador on the city of Grallada during ~ e ba~le he approached ~Ioe houN of Mr JamoA Smi~h on the street of the Meulah opposite I e Churcb of San Franclaco f-om wbole bouse t e enemy bad been drIven out and he there lAW Q

tho arms of hie flher thamp dead body )f a about seven years old who bad just been murd bull ed by 1100 onemy whose body as horribly 10

lated ard deformed Mr E nllb was unc~~ nected wi~h ~he Army and como u a aettl9r~ NIcaragua He appeared hear~-broken and d shycOllsolate oxclalmlng tha~ he wished tiont loG co d bove sutrered In his child place Iln I tha~ in th amp alllnts opinion I~ WII and i ~he determlnallon for ~ho lovadillg forces 10 violate every rul of clViI~dwarfare and justice IDd lIIurdr eory Alnari n In Nicaragua J DUIIICJII

Sworn to before me this 21th October 1866 JOHN H WHEELER U S Minller

middot1 do hereby cortify tlia~ 1 W88 preBent wllh ~ taln Dunicnn aDd of my own kbol~dg 16~ abore aDldavit Is true In evel pa~ticuIRr

R p OAlIIlIpound1I Fi t Lieutenant Company E Firat Ri8es

Swonl to before me thIs 21th October 1866 JOHN II WHElLER U 8 MiDiter

oor8_ t e ~_Ing lIull of ble fellow maand would be reapecteo b all lla~IQDs even tb tho Amerlean 8a8 would protect him rba~ ~c Now u the guea whlob arise from vegetable most IIInge Bul how vain wu lhat hope I Let Lawless very frequehUy came to him 8 thOlmiddotMnmiddot lIIalterlo a atate or decAY appear 10 be lIIucb hll plunderod 1001180 bls murdered remaina tbe tay Goveroor of ~hll Dopartment in blthrfi mciro ftal thllD ~ODtact w~b Ihe solid_ from wblcb bodies of Iii f6110wmiddotclizen tbe mutilated bunting tb Datives o~~befllo~lnldt for whdOlll hIe perforbi th _ numeroua IC_ a bull n n au w lOBe rup bull

_ AO~ re lImiddott e lllallnorl 0 nu rolli tar llIImemotlalIiimiddot lome oountries oj E8YP~ ~~e present ago ought to be luDlclent to ri~ i9bIaDcie Dluch IDg epulty wu expended In enmiddot bove anyprt)UIIIce orallY old cuawm which haa ~orlng ~ lr~ee~e bodlel (rom decay anltl been haaded d~D t WI frolll ~pe~o~_bClo the the Orilllai ftcc~ of all burl~11 WII law ofnelilUi wee but lIttle s~OOIeil or known -0 --uOD of die body At tbo far Notth and auggoat auch remedlca as wlllleslen as far AI

whra th tro~ king relgnl many lDootba III ~he poIIlble the causes oC dll~uo bull

ey ann mut 1ler tbe~ 11011 II 110 the caso with tbe ps8I 101010 arise frolll putrid animal mellmiddot UleI If thll II eo thqenlightonment of

yar and all anImal de~omp08ltloD II auspended t

ibrough Ita etrecta tbe etrort 10 tilDes of 19oorshyihc mIght be aUPlosed to be parliaUr aucceBBful 11 Ii eeD no DO uncommon tblng to be ~oemer II tbat b would nollike 10 die In a

amputherll counlry on ac~ollnt oftbo audden decay ~ hll remaloa 1111 sontewhat remarkable tbat bile Nort~ern natlolls eYen In tbe most ancIent tImes burlod their dea~ In tile pound Ibe peo-DIe or the Southern countrl buroed tbem Thle wu ~bo cultom or Sou tbern Aala And Southorn E~op In our IlIgUsh literalure to tbll daTI ~wlng from oll Oreek we frequoutly her t)ili )ihnae peacmiddottomiddotI alhea I

1be Greeb a1wav burned 1100 bodle of their Wualrlou8 dud and In our opinIon thla lain many respecta lIIucb preferable 10 bllrylng_ bull In burnIng u lru tholr CUltom the ashea IIIlght bo carefully ciflllected and plaee4 In an mamen~ed urn j hero llOuld laDd wltbout otrendlng tho senses In the bleb of the temple or In tbe private aparl

m6llts of friends til Ihls manner I~ wu alwaYI In the careoilboao rho respected It and In wboaemlllol7middott wumiddot dear_ Tbo asbes of Ibe great mbl In Ihose dal1 beaeD~ fro plRce to place mldgled llb IIampYO7 locenlo receiving the roapocl due the blemor or Ibe Blirlt which pYa It lnishy

middot1111110110 In Ileae dy the remoYai oC a corpae croaten bOlrOr In all wbo 1ra1 wllh It not 1mshymedlIlotorealell to say nothing of tbe danger 0( belna In coplact with so Ruch rot~nn alld putrofotlon Ona balpound of Ihe borror of death con sists In the Idea of tho bedy pu~rU)lug io the e~ 4 Wng an obJect of loathsomene18 upon lJjlell worm gMiI and riot How much more pluinlmiddottw Idea of ha log the ashea carefully ptbelllllj amplid ~pi perhapa 8weamptlt aeented aa DOW ieepodaguerreotyp08

W~_ uale lhe aallsfactlon It would no lIfIorithe litem world to ha e preserved the

middotashe oIllli~Q Ot lIIilikapeore i or wbo can guess the care otmiddot venerAtion willi whleb the Frencb would ~gtrd the ashes 01 Napoleon or with wbat yeneratlon Americana would guard tbe reshymai1 ofWaabington h la truly to bo regretted that aU whlcb Was mortal oC tbose i1ulrloUi per sonages Isoow IndlltiDgubthable from ~hecommon eartb or tbe remalna of ~he earcasa of 80IIIe brow

There ta t~ls dvanhge ID burning bodlea OTCr burylDg tbem that IDltead ofperlnlltlng them 10 cauao dlaeue aRer death Ihe nry act of burning puriO ~he aIr It II lupposed the great plague ot London WII IoIICIted In lie ravagea by Ibe groat

Ore whlcb burned the greator parI 01 tbe city Ono thIng Is certaill iC history II correct that Ilthough Itraged with foarful voIoeelmmedla~lr hefore It ceueo to exll aimoillmllledialeit lifter Iho con8agratlon It It now a common pIlodco to fullllgate a roam In whch a parson baa died and doowrs ad 1ae boao who Yliit he remainI of a person ~hat lou died of cholera orany olber conmiddot mgloua dlieal to moke a cigar or plpo-tlo great

a purifier II fire And eelUng pr~udlc aside III~ Is after all

lIIuch more dealrable to be cooaumed by lire ner death than to rot ~n be devoured by worms alld 118 tbat eoaduccl well 10 tbe praseryallon of tho Ulng u to the retallling tbe uhes of tho de ceased we would fbor tho adoption of Ihe CUllOJll

In thle lOuntry It was the generoloplDlon In Granada Ifter Ito

batlle of the 131h of October tbattbe great nummiddot ber ot theonemy which wu killed would produce tbe cholera before they cluld be Interred DurnshyIng tbelll bnmedlatal would h prsvenwd tbe posilbillly of auch 1 p~llIful circumstanoe and would hve puriSe1 the air 01 any polsonoul gnaee wbleh might already slated 10 it

On object In ftuggeatlnlf thle II more 10 call tho 4tenllon of the publio u well 110 medical profeaslon 10 Ibe anbjecl chin 10 attempt at tble tim to dllcUBB Ihe m W are howovor under tile InlproBB Ion that If Ibe tlustom of burnshyIng the dOlld Inatead of bmiddotlng them were onco Ialrlylowoducecj It would In tbll lall~ude prove higbly benellclal w tbegenfral hulth

A Nw 01ft The Phll~dciPhia Mint hujull IMued a cent wblch II described as COlliposed or 1It88ven parb copper seven of nickel and one ohine 11 lou a lilht appearance with a faint red tint alld la In beautiful contra t with the Ameri cau a1lver nd gold plecea and will not u the old cent did tarnlsb thelll by oon~ol The weight of the newll only aevell~y-to gralnl-Ih~ of the present copper cenl la olle bundr~d and sixty ftghl

Tbe aDldavlt allo appended of (len fry u to LIG~TION or UUTID STATES or AnRIOA~ the nlurder of Ifr Lawl pro es Mr Lawl IIEAR Till REPUBLIO or NCARLOUA ~ earnest desire to presee lob neu~raliy in all 1100 Tbis day camo before me Birkett D Fry Bri dUBcoltiel wblcb have beset Ihle coun~ry of nis dier General ArDIto Nicagua Uld made OI~h blgh lOlled chacler and Integrily of conduct Rnd tbatshyorh pcrfeat oonOdeoce ~ha tbeaegis of the Bowasacquainted wllbJohll D LmiddotI~uaimiddot Amnoan fIig was amplyiuDlclent to prolect bis the month of Oc~ober 1bullbull1 Ihat having been rl liberty property IIld lif Be badmiddot een as cofmmnd of Ihls cl~y durn the greater POrllrshy

0 he past year he lou Ircquentl bad occbullbullI~ llIralloea (rolll the blgbeat aources tbat no Amori- 10 tallt wilb said Lwleas of Ibe polillcal atrairsio can wuld woder so far 1roII home that the pro- tho State of NiCllragu Tha~ the MId LRle tacling and powerful arm of tbe United Stat- s unifOImly re1beed 0 take ny part InarlUa wlti wal Dot over him lie reiuaed 10 COlli wilblo IheAforcea of lttI~nerol Wdalkellrdsaymg Iat hOe ~ri an lIIe can CI zen an re e upon Wle og o the line of onr Irclo mlylng oo~ho middotpeo~lon 01 his counlr for protecion_ Tba~ a(~r Oeoer Ibol Uulted States aDd Ihrew out beforebis house Walkers force marched upon dual and a few the Alllerican 8ag tba~ In ~Is patriotlo beart b hours _before Ihe auack u~D Granda loa urgtd fel wu honored in every laud anltl on every sea thbelabdblAdwl_11edto comde WtllIlI hila Ilhnol degb

f dle~fen~~w c e eo n to 0 expreaa ug s e Ie I ~

tom b the enemlee sllot and lbe loor of tbo Lo- alld good will he leetDed to pOSle That ~ ~ gatlon house perloQ~d bytboballe oftbe onemy Lawless had reaided for several ye a paa~ inOmiddot testify nlda apoKe tbe In~uago of ~he coulltry 8ue t-

Iy and WIB extensively engaged III IIIcrcalltUJ~ 10 ancln~Rome ~he exelamaUon lam a Ro- e~ita anil had mall) 01 tho nolives In hia ORlPi bull

mIlD cillzen arrested the falling blo of Ibo IIc- Tha said Lawlen justly ellJoyed the reputtti D

lor 10 fOmer ~oys ~n II the great Republic of for great pbllanthropy And unamp~~middot~~t tile North In 0 aayo ofJakson It is the bouth of ~ e loll lory of tha~ day ~hllt no American cltl zeD ever luWered lny In~ulT abroad without reo

dreu WefcOIlaurolhnUhesnm08plrltnowanlmatestbe

United Stateamp and ~hat tbe same feeUnga ~hat dlcmiddot tated tIe Kouta letter will be roady to defend Ibe rigllts aud proico~ tbe lives oC InDoeen~ AmerieRn



Thll 4ay came before 010 James II Smitb wbo tcatlO tbat he emigrated from Ne York clLy whero he hu resldcd for two years In the steaol ahlp Tennc88ee for Nlcaralua on thOl 1 III Sep tember laet accom~RRled by his three email chll drell lor the purpole of cultivating hind and satshy~nllg In Nicaragua lIo is by protession a taather

That on Sunday the 12th Inll an alarm of an lltack was made by the foroea of 9uaternala and San Baladof on this ci~y That be no~ crediting

S b bull h 2 hOb I 56worn ore me t IS middott cto er S bull JOliN II WHELER U S diolaler bull

I [ 0 F F I C I ~ L ]


ADJUTANT GENEIULS OUICpound J Granada Oct 26 186G

1 SOLnnRI--Each day demonstrates more cle iT ~hat tbe war we are wagiftg Is ono of IIUlh apl AI falbood of clmoalion againat barbarism GI satisScd wllh the bloed of lonocent cilicnssb d a~ Granada-with n appetile Ilnllghler h 1shyled by the nt_Ore 01 helpleu cbildren and b 11 ministers of CbriIIIII~y-our IIIvage foes II f

added ano~hcr crime to tbo long liRl reco d asaiDNt ~bem Thoy han sbot Lleu~ Col Lal wbo wu IRken by tbe n a prisoner of war 80 0

It)8 ngo At ~i1e very time thl_ cold-bloodedaal ofcroe 11

was boillg colDlIItted an exchange 01 prioa r was bciu proposed by tbe comntandermiddotinmiddotc er

tho Jolarmj wntto tholltlloplzaa8110r~dlitance If tbo Guatemala forcos WI~h an lona~a bull When tbe (ote aptearod and commenced an ac tive 8Mng ot musketry and Mlni6 rille wblch otlt off his relurn Tho foreee then approacbed 10 hOllie wbere bis li~tle fRmily wera seated ~ dillshyner consisting or a boy Frencb Berbert born In New York tlty on Ibe 6th March 1849 two lrirls one fI and the otber Iwo yeare 01 Ige 1hey were seated witblo three yards of a large wludow which opelled 011 ~118 street One of lhe troops approached the window and taking delib erate aim fired at 0 lillie group the I)all grazed the chin ef the fllrl nurse and atrlklilg the bo In the lower part of his face paselng out of the neck broke tbe plllol obord killing him instan~ly TIe reat 9f the children wee concealed iinnlcdl-

IDg for ~reacbe he bad smoolh WOrdl and Ii ~ sullmenls on hll Iipa wben he was In the act t murde

Tbe mnatlon of Lln4 show he ndlito of the ollemy wl~b whlcb we baYe 10 contend f Ibe sollie lan~age andreligion wilh tbelUself they bad nOl agains~ hilll the lying excuselmiddotw Which ~hoy are wont to justi~y Ihe murder of American citizens Nothing bu~ ~be love of til d aod ~he cowrdly loatlllc~ of tbo savage Call 0

urged for tho execution of thd Cuban palrlot Let ~ben soldiers a Bunle of tbe jUltico G d

grandeur of tbe C~U1e In which wo aro CDgae nerve ua lor the fullilmellt of tho Iftak wblcb I bull before us Remember that you luWer aud It

awly III an adJacen~ housl by the nurse under agio to redeem ono of the 10eUest 01 lalld_ ID bed hlle Ihe ~roop Ibreed tho cuing of ~ho barbalian rule aud lavage despo~lam In such a wlndo the door being fRBlened and resiatlng all Oft IIHO 118 t~is who ould 1I0~ gladlf eudure II ~ IV Iheir oRllrta Thoy then entel8d and searched In dayoCprl alion and fdtiguo r 10 would n I vahl for the cbildren Tbey plullucred tho house undcrS1l aome lillIe antrering and danger for I ~ of all bia iinpleonpnta of hUlbandry clo~bing gold sake of IIvlllg his nalllO enrolled amoug the be o and allvr walcllcs mono aDd valUAble of faotors fJf the rllce 7 amount 1lI0re ~hao two thoueaDd dollars ~ 2 Lieut ltlol ~ A LaID6 aiddemiddotClImp 10~ tbe

JAKa8 n SIITD Commandor-in-l)hler having bean brbIrOO~ Sworn to before me this 2~tb Ootober 18DO murdered bylhe enemy without ProPOiDg An shy

JOHN B WlIEELIlt U S Mini4ter change (If prlaoners i~ ie directed Ihll~ Lie t We do bereby certify that we reBlde In tho Col Brigido Valderraman and (Ja pt Bern~r 0

nme houle II~h Jamee H Smith Faq nnd 01 Allende be shot Ibis aernllon 11 6 oclock In Ollr own knowledgo the faclt tn~ed In hla aDldo vlt are Irue lu evcry particular


Sworn to beforo rno thl 27th O~oher 1856



Tbl day calllO bofore one Jamea Dunlcan Capmiddot

tbe plftZ of thl clly 3 11111 Gen Fry 19 charged wth tho esccullta

of the abovo order By command of WY W AUrER

Genernl-Coml~andng-in(jhipI Pn n TnoIlPBOII AdJ t Gcn N bullbull

~ h Is atato(1 that PrInce Albert 1038 b~~~t 111 Clllll1nOUe tract of lInd In AII9tralia Vbic1o1n nbout tnty years will tetulnabollt ono thou811 ~ i tlII10S oa much tIS all ~h~ amp Coburg alld Obi

In Germany put logctbor I

329NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 7 Sabado 1de Nllvlembre de 16561 Saturday November 1 1856

i lit I ALGO NAB BOBRILBL Dl4 UJ 1lJSOUOJON lIerosoaeajuitA al Cllpilitu delliglc y Ie r t t lIJ S 11 n1J R ea mlUlgrato perdmar que CIIstipr aunshy EqulUtlvo y aUII n_Slnll) nos parec Menelter earetrogradarlllol mM remomiddot que eata lIluy pronto a IIOtrar en el UIO

toear la materil de que vamos neumiddot t~s tlempos de barbirle yde ldlo~lemo pa de juatas represaUae lIa cual rere IU tS II Into NOT I de 1836 pamos no obstlnte haberll8 tratado en Ill1Icontmr el ejempl0 brutal a una Ie- naluralom 1 10 demandaren las circlin A WI ~ 101 1)umells anterloJel aunque nu cion quI Icsban de (omeler en Maaaya stanciU De consiulente 108 prl~ionrOl

JUEBPO VE ARTILLSJIU 4 tod I degtlt1d I I d I d 1 - ft -- con 1 1 ~que mereee por mf~ 01 Jenera ea e I IUfZaa iii on I heridOll lIOn tratadlll eon 10 mllyor be El lierpH de tLitiHerlll ha tomado un destla de lOB IRdmdus que 11 rlllawon Guatemala en estos lIltlmOl dia des- nignidad

ClIPCI) 0 imllolltmto bajo 11 direoclon del puesto que cl1ml mlmos t(lIl1aron una puea del ataque de aquella plllza I de Queda PUIIII demOlltlldo que falto8 de Jele I Henningsen IIventndo jofs de esa parte actin en los sucea~s Las buenllS las acclone quee Ilan referido ya tn 10$ fe ell itll mall s1 mnes compromiaos y Grmllj iuyos cOllocimientos Ie ban didO aceiones dlbon refe~lrse mlnuciollme~te d~8 humerns anteriores de elte periodlco de oumplimiento en sil palabra como mi MmladianQ $010 en los Estadol Uni Sin temor ~e Incumr en la tacha de dllil Vlolando 108 mas gmdos Plotos ma- Iitares 111 jefell do lIB fuIiIBs enemlgat JOI I nn fuora de ellos Es do cele- sos tnnta par que e8 un trihuto dllbido al lew reeonocidos univerenlmente y 0011middot flftll Incohado COIl ol ftlsilamiento flel Co brillS la recision y tino con que dh-ije m6rlto Cuanw por ue line de est-imulo aiguadol en aI derecho de jentel de una ronel lAid y aUI compslierea despues IRS bo 111111 Y granadas al punto que de- a100 d~mAA NOl oontraenos al IltaqU(o Inanera ~n ep~icita se han colQcsdo en de baber aupllcado el callge Y d recibir $igna uinnentaudo y dUlheando progresi qu~ re~I8~6 oatil piau dede el deee del una posiCIon odlo~a dtgrlldftnle y eceemiddot un Indi~lIo en este sentido un Miatem vame te las distnl1CIU siempre con el pUlIdo II 11 una de Is tarde basta las crable Indlgna de hombrea que 8e tltulan elttlaordin~rlo de gtlerrA que nosotrol nei nitID Rcli)lto Q inerrnble direocloll ocho de la maAana del diR siguiente milltare 10 temm~s puesto qf8 teMm1 mlobos Tolft los dias hay repeudos ejerclcioll y Buellas y lumlnolWl lIOn I referenoiaa fnmedlamente dupuee de 101 c(lneablmiddot prlonfrGS cODtrllrios y que hlta Is te()k~ IiOletas evohuiones en las que prl()ti~ del Coronel Allen Mayor Clyeee ftc dOl acunteomlento8 vino eata cludad un siempre hiL sido patente la slIperiodatide ean j Sefiores oficlales y 109 soldado8 pero notamo8 qne a~nqueliglran en 1 correo conduciendo una comunieaci(m nuesms armal Ahorl bien ~ Sol se nell ~tmn maravillo8(1lllIIte lisw de 108 que 8e distlnguiertm 81gllnOl de los jetea eN as flllrzas enemlga8 en la VOllOtroa 101 que hahllis habmdo de vanshy

En3 ClInnto 1 numem do indivitluoB numbres 110 ell con el tlIplerclol que que IIOlicltaban aqtlll1l08 del Jeneral dalisimo de Bomnidadea y oims cosa~ perbgt ecientc8 6 dicho cuerpB lie ha IU~ merC(tlll sin que sea rltI de 1o referenmiddot Walker JOr 10 pronto 6 cange de un in- aemejantelll en vnestrus periodi~os para men db do nna mllnera otable habien tes po que 1I11011 gllardaban y derendian divlduo d los suyos cometa d eaballe oontravenlr ahora eSC$ndalOsamente Ii (0 ad mllll unH gran compltlla do Zapa1 sus pue~tui re8peetivos y no podial esect na que fu6 heeho prlalonoro por Dilestra losmejores prlncipios del dereehu dl ilores I Mineros bien que para malle- tllr j todllS paltes Grande y her6ica parte con algunamp anterlorldad Eata clrmiddot jentll I 81 v08OtroB 80ls I Pero nad~ jllr clatro mortem do obuats y lo~ tllol II deietl q~e hizo 1amp KulIrnlclon de clnetancia Indicaba queeao jeres preten- trntiamos del oltallo de atrall en que Muon a que hay on lap)tuIt fO necesita estj plftZllcn ea c61eble JOIllampda en la dian ceAhle 101 prlnclpio organl_ de 08 ballail UR n6 nero eunsidurnblcmiddot1fe bombles qll8 doeientus hombre4 combatieron con III gllerr aun entre la naolonee minoe Conatlgt 8n conclu8ion qUII aceptamol

EI uelpo de artllleriA no deja que demiddot tla 01 ilunensu numero de oehgtelentOI clvllzadal y regullrlllAr la desde lU4lft) vuealroa aotos sea ellal (uere au natlishysearsusejercicins II 1011 111118 etCrupu- por eamppl()io do dillz y nueve hOrlll uglm lu demandlln la olvillziclon 1 _ mlez 10508 itotl Admirable el Jellledo y -80luololl siglo No 81a poslble dudar de la buena

do todOll basta del ultimo 1I0idado (e de aquell espon~nea proposlcion sin DOCUMENTOS 0FIeIALES ES Ef)OIOJV A OHONTALES dispueatos perecer antes que entregllr RgIlIlar a la e8 et bonor milltar 1 JOII

U - 6 h la pldl que se lea habia conllado cierto malt proclu90a atrlbutos del bombrel ElDECRtTAS DE OOB_ERlO


apol bull IfRon que Sill ny Guatro _ J Ch I 6 t A certilllmo y atln IIOmos COrto8 j pero lIus~re Jeneral Walker quo tantnll 1 bin No ito

EI t 1 p ra onts es 0 VI a es II puer ~__ d I M ON 1 ~ lifer ~11lI oeho de la matiana halfendo ph~oll afta Ir que e ayor eJ se repetJdllsprulIbae ha dado de maltnanl REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUAt

enndu 0 de una manera verdaderamente bull bull ~ desem ~ftado flU CQlnlslon los mdlVldoll ~ mldad ItO dudO en etecto ni Ull momen Seeretal1a de Elltado en el depaello (Ie t ti ~ - E her6ic~ Hallibllse postratio en una cama to y lIev6 8U generlllll(lad basta el utr Relacione Erterlores nuO rOI en snls aerlamen n I 1 d i h 11 b connn balazo 81 unap ema que elm- mo de entregar ill corneta que iIOhcUaban Granada Ootllhrl 2t de I85ampSan oS lIu v sus lOme lac 0110$ so a a a bull

bullJ I d I b d pll(ila dar un paso y Ie obhgaba bull servlrmiddot sill nlnguna de las lIeguridades que 8e El S P E so ha serVldo dlctar 411 de 1111 nUfillro e 10m res como e CIIn) d I EI 1_ __

d d 88 lIe os mu etas enemlgo lie lre- CIItJon en taIu CIlSOl COIltellto mnl Ceto igt~eD ~ -- _gt eine tode 1 QlIuotuelOn errotll Oil Oil Ii bmiddot I I WILUamp WR Preeldenw-daln eldla trece del corliente en csta cludn aerto y 1 eil


es om re que Illll a e featando que entre 101 mlillito prbonumiddot Republica deNlearagun lr sUiliabitsnte9 11 di I dtlene 89 UIIO de 04 indivlduOlI mall roa que habla hecho elY la lihlma aocion Siendo nece8SlrIo I~reditar un liinillrouo II IU u a tomaron a ue a reco on bull

q g q i 16nol 11 eJ6rlto Nada podia espemiddot e contaban Virios 06cla0bullbull que _tcba Plenipotenelano ltle rcpleaente a 111 RetshyDioo8 quo sahCTon escape as que $U- b _ d bll d Nt d I bl _T a raSede un 110m re en esta 0 en que dlpu_o cangellr respectivamente pGr pu ca e caragua cerca e ga n piera 111 Ilegadade Jos trem 6 tl~l11~ 61 se baUsba ain embargo hacienda un el Coronel Lain 1 por olnoo 6 sela in- de 108 Estados Unidos en IVI8hingtotl lIn RllngerB que III vapor cndllcla 0 b III el 81 t p l4 de dl II d J ntlab on U80 de IUS flleultades l

1 h b d b b t esueno 110 re uaUT J9 UOl e vopa que e 8oom- an DEC RET A bullIe d bull os Oil res 0 ar UI os comO d gt I I 0 ilia dlI8l1ila 0 que tellla sa 10 (1 clando Cueron presos por caaualldad en Articulo I N6mbralle Mlllistro Pleni ~ el 09 Icen locho tom6 lall mulllw y 81 sable y 8e il camino de llwaya En allo se es- pottnciarlo de la Republica de Nioaragua (JtfOETAS DE GUATEMALA Y presentO en ellugar ~a8 peJigfOSO arras peru la romillion del hombre ofteoldo cerl1 de 18 Eatedoll Unidoe al Senol

S AN S Hi VADOR trnndu la plema y atravesllndo las calles por 01 corne Q a1 conleta mlsmo que DoAn FemmCoFerrer I J b b t rt ~ IDnmquelle qu enes cor I -- con el agaa casl bull 1 rodlda (aca I a de era 10 replar y Jegitimo 81 ae aTrepenmiddot respondamp

Estos pOliodlcos pound0 oeupan do nuestro Hoverl dundo mnd6 con V071 do trueno tlan do nevar ndelante 10 que 4111011 mis- Dado en Granada 1 29 de Oetubre de Nienrlguell~o no parR reflllar nl una pn formal amp los hombres que alii se hallaban mOB babian Bollcltado opteniend) al fin 1856 WILLIAM WALKER Ilbm do los erimCIl-e1l servUes que hemOl y que Ilegaban oon sus armas dilltribuyo par unics rampZUII el J~er81 Walker una Al Se~or Jenoral Dun Jlliteu Pineda publi~do POrqIO III velmiddotdad os illcontesta la trnpn eolocindo en loslugarel opor carta del Jeneral Zavala en 1amp que fire MMn~troldoJa Guorra encargado deT dltl I bull mUltern enerable II~ deequltan descendlcn 0 as per tUllos orden6 1amp derenaa de vea eal ea testaba (ellto no puedo calUiCllrse) que D ~ d 1 I V bull evI en suprema 0 oumun eo 1

sonah ~de8 1In un lnnguage tan cl~lco que partell de aquellugampl y 8Oliclto 1 101 prlllOnerbullbull no querlan venir No ell para IIU intellgencia y demas erectos es ebmo us antares Su impotente uni e6caz It pelllr de su eltado de grandad a eato todo ino que en as propillll perandortlCibO su atento senillor Ie do p1i~8a fudose contla cl Jeneral tadu atendia bael6ndote oil su voz ell clrocnlltandlll Be supo oon allOmbro en 11 Pnnuu lIIque 10 ba dellpreelado stempre todas pa~teamp Nosotroa admlr4mol al e~ta cilldad el rullilamlento on 01 pueblo No 64 WI pe lulclo d - lllwlrles 8U cuenta eonlmiddot Mayor 0 Nell en aquelloe momentoa y de Diriomo del CoronelLalne y algunos

V bull l REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA ~ cnte Y oxneta eremos III e908 pan asi nOl plaee conS1lJllarlo on eata arUcl1 0 otros prisirneroa I I fllaa obre aquellOl S d __1 d ch d ecre1ana e ilAIo en e eeplt 0 e ~s 8 Oil ~ombre8 de chaneelarls COli EI Capitnn Wilkins lie condujo tnnbien jetos III deabonn eonmguiente y )1 IlCe- Relacionelllnteriores

dlglll d el dIll que 80 les presente que de unA manera brilllnnte en el millIDO cr8Clion univelflall i ~pnrten el des- GranadR Oetuble ~ de 1800 JlGr ci rto no ~t~d(jlls ($ si solo se con- lugar y despue ell la deftn~ del HOIIpi precio y vilipendlo que mcreccn Y 0011_ EI S P E ampe ha servldo dictar el de-ICIltllj COil eCBrlbu snrcnsmos tal en toda la neche Es de celebaTlle la pell el lugar degradante eli que les colOCll ereto -ul~nte

-------- d dId fa 1 I d d I El GOllemo coosldelando que soMalianl lie omharea con direceion u con ucta e 011 bull IS co tat voe qn~ IU In agllO proce el hallan vaeallte~ las Carteral de Reb

Nueva York el Sr Eermin Ferrer hallan en el h~8pltal oOClrgard08 continu Como era de eeparamprse loglco y natu- ciunes Haelenda y CrMito pu~lico POl 1 g b no amente de los enfermotl Dr Lundy y raJ e1 Jene1Walker ordeno y ae eloell- baberse encaado de la ml~lon dlploshynombrlld0 que ba SluO por e 0 leI bull t ~II b d W b

j I PI d t n_ (f Dr Brmkerhoff 110 8010 por las bUenae to II (I1I181111ento nu de todoll los prleo- m4tiea eel bull e ga mete e a Ing ~n s~o ellpo~enculT1o e es a p medidas de defen~ ue tomaron IIlno ton a1 Seior Don Fermin Ferrer quohllcs eefca dol Gabinete de Wasbingtoll ~ nellIS que en la Justa lndlnadlon acuo 1l1li desempeflsil 011 180 de aus facultades

Ell F rl b I rt II pur 10 resolueion que 81empre lea honrar otro mimo Jonero- en 8U lur hubler D E C RET A errcr Gsumpe a a ca ar - -- bullbull de Hciendn que qUGdo Ii cargodel Go altamente do pereeer todtlS antl8 que prevenldo sino Iolamelte el de un Ten Articul 1 El Sefior ~e~oral Don

D d M I - G S n ahandonar unos velnte y cilloo enCer- vnte Coronel I un Capitan que ctillltian Mateo Pmeda autual MIlllIItro de ItgtlIera ~ me A lUStrolaquo c uerft e - bull G bull gad dI I diS F mOil que no pod Ian movelse de IU lecbo eutre Iquellos nerra ser onear 0 IDtennamellte elimos i 1 auseMl1 tempola c I e diahaa caneras teQlumiendo el Mlnlsteio rer a~ paso qua nll8 alegramos de que EI Chbano que elo~11I 01 Mayor Potter MuchOll plllOl1ero quqda~ on poder de Jfjn~roJ ~1a do el c electo parala mislOIl que cn el ~rro que ~lmlltr6 cuyo nllmbre nuestla gblllrnocolltrA qlllel011 ~u4lera Art t ComtllllltpleleI qutenea cor IampMnuuce Alos EsttldOIl Unidostallto por no mllmfest6 pm IgnollrJo e8 el Seflor dMClrgllllle todo el pl8O delagravlo lnfo rCIJpcmda lI1llltlilrw y circuDttitceiR quole ldornall Don FtCncisco Aguero y Batrada Pre- ridn y hooerl(1S sentirde un una manera t8~do en GitLi1lAltt~Rdigt cuantq pOl que rCIihiramp belll1s impresio recto de esta cludad prolilllda los exesos de IUS ~etos qUI Pu AI Senor Jenera Don Mateo Pineda nos en 18 hormolllls ciudlulea del Norto (on 10 dicho sitiafacemos la justlcia ditgtran haber ngrlVlJdo au situacion I pero Miubltro Jenera Am6rfca debida aloe SenOIOs 1l0minadOl y nuestro I Jneral Wlker oon todaJ )R ventnjNl De urden supreml 10 eomuBlco V

Ie Idelleam(lll Ull viRge teli~ y pronto doseo de eselaroeer III ferdad siempre y la repolllioraucia de la posicion que pllrt IIU Intellgeneia y demas efootos retor~ quo podamoa baeorlo ocupa 011 tll embargo magnanlm~ y Je M Pnln4


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 11: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.

bull bull

pound+ NICABAS[JENSa Vol 1 No 50 p 3 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October lB 1856 309

IruIrti~1 mu~il to urge them on but with ISA J(E US FROM OUR FB1ENDS 1 victory land defiance Btamped on their mud8~ned figures lind written on their ampvin~ bllnneri-lllf I tlien there WIIs a eIIout went up rrom the anenat that was eohf)e~l from the old prochi~ churoh and rolledori and grev heuier nt the GUllrdshyhousea shuut that carried hope IIlId new lifo llri te1rful joy to the hearts of our flmil~s nnd friends but such terrOI to tho cr Ivon enelny that they could not fly and ~ II IIlIlUY of them in the pitfall they hi ug thmsolvel Ihore wero some who ampld it and at first knew not its mean ng-trhlllds who were cut (1ft and Iring n their hOll8ell In momentary ex

~on of the 118sasine knc But as Gen fNlllker and hu boy~ drew near the plpza alld saw stili floatmg (rom the

i1agStft ill Its centre tbe devieBlo( free Nica I h Ii Id I h

U mo dr gUR- d n It~~ w t ndazth

1 lr ers t Ie re P inot JArs -11 U8 bull b h h mg natives men w 0 were onre t ellbOWltlta t NIClalua was ltlll safe the drum and fife struck up Ihe homely old IUneof Yankee DOl)dle and tbosewbn knewtDflt tbe meanin of Iho lIbou knew

bull bull g 1bel that IR other dl~s had led theIr falhe~ from vlotoy to victory

On year preVIOIIB ell tIlt very day the n ver tobu-forgottoll 13th of Octuber Jr Viillnm Walker entilred Granllda bull hi d b b Iill t u1t tlUifl an t IS WlUl IS com

If n gt

middottom g 4lir 4VENlOROUS PdRTY

bull f _ _ bullLale 011 the evening or Sunday tbe

12th aparty COIliamptillg or MlijOI Rogers Minis o- of aaclenda Col Thos F C dtllce ahe Qualmiddottermaater General apt lute lite Those were the traltols who JUAN OTTON DB OPPLBIf

I T Slm~ls of t~e Qllarlomast)rs _par~ came 1Il~0 Grannda with patllotlo eheera IUIhNlJ1UU mel)j 901_ Lam~ olle of Gen W~Iker 8 llpoll thou lips thllse were the mon who Tbe card one of line Brhltol board ud In-Aills] flUd an escolmiddott (If about Haeen Ran promised to81e the country-these welo di6ttcd much taaampe lillie Uecullon Hla pookol gets ~ltted from Muaya for be city r- Lire Illell who cl~tIed Ibe eVllngelism of beok 10101 amp3 oil ca hie _muloC ~n Grandll They had Dot IIdYaneed far whenI It

bull became eVident that IUjwould be

bulllanirOOs to proceed and Mal R~ers bullT

retutlea to acquaint the Gcneral of the

ct_ The remallldel of the puty enmiddot d h h B bull etm e 01 t e nlg t 8)10 monnngiller ~vere attlcked and Lhough they deshyfended themselves bl8vclyMd 811Meoood in cutthll thlir VIY through they were

I~rg partllls of th6 cllemY line Wllle thlr foro obliged to mllk very Clircuitous lOIItIis- Col Fisher witll hismiddot two com pan~ns Iilturned on lhnltltday mnrni

bull Th4t wero very milch ftl~Ued havmg

h Ii h t h _l ell ~ not lUg 10rn l c IIno t tly start irom MlIsnyn until thl) arrived nt Grll-IIId excolpt 01100 whero they hllpPned tpg~ W a small hut where thelo were bullineieen women and children aud onlyL

OflO mnnbull fhe Colonel placed tI guard 11 tb~ dour ttl prevent tile Igres~ of IIny i ilftllF natives lind thonprovliled SOIllUmiddot

~h1rqt to pal rr himsdlf lind men ~1 D1rlng tho woek lievernl others f thll

rt IIlThmiddoteel IhtY nrted CRllt Slim fmiddot -- lOis ael II they Imd soen bis hrse CII IItd him and supposed tbat ho hllli reshy

loClvd a semiddotolo wound But fortunately CoP~ SammilS himself arlivlld III the tity

thiS OfulIlg_ II hnt Dllt belu founded adEd cllron nllthillir faom tltt) tilll he

left 81 II IIntll be IIrrlved ho( romaliishy

Weare informed by InttrUlgen and loyal Democrats of tbis city the when tbe late attllek Wllll made upon Granada they gave up all hope for the olty Nlit knowing the character nf tho American people nlld helllvhig it Impo8lllhie amphat OliO hundred and fiay mfR and a portion of those Infirm eould contend IIUCle8tlfully agnlust the heavy odd coming down upun U8 from U qUllrter many of thuse eople ran away to the Inountalnll allIlln 80me easel we have heard of them being alaulthshytered In the woodllwhithlr they had gone rr safety When it is known that mallY of the eini~salies of these brutalities were flrmer rosidents of Granada it call_reeshyy be credited that even savages would

th bull bull b pursue IIlr paSOllons 60 ar lit DeVrshy

bull theless It is a truth thnt the mOIl cold blooded atrocities were performed on flee

noxt door Doi hbor There were but rew enga ed in t~68e horrid trn edlea for we

g tfi dl I th t it r I Ie JUN len say ng a ou 0 fI ppu amiddot tlOIl of fiCteen thou8and Granada did not furnish mllle thall three hundred men to the ranks of theallOmy and th~we three gellOucbed hundred wele only enemies becluse the Among die -1 o-ro -pu trom lIIe elle-A h d i t duced I t G ad m1 shOll at tbe Jaltoba wu Uebrf WalleN

merlcans a n r~ n 0 ran a wbon 8ft heuy-casod gold hUlidn walch bull plan of hvlng Without the It waB ampeod bampIIich would ollletlt bay --_bull bull UN_

unce the prlvdege of the II1111tar1 Umllllrs hlacroln ill bullf auk 11110 III wate IIDt in this city to raile the wind by the laY Ibe Ju snob A sbocIt gave hit tam he re-

most questionable meuulesoodll8 a mall oeed 110 InJUlf He hu already fonpe III four lor of cOUrie when II better governmllRt bampltlea IIIlder Oell Welker ud 1fU he was established under Gen Wlliker these kldng of ()ta1IIIdbullbull

titletl thieves found their OOOtlpation Kune One genU_a left 1IIoIIowlng card In on of r alld thllrewith the chaneeot IivlIl a ditiSo tbe ho_ III wbleh be cook UpA tempotll1 rtal

order-these were the men who loved ad by Carrera Oell WlIlker no hoIda die com 1181

Granada too well to see her in tho hoods m onbull of the prosent Oernment and ye live I During tIae aght 1fahYerIIaRCII were

Wht did they do 1 What wefO their hltea frOID the eny III III bandt ot bull peI1IOII

ld9111i In delr _ dI__ lie fir middotefteotl+ works t _ I

r_ bull d d b weaptllll amp t_ certatD 1 _III 10 u ofAlmmg mto town a~ mt 3Y Y II

fOloy upon their own OOllotr)lIIou they wllre 8uOil fed Thuir next move was ror a whi~key shop ahd at IIlghtsllt onemiddot

1IIIfllrtunately rcparated filtm each other~ fourth of the attacking force WII3 turlled Col Laln6 WIIS take1 pri~onol Col int the SlIme sut of drunken vagllbolldH

FIsh~r With wo ~lIgers 11Itlllncd to Ma tllll~ had been dllvon ltu~ of Grllnllda JU$t lIIya but dlscovermg th3t Gon Walkr one ytampf befhre Thelf Rltve iustlllctil Ilad ~turned to the 1iS$ldanOO of Grant- sull hoM Illa~tery although thly wlfllin da t~(ly also retracod their stops to this tiont of danger lind In the JlIth of dllty F~ On thcir wily they If ot sevcrnl At light had not a rge prtlon u r the

bull I foreign furee beell (lIItrllmed to ~nlaln ~ober our omall garrieoll might hn~ gobe ftlrthlInd tied up with 1(P=4 the lotlliflg raBnis who CUltle into thlgt cit to rodeembull ~It ~o orler and gOll( guernllltmt

B I bull f I II ddlit t lell X ~~m (I 01 IIr I nut

stop here Thofo ~hn did not gut drunk uud cover ui nibt reolmiddotted to robbery I

i ~ lind bllt rlilV tonslll 1)~(jII)lld urpillaged Every thing ~IInhllllf b ing calried IIwuy

fidelity IIf th 1ple of Hranada Tholl6 coi BpoundIIDIu In hlllpoti _ loIae wbolt or who laW them make voluntar) ufterlng of be olBennd men ohb Jlm RII BUalloD did refreshments to the exhausted soldier bel dn amplid I ould be mock 10 110 know how willing i wlltliono They blul gl one oller mON pNile til _dler fte7

)1 bullbull 6 l 1 w IIII Wlng to cri8 Ibelr U1f II~lie ro ut a mo every WI Umiddot lot die _ ftft IIPl1a eel wlt n the American gum could ~ro-teet them but or what WII It they gave with a willing hand

Such met8 18 these Ire worthy to he studied by the wrld at hlrge bull Those wh hllve slAndered UII wlthollt knowing of

bull what they wrote can weigh the avldenshyces ald thEII decidu 1Ip1O wholR tu CIIt tbll title of frieud and proteotor to the people (If Nillllrngua


- I the Amurlcan 1OIdI approached lbel1ishyampeha chllrb tbe bullel from tbo glllll of the ttl shy

- -kl 1liii Wert 1mg ID tI 1 t errery peI1IOII on h_back m-iDCIIbullbulllulg 10 the ground and Il behind ble horse for pro~1I oa W~r aIon malmiddot b- oM bull re _ 011 lIg ers 10 _ 1111 abou as much MfIfroid III If orderIagA boltllt of wiDe Ibr hie dlMer I ud Ie Dol until bewlarepcatodl)reqllnledtbonoolllblm 10 diamount that 1M did 110 He emed 10 be as regardl of Ih elleou of a Millie blIll If 1M ere plOOhplm lIIem ForlullateiJ be did IIOl

litlle_nt hey are but aPlnHv~of cleD18eI~-eiDdelencOI Grallldbullbull the bew and erro of lIIe Indllll of tIae Honb alld baylollg aiDae b8llll dfioarded by dltllIAampIona tbatcondllClaiUfIa aclenCllle _11111

The handle of lIIe 11111laquo ill about hIce III 1000g andlIllek u an ordlnar1 broolllmiddotbUdle I lance on llie end It an onl pleco or IroD or iteel )ot fuur Inclin In length alld abouhlliaob and a balf In its grlA breadlb In rlulng tbey CUp tho Itallll19 About Ita cenUO 111111 0110 band and Ita loer end r811111 UIlOII lIIoir rlghl foot Close 10 the bead or III Iallce lIOn_ bad II lillie red g aplit Is be ceo like A s bull allows tall

bull A raquo~lIOIIOIl UI) A ~IIiIIIU11C -A cit

~ w_ bnlvorl during lhelate detenco or tblS ell) was atllpl delllOMtfAled byltle inc of a 1rouodet __ 110 1 11_ or en Iny on hearillg one of t1i9 cia

-- 01lttpI wy Her verI ltgtJOll1re11t1rlcOO l Ibe

ur In die report of Ilurspcclaleorreaponlellt wa _ndull Capt middotDrew The propr resdiog or tbolllUD8bDeul

------- shy or Tbo followDC COPl of lelk wrlltell h] Jlbullbull DW1 H Wheeler III Agenlof tbe Amm can Bible Society at Grallllda 80ell18 coneidetl6 wben a WM writteu 1111108amp propbelc IL III bull 01 (lilt aIAYmentbull and iiI excite illucbaflllpamiddot 1~7 Cur bill aad end BII~ be blood ormatly ill I ~ eed of e~e Clturcb Gild In tbe plaoll or OlIOshyMulonat killed by ampbllllo ungts bundredtt ill yel pnrdllHbtir goodly calling bere In_ ritf

GRlIIpoundIgtA Oct 3middot186amp bullbull rdMAIY I took my book Imd ent AfonnJ aud on youe leIItgtIment )luny 811id Ibey bAd no IJIOIIllI and otIl 1d tile Quid pnrcb lte afler die eomIJa~ over WlOr loakil Or autenem111very doy rull lllree thodU~g ~

feDo nl1gbl be a riliemlln but biil credeD~l B(lIl1agood omcclil lid BOllle vor) gdOd aofim were atllered In dUlerenl IIChool from botek b hi_

nOWD y I lit name n lIll1Cky Tbe Ileamiddot raga rifleman urna bil reputation by ~I

Iyaltacklng kunu and 111101111 othor people WIts stUlllI II(J~ lUly fngtnl foe~ bllt nlike goods whll tile KellluckllUl hlil the honOi to be rmm fmlllds liHI pooril~t natives were bull terror to -Iaucb rucala foilllesklll wltb which

fltmlM tu givo lip tleir IMIIOY lind tholll bo drops them Ihe dlelIlOO of one o two bunshywhu had nOlle ill IUlIIe 034el vera lashed ilred 7arda m Do

lruIlkn Ioxes 111111 evelY othor plll~ 4111 II PnIIlCL-ThLI IOpeclmoa of IIIlUtarl wbore g)Ida ~lr valullbleol millht be hId OtIIIlnlly ~paoled blluoope 10 Mala aM

( was -a wllh III IDOIt advanced of tbe Jim Wble tmieJ l~pylUlVy Ind whell clotll Rlh Tho bowllie w his fJlvorito poIIIon

Cor J0811 Auu-Thll ollCllr w11I com~d of Ibe body of tIae Second Rl4ea wldllblor Ca In tIae repll of Ib La- IIItl1t1oeed b 0IIf

eorrespIIIIdeot md proYed Ill_If 10 be A bnlle man After Ibl tlIg_nl he wu ordred amp0 _ dIiot Capt Drea aud Capt Ore In 1b~lt pOIishyampion near Ib luge pm The oomblnllllon _ ceeded In Njtulalog tbo enem hferal amp1_ dillgtshying tbe _y

CoL JlcI1l10811-Thfs eBcleot olllcer prOTed bfmeel(1 y w1I orlhy of the pOlilion Ii~ OCCllplee U was al walCbflll amplid a1ait ready 10 aUllnd 10 hI dUly Dis car for bia wounded men is well otlhl of nOII08 As soon ali II w ueertalaed lbe enemy wet driven oul of ()ran~da be Immedlaley dlapalcbed olle ofthe Compaat ullder ble oommand 10 bring IDilie ounded or hi Baltall-m lrom die _ne of l1Ie con8Ic4 at lIIe Jalwbe

Our tibullbull-From lIIe iDablllty of 011 man to - 1M whle of amp bald Ibe report of Oot

Speclal Oomepondellt Illat be DeeeuiampriI1 1ItJ defectT~ It apP8llMII lIla Capl Oreen of die tiecond RllIu 1Od Capt Dreal of die ampeolld lllranky 10 IlIMaIIl hi ~aDced poeilkn dUpug tbe dd7 and acled rery brnely Llell Henry T She wndOO In lIIe Deck liDe latmiddot Inll In be defmce ot (ble POIOI Sherman baaDOI been ablll 10 peak Iinco b reeelyed $lie ItooUad h II lIolllkalylo pro fallll

OUI 0R119~-Tble gentleman obved In A

house -ya flIl of Lb OIllllY wlIIIhla IIW~ in bud at neb a npld u tllet bla OomJlllll1 could lIot keep pace lib biOI Col T ~ Fi 1~ fld Uue Pg _mpanlW him and bad Ibe bouee cleared of tIae enemy before sbe llIeD ~ rIed

TIIII PIli AlID flrll SWORD -We tali pl8ual-c

i _ L oJ bull of b It _L d n -og 11 e compollliN8 I e ngl emiddot parlmeot of EI Nlcanoguellleollee (oogbl brnely In deCellCO of our clly Thel~ IIIIIIU are ()buies E Caulley William Bucbllllan Froderlk Kapt amplid P A Yarrington lbey hollOO tb lhey llOuld make goud UIIG of Ibe ehootilog Iron II weU u llhootlng amptIek

OVII CoKbullbullIISUU1 BIIIWI-Lleul W B Butmiddottri LI J B W Ll

aut 0IfIl e~t 9amp Hawley11l1li- H O Wall A A Conllng and Capt W_ B Lyou bebaved -Iotly aud rendered ear-

D tils force GIGII f1lIkCf ClIo oppose 1~~ light109 men 109 ul middottth whllt he mMy Neel from Califoml a d NIIW York lIlldIII be 300 wenbull A~ preseD~1be Ollemr arlllllOngl forllllej al Mi sa ollly 12 nliles dl8loUll Gen Walker i8 pm ~arillg1O recuio Ibow alld tbere will b 1JODle dmiddot~ ilf8lRing bUlplbtlhAmrIC~dn8 feel very 00011middotell 0 IQCOOIL er 1 pru tlIoa would aft

dlellltcd hOlI [8ho~I have lelt helll on Ihe live of a baltle 8tleh aa I~ exd every hou blll1 came hen Ibere lIaamp nu eoumy lI~ar and lIone ex peCWI and my IYw-k I bre and llHllII 1111gt8 1D~lIywouhdad and dybg 10 caro for fun doeome good certainl Tru I IIampY be am~ tbe slIlu formiddotlII_ Ulen have Ib8II1e1led a wtU cf

iug could ntlt be mnde useful It Mis-torn IIIId ilia 00 Wera ailbrded OOIlIiderabiA __~ ~~~~tlll apllldl aU AlllelOllJlII and If lie F Ii Ii Y -- ViCtoriOWl ley ill du II tbey han ampampiii

to pec~~ 01 twenty olle ourll t I IIIflII allud lIIe din of I~ bllule at tbe manner If I should perlah do Ie beat you can fgtt my cnnlinued 11111 WII say it with nil cUlldor In which be ould jump at an l_gllI1 ellemy (amlly lOl lIIuy POOl alld will need all lila can h I bull n d b dI fI II Prin I middot-~oo I be alfordOO them Sltould the enemy coine IIlld

t l simp 0 IIIlt1ves Ill) roll1 It as uom a eI e ~un as ~e a reg M tack lIle ol~ I hall leavoloy boob posled and pe~Ii1mcc They ran Into the wouds jill tIInghll bylilll Firat RIOes mOlle ~d olrOOIa in the hand of Col Johllii

h I I I II A N I W Wbeeler Ih~ Amerlcllll Hinlle For 1eM0Ii1Crlpt mto cornelS 11 t lem8e vel n a Ill ou Ilf AII-OUr RallgCfuomeli_ need 1I0t lIaOe tho lJolted Slatea IIlg IfI Alford iug hhuut food bout fiva dllye cpt kind~ uf placcK alld trlm~bled Illtilmiddotthe 8ad lying In 1IIood In tho lloillity of the city voryliUlo proaCllOII to AmeriCAn chizeab

I Ili h 10meoChOuIampemalianandSanlWvadoiansnlmiddot y lruly DAVIDlfWBEEliEItSaIllnlS 1S jUltti n youn mnnJlnC lie of plnguo wall (rlvon Ollt OlIO II 0 II d Ih h I I I I Th J C BBIOUpoundN Cor Aner nbla So leIshy bull - t 1VtOtO~tel esoprl80oers8ampy bull ~ vC

1M r(lSt pron)lllmg offiool6 in tllO army tho eager -yoa that watlled tbe bull Jill Lbey were lhue tle1 bllbolr office In order 10 OA

Ho or dog t-that lho qUoOlion U IheThe rbull10 1I0W only fOllf of Iho fMlir~ tllh W f01II hen they hllRld that the Americans prevent tblllll 11II1IllIg 11114) In tho lISbe ello aid whGn he IRt do wn 10 n dish of (riod~_~~llSi~ _ ~re coming can bear IfItimlny to ~b~ I VerUT th~~~~~blltg new IIIder the lin IlASASCl


- ---------------T--shy312 EL NICABABUENSEVoll No 50 p 6 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 181Br6


Tile Battles of tbe 12th and 13th of Octflber 1800

We b bMIl permitted to make the toDowln

oslne IlIDut dI porta 0 tJle 01Boe1ll In commiddot IIWId at tbe Yarlo ttallOD The OOIlfuOIl an4 laquolei 10 our 01108 oe by the late ttaclt -Ind Ib vofortuawte acoldeD hlch bappened to Mr 1bor tb edllOlooble~ put I out or our

pow to arran the repone u under 1II0re fampYoshytabl GlroUlllltanoeB e lboulil have done Th balties of the wo day era 10 connected thI

it oad be dilleult to rate diem on paper anal pnlClIl all dI Illcld8Oll

The report of ColellelSandaralalb1l ofintereal 8Ild beua-out theltlatemellll of Ollt correepOl1dellt

L WIIO It would ppear followed the fortllDes or die folr Rift He Y

About 12 oclock on die t tdl they took dlelr positlOIl hi line and the command u Iyen to moYl fotward The llIen wer11I good Iplrillalld abOUi oclock aalgbt theyenoelDped In Ibe IUbshyurb of _ya Sbortlyafter lying down alkirshymlall took plaoe beteen Vol Karkhaana regiment oC lufallw7 dd a_liDg prll of the en Dll blob luted bUI a few morun Idlout anl eerio Mal Bewean- lIyllght and unrile on ~ba mornlo 0( th 111d1 tbe wliole army took dlelr pOIJUoIl for bottle die bowlll8l1la lrollamp eupporampshyed by dae Rile reldman Aler aneing but a fe y Capt Ifwarb of the Artillery wu orde ed b-eJom_nreMnCblefto dlrowlbelliDto aelllampll plaM aDd (Jumpd C comllluded by Capt D~ obll8ed and took -Ion of the oburch In die pi bullnd tbe wbule arlll7 _11 fullowd IIIId OOlDlIlaDder- or reglDlllntll received their In alruoilonafrol the Coml1IIidi~hlel An- furtloer operatlo The Sappert amplid IlIlIeN were ordered to CO 10 advance end pportod b the Rill out their W8ylnto tho main plua beteen two t ruonlng dlrotly thereto-tbe 8818 on the right IIlId 11 belDg prolected by Ibe ellem wllb btarrl ltlad _OIInOOll and sharpmiddotlboote Afer bariog cut ball wa through to the main plnla the bow iteera colDmandadby Clpt Swrtz and Lieut F roD eN ordmd to the IUppO-t oC the amplft_nd of hoee to pliant ollloera too lDucb pralB C8II II be awarded (or tbelr daring braver aDd cool neealn dlaeharge oC dIlr dut) HlllOry has Ilot e parallel The11 edaaucClllfulho-illto au adolHl bnlldlng here a large nllmb ofthe enem were ~lIllg MClurel1behind barrlcad Oathe Imoke cleariag away Company B oOIBlllanded b Capt LfIonard alld Company G cummndd b Capl ORepn with tMlr gallanl eoldlera took 10811 alon ot he building wbere they were charged upon twice by tbe eneml Gap I Ewballks took pollOi slOl1 ot Ibe eomer hOllSe on the- right The RiBes w thn wlthlll HventyJ e Yld of lhe mlln pIMa he the galInt aI and arren again came to dlelr _lltallce 1Iltiampl their guna Tlte ouemy we 10 largp forcu ImIDedlatel1 III thelr Croa~ abOlit thll time

Th Commndermiddotln-Chif haring recelvod Info uatllD_ bat Granadll w attacked blarge force and bellering lb a larg8 portion o( Ihe foroeI Muya had gODe toaid in taklllg Grallada wbere tbe mo~t of our ammunition was he ordered ra lreat froni our poertlou and bo~t 12 oclock at niSht~ 011 our rod baok to Granada A tar mamiddotohlDg all dlgbt Ihe glorious aUD of the 181b or October roae In beau and splendor-tbo annlmiddot vera1 o( the 68 taking 01 Granada When we got Into the outsklrte 01 the clly wo were reo~iyd Epote4 u the wero Ihey fOllgla thelr wy by heaY ftra ffOm the enml but WIth a about ond 7011 TO ruabed on the elly of Oranadn] wlalh WIUI asain Oil tbe 88me day takell by lIeneral Walker

Of the olleera and men compoeln the Rifles Ilae1 did their duty well and it wouhl be mocker1 to try and give one ofllcur more plllie thall another The were all willing to tIIlClilloe thoir Ilve8 If nece8 88r1 fur Ihe cause tlaey aro engaged In

Ab Jut 11 -oolook on tbo 121h a8 atate41 b1 our _

correspondent Col Allell wu ordered to 1Ilal a de~hment of lIanger agailUlt a body of Lanoer

bull gaged untIl thoy hlUl fought their way 10 a poaco

1be Bohllo of Illy cOlllln4nd AdYanoed and roo ceived the ll of tho tllelll) coolly _ returnillg I ith efect After 1 I volloy had beea Oltmiddot cbangod the enelllY lel the lOad and reliod aprrefttll IOed AlaJor C7C tboulCh Field OCmiddot Beer of Ihe Day ndvallod Ith Ind Bhowed be innrlably doe great cooln1 and 8rllllle~8

After the enemy rroator I retulnod 10 tbe 11 St SbuUan heu 1 reeely_od ordN to IUIlPort Capt Druus 2nd Iufuntry nlld Ilpt Gree of my oOlllmand wbt) WUN armly enmiddot ~laquoed near he main Plaza I fOllnd on lD) arrimiddot Va[ th~ OAP Dmiddotult ha1 one prlte kllud and CApt Greon severol wouuded We re 1l1~okelt1 In thb p~ I (runt ami lin Ihu In but ltlpulsud tbem ter1 tlmee (rom tbe latter position

1 OIInllot epeek In too high tllt1I11 of tho conduct of bMh ollleera and men ~ngaged ht8 they exmiddot bllJlted tbo ~fttest cuolu autl glllalltrf

4bout ~ 0 clock Gell lIorn811y wilh ono (Jom P~IJY of lsi I fontmiddoty Joilled us and hortly altol this wo received ordel8 Irom Yonr E~ceilellcy_ I fall back ou the PI St ScbnLlan whloh did ill he bOIL of orhr ImmeliaLcly nn (lur ftrmiddotivKl

amproo wb-o p-led uo bloh dlylded - -a amphrolog ID1u1f ltlIpt OoreLleuL Bramp LIeut TrIIpp nd ee en pri18I a1man hI admiddot - ance 0 t1ie en command uob he w noeIyed Ord811 to obarp tbe eaDnOD haYiDS1l0 oeeded In wblob and bluing lriag In die l I ordeved thelll forwft lIalor (Jaycee (bj er of Cilea DorDIby) renlalned at dlls pointwldl die bala_ or my Battalion to guard the dlalllountecl bowlSHr

From dlk place my IlIIail commacd advampIIced rapidly and turning to die len one street from die PIIISI IOraaed th comer baok of dI Lobe Slu

- OIl yt( ldI _tbe other u to ho Ibould do ampbemOlamp gooleervloe

W81ao take pleuu IOlIIaldng die folloiDg -

esrac frolll tbe olloW repor of Co Natzm~r I have tht hOllor to reporamp 011 the evenlug pre

aedlng die da1 of the battle In lIaya Kajor Ihl Mnbur Field OlBllJr of tle Day IIld capt Jlatzdorll a Odlcer of tbe Guard dlttinlluiohd tbem~eIY b the greaten figll bullbull oe actiYlt alld cll~i1wapoictlon

rlle Plaza of SI 8ehaeUan being taken ou Ihe eneulng morning and tbe 1 RIlle Battalloll and

wb w killed a numller 01 the ellemy Capt part of the 2nd IUlantry Battalion adfanoiDg till Bell who ooolopaued lia in thla obarge If ldllll two blooka of the eat plaza optaina woundid In the thlh

W then proeeeded under a hot Ire to the GUlrdboule wben lI~or Potter gaYa up bla comlllampnd to me We Bred a oanllon from this po lot twke hlto Your Excellellcya quarte and once Into Ihe bOURa ooa1lvled by Capt Morrla dID oharged tbe litter place our lIlen gallant11 Oamprrlog n Thls 8 Ibe I place I beIIe tblll onl1ll1 coupled -In dI cill

I ampIn happ to atate dI~t no cuuolU occurred In III Battalioll dUriD tblI battleshy

llauor Oaycee wlllPve OU bull IIparate aoooun of bla proceedlDgs wllh th ramalllJer of die Btlalmiddot Ion

Th colIInd of Col Allen wu dl lded near

the lalCeba ()burcb The ollowlng estract ampom the report made bt JI~r Caycu III vel) _grph-o and llaow dI _yln wblob the eDODIl wu ban died b_Ibll -Ilul olloer and bll men shy

e-In 08lllpllince with en order giyen b1 Brig

GID Koroah_ I led dI BUalIQII towarch t1i Grand PhJa until oppoelte th mlns of die Me clld ()bri wbloh point I reoel ed an order d1 to Ib north amplid dlslodse a porilon of tbe enem1 wbo were at tbe dme occuP71og the

Leonard Dreu Rnd Hreen dietingulhed tbemmiddot MI by rellUlrkablo braver and cour-se ilh beir (Jumpalli

Altbllugh th Artillery did not haTe all the eCmiddot Selelle1 elpectud I 1amp11110 but acquillt Your Exmiddot CiIIlellc1 or tbe moet courageous and cool mallner III wbich Capt 8chwartz Iud Lieu Frrand ola oharltt hl dude wbloh deeervet bill aud full credt

III dI attack OR Grallada 011 the 13th iost Your Ecellenc h bullbull leen Yery-wol~ that the gul lalltrY 01 he odlltllN and lolltller~ gellerllll 1ell (lbIng to he- wiahed fur alhougb regom di~middot cipllDe the cClmmandera oC Ibe reBpeotive Battal-Iona and Companies did nOl keep their lIlen lougb together but when our troop reached Iho pl having oooealon to vbtervu ever Ollemore rartioularly I baye to recounond to Your Eloelmiddot e1l07 Vapl Swingle of tbe OrdllallCO Depart-Dlent wbo bebl llatloned befolll tbe OUllrdmiddot bouee (ough agaanal die enem1 In Your toscelmiddot lellcyampIId illlCio ~plnoaal bousea

Lieu Col McIlltDeh and Major Duaenbur1 hkewile bebaved ver1 brveI1 111 two charge

We haTe boell kindly pellilltted to lIIake the

CoIIowlng extracl from Gen Frys report of the ali_immediately In dI rear or die bulldlog oooumiddot _def~nee 01 GrnadaCled by Ibe Surgeon GenmL Baying bullbullcc~ed At 1 oolock P M the alarm w give and the

11 eIOIIIng he I raet (dlough under a lIloet IIRImiddot ling ~re) len mluln lullead to accompllsb dI dlsodgement and then Indeed hegau the werk of dedI Ibe enelll111vlllgin nery direction rece Ing aaadl at the bnds of our unerring nIIemen Flodlng after at length Ihat 1II0re remained to opmiddot POle va I ordered a mreh at quick lime to the Plaza and arrived Jill u die I -oC Ibe -panic etrlckea 100 wera king In Ilgbl thu eatelshywhleh dlilr vaullted_ Ior could not eecure thom III regarc to die o~nducl 01 tho troope I mlllt MY to-Your ExClIlenc1 tbat neYer In m life have 1

enem leen advancing The gtUIiIOIl coneLstillg~f a colopany of ahoul 40 cILi~1I8 (ullder Ibe oommanD 01 KaJor Gillis) tho woundud alld COli teeo~nt In the hoepltal and 80me m11 oC -tb aialr corpa haviog been pvlouily Inmucted 00 oupled the rallge 01 buildings tellding alollS tite eoutb lId ealt IIdes 01 the pI froD tbe Qu trmr alld OUamplIoo Dparllllolll8 to tbo ilpital The gllna bad been plocoj sa followa One elghteell Ind ono ail pounder at tbe auutb eot curner of the piau olle nine pounder tbe QuardbOll8e and one is pounder at lb Hcashy

lIlen IIlllre cool or gallampll III their actions _pita dian dI BtUe parly whlcb I commanded Tbe enemx advanced In colomll along Ihe Itreet

Intbreport of die otlonl of the Seeond leading Intu the nonhwsI coroer 01 bo plaza Light Intimtr1 GoL lIelntoeh 18 and I ol8red tbe Dine pounder to b rUD forwaro

and directed aglllul dleo whicb PrltllnpamplI woulll be doing InJultlee to bull brave officer done ullder tbe di-ection 01 Llelll Crowell and

IIld I lIot here mention the nallle of capt Roberl Captin Hard At the lirat discharge wmob w EU of me Rangenl for tbe fearleA manner In followed y three heart) cheera for Gen Walker hloh he expoeed bimself to the el18ny bullflro

11 wu 800n dacoveted Ibal we wera III danl(er shyfrolll the_ hell tbrown from OUr hOWltzen wlilcb GaOled en order til be giYeIl for 01 to fall baok to the email pia Companies A B 0 and D of111 command wero then tallonedt dUrNnt polllloll nnd held al a reeene (Jum E under Cap J DraUK wa then dlrown ouI on tbe len to keep die nem) f~om making aa1 moYe on Col Sandell command whlcb WII nobly wOrklllg It wa1 thlough tbo O8ntlO ampftet leading to- t1ie grand piua U wu llfierwllrde reillforced b1 Capl Green of die 2d Rilltl ThlSe Iwo olleera d_ne great credit Cor the braver1 the dLlpla1ed

neariy to the n~rthtust earner of the P~ and beld dlelr pOlltlon nllder a hot S untIl the1 were calld oB JuS be d~rk 1 regrel to Inmiddot fOlln 11u Ih Lieu Henry T Sbellnampn of Com pany Eo wbullbullbulluyuly wounded hll 1ol1li1lnly s~condlng Ihe eltor of bl~ Caplaln CflllIplplOl A and B ampcamptd l1li piquet-gIlHrd durng Ihe Jay alld

froID be_goortlson Ihe enemy f1l bao_k d makhg a clrcult alfvanred UpOIl tbe Hopita whore they were beld ID check by die tire ofdie 8i pQuuder under Capt awligl whicb diilmoullted one of their glln td b1 the fOlO rallied by Mljor ONeil The then cowmeuced amp vlgoruus attack UpOIl our rear front the t and nuth Idoa of_ t a pla where they ere gallantly lUeL b the force along our whole line The contesl in tbe rear of _the GunrdhoUde WIUI partlculrly obsi nate and maintained 011 oUrBide by lomeliny lOen ullder tbe comlDllld of Cpl alnample uailampetl b1 captalna Lewll alld Piekellgill

Juring the night alld lullowing 1D0mlng the ellemYIIIeal attempll to attack 111 ill frent but WIlO drlvell bao by tile IIIe 01 Our artillery

Boa of tbe American Idies and children were placed In the Church and in the house of tbe AIDerican Mlnbter In the rour uC blch 1 posted Pi guaCl 01 IG naen under Lieut Micoll

lJoring tbe flgbt the enemy through desertr from Our drm) lIlade a propuaitioll to U4 10 aur

penoMned their duy to ny entire aatittfIlClioD ~t tendmiddot promising ua prutaction and atating tbat

TIe enel0Y YOI repulsed and the fullowlllg fron to pott will show how ho and hilt mo were en Before going furth I be ~epetfltlly ItJ ltat~

dark nay ~thun wa posted on tbe two mil a~retllmiddot~II1K lato the pi and ocoupled bull POll tlOII 111 wllluh te1 could do good aerYlee Ihrough tllu nlglat In 0amp8 tho enemy meditated auylhlNg 10 tM oampIII_e Thlla we rem311 uluillhe u dllr- nII10bed UI to PlIIIlI-to IUArcb fur Granada

tbat tl porton r Illy ballnboll ordered 10relOIoIII Iellve thlou~hot thu d1 expmiddot ed greal cage __ to ho lod antu aciiunalld ill theil omd _ Uctullllllg OIl btalinn Wllt pOlttd on the ex troill lell a1 whun lIenrillg Granada 6riog w dioUllctl laeard IMy lIle thoogh lIIuoh Jadod no~d whh gre bullbull alclmiddotity alld OI~oiCOIIod great eager_ 10 bemiddotth tir illlO olloD Their poslmiddot tioll ctlul1 not adIII r II Uld we hud no cballoe tu tok part hI Ibe cOlltcal at thu JIteba A SlOn ft8 amplla~ puillt 1 g~io~d however and sulflclent Ppcu lOade (or UII tn com~ up IYO imlllediately olaatged dowll tbe rltlad An order to halt alld eland filiI reoeigtd for tbe Plrpose of protectmiddot lug tho raar and waa promplly obeyed with tho cx~eltIon of VaplainR Ball amplid Grnta Op~lIies th07 advancing witb sucil siloed alld the 1Irg IV8S au lleallmillg thlt Ihey could 110t bellr the or der Qd 10 continue1 on_ in tbe General charge Thll1G two nlliccrs bohaved ell the furRIer WUI ounded whilat at tbe hClld of hlann Aa BOOn II~ the dKnger Irom Lhe r WIIS pa~sed I walor dCImiddot1i to dvAllee wih Companies A n 0 and E Ib$Irpolld6d to tho cnI wltb che came up well and did much execution W0 elltered the piau and chllrged the 0llelll1In dlKerent direc

uur army w defeated at AIy Tbe anawor IoU 10 about 01 de8Ion and doftlIlce and tho batshytIe conlillued until IQ oclock the fOllowing lUurn lig when IllYpeedily termiuated by the en tnllloe of tbe army UDder tbe Commandfrin Chief

Thua for 21 houra a force of tt least 900 oC the eReml WII repulsed by I thall ~ii meDln which oUlnbr wu Illoluded alUbo aick and da abld of tlao rIll1

Where dlere were 10 many Illstances of gal lantr d good conduct II i dilHoulto apelfy who were IDl)lt deaerYlng of coullnondatioln All nOlted la a lilt of offiera soldier dnd OitiZell8 who were conplcuous for gallalltry and good conduot Alao a Iitlol the casualties in my com mind alllounting to klilod alld 10 woulldod

The 1_ or tbe enemy l m unable to report acouratel from Iho filcl tbat dUIhl Iho night of


From n hOlOle I ent Immediately to dI 0 nance OJ8ce and tbere 01Hld Lleul V ~ Hiler on dut1 wldl wo 8ergeanla and lDeDi reporteathe pplOIIooh of the 8Den Ild save tholll aach ordera bullbull l dlought nec_ar1 alld thom etarled (I

Mlnllter Wheel8f to loelf1ll1 lamil1 bd ilri~ ulil and artl ed t the oorller of IhoPlaza nw the reBideDce of Mr Teller Ju In time toch$ek the harge boing made b1 tbe enelDY dun tbo alreet fouhe Playen8 by killing tbeleader who WII gallauil1 leadiog the charge much In adfancuf his men running alld ahouting

Al1 firat hul w with a Sharp carbine oDI1 ollndill_ 1111 ataggerlng hilll agClin the ItlUle aod tbell rolled bim Into tbe allmiddott with my air Ihootor 1 think thi4 w the liIIIt man kUled in Ibe city Mr Hugheeand MVMfll othera I8W thi lorlulIte check (it cOlDpletel) baiting thu cbarg illgparly) br whicb those working au lIiue -pounshyder OoUOOII welo enabled to 111amp it

I canllot Ipeak In pr~ge or commendation or the nine pounder callnon doriug the comlUence lIIent of the attaok-~wo or our own meu were very aeriuusly ounded by h The ch gon th lla wbullbull Ilbaudolled by the enem) theirl (OICO colloentrated and mado a yigorouutlbrt toenter the IInlll pia b1 tho quarters of the Oommndcr inmiddotChier There Ihe enem1 were gIlUOIly held I check by Capt Swlngl with the ix pouude can nOli _isted and cov~re1 b- maDY eilizeut-witb ri80 and mll8kecs eucouraged raquolId direCIeltl b) ()ep- Watkin The bra fteldillece broullM 10 ber b) tbe eDemy a a point waa -00- dil moulltad b1 -tho h y and wIQlrellllsillire of Vapl Swingle ldI tbe ais poun Hi~ 0001middot 11_ and brayery cannol he too Duch praied

Voncluding that the hOlpital and gulllClhouso would Iequire Ul Addillonal lupply of ommualtion I returned to the OnlllampnOO olliee on the_ wa~ crossing the bolY lire of the eneflly near the enshytrance w the headquarLel$ of tbe CoulRollderin Cbiet and deapatcgtb d two Dlen loafled wilb am mUllilioll Cor the horpital-olle of thelll ooly reich IlIg tbere the other SlOpping at Ibe gu~rdouae 111 tbe lIeantlme Lbe attack of tbu enero1 belng u 8trudg and vlgorou lind having nu cove frOD Which to bold IWd work Ihe eAlIlIon d thro bemiddot log 110 com nander 0 dlrec~ the mOYemcll1oll 0 Ib~ YieiDltl Capt Swingle wlthdrelY tbe ~ilt poundr to the oover of the gllardlouae Ollt Ii ocloc~ P AI Tholo In tbe hopllal reualud In It undemiddot the directloll 01 Oap- Wllklnl whor they gallaot I) deteuoed tholDl8l_os uutil Ihe reillfoCemenl with the UommandermiddotillmiddotOhiefarrivd Defore Ih wilhdrawal of tbe six pounder to Ihe guardmiddot ou~ Capt W i1klu8 wu very aotlve-In rallylOg t citmiddot liens to auist hI coveting the loadingllld orkshylug the 0111111011

AlII ooloek P M I crossed from the Ordmiddot nance oJ8ce 10 the cburcb alon~ (not IIndin any one at he 1D00aenl willing to croll the au lIh as much amlllunition u 1 could carri I twoO baveanokl aDd soon Ret arriving tbere w deshysired by Gell Fry lotako cOlDllland oftbe d ot the Iroul of tbe church -

From the commenoemenl of the attack t Ex preas WagOD III U88 b1 the Comllli_v I) part aunt had been atanding hi frollt of the Ifou call ed the Lone Star Alter heing desired tJiIt~ dbage 01 tbe dCenoe of Ihe ohurch 1 Id man (I regret th t 1 am no~ able to givG h- Ime) who by DIy ordera ctossed the plaza and roy the wagou to tbe Ordoanoe oilloe_ and loaded it with alUmwlilion bUI from some Cause ullk~on to me did 1101 return jth II The lYago~ w~ loaded in tront of the Ordnance olBc~ Ilear an hour-no one appearing to be wUling to rOIl itla It-wben a Mr allyn81 crolll frol I~e arhou80 and drove 1 ovo-a -bighly or dilashybl$ perlurnaauce Aler making a c~rvtul exaID Inltlon of the church Uld rmLles Olll1uecl~ tho foroe to defelld h ampe placed Mr J L lobshymOlld with men In ilhlllge of tbe part c~ll tbe ~Ouad House ita yard alld aJoining lI11llmilnll III the quarlers Ih tbe IeIIr of tha ehlll~h exl~ndshyillg to the atreet below Capt Kell1 j Mr otank lin tobert H Smitb aud tnlee ollleI werol Sla tioned in tbe tow~r at Ihe lIorthet er ~ele they were of essential service and their COl ducl ie highly cllmmelldabl~ Othera wemiddotu plO erly stationed in the yarils aDd aportmeuts belol Ing toald quartllnl _The cOlnDluuication 01 tho a VI mentiuned quartora ith the-cburcli WM~ tbr ugb II hole ill amp10 eplLtatillg wall

Nu regular attacit ollld UpOIl Ihechub or preDliaCt CODllllulicating cpt 10119 ~ttbt Comlllieellly DepalmiddottmonG can gh-e much illio ma_ tlon of tbUle III the ohuCb lUI he I thore nlil tbe end of tbe attack About 8 to oclocll r )1 Uapl Pickolalill came In 1i00I tho l(uirdh~UI wlh thu inform ion _ thot tbe rcrce tlocreTlYU sII that Capt Swingle IDuoh lIbgdd 10 ~ho dfnoe of tbe YIlrd in tbo NIlI of ho gJI houe with bomb ahells ualng thent II hall~gn_ lIadbullbull aud makiftl fRe 10 explude amplem Iro tbo artillery match rop 110 lind that 90lOe m

the 12th tboy dlrew a large number of bodie~ into mauding oHicer wu requhed there or the dlaco ella and other hiding places ud buried some Abou 160 botlica bavo been diacovered

EsTuOt paoli RSPollT OP MAl -ParrsR 011 Sunda1 12th Inat abgtut it otlock P M

standing on Iho oorner of the PII~ lIer the ofmiddot lice oC the Oldnance Department aaw a man mounted on a gral hono galloping paat Ihe Jat-Itlba churob followed directly ~ter by altlrae dozen or moro men upon Iho rUII Tll006 standing ncar mo thought It courier (rom MaHAY dirctly the RUPPOled cllurier Ieturned alld 001111 after callie back again wltb thirtror forty muunted mellplIssing

would be tRken aa tbe eDem1 wore lIlaking Igor IUS attacks on it 0111 aluos everr aid - I

I wllB theD dbected b1 Gen bull r1 to tako domshymRnd of tbe guardhouso whemiddoto 1 remained bnla tbe rival of Uol Allen on the 13th 11181iwho courleously accepted ot Illy Iequell tIelleyellDe 1 then lB~istod In tho U80 of tile aix [Iounde~ on tbo quarto lately occupied by CApt Morri ind In oharglng the enemy from thOle quamiddott-a opl W m Lewis gave vllluoblo _Ica in th~ de fenoe o( tho guadhoue bUI wai prevented fIOm IIreat aotivity by hlj ill heRlth lio ClIII give nluch mformoLiou 01 tbe conduct of tho lIIell Iuj dc

Capl Green will ordoro~ to _isl Col ~ndQIl tiOll with aucll imp~luolty that Lhe) were quick tile Jlteba ohurcb towArds Lhe northeosl of tho ulci_ ~o glumiddotdho~ac OhllS Richnrd80~ tv where- be romlllned un1 ordCI8 ora Itl~n _to -I) rouled _ttelinl 11 al directions clt Suapectillg that II 111 a PallY of Lancere 811011 8as18talloe as hiS 11 health would rftutTond coocentrampl~ Ill the PI 81 Scbasti4J1 I CAnnut cloae this report wilhut milking (avo frona the ftnomy 1 ran lowardll the-church as fa~ 1 can reOOllllDend tho conduc of 0 (Juban bm

Tho poaltlon we ocoupiod on tbo march from nblo 1I1t-lItlon of IIlIor n DUOllbul-Y alld Ct 1j as the office of tho Altlutallt Uenbullbull middot I whn I WaS unknown to 1113 I lhln~ he Is n Ub-AII~ or tiOD 10 Urando aa in tbc ftr of- 101 RillellIllflY Th~ NlIItleNd gIC~t sistanoe III p llatisfted that It was it strung lorco of tho enelllY Prefect I hnvc seeu blln olen in all ullio eshyaud vall of ~nd Inf~lItry survillg olll~r alllOllg the men alld epcourgIIog Iwent Immediately 10 m hllUlle (the houso 10merly tho Lono Star ho~c Thero lYOle lllauy t ere

lSth In the atteck on Iho enelll) who wero tbelll b Ihe 1I~ld owned by Dolor~a LaJarsa) 1111 Bunt Uo) wife lind ho boha_ed credltllblf whl~o IIl1ncs ure not taliolO1 nur tbo JIIa UIorch with onu Iie o - The mun cODpoaing m bllUulioii aoted In har_ childrun wilh Mr alld Jtl~ Uuglle_to the resi- kllown to llIe I cau hghly cOIIwd tbe-O ion 01 Dn a _light cOllf oo uCClln-ed lu tbo _mon7 and obyod nl dlfurout ord promptly de_lice of Col Whoeler Mmlster from the U S bt John Aot-ton_ n mechomc employed I tbe rd

bull p

bullbull bull bull

313 i


lit Dtparlllltnt le_ Llrabert blaobmlm fa nce Dpartmenl (lfoml4ed) Tbe Lane and Lilt of KUW 4fId WotoMd of If fafllry

Joll4ll IUIde obamplll tor mum w AdJ r W PUOft wounded allllhll n1uble~e eranl the _ wlb Compllll1 B-EIIIed Private Will Ifnnlall _gOll to _d (ro Lleut Hlte all 1IfII woull~1 Sergt A oJ Falreblld Prlvau

au at my reqll Ilm~ ~~d Pat WllOOII JohnW~ Jobu lI_q Johu~lIIend 111m 0 the oIemaDcf - Barilla 4ad Oommander-lnOblet J B Lonpere II ComJllll7 O-WOIInded OorporelJ B_ hanlo eplOYld In the Orlln_Ret Departmtllt CoIIIPlUl7 D-Ellled _ 1errr Phnlp Bhlm lIfrJI bra mall w killed prlvato CbJi Smith Compan E-Wolllldea poundIul Wrighl r Ordnanco orlment aIao kl~ IUb ampbed Oompan7 G-WOIIruledliIorgeanamp lloLallahUndho_ one man II _aber G all I Prlet a W Foreman Deiil ~IM~ llIiarki 1m IIIIwwn to me wbullbull IdIIed an4 IeYera Gehrehl Tbot Brook DOminick CclInOIIaII J A OIIDded -C the wounded -Capt Green Smvth lbe P~tt Iu thechureilhoamplced the COlIdllot _

bull Lleuwntm DUie unknown to meL lfh_ LI oJ lliU~ WOII JlmI of I1Ilaquo1fIl Mllot I thllll w eoweNl-to 1amp t e lnat lnlaftl1l aolIIeeUke IIr H~_ghtl IidromN~ Yor~r Compan A-Wollnded Prifalel danlt11th me mlldl or the t an w_te COOl III Whl Ill r sere te KIlle 7middot

EL NICARABUENS4 VoL I No_ so p_ Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 18 1856

Inreprd to the der_ ortha pulohhe pt rirn~dk lI~lrimiddotete Frank mtIDr IIIUrderIDg him the mudlttad III bod with lIpled b7 tb OrIIoanee ollce l_oot A Company O-Wound[ Opt KatcdoI bl70llectln the moat hocklng _nr

blUbe een that I wbllt lborU 1M t areTb oree th_ w the latgeIIamp or III except jbA$ ~n the obureb ruI wu weU oouductad by ~ Ollila Capamp iWawlll lIr Bolchur and bull B Wyatt of the Ql1arlei1autel DepetlDlenc of wllom CUI sly report In detail bUI J Cellitlle aallut dlCeIl of the Qllantrmuter ormiddot ~nUlhereb7 eIbt ornblmen under lIr W yU berndd1Ir~or r~ - w bull II P II whla rellta to It mad that

Ie ellem aAer Idlll fttreOGe throocb th III Illto atrala to like p_IOII Irolllncb ~bi repelrle I h e neelYedl think that he IItaorYlng or milch credll

if 01 Ofierr ampltlHr 4fId OiH_ oflIrit Om Jtlyll e_ dilaquobullbullud in 1M laquodon at OrlZala Oct IS 0418 18G8

It bull J O ONeU lat Rillbullbull I CapL ASlt4tlngl OrdnDoa Dept H L Pouer (9f AIel Jon P II OOllelll ~I Jobll Baldwin capt a W Pickerag1l Rail

cp- Vm twla 08D Wilkerbullbulld LIeut Orowtll Dr Lllnd lIedlcal Depamp Ilt BrlukerhootDr Scott Ilt Stringer Dr 1gt111Ctp Gre pt or Port l~Dt Lamber Ordnance Dept ~Wm_eaTIII_LoIpcte


Jon Ahtou

i lin Yatu bull Byn aurOl

III JOlle CoAlQRlIIa Q K Dapt WK Wa

1 r I Arcbbold ILW~bullbull II WEeU7 IiV H bull fWnT Jolla 1t7lllt Thoe Ohapman Jobo Inial1_ hoi MOI1 I Bun u II T Sfki Gen Fr1 Orderly I OIDia Ollisoa oW Teller JchnTabor il Thombull u J L lUohmmlll CIJlt WllkfIII II HatbII1 lilir Elnpweullr Smith t ~RathnriU u1 Oeo Rieberdl lit Rouetll Obaplalo


oWUllllnrul W~ ill (JraMll4 JItWi 0IIII to fhtI Walk arriClal Oct 18 1fG8 RUllaquoI-1fr Bart mllllellu Geoat Gall

ItI I Ill Vlllablt Ooun-HolIIII Pavua B b IDA1mlT-Vllffl7 Jraderlcb Frank ph ~ bntelltl J(1w~9Inkle7 Jbplllll pllL W~ll~or Gil Capt Baldwlo Dr ~ Chu 8l1ettr Jobn Tabor Ed II NleA elWl W Telle elliseo Hamblldo 811cltlmiddot

SUchtlJ-Oarter Cp B II OapL Pickmiddot

oJ gm Won a Jliui of llu Jrrtt R~ Ballalion 001 UI~ lt11111181 iCoalpan a-I Lieut )lth wollllled

IimiddotI1Ilpao7 B-WOIIDded 1at LlRI Latimer d iL Hortll SergelUll1loekfallow ampllghll Impampnl O-Ellled Private Lats 1I000nded ut LeBallft Prinlet LlI __ Jat acklOlI Bouobllll

ftl~1I7 D-Wouoded lat LleuL AlldtrlOn i ~teI lIoCoI~dOlll8lullelOt~do

p aJUJled rrivatel BobblII- Mtu ad~ u~om~7 r-ifiiiet PrIYale lfcCurej wOllnll

PrlYlIeI Kerr ttel

[OolllmllnIcaWcL] tv Ine is obtained by the red hot plOshyHORRIBLE ASSASSINd 1ION Cless thus

_ bull bull ODe or tile moat barbamprlou blltcberiee w A platina cruclble IS made and mam

perpetrated 011 the P_I of Law Wllteler tained red hut over II la ge IiIpirit-llmp _____ _- 0- u anll lOme ~Iphurle acid is poured into it --- ers-111 y _ 0 AI bull Th _t I the cit 01 0rana4a 11 r_rded ou ampbe PIV aTom a lgtJpette III _I though of comshyor hletory

Th_ f Inom I ere dtIlberalel k o~ -~~l hmlolllh A _

II eo rom n w c refuse and mllrUrad iii cold blood

P La- II l ho bed reelded 10 001 w a maro III w

thle _utrylor ayeamprI 11111 un mntIned n611tra UId daImtd tbe PlCltaCtiOll of th Uliltad BlaHa h (aha atetlm to th_ blOodtblretyor Ii Ala B HI ampent Ith gu 1I1tem II COR W

mon temper ture one vf the most vola tile of known bodies liossedSllli the aingu lar property of rmahllng fixed in the redL_t bl d t f t crulli e a no bullbull drop 0 1 ~vapo-atea in fact It is not ID contact WIth the crucible but has IIlll1tmosphere of it Own interposed A faw drop ofOlnmon wa tor are now added to the sulphurous acid III he red hot cluclble The diluted Rcid gett mto Ilnmedw aootact with the heat ed metal Instantly flashes oifinto sulphur VUI acid vapor and such is the rapidity

b from otlon u b the aboehmiddoteJIGrt It DIMI7 td Llellt VODBII~ do Be 11 WoSoo4 a lllan to lin in thII -try and ener Clfthe IIvaratilln that the waA_ I for hi Co D-W 11_ nft B DoH I I ha mpan OIIn L Ollce wulm-b m II) fUCG t t ny

rIlIlYI t~ant ~k rgeI PrI4i people iii thII oIriUred age could be Ph of auchAJe~ II t 7 e 0 III It Vlte

Comn07 amp-Ellled Private OaIIaban wouruishy dT

B Sb d I bull au II JellL bullbullbull er_ angtrOlll1rut nln a1ttl~va~~ tIarkdo

middotaopan ~Eniedl Prl~1ea Q LPhilip OtOlllrd Pleno Brull Franclico JlIulwoulldelt Pri1eI B Smith lighll TbdB I __ bull H y _II d3 _ng II ampIIIIlpa

LiltoJ KUki 11ft WotW oJ LigAtArlUlnI

OomJllll7 A-Oed yate ~-en EtOHJlbeller PtedarioJt Dli1Iab i oullded Capt A sebWlrta lIgMI 8ergelmi lIiIIumb Gil iJo lrinkll Fr Stleub do BIII1 Jlalellllb do TheOdore Db erel2 Lu of KUlIil 04 WwttW of Rallo

EUled-Prlte Frederick HIlL llllelng-PriateJOIepb Klumpb OHrpoWllshy

uneL RIICUPE1U1IjlE poa OF fH18

OOUNlBY m____ t a __ b -1 _ ~-6- 10 7 ma -- 011

or the belt COlIDamprIea CD the globe amp0 III reproducinl power It 10 grt 110 1Ir111711d iIIn be at all 1011 (or ampD7 _t lea1 or tllIIlI

- shyfor prolIIoas III cold noHbera cIImatef h_ nllIfe Heamp for lIurIhalf the r ftooIIIampberon

made dllrinl the other bait thare h ben 1tampDceeln ~hlcb largebodlu of -0 ltoaoeritratad iii aarrow hit han aulJred tor fooIIlmamp iii thla QlunrJ filch nat campOD~o_B_ eOlt)

rudenrydil76r1ngalargeqllanUtleato tlldl In thts _n1 aIao where calli require 110

h the ~tertaI tbr dltlr ~ fll eare w tr plendlUl UId hare thert Ie no wiater to reduce or IlnpelYerlah them an abundance II aiw at hlId AI II In ~clitl providence held gW

dleliahlp onr dll amp1OIed land the great llapl of true food corn and bNlll alwalo aeuon Olher rult be wee at Umee bIIt th_ e neTer Belllco 8 theae IIllh tbe ntYeNaIIlllllllpo pl- of animal tood we 0amp11 11117 depend wIlli II eerlabil7 TbeAnppU _110 oollflned to 0111 place 0 department me ecRIIIW ibouruII iii tbem

U II-c bullamplid Ibe grealtlt dllllcult7 ur--OO oblalnlDClllppll Lillie - or tranpori

Sapr lfhloh I no Iooger bull IlIltllry bill nee

cano gro hare ao plncllilll thaI hori4ll lIneo from GnuadaltiadocouloIlllU to bonee Ifth or an olbe artlclo ot food 1h0ll1d be rOt a de or two dllllcult ro obtain lID _lIOt or the markHndle beln frlihlened b the late pree 8IIet of their heredl ellflDl ampIII011g them a 7 et two will ure tbem of tbJi ptOtoclion of the Amerlcantnd luurlee wilt bo epfD abushydanl u formeriJ


-bl lab or th bIlIbaroun will pgtVUOt y 1OII 801IIe wretcb who murlltred Amence1I oIllIIlIII amplid lIiaIIouut bre wlthollt ptO-1on and In cold bloodi llhen dIlIl learB th tbJi wounded tIIeln

belo cared for alld Iltelld d to with amoos_ are mueh reprlt7lUld atteutlon u the woWlded of our own am fbe WOUllddd we 8rat Pllt lilto the Ouard-Holln alolll wllh the olber Gell Walker had tbem relnovd to All boapltailie apari for thellllelvea AIId lallyo olllen ha been elllpl07ed 10 a116ru1 10 thelr aeoeullJee This follllS I stronl contuat with the baDGer 18

_ acl amphlIe wu mGlt woraU dllappolBtad I Be bew not that he bad to deal wlm agee_1 b uHow mlob t 10 be dep_ - not teke ampbe adyce of blafrillldt IIId aItoulder bit mlllltet la lIIIfltleCeuce ampgalast 1Il0lll $ha make no Illatlocdou

The Be lit Wheeler _ a mlulono- from bull bull -J

the Unltad SIaIeI bullbullllIiIter of tho Ooipel who WIS n 1a dWlibIIDI boob ad other aamiddot ored IItlee

Ameruau foreIpm Ohrlatlau will 1011 auf fer 1IIOb OIIlragu 011 humanlt to go upunlabed The blood or the IRnocent 011 for veogeancel

II the Will apllIIt tit Iodlan or NIIIth

America wu JtllIampgtI1I at that _I cia bow much moriIl thll Wll JUlilabl aphm bull lit or qul as __ dollbt I word ol t lb b~ wbo 0 lIOi plClltad b the IIIIl1aht- 1lueJ 1IIf-rapeci feqllirea liS lIever to bellen 811m or the age ad who 0amp11 _mit lIIIIh a bull of what 1IIOIIItJ01I alrocllltt Lo WhaU bHn tbe ampreatmant or the WOIInded and ft__ liken b7 Gn Walker The FROll ampbe _de or a Addle 011 the 18th iot

r- within II DlUe or tbe oilY II blue broadclotll Conaer were plOflded 101 iii bull bamlll mlllntr I OAPI IIntd IIlampb bleck wlib a bbck eIYltooO die latter treated u ~ of Bere Th Cape roUed uoiJnd a lew articles otuudeJo would haft bean a flile epporUlDlt7 for uereilllli c1othee A wleble ward wHI be paid to

W au _whO wID leaiII b at thl olllcampthe law of retaIlaIlOII BDI Gen aliter diOM Granada Oct 1fj8 IIthtr to loUowthe dlcliuee ot humlllli7 ad be pYemtd b7 the enlightanecl prlDelpa or the I WILL glvt II n~~i~ to any persoll who agt willreturn to 111 atore m Ledger Book It

Shall tlII -lUI collntry which fa 110 aumiddot was pUlaged from 1111 tore durlnS elate tackbull petlor to North Amerl be aUowad to remain In H A THOIIIAN

r shyter llIma ns bthlnd nnd ill frozen into a IlImp of ice III the rcd hot clucible (romwhich seizing the moment before it again mel it mtv bu thtown out befor~ lhe

Jeel of the Mtomsbed observer

We wisb some of our enterprising reashyderawould attempt the mtnuficture or ice

m In Granoda ~o the l~el8On who produCIlfltth Ii 1 III gI bull

e rllt samp e we w ve a ttptop no tice

l1J The Roman Elllpire In the Haith or illsIor did DOl colltain more than three milllona of aqaar mllel Th UolWd Btatu now C01enJ more ampI1an thlt aret Ind It latser than Rome wu when ehe If~ die mIIlrcel or the world

RNpeet tor amp 1Iuman Y81 Frellcbmall

1 II IlIelf BprInc Slimmer IIld II1II the und ot gea 1Iho woaM Il10IIII prohlblamp Oruada 0118 1868bull En iI WlbeJllnto belog ampbe germ orOllt (004 ialmIgratGD md PlCIgretl Bare natllrl bea Lost

dOlltlall that It 11_ 10 h_ happ~ ON TUESDAY the 81at 1111 LANDWAR God IIaItowend hill bleulnp and RANT tor 6 hundred drawn 10 favor

All th apMt or man II dI-fue H of J O ONqd SlIch mealln bJio beao ~ken as wID reruler the warraot or DO 11ft except t)

0 UR 8NIIIIIES DISPBRBINO the pellOl1 for wbolll it WM drawn ~I pel1lOn _ who returDS It to ampbe 8llbacrber Or Ib the olllce of

IntalUsenco IlpoD which WOampII reI II_SIIamp II Nlearag1IeOlle will be IUlleb~ OwaJ~L InampoGtanada thl mornlnamp 8tetet that the rem Granede October 18118 bull bull un or ampbe AlHed torcea are preparing to Itb -----_--=-_____--_

tllII~trJrlbundantin thllOOIIlltry f o(tbit compay in biadespateh ya

draw amp0111 the are _ding their lick forwanl to LHu and tUIng other pral1mlllampt7 for apeed7 lIIlllaum et 11 ftlalll nOlf with thembullbull matter or 6boIce If data-ed bull few da11 wo _lIIlder tho iIIIproa it wOllldIJ9 _ebullbulltarllllecMIlampy

SAPPIIR AN D MlnRl~Capt Hesse

1 have to state tha~uenr1 O Porter whom 1 temporarily appollltAld bt Lieu tlBa bhuyoo bravely as well in lIlauy III on euterlng Granada He was the only one to load the gun In ~e charge on the enemy beyond the Jateba Ohurch

ftampX A THOf1pound~) nHOLJl8ALE DEALER IN


AND ALL lUNDS or LIQUORSToSether willi

lIIN cOPzca tNJOs_zclJ1raOJV lIDiLL lUlIlII or GOOIII 11011gt 111 _ amu HOIpltalltreel lu Crout of 8enFllaelloo CouVIIDI

ClIIItda ~e_-18_66___~___ Dr ~I Po

TENDERS HIS SERVIOES to the oItIzetll Qf Granada and Ylcnlt71a tlte practke or

MEDIC ME SURCi RY amp lllDWlF 1 E m iRY l1J OftIet IIId ~ldC8 011 the 8Oohweat

the optain being wOIlnded and all the 1 ~ the treet GPpoelte the Bow FIanCitco other I~lel being either wounded or driven 0 JllIIet lillie from It under the hlllvy firing of the It entlmy Fagan lind Loyd attended well eeorder 8 Omee tomiddotall ordlllI and fuug1t well at Maaayn THE omce ortbe Rooorderor Deeds 1I01tpguand Granada Mr Latta WII8 wounded ~fortbJi 0rieIamp Depllltmetofthellepu~

d U Itc wU be opened III tho clt1 of G da CD Moo-In til exeutlon of bls 1Y mr Johnmiddot da7the 9m ofsptelllber 18L1amp All perIODs Inn did his dutj well throughout both required by Deero~ to bll~e their tltka ro IODdalD action al also did Mlll KcIeweR the r01ll8lld Departmen~ recorded within IIbc and Maloney monlha aAer that tI A Of LLIS

Recorder for the Orieotai Deparlm8llL _ W II P h_L i I GriDada Sept 6 18jI _ It lit w I II toe way _______________

to Buriingampun fn Ie ~o~did you knuw Tabor ampr 0118) 111( narnu waa Pat f Oh I guessed ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORSAT LAWshyitn ~D by t~e hOI~drker if yo Oftlee iii Et NJOAuovlIlI1I BuUdiOp-80ulh are 80 goo at gU_Rft Ie otter glllss 11 ~ol PIau Grnada NICAIIgIIa the way to Burhngton PartlcoI attention paid to e1a1 against til

J3gt An editor alks in talkin of po Goo~eiBOR 1 jOompan G-IIlIed Sergeant lIurrJ llOWIdmiddot whlob die AmerleanR b hlampl1l1J1o be811 treated ottmiddoty and matimonYt Who would indlte OWEN DVFFY r Ga~lIOamppt I 18C1(1

14 Ptlva Brandll OoUn70n Ellinger BIalrOII who bavII fallen Into It harul or the el1tlii) OIlDlts to a woman whom lie nw every Davlcl I_raftamp1IIiaIu Drummer onlar We call11pon the civilized lIaoos that - apeelemiddot Donlin in her night cap IIDd evert dlaquoy

tors ofuu 8tlllllea to nota ampbe dllference at dinner IIwallowlng meat and IDlhtard1 O~BS FOR SALE at his plac Se BollaLt 01 WouIIIW tA SfWII() Bi- Ballttllon ban iltreot ene bouee ampbon G PIt BeeCoiopampll1 A-t1iIto W 0I01ld 1Il1g1i1ly PampRPIOIIU CulII-FellolI-cltllll aald e tFTho bed of death brillJ1R on 1mmiddot char Ilore 1Jempan1 B-Plbalell I Dowell aUghtl7 11 bull h ~p llour Whlte-ltlllgar OtJUllee lIampIlkeralt Oil

~ do lllteheU do Fourtb of JQ1y orator I repea tho declaatoo I man beIDg to 18 puro IndiVIduality I to 011 eoKno VGIIl AfOIIIaticScbladem Selldo lIot bellevo there II I mOUl woman Of child In ~~tDen- alllhll1 Oorpo- the IlItenlIe contemplation of that dcepeat Stomach Bittelll Pbibulelpblll Ate UId H 111 do lriv A ruuerlon dangeshy this bolin IIbo b r_hed 1110 age Gfil~lY_ Ilnd most 8OIomn ot all relations tha rela Kllllgulan aDd Mdefra Win Cle7plpear SouJItI do J P lIle d(l but what has fel hit truth huuderllli throughtholr breloa C8l1tviOl gor iou between the oreatare and hill Creator TERMS ~_0lIl ldIJed

_ _~_____ ~_~~____M __ __


318 EL NICARABUENSEVoll No 51 p 2 Sabado 25 de Octubre de IBS6 Saturday October 25 la56~

lttpound 1 Jitaiagutnst ~ Satur4ayllominlt Octbull26


Promotion8 and Appointmenti lIJ~1I fllOll al OINpoundPU OIlDlI8 or fill lIIIT

PR OMO TIOlS bull C Ftfennlngsen Is appomted Brlgler Gene

rat ill tbe Ailny and will take charg of Ille OrdIWI ~ Arlllieri under orden from lite Comshylo~rIIlVCloi- n~ bullbullbull A bull

or bull _ ~ra III promo_ MlStentQuattermaster General wIth tho rank of LleutenshyllDtColonel andmiddot1II take charge or ~he Depar~ mant during the abaenoe of Col Illlller Quarto m~ter G_I Ia d u IPt III IIOrril QUlrtermaator promote JOt Quartermutermiddot Department

cpt George WLeoollfd Ifirlt Rlfttt II pro rnqtld Broyd MIJor for gallantry on the field0118Ib 1816

pt A Scltwa~tz ArtlllorY to bo 1110Pl Thomas Henry (UDMiaubed) Ie promoted

MflJor bi the Quartermllaters Deplrtment 11111 Lleol George B Farrand to be Ctplain liltt ampJellamp George W Glat Ald-de-camp to be

oplalnI tAout JlIIll1 F Schooh Company A ae

cone BIB Is promoled Captain Company A ~

Rlilett II -pled to take eAec October 18ampb 1656

The ratpatlon ofSecood Leu~ I a 8oDmlll Compan 0 ampeond Rift Is aCcopted to ake lIftte Ocober 18th 18GO

Th teelgnatlon or Second Lieut J W Polk 8eeond In1 II accepted to take efted Qcto ber 20tb 1866

The nelSlotion of Seeond LI J W vamiddot111m Second Rilles Is IIccepted to take eftect October till 1866


Col Thomu F Fllher QUlrtermoeter Oenera1 ordered to tbe United Statot on blllln811 of the Governmenamp WlII receive hie InatructioD from the Oomlllallderin-Ohief

Capt Wlllllm errmn Is granted leaf of abeenca (or ailtty dill from flle ht ofNovember18116 At Ita explmlon lIe will report foI detshyto tbe Commander-inOhIef

cp 1 NWeU Walker Ranger Dtlttallolffla glllllied leave or abeenee Ibr 1I1IIy day fromlIl November18i16 At ita ellplratloll heill report for ord011l to lite commanding omcaia o( bll BILlmiddotIIlIon

Cop J O JlmllOll Fi11ll I fanlry I gnlltld lean or ablence for elght1 days from Noycmbior 18t1868 At lIa cltpllllon he wUi report to the commandillg olllcer of bla Recltnent Cor orUII

Cal II Mallldorf Second Infantry nted ItaYO of abeenee 101 NU day At Its elplratlon he willmiddot report to lite com1l1anding Clllleer of ilia Bandon for ord_

Tlr Llent Robert GIIllIlOII Is gnllied leave of abINnce for mtl dAys At Its explrallon he WIll fllporl fGrdut1 ar Grailadamp to II eomlllanding of-

COIId Billes lIeer firat Lienamp B F Delaney Seeond IlIfnll1 III Fll1It LIenamp Lewis R Latimer IIm Rilles II

PIOllli)e4 Olpllln of Artillery gnnted Iena of abeeuee (or nlnet) da flllm llrit Lleut am Dunlcan Flnt Rilles I pro November let 1856 At Ita erplntlon he will

oted CaJltoln FIrat RlOos report to Col B J Sallden FIllt Rllin (of 01

SteOlld L1u B M Allderaell Compally A to deramiddot boa~IItLCoImlan1 B Seeond 11__ G Fi Lleut Arthur OOollnllr Seeond Infiantry

_Itt lUI YD orlbedmiddot paDY I auted leave of abllenee fOr lxl da fromFirat IIIfantrbull1e promoted Firat Lleulenaut Colli 1111110 FIrat Infantry

SNond Lleul O n WellFI11It ~IlIIl11 18 p

~=o~~ia~~~O~~I1I1~ Flllt Bla rolUoted Firat L1utampnant Firat Rilles S~nd Lieut B A Crhart of Ordnance to be

Firat ~~euteDaDtrt dLLleuamp aeo W nailer Second Infantryt lo - tit eutenlnt ~olld Lkll John F Price (unallacbed) Ia

))f41DfltedJijrt Lieutenant to repol to litomiddot Quu te=~I~fs 0H=~ Com A ae ~~4 -n __ to De Firat Llelltenftnt ompln A Steond JUfIM

a-d L1eld _ Wnllam Company D lieshycollli middotlUft to be Firat Lieutenant Company I

Second mlf~ RIa I hoorabl dJcba~oI from Ilia Army fItrmj IIO Porter 10 be1irfl LleUmlAlIfSllIl OOrporafi1anlel Smtlh1 00mpany D MtiiUUlIo

part till Ifhort I honondllrdlachfled - Ibe Army ~ Kleuelldotf Comrny A nangell to

b Firat Lit1tanllnt Oompany B Second 10 Iligoant-MlIjol MllIwel1 Allen Trll$ Rlller shy

nppolnted Socood Llelltanant Fl11It Rlao bull Firat Suetan Chl Wllklnoon Firat 1UIIcII It polntedmiddotSecond Lleute~antFirst JliflOi

Fillt Sargeant Carl G Sbockle Anillery I prOlllOted Second LIeutenant Ariillery r~rgeanl Hardin Jnlalllry Ie promoted Second IItORlnt Comptey a FllflI Jnfilntry

CeIlIt J V Conklin Company D SeeoDd Infalltry to be 8eeond Lieutenant Complllll B Iiecond IDraliky I ~ltlral IlenJ4aDelolter Company B Second ~~1fnnt~ nd Meutenant Compan7 D

Private lIrnncl Roth Company F Second In famplltry to be Firat Lleutellant Company F SeeoDd lnf4ntt

lrIto 1 A OIarko Company F Second I faDIr to bo Second Lieulanallt Company Ji Sec ODd IlIfantry

Prlvale Donnls E nlnea to be liecond Juumiddot teDant ampppOlll aDd tilDen

Prlute John G lla~ Company A Second RI tohoBocolld Lieutenant Company A SeeoDd RIIttJ Rirgeant IllIJot lugh Com8ny A Second _ft~ Second Lieu~nt IIlpteyA Beshy rriYlte B B-Yilt Company it Second Rlftet

to be 8eeond Llollellant Company B Second m 1Iu bull bull s~JaMi~~tod Seeond Lleutonan~ of

111 Slckl ia ppolna~ Second Lieutonant to date fiotn May ht 1856 (110 Ie acting at preaeot It AId to Brig Gen Fry)


Col lohn I Matich I reinstated and will kt1motlo~th~Fi1 Infialed fll RlfI 0 bull lit bull -e to 0 Irak Jk lI~n~~r Calling Oompftay O Secood InshyampII ared to Company 8eeond Iu-

The TreuaU RallgerJ with aU their equlpmonte are tranatened to di BIItamplllon of Rongelll b ~~ of llappef1l and 1I1n commanded

Noltmbr let 18GS At h uplratlon he will report tomiddot tho commanding omeer orhll Regiment for 9r4el1l

FIl~t ~wlcre~yQ~II~~D be 1I1U1 continue to IROn forwardbull It Ittut that cause of a conllnuanee of the oUlrage UP01 hi A pUtmanamp A Ita explratlol he wHl rellOn at Granada fO IIMer

Firat LIeuamp Robert Oardller Fraf lUlIea II lIltedampIe of abMllee for nlnet dlJl t weexplraUon of wlllcl1 b will report for ord_ to the commanding elilcel ot ilia Battallou ~ Llout J Bleier Jnaamptacbed) II _tod

Ihamplvenof llbaatt~t1ordormil O1t JJta~plratlonl te repor era at eueralutadqulricl1I


Sergeallt J A Bopldn Compan D Jim

rrlvato Benry Waiteill Compall Al~RIll 18 honorebld~arpd froII th Army

Private M Mlllloy ComPany A Volti~ tlOIle -dlui~ b~lariofltaereatlbu to rille 1t000000000lr fiIoiarnil hm lb Armlmiddot

Privata I4wlll P raquo CompOy 8Mond Inran Itdllollaraed trom lit army OIl Surgeoneertillcate of dIIobifity


Th n r oname of ~emiddot len D GoIcourIa IIl1tr1okon

from tho roll of III umy 21

AmtttIlT-On Thuraday evening Gen Ba1llo Illl1gaon 11amp01 the men under bla command OXOJo elellig In flle plu The JrtlllI) In two Com panles UDdOl the Imlnedlate direotl0ll8 of Mlllor Sehwallllo ClP DeilneT and cpt Farrand and tbo Sa ora and Min under Oa Hebaamp Tb

pp p e men were enrolled In maneuvrlllg lite mountallt bowltaera and frolll lite rapidity of tbelr 1000lag certainly ahowed IIIl1t1h profIcIelicy

shyOn ldal avenlng after bavlng ourcllod tor a

wblle on fll plua w111t blank cariridges a trial Wli mad Ith the regular sheila against lite wall ofanad ruin The captoIea proved thellllelw

aimed at and the aholle xplodlngIII the WIll tore out larg piece 1 IIPP_ to III from Wbat we ha _of tho e~ that wo lIbelle IItrildng In tho amplme opo will ellech breacb III fll8l1rOllg as adobe building aud tbat (or lite mlllorlty 0110

11011 directed Iliot 11111 be ~mclen The wall llrodlnto WU 1Ibullbullrly four flltt blthlekuou

fha Sap)lllt and Hillen coming to a Itoolder 1tIIT8 with hovello looked aUrat IOmlll1t odd but thoy anu line Iooidnglotofmenand are 0110

of Iho moat ulCfbleorps In 1110 aenlce

CoL T r Flnlll-W obamperY tllat 001 Thea r FIlbert Quartermuler Oeneral N A hu been dred to lite United Stotea 011 h_eII_nedld 11It thla (Jo__amp nelWl made Idmeolf euolt a Ibolite wllb tha paople of Granada that e

PLURALl1Y OF PABTIP9TONS The Late Insult to the U S Flagl The name of tle venerable Ind aimple dimeshy MURDER OF A1IERlOAN OITIZENS Dr TBg

MI1I Plrilnglou-18 In tltelle tlmell ol(n ug AILIED ARMY OF GUATEMALA ANIgt led There aremiddot now many lattlngton_ SAN SALVADOR man ho trlve to Irr01lI tlte advallce of oceanl wIth boom8Uclcl We are surrounded The murder of tbe Amricaa chIlena In tb~ b fllem I we read of them I ever mall brings city of OrMada on the Ush of the cormt aome new denlopment of flleir flllll1w labort month by middotlIte allied foreca of San Salndor tad TIley endampvOf to ouPvtlngton Partlngton by Ouatemala II one of tbe Infllmolll trtneaellolls IIIlng leas oIfrctual illBtrumenta In tbelr elforta to that mual for ever dmgraee the chllracter of tbe lIIeIIl more forcible and overwhelming occaM people bYllbom It 110 eomml~ted and bring tbe Th 11 I n ~ b II tImiddot bullbull middotmiddott h b I d Ibe or ~na anngton wa WII I nil a nl VI 1 ampIn em ~c D8Mloon9 un er e of th Clty of Liverpool now all England belongs contempt if not the dlrcct ceniure of every dr to flle famUy ud Franee by ylnue of ~ho Aliimiddot lIIlca Is ready 10 act Partington to the letter

Partington Is no longer II proper nAnle bullIt 1113

btltlomo common Ie ha beeome r princple of lclion It II now bull great pollllcal organization In facc Statesnol Kingdom tuck up thol PGIII coate and BtAnd mop In Iland ready to RlTelt tbbull rising tide of tbo limes let the cllort COlt wlo II m

TheN 18 an adage hich altlteugh worn bull II l

IItreadbue w would lIdbullbull6 arUngtolB 10

keep CODipleuoualy bofor them It will SIIve tbem milch labor and not a li~tlo ridicule ViII II Thne and tide wait for no mall In IItIa 18 l

b I Idworld of tllltli and pblloaopllYI If leh t fOU be weB for the Pringtons of tile age to aludy

Beroro lite wbeel of lime btU completed lIIlotber cycle Ihe obituary 01 ail lito Parllngtona wlllhabullbullnd ogalllBt hia protestltbeylllllt robbed him of

bull bull been wIllon I for althougb trutb IOmetlm reo all that wal valuable lu hl8110U8C Illd thon drag amp11 Itlell Iowly the dayla about to dawn If I~ ged out from und the folda or that II ltIcb he Ilot alread1 dwned when men wHl be conmiddot should huo mad hia pel8On ucrcd and hot vlneed of w) they ha kllllWD Or hneprof_d him Illh coolncea Illd deliberaUolt

10 know for a long tlme-illat man I a progr Aalf to add to the alroell tbey were nol COl

elvo ereature and tbat thlhllOllltabl WIsdom of tent willt taking hlUfe DlIlng all Americall illmiddot Dilialty haa set blm tranlllng In II patb 10 which IIIln inatead of protcetlng him while 11lng 1111 u

ou tbla road lhere 1IIa~ be ranters that lOme main alter dealb I Seven bayonets were tbrcel may atop oul of the Way and reellDe b) COlllfllltftble thl1lugh bll bod after he had bHD abot reatIng piIlClll but It Ie oqUillyt~ tllllt those The thought of how tkcao fiamplda dlnced lIm who teat toe long mUllt keop ou~ ot middotthe wly of lItel victim lind in thai hclliah glelr hinr

thcao who ate malaquoll~ Ollward or lltey WIU be JDOIt UllUredly troddon upon

It ClInnot be long before mOl will be convinced II II

ILlIeluwUIil laelrneat And the gray It Dot Ita goal

DWI~ thou In to dUlt returnnlVAI not spoken to Ib 10Ul

And that although Individual Of cles or peo

pi lIIay heeome u 11 were withllred limbs In tbo great tree ofllf flle mmk canllot pariah bll~COII country Be had been here tbrOugh two rr_

nd _~ III It h ~ed tlul I II 8 bull -_ 1111 as _III grea porpoaea (Or wblch It lloe _ied

But the Partinglolll of EurOpe and America IMllllnospahle of DIjIkin tbe proper deductiona 111 Llo of ellta~ fll8y aeem u Incapabl 6of comprahendlng the great lam of hnman 1I1e lIId thlr Teneraoto progenitor tbe tonlea whleh ro IIlated we ebb and 11011 of the AtlantIc

We a haYIng now re-enacted 011 tho etage of European plllr lite sceno of In lIleb tbe Par tlngton of ~be Inquilitlollllgured wben a lItey would ha us auppos clolltcd In tho IOlemn 111

h lItorill or God they compelled II nnar1lbla p Imiddot lesopber to relnee bll_dOll relative to the revolntlon of tIe amplrih But a1tbou h litis d I to aholl tI era ~I f I thmiddotYv r a me a gen e n tIrae the pro- of lit ampIlll iteelr WII not reated and the ParUngiona of tbe Old World w1loe 10 aaslduOua In thrlll4in fllelr mope Inm flle advanclo wamptora of lite sea ~r P n III allOO8ad onlYin being conllnced in ~d that

olteellont marbmen lhe1atruek the preollupot notwithstanding their elflllta flle world will con

~g (fou tJIIl~~ecd under tbe orden of donbt nol be 111 reoal Ii pleaeant reoeplioD do not weigh mere than a grain agalnat the elllrtll

t1nue to wag OD

It we tbe I lrit of ParUn tonim tbat threw obllampaclca In lit path of CoImbU 1I0d Luther alld KOllath It 11 to legllJlallng In tbla aplrlt that EnglandlIIayttnDute lite 10lIl of her North American Colonln and to tllil aplrlt Bpab) loa ber AmerlCftD POIIIIdIIIOUl 1amp Is the Parllngtonshylam of th that cndeavo11l to arreat flla Il1o Taneo of llrragua In flle road of 1101 desilny alld that would atlgma~ If pOIIlble one of th

b d _~ h1MII _t an moat nt__ men W 0 ever unmiddot dertook naople to proeperty

BII~ to lite philosopher 1114 lilt_ thllk thero Is a OOIII01atlon III the knowledge thllt erente are guided b7 111bull luperlor law of an aUwlle Deln III whOle balance the elloru of all the PrUngtreg

RESlrAATIONS The etlxnltlon or cApamp OIlldes A Gore Se

eoIld lUlu Is accepted to eke olfect October 1tIIl5O

Tliolampllgnltlon of Firat Lleu~ A M Pittman Firet Infantry II accepted tomiddot take tlleet from October 3 18Gbullbull

TIae retlgnalloll or Recond Lieu Groaa Second

wheruOlhe COIII We 111111 him afiaorabl TO age and a )Iced rotum

DItrIlIlDIIN 0 GIIIIUDl- We 100 been handod I 11 II th lIamn of all the persona wbo were present at the defence of Orampl)ada 011

th J11th and 18th of tbla monih It erowded out fllia eet We shall probably pulllllh It in our next IlIue

of WuhlngtoD er a Walker or 111 olhar of the InlltrUmonll wbose Ilame we might adduce wbom Be lIIOIintbo developemont of HI dealgnt

Tn I QuJlPBu VITVs-TbI8 flIslllonlble eillb we regnl to eay haa ceased to elleamp Au loq 0fO~ Ita remailll brought In a ferdlet of died of eoIIapea of tbe pocket RguitmJI ill p4tbullbull

IHzed nation_ It I nnmiddot ac~lon ao rar bOlond tho pale of 011 clrllifLd cII9toma8S to render IllmplJtoI I r bull ill E cld I

abo 0 Jual cation ~~ry In onl Olcry e ( eumstanco connected wlln it ene only 10 add to the guill and ink tho porpelratOll of Ihe onto Iago dcpArln tbe grcd 1lqulty

II cannot be Mid thumiddotlt nlpp1tml u or wbile tbe IOldlera 1010 in suebe Illtc of ~~ cUemen as not to be aware of what they did I I for I yet theyliad nOI been enpged in any BC

L1 h dmiddot L h d b t on nor a oy Il B ot yel re npon tnOIll 1 any of tha oltizens of Gmnada The residence of Mr Lawl_1s allUftted about midway between the large plaza IIIId tho Jalteba Chuteh Ria

bull h b bullbouse wal tho flral tber came to In a tag b Amerlco~ls lind wltboul pl1lvocotlon or culo while the American tlftg lfBI tIiDg over bla door

bullbull deprived aD American citiZen of life bee mlng iii Intoxicated witb (ury III to conlinue to Ibruit theit byoultalnto him la heortmckening

TheBe men cannot ucue themselves b 1lnl tbey were not awaro of LawleSl VClitlon Ibr h I Id d I II rat L av ug res e n t 8 coun~ry len yelm

spoke belr langulge Iluentl n wu 1Iell knOWI

tilroullbou~ Ibe country ampI a merchallt 110 bad never utor(ered or took part III the politlca of IhIt

dOli and mere than b(~w8ra utl had alWAY Ih reapect abown him Iue tbe flag llhose protoellOllha clalllled Belld all thl he 110 doubt oxi

bull pWoed hI JlClIon h lng bd ample lillie to 110 It but It avaned blul nothing tha~ be hid nol takeJl part In the wlra It lled him noihiaLbullbullbullbull I h- d I L ere were ItO arllll D Ie _ an t 1amp1 u~ wu 8Plrely 4efenceleu- a clrcumtaoce that among any people wltb a apark of chivalry or hUlnalllty among them wold hlYe 8Ied blalif He claimed to be an Amelican citizen and eluinr beneath and cillmin~ Ila pr~tectioll of the Star and Strlpell was by the deml demOllsmiddot ( we callIlO wi tbeln men) coDildered amp erime worthy or bull

hd d th meat orn 0amp

We do not wish to caUIUelltion esplloWl W lite death of the Rev Mr Wheeler bo IIU eUi gaged In lite ploua duty of dleklbutlng the ACIId Word of God amont tbe people of fllit pllCl

wltem neillter te aacreel banner orChriat IIOt Ih ftlllJ of Ihe Ulllted Stet cOIIloi aIIVO frou lite ruf 611111y butcbery nor to the murder of the Belr Ferg1llOD nor to Mr Camenl 1Ibo waa dng~ ~ed rrom the bosom of hia family And murdered hllo proclaiming that ha 1111 lin American oltlzen for tbe clrcum8laOCeli of thel~ death Is let rO~IIa plalnlyln tbo lIIIoexed aIIIdvlll i O do we wial( to make any oommenta upon tbampl deelre to get fller American Minister-who Willi at the time prot-[ trated by DlII83l1-1nto thelr huda tor w eel middot ured It wlluld be a work oCIuporeroptoultlu1Il parte tbe caae wID be setforth to the people ar the United SteteltJ by tbelr reprlen-lI e IIIQ we doubt not that Americana wHl indilllto Ibelr

dignity Btl we would ClIII attention to the faet that Ih

flAg 0 the oomparatiyely email BanHate toOI of Saxony 10 Europo waa raapoetcifbull hlle lbe American col011l were being abot at alld rlddleocl Wllh bullete whllmiddot tlylng ovor lhe bOllee of tbt Americalllliniatel and served rather to leduc outrage tban alford procctlon to th_ bG lOught ita ahelter 8 tbe following aJIIdill m bow

LEO Ollmiddot or UNlTro SumOJ AllIIle I liEU RmzllLtC 0 NIOaUOIlA J

Till day pereonally appeared betore lIIe Jamnl George Wledomanll nnd moe OA~ thai I ~

A-gores of the lIled Imyof Gllatemaltl I

319 El WICABA6UENSE Volt No 51 p 5 Sabado 25 de Octubre de 16561 Saturday October 25 1856


tile n SteamOl La Vhllo Capt Thom IlUlkert~rlnd al tbe port of IlrauadA on the ~ytlllDg lotSlaquoturd-y tbe 18th IDBt Iloe brought Jutem -lIP 0 1I1t of UI HItIt monb

br - bShe fOlIgbt o a Ollt ~Igbty Plt888Dgtl1l who nteld ljO nelde I~ 1111 COIInuy list) of 0111 ~ Joinell the NlcarogulIII Army Among t

- I IBanIfa we nol ct tho lIallle of Clt)L eonlngftnHow~ Joinell theNlearagutll Arm1andla In COIomlllll 01l11li ArIlIl~r1

1111 Jla Virgin brwpt alao tor the Army lU1 bull o if h nd-A M- L d middot11IDr ell X II nu m mUlld III i 11 et lour or wllb Ibclr ploper equipment the evrig~ for tb mountdn bowltze aI_d ro -- ld II Ivge quantity OfulIllullltlon

81 f I

struggle wUI be between Buchalampll and pOllUoR a alellder -agure and ver1l1ght bllr reoIOIl~ lillmoro ma however bo much BORland and Frlllee h made II warlike 01 alronger batt tbe pllbllc h lID idea of If Ibe 0I0nllramplloll aallIamp ~be Kin ofSarcllnla AI

ee 0 middotpapr we earn thI All the dey atproeCllee for Ihe rleSidential eltctlon In the tultcdSlateltlllulscltcmentalld1nleruUllor_

be nfoet ngg_1ed ltalemen are IDade by of lb riftl candldatea relale to

iuoqUt t II weoed wIb mor ~OtiOD ormore UDshyettlalra I lIor caprlceelIIan 11080 two Statee now

I od ha P ll 1amp t1 middottt t 1IlPlji t t en 1 YIUI I go or ImlomrDUllffilll4ll Ia 1101 cet~ of Ilanflng It iln Ib1~er ~andlt hlwampy been e Btrong ilIIIICIlItie 3Iett and h ginn Ddehanan large

Ai e roof of 118 entire dovollon to Uoellty I Hid lbal In Ita remoter di8lcta llaer are lililarge ItlllDben of Totee _t fqr AnshyUtW J~80II t

AI Ne York no etandll the Fremont men Ire alma I Ilire or ber But II e fllred tbat 10 otdtr I ifeeure tho election of lluebanall by Ihe L S d fN Y k 11o~r ~e thO emoerac ew or w go

om 10 1111101 The bull 4ft oro 8() nicely halllllud tbal eonaldmiddot

bit a~lIl1la of mOD01 are illaked upou tbe rampgt fill Willet III accounl of a mall wbo ble to lIhu aUIbullbull hlllr oft bl heed If lIucbanlUl Is 1I0~ Ilt~ted b_IID Ie e or bIa elCllllon be Is 10 be d lIh all lhe blta be CQD wear ri I -mo Buehan conUnue to realde I

Whl middotlIollll8 Thill aIlnde UI or PlOl8OiIor Stowe-hlllbllld r n Deecher 8towe-wbo wben Ihe FIIgishylift SIt LawwlIS p-d re latered vow that

oul~ not M hla beatd cut untO the Ia Will Itpeilled Il lla needl to that by this tim IU beerd of tho Proteeaor hal altainod coRaider

A bull Welangth lIla mil1 wil~ at lOme ulure time I able to 4etermlne the time which bae elapsed ~Rce tbbullp_go of tht celebrakld law by a _Irtllellt of Ibla bireuto ppendage

Olll neighborS Ia the Solltil It 11111 ben b

rtfHOell to lIIother pitt of tbla pape haye art IIt14 at a period wboll tbey are beginning to acl lei aot througb any ellerg of their 0100 but by

bull bull Iho torceof the elective spark wblch tbe pr0111OIt ~ lb AjDerlealll excitebullbull Aa Ie lIIuaU the cue ill ueh spaslllodic e1f~rta tbelr ICtiODS are neltber -At( b d Ira UI I ateedI-~ ~ pru ollee or grea~ til geDco II of t1llll~g tbolr atklptlou to tha aeveopomoot of cIIt reour0e8 or their St they e endeavoring 10 ftrm I agalnaua wllo If tbey 8amplIdled Ilatlr deg lotereat tbe would not olllylreat aa

htelben but endenOf to ludaoe us Inlo tbelr _trie b offorlng lerge 1IIwarda to U8f1 lIIIerIca fho would Httle amollg tbem

go andmiddotdo Ukewlh tI Ibe would In fow lola uame was reeeIedmiddothe ~onoludedlIIIId IDUO1 c u Aoa_ fII IlITIIIIo o BD-Thill L bull ~ Ia peu enklrpriae whleb for bullDaB1e Iou _med

han reuon to Ie the - the merleau lIle pp - too i11cH1v7 plQJce 10 lie HriOllllJ eoklrlalaed tbelr denl among them II Brig GeD Horuab waa II atbullbull II Ie 11IeI u Ihelhuadelplla IAtliJrr to pIO

The Elllpero Alolnder of Ruula u _wued drank with ~re and th _II-I- not onlypn bullileallle blit to be aowal _Iilrocl lakll with peel ctltllOll1 DIIfInc laquoIlGlIamp- The oople of Gtuadr- uu _ ~oo_uIoa 01 ~ GIld lIIMaWio_ tIon the BDlpelOl lIrtIMd dlllllfllamp1llt liNt lllto lliftl amp111 the lUI Ie SOl Ill of bJ a

-r hGould he alloed ampveryluiUt iol publleblnl tbe JiIoJ-wa receld wltb leug 111 incident or the cerem001 The rep_led Brig Gen Jit111 I88po11111lo 11 draIIk to of IIIe Pope _ reaehed on 1111 occaeIon be- The Bed 8kIr of 1I1earas- t shy

I - --

blo IUCIea From all we can learn 10111 Hill quallllcatiOllll appear ~ bo good die-

n -0how othinc oIemenamph anlbmg Ike llalloolmiddoth boen ordtled -to the SardInian potU middotf9t111er rloctlol1-(f OIgIlDIZlltlon aod kllllclt to fhe nowl from Frallce I unimporlllll i01In principle beymiddot ilia) lIIlrprlee the Union 10 111 France hM growll up to hemiddotalli8 tat bilallbbeb

lire th_ ofanr other _IfY neCoatalUcanuNboglnnlnr(OltamwladoD

end theIP rttIIerJ to (ullow Preildellamp Xora III lUIother folAJaplneUflO8IIguI ucla_pIcIou

III our m1lld tltt they beslnlllng to bow wbats b

Tile 11010 from Buropeta DOl of III In -eat til l1li In Nicaragua Q_ Vlctorla lib a good _bl mother Is endorlug Iogeh lIItmiddot ablo spouao for hr aupterl Ibe 11111_ RoyalPrlll~ irederlck-m lrlIstlt 11 at proeenllh fa rltA In 1gtvl matrimOlIai IIIIrkel H baa aCeltmIpanled lbe roJa moth~r clllrllJU

middotmount~t roogtiI laddoll M unexpected Amiddotcoup u fat 11M been lIIk1mpted in Paill bJ -rrf nI hi its lerth to taIt the B~I u rtmiddotIIlI PrtlllllllIIPpcaraneeago their eandl- (leott~ODollnelltIukod ltltIeenlIlllheUa 11 IIIIee from Franklin the ed_ltlWd Irad rona hladoctor mullraquo alld air w pxketshyltlale ud Ibemlelvenn rar behind dcrblllleedenahSp 1b_Spanlahtroops hoW poue 011 bJthe plekel prltl ofbe rNIIOt hllllditerehlef

middotTho DfbIIlIIIn lind FrolllOlit lien are hathon 8Ionof Madrid bllCmiddotthe blew wa nOlllrlld 1111111 1114 - man killed The meIu bod WII hUll~ F4t 11111 ~-l---A-rua-n-p-n-Jal-Ir-porler aid il 1kelr 111 III In 8upplieatlon before tbe State middotof laneoueI~ amplllbe luge ollie mt therefore lcLraplcllY-~Inrr th pu~ofaIampok wa eo olOOllelt amp be ~ tbu ibnup -CD in lie Yo ftud Ponll8)lanl4 There lIever w only parllllllluCOO88lal A eho ar Ia SpaIn II 11 Je is ooei Jirallkl how -It grolt ~~~litl~way~~ma4t billlyen- iwI Ja

bull IlOOII t 1111 w II mo OU _ bullbull h1111therefore hlehl probahll It Ia thought -be w IIIalI aad tho collklmplated atiMlk JIOfi hbonld laquolad 10 bow NId tbeuegioL Wii France ie IlIlIOlIIe nYllOl1l1eel4d wllb the 1IIfaIt POlolied Thethumr -ped ~~ ~~ tllteat no Iongel alilee tbUl Ju~ IIlpl-agaillaamp II wil1middot R~~ h bull 10 1IIdlt e - t nes -lgt 11_ t -- poelufely lilted 10 IIblMOQ KaN mldlllampht howeyer (1ft aspreu Ived III IIUIIp A IaQd peculalor 01lt W- ladeellcllo

until LIlt mill of 1100 Allied rome hqultted with ~ Informaloa tllat 001 Oook wllb I _e his trac IJIInI th eba be Inaallilidl J th CrImea Tork h for the pretent nnt foroa of U 8 ~bad takeo lip I porJampIoall clcreel It Wu 10 h~lhl ~IIDd Ulera aDd 10 frem the dlplomalle boti_ lrolt of Ltowr8llCt the 1Irpoee or pIOleoI dllBClIIamp for toIbto dlO tbel iIII thela~ablampaAtiIIbtd

It froIn the pro~d ~I ~ Coodli~bu 10 draw tbelr lui breatb With a eolrallre ~aPOob _u to CI_Ie PRESIDENTIJtL SUPPBR toWlIJIIIlIOI810 Gel H~el~ warllln~ oe Pcmy eliC~bullbullVeUowoltben ~ t

__ tbe _equellcaa of III lkllllplOO lb bull It ollllh of JII1 ora hepiaHie ckdara 1On tbe nalramiddotof the 19th laaamp tb FI14 61B la uld that CIII Cook IIa~ beell Milt b1 Qea do noamp believe amp10 Is 11I~ wo_ or eIiIIllo

ly wbo w urgeatly oliel b) ~ people ot IIIIa ho_ who It_ttubed the age otM _e~ alld 018n of tbe General Stair Wlib a few Iewrallee 0 lDte~ Cor lheIt ~QJI Qn b~atmiddothU fell tilla tl1lth tbuwltriag ~ Cltizell8 lDel 81 the Pre8Ident lIIena10n ad tIM lb nib Gew -0 arrIYed at FnnIdlll amllled tbelritnilllll flPcQrl ag I

tlook of eupper bull oolllllllalion with Ibe IIIIoera of be lravadlog -10 h

bull th I 4 Dri ifill S IOld thembetmiddothe WM prepllCed en- I11III D ~ eaklr 4 9 _ushy_l _AOIOnamp guellawenttoe gI~enerrJ foroetbI teUftllHheoleutlimltowuhla eldeiitl11I~uowedf_gnIID80ftJcbtibullbull

JlorDeblIriglcllerOeneral Fry Drigtdler-Oeaeral _1Ioo J aupprtlll cllaordere with the aht of _04 ttom death lit the ampIinIhPa~lllIi1lf ehlOro-nnneingllJlftW Xbull RQgcro SubS ot Jlaermiddot tbe-~middot~ IIlJder Jb---middot~iIatit fmn ald bullbullbull~ elida CoL Pb R Thompson Aiijt OiIabullbull N AI the Interpoeilloa of XlIreu aHer (Jell ~ BII or~t qllellioo At tho 001 Ales Joo P~lIIUIer 0nl N AI ~e~=n~- t 111= lIowlhhen be l8i dO~alrO Ii iWir did Col T F Flab Q~termUlter-aeatlll N A thai be had)lllt UrtIIkId to or 190 ouIIa Who Col Ocoqe B Hall 00mmi1Ml)raJ N Awoold be prGperlJ tried b1 the lepIllUthOrlIIaa Whi III amp man wamph acom 06 middotetu toe Atl 0_1t 1 M tbe geollOmtaaU de10 take of the yltodl Aa _ the cllIIIIeaire

1eIIIlt)f Tho Hdth of tho pruldenlor lhe Republic

or Nicaragua was propelled and~lIk Ith eoshythualaam 10 tblt the Pretldent rtIIpoDlled propotllll W

Til OlBcera or the Nicaraguan Arm

The lIetlth oC General William Walker w III

en propoatd and drank with Ihroo ebte Tbe Generallf caUed upon to reply It1IIlmoatl posalblo 10 gl90 ao Ida of Ibe ellOlrI~ ellbOl loll words prodllCed IIded by loll graoUnl geelleolallon and peculiar feror we CII 0111 Mltmp 10 gIe 811 idee of wbat ho Hid bull

When bla 1)AIII had btllI repoampteclly oalIod he roee lad 14

GIIINTIIIUIM-Wbtever or hlator helon 10

tba Da wbalOVer of the 1I1111rol 1liiy be 1810shyorared Wllb It owea more 10 Ih lid recolfed ftOIIl the wisdom galbwlr) and derIng 01 Ibe geotlem811wilit wbom ampbe lndlYidual wbo bean i baa had the good middotfortune 10 opente thaa 10 III merit he blmaeU po_ [Cbe_l Ao lodiridual wbyenleer posltloo be 111amp1 bolitla gea oat

01tho P1l2I he repteaeDlII maltee hrlll gMaL It M Ie_ en tbe approach or Goy Geor Hept J A Ii my Ibrtene to lie the repr_tame of a with U S VcIopI aud weDI towlIllII Ne~ lIarr1l1g1on S prlnelp e willi hlcllyou all Imboed_ prin All b qqet ia tbe IerlllOl1 Henr A clple that cannot OOCOllftaed 10 thIa 01 an OIbtt Joaea J It

bey pl pro8t in thla pllttloqiar by 11Iuon- clple of ulIleraaI fraedm It mlltt ooalln to spread nlll I erubracee nOl OQ all hllcoatlshy

ucl ott 0 EtDperons Nicholas And AlulIIlnder ofnent bul the conlhlenlll of the old orldmiddot It will ll~ jhO bull IOn ililOctl to the United change old Y8amp8IIII ~d reinfipale -i alld Slates t AmoriCllII moehanica to come aDd Ive t~ Old 1flithorldNrecelung lIedlOlPullel ampom lbe

n~ oll 0 e ew 10 ellen to UI the paklmll In Ibelr 01111010118 and tbote wbo aceepted tbe embraCes of a IIlIivelllll blll~hhood (Iodlullallo have beu reated In a mallner com- cheering] __traIl wllh the wealth of llie Empire W080 After the General badcoQcludod TheSoldlllra

resoured tbelr Ibor will help 10 dovolop There of Ihe Nlcaraguall Army WII proP080d IIIId dlllllk I I I E tb t b d d I III hId b DO pe~o II urope n n vanee n e WI Oil C eel Arts of l~te a tIo same ratio lUI the Ruselall Utlg Oell UeoDmRBOo 10118 (Irank with IIlucb

d I l 10 L II E I ltb b bull All n fer coyer e en re IIIp 10 If a ent wlm lind III retpoollO Gon lIalogaen Aid Aetwork of ralroad tho Emperor bas Inlol semiddot In lubatallce Iltal he nOI muob 8OOWItolatd 4Wed til icoB of 8ovorai Amerlc1l engineers 10 liking ~et that ho w eatlrely a

apot It I - broad ue wllwene-lt Ii ampbe prla-

There were HyerrJ -er toute __enI draakaadabouU oeloek the geDtklllen Ithmiddot drew to their reaIdeII- mllCb plcued with amp0 ellteneinmtll


fUll lI ona ampIID ntce PROOLlIllU-lllI

bull t1t01l 11011 111110 Th St LoQIa BYelllllg New of Seplembe

Ib b the followlDamp IUlpllIIl1amp IIew1 Wo v clalei ftom 118 JSOlGer 01 me 1111bv _vl- t Iuamp -11 of tb war In

Kanua alld c1rculllllaneea atlendl lb 1IW Wal1 of peace amp Frtnklln

Tbe MIIsourIu we 10 their word tUlObed ampom Wolitport to aItIck Iewrlllloo on th nthT w compoud of OIIe reglmeD cit ampos_1 eae ef mounled m_1n all 1400 _ al- We dool _beu es_pte Ifre 10 lend Ii four pleooa of aHII1erJ Gen utt11 -1 ora - alike bllamp atdilterenl 111_middot In command On tbe 13tb aad 14th thete t=~t=O~Ath

~ebrmfori= rwbull Jllltlce

lamplllzed by came G8II Atelillollto tho dWt Itefohillou ere peel decJerlo ilia relllng OIl the proeCtiOll promised 10 peacelll bullbullttlenl bl tbeGOYOrIIO~ tbe Ibelnndlog army would dltbaud l1li01 relll to ~belr 1I0m_requ~Un the Go _ 10 reergamplllA and diatrlbukl middotOtCllhe Tern ~ Cfoe of mllllla to p~ the Mtthln from _auderl atld robbera-alld reoommeodlncIhal CoL Tim be made commander of tbe mUfti of Ihe Territor] lbe )(-urlane llien broke up cunp aed returned boule except th_ wbo Jp te)lded to IIIIUI lit doe l~

Tbe aillet or OH bullilretl 00l1li UrtIIkId bYGo 0 belollged to tho flOIIPIIA of Cal HlltYt1 wbo made ampbe aItIck on COL aolleriton

WI-d~~ t4 ~~III to f~ lI4I all __e lIpOIl t bull rae_ deg lUllmiddottIogocean middot10 -0 bl thle muno bue made report III whielr the d~lhat the ilia eouId be built OIl neuI7 dlrlaquot rltlIIte from sfamp 10 the OWt01 P~- with braneb Iio Ibe Nile The00fi It ts7~ 1114 the oooatructioo will take IIs88 At 8oM2lIfeeuf_wlllbetoliad M lIle diMDce 01amp000 feetlrom t4e bull_ The plrl 10 be ooiIIiInIcl4d III the GWI of Patm whleb the former proJect plaeed a Ill boUom ofth GQlf wiD be located wei mllee 10 the Willi 011 p or the cout wbere the wa1s 211 fee~ deep Ai leu ~han the cllatance of wo IDUea Tom tIN IOore mt where IIIIchOlampg g~ It Is tlmueil bet 1 -IU fie do In 4IN11cpbeleen the rotpeCtibull place IIld Bombr III fdllowt (Ionalallwllople 1J900 Havre 8928 Lolldoll 86GO LIrpool 8560 He York

7311 Ne Orlean 8178 Hore IhaD ball Ibt 0) I -een Ihe prlndp porloofJilliropo alld Alaia bJmiddot Ibe propoeed l Tbi slugle fact lIholllicalmmenle IIliIIl) 10 ill Damptlollll ail weU as 10 BVPI and Torkej olld ril lIeur tor iIamp projecCUnl the belt wlshea of the elvill1fd world

III view or faoII the 00_ lIIIfd the Ilk alargci landhold~rf Beea_ ~ ill p-d ~ to ~ 1IIIt middotbadoa tbeli- of tUII odtM-1IIeIII(It - 1

Gel Atobleoa Gen Reid and CIII TIl4 -Why iii a Inr Ike kIIoclampert Becaa~ dreaed the meetiR ad lIrlIed complianoo 1amp ho lIIiHotml to llifW4 (a d_) the GoYernor prOpol61 Th Govenaor thel bull -poundt

Wlthdrw from Ihe ~ to alfordto 1 Iist 01 Ietter IOUrlaaaauopportulloace amOllth~ D-rJl~middoth nIB I d 0IlIIhla ngeoUon A _tllIlI w jllllaDllj I e bull- v lII1ICO omiddotwag Cf tee ve

Iober 11 1866 lIolt Ooa(Dlrdeall V E tBullh J G Bllllch J BbardO E Bremer JClarlt ll WCaaIIlIo C Ohecklcy Xlll CUlton I Daly Iol J Jlllher J A lir141 Jishfr G W

aI Ulek~PoInl They were 08pwred at G_ GeuIeall 0 A ~IolillB oppotIte LeeomptoD OIl 1beIr reamplIrII Go1tbArl P A from 8ickory PolnI to Iampw_ 1111 ead bet (1_ J 0 Iathe aampempllO vteA them _ U S eoWter Hanele It fourteen of lfes men 10 killed HoagllUld M H

Lene III not Iio be folllld 10 eIIeTerritor II Berdy C

Fuu o bull t ftlna-lbe Now Orlealll Della Jorge A lHms tbat Red lUvor hu dimmed up lla owa Klpp S V inOUth and now mlkea 118 w y 10 Ihe Gult LorIog L th d Atcbaamplla B l fb II d bl Llnere or B

2 1~ X 11 LlflngslOn J WlIcGulgan 0 Hoy A Korri H

McCann H a IfcCudle J

Jlanofill S Mooney Hamp sb 1I Nellr E A OsborD D C Poal Dr A Pearaon J T POit Hlu A Roper J Hltllaquogton e 1 Roulrand ~ Sd1 Dr

- Scott W L 81110111 D ~ Sklnna J C Smiloro H SlantbrT7 E II Warren Wheeler 8 H WllIlalll800 CaptWIHiamSOD J

lIuilii tbe fOr~middotedurereor thdegat ~ til )8116bull and tbat at oue IiIlHl neTer Iouched III M - amp X TIIOlampIV lib d III b~ II b llI bull - I

I pp ut pllrlue bull coune w 118 1I0W WHOLESALE ])EALER IN Ulned elllptIDglRto the Gulf far to the ell I of Ibe Iolillalaeippi Tbo Red RI Ie now to BRANDY WH SKY WINE~IIld Ie remhla to ho up whether whcll full It _ t wUlliot re-opoo be outlet to the Joflulaolnnl ud AND ALL KI~fS OFihLQUORB Ira mill wIIb the aIbA~ of Wuerif - 40geer If bull r rrN COrrBn sJrJ9DBn2-rrzoJV

U-- J I L L 110 4Lt lDliOO ~ 0001II IOUgt NA WIIOUIiIAuU 8 TILl YI nOIY -An mIII - HltrJ etroet ulltoI ofampIIFruei800 COIlbaen lick for a long hoe and whit1n this _ate GIUIIlda Junlgt 1 1866

would OC4ulooII _e brealblng ftIId IIr be ------------ --__ - -Dr AAud Pobullbullpparanll eslhletfoe 80m tIMe when he wooIshy

~ III th~ dockyarde of lttllllia An~rICIIII 1I1collamiddot worker and that he ca~eto Nlea heca II apln COllie to On one or these ~ heo fBNDfRS UIS SERV1CESto the Ilhtz~Dbull1 IIkI hn~ lhe dlrectlon of nfthlrt The OODIC- tb ht II b It - - be lind JIIII awakeaed from bIs Bloop lgt1rIok uk Granada and vicini ill ilie praclille of

OIIg ero t eoe w wOr 10 do He would Ied 101111_ UITlCllli SURGEoy t_ H1DWlhIiJi qunoe fit 11111 will be tbat In a abort IIme tile nOl hae eome h_lt he uppoud Ibe tllICI8 of And howll w bo Jlmlll1 when oura IIIIWJ ~ bull l u j1l bull lOt

IwMlaII Veue6 III bo IIblo to compete III speed bla laborwOIIIS be IlOI1l1ned to IIII1t pI_ Re dead-1011re after klnup ini thllOf OftIce an4 roal4caCe 01 tb aouIbwl ted dumiddotmiddotllt with tb but buill Yankoe clipper tumln tballka - th b 1 bull Brlalg III a gleu omiddot Irioi an IA7 to tU- comer of tho lampreet 0pPOllltc tbe San PrandgtltOAoLr bull wr e on~ goD omen p hero lilt 1 Jimmy -airIf I dOll I au OouonL ~~~e~~ AlUerlclIiIorthlloontln~l1lw~to OIlteonre~upon ~m by ~ IIIUller In wblob IdbrlDk thin blll1 meor Gtanu Jail 1860


320 ElNICABA8lfENSEVol t No 51 p 6 5abado 25 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 25 18S~ i t l

BRIG dNN HENNlVeSIIN ketnft4 tore lItelrlllaquopoampolllpu gri_r __ dlis hnmlllatlcm Autrl of eOIl- Iolaled lit COM~lISSION IpoundR~ SALE

t ~_11l loo1ltlnl 01eI 1lI6 l)emOOlamptI Rlew lOr t~Ir- tIe pJlva~ aIl4 lIIampIIy _______ t86l1l dad ~~1I1D ~n the ampIIlprllD W-r TIIlrtee lIUDPm td_ ana geuellile Of pURSUANT to an order leeIIed by the Board of CommlWon I gtfIll on d1IFJ~T DIY DlIloh the ClOIIdllCt an AllCIIont iDd ablllamp of note_ dlieclly tbll lulftlldvballled or JANUART 181S7 ofter die lbiIowingmiddot invelltoried propottl for 80 III pllbilO ItU(tUIIlmiddot pigt he lleteODI bo llgu~d hl ttamiddotiermtlllOflbk bo tthoullbdley had bad fw 1IIDIlth ill1Itelr the IIUa It the citl Of ~randl middot1 Uiwwe are carefully lorDed OTUIO told amp ppwer 1wrIHt Atmtlpd Atulricm H olall TetIIlI-Ou~ or IIUllar1 WpL bull ___ I lie ranka priloioll irlthoulltluriuamp OIl or them The laIe HI conllnU1l ampom lay to dar IlnUHn~ wiolo 18 dtaponu Of troDt BIb fall upon tbembull Speaking 1gt( lhe Gdrse ampelng ~he middotol)ltllllll wb(nrvmiddotpl1t bull pta Pankos deahtma of leeing the property and emiing for tbemaelvtl8 will 06 fllmned ~ll

nr6I11 aceouna tba Ilad bean ltritten lip to lhal oner (Counl Ziclly aD UDollarim) to dBatll horselllld gukl8 bllppJioallon at my oftIce - I irrul of thla lDem_ble 81rOssie Alr eiloll ana Amolllllt lbe Icllml were -e mell of large V I b e ed In It we Grid tJle toUorill (orhme w~o1D the ~II were _nxlou to d V1I I PEY INamf 01 Biulli I _-l_oP_1I_0I ___ RtllIlIrk4 ~ e DIU iii g tpoO toll Balllyampbyl ror bilt eatftld wordl Hacienda do aeao Roaano IJOiii llItololo Lopez Treo hI full bearing tI4middot11) Tho tnl connected ndlaWlillibl_nuflllreemiddotliilllloaiordollampnmiddotOeneIK coodemD 110 do Oandetari Do Youngtreet 10bullbull0

tblleampaltnt 111 ampOIlIg 1Dd dierefwe of tIe ed by Hnau wbo Will hill dBbtor for Ilxty Do CaUle lAIa Or~ Do bull 1~~1 HIIInl e _ gen~1 whloh Olftnot bo ~houllld doll VecztJ wlotte ~her (sllllllv BOWIampID run Do A row of siJ ator~ 101 UIldeiMood wllIo __ling the mlblary eo ID ) wieand he IIIQ of lite late emperor Au- HaeIendo de (JaQlO

UlJOnli In thleOdntryiUOIIlallled ill ~ pampt Ilt tba eampIdIer Jlho-pbllr-dle pllont and I~dl8O Pit t Juan T0lI6 Rut 8 0 entitled- Nag) Sandor apd the rrIeeI Damiani who Hacienda de Caeao plz(I Do- H 11 ThI P4d 1lIl Ja~ iff l1JFmiddot bellIg _ed to he hlDge4leet 1114 with como Do Indigo Je1U8 lIIarl8 Do 1 I

Fod bat 11M iffirtt tlhuWaUflul tM poau liby 1aet here lJbull1 ~ alw~lI ~t Booee in Ri Do Largo IIdnbe 8 11 f( BtlIqgU middotdndFtItllrIl p~ 6ti upon IMhetlio lIeLfP Bacl~d de Cacao Sin FraDdleo Jose JArguello Aree 18 C HfII~~atJlllwmiddotolmiddot fWlw M01ItIM LoWe Bath~nyl 111)0 wbenllomom fell bad Do do De Abandoned Into Qall~jl1fllllllA ZtmIaolrTgm R_liOll b~ tried OYer pW atIer belnl eaotenced to B_1n Onmada bullbull bull Do ~ ~ bull bullbull 0 Pvoria tc rour 1 impi1aoDment the eharga middotormiddot l)eWs Baclellla ltleCaeU rdilacio Male1iP- bullbull i bull bullbullbullbull ~r


rI p1tt t I cd cJ to -1 W middot111_ ~f middotORII Latour ot 11_ In Gi-aWulo-- - ~- JO bullbull bullbull bull bull bull 10 Thouampbor 0( 1Id_ ptm e li~ ~ r l)-U wbiclt be notorlouir U1tu_h _ _ 1180-0 Plta~ Francisco GuerrA IS

PllbnO~qollleclampIIllIIotb~bmiddotmiddot bi th d9lamp1t0f WullingampUII wuCOlidemned to he BoilandIotIIlRIna ~ 1gt0 9 lib lbe ~Ut onamprll 0iJ0orIlJ hanged Hia wife IntrcdllClld bull lancet Into hla IIoUll8i11lUfU n Kill patUalll burnt 10shyuulll bl+aljJbh~ugh Ih~ m~mollll~ ~~~sn pn- h which hellldun Inelliletwallliempl Haolenda dB 0_ ~~Ia Fe Joa6- II lIaleailo 18 In which Ihl tr COIIUUeDbC IIg 11 ccteddu~ co et the Jugular Tela DllIOOYued helbre he Catd Bolnte JIaI ()lIa Do bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull G ~imte 11000middot lIr 07 ~II Chi r de bad Ill to death hiamp wound 1111 bandam lip HOIlllIn ru 00 Lollg IQW 1 bull defeltbl bull ~h d IDamp~ I 0 ~ wi alld hemiddotw horrlellltdflged OIl IIId alios lite Haalend de Cacao bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ~ bullbull Fetlpe amp S Saenz NearTolo-aome wlldlllltamp 3()IlO

1ftOJbt8eomiddotarmiddotall rtt Igmiddot d or gallo probampbl) not belDg rdy 1I0 P h DO do 11 Vi C1emonte SaIlIOl Old ealatc neer Rint 1(1041 liIlgt11IfI~~~O ~pSd r ~kJi1iUei word to Ire and fell abolltibg Long Iff ampIIB lIollle in RIT Do Large adobe 100(10hit ~ nmiddotiI_p 0) bull bull Ibe arreet of Dahyao1i hid beell amp 110- Bouse aDd proyery In

middotbeforeBllblo Imiddot lt bull middot~middotiIi ihislao 1 IIulOw 01middotamp111ampmiddot01 atlonllo-ble otenc WIll a Sanmiddot JUan de Sur ) fll lS UellD lieDden tIam b bull bllabion cawIUD1-blamiddot esecutlcm anmiddot _iDatloomiddot HacIOllda domiddot GROj Felipe Avilc8 bull bull bull bull 8000

IIIOlJIiy ~I RUIIIii ellj R JPII hiobD~ 1Ianr otIrtri w_put to dtaIh W_ of Do do Sallt~ Do With wildlands b~ ~Re~t 0 ~ ~II middotaM flnb IfflUlrippeli and Kourged helOre middotthbullll I1delld de Ca~o JlCII-LaGalpa F amp E Carazo bull 27001) _ nCr tI aoIdIerr OfIJcelB from liliiii or coIeoell David D Lopzamp B Daroe 100)tile Baclellda de Cacao~ 9ijdbf~he ~1Ie~ thorab~ dOlfDlfardl e~ abulIpflI middot1It If bgtced Into Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull II amp Jos6 OaracM ~wotbtrds of die eltarA II iIai1 a~tJter~ ~IIJII ~ed IplOb th AUUIO _llln pr(fatail ~ at lite Do do Boperlll P run amp famll middotrmiddotmiddot 800gt 11_ r~tIJ 8~~ ampdrIhu~Dbull 1d eaprice of IDd ears-ta to ~ D~middot do Chlta JOJl6 Alfaror Conlaminl 160 acree 2000 ~Qjlt ~e ttl th rJm I middotU dar s-~ BOIIfelnBl Demiddot 1600 Urqllllatund to 1 C~ u of iIIatorlo bull FrOm thequatadoDe here IIIIIk k wIUw_ ~~eCaCampo Pafniar Tun Agila bull 10000 ~ 9fmiddotIi~temiddot 11114 tbafBdc Gen B~ Iidu 1fi1h 111m to Do do PlllIIIf P~1o Torres ~ ~ -lOOO ~oI~ lOU ettIoa of Ruulamp iii 1 B_ltlruu 2000shy t~Imiddotaath~~~eibampt dunn _middotmiddotri ~themiddotweIpt or bull rtpIItaiIOII fwllJUan Do bull do O BuetOl amp (amp11111 Near St George) 3~ ~~rII~ Dt~~~IImiddotlJuilfe Otunli IInewled and liaeety of PIlrpOll that 111l1li1 Bad de Cacao fi Do dobulllt lOoQ alloo COm liI iir EurepO tID pnbU~ work raytllihl1 tor IIIY_ whlchho ~ en~ Do do Jayl 11~Oerde8 k tamlly bull bull bull MOO and deg eIO h I dltIcm of th ed B Ii alrad tTOtahI II III E B~ ill RIampef bull bull bullbull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bullbull bull bull o~ gtJ lIII-dnl flle rthl 8 PI II 1 110- bull mope Catlle Batalai Las Lalaa R Pala ampI fmIl1 bull bull 1 popilldlia DIIlft h bull or I~ a and doubt ne -thaI ldImo~ DllIItre pow H_ID ru bullbullbullbull Do dO On the Plaza 2 ItciUjmiddotJ1IUle d~ ~call88htroFer ttei1eclla Niea IfW lillke hlllWM falidllarDo do bull bullbullbull bullbull ))0 do Do QI

lOh~IL~ ~ II middottmiddoti~ wmiddotr hrO hOllmiddotADleaea Dobull do Do do edmiddot lwwlljlUll-adepamprlTleodeglmiddottoat 118 i CaUleamplampIemiddot HeC~IJtI lnoceDteRuele - Ihf St PeUnbllllt lnadluted It and bOle IlIf au r-l~laIe and Imiddot

Jdft1oillD ftJreIIP ~~ I -gt - lIIotiee rdieateDIJIIlIe- bull ItiIdmiddot bullbull oe bullu were D- bull lIl1111~~ da r F lid lIf 9 jIIturliaia oItlte llllIoWl81 _lddlKieaeeIJ pe BOIIIe In Rlne bullbullbullbull r bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull ~ ~middotCbIdimiddot =n H bull UeDllla ~YU Ioii wIltprenlM th~ to me dIll11111bll1t1oe~ Sugar Etemiddot nell 1110middot I

bull~ bt -eneecUMtto mltllilbnn Ihe pUbHoofmiddot ALL PmtlilONff bano tIahe na tilt 11- lUvae ~ Pedro Ohamorro bull l~rJnO

III the Bunf d~ti_O ~ Ollorbelorei1lellampt1idlryorneoo1868otherw_ tap 00 do 12(00 ol~ ~1I-noII IlQ tie a~oflii~1llI~tb1middot-middot ~1llr01l)li iterccentef Pedro ToaqIlM ~1I1l1 ~OIOO ttlbullwtmiddotcilr 6Ibplo-dIJ1Koiiot1t1 ~UIAtltJiB8GORDB1t 1gt0 do Ag~Agrla DI()~lcla)lemando 8laquogt0biild fll IL b ~ and tb ()rientili OIllRLBamp OALLAHAN)middotmiddot H_1n Granedamp CbhlDroampramlr SapA

