. tiiNTH ykAB.',..;. z ;: f JULY31, 18T3r . ‘ 'Sizzffl I...

'SizzfflI ; ;£|lliPELL^ _____ I t ■■ «yCH BUFPeniNO fiCAUSED AND CROPB ARB RUINHp , ' Uu OMtft,-ln*in(ty «nd..Prortrt«on^ Ri- "J‘ InUnM H ut W av-that ' -Holdi mUit Wwt»m Jtl _______ Qiji»;>—L tV iiB ck Dying—Piiturw clal ______. . U * U » - H t i y r . T - -----------“ t — bif ' b, Al U pttralr»6d tn# BaUon ♦ _ --------<*'■ -*»■"»« ■v'MA-iA.tiia—A _ r«^M^njpmtalM-»preltBni‘ underr ♦ -- __ -■ ft liallng. • whUo-hot' wavo of_ _____♦ .,h caL In U>a great ctUea hoiplt-. .jj,, '{ ftlrf’aro overtaxed, death*,'’proi- jq, 4 ported trom tho awful heat. In ♦ two tho mld-we« welli.arx up, tieldj ♦ abl< ore burned and p u tu ra might * nhl bo burned as so much paper. In ♦ ers, __ * JowA preparations aro mada to '♦ will ~ ^ replanfcropE ] *' uml :♦ ' • ^ In ] . (United Press pispateh.) - .......CHVCAQOr d u th i and more thaa 100 proslrallons - BW Tcpcrted betwetn Ailantlo amt tho Roclcy mountains. The entire itflon, according to all reports, ts a hot^ slz> sllng tumare. I q Uie distriot ImmedU Btely south and*jf«*t of C hl<w . U>» ui,« ' w-avA Is saM 4d U (he most s6y«re ot all Crops (tro tMlng' burned up bjr -------ejbntlts aBa-HyMtotar ti^ thg-thmr*- qsh __l_sands must.'perish. from lack of-vralfr. lytt Wells ore dying up In many parts. V t { 8f.'PAUU Mini.'July IO/-Wlth th# m i^rriaounllngand thehumJdlly In* c r ^ n g hourly lh# clly ts twelterlnc . ' in the hottest dir.over «xporita«»d horo. There w«to foar prostrations r#- ported, one d«ilh and two driven In- . sane trom the tcrrlfle heat. NEw ' t ^K oi prostrations uind I* deaths aro report* • cd from the awful blistering heat of today. The hospitals aro crowded and leveral private houses havo been turn- ed Into relief lostttuUons. The boud of . ..heatfir‘ls”hftv1nY"p6it«rittttnw rj-- ........clly-fules ■lo"f6T16Wto'le8Stm-«laJ!ffer from the heat. ' - _ PtrTT,AT>P!T.PmA-July 10.—Four f > » ___ Ul[Ues~i^ulted .fromZffifi^iniftaCawvw ^ " that struck this city l^ ja o m lo^^ ,toI< . . ' wen PTTTSBUnO. Pa^July io.—iTio day on' • Is unusually hot and prostration r«- ye,t ports'aro oomini In f»m 'all aprters Cliy of tho city. ^ V spor whe DES MOINES, Iowa, Jnly IO.^Tb# uin ohllrt-stfltB Is'-sttffBrlnr-in;- w hat'ff stay said to bo the hb{t»t 'day- recorded Ui hero. • Thousands of ftcjes of crop* aro orw ----- Btterty-destroyed-elmost-ln-Ar-Siy- Hundreds of farmers'ftro replanting man their crtps.. Com U cooked , in tho they fields and the gw n loaros of a week of / ' «go can bo ground to powder twtwoen ‘o « . fitiTf ftnd thumb. Pastures ar*.so dry that a jnatch'would start ft conflagra- ~~~UomhBt-woul^<weeg wiles.- ^ ----- ~ ' — .. serv UN iOHflFTWO CONTIHEIirSr; ____________ _______i-- P»« __pK uvIan Minister'B#»I«v#s.that Ui«: o „ ‘ _ matsiy Norih and South AmsrJoa and Way‘t^ m # On* Nation 7 «"• JIl-I ____f v - “ tUnIW Pms'Olspatoh.) .................. ; XOS AKOKLEa Jiilr IO.^tnumatfl C! ' brought aboiit by thalp slmlUrly of Wes oe«^ BiXiJdoals; If tha^rredtolira ^ 4.^ ,J»ederic Aiphon#Pe«i.'PeruTiftn mln- bew -IstoMo tha UnlUd 8Utb^ who.U 'rts- deni !Ung har*. P ttot stalrt lhal he already h>« baa laid pins for.'eom»«rcIal union wori which may evwtnaliy bo ampUflod I./-bofor# AnW /Cainegle. as one of tho gralM t p#aM propoclUona of (ho cea* ^ . tiiNTH ykAB.',..;. z ;: f iO ilO . INJARBIDGEJINE CIDENTAt.LY UNCOVEAB U p ORB IN LEQITIHATB nk MiWUton (teperts t h a t . lh# I»wly DIscovsrKi Or* Is Rlohsr by ' Br*Th*ir'AnythlBB-Takwi-Oiit-^ - Ilnt-Olseoverr (s 400 Feet Down 10 Mountain. * O . f _ I gives promiso of developing mag> ids was'made this jroek os tho Lo^ ^ nates. It was.mad'^bV an owsw ^ n adjoining fKoUon who uowllUni^ — 5ot-weU-osorron-'tho-Xo«ltlmatB ^ a whon proipectlag for tho «lcn- . tjf~IliniHef>B‘Viin:-Tr(i naa ^wnr ^ rork but a few days when Uo goi , 'pannings In the l ^ s dirt almllar . ^ hat encountered wben the first (0 waa mads on the LegtUmtea. e discovered hls m isuse before ho thoroughly opeiied ' up lho vein. Ik Mlddloton saya that It looks bet- aad ts rfchcr than whoro the'vein "flrBt disuvertil. At iho latter point oro averagw|tS-jcT0<rthr«0 feet- ~ now- dlseijTOTT-lB-400 -foet-fntUier n tho mountain if the same j iu vl viv la tOilUliuwu».ULnwwu tlJB polntf It means a ilzable and valu- j ore ahoot The crosscut tunnti, ;h Is being run by the twin Lroth- JUn and Qeorge Crisp, and-ivhlch cut tbe vein at aidepth of 100 feet !r~lIio” orrgi'fidI“ dric6Verj'.'~IJ''llilW 10 feet asd should gtt the voln In it J5 feet more. ' ------------- Coi ,NOTHER ■THROUQH'’ LINE. Uti ----------- -- -----------. . ■■ ^ J/Sa Jaiy a contenaec «nc irdoy In ' 'San Ftanclsco between hra tfrnl'MfthlMlotrth^Pnloh’PwUlR fall Pntsldest eproul# of' tbo Southern pu Qe, tha maln'ob'iKU for dlsnus- gav wore plans for hullding a branch vlsl from some'point on th# Coniral a rtc (o DolSA Idaho, ‘and. Ilno uti hat 0 changes occasioned by sepua- tho o rih i BdUintHl Usimman'Taiilflo ffoi ims,-------------- V ......... ...... ......... Ilgl e line to Bolso la planned ta most T Nmptlltlon (if a similar branch spe . Wlonemuca. K if/. which >hg wit cm Pacino Is known to havo had (nj r contemplation for some tlmo. A Is makes three- lines to parallel spo olher from Wlnnemucca to Dots*, the ?endenl capital Interested by Col> Plaeo has already begun the c-in* ll tlon-work at-lh«‘Bol4«-end-«t lh* Pal Tho Western. Padflo Is s&ld to lng usbing graders to the proposed sol^ that It Is reported they will bulld **: now, not to be outdone, tlio Ilairl- Inu system will build tho third line, and . _ . cou ANb7M'Rfc"XBRiW60W---------- HQM.Ejrp *(HEi££RrENb9, ' --------- tho (Prom-Monday's.Dally.)- - - - » I 1 anff" S h . Irr- K •Atifamson,--who run ^march on tbelr friends and for) married qnleUy In Salt Lako City To niursday, July arrived homo »h« irday momlng on’m o'Sair 'Lakft oth' bvslness men's- excurslon.-after Plr« ling several d a n In that cits', ^ ■ e, at the Hotel Utah they ent^* ^al danum bcr of friends during th«l'r tnero;— ---------------— ----------- '. . D on their Arrival at tho Hotel'Bog- Bali I df which' the~bride,-'as Mr«. U *pv Km' hffn thw_aucccssful __!l! Iger for the paat year or more. « t' wero received wlUi lavtoh ahowers cou ee wbich they ovldauUy Ihoughl «»1 ^old by returning on tho early *>®» la!i' special. _. , irTEvbniKirni*y~v<prTsjnirK8u4ff i”** leir many-frienda.^and-the giiesls & » :d and a Jolly evening was spent "nd tlouM kiBdM©f ■jUBwamanU lindHJ •* ® Bg. Uany hpdsomo gifts weto Wu« nted the bride and gnwm on thli *«rt iifn! UrT and, Urs. Xbranuof it. hume^ta-.lh'tlr .many trieudf 9“ . iMualntanccs at tho Hotel Roger' ------------ ^ ............. list ' ' T •' UTAL .WORK OJ_pkHyEBT._ “ JCAQO. July • ai,—Lying faco : i*iinlJa,‘LdW»JL&LbpsJ>^onJL^ _ ^ Side with hla handa and'knees ^ Benny Holstein, aged 1*. who ha* ^ inlMlBg-slnce July;'Jt w as found ^ today with a buUet hol« through lud. Tho pollcfi a a ^ that ihe ^ was that of somVmanleTous per- Tha only^clew U a j«xt of a . er heel found n e tt Uj#Wody.bfth# ___ iS S W l GBEATWJIEISEL TAH VIS^ORS APPRECIATE Ql THE WONDERS OF IDAHtt IB Hundrod and Plftssn Enlhuslastie pr Poepit of Nslahborina SUto Honor « Twin Falla Counliry by Visit anrA ro f Takfn on BIghtSNing Tri(>—R#o*p< | tlon Hsld at Commsrelal Club U rt ' \ Evening. ' ' ' . « Tbe Salt Lake City oscurslon Sun- ^ y momlng broughe hi 116 guests to yer ] lho wonder# . of lho Twin JUIJ iqb untirr~ They axpocted . much ' and ygj ro not dlsappolntM.’^'Ali "day^wbrts ro poured oul by thVvlsito'faT' " ” gJb rho day was an Ideal on4 and nqlh- ( tho cm 11re slay happened to mar I pleasure and the comploto success tho visit I. B. Perrlne Is ontltlod g tlpmeoiurod crodll for bringing lho :urslon lo pass and lho Commercial lh.. .Inpnlhpr with owntra. of auto- ihUea.nro_worthy_of_tho_thftnl(s_o'f <ry true friond ot tne Twin ^is inliy foFtho~en{ortalnmebl oi^tbo (jii, Mta.-- . ttl* t was the firafsollfl-rniiman jyaln it ovor camo to Twin ITalls. ^ Ircakfast was ser^’od at - tho Por- ^ . ft nfter which th# Twin Falls bond ^efl ertalned wllh a few solectlons. Soc- jop; ary James McUlllan Introduced It need. wbt^wJwmed lio ^5;, »ts to the Twin f^ ls countir lii * uJj'|; at eloquent and appropriate address. :rtUry Fartoll of the Balt Lako nmercUl club responded on behalf of ‘h- mlgl *ho automobiles lined up 15 strong I Jn no tlmo fho entlro party was 0- .ded for Clua Lakes and to Shoshono fj s-IiboJJrlvitrB_:o{ZlheZcari:iX- Inod- the flna ranchos passed and ’• olher Information asked by lho Iton."’' .............. — ' ^ ifter luncheon tho- automobiles tied (he visitors to varloas put* ol ^^d country around Twin Falls, and no ^ •as' can adequately express'tto-de- yj-i irof thoTJlahant. ............. • „uj hey returned lato in tho evening and ( nt lho hours In getting acquainted h.lh#. local.boosters .who.wor.0 out jjj,, [iffCfc. ([OVO i S o’clock an impromptu . meoting I beld at tbe Commercial club whero QOO echos, Jokes and laughter crowded mltfutes unUl train Umo.- Al Pr«s1d#nt SwHlsy Prtsldta. tiauj L J. Swee^^y, president of lh# Twin burg Ia-Commar^xlub<oall«d lhamoe(> rtnii together, and In a brief addrtBi slor< 1: . madi I . believe then ahould bo a closer &nd lo relationship between Twin F^U «eco . Balt Lake Cllx- We have a-fnat vent' ntry. 1 do not need to Itemlso ll. rata';men—of—dlscemment'-Yvu - — o b e o D 'O n rg u e str and-know—our In Falls eoiiritiy.'The'briefness of ttm# has only allowed you to see irt.of iL"TO'-t^-.»UL.aaUar.-ni LT.SI #-oupdUoh#* youmay.liniLlhajttnm P?^; Hlo land and prosperous farmers, of tl the south you ftnd a newer project recel iro the foundation • Is laid for ali- “tor er *octlon-of om- C*rtn >alla:em- P»“ >,-and.to-lha sorth..acrou Iht rivee, abor :U11 another great part of th# Twlii The Is countir" Dr. Woodrufr* Addross. “I r. E. D. Woodruff, president of tho c«P t Lako Clir. C«nmerclal club, ro- bave ndod In part a* follows: D»yl [>n bflidlf nf thft «f«tn flf n inff 1 fomi md our hea;^ thanks for your ably rtesy, your kindness and your lib- Okls llty. 1 am not surprised at the rich- of f( I of your resourcoa. I expected ' :li' and, havo not beeo disappointed. InK ^ n-fr«»^o-*ay'(hat-I-htv*-iMT^Kad lore enjoyable (Uy. IIlWk<^rlnrntln-thU-*iaimiiDg-to Wt- I'th'd Idaho-Utah stale llni.'Tbere ptr ' o tuch Uitng. - W« all hav6 tho same WlOt ) sky, the some bright sun. tho samo Ho SOIL. II Is tlje aamo west, lho nrh uid-of-opportOTH/-fur ludusli K ' ----- .men. ........... '"** i:bava beon hudod a:|hMt-Ot itA- lc* of your county-i-agurea thal are ^ r to,Tead_a»d dUflralUto.grasp In Ul. Let us not overlook tho natu- ' -attractions-of-^ur-wast. - Let-as «PP- ca them accessible by“ good' n>ads. ' Oood* Rosdalhdoniod. — • •” **' Mearo.that-y60-haes-coled-Ull.flDO mild good roads: Allow mo to con- (alata such ooferpfitA ' It means ••'than I can t«U yon In dollar* centa to overyona oa.lho trw t 'M OS pationlM onr homo ''manu- ;nreri- Our Jwm# locality flrst : then the naarest neighbor.' Lot * ' N< (Oontlim*d ■ei'PBff SJ - piim - - TWIN FAUL8. JOAKP EACH CRISIS. IN Bf ' mexS jffai ; lE&TION OF INTERVENTION BNI IB 8ERI0UQUY CONeiDERED iiTzz:::.." --------- cuii itldsnl Hops* f(|f Psaesful Solution ' r___Mexican Situation—D_[plem#is __P' i^ lc t inlsrv'snlioh Will BwPiluilfy < Dselarod. In Whleh Bvsnt Troops /III bs l^ndsd at One# on MsxU in Soil. rASKlNQTON.. July 18.~To Intor- * * e of not to IntervonB Is the prob- * ^ being -solved by tha admtnlslra- * ' today.- l^B long-expected ro ^ rt a 'i^ b u ia d o r' WlliQn' hf^Zh'Hn ^ ndTocicS'dooS'U'ffVilag'eonllJ- In executive sesslotl'by. President * ion. Secretary Bryan and other ♦ ibers of the cabinet ' . * ^ vnUry Djyan Jaft tho mecIJnf * on hU relura from his offlc# with ♦ ♦ < e of lho papen regarding the loan->ltuaUonr-be-was-bombMd6d. h TC- ula^y-oagor-corTtipondsnta,-but i.-o, Uie unlforei atatement tbat giren 0 was nothing to given out at brlgh ilm a __________ _______ _ lOTidmlnSIratlon reallMS thal Ihs rican pooplo and tho whOU world ^ork rell expect an onnouncement of a uin ilte policy aftho tfoncluslon of th*' erenee. It Is kttown that the .jtUc le Mexican altuatlon and Uia prob- result of policy adopted bf tha ed.Stat'oi'la"bolng’gon8'lnto ox. Uvely. It has boen Prwldent ^omp on’s hope Uiat somo way could b# rod whereby pooco fn ' Uezlcd , it be osUbllshed wllhout Interven- backed up by soldiers and sail* Tw e prevailing (iplnlon among' th# Sat*:t*“U«iuint«rvinUon:wW;b* S25E «d In the tna. -Il4s sutod by 1 that If Prasldent Wilson can r . about,'peoco • 'peaceahlf" hg “go down In history as a praat resourceful ruler, . his n Intorvtnllon Is declared there will .OiiiynrrDmcoomtieer—Troopt bO'landed on Mexican aoll, Mexl- Ity taken and tho wholo laid po- *“ *•’’ and tho warring factlona kept In unlU-Ujcy.bccomo.capablo.'of 'solf •nmsnt - •- , Tuesd D WORK OF' NIQHTWATCH, IriP I ' he.ws IBRICAN FALLB, July Sl.-Bam lUes 1 li, alght watphman, captured a ovety :ar tast night while in the bet of cago B lh^cash-drawor,iit~tha-aiLBa^J!r/; . Daugh got the drop on hU man, man 1 i him empty the money all back lies I nhrched him to’JalL Thla Is Ui# *«o.' Id burglary thal hna boon pro- onibli A reoonUy by u i u * . wWei __ r I terda: TH- PAOFtO DISTRIBUTORS ^fty li ...«AY_PRICB»..WIt1. PB.QpOD ^ (Unlt*d Pr»M Dispstoh.) « OKAJre.' July H^-Completa te-' from tho fmlt growing sedlons ej toi e'eair'and'niliiaio wurhaVo ezt«ii ired by the Kortli Poclf/c Dtitrfb. H.elr '. aasoclaUon. The report os com* of thi U-wlth. averago year* sho« a terdnj aga ot apples, plums and prunes, uiry reports In brief are a* .follows: and 1 Tsxas Appis Crop Short. c('mpl oa* report* the outlook for a luge . veiy unfavorable. , Virginia' wltl • Th( a falr..crop,.-portlcuiarly-of ^D«n on r« i and York'Imperials. Thn C#ll- Elecli i ^ n o t be moro than S S ^ r cent. onSH lioma will have a crop fS'per rent (truci rmer years. Missouri and Arkan- «ten rill be fair In all rarieUes except: bo sti Jen Davis, which will bo ahort on Ui la-OhlojiDPlo-'ctBfiJrilLbtJtUH^ a fallura Iowa will have a- 7S II t ^Tit T""p - Tiimmur npplft^ 7^ days, •ent of fall ajjples, 80 per, cent of propo if' apples, D^’per cent lower'than In tb< Vrhfii «,M«,OM bushels were hnr- agod 1 Aa -fthart-Cwp-Nsas-PUUlwrfl,-------- Wauift ttsburf aad vldnlty will b# v#ry »Ut« •.^Wew-Tork roports'a-mn^crnp. Uons. land early apples are reportod j i clly i xl fallim' and the' utlmato of Anhui ■Her v a f tH I n U' C 40 per cent oumt mwOBrColmntilg-cfop wtlt-be ib«^' ir below Use year, alUiough'Uie amoiu w d ' acreage will bring up thfl Tli# iga practlcnllr «<iusl to lhat of year. Colorado report* a fair fonaa • U ta h o n ly . • 50 per cent. Niir » crop will probably be plentlfuL IhOrPi > wiu.tjo, ft;gwd crop of primes - ,i.^ a 40 per c e n l ^ p / ^ plums.- - -Ba» ra reports ST to 4t^pv cent crop. lor. sl w Tork ha* an average (jrop of hon* f and A full m p of pmnea tsj^ f "• r • ...... - JULY31, 18T3r . IGHT PHOSPECT || FORFAILS BAILROAO OURAOINQ ME88AQE PROM M CHICAQOBONDINQ COMPANY ►r.-May Arcoi: cinfirm>urehi»# "VI tSS,000 Worth of Bonds snd Bx- IS# Bsllsf that They Can Plao# mainlnB-Bond»-«t*lfr*CMh-Wm-------- AvallabtB Seen. ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ rni our purchase of ISS.OOO ♦ iTin FkJl* TUllRsy company, ♦ inda We will also Join with" ♦ Rail her strong partlerln holpliiB Artl nc# ~th > ~T)alance;~~whlch~~wo*~> "Tdiiti M)00-sall"-TrTnilBblo^-«^^ IT minor charges aro made. 4 CUTTElt MAY A CO. ilcago/.llU-July IS, I t l t « ' " One > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ able a ' ,. , ton or -bov-«.s.a«^aa-'wcaUia44.> Perrino on-Monday-and oa-lia rth of this.dispatch prospoots look , ; for lho early'completion .of al _ I™, b ^ ^ f _ ^ l o o p to the fttlla Im- will begin on tho Hna A eor- mount of rod tapo is usually r»«' i before '*uch m atten ar* finally ^ J. but the telegram encourages thnt this mattes will not long be _,.v od. I. D. Perrino and tho oUiw c«-of-tho-Twln-Palls- RaUway jf-j~ jiy aro 000 wltb the peolo ull he In anticipation of early rosump- f work on the Una - j-- ^ RsprsssnUlivs PIsastd. I weeks ago George Bogart a ho In er of tho Cutter, Uay bonding newspt ny, pald-a-vlslt-to lh»-Iraot-to -Ths- igate the poMlbllllies o T j^ eomme y with a vltw. to encouraging hla buslnei jvy In ihB BurchsM ctf th# bonda man" 0 completion of tbe road, Upon valuab port of the country depended the artleli le of tbo company towarjl ths tlcal u na-of_Uifl-bonds. Mr. Bogart munlty ixpeclod tO'spend a week of two gard tc 1 vicinity in a thorough study ot pie Ibs adlllons and poulbllltles present- slmpllc 0, but arriving In tho clly Sun- In com •enlng and spending Uonday'aai Inj’th i ky In a tour of^lhe tract and a local n 1 Hollister on th# electric can, "New I so impreued with the posslbil- ^lUi tt nd opportunities in evlden« on est fac hand that ho departed for CU- Ing sei it onco wllh a glowing account rout# t »t ho fcad seen here Pelny a whe;^ t.dlsoomment he law ^sslbUl- wEoW ial’ ;nany peoplo have failed to Every rhat his report was highly fav- and 1 and was favorably received Is preachi cod iy the nessngo rocolved t « - com# a , less than'two weeks from lh* to tha } (eft.thlji.fllty to return to Chl« opera tl ... ..................... . . . ..............; paper.- he atrength of the probablllly'of one fai btlng commen^'sbon on Us easy ti 3i»:ciULcoiin£llja£Let4*r_r*?.i- •: Twin I'alls Railway company ao ^nlsal lbn”dftIme; thrpr*»eflrt»rnrof far*,"- rnuichls«-«xplring on August 1 A pi year. Tbe extension given yea- and toi grant* the company nnUl Jan- gesUon , to finish the llnfr.ia, the falls ruil*«! ntlL AUgusi 1 of'-, next year lo hllgratl Ito lh# entira lina ' ' “ . Junct i __ thatth cUf co^clI mot UoadAT t a i ootfune >MenUtlok of the Twin b« pro lo RailvarrpooplB -that they tional progT^sIng wim the ncccssary her* tn satldn work the ~trmo'for con- there a on of lho toad to the falls was degr«o ied lo January I.* Work muat munlty rtod within to days. Tbe timo href 0 I "loop" waa,fixed at August I, _____ _____________ ____ THI 10 -work Is not begun w l[h :0 0 ho construcUon company far the n ’TAi :od roadV usl repair ainife-ftU ^^SThi d ty of Twin Falls wh*fo dam- ^rca 01 >y tho rails that have been laid, pomcro innuAl.taxwu levied on all city tr auMect ta an action of tho u jpard tta t would .change valua- the slip . Tha a**e**od •YoluaUon:Ot--th* jowa a-tolal of |4,fl«,000, Th# ' nery w^ftxad-at U mllU tor t-BXpansiw, -whlcli glre* tbo city IaiIuu -JFfo. 0&, ot f OT’tho t In' round numbor* to |«00. - o^nM co «stabllalilng-Uio dua- crSobi tt^-dlstrtcrTTOf-ttmragb'" ih# floiTBe ity of'being finally adopted, will ba opened next Uonday for ' ore I lUng lA ot the ciuster'llgkli.^ ibo fou > » I. ^ I. ^ •' 1' ’'^.'Fowi : u N#bUk»i^''w3L-'r^^ o^-ir Iter' ot Jung# Shank, VetufoM four y« to FaUbaaka, Neb.. thU taoia* aarrtaf V.. IHP- IPITII- HMMIIIp TEN BY JMMJOBATION AND INDUSTRIAU AOENT ' Amsy. of lho North#m .P*QlfIo «ay Company Haa InlanHIng ' TsniTAi^uirNuiiib#f~or‘‘Sw ; j~flnt"-:r:MigBxtn»^td*ntltlKtw‘—^ .. »h^~' " ' "'Z of tho Btrongest. most praoiio- id Interesting micles ever wril- Iho subject of'paramounVtm*., :e to every resldont of tho state 0—that of encouraging new poo-' ' come.'lo'tbe state'to livtt-wlil ' In-the-August number of the oho First magaslna published ert W. Bpugler at Twin Talla. U lnHnlgrfltlon,“-aa4-walhirMt'. ' . C. Q. Amey,-western Immlgra- id Industrial agent for th # ■■ m Paelflo 'Railway company, adquarten at Spokano. Mr. Ar- >nt IB yeafs in southern Idaho, ii ‘Tdaho'FalUT-poealelirand------------ tie haa made a clos# study of wth of the state from a terri^—' ‘ tid haa'beoa closely Idenilffod ueh ot the eariy history of Wa- rn educational, pollUcal and per way. counlry-nowspapsr- editor, -the -------- ^ tial dub _aMr«l«y"^jand _th#_____ _ s m an-atd lh# ldaho’"bu*ln#sa ’ .' Indudea .lh# farmar—will 6ttd e InfomauoB In Ur.-Anifly't^ thnt they can well put to pno- 0 for the benefir of tbelr com< One.auggesUon alone In r«- the.local newspapw is so slm* 1 the roaW ls'startled'by,!U ----------- ty aa well as It* praoUoabllltjr. nentlng on his plan for reach* peopl* oMhe;Bait-tbroi)gli th*-^--------- iwspspcr, Mr. Amay says; . ipapen aro an herculean power » peopla They aro tho cheap- er for available me In atlraot- llement Thoy «ro the euy I tiike wlUi knowledge to Qaida hOT Is or Is to be CTtalsd a _____ la senllminnorTltnmljtniUon. anner, atockralaer. m6rchanl lanufacturer. every teacher, r, artisan and.civilian.can.be- 1 aaslstant reporter Md editor' ' ocal paper. With palriollo c6* >a botwoen tha people and tha CaCflS?*'tec6m ea7 Uierilt**t ----------- lor for Immigration wllhln the . lanfdal reaeb of aar peopit ta [it-«ufflciflnt«l«e to I effeci. or- :on' f9r~tho'‘cbmnlu'iji^' “wit- — n 0/ work for tbo large ctttu -ns is also givea, .and the ttif• Is offered lhat every club or^ for jihe encouragement b( Im- T.......... m shiluld have IU nd«wtth this It^can bei Bhown I moral social, frilehnrt. .oduea- daJ :U« of the communltj' wtU •ided for Uie new cow , "Uur- ind rellglottsh as w an-aa-tta-. ------ IhM# Talley* of the mountalna. —— - ounds a rospeoUbK high giiide af dvlo Hghteousneu of com- pride and of genuine brolhwly. . . ' all mankfnd." ' OHAeSHOPP.ER PLAQUB. BUCK. .Wash, -July— ■ppeiii a r e d e y a a t a U n g - a - l i m r - ------ r crops’'in ' .this vlcInl'ljC A t'' r. near thts place^ jtTatshoppaTB Uilck on tha railroad track thai >e»y rails. Q ENDOWMB^-FUND,_i____ TbB,wb«edpUcra» to tj» (i; ifoe ......-:t PiC July >m pnthl-^;<yidi.ol-.' ^ . . NUMBER « / : I in

Transcript of . tiiNTH ykAB.',..;. z ;: f JULY31, 18T3r . ‘ 'Sizzffl I...

Page 1: . tiiNTH ykAB.',..;. z ;: f JULY31, 18T3r . ‘ 'Sizzffl I ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS_TF03/... · Is makes three- lines to parallel spo olher

'Sizzffl I ;;£|lliPELL^

_____ It


, ' Uu O M tft,-ln*in(ty «nd ..P rortrt«on^ R i- "J‘

InUnM H u t W a v - th a t

' -Holdi m U it W w t»m J t l _______ Qiji»;>—L tV iiB ck Dying—P ii tu r w clal

______. .U * U » - H t iy r .T - -----------“t— b if

' ‘ b ,♦ A l U pttralr»6d tn# BaUon ♦ _

--------<*'■ -*»■"»« ■v'MA-iA.tiia—A _— r « ^ M ^ n jp m ta lM -» p re ltB n i‘ un d err ♦ - -__ -■ ft lia l ln g . • w hU o-hot' wavo of______♦ . , h caL I n U>a g reat ctUea h o ip l t - . .jj,,

'{ ftlrf’aro overtaxed, death*,'’p ro i- ♦ jq ,

4 ported trom tho awful heat. In ♦ two♦ tho m ld-w e« w elli.arx up, tie ld j ♦ abl<♦ ore burned and p u t u r a m ight * nh l♦ bo burned as so much paper. In ♦ ers,

__* J o w A preparations aro mada to '♦ will~ ^ rep lan fcropE ] *' uml

:♦ ' • • • ^ In ]

. (United Press p ispateh.) -

.......CHVCAQOrd u t h i and more thaa 100 proslrallons

- BW Tcpcrted betwetn Ailantlo amt tho Roclcy mountains. The entire itf lo n , according to a ll reports, ts a hot^ slz> sllng tu m a re . I q Uie distriot ImmedU Btely south and*jf«*t o f C h l< w . U>» ui,«

' w-avA Is saM 4d U (he m ost s6y«re ot a l l Crops (tro tMlng' burned up bjr

-------e jb n tl ts aBa-HyMtota r ti^ thg-thmr*- qsh

__ l_ sa n d s m ust.'perish. from lack of-vralfr. ly t t W ells ore dying up In many parts . V t {

■ 8 f .'P A U U M in i. 'Ju ly IO /-W lth th# m i^ r r i a o u n l ln g a n d thehum Jdlly In* “ c r ^ n g hourly lh# c lly ts tw elterlnc . ' in th e ho tte st d ir .o v e r «xporita«»d horo. There w«to fo ar prostrations r#- ported, one d« ilh and two driven In- . sane trom the tcrrlfle heat.

N E w ' t ^ K o iprostrations uind I* deaths aro report*

• cd from the a w fu l blistering heat of today. The hospitals aro crowded and le v e ra l private houses havo been turn-ed Into relief lostttuUons. The bo u d of .

