TIFFIN TRIBUNE. EOPLE OF TIFFS N ens, ana unnaren uoinina ... · Miss Florencn Cronlse h:u lecu...

TIFFIN TRIBUNE. Local and Miscellaneous. I I 1 I I 1 TO A0VE8TIER5-T- k Tb a larger tn tfcbd wbr f pay- - C.--r- y. CMmcsbM' All i ommuuMMliMK ii.iK In: ju i I t 11.? iiaiui ut t ir nu r, .:t lor iuJ.iejJu. lr.il jam i euaruiil? zt tAiiii.) or Uicj will Ki inUj tlie wa.l-Uik- t. Nfte. Etc Kirtli, Mrri:.K. ;w. Ifatli an- - r urrd fur biluAri- -i wc'm;uxuz Ja!!i aauuuo-iiH-t4i- . also fr ihf rlutiHi l; ol agi obit;i;try rhanitr- - No dt-- t la- tum ill be ixatle from tin.- ruk. V iffiB, Thcnidaf Ktc April 17, htiDiUj was Kater. Br Joha (jilliUud is vf-r- siVk. H&rUi&l George i. how it i.s n.w. - - TJr wan a iitt'e tliuinier S:iiil;y. lUtrk Hrr wxs jiunisiml Sjiturday. SolIsiUir A4nw runs the city legal affair. Oil cae (i;rn:id; at M inju ir.Irs diU4o're. Hi Krfunrer is .ieiioiisly ill. with co:l iiiiiption. Ptreieat's fool oil at Marjumlt's Uiag store. "t Seneca '.iiiiuon l'leas Court will oj-- n May iih. ?o Is the tiil.e t-- i lm illy f', lU at Iloj,-r- Tb Ituds on the lun-s- t tnf tj -- iu V fcl.tiff tinsof growth, - -- - r.p has grown a lillle. an ! but LUie, Jii time oftlie year, - - -- Ir. Sorloa was ln-r- l.ut wt---k to tike a hand in th wpring det ioii .4. la iiu.irovesn-Mi- t li is Wis-- n m ile In arr:;ng went of tlie Auditor's oilkc. Kr. Bjfr is in X-- York, and the .Mk 1 are almost giving goods away. . eHelcjr Sale-4eu:- I4y a K-- lltHi) j:,!f j.t i'V: J-- If''. - - Xfw stock of wall paper and wii;dow ahitilcs ut MiuquanU a dnia Ktoii!. : Mr. Weldllng, 1 Iowa, visited his brU.ejr Harry in U.in city last wivlc. Orders for store shades and iixt'.ires promptly lille.! at J. F. Manjuardt's. ei(if fhJ i(ts nayj .f ii. l.ig Iioh it'.iica will rxhil;(i ii) this city A n il sli, Vri.fi, 1,. Hont "f I'UU'Wh langh Ut of Ivi We'n ick, is v ii! iu i! this city. Dialog for water piC3 on the west sid f.th liker will coiiiuieacc nevt w ek. Ijlcaehu l b.ij-i!!- j.1 'llig for i jjor yard at Bi;yei'j l. (i. Uillof , of 'the Atlcil; ami Mr. Zii!, of i:r!'stlii', called on i;s this H'l!tf ' ail,i I'I'IV' lil4Hp,' !!l s!S"?J' refovei'lli., ' Triisscr, Hhouliler-br;u:e- s nit I at M.irqaardt's drug store. J. II. Pitlenger retired from the of-fi- nr of Mayor Monday. II.- - has m:ule a good ollicer. (d ni ;ul wiiii l, ., e::;'r"vel cuvii I bills. f'jqafvre S;iturday evening, at X.i-Ihi- fi li tlie r.llje Kllsler l:a- - majfCMiHiiany, Tif!i4 aeyr l el n 'lioitor thuh A. I.audon who slejiped down ltd I oil! this week. CliilJreu's clothing m:ile to order in the U-s- t manlier, of the best material, at P. Scheih'ji. l iaind 011 E.uter and so there is ;itij( 1'4 Im uu .u eveii (.ijjj-i'uli- jjiejays folfoii. to Rational ' Ifall "on Tuesilay FVi'i.iijij n'UVt4 Itwir ipis lii jant in n'j'htiCieds of thei:!U.! It is ihV Iirgpselj U. ljaye tljree ni u, iwstcad of foi,r rejiire the Marshal f da iiolioe duty, - Miss Florencn Cronlse h:u lecu com-misoii- by the Governor a Notary Public, Her commission is Xo. 9. Cuitoa goods are advancing but wc sell at old prices. XlCOLAI Si IIOLDKKM.VN. J!jwarpf See the new aIvertise-iMliry'li- iflaw Slfl'h'i Co of Pitts. uurgH. IX in thin issiie f tC Ti.ip: vxe. Karslul Matschler is Marslud no longer. ' Ho has held the ofljee a good ils'-t- V1' I11" l"'n generally ae- - f ij UmiKRt y of tlb ""first (j fleei) day of April waa remarkably low. Cold , north wimii prevuileil luosl of that lime. Dr. Waagaataa, of this city, will de- liver bis lecture on Mormonisin in the Representatives' Hall, Columbas Tueid;iy eveniug next. new members of the P.oard of tji'cflt'io'n yilj'enler iipoij olit-ee7i- Mtimlay evening. Th" l! aid will lw organieil that evening. The; continuous" rain of Monday night and Tuesday morning made the roads and streets muddy which bail become a little dusty in some phiccs. I a;i . Special ky puuei. made fin lace and 'cotton edging to closo cut, 'o reganl ' for c'st must le (dowsl out J. W. Ill Ai. Ioil;r IjqoUs. Ay hoyyyi 'jeip. gKl, cheap look, in haijclsoiije bind: iitg, bhotld reail -- l'tterson's Dollar Series" in this pap.T, schft a book and tin) day we suu ;itii.li iijoid or les inriL, but we iifust say that the I'ajtenjs 01 X ayolu; .loycs ex. cei in eycry yf aj any oiue j:V seei) tit? yeiu.' Afg, X. Si. Sjdelwaa has boon stdoclnd by Mr. Wiley to take charge of digging trenches for water pies for the water works. Work will probably be com- menced to-da- y. - Hosiery Sale. Special low prices m ade on ladies' and children's hosiery. Our stock must le closed out, and to djit will give great bargains. Call and see our prices. J. W. Hoao. Chs, H. Cramer.- - for several ) earj HireTlcleiit Tk'ji'uty in U10 1'rsibate Of, lien, ha oK'iied a law olllce over Xa-llou- al Exchange Rank and Is prepared to practice his profession. The new Council will lie organized Hfit Monday evening. The retiring members are Drs. Livers and Craw ford and M. Scanned, all of whom have Uien exMIenl m'elulierj. jonie one stole from Ix-ro- Xf ichaels, livinguoilh of to'v.'n.'on PiTJay last, ii'scf Ijf' harness Talu'ed at gts.iwi. 'So l.Uti ,:ts W 'h ouid tb i Ije tbief iilll! the harness has not licen Her. 1. I. Riggef was ordained in tlje Pnbvb-ria- n ("hurch in this cit y Tq-s!a- y cyerfing. TIC services ieie HMjiUe t.sl i,y liey. liijsl.nell, uf R.'V. It. B. Xjore, of tlis city, H!ld Hey. Ax tel, o.f Clyde. I'f Tmi (jf T4ltet Tljo I'lOSt reljued Ii:I'Hj)s layx ai appreciation gf hive t ud'M, a;i4 'hid pleasure in t(e use ,f Hl lUjles Ugree tbie to (he sclse.uf smell. Wr, pria' l'iiiiie f'ei fumes are by the W judges to be sue-llo- r in rich, fresh and llowery fra- grance to any coming trom aliroad. I or sale by b. P. Dildiue & Co. EOPLE OF TIFFS N Anl all those wi.o lo lu iiness: in the of this commonwealth, we will say that we have decided to establish in this city a house for the sale of n 3 i m ! I ' ni .1 1 n ii r 1 - r . ens, Youiris 5 doys ana unnaren s uoinina; ana uentiemen s rurnisninff boods. V li iv-- c tun- - ns y...i .1:1 1 !i iv t. . Our. . t in ,r i.iii lysines, !,.is l. n n;i :ovf- -l and enroiiral in every city in winch we have located, and m every instance we have succeeded beyond our most sanguine exiecUtions. "We have never iViIe.1 tosotMre the oniMjii?. or.' the ivm-i- and warn s.vmtp.1 V- - L, as v..- - advii:. U . I,. - lor s a: ,.:! Uv,.-s .,r i, !., known in our 11m. We wsirr-ui- t every aitirle as reiren;iiteL If any article orptrment pruvw to be not as represented we will exchange or return the money. We will be up wit'i th- - tun in St vie a id down with tit tin m ii V. rm?rrmHrih! it? abusL i.l in. t a Iv.mt : i :i, !,y f...v:;i and .Un-st- ie minnf wtiir. rs r.fiine w.,I,-- n and other fabrics. We buy minions and our quantit discounts advantages not conc!l to light weijUta-gi- ve us a pos'.ti.ra in wiii.-- we.-.i- a n t ey:n Wes-- i C 7 lV ,,i v ri J , ir J-.- -r lower than anv hotiie in tV-- - V.'it,our sales running into luillioas, with no one todiviRj. Wd can sell for Low. Prices and less mirgin nan any hjuse la Amjriea. Wj ye'M o 1 o ir N ' ' 1 ' "l"-1- ' at 104 SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET, SHAWHAN'S C0IVIIY1ERCIAL BLOCK, SATURDAY, APRIL 19th With a laro stock of fine Clothing, m:ule of the Best Material and in the Latest Style. Examine our Stock and Prices before purcliasing L. WINEMAN, 104 South Washington Street, Shawhan's Commercial Block, Tiffin, Ohio. L. WINEMAN. Linen Hjnil ten Iiicfv. -- Hot,' is 1 lo.,- - nigoiil Ins.stiK'k of haiiilker.-hief- s and is making spi i.tl low priees ti effect that result. J. W. Hoao. khseor are rejuirl to tike the enumeration of all m tie inhabitants of years and upwards. That includes all who are temporarily absent or who to the army and navy. Furnishing goods and hats, cheap for cash, at I'.Scheib's. I am in dead earnest ill reyanl to (luaillg i'it iny notion Sl'ii k. It In :i it itt auM, and t j eff.-- i t the s.il. will make uiili'ii'.l r p. lees. J. W. lid u i. F. .Manjnardt is the authoried agent in this ejiy foi IJolni.in'u liver lllid iig.je pu I. liny one. 1 have a few corsets left, .'till Will elirw them out at a ruinously low p. ice. Get oui;i!'iei s before you buy. J. w! Ho.Vfi." The II. & Land t S. ei C. tunnel tracks have lieen ceihsl with galvan- ized iron and the T, T. K. tracks with wood. The w.xvl lo-ik-s the U-st- . 'J'ho iiiipn'Veinenl is a much needed Oo;. Jlilllnery. iur st'v k of luilliueiy wxs never in as good slia- - as it Is to- day, and we defy eonip litioa in price or style. Plejtw examine jii iees and goods b; fore making your spring purchxses. .1. W. Ho w;. The Assi-ssor- s of the County, twen-ty.'J'- l'' I'! ""leblT, Iijet at t'le An lit-oj:- 's oUk Monday, t i.;eivii their :(irl blanks. They have till tli' tlii"il tin-l.- iii M."'y to complete their woik, IliitloD Male. Vou rail buy buttons of me for uliout half what you will have to pay at other stores. The reason is, our slock must !e clo:.sI out and we pay no attention to cost. J. W. HoA i. - - . Ke. t:. t. korl), prutoi f II:' tii.i- - 111:111 Evangelical Church in this city. haslMjcn appointed to preach at I)e- - troit, Mich. Mr. Koch has niade fi iei(ds duiing his sLiy in Tif- - lll), Vho V,dl r:ljlut bis depalpllst, JJrij. and family, ih) ride, on Pen- - felr-eiit- ti Coving ton, Ky, 011 Monday hust. Miss Mary accompanied the. family, but w ill turn in a few days to her phicc in the High School. Notion Sale. We have a great many bargains in our notion stock that l.t- - idica uili lliid it :.'!"e"!'!y o (heir in- - lerest 10 ooK at. !i:r u i.( bi ush:s, etc.,' etc., ait! fearfully low. 4. V;II;;ac. Toledo Division. There will lx: no ii:,tt.-- t ;d idiangH of tinp! this spring on theT-oliHp-i lliyisnin ..t the lviiujtva nia railiHiad, u on the ii; iii Hhe, So wc are informed by P. It. Myers, Gen eral Passenger and Ticket Agent, Chi- cago, 111. Clias. Slowe, an old newspaper man, was in this city Friday, billing the town for Sells liro.'s show. travels in a vriy (tta ad.eiiislnt; ca' and is a live agent. Tim show by represents travels by ilsiiwii cars and is a monster affair tyn the Ml; iist: loo I.. V. I., rail ro;d stqt;khohjei:s ehr-.le- l the following officers: 1 'resident .Clnis. Feeler. YkPres,-.t- 'f Sec'y and Troas AV. If. Andrews, Gen'l Supt I. H. 15m go in. The Reason. Tho reason for the un precedented ileiiiiuul for Dr. Price's Cream liaking Powder is the result of its beinc of suiKuior strength, uniform quality, contains no 1111 wholesome sul- - stance. Having inoroiigniy tesieo 11, we have no hesitancy 111 recommend ing it. sale by D. P. 1H Mine .Mo. Thurxlajr diree men in a v. ag.ii; at-- . tempted to cross the T, T. & E. rail road as an engine was switching some can One ol tne cars ran into me wagon, wrecking it and throwing its occupants Got. I'liu (:utlts eie a lit; tic s'fiiiok iip.'biit'nolui inueh as .litir pjui-leiies- s 'im'ghf ipiye c'usijted. -- -- (JloTe Sale. Kid and Iterlin gloves are Udngsold chwijicr by S3 jier cent, than you can buy the same quality elsuwhere to close. You will have to dill soon to secure the bargains wc of fer in gloves, as they are going fast. J. W. Hoao. II. Jtoore.laie pt the City Mills, is alriutTonioYe'to'aiTy,-whfr- he bxs taken charge of one of Iho Flowering Mills. Uid(u JiijmUi'nu. ' Mr. Moore was formerly a resident of Tiilin. It will be news to his friends here to le irn that he li:is Imuuo a florist. We notice tliat the meat market of .1. F. Veon, in -- Market lionso has a new liroiirietor, Jolin 11 Poland, who is a practical butcher uf long experi- ence, having been 'engaged in that business foe years, in Weston, Wood county, (jlno. Ije cuines io ilii. city Iiiirlilv reeoininended as a gentleman of business integrity. We lespeak for Iimii a lilx-ra- l snare or patronage. jij1orJiiii!)iC!: Tlje cntetta;n:iout jj'iycu l(y tle Slial:fc.siiij(oaii Society, of IJascmn, :jt that jilace ;ust Tuesday night, vt:is a. decjded si(Cce;iS. They Will lireseiit t'lu li'-i- "I,ady An'Uey's Secret" again next Saturday night at the same pl.tce. Prof. Ross" (Jrchestra of Tillin, will furnish the music. Perry street, west of tin bridge, is being stoned. That is a good notion, but placing the stone in the mud, with no foundation whatever, is not ex- tremely wise Solomon never would have done such a thing. If nothing better offered the stone might have been placed on two thicknesses, qf the A a in ittMi: This is on tho jirinciplc that in this ( ity any thing very wicked has uiilxiuuded strength. A Spkkdy Quietus is given to a hacking cough by that inestimable specilie for pulmonary, throat, and brouchical complaints," Hall's Ral-sa- m kois the Li-nj- s, which cures bronchitis, pneumonia, pleu-ris- v. laUntsI breathing find other dis- orders i'f the respiiatory irrans. Wrieiia Mugh manifests "Hselfr-tlie G?rf rise of 'this Itenefiii'iit- meiHcine isearncslly recommended, as the diff- iculty is more easily 'overcome in its incipient stnge than Liter on. ' Sold bv all fii iijjiiiiiij. Beit Ilonstkeepers. If the best in our land are to le' believsl, there are no llavoring extracts worth half so much as Dr. Price's Sjiecia! Flavor- ings. 1M l)r. !i uv'-- Vanilla!. Leiie'il, (liaime, li.isi-- , Aliuoiid, or Xectariue flavors once be usd, and they will al- ways be desired. For sale by D. P. Dil-dii- je V Co. An Irishman discharged an uycr-- . loaded gun at a rabbit. Having lecn knocked sensehuis, as he and ruse from the ground ami saw the nimble rabbit makin-- ' off over the bill. exclaimed : -- Faith, an' if ye'd a bin at my end or the gun, you wouldn't be scampering about in that way, sure." Reekcfji.Ts Cnurenti'ia. - On Satur- day April i , I ;:. the.--: will b helj at l' ierui. Oiiio. t!i s-- :nl meeting of i!i tY: S 1:1 1 a sky Va!l 1! ;ekiep...rs Association. Th.