#ThrowbackThursday: H.E. Butt Piggly Wiggly

Piggly figgly Section Ihe une* Section $ v ,«i A/ ?l CORPUS CHRIST!, TEXAS; FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 23, 1937 Two New Piggly Wiggly Stores Formally Open Today Local Store .Newest Unit For System Corpus Christ! No. 4 Is Latest,. Tiling for Shoppers Upholding its' policy to keep i"a step ahead,* ' tfce H. E. Butt <3ro- cery Co: formally opens its new- est Corpus Chri^U Piggly Wiggly Store at Port and ' Leopard streets Here Are Three of the Newest Stores of H. E. Butt Piggly Wiggly Company for South Texas Service jDeslgned to allow the greatest JCa- oility lor the chopper, the Xj>,* 4 Store embodies the latest develop- meats in modern furnishings and ixrcs. ( . , r ,_ N ,, ^Frora the _ segregation, of,', staple and. fancy Kroce-ries to the ^'rolling" baskets—the first of this type "in Corpus, Christ! Piggly "Wiggly has, provided for the convenience gnd efficient buying? of , customers. J / ipjfty-one feet wide and extend- ing 100 feet back from-the corner of Port anfl. Leopard streets, the, store has a total floor-space of ap- proximately 5,000 feet, .according to I. B, Ault, manager. Commodities Segregated In tlie various departments. Pis- gly AVancly aguln has segregated commodities. ' «, The meat department, unrtei Ma- rlon 0»ouch, supct visor of markets for the li. K. Batt Giocely Co. and manager of the Xo 4 Stoic market, i^ Ihe ' l.is-t \\uul" m ni'Mt depart- ment fivtui 1 '". The (tuinti-r extends fnr *ij fi'i-t I'u'u'- 1 * tho li'irl? ot thf stu'T and srl i«<5 s|in\\- CI-AO- exhibit one of ihci i,f uft v'ti'KUes of mem-' produce. fi-.li and ill ivpi iv - of pi'1'Hu.blf >iv at-=, rifijrlv AVisjiJv rt furciiticn 1= in< oj |i<)i lit {1 m the nio.it iV-pntiiieju .',ml an u'di-,1 tei- tuin is ihti MM-tiOn tli'Vuieil 10 the itelk ile-i-n }Vnf^ I'IMCIIL. iliv i-\ei\ xiDeii', *au. <> ,T>.I - uuhvic h limit i*. tn In- luiinU in tli|-> s.. t >n,,|i, .ic-- iMidmtr to ("riuth, \slio hi-, -ciislii to in o\ Mo -in i.si'inut'Ml \v)i-T i or r :" §miJ^5^^ V''^ MMM_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HHlriHHIIIHIIIHHHHIIIIHIIHMHHMNWWWVM Mill' tTSBlllSiBlS —-—^^p—^ _ _^--—^-az^-.-i_.—V ..,„.. i ij .MI M. ~, ,_____^j^ *""^*?5!?!!H ^ticif $$$l?£.rx^«-^£'"-'*''^^t--"'"v.'>- % *' ••* r -* ?v ^••••••^••^•iffBi '*^ ^ ^•^M'^fe^«S^^?.^|j& ^^VA^^^efe^^li^^'^^ tin en additions 1o the if Hum K'lU.Uh i>ii>iio: n tin) MCI cs>-|),;o to tin- i ustoi'.i'-i ii f luiid- found m Ihe miii r t)ep u tinet't<. Tlin lull try 'I' pii t'f.rnt h.j* one f' I ho iiyist niTOplrto Itni'S of liieid- .)ii 1 ^!,>|>!e .Uld 1'tili '.' p't-tiKs ioiinil nuvwhi'io in C'M|tH Uluisli. Th'> IH'W Tividuch s-pJ.'V r-\-"MII ill !he vi £,H ibli* dtp.irtment kcip' |t'Ml«h.ihlc M-pi't^blr- ibsnlutelv fusii, thiouah .. c-iioled \ ijmr IIKI- cess 1'n'idruh \t~i't,tblc' ei|i'ip- meiH i^s of 'In- 'un-t m i iKi'tni; sj stem*, \ult •= iid Variety Is Offered In tho n'H\ «t->|., \\hn.h li ( s 'inn (.itii •!!,; tn li'^idrn!^ n! UridP-t and othi't m s (jl>\ .ii".)s lor the past U\M wfi\v, Tn o'.l'ii! h.is hiM'n m.idi f> )>m\idf I'IP irioit(-t \iiipiy ot f jods-tuffs foun.1 linpurU lino bi'en JnoicT^cd in jn = tilv thi< flfoit UK! Fhoppoi^ f,M- tli ^ t<mrior londs lit fmd'iic- in ihc-e impoits tin, nbj'vt i/f tlirir soi rcb. Tlir personnel cf th^ i.m- «toie wi'l include An It, Crourh Tl^'ivili' I?fU a , c,t=hK-i Joo Bob r l i)di;' J1 i i .ind James AVnini!-, ]lo\\.nd fks, And TjZLV, icncc K nf pke K. Kutt O'roceiy Co., 1'iRglv ] \\'jji.lv Stori-o me shown above. Tun n: thi nifMi'M-n in^tiuitunis :ire l lining ihi-jr foim.il (ipeiiing today i m thi'ii new- buildings at J'mt and Leup.ud .sti-ii'ts, Corpus chiisti, ,-tnd in tlu- ht.nt ol downtown imuidvilli Tin Coipus ("hiistl I'm ill!