~ll8gotlatlllW bullbull or bull ~middotJ1lLll1SKtSr ~dBlti I_Kula Do dobull ~00Ileattle300ltgtiu1l l2~Umiddot ~dJCted uallO~ todOonr- AIld-aU ~lIIdehl to tiM at tit Do do ~ROaa Do lt100 ~600caltle 1Ul0 hor8eI 16gttOOi ioot IlWlpr~ middotabOedec~ petdllOllllIIIIIka Immdiata Pato Bac1euda do Ccao bullbull to ~ Fnlgetlcla Vasa t 18

The crll11Ilj~~ I~ ~1 lal~ lenlll~t monuo me GILDK PlTUB Bon III (Jraneda bull bullbullbull Do ~ bull 15 O hllito Of tbbull bull piby- BeIIDlllpID bull wen all lnbk A4IIIIaIllrillorO D Stook lIn~b St Jeronlmo middotDo 1600 catlfe ~(lO hore HInhn

the bull t t Gralled yen St 18M Boote ill Graneda Do GuedaiouputMet ~ biublUtyllldellotlllllon mapa ~middotU om e __ - Do domiddot Do _ Domiddot middotmiddot11100 deslrabiek a iiillitarJr poln oC vie the movemiddot otlce Domiddot 40 bull bullbullbullbull Nfcaclo d~1 Qutlilo bullbullbull bullbull 8bull lIlent h111 n~li describe LL pertlOll8 hlnr clallIlII aplta lite tu of QoIrete bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull Do Near lIIalaeo 4jju

J kln 6fGill1eya middotlieon In bamplilgmiddotno- A~o fOllolngllllllled deoeutd plIrtIOIll 111 pre 11o In Qranada Antonio Barheteno bullbullbull ~ ~ U n pea I nHhem to me dilly Inthenlluated 011 or before Stock Ranch El rlldo Do $00 cattle 1~ hollelt 4fi

lated tho ~oodIIl0~8 O~ wblch KOIIulh delegl~ed lito tOth dlr of Deoember 181111 otherwllle th~ lantln Walk bullbull bullbullbull Do ~eer Granada 2 bl power lbo Bele pilbllahoJ the follOlYlDg wlH noamp he IIllowed by Jr I ~ In GratIlIdl Jns Maria EIllrada bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bullbull bullbull bull bull bull ~ quotatl11 bich we are templed to cOP1 aa It B1lOn Cole Wiley lfarahl~ Plantain Walle bull bull bull Do Ncar Granada l II Iii millent p081110n In European afIiIlr8 Robert JlHllkIII Jonaillan WIIecm HOIlBO In M_ 400catrJe fiO hlgtrfle8 4~ Lino CelIr

8 ow 0 pN 1 Dr Gen lie bull gatll bull S K Sackaun George White Stock Rench Clraeol Dmiddot fear San Roque 8 0I

beld by Ollr prlStli g IInto bull And Umiddot perllOol Indebted 0 lite estalel oC Ibe HOlII8 In Gratllld Lnla Montrel e 0 Kt)86utll had middotnot ~Ichd Oro ~pon dlo boTe deCeaeed pereoMl will make ImmedlMo PlY PIMntain Walk bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull Do N~middot VegM 1 (

rOllller befO4 the necouol 01 GOI8O I tIe1lSOD men to Il10 GILBBRl TITUS 1l01llOln Gnadn NAciso Raplnoza 4r ovemok him frOli1 whence togethmiddot wlth 1epl 11bllo Adllllllltttntor 0 D 8 BIJIuln GralUlda bull bullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull fala rlltoa Horall bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull 6( U Dembinkl Kmeuy GI1OO and 1If tbollltlllt~ 11 aranad BtpL SO 1848 Houeeln Granada lOll Ubaotl bull bull bull bull ~

ho puHd lIrollgh Wallacb to Vdbl In IV 1 - Ifulend de Cacao MlloO Tlo bull bull bull bull bull bull t I hefond lIIe Turkhlh frentler nO ee- ROUIein Gramplloda bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ROIIrio Vinamp Granada Hotel 9 ~ wlUle Gorgel bad omred tho gaITiIon of AItt peraoiIII areIIbJ oaiRIed agaiOI bul Do do gto bull bull ~ 0

Colllorn to III1rrender wblch I re~ lIrat to In or lI_solSatlllg flit the fulJOwing 1crIp~ Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Ponelano CoTftI bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbull ~~ d thoul11 entering Ioto neotiatiOll wllh the ~ne 1_ nUmberedmiddot(8G) tbltty-lllr In fayOI of amp do bull Pelar Mil~nco bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull 4lt IIV

A~triu~ Tb~ro were IIDfortuo~11 cmOlPI D lIa)Ie1 tor t810middot Do do~ bullbull bullbull bull Tlo 21 die o1lICltMI lOme dUpes of Gorgea parIoy who 0 1_ nlllOhered (19gt nfnetean 111 fu~Il of Stoclc Raocb 0101 Ito 1600 cattle 200 bor 110 0 were allrlollamp (0 maktmiddotterrM and Ie nolbiug 1188 Wm Baletor 18383 Uclenda do cetlO ~ Do A Malco ~o bean of K_IIlI fonll bull Gorgel bad ~Tel The lJlOye dllllCli1gted IIIitIp Is ~ elldoried by H_In Granado bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Femando ellman bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 0 fro him t~lll0w$tl Ibe f~lrell w Svoo liP me and Pi t Is pioleetiKhUbeoIIlce of the StoolfllAAelt at TOrell Do t600 cattle 300 boraes 12r 10 the AU8Ii1anl with ~~ealipulatloD hat tbe p Mlntaler ~endlaquo DANIIL BArIgtSY HtmfI$ In Granadn jOfoqnllla Iloran bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 6 iison 11(0111111141 1I~wcd ~ loen portion 0r11a a~~Pt Ib 1816 Hclendailo Cacao falaco Do 36 pay and Abould be pe~lltIdtorollreullUolecd HOII lnGrallllda Pedro Seqllenn ~ ~middotO

KOlIlhh~ng bead of tbele DegOtl~tIcm~ David l_raDI Hou-Itl Granarla Yna Horan igend conelilulllg b~~ tho Pwer oelegaled to Oor OFFERS FOR IiALE A hie plate San Seber Hacienda de Cacao ~ Hraor JLSimdonl O ge htd eKed bticlt to bnn on aocouD~ oC he Ian Stre h boG IIh Bee- Stock Ranelt Rcmltee Felipe Oahezas 1600 ClIIUe 9 DOll l1IUI1l1oee of the traitor wltb tbe COLldillona bull 81 on OWIII a bullbull H0I311 In Onnada Miguel rullerllZ i bullbullbull 3m III ateJ iIad bowr dilpttcheltl bull comulmiddot chon Jture SIllc1l RaMbmiddot San Pablo Do liOO caltie 40 alier wIth powerl and illitIlCllonB 0 prottll~~ 10 bullFlour Vb~e~ aIll11~fe=~n~hlt Do do HeCled r SelayoampDIejltraa 260 cattle 400 nOllle8 20 tho U~I t~ dB~nee of CO50rn bull Oilnltte blide~~I Ale ampDd p~ Do do ChllamlII10 Leandro SelAYo 600 caltle 50 horBeI ~o deg

That po 1fhlch he cotld oalr give ~ di Itelrt WI CIa) pipes Ifoo ln Guada bullbullbullbullbull Dolor LejaTftl bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull 0(raquo GOYemo ofmiddot Hunprl feN counteralgncd bl un~T aD b a lltoek Rancllmiddot Qlebda HODd~ Dr bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull (jollll Q-iiili BfodlaDyl TlIe Comlllieajone or ermaOlfjl bull Do 40 olnquto Do ~600 entUe 200 b01808 bull bull bull bull

lta1lL hilWA to (lqwtrll when fortr-lIIIf Recorder Oftice Do d SoIn Jampclno Miguel BolallOlampBroa 2500 caUle GOO horaee 1~ renderedmiddot bull __ __ De do San Francleeo tm~ 20

Thia oommkttoloner delegaed mlb aupreme Tml Ollloltofth B_ofDeeda lorICgeB Las Hampderae Do ~~OOO cattlo 200 bOae~ m oiflhlld mUtanpoer W baY8 reaampoD to kilo lIcrorthe OrieItIi D~ofth RolIbo -Do do ~~ Rolille ATUezIICluIlIIOrtO 801)0 cattle 1100 bol8ell H i wuUuolll Vae lIampbor of the pampblet JIoDi 110 will he optlledln thecltl of GranAda on _ HOll~ III Granada bull bullbull bull Do bull bull bull bull 41 bull fbIeh we C been 10 largely 1IlI1ftc1h1g daJ the 8th oampptlm~ 18~G1r ~~-r ~tlIk I_ncb s~ Blu Domiftlo Jarqllin TOO caUe 100 horae$ II lboup 1I1) boll a reteh 011 boreehaekhe aqutred by D_ to e ~__~~J ~dlin ~ fin do Tenabona )fillller Alvarado 600 cattle 100 horaOlll 6 ~ OOlIld nlltIumiddotImemiddot Illach lIIe fronlel ror middotwhlob Ibe toreNIdD~Dt re7GlLLm Do~ do COrplil Chrletl Menue Gltcia 600 CtlUle 100 horeetl 4~

putpOtllmiddotU waii ntCelllry to pili ~e lllrough monirdetteforthOriealll~t Do dB sm6ntonlo Tillloteo Lacayo 800 caI~Io 60boraea 8~O the 1ntL ~ 1 H_IIlGranadltClltolayorr _~v

Had ht dOlI10 he Wlamp J)led~ no to liltmiddot Oranadaj - $711301d Camont ror fU InOlIIte lid would haTe N ti T 0 l IJ I u

~n~rHn 900 Auatrial P~~8fII whQIU he 0 ee Together willi lorl) or fifty FarJU HQu- amp0 1 Iho Depar~ent of BIYa8 Iued at ~ ill ol1lltbave hold aa hOllagea for theeMnmiddot the I WILL give Uberal ~wvd to a01 person who three hundred to onll thollllllld doU_ ~ ttunJilt1nn clilefti-to th Oil thle incldenl hluged bull will tlUll to m) etore my Ledger Book II A btrge portloll of tho abue poperty 18 situated Idlin als houra ride of San Juan del Sur Vlts in tb tate of Moul BadlYllllyi udOrmiddothla COlllpan~ Will pIIIaed from lIlatore during tlielate attack Bay Rirulan Gorg NaDdBlme and Deriomo and the remalndu In Granad tnd ObOlltaea Iollllinmlafllflllland~nn1lirt1rdo I _ftbull~ _ 18 1866 1IA TllOllAN JOHN MYLARD MARSHAL bull

Tho fold(r~ of tbo garrison broke ~h1r milmiddot _ L i bull

F NlCARABllENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 1 sabado 1de Novtambre de lasS Saturdav November 1 1856 323


lEI NIC AU A GUENSE1middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotL bullbull 1 ~ bull =L~ bull


[OFFIotAL) If ~lIdortOollliull8loned Oc~ 8 rROamp FrrltltiNr4tt~ ~- Olear OrOllltoy II 9 DbullBamey Woolf COll1mlllliolled April 28 1S6f

REGISTER UI1l1M1U R barlfa Tylor lI_y 28 OF TUB Artlllit CoInIor1 GOmlUluiouElt AtgIIII lit l8G~ JollaW AndmlOn II June 21

amprotul lAl1Ilmdm ThOll F Wright Jul N lOA RA G tJ A A R lY O~O~e Von Hln oolllmlttdloncd Sept 211 18$GbullbullJoho MbullGilCIIu AUg

Newton l Webb I April 10 M T Neagle Sep~ JII OIlllIRU CO~IIfIIDINO IK OIIlB R LaIlIb Se~ u William NnrthWige ()cj y

William Wlllite 6 IIlft11et II 95 ~1 Lil1llmIt1lt bull did aCltlmp 11l1li1 8411u4lOlf 0111I11T nTILLUI Georg~nll8ti oblllillil8ltMd April 1 bullbull lIIN

aCajl Inlr lfahon e1Inlillealooed Jln 20 18lil _L MIIgtI lames bull T 1roe u May 9t

H F Pilled Matcli 81 - A Dltl1gtwarj2 comlllillgtlioll~d OclOber 18 11166 fm K PMliv~ II May 26 II

W81 P towl II il~ 1 CaptaIn Jbull~ ampnaford Julr IJ II II 0 W GIs a OJ 18~ Getlrge B elllllld IlOlI1mlllllloned Occ 18 1868 VJlIIm H Toler A_g 11

bull bull D U Dulaney II I_mea S Jldfe u 8op~ 25 DIItODIIIR OINEIIUII 8oeqrulIMui_t Joho M Wtllngtonmiddot bullbull Oat 101

Comer o Homeb commlllioned Jats 12 19116 John Crowell commluloned Sept 11 18118 BeuJamln Hardla 00 y A (lamp Cui O Staehle Occ ll4- Firat Lleutonant Jamel Small 1Il~lLlOI or UIIOIIIIamp a_liD ATTJtl01 O~ IKAlrIar

Birkett D Fry eomriliAiolled 6pl 16 Mqjor J hn A J ColtitUeOamta Joho P Wtel1 conomllllloaed J1IIII 18 1866 0 aqu~ commlolaiOMd]lIne 18 186amp

I bull R T 80 d igt LiMNat CIltm4l2dbull L GU bullbull c e corum 1 I II vilpt4lI1 Leonldu MCIntosh co isoiI ed AlII 19

L Nonrell Walker comllllllo~ Aprill 11166 M On 111middot O middotF Henningsen comDlfaaloned Oct 19 Robert Ellr Jllne 11 lien D_ n_ co l1~ft d A IA (~mp R W Plck ~nl ug j O_n mUlne ug 18l16bull

~ bullbull ~ A bull - bull A4iaJUmiddot Johu 8 FlnOlllJvfl Lieaftt Oct I 2d Lleut E H OIat~~i~88d JIlOO 18 18~6JDJOILIIT o~lIuJtlI I)BPtIIIIIIIITbull

lIltfut Q_ol W A Rhea cOlUlDmlsaiQQed August III 1816 Ja_ Umiddotmiddotmiddot- eomlDlealnomiddota Amiddot12 1middotmiddot~middot-001 Ph RThompson CODIIIIlMdFllb 1I18G8 w H Lenl 92 - ~ ~ Ilamutl -L October 1 J1l1$16 Dreux June 1~ tulffilt t4illtattl eMal JAIIIIe Lewis D WIlIkInS II AIIjI it IiUajor G R OMtoQ coDlmluioned occ 2amp ampcotul lMutma1ll Bllrale Bell II ~

ll1DQII IlgtvOOJTli OBMW ThomJ)lOn 1lI00u _liIlened JIID8 11118118 Lewis E GIIU1 se t 2lt bull T U Hewlett II Aug l6 p v

dbulltWllftt J+ o44u9cat OIJ W I Qukll~ II III It lIf Ll~1

11 llmiddotitar ngtitn~t~ ~_ i


Poet-Ollie Building OWEN DUFFY Ageut

y u ~~_~ 4 Ilrllil F D _ t

i bullbull en AWARD of THIampfi DOLL4RS esol will Ie Lieut J W

fOt appheDaloll aud dell (tu of thG Army) of t~ofollowI118 named 2d Lleut Wm ltP-t

from Company A Firat Jlltampntry Balta

[--FJS_ RIOH Aged Illyeare II r~elO In hAir blue o)eB ruddy cOlllploxlOl~ i() pound Occupalion baker

bull GLIDDON Aged 28yeara 6 feet high falr clllllpletIon IIllhthair blue largo feet and 10llg tlnlterod-bullbullellhl

bull 8

Oapt M bull 1 FlIIOr comt1lampIontd July is 18111 lolln Coo COInlDialloned Jlloe 18 1864 bull rllIII JlJTTJUOK or 1U1II8 AndrbullbullBrady Au 22

IMIIHCTO_ GIIIKIJL I)amp~TIIIIII bull clod GlOIge W lIa11er II Oc~ 18 Impector eIII~ BdwlIId I SaIldm COIIIIIIIadcme4 AprO II 18lS6 Fnnclsco IIotb II IS

CoL Bruno Hlltsme commlsalond NOf 12 18114 U~ CoIltm4l 1IlId LiNt bull Tler OUwllllt ~m~edl ll 18 8uluel a Allin c~mluioDed lflllOh 118116 B D lIorre~ comm~olled Au ~3 [8116

_ _ y fIlor J middotW Oonkhn OOl 18 qlllllTllalllAalllllS JlnuTIIIJII Johnmiddot O ONtII commflMoneli AprD 11 lRIIf BeDJlllllln Beechler U 18 it

Q_~III bttal o4~ L A Clark IIC 18 Col ThOll Fisber commiJalon~d 4prlll 1858 8 LIeut ~ Lathrop commlad lau U 8156

ttll Qiulrtnnw OMiMl ~ peUlliATIOJlll Lieuamp 001 Wm K ROlieJlf comd Ocs Y G W1l Leonard ool1UDlaIIooed AOtII UllSIf hI LIeuL B ABlltcbl Com et ampI1t np

QlUlrUrmallllll [Brevel 011 tile 11011 ()cj ILl Allgua I IS5amp [~or Thamp Benry CltJlIIlI88I0oed Oct 18 Co B J poundavail 81ilh COlIIIIlIud April 181bullbull 20d LIeut Thoml8 8tackh- 204 JalaaWy Ali-II Will HIIIria 23 C ThOt Dolan June 18 gill 11 1868

ampJdlanlQlrtmnalttl__ _ D B D )teCh_a II July e bullbull 2tcUJant D O F~t 18 RlIIH AcuR 2SCapl Wm II Wilhll_oomd Nov 10 18115 1- H A JObnlObe u i1 1866 BeltJ W Bamml Aug 4- 1858 G DamplIiel Oampgai OIl 4- tlld Lleu- W B Hen Inljleeor Ola IMPshy

Andrewa flmiddot it ~i r JObn Iwh1l1a II bull II Au~ Sll lBIamp Juh Y Price Oct 18 B J-- DIllUlicaAL O~ II 1 LleUI E 4 P~iI IUb lhtpIIQpL 11 middotJIIIO

April Imiddot lIfr lMI4u~ ~nd A A Moora lal IlII1 lug 21i liIH MUiI Slo~ 00 B Le R Latimer com d 4prD ie 1811 SUfReoD Wm H sun4eN Aupt 26 IUI6

W~m B WY~ K Bob P Gardner II Allg so Alor 10hn II bull 1111f1iba1~ Judge Ad Oel Au 8U88lIllIIIlOJ DllIBTilUT D AIa~ Anderson bullbull ~ 119 1868

Oommiry Qfmlllal Sutdluu A Wm H MIh Sept 11 Cp~ John Wmiddot amp7dr 11lUJIea Aug 81 1864 Col Georg B Hall commiufoned Jul i6lS~6 F -- - Oollllay Ii O~ 4- cpt II E Bradley TrAn ~llle SepUs 18nbull

tm44t110ilmmiuarp (I_I G -- LoUhamDler 111 Lieut A MePilIO lsI 11111 Occ Y 18GI MIor BIIIlj Y Or1Ie comlllissiond July Il Cbu H Welt II Oct 114 Capl Douglas JWllkhia(untcbd)ept 80 1861middot

Aulatll aommulIJrUu Subfm 811111plet WlUlalDeon ~ u U L Jilglehan tigtd Ioftolry 2) 11

Occupation tailor alao fruit deal~r Capt W H LyonS commisaloned Aug 1 1866 amp-d LiwfmlId R S WiUIIIlII 21ld RltIotI Oct 8 U

S LOUIS OOHEkT Aged ~l feetmiddot inchet leI Lieu~ W H Buttrick II 00 D Th_ Cbloh_ eornd April 1 185amp LIeut Col F bull P Audel D las Rilles Oet_IO bull 185$

l08o-welgbub9ut 195 poullda Oecupti~n 0iII Jame S Wet laquo I B tllke J _orr JIIIJ 6 Capt Cbarlet A Gore 2nd Rillea Oct 18 1811 bullflaquob rir comple~lol1 hlue er IIgh halr large Henr1 C Wall I E lb0i Y JllolIrnoy Ha12b

penwi bull 0 John B Moo Sep~ 11 2nd Mllllt M S Oro 18 PATRIOK H YS IrI- d ~III)IO DIPUT)lBff i David A Lawton It Aug 11 J G SIIDllllerll Out Is4 bullbull bull an mall Age 21 SIIrgetJ GI 1Il II ~d lUllet

JW8 G luet 4 il1cb~ blgll qotlt qGmplexion dlllle (with 110 rallk of COlonol) G Clayton Billllialr 011 8 1868 bullbulli dtrk 6et-welghs about 1411 pounus 00 F DIICj ONeal 4 2nd Lieut J W PolklIl1d Inlltnlry Oct 20 18~ ClIpalllll IdhOler BVrgtcll 6 H Ubrbrook Itlaquo it J M Williams 2nt Rill Oct t I 111shy

6 OLJVEl (JROMWLL Ag8l182 years 6 (wlthbo rok 0( lIaJor) B WlIas Allen II Oet JI 6 A H wl~y 0010 Dept 2518116 kef 6lnches high Ught tomploxloll Ugbt bilk John Dawson 4cllng 8middotG oomd NOT 14 18116 n ell Wilkinson 21 II Oapt J V Hoolf AilSt AdJt Gen 28 1856 lIiIudl wblakera hazel yell-weighs aboul 140 O S Coleman coblmleslooed April 28 1556 __III) BtnttIOIi or amD llcsignlune-III1 fOIld OecllpuioR millwright n T Roalon lep 18 (JolOftI

_ClIARLES W KltuGER flapt Comdg Jamea ellulII 00 111 Jobn Allee cOIIQlIIIlloned June at 1866 I)URII bull (0 A 1st lulQty BaLllLlion BurpOIl aM Anitalll Smiddotgeo bull LiNluta1ll CltJlI Capt H t Witter A llltant Adjutant General

pOlt Serapaqui 8op 26th 1856 0 twitb the flnk of Captain) bull Idmlllld II HoDonald commlllld JIIG 18 18118 2nd Lleul Wm M Rogera lat InamplIlry--r-----------L-- J Geli8ner eommlllSloned Jan 91856 Major Li~ut OoL Byrollmiddot Cole Aeltlatant QU~flenlluler 1 Dllvid 1Ilnllg W G Sicigh bullbull U W P (Jaycee comOllllllioned Ua11 166 General killed at San Jacinto

O~RS FOR ALE at hia pl~ee San Sebas- A Callahan Val 30 middoto4ltfultmt 2nd lieut n A Milliken 1 Ri4es killed t sen

lIan abeel OIlD boUlle abov~ U Ph Be OWDI LHLuSeondy JUlie IS IMLleulJ W Kllllacmdorf comd Oct 1818l6 Jaolntebulldie a litore eor$amp tI UI ()ttpt Oapt W Pmiddot Jartls 2nd Rift died from wOllndi

lhlto-Nf Oandl~ Hackcr11I Olive i I~IIUlf Aug 26 CoO Jolin B Otee bull middotCOllmla$d June 21 18G6 reooied Sao Jaciuto e Wolft ro~tlc8ebledanoSehnappl bullbull IU onall Oct 28 A John F llecgtrch Oct 18 CaptJ H WlUiamaon drowned al Vlrglu Bay

bull Bltte Phlladelphlll 110 and Porter Pol DlIPtBTlIliII B DenJ M AndorfOn it 16 lind Lleul H l lhemRn died from wOl1ld reshynan Alld bilIa Wie Claypipes loynuulw Ofmoral Ii ~ ceived at Ifuata Ocl 114 middot18M

lerlll eh 001 Alex middotJonu commlssiOlld Feb 8 18H Edward O HIIIf naCerrd fMm Ordnance Demiddot LlOnt Col F A LalIIO 4 h c tarharolrbull p tulNMII PlaquoyltlwlII ptl1ment CODllllleslone4 -ug U l85G murderd b1 the med forces opoeed to tbili

T~ O I ugUld III ost 2d Llout J Fiemlng conmlsaione4 Aug 4 S middotS McElroy Oll~ lS OoYelllDlcllh IJlhollt propOllng Itn excbango

DgltS IllS S~HVI9ES 10 Ih citlllns flI OII)AIIOI DUAllfllBllr Imorul LfMfnaoll of priaOneri _rdlig 10 the uaagee of war ~anadjl and vlcmllY III h praete of Ulior E W Rawle commissioned Jul 14 1966 N T~p OOll1tuiu1ooed October 81856 lit Lleus JulllIIIKeilkUled In action at San J

u mOINE SURGERY amp MlDWIFERY Hellry I bullbull POller bull it 14 Eo H 01018 II 8 clnto bull 2nd IlelltW W ~der killed in aClion at SaIl om and OlIidcnce on the lOulhw1 Capt JJfrori Swln~le AprO 11_ J T Booo 18

~r of tbe atleet oppte b _ __ lal Llel~ Il A Carllar Oct 18 I B Vaughan 18 Jaelllto _ 0 0 1amp1100 2d Will B Ulte II Benr1 Hlnea It 18 middotDealba-l0

ent OWG bull ad June I 1 86r 1III0I11UII COIIP raTe _ i - --- Oaptain 1II8r IItTTUIOIi or IlfFJIITIlY J)BOPPBD

i lntitmiddote E c F Ucsse cOlllnllaaioned October t 18fill lt011 cpl A U Hirsh August 0 1866 iL PERSONS hlulng clalma against tbo 8A~IIIU11I1) 11111amp11amp John B MlIIkham commlaa~onod October 10 18511 U A B Wulklll8 AogWltU Ig10

Al ealamp~ of tho following namod deooa8ltlol or Jrft L~lt Lieut ~ 181 Lieut 8 W QuayAug~1I9la5t1-werod I()ulwill presoul tb~m to DIe dulll1uthentieated flonr) O Porler ltmmisslOllou Oct 18 1866 A francie Rudler comllsaioned May Ill l81Samp 8urgtlUII p N lugrahan Sept I 1866 til Or baforo the 1I8b~ay of Dec 1866 otherwie SltCOftIl LilllltJIt lldJfJ1 Brig -Gell 1) de GoiC(lurl Ocl 19 i858 Iht~ will be barred h1 law C DeuulaE lIayuee commissiolled Oct 18 l~e W_ Raymond colllmlaaloned Hay 1218113 Dropped-5 1 CHARLES GORI)EN J K hgall 21 o44IId1ll bullI

I CHARI1tS OALLAHAN OfFIIIIU lINJlTJCIIED ind Leut Fred W JeIeCOlli d lpnl U 18118 n command of WlLLIAM ALItER1ULlUS KIJlL Ooltmll FraIl B OKeef cln~od A rlll 185 GeneIrolllmaUdlngmiddotlnuh~middot 11 pel8Oll8 indebteu to tho eeatee of tho U B Skerrett commillSioned lanltllly Ill 1850 James 0 JOJtUsone f is

ahor c deceated pereaa111 make homodiate pay CaptaiN OhllL B 11 II Pa R THOIlHOiI AdJ Gelleral N A t to lIIe GILBEltl TITU6 F UoncosOIl commllllloned JaR 28 1~8middot FrInk i ThomPecm June 2~ Headq1ampli~rI lfthe AltII1

Publlo Adnilllstriltor O D J Egbert FaIllUDI middotFeb I II Charlea A Waltere 8op~ II Adj General 08ce 8ept ~7 1866 W J Merryman II JlIDe 18 BIrarn BIlIIIIlII II Sept SIl G~ Oct is 1860bull

325ELWICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 3 Sabado 1de Novlembre de l8SS Saturday November 1 1856

- shy

I(OUTINU OlljlONIOLE FILtiloita P1l1GRuTbe Dime of amphept ~EJ[INIE A~M - elttie~middot~~~~M~r hi~Ibtmiddot~ 8I1~C~herortbo pteellhiplraottohoPreal- Vlo~PCOUI amlPletwillb~llIeaodioJurebull U denlW chair of Ibe United l116tee IIM Jolhn FlU- The CoDoltlng rtlmub upon iho Wled th- et alanaing liq~ean~ h6ldiifg mu~eHighCly III d~ f h ~Ilv w a L dmiddot f Bri II B Ihe8boulde aoldierll lite h whoutmiddot aurilljlJ

Dlor~ an a ler avlng hoen bull long tIme In ~ ea m e peu 0 en m- tb kl n k f ~ L Rlla 1- Id I I rom e - bull 0bullbull e 0 I e lln 1_eaplllIy b plrat tiled lIpon a farm In Conmiddot bull n n- on lapr uponevIlr10er 1 when loaded ~Iamph elonty~ve pina of rifte PO-DecdClUI where be ended bla daya NathanIel tho NIlIIl1Iguan Army to road carelnU or ell I~ der endllot rammellmiddotI tt1 Jlillcb leU thtb Flllmortltll _ amp100m hautOt htlndrelland oul bullbulld e6mmit it to momory h I a olea anel or the lIu8kel bllt 11111 too great 10 l)e 6redflOBl

eMy 1-alio When ayoutll be mom to lucid daeJriptlon or the manner ill whlcb amphe Ylni4 ~vrilu~~~~~ ~iiI ~~ ~J~i Verlllon and alded at Bennln~I1 WMtIl b should be M amplid m ampl1 repoy all tbe lI eqWl and holditlght to middotIbbullbullhl)uldbullbull Ihe r bullbull

fho ~Ct beteen Col $andbullbull i Old TOIII IIlId 11 r ltlay~eoq II 8tck Billy chronicled lut week I whlcli 011 Tom wal deolared a ylctor atartcd the 8po~tlnlf men ef tho city and this weft $ IIno hall aoveral asciUllg IIl1d ciofOl _let~ ruCtbullbull middot

On l edu-May ovolIIIIII a moteh was made lind run b woen Oape OcorgltJ Giel Ba alld MA jor Cfty4ecs II Black Billy Distance 400 ards fQr IWG hundred dolla Black Billy n on h7 K clqar engampb

Tho ext-on the me eveninll-IIu a conl t ~IWcel (l18t ~ay nd a d k grey ollJled by BlIvet 1I1lJor LeommJ This race was a try tlOampO~o-ite hors flllming side b1 Ide tbe h~lo tauee Gletmiddot be e as evldolltly overshyweiSb d bleh rul~ed In OllllSillg hDI to lOBe Ihe rA by a dialanee of only a lew feet

The eitt 11 II race Ileween MII)r Caycee u U1Ck~BilY and Col JUlIee middotu (re EMgle The IU ~et upon tho hoN1C8 eltCeed~d lin huushydrM do l~rlI A good llat wbullbull obtained and the hora 01 neck alld neck about lour hundllild yrds ~en the groy began te crawl a IiHe ahesd nd at be winning poet earnll oul n8lll11 holt II I ustb In dYaI08 Bolb boraes appeared t~ be I Chit IIce maoaged well but at Ihe end Ihe lid appfared 10 be In doubl as to wbleb Wamp8 III laater animal and a Dlaleh for two thoushyIDd d Utp Wal eWeeted on the lIeld bylbe Ame horaee llh chanRe of rlders~11 came 01 lhe DeXI ( urad ) evenlol( and Ihe Grey won

Coa UTIOtf or rRIl EIIrllloa or ioU 1111

R~881 e- Bhortly after ill amphe ahlatan had taken hplr pllOea til lfaater of COIemonlel raleed Ia liand and IAfe n ordor In RlI88Ian wbete pi)n tile trumpetl blt9l oul InlO a wild IIId i ln8 8ouah the herald ~ised their Noell In Ibe Ilr and II hllvi~g uncoyoted their _dl pile of Ibe Becretolri t4ll4 tbe prOtlalllashydon w~i~h i8 redem into Engllell 018 folio

Our Inry aUgUStlery high lind ve pulNttOI r Aleunder Nicolalevleti belnll tIlrone of bls anctors heb 18

lIIISiu as ell u upon tt(lSt of Poland and of amphe GrtUld Duchy

of Finlauit which aro Insepllrable t1middotorp II hAA deiW16il to order LDllt the eoronrlon of bls 1m perial iljeS~ nnd his Olltb Bbn lake illace on 1M 2 III of the monlh I Augu~t bis augU1lI epouro lie mprola I1kro Alqxandrovnl pllrtlelmiddot

bull ad celllmooy Tub 8I)lemll Ael the preeut pr~1anltiu 10 all

to the eld that on this hppy redouble ttelt feVotin theil pyera

g of King tba~ Ho middotm spreld by His _ VOlfer His faTO8 dmiddotbl bullbullsinll ou tfiO

reign ~( hi DlaJeat ~t1d tllrougloul it duration Ito nu~y mailltaln peace lind ~Ianquility to the glor) ~f Ills holy nAme and fogtr tho 1I11111terablc prosit of tit emplro

Wl~l ON loLlTlcs-EvelbOly knoYs WilIi8 -Iho peet nll~lky edilor or Ibe lIomu Journal 110 btl III)td matty good Ihinge In his life and tbe following upon politlrs lIod political cRndldltltlli Is bull ot OJtull b~tter ald lh ptople of IgtlcaragulI iU6ppreellltJill

I lind mylolf for Ibo flut tlmo middot111 tn life Inshylml~d for political candidAte or I hould ~1l1r[~IIY perhp~ In 1 Candldalo wililoUl hi politic I II1vo bltberto (10 account S(lDlebat rolllm apparent want of aImiddotlotlsm) thought tbe eount under a hend bioh iliad almost any Ilcor g safe enough It loomed 10 me of vcry liWo IIsnllnoe (10 anybodr but I)m~ oekers) wlulth r 1 whig 1ll1 domocrat wu at the holmshypllblt opluion besidlli being llOgether too wide l~ak hlo ollcated a Olgtnlry for Qlther a blun ~er or l lin of pilotage to b more tban opproadltd So 1M plnlo ft8 this confidence In Amerleas do loSee vlJlol QIUIC)rrllCll1one or bull coo8tilution Ibat ( lIuld lOU beliovo il P) I I~ver Tilted In m tire y

B It wlLh ampho ecnla of the lost year 0 t 0

uoi th n tho intellect oC lbo country at r rk UPOlIlt be grellt queallol8 t IS8ue it would be hard

loge blind 0 Il)len8iblc And yeto

raised a family 01 lis children all but one of pllDI 111111 pmlllil whOm lunln II dnDcM agee anraging oter Di tl U I h VI I ntA b ree ODS lOr S Illi t 6 IU n6 l1ltw6 ~ y ye

Nalhllni1 FIllm_ amphe fatller ot Ibe 4IPra~- [By OIlIllR 01 fUll JoIiIUIiDIlINI(Cillllr] dtnl yet aMieI in Iht elllbtymiddotblh year of bll -_ ge Ho hili been a lAIlUer thougll lite cult oaOkUOE OFFICE l vtlng bia IlllIdamp wiamph hie OWII handa unlil the OllAlIIJgt~ CklObe 28 18H f bull bull bull bull TI U I DA t I h N gt_ mllrmlties 01 ago dISable him Hia mdUIIlriOllt 6 iWU u 1 WI n t 0 _-SIIIl un temp~raw and hnpl~ babill alll6d to A cbeertltl tho American Klnl6 H Is dl~nguebed IlOm the

Fronch BI11leh and RU8IIlun lfiDl6 by amphe IlIperlshyand bopeful mind hA~e secured to him eontenmiddot Oflty otllS sight ThplMa In wbleh tbo noteh II menland a happy and green old ~o n Was iled fOltbe backllthl whlll peoaed between tbe

~ b d 8 Imiddotf U I bOIn in nonnlngtoll Vt and realded tlloro unlil be arrived al IMlhood

bull Near tbe cloae oi the lUI centllly 6he ptIIQlIlI

eml~ted to the Ih wilds or Wesleln New York Tbtl ere among tllo poneer seltlen of Ibat dilrlct of ooUnlrmiddot1I01 aparl for bounly landa

to the aoldtere or 1110 reloIullon knowD as the new mllimr tract rheir IIrBI 100000000n lIIIlu amphe original townlhip or Locke tblt pan of It no cOmp ialng ibe IlIwnahlp or au lime bill in lhamp

bull bull r pnt COllllt of Oa1u$ A slDdt rrm waa purchased In Ihe primeval fort and Iheir enrshygiea lIIl dppllM 10 clearlogAld aubduing n 1M middot In - h III prep g il tvr a 6me Herbullbull III an blllllble log cabin atnld Ihe wUdneaa of nat wiamphla hearing orlld bIa alld Ib8 _nd of the w ed man as Millard WIIS born on he nh of Jan shyMoo bull IIr7 bull

Millard Flllmol( receled a rudlmeDteledlloO tlon In a COIIlltr ecIoolhouae amplid whell et aldmiddot was 0middot_1 clerk In drY gooda 1101 and

ono of particular Inleroll _

r A ~I)rrespolldent or Iho BAllilnore SUII

II t1811 (IOIll amphe White Iulpllur Sprmllbullbullbully Wo have a iva a1lthoress two hundred (~pllllk Ing in round numbeltl) prof9sloualgftmblIf olle bundred membera of Oonellll Alld aboul one

hundred oamphel1l cf equall- doubtlll1 ~eplIltlon besiden membel of tbe New JerHY Leglgtlhttllr~

A N~w SPIO-lhe pltell~ ballot-box of olishyfornln bat 110 learn b1 ilist IIdvlceB betln aold for upward of Ibr thousand dollars fur amphe pllrpose of ethibitlllg it to he minors previous 10 the po plOllching eleclioll h i4 11 Iho handa of Ibe Dellloeflta who espeo to IoUill i~ to good account In Slumping tbe Stale

bull tr lhlolln a celebrated Frenth phf8lclAn It

is ~Id watkabl f~d 01 drugglnJ Oncu htVlOg a patient IIbo diluenlly ad punety swalloed all the 80114 110 onlerlld be W S(l demiddot

lighted at seeing all the vllUa lind pili bo~ empiy bet he hook him by tbe band exolalmlng M d~lr air It really aWords mo pleRsure 0 IIttend you and 70U 4t1lOl 10 be 1111

wurn an nger ( n e Arneriean m) up and down owl wben kpl properly oiledWlterebullbull bed It malllll IIIonary U _ as Ih~p_o of tile thumb and linger ceaeee and doea Dot link by tbe ooncullllon 01 the piece ID lIlng The ghl plall of Ihe French and BrltIah fmle II very atlff 10 Il101 If cloaely titled and If 100 enough 10 Ok euilyls apt to IIIId6 do )7 continnM IIrlDg bleb U Dot observed b1 ampho IOldler Ill mate him Ire ene or 110 or h_ hundred yards abort

The Alinl Rift elltued to the Nicaragua Armyrallg 141)1 )ardL or ahofl dia~_ I haa Dot

06- ~ amphat diltllllClt n 0 d bull d rl_aflelward turnM bis altenlloll to law The Th I II bull I bit __ rid III l re all - Isn lllquHlI I 5 era 0 gneraliy of readers afO acquainted lib hla powderbull Tbls dIart1II cootened In tho llatka === iIIbstquenl CMer 1Uud bl moving die charger of tile lIak 10 Ille 00101 Wise or Vlrglnl bullbull In a recene

aeoond Iiotcb It Is al80 contalt)ed In til eartrdgee speooil concernillg Ille Millou Cumpro1ll8e IIl1ti bull luuedfrom the OrdDllIoeOlllee 1 Ihhl da said The coal or nOlrunulng that hntou

Ibe aceulllOl of tbe ordinary rlfte That Ie to dllt_ on ab_Ugtlltnown to them bUI kno 01gt to ooe hundm yarde Bllt up co 0118 hUll to th luatructol who bould keel a NeoN III dmrarda 1amp IIiU pul ev shot InlO a eIteI 0 18 their obullers whereby the captain or II compa07 Inchee dlallleW1wblob is IlIlBclelll for war pur- would be able to dlslingulsb Ib080 bo pOlWeaaed poses aa II 11011 d hll 110 enelll1 1D amphe upper paH the greatesl lO4 1114 leaat judgmen~ in tIislDlshyof amphe body At onllamphoulandrarda Ih_ rilIea tel 110m men aN found to poseea lI uallllab 11111 Pllt went ttow out of Ibllyln a targr sen In hlch doG t ne acquire it b pracd~fe wid batt 111gb On lhe 26111 Lleue Bart others noe acqlre II though they may maDmiddot wllh n mea 01 amphu Second BllIes Ilml 1m) goo abote The I)e8t tried Judg~botyendthellgto efght rounds flom Ib~ gnu a fenr hundred f_ (~IDamp to rules aflerrds 10 oe __14 dbianee at a lIlIIte lit amphe We lhougb down) regulate lhe dllttance AI wbleb amphe ltb Brlag amph_ guilt for the lint time eleven mn pa1J In acllon aholoI 8el the Iglu8 of ampheir rillel GIlt of the rortyelght ttow 011111 h been hit C F HENNINGSEN Brig Gen

A VIOILUT 1M TllOIIJlLII-A Mr Colemaoamphe and amphOBO whoprefer till meaauHlI mit obtelD amphe President of tb~Som Frallci8eo Vigilanee Commit- same by requiAlllon II amphe OrdnollceOllee lee lately arreated In amphe elly of Iiow Yor( Ilunfortuoately happenM tllal the lJepIIIImtlt at ho suit of man nf tbo uame of Halon ho WIll forced by clteum8lallooeto 18100 lOme ot lOOn lIunbullbull and to Ptlt IOgeamphor cartridges before the

waa bamshed by order o the Committee from oeCleaal1 IWI~uclon8 bad 1Illvod Henao amphe caUrQlltmiddot4 Mr Malon IlIIrIll8~ lhe li(lWmiddotmiddoteaiUiilgeillillfiltColltillileil aUbuFtlfellt gralllS Yllk Bvenlng POlt his onUI) Innocence of en crime or oWnee and lthtrges Ibllt the parileo middotho bull mpmollcd IUId banished hint dlil80 tram ntampllclnua moUvoa mrymiddot aiid 10 goi rid lIf an lICtio c11t zoin wbo condcnmed and esisted the llrocGelloge of tho Corillllte~ middotanll WM about 10 10 lealioony

bull 6 in tile Unltell Sillies Courl at San lranelllCo III n proceeding whicb h middot since resulted III the InUetshylIIent and hnprlaonmont or IWamp melnbe~ of the

f bull

orgAnization at San Fraucisco ~r PlIlcI

to9 much tKlwderbull Ihe effect of which as 0 make IIiIrllI~ kick ~d to burallo bell lberebI dealrolng ftecouNey

lho nlnl6 Rille bill Ole tho ordln ritle tle advlltap Ihat Itma be 1000ded more easily and rapdl h ~ IlIaded wlamph tl~actll tho IIIIUQ rn pldl~y andfaCllty as the ordinary mllllket

Tho ~o llloat Important pollll8ln tbe jedloloUII use 01 thomiddotBinle relo1O Ibo imulIer of loading andto tho IllDner of holdllllllhepleee


To lond ampho 1I1n1~ Plumiddot In the charge of pow Tho question of ho lhls But Will bo settled Ii dcr put Illmiddotlle ball rgtiamphout pap hutllcr If III~

doe lip In CIImiddottrldge d plI tbu ball ImUle wlllloul nhllng Illltliit cI ~hu puwdr-Wbell il1GAUh ilo powde llitllduv IMI1I rod Itllout nen giving ouo amiddotuk~ tIwill 0Il11111~ke Iho pillCo kickbullbulllnd IIOY

coil I tun felt at all mil m~D ualoR 1M pleoo properly ma II Olla hundred ro~nda llholilrecelYing thll smailest braise or feellug Ibe leasl IOreneae

PUcnICK Wml I1l1U1 The proper lact to acllee tbe BinloS fit firt

Ie At Inob~ecton tbea~ beeansuh eIfCI or eve bOII8 Been For thr pllrlo II threemiddotlIIailea have boen plaoed on Ibe lako III lb water amphe two outer flake belug ten f t aparl Thll cel 1ft slake ill tbe h t 10 aim at The etlceil ~I(

h d- 0 eo h b (lne un yrds froln t e abol two und arde from theaborelhrbullbull more atakea Ire plfteed three btll~red yardo Ihroe 1110 takes avdao onup to onll toousand l abulldmiddot

JII1I9111G DtflmiddotUlIOIIbull

WheD holIer the sllooter knowing Ihe dill lance aI whleh be ill fring hOl8 Obtained eudlelenl proticlenoy II I 81111 ne_~y (in order 10 hlaeapon 001111 Ihe bid) thllt he abou14 l1Ian eaIooate known dlatao_ oorreellroampherise if he bas ligbted too ~igh or 100 low he may conllnue to aboot ~er Or under in the t1eld herll freqllt1y be - ~ot aee where 0of bla aholll 81rikee 10 correet hla etro~ On this accouo$ men sho 1d bit plBCllo1 10 guess at

If) lIccurae of the Ihot ~llher by pulit Il~ laquoO~ in PQ8tmiddotOlfice BuDdmg ~hapeof the ball or II) kllIin~ ) I HI-bullbullI bullbull ofo I 1866 IrOll cap whleh It cunulllli1 11 h lt~ plJlldce toIliPputO Ihat allY lt1111= T I E 1 O xrWK~ So I IUllnZQ Wl UtIIDLW not ramming nOlll provlltllllg th e~t tmiddot Kew~II oiande ampI Alandlln mON thMlI Ce IlIcbermiddotuhe IC I

WItlllbe gUIloulalromlullK lir q uF bg ABROGADOS

wbereas Wbtll Ie wipet 1111 IOlldc(1 gUll lno nextGmiddotpmiddotlitieRI thol)rlts 80 In_III) aropart A WIIUlltrE tBoUT TUII AOIl 0 Bo_-A llIIt blow oiIt tbe dbl lndM~9 tb~ ham1 8Ul1Ishy

PIRtampmiddotm (tlnll Abovo nil 80 01l01 m3Y Ihe chang few das ago we met a ~~lIemall from Ahlban~ cielltly bull ho e 118 1 lece of IIIforllltlOll hi re fli 10In II 0 of e~olll8 require p1tllltll CHIOl with lit- 118cuJtnlng thePage of a borde arlO boOf abo HOLDIIIO TlIII PIECIl 110 orln~ Iuf~renee 10 plrty Iheory o~ party platmiddot Ina paaaed Ihe niMb 7ear IIhicb woo 1I0W 10 Ill It I tbelntlllioll of tho tolnMllderlnOblcf rorm~ that It _ms 10 lIIe 0 should look mosbQn~ will be wo are lure to ~OSI of 011r flad 1~III rar M 10001Iiblc lit MiIlie ~iUIlll sh11 be it no~ oly II) tla~ lalityoJ la mlII-wtat ollr It8 tills ancr Illtl borao nblo YCIId lId l d$IIl~lItud ~ IlIeIl Irued) aCljlllllPlLtllYltl1 Ibtl CAlId t I wlI1klo comes on t~e oolid M he uIper corner II 01 tho 11110 Now Inen 1Wu41om~d to ~ha

I to I~ 11 nAtllte and culture retber thallio of Iho lower lid lind overy ycar IhcNltIItIlmiddot II h~ urolmRI rilo ltleil ck~ bllt 1 very amRlt bt Itt pai11 prnf8lSioD8 or bis 1IInt(oD promi ono well ltlellnld wrinkle fotmiddot ovor) 1 ()v~r nlllol cimrgtgt very pruperly reat 11111 bu I of tbe stock Jt~ If for Istancr 11 hor~u baa Ibreo 1It1kll$ bo I~ alililst tbo IIrmiddotlI lstnnd idew)~ to I U obJImiddotcl

or tho dnUlP~kllilJ ~f tlut ulnbtvttlmiddot~middott l~ ~lltit ~ III 11 tlrearmo 1amp lable 10 uck It 1lt tmiddotumiddot- Tbllll4obltcd by ubg II IVirh cmiddot 10 Ib~ end of Ill nUbrod 111 whillhwiii W u1 tOIlr with ~middot~aracrw on rUII he OIIuarlllll Oftlee TtU$ wlv~r iu ltretlaquo btJlImiddotmiddotC COIUCllcItg pacllce anIII bull ill U etWh~V8r amph 81100101 finds lhh hi Ii ill bishyling 10 CO dj)Y1I with ditllcul~ h -lImllI Iler lodll)g b~U btore ~plig ~ tbn I w~Ir once or IWCO dowlI tho buI lnu middottlt~ ~Il tlttlt is to l0080n the cakHl puwllll on tho 1lt11 1 tilG bltrmiddot reL 80 tIlen C8Jl11 ul lloc lIud tk~ 1110bullbull11 h~pB to clQl tbe gUll by bluwlu til dill Hllilre h Ill tI lUauuemiddot ~II imlldred h y be IIr11d rO1 018 pleca WIIlO1 ~qr ~1Ibg Tile reMOI wh) be I not III pu~ 1110 wIImiddot~r (11 thuuuoad bull plcCIl I brea_ II woul~ )lt) lhe bciJ dalllp anll tbill~l chargu Iul In fluid b~cOlDe IOml Ihem k

Paoillo lIlarmiddotb valuod thulO Virginia We no get a Ihouaand dollars for eounthlave we would then haye gollen from tbree 10 IIV6 1)U8Ad dot Iar8 rer an operaun it tho gold IIlInea ot middotOaliformiddot lila four hundred thoa mulllpiled b Ii- amphousand or even amphree tbousand will ahow _ mm_ lose Ollllpu1lon rdollam would nO compe~~ VI1l0ia for h~t 1088 III not rllooing the IIl1e on to llie Facillc

E I 0 nwtll L 84111gtpound WHo DAHOLlIfl



GRAilraquo 110AItAuUA 11ESSRS Kewen Simd~r8amp UanlUn III praeshy11 lieo In aU the COIlf~ of ~b Merilloual and Orlentel Depalments Rnd In tbti D~ptlllent of Le

PArlicular atienlilln 11111 be given to tbe reo covey Qf cl~ima ugainSl the GOvcrnmmiddotnt

lJ~oIbullbull mortfg leNlet Ie promply 0 ClIlel nd on Ii oralmiddotlermbullbullAI ow llId mo~ey brokerage busto will a lage tho AllenllOIl ofi6 finn bull

Q RAN A DAN lOA It A 0 UA bull

I~bull ~dlnrogtq REWEN SANDERSY IlAN IgtLIN ~jl)roosn lol PIOlesiOl1 de illmgllria ell tOUOllt los trihulltlle8 lj~ 103 t U d I 0middot l )tmiddotplIlttmlnt)8 lerl I()I1I1 v rleR

Y ~n el Dgtplrt~ento 00 Leon bull So dllrk atencIOII pnrticulllr III eobro If)

Imiddotmiddotdlm cr contlll dl1 gllhi rllo Itd 1Ijpotoc3~ Arrenimionto~

t ~ bull tc 1~n eJIIQlIlndos con IWOlIItlt y fllmiddotemiddotto~ mudeladollt TlmlJieu 1111 ocel1p~rall Itn rillgoeJoo do

I(rretagl el biencs rllice y dimro -- 1J h bull dIe= e~II1~e ~ en I Ctml 0 orr(~braundn NOlclObrc 1 de 1856

dup 111 jnll oIUII LOllt IN ampho early patlof amphb foe LAlfJ) W ~ 1tNT fQ IIvc hundred nCI ttl (If Innd drallO III fam of Col R J SJiltlors X_res hlTJ be~n takon 10 rendtr It of no e tlcJpt to the per8Ol fOl who It wns drtITIl WllOttOr ill It 10 ill NiiAlIguonao ollWe or to me ltiU bq suitably N11lIrded

OOL E J SANDERS GIlladI NQv 1 1836 1I~nrr- L~hUet

uvolll~ell if fOllt heiathirtc611 Ad til 11111 th) ro liillgt whoroby hcy do MtIlSeU1I$ nUltn~O-l tlIUiTISSuillrsa ETlqoE1TB - ceordiug tl 1 Iotc b IIf dliklea to nine atd YOII will hIV 111 Iltilgll lIlIk tu 1100 OIlOPI) lll~ ill mU3(~tlriug I 1lIorfwlit~r It III etiqueue fOf pelllollll of infot1or io So says the genUeman 811d Ito Is cOIIampuUI1 it lIee~y 118amp th~ 1I)~lcr shluM 3fIIillnL iIIder~ his pl)feMional lampniCCl

mnk io I~ol their healtia IOlVor han tho belds f 1111 Mef tail A a coo~ n~uy I)~I 14Vlllw I~ ltlec b I liing u 1111 rea tho muk(jt I to lhQ citi3Jlls of Graoaolo U ill bull bull I) horsts over Int a i$ wily tmiddotI II lIIc IIu I RIMtle amiddotIJ(lr amiddotlIe~middot in to tbe bll$O of Ih I hg l )0 found al tb Dosplt)

thelr l4ltupoOItI Iberefore wben a nabob aClOp I hOIampo dOll mutt slvo up liis trlt1~-lllonlllc I k s C lil middot1middot is ho ~1I1101 d) if Iro anda middotVmiddotIIm mbJnrtt _h_SjtflU ard sl~1 get Oil 1 (ltllIf2 Plnntel I aiemiddotx bullbull )1 ~ 110 bllU of hl~ pcco OraMd Novetllbe~ I 1~amp


328 EL NICABABUENS4VoL ~ No 52 p 4 Sabado 1de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 1 18qB

I But tberemiddotII point from wblch ~bl anbject

lhOnldIv _ad IItperlor to Iny mere Idalphaselt [Jittr ague ns t of tbe -i Itmiddotl6-how ~be buy tb deed In Ibla counll1 efFects th Ulag_od thlemiddota 011 1111shy

Saturday lIlorniD~ Nov~ L middotportanamp Dllrlnl the dry aeuon In thll coUlltry Itl Yer

HON COL 1QHl( H WHEELER dUlicuit 10 dig a gra or luDlclot depth to pro-

Thl amptnlleman wh has eo ably repreiented Int th polloDOUS paeafronl eacaplng 11110 the thII Jolted Bta1e8 ~ North Amerloa In thll couoshy

trl darlbg ahe varlbos oTillgea and atartllng Inclshydeata of tjle pasl two years Is we regre~ to 8Iy boul 10 dpar~ rom IOIOllg UI on a Iall to the uAiI~1t1atelo Hia beallll bu baeD of lale very _b brokllD IDd we InRir hI vlalt to 110 and nf bil blrtb 1JI1~ ~trellKthen ble fIoame by Ita Ron iov~t1i11 j~lIoaplire

_B rIOre will exolte a rept In the breut oC emf American In Nlosraguau blA aCQ4mshypUIIlliiilitt genlfemin bl aliampTl~y U )lInll~r

hII klndneas nd urbanl~ u a man and bis dieln lereledp u a friead ~as altcady g~lned him ~eliru~t ampad rove W~e~ver he goes tbe good wiebe or all who

uo-Iollllid thllCOI1iItry wlll follow hhn alld we trlMt at before la_IIY weeks we m ba middotth p~ule of Innoucbg Ita relum We wlab blm lfIe_t voyage



ED namp BURNED III II tbe dlkion ofthmaln of de

-r-~4 P llOD8 bas been a aubJectof Ihe promiddoteIQlUld98t ~iionUoo Wbh I~ are conDected the _tldenta of the warmes~ frlendlhlp tbo ileepetl eiltnltlbJl aud tlrelDost eaorad Ibougbtamiddot of tin

1iChaft~~ ~horo II anhll~lotl ID maDwblcb 1111 pell lilllll ~T8IlI wltb grea~ cate tbe romulD of his fiIampir orbullbulltur fbi ay bit esclted 10 pari by feeUng ibat we onl7 do IS we would be done

liJ toutpefhapi ~e -eat IncoU o 10 tblerupecl btl tbougllj that lhe Iplrll of lifo whleb anI -1 olampy before UI tnay be 1I0W before thea~llioron or the OIt High and Ihe nmdna tITeRlO WQJD 0101 our ioevltable dellliny

Tile IIIl1Dn of buryins the dead bas been a _II I _t I It f I

I ~Io Iou bleb ata n w w PlOCseda from deelylng

18tatabl We know tba lata1dlleuea are brollgbl ooby Innooulillon and hat I man canmiddot nn~ be Innoclllaled byanrlblllg mo8 dllllcul1O

L__ b

a~moephere and spreading lIIalri ampIIIong the Iiv-Ing The~ Iulso bull common oUltom among peoshypIe of th Ialler dayuo bury ~ remalDi of porsonl of no~ In nulta un~er the 1l00rs of cburchet and those In che dmp and gloom olihe luliterratiean cbambers In decomposing p~ddl_ and death among Ibose wblJ honored ~bn blloll logj Uld IUppose they thUI Ihow rpeet to their memory aner dealb h ta unnec_y to r8fe~ to the dangar of those who dIg gr In a Iae of OO1IIl11on Inte lIIent or how onen they como In contaCt wllb the polsoo of deeolOpoelng Jleah or wbat a s~ amount of dlseue Ibere II engendered bi the poleono pBel of sucb places by bel~g waRed amoog the habltatlonl of Ih~ IiVldg The evil elllcta or 11 tbeae clrcumstences ara Incalculable

We can onlyarrie at theamprulh In suck C8IU Iy Ulalol1middot W know that the gue_ of decumpoeo-Ing ~o~tsble mattedo swamps produce d98ues of eryerloll8cb~ractars wo know tbat on thla account 11 nu countrl are I_ healthy ampIian whera Ialor huefllleted a good drainage and ~bat higll dry land II more condllclve lOheal~h and Ions life tlian damp low Incamp We knowIi Ii Id- b I

JO tat ep em1 realmiddotoutmiddot1I parts of cl~le wh garbage ta a1lpwed to coUeet and tm1~ an eDlu~a Id we know also tbat gases from d cylg anllllal blatter are more daJlgelOUi and

The Late lnliulttlt the US llag I In olHla w publlebed a record of eiiollUng

eta All to tbe IneultllllC oonduc~ of ~e oIlied forces of Guatalllla and San Saludor toward the AlIlerican Oag the Mlnl~r of ~h8 Ulli~od Slates and tbe cold blooded murder 01 unarllled

American cltlrens But thll record dark and demiddot grilling as It Is te humanity WIS bulholf dlacload Dally circumstances of Dlulder _lnltioD and robl)e07 commltted On Alllericsn unarmed clll lensre being brought to ligbt which place the Governmenta of Gualeblala and San SAlvador bO yond the pale of ci illzallon and eta p them u BaIlon of ouUaw cutbro1e and bAndl~18o

Tbe accompnied allldavita of Cap~ Dunlcan and ~eut Gardner prove ~he diabolical IMurder of a Utile boy whose only offenco was being born In the Uolted Sla~ of wbite parenta and bnlng a while face

Doel not iIle blood of every frlcnd 01 humanl~y of every nalion ehudder at euoh ~Iroity Will not tbe lII08t eage and barbarous nallona of tha darkest agel of anllqully rise In judgment against luob uaboly and bloody deede _

tait of cOmpany D Fir~ Rille of tbe Army ~( ~be Republic of NlcaraguI and made oa~ ~haj

On Mon~ay the 1~11J October 18D6 during f

attack of h combIned foroea of Guatemala a d Ban Salvador on the city of Grallada during ~ e ba~le he approached ~Ioe houN of Mr JamoA Smi~h on the street of the Meulah opposite I e Churcb of San Franclaco f-om wbole bouse t e enemy bad been drIven out and he there lAW Q

tho arms of hie flher thamp dead body )f a about seven years old who bad just been murd bull ed by 1100 onemy whose body as horribly 10

lated ard deformed Mr E nllb was unc~~ nected wi~h ~he Army and como u a aettl9r~ NIcaragua He appeared hear~-broken and d shycOllsolate oxclalmlng tha~ he wished tiont loG co d bove sutrered In his child place Iln I tha~ in th amp alllnts opinion I~ WII and i ~he determlnallon for ~ho lovadillg forces 10 violate every rul of clViI~dwarfare and justice IDd lIIurdr eory Alnari n In Nicaragua J DUIIICJII

Sworn to before me this 21th October 1866 JOHN H WHEELER U S Minller

middot1 do hereby cortify tlia~ 1 W88 preBent wllh ~ taln Dunicnn aDd of my own kbol~dg 16~ abore aDldavit Is true In evel pa~ticuIRr

R p OAlIIlIpound1I Fi t Lieutenant Company E Firat Ri8es

Swonl to before me thIs 21th October 1866 JOHN II WHElLER U 8 MiDiter

oor8_ t e ~_Ing lIull of ble fellow maand would be reapecteo b all lla~IQDs even tb tho Amerlean 8a8 would protect him rba~ ~c Now u the guea whlob arise from vegetable most IIInge Bul how vain wu lhat hope I Let Lawless very frequehUy came to him 8 thOlmiddotMnmiddot lIIalterlo a atate or decAY appear 10 be lIIucb hll plunderod 1001180 bls murdered remaina tbe tay Goveroor of ~hll Dopartment in blthrfi mciro ftal thllD ~ODtact w~b Ihe solid_ from wblcb bodies of Iii f6110wmiddotclizen tbe mutilated bunting tb Datives o~~befllo~lnldt for whdOlll hIe perforbi th _ numeroua IC_ a bull n n au w lOBe rup bull

_ AO~ re lImiddott e lllallnorl 0 nu rolli tar llIImemotlalIiimiddot lome oountries oj E8YP~ ~~e present ago ought to be luDlclent to ri~ i9bIaDcie Dluch IDg epulty wu expended In enmiddot bove anyprt)UIIIce orallY old cuawm which haa ~orlng ~ lr~ee~e bodlel (rom decay anltl been haaded d~D t WI frolll ~pe~o~_bClo the the Orilllai ftcc~ of all burl~11 WII law ofnelilUi wee but lIttle s~OOIeil or known -0 --uOD of die body At tbo far Notth and auggoat auch remedlca as wlllleslen as far AI

whra th tro~ king relgnl many lDootba III ~he poIIlble the causes oC dll~uo bull

ey ann mut 1ler tbe~ 11011 II 110 the caso with tbe ps8I 101010 arise frolll putrid animal mellmiddot UleI If thll II eo thqenlightonment of

yar and all anImal de~omp08ltloD II auspended t

ibrough Ita etrecta tbe etrort 10 tilDes of 19oorshyihc mIght be aUPlosed to be parliaUr aucceBBful 11 Ii eeD no DO uncommon tblng to be ~oemer II tbat b would nollike 10 die In a

amputherll counlry on ac~ollnt oftbo audden decay ~ hll remaloa 1111 sontewhat remarkable tbat bile Nort~ern natlolls eYen In tbe most ancIent tImes burlod their dea~ In tile pound Ibe peo-DIe or the Southern countrl buroed tbem Thle wu ~bo cultom or Sou tbern Aala And Southorn E~op In our IlIgUsh literalure to tbll daTI ~wlng from oll Oreek we frequoutly her t)ili )ihnae peacmiddottomiddotI alhea I

1be Greeb a1wav burned 1100 bodle of their Wualrlou8 dud and In our opinIon thla lain many respecta lIIucb preferable 10 bllrylng_ bull In burnIng u lru tholr CUltom the ashea IIIlght bo carefully ciflllected and plaee4 In an mamen~ed urn j hero llOuld laDd wltbout otrendlng tho senses In the bleb of the temple or In tbe private aparl

m6llts of friends til Ihls manner I~ wu alwaYI In the careoilboao rho respected It and In wboaemlllol7middott wumiddot dear_ Tbo asbes of Ibe great mbl In Ihose dal1 beaeD~ fro plRce to place mldgled llb IIampYO7 locenlo receiving the roapocl due the blemor or Ibe Blirlt which pYa It lnishy

middot1111110110 In Ileae dy the remoYai oC a corpae croaten bOlrOr In all wbo 1ra1 wllh It not 1mshymedlIlotorealell to say nothing of tbe danger 0( belna In coplact with so Ruch rot~nn alld putrofotlon Ona balpound of Ihe borror of death con sists In the Idea of tho bedy pu~rU)lug io the e~ 4 Wng an obJect of loathsomene18 upon lJjlell worm gMiI and riot How much more pluinlmiddottw Idea of ha log the ashea carefully ptbelllllj amplid ~pi perhapa 8weamptlt aeented aa DOW ieepodaguerreotyp08

W~_ uale lhe aallsfactlon It would no lIfIorithe litem world to ha e preserved the

middotashe oIllli~Q Ot lIIilikapeore i or wbo can guess the care otmiddot venerAtion willi whleb the Frencb would ~gtrd the ashes 01 Napoleon or with wbat yeneratlon Americana would guard tbe reshymai1 ofWaabington h la truly to bo regretted that aU whlcb Was mortal oC tbose i1ulrloUi per sonages Isoow IndlltiDgubthable from ~hecommon eartb or tbe remalna of ~he earcasa of 80IIIe brow

There ta t~ls dvanhge ID burning bodlea OTCr burylDg tbem that IDltead ofperlnlltlng them 10 cauao dlaeue aRer death Ihe nry act of burning puriO ~he aIr It II lupposed the great plague ot London WII IoIICIted In lie ravagea by Ibe groat

Ore whlcb burned the greator parI 01 tbe city Ono thIng Is certaill iC history II correct that Ilthough Itraged with foarful voIoeelmmedla~lr hefore It ceueo to exll aimoillmllledialeit lifter Iho con8agratlon It It now a common pIlodco to fullllgate a roam In whch a parson baa died and doowrs ad 1ae boao who Yliit he remainI of a person ~hat lou died of cholera orany olber conmiddot mgloua dlieal to moke a cigar or plpo-tlo great

a purifier II fire And eelUng pr~udlc aside III~ Is after all

lIIuch more dealrable to be cooaumed by lire ner death than to rot ~n be devoured by worms alld 118 tbat eoaduccl well 10 tbe praseryallon of tho Ulng u to the retallling tbe uhes of tho de ceased we would fbor tho adoption of Ihe CUllOJll

In thle lOuntry It was the generoloplDlon In Granada Ifter Ito

batlle of the 131h of October tbattbe great nummiddot ber ot theonemy which wu killed would produce tbe cholera before they cluld be Interred DurnshyIng tbelll bnmedlatal would h prsvenwd tbe posilbillly of auch 1 p~llIful circumstanoe and would hve puriSe1 the air 01 any polsonoul gnaee wbleh might already slated 10 it

On object In ftuggeatlnlf thle II more 10 call tho 4tenllon of the publio u well 110 medical profeaslon 10 Ibe anbjecl chin 10 attempt at tble tim to dllcUBB Ihe m W are howovor under tile InlproBB Ion that If Ibe tlustom of burnshyIng the dOlld Inatead of bmiddotlng them were onco Ialrlylowoducecj It would In tbll lall~ude prove higbly benellclal w tbegenfral hulth

A Nw 01ft The Phll~dciPhia Mint hujull IMued a cent wblch II described as COlliposed or 1It88ven parb copper seven of nickel and one ohine 11 lou a lilht appearance with a faint red tint alld la In beautiful contra t with the Ameri cau a1lver nd gold plecea and will not u the old cent did tarnlsb thelll by oon~ol The weight of the newll only aevell~y-to gralnl-Ih~ of the present copper cenl la olle bundr~d and sixty ftghl

Tbe aDldavlt allo appended of (len fry u to LIG~TION or UUTID STATES or AnRIOA~ the nlurder of Ifr Lawl pro es Mr Lawl IIEAR Till REPUBLIO or NCARLOUA ~ earnest desire to presee lob neu~raliy in all 1100 Tbis day camo before me Birkett D Fry Bri dUBcoltiel wblcb have beset Ihle coun~ry of nis dier General ArDIto Nicagua Uld made OI~h blgh lOlled chacler and Integrily of conduct Rnd tbatshyorh pcrfeat oonOdeoce ~ha tbeaegis of the Bowasacquainted wllbJohll D LmiddotI~uaimiddot Amnoan fIig was amplyiuDlclent to prolect bis the month of Oc~ober 1bullbull1 Ihat having been rl liberty property IIld lif Be badmiddot een as cofmmnd of Ihls cl~y durn the greater POrllrshy

0 he past year he lou Ircquentl bad occbullbullI~ llIralloea (rolll the blgbeat aources tbat no Amori- 10 tallt wilb said Lwleas of Ibe polillcal atrairsio can wuld woder so far 1roII home that the pro- tho State of NiCllragu Tha~ the MId LRle tacling and powerful arm of tbe United Stat- s unifOImly re1beed 0 take ny part InarlUa wlti wal Dot over him lie reiuaed 10 COlli wilblo IheAforcea of lttI~nerol Wdalkellrdsaymg Iat hOe ~ri an lIIe can CI zen an re e upon Wle og o the line of onr Irclo mlylng oo~ho middotpeo~lon 01 his counlr for protecion_ Tba~ a(~r Oeoer Ibol Uulted States aDd Ihrew out beforebis house Walkers force marched upon dual and a few the Alllerican 8ag tba~ In ~Is patriotlo beart b hours _before Ihe auack u~D Granda loa urgtd fel wu honored in every laud anltl on every sea thbelabdblAdwl_11edto comde WtllIlI hila Ilhnol degb

f dle~fen~~w c e eo n to 0 expreaa ug s e Ie I ~

tom b the enemlee sllot and lbe loor of tbo Lo- alld good will he leetDed to pOSle That ~ ~ gatlon house perloQ~d bytboballe oftbe onemy Lawless had reaided for several ye a paa~ inOmiddot testify nlda apoKe tbe In~uago of ~he coulltry 8ue t-

Iy and WIB extensively engaged III IIIcrcalltUJ~ 10 ancln~Rome ~he exelamaUon lam a Ro- e~ita anil had mall) 01 tho nolives In hia ORlPi bull

mIlD cillzen arrested the falling blo of Ibo IIc- Tha said Lawlen justly ellJoyed the reputtti D

lor 10 fOmer ~oys ~n II the great Republic of for great pbllanthropy And unamp~~middot~~t tile North In 0 aayo ofJakson It is the bouth of ~ e loll lory of tha~ day ~hllt no American cltl zeD ever luWered lny In~ulT abroad without reo

dreu WefcOIlaurolhnUhesnm08plrltnowanlmatestbe

United Stateamp and ~hat tbe same feeUnga ~hat dlcmiddot tated tIe Kouta letter will be roady to defend Ibe rigllts aud proico~ tbe lives oC InDoeen~ AmerieRn



Thll 4ay came before 010 James II Smitb wbo tcatlO tbat he emigrated from Ne York clLy whero he hu resldcd for two years In the steaol ahlp Tennc88ee for Nlcaralua on thOl 1 III Sep tember laet accom~RRled by his three email chll drell lor the purpole of cultivating hind and satshy~nllg In Nicaragua lIo is by protession a taather

That on Sunday the 12th Inll an alarm of an lltack was made by the foroea of 9uaternala and San Baladof on this ci~y That be no~ crediting

S b bull h 2 hOb I 56worn ore me t IS middott cto er S bull JOliN II WHELER U S diolaler bull

I [ 0 F F I C I ~ L ]


ADJUTANT GENEIULS OUICpound J Granada Oct 26 186G

1 SOLnnRI--Each day demonstrates more cle iT ~hat tbe war we are wagiftg Is ono of IIUlh apl AI falbood of clmoalion againat barbarism GI satisScd wllh the bloed of lonocent cilicnssb d a~ Granada-with n appetile Ilnllghler h 1shyled by the nt_Ore 01 helpleu cbildren and b 11 ministers of CbriIIIII~y-our IIIvage foes II f

added ano~hcr crime to tbo long liRl reco d asaiDNt ~bem Thoy han sbot Lleu~ Col Lal wbo wu IRken by tbe n a prisoner of war 80 0

It)8 ngo At ~i1e very time thl_ cold-bloodedaal ofcroe 11

was boillg colDlIItted an exchange 01 prioa r was bciu proposed by tbe comntandermiddotinmiddotc er

tho Jolarmj wntto tholltlloplzaa8110r~dlitance If tbo Guatemala forcos WI~h an lona~a bull When tbe (ote aptearod and commenced an ac tive 8Mng ot musketry and Mlni6 rille wblch otlt off his relurn Tho foreee then approacbed 10 hOllie wbere bis li~tle fRmily wera seated ~ dillshyner consisting or a boy Frencb Berbert born In New York tlty on Ibe 6th March 1849 two lrirls one fI and the otber Iwo yeare 01 Ige 1hey were seated witblo three yards of a large wludow which opelled 011 ~118 street One of lhe troops approached the window and taking delib erate aim fired at 0 lillie group the I)all grazed the chin ef the fllrl nurse and atrlklilg the bo In the lower part of his face paselng out of the neck broke tbe plllol obord killing him instan~ly TIe reat 9f the children wee concealed iinnlcdl-

IDg for ~reacbe he bad smoolh WOrdl and Ii ~ sullmenls on hll Iipa wben he was In the act t murde

Tbe mnatlon of Lln4 show he ndlito of the ollemy wl~b whlcb we baYe 10 contend f Ibe sollie lan~age andreligion wilh tbelUself they bad nOl agains~ hilll the lying excuselmiddotw Which ~hoy are wont to justi~y Ihe murder of American citizens Nothing bu~ ~be love of til d aod ~he cowrdly loatlllc~ of tbo savage Call 0

urged for tho execution of thd Cuban palrlot Let ~ben soldiers a Bunle of tbe jUltico G d

grandeur of tbe C~U1e In which wo aro CDgae nerve ua lor the fullilmellt of tho Iftak wblcb I bull before us Remember that you luWer aud It

awly III an adJacen~ housl by the nurse under agio to redeem ono of the 10eUest 01 lalld_ ID bed hlle Ihe ~roop Ibreed tho cuing of ~ho barbalian rule aud lavage despo~lam In such a wlndo the door being fRBlened and resiatlng all Oft IIHO 118 t~is who ould 1I0~ gladlf eudure II ~ IV Iheir oRllrta Thoy then entel8d and searched In dayoCprl alion and fdtiguo r 10 would n I vahl for the cbildren Tbey plullucred tho house undcrS1l aome lillIe antrering and danger for I ~ of all bia iinpleonpnta of hUlbandry clo~bing gold sake of IIvlllg his nalllO enrolled amoug the be o and allvr walcllcs mono aDd valUAble of faotors fJf the rllce 7 amount 1lI0re ~hao two thoueaDd dollars ~ 2 Lieut ltlol ~ A LaID6 aiddemiddotClImp 10~ tbe

JAKa8 n SIITD Commandor-in-l)hler having bean brbIrOO~ Sworn to before me this 2~tb Ootober 18DO murdered bylhe enemy without ProPOiDg An shy

JOHN B WlIEELIlt U S Mini4ter change (If prlaoners i~ ie directed Ihll~ Lie t We do bereby certify that we reBlde In tho Col Brigido Valderraman and (Ja pt Bern~r 0

nme houle II~h Jamee H Smith Faq nnd 01 Allende be shot Ibis aernllon 11 6 oclock In Ollr own knowledgo the faclt tn~ed In hla aDldo vlt are Irue lu evcry particular


Sworn to beforo rno thl 27th O~oher 1856



Tbl day calllO bofore one Jamea Dunlcan Capmiddot

tbe plftZ of thl clly 3 11111 Gen Fry 19 charged wth tho esccullta

of the abovo order By command of WY W AUrER

Genernl-Coml~andng-in(jhipI Pn n TnoIlPBOII AdJ t Gcn N bullbull

~ h Is atato(1 that PrInce Albert 1038 b~~~t 111 Clllll1nOUe tract of lInd In AII9tralia Vbic1o1n nbout tnty years will tetulnabollt ono thou811 ~ i tlII10S oa much tIS all ~h~ amp Coburg alld Obi

In Germany put logctbor I

329NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 7 Sabado 1de Nllvlembre de 16561 Saturday November 1 1856

i lit I ALGO NAB BOBRILBL Dl4 UJ 1lJSOUOJON lIerosoaeajuitA al Cllpilitu delliglc y Ie r t t lIJ S 11 n1J R ea mlUlgrato perdmar que CIIstipr aunshy EqulUtlvo y aUII n_Slnll) nos parec Menelter earetrogradarlllol mM remomiddot que eata lIluy pronto a IIOtrar en el UIO

toear la materil de que vamos neumiddot t~s tlempos de barbirle yde ldlo~lemo pa de juatas represaUae lIa cual rere IU tS II Into NOT I de 1836 pamos no obstlnte haberll8 tratado en Ill1Icontmr el ejempl0 brutal a una Ie- naluralom 1 10 demandaren las circlin A WI ~ 101 1)umells anterloJel aunque nu cion quI Icsban de (omeler en Maaaya stanciU De consiulente 108 prl~ionrOl

JUEBPO VE ARTILLSJIU 4 tod I degtlt1d I I d I d 1 - ft -- con 1 1 ~que mereee por mf~ 01 Jenera ea e I IUfZaa iii on I heridOll lIOn tratadlll eon 10 mllyor be El lierpH de tLitiHerlll ha tomado un destla de lOB IRdmdus que 11 rlllawon Guatemala en estos lIltlmOl dia des- nignidad

ClIPCI) 0 imllolltmto bajo 11 direoclon del puesto que cl1ml mlmos t(lIl1aron una puea del ataque de aquella plllza I de Queda PUIIII demOlltlldo que falto8 de Jele I Henningsen IIventndo jofs de esa parte actin en los sucea~s Las buenllS las acclone quee Ilan referido ya tn 10$ fe ell itll mall s1 mnes compromiaos y Grmllj iuyos cOllocimientos Ie ban didO aceiones dlbon refe~lrse mlnuciollme~te d~8 humerns anteriores de elte periodlco de oumplimiento en sil palabra como mi MmladianQ $010 en los Estadol Uni Sin temor ~e Incumr en la tacha de dllil Vlolando 108 mas gmdos Plotos ma- Iitares 111 jefell do lIB fuIiIBs enemlgat JOI I nn fuora de ellos Es do cele- sos tnnta par que e8 un trihuto dllbido al lew reeonocidos univerenlmente y 0011middot flftll Incohado COIl ol ftlsilamiento flel Co brillS la recision y tino con que dh-ije m6rlto Cuanw por ue line de est-imulo aiguadol en aI derecho de jentel de una ronel lAid y aUI compslierea despues IRS bo 111111 Y granadas al punto que de- a100 d~mAA NOl oontraenos al IltaqU(o Inanera ~n ep~icita se han colQcsdo en de baber aupllcado el callge Y d recibir $igna uinnentaudo y dUlheando progresi qu~ re~I8~6 oatil piau dede el deee del una posiCIon odlo~a dtgrlldftnle y eceemiddot un Indi~lIo en este sentido un Miatem vame te las distnl1CIU siempre con el pUlIdo II 11 una de Is tarde basta las crable Indlgna de hombrea que 8e tltulan elttlaordin~rlo de gtlerrA que nosotrol nei nitID Rcli)lto Q inerrnble direocloll ocho de la maAana del diR siguiente milltare 10 temm~s puesto qf8 teMm1 mlobos Tolft los dias hay repeudos ejerclcioll y Buellas y lumlnolWl lIOn I referenoiaa fnmedlamente dupuee de 101 c(lneablmiddot prlonfrGS cODtrllrios y que hlta Is te()k~ IiOletas evohuiones en las que prl()ti~ del Coronel Allen Mayor Clyeee ftc dOl acunteomlento8 vino eata cludad un siempre hiL sido patente la slIperiodatide ean j Sefiores oficlales y 109 soldado8 pero notamo8 qne a~nqueliglran en 1 correo conduciendo una comunieaci(m nuesms armal Ahorl bien ~ Sol se nell ~tmn maravillo8(1lllIIte lisw de 108 que 8e distlnguiertm 81gllnOl de los jetea eN as flllrzas enemlga8 en la VOllOtroa 101 que hahllis habmdo de vanshy

En3 ClInnto 1 numem do indivitluoB numbres 110 ell con el tlIplerclol que que IIOlicltaban aqtlll1l08 del Jeneral dalisimo de Bomnidadea y oims cosa~ perbgt ecientc8 6 dicho cuerpB lie ha IU~ merC(tlll sin que sea rltI de 1o referenmiddot Walker JOr 10 pronto 6 cange de un in- aemejantelll en vnestrus periodi~os para men db do nna mllnera otable habien tes po que 1I11011 gllardaban y derendian divlduo d los suyos cometa d eaballe oontravenlr ahora eSC$ndalOsamente Ii (0 ad mllll unH gran compltlla do Zapa1 sus pue~tui re8peetivos y no podial esect na que fu6 heeho prlalonoro por Dilestra losmejores prlncipios del dereehu dl ilores I Mineros bien que para malle- tllr j todllS paltes Grande y her6ica parte con algunamp anterlorldad Eata clrmiddot jentll I 81 v08OtroB 80ls I Pero nad~ jllr clatro mortem do obuats y lo~ tllol II deietl q~e hizo 1amp KulIrnlclon de clnetancia Indicaba queeao jeres preten- trntiamos del oltallo de atrall en que Muon a que hay on lap)tuIt fO necesita estj plftZllcn ea c61eble JOIllampda en la dian ceAhle 101 prlnclpio organl_ de 08 ballail UR n6 nero eunsidurnblcmiddot1fe bombles qll8 doeientus hombre4 combatieron con III gllerr aun entre la naolonee minoe Conatlgt 8n conclu8ion qUII aceptamol

EI uelpo de artllleriA no deja que demiddot tla 01 ilunensu numero de oehgtelentOI clvllzadal y regullrlllAr la desde lU4lft) vuealroa aotos sea ellal (uere au natlishysearsusejercicins II 1011 111118 etCrupu- por eamppl()io do dillz y nueve hOrlll uglm lu demandlln la olvillziclon 1 _ mlez 10508 itotl Admirable el Jellledo y -80luololl siglo No 81a poslble dudar de la buena

do todOll basta del ultimo 1I0idado (e de aquell espon~nea proposlcion sin DOCUMENTOS 0FIeIALES ES Ef)OIOJV A OHONTALES dispueatos perecer antes que entregllr RgIlIlar a la e8 et bonor milltar 1 JOII

U - 6 h la pldl que se lea habia conllado cierto malt proclu90a atrlbutos del bombrel ElDECRtTAS DE OOB_ERlO


apol bull IfRon que Sill ny Guatro _ J Ch I 6 t A certilllmo y atln IIOmos COrto8 j pero lIus~re Jeneral Walker quo tantnll 1 bin No ito

EI t 1 p ra onts es 0 VI a es II puer ~__ d I M ON 1 ~ lifer ~11lI oeho de la matiana halfendo ph~oll afta Ir que e ayor eJ se repetJdllsprulIbae ha dado de maltnanl REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUAt

enndu 0 de una manera verdaderamente bull bull ~ desem ~ftado flU CQlnlslon los mdlVldoll ~ mldad ItO dudO en etecto ni Ull momen Seeretal1a de Elltado en el depaello (Ie t ti ~ - E her6ic~ Hallibllse postratio en una cama to y lIev6 8U generlllll(lad basta el utr Relacione Erterlores nuO rOI en snls aerlamen n I 1 d i h 11 b connn balazo 81 unap ema que elm- mo de entregar ill corneta que iIOhcUaban Granada Ootllhrl 2t de I85ampSan oS lIu v sus lOme lac 0110$ so a a a bull

bullJ I d I b d pll(ila dar un paso y Ie obhgaba bull servlrmiddot sill nlnguna de las lIeguridades que 8e El S P E so ha serVldo dlctar 411 de 1111 nUfillro e 10m res como e CIIn) d I EI 1_ __

d d 88 lIe os mu etas enemlgo lie lre- CIItJon en taIu CIlSOl COIltellto mnl Ceto igt~eD ~ -- _gt eine tode 1 QlIuotuelOn errotll Oil Oil Ii bmiddot I I WILUamp WR Preeldenw-daln eldla trece del corliente en csta cludn aerto y 1 eil


es om re que Illll a e featando que entre 101 mlillito prbonumiddot Republica deNlearagun lr sUiliabitsnte9 11 di I dtlene 89 UIIO de 04 indivlduOlI mall roa que habla hecho elY la lihlma aocion Siendo nece8SlrIo I~reditar un liinillrouo II IU u a tomaron a ue a reco on bull

q g q i 16nol 11 eJ6rlto Nada podia espemiddot e contaban Virios 06cla0bullbull que _tcba Plenipotenelano ltle rcpleaente a 111 RetshyDioo8 quo sahCTon escape as que $U- b _ d bll d Nt d I bl _T a raSede un 110m re en esta 0 en que dlpu_o cangellr respectivamente pGr pu ca e caragua cerca e ga n piera 111 Ilegadade Jos trem 6 tl~l11~ 61 se baUsba ain embargo hacienda un el Coronel Lain 1 por olnoo 6 sela in- de 108 Estados Unidos en IVI8hingtotl lIn RllngerB que III vapor cndllcla 0 b III el 81 t p l4 de dl II d J ntlab on U80 de IUS flleultades l

1 h b d b b t esueno 110 re uaUT J9 UOl e vopa que e 8oom- an DEC RET A bullIe d bull os Oil res 0 ar UI os comO d gt I I 0 ilia dlI8l1ila 0 que tellla sa 10 (1 clando Cueron presos por caaualldad en Articulo I N6mbralle Mlllistro Pleni ~ el 09 Icen locho tom6 lall mulllw y 81 sable y 8e il camino de llwaya En allo se es- pottnciarlo de la Republica de Nioaragua (JtfOETAS DE GUATEMALA Y presentO en ellugar ~a8 peJigfOSO arras peru la romillion del hombre ofteoldo cerl1 de 18 Eatedoll Unidoe al Senol

S AN S Hi VADOR trnndu la plema y atravesllndo las calles por 01 corne Q a1 conleta mlsmo que DoAn FemmCoFerrer I J b b t rt ~ IDnmquelle qu enes cor I -- con el agaa casl bull 1 rodlda (aca I a de era 10 replar y Jegitimo 81 ae aTrepenmiddot respondamp

Estos pOliodlcos pound0 oeupan do nuestro Hoverl dundo mnd6 con V071 do trueno tlan do nevar ndelante 10 que 4111011 mis- Dado en Granada 1 29 de Oetubre de Nienrlguell~o no parR reflllar nl una pn formal amp los hombres que alii se hallaban mOB babian Bollcltado opteniend) al fin 1856 WILLIAM WALKER Ilbm do los erimCIl-e1l servUes que hemOl y que Ilegaban oon sus armas dilltribuyo par unics rampZUII el J~er81 Walker una Al Se~or Jenoral Dun Jlliteu Pineda publi~do POrqIO III velmiddotdad os illcontesta la trnpn eolocindo en loslugarel opor carta del Jeneral Zavala en 1amp que fire MMn~troldoJa Guorra encargado deT dltl I bull mUltern enerable II~ deequltan descendlcn 0 as per tUllos orden6 1amp derenaa de vea eal ea testaba (ellto no puedo calUiCllrse) que D ~ d 1 I V bull evI en suprema 0 oumun eo 1

sonah ~de8 1In un lnnguage tan cl~lco que partell de aquellugampl y 8Oliclto 1 101 prlllOnerbullbull no querlan venir No ell para IIU intellgencia y demas erectos es ebmo us antares Su impotente uni e6caz It pelllr de su eltado de grandad a eato todo ino que en as propillll perandortlCibO su atento senillor Ie do p1i~8a fudose contla cl Jeneral tadu atendia bael6ndote oil su voz ell clrocnlltandlll Be supo oon allOmbro en 11 Pnnuu lIIque 10 ba dellpreelado stempre todas pa~teamp Nosotroa admlr4mol al e~ta cilldad el rullilamlento on 01 pueblo No 64 WI pe lulclo d - lllwlrles 8U cuenta eonlmiddot Mayor 0 Nell en aquelloe momentoa y de Diriomo del CoronelLalne y algunos

V bull l REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA ~ cnte Y oxneta eremos III e908 pan asi nOl plaee conS1lJllarlo on eata arUcl1 0 otros prisirneroa I I fllaa obre aquellOl S d __1 d ch d ecre1ana e ilAIo en e eeplt 0 e ~s 8 Oil ~ombre8 de chaneelarls COli EI Capitnn Wilkins lie condujo tnnbien jetos III deabonn eonmguiente y )1 IlCe- Relacionelllnteriores

dlglll d el dIll que 80 les presente que de unA manera brilllnnte en el millIDO cr8Clion univelflall i ~pnrten el des- GranadR Oetuble ~ de 1800 JlGr ci rto no ~t~d(jlls ($ si solo se con- lugar y despue ell la deftn~ del HOIIpi precio y vilipendlo que mcreccn Y 0011_ EI S P E ampe ha servldo dictar el de-ICIltllj COil eCBrlbu snrcnsmos tal en toda la neche Es de celebaTlle la pell el lugar degradante eli que les colOCll ereto -ul~nte

-------- d dId fa 1 I d d I El GOllemo coosldelando que soMalianl lie omharea con direceion u con ucta e 011 bull IS co tat voe qn~ IU In agllO proce el hallan vaeallte~ las Carteral de Reb

Nueva York el Sr Eermin Ferrer hallan en el h~8pltal oOClrgard08 continu Como era de eeparamprse loglco y natu- ciunes Haelenda y CrMito pu~lico POl 1 g b no amente de los enfermotl Dr Lundy y raJ e1 Jene1Walker ordeno y ae eloell- baberse encaado de la ml~lon dlploshynombrlld0 que ba SluO por e 0 leI bull t ~II b d W b

j I PI d t n_ (f Dr Brmkerhoff 110 8010 por las bUenae to II (I1I181111ento nu de todoll los prleo- m4tiea eel bull e ga mete e a Ing ~n s~o ellpo~enculT1o e es a p medidas de defen~ ue tomaron IIlno ton a1 Seior Don Fermin Ferrer quohllcs eefca dol Gabinete de Wasbingtoll ~ nellIS que en la Justa lndlnadlon acuo 1l1li desempeflsil 011 180 de aus facultades

Ell F rl b I rt II pur 10 resolueion que 81empre lea honrar otro mimo Jonero- en 8U lur hubler D E C RET A errcr Gsumpe a a ca ar - -- bullbull de Hciendn que qUGdo Ii cargodel Go altamente do pereeer todtlS antl8 que prevenldo sino Iolamelte el de un Ten Articul 1 El Sefior ~e~oral Don

D d M I - G S n ahandonar unos velnte y cilloo enCer- vnte Coronel I un Capitan que ctillltian Mateo Pmeda autual MIlllIItro de ItgtlIera ~ me A lUStrolaquo c uerft e - bull G bull gad dI I diS F mOil que no pod Ian movelse de IU lecbo eutre Iquellos nerra ser onear 0 IDtennamellte elimos i 1 auseMl1 tempola c I e diahaa caneras teQlumiendo el Mlnlsteio rer a~ paso qua nll8 alegramos de que EI Chbano que elo~11I 01 Mayor Potter MuchOll plllOl1ero quqda~ on poder de Jfjn~roJ ~1a do el c electo parala mislOIl que cn el ~rro que ~lmlltr6 cuyo nllmbre nuestla gblllrnocolltrA qlllel011 ~u4lera Art t ComtllllltpleleI qutenea cor IampMnuuce Alos EsttldOIl Unidostallto por no mllmfest6 pm IgnollrJo e8 el Seflor dMClrgllllle todo el pl8O delagravlo lnfo rCIJpcmda lI1llltlilrw y circuDttitceiR quole ldornall Don FtCncisco Aguero y Batrada Pre- ridn y hooerl(1S sentirde un una manera t8~do en GitLi1lAltt~Rdigt cuantq pOl que rCIihiramp belll1s impresio recto de esta cludad prolilllda los exesos de IUS ~etos qUI Pu AI Senor Jenera Don Mateo Pineda nos en 18 hormolllls ciudlulea del Norto (on 10 dicho sitiafacemos la justlcia ditgtran haber ngrlVlJdo au situacion I pero Miubltro Jenera Am6rfca debida aloe SenOIOs 1l0minadOl y nuestro I Jneral Wlker oon todaJ )R ventnjNl De urden supreml 10 eomuBlco V

Ie Idelleam(lll Ull viRge teli~ y pronto doseo de eselaroeer III ferdad siempre y la repolllioraucia de la posicion que pllrt IIU Intellgeneia y demas efootos retor~ quo podamoa baeorlo ocupa 011 tll embargo magnanlm~ y Je M Pnln4


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 12: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.


- ---------------T--shy312 EL NICABABUENSEVoll No 50 p 6 Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 181Br6


Tile Battles of tbe 12th and 13th of Octflber 1800

We b bMIl permitted to make the toDowln

oslne IlIDut dI porta 0 tJle 01Boe1ll In commiddot IIWId at tbe Yarlo ttallOD The OOIlfuOIl an4 laquolei 10 our 01108 oe by the late ttaclt -Ind Ib vofortuawte acoldeD hlch bappened to Mr 1bor tb edllOlooble~ put I out or our

pow to arran the repone u under 1II0re fampYoshytabl GlroUlllltanoeB e lboulil have done Th balties of the wo day era 10 connected thI

it oad be dilleult to rate diem on paper anal pnlClIl all dI Illcld8Oll

The report of ColellelSandaralalb1l ofintereal 8Ild beua-out theltlatemellll of Ollt correepOl1dellt

L WIIO It would ppear followed the fortllDes or die folr Rift He Y

About 12 oclock on die t tdl they took dlelr positlOIl hi line and the command u Iyen to moYl fotward The llIen wer11I good Iplrillalld abOUi oclock aalgbt theyenoelDped In Ibe IUbshyurb of _ya Sbortlyafter lying down alkirshymlall took plaoe beteen Vol Karkhaana regiment oC lufallw7 dd a_liDg prll of the en Dll blob luted bUI a few morun Idlout anl eerio Mal Bewean- lIyllght and unrile on ~ba mornlo 0( th 111d1 tbe wliole army took dlelr pOIJUoIl for bottle die bowlll8l1la lrollamp eupporampshyed by dae Rile reldman Aler aneing but a fe y Capt Ifwarb of the Artillery wu orde ed b-eJom_nreMnCblefto dlrowlbelliDto aelllampll plaM aDd (Jumpd C comllluded by Capt D~ obll8ed and took -Ion of the oburch In die pi bullnd tbe wbule arlll7 _11 fullowd IIIId OOlDlIlaDder- or reglDlllntll received their In alruoilonafrol the Coml1IIidi~hlel An- furtloer operatlo The Sappert amplid IlIlIeN were ordered to CO 10 advance end pportod b the Rill out their W8ylnto tho main plua beteen two t ruonlng dlrotly thereto-tbe 8818 on the right IIlId 11 belDg prolected by Ibe ellem wllb btarrl ltlad _OIInOOll and sharpmiddotlboote Afer bariog cut ball wa through to the main plnla the bow iteera colDmandadby Clpt Swrtz and Lieut F roD eN ordmd to the IUppO-t oC the amplft_nd of hoee to pliant ollloera too lDucb pralB C8II II be awarded (or tbelr daring braver aDd cool neealn dlaeharge oC dIlr dut) HlllOry has Ilot e parallel The11 edaaucClllfulho-illto au adolHl bnlldlng here a large nllmb ofthe enem were ~lIllg MClurel1behind barrlcad Oathe Imoke cleariag away Company B oOIBlllanded b Capt LfIonard alld Company G cummndd b Capl ORepn with tMlr gallanl eoldlera took 10811 alon ot he building wbere they were charged upon twice by tbe eneml Gap I Ewballks took pollOi slOl1 ot Ibe eomer hOllSe on the- right The RiBes w thn wlthlll HventyJ e Yld of lhe mlln pIMa he the galInt aI and arren again came to dlelr _lltallce 1Iltiampl their guna Tlte ouemy we 10 largp forcu ImIDedlatel1 III thelr Croa~ abOlit thll time

Th Commndermiddotln-Chif haring recelvod Info uatllD_ bat Granadll w attacked blarge force and bellering lb a larg8 portion o( Ihe foroeI Muya had gODe toaid in taklllg Grallada wbere tbe mo~t of our ammunition was he ordered ra lreat froni our poertlou and bo~t 12 oclock at niSht~ 011 our rod baok to Granada A tar mamiddotohlDg all dlgbt Ihe glorious aUD of the 181b or October roae In beau and splendor-tbo annlmiddot vera1 o( the 68 taking 01 Granada When we got Into the outsklrte 01 the clly wo were reo~iyd Epote4 u the wero Ihey fOllgla thelr wy by heaY ftra ffOm the enml but WIth a about ond 7011 TO ruabed on the elly of Oranadn] wlalh WIUI asain Oil tbe 88me day takell by lIeneral Walker

Of the olleera and men compoeln the Rifles Ilae1 did their duty well and it wouhl be mocker1 to try and give one ofllcur more plllie thall another The were all willing to tIIlClilloe thoir Ilve8 If nece8 88r1 fur Ihe cause tlaey aro engaged In

Ab Jut 11 -oolook on tbo 121h a8 atate41 b1 our _

correspondent Col Allell wu ordered to 1Ilal a de~hment of lIanger agailUlt a body of Lanoer

bull gaged untIl thoy hlUl fought their way 10 a poaco

1be Bohllo of Illy cOlllln4nd AdYanoed and roo ceived the ll of tho tllelll) coolly _ returnillg I ith efect After 1 I volloy had beea Oltmiddot cbangod the enelllY lel the lOad and reliod aprrefttll IOed AlaJor C7C tboulCh Field OCmiddot Beer of Ihe Day ndvallod Ith Ind Bhowed be innrlably doe great cooln1 and 8rllllle~8

After the enemy rroator I retulnod 10 tbe 11 St SbuUan heu 1 reeely_od ordN to IUIlPort Capt Druus 2nd Iufuntry nlld Ilpt Gree of my oOlllmand wbt) WUN armly enmiddot ~laquoed near he main Plaza I fOllnd on lD) arrimiddot Va[ th~ OAP Dmiddotult ha1 one prlte kllud and CApt Greon severol wouuded We re 1l1~okelt1 In thb p~ I (runt ami lin Ihu In but ltlpulsud tbem ter1 tlmee (rom tbe latter position

1 OIInllot epeek In too high tllt1I11 of tho conduct of bMh ollleera and men ~ngaged ht8 they exmiddot bllJlted tbo ~fttest cuolu autl glllalltrf

4bout ~ 0 clock Gell lIorn811y wilh ono (Jom P~IJY of lsi I fontmiddoty Joilled us and hortly altol this wo received ordel8 Irom Yonr E~ceilellcy_ I fall back ou the PI St ScbnLlan whloh did ill he bOIL of orhr ImmeliaLcly nn (lur ftrmiddotivKl

amproo wb-o p-led uo bloh dlylded - -a amphrolog ID1u1f ltlIpt OoreLleuL Bramp LIeut TrIIpp nd ee en pri18I a1man hI admiddot - ance 0 t1ie en command uob he w noeIyed Ord811 to obarp tbe eaDnOD haYiDS1l0 oeeded In wblob and bluing lriag In die l I ordeved thelll forwft lIalor (Jaycee (bj er of Cilea DorDIby) renlalned at dlls pointwldl die bala_ or my Battalion to guard the dlalllountecl bowlSHr

From dlk place my IlIIail commacd advampIIced rapidly and turning to die len one street from die PIIISI IOraaed th comer baok of dI Lobe Slu

- OIl yt( ldI _tbe other u to ho Ibould do ampbemOlamp gooleervloe

W81ao take pleuu IOlIIaldng die folloiDg -

esrac frolll tbe olloW repor of Co Natzm~r I have tht hOllor to reporamp 011 the evenlug pre

aedlng die da1 of the battle In lIaya Kajor Ihl Mnbur Field OlBllJr of tle Day IIld capt Jlatzdorll a Odlcer of tbe Guard dlttinlluiohd tbem~eIY b the greaten figll bullbull oe actiYlt alld cll~i1wapoictlon

rlle Plaza of SI 8ehaeUan being taken ou Ihe eneulng morning and tbe 1 RIlle Battalloll and

wb w killed a numller 01 the ellemy Capt part of the 2nd IUlantry Battalion adfanoiDg till Bell who ooolopaued lia in thla obarge If ldllll two blooka of the eat plaza optaina woundid In the thlh

W then proeeeded under a hot Ire to the GUlrdboule wben lI~or Potter gaYa up bla comlllampnd to me We Bred a oanllon from this po lot twke hlto Your Excellellcya quarte and once Into Ihe bOURa ooa1lvled by Capt Morrla dID oharged tbe litter place our lIlen gallant11 Oamprrlog n Thls 8 Ibe I place I beIIe tblll onl1ll1 coupled -In dI cill

I ampIn happ to atate dI~t no cuuolU occurred In III Battalioll dUriD tblI battleshy

llauor Oaycee wlllPve OU bull IIparate aoooun of bla proceedlDgs wllh th ramalllJer of die Btlalmiddot Ion

Th colIInd of Col Allen wu dl lded near

the lalCeba ()burcb The ollowlng estract ampom the report made bt JI~r Caycu III vel) _grph-o and llaow dI _yln wblob the eDODIl wu ban died b_Ibll -Ilul olloer and bll men shy

e-In 08lllpllince with en order giyen b1 Brig

GID Koroah_ I led dI BUalIQII towarch t1i Grand PhJa until oppoelte th mlns of die Me clld ()bri wbloh point I reoel ed an order d1 to Ib north amplid dlslodse a porilon of tbe enem1 wbo were at tbe dme occuP71og the

Leonard Dreu Rnd Hreen dietingulhed tbemmiddot MI by rellUlrkablo braver and cour-se ilh beir (Jumpalli

Altbllugh th Artillery did not haTe all the eCmiddot Selelle1 elpectud I 1amp11110 but acquillt Your Exmiddot CiIIlellc1 or tbe moet courageous and cool mallner III wbich Capt 8chwartz Iud Lieu Frrand ola oharltt hl dude wbloh deeervet bill aud full credt

III dI attack OR Grallada 011 the 13th iost Your Ecellenc h bullbull leen Yery-wol~ that the gul lalltrY 01 he odlltllN and lolltller~ gellerllll 1ell (lbIng to he- wiahed fur alhougb regom di~middot cipllDe the cClmmandera oC Ibe reBpeotive Battal-Iona and Companies did nOl keep their lIlen lougb together but when our troop reached Iho pl having oooealon to vbtervu ever Ollemore rartioularly I baye to recounond to Your Eloelmiddot e1l07 Vapl Swingle of tbe OrdllallCO Depart-Dlent wbo bebl llatloned befolll tbe OUllrdmiddot bouee (ough agaanal die enem1 In Your toscelmiddot lellcyampIId illlCio ~plnoaal bousea

Lieu Col McIlltDeh and Major Duaenbur1 hkewile bebaved ver1 brveI1 111 two charge

We haTe boell kindly pellilltted to lIIake the

CoIIowlng extracl from Gen Frys report of the ali_immediately In dI rear or die bulldlog oooumiddot _def~nee 01 GrnadaCled by Ibe Surgeon GenmL Baying bullbullcc~ed At 1 oolock P M the alarm w give and the

11 eIOIIIng he I raet (dlough under a lIloet IIRImiddot ling ~re) len mluln lullead to accompllsb dI dlsodgement and then Indeed hegau the werk of dedI Ibe enelll111vlllgin nery direction rece Ing aaadl at the bnds of our unerring nIIemen Flodlng after at length Ihat 1II0re remained to opmiddot POle va I ordered a mreh at quick lime to the Plaza and arrived Jill u die I -oC Ibe -panic etrlckea 100 wera king In Ilgbl thu eatelshywhleh dlilr vaullted_ Ior could not eecure thom III regarc to die o~nducl 01 tho troope I mlllt MY to-Your ExClIlenc1 tbat neYer In m life have 1

enem leen advancing The gtUIiIOIl coneLstillg~f a colopany of ahoul 40 cILi~1I8 (ullder Ibe oommanD 01 KaJor Gillis) tho woundud alld COli teeo~nt In the hoepltal and 80me m11 oC -tb aialr corpa haviog been pvlouily Inmucted 00 oupled the rallge 01 buildings tellding alollS tite eoutb lId ealt IIdes 01 the pI froD tbe Qu trmr alld OUamplIoo Dparllllolll8 to tbo ilpital The gllna bad been plocoj sa followa One elghteell Ind ono ail pounder at tbe auutb eot curner of the piau olle nine pounder tbe QuardbOll8e and one is pounder at lb Hcashy

lIlen IIlllre cool or gallampll III their actions _pita dian dI BtUe parly whlcb I commanded Tbe enemx advanced In colomll along Ihe Itreet

Intbreport of die otlonl of the Seeond leading Intu the nonhwsI coroer 01 bo plaza Light Intimtr1 GoL lIelntoeh 18 and I ol8red tbe Dine pounder to b rUD forwaro

and directed aglllul dleo whicb PrltllnpamplI woulll be doing InJultlee to bull brave officer done ullder tbe di-ection 01 Llelll Crowell and

IIld I lIot here mention the nallle of capt Roberl Captin Hard At the lirat discharge wmob w EU of me Rangenl for tbe fearleA manner In followed y three heart) cheera for Gen Walker hloh he expoeed bimself to the el18ny bullflro

11 wu 800n dacoveted Ibal we wera III danl(er shyfrolll the_ hell tbrown from OUr hOWltzen wlilcb GaOled en order til be giYeIl for 01 to fall baok to the email pia Companies A B 0 and D of111 command wero then tallonedt dUrNnt polllloll nnd held al a reeene (Jum E under Cap J DraUK wa then dlrown ouI on tbe len to keep die nem) f~om making aa1 moYe on Col Sandell command whlcb WII nobly wOrklllg It wa1 thlough tbo O8ntlO ampftet leading to- t1ie grand piua U wu llfierwllrde reillforced b1 Capl Green of die 2d Rilltl ThlSe Iwo olleera d_ne great credit Cor the braver1 the dLlpla1ed

neariy to the n~rthtust earner of the P~ and beld dlelr pOlltlon nllder a hot S untIl the1 were calld oB JuS be d~rk 1 regrel to Inmiddot fOlln 11u Ih Lieu Henry T Sbellnampn of Com pany Eo wbullbullbulluyuly wounded hll 1ol1li1lnly s~condlng Ihe eltor of bl~ Caplaln CflllIplplOl A and B ampcamptd l1li piquet-gIlHrd durng Ihe Jay alld

froID be_goortlson Ihe enemy f1l bao_k d makhg a clrcult alfvanred UpOIl tbe Hopita whore they were beld ID check by die tire ofdie 8i pQuuder under Capt awligl whicb diilmoullted one of their glln td b1 the fOlO rallied by Mljor ONeil The then cowmeuced amp vlgoruus attack UpOIl our rear front the t and nuth Idoa of_ t a pla where they ere gallantly lUeL b the force along our whole line The contesl in tbe rear of _the GunrdhoUde WIUI partlculrly obsi nate and maintained 011 oUrBide by lomeliny lOen ullder tbe comlDllld of Cpl alnample uailampetl b1 captalna Lewll alld Piekellgill

Juring the night alld lullowing 1D0mlng the ellemYIIIeal attempll to attack 111 ill frent but WIlO drlvell bao by tile IIIe 01 Our artillery

Boa of tbe American Idies and children were placed In the Church and in the house of tbe AIDerican Mlnbter In the rour uC blch 1 posted Pi guaCl 01 IG naen under Lieut Micoll

lJoring tbe flgbt the enemy through desertr from Our drm) lIlade a propuaitioll to U4 10 aur

penoMned their duy to ny entire aatittfIlClioD ~t tendmiddot promising ua prutaction and atating tbat

TIe enel0Y YOI repulsed and the fullowlllg fron to pott will show how ho and hilt mo were en Before going furth I be ~epetfltlly ItJ ltat~

dark nay ~thun wa posted on tbe two mil a~retllmiddot~II1K lato the pi and ocoupled bull POll tlOII 111 wllluh te1 could do good aerYlee Ihrough tllu nlglat In 0amp8 tho enemy meditated auylhlNg 10 tM oampIII_e Thlla we rem311 uluillhe u dllr- nII10bed UI to PlIIIlI-to IUArcb fur Granada

tbat tl porton r Illy ballnboll ordered 10relOIoIII Iellve thlou~hot thu d1 expmiddot ed greal cage __ to ho lod antu aciiunalld ill theil omd _ Uctullllllg OIl btalinn Wllt pOlttd on the ex troill lell a1 whun lIenrillg Granada 6riog w dioUllctl laeard IMy lIle thoogh lIIuoh Jadod no~d whh gre bullbull alclmiddotity alld OI~oiCOIIod great eager_ 10 bemiddotth tir illlO olloD Their poslmiddot tioll ctlul1 not adIII r II Uld we hud no cballoe tu tok part hI Ibe cOlltcal at thu JIteba A SlOn ft8 amplla~ puillt 1 g~io~d however and sulflclent Ppcu lOade (or UII tn com~ up IYO imlllediately olaatged dowll tbe rltlad An order to halt alld eland filiI reoeigtd for tbe Plrpose of protectmiddot lug tho raar and waa promplly obeyed with tho cx~eltIon of VaplainR Ball amplid Grnta Op~lIies th07 advancing witb sucil siloed alld the 1Irg IV8S au lleallmillg thlt Ihey could 110t bellr the or der Qd 10 continue1 on_ in tbe General charge Thll1G two nlliccrs bohaved ell the furRIer WUI ounded whilat at tbe hClld of hlann Aa BOOn II~ the dKnger Irom Lhe r WIIS pa~sed I walor dCImiddot1i to dvAllee wih Companies A n 0 and E Ib$Irpolld6d to tho cnI wltb che came up well and did much execution W0 elltered the piau and chllrged the 0llelll1In dlKerent direc

uur army w defeated at AIy Tbe anawor IoU 10 about 01 de8Ion and doftlIlce and tho batshytIe conlillued until IQ oclock the fOllowing lUurn lig when IllYpeedily termiuated by the en tnllloe of tbe army UDder tbe Commandfrin Chief

Thua for 21 houra a force of tt least 900 oC the eReml WII repulsed by I thall ~ii meDln which oUlnbr wu Illoluded alUbo aick and da abld of tlao rIll1

Where dlere were 10 many Illstances of gal lantr d good conduct II i dilHoulto apelfy who were IDl)lt deaerYlng of coullnondatioln All nOlted la a lilt of offiera soldier dnd OitiZell8 who were conplcuous for gallalltry and good conduot Alao a Iitlol the casualties in my com mind alllounting to klilod alld 10 woulldod

The 1_ or tbe enemy l m unable to report acouratel from Iho filcl tbat dUIhl Iho night of


From n hOlOle I ent Immediately to dI 0 nance OJ8ce and tbere 01Hld Lleul V ~ Hiler on dut1 wldl wo 8ergeanla and lDeDi reporteathe pplOIIooh of the 8Den Ild save tholll aach ordera bullbull l dlought nec_ar1 alld thom etarled (I

Mlnllter Wheel8f to loelf1ll1 lamil1 bd ilri~ ulil and artl ed t the oorller of IhoPlaza nw the reBideDce of Mr Teller Ju In time toch$ek the harge boing made b1 tbe enelDY dun tbo alreet fouhe Playen8 by killing tbeleader who WII gallauil1 leadiog the charge much In adfancuf his men running alld ahouting

Al1 firat hul w with a Sharp carbine oDI1 ollndill_ 1111 ataggerlng hilll agClin the ItlUle aod tbell rolled bim Into tbe allmiddott with my air Ihootor 1 think thi4 w the liIIIt man kUled in Ibe city Mr Hugheeand MVMfll othera I8W thi lorlulIte check (it cOlDpletel) baiting thu cbarg illgparly) br whicb those working au lIiue -pounshyder OoUOOII welo enabled to 111amp it

I canllot Ipeak In pr~ge or commendation or the nine pounder callnon doriug the comlUence lIIent of the attaok-~wo or our own meu were very aeriuusly ounded by h The ch gon th lla wbullbull Ilbaudolled by the enem) theirl (OICO colloentrated and mado a yigorouutlbrt toenter the IInlll pia b1 tho quarters of the Oommndcr inmiddotChier There Ihe enem1 were gIlUOIly held I check by Capt Swlngl with the ix pouude can nOli _isted and cov~re1 b- maDY eilizeut-witb ri80 and mll8kecs eucouraged raquolId direCIeltl b) ()ep- Watkin The bra fteldillece broullM 10 ber b) tbe eDemy a a point waa -00- dil moulltad b1 -tho h y and wIQlrellllsillire of Vapl Swingle ldI tbe ais poun Hi~ 0001middot 11_ and brayery cannol he too Duch praied

Voncluding that the hOlpital and gulllClhouso would Iequire Ul Addillonal lupply of ommualtion I returned to the OnlllampnOO olliee on the_ wa~ crossing the bolY lire of the eneflly near the enshytrance w the headquarLel$ of tbe CoulRollderin Cbiet and deapatcgtb d two Dlen loafled wilb am mUllilioll Cor the horpital-olle of thelll ooly reich IlIg tbere the other SlOpping at Ibe gu~rdouae 111 tbe lIeantlme Lbe attack of tbu enero1 belng u 8trudg and vlgorou lind having nu cove frOD Which to bold IWd work Ihe eAlIlIon d thro bemiddot log 110 com nander 0 dlrec~ the mOYemcll1oll 0 Ib~ YieiDltl Capt Swingle wlthdrelY tbe ~ilt poundr to the oover of the gllardlouae Ollt Ii ocloc~ P AI Tholo In tbe hopllal reualud In It undemiddot the directloll 01 Oap- Wllklnl whor they gallaot I) deteuoed tholDl8l_os uutil Ihe reillfoCemenl with the UommandermiddotillmiddotOhiefarrivd Defore Ih wilhdrawal of tbe six pounder to Ihe guardmiddot ou~ Capt W i1klu8 wu very aotlve-In rallylOg t citmiddot liens to auist hI coveting the loadingllld orkshylug the 0111111011

AlII ooloek P M I crossed from the Ordmiddot nance oJ8ce 10 the cburcb alon~ (not IIndin any one at he 1D00aenl willing to croll the au lIh as much amlllunition u 1 could carri I twoO baveanokl aDd soon Ret arriving tbere w deshysired by Gell Fry lotako cOlDllland oftbe d ot the Iroul of tbe church -

From the commenoemenl of the attack t Ex preas WagOD III U88 b1 the Comllli_v I) part aunt had been atanding hi frollt of the Ifou call ed the Lone Star Alter heing desired tJiIt~ dbage 01 tbe dCenoe of Ihe ohurch 1 Id man (I regret th t 1 am no~ able to givG h- Ime) who by DIy ordera ctossed the plaza and roy the wagou to tbe Ordoanoe oilloe_ and loaded it with alUmwlilion bUI from some Cause ullk~on to me did 1101 return jth II The lYago~ w~ loaded in tront of the Ordnance olBc~ Ilear an hour-no one appearing to be wUling to rOIl itla It-wben a Mr allyn81 crolll frol I~e arhou80 and drove 1 ovo-a -bighly or dilashybl$ perlurnaauce Aler making a c~rvtul exaID Inltlon of the church Uld rmLles Olll1uecl~ tho foroe to defelld h ampe placed Mr J L lobshymOlld with men In ilhlllge of tbe part c~ll tbe ~Ouad House ita yard alld aJoining lI11llmilnll III the quarlers Ih tbe IeIIr of tha ehlll~h exl~ndshyillg to the atreet below Capt Kell1 j Mr otank lin tobert H Smitb aud tnlee ollleI werol Sla tioned in tbe tow~r at Ihe lIorthet er ~ele they were of essential service and their COl ducl ie highly cllmmelldabl~ Othera wemiddotu plO erly stationed in the yarils aDd aportmeuts belol Ing toald quartllnl _The cOlnDluuication 01 tho a VI mentiuned quartora ith the-cburcli WM~ tbr ugb II hole ill amp10 eplLtatillg wall

Nu regular attacit ollld UpOIl Ihechub or preDliaCt CODllllulicating cpt 10119 ~ttbt Comlllieellly DepalmiddottmonG can gh-e much illio ma_ tlon of tbUle III the ohuCb lUI he I thore nlil tbe end of tbe attack About 8 to oclocll r )1 Uapl Pickolalill came In 1i00I tho l(uirdh~UI wlh thu inform ion _ thot tbe rcrce tlocreTlYU sII that Capt Swingle IDuoh lIbgdd 10 ~ho dfnoe of tbe YIlrd in tbo NIlI of ho gJI houe with bomb ahells ualng thent II hall~gn_ lIadbullbull aud makiftl fRe 10 explude amplem Iro tbo artillery match rop 110 lind that 90lOe m

the 12th tboy dlrew a large number of bodie~ into mauding oHicer wu requhed there or the dlaco ella and other hiding places ud buried some Abou 160 botlica bavo been diacovered

EsTuOt paoli RSPollT OP MAl -ParrsR 011 Sunda1 12th Inat abgtut it otlock P M

standing on Iho oorner of the PII~ lIer the ofmiddot lice oC the Oldnance Department aaw a man mounted on a gral hono galloping paat Ihe Jat-Itlba churob followed directly ~ter by altlrae dozen or moro men upon Iho rUII Tll006 standing ncar mo thought It courier (rom MaHAY dirctly the RUPPOled cllurier Ieturned alld 001111 after callie back again wltb thirtror forty muunted mellplIssing

would be tRken aa tbe eDem1 wore lIlaking Igor IUS attacks on it 0111 aluos everr aid - I

I wllB theD dbected b1 Gen bull r1 to tako domshymRnd of tbe guardhouso whemiddoto 1 remained bnla tbe rival of Uol Allen on the 13th 11181iwho courleously accepted ot Illy Iequell tIelleyellDe 1 then lB~istod In tho U80 of tile aix [Iounde~ on tbo quarto lately occupied by CApt Morri ind In oharglng the enemy from thOle quamiddott-a opl W m Lewis gave vllluoblo _Ica in th~ de fenoe o( tho guadhoue bUI wai prevented fIOm IIreat aotivity by hlj ill heRlth lio ClIII give nluch mformoLiou 01 tbe conduct of tho lIIell Iuj dc

Capl Green will ordoro~ to _isl Col ~ndQIl tiOll with aucll imp~luolty that Lhe) were quick tile Jlteba ohurcb towArds Lhe northeosl of tho ulci_ ~o glumiddotdho~ac OhllS Richnrd80~ tv where- be romlllned un1 ordCI8 ora Itl~n _to -I) rouled _ttelinl 11 al directions clt Suapectillg that II 111 a PallY of Lancere 811011 8as18talloe as hiS 11 health would rftutTond coocentrampl~ Ill the PI 81 Scbasti4J1 I CAnnut cloae this report wilhut milking (avo frona the ftnomy 1 ran lowardll the-church as fa~ 1 can reOOllllDend tho conduc of 0 (Juban bm

Tho poaltlon we ocoupiod on tbo march from nblo 1I1t-lItlon of IIlIor n DUOllbul-Y alld Ct 1j as the office of tho Altlutallt Uenbullbull middot I whn I WaS unknown to 1113 I lhln~ he Is n Ub-AII~ or tiOD 10 Urando aa in tbc ftr of- 101 RillellIllflY Th~ NlIItleNd gIC~t sistanoe III p llatisfted that It was it strung lorco of tho enelllY Prefect I hnvc seeu blln olen in all ullio eshyaud vall of ~nd Inf~lItry survillg olll~r alllOllg the men alld epcourgIIog Iwent Immediately 10 m hllUlle (the houso 10merly tho Lono Star ho~c Thero lYOle lllauy t ere

lSth In the atteck on Iho enelll) who wero tbelll b Ihe 1I~ld owned by Dolor~a LaJarsa) 1111 Bunt Uo) wife lind ho boha_ed credltllblf whl~o IIl1ncs ure not taliolO1 nur tbo JIIa UIorch with onu Iie o - The mun cODpoaing m bllUulioii aoted In har_ childrun wilh Mr alld Jtl~ Uuglle_to the resi- kllown to llIe I cau hghly cOIIwd tbe-O ion 01 Dn a _light cOllf oo uCClln-ed lu tbo _mon7 and obyod nl dlfurout ord promptly de_lice of Col Whoeler Mmlster from the U S bt John Aot-ton_ n mechomc employed I tbe rd

bull p

bullbull bull bull

313 i


lit Dtparlllltnt le_ Llrabert blaobmlm fa nce Dpartmenl (lfoml4ed) Tbe Lane and Lilt of KUW 4fId WotoMd of If fafllry

Joll4ll IUIde obamplll tor mum w AdJ r W PUOft wounded allllhll n1uble~e eranl the _ wlb Compllll1 B-EIIIed Private Will Ifnnlall _gOll to _d (ro Lleut Hlte all 1IfII woull~1 Sergt A oJ Falreblld Prlvau

au at my reqll Ilm~ ~~d Pat WllOOII JohnW~ Jobu lI_q Johu~lIIend 111m 0 the oIemaDcf - Barilla 4ad Oommander-lnOblet J B Lonpere II ComJllll7 O-WOIInded OorporelJ B_ hanlo eplOYld In the Orlln_Ret Departmtllt CoIIIPlUl7 D-Ellled _ 1errr Phnlp Bhlm lIfrJI bra mall w killed prlvato CbJi Smith Compan E-Wolllldea poundIul Wrighl r Ordnanco orlment aIao kl~ IUb ampbed Oompan7 G-WOIIruledliIorgeanamp lloLallahUndho_ one man II _aber G all I Prlet a W Foreman Deiil ~IM~ llIiarki 1m IIIIwwn to me wbullbull IdIIed an4 IeYera Gehrehl Tbot Brook DOminick CclInOIIaII J A OIIDded -C the wounded -Capt Green Smvth lbe P~tt Iu thechureilhoamplced the COlIdllot _

bull Lleuwntm DUie unknown to meL lfh_ LI oJ lliU~ WOII JlmI of I1Ilaquo1fIl Mllot I thllll w eoweNl-to 1amp t e lnat lnlaftl1l aolIIeeUke IIr H~_ghtl IidromN~ Yor~r Compan A-Wollnded Prifalel danlt11th me mlldl or the t an w_te COOl III Whl Ill r sere te KIlle 7middot

EL NICARABUENS4 VoL I No_ so p_ Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 18 1856

Inreprd to the der_ ortha pulohhe pt rirn~dk lI~lrimiddotete Frank mtIDr IIIUrderIDg him the mudlttad III bod with lIpled b7 tb OrIIoanee ollce l_oot A Company O-Wound[ Opt KatcdoI bl70llectln the moat hocklng _nr

blUbe een that I wbllt lborU 1M t areTb oree th_ w the latgeIIamp or III except jbA$ ~n the obureb ruI wu weU oouductad by ~ Ollila Capamp iWawlll lIr Bolchur and bull B Wyatt of the Ql1arlei1autel DepetlDlenc of wllom CUI sly report In detail bUI J Cellitlle aallut dlCeIl of the Qllantrmuter ormiddot ~nUlhereb7 eIbt ornblmen under lIr W yU berndd1Ir~or r~ - w bull II P II whla rellta to It mad that

Ie ellem aAer Idlll fttreOGe throocb th III Illto atrala to like p_IOII Irolllncb ~bi repelrle I h e neelYedl think that he IItaorYlng or milch credll

if 01 Ofierr ampltlHr 4fId OiH_ oflIrit Om Jtlyll e_ dilaquobullbullud in 1M laquodon at OrlZala Oct IS 0418 18G8

It bull J O ONeU lat Rillbullbull I CapL ASlt4tlngl OrdnDoa Dept H L Pouer (9f AIel Jon P II OOllelll ~I Jobll Baldwin capt a W Pickerag1l Rail

cp- Vm twla 08D Wilkerbullbulld LIeut Orowtll Dr Lllnd lIedlcal Depamp Ilt BrlukerhootDr Scott Ilt Stringer Dr 1gt111Ctp Gre pt or Port l~Dt Lamber Ordnance Dept ~Wm_eaTIII_LoIpcte


Jon Ahtou

i lin Yatu bull Byn aurOl

III JOlle CoAlQRlIIa Q K Dapt WK Wa

1 r I Arcbbold ILW~bullbull II WEeU7 IiV H bull fWnT Jolla 1t7lllt Thoe Ohapman Jobo Inial1_ hoi MOI1 I Bun u II T Sfki Gen Fr1 Orderly I OIDia Ollisoa oW Teller JchnTabor il Thombull u J L lUohmmlll CIJlt WllkfIII II HatbII1 lilir Elnpweullr Smith t ~RathnriU u1 Oeo Rieberdl lit Rouetll Obaplalo


oWUllllnrul W~ ill (JraMll4 JItWi 0IIII to fhtI Walk arriClal Oct 18 1fG8 RUllaquoI-1fr Bart mllllellu Geoat Gall

ItI I Ill Vlllablt Ooun-HolIIII Pavua B b IDA1mlT-Vllffl7 Jraderlcb Frank ph ~ bntelltl J(1w~9Inkle7 Jbplllll pllL W~ll~or Gil Capt Baldwlo Dr ~ Chu 8l1ettr Jobn Tabor Ed II NleA elWl W Telle elliseo Hamblldo 811cltlmiddot

SUchtlJ-Oarter Cp B II OapL Pickmiddot

oJ gm Won a Jliui of llu Jrrtt R~ Ballalion 001 UI~ lt11111181 iCoalpan a-I Lieut )lth wollllled

IimiddotI1Ilpao7 B-WOIIDded 1at LlRI Latimer d iL Hortll SergelUll1loekfallow ampllghll Impampnl O-Ellled Private Lats 1I000nded ut LeBallft Prinlet LlI __ Jat acklOlI Bouobllll

ftl~1I7 D-Wouoded lat LleuL AlldtrlOn i ~teI lIoCoI~dOlll8lullelOt~do

p aJUJled rrivatel BobblII- Mtu ad~ u~om~7 r-ifiiiet PrIYale lfcCurej wOllnll

PrlYlIeI Kerr ttel

[OolllmllnIcaWcL] tv Ine is obtained by the red hot plOshyHORRIBLE ASSASSINd 1ION Cless thus

_ bull bull ODe or tile moat barbamprlou blltcberiee w A platina cruclble IS made and mam

perpetrated 011 the P_I of Law Wllteler tained red hut over II la ge IiIpirit-llmp _____ _- 0- u anll lOme ~Iphurle acid is poured into it --- ers-111 y _ 0 AI bull Th _t I the cit 01 0rana4a 11 r_rded ou ampbe PIV aTom a lgtJpette III _I though of comshyor hletory

Th_ f Inom I ere dtIlberalel k o~ -~~l hmlolllh A _

II eo rom n w c refuse and mllrUrad iii cold blood

P La- II l ho bed reelded 10 001 w a maro III w

thle _utrylor ayeamprI 11111 un mntIned n611tra UId daImtd tbe PlCltaCtiOll of th Uliltad BlaHa h (aha atetlm to th_ blOodtblretyor Ii Ala B HI ampent Ith gu 1I1tem II COR W

mon temper ture one vf the most vola tile of known bodies liossedSllli the aingu lar property of rmahllng fixed in the redL_t bl d t f t crulli e a no bullbull drop 0 1 ~vapo-atea in fact It is not ID contact WIth the crucible but has IIlll1tmosphere of it Own interposed A faw drop ofOlnmon wa tor are now added to the sulphurous acid III he red hot cluclble The diluted Rcid gett mto Ilnmedw aootact with the heat ed metal Instantly flashes oifinto sulphur VUI acid vapor and such is the rapidity

b from otlon u b the aboehmiddoteJIGrt It DIMI7 td Llellt VODBII~ do Be 11 WoSoo4 a lllan to lin in thII -try and ener Clfthe IIvaratilln that the waA_ I for hi Co D-W 11_ nft B DoH I I ha mpan OIIn L Ollce wulm-b m II) fUCG t t ny

rIlIlYI t~ant ~k rgeI PrI4i people iii thII oIriUred age could be Ph of auchAJe~ II t 7 e 0 III It Vlte

Comn07 amp-Ellled Private OaIIaban wouruishy dT

B Sb d I bull au II JellL bullbullbull er_ angtrOlll1rut nln a1ttl~va~~ tIarkdo

middotaopan ~Eniedl Prl~1ea Q LPhilip OtOlllrd Pleno Brull Franclico JlIulwoulldelt Pri1eI B Smith lighll TbdB I __ bull H y _II d3 _ng II ampIIIIlpa

LiltoJ KUki 11ft WotW oJ LigAtArlUlnI

OomJllll7 A-Oed yate ~-en EtOHJlbeller PtedarioJt Dli1Iab i oullded Capt A sebWlrta lIgMI 8ergelmi lIiIIumb Gil iJo lrinkll Fr Stleub do BIII1 Jlalellllb do TheOdore Db erel2 Lu of KUlIil 04 WwttW of Rallo

EUled-Prlte Frederick HIlL llllelng-PriateJOIepb Klumpb OHrpoWllshy

uneL RIICUPE1U1IjlE poa OF fH18

OOUNlBY m____ t a __ b -1 _ ~-6- 10 7 ma -- 011

or the belt COlIDamprIea CD the globe amp0 III reproducinl power It 10 grt 110 1Ir111711d iIIn be at all 1011 (or ampD7 _t lea1 or tllIIlI

- shyfor prolIIoas III cold noHbera cIImatef h_ nllIfe Heamp for lIurIhalf the r ftooIIIampberon

made dllrinl the other bait thare h ben 1tampDceeln ~hlcb largebodlu of -0 ltoaoeritratad iii aarrow hit han aulJred tor fooIIlmamp iii thla QlunrJ filch nat campOD~o_B_ eOlt)

rudenrydil76r1ngalargeqllanUtleato tlldl In thts _n1 aIao where calli require 110

h the ~tertaI tbr dltlr ~ fll eare w tr plendlUl UId hare thert Ie no wiater to reduce or IlnpelYerlah them an abundance II aiw at hlId AI II In ~clitl providence held gW

dleliahlp onr dll amp1OIed land the great llapl of true food corn and bNlll alwalo aeuon Olher rult be wee at Umee bIIt th_ e neTer Belllco 8 theae IIllh tbe ntYeNaIIlllllllpo pl- of animal tood we 0amp11 11117 depend wIlli II eerlabil7 TbeAnppU _110 oollflned to 0111 place 0 department me ecRIIIW ibouruII iii tbem

U II-c bullamplid Ibe grealtlt dllllcult7 ur--OO oblalnlDClllppll Lillie - or tranpori

Sapr lfhloh I no Iooger bull IlIltllry bill nee

cano gro hare ao plncllilll thaI hori4ll lIneo from GnuadaltiadocouloIlllU to bonee Ifth or an olbe artlclo ot food 1h0ll1d be rOt a de or two dllllcult ro obtain lID _lIOt or the markHndle beln frlihlened b the late pree 8IIet of their heredl ellflDl ampIII011g them a 7 et two will ure tbem of tbJi ptOtoclion of the Amerlcantnd luurlee wilt bo epfD abushydanl u formeriJ


-bl lab or th bIlIbaroun will pgtVUOt y 1OII 801IIe wretcb who murlltred Amence1I oIllIIlIII amplid lIiaIIouut bre wlthollt ptO-1on and In cold bloodi llhen dIlIl learB th tbJi wounded tIIeln

belo cared for alld Iltelld d to with amoos_ are mueh reprlt7lUld atteutlon u the woWlded of our own am fbe WOUllddd we 8rat Pllt lilto the Ouard-Holln alolll wllh the olber Gell Walker had tbem relnovd to All boapltailie apari for thellllelvea AIId lallyo olllen ha been elllpl07ed 10 a116ru1 10 thelr aeoeullJee This follllS I stronl contuat with the baDGer 18

_ acl amphlIe wu mGlt woraU dllappolBtad I Be bew not that he bad to deal wlm agee_1 b uHow mlob t 10 be dep_ - not teke ampbe adyce of blafrillldt IIId aItoulder bit mlllltet la lIIIfltleCeuce ampgalast 1Il0lll $ha make no Illatlocdou

The Be lit Wheeler _ a mlulono- from bull bull -J

the Unltad SIaIeI bullbullllIiIter of tho Ooipel who WIS n 1a dWlibIIDI boob ad other aamiddot ored IItlee

Ameruau foreIpm Ohrlatlau will 1011 auf fer 1IIOb OIIlragu 011 humanlt to go upunlabed The blood or the IRnocent 011 for veogeancel

II the Will apllIIt tit Iodlan or NIIIth

America wu JtllIampgtI1I at that _I cia bow much moriIl thll Wll JUlilabl aphm bull lit or qul as __ dollbt I word ol t lb b~ wbo 0 lIOi plClltad b the IIIIl1aht- 1lueJ 1IIf-rapeci feqllirea liS lIever to bellen 811m or the age ad who 0amp11 _mit lIIIIh a bull of what 1IIOIIItJ01I alrocllltt Lo WhaU bHn tbe ampreatmant or the WOIInded and ft__ liken b7 Gn Walker The FROll ampbe _de or a Addle 011 the 18th iot

r- within II DlUe or tbe oilY II blue broadclotll Conaer were plOflded 101 iii bull bamlll mlllntr I OAPI IIntd IIlampb bleck wlib a bbck eIYltooO die latter treated u ~ of Bere Th Cape roUed uoiJnd a lew articles otuudeJo would haft bean a flile epporUlDlt7 for uereilllli c1othee A wleble ward wHI be paid to

W au _whO wID leaiII b at thl olllcampthe law of retaIlaIlOII BDI Gen aliter diOM Granada Oct 1fj8 IIthtr to loUowthe dlcliuee ot humlllli7 ad be pYemtd b7 the enlightanecl prlDelpa or the I WILL glvt II n~~i~ to any persoll who agt willreturn to 111 atore m Ledger Book It

Shall tlII -lUI collntry which fa 110 aumiddot was pUlaged from 1111 tore durlnS elate tackbull petlor to North Amerl be aUowad to remain In H A THOIIIAN

r shyter llIma ns bthlnd nnd ill frozen into a IlImp of ice III the rcd hot clucible (romwhich seizing the moment before it again mel it mtv bu thtown out befor~ lhe

Jeel of the Mtomsbed observer

We wisb some of our enterprising reashyderawould attempt the mtnuficture or ice

m In Granoda ~o the l~el8On who produCIlfltth Ii 1 III gI bull

e rllt samp e we w ve a ttptop no tice

l1J The Roman Elllpire In the Haith or illsIor did DOl colltain more than three milllona of aqaar mllel Th UolWd Btatu now C01enJ more ampI1an thlt aret Ind It latser than Rome wu when ehe If~ die mIIlrcel or the world

RNpeet tor amp 1Iuman Y81 Frellcbmall

1 II IlIelf BprInc Slimmer IIld II1II the und ot gea 1Iho woaM Il10IIII prohlblamp Oruada 0118 1868bull En iI WlbeJllnto belog ampbe germ orOllt (004 ialmIgratGD md PlCIgretl Bare natllrl bea Lost

dOlltlall that It 11_ 10 h_ happ~ ON TUESDAY the 81at 1111 LANDWAR God IIaItowend hill bleulnp and RANT tor 6 hundred drawn 10 favor

All th apMt or man II dI-fue H of J O ONqd SlIch mealln bJio beao ~ken as wID reruler the warraot or DO 11ft except t)

0 UR 8NIIIIIES DISPBRBINO the pellOl1 for wbolll it WM drawn ~I pel1lOn _ who returDS It to ampbe 8llbacrber Or Ib the olllce of

IntalUsenco IlpoD which WOampII reI II_SIIamp II Nlearag1IeOlle will be IUlleb~ OwaJ~L InampoGtanada thl mornlnamp 8tetet that the rem Granede October 18118 bull bull un or ampbe AlHed torcea are preparing to Itb -----_--=-_____--_

tllII~trJrlbundantin thllOOIIlltry f o(tbit compay in biadespateh ya

draw amp0111 the are _ding their lick forwanl to LHu and tUIng other pral1mlllampt7 for apeed7 lIIlllaum et 11 ftlalll nOlf with thembullbull matter or 6boIce If data-ed bull few da11 wo _lIIlder tho iIIIproa it wOllldIJ9 _ebullbulltarllllecMIlampy

SAPPIIR AN D MlnRl~Capt Hesse

1 have to state tha~uenr1 O Porter whom 1 temporarily appollltAld bt Lieu tlBa bhuyoo bravely as well in lIlauy III on euterlng Granada He was the only one to load the gun In ~e charge on the enemy beyond the Jateba Ohurch

ftampX A THOf1pound~) nHOLJl8ALE DEALER IN


AND ALL lUNDS or LIQUORSToSether willi

lIIN cOPzca tNJOs_zclJ1raOJV lIDiLL lUlIlII or GOOIII 11011gt 111 _ amu HOIpltalltreel lu Crout of 8enFllaelloo CouVIIDI

ClIIItda ~e_-18_66___~___ Dr ~I Po

TENDERS HIS SERVIOES to the oItIzetll Qf Granada and Ylcnlt71a tlte practke or

MEDIC ME SURCi RY amp lllDWlF 1 E m iRY l1J OftIet IIId ~ldC8 011 the 8Oohweat

the optain being wOIlnded and all the 1 ~ the treet GPpoelte the Bow FIanCitco other I~lel being either wounded or driven 0 JllIIet lillie from It under the hlllvy firing of the It entlmy Fagan lind Loyd attended well eeorder 8 Omee tomiddotall ordlllI and fuug1t well at Maaayn THE omce ortbe Rooorderor Deeds 1I01tpguand Granada Mr Latta WII8 wounded ~fortbJi 0rieIamp Depllltmetofthellepu~

d U Itc wU be opened III tho clt1 of G da CD Moo-In til exeutlon of bls 1Y mr Johnmiddot da7the 9m ofsptelllber 18L1amp All perIODs Inn did his dutj well throughout both required by Deero~ to bll~e their tltka ro IODdalD action al also did Mlll KcIeweR the r01ll8lld Departmen~ recorded within IIbc and Maloney monlha aAer that tI A Of LLIS

Recorder for the Orieotai Deparlm8llL _ W II P h_L i I GriDada Sept 6 18jI _ It lit w I II toe way _______________

to Buriingampun fn Ie ~o~did you knuw Tabor ampr 0118) 111( narnu waa Pat f Oh I guessed ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORSAT LAWshyitn ~D by t~e hOI~drker if yo Oftlee iii Et NJOAuovlIlI1I BuUdiOp-80ulh are 80 goo at gU_Rft Ie otter glllss 11 ~ol PIau Grnada NICAIIgIIa the way to Burhngton PartlcoI attention paid to e1a1 against til

J3gt An editor alks in talkin of po Goo~eiBOR 1 jOompan G-IIlIed Sergeant lIurrJ llOWIdmiddot whlob die AmerleanR b hlampl1l1J1o be811 treated ottmiddoty and matimonYt Who would indlte OWEN DVFFY r Ga~lIOamppt I 18C1(1

14 Ptlva Brandll OoUn70n Ellinger BIalrOII who bavII fallen Into It harul or the el1tlii) OIlDlts to a woman whom lie nw every Davlcl I_raftamp1IIiaIu Drummer onlar We call11pon the civilized lIaoos that - apeelemiddot Donlin in her night cap IIDd evert dlaquoy

tors ofuu 8tlllllea to nota ampbe dllference at dinner IIwallowlng meat and IDlhtard1 O~BS FOR SALE at his plac Se BollaLt 01 WouIIIW tA SfWII() Bi- Ballttllon ban iltreot ene bouee ampbon G PIt BeeCoiopampll1 A-t1iIto W 0I01ld 1Il1g1i1ly PampRPIOIIU CulII-FellolI-cltllll aald e tFTho bed of death brillJ1R on 1mmiddot char Ilore 1Jempan1 B-Plbalell I Dowell aUghtl7 11 bull h ~p llour Whlte-ltlllgar OtJUllee lIampIlkeralt Oil

~ do lllteheU do Fourtb of JQ1y orator I repea tho declaatoo I man beIDg to 18 puro IndiVIduality I to 011 eoKno VGIIl AfOIIIaticScbladem Selldo lIot bellevo there II I mOUl woman Of child In ~~tDen- alllhll1 Oorpo- the IlItenlIe contemplation of that dcepeat Stomach Bittelll Pbibulelpblll Ate UId H 111 do lriv A ruuerlon dangeshy this bolin IIbo b r_hed 1110 age Gfil~lY_ Ilnd most 8OIomn ot all relations tha rela Kllllgulan aDd Mdefra Win Cle7plpear SouJItI do J P lIle d(l but what has fel hit truth huuderllli throughtholr breloa C8l1tviOl gor iou between the oreatare and hill Creator TERMS ~_0lIl ldIJed

_ _~_____ ~_~~____M __ __


318 EL NICARABUENSEVoll No 51 p 2 Sabado 25 de Octubre de IBS6 Saturday October 25 la56~

lttpound 1 Jitaiagutnst ~ Satur4ayllominlt Octbull26


Promotion8 and Appointmenti lIJ~1I fllOll al OINpoundPU OIlDlI8 or fill lIIIT

PR OMO TIOlS bull C Ftfennlngsen Is appomted Brlgler Gene

rat ill tbe Ailny and will take charg of Ille OrdIWI ~ Arlllieri under orden from lite Comshylo~rIIlVCloi- n~ bullbullbull A bull

or bull _ ~ra III promo_ MlStentQuattermaster General wIth tho rank of LleutenshyllDtColonel andmiddot1II take charge or ~he Depar~ mant during the abaenoe of Col Illlller Quarto m~ter G_I Ia d u IPt III IIOrril QUlrtermaator promote JOt Quartermutermiddot Department

cpt George WLeoollfd Ifirlt Rlfttt II pro rnqtld Broyd MIJor for gallantry on the field0118Ib 1816

pt A Scltwa~tz ArtlllorY to bo 1110Pl Thomas Henry (UDMiaubed) Ie promoted

MflJor bi the Quartermllaters Deplrtment 11111 Lleol George B Farrand to be Ctplain liltt ampJellamp George W Glat Ald-de-camp to be

oplalnI tAout JlIIll1 F Schooh Company A ae

cone BIB Is promoled Captain Company A ~

Rlilett II -pled to take eAec October 18ampb 1656

The ratpatlon ofSecood Leu~ I a 8oDmlll Compan 0 ampeond Rift Is aCcopted to ake lIftte Ocober 18th 18GO

Th teelgnatlon or Second Lieut J W Polk 8eeond In1 II accepted to take efted Qcto ber 20tb 1866

The nelSlotion of Seeond LI J W vamiddot111m Second Rilles Is IIccepted to take eftect October till 1866


Col Thomu F Fllher QUlrtermoeter Oenera1 ordered to tbe United Statot on blllln811 of the Governmenamp WlII receive hie InatructioD from the Oomlllallderin-Ohief

Capt Wlllllm errmn Is granted leaf of abeenca (or ailtty dill from flle ht ofNovember18116 At Ita explmlon lIe will report foI detshyto tbe Commander-inOhIef

cp 1 NWeU Walker Ranger Dtlttallolffla glllllied leave or abeenee Ibr 1I1IIy day fromlIl November18i16 At ita ellplratloll heill report for ord011l to lite commanding omcaia o( bll BILlmiddotIIlIon

Cop J O JlmllOll Fi11ll I fanlry I gnlltld lean or ablence for elght1 days from Noycmbior 18t1868 At lIa cltpllllon he wUi report to the commandillg olllcer of bla Recltnent Cor orUII

Cal II Mallldorf Second Infantry nted ItaYO of abeenee 101 NU day At Its elplratlon he willmiddot report to lite com1l1anding Clllleer of ilia Bandon for ord_

Tlr Llent Robert GIIllIlOII Is gnllied leave of abINnce for mtl dAys At Its explrallon he WIll fllporl fGrdut1 ar Grailadamp to II eomlllanding of-

COIId Billes lIeer firat Lienamp B F Delaney Seeond IlIfnll1 III Fll1It LIenamp Lewis R Latimer IIm Rilles II

PIOllli)e4 Olpllln of Artillery gnnted Iena of abeeuee (or nlnet) da flllm llrit Lleut am Dunlcan Flnt Rilles I pro November let 1856 At Ita erplntlon he will

oted CaJltoln FIrat RlOos report to Col B J Sallden FIllt Rllin (of 01

SteOlld L1u B M Allderaell Compally A to deramiddot boa~IItLCoImlan1 B Seeond 11__ G Fi Lleut Arthur OOollnllr Seeond Infiantry

_Itt lUI YD orlbedmiddot paDY I auted leave of abllenee fOr lxl da fromFirat IIIfantrbull1e promoted Firat Lleulenaut Colli 1111110 FIrat Infantry

SNond Lleul O n WellFI11It ~IlIIl11 18 p

~=o~~ia~~~O~~I1I1~ Flllt Bla rolUoted Firat L1utampnant Firat Rilles S~nd Lieut B A Crhart of Ordnance to be

Firat ~~euteDaDtrt dLLleuamp aeo W nailer Second Infantryt lo - tit eutenlnt ~olld Lkll John F Price (unallacbed) Ia

))f41DfltedJijrt Lieutenant to repol to litomiddot Quu te=~I~fs 0H=~ Com A ae ~~4 -n __ to De Firat Llelltenftnt ompln A Steond JUfIM

a-d L1eld _ Wnllam Company D lieshycollli middotlUft to be Firat Lieutenant Company I

Second mlf~ RIa I hoorabl dJcba~oI from Ilia Army fItrmj IIO Porter 10 be1irfl LleUmlAlIfSllIl OOrporafi1anlel Smtlh1 00mpany D MtiiUUlIo

part till Ifhort I honondllrdlachfled - Ibe Army ~ Kleuelldotf Comrny A nangell to

b Firat Lit1tanllnt Oompany B Second 10 Iligoant-MlIjol MllIwel1 Allen Trll$ Rlller shy

nppolnted Socood Llelltanant Fl11It Rlao bull Firat Suetan Chl Wllklnoon Firat 1UIIcII It polntedmiddotSecond Lleute~antFirst JliflOi

Fillt Sargeant Carl G Sbockle Anillery I prOlllOted Second LIeutenant Ariillery r~rgeanl Hardin Jnlalllry Ie promoted Second IItORlnt Comptey a FllflI Jnfilntry

CeIlIt J V Conklin Company D SeeoDd Infalltry to be 8eeond Lieutenant Complllll B Iiecond IDraliky I ~ltlral IlenJ4aDelolter Company B Second ~~1fnnt~ nd Meutenant Compan7 D

Private lIrnncl Roth Company F Second In famplltry to be Firat Lleutellant Company F SeeoDd lnf4ntt

lrIto 1 A OIarko Company F Second I faDIr to bo Second Lieulanallt Company Ji Sec ODd IlIfantry

Prlvale Donnls E nlnea to be liecond Juumiddot teDant ampppOlll aDd tilDen

Prlute John G lla~ Company A Second RI tohoBocolld Lieutenant Company A SeeoDd RIIttJ Rirgeant IllIJot lugh Com8ny A Second _ft~ Second Lieu~nt IIlpteyA Beshy rriYlte B B-Yilt Company it Second Rlftet

to be 8eeond Llollellant Company B Second m 1Iu bull bull s~JaMi~~tod Seeond Lleutonan~ of

111 Slckl ia ppolna~ Second Lieutonant to date fiotn May ht 1856 (110 Ie acting at preaeot It AId to Brig Gen Fry)


Col lohn I Matich I reinstated and will kt1motlo~th~Fi1 Infialed fll RlfI 0 bull lit bull -e to 0 Irak Jk lI~n~~r Calling Oompftay O Secood InshyampII ared to Company 8eeond Iu-

The TreuaU RallgerJ with aU their equlpmonte are tranatened to di BIItamplllon of Rongelll b ~~ of llappef1l and 1I1n commanded

Noltmbr let 18GS At h uplratlon he will report tomiddot tho commanding omeer orhll Regiment for 9r4el1l

FIl~t ~wlcre~yQ~II~~D be 1I1U1 continue to IROn forwardbull It Ittut that cause of a conllnuanee of the oUlrage UP01 hi A pUtmanamp A Ita explratlol he wHl rellOn at Granada fO IIMer

Firat LIeuamp Robert Oardller Fraf lUlIea II lIltedampIe of abMllee for nlnet dlJl t weexplraUon of wlllcl1 b will report for ord_ to the commanding elilcel ot ilia Battallou ~ Llout J Bleier Jnaamptacbed) II _tod

Ihamplvenof llbaatt~t1ordormil O1t JJta~plratlonl te repor era at eueralutadqulricl1I


Sergeallt J A Bopldn Compan D Jim

rrlvato Benry Waiteill Compall Al~RIll 18 honorebld~arpd froII th Army

Private M Mlllloy ComPany A Volti~ tlOIle -dlui~ b~lariofltaereatlbu to rille 1t000000000lr fiIoiarnil hm lb Armlmiddot

Privata I4wlll P raquo CompOy 8Mond Inran Itdllollaraed trom lit army OIl Surgeoneertillcate of dIIobifity


Th n r oname of ~emiddot len D GoIcourIa IIl1tr1okon

from tho roll of III umy 21

AmtttIlT-On Thuraday evening Gen Ba1llo Illl1gaon 11amp01 the men under bla command OXOJo elellig In flle plu The JrtlllI) In two Com panles UDdOl the Imlnedlate direotl0ll8 of Mlllor Sehwallllo ClP DeilneT and cpt Farrand and tbo Sa ora and Min under Oa Hebaamp Tb

pp p e men were enrolled In maneuvrlllg lite mountallt bowltaera and frolll lite rapidity of tbelr 1000lag certainly ahowed IIIl1t1h profIcIelicy

shyOn ldal avenlng after bavlng ourcllod tor a

wblle on fll plua w111t blank cariridges a trial Wli mad Ith the regular sheila against lite wall ofanad ruin The captoIea proved thellllelw

aimed at and the aholle xplodlngIII the WIll tore out larg piece 1 IIPP_ to III from Wbat we ha _of tho e~ that wo lIbelle IItrildng In tho amplme opo will ellech breacb III fll8l1rOllg as adobe building aud tbat (or lite mlllorlty 0110

11011 directed Iliot 11111 be ~mclen The wall llrodlnto WU 1Ibullbullrly four flltt blthlekuou

fha Sap)lllt and Hillen coming to a Itoolder 1tIIT8 with hovello looked aUrat IOmlll1t odd but thoy anu line Iooidnglotofmenand are 0110

of Iho moat ulCfbleorps In 1110 aenlce

CoL T r Flnlll-W obamperY tllat 001 Thea r FIlbert Quartermuler Oeneral N A hu been dred to lite United Stotea 011 h_eII_nedld 11It thla (Jo__amp nelWl made Idmeolf euolt a Ibolite wllb tha paople of Granada that e

PLURALl1Y OF PABTIP9TONS The Late Insult to the U S Flagl The name of tle venerable Ind aimple dimeshy MURDER OF A1IERlOAN OITIZENS Dr TBg

MI1I Plrilnglou-18 In tltelle tlmell ol(n ug AILIED ARMY OF GUATEMALA ANIgt led There aremiddot now many lattlngton_ SAN SALVADOR man ho trlve to Irr01lI tlte advallce of oceanl wIth boom8Uclcl We are surrounded The murder of tbe Amricaa chIlena In tb~ b fllem I we read of them I ever mall brings city of OrMada on the Ush of the cormt aome new denlopment of flleir flllll1w labort month by middotlIte allied foreca of San Salndor tad TIley endampvOf to ouPvtlngton Partlngton by Ouatemala II one of tbe Infllmolll trtneaellolls IIIlng leas oIfrctual illBtrumenta In tbelr elforta to that mual for ever dmgraee the chllracter of tbe lIIeIIl more forcible and overwhelming occaM people bYllbom It 110 eomml~ted and bring tbe Th 11 I n ~ b II tImiddot bullbull middotmiddott h b I d Ibe or ~na anngton wa WII I nil a nl VI 1 ampIn em ~c D8Mloon9 un er e of th Clty of Liverpool now all England belongs contempt if not the dlrcct ceniure of every dr to flle famUy ud Franee by ylnue of ~ho Aliimiddot lIIlca Is ready 10 act Partington to the letter

Partington Is no longer II proper nAnle bullIt 1113

btltlomo common Ie ha beeome r princple of lclion It II now bull great pollllcal organization In facc Statesnol Kingdom tuck up thol PGIII coate and BtAnd mop In Iland ready to RlTelt tbbull rising tide of tbo limes let the cllort COlt wlo II m

TheN 18 an adage hich altlteugh worn bull II l

IItreadbue w would lIdbullbull6 arUngtolB 10

keep CODipleuoualy bofor them It will SIIve tbem milch labor and not a li~tlo ridicule ViII II Thne and tide wait for no mall In IItIa 18 l

b I Idworld of tllltli and pblloaopllYI If leh t fOU be weB for the Pringtons of tile age to aludy

Beroro lite wbeel of lime btU completed lIIlotber cycle Ihe obituary 01 ail lito Parllngtona wlllhabullbullnd ogalllBt hia protestltbeylllllt robbed him of

bull bull been wIllon I for althougb trutb IOmetlm reo all that wal valuable lu hl8110U8C Illd thon drag amp11 Itlell Iowly the dayla about to dawn If I~ ged out from und the folda or that II ltIcb he Ilot alread1 dwned when men wHl be conmiddot should huo mad hia pel8On ucrcd and hot vlneed of w) they ha kllllWD Or hneprof_d him Illh coolncea Illd deliberaUolt

10 know for a long tlme-illat man I a progr Aalf to add to the alroell tbey were nol COl

elvo ereature and tbat thlhllOllltabl WIsdom of tent willt taking hlUfe DlIlng all Americall illmiddot Dilialty haa set blm tranlllng In II patb 10 which IIIln inatead of protcetlng him while 11lng 1111 u

ou tbla road lhere 1IIa~ be ranters that lOme main alter dealb I Seven bayonets were tbrcel may atop oul of the Way and reellDe b) COlllfllltftble thl1lugh bll bod after he had bHD abot reatIng piIlClll but It Ie oqUillyt~ tllllt those The thought of how tkcao fiamplda dlnced lIm who teat toe long mUllt keop ou~ ot middotthe wly of lItel victim lind in thai hclliah glelr hinr

thcao who ate malaquoll~ Ollward or lltey WIU be JDOIt UllUredly troddon upon

It ClInnot be long before mOl will be convinced II II

ILlIeluwUIil laelrneat And the gray It Dot Ita goal

DWI~ thou In to dUlt returnnlVAI not spoken to Ib 10Ul

And that although Individual Of cles or peo

pi lIIay heeome u 11 were withllred limbs In tbo great tree ofllf flle mmk canllot pariah bll~COII country Be had been here tbrOugh two rr_

nd _~ III It h ~ed tlul I II 8 bull -_ 1111 as _III grea porpoaea (Or wblch It lloe _ied

But the Partinglolll of EurOpe and America IMllllnospahle of DIjIkin tbe proper deductiona 111 Llo of ellta~ fll8y aeem u Incapabl 6of comprahendlng the great lam of hnman 1I1e lIId thlr Teneraoto progenitor tbe tonlea whleh ro IIlated we ebb and 11011 of the AtlantIc

We a haYIng now re-enacted 011 tho etage of European plllr lite sceno of In lIleb tbe Par tlngton of ~be Inquilitlollllgured wben a lItey would ha us auppos clolltcd In tho IOlemn 111

h lItorill or God they compelled II nnar1lbla p Imiddot lesopber to relnee bll_dOll relative to the revolntlon of tIe amplrih But a1tbou h litis d I to aholl tI era ~I f I thmiddotYv r a me a gen e n tIrae the pro- of lit ampIlll iteelr WII not reated and the ParUngiona of tbe Old World w1loe 10 aaslduOua In thrlll4in fllelr mope Inm flle advanclo wamptora of lite sea ~r P n III allOO8ad onlYin being conllnced in ~d that

olteellont marbmen lhe1atruek the preollupot notwithstanding their elflllta flle world will con

~g (fou tJIIl~~ecd under tbe orden of donbt nol be 111 reoal Ii pleaeant reoeplioD do not weigh mere than a grain agalnat the elllrtll

t1nue to wag OD

It we tbe I lrit of ParUn tonim tbat threw obllampaclca In lit path of CoImbU 1I0d Luther alld KOllath It 11 to legllJlallng In tbla aplrlt that EnglandlIIayttnDute lite 10lIl of her North American Colonln and to tllil aplrlt Bpab) loa ber AmerlCftD POIIIIdIIIOUl 1amp Is the Parllngtonshylam of th that cndeavo11l to arreat flla Il1o Taneo of llrragua In flle road of 1101 desilny alld that would atlgma~ If pOIIlble one of th

b d _~ h1MII _t an moat nt__ men W 0 ever unmiddot dertook naople to proeperty

BII~ to lite philosopher 1114 lilt_ thllk thero Is a OOIII01atlon III the knowledge thllt erente are guided b7 111bull luperlor law of an aUwlle Deln III whOle balance the elloru of all the PrUngtreg

RESlrAATIONS The etlxnltlon or cApamp OIlldes A Gore Se

eoIld lUlu Is accepted to eke olfect October 1tIIl5O

Tliolampllgnltlon of Firat Lleu~ A M Pittman Firet Infantry II accepted tomiddot take tlleet from October 3 18Gbullbull

TIae retlgnalloll or Recond Lieu Groaa Second

wheruOlhe COIII We 111111 him afiaorabl TO age and a )Iced rotum

DItrIlIlDIIN 0 GIIIIUDl- We 100 been handod I 11 II th lIamn of all the persona wbo were present at the defence of Orampl)ada 011

th J11th and 18th of tbla monih It erowded out fllia eet We shall probably pulllllh It in our next IlIue

of WuhlngtoD er a Walker or 111 olhar of the InlltrUmonll wbose Ilame we might adduce wbom Be lIIOIintbo developemont of HI dealgnt

Tn I QuJlPBu VITVs-TbI8 flIslllonlble eillb we regnl to eay haa ceased to elleamp Au loq 0fO~ Ita remailll brought In a ferdlet of died of eoIIapea of tbe pocket RguitmJI ill p4tbullbull

IHzed nation_ It I nnmiddot ac~lon ao rar bOlond tho pale of 011 clrllifLd cII9toma8S to render IllmplJtoI I r bull ill E cld I

abo 0 Jual cation ~~ry In onl Olcry e ( eumstanco connected wlln it ene only 10 add to the guill and ink tho porpelratOll of Ihe onto Iago dcpArln tbe grcd 1lqulty

II cannot be Mid thumiddotlt nlpp1tml u or wbile tbe IOldlera 1010 in suebe Illtc of ~~ cUemen as not to be aware of what they did I I for I yet theyliad nOI been enpged in any BC

