THK DISPATCH, DAILY DISPATCH, - · nai a-soi iATio\ tn- pim.\-Di VINA...

THK DISPATCH, BY THE D1HPATCH COMPANY. ( tsM-INVtSIAHtl I* ADVANCE. Th* HAILI DISH I I' H 'tsTlverc.1 lo Ber11--r*st riWEEM < BXTB per week. |**Vi4t..eU' ilf rsrrt.r wiri,!.. Malted nt 88 BM.snimmi BR }.rstV»,on7b.: tl ¦.'¦.""¦- *** """'^^ O0'-r"r 0nTh"''sEMt-yV) EKE! DISPATCH stfj per sn- uiun.'.r tl for sis innnlbs. TheWFl*Kl.! '""'' ' '' " " f1 '»'*'.'¦"""''¦ B80LUTELY Pl BE. BRR ooo ! V A ** ir o oil AA KKK O o ! Y AAA I BO o ! A m | k (nm 1 * L I. I. E A ILL HUB I H K ll NN \ ,,,... lt ll IA BB II NN N fl " BBH AAv RB ll MN N .. E u\ A tv li D N N N I, (,(. BBB A A iv HUN NN GOG )-|*l" tx. I- pg o ppp o o r o o P (HI \y vi DDD EE1 I RBB yt iv \i yy vv vv u yy ii yv ii vv vt yy D DE I li li D ii), mn: I) O K lt ll DDD I EEK. lt R no I.'.-1 y | B lUlltllllT'llll vi a nu. UFFALO I.Il HI \ IVAII.H IN THK IREITMINT Ol BC kBLBT-1 EYER. Du. HENRI L. HIRD, cd BAATtSBBBB, o'. || tie-- in,! D ,. i' i Bali niore Mast M| , v BB* I f Pr.ttTliOl Ac: I inrosof ini nine 'Vrnv wits UK No. -j. in tat D JARRE! R.oI< kW, i Bm? Pei a af Mt dtrlae la ll pliiia Medic lt..ilene At rt meetHig af Rm RlaafaoBd I 18, 1878, lu. R .. !i!i.,n of Ila i' Ooal i"xiy e. tin i i,i"..ii i. iv , Wall' Ra. 8, lu un Mstisyiui! t i 8* vin i. ni kv!.n." Dir. (.. UT, sIMI'LE. I! IBFTOS, Vv.. *. in a ears <f *-« yin ' r-favi a ahleh came aa- d, r '.. Eiti.i.i yy. t' i. ., I ., I,, lltl.V Old .blind ,,. n f min,, when >t « ,s hlghl) charged viirji , v-.t, i,, -li ki i ION i ut ¦..'"' I." vivnumv OE Dlr.(.W.H. BBOCB, Ol En llvtoM). \' v., ty i .n He ,1 if: nf. ly Inr K«*VBB*ba* - During the « *** v ir IT-Vi V riv .. ii rt iallin I elly, giving int v .it. rwl /''-.'' ¦. sntrlo a ol' all i. '.h.-r wini for drinking pur- / tat put ."'..' (.'ns fl euee ,. f,.t'.tr yh ! ie te In v..,,ivrrn-il. lt' Ibis One J to rid .*>'. ./,- IJirt'UK I": .1 INNI KIM I. ll-1 > IS. i'UN H. i LA1BORNE BOLI4 li* mtt.k 1T10N8. MUTUAL LDE-lN-lHANci I QMPAN. Ol RI Rt YORK. ' l-l!. Till (.HAM)' si 'i BU 1 1 MEN I Ol TBI N1N1 I IT NIH Cl -ll RY. N p r r ni i u in BB Iosd*. .I.s. ni ks or t.. nd-, nor sj.,-, u- ISliVlr pi sal fi rm. all i ra iv. - MK NTS 1B1 OF THE SA I E 6 .. ~ H ". = HARA! TER l'KE-sl p.llil.D 1 Ih < BY CHARTER L> I ** -J tiD T.r.rm.s'i I IN | N, ui. INSTITUTION ts nu: WORLD. - ~ ~ RELIABLE, 9 E ti PROFITABLE a ~ Ed l, PROMPT. v.;. HAIN. lill BAJFERT, HU I IN TIIE WORLD. Tntl ll OB all-c-h and PUR El ', Ml'TCAI. * "MP y nv Noni l IOENDHT08T04 KHOLO- I I. '. V'i I, Hue- a te I el pe ,), gee bBI pp vpn to be ..I ld ill lite-Ills.,,- Div Me AT THE END "I Til! UH- I V I V!-. ,,.,,, :i|| pointe,. S|.i- Hiv '.liv pe i.l u-i yiin'.i - Mi n i--v> dollar pud and of l rsa, and Elna DOUBLE INSURANCE. Jja 88-11 .l"ll\ ll. i I ai I.on si iii EB! Bl '-..' LAIS* Bl imiN h. CLAIBORNE k SON, 11:;*.-in-i-rani i y,r nt-, HOI Mun st hi ki. Rm ii vi OJ i>. Va., Reine IBttaa Hu f'TViVVii.- eoiupinies: LONDON ,\ss| rt v Ni E . OBPO- BATIOB te.tsi iished 1780)'" nai a-soi iATio\ tn- pim. \- Di VINA (estaldi.h.-! 1*-I7j. 4.1*00,000 BUGARA Ol ni yy YORR. 1*800,000 A',in,' i I ji BAL Of WATKR- i"\y n. l.ipp.t¦¦." BOCUKbTBB GERMAN. fit'O.OOO bl P"-hid WITH TKEAsERER Of VIII- GINDI. 818)84 MTV ULEY IN VU I ( iNiT'Rr.NCK. IJeRb-UJ l-l KSOMI Il f|*'> TOBAI < 0 MANUFA4 ni:i.i:>. 'my mt, n i tu ihe linn of Mulld A " ' D' Hi-t- ii pieaoais tn auoounclog I )inv linn,Dat..I u.i.'iHv that I holt ', with n,e wo!I-known Ora "f .'....ii I'.t.oM i: ,i t "..a,,,! respectfully solicit Ith ti,.- assurance that Induce I"' "'¦ ""HI I* : innot fall tu be niiD YOU s, le.Ire-lflinv. ¦_ !*. C. SUITED. RlCUBOSD, .laeiiiiiv Wt. 1SH3. win-; mis DAI oj ALIFIED AS A HM I NihTB 1T4)R ol ih- lin', orJOSEPH J AK1.TON. d.s4.,s,.|. | i.Mi.y notify all parlies I'l'le'.V t IT , I '. |0 "lue rorward Illuf-e'tJ. and .ni panie* baying claim* aral n»t bis estate will Pl is, pr,,-I.l Ultlll t lee <! ul V eel ll Oed for s*t- 1 lilt HAKE' T. *T!T.E, Mae eu* nv,,,!. Ill, nuns!,. Vt.. January WV 1888. HW !\«, Tills DAY QUALIFIED AS .dm! H.RIIODEM 1 111 .S-l -.Hs |||. and lo rill Im to present the oatnc ti, me. puip. ri) still DOHA. I. P. I DMOND, AamlBjotralni i i ie RB nie.*¦:.. y t .lio ie,. \ vj. Bj it, .",!,- vet, i.p : ,t | nia ,i.. "in n a»rol i'. .-l.t. ol E. ll. HIk.iv '.' '' l1;"."'1 "A'X'.riding i,. I uv. -I..H .,,'t a tt . ul. lille. | . praoei ¦l*rly autheiitu .,i,.| to me. Holt ti: P. EoMoND. Ad uliilstrst rot IV H. Eho.l, ., d.< easr-d, Jvzi-1 tl sn-: Ti-u.ttsnr Bsldwts * -Dukin-. DOOK AND .JOH iVuitK NEATLY- JJ^XKCUTi'-D »t the DISPATCH PRINT! HO- DAILY DISPATCH, VOL LXIII. R1I'h'mdnTd~VAo Flt'lDAY MORNING. JAN PA RY -'¦¦ Pm_NO. 2-2. tiirhmontl Xiisjiatrh. .'UIDAY.lAM'AKY Bf, ISM*!. SsTTHE (TIMTLATinN Of 1 HR DR** \ I < H s LIRI.EH MIAN THE COMBINED (UKI'. A I NOR OK ALL THE OTHER DAILY M'.H'S- .APKRS Of TIIK (ITV. Emt red ot the,.ni.-.- st l.T.Titut.nd. Vs., aa nd-clar.* molter. I WEATHER REPORT. Inpii itions roa To-Dav..For thc Mid- lle AUiintic State*., cloudy Weather frith it-'ltl -now, winds mostly (lest, rh, ital BOB irv or lo ty* r tcni'HTattire, and b inlier pre*- tinv Tn): weather laaiRBRAf frat B8tttj .lear, eloiuly, and threatening TlDltU'isDTEi: VEVTKIT'AV I tl A. .M.. .'I*; I A. M.. ISj noon, tit); | p. M., bl; I P. H.. 18* midnight, tt. Mein tempt Tuturi", 4.'* .VC, i ' mr. rvhmi:li,.<'oi vrv skmsatiov. vi ,. Uro Token Om of the I.rianon Jail nod Collin! Oirby n Disguised Mob.!! hal Ilrcamr of Them .' Lani Thursday algal betaraaa 10 and ll .'clink tip. en linn iii dUs*UlM sur- oiiHiled thc jail :it I eli.'inoli. Rtissell colin- y, and took taoialroBi ii. r. Parrall and Kian ('nfiitli, charged frith ohtalalBR un- lei- false pretcnci s about <?ls,n(in worth of attie. The Bristol Wi wa af Twaday, in it* ao> ...tull of the ntlair, s-v s There are three fatea Hi nbtehthe jail- ¦ard caa !". entered. Twa anards frere stationed at mell of these. One yy its sta¬ tioned ai tba jail aatraaee. Bia or sevea otheri broke dofro the (ail doon frith rocks, uni! Immediately bound Parrall and Griffith and look them :i\\ av itt our latest stifle . ii" Btw knew whither, nor what disposition yva- made ol Hutu. Tlie entire j arty were blacked *o as to prevent reeog- iiitioii. Tba Jailer, Mr. Ilasbbrook, thinks li recognised one ol them only. it i-i believed thal tbti i- bo! a rescue, bul i species of lynching on the part <>ft!io outraged rendora of rattle to Un se raea, sonic ol arc neath ruined by tlit m. Others, roch a* Hon. William J.Dickenson, member "f tbs present House ol Delegates, uni captain liol "it Dickenson arc men ol decided naeans, aad are in bo way shaken Hy the