-, Chilst) vim,- m at the lop; the t: u mondv ille >ton L N shnvv n .stoi i.s .shown at leu nnd vv.i.s leiled 1.1 t Veil Tluili of brick and tib\ ihe build - tcunbine '\ l>. iiinlul liolit nl CMII 11 i },] ivs- uid staUllts-i st,-el inviting-' 10 i ,n iv nut the ceiiit.il ct it mo'l'lliiii, ihi'iti^noui stalled for the convenience of shoi - I plan, piotuips and -utulo of Uie pels, MP \llPti anfi Keuvilli stores luive PoiKrui tion uf ihe ne\\' H'ltl- been uiuied in iLttiunal yiiMH-iV j owned buildings clim.ix. thu n i -i;tnd ti.ide publn.itUins Thf most I moiH'lhn^ p'ni and' auest to iho|ii>eiiu llUHtialed arlk-li- vv.is i-ii- 1 perfect ness of ai chili etui U d>'MHti tied m ihe I'ittfl'Ui _"h 1'lUe (',1ns*. I heuitf e.uiied out under the dii'--- ' l'o. tnuie .ioiun.il The Ki-irville of, inmnumlty ten-| vlslgn for free pnrklng space for Remodeling Under Way m Other Units Raymondville, McAlleu,and Corpus Christi Bring Total to 30 in the VKiniu of the now sih<ijjp<'f(>, Kuh of tht Ihi-eo mevit.ible Hull-owned iiuildlnir.s have clean, 1 dovi'loj input a!on«f that lint- j sp'u-ious p.ukini; lots idjowins the unidlv taking sh ipe ;it tin- Mi-JHloit,-. and me e.iMly <u-ce.s-5ih!e t" -jibe 11 i: IHitt 1'lif^lv \\ .-,ylv M s- i tnui ol ML I'.H -1 ' teni in Miutli 'I ' \ is ,u'd Ihe Km iti-i-1. Oiandi V'lllej. I'lmiiv .i-t iitnlt of' Vs a ti <i :i-l>b.ili ilic uul an* ule n in- die I \ mi i mi nt br jiiipjin .inh- stmv loci-nth undi'i went a lnins- i tii;iiiMlii>n and is outi.inkiil bv <h (it the .id- jthiee sinit-" ,it i in nils rlu i.sli, K.iy- bv the 11 K i mondville mid Mr VlU'n only hec.tuse ar the il^lu The MoAltinln, in-113'itt Ci>. m itf- u nioib ilm.< i of (heir tif iban t'oi pus (,'husli liii.itiiin, A Kill- \Vll| fl.lllU 1'lJ.Klv WlKUlv on tin* \vt-f and vuiini lots far- thi i n>> iiimldr -ppe df iddltlun il j euinmuniiv iinUi luHldlntc' 1 Anotlui i h.it.'li't' i l«tle of the ru-Uonii'is. SlamliiuliJMtion of departments is i.mifM out m all Pitjuly Wisely sines in ihe Uutt orgiuuyailnn ind i In each of the three new stores de- p u tnii m.ili/.'iUon has shopping to the hisiK-t loathful-Appearing Firm President Wears Out Ca Per Year on Inspections The Company Bears His Name Xot forsettiiii; the f-hop pendimr on h-.r automobile a; tccts hiv, <3e«ttfiicd the buiMing to f'lovirle "all amurd ' puXinfr sp'lc.e A spacious pat king lot availablt, on the v,-e<5t t rie of the oui'dins fiee to customers of the nrv\ stiue Products of Area Bought by Stores Sale of Home-Grcmji Com- modities Important In Business H. E. Bull Has Litlic Time For Amusement and Entertainment II 1" Unit 4^, "oiithfiil-loolc'iii; pif-idcnt and Reni ral maii/iyer ot lii° ciirnp'i'iv which bear? his name tiaveK fiom "'I Ofm to 6'),iiuo miles .innunllv and vve^r? out one auto- mohile in eumluclincr the (tiotmous a<lnnpi-«tr itive duties of thi' I 1 1> Ktitt Oiocerv Co By ni*= own admissiun "dining mv riin'-i;.al :>vocation Butt has littb 1 uni" foi amusement and piav. Jiovvevt-i*. h-^ CJIJOA^ diivmcr and n,.'l,c-p ti'p« num Del TJio to Vi'icnii and Kcnedv to "Browns- Mile '-'imetimes once a v^ eol\ \Veek- Iv ti'i.s between hi^ vvatehou«-e at foipiip Chlisii and the li^glv-Wii:- Srly wnehotibe at Ifa'lmcpn aie madi b> the dynamic gioci' exec- Sect'y Treasurer A. fact that has plajed piomin- emlv in th 0 success of the H. £ Butt Gtoceiy Co in South Texas ind the r.io Giande Valley is shown in thp pin rbase of South Texas and Texas Pioducts for Piggiy-TVig-- £ly Stoies YTiUi one warehouse located in the beau of the Rio Grande Valley fruit and vegetable growing: district and another in the center o£ the iich Coastal Bend agricultural territory, it is easily seen the importance that selling homo-grown products has ulajed in the success of Pigsjly- AVlg-gly stores. Housewives, since the establishment of stoics in South Texas, have bad this w clcome as- stirnnce and have i-nptalized on it. Fiesh fruits and vegetables and srooils canned in the new company c.innins plant and other canning plants of tho two sections, aie prime f ivpnl>\« of shoppers. Diary pro- ducts which nre rapidly becoming on* of 1he piincipal industries of the whole of the South Texas and \\'lle\ sections, are sources of Tig- i^ly A\ ipul.