-r- e will be topics ar- range I 1 assign ! by practical api.ii'ists, a co:n iilit . of the.; having U-e- appointed for this jrirposi-- . KverjbMly is inviteil to attend. Miss linie Kllsler. We are pleased to inform our re.nlers of the coming of this distinguished joung aetn ss and lu r excellent company, who ap;ear at National Hall Saturday evening, in the jioptilnr couiii: ojn-r- of II. M. S. Pin- afore." As there has Ih-- ko g:eat a ilesiie on the p.irt of uur ; ople to see Miss Ki:i( in this !i !ig'i:ful play, we brsjiea'i fi.r her a large house, which undoubtedly she will I. greeted witii. The tioiip ii ilr.iwiag firg" houses evervw here. Aainsemeiit. Xext Safirday eveu-ih- e H. M. S. Pinafore Coiiibinalii.n. with Miss KiTie Kllsler a? Josephine, will lil! an engagement at National Hal'. This Jiopular comic iera has met with great success all ovi r tin-lan- The company is a very strong one. carrying their own m;!sio;il,n and seein.ry, Mjss Efiia Liisler lis .Iosu-p!i:i- e is apoke:: uf in tie highest terms of prai.-ie- . 'J liis will prove u treat to all ln:i:.ic-loiir- r ami a g nnl house may be cvpii-ted- . The box sheet is now open ut Hubb lid's. Miss Jennie C. Hryant, of St. Loni , Mo, will give an enU-rta'n- nl at National II. ill, on Tu sd IV evening, April Is'.;, c i!i)!.,tiiig o; l.iiiuo.iius :pid diaiu.t'.i.' readings. Miss Rrowu jiIiics to i;s lig';l rec.iiniir,niU"'l as nne of the beat Kloealioni-it- s of the country, and with a wide reputation as a dramatic and huuioioiis reader, and willei inpare favorably with X.dla F. lirotoli. P.y SKs ial reipiest she will reni'er the -- Creeds of the Rell.s." Gen- eral :;dni;ssion, L enls; reservi-- seats. ".I cents. Tickets can If h id :(t llnijli.i!ii .s n ng stoia. Ijoin.j .p.,i at ; pi'i fonn i:is. at m o'clo . Justices' lammissioiis. Tim Com- missions from the Governor of Ohio for the following newly fleet inl .Ji.u- - tlM-- of tin Jv;;i,e :y. at lip; C'i'd'y l !;:i !;s' o!hVe( for didivuiy ; I'!ea:.;iitt-.I:L- S. II. Iaids,on, Clinton-- P. H..Iayue. Clinton -- Daniel Dildiue. Rig Spring John R. Smith. Adam David Melger. Alams .!. S. Myers. Thompson Amos Peter Ilaeiling. Senn-- M. H. Hensinger. J.iif.i';. -'- 1 he fojlowiiill tol jitroi-- s were drawn ouda l.i:-:- t fertile May tei lil of - r l.t : GRAND H. A mi i . Kiflil W.ll.r i. li. H, t.l.-ii- , Jilliil Aiiles. lieiM.ill It'ilinT, i'l-V'!l- . Aii:ln . llic l.rli.?. Lyman Willi.-- , Tirsl W;:nl. V. I). Kl. i t. lC.l. n. K. II. Swam'.iT, ( lineiii. I'. l. r llolililall. AilaliK. 1. .1. r.rii kiier, Kiflli W.ir.l. CIi:ul.' F...ir;!l W.ir I. .la:.a. l'.-.- .lani'-- s I!, kuii", lani:il Af. Kileli. John P.. ( ii'Mj:ler, Spring. PETIT JURY. liha'il CnalllH'C-- l l W .ir.l J. t'. Ami. .Ill l..li: Sflilpsell jelies, l'..loi J'. II. Ijmwo, I'li'iisaiit. lleui j l)iii:i', U"H-el- i I.iabav. Iloj.i w.:ll W. . .avh, THoiii:us Noin v. iiie, !x:ijii!i, A, K, .riiiain.iiR, AliiMA'i Hall, 1'irs Want. .1. M. Kniilt. I irst War I. Jam.si Saiulers, Si nei-a- . PETERSON'S "DOLLAR SERIES." I11II10 annals ni iiumI. rn luxik iiiililisliint; nothing lias Ims ii apin.aih in (.Neelleiiis. aiiil eie:ipiuis the Hilar Si'iie o ei...4 (MM.ks,;; .hltsi.(--i .j T. I. l'C(el-:- i CtVr: Sulil"uf luo very Uest urn tin III (siiiieiiipoiaiii-oii- s lliertlure have Ureaily lieeu gvru a plai'i' in this series. Sut only have the publishers rulleil in (he ctii.icest Ileitis fur niri- - works, Im they have enshrineU (lie fcortlty A..rkssei.M-lei- l in sightly ami tlnr-alu- e ul-- l ;., .in.l w ;.! ai,i .ial-- o. iln have iuiuircl the catj ll l iiiiy ievicb ef pinit-iii- j: a faiiieiis "ymk fioai iveqi t: jM (;i; i:iief (if v, ti.ln-i- l ipiajily aipl 1I11 11 ini.illii il Lutlly hi II m jy p:i , i i.e, .s ruil:itiia!iiMi of this rvmarkalilti 'liullar Heriin" the Messrs. Ivter-i- n have jiitt issmd "Woman's WruiiKs,- by Mm. Klliiart. Ih'Iiik an en!!it !y true yet Rraphlr ilfseri.tloii of Hie ttivniin that Knirllsh wives anil iiielliers we.l to vxurihless husliaiiils are isinM-ilM- l to emliire. sinre the days ulien l'harli" Uiekens wroii- - in tin iiriiiie ol his ureal IMiwers tiiere has i no siieli an:iirnuieii( of a hail KiiL'lish law as Mrs Kiioait Inuhliilly anil powerfully ortniys in tliis poverfsl, r i.uU iil'c.trh.iiii 'novel i:lh. r y.'luiii s, ot the "liulhtr henesi" ar A Woinan s Tlimi. liis alniiil Winiien.1' hv ypss iili;. k. ' iy SiinSi Wile." -- tlllt of till- - lieptlis," "Sarali'a," ' Tlie I'riihi ol Life," "i'Iih lier'n Trinls.' hy Mr.. M. A llriiloii. "Tlie H phairs "I rials." hv ICini-rso- '"Ul Sir hy Jmne I'liyn. 'Ihi'Ulil latnM.n." liy Malllaiul. "Ilareni Life in Knypt ainK'on-slanliliople- ." "e'ora Heluiont," "The UefutN.," "Tlie Keetor's Wife," Ann, l'ulty's Seran Ilia.' "I he l iMpiette." "Tin. Wate'hniaker, "Tlie Story of KliaU lli." The Kival nelles.- - "Flirtations ill FashionaMi' Life." i'v, Wa,s In JlatriiiK.ny " pie iwvons'. (;r;ile," "lne ami Duty,'' "t'uuiiiiv Qninlers," "Tint llfireta. in the Tlie Man ol liio Wnrhl. I'lie (iiiwii's Favo- rite." "Tlie e'avalier," "Life of Kilwin Forrest," WiKxIburn Uraime." Iv the late William 111. will. "A Lonely Life." The Ma.leriiietVliy TtoHoh. "T'aiiota," lv Mrs. Ilm-si-- "Trea-mi- u al Home." "Tlie healthful Wiititw." 'Kil-a- Won ley Moi!i;iie " ThfV'Rlst Ihe Ul, l.siia'si, ha...u..iiieM. at.il eries 01 Ihit niT tmhlp iasl, i,ni uro ali isfinni in uni- form Nt l'le, In t;Miio pti iii, In.iiikI in ri'il. hltie. or tun vellum, villi (miIiI anil hlaek si.i.- -t :tn, Imek. ami are-so- at Ihe low prie of I hie llol-l- eaeh. liile tliej are as Iai-- as any Imoks piihlishe.l at si.T.'.aml .'.mi eaeh. Kxery fami- ly ami every lilirarv should have in h some if hot aeoirpleteselof Petersons' "Iif.i-.- r Series '. ihi. v ill In lout, u V r Nfv. n: atl ami NiHvs A vhl. ami i.u all Kail lloa.l Vraais. urritpieH ol any will tic sent to iinv place.' lit nnce-- . per Riail. post pal.l. 0:1 iccoipt of $ m li.rearll oll w.llllt 'I i.y T. It. 1'elersi.ll & l!loll: erst I'hila.ieljiliia. l'a. ORDINATION. Th'or.li:i:ition eerciiionv of the Rev. I). D. Rigger, pastor-- i hs t of the First Presbyterian Church, of this city, took place on Tuesday evening of this week, and was the occasion of a very sol- emn and profoundly impressive ser- vice. The auditorium of t!i. Chinch Was filled with the usual cioen, nation and iiiiny lep.ui.nl ities Jiom the different churches of the city. The I'jcsiiyteiy if Huron adjuiirnisl Us regular semi-annu- al session on the nth inst. to the morning of the llth insU at which time they coiivenc-- for the purjHise of giving Mr. Rigger the final examination preparatory to ordination. This ordeal, as the Rook of Government States, -- shall consist of a careful c a's to ihe1 candidate iiactjuain-t.uit- e villi VypeHuiehtal religion, as to his knowledge of FJiihisophy.'TheoI-ogy- , Eclesiastical history. I'hl "Greek and Hebrew languages ' ;;nd ether byapylo s ;;t il,:; c;,tii.i, of tl'e Ui-sby'- : tery; as to bis knowledge of the i ij'.es and principles of and ilisi lplinci , f the phtirch.ete. All i.f which we wcre.assur.-ta-' by the ii,'el la! or. ltev. Williamson, was maile highly satisfai-tur- to tin Presbjtery by a si hour examination, of Mr. Rigger's proficiency in ii,(. tiipics named. ThcOrdinatjiiji Sermon mis UeJivepcd by ltev. 1:. Ihishm l, d. D., of Frciiiont, the ordainir.g i:ayci by Rev. Moore of this city, the charge to the lKmple by Rev. Axtell of Clyde. Rev. Williamson, as Moderator, pre- sided and conduct d the ceremonies. CHURCH SESSION. Connril. This ImkIv met Monday evening with Crawforil, Eniest, Fan iiinir, (ir.immes, Livers, Myers, Moi-ss- - ney. Sting and Scanned present. i he minutes of last meeting were read and approves!. Mr. I.audon, the out-goin- g Solicitor, stibsl the payment in full of his in debtedness to the city of Sl:W,. and ns-ite- tie; few law c:eses t i Jirosecute for the city, yet devolving upon him Mr. Scanned moved the verbal rcjtort of the Solicitor be receivoL A by Dr. Livers, that the owners of proerty on the south side of Ella street, having failed to build sidewalks, as ordered by the City Coun- cil, that the City Commissioner build them at the expense of the owners, was adoptisl. The resolution of Mr.Grainmcs. that the owners of lots Xos..::o. ill, TAiJCZ, Vit and Vr. oa the south side of Main strcci. east of Hedge street, in the .jth Ward, to build side walks in front of their pro;erty, was adopt- ed. A resolution by Dr. Livers that the Treas.uei's salary lie reduced to J p:-- r aiinn.il, w as, after some discussion, lots '1 hit Mayor's reort of lines and s (. u i. 11, and the Clerk's of rents iW:.'?,), were On motion of Mr. Scannel the ns Mrt of the firemen, relativ to their election, was received and filed. Harrison Noble" presented his lxmd as Mayor of the city of Tillin. with W. P. Noble and John McCaulcy as sure-lie- s t'lerii'i'l le;i'Y l. Adams his In,;,. I as city Solicitor, with W. P. Noble and John as sureties thereon; James George as Marshal, his lioiid w ith I. F. Cramer and Charles Mutschler as sun-tie- s thereon ; William Sandys, his bond as Assessor foi the First Ward with J. M. Lingenfelter and Is, F. Cramer as sureties; David Smylhc As sesor for the 2nd ward, hi-- s !o;.d with WIJiai X;e:i; aiiii m. J. McCtdlumas sun lies; h. Fre-dric- i Assessor for the :rd Ward, his Ikiii.1 with J. A. Sol in and John Rour as sureties; Edward Persons Asssor for fhe ltl "V:irl,h lxind with Edward. Juii1 ld C, J. Yi'',gJ'"g v& avct;e-- ; and ,1, X', Willia.nl Assue.av lor the ."ith Ward, his beuid with E, W, Stephenson and Dr. Geo. W. Williard as sureties.. It was resolved by tho city council that the Rrnuls of the foregoing lie ac- cepted and the sui-citie- s thereto sl. At the suggestion of Mayor Pitten-ge- r, YT. Livers moved that the clerk le instriictei to priK-iire- suitable lietok for nfonling IkiiiiIs of oiliccr.s,ar)d ,,!uitl;er t.ir i;u i,.-.-tt or the Ajayoi, vvhie.li was ai'ioj.jtd. 'i iie iiiotiun of Dr. Cisiwford, that thtr lamp fiosl at lYofisor Rust's be rcnpivtsj to a 'jKiiuf caat of the school ho'.i, and that a new one bo erected at Circular Htnnt brldgo on JIarket .strei'i was adopted. Dr. Fanning moved that a lamp jtosl be erected on R.1L street, between David Leitner's and Market street Adoptee.. The motion of Vr. ..i(,.e.y Hull a lav.. p. ,i t.i ljt pl.uwil at the luterse'ction of S:uiditskT and Miillierry streets in the Second Ward was adopted. The motion of Mr. Grammes Ua two lamp posts be eyec'al mi Main sirt, nit" ii tin iijteixect ion with Sc!niciih:tr.t stris't ai';j the o'her at its intersection witii Circuhir stnct vyas iust. Dr.. Livwa noys"ef fhat a Iwifi l't be cicctr! at tle intersection of MadU sou an 1 Front strcaiUi, in Meedianlos-bur-g. Adoplesl. Dr. Livers' motion that in conse-inence- of Front street lieing infringed upon, the City Commissioner be in- structed tu deiiai; its lnHiiularies was adopted. The motion of Mr. Sting that a lamp post lie erected at inteic-t-tiu- i (it (Ja) and i"...tukiih atrects was lost. A resolution introiluivd by Dr. Crawford to'give each V ard a ioliec-ina- n was lost. Dr. Crawford having called tip the Fjre Depart !ner,t ryiatter, iir. hiiianel nojed fliat tlie Fjie t'oinpiittee, wit'l the Siilicituv, investigate the legality of the election uf Chief and if practicable rcKnt at next meclliig, which was adopted. Chief Engineer Myers lieing one of the Fire Committee tetidcied his resig nation, which on motion of Mr. Sting was Adjourned' The Press and Sells Bros.'s Great Railroad Show. The Great European 7 Elephant Railroad Menagerie and Circus, ; hi ji is to exhibit, Tilhn, on Monday Api jl stli, ehicrf not ndy uiion' unsus-taine- d brag and and big-bille- d bluster to create confidence in its claims to superiority, but offers the best proof of its real greatness in the recorded verdict of the best pa;y;,j. it, intist be a truly gigantic aiiilsem'ent venture which such a journal as the Cincin- nati Dtiil.'i, Eunirer deliberately de-c'a'- "exceeds in lmth size, novelty and expense anything of iljp i,iial " heretofora aia'4Hteul miif inchales among other npticcabje. fvatiires. t ele- phants, fiii; largest nuiuluT ever exhil Utl by any one menagerie." Rait and strung its is this compliment; it is by the press everywhere, as will lie Keen from the following, to which columns of similar purport might be added did space permit: Well recommended as the show has come, and liberal as were its promises, it fnil v merits the one and redeems the other I'Ut.shnnjh lUitly LKsutK. In short, they e!terto the "public the most 'giganti eniluyuie'nt of iiatt r,ral 'oiject;.te;:u:l5iiig ad moral lYi'.iu.sctneiit on the hemisphere ftije tt;luii.) h'tily JoihihiI. The folhiiion of anim;ils Is the f- inest we ever saw. lk:atttr (.) Daily Huh. The circus department is complete, embracing many of the greatest of the century. LtnisrUlt Itss?msas though the jeople u;d turned out ci. ;c t; liiure the liuest paiatle of the kind ever given here. Vkrtlithil f hilly Plain Deal- er. ' --' ' We chesf-rfiill- the Sells Rrot'.iers and their Elephant Show ttUhe patronage of the public, vith tiie Is'surai'Ce tl;:it tVfiJ" fti'.ture' , IH bo and every engageiiiei'.t inaile by (heui will le f ul- - lilicd. Ililh't'ile iJpiJ lilfW't: Those illustrious suckers, the jtaii of twiu-niirsi- liahy eiepha'nts, are a notable feature, and they rival the political outs in bawling when de- prived of their p:tp-lottl- by their wet-nurs- e. Willis Cobb. Clt ctland )n W"ln,-sil:i- y niklit, a (jenmiii hail- ing front Tirlin, was knoe-kts- l down near the Shemiau House, this city, by sonie uiikuown ierson, nreivinj'a bad cut in the foreh-a- d. Dr. Rn ketts sewtsl up the wound. Fimllny Jiffir-sijliiui- t. Xow who is -- a German V There are several jhtsoiis known by that name iu this city. LLst of Letters remaining uncalled for in the I'ostotrn.