Thoughts CXII [Paris]

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  • 8/9/2019 Thoughts CXII [Paris]


    The Washington Free-Beacon has accrued two-dozen [too-brief] video-clips that arehysterical [e.g., Belushi as Bluto in ni!al-"ouse reacts to #erry in $aris,%asculinity, "illary&s 'eceit ( )ri!inal-Wor*].

    +ford niversity $ress de!onstrates the polar opposite of provocative/[0choolboo* authors have been told not to write about sausages or pigs for fear ofcausing o1ence./]2 of course, there is no proble! with tal*ing of por* in 3udais!, sothis was a shrouded !ethod to avoid bothering %usli!s.

    +ba!a outlawed 4sla!ic etre!is!

    %arine 5e $en, "ead of the 6ational Frontand the 7ueen of 8urope9s Far :ight [andpossible future $resident of France] is an ene!y of 4sla!ists, but not 3ews

    %a;ority of British 3ews 0ay They "ave

  • 8/9/2019 Thoughts CXII [Paris]


    3e 0uis )harlie Intil 3e =et 0caredJ.0pare a Thought for Those Who re 6ot )harlie 2 %ourn the attac*s in $aris, but putthings into perspective [e.g., 6igeria].

    [K4'8+] 3ohn #erry Brings 3a!es Taylor to 0ing to France fter 0 0nubs $aris %arch)arolla@ 6obody Wants to 3udge 4sla! Because They9re fraid of Being )alled :acist

    5eading :abbis 4n 8urope )alling +n 8 To llow 3ews To )arry =uns

    $our )harlie[by :obert %an*o1] We felt shoc* and sorrow that cartoons were !etwith this level of hatred. But hate is not our strong suit. "u!or is.

    Who is saying what about the terrorist attac*sW88#5L M+T80 fro! 40:68T 'aily BrieNng8urope&s 3ews no longer alone$at )ondell@ 4sla! has nothing to do with 4sla! [4t&s getting hard to *eep up withall these Mur&an-inspired atrocities that have nothing to do with 4sla!./]

    4nto the fray@ 4t&s 4sla!, stupidO Threatens !erican way-of-life, culture and

    )onstitution. [4sla! is to terror as rainfall is to ooding/]

    +ba!a9s inaction in Le!en led to $aris2 While the +ba!a ad!inistration wasNghting 4045, l Maeda was regrouping in Le!en.

    What do Belgians :eally Thin* about 3ewsP

    ndrew #lavan@ 0hould Waterboarding 3ihadis Be n +ly!pic 0portP%a;ority of British 3ews Believe They "ave 6o 5ong-Ter! Future 4n 8urope

    T"+="T0 FT8: T"8 $:40 64TL :55L

    3a*e Tapper of )66 said what !any of us were thin*ing@ Q4 was asha!edQ by thelac* of .0. representation at the unity rally in $aris on 0unday. +ver AC worldleaders and !illions of French citizens gathered to epress their grief and solidarityafter the !urders of DG people by 4sla!ist terrorists last wee*.

    Byron Lor* writes that +ba!a9s $aris QsnubQ was intentional, part of his Qyears-longe1ort to downgrade the threat of terroris! and !ove on to other thingsQ -- thingsli*e his support for Itapayer-fundedJ QfreeQ tuition to co!!unity colleges.

    For 5eslie ". =elb, a for!er 6ew Lor* Ti!es colu!nist and )arter ad!inistrationoRcial, the $resident9s failure to attend the rally was apparently the last straw@

    "ere9s why !erica9s failure to be represented at the $aris unity !arch was soprofoundly disturbing. 4t wasn9t ;ust because $resident +ba!a9s or Kice $residentBiden9s absence was a horrendous ga1e. %ore than this, it de!onstrated beyondargu!ent that the +ba!a tea! lac*s the basic instincts and ;udg!ent necessary toconduct .0. national security policy in the net two years. 4t9s si!ply too dangerous

  • 8/9/2019 Thoughts CXII [Paris]


    to let %r. +ba!a continue as is-with his current tea! and his way of !a*ingdecisions. !erica, its allies, and friends could be heading into one of the !ostdangerous periods since the height of the )old War.

    =elb is a !ainstrea! liberal who is now calling on the $resident to Nre his entirenational security tea! and bring in new people. I%any of the replace!ents he

    reco!!ends are :epublicans.J =elb also advises the $resident to reach out to)ongress and to eperienced foreign policy oRcials fro! past ad!inistrationsI:epublicansJ for advice. But he recognizes that the core of the proble! is +ba!ahi!self@

    ...4n the end, !a*ing the national security syste! wor* co!es down to one factor,one !an - Barac* +ba!a. "e9s the *ey proble!, and he9s the only one who canbring about a solution.