los.. Tin* history ol iii" naatter is tiiisi Last i'll Griffith aad Perrall bought Irom va¬ lium cltizeoa ol Rtissell aboul |18,000 worth ol cattit v aad though thej Imd ben {or titre, years in Hie business in a smaller ns n>. and bad mel thi lr enuagi inents, Um re yya- mi Indisposition t" sell them to tba ex¬ tent Hun desired without any tectlritv. Bul they otT< red higher prices titan anyone else, and alleged they owned and had paid for a considerable portion ol their cattle; so ilint any possible lena by fluctuations would ba In thi* way Mime, and they could in any tv nt pay their lull-. Tliis itatemcnl lit* turned on! to !". utterly untrue and i* the basis "f the action against tin Ul fol' ft'oliy. They sold Bloat ol tba catt le iii the Valley ol Ynwiiiia. Griffith talcing the mont u i aniaVr ol the cattle to Baltimore, a* their Eton anea, On Griffith's return be stopped in Har¬ risonburg, a* be declares, on Us? 8th ol Nov. mi r, theory alter tbe election, aban both political parties frere parading the stn.ts. Min! ba sav* both processloni knocked him down, rsa orer him, and be yyits robbed of all tba cuttlc-niumy. The result is tlH> caine borne and declared they could not pay. and Were run-sled. It wes alleged by thean tani a lair trial could not be had in Russell, and i cbSBge of Minn- was ol,taintd to Washington (¦"linty, and yeeterdaj was Axed lor their trial BtAbuigdOB. alout tea dayi ago Perrall plead be had aewt iii* wife was a'.otit I,, die, mu! the county jiuL'e allowed him to visit Inr uader guard. It traus- pired hi* yvife yya*-' perfectly well, bul while there be offal d toe a^nrd IMO. ssh and a valuable claybank-colored Biara n> iiiioyy him to escape. Perrall i* aboul fifty-five yena of aga, and Griffith thirty-five or forty. Both have famUtes, What these outraged roto- ple propose ta do arith them yye mai leam before going to press. Tiny are ntUfied these men have their inonu, and tiny do bi t m sa they shvii enjoy ii. .sine, tho above wai written yye learn thal Kenall and Griffith nrere taken to Ute woods, and niter thc exhibition of ropes ami threats ol banging Ihey wort Blade to disgorge 1118,000, alter wbleb they wert turned rioose. \\\- don't vouch for the tl-Utfa of tin statement, hut merely vive it Bl n port. Thc Latest. TsSjT raTSURBBfl D18BOBOB TO BABB TID'H: NECKS, ANT' IT t.E THE ( ol VIV. [Special Ui eu'." ii to the Di -leitch. Bbistol, Tenn., Jmniiii > SS..The fol¬ lowing is thc letter ol Captain Gent nc- batim. He i-* ti lelia!.lc vr/.utD-iunn. and* btgh in thc county of RuaaeH ¦ '.I mint tell you tbat tba cattlr-ni< n broke tbe Jail last Thursday nlshl and took Perrall and Griffith out, and rather ivan ba hun.'tiny paid off all their creditors who called on them.say 15,700. They Hun turned then loose, and tiny fled tba coun¬ ty. Tin* otben hue attached and yyill gel their money." Thc I'unniiiu (.old Bobbery. i BBWABRABLR it.'H HisciivEiT' Kit u. aBBBSTa maid:. a Paaanta telegram rayt leveral per¬ sons have been arrest* d on snspiclon of h. lng concerned tn tbe robbery ol Rou,- OOO from the vault, of the l'aiiiiliia railroad. I'p to thc prc-etit the mollly bat BOt lien recovered, nor lune tin* real culprits, s,, fir ti-thc evidence B0OWS, he'll arrested; bul Ib the correspondeS * taken from aoaie of the arrested persons it sppeara tiiat a plot yvas formed in Barranquilla la-t vi ar tn pinch:,*-'¦ a small steamer la New York, t ike In r np the Alavilal'ita riy tr, and cap¬ ture tim iii'-', lu my remittance ol bullion and valuables coming from tba Interior to Hie iv*c. BaTRMUUIa is BB Allintic 4 oloniliian port, while Hie Mavtlaletia river is Hie main outlet, if Bot thc only one, for everything (shipped from tba Interior Mute-. It appears that Um United States Bonsai ut Bsrranauilla got wind of Ute affair tit the Hine, iJtbotigfa mi thc parUeulara, ant! iiiformi'd Hie home BUthoriUea. who took precaution* t«i frustrate thc plot, Botboagfa they could not arrest thc parties onguged in thc a,lair In New York. Those arrested claim to ba innocent, and hine askid jMr. Turpin, Um t ailed states eottsBl here, lo Interfere in their bebatf; bat it appears tiiat bb to Um naaaant ha baa not eon- sidercd il his duty to take other Steps in thc in.itter than simply lo watch dcvclop- mealt. A d' cinr.ttioii ha* baan made by a woman that abe baw prior to the robbi ry a keg siinilar to thc rsnlt-keg which wat shuivti to her, and .sh'til.1 ber uti lenient l>e coiToborstad ona of Um employes ol Um railroad company, who i* BOW under ar¬ rest, will c'rtaiulv ba incriminated iu Hie altair. 4)1.1) IloKEAS OX 'lilli Hllli'AOK..Tilt* high wind whistled Brnund thc irblmasy- top* and steeples., and bteW hlicl.s fJOWfl into thc Btraat, Bea*ftng Um paopla who milked Itcloyv. Snow, sleet, and hail drove into the faces of those who dared expose themselves, and nmdc them hulton their coat* tijrr-lit mound tlielrthroat*. l)f course Uksra were sore throat* und colds and coughs und rheumatism* th*? next day. But what were these to men and women it ho could step into any drugstore and buy a bottle ot r-CEHT DAYltrj'8 l*AIN-KlLI.EIIt "Brief N. tts Ileum. Tlie Delaware flaaale lilli to abolish the ivhlppiiig-p. *t bsa lum defcitcd iii Hie House. The coiniiincii anthracite coal eaaapaalaa have asjraed t" impend ra-oduction on the lint Hine day* In etch week until further notice. At Towsoiitown, Maryland. vVednt-sday, I'T-.ludgc Ililli niul GraaaB and Colonel D. i). Melntosh, Btsaea sllssrnfy. had a lively mill in Um eouit-nioin. A Paris tt legram -.ivs: A (Incl with "Words has been fottghl between M. Da- lort.Hie painter, and (olonel Punitnuynic. M. !>i lort yvas u nundi ,i hi Ure breast. A lniniher of Cingalese having '.cen hrouglit to lltintlal'ttrv. (Jin (inland, to take tbe place ol strikhrig white taborari on Um plantation*-, Ina Batter, I" Rat ninnl-cr of liftv, end,mored to -lon the former on Ute highway. Tbe < mgalese, who anira boO -irottv, drew knives, and tke Whites HUI twar. A dispatch from Lo* AnirT Ichniv* : Cap¬ tain Waterhen""', who yins injured in thc railroad accident at TebicbipB, died la*t nlvht. Due of Ria children I* dyinv: tte lither persons wounded are (toing well. Thc * "ron. r of Kern county has pBTBed warrants fur Um ail asl of tbe raglater iud brakemen of the wrecked train. Ballooning ins bacotae popular la Vienna that the Municipal Council hare deemed lt advisable to pass a law: "That nil married men desirous of taking aerial rosages shall not be panted license until it Has been proved to the saUafSetlon ol the authorities thal they have received thc consent of their yy li i aad etrildn n." The Montgomery (Ala.) Grays returned frost Opriika Tuesday Bight. The lieu- tenant and ten men rennin till further onl'!.