TIEA agreement between Saint Lucia and Portugal

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  • 8/7/2019 TIEA agreement between Saint Lucia and Portugal


    ACORDO ENTRE A REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA ESANTA LUCIA SOBRE TROCA DE INFORMAOES EMMA TRIA FISCALA Repblica Portuguesa e Santa Lcia, a seguir designadas por "as Partes",Desejando facilitar a troca de infonna5es em matria fiscal,Acordaram no seguinte:


    1. As autoridades competentes das Partes prestarao assii"tncia atravs da troca deinforma5es, a pedido, em confonnidade com 0 disposto no presente Acordo. As in forma5es solicitadas deverao:a) Ser previsivelmente relevantes para a administraao e aplicaao das leisinternas da Parte Requerente relativas aos impostos contel11plados pelo presente Acordo;b) Incluir informa5es previsivelmente relevantes para a determinaao, liquidaao e cobrana dos impostos referidos, para a cobrana e execuao dos cr

    ditos fiscais, ou para a investigaao ou prossecuao de ac5es penais fiscais;ec) Ser consideradas confidenciais nos termos do presente Acordo.


    A Parte Requerida nao obrigada a fornecer il1forma5es de que nao disponhamas respectivas autoridades e que nao se encontrem na posse de pessoas que relevam dasua jurisdiao territorial.


    1. Os il11postos visados pelo presente Acordo san:a) No casa de Portugal:

    i) 0 Imposto sobre 0 Rendimento das Pessoas Singulares - IRS;ii) 0 Il11posto sobre 0 Rendimento das Pessoas Colectivas -IRC;

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    iii) A Derrama;iv) 0 lmposto do Selo sobre as transmissoes gratuitas;

    b ) No casa de Santa Lucia:i) 0 imposto sobre 0 rendimento das pessoas singulares;ii) 0 imposto sobre 0 rendimento das pessoas colectivas.

    2. 0 presente Acordo sera tambm aplicavel aos impostos de natureza idntica ousubstancialmente similar que entrem em vigor posteriormente data da assinatura doAcordo e que venham a acrescer aos actuais ou a substitut-los, se as Partes assim 0entenderem. As autoridades competentes das Partes comunicarao entre si as modificaoes substanciais introduzidas na respectiva tributaao e as medidas relativas re.colhade informaao com ela conexa contempladas pelo presente Acordo.ARTIGO 4

    DEFINIOES1. Para efeitos do presente Acordo, salvo definiao em contrario:

    a) 0 termo "Portugal" , usado em sentido geografico, designa 0 territrio daRepblica Portuguesa, em conformidade com 0 Direito lnternacional e aLegislaao Portuguesa, incluindo 0 mal' territorial e as areas maritimas adjacentes aos limites externos do mal' territorial, incluindo 0 leito do mar e 0seu subsolo, em que a Repblica Portuguesa exera direitos de soberania oujurisdiao;b) 0 termo "Santa Lcia", usado em senti do geografico, designa 0 territrio deSanta Lcia, em conformidade com 0 Direito lnternacional e a Legislaao deSanta Lcia, incluindo 0 mar territorial e as areas maritimas adjacentes aoslimites externos do mal' territorial, incluindo 0 leito do mal' e 0 seu subsolo,

    em que Santa Lucia exera dil'eitos de sobel'ania ou jurisdiao;c) A expressao "autoridade competente" designa

    i) No casa de Portugal, 0 Ministro das Finanas, 0 Director-Geral doslmpostos ou os seus l'epresentantes autol'izados;ii) No casa de Santa Lucia, 0 Ministro das Finanas ou 0 seu repl'esentante autorizado;

    d) 0 tenno "pessoa" compl'eende uma pessoa singular, uma sociedade ou qualquel' outro agrupamento de pessoas;e) 0 tenno "sociedade" designa qualquer pessoa colectiva ou qualquer entidadeque tratada como pessoa colectiva para fins fiscais;f) A express'o "sociedade cotada" designa qualquer sociedade cuja principalclasse de acoes se en contra cota da numa boIsa de valores reconhecida, des

    de que as acoes cotadas possam ser mediatamente adquiridas ou vendidaspelo pblico. As ac5es podem ser adquiridas ou vendidas "pelo pblico" se

