· through formotion of Doiry Co-operotive Societies during Assom...


Transcript of · through formotion of Doiry Co-operotive Societies during Assom...

Page 1: · through formotion of Doiry Co-operotive Societies during Assom Agriculturol Competitiveness Project. Thus, the doiry forming omong the rurol youths of
Page 2: · through formotion of Doiry Co-operotive Societies during Assom Agriculturol Competitiveness Project. Thus, the doiry forming omong the rurol youths of
Page 3: · through formotion of Doiry Co-operotive Societies during Assom Agriculturol Competitiveness Project. Thus, the doiry forming omong the rurol youths of
Page 4: · through formotion of Doiry Co-operotive Societies during Assom Agriculturol Competitiveness Project. Thus, the doiry forming omong the rurol youths of
Page 5: · through formotion of Doiry Co-operotive Societies during Assom Agriculturol Competitiveness Project. Thus, the doiry forming omong the rurol youths of


LIVESTOCK DEVEI,OPI\IONT COMPONENT (LDC)Phone:0361-2666739 Fax:036t-2666739

titorvt t*n odr+ll /l

*.Biclui,f;{ fknX#ffi o n,,,o,r, *"?lBf

"" l,lJffi ,'Jfi I-'J.dJD E pA RrM E Nr

G& ASSAM::GUWAHATI-3Phone:0361-2668609 F.rr036l-2668609


No. AACPILDC /CB/Ol/Port/12-13l /.94 O Doted Guwoho ri, / {\ June"tz

From Dr. M.K.Dos,M.V.5c.

D i rectorA. H. d Veterinory Deptt.Assom, Guwohoti-3

- The Principol i/cPragjyotish College

Sontipur,6uwohoti-78 1009

Sub : Study on fmpact of Drlry_tgnt:ng for" chonging livelihood: regarding

1ir//'/tvtan,- you might be awore thot the economic octivity through doiry or livestock forming for runol

livelihood is not getting ocodemic importonce in our stote, though its contribution to the growth rote ofogriculture connot be ignored.

You will be pleosed to know thot there is o progressive development of doiry octivities in

ond oround Bojoli Development block of Barpeto Disfrict leoding to substontiol increose in milk pnoduction

through formotion of Doiry Co-operotive Societies during Assom Agriculturol Competitiveness Project.Thus, the doiry forming omong the rurol youths of Bajoli Development Block hove become o source oflivelihood.. At pnesent thereis o morketing of 8270 litres of milk per doy out of 12,000 litres produced by

l27O nos. of DCS member. If is to be noted thot 6000 litnes of milk ore procured by Punobi Dciry

,6uwahoti,while 500 litres and l77O litres ore morketeci ot Borpeto ond Bajoli respectively.Considering the obove, I would like to reguest your esteemed instifution to corry out o

study os o port of ocodemic octivity by utilizing your resources (viz. students hoving mojor in Economics)

on the subject "Impoct of Doiry forming for chonging livelihood during Assom Agriculturol -'L.P'LCompetitiveness Project (AACP) intervention in Bojoli oreo of Borpeto District" .The deportment willprovide necessoty logistic support to the study teom os ond when sought for.

The popers prepared from the study will be forworded for publicotion in The North Eost

Veterinorion (ISSN 0973-20A4), a notionolly occloimed journol on animol heolth core ond livestockproduction.

Your co-operotion in this regord is highly solicited.Thonking you.

No. AAcPlLDC/CB/Ot/Parl/12-13/ l80l - lb DotedGuwohoti, t 4 t\ June'13

Copy to :

1. The Stote Project Director,ARfAS Society,Khonoporo,6uwohoti-22 for fovour of informotion.

2.TheHead, Deportment of Economics,Progjyotish College,Sontipur,Guwohoti-9 for information.

3. The Extension Officer(Veterinory),Block Veterinory Dispensory ,Bomokhoto,Pothsolo for informotion

4.ThePresidenl/Secretary,,Bojoli Co-ondinotion Committee of Doiry Co-operative Societies,P.O.

Nityanondo,Dist.Borpeto for informotion with o reguest to extend necessory supPort.

&A,H,, F-,


DinectorA.H. & Veterinory Deportment,

Assom, 6uwohoti-3.\,(Lu')* tu\''/ \"rl



3',1,l, '9"|-,5




Page 6: · through formotion of Doiry Co-operotive Societies during Assom Agriculturol Competitiveness Project. Thus, the doiry forming omong the rurol youths of


BILtDrd, (iu*ahatr the .. "

:X*;eAC#LSffreffi 1 r?srtli 3'- 1 3/tBCI*


-dc@llffii;*- *;iand onll)





," . , .,s "1 ;tJ+"t*t

&;rt*r*,i l-'rr ..rfl ,...,H qrr 1 6tcr* -*i5SS&reurry- 9\s+"" i '


SantiPur' Guwahatt"l


(Signature & Seal)




r -*.-rnr ,,',n l9?830873t


ll"i;i ;;*' t: "*13a'-* H,oXilil" ;#;l -i-ui*p'^ Braurt

[,"i ira'' o3iql"^--.." i

Page 7: · through formotion of Doiry Co-operotive Societies during Assom Agriculturol Competitiveness Project. Thus, the doiry forming omong the rurol youths of

u,sri*z?- '@\

( ' im-f{-dn fr*'Eiln

Bioxa5Zdi tn". l,tafarx&..