«. Plnckard, president of tte Board >f Commissioners, beard Um eBaea yester¬ day, and aciiuittcd all pt rtoai ebsrged yy ii li resisting officers, I'was at IMncksrd's re¬ quest vttil on hi* itatetaent ol reiUtsnce that the Governor sent Um troopa, A Slims nt-, town (III.) special BBTl: Karly Wedin tday moraiag a mob ol masked men alt em),te,i to enter the jail hen for the pur¬ pose of lynching i colored murderer, Holme*. Repulsed In tteir first attempt by the iteriff and Im deputies, the Blob brought I cannon in of Ihe j iii and threatened to batter down Um waihi' bul slnls fr,,in the jail, th. ringiagol thecoUlt- bouse beU, and thc lathering ol oki/' bs ¦cared tItiti! away. Tba funeral serviles af Um bite Priaei i hm lc* of Prussia took plaee Wednesds* afternoon. The Emperor rad Bm] ft *t and other memben "f tbe royal family, the Grand Duke Nicholls, n.. Archduke Charles, tim Duke and Duchess ,.f Edin¬ burgh, and Various prince* and diplomati' ret'iT -ctnatiy' s were present. The ser¬ vices were imposing. Tte court chaplain delivered the funeral oretloB, and eon-e- crated tte remains of tte Prince amid the Bring of a salute of thirty-six mm* und three salvos frata three battalioas, The Emperor wai much slf*scted. Benjamin F. Burd, a railroad-band, wai killed on Sunday itt the railroad-yard al Harrisburg, He waa t" have teen married in a lea days t Mi»s Maty Pant, and tiiat huh waa deeply affected by bli death, aBd bad her lover'i photograph taken ai ba laj in his coffin. Before the funeral his mo¬ ther appeared and disclosed tbe fact that th. deceased bsd been in mini for three year-, and hi- wife iud Inr tyvo children made theinselvea visible to follow his re¬ main* to tuc grave, AnotherHsrrisburj lady claim- that Burd yvas engaged tc ber al-o. Information ha- been received at liri. liane, Queensland, thal a largethree-mssti d schooner wat lost at the month of tte Ely river. New Guinea. Tte crew- leventcen lu Bumber.were killed by lavages, their Ina'!* being CUl oil ami distributed am ms tin BaUvevillages. CaptaiB Pennafeatber, of tte scboooer Pearl, made a search, but found only a lot ol wn ckage, with uothtng to identity the vessel. His party were at¬ tacked seven) trrjMi bj Um natives. One old woman confessed thal Um crew had Leen murdered. Captain Pennafeatber burned tte Bstive rilugesrad destroyed Hu lr canoe-. ThcBaltuaoreSun says: John S. Bar¬ bour, president ol the V'irgiaia Midland i: iihoad ' kunpray, wat in Baltimore Tm -- day. and nut President Garrett st the Bal¬ timore and Ohio building. Mr. Garrett renewed hi* emphatic expression! on Um subject of dtscrimioatiOBi agslnsl Balti- Btore by tte road while under Blehmond .ind Dany ilic control The rennurki «.i Mr. Garrett ob that niblet*! msde al tba lasl moatblv meeting ol thc ItelUiaore aad (ihi" Board ara t" be printed in pamphli t form for genersl circulation In thc South. Ile therein deflaitely sett forth thc ch. ol violation ol contract. A locomotive i5 helli'./, built f«»r thc Yaw railway in yvhieh Mr. .Mallett'-- device for consuming smoke ls to be tested. In ord< I to glva Um lavention a thorough trial a triji across tba continent will I"1 made. There ls to e oo nnokC'Stack on thi* loco* lnoiiye, and in Ita place i-1<> bs a nianbole merely, The air Med to t*OBdanse the siena' is employed for beating radvenU- tating cu", berna delivered through a con¬ duit which, yyiiit eoupttag rads, passel along beneath thc car-. TbU system does away a Lib ena! stoves or beaters, and tup- plies tte can \yith fresh afr rad warm air Without dsnger ol lire in case of a smash¬ up. Hore'* Last Work. The Miall lt works of ll. I ion's ,,: whlcb there ha* been nm inentlon arc .. Ecce lloiti" " and " Tte Asci-iis'iuii," two iuinictirsc pictures idded to lu- gallery ol li vi ninnis; illustration* toSliak-pt an, and a picture culled '"The Tortured Soul." This yin* ai'parcntly his very la-t canvas, and the following d' til' tl di KripUoB of it will therefor.* !". of interest: The picture reprc*«nt* I younv monk Bested before BB olvan iu th" choir of a Gothic 'hutch. His Angers stray over Um key*, waals Hi* pale. attenuated countenance and vT'cat, hol¬ low dark eye* are turned toward the ipec- tator. The church I.dow ll Ihronged iv itli wblte-robad monk* like hiin*c|f, loane "f them hearing lighted t.ti>.T*, uhilc the painted window* overhead glow JaweMlke in thc gloom hchiiiii Um attar. Al Um youag organist'* side, amid Um sunny tight that streams through th.- nn lied arin* dow, stands a female form, fagus, vapor- oiis, linet baautifal in white mist amid the golden ray., lt is Um "riama of his losj lon that haunt* tin* youthful ii-citi'-, tba embodied renMmbrance of Uie woman for who*e sake he had sought refuge Laaclola- Dr. _ ll.;.iii ttirt- ol lin- l>riii4-eoa Louise A Charleston telegram of YVedne-dav anya: Tbi Prtaeeaa Loutse eaabarked on thc l>ido this afternoon. Au IflllBfJBBt tbrooa wltaasaed ter departure, a* sh,. drove nitli the Marquis of Lome in au open ciiiTi.Tgc to ihe tandiag stage creeled hythe (itv autteritiesQiba acknowledged the chceis of the spectator*, hy bowing and -miling. Two t> n-onred hari/cs eon- y.yed Hie pin tv to thc Hid", which WES gaily decorated with bunting sad Um jurd* manned. A salute of tui nty-oiicgtilts was tired by thc (Drinan artillery of thi* city at thc Instance of Hie .Mayor. Thal WES an- swered hy ii donhlc lallite from tlc Dido. Tte Prtaoaaa aa^tnaaed teraall u d. light* ed with Inr treatment lu ('harleston. Thc Dido will *ail early to-morrow nioruiiie. TIIK ITdNCKH* LOt THK BAIL8 IOU IIKIDH HA. Ciiaki.ksto.s', K. C., January 2,"i..H. ll. steamer Dido weighed anchor at HUiiri»t this morning und sailed for ItermiKla, hear¬ ing tbt- Priantas Louise and her party. The weather Is calm uiul beautiful, LOCAL MATTHUS. The Kt tent Benlee* ot Dr. Read's < ti ti rr b. Tlie seri'1* "f sermon* preached hy Um Barr. Mr. Drew, of (hine 4 itv. Mce'klcn- liiir::, commencing with Sunday, .limitary Tth, traa closed ob Wednesday night by ¦ iiio-t impressive dlacOUraa mi I. .lolin, i\., S... Dod I* Love." Ttese sermons were i s'veeially worthy of attention for their (har and full expression and nforia -tin-nt of fundatiK utal religious truths,- !|>oken, evidently, from Hie most heart!eftconvic¬ tion of their supreme importtiiice, and heard hv large congntgaUoos, in Which were t. pres, ntativ es of all nliv-iou* de¬ nomination*, and v. ry many who were not mciiilitT* oi' any church. Tte Impression inaile uivitv these audiences was evidenced on even ocf.,s|on by the ilefpliU-ll of *!