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    a aquisiao ou a venda de ac5es nao estiver, implcita ou explicitamente,restringida a um grupo limitado de investidores;g) A expressao "principal classe de ac5es" designa a classe ou as classes de

    ac5es representativas de uma maioria de direito de voto e do valor dasociedade;h) A expressao "boIsa de val ores reconhecida" designa quai quel' boIsa de valo-

    l'es acordada entre as autoridades competentes das Partes;i) A expressao "fundo ou pIano de investimento colectivo" designa qualquerveiculo de investimento colectivo, independentemente da sua forma juridica.A expressao "fundo ou pIano de investimento pblico colectivo" designaquai quel' fundo ou pIano de investimento colectivo, desde que as unidades,

    as ac5es ou outras participa5es no fundo ou pIano possam sel' imediata-mente adquiridas, vendidas ou resgatadas pelo pblico. As unidades, asac5es ou outras participa5es no fundo ou pIano podem ser imediatamenteadquiridas, vendidas ou resgatadas "pelo pblico'.' se a aquisiao, a venda ouo resgate nao estiver, implcita ou explicitamente, restringido a um grupolimitado de investidores;

    j) 0 tenno "imposto" designa qualquer imposto a que 0 presente Acordo seaplica;

    k) A expressao "Parte requerente" designa a Parte que solicita as informa5es;1) A expressao "Parte requerida" designa a Parte quaI sao solicitadas infor-

    ma5es;m) A expressao "medidas de recolha de informa5es" designa as disposi5eslegislativas e os procedimentos administrativos ou judiciais que permitemque uma Parte obtenha e preste as informa5es solicitadas;n) 0 termo "informa5es" designa qualquer facto, declaraao ou registo docu-mentaI, independentemente da sua forma;0) A expressao "matria tributaria" designa qualquer questao fiscal, incluindo amatria criminal tributaria;p) A expressao "matria criminal tributaria" designa qualquer questao fiscal

    que envolva um comportamento intencional passivel de acao penal em vir-tude da legislaao penal da Parte requerente;

    q) A expressao "legislaao penal" designa qualquer norma penal qualificadacomo tal no direito interno das Partes, independentemente do facto de estaI'contida na legislaao fiscal, na legislaao penal ou noutra legislaao;2. Qualquer expressao nao definida no presente Acordo tera, a nao sel' que 0 contex-to exija interpretaao diferente, 0 significado que lhe for atribudo pela legislaao dessaParte no momento em que 0 pedido foi efectuado, prevalecendo 0 significado resultantedessa legislaao fiscal sobre 0 que decorra de outra legislaao dessa Parte.

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    1. A autoridade competente da Parte requerida prestara informa5es, mediante pedido, para os fins visados no Artigo 1. As referidas infonna5es devem sel' prestadasindependentemente do facto de 0 comportamento objecta de investigaao constituir ounaD uma infracao penal segundo 0 direito da Parte requerida, se tal comportamentoocorresse no territorio da Parte requerida. A autoridade competente da Parte requerenteso procedera a um pedido de informa5es nos termos do presente Artigo quando naDtiver possibilidade de obter as informa5es solicitadas por outras vias, no seu tenitorio,salvo se 0 recurso a tais meios for gerador de dificuldades desproporcionadas.2. Se as informa5es na posse da autoridade competente da Parte requerida naDforem suficientes de modo a permitir-Ihe satisfazer 0 pedido de informa5es, a referidaParte tomara todas as medidas adequadas para a recolha de informa5es necessarias afim de prestar Parte requerente as informa5es solicitadas, mesmo que a Parte requerida naD necessite dessas informa5es para os seus proprios fin,s fiscais.3. Mediante pedido especifico da autoridade competente da Parte requerente, a autoridade competente da Parte requerida prestara as informa5es visadas no presente Aliigo, na medida em que 0 seu direito interno 0 permita, sob a forma de depoimentos detestemunhas e de copias autenticadas de documentos originais.4. Cada Parte providenciara no sentido de que as respectivas autoridades competentes, em conformidade com 0 disposto no presente Acordo, tenham 0 direito de obter ede fornecer, a pedido:

    a) As informa5es detidas por mn banco, por outra instituiao financeira, e porquaI quel' pessoa, incluindo nominees e trus te es , que aja na qualidade demandatario ou de fiduciario; eb) As informa5es relativas propriedade legal e beneficiaria de sociedades,

    sociedades de pessoas e outras pessoas, incluindo, no casa de fundos e pIanos de investimento colectivo, infonna5es relativas a ac5es, unidades eoutras participa5es; no casa de trusts, informa5es relativas a settlors, trus-tees, protectors e beneficiarios; e, no casa de funda5es, informa5es relativas a fundadores, membros do conselho da fundaao e beneficiarios;

    desde que 0 presente Acordo naD imponha s Partes a obrigatoriedade de obterel11 ou defacultarem inforl11a5es em matria de titularidade no que respeita a sociedades cotadasou a fundos ou pIanos de investimento pblico colectivo, salvo se as referidas informa5es puderem ser obtidas sem gerarel11 dificuldades desproporcionadas.5. Qualquer pedido de informa5es devera ser formulado com 0 maximo detalhepossivel e devera especificar, por escrito:

    a) A identidade da pessoa objecto de controlo ou de investigaao;b) 0 periodo a que se reporta a informaao solicitada;c) A natureza da informaao solicitada e a forma como a Parte requerente prefere receber a mesma;d) A finalidade fiscal com que as informa5es san solicitadas;

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    e) As razoes que levam a supor que as informaoes solicitadas sao previsivel-mente relevantes para a administraao fiscal e para 0 'cumprimento da legis-laao fiscal da Parte requerente, relativamente pessoa identificada na alfneaa) deste numero;

    f) As razoes que levam a supor que as informaoes solicitadas sao detidas naParte requerida ou estao na posse ou podem ser obtidas pOl' uma pessoasujeita jurisdiao da Parte requerida;

    g) Na medida em que sejam conhecidos, 0 nome e morada de qualquer pessoaem relaao quaI haja a convicao de estar na posse das informaoes solici-tadas;

    h) Dma declaraao precisando que 0 pedido esta em conformidade com as dis-posioes legislativas e com as praticas administrativas da Parte requerente, e,se as informaoes solicitadas se encontrassem na jurisdiao da Parte reque-rente, poderiam sel' obtidas pela autoridade competente da Parte requerente,ao abri go da sua legislaao ou no quadro normal ,da sua pratica administrati-va, em conformidade com 0 presente Acordo;

    i) Dma declaraao precisando que a Parte requerente utilizou para a obtenaodas informaoes todos os meios disponveis no seu prprio territ6rio, salvoaqueles susceptveis de suscitar dificuldades desproporcionadas.

    6. A autoridade competente da Parte requerida procedera ao envio Parte requerentedas informaoes solicitadas, tao diligentemente quanta possvel. No sentido de assegu-rar Ulna resposta l'api da, a autoridade competente da Parte requerida:

    a) Devera confirmar a recepao do pedido, por escrito, autoridade competenteda Parte requerente e notificar a autoridade competente da Parte requerentede quaisquer deficincias no pedido, se for casa disso, no prazo de 60 dias acontaI' da recepao do pedido.

    b) Se a autoridade competente da Parte requerida nao puder obter e pre star asinformaoes no prazo de 90 dias a contar da recepao do pedido, incluindo acircunstncia de encontrar obstaculos prestaao das informaoes ou se serecusar a prestar as informaoes, deve informar imediatamente a Parterequerente, explicitando a razao dessa impossibilidade, a natureza dos obsta-culos ou os fundamentos da recusa.


    1. Com uma antecedncia razoavel, a Parte requerente pode solicitar que a Parterequerida autorize a deslocaao de representantes da autoridade competente da Parterequerente ao seu territrio, na medida em que a respectiva legislaao 0 permita, a fimde entrevistarem indivduos e examinarem registos, com 0 prvio consentimento pOl'escrito das pessoas interessadas. A autoridade competente da Parte requerente notificaraa autoridade competente da Parte requerida da data e do local da reuniao prevista comas pessoas em causa.