Dated :

2 i |4AR tnl{No. F. 5-392/2010-1 1/MRP/NERO

The Accounts Otflcer.L ttir Grarrls Corrirriis<iorr.Nortlr-l:asterrr Regional O 1-llce,

IIotrsefecl Conrplex,DispLrr, Gurvahati (Assanr) 781006

3'l'1 'a

,/' .


[email protected] ; -.:.

, -:-,

I;D l)iary No. __l:L2*3 2-



lvlA R 20t{

Subject :- Release of Grants-in-aid to Pragjyotish College, Guwahati . 781 009, Assam (Affiliated to GauhatiUniversity, Gopinath Bordoloi Nagar, Guwahati - 781 014) for the year 2013-14 under Plan in respect of MinorResearch Project entitled "A Critical Study .......,.............. Joymati." awarded to Sri Biswajyoti Dev Mahanta,Department of History, Tenure of project is 1B months.

Sir/Madaur.I am directed to convey the sanction of the University Grants Commission for payment of grant of t 10,000/.

(Rupees Ten thousand)only as Final lnstallment for the year 2013-14 towards Minor Research Project to the Principal,Pragjyotish College, Guwahati - 781 009, Assam for the PIan expenditure to be incurred during 2013-14.


Anrount Allocatcdw(<)

Ilead of Accountl4(ii)bl

Anrount alreatlyreltascrl


Arnount bcingrclcaserl


Balance GrantIw-(x+Y)l


r.3-s,000/.2C(i) - General

2C (ii)- sc2C (iii) sT

1,25,000/- 10.000/- NiI

2.'l'he sanctioucci alloLll.)t is debitable to thc Minor Itesearch I'roject IJca(l 4(ii)t) ancl is valirl lbr payrtrentclLrring the current linancial year'.

3. -fhc of the grant shall [re t]rar'vn by tlre Joiut Secretary, University Grants Conrnrission, North

Eastertt Regional Oflice, Guwaltati, on the Grant-in-aicl bill and shall be disbr,rrsed to and creclitecl tothe Principal, Pragjyotish Collegc, Guwahati - 781 009, Assarn through I{TGS as per the tbllowing0""";

u,ffc* 0M{ :ff,::ffik^3 a7"H ?*"*a**4 *otvta'h

4opte' rt - )I- ir,,)'ff dPe"t/*('"', ' Pt'o-n'e* to-'

Page I oI'J


Page 8: · through formotion of Doiry Co-operotive Societies during Assom Agriculturol Competitiveness Project. Thus, the doiry forming omong the rurol youths of

Prvrnent DetailsPrinctpal, PrGjy"tt-[ dltg"' Gt'*"hati - 781 009'




State Banh of Indiir, Gttwlh:rti, Panbazar' Guwahati i

I zsroorooz

-I snlNooooozsI

I Crrlt'errt

Nu*" & Adclress ol Accotttlt


Accot-tttt No.

N*;& Ackl,*t "f eirk


MICR Coc'le o1'Rranch

IFSC Code'l'ype ttf ;\ccotttlt:SII/CI Lrlrent/Clash ( l'e-t1 r t

4. .frre crant is surrject to tlie" o'lhe basis .l- the ttilizatio, c-rerr.i frcate ir thc prescribecl

pt'ofi'rrttla sLrbrtrittecl tly the Urlivelsity /L'ollege/lrrstittttioll'

5. I,he [_Iniversity/collr:ge/lnstitrrtiorr shall nraintuirr prollcr rrccoLluts o1- the exlletlclitr'tre c)Ltt of-the gratlts

rvltic'.lt slrall lle rltilizc'J otlly ort appt'ovetl itetlls ol'erpcrttlittirc

6.'l'5e LJ,rvcrsity/t,stilrttittt.t tttay fbllot' tile (ienerai Irirl,lcirl l{Lrles' 1005 and take urgetrt llecessary

rictiorr to a,rercl their.r,a.uiils oi [-rra,cini p,o..a,.,r.s to br i,g thettt itt confb,tiity with GFIIs' 2005 ancl

those clou,t.ave their ow,-,, appr.overl rnariuals o, rlrra.ciirl i-lroceclLt'es tttay aclopt tlie provisions of c]FRs'

2005 ancl instructions/grricle liries theleuncler ll'otr tittte to titlle.

7. .rhe LJtilization cer.tillcate to the efltct that the Granr has bec'n Lrtilizecl flor the plrrpose for which it has

beeu sauctio.ecl shall be {Lrr,isherl to the t.Jniversitl,(l'arls co,r,ission as early as possible afler the

- +;:'^"J,:i:::l,i:[,i'J]J,l1 l:li;rstanriarly out oI rhe rr,iversitv Granrs commissio,'s Grant slr^l,]]^:1

be disposerl or.e,c.r, o.. trtilizecl ior'ttr. ptlrllose otlter tlian those tbr rvhich tlte grant was glvell

rvithout ptol]er sa'rctio, of the uuir"rrity Gronr, c'onlttlissiotl iitlcl shoLtlcl at ally tinle tlte [Jniversity

ccasecl to ttrnctiorr, srtclt Assets shall leverl to tltc lJtliversity Ci|ants Clotrltnissiot.l'

9' A regi:;ter ct.Asscts trctlr-rirec.l wlrcllly rrt.sltbstarttiirlly oul cri.the Grtrrrt sirall be rnaintained by the

