Thursday, September 2, 2010 9:30 a · DEOD Award Tracker: Comment made by Amado Hernandez of GMT...

Thursday, September 2, 2010 9:30 a.m. Agenda Transportation Business Advisory Council Meeting One Gateway Plaza Gateway Plaza Conference Room 3 rd Floor _____________________________________________ TBAC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Lucia Tam, Chairperson Ezekiel Patten, Jr., Vice-Chairperson Ken Wong, Financial Officer Carlos E. Morgner, Parliamentarian MEMBERS American Indian Chamber of Commerce of California Asian American Architects & Engineers Association Asian Business Association Black Business Association Chinese American Construction Professionals Greater Los Angeles African American Chamber of Commerce Latin Business Association Latino Business Chamber of Greater Los Angeles National Association of Minority Contractors National Association of Women Business Owners - Los Angeles Regional Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers – Los Angeles Chapter Women Construction Owners & Executives USA Women’s Transportation Coalition Women’s Transportation Seminar I. Call to Order Lucia Tam II. Roll Call Lucia Tam III. Review/Approval of Minutes Lucia Tam IV. Chair’s Report Lucia Tam V. TBAC Speakers Art Leahy, Metro CEO Joanne Schultz, VP Administration Teresa Maxwell, Administrative Manager Brutoco Engineering & Construction VI. Metro Contracting Opportunities Tashai Smith A. Contract Look-Aheads B. Current Solicitations VII. TBAC Committee Reports A. Legislative Affairs Ezekiel Patten, Jr. B. Commodities Ezekiel Patten, Jr. C. Professional Services Carlos Morgner D. Construction Ken Wong E. Membership Lynn Chen F. Bylaws Sandy Sinicrope VIII. Old Business A. Action Items IX. New Business X. Public Comment XI. Adjournment

Transcript of Thursday, September 2, 2010 9:30 a · DEOD Award Tracker: Comment made by Amado Hernandez of GMT...

Thursday, September 2, 2010 9:30 a.m.


Transportation Business Advisory Council Meeting

One Gateway Plaza Gateway Plaza Conference Room 3rd Floor


TBAC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Lucia Tam, Chairperson Ezekiel Patten, Jr., Vice-Chairperson Ken Wong, Financial Officer Carlos E. Morgner, Parliamentarian MEMBERS American Indian Chamber of Commerce of California

Asian American Architects & Engineers Association

Asian Business Association

Black Business Association

Chinese American Construction Professionals

Greater Los Angeles African American Chamber of Commerce

Latin Business Association

Latino Business Chamber of Greater Los Angeles

National Association of Minority Contractors

National Association of Women Business Owners - Los Angeles

Regional Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers – Los Angeles Chapter

Women Construction Owners & Executives USA

Women’s Transportation Coalition Women’s Transportation Seminar

I. Call to Order Lucia Tam

II. Roll Call Lucia Tam

III. Review/Approval of Minutes Lucia Tam IV. Chair’s Report Lucia Tam V. TBAC Speakers Art Leahy, Metro CEO

Joanne Schultz, VP Administration

Teresa Maxwell, Administrative Manager Brutoco Engineering & Construction

VI. Metro Contracting Opportunities Tashai Smith

A. Contract Look-Aheads B. Current Solicitations

VII. TBAC Committee Reports

A. Legislative Affairs Ezekiel Patten, Jr. B. Commodities Ezekiel Patten, Jr. C. Professional Services Carlos Morgner D. Construction Ken Wong E. Membership Lynn Chen F. Bylaws Sandy Sinicrope

VIII. Old Business A. Action Items

IX. New Business

X. Public Comment XI. Adjournment



July 1, 2010  

I. Call To Order TBAC Meeting was called to order at 9:38 AM in the Gateway Plaza Conference Room located on the 3rd floor of METRO headquarters at One Gateway Plaza in Los Angeles, California.