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    2. A pedido da autoridade competente da Parte requerente, a autoridade competenteda Parte requerida po de autorizar representantes da autoridade competente da Parterequerente a assistirem a uma fase especifica de uma investigaao fiscal no territorio daParte requerida.3. Se 0 pedido visado no nmero 2 for aceite, a autoridade competente da Parterequerida que realiza 0 controlo dara conhecimento, logo que possivel, autoridadecompetente da Parte requerente da data e do local do controlo, da autoridade ou do funcionario designado para a realizaao do controlo, assim como dos procedimentos e dascondi5es exigidas pela Parte requerida para a realizaao do controlo. Qualquer decisaorelativa realizaao do controlo fiscal sera tomada pela Parte requerida que realiza 0controlo.


    1. A autoridade competente da Parte requerida po de recusar a assistncia:a) Quando 0 pedido nao for formulado em conformidade com 0 presente Acordo;b) Quando a Parte requerente nao tiver recorrido a todos os meios disponiveis

    no seu proprio territorio para obter as informa5es, salvo se 0 recurso a taismeios for gerador de dificuldades desproporcionadas; ou

    c) Quando a divulgaao das informa5es solicitadas for contraria ordempblica da Parte requerida.2. 0 disposto no presente Acordo nao imp5e Parte requerida a obrigaao de:

    a) Prestar informa5es sujeitas a sigilo profissional ou um segredo comercial,industrial ou profissional ou um processo comercial, desde que as informa5es visadas no n 4 do Artigo 5 nao sejam tratadas como um segredo ouprocesso comercial pelo simples facto de satisfazerem os critrios previstosnesse nmero; ou

    b) Tomar medidas administrativas contrarias sua legislaao e sua praticaadministrativa, na medida em que 0 disposto nesta alinea nao afecte as obriga5es de uma Parte nos termos do n 4 do Artigo 5.

    3. Dm pedido de informa5es nao pode sel' recusado com base na impugnaao docrdito fiscal objecta do pedido.4. A Parte requerida nao fica obrigada a obter e a prestar informa5es que a Parterequerente nao pudesse obter, em idnticas circunstncias, ao abrigo da sua pr6prialegislaao para fins da aplicaao ou da execuao da sua propria legislaao ou em resposta a um pedido valido da Parte requerida, nos termos do presente Acordo.5. A Parte requerida pode recusar um pedido de informa5es desde que estas sejamsolicitadas pela Parte requerente com vista aplicaao ou execuao de uma disposiaoda legislaao fiscal da Parte requerente, ou de qualquer obrigaao com ela conexa, que







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    seja discriminataria em relaao a um nacional da Parte requerida face a um nacional daParte requerente, nas mesmas circunstncias.


    1. Qualquer informaao prestada e recebida pelas autoridades competentes das Par-tes sera considerada confidencial.2. Essas informa5es sa poderao sel' divulgadas s pessoas ou autoridades (incluindotribunais e argaos administrativos) interessadas para efeitos dos propasitos espeoificados no Artigo 10, e sa podem ser usadas pOl' essas pessoas ou autoridades para os finsreferidos, incluindo a decisao de um recurso. Para tais fins, essas informa5es poderaosel' reveladas no decurso de audincias pblicas de tribunais ou de sentena judicial.3. Essas informa5es nao podem sel' usadas para outros 'fins que nao sejam os finsprevistos no Artigo 10, sem 0 expresso consentimento pOl' escrito da autoridade competente da Parte requerida.4. As informa5es prestadas a uma Parte requerente ao abri go do presente Acordonao podem sel' divulgadas a quaI quel' outra jurisdiao.5. A transmissao de dados pessoais pode sel' efectuada na medida necessaria execuao das disposi5es do presente Acordo e com ressalva da legislaao da Parte requerida.6. As Pmies asseguram a protecao dos dados pessoais a um nivei equivaiente ao daDirectiva 95/46/CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho de 24 de Outubro de 1995 eobrigam-se a respeitar os principios conti dos na Resoluao 45/95 de 14 de Dezembro de1990, da Assembleia GeraI das Na5es Unidas.


    A incidncia dos CllStOS incorridos em conexao com a prestaao de assistnciasera acordada pelas Partes.


    As Partes aprovarao toda a legislaao necessaria a fim de darem cumprimento aopresente Acordo e execuao do mesmo.