\ nieichnnclisc. The cheese factories, or A'lctotia and Kenedy, where Pisgly Wicgly stores are located, supply tiuck loads of these inodlifts to the Butt orgranir.ation. Aloni? the Te^cas Gulf Coast are located s,<mc of tho nation's finest fishing- nnd fiOITI reliable and suc- cessful fishei men, ricrKlv Wigsly stores receive their fresh fish nnd sea food •uipplios dailv. Tbroupfh the niilixation oC these sources and supplies clot,e. to home, H. K. Butt Grocery Co. hns brought to thn shelves of Viggly AViRRly Stores fresh products at a. mini- mum of cost. FOR THOs" WHO BUY Officials of tho TifiJTly \Vlpgly stores pride ihemsclves on.the fact that their stores arc for those poo- pin who HUfi to buy things rather thnn of being "solil'\ 1T E Butt began back in 1905 to work in a pioieiy «ioie His mol.iei. ^Cr" Florence Butt owned and cpevafd the first Butt etocery s'ore at Keirviile and from this statt and knowledce 'he son was pi opelleil into the letail grocery business. Three New Stores The "Butt oi^amzAtion however, did not begin to expand until the eaily IflfOs and with J' E Garrett. otfice manager heie. Howard Putt started buying a store at Junction, then Brady and Biovvnwood. Then he came to South Texas. In the spring: of Ifl^S. H E. Butt bouglit out Pisglj -AVigjrlv >toie.s at Brownsville, Mercedes and AVeslaco and in nine short years hat tripled ihe number. He later opened stoies in Laredo and Corpus Christi and since that time the hi-'orv of the H. E. Butt Grocery Co has been the purchase or construction of one new sloie after nnolboi. And not only is 'tie investment of H. E. Butt coiti'ied ptincipal- ly to transfertainc meiclnndise. The orsranizatio". ha« vast real estate holdings and five of the new- est rigplv AVigsly stoie? aie entire- ly owned"by the H. K Butt Grocery Co That evidence alor.e V\.T= suffi- cient surety the <"o"ip.inv is local nnd has no connection vv itn national- chain stores, he s,.i'<l A lover of fine div-i, Butt "don't have a chance to hunt with them." he said. lie has lighted tennis couits and frequently "takes time off after night from his l.|i-iii< > «.«. to indulge in a game of tenni.- 1'e hunts and fishes "when I h.no an opportun- ity." Although a philnntioimt in his own right, Mr. Butt's vufo has been n niotivauncr force behind the hos- pitaliMtion "and correction of crip- pled children and many vouny peo- ple in Corpus Chri*ti. South Tex- as and the Rio Grande Valley. PIGGLY WGLY FIRST Piggly WlRRly was iho originator of self'servicft in the pm-chnsfi: of groceries nnd meats. Sin (- fc t' 10 i(1(> n w-ns born IS years «KO Pigsly Wlggly stores havo mnfla.. mnny improvements. M 1-! Clapp of Harlinsen secie- taiv -trejs'iier of the 11 K Butt Giuceiy Co s-Uued AVitn Mr. Butt at KeiivUle n I'.'-T In the account- ins depai tment. His advancement in : ie oigan- ization nis been aoreatt ot the growth sj (5 expansion the H. B. Butt Pig-srli AViggly stoics 11 Sou T h Texas and ihe I^io Giande Valley. He became =ecictar;.-treasuier of the IT. i;. liutt iiioccr.v Company with headiii'ditfis at ll.nlinsen. in 11JS and h.is- ^erved in that capacity ever since Clapp l.ns no .1 vocation "except work and mote woik.' accoidin? to -Vh piebiclent. H. n Butt, He is miiiicd and has or 0 baby dpucrliter, Macic one-vent -old The Clapp familv lives nt Mai Inge'i. Fourteen Stores Receive Commodities from Firm's Warehouse Located Here Veteran Proximity lo Tide Water Determining Factor In LoVation Stores Are Clean Piggly Wiggly Employees Tako Pride In Vord concemed cle.inh- tin wmd uf fust. Whoie food i nes,s is n.itiujll. importa.nco. In the Vimlv Wigsrlv stores operated ry the 11 K Kiut Oiocery Co., cleanliness is a w.itchvvoid As a result nowhei* c-,in moie spotless stoies be found than IUOM- of this company, Tisgly AVlselv empldvees take pleasure in Kiepnu their -.toies up 10 that maik of eleniliiie-.s nnd orderlinoss th.it tin housewife de- mands in her own home. DRUGS IN STORE K ,it I'orl and !eie in every nir vi solable ,;]s<i ii o.'i.-ries niiii<>n.'«lly ad- vertised (irtifi.