■..h e a tf ir ‘ls ”h ftv 1 n Y "p 6 it« ri ttttn w r j- - ........c lly -fu le s ■lo"f6T16Wto'le8Stm-«laJ!ffer

■ from the heat. '

- _ PtrTT,AT>P!T.PmA-Ju ly 10.—Four f > » ___U l[U es~i^ulted .fromZffifi^iniftaCawvw ^

" th a t struck this city l ^ j a o m l o ^ ^ ,toI< ■. . ' wen

PTTTSBUnO. P a ^ Ju ly io.—iTio day on '• Is unusually hot and prostration r«- ye ,t p o r ts 'a ro oom ini In f » m 'a ll a p r t e r s Cliy of tho city. ^ V spor

■ • wheD ES MOINES, Iowa, Jn ly IO.^Tb# u in

ohllrt-stfltB Is '-sttffB rlnr-in ;- w h a t 'f f stay said to bo the h b { t» t 'd a y - recorded Ui hero. • Thousands of ftcjes o f crop* aro orw

----- B tte r ty -d es tro y e d -e lm o s t-ln -A r-S iy -H undreds of farm ers'ftro replanting man th e ir c rtps .. Com U cooked , in tho they fields and the g w n loaros o f a week of /

' «go can bo ground to powder twtwoen ‘o « . fitiTf ftnd thumb. Pastures a r* .so dry

th a t a jnatch 'w ould s ta r t ft conflagra- ~~~UomhBt-woul^<weeg w iles.-

-----~ ' — . . serv

UNiOH flFTWO CONTIHEIirSr;____________ _______i-- P»«

_ _ p K u v I a n M inister'B#»I«v#s.that U i« : o „ ‘ _ ■ m atsiy Norih and South AmsrJoa and

W ay‘t ^ m # On* Na tio n 7 « " •

J I l - I ____fv - “ tU n I W P m s 'O lsp a to h .) .................. ;X O S AKOKLEa J ii lr IO .^ tnum atfl C!

' brought aboiit by thalp slm lU rly of Weso e « ^ BiXi Jdoals; If tha^rred to lira ^ 4 . ^

,J»ederic A iphon#Pe«i.'PeruT iftn m ln- bew-IstoM o th a UnlUd 8 U tb ^ w ho .U 'rts- deni

• !Ung har*. P t to t s t a l r t lh a l he already h>« baa laid p i n s for.'eom »«rcIa l union wori w hich m ay evw tnaliy bo ampUflod

I ./-b o fo r# A n W /C a in e g le . a s one o f tho g r a lM t p#aM propoclUona o f (ho cea* ^

. tiiN T H ykA B .',..;. z ; : f



n k MiWUton (teperts t h a t . lh# I»wly DIscovsrKi Or* Is Rlohsr by ' B r*T h*ir'A nyth lB B -T akw i-O iit-^ - Iln t-O lseoverr (s 400 Feet Down 10 Mountain. * O

. f _

I gives promiso of developing mag> ids w as'm ade th is jroek os tho Lo^ ^ nates. I t w as.m ad'^bV an ow sw ^ n adjoining fKoUon who uowllUni^ — 5ot-w eU -osorron-'tho-X o«ltlm atB ^ a whon proipectlag for tho « l c n - . ■tjf~ I lin iH ef>B‘V iin:-Tr(i naa ^w nr ^ ro rk bu t a few days when Uo goi , 'pannings In the l ^ s d ir t almllar . h a t encountered wben th e first (0 waa mads on the LegtU m tea. e discovered hls m is u se before ho thoroughly opeiied ' up lho vein.

Ik Mlddloton saya th a t It looks bet- aad ts rfchcr than whoro th e 'vein "flrBt disuve rtil. A t iho la tte r point oro a v erag w |tS -jcT 0< r th r «0 feet- ~ now- dlseijTOTT-lB-400 -foet-fntUier

n tho mountain if the same j iu v l viv la tOilUliuwu».ULnwwu tlJB polntf It means a ilzable and valu- j ore ahoot The crosscut tunnti,

;h Is being run by the tw in Lroth- JUn and Qeorge Crisp, and-ivhlch cu t tbe vein a t a idepth of 100 feet !r~lIio” orrgi'fidI“ dric6Verj'.'~IJ''llilW 10 fee t a sd should g t t the voln In it J5 feet more.

' ------------- Coi,NOTHER ■THROUQH'’ LINE. Uti ------------- -----------. . ■ ■ ^

J /S a Jaiy a contenaec «ncirdoy In ' 'S an Ftanclsco between hra tf rn l'M fth lM lo trth^P n loh’ PwUlR fall Pntsldest eproul# of' tbo Southern p u Qe, tha m aln 'ob 'iK U for dlsnus- gav wore plans for hullding a branch vlsl from som e'point on th# Coniral a

rtc (o DolSA Idaho, ‘and. Ilno u t i hat0 changes occasioned by s e p u a - tho o r i h i BdUintHl U sim m an'Taiilflo ffoiims,-------------- V ......... ...... ......... Ilgle line to Bolso la planned ta most T N m ptlltlon (if a sim ilar branch spe . W lonemuca. K if /. which >hg wit c m Pacino Is known to havo had (n j r contemplation for some tlmo. A

Is makes three- lines to parallel spo olher from W lnnemucca to Dots*, the

?endenl capital Interested by Col> Plaeo has already begun the c-in* ll tlon-work a t-lh « ‘Bol4«-end-«t lh* Pal

Tho W estern. Pad flo Is s&ld to lng usbing graders to th e proposed sol^ tha t It Is reported they will bulld **: now, not to be outdone, tlio I la ir l- Inu system will build tho third line, and

■ . _ . cou ANb7M'Rfc"XBRiW60W----------

H Q M .Ejrp *(H E i££R rE N b9 ,

' --------- ■ tho(Prom -M onday 's.D ally .)- - - - » I

1 anff" S h . Irr- K •Atifamson,--who run ^ m a r c h on tbe lr friends and for) m arried qnleUy In S a lt Lako City To

niursday, July arrived homo »h« irday momlng o n ’m o 'S a i r 'L akft oth' bvslness m en's- excurslon .-after Plr«

ling several d a n In th a t cits', ^ ■ e, a t the Hotel U tah they en t^* ^al d a n u m b c r of friends during th«l'rtnero;— ---------------— ----------- ' . . Don their Arrival a t tho Hotel'B og- Bali I d f which' the~bride,-'as Mr«. U *pv

Km' h ffn thw_aucccssful __!l!Iger for the paat year o r more. « t ' w ero received wlUi lavtoh ahowers cou ee wbich they ovldauUy Ihoughl «»1 ^old by retu rn ing on tho early *>®» la!i' special. _. ,irTEvbniKirni*y~v<prTsjnirK8u4ff i ”** leir many-frienda.^and-the giiesls & »

:d and a Jolly evening w as spent "nd tlouM kiBdM ©f ■jUBwamanU lindHJ •* ® Bg. Uany hpd so m o gifts weto Wu« nted the bride and gnw m on th l i *«rt iifn! UrT and, U rs. X b ra n u o f i t . hu m e ^ ta - .lh 't lr .m any tr ieudf 9“ . iM ualntanccs a t tho H otel R oger' ------------ ............. l is t

' ' T • ' •UTAL .W ORK O J_ p k H y E B T ._ “

JCAQO. Ju ly • ai,—L ying faco : i* iin lJa ,‘LdW »JL& LbpsJ>^onJL^ _ ^

Side with hla handa a n d 'knees Benny Holstein, aged 1*. who ha* ^ inlMlBg-slnce J u ly ; 'J t w a s found today w ith a buUet hol« through

lu d . Tho pollcfi a a ^ th a t ihe ^ w as th a t of somVmanleTous per-

Tha only^clew U a j« x t o f a . er heel found n e t t U j#W ody.bfth# ___



IB Hundrod and Plftssn Enlhuslastie p r Poepit of Nslahborina S U to Honor « Twin Falla Counliry by Visit a n rA r o f Takfn on BIghtSNing Tri(>—R#o*p< | tlon Hsld a t Commsrelal Club U r t ' \ Evening. ' „ ' ' . «

Tbe S alt Lake City oscurslon Sun- y momlng broughe hi 116 guests to yer ] lho wonder# . of lho Tw in JU IJ iqb un tirr~ They axpocted . much ' and ygj ro not dlsappolntM.’ 'A li "day^wbrts

ro poured oul by thVvlsito'faT' " ” gJb rho day was an Ideal on4 and nqlh- ( tho cm 11 re s lay happened to m ar I pleasure and the comploto success tho v is i t I. B. Perrlne Is ontltlod g tlpmeoiurod crodll fo r bringing lho :urslon lo pass and lho Commercial lh.. .Inpnlhpr with ow ntra. of auto- ihUea.nro_worthy_of_tho_thftnl(s_o'f <ry true friond o t tne Twin ^ i s in liy foFtho~en{ortalnmebl o i^ tb o (jii, Mta.-- . • tt l*t was the firafso llf l-rn iim an jya ln it ovor camo to Twin ITalls. Ircakfast was ser^’od a t - tho Por- ^ . ft nfter which th# Twin Falls bond ^efl ertalned wllh a few solectlons. Soc- jop; ary James McUlllan Introduced

I t need. w bt^w Jw m ed l io ^ 5;, » ts to the Twin f ^ l s co u n tir lii * uJj'|; at eloquent and appropriate address. :rtU ry Fartoll of the B alt Lako nmercUl club responded on behalf of ‘h- mlgl*ho automobiles lined up 15 strong I Jn no tlmo fho entlro p a rty was 0- .ded for Clua Lakes and to Shoshono f j s - Iib o JJ r lv itrB _ :o { Z lh eZ c ar i:iX - Inod- the flna ranchos passed and ’• olher Information asked by lhoI to n ." ’ ' .............. — ' ^ifter luncheon tho- automobiles tied (he visitors to varloas pu t* o l ^^d country around Twin Falls, and no ^

•as' can adequately e x p re ss 't to -d e - y j - ii r o f thoT Jlahant. ............. • „ u jhey returned lato in tho evening and ( n t lho hours In getting acquaintedh .lh # . local.boosters .w ho .w or.0 out jjj,, [iffCfc. ([OVOi S o’clock an impromptu . meoting I beld a t tbe Commercial club whero QOO echos, Jokes and laughter crowded mltfutes unUl train Umo.- Al

Pr«s1d#nt Sw H lsy P rts ld ta . tiauj L J . Swee^^y, president of lh# Twin burg Ia-C om m ar^xlub<oall«d lhamoe(> rtn ii together, and In a brief addrtB i slor<

1: . madiI . believe th e n ahould bo a closer &ndlo relationship between Tw in F ^ U «eco . Balt Lake Cllx- We have a - f n a t vent' ntry. 1 do no t need to Itemlso ll. • r a ta ';m e n —o f—dlscem m en t'-Y vu - — o b e o D 'O n r g u e s tr and-know —our In Falls eo iir itiy .'T h e 'b rie fn ess of ttm# has only allowed you to see

i r t . o f iL " T O '-t^ - .» U L .a a U a r.-n i LT.SI #-oupdUoh#* youm ay.lin iL lhajttnm P?^; Hlo land and prosperous farmers, of tl the south you ftnd a newer project recel iro the foundation • Is laid fo r ali- “to r er *octlon-of om- C*rtn > a lla :e m - P»“ >,-and.to-lha so r th ..a c ro u I h t rivee, abor :U11 another g reat p a rt of th# Twlii The Is c o u n tir"

Dr. W oodrufr* Addross. “ Ir. E. D. Woodruff, president of tho c « P t Lako C lir. C «nm erclal club, ro- bave ndod In p a rt a* follows: D»yl[>n bflidlf n f thft «f«tn flf n inff 1 fomi md our h e a ;^ thanks fo r your ably rtesy, your kindness and your lib- Okls llty. 1 am not surprised a t th e rich- o f f( I of your resourcoa. I expected ' :li' and, havo not beeo disappointed. InK n -fr«»^o-*ay '(hat-I-htv*-iM T^K ad lore enjoyable (Uy.IIlW k<^rlnrn tln -thU -* ia im iiD g-to W t- I'th'd Idaho-U tah s ta le lln i.'T b e re p tr 'o tu ch Uitng. - W« all hav6 tho same WlOt ) sky, the some bright sun. tho samo Ho SOIL. I I Is tlje aamo west, lhonr h uid-of-opportOTH /- fur ludusli K '-----.men. ........... '"**i:bava beon h u d o d a :|h M t-O t itA- lc* of your county-i-agurea th a l a re ^ r to,Tead_a»d dU flra lU to .grasp In Ul. Let us not overlook tho natu- ' -attra c tio n s-o f-^ u r-w a st. - L e t -a s «PP- ca them accessible by“ good' n>ads. '

Oood* R osdalhdoniod . — • •” **' M earo .tha t-y60-haes-coled-Ull.flDO mild good roads: Allow m o to con- (alata such ooferpfitA ' I t means • • 'th a n I can t«U yon In dollar* centa to overyona o a .lh o t r w t

'M OS pationlM onr homo ''manu- ;n reri- Our Jwm# locality f lrs t : then the naarest neighbor.' Lot

* ' N<(Oontlim*d ■ e i'P B ff S J - piim



' mexS j f f a i ;


i i T z z : : : . . " --------- cu ii

itldsnl Hops* f(|f Psaesful Solution 'r___Mexican Situation—D_[plem#is __P'i ^ l c t inlsrv'snlioh W ill BwPiluilfy< Dselarod. In W hleh Bvsnt Troops /III bs l^ n d sd a t One# on MsxU in Soil. ■ ■

rASKlNQTON.. Ju ly 18.~To Intor- * * e of not to IntervonB Is the prob- * ^

being -solved by tha adm tnlslra- * ' today.- l^ B long-expected r o ^ r t

a ' i ^ b u i a d o r ' W lliQn' hf^Zh'H n ^

ndT ocicS 'dooS 'U 'ffV ilag 'eon llJ-In executive sesslotl'by. President *

ion. Secretary Bryan and other ♦ ibers of the cab ine t ' . * ^v n U ry D jyan Jaft tho mecIJnf * on hU re lu ra from his offlc# w ith ♦ ♦ < e of lho p a p en regarding the loan->ltuaUonr-be-was-bombMd6d. h TC- u la^y -oago r-co rT tipondsn ta ,-bu t i .-o ,

Uie unlforei atatem ent tb a t giren0 was nothing to given out a t brlghi l m a __________ _______ _lOTidmlnSIratlon reallMS th a l Ihs rican pooplo and tho whOU world ^ o rk rell expect an onnouncement o f a u in ilte policy a f th o tfoncluslon of th*' erenee. I t Is kttown th a t th e .jtU c le Mexican altuatlon and Uia prob-resu lt o f policy adopted b f tha

e d .S ta t'o i 'la "bo lng ’gon8'lnto ox.Uvely. I t has boen Prw ldent ^omp on’s hope U iat somo way could b# rod whereby pooco fn ' Uezlcd , it be osUbllshed w llhout Interven- backed up by soldiers and sail*


e prevailing (iplnlon among' th# S a t* : t* “U «iuint«rvinU on:w W ;b* S25E « d In the tn a . - I l 4 s s u to d by1 th a t If P raslden t W ilson can r . abou t,'p eoco • ' p eaceahlf" hg “go down In history a s a p raat resourceful ruler, . his n Intorvtnllon Is declared there will .O iiiy n r rD m c o o m tie e r—T roopt bO'landed on Mexican aoll, Mexl-Ity taken and tho wholo la id po- *“ *•’’ and tho warring factlona kept In

unlU-Ujcy.bccomo.capablo.'of 'solf •nm snt - • -


' he.wsIBRICAN FALLB, Ju ly S l.-B am lUes 1 li, a lg h t watphman, captured a ovety :ar ta s t night while in the bet of cago B lh ^ ca sh -d ra w o r ,ii t~ th a -a iL B a ^ J !r /; . Daugh got the drop on hU man, m an 1 i him empty the money a ll back lies I nhrched him to’ JalL Thla Is Ui# *«o.'Id burglary th a l hna boon pro- onibli A reoonUy by u i u * . wWei

__ r I — terda:TH- P A O FtO DISTRIBUTORS ^fty li ...«AY_PRICB»..WIt1. PB .Q pO D ^

(Unlt*d Pr»M Dispstoh.) « OKAJre.' Ju ly H ^-C o mpleta te-'

from tho fm lt growing sedlons e j toi e 'ea ir 'and 'n iliia io w urhaV o ezt«ii ired by the Kortli Poclf/c D titrfb . H.elr '. aasoclaUon. The report os com* of th i U-wlth. averago year* s h o « a terdnj aga o t apples, plums and prunes, u iry reports In brief are a* .follows: and 1

Tsxas Appis Crop Short. c('mpl o a * report* the outlook for a lu g e . ve iy unfavorable. , V irginia' wltl • Th( a falr..crop,.-portlcuiarly-of D«n on r«

i and Y ork'Im perials. Thn C#ll- Elecli

i ^ n o t be moro than S S ^ r cent. onSH lioma will have a crop fS 'per ren t (truci rm er years. Missouri and A rkan- « te n rill be fa ir In all rarieU es except: bo sti Jen Davis, which will bo a h o rt on Ui la-O hlojiD Plo-'ctB fiJrilLbtJtU H ^

a fa llu ra Iowa will have a- 7S I I t ^Tit T""p - Tiimmur npplft^ 7^ days, •ent o f fall ajjples, 80 per, cent o f propo if' apples, D’p e r cent lo w er'th an In tb< Vrhfii «,M«,OM bushels were hnr- agod 1 • • A a-fthart-Cwp-Nsas-PUUlwrfl,--------Wauiftttsb u rf aad v ldn lty will b# v#ry »Ut« •.^Wew-Tork ropo rts 'a -m n^ crnp . Uons. land early apples are reportod j i c lly i xl fa ll im ' and th e ' u tlm a to of Anhui ■Her v a ftH In U' C 40 p e r cent o u m t

m w O B rC o lm n tilg -cfop wtlt-b e i b « ^ ' i r below Use year, alUiough'U ie amoiu w d ' acreage will bring up thfl Tli# iga practlcnllr «<iusl to lh a t of year. Colorado report* a fa ir fonaa• U tah on ly . • 50 per c e n t . N iir » crop will probably be plentlfuL IhOrPi> wiu.tjo, ft;g w d crop of primes - ,i.^ a 40 per c e n l ^ p / ^ plums.- - -Ba» ra reports ST to 4 t^ p v cent crop. lor. sl w T ork ha* an average (jrop of hon* f and A full m p o f pm nea tsj^f "• r • ...... -

JU L Y 31, 18T3r . ‘


►r.-May A rc o i: c in firm > u re h i» # " V I tSS,000 W orth of Bonds snd Bx- IS# Bsllsf th a t They Can Plao# m ainlnB -B ond»-« t* lfr*C M h-W m --------AvallabtB Seen.

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

rni our purchase of ISS.OOO ♦ iTin FkJl* TU llRsy company, ♦ inda W e will also Join w ith" ♦ Rail her strong p a r t l e r ln holpliiB ♦ Artl nc# ~ th > ~T)alance;~~whlch~~wo*~> "Tdiiti

M )00-sall"-TrTnilBblo^-«^^IT minor charges aro made. 4

C U T T E lt MAY A CO. ♦ ilcago/.llU -July IS, I t l t « '

" ♦ One> ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ able a

' ,. , ton or

- b o v -« .s .a « ^ a a - 'w c a U ia 4 4 .> Perrino on-M onday-and o a - l i a rth of this.dispatch prospoots look • , ; for lho early'completion .of a l _ I™, b ^ ^ f _ ^ l o o p to the fttlla Im-

will begin on tho Hna A eor- m ount of rod tapo is usually r»«'i before '*uch m a tte n ar* finally ^ J. but the telegram encourages thnt this m attes will not long be _ ,.v od. I. D. Perrino and tho oUiw c « -o f-th o -T w ln -P a lls - RaUway j f - j ~ jiy aro 000 w ltb the peolo u ll he In anticipation of early rosump- ’ f work on the Una - j - - ^

R sprsssnUlivs PIsastd. „I weeks ago George B ogart a ho In er of tho Cutter, Uay bonding newspt ny, p a ld -a -v ls lt- to lh» -Irao t-to - T h s - igate the poMlbllllies o T j ^ eomme y w ith a vltw. to encouraging hla buslnei jvy I n ihB BurchsM ctf th# bonda man"0 completion of tbe road, Upon valuab port of th e country depended the a rtleli le of tbo company towarjl th s tlcal u na-of_U ifl-bonds. Mr. Bogart munlty ixpeclod tO'spend a week o f two gard tc1 vicinity in a thorough study o t pie Ibs adlllons and poulbllltles present- slmpllc0, b u t arriv ing In tho clly Sun- In com •enlng and spending U o n d ay 'aa i In j’t h i ky In a tour of^lhe tract and a local n 1 H ollister on th# electric c an , "New I so im preued with the posslbil- ^ lU i tt nd opportunities in evlden« on est fac hand th a t ho departed for CU - Ing sei it onco wllh a glowing account rout# t »t ho fcad seen her e Pelny a w h e ;^ t.d lsoom m ent he law ^ sslbU l- w EoW ial’ ;nany peoplo have failed to Every rh a t his report was highly fav- and 1

and was favorably received Is preachi cod i y the nessngo rocolved t « - com# a , less tha n 'tw o weeks from lh* to th a } (eft.thlji.fllty to re turn to Chl« opera tl... ..................... . . . ..............; paper.-he atrength of the probablllly 'of one fai b tlng c o m m e n ^ 's b o n on U s easy ti3i»:ciU Lcoiin£llja£Let4*r_r*?.i- •:Tw in I 'a lls Railway company ao ^ n ls a l lbn” d ftIm e; th rp r* » e f lr t» rn ro f far*,"- rnuichls«-«xplring on August 1 A pi year. Tbe extension given yea- and toi grant* the company nnUl Ja n - gesUon

, to finish th e llnfr.ia , the falls ruil*«! ntlL AUgusi 1 of'-, next year lo hllgratl Ito lh# en tira lin a ' ' “ . Junct i

_ _ th a t thc U f c o ^ c lI m ot UoadAT ta i ootfune

> M en U tlok of the Twin b« prolo R a ilv a rrp o o p lB - th a t they tional progT^sIng w im the ncccssary her* tn sa tldn work the ~trmo'for con- there a on of lh o toad to the falls was degr«o ied lo Ja nuary I.* Work m uat munlty rtod w ithin to days. Tbe timo h r e f 0 I "loop" w aa,fixed a t August I,

_____ _____________ ____ THI10 -work Is no t begun w l[ h :0 0 ho construcUon company far the n ’TAi :od r o a d V u s l repair ain ife-ftU ^^SThi d t y of Twin Falls wh*fo dam - ^ rca 01

>y tho rails th a t have been laid, pomcro in n u A l.ta x w u levied on all city t r auMect ta an action of tho u jpard t t a t would .change valua- the slip . Tha a**e**od •YoluaUon:Ot--th* jowa a -to la l o f |4,fl«,000, Th# ' ■ n e r y w ^ f tx a d - a t U mllU to r t-BXpansiw, -whlcli glre* tbo c ity IaiIuu

-JFfo. 0&, o tfOT’tho

t In' round numbor* to |« 0 0 . - o ^ n M c o «stabllalilng-Uio d u a - crS o b i tt^ -d ls tr tc rT T O f-ttm ra g b '" ih# floiTBe ity o f 'b e in g finally adopted, will b a opened next U onday for ' o r e I lUng lA o t th e c iu ste r'llgk li.^ ibo fou

> » I. ^ I. ^ •' 1' ’'^ . 'F o w i: u N # b U k » i ^ ' 'w 3 L - ' r ^ ^ o ^ - i rIter' o t Jung# Shank, VetufoM four y« to FaU baaka, Neb.. thU tao ia* a a rrta f





Amsy. of lho North#m .P*QlfIo «ay Company Haa InlanH Ing '

T s n iT A i^ u i r N u iiib # f~ o r‘‘Sw ; j~flnt"-:r:M igB xtn»^td*ntltlK tw ‘— ^ . .

» h ^ ~ ' " ' " 'Z ■

of tho Btrongest. m ost praoiio- id Interesting m ic le s ever w ril- Iho subject of'param ounV tm *.,

:e to every resldont of tho state0—th a t of encouraging new poo- ' ' com e.'lo 'tbe s ta te 'to liv t t-w lil ' In-the-A ugust num ber of the

oho F irs t m agaslna published ert W. B p u g le r a t Tw in Talla.

U lnHnlgrfltlon,“ -aa4-w alhirM t'. ' . C. Q. A mey,-western Immlgra- id Industrial agent fo r th# ■■ m Paelflo 'R ailway company, ad q u arten a t Spokano. Mr. A r- >nt IB yeafs in southern Idaho,i i ‘T d aho 'F a lU T -poeale lirand ------------tie haa made a clos# study of w th of the s ta te from a te r r i^ —' ‘ tid haa 'beo a closely Idenilffod ueh o t the eariy history of Wa­rn educational, pollUcal and per way.counlry-now spapsr- editor, - th e -------- ^tia l d u b _aMr«l«y"^jand _th#_____ _s m a n - a td lh# ldaho’"bu*ln#sa ’ . ' Indudea .lh# farmar—will 6 ttd e Infom auoB In U r.-A nifly 't^ thnt they can well p u t to p n o -0 fo r the benefir of tbe lr com<

One.auggesUon alone In r«-the.local newspapw is so slm*

1 the r o a W ls 's ta r t le d 'b y ,!U -----------ty aa well as It* praoUoabllltjr. nentlng on his plan for reach*peopl* oM he;Bait-tbroi)gli th*-^---------iwspspcr, Mr. A m ay says; .ipapen aro an herculean power » peopla They aro tho cheap­er fo r available m e In a tlrao t- llem ent Thoy « ro the e u y I tiike wlUi knowledge to QaidahO T Is o r Is to be CTtalsd a _____la se n llm inno rT ltnm ljtn iU on . anner, atockralaer. m 6rchanl lanufacturer. every teacher, r, artisan a n d .c iv ilian .can .be - 1 aasls tant reporter M d e d ito r ' ' ocal paper. W ith palriollo c6*>a botwoen tha people and thaC aC flS ?* 'tec6 m ea7 Uierilt**t -----------lor fo r Immigration w llhln the . lanfdal reaeb of a a r peopit ta [it-«ufflciflnt«l«e to I effec i. o r- :on' f9 r~ tho '‘cbm nlu 'iji^ ' “w it- — —

n 0/ work for tbo la rge ctttu -ns is also givea, .and th e t t i f •Is offered lh a t every club or^for jihe encouragement b( Im- T ..........

m shiluld have IU nd«wtth th is It^can bei Bhown I m oral social, frilehn rt. .oduea- • daJ :U« o f the communltj' wtU •ided for Uie n e w c o w , " U u r-ind rellglottsh a s w a n - a a - t ta - . ------IhM# Talley* o f th e mounta lna. —— - ounds a rospeoU bK high giiide ‘ af dv lo H ghteousneu of com- pride and of genuine brolhw ly. . .' a ll mankfnd." '


BUCK. .W ash, -July—■ppeiii a re d e y a a ta U n g - a - l im r- ------ r

crops’ 'i n ' .th is vlcInl'ljC A t ' ' r. near thts place^ jtTatshoppaTB Uilck on tha railroad track th a i

>e»y rails.

Q E N D O W M B ^-F U N D ,_i____

TbB,wb«edpUcra» to t j » (i;i f o e

......- : tPiC July

> m p n t h l - ^ ;<yidi.ol-.'

. . NUMBER « / :

I in

Page 2: . tiiNTH ykAB.',..;. z ;: f JULY31, 18T3r . ‘ 'Sizzffl I ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS_TF03/... · Is makes three- lines to parallel spo olher

V w iN FALLS N EW a: ■W IN PALLB. tDAHO,THURBDAV,'JULY a i , i m V '' V ^ ^

M etos of thiw » io a io b W a w o m a n . c a s t l

— CLT301 IAKES,.\lu>r J j.-M re . IL T.. 'n a ta ra ' w ai tho h tiro lij/o f a infilling -

nccldent in c o m ln e 'A w n tho 'erado trom Dufil; Tho hiinie*i !J^pk^ letiLns ,the b u m loncuB down. Tho toi-suo ; BlrucJc a rock overtomed <ho - b u n r . throwlnR her to tho ro u n d , bu l for*

'tunntel'y''rfc« or Ih# vehlclo. AUhoujli ’badly tbaJten up. M rt. H m r d heroic- “olly-cluni to Uio llne« and n«ver Rftvo *up for.an 1n*Unl. ,

Sli«'*topped tho horfff,-rcpalr«<]-ttio -- v-- dumago and drovo hotno, OutJldo of ° ^ bruUci and Jho ihock thot nalum lly 'comto *IU» on .ncclrtfnl of th# hind. °l

_ ^ h * J« jio ii« Jh o jw o n o for_tho Bonio* ®‘ *•HonaJ-JO m Jflu lW — ....... —. . . . . . . . . . ■ . . . . laji w o

.FANTA6TI0 LIOHTNINO. ' “ UO"- here.

~C C E A iri:;yK E B .-3inr3»--A -drC T ch’. ■— Mr,-CIng ralnatorm fell hero l u t FridoV <»*cvcnlnir and-iltw dcd thc valley *cn- turnedcmlly. Tho n lr wna fairly thick wllh oa hi# Jelc«tritlty nnd llih tn ln* r iu h ed In- - T h e •ceM dntl^ fltmngc ond fan fa iliT bo- ^hnvlof la reported on th# part of the yjj^ylightning. ' w ill' ilk(

Tho ItaniluU bam w aa.ln lho path land. ..ot.a-bolt-ofJl£:hlnlnE,...Tho.roo,f_.waj

partly knocked off, a tloel cable uced ^-^or-hrttlnir4hfftir»-ln««>-lhft-o*llat..wM -flntmeff'm 51tfd nnflH 'tlno ; honw thutJRht —Emors.

to bo Injured, acrlouily by tho ehock •but ba» recovered. , j

,----------- ' » • trloiia faCLEAR LAKE'.NEWe. ' A big.

I . tho CatJJr*. C h lrle i/n jo rfo ll l i reported

- to m » w h « l- lb ^ - lU a .e j t lL _ ^ __________in « t ■!- Tho -D ro ^ -fB m lly ttlu m ed - -fcrom »tor» of Wood river where they had boan hunt*•in* and fUblA*. Thoy report ffood luck j„g nnd a good time. M l(i 1'C iir tli iiyater and family of Caalle* homo _al

foriT nre viBitinK ir ith o m o ro .----------w n T ^ iMra. Charlea N lckenon left flal’irday coun

evcnlnfflo lake h t r ili tc r 'ln -law home. .-Ulia Kth'el N lckenon haa been via- K

Ulnc hero the p a it week.U r. SnuUberry brought iome catllo Mra. Ij

d O W »nrC I6 ttrT in iT 1o"^(u frihonnaf i p c t i l i r i of tho woek. , Mend* In

Little Fanny Koie li quito alck w ith ' E.- D. Htoniltlllf.--------------- •' -------- ■ In Tw in.