    The Wall 0treet 3ournal9s editors too* the .0. failure to send a high-levelrepresentative to the rally as conNr!ation that $res. +ba!a is dis!issive of 8uropeand doesn9t understand the 4sla!ist threat.

    For!er 0enator 3oe 5ieber!an does not hesitate to na!e radical 4sla! as the threat.4n a Wall 0treet 3ournal op-ed,he calls for civilized nations to ac*nowledge that weare in a war with 4sla!ist etre!is!, to for!ally declare war against 4sla!istterrorists, and to band together Ialong with %usli! nations li*e 0audi rabia, nitedrab 8!irates, and 8gyptJ in an alliance against radical 4sla!.

    :ep. 5ee ?eldin I:-6L-DJ, appearing on Fo andFriends this wee*, co!!ented on rising anti-0e!itis! in 8uropeand around the world.

    What freedo! of speechPWhere the govern!ent decides which utterances are allowedBy 3udge ndrew $. 6apolitano,3W:

    The photos of AC of the world&s govern!ent leaders !arching ar!-in-ar! along a$aris boulevard on 0unday with the president of the nited 0tates not a!ong the!was a provocative i!age that has fo!ented !uch debate. The !arch was, ofcourse, in direct response to the !urderous attac*s on wor*ers at the Frenchsatirical !agazine )harlie "ebdo by a pair of brothers na!ed #ouachi, and onshoppers at a $aris *osher super!ar*et by one of the brothers& co!rades.Thedebate has been about whether $resident +ba!a should have been at the !arch.

    The !arch was billed as a defense of freedo! of speech in the West, yet it hardlycould have been held in a less free-speech-friendly Western environ!ent, and the

  • 8/9/2019 Thoughts CXII [Paris]


    debate over %r. +ba!a&s absence !isses the point. 4n the post-World War 44 era,French govern!ents have adopted a policy advanced upon the! nearly DCC yearsago by Woodrow Wilson. "e pioneered the !odern idea that countries& constitutionsdon&t li!it govern!ents2 they unleash the!. Thus, even though the French)onstitution guarantees freedo! of speech, French govern!ents treat speech as agift fro! the govern!ent, not as a natural right of all persons, as our )onstitution


    Fight The! +ver There)hanging the :ules of the 'e!ocracy =a!e in 8uropeBelgiu!&s tough gun laws didn&t *eep $aris terrorists fro! getting their guns there$alestinians Burn French Flag at Te!ple %ount

    3ac7ues %yard, French 6ational sse!bly !e!ber, tells )hannel A 6ews that%usli!s will have to get used to it/. )atherine "eseltine, e-)8+ of %usli! $ublic1airs )o!!ittee, says she will not ta*e lectures fro! hypocritical/ Frenchpoliticians. :uben +ppenhei!er, a cartoonist, says the west are hypocritical/ andthat drawings should be a response to drawings.

    3arrett )alled $aris %arch 6othing %ore Than $arade/Bill %aher )hannels Breitbart 6ews on Threat of :adical 4sla!%usli!s :ioting )onde!ning 6ew )harlie "ebdo 4ssue 5eads to 'eath, 'estruction4040 $hoto 'u!p :eveals 6ew )ruciNions, %an Thrown +1 :oof in %osul for

  • 8/9/2019 Thoughts CXII [Paris]


    $ope Francis on )harlie "ebdo 3ihad@ +ne )annot %a*e Fun of Faith/- 0ee !ore at@ http@pa!!Vsthash."fg3+Kc.dpufFrench $resident "ollande@ %usli!s are the Nrst victi!s of fanaticis!,funda!entalis! and intolerance/- 0ee

    8rdoan attac*s 6etanyahu@ "ow does head of terror state dare attend $aris!archP tur*ey

    Tur*ey "alts :eporting on Weapon Transfers to 0yria :ebelsTur*ish $resident ccuses the West of Being Behind $aris ttac*sTur*ey 0ays 4t "elped "a!as Beco!e Q%ainstrea!Q:eception for $alestinian $resident in Tur*ey %oc*ed as +tto!an )ircus - Tur*ish$resident 8rdoan received $alestinian $resident bbas in the new XCC !illionpresidential palace in the Tur*ish capital of n*ara2 the guards were dressed inunifor!s that sy!bolized the DY eras of Tur*ish soldiers fro! the %ongols to the+tto!ans, with swords, daggers and traditional hel!ets and shields. The eoticcere!ony evo*ed !oc*ery in the Tur*ish !edia as an +tto!an circus2 )66 said thatthe 3ustice and 'evelop!ent $arty, founded by 8rdoan in HCCH, follows the 4sla!icheritage of the +tto!an 8!pire where the sultans considered the!selves rulers ofthe whole %usli! world.