*. Simple remedies, mindries, nnd tn.'"'V oibcr items arc cnrrled in Iho druK tV-partinent. Xot onlv ii the m WiRgly unit Leopard Sireei romi flotnil as n grocer\ s find meal, market, but .1 line Of .standan., T'mch- AVi pus ("bii-tt Butt Oroeer 1 jKly stotes in 1lip Cor- (livisjon of the II E 1 Co receive eommodi- at Mestina In keeping with its program'of" remodelling and redecorating stores throughout its system, the H. *E. Butt Giocery Co. will formally open today its store here at Vort and .Leopaid streets and us Raymond- ville store. T.'ie two new structures and the Pipslv \Vigtjly Stoie at McAllon are the latest in the sys- tem and bnnsj the number to 30 operated b\ thf H. K. Butt organ-, ization. ?UfCbtly linger than tlie Bay- rnondville, store will be tlie store at Port and X>eopaid streets, owned and operated by lhi> H K. Butt (irocery Co The Tort and Leopard street s sioie it 51 feet by 100 feet and the rjaymondvllle store'"is 40" i'eet by 75 feet. Spacious private paiklnsc spaces flank both buildings as is the stoie at itcAllen, opened last year. The ilcAHen building is owned also i>y the H. K. Butt Groceiy Co. In Strategic Locations Both of the newest stores are lo- cated in .strategic spots in Corpus ChrLslt and Kaymondville. r r-b« biuldint,"4 aio of brick and tile, with a. bcauuful front of cartara pjaj>s and avuilnns of staltiles= stetl. Floors <ire i't asphalt Ultt nnJ the mnieidl (onstuiclion and innova- tions* cj,uy out the eonstiuctiyn thrme in tile Pjttire system. In addition to the Corpus Christi, HftymoudviUe and McAIlea Plsgly ^S'lKBly stores, the Butt store at i Keirviile has undergone, a trans- formation and now iss one <3f Uie most ueautltul In the organisation, iiom mimjr lepalts to each of the 30 IOL.U .stores to construction ol entiiely new 1 uildmss, f u e ^torv.s taki n a lead in local improve- * ami sot a pace- for other community businesses. With ctimiiU'tJon th« Corpus Chtihti and IU> mondville stores, tuft ij. K Kutt Grocery Co- has Pisgly AViggly stoiw at Bceville, BrovvnsvHlP, Corpus Chiisti, DonnAf Kdlnbui'if, Hat'lingen, Kenedy, ndu, AlcAUen, Mercedes, X'hair, JU> mondville, Reftigio, P.obi-tovvn. San Benito, Victoria. AVeslaco and aifiliatea stores at Kaslo rnss KerrvtllP. Del Rio, \Varehousis aift located at Del Rlu, Jl.irllugen and Corpus Christi and commodities move out daily to nrarby cities, with supplies for blielves of local Piggb AViggly stoi"s. General Office at Han'ingen General office* and v\aretiouse are located at Harhngen also. H. JE- Butt, president tno organization which Ucai"! his name, maintains homes at Corpus Christi and Har- ties fi om the and J-p-iPr ftieets here. lingen, and commutes weekly be- Fiiurteen '•tous in Poipus Christi, tween the two tovvn^. nefumo I>evil]<, Victoiw. Kenedy, j Completwn of the beautiful stores Rub.stown, Abie. King'iville -ind. two i heie and at Raymondville have add- a.i. l.aredo, leiei-ve s from the hei-p A regular service ii- mniiiaini'l between these i and tho \\nrehou=e. Maniii-hanip ot the waielioiise is | biou^ht almnt beoause ot the pi ox- I much to the- upbuilding of the community centeis and here, Pigsly (Tutn to Papr 0 2, Coiurnn 5) imitv to tidf v ater. Name Is Connection n WithNationalUnit Tho warehouse hTe, although not centHi'lv located from a geo !«'apbical standpoin r , provides an J advantage for the H K Butt Gro- ^ 'c-eiv Co. riasrlv "\Vigglv stores in the | tnnbportation rates. How- } goiltll Texas Piggb" ever, with Victoria, BeeviUe and j [Cenedy on the noith and the other [towns \vheiem Piagly ^VigRly stores _. -, . I are maintiin^d spread out to the Jhe.dd-STmPii.npomtof ^eiv,ce, nes . aml sm]Ul Canshapei economy it'i thn IL C Bull Hioceij Co.ij^ xt«.n<sportation fiom tide water F. E Gjriett ->d, olficp manager. ! to sno« case is biiugins- a Stores Operated by Butt Onlv H. E. BUTT (See Story at Left) Warehouseman Smith Holder, mannger of VI, K. M has been with the (Turn to V»S'~ warehouse r >, rjroeery Co. New Manager tr -•i(i< nine* 71 manager. h.i* been s" i =ofined. with Mr BUM -since 1021 Canett went mui the H. K. "Dutt oigaiuzaliun at .Tunction. Texas, where the two stokers operated a store as Butt «.V Oairett, Inc. in 1927. the i\v. paitnnis opuned a j grocery at !Uad_, Texa.< and sell-' ing out thw luiKtion inu-'est Again m j n Js, Butt and Ganeit bought a tvvo-i'i'iils intei^st i>i the' Pisgly \Vjggl\- sio t e in P.' rmnuood, j Texas, and Ma 1 "ti there two v ears' before selling out. i i Garrcti" enuv int" tho South . 'Texas stociiv business came in I | 1*531 when thov ^old the Kiart} and i t i . ' to sr to th 0 organisation ivbicli is re- j C f)res The o-ily associaUo-n the H. E- Butt Groceii Co.