THY KINGDOM COME - Kingdom Come... · My mouth is filled with Your praise,...

INTRODUCTION The simple prayer “Thy Kingdom Come” has immense power. “There is no limit to what the Kingdom of God does, and so the moment we start praying Thy Kingdom Come we look outwards. When we pray for the Kingdom to come, the Kingdom will transform individuals, transform society, and transform the globe.” 1 This year we focus on praying for friends and family to come to faith. DAY BY DAY PRAYER Each day we have a Thy Kingdom Come prayer prompt and which also picks up a Your will be done prayer topic set by the World Prayer Centre Use these outlines as a starting point but move beyond it as you feel led. We suggest you start with some proclamations – declaring God’s truth - using the script provided but also referencing the scriptures if you want to We then move to praise – you might want to add some more praise to this in your prayer meeting, using u tube, playing a CD etc. The Thy Kingdom Come section identifies some themes for you to build on and pray into The Reflection gives you some time to think about the prayer theme and ask God to guide and inspire you The Your will be done section focuses on a key prayer issue. You might want to discuss the issues first and ask people with knowledge in that area to share. Please start where you are, praying for local issues and then broadening out to your town, city or region. In this section we want to know God’s will – so pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you in prayer. THY KINGDOM COME PRAYER – we suggest you conclude each session, joining with thousands across the world praying this “Thy Kingdom Come” prayer Almighty God, your ascended Son has sent us into the world, to preach the good news of your kingdom. Inspire us with your Spirit and fill our hearts with the fire of your love, that all who hear your Word may be drawn to you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 1 Press release 24.1.18 THY KINGDOM COME PRAYER OVERVIEW May 10 – 20 th 2018

Transcript of THY KINGDOM COME - Kingdom Come... · My mouth is filled with Your praise,...

INTRODUCTION The simple prayer “Thy Kingdom Come” has immense power. “There is no limit to what the Kingdom

of God does, and so the moment we start praying Thy Kingdom Come we look outwards. When we

pray for the Kingdom to come, the Kingdom will transform individuals, transform society, and

transform the globe.”1 This year we focus on praying for friends and family to come to faith.


Each day we have a Thy Kingdom Come prayer prompt and which also picks up a Your will

be done prayer topic set by the World Prayer Centre

Use these outlines as a starting point but move beyond it as you feel led.

We suggest you start with some proclamations – declaring God’s truth - using the script

provided but also referencing the scriptures if you want to

We then move to praise – you might want to add some more praise to this in your prayer

meeting, using u tube, playing a CD etc.

The Thy Kingdom Come section identifies some themes for you to build on and pray into

The Reflection gives you some time to think about the prayer theme and ask God to guide

and inspire you

The Your will be done section focuses on a key prayer issue. You might want to discuss the

issues first and ask people with knowledge in that area to share. Please start where you are,

praying for local issues and then broadening out to your town, city or region. In this section

we want to know God’s will – so pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you in prayer.

THY KINGDOM COME PRAYER – we suggest you conclude each session, joining with thousands

across the world praying this “Thy Kingdom Come” prayer

Almighty God, your ascended Son has sent us into the world, to preach the good news of your kingdom. Inspire us with your Spirit and fill our hearts with the fire of your love, that all who hear your Word may be drawn to you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

1 Press release 24.1.18



May 10 – 20th 2018


We start these ten days of prayer with the simple proclamation – Jesus is Lord

We proclaim that You are the Light of the World. We walk in Your light John 8:12

You are the Way, the Truth and the Life – we follow You. John 14:6

You are the messiah, the son of God, You give life – we adore You John 20:.31

You ascended and are seated in heaven – You reign – You are sovereign over all Acts 1: 6 - 9 PRAISE - and thanks for all Jesus is

Jesus You are the centre. You are the life changer, You free us through your love, You direct us

through Your word and You fill us with Your spirit. We rejoice in Your great goodness and

commitment to us. (Encourage other praise to Jesus)


Jesus, we dedicate these ten days of prayer to you, we ask for the gift of deep faith. Touch

our hearts so that we are deeply aware of Your love and guidance as we pray.

We want to be filled with Your spirit, today and every day, so we can overflow with You

Guide us as we pray for our friends, families and neighbours to come to know Jesus

You are calling thousands to pray globally – Thy Kingdom Come. We pray for Your spirit to

move powerfully, and for the name of Jesus to be lifted in this place, and where we live and



Thy Kingdom Come is to pray for our friends, family and neighbours to know Jesus Christ. Ask Jesus

to show you five people you can pray for regularly. If they knew Jesus loves them deeply, and wants

them to know Him – what difference would it make? Pray Paul’s pray from Ephesians – that the eyes

of their heart would be enlightened – and they would open up to Jesus - Ephesians 1:18.