    Tur*ish $%@ 4sraeli 9$rovocations9 :adicalizing %usli! World8rdoan9s Tur*ish Bazaar

    Tur*ish:eaction To 9)harlie "ebdo9 Terror ttac* was for 8rdoan to ccuse Western"ypocrisy, :acis!, "ate 0peech, 4sla!ophobia2 4sla!ist$ro-#$ %edia 3ustiNed 4t,while the 0ecular %edia %ourned.

    0witzerland %ay Be $reparing for the 8nd of the 8uro

    "a!as oRcials reactivated separate parlia!ent in =aza

    White "ouse@ +ba!a Will Fight %edia To 0top nti-3ihad rticles

    4t&s diRcult to overstate the potential i!portance of the 8gyptian president&s 6ewLear speech on 4sla! ( and e7ually i!portant to avoid overly opti!isticepectations as to its practical i!pact

  • 8/9/2019 Thoughts CXII [Paris]


    $oll@ British 3ews Fear Future in 8urope0afety of the 3ews in France

    La9alon@ We Want the $alestinians to ct as a :esponsible 6eighborFrance@ Terror Funding, ttac* Weapons )a!e fro! broadFrench $arlia!ent Kotes A-D to 8tend irstri*es on 4040 in 4ra7.0. Worried by Q:ising TideQ of 8uropean nti-0e!itis!

    $ri!e %inister 6etanyahu at Funerals of $aris Terror Kicti!s@ Ti!e to 8li!inate:adical 4sla!ic Terrorist =roups$resident :ivlin at Funerals of $aris Terror Kicti!s@ We Wanted Lou to )o!e "o!elive

    0audi rabia $rovides XYC% for $ as Financial id $lu!!ets4sraeli )ourt :e;ected ppeal of 0i 0halit 'eal $alestinian $risoners who wererearrested in 3une HCDA after they had been freed2 they had violated the ter!s ofthe deal upon which they were freed and as a result, they will co!plete the originallifeti!e sentences they were serving.

    France@ This won&t be a Watershed %o!ent in the Western Battle against 4sla!ic8tre!is! because France [and the rest of 8urope, and the 8] will not [D]Elauncha crac*down on 4sla!ist groupings at its higher-education institutions, or devoteserious resources to investigating potential incite!ent at local !os7ues2 [H]Eintroduce passenger proNling at 8 entry points, the way 4srael does2 [S]Esanction

    Tur*ey for facilitating the ow of radicalized 8uropean %usli!s to and fro! the4sla!ic 0tate terror group in 0yria and 4ra7.

    The gall of the =auls 8ven though )oulibaly reportedly told his hostages, 4 a!!edy )oulibaly, a %usli! fro! %ali. 4 belong to the 4sla!ic 0tate

    The Fruits of )owardice and ppease!ent

    Free speech for thee but not for !e [By 0teven $laut] 6ot a single 3e 0uis )harliepostureur in 4srael has spo*en out about the ;udicial atrocity of i!prisoning Tatiana0us*in for a Two-year prison ter! for drawing a cartoonO

    The 0audi :ole in 0ept. DD and the "idden ZDD :eport $ages

    The Terror ttac*s in $aris@ $assing 8pisode

    British police are stepping up security in 3ewish areas in response to last wee*&sterror attac*s in $aris

  • 8/9/2019 Thoughts CXII [Paris]


    '4$5+%)L =+68 W#W:'. 3ohn #erry gave French $resident Franois "ollande abig hug after an especially diRcult wee* for the French. 4t didn9t go well. WhyP"ugging is ;ust not a very French thing to do.

    the roots of terroris!,Q by 0ara :eardon in 6ature, who interviews anthropologist0cott tran, who says@ QFrance has about G.U\ %usli!s and [they !a*e] up to YC-GU\ of the prison population. 4t9s a very si!ilar situation to blac* youth in thenited 0tates. The di1erence is here9s an ideology that appeals to the!, it9sso!ething that9s very attractive to !ore people than you !ight thin*. ... The ;ihad isthe only syste!ic cultural ideology that9s e1ective, that9s growing, that9s attractive,that9s glorious - that basically says to these young people, 95oo*, you9re on the outs,nobody cares about you, but loo* what we can do. We can change the [email protected]"?Dp#

    ne!ploy!ent and cultural wea*ness cause radicalis!, not poverty

    The process of assi!ilation is obviously a !atter of great concern for any nationwith generous i!!igration policies. 4!!igration without assi!ilation is a*in tocolonization. 6o nation beneNts fro! i!porting a large population that does notaccept its founding principles, or perhaps even its laws. "owever, assi!ilation isi!portant for the native-born as well. 4t is a grave !ista*e to assu!e that peopleborn in a given nation, even after several generations of native birth, willauto!atically assi!ilate to its culture.

