Thursday Thoughts - · Thursday Thoughts L a u n c h i n g P l a c e P r i m a...

Thursday Thoughts Launching Place Primary School Issue 34 Date: 23rd November 2017 Student Absent Hot Line Number 5964 7783 Launching Place Primary School 20A Carter Street Launching Place 3139 Telephone 5964 7783 Fax 5964 6171 Email [email protected] ABN 96 199 518 803 IMPORTANT DATES November 20th - 24th - Grade 5/6 Camp 20th Nov - 1st Dec - P-2 Swimming 29th - Prep 2018 Parent Information Evening December 1st - 2018 School Captain Speeches 11th - Parent Helpers Morning Tea 13th - End of Year Celebration 15th - Warburton Bike Ride Helper’s Morning Tea Our annual Parent Helpers Morning Tea will be held on Monday 11 th December. Please mark this important date in your diary. An invitaon will be sent home next week. We hope that you can make it, as it gives staff a chance to thank parents and our extended community for all of the things that you do to support our school. Last week we celebrated Cultural Day. Everyone enjoyed dressing up and parci- pang in acvies ranging from origami to fan making. The Taiko drum performance is always a highlight. Congratulaons on your great work everyone, especially our grade 5/6 student leaders who ran the acvies. A special thank you to Toko and Mrs Taerson for their excellent planning and preparaon which ensured the day was a success. It was also wonderful to have our special Japanese helper Yuri. Cultural Day How many teeth do dolphins have? There are dolphins with 8 teeth and there are some with 250. Bottlenose dolphins have 72-104 teeth. They only get one set of teeth for life. Dolphins do not use their teeth to chew their food like you and I do. They use their teeth to catch their food and then they swallow it whole.

Transcript of Thursday Thoughts - · Thursday Thoughts L a u n c h i n g P l a c e P r i m a...

Page 1: Thursday Thoughts - · Thursday Thoughts L a u n c h i n g P l a c e P r i m a r y S c h o o l Issue 34 Date: 23rd November 2017 Student Absent Hot Line Number

Thursday Thoughts

L a u n c h i n g P l a c e P r i m a r y S c h o o l

Issue 34

Date: 23rd November 2017

Student Absent

Hot Line Number

5964 7783

Launching Place Primary School

20A Carter Street Launching Place 3139

Telephone 5964 7783 Fax 5964 6171

Email [email protected]

ABN 96 199 518 803



20th - 24th - Grade 5/6 Camp

20th Nov - 1st Dec - P-2


29th - Prep 2018 Parent

Information Evening


1st - 2018 School Captain


11th - Parent Helper’s

Morning Tea

13th - End of Year Celebration

15th - Warburton Bike Ride

Helper’s Morning Tea

Our annual Parent Helper’s Morning Tea will be held on Monday 11th December. Please mark this important date in your diary. An invitation will be sent home next week. We hope that you can make it, as it gives staff a chance to thank parents and our extended community for all of the things that you do to support our school.

Last week we celebrated Cultural Day. Everyone enjoyed dressing up and partici-pating in activities ranging from origami to fan making. The Taiko drum performance is always a highlight. Congratulations on your great work everyone, especially our grade 5/6 student leaders who ran the activities. A special thank you to Toko and Mrs Tatterson for their excellent planning and preparation which ensured the day was a success. It was also wonderful to have our special Japanese helper Yuri.

Cultural Day

How many teeth do dolphins

have? There are dolphins with 8

teeth and there are some

with 250. Bottlenose

dolphins have 72-104

teeth. They only get one

set of teeth for life.

Dolphins do not use their

teeth to chew their food

like you and I do. They

use their teeth to catch

their food and then they

swallow it whole.

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School Captain’s Report

Prep: In Prep, we have been learning about the “th” sound.

We have practised reading at a “just right rate” and rereading

for fluency. We have looked at capacity in maths and begun

learning to skip count by two. We are looking forward to

starting swimming this week.

Grade 1/2: In 1/2 we have looked at contractions in spelling. We’ve been busy publishing

our persuasive pieces in writing. We began exploring patterns in maths. The P-2 sports day

was so much fun!

Grade 3/4: We have been working on writing interesting narratives. In maths groups we

have been doing lots of work on fractions and have worked on solving multi step worded


Grade 5/6: This week in 5/6 we continued working on our information reports in writing. We

learnt about passing laws in integrated studies. In maths we completed our semester 2 maths

test. We had fun running the activities on Cultural Day and are super excited for camp!

Well Done Matt and Tayla for

running assembly on Monday and Blake and Caleb

for taking our assembly photos.

This Week’s Star Students

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Victorian Championship Orienteering

What a successful day we had on Friday at the Victorian Orienteering Championships (Eastern Zone) at Maroondah Dam. In 4 days we were able to get 96 participants from the Upper Yarra schools wanting to test their orienteering skills at the highest level possible. The children from across our schools were amazing; we had some fantastic results and their attitude and sportsmanship was something you should all be proud of. I would like to thank all the parents, grandparents and friends who took the children to the event and supported their children in such a positive manner.

The schools represented were Wandin Nth, Launching Place, Dixons Ck, Warburton, Badger Creek, Wesburn, Millwarra, Chum Ck, St Josephs, Seville and Wandin Yallock. We were put together as a combined Upper Yarra schools group.

