Three Sister


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this is example for drama text from narative text,maybe it can be your reference for make your text,sorry if this text has some mistakes because i just learned how to make it. Thanks for your attention..... ^_^

Transcript of Three Sister

Three Sister

A long time ago, in a village lived three sisters siblings. They lived with their mother whom a singleparent. The first daughter is Ina. She has very bad character,that is arrogant. The second daughter is Uni. She isnt different with her sister, Ina. Uni is an egoistic person. The last daughter is Ani. She is very differnet with her sisters. She is nice and humble nad his mothers name is Siti. She is very loved her daughters althought Ina and Uni often hurt her heart. One day, Ani helped her mother cleaned their house, Ina and Uni just sat relax also wathcing her without helped them.Ani : Mom, what should i do again to help you?Mother : No problem, Ani. Let me cleaning this alone.Ina : Ani,let her cleaning house alone. More better, you wash my clothes now!Uni : Dont do that, please make me a food because im very hungry,Ani!Ina : You cant, now you clean my clothes right now!Ani : But, you can cook and wash your clothes alone.Uni : Oh..... Now, you are brave with us. Do you want if we bullied you again,Mom.Mother : Dont do that, Uni! Why you like that with mother?Ina : Stop,Mom! Dont talk too much if you want to sacrifice your beloved child.Ani : Please dont do that, Uni. Okay, i will make your food and wash your clothes soon.Then, Ani made a food for Uni and wash clothes for Ina. Suddenly, ther mother called them to gathered together.Mother : Kids,come here please!Ani : Whats happened,Mom?Ina and Uni : Whats happened?Mother: I just got a sheet that the queen is finding and advisor and servant for the kingdom.Ina and Uni : Really????Ina : I must register soon that i can become an advisor of kingdom.Uni : No no no!!! I must register first.Ani : Are you sure,Mom?Mother : Surely,kiddy. You must join to register too!Ani : Yes,Mom. I will register it. I will do my best that i can recieved become advisor or servant of kingdom.Ina : Ani, you arent allowed to register it!Mother : Why,Ina? All of people permitted to join that.Uni : Be quiet,Mom! Please dont talk too much!Ani: Never mind,Mom! Let they say anything about me.Mother : Be patient,Ani...Ani : Yes,Mom.Ina : Ani,than you join it, you just stay at home with mommy and dont go out from house!Ani : But....Uni : Dont say but, more important you clean the house or we will locked you in your room that you cant run away.Mother : Ina,Uni. You always like that to Ani,whats wrong with her?Uni : what are you waiting again, lets go!Mother : Where will you go?Ina: We will go to the kingdom to join the test to be an advisor.Ani : Hey, i want to join too....Uni: Dont follow us!Ani : But.....Ina : How if we locked Ani into her room, do you agree?Ina : Surely!Mother : Dont do that for Ani just because youre more older than her. Let her join that like you all.Ina and Uni : Dont join in our affairs,Mom!And the mother leaved the house and ran to the kingdom to called the queen.Mother : Queen....... Queen.....!Queen : Yes,why you come here? What can i help for you?Mother : I have 3 daughters,they want to join the competition that you held. But,their sisters forbided her to join your competition. Please,help me to persuated them!Queen : Yes, i will help you. Lets go to your house!In the way to go home, Ani bullied with her sister cruelly. When the queen came to their house....... Ina : Ani...... Ani...... Where are you?Ani : Yes, sorry i just form behind of room.Ina : Whatever, lets wash my clothes!Uni : Me too, importantly all of this house must clean!Ani : why always me to do all of this?Ina : Because youre matched to do this.Uni : Already, lets leave her!Ina : Come on!After that, the queen with their mother came to their house.Queen : Whats happened in here. Why did you do cruelly to your sister?Ina and Uni : Not like that,Queen. We just playing with her.Queen : Please tell me whats the reality?Ani : Truly, i bullied with my sisters. I ordered to do all houses job like washing clothes, sweeping the floor, cooking, and the others.Queen : Hm..... After i heard about your story,i decide you become my advisor and your sisters become servant.Uni : You cant be like that,Queen.Ina : Whats the reason that you decided it?Ani : Let they become advisors and i become a servant.Queen : Or you become a princess whom will replace my position in future if you want they can be an advisor.Ani : Then, how about my mom?Queen : Your mother can live and stay in kingdom. She still be your mother who always love and care about you.Ani : Okay, i will do it for my mother and my sisters.And then, they lived in the kingdom with the queenUni : Ani,im sorry because i always do bad thing for you.Ina: Me too,please forgive our mistakes. Now, we realized how big your love and care to us.Ani : I forgive your mistakes since first time you did it for me.Mother : Be nice sisters and love each other.

Finally,they lived together in the kingdom without hating and love each other forever........


Name of Group:Afiffa Halila N.(01)Dhea Nanda R. (10)Khoiril Ana (20)Lina Nur A.S (21)Tyas Arumningsih (32)