L1 h dmiddot L h d b t on nor a oy Il B ot yel re npon tnOIll 1 any of tha oltizens of Gmnada The residence of Mr Lawl_1s allUftted about midway between the large plaza IIIId tho Jalteba Chuteh Ria

bull h b bullbouse wal tho flral tber came to In a tag b Amerlco~ls lind wltboul pl1lvocotlon or culo while the American tlftg lfBI tIiDg over bla door

bullbull deprived aD American citiZen of life bee mlng iii Intoxicated witb (ury III to conlinue to Ibruit theit byoultalnto him la heortmckening

TheBe men cannot ucue themselves b 1lnl tbey were not awaro of LawleSl VClitlon Ibr h I Id d I II rat L av ug res e n t 8 coun~ry len yelm

spoke belr langulge Iluentl n wu 1Iell knOWI

tilroullbou~ Ibe country ampI a merchallt 110 bad never utor(ered or took part III the politlca of IhIt

dOli and mere than b(~w8ra utl had alWAY Ih reapect abown him Iue tbe flag llhose protoellOllha clalllled Belld all thl he 110 doubt oxi

bull pWoed hI JlClIon h lng bd ample lillie to 110 It but It avaned blul nothing tha~ be hid nol takeJl part In the wlra It lled him noihiaLbullbullbullbull I h- d I L ere were ItO arllll D Ie _ an t 1amp1 u~ wu 8Plrely 4efenceleu- a clrcumtaoce that among any people wltb a apark of chivalry or hUlnalllty among them wold hlYe 8Ied blalif He claimed to be an Amelican citizen and eluinr beneath and cillmin~ Ila pr~tectioll of the Star and Strlpell was by the deml demOllsmiddot ( we callIlO wi tbeln men) coDildered amp erime worthy or bull

hd d th meat orn 0amp

We do not wish to caUIUelltion esplloWl W lite death of the Rev Mr Wheeler bo IIU eUi gaged In lite ploua duty of dleklbutlng the ACIId Word of God amont tbe people of fllit pllCl

wltem neillter te aacreel banner orChriat IIOt Ih ftlllJ of Ihe Ulllted Stet cOIIloi aIIVO frou lite ruf 611111y butcbery nor to the murder of the Belr Ferg1llOD nor to Mr Camenl 1Ibo waa dng~ ~ed rrom the bosom of hia family And murdered hllo proclaiming that ha 1111 lin American oltlzen for tbe clrcum8laOCeli of thel~ death Is let rO~IIa plalnlyln tbo lIIIoexed aIIIdvlll i O do we wial( to make any oommenta upon tbampl deelre to get fller American Minister-who Willi at the time prot-[ trated by DlII83l1-1nto thelr huda tor w eel middot ured It wlluld be a work oCIuporeroptoultlu1Il parte tbe caae wID be setforth to the people ar the United SteteltJ by tbelr reprlen-lI e IIIQ we doubt not that Americana wHl indilllto Ibelr

dignity Btl we would ClIII attention to the faet that Ih

flAg 0 the oomparatiyely email BanHate toOI of Saxony 10 Europo waa raapoetcifbull hlle lbe American col011l were being abot at alld rlddleocl Wllh bullete whllmiddot tlylng ovor lhe bOllee of tbt Americalllliniatel and served rather to leduc outrage tban alford procctlon to th_ bG lOught ita ahelter 8 tbe following aJIIdill m bow

LEO Ollmiddot or UNlTro SumOJ AllIIle I liEU RmzllLtC 0 NIOaUOIlA J

Till day pereonally appeared betore lIIe Jamnl George Wledomanll nnd moe OA~ thai I ~

A-gores of the lIled Imyof Gllatemaltl I

319 El WICABA6UENSE Volt No 51 p 5 Sabado 25 de Octubre de 16561 Saturday October 25 1856


tile n SteamOl La Vhllo Capt Thom IlUlkert~rlnd al tbe port of IlrauadA on the ~ytlllDg lotSlaquoturd-y tbe 18th IDBt Iloe brought Jutem -lIP 0 1I1t of UI HItIt monb

br - bShe fOlIgbt o a Ollt ~Igbty Plt888Dgtl1l who nteld ljO nelde I~ 1111 COIInuy list) of 0111 ~ Joinell the NlcarogulIII Army Among t

- I IBanIfa we nol ct tho lIallle of Clt)L eonlngftnHow~ Joinell theNlearagutll Arm1andla In COIomlllll 01l11li ArIlIl~r1

1111 Jla Virgin brwpt alao tor the Army lU1 bull o if h nd-A M- L d middot11IDr ell X II nu m mUlld III i 11 et lour or wllb Ibclr ploper equipment the evrig~ for tb mountdn bowltze aI_d ro -- ld II Ivge quantity OfulIllullltlon

81 f I

struggle wUI be between Buchalampll and pOllUoR a alellder -agure and ver1l1ght bllr reoIOIl~ lillmoro ma however bo much BORland and Frlllee h made II warlike 01 alronger batt tbe pllbllc h lID idea of If Ibe 0I0nllramplloll aallIamp ~be Kin ofSarcllnla AI

ee 0 middotpapr we earn thI All the dey atproeCllee for Ihe rleSidential eltctlon In the tultcdSlateltlllulscltcmentalld1nleruUllor_

be nfoet ngg_1ed ltalemen are IDade by of lb riftl candldatea relale to

iuoqUt t II weoed wIb mor ~OtiOD ormore UDshyettlalra I lIor caprlceelIIan 11080 two Statee now

I od ha P ll 1amp t1 middottt t 1IlPlji t t en 1 YIUI I go or ImlomrDUllffilll4ll Ia 1101 cet~ of Ilanflng It iln Ib1~er ~andlt hlwampy been e Btrong ilIIIICIlItie 3Iett and h ginn Ddehanan large

Ai e roof of 118 entire dovollon to Uoellty I Hid lbal In Ita remoter di8lcta llaer are lililarge ItlllDben of Totee _t fqr AnshyUtW J~80II t

AI Ne York no etandll the Fremont men Ire alma I Ilire or ber But II e fllred tbat 10 otdtr I ifeeure tho election of lluebanall by Ihe L S d fN Y k 11o~r ~e thO emoerac ew or w go

om 10 1111101 The bull 4ft oro 8() nicely halllllud tbal eonaldmiddot

bit a~lIl1la of mOD01 are illaked upou tbe rampgt fill Willet III accounl of a mall wbo ble to lIhu aUIbullbull hlllr oft bl heed If lIucbanlUl Is 1I0~ Ilt~ted b_IID Ie e or bIa elCllllon be Is 10 be d lIh all lhe blta be CQD wear ri I -mo Buehan conUnue to realde I

Whl middotlIollll8 Thill aIlnde UI or PlOl8OiIor Stowe-hlllbllld r n Deecher 8towe-wbo wben Ihe FIIgishylift SIt LawwlIS p-d re latered vow that

oul~ not M hla beatd cut untO the Ia Will Itpeilled Il lla needl to that by this tim IU beerd of tho Proteeaor hal altainod coRaider

A bull Welangth lIla mil1 wil~ at lOme ulure time I able to 4etermlne the time which bae elapsed ~Rce tbbullp_go of tht celebrakld law by a _Irtllellt of Ibla bireuto ppendage

Olll neighborS Ia the Solltil It 11111 ben b

rtfHOell to lIIother pitt of tbla pape haye art IIt14 at a period wboll tbey are beginning to acl lei aot througb any ellerg of their 0100 but by

bull bull Iho torceof the elective spark wblch tbe pr0111OIt ~ lb AjDerlealll excitebullbull Aa Ie lIIuaU the cue ill ueh spaslllodic e1f~rta tbelr ICtiODS are neltber -At( b d Ira UI I ateedI-~ ~ pru ollee or grea~ til geDco II of t1llll~g tbolr atklptlou to tha aeveopomoot of cIIt reour0e8 or their St they e endeavoring 10 ftrm I agalnaua wllo If tbey 8amplIdled Ilatlr deg lotereat tbe would not olllylreat aa

htelben but endenOf to ludaoe us Inlo tbelr _trie b offorlng lerge 1IIwarda to U8f1 lIIIerIca fho would Httle amollg tbem

go andmiddotdo Ukewlh tI Ibe would In fow lola uame was reeeIedmiddothe ~onoludedlIIIId IDUO1 c u Aoa_ fII IlITIIIIo o BD-Thill L bull ~ Ia peu enklrpriae whleb for bullDaB1e Iou _med

han reuon to Ie the - the merleau lIle pp - too i11cH1v7 plQJce 10 lie HriOllllJ eoklrlalaed tbelr denl among them II Brig GeD Horuab waa II atbullbull II Ie 11IeI u Ihelhuadelplla IAtliJrr to pIO

The Elllpero Alolnder of Ruula u _wued drank with ~re and th _II-I- not onlypn bullileallle blit to be aowal _Iilrocl lakll with peel ctltllOll1 DIIfInc laquoIlGlIamp- The oople of Gtuadr- uu _ ~oo_uIoa 01 ~ GIld lIIMaWio_ tIon the BDlpelOl lIrtIMd dlllllfllamp1llt liNt lllto lliftl amp111 the lUI Ie SOl Ill of bJ a

-r hGould he alloed ampveryluiUt iol publleblnl tbe JiIoJ-wa receld wltb leug 111 incident or the cerem001 The rep_led Brig Gen Jit111 I88po11111lo 11 draIIk to of IIIe Pope _ reaehed on 1111 occaeIon be- The Bed 8kIr of 1I1earas- t shy

I - --

blo IUCIea From all we can learn 10111 Hill quallllcatiOllll appear ~ bo good die-

n -0how othinc oIemenamph anlbmg Ike llalloolmiddoth boen ordtled -to the SardInian potU middotf9t111er rloctlol1-(f OIgIlDIZlltlon aod kllllclt to fhe nowl from Frallce I unimporlllll i01In principle beymiddot ilia) lIIlrprlee the Union 10 111 France hM growll up to hemiddotalli8 tat bilallbbeb

lire th_ ofanr other _IfY neCoatalUcanuNboglnnlnr(OltamwladoD

end theIP rttIIerJ to (ullow Preildellamp Xora III lUIother folAJaplneUflO8IIguI ucla_pIcIou

III our m1lld tltt they beslnlllng to bow wbats b

Tile 11010 from Buropeta DOl of III In -eat til l1li In Nicaragua Q_ Vlctorla lib a good _bl mother Is endorlug Iogeh lIItmiddot ablo spouao for hr aupterl Ibe 11111_ RoyalPrlll~ irederlck-m lrlIstlt 11 at proeenllh fa rltA In 1gtvl matrimOlIai IIIIrkel H baa aCeltmIpanled lbe roJa moth~r clllrllJU

middotmount~t roogtiI laddoll M unexpected Amiddotcoup u fat 11M been lIIk1mpted in Paill bJ -rrf nI hi its lerth to taIt the B~I u rtmiddotIIlI PrtlllllllIIPpcaraneeago their eandl- (leott~ODollnelltIukod ltltIeenlIlllheUa 11 IIIIee from Franklin the ed_ltlWd Irad rona hladoctor mullraquo alld air w pxketshyltlale ud Ibemlelvenn rar behind dcrblllleedenahSp 1b_Spanlahtroops hoW poue 011 bJthe plekel prltl ofbe rNIIOt hllllditerehlef

middotTho DfbIIlIIIn lind FrolllOlit lien are hathon 8Ionof Madrid bllCmiddotthe blew wa nOlllrlld 1111111 1114 - man killed The meIu bod WII hUll~ F4t 11111 ~-l---A-rua-n-p-n-Jal-Ir-porler aid il 1kelr 111 III In 8upplieatlon before tbe State middotof laneoueI~ amplllbe luge ollie mt therefore lcLraplcllY-~Inrr th pu~ofaIampok wa eo olOOllelt amp be ~ tbu ibnup -CD in lie Yo ftud Ponll8)lanl4 There lIever w only parllllllluCOO88lal A eho ar Ia SpaIn II 11 Je is ooei Jirallkl how -It grolt ~~~litl~way~~ma4t billlyen- iwI Ja

bull IlOOII t 1111 w II mo OU _ bullbull h1111therefore hlehl probahll It Ia thought -be w IIIalI aad tho collklmplated atiMlk JIOfi hbonld laquolad 10 bow NId tbeuegioL Wii France ie IlIlIOlIIe nYllOl1l1eel4d wllb the 1IIfaIt POlolied Thethumr -ped ~~ ~~ tllteat no Iongel alilee tbUl Ju~ IIlpl-agaillaamp II wil1middot R~~ h bull 10 1IIdlt e - t nes -lgt 11_ t -- poelufely lilted 10 IIblMOQ KaN mldlllampht howeyer (1ft aspreu Ived III IIUIIp A IaQd peculalor 01lt W- ladeellcllo

until LIlt mill of 1100 Allied rome hqultted with ~ Informaloa tllat 001 Oook wllb I _e his trac IJIInI th eba be Inaallilidl J th CrImea Tork h for the pretent nnt foroa of U 8 ~bad takeo lip I porJampIoall clcreel It Wu 10 h~lhl ~IIDd Ulera aDd 10 frem the dlplomalle boti_ lrolt of Ltowr8llCt the 1Irpoee or pIOleoI dllBClIIamp for toIbto dlO tbel iIII thela~ablampaAtiIIbtd

It froIn the pro~d ~I ~ Coodli~bu 10 draw tbelr lui breatb With a eolrallre ~aPOob _u to CI_Ie PRESIDENTIJtL SUPPBR toWlIJIIIlIOI810 Gel H~el~ warllln~ oe Pcmy eliC~bullbullVeUowoltben ~ t

__ tbe _equellcaa of III lkllllplOO lb bull It ollllh of JII1 ora hepiaHie ckdara 1On tbe nalramiddotof the 19th laaamp tb FI14 61B la uld that CIII Cook IIa~ beell Milt b1 Qea do noamp believe amp10 Is 11I~ wo_ or eIiIIllo

ly wbo w urgeatly oliel b) ~ people ot IIIIa ho_ who It_ttubed the age otM _e~ alld 018n of tbe General Stair Wlib a few Iewrallee 0 lDte~ Cor lheIt ~QJI Qn b~atmiddothU fell tilla tl1lth tbuwltriag ~ Cltizell8 lDel 81 the Pre8Ident lIIena10n ad tIM lb nib Gew -0 arrIYed at FnnIdlll amllled tbelritnilllll flPcQrl ag I

tlook of eupper bull oolllllllalion with Ibe IIIIoera of be lravadlog -10 h

bull th I 4 Dri ifill S IOld thembetmiddothe WM prepllCed en- I11III D ~ eaklr 4 9 _ushy_l _AOIOnamp guellawenttoe gI~enerrJ foroetbI teUftllHheoleutlimltowuhla eldeiitl11I~uowedf_gnIID80ftJcbtibullbull

JlorDeblIriglcllerOeneral Fry Drigtdler-Oeaeral _1Ioo J aupprtlll cllaordere with the aht of _04 ttom death lit the ampIinIhPa~lllIi1lf ehlOro-nnneingllJlftW Xbull RQgcro SubS ot Jlaermiddot tbe-~middot~ IIlJder Jb---middot~iIatit fmn ald bullbullbull~ elida CoL Pb R Thompson Aiijt OiIabullbull N AI the Interpoeilloa of XlIreu aHer (Jell ~ BII or~t qllellioo At tho 001 Ales Joo P~lIIUIer 0nl N AI ~e~=n~- t 111= lIowlhhen be l8i dO~alrO Ii iWir did Col T F Flab Q~termUlter-aeatlll N A thai be had)lllt UrtIIkId to or 190 ouIIa Who Col Ocoqe B Hall 00mmi1Ml)raJ N Awoold be prGperlJ tried b1 the lepIllUthOrlIIaa Whi III amp man wamph acom 06 middotetu toe Atl 0_1t 1 M tbe geollOmtaaU de10 take of the yltodl Aa _ the cllIIIIeaire

1eIIIlt)f Tho Hdth of tho pruldenlor lhe Republic

or Nicaragua was propelled and~lIk Ith eoshythualaam 10 tblt the Pretldent rtIIpoDlled propotllll W

Til OlBcera or the Nicaraguan Arm

The lIetlth oC General William Walker w III

en propoatd and drank with Ihroo ebte Tbe Generallf caUed upon to reply It1IIlmoatl posalblo 10 gl90 ao Ida of Ibe ellOlrI~ ellbOl loll words prodllCed IIded by loll graoUnl geelleolallon and peculiar feror we CII 0111 Mltmp 10 gIe 811 idee of wbat ho Hid bull

When bla 1)AIII had btllI repoampteclly oalIod he roee lad 14

GIIINTIIIUIM-Wbtever or hlator helon 10

tba Da wbalOVer of the 1I1111rol 1liiy be 1810shyorared Wllb It owea more 10 Ih lid recolfed ftOIIl the wisdom galbwlr) and derIng 01 Ibe geotlem811wilit wbom ampbe lndlYidual wbo bean i baa had the good middotfortune 10 opente thaa 10 III merit he blmaeU po_ [Cbe_l Ao lodiridual wbyenleer posltloo be 111amp1 bolitla gea oat

01tho P1l2I he repteaeDlII maltee hrlll gMaL It M Ie_ en tbe approach or Goy Geor Hept J A Ii my Ibrtene to lie the repr_tame of a with U S VcIopI aud weDI towlIllII Ne~ lIarr1l1g1on S prlnelp e willi hlcllyou all Imboed_ prin All b qqet ia tbe IerlllOl1 Henr A clple that cannot OOCOllftaed 10 thIa 01 an OIbtt Joaea J It

bey pl pro8t in thla pllttloqiar by 11Iuon- clple of ulIleraaI fraedm It mlltt ooalln to spread nlll I erubracee nOl OQ all hllcoatlshy

ucl ott 0 EtDperons Nicholas And AlulIIlnder ofnent bul the conlhlenlll of the old orldmiddot It will ll~ jhO bull IOn ililOctl to the United change old Y8amp8IIII ~d reinfipale -i alld Slates t AmoriCllII moehanica to come aDd Ive t~ Old 1flithorldNrecelung lIedlOlPullel ampom lbe

n~ oll 0 e ew 10 ellen to UI the paklmll In Ibelr 01111010118 and tbote wbo aceepted tbe embraCes of a IIlIivelllll blll~hhood (Iodlullallo have beu reated In a mallner com- cheering] __traIl wllh the wealth of llie Empire W080 After the General badcoQcludod TheSoldlllra

resoured tbelr Ibor will help 10 dovolop There of Ihe Nlcaraguall Army WII proP080d IIIId dlllllk I I I E tb t b d d I III hId b DO pe~o II urope n n vanee n e WI Oil C eel Arts of l~te a tIo same ratio lUI the Ruselall Utlg Oell UeoDmRBOo 10118 (Irank with IIlucb

d I l 10 L II E I ltb b bull All n fer coyer e en re IIIp 10 If a ent wlm lind III retpoollO Gon lIalogaen Aid Aetwork of ralroad tho Emperor bas Inlol semiddot In lubatallce Iltal he nOI muob 8OOWItolatd 4Wed til icoB of 8ovorai Amerlc1l engineers 10 liking ~et that ho w eatlrely a

apot It I - broad ue wllwene-lt Ii ampbe prla-

There were HyerrJ -er toute __enI draakaadabouU oeloek the geDtklllen Ithmiddot drew to their reaIdeII- mllCb plcued with amp0 ellteneinmtll


fUll lI ona ampIID ntce PROOLlIllU-lllI

bull t1t01l 11011 111110 Th St LoQIa BYelllllg New of Seplembe

Ib b the followlDamp IUlpllIIl1amp IIew1 Wo v clalei ftom 118 JSOlGer 01 me 1111bv _vl- t Iuamp -11 of tb war In

Kanua alld c1rculllllaneea atlendl lb 1IW Wal1 of peace amp Frtnklln

Tbe MIIsourIu we 10 their word tUlObed ampom Wolitport to aItIck Iewrlllloo on th nthT w compoud of OIIe reglmeD cit ampos_1 eae ef mounled m_1n all 1400 _ al- We dool _beu es_pte Ifre 10 lend Ii four pleooa of aHII1erJ Gen utt11 -1 ora - alike bllamp atdilterenl 111_middot In command On tbe 13tb aad 14th thete t=~t=O~Ath

~ebrmfori= rwbull Jllltlce

lamplllzed by came G8II Atelillollto tho dWt Itefohillou ere peel decJerlo ilia relllng OIl the proeCtiOll promised 10 peacelll bullbullttlenl bl tbeGOYOrIIO~ tbe Ibelnndlog army would dltbaud l1li01 relll to ~belr 1I0m_requ~Un the Go _ 10 reergamplllA and diatrlbukl middotOtCllhe Tern ~ Cfoe of mllllla to p~ the Mtthln from _auderl atld robbera-alld reoommeodlncIhal CoL Tim be made commander of tbe mUfti of Ihe Territor] lbe )(-urlane llien broke up cunp aed returned boule except th_ wbo Jp te)lded to IIIIUI lit doe l~

Tbe aillet or OH bullilretl 00l1li UrtIIkId bYGo 0 belollged to tho flOIIPIIA of Cal HlltYt1 wbo made ampbe aItIck on COL aolleriton

WI-d~~ t4 ~~III to f~ lI4I all __e lIpOIl t bull rae_ deg lUllmiddottIogocean middot10 -0 bl thle muno bue made report III whielr the d~lhat the ilia eouId be built OIl neuI7 dlrlaquot rltlIIte from sfamp 10 the OWt01 P~- with braneb Iio Ibe Nile The00fi It ts7~ 1114 the oooatructioo will take IIs88 At 8oM2lIfeeuf_wlllbetoliad M lIle diMDce 01amp000 feetlrom t4e bull_ The plrl 10 be ooiIIiInIcl4d III the GWI of Patm whleb the former proJect plaeed a Ill boUom ofth GQlf wiD be located wei mllee 10 the Willi 011 p or the cout wbere the wa1s 211 fee~ deep Ai leu ~han the cllatance of wo IDUea Tom tIN IOore mt where IIIIchOlampg g~ It Is tlmueil bet 1 -IU fie do In 4IN11cpbeleen the rotpeCtibull place IIld Bombr III fdllowt (Ionalallwllople 1J900 Havre 8928 Lolldoll 86GO LIrpool 8560 He York

7311 Ne Orlean 8178 Hore IhaD ball Ibt 0) I -een Ihe prlndp porloofJilliropo alld Alaia bJmiddot Ibe propoeed l Tbi slugle fact lIholllicalmmenle IIliIIl) 10 ill Damptlollll ail weU as 10 BVPI and Torkej olld ril lIeur tor iIamp projecCUnl the belt wlshea of the elvill1fd world

III view or faoII the 00_ lIIIfd the Ilk alargci landhold~rf Beea_ ~ ill p-d ~ to ~ 1IIIt middotbadoa tbeli- of tUII odtM-1IIeIII(It - 1

Gel Atobleoa Gen Reid and CIII TIl4 -Why iii a Inr Ike kIIoclampert Becaa~ dreaed the meetiR ad lIrlIed complianoo 1amp ho lIIiHotml to llifW4 (a d_) the GoYernor prOpol61 Th Govenaor thel bull -poundt

Wlthdrw from Ihe ~ to alfordto 1 Iist 01 Ietter IOUrlaaaauopportulloace amOllth~ D-rJl~middoth nIB I d 0IlIIhla ngeoUon A _tllIlI w jllllaDllj I e bull- v lII1ICO omiddotwag Cf tee ve

Iober 11 1866 lIolt Ooa(Dlrdeall V E tBullh J G Bllllch J BbardO E Bremer JClarlt ll WCaaIIlIo C Ohecklcy Xlll CUlton I Daly Iol J Jlllher J A lir141 Jishfr G W

aI Ulek~PoInl They were 08pwred at G_ GeuIeall 0 A ~IolillB oppotIte LeeomptoD OIl 1beIr reamplIrII Go1tbArl P A from 8ickory PolnI to Iampw_ 1111 ead bet (1_ J 0 Iathe aampempllO vteA them _ U S eoWter Hanele It fourteen of lfes men 10 killed HoagllUld M H

Lene III not Iio be folllld 10 eIIeTerritor II Berdy C

Fuu o bull t ftlna-lbe Now Orlealll Della Jorge A lHms tbat Red lUvor hu dimmed up lla owa Klpp S V inOUth and now mlkea 118 w y 10 Ihe Gult LorIog L th d Atcbaamplla B l fb II d bl Llnere or B

2 1~ X 11 LlflngslOn J WlIcGulgan 0 Hoy A Korri H

McCann H a IfcCudle J

Jlanofill S Mooney Hamp sb 1I Nellr E A OsborD D C Poal Dr A Pearaon J T POit Hlu A Roper J Hltllaquogton e 1 Roulrand ~ Sd1 Dr

- Scott W L 81110111 D ~ Sklnna J C Smiloro H SlantbrT7 E II Warren Wheeler 8 H WllIlalll800 CaptWIHiamSOD J

lIuilii tbe fOr~middotedurereor thdegat ~ til )8116bull and tbat at oue IiIlHl neTer Iouched III M - amp X TIIOlampIV lib d III b~ II b llI bull - I

I pp ut pllrlue bull coune w 118 1I0W WHOLESALE ])EALER IN Ulned elllptIDglRto the Gulf far to the ell I of Ibe Iolillalaeippi Tbo Red RI Ie now to BRANDY WH SKY WINE~IIld Ie remhla to ho up whether whcll full It _ t wUlliot re-opoo be outlet to the Joflulaolnnl ud AND ALL KI~fS OFihLQUORB Ira mill wIIb the aIbA~ of Wuerif - 40geer If bull r rrN COrrBn sJrJ9DBn2-rrzoJV

U-- J I L L 110 4Lt lDliOO ~ 0001II IOUgt NA WIIOUIiIAuU 8 TILl YI nOIY -An mIII - HltrJ etroet ulltoI ofampIIFruei800 COIlbaen lick for a long hoe and whit1n this _ate GIUIIlda Junlgt 1 1866

would OC4ulooII _e brealblng ftIId IIr be ------------ --__ - -Dr AAud Pobullbullpparanll eslhletfoe 80m tIMe when he wooIshy

~ III th~ dockyarde of lttllllia An~rICIIII 1I1collamiddot worker and that he ca~eto Nlea heca II apln COllie to On one or these ~ heo fBNDfRS UIS SERV1CESto the Ilhtz~Dbull1 IIkI hn~ lhe dlrectlon of nfthlrt The OODIC- tb ht II b It - - be lind JIIII awakeaed from bIs Bloop lgt1rIok uk Granada and vicini ill ilie praclille of

OIIg ero t eoe w wOr 10 do He would Ied 101111_ UITlCllli SURGEoy t_ H1DWlhIiJi qunoe fit 11111 will be tbat In a abort IIme tile nOl hae eome h_lt he uppoud Ibe tllICI8 of And howll w bo Jlmlll1 when oura IIIIWJ ~ bull l u j1l bull lOt

IwMlaII Veue6 III bo IIblo to compete III speed bla laborwOIIIS be IlOI1l1ned to IIII1t pI_ Re dead-1011re after klnup ini thllOf OftIce an4 roal4caCe 01 tb aouIbwl ted dumiddotmiddotllt with tb but buill Yankoe clipper tumln tballka - th b 1 bull Brlalg III a gleu omiddot Irioi an IA7 to tU- comer of tho lampreet 0pPOllltc tbe San PrandgtltOAoLr bull wr e on~ goD omen p hero lilt 1 Jimmy -airIf I dOll I au OouonL ~~~e~~ AlUerlclIiIorthlloontln~l1lw~to OIlteonre~upon ~m by ~ IIIUller In wblob IdbrlDk thin blll1 meor Gtanu Jail 1860


320 ElNICABA8lfENSEVol t No 51 p 6 5abado 25 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 25 18S~ i t l

BRIG dNN HENNlVeSIIN ketnft4 tore lItelrlllaquopoampolllpu gri_r __ dlis hnmlllatlcm Autrl of eOIl- Iolaled lit COM~lISSION IpoundR~ SALE

t ~_11l loo1ltlnl 01eI 1lI6 l)emOOlamptI Rlew lOr t~Ir- tIe pJlva~ aIl4 lIIampIIy _______ t86l1l dad ~~1I1D ~n the ampIIlprllD W-r TIIlrtee lIUDPm td_ ana geuellile Of pURSUANT to an order leeIIed by the Board of CommlWon I gtfIll on d1IFJ~T DIY DlIloh the ClOIIdllCt an AllCIIont iDd ablllamp of note_ dlieclly tbll lulftlldvballled or JANUART 181S7 ofter die lbiIowingmiddot invelltoried propottl for 80 III pllbilO ItU(tUIIlmiddot pigt he lleteODI bo llgu~d hl ttamiddotiermtlllOflbk bo tthoullbdley had bad fw 1IIDIlth ill1Itelr the IIUa It the citl Of ~randl middot1 Uiwwe are carefully lorDed OTUIO told amp ppwer 1wrIHt Atmtlpd Atulricm H olall TetIIlI-Ou~ or IIUllar1 WpL bull ___ I lie ranka priloioll irlthoulltluriuamp OIl or them The laIe HI conllnU1l ampom lay to dar IlnUHn~ wiolo 18 dtaponu Of troDt BIb fall upon tbembull Speaking 1gt( lhe Gdrse ampelng ~he middotol)ltllllll wb(nrvmiddotpl1t bull pta Pankos deahtma of leeing the property and emiing for tbemaelvtl8 will 06 fllmned ~ll

nr6I11 aceouna tba Ilad bean ltritten lip to lhal oner (Counl Ziclly aD UDollarim) to dBatll horselllld gukl8 bllppJioallon at my oftIce - I irrul of thla lDem_ble 81rOssie Alr eiloll ana Amolllllt lbe Icllml were -e mell of large V I b e ed In It we Grid tJle toUorill (orhme w~o1D the ~II were _nxlou to d V1I I PEY INamf 01 Biulli I _-l_oP_1I_0I ___ RtllIlIrk4 ~ e DIU iii g tpoO toll Balllyampbyl ror bilt eatftld wordl Hacienda do aeao Roaano IJOiii llItololo Lopez Treo hI full bearing tI4middot11) Tho tnl connected ndlaWlillibl_nuflllreemiddotliilllloaiordollampnmiddotOeneIK coodemD 110 do Oandetari Do Youngtreet 10bullbull0

tblleampaltnt 111 ampOIlIg 1Dd dierefwe of tIe ed by Hnau wbo Will hill dBbtor for Ilxty Do CaUle lAIa Or~ Do bull 1~~1 HIIInl e _ gen~1 whloh Olftnot bo ~houllld doll VecztJ wlotte ~her (sllllllv BOWIampID run Do A row of siJ ator~ 101 UIldeiMood wllIo __ling the mlblary eo ID ) wieand he IIIQ of lite late emperor Au- HaeIendo de (JaQlO

UlJOnli In thleOdntryiUOIIlallled ill ~ pampt Ilt tba eampIdIer Jlho-pbllr-dle pllont and I~dl8O Pit t Juan T0lI6 Rut 8 0 entitled- Nag) Sandor apd the rrIeeI Damiani who Hacienda de Caeao plz(I Do- H 11 ThI P4d 1lIl Ja~ iff l1JFmiddot bellIg _ed to he hlDge4leet 1114 with como Do Indigo Je1U8 lIIarl8 Do 1 I

Fod bat 11M iffirtt tlhuWaUflul tM poau liby 1aet here lJbull1 ~ alw~lI ~t Booee in Ri Do Largo IIdnbe 8 11 f( BtlIqgU middotdndFtItllrIl p~ 6ti upon IMhetlio lIeLfP Bacl~d de Cacao Sin FraDdleo Jose JArguello Aree 18 C HfII~~atJlllwmiddotolmiddot fWlw M01ItIM LoWe Bath~nyl 111)0 wbenllomom fell bad Do do De Abandoned Into Qall~jl1fllllllA ZtmIaolrTgm R_liOll b~ tried OYer pW atIer belnl eaotenced to B_1n Onmada bullbull bull Do ~ ~ bull bullbull 0 Pvoria tc rour 1 impi1aoDment the eharga middotormiddot l)eWs Baclellla ltleCaeU rdilacio Male1iP- bullbull i bull bullbullbullbull ~r


rI p1tt t I cd cJ to -1 W middot111_ ~f middotORII Latour ot 11_ In Gi-aWulo-- - ~- JO bullbull bullbull bull bull bull 10 Thouampbor 0( 1Id_ ptm e li~ ~ r l)-U wbiclt be notorlouir U1tu_h _ _ 1180-0 Plta~ Francisco GuerrA IS

PllbnO~qollleclampIIllIIotb~bmiddotmiddot bi th d9lamp1t0f WullingampUII wuCOlidemned to he BoilandIotIIlRIna ~ 1gt0 9 lib lbe ~Ut onamprll 0iJ0orIlJ hanged Hia wife IntrcdllClld bull lancet Into hla IIoUll8i11lUfU n Kill patUalll burnt 10shyuulll bl+aljJbh~ugh Ih~ m~mollll~ ~~~sn pn- h which hellldun Inelliletwallliempl Haolenda dB 0_ ~~Ia Fe Joa6- II lIaleailo 18 In which Ihl tr COIIUUeDbC IIg 11 ccteddu~ co et the Jugular Tela DllIOOYued helbre he Catd Bolnte JIaI ()lIa Do bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull G ~imte 11000middot lIr 07 ~II Chi r de bad Ill to death hiamp wound 1111 bandam lip HOIlllIn ru 00 Lollg IQW 1 bull defeltbl bull ~h d IDamp~ I 0 ~ wi alld hemiddotw horrlellltdflged OIl IIId alios lite Haalend de Cacao bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ~ bullbull Fetlpe amp S Saenz NearTolo-aome wlldlllltamp 3()IlO

1ftOJbt8eomiddotarmiddotall rtt Igmiddot d or gallo probampbl) not belDg rdy 1I0 P h DO do 11 Vi C1emonte SaIlIOl Old ealatc neer Rint 1(1041 liIlgt11IfI~~~O ~pSd r ~kJi1iUei word to Ire and fell abolltibg Long Iff ampIIB lIollle in RIT Do Large adobe 100(10hit ~ nmiddotiI_p 0) bull bull Ibe arreet of Dahyao1i hid beell amp 110- Bouse aDd proyery In

middotbeforeBllblo Imiddot lt bull middot~middotiIi ihislao 1 IIulOw 01middotamp111ampmiddot01 atlonllo-ble otenc WIll a Sanmiddot JUan de Sur ) fll lS UellD lieDden tIam b bull bllabion cawIUD1-blamiddot esecutlcm anmiddot _iDatloomiddot HacIOllda domiddot GROj Felipe Avilc8 bull bull bull bull 8000

IIIOlJIiy ~I RUIIIii ellj R JPII hiobD~ 1Ianr otIrtri w_put to dtaIh W_ of Do do Sallt~ Do With wildlands b~ ~Re~t 0 ~ ~II middotaM flnb IfflUlrippeli and Kourged helOre middotthbullll I1delld de Ca~o JlCII-LaGalpa F amp E Carazo bull 27001) _ nCr tI aoIdIerr OfIJcelB from liliiii or coIeoell David D Lopzamp B Daroe 100)tile Baclellda de Cacao~ 9ijdbf~he ~1Ie~ thorab~ dOlfDlfardl e~ abulIpflI middot1It If bgtced Into Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull II amp Jos6 OaracM ~wotbtrds of die eltarA II iIai1 a~tJter~ ~IIJII ~ed IplOb th AUUIO _llln pr(fatail ~ at lite Do do Boperlll P run amp famll middotrmiddotmiddot 800gt 11_ r~tIJ 8~~ ampdrIhu~Dbull 1d eaprice of IDd ears-ta to ~ D~middot do Chlta JOJl6 Alfaror Conlaminl 160 acree 2000 ~Qjlt ~e ttl th rJm I middotU dar s-~ BOIIfelnBl Demiddot 1600 Urqllllatund to 1 C~ u of iIIatorlo bull FrOm thequatadoDe here IIIIIk k wIUw_ ~~eCaCampo Pafniar Tun Agila bull 10000 ~ 9fmiddotIi~temiddot 11114 tbafBdc Gen B~ Iidu 1fi1h 111m to Do do PlllIIIf P~1o Torres ~ ~ -lOOO ~oI~ lOU ettIoa of Ruulamp iii 1 B_ltlruu 2000shy t~Imiddotaath~~~eibampt dunn _middotmiddotri ~themiddotweIpt or bull rtpIItaiIOII fwllJUan Do bull do O BuetOl amp (amp11111 Near St George) 3~ ~~rII~ Dt~~~IImiddotlJuilfe Otunli IInewled and liaeety of PIlrpOll that 111l1li1 Bad de Cacao fi Do dobulllt lOoQ alloo COm liI iir EurepO tID pnbU~ work raytllihl1 tor IIIY_ whlchho ~ en~ Do do Jayl 11~Oerde8 k tamlly bull bull bull MOO and deg eIO h I dltIcm of th ed B Ii alrad tTOtahI II III E B~ ill RIampef bull bull bullbull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bullbull bull bull o~ gtJ lIII-dnl flle rthl 8 PI II 1 110- bull mope Catlle Batalai Las Lalaa R Pala ampI fmIl1 bull bull 1 popilldlia DIIlft h bull or I~ a and doubt ne -thaI ldImo~ DllIItre pow H_ID ru bullbullbullbull Do dO On the Plaza 2 ItciUjmiddotJ1IUle d~ ~call88htroFer ttei1eclla Niea IfW lillke hlllWM falidllarDo do bull bullbullbull bullbull ))0 do Do QI

lOh~IL~ ~ II middottmiddoti~ wmiddotr hrO hOllmiddotADleaea Dobull do Do do edmiddot lwwlljlUll-adepamprlTleodeglmiddottoat 118 i CaUleamplampIemiddot HeC~IJtI lnoceDteRuele - Ihf St PeUnbllllt lnadluted It and bOle IlIf au r-l~laIe and Imiddot

Jdft1oillD ftJreIIP ~~ I -gt - lIIotiee rdieateDIJIIlIe- bull ItiIdmiddot bullbull oe bullu were D- bull lIl1111~~ da r F lid lIf 9 jIIturliaia oItlte llllIoWl81 _lddlKieaeeIJ pe BOIIIe In Rlne bullbullbullbull r bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull ~ ~middotCbIdimiddot =n H bull UeDllla ~YU Ioii wIltprenlM th~ to me dIll11111bll1t1oe~ Sugar Etemiddot nell 1110middot I

bull~ bt -eneecUMtto mltllilbnn Ihe pUbHoofmiddot ALL PmtlilONff bano tIahe na tilt 11- lUvae ~ Pedro Ohamorro bull l~rJnO

III the Bunf d~ti_O ~ Ollorbelorei1lellampt1idlryorneoo1868otherw_ tap 00 do 12(00 ol~ ~1I-noII IlQ tie a~oflii~1llI~tb1middot-middot ~1llr01l)li iterccentef Pedro ToaqIlM ~1I1l1 ~OIOO ttlbullwtmiddotcilr 6Ibplo-dIJ1Koiiot1t1 ~UIAtltJiB8GORDB1t 1gt0 do Ag~Agrla DI()~lcla)lemando 8laquogt0biild fll IL b ~ and tb ()rientili OIllRLBamp OALLAHAN)middotmiddot H_1n Granedamp CbhlDroampramlr SapA

~ll8gotlatlllW bullbull or bull ~middotJ1lLll1SKtSr ~dBlti I_Kula Do dobull ~00Ileattle300ltgtiu1l l2~Umiddot ~dJCted uallO~ todOonr- AIld-aU ~lIIdehl to tiM at tit Do do ~ROaa Do lt100 ~600caltle 1Ul0 hor8eI 16gttOOi ioot IlWlpr~ middotabOedec~ petdllOllllIIIIIka Immdiata Pato Bac1euda do Ccao bullbull to ~ Fnlgetlcla Vasa t 18

The crll11Ilj~~ I~ ~1 lal~ lenlll~t monuo me GILDK PlTUB Bon III (Jraneda bull bullbullbull Do ~ bull 15 O hllito Of tbbull bull piby- BeIIDlllpID bull wen all lnbk A4IIIIaIllrillorO D Stook lIn~b St Jeronlmo middotDo 1600 catlfe ~(lO hore HInhn

the bull t t Gralled yen St 18M Boote ill Graneda Do GuedaiouputMet ~ biublUtyllldellotlllllon mapa ~middotU om e __ - Do domiddot Do _ Domiddot middotmiddot11100 deslrabiek a iiillitarJr poln oC vie the movemiddot otlce Domiddot 40 bull bullbullbullbull Nfcaclo d~1 Qutlilo bullbullbull bullbull 8bull lIlent h111 n~li describe LL pertlOll8 hlnr clallIlII aplta lite tu of QoIrete bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull Do Near lIIalaeo 4jju

J kln 6fGill1eya middotlieon In bamplilgmiddotno- A~o fOllolngllllllled deoeutd plIrtIOIll 111 pre 11o In Qranada Antonio Barheteno bullbullbull ~ ~ U n pea I nHhem to me dilly Inthenlluated 011 or before Stock Ranch El rlldo Do $00 cattle 1~ hollelt 4fi

lated tho ~oodIIl0~8 O~ wblch KOIIulh delegl~ed lito tOth dlr of Deoember 181111 otherwllle th~ lantln Walk bullbull bullbullbull Do ~eer Granada 2 bl power lbo Bele pilbllahoJ the follOlYlDg wlH noamp he IIllowed by Jr I ~ In GratIlIdl Jns Maria EIllrada bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bullbull bullbull bull bull bull ~ quotatl11 bich we are templed to cOP1 aa It B1lOn Cole Wiley lfarahl~ Plantain Walle bull bull bull Do Ncar Granada l II Iii millent p081110n In European afIiIlr8 Robert JlHllkIII Jonaillan WIIecm HOIlBO In M_ 400catrJe fiO hlgtrfle8 4~ Lino CelIr

8 ow 0 pN 1 Dr Gen lie bull gatll bull S K Sackaun George White Stock Rench Clraeol Dmiddot fear San Roque 8 0I

beld by Ollr prlStli g IInto bull And Umiddot perllOol Indebted 0 lite estalel oC Ibe HOlII8 In Gratllld Lnla Montrel e 0 Kt)86utll had middotnot ~Ichd Oro ~pon dlo boTe deCeaeed pereoMl will make ImmedlMo PlY PIMntain Walk bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull Do N~middot VegM 1 (

rOllller befO4 the necouol 01 GOI8O I tIe1lSOD men to Il10 GILBBRl TITUS 1l01llOln Gnadn NAciso Raplnoza 4r ovemok him frOli1 whence togethmiddot wlth 1epl 11bllo Adllllllltttntor 0 D 8 BIJIuln GralUlda bull bullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull fala rlltoa Horall bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull 6( U Dembinkl Kmeuy GI1OO and 1If tbollltlllt~ 11 aranad BtpL SO 1848 Houeeln Granada lOll Ubaotl bull bull bull bull ~

ho puHd lIrollgh Wallacb to Vdbl In IV 1 - Ifulend de Cacao MlloO Tlo bull bull bull bull bull bull t I hefond lIIe Turkhlh frentler nO ee- ROUIein Gramplloda bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ROIIrio Vinamp Granada Hotel 9 ~ wlUle Gorgel bad omred tho gaITiIon of AItt peraoiIII areIIbJ oaiRIed agaiOI bul Do do gto bull bull ~ 0

Colllorn to III1rrender wblch I re~ lIrat to In or lI_solSatlllg flit the fulJOwing 1crIp~ Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Ponelano CoTftI bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbull ~~ d thoul11 entering Ioto neotiatiOll wllh the ~ne 1_ nUmberedmiddot(8G) tbltty-lllr In fayOI of amp do bull Pelar Mil~nco bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull 4lt IIV

A~triu~ Tb~ro were IIDfortuo~11 cmOlPI D lIa)Ie1 tor t810middot Do do~ bullbull bullbull bull Tlo 21 die o1lICltMI lOme dUpes of Gorgea parIoy who 0 1_ nlllOhered (19gt nfnetean 111 fu~Il of Stoclc Raocb 0101 Ito 1600 cattle 200 bor 110 0 were allrlollamp (0 maktmiddotterrM and Ie nolbiug 1188 Wm Baletor 18383 Uclenda do cetlO ~ Do A Malco ~o bean of K_IIlI fonll bull Gorgel bad ~Tel The lJlOye dllllCli1gted IIIitIp Is ~ elldoried by H_In Granado bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Femando ellman bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 0 fro him t~lll0w$tl Ibe f~lrell w Svoo liP me and Pi t Is pioleetiKhUbeoIIlce of the StoolfllAAelt at TOrell Do t600 cattle 300 boraes 12r 10 the AU8Ii1anl with ~~ealipulatloD hat tbe p Mlntaler ~endlaquo DANIIL BArIgtSY HtmfI$ In Granadn jOfoqnllla Iloran bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 6 iison 11(0111111141 1I~wcd ~ loen portion 0r11a a~~Pt Ib 1816 Hclendailo Cacao falaco Do 36 pay and Abould be pe~lltIdtorollreullUolecd HOII lnGrallllda Pedro Seqllenn ~ ~middotO

KOlIlhh~ng bead of tbele DegOtl~tIcm~ David l_raDI Hou-Itl Granarla Yna Horan igend conelilulllg b~~ tho Pwer oelegaled to Oor OFFERS FOR IiALE A hie plate San Seber Hacienda de Cacao ~ Hraor JLSimdonl O ge htd eKed bticlt to bnn on aocouD~ oC he Ian Stre h boG IIh Bee- Stock Ranelt Rcmltee Felipe Oahezas 1600 ClIIUe 9 DOll l1IUI1l1oee of the traitor wltb tbe COLldillona bull 81 on OWIII a bullbull H0I311 In Onnada Miguel rullerllZ i bullbullbull 3m III ateJ iIad bowr dilpttcheltl bull comulmiddot chon Jture SIllc1l RaMbmiddot San Pablo Do liOO caltie 40 alier wIth powerl and illitIlCllonB 0 prottll~~ 10 bullFlour Vb~e~ aIll11~fe=~n~hlt Do do HeCled r SelayoampDIejltraa 260 cattle 400 nOllle8 20 tho U~I t~ dB~nee of CO50rn bull Oilnltte blide~~I Ale ampDd p~ Do do ChllamlII10 Leandro SelAYo 600 caltle 50 horBeI ~o deg

That po 1fhlch he cotld oalr give ~ di Itelrt WI CIa) pipes Ifoo ln Guada bullbullbullbullbull Dolor LejaTftl bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull 0(raquo GOYemo ofmiddot Hunprl feN counteralgncd bl un~T aD b a lltoek Rancllmiddot Qlebda HODd~ Dr bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull (jollll Q-iiili BfodlaDyl TlIe Comlllieajone or ermaOlfjl bull Do 40 olnquto Do ~600 entUe 200 b01808 bull bull bull bull

lta1lL hilWA to (lqwtrll when fortr-lIIIf Recorder Oftice Do d SoIn Jampclno Miguel BolallOlampBroa 2500 caUle GOO horaee 1~ renderedmiddot bull __ __ De do San Francleeo tm~ 20

Thia oommkttoloner delegaed mlb aupreme Tml Ollloltofth B_ofDeeda lorICgeB Las Hampderae Do ~~OOO cattlo 200 bOae~ m oiflhlld mUtanpoer W baY8 reaampoD to kilo lIcrorthe OrieItIi D~ofth RolIbo -Do do ~~ Rolille ATUezIICluIlIIOrtO 801)0 cattle 1100 bol8ell H i wuUuolll Vae lIampbor of the pampblet JIoDi 110 will he optlledln thecltl of GranAda on _ HOll~ III Granada bull bullbull bull Do bull bull bull bull 41 bull fbIeh we C been 10 largely 1IlI1ftc1h1g daJ the 8th oampptlm~ 18~G1r ~~-r ~tlIk I_ncb s~ Blu Domiftlo Jarqllin TOO caUe 100 horae$ II lboup 1I1) boll a reteh 011 boreehaekhe aqutred by D_ to e ~__~~J ~dlin ~ fin do Tenabona )fillller Alvarado 600 cattle 100 horaOlll 6 ~ OOlIld nlltIumiddotImemiddot Illach lIIe fronlel ror middotwhlob Ibe toreNIdD~Dt re7GlLLm Do~ do COrplil Chrletl Menue Gltcia 600 CtlUle 100 horeetl 4~

putpOtllmiddotU waii ntCelllry to pili ~e lllrough monirdetteforthOriealll~t Do dB sm6ntonlo Tillloteo Lacayo 800 caI~Io 60boraea 8~O the 1ntL ~ 1 H_IIlGranadltClltolayorr _~v

Had ht dOlI10 he Wlamp J)led~ no to liltmiddot Oranadaj - $711301d Camont ror fU InOlIIte lid would haTe N ti T 0 l IJ I u

~n~rHn 900 Auatrial P~~8fII whQIU he 0 ee Together willi lorl) or fifty FarJU HQu- amp0 1 Iho Depar~ent of BIYa8 Iued at ~ ill ol1lltbave hold aa hOllagea for theeMnmiddot the I WILL give Uberal ~wvd to a01 person who three hundred to onll thollllllld doU_ ~ ttunJilt1nn clilefti-to th Oil thle incldenl hluged bull will tlUll to m) etore my Ledger Book II A btrge portloll of tho abue poperty 18 situated Idlin als houra ride of San Juan del Sur Vlts in tb tate of Moul BadlYllllyi udOrmiddothla COlllpan~ Will pIIIaed from lIlatore during tlielate attack Bay Rirulan Gorg NaDdBlme and Deriomo and the remalndu In Granad tnd ObOlltaea Iollllinmlafllflllland~nn1lirt1rdo I _ftbull~ _ 18 1866 1IA TllOllAN JOHN MYLARD MARSHAL bull

Tho fold(r~ of tbo garrison broke ~h1r milmiddot _ L i bull

F NlCARABllENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 1 sabado 1de Novtambre de lasS Saturdav November 1 1856 323


lEI NIC AU A GUENSE1middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotL bullbull 1 ~ bull =L~ bull


[OFFIotAL) If ~lIdortOollliull8loned Oc~ 8 rROamp FrrltltiNr4tt~ ~- Olear OrOllltoy II 9 DbullBamey Woolf COll1mlllliolled April 28 1S6f

REGISTER UI1l1M1U R barlfa Tylor lI_y 28 OF TUB Artlllit CoInIor1 GOmlUluiouElt AtgIIII lit l8G~ JollaW AndmlOn II June 21

amprotul lAl1Ilmdm ThOll F Wright Jul N lOA RA G tJ A A R lY O~O~e Von Hln oolllmlttdloncd Sept 211 18$GbullbullJoho MbullGilCIIu AUg

Newton l Webb I April 10 M T Neagle Sep~ JII OIlllIRU CO~IIfIIDINO IK OIIlB R LaIlIb Se~ u William NnrthWige ()cj y

William Wlllite 6 IIlft11et II 95 ~1 Lil1llmIt1lt bull did aCltlmp 11l1li1 8411u4lOlf 0111I11T nTILLUI Georg~nll8ti oblllillil8ltMd April 1 bullbull lIIN

aCajl Inlr lfahon e1Inlillealooed Jln 20 18lil _L MIIgtI lames bull T 1roe u May 9t

H F Pilled Matcli 81 - A Dltl1gtwarj2 comlllillgtlioll~d OclOber 18 11166 fm K PMliv~ II May 26 II

W81 P towl II il~ 1 CaptaIn Jbull~ ampnaford Julr IJ II II 0 W GIs a OJ 18~ Getlrge B elllllld IlOlI1mlllllloned Occ 18 1868 VJlIIm H Toler A_g 11

bull bull D U Dulaney II I_mea S Jldfe u 8op~ 25 DIItODIIIR OINEIIUII 8oeqrulIMui_t Joho M Wtllngtonmiddot bullbull Oat 101

Comer o Homeb commlllioned Jats 12 19116 John Crowell commluloned Sept 11 18118 BeuJamln Hardla 00 y A (lamp Cui O Staehle Occ ll4- Firat Lleutonant Jamel Small 1Il~lLlOI or UIIOIIIIamp a_liD ATTJtl01 O~ IKAlrIar

Birkett D Fry eomriliAiolled 6pl 16 Mqjor J hn A J ColtitUeOamta Joho P Wtel1 conomllllloaed J1IIII 18 1866 0 aqu~ commlolaiOMd]lIne 18 186amp

I bull R T 80 d igt LiMNat CIltm4l2dbull L GU bullbull c e corum 1 I II vilpt4lI1 Leonldu MCIntosh co isoiI ed AlII 19

L Nonrell Walker comllllllo~ Aprill 11166 M On 111middot O middotF Henningsen comDlfaaloned Oct 19 Robert Ellr Jllne 11 lien D_ n_ co l1~ft d A IA (~mp R W Plck ~nl ug j O_n mUlne ug 18l16bull

~ bullbull ~ A bull - bull A4iaJUmiddot Johu 8 FlnOlllJvfl Lieaftt Oct I 2d Lleut E H OIat~~i~88d JIlOO 18 18~6JDJOILIIT o~lIuJtlI I)BPtIIIIIIIITbull

lIltfut Q_ol W A Rhea cOlUlDmlsaiQQed August III 1816 Ja_ Umiddotmiddotmiddot- eomlDlealnomiddota Amiddot12 1middotmiddot~middot-001 Ph RThompson CODIIIIlMdFllb 1I18G8 w H Lenl 92 - ~ ~ Ilamutl -L October 1 J1l1$16 Dreux June 1~ tulffilt t4illtattl eMal JAIIIIe Lewis D WIlIkInS II AIIjI it IiUajor G R OMtoQ coDlmluioned occ 2amp ampcotul lMutma1ll Bllrale Bell II ~

ll1DQII IlgtvOOJTli OBMW ThomJ)lOn 1lI00u _liIlened JIID8 11118118 Lewis E GIIU1 se t 2lt bull T U Hewlett II Aug l6 p v

dbulltWllftt J+ o44u9cat OIJ W I Qukll~ II III It lIf Ll~1

11 llmiddotitar ngtitn~t~ ~_ i


Poet-Ollie Building OWEN DUFFY Ageut

y u ~~_~ 4 Ilrllil F D _ t

i bullbull en AWARD of THIampfi DOLL4RS esol will Ie Lieut J W

fOt appheDaloll aud dell (tu of thG Army) of t~ofollowI118 named 2d Lleut Wm ltP-t

from Company A Firat Jlltampntry Balta

[--FJS_ RIOH Aged Illyeare II r~elO In hAir blue o)eB ruddy cOlllploxlOl~ i() pound Occupalion baker

bull GLIDDON Aged 28yeara 6 feet high falr clllllpletIon IIllhthair blue largo feet and 10llg tlnlterod-bullbullellhl

bull 8

Oapt M bull 1 FlIIOr comt1lampIontd July is 18111 lolln Coo COInlDialloned Jlloe 18 1864 bull rllIII JlJTTJUOK or 1U1II8 AndrbullbullBrady Au 22

IMIIHCTO_ GIIIKIJL I)amp~TIIIIII bull clod GlOIge W lIa11er II Oc~ 18 Impector eIII~ BdwlIId I SaIldm COIIIIIIIadcme4 AprO II 18lS6 Fnnclsco IIotb II IS

CoL Bruno Hlltsme commlsalond NOf 12 18114 U~ CoIltm4l 1IlId LiNt bull Tler OUwllllt ~m~edl ll 18 8uluel a Allin c~mluioDed lflllOh 118116 B D lIorre~ comm~olled Au ~3 [8116

_ _ y fIlor J middotW Oonkhn OOl 18 qlllllTllalllAalllllS JlnuTIIIJII Johnmiddot O ONtII commflMoneli AprD 11 lRIIf BeDJlllllln Beechler U 18 it

Q_~III bttal o4~ L A Clark IIC 18 Col ThOll Fisber commiJalon~d 4prlll 1858 8 LIeut ~ Lathrop commlad lau U 8156

ttll Qiulrtnnw OMiMl ~ peUlliATIOJlll Lieuamp 001 Wm K ROlieJlf comd Ocs Y G W1l Leonard ool1UDlaIIooed AOtII UllSIf hI LIeuL B ABlltcbl Com et ampI1t np

QlUlrUrmallllll [Brevel 011 tile 11011 ()cj ILl Allgua I IS5amp [~or Thamp Benry CltJlIIlI88I0oed Oct 18 Co B J poundavail 81ilh COlIIIIlIud April 181bullbull 20d LIeut Thoml8 8tackh- 204 JalaaWy Ali-II Will HIIIria 23 C ThOt Dolan June 18 gill 11 1868

ampJdlanlQlrtmnalttl__ _ D B D )teCh_a II July e bullbull 2tcUJant D O F~t 18 RlIIH AcuR 2SCapl Wm II Wilhll_oomd Nov 10 18115 1- H A JObnlObe u i1 1866 BeltJ W Bamml Aug 4- 1858 G DamplIiel Oampgai OIl 4- tlld Lleu- W B Hen Inljleeor Ola IMPshy

Andrewa flmiddot it ~i r JObn Iwh1l1a II bull II Au~ Sll lBIamp Juh Y Price Oct 18 B J-- DIllUlicaAL O~ II 1 LleUI E 4 P~iI IUb lhtpIIQpL 11 middotJIIIO

April Imiddot lIfr lMI4u~ ~nd A A Moora lal IlII1 lug 21i liIH MUiI Slo~ 00 B Le R Latimer com d 4prD ie 1811 SUfReoD Wm H sun4eN Aupt 26 IUI6

W~m B WY~ K Bob P Gardner II Allg so Alor 10hn II bull 1111f1iba1~ Judge Ad Oel Au 8U88lIllIIIlOJ DllIBTilUT D AIa~ Anderson bullbull ~ 119 1868

Oommiry Qfmlllal Sutdluu A Wm H MIh Sept 11 Cp~ John Wmiddot amp7dr 11lUJIea Aug 81 1864 Col Georg B Hall commiufoned Jul i6lS~6 F -- - Oollllay Ii O~ 4- cpt II E Bradley TrAn ~llle SepUs 18nbull

tm44t110ilmmiuarp (I_I G -- LoUhamDler 111 Lieut A MePilIO lsI 11111 Occ Y 18GI MIor BIIIlj Y Or1Ie comlllissiond July Il Cbu H Welt II Oct 114 Capl Douglas JWllkhia(untcbd)ept 80 1861middot

Aulatll aommulIJrUu Subfm 811111plet WlUlalDeon ~ u U L Jilglehan tigtd Ioftolry 2) 11

Occupation tailor alao fruit deal~r Capt W H LyonS commisaloned Aug 1 1866 amp-d LiwfmlId R S WiUIIIlII 21ld RltIotI Oct 8 U

S LOUIS OOHEkT Aged ~l feetmiddot inchet leI Lieu~ W H Buttrick II 00 D Th_ Cbloh_ eornd April 1 185amp LIeut Col F bull P Audel D las Rilles Oet_IO bull 185$

l08o-welgbub9ut 195 poullda Oecupti~n 0iII Jame S Wet laquo I B tllke J _orr JIIIJ 6 Capt Cbarlet A Gore 2nd Rillea Oct 18 1811 bullflaquob rir comple~lol1 hlue er IIgh halr large Henr1 C Wall I E lb0i Y JllolIrnoy Ha12b

penwi bull 0 John B Moo Sep~ 11 2nd Mllllt M S Oro 18 PATRIOK H YS IrI- d ~III)IO DIPUT)lBff i David A Lawton It Aug 11 J G SIIDllllerll Out Is4 bullbull bull an mall Age 21 SIIrgetJ GI 1Il II ~d lUllet

JW8 G luet 4 il1cb~ blgll qotlt qGmplexion dlllle (with 110 rallk of COlonol) G Clayton Billllialr 011 8 1868 bullbulli dtrk 6et-welghs about 1411 pounus 00 F DIICj ONeal 4 2nd Lieut J W PolklIl1d Inlltnlry Oct 20 18~ ClIpalllll IdhOler BVrgtcll 6 H Ubrbrook Itlaquo it J M Williams 2nt Rill Oct t I 111shy

6 OLJVEl (JROMWLL Ag8l182 years 6 (wlthbo rok 0( lIaJor) B WlIas Allen II Oet JI 6 A H wl~y 0010 Dept 2518116 kef 6lnches high Ught tomploxloll Ugbt bilk John Dawson 4cllng 8middotG oomd NOT 14 18116 n ell Wilkinson 21 II Oapt J V Hoolf AilSt AdJt Gen 28 1856 lIiIudl wblakera hazel yell-weighs aboul 140 O S Coleman coblmleslooed April 28 1556 __III) BtnttIOIi or amD llcsignlune-III1 fOIld OecllpuioR millwright n T Roalon lep 18 (JolOftI

_ClIARLES W KltuGER flapt Comdg Jamea ellulII 00 111 Jobn Allee cOIIQlIIIlloned June at 1866 I)URII bull (0 A 1st lulQty BaLllLlion BurpOIl aM Anitalll Smiddotgeo bull LiNluta1ll CltJlI Capt H t Witter A llltant Adjutant General

pOlt Serapaqui 8op 26th 1856 0 twitb the flnk of Captain) bull Idmlllld II HoDonald commlllld JIIG 18 18118 2nd Lleul Wm M Rogera lat InamplIlry--r-----------L-- J Geli8ner eommlllSloned Jan 91856 Major Li~ut OoL Byrollmiddot Cole Aeltlatant QU~flenlluler 1 Dllvid 1Ilnllg W G Sicigh bullbull U W P (Jaycee comOllllllioned Ua11 166 General killed at San Jacinto

O~RS FOR ALE at hia pl~ee San Sebas- A Callahan Val 30 middoto4ltfultmt 2nd lieut n A Milliken 1 Ri4es killed t sen

lIan abeel OIlD boUlle abov~ U Ph Be OWDI LHLuSeondy JUlie IS IMLleulJ W Kllllacmdorf comd Oct 1818l6 Jaolntebulldie a litore eor$amp tI UI ()ttpt Oapt W Pmiddot Jartls 2nd Rift died from wOllndi

lhlto-Nf Oandl~ Hackcr11I Olive i I~IIUlf Aug 26 CoO Jolin B Otee bull middotCOllmla$d June 21 18G6 reooied Sao Jaciuto e Wolft ro~tlc8ebledanoSehnappl bullbull IU onall Oct 28 A John F llecgtrch Oct 18 CaptJ H WlUiamaon drowned al Vlrglu Bay

bull Bltte Phlladelphlll 110 and Porter Pol DlIPtBTlIliII B DenJ M AndorfOn it 16 lind Lleul H l lhemRn died from wOl1ld reshynan Alld bilIa Wie Claypipes loynuulw Ofmoral Ii ~ ceived at Ifuata Ocl 114 middot18M

lerlll eh 001 Alex middotJonu commlssiOlld Feb 8 18H Edward O HIIIf naCerrd fMm Ordnance Demiddot LlOnt Col F A LalIIO 4 h c tarharolrbull p tulNMII PlaquoyltlwlII ptl1ment CODllllleslone4 -ug U l85G murderd b1 the med forces opoeed to tbili

T~ O I ugUld III ost 2d Llout J Fiemlng conmlsaione4 Aug 4 S middotS McElroy Oll~ lS OoYelllDlcllh IJlhollt propOllng Itn excbango

DgltS IllS S~HVI9ES 10 Ih citlllns flI OII)AIIOI DUAllfllBllr Imorul LfMfnaoll of priaOneri _rdlig 10 the uaagee of war ~anadjl and vlcmllY III h praete of Ulior E W Rawle commissioned Jul 14 1966 N T~p OOll1tuiu1ooed October 81856 lit Lleus JulllIIIKeilkUled In action at San J

u mOINE SURGERY amp MlDWIFERY Hellry I bullbull POller bull it 14 Eo H 01018 II 8 clnto bull 2nd IlelltW W ~der killed in aClion at SaIl om and OlIidcnce on the lOulhw1 Capt JJfrori Swln~le AprO 11_ J T Booo 18

~r of tbe atleet oppte b _ __ lal Llel~ Il A Carllar Oct 18 I B Vaughan 18 Jaelllto _ 0 0 1amp1100 2d Will B Ulte II Benr1 Hlnea It 18 middotDealba-l0

ent OWG bull ad June I 1 86r 1III0I11UII COIIP raTe _ i - --- Oaptain 1II8r IItTTUIOIi or IlfFJIITIlY J)BOPPBD

i lntitmiddote E c F Ucsse cOlllnllaaioned October t 18fill lt011 cpl A U Hirsh August 0 1866 iL PERSONS hlulng clalma against tbo 8A~IIIU11I1) 11111amp11amp John B MlIIkham commlaa~onod October 10 18511 U A B Wulklll8 AogWltU Ig10

Al ealamp~ of tho following namod deooa8ltlol or Jrft L~lt Lieut ~ 181 Lieut 8 W QuayAug~1I9la5t1-werod I()ulwill presoul tb~m to DIe dulll1uthentieated flonr) O Porler ltmmisslOllou Oct 18 1866 A francie Rudler comllsaioned May Ill l81Samp 8urgtlUII p N lugrahan Sept I 1866 til Or baforo the 1I8b~ay of Dec 1866 otherwie SltCOftIl LilllltJIt lldJfJ1 Brig -Gell 1) de GoiC(lurl Ocl 19 i858 Iht~ will be barred h1 law C DeuulaE lIayuee commissiolled Oct 18 l~e W_ Raymond colllmlaaloned Hay 1218113 Dropped-5 1 CHARLES GORI)EN J K hgall 21 o44IId1ll bullI

I CHARI1tS OALLAHAN OfFIIIIU lINJlTJCIIED ind Leut Fred W JeIeCOlli d lpnl U 18118 n command of WlLLIAM ALItER1ULlUS KIJlL Ooltmll FraIl B OKeef cln~od A rlll 185 GeneIrolllmaUdlngmiddotlnuh~middot 11 pel8Oll8 indebteu to tho eeatee of tho U B Skerrett commillSioned lanltllly Ill 1850 James 0 JOJtUsone f is

ahor c deceated pereaa111 make homodiate pay CaptaiN OhllL B 11 II Pa R THOIlHOiI AdJ Gelleral N A t to lIIe GILBEltl TITU6 F UoncosOIl commllllloned JaR 28 1~8middot FrInk i ThomPecm June 2~ Headq1ampli~rI lfthe AltII1

Publlo Adnilllstriltor O D J Egbert FaIllUDI middotFeb I II Charlea A Waltere 8op~ II Adj General 08ce 8ept ~7 1866 W J Merryman II JlIDe 18 BIrarn BIlIIIIlII II Sept SIl G~ Oct is 1860bull

325ELWICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 3 Sabado 1de Novlembre de l8SS Saturday November 1 1856

- shy

I(OUTINU OlljlONIOLE FILtiloita P1l1GRuTbe Dime of amphept ~EJ[INIE A~M - elttie~middot~~~~M~r hi~Ibtmiddot~ 8I1~C~herortbo pteellhiplraottohoPreal- Vlo~PCOUI amlPletwillb~llIeaodioJurebull U denlW chair of Ibe United l116tee IIM Jolhn FlU- The CoDoltlng rtlmub upon iho Wled th- et alanaing liq~ean~ h6ldiifg mu~eHighCly III d~ f h ~Ilv w a L dmiddot f Bri II B Ihe8boulde aoldierll lite h whoutmiddot aurilljlJ

Dlor~ an a ler avlng hoen bull long tIme In ~ ea m e peu 0 en m- tb kl n k f ~ L Rlla 1- Id I I rom e - bull 0bullbull e 0 I e lln 1_eaplllIy b plrat tiled lIpon a farm In Conmiddot bull n n- on lapr uponevIlr10er 1 when loaded ~Iamph elonty~ve pina of rifte PO-DecdClUI where be ended bla daya NathanIel tho NIlIIl1Iguan Army to road carelnU or ell I~ der endllot rammellmiddotI tt1 Jlillcb leU thtb Flllmortltll _ amp100m hautOt htlndrelland oul bullbulld e6mmit it to momory h I a olea anel or the lIu8kel bllt 11111 too great 10 l)e 6redflOBl

eMy 1-alio When ayoutll be mom to lucid daeJriptlon or the manner ill whlcb amphe Ylni4 ~vrilu~~~~~ ~iiI ~~ ~J~i Verlllon and alded at Bennln~I1 WMtIl b should be M amplid m ampl1 repoy all tbe lI eqWl and holditlght to middotIbbullbullhl)uldbullbull Ihe r bullbull

fho ~Ct beteen Col $andbullbull i Old TOIII IIlId 11 r ltlay~eoq II 8tck Billy chronicled lut week I whlcli 011 Tom wal deolared a ylctor atartcd the 8po~tlnlf men ef tho city and this weft $ IIno hall aoveral asciUllg IIl1d ciofOl _let~ ruCtbullbull middot

On l edu-May ovolIIIIII a moteh was made lind run b woen Oape OcorgltJ Giel Ba alld MA jor Cfty4ecs II Black Billy Distance 400 ards fQr IWG hundred dolla Black Billy n on h7 K clqar engampb

Tho ext-on the me eveninll-IIu a conl t ~IWcel (l18t ~ay nd a d k grey ollJled by BlIvet 1I1lJor LeommJ This race was a try tlOampO~o-ite hors flllming side b1 Ide tbe h~lo tauee Gletmiddot be e as evldolltly overshyweiSb d bleh rul~ed In OllllSillg hDI to lOBe Ihe rA by a dialanee of only a lew feet

The eitt 11 II race Ileween MII)r Caycee u U1Ck~BilY and Col JUlIee middotu (re EMgle The IU ~et upon tho hoN1C8 eltCeed~d lin huushydrM do l~rlI A good llat wbullbull obtained and the hora 01 neck alld neck about lour hundllild yrds ~en the groy began te crawl a IiHe ahesd nd at be winning poet earnll oul n8lll11 holt II I ustb In dYaI08 Bolb boraes appeared t~ be I Chit IIce maoaged well but at Ihe end Ihe lid appfared 10 be In doubl as to wbleb Wamp8 III laater animal and a Dlaleh for two thoushyIDd d Utp Wal eWeeted on the lIeld bylbe Ame horaee llh chanRe of rlders~11 came 01 lhe DeXI ( urad ) evenlol( and Ihe Grey won

Coa UTIOtf or rRIl EIIrllloa or ioU 1111

R~881 e- Bhortly after ill amphe ahlatan had taken hplr pllOea til lfaater of COIemonlel raleed Ia liand and IAfe n ordor In RlI88Ian wbete pi)n tile trumpetl blt9l oul InlO a wild IIId i ln8 8ouah the herald ~ised their Noell In Ibe Ilr and II hllvi~g uncoyoted their _dl pile of Ibe Becretolri t4ll4 tbe prOtlalllashydon w~i~h i8 redem into Engllell 018 folio

Our Inry aUgUStlery high lind ve pulNttOI r Aleunder Nicolalevleti belnll tIlrone of bls anctors heb 18

lIIISiu as ell u upon tt(lSt of Poland and of amphe GrtUld Duchy

of Finlauit which aro Insepllrable t1middotorp II hAA deiW16il to order LDllt the eoronrlon of bls 1m perial iljeS~ nnd his Olltb Bbn lake illace on 1M 2 III of the monlh I Augu~t bis augU1lI epouro lie mprola I1kro Alqxandrovnl pllrtlelmiddot

bull ad celllmooy Tub 8I)lemll Ael the preeut pr~1anltiu 10 all

to the eld that on this hppy redouble ttelt feVotin theil pyera

g of King tba~ Ho middotm spreld by His _ VOlfer His faTO8 dmiddotbl bullbullsinll ou tfiO

reign ~( hi DlaJeat ~t1d tllrougloul it duration Ito nu~y mailltaln peace lind ~Ianquility to the glor) ~f Ills holy nAme and fogtr tho 1I11111terablc prosit of tit emplro

Wl~l ON loLlTlcs-EvelbOly knoYs WilIi8 -Iho peet nll~lky edilor or Ibe lIomu Journal 110 btl III)td matty good Ihinge In his life and tbe following upon politlrs lIod political cRndldltltlli Is bull ot OJtull b~tter ald lh ptople of IgtlcaragulI iU6ppreellltJill

I lind mylolf for Ibo flut tlmo middot111 tn life Inshylml~d for political candidAte or I hould ~1l1r[~IIY perhp~ In 1 Candldalo wililoUl hi politic I II1vo bltberto (10 account S(lDlebat rolllm apparent want of aImiddotlotlsm) thought tbe eount under a hend bioh iliad almost any Ilcor g safe enough It loomed 10 me of vcry liWo IIsnllnoe (10 anybodr but I)m~ oekers) wlulth r 1 whig 1ll1 domocrat wu at the holmshypllblt opluion besidlli being llOgether too wide l~ak hlo ollcated a Olgtnlry for Qlther a blun ~er or l lin of pilotage to b more tban opproadltd So 1M plnlo ft8 this confidence In Amerleas do loSee vlJlol QIUIC)rrllCll1one or bull coo8tilution Ibat ( lIuld lOU beliovo il P) I I~ver Tilted In m tire y

B It wlLh ampho ecnla of the lost year 0 t 0

uoi th n tho intellect oC lbo country at r rk UPOlIlt be grellt queallol8 t IS8ue it would be hard

loge blind 0 Il)len8iblc And yeto

raised a family 01 lis children all but one of pllDI 111111 pmlllil whOm lunln II dnDcM agee anraging oter Di tl U I h VI I ntA b ree ODS lOr S Illi t 6 IU n6 l1ltw6 ~ y ye

Nalhllni1 FIllm_ amphe fatller ot Ibe 4IPra~- [By OIlIllR 01 fUll JoIiIUIiDIlINI(Cillllr] dtnl yet aMieI in Iht elllbtymiddotblh year of bll -_ ge Ho hili been a lAIlUer thougll lite cult oaOkUOE OFFICE l vtlng bia IlllIdamp wiamph hie OWII handa unlil the OllAlIIJgt~ CklObe 28 18H f bull bull bull bull TI U I DA t I h N gt_ mllrmlties 01 ago dISable him Hia mdUIIlriOllt 6 iWU u 1 WI n t 0 _-SIIIl un temp~raw and hnpl~ babill alll6d to A cbeertltl tho American Klnl6 H Is dl~nguebed IlOm the

Fronch BI11leh and RU8IIlun lfiDl6 by amphe IlIperlshyand bopeful mind hA~e secured to him eontenmiddot Oflty otllS sight ThplMa In wbleh tbo noteh II menland a happy and green old ~o n Was iled fOltbe backllthl whlll peoaed between tbe

~ b d 8 Imiddotf U I bOIn in nonnlngtoll Vt and realded tlloro unlil be arrived al IMlhood

bull Near tbe cloae oi the lUI centllly 6he ptIIQlIlI

eml~ted to the Ih wilds or Wesleln New York Tbtl ere among tllo poneer seltlen of Ibat dilrlct of ooUnlrmiddot1I01 aparl for bounly landa

to the aoldtere or 1110 reloIullon knowD as the new mllimr tract rheir IIrBI 100000000n lIIIlu amphe original townlhip or Locke tblt pan of It no cOmp ialng ibe IlIwnahlp or au lime bill in lhamp

bull bull r pnt COllllt of Oa1u$ A slDdt rrm waa purchased In Ihe primeval fort and Iheir enrshygiea lIIl dppllM 10 clearlogAld aubduing n 1M middot In - h III prep g il tvr a 6me Herbullbull III an blllllble log cabin atnld Ihe wUdneaa of nat wiamphla hearing orlld bIa alld Ib8 _nd of the w ed man as Millard WIIS born on he nh of Jan shyMoo bull IIr7 bull

Millard Flllmol( receled a rudlmeDteledlloO tlon In a COIIlltr ecIoolhouae amplid whell et aldmiddot was 0middot_1 clerk In drY gooda 1101 and

ono of particular Inleroll _

r A ~I)rrespolldent or Iho BAllilnore SUII

II t1811 (IOIll amphe White Iulpllur Sprmllbullbullbully Wo have a iva a1lthoress two hundred (~pllllk Ing in round numbeltl) prof9sloualgftmblIf olle bundred membera of Oonellll Alld aboul one

hundred oamphel1l cf equall- doubtlll1 ~eplIltlon besiden membel of tbe New JerHY Leglgtlhttllr~

A N~w SPIO-lhe pltell~ ballot-box of olishyfornln bat 110 learn b1 ilist IIdvlceB betln aold for upward of Ibr thousand dollars fur amphe pllrpose of ethibitlllg it to he minors previous 10 the po plOllching eleclioll h i4 11 Iho handa of Ibe Dellloeflta who espeo to IoUill i~ to good account In Slumping tbe Stale

bull tr lhlolln a celebrated Frenth phf8lclAn It

is ~Id watkabl f~d 01 drugglnJ Oncu htVlOg a patient IIbo diluenlly ad punety swalloed all the 80114 110 onlerlld be W S(l demiddot

lighted at seeing all the vllUa lind pili bo~ empiy bet he hook him by tbe band exolalmlng M d~lr air It really aWords mo pleRsure 0 IIttend you and 70U 4t1lOl 10 be 1111

wurn an nger ( n e Arneriean m) up and down owl wben kpl properly oiledWlterebullbull bed It malllll IIIonary U _ as Ih~p_o of tile thumb and linger ceaeee and doea Dot link by tbe ooncullllon 01 the piece ID lIlng The ghl plall of Ihe French and BrltIah fmle II very atlff 10 Il101 If cloaely titled and If 100 enough 10 Ok euilyls apt to IIIId6 do )7 continnM IIrlDg bleb U Dot observed b1 ampho IOldler Ill mate him Ire ene or 110 or h_ hundred yards abort

The Alinl Rift elltued to the Nicaragua Armyrallg 141)1 )ardL or ahofl dia~_ I haa Dot

06- ~ amphat diltllllClt n 0 d bull d rl_aflelward turnM bis altenlloll to law The Th I II bull I bit __ rid III l re all - Isn lllquHlI I 5 era 0 gneraliy of readers afO acquainted lib hla powderbull Tbls dIart1II cootened In tho llatka === iIIbstquenl CMer 1Uud bl moving die charger of tile lIak 10 Ille 00101 Wise or Vlrglnl bullbull In a recene

aeoond Iiotcb It Is al80 contalt)ed In til eartrdgee speooil concernillg Ille Millou Cumpro1ll8e IIl1ti bull luuedfrom the OrdDllIoeOlllee 1 Ihhl da said The coal or nOlrunulng that hntou

Ibe aceulllOl of tbe ordinary rlfte That Ie to dllt_ on ab_Ugtlltnown to them bUI kno 01gt to ooe hundm yarde Bllt up co 0118 hUll to th luatructol who bould keel a NeoN III dmrarda 1amp IIiU pul ev shot InlO a eIteI 0 18 their obullers whereby the captain or II compa07 Inchee dlallleW1wblob is IlIlBclelll for war pur- would be able to dlslingulsb Ib080 bo pOlWeaaed poses aa II 11011 d hll 110 enelll1 1D amphe upper paH the greatesl lO4 1114 leaat judgmen~ in tIislDlshyof amphe body At onllamphoulandrarda Ih_ rilIea tel 110m men aN found to poseea lI uallllab 11111 Pllt went ttow out of Ibllyln a targr sen In hlch doG t ne acquire it b pracd~fe wid batt 111gb On lhe 26111 Lleue Bart others noe acqlre II though they may maDmiddot wllh n mea 01 amphu Second BllIes Ilml 1m) goo abote The I)e8t tried Judg~botyendthellgto efght rounds flom Ib~ gnu a fenr hundred f_ (~IDamp to rules aflerrds 10 oe __14 dbianee at a lIlIIte lit amphe We lhougb down) regulate lhe dllttance AI wbleb amphe ltb Brlag amph_ guilt for the lint time eleven mn pa1J In acllon aholoI 8el the Iglu8 of ampheir rillel GIlt of the rortyelght ttow 011111 h been hit C F HENNINGSEN Brig Gen

A VIOILUT 1M TllOIIJlLII-A Mr Colemaoamphe and amphOBO whoprefer till meaauHlI mit obtelD amphe President of tb~Som Frallci8eo Vigilanee Commit- same by requiAlllon II amphe OrdnollceOllee lee lately arreated In amphe elly of Iiow Yor( Ilunfortuoately happenM tllal the lJepIIIImtlt at ho suit of man nf tbo uame of Halon ho WIll forced by clteum8lallooeto 18100 lOme ot lOOn lIunbullbull and to Ptlt IOgeamphor cartridges before the

waa bamshed by order o the Committee from oeCleaal1 IWI~uclon8 bad 1Illvod Henao amphe caUrQlltmiddot4 Mr Malon IlIIrIll8~ lhe li(lWmiddotmiddoteaiUiilgeillillfiltColltillileil aUbuFtlfellt gralllS Yllk Bvenlng POlt his onUI) Innocence of en crime or oWnee and lthtrges Ibllt the parileo middotho bull mpmollcd IUId banished hint dlil80 tram ntampllclnua moUvoa mrymiddot aiid 10 goi rid lIf an lICtio c11t zoin wbo condcnmed and esisted the llrocGelloge of tho Corillllte~ middotanll WM about 10 10 lealioony

bull 6 in tile Unltell Sillies Courl at San lranelllCo III n proceeding whicb h middot since resulted III the InUetshylIIent and hnprlaonmont or IWamp melnbe~ of the

f bull

orgAnization at San Fraucisco ~r PlIlcI

to9 much tKlwderbull Ihe effect of which as 0 make IIiIrllI~ kick ~d to burallo bell lberebI dealrolng ftecouNey

lho nlnl6 Rille bill Ole tho ordln ritle tle advlltap Ihat Itma be 1000ded more easily and rapdl h ~ IlIaded wlamph tl~actll tho IIIIUQ rn pldl~y andfaCllty as the ordinary mllllket

Tho ~o llloat Important pollll8ln tbe jedloloUII use 01 thomiddotBinle relo1O Ibo imulIer of loading andto tho IllDner of holdllllllhepleee


To lond ampho 1I1n1~ Plumiddot In the charge of pow Tho question of ho lhls But Will bo settled Ii dcr put Illmiddotlle ball rgtiamphout pap hutllcr If III~

doe lip In CIImiddottrldge d plI tbu ball ImUle wlllloul nhllng Illltliit cI ~hu puwdr-Wbell il1GAUh ilo powde llitllduv IMI1I rod Itllout nen giving ouo amiddotuk~ tIwill 0Il11111~ke Iho pillCo kickbullbulllnd IIOY

coil I tun felt at all mil m~D ualoR 1M pleoo properly ma II Olla hundred ro~nda llholilrecelYing thll smailest braise or feellug Ibe leasl IOreneae

PUcnICK Wml I1l1U1 The proper lact to acllee tbe BinloS fit firt

Ie At Inob~ecton tbea~ beeansuh eIfCI or eve bOII8 Been For thr pllrlo II threemiddotlIIailea have boen plaoed on Ibe lako III lb water amphe two outer flake belug ten f t aparl Thll cel 1ft slake ill tbe h t 10 aim at The etlceil ~I(

h d- 0 eo h b (lne un yrds froln t e abol two und arde from theaborelhrbullbull more atakea Ire plfteed three btll~red yardo Ihroe 1110 takes avdao onup to onll toousand l abulldmiddot

JII1I9111G DtflmiddotUlIOIIbull

WheD holIer the sllooter knowing Ihe dill lance aI whleh be ill fring hOl8 Obtained eudlelenl proticlenoy II I 81111 ne_~y (in order 10 hlaeapon 001111 Ihe bid) thllt he abou14 l1Ian eaIooate known dlatao_ oorreellroampherise if he bas ligbted too ~igh or 100 low he may conllnue to aboot ~er Or under in the t1eld herll freqllt1y be - ~ot aee where 0of bla aholll 81rikee 10 correet hla etro~ On this accouo$ men sho 1d bit plBCllo1 10 guess at

If) lIccurae of the Ihot ~llher by pulit Il~ laquoO~ in PQ8tmiddotOlfice BuDdmg ~hapeof the ball or II) kllIin~ ) I HI-bullbullI bullbull ofo I 1866 IrOll cap whleh It cunulllli1 11 h lt~ plJlldce toIliPputO Ihat allY lt1111= T I E 1 O xrWK~ So I IUllnZQ Wl UtIIDLW not ramming nOlll provlltllllg th e~t tmiddot Kew~II oiande ampI Alandlln mON thMlI Ce IlIcbermiddotuhe IC I

WItlllbe gUIloulalromlullK lir q uF bg ABROGADOS

wbereas Wbtll Ie wipet 1111 IOlldc(1 gUll lno nextGmiddotpmiddotlitieRI thol)rlts 80 In_III) aropart A WIIUlltrE tBoUT TUII AOIl 0 Bo_-A llIIt blow oiIt tbe dbl lndM~9 tb~ ham1 8Ul1Ishy

PIRtampmiddotm (tlnll Abovo nil 80 01l01 m3Y Ihe chang few das ago we met a ~~lIemall from Ahlban~ cielltly bull ho e 118 1 lece of IIIforllltlOll hi re fli 10In II 0 of e~olll8 require p1tllltll CHIOl with lit- 118cuJtnlng thePage of a borde arlO boOf abo HOLDIIIO TlIII PIECIl 110 orln~ Iuf~renee 10 plrty Iheory o~ party platmiddot Ina paaaed Ihe niMb 7ear IIhicb woo 1I0W 10 Ill It I tbelntlllioll of tho tolnMllderlnOblcf rorm~ that It _ms 10 lIIe 0 should look mosbQn~ will be wo are lure to ~OSI of 011r flad 1~III rar M 10001Iiblc lit MiIlie ~iUIlll sh11 be it no~ oly II) tla~ lalityoJ la mlII-wtat ollr It8 tills ancr Illtl borao nblo YCIId lId l d$IIl~lItud ~ IlIeIl Irued) aCljlllllPlLtllYltl1 Ibtl CAlId t I wlI1klo comes on t~e oolid M he uIper corner II 01 tho 11110 Now Inen 1Wu41om~d to ~ha

I to I~ 11 nAtllte and culture retber thallio of Iho lower lid lind overy ycar IhcNltIItIlmiddot II h~ urolmRI rilo ltleil ck~ bllt 1 very amRlt bt Itt pai11 prnf8lSioD8 or bis 1IInt(oD promi ono well ltlellnld wrinkle fotmiddot ovor) 1 ()v~r nlllol cimrgtgt very pruperly reat 11111 bu I of tbe stock Jt~ If for Istancr 11 hor~u baa Ibreo 1It1kll$ bo I~ alililst tbo IIrmiddotlI lstnnd idew)~ to I U obJImiddotcl

or tho dnUlP~kllilJ ~f tlut ulnbtvttlmiddot~middott l~ ~lltit ~ III 11 tlrearmo 1amp lable 10 uck It 1lt tmiddotumiddot- Tbllll4obltcd by ubg II IVirh cmiddot 10 Ib~ end of Ill nUbrod 111 whillhwiii W u1 tOIlr with ~middot~aracrw on rUII he OIIuarlllll Oftlee TtU$ wlv~r iu ltretlaquo btJlImiddotmiddotC COIUCllcItg pacllce anIII bull ill U etWh~V8r amph 81100101 finds lhh hi Ii ill bishyling 10 CO dj)Y1I with ditllcul~ h -lImllI Iler lodll)g b~U btore ~plig ~ tbn I w~Ir once or IWCO dowlI tho buI lnu middottlt~ ~Il tlttlt is to l0080n the cakHl puwllll on tho 1lt11 1 tilG bltrmiddot reL 80 tIlen C8Jl11 ul lloc lIud tk~ 1110bullbull11 h~pB to clQl tbe gUll by bluwlu til dill Hllilre h Ill tI lUauuemiddot ~II imlldred h y be IIr11d rO1 018 pleca WIIlO1 ~qr ~1Ibg Tile reMOI wh) be I not III pu~ 1110 wIImiddot~r (11 thuuuoad bull plcCIl I brea_ II woul~ )lt) lhe bciJ dalllp anll tbill~l chargu Iul In fluid b~cOlDe IOml Ihem k

Paoillo lIlarmiddotb valuod thulO Virginia We no get a Ihouaand dollars for eounthlave we would then haye gollen from tbree 10 IIV6 1)U8Ad dot Iar8 rer an operaun it tho gold IIlInea ot middotOaliformiddot lila four hundred thoa mulllpiled b Ii- amphousand or even amphree tbousand will ahow _ mm_ lose Ollllpu1lon rdollam would nO compe~~ VI1l0ia for h~t 1088 III not rllooing the IIl1e on to llie Facillc

E I 0 nwtll L 84111gtpound WHo DAHOLlIfl



GRAilraquo 110AItAuUA 11ESSRS Kewen Simd~r8amp UanlUn III praeshy11 lieo In aU the COIlf~ of ~b Merilloual and Orlentel Depalments Rnd In tbti D~ptlllent of Le

PArlicular atienlilln 11111 be given to tbe reo covey Qf cl~ima ugainSl the GOvcrnmmiddotnt

lJ~oIbullbull mortfg leNlet Ie promply 0 ClIlel nd on Ii oralmiddotlermbullbullAI ow llId mo~ey brokerage busto will a lage tho AllenllOIl ofi6 finn bull

Q RAN A DAN lOA It A 0 UA bull

I~bull ~dlnrogtq REWEN SANDERSY IlAN IgtLIN ~jl)roosn lol PIOlesiOl1 de illmgllria ell tOUOllt los trihulltlle8 lj~ 103 t U d I 0middot l )tmiddotplIlttmlnt)8 lerl I()I1I1 v rleR

Y ~n el Dgtplrt~ento 00 Leon bull So dllrk atencIOII pnrticulllr III eobro If)

Imiddotmiddotdlm cr contlll dl1 gllhi rllo Itd 1Ijpotoc3~ Arrenimionto~

t ~ bull tc 1~n eJIIQlIlndos con IWOlIItlt y fllmiddotemiddotto~ mudeladollt TlmlJieu 1111 ocel1p~rall Itn rillgoeJoo do

I(rretagl el biencs rllice y dimro -- 1J h bull dIe= e~II1~e ~ en I Ctml 0 orr(~braundn NOlclObrc 1 de 1856

dup 111 jnll oIUII LOllt IN ampho early patlof amphb foe LAlfJ) W ~ 1tNT fQ IIvc hundred nCI ttl (If Innd drallO III fam of Col R J SJiltlors X_res hlTJ be~n takon 10 rendtr It of no e tlcJpt to the per8Ol fOl who It wns drtITIl WllOttOr ill It 10 ill NiiAlIguonao ollWe or to me ltiU bq suitably N11lIrded

OOL E J SANDERS GIlladI NQv 1 1836 1I~nrr- L~hUet

uvolll~ell if fOllt heiathirtc611 Ad til 11111 th) ro liillgt whoroby hcy do MtIlSeU1I$ nUltn~O-l tlIUiTISSuillrsa ETlqoE1TB - ceordiug tl 1 Iotc b IIf dliklea to nine atd YOII will hIV 111 Iltilgll lIlIk tu 1100 OIlOPI) lll~ ill mU3(~tlriug I 1lIorfwlit~r It III etiqueue fOf pelllollll of infot1or io So says the genUeman 811d Ito Is cOIIampuUI1 it lIee~y 118amp th~ 1I)~lcr shluM 3fIIillnL iIIder~ his pl)feMional lampniCCl

mnk io I~ol their healtia IOlVor han tho belds f 1111 Mef tail A a coo~ n~uy I)~I 14Vlllw I~ ltlec b I liing u 1111 rea tho muk(jt I to lhQ citi3Jlls of Graoaolo U ill bull bull I) horsts over Int a i$ wily tmiddotI II lIIc IIu I RIMtle amiddotIJ(lr amiddotlIe~middot in to tbe bll$O of Ih I hg l )0 found al tb Dosplt)

thelr l4ltupoOItI Iberefore wben a nabob aClOp I hOIampo dOll mutt slvo up liis trlt1~-lllonlllc I k s C lil middot1middot is ho ~1I1101 d) if Iro anda middotVmiddotIIm mbJnrtt _h_SjtflU ard sl~1 get Oil 1 (ltllIf2 Plnntel I aiemiddotx bullbull )1 ~ 110 bllU of hl~ pcco OraMd Novetllbe~ I 1~amp


328 EL NICABABUENS4VoL ~ No 52 p 4 Sabado 1de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 1 18qB

I But tberemiddotII point from wblch ~bl anbject

lhOnldIv _ad IItperlor to Iny mere Idalphaselt [Jittr ague ns t of tbe -i Itmiddotl6-how ~be buy tb deed In Ibla counll1 efFects th Ulag_od thlemiddota 011 1111shy

Saturday lIlorniD~ Nov~ L middotportanamp Dllrlnl the dry aeuon In thll coUlltry Itl Yer

HON COL 1QHl( H WHEELER dUlicuit 10 dig a gra or luDlclot depth to pro-

Thl amptnlleman wh has eo ably repreiented Int th polloDOUS paeafronl eacaplng 11110 the thII Jolted Bta1e8 ~ North Amerloa In thll couoshy

trl darlbg ahe varlbos oTillgea and atartllng Inclshydeata of tjle pasl two years Is we regre~ to 8Iy boul 10 dpar~ rom IOIOllg UI on a Iall to the uAiI~1t1atelo Hia beallll bu baeD of lale very _b brokllD IDd we InRir hI vlalt to 110 and nf bil blrtb 1JI1~ ~trellKthen ble fIoame by Ita Ron iov~t1i11 j~lIoaplire

_B rIOre will exolte a rept In the breut oC emf American In Nlosraguau blA aCQ4mshypUIIlliiilitt genlfemin bl aliampTl~y U )lInll~r

hII klndneas nd urbanl~ u a man and bis dieln lereledp u a friead ~as altcady g~lned him ~eliru~t ampad rove W~e~ver he goes tbe good wiebe or all who

uo-Iollllid thllCOI1iItry wlll follow hhn alld we trlMt at before la_IIY weeks we m ba middotth p~ule of Innoucbg Ita relum We wlab blm lfIe_t voyage



ED namp BURNED III II tbe dlkion ofthmaln of de

-r-~4 P llOD8 bas been a aubJectof Ihe promiddoteIQlUld98t ~iionUoo Wbh I~ are conDected the _tldenta of the warmes~ frlendlhlp tbo ileepetl eiltnltlbJl aud tlrelDost eaorad Ibougbtamiddot of tin

1iChaft~~ ~horo II anhll~lotl ID maDwblcb 1111 pell lilllll ~T8IlI wltb grea~ cate tbe romulD of his fiIampir orbullbulltur fbi ay bit esclted 10 pari by feeUng ibat we onl7 do IS we would be done

liJ toutpefhapi ~e -eat IncoU o 10 tblerupecl btl tbougllj that lhe Iplrll of lifo whleb anI -1 olampy before UI tnay be 1I0W before thea~llioron or the OIt High and Ihe nmdna tITeRlO WQJD 0101 our ioevltable dellliny

Tile IIIl1Dn of buryins the dead bas been a _II I _t I It f I

I ~Io Iou bleb ata n w w PlOCseda from deelylng

18tatabl We know tba lata1dlleuea are brollgbl ooby Innooulillon and hat I man canmiddot nn~ be Innoclllaled byanrlblllg mo8 dllllcul1O

L__ b

a~moephere and spreading lIIalri ampIIIong the Iiv-Ing The~ Iulso bull common oUltom among peoshypIe of th Ialler dayuo bury ~ remalDi of porsonl of no~ In nulta un~er the 1l00rs of cburchet and those In che dmp and gloom olihe luliterratiean cbambers In decomposing p~ddl_ and death among Ibose wblJ honored ~bn blloll logj Uld IUppose they thUI Ihow rpeet to their memory aner dealb h ta unnec_y to r8fe~ to the dangar of those who dIg gr In a Iae of OO1IIl11on Inte lIIent or how onen they como In contaCt wllb the polsoo of deeolOpoelng Jleah or wbat a s~ amount of dlseue Ibere II engendered bi the poleono pBel of sucb places by bel~g waRed amoog the habltatlonl of Ih~ IiVldg The evil elllcta or 11 tbeae clrcumstences ara Incalculable

We can onlyarrie at theamprulh In suck C8IU Iy Ulalol1middot W know that the gue_ of decumpoeo-Ing ~o~tsble mattedo swamps produce d98ues of eryerloll8cb~ractars wo know tbat on thla account 11 nu countrl are I_ healthy ampIian whera Ialor huefllleted a good drainage and ~bat higll dry land II more condllclve lOheal~h and Ions life tlian damp low Incamp We knowIi Ii Id- b I

JO tat ep em1 realmiddotoutmiddot1I parts of cl~le wh garbage ta a1lpwed to coUeet and tm1~ an eDlu~a Id we know also tbat gases from d cylg anllllal blatter are more daJlgelOUi and

The Late lnliulttlt the US llag I In olHla w publlebed a record of eiiollUng

eta All to tbe IneultllllC oonduc~ of ~e oIlied forces of Guatalllla and San Saludor toward the AlIlerican Oag the Mlnl~r of ~h8 Ulli~od Slates and tbe cold blooded murder 01 unarllled

American cltlrens But thll record dark and demiddot grilling as It Is te humanity WIS bulholf dlacload Dally circumstances of Dlulder _lnltioD and robl)e07 commltted On Alllericsn unarmed clll lensre being brought to ligbt which place the Governmenta of Gualeblala and San SAlvador bO yond the pale of ci illzallon and eta p them u BaIlon of ouUaw cutbro1e and bAndl~18o

Tbe accompnied allldavita of Cap~ Dunlcan and ~eut Gardner prove ~he diabolical IMurder of a Utile boy whose only offenco was being born In the Uolted Sla~ of wbite parenta and bnlng a while face

Doel not iIle blood of every frlcnd 01 humanl~y of every nalion ehudder at euoh ~Iroity Will not tbe lII08t eage and barbarous nallona of tha darkest agel of anllqully rise In judgment against luob uaboly and bloody deede _

tait of cOmpany D Fir~ Rille of tbe Army ~( ~be Republic of NlcaraguI and made oa~ ~haj

On Mon~ay the 1~11J October 18D6 during f

attack of h combIned foroea of Guatemala a d Ban Salvador on the city of Grallada during ~ e ba~le he approached ~Ioe houN of Mr JamoA Smi~h on the street of the Meulah opposite I e Churcb of San Franclaco f-om wbole bouse t e enemy bad been drIven out and he there lAW Q

tho arms of hie flher thamp dead body )f a about seven years old who bad just been murd bull ed by 1100 onemy whose body as horribly 10

lated ard deformed Mr E nllb was unc~~ nected wi~h ~he Army and como u a aettl9r~ NIcaragua He appeared hear~-broken and d shycOllsolate oxclalmlng tha~ he wished tiont loG co d bove sutrered In his child place Iln I tha~ in th amp alllnts opinion I~ WII and i ~he determlnallon for ~ho lovadillg forces 10 violate every rul of clViI~dwarfare and justice IDd lIIurdr eory Alnari n In Nicaragua J DUIIICJII

Sworn to before me this 21th October 1866 JOHN H WHEELER U S Minller

middot1 do hereby cortify tlia~ 1 W88 preBent wllh ~ taln Dunicnn aDd of my own kbol~dg 16~ abore aDldavit Is true In evel pa~ticuIRr

R p OAlIIlIpound1I Fi t Lieutenant Company E Firat Ri8es

Swonl to before me thIs 21th October 1866 JOHN II WHElLER U 8 MiDiter

oor8_ t e ~_Ing lIull of ble fellow maand would be reapecteo b all lla~IQDs even tb tho Amerlean 8a8 would protect him rba~ ~c Now u the guea whlob arise from vegetable most IIInge Bul how vain wu lhat hope I Let Lawless very frequehUy came to him 8 thOlmiddotMnmiddot lIIalterlo a atate or decAY appear 10 be lIIucb hll plunderod 1001180 bls murdered remaina tbe tay Goveroor of ~hll Dopartment in blthrfi mciro ftal thllD ~ODtact w~b Ihe solid_ from wblcb bodies of Iii f6110wmiddotclizen tbe mutilated bunting tb Datives o~~befllo~lnldt for whdOlll hIe perforbi th _ numeroua IC_ a bull n n au w lOBe rup bull

_ AO~ re lImiddott e lllallnorl 0 nu rolli tar llIImemotlalIiimiddot lome oountries oj E8YP~ ~~e present ago ought to be luDlclent to ri~ i9bIaDcie Dluch IDg epulty wu expended In enmiddot bove anyprt)UIIIce orallY old cuawm which haa ~orlng ~ lr~ee~e bodlel (rom decay anltl been haaded d~D t WI frolll ~pe~o~_bClo the the Orilllai ftcc~ of all burl~11 WII law ofnelilUi wee but lIttle s~OOIeil or known -0 --uOD of die body At tbo far Notth and auggoat auch remedlca as wlllleslen as far AI

whra th tro~ king relgnl many lDootba III ~he poIIlble the causes oC dll~uo bull

ey ann mut 1ler tbe~ 11011 II 110 the caso with tbe ps8I 101010 arise frolll putrid animal mellmiddot UleI If thll II eo thqenlightonment of

yar and all anImal de~omp08ltloD II auspended t

ibrough Ita etrecta tbe etrort 10 tilDes of 19oorshyihc mIght be aUPlosed to be parliaUr aucceBBful 11 Ii eeD no DO uncommon tblng to be ~oemer II tbat b would nollike 10 die In a

amputherll counlry on ac~ollnt oftbo audden decay ~ hll remaloa 1111 sontewhat remarkable tbat bile Nort~ern natlolls eYen In tbe most ancIent tImes burlod their dea~ In tile pound Ibe peo-DIe or the Southern countrl buroed tbem Thle wu ~bo cultom or Sou tbern Aala And Southorn E~op In our IlIgUsh literalure to tbll daTI ~wlng from oll Oreek we frequoutly her t)ili )ihnae peacmiddottomiddotI alhea I

1be Greeb a1wav burned 1100 bodle of their Wualrlou8 dud and In our opinIon thla lain many respecta lIIucb preferable 10 bllrylng_ bull In burnIng u lru tholr CUltom the ashea IIIlght bo carefully ciflllected and plaee4 In an mamen~ed urn j hero llOuld laDd wltbout otrendlng tho senses In the bleb of the temple or In tbe private aparl

m6llts of friends til Ihls manner I~ wu alwaYI In the careoilboao rho respected It and In wboaemlllol7middott wumiddot dear_ Tbo asbes of Ibe great mbl In Ihose dal1 beaeD~ fro plRce to place mldgled llb IIampYO7 locenlo receiving the roapocl due the blemor or Ibe Blirlt which pYa It lnishy

middot1111110110 In Ileae dy the remoYai oC a corpae croaten bOlrOr In all wbo 1ra1 wllh It not 1mshymedlIlotorealell to say nothing of tbe danger 0( belna In coplact with so Ruch rot~nn alld putrofotlon Ona balpound of Ihe borror of death con sists In the Idea of tho bedy pu~rU)lug io the e~ 4 Wng an obJect of loathsomene18 upon lJjlell worm gMiI and riot How much more pluinlmiddottw Idea of ha log the ashea carefully ptbelllllj amplid ~pi perhapa 8weamptlt aeented aa DOW ieepodaguerreotyp08

W~_ uale lhe aallsfactlon It would no lIfIorithe litem world to ha e preserved the

middotashe oIllli~Q Ot lIIilikapeore i or wbo can guess the care otmiddot venerAtion willi whleb the Frencb would ~gtrd the ashes 01 Napoleon or with wbat yeneratlon Americana would guard tbe reshymai1 ofWaabington h la truly to bo regretted that aU whlcb Was mortal oC tbose i1ulrloUi per sonages Isoow IndlltiDgubthable from ~hecommon eartb or tbe remalna of ~he earcasa of 80IIIe brow

There ta t~ls dvanhge ID burning bodlea OTCr burylDg tbem that IDltead ofperlnlltlng them 10 cauao dlaeue aRer death Ihe nry act of burning puriO ~he aIr It II lupposed the great plague ot London WII IoIICIted In lie ravagea by Ibe groat

Ore whlcb burned the greator parI 01 tbe city Ono thIng Is certaill iC history II correct that Ilthough Itraged with foarful voIoeelmmedla~lr hefore It ceueo to exll aimoillmllledialeit lifter Iho con8agratlon It It now a common pIlodco to fullllgate a roam In whch a parson baa died and doowrs ad 1ae boao who Yliit he remainI of a person ~hat lou died of cholera orany olber conmiddot mgloua dlieal to moke a cigar or plpo-tlo great

a purifier II fire And eelUng pr~udlc aside III~ Is after all

lIIuch more dealrable to be cooaumed by lire ner death than to rot ~n be devoured by worms alld 118 tbat eoaduccl well 10 tbe praseryallon of tho Ulng u to the retallling tbe uhes of tho de ceased we would fbor tho adoption of Ihe CUllOJll

In thle lOuntry It was the generoloplDlon In Granada Ifter Ito

batlle of the 131h of October tbattbe great nummiddot ber ot theonemy which wu killed would produce tbe cholera before they cluld be Interred DurnshyIng tbelll bnmedlatal would h prsvenwd tbe posilbillly of auch 1 p~llIful circumstanoe and would hve puriSe1 the air 01 any polsonoul gnaee wbleh might already slated 10 it

On object In ftuggeatlnlf thle II more 10 call tho 4tenllon of the publio u well 110 medical profeaslon 10 Ibe anbjecl chin 10 attempt at tble tim to dllcUBB Ihe m W are howovor under tile InlproBB Ion that If Ibe tlustom of burnshyIng the dOlld Inatead of bmiddotlng them were onco Ialrlylowoducecj It would In tbll lall~ude prove higbly benellclal w tbegenfral hulth

A Nw 01ft The Phll~dciPhia Mint hujull IMued a cent wblch II described as COlliposed or 1It88ven parb copper seven of nickel and one ohine 11 lou a lilht appearance with a faint red tint alld la In beautiful contra t with the Ameri cau a1lver nd gold plecea and will not u the old cent did tarnlsb thelll by oon~ol The weight of the newll only aevell~y-to gralnl-Ih~ of the present copper cenl la olle bundr~d and sixty ftghl

Tbe aDldavlt allo appended of (len fry u to LIG~TION or UUTID STATES or AnRIOA~ the nlurder of Ifr Lawl pro es Mr Lawl IIEAR Till REPUBLIO or NCARLOUA ~ earnest desire to presee lob neu~raliy in all 1100 Tbis day camo before me Birkett D Fry Bri dUBcoltiel wblcb have beset Ihle coun~ry of nis dier General ArDIto Nicagua Uld made OI~h blgh lOlled chacler and Integrily of conduct Rnd tbatshyorh pcrfeat oonOdeoce ~ha tbeaegis of the Bowasacquainted wllbJohll D LmiddotI~uaimiddot Amnoan fIig was amplyiuDlclent to prolect bis the month of Oc~ober 1bullbull1 Ihat having been rl liberty property IIld lif Be badmiddot een as cofmmnd of Ihls cl~y durn the greater POrllrshy

0 he past year he lou Ircquentl bad occbullbullI~ llIralloea (rolll the blgbeat aources tbat no Amori- 10 tallt wilb said Lwleas of Ibe polillcal atrairsio can wuld woder so far 1roII home that the pro- tho State of NiCllragu Tha~ the MId LRle tacling and powerful arm of tbe United Stat- s unifOImly re1beed 0 take ny part InarlUa wlti wal Dot over him lie reiuaed 10 COlli wilblo IheAforcea of lttI~nerol Wdalkellrdsaymg Iat hOe ~ri an lIIe can CI zen an re e upon Wle og o the line of onr Irclo mlylng oo~ho middotpeo~lon 01 his counlr for protecion_ Tba~ a(~r Oeoer Ibol Uulted States aDd Ihrew out beforebis house Walkers force marched upon dual and a few the Alllerican 8ag tba~ In ~Is patriotlo beart b hours _before Ihe auack u~D Granda loa urgtd fel wu honored in every laud anltl on every sea thbelabdblAdwl_11edto comde WtllIlI hila Ilhnol degb

f dle~fen~~w c e eo n to 0 expreaa ug s e Ie I ~

tom b the enemlee sllot and lbe loor of tbo Lo- alld good will he leetDed to pOSle That ~ ~ gatlon house perloQ~d bytboballe oftbe onemy Lawless had reaided for several ye a paa~ inOmiddot testify nlda apoKe tbe In~uago of ~he coulltry 8ue t-

Iy and WIB extensively engaged III IIIcrcalltUJ~ 10 ancln~Rome ~he exelamaUon lam a Ro- e~ita anil had mall) 01 tho nolives In hia ORlPi bull

mIlD cillzen arrested the falling blo of Ibo IIc- Tha said Lawlen justly ellJoyed the reputtti D

lor 10 fOmer ~oys ~n II the great Republic of for great pbllanthropy And unamp~~middot~~t tile North In 0 aayo ofJakson It is the bouth of ~ e loll lory of tha~ day ~hllt no American cltl zeD ever luWered lny In~ulT abroad without reo

dreu WefcOIlaurolhnUhesnm08plrltnowanlmatestbe

United Stateamp and ~hat tbe same feeUnga ~hat dlcmiddot tated tIe Kouta letter will be roady to defend Ibe rigllts aud proico~ tbe lives oC InDoeen~ AmerieRn



Thll 4ay came before 010 James II Smitb wbo tcatlO tbat he emigrated from Ne York clLy whero he hu resldcd for two years In the steaol ahlp Tennc88ee for Nlcaralua on thOl 1 III Sep tember laet accom~RRled by his three email chll drell lor the purpole of cultivating hind and satshy~nllg In Nicaragua lIo is by protession a taather

That on Sunday the 12th Inll an alarm of an lltack was made by the foroea of 9uaternala and San Baladof on this ci~y That be no~ crediting

S b bull h 2 hOb I 56worn ore me t IS middott cto er S bull JOliN II WHELER U S diolaler bull

I [ 0 F F I C I ~ L ]


ADJUTANT GENEIULS OUICpound J Granada Oct 26 186G

1 SOLnnRI--Each day demonstrates more cle iT ~hat tbe war we are wagiftg Is ono of IIUlh apl AI falbood of clmoalion againat barbarism GI satisScd wllh the bloed of lonocent cilicnssb d a~ Granada-with n appetile Ilnllghler h 1shyled by the nt_Ore 01 helpleu cbildren and b 11 ministers of CbriIIIII~y-our IIIvage foes II f

added ano~hcr crime to tbo long liRl reco d asaiDNt ~bem Thoy han sbot Lleu~ Col Lal wbo wu IRken by tbe n a prisoner of war 80 0

It)8 ngo At ~i1e very time thl_ cold-bloodedaal ofcroe 11

was boillg colDlIItted an exchange 01 prioa r was bciu proposed by tbe comntandermiddotinmiddotc er

tho Jolarmj wntto tholltlloplzaa8110r~dlitance If tbo Guatemala forcos WI~h an lona~a bull When tbe (ote aptearod and commenced an ac tive 8Mng ot musketry and Mlni6 rille wblch otlt off his relurn Tho foreee then approacbed 10 hOllie wbere bis li~tle fRmily wera seated ~ dillshyner consisting or a boy Frencb Berbert born In New York tlty on Ibe 6th March 1849 two lrirls one fI and the otber Iwo yeare 01 Ige 1hey were seated witblo three yards of a large wludow which opelled 011 ~118 street One of lhe troops approached the window and taking delib erate aim fired at 0 lillie group the I)all grazed the chin ef the fllrl nurse and atrlklilg the bo In the lower part of his face paselng out of the neck broke tbe plllol obord killing him instan~ly TIe reat 9f the children wee concealed iinnlcdl-

IDg for ~reacbe he bad smoolh WOrdl and Ii ~ sullmenls on hll Iipa wben he was In the act t murde

Tbe mnatlon of Lln4 show he ndlito of the ollemy wl~b whlcb we baYe 10 contend f Ibe sollie lan~age andreligion wilh tbelUself they bad nOl agains~ hilll the lying excuselmiddotw Which ~hoy are wont to justi~y Ihe murder of American citizens Nothing bu~ ~be love of til d aod ~he cowrdly loatlllc~ of tbo savage Call 0

urged for tho execution of thd Cuban palrlot Let ~ben soldiers a Bunle of tbe jUltico G d

grandeur of tbe C~U1e In which wo aro CDgae nerve ua lor the fullilmellt of tho Iftak wblcb I bull before us Remember that you luWer aud It

awly III an adJacen~ housl by the nurse under agio to redeem ono of the 10eUest 01 lalld_ ID bed hlle Ihe ~roop Ibreed tho cuing of ~ho barbalian rule aud lavage despo~lam In such a wlndo the door being fRBlened and resiatlng all Oft IIHO 118 t~is who ould 1I0~ gladlf eudure II ~ IV Iheir oRllrta Thoy then entel8d and searched In dayoCprl alion and fdtiguo r 10 would n I vahl for the cbildren Tbey plullucred tho house undcrS1l aome lillIe antrering and danger for I ~ of all bia iinpleonpnta of hUlbandry clo~bing gold sake of IIvlllg his nalllO enrolled amoug the be o and allvr walcllcs mono aDd valUAble of faotors fJf the rllce 7 amount 1lI0re ~hao two thoueaDd dollars ~ 2 Lieut ltlol ~ A LaID6 aiddemiddotClImp 10~ tbe

JAKa8 n SIITD Commandor-in-l)hler having bean brbIrOO~ Sworn to before me this 2~tb Ootober 18DO murdered bylhe enemy without ProPOiDg An shy

JOHN B WlIEELIlt U S Mini4ter change (If prlaoners i~ ie directed Ihll~ Lie t We do bereby certify that we reBlde In tho Col Brigido Valderraman and (Ja pt Bern~r 0

nme houle II~h Jamee H Smith Faq nnd 01 Allende be shot Ibis aernllon 11 6 oclock In Ollr own knowledgo the faclt tn~ed In hla aDldo vlt are Irue lu evcry particular


Sworn to beforo rno thl 27th O~oher 1856



Tbl day calllO bofore one Jamea Dunlcan Capmiddot

tbe plftZ of thl clly 3 11111 Gen Fry 19 charged wth tho esccullta

of the abovo order By command of WY W AUrER

Genernl-Coml~andng-in(jhipI Pn n TnoIlPBOII AdJ t Gcn N bullbull

~ h Is atato(1 that PrInce Albert 1038 b~~~t 111 Clllll1nOUe tract of lInd In AII9tralia Vbic1o1n nbout tnty years will tetulnabollt ono thou811 ~ i tlII10S oa much tIS all ~h~ amp Coburg alld Obi

In Germany put logctbor I

329NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 7 Sabado 1de Nllvlembre de 16561 Saturday November 1 1856

i lit I ALGO NAB BOBRILBL Dl4 UJ 1lJSOUOJON lIerosoaeajuitA al Cllpilitu delliglc y Ie r t t lIJ S 11 n1J R ea mlUlgrato perdmar que CIIstipr aunshy EqulUtlvo y aUII n_Slnll) nos parec Menelter earetrogradarlllol mM remomiddot que eata lIluy pronto a IIOtrar en el UIO

toear la materil de que vamos neumiddot t~s tlempos de barbirle yde ldlo~lemo pa de juatas represaUae lIa cual rere IU tS II Into NOT I de 1836 pamos no obstlnte haberll8 tratado en Ill1Icontmr el ejempl0 brutal a una Ie- naluralom 1 10 demandaren las circlin A WI ~ 101 1)umells anterloJel aunque nu cion quI Icsban de (omeler en Maaaya stanciU De consiulente 108 prl~ionrOl

JUEBPO VE ARTILLSJIU 4 tod I degtlt1d I I d I d 1 - ft -- con 1 1 ~que mereee por mf~ 01 Jenera ea e I IUfZaa iii on I heridOll lIOn tratadlll eon 10 mllyor be El lierpH de tLitiHerlll ha tomado un destla de lOB IRdmdus que 11 rlllawon Guatemala en estos lIltlmOl dia des- nignidad

ClIPCI) 0 imllolltmto bajo 11 direoclon del puesto que cl1ml mlmos t(lIl1aron una puea del ataque de aquella plllza I de Queda PUIIII demOlltlldo que falto8 de Jele I Henningsen IIventndo jofs de esa parte actin en los sucea~s Las buenllS las acclone quee Ilan referido ya tn 10$ fe ell itll mall s1 mnes compromiaos y Grmllj iuyos cOllocimientos Ie ban didO aceiones dlbon refe~lrse mlnuciollme~te d~8 humerns anteriores de elte periodlco de oumplimiento en sil palabra como mi MmladianQ $010 en los Estadol Uni Sin temor ~e Incumr en la tacha de dllil Vlolando 108 mas gmdos Plotos ma- Iitares 111 jefell do lIB fuIiIBs enemlgat JOI I nn fuora de ellos Es do cele- sos tnnta par que e8 un trihuto dllbido al lew reeonocidos univerenlmente y 0011middot flftll Incohado COIl ol ftlsilamiento flel Co brillS la recision y tino con que dh-ije m6rlto Cuanw por ue line de est-imulo aiguadol en aI derecho de jentel de una ronel lAid y aUI compslierea despues IRS bo 111111 Y granadas al punto que de- a100 d~mAA NOl oontraenos al IltaqU(o Inanera ~n ep~icita se han colQcsdo en de baber aupllcado el callge Y d recibir $igna uinnentaudo y dUlheando progresi qu~ re~I8~6 oatil piau dede el deee del una posiCIon odlo~a dtgrlldftnle y eceemiddot un Indi~lIo en este sentido un Miatem vame te las distnl1CIU siempre con el pUlIdo II 11 una de Is tarde basta las crable Indlgna de hombrea que 8e tltulan elttlaordin~rlo de gtlerrA que nosotrol nei nitID Rcli)lto Q inerrnble direocloll ocho de la maAana del diR siguiente milltare 10 temm~s puesto qf8 teMm1 mlobos Tolft los dias hay repeudos ejerclcioll y Buellas y lumlnolWl lIOn I referenoiaa fnmedlamente dupuee de 101 c(lneablmiddot prlonfrGS cODtrllrios y que hlta Is te()k~ IiOletas evohuiones en las que prl()ti~ del Coronel Allen Mayor Clyeee ftc dOl acunteomlento8 vino eata cludad un siempre hiL sido patente la slIperiodatide ean j Sefiores oficlales y 109 soldado8 pero notamo8 qne a~nqueliglran en 1 correo conduciendo una comunieaci(m nuesms armal Ahorl bien ~ Sol se nell ~tmn maravillo8(1lllIIte lisw de 108 que 8e distlnguiertm 81gllnOl de los jetea eN as flllrzas enemlga8 en la VOllOtroa 101 que hahllis habmdo de vanshy

En3 ClInnto 1 numem do indivitluoB numbres 110 ell con el tlIplerclol que que IIOlicltaban aqtlll1l08 del Jeneral dalisimo de Bomnidadea y oims cosa~ perbgt ecientc8 6 dicho cuerpB lie ha IU~ merC(tlll sin que sea rltI de 1o referenmiddot Walker JOr 10 pronto 6 cange de un in- aemejantelll en vnestrus periodi~os para men db do nna mllnera otable habien tes po que 1I11011 gllardaban y derendian divlduo d los suyos cometa d eaballe oontravenlr ahora eSC$ndalOsamente Ii (0 ad mllll unH gran compltlla do Zapa1 sus pue~tui re8peetivos y no podial esect na que fu6 heeho prlalonoro por Dilestra losmejores prlncipios del dereehu dl ilores I Mineros bien que para malle- tllr j todllS paltes Grande y her6ica parte con algunamp anterlorldad Eata clrmiddot jentll I 81 v08OtroB 80ls I Pero nad~ jllr clatro mortem do obuats y lo~ tllol II deietl q~e hizo 1amp KulIrnlclon de clnetancia Indicaba queeao jeres preten- trntiamos del oltallo de atrall en que Muon a que hay on lap)tuIt fO necesita estj plftZllcn ea c61eble JOIllampda en la dian ceAhle 101 prlnclpio organl_ de 08 ballail UR n6 nero eunsidurnblcmiddot1fe bombles qll8 doeientus hombre4 combatieron con III gllerr aun entre la naolonee minoe Conatlgt 8n conclu8ion qUII aceptamol

EI uelpo de artllleriA no deja que demiddot tla 01 ilunensu numero de oehgtelentOI clvllzadal y regullrlllAr la desde lU4lft) vuealroa aotos sea ellal (uere au natlishysearsusejercicins II 1011 111118 etCrupu- por eamppl()io do dillz y nueve hOrlll uglm lu demandlln la olvillziclon 1 _ mlez 10508 itotl Admirable el Jellledo y -80luololl siglo No 81a poslble dudar de la buena

do todOll basta del ultimo 1I0idado (e de aquell espon~nea proposlcion sin DOCUMENTOS 0FIeIALES ES Ef)OIOJV A OHONTALES dispueatos perecer antes que entregllr RgIlIlar a la e8 et bonor milltar 1 JOII

U - 6 h la pldl que se lea habia conllado cierto malt proclu90a atrlbutos del bombrel ElDECRtTAS DE OOB_ERlO


apol bull IfRon que Sill ny Guatro _ J Ch I 6 t A certilllmo y atln IIOmos COrto8 j pero lIus~re Jeneral Walker quo tantnll 1 bin No ito

EI t 1 p ra onts es 0 VI a es II puer ~__ d I M ON 1 ~ lifer ~11lI oeho de la matiana halfendo ph~oll afta Ir que e ayor eJ se repetJdllsprulIbae ha dado de maltnanl REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUAt

enndu 0 de una manera verdaderamente bull bull ~ desem ~ftado flU CQlnlslon los mdlVldoll ~ mldad ItO dudO en etecto ni Ull momen Seeretal1a de Elltado en el depaello (Ie t ti ~ - E her6ic~ Hallibllse postratio en una cama to y lIev6 8U generlllll(lad basta el utr Relacione Erterlores nuO rOI en snls aerlamen n I 1 d i h 11 b connn balazo 81 unap ema que elm- mo de entregar ill corneta que iIOhcUaban Granada Ootllhrl 2t de I85ampSan oS lIu v sus lOme lac 0110$ so a a a bull

bullJ I d I b d pll(ila dar un paso y Ie obhgaba bull servlrmiddot sill nlnguna de las lIeguridades que 8e El S P E so ha serVldo dlctar 411 de 1111 nUfillro e 10m res como e CIIn) d I EI 1_ __

d d 88 lIe os mu etas enemlgo lie lre- CIItJon en taIu CIlSOl COIltellto mnl Ceto igt~eD ~ -- _gt eine tode 1 QlIuotuelOn errotll Oil Oil Ii bmiddot I I WILUamp WR Preeldenw-daln eldla trece del corliente en csta cludn aerto y 1 eil


es om re que Illll a e featando que entre 101 mlillito prbonumiddot Republica deNlearagun lr sUiliabitsnte9 11 di I dtlene 89 UIIO de 04 indivlduOlI mall roa que habla hecho elY la lihlma aocion Siendo nece8SlrIo I~reditar un liinillrouo II IU u a tomaron a ue a reco on bull

q g q i 16nol 11 eJ6rlto Nada podia espemiddot e contaban Virios 06cla0bullbull que _tcba Plenipotenelano ltle rcpleaente a 111 RetshyDioo8 quo sahCTon escape as que $U- b _ d bll d Nt d I bl _T a raSede un 110m re en esta 0 en que dlpu_o cangellr respectivamente pGr pu ca e caragua cerca e ga n piera 111 Ilegadade Jos trem 6 tl~l11~ 61 se baUsba ain embargo hacienda un el Coronel Lain 1 por olnoo 6 sela in- de 108 Estados Unidos en IVI8hingtotl lIn RllngerB que III vapor cndllcla 0 b III el 81 t p l4 de dl II d J ntlab on U80 de IUS flleultades l

1 h b d b b t esueno 110 re uaUT J9 UOl e vopa que e 8oom- an DEC RET A bullIe d bull os Oil res 0 ar UI os comO d gt I I 0 ilia dlI8l1ila 0 que tellla sa 10 (1 clando Cueron presos por caaualldad en Articulo I N6mbralle Mlllistro Pleni ~ el 09 Icen locho tom6 lall mulllw y 81 sable y 8e il camino de llwaya En allo se es- pottnciarlo de la Republica de Nioaragua (JtfOETAS DE GUATEMALA Y presentO en ellugar ~a8 peJigfOSO arras peru la romillion del hombre ofteoldo cerl1 de 18 Eatedoll Unidoe al Senol

S AN S Hi VADOR trnndu la plema y atravesllndo las calles por 01 corne Q a1 conleta mlsmo que DoAn FemmCoFerrer I J b b t rt ~ IDnmquelle qu enes cor I -- con el agaa casl bull 1 rodlda (aca I a de era 10 replar y Jegitimo 81 ae aTrepenmiddot respondamp

Estos pOliodlcos pound0 oeupan do nuestro Hoverl dundo mnd6 con V071 do trueno tlan do nevar ndelante 10 que 4111011 mis- Dado en Granada 1 29 de Oetubre de Nienrlguell~o no parR reflllar nl una pn formal amp los hombres que alii se hallaban mOB babian Bollcltado opteniend) al fin 1856 WILLIAM WALKER Ilbm do los erimCIl-e1l servUes que hemOl y que Ilegaban oon sus armas dilltribuyo par unics rampZUII el J~er81 Walker una Al Se~or Jenoral Dun Jlliteu Pineda publi~do POrqIO III velmiddotdad os illcontesta la trnpn eolocindo en loslugarel opor carta del Jeneral Zavala en 1amp que fire MMn~troldoJa Guorra encargado deT dltl I bull mUltern enerable II~ deequltan descendlcn 0 as per tUllos orden6 1amp derenaa de vea eal ea testaba (ellto no puedo calUiCllrse) que D ~ d 1 I V bull evI en suprema 0 oumun eo 1

sonah ~de8 1In un lnnguage tan cl~lco que partell de aquellugampl y 8Oliclto 1 101 prlllOnerbullbull no querlan venir No ell para IIU intellgencia y demas erectos es ebmo us antares Su impotente uni e6caz It pelllr de su eltado de grandad a eato todo ino que en as propillll perandortlCibO su atento senillor Ie do p1i~8a fudose contla cl Jeneral tadu atendia bael6ndote oil su voz ell clrocnlltandlll Be supo oon allOmbro en 11 Pnnuu lIIque 10 ba dellpreelado stempre todas pa~teamp Nosotroa admlr4mol al e~ta cilldad el rullilamlento on 01 pueblo No 64 WI pe lulclo d - lllwlrles 8U cuenta eonlmiddot Mayor 0 Nell en aquelloe momentoa y de Diriomo del CoronelLalne y algunos

V bull l REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA ~ cnte Y oxneta eremos III e908 pan asi nOl plaee conS1lJllarlo on eata arUcl1 0 otros prisirneroa I I fllaa obre aquellOl S d __1 d ch d ecre1ana e ilAIo en e eeplt 0 e ~s 8 Oil ~ombre8 de chaneelarls COli EI Capitnn Wilkins lie condujo tnnbien jetos III deabonn eonmguiente y )1 IlCe- Relacionelllnteriores

dlglll d el dIll que 80 les presente que de unA manera brilllnnte en el millIDO cr8Clion univelflall i ~pnrten el des- GranadR Oetuble ~ de 1800 JlGr ci rto no ~t~d(jlls ($ si solo se con- lugar y despue ell la deftn~ del HOIIpi precio y vilipendlo que mcreccn Y 0011_ EI S P E ampe ha servldo dictar el de-ICIltllj COil eCBrlbu snrcnsmos tal en toda la neche Es de celebaTlle la pell el lugar degradante eli que les colOCll ereto -ul~nte

-------- d dId fa 1 I d d I El GOllemo coosldelando que soMalianl lie omharea con direceion u con ucta e 011 bull IS co tat voe qn~ IU In agllO proce el hallan vaeallte~ las Carteral de Reb

Nueva York el Sr Eermin Ferrer hallan en el h~8pltal oOClrgard08 continu Como era de eeparamprse loglco y natu- ciunes Haelenda y CrMito pu~lico POl 1 g b no amente de los enfermotl Dr Lundy y raJ e1 Jene1Walker ordeno y ae eloell- baberse encaado de la ml~lon dlploshynombrlld0 que ba SluO por e 0 leI bull t ~II b d W b

j I PI d t n_ (f Dr Brmkerhoff 110 8010 por las bUenae to II (I1I181111ento nu de todoll los prleo- m4tiea eel bull e ga mete e a Ing ~n s~o ellpo~enculT1o e es a p medidas de defen~ ue tomaron IIlno ton a1 Seior Don Fermin Ferrer quohllcs eefca dol Gabinete de Wasbingtoll ~ nellIS que en la Justa lndlnadlon acuo 1l1li desempeflsil 011 180 de aus facultades

Ell F rl b I rt II pur 10 resolueion que 81empre lea honrar otro mimo Jonero- en 8U lur hubler D E C RET A errcr Gsumpe a a ca ar - -- bullbull de Hciendn que qUGdo Ii cargodel Go altamente do pereeer todtlS antl8 que prevenldo sino Iolamelte el de un Ten Articul 1 El Sefior ~e~oral Don

D d M I - G S n ahandonar unos velnte y cilloo enCer- vnte Coronel I un Capitan que ctillltian Mateo Pmeda autual MIlllIItro de ItgtlIera ~ me A lUStrolaquo c uerft e - bull G bull gad dI I diS F mOil que no pod Ian movelse de IU lecbo eutre Iquellos nerra ser onear 0 IDtennamellte elimos i 1 auseMl1 tempola c I e diahaa caneras teQlumiendo el Mlnlsteio rer a~ paso qua nll8 alegramos de que EI Chbano que elo~11I 01 Mayor Potter MuchOll plllOl1ero quqda~ on poder de Jfjn~roJ ~1a do el c electo parala mislOIl que cn el ~rro que ~lmlltr6 cuyo nllmbre nuestla gblllrnocolltrA qlllel011 ~u4lera Art t ComtllllltpleleI qutenea cor IampMnuuce Alos EsttldOIl Unidostallto por no mllmfest6 pm IgnollrJo e8 el Seflor dMClrgllllle todo el pl8O delagravlo lnfo rCIJpcmda lI1llltlilrw y circuDttitceiR quole ldornall Don FtCncisco Aguero y Batrada Pre- ridn y hooerl(1S sentirde un una manera t8~do en GitLi1lAltt~Rdigt cuantq pOl que rCIihiramp belll1s impresio recto de esta cludad prolilllda los exesos de IUS ~etos qUI Pu AI Senor Jenera Don Mateo Pineda nos en 18 hormolllls ciudlulea del Norto (on 10 dicho sitiafacemos la justlcia ditgtran haber ngrlVlJdo au situacion I pero Miubltro Jenera Am6rfca debida aloe SenOIOs 1l0minadOl y nuestro I Jneral Wlker oon todaJ )R ventnjNl De urden supreml 10 eomuBlco V

Ie Idelleam(lll Ull viRge teli~ y pronto doseo de eselaroeer III ferdad siempre y la repolllioraucia de la posicion que pllrt IIU Intellgeneia y demas efootos retor~ quo podamoa baeorlo ocupa 011 tll embargo magnanlm~ y Je M Pnln4


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 13: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.

bullbull bull bull

313 i


lit Dtparlllltnt le_ Llrabert blaobmlm fa nce Dpartmenl (lfoml4ed) Tbe Lane and Lilt of KUW 4fId WotoMd of If fafllry

Joll4ll IUIde obamplll tor mum w AdJ r W PUOft wounded allllhll n1uble~e eranl the _ wlb Compllll1 B-EIIIed Private Will Ifnnlall _gOll to _d (ro Lleut Hlte all 1IfII woull~1 Sergt A oJ Falreblld Prlvau

au at my reqll Ilm~ ~~d Pat WllOOII JohnW~ Jobu lI_q Johu~lIIend 111m 0 the oIemaDcf - Barilla 4ad Oommander-lnOblet J B Lonpere II ComJllll7 O-WOIInded OorporelJ B_ hanlo eplOYld In the Orlln_Ret Departmtllt CoIIIPlUl7 D-Ellled _ 1errr Phnlp Bhlm lIfrJI bra mall w killed prlvato CbJi Smith Compan E-Wolllldea poundIul Wrighl r Ordnanco orlment aIao kl~ IUb ampbed Oompan7 G-WOIIruledliIorgeanamp lloLallahUndho_ one man II _aber G all I Prlet a W Foreman Deiil ~IM~ llIiarki 1m IIIIwwn to me wbullbull IdIIed an4 IeYera Gehrehl Tbot Brook DOminick CclInOIIaII J A OIIDded -C the wounded -Capt Green Smvth lbe P~tt Iu thechureilhoamplced the COlIdllot _

bull Lleuwntm DUie unknown to meL lfh_ LI oJ lliU~ WOII JlmI of I1Ilaquo1fIl Mllot I thllll w eoweNl-to 1amp t e lnat lnlaftl1l aolIIeeUke IIr H~_ghtl IidromN~ Yor~r Compan A-Wollnded Prifalel danlt11th me mlldl or the t an w_te COOl III Whl Ill r sere te KIlle 7middot

EL NICARABUENS4 VoL I No_ so p_ Sabado 18 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 18 1856

Inreprd to the der_ ortha pulohhe pt rirn~dk lI~lrimiddotete Frank mtIDr IIIUrderIDg him the mudlttad III bod with lIpled b7 tb OrIIoanee ollce l_oot A Company O-Wound[ Opt KatcdoI bl70llectln the moat hocklng _nr

blUbe een that I wbllt lborU 1M t areTb oree th_ w the latgeIIamp or III except jbA$ ~n the obureb ruI wu weU oouductad by ~ Ollila Capamp iWawlll lIr Bolchur and bull B Wyatt of the Ql1arlei1autel DepetlDlenc of wllom CUI sly report In detail bUI J Cellitlle aallut dlCeIl of the Qllantrmuter ormiddot ~nUlhereb7 eIbt ornblmen under lIr W yU berndd1Ir~or r~ - w bull II P II whla rellta to It mad that

Ie ellem aAer Idlll fttreOGe throocb th III Illto atrala to like p_IOII Irolllncb ~bi repelrle I h e neelYedl think that he IItaorYlng or milch credll

if 01 Ofierr ampltlHr 4fId OiH_ oflIrit Om Jtlyll e_ dilaquobullbullud in 1M laquodon at OrlZala Oct IS 0418 18G8

It bull J O ONeU lat Rillbullbull I CapL ASlt4tlngl OrdnDoa Dept H L Pouer (9f AIel Jon P II OOllelll ~I Jobll Baldwin capt a W Pickerag1l Rail

cp- Vm twla 08D Wilkerbullbulld LIeut Orowtll Dr Lllnd lIedlcal Depamp Ilt BrlukerhootDr Scott Ilt Stringer Dr 1gt111Ctp Gre pt or Port l~Dt Lamber Ordnance Dept ~Wm_eaTIII_LoIpcte


Jon Ahtou

i lin Yatu bull Byn aurOl

III JOlle CoAlQRlIIa Q K Dapt WK Wa

1 r I Arcbbold ILW~bullbull II WEeU7 IiV H bull fWnT Jolla 1t7lllt Thoe Ohapman Jobo Inial1_ hoi MOI1 I Bun u II T Sfki Gen Fr1 Orderly I OIDia Ollisoa oW Teller JchnTabor il Thombull u J L lUohmmlll CIJlt WllkfIII II HatbII1 lilir Elnpweullr Smith t ~RathnriU u1 Oeo Rieberdl lit Rouetll Obaplalo


oWUllllnrul W~ ill (JraMll4 JItWi 0IIII to fhtI Walk arriClal Oct 18 1fG8 RUllaquoI-1fr Bart mllllellu Geoat Gall

ItI I Ill Vlllablt Ooun-HolIIII Pavua B b IDA1mlT-Vllffl7 Jraderlcb Frank ph ~ bntelltl J(1w~9Inkle7 Jbplllll pllL W~ll~or Gil Capt Baldwlo Dr ~ Chu 8l1ettr Jobn Tabor Ed II NleA elWl W Telle elliseo Hamblldo 811cltlmiddot

SUchtlJ-Oarter Cp B II OapL Pickmiddot

oJ gm Won a Jliui of llu Jrrtt R~ Ballalion 001 UI~ lt11111181 iCoalpan a-I Lieut )lth wollllled

IimiddotI1Ilpao7 B-WOIIDded 1at LlRI Latimer d iL Hortll SergelUll1loekfallow ampllghll Impampnl O-Ellled Private Lats 1I000nded ut LeBallft Prinlet LlI __ Jat acklOlI Bouobllll

ftl~1I7 D-Wouoded lat LleuL AlldtrlOn i ~teI lIoCoI~dOlll8lullelOt~do

p aJUJled rrivatel BobblII- Mtu ad~ u~om~7 r-ifiiiet PrIYale lfcCurej wOllnll

PrlYlIeI Kerr ttel

[OolllmllnIcaWcL] tv Ine is obtained by the red hot plOshyHORRIBLE ASSASSINd 1ION Cless thus

_ bull bull ODe or tile moat barbamprlou blltcberiee w A platina cruclble IS made and mam

perpetrated 011 the P_I of Law Wllteler tained red hut over II la ge IiIpirit-llmp _____ _- 0- u anll lOme ~Iphurle acid is poured into it --- ers-111 y _ 0 AI bull Th _t I the cit 01 0rana4a 11 r_rded ou ampbe PIV aTom a lgtJpette III _I though of comshyor hletory

Th_ f Inom I ere dtIlberalel k o~ -~~l hmlolllh A _

II eo rom n w c refuse and mllrUrad iii cold blood

P La- II l ho bed reelded 10 001 w a maro III w

thle _utrylor ayeamprI 11111 un mntIned n611tra UId daImtd tbe PlCltaCtiOll of th Uliltad BlaHa h (aha atetlm to th_ blOodtblretyor Ii Ala B HI ampent Ith gu 1I1tem II COR W

mon temper ture one vf the most vola tile of known bodies liossedSllli the aingu lar property of rmahllng fixed in the redL_t bl d t f t crulli e a no bullbull drop 0 1 ~vapo-atea in fact It is not ID contact WIth the crucible but has IIlll1tmosphere of it Own interposed A faw drop ofOlnmon wa tor are now added to the sulphurous acid III he red hot cluclble The diluted Rcid gett mto Ilnmedw aootact with the heat ed metal Instantly flashes oifinto sulphur VUI acid vapor and such is the rapidity

b from otlon u b the aboehmiddoteJIGrt It DIMI7 td Llellt VODBII~ do Be 11 WoSoo4 a lllan to lin in thII -try and ener Clfthe IIvaratilln that the waA_ I for hi Co D-W 11_ nft B DoH I I ha mpan OIIn L Ollce wulm-b m II) fUCG t t ny

rIlIlYI t~ant ~k rgeI PrI4i people iii thII oIriUred age could be Ph of auchAJe~ II t 7 e 0 III It Vlte

Comn07 amp-Ellled Private OaIIaban wouruishy dT

B Sb d I bull au II JellL bullbullbull er_ angtrOlll1rut nln a1ttl~va~~ tIarkdo

middotaopan ~Eniedl Prl~1ea Q LPhilip OtOlllrd Pleno Brull Franclico JlIulwoulldelt Pri1eI B Smith lighll TbdB I __ bull H y _II d3 _ng II ampIIIIlpa

LiltoJ KUki 11ft WotW oJ LigAtArlUlnI

OomJllll7 A-Oed yate ~-en EtOHJlbeller PtedarioJt Dli1Iab i oullded Capt A sebWlrta lIgMI 8ergelmi lIiIIumb Gil iJo lrinkll Fr Stleub do BIII1 Jlalellllb do TheOdore Db erel2 Lu of KUlIil 04 WwttW of Rallo

EUled-Prlte Frederick HIlL llllelng-PriateJOIepb Klumpb OHrpoWllshy

uneL RIICUPE1U1IjlE poa OF fH18

OOUNlBY m____ t a __ b -1 _ ~-6- 10 7 ma -- 011

or the belt COlIDamprIea CD the globe amp0 III reproducinl power It 10 grt 110 1Ir111711d iIIn be at all 1011 (or ampD7 _t lea1 or tllIIlI

- shyfor prolIIoas III cold noHbera cIImatef h_ nllIfe Heamp for lIurIhalf the r ftooIIIampberon

made dllrinl the other bait thare h ben 1tampDceeln ~hlcb largebodlu of -0 ltoaoeritratad iii aarrow hit han aulJred tor fooIIlmamp iii thla QlunrJ filch nat campOD~o_B_ eOlt)

rudenrydil76r1ngalargeqllanUtleato tlldl In thts _n1 aIao where calli require 110

h the ~tertaI tbr dltlr ~ fll eare w tr plendlUl UId hare thert Ie no wiater to reduce or IlnpelYerlah them an abundance II aiw at hlId AI II In ~clitl providence held gW

dleliahlp onr dll amp1OIed land the great llapl of true food corn and bNlll alwalo aeuon Olher rult be wee at Umee bIIt th_ e neTer Belllco 8 theae IIllh tbe ntYeNaIIlllllllpo pl- of animal tood we 0amp11 11117 depend wIlli II eerlabil7 TbeAnppU _110 oollflned to 0111 place 0 department me ecRIIIW ibouruII iii tbem

U II-c bullamplid Ibe grealtlt dllllcult7 ur--OO oblalnlDClllppll Lillie - or tranpori

Sapr lfhloh I no Iooger bull IlIltllry bill nee

cano gro hare ao plncllilll thaI hori4ll lIneo from GnuadaltiadocouloIlllU to bonee Ifth or an olbe artlclo ot food 1h0ll1d be rOt a de or two dllllcult ro obtain lID _lIOt or the markHndle beln frlihlened b the late pree 8IIet of their heredl ellflDl ampIII011g them a 7 et two will ure tbem of tbJi ptOtoclion of the Amerlcantnd luurlee wilt bo epfD abushydanl u formeriJ


-bl lab or th bIlIbaroun will pgtVUOt y 1OII 801IIe wretcb who murlltred Amence1I oIllIIlIII amplid lIiaIIouut bre wlthollt ptO-1on and In cold bloodi llhen dIlIl learB th tbJi wounded tIIeln

belo cared for alld Iltelld d to with amoos_ are mueh reprlt7lUld atteutlon u the woWlded of our own am fbe WOUllddd we 8rat Pllt lilto the Ouard-Holln alolll wllh the olber Gell Walker had tbem relnovd to All boapltailie apari for thellllelvea AIId lallyo olllen ha been elllpl07ed 10 a116ru1 10 thelr aeoeullJee This follllS I stronl contuat with the baDGer 18

_ acl amphlIe wu mGlt woraU dllappolBtad I Be bew not that he bad to deal wlm agee_1 b uHow mlob t 10 be dep_ - not teke ampbe adyce of blafrillldt IIId aItoulder bit mlllltet la lIIIfltleCeuce ampgalast 1Il0lll $ha make no Illatlocdou

The Be lit Wheeler _ a mlulono- from bull bull -J

the Unltad SIaIeI bullbullllIiIter of tho Ooipel who WIS n 1a dWlibIIDI boob ad other aamiddot ored IItlee

Ameruau foreIpm Ohrlatlau will 1011 auf fer 1IIOb OIIlragu 011 humanlt to go upunlabed The blood or the IRnocent 011 for veogeancel

II the Will apllIIt tit Iodlan or NIIIth

America wu JtllIampgtI1I at that _I cia bow much moriIl thll Wll JUlilabl aphm bull lit or qul as __ dollbt I word ol t lb b~ wbo 0 lIOi plClltad b the IIIIl1aht- 1lueJ 1IIf-rapeci feqllirea liS lIever to bellen 811m or the age ad who 0amp11 _mit lIIIIh a bull of what 1IIOIIItJ01I alrocllltt Lo WhaU bHn tbe ampreatmant or the WOIInded and ft__ liken b7 Gn Walker The FROll ampbe _de or a Addle 011 the 18th iot

r- within II DlUe or tbe oilY II blue broadclotll Conaer were plOflded 101 iii bull bamlll mlllntr I OAPI IIntd IIlampb bleck wlib a bbck eIYltooO die latter treated u ~ of Bere Th Cape roUed uoiJnd a lew articles otuudeJo would haft bean a flile epporUlDlt7 for uereilllli c1othee A wleble ward wHI be paid to

W au _whO wID leaiII b at thl olllcampthe law of retaIlaIlOII BDI Gen aliter diOM Granada Oct 1fj8 IIthtr to loUowthe dlcliuee ot humlllli7 ad be pYemtd b7 the enlightanecl prlDelpa or the I WILL glvt II n~~i~ to any persoll who agt willreturn to 111 atore m Ledger Book It

Shall tlII -lUI collntry which fa 110 aumiddot was pUlaged from 1111 tore durlnS elate tackbull petlor to North Amerl be aUowad to remain In H A THOIIIAN

r shyter llIma ns bthlnd nnd ill frozen into a IlImp of ice III the rcd hot clucible (romwhich seizing the moment before it again mel it mtv bu thtown out befor~ lhe

Jeel of the Mtomsbed observer

We wisb some of our enterprising reashyderawould attempt the mtnuficture or ice

m In Granoda ~o the l~el8On who produCIlfltth Ii 1 III gI bull

e rllt samp e we w ve a ttptop no tice

l1J The Roman Elllpire In the Haith or illsIor did DOl colltain more than three milllona of aqaar mllel Th UolWd Btatu now C01enJ more ampI1an thlt aret Ind It latser than Rome wu when ehe If~ die mIIlrcel or the world

RNpeet tor amp 1Iuman Y81 Frellcbmall

1 II IlIelf BprInc Slimmer IIld II1II the und ot gea 1Iho woaM Il10IIII prohlblamp Oruada 0118 1868bull En iI WlbeJllnto belog ampbe germ orOllt (004 ialmIgratGD md PlCIgretl Bare natllrl bea Lost

dOlltlall that It 11_ 10 h_ happ~ ON TUESDAY the 81at 1111 LANDWAR God IIaItowend hill bleulnp and RANT tor 6 hundred drawn 10 favor

All th apMt or man II dI-fue H of J O ONqd SlIch mealln bJio beao ~ken as wID reruler the warraot or DO 11ft except t)

0 UR 8NIIIIIES DISPBRBINO the pellOl1 for wbolll it WM drawn ~I pel1lOn _ who returDS It to ampbe 8llbacrber Or Ib the olllce of

IntalUsenco IlpoD which WOampII reI II_SIIamp II Nlearag1IeOlle will be IUlleb~ OwaJ~L InampoGtanada thl mornlnamp 8tetet that the rem Granede October 18118 bull bull un or ampbe AlHed torcea are preparing to Itb -----_--=-_____--_

tllII~trJrlbundantin thllOOIIlltry f o(tbit compay in biadespateh ya

draw amp0111 the are _ding their lick forwanl to LHu and tUIng other pral1mlllampt7 for apeed7 lIIlllaum et 11 ftlalll nOlf with thembullbull matter or 6boIce If data-ed bull few da11 wo _lIIlder tho iIIIproa it wOllldIJ9 _ebullbulltarllllecMIlampy

SAPPIIR AN D MlnRl~Capt Hesse

1 have to state tha~uenr1 O Porter whom 1 temporarily appollltAld bt Lieu tlBa bhuyoo bravely as well in lIlauy III on euterlng Granada He was the only one to load the gun In ~e charge on the enemy beyond the Jateba Ohurch

ftampX A THOf1pound~) nHOLJl8ALE DEALER IN


AND ALL lUNDS or LIQUORSToSether willi

lIIN cOPzca tNJOs_zclJ1raOJV lIDiLL lUlIlII or GOOIII 11011gt 111 _ amu HOIpltalltreel lu Crout of 8enFllaelloo CouVIIDI

ClIIItda ~e_-18_66___~___ Dr ~I Po

TENDERS HIS SERVIOES to the oItIzetll Qf Granada and Ylcnlt71a tlte practke or

MEDIC ME SURCi RY amp lllDWlF 1 E m iRY l1J OftIet IIId ~ldC8 011 the 8Oohweat

the optain being wOIlnded and all the 1 ~ the treet GPpoelte the Bow FIanCitco other I~lel being either wounded or driven 0 JllIIet lillie from It under the hlllvy firing of the It entlmy Fagan lind Loyd attended well eeorder 8 Omee tomiddotall ordlllI and fuug1t well at Maaayn THE omce ortbe Rooorderor Deeds 1I01tpguand Granada Mr Latta WII8 wounded ~fortbJi 0rieIamp Depllltmetofthellepu~

d U Itc wU be opened III tho clt1 of G da CD Moo-In til exeutlon of bls 1Y mr Johnmiddot da7the 9m ofsptelllber 18L1amp All perIODs Inn did his dutj well throughout both required by Deero~ to bll~e their tltka ro IODdalD action al also did Mlll KcIeweR the r01ll8lld Departmen~ recorded within IIbc and Maloney monlha aAer that tI A Of LLIS

Recorder for the Orieotai Deparlm8llL _ W II P h_L i I GriDada Sept 6 18jI _ It lit w I II toe way _______________

to Buriingampun fn Ie ~o~did you knuw Tabor ampr 0118) 111( narnu waa Pat f Oh I guessed ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORSAT LAWshyitn ~D by t~e hOI~drker if yo Oftlee iii Et NJOAuovlIlI1I BuUdiOp-80ulh are 80 goo at gU_Rft Ie otter glllss 11 ~ol PIau Grnada NICAIIgIIa the way to Burhngton PartlcoI attention paid to e1a1 against til

J3gt An editor alks in talkin of po Goo~eiBOR 1 jOompan G-IIlIed Sergeant lIurrJ llOWIdmiddot whlob die AmerleanR b hlampl1l1J1o be811 treated ottmiddoty and matimonYt Who would indlte OWEN DVFFY r Ga~lIOamppt I 18C1(1

14 Ptlva Brandll OoUn70n Ellinger BIalrOII who bavII fallen Into It harul or the el1tlii) OIlDlts to a woman whom lie nw every Davlcl I_raftamp1IIiaIu Drummer onlar We call11pon the civilized lIaoos that - apeelemiddot Donlin in her night cap IIDd evert dlaquoy

tors ofuu 8tlllllea to nota ampbe dllference at dinner IIwallowlng meat and IDlhtard1 O~BS FOR SALE at his plac Se BollaLt 01 WouIIIW tA SfWII() Bi- Ballttllon ban iltreot ene bouee ampbon G PIt BeeCoiopampll1 A-t1iIto W 0I01ld 1Il1g1i1ly PampRPIOIIU CulII-FellolI-cltllll aald e tFTho bed of death brillJ1R on 1mmiddot char Ilore 1Jempan1 B-Plbalell I Dowell aUghtl7 11 bull h ~p llour Whlte-ltlllgar OtJUllee lIampIlkeralt Oil

~ do lllteheU do Fourtb of JQ1y orator I repea tho declaatoo I man beIDg to 18 puro IndiVIduality I to 011 eoKno VGIIl AfOIIIaticScbladem Selldo lIot bellevo there II I mOUl woman Of child In ~~tDen- alllhll1 Oorpo- the IlItenlIe contemplation of that dcepeat Stomach Bittelll Pbibulelpblll Ate UId H 111 do lriv A ruuerlon dangeshy this bolin IIbo b r_hed 1110 age Gfil~lY_ Ilnd most 8OIomn ot all relations tha rela Kllllgulan aDd Mdefra Win Cle7plpear SouJItI do J P lIle d(l but what has fel hit truth huuderllli throughtholr breloa C8l1tviOl gor iou between the oreatare and hill Creator TERMS ~_0lIl ldIJed

_ _~_____ ~_~~____M __ __


318 EL NICARABUENSEVoll No 51 p 2 Sabado 25 de Octubre de IBS6 Saturday October 25 la56~

lttpound 1 Jitaiagutnst ~ Satur4ayllominlt Octbull26


Promotion8 and Appointmenti lIJ~1I fllOll al OINpoundPU OIlDlI8 or fill lIIIT

PR OMO TIOlS bull C Ftfennlngsen Is appomted Brlgler Gene

rat ill tbe Ailny and will take charg of Ille OrdIWI ~ Arlllieri under orden from lite Comshylo~rIIlVCloi- n~ bullbullbull A bull

or bull _ ~ra III promo_ MlStentQuattermaster General wIth tho rank of LleutenshyllDtColonel andmiddot1II take charge or ~he Depar~ mant during the abaenoe of Col Illlller Quarto m~ter G_I Ia d u IPt III IIOrril QUlrtermaator promote JOt Quartermutermiddot Department

cpt George WLeoollfd Ifirlt Rlfttt II pro rnqtld Broyd MIJor for gallantry on the field0118Ib 1816

pt A Scltwa~tz ArtlllorY to bo 1110Pl Thomas Henry (UDMiaubed) Ie promoted

MflJor bi the Quartermllaters Deplrtment 11111 Lleol George B Farrand to be Ctplain liltt ampJellamp George W Glat Ald-de-camp to be

oplalnI tAout JlIIll1 F Schooh Company A ae

cone BIB Is promoled Captain Company A ~

Rlilett II -pled to take eAec October 18ampb 1656

The ratpatlon ofSecood Leu~ I a 8oDmlll Compan 0 ampeond Rift Is aCcopted to ake lIftte Ocober 18th 18GO

Th teelgnatlon or Second Lieut J W Polk 8eeond In1 II accepted to take efted Qcto ber 20tb 1866

The nelSlotion of Seeond LI J W vamiddot111m Second Rilles Is IIccepted to take eftect October till 1866


Col Thomu F Fllher QUlrtermoeter Oenera1 ordered to tbe United Statot on blllln811 of the Governmenamp WlII receive hie InatructioD from the Oomlllallderin-Ohief

Capt Wlllllm errmn Is granted leaf of abeenca (or ailtty dill from flle ht ofNovember18116 At Ita explmlon lIe will report foI detshyto tbe Commander-inOhIef

cp 1 NWeU Walker Ranger Dtlttallolffla glllllied leave or abeenee Ibr 1I1IIy day fromlIl November18i16 At ita ellplratloll heill report for ord011l to lite commanding omcaia o( bll BILlmiddotIIlIon

Cop J O JlmllOll Fi11ll I fanlry I gnlltld lean or ablence for elght1 days from Noycmbior 18t1868 At lIa cltpllllon he wUi report to the commandillg olllcer of bla Recltnent Cor orUII

Cal II Mallldorf Second Infantry nted ItaYO of abeenee 101 NU day At Its elplratlon he willmiddot report to lite com1l1anding Clllleer of ilia Bandon for ord_

Tlr Llent Robert GIIllIlOII Is gnllied leave of abINnce for mtl dAys At Its explrallon he WIll fllporl fGrdut1 ar Grailadamp to II eomlllanding of-

COIId Billes lIeer firat Lienamp B F Delaney Seeond IlIfnll1 III Fll1It LIenamp Lewis R Latimer IIm Rilles II

PIOllli)e4 Olpllln of Artillery gnnted Iena of abeeuee (or nlnet) da flllm llrit Lleut am Dunlcan Flnt Rilles I pro November let 1856 At Ita erplntlon he will

oted CaJltoln FIrat RlOos report to Col B J Sallden FIllt Rllin (of 01

SteOlld L1u B M Allderaell Compally A to deramiddot boa~IItLCoImlan1 B Seeond 11__ G Fi Lleut Arthur OOollnllr Seeond Infiantry

_Itt lUI YD orlbedmiddot paDY I auted leave of abllenee fOr lxl da fromFirat IIIfantrbull1e promoted Firat Lleulenaut Colli 1111110 FIrat Infantry

SNond Lleul O n WellFI11It ~IlIIl11 18 p

~=o~~ia~~~O~~I1I1~ Flllt Bla rolUoted Firat L1utampnant Firat Rilles S~nd Lieut B A Crhart of Ordnance to be

Firat ~~euteDaDtrt dLLleuamp aeo W nailer Second Infantryt lo - tit eutenlnt ~olld Lkll John F Price (unallacbed) Ia

))f41DfltedJijrt Lieutenant to repol to litomiddot Quu te=~I~fs 0H=~ Com A ae ~~4 -n __ to De Firat Llelltenftnt ompln A Steond JUfIM

a-d L1eld _ Wnllam Company D lieshycollli middotlUft to be Firat Lieutenant Company I

Second mlf~ RIa I hoorabl dJcba~oI from Ilia Army fItrmj IIO Porter 10 be1irfl LleUmlAlIfSllIl OOrporafi1anlel Smtlh1 00mpany D MtiiUUlIo

part till Ifhort I honondllrdlachfled - Ibe Army ~ Kleuelldotf Comrny A nangell to

b Firat Lit1tanllnt Oompany B Second 10 Iligoant-MlIjol MllIwel1 Allen Trll$ Rlller shy

nppolnted Socood Llelltanant Fl11It Rlao bull Firat Suetan Chl Wllklnoon Firat 1UIIcII It polntedmiddotSecond Lleute~antFirst JliflOi

Fillt Sargeant Carl G Sbockle Anillery I prOlllOted Second LIeutenant Ariillery r~rgeanl Hardin Jnlalllry Ie promoted Second IItORlnt Comptey a FllflI Jnfilntry

CeIlIt J V Conklin Company D SeeoDd Infalltry to be 8eeond Lieutenant Complllll B Iiecond IDraliky I ~ltlral IlenJ4aDelolter Company B Second ~~1fnnt~ nd Meutenant Compan7 D

Private lIrnncl Roth Company F Second In famplltry to be Firat Lleutellant Company F SeeoDd lnf4ntt

lrIto 1 A OIarko Company F Second I faDIr to bo Second Lieulanallt Company Ji Sec ODd IlIfantry

Prlvale Donnls E nlnea to be liecond Juumiddot teDant ampppOlll aDd tilDen

Prlute John G lla~ Company A Second RI tohoBocolld Lieutenant Company A SeeoDd RIIttJ Rirgeant IllIJot lugh Com8ny A Second _ft~ Second Lieu~nt IIlpteyA Beshy rriYlte B B-Yilt Company it Second Rlftet

to be 8eeond Llollellant Company B Second m 1Iu bull bull s~JaMi~~tod Seeond Lleutonan~ of

111 Slckl ia ppolna~ Second Lieutonant to date fiotn May ht 1856 (110 Ie acting at preaeot It AId to Brig Gen Fry)


Col lohn I Matich I reinstated and will kt1motlo~th~Fi1 Infialed fll RlfI 0 bull lit bull -e to 0 Irak Jk lI~n~~r Calling Oompftay O Secood InshyampII ared to Company 8eeond Iu-