    White "ouse Bro!ance@ +ba!a )onNr!s 6ic*na!e for 'avid )a!eron- The leaderof the free world needs a little help fro! his friends, and +ba!a has conNr!ed hecalls British $ri!e %inister 'avid )a!eron Qbro.Q )a!eron is trying to build supportat ho!e ahead of a parlia!entary election in %ay.

    White "ouse@ Than*s To +ba!a, 4040 Fighters

  • 8/9/2019 Thoughts CXII [Paris]


    $alestinians Burn French Flag on Te!ple %ount to $rotest 6ew )harlie "ebdo )overBulgaria to etradite French terrorist suspect

    The Western World 4s 6ot :eally 'edicated to Free 0peech3ohn #erry Brings "ugs, 3a!es Taylor to :epair :elations with FranceFrench )itizenship 8pedited for #osher %ar*et

    +ba!a :eleases Five Le!enis fro! =uantana!o, 0ends Four to +!an

    #8::L F4655L %'8 4T T+ $:40)hee*-*iss fau pas9 big hug9Brings 3a!es Taylor to 0erenade French With 9Lou9ve =ot a Friend9

    $+$8@ There are li!its to free epression?uc*erberg defended F)8B++# censorship despite 9)harlie "ebdo9 support

  • 8/9/2019 Thoughts CXII [Paris]


    !erican )onsulate 8stablished an 9r!ed rab %ilitia9 and is replacing 4sraelisecurity guards with ar!ed $alestinians with cri!inal records2 there is also a secretar!ory2 This is a breach of an agree!ent between the )onsulate and the 4sraeligovern!ent, signed in HCDD [whereby only guards who served in co!bat units in

    the 4'F who are e!ployed by the consulate will be allowed to carry ar!s] and theanti-4sraeli character of the consulate today is reected in the fact that the !ostsenior adviser is a $alestinian rab, 4brahi! 'elalsh, who sat in 4sraeli prison forbelonging to Fatah-lin*ed terror groups.

    8urope9s Top :abbi@ 3ews !ust start carrying guns4040 is doing [publishing personal infor!ation online] 0 generals, a for! ofpsychological war

    Fro! 0al!an :ushdie to )harlie "ebdo - 7uarter-century of Western fec*lessnessled fro! the for!er to the latter.l!ost "alf of British 3ews 0ay They "ave 6o 5ong-Ter! Future in 8urope

    3ewish-owned ') business targeted by self-described 4040 !ilitants2 Threateningphone callsKows to carry out !ass !urder[5ocal 3ew Feels 5eft +ut +f Worldwide 3ewish )onspiracy]

    3ewish Watchdog =roup :eleases 5ist of nti-0e!itic cts in %idwest4040 launches social !edia ca!paign to capitalize on $aris attac*s..."uRngton $ost@ The :eal Threat 4s the 8uropean :ight6L Ti!es 8ditor@ )harlie "ebdo )artoons

  • 8/9/2019 Thoughts CXII [Paris]


    %usli! )o1ee 0hop Boss Faces 'eath Threats for

  • 8/9/2019 Thoughts CXII [Paris]


    34"'40 46 345@ "+W 405%40T =6=0 T++# +K8: +: $:40+60=8:%6L $:+$+080

  • 8/9/2019 Thoughts CXII [Paris]


    8urope !ust sober up [By %a; =en Laacov !idror]=eorges Wolins*i, the leading caricaturist at )harlie "ebdo, was a!ong those!urdered inthe terror attac*sin $aris last wee*2 this half-$olish, half-Tunisian 3ewpossessed an anarchist spirit that left no sacred cow standing.

    What the hell was bbas doing at )harlie "ebdo de!o

    =ates of Kiennahas !any fabulous articles@ +ppression 4nstead of d!ission2$8=4' is 6ot the 'isease E 4t is the 0y!pto!/2 !edy )oulibaly&s !artyrdo!video2 and an interview with the politically incorrect )zech $resident [)zech$resident @ 4f They 'o 6ot )onfor!, 'eport The!O/].