There, wna quite »i larg# crowd a t Mlaa Or Ur. i^iM ki' for aprlcoU today. U iu Edltl

Melvi^ NIhart and friend wero down te r part c tnjoyliic an ou tlig n t Clear luko.BunTJay:------------------------------- '-y ;-------------- rn n m erw■ Chwlea N Ickm on la on the i lc k 'l l i l J . J^jCnrl thU .WMk: . ;>lra. F t

Chailea lioae haa becn a le k .u v e ra l WUUamJk Iaya with Thoumatlini.-bal la Improv* Itora Tuei Ing now. Qeorgo.Mr. Fuertado ood family from the Dynr, r tti

^6Hh~Blde ware down the l u l 'o t ' l h s c a irg T te r veek a fte r 'ap rleo ti and peachea. parenta h'

Jn e t- Thompaon,. who. haa been a t M ra F r srork o t Clear lake fo r OtIa a Byatof. frotn ldah »ai'‘c<}mp«JJea ro MKa-n'W yoff-mora* with iter j lAy owing to hla orm, wbleh ho had Bden. lu rt quite badly during the we«k. He Mlia III efl for, Duhl for medical Irentmenl. and Frida;

Mr. aiid Ur*. OtIa E. Syater went to The U< auhl Thurad»y on builnria . ( crcum one

Mr. and Mra. J . W. Banbury wero and menli ,'la ltlng lu i Bunday nftenoon a t Clear achoolhoui ake. T ^ -.—M r-a n d

•Wnlter Chrlawolt, nocompAnlcd hy hla towit-Moni w o ilitera, Lilly and Della, wero v lil t- UIm In; ne hero today. • Blelnour i

U r*. U . J. Padgetl c f Hagerman wna Pridor- 'lilting Oi the gueat o t U r. and U ra. Boveral Mla Byiter a (ouplo o t daya thla week. Oakloy th< }ho w ent iiahlh's one mdniini', and Cnrfonj A au g h l le flno trout. Mra. Pudgell among thi a n ’l bo bent when It comet to flih* W. D. Y' 6 B .* r ffoU t fiho Ja .n .y ea ra oM-and A ^O .-U a.icarty .-— --------------------------------- ------- foM i weel-M ra. n a y D oyer-and-daughter -o f Ulca w llh. Ulas aune up a n d w ent over to liu h i . D. IL U0 do aomo ahopping. Gho aay t the Ferguaoo’i rlCM 'aro betler ol Duhl wbero aho M -A . Dj avea half on her purobaaea, F a li

iNlTJ_ 3 H C

'1 JVill Bgoit YoutShoolinih f t S p e ^ S f k l h t h i s seaw

•l_lbacl to 3 K rd .q u it^ tW

— f e d i e r y n H f t a - ^ g g ef n w re - to d ii

‘ U e g p c « d o f lh e # o i K e U * u < I u o h- to th e w a y u c p m c R w e a t h o . im o lie

k e c p i (ul t&B p n o c ii ' o f t h s ' e x ^ o f lo n 1 , i l » t , ' 'w h c r e l t 'b e l o a g i •

J t a i * > i t a i A i a » U n i a i M « li I l io' , 7 ' .

PAQE a ...................................

— :---------- 8UMM■ I

JHoimiff, s£....... .......■' ..................... “ Jlftlp— . . . . Suadaj ' . . tr ip In

'PORO CR0881NO WAS Mrs.WASHED BY U T B RAINS le r Bol___ I . r ~ “ Ic f lJ ii

CuU eford, Ju ly 2fi. in H ar rado b o tb li sldo of th e Gas- Ura. iroaafag la compiotcly w u h o d T h o jr c c o ii t^ in - ilo rm baa muol d a i ^ o lh a t wlli coet his eoi <Xt m m iJaw o i. o u d ']d | f r / . W . D. ■ BooUiworth fo w W y a 1 ie ro 'l« t w « k . ' ll nobrongh. o f Bub), wag tls - u r ^ t'F y m boy her# Bunday lasL wlUi t (ckwith and famlly spoat laa t • rUhinB on ih o 'S a tao i i orloy and fan lly lo tl forU ie lr boQor i Q raisy HIII aflor toklog caro Is sooa

ay 00 Ihe Fooler ranch. • itorl.MoHurray._- w ng-iironnd f J - ih o k rngklog a thorough, esamin- duif;cd

lo tho health of lho sheop .M lis t Kciirly,

H o r tbo p a il year, has ro-and will a siU t P. D. Neor u l H. j

inoh. n c a n iiDdoraon'a, who. have -'boen - s -fow -dsys-horo , lo ft for « o la BL Joo. Missouri.I well ploisod with Idaho, and ly return n o il ychr aria buy

loronco Near le fl for Twin o rday .-B ho and-M lss P esrl in spend tho Tall th e re dotnK

:n E dv ard s.lo £ t nnolher. f la a t wcuk wIUi lung fcTor. Thla tb hor*o bo has lost In tw o0 If ono c f our m ost loM i- PJoBldct m crs.a ll.R am o twtwcoQ' FJlpr and loford boys waa pullod off (tcroooB:—Tho-boya-oo-holh. aomo llno ploying.

iiiDdiiv nvonliU! tho yo im r- A hla placo Korb In v Itrd to tHff ,Mr. and Mra. Colo, whoro 11

1 was served (ind tho oven- ovoning. . In pleasant convcraallon. P rjjon t. a u ra Kcarly le ft fo r h e r ^Jra. Deep. Crock Saturday to ton. Uta

- b r ^ r r * - ^ l r - K e a r i y „ U a SRIk-Ui. d a fow“ weol(s hero seeing TEursda r r Mosda


In 'lho itT. daughter, Fcm ,Jw days of taat weok w ith Bom.

on Fridam waa ir^naoctlng bualneaa £

T llfew Iice Gordon was the gueat o f woa had Boyd of Twin Falls thu la l- Mrs, F

t laal week.Idle Cariapn ,1a apendlng tho th-herparent8.-M rrnnd-M r*.- TCfl.-TlIllJ on.- , Morquanincea Johnion'. son Ira and Tbo nc orrlson w o to ,X w iaJiU it.v li;

Mr. an[loie, son of U ra. S . I t CbarlolK med to bis home in the ^^olI and •w ra x ie n d cd -T Jsl't 'w ttirh it re.d-UacoD and little daughlerr-Falls a re apeadlnc.& week ..........; _a rro u , Ur. a ad Afr*. a t a c o d u 'u

lown. wlIh Kendel apent Thurad&y nusnl. nu w ith Mra. Charles Mllle^ work ws

lea' Aid society served lee cako W edneiday afteraoon

g during the election a t lho to trr iv o ). About tS t w as reallxod. by a ralt U ra .- J .-B Dower w o re J a “ r* “r

« t o m A H ..1 0 C it,.Johnson and Mrs., J . B. Quiood li

•ere vlaftora In -Twin F a lls Ing Uonii . W. C ur

Micndcd tho celebraUon a t ■a4ih. J . J . Tolmon. 0 . w . S V lr.iQ i 0 . Loea nnd famlliea w ere Q, Otc

10 going. . Derger liiU E. D. Hunt, J . J . Tp.man. ..

«««„»/„. “ ' t l s'* outing, tak ing th e ir fam* F i e n d . ' 'Ihcm. __________________ _ M r...PlenHer has gone ou t on D. T . **th 'I ranch to work.

idley waa In M urtough from usday. ' Bilndny. C. 8,......... - ■ - irlends li------------------------------------— Tom S_ a fte r *a i

Ho think* ger. Coi



a M H T O flr i'-x"I Q iform er x<

i G W - a i t d - n K- tea."-:

e e l L i n e d - '

lU S H E L L S - ^V e l« T 5 v o

I - A v e r a g e : . - - . : ^. ; . crtio mlirTi

<K they get th e - out i u t i

u i y o t h w A d ! . ' S L ' , 'J J I tem oon I JT:rieadT'«lglc» . . . . , (Qfta.oL_____ :________ camo froi

i morning'Ith o t ie d T in t\s^ M h Mo

e ts p o w d e r a s d ' • PWn . t . b d > t a a u . . .

. S a lm o n 'II SW la o( t U .............. U r. PlllU RmI B d - county ca»IBe«yo«lwy.

Q tf tr id K o C b .-^ ------------■ . A «

■ M M I M H M I I M h Thft Twlo


r ^ j a l y - j i —X..P,__yfun*ff»:;Of rinflf n a iig .!su lliU is l) l .jn tu n li i7 -B (i i n n J u

tj - Vanco M u p a S lo -Buhl on » r tr . ' a fte r a l ^ o ^ e e k g ' f a m b lo l mission

Bhoshoni JM tC liehlDgJesso of Eutm aa a ad dilffgh- scrrlcei

tty a rrlifo rhom B T huraday af- Snalw e i[tond« Y isit w ith relfttirM w u.'K q

vard. HL BundayN. 0 , Thompson rolaim od'Sun- Bunday ih t from a vlsll wlUi h e r par* tlccra a , Roxburg. Soper1 F. Frltcbor haa m orod -In to and B.- y new bungalow on N ln tli tve- Beere

. Cloud rF.-C.'M arqaardaon enUirlAlaed Hc ache cUoa.Bridgo clnb ThurgdA^^af- TreasL . ’ " ------- OrgarJ . C. Nason bas h o u r r ls ltln g L ibra Irs, E. L. Van • RIpe r at hor a «^n n By'rlhga. . • chargo•Cora-Sobooler..!QSt«rtalnod a com m it• Of frienda Friday o ron ln* In ing a « Dt Miss a n c o ‘\VllkInson, wbo seaUng

lo m ore to S alt Uko.- A lte r people i oyablo tlmo a l the Schooler Arran co,.:ihe m 'orry-party ad JourscJ w h ic h j -h a l l ,-w h o ro -d a a d n g -w a i- ln - p .,-o t..: In unlll a n 'o a r ly hour. secoad i!8 Florcnoo Noor aod Pearl boglnnli le ft Baturday fo r Tw in Palls. The they will w m ain dnring»4hii scend u

'( Katherine U Vooce and Ha- pleasurt Mired retum od la s t w oek from borly s; ling Irip In tho Sboshono Ba- to lead

bn t ra tih ; b : WllklnsoD. itay nad Ver- to ' help : Saturday ovenlng. fo r the ir Ing rell me la Ball Lake. M r.'^ U k ln - aftom oc Illness h a s .k « j) rb la th e re a ll good of . Thoy ren ted ih e lr bouge da Clear a renua to P ro L .U a rk e L , r ig h t U H o u n p O b d family, oL flopd- day In s ro c o m r ls ltln g At tho A. V. ftdenlly

stU nii'M U B -PaU llnr3S6U i:-------Hayward, o f Vinton. Iowa, t w im e

It of lho cltUeps* B U tebank ,I been looking a flo r business I hero, le ft Tuesday orenlnR land. I H naioCora PlatL of Caldwoll. Ida- W else I< )ondIn^Eo'r v ifcn llo irv fiu n ier lio " E U t Irs. P. C. M arquardson; Mra. Wi —R o s» -Jo h n a o n . sntortftlned P ^ S -I lo l i r ty ' o t ' hisr frlcndg ' TUcaday tchdod I

A Jolly tlm o w as bad by a ll homo, b- - ho fllh il

W alter Rnmpton. of FnWnlng- again, b ; who hna boon vlslUog be r Miss (F. HamDlon, retu rned bomo boon v l

y- — Jiomo, rim os M. J. Hlgloy and H al <LaJci7— ft Thursday oTonlng to r Pay- Mr. fti ho. Thoy ha ro gono lo n o o i v o ro Ti Igloy. who Is thoro working Thoy bi ile rosts of the F ru it Qrowera’ w ith the on. - . . _ doctor’ato Mr. nnd lira . W . A. Pa rish , weeks. iT, a baby girl. tpeaiedlo thodlit Aid society hold a oycs aro tid a y ovoning a t th o 'B . IL a nun lomo. A rc ry on joyablo 'llm e Tw in F a by a ll present. to rday e’. C. M arnuardson ontcrtalood to lho B lay oronlng for h e r alater. a a d -y o u u PlalL ThoBo prosont wero H ansen Plalt.-M eK ln loyt-V anee.-A ll- well cua -Mossrg:— EIlwnT-BeciBniHT alioola. JBpn.*-aBa-8hlcldi.' Q uite IIW officers .of tho Com mercial H anson-1 Thoa. H olm e^ preslditnl. f i Dlrkni ireen; geo re ia tr. - - I n g . d Mrs. Cbaa. UoQuown, Miss Miss I I McQuown, o t T w ln 'F a l ls , onlng foi

Howell and Mr. L. J. John- Mlsa Bal.^he-w ook end a t-R lvoraide . a U t s r , - i_________ •- ■ p ast Ihp

T he h(BER dER . a ia. T l

. . V . ' _ ____ inalchcd.bridge h u booQ.put lo-ovor bro se h<

raTl on th e /f o a d norUi o t no t m ort aicq waa u ilto ao Improvo- x b o o ik ltk U i e / ^ d passable. T ho u io n lc h IS iQ d o j / l ta auporvlBlou of f n ) „ the o v ^ y i - , R, N. Rood. . T hey In t w o iV o o Borrlcos in Uergor tr ip s ye l day. a s ou r n in ls to r .(allod ' ^ r . a i on acoouot of helog caught TlsiUng

uitorm.. . J a tid M r*.\8chiitlor, of Tw la iro B ors'or'v lailora Saturdlijr. '• J l la Banderson and fam ily >) Tw in Fnlla 'Sunday, rotum* •

ry nnd sister, w ho havo m ade H ANSI v is it w llh frionds nnd rola* ^ 'WhUi

B w g o ra n d rlc ln lly , le ft for Bunday r n o J ttJU U D iiri:B a lu h la )C = -: m to w , 0, M«7l . . g b . . a . to „

B o a m a n jn d wlfo rolurnod to s o iB Callfom l& JY cdnosda^ _ T w o ^ c ho rt, vlsll .w llh M r. nnd M r^ ligiiiaiag- Mr*. Beaman la a -< li ic r o l " « a .-T h e y -w o r e highly.ploaa- rw in P a lls and Salmon JUvor •**''

n ear KimQlbbi waa lo Rogeraon Sat* U r. an<

Curry Ispen t ' B u a d a y -w ith ^ - " 1 1 ?1 Tw in Fall*.- ■ - "o 'andoraon la baok In BcrRcr ’ and monlh’a stay in Twin Falls, ty seo t vl .s Uioro’B no plado llko IJc^ The TocL ■ .S Erlcson Is h a rin g h is ranch ““ '=?*** w llh rabbll and atock-jiroof Iteixwero

s week. _______________ _ »oclal tlwO lfsT Q o o rg o L rahne, from i n , , Mnr In Falls, w ore rlslU ng Mr. folks a l th is plnce Buaday. idvcrtenlly om lllod In our 'munlcallon menUon. of tho trte lly lo : B. M. Holloway and fam ll/j Umi h is p caldonts of th e Loal n iv c r „tu_Sir. Holloway baa purchaa* “ . ,

K rgor-ranch.-'---------:■...d Mrtf. L ansing. o l-B o lllag . iPft.m_o.f_b *h., who havo,.b«on_YlsllIng chaBcd_m t this ploco. w ent to F iler other onelo vlsll a « o n the re . .. „Munt of th e recen t hoary ^ " Ich ha re thoroughly 'soaked G \i Sml id, quito a num ber o t ra nch- to 'fle lda

ohanaonod U io lr-lrrigaU oa and growt

« ' l " (T C l'o rO r B. L , m i i :(Qillh Of Dor8:0r.'.WM washedCocaday-orenlnjfT iyii oloud* ttweror.- Uj* -W ednesday of* CELEBI ra ln -w a rn o t-d e U y e d ,-a a » ’ m en ,w ltp f t :c a r lo a d -« .Uc«B Twin P a lls 'W ednesday h a u b e ahd-ropalrod Uke damage. w i-;-;,W F om aw and family, o f T w in ^:sed Ihrongh P a rs e r Monday. ^ way-home from a few .days ' ed in a b

_______ ' ■ • « i r , and •

OCATION "n o t ic e s , =FOR, N ^ A D A . Van Num

■supply .alw ays on b a n d . a i Preae 1 ^ 'N ews office. o f B an ie it


. T ' ' .' '. 'i . DU HliT jkB i'- 'Jnly, 3 d .^ i r o - m e o t r do i^ K U

rn bf>pn-hwl4 «< ^gwa -Uii0 u a a ;h y j le r ^ j^ l t ; ; i * e 0 1 l l i - ta « « e d ^ Prcabyterian^- S u t id a y ^ ^ o o l tr f , fo'r ?tbo 'iiuT po« M 'cslab-

I re r. J. Tw o .week* Mgq th e re ‘ tn U l a<lendanco o f th ir ty ; la s t . - j i j - ^thoro w ore 60, and a Bible » .school w as orsan lxed wlUi of- “ ‘I follows: • u n o In' in teaflw lf—J . ' W . New brough tb a t o a

W - M l w B pencerr^-rt - B e d “ mcb, Uie te ac h er of-.tba;iral>- }) for the o o m lo t \ te m ' ' applied i fferrrhr. Brooka.. ' th e effecU l-M Iss Je s fle B ofld :--------

A r th u r .-imltleo w aa oppolntod to U k e Uoi Eca< of UlO m tu lo ; aod oa o lhor nuoy.—j eo to prorldo additional seat- smmodallons, a a th e pre ion t a p ac lty w ill no t a ea t ha lf th o i "■ ' rho a ttend . .sen en ta b a re boen m ade by - V > 30 R or. p ^ J o n o s J l o b e ^ .D . I V lu^ w U L prcach iibare-O T O T y lunday a fte n o o n a t 3 o'clock, g on th e ICUi of AoguaL lundrcda of people w ho do- ;>on th e valley o ro ry Sunday r*lWhlBS'Wid" o lh e r •fonna'^rf ■ ■ ■ ■, wQI fu re ly feel such.nelgb- mpaUiy for th e ir frionds aa them lo do noth ing to hinder er oTorythlng lo th e ir power the laudable purpose of hold* llous se rrlcos e re ry Snnday a from 3 to 5 o'c lock, fo r lho ill concemcd.Lakes people h a re a* good a > = = :

t h B : p r i r l l ^ “ Ol . th e one .. iren aa o ih m : . and they 6on* T . .

nppoal - . lb . . Ihe lr 'v ls iU flf “ I w ’o r J h ^ n a l d ^ U o n Uiat Is r in ihTTfegBrd. __ ____

ALLS YOUNG PEO PLE H ..........ON OUTINQ A T HAI<<fieN ................

], July '28.—Mr. nnd Mrs.f t H anson ' fo r iho lr homo In ____■ B ttn irflay-inonilng:-M rr*nd —Ise ha ro boon vlslUng M rs. ■

dnilg^t^r Thny-ln.. ..i__o m'ake Uils cou'iiU7 ''U io I r ■II owlDg to Mra. W elso's 111 ere ' compelled to re tu rn e u t

lladya La Munyon. who haa lUng a t tho Frod Schcm ipp turned b - M r B o m tn tt-S a tt - M O

d Mra. J . C. H l i r a n d iM B ^rin' Fnlls r ls lto ra yesterday.lught lIlUo lUtn H ill homon. R ita bos been under th e M ncore for .Uio p ast th ree)he haa been ha rin g h e r oyeaat tbe Jocal hospltaL H ormuch boltor Uian theyw ero.b o r-o f young ladles fromIs goi offU j'e Train here yes- T n C'onlng. They woro on routooso homo. M iss Olga Brosoiger b ro ther m ot thom a t«ilh a hay-rack, w bleh waa — ■iloned -wllh-.hay -and-w agoa - t--------

. Dumber o f yonng peoplo of I I I

.tlended tbo L ite ra ry socloty I M aahonl honse Batnrday oren^

lancbo Babcock le ft I u t er* L — hor homo a t Ruport. Idaho.

«ock haa beon rljIU n g hop ' ra. M. A. .RnMson.,, f o r - t h o -------------0 woiiks.rao roce Banday w aa splen*D h o n e s wero ' splendidly_Tho ra c a .w o n L tO -lh o .A m :____ir»o by a b o u L u lr- J a c h e ^ r - • . v .,

D. Bills, C. R ich and OUo D ountalo team s cam e back

hills quite hoarUy loaded, md m aking one o r tw o moro th is snmmor.d Mra. Clyde H ughes were iome folka yesterday eren*


N, I d ^ o , J u ly '3 < .- U r 8 .A . ihead and son ' spent Ight w ith a e home folks.'. -® T -P :^« iU tT ld t:lfxa t.-«W ' “ — ;Visit w lth^relattves In P o rt- '. .

rsM -w er« 'r«ported-kllled-by 'Bunday^jifterooon.—^ -— - ........ Ia Haglo ylatted today w j m __ j ______r j . i t W atera, a t h is homti leriy. ■ •

Mrs. Clyde H ughcr wero loy a t M ra H ughes' forrner ’■ theast of H ansen,. " •U ra J . .8. Sm ith were coiin- iltora today.rtgago buratng" wos quite a It orenlng. U ony Klmberty* preaenL AU roport a gooda. _________________________ _ 1 _t Wilson la w orking a t . tho .1 fo 'rn ahort-tlme.------ ' ’ .................tosaen say s th a t th e elee*tho o ir w u so bad ''B onday ion# nujff tor nearly I I m la* ' .

Jtj:.unnIftghaniI.hAY!iLAJVCjr. ------------lya. .Ono_.nf tHem tbey. piir- i r j r w ln ._ F a ltf_ w h llo ._ th o 1 ^ ' •an j^Jrom .Jerom a T hey jiro atched team . ’h haa ono of the best p« ta- ■■■' ' n

I mode Is very unlfbnn iindc l-ta «*cellent.:for ,» _ h u ry - " 1 W

ATED 04TH BIRTH1)AY.... | - . V , . .

f. July ,2B,-E » ro Wllllama 7 . . - _ sed on hU 8«th b lH hd iy by aber o l hla Irlenda wbo call- ~>dy and *p«nt th e W eiiln*U r. Wllllama w a t boro In „

, M ich, J u ly - a i . - l « 4 t n o ? * * * ® '? " ’ n t h Michigan, r tg lm e s t In y . t o o n t l i t t i u ,c h ,» t r t 1» l i s be m a rr iM .k f lu N ora TTI. I d is m he n o re d to - it bom i two n lle a M uthsast a fsQ - g

-- ThtTrt#;

^ ... "" -f '" ' .1! WELCOME RAIN 8T0RM 8H 0 8 K

Jd a h O i .Ju ly 'w ^ A heavy

-M vsr- l^ -w p o r te d '- to -h a r? foo t-o f-fi > t iU d « ra W e .d a n u o JO 'm Js . e o u a i ^■ « ^ n o U t l


M enilyM t h u beea a geit* ttoO to Ini icopted l&w ry : tb a t.e e se m a i ^ C a u c l Isoaao o t th a blood;; 8olea< r U r ; 'S w i eaU gadoas h a re taogh t o s ito o and.; ima Is poalUrely a a k ln ;d l» lo -g e t lh e I onrabid .through th e ak la ty - f o r thi I«rttol...’ E c iim a ..ae m o d y ..l» _ ih o la t< Jreo tly \to t t o dla«a*ed Bldn,' T w la'FaU L is .nu iraU m .-aad lU resia ta t i n Bnaki I t Do n o t dpiay try lo f M e^ th a t inaU ma R em edy.' U aje itte P h a ^ ou t th e I t dT ortlB em w t b o w W *

Best Rates •-?

l a .yonr own interest .d^'Dot fall closing a loan. O or termB. fo r dty.Joans.arg th e _ ^ lo b ta ^ W f c the benefit of c a r s e r v i^ ' whicfi a n d o c c n ^ te . S E E U S .

in falls Title & Atet-------------H o t* M ? efrin aJId aa JC » ln _ E 4

»wM p»B8 <ed>ln-SlO C l u g e p e r c e n t —

le y invested In LAND i p r ic e s p&ys ybii a larg i

»-why not bo/row theTno low rate, liberal term s and



Voylow roDod Irip fans to Deir t lom, ‘Onate, OWso, ‘IWiStai Ihtfpoina.

lATES Of S A t t

: Hay 7,8,10,17,24,31; lone 3j O l y X 5 n o , 1 9 , '2 J , '3 i r A i * U ! 6 ,22.2 8 rS q i® ille fian ir—

l l l i l j . - - - . “ T -

,0(tobcf 31sl, l9l3. . -- -

Stt any OREGON SHORT'UNE a< malls. \ . . ■ '

“The Union PacificItectes pmaha.and a|! p(

‘H i e i j r e i t il


In : F alla Btuill

K n w r l a photogi»pl«.-Tb8 £ H I C { { u a a t B o o M r^ b A d f ^ ' iklso plctnrea o f & nUM ra p i f t B i k i Upl&y a t T r t a b a Jaw alry i)

by J , p . . E i i ^ A d * , t . ; j r I

• -• • • :■ . ■. ■ 'S r 'c S OIATION N O n C M - - t o r n n NfVAOA.tpp lr t i v m a t t M « l a faO taM r» in ',« s» .n tT w h f

3NE PALLS tT A m W A V .

'«1«9^» who i« » charge o f U * . r O T ttln in r'» -^ata liT rw :to :U g ;.- - 1»sb o n e -tB as ;-t8e t-w tth -0 >a T------

id 'tha ttbe ieouB iy .w b^dap * .. . |6M to p n t t a 't h e ' s t i ^ l f ' o l Twio F » D s-w o i^ Jh !£ .ln _ ;._ _

tall some other n e e M eqolp- 1 u aeaU ' u b le a , e t c . .; i) l^ has co1l«3Ud tl«0 o l th e ' leeda th e o the r' 1200 tn o rd e r . Kpprosrlatloh frotn the caun-- i«%-.

lr*ay.;.p ro i»sltlon .Js_flO t-A ._ .:.:I a lfa lr J l t M oftga to t h e 'h f . y t l r e f 'vaJley, to th e stale, l o t , '

r . L i ^ pride should t ^ a gH) WlUiout a n y apeclal u rg ln c .

L o a n ^l i t A c t io n

V \ v tb seQ.BB before , e ither fa n a o r . Also have _

8 qiilck, certain ‘ .............

•act Co., Ltd. ^ll. Idaho.________________________

it= jta is;*rQu a ‘ Z Z

kt t h e p r e s e n t p e r x e n t - - '

iey from UB a t a prompt service?

j p s W

m t

c Systemtf.KaiBM a t i r ' I oEs, a n i many

7 . J 3 , J A . 2 I ,1 1 , 9 , 1 0 , .1 1 , _ .......... :

!»t fiV

System”i«ts.6st’ ' ■ ■__

'ay” ' ' - •

: T n i s t C o . . ^ '

g f e g U ; ^

liSw im K E V B iw M tW O N NOTICES : ^OR NEVADA.

Page 3: . tiiNTH ykAB.',..;. z ;: f JULY31, 18T3r . ‘ 'Sizzffl I ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS_TF03/... · Is makes three- lines to parallel spo olher

' I . " ■ . . I . — T WI N F * U 8 NEW»! TW IN M f c t t l t tA H O , THUm OA Y . JULY 31. i l l l - ■ t .■■ ■ ........ .................................

L a d l e s ' H a n d k e r c l i

W « I»T* a-Torr nIco'UM of U 4 !m (h a t wb u t o tfo ilo s a t a r o r r low j 35o.H4iuUcenililefi 15o RtBiUieroblef* lOe RandkoroUets

l i * L a d l e s * h e s t

A Ter7 &le« u io r t a a n t o t Lodiot' w ill -offer t t th o'followl^ p r ie u aiu

" s s T w i i i t o HcSo ......... ,J6CB14C1C HW0 ;

150 H o m ........................ .........................-IOo Hoso .............. ................................ ..

; ' Wo bATO a alco U M rto i6 til 6 l'B H —wo wlU placo on ta in a t tbo low w t pH " 'o n thie grado of Capi.........................^

T ho kind th a t lotla to r M ■ ^ Elk and 75c. I t you ^ ■ . ncod; a Cap for^ j o o r ....................... ■ baby, don 'l OTorlook. tb b . - All Bties and

■■ ~ i [ y i e T ~ r o u r e h o t e a - T ^ | ^ ^ ^ - ^

I J t o w w l s - ^

A nlco Ilno of Tow da and a t pricci n o t afford to mlai.' t b o regu lar l5o 1 during th is ealo ......................................

^ ...............P i l l o w J o p s

A ’rery, n |co a u o r tm o n tj jf Btampei a t a a o ir tn low prico. Good materl Por pair .............. ......................... .

in Si

Compllmwitaiy ta Mra. Hall. wholly u

A dellfb tfu l funcUon th a t yet held a aplrit of tadneae, waa the etabomto "J*- luncheon g lv a ji.U 1:30. o'cleck_THC9- f ‘f ’7 ’ day afternoon In the dining room of “J ’I"-®' tho P rcabyterU n church by the Ladlea' Aid and M lailonary aocle tlea 'o r the “ P rtabxterlan church, aa a courteay to ** * U n J . B . H all, who leave# w ith he r I;* huaband a a d /aailly for Long Beach, “ C i iW f l f ^ r o f - B c p U m b e r r '- :

D ca lrlng ' t ^ t ' t h U ovldtnee cf-tliBlr toye--a«d-« ileem -be_«steaflM boforo the aadJoM .buay i l a n o tja o v jo g -a r - ' r iv r t.- th o mombera of the two aocletlea la whlcb U rt . H au Wtti *0 actW ely In- lew*led.~4ecIdM • toTJold ‘ thfl4or«weM ' ga thering a t thla ra th e r early date. " Blxty-ftve lad loi.w era-gatherod In tho dining room o t-the -obu roh yeaterday *’1®’!..?:^ w F e i n i r i r H idl. iew m panled aome Menda to tb * church, a ll unmindful o f ­the aplendld au i^rlae .ln a to n for b_er.

'i d th e com m lttee 'on s m n n m e n t i ^ '.-A iorg< U eadam n S lliotC Ptice. MeSlwalB and n,« Bund B e a u c h m p -^ .d u a g ro a t credit to r tha ciiurth^ffi'iMfnl'y inpfh>ftn t >}h ^ n jn tiii idining room prtaentod - a ; beautiful lo^uat gt Kene, pink a n d w hite sweet peas bolng rood, wh im n g e d wUh highly artlatlo f tfec t p[c„|Q p], throughout th e room. A dainty a p n y futg,] v tl r p l n k n o a - w h « « - W R r ^ - d t-to c h nie;dinni placo a t tho tablo w u .a Ja o very e f- u fu i ainr re c tlra .-M la a e r-S ta ld -B U Io tl.-O ra o o -B ryanttjla ri^ i Ilalatoa and U ary Davlau a U t ^ In aerving. J----------- 'M n - 'H S F w a a aeated beforo a l a m Jn hon u id exQulaltO'twnquet of aweet paaa^ loavca wl ifhlch w aa .presented to h e r b y one of aachnaett

the gueat o l honor w as a bM daome atory bf liy ia '»m de Iriah crochflt bag. The lg» deltghtfol itea-of the tw o # o d a ti« rp fe ae n t^ ''h e r F^'niib’ a i i i h hnU 'a 'doiB n BoSuUfaablld a n re r iw nw ^pf r« ipbona ''en 'g rave tl’ w ith h'w '.'moSo^ laVlah_de frnm a n d _ ^ th O j^ ; of^Jba_oejaal^^^ n re e t pe f f i i i .^ ^ lo t t , - i o :W c l iu t a in £ . .W ^ tlm i.w aa introduced K n . A K . Seaver. p teal- do,, both le n t i i th o L adU ir 'J lld , who, highly in rarlon 6 l f l d e n t^ . t » o .a rt o f . m a k ^ clever, t» ta ._ T tactful a n d -appropriate' addttsaea.' on Leaa Eei this occaalon d a l l v ^ ^ a n ttceed lng ly priebe an a t ^ adflresi la w hich ■were m ingled rtfrw hm i tribotM of affecUon aaa ''app«claU on lng .'Tbe tor tha beloTOd m e n d w h* la leaving. UlaaeaZI ' No m n tio n w a a ju d e t^ U M ip e a k e r Walker, ] Jf th e g if t to .b o .p rw e n le d ijw ti t tho cauley. n i lo « o t- .h e f-y d ro a a . «>d. U r^ H ^ ^ U h K d l.

O T f o rHandkerchlofa' - . rice. I ....................a o.................... «o ............................................. . . ’ 40 - I-

I : Ladlea’ Lon* Ladlet’ Patei

____________ :__________H o a e th a tw o C a n n u Olop

l a i j h l a a a k : . . ■............ . . . .2 9 o ■■■-•.................... fiSo . - ........- ..........