The TreuaU RallgerJ with aU their equlpmonte are tranatened to di BIItamplllon of Rongelll b ~~ of llappef1l and 1I1n commanded

Noltmbr let 18GS At h uplratlon he will report tomiddot tho commanding omeer orhll Regiment for 9r4el1l

FIl~t ~wlcre~yQ~II~~D be 1I1U1 continue to IROn forwardbull It Ittut that cause of a conllnuanee of the oUlrage UP01 hi A pUtmanamp A Ita explratlol he wHl rellOn at Granada fO IIMer

Firat LIeuamp Robert Oardller Fraf lUlIea II lIltedampIe of abMllee for nlnet dlJl t weexplraUon of wlllcl1 b will report for ord_ to the commanding elilcel ot ilia Battallou ~ Llout J Bleier Jnaamptacbed) II _tod

Ihamplvenof llbaatt~t1ordormil O1t JJta~plratlonl te repor era at eueralutadqulricl1I


Sergeallt J A Bopldn Compan D Jim

rrlvato Benry Waiteill Compall Al~RIll 18 honorebld~arpd froII th Army

Private M Mlllloy ComPany A Volti~ tlOIle -dlui~ b~lariofltaereatlbu to rille 1t000000000lr fiIoiarnil hm lb Armlmiddot

Privata I4wlll P raquo CompOy 8Mond Inran Itdllollaraed trom lit army OIl Surgeoneertillcate of dIIobifity


Th n r oname of ~emiddot len D GoIcourIa IIl1tr1okon

from tho roll of III umy 21

AmtttIlT-On Thuraday evening Gen Ba1llo Illl1gaon 11amp01 the men under bla command OXOJo elellig In flle plu The JrtlllI) In two Com panles UDdOl the Imlnedlate direotl0ll8 of Mlllor Sehwallllo ClP DeilneT and cpt Farrand and tbo Sa ora and Min under Oa Hebaamp Tb

pp p e men were enrolled In maneuvrlllg lite mountallt bowltaera and frolll lite rapidity of tbelr 1000lag certainly ahowed IIIl1t1h profIcIelicy

shyOn ldal avenlng after bavlng ourcllod tor a

wblle on fll plua w111t blank cariridges a trial Wli mad Ith the regular sheila against lite wall ofanad ruin The captoIea proved thellllelw

aimed at and the aholle xplodlngIII the WIll tore out larg piece 1 IIPP_ to III from Wbat we ha _of tho e~ that wo lIbelle IItrildng In tho amplme opo will ellech breacb III fll8l1rOllg as adobe building aud tbat (or lite mlllorlty 0110

11011 directed Iliot 11111 be ~mclen The wall llrodlnto WU 1Ibullbullrly four flltt blthlekuou

fha Sap)lllt and Hillen coming to a Itoolder 1tIIT8 with hovello looked aUrat IOmlll1t odd but thoy anu line Iooidnglotofmenand are 0110

of Iho moat ulCfbleorps In 1110 aenlce

CoL T r Flnlll-W obamperY tllat 001 Thea r FIlbert Quartermuler Oeneral N A hu been dred to lite United Stotea 011 h_eII_nedld 11It thla (Jo__amp nelWl made Idmeolf euolt a Ibolite wllb tha paople of Granada that e

PLURALl1Y OF PABTIP9TONS The Late Insult to the U S Flagl The name of tle venerable Ind aimple dimeshy MURDER OF A1IERlOAN OITIZENS Dr TBg

MI1I Plrilnglou-18 In tltelle tlmell ol(n ug AILIED ARMY OF GUATEMALA ANIgt led There aremiddot now many lattlngton_ SAN SALVADOR man ho trlve to Irr01lI tlte advallce of oceanl wIth boom8Uclcl We are surrounded The murder of tbe Amricaa chIlena In tb~ b fllem I we read of them I ever mall brings city of OrMada on the Ush of the cormt aome new denlopment of flleir flllll1w labort month by middotlIte allied foreca of San Salndor tad TIley endampvOf to ouPvtlngton Partlngton by Ouatemala II one of tbe Infllmolll trtneaellolls IIIlng leas oIfrctual illBtrumenta In tbelr elforta to that mual for ever dmgraee the chllracter of tbe lIIeIIl more forcible and overwhelming occaM people bYllbom It 110 eomml~ted and bring tbe Th 11 I n ~ b II tImiddot bullbull middotmiddott h b I d Ibe or ~na anngton wa WII I nil a nl VI 1 ampIn em ~c D8Mloon9 un er e of th Clty of Liverpool now all England belongs contempt if not the dlrcct ceniure of every dr to flle famUy ud Franee by ylnue of ~ho Aliimiddot lIIlca Is ready 10 act Partington to the letter

Partington Is no longer II proper nAnle bullIt 1113

btltlomo common Ie ha beeome r princple of lclion It II now bull great pollllcal organization In facc Statesnol Kingdom tuck up thol PGIII coate and BtAnd mop In Iland ready to RlTelt tbbull rising tide of tbo limes let the cllort COlt wlo II m

TheN 18 an adage hich altlteugh worn bull II l

IItreadbue w would lIdbullbull6 arUngtolB 10

keep CODipleuoualy bofor them It will SIIve tbem milch labor and not a li~tlo ridicule ViII II Thne and tide wait for no mall In IItIa 18 l

b I Idworld of tllltli and pblloaopllYI If leh t fOU be weB for the Pringtons of tile age to aludy

Beroro lite wbeel of lime btU completed lIIlotber cycle Ihe obituary 01 ail lito Parllngtona wlllhabullbullnd ogalllBt hia protestltbeylllllt robbed him of

bull bull been wIllon I for althougb trutb IOmetlm reo all that wal valuable lu hl8110U8C Illd thon drag amp11 Itlell Iowly the dayla about to dawn If I~ ged out from und the folda or that II ltIcb he Ilot alread1 dwned when men wHl be conmiddot should huo mad hia pel8On ucrcd and hot vlneed of w) they ha kllllWD Or hneprof_d him Illh coolncea Illd deliberaUolt

10 know for a long tlme-illat man I a progr Aalf to add to the alroell tbey were nol COl

elvo ereature and tbat thlhllOllltabl WIsdom of tent willt taking hlUfe DlIlng all Americall illmiddot Dilialty haa set blm tranlllng In II patb 10 which IIIln inatead of protcetlng him while 11lng 1111 u

ou tbla road lhere 1IIa~ be ranters that lOme main alter dealb I Seven bayonets were tbrcel may atop oul of the Way and reellDe b) COlllfllltftble thl1lugh bll bod after he had bHD abot reatIng piIlClll but It Ie oqUillyt~ tllllt those The thought of how tkcao fiamplda dlnced lIm who teat toe long mUllt keop ou~ ot middotthe wly of lItel victim lind in thai hclliah glelr hinr

thcao who ate malaquoll~ Ollward or lltey WIU be JDOIt UllUredly troddon upon

It ClInnot be long before mOl will be convinced II II

ILlIeluwUIil laelrneat And the gray It Dot Ita goal

DWI~ thou In to dUlt returnnlVAI not spoken to Ib 10Ul

And that although Individual Of cles or peo

pi lIIay heeome u 11 were withllred limbs In tbo great tree ofllf flle mmk canllot pariah bll~COII country Be had been here tbrOugh two rr_

nd _~ III It h ~ed tlul I II 8 bull -_ 1111 as _III grea porpoaea (Or wblch It lloe _ied

But the Partinglolll of EurOpe and America IMllllnospahle of DIjIkin tbe proper deductiona 111 Llo of ellta~ fll8y aeem u Incapabl 6of comprahendlng the great lam of hnman 1I1e lIId thlr Teneraoto progenitor tbe tonlea whleh ro IIlated we ebb and 11011 of the AtlantIc

We a haYIng now re-enacted 011 tho etage of European plllr lite sceno of In lIleb tbe Par tlngton of ~be Inquilitlollllgured wben a lItey would ha us auppos clolltcd In tho IOlemn 111

h lItorill or God they compelled II nnar1lbla p Imiddot lesopber to relnee bll_dOll relative to the revolntlon of tIe amplrih But a1tbou h litis d I to aholl tI era ~I f I thmiddotYv r a me a gen e n tIrae the pro- of lit ampIlll iteelr WII not reated and the ParUngiona of tbe Old World w1loe 10 aaslduOua In thrlll4in fllelr mope Inm flle advanclo wamptora of lite sea ~r P n III allOO8ad onlYin being conllnced in ~d that

olteellont marbmen lhe1atruek the preollupot notwithstanding their elflllta flle world will con

~g (fou tJIIl~~ecd under tbe orden of donbt nol be 111 reoal Ii pleaeant reoeplioD do not weigh mere than a grain agalnat the elllrtll

t1nue to wag OD

It we tbe I lrit of ParUn tonim tbat threw obllampaclca In lit path of CoImbU 1I0d Luther alld KOllath It 11 to legllJlallng In tbla aplrlt that EnglandlIIayttnDute lite 10lIl of her North American Colonln and to tllil aplrlt Bpab) loa ber AmerlCftD POIIIIdIIIOUl 1amp Is the Parllngtonshylam of th that cndeavo11l to arreat flla Il1o Taneo of llrragua In flle road of 1101 desilny alld that would atlgma~ If pOIIlble one of th

b d _~ h1MII _t an moat nt__ men W 0 ever unmiddot dertook naople to proeperty

BII~ to lite philosopher 1114 lilt_ thllk thero Is a OOIII01atlon III the knowledge thllt erente are guided b7 111bull luperlor law of an aUwlle Deln III whOle balance the elloru of all the PrUngtreg

RESlrAATIONS The etlxnltlon or cApamp OIlldes A Gore Se

eoIld lUlu Is accepted to eke olfect October 1tIIl5O

Tliolampllgnltlon of Firat Lleu~ A M Pittman Firet Infantry II accepted tomiddot take tlleet from October 3 18Gbullbull

TIae retlgnalloll or Recond Lieu Groaa Second

wheruOlhe COIII We 111111 him afiaorabl TO age and a )Iced rotum

DItrIlIlDIIN 0 GIIIIUDl- We 100 been handod I 11 II th lIamn of all the persona wbo were present at the defence of Orampl)ada 011

th J11th and 18th of tbla monih It erowded out fllia eet We shall probably pulllllh It in our next IlIue

of WuhlngtoD er a Walker or 111 olhar of the InlltrUmonll wbose Ilame we might adduce wbom Be lIIOIintbo developemont of HI dealgnt

Tn I QuJlPBu VITVs-TbI8 flIslllonlble eillb we regnl to eay haa ceased to elleamp Au loq 0fO~ Ita remailll brought In a ferdlet of died of eoIIapea of tbe pocket RguitmJI ill p4tbullbull

IHzed nation_ It I nnmiddot ac~lon ao rar bOlond tho pale of 011 clrllifLd cII9toma8S to render IllmplJtoI I r bull ill E cld I

abo 0 Jual cation ~~ry In onl Olcry e ( eumstanco connected wlln it ene only 10 add to the guill and ink tho porpelratOll of Ihe onto Iago dcpArln tbe grcd 1lqulty

II cannot be Mid thumiddotlt nlpp1tml u or wbile tbe IOldlera 1010 in suebe Illtc of ~~ cUemen as not to be aware of what they did I I for I yet theyliad nOI been enpged in any BC

L1 h dmiddot L h d b t on nor a oy Il B ot yel re npon tnOIll 1 any of tha oltizens of Gmnada The residence of Mr Lawl_1s allUftted about midway between the large plaza IIIId tho Jalteba Chuteh Ria

bull h b bullbouse wal tho flral tber came to In a tag b Amerlco~ls lind wltboul pl1lvocotlon or culo while the American tlftg lfBI tIiDg over bla door

bullbull deprived aD American citiZen of life bee mlng iii Intoxicated witb (ury III to conlinue to Ibruit theit byoultalnto him la heortmckening

TheBe men cannot ucue themselves b 1lnl tbey were not awaro of LawleSl VClitlon Ibr h I Id d I II rat L av ug res e n t 8 coun~ry len yelm

spoke belr langulge Iluentl n wu 1Iell knOWI

tilroullbou~ Ibe country ampI a merchallt 110 bad never utor(ered or took part III the politlca of IhIt

dOli and mere than b(~w8ra utl had alWAY Ih reapect abown him Iue tbe flag llhose protoellOllha clalllled Belld all thl he 110 doubt oxi

bull pWoed hI JlClIon h lng bd ample lillie to 110 It but It avaned blul nothing tha~ be hid nol takeJl part In the wlra It lled him noihiaLbullbullbullbull I h- d I L ere were ItO arllll D Ie _ an t 1amp1 u~ wu 8Plrely 4efenceleu- a clrcumtaoce that among any people wltb a apark of chivalry or hUlnalllty among them wold hlYe 8Ied blalif He claimed to be an Amelican citizen and eluinr beneath and cillmin~ Ila pr~tectioll of the Star and Strlpell was by the deml demOllsmiddot ( we callIlO wi tbeln men) coDildered amp erime worthy or bull

hd d th meat orn 0amp

We do not wish to caUIUelltion esplloWl W lite death of the Rev Mr Wheeler bo IIU eUi gaged In lite ploua duty of dleklbutlng the ACIId Word of God amont tbe people of fllit pllCl

wltem neillter te aacreel banner orChriat IIOt Ih ftlllJ of Ihe Ulllted Stet cOIIloi aIIVO frou lite ruf 611111y butcbery nor to the murder of the Belr Ferg1llOD nor to Mr Camenl 1Ibo waa dng~ ~ed rrom the bosom of hia family And murdered hllo proclaiming that ha 1111 lin American oltlzen for tbe clrcum8laOCeli of thel~ death Is let rO~IIa plalnlyln tbo lIIIoexed aIIIdvlll i O do we wial( to make any oommenta upon tbampl deelre to get fller American Minister-who Willi at the time prot-[ trated by DlII83l1-1nto thelr huda tor w eel middot ured It wlluld be a work oCIuporeroptoultlu1Il parte tbe caae wID be setforth to the people ar the United SteteltJ by tbelr reprlen-lI e IIIQ we doubt not that Americana wHl indilllto Ibelr

dignity Btl we would ClIII attention to the faet that Ih

flAg 0 the oomparatiyely email BanHate toOI of Saxony 10 Europo waa raapoetcifbull hlle lbe American col011l were being abot at alld rlddleocl Wllh bullete whllmiddot tlylng ovor lhe bOllee of tbt Americalllliniatel and served rather to leduc outrage tban alford procctlon to th_ bG lOught ita ahelter 8 tbe following aJIIdill m bow

LEO Ollmiddot or UNlTro SumOJ AllIIle I liEU RmzllLtC 0 NIOaUOIlA J

Till day pereonally appeared betore lIIe Jamnl George Wledomanll nnd moe OA~ thai I ~

A-gores of the lIled Imyof Gllatemaltl I

319 El WICABA6UENSE Volt No 51 p 5 Sabado 25 de Octubre de 16561 Saturday October 25 1856


tile n SteamOl La Vhllo Capt Thom IlUlkert~rlnd al tbe port of IlrauadA on the ~ytlllDg lotSlaquoturd-y tbe 18th IDBt Iloe brought Jutem -lIP 0 1I1t of UI HItIt monb

br - bShe fOlIgbt o a Ollt ~Igbty Plt888Dgtl1l who nteld ljO nelde I~ 1111 COIInuy list) of 0111 ~ Joinell the NlcarogulIII Army Among t

- I IBanIfa we nol ct tho lIallle of Clt)L eonlngftnHow~ Joinell theNlearagutll Arm1andla In COIomlllll 01l11li ArIlIl~r1

1111 Jla Virgin brwpt alao tor the Army lU1 bull o if h nd-A M- L d middot11IDr ell X II nu m mUlld III i 11 et lour or wllb Ibclr ploper equipment the evrig~ for tb mountdn bowltze aI_d ro -- ld II Ivge quantity OfulIllullltlon

81 f I

struggle wUI be between Buchalampll and pOllUoR a alellder -agure and ver1l1ght bllr reoIOIl~ lillmoro ma however bo much BORland and Frlllee h made II warlike 01 alronger batt tbe pllbllc h lID idea of If Ibe 0I0nllramplloll aallIamp ~be Kin ofSarcllnla AI

ee 0 middotpapr we earn thI All the dey atproeCllee for Ihe rleSidential eltctlon In the tultcdSlateltlllulscltcmentalld1nleruUllor_

be nfoet ngg_1ed ltalemen are IDade by of lb riftl candldatea relale to

iuoqUt t II weoed wIb mor ~OtiOD ormore UDshyettlalra I lIor caprlceelIIan 11080 two Statee now

I od ha P ll 1amp t1 middottt t 1IlPlji t t en 1 YIUI I go or ImlomrDUllffilll4ll Ia 1101 cet~ of Ilanflng It iln Ib1~er ~andlt hlwampy been e Btrong ilIIIICIlItie 3Iett and h ginn Ddehanan large

Ai e roof of 118 entire dovollon to Uoellty I Hid lbal In Ita remoter di8lcta llaer are lililarge ItlllDben of Totee _t fqr AnshyUtW J~80II t

AI Ne York no etandll the Fremont men Ire alma I Ilire or ber But II e fllred tbat 10 otdtr I ifeeure tho election of lluebanall by Ihe L S d fN Y k 11o~r ~e thO emoerac ew or w go

om 10 1111101 The bull 4ft oro 8() nicely halllllud tbal eonaldmiddot

bit a~lIl1la of mOD01 are illaked upou tbe rampgt fill Willet III accounl of a mall wbo ble to lIhu aUIbullbull hlllr oft bl heed If lIucbanlUl Is 1I0~ Ilt~ted b_IID Ie e or bIa elCllllon be Is 10 be d lIh all lhe blta be CQD wear ri I -mo Buehan conUnue to realde I

Whl middotlIollll8 Thill aIlnde UI or PlOl8OiIor Stowe-hlllbllld r n Deecher 8towe-wbo wben Ihe FIIgishylift SIt LawwlIS p-d re latered vow that

oul~ not M hla beatd cut untO the Ia Will Itpeilled Il lla needl to that by this tim IU beerd of tho Proteeaor hal altainod coRaider

A bull Welangth lIla mil1 wil~ at lOme ulure time I able to 4etermlne the time which bae elapsed ~Rce tbbullp_go of tht celebrakld law by a _Irtllellt of Ibla bireuto ppendage

Olll neighborS Ia the Solltil It 11111 ben b

rtfHOell to lIIother pitt of tbla pape haye art IIt14 at a period wboll tbey are beginning to acl lei aot througb any ellerg of their 0100 but by

bull bull Iho torceof the elective spark wblch tbe pr0111OIt ~ lb AjDerlealll excitebullbull Aa Ie lIIuaU the cue ill ueh spaslllodic e1f~rta tbelr ICtiODS are neltber -At( b d Ira UI I ateedI-~ ~ pru ollee or grea~ til geDco II of t1llll~g tbolr atklptlou to tha aeveopomoot of cIIt reour0e8 or their St they e endeavoring 10 ftrm I agalnaua wllo If tbey 8amplIdled Ilatlr deg lotereat tbe would not olllylreat aa

htelben but endenOf to ludaoe us Inlo tbelr _trie b offorlng lerge 1IIwarda to U8f1 lIIIerIca fho would Httle amollg tbem

go andmiddotdo Ukewlh tI Ibe would In fow lola uame was reeeIedmiddothe ~onoludedlIIIId IDUO1 c u Aoa_ fII IlITIIIIo o BD-Thill L bull ~ Ia peu enklrpriae whleb for bullDaB1e Iou _med

han reuon to Ie the - the merleau lIle pp - too i11cH1v7 plQJce 10 lie HriOllllJ eoklrlalaed tbelr denl among them II Brig GeD Horuab waa II atbullbull II Ie 11IeI u Ihelhuadelplla IAtliJrr to pIO

The Elllpero Alolnder of Ruula u _wued drank with ~re and th _II-I- not onlypn bullileallle blit to be aowal _Iilrocl lakll with peel ctltllOll1 DIIfInc laquoIlGlIamp- The oople of Gtuadr- uu _ ~oo_uIoa 01 ~ GIld lIIMaWio_ tIon the BDlpelOl lIrtIMd dlllllfllamp1llt liNt lllto lliftl amp111 the lUI Ie SOl Ill of bJ a

-r hGould he alloed ampveryluiUt iol publleblnl tbe JiIoJ-wa receld wltb leug 111 incident or the cerem001 The rep_led Brig Gen Jit111 I88po11111lo 11 draIIk to of IIIe Pope _ reaehed on 1111 occaeIon be- The Bed 8kIr of 1I1earas- t shy

I - --

blo IUCIea From all we can learn 10111 Hill quallllcatiOllll appear ~ bo good die-

n -0how othinc oIemenamph anlbmg Ike llalloolmiddoth boen ordtled -to the SardInian potU middotf9t111er rloctlol1-(f OIgIlDIZlltlon aod kllllclt to fhe nowl from Frallce I unimporlllll i01In principle beymiddot ilia) lIIlrprlee the Union 10 111 France hM growll up to hemiddotalli8 tat bilallbbeb

lire th_ ofanr other _IfY neCoatalUcanuNboglnnlnr(OltamwladoD

end theIP rttIIerJ to (ullow Preildellamp Xora III lUIother folAJaplneUflO8IIguI ucla_pIcIou

III our m1lld tltt they beslnlllng to bow wbats b

Tile 11010 from Buropeta DOl of III In -eat til l1li In Nicaragua Q_ Vlctorla lib a good _bl mother Is endorlug Iogeh lIItmiddot ablo spouao for hr aupterl Ibe 11111_ RoyalPrlll~ irederlck-m lrlIstlt 11 at proeenllh fa rltA In 1gtvl matrimOlIai IIIIrkel H baa aCeltmIpanled lbe roJa moth~r clllrllJU

middotmount~t roogtiI laddoll M unexpected Amiddotcoup u fat 11M been lIIk1mpted in Paill bJ -rrf nI hi its lerth to taIt the B~I u rtmiddotIIlI PrtlllllllIIPpcaraneeago their eandl- (leott~ODollnelltIukod ltltIeenlIlllheUa 11 IIIIee from Franklin the ed_ltlWd Irad rona hladoctor mullraquo alld air w pxketshyltlale ud Ibemlelvenn rar behind dcrblllleedenahSp 1b_Spanlahtroops hoW poue 011 bJthe plekel prltl ofbe rNIIOt hllllditerehlef

middotTho DfbIIlIIIn lind FrolllOlit lien are hathon 8Ionof Madrid bllCmiddotthe blew wa nOlllrlld 1111111 1114 - man killed The meIu bod WII hUll~ F4t 11111 ~-l---A-rua-n-p-n-Jal-Ir-porler aid il 1kelr 111 III In 8upplieatlon before tbe State middotof laneoueI~ amplllbe luge ollie mt therefore lcLraplcllY-~Inrr th pu~ofaIampok wa eo olOOllelt amp be ~ tbu ibnup -CD in lie Yo ftud Ponll8)lanl4 There lIever w only parllllllluCOO88lal A eho ar Ia SpaIn II 11 Je is ooei Jirallkl how -It grolt ~~~litl~way~~ma4t billlyen- iwI Ja

bull IlOOII t 1111 w II mo OU _ bullbull h1111therefore hlehl probahll It Ia thought -be w IIIalI aad tho collklmplated atiMlk JIOfi hbonld laquolad 10 bow NId tbeuegioL Wii France ie IlIlIOlIIe nYllOl1l1eel4d wllb the 1IIfaIt POlolied Thethumr -ped ~~ ~~ tllteat no Iongel alilee tbUl Ju~ IIlpl-agaillaamp II wil1middot R~~ h bull 10 1IIdlt e - t nes -lgt 11_ t -- poelufely lilted 10 IIblMOQ KaN mldlllampht howeyer (1ft aspreu Ived III IIUIIp A IaQd peculalor 01lt W- ladeellcllo

until LIlt mill of 1100 Allied rome hqultted with ~ Informaloa tllat 001 Oook wllb I _e his trac IJIInI th eba be Inaallilidl J th CrImea Tork h for the pretent nnt foroa of U 8 ~bad takeo lip I porJampIoall clcreel It Wu 10 h~lhl ~IIDd Ulera aDd 10 frem the dlplomalle boti_ lrolt of Ltowr8llCt the 1Irpoee or pIOleoI dllBClIIamp for toIbto dlO tbel iIII thela~ablampaAtiIIbtd

It froIn the pro~d ~I ~ Coodli~bu 10 draw tbelr lui breatb With a eolrallre ~aPOob _u to CI_Ie PRESIDENTIJtL SUPPBR toWlIJIIIlIOI810 Gel H~el~ warllln~ oe Pcmy eliC~bullbullVeUowoltben ~ t

__ tbe _equellcaa of III lkllllplOO lb bull It ollllh of JII1 ora hepiaHie ckdara 1On tbe nalramiddotof the 19th laaamp tb FI14 61B la uld that CIII Cook IIa~ beell Milt b1 Qea do noamp believe amp10 Is 11I~ wo_ or eIiIIllo

ly wbo w urgeatly oliel b) ~ people ot IIIIa ho_ who It_ttubed the age otM _e~ alld 018n of tbe General Stair Wlib a few Iewrallee 0 lDte~ Cor lheIt ~QJI Qn b~atmiddothU fell tilla tl1lth tbuwltriag ~ Cltizell8 lDel 81 the Pre8Ident lIIena10n ad tIM lb nib Gew -0 arrIYed at FnnIdlll amllled tbelritnilllll flPcQrl ag I

tlook of eupper bull oolllllllalion with Ibe IIIIoera of be lravadlog -10 h

bull th I 4 Dri ifill S IOld thembetmiddothe WM prepllCed en- I11III D ~ eaklr 4 9 _ushy_l _AOIOnamp guellawenttoe gI~enerrJ foroetbI teUftllHheoleutlimltowuhla eldeiitl11I~uowedf_gnIID80ftJcbtibullbull

JlorDeblIriglcllerOeneral Fry Drigtdler-Oeaeral _1Ioo J aupprtlll cllaordere with the aht of _04 ttom death lit the ampIinIhPa~lllIi1lf ehlOro-nnneingllJlftW Xbull RQgcro SubS ot Jlaermiddot tbe-~middot~ IIlJder Jb---middot~iIatit fmn ald bullbullbull~ elida CoL Pb R Thompson Aiijt OiIabullbull N AI the Interpoeilloa of XlIreu aHer (Jell ~ BII or~t qllellioo At tho 001 Ales Joo P~lIIUIer 0nl N AI ~e~=n~- t 111= lIowlhhen be l8i dO~alrO Ii iWir did Col T F Flab Q~termUlter-aeatlll N A thai be had)lllt UrtIIkId to or 190 ouIIa Who Col Ocoqe B Hall 00mmi1Ml)raJ N Awoold be prGperlJ tried b1 the lepIllUthOrlIIaa Whi III amp man wamph acom 06 middotetu toe Atl 0_1t 1 M tbe geollOmtaaU de10 take of the yltodl Aa _ the cllIIIIeaire

1eIIIlt)f Tho Hdth of tho pruldenlor lhe Republic

or Nicaragua was propelled and~lIk Ith eoshythualaam 10 tblt the Pretldent rtIIpoDlled propotllll W

Til OlBcera or the Nicaraguan Arm

The lIetlth oC General William Walker w III

en propoatd and drank with Ihroo ebte Tbe Generallf caUed upon to reply It1IIlmoatl posalblo 10 gl90 ao Ida of Ibe ellOlrI~ ellbOl loll words prodllCed IIded by loll graoUnl geelleolallon and peculiar feror we CII 0111 Mltmp 10 gIe 811 idee of wbat ho Hid bull

When bla 1)AIII had btllI repoampteclly oalIod he roee lad 14

GIIINTIIIUIM-Wbtever or hlator helon 10

tba Da wbalOVer of the 1I1111rol 1liiy be 1810shyorared Wllb It owea more 10 Ih lid recolfed ftOIIl the wisdom galbwlr) and derIng 01 Ibe geotlem811wilit wbom ampbe lndlYidual wbo bean i baa had the good middotfortune 10 opente thaa 10 III merit he blmaeU po_ [Cbe_l Ao lodiridual wbyenleer posltloo be 111amp1 bolitla gea oat

01tho P1l2I he repteaeDlII maltee hrlll gMaL It M Ie_ en tbe approach or Goy Geor Hept J A Ii my Ibrtene to lie the repr_tame of a with U S VcIopI aud weDI towlIllII Ne~ lIarr1l1g1on S prlnelp e willi hlcllyou all Imboed_ prin All b qqet ia tbe IerlllOl1 Henr A clple that cannot OOCOllftaed 10 thIa 01 an OIbtt Joaea J It

bey pl pro8t in thla pllttloqiar by 11Iuon- clple of ulIleraaI fraedm It mlltt ooalln to spread nlll I erubracee nOl OQ all hllcoatlshy

ucl ott 0 EtDperons Nicholas And AlulIIlnder ofnent bul the conlhlenlll of the old orldmiddot It will ll~ jhO bull IOn ililOctl to the United change old Y8amp8IIII ~d reinfipale -i alld Slates t AmoriCllII moehanica to come aDd Ive t~ Old 1flithorldNrecelung lIedlOlPullel ampom lbe

n~ oll 0 e ew 10 ellen to UI the paklmll In Ibelr 01111010118 and tbote wbo aceepted tbe embraCes of a IIlIivelllll blll~hhood (Iodlullallo have beu reated In a mallner com- cheering] __traIl wllh the wealth of llie Empire W080 After the General badcoQcludod TheSoldlllra

resoured tbelr Ibor will help 10 dovolop There of Ihe Nlcaraguall Army WII proP080d IIIId dlllllk I I I E tb t b d d I III hId b DO pe~o II urope n n vanee n e WI Oil C eel Arts of l~te a tIo same ratio lUI the Ruselall Utlg Oell UeoDmRBOo 10118 (Irank with IIlucb

d I l 10 L II E I ltb b bull All n fer coyer e en re IIIp 10 If a ent wlm lind III retpoollO Gon lIalogaen Aid Aetwork of ralroad tho Emperor bas Inlol semiddot In lubatallce Iltal he nOI muob 8OOWItolatd 4Wed til icoB of 8ovorai Amerlc1l engineers 10 liking ~et that ho w eatlrely a

apot It I - broad ue wllwene-lt Ii ampbe prla-

There were HyerrJ -er toute __enI draakaadabouU oeloek the geDtklllen Ithmiddot drew to their reaIdeII- mllCb plcued with amp0 ellteneinmtll


fUll lI ona ampIID ntce PROOLlIllU-lllI

bull t1t01l 11011 111110 Th St LoQIa BYelllllg New of Seplembe

Ib b the followlDamp IUlpllIIl1amp IIew1 Wo v clalei ftom 118 JSOlGer 01 me 1111bv _vl- t Iuamp -11 of tb war In

Kanua alld c1rculllllaneea atlendl lb 1IW Wal1 of peace amp Frtnklln

Tbe MIIsourIu we 10 their word tUlObed ampom Wolitport to aItIck Iewrlllloo on th nthT w compoud of OIIe reglmeD cit ampos_1 eae ef mounled m_1n all 1400 _ al- We dool _beu es_pte Ifre 10 lend Ii four pleooa of aHII1erJ Gen utt11 -1 ora - alike bllamp atdilterenl 111_middot In command On tbe 13tb aad 14th thete t=~t=O~Ath

~ebrmfori= rwbull Jllltlce

lamplllzed by came G8II Atelillollto tho dWt Itefohillou ere peel decJerlo ilia relllng OIl the proeCtiOll promised 10 peacelll bullbullttlenl bl tbeGOYOrIIO~ tbe Ibelnndlog army would dltbaud l1li01 relll to ~belr 1I0m_requ~Un the Go _ 10 reergamplllA and diatrlbukl middotOtCllhe Tern ~ Cfoe of mllllla to p~ the Mtthln from _auderl atld robbera-alld reoommeodlncIhal CoL Tim be made commander of tbe mUfti of Ihe Territor] lbe )(-urlane llien broke up cunp aed returned boule except th_ wbo Jp te)lded to IIIIUI lit doe l~

Tbe aillet or OH bullilretl 00l1li UrtIIkId bYGo 0 belollged to tho flOIIPIIA of Cal HlltYt1 wbo made ampbe aItIck on COL aolleriton

WI-d~~ t4 ~~III to f~ lI4I all __e lIpOIl t bull rae_ deg lUllmiddottIogocean middot10 -0 bl thle muno bue made report III whielr the d~lhat the ilia eouId be built OIl neuI7 dlrlaquot rltlIIte from sfamp 10 the OWt01 P~- with braneb Iio Ibe Nile The00fi It ts7~ 1114 the oooatructioo will take IIs88 At 8oM2lIfeeuf_wlllbetoliad M lIle diMDce 01amp000 feetlrom t4e bull_ The plrl 10 be ooiIIiInIcl4d III the GWI of Patm whleb the former proJect plaeed a Ill boUom ofth GQlf wiD be located wei mllee 10 the Willi 011 p or the cout wbere the wa1s 211 fee~ deep Ai leu ~han the cllatance of wo IDUea Tom tIN IOore mt where IIIIchOlampg g~ It Is tlmueil bet 1 -IU fie do In 4IN11cpbeleen the rotpeCtibull place IIld Bombr III fdllowt (Ionalallwllople 1J900 Havre 8928 Lolldoll 86GO LIrpool 8560 He York

7311 Ne Orlean 8178 Hore IhaD ball Ibt 0) I -een Ihe prlndp porloofJilliropo alld Alaia bJmiddot Ibe propoeed l Tbi slugle fact lIholllicalmmenle IIliIIl) 10 ill Damptlollll ail weU as 10 BVPI and Torkej olld ril lIeur tor iIamp projecCUnl the belt wlshea of the elvill1fd world

III view or faoII the 00_ lIIIfd the Ilk alargci landhold~rf Beea_ ~ ill p-d ~ to ~ 1IIIt middotbadoa tbeli- of tUII odtM-1IIeIII(It - 1

Gel Atobleoa Gen Reid and CIII TIl4 -Why iii a Inr Ike kIIoclampert Becaa~ dreaed the meetiR ad lIrlIed complianoo 1amp ho lIIiHotml to llifW4 (a d_) the GoYernor prOpol61 Th Govenaor thel bull -poundt

Wlthdrw from Ihe ~ to alfordto 1 Iist 01 Ietter IOUrlaaaauopportulloace amOllth~ D-rJl~middoth nIB I d 0IlIIhla ngeoUon A _tllIlI w jllllaDllj I e bull- v lII1ICO omiddotwag Cf tee ve

Iober 11 1866 lIolt Ooa(Dlrdeall V E tBullh J G Bllllch J BbardO E Bremer JClarlt ll WCaaIIlIo C Ohecklcy Xlll CUlton I Daly Iol J Jlllher J A lir141 Jishfr G W

aI Ulek~PoInl They were 08pwred at G_ GeuIeall 0 A ~IolillB oppotIte LeeomptoD OIl 1beIr reamplIrII Go1tbArl P A from 8ickory PolnI to Iampw_ 1111 ead bet (1_ J 0 Iathe aampempllO vteA them _ U S eoWter Hanele It fourteen of lfes men 10 killed HoagllUld M H

Lene III not Iio be folllld 10 eIIeTerritor II Berdy C

Fuu o bull t ftlna-lbe Now Orlealll Della Jorge A lHms tbat Red lUvor hu dimmed up lla owa Klpp S V inOUth and now mlkea 118 w y 10 Ihe Gult LorIog L th d Atcbaamplla B l fb II d bl Llnere or B

2 1~ X 11 LlflngslOn J WlIcGulgan 0 Hoy A Korri H

McCann H a IfcCudle J

Jlanofill S Mooney Hamp sb 1I Nellr E A OsborD D C Poal Dr A Pearaon J T POit Hlu A Roper J Hltllaquogton e 1 Roulrand ~ Sd1 Dr

- Scott W L 81110111 D ~ Sklnna J C Smiloro H SlantbrT7 E II Warren Wheeler 8 H WllIlalll800 CaptWIHiamSOD J

lIuilii tbe fOr~middotedurereor thdegat ~ til )8116bull and tbat at oue IiIlHl neTer Iouched III M - amp X TIIOlampIV lib d III b~ II b llI bull - I

I pp ut pllrlue bull coune w 118 1I0W WHOLESALE ])EALER IN Ulned elllptIDglRto the Gulf far to the ell I of Ibe Iolillalaeippi Tbo Red RI Ie now to BRANDY WH SKY WINE~IIld Ie remhla to ho up whether whcll full It _ t wUlliot re-opoo be outlet to the Joflulaolnnl ud AND ALL KI~fS OFihLQUORB Ira mill wIIb the aIbA~ of Wuerif - 40geer If bull r rrN COrrBn sJrJ9DBn2-rrzoJV

U-- J I L L 110 4Lt lDliOO ~ 0001II IOUgt NA WIIOUIiIAuU 8 TILl YI nOIY -An mIII - HltrJ etroet ulltoI ofampIIFruei800 COIlbaen lick for a long hoe and whit1n this _ate GIUIIlda Junlgt 1 1866

would OC4ulooII _e brealblng ftIId IIr be ------------ --__ - -Dr AAud Pobullbullpparanll eslhletfoe 80m tIMe when he wooIshy

~ III th~ dockyarde of lttllllia An~rICIIII 1I1collamiddot worker and that he ca~eto Nlea heca II apln COllie to On one or these ~ heo fBNDfRS UIS SERV1CESto the Ilhtz~Dbull1 IIkI hn~ lhe dlrectlon of nfthlrt The OODIC- tb ht II b It - - be lind JIIII awakeaed from bIs Bloop lgt1rIok uk Granada and vicini ill ilie praclille of

OIIg ero t eoe w wOr 10 do He would Ied 101111_ UITlCllli SURGEoy t_ H1DWlhIiJi qunoe fit 11111 will be tbat In a abort IIme tile nOl hae eome h_lt he uppoud Ibe tllICI8 of And howll w bo Jlmlll1 when oura IIIIWJ ~ bull l u j1l bull lOt

IwMlaII Veue6 III bo IIblo to compete III speed bla laborwOIIIS be IlOI1l1ned to IIII1t pI_ Re dead-1011re after klnup ini thllOf OftIce an4 roal4caCe 01 tb aouIbwl ted dumiddotmiddotllt with tb but buill Yankoe clipper tumln tballka - th b 1 bull Brlalg III a gleu omiddot Irioi an IA7 to tU- comer of tho lampreet 0pPOllltc tbe San PrandgtltOAoLr bull wr e on~ goD omen p hero lilt 1 Jimmy -airIf I dOll I au OouonL ~~~e~~ AlUerlclIiIorthlloontln~l1lw~to OIlteonre~upon ~m by ~ IIIUller In wblob IdbrlDk thin blll1 meor Gtanu Jail 1860


320 ElNICABA8lfENSEVol t No 51 p 6 5abado 25 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 25 18S~ i t l

BRIG dNN HENNlVeSIIN ketnft4 tore lItelrlllaquopoampolllpu gri_r __ dlis hnmlllatlcm Autrl of eOIl- Iolaled lit COM~lISSION IpoundR~ SALE

t ~_11l loo1ltlnl 01eI 1lI6 l)emOOlamptI Rlew lOr t~Ir- tIe pJlva~ aIl4 lIIampIIy _______ t86l1l dad ~~1I1D ~n the ampIIlprllD W-r TIIlrtee lIUDPm td_ ana geuellile Of pURSUANT to an order leeIIed by the Board of CommlWon I gtfIll on d1IFJ~T DIY DlIloh the ClOIIdllCt an AllCIIont iDd ablllamp of note_ dlieclly tbll lulftlldvballled or JANUART 181S7 ofter die lbiIowingmiddot invelltoried propottl for 80 III pllbilO ItU(tUIIlmiddot pigt he lleteODI bo llgu~d hl ttamiddotiermtlllOflbk bo tthoullbdley had bad fw 1IIDIlth ill1Itelr the IIUa It the citl Of ~randl middot1 Uiwwe are carefully lorDed OTUIO told amp ppwer 1wrIHt Atmtlpd Atulricm H olall TetIIlI-Ou~ or IIUllar1 WpL bull ___ I lie ranka priloioll irlthoulltluriuamp OIl or them The laIe HI conllnU1l ampom lay to dar IlnUHn~ wiolo 18 dtaponu Of troDt BIb fall upon tbembull Speaking 1gt( lhe Gdrse ampelng ~he middotol)ltllllll wb(nrvmiddotpl1t bull pta Pankos deahtma of leeing the property and emiing for tbemaelvtl8 will 06 fllmned ~ll

nr6I11 aceouna tba Ilad bean ltritten lip to lhal oner (Counl Ziclly aD UDollarim) to dBatll horselllld gukl8 bllppJioallon at my oftIce - I irrul of thla lDem_ble 81rOssie Alr eiloll ana Amolllllt lbe Icllml were -e mell of large V I b e ed In It we Grid tJle toUorill (orhme w~o1D the ~II were _nxlou to d V1I I PEY INamf 01 Biulli I _-l_oP_1I_0I ___ RtllIlIrk4 ~ e DIU iii g tpoO toll Balllyampbyl ror bilt eatftld wordl Hacienda do aeao Roaano IJOiii llItololo Lopez Treo hI full bearing tI4middot11) Tho tnl connected ndlaWlillibl_nuflllreemiddotliilllloaiordollampnmiddotOeneIK coodemD 110 do Oandetari Do Youngtreet 10bullbull0

tblleampaltnt 111 ampOIlIg 1Dd dierefwe of tIe ed by Hnau wbo Will hill dBbtor for Ilxty Do CaUle lAIa Or~ Do bull 1~~1 HIIInl e _ gen~1 whloh Olftnot bo ~houllld doll VecztJ wlotte ~her (sllllllv BOWIampID run Do A row of siJ ator~ 101 UIldeiMood wllIo __ling the mlblary eo ID ) wieand he IIIQ of lite late emperor Au- HaeIendo de (JaQlO

UlJOnli In thleOdntryiUOIIlallled ill ~ pampt Ilt tba eampIdIer Jlho-pbllr-dle pllont and I~dl8O Pit t Juan T0lI6 Rut 8 0 entitled- Nag) Sandor apd the rrIeeI Damiani who Hacienda de Caeao plz(I Do- H 11 ThI P4d 1lIl Ja~ iff l1JFmiddot bellIg _ed to he hlDge4leet 1114 with como Do Indigo Je1U8 lIIarl8 Do 1 I

Fod bat 11M iffirtt tlhuWaUflul tM poau liby 1aet here lJbull1 ~ alw~lI ~t Booee in Ri Do Largo IIdnbe 8 11 f( BtlIqgU middotdndFtItllrIl p~ 6ti upon IMhetlio lIeLfP Bacl~d de Cacao Sin FraDdleo Jose JArguello Aree 18 C HfII~~atJlllwmiddotolmiddot fWlw M01ItIM LoWe Bath~nyl 111)0 wbenllomom fell bad Do do De Abandoned Into Qall~jl1fllllllA ZtmIaolrTgm R_liOll b~ tried OYer pW atIer belnl eaotenced to B_1n Onmada bullbull bull Do ~ ~ bull bullbull 0 Pvoria tc rour 1 impi1aoDment the eharga middotormiddot l)eWs Baclellla ltleCaeU rdilacio Male1iP- bullbull i bull bullbullbullbull ~r


rI p1tt t I cd cJ to -1 W middot111_ ~f middotORII Latour ot 11_ In Gi-aWulo-- - ~- JO bullbull bullbull bull bull bull 10 Thouampbor 0( 1Id_ ptm e li~ ~ r l)-U wbiclt be notorlouir U1tu_h _ _ 1180-0 Plta~ Francisco GuerrA IS

PllbnO~qollleclampIIllIIotb~bmiddotmiddot bi th d9lamp1t0f WullingampUII wuCOlidemned to he BoilandIotIIlRIna ~ 1gt0 9 lib lbe ~Ut onamprll 0iJ0orIlJ hanged Hia wife IntrcdllClld bull lancet Into hla IIoUll8i11lUfU n Kill patUalll burnt 10shyuulll bl+aljJbh~ugh Ih~ m~mollll~ ~~~sn pn- h which hellldun Inelliletwallliempl Haolenda dB 0_ ~~Ia Fe Joa6- II lIaleailo 18 In which Ihl tr COIIUUeDbC IIg 11 ccteddu~ co et the Jugular Tela DllIOOYued helbre he Catd Bolnte JIaI ()lIa Do bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull G ~imte 11000middot lIr 07 ~II Chi r de bad Ill to death hiamp wound 1111 bandam lip HOIlllIn ru 00 Lollg IQW 1 bull defeltbl bull ~h d IDamp~ I 0 ~ wi alld hemiddotw horrlellltdflged OIl IIId alios lite Haalend de Cacao bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ~ bullbull Fetlpe amp S Saenz NearTolo-aome wlldlllltamp 3()IlO

1ftOJbt8eomiddotarmiddotall rtt Igmiddot d or gallo probampbl) not belDg rdy 1I0 P h DO do 11 Vi C1emonte SaIlIOl Old ealatc neer Rint 1(1041 liIlgt11IfI~~~O ~pSd r ~kJi1iUei word to Ire and fell abolltibg Long Iff ampIIB lIollle in RIT Do Large adobe 100(10hit ~ nmiddotiI_p 0) bull bull Ibe arreet of Dahyao1i hid beell amp 110- Bouse aDd proyery In

middotbeforeBllblo Imiddot lt bull middot~middotiIi ihislao 1 IIulOw 01middotamp111ampmiddot01 atlonllo-ble otenc WIll a Sanmiddot JUan de Sur ) fll lS UellD lieDden tIam b bull bllabion cawIUD1-blamiddot esecutlcm anmiddot _iDatloomiddot HacIOllda domiddot GROj Felipe Avilc8 bull bull bull bull 8000

IIIOlJIiy ~I RUIIIii ellj R JPII hiobD~ 1Ianr otIrtri w_put to dtaIh W_ of Do do Sallt~ Do With wildlands b~ ~Re~t 0 ~ ~II middotaM flnb IfflUlrippeli and Kourged helOre middotthbullll I1delld de Ca~o JlCII-LaGalpa F amp E Carazo bull 27001) _ nCr tI aoIdIerr OfIJcelB from liliiii or coIeoell David D Lopzamp B Daroe 100)tile Baclellda de Cacao~ 9ijdbf~he ~1Ie~ thorab~ dOlfDlfardl e~ abulIpflI middot1It If bgtced Into Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull II amp Jos6 OaracM ~wotbtrds of die eltarA II iIai1 a~tJter~ ~IIJII ~ed IplOb th AUUIO _llln pr(fatail ~ at lite Do do Boperlll P run amp famll middotrmiddotmiddot 800gt 11_ r~tIJ 8~~ ampdrIhu~Dbull 1d eaprice of IDd ears-ta to ~ D~middot do Chlta JOJl6 Alfaror Conlaminl 160 acree 2000 ~Qjlt ~e ttl th rJm I middotU dar s-~ BOIIfelnBl Demiddot 1600 Urqllllatund to 1 C~ u of iIIatorlo bull FrOm thequatadoDe here IIIIIk k wIUw_ ~~eCaCampo Pafniar Tun Agila bull 10000 ~ 9fmiddotIi~temiddot 11114 tbafBdc Gen B~ Iidu 1fi1h 111m to Do do PlllIIIf P~1o Torres ~ ~ -lOOO ~oI~ lOU ettIoa of Ruulamp iii 1 B_ltlruu 2000shy t~Imiddotaath~~~eibampt dunn _middotmiddotri ~themiddotweIpt or bull rtpIItaiIOII fwllJUan Do bull do O BuetOl amp (amp11111 Near St George) 3~ ~~rII~ Dt~~~IImiddotlJuilfe Otunli IInewled and liaeety of PIlrpOll that 111l1li1 Bad de Cacao fi Do dobulllt lOoQ alloo COm liI iir EurepO tID pnbU~ work raytllihl1 tor IIIY_ whlchho ~ en~ Do do Jayl 11~Oerde8 k tamlly bull bull bull MOO and deg eIO h I dltIcm of th ed B Ii alrad tTOtahI II III E B~ ill RIampef bull bull bullbull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bullbull bull bull o~ gtJ lIII-dnl flle rthl 8 PI II 1 110- bull mope Catlle Batalai Las Lalaa R Pala ampI fmIl1 bull bull 1 popilldlia DIIlft h bull or I~ a and doubt ne -thaI ldImo~ DllIItre pow H_ID ru bullbullbullbull Do dO On the Plaza 2 ItciUjmiddotJ1IUle d~ ~call88htroFer ttei1eclla Niea IfW lillke hlllWM falidllarDo do bull bullbullbull bullbull ))0 do Do QI

lOh~IL~ ~ II middottmiddoti~ wmiddotr hrO hOllmiddotADleaea Dobull do Do do edmiddot lwwlljlUll-adepamprlTleodeglmiddottoat 118 i CaUleamplampIemiddot HeC~IJtI lnoceDteRuele - Ihf St PeUnbllllt lnadluted It and bOle IlIf au r-l~laIe and Imiddot

Jdft1oillD ftJreIIP ~~ I -gt - lIIotiee rdieateDIJIIlIe- bull ItiIdmiddot bullbull oe bullu were D- bull lIl1111~~ da r F lid lIf 9 jIIturliaia oItlte llllIoWl81 _lddlKieaeeIJ pe BOIIIe In Rlne bullbullbullbull r bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull ~ ~middotCbIdimiddot =n H bull UeDllla ~YU Ioii wIltprenlM th~ to me dIll11111bll1t1oe~ Sugar Etemiddot nell 1110middot I

bull~ bt -eneecUMtto mltllilbnn Ihe pUbHoofmiddot ALL PmtlilONff bano tIahe na tilt 11- lUvae ~ Pedro Ohamorro bull l~rJnO

III the Bunf d~ti_O ~ Ollorbelorei1lellampt1idlryorneoo1868otherw_ tap 00 do 12(00 ol~ ~1I-noII IlQ tie a~oflii~1llI~tb1middot-middot ~1llr01l)li iterccentef Pedro ToaqIlM ~1I1l1 ~OIOO ttlbullwtmiddotcilr 6Ibplo-dIJ1Koiiot1t1 ~UIAtltJiB8GORDB1t 1gt0 do Ag~Agrla DI()~lcla)lemando 8laquogt0biild fll IL b ~ and tb ()rientili OIllRLBamp OALLAHAN)middotmiddot H_1n Granedamp CbhlDroampramlr SapA

~ll8gotlatlllW bullbull or bull ~middotJ1lLll1SKtSr ~dBlti I_Kula Do dobull ~00Ileattle300ltgtiu1l l2~Umiddot ~dJCted uallO~ todOonr- AIld-aU ~lIIdehl to tiM at tit Do do ~ROaa Do lt100 ~600caltle 1Ul0 hor8eI 16gttOOi ioot IlWlpr~ middotabOedec~ petdllOllllIIIIIka Immdiata Pato Bac1euda do Ccao bullbull to ~ Fnlgetlcla Vasa t 18

The crll11Ilj~~ I~ ~1 lal~ lenlll~t monuo me GILDK PlTUB Bon III (Jraneda bull bullbullbull Do ~ bull 15 O hllito Of tbbull bull piby- BeIIDlllpID bull wen all lnbk A4IIIIaIllrillorO D Stook lIn~b St Jeronlmo middotDo 1600 catlfe ~(lO hore HInhn

the bull t t Gralled yen St 18M Boote ill Graneda Do GuedaiouputMet ~ biublUtyllldellotlllllon mapa ~middotU om e __ - Do domiddot Do _ Domiddot middotmiddot11100 deslrabiek a iiillitarJr poln oC vie the movemiddot otlce Domiddot 40 bull bullbullbullbull Nfcaclo d~1 Qutlilo bullbullbull bullbull 8bull lIlent h111 n~li describe LL pertlOll8 hlnr clallIlII aplta lite tu of QoIrete bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull Do Near lIIalaeo 4jju

J kln 6fGill1eya middotlieon In bamplilgmiddotno- A~o fOllolngllllllled deoeutd plIrtIOIll 111 pre 11o In Qranada Antonio Barheteno bullbullbull ~ ~ U n pea I nHhem to me dilly Inthenlluated 011 or before Stock Ranch El rlldo Do $00 cattle 1~ hollelt 4fi

lated tho ~oodIIl0~8 O~ wblch KOIIulh delegl~ed lito tOth dlr of Deoember 181111 otherwllle th~ lantln Walk bullbull bullbullbull Do ~eer Granada 2 bl power lbo Bele pilbllahoJ the follOlYlDg wlH noamp he IIllowed by Jr I ~ In GratIlIdl Jns Maria EIllrada bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bullbull bullbull bull bull bull ~ quotatl11 bich we are templed to cOP1 aa It B1lOn Cole Wiley lfarahl~ Plantain Walle bull bull bull Do Ncar Granada l II Iii millent p081110n In European afIiIlr8 Robert JlHllkIII Jonaillan WIIecm HOIlBO In M_ 400catrJe fiO hlgtrfle8 4~ Lino CelIr

8 ow 0 pN 1 Dr Gen lie bull gatll bull S K Sackaun George White Stock Rench Clraeol Dmiddot fear San Roque 8 0I

beld by Ollr prlStli g IInto bull And Umiddot perllOol Indebted 0 lite estalel oC Ibe HOlII8 In Gratllld Lnla Montrel e 0 Kt)86utll had middotnot ~Ichd Oro ~pon dlo boTe deCeaeed pereoMl will make ImmedlMo PlY PIMntain Walk bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull Do N~middot VegM 1 (

rOllller befO4 the necouol 01 GOI8O I tIe1lSOD men to Il10 GILBBRl TITUS 1l01llOln Gnadn NAciso Raplnoza 4r ovemok him frOli1 whence togethmiddot wlth 1epl 11bllo Adllllllltttntor 0 D 8 BIJIuln GralUlda bull bullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull fala rlltoa Horall bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull 6( U Dembinkl Kmeuy GI1OO and 1If tbollltlllt~ 11 aranad BtpL SO 1848 Houeeln Granada lOll Ubaotl bull bull bull bull ~

ho puHd lIrollgh Wallacb to Vdbl In IV 1 - Ifulend de Cacao MlloO Tlo bull bull bull bull bull bull t I hefond lIIe Turkhlh frentler nO ee- ROUIein Gramplloda bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ROIIrio Vinamp Granada Hotel 9 ~ wlUle Gorgel bad omred tho gaITiIon of AItt peraoiIII areIIbJ oaiRIed agaiOI bul Do do gto bull bull ~ 0

Colllorn to III1rrender wblch I re~ lIrat to In or lI_solSatlllg flit the fulJOwing 1crIp~ Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Ponelano CoTftI bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbull ~~ d thoul11 entering Ioto neotiatiOll wllh the ~ne 1_ nUmberedmiddot(8G) tbltty-lllr In fayOI of amp do bull Pelar Mil~nco bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull 4lt IIV

A~triu~ Tb~ro were IIDfortuo~11 cmOlPI D lIa)Ie1 tor t810middot Do do~ bullbull bullbull bull Tlo 21 die o1lICltMI lOme dUpes of Gorgea parIoy who 0 1_ nlllOhered (19gt nfnetean 111 fu~Il of Stoclc Raocb 0101 Ito 1600 cattle 200 bor 110 0 were allrlollamp (0 maktmiddotterrM and Ie nolbiug 1188 Wm Baletor 18383 Uclenda do cetlO ~ Do A Malco ~o bean of K_IIlI fonll bull Gorgel bad ~Tel The lJlOye dllllCli1gted IIIitIp Is ~ elldoried by H_In Granado bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Femando ellman bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 0 fro him t~lll0w$tl Ibe f~lrell w Svoo liP me and Pi t Is pioleetiKhUbeoIIlce of the StoolfllAAelt at TOrell Do t600 cattle 300 boraes 12r 10 the AU8Ii1anl with ~~ealipulatloD hat tbe p Mlntaler ~endlaquo DANIIL BArIgtSY HtmfI$ In Granadn jOfoqnllla Iloran bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 6 iison 11(0111111141 1I~wcd ~ loen portion 0r11a a~~Pt Ib 1816 Hclendailo Cacao falaco Do 36 pay and Abould be pe~lltIdtorollreullUolecd HOII lnGrallllda Pedro Seqllenn ~ ~middotO

KOlIlhh~ng bead of tbele DegOtl~tIcm~ David l_raDI Hou-Itl Granarla Yna Horan igend conelilulllg b~~ tho Pwer oelegaled to Oor OFFERS FOR IiALE A hie plate San Seber Hacienda de Cacao ~ Hraor JLSimdonl O ge htd eKed bticlt to bnn on aocouD~ oC he Ian Stre h boG IIh Bee- Stock Ranelt Rcmltee Felipe Oahezas 1600 ClIIUe 9 DOll l1IUI1l1oee of the traitor wltb tbe COLldillona bull 81 on OWIII a bullbull H0I311 In Onnada Miguel rullerllZ i bullbullbull 3m III ateJ iIad bowr dilpttcheltl bull comulmiddot chon Jture SIllc1l RaMbmiddot San Pablo Do liOO caltie 40 alier wIth powerl and illitIlCllonB 0 prottll~~ 10 bullFlour Vb~e~ aIll11~fe=~n~hlt Do do HeCled r SelayoampDIejltraa 260 cattle 400 nOllle8 20 tho U~I t~ dB~nee of CO50rn bull Oilnltte blide~~I Ale ampDd p~ Do do ChllamlII10 Leandro SelAYo 600 caltle 50 horBeI ~o deg

That po 1fhlch he cotld oalr give ~ di Itelrt WI CIa) pipes Ifoo ln Guada bullbullbullbullbull Dolor LejaTftl bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull 0(raquo GOYemo ofmiddot Hunprl feN counteralgncd bl un~T aD b a lltoek Rancllmiddot Qlebda HODd~ Dr bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull (jollll Q-iiili BfodlaDyl TlIe Comlllieajone or ermaOlfjl bull Do 40 olnquto Do ~600 entUe 200 b01808 bull bull bull bull

lta1lL hilWA to (lqwtrll when fortr-lIIIf Recorder Oftice Do d SoIn Jampclno Miguel BolallOlampBroa 2500 caUle GOO horaee 1~ renderedmiddot bull __ __ De do San Francleeo tm~ 20

Thia oommkttoloner delegaed mlb aupreme Tml Ollloltofth B_ofDeeda lorICgeB Las Hampderae Do ~~OOO cattlo 200 bOae~ m oiflhlld mUtanpoer W baY8 reaampoD to kilo lIcrorthe OrieItIi D~ofth RolIbo -Do do ~~ Rolille ATUezIICluIlIIOrtO 801)0 cattle 1100 bol8ell H i wuUuolll Vae lIampbor of the pampblet JIoDi 110 will he optlledln thecltl of GranAda on _ HOll~ III Granada bull bullbull bull Do bull bull bull bull 41 bull fbIeh we C been 10 largely 1IlI1ftc1h1g daJ the 8th oampptlm~ 18~G1r ~~-r ~tlIk I_ncb s~ Blu Domiftlo Jarqllin TOO caUe 100 horae$ II lboup 1I1) boll a reteh 011 boreehaekhe aqutred by D_ to e ~__~~J ~dlin ~ fin do Tenabona )fillller Alvarado 600 cattle 100 horaOlll 6 ~ OOlIld nlltIumiddotImemiddot Illach lIIe fronlel ror middotwhlob Ibe toreNIdD~Dt re7GlLLm Do~ do COrplil Chrletl Menue Gltcia 600 CtlUle 100 horeetl 4~

putpOtllmiddotU waii ntCelllry to pili ~e lllrough monirdetteforthOriealll~t Do dB sm6ntonlo Tillloteo Lacayo 800 caI~Io 60boraea 8~O the 1ntL ~ 1 H_IIlGranadltClltolayorr _~v

Had ht dOlI10 he Wlamp J)led~ no to liltmiddot Oranadaj - $711301d Camont ror fU InOlIIte lid would haTe N ti T 0 l IJ I u

~n~rHn 900 Auatrial P~~8fII whQIU he 0 ee Together willi lorl) or fifty FarJU HQu- amp0 1 Iho Depar~ent of BIYa8 Iued at ~ ill ol1lltbave hold aa hOllagea for theeMnmiddot the I WILL give Uberal ~wvd to a01 person who three hundred to onll thollllllld doU_ ~ ttunJilt1nn clilefti-to th Oil thle incldenl hluged bull will tlUll to m) etore my Ledger Book II A btrge portloll of tho abue poperty 18 situated Idlin als houra ride of San Juan del Sur Vlts in tb tate of Moul BadlYllllyi udOrmiddothla COlllpan~ Will pIIIaed from lIlatore during tlielate attack Bay Rirulan Gorg NaDdBlme and Deriomo and the remalndu In Granad tnd ObOlltaea Iollllinmlafllflllland~nn1lirt1rdo I _ftbull~ _ 18 1866 1IA TllOllAN JOHN MYLARD MARSHAL bull

Tho fold(r~ of tbo garrison broke ~h1r milmiddot _ L i bull

F NlCARABllENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 1 sabado 1de Novtambre de lasS Saturdav November 1 1856 323


lEI NIC AU A GUENSE1middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotL bullbull 1 ~ bull =L~ bull


[OFFIotAL) If ~lIdortOollliull8loned Oc~ 8 rROamp FrrltltiNr4tt~ ~- Olear OrOllltoy II 9 DbullBamey Woolf COll1mlllliolled April 28 1S6f

REGISTER UI1l1M1U R barlfa Tylor lI_y 28 OF TUB Artlllit CoInIor1 GOmlUluiouElt AtgIIII lit l8G~ JollaW AndmlOn II June 21

amprotul lAl1Ilmdm ThOll F Wright Jul N lOA RA G tJ A A R lY O~O~e Von Hln oolllmlttdloncd Sept 211 18$GbullbullJoho MbullGilCIIu AUg

Newton l Webb I April 10 M T Neagle Sep~ JII OIlllIRU CO~IIfIIDINO IK OIIlB R LaIlIb Se~ u William NnrthWige ()cj y

William Wlllite 6 IIlft11et II 95 ~1 Lil1llmIt1lt bull did aCltlmp 11l1li1 8411u4lOlf 0111I11T nTILLUI Georg~nll8ti oblllillil8ltMd April 1 bullbull lIIN

aCajl Inlr lfahon e1Inlillealooed Jln 20 18lil _L MIIgtI lames bull T 1roe u May 9t

H F Pilled Matcli 81 - A Dltl1gtwarj2 comlllillgtlioll~d OclOber 18 11166 fm K PMliv~ II May 26 II

W81 P towl II il~ 1 CaptaIn Jbull~ ampnaford Julr IJ II II 0 W GIs a OJ 18~ Getlrge B elllllld IlOlI1mlllllloned Occ 18 1868 VJlIIm H Toler A_g 11

bull bull D U Dulaney II I_mea S Jldfe u 8op~ 25 DIItODIIIR OINEIIUII 8oeqrulIMui_t Joho M Wtllngtonmiddot bullbull Oat 101

Comer o Homeb commlllioned Jats 12 19116 John Crowell commluloned Sept 11 18118 BeuJamln Hardla 00 y A (lamp Cui O Staehle Occ ll4- Firat Lleutonant Jamel Small 1Il~lLlOI or UIIOIIIIamp a_liD ATTJtl01 O~ IKAlrIar

Birkett D Fry eomriliAiolled 6pl 16 Mqjor J hn A J ColtitUeOamta Joho P Wtel1 conomllllloaed J1IIII 18 1866 0 aqu~ commlolaiOMd]lIne 18 186amp

I bull R T 80 d igt LiMNat CIltm4l2dbull L GU bullbull c e corum 1 I II vilpt4lI1 Leonldu MCIntosh co isoiI ed AlII 19

L Nonrell Walker comllllllo~ Aprill 11166 M On 111middot O middotF Henningsen comDlfaaloned Oct 19 Robert Ellr Jllne 11 lien D_ n_ co l1~ft d A IA (~mp R W Plck ~nl ug j O_n mUlne ug 18l16bull

~ bullbull ~ A bull - bull A4iaJUmiddot Johu 8 FlnOlllJvfl Lieaftt Oct I 2d Lleut E H OIat~~i~88d JIlOO 18 18~6JDJOILIIT o~lIuJtlI I)BPtIIIIIIIITbull

lIltfut Q_ol W A Rhea cOlUlDmlsaiQQed August III 1816 Ja_ Umiddotmiddotmiddot- eomlDlealnomiddota Amiddot12 1middotmiddot~middot-001 Ph RThompson CODIIIIlMdFllb 1I18G8 w H Lenl 92 - ~ ~ Ilamutl -L October 1 J1l1$16 Dreux June 1~ tulffilt t4illtattl eMal JAIIIIe Lewis D WIlIkInS II AIIjI it IiUajor G R OMtoQ coDlmluioned occ 2amp ampcotul lMutma1ll Bllrale Bell II ~

ll1DQII IlgtvOOJTli OBMW ThomJ)lOn 1lI00u _liIlened JIID8 11118118 Lewis E GIIU1 se t 2lt bull T U Hewlett II Aug l6 p v

dbulltWllftt J+ o44u9cat OIJ W I Qukll~ II III It lIf Ll~1

11 llmiddotitar ngtitn~t~ ~_ i


Poet-Ollie Building OWEN DUFFY Ageut

y u ~~_~ 4 Ilrllil F D _ t

i bullbull en AWARD of THIampfi DOLL4RS esol will Ie Lieut J W

fOt appheDaloll aud dell (tu of thG Army) of t~ofollowI118 named 2d Lleut Wm ltP-t

from Company A Firat Jlltampntry Balta

[--FJS_ RIOH Aged Illyeare II r~elO In hAir blue o)eB ruddy cOlllploxlOl~ i() pound Occupalion baker

bull GLIDDON Aged 28yeara 6 feet high falr clllllpletIon IIllhthair blue largo feet and 10llg tlnlterod-bullbullellhl

bull 8

Oapt M bull 1 FlIIOr comt1lampIontd July is 18111 lolln Coo COInlDialloned Jlloe 18 1864 bull rllIII JlJTTJUOK or 1U1II8 AndrbullbullBrady Au 22

IMIIHCTO_ GIIIKIJL I)amp~TIIIIII bull clod GlOIge W lIa11er II Oc~ 18 Impector eIII~ BdwlIId I SaIldm COIIIIIIIadcme4 AprO II 18lS6 Fnnclsco IIotb II IS

CoL Bruno Hlltsme commlsalond NOf 12 18114 U~ CoIltm4l 1IlId LiNt bull Tler OUwllllt ~m~edl ll 18 8uluel a Allin c~mluioDed lflllOh 118116 B D lIorre~ comm~olled Au ~3 [8116

_ _ y fIlor J middotW Oonkhn OOl 18 qlllllTllalllAalllllS JlnuTIIIJII Johnmiddot O ONtII commflMoneli AprD 11 lRIIf BeDJlllllln Beechler U 18 it

Q_~III bttal o4~ L A Clark IIC 18 Col ThOll Fisber commiJalon~d 4prlll 1858 8 LIeut ~ Lathrop commlad lau U 8156

ttll Qiulrtnnw OMiMl ~ peUlliATIOJlll Lieuamp 001 Wm K ROlieJlf comd Ocs Y G W1l Leonard ool1UDlaIIooed AOtII UllSIf hI LIeuL B ABlltcbl Com et ampI1t np

QlUlrUrmallllll [Brevel 011 tile 11011 ()cj ILl Allgua I IS5amp [~or Thamp Benry CltJlIIlI88I0oed Oct 18 Co B J poundavail 81ilh COlIIIIlIud April 181bullbull 20d LIeut Thoml8 8tackh- 204 JalaaWy Ali-II Will HIIIria 23 C ThOt Dolan June 18 gill 11 1868

ampJdlanlQlrtmnalttl__ _ D B D )teCh_a II July e bullbull 2tcUJant D O F~t 18 RlIIH AcuR 2SCapl Wm II Wilhll_oomd Nov 10 18115 1- H A JObnlObe u i1 1866 BeltJ W Bamml Aug 4- 1858 G DamplIiel Oampgai OIl 4- tlld Lleu- W B Hen Inljleeor Ola IMPshy

Andrewa flmiddot it ~i r JObn Iwh1l1a II bull II Au~ Sll lBIamp Juh Y Price Oct 18 B J-- DIllUlicaAL O~ II 1 LleUI E 4 P~iI IUb lhtpIIQpL 11 middotJIIIO

April Imiddot lIfr lMI4u~ ~nd A A Moora lal IlII1 lug 21i liIH MUiI Slo~ 00 B Le R Latimer com d 4prD ie 1811 SUfReoD Wm H sun4eN Aupt 26 IUI6

W~m B WY~ K Bob P Gardner II Allg so Alor 10hn II bull 1111f1iba1~ Judge Ad Oel Au 8U88lIllIIIlOJ DllIBTilUT D AIa~ Anderson bullbull ~ 119 1868

Oommiry Qfmlllal Sutdluu A Wm H MIh Sept 11 Cp~ John Wmiddot amp7dr 11lUJIea Aug 81 1864 Col Georg B Hall commiufoned Jul i6lS~6 F -- - Oollllay Ii O~ 4- cpt II E Bradley TrAn ~llle SepUs 18nbull

tm44t110ilmmiuarp (I_I G -- LoUhamDler 111 Lieut A MePilIO lsI 11111 Occ Y 18GI MIor BIIIlj Y Or1Ie comlllissiond July Il Cbu H Welt II Oct 114 Capl Douglas JWllkhia(untcbd)ept 80 1861middot

Aulatll aommulIJrUu Subfm 811111plet WlUlalDeon ~ u U L Jilglehan tigtd Ioftolry 2) 11

Occupation tailor alao fruit deal~r Capt W H LyonS commisaloned Aug 1 1866 amp-d LiwfmlId R S WiUIIIlII 21ld RltIotI Oct 8 U

S LOUIS OOHEkT Aged ~l feetmiddot inchet leI Lieu~ W H Buttrick II 00 D Th_ Cbloh_ eornd April 1 185amp LIeut Col F bull P Audel D las Rilles Oet_IO bull 185$

l08o-welgbub9ut 195 poullda Oecupti~n 0iII Jame S Wet laquo I B tllke J _orr JIIIJ 6 Capt Cbarlet A Gore 2nd Rillea Oct 18 1811 bullflaquob rir comple~lol1 hlue er IIgh halr large Henr1 C Wall I E lb0i Y JllolIrnoy Ha12b

penwi bull 0 John B Moo Sep~ 11 2nd Mllllt M S Oro 18 PATRIOK H YS IrI- d ~III)IO DIPUT)lBff i David A Lawton It Aug 11 J G SIIDllllerll Out Is4 bullbull bull an mall Age 21 SIIrgetJ GI 1Il II ~d lUllet

JW8 G luet 4 il1cb~ blgll qotlt qGmplexion dlllle (with 110 rallk of COlonol) G Clayton Billllialr 011 8 1868 bullbulli dtrk 6et-welghs about 1411 pounus 00 F DIICj ONeal 4 2nd Lieut J W PolklIl1d Inlltnlry Oct 20 18~ ClIpalllll IdhOler BVrgtcll 6 H Ubrbrook Itlaquo it J M Williams 2nt Rill Oct t I 111shy

6 OLJVEl (JROMWLL Ag8l182 years 6 (wlthbo rok 0( lIaJor) B WlIas Allen II Oet JI 6 A H wl~y 0010 Dept 2518116 kef 6lnches high Ught tomploxloll Ugbt bilk John Dawson 4cllng 8middotG oomd NOT 14 18116 n ell Wilkinson 21 II Oapt J V Hoolf AilSt AdJt Gen 28 1856 lIiIudl wblakera hazel yell-weighs aboul 140 O S Coleman coblmleslooed April 28 1556 __III) BtnttIOIi or amD llcsignlune-III1 fOIld OecllpuioR millwright n T Roalon lep 18 (JolOftI

_ClIARLES W KltuGER flapt Comdg Jamea ellulII 00 111 Jobn Allee cOIIQlIIIlloned June at 1866 I)URII bull (0 A 1st lulQty BaLllLlion BurpOIl aM Anitalll Smiddotgeo bull LiNluta1ll CltJlI Capt H t Witter A llltant Adjutant General

pOlt Serapaqui 8op 26th 1856 0 twitb the flnk of Captain) bull Idmlllld II HoDonald commlllld JIIG 18 18118 2nd Lleul Wm M Rogera lat InamplIlry--r-----------L-- J Geli8ner eommlllSloned Jan 91856 Major Li~ut OoL Byrollmiddot Cole Aeltlatant QU~flenlluler 1 Dllvid 1Ilnllg W G Sicigh bullbull U W P (Jaycee comOllllllioned Ua11 166 General killed at San Jacinto

O~RS FOR ALE at hia pl~ee San Sebas- A Callahan Val 30 middoto4ltfultmt 2nd lieut n A Milliken 1 Ri4es killed t sen

lIan abeel OIlD boUlle abov~ U Ph Be OWDI LHLuSeondy JUlie IS IMLleulJ W Kllllacmdorf comd Oct 1818l6 Jaolntebulldie a litore eor$amp tI UI ()ttpt Oapt W Pmiddot Jartls 2nd Rift died from wOllndi

lhlto-Nf Oandl~ Hackcr11I Olive i I~IIUlf Aug 26 CoO Jolin B Otee bull middotCOllmla$d June 21 18G6 reooied Sao Jaciuto e Wolft ro~tlc8ebledanoSehnappl bullbull IU onall Oct 28 A John F llecgtrch Oct 18 CaptJ H WlUiamaon drowned al Vlrglu Bay

bull Bltte Phlladelphlll 110 and Porter Pol DlIPtBTlIliII B DenJ M AndorfOn it 16 lind Lleul H l lhemRn died from wOl1ld reshynan Alld bilIa Wie Claypipes loynuulw Ofmoral Ii ~ ceived at Ifuata Ocl 114 middot18M

lerlll eh 001 Alex middotJonu commlssiOlld Feb 8 18H Edward O HIIIf naCerrd fMm Ordnance Demiddot LlOnt Col F A LalIIO 4 h c tarharolrbull p tulNMII PlaquoyltlwlII ptl1ment CODllllleslone4 -ug U l85G murderd b1 the med forces opoeed to tbili

T~ O I ugUld III ost 2d Llout J Fiemlng conmlsaione4 Aug 4 S middotS McElroy Oll~ lS OoYelllDlcllh IJlhollt propOllng Itn excbango

DgltS IllS S~HVI9ES 10 Ih citlllns flI OII)AIIOI DUAllfllBllr Imorul LfMfnaoll of priaOneri _rdlig 10 the uaagee of war ~anadjl and vlcmllY III h praete of Ulior E W Rawle commissioned Jul 14 1966 N T~p OOll1tuiu1ooed October 81856 lit Lleus JulllIIIKeilkUled In action at San J

u mOINE SURGERY amp MlDWIFERY Hellry I bullbull POller bull it 14 Eo H 01018 II 8 clnto bull 2nd IlelltW W ~der killed in aClion at SaIl om and OlIidcnce on the lOulhw1 Capt JJfrori Swln~le AprO 11_ J T Booo 18

~r of tbe atleet oppte b _ __ lal Llel~ Il A Carllar Oct 18 I B Vaughan 18 Jaelllto _ 0 0 1amp1100 2d Will B Ulte II Benr1 Hlnea It 18 middotDealba-l0

ent OWG bull ad June I 1 86r 1III0I11UII COIIP raTe _ i - --- Oaptain 1II8r IItTTUIOIi or IlfFJIITIlY J)BOPPBD

i lntitmiddote E c F Ucsse cOlllnllaaioned October t 18fill lt011 cpl A U Hirsh August 0 1866 iL PERSONS hlulng clalma against tbo 8A~IIIU11I1) 11111amp11amp John B MlIIkham commlaa~onod October 10 18511 U A B Wulklll8 AogWltU Ig10

Al ealamp~ of tho following namod deooa8ltlol or Jrft L~lt Lieut ~ 181 Lieut 8 W QuayAug~1I9la5t1-werod I()ulwill presoul tb~m to DIe dulll1uthentieated flonr) O Porler ltmmisslOllou Oct 18 1866 A francie Rudler comllsaioned May Ill l81Samp 8urgtlUII p N lugrahan Sept I 1866 til Or baforo the 1I8b~ay of Dec 1866 otherwie SltCOftIl LilllltJIt lldJfJ1 Brig -Gell 1) de GoiC(lurl Ocl 19 i858 Iht~ will be barred h1 law C DeuulaE lIayuee commissiolled Oct 18 l~e W_ Raymond colllmlaaloned Hay 1218113 Dropped-5 1 CHARLES GORI)EN J K hgall 21 o44IId1ll bullI

I CHARI1tS OALLAHAN OfFIIIIU lINJlTJCIIED ind Leut Fred W JeIeCOlli d lpnl U 18118 n command of WlLLIAM ALItER1ULlUS KIJlL Ooltmll FraIl B OKeef cln~od A rlll 185 GeneIrolllmaUdlngmiddotlnuh~middot 11 pel8Oll8 indebteu to tho eeatee of tho U B Skerrett commillSioned lanltllly Ill 1850 James 0 JOJtUsone f is

ahor c deceated pereaa111 make homodiate pay CaptaiN OhllL B 11 II Pa R THOIlHOiI AdJ Gelleral N A t to lIIe GILBEltl TITU6 F UoncosOIl commllllloned JaR 28 1~8middot FrInk i ThomPecm June 2~ Headq1ampli~rI lfthe AltII1

Publlo Adnilllstriltor O D J Egbert FaIllUDI middotFeb I II Charlea A Waltere 8op~ II Adj General 08ce 8ept ~7 1866 W J Merryman II JlIDe 18 BIrarn BIlIIIIlII II Sept SIl G~ Oct is 1860bull

325ELWICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 3 Sabado 1de Novlembre de l8SS Saturday November 1 1856

- shy

I(OUTINU OlljlONIOLE FILtiloita P1l1GRuTbe Dime of amphept ~EJ[INIE A~M - elttie~middot~~~~M~r hi~Ibtmiddot~ 8I1~C~herortbo pteellhiplraottohoPreal- Vlo~PCOUI amlPletwillb~llIeaodioJurebull U denlW chair of Ibe United l116tee IIM Jolhn FlU- The CoDoltlng rtlmub upon iho Wled th- et alanaing liq~ean~ h6ldiifg mu~eHighCly III d~ f h ~Ilv w a L dmiddot f Bri II B Ihe8boulde aoldierll lite h whoutmiddot aurilljlJ

Dlor~ an a ler avlng hoen bull long tIme In ~ ea m e peu 0 en m- tb kl n k f ~ L Rlla 1- Id I I rom e - bull 0bullbull e 0 I e lln 1_eaplllIy b plrat tiled lIpon a farm In Conmiddot bull n n- on lapr uponevIlr10er 1 when loaded ~Iamph elonty~ve pina of rifte PO-DecdClUI where be ended bla daya NathanIel tho NIlIIl1Iguan Army to road carelnU or ell I~ der endllot rammellmiddotI tt1 Jlillcb leU thtb Flllmortltll _ amp100m hautOt htlndrelland oul bullbulld e6mmit it to momory h I a olea anel or the lIu8kel bllt 11111 too great 10 l)e 6redflOBl

eMy 1-alio When ayoutll be mom to lucid daeJriptlon or the manner ill whlcb amphe Ylni4 ~vrilu~~~~~ ~iiI ~~ ~J~i Verlllon and alded at Bennln~I1 WMtIl b should be M amplid m ampl1 repoy all tbe lI eqWl and holditlght to middotIbbullbullhl)uldbullbull Ihe r bullbull

fho ~Ct beteen Col $andbullbull i Old TOIII IIlId 11 r ltlay~eoq II 8tck Billy chronicled lut week I whlcli 011 Tom wal deolared a ylctor atartcd the 8po~tlnlf men ef tho city and this weft $ IIno hall aoveral asciUllg IIl1d ciofOl _let~ ruCtbullbull middot

On l edu-May ovolIIIIII a moteh was made lind run b woen Oape OcorgltJ Giel Ba alld MA jor Cfty4ecs II Black Billy Distance 400 ards fQr IWG hundred dolla Black Billy n on h7 K clqar engampb

Tho ext-on the me eveninll-IIu a conl t ~IWcel (l18t ~ay nd a d k grey ollJled by BlIvet 1I1lJor LeommJ This race was a try tlOampO~o-ite hors flllming side b1 Ide tbe h~lo tauee Gletmiddot be e as evldolltly overshyweiSb d bleh rul~ed In OllllSillg hDI to lOBe Ihe rA by a dialanee of only a lew feet

The eitt 11 II race Ileween MII)r Caycee u U1Ck~BilY and Col JUlIee middotu (re EMgle The IU ~et upon tho hoN1C8 eltCeed~d lin huushydrM do l~rlI A good llat wbullbull obtained and the hora 01 neck alld neck about lour hundllild yrds ~en the groy began te crawl a IiHe ahesd nd at be winning poet earnll oul n8lll11 holt II I ustb In dYaI08 Bolb boraes appeared t~ be I Chit IIce maoaged well but at Ihe end Ihe lid appfared 10 be In doubl as to wbleb Wamp8 III laater animal and a Dlaleh for two thoushyIDd d Utp Wal eWeeted on the lIeld bylbe Ame horaee llh chanRe of rlders~11 came 01 lhe DeXI ( urad ) evenlol( and Ihe Grey won

Coa UTIOtf or rRIl EIIrllloa or ioU 1111

R~881 e- Bhortly after ill amphe ahlatan had taken hplr pllOea til lfaater of COIemonlel raleed Ia liand and IAfe n ordor In RlI88Ian wbete pi)n tile trumpetl blt9l oul InlO a wild IIId i ln8 8ouah the herald ~ised their Noell In Ibe Ilr and II hllvi~g uncoyoted their _dl pile of Ibe Becretolri t4ll4 tbe prOtlalllashydon w~i~h i8 redem into Engllell 018 folio

Our Inry aUgUStlery high lind ve pulNttOI r Aleunder Nicolalevleti belnll tIlrone of bls anctors heb 18

lIIISiu as ell u upon tt(lSt of Poland and of amphe GrtUld Duchy

of Finlauit which aro Insepllrable t1middotorp II hAA deiW16il to order LDllt the eoronrlon of bls 1m perial iljeS~ nnd his Olltb Bbn lake illace on 1M 2 III of the monlh I Augu~t bis augU1lI epouro lie mprola I1kro Alqxandrovnl pllrtlelmiddot

bull ad celllmooy Tub 8I)lemll Ael the preeut pr~1anltiu 10 all

to the eld that on this hppy redouble ttelt feVotin theil pyera

g of King tba~ Ho middotm spreld by His _ VOlfer His faTO8 dmiddotbl bullbullsinll ou tfiO

reign ~( hi DlaJeat ~t1d tllrougloul it duration Ito nu~y mailltaln peace lind ~Ianquility to the glor) ~f Ills holy nAme and fogtr tho 1I11111terablc prosit of tit emplro

Wl~l ON loLlTlcs-EvelbOly knoYs WilIi8 -Iho peet nll~lky edilor or Ibe lIomu Journal 110 btl III)td matty good Ihinge In his life and tbe following upon politlrs lIod political cRndldltltlli Is bull ot OJtull b~tter ald lh ptople of IgtlcaragulI iU6ppreellltJill

I lind mylolf for Ibo flut tlmo middot111 tn life Inshylml~d for political candidAte or I hould ~1l1r[~IIY perhp~ In 1 Candldalo wililoUl hi politic I II1vo bltberto (10 account S(lDlebat rolllm apparent want of aImiddotlotlsm) thought tbe eount under a hend bioh iliad almost any Ilcor g safe enough It loomed 10 me of vcry liWo IIsnllnoe (10 anybodr but I)m~ oekers) wlulth r 1 whig 1ll1 domocrat wu at the holmshypllblt opluion besidlli being llOgether too wide l~ak hlo ollcated a Olgtnlry for Qlther a blun ~er or l lin of pilotage to b more tban opproadltd So 1M plnlo ft8 this confidence In Amerleas do loSee vlJlol QIUIC)rrllCll1one or bull coo8tilution Ibat ( lIuld lOU beliovo il P) I I~ver Tilted In m tire y

B It wlLh ampho ecnla of the lost year 0 t 0

uoi th n tho intellect oC lbo country at r rk UPOlIlt be grellt queallol8 t IS8ue it would be hard

loge blind 0 Il)len8iblc And yeto

raised a family 01 lis children all but one of pllDI 111111 pmlllil whOm lunln II dnDcM agee anraging oter Di tl U I h VI I ntA b ree ODS lOr S Illi t 6 IU n6 l1ltw6 ~ y ye

Nalhllni1 FIllm_ amphe fatller ot Ibe 4IPra~- [By OIlIllR 01 fUll JoIiIUIiDIlINI(Cillllr] dtnl yet aMieI in Iht elllbtymiddotblh year of bll -_ ge Ho hili been a lAIlUer thougll lite cult oaOkUOE OFFICE l vtlng bia IlllIdamp wiamph hie OWII handa unlil the OllAlIIJgt~ CklObe 28 18H f bull bull bull bull TI U I DA t I h N gt_ mllrmlties 01 ago dISable him Hia mdUIIlriOllt 6 iWU u 1 WI n t 0 _-SIIIl un temp~raw and hnpl~ babill alll6d to A cbeertltl tho American Klnl6 H Is dl~nguebed IlOm the

Fronch BI11leh and RU8IIlun lfiDl6 by amphe IlIperlshyand bopeful mind hA~e secured to him eontenmiddot Oflty otllS sight ThplMa In wbleh tbo noteh II menland a happy and green old ~o n Was iled fOltbe backllthl whlll peoaed between tbe

~ b d 8 Imiddotf U I bOIn in nonnlngtoll Vt and realded tlloro unlil be arrived al IMlhood

bull Near tbe cloae oi the lUI centllly 6he ptIIQlIlI

eml~ted to the Ih wilds or Wesleln New York Tbtl ere among tllo poneer seltlen of Ibat dilrlct of ooUnlrmiddot1I01 aparl for bounly landa

to the aoldtere or 1110 reloIullon knowD as the new mllimr tract rheir IIrBI 100000000n lIIIlu amphe original townlhip or Locke tblt pan of It no cOmp ialng ibe IlIwnahlp or au lime bill in lhamp

bull bull r pnt COllllt of Oa1u$ A slDdt rrm waa purchased In Ihe primeval fort and Iheir enrshygiea lIIl dppllM 10 clearlogAld aubduing n 1M middot In - h III prep g il tvr a 6me Herbullbull III an blllllble log cabin atnld Ihe wUdneaa of nat wiamphla hearing orlld bIa alld Ib8 _nd of the w ed man as Millard WIIS born on he nh of Jan shyMoo bull IIr7 bull

Millard Flllmol( receled a rudlmeDteledlloO tlon In a COIIlltr ecIoolhouae amplid whell et aldmiddot was 0middot_1 clerk In drY gooda 1101 and

ono of particular Inleroll _

r A ~I)rrespolldent or Iho BAllilnore SUII

II t1811 (IOIll amphe White Iulpllur Sprmllbullbullbully Wo have a iva a1lthoress two hundred (~pllllk Ing in round numbeltl) prof9sloualgftmblIf olle bundred membera of Oonellll Alld aboul one

hundred oamphel1l cf equall- doubtlll1 ~eplIltlon besiden membel of tbe New JerHY Leglgtlhttllr~

A N~w SPIO-lhe pltell~ ballot-box of olishyfornln bat 110 learn b1 ilist IIdvlceB betln aold for upward of Ibr thousand dollars fur amphe pllrpose of ethibitlllg it to he minors previous 10 the po plOllching eleclioll h i4 11 Iho handa of Ibe Dellloeflta who espeo to IoUill i~ to good account In Slumping tbe Stale

bull tr lhlolln a celebrated Frenth phf8lclAn It

is ~Id watkabl f~d 01 drugglnJ Oncu htVlOg a patient IIbo diluenlly ad punety swalloed all the 80114 110 onlerlld be W S(l demiddot

lighted at seeing all the vllUa lind pili bo~ empiy bet he hook him by tbe band exolalmlng M d~lr air It really aWords mo pleRsure 0 IIttend you and 70U 4t1lOl 10 be 1111

wurn an nger ( n e Arneriean m) up and down owl wben kpl properly oiledWlterebullbull bed It malllll IIIonary U _ as Ih~p_o of tile thumb and linger ceaeee and doea Dot link by tbe ooncullllon 01 the piece ID lIlng The ghl plall of Ihe French and BrltIah fmle II very atlff 10 Il101 If cloaely titled and If 100 enough 10 Ok euilyls apt to IIIId6 do )7 continnM IIrlDg bleb U Dot observed b1 ampho IOldler Ill mate him Ire ene or 110 or h_ hundred yards abort

The Alinl Rift elltued to the Nicaragua Armyrallg 141)1 )ardL or ahofl dia~_ I haa Dot

06- ~ amphat diltllllClt n 0 d bull d rl_aflelward turnM bis altenlloll to law The Th I II bull I bit __ rid III l re all - Isn lllquHlI I 5 era 0 gneraliy of readers afO acquainted lib hla powderbull Tbls dIart1II cootened In tho llatka === iIIbstquenl CMer 1Uud bl moving die charger of tile lIak 10 Ille 00101 Wise or Vlrglnl bullbull In a recene

aeoond Iiotcb It Is al80 contalt)ed In til eartrdgee speooil concernillg Ille Millou Cumpro1ll8e IIl1ti bull luuedfrom the OrdDllIoeOlllee 1 Ihhl da said The coal or nOlrunulng that hntou

Ibe aceulllOl of tbe ordinary rlfte That Ie to dllt_ on ab_Ugtlltnown to them bUI kno 01gt to ooe hundm yarde Bllt up co 0118 hUll to th luatructol who bould keel a NeoN III dmrarda 1amp IIiU pul ev shot InlO a eIteI 0 18 their obullers whereby the captain or II compa07 Inchee dlallleW1wblob is IlIlBclelll for war pur- would be able to dlslingulsb Ib080 bo pOlWeaaed poses aa II 11011 d hll 110 enelll1 1D amphe upper paH the greatesl lO4 1114 leaat judgmen~ in tIislDlshyof amphe body At onllamphoulandrarda Ih_ rilIea tel 110m men aN found to poseea lI uallllab 11111 Pllt went ttow out of Ibllyln a targr sen In hlch doG t ne acquire it b pracd~fe wid batt 111gb On lhe 26111 Lleue Bart others noe acqlre II though they may maDmiddot wllh n mea 01 amphu Second BllIes Ilml 1m) goo abote The I)e8t tried Judg~botyendthellgto efght rounds flom Ib~ gnu a fenr hundred f_ (~IDamp to rules aflerrds 10 oe __14 dbianee at a lIlIIte lit amphe We lhougb down) regulate lhe dllttance AI wbleb amphe ltb Brlag amph_ guilt for the lint time eleven mn pa1J In acllon aholoI 8el the Iglu8 of ampheir rillel GIlt of the rortyelght ttow 011111 h been hit C F HENNINGSEN Brig Gen

A VIOILUT 1M TllOIIJlLII-A Mr Colemaoamphe and amphOBO whoprefer till meaauHlI mit obtelD amphe President of tb~Som Frallci8eo Vigilanee Commit- same by requiAlllon II amphe OrdnollceOllee lee lately arreated In amphe elly of Iiow Yor( Ilunfortuoately happenM tllal the lJepIIIImtlt at ho suit of man nf tbo uame of Halon ho WIll forced by clteum8lallooeto 18100 lOme ot lOOn lIunbullbull and to Ptlt IOgeamphor cartridges before the

waa bamshed by order o the Committee from oeCleaal1 IWI~uclon8 bad 1Illvod Henao amphe caUrQlltmiddot4 Mr Malon IlIIrIll8~ lhe li(lWmiddotmiddoteaiUiilgeillillfiltColltillileil aUbuFtlfellt gralllS Yllk Bvenlng POlt his onUI) Innocence of en crime or oWnee and lthtrges Ibllt the parileo middotho bull mpmollcd IUId banished hint dlil80 tram ntampllclnua moUvoa mrymiddot aiid 10 goi rid lIf an lICtio c11t zoin wbo condcnmed and esisted the llrocGelloge of tho Corillllte~ middotanll WM about 10 10 lealioony

bull 6 in tile Unltell Sillies Courl at San lranelllCo III n proceeding whicb h middot since resulted III the InUetshylIIent and hnprlaonmont or IWamp melnbe~ of the

f bull

orgAnization at San Fraucisco ~r PlIlcI

to9 much tKlwderbull Ihe effect of which as 0 make IIiIrllI~ kick ~d to burallo bell lberebI dealrolng ftecouNey

lho nlnl6 Rille bill Ole tho ordln ritle tle advlltap Ihat Itma be 1000ded more easily and rapdl h ~ IlIaded wlamph tl~actll tho IIIIUQ rn pldl~y andfaCllty as the ordinary mllllket

Tho ~o llloat Important pollll8ln tbe jedloloUII use 01 thomiddotBinle relo1O Ibo imulIer of loading andto tho IllDner of holdllllllhepleee


To lond ampho 1I1n1~ Plumiddot In the charge of pow Tho question of ho lhls But Will bo settled Ii dcr put Illmiddotlle ball rgtiamphout pap hutllcr If III~

doe lip In CIImiddottrldge d plI tbu ball ImUle wlllloul nhllng Illltliit cI ~hu puwdr-Wbell il1GAUh ilo powde llitllduv IMI1I rod Itllout nen giving ouo amiddotuk~ tIwill 0Il11111~ke Iho pillCo kickbullbulllnd IIOY

coil I tun felt at all mil m~D ualoR 1M pleoo properly ma II Olla hundred ro~nda llholilrecelYing thll smailest braise or feellug Ibe leasl IOreneae

PUcnICK Wml I1l1U1 The proper lact to acllee tbe BinloS fit firt

Ie At Inob~ecton tbea~ beeansuh eIfCI or eve bOII8 Been For thr pllrlo II threemiddotlIIailea have boen plaoed on Ibe lako III lb water amphe two outer flake belug ten f t aparl Thll cel 1ft slake ill tbe h t 10 aim at The etlceil ~I(

h d- 0 eo h b (lne un yrds froln t e abol two und arde from theaborelhrbullbull more atakea Ire plfteed three btll~red yardo Ihroe 1110 takes avdao onup to onll toousand l abulldmiddot

JII1I9111G DtflmiddotUlIOIIbull

WheD holIer the sllooter knowing Ihe dill lance aI whleh be ill fring hOl8 Obtained eudlelenl proticlenoy II I 81111 ne_~y (in order 10 hlaeapon 001111 Ihe bid) thllt he abou14 l1Ian eaIooate known dlatao_ oorreellroampherise if he bas ligbted too ~igh or 100 low he may conllnue to aboot ~er Or under in the t1eld herll freqllt1y be - ~ot aee where 0of bla aholll 81rikee 10 correet hla etro~ On this accouo$ men sho 1d bit plBCllo1 10 guess at

If) lIccurae of the Ihot ~llher by pulit Il~ laquoO~ in PQ8tmiddotOlfice BuDdmg ~hapeof the ball or II) kllIin~ ) I HI-bullbullI bullbull ofo I 1866 IrOll cap whleh It cunulllli1 11 h lt~ plJlldce toIliPputO Ihat allY lt1111= T I E 1 O xrWK~ So I IUllnZQ Wl UtIIDLW not ramming nOlll provlltllllg th e~t tmiddot Kew~II oiande ampI Alandlln mON thMlI Ce IlIcbermiddotuhe IC I

WItlllbe gUIloulalromlullK lir q uF bg ABROGADOS

wbereas Wbtll Ie wipet 1111 IOlldc(1 gUll lno nextGmiddotpmiddotlitieRI thol)rlts 80 In_III) aropart A WIIUlltrE tBoUT TUII AOIl 0 Bo_-A llIIt blow oiIt tbe dbl lndM~9 tb~ ham1 8Ul1Ishy

PIRtampmiddotm (tlnll Abovo nil 80 01l01 m3Y Ihe chang few das ago we met a ~~lIemall from Ahlban~ cielltly bull ho e 118 1 lece of IIIforllltlOll hi re fli 10In II 0 of e~olll8 require p1tllltll CHIOl with lit- 118cuJtnlng thePage of a borde arlO boOf abo HOLDIIIO TlIII PIECIl 110 orln~ Iuf~renee 10 plrty Iheory o~ party platmiddot Ina paaaed Ihe niMb 7ear IIhicb woo 1I0W 10 Ill It I tbelntlllioll of tho tolnMllderlnOblcf rorm~ that It _ms 10 lIIe 0 should look mosbQn~ will be wo are lure to ~OSI of 011r flad 1~III rar M 10001Iiblc lit MiIlie ~iUIlll sh11 be it no~ oly II) tla~ lalityoJ la mlII-wtat ollr It8 tills ancr Illtl borao nblo YCIId lId l d$IIl~lItud ~ IlIeIl Irued) aCljlllllPlLtllYltl1 Ibtl CAlId t I wlI1klo comes on t~e oolid M he uIper corner II 01 tho 11110 Now Inen 1Wu41om~d to ~ha

I to I~ 11 nAtllte and culture retber thallio of Iho lower lid lind overy ycar IhcNltIItIlmiddot II h~ urolmRI rilo ltleil ck~ bllt 1 very amRlt bt Itt pai11 prnf8lSioD8 or bis 1IInt(oD promi ono well ltlellnld wrinkle fotmiddot ovor) 1 ()v~r nlllol cimrgtgt very pruperly reat 11111 bu I of tbe stock Jt~ If for Istancr 11 hor~u baa Ibreo 1It1kll$ bo I~ alililst tbo IIrmiddotlI lstnnd idew)~ to I U obJImiddotcl

or tho dnUlP~kllilJ ~f tlut ulnbtvttlmiddot~middott l~ ~lltit ~ III 11 tlrearmo 1amp lable 10 uck It 1lt tmiddotumiddot- Tbllll4obltcd by ubg II IVirh cmiddot 10 Ib~ end of Ill nUbrod 111 whillhwiii W u1 tOIlr with ~middot~aracrw on rUII he OIIuarlllll Oftlee TtU$ wlv~r iu ltretlaquo btJlImiddotmiddotC COIUCllcItg pacllce anIII bull ill U etWh~V8r amph 81100101 finds lhh hi Ii ill bishyling 10 CO dj)Y1I with ditllcul~ h -lImllI Iler lodll)g b~U btore ~plig ~ tbn I w~Ir once or IWCO dowlI tho buI lnu middottlt~ ~Il tlttlt is to l0080n the cakHl puwllll on tho 1lt11 1 tilG bltrmiddot reL 80 tIlen C8Jl11 ul lloc lIud tk~ 1110bullbull11 h~pB to clQl tbe gUll by bluwlu til dill Hllilre h Ill tI lUauuemiddot ~II imlldred h y be IIr11d rO1 018 pleca WIIlO1 ~qr ~1Ibg Tile reMOI wh) be I not III pu~ 1110 wIImiddot~r (11 thuuuoad bull plcCIl I brea_ II woul~ )lt) lhe bciJ dalllp anll tbill~l chargu Iul In fluid b~cOlDe IOml Ihem k

Paoillo lIlarmiddotb valuod thulO Virginia We no get a Ihouaand dollars for eounthlave we would then haye gollen from tbree 10 IIV6 1)U8Ad dot Iar8 rer an operaun it tho gold IIlInea ot middotOaliformiddot lila four hundred thoa mulllpiled b Ii- amphousand or even amphree tbousand will ahow _ mm_ lose Ollllpu1lon rdollam would nO compe~~ VI1l0ia for h~t 1088 III not rllooing the IIl1e on to llie Facillc

E I 0 nwtll L 84111gtpound WHo DAHOLlIfl



GRAilraquo 110AItAuUA 11ESSRS Kewen Simd~r8amp UanlUn III praeshy11 lieo In aU the COIlf~ of ~b Merilloual and Orlentel Depalments Rnd In tbti D~ptlllent of Le

PArlicular atienlilln 11111 be given to tbe reo covey Qf cl~ima ugainSl the GOvcrnmmiddotnt

lJ~oIbullbull mortfg leNlet Ie promply 0 ClIlel nd on Ii oralmiddotlermbullbullAI ow llId mo~ey brokerage busto will a lage tho AllenllOIl ofi6 finn bull

Q RAN A DAN lOA It A 0 UA bull

I~bull ~dlnrogtq REWEN SANDERSY IlAN IgtLIN ~jl)roosn lol PIOlesiOl1 de illmgllria ell tOUOllt los trihulltlle8 lj~ 103 t U d I 0middot l )tmiddotplIlttmlnt)8 lerl I()I1I1 v rleR

Y ~n el Dgtplrt~ento 00 Leon bull So dllrk atencIOII pnrticulllr III eobro If)

Imiddotmiddotdlm cr contlll dl1 gllhi rllo Itd 1Ijpotoc3~ Arrenimionto~

t ~ bull tc 1~n eJIIQlIlndos con IWOlIItlt y fllmiddotemiddotto~ mudeladollt TlmlJieu 1111 ocel1p~rall Itn rillgoeJoo do

I(rretagl el biencs rllice y dimro -- 1J h bull dIe= e~II1~e ~ en I Ctml 0 orr(~braundn NOlclObrc 1 de 1856

dup 111 jnll oIUII LOllt IN ampho early patlof amphb foe LAlfJ) W ~ 1tNT fQ IIvc hundred nCI ttl (If Innd drallO III fam of Col R J SJiltlors X_res hlTJ be~n takon 10 rendtr It of no e tlcJpt to the per8Ol fOl who It wns drtITIl WllOttOr ill It 10 ill NiiAlIguonao ollWe or to me ltiU bq suitably N11lIrded

OOL E J SANDERS GIlladI NQv 1 1836 1I~nrr- L~hUet

uvolll~ell if fOllt heiathirtc611 Ad til 11111 th) ro liillgt whoroby hcy do MtIlSeU1I$ nUltn~O-l tlIUiTISSuillrsa ETlqoE1TB - ceordiug tl 1 Iotc b IIf dliklea to nine atd YOII will hIV 111 Iltilgll lIlIk tu 1100 OIlOPI) lll~ ill mU3(~tlriug I 1lIorfwlit~r It III etiqueue fOf pelllollll of infot1or io So says the genUeman 811d Ito Is cOIIampuUI1 it lIee~y 118amp th~ 1I)~lcr shluM 3fIIillnL iIIder~ his pl)feMional lampniCCl

mnk io I~ol their healtia IOlVor han tho belds f 1111 Mef tail A a coo~ n~uy I)~I 14Vlllw I~ ltlec b I liing u 1111 rea tho muk(jt I to lhQ citi3Jlls of Graoaolo U ill bull bull I) horsts over Int a i$ wily tmiddotI II lIIc IIu I RIMtle amiddotIJ(lr amiddotlIe~middot in to tbe bll$O of Ih I hg l )0 found al tb Dosplt)

thelr l4ltupoOItI Iberefore wben a nabob aClOp I hOIampo dOll mutt slvo up liis trlt1~-lllonlllc I k s C lil middot1middot is ho ~1I1101 d) if Iro anda middotVmiddotIIm mbJnrtt _h_SjtflU ard sl~1 get Oil 1 (ltllIf2 Plnntel I aiemiddotx bullbull )1 ~ 110 bllU of hl~ pcco OraMd Novetllbe~ I 1~amp


328 EL NICABABUENS4VoL ~ No 52 p 4 Sabado 1de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 1 18qB

I But tberemiddotII point from wblch ~bl anbject

lhOnldIv _ad IItperlor to Iny mere Idalphaselt [Jittr ague ns t of tbe -i Itmiddotl6-how ~be buy tb deed In Ibla counll1 efFects th Ulag_od thlemiddota 011 1111shy

Saturday lIlorniD~ Nov~ L middotportanamp Dllrlnl the dry aeuon In thll coUlltry Itl Yer

HON COL 1QHl( H WHEELER dUlicuit 10 dig a gra or luDlclot depth to pro-

Thl amptnlleman wh has eo ably repreiented Int th polloDOUS paeafronl eacaplng 11110 the thII Jolted Bta1e8 ~ North Amerloa In thll couoshy

trl darlbg ahe varlbos oTillgea and atartllng Inclshydeata of tjle pasl two years Is we regre~ to 8Iy boul 10 dpar~ rom IOIOllg UI on a Iall to the uAiI~1t1atelo Hia beallll bu baeD of lale very _b brokllD IDd we InRir hI vlalt to 110 and nf bil blrtb 1JI1~ ~trellKthen ble fIoame by Ita Ron iov~t1i11 j~lIoaplire

_B rIOre will exolte a rept In the breut oC emf American In Nlosraguau blA aCQ4mshypUIIlliiilitt genlfemin bl aliampTl~y U )lInll~r

hII klndneas nd urbanl~ u a man and bis dieln lereledp u a friead ~as altcady g~lned him ~eliru~t ampad rove W~e~ver he goes tbe good wiebe or all who

uo-Iollllid thllCOI1iItry wlll follow hhn alld we trlMt at before la_IIY weeks we m ba middotth p~ule of Innoucbg Ita relum We wlab blm lfIe_t voyage



ED namp BURNED III II tbe dlkion ofthmaln of de

-r-~4 P llOD8 bas been a aubJectof Ihe promiddoteIQlUld98t ~iionUoo Wbh I~ are conDected the _tldenta of the warmes~ frlendlhlp tbo ileepetl eiltnltlbJl aud tlrelDost eaorad Ibougbtamiddot of tin

1iChaft~~ ~horo II anhll~lotl ID maDwblcb 1111 pell lilllll ~T8IlI wltb grea~ cate tbe romulD of his fiIampir orbullbulltur fbi ay bit esclted 10 pari by feeUng ibat we onl7 do IS we would be done

liJ toutpefhapi ~e -eat IncoU o 10 tblerupecl btl tbougllj that lhe Iplrll of lifo whleb anI -1 olampy before UI tnay be 1I0W before thea~llioron or the OIt High and Ihe nmdna tITeRlO WQJD 0101 our ioevltable dellliny

Tile IIIl1Dn of buryins the dead bas been a _II I _t I It f I

I ~Io Iou bleb ata n w w PlOCseda from deelylng

18tatabl We know tba lata1dlleuea are brollgbl ooby Innooulillon and hat I man canmiddot nn~ be Innoclllaled byanrlblllg mo8 dllllcul1O

L__ b

a~moephere and spreading lIIalri ampIIIong the Iiv-Ing The~ Iulso bull common oUltom among peoshypIe of th Ialler dayuo bury ~ remalDi of porsonl of no~ In nulta un~er the 1l00rs of cburchet and those In che dmp and gloom olihe luliterratiean cbambers In decomposing p~ddl_ and death among Ibose wblJ honored ~bn blloll logj Uld IUppose they thUI Ihow rpeet to their memory aner dealb h ta unnec_y to r8fe~ to the dangar of those who dIg gr In a Iae of OO1IIl11on Inte lIIent or how onen they como In contaCt wllb the polsoo of deeolOpoelng Jleah or wbat a s~ amount of dlseue Ibere II engendered bi the poleono pBel of sucb places by bel~g waRed amoog the habltatlonl of Ih~ IiVldg The evil elllcta or 11 tbeae clrcumstences ara Incalculable

We can onlyarrie at theamprulh In suck C8IU Iy Ulalol1middot W know that the gue_ of decumpoeo-Ing ~o~tsble mattedo swamps produce d98ues of eryerloll8cb~ractars wo know tbat on thla account 11 nu countrl are I_ healthy ampIian whera Ialor huefllleted a good drainage and ~bat higll dry land II more condllclve lOheal~h and Ions life tlian damp low Incamp We knowIi Ii Id- b I

JO tat ep em1 realmiddotoutmiddot1I parts of cl~le wh garbage ta a1lpwed to coUeet and tm1~ an eDlu~a Id we know also tbat gases from d cylg anllllal blatter are more daJlgelOUi and

The Late lnliulttlt the US llag I In olHla w publlebed a record of eiiollUng

eta All to tbe IneultllllC oonduc~ of ~e oIlied forces of Guatalllla and San Saludor toward the AlIlerican Oag the Mlnl~r of ~h8 Ulli~od Slates and tbe cold blooded murder 01 unarllled

American cltlrens But thll record dark and demiddot grilling as It Is te humanity WIS bulholf dlacload Dally circumstances of Dlulder _lnltioD and robl)e07 commltted On Alllericsn unarmed clll lensre being brought to ligbt which place the Governmenta of Gualeblala and San SAlvador bO yond the pale of ci illzallon and eta p them u BaIlon of ouUaw cutbro1e and bAndl~18o

Tbe accompnied allldavita of Cap~ Dunlcan and ~eut Gardner prove ~he diabolical IMurder of a Utile boy whose only offenco was being born In the Uolted Sla~ of wbite parenta and bnlng a while face

Doel not iIle blood of every frlcnd 01 humanl~y of every nalion ehudder at euoh ~Iroity Will not tbe lII08t eage and barbarous nallona of tha darkest agel of anllqully rise In judgment against luob uaboly and bloody deede _

tait of cOmpany D Fir~ Rille of tbe Army ~( ~be Republic of NlcaraguI and made oa~ ~haj

On Mon~ay the 1~11J October 18D6 during f

attack of h combIned foroea of Guatemala a d Ban Salvador on the city of Grallada during ~ e ba~le he approached ~Ioe houN of Mr JamoA Smi~h on the street of the Meulah opposite I e Churcb of San Franclaco f-om wbole bouse t e enemy bad been drIven out and he there lAW Q

tho arms of hie flher thamp dead body )f a about seven years old who bad just been murd bull ed by 1100 onemy whose body as horribly 10

lated ard deformed Mr E nllb was unc~~ nected wi~h ~he Army and como u a aettl9r~ NIcaragua He appeared hear~-broken and d shycOllsolate oxclalmlng tha~ he wished tiont loG co d bove sutrered In his child place Iln I tha~ in th amp alllnts opinion I~ WII and i ~he determlnallon for ~ho lovadillg forces 10 violate every rul of clViI~dwarfare and justice IDd lIIurdr eory Alnari n In Nicaragua J DUIIICJII

Sworn to before me this 21th October 1866 JOHN H WHEELER U S Minller

middot1 do hereby cortify tlia~ 1 W88 preBent wllh ~ taln Dunicnn aDd of my own kbol~dg 16~ abore aDldavit Is true In evel pa~ticuIRr

R p OAlIIlIpound1I Fi t Lieutenant Company E Firat Ri8es

Swonl to before me thIs 21th October 1866 JOHN II WHElLER U 8 MiDiter

oor8_ t e ~_Ing lIull of ble fellow maand would be reapecteo b all lla~IQDs even tb tho Amerlean 8a8 would protect him rba~ ~c Now u the guea whlob arise from vegetable most IIInge Bul how vain wu lhat hope I Let Lawless very frequehUy came to him 8 thOlmiddotMnmiddot lIIalterlo a atate or decAY appear 10 be lIIucb hll plunderod 1001180 bls murdered remaina tbe tay Goveroor of ~hll Dopartment in blthrfi mciro ftal thllD ~ODtact w~b Ihe solid_ from wblcb bodies of Iii f6110wmiddotclizen tbe mutilated bunting tb Datives o~~befllo~lnldt for whdOlll hIe perforbi th _ numeroua IC_ a bull n n au w lOBe rup bull

_ AO~ re lImiddott e lllallnorl 0 nu rolli tar llIImemotlalIiimiddot lome oountries oj E8YP~ ~~e present ago ought to be luDlclent to ri~ i9bIaDcie Dluch IDg epulty wu expended In enmiddot bove anyprt)UIIIce orallY old cuawm which haa ~orlng ~ lr~ee~e bodlel (rom decay anltl been haaded d~D t WI frolll ~pe~o~_bClo the the Orilllai ftcc~ of all burl~11 WII law ofnelilUi wee but lIttle s~OOIeil or known -0 --uOD of die body At tbo far Notth and auggoat auch remedlca as wlllleslen as far AI

whra th tro~ king relgnl many lDootba III ~he poIIlble the causes oC dll~uo bull

ey ann mut 1ler tbe~ 11011 II 110 the caso with tbe ps8I 101010 arise frolll putrid animal mellmiddot UleI If thll II eo thqenlightonment of

yar and all anImal de~omp08ltloD II auspended t

ibrough Ita etrecta tbe etrort 10 tilDes of 19oorshyihc mIght be aUPlosed to be parliaUr aucceBBful 11 Ii eeD no DO uncommon tblng to be ~oemer II tbat b would nollike 10 die In a

amputherll counlry on ac~ollnt oftbo audden decay ~ hll remaloa 1111 sontewhat remarkable tbat bile Nort~ern natlolls eYen In tbe most ancIent tImes burlod their dea~ In tile pound Ibe peo-DIe or the Southern countrl buroed tbem Thle wu ~bo cultom or Sou tbern Aala And Southorn E~op In our IlIgUsh literalure to tbll daTI ~wlng from oll Oreek we frequoutly her t)ili )ihnae peacmiddottomiddotI alhea I

1be Greeb a1wav burned 1100 bodle of their Wualrlou8 dud and In our opinIon thla lain many respecta lIIucb preferable 10 bllrylng_ bull In burnIng u lru tholr CUltom the ashea IIIlght bo carefully ciflllected and plaee4 In an mamen~ed urn j hero llOuld laDd wltbout otrendlng tho senses In the bleb of the temple or In tbe private aparl

m6llts of friends til Ihls manner I~ wu alwaYI In the careoilboao rho respected It and In wboaemlllol7middott wumiddot dear_ Tbo asbes of Ibe great mbl In Ihose dal1 beaeD~ fro plRce to place mldgled llb IIampYO7 locenlo receiving the roapocl due the blemor or Ibe Blirlt which pYa It lnishy

middot1111110110 In Ileae dy the remoYai oC a corpae croaten bOlrOr In all wbo 1ra1 wllh It not 1mshymedlIlotorealell to say nothing of tbe danger 0( belna In coplact with so Ruch rot~nn alld putrofotlon Ona balpound of Ihe borror of death con sists In the Idea of tho bedy pu~rU)lug io the e~ 4 Wng an obJect of loathsomene18 upon lJjlell worm gMiI and riot How much more pluinlmiddottw Idea of ha log the ashea carefully ptbelllllj amplid ~pi perhapa 8weamptlt aeented aa DOW ieepodaguerreotyp08

W~_ uale lhe aallsfactlon It would no lIfIorithe litem world to ha e preserved the

middotashe oIllli~Q Ot lIIilikapeore i or wbo can guess the care otmiddot venerAtion willi whleb the Frencb would ~gtrd the ashes 01 Napoleon or with wbat yeneratlon Americana would guard tbe reshymai1 ofWaabington h la truly to bo regretted that aU whlcb Was mortal oC tbose i1ulrloUi per sonages Isoow IndlltiDgubthable from ~hecommon eartb or tbe remalna of ~he earcasa of 80IIIe brow

There ta t~ls dvanhge ID burning bodlea OTCr burylDg tbem that IDltead ofperlnlltlng them 10 cauao dlaeue aRer death Ihe nry act of burning puriO ~he aIr It II lupposed the great plague ot London WII IoIICIted In lie ravagea by Ibe groat

Ore whlcb burned the greator parI 01 tbe city Ono thIng Is certaill iC history II correct that Ilthough Itraged with foarful voIoeelmmedla~lr hefore It ceueo to exll aimoillmllledialeit lifter Iho con8agratlon It It now a common pIlodco to fullllgate a roam In whch a parson baa died and doowrs ad 1ae boao who Yliit he remainI of a person ~hat lou died of cholera orany olber conmiddot mgloua dlieal to moke a cigar or plpo-tlo great

a purifier II fire And eelUng pr~udlc aside III~ Is after all

lIIuch more dealrable to be cooaumed by lire ner death than to rot ~n be devoured by worms alld 118 tbat eoaduccl well 10 tbe praseryallon of tho Ulng u to the retallling tbe uhes of tho de ceased we would fbor tho adoption of Ihe CUllOJll

In thle lOuntry It was the generoloplDlon In Granada Ifter Ito

batlle of the 131h of October tbattbe great nummiddot ber ot theonemy which wu killed would produce tbe cholera before they cluld be Interred DurnshyIng tbelll bnmedlatal would h prsvenwd tbe posilbillly of auch 1 p~llIful circumstanoe and would hve puriSe1 the air 01 any polsonoul gnaee wbleh might already slated 10 it

On object In ftuggeatlnlf thle II more 10 call tho 4tenllon of the publio u well 110 medical profeaslon 10 Ibe anbjecl chin 10 attempt at tble tim to dllcUBB Ihe m W are howovor under tile InlproBB Ion that If Ibe tlustom of burnshyIng the dOlld Inatead of bmiddotlng them were onco Ialrlylowoducecj It would In tbll lall~ude prove higbly benellclal w tbegenfral hulth

A Nw 01ft The Phll~dciPhia Mint hujull IMued a cent wblch II described as COlliposed or 1It88ven parb copper seven of nickel and one ohine 11 lou a lilht appearance with a faint red tint alld la In beautiful contra t with the Ameri cau a1lver nd gold plecea and will not u the old cent did tarnlsb thelll by oon~ol The weight of the newll only aevell~y-to gralnl-Ih~ of the present copper cenl la olle bundr~d and sixty ftghl

Tbe aDldavlt allo appended of (len fry u to LIG~TION or UUTID STATES or AnRIOA~ the nlurder of Ifr Lawl pro es Mr Lawl IIEAR Till REPUBLIO or NCARLOUA ~ earnest desire to presee lob neu~raliy in all 1100 Tbis day camo before me Birkett D Fry Bri dUBcoltiel wblcb have beset Ihle coun~ry of nis dier General ArDIto Nicagua Uld made OI~h blgh lOlled chacler and Integrily of conduct Rnd tbatshyorh pcrfeat oonOdeoce ~ha tbeaegis of the Bowasacquainted wllbJohll D LmiddotI~uaimiddot Amnoan fIig was amplyiuDlclent to prolect bis the month of Oc~ober 1bullbull1 Ihat having been rl liberty property IIld lif Be badmiddot een as cofmmnd of Ihls cl~y durn the greater POrllrshy

0 he past year he lou Ircquentl bad occbullbullI~ llIralloea (rolll the blgbeat aources tbat no Amori- 10 tallt wilb said Lwleas of Ibe polillcal atrairsio can wuld woder so far 1roII home that the pro- tho State of NiCllragu Tha~ the MId LRle tacling and powerful arm of tbe United Stat- s unifOImly re1beed 0 take ny part InarlUa wlti wal Dot over him lie reiuaed 10 COlli wilblo IheAforcea of lttI~nerol Wdalkellrdsaymg Iat hOe ~ri an lIIe can CI zen an re e upon Wle og o the line of onr Irclo mlylng oo~ho middotpeo~lon 01 his counlr for protecion_ Tba~ a(~r Oeoer Ibol Uulted States aDd Ihrew out beforebis house Walkers force marched upon dual and a few the Alllerican 8ag tba~ In ~Is patriotlo beart b hours _before Ihe auack u~D Granda loa urgtd fel wu honored in every laud anltl on every sea thbelabdblAdwl_11edto comde WtllIlI hila Ilhnol degb

f dle~fen~~w c e eo n to 0 expreaa ug s e Ie I ~

tom b the enemlee sllot and lbe loor of tbo Lo- alld good will he leetDed to pOSle That ~ ~ gatlon house perloQ~d bytboballe oftbe onemy Lawless had reaided for several ye a paa~ inOmiddot testify nlda apoKe tbe In~uago of ~he coulltry 8ue t-

Iy and WIB extensively engaged III IIIcrcalltUJ~ 10 ancln~Rome ~he exelamaUon lam a Ro- e~ita anil had mall) 01 tho nolives In hia ORlPi bull

mIlD cillzen arrested the falling blo of Ibo IIc- Tha said Lawlen justly ellJoyed the reputtti D

lor 10 fOmer ~oys ~n II the great Republic of for great pbllanthropy And unamp~~middot~~t tile North In 0 aayo ofJakson It is the bouth of ~ e loll lory of tha~ day ~hllt no American cltl zeD ever luWered lny In~ulT abroad without reo

dreu WefcOIlaurolhnUhesnm08plrltnowanlmatestbe

United Stateamp and ~hat tbe same feeUnga ~hat dlcmiddot tated tIe Kouta letter will be roady to defend Ibe rigllts aud proico~ tbe lives oC InDoeen~ AmerieRn



Thll 4ay came before 010 James II Smitb wbo tcatlO tbat he emigrated from Ne York clLy whero he hu resldcd for two years In the steaol ahlp Tennc88ee for Nlcaralua on thOl 1 III Sep tember laet accom~RRled by his three email chll drell lor the purpole of cultivating hind and satshy~nllg In Nicaragua lIo is by protession a taather

That on Sunday the 12th Inll an alarm of an lltack was made by the foroea of 9uaternala and San Baladof on this ci~y That be no~ crediting

S b bull h 2 hOb I 56worn ore me t IS middott cto er S bull JOliN II WHELER U S diolaler bull

I [ 0 F F I C I ~ L ]


ADJUTANT GENEIULS OUICpound J Granada Oct 26 186G

1 SOLnnRI--Each day demonstrates more cle iT ~hat tbe war we are wagiftg Is ono of IIUlh apl AI falbood of clmoalion againat barbarism GI satisScd wllh the bloed of lonocent cilicnssb d a~ Granada-with n appetile Ilnllghler h 1shyled by the nt_Ore 01 helpleu cbildren and b 11 ministers of CbriIIIII~y-our IIIvage foes II f

added ano~hcr crime to tbo long liRl reco d asaiDNt ~bem Thoy han sbot Lleu~ Col Lal wbo wu IRken by tbe n a prisoner of war 80 0

It)8 ngo At ~i1e very time thl_ cold-bloodedaal ofcroe 11

was boillg colDlIItted an exchange 01 prioa r was bciu proposed by tbe comntandermiddotinmiddotc er

tho Jolarmj wntto tholltlloplzaa8110r~dlitance If tbo Guatemala forcos WI~h an lona~a bull When tbe (ote aptearod and commenced an ac tive 8Mng ot musketry and Mlni6 rille wblch otlt off his relurn Tho foreee then approacbed 10 hOllie wbere bis li~tle fRmily wera seated ~ dillshyner consisting or a boy Frencb Berbert born In New York tlty on Ibe 6th March 1849 two lrirls one fI and the otber Iwo yeare 01 Ige 1hey were seated witblo three yards of a large wludow which opelled 011 ~118 street One of lhe troops approached the window and taking delib erate aim fired at 0 lillie group the I)all grazed the chin ef the fllrl nurse and atrlklilg the bo In the lower part of his face paselng out of the neck broke tbe plllol obord killing him instan~ly TIe reat 9f the children wee concealed iinnlcdl-

IDg for ~reacbe he bad smoolh WOrdl and Ii ~ sullmenls on hll Iipa wben he was In the act t murde

Tbe mnatlon of Lln4 show he ndlito of the ollemy wl~b whlcb we baYe 10 contend f Ibe sollie lan~age andreligion wilh tbelUself they bad nOl agains~ hilll the lying excuselmiddotw Which ~hoy are wont to justi~y Ihe murder of American citizens Nothing bu~ ~be love of til d aod ~he cowrdly loatlllc~ of tbo savage Call 0

urged for tho execution of thd Cuban palrlot Let ~ben soldiers a Bunle of tbe jUltico G d

grandeur of tbe C~U1e In which wo aro CDgae nerve ua lor the fullilmellt of tho Iftak wblcb I bull before us Remember that you luWer aud It

awly III an adJacen~ housl by the nurse under agio to redeem ono of the 10eUest 01 lalld_ ID bed hlle Ihe ~roop Ibreed tho cuing of ~ho barbalian rule aud lavage despo~lam In such a wlndo the door being fRBlened and resiatlng all Oft IIHO 118 t~is who ould 1I0~ gladlf eudure II ~ IV Iheir oRllrta Thoy then entel8d and searched In dayoCprl alion and fdtiguo r 10 would n I vahl for the cbildren Tbey plullucred tho house undcrS1l aome lillIe antrering and danger for I ~ of all bia iinpleonpnta of hUlbandry clo~bing gold sake of IIvlllg his nalllO enrolled amoug the be o and allvr walcllcs mono aDd valUAble of faotors fJf the rllce 7 amount 1lI0re ~hao two thoueaDd dollars ~ 2 Lieut ltlol ~ A LaID6 aiddemiddotClImp 10~ tbe

JAKa8 n SIITD Commandor-in-l)hler having bean brbIrOO~ Sworn to before me this 2~tb Ootober 18DO murdered bylhe enemy without ProPOiDg An shy

JOHN B WlIEELIlt U S Mini4ter change (If prlaoners i~ ie directed Ihll~ Lie t We do bereby certify that we reBlde In tho Col Brigido Valderraman and (Ja pt Bern~r 0

nme houle II~h Jamee H Smith Faq nnd 01 Allende be shot Ibis aernllon 11 6 oclock In Ollr own knowledgo the faclt tn~ed In hla aDldo vlt are Irue lu evcry particular


Sworn to beforo rno thl 27th O~oher 1856



Tbl day calllO bofore one Jamea Dunlcan Capmiddot

tbe plftZ of thl clly 3 11111 Gen Fry 19 charged wth tho esccullta

of the abovo order By command of WY W AUrER

Genernl-Coml~andng-in(jhipI Pn n TnoIlPBOII AdJ t Gcn N bullbull

~ h Is atato(1 that PrInce Albert 1038 b~~~t 111 Clllll1nOUe tract of lInd In AII9tralia Vbic1o1n nbout tnty years will tetulnabollt ono thou811 ~ i tlII10S oa much tIS all ~h~ amp Coburg alld Obi

In Germany put logctbor I

329NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 7 Sabado 1de Nllvlembre de 16561 Saturday November 1 1856

i lit I ALGO NAB BOBRILBL Dl4 UJ 1lJSOUOJON lIerosoaeajuitA al Cllpilitu delliglc y Ie r t t lIJ S 11 n1J R ea mlUlgrato perdmar que CIIstipr aunshy EqulUtlvo y aUII n_Slnll) nos parec Menelter earetrogradarlllol mM remomiddot que eata lIluy pronto a IIOtrar en el UIO

toear la materil de que vamos neumiddot t~s tlempos de barbirle yde ldlo~lemo pa de juatas represaUae lIa cual rere IU tS II Into NOT I de 1836 pamos no obstlnte haberll8 tratado en Ill1Icontmr el ejempl0 brutal a una Ie- naluralom 1 10 demandaren las circlin A WI ~ 101 1)umells anterloJel aunque nu cion quI Icsban de (omeler en Maaaya stanciU De consiulente 108 prl~ionrOl

JUEBPO VE ARTILLSJIU 4 tod I degtlt1d I I d I d 1 - ft -- con 1 1 ~que mereee por mf~ 01 Jenera ea e I IUfZaa iii on I heridOll lIOn tratadlll eon 10 mllyor be El lierpH de tLitiHerlll ha tomado un destla de lOB IRdmdus que 11 rlllawon Guatemala en estos lIltlmOl dia des- nignidad

ClIPCI) 0 imllolltmto bajo 11 direoclon del puesto que cl1ml mlmos t(lIl1aron una puea del ataque de aquella plllza I de Queda PUIIII demOlltlldo que falto8 de Jele I Henningsen IIventndo jofs de esa parte actin en los sucea~s Las buenllS las acclone quee Ilan referido ya tn 10$ fe ell itll mall s1 mnes compromiaos y Grmllj iuyos cOllocimientos Ie ban didO aceiones dlbon refe~lrse mlnuciollme~te d~8 humerns anteriores de elte periodlco de oumplimiento en sil palabra como mi MmladianQ $010 en los Estadol Uni Sin temor ~e Incumr en la tacha de dllil Vlolando 108 mas gmdos Plotos ma- Iitares 111 jefell do lIB fuIiIBs enemlgat JOI I nn fuora de ellos Es do cele- sos tnnta par que e8 un trihuto dllbido al lew reeonocidos univerenlmente y 0011middot flftll Incohado COIl ol ftlsilamiento flel Co brillS la recision y tino con que dh-ije m6rlto Cuanw por ue line de est-imulo aiguadol en aI derecho de jentel de una ronel lAid y aUI compslierea despues IRS bo 111111 Y granadas al punto que de- a100 d~mAA NOl oontraenos al IltaqU(o Inanera ~n ep~icita se han colQcsdo en de baber aupllcado el callge Y d recibir $igna uinnentaudo y dUlheando progresi qu~ re~I8~6 oatil piau dede el deee del una posiCIon odlo~a dtgrlldftnle y eceemiddot un Indi~lIo en este sentido un Miatem vame te las distnl1CIU siempre con el pUlIdo II 11 una de Is tarde basta las crable Indlgna de hombrea que 8e tltulan elttlaordin~rlo de gtlerrA que nosotrol nei nitID Rcli)lto Q inerrnble direocloll ocho de la maAana del diR siguiente milltare 10 temm~s puesto qf8 teMm1 mlobos Tolft los dias hay repeudos ejerclcioll y Buellas y lumlnolWl lIOn I referenoiaa fnmedlamente dupuee de 101 c(lneablmiddot prlonfrGS cODtrllrios y que hlta Is te()k~ IiOletas evohuiones en las que prl()ti~ del Coronel Allen Mayor Clyeee ftc dOl acunteomlento8 vino eata cludad un siempre hiL sido patente la slIperiodatide ean j Sefiores oficlales y 109 soldado8 pero notamo8 qne a~nqueliglran en 1 correo conduciendo una comunieaci(m nuesms armal Ahorl bien ~ Sol se nell ~tmn maravillo8(1lllIIte lisw de 108 que 8e distlnguiertm 81gllnOl de los jetea eN as flllrzas enemlga8 en la VOllOtroa 101 que hahllis habmdo de vanshy

En3 ClInnto 1 numem do indivitluoB numbres 110 ell con el tlIplerclol que que IIOlicltaban aqtlll1l08 del Jeneral dalisimo de Bomnidadea y oims cosa~ perbgt ecientc8 6 dicho cuerpB lie ha IU~ merC(tlll sin que sea rltI de 1o referenmiddot Walker JOr 10 pronto 6 cange de un in- aemejantelll en vnestrus periodi~os para men db do nna mllnera otable habien tes po que 1I11011 gllardaban y derendian divlduo d los suyos cometa d eaballe oontravenlr ahora eSC$ndalOsamente Ii (0 ad mllll unH gran compltlla do Zapa1 sus pue~tui re8peetivos y no podial esect na que fu6 heeho prlalonoro por Dilestra losmejores prlncipios del dereehu dl ilores I Mineros bien que para malle- tllr j todllS paltes Grande y her6ica parte con algunamp anterlorldad Eata clrmiddot jentll I 81 v08OtroB 80ls I Pero nad~ jllr clatro mortem do obuats y lo~ tllol II deietl q~e hizo 1amp KulIrnlclon de clnetancia Indicaba queeao jeres preten- trntiamos del oltallo de atrall en que Muon a que hay on lap)tuIt fO necesita estj plftZllcn ea c61eble JOIllampda en la dian ceAhle 101 prlnclpio organl_ de 08 ballail UR n6 nero eunsidurnblcmiddot1fe bombles qll8 doeientus hombre4 combatieron con III gllerr aun entre la naolonee minoe Conatlgt 8n conclu8ion qUII aceptamol

EI uelpo de artllleriA no deja que demiddot tla 01 ilunensu numero de oehgtelentOI clvllzadal y regullrlllAr la desde lU4lft) vuealroa aotos sea ellal (uere au natlishysearsusejercicins II 1011 111118 etCrupu- por eamppl()io do dillz y nueve hOrlll uglm lu demandlln la olvillziclon 1 _ mlez 10508 itotl Admirable el Jellledo y -80luololl siglo No 81a poslble dudar de la buena

do todOll basta del ultimo 1I0idado (e de aquell espon~nea proposlcion sin DOCUMENTOS 0FIeIALES ES Ef)OIOJV A OHONTALES dispueatos perecer antes que entregllr RgIlIlar a la e8 et bonor milltar 1 JOII

U - 6 h la pldl que se lea habia conllado cierto malt proclu90a atrlbutos del bombrel ElDECRtTAS DE OOB_ERlO


apol bull IfRon que Sill ny Guatro _ J Ch I 6 t A certilllmo y atln IIOmos COrto8 j pero lIus~re Jeneral Walker quo tantnll 1 bin No ito

EI t 1 p ra onts es 0 VI a es II puer ~__ d I M ON 1 ~ lifer ~11lI oeho de la matiana halfendo ph~oll afta Ir que e ayor eJ se repetJdllsprulIbae ha dado de maltnanl REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUAt

enndu 0 de una manera verdaderamente bull bull ~ desem ~ftado flU CQlnlslon los mdlVldoll ~ mldad ItO dudO en etecto ni Ull momen Seeretal1a de Elltado en el depaello (Ie t ti ~ - E her6ic~ Hallibllse postratio en una cama to y lIev6 8U generlllll(lad basta el utr Relacione Erterlores nuO rOI en snls aerlamen n I 1 d i h 11 b connn balazo 81 unap ema que elm- mo de entregar ill corneta que iIOhcUaban Granada Ootllhrl 2t de I85ampSan oS lIu v sus lOme lac 0110$ so a a a bull

bullJ I d I b d pll(ila dar un paso y Ie obhgaba bull servlrmiddot sill nlnguna de las lIeguridades que 8e El S P E so ha serVldo dlctar 411 de 1111 nUfillro e 10m res como e CIIn) d I EI 1_ __

d d 88 lIe os mu etas enemlgo lie lre- CIItJon en taIu CIlSOl COIltellto mnl Ceto igt~eD ~ -- _gt eine tode 1 QlIuotuelOn errotll Oil Oil Ii bmiddot I I WILUamp WR Preeldenw-daln eldla trece del corliente en csta cludn aerto y 1 eil


es om re que Illll a e featando que entre 101 mlillito prbonumiddot Republica deNlearagun lr sUiliabitsnte9 11 di I dtlene 89 UIIO de 04 indivlduOlI mall roa que habla hecho elY la lihlma aocion Siendo nece8SlrIo I~reditar un liinillrouo II IU u a tomaron a ue a reco on bull

q g q i 16nol 11 eJ6rlto Nada podia espemiddot e contaban Virios 06cla0bullbull que _tcba Plenipotenelano ltle rcpleaente a 111 RetshyDioo8 quo sahCTon escape as que $U- b _ d bll d Nt d I bl _T a raSede un 110m re en esta 0 en que dlpu_o cangellr respectivamente pGr pu ca e caragua cerca e ga n piera 111 Ilegadade Jos trem 6 tl~l11~ 61 se baUsba ain embargo hacienda un el Coronel Lain 1 por olnoo 6 sela in- de 108 Estados Unidos en IVI8hingtotl lIn RllngerB que III vapor cndllcla 0 b III el 81 t p l4 de dl II d J ntlab on U80 de IUS flleultades l

1 h b d b b t esueno 110 re uaUT J9 UOl e vopa que e 8oom- an DEC RET A bullIe d bull os Oil res 0 ar UI os comO d gt I I 0 ilia dlI8l1ila 0 que tellla sa 10 (1 clando Cueron presos por caaualldad en Articulo I N6mbralle Mlllistro Pleni ~ el 09 Icen locho tom6 lall mulllw y 81 sable y 8e il camino de llwaya En allo se es- pottnciarlo de la Republica de Nioaragua (JtfOETAS DE GUATEMALA Y presentO en ellugar ~a8 peJigfOSO arras peru la romillion del hombre ofteoldo cerl1 de 18 Eatedoll Unidoe al Senol

S AN S Hi VADOR trnndu la plema y atravesllndo las calles por 01 corne Q a1 conleta mlsmo que DoAn FemmCoFerrer I J b b t rt ~ IDnmquelle qu enes cor I -- con el agaa casl bull 1 rodlda (aca I a de era 10 replar y Jegitimo 81 ae aTrepenmiddot respondamp

Estos pOliodlcos pound0 oeupan do nuestro Hoverl dundo mnd6 con V071 do trueno tlan do nevar ndelante 10 que 4111011 mis- Dado en Granada 1 29 de Oetubre de Nienrlguell~o no parR reflllar nl una pn formal amp los hombres que alii se hallaban mOB babian Bollcltado opteniend) al fin 1856 WILLIAM WALKER Ilbm do los erimCIl-e1l servUes que hemOl y que Ilegaban oon sus armas dilltribuyo par unics rampZUII el J~er81 Walker una Al Se~or Jenoral Dun Jlliteu Pineda publi~do POrqIO III velmiddotdad os illcontesta la trnpn eolocindo en loslugarel opor carta del Jeneral Zavala en 1amp que fire MMn~troldoJa Guorra encargado deT dltl I bull mUltern enerable II~ deequltan descendlcn 0 as per tUllos orden6 1amp derenaa de vea eal ea testaba (ellto no puedo calUiCllrse) que D ~ d 1 I V bull evI en suprema 0 oumun eo 1

sonah ~de8 1In un lnnguage tan cl~lco que partell de aquellugampl y 8Oliclto 1 101 prlllOnerbullbull no querlan venir No ell para IIU intellgencia y demas erectos es ebmo us antares Su impotente uni e6caz It pelllr de su eltado de grandad a eato todo ino que en as propillll perandortlCibO su atento senillor Ie do p1i~8a fudose contla cl Jeneral tadu atendia bael6ndote oil su voz ell clrocnlltandlll Be supo oon allOmbro en 11 Pnnuu lIIque 10 ba dellpreelado stempre todas pa~teamp Nosotroa admlr4mol al e~ta cilldad el rullilamlento on 01 pueblo No 64 WI pe lulclo d - lllwlrles 8U cuenta eonlmiddot Mayor 0 Nell en aquelloe momentoa y de Diriomo del CoronelLalne y algunos

V bull l REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA ~ cnte Y oxneta eremos III e908 pan asi nOl plaee conS1lJllarlo on eata arUcl1 0 otros prisirneroa I I fllaa obre aquellOl S d __1 d ch d ecre1ana e ilAIo en e eeplt 0 e ~s 8 Oil ~ombre8 de chaneelarls COli EI Capitnn Wilkins lie condujo tnnbien jetos III deabonn eonmguiente y )1 IlCe- Relacionelllnteriores

dlglll d el dIll que 80 les presente que de unA manera brilllnnte en el millIDO cr8Clion univelflall i ~pnrten el des- GranadR Oetuble ~ de 1800 JlGr ci rto no ~t~d(jlls ($ si solo se con- lugar y despue ell la deftn~ del HOIIpi precio y vilipendlo que mcreccn Y 0011_ EI S P E ampe ha servldo dictar el de-ICIltllj COil eCBrlbu snrcnsmos tal en toda la neche Es de celebaTlle la pell el lugar degradante eli que les colOCll ereto -ul~nte

-------- d dId fa 1 I d d I El GOllemo coosldelando que soMalianl lie omharea con direceion u con ucta e 011 bull IS co tat voe qn~ IU In agllO proce el hallan vaeallte~ las Carteral de Reb

Nueva York el Sr Eermin Ferrer hallan en el h~8pltal oOClrgard08 continu Como era de eeparamprse loglco y natu- ciunes Haelenda y CrMito pu~lico POl 1 g b no amente de los enfermotl Dr Lundy y raJ e1 Jene1Walker ordeno y ae eloell- baberse encaado de la ml~lon dlploshynombrlld0 que ba SluO por e 0 leI bull t ~II b d W b

j I PI d t n_ (f Dr Brmkerhoff 110 8010 por las bUenae to II (I1I181111ento nu de todoll los prleo- m4tiea eel bull e ga mete e a Ing ~n s~o ellpo~enculT1o e es a p medidas de defen~ ue tomaron IIlno ton a1 Seior Don Fermin Ferrer quohllcs eefca dol Gabinete de Wasbingtoll ~ nellIS que en la Justa lndlnadlon acuo 1l1li desempeflsil 011 180 de aus facultades

Ell F rl b I rt II pur 10 resolueion que 81empre lea honrar otro mimo Jonero- en 8U lur hubler D E C RET A errcr Gsumpe a a ca ar - -- bullbull de Hciendn que qUGdo Ii cargodel Go altamente do pereeer todtlS antl8 que prevenldo sino Iolamelte el de un Ten Articul 1 El Sefior ~e~oral Don

D d M I - G S n ahandonar unos velnte y cilloo enCer- vnte Coronel I un Capitan que ctillltian Mateo Pmeda autual MIlllIItro de ItgtlIera ~ me A lUStrolaquo c uerft e - bull G bull gad dI I diS F mOil que no pod Ian movelse de IU lecbo eutre Iquellos nerra ser onear 0 IDtennamellte elimos i 1 auseMl1 tempola c I e diahaa caneras teQlumiendo el Mlnlsteio rer a~ paso qua nll8 alegramos de que EI Chbano que elo~11I 01 Mayor Potter MuchOll plllOl1ero quqda~ on poder de Jfjn~roJ ~1a do el c electo parala mislOIl que cn el ~rro que ~lmlltr6 cuyo nllmbre nuestla gblllrnocolltrA qlllel011 ~u4lera Art t ComtllllltpleleI qutenea cor IampMnuuce Alos EsttldOIl Unidostallto por no mllmfest6 pm IgnollrJo e8 el Seflor dMClrgllllle todo el pl8O delagravlo lnfo rCIJpcmda lI1llltlilrw y circuDttitceiR quole ldornall Don FtCncisco Aguero y Batrada Pre- ridn y hooerl(1S sentirde un una manera t8~do en GitLi1lAltt~Rdigt cuantq pOl que rCIihiramp belll1s impresio recto de esta cludad prolilllda los exesos de IUS ~etos qUI Pu AI Senor Jenera Don Mateo Pineda nos en 18 hormolllls ciudlulea del Norto (on 10 dicho sitiafacemos la justlcia ditgtran haber ngrlVlJdo au situacion I pero Miubltro Jenera Am6rfca debida aloe SenOIOs 1l0minadOl y nuestro I Jneral Wlker oon todaJ )R ventnjNl De urden supreml 10 eomuBlco V

Ie Idelleam(lll Ull viRge teli~ y pronto doseo de eselaroeer III ferdad siempre y la repolllioraucia de la posicion que pllrt IIU Intellgeneia y demas efootos retor~ quo podamoa baeorlo ocupa 011 tll embargo magnanlm~ y Je M Pnln4


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 14: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.