YOUR WILL BE DONE – Praying for the Thy Kingdom Come initiative

Lord we pray for great fruitfulness from Thy Kingdom Come – excite us about prayer, let us see thousands of men, women and children come to know you

We pray for the beacon events – in our cathedrals - may they be great celebrations of you

We pray we will draw closer to you, Jesus. Help us to hear you, and understand your heart. Give us authority and wisdom as we pray



May 10TH 2018


We start with the simple proclamation – You call us to praise and worship you

We praise You every day, You are our God, and You are our King Psalm 145:1

My mouth is filled with Your praise, declaring Your splendour all day long Psalm 71:8

We praise You - You defeated death, and You rose again, and are always with us John 20:21

We praise You because You are our rock Psalm 144:1 PRAISE

“We will praise the name of the Lord our God, who has worked wonders for us” Joel 2.26


Holy Spirit make me aware of all the ways in which God has blessed me so I might praise Him

We pray for your church, let us really worship You as You deserve, with all our hearts, all our

joy and all our voices.

You are with us always, make us ongoing people of praise, who are aware of You on our

Monday afternoons and Friday mornings as well as on Sundays

We pray for our five friends and family to see things around them that will turn them to



What helps you to praise God – is it thinking about family, or your life or your situation? Is it reading

the bible or listening to a hymn or worship song? How would you finish this sentence – I really want

to thank you Lord for ….. Think of some people that bless you. Think of some truths about God in the

Bible – and count your blessings!

YOUR WILL BE DONE – praying for the Church

Psalm 127 says unless the Lord builds the House, those who build it labour in vain. Lord forgive us when we don’t depend on You, but do it ourselves. Forgive us when we are afraid to surrender to You, and let Your spirit fall. May we simply be Your servants ready for You to command.

Enable Your whole church to live as one body of Christ, may we work together to show and proclaim Jesus, may we all be one that the world might believe in You Jesus

Give Your church a fresh confidence in the gospel; let us be good news to people around us.

We pray Jesus will be at the absolute centre of all we do as a church


We Praise You

May 11th 2018


We start with the simple truth –it is good to give thanks to the Lord, so

We thank You that nothing at all can separate us from Your love Romans 8: 38,39

Thank You that Your love is patient, kind, always protects and always hopes 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7

Thank You, You root us deeply into the soil of Your love, we are made secure Ephesians 3:17 PRAISE - and remember the many things you want to thank God for

“It is good to praise the Lord, and make music to Your name, O Most High, proclaiming Your love in

the morning, and Your faithfulness at night….For You make me glad by your deeds Lord; I sing for all

that Your hands have done. How great are Your works, Lord, how profound Your thoughts! Psalm



Thank You for the five friends and family I am praying for, and your love for them

Thank You for people we find difficult to love, because you give us grace to be better

Thank You for the gifts, experience, passion and values you have put in me, You shaped my

life so that You can be seen in me

Thank You today for prayer, for this privilege of bringing our requests to the King of Kings


Are you a thankful person – or someone who needs to work at being thankful? Think of someone

today who has done something you are thankful for – who you haven’t thanked! Make a note to talk

to them. Think of someone you know who is thankful, what do they do that you can learn from?

David was continually thankful to God. Look at Psalm 121 and think of the ways God has blessed you.

YOUR WILL BE DONE – Praying for people of other faiths

We pray for people of other faiths in our community, that they will feel respected and welcomed

We pray for the many refugees - help them to feel welcome, bless those Christians who are feeding, clothing, healing, and supporting refugees

We pray for those people of other faiths seeking to know more about Jesus, may they see and understand your deep love and compassion


We Thank You

May 12th 2018


We proclaim that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness 1 John 1:5

We believe that when we acknowledge our sins You are always faithful and just, and You forgive us and cleanse us. 1 John 1:9

We proclaim God’s is patient with us; He does not want any of us to be separated from His love but for us to turn our lives around. 2 Peter 3:9

PRAISE - add in personal thanksgiving for the times you have been forgiven

We praise You that although we fall down many times You forgive us and love us

The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love – Joel 2.13


Jesus we turn away from everything that holds us back and we turn to you

Lord help us with our fears and worries, we are sorry that we often forget that Your love for

us is wonderful and overflowing, and we forget to rest in Your love.

