Thriller pitch 123

THRILLER PITCH Jay Pinches, Callum Neilson, Sam Farrington, Laura Monument



Transcript of Thriller pitch 123

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Jay Pinches, Callum Neilson, Sam Farrington, Laura Monument

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Film company

Our film company is Optimum Productions and we strive to make the best thriller based films possible. We specialise in Crime Thrillers which is a sub genre and this will hopefully engage the audience to watch our films. Optimum symbolises that we are the best independent film company around, and what to continue making extraordinary films. 

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Film opening We decided that out film starts with a girl

leaving work, however someone suspicious is waiting for her. Her father is a detective, however the audience don’t know this yet. He is working on a case about a serial killer. On his desk there is images of the murderer and the victims, the father is trying to piece them together and find information that links them. The murderer is known to the characters as well as the audience. The girl gets mugged and murdered by the strange figure, however his face is seen, it is the same serial killer. As cross cutting will be shown in the opening a worker will tell the detective a body has been found. A picture is shown which then shows the audience it is his daughter, the opening then ends.

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Overall Vision

The overall vision of our thriller is that the detective is trying to find the serial killer and get him arrested. This will create mystery and keep the audience on edge as they don’t know when or if he is caught. We want our thriller to be very mysterious and to keep the audience engaged. We will do this by using many genre conventions.

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Questionnaire results

The questionnaire results show that people would expect the hero to be male and taken place in a work place. We decided to use these answers and produce our opening around them. The majority of people answered 18 for the certificate for film opening, however a lot of people also answered 15, therefore we decided for out film target audience to be 15. Low key lighting was a popular answer, therefore we will use a lot of low key lighting as it engages the audience as well as creates a mysterious atmosphere and makes them sit on the edge of their seat.

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Locations we use

We will film the murder scene in a dark room within school because it is easy to access and this works with the idea that the girl is murdered in the workplace. This setting also fits in with the idea of an ordinary person being put in a extraordinary situation. Also, our questionnaire results show that the most popular setting for a thriller film is in the workplace.

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The costumes have been chosen very carefully for our opening as we want to give the correct information out to the audience and use Mise En Scene correctly.

Victim(girl)-Casual yet sophisticated clothes, this shows she is leaving from work and gives the audience the impression she is well dressed and looks after herself.

Murderer – The murderer will be dressed in all black clothes, with a balaclava. This shows the audience he is dangerous and his identity doesn’t want to be seen.

Detective- The detective will be wearing very smart clothes, including a long coat. This suggests to the audience he has power.

Detectives worker- Very similar to the detective, smart clothes.

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Thriller Themes

Themes that our thriller film will communicate include murder, weapons and crime. This is communicated by the villain being a serial killer on the run and the hero being a detective trying to avenge his daughter. This also reveals the sub-genre of our thriller which is a crime thriller.

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Target Audience

Our target audience are people aged 16-21, we chose this because of our questionnaire results. We have decided to target an older age rather then young teenagers so we can have more explicit behaviour which will entertain and engage the audience to watch the film.

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Genre Conventions

Ordinary person in an extraordinary situation.

Use of weapons Fight scene Photographs Low key lighting Shadows Tension Cross cutting