Thom-Porteous formulas in algebraic ·...

Thom-Porteous formulas in algebraic cobordism Thomas Hudson advisor : Prof. Marc Levine MSJ-SI 2012 Schubert calculus International summer school and conference on Schubert calculus Osaka City University Schubert varieties and Bott-Samelson resolutions Let X Sm k and V be a vector bundle on X endowed with a full flag of subbundles V =(V 1 ⊂ ··· ⊂ V n-1 V ). Let us consider π : F (V ) X, the full flag bundle associated to V , and the universal full flag of quotient bundles (π * V Q n-1 ... Q 1 ). π * V 1 _ Q 1 V 1 _ L i := π * V i * V i-1 . . . _ . . . ?? ?? . . . _ M i := Ker (Q i Q i-1 ) π * V n-1 _ Q n-1 == == | | | | | | | | | V n-1 _ π * V // :: :: t t t t t t t t t V F (V ) π // X Definition As a set the Schubert variety associated to ω S n is defined as Ω ω := {x ∈F (V ) | rank(π * V i (x) Q j (x)) r ω (i, j ) i, j } where the function r ω is given by r ω (i, j ) := |{k j | ω(k) i}| . Remark. 1. For the Schubert variety associated to ω 0 = Å 1 2 ... n n n - 1 ... 1 ã we have Ω ω0 X. As a consequence Ω ω0 Sm k . 2. In general a Schubert variety Ω ω needs not to be a smooth scheme. Definition Let I be the l-tuple (i 1 ,i 2 ,...,i l ) with i k ∈{1,...,n - 1}. The Bott-Samelson resolutions r I : R I →F (V ) are defined recursively: if l = 0, then I = , R := X and r = i : X →F (V ) is the embedding associated to V ; if l> 0, then I =(I 0 ,j ) and by the inductive hypothesis r I 0 : R I 0 →F (V ) has already been defined. One then considers the following fiber diagram R I 0 × Yj F (V ) pr2 // pr1 F (V ) ϕj R I 0 r I 0 // F (V ) ϕj // Y j and sets R I := R I 0 × Yj F (V ) and r I := pr 2 . Here Y j denotes the bundle of partial flags with only the j -th level missing. Double Schubert and Grothendieck polynomials Definition (Lascoux-Sch¨ utzenberger [5]) Fix n N. For each i ∈{1,...,n - 1} the divided difference operators i and the isobaric divided difference operators π i on Z[x, y] are defined by i) i P = P - σ i (P ) x i - x i+1 ; ii) π i P = (1 - x i+1 )P - (1 - x i )σ i (P ) x i - x i+1 , where σ i is the operator exchanging x i and x i+1 and 1 represents the identity operator. For ω S n the double Schubert polynomial S ω and the double Grothendieck polynomial G ω are defined as follows: if ω = ω 0 then i) S ω0 := Y i+jk (x i - y j ) ; ii) G ω0 := Y i+jk (x i + y j - x i y j ); if ω 6= ω 0 then there exists an elementary transposition s i =(ii + 1) such that l(ω) <l(ωs i ): one then sets i) S ω := i S ωsi ; ii) G ω := π i G ωsi . The link between Schubert varieties, Bott-Samelson resolution and double Schubert and Grothendieck polynomials is illustrated by the following two theorems: Theorem 1.(Fulton [2]) Let ω S n and let the l-tuple I =(i 1 ,...,i l ) correspond to a minimal length decomposition of ω 0 ω, i.e. ω 0 ω = s I := s i1 ··· s i l with minimal l. Then in the Chow ring CH * (F (V )) one has ω ] CH * = S ω (c 1 (M 1 ),...,c 1 (M n ),c 1 (L 1 ),...,c 1 (L n )) = r I * [R I ] CH * . Theorem 2.(Fulton-Lascoux [3]) Let ω S n and let the l-tuple I =(i 1 ,...,i l ) correspond to a minimal length decomposition of ω 0 ω. Then in the Grothendieck ring of vector bundles K 0 (F (V )) one has [O Ωω ] K 0 = G ω (c 1 (M 1 ),...,c 1 (M n ),c 1 (L 1 ),...,c 1 (L n )) = r I * [R I ] K 0 . Since the Chow ring CH * and the graded Grothendieck ring of vector bundles K 0 [β,β -1 ] := K 0 Z Z[β,β -1 ] are both examples of oriented cohomology theories one may ask the following Question: Is there an analogue of theorems 1 and 2 for other oriented cohomology theories and in particular for algebraic cobor- dism? The proof for both theorems is essentially divided into three parts: 1. compute the fundamental class of Ω ω0 in CH * (F (V )) (respectively K 0 (F (V ))); 2. find an explicit expression for the operators ϕ * j ϕ j* on CH * (F (V )) (respectively K 0 (F (V ))) hence obtaining a description of the classes r I * [R I ]; 3. show that for I of minimal length these classes coincide with the fundamental class of the corresponding Schubert variety. Algebraic cobordism and oriented cohomology theories Definition An oriented cohomology theory on Sm k is given by 1. An additive functor A * : Sm op k R * ; 2. For each projective morphism f : Y X in Sm k of relative codimension d, a homomorphism of graded A * (X)- modules: f * : A * (Y ) A *+d (X) . These need to satisfy the projective bundle formula , the extended homotopy property and certain compatibil- ities concerning the pull-back morphisms f * and the push-forward morphisms g * . Proposition (Levine-Morel [6]) Let A * be an oriented cohomology theory on Sm k . A * admits a theory of Chern classes and for any line bundle L on X Sm k the class c 1 (L) n vanishes for n large enough. Moreover, there is a unique power series F A (u, v)= X i,j a i,j u i v j A * (k)[[u, v]] with a i,j A 1-i-j (k), such that, for any X Sm k and any pair of line bundles L, M on X, we have F A (c 1 (L),c 1 (M )) = c 1 (L M ) . In addition, the pair (A * (k),F A ) is a commutative formal group law of rank one with inverse χ A A * (k)[[u]]. Examples: For the Chow ring CH * one has: F CH (u, v)= u + v,χ CH (u)= -u; For K 0 [β,β -1 ] one has: F K 0 [β,β -1 ] (u, v)= u + v - βuv , χ K 0 [β,β -1 ] (u)= -u 1-βu . Theorem 3. (Levine-Morel [6]) Let k be a field of characteristic 0. 1. Algebraic cobordism X 7Ω * (X) is an oriented cohomology theory on Sm k and it is universal among such the- ories: given an oriented cohomology theory A * on Sm k , there exists a unique morphism of oriented cohomology theories ϑ A * * A * . 2. The canonical map Ω * L * Z CH * induced by ϑ CH * is an isomorphism of oriented cohomology theories. 3. The canonical map Ω * L * Z[β,β -1 ] K 0 [β,β -1 ] induced by ϑ K 0 [β,β -1 ] is an isomorphism of oriented cohomology theories. In [4] Hornbostel and Kiritchenko computed the classes r I * [R I ] Ω * for X = Spec k. In particular they addressed the problem associated to part 2 of the proof: describing explicitly the operators ϕ * j ϕ j* . Proposition Let ϕ : P(E) X be a P 1 -bundle and A ϕ * (P(E)) Ω * (P(E)) be the operator obtained from Ω * (X)[[x 1 ,x 2 ]] A -→ Ω * (X)[[x 1 ,x 2 ]] f 7-→ (1 + σ 1 ) f F Ω (x 1 Ω (x 2 )) , by substituting the Chern roots of E for x 1 ,x 2 . Then A ϕ = ϕ * ϕ * . Main results and an application to connected K -theory In order to complete the description of the push-forward classes of Bott-Samelson resolutions r I * [R I ] Ω * , one still needs to compute the fundamental class [Ω ω0 ] Ω * . Proposition As an element of Ω * (F (V )) the fundamental class of the Schubert variety of highest codimension Ω ω0 can be expressed as ω0 ] Ω * = Y i+jn F Ω (c 1 (M i ),c 1 (L j )) . Once this is known it is finally possible to describe all remaining classes. If the operators A ϕ associated to the P 1 -bundle ϕ j : F (V ) Y j j ∈{1,...,n - 1} are denoted by A j , one has the following result: Theorem 4. Let I =(i 1 ,...,i n ) be an l-tuple and let r I : R I →F (V ) be the associated Bott-Samelson resolution. Then r I * [R I ] Ω * = A i l ··· A i1 ω0 ] Ω * (1) An interesting application of this formula is represented by its specialization to connected K-theory , an oriented cohomology theory defined as CK * := Ω * L * Z[β] which generalizes both CH * and K 0 [β,β -1 ]. Corollary. When specialized to CK * , (1) recovers the double β-polynomials defined by Fomin and Kirillov in [1]. r I * [R I ] CK * = ϑ CK * (r I * [R I ] Ω * )= H (-β) ω (c 1 (M 1 ),...,c 1 (M n ),c 1 (L 1 ),...,c 1 (L n )) . Definition Fix n N. For ω S n the double β polynomial H (β) ω Z[β][x, y] is defined as follows: if ω = ω 0 then H (β) ω0 := Y i+jk (x i + y j + βx i y j ); if ω 6= ω 0 then there exists an elementary transposition s i such that l(ω) <l(ωs i ) and one sets H (β) ω := φ i H (β) ωsi . For each i ∈{1,...,n - 1} the β-divided difference operator φ i on Z[β][x, y] is defined by setting φ i P = (1 + σ i ) (1 + βx i+1 )P x i - x i+1 = (1 + βx i+1 )P - (1 + βx i )σ i (P ) x i - x i+1 , where σ i is the operator exchanging x i and x i+1 and 1 represents the identity operator. References [1] S. Fomin and A. N. Kirillov, Grothendieck polynomials and the Yang-Baxter equation, in Formal power series and algebraic combinatorics/S´ eries formelles et combinatoire alg´ ebrique, DIMACS, Piscataway, NJ, sd, pp. 183–189. [2] W. Fulton, Flags, Schubert polynomials, degeneracy loci, and determinantal formulas, Duke Math. J., 65 (1992), pp. 381–420. [3] W. Fulton and A. Lascoux, A Pieri formula in the Grothendieck ring of a flag bundle, Duke Math. J., 76 (1994), pp. 711–729. [4] J. Hornbostel and V. Kiritchenko, Schubert calculus for algebraic cobordism, J. Reine Angew. Math., 656 (2011), pp. 59–85. [5] A. Lascoux and M.-P. Sch¨ utzenberger, Polynˆ omes de Schubert, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris S´ er. I Math., 294 (1982), pp. 447–450. [6] M. Levine and F. Morel, Algebraic cobordism, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Springer, Berlin, 2007. Mathematisches Institut, Universit¨ at Duisburg-Essen [email protected]