TBAC Officers Present (X) Lucia Tam, Chairperson- Chinese American Construction Professionals X Ezekiel Patten, Vice-Chairperson- Black Business Association Financial Officer Ken Wong, Asian American Architects & Engineers X Carlos Morgner, Parliamentarian, Women’s Transportation Seminar X TBAC Representatives/Alternates Attendance (see sign in sheet) American Indian Chanber of Commerce

Tracey Stanhoff Diana Webster Robert Weir X

Asian Business Association Lynn Chen Jonathan Hou X

Asian American Architects & Engineers Association William Yang X

Black Business Association Earl “Skip” Cooper

Chinese American Construction Professionals Fred Chen Andy Liu

Greater Los Angeles African American Chamber of Commerce Tamara Ashford Mary Ann Seymour

Latin Business Association Ruben Guerra Ernie Gutierrez Larissa Ordaz X

Latino Business Chamber of Greater Los Angeles Jorge C. Corralejo Patricia C. Linn Daniel Schulist, Frank Villalobos

National Association of Minority Contractors Leon Brooks X Bianca Vobecky

National Association of Women Business Owners Laura Yamanaka

Regional Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Sandy Cajas Roberto Delgado

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Elias Cortez Rodrigo Garcia X Rudy Garza X Roberto C. Guzman




July 1, 2010  

Women Construction Owners & Executives Katee Sinicrope

Women Transportation Coalition Lynda Bybee Maria Solano

Women’s Transportation Seminar Carla Manzanilla Lia Reyes X

LA Minority Business council Dorothy Randle Linda Smith

Metro Staff Attendance (see sign in sheet) Linda Wright, Deputy Executive Officer, DEOD X Michelle Caldwell, Interim Chief Administrative Services Officer Keith Compton, Manager, DEOD X Julie Ellis, Director, Client/Vendor Service Doug Failing, Executive Director, Highway Programs X Bruce Feerer, Executive Officer, Procurement X Elizabeth Garcia, Asst, DEOD Rep, DEOD X Sherman Gay, Sr. Representative, Outreach, DEOD X Lonnie Mitchell, Chief Operating Officer Ted Montoya, Inventory Management, Procurement Fred Origel, Director Officer, Procurement Tashai Smith, Manager, Contract Compliance Unit, DEOD X Hector Rodríguez, Interim EO, Operations Administration X Sonya Turner, Asst. DEOD Rep, DEOD X

General Public Attendance (see sign in sheet) John Cruikshank, JMC2 X Doug Holtz, 2Roads X Eric Chang, Nucon Group X Polly Walton, Athalye Consulting X Robert Delgado, Ghirardelli Associates X Jerry Givens, PB X Bryce Little, PB X Pamela Penn, PDA X Andre Gueno, Skanska X Dalia Sabal, Sabal Expert Consulting X Teresa Price, McKissack + McKissack X Kathie Allen, Railpros X Nimish Sinha, Railpros X Calvin Yoshitake, Coast Surveying X Fabiola Jaque, California Testing & Inspection X Arief Naftali, Advantec Consulting X Bernard Li, Advantec Consulting X Theresa Armistead, Paragon Partners X Rogelfo Douglas, Morgner X Amado Hernandez, GMT X Rubina Chaudhary, MARRS Services X Ali Altaha, C2PM X Kenyon Walker, Bullock & Associates X




July 1, 2010  

Hope Bullock, Bullock & Associates X Julius Smith, Bullock & Associates X Roger Soneja, Simplex CM X Herberto Svidler, Piel Const. X Elbio Svidler, Piel Const. X Tara Perry, MI Construction X B.C. Powell, Collins Powell X Belinda Iturandi, Anil Verma Associates X Emile Gardner, GCTech X Armando Ramos, Global Business Solutions X Alicia Bell-Molina, Berg CM X Sid Jimenez, Nossaman X Ebitari Larsen, Delta Data Services LLC X Lisa Jones, Jones & Associates Consulting Group X

III. Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes Correction: the Latin Business Association was represented by Larissa Ordaz Motion: Approval of June 3, 2010 Meeting Minutes as corrected 1st- Ken Wong 2nd- Carlos Morgner Motion Carried

IV. Chair’s Report – Lucia Tam Ms. Tam thanked all for coming, and gave a reminder that TBAC would be dark in August. She thanked Metro for lining up the speakers, and committee members for their work in gathering information and advocating on behalf of small businesses.