- leal attention, almost jMiinfiil in its in- tCBtTty; by the countenances of some tx- pressing their satisfy nv joy la tte hopes of Um Gospel so earnestly and persuasively enforced ; and Hy the tearfulness of "tint ¦*, Which had iu it a* much of the happiness of bOfM nv iv td a.* of grit f for tmfaillif ni¬ nes* rt Tiiemlieieil. A yiry noteworthy characteristic of these discourses waa tte cry-lal steanes* With Which Hie d'" Hill's of til'' (iospel were shnosl loreed boob recognition and icknov. Icdgment. Thi* beiaa lae more ri - tnukiilile a- tin- vivid and tu live iin.iglna- tioii of the preacher brougbl to Ibe service of his th. me a liiMiriatiKcf illustration, ivhich v. itli many -pdikei* too o'ten oh- ¦euret the trutlt bj exceaa of ornament, but, was tere* frith bo r**ineatbered point of exceptioa, always i help to lae logic ol tba head while ittrengtbentng tbi bold upon tte emotions of tin- heart. What -hall he the permanent results of this preaching boob tteroogregatlonswho heard the Bensons mast bi yd be larg* ly a inatter of hope* nut yye feel BSsureuBsto Mr. Da y\ hims* if thal le has been toJully welcomed in the hearts ol pastor and peo¬ ple "f (ira..( -sile t church, and many Otb I'- With thetii.und Inn s,, largely added lo thor sturts of religious though! and li. liiijj Bl to mast ll certain that hen-after he yiiil ever find io OUT City a large circle ¦i grateful aud attached friends, rad out¬ line of these few or nolle to '. Ulrike tilt Ul- -'lyes strang,- unto hilo." cttv MTi""i. lion |... a regular sleeting of the ( itv School Hoard wa* hilt! yester- tlay nfl.; iio'.n at.". o'clock.pri--(Tit: Uv. or iv". 4 . Carrington, president; C. I*. Bsdy, \. lt. Courtocy, ll. \v. Powers, William H. Williams, Dr. .*-. P. Moore, SecTetarj Jans * ii. p. ay. Th. Board transacted the regular routine business, Tte Hoard unanimously adopted tte fol¬ lowing te\t-i"ioks for tte ensuing four fears, lt bi uoderstood thal lucbofUic booka vs may be Beceosarj yyill be totro* duced in l-'ehruary. and the general intro¬ duction in .-. j it. tn! 'i-r BCSt: Appleton's reograpbies, McGill's History of virginia, Derry'i History >>f tte United vi it's. McGufi'4 v's sec,ind and Third Beadi rs (n- yi-ed cdiUoa)' th,- Independcal First, Third. Fourth, and Fifth Beaders; "Allin's Kiciiientarv and Complete Arith¬ metic!*, Harvey's I In inmvrs.Elementary and Prat (revised oli'ioii). SiT'ttEMH Conn or AiT-Eii*.-lloyd rs. Thc 4rommoawi alth. From County Court of Piitsyiviinia county. Ileverscd, Judge Lefris dellvt rina the opinion. Wilson vt. Breach ami alt. From tte Circuit 4 'otu t of Greensville county, lie- versed, Judge Lacy dekvenng the optamn. Booti r«. Tte Commonwealth. From tte County Court of Culpeper county. Af- iiiiii'ii. Judge I auntlen.y delivering tte opinion. Muse 9, Friedeawald and afr. From the (inuit Court of Plttsylvsnia county. ltevcr-etl. Judge lvichaitlson delivering tte opinion. Bockover vt. Life Association "f Ann ri¬ ci. From the Chaneery Court of tte etty "f Richmond. Alhv'nitd, Judge Hitit"ii delivering the opialoa. Barbour vt, Duncrasou'i Bdmtalstrator, From tte < hreuh Court ol Faoquter coun¬ ty. Itoversed, Judge Lacy deuverituj opinion. stigier's administratrix vs, Stigler and als. AivTicd bj hd. s, Bros ll, K-'|., for E|)pcllants. I'ni.ii di i. -Tlie follow lay caw ¦- wera disposed ol vest, rdsj : William ii. Clift charged with being drunk. DiMterged. .Innis suiith (colored;, charged willi lighting ill the stl'i't. A11 ll.Tl ill. nt i***u< (1 f,,i accused. Nannie Hod.,., charged with brine drunk. Jailed for tea days in default of surety. Henry Taylor (cotered), eharged with fighting In tit" stint. Pin. ii -;,. .Mary Fauutleroj and LizzieGraj (i">t!i colored), eharged yyith being disorderly. .lid h d tor tim cm"nt in In defaultol lurety. Edmond Evana (aokired), charged with stealing one gold-plated yy itch. Not guilty. iiuu.y .Nia*m. charged with beings '."im:ion VAgranL Committed to for tHitt> dai- In default "f inri Cornelius Holloway, ehaiaed wllhfelo- nlously shooting W. G. Blackhiirn. Con- liniied iu consesjuence .f tte injuries i" the wouoded man until !r*aturdny tba ld day of February, IB88. Committed, and bo ball allowed. The BLras' Kaeeii...l..i*t Bight the grand raffle of *ilv« rwara presented I i tte Kicbmond LUrbMntsntry Blues, to fethi r willi otter yvltailile .iriici.-. took place at tte company's armory, on seventh street, in Die presence ol s large Bumter ><i tte ti. iii't-hoiii, I'-. The drawing yyas luperin- (..ii'lcd Irs Mi ssl-. William E. Biniors, James M. Taylor, and T. B. Gfasebrook. Ticket No. v.i. series A, held bj Miss M. Brauer, drea tte Brit prize, tte tandsomi silver ten sci and waiter. Tte second prise, a ret "f But silver castors and cru- etn, wm won hy Mr. i A. Mci'ourt. who held ticket Nti. I. series ll. Ticket No. io, series F, held by M r. James ILCbens- ry, drew the third prize, alioth, r set (,f easton and cunt.. Tba fourth prise, .McCarthy's "Life in thc Army nf North tin Virginia, ' wm won by ticket No. '*.¦* seri. - N, lu ld hy .Mr. John Keinhnrdt. Fol! THE I'MTHH STATES PBBTtBRtlART.-- I'niicd Maits Marshal lt. P. Hughes, and I)i-initv-Mnrsliiil Pat Wood, will Ictvc here titi* afternoon at .'> o'clock ea rou'e for tlie Auburn penitentiary, in charge nf JeffTer- ton Walker (colored', recenWr eoavicted of robbing tte mail* at Hleksiord, and ¦eutCSMed for B term of years in that in¬ stitution. At Alex andria they will a'*.. take iii custody George F. Snow (white), (.'iii ic!, d of eoiHinillitr.' B -iniilar omticc at Claremont, mid Beateaoafl for three years. _ A DlBBBR l ESTKvnyy. -.Iinlcc I.unsford L. I.t-yyis gave l,i* fri. inls of the conn* aara a dinner al BIlBgerHall yesterday afternoon. Judge Len is i* not a hoine- k, . per, i'm he n co rub et tl.ld tashnrinsd hos],it 'itu y thai obtain "i yyith thc beach Bad har from tin:'* Immatnorlal down to thc present, and li' ttereJota di termiiitd togtve tte dhanararrratioaed. Tanooann' .n afforded aa opportunity ol genuine post¬ prandial enjoyment, nd WEB well-attended hy numerous friend*. 1'iikctim; New Tki ehiiu-h-Poi is._ Mr. Paynter. BBpartatCBdeal "f tirc-alarni and poiicf Ma*ojrjraph, bad s foroaol hands ea. gaged v.-lenity IB placing new poles for his telegraph along I .cl vb street Ninth mid Eighth itreetn, This is on.