[Jnive'rsity/ C,iollegc irl the prescribeLl pro{brtlla'

l0..l.he gra.tee irsitLrtion shall ens,re thc Lrtilizati., ol'gra'1s-ir-trirl fb. lvlrich it is bei,g sa.ctiottccl/

pirid.[,.or",.,on-u,ilizatio./pa'trrtiliz.tio,tltereol'sirrrlileirrtcrest a), 10"/"pe-ranllltm'asamended.fiom

tiure to tiure ou rrurrtilizerl anroUnl ll'onr tlre date 0t'cl|au'1 tCr the clate .,I retitncl as per provlslolls

containecl itt (lertet'al |'itlancial [Lttles tll'(lrlvt ol-lrltlia, ri'ill lre clta|getl'

1 1. .rhe lJniVer.sit\,/lnstitrrtion slrall tbllorv stIictll, the (it'rvc'r'rrnrent t'rf ir.lia/ University Grartts comnlission

guiclclines r.egardirg inrpleuientation o1'tlre reselvation policy Iboth vertical (for SC' sr & oRC) antl

Sor.izgntirl (tirr per:srtns y'itlt rlisnSility etc.)l in teachirrg atrtl tltltr-teaching posts'

l2.,t.lre tJniversity/ciollege shall tirlly i,,rplcn,"nt tlre ol'licial litt-tgtrirge polif-o.ltJniorl Govt' atrcl comply

rvith thc ot'lLcial larguage Act, 1963 rincl of'tLcial [.anguages'iut" tnr otficial purposes o['the union)

llrrles' l')7() ctc , .r .i: ... ..r',\.\,r,,. .ttts cortrtttissir-ltl ot'tlct'

1-1. 'l'he salcti6tt is issLteil itl exercise ol'lhe delcgatiott of'powers vicle Urriversity Gra

no.130/2013[ts.No.10-11/12(Arllrrrr.tA&l})ldrrtetl28/0512013,14. l-he [Jniversity / lnstitr"rtiorr shall strictly tbllow the lJniversity Grants comtnission Regulations otl

cur.bingthe rl-lentrce of l{agging in Iligher Flclttcatiotl Instittrtions.2009'

15. -fhe U,iver.sity / lnstitution shall take iuruiec'liate action lor its accreditation by National Assesslneut trnd

Aeclc<liirlii,iit ('trtttlcil 1Nr\AC )'

16. .l.he accorluls oitSe IJ.iversity / lnstitLrtiorr rvill be.Pe, iir' a.tlit Lry the cor-nptroller'& ALit]itor cletleral

ot'lntlia in accordatlce lvith the provisiotltl ol Getleral Finalrcial Iltrles' 2005'

17..f.6e a'*ral ,ccot,rts i.e., trala,ce sheet, income arcl exPerrditure statelnellt trncl statelnent o1'receipts and

pilynrerts are to bc pr.epar.ecl strictly in ircco'clarcc: u,ith the Iinilbt'ttr li.rtnat of Accortntirrg prescribed by


I'age 2 ol-3


Page 9: · through formotion of Doiry Co-operotive Societies during Assom Agriculturol Competitiveness Project. Thus, the doiry forming omong the rurol youths of

e/-,j,G.r*. ) 3. { l-.{?A A"el

{ 6d A*'


18. It is cerritrecl rh.t an arnorrr or<...r13 5:)*1.. ..r of rlre gr.arr,,r( J35O-45? /'"""t"' /'


sancticrrrccl vicic L.etter No. F.5-392lz{lltl-ll/MIIP/Nlu{o I)arect ...1:t/.e? /*Sl.+.... has Lrecn

bv the L)niversity/(lollcgc/lnstitrrlion firr. lhe pLrr.posc Iirr lvhich rvas siurctiorrctl. Uti lizalion

may enter Utilization Certificate for {


19. It is also certilted fl'otri the that the lLrncls arc availalrle rurclct'tlrc sclrcnrc. I:)ttcr.ccl in IICI{ al S.

No. ........... Plge No. ..........

20. F-trltds to thc cxtettt o1'{ ... are availiiblc- r,rnder tlrc schenrc of'tll.,/l{E of thc year.

21.'l'his issrrcs with the concLrrlcnceol'IFD Viclc No. I)iary No. .......... Datccl

22.'l'his issues rvitlt the approval o1'tlre.Ioint Secretary (Mirror llcsearclr Ilro.iect), Vicle I)iary No. ......

Datecl ...

Ccrtrlleltc lor{...J.i4.0m l: . h;rs allcarll,bcor crrlereri al Pagc No.{.O.. S. No. ...... Norv rvc,l

rq ,p

1 Dr'. Moha n1,,irl, n,,n

t vE naq.l

Joittt SecretaryUGC-NTCIIO

C'oJry fol'rvnrdetl frrr irtltrrntation arrrl nectrssary actiolr to:

.X' Sri Biswajyoti Dcv Mahanta. l)epaltrncrrt ol Ilistor'-v. I'r'agjyotish Ciollegc. Guwahati - 7"ql 009..' .A.s:;nt.t-1.

