Thor: The Dark World

Thor: The Dark World BY THOMAS BONTOFT

Transcript of Thor: The Dark World

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The issues raised by media ownership in contemporary media practice

Thor: The Dark World was produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney. These are two massive companies in the world of business and both have large amounts of power within the industry. These companies are able to spend large amounts of money on a particular film and in this case Thor cost approximately $170 Million to make. These large investments in films ensure that the film will make a huge return. To make a large return on a film companies usually spend their large investments on things such as A list stars, special effects, cameras etc. This makes more people want to watch the film as it will be more interesting for the audience. Distribution is a key part as they have to ensure that the film reaches as many of the target audience as possible through advertising. Large budgets mean that effective advertising can be used and the film can be distributed to a large amount of cinemas therefore being shown of thousands and thousands of screens around the world whether it be through a cinema or through streaming services.

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The importance of cross media convergence and synergy in production, distribution and marketing

Thor has been produced and distributed by two different companies. This is because one may specialise in a particular area resulting in increased success. It is important that the films looking to make a large profit are given the best distribution and production on offer. Another way that companies make converge is through different ways of distribution. An example of this would be a film being offered to viewers via a Video On Demand service such as Netflix or Lovefilm. VOD makes films cheaper to watch as may films nowadays cost a lot to watch at the cinema especially ones in 3D. In Thor’s case the film was not offered on VOD services but I think the level of advertising made up for this.

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The technologies that have been introduced in recent years at the levels of production, distribution, marketing and exchange

Technology such as 3D film, better special effects and digital films have changed the way in which films are viewed. 3D film makes the film much more interesting for the viewer and an overall better experience which is why in recent years the popularity has significantly increased. 3D cameras can cost a lot of money to buy so this means that only big companies like Marvel can afford to invest in these whilst ensuring that the rest of the production is paid for. Thor was shown in both 2D and 3D. This meant that it widens the audience making the film accessible by more people.

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The significance of proliferation in hardware and content for institutions and audiences

With technology advancing as such as rapid rate, it is important that companies ensure they keep up with these advancements. In recent years people have began to use services such as VOD more through their laptops, smartphones and tablets. Social networking can be used to create publicity of the film through the method of free advertising. This method was used by the creators of Thor as they made both a Twitter account and a Facebook page to promote their film.

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The issues raised in the targeting of national and local audiences (specifically, British) by international or global institutions

Depending on what country the film is being advertised in the company may choose to advertise it differently. For example, in the UK Thor: The Dark World was advertised through magazines and posters at bus stops. This is a good way to promote the film as they will reach a large number of people increasing potential success of the film. In America it would have been advertising through big billboards in public places as this is a good way of reaching large audiences.

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The ways in which the candidates’ own experiences of media consumption illustrate wider patterns and trends of audience behaviour.

In my opinion the advancements in technology are good as they allow a larger amount of people to be able to view the film. Many people cant afford to view films so services such as VOD are a cheaper alternative to visiting the cinema.