We are sorry for our prayerlessness, especially praying for people to know Jesus. We pledge

to pray for our five friends and family that they will know Jesus love, mercy and forgiveness.

Have mercy on the church; give us with a passion to know You more and a love for prayer.


Jesus loves us so much, that He died for us. In His loves He cleanses us from sin, and frees us from

things that hold us back. Reflect on other things that hold us back – fear, unbelief, pride, past hurts –

ask God to change you. He calls us to forgive others, to take His love to people we might have upset,

or who we find difficult – think of one person you have fallen out with and pray God’s blessing on

them. Think of one person you find difficult and bless them.

YOUR WILL BE DONE – praying for the Persecuted Church

Thousands of Christians died for their faith in 2017 with a rapid growth in persecution – we pray for their families to know Jesus’s love

We pray for Open Doors, Release, CSW and others who work with persecuted Christians, Lord bless them with the resources they need, with energy, with wisdom and authority.

Pray for Christians in a nation that suffers persecution, pray for church leaders, pray for Jesus’s love and grace, and ask Him to protect His people.


We are sorry

May 13th


Hallelujah for our Lord God almighty reigns; let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory. Revelation 19: 6

Your word says – “Give and it will be given you, a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over” Luke 6:38. You are a generous God, You bless abundantly.

We offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – because this is our true worship to give ourselves to You and Your service. Romans 12:1

PRAISE - add in personal thanksgiving for what you see Jesus doing in Thy Kingdom Come

“The righteous give without ceasing” (Proverbs 21:26), thank You for generous people in Your church

Thank You that You give us our daily bread – You give us Yourself, the bread of heaven

“Our help is in the name of the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth” Psalm 124:8

“May we live our lives worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way; bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God “Colossians 1:10


Jesus help us to give generously, and compassionately – for You love a cheerful giver!

Lord we give ourselves to You “that the glorious Father will give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that we will know him better” (Ephesians 1:17). Let us know Jesus love for us more and more, and let us share his love and compassion with others.

We give our skills, and time to You, use us to be Your witnesses, Your ambassadors, Holy Spirit help us to be people who bless others and point them to Jesus.


Street Pastors say people want two things – time and compassion. Who could you give more time to?

Who could you give more compassion to? What can you do this week? What could you do that was

overwhelmingly generous? Care for the Family believe as many as 80% of people become Christians

by the age of 11, what can you give to pray, support or encourage children or parents in your church?

YOUR WILL BE DONE – praying for children and families

Lord bless the children in my neighbourhood, keep them safe from harm, give their parents wisdom, love and insight

We pray for broken and hurting families near us. We pray for Your healing. Where children have been through the pain of separation, Jesus show Your love.

Give teachers, social workers and the Police great compassion and the insight and authority to protect children from abuse, uncertainty and insecurity.

We pray that our church will be a welcoming place for children. We pray many children will come to know Jesus and flourish in an ever deepening and joy filled relationship with Him.


I Give You…..

May 14th


“O my soul, bless GOD. From head to toe, I’ll bless His holy name! O my soul,

bless GOD, don’t forget a single blessing! He crowns us with love and mercy—a paradise crown, He wraps us in goodness—beauty eternal.” Psalm 103:1,2 (Message)

“O God, in mercy bless us; let your face beam with joy as You look down at us.” Psalm 67:1

“Our Father, You are in heaven, and we lift up and praise Your name, may Your heavenly kingdom come, here where we are, and may Your will be done” Matthew 6:9,10

PRAISE - add in personal thanksgiving for what you see Jesus doing in Thy Kingdom Come

We rejoice in the Lord – always, every day, His goodness remains constant whatever our circumstances may be

Let us continuously offer a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of our lips Hebrews 13:15 THY KINGDOM COME PRAYER THEME – I pray for….

We pray for this church and the wider church around us. Fill us with Your love, take us

deeper as family with love across the generations, and hunger to be in Your presence

I pray for my five friends and family – I pray they have a revelation of Your love for them,

they will be released from worry and flourish in Your love and calling

I pray that I can be free in You, from accusations and doubts and fully aware of your deep

love for me, and Your amazing grace. I am Your forgiven child, You are my loving Father.

I pray Your kingdom will come, in my home, my workplace, my community, my family.


In Joel, God promises, “I will pour out My Spirit on all people. I will show wonders….everyone that

calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Joel 2:28ff). The scriptures constantly shows God’s

extraordinary blessings, whether it be miraculous healings, people released from addiction, families

reconciled, finances being released, places restored. A Christian chorus declares – “Our God is an

awesome God”. What has God done for you that is awesome? What awesome request can you pray


YOUR WILL BE DONE – praying for health and safety

Jesus we pray for our local GP practices, hospitals and health care centres; give them great wisdom, deep peace and compassion

We pray for people we know who are sick - place Your healing hand on them.