V. TBAC Speakers

Bryce Little, PB and Andrew Gueno, Skanska: Made presentation regarding Design-Build project delivery. What is it? Design-Build is a project delivery system which places design and construction under a single contract. Why do it? Design-Build transfers risk and control of the project to the Contractor. It allows greater innovation and can offer reduced project cost. More importantly, it speeds up the project schedule. Challenges in recruiting SBE's: SBE Role - How to match SBE subcontractors with appropriate and substantive work Uncertainty - How to allow Design-Builder room to innovate during design while ensuring that SBE participation goals are met. Transparency - How to ensure fairness in subcontractor selection and allocation of work. Solutions: SBE Role - Extensive outreach and mentoring by Design-Builder; performance incentives. Uncertainty - FHWA does not require that Design-Builders name proposed subcontractors up-front, while FTA retains this requirement.




July 1, 2010  

Transparency - Competitive subcontractor selection process (especially for post-award subcontracting) and ongoing monitoring and reporting. General - Design-Builder provides full-time compliance manager. Examples: Colorado T-REX project, Alameda Corridor, SR-22 HOV Lanes Andre Gueno (Skanska) is tasked with early identification of SBE's and SBE opportunities for the Gold Line Foothill Extension and Expo Line Phase II projects, and expressed Skanska's commitment to meeting DBE and SBE goals for these projects. During the Q&A Session both Linda Wright of Metro and Jerry Givens of PB stressed the need for SBE's and DBE's to take the lead in developing relationships with primes prior to bid time, and to take advantage of all outreach opportunities. Bryce Little and Jerry Givens both stated that PB is eager to make contact with SBE/DBE firms.

VI. METRO Contracting Opportunities – Tashai Smith

Presented contract look-aheads and current solicitations. Among the current work, called attention to the Hot Expesslanes Project and the Highway Programs Planning and Deliverables Bench. Notable upcoming work includes the Joint Development Bench which involves the creation of feasibility studies and conceptual site plans. Distributed latest flyer from Kiewit regarding opportunities on the I405 widening project, and the current Award Tracker Report.

VII. Committee reports:

Legislative Affairs - Ezekial Patten No Report Ad Hoc Committee on Metro Disparity Study - Rod Garcia Reported on meeting/conference call with BBC. Rod reported that meeting was generally positive and that BBC was attentive to Board's comments. BBC will work on incorporating the comments into the next draft. There will be one more round of reviews and comments before the Final Report is submitted to the Metro Board. Lucia directed all TBAC members with questions about the disparity study to submit them to Rod. Assessment - Elias Cortez No Report

Commodities - Ezekiel Patten No Report

Professional Services - Carlos Morgner Made note of Bench contract, Hot Lanes project, and Regional Connector RFP. Gave floor to Ernesto Chavez of Metro, who announced upcoming RFP for the I605 Hot Spots project. First component of the project will be creation of a feasibility study, second component will be development of up to three Project Study Reports. RFP is expected within weeks. Budget for each component is approximately $5,000,000. SBE goals are pending.

Construction - Kenneth Wong Gave floor to Rod Garcia, who proposed meeting with JK Murthy of Metro regarding creation of a CM Bench. Kenneth will set up meeting.




July 1, 2010  

Membership- Lucia Tam ACEC Application is open. TBAC requests that ACEC come to an upcoming Board Meeting to explain the organization's opposition to AB 1215, which would have been beneficial for small businesses. Rubina Chaudhary, incoming ACEC Board Member, will transmit request to ACEC. Lucia reminded members that they will need to reapply for TBAC membership shortly. Bylaws – Sandy Sinicrope No report.