-Pi£gly "v^'isg^ have with th^ national ted :n food prices j organhation is the name. Ho«- Weeklv shipi'iug service fiom the j e ^ Br> a Instt'i-j m itself :s behind east coast is made available W j the two tatcr-y words. Pisgly \ViErslv- si-ores in Coipus inaugurated by C'.atence Sairr,- rhi"isti and South Texas by the 1 flers 3 f Memphis. Tenn. in 1015, Port of Coipu« Ciuisti and estab- ! ^ .j-,, g gj v \\-]^ s ij ' idea inuneai- Hsnment of a warehouse here has atc]v m "" el Vith success and began .node possible a cteat part of the of H. E. Butt Grocerj' spreading to all nans the con- Five StoresHere Brownwoocl pany in 1131 and took over the of- 1 fiee mnJiaeri'niMit "f the warehouse .when the buildmj; v\,is b.nlt in 1:M- \pansion ot 11. J'-. Jsutt vjrocei'i- i tment Today the number ot Pig- Co. j c iy "VTiggiy steres ia Sortn Ataerua "'" and Unitsd States pra. - :nces is in the tho'isand? The total number is estimated vanouslj from o 000 ! to 3.500. . j | Beca-ise ths stores simplified Location IS Designated | shopping. eUmma.ed s. number of A X -t I c ' eiks and s'-ashed retail prices. AS AO« •* ' ,) nex . Trinr -n,fh a ready reiponsa •ig nubiic, general iy of the new standard . thev met ! fiom the ...... | Eo.uiprr.ent 'o Jlr. Butt became active in estab- , -\yigriv s-tc'-e at Port and Leopard ! thiouahout the lishimr 1'isglj- "\\igeiv stoies here , gtteets vsill burg the number of j retrij b u t the H. E. Butt Piggly and bought four at that time. Gar- ; ,, to , e! ; in Cnipus Cinu<U to five. ! AVi^'gly sac-res h^e elaborated on iiett enteied the setvico of the com- vnhoiicn the nevest .store in the j t, n is"pc-lu-v and ircoino'Mted beauty E. Biitt Hipceiy Co orsamza-i O £ desiirr at no adiitsona! cost to s.;Uis'\ictioT> OL the pubKc crtoiiiic a Pis;? ly 3-1. organiza- i i, the roi t and Lenpaul Streets I i 1 * vvll be known as Xo. -4.1 Q U lie has been In charge of the H, j I. R. Ault will be manager a 'id ! store, th" shonpcr proeef is thiough. E Butt r.iuceiv Co. v irehouse of- fice .since 11.51,' ho s.iul Itemizing of. Grocery Li>t Is Aid lo A. company policy to ,'ivvard nio. lorious work of employees ,>inp.">ny since j ] OSS of ^^ Ivis brought lo 1. 7) ' (Turn to Vase. 2. Column fi) /Staples s;( lf , P [ Charlie Kos^.v The «.v<stem ot enelniim; an item- i manager o t- Sioie No. 1 M< J Street, nfii-r of Street, Marion Ciouch. corupanj super- j a turnstile chooses hei basket £or vKor of maiketc will be manager j ;1I! chases, then K'ltiireh or as of the meat depaitment. i her des.ics, ur^re, she puks her .1 (; Keelev is m in.iarer of r)?=rly i piuvh.ise*. Manaseis hive noted "vVi^sjlv X" 1 at i)!', Mct-quite , bei.t'Ut^ in this .-.vstem. individual Street: 0 C. ChanoeUor is roan- ' shopping has eucoui-iiged ovvutirs nacr of ^to^e Xo. 2 <it M" South ! an d i-nan.i=e^ to "dre>s up" shelves, vv'.ich i"crent-os .selling, 3n t'-ns. ind Fuinkhn Crit? is man- store Xo. 5, 1-137 Third ized account <if piuchise<! m each ba«: of puichiises mad" bv shop- pers has simplified the budget plan for salaried families. JCHILDREN MAK'E PURCHASES Kaeh fishier, ou < nmpilimr pur-] The e.i!-e v\ub which ai ucto« may chases made at a PiKu-lv \\ icrgly ' he puu-hascd from Pitjcly \Visqly store, places' the cash resistor re- stores is demonstrated in the fact eeipt in the l,ns ot' groceries and that small, children aro sent to foodstuffs for the efficient house-j make purchases. Managers attest wife. Shft hiis found this of untold j lo .tins and point out that children, benefit in filling out her weekly, ! able (o read nnd write, proceed semi-monthly or monthly budget of jpr<>nii<tly (.1 i1e|virimonts for arli- expcndilurc.s. iclos roqucsitod by mothers. i tlv commoditv I'acins the shopper ! is independent of a s-ale^man and 1 ,Uoue oveicomes the sales, rcsistauca i oC the OS-tenner. Incieasing the i desn.iblStty ot an article has been j tho greatest factor in allowing man- j a;!n-<( to fui'jjft tbo old-timo sales- man. After hri' basket, has been -iiUcrt with 1 s«>U-ctions of bar own choosins iho shopper then pays for her articles and exits through ft turnstile similar to tho ona usedi on entering. . . 1