-e- , Tirtin. Seneca county, O- - April 17lh: Barto. Mrs. Klla leader. Lizzie lUiwersox. Kachel Keel. Alfred inline r, latins lachanls. SvIvaniH I'arrull. Jalues Koa.li, Jaruh II. Carl. Ttiirtlias Sailor, Catherine I hilds. Cura Sleight, C. I. e'romer, Samuel T reiler, Charles S. Hooker. Jomah Thomas. Wiiliant Ioller, Allulph Warner. Mary E. liose. Lillle A. Walker, Kiiima Marsh. Hattle W atson, Henry K M.S'arthv. Lizjie Wetemt. Ilualie MS aui;hey. K. S. Wilcox, W illiam H. M'SJ-ube- John Wonn, Michael Melou:Uil, Uille Persons calling for these letter please say adve-rtise- All letters not called for within four weeks after be- ing advertised will be sent to the dead- - L. WEIRICK, P. M. A literary society has been organized in this city liearing the name of America's foremost writer iu fiction, -- Xathanial Hawthorne." The olliccrs are: President. J. F. llider. Vice lresideuL K. Weuuer. Secretary. H. Weuner. Treasurer. Mix Grace Uogor. Executive Commiltee, ltev. (ieorfeO. Ilarri-uia- n, Miss Amu Sleveus, and Miss KiuiuaMch-uU- . i The oliJee ts of the society as named In the constitution are "To cultivate fine letters; to improve in elocution; to foster good literature; to txtiibl'ixh a publi: library ; and to promote the mutual acquaintance of the mc miters." Tlie following is a rviort of the pult- - lie schools of Tilhn for the seventh month of the school year,'!iKling M.mh 2S, is.1t; TEACHERS. Xuiiilier 7M Ntllllher alisellt I MiiulK-- r ol Willi suitstiluu. a Nuuiher ul.ualf-d- a abM-u- t without ku- - sliliite I Namlier tardy 3 N'timlM.r of ewst of l:irliiiet 4 i ferceuL ol Ret; PUPILS. Nuiiilier enrolled A venule iiutulter behrtisiu.-- . m AirraKf will. aoi'i4iii mi : Per cent. atlcJaM. U ul ttiiMliuobt :.S I'er wot Utadauve 14 o,l averacc No. Uc- - lai.mi. aic iiinU-- r tardy ! NiiiiiImt of cast of tardiiii-- m 140 I'er cent, of punctuality ..ij.tl lllllliTlil pupils truant. 1,...,.,., i .Nuinncr ol caaes 01 Irualic-V- .. US Numlier pinii.hcd by lorjiorai poiiUhloeiit. . 41 Nuuiher ol case id tul H,iai puuuhiueut.... 4i VlllnlN'r I.il(ylnH OrllMHU M NipiiUcr o wm ut Urdiuena tue ,ui uioula J lit( ywu-- , l IJecreaM)...,. HHS H. H. HALL, 'Have vou iriven electricity a fair trlid for your complaint, madame?' asktsl the minister, as he took tea with the old lady. -- Electricity! sanl she. "Well. ves.'I reckon 1 Lave. I was struck by lightning last summer and hove out or tne window, nut it dnlu 1 seem to do me any sort of good." Dn- - I'jh Traoeller. The Rockford Seminary Alaiu&iiit . ... ...... 1 1 , r . t . aiumm: -- inetrocst uiri i.iammetn inn d(',or( iijid (aikelli loudly and maketh a indsei, for her lieart i without guile, and t,he itan:tii nut tuo words or the hall leat her, but the naughty girl shut- - (etu the diHir softly, and stealetli up ktairs in her stocking feet, and stum lileth over the rocking chair, and the last condition of that girl is worse than the first." Life is full of sorrows and disap- - lioiiitments, but the most sanguine hopes of all those who try Dr. Rull'5 Cough Syrup are always, rliiaxJ. It never uisatMii.i.s, ihiub zj cents. LOCAL BUSINESS NOTICES. The Cheapest and best CqJIe'o bau lie bought at Maalhi, egfcle1. loa cheap and good, lutrness go, to J'oorman ci Sprr, s and get them. Harness down to old. uricea, at X; inan & Son'-- j, Call nnd w Uiout and a-- t la-io- iHd got tho wortli of your tnojiey, Foil 90,10 you can get a full suit of Washington blue lkuinel at the head quarter clothing store of Strieker & Rrothcr. Those who wish to use pure ground spices should ell at Martin & Segele's. TnrxKs. PoonteiiU V Sou Lava Cdi 1 41 ;U a linn assortment or trunks, wiileii they offer low for cash, iney also repair ail coyer trnn,k9. Call on them. Sew spring dress gotQd.3, oijen. to- - 4:i.y it f, ir. shnwi,'ul, n i,a l4ew tcHm iih J, W, Hoag, millinery dealer, opposite National Hall block, sign of the ml banner. Expenses are not half what they were in the old rMiin and you can buy goods corres pondingly lower. Call in there and get some of the rich bargains offered. A Cahd. To the ladieij fcf Titli'j aui vicinity;". Lj:v..g se;.cire a s,wvio3M or ji.ss ideisx.r, who is no wen Known ftir eU jfiint taste and workmanship, 1 would nspectfully ask you to call and examine her work and our new stock before buying your spring goods. Miss Lib. Grape. qs .Piitm Steel Plow not only does the spring plowing well, but stands up; to its work iri tHft h ai4ea Sotjce. The Seiieca County Po.mo- -. na Grange vyill meet in, Clyd,e, Sari-dusk- y count v, Qliio, TnjCi, Alvt ll 22,; sit i Mik 4s'?4n A full aiteid;ince cf nteiibcTs inswted min3 biis'niess. of importunoe will ho lfuie tho meeting ami questions of i'.lterttjit discussed. Afternoon session oja'ii to all fourth degree memlers. An evening session will be held at 7 o'clock for the purpose of receiving applications for membership and con- tinuing the fifth degree. A. L. Sua feu box: "Vhea. you, buy a pluvf, belect Uio one made nearest home. There aiu several reasons for doing this. Many farmers do not think what the cost of repairs will be when the agent of whom they buy takes up some other plow that pays him a better commission. Sor do they t,Uik' of the loss cccaioreii by hnving o wait SjC s eial days for repairs, to'be sent' from some ' iultaiii 'jipift't,' 'Wfiien' thej" oiigh't to te busy turning oyer the. sod Sever buy a plow' tnat' joiij do, knoic. w ill d ff Kxl work $ Ltl, aiirV' and fall plo.vii;. ii, feiiciy gao.miiil as el as tl;e lareVt sent iany f the P,lows1tatli:vt2V'cn.s.i4d. af late, un- der g names, have pruveu expensive aiiicle 'Sht y usually were pushed out whi-- n the ground was mel- low, and they showed to very good ad- vantage. Rut when the hard fall plowing commenced, they were found wanting. We have manufuctared. plows in tliis aectleui for thirty years and think we know what Uie farmer needs, TUu Til'm plow ha stood the test s here no other plow could meet it. It fills the wants of the fanner by being the plow for hard ground as well as being the lest plow for sticky and loose ground that can be produced. Call and see our plows. Prices again IMis & Stmak, Tiffin, O. To the Pcblic. The undersigned nas removed his livery, feed and sale stable into the Commercial House barn, where he will keep a first-clas- s livery, feed and sale stable. You can find the best horses and rigs of all kinds. Farmers will find it to their advantage to stop with him and have their horses cared for. C'UAS. Ml'TSCHLEB. Itoprietor. It is settled beyond a. doubt that Martin 4 X'egele keep the best Teas. he'Dbkx chajioih id 0i9 weather brine en acute ntuurlu of Catarrh, aitd render chron- ic cases- much worse. The CoiaTiTeriox.n. lAIAkSH kkmkdv tuius felicf ml ouce. It is lor sale by J. t . Martuardt. We cannot too forcibly imoress uuon the public that the severity and mor-- "'"j "i I'lpiuueriH can ue controiieu if brought early under trealmeiiL A single annlication of some oaten t rem edy will often destroy the germ of the disease, which, if left to rankle and poison th system, will result fatally to tne patient. .Medical skill has culmi nated in Lawson's Curative as the safest and most effectual renmlr for tuis uisease, as wen as all aifeetions of the throat .so perfectly is it adanted to removing the primary symptoms of Dipiitheria, that no family should be without a bottle of it iu the liousn for use in case of need. It ean lie obtained t any dru stoi j. LOCAL CORRESPONDENCE. FOSTORIA NEWS. MATTERS IN FOSTORIA AND VICINITY. lioyd Lawrence is studying law with Jones & Rrown. Joel Hale and Edward lreble. the vnewiy elected constables, were sworu in and assumed tlie duties, of their of fice l4l .Saturday, . Workmen are busily engaged iu nishing up the hall in the now 0ra House bhak. When completed, Fos-Uot- ia will have one of the finest halls in tlia Statu. nitrlok O Rrien, a former Fostoria boy, wxs Stnet Commission- er of Upper Sandusky at tho recent election. Work on the new Catholic Church will be commenced next month. t nngie jsower snipped live car loads of potatoes to Raltimore hist week. Mrs. Sninatilha Hale, long a sufferer from consumption, is lying between life and death, and apparently cannot live much longer. j.j. mini, oi unartotte, Mich., a former resident of Fostoria, has been fnhviitteel to practice law. Silaa P. ldleman, a young man of this city, who has been suffering with inflammatory rheumatism for some time, died last Friday. His remains were taken to Marion, O. on Saturday for interment. The little son of Samuel Kiser, ho w was kicked in the head by a Uore a few dayi ago, is rcjwrtcxl better and will recover, Jltn, Adam Cramer, who has been very ill, is now out of danger. John Rowman, of Lima, has located, in Fostoria, and opened out, a, line stock of boots aid. sl,iai3ii tu. the room formerly rttr.iad by Goo. lfwyer, M!s U.w'W11. '3 . Vf'de awake business loan, and we welcome hirft to. our midst. The Uniurn. fnutory of l J. Pelton, m tiTJ tQrnliii, Wood county, was dwtroyed by fire a few nights since. Mrs, J. J. Laird, of Charlotte, Mich., is viaiting friends ',d relatives in this elty. l'erry Chance, one of our oldest citi- zens, was stricken with paralysis a few days ago, and now lies in a very criti- cal condition. Ren. Simons was elected, SLt4la,l. ftf West MillgroYe a M3 electiein.-- . Pc. Eaton, of 4:w-k'w- n township, In, we learii, quite sick wit neuni,Iia in the stomach. A meeting of lto stockholders, of tho Iake Erie 4 Lpuisville railroad, was held last week, and. th folluwiua offl-fe- rs elected t i'Teaiilent, CUarloa Fos- ter l Vice tHeSidcut. and Counsel, C.S. Uricej Secrefciry, and Treasurer, W. II. Andrews; Superintendent, I. II. Bur-goo- n. The Columbus & Toledo railroad company, forwarded from Fostoria, for the year ending December 1879, 6,11'LSH tro-R- i which tdY ea"! revenue Of.;l,' .asj tliej Relive je4 at thia point Vii&dvUk r which they received 87e3; 11,15a passengers were carri- ed from Fostoria, 5,454 going north, and 6,105 south, for which the comp any received 8,7(12.60. Total earnimrj ' Fostoria, 20,448. 59. Atreotnt Utee.Vi'i, tf the Relief etjV'aroj Ladder coinpany, the fol- lowing offlccra were elected: President Joel Hale. Vice rresldent.-- S. F. Kiser. Foreman-Dar- ld Snyder. First Assistant Foreman. Fra,:,k fcv Second Asiistitt FvMin r! 4. KiinTr. Tr'e.-P;'fi- e. 4b1 aija Frank Secretary -V B. Enlaad-Treasure- r! t). F. Lloy d. i'ioneer Eivgine COffWiny. (tfl fx day evening of wfcli, eliscfetl tlie fullQvf irig Wtloew fw the eiumingyear: j'ldit. Allan KawPniau, ice I'naWcut-- J. t. DeWuM. Svwetanf.-- T. 0. CartUle. tTtsuurer. W. I). Robbius. Fureuian. John Noble. . First Assistant Foreman. John Lynch. Second Assistant Foreman. W. B. Rollins. Trustees. Johu Watruer, John Fortz, and Frank Cap leu. Fire Police. John Warner. II. W. lUis,. W. IL Leecii. L. I. Uussetter ai.tk "kiauk' Copies. ' Six hi'Tdvyii auel egk.tyHiUja votes &eVo"ioled in this city at tV. te electivn. of which, Ckyvte, jur U-- ??'.XW WWx Hiwoiilu, of TtUln, has tiken wlidruo uf the American House. At a recent meeting of the society of the Presbyterian Church, by a unani- mous vote, the services of Rev. Joseph Hughes were retained. The Van Buren and Sew BaltiryviL The Fy('a,(-- Ui LVtneran tiuah v ' 4 y'uiytliee'n reuUed and fixed utliig)od style. Fjredl Dujibau is travelius fa js& South with a circus tiMw & tU Ut wu-- - 9aj Qtiil recently donated iV4 i tW improyeiuent of the r.Yan-54ic- al Lutheran ChuKli. VU.rkj Uuerney,of this city, has gone to Rowling Green, Wood county. to study law with Gen. Day. The work of laying the foundation for George Lemp's new brick bouse has been commenced. Abne-- r fceonard, one of the oldest residents of Washington township. Hancock county, died Tuesday of last Week. The Fostoria Union Schools enjoyed a vacation last week. The Township Trustees report that the have overil.ouo in the Treasury. Philip Wamines shipied another car load of horses to Troy, S. Y, last week. "Phil." is dealing quite exten- sively in horses, and pays good price John Rates, of this city, feft 'from the roof of his house lat "Saturday and broke one of bis arms at the wnvt-D- r. Henry was called and dressed the PEDRO. KANSAS NEWS. A Bible class was organized recently to meet at two P. M with Dr. H. B. Gibbon teacher, and J. D. Reese secre- tary. The U. B. people built a piatfonu in front of their Church last week. P. was a much needed improvement. Lee Ritter and wife, and John Ha-wor- e, of Shelby county, were visiting in our village last week. Mrs. Henry Lew man was visiting in Mansfield recently. Henry Ebright put his goods aboard the cars this week for Michigan, where he intends to make his future home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fitzpatrick buried their little daughter. Maggie Edith, aged two years and five months, last week. The parents and friends have the sympathy of the community. Mrs. Jones, of Buffalo, mother of Mrs. Fitzpatrick was here last week. Rev. Hastings will deliver a lecture in the M. E. Church on Friday evening the 2.1th inst Mr. Hastings comes well recommended and we hope the people will gire him a full house. William Lanning has- - moved on Abraliam Ash's farm and he will work said place this summer. He has also taken a job of cutting 4uo cords of Wood for Mr. Frey of the grist mill. The Odd Fellows will celebrate the colli anniversary of the order in the L'nited Slates at this place on Satur day, the 2tah inst. Good speakers will ue present ami a general good time is exiiecteiL All are invited. Joun Sjtnitli, or t us toria, is running Fitzpatrick's paint shop. J. A. Johnson and his daughter An na were in our village l est wok. They express themselves weII pleased with their new home. It is a boy an I stops with Jiuroh Kime. He will lie a ve.tr old next Easter. Dr. Fuller, of Burgoon. is very sick. Rer. B. Struble will preach at the Liberty Clrirch two miles south of here, next Sunday. The Liberty Sabbath School reorgan ized recently for the summer term by electing the following officers: Super intendent, I pton