VIII. Old Business

No new activity on P-Cards Quarterly meeting with Richard Katz confirmation for July 15 still in process. Keith Compton will be the contact person for future meetings. Sonya Turner will assist. Quarterly meeting with Art Leahy is as scheduled on Sept 2. Keith Compton will also be contact person. Membership drive: a membership meeting may be held in the future pending further discussion. Meet the Primes - DEOD has not produced a final report. Keith is working on a breakdown of data and will submit. Keith provided the following verbal summary.

41 small businesses returned surveys 70% were able to obtain access with decision-makers 18% felt they were prevented from gaining access to the primes 24% have teamed with a prime since the event Rating of event as a vehicle for creating strategic partnerships (1-5, 5 being highest)

5 14% 4 19% 3 35% (average) 2 8% 1 24%

DEOD Award Tracker: Comment made by Amado Hernandez of GMT Civil/Structural Engineers: Timing of Small Business Bench RFP appears to lag behind the award dates for several upcoming projects, including the Soundwall projects. Given that, will CM portion of these contracts be given to the winners of the earlier bench, which did not have any SBE primes? Amado requested follow-up meeting with JK Murthy to clarify. Linda Wright stated that DEOD would follow up. Carlos Morgner and Ken Wong will set up meeting with Mr. Murthy. Coffee: Carlos Morgner will coordinate sponsorship of coffee for future meetings. Success Stories: Carlos Morgner will coordinate speakers who have successfully come through Metro's DBE program. Pledge of Allegiance: future meetings will be opened with a flag salute.




July 1, 2010  


IX. New Business No new business

X. Public Comments

CACP Installation and Green Construction event will be July 9 at Almansor Court, Alhambra. All are invited. LBA announced upcoming Minority Women's Conference September 17 on energy and technology

Adjournment Motion to adjourn 1st- Ken Wong 2nd- Carlos Morgner

Meeting was adjourned by Lucia Tam at 11:35 a.m.


September 2, 2010

I:\TBAC\TBAC 2010\2010 Handouts\2010-02 September\TBAC Action Items - September 2 2010.doc Page 1 of 1






APRIL 2009 Follow-Up P-Card Purchasing Bruce Feerer

Ezekiel Patten Jr. TBD

NOV 2009 Schedule 2010 quarterly meetings with Richard Katz: Confirmed dates: 3/18; 5/20, 7/15, 10/21

Keith Compton As Scheduled

NOV 2009 Schedule 2010 quarterly meetings with Art Leahy: Confirmed dates: 3/4, 6/3, 9/2, 12/2

Keith Compton As Scheduled

FEB 2010 Membership Drive Lucia Tam

Keith Compton TBD

FEB 2010 “Meet the Buyers” Lucia Tam

Keith Compton Completed

FEB 2010 “MEET THE PRIMES” Event Survey Kenneth Wong Keith Compton


MAR 2010 DEOD Award Tracker Report 2010 (monthly) Ezekiel Patten Jr.


MAY 2010 Disparity Study – TBAC Conference Call with BBC

Tashai Smith Lucia Tam


MAY 2010

Disparity Study – TBAC to provide oral or written comments/recommendations to the Metro Board Executive Management and Audit Committee (EMAC)

Rod Garcia JULY 15, 2010

JUNE 2010 Pledge of Allegiance Carlos Morgner JULY 2010

JUNE 2010 Coffee to be provided by Prime Contractors Carlos Morgner JULY 2010

JUNE 2010 5 minutes for Success Story Carlos Morgner JULY 2010

# Project Description Scope of Work Project Estimate

Contract Administrator

Project Manager DEOD Manager DEOD Contract Compliance


Goal Status Anticipated Advertise


Professional Services1 Reverse Osmosis, In-Line

Filtration Systems & Bottled Water

Metro is seeking a contractor to provide drinking water for transit employees at all Metro transit operating divisions through the Reverse Osmosis (RO) purification units, In-Line Filtration Systems and Bottled Drinking Water at the operating division and rail stations

$75,997 Ted Sparkuhl, [email protected]

Mary Powers, [email protected]

Tashai Smith, [email protected]

Violeta Aguilos, [email protected]