    4040 8ecutions Beco!ing 8ven %ore Brutal2 thus, it is necessary to Fight theTerrorists Before They :each the West

    3ohn #erry French Fau $as@ 4 3ust Want to

  • 8/9/2019 Thoughts CXII [Paris]


    Q:ussian 0piesQ 8ecuted by )hild 0oldier in 0hoc*ing 4040 Kideo

    The story behind the terrorist attac* on the *osher super!ar*et.The terrorist and his wife were on their way to !a*e a !ost terribleterrorist attac* at the local )habad school which is one of the biggestin France. 'uring their drive there, they had an accident and so it drew

    attention to the police in the area. They panic*ed and shot thepolicewo!an that approached their car to investigate the see!ingly!inor traRc accident. This accident saved the life of tens or evenhundreds of 3ewish children at that school. The car was later foundabandoned with weapons as they could not carry so !any weapons onfoot. $olice also found a note with the address o1 the )habad school inthe car, so the target was very clear.

    They then realized that their plans had gone wrong and decided toseparate.

    The terrorist then decided to attac* another 3ewish target and went forthe only other 3ewish place he *new, the *osher super!ar*et

    The terrorist was then dropped o1 by his wife at the *osher

    super!ar*et and then drove to the airport to slip out of France. 0hecaught a ight to Tur*ey and then went onto 0yria, where she isbelieved to be and has ;oined up with the 4040 terrorist organizationthat she and her husband are !e!bers of and had undergoneetensive training with the group.We *now the tragic circu!stances that it ended in.)an we now not see how "ashe! is still always loo*ing after us andour children. 5oo* what *ind of !iracle there was that could have gonedown as one of the worst terrorist attac*s in the history on our pureinnocent children. 4 *now we lost A of our best people, and this !ustnot be overloo*ed, but loo* what could have been without that littlesi!ply stupid car accident that saved the children9s lives.

    To have a target of innocent children, !ust tell us great things as towhat these 4sla!ic terrorists hold by in ter!s of hu!anity. This wholestory is so bizzare that it9s beyond the i!agination of any nor!alhu!an being.

    The a!ount of ar!s and a!!unition found astounded the police thatfound it. 4t was supposed to be a very high toll on our 3ewishco!!unity.

    3ews )an 6o 5onger be 0afe in France

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    s long as radical %usli!s in France are not dealt with in the severestway, violence against 3ews will continue and France will not be safe for


    By@ 3oseph $uder

    l!ost two years ago I%arch HG, HCDAJ a Front $age %agazine articleby this writer as*ed the 7uestion,

  • 8/9/2019 Thoughts CXII [Paris]


    This wee* $resident "ollande called once again for unity in the face ofa 3ihadist %usli! terror spree that !urdered DG people, including A

    3ews in a $arisian #osher super!ar*et, buying groceries for 0abbath.!ong the !urdered were also DH sta1 !e!bers of the satiricalFrench !agazine )harlie "ebdo, as well as a policewo!an.

    solidarity !arch in $aris last wee* brought out over one !illionpeople and AC world leaders including =er!any&s chancellor ngela%er*el, Britain&s 'avid )a!eron, 4srael&s $ri!e %inister Ben;a!in6etanyahu, and the rather oddity of %ah!oud bbas, the leader of the$alestine 5iberation +rganization, itself a full-edged terroristorganization. visible absentee fro! the solidarity !arch was .0.$resident Barac* "ussein +ba!a. The D.H !illion $aris !archers on0unday I3anuary DD, HCDUJ called for free speech, and carried placardswith the words

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    4n HCDA, G,CCC French 3ews i!!igrated to 4srael, double the nu!ber ofthe previous year. 4n HCDS, HC,CCC French 3ews for!ally applied to the

    3ewish gency in $aris for aliyah Ie!igration to 4sraelJ and !ore thanS,CCC co!pleted the e!igration process, twice as !any as in HCDH.France has now beco!e the pri!ary aliyah source to 4srael.France&s !ulticultural ethos, and continued %usli! i!!igration is

    transfor!ing France in !any ways. The future for 3ews loo*s evenblea*er as thousands of French %usli! ;ihadi Nghters in the ran*s ofthe 4sla!ic 0tate I40J and al-Maeda return fro! 4ra7 and 0yria tocontinue their war against the French inNdels, and 3ews in particular.0hi!on 0a!uels, the $aris 'irector of the 0i!on Wiesenthal )entersu!!ed up the situation in France. "e said, culture of ecuseeonerates the perpetrators as