Ash; Assistant Superintendent, W. B. Flack ; Secre- tary, Charley Harrison; librarian. Charlie Park; Treasurer and Chorister NED. REPUBLIC NEWS. Rer. S.IL Allen, a Disciple minis ter, of Fairfield, Ohio, will prc:tch at the Universalist Church, Tuesday evening, April 22d. C. C. Pancost and family, of Wy;ui- - dot county, were risitinj friends, here this week. Miss OHio Mackey, of Chicago Junc tion, was visiting her friends here on Sunday. Jack Crossley is around again after his long confinement with a broken knee cap, which accident occurred Feb.2IsU T. M, Pancost and wife returned from their western tour of two months iii, Xebraska, Iowa ond Kansas. They are in love with the Weat, ami expect to locate la Iowa shortly. The Republic Cornet Band are get ting new uniforms made In Tiffin, at J. R. Frost's, at a cost of 2oa They are to give a dance in town July 4th. The Eolian Band have got new in struments and know how to play them. They expect to get uniforms soon. Chittenden & Mansfield bought and shipped from this point since August 10, 1873, 141 car loads of wheat, making 04,000 bitshoK nt an. average price of 55 oeAfa rer bushel making a total of gflftOOQ paid by them alone, Stickney $ Dentler bought (W.Q00 bushels, mak- ing l;!2,00q Uushela of wheat bought here since last August, which wheat ntuat Lave been grown in a radius of twelve miles of thia point. Mrs, IL J. Taylor has moved her millinery and dressmaking rooms to II. Mansfield's store, and has in her employ one of the best seamstresses in the State. The ladies of this vicinity will always find the latest styles. OneCJ. Thompson, profeaamababe a physician, put, j a,ft ameearaiice at the Arvtila liaise o.n,e Right last week, uiiln.ecesa,riiiy lull or wnlaky. hen he Wived to hu downy couch for sweet repose, he also "downed a dose of a morphine. In the morning he made a terrible fuss and sent for one of our M. D.'s, who paid him several visits during the day and then, lteel a uuiwxne iOWMjim trustees, who V.i) )lQ Wu without investigation. It seems as though they (the trustees) took a new departure for some reason, for we know of one instance when th,e same trustees refused to allow. a,rAoXlcr physician a bill. coae in, tvfurnity with, iVtstfr6 AYe Wivld add that the Ss'O. omftn had. n.Q 'elucata. KANSAS. ATTICA NEWS. At tne recent election In our village the Republicans carried the entire ticket, and elected one trustee and get one constable against a former majori-- J ly of from uu to 200. Is that not vic tory enough for one day Wake up Tiffin brethren and be with us here-- . VENICE. BLOOMVILLE A wo are usually uotuiisi by our rj?gu,lar corresrideAt of tho go'"i and co.tu.ers iu, tki vkinlty of Uloom-YiU- e, is cuiiuectiou with the many in- cident which make up the varied changes in our business and social af- fairs, it will be unnecessary in these items to refer to these matters of m;ual occurrence. But since our al- lotted sphere of action seems to be cst In this locality, our interets i rell as personal aiVV&t-V- . W$ forth fiutai tVeirtturis aj to the f u-- re pros'ierity of our town and V- icinity. ia Otoj rurces, aiie gocL, blunted io the'gardca. oi tU 0MUUTT. with soil uAUT'iV wUici is tilled by ladas-tv-y Sfid yields in abundance. Our ruanufactorit. though Unilted, are of that class which are substantial, the products of which have created a for- eign as well as domestic reputation. Our mercantile facilities can be classed among the best of the inland towns of Ohio, and although situated in the midst of competition, it on.!y give in life to trade when m.e with teal and detcrainaliuu, Morally, socially and InteUootually we breathe the same pure atmosphere of freedom vouch- safed to us by our forefathers, and with schools and churches chiefly un- der en tlie management of intelligent and energetic workers, gives a basis for a promising future. On the other hand the dews of intemiierac wftli their ghostly phantom, jif, dvluuiac tread, rei-eat.- " 'jetiw to the last trt,rhidi, lie re to rally in hopes of final triumph for the bloated crew whose incense bears only sickening odors of debauch and wretchedness. Hut believing as we do that true mo ai rality and intelligence, aided by unre- mitting energy, constitute the frame- work of permanent success, we bide our time, hoping that every good im- pulse may be on the alert to secure success and a lasting prosperity in the right, for lack of thought and energy will blunt the susceptibilities of any community, and imperceptibly make dupes of those who wait for some- thing to turn up. Unfortunately, however, our public heralds (known as editors of the place), have in their pre- tended devotion to neutrality, stood altxtf, trembling under the rod of jus- tice or stooping to sip the nectar to se their thirst. History has told their fate, while the Rewrd, still an in- fant sheet, is clothed in neutral "garb with patent outside, and an inner part that only hisses at justice, and then re- tires with falsehood on its brow. While clamorous still for glory and re- nown, it cries of fraud, corruption and investigation. Akin in political faith to those who know no other cry, on the eve of election it shrieks in agony. Oh! hearken ye unto its cry, for if aught be taught the public mind the need of such investigation, it is the slippery tricks of Rloomville editor. Re prompt, without delay, else like the Kerorrf. and Jiauntr of the past, you but look upon the carcass of the dead, unlamented yet, miti.h butt. Rut although this sheet has been the child of many whims of misforlune, ami oi grieved its foster parentage, vet due hope ischerisiietl that it in iv sur- vive the days of teething, an.! not tii- ere it becomes a yearling. ENCOMIUM. SIAM NEWS. As nothing has appeared from this place for some time, we w ill give yon a few items. This phice is sit nated in Reed township on the lialtuiioli' and Ohio railro-ul- , eight miles west of Chicago Junction, a.id is known on the railrtKul as Attica station, but tne postollice is Siam. Henry Kimmcl has moved to Re- public, and is railing a saloon and boarding house. Mrs. Dr. Reynold moves em her farm this week. A band of Gyisies encamped over Sunday on the hill between this place and Attica, and were visited by large numbers of the curious. The election in Reed w:l hotly con- tested, there being three tickets in the field. The following are th; names of the successful candidates: SIAJ. ) Levi I Idler. Rep. Trustees Cole. ...11 ) James Ford, " is Treasurer A. R. Brant, Dem 24 Clerk San ford Siles, Rep 1 Assessor B. F. SanfonU Rei. 42 iC.J.Uipler, G.&D-- 4; Constables- - i J. I. Williams. Ren.2o ) Delno llellerly. 1. : Juatlcc of the Peace M. Hensinger. S. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. WOOD COUNTY. At the recent election it was decid ed by a majority of the voters to build a new school house in Rowling Green. The family of J. R. Swigart, of To ledo have moved to Rowling Green. HANCOCK COUNTY. The contract for building the jail of this county has been awarded to J. Karat, of Defiance, his bid of Sll,XVi being the lowest. ,,, Forty-eig- ht citi- zens of Findlay attended Joseph Cook's lecture in Tillin hist week. SANDUSKY COUNTY. Chauncey Walhoff, while engaged in blasting at ono of tho quarries just west of Fremont last week, was se- riously inj ureal by an exuloaion of powder. He h.ul just lighted a blast when a s'tark of fire fell into a can containing about three iounds of pow- der which he held in his left hand. There was an instant explosion. Wal-hof- fs face and body were burned in a terrible manner. While his coiuo,av ions rau to his assistance th.o Uat ex. ploded, throwing Vtt"ttfc's in every dirwtuoubfot fitfttjnately no one was lirti It ii thought that he will re cover. CRAWFORD COUNTY. Saturday, a boy of aliout eleven years of age, son of Jacob Ridgley, of Bucyrus fell from a horse and siiita-Ht- d severe gash in his left vhrrk. which Dr. Carson fouml Bevesary to sew up he. i,vV& kul several teeth, and sus- - taUieU a severe concussion of the l.rain from which he did not recover for nearly twelve hours. Dr. Georgia Merri man tita nturncd to Bucyrus to prtoUvO 1 provsaion. She eiitira J jtractice now, but tt!. Ur9 lr;tatiun of establishing an iiiatitution for the treatuieut of women's disoivsea. There la nothing of the kind west of lliiladelphia, and thia fact make the field a good one for such work. The Pennsylvania railroad system of administration has received the high compliment of being recommended to the government of Prussia as a model on which to base changes, in thf ads ministration of its sUtO ruUvOivts by a rauroau oincer, wnuin i scut, kj mia conntry, tutMly our roads. 'fbe RttyhUf of Tuesday has this: The Springfield HiUi: says of diaries Voaler: "if nominatisl we heartily support him, although he "boa done some things which we can "not approve. He is a good and strong "man ou general principles," All this good sense, and we most lie:irtily it. Mr. Foster's best fricuils are thofse who do not hesiuite to Hieak frankly of his mistakes as well ;u praise bis good points. A Wab;?j;ytyr istbe Cinein-- lhfe President will almost cerUlnlv veto'the Army Appropriatieiu Rill. The Republicans are a uuit in urging him to do stj. The general opinion is that he will do it, and the uncertainty ovKiug to the f.icl that be very prop- erly deciiues tu say what his action will be in advance of the passage of the bill by the "senate. Rut those .near- est to him have no doubt ou the sub- ject ; not that he has said to any one what his course would 1, but all the straws point to a veto. The test will be squarely made between Congress ami the Kiecutive. and one side will have to back down ; and the wbwht t J I government will stop as certainly as tl withholding ol money wuiowiu i mus- ing men, uninfluenced by the passion- ate KVtWWi''u. oi tlie hour, believe that we are approaching a grave crisis govenimeut aaairs, one tnat win teat the strength and elasticity of our institutions. Republicans are serenely confident that whatever damage is done will be charged to the account of the Democratic party on the ledger of public opinion, and that this party is putting itself iu au attitude to lie U-ut-- out of its boeits in every X,c4be" State. Sjieakiug of tl'fc n,tltii of t he lJeuiocrats to, Vvu4i the recpolmibility upon tvftvisUUHsiU. Secretary Sher-rau'aiij- ii that the American people are hot such fools as to be so deceived, and that they will lodge the where it llongs aipiinst the Democratic party. This is the general opinion among leading Job lPntin.g Duue on Short KuttCS anlat lair llvtnf'jtiiers Utiauace. JOHN M. KAULL & CO. Have Moved their Stock of BOOTS & SHOES To their New Quarters, LEINER'S OLD STAND, OPPOSITE THE F.COURT HOUSE! NEW GOODS ! LOWER PRICES ! And the Best Stock of Boots and Shoes in Tiffin. J. 3T. !ECA.TJT ,T i & Co. . - - - - - We ilesire to call the Attention of BUTTER MAKERS to the Oransre Conn-t- v RUTTER IIWDER which we Itelieve to le very ViUuable when properlv used and understood. ONLY i.l CENTS A ROX. e5 B0UE3 OQUMCZS (Pj hi r 'ry THELAaoaoEHOUflssaucEa lli t $s- tf jZJs TCL MINUTES. flci-r- ? " j iV?f KErPSmEButTSlEHESH C, trfe? Uv I -- L. . BUTTEHKOUDIin Cotiroi. X. T.. Dee. Snth, VTH. ncntlemeM I hare been nsinij yonr Ornnje Coonty Batter Powder for tmtue tunc, and And it ali too claim lor it. ami we think no mnrh of It that we It to our nriehhnra. I And it cotviii.-rahl- Khortcns Uw time In chuminc and eives th batter a ane waxy tenure and golden color. It aino lacreiWJl the quautity afbuttcr protiuce4 Xrom the same amount of creaia. Vnow, IKA ROSS, Dairy Farmer. itcr HUc," i4 to fcl. i lUJi. P.O. n Ks. Tar allaa JUamiactarlBff Cs JtaAala, 5. 1. ' Sold by MARTIN & NEGELE. CHICAGO, MICHIGAN STOVE CO. BTJFFAXO, OS Lake St. I 03 Beaeca St. raw "mas OUR MOTTO! THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE TOVES AND RANGE IN THE MARKET. Tuna Triad and Fir Tatted! ACKNOWLEDGED FAVORITES. EVEBT 8T0TE mTHIIT.E, ISO PiflTBa A BTJCCESa ail gccss mi? VAsaAyrs?. IM ) Eeonomv la Fual, DurahUily, and Convaaiaaea. POINT J Completeness of Oelfn, aad Frfactiaa af Coastructloa. OF J Simplicity of Msaagaeaaat, aad 6aaaral Worfclaf Qualltiae. FOR SALE irESr-WIIEE- S BY FISST-CUS- S DEAISSS. And by HEILKAN & LeBAR, Tiffin, Ohio. LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE KNOWN ! WE ARE NOW RECEIVING OUR NKW SFIsLXNa STYLES OP CARPETINGS, cossisTixu or Tapestry Brussels at 75 cents per yard. Tapestry Brussels at 85 cents per yard. Body Brussels at $1.25 per yard. Body Brussels at $1.50 per yard. Extra Superfine Ingrains at 75 cents. All Wool Ingrains at 60 and 65 cts. Fair Ingrain Carpets at 30, 35 and 40 cts. Wall Paper and Window Shades. LACE CTIJR.TAXNrS, Etc. AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES, .A.T THE Tiffin. Carpet Store. 9 mm V'-lri''- - Extracts, Emlneiit Chemists and PhvBtciana certlfr that theso goods aro free from adulteration, richer, mora effective, produce better results than any others, and that they tue them in their csrn familiflw UNIQUE PERFUMES are Ihe toil of all Odors. DR.PBICES TOOTHENE. An agreeable, aealthf ul Li niil Dent ifricr. LEMON SUCAR. A trabstitnte fur Lemona. EXTRACT JAMAICA CIMCER. From the pore rooL STEELE & PRICE'S LUPULIN YEAST CEMS. Thm Bwt iwy Hop rM im ITtrM. STEELE & PEICE, Manfrs., Chicago, St. Louis & Cincinnati FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! Fiege Bros , FURNITURE! Tho Furniture DeaMTjNDERTAKING ers of the City I FURNITURE! AIIE OFl'EKIN'5 T11EIK furniture! IMMENSE STOCK lUND ERTAKIN G AT Vt LOWER TUCKS tbai UNDERTAKING FURNITURE Kvi-- r Kwy. FURNITURE! UndertaMn o UNDERTAKING i I t nf the Finos: lllciirsrs in "it isttl aijtl a I'M . UNDERTAKING FURJUTUREj Ji.nie tl I i tr r i. assets an. linutls. wc are we(Kwrtl to at end luiicrals nHn(tiy. js- -l r.ix- - (iixwbll furniture! UNDERTAKING rrcc "I nnuife. FTEOE BROS.