. . . I . . 1 1 0 ....................9o

_ wite m0 orer.o ffo rod , — .u - i S l l l p n i C I

k of ever closely _ jB oppeL I and bai

L ---- sw eep i— = ^ |--W o rlh 1

cialdurInd, our prico . . . . 2 fo r 160

— 1 thePlUow Tops

.1, . - n r E e s i..................43o

........ Breckra

f l e t W ill I E lla Rl

Mlaa Y<

, The 1 cloaa wl Jennie :

- ■ ----- -- the atud

ip rep m d and taken by aur- ';efully rcaponded la de«i» feel- apoke of having, a s I t •vusro. About

0 Twin Falla w llh tho duat O'® r doyii W hea’T w lB-Falls wnsA frontier tow n a ad how it

1 though the c ity aad tbe poo- led to he r M d aho lo them. artu ro of Mr*. H all from tb l i * leave a void In church . and c tea -th a t-o a an o t— bo—fllled peaa w* aamo by anyone elic. Bhe 9«U ona

one bf the forwnoat m em benr* jitle th ._ C en tu ry .'.c lu li .an d --------an lu tlona and U one of the'n 'and bclored women of-the I the ajnM re w U h .o f.a ll t t a 1 of two y e a n w hich the. fam - |*; to apend a t Long Boach,■ retu ro to th la city, w h e n ” *

unday. Bchool P leo la r« # t^M

number o t th o p < m b e n o t plete ou >y achool of th e ChHalk'n tnnsm ll raa token In h a m e k a on p lr 'o f c: y it^ ._ A ^W o ta r» U > « a u llfu J Uany-bl ive on the Shoahone ta lla the plan >n they apen t th e day In offlcea. aaurea. -U any^baakcts, well expenau I all the good (hlDga for plo- Ume I I } iiaj ‘’w eir' t o k ^ and a U>un- atenogra tr wos apreod a l nooa

— - r — - G H I I B I-For Mlaa Emea.r of Mlaa F e rn Smea, who WASH h her pa ren ts aoon for Uaa> ported 'l ; M n. A O olbert ontertntned a ttetapt

nu ilc and th e ir frienda a t a W ataon, mualcale a t her, home on thn t ti«

reniie n o r t£ ' ^ e -pleeaant i^ged in:•aenlfd a"T «autlful 'iccno J n _ __O T ollbna 'o f 'a iq^^ " sA N 1A - i o n a i c a V i ^ ' . a i n ^ . . '^ ta ry o r tnoat-ea ioygb lr»pgP t ln -m u- voeal'and In a tru m ra ta l. anif rpect ei I i D t ^ t l n r gam as. and oon- Bon' F n 10 boateaa, . a n l ^ ^ to .ro rtli

Bllas V esta n o m a s , U n . «aid by I Ura. Dahbe. a e r ^ dtilcloua there .U Dta-at ther cloM o f the even- in the t gnesU o t t£ e dkfeoaloa wero ‘ '

a HelnA .Violet K arla, Jenn ie Feli;» oart D n l Y e r t ^ - a ^ d e 'U i : fe ll ' r t i ]th S a U ld a y .E U a 'M p I ^ ,^ - bridge ] r . 'lw l lo Camorcm; , L taaelt coaatltul

i l l l l A l^ril

F r i d a y a n d:OME IN AND LOOK

^ — ' = ^ F M ( lo n s ^Silk U qte O lovea,...............69o SSo B<

a t Loftthoc Jlo tts............ ',..100 B ar rl6 c :B lb b o a- ..- .» ..:^ ..;.^ ....iO tt B arrtu »s, i p t l n for - ....S S o

B r o o rs, and a Broom is soil lusl have, and we hi fit (hat will dertainiy a y eye. This is an e slocked lace, import w ir^JjrjfflLcoT iiew mbod handle; is so li all day and never get dllyoO per cent more, ing s a l e . . . . . . . .


M e i n A v e i i u e , - ^

ir id rB ,-paB ltn irO H fn ta ,iriim i^ ■'= on, Vera Pickett, F e r n 'l i ^ e a . ipley, .the Ulaaea W a te n and WASi; ill, and U w d m e a eollldoy, Jen - the extei Hoiei. ' v , : ' . : . : . : . ' . ' . tion In. — . b ^ . o n i

T-;,Clan^WIII M n t . . . _ :........ Durleaonnext meeting of the B reenon become i ill be held a l the home of Mrs. increaao Bradley. The cloaa la enjoying In the n ly fit Carlyle’a So rte r Reaart’u r po rtla t'r

— , In 6»e flChureh Holda T ea. ~ obandonj

eo 'ud lea of th e Aid s'oclety of “ ibyUrlon church held tho ir reg- «“batllUt 4al tea Thur*doy..al-tho-t.om o,i'J*:l^>^ J . W. E;)ler. A delightful ao- ®:h dainty refrcahm enta were jrnoon waa apent o l tbe cloie 'owobllei ly U n . Bpler, M n ; C. H . Rob- <>«>lreryI Mra. Oeorgo B B ry a n t Sw tel n-ut«l.lB-pn>rualoft-l>t-tfae doe^ »«Ight-ll

ductlon 1--------- f f lr tt and

3 TH E W IRE OUT O P W IRE- poatofflc- L E 8 9 . ' ' " ......... m lie*-th

_ —^ Ihe f imJnly 'S i^^orroapondcD ce by tx lm lo r

aph’ today -U -th e v e ry -U te« t redudlos on in bualneaa e irelea.here, parcel m ord ta mode on a square oi ' Te t-c |o t^ _ ir titc lr .:C an - t» « - i^ m r - j a t r t e ; lary envebpea ond la aoid to aold Po » tho voice of the aender with " th a t avi *uroey. The coat^of the com- JOyaara- tflt. Including I h o '^ h ^ n e for practlcall .ting 'an'd' rim lv lng ^ 'a ' . i u D * iransporl teth a q u an U from ISO to IID. Statea. ' g-bualoeea^ieuaea-haveadopled eslaada-i as well aa h a f e scores o t legnl I t la argued th a t 11 oavea the Q p p p i

i of a .a te n o g n p b er and tha prenld tolce fo r 'tn a a e r ib ln g Ihe g.p pbW nolci' oli a typew riter.

iESJBillllSldyiHilL^^_____ - might ai

tlNQTON, Ju ly »0 /~ It U re- ptrom official sources, th a t an ^ Win be tnado lo Indict and try

will prefer charges and claims b«i«nrJdp:!jea.to.convlctliJe-al= rtway.w'M foreifr. : . ’ . , , fn ono

..........■_____________L________arfi'.pa trETIANCISCO, Ju ly jo;—8 « r c - pajr'-as-yi .W ar aarrlao ir vW ted th o e t - K m H I alte t o a a y .- H o a ip o a i to n n - banToina rery arm y poat ln .> a d abou t had cate jsdaco and" w ill'g o from 'hehe conatw.*- in ^ Beattie and S pckaoa R ts i^ ''tw ipi

membOT of- the p a ^ th a t . nothing eapMlolly significant . >


•eHy.Flye F w W . E ^ C a n o n S t J C a :eet o u t~ a f th e new{ railroad Qtaoo^V reaterday. ‘ T h m r ib f ' broken a lg a « a tes tho in juries rocelved. . p ^ nei

. • -fc................ “ ■■

WnS a t u r d a y


ada for ......................... .................. ,15o B Seta ...............................................2So e i_ ................,Brooma .......... ................................ ..6 o

U S 'ething every house- ive i ^ l received a I tra i^ h o attention ntirelV' new Broom, stock, 2 rows fine ed. fancy cloth neck ght that you couldmKTY STORE

T w i n r a i l s

" ^ A R C B W - W S T r ^ — • -

INOTON. July l« .-P lo n a for B ^ a^on, Jm p ro v w en t a n d _ ^ u c - ^ n I a tea -o f the parcel post' bavo | n I ounced by Foatnuater Oeneral US I . --Tha-cbooge«,-wblch-aro lo - . f f i . . . I ffectlre Auguit-J6. lncliLdo..an W , f n m 11 pounda to 10 t>ounda W axlmum weight of poreela; a 3 1 iduction In tbe poitogo ratea -at and aecond ao'nea, and tha D . ^ len t of the parcel poat m npl f f i < sa o f computing ratea and the f f l . od for le of 'a n t o chart In- 3 ed to every poatofflco In the S l l^ fO tatea. The plana .contemplate , JH aae of a large num ber of ou- K ^ 1 to be uaed eidi& lvely for the f f i '

if parcel poat m atter. Sror the preaint, the maximum % US' ali-of-gO-pounda a n d -th e -r» - 'K - - f O I 1 ratea will apply only to tbe K aecond aonea, ftom apy given D f -H i d ia tu c e of obout 150 , . f f i 1 ^ » choA^ea directed conalllute - W long.'^atep towarda a universal w o f i l ie a n r m aad V g e n ^ j w

:ln -the .nx taa .o f p o itn g e _ o n j n - I S . ktter. W I H IExtend W eight U fflit ffi j S

ny.„expectA ^n..and b o il^ * r f f l u H itm aaler Oeneral BuHeaon, ’ f f i M S ntnolly—and ll m a ^ b e I t or j f l ® ® -the poatoi sarv ice 'w m bo i|lle nf all of the amall package UC_____itlo 'n -bu ilncaaJn Uie'U hHed f f i Tbe -m azlm ui^ weight lim it f f i ew-ffom-ll-to-JO-poonWer------- I

•10 AROUND TH B LAW. f f i I

iU ia ,-U o, July tt .- r l t - j« ia f f i * . ono month today alnco. the B lunch law [w ent. Into effect f f i '

■wcll“ noi’-b e any aucb law. f f i y overy aaloon In U n -c lly A ' a l t y f a l r lunch for one cent. | f i .ve placed alol machines near W rith ptacarda calling atten tion ' f f i r and aaking beer b iiy c n to “ f f i dlea tn the alot if they, ge t f f i i oay Of t b a ' f ^ . '. f f l ' downtown aaloon an Inqulsl- ' I n I in eout)ted,.fpor_centsjn_on9 . S J , I . lU'COt money box Juat a fte r | C . L imgry meta ond~thIr^y: b iae- " W ~~ -re tu fa ing fhim V S^t~jpuBei I eTeW blng on th e lunch f f l Nobody has ^ n arrested yet ' I n ig a fe w .b o td o g ia n d c h o ts e . - f f i . - . .


lREBT, July io .^ e rv h w ' ' '7 '- . Jol^mrla and Monlancgro h iv e I f yo t f f v a ^ nm latlco ^ d i n g f M U m

' ' d fM 9 9 t

fGOOM e n ’s H a n d k e r c

A-Very nlco Ilno o t U o a 'i Wh Handkorchlefa a t a vory low prlc< lOo Handkorcblofa 6q Hixadkerehlara

H e n ' s S o x

— ’■A 'gw d'gnido-ot M tra'a-BorarB- Ko Mon’s 8ox---rrr^ 160 U cu 's sox IOo Men’a .Sox

: O r a n i t e w a n

- — P o r ^ ld a y and Saturday-w o wHl- r-en llrS ^ itoek -o f-O oya-IS liaB o i-W

Pang, Palla, no llon , and m any ott wiiTeir » W s < » d iU B .- o u r pro m

alata. o( your B<»d will ... . and tbo asBuranco W

th a i w hen yon nood m oro you will como to us for Onyx. Spoolal ■ ■ for Friday acd Satu^

C u p s a n d S a u c

Wo bDTo JuBt rocolTod a ahlpme Cups and 'B aucon th a t wo will piBi dny and Saturday a l pe r sol

P l a i n . W h i t e P I e

- - - A la rg o -M io ru io n t of PIaln“ V monoy-aaylng prices. .You bad be

. SDO our line, of Dlaboa beforo you dealgna thn l wo can aaro you moo'


te moderii matcriil for i^ lj ud ( tvkrytype- In MW conslnidlog it t uilcd rlttt i M g it isnaHedovef tl» M wori 3eim cnmi In'pudslZ M It, ind in any knjtii wuttd from 6 1 riieit arc (orty-ooe advantajes to bt : of Beaver Board. Call and gd u ■aliof.-

;raco a n d ,y a ^ ; Sboihooa B ^ t a ad (


- V-.CBriedJiyjjy.y^^ MCRADt GOODSBIVICt RUi

- f l S T l M Dmm==r::::rail(:fAU5,-U)Alia

irandi prETffollBlef ItfOBie Hajei

rWeaddl, BfijsI D B n S n 3 0 O l a n D a D B I 3 l

w a iit j tr in iin g dbn^j i y m ett t h r in t in g .d e a a r tm tk th a t m ooA <n l c « , , o n 3 m i i c l i k i t t c n i < ^

R 'i '■

ila and Colored



•orrlowT)rio*.'"— ------- r —- ------------------ il»o --------------- ,.>11o....................... 80

placo on aalo ou r- “>».:^eoBeiaH gtH )f-------------- —or ^ o l o i , a ll ot

Mli r s ‘ 1 -

It of Plain While e on aato for Prl- ......................... 710

tw•hlto Pl4iM ” a i -------- .tor como~tn and 3uy. -Uany. other y o u .

HJ D F I B R E : |

A {] lo buHdliij »

lolliesliidiOiir, in K « aid ^8 i* te - f f i— - eettotCfeeL K derived Irooi He S

spies ^ (IlM In- _

' ff i

ftsioSof ■' S


i i - a —


f f i “

r y ,

Page 4: . tiiNTH ykAB.',..;. z ;: f JULY31, 18T3r . ‘ 'Sizzffl I ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS_TF03/... · Is makes three- lines to parallel spo olher

■ - r. . : : ^ h - .......... i - - - - - . .................. :■ ■ ' ' ■ ' ' ■ ■" - ' ____________________________— I — — — . . .". . '" ." K !" ! ' , = g ~ - ;.':

i i i lW I N FA LIA ^:, IDAHO - C

^ T w i i T F a l l s W ^ y N i w sPubHStod.Tfiurttfnyii by tbo -

temj_______ WEWfl-PU flLIBHINQ COMPANY

- — : -J f f la F u l ]? ',I d a h o - ■- • w o lr; \ — r \ \ ■ vV lik®

' - •,•■'• • 8 u b ic rIp lle n \R « te i t-, A ; , noia Ono year. In ’ adfanco .:.- '- .i.---P O O

- six -moDtlu, Id advanco .............. 1.25 .EoCorcK) OS secoDd-olM* m atter, Dfr of a

comber 2, 1004. a l tho po«t oWco a t Twin Falls, Idaho, undor tho A ct.o f Consroas of March 3, 1879,

n w B lc rcd na aecond-chm mattor ■- April ?7. 1911. a t tbo po it offlco a t M.

Twin ,W I*. Idaho, under tho A ct of xwii ' UarcM 3, 1879. , accju

AdTcrtl#lnR ratea npon nppllcatlon,. ■ . a d d r c s i 'a i r communlentlpoB to Tho

Twin Ptttls Now*. •Tbono for a ll purpose* 50.. , of T

. — ond~ ” orei

-------- “ "T H E 'R fiW rC H A T IQ F .- “ p7 ^

f ----- --- 'Tl' TJjo WccJjJjr Ncwj wjll bb-publlihcd wju boncoforth Id conDocUon wIUi tho icrm

/"D n ily Nowb' ■ (heroloforo tho '-Dally JT*'-' ‘ r r c J D);'nni1 t^ n nffirr *h"' two ° a-

• ^ n . f # focafcd fn clifl Now* building “ _ ott Mala Itroet, d irectly oppoilto, the j

_ r 3 ’o 'rT U ie.lio ie i^n t/ium hcr.llO /-w h«o tho oxtoail'ro oqulpmont of tho Nowi ts ncw.^fiinB.-piacefl, • a i ’ iuo eamo >lni« ■thn-pil^'llihnr. am pVimOtl tO u jL .

tnaounco th a t they havo comotfdated a (hi (be p laat o f tho Klngibury^ P rln llag built compatijr; and H oary J. K ln*ibory “ «*•

. W il.ltv tho futnro manago tho onlars- % d p lant fo r tha l branch of the bail-

the" - h im

-------- ^ c -T g tlr tn c m a n iH P n i n l tho_N<iF» baro io l n biRh itandard for tholr n l ^ ,jo„- e e iM n ond for a lt- tlm o Jn 'th li tow s, mort

Tbo Nows under tbom has. boon a ~TTVi 'eloaa nnd ablo n'bwipsper, manasod Calif along brond-pnugo llne i, T hero , l ino t mnch room for ImproTemont In tbn t direction, bo l U l i bopcil th a t tho enlarged buiIncM may bo.manng- ed. If no t more efflcloatly, lUll with .

____leai e ipea io . '_________. I t l l altoRother m tlhg th a f th o T ln l ''T j i , wookly now ip iper la nil tbo Tw in under m i l c cu n tr r ibould b« ItJ. f l n t idal)? PublTi new ipaper a lio , and th a t I i why tho vln, i pub llihert of tho Dally P r e i i changed P'<*'d tbe naino of the ir publication to tbe n a i , -N.W ._________ :-----------------------


A nother IlluitroUen of tho dang ir of Tho , .wrltlnF profoundly on iub jecli about will,

which you knotr very Uttle, Jf Ibe » ) • ?Citi,Ofli ' - um h'riitoH arin.ThoTew U ldnTH buno; *nd 'tj

wherclii I t U related tha t the dlTlilon u te r o t Lfncoln county into threo countlea our «i

" a t tho reM n('io iiloD '()nho‘IerIilatu t« ai'full- w ai a plan lo gtvo tho M onaour oij- - i t - t i i ' trol of the aUte I'enale. "Qoodlng and tl

counly and, Ulaldoka county &r« both com i lofKoly inhabited by'M ormoni.'’ Is tho tn d pl g ift e t the Trlbuno editorial I t wna a mnUlt

• deilre for county oMtf, . r tg a rd lu i ot chanti lho tax rate tha l brought about (bo portal dlvliIon o t Lincoln county. I t .w ai a throui Itglilatlve m lilake and probably no oniuln one realUcf th li moro tK in 'th 'b -'’la i» ■Tho payeta In lho two .iow counlioa. Mor- which mona had nolhtng to do with the dl* agrlcu Tlf Ion of Lincoln caunty. o u la ld eo f throui what they may havo received In «*• have change for their vote*. th li n

' , » ' I, I il lan d iIN HONOR OP MARK TWAIN. . (rlbut<

■ I anlf <r i a n i have been made for the ded- the bi

liiirirtin'ln Auguit of n monument to counti if a rk Twain a t nannlbftl, Mo, though -\Y ltl thcw "baa- bw n 'aome auggeitlon of a Iffl^ i poftpenemcnt on accounl of a technU ol the callty connected w ith Ihe-ita le appra* and U p']4atlorir'I)uV-wiieDeveFlf takM place detera It will be an event coming homo moro record cloiely__(e_Amcrlcaniithan.. moat .Uter« v try .j

lu T annl«r»«rle*. Bun' O ther author* lo'ugbt their heroea from

nnd heroine* In-tho gilded r ^ c e a of do^bt -■ ft-ffirylffn fhcrc.-nTptd~1ho'*hiidaw>'~ro«' o u fltf ' mance of h lito ry or m the gllUer of and w

lb» arlatocraqr. Ordinary life fecmed u t gi to them too doll and commonplace'to iM pl« fu m lih m te r la l for a.' g^od atory.. , ihould

, . 2 ia rk l^ a l n bad tba supreme IniUnct yean, th a t can lee picturesque,m aterial and The dram atic elementa th the every day life ^ u rn a

:z:iylflg. ftt^lilg:’(lQt[r^Taine-otT>ew ira v - in tha eled the world in i««rch of a llierary In our Eldorado, he found the hidden gold a t double

. bla. own f wL . _______ _ • , iecurlti t e alway* celebrated tho "typi'cal 'W hll

American qualltle*. HU charac ters hnve i bad common seiia% energy, entcrvrlie. last t t

,• good humor. T hey -aete 'r tu rn ed -u p for ac r j t h e l r iTouaers-beoauM - U n l& sd. In work i

Xonden, Tfor dld tbey go to dance* a t factor- M p; m rbecaaM 'thaT m ajr W a fa*h» fliumci -• io u b is b f l t i t . l a J t « w . I o r J t . . i J ; ' i ^ : - — r. ’ ■ /-M arli,Tw ala w o iu ttl ir e a t. audlen?« ,_ ,R 6I- ljyT tlio i# .bo i» te«ua quajitlag o f « * « • • 'E a^i

~ ;;m te d "l» tn iw r-% W o ii-- i» - typ ic id ir re id i ii .^ . 'A n e ^ n . - g l a rem arks In ipeaklng of iu tu irt- Ui;*:peac4 glvTO by-r*l[glou»-fallh. th a t tlonalb

•h o '-h U been often Im preued by tbe io.ooa• w nfldenca IW .ChrUUaa felt when be relnuxt- ,b s ia .f« lr ,i< e * ,;T O u a iho rlim th a t... eoSd n m r '^ sp o l^ ^ ^ ^- llibinan. t .O ^ io ia ’or a bold a;

; j * |W \ l i i i . « W J n |w s ^ l i e r . , : : . ■ / 'r f - M w

cntTTeaiB ago -U ark Tw ain waaTied' by 'ihe. lllernry crlUca aa one appealed pifrtJy to the deilro for - o r a r j '. am usem tnl. Ill* books live • aboul -lllie tbe^comlo paper ihn l Bigl uy to read on the train, but c'ever and Fo'me. Tb''e~pllcrlmag6 b t 'I I R W HT; )ic* th a lV lir b e heading for.H an- won will Ihow bow the final estlmato t n r

r. Clemens has changed. said» - .......... dlU(

LARGER PIJ\N T . our_____ oul

Ivin & Milligan, pub llihen of The boyi Falls Dftfly Press, who rec«ntly Ifov

rod the T # ln Pall* New*, and who Dan over- th a t property..tOday._ W ’e and

arranged to lnclnde the bu*l.ma :o KlDgsbury Printing company ;o locate the enlarged p.lant In the \\ mt office building of The Dally d m I. • ' mote establishment In the ie quarler* w u bo one of tbo best In a ll the In- to i juntaln region for all sorta of*‘ob cenl ing. • _ . . nntlnry-J, Klngsbiiry wlll have charge Dm e Job printing depajim cbL ~ ue i* oe3 iy regarded as .the .foremost rrt« vltli I .hla line ..In . Ibete .. part*. Mr. mep iVury'nMdS'-no-introduelloa to the mot: e cf .the Twin, pnll* .country, lie .I business here In a mode*l wny

rough hnowJedgo o f <ho prtncing ^ CIS H n i i l 'b u l l t ' up-'a '’‘p la a t nnd “ ntago tha t 1* ahead of any Instl- i ,o f Ibo kind In south Idaho. the Job printing departmery of.

;ow i Publishing company under ^ ‘ anagement .the ’ w ork' will hnvo ifflie '.paicfliO dnriiW Tnta'A ilon- ;hat ho has given to his custo-In tb e p a s t . ........ron-M eW nn^B ho. wna fJilIrd tr> ^ im la last week. Is expected to ® 1 next Tuesday and will have the ,-lllon of tho p rin ting department > newspaper*. Mr. Melvin Is a roan who*o whole life ha* been In' new ipaper work and brmg* ilm n vnluable experience. Ho 1* “•*' jert_ linotype operator. ente'rprlie as" n 'wKolis'l*' to 'bo

ukei^and mivnaged by Ibe Nows ' ’ hing compnny. W tb J . K ire j”- T ilden t; A, Mlll[gan. vice !nl: E . Melvin, secrelary-trea*. snd K . J. K Innbury , iuperln- I of printing._________ _______

. ' mltteVOBABUE CROP REPORT. much

,.. . . . . . I , , . - ' - __ taitniwheal crop of the Unltod Stale* enuo It -4»- eitlm ated. be . o v u for t ,Jp£t DusneJj Jn ihe aggrfgnte, rn T w i 'f rb m a b ro a a iro fV c l ia r - ha t It^duces tho belief th a t oil of • rplu* production will bo taken ■price'byforelgn-coutitrle*. ........thff-ttHTJrcd-large-CTOp o f-w hrat to -ro0 expected good crop* of cotton.nd other product* of our farm* Jcosli in ta tlon i whlcb are 'creating and , Inlng lho confidence of iu r tner- , m anufacturer* and the Iran*- on companie* In large buoineii fioul tho tJn n ea B tatei fo r .ihS r tw elve m onthi. Ui wn»h'ousiijd]|'6r rtin ilO M 'o ra en .w twill come Into the band* of tbo , tu rlsU of the United BUte* h tho sale o t the produco they He :alncd from the loll. much . of oney coming trom th e Inhabit- ST. of millions o t cash will t>e river d and redistributed througb aU tbe | t foreign countries, these than- that ilne** channels of the entire park I-. ' ' . highe

thC jgreal w heat crop, the vear ory o iak li“X l w w c ^ ‘ “uih"Tll)!;'R ‘ buslness record of the counlry

e coming ilx ty days will l a ^ l y ‘ liio the ex ten t .to which th a t . f r ' will be sen t beyond tha t of tbe bcglc roiperous year of 1913.— 7;,— e r ty pe Btemi to w emerglnit lite ly .the., financial fog. gloom and which nave {.m ailed through- d„Q

th tn sler n tw ty and the result- to ca sater purchasing powers o t Its ^ ” ou r trado -with th a t contiasnL b« bayond tha t c t a ll p rior nourl

„ ' . n . ...............facti"announcement by European

1 of ou r good crop* will r> fa r Iniplrgtlon of confidence abroad fau* b u iln e u 'tu lu re i- and-w iil un- i S ^ lly lead to larger demand for our h lm « ta by foreign tnTer t w ______s European ' rtnancl'al affalra « howp Im pruTcaent during the ontlr* t y ^ i our own fm e proippcta JVC-business, b a s f j upon the C-out a g T lc u ltu rls l» -a t» .^ g m t In aiding Europe to recover Us fonnc i\ cquillbHtim.' upoa

_ ■ _ --------a...w»:EL VICTORY CONFIRMEO. , '

JB PASS. J u V J i - l i e i i r U aro chfldr rb fro -T ia rc o n f lrm - th o rc o n * - aallits victory over the na- t i a t Son L u ll Potoil. a elty e t »pulatk)n. Tbe loyaiuta h a te td to-BaJUUo, where r de ter- Itand v tll .b a m a d e ..T b a r tb tU berlal: [fident o f taking tb l i ^ i t a n c .- . 4 rJ tia _ o p # a iy .f I r* a -o u t-U » a t a t t e n «m em ir» te_for a siege

______^ * a U - i

- CLEANED 'EM UP. PRE.. ----- ---- ----------

ocrelary of tho N avy Daniel* de- rcd a ipeech Inf’ij'eattld t h e ^ h w irm -w h rc h tio 'a llu d e d to th e .ita rs * ■tripes a s tho grandest f lag afloat. *

■i6VcKi7 'c n n c i io a u ffic ta^ .-w nuilil allow, red, flag-poradea a n d the ♦: *>i np'llng bf tho A^iertcan flag, if Is . to have eauied a r io t W hertf con* ♦)ns n n so ro tten thot tho flag .of * •* country cannot bo mentioned with- * precipitating a r io t It la tim e aaiior ♦ '" t o r somo one eteo eJeaaed UiJns*. *0 to keep B ryan a t home arid lei ♦ ** lell and ' hla sailo r boye range up ♦ ^ dip<<n tho coast fo r quite a *pelL * *'

------- — ---------------- ---------- ■ ♦- ••MARVIN SUCCEEDS MOORB; '

’ASHlNaTON.' Ju ly » ,7 -Profe*sor Jlrs Marvin, head ,o f the inslni- il~ a iv ls Io h ~ o T ~ th » ”-gDTCTnnient iiher bu rew r haa b«en ..appointed I"* " luccred Wlill* Moore, who wa* ro- lly forced to realgn. Marvln,;ia a Ive of Columbu*, Ohio, and l i a **•'' locrat in politic*. lie bm icrved llUbly a* head of thofflfcltW Um dl- )n in the aervlce and ht* appoint- U ? m u sh Jn tho nature of_iL'pro- lon."

________ 7 - the Ii{ & -f tf iV C N U E -I^ R -^ R U £ f ia . •<n»‘

•A8HINQT0N. Ju ly 2U(l^U6iUoVlll nilpll ho- r f iitrlctlong j ^ i A prevent the fajini ie r from utlllting hls waato. fru lii weed vegetables to manufacturb dona- eitbei

d alcohol on his propcriy m ay soon oonnt iccompllshed. Boveral cSagrenm tn Th< y ihformolly discussed plana for apecli ifflDg:gQvcmmcnt:Julttnrhlch.-n(fK tliB:^ Iblt tbe (jmnufacturo of tb ls fuel, there secre la ir of the treasury has been |co 1: cached on tho auo itc t-n n d -It -la hanst p[nloti tniit tio u ew h w-tr-j’4g a ln d rrmlt tho farm ers’to operate a dU- paral; T for the production of alcohol {or th1 used a s fuel., I lo laid today tha l ditlon Iy abrogiU oo of a p re ia s t n l e li vestn: ha t is needed. only 111 o t tbe m any wormy potatoei. ap- ^ j and other farm product* th a t nro 1),^^ ( -for;*alo.can bo .turned .into.nlco- ,j„ which Is more economical fo r fuelgasoline." said Benator I /in e of

)n, today. Benator Lano Is lead- " ' he movement to hnvo-the rulo ob- ed. "In Germany," ho conUnuod. ,|on ,

ralao potatoea for tho special )**-of-diatiH inrth«n.—Tfr beeper- d to do thl* vou ld mean no t only {ire a 1 cheaper fuel fo r tho American i,y W.-but ,alio.a..Tutw.>aur«iLiiI_ftTA —jrtit for-he could eaally f in d 'a maritel j, he alcohol h e 'd id not u*e.'' ,

K E R Q .A 8 K _ Q & V E R N 0 R _ _ .^FOR PER80N.AL VISIT

l.ijM RT. M ich , Ju ly .28.—Du*l- - men have w ired Governor Ferris me-and-perBonkllr lnvestlgale the D*v*l' I situation. O utside of ono or lw'6 -Sev : disturbances the re has bevn no fl.,i on for the m ilitia to b6 called ou t lho local au thorities could Imve led theae caaes'oaslly . The union rw claim tb a t they hav o ‘tho sit- "P * " ' n Yell In hnnd a n d tha t they will ict n peaceful conteat for Increase igcs and declaro th a t Iho preacnce I'e 'natioiial 'i ^ r x l ' la linncccitury ' i^blg expenao to tho state.