2. 'l-hc Principal, Pragilr6lish College, Gurvaltati - 781 009. Assan.r.3. 'l'he Registrar. Cauhati LJniversitl,. Gopinath Bolrloloi Nagar, Clurvahati - 7Bl 014.4. 'l-he l)irector. Collcgc Developtncttt Clourtcil. (iauhati LJrrivelsity, Copinath llordoloi Nagar,

Gurvaliati - 7t'il 014.5. Acct-rttntant Cierrelal. Covt o1- lndia (A&tr,), Maiclantgaon. IJeltola. (iuwahati.6. -l'hc Director ol- Ilighcr llducation. Kahilipara. Gurvahati. Assarn.7 . Guard lrile. ,),

'11:,r:^fl:'(14[,ducation Of{iccr



Iaith Irl11,.

l'}age 3 ol'J\

Page 10: · through formotion of Doiry Co-operotive Societies during Assom Agriculturol Competitiveness Project. Thus, the doiry forming omong the rurol youths of

lat \-X

fas"srtsca Ar{tV.

Ttr* Friirell:sl,Pragjyatis h S ollege, Euwahati"?8'l 009, Ass ant

and lvlinor Research Proiects,

7 . ine sue gestions of the subject expert given (if any) is enclosed for the benefit of

7, Guard File

8, Office Copy


tJQtrl tl [AlTEffit Htgl0liAL C['l;lCE

3rn urieh, H,:i,r$[F[ll, frEi{IAL BLocK'vEllif.:?(t' fu.t3r; rrA E*40Bi5$|its, qHw+r!+ri " &i00$, BS$Ai'.{i ""&*-dirrilQlifr; P,f6r" 4[Srr[X {Q!r'**. ; &3F, " i;nf irii)

-* c* iiiu : r*.:h:#-xfiiir;ir

E. ft ri.ii : ii$;aiur r:ih! 3r'qdif {ririril,+rir*

U gtrifit o aS git &ll.eorir

sat*d: i" { j-1AY 2fi15Projeet on

ing council for Major

with reference to the proposal submitted by Dr. lra Das. Deptt. of Economics of your college for financiat

assi$tance under the above scheme, I am to say that the University Grants 0ommission has approved a grant 0f Rs'

1,50,00s,- {Rupees One lakh fifty thousand inly}for undertaking the above rQsearch project for the items listed

$ub. : Financial AEsistanes to Teachers working in the colleges fsr undertaking Minor Research



TerU$ &, Qordjtiqng


6. The detailed terms and conditicns of availing MRP may be seen at under





Date of impiementation of proieci will be the received date of 1'r installment of grant'

The Reseirch project has'to be completed r,vithin a period of 18 months. No extension is admissible,

college is requested to submit UGC terms and conditions acceptance certificate as per the format of the

guidelines.The lsrinstallment of the grant comprising '100% of sanctioned grant for n_on-recuning items and 50% of recuning items

will be released only afterieceipt of ihe T6nns & condition Accepted certificates duly signed by the Principal lnvestigator

and forwarded by the Principal of the College.

5. The second installment of'grant 40% will- be released on receipt of the progress repo( of the work done, utilization

cerlificate item-wise statemjnt of expenciiture duly certified by the Principal lnvestigatorl Registrar/ Principal/ Head of the

0opy to:-

1 The Registrar, Gauhati University, Guwahati '781 014

2. The Seiretary to State Govt. of Assam(Education Department) Dispur, Guwahati'

3. The Director bollege Development Council of Gauhati University, Guwahati '781 014.

4. Accountant Generil, Govt. oiAssam (A&E), Maidamgaon, Beltola, Guwahati '29.

5.-4irector of hiqher Education Govt. of Assam, Kahilipara, Guwahati '19

./6, Dr. lra Das. ieptt. of Economics, Pragjyotish College, Guwahati'781009, Assam.



it'r-(t"b F t ---

d- gt,yiti.t,1 ..{r* 'J'o 1{*uu)Dy, $eeretary


gi.t,fs.t,2 futT-EA -<

dn"?n+ 4m. t^Ite. F. S.?6$13$1e,{3JtutRP,HERS I Lt Z*


Items Amount No Iterne Amount Total

eh^*i"aland Glass Works I Rs, NIL Books & Journals R$. 30,000/' Rs. 30,0001-

ffi lns. 40,000t

Contnge,rcy-^.- mc'ilrilng I Rs. - 30S0C,:

Equipments ns. 50,000/- Rs. 90,000/-

Rs. 30,0001-

suu[rifl ilsEu5 I _'AnfiiGr items i Rs. NIL Anv other items Rs, NIL Rs, NIL

Grand Total Rs. 1,50,000/.

Page 11: · through formotion of Doiry Co-operotive Societies during Assom Agriculturol Competitiveness Project. Thus, the doiry forming omong the rurol youths of

DiaryNo. l( ^ hq.Dated : -".__.--

o ATEB-10\{

No, F" 5-265I2012-13(MRP/NERO)

The Accounts Officer,Un iver siry Grants Comrnission,North-Eastem Regional Offi ce.l-lousefed Compiex,Dispur, Guwahati (Assarn) - 78 1006

ffi_iii:.'rn-fr-rn eXwn

Subject ;- Release of Grants-in-aid to Pragjyotish College, Shantipur, Guwahati.0g (Affiliated to Gauhati University,Gopinath Bordoloi Nagar, Guwahati-781014)for the year 2013-14 under Plan in respect of Minor ResearchProject entitled "lmpact of Cashew Dhubri District" awarded to Dr. lra Das. Tenure of project is 1B


Sir/Madarn.I am directed to convey the sanction of the University Grants Commission for payment of grant of < 1,15,000/.