Transcript of TIFFIN TRIBUNE. EOPLE OF TIFFS N ens, ana unnaren uoinina ... · Miss Florencn Cronlse h:u lecu...

Page 1: TIFFIN TRIBUNE. EOPLE OF TIFFS N ens, ana unnaren uoinina ... · Miss Florencn Cronlse h:u lecu com-misoii-by the Governor a Notary Public, Her commission is Xo. 9. Cuitoa goods are

TIFFIN TRIBUNE.Local and Miscellaneous.

I I 1 I I 1TO A0VE8TIER5-T- k Tb a larger

tn tfcbd wbr f pay- -

C.--r- y.

CMmcsbM' All i ommuuMMliMK ii.iKIn: ju i I t 11.? iiaiui ut t ir nu r,.:t lor iuJ.iejJu. lr.il jam i euaruiil? zt

tAiiii.) or Uicj will Ki inUj tlie wa.l-Uik- t.

Nfte. Etc Kirtli, Mrri:.K. ;w. Ifatli an- -

r urrd fur biluAri- -i wc'm;uxuz Ja!!iaauuuo-iiH-t4i- . also fr ihf rlutiHi l;

ol agi obit;i;try rhanitr- - No dt-- t la-tum ill be ixatle from tin.- ruk.

V iffiB, Thcnidaf Ktc April 17,

htiDiUj was Kater.

Br Joha (jilliUud is vf-r- siVk.

H&rUi&l George i. how it i.s n.w.- -

TJr wan a iitt'e tliuinier S:iiil;y.

lUtrk Hrr wxs jiunisiml Sjiturday.

SolIsiUir A4nw runs the city legal

affair.Oil cae (i;rn:id; at M inju ir.Irs

diU4o're.Hi Krfunrer is .ieiioiisly ill. with

co:l iiiiiption.

Ptreieat's fool oil at Marjumlt'sUiag store.

"t Seneca '.iiiiuon l'leas Court will

oj--n May iih.

?o Is the tiil.e t-- i lm illy f',lU at Iloj,-r-

Tb Ituds on the lun-s- t tnf tj -- iu V

fcl.tiff tinsof growth,- -- -

r.p has grown a lillle. an ! butLUie, Jii time oftlie year,

- - --

Ir. Sorloa was ln-r- l.ut wt---k totike a hand in th wpring det ioii .4.

la iiu.irovesn-Mi- t li is Wis-- n m ile In

arr:;ng went of tlie Auditor's oilkc.

Kr. Bjfr is in X-- York, and the.Mk 1 are almost giving goods away.


eHelcjr Sale-4eu:- I4y a K-- lltHi)

j:,!f j.t i'V: J-- If''.- -Xfw stock of wall paper and wii;dow

ahitilcs ut MiuquanU a dnia Ktoii!.

: Mr. Weldllng, 1 Iowa, visited hisbrU.ejr Harry in U.in city last wivlc.

Orders for store shades and iixt'.irespromptly lille.! at J. F. Manjuardt's.

ei(if fhJ i(ts nayj .f ii. l.igIioh it'.iica will rxhil;(i ii) this city

A n il sli,Vri.fi, 1,. Hont "f I'UU'Wh langh

Ut of Ivi We'n ick, is v ii! iu i! thiscity.

Dialog for water piC3 on the westsid f.th liker will coiiiuieacc nevtw ek.

Ijlcaehu l b.ij-i!!- j.1 'lligfor i jjor yard at Bi;yei'j

l. (i. Uillof , of 'the Atlcil; ami

Mr. Zii!, of i:r!'stlii', called on i;s this

H'l!tf '

ail,i I'I'IV' lil4Hp,' !!l s!S"?J'refovei'lli., '

Triisscr, Hhouliler-br;u:e- s nit I

at M.irqaardt's drug store.

J. II. Pitlenger retired from the of-fi- nr

of Mayor Monday. II.- - has m:ule

a good ollicer.

(d ni ;ul wiiii l, ., e::;'r"vel

cuvii I bills.

f'jqafvre S;iturday evening, at X.i-Ihi- fi

li tlie r.llje Kllsler l:a- -


Tif!i4 aeyr l el n 'lioitorthuh A. I.audon who slejiped downltd I oil! this week.

CliilJreu's clothing m:ile to order in

the U-s- t manlier, of the best material,at P. Scheih'ji.

l iaind 011 E.uter and so there is

;itij( 1'4 Im uu .u eveii (.ijjj-i'uli-

jjiejays folfoii.to Rational ' Ifall "on Tuesilay

FVi'i.iijij n'UVt4 Itwir ipis lii jant inn'j'htiCieds of thei:!U.!

It is ihV Iirgpselj U. ljaye tljree ni

u, iwstcad of foi,r rejiirethe Marshal f da iiolioe duty,


Miss Florencn Cronlse h:u lecu com-misoii-

by the Governor a NotaryPublic, Her commission is Xo. 9.

Cuitoa goods are advancing but wc

sell at old prices.XlCOLAI Si IIOLDKKM.VN.

J!jwarpf See the new aIvertise-iMliry'li-

iflaw Slfl'h'i Co of Pitts.uurgH. IX in thin issiie f tC Ti.ip:vxe.

Karslul Matschler is Marslud no

longer. ' Ho has held the ofljee a good

ils'-t- V1' I11" l"'n generally ae- -

f ij UmiKRt y of tlb ""first (j fleei)

day of April waa remarkably low.Cold , north wimii prevuileil luosl ofthat lime.

Dr. Waagaataa, of this city, will de-

liver bis lecture on Mormonisin inthe Representatives' Hall, ColumbasTueid;iy eveniug next.

new members of the P.oard oftji'cflt'io'n yilj'enler iipoij olit-ee7i-

Mtimlay evening. Th" l! aidwill lw organieil that evening.

The; continuous" rain of Mondaynight and Tuesday morning made theroads and streets muddy which bailbecome a little dusty in some phiccs.

I a;i . Special ky puuei. madefin lace and 'cotton edging to closo cut,

'o reganl ' for c'st must le (dowsl

out J. W. Ill Ai.

Ioil;r IjqoUs. Ay hoyyyi 'jeip.gKl, cheap look, in haijclsoiije bind:iitg, bhotld reail -- l'tterson's DollarSeries" in this pap.T, schft a book and

tin) day we suu ;itii.li iijoid orles inriL, but we iifust say that the

I'ajtenjs 01 X ayolu; .loycs ex.cei in eycry yf aj any oiuej:V seei) tit? yeiu.' Afg,

X. Si. Sjdelwaa has boon stdoclnd byMr. Wiley to take charge of diggingtrenches for water pies for the waterworks. Work will probably be com-menced to-da- y. -

Hosiery Sale. Special low pricesm ade on ladies' and children's hosiery.Our stock must le closed out, and todjit will give great bargains. Calland see our prices. J. W. Hoao.

Chs, H. Cramer.- - for several ) earjHireTlcleiit Tk'ji'uty in U10 1'rsibate Of,lien, ha oK'iied a law olllce over Xa-llou- al

Exchange Rank and Is preparedto practice his profession.

The new Council will lie organizedHfit Monday evening. The retiringmembers are Drs. Livers and Crawford and M. Scanned, all of whom haveUien exMIenl m'elulierj.

jonie one stole from Ix-ro- Xf ichaels,livinguoilh of to'v.'n.'on PiTJay last,ii'scf Ijf' harness Talu'ed at gts.iwi. 'Sol.Uti ,:ts W 'h ouid tb i Ije tbief iilll!

the harness has not licen

Her. 1. I. Riggef was ordained intlje Pnbvb-ria- n ("hurch in this cit yTq-s!a- y cyerfing. TIC services ieieHMjiUe t.sl i,y liey. liijsl.nell, uf

R.'V. It. B. Xjore, of tlis city,H!ld Hey. Ax tel, o.f Clyde.

I'f Tmi (jf T4ltet Tljo I'lOSt reljuedIi:I'Hj)s layx ai appreciation gf hive tud'M, a;i4 'hid pleasure in t(e use ,fHl lUjles Ugree tbie to (he sclse.uf smell.Wr, pria' l'iiiiie f'ei fumes are

by the W judges to be sue-llo- rin rich, fresh and llowery fra-grance to any coming trom aliroad.I or sale by b. P. Dildiue & Co.

EOPLE OF TIFFS NAnl all those wi.o lo lu iiness: in the of this commonwealth, we will say that we have decided to establish in this city a house for the sale of

n 3 i m ! I ' ni .1 1 n ii r 1 - r .

ens, Youiris5

doys ana unnaren s uoinina; ana uentiemen s rurnisninff boods.V li iv-- c tun- - ns y...i .1:1 1 !i iv t. . Our. . t in ,r i.iii lysines, !,.is l. n n;i :ovf- -l and enroiiral in every city in winch we have located, and m every instance we have succeeded beyond our most sanguine exiecUtions. "We have never iViIe.1 tosotMre the oniMjii?. or.' the ivm-i- and warn s.vmtp.1

V- - L, as v..- - advii:. U . I,. - lor s a: ,.:! Uv,.-s .,r i, !., known in our 11m. We wsirr-ui- t every aitirle as reiren;iiteL If any article orptrment pruvw to be not as represented we will exchange or return the money. We will be up wit'i th- - tun in St vie a id down with tit tin m ii V. rm?rrmHrih! it? abusLi.l in. t a Iv.mt : i :i, !,y f...v:;i and .Un-st- ie minnf wtiir. rs r.fiine w.,I,-- n and other fabrics. We buy minions and our quantit discounts advantages not conc!l to light weijUta-gi- ve us a pos'.ti.ra in wiii.-- we.-.i- a n t ey:n Wes-- i C 7 lV ,,i v ri

J , irJ-.-


lower than anv hotiie in tV-- - V.'it,our sales running into luillioas, with no one todiviRj. Wd can sell for Low. Prices and less mirgin nan any hjuse la Amjriea. Wj ye'M o 1 o ir N ' ' 1 ' "l"-1- ' at

104 SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET, SHAWHAN'S C0IVIIY1ERCIAL BLOCK, SATURDAY, APRIL 19thWith a laro stock of fine Clothing, m:ule of the Best Material and in the Latest Style. Examine our Stock and Prices before purcliasing

L. WINEMAN, 104 South Washington Street, Shawhan's Commercial Block, Tiffin, Ohio. L. WINEMAN.

Linen Hjnil ten Iiicfv. -- Hot,' is 1 lo.,--

nigoiil Ins.stiK'k of haiiilker.-hief- s andis making spi i.tl low priees ti effectthat result. J. W. Hoao.

khseor are rejuirl to tike theenumeration of all m tie inhabitants of

years and upwards. That includesall who are temporarily absent or who

to the army and navy.

Furnishing goods and hats, cheap forcash, at I'.Scheib's.

I am in dead earnest ill reyanl to(luaillg i'it iny notion Sl'ii k. It In :i it

itt auM, and t j eff.-- i t the s.il. willmake uiili'ii'.l r p. lees.

J. W. lid u

i. F. .Manjnardt is the authoriedagent in this ejiy foi IJolni.in'u liverlllid iig.je pu I. liny one.

1 have a few corsets left, .'till Willelirw them out at a ruinously lowp. ice. Get oui;i!'iei s before you buy.

J. w! Ho.Vfi."

The II. & Land t S. ei C. tunneltracks have lieen ceihsl with galvan-ized iron and the T, T. K. trackswith wood. The w.xvl lo-ik-s the U-st- .

'J'ho iiiipn'Veinenl is a much neededOo;.

Jlilllnery. iur st'v k of luilliueiywxs never in as good slia- - as it Is to-

day, and we defy eonip litioa inprice or style. Plejtw examine jii ieesand goods b; fore making your springpurchxses. .1. W. Ho w;.

The Assi-ssor- s of the County, twen-ty.'J'- l''

I'! ""leblT, Iijet at t'le An lit-oj:- 's

oUk Monday, t i.;eivii their:(irl blanks. They have till

tli' tlii"il tin-l.- iii M."'y to completetheir woik,

IliitloD Male. Vou rail buy buttonsof me for uliout half what you willhave to pay at other stores. The reasonis, our slock must !e clo:.sI out andwe pay no attention to cost.

J. W. HoA i.- -.

Ke. t:. t. korl), prutoi f II:' tii.i- -

111:111 Evangelical Church in this city.haslMjcn appointed to preach at I)e- -

troit, Mich. Mr. Koch has niadefi iei(ds duiing his sLiy in Tif--

lll), Vho V,dl r:ljlut bis depalpllst,

JJrij. and family, ih) ride,on Pen- -

felr-eiit- ti Covington, Ky, 011 Monday hust. Miss Maryaccompanied the. family, but w illturn in a few days to herphicc in the High School.

Notion Sale. We have a great manybargains in our notion stock that l.t- -

idica uili lliid it :.'!"e"!'!y o (heir in- -

lerest 10 ooK at. !i:r u i.(bi ush:s, etc.,' etc., ait! fearfully low.

4. V;II;;ac.

Toledo Division. There will lx: noii:,tt.-- t ;d idiangH of tinp! this spring ontheT-oliHp-i lliyisnin ..t the lviiujtvania railiHiad, u on the ii; iii Hhe, Sowc are informed by P. It. Myers, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Chi-cago, 111.

Clias. Slowe, an old newspaper man,was in this city Friday, billing thetown for Sells liro.'s show. travelsin a vriy (tta ad.eiiislnt; ca' and is a

live agent. Tim show by representstravels by ilsiiwii cars and is a monsteraffair

tyn the Ml; iist: loo I.. V. I., railro;d stqt;khohjei:s ehr-.le- l the followingofficers:

1 'resident .Clnis. Feeler.YkPres,-.t- 'fSec'y and Troas AV. If. Andrews,Gen'l Supt I. H. 15m go in.

The Reason. Tho reason for the unprecedented ileiiiiuul for Dr. Price'sCream liaking Powder is the result ofits beinc of suiKuior strength, uniformquality, contains no 1111 wholesome sul- -

stance. Having inoroiigniy tesieo 11,

we have no hesitancy 111 recommending it. sale by D. P. 1H Mine .Mo.

Thurxlajr diree men in a v. ag.ii; at-- .

tempted to cross the T, T. & E. railroad as an engine was switching somecan One ol tne cars ran into mewagon, wrecking it and throwing itsoccupants Got. I'liu (:utlts eie a lit;tic s'fiiiok iip.'biit'nolui inueh as .litirpjui-leiies-

s 'im'ghf ipiye c'usijted.----

(JloTe Sale. Kid and Iterlin glovesare Udngsold chwijicr by S3 jier cent,than you can buy the same qualityelsuwhere to close. You will have todill soon to secure the bargains wc offer in gloves, as they are going fast.

J. W. Hoao.

II. Jtoore.laie pt the City Mills, isalriutTonioYe'to'aiTy,-whfr- he bxstaken charge of one of Iho FloweringMills. Uid(u JiijmUi'nu.' Mr. Moore was formerly a residentof Tiilin. It will be news to his friendshere to le irn that he li:is Imuuo aflorist.

We notice tliat the meat market of.1. F. Veon, in --Market lionso has anew liroiirietor, Jolin 11 Poland, whois a practical butcher uf long experi-ence, having been 'engaged in thatbusiness foe years, in Weston, Woodcounty, (jlno. Ije cuines io ilii. cityIiiirlilv reeoininended as a gentlemanof business integrity. We lespeak forIimii a lilx-ra- l snare or patronage.

jij1orJiiii!)iC!: Tlje cntetta;n:ioutjj'iycu l(y tle Slial:fc.siiij(oaii Society, ofIJascmn, :jt that jilace ;ust Tuesdaynight, vt:is a. decjded si(Cce;iS. TheyWill lireseiit t'lu li'-i- "I,ady An'Uey'sSecret" again next Saturday night atthe same pl.tce. Prof. Ross" (Jrchestraof Tillin, will furnish the music.

Perry street, west of tin bridge, isbeing stoned. That is a good notion,but placing the stone in the mud, withno foundation whatever, is not ex-

tremely wise Solomon never wouldhave done such a thing. If nothingbetter offered the stone might havebeen placed on two thicknesses, qf theA a in ittMi: This is on tho jirinciplcthat in this ( ity any thing very wickedhas uiilxiuuded strength.