No DALP % Established


Metro is seeking to develop an ITS "master plan" combining, aligning and coordinating efforts by various agencies across the subregion to provide an overall framework showing where emerging technologies/and future projects fit into an overall Gateway Cities subregion ITS strategy

Potential Subcontract Opportunities by NAICS:541611 - Project Management541613 - ITS Working Group541618 - Business Plan Development541720 - Reports541820 - Development of Comprehensive Strategy and Plan Coordination541990 - Meeting/Travel/Administration

Metro is seeking to procure a qualified contractor experienced in transportation planning, environmental, urban design and engineering services to perform alternative analysis and full environmental clearance under federal and state law for the RHSSB

Potential Subcontract Opportunities by NAICS:238210 - Electrical Contractors 334512 - Environmental Control335312 - Motor & Generator336510 - Switching & Controls485991 - Transit Planning488210 - Transportation Support541330 - Engineering Services541614 - Transit Process Consulting541620 - Environmental Consulting Services926120 - Regulation & Administration485111 - Mode Transit Systems485112 - Commuter Systems485113 - Transit Systems-Other485119 - Urban Transit System541320 - Design Services925120 - Urban Planning Administration

Tashai Smith, [email protected]

Linda Perryman, [email protected]

23% UDBE Goal Established

2 Gateway Cities ITS Implementation Plan for Goods Movement

$2,003,040 Ed Kichi, [email protected]

To Be Determined

3 Restoration of the Historic Streetcar Service on Broadway (RHSSB)

$999,909 Calvin Rascoe, [email protected]

Emanuel Higgins, [email protected]

Tashai Smith, [email protected]

Barbara Thomasson, [email protected]

20% DALP Established

Jon Grace, [email protected]

To Be Determined

Contract Look-Aheads September 2010

Diversity and Economic Opportunity Department 1 of 3September 2 , 2010

# Project Description Scope of Work Project Estimate

Contract Administrator

Project Manager DEOD Manager DEOD Contract Compliance


Goal Status Anticipated Advertise


Contract Look-Aheads September 2010

Professional Services (Cont'd)Metro is seeking an insurance brokerage services for Metro's liability insurance and all risk property and flood coverage

Potential Subcontract Opportunities by NAICS:524210 - Insurance Brokers/Brokerage

ConstructionMetro is seeking a contractor to provide all labor and material to perform construction services on two floors of the occupied Gateway headquarters building

Potential Subcontract Opportunities by NAICS:238210 - Electrical Work238910 - Demolition Work

Design & Construction (No Projects)

EquipmentMetro is seeking to purchase equipment (part I) to build communications system on a PGL Foothill expansion, the EXPO phase II expansion and internal Metro communications systems

Potential Subcontract Opportunities by NAICS:

238210 - Electrical Contractors334119 - Other Computer Peripheral Manufacturing334220 - Radio & TV Broadcasting & Wireless334417 - Electronic Connector Manufacturing335921 - Fiber Optic Cable Manufacturing335999 - All Other Misc Electrical Equipment517310 - Telecommunications Resellers517910 - Other Telecommunications

Metro is seeking to purchase equipment (part II) to build communications system on a PGL Foothill expansion, the EXPO phase II expansion and internal Metro communications systems

Potential Subcontract Opportunities by NAICS:

238210 - Electrical Contractors334119 - Other Computer Peripheral Manufacturing334220 - Radio & TV Broadcasting & Wireless334417 - Electronic Connector Manufacturing335921 - Fiber Optic Cable Manufacturing335999 - All Other Misc Electrical Equipment517310 - Telecommunications Resellers517910 - Other Telecommunications

1 Gateway Building Construction for Relocation of SCRRA

$850,000 Tommye Williams, [email protected]

To Be Determined

Phyllis Meng, [email protected]

Tashai Smith, [email protected]

Bud Boyd, [email protected]

20% DALP Established

1 Communication Equipment Systems and Support

$15,000,000 Lily Lopez, [email protected]

7-Jul-2010Daniel Lindstrom, [email protected]

Tashai Smith, [email protected]

Jay Fisgus, [email protected]