, * tunne'

:a v y r a in b r a is e r iv e r .'---------■ pentei

, ANTHONT, Ju ly M .-T h e Snake tho Bt has been unuaually high during two <

iaat week owing to beavy mln* the ot havo been falling In the Ihland will &< country. The rivor hna been bolh I r than n t any tim e In the mem> board! f man during the month'o( July._ • for_.th

- ^ --M arW U H O U T BREAKFAST.- . , puahlr

(C hlcam T ribune.) - „aln -i cent Inveitlg n tlo iU lje lo a ed the „ th a l 30,000 ch ild ren In Brooklyn'1 th e ir school day huagiy. Pov- U 'n o l nlw a;rt Ihe cam o of tb li two p raourlsbm ont o f tho youaRslon. lAke 1 la c e la froqueoUy rcsponalblo • 1 L Tho m other* of mnny chll' toiB them ft-few -Ttennlcs-w ltlr

1 lo tiUy lhm 8elTes_»om othlD g a t Jac {n n ilca iT o I giv lng 'lhom a c o o t l iT i r i loal. Thoy consider thla l e u on tha

lEloTer tho canao of th is undo^ ^ abmcnt. l t i i thero . T b a t is a ■ :A hungry child la corta ln to h«. fnun I Ho Is a lio corta ln to be Irr}- the to'

Tho tcachor- will have dlffl- p i,,, la handling h im . H o no t only

to cot a ll tbo bonoflta th a l bo O o f lv T 'f fo m 'T ilf 'a i in y losldn m n h i ilf. bu t ho a lso acts aa a dnila group, tho re s t o f tho class. Tho tlmo nnahed mcher ■wastci pan lih ing op plead- Ith thla ono pupil la lo i t to the* class. . . i m B llOolB havo bee? oMoadlng tholr Fox ci rlty o ro r children mpMly la r«- bas mi years. They h a to taken npon „ le lT C i-indB y'cnhft-auU oi'w hlch ' “*Tiy wero conaldcrBd a s fa ll lta • m otbers. ' ^ h a p i they will f l ^ take a. y. o ithor 0! 1i««ing to - U - l h a t T b e tn iT« feed th e ir .chUdrfitt- propertr. .*,« sai •m aW B r - b n a k f a a t 'f n r t h e n ea II p a r t o f th o school enrrlen. ‘-----— — ----------- — ___thftlj*!



r lltilo gtrl h a a ^y ien tery T err NoU 1 thought she woold dlo. Cham* of woi n’if:o lIe ,C h o 1 o ra .an d D lanhoca. regulai dy_cnr«dJier.:A nd I ean -trn th - wll] k aay. th a t T th J a k It i* th* {u Ino In tho w orld." w rltea Mr*, a sd b1 m O rr ti . C lare. Mich.' For mnch l y . ^ dealers. . - io l« ii

I p i pM D E N T .W IL ^o ifD E C L A R U Pl x i c o “ f lR b k E * 'M u s 'r b e h a v e —

- - . • ' _ ■ 'BOVW

- ■■ ■ ■■■♦ -Mr.Boldlers m ust biave funs,'pcw * ^ waa■ >, .hftt nn.1 '«>.<.»• ttiiw mnwt • PCa C .ve s jm e th ln ^ ' tA ea*? .♦ ing .to w ear und they m u»t ♦ j >vo medical a tten tion . All tht* ^ of . pi ke* money, and the money o t • year, oxico I* ab out ex liauited. -The ♦ h li o o a i . « t o l . I M U n t ,» m .♦Itness tho collapse o f one or ♦ !,» jjj e otber of th e facUon* In.. ♦ th« 0 cl(co and peace wllT.be « • ♦ Ufact ored-“—Presiden t Wilson. ♦


.SH IN O T O N ,'July iJ r -P rea ld e n t in- ,bel^ v.ea-tha^ -thcre ..wlUJ>ft^Q. m w u rentlon In Mexican affa irs by tbe and 1 d S tates. p ro pauae o f economic presiu re 'peace rome.of Its ow n acoord tn Mex- Industries pro paralyzed In Mex- T c rs i

IndttdlBg cold. o o t .o f the coun- B t o ^ of merc h andise have long "been looted o f -d U p o a e d 'o f And illroad* bave bad tn c k a de- tho .c wl-«o-:fe» t i>eaUv - tt o t - t b e r^ a a . a so .^ no g rea t quan tity of supplies >ai ii:' . m t » rlf s lm y o beei.Ll» ied . ^

and m nche» a r o , deserted and tnarkc g fow £ ' Vaat herda a t <(1110 have farme

been.*old o r driven ou t o f ^ e caro

prealdent hns M ncluded from I a g en ts 'w h o bave Jnvesllga ted storo ile ren t jecU ,0Tis.:,of_M«dcO:4 h a t eUng- la an Industrial collapse In Mex- •Id t h l t from sh ie r financial ex* on the rebellion w)Il cease. ........ bo ro .'ilnAtmtHM y,f MtnliVi ar» alm ply ffted . I t will ta k e year* and year* weU j »m to recover. The unsettled coA- I of tbo country m ake th e In-ent of ou tside capital possible benchI ruinous rote*. ^oo: I tbe belief of Prealdent -Wil*on !ie Mexican people will now come jjomo lr *en*e* and se ttle factlonAt d lf - -montbes w ithout tho Interference of -I- ^

................ - — i 's , ; :--------- Qt the

3HINGT0N, Ju ly 2 9 ,-A resolu- FoltOB rovlding for the-invesU gnlion of P . E Ions in Mexico by a Joint co.n-

moaf:01 ii\ o - i ro n j ino-Bcnnw ana om Uio bo 1(0 h as been introduced otiurcl iphenaon o f 'fex a * . <■ N . 'R . —p n r p « e - to t—tn o —■unfwiuga- . to quickly, consider the question _ eport waya and moans fo r lho Uon o f Americaa c ltJiens and ^ ^ lera asTvell,— ------------ ----------O dd-I

• , lb la «ARBIDQE QOINQ AHEAD.- - .

______ E ver^.pmsnt W ork.U ndsr.Full Sway In ' iral M ini! In th* Dlitrlot;—Late ijg, <e Enoouragss E ntirs Cam p.^ 'x wook,

____ w ith ;niDOE^ Nev.. Ju ly 3 9 .-A I the another sta tion Is being cut In ^

ver tunnel abou t 30 feet fram Us a bOol , Prom here n wlnse will be sunk of oon oro and th is portion of tho vein

fh ly proipectcd. . . A . b u m o t0 pu t pn to push the Intennedlate saving east Into th e m($\inlaln beyond wfilch

tin ih a ft. In the meantime car- J*'®*1 aro dividing th a t portion ofaft between th e tw o tunnel* Into huadr« omportmenta—one fq^ ore and rled li ie r for w aste. Tbe lower tunnel r®prcs the outlet fo r a ll ore and w aste. J

rom ^bovo ond below. The aew Mondo (ig houae Is f ln tahed 'ond ready Inaura:} fu rn itu re .__ _ ________ . d e a t 1jg e r-^ o h n ro f-tb e Flaxle raltto^l* g work on th e ralae f o f tho unnel to tho d rif t from th e s h a f t has o r .0 ore abowlng .continues .m o s t . i ^ ' ctory. The dlatance between tbe )lnls _ls HE fee t and It wlll not MJff lo m ake tho connection. j . p , T ucker c u t the vein. In his from 1 I tia n n a l on th e Columbine group oropa- K Hole Tuesday.- The tunnol Is eernnd ffalnl 4 d flp lb -o r5 0 -f« t vein, o r nearly foot fo r fo o t Tbe sroaa 1 a sugar q u a rts and pans he ttw F re d lear the .«urtftce. though assay thrcahi tjo la tte r w ont from t l4 to 97 to “

. ■ be m elea J. Nelfon haa pu t two ih lfta tbo laj crosscut tunne l which I s ^ opoa '’v ^ m r- o n - ih o lH e k - ^ d ^ lK r ^ and the w ork will be vigorously ^

rl-H arriiig toh 1 ^ t ' ' l l o n a a r 'f b r 8 URPF ick Cot g roap, a t th e a o a tb o t • ■ ■ - oek and th* Ja tb ldge river. Ho “’TVTlia do a contract w ltfi'W . H . Hud- e ow ner .of Uvo group, to -drive Jjoljj Sii JOO feet, and fo r bla pay win y o tf f t l quarter in te rest lo tho property. N. J ., 1 rae ru -6o * n n - i m « l n n rw h e a :^ ^ .E ? l.n U 3 .,ie a c h H Jr lH .m tt I 'o t SIO feet bo -the velii—a fac t til in g ' ove* the moOTtaIn Is »omewhat readla*

‘ -------P«P l(T_______ . . . b erU la

BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. 'Ing a d d i m oro to ' tho beauty now ealea t t a n Itixurlant ha ir. T t t S i n t "•o ie o t-M e rlto l H a l f Tonle r ^ i

lep th e h a ir hoalthy proiaoto -r th .t^ ««p It e iu B M d-hrlght,- n . w M i r th a t w avy appoaranco *9idmlred. M iJe tU e P h tn n ae y , ^w t* .—AflvertliO Tcm t”-'- N sb.—

~ • J ____■ I

A s A rp BOFlTAB L g-C B O P.: -

l l - ^ T h o u u n d -A o re a In -Twin ~ W alia C oun ty -H eavy Y lild .

Klmborly, Ju ly 20. B y ) .KooBlg. of LeRoy. Now T ork. th e & lero Monday looking oror. th e

f ln t 'v l ilt a th is paH -of tOaho. by hou:rm haa seTcnil th o o ia ad acroa t n a l a i In Tw la F a l ls ' couaty " thU b u ttdwhich oro bolng looked a fto r by withjn unager. Mr. Oleson. Mr. KeenUr vanb)( fn?m h e ro 'to tho ' S t AnUiony thU ro;t and alBo to Mo'ntnha. whoro ' y- ".a n a rg e pea crops. H e roports ■ ■ h - 'lUook In thla v icinity very aat- 2\«i)ry and lh a t they will probably '3 m l 80 tb e lr acreage hero nex t yo&r.I fro its 'f lli l n o t dam ago horo oa r i Q 7 o t h t n i i i i » r - ’f fb tjn itth B r - I W;rop i th la yoar. ' l i m . Floyd H ardin and family aro H DIng a fow days In-tho hills rest- | K ^ p beforo conforcDCo. .which B S K - ln -fr -ih o rt-tIm o .:.-T h 8 - c h u » h .Q K P londay school has m ado good u a under h l i pastom to hero,'. g o od :repo rt will bo so n t In 'M Klmborly M. B . c h u rc h ,, ,-Komp and family, W . D. 811- ^ nd f o ^ y asd 'C. L- P l tu n a a and

. hUla, hunting nad flahlng. a ^ * U m l a t bomo Sunday m o m ln g andom

['.iJiowbry.iBniL.wlfo.'Bro .ontoT- Innrtei I Mra. Newbry’s n o tb e r trom l ^ i t ja it , who a rdvod ^ fow days Bgbtly

I - - - .................... ..'i l^ row n-has some J a t nogs on in mod MR-a m arket a t Portland , wMch p« if ppcd from bero Ja s t fV lday. i h v i,e nbd t , IB reported J U S M j n d th e jbo.iep •who has lomo hoga.to d lspoio cooked for tho largo crop o ( \_ ^ e U ddcidt \ Tuokor was la tow n r f e v noa tb Igo. Mr. T u d w r w aa K lm be^ « t t , « t po ilm astor and ra n th e f ir s t jejicim n Kimberly, b n t now l i » Hav- A „byla leim an-out of Dolao.:-----------la j5 ^'W . '^ i r o 'S l s .~ 5 I - C d l o r f t a o I, le a res tomorrow fo r h er ^ i r y a lte r ipcndlng sovoral wooks

flUt hor brothor, W. B. Lewis, = Mrs. JilcrjjB 'M a gon arc

lo a ild .w ltb Waao, i»ui w m o« to locato hero on account bf 5 2

ib u d . Judge W. a M orris, b a r- m '6 y e a h yot to lorvo on tho ^ a l Colomdo SprlogB. • B ggo F . Calvert h as loosod m s ^ in tbo Burrlngton addition to ^ H ays-and wUl loavo for h is old ^oil UlO coaat to spend several I ' ’ ■ / ■ ^. H alferty Is building on addi- ^ -I h la house In .Klmborly^---------D&rla, who baa been « ilU n « * homo of Mr. and M rs. W. D. le ft Saturday. . ^

, D igger waa a t.O oltley so tc ra l ^ iu t weok. w orking -w lU i tho | S . . . to-round. ^ ___-Ladlea ' A id of tiio CEHsUaii ^WlU m oet at-UiB homo of Mr*. D g Bam M ll Wodnosday. .o f ^ r a .

i'M cM oator a h d 'fa S n y “w e S rt5 S c In Uiotr c a r Saturday , ro tum - g y ■

aday. . ^ IIX aoeiaf will bo g lro n In Uio ^ I d lo w s^ h all F rldny-o»ealng-< |f m . . — Bok by the L adles' Aid of tho ^ . ihurcB. A dmission wlU bo troo. ^ ( ■ody come and b a v o ' d godd g g Dd o lio a good supper. ^M. N . F lah tn -oxpects-tckn tam -1 homo In BaU Loko City th is | i .

l i t e r spending a fow days bero ^ . ,er p o ron^ , B. W llklna and

itltlon la being c ircu la ted ask- , ' , a Orogoa Bhort'^Llno to build dam p s t K lmborly lo t l a o to

^11 be^markoted th is f a l l 8 ’™ m ain p a rt o f Uio a lfa lfa o | l I onO ai . F riday . joTonlng, th e tiro .w all 1 h l(v Uto north end o f Ui6T julW lnr. - - - - - c on ta ined -tho grinder. Plro

icOTorod abouf 7:16 p. m.. and 8 0 I tosod to h a ^ s ta r te d from da-, ly im -clcotrlQ appllanco9._ F l f t « r a a dollars Insurance w as car-

tho Sprtagfleld In ium nco Co„ balODf inted by local agen t W . H . T u ^ bo notified tbo , co m p aa r by id the ir adjDstor w as bere on r and allowed Uio fu ll tl.600 lO a ce. W. IU Snmmer*. th e presi- o n n n 1 a t oh le f-s tockho lde r,-say i ho v * tJceod -lo -robuU d-tha -rbun ifid P la c e . a t onco and bo roady to han-

10 of th is year’s crop. T ho mill 4 . - ^ ;ors for 1.000 tons of m oai now. » - „ » > ■erly' I s 'se n d in g good delega- f I 8 2 5 j own to tho carn ival a t Tw in lach-eron lng .and a ll rep o r t .- c n - . lean entortalnm oats. - ' ’ - *

JfcO rew roturo*^ fioodxy tr ip to Iowa. Ho says onr

le ro aro-b*U or_U iaa-B ny_ho — i f t - t , Uio rood except th o com ,

e rly and H le r b a io ra n S i tm a ^ a ta h e n Sunday afteh iooa . - 4 A ^ H ager recolvcd h is now Caso „ ^ , r r and "eaglne T ueiday . T his iw and la te s t Improved o u tf it A bu ller a ttac h m e n t and will . 8 Q s 1 In .U ili T iclnlty to e a ro 'fo r JO pea aad i r a l a crops. .e t i f t new -B e w sp a p o r.- 'th o J D g - ^ ly-C all. appearod-.U st 8a tn ^ ' rF T T T T rT ratt 'T B rH h lF e d tia r ==9 ^ 1

ISIN O 'C U nE o r STOMACH T R 0U 0I.6 . .Wo

' you ttai o tn jub lu ' wlth - ^ r iiionej^ 1 o r chronlo eonsUpatlon, do gino Uiat your caso Is >«yond , ' a n so T o u r f lo^ torfilU 'tff-g lT ff v- e t Mra. G. StoBglo^Plalnllold. b u s m c Titos,. “T or oror. & n jon th p a s t ^^*orlhb e « n -tro u h Ied -w U h 'n iy ^ « o m ---------- .-re r j th ln i J jito npso t i t •to^ ' ' O B »-o t-C ham bortalIrt"»aT e^. looueta camo to m e. A fter ' . f |

& fo v o t Uie lo t t e n t n m . U i •hO 'tsd 'b«n 'O T T ed’by-C l»in- 1 Taglets. I . doeldod . . t o . t r rI have tak en n e arly threo- 1] o t • package o t t h e s a n d eaa

a lm o it 'e re ry th la c . th a t I 'Por sa le-b y s l l deaf«rt.>-Ad- tto i . : y

Biichois ii.l j ln w .to o to ir t h i " £ 1 ^ ®tbt. H e l l from H oaew . bj>; th# t


n n a n C o ffe e i G a k e - H«UW It!MtYe^

T u ja ti McKenslo Hill, Editor of Coiddni Sebool M s jB ln e .- - --

s a i»i vonn b iu d quite u appro-

e w Iv e tw ^ o B o t-b ik e th d r ow n-------U K C douhle lalM paklng Pow d« U w U lb e J iU tu f io o d a i U nU cd u t u td It will have the further ad- l o l b ^ - ^ a n d -wum. Save - I p e ^ ^ l l ^ S u ^ .

! G e n n a 4 C o f f e e C a k e '

I . u nim ilk .


40■y tngTwllfWti tiwt «ln» r n ______k i o a b u t l K t o i M q s w ^ -quaitercupii (d r ilTlogcther with t to t tB to in ia batter. T\im b lo ..

M ^ ' ^ ' m n , B n a h .l4 fT ^ — n th recited to te r . Sprinkle sa mg,nd c ia y O T ^ --------nto oven. , ' • ;L A P p ]{ f rk t .o r_ ^ e Kuchen m 1 mtb thu fune hu ter by eortnog ,irith.pucd-snd-3UcedaippIei,16r'-*'.- .. piuae* wldi the pita 'iC T ov^ lUn '1 TO. Dredge with logar tnd d a ta- aame ai for Coffee Cook’a Book'* coatilai 90 Jurt iuch

I rtdpct. You c u tecure a coj^ eadinglho colored certifiatejacked '• trt cm t-ohK -^B ik la jrP om leT toa M f e T C 5 . ; a u a i i ^ i * w ---------iQrmmoaodsddreupldnly. . . . . .

T h e s e a s o n o l 1 .

s p o r i . ( r a v e l , a n d 1

r e c r e a f l o n i

e l n a n d s a G c u r a l e 1

( I m e k e e p e r s 1

e n d l a s h l d n a b l e - g j

s n m m e r l e w e l r y , f f i 1

y S i i |3Mdlog Jsweler aod | l

" "OpUclan : ^ ■ tdahfl-:® ■■ ■■

)m bonse, good one, with ro ground;.w ell-located, k 8 _ tro m _ K ^ o l ^ ,000 .

c:rca, 55 of a lfa lfa ; house, fcnccd, nico orchard.

•p£T B crc r-|3000-caB li; a good term a; crop In*

acrcs, nono b c t ^ , a t a rice;-crop gota-w ith-.the - - -

im hoose closo to park, a-good one.- . - ,

g e8 ,-a ll :ln (^opV '|110 .' ■fc '

c rca -fla lm o n -lin d r 'w iU - b r city property;

:res, 3 4 m llo from Twin ?I10 per a c rd

cres, fino stock proposi- . 52000 will buy I tj noth- —

~ .................

oomp5-fMm,-“4^r66m;-2- - - hack, for r e n t

w rito -iristtrance, .lo an . -fld l-rtaH islaterT —

iaT,o„b{wxgood.grewingi.^.c.B dealB^which aro well ooking ijoto. * _ , _____'

M . D E N T O N 3

r r t T i I B - lM l I i U n t THlU C*; . V '•

0 Mata AvenBi North : - ■; M 0N E 2M '

8 'i i n g e i a ro 'b e in g 'o rd e re d ., i r load. - Boo tho W t Bbo- g P M » n U L d ^ A .d j r ^ em *nt. '

Page 5: . tiiNTH ykAB.',..;. z ;: f JULY31, 18T3r . ‘ 'Sizzffl I ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS_TF03/... · Is makes three- lines to parallel spo olher

— TW IN PALt n i je u i« . mAt ■ • . in A u n •■■■ V« - '* >

= c C o e a J

s i t t t i l i ' 'V iiH o r i- U m 3. To. and children. 1uw m panle4 b r U n . W. le ft U:

;■ J I . :O u ld e r . .f l ro .h'ern ^lTom .S«atU a-to « u l ti v lf lt a t ' th o homo of Qrandma Fo'uU. few w

'' fo V .U o t,t |o n -L .._ a Chap- Onm an a n d ^ l i r , who have Im n here Mone, fo r tlio p a rt w « k o r two, left thU and 0 m om lBB 'for Oregon. They are look- >m prt In s 'f o r a buBlness locailcm. . . . . .

„L . - .....................;--------- r ---------. —■ - Qu«iOon* to OklAhem*-C. W. Kulkcy W. Bp

and fam ily le ft th it m om ln ; fo r OkJ»> tel ha' . ho^e . w here thoy havo biw lneti m a t- a O.

to r T th a t reflulro the ir prcwnce. They Deckel have lived hero for tho j f tit ycar-und

•-■cipect'to w tu w . • ^ • I I -. •. « fee

M ijno Tablet Reoelvei—T E roujh the J iiit b- e ffo ru of one of ou r conrrew m en Twin a bad

i:P a i ;a - -h a .-b M tt.p r .M o t.d .w llh -» .M V t o - X le t n u d e .from raetol ta k io from tho i.

’ ba lllc jh ip Maine. J t U ntfw on exhlbl- ‘. Uon a t C lly O erk T axior-| o ffice.' . “" •' North

J u r t 8 u i( j .H e r^ U n , U ay .Sm ith Is cnrs . w as ft BaieeiigBr fo r 8 t Paul, Minn., crops

today, e n o has boen v lslU nj friends they di a t Buhi;! I t I s> M f irs t tr ip hero.ond tlo a

/■ b e t f th fly »urpj1<ed Olid pleased w ith , . .the f a r -"9 tn thla I r ^ ^ t e d countrj".

• written— r uur ‘AlTe iU 7ffti J i>-A ii8a f th i - i t * ' t i r i n g

c llem cnt oad confusion of the carn ival d iseu e -n o w in tU irPW Jffi.iO T 'rburilriB H ira W'rile'i 'w e re 'a tT cs ted l u t n ls tit b y 'A s i ts ta n t ture, V

of Police ,Qraham.- Two w ere bullellc H lchU ng-nntf tw o-werg d ru P tn m in im r ;- - ^ T J

lous. !-«d ■• Deputy

__ .R outed b y B e e e ^ A jg a rm itfh o f j nn mawr-wn ifttl rou te N ft I haa no fear of JUncIo forjipp Sam o r b is employei. ^ e n J h e car* towrad Tier drove up -to the box-yeslertay td moved drop the m all Into I t ho was forced to tom om beat hasty rclrc a t aa the bees b'uittfd OUI o^ im iy a t DIB la in u to n . Uo finally . Oood opprontched'tlKTbox a s near a s he dare, Westgn th rew 'th e mall In and ran. tionol I

Rouoh Rider Kicked—A t tho Hlco A ooo!*ml" D oro'show la t t night oao of the tough accomn r id c n WOA severely k lckc^ Ho w aa u ta b b'

' 'disabled from fu rther p a rt In thu ln.» - terestlnff exhibition) bu t U a ll rlsh t lo - Back day, barriDff a s tiff I07. Tbb show has and fan a ltrocted more and more from the day family ' Of Uie opening and Is proving a win* from a ncr w ith thousands of v l il to n a t every u n . Tl perform ance-at th e t e n t ^ c lly In. the hunting

.m lds t^o t.T w lnra llA . . . ' ...............irooa. »]

The C«m lval—Tho carnival, w ith all lls B»t. UnscI, whoop and hurrah Is ”

Jw C i-Ji;iiC 3 ^p n M e d 4 o L h u ito tta _ evening a n d 'p r^ lta b io c ro w ^ greeted Aft,,, them. T ho side shows wore a ll thero w ith barkers and th e llltle Oermaa ^

.:b(Uid 0^ s e r e n :p le w JumpC|dith«,qtiwd ^h«klD | from one ''attm cU on" to another. The jprincipal event ts the 'w ater ahow and iKuntloi thoso wliq havo w l tn e a s e d 'H ^ 't h a t ' ^^1 It. la .vcry -la te resU ng . oartlcularly. lo landnubber^ - , • .

Ooo Fight—Richard Roe, a U ll man. plckcd up ft spoiled pup .belonglng 'to “ r. Ma a short m a ^ name unknown.' occupa­tion, .cowpuncher. ObJecUon was raised.S ho rt m an could lick any m an wbo picked, up his pup. A w m c a l . Shoriy ° 1, / ' picked up ta ll man, boanced him on “ the ildowiUIC- John Doe, also ta ll man. “

- i i e p p w ^ n ; - 8 h o r t'raa n - t« jk -h lm - oB.' nlso. and Haa w inning out handsomely * when cops butted In and led tho two big-fellow* ofL io J a l i : Short m an waa not bother^J by police. Tbey said ” *'‘r ab ility such as ho poMcised, ought to “ * "** be eow oraged. The dog w.u' .cnln-

to haveI lv . Ih<

A C o n t i ^ R Ive r-T he fac t U ut the rivef'w aa so ro w 'S im d v 'tb a t verj' Ut'-' ''Rw lji'i

JtejtflMr.W M.goln£j>Y:er..the f^is^w hen ington, . the S a lt Lako people JoumeVed ou t milliner there to sOPUie maJesUo falls Uiey h ^ Ooods^s ■heard-so m uch nbont,- w « a -ion ice -o f y ra n , 1 keen i c g re l . to tho people of— T w in v is l tto i

'FiOU. .Y esU rilay th e rfcer .suddenly Iowa an began, to -rtse and before evening-« her Po»l m agnificent falls w as ther^ to see, locate s bo t tho S a lt L ake people bnd re tu rn- hopo ot ed t » th e ir homes w ithout a. view of has bee the falls o r oriy Idea of the ir gran- altitude.

Tie'ur; TK6~iuaaiirrllV lM a l lr ^ u te a to ono -cf- c loudbusati In the eastern p a rt of Uio nets wo ■tate. I t is to be regretted tha t, a s t«jtS.U : th ty did b u n t . It d idn 't happen a day only to b r two sooner. . .- w arm fi

f / ^; | | _ . N o ' o t h e t b a

' * r ^ ^ p o w d e r w i l l "

" I t ^ ^ — n i c e i i * l i g h t e r

7 I t ” 1 " ■ ' c a k e s ' J , I J p a s U y . i i p h e i s

' p i i r e a n d w h o l e

to go

_________ :________. I i m

Sum mer 8 e h e o l- M lt t ' N ollw a Is momlng for jUblon, w hers «ho * J tend sum m erichool fo rtfc o -B o t ^eka.

Sulldlno B u tln es^ D u rto a 'x p tbe architect, went tb Burloy h a i t

Jdey today where ho waa called retun resslonol aCtalra, 8bi

• - - camo ts Frem Ohio—Mr. a ad M rs. It.' Uio t Jiglcr a t ih e Shoshbno falls ho- ®0 aa tholr guosls Mr. and Mrs. , Deckel of Dachon. Ohio. Mr*. “ ‘*™' ia Mr. Spangler's niece. ' f

’ ^ ________ • hora^Down-Eleveter^-F. L. O e tu te ll a lf ‘l»

down an open elevator sha ft U « foro noon today. H e suslolned the e u l o a tho back of tho hea.1, bu tTrt*o-irppar«itlyTniinjUT«a:------- t M "

> ret'un1 Claui’ N elghbei^T . 0 . WlUon.Ibor of Joo Dny, over on the tho « 9lde, w as bero yesterday. Uo j , {,• Jto to Milner. He reports that laye n w > t |jK.hri iO well tu tbls year on the flrst~segrvffa- q,4q

F. T

F o rit= n o n .7 E ,-in -o ru b ii-n n s a bulIoUn for .the depafim ent **

I. 11 1» fre e -fo r thor asking.J u . H. Department of Agrlcul- nshlagton. D. C ," and aak for No. JS6..-.- ■ ^ ‘

r---------------—<------------ :----------- checWOoing W ell-L ouls. sou of pUced Sheriff and U ra. P . H . H arri- Interci lio-»aa-r«cently-operatcd-upon - M lu :ndlcltls.JijnakJjig n p ld alrldea home recovery, ond cw.ects to be ro- na l vl froRi tho hospital to, bis home : Mlsi w. mornli_ I ;,i I " * o c «

Man Com lno-A - L. ,ep. s •d. vice president of . tho N n- Mrs. A ilghway association, will ahort- through Twlo Falls on a 17,- | , (ho tr ip on a m otor 'car. Ho was

inted p a rt of tho way through jirs . O ovem or Bpry. coton ;

From ,O uting—U . W. Dcnoyer Uy and Oeorgo W. Wilcox and ■elumfd the la st o f-the week , [wo weeks' outing near Ketch- ey report a fine llmo and Rood

Fishing they dliTnot f lnd 'so hey dlscovcrtfd-bear tracKB one proceod<?d on a bear hunt^ bu t ,

it succcMful In obtnlnlntf so j j ■* 8«topse of brutn. ^ io U r

T h a t H- U andcrfleld,rrelghl ngent o f the Ban Pedro is here .w ith.tho. cxoursloalsts - u p - o n - Traveling passenger :ulUng'a report or-tho^airo lfa

here. Ho found th a t Ciitljng ' half Bthted the hoy tonnage. S illfom la.w lll tnko o%-nT »ur* a d of hay grown in tho Twin ™ ublry,*’ is tho declarollon of

Joel• I rT P ie ta re -I . R . Jenkins of " '‘'"csi ilond, fJeb!. has been .the guest ihroug. aughtor, Mrs. J . T . K rlvarek Ily a t Jerom e for several dnys.9 w ladlng up tho visit with a r„ tl je .S o u th .81do. lnial._and ;=Mn, is te r section. Mr. Jenki™ is U rs . C lU n r tc a se d 'w Ilh tho. country ta h tn a hundred pictures of

ees aad livestock. Several o f “ bbors asked him to tell ihcm ..Mrs,.0 country and h# Is prepared something besides w ords to

n , Iting X

i P o s i t I m ^ ¥ l s s ‘Esl8l'le W oik- " p r e vho ha« been m anager o f tho ■ d c p ar iae n t In tho-Booth Dry ' THi o n fo r tho pasl two or threo *'*■"5 f t la st evening on a-boatnoai rbolc*aIehDUiCBlnP«*.Molne% »H w aj1 o ther pUce*. Sho has resigned ' iloa a*. Booth's and cxpect* to jmewhcro o n .th e coast In tho benefllting .her heallh. which 'I-Impaired here owing to -tho *

M iss ' w alklngton bas beeij lowing,

nen df tho c ity and ber depar- Comm< , source of genulno.regrct. not ier em ployen h u t to a host of “ lendj over tho trac t. ■ • ' ' *vall 1____ Vlslt-y

will gl

• bo her


a n d ~ ~ l | K M a | B

m o r e . - o 'h p

i b i n e ' . '. . . .•w s .' - E ive 'g

___ .:_ m — home 1monilB

-4hat is t ^ questioT^'c Bm


O u i l l l u a * ^ ^ “'through from .. ' a ? .to B u t l e y , t o d a n r ^ - ^ . " = : : =TThoe .U U ic a^ m ia M n of Bah)-TttSMd'neab< jg h _ « n n u l« \_ lo -S a lt-L a k « - tU s '« b o 1 ling.~flrea*cr-*ad.A ndy-nookst««»^«f Uko--' flcll wcro tbroilsb town enroute to W ht Idge yesterday.'. e f a :i t r c . l ld K 'c y ^ well known x m -* - prlnter. ]a >ack from M ontana OD glorica

dt-With home folks. natumI L C o ^ e l l of Alllaaeo, Neb., Is l a ptercU Falls on an automobile trip . U ejlA ke t

Ofutii tr o f T . L .-C fln wa r -------- r j n i n HI ^ l 'o r i ^ o f P ra lrU City, 1U« Who mlghlj «ea v liltlng a t tbo Faraoy '^ioo^e. booain led home J h la morning. . [have l s r lf f-L ' j i Zug a n d ''M ri. Z u g ln a u tc

oTor„frt)m Shoehonoj today l n ' , ^ r , u - 'orJiuB on'a M r i K « t« r . T l io y ] .,„ „ , u t to «o« U o country. llam. ^ s s e r and wlfo le tt t h l s ^ n c h ng for Minneapolis, K an. T helrj W; nd family left yesterday for their|Commi

a t Concordia. Kan. They will to .the a t r i n - ‘rw ln -g ^ n fc -~ '~ "'^ ~~'~ ' 'i t h l ^ ; T. T. R ing and .children left on Aio tit toraln^ tra in W Helena, M otith'**''*;!’ I Mr. Ring h u located tholr hom a hav«-n r-RsrdTT^aaghterirf-J.-CrM oororlU kfr-l led to H eybum this morolng. ,UtI» tfi b Underwood o t Bubl Is spending a t n 1 •eek wllh Mlldrea Conway. • .agrlcul . McCullough Is aown from H an-.day ha

jU jathn

if eastern Idaho, U In (own. ' [thMo < V. I^ lly Is up from Hogerman. tlon* b w rt* crops,-p4nlcularly-thB.fnilt. Pl'y-** ills season. time fu_Ahrntn«nt1 iitiil t>lfn nrft f#g|g . OHd tilta t tbo Rogcnon. aa theli■J . T et u r U 'auw n from Amster-

A ge;. Kiersted Is here from Ullner the «>n( n r c p w ith IKe MaeMmcnta*t,{a(|„„

on the holding* of-tho K uhnl^^y

'*“• ■ nelghboi-J.-ColUna.of-i^ocAtblloj'clumcd thlnklni thls-m ornlng a fte r o v e rr pleaa- paii* h alt with the XtlBBcs Dehn. . - ^h lch I ritm nn o t Wisconsin left this IB for Iloai;Uurj-, Ore.^ whero *Jm ^bo-U.. ifaiyaHR^ ew w 'e'fka witlt-*-«t>- he has been the gucat of Mr. and ^o)'* a'j V. T. Leslie of tills city. ' v o te d !