318 EL NICARABUENSEVoll No 51 p 2 Sabado 25 de Octubre de IBS6 Saturday October 25 la56~

lttpound 1 Jitaiagutnst ~ Satur4ayllominlt Octbull26


Promotion8 and Appointmenti lIJ~1I fllOll al OINpoundPU OIlDlI8 or fill lIIIT

PR OMO TIOlS bull C Ftfennlngsen Is appomted Brlgler Gene

rat ill tbe Ailny and will take charg of Ille OrdIWI ~ Arlllieri under orden from lite Comshylo~rIIlVCloi- n~ bullbullbull A bull

or bull _ ~ra III promo_ MlStentQuattermaster General wIth tho rank of LleutenshyllDtColonel andmiddot1II take charge or ~he Depar~ mant during the abaenoe of Col Illlller Quarto m~ter G_I Ia d u IPt III IIOrril QUlrtermaator promote JOt Quartermutermiddot Department

cpt George WLeoollfd Ifirlt Rlfttt II pro rnqtld Broyd MIJor for gallantry on the field0118Ib 1816

pt A Scltwa~tz ArtlllorY to bo 1110Pl Thomas Henry (UDMiaubed) Ie promoted

MflJor bi the Quartermllaters Deplrtment 11111 Lleol George B Farrand to be Ctplain liltt ampJellamp George W Glat Ald-de-camp to be

oplalnI tAout JlIIll1 F Schooh Company A ae

cone BIB Is promoled Captain Company A ~

Rlilett II -pled to take eAec October 18ampb 1656

The ratpatlon ofSecood Leu~ I a 8oDmlll Compan 0 ampeond Rift Is aCcopted to ake lIftte Ocober 18th 18GO

Th teelgnatlon or Second Lieut J W Polk 8eeond In1 II accepted to take efted Qcto ber 20tb 1866

The nelSlotion of Seeond LI J W vamiddot111m Second Rilles Is IIccepted to take eftect October till 1866


Col Thomu F Fllher QUlrtermoeter Oenera1 ordered to tbe United Statot on blllln811 of the Governmenamp WlII receive hie InatructioD from the Oomlllallderin-Ohief

Capt Wlllllm errmn Is granted leaf of abeenca (or ailtty dill from flle ht ofNovember18116 At Ita explmlon lIe will report foI detshyto tbe Commander-inOhIef

cp 1 NWeU Walker Ranger Dtlttallolffla glllllied leave or abeenee Ibr 1I1IIy day fromlIl November18i16 At ita ellplratloll heill report for ord011l to lite commanding omcaia o( bll BILlmiddotIIlIon

Cop J O JlmllOll Fi11ll I fanlry I gnlltld lean or ablence for elght1 days from Noycmbior 18t1868 At lIa cltpllllon he wUi report to the commandillg olllcer of bla Recltnent Cor orUII

Cal II Mallldorf Second Infantry nted ItaYO of abeenee 101 NU day At Its elplratlon he willmiddot report to lite com1l1anding Clllleer of ilia Bandon for ord_

Tlr Llent Robert GIIllIlOII Is gnllied leave of abINnce for mtl dAys At Its explrallon he WIll fllporl fGrdut1 ar Grailadamp to II eomlllanding of-

COIId Billes lIeer firat Lienamp B F Delaney Seeond IlIfnll1 III Fll1It LIenamp Lewis R Latimer IIm Rilles II

PIOllli)e4 Olpllln of Artillery gnnted Iena of abeeuee (or nlnet) da flllm llrit Lleut am Dunlcan Flnt Rilles I pro November let 1856 At Ita erplntlon he will

oted CaJltoln FIrat RlOos report to Col B J Sallden FIllt Rllin (of 01

SteOlld L1u B M Allderaell Compally A to deramiddot boa~IItLCoImlan1 B Seeond 11__ G Fi Lleut Arthur OOollnllr Seeond Infiantry

_Itt lUI YD orlbedmiddot paDY I auted leave of abllenee fOr lxl da fromFirat IIIfantrbull1e promoted Firat Lleulenaut Colli 1111110 FIrat Infantry

SNond Lleul O n WellFI11It ~IlIIl11 18 p

~=o~~ia~~~O~~I1I1~ Flllt Bla rolUoted Firat L1utampnant Firat Rilles S~nd Lieut B A Crhart of Ordnance to be

Firat ~~euteDaDtrt dLLleuamp aeo W nailer Second Infantryt lo - tit eutenlnt ~olld Lkll John F Price (unallacbed) Ia

))f41DfltedJijrt Lieutenant to repol to litomiddot Quu te=~I~fs 0H=~ Com A ae ~~4 -n __ to De Firat Llelltenftnt ompln A Steond JUfIM

a-d L1eld _ Wnllam Company D lieshycollli middotlUft to be Firat Lieutenant Company I

Second mlf~ RIa I hoorabl dJcba~oI from Ilia Army fItrmj IIO Porter 10 be1irfl LleUmlAlIfSllIl OOrporafi1anlel Smtlh1 00mpany D MtiiUUlIo

part till Ifhort I honondllrdlachfled - Ibe Army ~ Kleuelldotf Comrny A nangell to

b Firat Lit1tanllnt Oompany B Second 10 Iligoant-MlIjol MllIwel1 Allen Trll$ Rlller shy

nppolnted Socood Llelltanant Fl11It Rlao bull Firat Suetan Chl Wllklnoon Firat 1UIIcII It polntedmiddotSecond Lleute~antFirst JliflOi

Fillt Sargeant Carl G Sbockle Anillery I prOlllOted Second LIeutenant Ariillery r~rgeanl Hardin Jnlalllry Ie promoted Second IItORlnt Comptey a FllflI Jnfilntry

CeIlIt J V Conklin Company D SeeoDd Infalltry to be 8eeond Lieutenant Complllll B Iiecond IDraliky I ~ltlral IlenJ4aDelolter Company B Second ~~1fnnt~ nd Meutenant Compan7 D

Private lIrnncl Roth Company F Second In famplltry to be Firat Lleutellant Company F SeeoDd lnf4ntt

lrIto 1 A OIarko Company F Second I faDIr to bo Second Lieulanallt Company Ji Sec ODd IlIfantry

Prlvale Donnls E nlnea to be liecond Juumiddot teDant ampppOlll aDd tilDen

Prlute John G lla~ Company A Second RI tohoBocolld Lieutenant Company A SeeoDd RIIttJ Rirgeant IllIJot lugh Com8ny A Second _ft~ Second Lieu~nt IIlpteyA Beshy rriYlte B B-Yilt Company it Second Rlftet

to be 8eeond Llollellant Company B Second m 1Iu bull bull s~JaMi~~tod Seeond Lleutonan~ of

111 Slckl ia ppolna~ Second Lieutonant to date fiotn May ht 1856 (110 Ie acting at preaeot It AId to Brig Gen Fry)


Col lohn I Matich I reinstated and will kt1motlo~th~Fi1 Infialed fll RlfI 0 bull lit bull -e to 0 Irak Jk lI~n~~r Calling Oompftay O Secood InshyampII ared to Company 8eeond Iu-

The TreuaU RallgerJ with aU their equlpmonte are tranatened to di BIItamplllon of Rongelll b ~~ of llappef1l and 1I1n commanded

Noltmbr let 18GS At h uplratlon he will report tomiddot tho commanding omeer orhll Regiment for 9r4el1l

FIl~t ~wlcre~yQ~II~~D be 1I1U1 continue to IROn forwardbull It Ittut that cause of a conllnuanee of the oUlrage UP01 hi A pUtmanamp A Ita explratlol he wHl rellOn at Granada fO IIMer

Firat LIeuamp Robert Oardller Fraf lUlIea II lIltedampIe of abMllee for nlnet dlJl t weexplraUon of wlllcl1 b will report for ord_ to the commanding elilcel ot ilia Battallou ~ Llout J Bleier Jnaamptacbed) II _tod

Ihamplvenof llbaatt~t1ordormil O1t JJta~plratlonl te repor era at eueralutadqulricl1I


Sergeallt J A Bopldn Compan D Jim

rrlvato Benry Waiteill Compall Al~RIll 18 honorebld~arpd froII th Army

Private M Mlllloy ComPany A Volti~ tlOIle -dlui~ b~lariofltaereatlbu to rille 1t000000000lr fiIoiarnil hm lb Armlmiddot

Privata I4wlll P raquo CompOy 8Mond Inran Itdllollaraed trom lit army OIl Surgeoneertillcate of dIIobifity


Th n r oname of ~emiddot len D GoIcourIa IIl1tr1okon

from tho roll of III umy 21

AmtttIlT-On Thuraday evening Gen Ba1llo Illl1gaon 11amp01 the men under bla command OXOJo elellig In flle plu The JrtlllI) In two Com panles UDdOl the Imlnedlate direotl0ll8 of Mlllor Sehwallllo ClP DeilneT and cpt Farrand and tbo Sa ora and Min under Oa Hebaamp Tb

pp p e men were enrolled In maneuvrlllg lite mountallt bowltaera and frolll lite rapidity of tbelr 1000lag certainly ahowed IIIl1t1h profIcIelicy

shyOn ldal avenlng after bavlng ourcllod tor a

wblle on fll plua w111t blank cariridges a trial Wli mad Ith the regular sheila against lite wall ofanad ruin The captoIea proved thellllelw

aimed at and the aholle xplodlngIII the WIll tore out larg piece 1 IIPP_ to III from Wbat we ha _of tho e~ that wo lIbelle IItrildng In tho amplme opo will ellech breacb III fll8l1rOllg as adobe building aud tbat (or lite mlllorlty 0110

11011 directed Iliot 11111 be ~mclen The wall llrodlnto WU 1Ibullbullrly four flltt blthlekuou

fha Sap)lllt and Hillen coming to a Itoolder 1tIIT8 with hovello looked aUrat IOmlll1t odd but thoy anu line Iooidnglotofmenand are 0110

of Iho moat ulCfbleorps In 1110 aenlce

CoL T r Flnlll-W obamperY tllat 001 Thea r FIlbert Quartermuler Oeneral N A hu been dred to lite United Stotea 011 h_eII_nedld 11It thla (Jo__amp nelWl made Idmeolf euolt a Ibolite wllb tha paople of Granada that e

PLURALl1Y OF PABTIP9TONS The Late Insult to the U S Flagl The name of tle venerable Ind aimple dimeshy MURDER OF A1IERlOAN OITIZENS Dr TBg

MI1I Plrilnglou-18 In tltelle tlmell ol(n ug AILIED ARMY OF GUATEMALA ANIgt led There aremiddot now many lattlngton_ SAN SALVADOR man ho trlve to Irr01lI tlte advallce of oceanl wIth boom8Uclcl We are surrounded The murder of tbe Amricaa chIlena In tb~ b fllem I we read of them I ever mall brings city of OrMada on the Ush of the cormt aome new denlopment of flleir flllll1w labort month by middotlIte allied foreca of San Salndor tad TIley endampvOf to ouPvtlngton Partlngton by Ouatemala II one of tbe Infllmolll trtneaellolls IIIlng leas oIfrctual illBtrumenta In tbelr elforta to that mual for ever dmgraee the chllracter of tbe lIIeIIl more forcible and overwhelming occaM people bYllbom It 110 eomml~ted and bring tbe Th 11 I n ~ b II tImiddot bullbull middotmiddott h b I d Ibe or ~na anngton wa WII I nil a nl VI 1 ampIn em ~c D8Mloon9 un er e of th Clty of Liverpool now all England belongs contempt if not the dlrcct ceniure of every dr to flle famUy ud Franee by ylnue of ~ho Aliimiddot lIIlca Is ready 10 act Partington to the letter

Partington Is no longer II proper nAnle bullIt 1113

btltlomo common Ie ha beeome r princple of lclion It II now bull great pollllcal organization In facc Statesnol Kingdom tuck up thol PGIII coate and BtAnd mop In Iland ready to RlTelt tbbull rising tide of tbo limes let the cllort COlt wlo II m

TheN 18 an adage hich altlteugh worn bull II l

IItreadbue w would lIdbullbull6 arUngtolB 10

keep CODipleuoualy bofor them It will SIIve tbem milch labor and not a li~tlo ridicule ViII II Thne and tide wait for no mall In IItIa 18 l

b I Idworld of tllltli and pblloaopllYI If leh t fOU be weB for the Pringtons of tile age to aludy

Beroro lite wbeel of lime btU completed lIIlotber cycle Ihe obituary 01 ail lito Parllngtona wlllhabullbullnd ogalllBt hia protestltbeylllllt robbed him of

bull bull been wIllon I for althougb trutb IOmetlm reo all that wal valuable lu hl8110U8C Illd thon drag amp11 Itlell Iowly the dayla about to dawn If I~ ged out from und the folda or that II ltIcb he Ilot alread1 dwned when men wHl be conmiddot should huo mad hia pel8On ucrcd and hot vlneed of w) they ha kllllWD Or hneprof_d him Illh coolncea Illd deliberaUolt

10 know for a long tlme-illat man I a progr Aalf to add to the alroell tbey were nol COl

elvo ereature and tbat thlhllOllltabl WIsdom of tent willt taking hlUfe DlIlng all Americall illmiddot Dilialty haa set blm tranlllng In II patb 10 which IIIln inatead of protcetlng him while 11lng 1111 u

ou tbla road lhere 1IIa~ be ranters that lOme main alter dealb I Seven bayonets were tbrcel may atop oul of the Way and reellDe b) COlllfllltftble thl1lugh bll bod after he had bHD abot reatIng piIlClll but It Ie oqUillyt~ tllllt those The thought of how tkcao fiamplda dlnced lIm who teat toe long mUllt keop ou~ ot middotthe wly of lItel victim lind in thai hclliah glelr hinr

thcao who ate malaquoll~ Ollward or lltey WIU be JDOIt UllUredly troddon upon

It ClInnot be long before mOl will be convinced II II

ILlIeluwUIil laelrneat And the gray It Dot Ita goal

DWI~ thou In to dUlt returnnlVAI not spoken to Ib 10Ul

And that although Individual Of cles or peo

pi lIIay heeome u 11 were withllred limbs In tbo great tree ofllf flle mmk canllot pariah bll~COII country Be had been here tbrOugh two rr_

nd _~ III It h ~ed tlul I II 8 bull -_ 1111 as _III grea porpoaea (Or wblch It lloe _ied

But the Partinglolll of EurOpe and America IMllllnospahle of DIjIkin tbe proper deductiona 111 Llo of ellta~ fll8y aeem u Incapabl 6of comprahendlng the great lam of hnman 1I1e lIId thlr Teneraoto progenitor tbe tonlea whleh ro IIlated we ebb and 11011 of the AtlantIc

We a haYIng now re-enacted 011 tho etage of European plllr lite sceno of In lIleb tbe Par tlngton of ~be Inquilitlollllgured wben a lItey would ha us auppos clolltcd In tho IOlemn 111

h lItorill or God they compelled II nnar1lbla p Imiddot lesopber to relnee bll_dOll relative to the revolntlon of tIe amplrih But a1tbou h litis d I to aholl tI era ~I f I thmiddotYv r a me a gen e n tIrae the pro- of lit ampIlll iteelr WII not reated and the ParUngiona of tbe Old World w1loe 10 aaslduOua In thrlll4in fllelr mope Inm flle advanclo wamptora of lite sea ~r P n III allOO8ad onlYin being conllnced in ~d that

olteellont marbmen lhe1atruek the preollupot notwithstanding their elflllta flle world will con

~g (fou tJIIl~~ecd under tbe orden of donbt nol be 111 reoal Ii pleaeant reoeplioD do not weigh mere than a grain agalnat the elllrtll

t1nue to wag OD

It we tbe I lrit of ParUn tonim tbat threw obllampaclca In lit path of CoImbU 1I0d Luther alld KOllath It 11 to legllJlallng In tbla aplrlt that EnglandlIIayttnDute lite 10lIl of her North American Colonln and to tllil aplrlt Bpab) loa ber AmerlCftD POIIIIdIIIOUl 1amp Is the Parllngtonshylam of th that cndeavo11l to arreat flla Il1o Taneo of llrragua In flle road of 1101 desilny alld that would atlgma~ If pOIIlble one of th

b d _~ h1MII _t an moat nt__ men W 0 ever unmiddot dertook naople to proeperty

BII~ to lite philosopher 1114 lilt_ thllk thero Is a OOIII01atlon III the knowledge thllt erente are guided b7 111bull luperlor law of an aUwlle Deln III whOle balance the elloru of all the PrUngtreg

RESlrAATIONS The etlxnltlon or cApamp OIlldes A Gore Se

eoIld lUlu Is accepted to eke olfect October 1tIIl5O

Tliolampllgnltlon of Firat Lleu~ A M Pittman Firet Infantry II accepted tomiddot take tlleet from October 3 18Gbullbull

TIae retlgnalloll or Recond Lieu Groaa Second

wheruOlhe COIII We 111111 him afiaorabl TO age and a )Iced rotum

DItrIlIlDIIN 0 GIIIIUDl- We 100 been handod I 11 II th lIamn of all the persona wbo were present at the defence of Orampl)ada 011

th J11th and 18th of tbla monih It erowded out fllia eet We shall probably pulllllh It in our next IlIue

of WuhlngtoD er a Walker or 111 olhar of the InlltrUmonll wbose Ilame we might adduce wbom Be lIIOIintbo developemont of HI dealgnt

Tn I QuJlPBu VITVs-TbI8 flIslllonlble eillb we regnl to eay haa ceased to elleamp Au loq 0fO~ Ita remailll brought In a ferdlet of died of eoIIapea of tbe pocket RguitmJI ill p4tbullbull

IHzed nation_ It I nnmiddot ac~lon ao rar bOlond tho pale of 011 clrllifLd cII9toma8S to render IllmplJtoI I r bull ill E cld I

abo 0 Jual cation ~~ry In onl Olcry e ( eumstanco connected wlln it ene only 10 add to the guill and ink tho porpelratOll of Ihe onto Iago dcpArln tbe grcd 1lqulty

II cannot be Mid thumiddotlt nlpp1tml u or wbile tbe IOldlera 1010 in suebe Illtc of ~~ cUemen as not to be aware of what they did I I for I yet theyliad nOI been enpged in any BC

L1 h dmiddot L h d b t on nor a oy Il B ot yel re npon tnOIll 1 any of tha oltizens of Gmnada The residence of Mr Lawl_1s allUftted about midway between the large plaza IIIId tho Jalteba Chuteh Ria

bull h b bullbouse wal tho flral tber came to In a tag b Amerlco~ls lind wltboul pl1lvocotlon or culo while the American tlftg lfBI tIiDg over bla door

bullbull deprived aD American citiZen of life bee mlng iii Intoxicated witb (ury III to conlinue to Ibruit theit byoultalnto him la heortmckening

TheBe men cannot ucue themselves b 1lnl tbey were not awaro of LawleSl VClitlon Ibr h I Id d I II rat L av ug res e n t 8 coun~ry len yelm

spoke belr langulge Iluentl n wu 1Iell knOWI

tilroullbou~ Ibe country ampI a merchallt 110 bad never utor(ered or took part III the politlca of IhIt

dOli and mere than b(~w8ra utl had alWAY Ih reapect abown him Iue tbe flag llhose protoellOllha clalllled Belld all thl he 110 doubt oxi

bull pWoed hI JlClIon h lng bd ample lillie to 110 It but It avaned blul nothing tha~ be hid nol takeJl part In the wlra It lled him noihiaLbullbullbullbull I h- d I L ere were ItO arllll D Ie _ an t 1amp1 u~ wu 8Plrely 4efenceleu- a clrcumtaoce that among any people wltb a apark of chivalry or hUlnalllty among them wold hlYe 8Ied blalif He claimed to be an Amelican citizen and eluinr beneath and cillmin~ Ila pr~tectioll of the Star and Strlpell was by the deml demOllsmiddot ( we callIlO wi tbeln men) coDildered amp erime worthy or bull

hd d th meat orn 0amp

We do not wish to caUIUelltion esplloWl W lite death of the Rev Mr Wheeler bo IIU eUi gaged In lite ploua duty of dleklbutlng the ACIId Word of God amont tbe people of fllit pllCl

wltem neillter te aacreel banner orChriat IIOt Ih ftlllJ of Ihe Ulllted Stet cOIIloi aIIVO frou lite ruf 611111y butcbery nor to the murder of the Belr Ferg1llOD nor to Mr Camenl 1Ibo waa dng~ ~ed rrom the bosom of hia family And murdered hllo proclaiming that ha 1111 lin American oltlzen for tbe clrcum8laOCeli of thel~ death Is let rO~IIa plalnlyln tbo lIIIoexed aIIIdvlll i O do we wial( to make any oommenta upon tbampl deelre to get fller American Minister-who Willi at the time prot-[ trated by DlII83l1-1nto thelr huda tor w eel middot ured It wlluld be a work oCIuporeroptoultlu1Il parte tbe caae wID be setforth to the people ar the United SteteltJ by tbelr reprlen-lI e IIIQ we doubt not that Americana wHl indilllto Ibelr

dignity Btl we would ClIII attention to the faet that Ih

flAg 0 the oomparatiyely email BanHate toOI of Saxony 10 Europo waa raapoetcifbull hlle lbe American col011l were being abot at alld rlddleocl Wllh bullete whllmiddot tlylng ovor lhe bOllee of tbt Americalllliniatel and served rather to leduc outrage tban alford procctlon to th_ bG lOught ita ahelter 8 tbe following aJIIdill m bow

LEO Ollmiddot or UNlTro SumOJ AllIIle I liEU RmzllLtC 0 NIOaUOIlA J

Till day pereonally appeared betore lIIe Jamnl George Wledomanll nnd moe OA~ thai I ~

A-gores of the lIled Imyof Gllatemaltl I

319 El WICABA6UENSE Volt No 51 p 5 Sabado 25 de Octubre de 16561 Saturday October 25 1856


tile n SteamOl La Vhllo Capt Thom IlUlkert~rlnd al tbe port of IlrauadA on the ~ytlllDg lotSlaquoturd-y tbe 18th IDBt Iloe brought Jutem -lIP 0 1I1t of UI HItIt monb

br - bShe fOlIgbt o a Ollt ~Igbty Plt888Dgtl1l who nteld ljO nelde I~ 1111 COIInuy list) of 0111 ~ Joinell the NlcarogulIII Army Among t

- I IBanIfa we nol ct tho lIallle of Clt)L eonlngftnHow~ Joinell theNlearagutll Arm1andla In COIomlllll 01l11li ArIlIl~r1

1111 Jla Virgin brwpt alao tor the Army lU1 bull o if h nd-A M- L d middot11IDr ell X II nu m mUlld III i 11 et lour or wllb Ibclr ploper equipment the evrig~ for tb mountdn bowltze aI_d ro -- ld II Ivge quantity OfulIllullltlon

81 f I

struggle wUI be between Buchalampll and pOllUoR a alellder -agure and ver1l1ght bllr reoIOIl~ lillmoro ma however bo much BORland and Frlllee h made II warlike 01 alronger batt tbe pllbllc h lID idea of If Ibe 0I0nllramplloll aallIamp ~be Kin ofSarcllnla AI

ee 0 middotpapr we earn thI All the dey atproeCllee for Ihe rleSidential eltctlon In the tultcdSlateltlllulscltcmentalld1nleruUllor_

be nfoet ngg_1ed ltalemen are IDade by of lb riftl candldatea relale to

iuoqUt t II weoed wIb mor ~OtiOD ormore UDshyettlalra I lIor caprlceelIIan 11080 two Statee now

I od ha P ll 1amp t1 middottt t 1IlPlji t t en 1 YIUI I go or ImlomrDUllffilll4ll Ia 1101 cet~ of Ilanflng It iln Ib1~er ~andlt hlwampy been e Btrong ilIIIICIlItie 3Iett and h ginn Ddehanan large

Ai e roof of 118 entire dovollon to Uoellty I Hid lbal In Ita remoter di8lcta llaer are lililarge ItlllDben of Totee _t fqr AnshyUtW J~80II t

AI Ne York no etandll the Fremont men Ire alma I Ilire or ber But II e fllred tbat 10 otdtr I ifeeure tho election of lluebanall by Ihe L S d fN Y k 11o~r ~e thO emoerac ew or w go

om 10 1111101 The bull 4ft oro 8() nicely halllllud tbal eonaldmiddot

bit a~lIl1la of mOD01 are illaked upou tbe rampgt fill Willet III accounl of a mall wbo ble to lIhu aUIbullbull hlllr oft bl heed If lIucbanlUl Is 1I0~ Ilt~ted b_IID Ie e or bIa elCllllon be Is 10 be d lIh all lhe blta be CQD wear ri I -mo Buehan conUnue to realde I

Whl middotlIollll8 Thill aIlnde UI or PlOl8OiIor Stowe-hlllbllld r n Deecher 8towe-wbo wben Ihe FIIgishylift SIt LawwlIS p-d re latered vow that

oul~ not M hla beatd cut untO the Ia Will Itpeilled Il lla needl to that by this tim IU beerd of tho Proteeaor hal altainod coRaider

A bull Welangth lIla mil1 wil~ at lOme ulure time I able to 4etermlne the time which bae elapsed ~Rce tbbullp_go of tht celebrakld law by a _Irtllellt of Ibla bireuto ppendage

Olll neighborS Ia the Solltil It 11111 ben b

rtfHOell to lIIother pitt of tbla pape haye art IIt14 at a period wboll tbey are beginning to acl lei aot througb any ellerg of their 0100 but by

bull bull Iho torceof the elective spark wblch tbe pr0111OIt ~ lb AjDerlealll excitebullbull Aa Ie lIIuaU the cue ill ueh spaslllodic e1f~rta tbelr ICtiODS are neltber -At( b d Ira UI I ateedI-~ ~ pru ollee or grea~ til geDco II of t1llll~g tbolr atklptlou to tha aeveopomoot of cIIt reour0e8 or their St they e endeavoring 10 ftrm I agalnaua wllo If tbey 8amplIdled Ilatlr deg lotereat tbe would not olllylreat aa

htelben but endenOf to ludaoe us Inlo tbelr _trie b offorlng lerge 1IIwarda to U8f1 lIIIerIca fho would Httle amollg tbem

go andmiddotdo Ukewlh tI Ibe would In fow lola uame was reeeIedmiddothe ~onoludedlIIIId IDUO1 c u Aoa_ fII IlITIIIIo o BD-Thill L bull ~ Ia peu enklrpriae whleb for bullDaB1e Iou _med

han reuon to Ie the - the merleau lIle pp - too i11cH1v7 plQJce 10 lie HriOllllJ eoklrlalaed tbelr denl among them II Brig GeD Horuab waa II atbullbull II Ie 11IeI u Ihelhuadelplla IAtliJrr to pIO

The Elllpero Alolnder of Ruula u _wued drank with ~re and th _II-I- not onlypn bullileallle blit to be aowal _Iilrocl lakll with peel ctltllOll1 DIIfInc laquoIlGlIamp- The oople of Gtuadr- uu _ ~oo_uIoa 01 ~ GIld lIIMaWio_ tIon the BDlpelOl lIrtIMd dlllllfllamp1llt liNt lllto lliftl amp111 the lUI Ie SOl Ill of bJ a

-r hGould he alloed ampveryluiUt iol publleblnl tbe JiIoJ-wa receld wltb leug 111 incident or the cerem001 The rep_led Brig Gen Jit111 I88po11111lo 11 draIIk to of IIIe Pope _ reaehed on 1111 occaeIon be- The Bed 8kIr of 1I1earas- t shy

I - --

blo IUCIea From all we can learn 10111 Hill quallllcatiOllll appear ~ bo good die-

n -0how othinc oIemenamph anlbmg Ike llalloolmiddoth boen ordtled -to the SardInian potU middotf9t111er rloctlol1-(f OIgIlDIZlltlon aod kllllclt to fhe nowl from Frallce I unimporlllll i01In principle beymiddot ilia) lIIlrprlee the Union 10 111 France hM growll up to hemiddotalli8 tat bilallbbeb

lire th_ ofanr other _IfY neCoatalUcanuNboglnnlnr(OltamwladoD

end theIP rttIIerJ to (ullow Preildellamp Xora III lUIother folAJaplneUflO8IIguI ucla_pIcIou

III our m1lld tltt they beslnlllng to bow wbats b

Tile 11010 from Buropeta DOl of III In -eat til l1li In Nicaragua Q_ Vlctorla lib a good _bl mother Is endorlug Iogeh lIItmiddot ablo spouao for hr aupterl Ibe 11111_ RoyalPrlll~ irederlck-m lrlIstlt 11 at proeenllh fa rltA In 1gtvl matrimOlIai IIIIrkel H baa aCeltmIpanled lbe roJa moth~r clllrllJU

middotmount~t roogtiI laddoll M unexpected Amiddotcoup u fat 11M been lIIk1mpted in Paill bJ -rrf nI hi its lerth to taIt the B~I u rtmiddotIIlI PrtlllllllIIPpcaraneeago their eandl- (leott~ODollnelltIukod ltltIeenlIlllheUa 11 IIIIee from Franklin the ed_ltlWd Irad rona hladoctor mullraquo alld air w pxketshyltlale ud Ibemlelvenn rar behind dcrblllleedenahSp 1b_Spanlahtroops hoW poue 011 bJthe plekel prltl ofbe rNIIOt hllllditerehlef

middotTho DfbIIlIIIn lind FrolllOlit lien are hathon 8Ionof Madrid bllCmiddotthe blew wa nOlllrlld 1111111 1114 - man killed The meIu bod WII hUll~ F4t 11111 ~-l---A-rua-n-p-n-Jal-Ir-porler aid il 1kelr 111 III In 8upplieatlon before tbe State middotof laneoueI~ amplllbe luge ollie mt therefore lcLraplcllY-~Inrr th pu~ofaIampok wa eo olOOllelt amp be ~ tbu ibnup -CD in lie Yo ftud Ponll8)lanl4 There lIever w only parllllllluCOO88lal A eho ar Ia SpaIn II 11 Je is ooei Jirallkl how -It grolt ~~~litl~way~~ma4t billlyen- iwI Ja

bull IlOOII t 1111 w II mo OU _ bullbull h1111therefore hlehl probahll It Ia thought -be w IIIalI aad tho collklmplated atiMlk JIOfi hbonld laquolad 10 bow NId tbeuegioL Wii France ie IlIlIOlIIe nYllOl1l1eel4d wllb the 1IIfaIt POlolied Thethumr -ped ~~ ~~ tllteat no Iongel alilee tbUl Ju~ IIlpl-agaillaamp II wil1middot R~~ h bull 10 1IIdlt e - t nes -lgt 11_ t -- poelufely lilted 10 IIblMOQ KaN mldlllampht howeyer (1ft aspreu Ived III IIUIIp A IaQd peculalor 01lt W- ladeellcllo

until LIlt mill of 1100 Allied rome hqultted with ~ Informaloa tllat 001 Oook wllb I _e his trac IJIInI th eba be Inaallilidl J th CrImea Tork h for the pretent nnt foroa of U 8 ~bad takeo lip I porJampIoall clcreel It Wu 10 h~lhl ~IIDd Ulera aDd 10 frem the dlplomalle boti_ lrolt of Ltowr8llCt the 1Irpoee or pIOleoI dllBClIIamp for toIbto dlO tbel iIII thela~ablampaAtiIIbtd

It froIn the pro~d ~I ~ Coodli~bu 10 draw tbelr lui breatb With a eolrallre ~aPOob _u to CI_Ie PRESIDENTIJtL SUPPBR toWlIJIIIlIOI810 Gel H~el~ warllln~ oe Pcmy eliC~bullbullVeUowoltben ~ t

__ tbe _equellcaa of III lkllllplOO lb bull It ollllh of JII1 ora hepiaHie ckdara 1On tbe nalramiddotof the 19th laaamp tb FI14 61B la uld that CIII Cook IIa~ beell Milt b1 Qea do noamp believe amp10 Is 11I~ wo_ or eIiIIllo

ly wbo w urgeatly oliel b) ~ people ot IIIIa ho_ who It_ttubed the age otM _e~ alld 018n of tbe General Stair Wlib a few Iewrallee 0 lDte~ Cor lheIt ~QJI Qn b~atmiddothU fell tilla tl1lth tbuwltriag ~ Cltizell8 lDel 81 the Pre8Ident lIIena10n ad tIM lb nib Gew -0 arrIYed at FnnIdlll amllled tbelritnilllll flPcQrl ag I

tlook of eupper bull oolllllllalion with Ibe IIIIoera of be lravadlog -10 h

bull th I 4 Dri ifill S IOld thembetmiddothe WM prepllCed en- I11III D ~ eaklr 4 9 _ushy_l _AOIOnamp guellawenttoe gI~enerrJ foroetbI teUftllHheoleutlimltowuhla eldeiitl11I~uowedf_gnIID80ftJcbtibullbull

JlorDeblIriglcllerOeneral Fry Drigtdler-Oeaeral _1Ioo J aupprtlll cllaordere with the aht of _04 ttom death lit the ampIinIhPa~lllIi1lf ehlOro-nnneingllJlftW Xbull RQgcro SubS ot Jlaermiddot tbe-~middot~ IIlJder Jb---middot~iIatit fmn ald bullbullbull~ elida CoL Pb R Thompson Aiijt OiIabullbull N AI the Interpoeilloa of XlIreu aHer (Jell ~ BII or~t qllellioo At tho 001 Ales Joo P~lIIUIer 0nl N AI ~e~=n~- t 111= lIowlhhen be l8i dO~alrO Ii iWir did Col T F Flab Q~termUlter-aeatlll N A thai be had)lllt UrtIIkId to or 190 ouIIa Who Col Ocoqe B Hall 00mmi1Ml)raJ N Awoold be prGperlJ tried b1 the lepIllUthOrlIIaa Whi III amp man wamph acom 06 middotetu toe Atl 0_1t 1 M tbe geollOmtaaU de10 take of the yltodl Aa _ the cllIIIIeaire

1eIIIlt)f Tho Hdth of tho pruldenlor lhe Republic

or Nicaragua was propelled and~lIk Ith eoshythualaam 10 tblt the Pretldent rtIIpoDlled propotllll W

Til OlBcera or the Nicaraguan Arm

The lIetlth oC General William Walker w III

en propoatd and drank with Ihroo ebte Tbe Generallf caUed upon to reply It1IIlmoatl posalblo 10 gl90 ao Ida of Ibe ellOlrI~ ellbOl loll words prodllCed IIded by loll graoUnl geelleolallon and peculiar feror we CII 0111 Mltmp 10 gIe 811 idee of wbat ho Hid bull

When bla 1)AIII had btllI repoampteclly oalIod he roee lad 14

GIIINTIIIUIM-Wbtever or hlator helon 10

tba Da wbalOVer of the 1I1111rol 1liiy be 1810shyorared Wllb It owea more 10 Ih lid recolfed ftOIIl the wisdom galbwlr) and derIng 01 Ibe geotlem811wilit wbom ampbe lndlYidual wbo bean i baa had the good middotfortune 10 opente thaa 10 III merit he blmaeU po_ [Cbe_l Ao lodiridual wbyenleer posltloo be 111amp1 bolitla gea oat

01tho P1l2I he repteaeDlII maltee hrlll gMaL It M Ie_ en tbe approach or Goy Geor Hept J A Ii my Ibrtene to lie the repr_tame of a with U S VcIopI aud weDI towlIllII Ne~ lIarr1l1g1on S prlnelp e willi hlcllyou all Imboed_ prin All b qqet ia tbe IerlllOl1 Henr A clple that cannot OOCOllftaed 10 thIa 01 an OIbtt Joaea J It

bey pl pro8t in thla pllttloqiar by 11Iuon- clple of ulIleraaI fraedm It mlltt ooalln to spread nlll I erubracee nOl OQ all hllcoatlshy

ucl ott 0 EtDperons Nicholas And AlulIIlnder ofnent bul the conlhlenlll of the old orldmiddot It will ll~ jhO bull IOn ililOctl to the United change old Y8amp8IIII ~d reinfipale -i alld Slates t AmoriCllII moehanica to come aDd Ive t~ Old 1flithorldNrecelung lIedlOlPullel ampom lbe

n~ oll 0 e ew 10 ellen to UI the paklmll In Ibelr 01111010118 and tbote wbo aceepted tbe embraCes of a IIlIivelllll blll~hhood (Iodlullallo have beu reated In a mallner com- cheering] __traIl wllh the wealth of llie Empire W080 After the General badcoQcludod TheSoldlllra

resoured tbelr Ibor will help 10 dovolop There of Ihe Nlcaraguall Army WII proP080d IIIId dlllllk I I I E tb t b d d I III hId b DO pe~o II urope n n vanee n e WI Oil C eel Arts of l~te a tIo same ratio lUI the Ruselall Utlg Oell UeoDmRBOo 10118 (Irank with IIlucb

d I l 10 L II E I ltb b bull All n fer coyer e en re IIIp 10 If a ent wlm lind III retpoollO Gon lIalogaen Aid Aetwork of ralroad tho Emperor bas Inlol semiddot In lubatallce Iltal he nOI muob 8OOWItolatd 4Wed til icoB of 8ovorai Amerlc1l engineers 10 liking ~et that ho w eatlrely a

apot It I - broad ue wllwene-lt Ii ampbe prla-

There were HyerrJ -er toute __enI draakaadabouU oeloek the geDtklllen Ithmiddot drew to their reaIdeII- mllCb plcued with amp0 ellteneinmtll


fUll lI ona ampIID ntce PROOLlIllU-lllI

bull t1t01l 11011 111110 Th St LoQIa BYelllllg New of Seplembe

Ib b the followlDamp IUlpllIIl1amp IIew1 Wo v clalei ftom 118 JSOlGer 01 me 1111bv _vl- t Iuamp -11 of tb war In

Kanua alld c1rculllllaneea atlendl lb 1IW Wal1 of peace amp Frtnklln

Tbe MIIsourIu we 10 their word tUlObed ampom Wolitport to aItIck Iewrlllloo on th nthT w compoud of OIIe reglmeD cit ampos_1 eae ef mounled m_1n all 1400 _ al- We dool _beu es_pte Ifre 10 lend Ii four pleooa of aHII1erJ Gen utt11 -1 ora - alike bllamp atdilterenl 111_middot In command On tbe 13tb aad 14th thete t=~t=O~Ath

~ebrmfori= rwbull Jllltlce

lamplllzed by came G8II Atelillollto tho dWt Itefohillou ere peel decJerlo ilia relllng OIl the proeCtiOll promised 10 peacelll bullbullttlenl bl tbeGOYOrIIO~ tbe Ibelnndlog army would dltbaud l1li01 relll to ~belr 1I0m_requ~Un the Go _ 10 reergamplllA and diatrlbukl middotOtCllhe Tern ~ Cfoe of mllllla to p~ the Mtthln from _auderl atld robbera-alld reoommeodlncIhal CoL Tim be made commander of tbe mUfti of Ihe Territor] lbe )(-urlane llien broke up cunp aed returned boule except th_ wbo Jp te)lded to IIIIUI lit doe l~

Tbe aillet or OH bullilretl 00l1li UrtIIkId bYGo 0 belollged to tho flOIIPIIA of Cal HlltYt1 wbo made ampbe aItIck on COL aolleriton

WI-d~~ t4 ~~III to f~ lI4I all __e lIpOIl t bull rae_ deg lUllmiddottIogocean middot10 -0 bl thle muno bue made report III whielr the d~lhat the ilia eouId be built OIl neuI7 dlrlaquot rltlIIte from sfamp 10 the OWt01 P~- with braneb Iio Ibe Nile The00fi It ts7~ 1114 the oooatructioo will take IIs88 At 8oM2lIfeeuf_wlllbetoliad M lIle diMDce 01amp000 feetlrom t4e bull_ The plrl 10 be ooiIIiInIcl4d III the GWI of Patm whleb the former proJect plaeed a Ill boUom ofth GQlf wiD be located wei mllee 10 the Willi 011 p or the cout wbere the wa1s 211 fee~ deep Ai leu ~han the cllatance of wo IDUea Tom tIN IOore mt where IIIIchOlampg g~ It Is tlmueil bet 1 -IU fie do In 4IN11cpbeleen the rotpeCtibull place IIld Bombr III fdllowt (Ionalallwllople 1J900 Havre 8928 Lolldoll 86GO LIrpool 8560 He York

7311 Ne Orlean 8178 Hore IhaD ball Ibt 0) I -een Ihe prlndp porloofJilliropo alld Alaia bJmiddot Ibe propoeed l Tbi slugle fact lIholllicalmmenle IIliIIl) 10 ill Damptlollll ail weU as 10 BVPI and Torkej olld ril lIeur tor iIamp projecCUnl the belt wlshea of the elvill1fd world

III view or faoII the 00_ lIIIfd the Ilk alargci landhold~rf Beea_ ~ ill p-d ~ to ~ 1IIIt middotbadoa tbeli- of tUII odtM-1IIeIII(It - 1

Gel Atobleoa Gen Reid and CIII TIl4 -Why iii a Inr Ike kIIoclampert Becaa~ dreaed the meetiR ad lIrlIed complianoo 1amp ho lIIiHotml to llifW4 (a d_) the GoYernor prOpol61 Th Govenaor thel bull -poundt

Wlthdrw from Ihe ~ to alfordto 1 Iist 01 Ietter IOUrlaaaauopportulloace amOllth~ D-rJl~middoth nIB I d 0IlIIhla ngeoUon A _tllIlI w jllllaDllj I e bull- v lII1ICO omiddotwag Cf tee ve

Iober 11 1866 lIolt Ooa(Dlrdeall V E tBullh J G Bllllch J BbardO E Bremer JClarlt ll WCaaIIlIo C Ohecklcy Xlll CUlton I Daly Iol J Jlllher J A lir141 Jishfr G W

aI Ulek~PoInl They were 08pwred at G_ GeuIeall 0 A ~IolillB oppotIte LeeomptoD OIl 1beIr reamplIrII Go1tbArl P A from 8ickory PolnI to Iampw_ 1111 ead bet (1_ J 0 Iathe aampempllO vteA them _ U S eoWter Hanele It fourteen of lfes men 10 killed HoagllUld M H

Lene III not Iio be folllld 10 eIIeTerritor II Berdy C

Fuu o bull t ftlna-lbe Now Orlealll Della Jorge A lHms tbat Red lUvor hu dimmed up lla owa Klpp S V inOUth and now mlkea 118 w y 10 Ihe Gult LorIog L th d Atcbaamplla B l fb II d bl Llnere or B

2 1~ X 11 LlflngslOn J WlIcGulgan 0 Hoy A Korri H

McCann H a IfcCudle J

Jlanofill S Mooney Hamp sb 1I Nellr E A OsborD D C Poal Dr A Pearaon J T POit Hlu A Roper J Hltllaquogton e 1 Roulrand ~ Sd1 Dr

- Scott W L 81110111 D ~ Sklnna J C Smiloro H SlantbrT7 E II Warren Wheeler 8 H WllIlalll800 CaptWIHiamSOD J

lIuilii tbe fOr~middotedurereor thdegat ~ til )8116bull and tbat at oue IiIlHl neTer Iouched III M - amp X TIIOlampIV lib d III b~ II b llI bull - I

I pp ut pllrlue bull coune w 118 1I0W WHOLESALE ])EALER IN Ulned elllptIDglRto the Gulf far to the ell I of Ibe Iolillalaeippi Tbo Red RI Ie now to BRANDY WH SKY WINE~IIld Ie remhla to ho up whether whcll full It _ t wUlliot re-opoo be outlet to the Joflulaolnnl ud AND ALL KI~fS OFihLQUORB Ira mill wIIb the aIbA~ of Wuerif - 40geer If bull r rrN COrrBn sJrJ9DBn2-rrzoJV

U-- J I L L 110 4Lt lDliOO ~ 0001II IOUgt NA WIIOUIiIAuU 8 TILl YI nOIY -An mIII - HltrJ etroet ulltoI ofampIIFruei800 COIlbaen lick for a long hoe and whit1n this _ate GIUIIlda Junlgt 1 1866

would OC4ulooII _e brealblng ftIId IIr be ------------ --__ - -Dr AAud Pobullbullpparanll eslhletfoe 80m tIMe when he wooIshy

~ III th~ dockyarde of lttllllia An~rICIIII 1I1collamiddot worker and that he ca~eto Nlea heca II apln COllie to On one or these ~ heo fBNDfRS UIS SERV1CESto the Ilhtz~Dbull1 IIkI hn~ lhe dlrectlon of nfthlrt The OODIC- tb ht II b It - - be lind JIIII awakeaed from bIs Bloop lgt1rIok uk Granada and vicini ill ilie praclille of

OIIg ero t eoe w wOr 10 do He would Ied 101111_ UITlCllli SURGEoy t_ H1DWlhIiJi qunoe fit 11111 will be tbat In a abort IIme tile nOl hae eome h_lt he uppoud Ibe tllICI8 of And howll w bo Jlmlll1 when oura IIIIWJ ~ bull l u j1l bull lOt

IwMlaII Veue6 III bo IIblo to compete III speed bla laborwOIIIS be IlOI1l1ned to IIII1t pI_ Re dead-1011re after klnup ini thllOf OftIce an4 roal4caCe 01 tb aouIbwl ted dumiddotmiddotllt with tb but buill Yankoe clipper tumln tballka - th b 1 bull Brlalg III a gleu omiddot Irioi an IA7 to tU- comer of tho lampreet 0pPOllltc tbe San PrandgtltOAoLr bull wr e on~ goD omen p hero lilt 1 Jimmy -airIf I dOll I au OouonL ~~~e~~ AlUerlclIiIorthlloontln~l1lw~to OIlteonre~upon ~m by ~ IIIUller In wblob IdbrlDk thin blll1 meor Gtanu Jail 1860


320 ElNICABA8lfENSEVol t No 51 p 6 5abado 25 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 25 18S~ i t l

BRIG dNN HENNlVeSIIN ketnft4 tore lItelrlllaquopoampolllpu gri_r __ dlis hnmlllatlcm Autrl of eOIl- Iolaled lit COM~lISSION IpoundR~ SALE

t ~_11l loo1ltlnl 01eI 1lI6 l)emOOlamptI Rlew lOr t~Ir- tIe pJlva~ aIl4 lIIampIIy _______ t86l1l dad ~~1I1D ~n the ampIIlprllD W-r TIIlrtee lIUDPm td_ ana geuellile Of pURSUANT to an order leeIIed by the Board of CommlWon I gtfIll on d1IFJ~T DIY DlIloh the ClOIIdllCt an AllCIIont iDd ablllamp of note_ dlieclly tbll lulftlldvballled or JANUART 181S7 ofter die lbiIowingmiddot invelltoried propottl for 80 III pllbilO ItU(tUIIlmiddot pigt he lleteODI bo llgu~d hl ttamiddotiermtlllOflbk bo tthoullbdley had bad fw 1IIDIlth ill1Itelr the IIUa It the citl Of ~randl middot1 Uiwwe are carefully lorDed OTUIO told amp ppwer 1wrIHt Atmtlpd Atulricm H olall TetIIlI-Ou~ or IIUllar1 WpL bull ___ I lie ranka priloioll irlthoulltluriuamp OIl or them The laIe HI conllnU1l ampom lay to dar IlnUHn~ wiolo 18 dtaponu Of troDt BIb fall upon tbembull Speaking 1gt( lhe Gdrse ampelng ~he middotol)ltllllll wb(nrvmiddotpl1t bull pta Pankos deahtma of leeing the property and emiing for tbemaelvtl8 will 06 fllmned ~ll

nr6I11 aceouna tba Ilad bean ltritten lip to lhal oner (Counl Ziclly aD UDollarim) to dBatll horselllld gukl8 bllppJioallon at my oftIce - I irrul of thla lDem_ble 81rOssie Alr eiloll ana Amolllllt lbe Icllml were -e mell of large V I b e ed In It we Grid tJle toUorill (orhme w~o1D the ~II were _nxlou to d V1I I PEY INamf 01 Biulli I _-l_oP_1I_0I ___ RtllIlIrk4 ~ e DIU iii g tpoO toll Balllyampbyl ror bilt eatftld wordl Hacienda do aeao Roaano IJOiii llItololo Lopez Treo hI full bearing tI4middot11) Tho tnl connected ndlaWlillibl_nuflllreemiddotliilllloaiordollampnmiddotOeneIK coodemD 110 do Oandetari Do Youngtreet 10bullbull0

tblleampaltnt 111 ampOIlIg 1Dd dierefwe of tIe ed by Hnau wbo Will hill dBbtor for Ilxty Do CaUle lAIa Or~ Do bull 1~~1 HIIInl e _ gen~1 whloh Olftnot bo ~houllld doll VecztJ wlotte ~her (sllllllv BOWIampID run Do A row of siJ ator~ 101 UIldeiMood wllIo __ling the mlblary eo ID ) wieand he IIIQ of lite late emperor Au- HaeIendo de (JaQlO

UlJOnli In thleOdntryiUOIIlallled ill ~ pampt Ilt tba eampIdIer Jlho-pbllr-dle pllont and I~dl8O Pit t Juan T0lI6 Rut 8 0 entitled- Nag) Sandor apd the rrIeeI Damiani who Hacienda de Caeao plz(I Do- H 11 ThI P4d 1lIl Ja~ iff l1JFmiddot bellIg _ed to he hlDge4leet 1114 with como Do Indigo Je1U8 lIIarl8 Do 1 I

Fod bat 11M iffirtt tlhuWaUflul tM poau liby 1aet here lJbull1 ~ alw~lI ~t Booee in Ri Do Largo IIdnbe 8 11 f( BtlIqgU middotdndFtItllrIl p~ 6ti upon IMhetlio lIeLfP Bacl~d de Cacao Sin FraDdleo Jose JArguello Aree 18 C HfII~~atJlllwmiddotolmiddot fWlw M01ItIM LoWe Bath~nyl 111)0 wbenllomom fell bad Do do De Abandoned Into Qall~jl1fllllllA ZtmIaolrTgm R_liOll b~ tried OYer pW atIer belnl eaotenced to B_1n Onmada bullbull bull Do ~ ~ bull bullbull 0 Pvoria tc rour 1 impi1aoDment the eharga middotormiddot l)eWs Baclellla ltleCaeU rdilacio Male1iP- bullbull i bull bullbullbullbull ~r


rI p1tt t I cd cJ to -1 W middot111_ ~f middotORII Latour ot 11_ In Gi-aWulo-- - ~- JO bullbull bullbull bull bull bull 10 Thouampbor 0( 1Id_ ptm e li~ ~ r l)-U wbiclt be notorlouir U1tu_h _ _ 1180-0 Plta~ Francisco GuerrA IS

PllbnO~qollleclampIIllIIotb~bmiddotmiddot bi th d9lamp1t0f WullingampUII wuCOlidemned to he BoilandIotIIlRIna ~ 1gt0 9 lib lbe ~Ut onamprll 0iJ0orIlJ hanged Hia wife IntrcdllClld bull lancet Into hla IIoUll8i11lUfU n Kill patUalll burnt 10shyuulll bl+aljJbh~ugh Ih~ m~mollll~ ~~~sn pn- h which hellldun Inelliletwallliempl Haolenda dB 0_ ~~Ia Fe Joa6- II lIaleailo 18 In which Ihl tr COIIUUeDbC IIg 11 ccteddu~ co et the Jugular Tela DllIOOYued helbre he Catd Bolnte JIaI ()lIa Do bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull G ~imte 11000middot lIr 07 ~II Chi r de bad Ill to death hiamp wound 1111 bandam lip HOIlllIn ru 00 Lollg IQW 1 bull defeltbl bull ~h d IDamp~ I 0 ~ wi alld hemiddotw horrlellltdflged OIl IIId alios lite Haalend de Cacao bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ~ bullbull Fetlpe amp S Saenz NearTolo-aome wlldlllltamp 3()IlO

1ftOJbt8eomiddotarmiddotall rtt Igmiddot d or gallo probampbl) not belDg rdy 1I0 P h DO do 11 Vi C1emonte SaIlIOl Old ealatc neer Rint 1(1041 liIlgt11IfI~~~O ~pSd r ~kJi1iUei word to Ire and fell abolltibg Long Iff ampIIB lIollle in RIT Do Large adobe 100(10hit ~ nmiddotiI_p 0) bull bull Ibe arreet of Dahyao1i hid beell amp 110- Bouse aDd proyery In

middotbeforeBllblo Imiddot lt bull middot~middotiIi ihislao 1 IIulOw 01middotamp111ampmiddot01 atlonllo-ble otenc WIll a Sanmiddot JUan de Sur ) fll lS UellD lieDden tIam b bull bllabion cawIUD1-blamiddot esecutlcm anmiddot _iDatloomiddot HacIOllda domiddot GROj Felipe Avilc8 bull bull bull bull 8000

IIIOlJIiy ~I RUIIIii ellj R JPII hiobD~ 1Ianr otIrtri w_put to dtaIh W_ of Do do Sallt~ Do With wildlands b~ ~Re~t 0 ~ ~II middotaM flnb IfflUlrippeli and Kourged helOre middotthbullll I1delld de Ca~o JlCII-LaGalpa F amp E Carazo bull 27001) _ nCr tI aoIdIerr OfIJcelB from liliiii or coIeoell David D Lopzamp B Daroe 100)tile Baclellda de Cacao~ 9ijdbf~he ~1Ie~ thorab~ dOlfDlfardl e~ abulIpflI middot1It If bgtced Into Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull II amp Jos6 OaracM ~wotbtrds of die eltarA II iIai1 a~tJter~ ~IIJII ~ed IplOb th AUUIO _llln pr(fatail ~ at lite Do do Boperlll P run amp famll middotrmiddotmiddot 800gt 11_ r~tIJ 8~~ ampdrIhu~Dbull 1d eaprice of IDd ears-ta to ~ D~middot do Chlta JOJl6 Alfaror Conlaminl 160 acree 2000 ~Qjlt ~e ttl th rJm I middotU dar s-~ BOIIfelnBl Demiddot 1600 Urqllllatund to 1 C~ u of iIIatorlo bull FrOm thequatadoDe here IIIIIk k wIUw_ ~~eCaCampo Pafniar Tun Agila bull 10000 ~ 9fmiddotIi~temiddot 11114 tbafBdc Gen B~ Iidu 1fi1h 111m to Do do PlllIIIf P~1o Torres ~ ~ -lOOO ~oI~ lOU ettIoa of Ruulamp iii 1 B_ltlruu 2000shy t~Imiddotaath~~~eibampt dunn _middotmiddotri ~themiddotweIpt or bull rtpIItaiIOII fwllJUan Do bull do O BuetOl amp (amp11111 Near St George) 3~ ~~rII~ Dt~~~IImiddotlJuilfe Otunli IInewled and liaeety of PIlrpOll that 111l1li1 Bad de Cacao fi Do dobulllt lOoQ alloo COm liI iir EurepO tID pnbU~ work raytllihl1 tor IIIY_ whlchho ~ en~ Do do Jayl 11~Oerde8 k tamlly bull bull bull MOO and deg eIO h I dltIcm of th ed B Ii alrad tTOtahI II III E B~ ill RIampef bull bull bullbull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bullbull bull bull o~ gtJ lIII-dnl flle rthl 8 PI II 1 110- bull mope Catlle Batalai Las Lalaa R Pala ampI fmIl1 bull bull 1 popilldlia DIIlft h bull or I~ a and doubt ne -thaI ldImo~ DllIItre pow H_ID ru bullbullbullbull Do dO On the Plaza 2 ItciUjmiddotJ1IUle d~ ~call88htroFer ttei1eclla Niea IfW lillke hlllWM falidllarDo do bull bullbullbull bullbull ))0 do Do QI

lOh~IL~ ~ II middottmiddoti~ wmiddotr hrO hOllmiddotADleaea Dobull do Do do edmiddot lwwlljlUll-adepamprlTleodeglmiddottoat 118 i CaUleamplampIemiddot HeC~IJtI lnoceDteRuele - Ihf St PeUnbllllt lnadluted It and bOle IlIf au r-l~laIe and Imiddot

Jdft1oillD ftJreIIP ~~ I -gt - lIIotiee rdieateDIJIIlIe- bull ItiIdmiddot bullbull oe bullu were D- bull lIl1111~~ da r F lid lIf 9 jIIturliaia oItlte llllIoWl81 _lddlKieaeeIJ pe BOIIIe In Rlne bullbullbullbull r bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull ~ ~middotCbIdimiddot =n H bull UeDllla ~YU Ioii wIltprenlM th~ to me dIll11111bll1t1oe~ Sugar Etemiddot nell 1110middot I

bull~ bt -eneecUMtto mltllilbnn Ihe pUbHoofmiddot ALL PmtlilONff bano tIahe na tilt 11- lUvae ~ Pedro Ohamorro bull l~rJnO

III the Bunf d~ti_O ~ Ollorbelorei1lellampt1idlryorneoo1868otherw_ tap 00 do 12(00 ol~ ~1I-noII IlQ tie a~oflii~1llI~tb1middot-middot ~1llr01l)li iterccentef Pedro ToaqIlM ~1I1l1 ~OIOO ttlbullwtmiddotcilr 6Ibplo-dIJ1Koiiot1t1 ~UIAtltJiB8GORDB1t 1gt0 do Ag~Agrla DI()~lcla)lemando 8laquogt0biild fll IL b ~ and tb ()rientili OIllRLBamp OALLAHAN)middotmiddot H_1n Granedamp CbhlDroampramlr SapA

~ll8gotlatlllW bullbull or bull ~middotJ1lLll1SKtSr ~dBlti I_Kula Do dobull ~00Ileattle300ltgtiu1l l2~Umiddot ~dJCted uallO~ todOonr- AIld-aU ~lIIdehl to tiM at tit Do do ~ROaa Do lt100 ~600caltle 1Ul0 hor8eI 16gttOOi ioot IlWlpr~ middotabOedec~ petdllOllllIIIIIka Immdiata Pato Bac1euda do Ccao bullbull to ~ Fnlgetlcla Vasa t 18

The crll11Ilj~~ I~ ~1 lal~ lenlll~t monuo me GILDK PlTUB Bon III (Jraneda bull bullbullbull Do ~ bull 15 O hllito Of tbbull bull piby- BeIIDlllpID bull wen all lnbk A4IIIIaIllrillorO D Stook lIn~b St Jeronlmo middotDo 1600 catlfe ~(lO hore HInhn

the bull t t Gralled yen St 18M Boote ill Graneda Do GuedaiouputMet ~ biublUtyllldellotlllllon mapa ~middotU om e __ - Do domiddot Do _ Domiddot middotmiddot11100 deslrabiek a iiillitarJr poln oC vie the movemiddot otlce Domiddot 40 bull bullbullbullbull Nfcaclo d~1 Qutlilo bullbullbull bullbull 8bull lIlent h111 n~li describe LL pertlOll8 hlnr clallIlII aplta lite tu of QoIrete bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull Do Near lIIalaeo 4jju

J kln 6fGill1eya middotlieon In bamplilgmiddotno- A~o fOllolngllllllled deoeutd plIrtIOIll 111 pre 11o In Qranada Antonio Barheteno bullbullbull ~ ~ U n pea I nHhem to me dilly Inthenlluated 011 or before Stock Ranch El rlldo Do $00 cattle 1~ hollelt 4fi

lated tho ~oodIIl0~8 O~ wblch KOIIulh delegl~ed lito tOth dlr of Deoember 181111 otherwllle th~ lantln Walk bullbull bullbullbull Do ~eer Granada 2 bl power lbo Bele pilbllahoJ the follOlYlDg wlH noamp he IIllowed by Jr I ~ In GratIlIdl Jns Maria EIllrada bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bullbull bullbull bull bull bull ~ quotatl11 bich we are templed to cOP1 aa It B1lOn Cole Wiley lfarahl~ Plantain Walle bull bull bull Do Ncar Granada l II Iii millent p081110n In European afIiIlr8 Robert JlHllkIII Jonaillan WIIecm HOIlBO In M_ 400catrJe fiO hlgtrfle8 4~ Lino CelIr

8 ow 0 pN 1 Dr Gen lie bull gatll bull S K Sackaun George White Stock Rench Clraeol Dmiddot fear San Roque 8 0I

beld by Ollr prlStli g IInto bull And Umiddot perllOol Indebted 0 lite estalel oC Ibe HOlII8 In Gratllld Lnla Montrel e 0 Kt)86utll had middotnot ~Ichd Oro ~pon dlo boTe deCeaeed pereoMl will make ImmedlMo PlY PIMntain Walk bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull Do N~middot VegM 1 (

rOllller befO4 the necouol 01 GOI8O I tIe1lSOD men to Il10 GILBBRl TITUS 1l01llOln Gnadn NAciso Raplnoza 4r ovemok him frOli1 whence togethmiddot wlth 1epl 11bllo Adllllllltttntor 0 D 8 BIJIuln GralUlda bull bullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull fala rlltoa Horall bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull 6( U Dembinkl Kmeuy GI1OO and 1If tbollltlllt~ 11 aranad BtpL SO 1848 Houeeln Granada lOll Ubaotl bull bull bull bull ~

ho puHd lIrollgh Wallacb to Vdbl In IV 1 - Ifulend de Cacao MlloO Tlo bull bull bull bull bull bull t I hefond lIIe Turkhlh frentler nO ee- ROUIein Gramplloda bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ROIIrio Vinamp Granada Hotel 9 ~ wlUle Gorgel bad omred tho gaITiIon of AItt peraoiIII areIIbJ oaiRIed agaiOI bul Do do gto bull bull ~ 0

Colllorn to III1rrender wblch I re~ lIrat to In or lI_solSatlllg flit the fulJOwing 1crIp~ Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Ponelano CoTftI bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbull ~~ d thoul11 entering Ioto neotiatiOll wllh the ~ne 1_ nUmberedmiddot(8G) tbltty-lllr In fayOI of amp do bull Pelar Mil~nco bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull 4lt IIV

A~triu~ Tb~ro were IIDfortuo~11 cmOlPI D lIa)Ie1 tor t810middot Do do~ bullbull bullbull bull Tlo 21 die o1lICltMI lOme dUpes of Gorgea parIoy who 0 1_ nlllOhered (19gt nfnetean 111 fu~Il of Stoclc Raocb 0101 Ito 1600 cattle 200 bor 110 0 were allrlollamp (0 maktmiddotterrM and Ie nolbiug 1188 Wm Baletor 18383 Uclenda do cetlO ~ Do A Malco ~o bean of K_IIlI fonll bull Gorgel bad ~Tel The lJlOye dllllCli1gted IIIitIp Is ~ elldoried by H_In Granado bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Femando ellman bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 0 fro him t~lll0w$tl Ibe f~lrell w Svoo liP me and Pi t Is pioleetiKhUbeoIIlce of the StoolfllAAelt at TOrell Do t600 cattle 300 boraes 12r 10 the AU8Ii1anl with ~~ealipulatloD hat tbe p Mlntaler ~endlaquo DANIIL BArIgtSY HtmfI$ In Granadn jOfoqnllla Iloran bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 6 iison 11(0111111141 1I~wcd ~ loen portion 0r11a a~~Pt Ib 1816 Hclendailo Cacao falaco Do 36 pay and Abould be pe~lltIdtorollreullUolecd HOII lnGrallllda Pedro Seqllenn ~ ~middotO

KOlIlhh~ng bead of tbele DegOtl~tIcm~ David l_raDI Hou-Itl Granarla Yna Horan igend conelilulllg b~~ tho Pwer oelegaled to Oor OFFERS FOR IiALE A hie plate San Seber Hacienda de Cacao ~ Hraor JLSimdonl O ge htd eKed bticlt to bnn on aocouD~ oC he Ian Stre h boG IIh Bee- Stock Ranelt Rcmltee Felipe Oahezas 1600 ClIIUe 9 DOll l1IUI1l1oee of the traitor wltb tbe COLldillona bull 81 on OWIII a bullbull H0I311 In Onnada Miguel rullerllZ i bullbullbull 3m III ateJ iIad bowr dilpttcheltl bull comulmiddot chon Jture SIllc1l RaMbmiddot San Pablo Do liOO caltie 40 alier wIth powerl and illitIlCllonB 0 prottll~~ 10 bullFlour Vb~e~ aIll11~fe=~n~hlt Do do HeCled r SelayoampDIejltraa 260 cattle 400 nOllle8 20 tho U~I t~ dB~nee of CO50rn bull Oilnltte blide~~I Ale ampDd p~ Do do ChllamlII10 Leandro SelAYo 600 caltle 50 horBeI ~o deg

That po 1fhlch he cotld oalr give ~ di Itelrt WI CIa) pipes Ifoo ln Guada bullbullbullbullbull Dolor LejaTftl bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull 0(raquo GOYemo ofmiddot Hunprl feN counteralgncd bl un~T aD b a lltoek Rancllmiddot Qlebda HODd~ Dr bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull (jollll Q-iiili BfodlaDyl TlIe Comlllieajone or ermaOlfjl bull Do 40 olnquto Do ~600 entUe 200 b01808 bull bull bull bull

lta1lL hilWA to (lqwtrll when fortr-lIIIf Recorder Oftice Do d SoIn Jampclno Miguel BolallOlampBroa 2500 caUle GOO horaee 1~ renderedmiddot bull __ __ De do San Francleeo tm~ 20

Thia oommkttoloner delegaed mlb aupreme Tml Ollloltofth B_ofDeeda lorICgeB Las Hampderae Do ~~OOO cattlo 200 bOae~ m oiflhlld mUtanpoer W baY8 reaampoD to kilo lIcrorthe OrieItIi D~ofth RolIbo -Do do ~~ Rolille ATUezIICluIlIIOrtO 801)0 cattle 1100 bol8ell H i wuUuolll Vae lIampbor of the pampblet JIoDi 110 will he optlledln thecltl of GranAda on _ HOll~ III Granada bull bullbull bull Do bull bull bull bull 41 bull fbIeh we C been 10 largely 1IlI1ftc1h1g daJ the 8th oampptlm~ 18~G1r ~~-r ~tlIk I_ncb s~ Blu Domiftlo Jarqllin TOO caUe 100 horae$ II lboup 1I1) boll a reteh 011 boreehaekhe aqutred by D_ to e ~__~~J ~dlin ~ fin do Tenabona )fillller Alvarado 600 cattle 100 horaOlll 6 ~ OOlIld nlltIumiddotImemiddot Illach lIIe fronlel ror middotwhlob Ibe toreNIdD~Dt re7GlLLm Do~ do COrplil Chrletl Menue Gltcia 600 CtlUle 100 horeetl 4~

putpOtllmiddotU waii ntCelllry to pili ~e lllrough monirdetteforthOriealll~t Do dB sm6ntonlo Tillloteo Lacayo 800 caI~Io 60boraea 8~O the 1ntL ~ 1 H_IIlGranadltClltolayorr _~v

Had ht dOlI10 he Wlamp J)led~ no to liltmiddot Oranadaj - $711301d Camont ror fU InOlIIte lid would haTe N ti T 0 l IJ I u

~n~rHn 900 Auatrial P~~8fII whQIU he 0 ee Together willi lorl) or fifty FarJU HQu- amp0 1 Iho Depar~ent of BIYa8 Iued at ~ ill ol1lltbave hold aa hOllagea for theeMnmiddot the I WILL give Uberal ~wvd to a01 person who three hundred to onll thollllllld doU_ ~ ttunJilt1nn clilefti-to th Oil thle incldenl hluged bull will tlUll to m) etore my Ledger Book II A btrge portloll of tho abue poperty 18 situated Idlin als houra ride of San Juan del Sur Vlts in tb tate of Moul BadlYllllyi udOrmiddothla COlllpan~ Will pIIIaed from lIlatore during tlielate attack Bay Rirulan Gorg NaDdBlme and Deriomo and the remalndu In Granad tnd ObOlltaea Iollllinmlafllflllland~nn1lirt1rdo I _ftbull~ _ 18 1866 1IA TllOllAN JOHN MYLARD MARSHAL bull

Tho fold(r~ of tbo garrison broke ~h1r milmiddot _ L i bull

F NlCARABllENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 1 sabado 1de Novtambre de lasS Saturdav November 1 1856 323


lEI NIC AU A GUENSE1middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotL bullbull 1 ~ bull =L~ bull


[OFFIotAL) If ~lIdortOollliull8loned Oc~ 8 rROamp FrrltltiNr4tt~ ~- Olear OrOllltoy II 9 DbullBamey Woolf COll1mlllliolled April 28 1S6f

REGISTER UI1l1M1U R barlfa Tylor lI_y 28 OF TUB Artlllit CoInIor1 GOmlUluiouElt AtgIIII lit l8G~ JollaW AndmlOn II June 21

amprotul lAl1Ilmdm ThOll F Wright Jul N lOA RA G tJ A A R lY O~O~e Von Hln oolllmlttdloncd Sept 211 18$GbullbullJoho MbullGilCIIu AUg

Newton l Webb I April 10 M T Neagle Sep~ JII OIlllIRU CO~IIfIIDINO IK OIIlB R LaIlIb Se~ u William NnrthWige ()cj y

William Wlllite 6 IIlft11et II 95 ~1 Lil1llmIt1lt bull did aCltlmp 11l1li1 8411u4lOlf 0111I11T nTILLUI Georg~nll8ti oblllillil8ltMd April 1 bullbull lIIN

aCajl Inlr lfahon e1Inlillealooed Jln 20 18lil _L MIIgtI lames bull T 1roe u May 9t

H F Pilled Matcli 81 - A Dltl1gtwarj2 comlllillgtlioll~d OclOber 18 11166 fm K PMliv~ II May 26 II

W81 P towl II il~ 1 CaptaIn Jbull~ ampnaford Julr IJ II II 0 W GIs a OJ 18~ Getlrge B elllllld IlOlI1mlllllloned Occ 18 1868 VJlIIm H Toler A_g 11

bull bull D U Dulaney II I_mea S Jldfe u 8op~ 25 DIItODIIIR OINEIIUII 8oeqrulIMui_t Joho M Wtllngtonmiddot bullbull Oat 101

Comer o Homeb commlllioned Jats 12 19116 John Crowell commluloned Sept 11 18118 BeuJamln Hardla 00 y A (lamp Cui O Staehle Occ ll4- Firat Lleutonant Jamel Small 1Il~lLlOI or UIIOIIIIamp a_liD ATTJtl01 O~ IKAlrIar

Birkett D Fry eomriliAiolled 6pl 16 Mqjor J hn A J ColtitUeOamta Joho P Wtel1 conomllllloaed J1IIII 18 1866 0 aqu~ commlolaiOMd]lIne 18 186amp

I bull R T 80 d igt LiMNat CIltm4l2dbull L GU bullbull c e corum 1 I II vilpt4lI1 Leonldu MCIntosh co isoiI ed AlII 19

L Nonrell Walker comllllllo~ Aprill 11166 M On 111middot O middotF Henningsen comDlfaaloned Oct 19 Robert Ellr Jllne 11 lien D_ n_ co l1~ft d A IA (~mp R W Plck ~nl ug j O_n mUlne ug 18l16bull

~ bullbull ~ A bull - bull A4iaJUmiddot Johu 8 FlnOlllJvfl Lieaftt Oct I 2d Lleut E H OIat~~i~88d JIlOO 18 18~6JDJOILIIT o~lIuJtlI I)BPtIIIIIIIITbull

lIltfut Q_ol W A Rhea cOlUlDmlsaiQQed August III 1816 Ja_ Umiddotmiddotmiddot- eomlDlealnomiddota Amiddot12 1middotmiddot~middot-001 Ph RThompson CODIIIIlMdFllb 1I18G8 w H Lenl 92 - ~ ~ Ilamutl -L October 1 J1l1$16 Dreux June 1~ tulffilt t4illtattl eMal JAIIIIe Lewis D WIlIkInS II AIIjI it IiUajor G R OMtoQ coDlmluioned occ 2amp ampcotul lMutma1ll Bllrale Bell II ~

ll1DQII IlgtvOOJTli OBMW ThomJ)lOn 1lI00u _liIlened JIID8 11118118 Lewis E GIIU1 se t 2lt bull T U Hewlett II Aug l6 p v

dbulltWllftt J+ o44u9cat OIJ W I Qukll~ II III It lIf Ll~1

11 llmiddotitar ngtitn~t~ ~_ i


Poet-Ollie Building OWEN DUFFY Ageut

y u ~~_~ 4 Ilrllil F D _ t

i bullbull en AWARD of THIampfi DOLL4RS esol will Ie Lieut J W

fOt appheDaloll aud dell (tu of thG Army) of t~ofollowI118 named 2d Lleut Wm ltP-t

from Company A Firat Jlltampntry Balta

[--FJS_ RIOH Aged Illyeare II r~elO In hAir blue o)eB ruddy cOlllploxlOl~ i() pound Occupalion baker

bull GLIDDON Aged 28yeara 6 feet high falr clllllpletIon IIllhthair blue largo feet and 10llg tlnlterod-bullbullellhl

bull 8

Oapt M bull 1 FlIIOr comt1lampIontd July is 18111 lolln Coo COInlDialloned Jlloe 18 1864 bull rllIII JlJTTJUOK or 1U1II8 AndrbullbullBrady Au 22

IMIIHCTO_ GIIIKIJL I)amp~TIIIIII bull clod GlOIge W lIa11er II Oc~ 18 Impector eIII~ BdwlIId I SaIldm COIIIIIIIadcme4 AprO II 18lS6 Fnnclsco IIotb II IS

CoL Bruno Hlltsme commlsalond NOf 12 18114 U~ CoIltm4l 1IlId LiNt bull Tler OUwllllt ~m~edl ll 18 8uluel a Allin c~mluioDed lflllOh 118116 B D lIorre~ comm~olled Au ~3 [8116

_ _ y fIlor J middotW Oonkhn OOl 18 qlllllTllalllAalllllS JlnuTIIIJII Johnmiddot O ONtII commflMoneli AprD 11 lRIIf BeDJlllllln Beechler U 18 it

Q_~III bttal o4~ L A Clark IIC 18 Col ThOll Fisber commiJalon~d 4prlll 1858 8 LIeut ~ Lathrop commlad lau U 8156

ttll Qiulrtnnw OMiMl ~ peUlliATIOJlll Lieuamp 001 Wm K ROlieJlf comd Ocs Y G W1l Leonard ool1UDlaIIooed AOtII UllSIf hI LIeuL B ABlltcbl Com et ampI1t np

QlUlrUrmallllll [Brevel 011 tile 11011 ()cj ILl Allgua I IS5amp [~or Thamp Benry CltJlIIlI88I0oed Oct 18 Co B J poundavail 81ilh COlIIIIlIud April 181bullbull 20d LIeut Thoml8 8tackh- 204 JalaaWy Ali-II Will HIIIria 23 C ThOt Dolan June 18 gill 11 1868

ampJdlanlQlrtmnalttl__ _ D B D )teCh_a II July e bullbull 2tcUJant D O F~t 18 RlIIH AcuR 2SCapl Wm II Wilhll_oomd Nov 10 18115 1- H A JObnlObe u i1 1866 BeltJ W Bamml Aug 4- 1858 G DamplIiel Oampgai OIl 4- tlld Lleu- W B Hen Inljleeor Ola IMPshy

Andrewa flmiddot it ~i r JObn Iwh1l1a II bull II Au~ Sll lBIamp Juh Y Price Oct 18 B J-- DIllUlicaAL O~ II 1 LleUI E 4 P~iI IUb lhtpIIQpL 11 middotJIIIO

April Imiddot lIfr lMI4u~ ~nd A A Moora lal IlII1 lug 21i liIH MUiI Slo~ 00 B Le R Latimer com d 4prD ie 1811 SUfReoD Wm H sun4eN Aupt 26 IUI6

W~m B WY~ K Bob P Gardner II Allg so Alor 10hn II bull 1111f1iba1~ Judge Ad Oel Au 8U88lIllIIIlOJ DllIBTilUT D AIa~ Anderson bullbull ~ 119 1868

Oommiry Qfmlllal Sutdluu A Wm H MIh Sept 11 Cp~ John Wmiddot amp7dr 11lUJIea Aug 81 1864 Col Georg B Hall commiufoned Jul i6lS~6 F -- - Oollllay Ii O~ 4- cpt II E Bradley TrAn ~llle SepUs 18nbull

tm44t110ilmmiuarp (I_I G -- LoUhamDler 111 Lieut A MePilIO lsI 11111 Occ Y 18GI MIor BIIIlj Y Or1Ie comlllissiond July Il Cbu H Welt II Oct 114 Capl Douglas JWllkhia(untcbd)ept 80 1861middot

Aulatll aommulIJrUu Subfm 811111plet WlUlalDeon ~ u U L Jilglehan tigtd Ioftolry 2) 11

Occupation tailor alao fruit deal~r Capt W H LyonS commisaloned Aug 1 1866 amp-d LiwfmlId R S WiUIIIlII 21ld RltIotI Oct 8 U

S LOUIS OOHEkT Aged ~l feetmiddot inchet leI Lieu~ W H Buttrick II 00 D Th_ Cbloh_ eornd April 1 185amp LIeut Col F bull P Audel D las Rilles Oet_IO bull 185$

l08o-welgbub9ut 195 poullda Oecupti~n 0iII Jame S Wet laquo I B tllke J _orr JIIIJ 6 Capt Cbarlet A Gore 2nd Rillea Oct 18 1811 bullflaquob rir comple~lol1 hlue er IIgh halr large Henr1 C Wall I E lb0i Y JllolIrnoy Ha12b

penwi bull 0 John B Moo Sep~ 11 2nd Mllllt M S Oro 18 PATRIOK H YS IrI- d ~III)IO DIPUT)lBff i David A Lawton It Aug 11 J G SIIDllllerll Out Is4 bullbull bull an mall Age 21 SIIrgetJ GI 1Il II ~d lUllet

JW8 G luet 4 il1cb~ blgll qotlt qGmplexion dlllle (with 110 rallk of COlonol) G Clayton Billllialr 011 8 1868 bullbulli dtrk 6et-welghs about 1411 pounus 00 F DIICj ONeal 4 2nd Lieut J W PolklIl1d Inlltnlry Oct 20 18~ ClIpalllll IdhOler BVrgtcll 6 H Ubrbrook Itlaquo it J M Williams 2nt Rill Oct t I 111shy

6 OLJVEl (JROMWLL Ag8l182 years 6 (wlthbo rok 0( lIaJor) B WlIas Allen II Oet JI 6 A H wl~y 0010 Dept 2518116 kef 6lnches high Ught tomploxloll Ugbt bilk John Dawson 4cllng 8middotG oomd NOT 14 18116 n ell Wilkinson 21 II Oapt J V Hoolf AilSt AdJt Gen 28 1856 lIiIudl wblakera hazel yell-weighs aboul 140 O S Coleman coblmleslooed April 28 1556 __III) BtnttIOIi or amD llcsignlune-III1 fOIld OecllpuioR millwright n T Roalon lep 18 (JolOftI

_ClIARLES W KltuGER flapt Comdg Jamea ellulII 00 111 Jobn Allee cOIIQlIIIlloned June at 1866 I)URII bull (0 A 1st lulQty BaLllLlion BurpOIl aM Anitalll Smiddotgeo bull LiNluta1ll CltJlI Capt H t Witter A llltant Adjutant General

pOlt Serapaqui 8op 26th 1856 0 twitb the flnk of Captain) bull Idmlllld II HoDonald commlllld JIIG 18 18118 2nd Lleul Wm M Rogera lat InamplIlry--r-----------L-- J Geli8ner eommlllSloned Jan 91856 Major Li~ut OoL Byrollmiddot Cole Aeltlatant QU~flenlluler 1 Dllvid 1Ilnllg W G Sicigh bullbull U W P (Jaycee comOllllllioned Ua11 166 General killed at San Jacinto

O~RS FOR ALE at hia pl~ee San Sebas- A Callahan Val 30 middoto4ltfultmt 2nd lieut n A Milliken 1 Ri4es killed t sen

lIan abeel OIlD boUlle abov~ U Ph Be OWDI LHLuSeondy JUlie IS IMLleulJ W Kllllacmdorf comd Oct 1818l6 Jaolntebulldie a litore eor$amp tI UI ()ttpt Oapt W Pmiddot Jartls 2nd Rift died from wOllndi

lhlto-Nf Oandl~ Hackcr11I Olive i I~IIUlf Aug 26 CoO Jolin B Otee bull middotCOllmla$d June 21 18G6 reooied Sao Jaciuto e Wolft ro~tlc8ebledanoSehnappl bullbull IU onall Oct 28 A John F llecgtrch Oct 18 CaptJ H WlUiamaon drowned al Vlrglu Bay

bull Bltte Phlladelphlll 110 and Porter Pol DlIPtBTlIliII B DenJ M AndorfOn it 16 lind Lleul H l lhemRn died from wOl1ld reshynan Alld bilIa Wie Claypipes loynuulw Ofmoral Ii ~ ceived at Ifuata Ocl 114 middot18M

lerlll eh 001 Alex middotJonu commlssiOlld Feb 8 18H Edward O HIIIf naCerrd fMm Ordnance Demiddot LlOnt Col F A LalIIO 4 h c tarharolrbull p tulNMII PlaquoyltlwlII ptl1ment CODllllleslone4 -ug U l85G murderd b1 the med forces opoeed to tbili

T~ O I ugUld III ost 2d Llout J Fiemlng conmlsaione4 Aug 4 S middotS McElroy Oll~ lS OoYelllDlcllh IJlhollt propOllng Itn excbango

DgltS IllS S~HVI9ES 10 Ih citlllns flI OII)AIIOI DUAllfllBllr Imorul LfMfnaoll of priaOneri _rdlig 10 the uaagee of war ~anadjl and vlcmllY III h praete of Ulior E W Rawle commissioned Jul 14 1966 N T~p OOll1tuiu1ooed October 81856 lit Lleus JulllIIIKeilkUled In action at San J

u mOINE SURGERY amp MlDWIFERY Hellry I bullbull POller bull it 14 Eo H 01018 II 8 clnto bull 2nd IlelltW W ~der killed in aClion at SaIl om and OlIidcnce on the lOulhw1 Capt JJfrori Swln~le AprO 11_ J T Booo 18

~r of tbe atleet oppte b _ __ lal Llel~ Il A Carllar Oct 18 I B Vaughan 18 Jaelllto _ 0 0 1amp1100 2d Will B Ulte II Benr1 Hlnea It 18 middotDealba-l0

ent OWG bull ad June I 1 86r 1III0I11UII COIIP raTe _ i - --- Oaptain 1II8r IItTTUIOIi or IlfFJIITIlY J)BOPPBD

i lntitmiddote E c F Ucsse cOlllnllaaioned October t 18fill lt011 cpl A U Hirsh August 0 1866 iL PERSONS hlulng clalma against tbo 8A~IIIU11I1) 11111amp11amp John B MlIIkham commlaa~onod October 10 18511 U A B Wulklll8 AogWltU Ig10

Al ealamp~ of tho following namod deooa8ltlol or Jrft L~lt Lieut ~ 181 Lieut 8 W QuayAug~1I9la5t1-werod I()ulwill presoul tb~m to DIe dulll1uthentieated flonr) O Porler ltmmisslOllou Oct 18 1866 A francie Rudler comllsaioned May Ill l81Samp 8urgtlUII p N lugrahan Sept I 1866 til Or baforo the 1I8b~ay of Dec 1866 otherwie SltCOftIl LilllltJIt lldJfJ1 Brig -Gell 1) de GoiC(lurl Ocl 19 i858 Iht~ will be barred h1 law C DeuulaE lIayuee commissiolled Oct 18 l~e W_ Raymond colllmlaaloned Hay 1218113 Dropped-5 1 CHARLES GORI)EN J K hgall 21 o44IId1ll bullI

I CHARI1tS OALLAHAN OfFIIIIU lINJlTJCIIED ind Leut Fred W JeIeCOlli d lpnl U 18118 n command of WlLLIAM ALItER1ULlUS KIJlL Ooltmll FraIl B OKeef cln~od A rlll 185 GeneIrolllmaUdlngmiddotlnuh~middot 11 pel8Oll8 indebteu to tho eeatee of tho U B Skerrett commillSioned lanltllly Ill 1850 James 0 JOJtUsone f is

ahor c deceated pereaa111 make homodiate pay CaptaiN OhllL B 11 II Pa R THOIlHOiI AdJ Gelleral N A t to lIIe GILBEltl TITU6 F UoncosOIl commllllloned JaR 28 1~8middot FrInk i ThomPecm June 2~ Headq1ampli~rI lfthe AltII1

Publlo Adnilllstriltor O D J Egbert FaIllUDI middotFeb I II Charlea A Waltere 8op~ II Adj General 08ce 8ept ~7 1866 W J Merryman II JlIDe 18 BIrarn BIlIIIIlII II Sept SIl G~ Oct is 1860bull

325ELWICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 3 Sabado 1de Novlembre de l8SS Saturday November 1 1856

- shy

I(OUTINU OlljlONIOLE FILtiloita P1l1GRuTbe Dime of amphept ~EJ[INIE A~M - elttie~middot~~~~M~r hi~Ibtmiddot~ 8I1~C~herortbo pteellhiplraottohoPreal- Vlo~PCOUI amlPletwillb~llIeaodioJurebull U denlW chair of Ibe United l116tee IIM Jolhn FlU- The CoDoltlng rtlmub upon iho Wled th- et alanaing liq~ean~ h6ldiifg mu~eHighCly III d~ f h ~Ilv w a L dmiddot f Bri II B Ihe8boulde aoldierll lite h whoutmiddot aurilljlJ

Dlor~ an a ler avlng hoen bull long tIme In ~ ea m e peu 0 en m- tb kl n k f ~ L Rlla 1- Id I I rom e - bull 0bullbull e 0 I e lln 1_eaplllIy b plrat tiled lIpon a farm In Conmiddot bull n n- on lapr uponevIlr10er 1 when loaded ~Iamph elonty~ve pina of rifte PO-DecdClUI where be ended bla daya NathanIel tho NIlIIl1Iguan Army to road carelnU or ell I~ der endllot rammellmiddotI tt1 Jlillcb leU thtb Flllmortltll _ amp100m hautOt htlndrelland oul bullbulld e6mmit it to momory h I a olea anel or the lIu8kel bllt 11111 too great 10 l)e 6redflOBl

eMy 1-alio When ayoutll be mom to lucid daeJriptlon or the manner ill whlcb amphe Ylni4 ~vrilu~~~~~ ~iiI ~~ ~J~i Verlllon and alded at Bennln~I1 WMtIl b should be M amplid m ampl1 repoy all tbe lI eqWl and holditlght to middotIbbullbullhl)uldbullbull Ihe r bullbull

fho ~Ct beteen Col $andbullbull i Old TOIII IIlId 11 r ltlay~eoq II 8tck Billy chronicled lut week I whlcli 011 Tom wal deolared a ylctor atartcd the 8po~tlnlf men ef tho city and this weft $ IIno hall aoveral asciUllg IIl1d ciofOl _let~ ruCtbullbull middot

On l edu-May ovolIIIIII a moteh was made lind run b woen Oape OcorgltJ Giel Ba alld MA jor Cfty4ecs II Black Billy Distance 400 ards fQr IWG hundred dolla Black Billy n on h7 K clqar engampb

Tho ext-on the me eveninll-IIu a conl t ~IWcel (l18t ~ay nd a d k grey ollJled by BlIvet 1I1lJor LeommJ This race was a try tlOampO~o-ite hors flllming side b1 Ide tbe h~lo tauee Gletmiddot be e as evldolltly overshyweiSb d bleh rul~ed In OllllSillg hDI to lOBe Ihe rA by a dialanee of only a lew feet

The eitt 11 II race Ileween MII)r Caycee u U1Ck~BilY and Col JUlIee middotu (re EMgle The IU ~et upon tho hoN1C8 eltCeed~d lin huushydrM do l~rlI A good llat wbullbull obtained and the hora 01 neck alld neck about lour hundllild yrds ~en the groy began te crawl a IiHe ahesd nd at be winning poet earnll oul n8lll11 holt II I ustb In dYaI08 Bolb boraes appeared t~ be I Chit IIce maoaged well but at Ihe end Ihe lid appfared 10 be In doubl as to wbleb Wamp8 III laater animal and a Dlaleh for two thoushyIDd d Utp Wal eWeeted on the lIeld bylbe Ame horaee llh chanRe of rlders~11 came 01 lhe DeXI ( urad ) evenlol( and Ihe Grey won

Coa UTIOtf or rRIl EIIrllloa or ioU 1111

R~881 e- Bhortly after ill amphe ahlatan had taken hplr pllOea til lfaater of COIemonlel raleed Ia liand and IAfe n ordor In RlI88Ian wbete pi)n tile trumpetl blt9l oul InlO a wild IIId i ln8 8ouah the herald ~ised their Noell In Ibe Ilr and II hllvi~g uncoyoted their _dl pile of Ibe Becretolri t4ll4 tbe prOtlalllashydon w~i~h i8 redem into Engllell 018 folio

Our Inry aUgUStlery high lind ve pulNttOI r Aleunder Nicolalevleti belnll tIlrone of bls anctors heb 18

lIIISiu as ell u upon tt(lSt of Poland and of amphe GrtUld Duchy

of Finlauit which aro Insepllrable t1middotorp II hAA deiW16il to order LDllt the eoronrlon of bls 1m perial iljeS~ nnd his Olltb Bbn lake illace on 1M 2 III of the monlh I Augu~t bis augU1lI epouro lie mprola I1kro Alqxandrovnl pllrtlelmiddot

bull ad celllmooy Tub 8I)lemll Ael the preeut pr~1anltiu 10 all

to the eld that on this hppy redouble ttelt feVotin theil pyera

g of King tba~ Ho middotm spreld by His _ VOlfer His faTO8 dmiddotbl bullbullsinll ou tfiO

reign ~( hi DlaJeat ~t1d tllrougloul it duration Ito nu~y mailltaln peace lind ~Ianquility to the glor) ~f Ills holy nAme and fogtr tho 1I11111terablc prosit of tit emplro

Wl~l ON loLlTlcs-EvelbOly knoYs WilIi8 -Iho peet nll~lky edilor or Ibe lIomu Journal 110 btl III)td matty good Ihinge In his life and tbe following upon politlrs lIod political cRndldltltlli Is bull ot OJtull b~tter ald lh ptople of IgtlcaragulI iU6ppreellltJill

I lind mylolf for Ibo flut tlmo middot111 tn life Inshylml~d for political candidAte or I hould ~1l1r[~IIY perhp~ In 1 Candldalo wililoUl hi politic I II1vo bltberto (10 account S(lDlebat rolllm apparent want of aImiddotlotlsm) thought tbe eount under a hend bioh iliad almost any Ilcor g safe enough It loomed 10 me of vcry liWo IIsnllnoe (10 anybodr but I)m~ oekers) wlulth r 1 whig 1ll1 domocrat wu at the holmshypllblt opluion besidlli being llOgether too wide l~ak hlo ollcated a Olgtnlry for Qlther a blun ~er or l lin of pilotage to b more tban opproadltd So 1M plnlo ft8 this confidence In Amerleas do loSee vlJlol QIUIC)rrllCll1one or bull coo8tilution Ibat ( lIuld lOU beliovo il P) I I~ver Tilted In m tire y

B It wlLh ampho ecnla of the lost year 0 t 0

uoi th n tho intellect oC lbo country at r rk UPOlIlt be grellt queallol8 t IS8ue it would be hard

loge blind 0 Il)len8iblc And yeto

raised a family 01 lis children all but one of pllDI 111111 pmlllil whOm lunln II dnDcM agee anraging oter Di tl U I h VI I ntA b ree ODS lOr S Illi t 6 IU n6 l1ltw6 ~ y ye

Nalhllni1 FIllm_ amphe fatller ot Ibe 4IPra~- [By OIlIllR 01 fUll JoIiIUIiDIlINI(Cillllr] dtnl yet aMieI in Iht elllbtymiddotblh year of bll -_ ge Ho hili been a lAIlUer thougll lite cult oaOkUOE OFFICE l vtlng bia IlllIdamp wiamph hie OWII handa unlil the OllAlIIJgt~ CklObe 28 18H f bull bull bull bull TI U I DA t I h N gt_ mllrmlties 01 ago dISable him Hia mdUIIlriOllt 6 iWU u 1 WI n t 0 _-SIIIl un temp~raw and hnpl~ babill alll6d to A cbeertltl tho American Klnl6 H Is dl~nguebed IlOm the

Fronch BI11leh and RU8IIlun lfiDl6 by amphe IlIperlshyand bopeful mind hA~e secured to him eontenmiddot Oflty otllS sight ThplMa In wbleh tbo noteh II menland a happy and green old ~o n Was iled fOltbe backllthl whlll peoaed between tbe

~ b d 8 Imiddotf U I bOIn in nonnlngtoll Vt and realded tlloro unlil be arrived al IMlhood

bull Near tbe cloae oi the lUI centllly 6he ptIIQlIlI

eml~ted to the Ih wilds or Wesleln New York Tbtl ere among tllo poneer seltlen of Ibat dilrlct of ooUnlrmiddot1I01 aparl for bounly landa

to the aoldtere or 1110 reloIullon knowD as the new mllimr tract rheir IIrBI 100000000n lIIIlu amphe original townlhip or Locke tblt pan of It no cOmp ialng ibe IlIwnahlp or au lime bill in lhamp

bull bull r pnt COllllt of Oa1u$ A slDdt rrm waa purchased In Ihe primeval fort and Iheir enrshygiea lIIl dppllM 10 clearlogAld aubduing n 1M middot In - h III prep g il tvr a 6me Herbullbull III an blllllble log cabin atnld Ihe wUdneaa of nat wiamphla hearing orlld bIa alld Ib8 _nd of the w ed man as Millard WIIS born on he nh of Jan shyMoo bull IIr7 bull

Millard Flllmol( receled a rudlmeDteledlloO tlon In a COIIlltr ecIoolhouae amplid whell et aldmiddot was 0middot_1 clerk In drY gooda 1101 and

ono of particular Inleroll _

r A ~I)rrespolldent or Iho BAllilnore SUII

II t1811 (IOIll amphe White Iulpllur Sprmllbullbullbully Wo have a iva a1lthoress two hundred (~pllllk Ing in round numbeltl) prof9sloualgftmblIf olle bundred membera of Oonellll Alld aboul one

hundred oamphel1l cf equall- doubtlll1 ~eplIltlon besiden membel of tbe New JerHY Leglgtlhttllr~

A N~w SPIO-lhe pltell~ ballot-box of olishyfornln bat 110 learn b1 ilist IIdvlceB betln aold for upward of Ibr thousand dollars fur amphe pllrpose of ethibitlllg it to he minors previous 10 the po plOllching eleclioll h i4 11 Iho handa of Ibe Dellloeflta who espeo to IoUill i~ to good account In Slumping tbe Stale

bull tr lhlolln a celebrated Frenth phf8lclAn It

is ~Id watkabl f~d 01 drugglnJ Oncu htVlOg a patient IIbo diluenlly ad punety swalloed all the 80114 110 onlerlld be W S(l demiddot

lighted at seeing all the vllUa lind pili bo~ empiy bet he hook him by tbe band exolalmlng M d~lr air It really aWords mo pleRsure 0 IIttend you and 70U 4t1lOl 10 be 1111

wurn an nger ( n e Arneriean m) up and down owl wben kpl properly oiledWlterebullbull bed It malllll IIIonary U _ as Ih~p_o of tile thumb and linger ceaeee and doea Dot link by tbe ooncullllon 01 the piece ID lIlng The ghl plall of Ihe French and BrltIah fmle II very atlff 10 Il101 If cloaely titled and If 100 enough 10 Ok euilyls apt to IIIId6 do )7 continnM IIrlDg bleb U Dot observed b1 ampho IOldler Ill mate him Ire ene or 110 or h_ hundred yards abort

The Alinl Rift elltued to the Nicaragua Armyrallg 141)1 )ardL or ahofl dia~_ I haa Dot

06- ~ amphat diltllllClt n 0 d bull d rl_aflelward turnM bis altenlloll to law The Th I II bull I bit __ rid III l re all - Isn lllquHlI I 5 era 0 gneraliy of readers afO acquainted lib hla powderbull Tbls dIart1II cootened In tho llatka === iIIbstquenl CMer 1Uud bl moving die charger of tile lIak 10 Ille 00101 Wise or Vlrglnl bullbull In a recene

aeoond Iiotcb It Is al80 contalt)ed In til eartrdgee speooil concernillg Ille Millou Cumpro1ll8e IIl1ti bull luuedfrom the OrdDllIoeOlllee 1 Ihhl da said The coal or nOlrunulng that hntou

Ibe aceulllOl of tbe ordinary rlfte That Ie to dllt_ on ab_Ugtlltnown to them bUI kno 01gt to ooe hundm yarde Bllt up co 0118 hUll to th luatructol who bould keel a NeoN III dmrarda 1amp IIiU pul ev shot InlO a eIteI 0 18 their obullers whereby the captain or II compa07 Inchee dlallleW1wblob is IlIlBclelll for war pur- would be able to dlslingulsb Ib080 bo pOlWeaaed poses aa II 11011 d hll 110 enelll1 1D amphe upper paH the greatesl lO4 1114 leaat judgmen~ in tIislDlshyof amphe body At onllamphoulandrarda Ih_ rilIea tel 110m men aN found to poseea lI uallllab 11111 Pllt went ttow out of Ibllyln a targr sen In hlch doG t ne acquire it b pracd~fe wid batt 111gb On lhe 26111 Lleue Bart others noe acqlre II though they may maDmiddot wllh n mea 01 amphu Second BllIes Ilml 1m) goo abote The I)e8t tried Judg~botyendthellgto efght rounds flom Ib~ gnu a fenr hundred f_ (~IDamp to rules aflerrds 10 oe __14 dbianee at a lIlIIte lit amphe We lhougb down) regulate lhe dllttance AI wbleb amphe ltb Brlag amph_ guilt for the lint time eleven mn pa1J In acllon aholoI 8el the Iglu8 of ampheir rillel GIlt of the rortyelght ttow 011111 h been hit C F HENNINGSEN Brig Gen

A VIOILUT 1M TllOIIJlLII-A Mr Colemaoamphe and amphOBO whoprefer till meaauHlI mit obtelD amphe President of tb~Som Frallci8eo Vigilanee Commit- same by requiAlllon II amphe OrdnollceOllee lee lately arreated In amphe elly of Iiow Yor( Ilunfortuoately happenM tllal the lJepIIIImtlt at ho suit of man nf tbo uame of Halon ho WIll forced by clteum8lallooeto 18100 lOme ot lOOn lIunbullbull and to Ptlt IOgeamphor cartridges before the

waa bamshed by order o the Committee from oeCleaal1 IWI~uclon8 bad 1Illvod Henao amphe caUrQlltmiddot4 Mr Malon IlIIrIll8~ lhe li(lWmiddotmiddoteaiUiilgeillillfiltColltillileil aUbuFtlfellt gralllS Yllk Bvenlng POlt his onUI) Innocence of en crime or oWnee and lthtrges Ibllt the parileo middotho bull mpmollcd IUId banished hint dlil80 tram ntampllclnua moUvoa mrymiddot aiid 10 goi rid lIf an lICtio c11t zoin wbo condcnmed and esisted the llrocGelloge of tho Corillllte~ middotanll WM about 10 10 lealioony

bull 6 in tile Unltell Sillies Courl at San lranelllCo III n proceeding whicb h middot since resulted III the InUetshylIIent and hnprlaonmont or IWamp melnbe~ of the

f bull

orgAnization at San Fraucisco ~r PlIlcI

to9 much tKlwderbull Ihe effect of which as 0 make IIiIrllI~ kick ~d to burallo bell lberebI dealrolng ftecouNey

lho nlnl6 Rille bill Ole tho ordln ritle tle advlltap Ihat Itma be 1000ded more easily and rapdl h ~ IlIaded wlamph tl~actll tho IIIIUQ rn pldl~y andfaCllty as the ordinary mllllket

Tho ~o llloat Important pollll8ln tbe jedloloUII use 01 thomiddotBinle relo1O Ibo imulIer of loading andto tho IllDner of holdllllllhepleee


To lond ampho 1I1n1~ Plumiddot In the charge of pow Tho question of ho lhls But Will bo settled Ii dcr put Illmiddotlle ball rgtiamphout pap hutllcr If III~

doe lip In CIImiddottrldge d plI tbu ball ImUle wlllloul nhllng Illltliit cI ~hu puwdr-Wbell il1GAUh ilo powde llitllduv IMI1I rod Itllout nen giving ouo amiddotuk~ tIwill 0Il11111~ke Iho pillCo kickbullbulllnd IIOY

coil I tun felt at all mil m~D ualoR 1M pleoo properly ma II Olla hundred ro~nda llholilrecelYing thll smailest braise or feellug Ibe leasl IOreneae

PUcnICK Wml I1l1U1 The proper lact to acllee tbe BinloS fit firt

Ie At Inob~ecton tbea~ beeansuh eIfCI or eve bOII8 Been For thr pllrlo II threemiddotlIIailea have boen plaoed on Ibe lako III lb water amphe two outer flake belug ten f t aparl Thll cel 1ft slake ill tbe h t 10 aim at The etlceil ~I(

h d- 0 eo h b (lne un yrds froln t e abol two und arde from theaborelhrbullbull more atakea Ire plfteed three btll~red yardo Ihroe 1110 takes avdao onup to onll toousand l abulldmiddot

JII1I9111G DtflmiddotUlIOIIbull

WheD holIer the sllooter knowing Ihe dill lance aI whleh be ill fring hOl8 Obtained eudlelenl proticlenoy II I 81111 ne_~y (in order 10 hlaeapon 001111 Ihe bid) thllt he abou14 l1Ian eaIooate known dlatao_ oorreellroampherise if he bas ligbted too ~igh or 100 low he may conllnue to aboot ~er Or under in the t1eld herll freqllt1y be - ~ot aee where 0of bla aholll 81rikee 10 correet hla etro~ On this accouo$ men sho 1d bit plBCllo1 10 guess at

If) lIccurae of the Ihot ~llher by pulit Il~ laquoO~ in PQ8tmiddotOlfice BuDdmg ~hapeof the ball or II) kllIin~ ) I HI-bullbullI bullbull ofo I 1866 IrOll cap whleh It cunulllli1 11 h lt~ plJlldce toIliPputO Ihat allY lt1111= T I E 1 O xrWK~ So I IUllnZQ Wl UtIIDLW not ramming nOlll provlltllllg th e~t tmiddot Kew~II oiande ampI Alandlln mON thMlI Ce IlIcbermiddotuhe IC I

WItlllbe gUIloulalromlullK lir q uF bg ABROGADOS

wbereas Wbtll Ie wipet 1111 IOlldc(1 gUll lno nextGmiddotpmiddotlitieRI thol)rlts 80 In_III) aropart A WIIUlltrE tBoUT TUII AOIl 0 Bo_-A llIIt blow oiIt tbe dbl lndM~9 tb~ ham1 8Ul1Ishy

PIRtampmiddotm (tlnll Abovo nil 80 01l01 m3Y Ihe chang few das ago we met a ~~lIemall from Ahlban~ cielltly bull ho e 118 1 lece of IIIforllltlOll hi re fli 10In II 0 of e~olll8 require p1tllltll CHIOl with lit- 118cuJtnlng thePage of a borde arlO boOf abo HOLDIIIO TlIII PIECIl 110 orln~ Iuf~renee 10 plrty Iheory o~ party platmiddot Ina paaaed Ihe niMb 7ear IIhicb woo 1I0W 10 Ill It I tbelntlllioll of tho tolnMllderlnOblcf rorm~ that It _ms 10 lIIe 0 should look mosbQn~ will be wo are lure to ~OSI of 011r flad 1~III rar M 10001Iiblc lit MiIlie ~iUIlll sh11 be it no~ oly II) tla~ lalityoJ la mlII-wtat ollr It8 tills ancr Illtl borao nblo YCIId lId l d$IIl~lItud ~ IlIeIl Irued) aCljlllllPlLtllYltl1 Ibtl CAlId t I wlI1klo comes on t~e oolid M he uIper corner II 01 tho 11110 Now Inen 1Wu41om~d to ~ha

I to I~ 11 nAtllte and culture retber thallio of Iho lower lid lind overy ycar IhcNltIItIlmiddot II h~ urolmRI rilo ltleil ck~ bllt 1 very amRlt bt Itt pai11 prnf8lSioD8 or bis 1IInt(oD promi ono well ltlellnld wrinkle fotmiddot ovor) 1 ()v~r nlllol cimrgtgt very pruperly reat 11111 bu I of tbe stock Jt~ If for Istancr 11 hor~u baa Ibreo 1It1kll$ bo I~ alililst tbo IIrmiddotlI lstnnd idew)~ to I U obJImiddotcl

or tho dnUlP~kllilJ ~f tlut ulnbtvttlmiddot~middott l~ ~lltit ~ III 11 tlrearmo 1amp lable 10 uck It 1lt tmiddotumiddot- Tbllll4obltcd by ubg II IVirh cmiddot 10 Ib~ end of Ill nUbrod 111 whillhwiii W u1 tOIlr with ~middot~aracrw on rUII he OIIuarlllll Oftlee TtU$ wlv~r iu ltretlaquo btJlImiddotmiddotC COIUCllcItg pacllce anIII bull ill U etWh~V8r amph 81100101 finds lhh hi Ii ill bishyling 10 CO dj)Y1I with ditllcul~ h -lImllI Iler lodll)g b~U btore ~plig ~ tbn I w~Ir once or IWCO dowlI tho buI lnu middottlt~ ~Il tlttlt is to l0080n the cakHl puwllll on tho 1lt11 1 tilG bltrmiddot reL 80 tIlen C8Jl11 ul lloc lIud tk~ 1110bullbull11 h~pB to clQl tbe gUll by bluwlu til dill Hllilre h Ill tI lUauuemiddot ~II imlldred h y be IIr11d rO1 018 pleca WIIlO1 ~qr ~1Ibg Tile reMOI wh) be I not III pu~ 1110 wIImiddot~r (11 thuuuoad bull plcCIl I brea_ II woul~ )lt) lhe bciJ dalllp anll tbill~l chargu Iul In fluid b~cOlDe IOml Ihem k

Paoillo lIlarmiddotb valuod thulO Virginia We no get a Ihouaand dollars for eounthlave we would then haye gollen from tbree 10 IIV6 1)U8Ad dot Iar8 rer an operaun it tho gold IIlInea ot middotOaliformiddot lila four hundred thoa mulllpiled b Ii- amphousand or even amphree tbousand will ahow _ mm_ lose Ollllpu1lon rdollam would nO compe~~ VI1l0ia for h~t 1088 III not rllooing the IIl1e on to llie Facillc

E I 0 nwtll L 84111gtpound WHo DAHOLlIfl



GRAilraquo 110AItAuUA 11ESSRS Kewen Simd~r8amp UanlUn III praeshy11 lieo In aU the COIlf~ of ~b Merilloual and Orlentel Depalments Rnd In tbti D~ptlllent of Le

PArlicular atienlilln 11111 be given to tbe reo covey Qf cl~ima ugainSl the GOvcrnmmiddotnt

lJ~oIbullbull mortfg leNlet Ie promply 0 ClIlel nd on Ii oralmiddotlermbullbullAI ow llId mo~ey brokerage busto will a lage tho AllenllOIl ofi6 finn bull

Q RAN A DAN lOA It A 0 UA bull

I~bull ~dlnrogtq REWEN SANDERSY IlAN IgtLIN ~jl)roosn lol PIOlesiOl1 de illmgllria ell tOUOllt los trihulltlle8 lj~ 103 t U d I 0middot l )tmiddotplIlttmlnt)8 lerl I()I1I1 v rleR

Y ~n el Dgtplrt~ento 00 Leon bull So dllrk atencIOII pnrticulllr III eobro If)

Imiddotmiddotdlm cr contlll dl1 gllhi rllo Itd 1Ijpotoc3~ Arrenimionto~

t ~ bull tc 1~n eJIIQlIlndos con IWOlIItlt y fllmiddotemiddotto~ mudeladollt TlmlJieu 1111 ocel1p~rall Itn rillgoeJoo do

I(rretagl el biencs rllice y dimro -- 1J h bull dIe= e~II1~e ~ en I Ctml 0 orr(~braundn NOlclObrc 1 de 1856

dup 111 jnll oIUII LOllt IN ampho early patlof amphb foe LAlfJ) W ~ 1tNT fQ IIvc hundred nCI ttl (If Innd drallO III fam of Col R J SJiltlors X_res hlTJ be~n takon 10 rendtr It of no e tlcJpt to the per8Ol fOl who It wns drtITIl WllOttOr ill It 10 ill NiiAlIguonao ollWe or to me ltiU bq suitably N11lIrded

OOL E J SANDERS GIlladI NQv 1 1836 1I~nrr- L~hUet

uvolll~ell if fOllt heiathirtc611 Ad til 11111 th) ro liillgt whoroby hcy do MtIlSeU1I$ nUltn~O-l tlIUiTISSuillrsa ETlqoE1TB - ceordiug tl 1 Iotc b IIf dliklea to nine atd YOII will hIV 111 Iltilgll lIlIk tu 1100 OIlOPI) lll~ ill mU3(~tlriug I 1lIorfwlit~r It III etiqueue fOf pelllollll of infot1or io So says the genUeman 811d Ito Is cOIIampuUI1 it lIee~y 118amp th~ 1I)~lcr shluM 3fIIillnL iIIder~ his pl)feMional lampniCCl

mnk io I~ol their healtia IOlVor han tho belds f 1111 Mef tail A a coo~ n~uy I)~I 14Vlllw I~ ltlec b I liing u 1111 rea tho muk(jt I to lhQ citi3Jlls of Graoaolo U ill bull bull I) horsts over Int a i$ wily tmiddotI II lIIc IIu I RIMtle amiddotIJ(lr amiddotlIe~middot in to tbe bll$O of Ih I hg l )0 found al tb Dosplt)

thelr l4ltupoOItI Iberefore wben a nabob aClOp I hOIampo dOll mutt slvo up liis trlt1~-lllonlllc I k s C lil middot1middot is ho ~1I1101 d) if Iro anda middotVmiddotIIm mbJnrtt _h_SjtflU ard sl~1 get Oil 1 (ltllIf2 Plnntel I aiemiddotx bullbull )1 ~ 110 bllU of hl~ pcco OraMd Novetllbe~ I 1~amp


328 EL NICABABUENS4VoL ~ No 52 p 4 Sabado 1de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 1 18qB

I But tberemiddotII point from wblch ~bl anbject

lhOnldIv _ad IItperlor to Iny mere Idalphaselt [Jittr ague ns t of tbe -i Itmiddotl6-how ~be buy tb deed In Ibla counll1 efFects th Ulag_od thlemiddota 011 1111shy

Saturday lIlorniD~ Nov~ L middotportanamp Dllrlnl the dry aeuon In thll coUlltry Itl Yer

HON COL 1QHl( H WHEELER dUlicuit 10 dig a gra or luDlclot depth to pro-

Thl amptnlleman wh has eo ably repreiented Int th polloDOUS paeafronl eacaplng 11110 the thII Jolted Bta1e8 ~ North Amerloa In thll couoshy

trl darlbg ahe varlbos oTillgea and atartllng Inclshydeata of tjle pasl two years Is we regre~ to 8Iy boul 10 dpar~ rom IOIOllg UI on a Iall to the uAiI~1t1atelo Hia beallll bu baeD of lale very _b brokllD IDd we InRir hI vlalt to 110 and nf bil blrtb 1JI1~ ~trellKthen ble fIoame by Ita Ron iov~t1i11 j~lIoaplire

_B rIOre will exolte a rept In the breut oC emf American In Nlosraguau blA aCQ4mshypUIIlliiilitt genlfemin bl aliampTl~y U )lInll~r

hII klndneas nd urbanl~ u a man and bis dieln lereledp u a friead ~as altcady g~lned him ~eliru~t ampad rove W~e~ver he goes tbe good wiebe or all who

uo-Iollllid thllCOI1iItry wlll follow hhn alld we trlMt at before la_IIY weeks we m ba middotth p~ule of Innoucbg Ita relum We wlab blm lfIe_t voyage



ED namp BURNED III II tbe dlkion ofthmaln of de

-r-~4 P llOD8 bas been a aubJectof Ihe promiddoteIQlUld98t ~iionUoo Wbh I~ are conDected the _tldenta of the warmes~ frlendlhlp tbo ileepetl eiltnltlbJl aud tlrelDost eaorad Ibougbtamiddot of tin

1iChaft~~ ~horo II anhll~lotl ID maDwblcb 1111 pell lilllll ~T8IlI wltb grea~ cate tbe romulD of his fiIampir orbullbulltur fbi ay bit esclted 10 pari by feeUng ibat we onl7 do IS we would be done

liJ toutpefhapi ~e -eat IncoU o 10 tblerupecl btl tbougllj that lhe Iplrll of lifo whleb anI -1 olampy before UI tnay be 1I0W before thea~llioron or the OIt High and Ihe nmdna tITeRlO WQJD 0101 our ioevltable dellliny

Tile IIIl1Dn of buryins the dead bas been a _II I _t I It f I

I ~Io Iou bleb ata n w w PlOCseda from deelylng

18tatabl We know tba lata1dlleuea are brollgbl ooby Innooulillon and hat I man canmiddot nn~ be Innoclllaled byanrlblllg mo8 dllllcul1O

L__ b

a~moephere and spreading lIIalri ampIIIong the Iiv-Ing The~ Iulso bull common oUltom among peoshypIe of th Ialler dayuo bury ~ remalDi of porsonl of no~ In nulta un~er the 1l00rs of cburchet and those In che dmp and gloom olihe luliterratiean cbambers In decomposing p~ddl_ and death among Ibose wblJ honored ~bn blloll logj Uld IUppose they thUI Ihow rpeet to their memory aner dealb h ta unnec_y to r8fe~ to the dangar of those who dIg gr In a Iae of OO1IIl11on Inte lIIent or how onen they como In contaCt wllb the polsoo of deeolOpoelng Jleah or wbat a s~ amount of dlseue Ibere II engendered bi the poleono pBel of sucb places by bel~g waRed amoog the habltatlonl of Ih~ IiVldg The evil elllcta or 11 tbeae clrcumstences ara Incalculable

We can onlyarrie at theamprulh In suck C8IU Iy Ulalol1middot W know that the gue_ of decumpoeo-Ing ~o~tsble mattedo swamps produce d98ues of eryerloll8cb~ractars wo know tbat on thla account 11 nu countrl are I_ healthy ampIian whera Ialor huefllleted a good drainage and ~bat higll dry land II more condllclve lOheal~h and Ions life tlian damp low Incamp We knowIi Ii Id- b I

JO tat ep em1 realmiddotoutmiddot1I parts of cl~le wh garbage ta a1lpwed to coUeet and tm1~ an eDlu~a Id we know also tbat gases from d cylg anllllal blatter are more daJlgelOUi and

The Late lnliulttlt the US llag I In olHla w publlebed a record of eiiollUng

eta All to tbe IneultllllC oonduc~ of ~e oIlied forces of Guatalllla and San Saludor toward the AlIlerican Oag the Mlnl~r of ~h8 Ulli~od Slates and tbe cold blooded murder 01 unarllled

American cltlrens But thll record dark and demiddot grilling as It Is te humanity WIS bulholf dlacload Dally circumstances of Dlulder _lnltioD and robl)e07 commltted On Alllericsn unarmed clll lensre being brought to ligbt which place the Governmenta of Gualeblala and San SAlvador bO yond the pale of ci illzallon and eta p them u BaIlon of ouUaw cutbro1e and bAndl~18o

Tbe accompnied allldavita of Cap~ Dunlcan and ~eut Gardner prove ~he diabolical IMurder of a Utile boy whose only offenco was being born In the Uolted Sla~ of wbite parenta and bnlng a while face

Doel not iIle blood of every frlcnd 01 humanl~y of every nalion ehudder at euoh ~Iroity Will not tbe lII08t eage and barbarous nallona of tha darkest agel of anllqully rise In judgment against luob uaboly and bloody deede _

tait of cOmpany D Fir~ Rille of tbe Army ~( ~be Republic of NlcaraguI and made oa~ ~haj

On Mon~ay the 1~11J October 18D6 during f

attack of h combIned foroea of Guatemala a d Ban Salvador on the city of Grallada during ~ e ba~le he approached ~Ioe houN of Mr JamoA Smi~h on the street of the Meulah opposite I e Churcb of San Franclaco f-om wbole bouse t e enemy bad been drIven out and he there lAW Q

tho arms of hie flher thamp dead body )f a about seven years old who bad just been murd bull ed by 1100 onemy whose body as horribly 10

lated ard deformed Mr E nllb was unc~~ nected wi~h ~he Army and como u a aettl9r~ NIcaragua He appeared hear~-broken and d shycOllsolate oxclalmlng tha~ he wished tiont loG co d bove sutrered In his child place Iln I tha~ in th amp alllnts opinion I~ WII and i ~he determlnallon for ~ho lovadillg forces 10 violate every rul of clViI~dwarfare and justice IDd lIIurdr eory Alnari n In Nicaragua J DUIIICJII

Sworn to before me this 21th October 1866 JOHN H WHEELER U S Minller

middot1 do hereby cortify tlia~ 1 W88 preBent wllh ~ taln Dunicnn aDd of my own kbol~dg 16~ abore aDldavit Is true In evel pa~ticuIRr

R p OAlIIlIpound1I Fi t Lieutenant Company E Firat Ri8es

Swonl to before me thIs 21th October 1866 JOHN II WHElLER U 8 MiDiter

oor8_ t e ~_Ing lIull of ble fellow maand would be reapecteo b all lla~IQDs even tb tho Amerlean 8a8 would protect him rba~ ~c Now u the guea whlob arise from vegetable most IIInge Bul how vain wu lhat hope I Let Lawless very frequehUy came to him 8 thOlmiddotMnmiddot lIIalterlo a atate or decAY appear 10 be lIIucb hll plunderod 1001180 bls murdered remaina tbe tay Goveroor of ~hll Dopartment in blthrfi mciro ftal thllD ~ODtact w~b Ihe solid_ from wblcb bodies of Iii f6110wmiddotclizen tbe mutilated bunting tb Datives o~~befllo~lnldt for whdOlll hIe perforbi th _ numeroua IC_ a bull n n au w lOBe rup bull

_ AO~ re lImiddott e lllallnorl 0 nu rolli tar llIImemotlalIiimiddot lome oountries oj E8YP~ ~~e present ago ought to be luDlclent to ri~ i9bIaDcie Dluch IDg epulty wu expended In enmiddot bove anyprt)UIIIce orallY old cuawm which haa ~orlng ~ lr~ee~e bodlel (rom decay anltl been haaded d~D t WI frolll ~pe~o~_bClo the the Orilllai ftcc~ of all burl~11 WII law ofnelilUi wee but lIttle s~OOIeil or known -0 --uOD of die body At tbo far Notth and auggoat auch remedlca as wlllleslen as far AI

whra th tro~ king relgnl many lDootba III ~he poIIlble the causes oC dll~uo bull

ey ann mut 1ler tbe~ 11011 II 110 the caso with tbe ps8I 101010 arise frolll putrid animal mellmiddot UleI If thll II eo thqenlightonment of

yar and all anImal de~omp08ltloD II auspended t

ibrough Ita etrecta tbe etrort 10 tilDes of 19oorshyihc mIght be aUPlosed to be parliaUr aucceBBful 11 Ii eeD no DO uncommon tblng to be ~oemer II tbat b would nollike 10 die In a

amputherll counlry on ac~ollnt oftbo audden decay ~ hll remaloa 1111 sontewhat remarkable tbat bile Nort~ern natlolls eYen In tbe most ancIent tImes burlod their dea~ In tile pound Ibe peo-DIe or the Southern countrl buroed tbem Thle wu ~bo cultom or Sou tbern Aala And Southorn E~op In our IlIgUsh literalure to tbll daTI ~wlng from oll Oreek we frequoutly her t)ili )ihnae peacmiddottomiddotI alhea I

1be Greeb a1wav burned 1100 bodle of their Wualrlou8 dud and In our opinIon thla lain many respecta lIIucb preferable 10 bllrylng_ bull In burnIng u lru tholr CUltom the ashea IIIlght bo carefully ciflllected and plaee4 In an mamen~ed urn j hero llOuld laDd wltbout otrendlng tho senses In the bleb of the temple or In tbe private aparl

m6llts of friends til Ihls manner I~ wu alwaYI In the careoilboao rho respected It and In wboaemlllol7middott wumiddot dear_ Tbo asbes of Ibe great mbl In Ihose dal1 beaeD~ fro plRce to place mldgled llb IIampYO7 locenlo receiving the roapocl due the blemor or Ibe Blirlt which pYa It lnishy

middot1111110110 In Ileae dy the remoYai oC a corpae croaten bOlrOr In all wbo 1ra1 wllh It not 1mshymedlIlotorealell to say nothing of tbe danger 0( belna In coplact with so Ruch rot~nn alld putrofotlon Ona balpound of Ihe borror of death con sists In the Idea of tho bedy pu~rU)lug io the e~ 4 Wng an obJect of loathsomene18 upon lJjlell worm gMiI and riot How much more pluinlmiddottw Idea of ha log the ashea carefully ptbelllllj amplid ~pi perhapa 8weamptlt aeented aa DOW ieepodaguerreotyp08

W~_ uale lhe aallsfactlon It would no lIfIorithe litem world to ha e preserved the

middotashe oIllli~Q Ot lIIilikapeore i or wbo can guess the care otmiddot venerAtion willi whleb the Frencb would ~gtrd the ashes 01 Napoleon or with wbat yeneratlon Americana would guard tbe reshymai1 ofWaabington h la truly to bo regretted that aU whlcb Was mortal oC tbose i1ulrloUi per sonages Isoow IndlltiDgubthable from ~hecommon eartb or tbe remalna of ~he earcasa of 80IIIe brow

There ta t~ls dvanhge ID burning bodlea OTCr burylDg tbem that IDltead ofperlnlltlng them 10 cauao dlaeue aRer death Ihe nry act of burning puriO ~he aIr It II lupposed the great plague ot London WII IoIICIted In lie ravagea by Ibe groat

Ore whlcb burned the greator parI 01 tbe city Ono thIng Is certaill iC history II correct that Ilthough Itraged with foarful voIoeelmmedla~lr hefore It ceueo to exll aimoillmllledialeit lifter Iho con8agratlon It It now a common pIlodco to fullllgate a roam In whch a parson baa died and doowrs ad 1ae boao who Yliit he remainI of a person ~hat lou died of cholera orany olber conmiddot mgloua dlieal to moke a cigar or plpo-tlo great

a purifier II fire And eelUng pr~udlc aside III~ Is after all

lIIuch more dealrable to be cooaumed by lire ner death than to rot ~n be devoured by worms alld 118 tbat eoaduccl well 10 tbe praseryallon of tho Ulng u to the retallling tbe uhes of tho de ceased we would fbor tho adoption of Ihe CUllOJll

In thle lOuntry It was the generoloplDlon In Granada Ifter Ito

batlle of the 131h of October tbattbe great nummiddot ber ot theonemy which wu killed would produce tbe cholera before they cluld be Interred DurnshyIng tbelll bnmedlatal would h prsvenwd tbe posilbillly of auch 1 p~llIful circumstanoe and would hve puriSe1 the air 01 any polsonoul gnaee wbleh might already slated 10 it

On object In ftuggeatlnlf thle II more 10 call tho 4tenllon of the publio u well 110 medical profeaslon 10 Ibe anbjecl chin 10 attempt at tble tim to dllcUBB Ihe m W are howovor under tile InlproBB Ion that If Ibe tlustom of burnshyIng the dOlld Inatead of bmiddotlng them were onco Ialrlylowoducecj It would In tbll lall~ude prove higbly benellclal w tbegenfral hulth

A Nw 01ft The Phll~dciPhia Mint hujull IMued a cent wblch II described as COlliposed or 1It88ven parb copper seven of nickel and one ohine 11 lou a lilht appearance with a faint red tint alld la In beautiful contra t with the Ameri cau a1lver nd gold plecea and will not u the old cent did tarnlsb thelll by oon~ol The weight of the newll only aevell~y-to gralnl-Ih~ of the present copper cenl la olle bundr~d and sixty ftghl

Tbe aDldavlt allo appended of (len fry u to LIG~TION or UUTID STATES or AnRIOA~ the nlurder of Ifr Lawl pro es Mr Lawl IIEAR Till REPUBLIO or NCARLOUA ~ earnest desire to presee lob neu~raliy in all 1100 Tbis day camo before me Birkett D Fry Bri dUBcoltiel wblcb have beset Ihle coun~ry of nis dier General ArDIto Nicagua Uld made OI~h blgh lOlled chacler and Integrily of conduct Rnd tbatshyorh pcrfeat oonOdeoce ~ha tbeaegis of the Bowasacquainted wllbJohll D LmiddotI~uaimiddot Amnoan fIig was amplyiuDlclent to prolect bis the month of Oc~ober 1bullbull1 Ihat having been rl liberty property IIld lif Be badmiddot een as cofmmnd of Ihls cl~y durn the greater POrllrshy

0 he past year he lou Ircquentl bad occbullbullI~ llIralloea (rolll the blgbeat aources tbat no Amori- 10 tallt wilb said Lwleas of Ibe polillcal atrairsio can wuld woder so far 1roII home that the pro- tho State of NiCllragu Tha~ the MId LRle tacling and powerful arm of tbe United Stat- s unifOImly re1beed 0 take ny part InarlUa wlti wal Dot over him lie reiuaed 10 COlli wilblo IheAforcea of lttI~nerol Wdalkellrdsaymg Iat hOe ~ri an lIIe can CI zen an re e upon Wle og o the line of onr Irclo mlylng oo~ho middotpeo~lon 01 his counlr for protecion_ Tba~ a(~r Oeoer Ibol Uulted States aDd Ihrew out beforebis house Walkers force marched upon dual and a few the Alllerican 8ag tba~ In ~Is patriotlo beart b hours _before Ihe auack u~D Granda loa urgtd fel wu honored in every laud anltl on every sea thbelabdblAdwl_11edto comde WtllIlI hila Ilhnol degb

f dle~fen~~w c e eo n to 0 expreaa ug s e Ie I ~

tom b the enemlee sllot and lbe loor of tbo Lo- alld good will he leetDed to pOSle That ~ ~ gatlon house perloQ~d bytboballe oftbe onemy Lawless had reaided for several ye a paa~ inOmiddot testify nlda apoKe tbe In~uago of ~he coulltry 8ue t-

Iy and WIB extensively engaged III IIIcrcalltUJ~ 10 ancln~Rome ~he exelamaUon lam a Ro- e~ita anil had mall) 01 tho nolives In hia ORlPi bull

mIlD cillzen arrested the falling blo of Ibo IIc- Tha said Lawlen justly ellJoyed the reputtti D

lor 10 fOmer ~oys ~n II the great Republic of for great pbllanthropy And unamp~~middot~~t tile North In 0 aayo ofJakson It is the bouth of ~ e loll lory of tha~ day ~hllt no American cltl zeD ever luWered lny In~ulT abroad without reo

dreu WefcOIlaurolhnUhesnm08plrltnowanlmatestbe

United Stateamp and ~hat tbe same feeUnga ~hat dlcmiddot tated tIe Kouta letter will be roady to defend Ibe rigllts aud proico~ tbe lives oC InDoeen~ AmerieRn



Thll 4ay came before 010 James II Smitb wbo tcatlO tbat he emigrated from Ne York clLy whero he hu resldcd for two years In the steaol ahlp Tennc88ee for Nlcaralua on thOl 1 III Sep tember laet accom~RRled by his three email chll drell lor the purpole of cultivating hind and satshy~nllg In Nicaragua lIo is by protession a taather

That on Sunday the 12th Inll an alarm of an lltack was made by the foroea of 9uaternala and San Baladof on this ci~y That be no~ crediting

S b bull h 2 hOb I 56worn ore me t IS middott cto er S bull JOliN II WHELER U S diolaler bull

I [ 0 F F I C I ~ L ]


ADJUTANT GENEIULS OUICpound J Granada Oct 26 186G

1 SOLnnRI--Each day demonstrates more cle iT ~hat tbe war we are wagiftg Is ono of IIUlh apl AI falbood of clmoalion againat barbarism GI satisScd wllh the bloed of lonocent cilicnssb d a~ Granada-with n appetile Ilnllghler h 1shyled by the nt_Ore 01 helpleu cbildren and b 11 ministers of CbriIIIII~y-our IIIvage foes II f

added ano~hcr crime to tbo long liRl reco d asaiDNt ~bem Thoy han sbot Lleu~ Col Lal wbo wu IRken by tbe n a prisoner of war 80 0

It)8 ngo At ~i1e very time thl_ cold-bloodedaal ofcroe 11

was boillg colDlIItted an exchange 01 prioa r was bciu proposed by tbe comntandermiddotinmiddotc er

tho Jolarmj wntto tholltlloplzaa8110r~dlitance If tbo Guatemala forcos WI~h an lona~a bull When tbe (ote aptearod and commenced an ac tive 8Mng ot musketry and Mlni6 rille wblch otlt off his relurn Tho foreee then approacbed 10 hOllie wbere bis li~tle fRmily wera seated ~ dillshyner consisting or a boy Frencb Berbert born In New York tlty on Ibe 6th March 1849 two lrirls one fI and the otber Iwo yeare 01 Ige 1hey were seated witblo three yards of a large wludow which opelled 011 ~118 street One of lhe troops approached the window and taking delib erate aim fired at 0 lillie group the I)all grazed the chin ef the fllrl nurse and atrlklilg the bo In the lower part of his face paselng out of the neck broke tbe plllol obord killing him instan~ly TIe reat 9f the children wee concealed iinnlcdl-

IDg for ~reacbe he bad smoolh WOrdl and Ii ~ sullmenls on hll Iipa wben he was In the act t murde

Tbe mnatlon of Lln4 show he ndlito of the ollemy wl~b whlcb we baYe 10 contend f Ibe sollie lan~age andreligion wilh tbelUself they bad nOl agains~ hilll the lying excuselmiddotw Which ~hoy are wont to justi~y Ihe murder of American citizens Nothing bu~ ~be love of til d aod ~he cowrdly loatlllc~ of tbo savage Call 0

urged for tho execution of thd Cuban palrlot Let ~ben soldiers a Bunle of tbe jUltico G d

grandeur of tbe C~U1e In which wo aro CDgae nerve ua lor the fullilmellt of tho Iftak wblcb I bull before us Remember that you luWer aud It

awly III an adJacen~ housl by the nurse under agio to redeem ono of the 10eUest 01 lalld_ ID bed hlle Ihe ~roop Ibreed tho cuing of ~ho barbalian rule aud lavage despo~lam In such a wlndo the door being fRBlened and resiatlng all Oft IIHO 118 t~is who ould 1I0~ gladlf eudure II ~ IV Iheir oRllrta Thoy then entel8d and searched In dayoCprl alion and fdtiguo r 10 would n I vahl for the cbildren Tbey plullucred tho house undcrS1l aome lillIe antrering and danger for I ~ of all bia iinpleonpnta of hUlbandry clo~bing gold sake of IIvlllg his nalllO enrolled amoug the be o and allvr walcllcs mono aDd valUAble of faotors fJf the rllce 7 amount 1lI0re ~hao two thoueaDd dollars ~ 2 Lieut ltlol ~ A LaID6 aiddemiddotClImp 10~ tbe

JAKa8 n SIITD Commandor-in-l)hler having bean brbIrOO~ Sworn to before me this 2~tb Ootober 18DO murdered bylhe enemy without ProPOiDg An shy

JOHN B WlIEELIlt U S Mini4ter change (If prlaoners i~ ie directed Ihll~ Lie t We do bereby certify that we reBlde In tho Col Brigido Valderraman and (Ja pt Bern~r 0

nme houle II~h Jamee H Smith Faq nnd 01 Allende be shot Ibis aernllon 11 6 oclock In Ollr own knowledgo the faclt tn~ed In hla aDldo vlt are Irue lu evcry particular


Sworn to beforo rno thl 27th O~oher 1856



Tbl day calllO bofore one Jamea Dunlcan Capmiddot

tbe plftZ of thl clly 3 11111 Gen Fry 19 charged wth tho esccullta

of the abovo order By command of WY W AUrER

Genernl-Coml~andng-in(jhipI Pn n TnoIlPBOII AdJ t Gcn N bullbull

~ h Is atato(1 that PrInce Albert 1038 b~~~t 111 Clllll1nOUe tract of lInd In AII9tralia Vbic1o1n nbout tnty years will tetulnabollt ono thou811 ~ i tlII10S oa much tIS all ~h~ amp Coburg alld Obi

In Germany put logctbor I

329NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 7 Sabado 1de Nllvlembre de 16561 Saturday November 1 1856

i lit I ALGO NAB BOBRILBL Dl4 UJ 1lJSOUOJON lIerosoaeajuitA al Cllpilitu delliglc y Ie r t t lIJ S 11 n1J R ea mlUlgrato perdmar que CIIstipr aunshy EqulUtlvo y aUII n_Slnll) nos parec Menelter earetrogradarlllol mM remomiddot que eata lIluy pronto a IIOtrar en el UIO

toear la materil de que vamos neumiddot t~s tlempos de barbirle yde ldlo~lemo pa de juatas represaUae lIa cual rere IU tS II Into NOT I de 1836 pamos no obstlnte haberll8 tratado en Ill1Icontmr el ejempl0 brutal a una Ie- naluralom 1 10 demandaren las circlin A WI ~ 101 1)umells anterloJel aunque nu cion quI Icsban de (omeler en Maaaya stanciU De consiulente 108 prl~ionrOl

JUEBPO VE ARTILLSJIU 4 tod I degtlt1d I I d I d 1 - ft -- con 1 1 ~que mereee por mf~ 01 Jenera ea e I IUfZaa iii on I heridOll lIOn tratadlll eon 10 mllyor be El lierpH de tLitiHerlll ha tomado un destla de lOB IRdmdus que 11 rlllawon Guatemala en estos lIltlmOl dia des- nignidad

ClIPCI) 0 imllolltmto bajo 11 direoclon del puesto que cl1ml mlmos t(lIl1aron una puea del ataque de aquella plllza I de Queda PUIIII demOlltlldo que falto8 de Jele I Henningsen IIventndo jofs de esa parte actin en los sucea~s Las buenllS las acclone quee Ilan referido ya tn 10$ fe ell itll mall s1 mnes compromiaos y Grmllj iuyos cOllocimientos Ie ban didO aceiones dlbon refe~lrse mlnuciollme~te d~8 humerns anteriores de elte periodlco de oumplimiento en sil palabra como mi MmladianQ $010 en los Estadol Uni Sin temor ~e Incumr en la tacha de dllil Vlolando 108 mas gmdos Plotos ma- Iitares 111 jefell do lIB fuIiIBs enemlgat JOI I nn fuora de ellos Es do cele- sos tnnta par que e8 un trihuto dllbido al lew reeonocidos univerenlmente y 0011middot flftll Incohado COIl ol ftlsilamiento flel Co brillS la recision y tino con que dh-ije m6rlto Cuanw por ue line de est-imulo aiguadol en aI derecho de jentel de una ronel lAid y aUI compslierea despues IRS bo 111111 Y granadas al punto que de- a100 d~mAA NOl oontraenos al IltaqU(o Inanera ~n ep~icita se han colQcsdo en de baber aupllcado el callge Y d recibir $igna uinnentaudo y dUlheando progresi qu~ re~I8~6 oatil piau dede el deee del una posiCIon odlo~a dtgrlldftnle y eceemiddot un Indi~lIo en este sentido un Miatem vame te las distnl1CIU siempre con el pUlIdo II 11 una de Is tarde basta las crable Indlgna de hombrea que 8e tltulan elttlaordin~rlo de gtlerrA que nosotrol nei nitID Rcli)lto Q inerrnble direocloll ocho de la maAana del diR siguiente milltare 10 temm~s puesto qf8 teMm1 mlobos Tolft los dias hay repeudos ejerclcioll y Buellas y lumlnolWl lIOn I referenoiaa fnmedlamente dupuee de 101 c(lneablmiddot prlonfrGS cODtrllrios y que hlta Is te()k~ IiOletas evohuiones en las que prl()ti~ del Coronel Allen Mayor Clyeee ftc dOl acunteomlento8 vino eata cludad un siempre hiL sido patente la slIperiodatide ean j Sefiores oficlales y 109 soldado8 pero notamo8 qne a~nqueliglran en 1 correo conduciendo una comunieaci(m nuesms armal Ahorl bien ~ Sol se nell ~tmn maravillo8(1lllIIte lisw de 108 que 8e distlnguiertm 81gllnOl de los jetea eN as flllrzas enemlga8 en la VOllOtroa 101 que hahllis habmdo de vanshy

En3 ClInnto 1 numem do indivitluoB numbres 110 ell con el tlIplerclol que que IIOlicltaban aqtlll1l08 del Jeneral dalisimo de Bomnidadea y oims cosa~ perbgt ecientc8 6 dicho cuerpB lie ha IU~ merC(tlll sin que sea rltI de 1o referenmiddot Walker JOr 10 pronto 6 cange de un in- aemejantelll en vnestrus periodi~os para men db do nna mllnera otable habien tes po que 1I11011 gllardaban y derendian divlduo d los suyos cometa d eaballe oontravenlr ahora eSC$ndalOsamente Ii (0 ad mllll unH gran compltlla do Zapa1 sus pue~tui re8peetivos y no podial esect na que fu6 heeho prlalonoro por Dilestra losmejores prlncipios del dereehu dl ilores I Mineros bien que para malle- tllr j todllS paltes Grande y her6ica parte con algunamp anterlorldad Eata clrmiddot jentll I 81 v08OtroB 80ls I Pero nad~ jllr clatro mortem do obuats y lo~ tllol II deietl q~e hizo 1amp KulIrnlclon de clnetancia Indicaba queeao jeres preten- trntiamos del oltallo de atrall en que Muon a que hay on lap)tuIt fO necesita estj plftZllcn ea c61eble JOIllampda en la dian ceAhle 101 prlnclpio organl_ de 08 ballail UR n6 nero eunsidurnblcmiddot1fe bombles qll8 doeientus hombre4 combatieron con III gllerr aun entre la naolonee minoe Conatlgt 8n conclu8ion qUII aceptamol

EI uelpo de artllleriA no deja que demiddot tla 01 ilunensu numero de oehgtelentOI clvllzadal y regullrlllAr la desde lU4lft) vuealroa aotos sea ellal (uere au natlishysearsusejercicins II 1011 111118 etCrupu- por eamppl()io do dillz y nueve hOrlll uglm lu demandlln la olvillziclon 1 _ mlez 10508 itotl Admirable el Jellledo y -80luololl siglo No 81a poslble dudar de la buena

do todOll basta del ultimo 1I0idado (e de aquell espon~nea proposlcion sin DOCUMENTOS 0FIeIALES ES Ef)OIOJV A OHONTALES dispueatos perecer antes que entregllr RgIlIlar a la e8 et bonor milltar 1 JOII

U - 6 h la pldl que se lea habia conllado cierto malt proclu90a atrlbutos del bombrel ElDECRtTAS DE OOB_ERlO


apol bull IfRon que Sill ny Guatro _ J Ch I 6 t A certilllmo y atln IIOmos COrto8 j pero lIus~re Jeneral Walker quo tantnll 1 bin No ito

EI t 1 p ra onts es 0 VI a es II puer ~__ d I M ON 1 ~ lifer ~11lI oeho de la matiana halfendo ph~oll afta Ir que e ayor eJ se repetJdllsprulIbae ha dado de maltnanl REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUAt

enndu 0 de una manera verdaderamente bull bull ~ desem ~ftado flU CQlnlslon los mdlVldoll ~ mldad ItO dudO en etecto ni Ull momen Seeretal1a de Elltado en el depaello (Ie t ti ~ - E her6ic~ Hallibllse postratio en una cama to y lIev6 8U generlllll(lad basta el utr Relacione Erterlores nuO rOI en snls aerlamen n I 1 d i h 11 b connn balazo 81 unap ema que elm- mo de entregar ill corneta que iIOhcUaban Granada Ootllhrl 2t de I85ampSan oS lIu v sus lOme lac 0110$ so a a a bull

bullJ I d I b d pll(ila dar un paso y Ie obhgaba bull servlrmiddot sill nlnguna de las lIeguridades que 8e El S P E so ha serVldo dlctar 411 de 1111 nUfillro e 10m res como e CIIn) d I EI 1_ __

d d 88 lIe os mu etas enemlgo lie lre- CIItJon en taIu CIlSOl COIltellto mnl Ceto igt~eD ~ -- _gt eine tode 1 QlIuotuelOn errotll Oil Oil Ii bmiddot I I WILUamp WR Preeldenw-daln eldla trece del corliente en csta cludn aerto y 1 eil


es om re que Illll a e featando que entre 101 mlillito prbonumiddot Republica deNlearagun lr sUiliabitsnte9 11 di I dtlene 89 UIIO de 04 indivlduOlI mall roa que habla hecho elY la lihlma aocion Siendo nece8SlrIo I~reditar un liinillrouo II IU u a tomaron a ue a reco on bull

q g q i 16nol 11 eJ6rlto Nada podia espemiddot e contaban Virios 06cla0bullbull que _tcba Plenipotenelano ltle rcpleaente a 111 RetshyDioo8 quo sahCTon escape as que $U- b _ d bll d Nt d I bl _T a raSede un 110m re en esta 0 en que dlpu_o cangellr respectivamente pGr pu ca e caragua cerca e ga n piera 111 Ilegadade Jos trem 6 tl~l11~ 61 se baUsba ain embargo hacienda un el Coronel Lain 1 por olnoo 6 sela in- de 108 Estados Unidos en IVI8hingtotl lIn RllngerB que III vapor cndllcla 0 b III el 81 t p l4 de dl II d J ntlab on U80 de IUS flleultades l

1 h b d b b t esueno 110 re uaUT J9 UOl e vopa que e 8oom- an DEC RET A bullIe d bull os Oil res 0 ar UI os comO d gt I I 0 ilia dlI8l1ila 0 que tellla sa 10 (1 clando Cueron presos por caaualldad en Articulo I N6mbralle Mlllistro Pleni ~ el 09 Icen locho tom6 lall mulllw y 81 sable y 8e il camino de llwaya En allo se es- pottnciarlo de la Republica de Nioaragua (JtfOETAS DE GUATEMALA Y presentO en ellugar ~a8 peJigfOSO arras peru la romillion del hombre ofteoldo cerl1 de 18 Eatedoll Unidoe al Senol

S AN S Hi VADOR trnndu la plema y atravesllndo las calles por 01 corne Q a1 conleta mlsmo que DoAn FemmCoFerrer I J b b t rt ~ IDnmquelle qu enes cor I -- con el agaa casl bull 1 rodlda (aca I a de era 10 replar y Jegitimo 81 ae aTrepenmiddot respondamp

Estos pOliodlcos pound0 oeupan do nuestro Hoverl dundo mnd6 con V071 do trueno tlan do nevar ndelante 10 que 4111011 mis- Dado en Granada 1 29 de Oetubre de Nienrlguell~o no parR reflllar nl una pn formal amp los hombres que alii se hallaban mOB babian Bollcltado opteniend) al fin 1856 WILLIAM WALKER Ilbm do los erimCIl-e1l servUes que hemOl y que Ilegaban oon sus armas dilltribuyo par unics rampZUII el J~er81 Walker una Al Se~or Jenoral Dun Jlliteu Pineda publi~do POrqIO III velmiddotdad os illcontesta la trnpn eolocindo en loslugarel opor carta del Jeneral Zavala en 1amp que fire MMn~troldoJa Guorra encargado deT dltl I bull mUltern enerable II~ deequltan descendlcn 0 as per tUllos orden6 1amp derenaa de vea eal ea testaba (ellto no puedo calUiCllrse) que D ~ d 1 I V bull evI en suprema 0 oumun eo 1

sonah ~de8 1In un lnnguage tan cl~lco que partell de aquellugampl y 8Oliclto 1 101 prlllOnerbullbull no querlan venir No ell para IIU intellgencia y demas erectos es ebmo us antares Su impotente uni e6caz It pelllr de su eltado de grandad a eato todo ino que en as propillll perandortlCibO su atento senillor Ie do p1i~8a fudose contla cl Jeneral tadu atendia bael6ndote oil su voz ell clrocnlltandlll Be supo oon allOmbro en 11 Pnnuu lIIque 10 ba dellpreelado stempre todas pa~teamp Nosotroa admlr4mol al e~ta cilldad el rullilamlento on 01 pueblo No 64 WI pe lulclo d - lllwlrles 8U cuenta eonlmiddot Mayor 0 Nell en aquelloe momentoa y de Diriomo del CoronelLalne y algunos

V bull l REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA ~ cnte Y oxneta eremos III e908 pan asi nOl plaee conS1lJllarlo on eata arUcl1 0 otros prisirneroa I I fllaa obre aquellOl S d __1 d ch d ecre1ana e ilAIo en e eeplt 0 e ~s 8 Oil ~ombre8 de chaneelarls COli EI Capitnn Wilkins lie condujo tnnbien jetos III deabonn eonmguiente y )1 IlCe- Relacionelllnteriores

dlglll d el dIll que 80 les presente que de unA manera brilllnnte en el millIDO cr8Clion univelflall i ~pnrten el des- GranadR Oetuble ~ de 1800 JlGr ci rto no ~t~d(jlls ($ si solo se con- lugar y despue ell la deftn~ del HOIIpi precio y vilipendlo que mcreccn Y 0011_ EI S P E ampe ha servldo dictar el de-ICIltllj COil eCBrlbu snrcnsmos tal en toda la neche Es de celebaTlle la pell el lugar degradante eli que les colOCll ereto -ul~nte

-------- d dId fa 1 I d d I El GOllemo coosldelando que soMalianl lie omharea con direceion u con ucta e 011 bull IS co tat voe qn~ IU In agllO proce el hallan vaeallte~ las Carteral de Reb

Nueva York el Sr Eermin Ferrer hallan en el h~8pltal oOClrgard08 continu Como era de eeparamprse loglco y natu- ciunes Haelenda y CrMito pu~lico POl 1 g b no amente de los enfermotl Dr Lundy y raJ e1 Jene1Walker ordeno y ae eloell- baberse encaado de la ml~lon dlploshynombrlld0 que ba SluO por e 0 leI bull t ~II b d W b

j I PI d t n_ (f Dr Brmkerhoff 110 8010 por las bUenae to II (I1I181111ento nu de todoll los prleo- m4tiea eel bull e ga mete e a Ing ~n s~o ellpo~enculT1o e es a p medidas de defen~ ue tomaron IIlno ton a1 Seior Don Fermin Ferrer quohllcs eefca dol Gabinete de Wasbingtoll ~ nellIS que en la Justa lndlnadlon acuo 1l1li desempeflsil 011 180 de aus facultades

Ell F rl b I rt II pur 10 resolueion que 81empre lea honrar otro mimo Jonero- en 8U lur hubler D E C RET A errcr Gsumpe a a ca ar - -- bullbull de Hciendn que qUGdo Ii cargodel Go altamente do pereeer todtlS antl8 que prevenldo sino Iolamelte el de un Ten Articul 1 El Sefior ~e~oral Don

D d M I - G S n ahandonar unos velnte y cilloo enCer- vnte Coronel I un Capitan que ctillltian Mateo Pmeda autual MIlllIItro de ItgtlIera ~ me A lUStrolaquo c uerft e - bull G bull gad dI I diS F mOil que no pod Ian movelse de IU lecbo eutre Iquellos nerra ser onear 0 IDtennamellte elimos i 1 auseMl1 tempola c I e diahaa caneras teQlumiendo el Mlnlsteio rer a~ paso qua nll8 alegramos de que EI Chbano que elo~11I 01 Mayor Potter MuchOll plllOl1ero quqda~ on poder de Jfjn~roJ ~1a do el c electo parala mislOIl que cn el ~rro que ~lmlltr6 cuyo nllmbre nuestla gblllrnocolltrA qlllel011 ~u4lera Art t ComtllllltpleleI qutenea cor IampMnuuce Alos EsttldOIl Unidostallto por no mllmfest6 pm IgnollrJo e8 el Seflor dMClrgllllle todo el pl8O delagravlo lnfo rCIJpcmda lI1llltlilrw y circuDttitceiR quole ldornall Don FtCncisco Aguero y Batrada Pre- ridn y hooerl(1S sentirde un una manera t8~do en GitLi1lAltt~Rdigt cuantq pOl que rCIihiramp belll1s impresio recto de esta cludad prolilllda los exesos de IUS ~etos qUI Pu AI Senor Jenera Don Mateo Pineda nos en 18 hormolllls ciudlulea del Norto (on 10 dicho sitiafacemos la justlcia ditgtran haber ngrlVlJdo au situacion I pero Miubltro Jenera Am6rfca debida aloe SenOIOs 1l0minadOl y nuestro I Jneral Wlker oon todaJ )R ventnjNl De urden supreml 10 eomuBlco V

Ie Idelleam(lll Ull viRge teli~ y pronto doseo de eselaroeer III ferdad siempre y la repolllioraucia de la posicion que pllrt IIU Intellgeneia y demas efootos retor~ quo podamoa baeorlo ocupa 011 tll embargo magnanlm~ y Je M Pnln4


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 15: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.

319 El WICABA6UENSE Volt No 51 p 5 Sabado 25 de Octubre de 16561 Saturday October 25 1856


tile n SteamOl La Vhllo Capt Thom IlUlkert~rlnd al tbe port of IlrauadA on the ~ytlllDg lotSlaquoturd-y tbe 18th IDBt Iloe brought Jutem -lIP 0 1I1t of UI HItIt monb

br - bShe fOlIgbt o a Ollt ~Igbty Plt888Dgtl1l who nteld ljO nelde I~ 1111 COIInuy list) of 0111 ~ Joinell the NlcarogulIII Army Among t

- I IBanIfa we nol ct tho lIallle of Clt)L eonlngftnHow~ Joinell theNlearagutll Arm1andla In COIomlllll 01l11li ArIlIl~r1

1111 Jla Virgin brwpt alao tor the Army lU1 bull o if h nd-A M- L d middot11IDr ell X II nu m mUlld III i 11 et lour or wllb Ibclr ploper equipment the evrig~ for tb mountdn bowltze aI_d ro -- ld II Ivge quantity OfulIllullltlon

81 f I

struggle wUI be between Buchalampll and pOllUoR a alellder -agure and ver1l1ght bllr reoIOIl~ lillmoro ma however bo much BORland and Frlllee h made II warlike 01 alronger batt tbe pllbllc h lID idea of If Ibe 0I0nllramplloll aallIamp ~be Kin ofSarcllnla AI

ee 0 middotpapr we earn thI All the dey atproeCllee for Ihe rleSidential eltctlon In the tultcdSlateltlllulscltcmentalld1nleruUllor_

be nfoet ngg_1ed ltalemen are IDade by of lb riftl candldatea relale to

iuoqUt t II weoed wIb mor ~OtiOD ormore UDshyettlalra I lIor caprlceelIIan 11080 two Statee now

I od ha P ll 1amp t1 middottt t 1IlPlji t t en 1 YIUI I go or ImlomrDUllffilll4ll Ia 1101 cet~ of Ilanflng It iln Ib1~er ~andlt hlwampy been e Btrong ilIIIICIlItie 3Iett and h ginn Ddehanan large

Ai e roof of 118 entire dovollon to Uoellty I Hid lbal In Ita remoter di8lcta llaer are lililarge ItlllDben of Totee _t fqr AnshyUtW J~80II t

AI Ne York no etandll the Fremont men Ire alma I Ilire or ber But II e fllred tbat 10 otdtr I ifeeure tho election of lluebanall by Ihe L S d fN Y k 11o~r ~e thO emoerac ew or w go

om 10 1111101 The bull 4ft oro 8() nicely halllllud tbal eonaldmiddot

bit a~lIl1la of mOD01 are illaked upou tbe rampgt fill Willet III accounl of a mall wbo ble to lIhu aUIbullbull hlllr oft bl heed If lIucbanlUl Is 1I0~ Ilt~ted b_IID Ie e or bIa elCllllon be Is 10 be d lIh all lhe blta be CQD wear ri I -mo Buehan conUnue to realde I

Whl middotlIollll8 Thill aIlnde UI or PlOl8OiIor Stowe-hlllbllld r n Deecher 8towe-wbo wben Ihe FIIgishylift SIt LawwlIS p-d re latered vow that

oul~ not M hla beatd cut untO the Ia Will Itpeilled Il lla needl to that by this tim IU beerd of tho Proteeaor hal altainod coRaider

A bull Welangth lIla mil1 wil~ at lOme ulure time I able to 4etermlne the time which bae elapsed ~Rce tbbullp_go of tht celebrakld law by a _Irtllellt of Ibla bireuto ppendage

Olll neighborS Ia the Solltil It 11111 ben b

rtfHOell to lIIother pitt of tbla pape haye art IIt14 at a period wboll tbey are beginning to acl lei aot througb any ellerg of their 0100 but by

bull bull Iho torceof the elective spark wblch tbe pr0111OIt ~ lb AjDerlealll excitebullbull Aa Ie lIIuaU the cue ill ueh spaslllodic e1f~rta tbelr ICtiODS are neltber -At( b d Ira UI I ateedI-~ ~ pru ollee or grea~ til geDco II of t1llll~g tbolr atklptlou to tha aeveopomoot of cIIt reour0e8 or their St they e endeavoring 10 ftrm I agalnaua wllo If tbey 8amplIdled Ilatlr deg lotereat tbe would not olllylreat aa

htelben but endenOf to ludaoe us Inlo tbelr _trie b offorlng lerge 1IIwarda to U8f1 lIIIerIca fho would Httle amollg tbem

go andmiddotdo Ukewlh tI Ibe would In fow lola uame was reeeIedmiddothe ~onoludedlIIIId IDUO1 c u Aoa_ fII IlITIIIIo o BD-Thill L bull ~ Ia peu enklrpriae whleb for bullDaB1e Iou _med

han reuon to Ie the - the merleau lIle pp - too i11cH1v7 plQJce 10 lie HriOllllJ eoklrlalaed tbelr denl among them II Brig GeD Horuab waa II atbullbull II Ie 11IeI u Ihelhuadelplla IAtliJrr to pIO

The Elllpero Alolnder of Ruula u _wued drank with ~re and th _II-I- not onlypn bullileallle blit to be aowal _Iilrocl lakll with peel ctltllOll1 DIIfInc laquoIlGlIamp- The oople of Gtuadr- uu _ ~oo_uIoa 01 ~ GIld lIIMaWio_ tIon the BDlpelOl lIrtIMd dlllllfllamp1llt liNt lllto lliftl amp111 the lUI Ie SOl Ill of bJ a

-r hGould he alloed ampveryluiUt iol publleblnl tbe JiIoJ-wa receld wltb leug 111 incident or the cerem001 The rep_led Brig Gen Jit111 I88po11111lo 11 draIIk to of IIIe Pope _ reaehed on 1111 occaeIon be- The Bed 8kIr of 1I1earas- t shy

I - --

blo IUCIea From all we can learn 10111 Hill quallllcatiOllll appear ~ bo good die-

n -0how othinc oIemenamph anlbmg Ike llalloolmiddoth boen ordtled -to the SardInian potU middotf9t111er rloctlol1-(f OIgIlDIZlltlon aod kllllclt to fhe nowl from Frallce I unimporlllll i01In principle beymiddot ilia) lIIlrprlee the Union 10 111 France hM growll up to hemiddotalli8 tat bilallbbeb

lire th_ ofanr other _IfY neCoatalUcanuNboglnnlnr(OltamwladoD

end theIP rttIIerJ to (ullow Preildellamp Xora III lUIother folAJaplneUflO8IIguI ucla_pIcIou

III our m1lld tltt they beslnlllng to bow wbats b

Tile 11010 from Buropeta DOl of III In -eat til l1li In Nicaragua Q_ Vlctorla lib a good _bl mother Is endorlug Iogeh lIItmiddot ablo spouao for hr aupterl Ibe 11111_ RoyalPrlll~ irederlck-m lrlIstlt 11 at proeenllh fa rltA In 1gtvl matrimOlIai IIIIrkel H baa aCeltmIpanled lbe roJa moth~r clllrllJU

middotmount~t roogtiI laddoll M unexpected Amiddotcoup u fat 11M been lIIk1mpted in Paill bJ -rrf nI hi its lerth to taIt the B~I u rtmiddotIIlI PrtlllllllIIPpcaraneeago their eandl- (leott~ODollnelltIukod ltltIeenlIlllheUa 11 IIIIee from Franklin the ed_ltlWd Irad rona hladoctor mullraquo alld air w pxketshyltlale ud Ibemlelvenn rar behind dcrblllleedenahSp 1b_Spanlahtroops hoW poue 011 bJthe plekel prltl ofbe rNIIOt hllllditerehlef

middotTho DfbIIlIIIn lind FrolllOlit lien are hathon 8Ionof Madrid bllCmiddotthe blew wa nOlllrlld 1111111 1114 - man killed The meIu bod WII hUll~ F4t 11111 ~-l---A-rua-n-p-n-Jal-Ir-porler aid il 1kelr 111 III In 8upplieatlon before tbe State middotof laneoueI~ amplllbe luge ollie mt therefore lcLraplcllY-~Inrr th pu~ofaIampok wa eo olOOllelt amp be ~ tbu ibnup -CD in lie Yo ftud Ponll8)lanl4 There lIever w only parllllllluCOO88lal A eho ar Ia SpaIn II 11 Je is ooei Jirallkl how -It grolt ~~~litl~way~~ma4t billlyen- iwI Ja

bull IlOOII t 1111 w II mo OU _ bullbull h1111therefore hlehl probahll It Ia thought -be w IIIalI aad tho collklmplated atiMlk JIOfi hbonld laquolad 10 bow NId tbeuegioL Wii France ie IlIlIOlIIe nYllOl1l1eel4d wllb the 1IIfaIt POlolied Thethumr -ped ~~ ~~ tllteat no Iongel alilee tbUl Ju~ IIlpl-agaillaamp II wil1middot R~~ h bull 10 1IIdlt e - t nes -lgt 11_ t -- poelufely lilted 10 IIblMOQ KaN mldlllampht howeyer (1ft aspreu Ived III IIUIIp A IaQd peculalor 01lt W- ladeellcllo

until LIlt mill of 1100 Allied rome hqultted with ~ Informaloa tllat 001 Oook wllb I _e his trac IJIInI th eba be Inaallilidl J th CrImea Tork h for the pretent nnt foroa of U 8 ~bad takeo lip I porJampIoall clcreel It Wu 10 h~lhl ~IIDd Ulera aDd 10 frem the dlplomalle boti_ lrolt of Ltowr8llCt the 1Irpoee or pIOleoI dllBClIIamp for toIbto dlO tbel iIII thela~ablampaAtiIIbtd

It froIn the pro~d ~I ~ Coodli~bu 10 draw tbelr lui breatb With a eolrallre ~aPOob _u to CI_Ie PRESIDENTIJtL SUPPBR toWlIJIIIlIOI810 Gel H~el~ warllln~ oe Pcmy eliC~bullbullVeUowoltben ~ t

__ tbe _equellcaa of III lkllllplOO lb bull It ollllh of JII1 ora hepiaHie ckdara 1On tbe nalramiddotof the 19th laaamp tb FI14 61B la uld that CIII Cook IIa~ beell Milt b1 Qea do noamp believe amp10 Is 11I~ wo_ or eIiIIllo

ly wbo w urgeatly oliel b) ~ people ot IIIIa ho_ who It_ttubed the age otM _e~ alld 018n of tbe General Stair Wlib a few Iewrallee 0 lDte~ Cor lheIt ~QJI Qn b~atmiddothU fell tilla tl1lth tbuwltriag ~ Cltizell8 lDel 81 the Pre8Ident lIIena10n ad tIM lb nib Gew -0 arrIYed at FnnIdlll amllled tbelritnilllll flPcQrl ag I

tlook of eupper bull oolllllllalion with Ibe IIIIoera of be lravadlog -10 h

bull th I 4 Dri ifill S IOld thembetmiddothe WM prepllCed en- I11III D ~ eaklr 4 9 _ushy_l _AOIOnamp guellawenttoe gI~enerrJ foroetbI teUftllHheoleutlimltowuhla eldeiitl11I~uowedf_gnIID80ftJcbtibullbull

JlorDeblIriglcllerOeneral Fry Drigtdler-Oeaeral _1Ioo J aupprtlll cllaordere with the aht of _04 ttom death lit the ampIinIhPa~lllIi1lf ehlOro-nnneingllJlftW Xbull RQgcro SubS ot Jlaermiddot tbe-~middot~ IIlJder Jb---middot~iIatit fmn ald bullbullbull~ elida CoL Pb R Thompson Aiijt OiIabullbull N AI the Interpoeilloa of XlIreu aHer (Jell ~ BII or~t qllellioo At tho 001 Ales Joo P~lIIUIer 0nl N AI ~e~=n~- t 111= lIowlhhen be l8i dO~alrO Ii iWir did Col T F Flab Q~termUlter-aeatlll N A thai be had)lllt UrtIIkId to or 190 ouIIa Who Col Ocoqe B Hall 00mmi1Ml)raJ N Awoold be prGperlJ tried b1 the lepIllUthOrlIIaa Whi III amp man wamph acom 06 middotetu toe Atl 0_1t 1 M tbe geollOmtaaU de10 take of the yltodl Aa _ the cllIIIIeaire

1eIIIlt)f Tho Hdth of tho pruldenlor lhe Republic

or Nicaragua was propelled and~lIk Ith eoshythualaam 10 tblt the Pretldent rtIIpoDlled propotllll W

Til OlBcera or the Nicaraguan Arm

The lIetlth oC General William Walker w III

en propoatd and drank with Ihroo ebte Tbe Generallf caUed upon to reply It1IIlmoatl posalblo 10 gl90 ao Ida of Ibe ellOlrI~ ellbOl loll words prodllCed IIded by loll graoUnl geelleolallon and peculiar feror we CII 0111 Mltmp 10 gIe 811 idee of wbat ho Hid bull

When bla 1)AIII had btllI repoampteclly oalIod he roee lad 14

GIIINTIIIUIM-Wbtever or hlator helon 10

tba Da wbalOVer of the 1I1111rol 1liiy be 1810shyorared Wllb It owea more 10 Ih lid recolfed ftOIIl the wisdom galbwlr) and derIng 01 Ibe geotlem811wilit wbom ampbe lndlYidual wbo bean i baa had the good middotfortune 10 opente thaa 10 III merit he blmaeU po_ [Cbe_l Ao lodiridual wbyenleer posltloo be 111amp1 bolitla gea oat

01tho P1l2I he repteaeDlII maltee hrlll gMaL It M Ie_ en tbe approach or Goy Geor Hept J A Ii my Ibrtene to lie the repr_tame of a with U S VcIopI aud weDI towlIllII Ne~ lIarr1l1g1on S prlnelp e willi hlcllyou all Imboed_ prin All b qqet ia tbe IerlllOl1 Henr A clple that cannot OOCOllftaed 10 thIa 01 an OIbtt Joaea J It

bey pl pro8t in thla pllttloqiar by 11Iuon- clple of ulIleraaI fraedm It mlltt ooalln to spread nlll I erubracee nOl OQ all hllcoatlshy

ucl ott 0 EtDperons Nicholas And AlulIIlnder ofnent bul the conlhlenlll of the old orldmiddot It will ll~ jhO bull IOn ililOctl to the United change old Y8amp8IIII ~d reinfipale -i alld Slates t AmoriCllII moehanica to come aDd Ive t~ Old 1flithorldNrecelung lIedlOlPullel ampom lbe

n~ oll 0 e ew 10 ellen to UI the paklmll In Ibelr 01111010118 and tbote wbo aceepted tbe embraCes of a IIlIivelllll blll~hhood (Iodlullallo have beu reated In a mallner com- cheering] __traIl wllh the wealth of llie Empire W080 After the General badcoQcludod TheSoldlllra

resoured tbelr Ibor will help 10 dovolop There of Ihe Nlcaraguall Army WII proP080d IIIId dlllllk I I I E tb t b d d I III hId b DO pe~o II urope n n vanee n e WI Oil C eel Arts of l~te a tIo same ratio lUI the Ruselall Utlg Oell UeoDmRBOo 10118 (Irank with IIlucb

d I l 10 L II E I ltb b bull All n fer coyer e en re IIIp 10 If a ent wlm lind III retpoollO Gon lIalogaen Aid Aetwork of ralroad tho Emperor bas Inlol semiddot In lubatallce Iltal he nOI muob 8OOWItolatd 4Wed til icoB of 8ovorai Amerlc1l engineers 10 liking ~et that ho w eatlrely a

apot It I - broad ue wllwene-lt Ii ampbe prla-

There were HyerrJ -er toute __enI draakaadabouU oeloek the geDtklllen Ithmiddot drew to their reaIdeII- mllCb plcued with amp0 ellteneinmtll


fUll lI ona ampIID ntce PROOLlIllU-lllI

bull t1t01l 11011 111110 Th St LoQIa BYelllllg New of Seplembe

Ib b the followlDamp IUlpllIIl1amp IIew1 Wo v clalei ftom 118 JSOlGer 01 me 1111bv _vl- t Iuamp -11 of tb war In

Kanua alld c1rculllllaneea atlendl lb 1IW Wal1 of peace amp Frtnklln

Tbe MIIsourIu we 10 their word tUlObed ampom Wolitport to aItIck Iewrlllloo on th nthT w compoud of OIIe reglmeD cit ampos_1 eae ef mounled m_1n all 1400 _ al- We dool _beu es_pte Ifre 10 lend Ii four pleooa of aHII1erJ Gen utt11 -1 ora - alike bllamp atdilterenl 111_middot In command On tbe 13tb aad 14th thete t=~t=O~Ath

~ebrmfori= rwbull Jllltlce

lamplllzed by came G8II Atelillollto tho dWt Itefohillou ere peel decJerlo ilia relllng OIl the proeCtiOll promised 10 peacelll bullbullttlenl bl tbeGOYOrIIO~ tbe Ibelnndlog army would dltbaud l1li01 relll to ~belr 1I0m_requ~Un the Go _ 10 reergamplllA and diatrlbukl middotOtCllhe Tern ~ Cfoe of mllllla to p~ the Mtthln from _auderl atld robbera-alld reoommeodlncIhal CoL Tim be made commander of tbe mUfti of Ihe Territor] lbe )(-urlane llien broke up cunp aed returned boule except th_ wbo Jp te)lded to IIIIUI lit doe l~

Tbe aillet or OH bullilretl 00l1li UrtIIkId bYGo 0 belollged to tho flOIIPIIA of Cal HlltYt1 wbo made ampbe aItIck on COL aolleriton

WI-d~~ t4 ~~III to f~ lI4I all __e lIpOIl t bull rae_ deg lUllmiddottIogocean middot10 -0 bl thle muno bue made report III whielr the d~lhat the ilia eouId be built OIl neuI7 dlrlaquot rltlIIte from sfamp 10 the OWt01 P~- with braneb Iio Ibe Nile The00fi It ts7~ 1114 the oooatructioo will take IIs88 At 8oM2lIfeeuf_wlllbetoliad M lIle diMDce 01amp000 feetlrom t4e bull_ The plrl 10 be ooiIIiInIcl4d III the GWI of Patm whleb the former proJect plaeed a Ill boUom ofth GQlf wiD be located wei mllee 10 the Willi 011 p or the cout wbere the wa1s 211 fee~ deep Ai leu ~han the cllatance of wo IDUea Tom tIN IOore mt where IIIIchOlampg g~ It Is tlmueil bet 1 -IU fie do In 4IN11cpbeleen the rotpeCtibull place IIld Bombr III fdllowt (Ionalallwllople 1J900 Havre 8928 Lolldoll 86GO LIrpool 8560 He York

7311 Ne Orlean 8178 Hore IhaD ball Ibt 0) I -een Ihe prlndp porloofJilliropo alld Alaia bJmiddot Ibe propoeed l Tbi slugle fact lIholllicalmmenle IIliIIl) 10 ill Damptlollll ail weU as 10 BVPI and Torkej olld ril lIeur tor iIamp projecCUnl the belt wlshea of the elvill1fd world

III view or faoII the 00_ lIIIfd the Ilk alargci landhold~rf Beea_ ~ ill p-d ~ to ~ 1IIIt middotbadoa tbeli- of tUII odtM-1IIeIII(It - 1

Gel Atobleoa Gen Reid and CIII TIl4 -Why iii a Inr Ike kIIoclampert Becaa~ dreaed the meetiR ad lIrlIed complianoo 1amp ho lIIiHotml to llifW4 (a d_) the GoYernor prOpol61 Th Govenaor thel bull -poundt

Wlthdrw from Ihe ~ to alfordto 1 Iist 01 Ietter IOUrlaaaauopportulloace amOllth~ D-rJl~middoth nIB I d 0IlIIhla ngeoUon A _tllIlI w jllllaDllj I e bull- v lII1ICO omiddotwag Cf tee ve

Iober 11 1866 lIolt Ooa(Dlrdeall V E tBullh J G Bllllch J BbardO E Bremer JClarlt ll WCaaIIlIo C Ohecklcy Xlll CUlton I Daly Iol J Jlllher J A lir141 Jishfr G W

aI Ulek~PoInl They were 08pwred at G_ GeuIeall 0 A ~IolillB oppotIte LeeomptoD OIl 1beIr reamplIrII Go1tbArl P A from 8ickory PolnI to Iampw_ 1111 ead bet (1_ J 0 Iathe aampempllO vteA them _ U S eoWter Hanele It fourteen of lfes men 10 killed HoagllUld M H

Lene III not Iio be folllld 10 eIIeTerritor II Berdy C

Fuu o bull t ftlna-lbe Now Orlealll Della Jorge A lHms tbat Red lUvor hu dimmed up lla owa Klpp S V inOUth and now mlkea 118 w y 10 Ihe Gult LorIog L th d Atcbaamplla B l fb II d bl Llnere or B

2 1~ X 11 LlflngslOn J WlIcGulgan 0 Hoy A Korri H

McCann H a IfcCudle J

Jlanofill S Mooney Hamp sb 1I Nellr E A OsborD D C Poal Dr A Pearaon J T POit Hlu A Roper J Hltllaquogton e 1 Roulrand ~ Sd1 Dr

- Scott W L 81110111 D ~ Sklnna J C Smiloro H SlantbrT7 E II Warren Wheeler 8 H WllIlalll800 CaptWIHiamSOD J

lIuilii tbe fOr~middotedurereor thdegat ~ til )8116bull and tbat at oue IiIlHl neTer Iouched III M - amp X TIIOlampIV lib d III b~ II b llI bull - I

I pp ut pllrlue bull coune w 118 1I0W WHOLESALE ])EALER IN Ulned elllptIDglRto the Gulf far to the ell I of Ibe Iolillalaeippi Tbo Red RI Ie now to BRANDY WH SKY WINE~IIld Ie remhla to ho up whether whcll full It _ t wUlliot re-opoo be outlet to the Joflulaolnnl ud AND ALL KI~fS OFihLQUORB Ira mill wIIb the aIbA~ of Wuerif - 40geer If bull r rrN COrrBn sJrJ9DBn2-rrzoJV

U-- J I L L 110 4Lt lDliOO ~ 0001II IOUgt NA WIIOUIiIAuU 8 TILl YI nOIY -An mIII - HltrJ etroet ulltoI ofampIIFruei800 COIlbaen lick for a long hoe and whit1n this _ate GIUIIlda Junlgt 1 1866

would OC4ulooII _e brealblng ftIId IIr be ------------ --__ - -Dr AAud Pobullbullpparanll eslhletfoe 80m tIMe when he wooIshy

~ III th~ dockyarde of lttllllia An~rICIIII 1I1collamiddot worker and that he ca~eto Nlea heca II apln COllie to On one or these ~ heo fBNDfRS UIS SERV1CESto the Ilhtz~Dbull1 IIkI hn~ lhe dlrectlon of nfthlrt The OODIC- tb ht II b It - - be lind JIIII awakeaed from bIs Bloop lgt1rIok uk Granada and vicini ill ilie praclille of

OIIg ero t eoe w wOr 10 do He would Ied 101111_ UITlCllli SURGEoy t_ H1DWlhIiJi qunoe fit 11111 will be tbat In a abort IIme tile nOl hae eome h_lt he uppoud Ibe tllICI8 of And howll w bo Jlmlll1 when oura IIIIWJ ~ bull l u j1l bull lOt

IwMlaII Veue6 III bo IIblo to compete III speed bla laborwOIIIS be IlOI1l1ned to IIII1t pI_ Re dead-1011re after klnup ini thllOf OftIce an4 roal4caCe 01 tb aouIbwl ted dumiddotmiddotllt with tb but buill Yankoe clipper tumln tballka - th b 1 bull Brlalg III a gleu omiddot Irioi an IA7 to tU- comer of tho lampreet 0pPOllltc tbe San PrandgtltOAoLr bull wr e on~ goD omen p hero lilt 1 Jimmy -airIf I dOll I au OouonL ~~~e~~ AlUerlclIiIorthlloontln~l1lw~to OIlteonre~upon ~m by ~ IIIUller In wblob IdbrlDk thin blll1 meor Gtanu Jail 1860