* of Uta prettiest square* on Leigh itreet, end -oin., of the ehttseni residing tsnaaaaa were loud in their complaints against the pla¬ cing of thc poles iu position, claiming that they were a nuisance, and that tiny marred thc beaut) ol Uie thoroughfare. WA "liTKO AT HOME. irrest nt Jnaephn* J. I'rlce, t>f Metierrin, Prince I iwaril County, and Ills Late (inverne,- tn Hour ni (hr Sintion-Hoiisr. statement of (he limns- Dirt ll. ita I lure Tor llinii- o Custody of an Oflleer. festerdsy rery**"aarli Detective* Wren nd Knox net Ik d a telegram from E. lt. footman, of rampiin depot, which read: .rind "itt if Joe Trice is in thc city, alni I ba has a lady with him." Thc d.tec- tves at once ascertained that day before esterday thc reatater at the AjaerMaa lotel bore tte following inscription: "J. . Price, Virginia"; ".Miss I.,.,. Hamlet, ,'lrginia." Inquiry elicited Ihe further ad that tiny were given on the first Hour oonis Nos. I.*, am) Kl. Tills information nts promptly telegraphed to vToodson; lim replied: ''Please keep watch over Um in with Price at tba Ankericra until 1 can end for lier this evening. Price atyt s|.. lill he lioine to-day.'' ENHAST. ihe aasaraaca of Trice, however, did ot seem to he * itisfactory, for about mid- ay Hie police authorities of the city re¬ cited a aantSjraai from the Town fcnr- eant of Hie town of Hui kevilh* asking thc rT'st of Trie, and thc girl, whose full rtnic I- Maggie I."1 Hamlet, on a yvarraiit lien in lils hand-. The ofacera weal at once to tte Aateri- ;ui Qotel and found holli parties and made 'v arr. -t. Mba Hatnlct yva* vt. defiant, nd -aid "if a policeman pined iii* hands poa ter te would te a dead niau." Net fishing to die, and kiiovvinir that liny onld serve the city's laterest ju*t ts well it h. mt doiog so, the ofneert Informed tte sung girl that it was not accessary for lu in to lake hold of Inr if she WOUld go rltboul i;. sic refused to walk through 'if--tr,.(-. ami Priensawl for a back, and ) this the arty v.,-tit down to the First Ollcc StatiOn-bOUSC, Herc Captain .Innes '.. Tl.-,-.nit- allowed them to take -eats m L'- space iii from of ihe th sk iu tbe < fflce. *. l « lin ti or VAT' HE." In answer to rruestioae, Mut Hamlet tated thai *he waa oaly eighteen yeats of ve. and that si,,, gnduatad at tte Lynch- iiirv High Behool la-t .lune, and for the el tWO n'onths had hi cn livitie; in the aiiiiiv ol Josephus J. Price, Bl Meterrin tatton, on tba Blehmond and Danville ¦lilroad, in Prince Edward county, she lid she yya* the daughter of Dr. Hamlet, ormerfj i rerideul of Lynchburg, bul ivfaag now and practicing dental surgery t Pamplitt, I lin Eduard, sin said hal her hut her and a gTOfm broth* r W( IB Iso living. Tin- young girl ls itriklnglf retry. Bbe bu b prof union of y< ry black stir, worn in tte approved bang-style, ind sbsdlag a in,ir of bright, expressive, ind large brown ayes. Her mouth ls .mind, rad -et on" hv eterry-red lips thai ''¦med Inellned t" pout. Her figure ii veil formed and her" bum a little above thc nediura. she wore a bahlonabla dress of nvi-ii'ie ajreefl ci lor, tte body of tte .as,lin -made overshot being embroidered sith s profusion ol richly-colored Bowen .f the Osrar-Wilde *t.y|.:. a gold chain, o which yya* attached a teavj crests, hung iTOUOd Inr neel,, and yvas partially hld n the ruffles "f a large lace collar, while a ht tty loot, neatly i ncased In a So. i hut¬ on gaiter, peeped from in neath tba foldi .i h,r dies., sll,- -poke fluently, and ....Tiled to look upon h.-r position a- being tte result of accident. Sometimes, yy hen a [jointed Question recalled tbe awkward- i-ss af tba affair, a painful axptesalou would pass over her face, and onee ste -aid, " I am thc rno-t innot cut thing ii the World, and a pt rh ct child of nature." Bte said MM i,a.| BCVCT nmb Trice until s|.. came to his Bouse to lench hi- ita children, and hat -Le catii'1 upon thc l'eooiuliicnda- lloa of Ber. Mr. Bristow, superintendent )f public schools for Appomattox county. Her \y lab yva- to become a teach*! r, and a* ibe h.ul bo experience, she did not charge Price anything for tel -ervin., sin- -aid tte bad sonic WOldl With Mr*. Trice a -hort yy Idle BBO, and a* tte remarks had reference to Mr, Price, ste determined to return ti In r fatter'! hollie it Pampltn. I'li., bad always treated her kindly, and nilen sim vol ready i" start te proposed i" .oine a nh inr bs far ar Burkerille. ir- rivlng lure, Bkhroondwas "A I'Hl'TTV ITTV," ind. Bl tte li ld never se. ii it. ha WOUrd laka ter there and ibow ber tte lights. Ste .'line yy ith him. arriving tere about 6 i.'.-ioek Tuesday evening. Bte bad teen to ihe Theatre rad t., ibe ll dig office yyith Trie, .rn -lc said she wai nol tirald to to my where with bim. While ibe was talk¬ ing Price, wbo teemed lob* considerably nndertte Influence ol liquor, would fro. iruentlj lireik in. and somi times yyith rerj odd expressions. Bte tl one time rebuked him, and recommended tbat it would ba betti r ii be were t" -top talking, Af'er n tnalning at III'1 statioti-hoitsc un¬ til nearlytr-iin-tini" Trice and Mles Ham¬ let, in ebsrge of Olncer .leter, wsiked (loyyn to tte (hpot, and in custody of that oilier wara taken t" Burkeville on tba lai.Vo'ciock trato, aad then- turned nv. r to tbe etiotodi "f il"- town lergeant. Mr. George Price, of Meterrin, arrived in Ce city yesterday in search of hi- bro¬ ther, it i* sahl, and Kr. Dodson, proprie¬ tor of tte Au.< rican, told Joe Trice cat Iv in tlie rnoroiBs that he mu-! go home. Hoi.-., vi CBAKBLast N'icht..Another brilliant and large audience al tte Theatre last alghl vr< eted tte side-splitting cornedt .. our lt itelors," as pn senti tl by those stir conn dian- Messrs. Robson ft Crane. From tte rising <f tbe curtain on tte lira! nt to its flaal drop at tte clo-" tte prov eaUoni tor applause and mirth were In- ress "in. Tte amusing situations arith which the play abounds Wera cer¬ tainly heartily enjoyed, if one may jud."1 from the repeated -Inii k- "f laughter with which they erera ra- ceived. That the capital neting of these jit.pillar coade artists is fully appreciated lute is stearn by tte splendid audiences which im aria1..iv attend theta perform- Bnees, kad bo it hat aver beea tlBce tin ir Iii-' advent in Ki'Vitnotid. The Otter BMn> In ni "! the ea*t are uauSUaliy good. They assume aad carr) out ttelrvsroua parts In i BBost creditable manner. To-ni ht slink*!*' "c's ..Comedy of Er-I rois" villi he thc attraction, and none should fail tO se. thc itV C 'Ulcdiails M Hie "Two Dromio*." di *. Wu i.i.iMr-..Next Monday .vening ti,n. William*, ivho hu* appeared before Richmond audienct * before, yyill ba at Um Theatre in Um character of John Mlsbler, the (J'T'Hiin policeman, in "One Ol the Fin.-I." Mr. Williams giles a humor¬ ous ImpersonaUoa of a Haw Tort potlce- m in. sad does to witb all tte butnori of tb German dialect. Ttehiunorousand the iiielo-draiii-iti>- ciuihine in an enVcUve way to renderthe play pl.