5% DALP Established

6-Sep-20104 Insurance Brokerage Services

$4,977,192 Maria V. Lechuga, [email protected]

Greg Kildare, [email protected]

Tashai Smith, [email protected]

Jay Fisgus, [email protected]

5% DALP Established

2 Communication Equipment for Customer Information Systems

$15,000,000 Lily Lopez, [email protected]

Daniel Lindstrom, [email protected]

Tashai Smith, [email protected]

Jay Fisgus, [email protected]

5% DALP Established


Diversity and Economic Opportunity Department 2 of 3September 2 , 2010

# Project Description Scope of Work Project Estimate

Contract Administrator

Project Manager DEOD Manager DEOD Contract Compliance


Goal Status Anticipated Advertise


Contract Look-Aheads September 2010

Material/Supplies1 Bus Engines - Natural

GasMetro is seeking to procure 200 natural gas bus engines for the 9200 bus series

$8,400,000 Otto Ojong, [email protected]

Amy Hughes, [email protected]

Tashai Smith, [email protected]

Violeta Aguilos, [email protected]

No MBE/WBE VALP % Established


2 Emergency Supplies (Food and Water)

Metro is seeking to procure emergency supplies (food and water) to various Metro locations

$94,082 Robert Vasquez, [email protected]

Duane Martin, [email protected]

Tashai Smith, [email protected]

Violeta Aguilos, [email protected]

No MBE/WBE VALP % Established


OtherMetro is seeking a qualified contractor to provide glazier services including but not limited to installation, repair and replacement of various types of glass panels used throughout Metro transit facilities

Potential Subcontract Opportunities by NAICS:

238350, 238150 - Glass Repair, Installation and Service

To Be Determined

1 Glass Replacement and Installation Services for Metro Rail Facilities

$298,955 Victor Ramirez, [email protected]

Lena Babayan, [email protected]

Tashai Smith, [email protected]

Linda Perryman, [email protected]

15% DALP Established

LEGENDDALP – Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Anticipated Levels of ParticipationSBE – Small Business EnterpriseWBE VALP – Women Business Enterprise Voluntary Anticipated Levels of Participation MBE VALP – Minority Business Enterprise Voluntary Anticipated Levels of ParticipationUDBE - Caltrans DBE Program Underutilized Disadvantage Business EnterpriseTo Be Determined – Contact Contract Administrator for Updated InformationN/A - Formal Advertisement Not Required - Contact Contract Administrator for information

DISCLAIMER All information provided above is subject to change. If you are interested in any of the projects, please contact the listed Contract Administrator and/or go to www.Metro.netClick on Doing Business with Metro and go to Contracting Opportunities and Future Contracting Opportunities for updated bid/ proposal opportunities.

Diversity and Economic Opportunity Department 3 of 3September 2 , 2010

Current Solicitations Sorted by Due Date September 1, 2010

Number Title Type Due Date

11-0001 Facility Lamps and Ballasts. Includes Amendment 1 IFB 11/30/2010

10-0042 Rotor and Disc Brake Pads including amendments 1 & 2 IFB 11/10/2010

PS-5310-2583 Risk Management Brokerage Services RFP 10/29/2010

11-0004 Drills and Taps IFB 10/05/2010

10-0036 Bus Alternator including amendments 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 IFB 09/30/2010

PS85102612 Oracle Software Licenses IFB 09/24/2010

10-0032R Copier Paper including Amendment 1 IFB 09/22/2010

C0964 Wayside Energy Storage Substation IFB 09/21/2010

PS117140501 40 Double Sided Backlit Map Cases with an option for 10 additional units including amendment 1

IFB 09/15/2010


OP39222584 Communication Equipment for Customer Information Service including amendments 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

IFB 09/14/2010

OP26102608 TPIS SIGN ENCLOSURE IFB 09/13/2010

PS119240001 Upgrade of the Gateway UPS including amendment 1 IFB 09/09/2010


OP37902570 Large Vault Truck including amendment 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 IFB 09/02/2010


