Thorium Battery

THORIUM BATTERY 1000-TIMES STRONGER THAN LITHIUM-ION Max FomitchevZamilov Infinite Energy Corpora0on

Transcript of Thorium Battery


Max  Fomitchev-­‐Zamilov  Infinite  Energy  Corpora0on  

The Objective

Develop   a   compact,   cheap,   scalable   nuclear   battery   that   will  

become   standard   power   source   for   the   majority   of   consumer,  

military,  and  industrial  applications  (from  cell  phones  to  trucks).  


1,000-­‐times  more  powerful   than   lithium-­‐ion,   the   thorium  battery  

will   revolutionize   the   world   by   replacing   internal   combustion  

engines   and   conventional   chemical   batteries   with   new,   non-­‐

polluting,  and  virtually  inexhaustible  power  source.  

Nuclear Batteries: Available Today

ü  Hold  100,000  times  more  energy  than  lithium  batteries  

ü  Powered  by  radio-­‐isotopes  (alpha-­‐  or  betavoltaics)  

ü  Commercially  available  today  

BUT!  Generate  little  power…  

Nuclear Decay: Alpha & Beta

Because  α/β  decay  is  a  slow  process  

commercial  nuclear  batteries  are  weak  

Breakthrough: Accelerated Decay

u We  know  how  to  accelerate  the  α/β decay!  

u Demonstrated  reliably  many  times:  

ü  Wendt  &  Irion  (1922)  Ø  Tungsten  decay  

ü  Biryukov  replication  (2012)  

ü  Adamenko  et  al.  (1998-­‐2015)  Ø  Copper,  aluminum,  etc.  decay  

Ø  Scalability  demonstrated  

Product: Thorium Battery

On-­‐Demand  Power  Ø  Watts  to  Megawatts  Ø  Compact  (size  of  a  car  battery)  Ø  Inexpensive  (50  times  cheaper  than  gas)  

Extreme  Longevity  Ø  5-­‐10  years  at  full  load  Ø  100,000+  miles  for  an  EV  

Components  Ø  Trigger  pulse  generator  (design)  Ø  Thorium  fuel  pack  (design)  Ø  Voltaic  energy  converter  (available)  

Why Thorium? Safe & Cheap

At  $5/gram,  1  gram  of  thorium  =  100  gallons  of  gasoline  






Smart  money  invests  in  (Bill  Gates,  TerraPower,  etc.)  

Applications: Consumer, Industrial, etc.

The Challenge: 5-10 Year Project

1.  Proof-­‐of-­‐Concept  Demonstration  Ø  Series  A:  $1-­‐2M  /  ~12  months  

Ø  Fairly  easy  /  HUGE  IMPACT  

Ø  Will  make  Series  B  easy  

2.  Commercial  Battery  Design  Ø  Trigger  pulse  optimization  

Ø  Thorium  fuel  pack  design  

Ø  Miniaturization  

Ø  Series  B:  $50-­‐100M  /  5-­‐10  years  

Ø  Will  take  time  &  money  

It Can Be Done!

This  nation  is  known  for  doing  the  impossible.  

Humans  can’t  Zly?  The  Wright  brothers  taught  us  how.  

You  want  the  moon?  Neil  Armstrong  got  it  for  us.    

Never  ask  America  “IF…”  Ask  “WHEN?”  

Be The Dream Team!

ü  Dr.  Max  Fomitchev-­‐Zamilov  Ø  Founder,  former  Penn  State  professor,  inventor,  physicist  

ü  Sergei  Godin  Ø  Electrical  engineering  

ü  Robb  Sparks  

Ø  Precision  manufacturing  

ü  Alex  Shenderov  Ø  Mechanical  engineering  

Seeking  experienced,  patient,  ethical,  and  altruistic  

experts,  advisors,  and  directors  

Contact  Max  Fomitchev-­‐Zamilov,  Founder  

814-­‐777-­‐8993  |  [email protected]  

Invest in the Future!

Seeking  patient,  visionary  angel  investors  to  complete  the  $1M  seed  round