(Rupees One lakh fifteen thousand) oniy'as 1st lnstallment for the yeat 2013-14 towards Minor Research Project to thePrincipal,PragjyotishCollege,shantipur,Guwahati.0gforthePlanexpendituretobeincurredduring20l3.l4.'



[email protected]

Dated : 151112014

a,. I flame of the I Amount

1L_a __li'it-Head ofAccount4 (ii) b


for 2013-

14 (inRupees)







Jotal orant I Balance

,-; I $rantt, I l<l

A. Non- Recur;irig




"l urr*r* I ...,;-_\r) | ;rurnar .l


lt.vvl --t-'-;' I Re(,, ,:rlng

{:, r)

20tii - Ce neral

30,0001- nil

50,000/- nil

., icn.*r*o* I(r) I u,rorks i

2C iirl - SC

2: ii,i) - sT ril, IIf;; rc"*s*ry --I-,[rc.L,-i ______ L_ _ _

I I T,.rvert | ". -"^1 it'

lrietrwc,r i Ju'Li'-i-



15,000/- _


1 ,15,00C/-



I il,

- 1iaol*

-lI.----.; 2!,0001-


r- -- ----1i 1 ,1r,]r0/" I

P I,].


Page 12: · through formotion of Doiry Co-operotive Societies during Assom Agriculturol Competitiveness Project. Thus, the doiry forming omong the rurol youths of


' I*,:?ff:"J;ffTl;lljl'I::ire to trre Mincr Researcrr project Frearr q (ii) b and is varid

'' Tt arnoLrl"lt of the grattt shall be clrawn oI.1h. Joint secreroo, ur,*r.sity Grants commission, NortrrEastertt Regio,alb.'n:t cr*rr,^ri,';,i;;;;;;; ffi;'lirlrna ,r,un be disbursed to and credited tolll:r[r:,r.,oar,

pragjvorrrrr- c",'Jr,untipu., cr*ri,nii_oq through RTGS as per the forowing

for payment

l'3]:tttprt DetaitsNarrie & Address




: ii:":;1t:,[,,',:i?{!!:}JU,,*HlffJ:U;;:,lt[":: the Uti,ization certincate in the prescribed

: Iftillfiil:'Jff.:T'Jlr:*;m,*:[ilffitp;;:ffi,::::,,,,,orrhe expendi,ure ou, orrhe sran,s6. IIre IJnive;.sit_v/[ltslitr-rtir.r,r ",;,,'L;_.:acrio. ,o o,,,.,ia ,;,,],,",,x,J;i;],#i"d;ffi::,ilil,i,i,,r::].L

;:h,il[i*:;,[?i1,,;o.oT,f,l. lir"oiit';:XXI:JH'J;;*l*;;:1illHl*llililiffilcedures may adopr the provisions orGFRs7' The Utilization cerritrlate tr'r*:.#.",that the c;;;; ililen urirized for the purpose for which it has

" n:::?i;:"fflji?lln*ru::F i" ,r,.'u,i".xf ii;?,';";;i;";'"1':J,l as possib,e after the8' T'he Assets acoLttrecl wllolly o'l'i'trtrrtiolly oLrt of the Urri,ersity crants commission,s crant sha, notbe disposed or etrcutt.tbettt o,. riiiir.i pr'1. nrr*;;""ii,.r,r-,r, tnor*-rr:*i i;r,, ,r,,. grant was given:::i:ilJilffi,J,lt,:j:T,t*,*l*lii,:f;lir:];;,;.,;l;r;i:,il,,:ny ,inre ,,,e u,,iur,siiy9) A register of As

,^ U,ive-rsitr,a; i;;'.'l; ,i',iJ[:: ;:fXI"|J,,::usta'rti,,tf-oirt or rrre G,;;;; ;i;ii be ,nair:rainecr r,] rr,el0' ri;e 'r'arrree

instltLrtiorr t;;il,il.t;il;i;II;r,io, of gra,ts-in-aid lbr.wrrich it is being sancrionerr/paid" In case non-utilizationrpar,"rriiir",i",., ,l;;,#rilo1."ir'i"r.r,.6 r'yo perannunr, as amencred fi.on.r:ffi1:-j",lt:li.:,i,itilrfi1f;1T"I j;aji."fffi;*trH j;.:::n:-,. of refinc, ,; ,,.;-;;J;;;;l l -l-l'lC

I.r,i1,,r.q1s.,i;,,...,,.::,-::t ..,rr. |,.i,.,..gLrirerines',:.g,,.,ri,,g ,,,,,;i.,r.,*il;;rffii:TfLif;i,fit#,ili:.m;l;:,J.:,J+,.L.8;,ll;,;];lro'izottlal ([ot' nct's.ons with rlisability etc.)] in.teacrririg-an-J ,ron-t.u.hi,g posts.rr' rrre Univerlsitvic:f

::ii:illlri1,1lilil,rynt the orfici'ai r*guug. poricy or Union covt. and cornprv .