-.sinr. ItsaI"IU:Tii-Nh;iit..T'l-iilght Tinnfore wOlhe given for Um banafltof Mr. .Mon- Atnie, the -i.'vc-ciirpentcraiid sceiit- ibifter al Mozart Hall, lil which building Iii.* play yvili h. i* rJoruicd. TI.c emt, clio- nn, and oi' le -int sll promise an excellent rendition ol tbe evei>popular pla.*,, and a foU house wiU no doubt !». present Be- servid cn l'c . i nivd at* il. M.a* this nioinlif.'. jRManWI ltEVHKRLt). .Ill th'' T tilled toles I otllT Vesl'Tilay UiOlTlillg jUtlgtlllTlt was rendered lu the amount of ifciHi, and one half of the cargo of the steamer 4 artic at 4 itv Point, and in favor of Mr. J. I., schooi- craft, Who had libelled Hu steamer forcer- tain salvage Ncrvlcc! growing out of the towing*?! tba steamer while lu distress on the Janie* river, between Blair's wharf and City Toint, a t-hort time niuee. Sd* EVIU.K AT TIIK f*>T. JABBH.. DOSI minn USB -r'n-ls af the St. Jaine* onana a nice lit¬ tle soeiahle, at vvliieh Hie young and old enjoyed theni-clvc. greatly, Mu-ie and Isnemg, and a repast ut midnight, to au lothing of other .floris made hy Um hospi- vihle ho-t. Mr. Page, wt re 18888 of the :)lea*-ant feature! of the oe, a-ria ti. BLAl kiukv'x I "M.niov. The wounded nan lllackhuni. shot in an affray on Troad -tret Bight IxVrc last, via* t.-ik.-ii v. -Di¬ llly morning out to thc ( tty IUcspital. His sounds are not Bccearauiry nani, bul tba) in- ii ry s.riou*. and tin* physician* do not 'enlim- a poShive -tatem'nt in ngard to ii* condition. T.uiErs..>7. .Vi. hulas for Febroaiy bas icen received from i'. P. Johnston. Wednesday eVCBlniT, at the Pir-l llijiii-i .burch, Kev. J. H. Haffstems OnViating, ir. PatteraaB Bayae, dr., ul Bssttmorc, md Miss GeanrtaC. Burren*, of this city, vere United in wedlock. Messrs, c. j*, tunms. c. i. ( orbit*, w. 0. (Owens, J. '.. Luxford, Frank W, Ileitis, and Flank oalts acted ns BStera. The hippy couple efl Um same ev,-nilli-; for UM North, follow. (I by UM li'-t wishes, al their IHitll'Tdits riend-. 11 1 !i<- flos.1 IA Jn.1. Ur. u.l. ,nd Hie whitt-t, aaa ha anana yyith the 'Royal" (lour, Wbleh never fails, and lt aa om v he bought of Joiners M. Bi. tm. (irocer. BXM Mainstreet. Tllee BlOCk. ll.sli.>|. II. W. liner, n. |{isho|i Warreri, of Georgia, will dellfer be tifth lecture In the star rourwr*, at Mo¬ an Hail, on Tuesday the .Tilth. Judging rom thc rey i rend e-cut lemmy's reputation ve may expect i good lecture. .....I vi, x< ,| |0tt ut titty Ont* per III. an h. bought of Jofhtra M. Blaib, Grocer, h'i.t Main stn. i, Pac* Block. 7*f AM IIIMTt'K ATV11 VIl'I.MTV. /i'rn ,.*-..--('orn.liu* Holloway, yyho on Wednesday nivht shot and terioUsly ivounded one Washington <». Blackburn u Broad utreet below Jail alley, in lliehiiioiul, is 'Taiuieil to he a re-id'-ft ol Mulch, -t. r, Hut i- "lily BO from thc tad of mving n family ifjsideBt there, with whom ie should hal' I" eu lit thc lill"1 of the Tilca*. He vvi.s rondllCtlBg sonic -nail rosiness in Blehmond iti a dbireput tble 'Hvdity. and th" :iTf;>ir in yy hich lit vi a- one .I the principal actor- yva* BnWBt a f< male d had reptile. Il Majtebeeter baa any r( cling tn th.- matter it is one of sympathy ratter fir tte relatives of BoUowa- Dun hat party himself. Tin concurrent bi Iii f tere a Ihat Holloway's tendency toward* rows .md deadlyaffrafi yy.n enUrelj too iv ll developed for bun to baie been a praiseworthy citizen. A <!"/. n som of Bonn] Scot.and from Manchester attended Last nigbl in Rich¬ mond toflssist the Caledonian ( hil' lhere ii celebrating th.* birthday of Robert Boras. 4m thal occasion Tam 4>'sj, inter's h'ide and tte < "itel's Siatiti'daj Night were recited in dm and ancient torin ai,tl viith under reverence, while many ol thc favor¬ ite noemi ol thi great bard were tung with ii feeling tunl patho* which showed their hold OB the loth ration* that have survived their author. '. BaWuM Rnld ac¬ quaintance b( forgot!" Mot by n consid¬ erable BBsJoritf, isj,e,:;.iiv when te la Bobby Burns, tte pi opte'i poet. At the reqttesl of the counsel for tte de¬ fendants, who ara engaged Ib otter courts, thc delivery of UM opinion Of tte < Ity Court of Manchester ba Um wiblle-sebool ca-. * ha* been poatpotMd until Friday morning al 10 o'clock. Tinie were bo i'.t-i's worth) "f fore Mayor Taytor yesterday. George il. lirewry. l-*aq., of Midlothian, yyho wat in Mancheai r ysieriiai, reports tte county roads t<> have dried od Indy, rad thal travelling wm good, isotaetwea- ty-flve or thirty WSgOOl daily rani! lin ugh Midlothian yyith loose tobacco .; rouft for MaiMbester and Richmond. ChMteirneld pUnters think helter of tte prospectf of tlnir wheal crop tinea tte late tall <>f taow. The bridge over Um encl- on tbe liivir-Vievv road gave Way a hu days since with tte weight 11 a two»hnroe wagon : -ince rfblch Unte tte eanatd* rable number of persons who use that route In retting to and from Mrachester nave ls ui pla*' d at -I' .t diaadi ml iga tn reason '>; [ta nhs.ic e. 'ii,, county lupervisor* *aj that Un y u ill aiUM thc bridge tO bi iliuiie. tliati ly r. pla! . d. Uniioii Whittle will bold ' oofirn \> ti -i rv ii' - ,t Mi ut, ift rn,! i. 1 burch ol', tin lir-t Sunda] in February. Bl hop «.i interj * 111 preach in tte Me« thodi-t church bera on the second., mia* in February. Tbe toll- "f boaor iv fi. liiffen at w boob numbered tor th.-iii b School, it; School No. 1. ll: No. .!. 'j: No. i. g; tfo. ... Dj No. H. c. A change sf hasc bas been aside bj ti., st i-f line, wbleb is decidedly more conte¬ nd nt to tlc j .ii, a,- ,,! |. li,',, .,!,, rout, is nov, over Maj i's bridge instead of tin Free i.ii.t--.. A sufficient number of peiaon* have be¬ come Interested in tte project to revlvi th.- old Beethoven .aaociation to gin *"uie'e thal the - Hort BOW telnl iliad." in th;.: iiiu eiioi, vv t.l s ¦..,.. ¦-.fui one of ibo great needs ol <..u' city i- a ea paciotu public hall Ri which all of our as social lom could n>*, t \y Ithout cost to them¬ is* Ives. The pot-hunti I* dO in t sta D) lu I I ,' that thej .ne forbidden hy btw bob to bun rabbits, Judging from tte number oflerei for sale in tn* rocei lei ami al thi bouse in this elly. BB "Three, why trw (T'.l.l.Ci.i ,:. ,,. rn ti., t.r i Bat, ks <. hi M a... .oe rv, hjlili.i'. s,, I,,I, BCCaoBI tu. >' .ire UM I," nd BoBMSfi Bad lloi'iJ. "BtCBBBS UafJ sri- the s?, ,,uijmt Bar - las BJ ul! n-iclit y jew. Met ..iel o.,Delan-. OS ll v I* .' . 1. o ..l r il... .¦. f.i, roai bbb, b<4 bwfoi aata, rsTBUa, tntaafanaa, 15<- -Morin c *\v v\* Wi itti-siyiii i ¦. ,. r i. v, i a te Uaataaa. cana uta, 88a. mvk BOBBI ByBBfRol votir prlutlr ¦te DfaWATCB fSISninMIOOSB. BOri low prlet .and -itini'jclloil ifUiiratit. e.!. AirnoN sai.tsi wuk u.l. BfiTDn all sale-nf Beni Bstatentant heiweentli 1 '. ..t' I o. ,u > r. I tal et' .Jillie lt 1 . pre ttl ve.u I..ive I., l.v IN ld tit Un- inn !. .