Archived photo of The Corpus Christi Times from April 23, 1937

Transcript of #ThrowbackThursday: H.E. Butt Piggly Wiggly

  • Piggly figglySection Ihe une* Section $v,iA/% ?l


    Two New Piggly Wiggly Stores Formally Open TodayLocal Store

    .Newest UnitFor System

    Corpus Christ! No. 4 IsLatest,. Tiling for

    ShoppersUpholding its' policy to keep i"a

    step ahead,* ' tfce H. E. Butt iv at-=, r ifi jrlv AVisjiJvrt furciiticn 1= i n < oj |i i i > i i o : n t i n ) M C I cs>-|),;o to

    t in- i ustoi'.i'-i ii f l u i i d - found m Ihem i i i r t)ep u t i ne t ' t< .

    Tlin lull try ' I ' p i i t ' f . rn t h.j* onef' I ho iiyist niTOplrto I t n i 'S of l i i e i d -.)ii 1 ^!,>|>!e .Uld 1'tili '.' p ' t - t iKs ioiiniln u v w h i ' i o in C ' M | t H U l u i s l i .

    Th'> IH'W Tividuch s-pJ. 'V r - \ - "MIIi l l !he v i ,H ibli* d tp . i r tmen t kcip'| t 'Mlh.ihlc M-pi ' t^b l r - i b s n l u t e l vfusii , t h i o u a h .. c-iioled \ i j m r I I K I -cess 1 'n ' idruh \ t ~ i ' t , t b l c ' e i | i ' ip-meiH i^s of ' In- ' un - t m i i K i ' t n i ;sj stem*, \ u l t = i id

    Variety Is OfferedIn tho n'H\ t - > | . , \ \ h n . h li

    (s ' inn(. i t i i !!,; tn l i ' ^ id rn !^ n! UridP-t

    and o th i ' t m s ( j l > \ .ii".)s lor the pastU\M wfi\v, Tn o ' . l ' i i ! h.is h i M ' n m.idif> )>m\ id f I ' IP i r i o i t ( - t \ i i i p i y o tf jods- tuf fs foun.1 l inpurU l i n o bi'enJ n o i c T ^ c d in jn = t i l v t h i < f l f o i t UK!Fhoppoi^ f,M- t l i ^ t t o n L N shnvv n