Transcript of Thom-Porteous formulas in algebraic ·...

Page 1: Thom-Porteous formulas in algebraic · Algebraic cobordism and oriented cohomology theories De nition An oriented cohomology

Thom-Porteous formulas in algebraic cobordism

Thomas Hudson

advisor : Prof. Marc Levine

MSJ-SI 2012 Schubert calculus•

International summer school and conference onSchubert calculus

•Osaka City University

Schubert varieties and Bott-Samelson resolutions

Let X ∈ Smk and V be a vector bundle on X endowed with a full flag of subbundles V• = (V1 ⊂ ··· ⊂ Vn−1 ⊂ V ). Let us considerπ : F`(V )→ X, the full flag bundle associated to V , and the universal full flag of quotient bundles (π∗V Qn−1 . . . Q1).

π∗V1 _

Q1 V1 _

Li := π∗Vi/π

∗Vi−1... _

. ..

?? ??... _

Mi := Ker (Qi Qi−1) π∗Vn−1 _


== ==|||||||||Vn−1 _

π∗V //

:: ::tttttttttV

F`(V )

π // X


As a set the Schubert variety associated to ω ∈ Sn is defined as

Ωω := x ∈ F`(V ) | rank(π∗Vi(x)→ Qj(x)) ≤ rω(i, j) ∀i, j

where the function rω is given by rω(i, j) := |k ≤ j | ω(k) ≤ i| .


1. For the Schubert variety associated to ω0 =

Å1 2 . . . nn n− 1 . . . 1

ãwe have Ωω0 ' X. As a consequence

Ωω0∈ Smk.

2. In general a Schubert variety Ωω needs not to be a smooth scheme.


Let I be the l-tuple (i1, i2, . . . , il) with ik ∈ 1, . . . , n − 1. The Bott-Samelson resolutions rI : RI → F`(V ) aredefined recursively:

• if l = 0, then I = ∅, R∅ := X and r∅ = i : X → F`(V ) is the embedding associated to V•;

• if l > 0, then I = (I ′, j) and by the inductive hypothesis rI′ : RI′ → F`(V ) has already been defined. One thenconsiders the following fiber diagram

RI′ ×YjF`(V )

pr2 //


F`(V )



rI′ // F`(V )ϕj // Yj

and sets RI := RI′ ×YjF`(V ) and rI := pr2. Here Yj denotes the bundle of partial flags with only the j-th

level missing.