, , l,,i,lrlnio;f:l,j ra,guage Act, rqo: n,,.r OmJ;i ;;,,ffi*Jl,rrr. for oificial prrpo,., of the Unio,r)

'' ,,: 'Tio1'l;li:'li: ',i'".lTl:i,.i";?'i:,:lllTj..ftrlillli;ffilxi: rniversity crants commission order


Accor_rnt No.Name & Aclaress of BankBianch State Bank of Inclia, Guwahati, paubazar, Crrrofr*iMICR Code of Branclr


fype of a.6Lrnt :

fU9USf,VCash Credit

Page 13: · through formotion of Doiry Co-operotive Societies during Assom Agriculturol Competitiveness Project. Thus, the doiry forming omong the rurol youths of


Gurvahati-78 1014.

Accsuntant General, Covt of lndia (A&E). Assanr. Maidalqlon, Beltola" Cuwahati,-781028'

tt",e pirector of 1-ligher Edrica{io,, l(alrilipara. C,wahati'781019, Assam'


14. The University ri lnstitution shall strictly fotlow the university Grants corntnission llegulations on

cLrrbirrg the menaee of Ragging in Higher Ediiettioti ltistitutions, 2009'

15. The urriversity I rnrrituiili stialtrarJ ininiecliate action for its acereditation by National Assessment nnd

Accreditatiott CoLtnci I (I'l AAC)'16. ^rhe accoLuits ot fl1e.Uniu"rsity / lnstitLrtion rvill be open for audit by tlre contpt|oller"& Auditor cetreral

o{-lnriia in aceordanc,e *ith the provisions r:1'C*neral Firiancial Rulg;' ?t105'

17. The aur,ral accoullts i,e., balanc.e sirget, incorne ar:d expenditure statentent attclstatement of receipts arrel

paynlents are to be prepar.d strictly in accordance r.vithiht Uniflotm Fottnat of Accounting prescribed by

Covcitrtncitt.16. 1 is certil,iccl that an arnoult ol. { .......,.........."....... out of the grant of ( .........

utilizecl by the University/college/lnstitution for the purpose for wl,ich it was sanctionecl. Utilizatiorr

lnayenteIutit;zationi.'iin.*.fo.r{......"....'......No. .,..,..

19. It is also certifred fiorr the B.C.R. that the funds are available unclerthe scheme. Enterecl in BCR at s'

No. ..........' Pagc No. ..........

ii. ffri6 issues with the eoncurt"ence of IFD Vide No. Diary No' """ "" Dated

22. This issues wit5 the appr.oval of the Joint Secret*rry,(Minor Research Project), vide Diary No' """'Dirtccl '..

YBurs taithfullY,'-i;; i

"p+>'fi,, (Dr. Mohanirnr{t,.trit1

Joint $ecretttt'Y


con',, f'orfrarded for infornration and treeessary aetiotl to:--rJ ,

l\rrtrr*r-rvrr:": "---::*'t.,'-"-'; - -.-L^a: n^' 7 Or.lra Das, Praglyotish College' Shantipur' Cuwahati-09

,/;.. irr. r;i i r.i put, iltugl yotish co I I ege, S hanti puq C urvaltati-09'

3. ,ihe Registrar, Cufrfruti U.iversily, Copinath B_ord,olol-fagar' Cuwahati-781014'

4. The Director,'cir"g. n.veloprnlnt Ctuncil, GauhatiUtiiversity, Gopinath BordoloiNagar'








Page 14: · through formotion of Doiry Co-operotive Societies during Assom Agriculturol Competitiveness Project. Thus, the doiry forming omong the rurol youths of





PHONE : 0361- 226772L {O)FAX: 0361 - ?267056Website, www.ricc.ic.inE-mail : [email protected]

Date i5 l,lAR 2015;

FD DiatyNo. e8L5Dated: 25 MAR-?flffi

No. F.5.2651201 2'1 3/MRP,NERO

The Accounts Otlicer,Un iversity Grants Commissiotr,North-Eastern Regional Office,Housefed ComPlex,Dispur, Guwahati (Assarn) - 781006

subject :-Rerease of Grants-in-aid to pragiyg$lr- !-oilpse,

Guwahati-78l 009 (Affitiated to Gauhati universlty,

Gopinath Bordoloi Nagar, cuwatratilzgl0l4, Aisam, lndia) for the yeai ZOtC'tS under Plan in respect of

Minor nr...i.n Fioi.J ,ntitt.O "lmpact of.......:......:...rr....'..:...............'."""""'Empirial Analysis" awarded to


Sir/Madam' directed to convey'the sanction of the university Grants commissio-n&p,'payment gf.g9nl tJ ?,9001

(Rupees TwentyJight irrousanq only as 2nd rnstailment towirds Minor Research Project to the Principal, Pra[jyotish

Hft; "r6ffi:tr?81 [i[ iiltil piri, .ipcfioiture to be incuned during the financialvear 2014'15'


Amount alreadYreleased


Amount beingreleased


Balance GrantIW-(X+Y)l

(r)Amount Allocated


Head of Accountl4(ii)bl

28,000/- 7,000/-1,50,000/-

2C(i)- General

2C (ii) - sc2C (iiO - sr


2. Trre sanctioned amount is debitabre to the Minor Researcrr project Head 4(ii)b a*d is valid for payment

during the current financial year'

3. The amount of flre grant shall be drawn by lhe J^oint lec1etary' univet::y qynts commission' North

,Eastern Regional-oflice, Guwar,rti, # tr'r" cq1ln:{A Ui['"nd shall be disbursed to and credited to

the principal, pragjyotish colleg*,'cu*uhrti-78' 009 through RTGS/NEFT as per tlre following