    .stoi i.s .shown at leu nnd vv.i.sleiled 1.1 t V e i lT lu i l i of brick and tib\ ihe build -

    t c u n b i n e '\ l> . i i i n l u l l iol i t nlC M I I 11 i },] ivs- uid staUllts-i st,-elinvi t ing- ' 10 i ,n i v n u t the c e i i i t . i l

    ct it mo'l ' l l i i i i , i h i ' i t i ^ n o u i

    stalled for the convenience of shoi - I plan, piotuips and -u tu lo of Uiepels, MP \ l lPt i an f i Keuvil l i stores luive

    PoiKrui t ion uf ihe ne\\' H ' l t l - been uiuied in iLt t iunal y i i M H - i Vj owned b u i l d i n g s clim.ix. thu n i - i ; t n d ti.ide publn.i tUins Thf mostI moiH'lhn^ p'ni and ' auest to i h o | i i > e i i u l lUHt ia led arlk-li- vv.is i- i i-1 perfect ness of ai chi l i e t u i U d > ' M H t i t i ed m ihe I ' i t t f l 'U i _"h 1'lUe (',1ns*.I heuitf e.uiied out under the d i i ' - - - ' l'o. tnuie .ioiun.il The K i - i r v i l l e

    of, inmnumlty t e n - | vlslgn for free pnrklng space for

    RemodelingUnder Way m

    Other UnitsRaymondville, McAlleu,and

    Corpus Christi BringTotal to 30

    in the V K i n i u of the now sih > i i i m l d r - p p e df i d d l t l u n il je u i n m u n i i v i i n U i luHldlntc'1

    A n o t l u i i h.it . ' l i ' t ' i l t l e of the

    ru-Uonii'is.SlamliiuliJMtion of departments

    is i . m i f M out m all Pitjuly Wiselysines in ihe U u t t orgiuuyailnn ind

    i In each of the three new stores de-p u t n i i m.ili/. 'iUon hasshopping to the hisiK-t

    loathful-Appearing FirmPresident Wears Out CaPer Year on Inspections

    The Company Bears His Name

    Xot forsettiiii; the f-hoppendimr on h-.r automobile a;tccts hiv, Kt i t t Oiocerv Co

    By ni*= own admissiun "d in ingi mv riin'-i;.al :>vocation Butthas li t tb1 uni" foi amusement andpiav. Jiovvevt-i*. h-^ CJIJOA^ d i ivmcrand n,.'l,c-p t i ' p n u m Del TJio toV i ' i c n i i and Kcnedv to "Browns-Mile '-'imetimes once a v^ eol\ \Veek-Iv ti'i.s between hi^ vvatehou-e atfoipi ip Chlisii and the li^glv-Wii:-Srly wnehotibe at I fa ' lmcpn aiemadi b> the dynamic gioci' exec-

    Sect'y Treasurer

    A. fact that has plajed piomin-emlv in th0 success of the H. Butt Gtoceiy Co in South Texasind the r.io Giande Valley is shownin thp pin rbase of South Texasand Texas Pioducts for Piggiy-TVig--ly Stoies

    YTiUi one warehouse located in thebeau of the Rio Grande Valley fruitand vegetable growing: district andanother in the center o the iichCoastal Bend agricultural territory,it is easily seen the importance thatselling homo-grown products hasulajed in the success of Pigsjly-AVlg-gly stores. Housewives, sincethe establishment of stoics in SouthTexas, have bad this w clcome as-stirnnce and have i-nptalized on it.

    Fiesh fruits and vegetables andsrooils canned in the new companyc.innins plant and other canningplants of tho two sections, aie primef ivpnl>\ of shoppers. Diary pro-ducts which nre rapidly becomingon* of 1he piincipal industries oft h e who le of the South Texas and\\'lle\ sections, are sources of Tig-i^ly A\ ipul.\ nieichnnclisc. The cheesefactories, or A'lctotia and Kenedy,where Pisgly Wicgly stores arelocated, supply tiuck loads of theseinodl i f t s to the Butt orgranir.ation.

    Aloni? the Te^cas Gulf Coast arelocated s, . . to indulgein a game of tenni.- 1'e hun t s andfishes "when I h.no an opportun-ity."

    Although a phi lnnt io imt in hisown right, Mr. Butt's vufo has beenn niotivauncr force behind the hos-pitaliMtion "and correction of crip-pled children and many v o u n y peo-ple in Corpus Chri*ti. South Tex-as and the Rio Grande Valley.

    PIGGLY W G L Y FIRSTPiggly WlRRly was iho originator

    of self 'servicft in the pm-chnsfi: ofgroceries nnd meats. Sin ( -fc t'10 i(1(>nw-ns born IS years KO PigslyWlggly stores havo mnf la . . mnnyimprovements.