-. r. n ill s il.-. niilTe tuv.-.e. ti ,|,e lit Of Jul} itel ..-!., th, rem tin use* baaa to i** paid i»y ihe seller. (This i u inti vv.,- adopted alssul tin., '. all the real m UeTitnoinE abd a] ij. km* adana vu tniivi v.. I vi t.inDN..Di., 1DIJ i, M. tiiiiitlnie, l.i-V .UkI ".i eeluTsBCOBB tesl-, n.a .... e'otblnt. Ac. j XS \l ii Dui Hill, D' A.'M.. pjBsl tare, naorasa . itort I ¦I. TIIOMPW1B BB01VV. I I*. M., t-.tacoo-rtti tort sEturea ia fvciori oortlTBasl rorari BBBlJ -:" I' Ht EBd R tn -lr BOB 1 '. Vi:\V FARM CATAl.oi.Ui: -I \ -1 EUEE mobiV -s. I'Tvn tiiindie-l lam tl. E. *TV!l'l,Ks A Cd.. Ja l»-d.*w.avvlui hlchu'ou.1. Va, Ul. A I, IStTATK AT l'RIVATF. MAM 1,'Olt BALE, No. ttl, BAND80MI .1 A KESIDHNI H, 8I6.OO1J: vu. M'l.ENt'lD trltANKI IN-MTBI. HI>IDKNCK; IH, \ C'MRAP RntLPlVti DDT Nu.'ji.'i. A VRItV Di rUt.lfil.K DWIX' IND, IH.UOO; Sc JD', A MAT BUICK DWKl.UlNt., «. boo ; Ba. SOB, A DE-sIKAHI.i: UWiUlNn. fl nun i ST.. -. A DflKAT RARDAIS IS kXOV STBI'KT I'lit>l'KMT*i j* VH-wdat ll, J.. *-T,HTJL- A Cd rilK IHNI'ATIIH i aattaaM OF AUVk.KTl»lNCr1 CAMI IM A KIA Ut. Y IV ADVA*. «. mr v, tte in -et 'lie -.,11 ire. I WO Insertions. 1 'in* ..inn re. titres Insertions. 1 Oar sonars, ,1 x Insertioo-. 8 m.- -. |.lure, iw.sur*iis. 8 m. *|,i'i'.-,..,i, nrmtli. 10 ">»..r|.,,r». «,*.. msn|l.. IB Ons s/in-u*-, three mootai. 88 B 8 08 .__^ AWCBotMRaTRs, RICHMOND TIIKATRE.-Th.rt'ome-*, IIOIWON usu CKANK.tap'xtrtcd hy their own C«mt*>ly i ..n.pany. THIN kV KN I.ND st.aksiie.-ir,'* immortal ( OMEllY OK KB Boll-.. HOIt'sON Kiel IKAV*. s, ts. -.*»,, Droni Iva." SATURDAY MATINEK, li) lt ll I D i . K is rn. , r. Milliner a<tnil».|(>n. fjOe.; res.i»,<l sent.. Tic, .SATURDAY MIDI I tin-ro-irlns; eomwlr. SHARI'S. AND H.AT*. Crn.F.B Sll AUD.BB. STUART HOBSON. DIT LSTONKKLAT Mit. VI ll Ll A ll H.CItANE. Souti :tl ilam os A M<* .»' sn<l Tltenlre. Kcnrrvwl ,,.it- -or, lu-tm-. Irrle rind ; nrsi- tioor sJml-r.1. ti. 75e.; Di-fs»-.f|r.le nlui »|.,., JOc.: I'lmliy-t Ire*, sud Uallery, 2.V. MONDAY Ht. UUB WILLIAMS. J. li-lts pfCHMOND THd'ATRE. ONE NUilir ONLY. WONDAI'. .It*<i'suv 'i'jtM. Every (tody's Vs vorlte, MR. DI S WILLIAMS, auder the m.-in.iae:nent af Mr. .1 lah": t.,r. *TU appear In BM grant Net* Voik nBBMBBi l"IIVMIsHLKR.TIIK(.HRMANroLK KHAN. IN ONE Of THK KIN EST, ri Dr-nns d'T>lilliiK Hie in Baa York, lu i-r* stvu. oad three acta, hy Ji-strH ll e. a oro nu, Sv-rj., au¬ thor nf "Our Bachelors." (ABD.-'.livrnr Til* t IVKST" nthMI*k»|rDr,i .--.rh inenitxr of the MBw York PoltaaBarra,OB they urti esll'-l Vc tine.! j* lee in the vrorld. Sec mc seals .(iilrl.. Prfeci ax u-.u«l. Du ssh* st hoB-olBce and Kamo* A Mose ', J*ifl-:it* nicHMoND nu; \ti:k-si*K4 iai.. TUE ( OlflNt, EVENT. TIT'-DlY AM* WKDNESTIA . Tani wv 80VB ash :il*T. .i Mi.HT*. "NEV. i. The Brea! famous Badi savBaaars Th.,arv fjaas- |iiiil In the most sue, es.ful pla) ot tliex.,. li i /. Y. l. BIB Kat. I -.s & il. K. i. II A R R 1. K I lt | E. arra a (.HEAT KI* i RBI HUN Kl RB I'.EEolD- A TI.Al THAT!! UL 1 IVE EoRE.vrj". ny RS TWO THOU*ARI) CORRK4 I'TIVr'TKU- Eih; My Nt 8. Bott af -tn BATTTBOAT moii-n ind. Bea rv.,i Urtata,orcbiBtrs aaa atasssliBle. 81, ls-14-flt- M OZ A UT HAM.. EiiiDA!, t vm tai 88* Ital I'ini. EORT DE. HEM ITT irK MON'TROt-K AfliLK. I IB8T TIME Till" BRIUnTtf. sTUO.M. CAST. IT l '.. ( it'll'.'.' . Boa-sat* t nan t'cn at RattOB A M8BBB1 ,r!| t MITT HIS. iJI'Mt . DI C-Y. O i m Ni. MEN'-i HRIBTIAM ARS04 l i'. tOII. MOZART ll Ml, Tl 1 *D\! .1 VMVVItV il., lb*il lit-n.ic II.Ti. WAUBBB, of t-sr .. Subject: "VOBcaaiN k HUNRBAa*-*" Tickets, in.-li..lim.' reserved eulo.80 ..-nu. l'.» ll R ABO* A MOSE-.'. M. tut.n- have in- Basal prill!*- **kG rARTCI t.ooim. S JTHVUN** lu, oin ic ,1 this nt.'k . io a*SSSB U-rit. CMHKI Ll. 1-- tl fl au-l BJ li o! MOfaVROBB ( ILlMIIER-HKV*, nt 88 in l 88 ; 50 TIV BBT8. BU t*B*atB. at §1.88.1 ll 'I IMPKI* I! rt- 11 ARE; .. ¦]¦ /e:i (Tl 11. DE ES'--1 IK.!! ( ll All: I s'. (We.; BOO !'"v. I'M'! ", :.' I".'.I 300 hosts IMI'El: at Me.- All lEsSB rr .,' .' -. IO VUArSl"-* sud aha I'll -H tu VI'll.VE'BERABll-'ts. Bl E I I'-v. .1 ive -. A kUBBl IT' V- i 1 Alli 1"" KElt.-. tl b.,, tmn pr'..'. -; |s.|M|l lti*E-Dl'D-s li lure-] ipili BB* to 88s.I KIM. cul.-Hui"-. aaSsata, MSBBBB] BJBBI T.'.e. ia BOt .; Ill LUE I ( CAI.-II' 1'-. ¦:, rora*.,.I. t Hhs ..I I 81 tO 7Te. y t, a of ia. RI .- '. il I prlei I s,.i! Bi E\ RBIS*. 606 li.oiiU slit,*- Writ* fri. ri,. '»t.; t \1.INI IN/I**. \, A LEU T I N BB. v, yy HOLT -ir 0BX1. HAMMIL!*!! A EV'I DsH etr.rat wte ii-.te i in.'. lateTVALBR un.vs ks - k] | .. .i ).:-J(J-<Uw nilAM,'* ARI l-i K ! M.I'.NTI.'1 RLRAART, POUiR, kBD 1 CUE. Bo Vi i;".,"v t ..h. and ss . ' ' CAUI »- .: ll I'Hl t ' " 1-05 M ..I. 1.1 VI . . EA I* VI.HM INK*. \ i I.MiM;.-. !" v v. DIV AT V EftiNAIlD B, 1)1)* Milt 'If i- id Pl i* ii taka** ABTISTlC I'M Min -. i.ND.ii Bl i my iii , : BTBirr kv i- B '" vi i.i- D iv un i i v Bl r\)HB o.ti i IIROMORUX ! kl iAi ISBWttBBafastsa, COMICS .> i ,. oar urov<. \l *o, t n.B i ." '-I' yy l DliiM.-. B1BTHDA1 -, AM' (DNDUIU I. ITOBY-4 \hit- D''NT I ('Ul. ET -li vi il)-DAV Wit I. IIB OCT NINO DA! rOB VALtXTIN-- a N. LBONABTJ B, *.»ob Mjiiu strt-rt. Ja 21 t'ourl txj' I-ive ern. r Sin'l, MT.IIS. <; ARDRN Pl .w yy" 'ivs RXTR l I'u.vf, th- e.rit.-? e I'.iHDril' ¦¦¦. UM tn.l I'UoEl I lltl.l. fm ui nVl /.ol. .;. r. s,.uj ,,,. ,,,., J,, ..),.,.,,. ,.t .ml iii? Iti.ral An/ i'.s', ¦'.. if|s..' nf t »ts0* fourtem sin,ls pf larll.-.-t le.tx lu i ulli, iltnti, yyooiis. EXTRA KA KIT tn.ide tn. n. k-A irivwUi ituU Ls«v leal sn ni w.r ail r^mMtltero. i. ia WOOD, rs,,,' tmn, ern. r *-l\:h Bad Moi-slull strueta. Hp.le li StOra, l.'iHO Main sl.,,t, l:i<"|iren..J, \ t*Je)-«5l aioicM i I.KAN WKtsTKBM illUi'VUV hi: ED. ( )!« Ht 'M Iv N IITl.V "ll, lt \ 1*1)-.. li I :- -. KIT lVlUB ID lllis-i.K y* . si lit, KEN I I * KV i;i.EK-t.i:.y.**s mt-d, hint rb ..i.i sitund -Ell) ny iv ll;lV,. st.- D HIE a .. f .f iule \ '.Ml ...i * to. 4 GRI! ULTURAL >V.u>. .A WW, VUE ( I.OVFR .IT'D, bl J* 17-. 1818 * u't u,c *T«ARDEN SK 1.1 "*, ll;l>II ASH UK Nj" IT AIDE, fr.,ci ull tl.,- irli.u si ,.! --m. I'l'lIWM rt* l"» riv tlif 1'otrst. A t«-, ¦ full SU|> ly o* Uiri'-lll.D l.E A . Em -sile l.v U ll.l \ M ll et ,iTT. Dru*;/* t. ri, lier Eroillin itel *«.», ulottith slis.-l*. llai**jratc.*a'altsxa.»i.t*-". .Alt-la IMIIIlllhlKS. JOSEl'H W. I.Al UK, ElHNl-MlNti-l NDKRTAKE.R, V li SSH KlK-t IviillllilAllsTIIItS, Bit usoND. Va. WOOD AND MET" 1.1.10 BlfBlAI.-CJ HOHE*. ID Ali.*E, liAChrs, sad al! Um.*. r>s|ut»iit- st is* asl rates. TeArsisjsblc sad cguaixf orarn loUaiied.