320 ElNICABA8lfENSEVol t No 51 p 6 5abado 25 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 25 18S~ i t l

BRIG dNN HENNlVeSIIN ketnft4 tore lItelrlllaquopoampolllpu gri_r __ dlis hnmlllatlcm Autrl of eOIl- Iolaled lit COM~lISSION IpoundR~ SALE

t ~_11l loo1ltlnl 01eI 1lI6 l)emOOlamptI Rlew lOr t~Ir- tIe pJlva~ aIl4 lIIampIIy _______ t86l1l dad ~~1I1D ~n the ampIIlprllD W-r TIIlrtee lIUDPm td_ ana geuellile Of pURSUANT to an order leeIIed by the Board of CommlWon I gtfIll on d1IFJ~T DIY DlIloh the ClOIIdllCt an AllCIIont iDd ablllamp of note_ dlieclly tbll lulftlldvballled or JANUART 181S7 ofter die lbiIowingmiddot invelltoried propottl for 80 III pllbilO ItU(tUIIlmiddot pigt he lleteODI bo llgu~d hl ttamiddotiermtlllOflbk bo tthoullbdley had bad fw 1IIDIlth ill1Itelr the IIUa It the citl Of ~randl middot1 Uiwwe are carefully lorDed OTUIO told amp ppwer 1wrIHt Atmtlpd Atulricm H olall TetIIlI-Ou~ or IIUllar1 WpL bull ___ I lie ranka priloioll irlthoulltluriuamp OIl or them The laIe HI conllnU1l ampom lay to dar IlnUHn~ wiolo 18 dtaponu Of troDt BIb fall upon tbembull Speaking 1gt( lhe Gdrse ampelng ~he middotol)ltllllll wb(nrvmiddotpl1t bull pta Pankos deahtma of leeing the property and emiing for tbemaelvtl8 will 06 fllmned ~ll

nr6I11 aceouna tba Ilad bean ltritten lip to lhal oner (Counl Ziclly aD UDollarim) to dBatll horselllld gukl8 bllppJioallon at my oftIce - I irrul of thla lDem_ble 81rOssie Alr eiloll ana Amolllllt lbe Icllml were -e mell of large V I b e ed In It we Grid tJle toUorill (orhme w~o1D the ~II were _nxlou to d V1I I PEY INamf 01 Biulli I _-l_oP_1I_0I ___ RtllIlIrk4 ~ e DIU iii g tpoO toll Balllyampbyl ror bilt eatftld wordl Hacienda do aeao Roaano IJOiii llItololo Lopez Treo hI full bearing tI4middot11) Tho tnl connected ndlaWlillibl_nuflllreemiddotliilllloaiordollampnmiddotOeneIK coodemD 110 do Oandetari Do Youngtreet 10bullbull0

tblleampaltnt 111 ampOIlIg 1Dd dierefwe of tIe ed by Hnau wbo Will hill dBbtor for Ilxty Do CaUle lAIa Or~ Do bull 1~~1 HIIInl e _ gen~1 whloh Olftnot bo ~houllld doll VecztJ wlotte ~her (sllllllv BOWIampID run Do A row of siJ ator~ 101 UIldeiMood wllIo __ling the mlblary eo ID ) wieand he IIIQ of lite late emperor Au- HaeIendo de (JaQlO

UlJOnli In thleOdntryiUOIIlallled ill ~ pampt Ilt tba eampIdIer Jlho-pbllr-dle pllont and I~dl8O Pit t Juan T0lI6 Rut 8 0 entitled- Nag) Sandor apd the rrIeeI Damiani who Hacienda de Caeao plz(I Do- H 11 ThI P4d 1lIl Ja~ iff l1JFmiddot bellIg _ed to he hlDge4leet 1114 with como Do Indigo Je1U8 lIIarl8 Do 1 I

Fod bat 11M iffirtt tlhuWaUflul tM poau liby 1aet here lJbull1 ~ alw~lI ~t Booee in Ri Do Largo IIdnbe 8 11 f( BtlIqgU middotdndFtItllrIl p~ 6ti upon IMhetlio lIeLfP Bacl~d de Cacao Sin FraDdleo Jose JArguello Aree 18 C HfII~~atJlllwmiddotolmiddot fWlw M01ItIM LoWe Bath~nyl 111)0 wbenllomom fell bad Do do De Abandoned Into Qall~jl1fllllllA ZtmIaolrTgm R_liOll b~ tried OYer pW atIer belnl eaotenced to B_1n Onmada bullbull bull Do ~ ~ bull bullbull 0 Pvoria tc rour 1 impi1aoDment the eharga middotormiddot l)eWs Baclellla ltleCaeU rdilacio Male1iP- bullbull i bull bullbullbullbull ~r


rI p1tt t I cd cJ to -1 W middot111_ ~f middotORII Latour ot 11_ In Gi-aWulo-- - ~- JO bullbull bullbull bull bull bull 10 Thouampbor 0( 1Id_ ptm e li~ ~ r l)-U wbiclt be notorlouir U1tu_h _ _ 1180-0 Plta~ Francisco GuerrA IS

PllbnO~qollleclampIIllIIotb~bmiddotmiddot bi th d9lamp1t0f WullingampUII wuCOlidemned to he BoilandIotIIlRIna ~ 1gt0 9 lib lbe ~Ut onamprll 0iJ0orIlJ hanged Hia wife IntrcdllClld bull lancet Into hla IIoUll8i11lUfU n Kill patUalll burnt 10shyuulll bl+aljJbh~ugh Ih~ m~mollll~ ~~~sn pn- h which hellldun Inelliletwallliempl Haolenda dB 0_ ~~Ia Fe Joa6- II lIaleailo 18 In which Ihl tr COIIUUeDbC IIg 11 ccteddu~ co et the Jugular Tela DllIOOYued helbre he Catd Bolnte JIaI ()lIa Do bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull G ~imte 11000middot lIr 07 ~II Chi r de bad Ill to death hiamp wound 1111 bandam lip HOIlllIn ru 00 Lollg IQW 1 bull defeltbl bull ~h d IDamp~ I 0 ~ wi alld hemiddotw horrlellltdflged OIl IIId alios lite Haalend de Cacao bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ~ bullbull Fetlpe amp S Saenz NearTolo-aome wlldlllltamp 3()IlO

1ftOJbt8eomiddotarmiddotall rtt Igmiddot d or gallo probampbl) not belDg rdy 1I0 P h DO do 11 Vi C1emonte SaIlIOl Old ealatc neer Rint 1(1041 liIlgt11IfI~~~O ~pSd r ~kJi1iUei word to Ire and fell abolltibg Long Iff ampIIB lIollle in RIT Do Large adobe 100(10hit ~ nmiddotiI_p 0) bull bull Ibe arreet of Dahyao1i hid beell amp 110- Bouse aDd proyery In

middotbeforeBllblo Imiddot lt bull middot~middotiIi ihislao 1 IIulOw 01middotamp111ampmiddot01 atlonllo-ble otenc WIll a Sanmiddot JUan de Sur ) fll lS UellD lieDden tIam b bull bllabion cawIUD1-blamiddot esecutlcm anmiddot _iDatloomiddot HacIOllda domiddot GROj Felipe Avilc8 bull bull bull bull 8000

IIIOlJIiy ~I RUIIIii ellj R JPII hiobD~ 1Ianr otIrtri w_put to dtaIh W_ of Do do Sallt~ Do With wildlands b~ ~Re~t 0 ~ ~II middotaM flnb IfflUlrippeli and Kourged helOre middotthbullll I1delld de Ca~o JlCII-LaGalpa F amp E Carazo bull 27001) _ nCr tI aoIdIerr OfIJcelB from liliiii or coIeoell David D Lopzamp B Daroe 100)tile Baclellda de Cacao~ 9ijdbf~he ~1Ie~ thorab~ dOlfDlfardl e~ abulIpflI middot1It If bgtced Into Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull II amp Jos6 OaracM ~wotbtrds of die eltarA II iIai1 a~tJter~ ~IIJII ~ed IplOb th AUUIO _llln pr(fatail ~ at lite Do do Boperlll P run amp famll middotrmiddotmiddot 800gt 11_ r~tIJ 8~~ ampdrIhu~Dbull 1d eaprice of IDd ears-ta to ~ D~middot do Chlta JOJl6 Alfaror Conlaminl 160 acree 2000 ~Qjlt ~e ttl th rJm I middotU dar s-~ BOIIfelnBl Demiddot 1600 Urqllllatund to 1 C~ u of iIIatorlo bull FrOm thequatadoDe here IIIIIk k wIUw_ ~~eCaCampo Pafniar Tun Agila bull 10000 ~ 9fmiddotIi~temiddot 11114 tbafBdc Gen B~ Iidu 1fi1h 111m to Do do PlllIIIf P~1o Torres ~ ~ -lOOO ~oI~ lOU ettIoa of Ruulamp iii 1 B_ltlruu 2000shy t~Imiddotaath~~~eibampt dunn _middotmiddotri ~themiddotweIpt or bull rtpIItaiIOII fwllJUan Do bull do O BuetOl amp (amp11111 Near St George) 3~ ~~rII~ Dt~~~IImiddotlJuilfe Otunli IInewled and liaeety of PIlrpOll that 111l1li1 Bad de Cacao fi Do dobulllt lOoQ alloo COm liI iir EurepO tID pnbU~ work raytllihl1 tor IIIY_ whlchho ~ en~ Do do Jayl 11~Oerde8 k tamlly bull bull bull MOO and deg eIO h I dltIcm of th ed B Ii alrad tTOtahI II III E B~ ill RIampef bull bull bullbull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bullbull bull bull o~ gtJ lIII-dnl flle rthl 8 PI II 1 110- bull mope Catlle Batalai Las Lalaa R Pala ampI fmIl1 bull bull 1 popilldlia DIIlft h bull or I~ a and doubt ne -thaI ldImo~ DllIItre pow H_ID ru bullbullbullbull Do dO On the Plaza 2 ItciUjmiddotJ1IUle d~ ~call88htroFer ttei1eclla Niea IfW lillke hlllWM falidllarDo do bull bullbullbull bullbull ))0 do Do QI

lOh~IL~ ~ II middottmiddoti~ wmiddotr hrO hOllmiddotADleaea Dobull do Do do edmiddot lwwlljlUll-adepamprlTleodeglmiddottoat 118 i CaUleamplampIemiddot HeC~IJtI lnoceDteRuele - Ihf St PeUnbllllt lnadluted It and bOle IlIf au r-l~laIe and Imiddot

Jdft1oillD ftJreIIP ~~ I -gt - lIIotiee rdieateDIJIIlIe- bull ItiIdmiddot bullbull oe bullu were D- bull lIl1111~~ da r F lid lIf 9 jIIturliaia oItlte llllIoWl81 _lddlKieaeeIJ pe BOIIIe In Rlne bullbullbullbull r bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull ~ ~middotCbIdimiddot =n H bull UeDllla ~YU Ioii wIltprenlM th~ to me dIll11111bll1t1oe~ Sugar Etemiddot nell 1110middot I

bull~ bt -eneecUMtto mltllilbnn Ihe pUbHoofmiddot ALL PmtlilONff bano tIahe na tilt 11- lUvae ~ Pedro Ohamorro bull l~rJnO

III the Bunf d~ti_O ~ Ollorbelorei1lellampt1idlryorneoo1868otherw_ tap 00 do 12(00 ol~ ~1I-noII IlQ tie a~oflii~1llI~tb1middot-middot ~1llr01l)li iterccentef Pedro ToaqIlM ~1I1l1 ~OIOO ttlbullwtmiddotcilr 6Ibplo-dIJ1Koiiot1t1 ~UIAtltJiB8GORDB1t 1gt0 do Ag~Agrla DI()~lcla)lemando 8laquogt0biild fll IL b ~ and tb ()rientili OIllRLBamp OALLAHAN)middotmiddot H_1n Granedamp CbhlDroampramlr SapA

~ll8gotlatlllW bullbull or bull ~middotJ1lLll1SKtSr ~dBlti I_Kula Do dobull ~00Ileattle300ltgtiu1l l2~Umiddot ~dJCted uallO~ todOonr- AIld-aU ~lIIdehl to tiM at tit Do do ~ROaa Do lt100 ~600caltle 1Ul0 hor8eI 16gttOOi ioot IlWlpr~ middotabOedec~ petdllOllllIIIIIka Immdiata Pato Bac1euda do Ccao bullbull to ~ Fnlgetlcla Vasa t 18

The crll11Ilj~~ I~ ~1 lal~ lenlll~t monuo me GILDK PlTUB Bon III (Jraneda bull bullbullbull Do ~ bull 15 O hllito Of tbbull bull piby- BeIIDlllpID bull wen all lnbk A4IIIIaIllrillorO D Stook lIn~b St Jeronlmo middotDo 1600 catlfe ~(lO hore HInhn

the bull t t Gralled yen St 18M Boote ill Graneda Do GuedaiouputMet ~ biublUtyllldellotlllllon mapa ~middotU om e __ - Do domiddot Do _ Domiddot middotmiddot11100 deslrabiek a iiillitarJr poln oC vie the movemiddot otlce Domiddot 40 bull bullbullbullbull Nfcaclo d~1 Qutlilo bullbullbull bullbull 8bull lIlent h111 n~li describe LL pertlOll8 hlnr clallIlII aplta lite tu of QoIrete bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull Do Near lIIalaeo 4jju

J kln 6fGill1eya middotlieon In bamplilgmiddotno- A~o fOllolngllllllled deoeutd plIrtIOIll 111 pre 11o In Qranada Antonio Barheteno bullbullbull ~ ~ U n pea I nHhem to me dilly Inthenlluated 011 or before Stock Ranch El rlldo Do $00 cattle 1~ hollelt 4fi

lated tho ~oodIIl0~8 O~ wblch KOIIulh delegl~ed lito tOth dlr of Deoember 181111 otherwllle th~ lantln Walk bullbull bullbullbull Do ~eer Granada 2 bl power lbo Bele pilbllahoJ the follOlYlDg wlH noamp he IIllowed by Jr I ~ In GratIlIdl Jns Maria EIllrada bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bullbull bullbull bull bull bull ~ quotatl11 bich we are templed to cOP1 aa It B1lOn Cole Wiley lfarahl~ Plantain Walle bull bull bull Do Ncar Granada l II Iii millent p081110n In European afIiIlr8 Robert JlHllkIII Jonaillan WIIecm HOIlBO In M_ 400catrJe fiO hlgtrfle8 4~ Lino CelIr

8 ow 0 pN 1 Dr Gen lie bull gatll bull S K Sackaun George White Stock Rench Clraeol Dmiddot fear San Roque 8 0I

beld by Ollr prlStli g IInto bull And Umiddot perllOol Indebted 0 lite estalel oC Ibe HOlII8 In Gratllld Lnla Montrel e 0 Kt)86utll had middotnot ~Ichd Oro ~pon dlo boTe deCeaeed pereoMl will make ImmedlMo PlY PIMntain Walk bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull Do N~middot VegM 1 (

rOllller befO4 the necouol 01 GOI8O I tIe1lSOD men to Il10 GILBBRl TITUS 1l01llOln Gnadn NAciso Raplnoza 4r ovemok him frOli1 whence togethmiddot wlth 1epl 11bllo Adllllllltttntor 0 D 8 BIJIuln GralUlda bull bullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull fala rlltoa Horall bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull 6( U Dembinkl Kmeuy GI1OO and 1If tbollltlllt~ 11 aranad BtpL SO 1848 Houeeln Granada lOll Ubaotl bull bull bull bull ~

ho puHd lIrollgh Wallacb to Vdbl In IV 1 - Ifulend de Cacao MlloO Tlo bull bull bull bull bull bull t I hefond lIIe Turkhlh frentler nO ee- ROUIein Gramplloda bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ROIIrio Vinamp Granada Hotel 9 ~ wlUle Gorgel bad omred tho gaITiIon of AItt peraoiIII areIIbJ oaiRIed agaiOI bul Do do gto bull bull ~ 0

Colllorn to III1rrender wblch I re~ lIrat to In or lI_solSatlllg flit the fulJOwing 1crIp~ Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Ponelano CoTftI bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbull ~~ d thoul11 entering Ioto neotiatiOll wllh the ~ne 1_ nUmberedmiddot(8G) tbltty-lllr In fayOI of amp do bull Pelar Mil~nco bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull 4lt IIV

A~triu~ Tb~ro were IIDfortuo~11 cmOlPI D lIa)Ie1 tor t810middot Do do~ bullbull bullbull bull Tlo 21 die o1lICltMI lOme dUpes of Gorgea parIoy who 0 1_ nlllOhered (19gt nfnetean 111 fu~Il of Stoclc Raocb 0101 Ito 1600 cattle 200 bor 110 0 were allrlollamp (0 maktmiddotterrM and Ie nolbiug 1188 Wm Baletor 18383 Uclenda do cetlO ~ Do A Malco ~o bean of K_IIlI fonll bull Gorgel bad ~Tel The lJlOye dllllCli1gted IIIitIp Is ~ elldoried by H_In Granado bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Femando ellman bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 0 fro him t~lll0w$tl Ibe f~lrell w Svoo liP me and Pi t Is pioleetiKhUbeoIIlce of the StoolfllAAelt at TOrell Do t600 cattle 300 boraes 12r 10 the AU8Ii1anl with ~~ealipulatloD hat tbe p Mlntaler ~endlaquo DANIIL BArIgtSY HtmfI$ In Granadn jOfoqnllla Iloran bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 6 iison 11(0111111141 1I~wcd ~ loen portion 0r11a a~~Pt Ib 1816 Hclendailo Cacao falaco Do 36 pay and Abould be pe~lltIdtorollreullUolecd HOII lnGrallllda Pedro Seqllenn ~ ~middotO

KOlIlhh~ng bead of tbele DegOtl~tIcm~ David l_raDI Hou-Itl Granarla Yna Horan igend conelilulllg b~~ tho Pwer oelegaled to Oor OFFERS FOR IiALE A hie plate San Seber Hacienda de Cacao ~ Hraor JLSimdonl O ge htd eKed bticlt to bnn on aocouD~ oC he Ian Stre h boG IIh Bee- Stock Ranelt Rcmltee Felipe Oahezas 1600 ClIIUe 9 DOll l1IUI1l1oee of the traitor wltb tbe COLldillona bull 81 on OWIII a bullbull H0I311 In Onnada Miguel rullerllZ i bullbullbull 3m III ateJ iIad bowr dilpttcheltl bull comulmiddot chon Jture SIllc1l RaMbmiddot San Pablo Do liOO caltie 40 alier wIth powerl and illitIlCllonB 0 prottll~~ 10 bullFlour Vb~e~ aIll11~fe=~n~hlt Do do HeCled r SelayoampDIejltraa 260 cattle 400 nOllle8 20 tho U~I t~ dB~nee of CO50rn bull Oilnltte blide~~I Ale ampDd p~ Do do ChllamlII10 Leandro SelAYo 600 caltle 50 horBeI ~o deg

That po 1fhlch he cotld oalr give ~ di Itelrt WI CIa) pipes Ifoo ln Guada bullbullbullbullbull Dolor LejaTftl bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull 0(raquo GOYemo ofmiddot Hunprl feN counteralgncd bl un~T aD b a lltoek Rancllmiddot Qlebda HODd~ Dr bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull (jollll Q-iiili BfodlaDyl TlIe Comlllieajone or ermaOlfjl bull Do 40 olnquto Do ~600 entUe 200 b01808 bull bull bull bull

lta1lL hilWA to (lqwtrll when fortr-lIIIf Recorder Oftice Do d SoIn Jampclno Miguel BolallOlampBroa 2500 caUle GOO horaee 1~ renderedmiddot bull __ __ De do San Francleeo tm~ 20

Thia oommkttoloner delegaed mlb aupreme Tml Ollloltofth B_ofDeeda lorICgeB Las Hampderae Do ~~OOO cattlo 200 bOae~ m oiflhlld mUtanpoer W baY8 reaampoD to kilo lIcrorthe OrieItIi D~ofth RolIbo -Do do ~~ Rolille ATUezIICluIlIIOrtO 801)0 cattle 1100 bol8ell H i wuUuolll Vae lIampbor of the pampblet JIoDi 110 will he optlledln thecltl of GranAda on _ HOll~ III Granada bull bullbull bull Do bull bull bull bull 41 bull fbIeh we C been 10 largely 1IlI1ftc1h1g daJ the 8th oampptlm~ 18~G1r ~~-r ~tlIk I_ncb s~ Blu Domiftlo Jarqllin TOO caUe 100 horae$ II lboup 1I1) boll a reteh 011 boreehaekhe aqutred by D_ to e ~__~~J ~dlin ~ fin do Tenabona )fillller Alvarado 600 cattle 100 horaOlll 6 ~ OOlIld nlltIumiddotImemiddot Illach lIIe fronlel ror middotwhlob Ibe toreNIdD~Dt re7GlLLm Do~ do COrplil Chrletl Menue Gltcia 600 CtlUle 100 horeetl 4~

putpOtllmiddotU waii ntCelllry to pili ~e lllrough monirdetteforthOriealll~t Do dB sm6ntonlo Tillloteo Lacayo 800 caI~Io 60boraea 8~O the 1ntL ~ 1 H_IIlGranadltClltolayorr _~v

Had ht dOlI10 he Wlamp J)led~ no to liltmiddot Oranadaj - $711301d Camont ror fU InOlIIte lid would haTe N ti T 0 l IJ I u

~n~rHn 900 Auatrial P~~8fII whQIU he 0 ee Together willi lorl) or fifty FarJU HQu- amp0 1 Iho Depar~ent of BIYa8 Iued at ~ ill ol1lltbave hold aa hOllagea for theeMnmiddot the I WILL give Uberal ~wvd to a01 person who three hundred to onll thollllllld doU_ ~ ttunJilt1nn clilefti-to th Oil thle incldenl hluged bull will tlUll to m) etore my Ledger Book II A btrge portloll of tho abue poperty 18 situated Idlin als houra ride of San Juan del Sur Vlts in tb tate of Moul BadlYllllyi udOrmiddothla COlllpan~ Will pIIIaed from lIlatore during tlielate attack Bay Rirulan Gorg NaDdBlme and Deriomo and the remalndu In Granad tnd ObOlltaea Iollllinmlafllflllland~nn1lirt1rdo I _ftbull~ _ 18 1866 1IA TllOllAN JOHN MYLARD MARSHAL bull

Tho fold(r~ of tbo garrison broke ~h1r milmiddot _ L i bull

F NlCARABllENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 1 sabado 1de Novtambre de lasS Saturdav November 1 1856 323


lEI NIC AU A GUENSE1middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotL bullbull 1 ~ bull =L~ bull


[OFFIotAL) If ~lIdortOollliull8loned Oc~ 8 rROamp FrrltltiNr4tt~ ~- Olear OrOllltoy II 9 DbullBamey Woolf COll1mlllliolled April 28 1S6f

REGISTER UI1l1M1U R barlfa Tylor lI_y 28 OF TUB Artlllit CoInIor1 GOmlUluiouElt AtgIIII lit l8G~ JollaW AndmlOn II June 21

amprotul lAl1Ilmdm ThOll F Wright Jul N lOA RA G tJ A A R lY O~O~e Von Hln oolllmlttdloncd Sept 211 18$GbullbullJoho MbullGilCIIu AUg

Newton l Webb I April 10 M T Neagle Sep~ JII OIlllIRU CO~IIfIIDINO IK OIIlB R LaIlIb Se~ u William NnrthWige ()cj y

William Wlllite 6 IIlft11et II 95 ~1 Lil1llmIt1lt bull did aCltlmp 11l1li1 8411u4lOlf 0111I11T nTILLUI Georg~nll8ti oblllillil8ltMd April 1 bullbull lIIN

aCajl Inlr lfahon e1Inlillealooed Jln 20 18lil _L MIIgtI lames bull T 1roe u May 9t

H F Pilled Matcli 81 - A Dltl1gtwarj2 comlllillgtlioll~d OclOber 18 11166 fm K PMliv~ II May 26 II

W81 P towl II il~ 1 CaptaIn Jbull~ ampnaford Julr IJ II II 0 W GIs a OJ 18~ Getlrge B elllllld IlOlI1mlllllloned Occ 18 1868 VJlIIm H Toler A_g 11

bull bull D U Dulaney II I_mea S Jldfe u 8op~ 25 DIItODIIIR OINEIIUII 8oeqrulIMui_t Joho M Wtllngtonmiddot bullbull Oat 101

Comer o Homeb commlllioned Jats 12 19116 John Crowell commluloned Sept 11 18118 BeuJamln Hardla 00 y A (lamp Cui O Staehle Occ ll4- Firat Lleutonant Jamel Small 1Il~lLlOI or UIIOIIIIamp a_liD ATTJtl01 O~ IKAlrIar

Birkett D Fry eomriliAiolled 6pl 16 Mqjor J hn A J ColtitUeOamta Joho P Wtel1 conomllllloaed J1IIII 18 1866 0 aqu~ commlolaiOMd]lIne 18 186amp

I bull R T 80 d igt LiMNat CIltm4l2dbull L GU bullbull c e corum 1 I II vilpt4lI1 Leonldu MCIntosh co isoiI ed AlII 19

L Nonrell Walker comllllllo~ Aprill 11166 M On 111middot O middotF Henningsen comDlfaaloned Oct 19 Robert Ellr Jllne 11 lien D_ n_ co l1~ft d A IA (~mp R W Plck ~nl ug j O_n mUlne ug 18l16bull

~ bullbull ~ A bull - bull A4iaJUmiddot Johu 8 FlnOlllJvfl Lieaftt Oct I 2d Lleut E H OIat~~i~88d JIlOO 18 18~6JDJOILIIT o~lIuJtlI I)BPtIIIIIIIITbull

lIltfut Q_ol W A Rhea cOlUlDmlsaiQQed August III 1816 Ja_ Umiddotmiddotmiddot- eomlDlealnomiddota Amiddot12 1middotmiddot~middot-001 Ph RThompson CODIIIIlMdFllb 1I18G8 w H Lenl 92 - ~ ~ Ilamutl -L October 1 J1l1$16 Dreux June 1~ tulffilt t4illtattl eMal JAIIIIe Lewis D WIlIkInS II AIIjI it IiUajor G R OMtoQ coDlmluioned occ 2amp ampcotul lMutma1ll Bllrale Bell II ~

ll1DQII IlgtvOOJTli OBMW ThomJ)lOn 1lI00u _liIlened JIID8 11118118 Lewis E GIIU1 se t 2lt bull T U Hewlett II Aug l6 p v

dbulltWllftt J+ o44u9cat OIJ W I Qukll~ II III It lIf Ll~1

11 llmiddotitar ngtitn~t~ ~_ i


Poet-Ollie Building OWEN DUFFY Ageut

y u ~~_~ 4 Ilrllil F D _ t

i bullbull en AWARD of THIampfi DOLL4RS esol will Ie Lieut J W

fOt appheDaloll aud dell (tu of thG Army) of t~ofollowI118 named 2d Lleut Wm ltP-t

from Company A Firat Jlltampntry Balta

[--FJS_ RIOH Aged Illyeare II r~elO In hAir blue o)eB ruddy cOlllploxlOl~ i() pound Occupalion baker

bull GLIDDON Aged 28yeara 6 feet high falr clllllpletIon IIllhthair blue largo feet and 10llg tlnlterod-bullbullellhl

bull 8

Oapt M bull 1 FlIIOr comt1lampIontd July is 18111 lolln Coo COInlDialloned Jlloe 18 1864 bull rllIII JlJTTJUOK or 1U1II8 AndrbullbullBrady Au 22

IMIIHCTO_ GIIIKIJL I)amp~TIIIIII bull clod GlOIge W lIa11er II Oc~ 18 Impector eIII~ BdwlIId I SaIldm COIIIIIIIadcme4 AprO II 18lS6 Fnnclsco IIotb II IS

CoL Bruno Hlltsme commlsalond NOf 12 18114 U~ CoIltm4l 1IlId LiNt bull Tler OUwllllt ~m~edl ll 18 8uluel a Allin c~mluioDed lflllOh 118116 B D lIorre~ comm~olled Au ~3 [8116

_ _ y fIlor J middotW Oonkhn OOl 18 qlllllTllalllAalllllS JlnuTIIIJII Johnmiddot O ONtII commflMoneli AprD 11 lRIIf BeDJlllllln Beechler U 18 it

Q_~III bttal o4~ L A Clark IIC 18 Col ThOll Fisber commiJalon~d 4prlll 1858 8 LIeut ~ Lathrop commlad lau U 8156

ttll Qiulrtnnw OMiMl ~ peUlliATIOJlll Lieuamp 001 Wm K ROlieJlf comd Ocs Y G W1l Leonard ool1UDlaIIooed AOtII UllSIf hI LIeuL B ABlltcbl Com et ampI1t np

QlUlrUrmallllll [Brevel 011 tile 11011 ()cj ILl Allgua I IS5amp [~or Thamp Benry CltJlIIlI88I0oed Oct 18 Co B J poundavail 81ilh COlIIIIlIud April 181bullbull 20d LIeut Thoml8 8tackh- 204 JalaaWy Ali-II Will HIIIria 23 C ThOt Dolan June 18 gill 11 1868

ampJdlanlQlrtmnalttl__ _ D B D )teCh_a II July e bullbull 2tcUJant D O F~t 18 RlIIH AcuR 2SCapl Wm II Wilhll_oomd Nov 10 18115 1- H A JObnlObe u i1 1866 BeltJ W Bamml Aug 4- 1858 G DamplIiel Oampgai OIl 4- tlld Lleu- W B Hen Inljleeor Ola IMPshy

Andrewa flmiddot it ~i r JObn Iwh1l1a II bull II Au~ Sll lBIamp Juh Y Price Oct 18 B J-- DIllUlicaAL O~ II 1 LleUI E 4 P~iI IUb lhtpIIQpL 11 middotJIIIO

April Imiddot lIfr lMI4u~ ~nd A A Moora lal IlII1 lug 21i liIH MUiI Slo~ 00 B Le R Latimer com d 4prD ie 1811 SUfReoD Wm H sun4eN Aupt 26 IUI6

W~m B WY~ K Bob P Gardner II Allg so Alor 10hn II bull 1111f1iba1~ Judge Ad Oel Au 8U88lIllIIIlOJ DllIBTilUT D AIa~ Anderson bullbull ~ 119 1868

Oommiry Qfmlllal Sutdluu A Wm H MIh Sept 11 Cp~ John Wmiddot amp7dr 11lUJIea Aug 81 1864 Col Georg B Hall commiufoned Jul i6lS~6 F -- - Oollllay Ii O~ 4- cpt II E Bradley TrAn ~llle SepUs 18nbull

tm44t110ilmmiuarp (I_I G -- LoUhamDler 111 Lieut A MePilIO lsI 11111 Occ Y 18GI MIor BIIIlj Y Or1Ie comlllissiond July Il Cbu H Welt II Oct 114 Capl Douglas JWllkhia(untcbd)ept 80 1861middot

Aulatll aommulIJrUu Subfm 811111plet WlUlalDeon ~ u U L Jilglehan tigtd Ioftolry 2) 11

Occupation tailor alao fruit deal~r Capt W H LyonS commisaloned Aug 1 1866 amp-d LiwfmlId R S WiUIIIlII 21ld RltIotI Oct 8 U

S LOUIS OOHEkT Aged ~l feetmiddot inchet leI Lieu~ W H Buttrick II 00 D Th_ Cbloh_ eornd April 1 185amp LIeut Col F bull P Audel D las Rilles Oet_IO bull 185$

l08o-welgbub9ut 195 poullda Oecupti~n 0iII Jame S Wet laquo I B tllke J _orr JIIIJ 6 Capt Cbarlet A Gore 2nd Rillea Oct 18 1811 bullflaquob rir comple~lol1 hlue er IIgh halr large Henr1 C Wall I E lb0i Y JllolIrnoy Ha12b

penwi bull 0 John B Moo Sep~ 11 2nd Mllllt M S Oro 18 PATRIOK H YS IrI- d ~III)IO DIPUT)lBff i David A Lawton It Aug 11 J G SIIDllllerll Out Is4 bullbull bull an mall Age 21 SIIrgetJ GI 1Il II ~d lUllet

JW8 G luet 4 il1cb~ blgll qotlt qGmplexion dlllle (with 110 rallk of COlonol) G Clayton Billllialr 011 8 1868 bullbulli dtrk 6et-welghs about 1411 pounus 00 F DIICj ONeal 4 2nd Lieut J W PolklIl1d Inlltnlry Oct 20 18~ ClIpalllll IdhOler BVrgtcll 6 H Ubrbrook Itlaquo it J M Williams 2nt Rill Oct t I 111shy

6 OLJVEl (JROMWLL Ag8l182 years 6 (wlthbo rok 0( lIaJor) B WlIas Allen II Oet JI 6 A H wl~y 0010 Dept 2518116 kef 6lnches high Ught tomploxloll Ugbt bilk John Dawson 4cllng 8middotG oomd NOT 14 18116 n ell Wilkinson 21 II Oapt J V Hoolf AilSt AdJt Gen 28 1856 lIiIudl wblakera hazel yell-weighs aboul 140 O S Coleman coblmleslooed April 28 1556 __III) BtnttIOIi or amD llcsignlune-III1 fOIld OecllpuioR millwright n T Roalon lep 18 (JolOftI

_ClIARLES W KltuGER flapt Comdg Jamea ellulII 00 111 Jobn Allee cOIIQlIIIlloned June at 1866 I)URII bull (0 A 1st lulQty BaLllLlion BurpOIl aM Anitalll Smiddotgeo bull LiNluta1ll CltJlI Capt H t Witter A llltant Adjutant General

pOlt Serapaqui 8op 26th 1856 0 twitb the flnk of Captain) bull Idmlllld II HoDonald commlllld JIIG 18 18118 2nd Lleul Wm M Rogera lat InamplIlry--r-----------L-- J Geli8ner eommlllSloned Jan 91856 Major Li~ut OoL Byrollmiddot Cole Aeltlatant QU~flenlluler 1 Dllvid 1Ilnllg W G Sicigh bullbull U W P (Jaycee comOllllllioned Ua11 166 General killed at San Jacinto

O~RS FOR ALE at hia pl~ee San Sebas- A Callahan Val 30 middoto4ltfultmt 2nd lieut n A Milliken 1 Ri4es killed t sen

lIan abeel OIlD boUlle abov~ U Ph Be OWDI LHLuSeondy JUlie IS IMLleulJ W Kllllacmdorf comd Oct 1818l6 Jaolntebulldie a litore eor$amp tI UI ()ttpt Oapt W Pmiddot Jartls 2nd Rift died from wOllndi

lhlto-Nf Oandl~ Hackcr11I Olive i I~IIUlf Aug 26 CoO Jolin B Otee bull middotCOllmla$d June 21 18G6 reooied Sao Jaciuto e Wolft ro~tlc8ebledanoSehnappl bullbull IU onall Oct 28 A John F llecgtrch Oct 18 CaptJ H WlUiamaon drowned al Vlrglu Bay

bull Bltte Phlladelphlll 110 and Porter Pol DlIPtBTlIliII B DenJ M AndorfOn it 16 lind Lleul H l lhemRn died from wOl1ld reshynan Alld bilIa Wie Claypipes loynuulw Ofmoral Ii ~ ceived at Ifuata Ocl 114 middot18M

lerlll eh 001 Alex middotJonu commlssiOlld Feb 8 18H Edward O HIIIf naCerrd fMm Ordnance Demiddot LlOnt Col F A LalIIO 4 h c tarharolrbull p tulNMII PlaquoyltlwlII ptl1ment CODllllleslone4 -ug U l85G murderd b1 the med forces opoeed to tbili

T~ O I ugUld III ost 2d Llout J Fiemlng conmlsaione4 Aug 4 S middotS McElroy Oll~ lS OoYelllDlcllh IJlhollt propOllng Itn excbango

DgltS IllS S~HVI9ES 10 Ih citlllns flI OII)AIIOI DUAllfllBllr Imorul LfMfnaoll of priaOneri _rdlig 10 the uaagee of war ~anadjl and vlcmllY III h praete of Ulior E W Rawle commissioned Jul 14 1966 N T~p OOll1tuiu1ooed October 81856 lit Lleus JulllIIIKeilkUled In action at San J

u mOINE SURGERY amp MlDWIFERY Hellry I bullbull POller bull it 14 Eo H 01018 II 8 clnto bull 2nd IlelltW W ~der killed in aClion at SaIl om and OlIidcnce on the lOulhw1 Capt JJfrori Swln~le AprO 11_ J T Booo 18

~r of tbe atleet oppte b _ __ lal Llel~ Il A Carllar Oct 18 I B Vaughan 18 Jaelllto _ 0 0 1amp1100 2d Will B Ulte II Benr1 Hlnea It 18 middotDealba-l0

ent OWG bull ad June I 1 86r 1III0I11UII COIIP raTe _ i - --- Oaptain 1II8r IItTTUIOIi or IlfFJIITIlY J)BOPPBD

i lntitmiddote E c F Ucsse cOlllnllaaioned October t 18fill lt011 cpl A U Hirsh August 0 1866 iL PERSONS hlulng clalma against tbo 8A~IIIU11I1) 11111amp11amp John B MlIIkham commlaa~onod October 10 18511 U A B Wulklll8 AogWltU Ig10

Al ealamp~ of tho following namod deooa8ltlol or Jrft L~lt Lieut ~ 181 Lieut 8 W QuayAug~1I9la5t1-werod I()ulwill presoul tb~m to DIe dulll1uthentieated flonr) O Porler ltmmisslOllou Oct 18 1866 A francie Rudler comllsaioned May Ill l81Samp 8urgtlUII p N lugrahan Sept I 1866 til Or baforo the 1I8b~ay of Dec 1866 otherwie SltCOftIl LilllltJIt lldJfJ1 Brig -Gell 1) de GoiC(lurl Ocl 19 i858 Iht~ will be barred h1 law C DeuulaE lIayuee commissiolled Oct 18 l~e W_ Raymond colllmlaaloned Hay 1218113 Dropped-5 1 CHARLES GORI)EN J K hgall 21 o44IId1ll bullI

I CHARI1tS OALLAHAN OfFIIIIU lINJlTJCIIED ind Leut Fred W JeIeCOlli d lpnl U 18118 n command of WlLLIAM ALItER1ULlUS KIJlL Ooltmll FraIl B OKeef cln~od A rlll 185 GeneIrolllmaUdlngmiddotlnuh~middot 11 pel8Oll8 indebteu to tho eeatee of tho U B Skerrett commillSioned lanltllly Ill 1850 James 0 JOJtUsone f is

ahor c deceated pereaa111 make homodiate pay CaptaiN OhllL B 11 II Pa R THOIlHOiI AdJ Gelleral N A t to lIIe GILBEltl TITU6 F UoncosOIl commllllloned JaR 28 1~8middot FrInk i ThomPecm June 2~ Headq1ampli~rI lfthe AltII1

Publlo Adnilllstriltor O D J Egbert FaIllUDI middotFeb I II Charlea A Waltere 8op~ II Adj General 08ce 8ept ~7 1866 W J Merryman II JlIDe 18 BIrarn BIlIIIIlII II Sept SIl G~ Oct is 1860bull

325ELWICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 3 Sabado 1de Novlembre de l8SS Saturday November 1 1856

- shy

I(OUTINU OlljlONIOLE FILtiloita P1l1GRuTbe Dime of amphept ~EJ[INIE A~M - elttie~middot~~~~M~r hi~Ibtmiddot~ 8I1~C~herortbo pteellhiplraottohoPreal- Vlo~PCOUI amlPletwillb~llIeaodioJurebull U denlW chair of Ibe United l116tee IIM Jolhn FlU- The CoDoltlng rtlmub upon iho Wled th- et alanaing liq~ean~ h6ldiifg mu~eHighCly III d~ f h ~Ilv w a L dmiddot f Bri II B Ihe8boulde aoldierll lite h whoutmiddot aurilljlJ

Dlor~ an a ler avlng hoen bull long tIme In ~ ea m e peu 0 en m- tb kl n k f ~ L Rlla 1- Id I I rom e - bull 0bullbull e 0 I e lln 1_eaplllIy b plrat tiled lIpon a farm In Conmiddot bull n n- on lapr uponevIlr10er 1 when loaded ~Iamph elonty~ve pina of rifte PO-DecdClUI where be ended bla daya NathanIel tho NIlIIl1Iguan Army to road carelnU or ell I~ der endllot rammellmiddotI tt1 Jlillcb leU thtb Flllmortltll _ amp100m hautOt htlndrelland oul bullbulld e6mmit it to momory h I a olea anel or the lIu8kel bllt 11111 too great 10 l)e 6redflOBl

eMy 1-alio When ayoutll be mom to lucid daeJriptlon or the manner ill whlcb amphe Ylni4 ~vrilu~~~~~ ~iiI ~~ ~J~i Verlllon and alded at Bennln~I1 WMtIl b should be M amplid m ampl1 repoy all tbe lI eqWl and holditlght to middotIbbullbullhl)uldbullbull Ihe r bullbull

fho ~Ct beteen Col $andbullbull i Old TOIII IIlId 11 r ltlay~eoq II 8tck Billy chronicled lut week I whlcli 011 Tom wal deolared a ylctor atartcd the 8po~tlnlf men ef tho city and this weft $ IIno hall aoveral asciUllg IIl1d ciofOl _let~ ruCtbullbull middot

On l edu-May ovolIIIIII a moteh was made lind run b woen Oape OcorgltJ Giel Ba alld MA jor Cfty4ecs II Black Billy Distance 400 ards fQr IWG hundred dolla Black Billy n on h7 K clqar engampb

Tho ext-on the me eveninll-IIu a conl t ~IWcel (l18t ~ay nd a d k grey ollJled by BlIvet 1I1lJor LeommJ This race was a try tlOampO~o-ite hors flllming side b1 Ide tbe h~lo tauee Gletmiddot be e as evldolltly overshyweiSb d bleh rul~ed In OllllSillg hDI to lOBe Ihe rA by a dialanee of only a lew feet

The eitt 11 II race Ileween MII)r Caycee u U1Ck~BilY and Col JUlIee middotu (re EMgle The IU ~et upon tho hoN1C8 eltCeed~d lin huushydrM do l~rlI A good llat wbullbull obtained and the hora 01 neck alld neck about lour hundllild yrds ~en the groy began te crawl a IiHe ahesd nd at be winning poet earnll oul n8lll11 holt II I ustb In dYaI08 Bolb boraes appeared t~ be I Chit IIce maoaged well but at Ihe end Ihe lid appfared 10 be In doubl as to wbleb Wamp8 III laater animal and a Dlaleh for two thoushyIDd d Utp Wal eWeeted on the lIeld bylbe Ame horaee llh chanRe of rlders~11 came 01 lhe DeXI ( urad ) evenlol( and Ihe Grey won

Coa UTIOtf or rRIl EIIrllloa or ioU 1111

R~881 e- Bhortly after ill amphe ahlatan had taken hplr pllOea til lfaater of COIemonlel raleed Ia liand and IAfe n ordor In RlI88Ian wbete pi)n tile trumpetl blt9l oul InlO a wild IIId i ln8 8ouah the herald ~ised their Noell In Ibe Ilr and II hllvi~g uncoyoted their _dl pile of Ibe Becretolri t4ll4 tbe prOtlalllashydon w~i~h i8 redem into Engllell 018 folio

Our Inry aUgUStlery high lind ve pulNttOI r Aleunder Nicolalevleti belnll tIlrone of bls anctors heb 18

lIIISiu as ell u upon tt(lSt of Poland and of amphe GrtUld Duchy

of Finlauit which aro Insepllrable t1middotorp II hAA deiW16il to order LDllt the eoronrlon of bls 1m perial iljeS~ nnd his Olltb Bbn lake illace on 1M 2 III of the monlh I Augu~t bis augU1lI epouro lie mprola I1kro Alqxandrovnl pllrtlelmiddot

bull ad celllmooy Tub 8I)lemll Ael the preeut pr~1anltiu 10 all

to the eld that on this hppy redouble ttelt feVotin theil pyera

g of King tba~ Ho middotm spreld by His _ VOlfer His faTO8 dmiddotbl bullbullsinll ou tfiO

reign ~( hi DlaJeat ~t1d tllrougloul it duration Ito nu~y mailltaln peace lind ~Ianquility to the glor) ~f Ills holy nAme and fogtr tho 1I11111terablc prosit of tit emplro

Wl~l ON loLlTlcs-EvelbOly knoYs WilIi8 -Iho peet nll~lky edilor or Ibe lIomu Journal 110 btl III)td matty good Ihinge In his life and tbe following upon politlrs lIod political cRndldltltlli Is bull ot OJtull b~tter ald lh ptople of IgtlcaragulI iU6ppreellltJill

I lind mylolf for Ibo flut tlmo middot111 tn life Inshylml~d for political candidAte or I hould ~1l1r[~IIY perhp~ In 1 Candldalo wililoUl hi politic I II1vo bltberto (10 account S(lDlebat rolllm apparent want of aImiddotlotlsm) thought tbe eount under a hend bioh iliad almost any Ilcor g safe enough It loomed 10 me of vcry liWo IIsnllnoe (10 anybodr but I)m~ oekers) wlulth r 1 whig 1ll1 domocrat wu at the holmshypllblt opluion besidlli being llOgether too wide l~ak hlo ollcated a Olgtnlry for Qlther a blun ~er or l lin of pilotage to b more tban opproadltd So 1M plnlo ft8 this confidence In Amerleas do loSee vlJlol QIUIC)rrllCll1one or bull coo8tilution Ibat ( lIuld lOU beliovo il P) I I~ver Tilted In m tire y

B It wlLh ampho ecnla of the lost year 0 t 0

uoi th n tho intellect oC lbo country at r rk UPOlIlt be grellt queallol8 t IS8ue it would be hard

loge blind 0 Il)len8iblc And yeto

raised a family 01 lis children all but one of pllDI 111111 pmlllil whOm lunln II dnDcM agee anraging oter Di tl U I h VI I ntA b ree ODS lOr S Illi t 6 IU n6 l1ltw6 ~ y ye

Nalhllni1 FIllm_ amphe fatller ot Ibe 4IPra~- [By OIlIllR 01 fUll JoIiIUIiDIlINI(Cillllr] dtnl yet aMieI in Iht elllbtymiddotblh year of bll -_ ge Ho hili been a lAIlUer thougll lite cult oaOkUOE OFFICE l vtlng bia IlllIdamp wiamph hie OWII handa unlil the OllAlIIJgt~ CklObe 28 18H f bull bull bull bull TI U I DA t I h N gt_ mllrmlties 01 ago dISable him Hia mdUIIlriOllt 6 iWU u 1 WI n t 0 _-SIIIl un temp~raw and hnpl~ babill alll6d to A cbeertltl tho American Klnl6 H Is dl~nguebed IlOm the

Fronch BI11leh and RU8IIlun lfiDl6 by amphe IlIperlshyand bopeful mind hA~e secured to him eontenmiddot Oflty otllS sight ThplMa In wbleh tbo noteh II menland a happy and green old ~o n Was iled fOltbe backllthl whlll peoaed between tbe

~ b d 8 Imiddotf U I bOIn in nonnlngtoll Vt and realded tlloro unlil be arrived al IMlhood

bull Near tbe cloae oi the lUI centllly 6he ptIIQlIlI

eml~ted to the Ih wilds or Wesleln New York Tbtl ere among tllo poneer seltlen of Ibat dilrlct of ooUnlrmiddot1I01 aparl for bounly landa

to the aoldtere or 1110 reloIullon knowD as the new mllimr tract rheir IIrBI 100000000n lIIIlu amphe original townlhip or Locke tblt pan of It no cOmp ialng ibe IlIwnahlp or au lime bill in lhamp

bull bull r pnt COllllt of Oa1u$ A slDdt rrm waa purchased In Ihe primeval fort and Iheir enrshygiea lIIl dppllM 10 clearlogAld aubduing n 1M middot In - h III prep g il tvr a 6me Herbullbull III an blllllble log cabin atnld Ihe wUdneaa of nat wiamphla hearing orlld bIa alld Ib8 _nd of the w ed man as Millard WIIS born on he nh of Jan shyMoo bull IIr7 bull

Millard Flllmol( receled a rudlmeDteledlloO tlon In a COIIlltr ecIoolhouae amplid whell et aldmiddot was 0middot_1 clerk In drY gooda 1101 and

ono of particular Inleroll _

r A ~I)rrespolldent or Iho BAllilnore SUII

II t1811 (IOIll amphe White Iulpllur Sprmllbullbullbully Wo have a iva a1lthoress two hundred (~pllllk Ing in round numbeltl) prof9sloualgftmblIf olle bundred membera of Oonellll Alld aboul one

hundred oamphel1l cf equall- doubtlll1 ~eplIltlon besiden membel of tbe New JerHY Leglgtlhttllr~

A N~w SPIO-lhe pltell~ ballot-box of olishyfornln bat 110 learn b1 ilist IIdvlceB betln aold for upward of Ibr thousand dollars fur amphe pllrpose of ethibitlllg it to he minors previous 10 the po plOllching eleclioll h i4 11 Iho handa of Ibe Dellloeflta who espeo to IoUill i~ to good account In Slumping tbe Stale

bull tr lhlolln a celebrated Frenth phf8lclAn It

is ~Id watkabl f~d 01 drugglnJ Oncu htVlOg a patient IIbo diluenlly ad punety swalloed all the 80114 110 onlerlld be W S(l demiddot

lighted at seeing all the vllUa lind pili bo~ empiy bet he hook him by tbe band exolalmlng M d~lr air It really aWords mo pleRsure 0 IIttend you and 70U 4t1lOl 10 be 1111

wurn an nger ( n e Arneriean m) up and down owl wben kpl properly oiledWlterebullbull bed It malllll IIIonary U _ as Ih~p_o of tile thumb and linger ceaeee and doea Dot link by tbe ooncullllon 01 the piece ID lIlng The ghl plall of Ihe French and BrltIah fmle II very atlff 10 Il101 If cloaely titled and If 100 enough 10 Ok euilyls apt to IIIId6 do )7 continnM IIrlDg bleb U Dot observed b1 ampho IOldler Ill mate him Ire ene or 110 or h_ hundred yards abort

The Alinl Rift elltued to the Nicaragua Armyrallg 141)1 )ardL or ahofl dia~_ I haa Dot

06- ~ amphat diltllllClt n 0 d bull d rl_aflelward turnM bis altenlloll to law The Th I II bull I bit __ rid III l re all - Isn lllquHlI I 5 era 0 gneraliy of readers afO acquainted lib hla powderbull Tbls dIart1II cootened In tho llatka === iIIbstquenl CMer 1Uud bl moving die charger of tile lIak 10 Ille 00101 Wise or Vlrglnl bullbull In a recene

aeoond Iiotcb It Is al80 contalt)ed In til eartrdgee speooil concernillg Ille Millou Cumpro1ll8e IIl1ti bull luuedfrom the OrdDllIoeOlllee 1 Ihhl da said The coal or nOlrunulng that hntou

Ibe aceulllOl of tbe ordinary rlfte That Ie to dllt_ on ab_Ugtlltnown to them bUI kno 01gt to ooe hundm yarde Bllt up co 0118 hUll to th luatructol who bould keel a NeoN III dmrarda 1amp IIiU pul ev shot InlO a eIteI 0 18 their obullers whereby the captain or II compa07 Inchee dlallleW1wblob is IlIlBclelll for war pur- would be able to dlslingulsb Ib080 bo pOlWeaaed poses aa II 11011 d hll 110 enelll1 1D amphe upper paH the greatesl lO4 1114 leaat judgmen~ in tIislDlshyof amphe body At onllamphoulandrarda Ih_ rilIea tel 110m men aN found to poseea lI uallllab 11111 Pllt went ttow out of Ibllyln a targr sen In hlch doG t ne acquire it b pracd~fe wid batt 111gb On lhe 26111 Lleue Bart others noe acqlre II though they may maDmiddot wllh n mea 01 amphu Second BllIes Ilml 1m) goo abote The I)e8t tried Judg~botyendthellgto efght rounds flom Ib~ gnu a fenr hundred f_ (~IDamp to rules aflerrds 10 oe __14 dbianee at a lIlIIte lit amphe We lhougb down) regulate lhe dllttance AI wbleb amphe ltb Brlag amph_ guilt for the lint time eleven mn pa1J In acllon aholoI 8el the Iglu8 of ampheir rillel GIlt of the rortyelght ttow 011111 h been hit C F HENNINGSEN Brig Gen

A VIOILUT 1M TllOIIJlLII-A Mr Colemaoamphe and amphOBO whoprefer till meaauHlI mit obtelD amphe President of tb~Som Frallci8eo Vigilanee Commit- same by requiAlllon II amphe OrdnollceOllee lee lately arreated In amphe elly of Iiow Yor( Ilunfortuoately happenM tllal the lJepIIIImtlt at ho suit of man nf tbo uame of Halon ho WIll forced by clteum8lallooeto 18100 lOme ot lOOn lIunbullbull and to Ptlt IOgeamphor cartridges before the

waa bamshed by order o the Committee from oeCleaal1 IWI~uclon8 bad 1Illvod Henao amphe caUrQlltmiddot4 Mr Malon IlIIrIll8~ lhe li(lWmiddotmiddoteaiUiilgeillillfiltColltillileil aUbuFtlfellt gralllS Yllk Bvenlng POlt his onUI) Innocence of en crime or oWnee and lthtrges Ibllt the parileo middotho bull mpmollcd IUId banished hint dlil80 tram ntampllclnua moUvoa mrymiddot aiid 10 goi rid lIf an lICtio c11t zoin wbo condcnmed and esisted the llrocGelloge of tho Corillllte~ middotanll WM about 10 10 lealioony

bull 6 in tile Unltell Sillies Courl at San lranelllCo III n proceeding whicb h middot since resulted III the InUetshylIIent and hnprlaonmont or IWamp melnbe~ of the

f bull

orgAnization at San Fraucisco ~r PlIlcI

to9 much tKlwderbull Ihe effect of which as 0 make IIiIrllI~ kick ~d to burallo bell lberebI dealrolng ftecouNey

lho nlnl6 Rille bill Ole tho ordln ritle tle advlltap Ihat Itma be 1000ded more easily and rapdl h ~ IlIaded wlamph tl~actll tho IIIIUQ rn pldl~y andfaCllty as the ordinary mllllket

Tho ~o llloat Important pollll8ln tbe jedloloUII use 01 thomiddotBinle relo1O Ibo imulIer of loading andto tho IllDner of holdllllllhepleee


To lond ampho 1I1n1~ Plumiddot In the charge of pow Tho question of ho lhls But Will bo settled Ii dcr put Illmiddotlle ball rgtiamphout pap hutllcr If III~

doe lip In CIImiddottrldge d plI tbu ball ImUle wlllloul nhllng Illltliit cI ~hu puwdr-Wbell il1GAUh ilo powde llitllduv IMI1I rod Itllout nen giving ouo amiddotuk~ tIwill 0Il11111~ke Iho pillCo kickbullbulllnd IIOY

coil I tun felt at all mil m~D ualoR 1M pleoo properly ma II Olla hundred ro~nda llholilrecelYing thll smailest braise or feellug Ibe leasl IOreneae

PUcnICK Wml I1l1U1 The proper lact to acllee tbe BinloS fit firt

Ie At Inob~ecton tbea~ beeansuh eIfCI or eve bOII8 Been For thr pllrlo II threemiddotlIIailea have boen plaoed on Ibe lako III lb water amphe two outer flake belug ten f t aparl Thll cel 1ft slake ill tbe h t 10 aim at The etlceil ~I(

h d- 0 eo h b (lne un yrds froln t e abol two und arde from theaborelhrbullbull more atakea Ire plfteed three btll~red yardo Ihroe 1110 takes avdao onup to onll toousand l abulldmiddot

JII1I9111G DtflmiddotUlIOIIbull

WheD holIer the sllooter knowing Ihe dill lance aI whleh be ill fring hOl8 Obtained eudlelenl proticlenoy II I 81111 ne_~y (in order 10 hlaeapon 001111 Ihe bid) thllt he abou14 l1Ian eaIooate known dlatao_ oorreellroampherise if he bas ligbted too ~igh or 100 low he may conllnue to aboot ~er Or under in the t1eld herll freqllt1y be - ~ot aee where 0of bla aholll 81rikee 10 correet hla etro~ On this accouo$ men sho 1d bit plBCllo1 10 guess at

If) lIccurae of the Ihot ~llher by pulit Il~ laquoO~ in PQ8tmiddotOlfice BuDdmg ~hapeof the ball or II) kllIin~ ) I HI-bullbullI bullbull ofo I 1866 IrOll cap whleh It cunulllli1 11 h lt~ plJlldce toIliPputO Ihat allY lt1111= T I E 1 O xrWK~ So I IUllnZQ Wl UtIIDLW not ramming nOlll provlltllllg th e~t tmiddot Kew~II oiande ampI Alandlln mON thMlI Ce IlIcbermiddotuhe IC I

WItlllbe gUIloulalromlullK lir q uF bg ABROGADOS

wbereas Wbtll Ie wipet 1111 IOlldc(1 gUll lno nextGmiddotpmiddotlitieRI thol)rlts 80 In_III) aropart A WIIUlltrE tBoUT TUII AOIl 0 Bo_-A llIIt blow oiIt tbe dbl lndM~9 tb~ ham1 8Ul1Ishy

PIRtampmiddotm (tlnll Abovo nil 80 01l01 m3Y Ihe chang few das ago we met a ~~lIemall from Ahlban~ cielltly bull ho e 118 1 lece of IIIforllltlOll hi re fli 10In II 0 of e~olll8 require p1tllltll CHIOl with lit- 118cuJtnlng thePage of a borde arlO boOf abo HOLDIIIO TlIII PIECIl 110 orln~ Iuf~renee 10 plrty Iheory o~ party platmiddot Ina paaaed Ihe niMb 7ear IIhicb woo 1I0W 10 Ill It I tbelntlllioll of tho tolnMllderlnOblcf rorm~ that It _ms 10 lIIe 0 should look mosbQn~ will be wo are lure to ~OSI of 011r flad 1~III rar M 10001Iiblc lit MiIlie ~iUIlll sh11 be it no~ oly II) tla~ lalityoJ la mlII-wtat ollr It8 tills ancr Illtl borao nblo YCIId lId l d$IIl~lItud ~ IlIeIl Irued) aCljlllllPlLtllYltl1 Ibtl CAlId t I wlI1klo comes on t~e oolid M he uIper corner II 01 tho 11110 Now Inen 1Wu41om~d to ~ha

I to I~ 11 nAtllte and culture retber thallio of Iho lower lid lind overy ycar IhcNltIItIlmiddot II h~ urolmRI rilo ltleil ck~ bllt 1 very amRlt bt Itt pai11 prnf8lSioD8 or bis 1IInt(oD promi ono well ltlellnld wrinkle fotmiddot ovor) 1 ()v~r nlllol cimrgtgt very pruperly reat 11111 bu I of tbe stock Jt~ If for Istancr 11 hor~u baa Ibreo 1It1kll$ bo I~ alililst tbo IIrmiddotlI lstnnd idew)~ to I U obJImiddotcl

or tho dnUlP~kllilJ ~f tlut ulnbtvttlmiddot~middott l~ ~lltit ~ III 11 tlrearmo 1amp lable 10 uck It 1lt tmiddotumiddot- Tbllll4obltcd by ubg II IVirh cmiddot 10 Ib~ end of Ill nUbrod 111 whillhwiii W u1 tOIlr with ~middot~aracrw on rUII he OIIuarlllll Oftlee TtU$ wlv~r iu ltretlaquo btJlImiddotmiddotC COIUCllcItg pacllce anIII bull ill U etWh~V8r amph 81100101 finds lhh hi Ii ill bishyling 10 CO dj)Y1I with ditllcul~ h -lImllI Iler lodll)g b~U btore ~plig ~ tbn I w~Ir once or IWCO dowlI tho buI lnu middottlt~ ~Il tlttlt is to l0080n the cakHl puwllll on tho 1lt11 1 tilG bltrmiddot reL 80 tIlen C8Jl11 ul lloc lIud tk~ 1110bullbull11 h~pB to clQl tbe gUll by bluwlu til dill Hllilre h Ill tI lUauuemiddot ~II imlldred h y be IIr11d rO1 018 pleca WIIlO1 ~qr ~1Ibg Tile reMOI wh) be I not III pu~ 1110 wIImiddot~r (11 thuuuoad bull plcCIl I brea_ II woul~ )lt) lhe bciJ dalllp anll tbill~l chargu Iul In fluid b~cOlDe IOml Ihem k

Paoillo lIlarmiddotb valuod thulO Virginia We no get a Ihouaand dollars for eounthlave we would then haye gollen from tbree 10 IIV6 1)U8Ad dot Iar8 rer an operaun it tho gold IIlInea ot middotOaliformiddot lila four hundred thoa mulllpiled b Ii- amphousand or even amphree tbousand will ahow _ mm_ lose Ollllpu1lon rdollam would nO compe~~ VI1l0ia for h~t 1088 III not rllooing the IIl1e on to llie Facillc

E I 0 nwtll L 84111gtpound WHo DAHOLlIfl



GRAilraquo 110AItAuUA 11ESSRS Kewen Simd~r8amp UanlUn III praeshy11 lieo In aU the COIlf~ of ~b Merilloual and Orlentel Depalments Rnd In tbti D~ptlllent of Le

PArlicular atienlilln 11111 be given to tbe reo covey Qf cl~ima ugainSl the GOvcrnmmiddotnt

lJ~oIbullbull mortfg leNlet Ie promply 0 ClIlel nd on Ii oralmiddotlermbullbullAI ow llId mo~ey brokerage busto will a lage tho AllenllOIl ofi6 finn bull

Q RAN A DAN lOA It A 0 UA bull

I~bull ~dlnrogtq REWEN SANDERSY IlAN IgtLIN ~jl)roosn lol PIOlesiOl1 de illmgllria ell tOUOllt los trihulltlle8 lj~ 103 t U d I 0middot l )tmiddotplIlttmlnt)8 lerl I()I1I1 v rleR

Y ~n el Dgtplrt~ento 00 Leon bull So dllrk atencIOII pnrticulllr III eobro If)

Imiddotmiddotdlm cr contlll dl1 gllhi rllo Itd 1Ijpotoc3~ Arrenimionto~

t ~ bull tc 1~n eJIIQlIlndos con IWOlIItlt y fllmiddotemiddotto~ mudeladollt TlmlJieu 1111 ocel1p~rall Itn rillgoeJoo do

I(rretagl el biencs rllice y dimro -- 1J h bull dIe= e~II1~e ~ en I Ctml 0 orr(~braundn NOlclObrc 1 de 1856

dup 111 jnll oIUII LOllt IN ampho early patlof amphb foe LAlfJ) W ~ 1tNT fQ IIvc hundred nCI ttl (If Innd drallO III fam of Col R J SJiltlors X_res hlTJ be~n takon 10 rendtr It of no e tlcJpt to the per8Ol fOl who It wns drtITIl WllOttOr ill It 10 ill NiiAlIguonao ollWe or to me ltiU bq suitably N11lIrded

OOL E J SANDERS GIlladI NQv 1 1836 1I~nrr- L~hUet

uvolll~ell if fOllt heiathirtc611 Ad til 11111 th) ro liillgt whoroby hcy do MtIlSeU1I$ nUltn~O-l tlIUiTISSuillrsa ETlqoE1TB - ceordiug tl 1 Iotc b IIf dliklea to nine atd YOII will hIV 111 Iltilgll lIlIk tu 1100 OIlOPI) lll~ ill mU3(~tlriug I 1lIorfwlit~r It III etiqueue fOf pelllollll of infot1or io So says the genUeman 811d Ito Is cOIIampuUI1 it lIee~y 118amp th~ 1I)~lcr shluM 3fIIillnL iIIder~ his pl)feMional lampniCCl

mnk io I~ol their healtia IOlVor han tho belds f 1111 Mef tail A a coo~ n~uy I)~I 14Vlllw I~ ltlec b I liing u 1111 rea tho muk(jt I to lhQ citi3Jlls of Graoaolo U ill bull bull I) horsts over Int a i$ wily tmiddotI II lIIc IIu I RIMtle amiddotIJ(lr amiddotlIe~middot in to tbe bll$O of Ih I hg l )0 found al tb Dosplt)

thelr l4ltupoOItI Iberefore wben a nabob aClOp I hOIampo dOll mutt slvo up liis trlt1~-lllonlllc I k s C lil middot1middot is ho ~1I1101 d) if Iro anda middotVmiddotIIm mbJnrtt _h_SjtflU ard sl~1 get Oil 1 (ltllIf2 Plnntel I aiemiddotx bullbull )1 ~ 110 bllU of hl~ pcco OraMd Novetllbe~ I 1~amp


328 EL NICABABUENS4VoL ~ No 52 p 4 Sabado 1de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 1 18qB

I But tberemiddotII point from wblch ~bl anbject

lhOnldIv _ad IItperlor to Iny mere Idalphaselt [Jittr ague ns t of tbe -i Itmiddotl6-how ~be buy tb deed In Ibla counll1 efFects th Ulag_od thlemiddota 011 1111shy

Saturday lIlorniD~ Nov~ L middotportanamp Dllrlnl the dry aeuon In thll coUlltry Itl Yer

HON COL 1QHl( H WHEELER dUlicuit 10 dig a gra or luDlclot depth to pro-

Thl amptnlleman wh has eo ably repreiented Int th polloDOUS paeafronl eacaplng 11110 the thII Jolted Bta1e8 ~ North Amerloa In thll couoshy

trl darlbg ahe varlbos oTillgea and atartllng Inclshydeata of tjle pasl two years Is we regre~ to 8Iy boul 10 dpar~ rom IOIOllg UI on a Iall to the uAiI~1t1atelo Hia beallll bu baeD of lale very _b brokllD IDd we InRir hI vlalt to 110 and nf bil blrtb 1JI1~ ~trellKthen ble fIoame by Ita Ron iov~t1i11 j~lIoaplire

_B rIOre will exolte a rept In the breut oC emf American In Nlosraguau blA aCQ4mshypUIIlliiilitt genlfemin bl aliampTl~y U )lInll~r

hII klndneas nd urbanl~ u a man and bis dieln lereledp u a friead ~as altcady g~lned him ~eliru~t ampad rove W~e~ver he goes tbe good wiebe or all who

uo-Iollllid thllCOI1iItry wlll follow hhn alld we trlMt at before la_IIY weeks we m ba middotth p~ule of Innoucbg Ita relum We wlab blm lfIe_t voyage



ED namp BURNED III II tbe dlkion ofthmaln of de

-r-~4 P llOD8 bas been a aubJectof Ihe promiddoteIQlUld98t ~iionUoo Wbh I~ are conDected the _tldenta of the warmes~ frlendlhlp tbo ileepetl eiltnltlbJl aud tlrelDost eaorad Ibougbtamiddot of tin

1iChaft~~ ~horo II anhll~lotl ID maDwblcb 1111 pell lilllll ~T8IlI wltb grea~ cate tbe romulD of his fiIampir orbullbulltur fbi ay bit esclted 10 pari by feeUng ibat we onl7 do IS we would be done

liJ toutpefhapi ~e -eat IncoU o 10 tblerupecl btl tbougllj that lhe Iplrll of lifo whleb anI -1 olampy before UI tnay be 1I0W before thea~llioron or the OIt High and Ihe nmdna tITeRlO WQJD 0101 our ioevltable dellliny

Tile IIIl1Dn of buryins the dead bas been a _II I _t I It f I

I ~Io Iou bleb ata n w w PlOCseda from deelylng

18tatabl We know tba lata1dlleuea are brollgbl ooby Innooulillon and hat I man canmiddot nn~ be Innoclllaled byanrlblllg mo8 dllllcul1O

L__ b

a~moephere and spreading lIIalri ampIIIong the Iiv-Ing The~ Iulso bull common oUltom among peoshypIe of th Ialler dayuo bury ~ remalDi of porsonl of no~ In nulta un~er the 1l00rs of cburchet and those In che dmp and gloom olihe luliterratiean cbambers In decomposing p~ddl_ and death among Ibose wblJ honored ~bn blloll logj Uld IUppose they thUI Ihow rpeet to their memory aner dealb h ta unnec_y to r8fe~ to the dangar of those who dIg gr In a Iae of OO1IIl11on Inte lIIent or how onen they como In contaCt wllb the polsoo of deeolOpoelng Jleah or wbat a s~ amount of dlseue Ibere II engendered bi the poleono pBel of sucb places by bel~g waRed amoog the habltatlonl of Ih~ IiVldg The evil elllcta or 11 tbeae clrcumstences ara Incalculable

We can onlyarrie at theamprulh In suck C8IU Iy Ulalol1middot W know that the gue_ of decumpoeo-Ing ~o~tsble mattedo swamps produce d98ues of eryerloll8cb~ractars wo know tbat on thla account 11 nu countrl are I_ healthy ampIian whera Ialor huefllleted a good drainage and ~bat higll dry land II more condllclve lOheal~h and Ions life tlian damp low Incamp We knowIi Ii Id- b I

JO tat ep em1 realmiddotoutmiddot1I parts of cl~le wh garbage ta a1lpwed to coUeet and tm1~ an eDlu~a Id we know also tbat gases from d cylg anllllal blatter are more daJlgelOUi and

The Late lnliulttlt the US llag I In olHla w publlebed a record of eiiollUng

eta All to tbe IneultllllC oonduc~ of ~e oIlied forces of Guatalllla and San Saludor toward the AlIlerican Oag the Mlnl~r of ~h8 Ulli~od Slates and tbe cold blooded murder 01 unarllled

American cltlrens But thll record dark and demiddot grilling as It Is te humanity WIS bulholf dlacload Dally circumstances of Dlulder _lnltioD and robl)e07 commltted On Alllericsn unarmed clll lensre being brought to ligbt which place the Governmenta of Gualeblala and San SAlvador bO yond the pale of ci illzallon and eta p them u BaIlon of ouUaw cutbro1e and bAndl~18o

Tbe accompnied allldavita of Cap~ Dunlcan and ~eut Gardner prove ~he diabolical IMurder of a Utile boy whose only offenco was being born In the Uolted Sla~ of wbite parenta and bnlng a while face

Doel not iIle blood of every frlcnd 01 humanl~y of every nalion ehudder at euoh ~Iroity Will not tbe lII08t eage and barbarous nallona of tha darkest agel of anllqully rise In judgment against luob uaboly and bloody deede _

tait of cOmpany D Fir~ Rille of tbe Army ~( ~be Republic of NlcaraguI and made oa~ ~haj

On Mon~ay the 1~11J October 18D6 during f

attack of h combIned foroea of Guatemala a d Ban Salvador on the city of Grallada during ~ e ba~le he approached ~Ioe houN of Mr JamoA Smi~h on the street of the Meulah opposite I e Churcb of San Franclaco f-om wbole bouse t e enemy bad been drIven out and he there lAW Q

tho arms of hie flher thamp dead body )f a about seven years old who bad just been murd bull ed by 1100 onemy whose body as horribly 10

lated ard deformed Mr E nllb was unc~~ nected wi~h ~he Army and como u a aettl9r~ NIcaragua He appeared hear~-broken and d shycOllsolate oxclalmlng tha~ he wished tiont loG co d bove sutrered In his child place Iln I tha~ in th amp alllnts opinion I~ WII and i ~he determlnallon for ~ho lovadillg forces 10 violate every rul of clViI~dwarfare and justice IDd lIIurdr eory Alnari n In Nicaragua J DUIIICJII

Sworn to before me this 21th October 1866 JOHN H WHEELER U S Minller

middot1 do hereby cortify tlia~ 1 W88 preBent wllh ~ taln Dunicnn aDd of my own kbol~dg 16~ abore aDldavit Is true In evel pa~ticuIRr

R p OAlIIlIpound1I Fi t Lieutenant Company E Firat Ri8es

Swonl to before me thIs 21th October 1866 JOHN II WHElLER U 8 MiDiter

oor8_ t e ~_Ing lIull of ble fellow maand would be reapecteo b all lla~IQDs even tb tho Amerlean 8a8 would protect him rba~ ~c Now u the guea whlob arise from vegetable most IIInge Bul how vain wu lhat hope I Let Lawless very frequehUy came to him 8 thOlmiddotMnmiddot lIIalterlo a atate or decAY appear 10 be lIIucb hll plunderod 1001180 bls murdered remaina tbe tay Goveroor of ~hll Dopartment in blthrfi mciro ftal thllD ~ODtact w~b Ihe solid_ from wblcb bodies of Iii f6110wmiddotclizen tbe mutilated bunting tb Datives o~~befllo~lnldt for whdOlll hIe perforbi th _ numeroua IC_ a bull n n au w lOBe rup bull

_ AO~ re lImiddott e lllallnorl 0 nu rolli tar llIImemotlalIiimiddot lome oountries oj E8YP~ ~~e present ago ought to be luDlclent to ri~ i9bIaDcie Dluch IDg epulty wu expended In enmiddot bove anyprt)UIIIce orallY old cuawm which haa ~orlng ~ lr~ee~e bodlel (rom decay anltl been haaded d~D t WI frolll ~pe~o~_bClo the the Orilllai ftcc~ of all burl~11 WII law ofnelilUi wee but lIttle s~OOIeil or known -0 --uOD of die body At tbo far Notth and auggoat auch remedlca as wlllleslen as far AI

whra th tro~ king relgnl many lDootba III ~he poIIlble the causes oC dll~uo bull

ey ann mut 1ler tbe~ 11011 II 110 the caso with tbe ps8I 101010 arise frolll putrid animal mellmiddot UleI If thll II eo thqenlightonment of

yar and all anImal de~omp08ltloD II auspended t

ibrough Ita etrecta tbe etrort 10 tilDes of 19oorshyihc mIght be aUPlosed to be parliaUr aucceBBful 11 Ii eeD no DO uncommon tblng to be ~oemer II tbat b would nollike 10 die In a

amputherll counlry on ac~ollnt oftbo audden decay ~ hll remaloa 1111 sontewhat remarkable tbat bile Nort~ern natlolls eYen In tbe most ancIent tImes burlod their dea~ In tile pound Ibe peo-DIe or the Southern countrl buroed tbem Thle wu ~bo cultom or Sou tbern Aala And Southorn E~op In our IlIgUsh literalure to tbll daTI ~wlng from oll Oreek we frequoutly her t)ili )ihnae peacmiddottomiddotI alhea I

1be Greeb a1wav burned 1100 bodle of their Wualrlou8 dud and In our opinIon thla lain many respecta lIIucb preferable 10 bllrylng_ bull In burnIng u lru tholr CUltom the ashea IIIlght bo carefully ciflllected and plaee4 In an mamen~ed urn j hero llOuld laDd wltbout otrendlng tho senses In the bleb of the temple or In tbe private aparl

m6llts of friends til Ihls manner I~ wu alwaYI In the careoilboao rho respected It and In wboaemlllol7middott wumiddot dear_ Tbo asbes of Ibe great mbl In Ihose dal1 beaeD~ fro plRce to place mldgled llb IIampYO7 locenlo receiving the roapocl due the blemor or Ibe Blirlt which pYa It lnishy

middot1111110110 In Ileae dy the remoYai oC a corpae croaten bOlrOr In all wbo 1ra1 wllh It not 1mshymedlIlotorealell to say nothing of tbe danger 0( belna In coplact with so Ruch rot~nn alld putrofotlon Ona balpound of Ihe borror of death con sists In the Idea of tho bedy pu~rU)lug io the e~ 4 Wng an obJect of loathsomene18 upon lJjlell worm gMiI and riot How much more pluinlmiddottw Idea of ha log the ashea carefully ptbelllllj amplid ~pi perhapa 8weamptlt aeented aa DOW ieepodaguerreotyp08

W~_ uale lhe aallsfactlon It would no lIfIorithe litem world to ha e preserved the

middotashe oIllli~Q Ot lIIilikapeore i or wbo can guess the care otmiddot venerAtion willi whleb the Frencb would ~gtrd the ashes 01 Napoleon or with wbat yeneratlon Americana would guard tbe reshymai1 ofWaabington h la truly to bo regretted that aU whlcb Was mortal oC tbose i1ulrloUi per sonages Isoow IndlltiDgubthable from ~hecommon eartb or tbe remalna of ~he earcasa of 80IIIe brow

There ta t~ls dvanhge ID burning bodlea OTCr burylDg tbem that IDltead ofperlnlltlng them 10 cauao dlaeue aRer death Ihe nry act of burning puriO ~he aIr It II lupposed the great plague ot London WII IoIICIted In lie ravagea by Ibe groat

Ore whlcb burned the greator parI 01 tbe city Ono thIng Is certaill iC history II correct that Ilthough Itraged with foarful voIoeelmmedla~lr hefore It ceueo to exll aimoillmllledialeit lifter Iho con8agratlon It It now a common pIlodco to fullllgate a roam In whch a parson baa died and doowrs ad 1ae boao who Yliit he remainI of a person ~hat lou died of cholera orany olber conmiddot mgloua dlieal to moke a cigar or plpo-tlo great

a purifier II fire And eelUng pr~udlc aside III~ Is after all

lIIuch more dealrable to be cooaumed by lire ner death than to rot ~n be devoured by worms alld 118 tbat eoaduccl well 10 tbe praseryallon of tho Ulng u to the retallling tbe uhes of tho de ceased we would fbor tho adoption of Ihe CUllOJll

In thle lOuntry It was the generoloplDlon In Granada Ifter Ito

batlle of the 131h of October tbattbe great nummiddot ber ot theonemy which wu killed would produce tbe cholera before they cluld be Interred DurnshyIng tbelll bnmedlatal would h prsvenwd tbe posilbillly of auch 1 p~llIful circumstanoe and would hve puriSe1 the air 01 any polsonoul gnaee wbleh might already slated 10 it

On object In ftuggeatlnlf thle II more 10 call tho 4tenllon of the publio u well 110 medical profeaslon 10 Ibe anbjecl chin 10 attempt at tble tim to dllcUBB Ihe m W are howovor under tile InlproBB Ion that If Ibe tlustom of burnshyIng the dOlld Inatead of bmiddotlng them were onco Ialrlylowoducecj It would In tbll lall~ude prove higbly benellclal w tbegenfral hulth

A Nw 01ft The Phll~dciPhia Mint hujull IMued a cent wblch II described as COlliposed or 1It88ven parb copper seven of nickel and one ohine 11 lou a lilht appearance with a faint red tint alld la In beautiful contra t with the Ameri cau a1lver nd gold plecea and will not u the old cent did tarnlsb thelll by oon~ol The weight of the newll only aevell~y-to gralnl-Ih~ of the present copper cenl la olle bundr~d and sixty ftghl

Tbe aDldavlt allo appended of (len fry u to LIG~TION or UUTID STATES or AnRIOA~ the nlurder of Ifr Lawl pro es Mr Lawl IIEAR Till REPUBLIO or NCARLOUA ~ earnest desire to presee lob neu~raliy in all 1100 Tbis day camo before me Birkett D Fry Bri dUBcoltiel wblcb have beset Ihle coun~ry of nis dier General ArDIto Nicagua Uld made OI~h blgh lOlled chacler and Integrily of conduct Rnd tbatshyorh pcrfeat oonOdeoce ~ha tbeaegis of the Bowasacquainted wllbJohll D LmiddotI~uaimiddot Amnoan fIig was amplyiuDlclent to prolect bis the month of Oc~ober 1bullbull1 Ihat having been rl liberty property IIld lif Be badmiddot een as cofmmnd of Ihls cl~y durn the greater POrllrshy

0 he past year he lou Ircquentl bad occbullbullI~ llIralloea (rolll the blgbeat aources tbat no Amori- 10 tallt wilb said Lwleas of Ibe polillcal atrairsio can wuld woder so far 1roII home that the pro- tho State of NiCllragu Tha~ the MId LRle tacling and powerful arm of tbe United Stat- s unifOImly re1beed 0 take ny part InarlUa wlti wal Dot over him lie reiuaed 10 COlli wilblo IheAforcea of lttI~nerol Wdalkellrdsaymg Iat hOe ~ri an lIIe can CI zen an re e upon Wle og o the line of onr Irclo mlylng oo~ho middotpeo~lon 01 his counlr for protecion_ Tba~ a(~r Oeoer Ibol Uulted States aDd Ihrew out beforebis house Walkers force marched upon dual and a few the Alllerican 8ag tba~ In ~Is patriotlo beart b hours _before Ihe auack u~D Granda loa urgtd fel wu honored in every laud anltl on every sea thbelabdblAdwl_11edto comde WtllIlI hila Ilhnol degb

f dle~fen~~w c e eo n to 0 expreaa ug s e Ie I ~

tom b the enemlee sllot and lbe loor of tbo Lo- alld good will he leetDed to pOSle That ~ ~ gatlon house perloQ~d bytboballe oftbe onemy Lawless had reaided for several ye a paa~ inOmiddot testify nlda apoKe tbe In~uago of ~he coulltry 8ue t-

Iy and WIB extensively engaged III IIIcrcalltUJ~ 10 ancln~Rome ~he exelamaUon lam a Ro- e~ita anil had mall) 01 tho nolives In hia ORlPi bull

mIlD cillzen arrested the falling blo of Ibo IIc- Tha said Lawlen justly ellJoyed the reputtti D

lor 10 fOmer ~oys ~n II the great Republic of for great pbllanthropy And unamp~~middot~~t tile North In 0 aayo ofJakson It is the bouth of ~ e loll lory of tha~ day ~hllt no American cltl zeD ever luWered lny In~ulT abroad without reo

dreu WefcOIlaurolhnUhesnm08plrltnowanlmatestbe

United Stateamp and ~hat tbe same feeUnga ~hat dlcmiddot tated tIe Kouta letter will be roady to defend Ibe rigllts aud proico~ tbe lives oC InDoeen~ AmerieRn



Thll 4ay came before 010 James II Smitb wbo tcatlO tbat he emigrated from Ne York clLy whero he hu resldcd for two years In the steaol ahlp Tennc88ee for Nlcaralua on thOl 1 III Sep tember laet accom~RRled by his three email chll drell lor the purpole of cultivating hind and satshy~nllg In Nicaragua lIo is by protession a taather

That on Sunday the 12th Inll an alarm of an lltack was made by the foroea of 9uaternala and San Baladof on this ci~y That be no~ crediting

S b bull h 2 hOb I 56worn ore me t IS middott cto er S bull JOliN II WHELER U S diolaler bull

I [ 0 F F I C I ~ L ]


ADJUTANT GENEIULS OUICpound J Granada Oct 26 186G

1 SOLnnRI--Each day demonstrates more cle iT ~hat tbe war we are wagiftg Is ono of IIUlh apl AI falbood of clmoalion againat barbarism GI satisScd wllh the bloed of lonocent cilicnssb d a~ Granada-with n appetile Ilnllghler h 1shyled by the nt_Ore 01 helpleu cbildren and b 11 ministers of CbriIIIII~y-our IIIvage foes II f

added ano~hcr crime to tbo long liRl reco d asaiDNt ~bem Thoy han sbot Lleu~ Col Lal wbo wu IRken by tbe n a prisoner of war 80 0

It)8 ngo At ~i1e very time thl_ cold-bloodedaal ofcroe 11

was boillg colDlIItted an exchange 01 prioa r was bciu proposed by tbe comntandermiddotinmiddotc er

tho Jolarmj wntto tholltlloplzaa8110r~dlitance If tbo Guatemala forcos WI~h an lona~a bull When tbe (ote aptearod and commenced an ac tive 8Mng ot musketry and Mlni6 rille wblch otlt off his relurn Tho foreee then approacbed 10 hOllie wbere bis li~tle fRmily wera seated ~ dillshyner consisting or a boy Frencb Berbert born In New York tlty on Ibe 6th March 1849 two lrirls one fI and the otber Iwo yeare 01 Ige 1hey were seated witblo three yards of a large wludow which opelled 011 ~118 street One of lhe troops approached the window and taking delib erate aim fired at 0 lillie group the I)all grazed the chin ef the fllrl nurse and atrlklilg the bo In the lower part of his face paselng out of the neck broke tbe plllol obord killing him instan~ly TIe reat 9f the children wee concealed iinnlcdl-

IDg for ~reacbe he bad smoolh WOrdl and Ii ~ sullmenls on hll Iipa wben he was In the act t murde

Tbe mnatlon of Lln4 show he ndlito of the ollemy wl~b whlcb we baYe 10 contend f Ibe sollie lan~age andreligion wilh tbelUself they bad nOl agains~ hilll the lying excuselmiddotw Which ~hoy are wont to justi~y Ihe murder of American citizens Nothing bu~ ~be love of til d aod ~he cowrdly loatlllc~ of tbo savage Call 0

urged for tho execution of thd Cuban palrlot Let ~ben soldiers a Bunle of tbe jUltico G d

grandeur of tbe C~U1e In which wo aro CDgae nerve ua lor the fullilmellt of tho Iftak wblcb I bull before us Remember that you luWer aud It

awly III an adJacen~ housl by the nurse under agio to redeem ono of the 10eUest 01 lalld_ ID bed hlle Ihe ~roop Ibreed tho cuing of ~ho barbalian rule aud lavage despo~lam In such a wlndo the door being fRBlened and resiatlng all Oft IIHO 118 t~is who ould 1I0~ gladlf eudure II ~ IV Iheir oRllrta Thoy then entel8d and searched In dayoCprl alion and fdtiguo r 10 would n I vahl for the cbildren Tbey plullucred tho house undcrS1l aome lillIe antrering and danger for I ~ of all bia iinpleonpnta of hUlbandry clo~bing gold sake of IIvlllg his nalllO enrolled amoug the be o and allvr walcllcs mono aDd valUAble of faotors fJf the rllce 7 amount 1lI0re ~hao two thoueaDd dollars ~ 2 Lieut ltlol ~ A LaID6 aiddemiddotClImp 10~ tbe

JAKa8 n SIITD Commandor-in-l)hler having bean brbIrOO~ Sworn to before me this 2~tb Ootober 18DO murdered bylhe enemy without ProPOiDg An shy

JOHN B WlIEELIlt U S Mini4ter change (If prlaoners i~ ie directed Ihll~ Lie t We do bereby certify that we reBlde In tho Col Brigido Valderraman and (Ja pt Bern~r 0

nme houle II~h Jamee H Smith Faq nnd 01 Allende be shot Ibis aernllon 11 6 oclock In Ollr own knowledgo the faclt tn~ed In hla aDldo vlt are Irue lu evcry particular


Sworn to beforo rno thl 27th O~oher 1856



Tbl day calllO bofore one Jamea Dunlcan Capmiddot

tbe plftZ of thl clly 3 11111 Gen Fry 19 charged wth tho esccullta

of the abovo order By command of WY W AUrER

Genernl-Coml~andng-in(jhipI Pn n TnoIlPBOII AdJ t Gcn N bullbull

~ h Is atato(1 that PrInce Albert 1038 b~~~t 111 Clllll1nOUe tract of lInd In AII9tralia Vbic1o1n nbout tnty years will tetulnabollt ono thou811 ~ i tlII10S oa much tIS all ~h~ amp Coburg alld Obi

In Germany put logctbor I

329NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 7 Sabado 1de Nllvlembre de 16561 Saturday November 1 1856

i lit I ALGO NAB BOBRILBL Dl4 UJ 1lJSOUOJON lIerosoaeajuitA al Cllpilitu delliglc y Ie r t t lIJ S 11 n1J R ea mlUlgrato perdmar que CIIstipr aunshy EqulUtlvo y aUII n_Slnll) nos parec Menelter earetrogradarlllol mM remomiddot que eata lIluy pronto a IIOtrar en el UIO

toear la materil de que vamos neumiddot t~s tlempos de barbirle yde ldlo~lemo pa de juatas represaUae lIa cual rere IU tS II Into NOT I de 1836 pamos no obstlnte haberll8 tratado en Ill1Icontmr el ejempl0 brutal a una Ie- naluralom 1 10 demandaren las circlin A WI ~ 101 1)umells anterloJel aunque nu cion quI Icsban de (omeler en Maaaya stanciU De consiulente 108 prl~ionrOl

JUEBPO VE ARTILLSJIU 4 tod I degtlt1d I I d I d 1 - ft -- con 1 1 ~que mereee por mf~ 01 Jenera ea e I IUfZaa iii on I heridOll lIOn tratadlll eon 10 mllyor be El lierpH de tLitiHerlll ha tomado un destla de lOB IRdmdus que 11 rlllawon Guatemala en estos lIltlmOl dia des- nignidad

ClIPCI) 0 imllolltmto bajo 11 direoclon del puesto que cl1ml mlmos t(lIl1aron una puea del ataque de aquella plllza I de Queda PUIIII demOlltlldo que falto8 de Jele I Henningsen IIventndo jofs de esa parte actin en los sucea~s Las buenllS las acclone quee Ilan referido ya tn 10$ fe ell itll mall s1 mnes compromiaos y Grmllj iuyos cOllocimientos Ie ban didO aceiones dlbon refe~lrse mlnuciollme~te d~8 humerns anteriores de elte periodlco de oumplimiento en sil palabra como mi MmladianQ $010 en los Estadol Uni Sin temor ~e Incumr en la tacha de dllil Vlolando 108 mas gmdos Plotos ma- Iitares 111 jefell do lIB fuIiIBs enemlgat JOI I nn fuora de ellos Es do cele- sos tnnta par que e8 un trihuto dllbido al lew reeonocidos univerenlmente y 0011middot flftll Incohado COIl ol ftlsilamiento flel Co brillS la recision y tino con que dh-ije m6rlto Cuanw por ue line de est-imulo aiguadol en aI derecho de jentel de una ronel lAid y aUI compslierea despues IRS bo 111111 Y granadas al punto que de- a100 d~mAA NOl oontraenos al IltaqU(o Inanera ~n ep~icita se han colQcsdo en de baber aupllcado el callge Y d recibir $igna uinnentaudo y dUlheando progresi qu~ re~I8~6 oatil piau dede el deee del una posiCIon odlo~a dtgrlldftnle y eceemiddot un Indi~lIo en este sentido un Miatem vame te las distnl1CIU siempre con el pUlIdo II 11 una de Is tarde basta las crable Indlgna de hombrea que 8e tltulan elttlaordin~rlo de gtlerrA que nosotrol nei nitID Rcli)lto Q inerrnble direocloll ocho de la maAana del diR siguiente milltare 10 temm~s puesto qf8 teMm1 mlobos Tolft los dias hay repeudos ejerclcioll y Buellas y lumlnolWl lIOn I referenoiaa fnmedlamente dupuee de 101 c(lneablmiddot prlonfrGS cODtrllrios y que hlta Is te()k~ IiOletas evohuiones en las que prl()ti~ del Coronel Allen Mayor Clyeee ftc dOl acunteomlento8 vino eata cludad un siempre hiL sido patente la slIperiodatide ean j Sefiores oficlales y 109 soldado8 pero notamo8 qne a~nqueliglran en 1 correo conduciendo una comunieaci(m nuesms armal Ahorl bien ~ Sol se nell ~tmn maravillo8(1lllIIte lisw de 108 que 8e distlnguiertm 81gllnOl de los jetea eN as flllrzas enemlga8 en la VOllOtroa 101 que hahllis habmdo de vanshy

En3 ClInnto 1 numem do indivitluoB numbres 110 ell con el tlIplerclol que que IIOlicltaban aqtlll1l08 del Jeneral dalisimo de Bomnidadea y oims cosa~ perbgt ecientc8 6 dicho cuerpB lie ha IU~ merC(tlll sin que sea rltI de 1o referenmiddot Walker JOr 10 pronto 6 cange de un in- aemejantelll en vnestrus periodi~os para men db do nna mllnera otable habien tes po que 1I11011 gllardaban y derendian divlduo d los suyos cometa d eaballe oontravenlr ahora eSC$ndalOsamente Ii (0 ad mllll unH gran compltlla do Zapa1 sus pue~tui re8peetivos y no podial esect na que fu6 heeho prlalonoro por Dilestra losmejores prlncipios del dereehu dl ilores I Mineros bien que para malle- tllr j todllS paltes Grande y her6ica parte con algunamp anterlorldad Eata clrmiddot jentll I 81 v08OtroB 80ls I Pero nad~ jllr clatro mortem do obuats y lo~ tllol II deietl q~e hizo 1amp KulIrnlclon de clnetancia Indicaba queeao jeres preten- trntiamos del oltallo de atrall en que Muon a que hay on lap)tuIt fO necesita estj plftZllcn ea c61eble JOIllampda en la dian ceAhle 101 prlnclpio organl_ de 08 ballail UR n6 nero eunsidurnblcmiddot1fe bombles qll8 doeientus hombre4 combatieron con III gllerr aun entre la naolonee minoe Conatlgt 8n conclu8ion qUII aceptamol

EI uelpo de artllleriA no deja que demiddot tla 01 ilunensu numero de oehgtelentOI clvllzadal y regullrlllAr la desde lU4lft) vuealroa aotos sea ellal (uere au natlishysearsusejercicins II 1011 111118 etCrupu- por eamppl()io do dillz y nueve hOrlll uglm lu demandlln la olvillziclon 1 _ mlez 10508 itotl Admirable el Jellledo y -80luololl siglo No 81a poslble dudar de la buena

do todOll basta del ultimo 1I0idado (e de aquell espon~nea proposlcion sin DOCUMENTOS 0FIeIALES ES Ef)OIOJV A OHONTALES dispueatos perecer antes que entregllr RgIlIlar a la e8 et bonor milltar 1 JOII

U - 6 h la pldl que se lea habia conllado cierto malt proclu90a atrlbutos del bombrel ElDECRtTAS DE OOB_ERlO


apol bull IfRon que Sill ny Guatro _ J Ch I 6 t A certilllmo y atln IIOmos COrto8 j pero lIus~re Jeneral Walker quo tantnll 1 bin No ito

EI t 1 p ra onts es 0 VI a es II puer ~__ d I M ON 1 ~ lifer ~11lI oeho de la matiana halfendo ph~oll afta Ir que e ayor eJ se repetJdllsprulIbae ha dado de maltnanl REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUAt

enndu 0 de una manera verdaderamente bull bull ~ desem ~ftado flU CQlnlslon los mdlVldoll ~ mldad ItO dudO en etecto ni Ull momen Seeretal1a de Elltado en el depaello (Ie t ti ~ - E her6ic~ Hallibllse postratio en una cama to y lIev6 8U generlllll(lad basta el utr Relacione Erterlores nuO rOI en snls aerlamen n I 1 d i h 11 b connn balazo 81 unap ema que elm- mo de entregar ill corneta que iIOhcUaban Granada Ootllhrl 2t de I85ampSan oS lIu v sus lOme lac 0110$ so a a a bull

bullJ I d I b d pll(ila dar un paso y Ie obhgaba bull servlrmiddot sill nlnguna de las lIeguridades que 8e El S P E so ha serVldo dlctar 411 de 1111 nUfillro e 10m res como e CIIn) d I EI 1_ __

d d 88 lIe os mu etas enemlgo lie lre- CIItJon en taIu CIlSOl COIltellto mnl Ceto igt~eD ~ -- _gt eine tode 1 QlIuotuelOn errotll Oil Oil Ii bmiddot I I WILUamp WR Preeldenw-daln eldla trece del corliente en csta cludn aerto y 1 eil


es om re que Illll a e featando que entre 101 mlillito prbonumiddot Republica deNlearagun lr sUiliabitsnte9 11 di I dtlene 89 UIIO de 04 indivlduOlI mall roa que habla hecho elY la lihlma aocion Siendo nece8SlrIo I~reditar un liinillrouo II IU u a tomaron a ue a reco on bull

q g q i 16nol 11 eJ6rlto Nada podia espemiddot e contaban Virios 06cla0bullbull que _tcba Plenipotenelano ltle rcpleaente a 111 RetshyDioo8 quo sahCTon escape as que $U- b _ d bll d Nt d I bl _T a raSede un 110m re en esta 0 en que dlpu_o cangellr respectivamente pGr pu ca e caragua cerca e ga n piera 111 Ilegadade Jos trem 6 tl~l11~ 61 se baUsba ain embargo hacienda un el Coronel Lain 1 por olnoo 6 sela in- de 108 Estados Unidos en IVI8hingtotl lIn RllngerB que III vapor cndllcla 0 b III el 81 t p l4 de dl II d J ntlab on U80 de IUS flleultades l

1 h b d b b t esueno 110 re uaUT J9 UOl e vopa que e 8oom- an DEC RET A bullIe d bull os Oil res 0 ar UI os comO d gt I I 0 ilia dlI8l1ila 0 que tellla sa 10 (1 clando Cueron presos por caaualldad en Articulo I N6mbralle Mlllistro Pleni ~ el 09 Icen locho tom6 lall mulllw y 81 sable y 8e il camino de llwaya En allo se es- pottnciarlo de la Republica de Nioaragua (JtfOETAS DE GUATEMALA Y presentO en ellugar ~a8 peJigfOSO arras peru la romillion del hombre ofteoldo cerl1 de 18 Eatedoll Unidoe al Senol

S AN S Hi VADOR trnndu la plema y atravesllndo las calles por 01 corne Q a1 conleta mlsmo que DoAn FemmCoFerrer I J b b t rt ~ IDnmquelle qu enes cor I -- con el agaa casl bull 1 rodlda (aca I a de era 10 replar y Jegitimo 81 ae aTrepenmiddot respondamp

Estos pOliodlcos pound0 oeupan do nuestro Hoverl dundo mnd6 con V071 do trueno tlan do nevar ndelante 10 que 4111011 mis- Dado en Granada 1 29 de Oetubre de Nienrlguell~o no parR reflllar nl una pn formal amp los hombres que alii se hallaban mOB babian Bollcltado opteniend) al fin 1856 WILLIAM WALKER Ilbm do los erimCIl-e1l servUes que hemOl y que Ilegaban oon sus armas dilltribuyo par unics rampZUII el J~er81 Walker una Al Se~or Jenoral Dun Jlliteu Pineda publi~do POrqIO III velmiddotdad os illcontesta la trnpn eolocindo en loslugarel opor carta del Jeneral Zavala en 1amp que fire MMn~troldoJa Guorra encargado deT dltl I bull mUltern enerable II~ deequltan descendlcn 0 as per tUllos orden6 1amp derenaa de vea eal ea testaba (ellto no puedo calUiCllrse) que D ~ d 1 I V bull evI en suprema 0 oumun eo 1

sonah ~de8 1In un lnnguage tan cl~lco que partell de aquellugampl y 8Oliclto 1 101 prlllOnerbullbull no querlan venir No ell para IIU intellgencia y demas erectos es ebmo us antares Su impotente uni e6caz It pelllr de su eltado de grandad a eato todo ino que en as propillll perandortlCibO su atento senillor Ie do p1i~8a fudose contla cl Jeneral tadu atendia bael6ndote oil su voz ell clrocnlltandlll Be supo oon allOmbro en 11 Pnnuu lIIque 10 ba dellpreelado stempre todas pa~teamp Nosotroa admlr4mol al e~ta cilldad el rullilamlento on 01 pueblo No 64 WI pe lulclo d - lllwlrles 8U cuenta eonlmiddot Mayor 0 Nell en aquelloe momentoa y de Diriomo del CoronelLalne y algunos

V bull l REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA ~ cnte Y oxneta eremos III e908 pan asi nOl plaee conS1lJllarlo on eata arUcl1 0 otros prisirneroa I I fllaa obre aquellOl S d __1 d ch d ecre1ana e ilAIo en e eeplt 0 e ~s 8 Oil ~ombre8 de chaneelarls COli EI Capitnn Wilkins lie condujo tnnbien jetos III deabonn eonmguiente y )1 IlCe- Relacionelllnteriores

dlglll d el dIll que 80 les presente que de unA manera brilllnnte en el millIDO cr8Clion univelflall i ~pnrten el des- GranadR Oetuble ~ de 1800 JlGr ci rto no ~t~d(jlls ($ si solo se con- lugar y despue ell la deftn~ del HOIIpi precio y vilipendlo que mcreccn Y 0011_ EI S P E ampe ha servldo dictar el de-ICIltllj COil eCBrlbu snrcnsmos tal en toda la neche Es de celebaTlle la pell el lugar degradante eli que les colOCll ereto -ul~nte

-------- d dId fa 1 I d d I El GOllemo coosldelando que soMalianl lie omharea con direceion u con ucta e 011 bull IS co tat voe qn~ IU In agllO proce el hallan vaeallte~ las Carteral de Reb

Nueva York el Sr Eermin Ferrer hallan en el h~8pltal oOClrgard08 continu Como era de eeparamprse loglco y natu- ciunes Haelenda y CrMito pu~lico POl 1 g b no amente de los enfermotl Dr Lundy y raJ e1 Jene1Walker ordeno y ae eloell- baberse encaado de la ml~lon dlploshynombrlld0 que ba SluO por e 0 leI bull t ~II b d W b

j I PI d t n_ (f Dr Brmkerhoff 110 8010 por las bUenae to II (I1I181111ento nu de todoll los prleo- m4tiea eel bull e ga mete e a Ing ~n s~o ellpo~enculT1o e es a p medidas de defen~ ue tomaron IIlno ton a1 Seior Don Fermin Ferrer quohllcs eefca dol Gabinete de Wasbingtoll ~ nellIS que en la Justa lndlnadlon acuo 1l1li desempeflsil 011 180 de aus facultades

Ell F rl b I rt II pur 10 resolueion que 81empre lea honrar otro mimo Jonero- en 8U lur hubler D E C RET A errcr Gsumpe a a ca ar - -- bullbull de Hciendn que qUGdo Ii cargodel Go altamente do pereeer todtlS antl8 que prevenldo sino Iolamelte el de un Ten Articul 1 El Sefior ~e~oral Don

D d M I - G S n ahandonar unos velnte y cilloo enCer- vnte Coronel I un Capitan que ctillltian Mateo Pmeda autual MIlllIItro de ItgtlIera ~ me A lUStrolaquo c uerft e - bull G bull gad dI I diS F mOil que no pod Ian movelse de IU lecbo eutre Iquellos nerra ser onear 0 IDtennamellte elimos i 1 auseMl1 tempola c I e diahaa caneras teQlumiendo el Mlnlsteio rer a~ paso qua nll8 alegramos de que EI Chbano que elo~11I 01 Mayor Potter MuchOll plllOl1ero quqda~ on poder de Jfjn~roJ ~1a do el c electo parala mislOIl que cn el ~rro que ~lmlltr6 cuyo nllmbre nuestla gblllrnocolltrA qlllel011 ~u4lera Art t ComtllllltpleleI qutenea cor IampMnuuce Alos EsttldOIl Unidostallto por no mllmfest6 pm IgnollrJo e8 el Seflor dMClrgllllle todo el pl8O delagravlo lnfo rCIJpcmda lI1llltlilrw y circuDttitceiR quole ldornall Don FtCncisco Aguero y Batrada Pre- ridn y hooerl(1S sentirde un una manera t8~do en GitLi1lAltt~Rdigt cuantq pOl que rCIihiramp belll1s impresio recto de esta cludad prolilllda los exesos de IUS ~etos qUI Pu AI Senor Jenera Don Mateo Pineda nos en 18 hormolllls ciudlulea del Norto (on 10 dicho sitiafacemos la justlcia ditgtran haber ngrlVlJdo au situacion I pero Miubltro Jenera Am6rfca debida aloe SenOIOs 1l0minadOl y nuestro I Jneral Wlker oon todaJ )R ventnjNl De urden supreml 10 eomuBlco V

Ie Idelleam(lll Ull viRge teli~ y pronto doseo de eselaroeer III ferdad siempre y la repolllioraucia de la posicion que pllrt IIU Intellgeneia y demas efootos retor~ quo podamoa baeorlo ocupa 011 tll embargo magnanlm~ y Je M Pnln4


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 16: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.


320 ElNICABA8lfENSEVol t No 51 p 6 5abado 25 de Octubre de 1856 Saturday October 25 18S~ i t l

BRIG dNN HENNlVeSIIN ketnft4 tore lItelrlllaquopoampolllpu gri_r __ dlis hnmlllatlcm Autrl of eOIl- Iolaled lit COM~lISSION IpoundR~ SALE

t ~_11l loo1ltlnl 01eI 1lI6 l)emOOlamptI Rlew lOr t~Ir- tIe pJlva~ aIl4 lIIampIIy _______ t86l1l dad ~~1I1D ~n the ampIIlprllD W-r TIIlrtee lIUDPm td_ ana geuellile Of pURSUANT to an order leeIIed by the Board of CommlWon I gtfIll on d1IFJ~T DIY DlIloh the ClOIIdllCt an AllCIIont iDd ablllamp of note_ dlieclly tbll lulftlldvballled or JANUART 181S7 ofter die lbiIowingmiddot invelltoried propottl for 80 III pllbilO ItU(tUIIlmiddot pigt he lleteODI bo llgu~d hl ttamiddotiermtlllOflbk bo tthoullbdley had bad fw 1IIDIlth ill1Itelr the IIUa It the citl Of ~randl middot1 Uiwwe are carefully lorDed OTUIO told amp ppwer 1wrIHt Atmtlpd Atulricm H olall TetIIlI-Ou~ or IIUllar1 WpL bull ___ I lie ranka priloioll irlthoulltluriuamp OIl or them The laIe HI conllnU1l ampom lay to dar IlnUHn~ wiolo 18 dtaponu Of troDt BIb fall upon tbembull Speaking 1gt( lhe Gdrse ampelng ~he middotol)ltllllll wb(nrvmiddotpl1t bull pta Pankos deahtma of leeing the property and emiing for tbemaelvtl8 will 06 fllmned ~ll

nr6I11 aceouna tba Ilad bean ltritten lip to lhal oner (Counl Ziclly aD UDollarim) to dBatll horselllld gukl8 bllppJioallon at my oftIce - I irrul of thla lDem_ble 81rOssie Alr eiloll ana Amolllllt lbe Icllml were -e mell of large V I b e ed In It we Grid tJle toUorill (orhme w~o1D the ~II were _nxlou to d V1I I PEY INamf 01 Biulli I _-l_oP_1I_0I ___ RtllIlIrk4 ~ e DIU iii g tpoO toll Balllyampbyl ror bilt eatftld wordl Hacienda do aeao Roaano IJOiii llItololo Lopez Treo hI full bearing tI4middot11) Tho tnl connected ndlaWlillibl_nuflllreemiddotliilllloaiordollampnmiddotOeneIK coodemD 110 do Oandetari Do Youngtreet 10bullbull0

tblleampaltnt 111 ampOIlIg 1Dd dierefwe of tIe ed by Hnau wbo Will hill dBbtor for Ilxty Do CaUle lAIa Or~ Do bull 1~~1 HIIInl e _ gen~1 whloh Olftnot bo ~houllld doll VecztJ wlotte ~her (sllllllv BOWIampID run Do A row of siJ ator~ 101 UIldeiMood wllIo __ling the mlblary eo ID ) wieand he IIIQ of lite late emperor Au- HaeIendo de (JaQlO

UlJOnli In thleOdntryiUOIIlallled ill ~ pampt Ilt tba eampIdIer Jlho-pbllr-dle pllont and I~dl8O Pit t Juan T0lI6 Rut 8 0 entitled- Nag) Sandor apd the rrIeeI Damiani who Hacienda de Caeao plz(I Do- H 11 ThI P4d 1lIl Ja~ iff l1JFmiddot bellIg _ed to he hlDge4leet 1114 with como Do Indigo Je1U8 lIIarl8 Do 1 I

Fod bat 11M iffirtt tlhuWaUflul tM poau liby 1aet here lJbull1 ~ alw~lI ~t Booee in Ri Do Largo IIdnbe 8 11 f( BtlIqgU middotdndFtItllrIl p~ 6ti upon IMhetlio lIeLfP Bacl~d de Cacao Sin FraDdleo Jose JArguello Aree 18 C HfII~~atJlllwmiddotolmiddot fWlw M01ItIM LoWe Bath~nyl 111)0 wbenllomom fell bad Do do De Abandoned Into Qall~jl1fllllllA ZtmIaolrTgm R_liOll b~ tried OYer pW atIer belnl eaotenced to B_1n Onmada bullbull bull Do ~ ~ bull bullbull 0 Pvoria tc rour 1 impi1aoDment the eharga middotormiddot l)eWs Baclellla ltleCaeU rdilacio Male1iP- bullbull i bull bullbullbullbull ~r


rI p1tt t I cd cJ to -1 W middot111_ ~f middotORII Latour ot 11_ In Gi-aWulo-- - ~- JO bullbull bullbull bull bull bull 10 Thouampbor 0( 1Id_ ptm e li~ ~ r l)-U wbiclt be notorlouir U1tu_h _ _ 1180-0 Plta~ Francisco GuerrA IS

PllbnO~qollleclampIIllIIotb~bmiddotmiddot bi th d9lamp1t0f WullingampUII wuCOlidemned to he BoilandIotIIlRIna ~ 1gt0 9 lib lbe ~Ut onamprll 0iJ0orIlJ hanged Hia wife IntrcdllClld bull lancet Into hla IIoUll8i11lUfU n Kill patUalll burnt 10shyuulll bl+aljJbh~ugh Ih~ m~mollll~ ~~~sn pn- h which hellldun Inelliletwallliempl Haolenda dB 0_ ~~Ia Fe Joa6- II lIaleailo 18 In which Ihl tr COIIUUeDbC IIg 11 ccteddu~ co et the Jugular Tela DllIOOYued helbre he Catd Bolnte JIaI ()lIa Do bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull G ~imte 11000middot lIr 07 ~II Chi r de bad Ill to death hiamp wound 1111 bandam lip HOIlllIn ru 00 Lollg IQW 1 bull defeltbl bull ~h d IDamp~ I 0 ~ wi alld hemiddotw horrlellltdflged OIl IIId alios lite Haalend de Cacao bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ~ bullbull Fetlpe amp S Saenz NearTolo-aome wlldlllltamp 3()IlO

1ftOJbt8eomiddotarmiddotall rtt Igmiddot d or gallo probampbl) not belDg rdy 1I0 P h DO do 11 Vi C1emonte SaIlIOl Old ealatc neer Rint 1(1041 liIlgt11IfI~~~O ~pSd r ~kJi1iUei word to Ire and fell abolltibg Long Iff ampIIB lIollle in RIT Do Large adobe 100(10hit ~ nmiddotiI_p 0) bull bull Ibe arreet of Dahyao1i hid beell amp 110- Bouse aDd proyery In

middotbeforeBllblo Imiddot lt bull middot~middotiIi ihislao 1 IIulOw 01middotamp111ampmiddot01 atlonllo-ble otenc WIll a Sanmiddot JUan de Sur ) fll lS UellD lieDden tIam b bull bllabion cawIUD1-blamiddot esecutlcm anmiddot _iDatloomiddot HacIOllda domiddot GROj Felipe Avilc8 bull bull bull bull 8000

IIIOlJIiy ~I RUIIIii ellj R JPII hiobD~ 1Ianr otIrtri w_put to dtaIh W_ of Do do Sallt~ Do With wildlands b~ ~Re~t 0 ~ ~II middotaM flnb IfflUlrippeli and Kourged helOre middotthbullll I1delld de Ca~o JlCII-LaGalpa F amp E Carazo bull 27001) _ nCr tI aoIdIerr OfIJcelB from liliiii or coIeoell David D Lopzamp B Daroe 100)tile Baclellda de Cacao~ 9ijdbf~he ~1Ie~ thorab~ dOlfDlfardl e~ abulIpflI middot1It If bgtced Into Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull II amp Jos6 OaracM ~wotbtrds of die eltarA II iIai1 a~tJter~ ~IIJII ~ed IplOb th AUUIO _llln pr(fatail ~ at lite Do do Boperlll P run amp famll middotrmiddotmiddot 800gt 11_ r~tIJ 8~~ ampdrIhu~Dbull 1d eaprice of IDd ears-ta to ~ D~middot do Chlta JOJl6 Alfaror Conlaminl 160 acree 2000 ~Qjlt ~e ttl th rJm I middotU dar s-~ BOIIfelnBl Demiddot 1600 Urqllllatund to 1 C~ u of iIIatorlo bull FrOm thequatadoDe here IIIIIk k wIUw_ ~~eCaCampo Pafniar Tun Agila bull 10000 ~ 9fmiddotIi~temiddot 11114 tbafBdc Gen B~ Iidu 1fi1h 111m to Do do PlllIIIf P~1o Torres ~ ~ -lOOO ~oI~ lOU ettIoa of Ruulamp iii 1 B_ltlruu 2000shy t~Imiddotaath~~~eibampt dunn _middotmiddotri ~themiddotweIpt or bull rtpIItaiIOII fwllJUan Do bull do O BuetOl amp (amp11111 Near St George) 3~ ~~rII~ Dt~~~IImiddotlJuilfe Otunli IInewled and liaeety of PIlrpOll that 111l1li1 Bad de Cacao fi Do dobulllt lOoQ alloo COm liI iir EurepO tID pnbU~ work raytllihl1 tor IIIY_ whlchho ~ en~ Do do Jayl 11~Oerde8 k tamlly bull bull bull MOO and deg eIO h I dltIcm of th ed B Ii alrad tTOtahI II III E B~ ill RIampef bull bull bullbull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bullbull bull bull o~ gtJ lIII-dnl flle rthl 8 PI II 1 110- bull mope Catlle Batalai Las Lalaa R Pala ampI fmIl1 bull bull 1 popilldlia DIIlft h bull or I~ a and doubt ne -thaI ldImo~ DllIItre pow H_ID ru bullbullbullbull Do dO On the Plaza 2 ItciUjmiddotJ1IUle d~ ~call88htroFer ttei1eclla Niea IfW lillke hlllWM falidllarDo do bull bullbullbull bullbull ))0 do Do QI

lOh~IL~ ~ II middottmiddoti~ wmiddotr hrO hOllmiddotADleaea Dobull do Do do edmiddot lwwlljlUll-adepamprlTleodeglmiddottoat 118 i CaUleamplampIemiddot HeC~IJtI lnoceDteRuele - Ihf St PeUnbllllt lnadluted It and bOle IlIf au r-l~laIe and Imiddot

Jdft1oillD ftJreIIP ~~ I -gt - lIIotiee rdieateDIJIIlIe- bull ItiIdmiddot bullbull oe bullu were D- bull lIl1111~~ da r F lid lIf 9 jIIturliaia oItlte llllIoWl81 _lddlKieaeeIJ pe BOIIIe In Rlne bullbullbullbull r bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull Do do bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull ~ ~middotCbIdimiddot =n H bull UeDllla ~YU Ioii wIltprenlM th~ to me dIll11111bll1t1oe~ Sugar Etemiddot nell 1110middot I

bull~ bt -eneecUMtto mltllilbnn Ihe pUbHoofmiddot ALL PmtlilONff bano tIahe na tilt 11- lUvae ~ Pedro Ohamorro bull l~rJnO

III the Bunf d~ti_O ~ Ollorbelorei1lellampt1idlryorneoo1868otherw_ tap 00 do 12(00 ol~ ~1I-noII IlQ tie a~oflii~1llI~tb1middot-middot ~1llr01l)li iterccentef Pedro ToaqIlM ~1I1l1 ~OIOO ttlbullwtmiddotcilr 6Ibplo-dIJ1Koiiot1t1 ~UIAtltJiB8GORDB1t 1gt0 do Ag~Agrla DI()~lcla)lemando 8laquogt0biild fll IL b ~ and tb ()rientili OIllRLBamp OALLAHAN)middotmiddot H_1n Granedamp CbhlDroampramlr SapA

~ll8gotlatlllW bullbull or bull ~middotJ1lLll1SKtSr ~dBlti I_Kula Do dobull ~00Ileattle300ltgtiu1l l2~Umiddot ~dJCted uallO~ todOonr- AIld-aU ~lIIdehl to tiM at tit Do do ~ROaa Do lt100 ~600caltle 1Ul0 hor8eI 16gttOOi ioot IlWlpr~ middotabOedec~ petdllOllllIIIIIka Immdiata Pato Bac1euda do Ccao bullbull to ~ Fnlgetlcla Vasa t 18

The crll11Ilj~~ I~ ~1 lal~ lenlll~t monuo me GILDK PlTUB Bon III (Jraneda bull bullbullbull Do ~ bull 15 O hllito Of tbbull bull piby- BeIIDlllpID bull wen all lnbk A4IIIIaIllrillorO D Stook lIn~b St Jeronlmo middotDo 1600 catlfe ~(lO hore HInhn

the bull t t Gralled yen St 18M Boote ill Graneda Do GuedaiouputMet ~ biublUtyllldellotlllllon mapa ~middotU om e __ - Do domiddot Do _ Domiddot middotmiddot11100 deslrabiek a iiillitarJr poln oC vie the movemiddot otlce Domiddot 40 bull bullbullbullbull Nfcaclo d~1 Qutlilo bullbullbull bullbull 8bull lIlent h111 n~li describe LL pertlOll8 hlnr clallIlII aplta lite tu of QoIrete bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull Do Near lIIalaeo 4jju

J kln 6fGill1eya middotlieon In bamplilgmiddotno- A~o fOllolngllllllled deoeutd plIrtIOIll 111 pre 11o In Qranada Antonio Barheteno bullbullbull ~ ~ U n pea I nHhem to me dilly Inthenlluated 011 or before Stock Ranch El rlldo Do $00 cattle 1~ hollelt 4fi

lated tho ~oodIIl0~8 O~ wblch KOIIulh delegl~ed lito tOth dlr of Deoember 181111 otherwllle th~ lantln Walk bullbull bullbullbull Do ~eer Granada 2 bl power lbo Bele pilbllahoJ the follOlYlDg wlH noamp he IIllowed by Jr I ~ In GratIlIdl Jns Maria EIllrada bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bullbull bullbull bull bull bull ~ quotatl11 bich we are templed to cOP1 aa It B1lOn Cole Wiley lfarahl~ Plantain Walle bull bull bull Do Ncar Granada l II Iii millent p081110n In European afIiIlr8 Robert JlHllkIII Jonaillan WIIecm HOIlBO In M_ 400catrJe fiO hlgtrfle8 4~ Lino CelIr

8 ow 0 pN 1 Dr Gen lie bull gatll bull S K Sackaun George White Stock Rench Clraeol Dmiddot fear San Roque 8 0I

beld by Ollr prlStli g IInto bull And Umiddot perllOol Indebted 0 lite estalel oC Ibe HOlII8 In Gratllld Lnla Montrel e 0 Kt)86utll had middotnot ~Ichd Oro ~pon dlo boTe deCeaeed pereoMl will make ImmedlMo PlY PIMntain Walk bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull Do N~middot VegM 1 (

rOllller befO4 the necouol 01 GOI8O I tIe1lSOD men to Il10 GILBBRl TITUS 1l01llOln Gnadn NAciso Raplnoza 4r ovemok him frOli1 whence togethmiddot wlth 1epl 11bllo Adllllllltttntor 0 D 8 BIJIuln GralUlda bull bullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull fala rlltoa Horall bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull 6( U Dembinkl Kmeuy GI1OO and 1If tbollltlllt~ 11 aranad BtpL SO 1848 Houeeln Granada lOll Ubaotl bull bull bull bull ~

ho puHd lIrollgh Wallacb to Vdbl In IV 1 - Ifulend de Cacao MlloO Tlo bull bull bull bull bull bull t I hefond lIIe Turkhlh frentler nO ee- ROUIein Gramplloda bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull ROIIrio Vinamp Granada Hotel 9 ~ wlUle Gorgel bad omred tho gaITiIon of AItt peraoiIII areIIbJ oaiRIed agaiOI bul Do do gto bull bull ~ 0

Colllorn to III1rrender wblch I re~ lIrat to In or lI_solSatlllg flit the fulJOwing 1crIp~ Do do bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Ponelano CoTftI bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbull ~~ d thoul11 entering Ioto neotiatiOll wllh the ~ne 1_ nUmberedmiddot(8G) tbltty-lllr In fayOI of amp do bull Pelar Mil~nco bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull 4lt IIV

A~triu~ Tb~ro were IIDfortuo~11 cmOlPI D lIa)Ie1 tor t810middot Do do~ bullbull bullbull bull Tlo 21 die o1lICltMI lOme dUpes of Gorgea parIoy who 0 1_ nlllOhered (19gt nfnetean 111 fu~Il of Stoclc Raocb 0101 Ito 1600 cattle 200 bor 110 0 were allrlollamp (0 maktmiddotterrM and Ie nolbiug 1188 Wm Baletor 18383 Uclenda do cetlO ~ Do A Malco ~o bean of K_IIlI fonll bull Gorgel bad ~Tel The lJlOye dllllCli1gted IIIitIp Is ~ elldoried by H_In Granado bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull Femando ellman bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 0 fro him t~lll0w$tl Ibe f~lrell w Svoo liP me and Pi t Is pioleetiKhUbeoIIlce of the StoolfllAAelt at TOrell Do t600 cattle 300 boraes 12r 10 the AU8Ii1anl with ~~ealipulatloD hat tbe p Mlntaler ~endlaquo DANIIL BArIgtSY HtmfI$ In Granadn jOfoqnllla Iloran bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull 6 iison 11(0111111141 1I~wcd ~ loen portion 0r11a a~~Pt Ib 1816 Hclendailo Cacao falaco Do 36 pay and Abould be pe~lltIdtorollreullUolecd HOII lnGrallllda Pedro Seqllenn ~ ~middotO

KOlIlhh~ng bead of tbele DegOtl~tIcm~ David l_raDI Hou-Itl Granarla Yna Horan igend conelilulllg b~~ tho Pwer oelegaled to Oor OFFERS FOR IiALE A hie plate San Seber Hacienda de Cacao ~ Hraor JLSimdonl O ge htd eKed bticlt to bnn on aocouD~ oC he Ian Stre h boG IIh Bee- Stock Ranelt Rcmltee Felipe Oahezas 1600 ClIIUe 9 DOll l1IUI1l1oee of the traitor wltb tbe COLldillona bull 81 on OWIII a bullbull H0I311 In Onnada Miguel rullerllZ i bullbullbull 3m III ateJ iIad bowr dilpttcheltl bull comulmiddot chon Jture SIllc1l RaMbmiddot San Pablo Do liOO caltie 40 alier wIth powerl and illitIlCllonB 0 prottll~~ 10 bullFlour Vb~e~ aIll11~fe=~n~hlt Do do HeCled r SelayoampDIejltraa 260 cattle 400 nOllle8 20 tho U~I t~ dB~nee of CO50rn bull Oilnltte blide~~I Ale ampDd p~ Do do ChllamlII10 Leandro SelAYo 600 caltle 50 horBeI ~o deg

That po 1fhlch he cotld oalr give ~ di Itelrt WI CIa) pipes Ifoo ln Guada bullbullbullbullbull Dolor LejaTftl bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull bull 0(raquo GOYemo ofmiddot Hunprl feN counteralgncd bl un~T aD b a lltoek Rancllmiddot Qlebda HODd~ Dr bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull (jollll Q-iiili BfodlaDyl TlIe Comlllieajone or ermaOlfjl bull Do 40 olnquto Do ~600 entUe 200 b01808 bull bull bull bull

lta1lL hilWA to (lqwtrll when fortr-lIIIf Recorder Oftice Do d SoIn Jampclno Miguel BolallOlampBroa 2500 caUle GOO horaee 1~ renderedmiddot bull __ __ De do San Francleeo tm~ 20

Thia oommkttoloner delegaed mlb aupreme Tml Ollloltofth B_ofDeeda lorICgeB Las Hampderae Do ~~OOO cattlo 200 bOae~ m oiflhlld mUtanpoer W baY8 reaampoD to kilo lIcrorthe OrieItIi D~ofth RolIbo -Do do ~~ Rolille ATUezIICluIlIIOrtO 801)0 cattle 1100 bol8ell H i wuUuolll Vae lIampbor of the pampblet JIoDi 110 will he optlledln thecltl of GranAda on _ HOll~ III Granada bull bullbull bull Do bull bull bull bull 41 bull fbIeh we C been 10 largely 1IlI1ftc1h1g daJ the 8th oampptlm~ 18~G1r ~~-r ~tlIk I_ncb s~ Blu Domiftlo Jarqllin TOO caUe 100 horae$ II lboup 1I1) boll a reteh 011 boreehaekhe aqutred by D_ to e ~__~~J ~dlin ~ fin do Tenabona )fillller Alvarado 600 cattle 100 horaOlll 6 ~ OOlIld nlltIumiddotImemiddot Illach lIIe fronlel ror middotwhlob Ibe toreNIdD~Dt re7GlLLm Do~ do COrplil Chrletl Menue Gltcia 600 CtlUle 100 horeetl 4~

putpOtllmiddotU waii ntCelllry to pili ~e lllrough monirdetteforthOriealll~t Do dB sm6ntonlo Tillloteo Lacayo 800 caI~Io 60boraea 8~O the 1ntL ~ 1 H_IIlGranadltClltolayorr _~v

Had ht dOlI10 he Wlamp J)led~ no to liltmiddot Oranadaj - $711301d Camont ror fU InOlIIte lid would haTe N ti T 0 l IJ I u

~n~rHn 900 Auatrial P~~8fII whQIU he 0 ee Together willi lorl) or fifty FarJU HQu- amp0 1 Iho Depar~ent of BIYa8 Iued at ~ ill ol1lltbave hold aa hOllagea for theeMnmiddot the I WILL give Uberal ~wvd to a01 person who three hundred to onll thollllllld doU_ ~ ttunJilt1nn clilefti-to th Oil thle incldenl hluged bull will tlUll to m) etore my Ledger Book II A btrge portloll of tho abue poperty 18 situated Idlin als houra ride of San Juan del Sur Vlts in tb tate of Moul BadlYllllyi udOrmiddothla COlllpan~ Will pIIIaed from lIlatore during tlielate attack Bay Rirulan Gorg NaDdBlme and Deriomo and the remalndu In Granad tnd ObOlltaea Iollllinmlafllflllland~nn1lirt1rdo I _ftbull~ _ 18 1866 1IA TllOllAN JOHN MYLARD MARSHAL bull

Tho fold(r~ of tbo garrison broke ~h1r milmiddot _ L i bull

F NlCARABllENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 1 sabado 1de Novtambre de lasS Saturdav November 1 1856 323


lEI NIC AU A GUENSE1middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotL bullbull 1 ~ bull =L~ bull


[OFFIotAL) If ~lIdortOollliull8loned Oc~ 8 rROamp FrrltltiNr4tt~ ~- Olear OrOllltoy II 9 DbullBamey Woolf COll1mlllliolled April 28 1S6f

REGISTER UI1l1M1U R barlfa Tylor lI_y 28 OF TUB Artlllit CoInIor1 GOmlUluiouElt AtgIIII lit l8G~ JollaW AndmlOn II June 21

amprotul lAl1Ilmdm ThOll F Wright Jul N lOA RA G tJ A A R lY O~O~e Von Hln oolllmlttdloncd Sept 211 18$GbullbullJoho MbullGilCIIu AUg

Newton l Webb I April 10 M T Neagle Sep~ JII OIlllIRU CO~IIfIIDINO IK OIIlB R LaIlIb Se~ u William NnrthWige ()cj y

William Wlllite 6 IIlft11et II 95 ~1 Lil1llmIt1lt bull did aCltlmp 11l1li1 8411u4lOlf 0111I11T nTILLUI Georg~nll8ti oblllillil8ltMd April 1 bullbull lIIN

aCajl Inlr lfahon e1Inlillealooed Jln 20 18lil _L MIIgtI lames bull T 1roe u May 9t

H F Pilled Matcli 81 - A Dltl1gtwarj2 comlllillgtlioll~d OclOber 18 11166 fm K PMliv~ II May 26 II

W81 P towl II il~ 1 CaptaIn Jbull~ ampnaford Julr IJ II II 0 W GIs a OJ 18~ Getlrge B elllllld IlOlI1mlllllloned Occ 18 1868 VJlIIm H Toler A_g 11

bull bull D U Dulaney II I_mea S Jldfe u 8op~ 25 DIItODIIIR OINEIIUII 8oeqrulIMui_t Joho M Wtllngtonmiddot bullbull Oat 101

Comer o Homeb commlllioned Jats 12 19116 John Crowell commluloned Sept 11 18118 BeuJamln Hardla 00 y A (lamp Cui O Staehle Occ ll4- Firat Lleutonant Jamel Small 1Il~lLlOI or UIIOIIIIamp a_liD ATTJtl01 O~ IKAlrIar

Birkett D Fry eomriliAiolled 6pl 16 Mqjor J hn A J ColtitUeOamta Joho P Wtel1 conomllllloaed J1IIII 18 1866 0 aqu~ commlolaiOMd]lIne 18 186amp

I bull R T 80 d igt LiMNat CIltm4l2dbull L GU bullbull c e corum 1 I II vilpt4lI1 Leonldu MCIntosh co isoiI ed AlII 19

L Nonrell Walker comllllllo~ Aprill 11166 M On 111middot O middotF Henningsen comDlfaaloned Oct 19 Robert Ellr Jllne 11 lien D_ n_ co l1~ft d A IA (~mp R W Plck ~nl ug j O_n mUlne ug 18l16bull

~ bullbull ~ A bull - bull A4iaJUmiddot Johu 8 FlnOlllJvfl Lieaftt Oct I 2d Lleut E H OIat~~i~88d JIlOO 18 18~6JDJOILIIT o~lIuJtlI I)BPtIIIIIIIITbull

lIltfut Q_ol W A Rhea cOlUlDmlsaiQQed August III 1816 Ja_ Umiddotmiddotmiddot- eomlDlealnomiddota Amiddot12 1middotmiddot~middot-001 Ph RThompson CODIIIIlMdFllb 1I18G8 w H Lenl 92 - ~ ~ Ilamutl -L October 1 J1l1$16 Dreux June 1~ tulffilt t4illtattl eMal JAIIIIe Lewis D WIlIkInS II AIIjI it IiUajor G R OMtoQ coDlmluioned occ 2amp ampcotul lMutma1ll Bllrale Bell II ~

ll1DQII IlgtvOOJTli OBMW ThomJ)lOn 1lI00u _liIlened JIID8 11118118 Lewis E GIIU1 se t 2lt bull T U Hewlett II Aug l6 p v

dbulltWllftt J+ o44u9cat OIJ W I Qukll~ II III It lIf Ll~1

11 llmiddotitar ngtitn~t~ ~_ i


Poet-Ollie Building OWEN DUFFY Ageut

y u ~~_~ 4 Ilrllil F D _ t

i bullbull en AWARD of THIampfi DOLL4RS esol will Ie Lieut J W

fOt appheDaloll aud dell (tu of thG Army) of t~ofollowI118 named 2d Lleut Wm ltP-t

from Company A Firat Jlltampntry Balta

[--FJS_ RIOH Aged Illyeare II r~elO In hAir blue o)eB ruddy cOlllploxlOl~ i() pound Occupalion baker

bull GLIDDON Aged 28yeara 6 feet high falr clllllpletIon IIllhthair blue largo feet and 10llg tlnlterod-bullbullellhl

bull 8

Oapt M bull 1 FlIIOr comt1lampIontd July is 18111 lolln Coo COInlDialloned Jlloe 18 1864 bull rllIII JlJTTJUOK or 1U1II8 AndrbullbullBrady Au 22

IMIIHCTO_ GIIIKIJL I)amp~TIIIIII bull clod GlOIge W lIa11er II Oc~ 18 Impector eIII~ BdwlIId I SaIldm COIIIIIIIadcme4 AprO II 18lS6 Fnnclsco IIotb II IS

CoL Bruno Hlltsme commlsalond NOf 12 18114 U~ CoIltm4l 1IlId LiNt bull Tler OUwllllt ~m~edl ll 18 8uluel a Allin c~mluioDed lflllOh 118116 B D lIorre~ comm~olled Au ~3 [8116

_ _ y fIlor J middotW Oonkhn OOl 18 qlllllTllalllAalllllS JlnuTIIIJII Johnmiddot O ONtII commflMoneli AprD 11 lRIIf BeDJlllllln Beechler U 18 it

Q_~III bttal o4~ L A Clark IIC 18 Col ThOll Fisber commiJalon~d 4prlll 1858 8 LIeut ~ Lathrop commlad lau U 8156

ttll Qiulrtnnw OMiMl ~ peUlliATIOJlll Lieuamp 001 Wm K ROlieJlf comd Ocs Y G W1l Leonard ool1UDlaIIooed AOtII UllSIf hI LIeuL B ABlltcbl Com et ampI1t np

QlUlrUrmallllll [Brevel 011 tile 11011 ()cj ILl Allgua I IS5amp [~or Thamp Benry CltJlIIlI88I0oed Oct 18 Co B J poundavail 81ilh COlIIIIlIud April 181bullbull 20d LIeut Thoml8 8tackh- 204 JalaaWy Ali-II Will HIIIria 23 C ThOt Dolan June 18 gill 11 1868

ampJdlanlQlrtmnalttl__ _ D B D )teCh_a II July e bullbull 2tcUJant D O F~t 18 RlIIH AcuR 2SCapl Wm II Wilhll_oomd Nov 10 18115 1- H A JObnlObe u i1 1866 BeltJ W Bamml Aug 4- 1858 G DamplIiel Oampgai OIl 4- tlld Lleu- W B Hen Inljleeor Ola IMPshy

Andrewa flmiddot it ~i r JObn Iwh1l1a II bull II Au~ Sll lBIamp Juh Y Price Oct 18 B J-- DIllUlicaAL O~ II 1 LleUI E 4 P~iI IUb lhtpIIQpL 11 middotJIIIO

April Imiddot lIfr lMI4u~ ~nd A A Moora lal IlII1 lug 21i liIH MUiI Slo~ 00 B Le R Latimer com d 4prD ie 1811 SUfReoD Wm H sun4eN Aupt 26 IUI6

W~m B WY~ K Bob P Gardner II Allg so Alor 10hn II bull 1111f1iba1~ Judge Ad Oel Au 8U88lIllIIIlOJ DllIBTilUT D AIa~ Anderson bullbull ~ 119 1868

Oommiry Qfmlllal Sutdluu A Wm H MIh Sept 11 Cp~ John Wmiddot amp7dr 11lUJIea Aug 81 1864 Col Georg B Hall commiufoned Jul i6lS~6 F -- - Oollllay Ii O~ 4- cpt II E Bradley TrAn ~llle SepUs 18nbull

tm44t110ilmmiuarp (I_I G -- LoUhamDler 111 Lieut A MePilIO lsI 11111 Occ Y 18GI MIor BIIIlj Y Or1Ie comlllissiond July Il Cbu H Welt II Oct 114 Capl Douglas JWllkhia(untcbd)ept 80 1861middot

Aulatll aommulIJrUu Subfm 811111plet WlUlalDeon ~ u U L Jilglehan tigtd Ioftolry 2) 11

Occupation tailor alao fruit deal~r Capt W H LyonS commisaloned Aug 1 1866 amp-d LiwfmlId R S WiUIIIlII 21ld RltIotI Oct 8 U

S LOUIS OOHEkT Aged ~l feetmiddot inchet leI Lieu~ W H Buttrick II 00 D Th_ Cbloh_ eornd April 1 185amp LIeut Col F bull P Audel D las Rilles Oet_IO bull 185$

l08o-welgbub9ut 195 poullda Oecupti~n 0iII Jame S Wet laquo I B tllke J _orr JIIIJ 6 Capt Cbarlet A Gore 2nd Rillea Oct 18 1811 bullflaquob rir comple~lol1 hlue er IIgh halr large Henr1 C Wall I E lb0i Y JllolIrnoy Ha12b

penwi bull 0 John B Moo Sep~ 11 2nd Mllllt M S Oro 18 PATRIOK H YS IrI- d ~III)IO DIPUT)lBff i David A Lawton It Aug 11 J G SIIDllllerll Out Is4 bullbull bull an mall Age 21 SIIrgetJ GI 1Il II ~d lUllet

JW8 G luet 4 il1cb~ blgll qotlt qGmplexion dlllle (with 110 rallk of COlonol) G Clayton Billllialr 011 8 1868 bullbulli dtrk 6et-welghs about 1411 pounus 00 F DIICj ONeal 4 2nd Lieut J W PolklIl1d Inlltnlry Oct 20 18~ ClIpalllll IdhOler BVrgtcll 6 H Ubrbrook Itlaquo it J M Williams 2nt Rill Oct t I 111shy

6 OLJVEl (JROMWLL Ag8l182 years 6 (wlthbo rok 0( lIaJor) B WlIas Allen II Oet JI 6 A H wl~y 0010 Dept 2518116 kef 6lnches high Ught tomploxloll Ugbt bilk John Dawson 4cllng 8middotG oomd NOT 14 18116 n ell Wilkinson 21 II Oapt J V Hoolf AilSt AdJt Gen 28 1856 lIiIudl wblakera hazel yell-weighs aboul 140 O S Coleman coblmleslooed April 28 1556 __III) BtnttIOIi or amD llcsignlune-III1 fOIld OecllpuioR millwright n T Roalon lep 18 (JolOftI

_ClIARLES W KltuGER flapt Comdg Jamea ellulII 00 111 Jobn Allee cOIIQlIIIlloned June at 1866 I)URII bull (0 A 1st lulQty BaLllLlion BurpOIl aM Anitalll Smiddotgeo bull LiNluta1ll CltJlI Capt H t Witter A llltant Adjutant General

pOlt Serapaqui 8op 26th 1856 0 twitb the flnk of Captain) bull Idmlllld II HoDonald commlllld JIIG 18 18118 2nd Lleul Wm M Rogera lat InamplIlry--r-----------L-- J Geli8ner eommlllSloned Jan 91856 Major Li~ut OoL Byrollmiddot Cole Aeltlatant QU~flenlluler 1 Dllvid 1Ilnllg W G Sicigh bullbull U W P (Jaycee comOllllllioned Ua11 166 General killed at San Jacinto

O~RS FOR ALE at hia pl~ee San Sebas- A Callahan Val 30 middoto4ltfultmt 2nd lieut n A Milliken 1 Ri4es killed t sen

lIan abeel OIlD boUlle abov~ U Ph Be OWDI LHLuSeondy JUlie IS IMLleulJ W Kllllacmdorf comd Oct 1818l6 Jaolntebulldie a litore eor$amp tI UI ()ttpt Oapt W Pmiddot Jartls 2nd Rift died from wOllndi

lhlto-Nf Oandl~ Hackcr11I Olive i I~IIUlf Aug 26 CoO Jolin B Otee bull middotCOllmla$d June 21 18G6 reooied Sao Jaciuto e Wolft ro~tlc8ebledanoSehnappl bullbull IU onall Oct 28 A John F llecgtrch Oct 18 CaptJ H WlUiamaon drowned al Vlrglu Bay

bull Bltte Phlladelphlll 110 and Porter Pol DlIPtBTlIliII B DenJ M AndorfOn it 16 lind Lleul H l lhemRn died from wOl1ld reshynan Alld bilIa Wie Claypipes loynuulw Ofmoral Ii ~ ceived at Ifuata Ocl 114 middot18M

lerlll eh 001 Alex middotJonu commlssiOlld Feb 8 18H Edward O HIIIf naCerrd fMm Ordnance Demiddot LlOnt Col F A LalIIO 4 h c tarharolrbull p tulNMII PlaquoyltlwlII ptl1ment CODllllleslone4 -ug U l85G murderd b1 the med forces opoeed to tbili

T~ O I ugUld III ost 2d Llout J Fiemlng conmlsaione4 Aug 4 S middotS McElroy Oll~ lS OoYelllDlcllh IJlhollt propOllng Itn excbango

DgltS IllS S~HVI9ES 10 Ih citlllns flI OII)AIIOI DUAllfllBllr Imorul LfMfnaoll of priaOneri _rdlig 10 the uaagee of war ~anadjl and vlcmllY III h praete of Ulior E W Rawle commissioned Jul 14 1966 N T~p OOll1tuiu1ooed October 81856 lit Lleus JulllIIIKeilkUled In action at San J

u mOINE SURGERY amp MlDWIFERY Hellry I bullbull POller bull it 14 Eo H 01018 II 8 clnto bull 2nd IlelltW W ~der killed in aClion at SaIl om and OlIidcnce on the lOulhw1 Capt JJfrori Swln~le AprO 11_ J T Booo 18

~r of tbe atleet oppte b _ __ lal Llel~ Il A Carllar Oct 18 I B Vaughan 18 Jaelllto _ 0 0 1amp1100 2d Will B Ulte II Benr1 Hlnea It 18 middotDealba-l0

ent OWG bull ad June I 1 86r 1III0I11UII COIIP raTe _ i - --- Oaptain 1II8r IItTTUIOIi or IlfFJIITIlY J)BOPPBD

i lntitmiddote E c F Ucsse cOlllnllaaioned October t 18fill lt011 cpl A U Hirsh August 0 1866 iL PERSONS hlulng clalma against tbo 8A~IIIU11I1) 11111amp11amp John B MlIIkham commlaa~onod October 10 18511 U A B Wulklll8 AogWltU Ig10

Al ealamp~ of tho following namod deooa8ltlol or Jrft L~lt Lieut ~ 181 Lieut 8 W QuayAug~1I9la5t1-werod I()ulwill presoul tb~m to DIe dulll1uthentieated flonr) O Porler ltmmisslOllou Oct 18 1866 A francie Rudler comllsaioned May Ill l81Samp 8urgtlUII p N lugrahan Sept I 1866 til Or baforo the 1I8b~ay of Dec 1866 otherwie SltCOftIl LilllltJIt lldJfJ1 Brig -Gell 1) de GoiC(lurl Ocl 19 i858 Iht~ will be barred h1 law C DeuulaE lIayuee commissiolled Oct 18 l~e W_ Raymond colllmlaaloned Hay 1218113 Dropped-5 1 CHARLES GORI)EN J K hgall 21 o44IId1ll bullI

I CHARI1tS OALLAHAN OfFIIIIU lINJlTJCIIED ind Leut Fred W JeIeCOlli d lpnl U 18118 n command of WlLLIAM ALItER1ULlUS KIJlL Ooltmll FraIl B OKeef cln~od A rlll 185 GeneIrolllmaUdlngmiddotlnuh~middot 11 pel8Oll8 indebteu to tho eeatee of tho U B Skerrett commillSioned lanltllly Ill 1850 James 0 JOJtUsone f is

ahor c deceated pereaa111 make homodiate pay CaptaiN OhllL B 11 II Pa R THOIlHOiI AdJ Gelleral N A t to lIIe GILBEltl TITU6 F UoncosOIl commllllloned JaR 28 1~8middot FrInk i ThomPecm June 2~ Headq1ampli~rI lfthe AltII1

Publlo Adnilllstriltor O D J Egbert FaIllUDI middotFeb I II Charlea A Waltere 8op~ II Adj General 08ce 8ept ~7 1866 W J Merryman II JlIDe 18 BIrarn BIlIIIIlII II Sept SIl G~ Oct is 1860bull

325ELWICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 3 Sabado 1de Novlembre de l8SS Saturday November 1 1856

- shy

I(OUTINU OlljlONIOLE FILtiloita P1l1GRuTbe Dime of amphept ~EJ[INIE A~M - elttie~middot~~~~M~r hi~Ibtmiddot~ 8I1~C~herortbo pteellhiplraottohoPreal- Vlo~PCOUI amlPletwillb~llIeaodioJurebull U denlW chair of Ibe United l116tee IIM Jolhn FlU- The CoDoltlng rtlmub upon iho Wled th- et alanaing liq~ean~ h6ldiifg mu~eHighCly III d~ f h ~Ilv w a L dmiddot f Bri II B Ihe8boulde aoldierll lite h whoutmiddot aurilljlJ

Dlor~ an a ler avlng hoen bull long tIme In ~ ea m e peu 0 en m- tb kl n k f ~ L Rlla 1- Id I I rom e - bull 0bullbull e 0 I e lln 1_eaplllIy b plrat tiled lIpon a farm In Conmiddot bull n n- on lapr uponevIlr10er 1 when loaded ~Iamph elonty~ve pina of rifte PO-DecdClUI where be ended bla daya NathanIel tho NIlIIl1Iguan Army to road carelnU or ell I~ der endllot rammellmiddotI tt1 Jlillcb leU thtb Flllmortltll _ amp100m hautOt htlndrelland oul bullbulld e6mmit it to momory h I a olea anel or the lIu8kel bllt 11111 too great 10 l)e 6redflOBl

eMy 1-alio When ayoutll be mom to lucid daeJriptlon or the manner ill whlcb amphe Ylni4 ~vrilu~~~~~ ~iiI ~~ ~J~i Verlllon and alded at Bennln~I1 WMtIl b should be M amplid m ampl1 repoy all tbe lI eqWl and holditlght to middotIbbullbullhl)uldbullbull Ihe r bullbull

fho ~Ct beteen Col $andbullbull i Old TOIII IIlId 11 r ltlay~eoq II 8tck Billy chronicled lut week I whlcli 011 Tom wal deolared a ylctor atartcd the 8po~tlnlf men ef tho city and this weft $ IIno hall aoveral asciUllg IIl1d ciofOl _let~ ruCtbullbull middot

On l edu-May ovolIIIIII a moteh was made lind run b woen Oape OcorgltJ Giel Ba alld MA jor Cfty4ecs II Black Billy Distance 400 ards fQr IWG hundred dolla Black Billy n on h7 K clqar engampb

Tho ext-on the me eveninll-IIu a conl t ~IWcel (l18t ~ay nd a d k grey ollJled by BlIvet 1I1lJor LeommJ This race was a try tlOampO~o-ite hors flllming side b1 Ide tbe h~lo tauee Gletmiddot be e as evldolltly overshyweiSb d bleh rul~ed In OllllSillg hDI to lOBe Ihe rA by a dialanee of only a lew feet

The eitt 11 II race Ileween MII)r Caycee u U1Ck~BilY and Col JUlIee middotu (re EMgle The IU ~et upon tho hoN1C8 eltCeed~d lin huushydrM do l~rlI A good llat wbullbull obtained and the hora 01 neck alld neck about lour hundllild yrds ~en the groy began te crawl a IiHe ahesd nd at be winning poet earnll oul n8lll11 holt II I ustb In dYaI08 Bolb boraes appeared t~ be I Chit IIce maoaged well but at Ihe end Ihe lid appfared 10 be In doubl as to wbleb Wamp8 III laater animal and a Dlaleh for two thoushyIDd d Utp Wal eWeeted on the lIeld bylbe Ame horaee llh chanRe of rlders~11 came 01 lhe DeXI ( urad ) evenlol( and Ihe Grey won

Coa UTIOtf or rRIl EIIrllloa or ioU 1111

R~881 e- Bhortly after ill amphe ahlatan had taken hplr pllOea til lfaater of COIemonlel raleed Ia liand and IAfe n ordor In RlI88Ian wbete pi)n tile trumpetl blt9l oul InlO a wild IIId i ln8 8ouah the herald ~ised their Noell In Ibe Ilr and II hllvi~g uncoyoted their _dl pile of Ibe Becretolri t4ll4 tbe prOtlalllashydon w~i~h i8 redem into Engllell 018 folio

Our Inry aUgUStlery high lind ve pulNttOI r Aleunder Nicolalevleti belnll tIlrone of bls anctors heb 18

lIIISiu as ell u upon tt(lSt of Poland and of amphe GrtUld Duchy

of Finlauit which aro Insepllrable t1middotorp II hAA deiW16il to order LDllt the eoronrlon of bls 1m perial iljeS~ nnd his Olltb Bbn lake illace on 1M 2 III of the monlh I Augu~t bis augU1lI epouro lie mprola I1kro Alqxandrovnl pllrtlelmiddot

bull ad celllmooy Tub 8I)lemll Ael the preeut pr~1anltiu 10 all

to the eld that on this hppy redouble ttelt feVotin theil pyera

g of King tba~ Ho middotm spreld by His _ VOlfer His faTO8 dmiddotbl bullbullsinll ou tfiO

reign ~( hi DlaJeat ~t1d tllrougloul it duration Ito nu~y mailltaln peace lind ~Ianquility to the glor) ~f Ills holy nAme and fogtr tho 1I11111terablc prosit of tit emplro

Wl~l ON loLlTlcs-EvelbOly knoYs WilIi8 -Iho peet nll~lky edilor or Ibe lIomu Journal 110 btl III)td matty good Ihinge In his life and tbe following upon politlrs lIod political cRndldltltlli Is bull ot OJtull b~tter ald lh ptople of IgtlcaragulI iU6ppreellltJill

I lind mylolf for Ibo flut tlmo middot111 tn life Inshylml~d for political candidAte or I hould ~1l1r[~IIY perhp~ In 1 Candldalo wililoUl hi politic I II1vo bltberto (10 account S(lDlebat rolllm apparent want of aImiddotlotlsm) thought tbe eount under a hend bioh iliad almost any Ilcor g safe enough It loomed 10 me of vcry liWo IIsnllnoe (10 anybodr but I)m~ oekers) wlulth r 1 whig 1ll1 domocrat wu at the holmshypllblt opluion besidlli being llOgether too wide l~ak hlo ollcated a Olgtnlry for Qlther a blun ~er or l lin of pilotage to b more tban opproadltd So 1M plnlo ft8 this confidence In Amerleas do loSee vlJlol QIUIC)rrllCll1one or bull coo8tilution Ibat ( lIuld lOU beliovo il P) I I~ver Tilted In m tire y

B It wlLh ampho ecnla of the lost year 0 t 0

uoi th n tho intellect oC lbo country at r rk UPOlIlt be grellt queallol8 t IS8ue it would be hard

loge blind 0 Il)len8iblc And yeto

raised a family 01 lis children all but one of pllDI 111111 pmlllil whOm lunln II dnDcM agee anraging oter Di tl U I h VI I ntA b ree ODS lOr S Illi t 6 IU n6 l1ltw6 ~ y ye

Nalhllni1 FIllm_ amphe fatller ot Ibe 4IPra~- [By OIlIllR 01 fUll JoIiIUIiDIlINI(Cillllr] dtnl yet aMieI in Iht elllbtymiddotblh year of bll -_ ge Ho hili been a lAIlUer thougll lite cult oaOkUOE OFFICE l vtlng bia IlllIdamp wiamph hie OWII handa unlil the OllAlIIJgt~ CklObe 28 18H f bull bull bull bull TI U I DA t I h N gt_ mllrmlties 01 ago dISable him Hia mdUIIlriOllt 6 iWU u 1 WI n t 0 _-SIIIl un temp~raw and hnpl~ babill alll6d to A cbeertltl tho American Klnl6 H Is dl~nguebed IlOm the

Fronch BI11leh and RU8IIlun lfiDl6 by amphe IlIperlshyand bopeful mind hA~e secured to him eontenmiddot Oflty otllS sight ThplMa In wbleh tbo noteh II menland a happy and green old ~o n Was iled fOltbe backllthl whlll peoaed between tbe

~ b d 8 Imiddotf U I bOIn in nonnlngtoll Vt and realded tlloro unlil be arrived al IMlhood

bull Near tbe cloae oi the lUI centllly 6he ptIIQlIlI

eml~ted to the Ih wilds or Wesleln New York Tbtl ere among tllo poneer seltlen of Ibat dilrlct of ooUnlrmiddot1I01 aparl for bounly landa

to the aoldtere or 1110 reloIullon knowD as the new mllimr tract rheir IIrBI 100000000n lIIIlu amphe original townlhip or Locke tblt pan of It no cOmp ialng ibe IlIwnahlp or au lime bill in lhamp

bull bull r pnt COllllt of Oa1u$ A slDdt rrm waa purchased In Ihe primeval fort and Iheir enrshygiea lIIl dppllM 10 clearlogAld aubduing n 1M middot In - h III prep g il tvr a 6me Herbullbull III an blllllble log cabin atnld Ihe wUdneaa of nat wiamphla hearing orlld bIa alld Ib8 _nd of the w ed man as Millard WIIS born on he nh of Jan shyMoo bull IIr7 bull

Millard Flllmol( receled a rudlmeDteledlloO tlon In a COIIlltr ecIoolhouae amplid whell et aldmiddot was 0middot_1 clerk In drY gooda 1101 and

ono of particular Inleroll _

r A ~I)rrespolldent or Iho BAllilnore SUII

II t1811 (IOIll amphe White Iulpllur Sprmllbullbullbully Wo have a iva a1lthoress two hundred (~pllllk Ing in round numbeltl) prof9sloualgftmblIf olle bundred membera of Oonellll Alld aboul one

hundred oamphel1l cf equall- doubtlll1 ~eplIltlon besiden membel of tbe New JerHY Leglgtlhttllr~

A N~w SPIO-lhe pltell~ ballot-box of olishyfornln bat 110 learn b1 ilist IIdvlceB betln aold for upward of Ibr thousand dollars fur amphe pllrpose of ethibitlllg it to he minors previous 10 the po plOllching eleclioll h i4 11 Iho handa of Ibe Dellloeflta who espeo to IoUill i~ to good account In Slumping tbe Stale

bull tr lhlolln a celebrated Frenth phf8lclAn It

is ~Id watkabl f~d 01 drugglnJ Oncu htVlOg a patient IIbo diluenlly ad punety swalloed all the 80114 110 onlerlld be W S(l demiddot

lighted at seeing all the vllUa lind pili bo~ empiy bet he hook him by tbe band exolalmlng M d~lr air It really aWords mo pleRsure 0 IIttend you and 70U 4t1lOl 10 be 1111

wurn an nger ( n e Arneriean m) up and down owl wben kpl properly oiledWlterebullbull bed It malllll IIIonary U _ as Ih~p_o of tile thumb and linger ceaeee and doea Dot link by tbe ooncullllon 01 the piece ID lIlng The ghl plall of Ihe French and BrltIah fmle II very atlff 10 Il101 If cloaely titled and If 100 enough 10 Ok euilyls apt to IIIId6 do )7 continnM IIrlDg bleb U Dot observed b1 ampho IOldler Ill mate him Ire ene or 110 or h_ hundred yards abort

The Alinl Rift elltued to the Nicaragua Armyrallg 141)1 )ardL or ahofl dia~_ I haa Dot

06- ~ amphat diltllllClt n 0 d bull d rl_aflelward turnM bis altenlloll to law The Th I II bull I bit __ rid III l re all - Isn lllquHlI I 5 era 0 gneraliy of readers afO acquainted lib hla powderbull Tbls dIart1II cootened In tho llatka === iIIbstquenl CMer 1Uud bl moving die charger of tile lIak 10 Ille 00101 Wise or Vlrglnl bullbull In a recene

aeoond Iiotcb It Is al80 contalt)ed In til eartrdgee speooil concernillg Ille Millou Cumpro1ll8e IIl1ti bull luuedfrom the OrdDllIoeOlllee 1 Ihhl da said The coal or nOlrunulng that hntou

Ibe aceulllOl of tbe ordinary rlfte That Ie to dllt_ on ab_Ugtlltnown to them bUI kno 01gt to ooe hundm yarde Bllt up co 0118 hUll to th luatructol who bould keel a NeoN III dmrarda 1amp IIiU pul ev shot InlO a eIteI 0 18 their obullers whereby the captain or II compa07 Inchee dlallleW1wblob is IlIlBclelll for war pur- would be able to dlslingulsb Ib080 bo pOlWeaaed poses aa II 11011 d hll 110 enelll1 1D amphe upper paH the greatesl lO4 1114 leaat judgmen~ in tIislDlshyof amphe body At onllamphoulandrarda Ih_ rilIea tel 110m men aN found to poseea lI uallllab 11111 Pllt went ttow out of Ibllyln a targr sen In hlch doG t ne acquire it b pracd~fe wid batt 111gb On lhe 26111 Lleue Bart others noe acqlre II though they may maDmiddot wllh n mea 01 amphu Second BllIes Ilml 1m) goo abote The I)e8t tried Judg~botyendthellgto efght rounds flom Ib~ gnu a fenr hundred f_ (~IDamp to rules aflerrds 10 oe __14 dbianee at a lIlIIte lit amphe We lhougb down) regulate lhe dllttance AI wbleb amphe ltb Brlag amph_ guilt for the lint time eleven mn pa1J In acllon aholoI 8el the Iglu8 of ampheir rillel GIlt of the rortyelght ttow 011111 h been hit C F HENNINGSEN Brig Gen

A VIOILUT 1M TllOIIJlLII-A Mr Colemaoamphe and amphOBO whoprefer till meaauHlI mit obtelD amphe President of tb~Som Frallci8eo Vigilanee Commit- same by requiAlllon II amphe OrdnollceOllee lee lately arreated In amphe elly of Iiow Yor( Ilunfortuoately happenM tllal the lJepIIIImtlt at ho suit of man nf tbo uame of Halon ho WIll forced by clteum8lallooeto 18100 lOme ot lOOn lIunbullbull and to Ptlt IOgeamphor cartridges before the

waa bamshed by order o the Committee from oeCleaal1 IWI~uclon8 bad 1Illvod Henao amphe caUrQlltmiddot4 Mr Malon IlIIrIll8~ lhe li(lWmiddotmiddoteaiUiilgeillillfiltColltillileil aUbuFtlfellt gralllS Yllk Bvenlng POlt his onUI) Innocence of en crime or oWnee and lthtrges Ibllt the parileo middotho bull mpmollcd IUId banished hint dlil80 tram ntampllclnua moUvoa mrymiddot aiid 10 goi rid lIf an lICtio c11t zoin wbo condcnmed and esisted the llrocGelloge of tho Corillllte~ middotanll WM about 10 10 lealioony

bull 6 in tile Unltell Sillies Courl at San lranelllCo III n proceeding whicb h middot since resulted III the InUetshylIIent and hnprlaonmont or IWamp melnbe~ of the

f bull

orgAnization at San Fraucisco ~r PlIlcI

to9 much tKlwderbull Ihe effect of which as 0 make IIiIrllI~ kick ~d to burallo bell lberebI dealrolng ftecouNey

lho nlnl6 Rille bill Ole tho ordln ritle tle advlltap Ihat Itma be 1000ded more easily and rapdl h ~ IlIaded wlamph tl~actll tho IIIIUQ rn pldl~y andfaCllty as the ordinary mllllket

Tho ~o llloat Important pollll8ln tbe jedloloUII use 01 thomiddotBinle relo1O Ibo imulIer of loading andto tho IllDner of holdllllllhepleee


To lond ampho 1I1n1~ Plumiddot In the charge of pow Tho question of ho lhls But Will bo settled Ii dcr put Illmiddotlle ball rgtiamphout pap hutllcr If III~

doe lip In CIImiddottrldge d plI tbu ball ImUle wlllloul nhllng Illltliit cI ~hu puwdr-Wbell il1GAUh ilo powde llitllduv IMI1I rod Itllout nen giving ouo amiddotuk~ tIwill 0Il11111~ke Iho pillCo kickbullbulllnd IIOY

coil I tun felt at all mil m~D ualoR 1M pleoo properly ma II Olla hundred ro~nda llholilrecelYing thll smailest braise or feellug Ibe leasl IOreneae

PUcnICK Wml I1l1U1 The proper lact to acllee tbe BinloS fit firt

Ie At Inob~ecton tbea~ beeansuh eIfCI or eve bOII8 Been For thr pllrlo II threemiddotlIIailea have boen plaoed on Ibe lako III lb water amphe two outer flake belug ten f t aparl Thll cel 1ft slake ill tbe h t 10 aim at The etlceil ~I(

h d- 0 eo h b (lne un yrds froln t e abol two und arde from theaborelhrbullbull more atakea Ire plfteed three btll~red yardo Ihroe 1110 takes avdao onup to onll toousand l abulldmiddot