We pray for safety on our streets, give our Police wisdom, give them mercy and patience.

So many people feel stressed, uncertain or anxious – may we be people of Shalom


I pray for….

May 15th 2018


You tell us not to worry about what we should eat, drink or wear – You know what we need

We will seek your kingdom and your righteousness, we will draw close to You and not worry about tomorrow Matthew 6: 31 - 34

We bring our prayers, petitions and thanks to You, we present our requests to You. May we know Your peace that passes all understanding filling us and drawing us to you. Philippians 4:6

PRAISE - add in personal thanksgiving for what you see Jesus doing in Thy Kingdom Come

We praise You that we can ask anything in Your name and You will do it John 14:14, 1 John 5:14

When Esther came to the King he said – what is it Queen Esther? What is your request? Even up to half the kingdom, it will be given you. Esther 5:3 We praise You for Your generosity.


Pray for someone close to you who needs to know Jesus’s deep love for them today

Pray for an issue on today’s news – asking Jesus for His mercy and love

Jesus help me to put the Kingdom of God first, so that everything else in my life depends on


REFLECTION Most of us would say we don’t ask enough. Why are we reluctant? Prayer is a

conversation with Jesus – we need to pray what is in line with God’s will. So when we say we don’t

ask enough, maybe the truth is we don’t have enough conversations with God. But we also pray with

more clarity when we fully understand His love and goodness. Spend some moments having a

conversation with God; reflect on His deep love for you and His delight in you.

YOUR WILL BE DONE – praying for business and jobs

We pray for peace and prosperity where we live, as our town and city prospers so we prosper (Jeremiah 29:7) so we pray for jobs and hope for our young people.

We pray for people who are stressed in the workplace, many face huge challenges and work long hours. May they know Your peace. (Pray for specific people if you can)

Jesus we bring those who are unemployed to You, give them hope and be their provider

We pray for Jesus to be seen in the marketplace and in our business, we pray for Christians to be a great blessing, to be people of peace and grace and love.


I ask you…

May 16th 2018


Jesus went to celebrate the Passover, God’s deliverance for His people Mark 26:18

We want to be like your people – “celebrating joyfully” Nehemiah 12:27

“You will sing, as on the night you celebrate a holy feast, your hearts will rejoice.” Isaiah 35:29

PRAISE - we have so much to celebrate

Your love – its breadth, length, height and depth - Ephesians 3: 17 – 19

Your forgiveness – everyone who believes is forgiven Acts 10:43

Your mercy – Your mercy is new every morning Lamentations 3:22

Your freedom – we were called to freedom Galatians 5:13,14


Lord, we have so much to celebrate, your love, your grace, your forgiveness and your hand

over our lives.

We celebrate the gift of Your church; people gathered together to praise and serve You,

support each other and love our community.

We pray for times we are down, or stressed, or broken – even then we celebrate Your love


God has called each of us to be ambassador. We might be in a workplace, a neighbourhood, school

or in a group with others. Ask God to show how He wants you to be a blessing in your place. Why not

pray this blessing on your place – “The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine

upon and be gracious to you. The Lord turn His face towards you, and give you peace” Numbers 6:24

- 26

YOUR WILL BE DONE – for my place and community

We bless our village/town/neighbourhood/city in Jesus name – your Kingdom come

We pray for our neighbours/colleagues/friends who have little to celebrate today

We pray for local churches working with Mums, toddlers and families and for those working with the elderly and lonely that they will bring tangible hope and blessing

We pray for foodbanks, money/debt advisors, street pastors and similar works – energise them, bless them and fill them with Your joy.


I celebrate

May 17th 2018


“The word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the only son, who came from the Father full of grace and truth” John 1: 14

In Matthew 25 we hear of the wise and foolish virgins – let us be wise, and let us be ready - carrying lamps – reflecting the word of God, filled with oil symbolising God’s spirit

God’s word is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path Psalm 119: 105

PRAISE - add in personal thanksgiving for what you see Jesus doing in Thy Kingdom Come

Jesus you tell us your word is living and active, it is sharper than a double-edged sword it is

powerful and dynamic. Use your word to judge our thoughts and attitudes Hebrews 4:12

The spirit searches us and knows us, He helps us understand what God has freely given us 1

Corinthians 2

THY KINGDOM COME PRAYER THEME – celebrating the word and spirit

Your word and your spirit are central to your walk with us, give us a deep hunger for both