IFB 09/02/2010

11-0002 Synthetic Oil-Differential, Including Amendment 1 IFB 09/02/2010


RFP 08/31/2010

PS4603-2582 I-605 Congestion Hot Spots Feasibility Analysis & Project Study Reports, Including Amendment 1

RFP 08/30/2010

PS1071402472 NEW RESIDENT PROGRAM RFP 08/30/2010

10-0015 Bus Lamps including Amendments 1 & 2 IFB 08/23/2010

OP37902568 Electric Forklifts including amendment 1, 2 & 3 IFB 08/18/2010

C0959-C Metro subway station entrance canopy - CANCELLATION NOTICE IFB 00/00/0000

This information is provided as a service to those who want access to Metro through this Internet site. The

information contained in this system is subject to change at any time. Please call 213-922-1037 or email Vendor Relations to request the most current information available.

Additional Information : Construction Solicitations above are also available on eBidboard website. Contract Terms and Conditions Future Contracting Opportunities To request a current version of the plan holders list, please e-mail the appropriate CA/Buyer.


Calendar of Events January 2010 to December 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010 Gateway Plaza Conference Room, 3RD Floor 8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. Committee Meetings 9:30 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. Regular General Meeting Thursday, January 28, 2010 Metro Plaza Lobby, Board Room, 3rd Floor 5:30 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. MEET THE PRIMES

Thursday, February 4, 2010 Gateway Plaza Conference Room, 3RD Floor 8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. Committee Meetings 9:30 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. Regular General Meeting Thursday, March 4, 2010 Gateway Plaza Conference Room, 3RD Floor 8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. Committee Meetings 9:30 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. Regular General Meeting

Thursday, April 1, 2010 Gateway Plaza Conference Room, 3RD Floor 8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. Committee Meetings 9:30 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. Regular General Meeting

Thursday, May 6, 2010 Gateway Plaza Conference Room, 3RD Floor 8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. Committee Meetings 9:30 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. Regular General Meeting

Thursday, June 3, 2010 Gateway Plaza Conference Room, 3RD Floor 8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. Committee Meetings 9:30 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. Regular General Meeting

Thursday, June 10, 2010 Boardroom, Plaza, 3rd Floor Lobby, 3RD Floor 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. MEET THE BUYERS

Thursday, July 1, 2010 Gateway Plaza Conference Room, 3RD Floor 8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. Committee Meetings 9:30 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. Regular General Meeting

Thursday, August 5, 2010 No Session

Thursday, September 2, 2010 Gateway Plaza Conference Room, 3RD Floor 8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. Committee Meetings 9:30 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. Regular General Meeting

Thursday, October 7, 2010 Gateway Plaza Conference Room, 3RD Floor 8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. Committee Meetings 9:30 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. Regular General Meeting

Thursday, November 4, 2010 Gateway Plaza Conference Room, 3RD Floor 8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. Committee Meetings 9:30 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. Regular General Meeting

Thursday, December 2, 2010 Gateway Plaza Conference Room, 3RD Floor 8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. Committee Meetings 9:30 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. Regular General Meeting

Note: Calendar of Events subject to change

Brutoco Engineering & Construction, Inc.Fontana, California

Joanne Schultz, Vice President of AdministrationTeresa Maxwell, SBE Liaison

Brutoco at a glance

• General engineering contractor

• Private developers and public clients including Caltrans, MWD, Metro, City of Los Angeles

• Design-Bid-Build and Design-Build

• Project values between $5M - $100M

Brutoco at a glance

• Freeways

• Bridges

• Underground piping

• Pump stations

• Facilities

• Water and wastewater treatment plants

• Airports

• Rail

Current Projects

• Orange Line Extension Design-Build, Metro, $83M

• Donald Tillman Plant Storage Design- Build, City of Los Angeles, $10M

• SR-91 EB Widening, Caltrans, $36M

• Desalination Demonstration, West Basin Municipal Water District, $9M

SBE/DBE Participation in Recent Projects

Metro Orange Line Extension DBE/UDBE $5,903,221

Imperial Hwy. Grade Separation DBE $866,399

Jurupa Grade Separation DBE $1,082,063

MWD Jensen Plant Tanks SBE $1,679,898

MWD Jensen Headhouse SBE $393,157

Metro Orange Line Extension

Small and Disadvantaged Business Subs:

Ace Fence Chain Link Fence MBE/WBE/ UDBE


CGO Construction

Clear and Grub UDBE $688,700

Dorado & Dorado Misc. Concrete DBE $1,367,562

Integrity Rebar Rebar DBE $1,895,896

Global Transloading

Hazardous Waste UDBE $32,125

Morgner Construction Site Survey DBE/SBE $43,525

Current Bid Opportunities


Date Time Project Name Lead Estimator Eng. Estimate Owner

9/8 2:00pm Goetz Rd. & Newport Rd. Improvements Jose Martin $ 5.9 to 6.9 

millionCounty of Riverside

9/9 11:00am 42‐Inch Yucaipa Connector Pipeline Moises 

Ontiveros$ 4 million DWR (spec 10‐12)

9/16 2:00pm I‐5 Replace Four Buildings with Five, Add Fire Protection Bruce Hudson $ 5.4 million Caltrans 11‐261404

9/21 2:00pm Foothill Blvd. Bike/Pedestrian Bridge, Route 66 

TrailheadTyrone Chisley $8,015,000  City of Rancho Cucamonga

9/21 2:00pm Milliken Grade Separation Jose Martin $ 60 million SANBAG

9/30 2:00pm Passon

Blvd Grade Separation over BNSF Railroad $ 17.2 million City of Pico Rivera

11/2 2:00pm Temecula Valley Regional Water Reclamation Facility John Glanville $ 17 million Eastern Municipal Water Dist. 

TBD Iron/Manganese Desalters

(REBID) John Glanville $ 16 to 18 

millionEastern Municipal Water Dist. 

Items Brutoco Typically Outreaches to SBE/DBE’s for:

• Rebar

• Construction Area Signs

• Clearing & Grubbing

• Minor Concrete

• Sound Wall (Masonry Block)

• Reinforced Concrete Pipe

• Fencing

• Misc. Iron & Steel

• Metal Beam Guard Rail

• Concrete Barrier

• Striping

• Demolition

• Electrical

• Rock Slope Protection

• AC Dike

• Roadside Sign

• Joint Seal

• Misc. Bridge Metal

• Air-Blown Mortar

Sample Advertisement

Sample Solicitation Letter

How Brutoco Makes Plans Available to Subs/Vendors

Subcontracting with Brutoco

Brutoco’s estimating department is always looking for subcontractors and vendors to join our growing list of bidders. If a Sub or Vendor is interested in being contacted by Brutoco’s estimating department for future bidding opportunities we have a pdf form

available on our website.

Brutoco Involvement in SBE/DBE Community

DBE/SBE/MBE Events Attended:

Date of Event Event Name Location Brutoco Representative

August 12, 20105th Annual

Cal Con Expo Pasadena Convention Center Teresa Maxwell, Attendee

July 20, 2010 SCCA/Caltrans DBE Seminar Los Angeles, CA Teresa Maxwell, Attendee

June 23, 2010 Young Black Contractors Compton, CA Sharee Andrade, Invited Attendee

January 28, 2010 MTA Meet the Primes Metro's LA BuildingTeresa Maxwell & Joanne Schultz

Setup Booth and Interviewed

August 13, 2009 Cal Con Expo LA Convention Center Teresa Maxwell, Attendee

September 16, 2009CCCP Business Connection

Module 7 TrainingEl Camino College

Hawthorne Teresa Maxwell, Panel Member

September 21, 2009CCCP Business Connection

Module 7 Training Oceanside, CA Teresa Maxwell, Panel Member

March 25, 200815th Annual

Los Angeles Vendor Fair LA Convention Center Teresa Maxwell, Attendee

September 8, 2008CCCP Business Connection

Module 7 Training Santa Clarita, CA Teresa Maxwell, Panel Member