A Spkkdy Quietus is given to ahacking cough by that inestimablespecilie for pulmonary, throat, andbrouchical complaints," Hall's Ral-sa- m

kois the Li-nj- s, which curesbronchitis, pneumonia, pleu-ris- v.

laUntsI breathing find other dis-orders i'f the respiiatory irrans.Wrieiia Mugh manifests "Hselfr-tlie

G?rf rise of 'this Itenefiii'iit- meiHcineisearncslly recommended, as the diff-iculty is more easily 'overcome in itsincipient stnge than Liter on. ' Sold bvall fii iijjiiiiiij.

Beit Ilonstkeepers. If the bestin our land are to le' believsl, thereare no llavoring extracts worth half somuch as Dr. Price's Sjiecia! Flavor-ings. 1M l)r. !i uv'-- Vanilla!. Leiie'il,(liaime, li.isi-- , Aliuoiid, or Xectariueflavors once be usd, and they will al-ways be desired. For sale by D. P. Dil-dii- je

V Co.

An Irishman discharged an uycr-- .loaded gun at a rabbit. Having lecnknocked sensehuis, as he andruse from the ground ami saw thenimble rabbit makin-- ' off over the bill.exclaimed : -- Faith, an' if ye'd a bin atmy end or the gun, you wouldn't bescampering about in that way, sure."

Reekcfji.Ts Cnurenti'ia. - On Satur-day April i , I ;:. the.--: will b heljat l' ierui. Oiiio. t!i s-- :nl meetingof i!i tY: S 1:1 1 a sky Va!l 1! ;ekiep...rsAssociation. Th.-r- e will be topics ar-range I 1 assign ! by practicalapi.ii'ists, a co:n iilit . of the.; havingU-e- appointed for this jrirposi-- .

KverjbMly is inviteil to attend.

Miss linie Kllsler. We are pleased toinform our re.nlers of the coming ofthis distinguished joung aetn ss andlu r excellent company, who ap;ear atNational Hall Saturday evening, in thejioptilnr couiii: ojn-r- of II. M. S. Pin-

afore." As there has Ih-- ko g:eat ailesiie on the p.irt of uur ; ople to seeMiss Ki:i( in this !i !ig'i:ful play, webrsjiea'i fi.r her a large house, whichundoubtedly she will I. greeted witii.The tioiip ii ilr.iwiag firg" housesevervw here.

Aainsemeiit. Xext Safirday eveu-ih- e

H. M. S. Pinafore Coiiibinalii.n.with Miss KiTie Kllsler a? Josephine,will lil! an engagement at NationalHal'. This Jiopular comic iera hasmet with great success all ovi r tin-lan-

The company is a very strongone. carrying their own m;!sio;il,n andseein.ry, Mjss Efiia Liisler lis .Iosu-p!i:i- e

is apoke:: uf in tie highest termsof prai.-ie-. 'J liis will prove u treat toall ln:i:.ic-loiir- r ami a g nnl

house may be cvpii-ted-. The box

sheet is now open ut Hubb lid's.

Miss Jennie C. Hryant, of St. Loni ,

Mo, will give an enU-rta'n- nl atNational II. ill, on Tu sd IV evening,April Is'.;, c i!i)!.,tiiig o; l.iiiuo.iius:pid diaiu.t'.i.' readings. Miss RrowujiIiics to i;s lig';l rec.iiniir,niU"'l as

nne of the beat Kloealioni-it- s of thecountry, and with a wide reputation asa dramatic and huuioioiis reader, andwillei inpare favorably with X.dla F.lirotoli. P.y SKs ial reipiest she willreni'er the -- Creeds of the Rell.s." Gen-

eral :;dni;ssion, L enls; reservi--

seats. ".I cents. Tickets can If h id :(t

llnijli.i!ii .s n ng stoia. Ijoin.j .p.,i at; pi'i fonn i:is. at m o'clo .

Justices' lammissioiis. Tim Com-

missions from the Governor of Ohiofor the following newly fleet inl .Ji.u- -

tlM-- of tin Jv;;i,e :y. at lip; C'i'd'yl !;:i !;s' o!hVe( for didivuiy ;

I'!ea:.;iitt-.I:L- S. II. Iaids,on,Clinton-- P. H..Iayue.Clinton -- Daniel Dildiue.Rig Spring John R. Smith.Adam David Melger.Alams .!. S. Myers.Thompson Amos

Peter Ilaeiling.Senn-- M. H. Hensinger.

J.iif.i';. -'- 1 he fojlowiiill tol jitroi--s

were drawn ouda l.i:-:- t fertile Maytei lil of - r l.t :


H. A mi i . Kiflil W.ll.ri. li. H, t.l.-ii- ,

Jilliil Aiiles.lieiM.ill It'ilinT, i'l-V'!l- .

Aii:ln . llic l.rli.?.Lyman Willi.-- , Tirsl W;:nl.

V. I). Kl. i t. lC.l. n.K. II. Swam'.iT, ( lineiii.I'. l. r llolililall. AilaliK.1. .1. r.rii kiier, Kiflli W.ir.l.CIi:ul.' F...ir;!l W.ir I.

.la:.a. l'.-.-

.lani'-- s I!, kuii",lani:il Af. Kileli.

John P.. ( ii'Mj:ler, Spring.


liha'il CnalllH'C--l l W .ir.lJ. t'. Ami. .Ill l..li:Sflilpsell jelies, l'..loiJ'. II. Ijmwo, I'li'iisaiit.lleui j l)iii:i', U"H-el- i

I.iabav. Iloj.i w.:llW. . .avh,THoiii:us Noin v. iiie, !x:ijii!i,A, K, .riiiain.iiR,AliiMA'i Hall, 1'irs Want..1. M. Kniilt. I irst War I.

Jam.si Saiulers, Si nei-a- .


I11II10 annals ni iiumI. rn luxik iiiililisliint;nothing lias Ims ii apin.aih in(.Neelleiiis. aiiil eie:ipiuis the Hilar Si'iieo ei...4 (MM.ks,;; .hltsi.(--i .j T. I. l'C(el-:- i

CtVr: Sulil"uf luo veryUest urn tin III (siiiieiiipoiaiii-oii- s lliertlure haveUreaily lieeu gvru a plai'i' in this series. Sutonly have the publishers rulleil in (he ctii.icestIleitis fur niri- - works, Im they have enshrineU(lie fcortlty A..rkssei.M-lei- l in sightly ami tlnr-alu- e

ul-- l ;., .in.l w ;.! ai,i .ial-- o. ilnhave iuiuircl the catj ll l iiiiy ievicb ef pinit-iii- j:

a faiiieiis "ymk fioai iveqi t: jM (;i; i:iief (ifv, ti.ln-i- l ipiajily aipl 1I11 11 ini.illii il Lutlly hiII m jy p:i , i i.e, .s ruil:itiia!iiMi of thisrvmarkalilti 'liullar Heriin" the Messrs. Ivter-i- n

have jiitt issmd "Woman's WruiiKs,- byMm. Klliiart. Ih'Iiik an en!!it !y true yet Rraphlrilfseri.tloii of Hie ttivniin that Knirllsh wivesanil iiielliers we.l to vxurihless husliaiiils areisinM-ilM- l to emliire. sinre the days ulienl'harli" Uiekens wroii- - in tin iiriiiie ol his urealIMiwers tiiere has i no siieli an:iirnuieii( ofa hail KiiL'lish law as Mrs Kiioait Inuhliilly anilpowerfully ortniys in tliis poverfsl,r i.uU iil'c.trh.iiii 'novel i:lh. r y.'luiii s, ot the"liulhtr henesi" ar A Woinan s Tlimi. liisalniiil Winiien.1' hv ypss iili;. k. ' iy SiinSiWile." -- tlllt of till- - lieptlis,""Sarali'a," ' Tlie I'riihi ol Life," "i'Iih lier'nTrinls.' hy Mr.. M. A llriiloii. "Tlie H phairs"I rials." hv ICini-rso- '"Ul Sir

hy Jmne I'liyn. 'Ihi'Ulil latnM.n."liy Malllaiul. "Ilareni Life in Knypt ainK'on-slanliliople- ."

"e'ora Heluiont," "The UefutN.,""Tlie Keetor's Wife," Ann, l'ulty's SeranIlia.' "I he l iMpiette." "Tin. Wate'hniaker,"Tlie Story of KliaU lli." The Kival nelles.-


"Flirtations ill FashionaMi' Life." i'v, Wa,sIn JlatriiiK.ny " pie iwvons'. (;r;ile,""lne ami Duty,'' "t'uuiiiiv Qninlers,""Tint llfireta. in the TlieMan ol liio Wnrhl. I'lie (iiiwii's Favo-rite." "Tlie e'avalier," "Life of Kilwin Forrest,"

WiKxIburn Uraime." Iv the late William111. will. "A Lonely Life." The Ma.leriiietVliyTtoHoh. "T'aiiota," lv Mrs. Ilm-si-- "Trea-mi- u

al Home." "Tlie healthful Wiititw." 'Kil-a-

Won ley Moi!i;iie " ThfV'Rlst Ihe Ul,l.siia'si, ha...u..iiieM. at.il eries 01Ihit niT tmhlp iasl, i,ni uro ali isfinni in uni-form Nt l'le, In t;Miio pti iii, In.iiikI in ri'il. hltie. ortun vellum, villi (miIiI anil hlaek si.i.- -t :tn,Imek. ami are-so- at Ihe low prie of I hie llol-l-

eaeh. liile tliej are as Iai-- as any Imokspiihlishe.l at si.T.'.aml .'.mi eaeh. Kxery fami-ly ami every lilirarv should have in h some ifhot aeoirpleteselof Petersons' "Iif.i-.- r Series '.

ihi. v ill In lout, u V r Nfv. n: atlami NiHvs A vhl. ami i.u all Kail lloa.l Vraais.urritpieH ol any will tic sent to iinv place.' litnnce-- . per Riail. post pal.l. 0:1 iccoipt of $ mli.rearll oll w.llllt 'I i.y T. It. 1'elersi.ll & l!loll:erst I'hila.ieljiliia. l'a.


Th'or.li:i:ition eerciiionv of the Rev.I). D. Rigger, pastor-- i hs t of the FirstPresbyterian Church, of this city,took place on Tuesday evening of thisweek, and was the occasion of a very sol-

emn and profoundly impressive ser-

vice. The auditorium of t!i. ChinchWas filled with the usual cioen, nationand iiiiny lep.ui.nl ities Jiom thedifferent churches of the city. TheI'jcsiiyteiy if Huron adjuiirnisl Usregular semi-annu- al session on the nthinst. to the morning of the llth insUat which time they coiivenc-- for thepurjHise of giving Mr. Rigger the finalexamination preparatory to ordination.This ordeal, as the Rook of GovernmentStates, --shall consist of a careful c

a's to ihe1 candidate iiactjuain-t.uit- e

villi VypeHuiehtal religion, asto his knowledge of FJiihisophy.'TheoI-ogy- ,

Eclesiastical history. I'hl "Greekand Hebrew languages ' ;;nd etherbyapylo s ;;t il,:; c;,tii.i, of tl'e Ui-sby'- :

tery; as to bis knowledge of thei ij'.es and principles of

and ilisi lplinci , f thephtirch.ete. All i.f which we wcre.assur.-ta-'

by the ii,'el la! or. ltev. Williamson,was maile highly satisfai-tur- to tinPresbjtery by a si hour examination,of Mr. Rigger's proficiency in ii,(.tiipics named. ThcOrdinatjiiji Sermon

mis UeJivepcd by ltev. 1:. Ihishm l, d.D., of Frciiiont, the ordainir.g i:ayciby Rev. Moore of this city, the chargeto the lKmple by Rev. Axtell of Clyde.Rev. Williamson, as Moderator, pre-

sided and conduct d the ceremonies.CHURCH SESSION.

Connril. This ImkIv met Mondayevening with Crawforil, Eniest, Faniiinir, (ir.immes, Livers, Myers, Moi-ss- -

ney. Sting and Scanned present.i he minutes of last meeting were

read and approves!.Mr. I.audon, the out-goin- g Solicitor,

stibsl the payment in full of his indebtedness to the city of Sl:W,. andns-ite- tie; few law c:eses t i Jirosecutefor the city, yet devolving upon himMr. Scanned moved the verbal rcjtortof the Solicitor be receivoL

A by Dr. Livers, that theowners of proerty on the south sideof Ella street, having failed to buildsidewalks, as ordered by the City Coun-

cil, that the City Commissioner buildthem at the expense of the owners,was adoptisl.

The resolution of Mr.Grainmcs. thatthe owners of lots Xos..::o. ill, TAiJCZ,

Vit and Vr. oa the south side of Mainstrcci. east of Hedge street, in the .jthWard, to build side walksin front of their pro;erty, was adopt-ed.

A resolution by Dr. Livers that theTreas.uei's salary lie reduced to J

p:-- r aiinn.il, w as, after some discussion,lots

'1 hit Mayor's reort of lines ands (. u i. 11, and the Clerk's of

rents iW:.'?,), wereOn motion of Mr. Scannel the ns

Mrt of the firemen, relativ to theirelection, was received and filed.

Harrison Noble" presented his lxmdas Mayor of the city of Tillin. with W.P. Noble and John McCaulcy as sure-lie- s

t'lerii'i'l le;i'Y l. Adams hisIn,;,. I as city Solicitor, with W. P.Noble and John as suretiesthereon; James George as Marshal, hislioiid w ith I. F. Cramer and CharlesMutschler as sun-tie- s thereon ; WilliamSandys, his bond as Assessorfoi the First Ward with J.M. Lingenfelter and Is, F.Cramer as sureties; David Smylhc Assesor for the 2nd ward, hi-- s !o;.d withWIJiai X;e:i; aiiii m. J. McCtdlumassun lies; h. Fre-dric- i Assessor for the:rd Ward, his Ikiii.1 with J. A. Sol inand John Rour as sureties; EdwardPersons Asssor for fhe ltl "V:irl,hlxind with Edward. Juii1 ld C, J.Yi'',gJ'"g v& avct;e-- ; and ,1, X', Willia.nlAssue.av lor the ."ith Ward, his beuidwith E, W, Stephenson and Dr. Geo.W. Williard as sureties..

It was resolved by tho city councilthat the Rrnuls of the foregoing lie ac-

cepted and the sui-citie- s thereto sl.

At the suggestion of Mayor Pitten-ge- r,

YT. Livers moved that the clerk leinstriictei to priK-iire- suitable lietok fornfonling IkiiiiIs of oiliccr.s,ar)d ,,!uitl;ert.ir i;u i,.-.-tt or the Ajayoi, vvhie.li wasai'ioj.jtd.

'i iie iiiotiun of Dr. Cisiwford, thatthtr lamp fiosl at lYofisor Rust's bercnpivtsj to a 'jKiiuf caat of the schoolho'.i, and that a new one bo erectedat Circular Htnnt brldgo on JIarket.strei'i was adopted.

Dr. Fanning moved that a lampjtosl be erected on R.1L street, betweenDavid Leitner's and Market streetAdoptee..

The motion of Vr. ..i(,.e.y Hull alav.. p. ,i t.i ljt pl.uwil at the luterse'ctionof S:uiditskT and Miillierry streets inthe Second Ward was adopted.

The motion of Mr. Grammes Uatwo lamp posts be eyec'al mi Mainsirt, nit" ii tin iijteixect ion withSc!niciih:tr.t stris't ai';j the o'her at itsintersection witii Circuhir stnct vyasiust.

Dr.. Livwa noys"ef fhat a Iwifi l'tbe cicctr! at tle intersection of MadUsou an 1 Front strcaiUi, in Meedianlos-bur-g.

Adoplesl.Dr. Livers' motion that in conse-inence- of

Front street lieing infringedupon, the City Commissioner be in-

structed tu deiiai; its lnHiiularies wasadopted.

The motion of Mr. Sting that a lamppost lie erected at inteic-t-tiu- i (it(Ja) and i"...tukiih atrects was lost.

A resolution introiluivd by Dr.Crawford to'give each V ard a ioliec-ina- n

was lost.Dr. Crawford having called tip the

Fjre Depart !ner,t ryiatter, iir. hiiianelnojed fliat tlie Fjie t'oinpiittee, wit'lthe Siilicituv, investigate the legality ofthe election uf Chief and if practicablercKnt at next meclliig, which wasadopted.

Chief Engineer Myers lieing one ofthe Fire Committee tetidcied his resignation, which on motion of Mr. Stingwas


The Press and Sells Bros.'s GreatRailroad Show.