JII1I9111G DtflmiddotUlIOIIbull

WheD holIer the sllooter knowing Ihe dill lance aI whleh be ill fring hOl8 Obtained eudlelenl proticlenoy II I 81111 ne_~y (in order 10 hlaeapon 001111 Ihe bid) thllt he abou14 l1Ian eaIooate known dlatao_ oorreellroampherise if he bas ligbted too ~igh or 100 low he may conllnue to aboot ~er Or under in the t1eld herll freqllt1y be - ~ot aee where 0of bla aholll 81rikee 10 correet hla etro~ On this accouo$ men sho 1d bit plBCllo1 10 guess at

If) lIccurae of the Ihot ~llher by pulit Il~ laquoO~ in PQ8tmiddotOlfice BuDdmg ~hapeof the ball or II) kllIin~ ) I HI-bullbullI bullbull ofo I 1866 IrOll cap whleh It cunulllli1 11 h lt~ plJlldce toIliPputO Ihat allY lt1111= T I E 1 O xrWK~ So I IUllnZQ Wl UtIIDLW not ramming nOlll provlltllllg th e~t tmiddot Kew~II oiande ampI Alandlln mON thMlI Ce IlIcbermiddotuhe IC I

WItlllbe gUIloulalromlullK lir q uF bg ABROGADOS

wbereas Wbtll Ie wipet 1111 IOlldc(1 gUll lno nextGmiddotpmiddotlitieRI thol)rlts 80 In_III) aropart A WIIUlltrE tBoUT TUII AOIl 0 Bo_-A llIIt blow oiIt tbe dbl lndM~9 tb~ ham1 8Ul1Ishy

PIRtampmiddotm (tlnll Abovo nil 80 01l01 m3Y Ihe chang few das ago we met a ~~lIemall from Ahlban~ cielltly bull ho e 118 1 lece of IIIforllltlOll hi re fli 10In II 0 of e~olll8 require p1tllltll CHIOl with lit- 118cuJtnlng thePage of a borde arlO boOf abo HOLDIIIO TlIII PIECIl 110 orln~ Iuf~renee 10 plrty Iheory o~ party platmiddot Ina paaaed Ihe niMb 7ear IIhicb woo 1I0W 10 Ill It I tbelntlllioll of tho tolnMllderlnOblcf rorm~ that It _ms 10 lIIe 0 should look mosbQn~ will be wo are lure to ~OSI of 011r flad 1~III rar M 10001Iiblc lit MiIlie ~iUIlll sh11 be it no~ oly II) tla~ lalityoJ la mlII-wtat ollr It8 tills ancr Illtl borao nblo YCIId lId l d$IIl~lItud ~ IlIeIl Irued) aCljlllllPlLtllYltl1 Ibtl CAlId t I wlI1klo comes on t~e oolid M he uIper corner II 01 tho 11110 Now Inen 1Wu41om~d to ~ha

I to I~ 11 nAtllte and culture retber thallio of Iho lower lid lind overy ycar IhcNltIItIlmiddot II h~ urolmRI rilo ltleil ck~ bllt 1 very amRlt bt Itt pai11 prnf8lSioD8 or bis 1IInt(oD promi ono well ltlellnld wrinkle fotmiddot ovor) 1 ()v~r nlllol cimrgtgt very pruperly reat 11111 bu I of tbe stock Jt~ If for Istancr 11 hor~u baa Ibreo 1It1kll$ bo I~ alililst tbo IIrmiddotlI lstnnd idew)~ to I U obJImiddotcl

or tho dnUlP~kllilJ ~f tlut ulnbtvttlmiddot~middott l~ ~lltit ~ III 11 tlrearmo 1amp lable 10 uck It 1lt tmiddotumiddot- Tbllll4obltcd by ubg II IVirh cmiddot 10 Ib~ end of Ill nUbrod 111 whillhwiii W u1 tOIlr with ~middot~aracrw on rUII he OIIuarlllll Oftlee TtU$ wlv~r iu ltretlaquo btJlImiddotmiddotC COIUCllcItg pacllce anIII bull ill U etWh~V8r amph 81100101 finds lhh hi Ii ill bishyling 10 CO dj)Y1I with ditllcul~ h -lImllI Iler lodll)g b~U btore ~plig ~ tbn I w~Ir once or IWCO dowlI tho buI lnu middottlt~ ~Il tlttlt is to l0080n the cakHl puwllll on tho 1lt11 1 tilG bltrmiddot reL 80 tIlen C8Jl11 ul lloc lIud tk~ 1110bullbull11 h~pB to clQl tbe gUll by bluwlu til dill Hllilre h Ill tI lUauuemiddot ~II imlldred h y be IIr11d rO1 018 pleca WIIlO1 ~qr ~1Ibg Tile reMOI wh) be I not III pu~ 1110 wIImiddot~r (11 thuuuoad bull plcCIl I brea_ II woul~ )lt) lhe bciJ dalllp anll tbill~l chargu Iul In fluid b~cOlDe IOml Ihem k

Paoillo lIlarmiddotb valuod thulO Virginia We no get a Ihouaand dollars for eounthlave we would then haye gollen from tbree 10 IIV6 1)U8Ad dot Iar8 rer an operaun it tho gold IIlInea ot middotOaliformiddot lila four hundred thoa mulllpiled b Ii- amphousand or even amphree tbousand will ahow _ mm_ lose Ollllpu1lon rdollam would nO compe~~ VI1l0ia for h~t 1088 III not rllooing the IIl1e on to llie Facillc

E I 0 nwtll L 84111gtpound WHo DAHOLlIfl



GRAilraquo 110AItAuUA 11ESSRS Kewen Simd~r8amp UanlUn III praeshy11 lieo In aU the COIlf~ of ~b Merilloual and Orlentel Depalments Rnd In tbti D~ptlllent of Le

PArlicular atienlilln 11111 be given to tbe reo covey Qf cl~ima ugainSl the GOvcrnmmiddotnt

lJ~oIbullbull mortfg leNlet Ie promply 0 ClIlel nd on Ii oralmiddotlermbullbullAI ow llId mo~ey brokerage busto will a lage tho AllenllOIl ofi6 finn bull

Q RAN A DAN lOA It A 0 UA bull

I~bull ~dlnrogtq REWEN SANDERSY IlAN IgtLIN ~jl)roosn lol PIOlesiOl1 de illmgllria ell tOUOllt los trihulltlle8 lj~ 103 t U d I 0middot l )tmiddotplIlttmlnt)8 lerl I()I1I1 v rleR

Y ~n el Dgtplrt~ento 00 Leon bull So dllrk atencIOII pnrticulllr III eobro If)

Imiddotmiddotdlm cr contlll dl1 gllhi rllo Itd 1Ijpotoc3~ Arrenimionto~

t ~ bull tc 1~n eJIIQlIlndos con IWOlIItlt y fllmiddotemiddotto~ mudeladollt TlmlJieu 1111 ocel1p~rall Itn rillgoeJoo do

I(rretagl el biencs rllice y dimro -- 1J h bull dIe= e~II1~e ~ en I Ctml 0 orr(~braundn NOlclObrc 1 de 1856

dup 111 jnll oIUII LOllt IN ampho early patlof amphb foe LAlfJ) W ~ 1tNT fQ IIvc hundred nCI ttl (If Innd drallO III fam of Col R J SJiltlors X_res hlTJ be~n takon 10 rendtr It of no e tlcJpt to the per8Ol fOl who It wns drtITIl WllOttOr ill It 10 ill NiiAlIguonao ollWe or to me ltiU bq suitably N11lIrded

OOL E J SANDERS GIlladI NQv 1 1836 1I~nrr- L~hUet

uvolll~ell if fOllt heiathirtc611 Ad til 11111 th) ro liillgt whoroby hcy do MtIlSeU1I$ nUltn~O-l tlIUiTISSuillrsa ETlqoE1TB - ceordiug tl 1 Iotc b IIf dliklea to nine atd YOII will hIV 111 Iltilgll lIlIk tu 1100 OIlOPI) lll~ ill mU3(~tlriug I 1lIorfwlit~r It III etiqueue fOf pelllollll of infot1or io So says the genUeman 811d Ito Is cOIIampuUI1 it lIee~y 118amp th~ 1I)~lcr shluM 3fIIillnL iIIder~ his pl)feMional lampniCCl

mnk io I~ol their healtia IOlVor han tho belds f 1111 Mef tail A a coo~ n~uy I)~I 14Vlllw I~ ltlec b I liing u 1111 rea tho muk(jt I to lhQ citi3Jlls of Graoaolo U ill bull bull I) horsts over Int a i$ wily tmiddotI II lIIc IIu I RIMtle amiddotIJ(lr amiddotlIe~middot in to tbe bll$O of Ih I hg l )0 found al tb Dosplt)

thelr l4ltupoOItI Iberefore wben a nabob aClOp I hOIampo dOll mutt slvo up liis trlt1~-lllonlllc I k s C lil middot1middot is ho ~1I1101 d) if Iro anda middotVmiddotIIm mbJnrtt _h_SjtflU ard sl~1 get Oil 1 (ltllIf2 Plnntel I aiemiddotx bullbull )1 ~ 110 bllU of hl~ pcco OraMd Novetllbe~ I 1~amp


328 EL NICABABUENS4VoL ~ No 52 p 4 Sabado 1de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 1 18qB

I But tberemiddotII point from wblch ~bl anbject

lhOnldIv _ad IItperlor to Iny mere Idalphaselt [Jittr ague ns t of tbe -i Itmiddotl6-how ~be buy tb deed In Ibla counll1 efFects th Ulag_od thlemiddota 011 1111shy

Saturday lIlorniD~ Nov~ L middotportanamp Dllrlnl the dry aeuon In thll coUlltry Itl Yer

HON COL 1QHl( H WHEELER dUlicuit 10 dig a gra or luDlclot depth to pro-

Thl amptnlleman wh has eo ably repreiented Int th polloDOUS paeafronl eacaplng 11110 the thII Jolted Bta1e8 ~ North Amerloa In thll couoshy

trl darlbg ahe varlbos oTillgea and atartllng Inclshydeata of tjle pasl two years Is we regre~ to 8Iy boul 10 dpar~ rom IOIOllg UI on a Iall to the uAiI~1t1atelo Hia beallll bu baeD of lale very _b brokllD IDd we InRir hI vlalt to 110 and nf bil blrtb 1JI1~ ~trellKthen ble fIoame by Ita Ron iov~t1i11 j~lIoaplire

_B rIOre will exolte a rept In the breut oC emf American In Nlosraguau blA aCQ4mshypUIIlliiilitt genlfemin bl aliampTl~y U )lInll~r

hII klndneas nd urbanl~ u a man and bis dieln lereledp u a friead ~as altcady g~lned him ~eliru~t ampad rove W~e~ver he goes tbe good wiebe or all who

uo-Iollllid thllCOI1iItry wlll follow hhn alld we trlMt at before la_IIY weeks we m ba middotth p~ule of Innoucbg Ita relum We wlab blm lfIe_t voyage



ED namp BURNED III II tbe dlkion ofthmaln of de

-r-~4 P llOD8 bas been a aubJectof Ihe promiddoteIQlUld98t ~iionUoo Wbh I~ are conDected the _tldenta of the warmes~ frlendlhlp tbo ileepetl eiltnltlbJl aud tlrelDost eaorad Ibougbtamiddot of tin

1iChaft~~ ~horo II anhll~lotl ID maDwblcb 1111 pell lilllll ~T8IlI wltb grea~ cate tbe romulD of his fiIampir orbullbulltur fbi ay bit esclted 10 pari by feeUng ibat we onl7 do IS we would be done

liJ toutpefhapi ~e -eat IncoU o 10 tblerupecl btl tbougllj that lhe Iplrll of lifo whleb anI -1 olampy before UI tnay be 1I0W before thea~llioron or the OIt High and Ihe nmdna tITeRlO WQJD 0101 our ioevltable dellliny

Tile IIIl1Dn of buryins the dead bas been a _II I _t I It f I

I ~Io Iou bleb ata n w w PlOCseda from deelylng

18tatabl We know tba lata1dlleuea are brollgbl ooby Innooulillon and hat I man canmiddot nn~ be Innoclllaled byanrlblllg mo8 dllllcul1O

L__ b

a~moephere and spreading lIIalri ampIIIong the Iiv-Ing The~ Iulso bull common oUltom among peoshypIe of th Ialler dayuo bury ~ remalDi of porsonl of no~ In nulta un~er the 1l00rs of cburchet and those In che dmp and gloom olihe luliterratiean cbambers In decomposing p~ddl_ and death among Ibose wblJ honored ~bn blloll logj Uld IUppose they thUI Ihow rpeet to their memory aner dealb h ta unnec_y to r8fe~ to the dangar of those who dIg gr In a Iae of OO1IIl11on Inte lIIent or how onen they como In contaCt wllb the polsoo of deeolOpoelng Jleah or wbat a s~ amount of dlseue Ibere II engendered bi the poleono pBel of sucb places by bel~g waRed amoog the habltatlonl of Ih~ IiVldg The evil elllcta or 11 tbeae clrcumstences ara Incalculable

We can onlyarrie at theamprulh In suck C8IU Iy Ulalol1middot W know that the gue_ of decumpoeo-Ing ~o~tsble mattedo swamps produce d98ues of eryerloll8cb~ractars wo know tbat on thla account 11 nu countrl are I_ healthy ampIian whera Ialor huefllleted a good drainage and ~bat higll dry land II more condllclve lOheal~h and Ions life tlian damp low Incamp We knowIi Ii Id- b I

JO tat ep em1 realmiddotoutmiddot1I parts of cl~le wh garbage ta a1lpwed to coUeet and tm1~ an eDlu~a Id we know also tbat gases from d cylg anllllal blatter are more daJlgelOUi and

The Late lnliulttlt the US llag I In olHla w publlebed a record of eiiollUng

eta All to tbe IneultllllC oonduc~ of ~e oIlied forces of Guatalllla and San Saludor toward the AlIlerican Oag the Mlnl~r of ~h8 Ulli~od Slates and tbe cold blooded murder 01 unarllled

American cltlrens But thll record dark and demiddot grilling as It Is te humanity WIS bulholf dlacload Dally circumstances of Dlulder _lnltioD and robl)e07 commltted On Alllericsn unarmed clll lensre being brought to ligbt which place the Governmenta of Gualeblala and San SAlvador bO yond the pale of ci illzallon and eta p them u BaIlon of ouUaw cutbro1e and bAndl~18o

Tbe accompnied allldavita of Cap~ Dunlcan and ~eut Gardner prove ~he diabolical IMurder of a Utile boy whose only offenco was being born In the Uolted Sla~ of wbite parenta and bnlng a while face

Doel not iIle blood of every frlcnd 01 humanl~y of every nalion ehudder at euoh ~Iroity Will not tbe lII08t eage and barbarous nallona of tha darkest agel of anllqully rise In judgment against luob uaboly and bloody deede _

tait of cOmpany D Fir~ Rille of tbe Army ~( ~be Republic of NlcaraguI and made oa~ ~haj

On Mon~ay the 1~11J October 18D6 during f

attack of h combIned foroea of Guatemala a d Ban Salvador on the city of Grallada during ~ e ba~le he approached ~Ioe houN of Mr JamoA Smi~h on the street of the Meulah opposite I e Churcb of San Franclaco f-om wbole bouse t e enemy bad been drIven out and he there lAW Q

tho arms of hie flher thamp dead body )f a about seven years old who bad just been murd bull ed by 1100 onemy whose body as horribly 10

lated ard deformed Mr E nllb was unc~~ nected wi~h ~he Army and como u a aettl9r~ NIcaragua He appeared hear~-broken and d shycOllsolate oxclalmlng tha~ he wished tiont loG co d bove sutrered In his child place Iln I tha~ in th amp alllnts opinion I~ WII and i ~he determlnallon for ~ho lovadillg forces 10 violate every rul of clViI~dwarfare and justice IDd lIIurdr eory Alnari n In Nicaragua J DUIIICJII

Sworn to before me this 21th October 1866 JOHN H WHEELER U S Minller

middot1 do hereby cortify tlia~ 1 W88 preBent wllh ~ taln Dunicnn aDd of my own kbol~dg 16~ abore aDldavit Is true In evel pa~ticuIRr

R p OAlIIlIpound1I Fi t Lieutenant Company E Firat Ri8es

Swonl to before me thIs 21th October 1866 JOHN II WHElLER U 8 MiDiter

oor8_ t e ~_Ing lIull of ble fellow maand would be reapecteo b all lla~IQDs even tb tho Amerlean 8a8 would protect him rba~ ~c Now u the guea whlob arise from vegetable most IIInge Bul how vain wu lhat hope I Let Lawless very frequehUy came to him 8 thOlmiddotMnmiddot lIIalterlo a atate or decAY appear 10 be lIIucb hll plunderod 1001180 bls murdered remaina tbe tay Goveroor of ~hll Dopartment in blthrfi mciro ftal thllD ~ODtact w~b Ihe solid_ from wblcb bodies of Iii f6110wmiddotclizen tbe mutilated bunting tb Datives o~~befllo~lnldt for whdOlll hIe perforbi th _ numeroua IC_ a bull n n au w lOBe rup bull

_ AO~ re lImiddott e lllallnorl 0 nu rolli tar llIImemotlalIiimiddot lome oountries oj E8YP~ ~~e present ago ought to be luDlclent to ri~ i9bIaDcie Dluch IDg epulty wu expended In enmiddot bove anyprt)UIIIce orallY old cuawm which haa ~orlng ~ lr~ee~e bodlel (rom decay anltl been haaded d~D t WI frolll ~pe~o~_bClo the the Orilllai ftcc~ of all burl~11 WII law ofnelilUi wee but lIttle s~OOIeil or known -0 --uOD of die body At tbo far Notth and auggoat auch remedlca as wlllleslen as far AI

whra th tro~ king relgnl many lDootba III ~he poIIlble the causes oC dll~uo bull

ey ann mut 1ler tbe~ 11011 II 110 the caso with tbe ps8I 101010 arise frolll putrid animal mellmiddot UleI If thll II eo thqenlightonment of

yar and all anImal de~omp08ltloD II auspended t

ibrough Ita etrecta tbe etrort 10 tilDes of 19oorshyihc mIght be aUPlosed to be parliaUr aucceBBful 11 Ii eeD no DO uncommon tblng to be ~oemer II tbat b would nollike 10 die In a

amputherll counlry on ac~ollnt oftbo audden decay ~ hll remaloa 1111 sontewhat remarkable tbat bile Nort~ern natlolls eYen In tbe most ancIent tImes burlod their dea~ In tile pound Ibe peo-DIe or the Southern countrl buroed tbem Thle wu ~bo cultom or Sou tbern Aala And Southorn E~op In our IlIgUsh literalure to tbll daTI ~wlng from oll Oreek we frequoutly her t)ili )ihnae peacmiddottomiddotI alhea I

1be Greeb a1wav burned 1100 bodle of their Wualrlou8 dud and In our opinIon thla lain many respecta lIIucb preferable 10 bllrylng_ bull In burnIng u lru tholr CUltom the ashea IIIlght bo carefully ciflllected and plaee4 In an mamen~ed urn j hero llOuld laDd wltbout otrendlng tho senses In the bleb of the temple or In tbe private aparl

m6llts of friends til Ihls manner I~ wu alwaYI In the careoilboao rho respected It and In wboaemlllol7middott wumiddot dear_ Tbo asbes of Ibe great mbl In Ihose dal1 beaeD~ fro plRce to place mldgled llb IIampYO7 locenlo receiving the roapocl due the blemor or Ibe Blirlt which pYa It lnishy

middot1111110110 In Ileae dy the remoYai oC a corpae croaten bOlrOr In all wbo 1ra1 wllh It not 1mshymedlIlotorealell to say nothing of tbe danger 0( belna In coplact with so Ruch rot~nn alld putrofotlon Ona balpound of Ihe borror of death con sists In the Idea of tho bedy pu~rU)lug io the e~ 4 Wng an obJect of loathsomene18 upon lJjlell worm gMiI and riot How much more pluinlmiddottw Idea of ha log the ashea carefully ptbelllllj amplid ~pi perhapa 8weamptlt aeented aa DOW ieepodaguerreotyp08

W~_ uale lhe aallsfactlon It would no lIfIorithe litem world to ha e preserved the

middotashe oIllli~Q Ot lIIilikapeore i or wbo can guess the care otmiddot venerAtion willi whleb the Frencb would ~gtrd the ashes 01 Napoleon or with wbat yeneratlon Americana would guard tbe reshymai1 ofWaabington h la truly to bo regretted that aU whlcb Was mortal oC tbose i1ulrloUi per sonages Isoow IndlltiDgubthable from ~hecommon eartb or tbe remalna of ~he earcasa of 80IIIe brow

There ta t~ls dvanhge ID burning bodlea OTCr burylDg tbem that IDltead ofperlnlltlng them 10 cauao dlaeue aRer death Ihe nry act of burning puriO ~he aIr It II lupposed the great plague ot London WII IoIICIted In lie ravagea by Ibe groat

Ore whlcb burned the greator parI 01 tbe city Ono thIng Is certaill iC history II correct that Ilthough Itraged with foarful voIoeelmmedla~lr hefore It ceueo to exll aimoillmllledialeit lifter Iho con8agratlon It It now a common pIlodco to fullllgate a roam In whch a parson baa died and doowrs ad 1ae boao who Yliit he remainI of a person ~hat lou died of cholera orany olber conmiddot mgloua dlieal to moke a cigar or plpo-tlo great

a purifier II fire And eelUng pr~udlc aside III~ Is after all

lIIuch more dealrable to be cooaumed by lire ner death than to rot ~n be devoured by worms alld 118 tbat eoaduccl well 10 tbe praseryallon of tho Ulng u to the retallling tbe uhes of tho de ceased we would fbor tho adoption of Ihe CUllOJll

In thle lOuntry It was the generoloplDlon In Granada Ifter Ito

batlle of the 131h of October tbattbe great nummiddot ber ot theonemy which wu killed would produce tbe cholera before they cluld be Interred DurnshyIng tbelll bnmedlatal would h prsvenwd tbe posilbillly of auch 1 p~llIful circumstanoe and would hve puriSe1 the air 01 any polsonoul gnaee wbleh might already slated 10 it

On object In ftuggeatlnlf thle II more 10 call tho 4tenllon of the publio u well 110 medical profeaslon 10 Ibe anbjecl chin 10 attempt at tble tim to dllcUBB Ihe m W are howovor under tile InlproBB Ion that If Ibe tlustom of burnshyIng the dOlld Inatead of bmiddotlng them were onco Ialrlylowoducecj It would In tbll lall~ude prove higbly benellclal w tbegenfral hulth

A Nw 01ft The Phll~dciPhia Mint hujull IMued a cent wblch II described as COlliposed or 1It88ven parb copper seven of nickel and one ohine 11 lou a lilht appearance with a faint red tint alld la In beautiful contra t with the Ameri cau a1lver nd gold plecea and will not u the old cent did tarnlsb thelll by oon~ol The weight of the newll only aevell~y-to gralnl-Ih~ of the present copper cenl la olle bundr~d and sixty ftghl

Tbe aDldavlt allo appended of (len fry u to LIG~TION or UUTID STATES or AnRIOA~ the nlurder of Ifr Lawl pro es Mr Lawl IIEAR Till REPUBLIO or NCARLOUA ~ earnest desire to presee lob neu~raliy in all 1100 Tbis day camo before me Birkett D Fry Bri dUBcoltiel wblcb have beset Ihle coun~ry of nis dier General ArDIto Nicagua Uld made OI~h blgh lOlled chacler and Integrily of conduct Rnd tbatshyorh pcrfeat oonOdeoce ~ha tbeaegis of the Bowasacquainted wllbJohll D LmiddotI~uaimiddot Amnoan fIig was amplyiuDlclent to prolect bis the month of Oc~ober 1bullbull1 Ihat having been rl liberty property IIld lif Be badmiddot een as cofmmnd of Ihls cl~y durn the greater POrllrshy

0 he past year he lou Ircquentl bad occbullbullI~ llIralloea (rolll the blgbeat aources tbat no Amori- 10 tallt wilb said Lwleas of Ibe polillcal atrairsio can wuld woder so far 1roII home that the pro- tho State of NiCllragu Tha~ the MId LRle tacling and powerful arm of tbe United Stat- s unifOImly re1beed 0 take ny part InarlUa wlti wal Dot over him lie reiuaed 10 COlli wilblo IheAforcea of lttI~nerol Wdalkellrdsaymg Iat hOe ~ri an lIIe can CI zen an re e upon Wle og o the line of onr Irclo mlylng oo~ho middotpeo~lon 01 his counlr for protecion_ Tba~ a(~r Oeoer Ibol Uulted States aDd Ihrew out beforebis house Walkers force marched upon dual and a few the Alllerican 8ag tba~ In ~Is patriotlo beart b hours _before Ihe auack u~D Granda loa urgtd fel wu honored in every laud anltl on every sea thbelabdblAdwl_11edto comde WtllIlI hila Ilhnol degb

f dle~fen~~w c e eo n to 0 expreaa ug s e Ie I ~

tom b the enemlee sllot and lbe loor of tbo Lo- alld good will he leetDed to pOSle That ~ ~ gatlon house perloQ~d bytboballe oftbe onemy Lawless had reaided for several ye a paa~ inOmiddot testify nlda apoKe tbe In~uago of ~he coulltry 8ue t-

Iy and WIB extensively engaged III IIIcrcalltUJ~ 10 ancln~Rome ~he exelamaUon lam a Ro- e~ita anil had mall) 01 tho nolives In hia ORlPi bull

mIlD cillzen arrested the falling blo of Ibo IIc- Tha said Lawlen justly ellJoyed the reputtti D

lor 10 fOmer ~oys ~n II the great Republic of for great pbllanthropy And unamp~~middot~~t tile North In 0 aayo ofJakson It is the bouth of ~ e loll lory of tha~ day ~hllt no American cltl zeD ever luWered lny In~ulT abroad without reo

dreu WefcOIlaurolhnUhesnm08plrltnowanlmatestbe

United Stateamp and ~hat tbe same feeUnga ~hat dlcmiddot tated tIe Kouta letter will be roady to defend Ibe rigllts aud proico~ tbe lives oC InDoeen~ AmerieRn



Thll 4ay came before 010 James II Smitb wbo tcatlO tbat he emigrated from Ne York clLy whero he hu resldcd for two years In the steaol ahlp Tennc88ee for Nlcaralua on thOl 1 III Sep tember laet accom~RRled by his three email chll drell lor the purpole of cultivating hind and satshy~nllg In Nicaragua lIo is by protession a taather

That on Sunday the 12th Inll an alarm of an lltack was made by the foroea of 9uaternala and San Baladof on this ci~y That be no~ crediting

S b bull h 2 hOb I 56worn ore me t IS middott cto er S bull JOliN II WHELER U S diolaler bull

I [ 0 F F I C I ~ L ]


ADJUTANT GENEIULS OUICpound J Granada Oct 26 186G

1 SOLnnRI--Each day demonstrates more cle iT ~hat tbe war we are wagiftg Is ono of IIUlh apl AI falbood of clmoalion againat barbarism GI satisScd wllh the bloed of lonocent cilicnssb d a~ Granada-with n appetile Ilnllghler h 1shyled by the nt_Ore 01 helpleu cbildren and b 11 ministers of CbriIIIII~y-our IIIvage foes II f

added ano~hcr crime to tbo long liRl reco d asaiDNt ~bem Thoy han sbot Lleu~ Col Lal wbo wu IRken by tbe n a prisoner of war 80 0

It)8 ngo At ~i1e very time thl_ cold-bloodedaal ofcroe 11

was boillg colDlIItted an exchange 01 prioa r was bciu proposed by tbe comntandermiddotinmiddotc er

tho Jolarmj wntto tholltlloplzaa8110r~dlitance If tbo Guatemala forcos WI~h an lona~a bull When tbe (ote aptearod and commenced an ac tive 8Mng ot musketry and Mlni6 rille wblch otlt off his relurn Tho foreee then approacbed 10 hOllie wbere bis li~tle fRmily wera seated ~ dillshyner consisting or a boy Frencb Berbert born In New York tlty on Ibe 6th March 1849 two lrirls one fI and the otber Iwo yeare 01 Ige 1hey were seated witblo three yards of a large wludow which opelled 011 ~118 street One of lhe troops approached the window and taking delib erate aim fired at 0 lillie group the I)all grazed the chin ef the fllrl nurse and atrlklilg the bo In the lower part of his face paselng out of the neck broke tbe plllol obord killing him instan~ly TIe reat 9f the children wee concealed iinnlcdl-

IDg for ~reacbe he bad smoolh WOrdl and Ii ~ sullmenls on hll Iipa wben he was In the act t murde

Tbe mnatlon of Lln4 show he ndlito of the ollemy wl~b whlcb we baYe 10 contend f Ibe sollie lan~age andreligion wilh tbelUself they bad nOl agains~ hilll the lying excuselmiddotw Which ~hoy are wont to justi~y Ihe murder of American citizens Nothing bu~ ~be love of til d aod ~he cowrdly loatlllc~ of tbo savage Call 0

urged for tho execution of thd Cuban palrlot Let ~ben soldiers a Bunle of tbe jUltico G d

grandeur of tbe C~U1e In which wo aro CDgae nerve ua lor the fullilmellt of tho Iftak wblcb I bull before us Remember that you luWer aud It

awly III an adJacen~ housl by the nurse under agio to redeem ono of the 10eUest 01 lalld_ ID bed hlle Ihe ~roop Ibreed tho cuing of ~ho barbalian rule aud lavage despo~lam In such a wlndo the door being fRBlened and resiatlng all Oft IIHO 118 t~is who ould 1I0~ gladlf eudure II ~ IV Iheir oRllrta Thoy then entel8d and searched In dayoCprl alion and fdtiguo r 10 would n I vahl for the cbildren Tbey plullucred tho house undcrS1l aome lillIe antrering and danger for I ~ of all bia iinpleonpnta of hUlbandry clo~bing gold sake of IIvlllg his nalllO enrolled amoug the be o and allvr walcllcs mono aDd valUAble of faotors fJf the rllce 7 amount 1lI0re ~hao two thoueaDd dollars ~ 2 Lieut ltlol ~ A LaID6 aiddemiddotClImp 10~ tbe

JAKa8 n SIITD Commandor-in-l)hler having bean brbIrOO~ Sworn to before me this 2~tb Ootober 18DO murdered bylhe enemy without ProPOiDg An shy

JOHN B WlIEELIlt U S Mini4ter change (If prlaoners i~ ie directed Ihll~ Lie t We do bereby certify that we reBlde In tho Col Brigido Valderraman and (Ja pt Bern~r 0

nme houle II~h Jamee H Smith Faq nnd 01 Allende be shot Ibis aernllon 11 6 oclock In Ollr own knowledgo the faclt tn~ed In hla aDldo vlt are Irue lu evcry particular


Sworn to beforo rno thl 27th O~oher 1856



Tbl day calllO bofore one Jamea Dunlcan Capmiddot

tbe plftZ of thl clly 3 11111 Gen Fry 19 charged wth tho esccullta

of the abovo order By command of WY W AUrER

Genernl-Coml~andng-in(jhipI Pn n TnoIlPBOII AdJ t Gcn N bullbull

~ h Is atato(1 that PrInce Albert 1038 b~~~t 111 Clllll1nOUe tract of lInd In AII9tralia Vbic1o1n nbout tnty years will tetulnabollt ono thou811 ~ i tlII10S oa much tIS all ~h~ amp Coburg alld Obi

In Germany put logctbor I

329NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 7 Sabado 1de Nllvlembre de 16561 Saturday November 1 1856

i lit I ALGO NAB BOBRILBL Dl4 UJ 1lJSOUOJON lIerosoaeajuitA al Cllpilitu delliglc y Ie r t t lIJ S 11 n1J R ea mlUlgrato perdmar que CIIstipr aunshy EqulUtlvo y aUII n_Slnll) nos parec Menelter earetrogradarlllol mM remomiddot que eata lIluy pronto a IIOtrar en el UIO

toear la materil de que vamos neumiddot t~s tlempos de barbirle yde ldlo~lemo pa de juatas represaUae lIa cual rere IU tS II Into NOT I de 1836 pamos no obstlnte haberll8 tratado en Ill1Icontmr el ejempl0 brutal a una Ie- naluralom 1 10 demandaren las circlin A WI ~ 101 1)umells anterloJel aunque nu cion quI Icsban de (omeler en Maaaya stanciU De consiulente 108 prl~ionrOl

JUEBPO VE ARTILLSJIU 4 tod I degtlt1d I I d I d 1 - ft -- con 1 1 ~que mereee por mf~ 01 Jenera ea e I IUfZaa iii on I heridOll lIOn tratadlll eon 10 mllyor be El lierpH de tLitiHerlll ha tomado un destla de lOB IRdmdus que 11 rlllawon Guatemala en estos lIltlmOl dia des- nignidad

ClIPCI) 0 imllolltmto bajo 11 direoclon del puesto que cl1ml mlmos t(lIl1aron una puea del ataque de aquella plllza I de Queda PUIIII demOlltlldo que falto8 de Jele I Henningsen IIventndo jofs de esa parte actin en los sucea~s Las buenllS las acclone quee Ilan referido ya tn 10$ fe ell itll mall s1 mnes compromiaos y Grmllj iuyos cOllocimientos Ie ban didO aceiones dlbon refe~lrse mlnuciollme~te d~8 humerns anteriores de elte periodlco de oumplimiento en sil palabra como mi MmladianQ $010 en los Estadol Uni Sin temor ~e Incumr en la tacha de dllil Vlolando 108 mas gmdos Plotos ma- Iitares 111 jefell do lIB fuIiIBs enemlgat JOI I nn fuora de ellos Es do cele- sos tnnta par que e8 un trihuto dllbido al lew reeonocidos univerenlmente y 0011middot flftll Incohado COIl ol ftlsilamiento flel Co brillS la recision y tino con que dh-ije m6rlto Cuanw por ue line de est-imulo aiguadol en aI derecho de jentel de una ronel lAid y aUI compslierea despues IRS bo 111111 Y granadas al punto que de- a100 d~mAA NOl oontraenos al IltaqU(o Inanera ~n ep~icita se han colQcsdo en de baber aupllcado el callge Y d recibir $igna uinnentaudo y dUlheando progresi qu~ re~I8~6 oatil piau dede el deee del una posiCIon odlo~a dtgrlldftnle y eceemiddot un Indi~lIo en este sentido un Miatem vame te las distnl1CIU siempre con el pUlIdo II 11 una de Is tarde basta las crable Indlgna de hombrea que 8e tltulan elttlaordin~rlo de gtlerrA que nosotrol nei nitID Rcli)lto Q inerrnble direocloll ocho de la maAana del diR siguiente milltare 10 temm~s puesto qf8 teMm1 mlobos Tolft los dias hay repeudos ejerclcioll y Buellas y lumlnolWl lIOn I referenoiaa fnmedlamente dupuee de 101 c(lneablmiddot prlonfrGS cODtrllrios y que hlta Is te()k~ IiOletas evohuiones en las que prl()ti~ del Coronel Allen Mayor Clyeee ftc dOl acunteomlento8 vino eata cludad un siempre hiL sido patente la slIperiodatide ean j Sefiores oficlales y 109 soldado8 pero notamo8 qne a~nqueliglran en 1 correo conduciendo una comunieaci(m nuesms armal Ahorl bien ~ Sol se nell ~tmn maravillo8(1lllIIte lisw de 108 que 8e distlnguiertm 81gllnOl de los jetea eN as flllrzas enemlga8 en la VOllOtroa 101 que hahllis habmdo de vanshy

En3 ClInnto 1 numem do indivitluoB numbres 110 ell con el tlIplerclol que que IIOlicltaban aqtlll1l08 del Jeneral dalisimo de Bomnidadea y oims cosa~ perbgt ecientc8 6 dicho cuerpB lie ha IU~ merC(tlll sin que sea rltI de 1o referenmiddot Walker JOr 10 pronto 6 cange de un in- aemejantelll en vnestrus periodi~os para men db do nna mllnera otable habien tes po que 1I11011 gllardaban y derendian divlduo d los suyos cometa d eaballe oontravenlr ahora eSC$ndalOsamente Ii (0 ad mllll unH gran compltlla do Zapa1 sus pue~tui re8peetivos y no podial esect na que fu6 heeho prlalonoro por Dilestra losmejores prlncipios del dereehu dl ilores I Mineros bien que para malle- tllr j todllS paltes Grande y her6ica parte con algunamp anterlorldad Eata clrmiddot jentll I 81 v08OtroB 80ls I Pero nad~ jllr clatro mortem do obuats y lo~ tllol II deietl q~e hizo 1amp KulIrnlclon de clnetancia Indicaba queeao jeres preten- trntiamos del oltallo de atrall en que Muon a que hay on lap)tuIt fO necesita estj plftZllcn ea c61eble JOIllampda en la dian ceAhle 101 prlnclpio organl_ de 08 ballail UR n6 nero eunsidurnblcmiddot1fe bombles qll8 doeientus hombre4 combatieron con III gllerr aun entre la naolonee minoe Conatlgt 8n conclu8ion qUII aceptamol

EI uelpo de artllleriA no deja que demiddot tla 01 ilunensu numero de oehgtelentOI clvllzadal y regullrlllAr la desde lU4lft) vuealroa aotos sea ellal (uere au natlishysearsusejercicins II 1011 111118 etCrupu- por eamppl()io do dillz y nueve hOrlll uglm lu demandlln la olvillziclon 1 _ mlez 10508 itotl Admirable el Jellledo y -80luololl siglo No 81a poslble dudar de la buena

do todOll basta del ultimo 1I0idado (e de aquell espon~nea proposlcion sin DOCUMENTOS 0FIeIALES ES Ef)OIOJV A OHONTALES dispueatos perecer antes que entregllr RgIlIlar a la e8 et bonor milltar 1 JOII

U - 6 h la pldl que se lea habia conllado cierto malt proclu90a atrlbutos del bombrel ElDECRtTAS DE OOB_ERlO


apol bull IfRon que Sill ny Guatro _ J Ch I 6 t A certilllmo y atln IIOmos COrto8 j pero lIus~re Jeneral Walker quo tantnll 1 bin No ito

EI t 1 p ra onts es 0 VI a es II puer ~__ d I M ON 1 ~ lifer ~11lI oeho de la matiana halfendo ph~oll afta Ir que e ayor eJ se repetJdllsprulIbae ha dado de maltnanl REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUAt

enndu 0 de una manera verdaderamente bull bull ~ desem ~ftado flU CQlnlslon los mdlVldoll ~ mldad ItO dudO en etecto ni Ull momen Seeretal1a de Elltado en el depaello (Ie t ti ~ - E her6ic~ Hallibllse postratio en una cama to y lIev6 8U generlllll(lad basta el utr Relacione Erterlores nuO rOI en snls aerlamen n I 1 d i h 11 b connn balazo 81 unap ema que elm- mo de entregar ill corneta que iIOhcUaban Granada Ootllhrl 2t de I85ampSan oS lIu v sus lOme lac 0110$ so a a a bull

bullJ I d I b d pll(ila dar un paso y Ie obhgaba bull servlrmiddot sill nlnguna de las lIeguridades que 8e El S P E so ha serVldo dlctar 411 de 1111 nUfillro e 10m res como e CIIn) d I EI 1_ __

d d 88 lIe os mu etas enemlgo lie lre- CIItJon en taIu CIlSOl COIltellto mnl Ceto igt~eD ~ -- _gt eine tode 1 QlIuotuelOn errotll Oil Oil Ii bmiddot I I WILUamp WR Preeldenw-daln eldla trece del corliente en csta cludn aerto y 1 eil


es om re que Illll a e featando que entre 101 mlillito prbonumiddot Republica deNlearagun lr sUiliabitsnte9 11 di I dtlene 89 UIIO de 04 indivlduOlI mall roa que habla hecho elY la lihlma aocion Siendo nece8SlrIo I~reditar un liinillrouo II IU u a tomaron a ue a reco on bull

q g q i 16nol 11 eJ6rlto Nada podia espemiddot e contaban Virios 06cla0bullbull que _tcba Plenipotenelano ltle rcpleaente a 111 RetshyDioo8 quo sahCTon escape as que $U- b _ d bll d Nt d I bl _T a raSede un 110m re en esta 0 en que dlpu_o cangellr respectivamente pGr pu ca e caragua cerca e ga n piera 111 Ilegadade Jos trem 6 tl~l11~ 61 se baUsba ain embargo hacienda un el Coronel Lain 1 por olnoo 6 sela in- de 108 Estados Unidos en IVI8hingtotl lIn RllngerB que III vapor cndllcla 0 b III el 81 t p l4 de dl II d J ntlab on U80 de IUS flleultades l

1 h b d b b t esueno 110 re uaUT J9 UOl e vopa que e 8oom- an DEC RET A bullIe d bull os Oil res 0 ar UI os comO d gt I I 0 ilia dlI8l1ila 0 que tellla sa 10 (1 clando Cueron presos por caaualldad en Articulo I N6mbralle Mlllistro Pleni ~ el 09 Icen locho tom6 lall mulllw y 81 sable y 8e il camino de llwaya En allo se es- pottnciarlo de la Republica de Nioaragua (JtfOETAS DE GUATEMALA Y presentO en ellugar ~a8 peJigfOSO arras peru la romillion del hombre ofteoldo cerl1 de 18 Eatedoll Unidoe al Senol

S AN S Hi VADOR trnndu la plema y atravesllndo las calles por 01 corne Q a1 conleta mlsmo que DoAn FemmCoFerrer I J b b t rt ~ IDnmquelle qu enes cor I -- con el agaa casl bull 1 rodlda (aca I a de era 10 replar y Jegitimo 81 ae aTrepenmiddot respondamp

Estos pOliodlcos pound0 oeupan do nuestro Hoverl dundo mnd6 con V071 do trueno tlan do nevar ndelante 10 que 4111011 mis- Dado en Granada 1 29 de Oetubre de Nienrlguell~o no parR reflllar nl una pn formal amp los hombres que alii se hallaban mOB babian Bollcltado opteniend) al fin 1856 WILLIAM WALKER Ilbm do los erimCIl-e1l servUes que hemOl y que Ilegaban oon sus armas dilltribuyo par unics rampZUII el J~er81 Walker una Al Se~or Jenoral Dun Jlliteu Pineda publi~do POrqIO III velmiddotdad os illcontesta la trnpn eolocindo en loslugarel opor carta del Jeneral Zavala en 1amp que fire MMn~troldoJa Guorra encargado deT dltl I bull mUltern enerable II~ deequltan descendlcn 0 as per tUllos orden6 1amp derenaa de vea eal ea testaba (ellto no puedo calUiCllrse) que D ~ d 1 I V bull evI en suprema 0 oumun eo 1

sonah ~de8 1In un lnnguage tan cl~lco que partell de aquellugampl y 8Oliclto 1 101 prlllOnerbullbull no querlan venir No ell para IIU intellgencia y demas erectos es ebmo us antares Su impotente uni e6caz It pelllr de su eltado de grandad a eato todo ino que en as propillll perandortlCibO su atento senillor Ie do p1i~8a fudose contla cl Jeneral tadu atendia bael6ndote oil su voz ell clrocnlltandlll Be supo oon allOmbro en 11 Pnnuu lIIque 10 ba dellpreelado stempre todas pa~teamp Nosotroa admlr4mol al e~ta cilldad el rullilamlento on 01 pueblo No 64 WI pe lulclo d - lllwlrles 8U cuenta eonlmiddot Mayor 0 Nell en aquelloe momentoa y de Diriomo del CoronelLalne y algunos

V bull l REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA ~ cnte Y oxneta eremos III e908 pan asi nOl plaee conS1lJllarlo on eata arUcl1 0 otros prisirneroa I I fllaa obre aquellOl S d __1 d ch d ecre1ana e ilAIo en e eeplt 0 e ~s 8 Oil ~ombre8 de chaneelarls COli EI Capitnn Wilkins lie condujo tnnbien jetos III deabonn eonmguiente y )1 IlCe- Relacionelllnteriores

dlglll d el dIll que 80 les presente que de unA manera brilllnnte en el millIDO cr8Clion univelflall i ~pnrten el des- GranadR Oetuble ~ de 1800 JlGr ci rto no ~t~d(jlls ($ si solo se con- lugar y despue ell la deftn~ del HOIIpi precio y vilipendlo que mcreccn Y 0011_ EI S P E ampe ha servldo dictar el de-ICIltllj COil eCBrlbu snrcnsmos tal en toda la neche Es de celebaTlle la pell el lugar degradante eli que les colOCll ereto -ul~nte

-------- d dId fa 1 I d d I El GOllemo coosldelando que soMalianl lie omharea con direceion u con ucta e 011 bull IS co tat voe qn~ IU In agllO proce el hallan vaeallte~ las Carteral de Reb

Nueva York el Sr Eermin Ferrer hallan en el h~8pltal oOClrgard08 continu Como era de eeparamprse loglco y natu- ciunes Haelenda y CrMito pu~lico POl 1 g b no amente de los enfermotl Dr Lundy y raJ e1 Jene1Walker ordeno y ae eloell- baberse encaado de la ml~lon dlploshynombrlld0 que ba SluO por e 0 leI bull t ~II b d W b

j I PI d t n_ (f Dr Brmkerhoff 110 8010 por las bUenae to II (I1I181111ento nu de todoll los prleo- m4tiea eel bull e ga mete e a Ing ~n s~o ellpo~enculT1o e es a p medidas de defen~ ue tomaron IIlno ton a1 Seior Don Fermin Ferrer quohllcs eefca dol Gabinete de Wasbingtoll ~ nellIS que en la Justa lndlnadlon acuo 1l1li desempeflsil 011 180 de aus facultades

Ell F rl b I rt II pur 10 resolueion que 81empre lea honrar otro mimo Jonero- en 8U lur hubler D E C RET A errcr Gsumpe a a ca ar - -- bullbull de Hciendn que qUGdo Ii cargodel Go altamente do pereeer todtlS antl8 que prevenldo sino Iolamelte el de un Ten Articul 1 El Sefior ~e~oral Don

D d M I - G S n ahandonar unos velnte y cilloo enCer- vnte Coronel I un Capitan que ctillltian Mateo Pmeda autual MIlllIItro de ItgtlIera ~ me A lUStrolaquo c uerft e - bull G bull gad dI I diS F mOil que no pod Ian movelse de IU lecbo eutre Iquellos nerra ser onear 0 IDtennamellte elimos i 1 auseMl1 tempola c I e diahaa caneras teQlumiendo el Mlnlsteio rer a~ paso qua nll8 alegramos de que EI Chbano que elo~11I 01 Mayor Potter MuchOll plllOl1ero quqda~ on poder de Jfjn~roJ ~1a do el c electo parala mislOIl que cn el ~rro que ~lmlltr6 cuyo nllmbre nuestla gblllrnocolltrA qlllel011 ~u4lera Art t ComtllllltpleleI qutenea cor IampMnuuce Alos EsttldOIl Unidostallto por no mllmfest6 pm IgnollrJo e8 el Seflor dMClrgllllle todo el pl8O delagravlo lnfo rCIJpcmda lI1llltlilrw y circuDttitceiR quole ldornall Don FtCncisco Aguero y Batrada Pre- ridn y hooerl(1S sentirde un una manera t8~do en GitLi1lAltt~Rdigt cuantq pOl que rCIihiramp belll1s impresio recto de esta cludad prolilllda los exesos de IUS ~etos qUI Pu AI Senor Jenera Don Mateo Pineda nos en 18 hormolllls ciudlulea del Norto (on 10 dicho sitiafacemos la justlcia ditgtran haber ngrlVlJdo au situacion I pero Miubltro Jenera Am6rfca debida aloe SenOIOs 1l0minadOl y nuestro I Jneral Wlker oon todaJ )R ventnjNl De urden supreml 10 eomuBlco V

Ie Idelleam(lll Ull viRge teli~ y pronto doseo de eselaroeer III ferdad siempre y la repolllioraucia de la posicion que pllrt IIU Intellgeneia y demas efootos retor~ quo podamoa baeorlo ocupa 011 tll embargo magnanlm~ y Je M Pnln4


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 17: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.

F NlCARABllENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 1 sabado 1de Novtambre de lasS Saturdav November 1 1856 323


lEI NIC AU A GUENSE1middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotL bullbull 1 ~ bull =L~ bull


[OFFIotAL) If ~lIdortOollliull8loned Oc~ 8 rROamp FrrltltiNr4tt~ ~- Olear OrOllltoy II 9 DbullBamey Woolf COll1mlllliolled April 28 1S6f

REGISTER UI1l1M1U R barlfa Tylor lI_y 28 OF TUB Artlllit CoInIor1 GOmlUluiouElt AtgIIII lit l8G~ JollaW AndmlOn II June 21

amprotul lAl1Ilmdm ThOll F Wright Jul N lOA RA G tJ A A R lY O~O~e Von Hln oolllmlttdloncd Sept 211 18$GbullbullJoho MbullGilCIIu AUg

Newton l Webb I April 10 M T Neagle Sep~ JII OIlllIRU CO~IIfIIDINO IK OIIlB R LaIlIb Se~ u William NnrthWige ()cj y

William Wlllite 6 IIlft11et II 95 ~1 Lil1llmIt1lt bull did aCltlmp 11l1li1 8411u4lOlf 0111I11T nTILLUI Georg~nll8ti oblllillil8ltMd April 1 bullbull lIIN

aCajl Inlr lfahon e1Inlillealooed Jln 20 18lil _L MIIgtI lames bull T 1roe u May 9t

H F Pilled Matcli 81 - A Dltl1gtwarj2 comlllillgtlioll~d OclOber 18 11166 fm K PMliv~ II May 26 II

W81 P towl II il~ 1 CaptaIn Jbull~ ampnaford Julr IJ II II 0 W GIs a OJ 18~ Getlrge B elllllld IlOlI1mlllllloned Occ 18 1868 VJlIIm H Toler A_g 11

bull bull D U Dulaney II I_mea S Jldfe u 8op~ 25 DIItODIIIR OINEIIUII 8oeqrulIMui_t Joho M Wtllngtonmiddot bullbull Oat 101

Comer o Homeb commlllioned Jats 12 19116 John Crowell commluloned Sept 11 18118 BeuJamln Hardla 00 y A (lamp Cui O Staehle Occ ll4- Firat Lleutonant Jamel Small 1Il~lLlOI or UIIOIIIIamp a_liD ATTJtl01 O~ IKAlrIar

Birkett D Fry eomriliAiolled 6pl 16 Mqjor J hn A J ColtitUeOamta Joho P Wtel1 conomllllloaed J1IIII 18 1866 0 aqu~ commlolaiOMd]lIne 18 186amp

I bull R T 80 d igt LiMNat CIltm4l2dbull L GU bullbull c e corum 1 I II vilpt4lI1 Leonldu MCIntosh co isoiI ed AlII 19

L Nonrell Walker comllllllo~ Aprill 11166 M On 111middot O middotF Henningsen comDlfaaloned Oct 19 Robert Ellr Jllne 11 lien D_ n_ co l1~ft d A IA (~mp R W Plck ~nl ug j O_n mUlne ug 18l16bull

~ bullbull ~ A bull - bull A4iaJUmiddot Johu 8 FlnOlllJvfl Lieaftt Oct I 2d Lleut E H OIat~~i~88d JIlOO 18 18~6JDJOILIIT o~lIuJtlI I)BPtIIIIIIIITbull

lIltfut Q_ol W A Rhea cOlUlDmlsaiQQed August III 1816 Ja_ Umiddotmiddotmiddot- eomlDlealnomiddota Amiddot12 1middotmiddot~middot-001 Ph RThompson CODIIIIlMdFllb 1I18G8 w H Lenl 92 - ~ ~ Ilamutl -L October 1 J1l1$16 Dreux June 1~ tulffilt t4illtattl eMal JAIIIIe Lewis D WIlIkInS II AIIjI it IiUajor G R OMtoQ coDlmluioned occ 2amp ampcotul lMutma1ll Bllrale Bell II ~

ll1DQII IlgtvOOJTli OBMW ThomJ)lOn 1lI00u _liIlened JIID8 11118118 Lewis E GIIU1 se t 2lt bull T U Hewlett II Aug l6 p v

dbulltWllftt J+ o44u9cat OIJ W I Qukll~ II III It lIf Ll~1

11 llmiddotitar ngtitn~t~ ~_ i


Poet-Ollie Building OWEN DUFFY Ageut

y u ~~_~ 4 Ilrllil F D _ t

i bullbull en AWARD of THIampfi DOLL4RS esol will Ie Lieut J W

fOt appheDaloll aud dell (tu of thG Army) of t~ofollowI118 named 2d Lleut Wm ltP-t

from Company A Firat Jlltampntry Balta

[--FJS_ RIOH Aged Illyeare II r~elO In hAir blue o)eB ruddy cOlllploxlOl~ i() pound Occupalion baker

bull GLIDDON Aged 28yeara 6 feet high falr clllllpletIon IIllhthair blue largo feet and 10llg tlnlterod-bullbullellhl

bull 8

Oapt M bull 1 FlIIOr comt1lampIontd July is 18111 lolln Coo COInlDialloned Jlloe 18 1864 bull rllIII JlJTTJUOK or 1U1II8 AndrbullbullBrady Au 22

IMIIHCTO_ GIIIKIJL I)amp~TIIIIII bull clod GlOIge W lIa11er II Oc~ 18 Impector eIII~ BdwlIId I SaIldm COIIIIIIIadcme4 AprO II 18lS6 Fnnclsco IIotb II IS

CoL Bruno Hlltsme commlsalond NOf 12 18114 U~ CoIltm4l 1IlId LiNt bull Tler OUwllllt ~m~edl ll 18 8uluel a Allin c~mluioDed lflllOh 118116 B D lIorre~ comm~olled Au ~3 [8116

_ _ y fIlor J middotW Oonkhn OOl 18 qlllllTllalllAalllllS JlnuTIIIJII Johnmiddot O ONtII commflMoneli AprD 11 lRIIf BeDJlllllln Beechler U 18 it

Q_~III bttal o4~ L A Clark IIC 18 Col ThOll Fisber commiJalon~d 4prlll 1858 8 LIeut ~ Lathrop commlad lau U 8156

ttll Qiulrtnnw OMiMl ~ peUlliATIOJlll Lieuamp 001 Wm K ROlieJlf comd Ocs Y G W1l Leonard ool1UDlaIIooed AOtII UllSIf hI LIeuL B ABlltcbl Com et ampI1t np

QlUlrUrmallllll [Brevel 011 tile 11011 ()cj ILl Allgua I IS5amp [~or Thamp Benry CltJlIIlI88I0oed Oct 18 Co B J poundavail 81ilh COlIIIIlIud April 181bullbull 20d LIeut Thoml8 8tackh- 204 JalaaWy Ali-II Will HIIIria 23 C ThOt Dolan June 18 gill 11 1868

ampJdlanlQlrtmnalttl__ _ D B D )teCh_a II July e bullbull 2tcUJant D O F~t 18 RlIIH AcuR 2SCapl Wm II Wilhll_oomd Nov 10 18115 1- H A JObnlObe u i1 1866 BeltJ W Bamml Aug 4- 1858 G DamplIiel Oampgai OIl 4- tlld Lleu- W B Hen Inljleeor Ola IMPshy

Andrewa flmiddot it ~i r JObn Iwh1l1a II bull II Au~ Sll lBIamp Juh Y Price Oct 18 B J-- DIllUlicaAL O~ II 1 LleUI E 4 P~iI IUb lhtpIIQpL 11 middotJIIIO

April Imiddot lIfr lMI4u~ ~nd A A Moora lal IlII1 lug 21i liIH MUiI Slo~ 00 B Le R Latimer com d 4prD ie 1811 SUfReoD Wm H sun4eN Aupt 26 IUI6

W~m B WY~ K Bob P Gardner II Allg so Alor 10hn II bull 1111f1iba1~ Judge Ad Oel Au 8U88lIllIIIlOJ DllIBTilUT D AIa~ Anderson bullbull ~ 119 1868

Oommiry Qfmlllal Sutdluu A Wm H MIh Sept 11 Cp~ John Wmiddot amp7dr 11lUJIea Aug 81 1864 Col Georg B Hall commiufoned Jul i6lS~6 F -- - Oollllay Ii O~ 4- cpt II E Bradley TrAn ~llle SepUs 18nbull

tm44t110ilmmiuarp (I_I G -- LoUhamDler 111 Lieut A MePilIO lsI 11111 Occ Y 18GI MIor BIIIlj Y Or1Ie comlllissiond July Il Cbu H Welt II Oct 114 Capl Douglas JWllkhia(untcbd)ept 80 1861middot

Aulatll aommulIJrUu Subfm 811111plet WlUlalDeon ~ u U L Jilglehan tigtd Ioftolry 2) 11

Occupation tailor alao fruit deal~r Capt W H LyonS commisaloned Aug 1 1866 amp-d LiwfmlId R S WiUIIIlII 21ld RltIotI Oct 8 U

S LOUIS OOHEkT Aged ~l feetmiddot inchet leI Lieu~ W H Buttrick II 00 D Th_ Cbloh_ eornd April 1 185amp LIeut Col F bull P Audel D las Rilles Oet_IO bull 185$

l08o-welgbub9ut 195 poullda Oecupti~n 0iII Jame S Wet laquo I B tllke J _orr JIIIJ 6 Capt Cbarlet A Gore 2nd Rillea Oct 18 1811 bullflaquob rir comple~lol1 hlue er IIgh halr large Henr1 C Wall I E lb0i Y JllolIrnoy Ha12b

penwi bull 0 John B Moo Sep~ 11 2nd Mllllt M S Oro 18 PATRIOK H YS IrI- d ~III)IO DIPUT)lBff i David A Lawton It Aug 11 J G SIIDllllerll Out Is4 bullbull bull an mall Age 21 SIIrgetJ GI 1Il II ~d lUllet

JW8 G luet 4 il1cb~ blgll qotlt qGmplexion dlllle (with 110 rallk of COlonol) G Clayton Billllialr 011 8 1868 bullbulli dtrk 6et-welghs about 1411 pounus 00 F DIICj ONeal 4 2nd Lieut J W PolklIl1d Inlltnlry Oct 20 18~ ClIpalllll IdhOler BVrgtcll 6 H Ubrbrook Itlaquo it J M Williams 2nt Rill Oct t I 111shy

6 OLJVEl (JROMWLL Ag8l182 years 6 (wlthbo rok 0( lIaJor) B WlIas Allen II Oet JI 6 A H wl~y 0010 Dept 2518116 kef 6lnches high Ught tomploxloll Ugbt bilk John Dawson 4cllng 8middotG oomd NOT 14 18116 n ell Wilkinson 21 II Oapt J V Hoolf AilSt AdJt Gen 28 1856 lIiIudl wblakera hazel yell-weighs aboul 140 O S Coleman coblmleslooed April 28 1556 __III) BtnttIOIi or amD llcsignlune-III1 fOIld OecllpuioR millwright n T Roalon lep 18 (JolOftI

_ClIARLES W KltuGER flapt Comdg Jamea ellulII 00 111 Jobn Allee cOIIQlIIIlloned June at 1866 I)URII bull (0 A 1st lulQty BaLllLlion BurpOIl aM Anitalll Smiddotgeo bull LiNluta1ll CltJlI Capt H t Witter A llltant Adjutant General

pOlt Serapaqui 8op 26th 1856 0 twitb the flnk of Captain) bull Idmlllld II HoDonald commlllld JIIG 18 18118 2nd Lleul Wm M Rogera lat InamplIlry--r-----------L-- J Geli8ner eommlllSloned Jan 91856 Major Li~ut OoL Byrollmiddot Cole Aeltlatant QU~flenlluler 1 Dllvid 1Ilnllg W G Sicigh bullbull U W P (Jaycee comOllllllioned Ua11 166 General killed at San Jacinto

O~RS FOR ALE at hia pl~ee San Sebas- A Callahan Val 30 middoto4ltfultmt 2nd lieut n A Milliken 1 Ri4es killed t sen

lIan abeel OIlD boUlle abov~ U Ph Be OWDI LHLuSeondy JUlie IS IMLleulJ W Kllllacmdorf comd Oct 1818l6 Jaolntebulldie a litore eor$amp tI UI ()ttpt Oapt W Pmiddot Jartls 2nd Rift died from wOllndi

lhlto-Nf Oandl~ Hackcr11I Olive i I~IIUlf Aug 26 CoO Jolin B Otee bull middotCOllmla$d June 21 18G6 reooied Sao Jaciuto e Wolft ro~tlc8ebledanoSehnappl bullbull IU onall Oct 28 A John F llecgtrch Oct 18 CaptJ H WlUiamaon drowned al Vlrglu Bay

bull Bltte Phlladelphlll 110 and Porter Pol DlIPtBTlIliII B DenJ M AndorfOn it 16 lind Lleul H l lhemRn died from wOl1ld reshynan Alld bilIa Wie Claypipes loynuulw Ofmoral Ii ~ ceived at Ifuata Ocl 114 middot18M

lerlll eh 001 Alex middotJonu commlssiOlld Feb 8 18H Edward O HIIIf naCerrd fMm Ordnance Demiddot LlOnt Col F A LalIIO 4 h c tarharolrbull p tulNMII PlaquoyltlwlII ptl1ment CODllllleslone4 -ug U l85G murderd b1 the med forces opoeed to tbili

T~ O I ugUld III ost 2d Llout J Fiemlng conmlsaione4 Aug 4 S middotS McElroy Oll~ lS OoYelllDlcllh IJlhollt propOllng Itn excbango

DgltS IllS S~HVI9ES 10 Ih citlllns flI OII)AIIOI DUAllfllBllr Imorul LfMfnaoll of priaOneri _rdlig 10 the uaagee of war ~anadjl and vlcmllY III h praete of Ulior E W Rawle commissioned Jul 14 1966 N T~p OOll1tuiu1ooed October 81856 lit Lleus JulllIIIKeilkUled In action at San J

u mOINE SURGERY amp MlDWIFERY Hellry I bullbull POller bull it 14 Eo H 01018 II 8 clnto bull 2nd IlelltW W ~der killed in aClion at SaIl om and OlIidcnce on the lOulhw1 Capt JJfrori Swln~le AprO 11_ J T Booo 18

~r of tbe atleet oppte b _ __ lal Llel~ Il A Carllar Oct 18 I B Vaughan 18 Jaelllto _ 0 0 1amp1100 2d Will B Ulte II Benr1 Hlnea It 18 middotDealba-l0

ent OWG bull ad June I 1 86r 1III0I11UII COIIP raTe _ i - --- Oaptain 1II8r IItTTUIOIi or IlfFJIITIlY J)BOPPBD

i lntitmiddote E c F Ucsse cOlllnllaaioned October t 18fill lt011 cpl A U Hirsh August 0 1866 iL PERSONS hlulng clalma against tbo 8A~IIIU11I1) 11111amp11amp John B MlIIkham commlaa~onod October 10 18511 U A B Wulklll8 AogWltU Ig10

Al ealamp~ of tho following namod deooa8ltlol or Jrft L~lt Lieut ~ 181 Lieut 8 W QuayAug~1I9la5t1-werod I()ulwill presoul tb~m to DIe dulll1uthentieated flonr) O Porler ltmmisslOllou Oct 18 1866 A francie Rudler comllsaioned May Ill l81Samp 8urgtlUII p N lugrahan Sept I 1866 til Or baforo the 1I8b~ay of Dec 1866 otherwie SltCOftIl LilllltJIt lldJfJ1 Brig -Gell 1) de GoiC(lurl Ocl 19 i858 Iht~ will be barred h1 law C DeuulaE lIayuee commissiolled Oct 18 l~e W_ Raymond colllmlaaloned Hay 1218113 Dropped-5 1 CHARLES GORI)EN J K hgall 21 o44IId1ll bullI

I CHARI1tS OALLAHAN OfFIIIIU lINJlTJCIIED ind Leut Fred W JeIeCOlli d lpnl U 18118 n command of WlLLIAM ALItER1ULlUS KIJlL Ooltmll FraIl B OKeef cln~od A rlll 185 GeneIrolllmaUdlngmiddotlnuh~middot 11 pel8Oll8 indebteu to tho eeatee of tho U B Skerrett commillSioned lanltllly Ill 1850 James 0 JOJtUsone f is

ahor c deceated pereaa111 make homodiate pay CaptaiN OhllL B 11 II Pa R THOIlHOiI AdJ Gelleral N A t to lIIe GILBEltl TITU6 F UoncosOIl commllllloned JaR 28 1~8middot FrInk i ThomPecm June 2~ Headq1ampli~rI lfthe AltII1

Publlo Adnilllstriltor O D J Egbert FaIllUDI middotFeb I II Charlea A Waltere 8op~ II Adj General 08ce 8ept ~7 1866 W J Merryman II JlIDe 18 BIrarn BIlIIIIlII II Sept SIl G~ Oct is 1860bull

325ELWICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 3 Sabado 1de Novlembre de l8SS Saturday November 1 1856

- shy

I(OUTINU OlljlONIOLE FILtiloita P1l1GRuTbe Dime of amphept ~EJ[INIE A~M - elttie~middot~~~~M~r hi~Ibtmiddot~ 8I1~C~herortbo pteellhiplraottohoPreal- Vlo~PCOUI amlPletwillb~llIeaodioJurebull U denlW chair of Ibe United l116tee IIM Jolhn FlU- The CoDoltlng rtlmub upon iho Wled th- et alanaing liq~ean~ h6ldiifg mu~eHighCly III d~ f h ~Ilv w a L dmiddot f Bri II B Ihe8boulde aoldierll lite h whoutmiddot aurilljlJ

Dlor~ an a ler avlng hoen bull long tIme In ~ ea m e peu 0 en m- tb kl n k f ~ L Rlla 1- Id I I rom e - bull 0bullbull e 0 I e lln 1_eaplllIy b plrat tiled lIpon a farm In Conmiddot bull n n- on lapr uponevIlr10er 1 when loaded ~Iamph elonty~ve pina of rifte PO-DecdClUI where be ended bla daya NathanIel tho NIlIIl1Iguan Army to road carelnU or ell I~ der endllot rammellmiddotI tt1 Jlillcb leU thtb Flllmortltll _ amp100m hautOt htlndrelland oul bullbulld e6mmit it to momory h I a olea anel or the lIu8kel bllt 11111 too great 10 l)e 6redflOBl

eMy 1-alio When ayoutll be mom to lucid daeJriptlon or the manner ill whlcb amphe Ylni4 ~vrilu~~~~~ ~iiI ~~ ~J~i Verlllon and alded at Bennln~I1 WMtIl b should be M amplid m ampl1 repoy all tbe lI eqWl and holditlght to middotIbbullbullhl)uldbullbull Ihe r bullbull

fho ~Ct beteen Col $andbullbull i Old TOIII IIlId 11 r ltlay~eoq II 8tck Billy chronicled lut week I whlcli 011 Tom wal deolared a ylctor atartcd the 8po~tlnlf men ef tho city and this weft $ IIno hall aoveral asciUllg IIl1d ciofOl _let~ ruCtbullbull middot

On l edu-May ovolIIIIII a moteh was made lind run b woen Oape OcorgltJ Giel Ba alld MA jor Cfty4ecs II Black Billy Distance 400 ards fQr IWG hundred dolla Black Billy n on h7 K clqar engampb

Tho ext-on the me eveninll-IIu a conl t ~IWcel (l18t ~ay nd a d k grey ollJled by BlIvet 1I1lJor LeommJ This race was a try tlOampO~o-ite hors flllming side b1 Ide tbe h~lo tauee Gletmiddot be e as evldolltly overshyweiSb d bleh rul~ed In OllllSillg hDI to lOBe Ihe rA by a dialanee of only a lew feet

The eitt 11 II race Ileween MII)r Caycee u U1Ck~BilY and Col JUlIee middotu (re EMgle The IU ~et upon tho hoN1C8 eltCeed~d lin huushydrM do l~rlI A good llat wbullbull obtained and the hora 01 neck alld neck about lour hundllild yrds ~en the groy began te crawl a IiHe ahesd nd at be winning poet earnll oul n8lll11 holt II I ustb In dYaI08 Bolb boraes appeared t~ be I Chit IIce maoaged well but at Ihe end Ihe lid appfared 10 be In doubl as to wbleb Wamp8 III laater animal and a Dlaleh for two thoushyIDd d Utp Wal eWeeted on the lIeld bylbe Ame horaee llh chanRe of rlders~11 came 01 lhe DeXI ( urad ) evenlol( and Ihe Grey won

Coa UTIOtf or rRIl EIIrllloa or ioU 1111

R~881 e- Bhortly after ill amphe ahlatan had taken hplr pllOea til lfaater of COIemonlel raleed Ia liand and IAfe n ordor In RlI88Ian wbete pi)n tile trumpetl blt9l oul InlO a wild IIId i ln8 8ouah the herald ~ised their Noell In Ibe Ilr and II hllvi~g uncoyoted their _dl pile of Ibe Becretolri t4ll4 tbe prOtlalllashydon w~i~h i8 redem into Engllell 018 folio

Our Inry aUgUStlery high lind ve pulNttOI r Aleunder Nicolalevleti belnll tIlrone of bls anctors heb 18

lIIISiu as ell u upon tt(lSt of Poland and of amphe GrtUld Duchy

of Finlauit which aro Insepllrable t1middotorp II hAA deiW16il to order LDllt the eoronrlon of bls 1m perial iljeS~ nnd his Olltb Bbn lake illace on 1M 2 III of the monlh I Augu~t bis augU1lI epouro lie mprola I1kro Alqxandrovnl pllrtlelmiddot

bull ad celllmooy Tub 8I)lemll Ael the preeut pr~1anltiu 10 all

to the eld that on this hppy redouble ttelt feVotin theil pyera

g of King tba~ Ho middotm spreld by His _ VOlfer His faTO8 dmiddotbl bullbullsinll ou tfiO

reign ~( hi DlaJeat ~t1d tllrougloul it duration Ito nu~y mailltaln peace lind ~Ianquility to the glor) ~f Ills holy nAme and fogtr tho 1I11111terablc prosit of tit emplro

Wl~l ON loLlTlcs-EvelbOly knoYs WilIi8 -Iho peet nll~lky edilor or Ibe lIomu Journal 110 btl III)td matty good Ihinge In his life and tbe following upon politlrs lIod political cRndldltltlli Is bull ot OJtull b~tter ald lh ptople of IgtlcaragulI iU6ppreellltJill

I lind mylolf for Ibo flut tlmo middot111 tn life Inshylml~d for political candidAte or I hould ~1l1r[~IIY perhp~ In 1 Candldalo wililoUl hi politic I II1vo bltberto (10 account S(lDlebat rolllm apparent want of aImiddotlotlsm) thought tbe eount under a hend bioh iliad almost any Ilcor g safe enough It loomed 10 me of vcry liWo IIsnllnoe (10 anybodr but I)m~ oekers) wlulth r 1 whig 1ll1 domocrat wu at the holmshypllblt opluion besidlli being llOgether too wide l~ak hlo ollcated a Olgtnlry for Qlther a blun ~er or l lin of pilotage to b more tban opproadltd So 1M plnlo ft8 this confidence In Amerleas do loSee vlJlol QIUIC)rrllCll1one or bull coo8tilution Ibat ( lIuld lOU beliovo il P) I I~ver Tilted In m tire y

B It wlLh ampho ecnla of the lost year 0 t 0

uoi th n tho intellect oC lbo country at r rk UPOlIlt be grellt queallol8 t IS8ue it would be hard

loge blind 0 Il)len8iblc And yeto

raised a family 01 lis children all but one of pllDI 111111 pmlllil whOm lunln II dnDcM agee anraging oter Di tl U I h VI I ntA b ree ODS lOr S Illi t 6 IU n6 l1ltw6 ~ y ye

Nalhllni1 FIllm_ amphe fatller ot Ibe 4IPra~- [By OIlIllR 01 fUll JoIiIUIiDIlINI(Cillllr] dtnl yet aMieI in Iht elllbtymiddotblh year of bll -_ ge Ho hili been a lAIlUer thougll lite cult oaOkUOE OFFICE l vtlng bia IlllIdamp wiamph hie OWII handa unlil the OllAlIIJgt~ CklObe 28 18H f bull bull bull bull TI U I DA t I h N gt_ mllrmlties 01 ago dISable him Hia mdUIIlriOllt 6 iWU u 1 WI n t 0 _-SIIIl un temp~raw and hnpl~ babill alll6d to A cbeertltl tho American Klnl6 H Is dl~nguebed IlOm the

Fronch BI11leh and RU8IIlun lfiDl6 by amphe IlIperlshyand bopeful mind hA~e secured to him eontenmiddot Oflty otllS sight ThplMa In wbleh tbo noteh II menland a happy and green old ~o n Was iled fOltbe backllthl whlll peoaed between tbe

~ b d 8 Imiddotf U I bOIn in nonnlngtoll Vt and realded tlloro unlil be arrived al IMlhood

bull Near tbe cloae oi the lUI centllly 6he ptIIQlIlI

eml~ted to the Ih wilds or Wesleln New York Tbtl ere among tllo poneer seltlen of Ibat dilrlct of ooUnlrmiddot1I01 aparl for bounly landa

to the aoldtere or 1110 reloIullon knowD as the new mllimr tract rheir IIrBI 100000000n lIIIlu amphe original townlhip or Locke tblt pan of It no cOmp ialng ibe IlIwnahlp or au lime bill in lhamp

bull bull r pnt COllllt of Oa1u$ A slDdt rrm waa purchased In Ihe primeval fort and Iheir enrshygiea lIIl dppllM 10 clearlogAld aubduing n 1M middot In - h III prep g il tvr a 6me Herbullbull III an blllllble log cabin atnld Ihe wUdneaa of nat wiamphla hearing orlld bIa alld Ib8 _nd of the w ed man as Millard WIIS born on he nh of Jan shyMoo bull IIr7 bull

Millard Flllmol( receled a rudlmeDteledlloO tlon In a COIIlltr ecIoolhouae amplid whell et aldmiddot was 0middot_1 clerk In drY gooda 1101 and

ono of particular Inleroll _

r A ~I)rrespolldent or Iho BAllilnore SUII

II t1811 (IOIll amphe White Iulpllur Sprmllbullbullbully Wo have a iva a1lthoress two hundred (~pllllk Ing in round numbeltl) prof9sloualgftmblIf olle bundred membera of Oonellll Alld aboul one

hundred oamphel1l cf equall- doubtlll1 ~eplIltlon besiden membel of tbe New JerHY Leglgtlhttllr~

A N~w SPIO-lhe pltell~ ballot-box of olishyfornln bat 110 learn b1 ilist IIdvlceB betln aold for upward of Ibr thousand dollars fur amphe pllrpose of ethibitlllg it to he minors previous 10 the po plOllching eleclioll h i4 11 Iho handa of Ibe Dellloeflta who espeo to IoUill i~ to good account In Slumping tbe Stale

bull tr lhlolln a celebrated Frenth phf8lclAn It

is ~Id watkabl f~d 01 drugglnJ Oncu htVlOg a patient IIbo diluenlly ad punety swalloed all the 80114 110 onlerlld be W S(l demiddot

lighted at seeing all the vllUa lind pili bo~ empiy bet he hook him by tbe band exolalmlng M d~lr air It really aWords mo pleRsure 0 IIttend you and 70U 4t1lOl 10 be 1111

wurn an nger ( n e Arneriean m) up and down owl wben kpl properly oiledWlterebullbull bed It malllll IIIonary U _ as Ih~p_o of tile thumb and linger ceaeee and doea Dot link by tbe ooncullllon 01 the piece ID lIlng The ghl plall of Ihe French and BrltIah fmle II very atlff 10 Il101 If cloaely titled and If 100 enough 10 Ok euilyls apt to IIIId6 do )7 continnM IIrlDg bleb U Dot observed b1 ampho IOldler Ill mate him Ire ene or 110 or h_ hundred yards abort

The Alinl Rift elltued to the Nicaragua Armyrallg 141)1 )ardL or ahofl dia~_ I haa Dot

06- ~ amphat diltllllClt n 0 d bull d rl_aflelward turnM bis altenlloll to law The Th I II bull I bit __ rid III l re all - Isn lllquHlI I 5 era 0 gneraliy of readers afO acquainted lib hla powderbull Tbls dIart1II cootened In tho llatka === iIIbstquenl CMer 1Uud bl moving die charger of tile lIak 10 Ille 00101 Wise or Vlrglnl bullbull In a recene

aeoond Iiotcb It Is al80 contalt)ed In til eartrdgee speooil concernillg Ille Millou Cumpro1ll8e IIl1ti bull luuedfrom the OrdDllIoeOlllee 1 Ihhl da said The coal or nOlrunulng that hntou

Ibe aceulllOl of tbe ordinary rlfte That Ie to dllt_ on ab_Ugtlltnown to them bUI kno 01gt to ooe hundm yarde Bllt up co 0118 hUll to th luatructol who bould keel a NeoN III dmrarda 1amp IIiU pul ev shot InlO a eIteI 0 18 their obullers whereby the captain or II compa07 Inchee dlallleW1wblob is IlIlBclelll for war pur- would be able to dlslingulsb Ib080 bo pOlWeaaed poses aa II 11011 d hll 110 enelll1 1D amphe upper paH the greatesl lO4 1114 leaat judgmen~ in tIislDlshyof amphe body At onllamphoulandrarda Ih_ rilIea tel 110m men aN found to poseea lI uallllab 11111 Pllt went ttow out of Ibllyln a targr sen In hlch doG t ne acquire it b pracd~fe wid batt 111gb On lhe 26111 Lleue Bart others noe acqlre II though they may maDmiddot wllh n mea 01 amphu Second BllIes Ilml 1m) goo abote The I)e8t tried Judg~botyendthellgto efght rounds flom Ib~ gnu a fenr hundred f_ (~IDamp to rules aflerrds 10 oe __14 dbianee at a lIlIIte lit amphe We lhougb down) regulate lhe dllttance AI wbleb amphe ltb Brlag amph_ guilt for the lint time eleven mn pa1J In acllon aholoI 8el the Iglu8 of ampheir rillel GIlt of the rortyelght ttow 011111 h been hit C F HENNINGSEN Brig Gen

A VIOILUT 1M TllOIIJlLII-A Mr Colemaoamphe and amphOBO whoprefer till meaauHlI mit obtelD amphe President of tb~Som Frallci8eo Vigilanee Commit- same by requiAlllon II amphe OrdnollceOllee lee lately arreated In amphe elly of Iiow Yor( Ilunfortuoately happenM tllal the lJepIIIImtlt at ho suit of man nf tbo uame of Halon ho WIll forced by clteum8lallooeto 18100 lOme ot lOOn lIunbullbull and to Ptlt IOgeamphor cartridges before the

waa bamshed by order o the Committee from oeCleaal1 IWI~uclon8 bad 1Illvod Henao amphe caUrQlltmiddot4 Mr Malon IlIIrIll8~ lhe li(lWmiddotmiddoteaiUiilgeillillfiltColltillileil aUbuFtlfellt gralllS Yllk Bvenlng POlt his onUI) Innocence of en crime or oWnee and lthtrges Ibllt the parileo middotho bull mpmollcd IUId banished hint dlil80 tram ntampllclnua moUvoa mrymiddot aiid 10 goi rid lIf an lICtio c11t zoin wbo condcnmed and esisted the llrocGelloge of tho Corillllte~ middotanll WM about 10 10 lealioony

bull 6 in tile Unltell Sillies Courl at San lranelllCo III n proceeding whicb h middot since resulted III the InUetshylIIent and hnprlaonmont or IWamp melnbe~ of the

f bull

orgAnization at San Fraucisco ~r PlIlcI

to9 much tKlwderbull Ihe effect of which as 0 make IIiIrllI~ kick ~d to burallo bell lberebI dealrolng ftecouNey

lho nlnl6 Rille bill Ole tho ordln ritle tle advlltap Ihat Itma be 1000ded more easily and rapdl h ~ IlIaded wlamph tl~actll tho IIIIUQ rn pldl~y andfaCllty as the ordinary mllllket

Tho ~o llloat Important pollll8ln tbe jedloloUII use 01 thomiddotBinle relo1O Ibo imulIer of loading andto tho IllDner of holdllllllhepleee


To lond ampho 1I1n1~ Plumiddot In the charge of pow Tho question of ho lhls But Will bo settled Ii dcr put Illmiddotlle ball rgtiamphout pap hutllcr If III~

doe lip In CIImiddottrldge d plI tbu ball ImUle wlllloul nhllng Illltliit cI ~hu puwdr-Wbell il1GAUh ilo powde llitllduv IMI1I rod Itllout nen giving ouo amiddotuk~ tIwill 0Il11111~ke Iho pillCo kickbullbulllnd IIOY

coil I tun felt at all mil m~D ualoR 1M pleoo properly ma II Olla hundred ro~nda llholilrecelYing thll smailest braise or feellug Ibe leasl IOreneae

PUcnICK Wml I1l1U1 The proper lact to acllee tbe BinloS fit firt

Ie At Inob~ecton tbea~ beeansuh eIfCI or eve bOII8 Been For thr pllrlo II threemiddotlIIailea have boen plaoed on Ibe lako III lb water amphe two outer flake belug ten f t aparl Thll cel 1ft slake ill tbe h t 10 aim at The etlceil ~I(

h d- 0 eo h b (lne un yrds froln t e abol two und arde from theaborelhrbullbull more atakea Ire plfteed three btll~red yardo Ihroe 1110 takes avdao onup to onll toousand l abulldmiddot

JII1I9111G DtflmiddotUlIOIIbull

WheD holIer the sllooter knowing Ihe dill lance aI whleh be ill fring hOl8 Obtained eudlelenl proticlenoy II I 81111 ne_~y (in order 10 hlaeapon 001111 Ihe bid) thllt he abou14 l1Ian eaIooate known dlatao_ oorreellroampherise if he bas ligbted too ~igh or 100 low he may conllnue to aboot ~er Or under in the t1eld herll freqllt1y be - ~ot aee where 0of bla aholll 81rikee 10 correet hla etro~ On this accouo$ men sho 1d bit plBCllo1 10 guess at

If) lIccurae of the Ihot ~llher by pulit Il~ laquoO~ in PQ8tmiddotOlfice BuDdmg ~hapeof the ball or II) kllIin~ ) I HI-bullbullI bullbull ofo I 1866 IrOll cap whleh It cunulllli1 11 h lt~ plJlldce toIliPputO Ihat allY lt1111= T I E 1 O xrWK~ So I IUllnZQ Wl UtIIDLW not ramming nOlll provlltllllg th e~t tmiddot Kew~II oiande ampI Alandlln mON thMlI Ce IlIcbermiddotuhe IC I

WItlllbe gUIloulalromlullK lir q uF bg ABROGADOS

wbereas Wbtll Ie wipet 1111 IOlldc(1 gUll lno nextGmiddotpmiddotlitieRI thol)rlts 80 In_III) aropart A WIIUlltrE tBoUT TUII AOIl 0 Bo_-A llIIt blow oiIt tbe dbl lndM~9 tb~ ham1 8Ul1Ishy

PIRtampmiddotm (tlnll Abovo nil 80 01l01 m3Y Ihe chang few das ago we met a ~~lIemall from Ahlban~ cielltly bull ho e 118 1 lece of IIIforllltlOll hi re fli 10In II 0 of e~olll8 require p1tllltll CHIOl with lit- 118cuJtnlng thePage of a borde arlO boOf abo HOLDIIIO TlIII PIECIl 110 orln~ Iuf~renee 10 plrty Iheory o~ party platmiddot Ina paaaed Ihe niMb 7ear IIhicb woo 1I0W 10 Ill It I tbelntlllioll of tho tolnMllderlnOblcf rorm~ that It _ms 10 lIIe 0 should look mosbQn~ will be wo are lure to ~OSI of 011r flad 1~III rar M 10001Iiblc lit MiIlie ~iUIlll sh11 be it no~ oly II) tla~ lalityoJ la mlII-wtat ollr It8 tills ancr Illtl borao nblo YCIId lId l d$IIl~lItud ~ IlIeIl Irued) aCljlllllPlLtllYltl1 Ibtl CAlId t I wlI1klo comes on t~e oolid M he uIper corner II 01 tho 11110 Now Inen 1Wu41om~d to ~ha

I to I~ 11 nAtllte and culture retber thallio of Iho lower lid lind overy ycar IhcNltIItIlmiddot II h~ urolmRI rilo ltleil ck~ bllt 1 very amRlt bt Itt pai11 prnf8lSioD8 or bis 1IInt(oD promi ono well ltlellnld wrinkle fotmiddot ovor) 1 ()v~r nlllol cimrgtgt very pruperly reat 11111 bu I of tbe stock Jt~ If for Istancr 11 hor~u baa Ibreo 1It1kll$ bo I~ alililst tbo IIrmiddotlI lstnnd idew)~ to I U obJImiddotcl

or tho dnUlP~kllilJ ~f tlut ulnbtvttlmiddot~middott l~ ~lltit ~ III 11 tlrearmo 1amp lable 10 uck It 1lt tmiddotumiddot- Tbllll4obltcd by ubg II IVirh cmiddot 10 Ib~ end of Ill nUbrod 111 whillhwiii W u1 tOIlr with ~middot~aracrw on rUII he OIIuarlllll Oftlee TtU$ wlv~r iu ltretlaquo btJlImiddotmiddotC COIUCllcItg pacllce anIII bull ill U etWh~V8r amph 81100101 finds lhh hi Ii ill bishyling 10 CO dj)Y1I with ditllcul~ h -lImllI Iler lodll)g b~U btore ~plig ~ tbn I w~Ir once or IWCO dowlI tho buI lnu middottlt~ ~Il tlttlt is to l0080n the cakHl puwllll on tho 1lt11 1 tilG bltrmiddot reL 80 tIlen C8Jl11 ul lloc lIud tk~ 1110bullbull11 h~pB to clQl tbe gUll by bluwlu til dill Hllilre h Ill tI lUauuemiddot ~II imlldred h y be IIr11d rO1 018 pleca WIIlO1 ~qr ~1Ibg Tile reMOI wh) be I not III pu~ 1110 wIImiddot~r (11 thuuuoad bull plcCIl I brea_ II woul~ )lt) lhe bciJ dalllp anll tbill~l chargu Iul In fluid b~cOlDe IOml Ihem k

Paoillo lIlarmiddotb valuod thulO Virginia We no get a Ihouaand dollars for eounthlave we would then haye gollen from tbree 10 IIV6 1)U8Ad dot Iar8 rer an operaun it tho gold IIlInea ot middotOaliformiddot lila four hundred thoa mulllpiled b Ii- amphousand or even amphree tbousand will ahow _ mm_ lose Ollllpu1lon rdollam would nO compe~~ VI1l0ia for h~t 1088 III not rllooing the IIl1e on to llie Facillc

E I 0 nwtll L 84111gtpound WHo DAHOLlIfl



GRAilraquo 110AItAuUA 11ESSRS Kewen Simd~r8amp UanlUn III praeshy11 lieo In aU the COIlf~ of ~b Merilloual and Orlentel Depalments Rnd In tbti D~ptlllent of Le

PArlicular atienlilln 11111 be given to tbe reo covey Qf cl~ima ugainSl the GOvcrnmmiddotnt

lJ~oIbullbull mortfg leNlet Ie promply 0 ClIlel nd on Ii oralmiddotlermbullbullAI ow llId mo~ey brokerage busto will a lage tho AllenllOIl ofi6 finn bull

Q RAN A DAN lOA It A 0 UA bull

I~bull ~dlnrogtq REWEN SANDERSY IlAN IgtLIN ~jl)roosn lol PIOlesiOl1 de illmgllria ell tOUOllt los trihulltlle8 lj~ 103 t U d I 0middot l )tmiddotplIlttmlnt)8 lerl I()I1I1 v rleR

Y ~n el Dgtplrt~ento 00 Leon bull So dllrk atencIOII pnrticulllr III eobro If)

Imiddotmiddotdlm cr contlll dl1 gllhi rllo Itd 1Ijpotoc3~ Arrenimionto~

t ~ bull tc 1~n eJIIQlIlndos con IWOlIItlt y fllmiddotemiddotto~ mudeladollt TlmlJieu 1111 ocel1p~rall Itn rillgoeJoo do

I(rretagl el biencs rllice y dimro -- 1J h bull dIe= e~II1~e ~ en I Ctml 0 orr(~braundn NOlclObrc 1 de 1856

dup 111 jnll oIUII LOllt IN ampho early patlof amphb foe LAlfJ) W ~ 1tNT fQ IIvc hundred nCI ttl (If Innd drallO III fam of Col R J SJiltlors X_res hlTJ be~n takon 10 rendtr It of no e tlcJpt to the per8Ol fOl who It wns drtITIl WllOttOr ill It 10 ill NiiAlIguonao ollWe or to me ltiU bq suitably N11lIrded

OOL E J SANDERS GIlladI NQv 1 1836 1I~nrr- L~hUet

uvolll~ell if fOllt heiathirtc611 Ad til 11111 th) ro liillgt whoroby hcy do MtIlSeU1I$ nUltn~O-l tlIUiTISSuillrsa ETlqoE1TB - ceordiug tl 1 Iotc b IIf dliklea to nine atd YOII will hIV 111 Iltilgll lIlIk tu 1100 OIlOPI) lll~ ill mU3(~tlriug I 1lIorfwlit~r It III etiqueue fOf pelllollll of infot1or io So says the genUeman 811d Ito Is cOIIampuUI1 it lIee~y 118amp th~ 1I)~lcr shluM 3fIIillnL iIIder~ his pl)feMional lampniCCl

mnk io I~ol their healtia IOlVor han tho belds f 1111 Mef tail A a coo~ n~uy I)~I 14Vlllw I~ ltlec b I liing u 1111 rea tho muk(jt I to lhQ citi3Jlls of Graoaolo U ill bull bull I) horsts over Int a i$ wily tmiddotI II lIIc IIu I RIMtle amiddotIJ(lr amiddotlIe~middot in to tbe bll$O of Ih I hg l )0 found al tb Dosplt)

thelr l4ltupoOItI Iberefore wben a nabob aClOp I hOIampo dOll mutt slvo up liis trlt1~-lllonlllc I k s C lil middot1middot is ho ~1I1101 d) if Iro anda middotVmiddotIIm mbJnrtt _h_SjtflU ard sl~1 get Oil 1 (ltllIf2 Plnntel I aiemiddotx bullbull )1 ~ 110 bllU of hl~ pcco OraMd Novetllbe~ I 1~amp


328 EL NICABABUENS4VoL ~ No 52 p 4 Sabado 1de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 1 18qB

I But tberemiddotII point from wblch ~bl anbject

lhOnldIv _ad IItperlor to Iny mere Idalphaselt [Jittr ague ns t of tbe -i Itmiddotl6-how ~be buy tb deed In Ibla counll1 efFects th Ulag_od thlemiddota 011 1111shy

Saturday lIlorniD~ Nov~ L middotportanamp Dllrlnl the dry aeuon In thll coUlltry Itl Yer

HON COL 1QHl( H WHEELER dUlicuit 10 dig a gra or luDlclot depth to pro-

Thl amptnlleman wh has eo ably repreiented Int th polloDOUS paeafronl eacaplng 11110 the thII Jolted Bta1e8 ~ North Amerloa In thll couoshy

trl darlbg ahe varlbos oTillgea and atartllng Inclshydeata of tjle pasl two years Is we regre~ to 8Iy boul 10 dpar~ rom IOIOllg UI on a Iall to the uAiI~1t1atelo Hia beallll bu baeD of lale very _b brokllD IDd we InRir hI vlalt to 110 and nf bil blrtb 1JI1~ ~trellKthen ble fIoame by Ita Ron iov~t1i11 j~lIoaplire

_B rIOre will exolte a rept In the breut oC emf American In Nlosraguau blA aCQ4mshypUIIlliiilitt genlfemin bl aliampTl~y U )lInll~r

hII klndneas nd urbanl~ u a man and bis dieln lereledp u a friead ~as altcady g~lned him ~eliru~t ampad rove W~e~ver he goes tbe good wiebe or all who

uo-Iollllid thllCOI1iItry wlll follow hhn alld we trlMt at before la_IIY weeks we m ba middotth p~ule of Innoucbg Ita relum We wlab blm lfIe_t voyage



ED namp BURNED III II tbe dlkion ofthmaln of de

-r-~4 P llOD8 bas been a aubJectof Ihe promiddoteIQlUld98t ~iionUoo Wbh I~ are conDected the _tldenta of the warmes~ frlendlhlp tbo ileepetl eiltnltlbJl aud tlrelDost eaorad Ibougbtamiddot of tin

1iChaft~~ ~horo II anhll~lotl ID maDwblcb 1111 pell lilllll ~T8IlI wltb grea~ cate tbe romulD of his fiIampir orbullbulltur fbi ay bit esclted 10 pari by feeUng ibat we onl7 do IS we would be done

liJ toutpefhapi ~e -eat IncoU o 10 tblerupecl btl tbougllj that lhe Iplrll of lifo whleb anI -1 olampy before UI tnay be 1I0W before thea~llioron or the OIt High and Ihe nmdna tITeRlO WQJD 0101 our ioevltable dellliny

Tile IIIl1Dn of buryins the dead bas been a _II I _t I It f I

I ~Io Iou bleb ata n w w PlOCseda from deelylng

18tatabl We know tba lata1dlleuea are brollgbl ooby Innooulillon and hat I man canmiddot nn~ be Innoclllaled byanrlblllg mo8 dllllcul1O

L__ b

a~moephere and spreading lIIalri ampIIIong the Iiv-Ing The~ Iulso bull common oUltom among peoshypIe of th Ialler dayuo bury ~ remalDi of porsonl of no~ In nulta un~er the 1l00rs of cburchet and those In che dmp and gloom olihe luliterratiean cbambers In decomposing p~ddl_ and death among Ibose wblJ honored ~bn blloll logj Uld IUppose they thUI Ihow rpeet to their memory aner dealb h ta unnec_y to r8fe~ to the dangar of those who dIg gr In a Iae of OO1IIl11on Inte lIIent or how onen they como In contaCt wllb the polsoo of deeolOpoelng Jleah or wbat a s~ amount of dlseue Ibere II engendered bi the poleono pBel of sucb places by bel~g waRed amoog the habltatlonl of Ih~ IiVldg The evil elllcta or 11 tbeae clrcumstences ara Incalculable

We can onlyarrie at theamprulh In suck C8IU Iy Ulalol1middot W know that the gue_ of decumpoeo-Ing ~o~tsble mattedo swamps produce d98ues of eryerloll8cb~ractars wo know tbat on thla account 11 nu countrl are I_ healthy ampIian whera Ialor huefllleted a good drainage and ~bat higll dry land II more condllclve lOheal~h and Ions life tlian damp low Incamp We knowIi Ii Id- b I

JO tat ep em1 realmiddotoutmiddot1I parts of cl~le wh garbage ta a1lpwed to coUeet and tm1~ an eDlu~a Id we know also tbat gases from d cylg anllllal blatter are more daJlgelOUi and

The Late lnliulttlt the US llag I In olHla w publlebed a record of eiiollUng

eta All to tbe IneultllllC oonduc~ of ~e oIlied forces of Guatalllla and San Saludor toward the AlIlerican Oag the Mlnl~r of ~h8 Ulli~od Slates and tbe cold blooded murder 01 unarllled

American cltlrens But thll record dark and demiddot grilling as It Is te humanity WIS bulholf dlacload Dally circumstances of Dlulder _lnltioD and robl)e07 commltted On Alllericsn unarmed clll lensre being brought to ligbt which place the Governmenta of Gualeblala and San SAlvador bO yond the pale of ci illzallon and eta p them u BaIlon of ouUaw cutbro1e and bAndl~18o

Tbe accompnied allldavita of Cap~ Dunlcan and ~eut Gardner prove ~he diabolical IMurder of a Utile boy whose only offenco was being born In the Uolted Sla~ of wbite parenta and bnlng a while face

Doel not iIle blood of every frlcnd 01 humanl~y of every nalion ehudder at euoh ~Iroity Will not tbe lII08t eage and barbarous nallona of tha darkest agel of anllqully rise In judgment against luob uaboly and bloody deede _

tait of cOmpany D Fir~ Rille of tbe Army ~( ~be Republic of NlcaraguI and made oa~ ~haj

On Mon~ay the 1~11J October 18D6 during f

attack of h combIned foroea of Guatemala a d Ban Salvador on the city of Grallada during ~ e ba~le he approached ~Ioe houN of Mr JamoA Smi~h on the street of the Meulah opposite I e Churcb of San Franclaco f-om wbole bouse t e enemy bad been drIven out and he there lAW Q

tho arms of hie flher thamp dead body )f a about seven years old who bad just been murd bull ed by 1100 onemy whose body as horribly 10

lated ard deformed Mr E nllb was unc~~ nected wi~h ~he Army and como u a aettl9r~ NIcaragua He appeared hear~-broken and d shycOllsolate oxclalmlng tha~ he wished tiont loG co d bove sutrered In his child place Iln I tha~ in th amp alllnts opinion I~ WII and i ~he determlnallon for ~ho lovadillg forces 10 violate every rul of clViI~dwarfare and justice IDd lIIurdr eory Alnari n In Nicaragua J DUIIICJII

Sworn to before me this 21th October 1866 JOHN H WHEELER U S Minller

middot1 do hereby cortify tlia~ 1 W88 preBent wllh ~ taln Dunicnn aDd of my own kbol~dg 16~ abore aDldavit Is true In evel pa~ticuIRr

R p OAlIIlIpound1I Fi t Lieutenant Company E Firat Ri8es

Swonl to before me thIs 21th October 1866 JOHN II WHElLER U 8 MiDiter

oor8_ t e ~_Ing lIull of ble fellow maand would be reapecteo b all lla~IQDs even tb tho Amerlean 8a8 would protect him rba~ ~c Now u the guea whlob arise from vegetable most IIInge Bul how vain wu lhat hope I Let Lawless very frequehUy came to him 8 thOlmiddotMnmiddot lIIalterlo a atate or decAY appear 10 be lIIucb hll plunderod 1001180 bls murdered remaina tbe tay Goveroor of ~hll Dopartment in blthrfi mciro ftal thllD ~ODtact w~b Ihe solid_ from wblcb bodies of Iii f6110wmiddotclizen tbe mutilated bunting tb Datives o~~befllo~lnldt for whdOlll hIe perforbi th _ numeroua IC_ a bull n n au w lOBe rup bull

_ AO~ re lImiddott e lllallnorl 0 nu rolli tar llIImemotlalIiimiddot lome oountries oj E8YP~ ~~e present ago ought to be luDlclent to ri~ i9bIaDcie Dluch IDg epulty wu expended In enmiddot bove anyprt)UIIIce orallY old cuawm which haa ~orlng ~ lr~ee~e bodlel (rom decay anltl been haaded d~D t WI frolll ~pe~o~_bClo the the Orilllai ftcc~ of all burl~11 WII law ofnelilUi wee but lIttle s~OOIeil or known -0 --uOD of die body At tbo far Notth and auggoat auch remedlca as wlllleslen as far AI

whra th tro~ king relgnl many lDootba III ~he poIIlble the causes oC dll~uo bull

ey ann mut 1ler tbe~ 11011 II 110 the caso with tbe ps8I 101010 arise frolll putrid animal mellmiddot UleI If thll II eo thqenlightonment of

yar and all anImal de~omp08ltloD II auspended t

ibrough Ita etrecta tbe etrort 10 tilDes of 19oorshyihc mIght be aUPlosed to be parliaUr aucceBBful 11 Ii eeD no DO uncommon tblng to be ~oemer II tbat b would nollike 10 die In a

amputherll counlry on ac~ollnt oftbo audden decay ~ hll remaloa 1111 sontewhat remarkable tbat bile Nort~ern natlolls eYen In tbe most ancIent tImes burlod their dea~ In tile pound Ibe peo-DIe or the Southern countrl buroed tbem Thle wu ~bo cultom or Sou tbern Aala And Southorn E~op In our IlIgUsh literalure to tbll daTI ~wlng from oll Oreek we frequoutly her t)ili )ihnae peacmiddottomiddotI alhea I

1be Greeb a1wav burned 1100 bodle of their Wualrlou8 dud and In our opinIon thla lain many respecta lIIucb preferable 10 bllrylng_ bull In burnIng u lru tholr CUltom the ashea IIIlght bo carefully ciflllected and plaee4 In an mamen~ed urn j hero llOuld laDd wltbout otrendlng tho senses In the bleb of the temple or In tbe private aparl

m6llts of friends til Ihls manner I~ wu alwaYI In the careoilboao rho respected It and In wboaemlllol7middott wumiddot dear_ Tbo asbes of Ibe great mbl In Ihose dal1 beaeD~ fro plRce to place mldgled llb IIampYO7 locenlo receiving the roapocl due the blemor or Ibe Blirlt which pYa It lnishy

middot1111110110 In Ileae dy the remoYai oC a corpae croaten bOlrOr In all wbo 1ra1 wllh It not 1mshymedlIlotorealell to say nothing of tbe danger 0( belna In coplact with so Ruch rot~nn alld putrofotlon Ona balpound of Ihe borror of death con sists In the Idea of tho bedy pu~rU)lug io the e~ 4 Wng an obJect of loathsomene18 upon lJjlell worm gMiI and riot How much more pluinlmiddottw Idea of ha log the ashea carefully ptbelllllj amplid ~pi perhapa 8weamptlt aeented aa DOW ieepodaguerreotyp08

W~_ uale lhe aallsfactlon It would no lIfIorithe litem world to ha e preserved the

middotashe oIllli~Q Ot lIIilikapeore i or wbo can guess the care otmiddot venerAtion willi whleb the Frencb would ~gtrd the ashes 01 Napoleon or with wbat yeneratlon Americana would guard tbe reshymai1 ofWaabington h la truly to bo regretted that aU whlcb Was mortal oC tbose i1ulrloUi per sonages Isoow IndlltiDgubthable from ~hecommon eartb or tbe remalna of ~he earcasa of 80IIIe brow

There ta t~ls dvanhge ID burning bodlea OTCr burylDg tbem that IDltead ofperlnlltlng them 10 cauao dlaeue aRer death Ihe nry act of burning puriO ~he aIr It II lupposed the great plague ot London WII IoIICIted In lie ravagea by Ibe groat

Ore whlcb burned the greator parI 01 tbe city Ono thIng Is certaill iC history II correct that Ilthough Itraged with foarful voIoeelmmedla~lr hefore It ceueo to exll aimoillmllledialeit lifter Iho con8agratlon It It now a common pIlodco to fullllgate a roam In whch a parson baa died and doowrs ad 1ae boao who Yliit he remainI of a person ~hat lou died of cholera orany olber conmiddot mgloua dlieal to moke a cigar or plpo-tlo great

a purifier II fire And eelUng pr~udlc aside III~ Is after all

lIIuch more dealrable to be cooaumed by lire ner death than to rot ~n be devoured by worms alld 118 tbat eoaduccl well 10 tbe praseryallon of tho Ulng u to the retallling tbe uhes of tho de ceased we would fbor tho adoption of Ihe CUllOJll

In thle lOuntry It was the generoloplDlon In Granada Ifter Ito

batlle of the 131h of October tbattbe great nummiddot ber ot theonemy which wu killed would produce tbe cholera before they cluld be Interred DurnshyIng tbelll bnmedlatal would h prsvenwd tbe posilbillly of auch 1 p~llIful circumstanoe and would hve puriSe1 the air 01 any polsonoul gnaee wbleh might already slated 10 it

On object In ftuggeatlnlf thle II more 10 call tho 4tenllon of the publio u well 110 medical profeaslon 10 Ibe anbjecl chin 10 attempt at tble tim to dllcUBB Ihe m W are howovor under tile InlproBB Ion that If Ibe tlustom of burnshyIng the dOlld Inatead of bmiddotlng them were onco Ialrlylowoducecj It would In tbll lall~ude prove higbly benellclal w tbegenfral hulth

A Nw 01ft The Phll~dciPhia Mint hujull IMued a cent wblch II described as COlliposed or 1It88ven parb copper seven of nickel and one ohine 11 lou a lilht appearance with a faint red tint alld la In beautiful contra t with the Ameri cau a1lver nd gold plecea and will not u the old cent did tarnlsb thelll by oon~ol The weight of the newll only aevell~y-to gralnl-Ih~ of the present copper cenl la olle bundr~d and sixty ftghl

Tbe aDldavlt allo appended of (len fry u to LIG~TION or UUTID STATES or AnRIOA~ the nlurder of Ifr Lawl pro es Mr Lawl IIEAR Till REPUBLIO or NCARLOUA ~ earnest desire to presee lob neu~raliy in all 1100 Tbis day camo before me Birkett D Fry Bri dUBcoltiel wblcb have beset Ihle coun~ry of nis dier General ArDIto Nicagua Uld made OI~h blgh lOlled chacler and Integrily of conduct Rnd tbatshyorh pcrfeat oonOdeoce ~ha tbeaegis of the Bowasacquainted wllbJohll D LmiddotI~uaimiddot Amnoan fIig was amplyiuDlclent to prolect bis the month of Oc~ober 1bullbull1 Ihat having been rl liberty property IIld lif Be badmiddot een as cofmmnd of Ihls cl~y durn the greater POrllrshy

0 he past year he lou Ircquentl bad occbullbullI~ llIralloea (rolll the blgbeat aources tbat no Amori- 10 tallt wilb said Lwleas of Ibe polillcal atrairsio can wuld woder so far 1roII home that the pro- tho State of NiCllragu Tha~ the MId LRle tacling and powerful arm of tbe United Stat- s unifOImly re1beed 0 take ny part InarlUa wlti wal Dot over him lie reiuaed 10 COlli wilblo IheAforcea of lttI~nerol Wdalkellrdsaymg Iat hOe ~ri an lIIe can CI zen an re e upon Wle og o the line of onr Irclo mlylng oo~ho middotpeo~lon 01 his counlr for protecion_ Tba~ a(~r Oeoer Ibol Uulted States aDd Ihrew out beforebis house Walkers force marched upon dual and a few the Alllerican 8ag tba~ In ~Is patriotlo beart b hours _before Ihe auack u~D Granda loa urgtd fel wu honored in every laud anltl on every sea thbelabdblAdwl_11edto comde WtllIlI hila Ilhnol degb

f dle~fen~~w c e eo n to 0 expreaa ug s e Ie I ~

tom b the enemlee sllot and lbe loor of tbo Lo- alld good will he leetDed to pOSle That ~ ~ gatlon house perloQ~d bytboballe oftbe onemy Lawless had reaided for several ye a paa~ inOmiddot testify nlda apoKe tbe In~uago of ~he coulltry 8ue t-

Iy and WIB extensively engaged III IIIcrcalltUJ~ 10 ancln~Rome ~he exelamaUon lam a Ro- e~ita anil had mall) 01 tho nolives In hia ORlPi bull

mIlD cillzen arrested the falling blo of Ibo IIc- Tha said Lawlen justly ellJoyed the reputtti D

lor 10 fOmer ~oys ~n II the great Republic of for great pbllanthropy And unamp~~middot~~t tile North In 0 aayo ofJakson It is the bouth of ~ e loll lory of tha~ day ~hllt no American cltl zeD ever luWered lny In~ulT abroad without reo

dreu WefcOIlaurolhnUhesnm08plrltnowanlmatestbe

United Stateamp and ~hat tbe same feeUnga ~hat dlcmiddot tated tIe Kouta letter will be roady to defend Ibe rigllts aud proico~ tbe lives oC InDoeen~ AmerieRn



Thll 4ay came before 010 James II Smitb wbo tcatlO tbat he emigrated from Ne York clLy whero he hu resldcd for two years In the steaol ahlp Tennc88ee for Nlcaralua on thOl 1 III Sep tember laet accom~RRled by his three email chll drell lor the purpole of cultivating hind and satshy~nllg In Nicaragua lIo is by protession a taather

That on Sunday the 12th Inll an alarm of an lltack was made by the foroea of 9uaternala and San Baladof on this ci~y That be no~ crediting

S b bull h 2 hOb I 56worn ore me t IS middott cto er S bull JOliN II WHELER U S diolaler bull

I [ 0 F F I C I ~ L ]


ADJUTANT GENEIULS OUICpound J Granada Oct 26 186G

1 SOLnnRI--Each day demonstrates more cle iT ~hat tbe war we are wagiftg Is ono of IIUlh apl AI falbood of clmoalion againat barbarism GI satisScd wllh the bloed of lonocent cilicnssb d a~ Granada-with n appetile Ilnllghler h 1shyled by the nt_Ore 01 helpleu cbildren and b 11 ministers of CbriIIIII~y-our IIIvage foes II f

added ano~hcr crime to tbo long liRl reco d asaiDNt ~bem Thoy han sbot Lleu~ Col Lal wbo wu IRken by tbe n a prisoner of war 80 0

It)8 ngo At ~i1e very time thl_ cold-bloodedaal ofcroe 11

was boillg colDlIItted an exchange 01 prioa r was bciu proposed by tbe comntandermiddotinmiddotc er

tho Jolarmj wntto tholltlloplzaa8110r~dlitance If tbo Guatemala forcos WI~h an lona~a bull When tbe (ote aptearod and commenced an ac tive 8Mng ot musketry and Mlni6 rille wblch otlt off his relurn Tho foreee then approacbed 10 hOllie wbere bis li~tle fRmily wera seated ~ dillshyner consisting or a boy Frencb Berbert born In New York tlty on Ibe 6th March 1849 two lrirls one fI and the otber Iwo yeare 01 Ige 1hey were seated witblo three yards of a large wludow which opelled 011 ~118 street One of lhe troops approached the window and taking delib erate aim fired at 0 lillie group the I)all grazed the chin ef the fllrl nurse and atrlklilg the bo In the lower part of his face paselng out of the neck broke tbe plllol obord killing him instan~ly TIe reat 9f the children wee concealed iinnlcdl-

IDg for ~reacbe he bad smoolh WOrdl and Ii ~ sullmenls on hll Iipa wben he was In the act t murde

Tbe mnatlon of Lln4 show he ndlito of the ollemy wl~b whlcb we baYe 10 contend f Ibe sollie lan~age andreligion wilh tbelUself they bad nOl agains~ hilll the lying excuselmiddotw Which ~hoy are wont to justi~y Ihe murder of American citizens Nothing bu~ ~be love of til d aod ~he cowrdly loatlllc~ of tbo savage Call 0

urged for tho execution of thd Cuban palrlot Let ~ben soldiers a Bunle of tbe jUltico G d

grandeur of tbe C~U1e In which wo aro CDgae nerve ua lor the fullilmellt of tho Iftak wblcb I bull before us Remember that you luWer aud It

awly III an adJacen~ housl by the nurse under agio to redeem ono of the 10eUest 01 lalld_ ID bed hlle Ihe ~roop Ibreed tho cuing of ~ho barbalian rule aud lavage despo~lam In such a wlndo the door being fRBlened and resiatlng all Oft IIHO 118 t~is who ould 1I0~ gladlf eudure II ~ IV Iheir oRllrta Thoy then entel8d and searched In dayoCprl alion and fdtiguo r 10 would n I vahl for the cbildren Tbey plullucred tho house undcrS1l aome lillIe antrering and danger for I ~ of all bia iinpleonpnta of hUlbandry clo~bing gold sake of IIvlllg his nalllO enrolled amoug the be o and allvr walcllcs mono aDd valUAble of faotors fJf the rllce 7 amount 1lI0re ~hao two thoueaDd dollars ~ 2 Lieut ltlol ~ A LaID6 aiddemiddotClImp 10~ tbe

JAKa8 n SIITD Commandor-in-l)hler having bean brbIrOO~ Sworn to before me this 2~tb Ootober 18DO murdered bylhe enemy without ProPOiDg An shy

JOHN B WlIEELIlt U S Mini4ter change (If prlaoners i~ ie directed Ihll~ Lie t We do bereby certify that we reBlde In tho Col Brigido Valderraman and (Ja pt Bern~r 0

nme houle II~h Jamee H Smith Faq nnd 01 Allende be shot Ibis aernllon 11 6 oclock In Ollr own knowledgo the faclt tn~ed In hla aDldo vlt are Irue lu evcry particular


Sworn to beforo rno thl 27th O~oher 1856



Tbl day calllO bofore one Jamea Dunlcan Capmiddot

tbe plftZ of thl clly 3 11111 Gen Fry 19 charged wth tho esccullta

of the abovo order By command of WY W AUrER

Genernl-Coml~andng-in(jhipI Pn n TnoIlPBOII AdJ t Gcn N bullbull

~ h Is atato(1 that PrInce Albert 1038 b~~~t 111 Clllll1nOUe tract of lInd In AII9tralia Vbic1o1n nbout tnty years will tetulnabollt ono thou811 ~ i tlII10S oa much tIS all ~h~ amp Coburg alld Obi

In Germany put logctbor I

329NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 7 Sabado 1de Nllvlembre de 16561 Saturday November 1 1856

i lit I ALGO NAB BOBRILBL Dl4 UJ 1lJSOUOJON lIerosoaeajuitA al Cllpilitu delliglc y Ie r t t lIJ S 11 n1J R ea mlUlgrato perdmar que CIIstipr aunshy EqulUtlvo y aUII n_Slnll) nos parec Menelter earetrogradarlllol mM remomiddot que eata lIluy pronto a IIOtrar en el UIO

toear la materil de que vamos neumiddot t~s tlempos de barbirle yde ldlo~lemo pa de juatas represaUae lIa cual rere IU tS II Into NOT I de 1836 pamos no obstlnte haberll8 tratado en Ill1Icontmr el ejempl0 brutal a una Ie- naluralom 1 10 demandaren las circlin A WI ~ 101 1)umells anterloJel aunque nu cion quI Icsban de (omeler en Maaaya stanciU De consiulente 108 prl~ionrOl

JUEBPO VE ARTILLSJIU 4 tod I degtlt1d I I d I d 1 - ft -- con 1 1 ~que mereee por mf~ 01 Jenera ea e I IUfZaa iii on I heridOll lIOn tratadlll eon 10 mllyor be El lierpH de tLitiHerlll ha tomado un destla de lOB IRdmdus que 11 rlllawon Guatemala en estos lIltlmOl dia des- nignidad

ClIPCI) 0 imllolltmto bajo 11 direoclon del puesto que cl1ml mlmos t(lIl1aron una puea del ataque de aquella plllza I de Queda PUIIII demOlltlldo que falto8 de Jele I Henningsen IIventndo jofs de esa parte actin en los sucea~s Las buenllS las acclone quee Ilan referido ya tn 10$ fe ell itll mall s1 mnes compromiaos y Grmllj iuyos cOllocimientos Ie ban didO aceiones dlbon refe~lrse mlnuciollme~te d~8 humerns anteriores de elte periodlco de oumplimiento en sil palabra como mi MmladianQ $010 en los Estadol Uni Sin temor ~e Incumr en la tacha de dllil Vlolando 108 mas gmdos Plotos ma- Iitares 111 jefell do lIB fuIiIBs enemlgat JOI I nn fuora de ellos Es do cele- sos tnnta par que e8 un trihuto dllbido al lew reeonocidos univerenlmente y 0011middot flftll Incohado COIl ol ftlsilamiento flel Co brillS la recision y tino con que dh-ije m6rlto Cuanw por ue line de est-imulo aiguadol en aI derecho de jentel de una ronel lAid y aUI compslierea despues IRS bo 111111 Y granadas al punto que de- a100 d~mAA NOl oontraenos al IltaqU(o Inanera ~n ep~icita se han colQcsdo en de baber aupllcado el callge Y d recibir $igna uinnentaudo y dUlheando progresi qu~ re~I8~6 oatil piau dede el deee del una posiCIon odlo~a dtgrlldftnle y eceemiddot un Indi~lIo en este sentido un Miatem vame te las distnl1CIU siempre con el pUlIdo II 11 una de Is tarde basta las crable Indlgna de hombrea que 8e tltulan elttlaordin~rlo de gtlerrA que nosotrol nei nitID Rcli)lto Q inerrnble direocloll ocho de la maAana del diR siguiente milltare 10 temm~s puesto qf8 teMm1 mlobos Tolft los dias hay repeudos ejerclcioll y Buellas y lumlnolWl lIOn I referenoiaa fnmedlamente dupuee de 101 c(lneablmiddot prlonfrGS cODtrllrios y que hlta Is te()k~ IiOletas evohuiones en las que prl()ti~ del Coronel Allen Mayor Clyeee ftc dOl acunteomlento8 vino eata cludad un siempre hiL sido patente la slIperiodatide ean j Sefiores oficlales y 109 soldado8 pero notamo8 qne a~nqueliglran en 1 correo conduciendo una comunieaci(m nuesms armal Ahorl bien ~ Sol se nell ~tmn maravillo8(1lllIIte lisw de 108 que 8e distlnguiertm 81gllnOl de los jetea eN as flllrzas enemlga8 en la VOllOtroa 101 que hahllis habmdo de vanshy

En3 ClInnto 1 numem do indivitluoB numbres 110 ell con el tlIplerclol que que IIOlicltaban aqtlll1l08 del Jeneral dalisimo de Bomnidadea y oims cosa~ perbgt ecientc8 6 dicho cuerpB lie ha IU~ merC(tlll sin que sea rltI de 1o referenmiddot Walker JOr 10 pronto 6 cange de un in- aemejantelll en vnestrus periodi~os para men db do nna mllnera otable habien tes po que 1I11011 gllardaban y derendian divlduo d los suyos cometa d eaballe oontravenlr ahora eSC$ndalOsamente Ii (0 ad mllll unH gran compltlla do Zapa1 sus pue~tui re8peetivos y no podial esect na que fu6 heeho prlalonoro por Dilestra losmejores prlncipios del dereehu dl ilores I Mineros bien que para malle- tllr j todllS paltes Grande y her6ica parte con algunamp anterlorldad Eata clrmiddot jentll I 81 v08OtroB 80ls I Pero nad~ jllr clatro mortem do obuats y lo~ tllol II deietl q~e hizo 1amp KulIrnlclon de clnetancia Indicaba queeao jeres preten- trntiamos del oltallo de atrall en que Muon a que hay on lap)tuIt fO necesita estj plftZllcn ea c61eble JOIllampda en la dian ceAhle 101 prlnclpio organl_ de 08 ballail UR n6 nero eunsidurnblcmiddot1fe bombles qll8 doeientus hombre4 combatieron con III gllerr aun entre la naolonee minoe Conatlgt 8n conclu8ion qUII aceptamol

EI uelpo de artllleriA no deja que demiddot tla 01 ilunensu numero de oehgtelentOI clvllzadal y regullrlllAr la desde lU4lft) vuealroa aotos sea ellal (uere au natlishysearsusejercicins II 1011 111118 etCrupu- por eamppl()io do dillz y nueve hOrlll uglm lu demandlln la olvillziclon 1 _ mlez 10508 itotl Admirable el Jellledo y -80luololl siglo No 81a poslble dudar de la buena

do todOll basta del ultimo 1I0idado (e de aquell espon~nea proposlcion sin DOCUMENTOS 0FIeIALES ES Ef)OIOJV A OHONTALES dispueatos perecer antes que entregllr RgIlIlar a la e8 et bonor milltar 1 JOII

U - 6 h la pldl que se lea habia conllado cierto malt proclu90a atrlbutos del bombrel ElDECRtTAS DE OOB_ERlO


apol bull IfRon que Sill ny Guatro _ J Ch I 6 t A certilllmo y atln IIOmos COrto8 j pero lIus~re Jeneral Walker quo tantnll 1 bin No ito

EI t 1 p ra onts es 0 VI a es II puer ~__ d I M ON 1 ~ lifer ~11lI oeho de la matiana halfendo ph~oll afta Ir que e ayor eJ se repetJdllsprulIbae ha dado de maltnanl REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUAt

enndu 0 de una manera verdaderamente bull bull ~ desem ~ftado flU CQlnlslon los mdlVldoll ~ mldad ItO dudO en etecto ni Ull momen Seeretal1a de Elltado en el depaello (Ie t ti ~ - E her6ic~ Hallibllse postratio en una cama to y lIev6 8U generlllll(lad basta el utr Relacione Erterlores nuO rOI en snls aerlamen n I 1 d i h 11 b connn balazo 81 unap ema que elm- mo de entregar ill corneta que iIOhcUaban Granada Ootllhrl 2t de I85ampSan oS lIu v sus lOme lac 0110$ so a a a bull

bullJ I d I b d pll(ila dar un paso y Ie obhgaba bull servlrmiddot sill nlnguna de las lIeguridades que 8e El S P E so ha serVldo dlctar 411 de 1111 nUfillro e 10m res como e CIIn) d I EI 1_ __

d d 88 lIe os mu etas enemlgo lie lre- CIItJon en taIu CIlSOl COIltellto mnl Ceto igt~eD ~ -- _gt eine tode 1 QlIuotuelOn errotll Oil Oil Ii bmiddot I I WILUamp WR Preeldenw-daln eldla trece del corliente en csta cludn aerto y 1 eil


es om re que Illll a e featando que entre 101 mlillito prbonumiddot Republica deNlearagun lr sUiliabitsnte9 11 di I dtlene 89 UIIO de 04 indivlduOlI mall roa que habla hecho elY la lihlma aocion Siendo nece8SlrIo I~reditar un liinillrouo II IU u a tomaron a ue a reco on bull

q g q i 16nol 11 eJ6rlto Nada podia espemiddot e contaban Virios 06cla0bullbull que _tcba Plenipotenelano ltle rcpleaente a 111 RetshyDioo8 quo sahCTon escape as que $U- b _ d bll d Nt d I bl _T a raSede un 110m re en esta 0 en que dlpu_o cangellr respectivamente pGr pu ca e caragua cerca e ga n piera 111 Ilegadade Jos trem 6 tl~l11~ 61 se baUsba ain embargo hacienda un el Coronel Lain 1 por olnoo 6 sela in- de 108 Estados Unidos en IVI8hingtotl lIn RllngerB que III vapor cndllcla 0 b III el 81 t p l4 de dl II d J ntlab on U80 de IUS flleultades l

1 h b d b b t esueno 110 re uaUT J9 UOl e vopa que e 8oom- an DEC RET A bullIe d bull os Oil res 0 ar UI os comO d gt I I 0 ilia dlI8l1ila 0 que tellla sa 10 (1 clando Cueron presos por caaualldad en Articulo I N6mbralle Mlllistro Pleni ~ el 09 Icen locho tom6 lall mulllw y 81 sable y 8e il camino de llwaya En allo se es- pottnciarlo de la Republica de Nioaragua (JtfOETAS DE GUATEMALA Y presentO en ellugar ~a8 peJigfOSO arras peru la romillion del hombre ofteoldo cerl1 de 18 Eatedoll Unidoe al Senol

S AN S Hi VADOR trnndu la plema y atravesllndo las calles por 01 corne Q a1 conleta mlsmo que DoAn FemmCoFerrer I J b b t rt ~ IDnmquelle qu enes cor I -- con el agaa casl bull 1 rodlda (aca I a de era 10 replar y Jegitimo 81 ae aTrepenmiddot respondamp

Estos pOliodlcos pound0 oeupan do nuestro Hoverl dundo mnd6 con V071 do trueno tlan do nevar ndelante 10 que 4111011 mis- Dado en Granada 1 29 de Oetubre de Nienrlguell~o no parR reflllar nl una pn formal amp los hombres que alii se hallaban mOB babian Bollcltado opteniend) al fin 1856 WILLIAM WALKER Ilbm do los erimCIl-e1l servUes que hemOl y que Ilegaban oon sus armas dilltribuyo par unics rampZUII el J~er81 Walker una Al Se~or Jenoral Dun Jlliteu Pineda publi~do POrqIO III velmiddotdad os illcontesta la trnpn eolocindo en loslugarel opor carta del Jeneral Zavala en 1amp que fire MMn~troldoJa Guorra encargado deT dltl I bull mUltern enerable II~ deequltan descendlcn 0 as per tUllos orden6 1amp derenaa de vea eal ea testaba (ellto no puedo calUiCllrse) que D ~ d 1 I V bull evI en suprema 0 oumun eo 1

sonah ~de8 1In un lnnguage tan cl~lco que partell de aquellugampl y 8Oliclto 1 101 prlllOnerbullbull no querlan venir No ell para IIU intellgencia y demas erectos es ebmo us antares Su impotente uni e6caz It pelllr de su eltado de grandad a eato todo ino que en as propillll perandortlCibO su atento senillor Ie do p1i~8a fudose contla cl Jeneral tadu atendia bael6ndote oil su voz ell clrocnlltandlll Be supo oon allOmbro en 11 Pnnuu lIIque 10 ba dellpreelado stempre todas pa~teamp Nosotroa admlr4mol al e~ta cilldad el rullilamlento on 01 pueblo No 64 WI pe lulclo d - lllwlrles 8U cuenta eonlmiddot Mayor 0 Nell en aquelloe momentoa y de Diriomo del CoronelLalne y algunos

V bull l REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA ~ cnte Y oxneta eremos III e908 pan asi nOl plaee conS1lJllarlo on eata arUcl1 0 otros prisirneroa I I fllaa obre aquellOl S d __1 d ch d ecre1ana e ilAIo en e eeplt 0 e ~s 8 Oil ~ombre8 de chaneelarls COli EI Capitnn Wilkins lie condujo tnnbien jetos III deabonn eonmguiente y )1 IlCe- Relacionelllnteriores

dlglll d el dIll que 80 les presente que de unA manera brilllnnte en el millIDO cr8Clion univelflall i ~pnrten el des- GranadR Oetuble ~ de 1800 JlGr ci rto no ~t~d(jlls ($ si solo se con- lugar y despue ell la deftn~ del HOIIpi precio y vilipendlo que mcreccn Y 0011_ EI S P E ampe ha servldo dictar el de-ICIltllj COil eCBrlbu snrcnsmos tal en toda la neche Es de celebaTlle la pell el lugar degradante eli que les colOCll ereto -ul~nte

-------- d dId fa 1 I d d I El GOllemo coosldelando que soMalianl lie omharea con direceion u con ucta e 011 bull IS co tat voe qn~ IU In agllO proce el hallan vaeallte~ las Carteral de Reb

Nueva York el Sr Eermin Ferrer hallan en el h~8pltal oOClrgard08 continu Como era de eeparamprse loglco y natu- ciunes Haelenda y CrMito pu~lico POl 1 g b no amente de los enfermotl Dr Lundy y raJ e1 Jene1Walker ordeno y ae eloell- baberse encaado de la ml~lon dlploshynombrlld0 que ba SluO por e 0 leI bull t ~II b d W b

j I PI d t n_ (f Dr Brmkerhoff 110 8010 por las bUenae to II (I1I181111ento nu de todoll los prleo- m4tiea eel bull e ga mete e a Ing ~n s~o ellpo~enculT1o e es a p medidas de defen~ ue tomaron IIlno ton a1 Seior Don Fermin Ferrer quohllcs eefca dol Gabinete de Wasbingtoll ~ nellIS que en la Justa lndlnadlon acuo 1l1li desempeflsil 011 180 de aus facultades

Ell F rl b I rt II pur 10 resolueion que 81empre lea honrar otro mimo Jonero- en 8U lur hubler D E C RET A errcr Gsumpe a a ca ar - -- bullbull de Hciendn que qUGdo Ii cargodel Go altamente do pereeer todtlS antl8 que prevenldo sino Iolamelte el de un Ten Articul 1 El Sefior ~e~oral Don

D d M I - G S n ahandonar unos velnte y cilloo enCer- vnte Coronel I un Capitan que ctillltian Mateo Pmeda autual MIlllIItro de ItgtlIera ~ me A lUStrolaquo c uerft e - bull G bull gad dI I diS F mOil que no pod Ian movelse de IU lecbo eutre Iquellos nerra ser onear 0 IDtennamellte elimos i 1 auseMl1 tempola c I e diahaa caneras teQlumiendo el Mlnlsteio rer a~ paso qua nll8 alegramos de que EI Chbano que elo~11I 01 Mayor Potter MuchOll plllOl1ero quqda~ on poder de Jfjn~roJ ~1a do el c electo parala mislOIl que cn el ~rro que ~lmlltr6 cuyo nllmbre nuestla gblllrnocolltrA qlllel011 ~u4lera Art t ComtllllltpleleI qutenea cor IampMnuuce Alos EsttldOIl Unidostallto por no mllmfest6 pm IgnollrJo e8 el Seflor dMClrgllllle todo el pl8O delagravlo lnfo rCIJpcmda lI1llltlilrw y circuDttitceiR quole ldornall Don FtCncisco Aguero y Batrada Pre- ridn y hooerl(1S sentirde un una manera t8~do en GitLi1lAltt~Rdigt cuantq pOl que rCIihiramp belll1s impresio recto de esta cludad prolilllda los exesos de IUS ~etos qUI Pu AI Senor Jenera Don Mateo Pineda nos en 18 hormolllls ciudlulea del Norto (on 10 dicho sitiafacemos la justlcia ditgtran haber ngrlVlJdo au situacion I pero Miubltro Jenera Am6rfca debida aloe SenOIOs 1l0minadOl y nuestro I Jneral Wlker oon todaJ )R ventnjNl De urden supreml 10 eomuBlco V

Ie Idelleam(lll Ull viRge teli~ y pronto doseo de eselaroeer III ferdad siempre y la repolllioraucia de la posicion que pllrt IIU Intellgeneia y demas efootos retor~ quo podamoa baeorlo ocupa 011 tll embargo magnanlm~ y Je M Pnln4


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 18: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.

325ELWICARABYENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 3 Sabado 1de Novlembre de l8SS Saturday November 1 1856

- shy

I(OUTINU OlljlONIOLE FILtiloita P1l1GRuTbe Dime of amphept ~EJ[INIE A~M - elttie~middot~~~~M~r hi~Ibtmiddot~ 8I1~C~herortbo pteellhiplraottohoPreal- Vlo~PCOUI amlPletwillb~llIeaodioJurebull U denlW chair of Ibe United l116tee IIM Jolhn FlU- The CoDoltlng rtlmub upon iho Wled th- et alanaing liq~ean~ h6ldiifg mu~eHighCly III d~ f h ~Ilv w a L dmiddot f Bri II B Ihe8boulde aoldierll lite h whoutmiddot aurilljlJ

Dlor~ an a ler avlng hoen bull long tIme In ~ ea m e peu 0 en m- tb kl n k f ~ L Rlla 1- Id I I rom e - bull 0bullbull e 0 I e lln 1_eaplllIy b plrat tiled lIpon a farm In Conmiddot bull n n- on lapr uponevIlr10er 1 when loaded ~Iamph elonty~ve pina of rifte PO-DecdClUI where be ended bla daya NathanIel tho NIlIIl1Iguan Army to road carelnU or ell I~ der endllot rammellmiddotI tt1 Jlillcb leU thtb Flllmortltll _ amp100m hautOt htlndrelland oul bullbulld e6mmit it to momory h I a olea anel or the lIu8kel bllt 11111 too great 10 l)e 6redflOBl

eMy 1-alio When ayoutll be mom to lucid daeJriptlon or the manner ill whlcb amphe Ylni4 ~vrilu~~~~~ ~iiI ~~ ~J~i Verlllon and alded at Bennln~I1 WMtIl b should be M amplid m ampl1 repoy all tbe lI eqWl and holditlght to middotIbbullbullhl)uldbullbull Ihe r bullbull

fho ~Ct beteen Col $andbullbull i Old TOIII IIlId 11 r ltlay~eoq II 8tck Billy chronicled lut week I whlcli 011 Tom wal deolared a ylctor atartcd the 8po~tlnlf men ef tho city and this weft $ IIno hall aoveral asciUllg IIl1d ciofOl _let~ ruCtbullbull middot

On l edu-May ovolIIIIII a moteh was made lind run b woen Oape OcorgltJ Giel Ba alld MA jor Cfty4ecs II Black Billy Distance 400 ards fQr IWG hundred dolla Black Billy n on h7 K clqar engampb

Tho ext-on the me eveninll-IIu a conl t ~IWcel (l18t ~ay nd a d k grey ollJled by BlIvet 1I1lJor LeommJ This race was a try tlOampO~o-ite hors flllming side b1 Ide tbe h~lo tauee Gletmiddot be e as evldolltly overshyweiSb d bleh rul~ed In OllllSillg hDI to lOBe Ihe rA by a dialanee of only a lew feet

The eitt 11 II race Ileween MII)r Caycee u U1Ck~BilY and Col JUlIee middotu (re EMgle The IU ~et upon tho hoN1C8 eltCeed~d lin huushydrM do l~rlI A good llat wbullbull obtained and the hora 01 neck alld neck about lour hundllild yrds ~en the groy began te crawl a IiHe ahesd nd at be winning poet earnll oul n8lll11 holt II I ustb In dYaI08 Bolb boraes appeared t~ be I Chit IIce maoaged well but at Ihe end Ihe lid appfared 10 be In doubl as to wbleb Wamp8 III laater animal and a Dlaleh for two thoushyIDd d Utp Wal eWeeted on the lIeld bylbe Ame horaee llh chanRe of rlders~11 came 01 lhe DeXI ( urad ) evenlol( and Ihe Grey won

Coa UTIOtf or rRIl EIIrllloa or ioU 1111

R~881 e- Bhortly after ill amphe ahlatan had taken hplr pllOea til lfaater of COIemonlel raleed Ia liand and IAfe n ordor In RlI88Ian wbete pi)n tile trumpetl blt9l oul InlO a wild IIId i ln8 8ouah the herald ~ised their Noell In Ibe Ilr and II hllvi~g uncoyoted their _dl pile of Ibe Becretolri t4ll4 tbe prOtlalllashydon w~i~h i8 redem into Engllell 018 folio

Our Inry aUgUStlery high lind ve pulNttOI r Aleunder Nicolalevleti belnll tIlrone of bls anctors heb 18

lIIISiu as ell u upon tt(lSt of Poland and of amphe GrtUld Duchy

of Finlauit which aro Insepllrable t1middotorp II hAA deiW16il to order LDllt the eoronrlon of bls 1m perial iljeS~ nnd his Olltb Bbn lake illace on 1M 2 III of the monlh I Augu~t bis augU1lI epouro lie mprola I1kro Alqxandrovnl pllrtlelmiddot

bull ad celllmooy Tub 8I)lemll Ael the preeut pr~1anltiu 10 all

to the eld that on this hppy redouble ttelt feVotin theil pyera

g of King tba~ Ho middotm spreld by His _ VOlfer His faTO8 dmiddotbl bullbullsinll ou tfiO

reign ~( hi DlaJeat ~t1d tllrougloul it duration Ito nu~y mailltaln peace lind ~Ianquility to the glor) ~f Ills holy nAme and fogtr tho 1I11111terablc prosit of tit emplro

Wl~l ON loLlTlcs-EvelbOly knoYs WilIi8 -Iho peet nll~lky edilor or Ibe lIomu Journal 110 btl III)td matty good Ihinge In his life and tbe following upon politlrs lIod political cRndldltltlli Is bull ot OJtull b~tter ald lh ptople of IgtlcaragulI iU6ppreellltJill

I lind mylolf for Ibo flut tlmo middot111 tn life Inshylml~d for political candidAte or I hould ~1l1r[~IIY perhp~ In 1 Candldalo wililoUl hi politic I II1vo bltberto (10 account S(lDlebat rolllm apparent want of aImiddotlotlsm) thought tbe eount under a hend bioh iliad almost any Ilcor g safe enough It loomed 10 me of vcry liWo IIsnllnoe (10 anybodr but I)m~ oekers) wlulth r 1 whig 1ll1 domocrat wu at the holmshypllblt opluion besidlli being llOgether too wide l~ak hlo ollcated a Olgtnlry for Qlther a blun ~er or l lin of pilotage to b more tban opproadltd So 1M plnlo ft8 this confidence In Amerleas do loSee vlJlol QIUIC)rrllCll1one or bull coo8tilution Ibat ( lIuld lOU beliovo il P) I I~ver Tilted In m tire y

B It wlLh ampho ecnla of the lost year 0 t 0

uoi th n tho intellect oC lbo country at r rk UPOlIlt be grellt queallol8 t IS8ue it would be hard

loge blind 0 Il)len8iblc And yeto

raised a family 01 lis children all but one of pllDI 111111 pmlllil whOm lunln II dnDcM agee anraging oter Di tl U I h VI I ntA b ree ODS lOr S Illi t 6 IU n6 l1ltw6 ~ y ye

Nalhllni1 FIllm_ amphe fatller ot Ibe 4IPra~- [By OIlIllR 01 fUll JoIiIUIiDIlINI(Cillllr] dtnl yet aMieI in Iht elllbtymiddotblh year of bll -_ ge Ho hili been a lAIlUer thougll lite cult oaOkUOE OFFICE l vtlng bia IlllIdamp wiamph hie OWII handa unlil the OllAlIIJgt~ CklObe 28 18H f bull bull bull bull TI U I DA t I h N gt_ mllrmlties 01 ago dISable him Hia mdUIIlriOllt 6 iWU u 1 WI n t 0 _-SIIIl un temp~raw and hnpl~ babill alll6d to A cbeertltl tho American Klnl6 H Is dl~nguebed IlOm the

Fronch BI11leh and RU8IIlun lfiDl6 by amphe IlIperlshyand bopeful mind hA~e secured to him eontenmiddot Oflty otllS sight ThplMa In wbleh tbo noteh II menland a happy and green old ~o n Was iled fOltbe backllthl whlll peoaed between tbe

~ b d 8 Imiddotf U I bOIn in nonnlngtoll Vt and realded tlloro unlil be arrived al IMlhood

bull Near tbe cloae oi the lUI centllly 6he ptIIQlIlI

eml~ted to the Ih wilds or Wesleln New York Tbtl ere among tllo poneer seltlen of Ibat dilrlct of ooUnlrmiddot1I01 aparl for bounly landa

to the aoldtere or 1110 reloIullon knowD as the new mllimr tract rheir IIrBI 100000000n lIIIlu amphe original townlhip or Locke tblt pan of It no cOmp ialng ibe IlIwnahlp or au lime bill in lhamp

bull bull r pnt COllllt of Oa1u$ A slDdt rrm waa purchased In Ihe primeval fort and Iheir enrshygiea lIIl dppllM 10 clearlogAld aubduing n 1M middot In - h III prep g il tvr a 6me Herbullbull III an blllllble log cabin atnld Ihe wUdneaa of nat wiamphla hearing orlld bIa alld Ib8 _nd of the w ed man as Millard WIIS born on he nh of Jan shyMoo bull IIr7 bull

Millard Flllmol( receled a rudlmeDteledlloO tlon In a COIIlltr ecIoolhouae amplid whell et aldmiddot was 0middot_1 clerk In drY gooda 1101 and

ono of particular Inleroll _

r A ~I)rrespolldent or Iho BAllilnore SUII

II t1811 (IOIll amphe White Iulpllur Sprmllbullbullbully Wo have a iva a1lthoress two hundred (~pllllk Ing in round numbeltl) prof9sloualgftmblIf olle bundred membera of Oonellll Alld aboul one

hundred oamphel1l cf equall- doubtlll1 ~eplIltlon besiden membel of tbe New JerHY Leglgtlhttllr~

A N~w SPIO-lhe pltell~ ballot-box of olishyfornln bat 110 learn b1 ilist IIdvlceB betln aold for upward of Ibr thousand dollars fur amphe pllrpose of ethibitlllg it to he minors previous 10 the po plOllching eleclioll h i4 11 Iho handa of Ibe Dellloeflta who espeo to IoUill i~ to good account In Slumping tbe Stale

bull tr lhlolln a celebrated Frenth phf8lclAn It

is ~Id watkabl f~d 01 drugglnJ Oncu htVlOg a patient IIbo diluenlly ad punety swalloed all the 80114 110 onlerlld be W S(l demiddot

lighted at seeing all the vllUa lind pili bo~ empiy bet he hook him by tbe band exolalmlng M d~lr air It really aWords mo pleRsure 0 IIttend you and 70U 4t1lOl 10 be 1111

wurn an nger ( n e Arneriean m) up and down owl wben kpl properly oiledWlterebullbull bed It malllll IIIonary U _ as Ih~p_o of tile thumb and linger ceaeee and doea Dot link by tbe ooncullllon 01 the piece ID lIlng The ghl plall of Ihe French and BrltIah fmle II very atlff 10 Il101 If cloaely titled and If 100 enough 10 Ok euilyls apt to IIIId6 do )7 continnM IIrlDg bleb U Dot observed b1 ampho IOldler Ill mate him Ire ene or 110 or h_ hundred yards abort

The Alinl Rift elltued to the Nicaragua Armyrallg 141)1 )ardL or ahofl dia~_ I haa Dot

06- ~ amphat diltllllClt n 0 d bull d rl_aflelward turnM bis altenlloll to law The Th I II bull I bit __ rid III l re all - Isn lllquHlI I 5 era 0 gneraliy of readers afO acquainted lib hla powderbull Tbls dIart1II cootened In tho llatka === iIIbstquenl CMer 1Uud bl moving die charger of tile lIak 10 Ille 00101 Wise or Vlrglnl bullbull In a recene

aeoond Iiotcb It Is al80 contalt)ed In til eartrdgee speooil concernillg Ille Millou Cumpro1ll8e IIl1ti bull luuedfrom the OrdDllIoeOlllee 1 Ihhl da said The coal or nOlrunulng that hntou

Ibe aceulllOl of tbe ordinary rlfte That Ie to dllt_ on ab_Ugtlltnown to them bUI kno 01gt to ooe hundm yarde Bllt up co 0118 hUll to th luatructol who bould keel a NeoN III dmrarda 1amp IIiU pul ev shot InlO a eIteI 0 18 their obullers whereby the captain or II compa07 Inchee dlallleW1wblob is IlIlBclelll for war pur- would be able to dlslingulsb Ib080 bo pOlWeaaed poses aa II 11011 d hll 110 enelll1 1D amphe upper paH the greatesl lO4 1114 leaat judgmen~ in tIislDlshyof amphe body At onllamphoulandrarda Ih_ rilIea tel 110m men aN found to poseea lI uallllab 11111 Pllt went ttow out of Ibllyln a targr sen In hlch doG t ne acquire it b pracd~fe wid batt 111gb On lhe 26111 Lleue Bart others noe acqlre II though they may maDmiddot wllh n mea 01 amphu Second BllIes Ilml 1m) goo abote The I)e8t tried Judg~botyendthellgto efght rounds flom Ib~ gnu a fenr hundred f_ (~IDamp to rules aflerrds 10 oe __14 dbianee at a lIlIIte lit amphe We lhougb down) regulate lhe dllttance AI wbleb amphe ltb Brlag amph_ guilt for the lint time eleven mn pa1J In acllon aholoI 8el the Iglu8 of ampheir rillel GIlt of the rortyelght ttow 011111 h been hit C F HENNINGSEN Brig Gen

A VIOILUT 1M TllOIIJlLII-A Mr Colemaoamphe and amphOBO whoprefer till meaauHlI mit obtelD amphe President of tb~Som Frallci8eo Vigilanee Commit- same by requiAlllon II amphe OrdnollceOllee lee lately arreated In amphe elly of Iiow Yor( Ilunfortuoately happenM tllal the lJepIIIImtlt at ho suit of man nf tbo uame of Halon ho WIll forced by clteum8lallooeto 18100 lOme ot lOOn lIunbullbull and to Ptlt IOgeamphor cartridges before the

waa bamshed by order o the Committee from oeCleaal1 IWI~uclon8 bad 1Illvod Henao amphe caUrQlltmiddot4 Mr Malon IlIIrIll8~ lhe li(lWmiddotmiddoteaiUiilgeillillfiltColltillileil aUbuFtlfellt gralllS Yllk Bvenlng POlt his onUI) Innocence of en crime or oWnee and lthtrges Ibllt the parileo middotho bull mpmollcd IUId banished hint dlil80 tram ntampllclnua moUvoa mrymiddot aiid 10 goi rid lIf an lICtio c11t zoin wbo condcnmed and esisted the llrocGelloge of tho Corillllte~ middotanll WM about 10 10 lealioony

bull 6 in tile Unltell Sillies Courl at San lranelllCo III n proceeding whicb h middot since resulted III the InUetshylIIent and hnprlaonmont or IWamp melnbe~ of the

f bull

orgAnization at San Fraucisco ~r PlIlcI

to9 much tKlwderbull Ihe effect of which as 0 make IIiIrllI~ kick ~d to burallo bell lberebI dealrolng ftecouNey

lho nlnl6 Rille bill Ole tho ordln ritle tle advlltap Ihat Itma be 1000ded more easily and rapdl h ~ IlIaded wlamph tl~actll tho IIIIUQ rn pldl~y andfaCllty as the ordinary mllllket

Tho ~o llloat Important pollll8ln tbe jedloloUII use 01 thomiddotBinle relo1O Ibo imulIer of loading andto tho IllDner of holdllllllhepleee


To lond ampho 1I1n1~ Plumiddot In the charge of pow Tho question of ho lhls But Will bo settled Ii dcr put Illmiddotlle ball rgtiamphout pap hutllcr If III~

doe lip In CIImiddottrldge d plI tbu ball ImUle wlllloul nhllng Illltliit cI ~hu puwdr-Wbell il1GAUh ilo powde llitllduv IMI1I rod Itllout nen giving ouo amiddotuk~ tIwill 0Il11111~ke Iho pillCo kickbullbulllnd IIOY

coil I tun felt at all mil m~D ualoR 1M pleoo properly ma II Olla hundred ro~nda llholilrecelYing thll smailest braise or feellug Ibe leasl IOreneae

PUcnICK Wml I1l1U1 The proper lact to acllee tbe BinloS fit firt

Ie At Inob~ecton tbea~ beeansuh eIfCI or eve bOII8 Been For thr pllrlo II threemiddotlIIailea have boen plaoed on Ibe lako III lb water amphe two outer flake belug ten f t aparl Thll cel 1ft slake ill tbe h t 10 aim at The etlceil ~I(

h d- 0 eo h b (lne un yrds froln t e abol two und arde from theaborelhrbullbull more atakea Ire plfteed three btll~red yardo Ihroe 1110 takes avdao onup to onll toousand l abulldmiddot

JII1I9111G DtflmiddotUlIOIIbull

WheD holIer the sllooter knowing Ihe dill lance aI whleh be ill fring hOl8 Obtained eudlelenl proticlenoy II I 81111 ne_~y (in order 10 hlaeapon 001111 Ihe bid) thllt he abou14 l1Ian eaIooate known dlatao_ oorreellroampherise if he bas ligbted too ~igh or 100 low he may conllnue to aboot ~er Or under in the t1eld herll freqllt1y be - ~ot aee where 0of bla aholll 81rikee 10 correet hla etro~ On this accouo$ men sho 1d bit plBCllo1 10 guess at

If) lIccurae of the Ihot ~llher by pulit Il~ laquoO~ in PQ8tmiddotOlfice BuDdmg ~hapeof the ball or II) kllIin~ ) I HI-bullbullI bullbull ofo I 1866 IrOll cap whleh It cunulllli1 11 h lt~ plJlldce toIliPputO Ihat allY lt1111= T I E 1 O xrWK~ So I IUllnZQ Wl UtIIDLW not ramming nOlll provlltllllg th e~t tmiddot Kew~II oiande ampI Alandlln mON thMlI Ce IlIcbermiddotuhe IC I

WItlllbe gUIloulalromlullK lir q uF bg ABROGADOS

wbereas Wbtll Ie wipet 1111 IOlldc(1 gUll lno nextGmiddotpmiddotlitieRI thol)rlts 80 In_III) aropart A WIIUlltrE tBoUT TUII AOIl 0 Bo_-A llIIt blow oiIt tbe dbl lndM~9 tb~ ham1 8Ul1Ishy

PIRtampmiddotm (tlnll Abovo nil 80 01l01 m3Y Ihe chang few das ago we met a ~~lIemall from Ahlban~ cielltly bull ho e 118 1 lece of IIIforllltlOll hi re fli 10In II 0 of e~olll8 require p1tllltll CHIOl with lit- 118cuJtnlng thePage of a borde arlO boOf abo HOLDIIIO TlIII PIECIl 110 orln~ Iuf~renee 10 plrty Iheory o~ party platmiddot Ina paaaed Ihe niMb 7ear IIhicb woo 1I0W 10 Ill It I tbelntlllioll of tho tolnMllderlnOblcf rorm~ that It _ms 10 lIIe 0 should look mosbQn~ will be wo are lure to ~OSI of 011r flad 1~III rar M 10001Iiblc lit MiIlie ~iUIlll sh11 be it no~ oly II) tla~ lalityoJ la mlII-wtat ollr It8 tills ancr Illtl borao nblo YCIId lId l d$IIl~lItud ~ IlIeIl Irued) aCljlllllPlLtllYltl1 Ibtl CAlId t I wlI1klo comes on t~e oolid M he uIper corner II 01 tho 11110 Now Inen 1Wu41om~d to ~ha

I to I~ 11 nAtllte and culture retber thallio of Iho lower lid lind overy ycar IhcNltIItIlmiddot II h~ urolmRI rilo ltleil ck~ bllt 1 very amRlt bt Itt pai11 prnf8lSioD8 or bis 1IInt(oD promi ono well ltlellnld wrinkle fotmiddot ovor) 1 ()v~r nlllol cimrgtgt very pruperly reat 11111 bu I of tbe stock Jt~ If for Istancr 11 hor~u baa Ibreo 1It1kll$ bo I~ alililst tbo IIrmiddotlI lstnnd idew)~ to I U obJImiddotcl

or tho dnUlP~kllilJ ~f tlut ulnbtvttlmiddot~middott l~ ~lltit ~ III 11 tlrearmo 1amp lable 10 uck It 1lt tmiddotumiddot- Tbllll4obltcd by ubg II IVirh cmiddot 10 Ib~ end of Ill nUbrod 111 whillhwiii W u1 tOIlr with ~middot~aracrw on rUII he OIIuarlllll Oftlee TtU$ wlv~r iu ltretlaquo btJlImiddotmiddotC COIUCllcItg pacllce anIII bull ill U etWh~V8r amph 81100101 finds lhh hi Ii ill bishyling 10 CO dj)Y1I with ditllcul~ h -lImllI Iler lodll)g b~U btore ~plig ~ tbn I w~Ir once or IWCO dowlI tho buI lnu middottlt~ ~Il tlttlt is to l0080n the cakHl puwllll on tho 1lt11 1 tilG bltrmiddot reL 80 tIlen C8Jl11 ul lloc lIud tk~ 1110bullbull11 h~pB to clQl tbe gUll by bluwlu til dill Hllilre h Ill tI lUauuemiddot ~II imlldred h y be IIr11d rO1 018 pleca WIIlO1 ~qr ~1Ibg Tile reMOI wh) be I not III pu~ 1110 wIImiddot~r (11 thuuuoad bull plcCIl I brea_ II woul~ )lt) lhe bciJ dalllp anll tbill~l chargu Iul In fluid b~cOlDe IOml Ihem k

Paoillo lIlarmiddotb valuod thulO Virginia We no get a Ihouaand dollars for eounthlave we would then haye gollen from tbree 10 IIV6 1)U8Ad dot Iar8 rer an operaun it tho gold IIlInea ot middotOaliformiddot lila four hundred thoa mulllpiled b Ii- amphousand or even amphree tbousand will ahow _ mm_ lose Ollllpu1lon rdollam would nO compe~~ VI1l0ia for h~t 1088 III not rllooing the IIl1e on to llie Facillc

E I 0 nwtll L 84111gtpound WHo DAHOLlIfl



GRAilraquo 110AItAuUA 11ESSRS Kewen Simd~r8amp UanlUn III praeshy11 lieo In aU the COIlf~ of ~b Merilloual and Orlentel Depalments Rnd In tbti D~ptlllent of Le

PArlicular atienlilln 11111 be given to tbe reo covey Qf cl~ima ugainSl the GOvcrnmmiddotnt

lJ~oIbullbull mortfg leNlet Ie promply 0 ClIlel nd on Ii oralmiddotlermbullbullAI ow llId mo~ey brokerage busto will a lage tho AllenllOIl ofi6 finn bull

Q RAN A DAN lOA It A 0 UA bull

I~bull ~dlnrogtq REWEN SANDERSY IlAN IgtLIN ~jl)roosn lol PIOlesiOl1 de illmgllria ell tOUOllt los trihulltlle8 lj~ 103 t U d I 0middot l )tmiddotplIlttmlnt)8 lerl I()I1I1 v rleR

Y ~n el Dgtplrt~ento 00 Leon bull So dllrk atencIOII pnrticulllr III eobro If)

Imiddotmiddotdlm cr contlll dl1 gllhi rllo Itd 1Ijpotoc3~ Arrenimionto~

t ~ bull tc 1~n eJIIQlIlndos con IWOlIItlt y fllmiddotemiddotto~ mudeladollt TlmlJieu 1111 ocel1p~rall Itn rillgoeJoo do

I(rretagl el biencs rllice y dimro -- 1J h bull dIe= e~II1~e ~ en I Ctml 0 orr(~braundn NOlclObrc 1 de 1856

dup 111 jnll oIUII LOllt IN ampho early patlof amphb foe LAlfJ) W ~ 1tNT fQ IIvc hundred nCI ttl (If Innd drallO III fam of Col R J SJiltlors X_res hlTJ be~n takon 10 rendtr It of no e tlcJpt to the per8Ol fOl who It wns drtITIl WllOttOr ill It 10 ill NiiAlIguonao ollWe or to me ltiU bq suitably N11lIrded

OOL E J SANDERS GIlladI NQv 1 1836 1I~nrr- L~hUet

uvolll~ell if fOllt heiathirtc611 Ad til 11111 th) ro liillgt whoroby hcy do MtIlSeU1I$ nUltn~O-l tlIUiTISSuillrsa ETlqoE1TB - ceordiug tl 1 Iotc b IIf dliklea to nine atd YOII will hIV 111 Iltilgll lIlIk tu 1100 OIlOPI) lll~ ill mU3(~tlriug I 1lIorfwlit~r It III etiqueue fOf pelllollll of infot1or io So says the genUeman 811d Ito Is cOIIampuUI1 it lIee~y 118amp th~ 1I)~lcr shluM 3fIIillnL iIIder~ his pl)feMional lampniCCl

mnk io I~ol their healtia IOlVor han tho belds f 1111 Mef tail A a coo~ n~uy I)~I 14Vlllw I~ ltlec b I liing u 1111 rea tho muk(jt I to lhQ citi3Jlls of Graoaolo U ill bull bull I) horsts over Int a i$ wily tmiddotI II lIIc IIu I RIMtle amiddotIJ(lr amiddotlIe~middot in to tbe bll$O of Ih I hg l )0 found al tb Dosplt)

thelr l4ltupoOItI Iberefore wben a nabob aClOp I hOIampo dOll mutt slvo up liis trlt1~-lllonlllc I k s C lil middot1middot is ho ~1I1101 d) if Iro anda middotVmiddotIIm mbJnrtt _h_SjtflU ard sl~1 get Oil 1 (ltllIf2 Plnntel I aiemiddotx bullbull )1 ~ 110 bllU of hl~ pcco OraMd Novetllbe~ I 1~amp


328 EL NICABABUENS4VoL ~ No 52 p 4 Sabado 1de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 1 18qB

I But tberemiddotII point from wblch ~bl anbject

lhOnldIv _ad IItperlor to Iny mere Idalphaselt [Jittr ague ns t of tbe -i Itmiddotl6-how ~be buy tb deed In Ibla counll1 efFects th Ulag_od thlemiddota 011 1111shy

Saturday lIlorniD~ Nov~ L middotportanamp Dllrlnl the dry aeuon In thll coUlltry Itl Yer

HON COL 1QHl( H WHEELER dUlicuit 10 dig a gra or luDlclot depth to pro-

Thl amptnlleman wh has eo ably repreiented Int th polloDOUS paeafronl eacaplng 11110 the thII Jolted Bta1e8 ~ North Amerloa In thll couoshy

trl darlbg ahe varlbos oTillgea and atartllng Inclshydeata of tjle pasl two years Is we regre~ to 8Iy boul 10 dpar~ rom IOIOllg UI on a Iall to the uAiI~1t1atelo Hia beallll bu baeD of lale very _b brokllD IDd we InRir hI vlalt to 110 and nf bil blrtb 1JI1~ ~trellKthen ble fIoame by Ita Ron iov~t1i11 j~lIoaplire

_B rIOre will exolte a rept In the breut oC emf American In Nlosraguau blA aCQ4mshypUIIlliiilitt genlfemin bl aliampTl~y U )lInll~r

hII klndneas nd urbanl~ u a man and bis dieln lereledp u a friead ~as altcady g~lned him ~eliru~t ampad rove W~e~ver he goes tbe good wiebe or all who

uo-Iollllid thllCOI1iItry wlll follow hhn alld we trlMt at before la_IIY weeks we m ba middotth p~ule of Innoucbg Ita relum We wlab blm lfIe_t voyage



ED namp BURNED III II tbe dlkion ofthmaln of de

-r-~4 P llOD8 bas been a aubJectof Ihe promiddoteIQlUld98t ~iionUoo Wbh I~ are conDected the _tldenta of the warmes~ frlendlhlp tbo ileepetl eiltnltlbJl aud tlrelDost eaorad Ibougbtamiddot of tin

1iChaft~~ ~horo II anhll~lotl ID maDwblcb 1111 pell lilllll ~T8IlI wltb grea~ cate tbe romulD of his fiIampir orbullbulltur fbi ay bit esclted 10 pari by feeUng ibat we onl7 do IS we would be done

liJ toutpefhapi ~e -eat IncoU o 10 tblerupecl btl tbougllj that lhe Iplrll of lifo whleb anI -1 olampy before UI tnay be 1I0W before thea~llioron or the OIt High and Ihe nmdna tITeRlO WQJD 0101 our ioevltable dellliny

Tile IIIl1Dn of buryins the dead bas been a _II I _t I It f I

I ~Io Iou bleb ata n w w PlOCseda from deelylng

18tatabl We know tba lata1dlleuea are brollgbl ooby Innooulillon and hat I man canmiddot nn~ be Innoclllaled byanrlblllg mo8 dllllcul1O