Double Schubert and Grothendieck polynomials

Definition (Lascoux-Schutzenberger [5])

Fix n ∈ N. For each i ∈ 1, . . . , n− 1 the divided difference operators ∂i and the isobaric divided difference operatorsπi on Z[x,y] are defined by

i) ∂iP =P − σi(P )

xi − xi+1; ii) πiP =

(1− xi+1)P − (1− xi)σi(P )

xi − xi+1,

where σi is the operator exchanging xi and xi+1 and 1 represents the identity operator.For ω ∈ Sn the double Schubert polynomial Sω and the double Grothendieck polynomial Gω are defined asfollows:

• if ω = ω0 then

i) Sω0:=


(xi − yj) ; ii) Gω0:=


(xi + yj − xiyj) ;

• if ω 6= ω0 then there exists an elementary transposition si = (i i+ 1) such that l(ω) < l(ωsi): one then sets

i) Sω := ∂iSωsi ; ii) Gω := πiGωsi .

The link between Schubert varieties, Bott-Samelson resolution and double Schubert and Grothendieck polynomials isillustrated by the following two theorems:

Theorem 1.(Fulton [2])

Let ω ∈ Sn and let the l-tuple I = (i1, . . . , il) correspond to a minimal length decomposition of ω0ω, i.e. ω0ω = sI :=si1 · · · sil with minimal l. Then in the Chow ring CH∗(F`(V )) one has

[Ωω]CH∗ = Sω(c1(M1), . . . , c1(Mn), c1(L1), . . . , c1(Ln)) = rI∗[RI ]CH∗ .

Theorem 2.(Fulton-Lascoux [3])

Let ω ∈ Sn and let the l-tuple I = (i1, . . . , il) correspond to a minimal length decomposition of ω0ω. Then in theGrothendieck ring of vector bundles K0(F`(V )) one has

[OΩω]K0 = Gω(c1(M1), . . . , c1(Mn), c1(L∨1 ), . . . , c1(L∨n)) = rI∗[RI ]K0 .

Since the Chow ring CH∗ and the graded Grothendieck ring of vector bundles K0[β, β−1] := K0⊗ZZ[β, β−1] are both examplesof oriented cohomology theories one may ask the following

Question:Is there an analogue of theorems 1 and 2 for other oriented cohomology theories and in particular for algebraic cobor-dism?

The proof for both theorems is essentially divided into three parts:

1. compute the fundamental class of Ωω0 in CH∗(F`(V )) (respectively K0(F`(V )));

2. find an explicit expression for the operators ϕ∗jϕj∗ on CH∗(F`(V )) (respectively K0(F`(V ))) hence obtaining a descriptionof the classes rI∗[RI ];

3. show that for I of minimal length these classes coincide with the fundamental class of the corresponding Schubert variety.

Algebraic cobordism and oriented cohomology theories


An oriented cohomology theory on Smk is given by

1. An additive functor A∗ : Smopk → R∗;

2. For each projective morphism f : Y → X in Smk of relative codimension d, a homomorphism of graded A∗(X)-modules:

f∗ : A∗(Y )→ A∗+d(X) .

These need to satisfy the projective bundle formula, the extended homotopy property and certain compatibil-ities concerning the pull-back morphisms f∗ and the push-forward morphisms g∗.

Proposition (Levine-Morel [6])

Let A∗ be an oriented cohomology theory on Smk. A∗ admits a theory of Chern classes and for any line bundle L onX ∈ Smk the class c1(L)n vanishes for n large enough. Moreover, there is a unique power series

FA(u, v) =∑i,j

ai,juivj ∈ A∗(k)[[u, v]]

with ai,j ∈ A1−i−j(k), such that, for any X ∈ Smk and any pair of line bundles L, M on X, we have

FA(c1(L), c1(M)) = c1(L⊗M) .

In addition, the pair (A∗(k), FA) is a commutative formal group law of rank one with inverse χA ∈ A∗(k)[[u]].

Examples: • For the Chow ring CH∗ one has: FCH(u, v) = u+ v , χCH(u) = −u;• For K0[β, β−1] one has: FK0[β,β−1](u, v) = u+ v − βuv , χK0[β,β−1](u) = −u

1−βu .

Theorem 3. (Levine-Morel [6])

Let k be a field of characteristic 0.

1. Algebraic cobordism X 7→ Ω∗(X) is an oriented cohomology theory on Smk and it is universal among such the-ories: given an oriented cohomology theory A∗ on Smk, there exists a unique morphism of oriented cohomologytheories

ϑA∗ : Ω∗ → A∗ .