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    1. No casa de se suscitarem dificuldades ou dvidas entre as Parte em matria deaplicaao ou de interpretaao do presente Acordo, as respectivas autoridades competentes esforar-se-ao por resolver a questao atravs de procedimento amigavel.2. Para alm do procedimento referido no nmero l, as autoridades competentes dasPartes podem definir de comum acordo os procedimentos a seguir nos termos dos Artigos 5 e 6.3. As Partes esforar-se-ao por acordar entre si outras formas de resoluao de liti-gios, se tal se revelar necessario.


    1. 0 presente Acordo entra em vigor na data da recepao da ltima notificaao, porescrito e por via diplomatica, de que foram cumpridos os procedimentos internos decada Parte necessarios para 0 efeito.2. Na data de entrada em vigor, 0 presente Acordo produz efeitos:

    a) Nessa data, relativamente s ac5es penais fiscais; eb) Nessa data, relativamente a todos os outros casos previstos no Artigo 1, masapenas em relaao aos exerccios fiscais com incio nessa data ou depoisdessa data, ou, na ausncia de exerccio fiscal, relativamente a qualquerobrigaao tributaria que sUlja nessa data ou depois dessa data.


    1. 0 presente Acordo permanecer em vigor por um periodo de tempo ilimitado.2. Qualquer das Partes podera, a qualquer momento, denunciar 0 presente Acordomediante notificaao prvia, por escrito, por via diplomtica.3. 0 presente Acordo cessa a sua vigncia seis meses apos a recepao da respectivanotificaao.4. Nao obstante a denncia, as Partes continuarao vinculadas ao disposto no Artigo8. do presente Acordo.

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    EM F DO QUE, os signatrios, devidamente autorizados para 0 efeito pelasrespectivas Partes, assinaram 0 presente Acordo.FEITO em Nova lorque, a 14 de Julho de 2010, em dois originais, nas linguasportuguesa e inglesa, fazendo ambos os textos igualmente f.

    PELAREPUBLICA PORTUGUESA~ ~ Jos Filipe Moraes Cabral

    Embaixador Extraordinrio ePlenipotencirio


    Donatus Keith St. AimeeEmbaixador Extraordinrio ePlenipotencirio


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    The Portuguese Republic and Saint Lucia, hereinafter referred to as "Parties",Desiring to facilitate the ex change of information with respect to taxes;Have agreed as foHows:

    ARTICLE 1OBJECT AND SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT,1. The competent authorities of the Parties shaH provide assistance through exchangeof information upon request as set forth in this Agreement. Such information shall:

    a) Be foreseeably relevant to the administration and enforcementof the domestic laws of the Requesting Party conceming taxes covered by this Agreement;

    b) Include information that is foreseeably relevant to the determination, assessment and collection of such taxes, the recovmy and enforcement of taxclaims, or the investigation or prosecutionof criminal tax matters; and

    c) Be treated as confidential as set forth in this Agreement.ARTICLE 2

    JURISDICTIONA Requested Party is not obliged to provide information which is neither heldbyits authorities nor in the possession of or obtainable by persons who are within its te1ri

    torial jurisdiction.ARTICLE 3TAXESCOVERED

    1. This Agreement shall apply to the foHowing taxes:a) In respect of Portugal:

    1. Personal income tax (imposto sobre 0 rendimento das pessoassingulares - IRS);

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    ii. Corporate income tax (imposto sobre 0 rendimento das pessoascolectivas - 1Re);iii. Local surtax on corporate income tax (Derrama);iv. Stamp duty on gratuitous transfers (Imposto do Selo sobre as

    transmisses gratuitas);b) In respect of Saint Lucia:

    1. Personal incorne tax ;11. Corporate income tax.

    2. This Agreement shall apply also to any identical or substantially similar taxes thatare imposed after the date of signature of the Agreement in addition to or in place of theexisting taxes if the Parties so agree. The competent authorities of the Parties shaH notify each other of any substantial changes to the taxation and related information gathering measures covered by the Agreement.