T. E. Mills o f I'ortland, Ore., gUMt.of Mrs. B. T. Mills of this p,Bii« t

variousnmmlo 12. Dunn of Loveland^

ia here vislting-wlth heriiepbow ece,,Ur. and Mra. C. F . Parson*, gbona I and Mrs. Cdward Paraonr ,ot0 Center, lown nro hero vUUInglgreaaint on and wife. Mr. and Mrs. C. F . 'jy i t „ i1 a.

C ...F ..rnnonB .cn tcrtn lncd 2Q .. a t a delightful Informal K ca- *'

of U lss Dunn of Loveland, Colo., Crelghu rs.-'Cdward Parsons of Quthrlo

Cox was a bualnesa vUltor from i > ^ ' Jgh la s t T hunday . ^y Larsen waa up from Rock oji’_ b u s in g s yesterdoy. ^ A fter and U r*.' Clyde Hughes 'w ere trip )>«* Falls visitors, yesterday, call- king fro

H erbert Bmlth o t Uio hospital chl^t sj...............of Bo.Ui

and. Joe Qlbion left ' l u t Thura- gmtlon ir. Dojao where 'th e ir mother, govemo nn Olbson,' U seriously ill. eloquem L. Priest and h is young son and *poaded ike. who have been • traveling *Poko c hout tho South fildo. a re a l lho Hons e> ) for today. Mr. P rie st 1* tho »outhen •lal ogent of tho Oregon Bhori had mai

trlc l nlJE. A . Brunor a n d aoncsls tor of ««obruj harlea Abramson, returned io |lbe sub me In Pueblo, Colo, la s t 'week. *'*• ibram aoa accompanied her as Immei Ashton, Idaho. . IIB exc

Cba.riea,_AbmmBon .returned w en tal ?enlng from th e northern p.irt various state, where ahe h u beon vis- l>7*.. elatlves and friends. ,

^ ‘ f ' One <

8ID6N T BUSH 18 CO M lN a• , , • . rino. T

Tifli''l '*alls CommerclaI~'cTuH p lreT ui allvo to tho ,Bituatlon wired lng eyei

•nt Buih of the-W estern Paclfl« - ’ Inviting hlro to visit the Twin ' fouritry'and ;*co” fo¥TiIMi«lf tho ’ — 't h a t hla road Is expected to

: IP Anext day lho p ro tldoa l-o t-tho I

l . J . Sweeley, rocelved tho 'to l- ' A n , which cxpraln* lu c lt: jh 'S w eeiey; p r ta l '^ iit Twin Folia ! rc la l~ ^ b — P l ^ ^ 'p r ^ e n t my n e a ts to tbe Coiamorclal club ^ y for mo U iat I will bo glad to nyaelf o f the opporttmlly to V O t© our section o f-tb e w u a t r r and W O fk vo dne noUco of m y coming a t -- -ly date." , • ' ‘ ____ ^hoped.ttULl'TrcaldeaLituab-witi — ^WC

0 about th e tlmo of h a n e s t so 1 s can see tho gVala crop lo .ttaty, tbo a lfa lta hay crop and In- . *® > h e fruit, th e live s |ock and tha

dent Buah Is ve ry fu slU ar with tu ra l-couatrle s-M d oaee -he U 0 ^ 1 0 / . io eit«nslon.'of th^ '.W f«tcm Pa- -1 certain.-

iihlno T r ip -L . L . Breckenridge.Graves. W . iL Bonce of Filer T p . McCluro o f P itU buir. P a . W

Dne. to,'Rctcbiim on A ten 'day* ' A ' t r ip . - . .......... •------ •_-;................

I Oislane*—M rsy-Banlll. whose ' ,*-ln-Tyler. T eiaa , rrtu roed th t* 115 M* Iff Btter. v ia ljla g _ h « _ » I^ r ,,M rt. . . Uerrill a t

1 Ql£~CUiltUIe7'~A3^’

. . . r n ^ b o n tW B! TWIN FAUt«^ «M«r

1 T K I8-T H S-W 0N D E R .— ^ j*awJl>« :iT Y -O F -n S D E B M 6 O b B 8 E f it,th 0 -r t

■ - Perrinofo iio w m fc--w w iien ;B im d 4 y :] i/ji^ 'ir ,:i r o fW o 'S A l't 'tt tft-^ Ib im e s l a t t ' i ^ a ' j i , oompMled - t^e_ex_ciMio_ntsU. to a i r t a a / . O'., appca i td . In-yaiterdM r 'A .^ l u e -u a d

- ■ y ie ld in '1 Twm Fall*., -the wonder c lly m j i,y i<Meemed detcrt. looked a b ro a d _______tUtIng.iBe&Mrto-M]v7rtl*ri>eV eAOLe and achlovcments, she turned

ly lo Sftit LaXc.k Uio. com- p „hub of UilB-reflon. Todayrfialt - r -------

nd Utah people llavo been gild- .^uah vcrdaiit :tlcU r ri a 'wll g "L O a A

erefA In - . u l i a n . u t js of T w ln .Falls and vicinity, or ggp ^boi een m aking their, way afoot o r a tU c i_up and down the canyon roadi Leiva pe ic Bhojhono ^ I s and the e ly; heroine.' :h1eh L 0 . Perrino calls hls i„ j the ' a t tho i^ t e r io u a Blue lakes.' beforo tl A fortunate th a t tho Balt Lake th rclal club rcaponded ao readily {ought tl nvllallon of Twin Falls to visit leu^d tl itm-astt-tncomo Bcqualntod'wltE inlfl i tr td c rw b lc h - lho-proB f«- f iS i’wiL «plo o t th u S irrigated tract* ado In th e , lu t olght yeapt. Bolt — —H h e-n at« rttl-m arire t-to w n ~ o f — -----lon, which Is growing In w ealth lie u n s u ^ u a e d by any other (US ural distric t on the 'gl^be. T o- ^I j ^ e d tho bond' of friondsbtp ^ r long existed between the com- ^ -tnter«et». - e f - 0 a 1 t - ^ » - a t> d - D S — ^ r southern Idaho. Had tnvlu- ^:en rejected a golden opportu- ^ uld_havo_b©cn losL__:^m 3.hl*-ward Iho peoplo o f m 'environs will loolrto Salt Lake chief m arket town. .. ^

Twin Falls E n tsrprlia .’ ‘•acquainted bxcuralon such as ^vh ifh bronyh t'■ ~ m iiph ant.. -----

to the peoplo of Twin Foils to- jua Kes It possible to r ccmmciclal ^

to le am 'w h a t cach olher I* M , r-about- and... Blnnnlng...Twin - M - - "cftgcr' fcr ■th'o'‘Hurloy ‘C'utbtf.*111 bring her more 'th a ii SO ^ oaer 'to S ail Lake. But while ^araltlnB-for-thls- ro a d - s h e - le - | S -----~o ir a lArgfl ,*oale.- Oa ly ' a few — • —'0 tho tu p a y e n of the counter ^ — :00,000~in bonds for road* and ^ ^

The money..will bo used to ^ lite r connections botween the ^ Irrlgatloti' projects. ^ tan now. Is to construct a bridgo _ r tg lo crag Just above tho Sho- ^ * ills. T his will do away w ith ^ Il r transportation th a t makes the ^ g of tiie ^^ayon stow and dlffl- K

the p resent time. ^Propbisd e u t e Park. | ilO region above' tho ta ils "T s “ 1 ^IV Benator Clark nnd by th e ^ n and Dewoy estate* of Oma- ^ s now proposed th a t the sta te ^ r this .land and.m ake It a s la tetJV lding-good-Toad»,-trati«poK ------------iclllUea nnd p le u u re resorts.

.Eloquent 8pm h< «. §b rco k fu t'n n d before tb s day's ^ / n an, there waa Bome'aptechmaT % ^ 't * B thevcnu idab f_ theho lo l..T he ’ oUblndera.wcro Rred R . Reed - -

m d labor, who r^ rese n te d the 3 ,■ u well os Twin Kalis. Hls address o t .welcom# w u . re- to by Bccrctary Farrell, who

f tho close commerolal nla*Istlng between Ball U k e , and

Idaho, and told o t a tr ip he le through tho Tw in Kalis dis- q S M le yeara ogo when only the B ^ s S b and grmsewood thrived amid | R ^ M Imlty^ o t <he volcanic upheav- M ^ R ]

lately a fte r Uie speaking the H S h iralohlata entered aulos and:ea Ihrough th e c ity aad to the H | B | IpolnU of Interest In tho coua- H R j

Empire Bulldera H em *.. . JfSHIt tbe m ost pleasant v la lu o t ir a s 'to the' ninch"of'T .'D. r e r - 10 evidence of a far-seeing cm* EI deyw iis'dU eloied to 'th irw o n ; ~ iavT ~ o f th e excuralontata when they

OUWANTOPTICAL G ORK THAT IS JUST OHT, come to a spe- t In th a t work.

: r . — l-tir-’ are experts and de- I' No.

piir time to optical I _ exclusively. . '------

havrthe-best eqiilp- |= ilace of its kind In ' ’ iart'61 the counto'.

;ea-a re very-f^asbn-

:--- " - y iiiw.t. _ - ring

^ a r r o t t t =O ptical Co. ■n A vi.-€ .-— Phonj-219 B lltit : ' R v

Ae grind oi/r oiyn Ai'a : l e n s e s ' I

■fTBit t r c « 'i io i im h m r “a K W A ‘;m a i .t laUo . booldeiv. I t w o i L ' B . ' - ■bo flrat_*aw_the poaaltjIHtlM __WAflailoa-wblch = ln-«tght-i»eani-iiM mu»t>e'elafonned lato a paradUe wbera Ings go(ni SOi.'OflO’aepeiT of'lnrlialed land iirntcs ef j >f-C um vatlO B -ftid-w her^tbe iay, grains and fru it ta iDcnidi- tiihiS pnv ap i aad bound* each *eaMn. files of t t

KUXKO ATt X c’kI n Q a epec.nlap'jctlon f

kInB H *reIe*llyF(B hU to8av* •------ ~ O a b * : ■ • BUte of C

S0BLE8. Ju ly 1 5 ,-F o r aavlag « ' ’ r daughtor o f a felloW paaiHh* :i«lo, 'Cou

w U l. . l u n i i . l U K i l rrom i i u m S : I by an onormouA eagle. Miss tin * of Bt. Helens. O re , Is a ® “** oday._U lu.PexklaA -w aa.pac. leck with tho child shortly A. & USa e steam er reached Ban I*cdro L eagle made IU a ttack. Bhe Hall's 0 e bird furiously w llh her flit*. ??u,“5iurfl0 child a nd fled to her atate- member oj'thT 'craw k lllc l the _ 8 o l i ^ . a shotgun. TakellaU


jVl i l w a i ]L T A . A L A T T I s a r l r i

Blnd«s, M ojvers/JI^ ( •. ., .1" Binding Twlnl

> Keystone Side Dcilvei

I t r t e r n a t l_SwljigJng andjDvCTshot^

' "'Sweep Rakes Are all the Best In t he Me

i r f uir llns""()r exlrilB alwW ckr-,These machines, are no <

ley have Iweir used right ht alls Tract and have given I ifaction lor the past 8 yean :e them before guying.

C . 0 . M e i---------------T w iirFaiisriaa

?3iP8t Matio,of Sfwin Jail

3 , J o h io n , S ’r t t l d i d t '

S lu t t)OC,COO.OO Surpluiii

T N V i T E : Y O U R P /

rain Bags Si. All ol lowest prices. Promp llty or gradd desired,. Special pi

l i r r f e . & l d a h o - Ji « . DOIS

L O S T« Clly parli, frldayhla lll, lady’

^ Z u tO v IQ C 08B S6> QOld W 8lC l»

ot Varoey-8 cfaocolalesV'Flsdei BBd cbanfielt be will return (be i

- ......... ' - M I S l



‘JO IO N ..Joly-.l<<>aU j-«dt t e > . ^ ispeodd pn 'ljit' t^ e ra T b u lk tr—- ~ .^up 0^ to Jfo up In d ^ e r u t ' ' he Union, cw ln i id on o v ^rwult-of-wl^lclLtheF»-a f» no--------Ided for. Ihe lnspec?oQ bf ihO -'- ”I building* Of the w ork being

measure t oprovldk th e In* inds.

Jo. clly of ToWii, I - • ' e u Couniy. {“ • y■C hew m akertwMti that w t t ."- .... .n#r ot tho flrm of F. J . a ieney ig buslnew tn ih j Ctly o f ^ . .Ity aad State aforesaid, and ' Imv. wltl pa r (he aum o t ONB3 TOUARB for eaoh aad e v

Caiarrh lhat cannot be cared o f lU I.I .’a CATARRH c u i t a

FRANK J. CUENBT. before mo and.iub*eribed-ta-«— r-

rc.'.tni*-tlh day of December.A. W. OLKABON,

N oury PubUe..U rth Cure la (aken tntertially ' recUr-upon (tie blood and mu* r e e ^ ^ the s i^ i tp . Bend for

in w B T *- ca:-Toi»dij.“ o . - • ’ - -.11 D nu tfta lv fle .--------------------------a ra ^ m a le tc e M U p a U f la : '

i k e e i ^f l k e ^ , . a i ^ ■ f f i

I ^

yRakes ' H . •

Q i n a r t ' -lackers and_ m •

rke tT o-dav Ifi

ayB=CTTled in | s "

aperlment, as |S re on the Twin |S he best of sat- K I. Come Inland i§

g s . - ■- ■ I'- ■■10 " S s

ml Sank--.......- L - . , -

'S H a x to t l ir C a tU if ' ' '

d ffroUtt UOOOO.OO

I A coniervalivc aiiiJ i t f e

banking concern, :<whoie

lo fE c e fm u irJ ciciafufly^iit.- ‘ -

aocounlfl p f tlieir pa tran i

Cotnmodiotis q u tr ie ri,

I including, la ri ie .a n d con*

Ivanienl F irs Proo l S a ftly

I D cpoait.V oilt*._________________

v r R O N A G E

qualliy secoads Ior w htal and pola-

Sack Twine'In I sMpmenls ol any ices on large quin -:

unk-House —; IDAHO

1 liand bag conliUii-: llaaioad ring and i may: h a v t walclij™ -

liocolBles. . ,

I T .'A rC rtlB lT : -

J T I O N E E B b ~ -

A N t E E D - —

P A 0 I 8 _ J

Page 6: . tiiNTH ykAB.',..;. z ;: f JULY31, 18T3r . ‘ 'Sizzffl I ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS_TF03/... · Is makes three- lines to parallel spo olher

_ . v - _ ' . ■ TW tN rA L L B *)^ W 8l TW IN >A LLB . IDAHO, T H U R eD A r, m Y » f , IHS. . ‘ ‘- . p A o e a ' . • - . ~ < L


' ; T^lV F * lii 8»#d F irw Ccinpiny Pr*- On . p irif t8 '7»X tr«*-o! UniJfer6»»<JiflB - i

T ^ N ir f :> to n ih ; ;- - - . — =- - --------- r

- - - ^progrcM In a quiet wny l» tho Twin A

Bccd Farm companr. Tho •com- .;n, • “ p a W s to l>y«y « h u n ’l had taucK tlm® est

" to UJk. ThPrt l l protxibly no concern vrc<

force or h u o larsor 'payroll than Ih li pK.• ''co tnpany .'"T W «n ty -ri« m«n. forly mm

tw in* ond a hW tr tc to r plow nre Pi>r 0 bu*Uy c n n fo d In prepftriaf TIO ic rw Stri

, ot.Und fo rte tJ ln g n o t month. H n» c< 8 ^-- ------ Ihli'u^'rcnituMs' l»^iind*bno*hnU mllM two

from HollUter and Iho romalnder Ii plnl ^ bou t five mllea from nuhl. -

The itochholdera df Ibla company Is- v lli cluilB Slato TrcM urtr O. V. Allen of ie tt lloUft Qeorge C u r le y -b f :J .e a l lJ ^ li* irh <

-------- C ltr. H n rrr P.-AHen of1W t c»ar.-^ho U rt*<prealdent nnd cencmt tnanaffcr: oiio C. chllC. liedtotd, Df. F . F . U cA t« . Dr. .T, ^K '

.. Q. B o y d .- I? f .-J ? ^ -.^ tia iid e r._ J> U L Tbt W llf , Dr. H. W. Clouch«fc.T. J.-W ood^ ffrei Joe Uurkett nnd W. P. Outhrle. enji

.The company li capltolUed a t flOO,* hon ’ ODO. Dack of each, aluir« iJ u u r a o t T

, laud. There aro 1009 iha re f held a t 0Btoitu------------------ ---------------- -

~We are very hua/ a t p resen t" alfl{«J Oai H arry Allen thl< mornlns, "preparing A' our Innd for .awdlnff. ._Wo ex* il

: ..pcct to .aecd -tbo -en tlro 7Jf>-ncrM-to -S< vh lte nnd nt^yJ(Q. clovcr noxt njonlh ' Qi

—...... ond havo a b lf forco of mon and tti in a andlit woih now., riex i year wo will puk “ TT

' In 100 acrM In aced p o u and 'w lll H r - and 1000 ttcfca o t clover a««d and %<s H<

------ ptu:— *7 '— ------ ■; ■ ' n


_____ fiina tor Qrady OiU MadlfJcatton of ^•:• • ~ D ip iH ?rf»nrnuiinor'— T p,

• w A H irm aTO N . Juij- ss.—An im---------portfln t^ulin irw A ii~riiitdu~liiil“ w_eck ^= ^ ^ ro n B h = « h M ff« i* = d f= a (m iiio f Uhldy

by tho aecretary of Iho Interior do- partm ent, which li o t g rea t Impw- lance to the ag}tlora of tho N orlb BIJo UlnldokA proJecL 8 /

A lircnl many of Iho aelllcnf arc un- Abn able to pny (heir malntonanca ond Juee dm lna ie charlea now due. and aa a gnd' contcquciico could not obtain w ater nogi (rom tho Boyrmm tni cnna\ under lho rled rullnff of lho departm ent tha t no w aler Kqi,, ahall bo' given oa a penally o t nou- v/t»' payment. Thli condlllon led fo tho a f , adoption of rrsolutlona by the iluport retui commerclnl cluh nnd forwarded.' to - wjii_

------ te llicr“ w llh a auUilamially alened po; ' '...tlllonclrculfttedbyUio W n te rU ien o i- "W*

■oclatlon to tho w crotary of. tho in- T _ J:«Jlor„r«iiiKtUnK an-«st«n»ian *f Ume T;-

- In which to meet theao ^wymenta. X i . Senolor Bm dy wa*' n lio fum lihed

'• w llh a copy of lho rcaolutlon nnd pell- Sccc___tjpn—tuid. ho -haijilnpfl-been worWnir Uibli

h im . w ith UlO accrctary to r th e relief M hiuch d n lr fd l>y theio aetllera,Xti«r MvtTfti conicrencn wUh 6 « r« - y p j

___taxyX ano-th« aenalor woa able tcrha\'o '• lho departm ent mnke tho ruUne which FI

perm its thote who aro not oblo to meol oor i the ir pftymcnta now 'to loouro nn ox^ tenalon of tlroo' unlll n fler Iholr cropaoro hnrveatcd by paying In addition lo o'olo tho unoun t Ouo ono ccnt per aero per U6id tnonih aa long na iuch paymenla ro- J main -unpaid.______ . __________________

W IRE IN DRIEP.-------- . each

PINOnCEX Idaho, July SO.—A hall* atorm awopt through o a trip tw o'm ttes wlile in th li aoctlon utterly du troy lng a ll cropa In lla path. In place* hull Mifl. piled up n foot deep. a t 8:

i:__ _ , paib•SAN -FnA N ClSCO , J u ^ y > .^ ^ I u lo - - -

— Indian equaw a'Karo'-toon 'a uinliluted fo r Maxlcan laborora on tho aectlon (oujj

__hand Joba on_ a lL , r t t t tw m —running mBtiih roush lho Sovftda daao it . v ' i n r

___ aorrlCOLUUDIA. U o , Ju ly JO.-Otio

thouaand raon voluntoerod nad worked 'tteh lTiourB on good ro n Ji d a y rn ia lr . cOP Ing.U jo hlghwaya of tbo county. • held

— ' in.DEN'VEn. Ju ly J»,-Rol>en Perry

broko tho world’B motorcycle r«<«rd i otT a d ir t track here, tnak ln j t h t itiSVo lA G04-B aecosds. i x

-------------------------- = ----------------------- - Fifth.W ASinNOTON, July JO .-Tho tfn l- Serrl

Md. s ta tea department o f nfrtcclluro J j V ta sending ou t w om lngs'lo potato /

moth. FouU

W ASilW aTCW . July SO.-A W.letlB tu u td by .th s-jU tlfU cA U ^Iepartaen t s«rvli sta les thnl..the Incomo n^4ho average class, fan n e r la IS40.40 a yenr. ' i —


—■W A eH lN Q T O N rJtlO rJtr=snc5f^nr » tlv £ jo _ ^ .of'C lM ka- p j j j , b'unr. w . V t . h i* b « B appoltittd by Prcai P rw ldent Wllaon to .tU l lho poaitlon J- Tt 0 f,B ollelt6r“scaera l. Tbo Job carrica [ i ia l ju y .o f 110.001 f t.y ta r.-------------

Jn ly 10.—Tha yield of vhoa t fl nuBBla. ' l t 'i l 's ta te d 'f ro m jo w m * chant

f c ju m a, wUl a r c r w ono- a Blo ourth heavier thaa laat seaaon.


i J m : c h o c k ; a i* , j n i r l o ^ - r t i . amsii w m ^ h u ..ln n (l td .A tk u u a « ..O k ls h o * Cbole g j a f l U t fliai - IiK tho-m t a U 'y a W

t»to* lo « -6 f^ - .p p w tl- 'ia t* ir ,« f p w 'o « n t ' ' B m

P P 1 L Y ~ W E D D E D 5 0 M F

rrvB tron^jm J W lf*'Cslsbraia Op).« W tfifif> y A n n iv » H in r« -o iw « y C hird«5 r/nd O ranaT tirM NSifibir

- H a l* and H ta iiy . . ' , |

im ia iA N CITK, lilniir., Ju ly JD .- ” eiuail of more than piailnff Inter- 1 wivs tho ccteUrallou ot the ttotden l dlnir nnnlvcrsary o t U r. nnd Mra. iln

who now reside a t Oakloy. Tbe nn Ilnu wua l.rld In tho O.B. academy. J -son atmii^r p m ld e d and Cl of lho m r n s fam hy wero p re io n t Hyrum brii ng a ytiVTa old anfl Mra. a t rong K« y fian younger.' They, icroaaed tlie for is ossld hanlihlp* In early dayi aa wera united la marrtogo a t Kock- I , U tah. In 1I6J. Tbey w iro varly chn er* In Twin rW li. bolng there Born:hutrtwo:r«ood»aThtdldln**:ir»p* Itrinlca-tho c iiy -o t Twin ■ m i.- 'T o ii cloi Iren woro bom to and U rs. Thi ns. aoven © (--whom ' a » IWlng. ths rl.tiave-(0-graadcbU di«s.«nd—4} the tT igw dchlldren. Tbe couple aro tho yipff ffood 'heallh nnd mako tbolr Ilm o a i O akloy.' leai10 following program waa rendered: eon icnlng aong^"Lova pt Homo." by

AlaMmfcjLgunk—» t —9 ■oy, yourtii ward WiJjopric. dri'ss o f wclcomc-^am itnl S 'rang . Uni rllntfon-s-'i’hreaa Strong. ' callnifr-Jferle-nnd-Stclln-StronF.' ■ " ' haft Fdcn wcddliiir ionir-M:nrrl« •’lrong. concompnny. ’ ___________itnrlciil eventa ut lho llfo o t ilyrum Uatlliln Btrong-O cnovn Ecklund. ^ "K—Tlwiwis Ulcka.. ndlng^fn llld rriliirne 'y . "n(c—Mlllnn Iln raoy .' • ' riCltttllon-Deailo W ill. ' "“ the' idroia—Marcus 6. Funk. ,ldrcia-TIioroafl_lI. Cjarlt. ------- -eientnllon of prtsenis—a.ivolla

' ' , f f r e ink.nl *clctUoniiIlM.CbIuo.Btronff.


(United Presa Dtipateh.) ®‘ *’;LT LAKE CITT, July J S .-J . A. mion of tho Ahramson-Boono Pro- “ company of Twin Tnlls. Idaho,Ura. U U . O oiiolt. who owns Ihe raon botcl In th a t clly, were m ar- in thl* c lly yeaterday by tho nev. r t . Ul- Slflvenaon, president of mlnaler cdlcgo. They will spond r dnys n t lho Ttotel Utah beforo line to Tw in Ir'alla 'w hero they nnkojhclJLhame.-------

--------C H U RC HES.-.............. .

m m O F ^ r a e v i i c O T i o r or3d atroflt tn d Fonrth ftTonuo « u t 'Bctiool, ll7~a. a . ; aenaon aod Dr.

a . m. -Alt m onbers nrgod and I p r ts o n t Jun io r C. E.jdeoU n(5, uk, p. m ;; C, E . mooUnK.,7t00'p'. a re inrkod .

------ b# »1ST DAPTIST C ^ n jR C H .-C o ^ ‘ " t f Fifth aroDUo and Bocood atrco t alaai

Sonday Bohoor-wm be bold eT-'ien i unday a t 10 a. m. M omlng aorr- m ... 1 o'clock. BTonInf servleo a t 8 “ “ “ ik. P a ryor m eoU ni CTorr Wod- ly ofonlng a t 8 o’clock, n c r . Vf. thei oDry. poat».r. mor

i a CH 'tm C H .-auiU U y i S ^ 'at nori clock. P m flh ln g a t U o’clock. ounJon lerrlcoB n m B ondiy .of

qua rte r and rocepUon o l new Btni tters t i n t Sunday o t oaoh •montli. arrl< 1bi BorrloeB a t 8:00 o'clock; a u - witt ly Bonday aohool o rcheatra and . - v . ^ w c r t h L m w b a t 7jOO ^ m. reek Berrlce W ednesday eren lng ***•00 o’clock. H er. W. a W oodhull, Leai


W T r o ^ A R D ’S C A r a O U ? S ”! ilCH.--8orrlcoB l l n l , Booond and tt Sunday of j a c h m e n th ^ F lr a l ?2?5 - a r t u ’ciock'; seoond a t 10. Sun* **® ■ Kbool a t 1:50^ O’clock. Brenlog :o a t 7:30 o'clock. Rer. F a th e r P08 . paator.

[ p e i O N PR0TB8TANT EPIU- It* ORUUCH.—SonlcoB will bo regularly orory Sunday a t 11 a . J' lunday school a l 10 a . m. Holy •■'I mnlon a t l i o'clock first Boodsy b < :h montl). All of w hatorcr ta lth Docl ■‘'•“ “ o- ____ nicT

rilE R A N C ^U R C H .-^:o raer-o l c i^ tI tro e t a ad Thlr^l aTooMo woa;. Oold

^ la Engllali Sunday, Ju ly 27, Jchc ;30 a. tn. J . ^ ScbllebUng, pas- soa;

U ui

URCH O P T H E DRETHIIE.V.— Dudl •Iru e t acA Tblrd a ronuo north. Rohi

ly-B B hoolf-l^-fc-m ; ■ ■ Prec h tB g !>•-(; 0, n a. m, C brU tlan W orkora' Qrac o g ._ 7 j^ ._ E rc n li ig - i i r c a £ h la g Spry 'c*,.8 p. m . ToachOrs' training X; { Tueadar, 8 p. m . Merl

------ - Netta x PjlEflBYTERIAW CHURCH. Po w t ao tuua s w a t ana i-'ouiffi opo le north. R er. ahophcrd. Uio i -. Sabbath (Chool, >10 a. m. to U alng a t 11 0. m. and a IV m. W ; sag. auporlntendent o t Sabbath . Young pooplc'n a o o tln g a t 7

A GOOD INVESTMENT. 8wD. Uagll, ft TfoH 'knoim ' n o ^ O o n of ^ I to m o u n d . ' W a . bought receli

k -o t Chambcrlaln’B ftedlclne fo o « ti ' bo ablo to supply them tfl S l l , , icTB. A fter rocolrlng them b a Imselt Alck and saya tha l- one ^ H bottle o t Chamborlal4’g Colic, bight

» . a n d . D ltr th oesi R^ t a g l u t t m n i .-im ifH .tii.H lh n S a C th a coSL o t l U f ^ t o c k - o f ' t b m taeaiclncs; i!e by »U A ealon. ' ^ ^

»— ■ . , . nssidi1 th e C lu sm o d A ds. . . Jnomb

O U N D R Y FO R f

tT .kA K E -C IT y-M A N -H A ft-fbW T ” )N THE W AY-LOOKiNQ PD ff LO- • ;A 7 p 0 N -A N _ U P /.T p j .0 > ;tE l0 m :i _;IT.'' ' ' ' ' ,

rhe Twin ra lla country la to have roundry and thochlne ahop. The I n f l* on tbo w ay here and u Boon . | ll 'u rr l r ta ^•og'cuu lim B'anythnifTff ”“ fchlnery mode or.fixed in .th l* 'o ltj . • .. s . Lawronco of Balt^ljUw City,'.* | chanleal engineer, la tbe m an who ng* the new In d u s try 'to th e city. J ha* morod bare svnd U MW leoVlng '

■aTiouid'ana‘'tt^!te~for‘filB t^ n d r y ^ welL ’ , ' "Ir. Lawrence waB for aome Umo In rge of a biff m in ing 'p r0po*ltl0n in lom. Uexico, b u t about a yoar iugo rot-»a;faoi u i luwp'= lh B re -IM rth « ^ led tno mine and crossed the ’bordoK ' (■way things have been going alnco t ha* cauied them lo ecngratulate / sueli'ca.on.iba^^ffoo<yudgiM at.-Ail — banka In th a t aectlon closed a lonir

10 ago. ^11 tho be tter clssa of H ex- ^ . ns In Iho Bonora country woul4’Wrr- le lha annexation of Ibelr counlry the United Btate*. ' _

Inat« ullou hm e -----I b» th» Twin Fallt Touadrr snif :hine Work*. Thoy will do a eeneralting work and will bo prepored-to .......d lo 'n n 'y 'k ln d 'o t w ork th a t mlghl le up In the T w lnT ^lta countiy.

r - e H e p H e R o ^ - w t t;L— a p gA K —

Qlv* Addreaa on Rellgleui Teach*__ .'Llnocln-Rubllo-B^hauli._______

tor. P r. abopbord. tho pastor o( PrcabyJerlan • church, will dellrer

iddreia bn tho aubjoct ot'"R elltl«u» •__iructlon 'aa nc Ia ied ' lT tbT 'W orlr 'o t■ Public B c h o o is " 'w h m 'w n i:» « 's is t-In terest lo a ll patrons of the - Ml*. ■ Tho‘ meetIng,'’. ^ " K o “held In ^ e t t i 'udl i r cW i^h~ 'M r h M '' been tponcd from Frldny ovenlnir. A uguit lecauso o£ tho ia n d contert on lha t nlng. Thla meeting la lo be the In*Ilon of o movement looking Inward aupply of the lack of religious

:hlng w hIcJiU felt to .bo one.of the .kest 11 ^ our n n o m l school era ondl In * ^ h a w ay os will not unfair to ^nyoho 'a cooacleniloui iplei.. / ' ' ho da,to l(( AuguefC.


md Are Pl*s*«i W ith Outlook.