L__ b

a~moephere and spreading lIIalri ampIIIong the Iiv-Ing The~ Iulso bull common oUltom among peoshypIe of th Ialler dayuo bury ~ remalDi of porsonl of no~ In nulta un~er the 1l00rs of cburchet and those In che dmp and gloom olihe luliterratiean cbambers In decomposing p~ddl_ and death among Ibose wblJ honored ~bn blloll logj Uld IUppose they thUI Ihow rpeet to their memory aner dealb h ta unnec_y to r8fe~ to the dangar of those who dIg gr In a Iae of OO1IIl11on Inte lIIent or how onen they como In contaCt wllb the polsoo of deeolOpoelng Jleah or wbat a s~ amount of dlseue Ibere II engendered bi the poleono pBel of sucb places by bel~g waRed amoog the habltatlonl of Ih~ IiVldg The evil elllcta or 11 tbeae clrcumstences ara Incalculable

We can onlyarrie at theamprulh In suck C8IU Iy Ulalol1middot W know that the gue_ of decumpoeo-Ing ~o~tsble mattedo swamps produce d98ues of eryerloll8cb~ractars wo know tbat on thla account 11 nu countrl are I_ healthy ampIian whera Ialor huefllleted a good drainage and ~bat higll dry land II more condllclve lOheal~h and Ions life tlian damp low Incamp We knowIi Ii Id- b I

JO tat ep em1 realmiddotoutmiddot1I parts of cl~le wh garbage ta a1lpwed to coUeet and tm1~ an eDlu~a Id we know also tbat gases from d cylg anllllal blatter are more daJlgelOUi and

The Late lnliulttlt the US llag I In olHla w publlebed a record of eiiollUng

eta All to tbe IneultllllC oonduc~ of ~e oIlied forces of Guatalllla and San Saludor toward the AlIlerican Oag the Mlnl~r of ~h8 Ulli~od Slates and tbe cold blooded murder 01 unarllled

American cltlrens But thll record dark and demiddot grilling as It Is te humanity WIS bulholf dlacload Dally circumstances of Dlulder _lnltioD and robl)e07 commltted On Alllericsn unarmed clll lensre being brought to ligbt which place the Governmenta of Gualeblala and San SAlvador bO yond the pale of ci illzallon and eta p them u BaIlon of ouUaw cutbro1e and bAndl~18o

Tbe accompnied allldavita of Cap~ Dunlcan and ~eut Gardner prove ~he diabolical IMurder of a Utile boy whose only offenco was being born In the Uolted Sla~ of wbite parenta and bnlng a while face

Doel not iIle blood of every frlcnd 01 humanl~y of every nalion ehudder at euoh ~Iroity Will not tbe lII08t eage and barbarous nallona of tha darkest agel of anllqully rise In judgment against luob uaboly and bloody deede _

tait of cOmpany D Fir~ Rille of tbe Army ~( ~be Republic of NlcaraguI and made oa~ ~haj

On Mon~ay the 1~11J October 18D6 during f

attack of h combIned foroea of Guatemala a d Ban Salvador on the city of Grallada during ~ e ba~le he approached ~Ioe houN of Mr JamoA Smi~h on the street of the Meulah opposite I e Churcb of San Franclaco f-om wbole bouse t e enemy bad been drIven out and he there lAW Q

tho arms of hie flher thamp dead body )f a about seven years old who bad just been murd bull ed by 1100 onemy whose body as horribly 10

lated ard deformed Mr E nllb was unc~~ nected wi~h ~he Army and como u a aettl9r~ NIcaragua He appeared hear~-broken and d shycOllsolate oxclalmlng tha~ he wished tiont loG co d bove sutrered In his child place Iln I tha~ in th amp alllnts opinion I~ WII and i ~he determlnallon for ~ho lovadillg forces 10 violate every rul of clViI~dwarfare and justice IDd lIIurdr eory Alnari n In Nicaragua J DUIIICJII

Sworn to before me this 21th October 1866 JOHN H WHEELER U S Minller

middot1 do hereby cortify tlia~ 1 W88 preBent wllh ~ taln Dunicnn aDd of my own kbol~dg 16~ abore aDldavit Is true In evel pa~ticuIRr

R p OAlIIlIpound1I Fi t Lieutenant Company E Firat Ri8es

Swonl to before me thIs 21th October 1866 JOHN II WHElLER U 8 MiDiter

oor8_ t e ~_Ing lIull of ble fellow maand would be reapecteo b all lla~IQDs even tb tho Amerlean 8a8 would protect him rba~ ~c Now u the guea whlob arise from vegetable most IIInge Bul how vain wu lhat hope I Let Lawless very frequehUy came to him 8 thOlmiddotMnmiddot lIIalterlo a atate or decAY appear 10 be lIIucb hll plunderod 1001180 bls murdered remaina tbe tay Goveroor of ~hll Dopartment in blthrfi mciro ftal thllD ~ODtact w~b Ihe solid_ from wblcb bodies of Iii f6110wmiddotclizen tbe mutilated bunting tb Datives o~~befllo~lnldt for whdOlll hIe perforbi th _ numeroua IC_ a bull n n au w lOBe rup bull

_ AO~ re lImiddott e lllallnorl 0 nu rolli tar llIImemotlalIiimiddot lome oountries oj E8YP~ ~~e present ago ought to be luDlclent to ri~ i9bIaDcie Dluch IDg epulty wu expended In enmiddot bove anyprt)UIIIce orallY old cuawm which haa ~orlng ~ lr~ee~e bodlel (rom decay anltl been haaded d~D t WI frolll ~pe~o~_bClo the the Orilllai ftcc~ of all burl~11 WII law ofnelilUi wee but lIttle s~OOIeil or known -0 --uOD of die body At tbo far Notth and auggoat auch remedlca as wlllleslen as far AI

whra th tro~ king relgnl many lDootba III ~he poIIlble the causes oC dll~uo bull

ey ann mut 1ler tbe~ 11011 II 110 the caso with tbe ps8I 101010 arise frolll putrid animal mellmiddot UleI If thll II eo thqenlightonment of

yar and all anImal de~omp08ltloD II auspended t

ibrough Ita etrecta tbe etrort 10 tilDes of 19oorshyihc mIght be aUPlosed to be parliaUr aucceBBful 11 Ii eeD no DO uncommon tblng to be ~oemer II tbat b would nollike 10 die In a

amputherll counlry on ac~ollnt oftbo audden decay ~ hll remaloa 1111 sontewhat remarkable tbat bile Nort~ern natlolls eYen In tbe most ancIent tImes burlod their dea~ In tile pound Ibe peo-DIe or the Southern countrl buroed tbem Thle wu ~bo cultom or Sou tbern Aala And Southorn E~op In our IlIgUsh literalure to tbll daTI ~wlng from oll Oreek we frequoutly her t)ili )ihnae peacmiddottomiddotI alhea I

1be Greeb a1wav burned 1100 bodle of their Wualrlou8 dud and In our opinIon thla lain many respecta lIIucb preferable 10 bllrylng_ bull In burnIng u lru tholr CUltom the ashea IIIlght bo carefully ciflllected and plaee4 In an mamen~ed urn j hero llOuld laDd wltbout otrendlng tho senses In the bleb of the temple or In tbe private aparl

m6llts of friends til Ihls manner I~ wu alwaYI In the careoilboao rho respected It and In wboaemlllol7middott wumiddot dear_ Tbo asbes of Ibe great mbl In Ihose dal1 beaeD~ fro plRce to place mldgled llb IIampYO7 locenlo receiving the roapocl due the blemor or Ibe Blirlt which pYa It lnishy

middot1111110110 In Ileae dy the remoYai oC a corpae croaten bOlrOr In all wbo 1ra1 wllh It not 1mshymedlIlotorealell to say nothing of tbe danger 0( belna In coplact with so Ruch rot~nn alld putrofotlon Ona balpound of Ihe borror of death con sists In the Idea of tho bedy pu~rU)lug io the e~ 4 Wng an obJect of loathsomene18 upon lJjlell worm gMiI and riot How much more pluinlmiddottw Idea of ha log the ashea carefully ptbelllllj amplid ~pi perhapa 8weamptlt aeented aa DOW ieepodaguerreotyp08

W~_ uale lhe aallsfactlon It would no lIfIorithe litem world to ha e preserved the

middotashe oIllli~Q Ot lIIilikapeore i or wbo can guess the care otmiddot venerAtion willi whleb the Frencb would ~gtrd the ashes 01 Napoleon or with wbat yeneratlon Americana would guard tbe reshymai1 ofWaabington h la truly to bo regretted that aU whlcb Was mortal oC tbose i1ulrloUi per sonages Isoow IndlltiDgubthable from ~hecommon eartb or tbe remalna of ~he earcasa of 80IIIe brow

There ta t~ls dvanhge ID burning bodlea OTCr burylDg tbem that IDltead ofperlnlltlng them 10 cauao dlaeue aRer death Ihe nry act of burning puriO ~he aIr It II lupposed the great plague ot London WII IoIICIted In lie ravagea by Ibe groat

Ore whlcb burned the greator parI 01 tbe city Ono thIng Is certaill iC history II correct that Ilthough Itraged with foarful voIoeelmmedla~lr hefore It ceueo to exll aimoillmllledialeit lifter Iho con8agratlon It It now a common pIlodco to fullllgate a roam In whch a parson baa died and doowrs ad 1ae boao who Yliit he remainI of a person ~hat lou died of cholera orany olber conmiddot mgloua dlieal to moke a cigar or plpo-tlo great

a purifier II fire And eelUng pr~udlc aside III~ Is after all

lIIuch more dealrable to be cooaumed by lire ner death than to rot ~n be devoured by worms alld 118 tbat eoaduccl well 10 tbe praseryallon of tho Ulng u to the retallling tbe uhes of tho de ceased we would fbor tho adoption of Ihe CUllOJll

In thle lOuntry It was the generoloplDlon In Granada Ifter Ito

batlle of the 131h of October tbattbe great nummiddot ber ot theonemy which wu killed would produce tbe cholera before they cluld be Interred DurnshyIng tbelll bnmedlatal would h prsvenwd tbe posilbillly of auch 1 p~llIful circumstanoe and would hve puriSe1 the air 01 any polsonoul gnaee wbleh might already slated 10 it

On object In ftuggeatlnlf thle II more 10 call tho 4tenllon of the publio u well 110 medical profeaslon 10 Ibe anbjecl chin 10 attempt at tble tim to dllcUBB Ihe m W are howovor under tile InlproBB Ion that If Ibe tlustom of burnshyIng the dOlld Inatead of bmiddotlng them were onco Ialrlylowoducecj It would In tbll lall~ude prove higbly benellclal w tbegenfral hulth

A Nw 01ft The Phll~dciPhia Mint hujull IMued a cent wblch II described as COlliposed or 1It88ven parb copper seven of nickel and one ohine 11 lou a lilht appearance with a faint red tint alld la In beautiful contra t with the Ameri cau a1lver nd gold plecea and will not u the old cent did tarnlsb thelll by oon~ol The weight of the newll only aevell~y-to gralnl-Ih~ of the present copper cenl la olle bundr~d and sixty ftghl

Tbe aDldavlt allo appended of (len fry u to LIG~TION or UUTID STATES or AnRIOA~ the nlurder of Ifr Lawl pro es Mr Lawl IIEAR Till REPUBLIO or NCARLOUA ~ earnest desire to presee lob neu~raliy in all 1100 Tbis day camo before me Birkett D Fry Bri dUBcoltiel wblcb have beset Ihle coun~ry of nis dier General ArDIto Nicagua Uld made OI~h blgh lOlled chacler and Integrily of conduct Rnd tbatshyorh pcrfeat oonOdeoce ~ha tbeaegis of the Bowasacquainted wllbJohll D LmiddotI~uaimiddot Amnoan fIig was amplyiuDlclent to prolect bis the month of Oc~ober 1bullbull1 Ihat having been rl liberty property IIld lif Be badmiddot een as cofmmnd of Ihls cl~y durn the greater POrllrshy

0 he past year he lou Ircquentl bad occbullbullI~ llIralloea (rolll the blgbeat aources tbat no Amori- 10 tallt wilb said Lwleas of Ibe polillcal atrairsio can wuld woder so far 1roII home that the pro- tho State of NiCllragu Tha~ the MId LRle tacling and powerful arm of tbe United Stat- s unifOImly re1beed 0 take ny part InarlUa wlti wal Dot over him lie reiuaed 10 COlli wilblo IheAforcea of lttI~nerol Wdalkellrdsaymg Iat hOe ~ri an lIIe can CI zen an re e upon Wle og o the line of onr Irclo mlylng oo~ho middotpeo~lon 01 his counlr for protecion_ Tba~ a(~r Oeoer Ibol Uulted States aDd Ihrew out beforebis house Walkers force marched upon dual and a few the Alllerican 8ag tba~ In ~Is patriotlo beart b hours _before Ihe auack u~D Granda loa urgtd fel wu honored in every laud anltl on every sea thbelabdblAdwl_11edto comde WtllIlI hila Ilhnol degb

f dle~fen~~w c e eo n to 0 expreaa ug s e Ie I ~

tom b the enemlee sllot and lbe loor of tbo Lo- alld good will he leetDed to pOSle That ~ ~ gatlon house perloQ~d bytboballe oftbe onemy Lawless had reaided for several ye a paa~ inOmiddot testify nlda apoKe tbe In~uago of ~he coulltry 8ue t-

Iy and WIB extensively engaged III IIIcrcalltUJ~ 10 ancln~Rome ~he exelamaUon lam a Ro- e~ita anil had mall) 01 tho nolives In hia ORlPi bull

mIlD cillzen arrested the falling blo of Ibo IIc- Tha said Lawlen justly ellJoyed the reputtti D

lor 10 fOmer ~oys ~n II the great Republic of for great pbllanthropy And unamp~~middot~~t tile North In 0 aayo ofJakson It is the bouth of ~ e loll lory of tha~ day ~hllt no American cltl zeD ever luWered lny In~ulT abroad without reo

dreu WefcOIlaurolhnUhesnm08plrltnowanlmatestbe

United Stateamp and ~hat tbe same feeUnga ~hat dlcmiddot tated tIe Kouta letter will be roady to defend Ibe rigllts aud proico~ tbe lives oC InDoeen~ AmerieRn



Thll 4ay came before 010 James II Smitb wbo tcatlO tbat he emigrated from Ne York clLy whero he hu resldcd for two years In the steaol ahlp Tennc88ee for Nlcaralua on thOl 1 III Sep tember laet accom~RRled by his three email chll drell lor the purpole of cultivating hind and satshy~nllg In Nicaragua lIo is by protession a taather

That on Sunday the 12th Inll an alarm of an lltack was made by the foroea of 9uaternala and San Baladof on this ci~y That be no~ crediting

S b bull h 2 hOb I 56worn ore me t IS middott cto er S bull JOliN II WHELER U S diolaler bull

I [ 0 F F I C I ~ L ]


ADJUTANT GENEIULS OUICpound J Granada Oct 26 186G

1 SOLnnRI--Each day demonstrates more cle iT ~hat tbe war we are wagiftg Is ono of IIUlh apl AI falbood of clmoalion againat barbarism GI satisScd wllh the bloed of lonocent cilicnssb d a~ Granada-with n appetile Ilnllghler h 1shyled by the nt_Ore 01 helpleu cbildren and b 11 ministers of CbriIIIII~y-our IIIvage foes II f

added ano~hcr crime to tbo long liRl reco d asaiDNt ~bem Thoy han sbot Lleu~ Col Lal wbo wu IRken by tbe n a prisoner of war 80 0

It)8 ngo At ~i1e very time thl_ cold-bloodedaal ofcroe 11

was boillg colDlIItted an exchange 01 prioa r was bciu proposed by tbe comntandermiddotinmiddotc er

tho Jolarmj wntto tholltlloplzaa8110r~dlitance If tbo Guatemala forcos WI~h an lona~a bull When tbe (ote aptearod and commenced an ac tive 8Mng ot musketry and Mlni6 rille wblch otlt off his relurn Tho foreee then approacbed 10 hOllie wbere bis li~tle fRmily wera seated ~ dillshyner consisting or a boy Frencb Berbert born In New York tlty on Ibe 6th March 1849 two lrirls one fI and the otber Iwo yeare 01 Ige 1hey were seated witblo three yards of a large wludow which opelled 011 ~118 street One of lhe troops approached the window and taking delib erate aim fired at 0 lillie group the I)all grazed the chin ef the fllrl nurse and atrlklilg the bo In the lower part of his face paselng out of the neck broke tbe plllol obord killing him instan~ly TIe reat 9f the children wee concealed iinnlcdl-

IDg for ~reacbe he bad smoolh WOrdl and Ii ~ sullmenls on hll Iipa wben he was In the act t murde

Tbe mnatlon of Lln4 show he ndlito of the ollemy wl~b whlcb we baYe 10 contend f Ibe sollie lan~age andreligion wilh tbelUself they bad nOl agains~ hilll the lying excuselmiddotw Which ~hoy are wont to justi~y Ihe murder of American citizens Nothing bu~ ~be love of til d aod ~he cowrdly loatlllc~ of tbo savage Call 0

urged for tho execution of thd Cuban palrlot Let ~ben soldiers a Bunle of tbe jUltico G d

grandeur of tbe C~U1e In which wo aro CDgae nerve ua lor the fullilmellt of tho Iftak wblcb I bull before us Remember that you luWer aud It

awly III an adJacen~ housl by the nurse under agio to redeem ono of the 10eUest 01 lalld_ ID bed hlle Ihe ~roop Ibreed tho cuing of ~ho barbalian rule aud lavage despo~lam In such a wlndo the door being fRBlened and resiatlng all Oft IIHO 118 t~is who ould 1I0~ gladlf eudure II ~ IV Iheir oRllrta Thoy then entel8d and searched In dayoCprl alion and fdtiguo r 10 would n I vahl for the cbildren Tbey plullucred tho house undcrS1l aome lillIe antrering and danger for I ~ of all bia iinpleonpnta of hUlbandry clo~bing gold sake of IIvlllg his nalllO enrolled amoug the be o and allvr walcllcs mono aDd valUAble of faotors fJf the rllce 7 amount 1lI0re ~hao two thoueaDd dollars ~ 2 Lieut ltlol ~ A LaID6 aiddemiddotClImp 10~ tbe

JAKa8 n SIITD Commandor-in-l)hler having bean brbIrOO~ Sworn to before me this 2~tb Ootober 18DO murdered bylhe enemy without ProPOiDg An shy

JOHN B WlIEELIlt U S Mini4ter change (If prlaoners i~ ie directed Ihll~ Lie t We do bereby certify that we reBlde In tho Col Brigido Valderraman and (Ja pt Bern~r 0

nme houle II~h Jamee H Smith Faq nnd 01 Allende be shot Ibis aernllon 11 6 oclock In Ollr own knowledgo the faclt tn~ed In hla aDldo vlt are Irue lu evcry particular


Sworn to beforo rno thl 27th O~oher 1856



Tbl day calllO bofore one Jamea Dunlcan Capmiddot

tbe plftZ of thl clly 3 11111 Gen Fry 19 charged wth tho esccullta

of the abovo order By command of WY W AUrER

Genernl-Coml~andng-in(jhipI Pn n TnoIlPBOII AdJ t Gcn N bullbull

~ h Is atato(1 that PrInce Albert 1038 b~~~t 111 Clllll1nOUe tract of lInd In AII9tralia Vbic1o1n nbout tnty years will tetulnabollt ono thou811 ~ i tlII10S oa much tIS all ~h~ amp Coburg alld Obi

In Germany put logctbor I

329NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 7 Sabado 1de Nllvlembre de 16561 Saturday November 1 1856

i lit I ALGO NAB BOBRILBL Dl4 UJ 1lJSOUOJON lIerosoaeajuitA al Cllpilitu delliglc y Ie r t t lIJ S 11 n1J R ea mlUlgrato perdmar que CIIstipr aunshy EqulUtlvo y aUII n_Slnll) nos parec Menelter earetrogradarlllol mM remomiddot que eata lIluy pronto a IIOtrar en el UIO

toear la materil de que vamos neumiddot t~s tlempos de barbirle yde ldlo~lemo pa de juatas represaUae lIa cual rere IU tS II Into NOT I de 1836 pamos no obstlnte haberll8 tratado en Ill1Icontmr el ejempl0 brutal a una Ie- naluralom 1 10 demandaren las circlin A WI ~ 101 1)umells anterloJel aunque nu cion quI Icsban de (omeler en Maaaya stanciU De consiulente 108 prl~ionrOl

JUEBPO VE ARTILLSJIU 4 tod I degtlt1d I I d I d 1 - ft -- con 1 1 ~que mereee por mf~ 01 Jenera ea e I IUfZaa iii on I heridOll lIOn tratadlll eon 10 mllyor be El lierpH de tLitiHerlll ha tomado un destla de lOB IRdmdus que 11 rlllawon Guatemala en estos lIltlmOl dia des- nignidad

ClIPCI) 0 imllolltmto bajo 11 direoclon del puesto que cl1ml mlmos t(lIl1aron una puea del ataque de aquella plllza I de Queda PUIIII demOlltlldo que falto8 de Jele I Henningsen IIventndo jofs de esa parte actin en los sucea~s Las buenllS las acclone quee Ilan referido ya tn 10$ fe ell itll mall s1 mnes compromiaos y Grmllj iuyos cOllocimientos Ie ban didO aceiones dlbon refe~lrse mlnuciollme~te d~8 humerns anteriores de elte periodlco de oumplimiento en sil palabra como mi MmladianQ $010 en los Estadol Uni Sin temor ~e Incumr en la tacha de dllil Vlolando 108 mas gmdos Plotos ma- Iitares 111 jefell do lIB fuIiIBs enemlgat JOI I nn fuora de ellos Es do cele- sos tnnta par que e8 un trihuto dllbido al lew reeonocidos univerenlmente y 0011middot flftll Incohado COIl ol ftlsilamiento flel Co brillS la recision y tino con que dh-ije m6rlto Cuanw por ue line de est-imulo aiguadol en aI derecho de jentel de una ronel lAid y aUI compslierea despues IRS bo 111111 Y granadas al punto que de- a100 d~mAA NOl oontraenos al IltaqU(o Inanera ~n ep~icita se han colQcsdo en de baber aupllcado el callge Y d recibir $igna uinnentaudo y dUlheando progresi qu~ re~I8~6 oatil piau dede el deee del una posiCIon odlo~a dtgrlldftnle y eceemiddot un Indi~lIo en este sentido un Miatem vame te las distnl1CIU siempre con el pUlIdo II 11 una de Is tarde basta las crable Indlgna de hombrea que 8e tltulan elttlaordin~rlo de gtlerrA que nosotrol nei nitID Rcli)lto Q inerrnble direocloll ocho de la maAana del diR siguiente milltare 10 temm~s puesto qf8 teMm1 mlobos Tolft los dias hay repeudos ejerclcioll y Buellas y lumlnolWl lIOn I referenoiaa fnmedlamente dupuee de 101 c(lneablmiddot prlonfrGS cODtrllrios y que hlta Is te()k~ IiOletas evohuiones en las que prl()ti~ del Coronel Allen Mayor Clyeee ftc dOl acunteomlento8 vino eata cludad un siempre hiL sido patente la slIperiodatide ean j Sefiores oficlales y 109 soldado8 pero notamo8 qne a~nqueliglran en 1 correo conduciendo una comunieaci(m nuesms armal Ahorl bien ~ Sol se nell ~tmn maravillo8(1lllIIte lisw de 108 que 8e distlnguiertm 81gllnOl de los jetea eN as flllrzas enemlga8 en la VOllOtroa 101 que hahllis habmdo de vanshy

En3 ClInnto 1 numem do indivitluoB numbres 110 ell con el tlIplerclol que que IIOlicltaban aqtlll1l08 del Jeneral dalisimo de Bomnidadea y oims cosa~ perbgt ecientc8 6 dicho cuerpB lie ha IU~ merC(tlll sin que sea rltI de 1o referenmiddot Walker JOr 10 pronto 6 cange de un in- aemejantelll en vnestrus periodi~os para men db do nna mllnera otable habien tes po que 1I11011 gllardaban y derendian divlduo d los suyos cometa d eaballe oontravenlr ahora eSC$ndalOsamente Ii (0 ad mllll unH gran compltlla do Zapa1 sus pue~tui re8peetivos y no podial esect na que fu6 heeho prlalonoro por Dilestra losmejores prlncipios del dereehu dl ilores I Mineros bien que para malle- tllr j todllS paltes Grande y her6ica parte con algunamp anterlorldad Eata clrmiddot jentll I 81 v08OtroB 80ls I Pero nad~ jllr clatro mortem do obuats y lo~ tllol II deietl q~e hizo 1amp KulIrnlclon de clnetancia Indicaba queeao jeres preten- trntiamos del oltallo de atrall en que Muon a que hay on lap)tuIt fO necesita estj plftZllcn ea c61eble JOIllampda en la dian ceAhle 101 prlnclpio organl_ de 08 ballail UR n6 nero eunsidurnblcmiddot1fe bombles qll8 doeientus hombre4 combatieron con III gllerr aun entre la naolonee minoe Conatlgt 8n conclu8ion qUII aceptamol

EI uelpo de artllleriA no deja que demiddot tla 01 ilunensu numero de oehgtelentOI clvllzadal y regullrlllAr la desde lU4lft) vuealroa aotos sea ellal (uere au natlishysearsusejercicins II 1011 111118 etCrupu- por eamppl()io do dillz y nueve hOrlll uglm lu demandlln la olvillziclon 1 _ mlez 10508 itotl Admirable el Jellledo y -80luololl siglo No 81a poslble dudar de la buena

do todOll basta del ultimo 1I0idado (e de aquell espon~nea proposlcion sin DOCUMENTOS 0FIeIALES ES Ef)OIOJV A OHONTALES dispueatos perecer antes que entregllr RgIlIlar a la e8 et bonor milltar 1 JOII

U - 6 h la pldl que se lea habia conllado cierto malt proclu90a atrlbutos del bombrel ElDECRtTAS DE OOB_ERlO


apol bull IfRon que Sill ny Guatro _ J Ch I 6 t A certilllmo y atln IIOmos COrto8 j pero lIus~re Jeneral Walker quo tantnll 1 bin No ito

EI t 1 p ra onts es 0 VI a es II puer ~__ d I M ON 1 ~ lifer ~11lI oeho de la matiana halfendo ph~oll afta Ir que e ayor eJ se repetJdllsprulIbae ha dado de maltnanl REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUAt

enndu 0 de una manera verdaderamente bull bull ~ desem ~ftado flU CQlnlslon los mdlVldoll ~ mldad ItO dudO en etecto ni Ull momen Seeretal1a de Elltado en el depaello (Ie t ti ~ - E her6ic~ Hallibllse postratio en una cama to y lIev6 8U generlllll(lad basta el utr Relacione Erterlores nuO rOI en snls aerlamen n I 1 d i h 11 b connn balazo 81 unap ema que elm- mo de entregar ill corneta que iIOhcUaban Granada Ootllhrl 2t de I85ampSan oS lIu v sus lOme lac 0110$ so a a a bull

bullJ I d I b d pll(ila dar un paso y Ie obhgaba bull servlrmiddot sill nlnguna de las lIeguridades que 8e El S P E so ha serVldo dlctar 411 de 1111 nUfillro e 10m res como e CIIn) d I EI 1_ __

d d 88 lIe os mu etas enemlgo lie lre- CIItJon en taIu CIlSOl COIltellto mnl Ceto igt~eD ~ -- _gt eine tode 1 QlIuotuelOn errotll Oil Oil Ii bmiddot I I WILUamp WR Preeldenw-daln eldla trece del corliente en csta cludn aerto y 1 eil


es om re que Illll a e featando que entre 101 mlillito prbonumiddot Republica deNlearagun lr sUiliabitsnte9 11 di I dtlene 89 UIIO de 04 indivlduOlI mall roa que habla hecho elY la lihlma aocion Siendo nece8SlrIo I~reditar un liinillrouo II IU u a tomaron a ue a reco on bull

q g q i 16nol 11 eJ6rlto Nada podia espemiddot e contaban Virios 06cla0bullbull que _tcba Plenipotenelano ltle rcpleaente a 111 RetshyDioo8 quo sahCTon escape as que $U- b _ d bll d Nt d I bl _T a raSede un 110m re en esta 0 en que dlpu_o cangellr respectivamente pGr pu ca e caragua cerca e ga n piera 111 Ilegadade Jos trem 6 tl~l11~ 61 se baUsba ain embargo hacienda un el Coronel Lain 1 por olnoo 6 sela in- de 108 Estados Unidos en IVI8hingtotl lIn RllngerB que III vapor cndllcla 0 b III el 81 t p l4 de dl II d J ntlab on U80 de IUS flleultades l

1 h b d b b t esueno 110 re uaUT J9 UOl e vopa que e 8oom- an DEC RET A bullIe d bull os Oil res 0 ar UI os comO d gt I I 0 ilia dlI8l1ila 0 que tellla sa 10 (1 clando Cueron presos por caaualldad en Articulo I N6mbralle Mlllistro Pleni ~ el 09 Icen locho tom6 lall mulllw y 81 sable y 8e il camino de llwaya En allo se es- pottnciarlo de la Republica de Nioaragua (JtfOETAS DE GUATEMALA Y presentO en ellugar ~a8 peJigfOSO arras peru la romillion del hombre ofteoldo cerl1 de 18 Eatedoll Unidoe al Senol

S AN S Hi VADOR trnndu la plema y atravesllndo las calles por 01 corne Q a1 conleta mlsmo que DoAn FemmCoFerrer I J b b t rt ~ IDnmquelle qu enes cor I -- con el agaa casl bull 1 rodlda (aca I a de era 10 replar y Jegitimo 81 ae aTrepenmiddot respondamp

Estos pOliodlcos pound0 oeupan do nuestro Hoverl dundo mnd6 con V071 do trueno tlan do nevar ndelante 10 que 4111011 mis- Dado en Granada 1 29 de Oetubre de Nienrlguell~o no parR reflllar nl una pn formal amp los hombres que alii se hallaban mOB babian Bollcltado opteniend) al fin 1856 WILLIAM WALKER Ilbm do los erimCIl-e1l servUes que hemOl y que Ilegaban oon sus armas dilltribuyo par unics rampZUII el J~er81 Walker una Al Se~or Jenoral Dun Jlliteu Pineda publi~do POrqIO III velmiddotdad os illcontesta la trnpn eolocindo en loslugarel opor carta del Jeneral Zavala en 1amp que fire MMn~troldoJa Guorra encargado deT dltl I bull mUltern enerable II~ deequltan descendlcn 0 as per tUllos orden6 1amp derenaa de vea eal ea testaba (ellto no puedo calUiCllrse) que D ~ d 1 I V bull evI en suprema 0 oumun eo 1

sonah ~de8 1In un lnnguage tan cl~lco que partell de aquellugampl y 8Oliclto 1 101 prlllOnerbullbull no querlan venir No ell para IIU intellgencia y demas erectos es ebmo us antares Su impotente uni e6caz It pelllr de su eltado de grandad a eato todo ino que en as propillll perandortlCibO su atento senillor Ie do p1i~8a fudose contla cl Jeneral tadu atendia bael6ndote oil su voz ell clrocnlltandlll Be supo oon allOmbro en 11 Pnnuu lIIque 10 ba dellpreelado stempre todas pa~teamp Nosotroa admlr4mol al e~ta cilldad el rullilamlento on 01 pueblo No 64 WI pe lulclo d - lllwlrles 8U cuenta eonlmiddot Mayor 0 Nell en aquelloe momentoa y de Diriomo del CoronelLalne y algunos

V bull l REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA ~ cnte Y oxneta eremos III e908 pan asi nOl plaee conS1lJllarlo on eata arUcl1 0 otros prisirneroa I I fllaa obre aquellOl S d __1 d ch d ecre1ana e ilAIo en e eeplt 0 e ~s 8 Oil ~ombre8 de chaneelarls COli EI Capitnn Wilkins lie condujo tnnbien jetos III deabonn eonmguiente y )1 IlCe- Relacionelllnteriores

dlglll d el dIll que 80 les presente que de unA manera brilllnnte en el millIDO cr8Clion univelflall i ~pnrten el des- GranadR Oetuble ~ de 1800 JlGr ci rto no ~t~d(jlls ($ si solo se con- lugar y despue ell la deftn~ del HOIIpi precio y vilipendlo que mcreccn Y 0011_ EI S P E ampe ha servldo dictar el de-ICIltllj COil eCBrlbu snrcnsmos tal en toda la neche Es de celebaTlle la pell el lugar degradante eli que les colOCll ereto -ul~nte

-------- d dId fa 1 I d d I El GOllemo coosldelando que soMalianl lie omharea con direceion u con ucta e 011 bull IS co tat voe qn~ IU In agllO proce el hallan vaeallte~ las Carteral de Reb

Nueva York el Sr Eermin Ferrer hallan en el h~8pltal oOClrgard08 continu Como era de eeparamprse loglco y natu- ciunes Haelenda y CrMito pu~lico POl 1 g b no amente de los enfermotl Dr Lundy y raJ e1 Jene1Walker ordeno y ae eloell- baberse encaado de la ml~lon dlploshynombrlld0 que ba SluO por e 0 leI bull t ~II b d W b

j I PI d t n_ (f Dr Brmkerhoff 110 8010 por las bUenae to II (I1I181111ento nu de todoll los prleo- m4tiea eel bull e ga mete e a Ing ~n s~o ellpo~enculT1o e es a p medidas de defen~ ue tomaron IIlno ton a1 Seior Don Fermin Ferrer quohllcs eefca dol Gabinete de Wasbingtoll ~ nellIS que en la Justa lndlnadlon acuo 1l1li desempeflsil 011 180 de aus facultades

Ell F rl b I rt II pur 10 resolueion que 81empre lea honrar otro mimo Jonero- en 8U lur hubler D E C RET A errcr Gsumpe a a ca ar - -- bullbull de Hciendn que qUGdo Ii cargodel Go altamente do pereeer todtlS antl8 que prevenldo sino Iolamelte el de un Ten Articul 1 El Sefior ~e~oral Don

D d M I - G S n ahandonar unos velnte y cilloo enCer- vnte Coronel I un Capitan que ctillltian Mateo Pmeda autual MIlllIItro de ItgtlIera ~ me A lUStrolaquo c uerft e - bull G bull gad dI I diS F mOil que no pod Ian movelse de IU lecbo eutre Iquellos nerra ser onear 0 IDtennamellte elimos i 1 auseMl1 tempola c I e diahaa caneras teQlumiendo el Mlnlsteio rer a~ paso qua nll8 alegramos de que EI Chbano que elo~11I 01 Mayor Potter MuchOll plllOl1ero quqda~ on poder de Jfjn~roJ ~1a do el c electo parala mislOIl que cn el ~rro que ~lmlltr6 cuyo nllmbre nuestla gblllrnocolltrA qlllel011 ~u4lera Art t ComtllllltpleleI qutenea cor IampMnuuce Alos EsttldOIl Unidostallto por no mllmfest6 pm IgnollrJo e8 el Seflor dMClrgllllle todo el pl8O delagravlo lnfo rCIJpcmda lI1llltlilrw y circuDttitceiR quole ldornall Don FtCncisco Aguero y Batrada Pre- ridn y hooerl(1S sentirde un una manera t8~do en GitLi1lAltt~Rdigt cuantq pOl que rCIihiramp belll1s impresio recto de esta cludad prolilllda los exesos de IUS ~etos qUI Pu AI Senor Jenera Don Mateo Pineda nos en 18 hormolllls ciudlulea del Norto (on 10 dicho sitiafacemos la justlcia ditgtran haber ngrlVlJdo au situacion I pero Miubltro Jenera Am6rfca debida aloe SenOIOs 1l0minadOl y nuestro I Jneral Wlker oon todaJ )R ventnjNl De urden supreml 10 eomuBlco V

Ie Idelleam(lll Ull viRge teli~ y pronto doseo de eselaroeer III ferdad siempre y la repolllioraucia de la posicion que pllrt IIU Intellgeneia y demas efootos retor~ quo podamoa baeorlo ocupa 011 tll embargo magnanlm~ y Je M Pnln4


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 19: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.

328 EL NICABABUENS4VoL ~ No 52 p 4 Sabado 1de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 1 18qB

I But tberemiddotII point from wblch ~bl anbject

lhOnldIv _ad IItperlor to Iny mere Idalphaselt [Jittr ague ns t of tbe -i Itmiddotl6-how ~be buy tb deed In Ibla counll1 efFects th Ulag_od thlemiddota 011 1111shy

Saturday lIlorniD~ Nov~ L middotportanamp Dllrlnl the dry aeuon In thll coUlltry Itl Yer

HON COL 1QHl( H WHEELER dUlicuit 10 dig a gra or luDlclot depth to pro-

Thl amptnlleman wh has eo ably repreiented Int th polloDOUS paeafronl eacaplng 11110 the thII Jolted Bta1e8 ~ North Amerloa In thll couoshy

trl darlbg ahe varlbos oTillgea and atartllng Inclshydeata of tjle pasl two years Is we regre~ to 8Iy boul 10 dpar~ rom IOIOllg UI on a Iall to the uAiI~1t1atelo Hia beallll bu baeD of lale very _b brokllD IDd we InRir hI vlalt to 110 and nf bil blrtb 1JI1~ ~trellKthen ble fIoame by Ita Ron iov~t1i11 j~lIoaplire

_B rIOre will exolte a rept In the breut oC emf American In Nlosraguau blA aCQ4mshypUIIlliiilitt genlfemin bl aliampTl~y U )lInll~r

hII klndneas nd urbanl~ u a man and bis dieln lereledp u a friead ~as altcady g~lned him ~eliru~t ampad rove W~e~ver he goes tbe good wiebe or all who

uo-Iollllid thllCOI1iItry wlll follow hhn alld we trlMt at before la_IIY weeks we m ba middotth p~ule of Innoucbg Ita relum We wlab blm lfIe_t voyage



ED namp BURNED III II tbe dlkion ofthmaln of de

-r-~4 P llOD8 bas been a aubJectof Ihe promiddoteIQlUld98t ~iionUoo Wbh I~ are conDected the _tldenta of the warmes~ frlendlhlp tbo ileepetl eiltnltlbJl aud tlrelDost eaorad Ibougbtamiddot of tin

1iChaft~~ ~horo II anhll~lotl ID maDwblcb 1111 pell lilllll ~T8IlI wltb grea~ cate tbe romulD of his fiIampir orbullbulltur fbi ay bit esclted 10 pari by feeUng ibat we onl7 do IS we would be done

liJ toutpefhapi ~e -eat IncoU o 10 tblerupecl btl tbougllj that lhe Iplrll of lifo whleb anI -1 olampy before UI tnay be 1I0W before thea~llioron or the OIt High and Ihe nmdna tITeRlO WQJD 0101 our ioevltable dellliny

Tile IIIl1Dn of buryins the dead bas been a _II I _t I It f I

I ~Io Iou bleb ata n w w PlOCseda from deelylng

18tatabl We know tba lata1dlleuea are brollgbl ooby Innooulillon and hat I man canmiddot nn~ be Innoclllaled byanrlblllg mo8 dllllcul1O

L__ b

a~moephere and spreading lIIalri ampIIIong the Iiv-Ing The~ Iulso bull common oUltom among peoshypIe of th Ialler dayuo bury ~ remalDi of porsonl of no~ In nulta un~er the 1l00rs of cburchet and those In che dmp and gloom olihe luliterratiean cbambers In decomposing p~ddl_ and death among Ibose wblJ honored ~bn blloll logj Uld IUppose they thUI Ihow rpeet to their memory aner dealb h ta unnec_y to r8fe~ to the dangar of those who dIg gr In a Iae of OO1IIl11on Inte lIIent or how onen they como In contaCt wllb the polsoo of deeolOpoelng Jleah or wbat a s~ amount of dlseue Ibere II engendered bi the poleono pBel of sucb places by bel~g waRed amoog the habltatlonl of Ih~ IiVldg The evil elllcta or 11 tbeae clrcumstences ara Incalculable

We can onlyarrie at theamprulh In suck C8IU Iy Ulalol1middot W know that the gue_ of decumpoeo-Ing ~o~tsble mattedo swamps produce d98ues of eryerloll8cb~ractars wo know tbat on thla account 11 nu countrl are I_ healthy ampIian whera Ialor huefllleted a good drainage and ~bat higll dry land II more condllclve lOheal~h and Ions life tlian damp low Incamp We knowIi Ii Id- b I

JO tat ep em1 realmiddotoutmiddot1I parts of cl~le wh garbage ta a1lpwed to coUeet and tm1~ an eDlu~a Id we know also tbat gases from d cylg anllllal blatter are more daJlgelOUi and

The Late lnliulttlt the US llag I In olHla w publlebed a record of eiiollUng

eta All to tbe IneultllllC oonduc~ of ~e oIlied forces of Guatalllla and San Saludor toward the AlIlerican Oag the Mlnl~r of ~h8 Ulli~od Slates and tbe cold blooded murder 01 unarllled

American cltlrens But thll record dark and demiddot grilling as It Is te humanity WIS bulholf dlacload Dally circumstances of Dlulder _lnltioD and robl)e07 commltted On Alllericsn unarmed clll lensre being brought to ligbt which place the Governmenta of Gualeblala and San SAlvador bO yond the pale of ci illzallon and eta p them u BaIlon of ouUaw cutbro1e and bAndl~18o

Tbe accompnied allldavita of Cap~ Dunlcan and ~eut Gardner prove ~he diabolical IMurder of a Utile boy whose only offenco was being born In the Uolted Sla~ of wbite parenta and bnlng a while face

Doel not iIle blood of every frlcnd 01 humanl~y of every nalion ehudder at euoh ~Iroity Will not tbe lII08t eage and barbarous nallona of tha darkest agel of anllqully rise In judgment against luob uaboly and bloody deede _

tait of cOmpany D Fir~ Rille of tbe Army ~( ~be Republic of NlcaraguI and made oa~ ~haj

On Mon~ay the 1~11J October 18D6 during f

attack of h combIned foroea of Guatemala a d Ban Salvador on the city of Grallada during ~ e ba~le he approached ~Ioe houN of Mr JamoA Smi~h on the street of the Meulah opposite I e Churcb of San Franclaco f-om wbole bouse t e enemy bad been drIven out and he there lAW Q

tho arms of hie flher thamp dead body )f a about seven years old who bad just been murd bull ed by 1100 onemy whose body as horribly 10

lated ard deformed Mr E nllb was unc~~ nected wi~h ~he Army and como u a aettl9r~ NIcaragua He appeared hear~-broken and d shycOllsolate oxclalmlng tha~ he wished tiont loG co d bove sutrered In his child place Iln I tha~ in th amp alllnts opinion I~ WII and i ~he determlnallon for ~ho lovadillg forces 10 violate every rul of clViI~dwarfare and justice IDd lIIurdr eory Alnari n In Nicaragua J DUIIICJII

Sworn to before me this 21th October 1866 JOHN H WHEELER U S Minller

middot1 do hereby cortify tlia~ 1 W88 preBent wllh ~ taln Dunicnn aDd of my own kbol~dg 16~ abore aDldavit Is true In evel pa~ticuIRr

R p OAlIIlIpound1I Fi t Lieutenant Company E Firat Ri8es

Swonl to before me thIs 21th October 1866 JOHN II WHElLER U 8 MiDiter

oor8_ t e ~_Ing lIull of ble fellow maand would be reapecteo b all lla~IQDs even tb tho Amerlean 8a8 would protect him rba~ ~c Now u the guea whlob arise from vegetable most IIInge Bul how vain wu lhat hope I Let Lawless very frequehUy came to him 8 thOlmiddotMnmiddot lIIalterlo a atate or decAY appear 10 be lIIucb hll plunderod 1001180 bls murdered remaina tbe tay Goveroor of ~hll Dopartment in blthrfi mciro ftal thllD ~ODtact w~b Ihe solid_ from wblcb bodies of Iii f6110wmiddotclizen tbe mutilated bunting tb Datives o~~befllo~lnldt for whdOlll hIe perforbi th _ numeroua IC_ a bull n n au w lOBe rup bull

_ AO~ re lImiddott e lllallnorl 0 nu rolli tar llIImemotlalIiimiddot lome oountries oj E8YP~ ~~e present ago ought to be luDlclent to ri~ i9bIaDcie Dluch IDg epulty wu expended In enmiddot bove anyprt)UIIIce orallY old cuawm which haa ~orlng ~ lr~ee~e bodlel (rom decay anltl been haaded d~D t WI frolll ~pe~o~_bClo the the Orilllai ftcc~ of all burl~11 WII law ofnelilUi wee but lIttle s~OOIeil or known -0 --uOD of die body At tbo far Notth and auggoat auch remedlca as wlllleslen as far AI

whra th tro~ king relgnl many lDootba III ~he poIIlble the causes oC dll~uo bull

ey ann mut 1ler tbe~ 11011 II 110 the caso with tbe ps8I 101010 arise frolll putrid animal mellmiddot UleI If thll II eo thqenlightonment of

yar and all anImal de~omp08ltloD II auspended t

ibrough Ita etrecta tbe etrort 10 tilDes of 19oorshyihc mIght be aUPlosed to be parliaUr aucceBBful 11 Ii eeD no DO uncommon tblng to be ~oemer II tbat b would nollike 10 die In a

amputherll counlry on ac~ollnt oftbo audden decay ~ hll remaloa 1111 sontewhat remarkable tbat bile Nort~ern natlolls eYen In tbe most ancIent tImes burlod their dea~ In tile pound Ibe peo-DIe or the Southern countrl buroed tbem Thle wu ~bo cultom or Sou tbern Aala And Southorn E~op In our IlIgUsh literalure to tbll daTI ~wlng from oll Oreek we frequoutly her t)ili )ihnae peacmiddottomiddotI alhea I

1be Greeb a1wav burned 1100 bodle of their Wualrlou8 dud and In our opinIon thla lain many respecta lIIucb preferable 10 bllrylng_ bull In burnIng u lru tholr CUltom the ashea IIIlght bo carefully ciflllected and plaee4 In an mamen~ed urn j hero llOuld laDd wltbout otrendlng tho senses In the bleb of the temple or In tbe private aparl

m6llts of friends til Ihls manner I~ wu alwaYI In the careoilboao rho respected It and In wboaemlllol7middott wumiddot dear_ Tbo asbes of Ibe great mbl In Ihose dal1 beaeD~ fro plRce to place mldgled llb IIampYO7 locenlo receiving the roapocl due the blemor or Ibe Blirlt which pYa It lnishy

middot1111110110 In Ileae dy the remoYai oC a corpae croaten bOlrOr In all wbo 1ra1 wllh It not 1mshymedlIlotorealell to say nothing of tbe danger 0( belna In coplact with so Ruch rot~nn alld putrofotlon Ona balpound of Ihe borror of death con sists In the Idea of tho bedy pu~rU)lug io the e~ 4 Wng an obJect of loathsomene18 upon lJjlell worm gMiI and riot How much more pluinlmiddottw Idea of ha log the ashea carefully ptbelllllj amplid ~pi perhapa 8weamptlt aeented aa DOW ieepodaguerreotyp08

W~_ uale lhe aallsfactlon It would no lIfIorithe litem world to ha e preserved the

middotashe oIllli~Q Ot lIIilikapeore i or wbo can guess the care otmiddot venerAtion willi whleb the Frencb would ~gtrd the ashes 01 Napoleon or with wbat yeneratlon Americana would guard tbe reshymai1 ofWaabington h la truly to bo regretted that aU whlcb Was mortal oC tbose i1ulrloUi per sonages Isoow IndlltiDgubthable from ~hecommon eartb or tbe remalna of ~he earcasa of 80IIIe brow

There ta t~ls dvanhge ID burning bodlea OTCr burylDg tbem that IDltead ofperlnlltlng them 10 cauao dlaeue aRer death Ihe nry act of burning puriO ~he aIr It II lupposed the great plague ot London WII IoIICIted In lie ravagea by Ibe groat

Ore whlcb burned the greator parI 01 tbe city Ono thIng Is certaill iC history II correct that Ilthough Itraged with foarful voIoeelmmedla~lr hefore It ceueo to exll aimoillmllledialeit lifter Iho con8agratlon It It now a common pIlodco to fullllgate a roam In whch a parson baa died and doowrs ad 1ae boao who Yliit he remainI of a person ~hat lou died of cholera orany olber conmiddot mgloua dlieal to moke a cigar or plpo-tlo great

a purifier II fire And eelUng pr~udlc aside III~ Is after all

lIIuch more dealrable to be cooaumed by lire ner death than to rot ~n be devoured by worms alld 118 tbat eoaduccl well 10 tbe praseryallon of tho Ulng u to the retallling tbe uhes of tho de ceased we would fbor tho adoption of Ihe CUllOJll

In thle lOuntry It was the generoloplDlon In Granada Ifter Ito

batlle of the 131h of October tbattbe great nummiddot ber ot theonemy which wu killed would produce tbe cholera before they cluld be Interred DurnshyIng tbelll bnmedlatal would h prsvenwd tbe posilbillly of auch 1 p~llIful circumstanoe and would hve puriSe1 the air 01 any polsonoul gnaee wbleh might already slated 10 it

On object In ftuggeatlnlf thle II more 10 call tho 4tenllon of the publio u well 110 medical profeaslon 10 Ibe anbjecl chin 10 attempt at tble tim to dllcUBB Ihe m W are howovor under tile InlproBB Ion that If Ibe tlustom of burnshyIng the dOlld Inatead of bmiddotlng them were onco Ialrlylowoducecj It would In tbll lall~ude prove higbly benellclal w tbegenfral hulth

A Nw 01ft The Phll~dciPhia Mint hujull IMued a cent wblch II described as COlliposed or 1It88ven parb copper seven of nickel and one ohine 11 lou a lilht appearance with a faint red tint alld la In beautiful contra t with the Ameri cau a1lver nd gold plecea and will not u the old cent did tarnlsb thelll by oon~ol The weight of the newll only aevell~y-to gralnl-Ih~ of the present copper cenl la olle bundr~d and sixty ftghl

Tbe aDldavlt allo appended of (len fry u to LIG~TION or UUTID STATES or AnRIOA~ the nlurder of Ifr Lawl pro es Mr Lawl IIEAR Till REPUBLIO or NCARLOUA ~ earnest desire to presee lob neu~raliy in all 1100 Tbis day camo before me Birkett D Fry Bri dUBcoltiel wblcb have beset Ihle coun~ry of nis dier General ArDIto Nicagua Uld made OI~h blgh lOlled chacler and Integrily of conduct Rnd tbatshyorh pcrfeat oonOdeoce ~ha tbeaegis of the Bowasacquainted wllbJohll D LmiddotI~uaimiddot Amnoan fIig was amplyiuDlclent to prolect bis the month of Oc~ober 1bullbull1 Ihat having been rl liberty property IIld lif Be badmiddot een as cofmmnd of Ihls cl~y durn the greater POrllrshy

0 he past year he lou Ircquentl bad occbullbullI~ llIralloea (rolll the blgbeat aources tbat no Amori- 10 tallt wilb said Lwleas of Ibe polillcal atrairsio can wuld woder so far 1roII home that the pro- tho State of NiCllragu Tha~ the MId LRle tacling and powerful arm of tbe United Stat- s unifOImly re1beed 0 take ny part InarlUa wlti wal Dot over him lie reiuaed 10 COlli wilblo IheAforcea of lttI~nerol Wdalkellrdsaymg Iat hOe ~ri an lIIe can CI zen an re e upon Wle og o the line of onr Irclo mlylng oo~ho middotpeo~lon 01 his counlr for protecion_ Tba~ a(~r Oeoer Ibol Uulted States aDd Ihrew out beforebis house Walkers force marched upon dual and a few the Alllerican 8ag tba~ In ~Is patriotlo beart b hours _before Ihe auack u~D Granda loa urgtd fel wu honored in every laud anltl on every sea thbelabdblAdwl_11edto comde WtllIlI hila Ilhnol degb

f dle~fen~~w c e eo n to 0 expreaa ug s e Ie I ~

tom b the enemlee sllot and lbe loor of tbo Lo- alld good will he leetDed to pOSle That ~ ~ gatlon house perloQ~d bytboballe oftbe onemy Lawless had reaided for several ye a paa~ inOmiddot testify nlda apoKe tbe In~uago of ~he coulltry 8ue t-

Iy and WIB extensively engaged III IIIcrcalltUJ~ 10 ancln~Rome ~he exelamaUon lam a Ro- e~ita anil had mall) 01 tho nolives In hia ORlPi bull

mIlD cillzen arrested the falling blo of Ibo IIc- Tha said Lawlen justly ellJoyed the reputtti D

lor 10 fOmer ~oys ~n II the great Republic of for great pbllanthropy And unamp~~middot~~t tile North In 0 aayo ofJakson It is the bouth of ~ e loll lory of tha~ day ~hllt no American cltl zeD ever luWered lny In~ulT abroad without reo

dreu WefcOIlaurolhnUhesnm08plrltnowanlmatestbe

United Stateamp and ~hat tbe same feeUnga ~hat dlcmiddot tated tIe Kouta letter will be roady to defend Ibe rigllts aud proico~ tbe lives oC InDoeen~ AmerieRn



Thll 4ay came before 010 James II Smitb wbo tcatlO tbat he emigrated from Ne York clLy whero he hu resldcd for two years In the steaol ahlp Tennc88ee for Nlcaralua on thOl 1 III Sep tember laet accom~RRled by his three email chll drell lor the purpole of cultivating hind and satshy~nllg In Nicaragua lIo is by protession a taather

That on Sunday the 12th Inll an alarm of an lltack was made by the foroea of 9uaternala and San Baladof on this ci~y That be no~ crediting

S b bull h 2 hOb I 56worn ore me t IS middott cto er S bull JOliN II WHELER U S diolaler bull

I [ 0 F F I C I ~ L ]


ADJUTANT GENEIULS OUICpound J Granada Oct 26 186G

1 SOLnnRI--Each day demonstrates more cle iT ~hat tbe war we are wagiftg Is ono of IIUlh apl AI falbood of clmoalion againat barbarism GI satisScd wllh the bloed of lonocent cilicnssb d a~ Granada-with n appetile Ilnllghler h 1shyled by the nt_Ore 01 helpleu cbildren and b 11 ministers of CbriIIIII~y-our IIIvage foes II f

added ano~hcr crime to tbo long liRl reco d asaiDNt ~bem Thoy han sbot Lleu~ Col Lal wbo wu IRken by tbe n a prisoner of war 80 0

It)8 ngo At ~i1e very time thl_ cold-bloodedaal ofcroe 11

was boillg colDlIItted an exchange 01 prioa r was bciu proposed by tbe comntandermiddotinmiddotc er

tho Jolarmj wntto tholltlloplzaa8110r~dlitance If tbo Guatemala forcos WI~h an lona~a bull When tbe (ote aptearod and commenced an ac tive 8Mng ot musketry and Mlni6 rille wblch otlt off his relurn Tho foreee then approacbed 10 hOllie wbere bis li~tle fRmily wera seated ~ dillshyner consisting or a boy Frencb Berbert born In New York tlty on Ibe 6th March 1849 two lrirls one fI and the otber Iwo yeare 01 Ige 1hey were seated witblo three yards of a large wludow which opelled 011 ~118 street One of lhe troops approached the window and taking delib erate aim fired at 0 lillie group the I)all grazed the chin ef the fllrl nurse and atrlklilg the bo In the lower part of his face paselng out of the neck broke tbe plllol obord killing him instan~ly TIe reat 9f the children wee concealed iinnlcdl-

IDg for ~reacbe he bad smoolh WOrdl and Ii ~ sullmenls on hll Iipa wben he was In the act t murde

Tbe mnatlon of Lln4 show he ndlito of the ollemy wl~b whlcb we baYe 10 contend f Ibe sollie lan~age andreligion wilh tbelUself they bad nOl agains~ hilll the lying excuselmiddotw Which ~hoy are wont to justi~y Ihe murder of American citizens Nothing bu~ ~be love of til d aod ~he cowrdly loatlllc~ of tbo savage Call 0

urged for tho execution of thd Cuban palrlot Let ~ben soldiers a Bunle of tbe jUltico G d

grandeur of tbe C~U1e In which wo aro CDgae nerve ua lor the fullilmellt of tho Iftak wblcb I bull before us Remember that you luWer aud It

awly III an adJacen~ housl by the nurse under agio to redeem ono of the 10eUest 01 lalld_ ID bed hlle Ihe ~roop Ibreed tho cuing of ~ho barbalian rule aud lavage despo~lam In such a wlndo the door being fRBlened and resiatlng all Oft IIHO 118 t~is who ould 1I0~ gladlf eudure II ~ IV Iheir oRllrta Thoy then entel8d and searched In dayoCprl alion and fdtiguo r 10 would n I vahl for the cbildren Tbey plullucred tho house undcrS1l aome lillIe antrering and danger for I ~ of all bia iinpleonpnta of hUlbandry clo~bing gold sake of IIvlllg his nalllO enrolled amoug the be o and allvr walcllcs mono aDd valUAble of faotors fJf the rllce 7 amount 1lI0re ~hao two thoueaDd dollars ~ 2 Lieut ltlol ~ A LaID6 aiddemiddotClImp 10~ tbe

JAKa8 n SIITD Commandor-in-l)hler having bean brbIrOO~ Sworn to before me this 2~tb Ootober 18DO murdered bylhe enemy without ProPOiDg An shy

JOHN B WlIEELIlt U S Mini4ter change (If prlaoners i~ ie directed Ihll~ Lie t We do bereby certify that we reBlde In tho Col Brigido Valderraman and (Ja pt Bern~r 0

nme houle II~h Jamee H Smith Faq nnd 01 Allende be shot Ibis aernllon 11 6 oclock In Ollr own knowledgo the faclt tn~ed In hla aDldo vlt are Irue lu evcry particular


Sworn to beforo rno thl 27th O~oher 1856



Tbl day calllO bofore one Jamea Dunlcan Capmiddot

tbe plftZ of thl clly 3 11111 Gen Fry 19 charged wth tho esccullta

of the abovo order By command of WY W AUrER

Genernl-Coml~andng-in(jhipI Pn n TnoIlPBOII AdJ t Gcn N bullbull

~ h Is atato(1 that PrInce Albert 1038 b~~~t 111 Clllll1nOUe tract of lInd In AII9tralia Vbic1o1n nbout tnty years will tetulnabollt ono thou811 ~ i tlII10S oa much tIS all ~h~ amp Coburg alld Obi

In Germany put logctbor I

329NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 7 Sabado 1de Nllvlembre de 16561 Saturday November 1 1856

i lit I ALGO NAB BOBRILBL Dl4 UJ 1lJSOUOJON lIerosoaeajuitA al Cllpilitu delliglc y Ie r t t lIJ S 11 n1J R ea mlUlgrato perdmar que CIIstipr aunshy EqulUtlvo y aUII n_Slnll) nos parec Menelter earetrogradarlllol mM remomiddot que eata lIluy pronto a IIOtrar en el UIO

toear la materil de que vamos neumiddot t~s tlempos de barbirle yde ldlo~lemo pa de juatas represaUae lIa cual rere IU tS II Into NOT I de 1836 pamos no obstlnte haberll8 tratado en Ill1Icontmr el ejempl0 brutal a una Ie- naluralom 1 10 demandaren las circlin A WI ~ 101 1)umells anterloJel aunque nu cion quI Icsban de (omeler en Maaaya stanciU De consiulente 108 prl~ionrOl

JUEBPO VE ARTILLSJIU 4 tod I degtlt1d I I d I d 1 - ft -- con 1 1 ~que mereee por mf~ 01 Jenera ea e I IUfZaa iii on I heridOll lIOn tratadlll eon 10 mllyor be El lierpH de tLitiHerlll ha tomado un destla de lOB IRdmdus que 11 rlllawon Guatemala en estos lIltlmOl dia des- nignidad

ClIPCI) 0 imllolltmto bajo 11 direoclon del puesto que cl1ml mlmos t(lIl1aron una puea del ataque de aquella plllza I de Queda PUIIII demOlltlldo que falto8 de Jele I Henningsen IIventndo jofs de esa parte actin en los sucea~s Las buenllS las acclone quee Ilan referido ya tn 10$ fe ell itll mall s1 mnes compromiaos y Grmllj iuyos cOllocimientos Ie ban didO aceiones dlbon refe~lrse mlnuciollme~te d~8 humerns anteriores de elte periodlco de oumplimiento en sil palabra como mi MmladianQ $010 en los Estadol Uni Sin temor ~e Incumr en la tacha de dllil Vlolando 108 mas gmdos Plotos ma- Iitares 111 jefell do lIB fuIiIBs enemlgat JOI I nn fuora de ellos Es do cele- sos tnnta par que e8 un trihuto dllbido al lew reeonocidos univerenlmente y 0011middot flftll Incohado COIl ol ftlsilamiento flel Co brillS la recision y tino con que dh-ije m6rlto Cuanw por ue line de est-imulo aiguadol en aI derecho de jentel de una ronel lAid y aUI compslierea despues IRS bo 111111 Y granadas al punto que de- a100 d~mAA NOl oontraenos al IltaqU(o Inanera ~n ep~icita se han colQcsdo en de baber aupllcado el callge Y d recibir $igna uinnentaudo y dUlheando progresi qu~ re~I8~6 oatil piau dede el deee del una posiCIon odlo~a dtgrlldftnle y eceemiddot un Indi~lIo en este sentido un Miatem vame te las distnl1CIU siempre con el pUlIdo II 11 una de Is tarde basta las crable Indlgna de hombrea que 8e tltulan elttlaordin~rlo de gtlerrA que nosotrol nei nitID Rcli)lto Q inerrnble direocloll ocho de la maAana del diR siguiente milltare 10 temm~s puesto qf8 teMm1 mlobos Tolft los dias hay repeudos ejerclcioll y Buellas y lumlnolWl lIOn I referenoiaa fnmedlamente dupuee de 101 c(lneablmiddot prlonfrGS cODtrllrios y que hlta Is te()k~ IiOletas evohuiones en las que prl()ti~ del Coronel Allen Mayor Clyeee ftc dOl acunteomlento8 vino eata cludad un siempre hiL sido patente la slIperiodatide ean j Sefiores oficlales y 109 soldado8 pero notamo8 qne a~nqueliglran en 1 correo conduciendo una comunieaci(m nuesms armal Ahorl bien ~ Sol se nell ~tmn maravillo8(1lllIIte lisw de 108 que 8e distlnguiertm 81gllnOl de los jetea eN as flllrzas enemlga8 en la VOllOtroa 101 que hahllis habmdo de vanshy

En3 ClInnto 1 numem do indivitluoB numbres 110 ell con el tlIplerclol que que IIOlicltaban aqtlll1l08 del Jeneral dalisimo de Bomnidadea y oims cosa~ perbgt ecientc8 6 dicho cuerpB lie ha IU~ merC(tlll sin que sea rltI de 1o referenmiddot Walker JOr 10 pronto 6 cange de un in- aemejantelll en vnestrus periodi~os para men db do nna mllnera otable habien tes po que 1I11011 gllardaban y derendian divlduo d los suyos cometa d eaballe oontravenlr ahora eSC$ndalOsamente Ii (0 ad mllll unH gran compltlla do Zapa1 sus pue~tui re8peetivos y no podial esect na que fu6 heeho prlalonoro por Dilestra losmejores prlncipios del dereehu dl ilores I Mineros bien que para malle- tllr j todllS paltes Grande y her6ica parte con algunamp anterlorldad Eata clrmiddot jentll I 81 v08OtroB 80ls I Pero nad~ jllr clatro mortem do obuats y lo~ tllol II deietl q~e hizo 1amp KulIrnlclon de clnetancia Indicaba queeao jeres preten- trntiamos del oltallo de atrall en que Muon a que hay on lap)tuIt fO necesita estj plftZllcn ea c61eble JOIllampda en la dian ceAhle 101 prlnclpio organl_ de 08 ballail UR n6 nero eunsidurnblcmiddot1fe bombles qll8 doeientus hombre4 combatieron con III gllerr aun entre la naolonee minoe Conatlgt 8n conclu8ion qUII aceptamol

EI uelpo de artllleriA no deja que demiddot tla 01 ilunensu numero de oehgtelentOI clvllzadal y regullrlllAr la desde lU4lft) vuealroa aotos sea ellal (uere au natlishysearsusejercicins II 1011 111118 etCrupu- por eamppl()io do dillz y nueve hOrlll uglm lu demandlln la olvillziclon 1 _ mlez 10508 itotl Admirable el Jellledo y -80luololl siglo No 81a poslble dudar de la buena

do todOll basta del ultimo 1I0idado (e de aquell espon~nea proposlcion sin DOCUMENTOS 0FIeIALES ES Ef)OIOJV A OHONTALES dispueatos perecer antes que entregllr RgIlIlar a la e8 et bonor milltar 1 JOII

U - 6 h la pldl que se lea habia conllado cierto malt proclu90a atrlbutos del bombrel ElDECRtTAS DE OOB_ERlO


apol bull IfRon que Sill ny Guatro _ J Ch I 6 t A certilllmo y atln IIOmos COrto8 j pero lIus~re Jeneral Walker quo tantnll 1 bin No ito

EI t 1 p ra onts es 0 VI a es II puer ~__ d I M ON 1 ~ lifer ~11lI oeho de la matiana halfendo ph~oll afta Ir que e ayor eJ se repetJdllsprulIbae ha dado de maltnanl REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUAt

enndu 0 de una manera verdaderamente bull bull ~ desem ~ftado flU CQlnlslon los mdlVldoll ~ mldad ItO dudO en etecto ni Ull momen Seeretal1a de Elltado en el depaello (Ie t ti ~ - E her6ic~ Hallibllse postratio en una cama to y lIev6 8U generlllll(lad basta el utr Relacione Erterlores nuO rOI en snls aerlamen n I 1 d i h 11 b connn balazo 81 unap ema que elm- mo de entregar ill corneta que iIOhcUaban Granada Ootllhrl 2t de I85ampSan oS lIu v sus lOme lac 0110$ so a a a bull

bullJ I d I b d pll(ila dar un paso y Ie obhgaba bull servlrmiddot sill nlnguna de las lIeguridades que 8e El S P E so ha serVldo dlctar 411 de 1111 nUfillro e 10m res como e CIIn) d I EI 1_ __

d d 88 lIe os mu etas enemlgo lie lre- CIItJon en taIu CIlSOl COIltellto mnl Ceto igt~eD ~ -- _gt eine tode 1 QlIuotuelOn errotll Oil Oil Ii bmiddot I I WILUamp WR Preeldenw-daln eldla trece del corliente en csta cludn aerto y 1 eil


es om re que Illll a e featando que entre 101 mlillito prbonumiddot Republica deNlearagun lr sUiliabitsnte9 11 di I dtlene 89 UIIO de 04 indivlduOlI mall roa que habla hecho elY la lihlma aocion Siendo nece8SlrIo I~reditar un liinillrouo II IU u a tomaron a ue a reco on bull

q g q i 16nol 11 eJ6rlto Nada podia espemiddot e contaban Virios 06cla0bullbull que _tcba Plenipotenelano ltle rcpleaente a 111 RetshyDioo8 quo sahCTon escape as que $U- b _ d bll d Nt d I bl _T a raSede un 110m re en esta 0 en que dlpu_o cangellr respectivamente pGr pu ca e caragua cerca e ga n piera 111 Ilegadade Jos trem 6 tl~l11~ 61 se baUsba ain embargo hacienda un el Coronel Lain 1 por olnoo 6 sela in- de 108 Estados Unidos en IVI8hingtotl lIn RllngerB que III vapor cndllcla 0 b III el 81 t p l4 de dl II d J ntlab on U80 de IUS flleultades l

1 h b d b b t esueno 110 re uaUT J9 UOl e vopa que e 8oom- an DEC RET A bullIe d bull os Oil res 0 ar UI os comO d gt I I 0 ilia dlI8l1ila 0 que tellla sa 10 (1 clando Cueron presos por caaualldad en Articulo I N6mbralle Mlllistro Pleni ~ el 09 Icen locho tom6 lall mulllw y 81 sable y 8e il camino de llwaya En allo se es- pottnciarlo de la Republica de Nioaragua (JtfOETAS DE GUATEMALA Y presentO en ellugar ~a8 peJigfOSO arras peru la romillion del hombre ofteoldo cerl1 de 18 Eatedoll Unidoe al Senol

S AN S Hi VADOR trnndu la plema y atravesllndo las calles por 01 corne Q a1 conleta mlsmo que DoAn FemmCoFerrer I J b b t rt ~ IDnmquelle qu enes cor I -- con el agaa casl bull 1 rodlda (aca I a de era 10 replar y Jegitimo 81 ae aTrepenmiddot respondamp

Estos pOliodlcos pound0 oeupan do nuestro Hoverl dundo mnd6 con V071 do trueno tlan do nevar ndelante 10 que 4111011 mis- Dado en Granada 1 29 de Oetubre de Nienrlguell~o no parR reflllar nl una pn formal amp los hombres que alii se hallaban mOB babian Bollcltado opteniend) al fin 1856 WILLIAM WALKER Ilbm do los erimCIl-e1l servUes que hemOl y que Ilegaban oon sus armas dilltribuyo par unics rampZUII el J~er81 Walker una Al Se~or Jenoral Dun Jlliteu Pineda publi~do POrqIO III velmiddotdad os illcontesta la trnpn eolocindo en loslugarel opor carta del Jeneral Zavala en 1amp que fire MMn~troldoJa Guorra encargado deT dltl I bull mUltern enerable II~ deequltan descendlcn 0 as per tUllos orden6 1amp derenaa de vea eal ea testaba (ellto no puedo calUiCllrse) que D ~ d 1 I V bull evI en suprema 0 oumun eo 1

sonah ~de8 1In un lnnguage tan cl~lco que partell de aquellugampl y 8Oliclto 1 101 prlllOnerbullbull no querlan venir No ell para IIU intellgencia y demas erectos es ebmo us antares Su impotente uni e6caz It pelllr de su eltado de grandad a eato todo ino que en as propillll perandortlCibO su atento senillor Ie do p1i~8a fudose contla cl Jeneral tadu atendia bael6ndote oil su voz ell clrocnlltandlll Be supo oon allOmbro en 11 Pnnuu lIIque 10 ba dellpreelado stempre todas pa~teamp Nosotroa admlr4mol al e~ta cilldad el rullilamlento on 01 pueblo No 64 WI pe lulclo d - lllwlrles 8U cuenta eonlmiddot Mayor 0 Nell en aquelloe momentoa y de Diriomo del CoronelLalne y algunos

V bull l REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA ~ cnte Y oxneta eremos III e908 pan asi nOl plaee conS1lJllarlo on eata arUcl1 0 otros prisirneroa I I fllaa obre aquellOl S d __1 d ch d ecre1ana e ilAIo en e eeplt 0 e ~s 8 Oil ~ombre8 de chaneelarls COli EI Capitnn Wilkins lie condujo tnnbien jetos III deabonn eonmguiente y )1 IlCe- Relacionelllnteriores

dlglll d el dIll que 80 les presente que de unA manera brilllnnte en el millIDO cr8Clion univelflall i ~pnrten el des- GranadR Oetuble ~ de 1800 JlGr ci rto no ~t~d(jlls ($ si solo se con- lugar y despue ell la deftn~ del HOIIpi precio y vilipendlo que mcreccn Y 0011_ EI S P E ampe ha servldo dictar el de-ICIltllj COil eCBrlbu snrcnsmos tal en toda la neche Es de celebaTlle la pell el lugar degradante eli que les colOCll ereto -ul~nte

-------- d dId fa 1 I d d I El GOllemo coosldelando que soMalianl lie omharea con direceion u con ucta e 011 bull IS co tat voe qn~ IU In agllO proce el hallan vaeallte~ las Carteral de Reb

Nueva York el Sr Eermin Ferrer hallan en el h~8pltal oOClrgard08 continu Como era de eeparamprse loglco y natu- ciunes Haelenda y CrMito pu~lico POl 1 g b no amente de los enfermotl Dr Lundy y raJ e1 Jene1Walker ordeno y ae eloell- baberse encaado de la ml~lon dlploshynombrlld0 que ba SluO por e 0 leI bull t ~II b d W b

j I PI d t n_ (f Dr Brmkerhoff 110 8010 por las bUenae to II (I1I181111ento nu de todoll los prleo- m4tiea eel bull e ga mete e a Ing ~n s~o ellpo~enculT1o e es a p medidas de defen~ ue tomaron IIlno ton a1 Seior Don Fermin Ferrer quohllcs eefca dol Gabinete de Wasbingtoll ~ nellIS que en la Justa lndlnadlon acuo 1l1li desempeflsil 011 180 de aus facultades

Ell F rl b I rt II pur 10 resolueion que 81empre lea honrar otro mimo Jonero- en 8U lur hubler D E C RET A errcr Gsumpe a a ca ar - -- bullbull de Hciendn que qUGdo Ii cargodel Go altamente do pereeer todtlS antl8 que prevenldo sino Iolamelte el de un Ten Articul 1 El Sefior ~e~oral Don

D d M I - G S n ahandonar unos velnte y cilloo enCer- vnte Coronel I un Capitan que ctillltian Mateo Pmeda autual MIlllIItro de ItgtlIera ~ me A lUStrolaquo c uerft e - bull G bull gad dI I diS F mOil que no pod Ian movelse de IU lecbo eutre Iquellos nerra ser onear 0 IDtennamellte elimos i 1 auseMl1 tempola c I e diahaa caneras teQlumiendo el Mlnlsteio rer a~ paso qua nll8 alegramos de que EI Chbano que elo~11I 01 Mayor Potter MuchOll plllOl1ero quqda~ on poder de Jfjn~roJ ~1a do el c electo parala mislOIl que cn el ~rro que ~lmlltr6 cuyo nllmbre nuestla gblllrnocolltrA qlllel011 ~u4lera Art t ComtllllltpleleI qutenea cor IampMnuuce Alos EsttldOIl Unidostallto por no mllmfest6 pm IgnollrJo e8 el Seflor dMClrgllllle todo el pl8O delagravlo lnfo rCIJpcmda lI1llltlilrw y circuDttitceiR quole ldornall Don FtCncisco Aguero y Batrada Pre- ridn y hooerl(1S sentirde un una manera t8~do en GitLi1lAltt~Rdigt cuantq pOl que rCIihiramp belll1s impresio recto de esta cludad prolilllda los exesos de IUS ~etos qUI Pu AI Senor Jenera Don Mateo Pineda nos en 18 hormolllls ciudlulea del Norto (on 10 dicho sitiafacemos la justlcia ditgtran haber ngrlVlJdo au situacion I pero Miubltro Jenera Am6rfca debida aloe SenOIOs 1l0minadOl y nuestro I Jneral Wlker oon todaJ )R ventnjNl De urden supreml 10 eomuBlco V

Ie Idelleam(lll Ull viRge teli~ y pronto doseo de eselaroeer III ferdad siempre y la repolllioraucia de la posicion que pllrt IIU Intellgeneia y demas efootos retor~ quo podamoa baeorlo ocupa 011 tll embargo magnanlm~ y Je M Pnln4


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 20: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.

329NICARABlJENSE Vol 1 No 52 p 7 Sabado 1de Nllvlembre de 16561 Saturday November 1 1856

i lit I ALGO NAB BOBRILBL Dl4 UJ 1lJSOUOJON lIerosoaeajuitA al Cllpilitu delliglc y Ie r t t lIJ S 11 n1J R ea mlUlgrato perdmar que CIIstipr aunshy EqulUtlvo y aUII n_Slnll) nos parec Menelter earetrogradarlllol mM remomiddot que eata lIluy pronto a IIOtrar en el UIO

toear la materil de que vamos neumiddot t~s tlempos de barbirle yde ldlo~lemo pa de juatas represaUae lIa cual rere IU tS II Into NOT I de 1836 pamos no obstlnte haberll8 tratado en Ill1Icontmr el ejempl0 brutal a una Ie- naluralom 1 10 demandaren las circlin A WI ~ 101 1)umells anterloJel aunque nu cion quI Icsban de (omeler en Maaaya stanciU De consiulente 108 prl~ionrOl

JUEBPO VE ARTILLSJIU 4 tod I degtlt1d I I d I d 1 - ft -- con 1 1 ~que mereee por mf~ 01 Jenera ea e I IUfZaa iii on I heridOll lIOn tratadlll eon 10 mllyor be El lierpH de tLitiHerlll ha tomado un destla de lOB IRdmdus que 11 rlllawon Guatemala en estos lIltlmOl dia des- nignidad

ClIPCI) 0 imllolltmto bajo 11 direoclon del puesto que cl1ml mlmos t(lIl1aron una puea del ataque de aquella plllza I de Queda PUIIII demOlltlldo que falto8 de Jele I Henningsen IIventndo jofs de esa parte actin en los sucea~s Las buenllS las acclone quee Ilan referido ya tn 10$ fe ell itll mall s1 mnes compromiaos y Grmllj iuyos cOllocimientos Ie ban didO aceiones dlbon refe~lrse mlnuciollme~te d~8 humerns anteriores de elte periodlco de oumplimiento en sil palabra como mi MmladianQ $010 en los Estadol Uni Sin temor ~e Incumr en la tacha de dllil Vlolando 108 mas gmdos Plotos ma- Iitares 111 jefell do lIB fuIiIBs enemlgat JOI I nn fuora de ellos Es do cele- sos tnnta par que e8 un trihuto dllbido al lew reeonocidos univerenlmente y 0011middot flftll Incohado COIl ol ftlsilamiento flel Co brillS la recision y tino con que dh-ije m6rlto Cuanw por ue line de est-imulo aiguadol en aI derecho de jentel de una ronel lAid y aUI compslierea despues IRS bo 111111 Y granadas al punto que de- a100 d~mAA NOl oontraenos al IltaqU(o Inanera ~n ep~icita se han colQcsdo en de baber aupllcado el callge Y d recibir $igna uinnentaudo y dUlheando progresi qu~ re~I8~6 oatil piau dede el deee del una posiCIon odlo~a dtgrlldftnle y eceemiddot un Indi~lIo en este sentido un Miatem vame te las distnl1CIU siempre con el pUlIdo II 11 una de Is tarde basta las crable Indlgna de hombrea que 8e tltulan elttlaordin~rlo de gtlerrA que nosotrol nei nitID Rcli)lto Q inerrnble direocloll ocho de la maAana del diR siguiente milltare 10 temm~s puesto qf8 teMm1 mlobos Tolft los dias hay repeudos ejerclcioll y Buellas y lumlnolWl lIOn I referenoiaa fnmedlamente dupuee de 101 c(lneablmiddot prlonfrGS cODtrllrios y que hlta Is te()k~ IiOletas evohuiones en las que prl()ti~ del Coronel Allen Mayor Clyeee ftc dOl acunteomlento8 vino eata cludad un siempre hiL sido patente la slIperiodatide ean j Sefiores oficlales y 109 soldado8 pero notamo8 qne a~nqueliglran en 1 correo conduciendo una comunieaci(m nuesms armal Ahorl bien ~ Sol se nell ~tmn maravillo8(1lllIIte lisw de 108 que 8e distlnguiertm 81gllnOl de los jetea eN as flllrzas enemlga8 en la VOllOtroa 101 que hahllis habmdo de vanshy

En3 ClInnto 1 numem do indivitluoB numbres 110 ell con el tlIplerclol que que IIOlicltaban aqtlll1l08 del Jeneral dalisimo de Bomnidadea y oims cosa~ perbgt ecientc8 6 dicho cuerpB lie ha IU~ merC(tlll sin que sea rltI de 1o referenmiddot Walker JOr 10 pronto 6 cange de un in- aemejantelll en vnestrus periodi~os para men db do nna mllnera otable habien tes po que 1I11011 gllardaban y derendian divlduo d los suyos cometa d eaballe oontravenlr ahora eSC$ndalOsamente Ii (0 ad mllll unH gran compltlla do Zapa1 sus pue~tui re8peetivos y no podial esect na que fu6 heeho prlalonoro por Dilestra losmejores prlncipios del dereehu dl ilores I Mineros bien que para malle- tllr j todllS paltes Grande y her6ica parte con algunamp anterlorldad Eata clrmiddot jentll I 81 v08OtroB 80ls I Pero nad~ jllr clatro mortem do obuats y lo~ tllol II deietl q~e hizo 1amp KulIrnlclon de clnetancia Indicaba queeao jeres preten- trntiamos del oltallo de atrall en que Muon a que hay on lap)tuIt fO necesita estj plftZllcn ea c61eble JOIllampda en la dian ceAhle 101 prlnclpio organl_ de 08 ballail UR n6 nero eunsidurnblcmiddot1fe bombles qll8 doeientus hombre4 combatieron con III gllerr aun entre la naolonee minoe Conatlgt 8n conclu8ion qUII aceptamol

EI uelpo de artllleriA no deja que demiddot tla 01 ilunensu numero de oehgtelentOI clvllzadal y regullrlllAr la desde lU4lft) vuealroa aotos sea ellal (uere au natlishysearsusejercicins II 1011 111118 etCrupu- por eamppl()io do dillz y nueve hOrlll uglm lu demandlln la olvillziclon 1 _ mlez 10508 itotl Admirable el Jellledo y -80luololl siglo No 81a poslble dudar de la buena

do todOll basta del ultimo 1I0idado (e de aquell espon~nea proposlcion sin DOCUMENTOS 0FIeIALES ES Ef)OIOJV A OHONTALES dispueatos perecer antes que entregllr RgIlIlar a la e8 et bonor milltar 1 JOII

U - 6 h la pldl que se lea habia conllado cierto malt proclu90a atrlbutos del bombrel ElDECRtTAS DE OOB_ERlO


apol bull IfRon que Sill ny Guatro _ J Ch I 6 t A certilllmo y atln IIOmos COrto8 j pero lIus~re Jeneral Walker quo tantnll 1 bin No ito

EI t 1 p ra onts es 0 VI a es II puer ~__ d I M ON 1 ~ lifer ~11lI oeho de la matiana halfendo ph~oll afta Ir que e ayor eJ se repetJdllsprulIbae ha dado de maltnanl REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUAt

enndu 0 de una manera verdaderamente bull bull ~ desem ~ftado flU CQlnlslon los mdlVldoll ~ mldad ItO dudO en etecto ni Ull momen Seeretal1a de Elltado en el depaello (Ie t ti ~ - E her6ic~ Hallibllse postratio en una cama to y lIev6 8U generlllll(lad basta el utr Relacione Erterlores nuO rOI en snls aerlamen n I 1 d i h 11 b connn balazo 81 unap ema que elm- mo de entregar ill corneta que iIOhcUaban Granada Ootllhrl 2t de I85ampSan oS lIu v sus lOme lac 0110$ so a a a bull

bullJ I d I b d pll(ila dar un paso y Ie obhgaba bull servlrmiddot sill nlnguna de las lIeguridades que 8e El S P E so ha serVldo dlctar 411 de 1111 nUfillro e 10m res como e CIIn) d I EI 1_ __

d d 88 lIe os mu etas enemlgo lie lre- CIItJon en taIu CIlSOl COIltellto mnl Ceto igt~eD ~ -- _gt eine tode 1 QlIuotuelOn errotll Oil Oil Ii bmiddot I I WILUamp WR Preeldenw-daln eldla trece del corliente en csta cludn aerto y 1 eil


es om re que Illll a e featando que entre 101 mlillito prbonumiddot Republica deNlearagun lr sUiliabitsnte9 11 di I dtlene 89 UIIO de 04 indivlduOlI mall roa que habla hecho elY la lihlma aocion Siendo nece8SlrIo I~reditar un liinillrouo II IU u a tomaron a ue a reco on bull

q g q i 16nol 11 eJ6rlto Nada podia espemiddot e contaban Virios 06cla0bullbull que _tcba Plenipotenelano ltle rcpleaente a 111 RetshyDioo8 quo sahCTon escape as que $U- b _ d bll d Nt d I bl _T a raSede un 110m re en esta 0 en que dlpu_o cangellr respectivamente pGr pu ca e caragua cerca e ga n piera 111 Ilegadade Jos trem 6 tl~l11~ 61 se baUsba ain embargo hacienda un el Coronel Lain 1 por olnoo 6 sela in- de 108 Estados Unidos en IVI8hingtotl lIn RllngerB que III vapor cndllcla 0 b III el 81 t p l4 de dl II d J ntlab on U80 de IUS flleultades l

1 h b d b b t esueno 110 re uaUT J9 UOl e vopa que e 8oom- an DEC RET A bullIe d bull os Oil res 0 ar UI os comO d gt I I 0 ilia dlI8l1ila 0 que tellla sa 10 (1 clando Cueron presos por caaualldad en Articulo I N6mbralle Mlllistro Pleni ~ el 09 Icen locho tom6 lall mulllw y 81 sable y 8e il camino de llwaya En allo se es- pottnciarlo de la Republica de Nioaragua (JtfOETAS DE GUATEMALA Y presentO en ellugar ~a8 peJigfOSO arras peru la romillion del hombre ofteoldo cerl1 de 18 Eatedoll Unidoe al Senol

S AN S Hi VADOR trnndu la plema y atravesllndo las calles por 01 corne Q a1 conleta mlsmo que DoAn FemmCoFerrer I J b b t rt ~ IDnmquelle qu enes cor I -- con el agaa casl bull 1 rodlda (aca I a de era 10 replar y Jegitimo 81 ae aTrepenmiddot respondamp

Estos pOliodlcos pound0 oeupan do nuestro Hoverl dundo mnd6 con V071 do trueno tlan do nevar ndelante 10 que 4111011 mis- Dado en Granada 1 29 de Oetubre de Nienrlguell~o no parR reflllar nl una pn formal amp los hombres que alii se hallaban mOB babian Bollcltado opteniend) al fin 1856 WILLIAM WALKER Ilbm do los erimCIl-e1l servUes que hemOl y que Ilegaban oon sus armas dilltribuyo par unics rampZUII el J~er81 Walker una Al Se~or Jenoral Dun Jlliteu Pineda publi~do POrqIO III velmiddotdad os illcontesta la trnpn eolocindo en loslugarel opor carta del Jeneral Zavala en 1amp que fire MMn~troldoJa Guorra encargado deT dltl I bull mUltern enerable II~ deequltan descendlcn 0 as per tUllos orden6 1amp derenaa de vea eal ea testaba (ellto no puedo calUiCllrse) que D ~ d 1 I V bull evI en suprema 0 oumun eo 1

sonah ~de8 1In un lnnguage tan cl~lco que partell de aquellugampl y 8Oliclto 1 101 prlllOnerbullbull no querlan venir No ell para IIU intellgencia y demas erectos es ebmo us antares Su impotente uni e6caz It pelllr de su eltado de grandad a eato todo ino que en as propillll perandortlCibO su atento senillor Ie do p1i~8a fudose contla cl Jeneral tadu atendia bael6ndote oil su voz ell clrocnlltandlll Be supo oon allOmbro en 11 Pnnuu lIIque 10 ba dellpreelado stempre todas pa~teamp Nosotroa admlr4mol al e~ta cilldad el rullilamlento on 01 pueblo No 64 WI pe lulclo d - lllwlrles 8U cuenta eonlmiddot Mayor 0 Nell en aquelloe momentoa y de Diriomo del CoronelLalne y algunos

V bull l REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA ~ cnte Y oxneta eremos III e908 pan asi nOl plaee conS1lJllarlo on eata arUcl1 0 otros prisirneroa I I fllaa obre aquellOl S d __1 d ch d ecre1ana e ilAIo en e eeplt 0 e ~s 8 Oil ~ombre8 de chaneelarls COli EI Capitnn Wilkins lie condujo tnnbien jetos III deabonn eonmguiente y )1 IlCe- Relacionelllnteriores

dlglll d el dIll que 80 les presente que de unA manera brilllnnte en el millIDO cr8Clion univelflall i ~pnrten el des- GranadR Oetuble ~ de 1800 JlGr ci rto no ~t~d(jlls ($ si solo se con- lugar y despue ell la deftn~ del HOIIpi precio y vilipendlo que mcreccn Y 0011_ EI S P E ampe ha servldo dictar el de-ICIltllj COil eCBrlbu snrcnsmos tal en toda la neche Es de celebaTlle la pell el lugar degradante eli que les colOCll ereto -ul~nte

-------- d dId fa 1 I d d I El GOllemo coosldelando que soMalianl lie omharea con direceion u con ucta e 011 bull IS co tat voe qn~ IU In agllO proce el hallan vaeallte~ las Carteral de Reb

Nueva York el Sr Eermin Ferrer hallan en el h~8pltal oOClrgard08 continu Como era de eeparamprse loglco y natu- ciunes Haelenda y CrMito pu~lico POl 1 g b no amente de los enfermotl Dr Lundy y raJ e1 Jene1Walker ordeno y ae eloell- baberse encaado de la ml~lon dlploshynombrlld0 que ba SluO por e 0 leI bull t ~II b d W b

j I PI d t n_ (f Dr Brmkerhoff 110 8010 por las bUenae to II (I1I181111ento nu de todoll los prleo- m4tiea eel bull e ga mete e a Ing ~n s~o ellpo~enculT1o e es a p medidas de defen~ ue tomaron IIlno ton a1 Seior Don Fermin Ferrer quohllcs eefca dol Gabinete de Wasbingtoll ~ nellIS que en la Justa lndlnadlon acuo 1l1li desempeflsil 011 180 de aus facultades

Ell F rl b I rt II pur 10 resolueion que 81empre lea honrar otro mimo Jonero- en 8U lur hubler D E C RET A errcr Gsumpe a a ca ar - -- bullbull de Hciendn que qUGdo Ii cargodel Go altamente do pereeer todtlS antl8 que prevenldo sino Iolamelte el de un Ten Articul 1 El Sefior ~e~oral Don

D d M I - G S n ahandonar unos velnte y cilloo enCer- vnte Coronel I un Capitan que ctillltian Mateo Pmeda autual MIlllIItro de ItgtlIera ~ me A lUStrolaquo c uerft e - bull G bull gad dI I diS F mOil que no pod Ian movelse de IU lecbo eutre Iquellos nerra ser onear 0 IDtennamellte elimos i 1 auseMl1 tempola c I e diahaa caneras teQlumiendo el Mlnlsteio rer a~ paso qua nll8 alegramos de que EI Chbano que elo~11I 01 Mayor Potter MuchOll plllOl1ero quqda~ on poder de Jfjn~roJ ~1a do el c electo parala mislOIl que cn el ~rro que ~lmlltr6 cuyo nllmbre nuestla gblllrnocolltrA qlllel011 ~u4lera Art t ComtllllltpleleI qutenea cor IampMnuuce Alos EsttldOIl Unidostallto por no mllmfest6 pm IgnollrJo e8 el Seflor dMClrgllllle todo el pl8O delagravlo lnfo rCIJpcmda lI1llltlilrw y circuDttitceiR quole ldornall Don FtCncisco Aguero y Batrada Pre- ridn y hooerl(1S sentirde un una manera t8~do en GitLi1lAltt~Rdigt cuantq pOl que rCIihiramp belll1s impresio recto de esta cludad prolilllda los exesos de IUS ~etos qUI Pu AI Senor Jenera Don Mateo Pineda nos en 18 hormolllls ciudlulea del Norto (on 10 dicho sitiafacemos la justlcia ditgtran haber ngrlVlJdo au situacion I pero Miubltro Jenera Am6rfca debida aloe SenOIOs 1l0minadOl y nuestro I Jneral Wlker oon todaJ )R ventnjNl De urden supreml 10 eomuBlco V

Ie Idelleam(lll Ull viRge teli~ y pronto doseo de eselaroeer III ferdad siempre y la repolllioraucia de la posicion que pllrt IIU Intellgeneia y demas efootos retor~ quo podamoa baeorlo ocupa 011 tll embargo magnanlm~ y Je M Pnln4


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 21: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.


OpoundI Jitaragntnst Saturdayllorninlt Xov bull 16


- 011100 0 8 ~DemJ Ww gr Loss of Life t

PARIIOUURS OFIIE FIRS dlIdCIl pro~cted iberwor the 00IIItUnd IIld for the UNDAR BRIfJ GEN HQRN8lIl hldifadpblenese with hleb be pIOcuItd beefllld


Brave 0 tlae loillDtrr -

Advaoce of Gea Walker la PersOi f

JlTrVK ROl1TB e After the dllltrou defeata of h AIIW Ibro

of ~ Salfador and G~eDIIIe on lb 1Iampb IIld 18thf October theywero (01 -- dl IIIlIOIt proeCtatel balmiddot ppe n ibM relnloreemllu wblbb middottlit ryenelfeil Itom Ootta RIce middotlplllT8d them Ql1middot~mt mother litrorL 1bullbull OOllllJlllld

flnI or forcee Mota) IIld lOme of the VoN RIcIU1 GlIllertla bact a compondence In

hIeh141flt agreed that If bull body of 1II0D were~Ifom i~)1l to thl Nicanllllll TfIIIII~ Route 1IIe middotwOl1ldrtbere Joined h1 tofartl hundred

lrOtlimiddotCoeta RIea Thll lncture 1lU permluee totu pllce

8Y1II hlllldredm6n ilarled from MIA)amp and Inafow da)t were torUf)lot them If at Rlns 041 of elr llrel dlspla) or power I Ibt cit yen the robbing or neeriy every pOIllOll In It and th boatlllg of the wlYe of II foW Amorlcana wbo badmiddotactdcd In bapart of tbe country

The enem wOre atmiddot Rlvu but a dl 01 t o wben Brig Gen HorlUlby lUI dNpltoled wllh 1110 n9U to oppoae tbem ne leR Granada on he td of NOYembor with II portion of ampbe n had IIr1 I _01 ftOlll their adlanced po lnfant7 and a few RClnge H Wat reioforced 00 tb lOth b 160 m90 under the comlllllld or Cot E J Sand and on the mornlog of amphe 11th Dlllrcbed wllb 200 R18 lad Infantr) md 001 company or Arllllery IInder capt Dulaney coneIIllng ot men aud a _paDY of 1I0unled

RaDgo The foleltll or ampbe enelllY at Rlv having been

joiDed b) the 008ta Rlcao Ibey dnnted 00 the ~I ROAd and tock a pohlon at I place kllOWIIU Ibe BaltW ~OUH Upoo the IlImmlt of an Iunted middotrldgll or grollnd at tbe bottom or

w_b thore a dClp out fb potItloa Ie a YIII) atren one 11011 fortilled and Ibe lore fl comshymalldod by tbo COIla RICIII Ooneral oiI Ith froID 1000 to 1100 men

he _m) optmad tin upon the AmerlClll mllel beloved IlIIlp about 7 oolocle In Ihe mOIiIng Gen Itomab Immedlatol ordered ble command to halamp aDd (ommllllded capt Du1Q81 to throw lOme alae111 amplnong them Tbe elllnamp did sood uecuUon hut they kopt up bull rOlllll_ 8re opon ollr IIl1n Col Baudart ordered to threll 011 801110 ooropanlea 01 ampbe flrat nta to hut them IIIId a company or the Infantry onder oOlllmanli of D Daruey Woota ordered to protect Ibe rear ofmiddot the Sanklng part1_ Lleut (hillin with the colllpen be eorIInllllld IGpporeshyed the mountaio Ilo~luor ia I gaunt IIIloner

The Ranking Part

1 were andreI lIcceQfol When Ibey got In eight of ampb eDem the oharge or tb~ Compule lIllder Capt iwhao OIPt DlIIIIcan hIUilletandLieutTaAof 211dRl4 waa 0lII or the mott galtanUta of daring ever performed b) AQI~rlcall8

ttbelwricod08 of the enemy were laleeu by 101f Tbo were ehol alonl the road lId hi tho Iluk Tho tenta middotwere taken hy our brave men wooda laquolid maklftg aUOlftmee ror ampII euggora tocetber whll 1111 thoy ltgtOIllaioed AtI(Inll the I11011 Ibero ntu have ~

Alter th eneDIl bad been cirino fcOIII their 11m and IamprOlIgm position Brig Gen aeDDIIlgshyft comllllllded tbe Al1iIler to throw lOme oto Il1II0II Ibem Our 111111 followed tllel eiTtot Illd the enm pili to fOIIte before tbe m1n body of our toreet could eorIIe lip

III the middle (If the eogigolllent Gen Hell nlnpou tOpped lCOra] IIID to tnalre bull little Turklali dger ami llIIokelll and on 0lII _Ion came w wltere CoL Sando BlOOd alId ted ~ anecdote at tr unGll1l~iollt ormiddotlbo preaonce orden er

Ih eneDIY w pllflUed to ampn JUln del amp1 aIld ftOlll thlt point alocs Ibe Pacific bore fOld unlll Ibey bad dllperaed heDI ampllrolgb the COUllshy

tr AloIII 160 or them broke oil and wool Into Coata Rica

W could not pOlllbl lleCrlAln the enem

aliion Capt EWbaDk Wilted b Capt Dunlcan

were ordered w Rallle them by tb __ fOIIto lIB

they did on tho lUIh cap- SUlb oompan) w ordered w IUIIIUn them_ The ellem) were III a eew mlDIIIII drlf8D to the lUmmi or Ib hID with 1011 of001 two of CUr mell 011 OUIII can bore the coI_ of Itll Ditlalioo In PIlrlOlgt alId tIIIed w gl Ibo prelllted wOol Band b hla molber and alate to l1li7 ulher II wu _pletly riddled with bullelamp Ollr men 1IUamp 8Dceeaded In I( utlng the cocm fivm Ibe

barricall uear a bride and forced them ttOlll Ibla point 110 10 lbe IIImmll

In Ibe flra cbarge Capt Jamplth fell al amphe bead or hili Oompaoy 110 Wat bull bfll eoldler aod

otber proYielou tor the Arm1 IIJOI Wmen RaIIIOIId fa diIIg ofeepecIaI

menlloiitor bit gallant conduct tbroulboot the ddre 1Ion


III tAt lJ4Ul 1M IOtA N_flfr 1868 It I L I I 11

PrIto Will Bowell Prblte 0nIg 11 0 11 II DID

LieutelWlt Oonwa Pri~at P B Ser KenDIfI A

f Tnf laquoBchrard Wortoli Prifate Williun Oooper ~HoDOWtldArdIlfl1

J~ Printe Ouey an

After thelia otlb10tb Gen Bomsbycatne lip In ptfIOD ~ OIllDadaThe nm da the OomshymlllftrlOblef _lUted wiampb ahml t o bundred

men tor V1rcln Ba1 HUtriYGd IbtrOII tbe litb mll IlIUIIecIlately marched at the hted of bill 11100 to amp1tnln enemy c ~r ampbe enemy had ascertained tho Ima11l1ommiddot

her ofmn by which the1 had beOIl dolllaled tboy rallied and retllloed the nast la to Ibo pl- nlue-tlnlht of tbe people of IhI8 State Tbey from which thoy had been bben liar tobey II mal be IUjIJIOI8d atrollgthened thel~ tortillcatlolll 104 madlleflll)lhlllg In readlneN for a protracle4 defence

General Walker advauceci In much tbe IIIIID8

maoner u did Om Borneby_ The enem heard of bit approaob In peraon and retreated aAer Iby

El NlCARABUENSEVol 2 No2 p 2 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15

Th lIIem thelllRltlll repOlt 70 Idlledi _mong In thelut enggeDIellt op reene and Capshywhom Oen Baful Ouaea BI8 bodt min JahnelOne under the Intmedlete eommaud of IlImId It the cit or RI1u on the 12th Inlt Bruno Natlmer lupporled tile Sappere Ind VI

The tbree or the Americanl too _Itmiddotte u In pNfedtbe_bee polleuod orCIOOln folio with Hcurll the nttNIt or neb bull large and COUugeIbod of men 1 nordld lbale eorIImander think I~ The Sappm I d IIll1m behaved moet gamplshy

prudent to permit them fallg ed AI theT were w land (011011 a t dletaece thOle whom the bad 10 The yen1m lUBes lin der tbe oommand of Lleut gallantl routed Tbe hili ftOlll wbleh the enewy CoL ONeU and Second tUlles und~r lIaJOf Goo drifen wuln JIIry bad lranling ooDdltion Leonard behaved witb great ilrlllUII8I ullde Ibeir by ~ of the la~ heay rrut and u a hole gallant comlllandefil d) woWd be I_In getllng over It oen Hom_b In the lut engagement Capt IIcChe81lY di Ibcugh proper to reUre w VIrgin ampy Be thut plaed much brave AI did allIo Capt Lulie ef allowed hla men the rea Ihe eo mucb 1Ieeded the Rangen bull

ted ampbo lIIemy fron maldllg Rank Dio Tho laltn_ or the hOIl at hih the InteUmiddot =1I0d proWeted the aIcIt wbleb he had leI 10

hhospltal of thal town 001 B J Bandart or the FIret Rill IDdmiddot 001

Joim B Markhtm of tIe Illll Ialantry btband In the _ Allant 1t1 during Ibla ombullbullbullt a1IIl rully alDed Irmiddot Ih did 110 11Ipaee th~ hlgb cou torhleb th81llive been prevtoueiy ftmedAII~ otlicere of the Firat and Secolld lWIts

alId otIIcell of the Infanu AI lieU the mell beshy10 to th 11gtbull 1- Ie beha ed IllIIItl1

ng e __III f ga bull Capt ampunllel Lulie of Ib Rao 18 deterringof pralle fb1t the gallanl_lIer In wbleb b

pnce of Ibe battlu reached u prevelila U8 from glylng Il10 eXlended reporl

What we have already said lull 80811118 the eredllof American b vOf1 and In1loclblllly of oeDeralWalker

LIST OF KULED AND WOUNDED I fMmiddotBatII of tM 12t of 8_611 1866

- II ILL II J) -

Oaplaln SIIth Sergam Wheeler 11 0 v II D II D

Lieut lIaxell Allen OoIlIPIlllY B lit Rill PrIto Obarl Knapp Oompanll 181 RlfleI1

Wm F Lawreo B

Will Hurph B IIlchael Lamb A II

Anthonr DlIClaEdrd Pennell II elC 2d Rifle

BenJelllln Rani A Aniller Sanioel JteDlled oIonuer ampom Racie3da De-

prUllent _

(JOA PRJALA AND SAN 8AL~If thlll adding thecrlme of hpocrlar to thelr_ DOB BlI8J ONSIBLE otherrulla an4 we call upon tbe world toJItdp

Nearl efer da our hocked b) the ruJIII of IOmo new tal of horror and ampbe dneJ opmont or tome Dew phue In the aotJ_ of the ~ hord who 1I0W IDrOIt thll eoonlry ampom acijolnlng Slaw W are In dall) _Ipl or un IIom the lItatlonlt of Ibe enemy bleb dl8shygrace hll_ natllbullbull and reduce thoee ho are concerned In tbe VaIlllCtiOM detcrlbed to the mel of amphelowt grade of IIngea Irthere i all1tblog w1ich coul~ add to the dlepee of those balda of meraudert It Is the duplicity wllh wbich

th 1If1 oonCOII thel al IntondOllI from th world Armed bauds bve come from Ihe Slelee of San

SaIltl ampnd Ouatemallmiddot Iampb Ibe ayoed purmiddot p_ of torelog bull lew Indlvklualll InlO plaCil lod power Inthll country conlrtry to ~bib08 ot

proelalm to tbe world lbal Ibe ere lighting In the hoi OIIU80 of liberty by endcafCri0l 10 erptl t nnlamiddot ko ha ake forcible p_ion of the lOil BillIot their aellbe weighed In t~e balanee or JIIIbhc opllllon aad imparllaly Judged

MlIo~ hey entored the borden of thla Slate thllf1 haYe been C)Ilgesed In II eonUnutd eeriea of rehberlee and mUtdere and htn nety day per petraled 101from wblch a Jack Si9JIpard ora Dick Turpin would bave turtlod with dltguat Tbo haTe penled the natlvllI from exercielng u) conirolill thia counll) einco Ih~lr adfelll and have evell broken tlroneb the doruetlie II by enter-Ing rrlVMto dweillug and Wtlng p_ulon gumeot In ourmiddotCaTO or more gralifylog to bonPr

thereof making tho proprietoN their ante and than by Ing we lin poor ID II cellntry u~ elavee Thoy lum appropriated to thamHif8t a Nlcargua We bav reuon to be proud hatover they covltlod without remlllleraling our pover~lInd~r llob clrelmelancee ampbe rilllttrulownei and whenevera vnice braised On tbe other hand the Blat wblcb are bull lip allllilhelr Il1llllltlcc tbe petIOll4 who com- In Wlf u on the lIaUVI of thil ocnoll7 (Ib plaiD are cruell l16hed If nltK immediately PUI to g hP~ rI I 11t _ t

do not IIg I e lne calli Un amp11 WI bullbull0 death 0 eDt to one oInl to Ibe rlche of Nl We hear of Inatances wbere nf Uve rOllln he len r w Yd ) ~ ~ _ I

rua a an ill ucemel or UII eelllbeen forced Into their barrack w conk and p bull ~ b form olber drUlllleriee and wben II word of cum-plaint Is ultored the hfortunate felDllle iulripped nated aDd whipped 10 Ihe public aquare In Ihe prcseJIGe of ber terrilled relatlune The IlIlural colllequecce or alllbl8la tbat theH PliO defllllCOo 1_ crea1ures lIee w the AmericAIII for potectlon Itll onll lt0 elK ftgo tlnce to or tb_lIlltORII Dlto women wbo were mlklng their wey (rom DlrloDlo were oJertaken b) _e eoldiOll who wtre Hl1t In pU1luiamp and ben caP~Ilred wcre lied to the hOrteB lib 5Irooll ropee and made w travel heck on foot al haIGler PIce Ibelr lubu man tormontors ellOII to ride

One of theao wemen Dlel one of her 01111

daoghtert who Wat allo coming to Oranada InQ l menoged by Ilgnl to notll) the girl of her danger JVIlQI Buu-III oW cJlport of tile aPPOlllr bufore alae waa also urelled No il may be men of TllolO nuy ~ aa Judgo of FIt ealdlnJIIAtilicallonbattheenemymlghtluppoae InltonocfortbeOriental Dcparimenlat Gr u~ tbe women wollld bring IIIlntelligonoe of their we unintontionally laid b Came from Ca1lf~ mOfcmeal8 bUt d_ tllIe not llIustrato Ihe 10IT In looklng Ofcr our ~sebtngee we liud rlbat f8I11D1116 Ihat Is p1aeedllpon ihem by Ue n~tlves copying the accounta of the defence of G ~ whon the Yety people wbom thllY ey invited In wllleb he took such gaUant pr~ It ianatit 4

It Is not lltUe lngular Ibat ampllholl6 u ~plusmn7 have come lIto th cCllDtry wllh the bull owed p bull pcee of driving Ui Amerlcece Ollt the ahll bull keep Ollt of tbe w~middot of tbote uh hom the7 they came to oonulld and conlin Ihelr ope ~ tlOll1 to deprdII011l1 among Ihe yerl pe~I whom ther camo to dofend

Thle COliNe I lonl lulll 18nl to elucldAla ~ the world ampbeh objecte In Ihe preHu 1ft ujd we llIel conlldent bill the day II DO far dlslut IIben ampbe eivlll2ed people 01 the groat North wjU open their ~ye8 to lite disreputable proceediogc pf the amplUed loreft of Guatemala and San SalTltor

them DOl hy Ibelr rdl but b ampbel ac~1III and oo~ tb dllece Wbullbull1l ampbe OOIINe p1lll11ed b them and ampbon whom they dennne b~t ampbe world Iampb lhIeb ell feigned borror i

Sloe Haldent Walker aUllmed tb ~Qu ft hl8ollle be h been guided In bla COllltlO bIiee~tIeil poller of 1Ia pHdeCUtn hert eo r this uitable lIh ihe itbullbullltiee of lb tllb He bn In all _ allowed the tJwna to ~ yomectbullbull~ formerly b) their OQ Alcaldeadd hu in no1ee altered the pre-eliling loealtabullbull the State BVlfl lme or Ihe eatate wbleb iiI~ foreign papera _ft bave been cor-Ii_ted w~e (orflwc before Goomiddot Walkn came Into the 81amp and tho majority we declared collll8cated wh nallve Wle In the PreehlentiaJ cbalr rrtaldet Walker hae I_a trewd lbe nalles u I( I~ country waa In a elale of tranqullll aOd1 American 80ldlora heN bae IOmllmea depr themlely of mant tbinga Ibey needed nih Ihan laiui from Ibe Datln8 wltho returDlDamp bull full equlnlent

We tee it alated In COIla Rluo and othr _ pelll that our oldie dontlt rectlye tbelr full pa~ and that they ere neither ell olad nor weU If tbillao la il ntlt ODe of tbe boat ofldeneee tbe orld that they han 1I0t rfeorted to ylolen to ohtaIlholr neeenlllel and thallbey have npt taken from tbe nuiv h~ Ihoy could 001 p chase for the price iet upon I~ by Ihe tId Our enemlea fQuld not make 111M of II Blrongu ~r

So mueh do lbe nall1l11 or NI~~I dreadmiddotur p_ce of the aa Salvadorian aIlO Ouatemali that upon y alrm or beu there 1lIby expecladon or tbelr pproacb the mIlD ~ women bullbullIze tbelr famplubI and elllle dell them Into the cuatqdy of AmericaNI 0 bullbullWtt

tbei abode within the Une of tbe AmlbullbullC111 d bull fences

It Is eOlllowbat dlmcult for III to btUeT th~t 1IiS Governmellt acknowledgea any connection i~ Ibe Yagahouda who are no robbing Iud lIlur~ log the defencc118 clllzell8 of tbe m~re re1ll1 parle of Ihls Repl1blic We CIInot persuade 0

8el88 ~hal an Slatt whoee fX18tene6 bu ~ reeoghlzed b) the enligMened aod cbrIBllanb~ nation of America and Europe lind wh_ K lItera aNI permitted to ppnr mong Ibe aOCQ shypllabed and noble perlOnagee which PJIU~f IbOte capitaia and cOllrla ould rocognlze r sancUon web proeeedinga as have bun enle by whatlte ~a1led thnllled forceeln this cou bull It tbey oontinue booel w remain allent up thl IIl1bjltct we muet lake 1amp fu granted that Ib not oly eldOnlIl alilhAt h~ b en done but Ihat II 1l18 aOlle tbrough Ihelr pOIllUfe ordera The elusion will be forced upon III aIJo that alia mala alld San Salfdor bave trampled In I tin amplllh b rahle usag or n co upon e_ ODO II tt by puUiogw death wlhollampofterlng~n ne l1li

all who ere onfortllD~le enoujJh w laU Inlo Ih hmde and nen rerualDg to tlCoange after Ib htd ~rorniMd eo to do

WIth moek Indlgn~ the call the legal ce of Ihl _nt IIHbUltera and Igt1lblt nm bope It Jullfy tbelr evil cta beCore the 1IOl14

a lout liCe of them ampbem Inlt tbla country are thue compelled to dee Ih llo Ia from tile Golden 9lampto Tb18la 4 8T

epolla IIlI a Iergo numbo of 1IIwa Ind a large I kDled III thomiddot llion of Ihe 1 lb FOu 10lIl i from wltore they are IIDd appeal to tbe aympathy De II orlgnally (rom middotVlrglui bullbull and caDle 16 1 qllantt__O~lIrm _ _ _ only two ~on III OIIcbongagemwt-four In all of Ibo Amcrl_ city from New York



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 22: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.



EL NlCARA6YENS4Vol 2 No 2 p 41 5abado 15 de Novlembre de 18S61 Saturday November 15 1856

bullfLl ltItmiddotXt t yent laquo1 t II II tVD ilJ jJ ~ 9 SatUllClay Korninai ampOV 11


fhe t11llllli0a wbkh ar~ 11011 aliaUg lbe Remiddot pullUe olRerJcoand tho dangers oetbat couutr 111 ppeclln nawrUf Impel her 10 leek lome mlHllre Of 18111pound lbe hi8lory of )(esico Is dark irIlICenea dCovolulioll anti blood and ehe flood of1ghl bloh tho lIir1Month canturr tbron In upon I pr08tBt condition reeala 0 Il8eif a state of baen_rdnea and dlefractlon no~ 10 bo mnoh loagr eildilrldbull Mltxlao II apresent in Ib~ COlImiddot

c1uian of a bOul8 divided _gaIoet ItceIf In IIIiIb bull 00IidI1lon41 caenot hope to eland without the aid o~~ II8W element of trenamp1b to prop Il1IliIIt decllnlngliIme It Is ibrcatened from wlthoul Ill an irIlIIiol from SpaIn and alMady a Btrong IlpMllah lleat hOf1llll at no great dl8tanoe from Ita ~ru lie inwrnal 1Ilfaira ere dletractod bymiddotthe COilCelidlog oWme of throe or four ambitious ~ d a power llIperior ~ ali In the Dftatd ofmiddotth1I Spanlardforgood or erille aapplog at til iodation Tllia Is the powor of the 01111011 fb Illg ot Kdco aN extremely

OOSTA RIOi 91J1111l9 LIT8RARY 1IampreJ-tbe Se6retampr7 of Stato at Wasblogton wbole recent letton bave excited the lurprlae and Through tire kllldllHII ~ II fllead we bay beeu pect ot tie grealeat European 8laleameb-b

tItowO bull fw mmlber of a JObIlIII publlelled tbuppeUlloo of U tbe cormorant Hr Wheeler pa~ In Engllab at Ban JOl6 ~eepltal of Oo~ wnl ofcouree feel flattered Ibal there Ie at lealt RICa Th name of tbe paper I I The Album one worae man in Ibe world tlian blmaelt IIOd Ie devoted 101081 eaeluel to Ibe ab_ of Pho Album 18 veryanxiou81o attract AmerIcan Gen Walker and Olher eminent AmerlCIIII II lrale to Costa Riea and aa an Inducement InTitoa o_lonally oOlld_duoginBLNIOOVIlIII American tranUers 10 eome alld eee tbe lIag- bull kIck bll does It as tbough It 1fefil _reely stall at San JOIe as It Ie one ot the greawt cUll worth or vea that hOlier OIltiea In the worl4i Tblamuat be Btrong in

In apldng of JilL N10~QIII t l doemen~ to Americana as 11 Is 10 be preaumd W allude thul lIe1ghUnglT to our COIItempo- tbe have no llagoSlalll in Ibe United Statel rarT owing to the Into_I It uOCIleaj and The II Albumraquo plUea the people or Nicaragua hecauee 1111 1181181I1ntr ellapoailion III eyloced I~ anel ympathl_ w1Lh them upon Ibeir poverty editorials murdering the Enalllh language whllit It _um88 that our Government tak everrthlog th almOlt fIa truth all flOll1 Ibe nativ by fOlC8 and without pa1 and

Tbla from a good JudI of the Hoalum IIID collpltulaWa tbe Ooeta Rlcana as folio gnp would he rather hwnlliatlng and would AI ret therefore Coate nrca nefd not comshyprobaW 100_ HI Nt~ItGlIJI to In~ a plain no man bas 1081 a mule or a yoke of oxon IIlIpl887bnoe In lIurraY8 Grammar LIke the wilbilul hylng his name put upon tbe books III a Immertal Dogberry the author of the boD w delraquo of Ibe natIon And thUB It Ibullbullks out that arurloll8 to be wdtteD down an us and succeeded Costa Rica do actually uke away the propertl adm~bll He has ~ed hlmeelf Incapable of of Ita citlxene b force giTing no olher equinleut mlling orunderetandlng Ibe Entlh 11IIl~ thefilfor than a proliliae to pay The Governshy~ exempte ho IIampY ~e~ele th~ lIelgh ment of Nicaragua has Bineo tho eleclioll of

Iold him be mU$~ DOt pick bll nOle 1

U Alnt tbie my own noae and ainl tbl tb~ Foortb or 4ul-iI pick tbonder out of it if I a mind to~

If the U Album belong8 10 0 be 01 pleti lIilthe thuDdor out of It he b a mind to1

1UE POST-OFFIOE DEPdR1Jl~NT __ We give Ihe following letter a place In 0121 col-

urns lIot 1180_ we think It placea ~ Poat OOlee Depadmenllu a JlI8t light but ~I out correapondont m8 have been 8Omewhll dlsapshypointed and It my probably do 111m goyen to be allow-ed to give u a bit of hill mind There DeTer baa beln a poet ollleo eyatem tbat gaTO

gmetalsatlefactlon 10 the Uilitod atat where tne Iron bande of the nilreads lay on theilUrface of tile COllDlIll1ke tho witca in allleve eady fourtb part DC ampII Ibe Jetteill reoelvtd11Da neilS paper eatabliallment IIro COlopllllnla of nonmiddot reception of papo In England wb enrymiddot tblog commercial Is ~ducod down to cJebtwork eccuracy lind whlllo the mail Arrange~n ~e considered 10 approAch tho nearelt 10 rrectiollp

that haa over hoon attained Ihe grC4~ ~ djllap

lnw to our contempcn Norr llIgbtlngl Qen Waiker to the P_ldency paid hard cuhpolntmenta froquootly occur Not lonl meewo

no dlaampld1lCl wbh middotthGp~omollpoWerCoa1 ruler lIppllcablll to be manner of hi reference 10 II W kL II I I I It fi boRe 0 m e eo ow ng a ngu ar eI Ie rom of middotthSta~Thy claim te an bean defrauded aod to bls entire wrillng but III we n tho Album It ie very Interesting aa itteAI OIIt ot their ~1Ii rtghlt that tbe Oburch property h_4 oeeaaon to cemQIuDieate with blockheads culloml bleb Alomcnl are not of len permitted haa beltIigtJropriatod fo sea Inimloal to the Inmiddot Iince we Illmo to thell parll we IIm give him to aee In the mampllolime we beg to stalo that ftIIIIIU pound91 whioh il middotWIIS originally Bet apart imd credit for wbtl he meant to wbleb was Ibt tb bull__bullbull II n Jf thshy bull we copy ea 81M~ ~1Il an bullbull v arethe consider themseles tborefore JUIiampedo he alluded to IIItl1Iildngltl meaning thereby I r I tbe no bshy W l1li IIICCUraCIOs 0 anguage J are bull w 9

A9mnS tbo soeds oC dl8C~Dtent and rollelhon 111011 the people

Xamplco el aeo diat in the preacnee of such tllelahbQr tbe Uni)) SlaMS of NortbAmerica itmlllampke4P pac Ih the times 01 ~tntlry liS

lmnllll ts liuarded Alread AJnefleM ReJlub IlcanIIII bas beg~ toPllleate through Ita veinal 1I11IIIO~ila ofltulreIgth and vitality and r ~~to( a (tiI1Ol in(lIIion ~ this etemeot lll~ hermiddot 8tem Itt thla condition a will be Jten ~1 lID lIJtract wo make irI another part of thil paPer 8he II beginning to ClIIt about her fer

llllencan IIIIpport aJld naturaD torIIa her ltIyes to hi couotry whefil Amllrican pOwer has tJmiddot feail maeleltiellfelt80 bullellclaU

m81111 ro~l cunlllnal 1Iith trickery and for Teflbing It obtalned either from tho natives dlbonoa~YI all Qt _hleb term ajl doub~ or others

witb 1 certaln amouot of contempt eliTe tlribnted to auloua 1olhow toIhe world wbal the writer or 1 us the aboYo did realty mtlll lfIII tt mlghamp bo sup II WHERE DOES TIIB HONBY 00 1 pOled we lfere solicitous of bls good Ciplnloll

0110 or tit-o Meilcan papera hne dared 11ampmiddot1 dlapla such an amount of ogotlolll1 tbat we are Stne the I tlt II 1 I I ~ b ~Iom undoreatitmUe and If we collilider

ihe i(Omlapon~tbt of tho New York Hrald 10 ad tempted Io-gtYe tbo 1110 nil bull4t 18 mfjM r the sums of from $60 to $500 thai hae been Iigteale is 1Il1l0~ witb G~II Walker Tblsl but deprlyed of tbe fame he appears 80 desirous of paid (18 a aequello nationlllosaes) fOl estraprdl

force of the adege trot~llke murder will out _tln~ery palpable lub ampllholO am certain In the six numbera of the paper _hleh WI 01_ of IptClIiatora alway ready to prey upon

read there was _reel a WGlloClloetrueted lien- =l~an~ ~J ~=a~idrbl~tI~b~ tence the writer appeared to he In a _I IIOrpiion or coin bAI been oing Oil durin thel~ blened tate of Ign_ of Ill th tulee of rew mouths In pampym~nt of Churcb eaemonla BIlalum grtIIUmliI lIer - there a pal8pph wbloh IJ easily c~p1ained The ltbolera hll8 laid

b-- ul3 t_ -t d- I Io1f 10 000 vicllms or thereabouts If eacb linmiddotw 110 u pe appalll n a l8IIymiddot~ foRQn~te soul hili follr moumere who each pay able American IilelV JOUrnal Tbt edllorlala forlhree llIIeees It makebull $120000 gono 0111 DC are all riuin oV8r the algnllu~ of 0 and circulationbullJldglo by tbe devontn~ aud pamiddot

renlal alfeoll~n 0 ~o people of thIS

read a pa~agrph In an EoglIh paper _lilting that tbero Willi a letter conWnlng a Ige reo millaDco sont from London to BosloO ~ York- 1 sblro A clerk In tbe pOlt oOlco mialamplfng Ihe addren fOtwarded It to DOlton UallOaClbuaetts IU8IlIalued there for IIOme time from that to a Boslon in IIOmO otber a~-and

aa thefil 18 a Till of tho lIamo of D 8ton il

0 bullnearly every State In tho Union I~ made tbe lour of nearly IIIlthe States and wall 6nIlIyeenl to the dead letter DOllie at W ubington Bere It WAt

opened and finding Ibat It 11811 nluampblbullbull It WI

nul Ilh likl 1~lioaeJf down a dIaboQeat Irick al~l~~~~fv~~~3 p~In ~tclrib~ ~bb returoed toLondon In Ibe ~eaollmflbnln ullt 1amp 110 raul or DUngt and onll pronl It and low of speele 11~ to suggest meAllt or cor- irI Yorksblre wbo erpected It hecame impallent

and Instuted a uitat law for tIIo reflOrerr of tbo money it wlill said to centaln bat tbe IIllgJtioQ Will cut short b the eamo oierk ron~aIng the Bame teUtr to Ita progtpcl deyenlInotion rlt lgta~ mldo tbe cIrcuit of nearly balf lhe gl01le

Now our eorreepondent KilI perCOI~ tbat if bull bull

bif papua or leiters Ibohl _100 y get to -GrAllada and bo delayed thereby II clai4 -iii-o ho oughl rath~r01ler lltanka for tho prom~~ ees witb Itch IMv m-e returned IMII cOlllplaln ) an Ull I lotooUonal or perhap noce8llarl delll~

- j) tIIrat b~ddlo8of thOlght whleb Will prolla contlng nar ritee and obaervlUlcea tbe IIclual amoullt net FOR SAl OA~OI Nov ~I18~~ lib beferelong ripen Into tbe fu1l fruit of realillil- 0 18 tho initial ofso many wordB tbat wo fear tod bI tbe olergy clUlllotfllllehrt of $200000 Ei~IadegsgiO~iiilcaragllelll anireU tlOq Searcoll bad tlie Idea aeon tbo da when porIOns loee charhable thin our8oll~ ~Igbt_ wblch 18 about OIlOllgh for a campaign here yeaterdampY lit tbe hands nf1I mlltl~ l frl~IUI aDolber Journal wggelod lOodlng Il 1[0xloo reo elate U with aemethig very dlfagrsllampble It PrellMUn to thl Ropubllc lind forming ao alII tbe lollla of Oommonplace wblch I not ioapproshy bull f Ii nco 01l1I81e and defcnI In tblS manner prlale Md OonVICt whleb ClIIIno~ 0 00_ e

Mexico hopebullto prolect h~r Southorn 01tremll1 applied 10 tbe Cort Who 1I1lw for the II AlbulD II R01r menaced b Gllllamala and thus In Ihe of San Joa6 eihnt ora ar with Spalllbullbullbe f)ould d6TOle all Iter Thiamp Hr Cortyl an Engllob_ WhD reaIdod

uerglOllo ~ombllltlng bill fOrDIer oppreator lOme time since In NICllragua Ho at one time W are lIot prepared to sa belller the Gov kept a hotel In RiTA irI bouse wldeb he hired

It would appear from Ibl Ibat the clergy of wbo ncoompaoled Col Fisher 8 ~artyj~llll tune eolta RIca Itave II direct pecuniary irlterest In aUr- dlol~pare deg111 thle Iniliction of ~ 0d 001 L~middotuPolng

lDqueoc 9lI n genefill nnu eique udug lip the people of tbat country to make war oaamplng and mailing th~ pilptrs upoa the Americanslnd tbe p40ple of tbelr own We would not tor tbe world be 1141 III thla Republic It appeara from the aboIe enough to eYen offer lilt luggealioll stateinent tbll make $llliO oUI of ver1 lIOul tba diotate irle anlthlnglthatlPertalblllbto Ih1I ~ail a-

ran _ or anrth IIg e somiddot1I I) we u pOle wgoel to purgatory and U sCArcaly Iny who are enmiddot be ~Ireetll under tbe control or pllrYII aoceof Plied In allch an uubol wariilre get to heaven anyone of tho bead Df depar~mentei But we

emment of Nicaragua WDl1ld or would not look ifOlll Don BrunD Monplo but was 110 very middoteIIrp at their fiNt plunse into II kingdom com eaab til not advlaed that there Is as yet I with favor on II proplllhion of alliuce but II that he Will loa ellDrt tim obliged to leave lIe one mAr bo tIamp~ down at that valuo Dill we 41 tbhl~_dPoet dO~ce ~eplrtmtln~I

h bull catl I_I lin rom ear1 II bullthillga telld to conlIllCQ U that If aucb a tlng tOOk _danlamp(IO of every peraon wi whom III under tbo impl08lllon that $120 18 altogether toe OpotieDce al luwd are JUllifled in co~cludinl wore llolllummatedltwouldprovooflnftnltead hadanydcallngandhilhoua nutethroagb low for CYaD 10 oul of II Oosta RieaD and tbat thoro Is none and consequently 0 01101lt1

vaotage to the Repobllo of Medco II lIollld ex- out the Department u tho l8lIdosv01III 01 gambmiddot houJd proleal IIgamplnat Ibe price eri It oot Ihat foel sensitive at anlltrlclutea or SQlIgello s wbieb tend her In8110nee from TexIS to PAnAma and p lera and dlaholletlt pellOllll After he left lUas some (probably the big mint) ruo up 8 high ~Igbbtlbe tltflOW~ouNt b~~ (ltbher WIOlb~ 1I06ltid1f

_ L -to Rille at r 0 y car bull WI a muly

hap provo the first Btep In the fOIlmlUn of ho went to CaIIfomlll lIud hie p~ In 18 from SUO 10 8000 for extmordlllary rite mur for lfIIdbody 18 surely ox(lneratolI nd ~iclt great Southern American Republic In hleh from the cxtenl of kef territory and het groat Datllral rOlOlireea abe would hold a mOl Impor-Ian potItion

Tna Pllool81l or DI8Ilu(ll( - If Frelllont be electoQ tlte Imll for dlaunlOll I~ 1amp tilught will hae COIOe The stopa propOilod to bo takon lire tbol

ht Tbo Solltllero Oovornolll IIro 10 tllli thelr Leglalllmos together 2d The Legi81tll~6 arc 10 cleet dologat to 1

Soothem Oongrtea 3d That Oongresa Is to IIIsombll) lit Milledge

lUe Go bull 4th Itamiddotftfl ork will be tile elecllon ofa tolllshy

pDIampry PHlidellt 61h it will th~ pr3ctoQ 10 form a now 000

alItullon 6th A Commlealon will be forthwith appointed

10 meet a almllar Oommlnlon from tho North 10 dlyj~e the publl~ property If all thla bo peaceabl carrlod out tbe new

GoIernmtllla will at Dillie go Into operation IIlId probably euler Inlo a treaty of SOllie sort nl tho aampa11

8tatelOOn obUged him to change hili plaee ofrCIIImiddot Thoro may bo some too sueb IllUdened sinnem VCTG Sldtelllwlll complain i of co e they dence lIe dare not return to NIcaragua i but that lboy eanno be bought oft III allY price will ~ut nol always w(bout jUBI couse tl Ifmlcb hearing ot kindred tlplritl Coata RIca thithermiddot We VIm do the clergy of Nicaragua the Juatice cle theb1 b~voln reCoenco t~~~elalnofbet eljrUndlll

milner 4 ()U H vaUtII liv (Jamp geward ttorned his amptope Bc boil not beel1long at to that wo Ibink tboy are too enligbtcnedto 10 have beeu eUoncd aWA frpm head urter~ amp0 Joe6 before be qtatTelled with llil family and traflic thu In the souls of their brolbera aud fel for any great length ee timo and moreteeeiIl _e exposures were tboll mado whloh wll1 not low meR The Holy Oatbolic Church in othor thllse who have mncb corro9JlQnclence to d bull el~er

bli I I with their business In tbo SIMes In re ontllOgradmit 0 a pu catIon II OUI co IImol countrl ollere up prRyOlll Ibat tile scourges of to th many Inqllirlee of tbpee wlebing 0 81111

bull Yr Oortyls by profculon a gamblor nlld III war mlo and pC8li1oncn mny be averted n grale hero or wltb tbe preea of be Uni~ States all men of his clllS8 IUO pM0S8ed or conaidtlblc would appear that irI Cotta Rica Ibe OlluIeil prampY6 fn bich ea80 it Is 10 Important to g~t e lo~ s1oigh~ he mlllages to hold the Bimplemllldod for thOle vlcisiwdea tbat tbe Pries18 lIIay illcrClI8e frt~ra~~ogvri1~ea~n1~ ~ ~ ~~ COlt Rlcalll by ttlC ears through lila paper To their revenue at tbe rale of $120 pcr roul for ~hc 8pondence lIlial paternal aoo collJIIga The them litllra1Y ability b nothlllg I Lbey WGnt bllllngtl common people alld from ~50 10 $500 rom tho~o moral effect of a prompl and aa($ Intu~ n ~Qn gate lind lfr Oorty rappOlln to luit tbom Ue beso Ina were wbilo In tbo lleah durker tball muniotion especllly at pointe laquogtleb~ by ihe

bull h B Transit Route II of II1I00Clltnl vilue to t armypretends to lIave been lin cor In t e rill sor- crimscll bull in lendillg contelltmcntaud ~lIiciene to ~emAnd vice and 011 tbataccount alVei bimallllconaldoramiddot It III clclU to II from tbe llbove that wIllie ono dllo atrntlQII trom tbe SllIt ~cli ore It blo agger bllt be was In trutll can bo eully balf of tho fllotldul of Coata Rica pray for the prellCn we eunnnt expec~ bilt thle ~h we proled a person employed by the Jew In Jooilon IUeceaa of their ceulltrrmclI tho othor balf claim and clabo it the iliOn) lIIpecllllly lUI lt U~i I III a cboLwcoa for thom nod tho arlalocracyln upiIoIlea In stronglf ful the BUeecn of Gen_ CIlllleyance plI8801 and rogtr_ IIIde 1l~Ibull lllAing a Iflgmont (gtf ou mall bere rc a p3t1

listreu wbose prido of blrtb wOlild not permit Walkor sc that tho aceeunl for and gllmal US la there while in 8Omo Instanceuollly tho pr9v~kjng them to be seeo Imnglng arolilldthe palllnblOklllll aboIIt belanfed aod in tills way lIlI the gods of IlOtic~ tbt there la p~elr~(I of l~tte1Ii o~ sbops tn tbe obscure a~ts of that matropollB war can ahow no partialt1 the Amoricalls man buudle of papers or bolll In tbo post ~roco IlL

If bu Granada It the wrapper only of the latter Rlld thoIn our endcaor to ISIlIat our coleinporary 10 8(10 10 kill them 0 very ~a8~ lind tbus eonlrl III dvcrtis~ment of tbe former onen Umea boling 111shy

OOreOme til modesty wblch conoeabc four leltere 10 the boly cause of religion by tbe support of only ~gravatlng items bleb come tl band of Ilia 114me we 11amp( almoll iorgolten that he the clergy We flre lIot allro tbat they do Dot all rhls ritate of tMnlll ren~eed less tole~~lIe b~ kn01lladges lIotwltbslantling middottho Inlapacltof HI pre fur the 6l1ceOllS 0( tbe AmeriOlns as in that eause there 1amp no needf i-becalao II lorOUamp

d and 8lLtisfaolor doll very of mall mattey ould IINteangnenso that Ubaa sot an exlenlllve 1IId Gnllt their reyonuwOlild bo materially Incfollle tenderl with nO 01010 ~roubla-nor hlgtt muel IfotllerwlJO thoymuat do tile beet Ihoyem bllt prolltable c1reulalon aod deploreathllt a paper This Is a very queer world I -than tho 1008e caleleaS aud rookle1 love

110 one prehends either WII or lin) mMerlal of suoh oscellence as tbe Album should bo W 0 recret thaI ollr paco will nellldmit of Ani mamier In wbicb It IJ attempted to be oney IIboci to ~Wt bUlnea lransacUonl of tbe world nmited In Ita circulation to few copte moro 101lCllolli thia week from the Album tbOle who shamelcssly pNltend 10 bne t~ eharg

or -- b I I r I ( II h did 0 II of And be responslblo for U r I)be clIpper-blllll IlCIlonner Pearl Capt The Album In Ita a Ille of e~r til ng n t 8 II 119 Beot an 18 e I~or bull no OllieI millter Irom tho hands of h Et~ Moore arrived bereon Ibe lrI of tb week from 1C1U11gua calls tbe AmerlCllli )(nllta to tbl dOlbl tllluk II a blggun III readmg II we were lenoy Gen Walker bultUed to lob III al c bullbull middot Virgin Ba vi Omotepe IIIIAndmiddot State lIIanl ollugbt namq i and dlltlnlaquoaiehe 3(r rcminded of tbo little boT who wben hie mother lillo mild largo bunltlI~1 of nOllppe~i 0111 Ibo


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp

Page 23: TiL NICARABlJENSE, Vol. lass / EL NICARAGUENSE. · by p.ellllutlllg tnulr QUaI'tormaster'. I\Il' eount and their dillcharge, will receive tbelr pay in script and dllllr land . warrants.


343E1 ICABABOENSE V~l 2 No 2 p 5 Sabadn 15 de Novlembre de 1856 Saturday November 15 1856

Stale$ iJdresied to me pIA up 1~1igt the 1f~~ olIIca t Gran~ wbere lay oliertdli~ 1Ii- Jltaent Ime and menth elapse Ibe U llieanier ioIyenA tw m~I6 (lI)pe8 alld replllSe8 he bally ving lost tWlr Interest b age they ap

e~ p~rpose In tllklng PUbli~ t~~ faOlll1a ospeclllly widl viaw to ClIU aUliltlln to the nita tory few mplea of whltili Iglye JOuwitb th~ hope that lOme efton will be imide to rwrect rabat tbem Tho privatlona 01 camp life cap ~Ji ou the frontier are ileMSsanly [ushy

a ClUlle like Ollta i and 1illWeer-nomershyWng Wllne aceu8tOlned to Ihv cOmfortS as of metropolitan Ufo In amp Nortbem

elty ar still cbeerfully ond bcpelully borne ))It when tb 84 privatloD6 are reckleaelyanll eva 8tushy4ioully granted wlthou~ cause or llec~itYo tlie

[ComIIunI1lltl4]COL LAINII

Two WIIke IIgO and ~I 1In4 Wat alllOng 1IS Wat fun of lifo or hope of energy BII now

by tIIa rutbl hand of a barbUcuI foe be lays low-hia bod11e mlngUog wllb til dmt a

martyr to tbe CIlU8ll be 80 lIobly eapoUHd alnee 1amp8 vory omlP(llIcernent-thet of tbe ~ellelltlon of Oenwal Amerl_fllr tlull et_ he labored ftl~ bla might 1I111reg~h and wUh bi eTerY energy

Ho saw 10 tbe far qiatont fu~j116 bull brilaquobt and goshyriou~ position for tbla collntl1_ poBitioll she 11111 uauredly _lime-that will make her the most favored of IlIIIds For the dangera of tile field

and won end alltroublo elul1eou and brave Aa W8vel letten and papers are an 001 LalnG will over be remembered by all who

bUllied mell up 10 GrantllI jlIr diolrlbulion knew him as one of Ibe foremOlt In tile loteHlts they a 19dged ill II 0 Poatcflice where Iboy must la until called fo by 80me responsible of the cau~ for whleh he lbored so arduoualy perlOn Or mayhap you Ieee In E1N1caraguenae Lei Wa name tIIen be Ol1r wathwotd and W 3 IS I more lettotl adyertls~d to~you you deeds while among u our uample And eAW write in all) to the Postmaster to fltward tbem- dtr) u it advance shali more clearly deman bo dont 11011 you or If be does be IlIlIka in the plg~onh e and gets Ctll ICAvlng ell tile fest BUilt to the world the klnl of Wif thal Ie belllg YOUf bu die of Heralda la tboro for him to mill waged a~lnst ua-tIIu of ImbacUily and bllrbft j)le onr eek after week alld mooijlUer monLb Iamoppeeed to dcmOlorlOlltnd cifilizatljn Showshymukeil yen Illlge bullbull Iir~ but be ClI1it )ree the Ing to he world that ~t utieled with the mur-Steamer er sleamer paRes dOWllllt Ihese long d d I J d d dell celeas lnternd )OU are a aubicriber toE Nlcara- er an mut a on of UOaJlll8 an OIn gveD8e) tbey h~ve lad an ellgllgflileut wllb tile citizen clRlmlllg the protection of he broad enem beAdquArtors-bad It threll or fll1lr strip alld brig atara of he great Ilepublic of Ifeeks you are ndrVOII wllb anidety w lealll b N b Imiddot tI d b - _de w en II apPGtea ~bull

~o ~pp~ch t1eat_er as hu rounda to h~ Bost High alld I~n~t clnd~ tbey lay ~lh Ymall Capt Scott t 110 Wbe~e a81de all rules b1 IIblqlj lvlllZlllion and lIuOIllDity 11111 t It l1li wentp I apoa ~ Any papors-Nicar enaes t No WMn will the aext ate riler bedowlI t It Wbeli b~ conushymonth 1 ljpOIUl Well if OU have ~Py It damil big pr cilillitlain YOUi youll tllllli~toril exe (Iae the bull Surelytbis state ottbbtgll can ber~medl dditioDal eXllene to the Go etlmenr Ihe carriere lwa8 go througb Ith ~e but not tbe IfAct of ((~Jtverlng the maIlt wbum 11

The II ilth of tbe garrison at this place is 00shyeellenio fe ateamey Ogden Wall 11111 up by order or Col dJoL to Chontale COll8t andobtalned a IIIpply r caltlt Tbe Oolonel bimsolf baa lttlierat n Ihe San Jaatf rlvel lo~~I~g ner WI of hie deparlment t left on tbe alell n Oarloamiddota tine bealllll l(1olllsher-iampUt i ~ -party I1rrivod illite S P U r ftCbooner Pearl IIl1d a gIorioua IiPpetite proceeded on 0

~ __ Le tor- and throe ~-t cbeeshy -_ YM WI ~ ~- ~ bull bYtbo rillOn The Pearl aet eaillor O oada filb tho lilt from tMa plttee 001 Rldlcr (laused luteo live hflts aboltd) ffIDI tIe U-pouoder to be 1I01l tbe 131h ult In honor of tbe onnlmiddot Tetay ~rand4 liOt knOWing ihst you also with botted gUD8 III gaod earnll8t and InS Ihem iptll tboFvOrydoorlI IIIGen Walkes quarters Capt AThompson with hill loree ill prrllOui1$ Serapqul blla Oapt Kruger and commlnd are etatlolled hero D~romotrlcal indcalolll scem to proclaim tit tAloYiJsoaaou oImost or nulte at an end - andcoohlt apitlei Yoors truly T TILl Ell


B) our Jato Ne Yltlrk tile wo Iliam tbat the

wspap I pllbllaled in the city of Bexlco1n tho inglish DgulgC haa ventured toeml~ the Ido lIlato aOferDlllInlougtl~ tocolciudea trea~y lion 111 he rtnoll8lnvaderof NiearAI1Igt _ Olin WII ke whoformcriy Inndadmiddot the llulcsll mItorl andBtled himself PrClldentof Ihe Remiddot bile of Lower CaUfolDIa r-

To tbls cftectlbe UnicAn Extraordinary insertt 4leltr rlli8 correspondent lit Grnnad under date of 1 th AI)$t aS1 d recommends its pe

~ialampl on II grollnd Ihat it contalne a declaration otho fd tily intention of Walker t9Wll-ds Uexishyeoand 800nnccollfltopounditstalillg tbntbo bas til_de In eatabllshllg on 11 solid DDdpcrmai

hero OffiCira (or the nrmies destined to ncI against thamp invad ra of NiCMlUA II ropubllc with whlcl

we ougb to be In alliance foor middote will lin1a proshy teet ua w en Spain dedorce war Ipins~ us Our (lQVernlDftl Is furtber advised Immediately 10 nd bull minit~ to tbe rcpublio of Walker Itb lull

powers t conclnde Il treaty to illsuro fllintereett ~r bolh llutrl88

Thamp au or of tllis latter middotby mO~~ R circllmshyIocutiolllgle~ 18 to undetslU1d tha~ If foldeoHould JlIh to re-conquer Olltem1lla Walker

would her in that olltrpriH proThled Ihat ot her torrl1y abo rould permit ~o oIIIcelll to bo enrolled defclldSlcnagua againel biDh _________ __ ____ bullbullbullbull _ __ _________ _~ o_~ _~_

1110 governed In the great contesis between

tlo~I and o~uelly IUld brutDly mu~dw Buoh as lbe 1lclludes of 11111 lIIy Put In t~CII 11081 Such was ~he Me of Col Laino b~ la no more amOlg U8 Let U8 then romember him U one Ihat _

1)pound onr number aDd ~ that we bullbull soldlers III tllia war 11111 learJlI1 awn Not In ampcolVardly Ind bruteI manner but ftS soldiers 8trugglilliin

glorloUII calUewilb the advantage of cIflnz lion and knowing wo are lighting for the trllli he right and for the tlatio7llieg of hla beautiful lalld CUTLEII

-rat r~~$IDEm~r ~rIlCTIOli- Tho followlng

18 a sulmary of tbe law8 and conalitatlonll qllrementt III the election of lrIsIdlC andS Viee ~sldeot in the Uniled talee bull 1 Electors elected OIl Ihe first Tutsday after _ onday In _OTCII -

2 E1ecta meet on he lIr8~ WeQllcsday In December IUId_t lbelr votu The) thell alp

4NOTHBR surr AQdiNBT THO 84N o(UIfiTOIl 01 rUIl EIfJBRol 01 FRANCISCO VIGlLANOB COJ[JirtTlfB The LoriUon TItiiM mak tb following ril8t4 -BAIL JlIXBJ) AT 24000

WUnam J[ulngan plaln~ againWilliam 1 Colemanmiddot J W BriUaln

~o- f ~ ButohlllPr bull a~wamn i ure-~ om 1 m Qharloa Doane Jllie Da ld ~ee V OJII 10lilph- Emery ~ l ~p ~atlb uttlng J D bull F n~I Ii BIIG ~dard

bull bull arew bull 01 Jamoa Dow Capt Aaron lurna WIIHam Arrington O V Olloapleti~ ~~ D ~ Ki ~~ CaP no J aW

drl on to madness i pamp omplOll bullbull ageSlmpl II8IIrliog the mAil atGriylown and die- he cared not tbe fatigues ofthe nl$reb were u WIlliam Rogetl Henry I Bale

IlIblltln the separato parcels at their places of Dotlling 10 him fear be mew not A generoue 0harIeA L Case Bdard P r_1r destinat nlIt those Plllnta where the ateamers IlIuloobleaymplby~lledhlsllOulforlUlyuidtor Ullaj~Tllllnghut ~rnes~~ 18 touch II drecelllug lbose for the loterlor at the aU with whom be had 811 acquaintance KllId oyetl__~Oeu r II II lame tI 0 really dltlC8 nol seem too much to domiddot apt rat1middot

rown pur am

Thill 14 tile tblrd elvllauU which hili groWD out of the Ban Francisco trouJea The hlty-nlne putles detendant bull proceeded agtinat aa the exshyeQl1tin btanoh of the VIgilance OoInmlttee A aomplot list has neyer appeared efore we beshylieve The complabll calmsSI00OOO aad Jlldge p_lamatloli or l~tnlloD8 marking tile eJhlJIll~ raquody hat Ilxed the ordera oft ed on lb bl Clmplrio 8U1fved in tile wir aD mQillg oqo applicatlOll or It A P~IIIJgt8 CllI-lnd~or h Ua- _1011110 hili subjecamps tbatpf9mi1e weU Cor be line Court at JiG 0IlEor these 3diM 11I1uremiddot Dowa wbo aa well a8 ilr Coleman was sued lIy OIiari811 P Done he other day b_leen a~t- Tn FtOIUDl nluI- TIle ~ovemlllell of ~d b plailltlft kllown U 1m llu11lpn ~jall he JJoltod ~tea Ia prePriog to ildnd large keeper It If01 be remembemdfrom wJt~ ~~- fotce agunsttbe JllorlilaIndlanallila IIie d Casey and Cora wtlle liken wat albeeq_r troollillWIde4 ~or hIS servle eIj II1tJ seized and aor a long Impriaonmenl bulIhed two and a halt reglmeUte 0 iiIeJ from the Scate-[N Y Tribllne Oet 20th drafted trom tbe 11110118 P0811 on ike sealidrdil6d

a he northf_ 10 compiullH lIlIllea qrt D-Ito d Go-- --1 N yJdamiddotvI ort OUIUOIJII SUTJlIfloa-Serne recently published 11 n Ad - bull --t ~ear sed gel ~s also for the helgn p~ wih wbioh r ci fow y I - two eObi~iJIeiI fioil

to enoo age ltiur CtlU8lt~you WAllt youl ettere whettd by the eJaughter of lbe boly mlnlaampera of atasmentt regarding lbe pOPlllaOgt stolli tractea Boston Barlior and othersfiom Old pOfn~ oJ and lIumMl of lwelllags o( London aholr nella (ort ~ wnf Ald about thlc qiiartara to more ampbulous atlOOl11t of 11e grelotDQ18 ~ was Unl~d Statesmiddot fivtt at p~o in ~pe~ ver before dreamed of Tbat cl~ which at be A DWIlber of large ~1It-~ ~ OOth d lind

lm~ are In JiroVIII of coIJstriictIollln~dtiI el~ beginning of tbe preaeot ~tury lIumbered GG8~ at the 111 rardautd tron tOUndri ~bullr~ 000 Inbablunlll at the cenllt of J861 ~~ Usit tbf~ III ~I~~lng tile Ofeiiriul_ 986ill00 For tell ytlrs preceding Iioift t~i The prePlfllilOlia seemiObeClllIu1tiia1l eD6IIilY to 18~1 tbe population bas Inereed 11 per_to Bel1l-INuw Otl~ De bull It


Sillce thlll lime It bae Increased In the Hme U 1Eltju CllIRUzmi II ~Fv YO-Iri tile au not Isrger proP9~on so thit iI p~ of no preniil~ Be1if19ri i)1lthfllthtlllIramptellS thllll abmiIHooa of people wouldbe the wlls celfo ~ die moss ~tiibllI~tl

du ItldaOf Ciim f~48rbili la tie0 in 1900 Thlia we IIampJ lee tbat OUf great VI he AcO~liiIililIioo W~ cities lit Loul Chleampgo CIcliualiU III UlJed lr OII~1t3b___lfltl e~en our Olfft gr~t lIietropoli Noiw ~ort~ nol defend1I1S till UIl iiIlct rtpetid tW epithet lAIC alone wonderful In thelr growlb doIten time 0 III ~e ~oOltiIllIlPb ~

meat U Pteld tbereuPOl appiiled to Ill TbeLondOll Chrollide bas maite II eJcQ)~on Collrl fo~protecUoo after which lfi laquoIa$ (oOlla

from 1Ihillb it appe ~JIl~re are more Smlthe sel tor lIemlltdM j~tiI~fug to ~is feet ~db l JiIIIOH ~ro achIU9)l8 and fhom tilan loud voice tt illbull00Un will adiOllrn ~n

- -- t1OOU1n call IIlve tuatrL It be I It 10 th any other ci~ In lb_ world (Parle QI the eurolbl bull~r~~~1t tIIl 1 estellt of his 1eehii The 6oUrampIiltlfitiver n_ cllies eltceptad) hu IlflebIWiIll tbat Vieau would IIOt actlO)lrnibU~ qll~ed the exci~eiIb1 bas lint as mllllY donutn u London bali an I threatenillg the arreee 01 the part belicerellt tbat the shoemaker pUbIicampns wldeaiera In

me and vegstabHta of London would make a ANOI1IIlR PlIfl(9JU TO J[nRT-Th (allowing lafger popwatlon by far tban 011 Derlln (ontailS piece of Coutt gO8llp 19 fOllod Intbe B01rOUQishy

three cettiflcnl_lUlnd a meseentr with (InoaDdlIeUi1a8 large l8 thit of Nell Tork bat nrl publ4led at ~ Hague II COmepo1i4shy Lo d _- middotmiddotmiddotmiddot-k h Fmiddotmiddotmiddotu bull L gt b ~~

copy 10 lbe President of Ihe Senat at VI18hlIg 110 Gil mure a e t 110 lahlUonoa OllQe rolJl oon orma us ~ al out 81

ton before the Brat W cdneed 1ft JIIOIllI1an CltlZ01l8 and inoreelorki middotlbu DostOnliMBhabl Plenipotentiary al ~be Enb cOUrt IIAII ~celnl other by mBIlto the aame p61110n 8IId he Ihird ampants Instructiona (QIIl the Hague to make (I~rUrea of

a peo of Na bCwaen tb- hAlI p-mnell1e- to the United Smiddotmiddotmiddot-- Dlattict Judge hefi - bull -EoV v ~ v r -- BOWTHIlT0001tFallloUBaulIll-A6rmmiddot r b cifUUtod(h PI otOr

cl~tol8 meet inNe york bampllallled a circQUtr In wbleb lb

3 Eacb Stato provides by law for 6llllIg t111 FROM ~lffjXICO ncaocy in tbe Board of Bleclotloccaaloncdb

abscnce lI~ab or rcalgllatlon Such of tIIo eleoshytora as nro p~tare generally autllorized to fill

lIIy vacanc1middot 4 The GOveror gives notice to electorsr

heir election before tho flrSI Vedne8llay ill Deshyccmber

Ii On the ICcond WednesdaY In Februlry C-onshygrcas h~1I bi~ eioo and open Ihe returna The P~csld~1l1 of Ibo Senate 8hal In tbe presence

01 Ihe nOltSe of R~rIl8entaIiYe opon tile certltl ct ot returns and ~I the otea The petlOn haTIng lbe greatest nUlIber ot votes tor Pr shyd tit h b b aj tit ftb b Ie en sue num cr e a III 0 1 0 Q w 0

IIUlllber or electolll ball be the PrcsiileJIl O ICno Perion has a maorit1 ampII above the

cbolec is to bo mAde JiOII tIIo tbree blghllt re

Rent bait In Nicaragua a BtIOllg lioernl and pro- middotIurned Tbe mcmbera of tho noulUlmiddotby Stalel grelamplI ~overnmntmiddot form thclDlle11l18 Into Eleclo 1 Commlamptee8 and

III tbl81ettervariolla reoommendaijons are givcu the majority determine hleh hi to be tllo cholee md amo~t ~tb~I tuat ii our Goternmellt of tbe Stelo-each Slate baviog only one vot

T Ie I (h did thoul1 prilllmtihat ot GWltemailtfroinclIwllingmiddot ne or 0 t e cltu atee geta a m vu y

ot Ihe State before tbe 4lb of Marcb thell tIIo Vice P8ident IbaU acl as President

8 It tb I I t I t h th I bull e pcop e ~ 0 no C00 roug e r elsetora ltl Vice lrcaldent hen Ibe Se lIale of the United Stutea sball Inlk6 the eeolloo from the two hlghOllt cl1nilldatee returned to thom by tbe electors

_____~ The most poten lboreavlng mlcblDe Ia

a large fortuno Ie b1your aunt A LII1LB JiPIORUf

IB~wbhnkis8yoUlebeek TlIItrl1o0 modtl Twas atrktl kept

De thOllgbt inA asleGp at net 1 kllell llothollfbt I thouglll be thought hlept

Importallt formation III con1e1ed bat tbaboilae bae b_ fqr m~ ) ~lI)Jlror 011 klndaofsplrlte th6lll1llto a goo4 IIIIIIallOll of after much Ibot and OlIperlmeDt they have at Iutfound article to 8ll81fer hat purpOllO Th~y thWi let forth he ~ f maoulaetllrll )) dietjlation and cbemical operation 11 get rUollrth plOQhna~lIe1n whleb tbeBavorlsaomuehcooshyeentralcd tbat b ruIlIog pilon of 1amp witllIwenq-ive to 6rty galloita of Amarlcail plltespirilamp It dves a amp004 IlIIlIatiOll ot the djforeM III~ 6_4 Onegalloll ofanarckllelo plOlooo ampom lent1lYe to lilly s-Jlooa of Imlshytatloll of he Imported brands w be boltad lao baled et forth 1)d awallowed at one dime ptr pony g an IIriicle such at youcannot gel illaewbllle in town This IIItIde l8 eelled spirit ofcOgnacllMaceordlngtolbemiddotolrcular_ibalad wlthOlit color or colored for pale ~ dIr Ie Dark by all meaDII I prefer pal YOl ~t~e w~kh youpeale g~lItiemen bul you IIrI now 1111amp11 of the maDDer in whlGh bolb lire

prcf~i~~ri81ng Ilrm have alao dieonmed an article wblch they call toplrlt of gin They aver tbat a IplenoJld imitation of JIolland gin can bo produoedbjmlxlllg one ampallIIn of pure spl In addition they b ve conslantl 011 hand tine lOpshyply of cbemlcal coloribg by which tbe dark arlide of illlitatillri brandy II produced

Tbe cleellIl 010l1li8 wlh a liat of prlC6 which if plblienmiddot w(luld ailIonish our citimne _nL01-wbom wbeR tmbiblng these IDlilltiou 11 IcbCOI~ about sh11CIIII18 pergallOll ara Informed tbat eon leavmg nAI 6118 BeUa Union that brand COIlt me $8 In New Yofli SerJpt signed JOHH lAlIJlAbull

WIh tills Iofurmatloft III their ponaqon we GralladA NOTeDlMr 11 1866 11101lid 1I0t wonder if bOBceforh tilerbull w a dO-Lostdded decline of coollrlenee amollg brandy drink _ aa well u anlong tIIamp imblbete of Iho 1_ preshytentioueliqllOr 1110 and rllin

bull - bull B j aI tal th (011 ~men OIl con III e 008

adverllaemeDt A young glllltleman on tile point of getting manic Is itellrowt of Meeting a m1lll of experlmce who 01 ~e hlln from

sucb utp Addreet IIc

tiona UPQr ~u late pageult aamp l0IC01Jr The -llarities of the erowrlln 01 1811 lie III ~~ Th~ _aUo _fe~ IOllger tlllIIluaual beeallleRuulil WlUl W- ith ElIlOp It Ia more tan a and a half illeAleslnder_nded the throne The COlonation Is a eeIhratlono( peace OYer ~e cofOllatlouor 41esanderhe Firat bUDg tbe dark clOlld oh coD-SpllUy that had resulted In he lIutder ot Ilia r her Over be eoronaUon of Nlthol hug tbecloud of a conspiracy euppteeaed bu~ euppr8l8edin blood 0 the ooronation ~f Aluander lb Second bangs be aloom of Itutraampod PQrp_aIid military delbat lIe is the lir~ of the ROl1Ilnoftil wbo It hla crowning gmtla great conce18lol8 to hitgt subjeota He I tile ftrsamp of the ROQlaDoftil whoie CQrOtulion hat been wltoelled and deecriWd by thaI modem lovention tbat ne power lbe special eormpondant fIf(b Europoall pteM -tbe 6~1 Crolllled In tbe ac4lJ1 p~nce of he Tim 110 geat f cbl tIIat 8Irround hit oorOD tlon are suigestiv Dt tbe ftJWr He Wat ~b from a atuonlng defoat III arml he oB earrled W bl4 ancient (apilal 10 a tb I the cbronken flf lho canmon are he repre-tlltlvea of be kee plssof Europe he elo_ lb eeremcinJ with a

00 t e Cf9illn ~ t 8 r nlaquoe shyangel Ith a prince ltampIlgbter of he ~1I6eQ and Prlnce Albert Tblt project III connected In the peoptoamlndswllbtbeexeurolon recelltlJ mAde bltbe Prince or otan III Eogland

Gil _If FLVIIL-PlOvldenee Is like a C1IriOUl piece of tapestry _de of thollllamplld sbr~da whleb angle appear usele~ bill PU rogether they repr_t a beatiful bi$tory

lbero 18011 reason to fear the ruin Gf ~ peCshypie who thrive by heir loSles and mllllipl1 bybelDg diminished

Be not toobaaty to btlfT the chureb bfotQ she II dead i lamp8y IiII Christ b kied hie kill before you gl her lip (or 1011

d A noted polltlcian u recently eaughamp by friend IntheactotperUling the serlptllrea Upon oklllg bim ht Pllttieular POriiOD IIf the good book be bad selected forexlUQmatlon he plieltl Iamreadlngtheetoryabollitheloa1ea and llahesmiddot~_________ tr There 18 a mill wbo hat sucb a good

tmp81 tIIat be bired himself O)1t D IIImUler to keep the Jl89Ple 0001 ====~~~=~~======~=~

aTotiiO ~~ 1IH1 publie nre hereby CIIOtlolled agalDll nelll

tIatJogfor tour bundred and I ~-_ye dolshylars InScript (ampllII) ~ I the nndersgned baI bull d -rlp~ od -ill -tmiddot-bl d01 8~1 bull A ~ _ r~1I anI per

IN the QArl part of this week LAlD WAR ltANT for Ove hllndred _Ill of landdtwro

In favor of Col B J Saod81e leasure han beOIl taken w rendOlII of DO 1I18 xllitptmiddotto1hepel8Oll tor wbQlll It was drawn WllerWret_Iw II Nlcaraguense 0500 or 10 me111 amp suitabl rewarded

COL E J SANDERS Oraoada NOT I lell 3amp