    1. For the purposes of this Agreement, unless otherwise defined:a) The term "Portugal" when used in a geographical sense comprises the terri

    tory of the Portuguese Republic in accordance with the International Lawand the Portuguese Legislation, including its territorial sea, as well as thosemaritime areas adjacent to the outer limit of the territorial sea, comprisingthe seabed and subsoil thereof, over which the Portuguese Republic exercises sovereign rights or jurisdiction;

    b) The te1lli "Saint Lucia" when used in a geographical sense comprises the territory of Saint Lucia in accordance with the International Law and the legislation of Saint Lucia, inc1uding its territorial sea, as well as those maritimeareas adjacent to the outer limit of the territorial sea, comprising the seabedand subsoil thereof, over which Saint Lucia exercises sovereign rights or ju-risdiction;

    c) The term "competent authority" means




    In respect of Portugal, the Minister of Finance, the Director General ofTaxation (Director-Geral dos Impostos) or their authorized representative;In case of Saint Lucia, the Minister ofFinance or the Minister's authorised representative;

    The term "person" includes an individual, a company or any other body ofpersons;


    l ',

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    e) The term "company" me ans any body corporate or any entity that is treatedas a body corporate for tax purposes;f) The term "publicly traded company" means any company whose principal

    class of shares is listed on a recognised stock exchange provided its listedshares can be readily purchased or sold by the public. Shares can be pur-chased or sold "by the public" if the purchase or sale of shares is not imphc-itly or explicitly restricted to a limited group of investors;g) The telm "principal class of shares" means the class or classes of shares rep-resenting a majority of the voting power and value of the company;h) The term "recognised stock exchange" means any stock exchange agreedupon by the competent authorities of the Parties;i) The term "collective investment fund or scheme" means any pooled invest-ment vehicle, irrespective of legal fOlm. The term "public collective invest-ment fund or scheme" me ans any collective i n v ~ s t m e n t fund or scheme pro-vided the units, shares or other interests in the fund or scheme can be readilypurchased, sold or redeemed by the public. Dnits, shares or other interests in

    the fund or scheme can be readily purchased, sold or redeemed "by the pub-lic" if the purchase, sale or redemption is not implicitly or explicitly re-stricted to a limited group of investors;j) The term "tax" means any tax to which the Agreement applies;k) The term "Requesting Party" means tlle Party requesting information;1) The term "Requested Party" means the Party requested to provide infOlma-tion;m) The term "information gathering measures" means laws and administrativeor judicial procedures that enable a Party 'to obtain and pro vide the requestedinformation;n) The term "information" means any fact, statement or record in any formwhatever;0) The term "tax matters" means all tax matters including criminal tax matters;p) The term "criminal tax matters" means tax matters involving intentionalconduct which is liable to prosecution under the criminal laws of the Re-questing Party;q) The term "criminallaws" designated as such under the respective law of theParties irrespective of whether such are contained in the tax laws, the crimi-naI code or other statutes.


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    2. Any tenn not defmed in this Agreement sha11, unless the context othe1Wise re-quires, have the meaning that it has at the time the request was made under the law ofthat Party, any meaning under the applicable tax laws of that Party prevailing over ameaning given to the tenn under other laws of that Party.ARTICLE 5EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION UPON REQUEST

    1. The competent authority of the Requested Party sha11 provide upon request infor-mation for the purposes referred to in Article 1. Such infonnation sha11 be exchangedwithout regard to whether the conduct being investigated would constitute a crime un-der the laws of the Requested Party if such conduct occUlTed in the Requested Party.The competent authority of the Requesting Party sha11 only make a request for informa-tion pursuant to this Article when it is unable to obtain the requested infonnation byother means in its own territory, except where recourse to such means would give rise todispropOliionate difficulty.2. If the information in the possession of the competent authority of the RequestedParty is not sufficmt to enable it to comply with the request for infonnation, that Partysha11 use a11 relevant infonnation gathering measures necessary to provide the Request-ing Party with the infonnation requested, notwithstanding that the Requested Party maynot need such infOlmation for its own tax pUl1Joses.3. If specifica11y requested by the competent authority of the Requesting Party, thecompetent authority of the Requested Party sha11 provide infOlmation under this Article,to the extent a110wable under its domestic laws, in the fonn of depositions of witnessesand authenticated copies of original records.4. Each Party sha11 ensure that its competent authorities, in accordance with thetenns of this Agreement have the authority to 0btain and provide upon request:

    a) Infonnation held by banks, other fmancial institutions, and any person, in-cluding nominees and trustees, acting in an agency or fiduciary capacity; andb) Information regarding the beneficial ownership of companies, partnershipsand other persons, including in the case of collective investment funds andschemes, infonnation on shares, units and other interests; in the case oftrusts, infonnation on settlors, trustees, protectors and beneficiaries; and inthe case of foundations, information on :founders, members of the foundation

    council and beneficiaries,provided that this Agreement does not create an obligation on the Parties to obtain orprovide ownership infonnation with respect to publicly traded companies or public col-lective investment funds or schemes unless such information can be obtained withoutgiving rise to disproportionate difficulties.5. Any request for infonnation shall be formulated with the greatest detail possibleand shall specify in writing:


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    a) The identity of the person under examination or investigation;b) The period for which the information is requested;c) The nature of the information sought and the form in which the RequestingParty would prefer to receive it;d) The tax purpose for which the information is sought;e) The reasons for believing that the information requested is foreseeably rele-vant to the tax administration and enforcement of the law of the RequestingParty, with respect to the person identified in subparagraph a) of this para-graph;f) Grounds for believing that the information requested is held in the RequestedParty or is in the possession of or obtainable by a person within the jurisdic-tion of the Requested Party,g) To the extent known, the name and address of any person believed to be inpossession of the requested information;h) A statement that the request is in conformity with the laws and administra-tive practices of the Requesting Party, that if the requested information waswithin the jurisdiction of the Requesting Party then the competent authority

    of the Requesting Party would be able to obtain the information under thelaws of the Requesting Party or in the normal course of administrative prac-tice and that it is in conformity with this Agreement;

    i) A statement that the Requesting Party has pursued aIl means available in itsown territory to obtain the information, except those that would give rise todisproportionate difficuIties.6. The competent authority of the Requested Party shaH forward the requested in-formation as promptly as possible to the Requesting Party. To ensure a prompt re-sponse, the competent authority of the Requested Party shaIl:

    a) Confirm receipt of a request in writing to the competent authority of the Re-questing Party and shaH notify the competent authority of the RequestingParty of deficiencies in the request, if any, within 60 days of the receipt ofthe request.b) If the competent authority of the Requested Party has been unable to obtainand provide the information within 90 days of receipt of the request, includ-ing if it encounters obstacles in furnishing the information or it refuses tofurnish the information, it shaH immediately inform the Requesting Party,explaining the reason for its inability, the nature of the obstacles or the rea-sons for its refusaI.


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    ARTICLE 6TAX EXAMINATIONS ABROAD1. By reasonable notice given in advance, the Requesting Party may request that theRequested Party aHow representatives of the competent authority of the RequestingParty to enter the territory of the Requested Party, to the extent permitted under its laws,to interview individuals and examine records with the prior written consent of the indi-viduals or other persons concerned. The competent authority of the Requesting PartyshaH notify the competent authority of the Requested Party of the time and place of theintended meeting with the individuals concerned.2. At the request of the competent authority of the Requesting Party, the competentauthority of the Requested Party may aHow representatives of the Requesting Party tobe present at the appropriate part of a tax examination in the Requested Party.3. If the request referred to in paragraph 2 is acceded to, the competent authority ofthe Requested Party conducting the examination shaH, as. soon as possible, notify thecompetent authority of the Requesting Party about the time and place of the examina-tion, the authority or official designated to carry out the examination and the proceduresand conditions required by the Requested Party for the conduct of the examination. AHdecisions with respect to the conduct of the tax examination shaH be made by the Re-quested Party conducting the examination.

    ARTICLE 7POSSIBILITY OF DECLINING A REQUEST1. The competent authority of the Requested Party may decline to assist:

    a) Where the request is not made in conformity with this Agreement;b) Where the Requesting Party has not pursued aH means available in its ownterritory to ob tain the information, except where recourse to such meanswould give rise to disproportionate difficulty; orc) Where the disclosure of the information requested would be contrary to thepublic policy of the Requested Party.