Congratulations to Polly C who came first and Lily P who came 3rd in the girls year 4 group. What a great result! The other amazing result was that as a team we finished second overall.

Andrew Devisser

Achievement Awards

Name Award

00T Faith M

Olivia C

For lovely neat handwriting.

For being an excellent class helper.

1/2M Jordan T

Krystal M

Excellent knowledge of money in Maths groups.

For cleaning up the classroom without being asked.

1/2C Sieanna W For successfully completing all of her M200 words.

2 R Mason P

Amelia C

Kai S

Kaia W

For passing level 18 in Blitzmaster.

For working hard to learn the letters and sounds of the alphabet.

For contributing well in persuasive writing and giving lots of great ideas.

For always showing respect to her peers and teachers.

3/4L Riley A

Mason O

Corey C

For an amazing attitude - always trying your best. Fantastic!

For learning all of his times tables.

For learning all the times tables facts.

5/6F Kate P

Kade V

For being a polite, respectful and helpful classmate.

For being an excellent helper with the 1/2’s on Cultural Day.

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Our teachers have been having discussions with the grade 5 students about student leadership positions at our school for 2018. As students move into Year 6, opportunities for each child to partake in a number of formal and informal leadership roles are expanded.

Our formal leadership roles in 2018 include:

School Captains

School Vice Captains

House Captains

Students are required to write a speech that they present to the children in grades 3-5. Voting takes place by ballot at the completion of the speeches.

The Role of School Captain is set out as follows: Represent Launching Place Primary School and its students.

Lead and organise weekly assemblies.

Respond to requests from Principal and teachers.

Escort visitors around our school with confidence and good manners. Show responsibility to carry out specific jobs without having to be reminded.

Exhibit the confidence and maturity required to speak in front of a large audience at events. These may include assemblies, impromptu speeches for special visitors and whole school events.

School captain and house captain speeches will take place on Friday 1st December.

We encourage you all to ‘have a go’.

LIBRARY REQUEST I would appreciate the assistance of all families to look out for “Overdue Library Notices”. We currently have over a hundred overdue library books; some of these are VERY overdue. This can become quite costly for our school. If your child receives a notice please have another look at home and return asap. If books have been lost or damaged please reimburse Launching Place Primary School so that we can replace them. Many thanks for your co-operation Manuela Library

Swimming From all reports, swimming is going very well. The children (and staff) quickly established a routine, which has helped the program run so smoothly. It is a big undertaking, but we love to encourage the children to be independent and organised each day. The program is successfully building our kids’ confidence in the water through a range of activities aimed at not only improving competencies in the water but importantly, developing safety awareness.

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Point of View of a Dad

The wombat ate my carrots at the back door!

The wombat ruined the BBQ. I hate that


It broke the door. How am I supposed to buy a

new door?

It even dug a hole in me back yard!

By Riley

Voice in Writing

The students in grade 3/4 have been

exploring ‘Voice’ in writing and how to tell

a story from a different point of View. We

read ‘Diary of a Wombat’ then wrote the

story from another character’s point of

view, carefully thinking about word choice

and voice in our writing.

Point of View of a Toddler

Me and Mummy found a big, brown hairy

thing yesterday. It was my new friend. I didn’t

understand why mummy was so angry with it.

I saw her defeat the door mat. I gave it carrots

to celebrate the win. Mummy was angry

when it chewed the door mat. Mummy yelled

‘For Pete’s sake!’ I yelled back ‘Give her some


The next day I opened the car door and I lifted

my new friend into the car. She found the

carrots and gobbled them all up.


Point of View of the Dad

The wombat ate a hole in the door, stole

carrots from my family and dug up the garden!

Got in my car and ate all my flaming carrots


Kept coming back for more carrots!

Dug a great big hole under me house!

By Corey

Point of View of a Puppy

I saw a really weird creature called a

Wombat. She pushed over the ladder so

now the annoying cat can’t keep me awake.

I found a new play mate! We rolled in the

dust. My new friend, the wombat, chewed a

new doggy door for me. How nice.

She even bashed up that old garbage bin.

On Saturday she dug that hole I had been

trying to dig for ages!

The annoying cat tried to attack my wombat

friend, but the wombat showed her who’s


By Amarli

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Extend Before and After School Care at Launching Place Primary School

Our Weekly Recap

Our weekly recap On Monday we made triple choc muffins. We all helped putting all the ingredients together, mixing it up and putting them in the oven. They were very yummy. We also played with the glitter slime that we made last week and did some painting. On Tuesday it was really hot, so we played dead fish and pick up sticks. Some of us braved the heat and went outside but we made sure we were all wearing our hats. On Wednesday we made egg carton animals, some of us made some turtles and others made frogs. On Thursday we played a new game called Food and Water. Then we tested each other with a game of hangman and did some drawing on the whiteboards. On Friday we had fun blowing bubbles. We experimented and worked out how to catch the bubbles with our hands. Emma, Team Leader Our Extend Superstar is Ruby K For always lending a hand and helping to clean up after herself and others. What’s on next week? Monday 27th November: Pancakes, Octopus, Kindness Advent Calendar Tuesday 28th November: Kindness Advent Calendar, Helicopter, Piggy in the Mid-dle Wednesday 29th November: Ball Drop, Egg Carton Animals, 3 Legged Races Thursday 30th November: Simon Says, Cooking Activity, UNO Friday 1st December: Kickball, Water Colour Painting, Cricket


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