2. The canonical mapΩ∗ ⊗L∗ Z→ CH∗

induced by ϑCH∗ is an isomorphism of oriented cohomology theories.

3. The canonical mapΩ∗ ⊗L∗ Z[β, β−1]→ K0[β, β−1]

induced by ϑK0[β,β−1] is an isomorphism of oriented cohomology theories.

In [4] Hornbostel and Kiritchenko computed the classes rI∗[RI ]Ω∗ for X = Spec k. In particular they addressed theproblem associated to part 2 of the proof: describing explicitly the operators ϕ∗jϕj∗.


Let ϕ : P(E)→ X be a P1-bundle and Aϕ : Ω∗(P(E))→ Ω∗(P(E)) be the operator obtained from

Ω∗(X)[[x1, x2]]A−→ Ω∗(X)[[x1, x2]]

f 7−→ (1 + σ1)f

FΩ(x1, χΩ(x2)),

by substituting the Chern roots of E for x1, x2. Then Aϕ = ϕ∗ϕ∗.

Main results and an application to connected K-theory

In order to complete the description of the push-forward classes of Bott-Samelson resolutions rI∗[RI ]Ω∗ , one still needs tocompute the fundamental class [Ωω0

]Ω∗ .


As an element of Ω∗(F`(V )) the fundamental class of the Schubert variety of highest codimension Ωω0 can be expressed as

[Ωω0]Ω∗ =


FΩ(c1(Mi), c1(L∨j )) .

Once this is known it is finally possible to describe all remaining classes. If the operators Aϕ associated to the P1-bundleϕj : F`(V )→ Yj j ∈ 1, . . . , n− 1 are denoted by Aj , one has the following result:

Theorem 4.

Let I = (i1, . . . , in) be an l-tuple and let rI : RI → F`(V ) be the associated Bott-Samelson resolution. Then

rI∗[RI ]Ω∗ = Ail · · ·Ai1 [Ωω0]Ω∗ (1)

An interesting application of this formula is represented by its specialization to connected K-theory, an oriented cohomology

theory defined as CK∗ := Ω∗ ⊗L∗ Z[β] which generalizes both CH∗ and K0[β, β−1].


When specialized to CK∗, (1) recovers the double β-polynomials defined by Fomin and Kirillov in [1].

rI∗[RI ]CK∗ = ϑCK∗(rI∗[RI ]Ω∗) = H(−β)ω (c1(M1), . . . , c1(Mn), c1(L∨1 ), . . . , c1(L∨n)) .

DefinitionFix n ∈ N. For ω ∈ Sn the double β polynomial H

(β)ω ∈ Z[β][x,y] is defined as follows:

• if ω = ω0 then H(β)ω0


(xi + yj + βxiyj) ;

• if ω 6= ω0 then there exists an elementary transposition si such that l(ω) < l(ωsi) and one sets

H(β)ω := φiH

(β)ωsi .

For each i ∈ 1, . . . , n− 1 the β-divided difference operator φi on Z[β][x,y] is defined by setting

φiP = (1 + σi)(1 + βxi+1)P

xi − xi+1=

(1 + βxi+1)P − (1 + βxi)σi(P )

xi − xi+1,

where σi is the operator exchanging xi and xi+1 and 1 represents the identity operator.


[1] S. Fomin and A. N. Kirillov, Grothendieck polynomials and the Yang-Baxter equation, in Formal power series and algebraiccombinatorics/Series formelles et combinatoire algebrique, DIMACS, Piscataway, NJ, sd, pp. 183–189.

[2] W. Fulton, Flags, Schubert polynomials, degeneracy loci, and determinantal formulas, Duke Math. J., 65 (1992), pp. 381–420.

[3] W. Fulton and A. Lascoux, A Pieri formula in the Grothendieck ring of a flag bundle, Duke Math. J., 76 (1994), pp. 711–729.

[4] J. Hornbostel and V. Kiritchenko, Schubert calculus for algebraic cobordism, J. Reine Angew. Math., 656 (2011), pp. 59–85.

[5] A. Lascoux and M.-P. Schutzenberger, Polynomes de Schubert, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math., 294 (1982), pp. 447–450.

[6] M. Levine and F. Morel, Algebraic cobordism, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Springer, Berlin, 2007.

Mathematisches Institut, Universitat [email protected]