    M 1-! Clapp of Harlinsen secie-taiv -trejs'iier of the 11 K ButtGiuceiy Co s-Uued AVitn Mr. Buttat K e i i v U l e n I'.'-T In the account-ins depai tment.

    His advancement in : ie oigan-ization n i s been aoreatt ot thegrowth sj (5 expansion o the H. B.Butt Pig-srli AViggly stoics 11 SouThTexas and ihe I^io Giande Valley.

    He became =ecictar;.-treasuier ofthe IT. i;. l iu t t iiioccr.v Companywi th headi i i 'd i t f i s at ll.nlinsen. in11JS and h.is- ^e rved in that capacityever since

    Clapp l.ns no .1 vocation "exceptwork and mote woik.' accoidin? to-Vh piebiclent. H. n Butt,

    He is m i i i i c d and has or0 babydpucrliter, Macic one-vent -old TheClapp familv lives nt Mai Inge'i.

    Fourteen Stores ReceiveCommodities from Firm'sWarehouse Located Here

    VeteranProximity lo Tide Water

    Determining FactorIn LoVation

    Stores Are CleanPiggly Wiggly Employees

    Tako Pride In Vordconcemed cle.inh-tin w m d uf fust .

    Whoie food ines,s is n.itiujll.importa.nco.

    In the Vimlv Wigsrlv storesoperated ry the 11 K Kiut OioceryCo., cleanliness is a w. i tchvvoid Asa result nowhe i* c-,in moie spotlessstoies be found than IUOM- of thiscompany,

    Tisgly AVlselv empldvees takepleasure in Kiepnu their -.toies up10 tha t maik of elenil i i ie- .s nndorderlinoss th.it t i n h o u s e w i f e de-mands in her own home.


    , i t I 'orl and!eie in everyn i r vi solable, ; ] s< i ii o.'i.-ries

    n i i i i < > n . ' l l y ad-vertised (irtifi.*. Simple remedies,mindries, nnd tn.'"'V oibcr i tems arccnrrled in Iho d ruK t V - p a r t i n e n t .

    Xot onlv ii the mWiRgly u n i t

    Leopard Sireei romiflotnil as n grocer\ sfind meal, marke t , but.1 line Of .standan.,

    T'mch- AVipus ("b i i - t tB u t t Oroeer1

    jKly stotes in 1lip Cor-(livisjon of the II E

    1 Co receive eommodi-

    a t Mestina

    In keeping with its program'of"remodelling and redecorating storesthroughout its system, the H. *E.Butt Giocery Co. will formally opentoday its store here at Vort and.Leopaid streets and us Raymond-ville store. T.'ie two new structures and the Pipslv \Vigtjly Stoie atMcAllon are the latest in the sys-tem and bnnsj the number to 30operated b\ thf H. K. Butt organ-,ization.

    ?UfCbtly linger than tlie Bay-rnondville, store will be tlie store atPort and X>eopaid streets, ownedand operated by lhi> H K. Butt(irocery Co The Tort and Leopardstreet s sioie it 51 feet by 100 feetand the rjaymondvllle store'"is 40"i'eet by 75 feet. Spacious privatepaiklnsc spaces flank both buildingsas is the stoie at itcAllen, openedlast year. The ilcAHen building isowned also i>y the H. K. ButtGroceiy Co.

    In Strategic LocationsBoth of the newest stores are lo-

    cated in .strategic spots in CorpusChrLslt and Kaymondville. rr-bbiuldint,"4 aio of brick and tile, witha. bcauuful front of cartara pjaj>sand avuilnns of staltiles= stetl.Floors mondville, R e f t i g i o ,P.obi-tovvn. San Benito, Victoria.AVeslaco and aifiliatea stores atKaslo rnss KerrvtllP. Del Rio,

    \Varehousis a i f t located at DelRlu, Jl.irllugen and Corpus Christiand commodities move out daily tonrarby cities, with supplies forblielves of local Piggb AVigglystoi"s.

    General Office at Han'ingenGeneral office* and v\aretiouse are

    located at Harhngen also. H. JE-Butt, president o tno organizationwhich Ucai"! his name, maintainshomes at Corpus Christi and Har-ties fi om the

    and J-p-iPr ft ieets here. lingen, and commutes weekly be-Fiiurteen 'tous in Poipus Christi, tween the two tovvn^.

    nefumo I>evil]ny since j ]OSS of ^^ Ivis brought lo 1.7) ' (Turn to Vase. 2. Column fi)

    / S t a p l e s s;(lf,P[ Charlie Kos^.vThe .vs up" shelves,vv' . ich i"crent-os .selling, 3n t'-ns.

    ind Fuinkhn Cr i t ? is man-store Xo. 5, 1-137 Third

    ized account < i f piuchise