SnmUQB, M «v,__July—10.—« « r*leyod moh aro com ing Into Jarbidge' kly, the U test be lngD r.Josbua Do*« aad A W o ra t^ -P raa k Doletal, — '

- Rrtroont.-j»'*b. — boVries wa* hero tw o ,y o a rt ago * a n th a t the cam p 1* o a 'a maro ..

llanllal baaU tbon l l wa* a l tha t >. U r. ppio*tl-acknow led«ca-,iiiat lad conaldonble akeptlcUm cn hi* tral, b u t h e le tt alm oat aa cnlhu* llQ A b09iter os tbe doctor. Both lemen a re hearlly Intttttaicd In tbe Iier .and n* a r«*uU of their «x- latlon thoy announce thnt they oad r frienda will p u t a good many e thouMnd* In to 'ih e compnny..; - 1. n .-P a rk s of Portland, Orft, __ ...

B. T m cy.'tho*oH glnol locaipr Of : ' g rea t 'E lko Prince and E nitero '■ mine* a t Oold Circle, aro also U fi «1*. T h l fortrier, who Is tnlertatedI Theodoro parka In a fine prop- _ _ _

In Tenneaieo guloh.^ha* folluwtd camp* from '^the days of ’J9 to P ~ "

lvlll^ and aaya thn t he has r e re r , n bouer showing for t]io ilevelop. - I f t f i a n In thla camp.' i i r Traey " I | 1*0 onltiualastlc he. hm given0 _ b |L ^ > ‘**95*-ft-g«wl^U>log when -----w* IL ~ bl


liters ro ad ln lag uncalled for topost o lf ic o .a t jrw ln .F a lls ..Id ih o , - w.•9. I tlS . W bea calling from thla ploaso say -A drortlsed":

m o e tl Clifford; Baker. IlcMie: ier, Cbarles; Bosh. Marjorie! ln«. Ray; Ca*o. C..V?.; clarV. D. u m a Charles, J. 0 .; C arter, Marion;ley .-T hom aa^ — B nyart.-- l.lnn l8 r i ~ | on. W m.: H llbe rrr . Andrew; S lion. A rrld: Jone«, D oanl*; Jack- 8 .

K ate; Jobneco. J e n n ie : Jone*. t t - t ' -a; Rlnir. Ida; K incaid. Jou lfi; § to* w iy rF .'D .: te m e r t. Mllo: Mays, f i Tc ey; Martin. E ra K atolle; Ncllton. 8 MsrtjO xford^ I^ sna ;..P atdek ,.M rfc 8 . . i - n rP aT grn . 0 . :H o b cf t* ; 'D U « a n d Ie : Schuyler, t l , T.\ S w tt . E, C.5 Ir^ a ry ; .- f lm l lh . J , T .; ahlro, j . I ___ichueraan . JoBcpblne; Slnmond,

Shoe 8 b « M w t. Co,; to u n g . -lo E lliabclh .' ■j tagg-ilne oa t ho .t f to re - le t tg ty I H pent each. L ettera rem alolcg a t ■ m d o t'fourtoea d a n w ill bo a ea t I :J10 dead lo tler o t ( I ^ ' ~ M d r. n . QREEKHOW, postm aster. F

H A RTS rfEW STORE. • . ■

auel H a ^ wbo w lllj> p ^ ' a new In 'the .lU M -'S m ilh buildlojr, la

ring hla stock a s d t lx tu ra , n , , ■)ng tn ba roady-tor-bualaM B-entfr --------ugust T he. place will bo 'know n ' a rt’*, o u ry tn g dry gooda of the • t grades aad ready to wcae-fla^ - f o m a i e * and children. Thu le to ir rw io n iu m oved h is tam llr 1 ntn FalU.' b ja .o w n p lea ih e W eil ence on FotirthT a renue u a t, ^" “*• ■ .1 iTa K

____ ^ / _ - „ M o r t i l M k | - A r * . l ^ n t a

r - — — -

- H O - ’'

• _ X

L _. ; yi

- 7 i 7 A s k ; g n v ~ " ' " ^

Oregon Short line ^

a g e n t a b o u t r e - r -

d u c e d f a r e s a t , *

v a r i o u s t i m e s ( J j

d y i r i n g t h e y e a r .

_J).XJ11BIEY.—^ Cenetil Paistngei Ag't ' SV

Sail l«k« City .


, b(:_____ ....................................... - n (


laternity Homa l jT h o s e -p r^ e rr in g —1 -T ju l6l , ~ "

park , to K h M p lttI ..w rlt* - to ^9 Plfth avenue w est, T w la Jis, Idaho. E veryth lns Mod- n; rate* reaaonabla Distilled I i te f t ' - ;Pheni' 433.

» f i f d e i T P I a n t s ' I

an-now supply a li detnands § all binds o( garden p la n ts n

inaloe*. Cokbage, and every* g ng in ihe llaa <4.ptsnbL ^ ■ • S

' E . t ^ ^ O L M A N . p t y a tM a l a S t . S I

s ^ r r N T S * ^W Valuable Infom ialioa Frsa. ^4 (JO Q b araaB lD T en U o ao ran r • >

^ n t m atter, v r l la Immodl* aUIy to W . W . W H aht. ' t S S S tai«d a t to n ie rrL o a a k T ro tt I '

.O lI^^W ash liiB te n . D. C. ^


•regon S h o r t - l ia a . lo » R , (0 L«thbrldge, SUrUbg, \ Rar* M agra t^ aa4_£atflstoa,4.w lU k - =

• D t- S o p ^ b e r l « b ; T fe ta j i ♦ - B o l d - f o r t r a i r N o r n i i r i i i *Ako l : « p. m . A w a t t 8 l l , - o r - ' alas coaaBcUng UierowltiL 8m L a g c a U , ^ o t.Shostum o and t ^ ~ w ^ o f U o a ^ U e r IdoIq*- r ra te s aad fa r th e r p a rtlra la rf ,

/ e s t i . n g J l-ja y

J tha-T raet-T lnn 'In-A nyO thB f 8«rW6n"i


p k e n ro u te -ip ia rti tft^another. T rI g e n t y o u w an t to j a th e O v erlan d Fr i£ g o e C ! l ^ I -

lTEafgW6"G oo(i^F is su g g e s tio n - thih rough t r ^ s e r rec t rou te , short f( e n t th e b es t mon< ibstantial ro ad bei ;pehdab le , a n d e ’ o te c ted jb y A u to n lectric B lock Sigrm erchand ising y

s t y o u can get fc :y. W h y n o t b i hen y o u travel?

leybum Bridi <I I


.in Bqmtuer, .w orm ctja wintep.

cost of m alntm ite<v dost^prool

cud ^ 11 la s t fo r a cm tiuy .^ j

Bond in Idaho. F or fo rtber p

i i i i n l r i c M0 . BOX 14<. ■HEYBUB

a r m l o a n s . (

sl Rates . Post Temw

nDailYAKTlWCTJtRI t t 8 b i ) im 1 I W ..T ^ ir i i^ lOlM


3ASTleket""VKt-a— 7 -: )ne system ,-th e Ticket-=-- - ;o “ th ro u g h :: loute a s far

jyar-e^ce v ia th e )u te ,eq u ip -gLca3j)_uy,__ _______

1, n e w a n d ^aty m ile is . .. la tic S a fe ty ^ als. - - - -ou b u y th e r y o u r m o - , y th e b e s t

(SandCo..o{brick? ._C ooler. ............

a k w le s s JJN e ^ ho pain t,— ,

Jso-haTG-the-feest-— - — -

artlcQlars ad d ress .

(Sand Co. “fl. IDAHO^ . ^

l l y l o a n s I «— —’— - 'i.;- ^Promat-Serylce'

USI COMPANY; . . : / T * l t t 4 * a , ' 3 7 5 ' ' I

Page 7: . tiiNTH ykAB.',..;. z ;: f JULY31, 18T3r . ‘ 'Sizzffl I ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS_TF03/... · Is makes three- lines to parallel spo olher

M i y h e n y w f y a n t f ;

H f t - - - F i i------- ' : ^ k«L

V tr ! i K ' ■ . ’ ' . M ' Cta i r ’ - W • ^ ™ ct^ r . V ■ „ - . .'Be ^ r-: . ■ - — 7 * - 1 ,75

------ - B - r i H H - - M l

Du. • • - Ba

® • ,• L . ■

I larteHi S k. >I Offia oppose IdaluDtpDtigat “ S

' S O T . - - ■'

1 ----------------------. R

TiiomiisoiiSBeauciiainp;:! '

( - - ; S P E e i A L s ^ : : KJ '. . . • 112/10'ij. 40 acrea,. 28-4 miles from a .^ * g Twin FoIIb, Q-room honse with fc D in ir^ ‘oom, rnimiDg water In in. n- B house, fa ll basement, large t . \ C b a m , - 2 chicken honsea an4 , E-yard%-8-acre8-itt*t)rchard-nbont s r b ' t [ ha lf in bearing, a ll fencefl.I P rice 1225,00 per acre. E j^ t e r m s .- W i lH c l l p a i i o r w o a ld and 82 f- t r a d e fo r la n d in K an sas i f ’ p ^ d , a n d . w d l . I o c a t e d r ^ = ^ 2

^ in.Tr>om atftotly I itiodem, well located honso In Wood. • Cedar Raplda, lown, trade j j

for land bn Twin Folia tra c t nog.Baak <

2 3 4 acres, closo in on. Kim- ■#du.. berly road. A barfpUn a t 200. V eiy easy tenne. Ad* j f 1 joininp’JaQd, in .yoang orchard, Vooo. recently sold a t flOQO per acre,

. 160 acrca of Rood land In nJoo' ' South Dakota. P rice per 8an< ac re; to trade for land ori Twin

- g a l l a t r a c t ----------- , ....._____~ t ? o ^

40 acres on Salmon - tract, aabdwi 21-2 milM ' from Epgerspn, 1-4 a i

' nilliB from main canal, g radw ®V A No.,1. 1500 fo r equity. WIJl ' Ai n trad e fo r stock lo rjJty property.

- - Span-matched-bay-BcldinRB, Jp 7-and 8 years old,-weight-2500, g o a ra n tc ^ sound an d true. I f < sold th is% ee k tho team and

■IiSnesa'for ♦27BT~' o n d ^

Thompson & B ^ucliam |i N'°B. r1 2 1 M l l l l A t c o u * S u l

• - 8.' Seni '■ ................................................. J . A.

, . E d g e ” " ' r ;

T O M - S ^ I Iuser*. ,-T W a r t 4haip,feady «■ 1 1 to use, hold their edges and part' n

'maIw wo'Aalplar8ur&~Csa^nom Selbari''theb tt« lm diT * g_

KTO.'ij_____. - ♦ lO .N .


F I l E i BITS, SAWS.' " “ 'i• • N^, JB,

..1E0R.SA1E.BYI-------------- t o i S• , ■ -P. Ml

T w i n F a l l s 2 ' - ^ H d w - C o . ^ i s

_ ■ • ' ■ — tN

" ■ I

dropped« rT > .m m . fm - th « e «j.

. . . — bellevM

„ fItlt-ClaSJ --—-" ton»t . • : . . , ^ . A C C | I 1 P » .... :

- ':wAsi

j H B W 1S ® S S■'. ■' . . . ct Brip

r - - i t a V l « h i J V y M l i m t o ------I™ ” "-• u a l iM 'b e 6 i i r ^ W >i»» , ^

A f t T t Y ^ - T H l t .N E W S ^

I h f e g t t ^ i c e i E l ETWIN P A U S -M A R K e ra .

_________- „ ! * !rofiSea t y lbo Ififlspendeat S t o - ^

i f B o ia io o d i » i d : : ' j S ? Ickena, »prlo*. 18c. • tCtk e w . D iia o o .

ich OKI. jOo la traflo ,-...... ' m ,key#. lOt ,.Li5o

_ .**•**. ..........c ralD jilv PfoduM. . » <»“

aUhod b r Ihe SU rllng Cr«Ainor7. te r fat. 25ft. t w ,te r Bolldi, S7c.‘ i , „

QlaJied b> the Lincoln Prodaeo]

S k » » r . - . . . ' SS? :«f BolIdi,,t8c . • UnlU


L J tM io f 'lo a H . W arrim ton ' | l , p a r t 1. 6 . jie a 4-10.18..I. KIrkmao e t ux ta B . a Kin- h a 300.113 Burrlnfton BUl»dlTl*loiL * y . a t f t t r to T . p . Holloway,

C. OdkM ( o a i . Petltjotm . tomt.B .T ..-H x2C dl.i9 , ______ E . «

'iM e t nx to a N. Hendorson, , , a H N.W. J H M f , “ “ *1 F t l l i Townalte company to Jo h u c n . 1260, 1 13 b C7 Twla I '-1

Mivai- JoLubou e l ux lo ' jfc 8 . PauP00. Mua* WU . V, Jordan to a H. Browne. | 200.1 South Pa rk addition. ^1. nJjjley o t a l to aamo, t l j 1 Mm South P a iT add llldn , ' • -a on

8 . l . J a w . N.W. 2M0-17. . : ic ln .lo ..W ..a OUtot, »1, 1 Oi - Mra b 57, Twin 5WU. bu*ln«

. Panlln e t ux to D. Sm ith, and T I IS b C7 Tw in PallB. _______mk*.= m » 6'* v * i to u . - a r a a o t .J J b 1 Golden Rule addition. "

'C olflyanr- tb - J.- B. W * - nOO. 1 9 b 34 Fltor. havo «, CoTum o t l i r to tam e. }COO> nulte 24 Fllor. ■

raon 'Townslto j com panr to ^ ( Rogerson, f l , 1 10 b 5 IlofQ^

dajr.PaHs Townilto cotopany lo M rs

im i, »JBO. 118 b C9 Tw in FU ti, . . . eCor o t ' ux to L D. Vinton,I 2 WilllamB Bubdlvilon. Qubl.

PalU Townalto company lo nlon , i m U b 91 Tw in Palla. „ attin e l ux to I t B. Coleman.

4 b-a Jonoa addlUon. P” “to aamo. |BOO, 1 l b 4 New ««>«w

addition. , 6'Vinton 61 yx to JU Jli_C d im u in .rb-sirrw in r»iSr==^ .

to samo, 110, I 2 W llllan it _ _ lion, Bubli . . .. AabtoD,'KuardlBa to .D . U .I -«l a l. N. 1-2 8 .W. 12, S . 14 I-IO-IB.

Prodonhagen e t u x 'l6"W.~C. ---------I. |1 , .4 -1 H 4 ...Bank and T rual .com pany to ephe ia ra w c ll .6l . a l . »S16,-1-1E,.2«. ?t—— 1. Duhl. . ^b l to 'e l nx 'toT J. X.“ Oalllfior. ' ^I I b a E aa t-U w n addition, j - j n liaetor to Boake RlTer O rchard y,-4« .W ft, -W. -V3, 8 .B. 8 .W. - g ? t 1 2, 3, 4.' 6 aee. 9-MB. * 5 W arner « t ux lo L A. W a^ - * ^

, w ater r lsh t on B. 1-2 S.W. nWBE •IMS. . a t 1ftSttau c i T>x lo W . K roa . t w Iipart N.B. N .a 22-IO-17 and 1 ---------)rSe«bock addition. 8 . H.P « U o t ox to J . M. Mond, City

, b "23 'T i#m 'FB ]ir - • •■ ■ '7 • ' - . td f tl

S biw uio i iAiSiHooVor e t ox to P. A. Nyo, Of(i'

J . 166 feet I 18 Su rtee i tub- ^alli

' Toung e t r a to I* U n d o n . r t N S . M.B. JMO-17. anion lo L. M. U axw ell. | tind_______ ________ __— — ~ . l u t iMaxwell o t ux to W. S. Toung,B land . nnd-8a n d er*on -to -F .-W .'B erger, —»{«"

b 5 Borger.oaahnry e t ux to lam o. | 1. ---------a S.IH 7.1M <I.M o m ’ e t-o x - to -U T.- M ono .-K -b ^ 21.-Twln-Faila.------------- P .-Q .;P rolhofo tfl R. A C arter, f i r Kmli

? .J .E L * n d J U .2-8.W >^<dl.l(L _ o r ^ . O um ea ot ux lo W. L. f lqnlrei, “ A 18 b 125. BaW. -, DaTl8 e t n x - lo J . Knowlan, Soeo 1-2 S.B. &B. 3M M 7. r ; ^Cox o l ux to A. Co i . $50, 1 2 ' addition, MBTtaugh.I to U: Cot. W , aamo l o t •; Low e t fix to C. O. sm ith ;4 Int. In S.W. fl.W. M M 4 .. MorriaoD to School D Iatrlcl $140, p a rt a.B. 8 .H. 7-M4.

Boyd to Wm. Morriaon e t al, — —- ^ $ l . - p a r t . l . J . 0-11.20.snca to A. 0 . Humphrey o t W .---------3 b 42 Twin ra lla ; E. V. I. Crilohnetd e l nx to w ; H , Rinei 14800, S.B, S.B . 1 M M 8 : 50. . to aame. *1. «trlo o rc r B.W. Tele;

| . t o ■watar -B.Sr-N^gr IMO-Ig;

IUR8 M Y 'B A # E t A t t — ^• - - • • C;-T.

--------- TBdarELXO,' Ju ly 10.—M ln ' Mario bidgi t io ti' o t ' n i ip t r t "w ho w aa W ^

ccartoM . condlUon here. _8 h« o tf into ai iiw p tha t'h a ir l a r f ^ IXMU] f t . The attending phyiiclan town tb a t aho wDl »w re r;t> w in e lorra lir t t re ii r phyilquo.-----------Tr. r ,*---------. -= ---------------- LAMIND NAVY APPOINTMENTS j|-“ J

■ — — ■ „ .. . le n d .nnNQTON, Ju ly 10.—Tho fol- I-,wlU iw n lM tto a -w w m t t t i - th e

' TV>.M>nt B g ^[tntral nf thfl ^agirV.C*pUli> "■ tayo: chief entlnaer w ith rank dler.ff«nenU,'CoIbnel . WUUom ..— — .......... — -V

-------------------------- - • x l Kpaid a t thU o lO e o .fo f 'd e a q S U i y ib In good a to d r t e c o ^ ^

■ .Ox' •-'■•'-Twfl

T H ^ i D N E v a r r : ~ r t p “

-yaHa-CUU.ti>-e hawi ¥0U » iF T ^ ' ~~tiWay la Avoid I t ' -------

rh T Jrill-p eo p lo -o o o lln w -to -ritte ~ r agonlca o t U dney com plaint back ^ :,« rjn a n _ d la Q rd £ ra ._ U m w * » r — ^ l«eh«s, languor, why allow them­es to bocomo chroBlo Inrallda,a j a tw tB d--riT b«y;: i r ; d f t o r t ~

WQ'B Kidoey PUls haTo been n ied .Idoey troublo ovor-W y « f « ; h 4 t6 \ te ited in thouM ndi of c a » ^ ~ dmnp

ploma o t kldM y d t m a ^ ' a ^ ^)iy or Brlgbl'a d l M ^ may le l In --------' make, oeglect dangerous. Read FOI Twin Falla testim ony: ' n io r ,ra. AjinJo D arrf. N orth VJoW Afi- acr«8 n, Tw in Fnlla. daho, saya: - 8 e » -* a o o tlne i^w han I.bav* sa tfarad -tn im 1800.II acho In my back aad kidneys, menli t UM, of Doan'B Kidney PflU haa «ulr« ao of th e lro^lb^^. I think th a l — i'a KJdnsy P llla aro loB t fine and *^0’ sl lh a t OToryono aufferlog from Dy complaint wjll do w ell-lo g lr*I a fa ir trial** ' ' • *»<Jor sale by a ll dealora. Prico V>I. F n le^ M ilb a ra Company, But* "®- •' New Tork, sole agenta for tho '

• • ' l i in S r

nd o ther.~A dT ertlaem «nt ~ F O I

■HANSEN HAPPENlNOa. 2 i £------ , ■ FOP

NBEN, Idaho, Jiily SR.-.M1U Cof* t of Balt LaJrt U tp w d la i tha m t ®': e »ummer w llh Mra. J . a '^’111- fio.oo

J4T. Dl:ta lbom and tamlly of Kimberly — i M. V ondertw l of Hanaen a » i ^ d ' ing h few doya In the foothtlU. h a ir o />tan of Filer ap«nt Sunday wIU» Bterllnid -M f. Ji C..Hm.__________ _ ■and M™. Crow ond Mr. and U n . ---------Jl aro lo the foothllla on a pleaa- ___^P- 4 FORinNj?ellcz.flM _Atkln*on-diporl- sU hed a builoeaa tr ip te the Oooarf cretk

. t . , d ., ..Jx ila. Cox of M urtauth w as a 577. la v lilto r In Hansen on Monilay ~ ~ — ueiday. ^ _ ^ Rroad;O O ih6jseatjldaA f-^U naoa tana~bl wn Kept tju lte-baiy ihe-laal {«rw falfn h: “Quite’a'BUJBb*ll.df.3uloun;ljlltB tW B'-rc tone to the foothllla and all »er« “‘‘ ^lo, heavily loaded. J ; ^ a nvr. B. nobtnaon'ond MIm Sadie _____ 1

wero county acal vlatlora y e tler- f*OR QUlro 4

Leighton la .taking a coune at blon Normal achwl. block 8

--------------------- :— lUlto U

S '. Chat. B artbolf wlahw tb bx- fumlahi her thanks to lho clUtoca o t year. Jon wbo roapoudod *0 quickly W. P . ] oneroualy during the ir lato at- X In tho ioBB-Pf-lbtk

_ PrafessibMl-Cjris. . . S i r !............. - ....... .. o r add i

_. A tte m ay a ,.. bo^ aB ,

LARBONrAUornay a l.L ftw V ji- . WAN mo ES4. Twin F alli, Idaho. . N eV B l

■ -- ■ - - TwSa-1:n J HALL, Attorney.. Bt Law. cno* crN ttlona rB ap ltT Iuna ing ..- ~ . ^

WISE. Lftvyer. Fully organised w ifs o i ecUOn D opartm ont Offlcoa. drosa. ( i» .0 and 7 'o ro r Twin Piklli Bank _ _ w a t Co., Tw in Palll, Idaho. -----------

LEY A SW EELEY. A ltom oyi —Uaw. Practlco Id All Courta. TO 1 1 Fa lli, Idabo. quarter

HAYS, A ltom oy a t U w , BoIbo t[|w)Po* N ational Bank Building, DoUc,

0.'. J ’ i:3 C K \'A ^ Q W HAM , Lawyofi.50 oTor old Poitofflce, Twin

__________________1 io fS ?BOOTH, Attorney-lit U w . F in t im de f onal B ank Dulidlng, Twin Palla. Qulrft..V

K A WRIOHT, U w yers , Waah* .. x o i )0, D rC .- Publlo Land U allars : locnmb: 1 Proof: DcM rt U D d i. Contoila a i ia t l i . ^ ‘f4 y -T S « ;- -B « r tp ,. . .A ii« l- o .good work for A ttoraoyi. bo, fo r■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ * > ? g A ddreti

O R 6e8M A N ,-lJndef{ alter 'and aim er. Soccoaaor to C. J , Walk* — L ._Jx fn to -am b n lan c a r-O p e n -d a y —=------ ,nlghL All e a lli prompUy at- ■ '

od to . In H arder BuUdlag. » 0 —«(}’a renuo. o a a t Telophono. 110. ’

DROSBY CO.- Charle# J.‘ Cros- - ® |w • U d y A aaia tan t Puaoral Dl- ' J t, a ta jlu a to .a n d Llcoaaoa_Eui- •’ i*r;..'.Calls-prompU y..aU ondod, o r n ig h t P r ira to ambutanco.

ic i 103, 385 black, 119 Bccond Twin F uo w oat • ■— -

CIvH rEnglnaaiy-.- - .. . x a k ii

BERO, CIrll and Blectrlcal En-t r . . Llccnacd Surreyor, Room n a b m Johnaon.Building. Tw in Filla . m b h«phono No. 362 black.__________ Roa#.—

Bwkor*. • •

8T R 0N 0 & C O , Jah)Idgo; No- . C om m lulon Broker#. A l^ Ja ^ A ^ 1 ) and N orada stock handled. Th^ Tw t haTO you to buy o r soil? ation-g lad ly fum U bed. •

£ L REALTY C 0„ R eal E ita to , I----a and J u o n n c a . . See 01 forj I a lto 'kand Salmon R ire r la n d i.| ' i H o a n te a d - B n lrtev . A m tte^ 1

J4ft1io.- • ------ - ■ ■ ■ • • | - - . .

:D3 p o r W m T E R _F E E D m b ............h i aro lolorosled ' In th a quo*- ■ -t lamba to r w in te r feeding, I10 your namo a n d a d d ro u and i ; ^ -maU. you-som elh lag o t ln te ^ I t f

1 pothftpa-proflt —W. a Hyd>r I ---------( M a - • • ■ -

K O ^D A lt F 1 N I8 H X N G . ' R '

er>op iN iT T rL H »~io« o « w a ■ - - .

n ^ l U . a i4 x « l- 4 . 4fl; S14X I f i tad 4 i6 .iie ;, o n 't fo t tca rd i . to . n r ^ '- w legaOra for aam tf • p r in t T M - ^ ^

- : ; o . ................... .. .;■• ----

IN FALLS n e w s ; TW tN P A L H i IOAH

' r o n S A L E

fS A L E > ^ tw o hl«h lift Dano " i5 iy ^ .9 0 p i£ r B a { lg i a l= iu u 4 i -----------

la alfalfa, 44 acrea la oala, bai- f , „ ,* J ckahid . P riee = 181.00 an aero, caah. - bjU fboo-»ery eaay. paj^

Poaacaaloa Octobor laL In-0 .. X . . . o m . 1.

1 SA U : o n TSUiOE-lII a e n i ><« }>■ In COUM W um nnon , ( “ I 'M I

from, nillroad. Prim liKfiti: n , dintely Tor T w in Palla land or lire '

C. a Sharp, Fllor, Idaho, R, ____

^ ______________________ NOISALS->'7anioy'B soda founlala •

>-Vaia«y.-«-OaBdy g twe. « # « » “

.a iL E -aonu, a « t , C iu u * UO Lakes Boulerard. ' "

y A L ^ T j r o Duroo boar plga, m. on ” Iha o i l T h w r t n .« » h o lt a t P o « t ' to reglatry, la d l . wlU fon ilih of idaha

each. W, A, jjeO iil, Jr., h e r of (ho aii l , I d a h o .__________ ; one .U )..

SA L E -O ae now S-4 b r u i bed- J f w " it ta lin fim ah; a lio spring and of Permli a t ^ Apply P . W. Mewih, tho Blati j.D alry ProducU Co, Twin Idaho, daho. 1. Th..

o r . ih 6 pF O R . R S N T ia ld pern

................................................IntendentRENT—Two rooma, well fD^ aa tru a fi -B lD gio-or-ea-atlto7-« loct«e

d light; prlTBlo laratory, bath, no, LocaUon Berenlh aronuo 'f * " “PP from.BhoBhonc. Addreaa box

' ■ u*B la oniRENT—90 ncroa. two mllei ^ -.-T hf a l ln a d r 40' acres oW altalta okon'up-TiiBl'year.-.K-ncros'al. n ccum e

aw ° 'SwtM I5tc. For term a. a d d re u J a n o i ICl. n t H anion, or call a t roit- I " " ! ” , ! 1-J mllo north of BIckol ildlng.

ElKNT-Two room houae. Bn- '>'■ :14 Second a teau o w e i t conducted

- • - named. •

R E N T -S to re room on lot 15. ,u th E ? ; UTwIn TtWi. Also ba re offlco

leaae In same building. No 7. The >calIon or finer rooms can be such wati n Tw in Falla, E leclrto heat uated in 'd for e igh t montha o t the Quarter Lp;ily to o r w rite the owner, m.Uce. Jerom e. Id ah a i . The ... .......... ■ aald uie

W a n t e d - - - "

:D TO SELL O R ’EXCHANQB ------------:m la ' land for Idaho'land.- Boo *'•aaa C. S. Sharp, Roulo No. 3, , ..Filer, Idaho. Jn ‘h«

— — L :------------------------- ------: JudicialrE D -S h o o i - to repair, a t the tho Coun oe Shop. All hand work. Next'allB -M eal-M arkol,-M ato ay. Jl i t . - - A l l a i £

----------- --------------- ..T h c .S lrE D ~ P o iI tlo n ' by m aa and to Ororc

ft ranch. ExperioBoed. Ad- altovo ni1. B . r . , cara Nowa offlo*.— - T o u

F O R . E X C H A N G E 4 * ^_ _ __________________clal DIatr

RA D B-O no or both of iwo S . S o v vocllonB of fiDo-limber prop- h e n IT Potlatch. Idaho, lotarTaluo 1for Soulh Sldo land o t equal i»onty'<I Box-81, Holjlalcf. Id a h o ;- -Jstamoriii

JALB OR TR A D B -7 honaei, 8pum lihed, situated a t Victor, JrouRbt I

), Cripple c reok d is lric t Prioe of dlvorcI3B00. Will B«U oa Ume or n ony giir Twin Pall* properly. In- cuitody cim ey'a Candy^Sloro, Leonard

RADB—ll^ a e r e ranch, c lear of I i i f ^ ° n c U Jce jP a itJy Improwl.— M „ tro m o < a r frost-exee lle& t s o lt d o te And y< B u rk a t toeatod lB Nortb Ida- anlcta-y i30 acres pn Boulh Side tr a c t complalmH , care News, ipcciflcd— -I I -------------- mont ag:TRADB O R 6 ALB, cheap, a complain* ia o .^ l4 l-T h lr* T m in irio n tlJ7 “ w m b * .— — 1 , ............... . ....... Court th i

R O S T A N D F O U N D ny H.--------------------- !------ ---------- - swcole:

;:.taT nA V NOTICE. Pk ln llir ,5d from camp In Sboihone o e goldlnp, dark brown hone,.^Id. amall s ta r In forebeail, E atate- b ^ d . o f V .en tho left Jaw, Notlco p leaio notify Monarch bars, doralgnod nils. • , Emll Kr<

--------------- , --------------- Uor* of a

E8TBAVED, i Dp a t m y plflCo,-21-3'w Ilel wlthrnTol It o f Hanaon. ono brown gold- llcallon 0 lght nbout 1100, 7 y o a n oM; ocutor, al da; aU r on forobood. Ownor P i n t Na fO by paying chargea.' J . L. P a l j ^ J ^

- ■ - • - ■ tho Iran'

L O C A tlb N '.H b T ic eS 'FOR NE.ViWJA, — -' •

i supp ly ' alwaya on hand a t Exocut<f lJ^ U b N ow s-otflcor- ; o io , doo<

S A V I N C...--------*^100X7011; T u c aio

Oflo (S I.O O ) D iposH n w l r t t f l t r B

A c c e u n t a A c c e p t e d F r o m f I

r o i rtnTBtnwroBM iTiowcii

3 g o s 3 3 5 S 3 5 I S : s : ^ 1 t W I N r * U BUNK * T B B ST

hu wont printing done, by all mt iiot pfinlMg'depqrtmcnt Am, mocfti r t iace$, and m m q[jhHl and exp

0 , THURSDAY, JULY .....

h I 3 l d v e r t k

L^al Ailvertiaiiieiiis . . jia r ic r- — h ,r^ia h tx e b x ilT O tf^ t^ l p lat 01 ' t h s q t

n i 2 t o l l . 14 to J 3 . 2fl to 3 5 , ^ « Bhlp l i Bouto, Range 21 Eaat ^ p c a n . o lie M eridian, will bo official. la Ibla otnce May I J , 1913; ^

t appllcaUoni for en try lands — 'borfr-deicribcd townahlp will .....r i rrod 00 and a tte r th a l dalo. , cations can bo allowee betoro '**1* 1915, and a ll appllcaUona re-

ofore that dato w ill bo immo-Tjectcd.-;- • ■" __________ ^ L . W

P. F. ilORNB, Rcglitor. i.bea. |<.


>f Proof 'o f “^Applleatign of atar to B ^ ^ .f lp lJ Uaa.