The Great European 7 ElephantRailroad Menagerie and Circus, ; hi jiis to exhibit, Tilhn, on MondayApi jl stli, ehicrf not ndy uiion' unsus-taine- d

brag and and big-bille- d blusterto create confidence in its claims tosuperiority, but offers the best proofof its real greatness in the recordedverdict of the best pa;y;,j. it, intist bea truly gigantic aiiilsem'ent venturewhich such a journal as the Cincin-nati Dtiil.'i, Eunirer deliberately de-c'a'-

"exceeds in lmth size, noveltyand expense anything of iljp i,iial


heretofora aia'4Hteul miif inchalesamong other npticcabje. fvatiires. t ele-phants, fiii; largest nuiuluT ever exhilUtl by any one menagerie." Rait andstrung its is this compliment; it is

by the press everywhere, as willlie Keen from the following, to whichcolumns of similar purport might beadded did space permit:

Well recommended as the show hascome, and liberal as were its promises,it fnil v merits the one and redeems theother I'Ut.shnnjh lUitly LKsutK.

In short, they e!terto the"publicthe most 'giganti eniluyuie'nt of iiattr,ral 'oiject;.te;:u:l5iiig ad morallYi'.iu.sctneiit on the hemisphereftije tt;luii.) h'tily JoihihiI.

The folhiiion of anim;ils Is the f-

inest we ever saw. lk:atttr (.) DailyHuh.

The circus department is complete,embracing many of the greatest

of the century. LtnisrUlt

Itss?msas though the jeople u;dturned out ci. ;c t; liiure theliuest paiatle of the kind ever givenhere. Vkrtlithil f hilly Plain Deal-er. ' --'

' We chesf-rfiill- the SellsRrot'.iers and their Elephant ShowttUhe patronage of the public, vithtiie Is'surai'Ce tl;:it tVfiJ" fti'.ture'

, IH bo and everyengageiiiei'.t inaile by (heui will le f ul- -

lilicd. Ililh't'ile iJpiJ lilfW't:Those illustrious suckers, the jtaii of

twiu-niirsi- liahy eiepha'nts, are anotable feature, and they rival thepolitical outs in bawling when de-

prived of their p:tp-lottl- by theirwet-nurs- e. Willis Cobb. Clt ctland

)n W"ln,-sil:i- y niklit, a (jenmiii hail-ing front Tirlin, was knoe-kts- l downnear the Shemiau House, this city, bysonie uiikuown ierson, nreivinj'a badcut in the foreh-a- d. Dr. Rn kettssewtsl up the wound. Fimllny Jiffir-sijliiui- t.

Xow who is --a German V Thereare several jhtsoiis known by thatname iu this city.

LLst of Letters remaining uncalledfor in the I'ostotrn.-e- , Tirtin. Senecacounty, O- - April 17lh:Barto. Mrs. Klla leader. LizzielUiwersox. Kachel Keel. Alfredinline r, latins lachanls. SvIvaniHI'arrull. Jalues Koa.li, Jaruh II.Carl. Ttiirtlias Sailor, CatherineI hilds. Cura Sleight, C. I.e'romer, Samuel T reiler, Charles S.Hooker. Jomah Thomas. WiiliantIoller, Allulph Warner. Mary E.liose. Lillle A. Walker, KiiimaMarsh. Hattle W atson, Henry KM.S'arthv. Lizjie Wetemt. IlualieMS aui;hey. K. S. Wilcox, W illiam H.M'SJ-ube- John Wonn, MichaelMelou:Uil, Uille

Persons calling for these letterplease say adve-rtise- All letters notcalled for within four weeks after be-

ing advertised will be sent to the dead- -


A literary society has been organizedin this city liearing the name ofAmerica's foremost writer iu fiction,-- Xathanial Hawthorne." The olliccrsare:

President. J. F. llider.Vice lresideuL K. Weuuer.Secretary. H. Weuner.Treasurer. Mix Grace Uogor.Executive Commiltee, ltev. (ieorfeO. Ilarri-uia- n,

Miss Amu Sleveus, and Miss KiuiuaMch-uU- . i

The oliJee ts of the society as namedIn the constitution are "To cultivatefine letters; to improve in elocution;to foster good literature; to txtiibl'ixh apubli: library ; and to promote themutual acquaintance of the mc miters."

Tlie following is a rviort of the pult- -lie schools of Tilhn for the seventhmonth of the school year,'!iKling M.mh2S, is.1t;


Xuiiilier 7M

Ntllllher alisellt IMiiulK-- r ol Willi suitstiluu. aNuuiher ul.ualf-d- a abM-u- t without ku--

sliliite INamlier tardy 3N'timlM.r of ewst of l:irliiiet 4 i

ferceuL ol Ret;


Nuiiilier enrolledA venule iiutulter behrtisiu.-- . mAirraKf will. aoi'i4iii mi :

Per cent. atlcJaM. U ul ttiiMliuobt :.SI'er wot Utadauve 14 o,l averacc No. Uc- -

lai.mi. aiciiinU-- r tardy !

NiiiiiImt of cast of tardiiii-- m 140I'er cent, of punctuality ..ij.tl

lllllliTlil pupils truant. 1,...,.,., i.Nuinncr ol caaes 01 Irualic-V- .. US

Numlier pinii.hcd by lorjiorai poiiUhloeiit. . 41Nuuiher ol case id tul H,iai puuuhiueut.... 4iVlllnlN'r I.il(ylnH OrllMHU MNipiiUcr o wm ut Urdiuena tue ,ui uioula

J lit( ywu--, lIJecreaM)...,. HHS

H. H. HALL,'Have vou iriven electricity a fair

trlid for your complaint, madame?'asktsl the minister, as he took tea withthe old lady. -- Electricity! sanl she."Well. ves.'I reckon 1 Lave. I wasstruck by lightning last summer andhove out or tne window, nut it dnlu 1seem to do me any sort of good." Dn- -

I'jh Traoeller.The Rockford Seminary Alaiu&iiit.... ...... 1 1 , r . t .

aiumm: -- inetrocst uiri i.iammetn innd(',or( iijid (aikelli loudly and maketh aindsei, for her lieart i without guile,and t,he itan:tii nut tuo words or thehall leat her, but the naughty girl shut--(etu the diHir softly, and stealetli upktairs in her stocking feet, and stumlileth over the rocking chair, and thelast condition of that girl is worse thanthe first."

Life is full of sorrows and disap--

lioiiitments, but the most sanguinehopes of all those who try Dr. Rull'5Cough Syrup are always, rliiaxJ. Itnever uisatMii.i.s, ihiub zj cents.


The Cheapest and best CqJIe'o baulie bought at Maalhi, egfcle1.

loa cheap and good, lutrness go, toJ'oorman ci Sprr, s and get them.

Harness down to old. uricea, at X;

inan & Son'-- j, Call nnd w Uiout anda-- t la-io- iHd got tho wortli of yourtnojiey,

Foil 90,10 you can get a full suit ofWashington blue lkuinel at the headquarter clothing store of Strieker &


Those who wish to use pure groundspices should ell at Martin & Segele's.

TnrxKs. PoonteiiU V Sou Lava Cdi1 41 ;U a linn assortment or trunks,wiileii they offer low for cash, ineyalso repair ail coyer trnn,k9. Call onthem.

Sew spring dress gotQd.3, oijen. to--

4:i.y it f, ir. shnwi,'ul, n i,a l4ew

tcHm iih J, W, Hoag, millinerydealer, opposite National Hall block,sign of the ml banner. Expenses arenot half what they were in the oldrMiin and you can buy goods correspondingly lower. Call in there andget some of the rich bargains offered.

A Cahd. To the ladieij fcf Titli'j auivicinity;". Lj:v..g se;.cire a s,wvio3Mor ji.ss ideisx.r, who is no wen Knownftir eU jfiint taste and workmanship, 1

would nspectfully ask you to call andexamine her work and our new stockbefore buying your spring goods.

Miss Lib. Grape.

qs .Piitm Steel Plownot only does thespring plowing well,but stands up; to itswork iri tHft hai4ea

Sotjce. The Seiieca County Po.mo- -.

na Grange vyill meet in, Clyd,e, Sari-dusk- y

count v, Qliio, TnjCi, Alvt ll22,; sit i Mik 4s'?4n Afull aiteid;ince cf nteiibcTs inswtedmin3 biis'niess. of importunoe willho lfuie tho meeting ami questions ofi'.lterttjit discussed. Afternoon sessionoja'ii to all fourth degree memlers.An evening session will be held at 7o'clock for the purpose of receivingapplications for membership and con-tinuing the fifth degree.

A. L. Sua feu


"Vhea. you, buy a pluvf, belectUio one made nearest home. Thereaiu several reasons for doingthis. Many farmers do not thinkwhat the cost of repairs will bewhen the agent of whom they buy takesup some other plow that pays him abetter commission. Sor do they t,Uik'of the loss cccaioreii by hnving owait SjC s eial days for repairs, to'be sent'from some ' iultaiii 'jipift't,' 'Wfiien' thej"oiigh't to te busy turning oyer the. sodSever buy a plow' tnat' joiij do,knoic. w ill d ff Kxl work $ Ltl, aiirV'and fall plo.vii;. ii, feiiciy gao.miiil as

el as tl;e lareVt sent iany f theP,lows1tatli:vt2V'cn.s.i4d. af late, un-

der g names, have pruveuexpensive aiiicle 'Sht y usually werepushed out whi-- n the ground was mel-low, and they showed to very good ad-

vantage. Rut when the hard fallplowing commenced, they were foundwanting. We have manufuctared.plows in tliis aectleui for thirty yearsand think we know what Uie farmerneeds, TUu Til'm plow ha stood thetest s here no other plow could meetit. It fills the wants of the fanner bybeing the plow for hard ground as wellas being the lest plow for sticky andloose ground that can be produced.Call and see our plows. Prices again

IMis & Stmak,Tiffin, O.

To the Pcblic. The undersignednas removed his livery, feed and salestable into the Commercial Housebarn, where he will keep a first-clas- s

livery, feed and sale stable. You canfind the best horses and rigs of allkinds. Farmers will find it to theiradvantage to stop with him and havetheir horses cared for.

C'UAS. Ml'TSCHLEB.Itoprietor.

It is settled beyond a. doubt thatMartin 4 X'egele keep the best Teas.

he'Dbkx chajioih id 0i9 weather brineen acute ntuurlu of Catarrh, aitd render chron-ic cases- much worse. The CoiaTiTeriox.n.lAIAkSH kkmkdv tuius felicf ml ouce. Itis lor sale by J. t . Martuardt.

We cannot too forcibly imoress uuonthe public that the severity and mor--"'"j "i I'lpiuueriH can ue controiieuif brought early under trealmeiiL Asingle annlication of some oaten t remedy will often destroy the germ of thedisease, which, if left to rankle andpoison th system, will result fatally totne patient. .Medical skill has culminated in Lawson's Curative as thesafest and most effectual renmlr fortuis uisease, as wen as all aifeetions ofthe throat .so perfectly is it adantedto removing the primary symptoms ofDipiitheria, that no family should bewithout a bottle of it iu the liousn foruse in case of need. It ean lie obtainedt any dru stoi j.




lioyd Lawrence is studying law withJones & Rrown.

Joel Hale and Edward lreble. thevnewiy elected constables, were sworuin and assumed tlie duties, of their office l4l .Saturday, .

Workmen are busily engaged iunishing up the hall in the now 0raHouse bhak. When completed, Fos-Uot- ia

will have one of the finest hallsin tlia Statu.

nitrlok O Rrien, a former Fostoriaboy, wxs Stnet Commission-er of Upper Sandusky at tho recentelection.

Work on the new Catholic Churchwill be commenced next month.t nngie jsower snipped live car

loads of potatoes to Raltimore histweek.

Mrs. Sninatilha Hale, long a suffererfrom consumption, is lying betweenlife and death, and apparently cannotlive much longer.j.j. mini, oi unartotte, Mich., a

former resident of Fostoria, has beenfnhviitteel to practice law.

Silaa P. ldleman, a young man ofthis city, who has been suffering withinflammatory rheumatism for sometime, died last Friday. His remainswere taken to Marion, O. on Saturdayfor interment.

The little son of Samuel Kiser, ho wwas kicked in the head by a Uore afew dayi ago, is rcjwrtcxl better andwill recover,

Jltn, Adam Cramer, who has beenvery ill, is now out of danger.

John Rowman, of Lima, has located,in Fostoria, and opened out, a, linestock of boots aid. sl,iai3ii tu. the roomformerly rttr.iad by Goo. lfwyer,M!s U.w'W11. '3 . Vf'de awake businessloan, and we welcome hirft to. ourmidst.

The Uniurn. fnutory of l J. Pelton,m tiTJ tQrnliii, Wood county, wasdwtroyed by fire a few nights since.

Mrs, J. J. Laird, of Charlotte, Mich.,is viaiting friends ',d relatives in thiselty.

l'erry Chance, one of our oldest citi-zens, was stricken with paralysis a fewdays ago, and now lies in a very criti-cal condition.

Ren. Simons was elected, SLt4la,l. ftfWest MillgroYe a M3 electiein.-- .

Pc. Eaton, of 4:w-k'w- n township,In, we learii, quite sick wit neuni,Iiain the stomach.

A meeting of lto stockholders, of thoIake Erie 4 Lpuisville railroad, washeld last week, and. th folluwiua offl-fe- rs

elected t i'Teaiilent, CUarloa Fos-

ter l Vice tHeSidcut. and Counsel, C.S.Uricej Secrefciry, and Treasurer, W. II.Andrews; Superintendent, I. II. Bur-goo- n.

The Columbus & Toledo railroadcompany, forwarded from Fostoria,for the year ending December1879, 6,11'LSH tro-R-

iwhich tdY ea"! revenue Of.;l,'

.asj tliej Relive je4 at thia pointVii&dvUk r which they received87e3; 11,15a passengers were carri-ed from Fostoria, 5,454 going north,and 6,105 south, for which the comp anyreceived 8,7(12.60. Total earnimrj

'Fostoria, 20,448. 59.

Atreotnt Utee.Vi'i, tf the ReliefetjV'aroj Ladder coinpany, the fol-

lowing offlccra were elected:President Joel Hale.Vice rresldent.-- S. F. Kiser.Foreman-Dar- ld Snyder.First Assistant Foreman. Fra,:,k fcvSecond Asiistitt FvMin r! 4. KiinTr.

Tr'e.-P;'fi- e. 4b1 aija Frank

Secretary -V B. Enlaad-Treasure- r!

t). F. Lloy d.i'ioneer Eivgine COffWiny. (tfl fx

day evening of wfcli, eliscfetl tliefullQvf irig Wtloew fw the eiumingyear:j'ldit. Allan KawPniau,

ice I'naWcut-- J. t. DeWuM.Svwetanf.-- T. 0. CartUle.tTtsuurer. W. I). Robbius.Fureuian. John Noble.

. First Assistant Foreman. John Lynch.Second Assistant Foreman. W. B. Rollins.Trustees. Johu Watruer, John Fortz, and

Frank Cap leu.

Fire Police. John Warner. II. W. lUis,.W. IL Leecii. L. I. Uussetter ai.tk "kiauk'Copies. '

Six hi'Tdvyii auel egk.tyHiUja votes&eVo"ioled in this city at tV. teelectivn. of which, Ckyvte, jur U--??'.XW

WWx Hiwoiilu, of TtUln, has tikenwlidruo uf the American House.

At a recent meeting of the society ofthe Presbyterian Church, by a unani-mous vote, the services of Rev. JosephHughes were retained.

The Van Buren and Sew BaltiryviL

The Fy('a,(-- Ui LVtneran tiuahv ' 4 y'uiytliee'n reuUed and fixedutliig)od style.

Fjredl Dujibau is travelius fa js&

South with a circustiMw & tU Ut wu-- -

9aj Qtiil recently donated iV4 itW improyeiuent of the r.Yan-54ic- al

Lutheran ChuKli.VU.rkj Uuerney,of this city, has

gone to Rowling Green, Wood county.to study law with Gen. Day.

The work of laying the foundationfor George Lemp's new brick bousehas been commenced.