Page I of3

'. .1: .' 1

:,rt. .,j

j,r.:l:jii ar:.rin:+:1r1:ii:ii::;liliiiU!:i";iir

Page 15: · through formotion of Doiry Co-operotive Societies during Assom Agriculturol Competitiveness Project. Thus, the doiry forming omong the rurol youths of


MICR Code of Branch

'fype ol'Accorlnt :

S ll/Current/Cash Credit

8luuer!-Deg!lsi_--Name & Address of AccountI-lolder

Account No.Name & Address of Bank Assam Co-operative Apex Bank Ltd.n Gurvahati,Brtrncl'r Fanbazar, Gurvahati

7811 17002


4. The Graut is subject to tlre adjustment on tlie basis of the Utilization Certificate in the prescribedpro lirrma su bm itted by the Un iversity /CoIlege/tnstitLrtion.

5. 'fhe UniversitylCollege/lnstitution slrall maintain proper accounts of the expenditure out of the granrswhich shallbe utilized only on approved items of expenditr-rre.

6. Tlte Urriversity/lnstitution may follow the Geneml Financial Rules, 2005 and take urgent rlecessar),action to amend their nranuals of financial procedures to bring thern in conformity rvith GFRs, 2005 andtltose clott't ltave tlreir own approvecl manuals oq financial proiedures tnay adopt the provisions of GFRs.2005 ancl instructionslguidelines tlrere under time to time.

7. The Utilization Certilicate to the effect that the Crarrt has been utilized for the pLrrpose for rvhich it hasbeen sanctionecl shall be furnishecl to the University Crarrts Commissior-, as

"utly-as possible after the

close of the current fir-rancial year.8. -l-he Assets accluirecl wholly or sutrstantially out of the University Grants Commission's Grant shall not

be clisposecl or eucllmbered or urtjlized for the purpose other--tlran tliose for rvhich the.grant,-wasgiverl-without proper sanction of the University Grants Commission and should at any time the Universityceased to function, suclr Assets shall revert to the University Grants Commission.

9. A register ol'Assets acquiled wholly or substarrtially out of the Grant shall be maintained by theUniversity/ College in the prescribed proforma.

10. The grantee institutiorr shall ensure the utilization of grarrts-in-aid for which it is being sanctioned/pnid. In case non-utilization/ part utilization thereof sinrple interest @ l0% per annllm, as amended ftomtime to tirne on unutilizecl armount li'orn the date of drawl to the date of refurrd as per provisionscontaiued in Gerreral Financial Rules of Covt. of lndia, will be chargecl.

I l. fhe Urriversity/fnstitution shall follow strictly the Covernment of India/ University Grants Comtnissionguidelines regarding irnplemerrtation of the reservation policy [both vertical (for SC, ST &OBC) andhorizontal (lbr persons rvith disability etc.)l in teaclring ancl non-teaching posts.

12. The University/College shall firlly implement the official langnage policy of Uniorr Govt. and cornplyrvith tlie olflcial langLrage Act, 1963 and Official Larrguages (Use for official purposes of the Union)Rules, I976 etc.

13. 'fhe satrction is issuecl in exercise o1'the delegation of powers vide University Grants Commission orderno. 130/2013 [F.No. f 0-f 1/12 (Adrun.IA & B)l dated 28/05/2013.

14.The l-lniversity / Institution shall strictly lblloi,v the Utriversity Grants Cornmission Regulations oncurbing tlte merrace of I{agging in Lligher Education IrrstitLrtions,2009.

15. The University / InstitLrtion shall tal<e imrlediate action for its accreditation by National Assessment andAccreclitatiorr Counci I (N AAC).

16. Tlre accoLrlts of the University / Institution will be open lor auclit bv the Cor.nptrnller & .{,uditor Cener*lo1'lnclia itr accorclauce u itl't the provisious oF Gelrei'al Finaucial [tuies. ]'10-i.

17.'l"he rtntlual accoulrts i,e., balance slreet, ir-rconre ancl expenditure statement ancl statelnent of receipis rirr;payrnerlts are to be prel:nrecl strictly irr accordance with tlre Unil'ornr Fomrai of Accounting preseribed byCovetnrrrent.

Principal, Pragjyotish College, Guwahati-78l 009

tlre B.C.R. that tlie lirnds ar'e *rvailablo uneler tlre scherne, Entered in IICR at


lB. It is also celtifiecl linnrS.No- ilnp"e No.


Page 16: · through formotion of Doiry Co-operotive Societies during Assom Agriculturol Competitiveness Project. Thus, the doiry forming omong the rurol youths of

T$X51 :i{ ;i-, ri 0f;1,t,

I9'Furtdstotheextetltof{......... ,....,..areavailable und:rtli*sche,,::.:+.Biilt:..::,,..":::

?0. Tliis issues with the ootleurrsnco of IFD Vie{e Ns. t}iary No, ."..,.....Dflteci ....,....r!....2l ' "l'his issues with the approval clf the ,Ioint secretary (Minor Researe h pro.iect),vicle Dir,rrl, Ne.

...,,"Dateel r!! ir..'.!...,, rr.

yours faithfully,t.IM,

ef 9l(Dr. Mohanirqiad Arit)

.!oint Secr.etary', {,JGC_NEIIO

Copl, fotwarded for information ancl nccessary action to:

a PI' '3.!ag, Departrnent of Econontics, Piagiyotish College, cuwahati-7gl 009.