. liaU;. T rula heroby given lha t n t 10 a. „ “ a U t day of Beptembcr, IMJ.llo. county of Bannock. Stato — ~ . boforo ‘T hW araT um rf.M .B |j

3nor. proof will b« submitted - - . ~ - . plication <0 boneffctal uae.ufm b lc je ef Jw r..iceund_of i'.e _____ .9°.

a certain aprlng. tn acord* 1I tbo terma and condll<-<na i^{__jNo. 9111 heretofore Iaaued by fjo , 'Engineer of the Blato of { q, UfBr-^

.-Til’r f -raon -o r corporation holding »r- . 77^1 It ,rev«van w. Eatep. auper- J ’l Pfirt Hnll Reaervatlon, Idaho.

for nock Creek Jim andlakom nflianx.-----------------------------uao to which aaid w ater haa ,n < u n led la Irrigation and domea-

am ount app'iled to beneficial i j ! ^ VI (J) oublo foot per accond- i^ '^ o n 'mj)lnc«.-.whoro e a ld .w a ter U n ^ n n m -

Ltot-liri*aU on^glvoJull.nnd ij^EKS'm'leicrlptlon of nil Innda IrrU iM A r™I Iho m t hnlf northw eitaction -18.. n o ^ e a a t .. quarter - g f '

iina~7outh Kofi ioutheaat

' K - V "namo of Ihe canal or dllch

rorka by which aald wuter la EtfoctI to auch placo of uaa 1a not Oally No. 4

> • -• l : 00p . i a . l righ t lo lako Ibe w ater from l:S 6 n,ni. I a la baaed upon Perm it No. i h b p.m. I

aourco of aupply from whleh tilO D m ' A r la diverted la a aprlng alt- fiorthweit quarter aoutbwoat «r p ^ ; . .tn ownahlp 14. a a 18, a a " * * ’ *“

dato of tho priority which Saporin _ li_ rtfP ttB aU n eatalillah-laT t r i M i .

K. p . KINO, 1-. " ■■' a u to Engineer.

^LIA^ SUMMONS.DIalrict Court of the Fourth Ilstric t o t Idaho, In'find for L O D Q B y of-T ffla-Fails. Meet* 10aPearl Howard,, plalnllff. tb. moam m i urdelle Howard, dofondaotjm m oDt.................................. : uluK arl*l e .of.ldaho. aooda grootlotn ■' •

Durdotte Howard, the rmcd defendant 'hereby TioUlled tb a t • ‘c o o - - ^ ■ 1^

I boon filed agalilBl you in ^c l Court of lho Fourth Judl- evenlns a t 1 c l of tho Stalo of Idaho, In woiwmfc10 county of Twin Palla, by I tsaaed plalnllff. ood youly d lro c led .to appear a n d ---------------no aald complaint w ithin t w im jya of tho aorrlce of lhla Ifaprre-d w ltH a ao ldJu iIl- c t and wltWn (orty daya « S u t . Eowbore. Said nclloa H >>:;«> obtain from you a decron ) from tho bonda ot-m alri- p. m. aen tt inttng to - th o plalnllff the i2: i t t o i : i i I b c r minor th lld rcn . lo wlU Ray Howard and IJertmm ?■' — ' ' Howard, on too ground of

s : r : r r A T w i n .u -a p p e a r and-anawcr-B.nld •B y e a r* !

within toe time herein io a b s T Rtho plaintiff will UUo Judg; b e a t .lost you SB prayed In ta ld w ,

• '5 f T«na »nd 'i a r o f M il , 24th day of July. 1912, to th e 6 U — -B .-^ .'n N C H rc ip rk .— n w iird f -E :ogglna. Deputy. hacked by

f t Bweclcy, AltoniOTa (orrcaldoacft Twin Palla, Idaho.

--------- • • - - B O N DICB TO CREDITORS. J J ----------- -of Bm ll Kromln. dcceaaodi ■[a hereby g lren by toe un- « .

executor o f - to s o lU to of '■ l . l lQ l mto, doccasod. to too crcd- UUDI id a lt persoDi ha ring claims0 aald decoasod, to oihlbU1 tho neecioary Touchers,rn jO B tm i'artoriao-nnrt-pnb- *-------------; tbU notice, to too said ex- U/a U q I too otflco o t E- U Ashtoi}. IID Indl

io sa l Bank building, Twinmty of.T w ln JP n lli^8 tJito.ot :R oom -5 , s bolng too placo fixed for , act|on_of_tho__hnalneM « f ______ i2 l

r r r . -t -w in -' AUGtJBT DRETZKB, ________ _

r o f th e eaU to o t En^ll Kre- _________OBCd..

•Por ren t

« . . . . 4 4 , .^ . ■ -205.'•Sivlofls Bank'’ - . - - - -OP A m lU p ; ___ -

5S* Sb cS«*i2S*!. ’ wIW M P A N T cotton ra if

. • •' scrap*.

. M r.Pooli- ■ - • ■ lij e k sa * 1

O f i i 'f t t f c c ir r fo H O n y h t . *»*delfti»<

S S 21*?r%ence t o A ond/ff thesis and s s n i ;

.................... n

» o W s a i i i l R ( » ^ ' '

W E t K E S S - r S : — S i T O E S ' I S I c ? ? ^ - 'dem aad UatnpUtaa.- nan. Ttatoa, | l (0 UiO perDay'-'0 . Wllllama, Kanaaar.twroo and teeabono S treet ' > -

BOQERBON 'manaptmtnl a)n«« Jun* 1, >11.Uodwn. « neema with B«U».

..........i-Q O SB E T T rM ansB irr^ :------- —Main k*«. aad Becond Bt. 2L

W EAVER HOUSEoiJwX«vpatiif«pin|

fl’ee« n i''y r‘lv i? y * ^

v J . D. b>f«n, tlatoi(«rUala Art. atid nirdC L t u t

IQON SHORT L lf^ B _________w in F aila Branch. ' iaslbound. dally ..7 :1 0 B.ml . ('oslbound, dally i ] : i o p.m./eslbouBd, dally .0:B6 p.m. a ilbound . da llr ..C:10 n.m. loBSfson Braneh, eparto 1:00 p. m . d a llr ex- unday. -rrij/dsFXJB p. m. dally ex-

tO U TKtRH nAlUBOAD, ll»s Daeambar 1 2 ,.J « t .........-

flooding A r V l^ l f w i > ._ B o n n o t t ._ A f.6 :S 0 p ja .. . . - ^T. Wondoll ,^ .5 :2 ()p .a j.

A pploton_ At. 6 :0 5 ji ja ._______ir ^ Jerom o )LT.4:B0p.m. -

I A NORTH SIDE R. R.Train Schbdule, • ro N orem ber 10, 1913.

SU tlons D allyN o.8 T ...M lln o r .,.A i. 6 :10p ju . r ....C b u ic h ...A r. 4 :3 0 p ja . r . . . , Is land ....A r. 4:20p.m. r-..M a r io a .. .A r , 4:10p.m, r . . .O a k le y .. .L t. 4 :0 0 p A:. MAOWATTERS,---------------------TI Oea. Man., M llaer, Idahe

a JACKSON, a d e a t Ooodlng, Idaho.H, RADCLIFJa----------------- —

a. Agent, Milner, Idabo.

i ^ S o d r t e s ; „ ,

I ROD REBEKAH No. 105 of I. 0 . 0 . P . '

.Till»oB,Jlwrtlnglie?rftiry^.-.L— •

■WIN PALLS LODGE NO. 2 9 ,1 .-0 .-0 . P . -

r - v » , c K , « £ . ' S sflOK, n. A. cnVDKE,Jd. S a c r a ta r y ,___

'ALLS POST Ori>ICK. a^_0*j.artBrejoLM tJ|s. c . ;t .v

■ -

W. I t ORBfflglOW ^

Falls Pion8BrAlivB„.'a’ Ti^ln Palls and 18 y e a n lCT work. I p a t pu t th e

S T R A G T --------to. E re ry A B S T B A O U _ _ir e ly .-N e a t brief, c o rrec t I sound floanclal in ta g r itr

U a ri^J .W « ilSD -A B 8T R A C T 0F .

antee Abstract Gompain

:e A b s M of T itles-G o m m e r d n li i n t l 'S a v ^ '


'A LLS. ■■■ ID AHO ■ ' - 7 "

HfigHBUtfllS-— 7o r aale: reaaonahle.: Awn*

curtains; s tack corers, loatoor sooda.

Jheshocij 6 t Souto.,_____ ................

:A TI0N NOTICES • • / FOR NEVADA,jp p l/ . a lw «y» o a - h a a d - a t— — " '^ l a New s offlco. — r

a a t th l* " o m « r lo r efleaa::;,' togW K lilied-p leoes—t o t - V

cTinan: W hen soa see lo p ja t i r h i t f in i i iw U e a . . ,. vaM iiacr'-** T M ottaaM :- M 9 B cm e«y.vftor.-n24*ftU -:>V ^.^-:$

------------ --------- - " f A O » - f —

Page 8: . tiiNTH ykAB.',..;. z ;: f JULY31, 18T3r . ‘ 'Sizzffl I ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS_TF03/... · Is makes three- lines to parallel spo olher

E E H i a i D G E : . , f lW F A tU i

• • . - •. • . ... tn s- .— - ■ cut

--A;FOUR>H_UNDREO FOOT. ' .-■-BTRU M ^ R E -j i-E L A N N g a _ n ,

------- dfitC m 0» Bulli o f .B ti l H w vy 8U»I «l

- . Nemln.1 Cort WUhln 85n»y 0»y*>-jjex ioiahtly LoMtlon m d N*turfll. Rock nndFoundaU«ni Mik* Plan Moit F o i l ' tn v l

....... rb l* - l» F*vortd“ b y -6 U U HI?hw iy JnjwCommlulon. “O'*

_____ _ MTOJ

' . Tho bu lld ln r'^o^ A

between Slwihono falta nnJ lho (oiTy,•omo UO feol back from tho brink of

. , Ul* lall*, 1» a pTopoilllon b tin* launch- ■ ed IhU week. A partjr conilallnp of *’

” EnglM cr E d 8. B tn lth 'o t Goodin*,, E n . glneer C. H- Mull. B. J. O itrandV an 'l “ ,, A ttorney M. J . Swooloy of- Ihl# city ■pent conalderablo tlm# lo ln* over tho prflpoiod allfl of tho brldin Tueidny.T hs river be lns low. a careful InvtaU . gallon W(u“ poulbIe and-m i o7“ -tfio pjkrty WOI* mMV «nlbu»l*»Utt owec lho

_ .n a l u m l . ndv<ini«iea_pn!*^nted_for..lh8 'building of ft apUsnaid airucluro wlth

"ll.Wo work M the luw coit of l a i thon• IM.COO. . - - ‘

■ThU bridle." Eaglr;eef Mu»- "Would coHiUt 6i four WO-foot ip-ini

■ wlilCT'^oUia r c i l on tu tu c a l plora or• ■ rouhdfttlon# ihttt itan d nboul ,100 .•tet

brlnk of the folia. I t la the moat pmc* ° U c»l_ond lho m o it»Iffh tty^pU «.for a P "b ridge'tba i l l t o bo found o ny i^ ero on 'tb s tinako, rirer . I t oommoada a afglit “ .

- •p fjhe-fa lia nol-lo b* found anywhere - elie. The bridge,woald bo 20 feot aigh ® Rbavo 'bwlrook, o r aWQve tha river in

~ loV w»tcr._gnd youM be 1». foet wlde^ ^ - ' i iw o u ti j 'n l io fao' — •

la, practically all of tho pupportlng ^ fram e would ho beneath tho bridge. which would leave tho vlow from tho bridge unobatructed, u Ihcre would “

' bo o n ly the Iron railing abovo the

-P o r th a n UO.OOO a flra t claa i bridge of tho b eat heavy aloe! could bo

- b u m anfl. w l« i thp aleeJ on th e grtt«nd could be eomplelid w ithin #0 dayi. J® ""'"' H owiver. I t would be n e ce m ry to do • “

_Jb(L RotllL JlurlngJflii^iratcr-only.-ftnil ^ fo r tha t reaaon every effort ahould h« made to liav.o tho worlt dono na aw n oa poMlblo. Thl* brldgb would bo an Im- ° p a rU n i cw n M tln s \ln k ^ iw M tt lh a N orth and,:,Sw th 9lJe* w d would f reaU y onw nfii'i} (m Jflo of n il Wnfla. . _ r i 1» ptanned ttuit convict (aW r^ e uaed to a U rge <atUnl.i'n lho building of the a trtietura ................. .............. ; i ' ...

- -Fortttn ftteiy -th*- m em ben- o f-th e J” ""-** aU te highw ay commUilon were a t the * falla a t Ihla llmo and went over the PK>pa»Jl>on f»Hh u*. Th»y w ere-a ll ve rren th u a la a tlc over the mftUcr and , heartHy In favo r o t th # buHfllng o t.lh# bridge. They viewed the site from ‘h® ^ varloua poInU and agreed w ith u« th a t *tt waa a moai alghtly and feaaible plnce WAHJI for auch a itn icture . • Mr. T urner (he W hiipcn i-hnirmn'rt nf thfl rnmmliiimLTLca'Ptcil» the;:dcnii dent of the S tate Aulomohllo oaitwla* ftdmlnlat tlan, th a t ^luiatlon of th e prealdentbuilding of a bridgo, a t tha t point had '*'> been In h Ji njlnd for mor» thnn n ^'tm teda month, and th a t he bad given It anrt- The *ltu o u . an J very favorable conifdertttlon. bu t no t .

••Afler »tudrlnir-th*('bridgo propoil- Th# p r lion we examined the grad ta oi\ bnih he th« a ldM -of I h e - r lv e r . ' T h r te n w .to -b e lh a l l ia l i Improved to a conilderable e k ten t Wo ®ome. It found th e grftde on th« north »We to h a re v 'J J pe r cpW grade wJIb tho fix-n p t^ n _ o t^ a ,« h o r t_ j \ l i ta t ic tJ c i i t - -^ c —-------—lop whlch haa tv IS pcr cenl grade. The “ •m*r^a lftttor-l» t»-l>e-«l!minftted and th«-grado ~ mado uniform.

•'On thla ilde 6f'lKo~rlvcrnK€re~nro • wv.eral atcep pltehw la th a (cmd# th a t "WABin ire'.-to irfi remedied, one of which haa dor W lln V14 VWT c tn t grade. Thla l» ta i l td vha for rocogt lalr-pin tum , and wjillo na t eonildnrA Mexico In >d eipeclnlly dongtnua, la ye t n source ato comm irworr}’ to automobilo driven), becaaio the comc pf. lh e aleepneaa and thfl aharp turn. pr«*ehled feijJ ft If'p lannotl to liuHd a a tn n g lo d u itr la l ron and concrete wall about th r c e jn d dlU dnU n- , h a lt o r four fee t high, and aomo 75 , _ eel long. Thua. ahould any pa ri of hiEXICA^ ha running B»ar o t tin aMtoiiwW\« ■r**kr^yi*-w(»H“« r^ « fftr-w * n ld 'ln :« - pen l the machlno from goJorf over Inlolie river. ,T t# a h a rp -.p j lc h -n w -th a . . • ' -------Dp'of the g lid e on thla aldo of Ih# • ■ife F 1 F a U T to ‘T « ■RMTaeraWy*’ l.M^ BA?^ W

•"The entire grade on thta alda l i to e Imnroved a t every_l>oM _gtia« lJ li u l ' | | 'L ° ^ rovcm tnt la b u l aa jpuch of “ ®W .n ew .ro a d la lo bo.preserved .na «2" oaaJWe becauae otlhoapleniHd ocenle pOhertiS « d« in tagei which Jt hu*.“ ‘heir eacai

In view of the early completion of ' ’****

lid tiie buitding of the toad aouth hy , - “ \4 "Wealem l?acl{lc lo lh o near faUsro. REPOJfl eonatnicUon of th li bridge.niid l h a ----------- —-A nrovS aB i, o f i h e ctaBra down t a -------_ J iIni F ' t m n r S ite p oo&ald«r«d a a ^ ^ t W ASH tt nportan t by local bualneaa m ea who “ Wider o a w given th« m a ttf r conuaenitlfla. WhpcUnx i « lia ll0 aoUoR la to^b'e taken In tho turbed con iaUer.(A-& v a rr abort Ume. W hether ecratcd. - '

ttm» la doit g h « r W Ih o -M w ty 5tfa«l»Uoaai-ii'QQertlbn;' ^ . . - • by federal.

■ -pAQ g a •• • • ' " • ' ''


ft* F o r te i H euted by Rebel*— -*OV erthrow ld‘ Coine N e k t " ~ : . ’ ~

Praia Dlapatoh.), . _____

\flH lN Q X O a=Jiifa tJ i= C qnfu ilon 1* auprcmo in Ubxico. 'I le p o ru „ In o t fcdernUleflOl nnd t f a , t ^ e -]

inal arm y U in CQmjrteferrouL lack of.i{ao.l.uls i'otoaL Owuag io |a((, T lc i^ n d excitement-It la Impoa* tff'[l«Em dctalla o f^ho g reat bat-

u il'ba* been.fought. .. ............................Bcl-forcTyicd-t>r^tnrntt^‘arTa im t —5 .led'xlhe fisUcmla. under Ocberot LJn, -ex. ilM gre roporu a tato that the ^ , :an center waa cru ihed by rotiel*.•ach wing. In turn waa aent flying, ,u,|j ig ' tho field Vtfewii'wltll Killed and ..j wL—Fleld-guna-w ero- abandoned he remnant o f s t r o n g e i t loyal In Mexico li In hopeleaa ro u t ^ I

a belloved tha t a t lh« critical mo* aeveral com jioilei of g6vcmmenl I wen,t over In a body lo lho rotaiti ;urne'd on their form er corfrailea the ferocity of tIgera In order to j. their loyalty-to tho reboti. < ^

I thouiand federali w ltiriO cannon ^ »pld fire guna havo boen captured' i„Vi e njbeli n i reault of tho bat* r jjij

•oilJ thouiand Mbera aro reported nd- ..j, ig o n S a n iu la l'o toaland a claih

ra ibe rr le l force* and Moxlco If IhU place la .U kon an w l y „ n u on-MexIco C lty-by lh«:unlted

urmlei la expected., -

JIIINOTON, Ju ly H y -L a te it ro-

laa been overthrown by the con- )nallita. D e 'la D a m la to be xxigai ovlilonal preildent w ith Gover- irran ia aa .'rebel candldato for int In Octobcr electlona. ^?i>r Bacon conrirm# lho roport of I robel victory and probablo «w _6f th# H u o ^ roglma. No i announcement of tho ndmlnli- policy In Mexican affalra will be

out until a fle r the conference 1 n jw uw jo r iju fu rtla /.'

IiraOTON, J n l , I), t i>,-m.-TI.; tha t the w ar departm ent waa Ig to molilllio tho United Htatca j„. denied. A conferenco la known

n progreai In the w ar dcpArt.

___ Q ouch c

UNQTON. _ July 2<.—WlUlam a Dryan la being aerloualy cun- ' by the admlnlatratlon aa ihe j. nan to aen j to Mexico lo medl- ireen the factlona engaged In poMji,i farlarc._ Senator Bftcon, chair- •ho lenato coraralttee, and Con- n FlMia o t tho aoUao com m lt- ij'avo e : conaldercd tho 'raatto r. A Inng I haa been aont t» DryoA con> jj- , hla aelJng o j m#dJa«or. I'tood . ed aa favoring tho plan. ~ nu: o CITT, Ju ly J l.—W ire lw • erara9urs«*.M .>loneloyaV iU tt _ • -^b e la wore kilted and 1000 In an IS -h o u r'b a ttle which

it.n igh t a t Couhulla. .G cccral Avnlry, It U declared. In a m l charge rlfa llng lh a t of : Brigade of hiatory complete* . tho rebeli, ^

INOTON, July U , . ^ ' V i a . - r o m nro beginning io alft through man. K

},ncrtcj;_m atm am «lj:by3 ia atlon. I t U aald th a t t h t d lcator' haa concluded th a t thora la ^r

icceaslty for forcible Interyen- Fielder . ’ than thoro waa a m onth ago. Natlona: Itlon la regained aa aerloua, auring 1

- to tho ualdent. It u aaaerted, In ten t i ”blg brother' of Mm Ico and WAHF not peMlmlatTo aa to lh o out- jo> Wll« la atatod « tho oxecuUvo ferenc#

■QNlTtON O F HUERTA.— “ ‘“j ; ; - ,

4ad« by A m biitador W llion ! ^ ! ! ! ! ^' " concemli>r*-8 «naU-C«mml«**.

“ ' my view.illad -P ran -D ltpa tth ;)---------- c lde7~T

*0,—AmbaBsa- ag#io n prcaonted a strong plea lUon of Preildent H uerta o t WHEAT hla add reaa ,^fo ro tl^e^\aen.Itee. H e waa closeted wllh Haavy F Utee fior. four- houra. HoI long atatement o q a U U e a l______ _financial and m lllta rr con* CUICA*

-------------------- ------- ; w healflel8 'TRY TO SHOOT DIAZ, who lold

' -------- farmera Iip»i A tu tk in ii M ifT w h# forc td-to apa-T T inata Haard. coodliloni--------------------------------------- ablo. ^

it*d-Pr«ai-Olipatehi}~—___ _ prn.epuntJOO. July :o.—Thrvo MexU ®0P'thrd: red lo havo dealgna on th#

■do employed to protec t tha « h u p m jv ,

aw iona.oi' T" growera fim MOSTLY J I N G O . r e i u l t a . '}

^ P r n . ’ D. m u i s L .p ia u « lJ i.) . . . c h a rac te r: OTO*. July ia ._ T iw oom . the p r J a , : UlO A tteridm '-- gunboat ^ „ ^ y « t f U u m o n e w .c f d l a . Acordln, lltloni wero greatly - tx a g . tho quallt; he , Americana woro’ a l no j^ ta a knd •w .'^T ba nbala.loo ted two a u r ^ th and wero flnaUy driven o ft total yield wldlera. ■■ • t j l»lfc

jITO flS. FROM .Z IO N .......... •. ...................q r e a t l v PLBABBD •

___ . ~ a iu

(ConUnuod from ta g o -i.j — ‘— r-------:-------- _ ... 7 '"8Pkeep flur_mpney a i e loafl'at; homo Wft»i poiilblB. • " J , • . . - ■ iBvyI : want to extend to you a o .rd lal jilea tatlon ta attend our;blg-dolnr#-lh* itrb i t r part of A ugust w hen 'ouc g « a t nc ii. :f« como down fro9> tlio W asatch ^ Ct in talni for a leaaon." , . ------ Tho— Rate* Quotad. the t iT H p m c r-o r~ Il irP t« tf i^ T Jh o r l '£ iv e i! , 9' waa noxt' callcd upon (o-tnalce c«rn ttttement rcgttrd/ng- rate* f e r then PalU counlry lo lho big event Yo-responded aa followa: . , I^ y l '■can-only aay that It,I# Uio UiWn- Wu -of th'o Oregon Bhort Line to have n Falla aa cloie to Salt Lake City qodI JaJt L*ko CJl;r 1» to Twin yalla. I _ I no doubt th n t wo will ho ablo lo0 lho aamo ra te noxt month to ^ Lake City o l wo bavo thla monlh

1 Salt Lake City lo Twin Palla.'' DavId.Laraon of Ogdon-aaid:

'ho trip bere baa beon beneficial to reat m an y .o f .u a who bavo been • oling ovar tbo northweat. W* al- y know tha t you had ferUllty of and poMlbllltlca., JL Manderflcld. m y 'fr lo f i lo n h o Pedro railroad, finds lO.OOO car-

h(a"road. if r . Seacrof^ o f 0 «den -acted today for 50 c a n of pota-- ■Wo“iipprccIato-your-;ho»pltalUy . — .bo klfadnesa.that you have shownI am euro th a t - thla trip haa re- i In good' J il' m en w ay t than _

B. H atch nnd Horaco Novlnger of ^ tl.-U tah, wound ,up the evening ' ' J a p p ro p r ln to - r M ^ ^ - to U ln ^ f - - — appre.clatlon of wliat th# i'wlncountry m eant lo the w oat - Mr. _____ger-ln aald:Saw Qtranga Thinga Hors. <lo no t ogrco lh a t th ln g i m the oa In Utah. Tho iu n rlaoa' ln tbo ond r d o n ’t linow whero U leta. y j / .'t ngreo w ith . M ajor .n w d .w h o , ___a ll-th e honest'pcopTo-iive-Her#.- ' Jarrolt aaya your turkeys w3ro iwa hero eight y c i « ago; And ft tl|o jack rabblta bocamo hoga ht yearoi — _ ' , f y 'louily speaking, you • havo a ll,' rfuJ eouttlrr- I havo never leen ll Tain os you have hero, so heavy 1 th a t many of tho s ta lks do - > inth—IJottTipeil-uioro-llvo ttoclc.-■ of tiS 'have received on Imprea* %

hat wo will never fo rg e t You 1 -evoteatlmalo-lba-roaourc6*-A»d ^ llt lc f of a country like ihla.Is no lim it to whftt Induitry irJll . ■“ tho Tw in J iilta count.ty. _ T o il .

ivorything th a t sou aeiul exM^t connectlona w ith U tah." - ' ipeclal a rraagem cnU wlUi the S - Line all the v|a ltor« who cared iln for another, day o r two -woro l.th o . p r lv lle g a .a n i:a dozenror T vailed them selves of tho chaaco ^ a ll tho Tw in Falls country.' ^

? R N ''t /M p rR B --a O E 8 'E A 8 T ' ■

of Northw#«tani Losgua^Osts ipAnimsnt W ith N atlonali,

•LAND. Ju ly sS .-jfrnm y T o- ? V ' orthw eilem .,Jea^o hm pii^It_b'e appointed to hold y jQ . L In th# National leaguo next

I rtvpmmendaUon of President J j H I Jones. President Lynch of thoI leaguo has w rillon Jonea os- ilm th a t Tomnn w ill be added implrlcnl atnff.

IINOTON, Ju ly i8.-A_mb a ^ - _ ____ioK w>i6 has ju i t le tt the coa* w llh^Prtslden l Wilson in th sroom,-*Aja:L..!31iB_CQiiftrM« ____ _doVclop any policy. The tm sB tc d - to - m y ~ i t a to r a « n t " o r T « t-------ig 'Mexico. Wo did not dls*■ ‘policy. 1 gavo lho prcsiddnl a and It U up lo him to do. o xp o ^ to7 S ^ I 'iiFprealdent ^foro-l .Jearo W aihlnglon." ' — -

---------- ------------------•' C OY IELD PROBPECT8'O ^OD

{alum s in Alt SacDom I s ' j - .-E a l lm a to d . ......... ...................QC

30, Ju ly 2».—Tho crop killers K e

Rttcd-W T -tho-nortJrw itreT ff -------- -Ida only a f ;w weeka ago and of the probable loaaca tu tho in th a t aecUoD havo been TiiKe"io“ th o “tflin im titT -a> — r — ' oro reported a s quite favor- _ _ eat l i being tSV l^ tliB noftli'- ' 't e a .o f J w lh Da».ol4.ft5.dJh« - - A , Ug'h'Oraat and 'H obert coun* tove-the average. Tho hor- D ,111 bo goneral in tho south- a o f the ite d river volify |a

y ’ip tak log -lho sp r ln r w h o i t K) far advanced lo perm it o f O p< go by blaeX ru s t and while " se ia to be seen la a ^ lte r sdI Ji.lhp.cji»2:ey»)y>ear, the - a n r eel no unaaslnou m to the oU C rhft_*eaU i«r-tor-8om (r ik jri t!£CD.nl _ th e tx o t ' pom tilff “" f l n t la on r spring w heat be lt oad BOO believe lh a t tljfl. outcome tialactory. , 1r to a report received t«.day dr . o l th e w heal In the Da> J LMinnesota wm equal If no t

a l!o t la a l 'year,- although th# "■. will nor be a s large a a 'th a t .

N FA L tB N gW at TW IW -FALtB,


nPt.i«;::Pirt:.IJdiBi5tamC«>: Ml? c» fn :O u t.-;f .Busiflssfc.. - /

3 i a N 5 ; " W a s lC " ju iy '« .--.Tho • ln iion ;aU t« ;iaw "rdc< nU y pasaciJ ; ig a t i a o f teopo on a ll cotapa- ®.. jalngtroidlbg-fltampaiQ'an-otfort —T eak'->p tho'tnrtiHur:ytti -rgatU unconiU taU osftl,.according to Ulon . by Foderal Jiidgo Rudkla.» ttr t issuod. a-4*cr*#-r*str»liiJD* a t# frobi enforcing tho taw In the

lo teat the ifatu to .j • - . provlr

I can’t lo i« i r b u y jn s C o n k e r t f?.'’*" i Tonle. I f y e a r hens d o n l J t t “ M il tot your moaoV b a c t '.IB C f 5Qc, Pr«st<l 1 packages. S \)r sole by D o rn n r beliior Sood & Sopply Co.^A<lTBTUBfr pirhai

• , . . ■ Cbln a

- c o rn e r, l l l l st n i sti

- t H AVe.BSeM lOOHWCfere/iYm iaP6^FoRSoM B ________'P f s n p i ^ r^ tJ ib is . y<ej.u ~

- r frn fiT -sA w .s t . f t f e r h a j i g j 7ABLBTS A P m

, l N / I P R U 6 i m -

■ II\ M ttSJV Sr^r& M

. \ f f r S M MSMjlu tM

A -^ ;^ [ /a r se M M S P A r ffM X ^so i/rso M en


nipliinent to me that unsO TH ER B R ^ . b ui^iyed, e v ^ loaf from i in ’s M ( ^ e r Bread m

: T he Idaho_____ T he Shosh

w a te r ’s d

well as Gidiam rFiiist ®MberjherejsJbut_one man_wjio has been awa

S compStion with the 1 If you'want tjie^best ask 1 preparedunder-the-mo! 1 wholesome and atway

W l i r. " 'y.

f f l M t O V I M M m n


sR R IT p R y ^ E B T R U C n O N OR OIBM [T tlC ^ H R E A T B N B D ? ^

r ~ Q R ^ X r w t W ! t : l ? r ; P I T ^ ^

: ' " a r i b s a r b NOI

3 N rC b ln o r^ 1 r? F = m F s5 n IB 5 5 HofFT CM are In ppcn revo lt agaJasf tho <J<fea{. m o o t In th is oroft th e ro l t o U&' ^00 poopia I t Is boUeved th a l snt Yuan Hlil K aI 4« faclm i ro - -M Is i w yfih ,w ill,crlpD lo.lils.rule;ftn(l inaUoi

s cause dlamem borm ent o f - the la Uio 0 /rep u b llc .............. - oeg,

numiiniiuma<u«n«i^eu um!I'U BnR

that iM t fs t i i r e /! coxi r<iB'prs P a *-'^f=iiWfre-

M f OM Wfi

n j ' f ___________

£'■. ^

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.1 A je X ,e f f S o B s ^

— — " ^ ‘o f n w f f V i s t B ^

KT If S0HeB6i\ T c m m fP M J lfc re ti th n

........................B i X i e f i '

........... .... ...........

-a ly e ry -h ig h - - '^ ^ ^ :rupulous bakers seek to : in order that the public lJLy:eixJjearsrmy=stajy-.be_obtained-at___ 1

D eparbneht Store m e G rocery isR G roceiy ^ '

PfemiiM'Bak^7piTSR igenuine-Moyi^=^rea

akers of die world. ForMotKer’& Baked ijani^r^ondition8=po i good.

^ L & a h■ M i n M p p i i

w m s feSPLE - IN C tlJD E O I N ^ iS iEL ~


w T V t f c jK S B io N . -Wia-*N a k A i j^ B i ^ . - ^ t ¥ btijim q ^

i tho robsl /o fc«c fa « groat t u t -

onarlea o f th e various denoai.’I . a ro : being . a o tif le d . o f - d a n g e r - - « rtlto r7 'W ben U tU M u a U k tlr

------------ J T x o tn ’ ...........'j ( r n m — .

vest. I'M

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