Abne--r fceonard, one of the oldestresidents of Washington township.Hancock county, died Tuesday of lastWeek.

The Fostoria Union Schools enjoyeda vacation last week.

The Township Trustees report thatthe have overil.ouo in the Treasury.

Philip Wamines shipied another carload of horses to Troy, S. Y, lastweek. "Phil." is dealing quite exten-sively in horses, and pays good price

John Rates, of this city, feft 'fromthe roof of his house lat "Saturday andbroke one of bis arms at the wnvt-D- r.

Henry was called and dressed thePEDRO.


A Bible class was organized recentlyto meet at two P. M with Dr. H. B.Gibbon teacher, and J. D. Reese secre-tary.

The U. B. people built a piatfonu infront of their Church last week. P. wasa much needed improvement.

Lee Ritter and wife, and John Ha-wor- e,

of Shelby county, were visitingin our village last week.

Mrs. Henry Lew man was visiting inMansfield recently.

Henry Ebright put his goods aboardthe cars this week for Michigan, wherehe intends to make his future home.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fitzpatrickburied their little daughter. MaggieEdith, aged two years and five months,last week. The parents and friendshave the sympathy of the community.

Mrs. Jones, of Buffalo, mother ofMrs. Fitzpatrick was here last week.

Rev. Hastings will deliver a lecturein the M. E. Church on Friday eveningthe 2.1th inst Mr. Hastings comeswell recommended and we hope thepeople will gire him a full house.

William Lanning has- - moved onAbraliam Ash's farm and he will worksaid place this summer. He has alsotaken a job of cutting 4uo cords ofWood for Mr. Frey of the grist mill.

The Odd Fellows will celebrate thecolli anniversary of the order in theL'nited Slates at this place on Saturday, the 2tah inst. Good speakers willue present ami a general good time isexiiecteiL All are invited.

Joun Sjtnitli, or t us toria, is runningFitzpatrick's paint shop.

J. A. Johnson and his daughter Anna were in our village l est wok. Theyexpress themselves weII pleased withtheir new home.

It is a boy an I stops with JiurohKime. He will lie a ve.tr old nextEaster.

Dr. Fuller, of Burgoon. is very sick.Rer. B. Struble will preach at the

Liberty Clrirch two miles south ofhere, next Sunday.

The Liberty Sabbath School reorganized recently for the summer term byelecting the following officers: Superintendent, I pton Ash; AssistantSuperintendent, W. B. Flack ; Secre-tary, Charley Harrison; librarian.Charlie Park; Treasurer and Chorister



Rer. S.IL Allen, a Disciple minister, of Fairfield, Ohio, will prc:tch atthe Universalist Church, Tuesdayevening, April 22d.

C. C. Pancost and family, of Wy;ui- -dot county, were risitinj friends, herethis week.

Miss OHio Mackey, of Chicago Junction, was visiting her friends here onSunday.

Jack Crossley is around again afterhis long confinement with a brokenknee cap, which accident occurredFeb.2IsU

T. M, Pancost and wife returnedfrom their western tour of two monthsiii, Xebraska, Iowa ond Kansas. Theyare in love with the Weat, ami expectto locate la Iowa shortly.

The Republic Cornet Band are getting new uniforms made In Tiffin, at J.R. Frost's, at a cost of 2oa They areto give a dance in town July 4th.

The Eolian Band have got new instruments and know how to play them.They expect to get uniforms soon.

Chittenden & Mansfield bought andshipped from this point since August10, 1873, 141 car loads of wheat, making04,000 bitshoK nt an. average price of55 oeAfa rer bushel making a total ofgflftOOQ paid by them alone, Stickney$ Dentler bought (W.Q00 bushels, mak-ing l;!2,00q Uushela of wheat boughthere since last August, which wheatntuat Lave been grown in a radius oftwelve miles of thia point.

Mrs, IL J. Taylor has moved hermillinery and dressmaking rooms toII. Mansfield's store, and has in heremploy one of the best seamstresses inthe State. The ladies of this vicinitywill always find the latest styles.

OneCJ. Thompson, profeaamababea physician, put, j a,ft ameearaiice atthe Arvtila liaise o.n,e Right last week,uiiln.ecesa,riiiy lull or wnlaky. hen heWived to hu downy couch for sweetrepose, he also "downed a dose of amorphine. In the morning he made aterrible fuss and sent for one of ourM. D.'s, who paid him several visitsduring the day and then, lteel auuiwxne iOWMjim trustees, whoV.i) )lQ Wu without investigation.It seems as though they (the trustees)took a new departure for some reason,for we know of one instance when th,esame trustees refused to allow. a,rAoXlcrphysician a bill. coae in, tvfurnitywith, iVtstfr6 AYe Wivld add that theSs'O. omftn had. n.Q 'elucata.



At tne recent election In our villagethe Republicans carried the entireticket, and elected one trustee and getone constable against a former majori-- J

ly of from uu to 200. Is that not victory enough for one day Wake upTiffin brethren and be with us here-- .VENICE.


A wo are usually uotuiisi by ourrj?gu,lar corresrideAt of tho go'"iand co.tu.ers iu, tki vkinlty of Uloom-YiU- e, is

cuiiuectiou with the many in-

cident which make up the variedchanges in our business and social af-

fairs, it will be unnecessary in theseitems to refer to these matters ofm;ual occurrence. But since our al-

lotted sphere of action seems to be cstIn this locality, our interets i rellas personal aiVV&t-V- . W$forth fiutai tVeirtturis aj to the f u-- re

pros'ierity of our town and V-


Otoj rurces, aiie gocL, blunted iothe'gardca. oi tU 0MUUTT. with soil

uAUT'iV wUici is tilled by ladas-tv-y

Sfid yields in abundance. Ourruanufactorit. though Unilted, are ofthat class which are substantial, theproducts of which have created a for-

eign as well as domestic reputation.Our mercantile facilities can be classedamong the best of the inland towns ofOhio, and although situated in themidst of competition, it on.!y give inlife to trade when m.e with teal anddetcrainaliuu, Morally, socially andInteUootually we breathe the samepure atmosphere of freedom vouch-safed to us by our forefathers, andwith schools and churches chiefly un-


tlie management of intelligent andenergetic workers, gives a basis for apromising future. On the otherhand the dews of intemiierac wftlitheir ghostly phantom, jif, dvluuiactread, rei-eat.- " 'jetiw to the lasttrt,rhidi, lie re to rally in hopes offinal triumph for the bloated crewwhose incense bears only sickeningodors of debauch and wretchedness.Hut believing as we do that true mo ai

rality and intelligence, aided by unre-mitting energy, constitute the frame-work of permanent success, we bideour time, hoping that every good im-

pulse may be on the alert to securesuccess and a lasting prosperity in theright, for lack of thought and energywill blunt the susceptibilities of anycommunity, and imperceptibly makedupes of those who wait for some-

thing to turn up. Unfortunately,however, our public heralds (known aseditors of the place), have in their pre-

tended devotion to neutrality, stoodaltxtf, trembling under the rod of jus-

tice or stooping to sip the nectar to se

their thirst. History has toldtheir fate, while the Rewrd, still an in-

fant sheet, is clothed in neutral "garbwith patent outside, and an inner partthat only hisses at justice, and then re-

tires with falsehood on its brow.While clamorous still for glory and re-

nown, it cries of fraud, corruption andinvestigation. Akin in political faithto those who know no other cry, on theeve of election it shrieks in agony.Oh! hearken ye unto its cry, for ifaught be taught the public mind theneed of such investigation, it is theslippery tricks of Rloomville editor.

Re prompt, without delay, else likethe Kerorrf. and Jiauntr of the past,you but look upon the carcass of thedead, unlamented yet, miti.h butt. Rutalthough this sheet has been the childof many whims of misforlune, ami oi

grieved its foster parentage, vetdue hope ischerisiietl that it in iv sur-

vive the days of teething, an.! not tii-

ere it becomes a yearling.ENCOMIUM.


As nothing has appeared from thisplace for some time, we w ill give yona few items. This phice is sit nated inReed township on the lialtuiioli' andOhio railro-ul- , eight miles west ofChicago Junction, a.id is known onthe railrtKul as Attica station, but tnepostollice is Siam.

Henry Kimmcl has moved to Re-

public, and is railing a saloon andboarding house.

Mrs. Dr. Reynold moves em herfarm this week.

A band of Gyisies encamped overSunday on the hill between this placeand Attica, and were visited by largenumbers of the curious.

The election in Reed w:l hotly con-

tested, there being three tickets in thefield. The following are th; names ofthe successful candidates:

SIAJ.) Levi I Idler. Rep.

Trustees Cole. ...11) James Ford, " is

Treasurer A. R. Brant, Dem 24Clerk San ford Siles, Rep 1

Assessor B. F. SanfonU Rei. 42iC.J.Uipler, G.&D--4;

Constables- - i J. I. Williams. Ren.2o) Delno llellerly. 1. :

Juatlcc of the Peace M. Hensinger.S.


WOOD COUNTY.At the recent election it was decid

ed by a majority of the voters to builda new school house in Rowling Green.

The family of J. R. Swigart, of Toledo have moved to Rowling Green.


The contract for building the jail ofthis county has been awarded to J.Karat, of Defiance, his bid of Sll,XVibeing the lowest. ,,, Forty-eig- ht citi-

zens of Findlay attended Joseph Cook'slecture in Tillin hist week.

SANDUSKY COUNTY.Chauncey Walhoff, while engaged in

blasting at ono of tho quarries justwest of Fremont last week, was se-

riously inj ureal by an exuloaion ofpowder. He h.ul just lighted a blastwhen a s'tark of fire fell into a cancontaining about three iounds of pow-

der which he held in his left hand.There was an instant explosion. Wal-hof- fs

face and body were burned in aterrible manner. While his coiuo,avions rau to his assistance th.o Uat ex.ploded, throwing Vtt"ttfc's in everydirwtuoubfot fitfttjnately no one waslirti It ii thought that he will recover.

CRAWFORD COUNTY.Saturday, a boy of aliout eleven

years of age, son of Jacob Ridgley, ofBucyrus fell from a horse and siiita-Ht- d

severe gash in his left vhrrk. whichDr. Carson fouml Bevesary to sewup he. i,vV& kul several teeth, and sus- -

taUieU a severe concussion of the l.rainfrom which he did not recover fornearly twelve hours.

Dr. Georgia Merri man tita nturncdto Bucyrus to prtoUvO 1 provsaion.She eiitira J jtractice now, but

tt!. Ur9 lr;tatiun of establishing aniiiatitution for the treatuieut ofwomen's disoivsea. There la nothing ofthe kind west of lliiladelphia, andthia fact make the field a good one forsuch work.

The Pennsylvania railroad system ofadministration has received the highcompliment of being recommended tothe government of Prussia as a modelon which to base changes, in thf adsministration of its sUtO ruUvOivts by arauroau oincer, wnuin i scut, kj miaconntry, tutMly our roads.

'fbe RttyhUf of Tuesday has this:The Springfield HiUi: says of

diaries Voaler: "if nominatisl weheartily support him, although

he "boa done some things which we can"not approve. He is a good and strong"man ou general principles," All this

good sense, and we most lie:irtilyit. Mr. Foster's best fricuils are

thofse who do not hesiuite to Hieakfrankly of his mistakes as well ;upraise bis good points.

A Wab;?j;ytyr istbe Cinein--

lhfe President will almost cerUlnlvveto'the Army Appropriatieiu Rill.The Republicans are a uuit in urginghim to do stj. The general opinion isthat he will do it, and the uncertainty

ovKiug to the f.icl that be very prop-erly deciiues tu say what his actionwill be in advance of the passage ofthe bill by the "senate. Rut those .near-est to him have no doubt ou the sub-ject ; not that he has said to any onewhat his course would 1, but all thestraws point to a veto. The test willbe squarely made between Congressami the Kiecutive. and one side willhave to back down ; and the wbwht t J I

government will stop as certainly as tlwithholding ol money wuiowiu i mus-ing men, uninfluenced by the passion-ate KVtWWi''u. oi tlie hour, believethat we are approaching a grave crisis

govenimeut aaairs, one tnat winteat the strength and elasticity of ourinstitutions. Republicans are serenelyconfident that whatever damage isdone will be charged to the account ofthe Democratic party on the ledger ofpublic opinion, and that this party isputting itself iu au attitude to lie U-ut--

out of its boeits in every X,c4be"State. Sjieakiug of tl'fc n,tltii of t helJeuiocrats to, Vvu4i the recpolmibilityupon tvftvisUUHsiU. Secretary Sher-rau'aiij- ii

that the American peopleare hot such fools as to be so deceived,and that they will lodge the

where it llongs aipiinst theDemocratic party. This is the generalopinion among leading

Job lPntin.gDuue on Short KuttCS anlat lair llvtnf'jtiiers


JOHN M. KAULL & CO.Have Moved their Stock of

BOOTS & SHOESTo their New Quarters,



And the Best Stock of Boots and Shoes in Tiffin.

J. 3T. !ECA.TJT ,T i & Co..- - - - -

We ilesire to call the Attention of BUTTER MAKERS to the Oransre Conn-t- vRUTTER IIWDER which we Itelieve to le very ViUuable when properlv

used and understood. ONLY i.l CENTS A ROX.

e5 B0UE3 OQUMCZS (Pj hir 'ry THELAaoaoEHOUflssaucEalli t $s- tf jZJs TCL MINUTES.

flci-r- ? "j iV?f KErPSmEButTSlEHESH C, trfe?

Uv I -- L. . BUTTEHKOUDIinCotiroi. X. T.. Dee. Snth, VTH. ncntlemeM I hare been nsinij yonr Ornnje Coonty Batter Powder

for tmtue tunc, and And it ali too claim lor it. ami we think no mnrh of It that we It to ournriehhnra. I And it cotviii.-rahl- Khortcns Uw time In chuminc and eives th batter a ane waxy tenureand golden color. It aino lacreiWJl the quautity afbuttcr protiuce4 Xrom the same amount of creaia.

Vnow, IKA ROSS, Dairy Farmer.

itcr HUc," i4 to fcl. i lUJi. P.O. n Ks. Tar allaa JUamiactarlBff Cs JtaAala, 5. 1. 'Sold by MARTIN & NEGELE.





Tuna Triad and Fir Tatted!



ail gccss mi? VAsaAyrs?.

IM ) Eeonomv la Fual, DurahUily, and Convaaiaaea.POINT J Completeness of Oelfn, aad Frfactiaa af Coastructloa.

OF J Simplicity of Msaagaeaaat, aad 6aaaral Worfclaf Qualltiae.FOR SALE irESr-WIIEE- S BY FISST-CUS-S DEAISSS.

And by HEILKAN & LeBAR,Tiffin, Ohio.




CARPETINGS,cossisTixu or

Tapestry Brussels at 75 cents per yard.

Tapestry Brussels at 85 cents per yard.

Body Brussels at $1.25 per yard.

Body Brussels at $1.50 per yard.

Extra Superfine Ingrains at 75 cents.

All Wool Ingrains at 60 and 65 cts.

Fair Ingrain Carpets at 30, 35 and 40 cts.

Wall Paper and Window Shades.



Tiffin. Carpet Store.


mm V'-lri''- - Extracts,Emlneiit Chemists and PhvBtciana certlfr that theso goods aro

free from adulteration, richer, mora effective, produce better resultsthan any others, and that they tue them in their csrn familiflw

UNIQUE PERFUMES are Ihe toil of all Odors.

DR.PBICES TOOTHENE. An agreeable, aealthf ul Li niil Dent ifricr.LEMON SUCAR. A trabstitnte fur Lemona.EXTRACT JAMAICA CIMCER. From the pore rooL


STEELE & PEICE, Manfrs., Chicago, St. Louis & Cincinnati


Fiege Bros ,

FURNITURE! Tho Furniture DeaMTjNDERTAKINGers of the City I




FURNITURE! UndertaMn o UNDERTAKINGi I t nf the Finos:lllciirsrs in "it isttl aijtl a I'M

. UNDERTAKINGFURJUTUREj Ji.nie tl I i tr r i. assets an.linutls. wc are we(Kwrtl to atend luiicrals nHn(tiy.

js- -l r.ix- - (iixwbllfurniture! UNDERTAKINGrrcc "I nnuife.