Thriving Communities planning the places we need Adam Beck Manager Sustainable Communities Green...

Thriving Communities planning the places we need Adam Beck Manager Sustainable Communities Green Building Council of Australia

Transcript of Thriving Communities planning the places we need Adam Beck Manager Sustainable Communities Green...

Thriving Communitiesplanning the places we need

Adam Beck

Manager Sustainable Communities

Green Building Council of Australia

Green Star registered or certified projects


to lookbeyond


…and in between buildings

Draft credits

1. Location2. Design for site3. Urban design4. Design review

Community design

…its about people

LiveabilityProsperityEnvironmental responsibility Design excellenceLeadership and governance

Green Star – Communities National Principles


When to influence

buildWhen to influence


When to influence

Defining best practice

2 years to scope and develop

135 committee members 39 draft PILOT credits National and international

peer review Early BETA testing on 32

projects Formal PILOT phase 2012

Draft credits

Leadership and Governance1. Community engagement2. Corporate social responsibility3. Environmental management4. Climate adaptation and resilience5. Sustainability education6. Operational governance7. Green Star Communities accredited professional

Draft credits

Liveability1. Community development2. Access to amenities3. Health and active living4. Safe places5. Local food production6. Culture and heritage

Economic Prosperity1. Employment and economic resilience2. Education and skills development3. Affordability4. Costing5. Community investment6. Residential incentives7. Digital infrastructure

Draft credits

Environmental Responsibility1. Site sensitivity2. Ecological value3. Heat island effect4. Light and noise pollution5. Greenhouse gas emissions6. Peak electricity demand7. Green buildings8. Potable water consumption9. Stormwater10.Materials11. Waste management12.Transport

Community Design1. Location2. Site analysis3. Site planning4. Urban design

BETA testing projects…

The role of local government…

Land use planning Development assessment Density bonuses, incentives and credits Corporate strategy and policy Lot consolidation and site development Procurement Partnerships Climate change strategy Research and development Marketing and communication Community development Data collection Community engagement

The ability to influence…


Site Analysis

Site Planning

Urban Design

Where is your site?

What are the site attributes?

How will you arrange the project?

What is the form and function?

Establishing a framework for sustainable urbanism


Site Analysis

Site Planning

Urban Design

Encourages infill development connected to existing infrastructure

Ensures a comprehensive analysis of the site is undertaken

Establishes an urban structure that promotes integrated sustainable urbanism

Promotes best practice urban design

Process is important

Best practice design review as a basis for measuring compliance


A national system Best practice Strong governance Engagement focused Community-wide; and Individual buildings

Why Green Star - Communities?


[email protected]: @gscommunities