    2. This Agreement shaH not impose upon a Requested Party any obligation:a) To provide items subject to legal privilege, or any trade, business, industrial,commercial or professional secret or trade process, provided that informationdescribed in paragraph 4 of Article 5 shaH not by reason of that fact alone betreated as such a secret or trade process; orb) To cany out administrative measures at variance with its laws and adminis-trative practices, provided that nothing in this subparagraph shaH affect theobligations of a Party under paragraph 4 of Article 5.

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    3. A request for infonnation shaH not be refused on the ground that the tax c1aimgiving l1se to the request is disputed.4. The Requested Party shaH not be required to obtain and provide infonnationwhich the Requesting Party would be unable to obtain in similar circumstances under itsown laws for the purpose of the administration or enforcement of its own tax laws or inresponse to a valid request from the Requested Party under this Agreement.5. The Requested Party may dec1ine a request for infonnation if the information isrequested by the Requesting Party to administer or enforce a provision of the tax law ofthe Requesting Party, or any requirement connected therewith, which discriminatesagainst a national of the Requested Party as compared with a national of the applicantParty in the same circumstances.

    ARTICLE 8CONFIDENTIALITY1. An information provided and received by the competent authorities of the PartiesshaH be kept confidential.2. Such infonnation shaH be disc10sed only to persons or authorities (includingcourts and administrative bodies) concemed with the purposes specified in Article 1,and used bysuch persons or auth0l1ties only for such purposes, including the detennina-tion of any appeal. Fo i these purposes, infonnation may be disclosed in public courtproceedings or injudicial decisions.3. Such infonnation may not be used for any purpose other than for the purposesstated in Article 1 without the express written consent of the competent authority of theRequested Party.4. The infonnation provided to a Requesting Party under this Agreement may not bedisclosed to any other jurisdiction.5. Personal data may be transmitted to the extent necessary for carrying out the pro-visions of this Agreement and subject to the provisions of the law of the supplyingParty.6. The Parties shaH ensure the protection ofpersonal data at a level that is equivalentto that of Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 Oc-tober 1995 and shaH comply with the guidelines established by the United Nations Gen-eral Assembly Resolution 45/95, adopted on 14 th December 1990.

    ARTICLE 9COSTSIncidence of costs incurred in providing assistance shaH be agreed by the Parties.


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    ARTICLE 10IMPLEMENTATION LEGISLATIONThe Parties shaH enact any 1egislation necessary to comply with, and give effect

    to, the tenns of this Agreement.ARTICLE IlMUTUALAGREEMENTPROCEDURE

    1. Where difficulties or doubts arise between the Parties regarding the implementation or interpretation of this Agreement, the respective competent authorities shaH usetheir best efforts to resolve the matter by mutual agreement.2. In addition to the agreements referred to in paragraph 1, the competent authorities of the Parties may mutuaHy agree on the procedures to be used under Articles 5 and6.3. The Parties shaH endeavour to agree on other f o r m ~ of dispute resolution shouldthis become necessary.

    ARTICLE 12ENTRY INTO FORCE1. This Agreement shaH enter into force on the date of the receipt of the latter of thenotifications, in writing through the diplomatie channels, conveying the completion ofthe internaI procedures of each Party required for that purpose.2. Upon the date of entry into force, this Agreement shaH have effect:

    a) For criminal tax matters on that date; andb) For aH other matters covered in Article 1 on that date, but on1y in respect oftaxable periods beginning on or after that date or, where there is no taxableperiod, aH charges to tax arising on or after that date.

    ARTICLE 13DURATION AND TERMINATION1. The present Agreement shaH remain in force for an unlimited period of time.2. Either Party may, at any time, terminate the present Agreement upon a prior noti-fication in writing through diplomatie channels.3. The present Agreement shaH telminate six months after the receipt of such notifi-cation.


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    4. Notwithstanding the temnation, the Parties shall remain bound to the provisionsof Article 8 of the present Agreement.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned being duly authorised in that behalf by therespective Parties, have signed the Agreement.

    Done at New Yorlc, on the 14 th July 2010, in duplicate in the Portuguese and Englishlanguages, both texts being equally authentic.


    Jos Filipe Moraes CabralAmbassador Extraordinary andPlenipotentiary

    FORS A I N T L U ~

    Donatus Keith St. AimeeAmbassador Extraordinary andPlenipotentiary