The parable of the ten virgins shows them asleep and some unprepared – Lord we want to

be awake and ready, we want our lamps polished and filled with oil Matthew 25:1-13

We pray Jesus’s prayer for unity in the church – that those who love your word and those

who love your spirit will be as one, so that the world will believe in Jesus. John 17: 20-21


Can you remember a time when you were really, really hungry or thirsty. You felt desperate;

everything in you was focused on your need. Have you ever felt that hungry about knowing and

understanding God’s word and/or being completely filled by the Holy Spirit. The great prayer of past

moves of God was “More Lord” and then “Even more”. What would hungering for more of God’s

word and spirit look like for you? Spend some time quietly before God and ask him to make you

hungry for more.

YOUR WILL BE DONE – praying for Politicians

We pray for our Government – given them wisdom and integrity, help them protect and bless our nation, give them eyes of compassion

We pray for our local council – help them govern wisely, and protect the poor

We pray for Christians engaged in all parties to know your peace, grace and wisdom


Celebrating the word

and spirit

May 18th 2018

Think of a Politician you want to pray for today – for God’s hand of blessing on their work


“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land “ 2 Chronicles 7:14

Even now” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” Joel 2:12

PRAISE - add in personal thanksgiving for what you see Jesus doing in Thy Kingdom Come

“For he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity. Who knows? He may turn and relent and leave behind a blessing.” Joel 2:14.

THY KINGDOM COME PRAYER THEME – praying – it’s time to turn

Jesus we humble ourselves, we want to pray more and seek you more

We Your people turn from our wicked ways. We repent of our sins, cleanse us. We repent of

our unbelief, our fear, our disunity, our pride – and everything that holds us back.

We ask you to renew your church, equip us with a generosity of heart, a deep desire to

praise you and a hunger to see you transform us and transform our nation.


This is a heart thing. “Return to me with all your heart.” Is Jesus Lord of every part of your life – are there some “No go” areas? Are you full of faith or held back? As we come to end of this Thy Kingdom Come period this is a good time to pray that you will be completely, wholly aligned with God’s purpose. Pray - I refresh my commitment to You, You are Lord, and You are able. YOUR WILL BE DONE – It is time for people to come to know Jesus

Pray for each of your five people – pray they will have a revelation of Jesus, and know His love and call on their lives.

Loving Father, send Your Holy Spirit so I can share your love, life and message

Give me the perseverance to keep praying until all five know Jesus

Awaken your church; send us out to be good news for all people.


It’s Time to Turn

May 19th 2018


This Pentecost we celebrate when Your kingdom came and the church was born

Pentecost started with tongues of fire, a symbol of the power and holiness of God. Send Your fire on Your church today. (Have some silence, waiting on God as the disciples did)

Pentecost saw three thousand people coming to Jesus – give us power to be your witnesses PRAISE - add in personal thanksgiving for what you see Jesus doing in Thy Kingdom Come

For yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory – for ever and ever Amen

Glory to God in the highest heaven and on earth peace on those on whom his favour rests THY KINGDOM COME PRAYER THEME – Thy Kingdom Come

Send us out like You sent the disciples – to proclaim the message – “The kingdom of heaven

has come near. Heal those who are ill, raise the dead; cleanse those who have leprosy, drive

out demons. Freely we have been given to, equip us to freely give. Luke 10:8

Give us a deeper understanding of Your kingdom – so that we can serve you more

Holy Spirt we welcome you. Awaken Your church with a deep hunger for Your Kingdom to

Come. Awaken our town/city to the love, mercy and grace of Jesus.


Jesus spoke about his kingdom again and again; it was central to his message. What does “Thy

Kingdom Come” mean to you? What did Pentecost show us about God’s kingdom? How can we pray

with a vision and passion about – Thy Kingdom Come? Ask the Holy Spirit – how can I be more

Kingdom minded?

YOUR WILL BE DONE – praying for God’s Kingdom to come – here!

The Kingdom of heaven is where Jesus takes over, his love comes in and we are filled with His spirit. We pray we will be Kingdom people – we pray Your kingdom come to my street, to my family, to our local schools, to the council, to the Police. (Pray as God leads you.)

May the Kingdom of heaven be seen in Jesus’s church – we pray for miracles, lives turned around, and families healed. Lord, take your church on a great Kingdom come adventure, that the name of Jesus will be lifted up and celebrated here.


Thy Kingdom Come

May 20th 2018

Hear our Kingdom Come call, the prayers of Your people, renew your church. Awaken our nation. Amen