:. llie priucipar, Fragiyotish corege, G*wairari-7g1 009.3' The Registrzu', Gauhati university. Gopiuatlr Borcloloi Nagar, Guwahati-7g1014, Assaur, I,clia.'1' The Direc$ricollege Developmlnt Cou*cil, c-,,ir"ti urfrr&id, Colrioou, Borcioloi Nagar,Guwalrati-781014, Assanr, India. ' vvlJ'rr

5' Accountant $neral, Govt of Inciia_(A&E), Assam, Maidamgaon, Beltola, Guwahati: 7g102g.6' The Directofbf HigherEducatiorr,l(alrilipala, Guwahati t8i?l;:;r*;;:-i,rdh:*r!rl" 'urv!r7. Guard File. /

, /':

rtl,[."(Kishor tr{urnar)

Erlucation flffieer["]GC.N}IRO

P;g: -l ,:i3


Page 17: · through formotion of Doiry Co-operotive Societies during Assom Agriculturol Competitiveness Project. Thus, the doiry forming omong the rurol youths of

sl'fiv fup- 2-/ta --:-.t-1 \ ';'.ffi)\u/-'-V_* *ul. tr,..*

r' ' t;,"rl.r/\,r'


' I li i V i, ir: !, l.l i' ( i R)t i\]TS CO M i\4 ISS ICrt l

i'lOlil 1l EAS i I tr[] REGiCNAL OFFtCt:,l'"'l 0oti, u0LlsEi:ED, RENTAL Bl.(r( i. vBa:LrOtA - U,islS-fHA ROADDl5tJrlit, LllwAHAT| _ 781006, A55;\t1PllOr'JE : O3$.- 2267721 @)FAX: O-t61 -2267A56\,^/atbsite : www.uEC:a c.i nI r]r.-ril : ugcneroghy@rr tdiffnrail.conr

ugcnero@grn a il. cor rt

h'] ir/ rl.l,!"[.4 .i .,,..__ . .--u h# ' Dated :

2s 000/-

Rs.DoI \J,

ii|) 000/-

20 000i-


?6}p1/ AL?14.

adn. Sorelr,r- V$nql&arn,

No. F.5-32/2012-13lMRP/Nt1t?0 i -7 ECI

The Frincipai,Pragjyotish College, Guwahati-781009, Assam

Sub Financial Assistance to Teachers working in the colleges for undedaking Minor Research proje.ct on"Aroids of .."..........potentia1,,.


VVith reference to the pioposal submittecl by Dr. sonalee Buragohain, Deptt. of Botany of yoLtrcollege f0rfinancial assisiance under the allc-rrie scheme I arx to say that the University Grants commission has approved agr'rntof Rs' 1,25,000/" (Rupeer one lakh twenty five thousanci only) for unclertakrng the above resr..arch projecrfor the items ltsted below -

Recurrin Items nmouni Items

Books & Journals

30,000/- Equipments

Any other items

Grand Total

Ierus s qq&riietq

7 The suggesirons of the subject exned gi,ren (if any) is encrosed for the benelit of i

'l Date of itnpierrentaticn of prolectr,^rili be the recerved date of il, rnsiallrlent oi grani

i lhe Rescarcit Proler;t has io Lrc ccmpieted within a periocl of 1s-gprltx. No extension rs admissible3 eollege is requestecl to submit UGC terms and conditioiii acceptance certificate as per the format of theg u idelines,I The 1"r inst;tilnlent of ihe r'lrart corttpristnq 'l 00,,/. of sanctioned grant for non-iecurrinq rtems and 50,/o of recurring rtemswill be reieasr:rJ only aftr:r rer;t:ipt of llte Terms & condition,acce"pteo certrflcates crrrv'.lir.i iy the princlpal lnvestigatorand forwanietj by the l-.rrnciplri lf the College5 The secorrd installnrenl of tli;nt '10'l{, v'rili be released on receipt of the progress repoft of the r,vork rjone, utilizationceftific;rte rterr-r'arise stalenrlrri of expertditure iuly certifiecl by the Principal lnvesiigator/ Registrarl prrncipali Head of theInsiituriuir.

6 The detailed ternrs atlcl conciitlctrs of avarling fu1RP may be seen ai w,,,\,u_!gq!q!! under Research trndrnq councilfor ivlaiorandMinorResearchProjects ,;;;;--:'' vvu'v' v vurw'

D.I \J.


Ccpy to -

i The Registrar. Gauhati University, Guwahati - 781 014.

? -ihe

secretary to state Govt ci Assam(Educaiion Department) Dispur, Guwahati,I The Director College Develcprnenl Council of Gauhati university,-iiuwarrati -7gl 014.4

AiTil:ll General, Govt cf Assam (A&E), Maidamgaon, nert6ia, Guwahati . 2gAssam (,A&E), Maidamgaon, Beltota,

B. Office Copy

Mai& J" f& b'fttk eJ ;:t'fdt"^t'"'l

yt(S.C Ray)

Dy SecretaryUGC-NERO

Field Works and Travel

Continge ncy

lirry other items


I Director of higher Eciucation Govt. of Assam, Kahiripara, Guwahati .1g. 6 Dr' Sonalee Buragohain, Deptt. of Botany, Pragjyotish Cottege, cuwahati.7g100g, Assam.' 7 Guard Fiie





Chenrical and Glass $/orks

Rs 50,000/-