Transcript of THK DISPATCH, DAILY DISPATCH, - · nai a-soi iATio\ tn- pim.\-Di VINA...


( tsM-INVtSIAHtl I* ADVANCE.Th* HAILI DISH I I' H i« 'tsTlverc.1 lo

Ber11--r*st riWEEM < BXTB per week. |**Vi4t..eU'ilf rsrrt.r wiri,!.. Malted nt 88 BM.snimmi BR

}.rstV»,on7b.: tl ¦.'¦.""¦- *** """'^^ O0'-r"r

0nTh"''sEMt-yV) EKE! DISPATCH stfj per sn-

uiun.'.r tl for sis innnlbs.TheWFl*Kl.! '""'' ' '' " " f1 '»'*'.'¦"""''¦


BRR ooo ! V A**

ir o oil AAKKK O o ! Y AAAI BO o ! A m

| k (nm 1 *



HUB I H K ll NN \ ,,,...

lt ll IA BB II NN N fl "

BBH AAv RB ll MN N ..

E u\ A tv li D N N N I, (,(.


)-|*l" tx.I- pg oppp o or o oP (HI

\y vi DDD EE1 I RBByt iv \i yyvv vv u yyii yv ii vvvt yy

D DE I lili D ii), mn:I) O K lt llDDD I EEK. lt R

no I.'.-1 y |

BlUlltllllT'llll vi a nu.



Du. HENRI L. HIRD, cd BAATtSBBBB,o'. || tie-- in,! D,. i' i Bali niore Mast

M| , v BB* I f Pr.ttTliOlAc:

.¦ I inrosof ini nine 'Vrnv witsUK No. -j. in tat

D JARRE! R.oI< kW,i Bm? Pei a af Mt dtrlae la ll

pliiia Medic lt..ilene

At rt meetHig af Rm RlaafaoBd I18, 1878, lu. R

.. !i!i.,n of Ila i' Ooal i"xiy e. tin

i i,i"..ii i. iv , Wall' Ra. 8, lu

un Mstisyiui! t i 8* vin i. ni kv!.n."

Dir. (.. UT, sIMI'LE. I! IBFTOS, Vv..

*. in a ears <f *-« yin ' r-favi a ahleh came aa-

d, r'.. Eiti.i.i yy. t' i.

., I ., I,, lltl.V Old .blind,,. n f min,, when >t « ,s hlghl) charged viirji, v-.t, i,, -li ki i ION i ut ¦..'"'


vivnumv OE Dlr.(.W.H. BBOCB, OlEn llvtoM). \' v.,

ty i .n He,1 if: nf. ly Inr K«*VBB*ba*

- During the« *** v ir IT-Vi V riv.. ii rt iallin I elly,

giving intv .it. rwl /''-.'' ¦. sntrlo

a ol' all i. '.h.-r wini for drinking pur-/ tat put ."'..' (.'ns


,.f,.t'.tr yh

! ie te In v..,,ivrrn-il. lt' IbisOne J to rid .*>'. ./,-

IJirt'UK I":

.1INNI KIM I. ll-1 > IS.


BOLI4 li* mtt.k 1T10N8.



' l-l!.

Till (.HAM)' si 'i BU 1 1 MEN I Ol TBI

N1N1 I IT NIH Cl -ll RY.

N p r r ni i u in

BB Iosd*.

.I.s. ni

ks or

t.. nd-, nor sj.,-, u-

ISliVlr pi

sal fi rm.

all i ra

iv. - MK NTS


SA I E6 ..


H ". = HARA! TERl'KE-sl p.llil.D

1 Ih < BY CHARTERL> I ** -J


I IN | N, ui.










Tntl ll OB all-c-h and PUREl ', Ml'TCAI.* "MP y nv Noni l IOENDHT08T04 KHOLO-I I. '. V'i I, Hue- a te I el pe ,), gee bBI pp vpn to be

..I ld ill lite-Ills.,,-Div Me AT THE END "I Til!

UH- I V I V!-. ,,.,,, :i|| pointe,.S|.i- Hiv '.liv pe i.l

u-i yiin'.i -

Mi n i--v> dollar pudand of l rsa, and Elna DOUBLE INSURANCE.

Jja 88-11.l"ll\ ll. i I ai I.on si iii EB! Bl '-..' LAIS* Bl

imiN h. CLAIBORNE k SON,11:;*.-in-i-rani i y,r nt-,

HOI Mun st hi ki. Rm ii viOJ i>. Va.,

Reine IBttaa Hu f'TViVVii.- eoiupinies:LONDON ,\ss| rt v Ni E . OBPO-BATIOB te.tsi iished 1780)'"

nai a-soi iATio\ tn- pim. \-Di VINA (estaldi.h.-! 1*-I7j. 4.1*00,000BUGARA Ol ni yy YORR. 1*800,000A',in,' i I ji BAL Of WATKR-i"\y n. l.ipp.t¦¦."


bl P"-hid WITH TKEAsERER Of VIII-GINDI. 818)84




f|*'> TOBAI < 0 MANUFA4 ni:i.i:>.

'my mt, n i tu ihe linn of Mulld A" ' D' Hi-t- ii ,¦ pieaoais tn auoounclogI )inv linn,Dat..I u.i.'iHv that I holt', with n,e wo!I-known Ora "f.'....ii I'.t.oM i: ,i t "..a,,,! respectfully solicit

Ith ti,.- assurance that InduceI"' "'¦ ""HI I* : innot fall tu be niiD

YOU s, le.Ire-lflinv.¦_ !*. C. SUITED.

RlCUBOSD, .laeiiiiiv Wt.; mis DAI oj ALIFIED ASA HM INihTB 1T4)R ol ih- lin', orJOSEPH

J AK1.TON. d.s4.,s,.|. | i.Mi.y notify all parliesI'l'le'.V t IT , I '. |0 "lue rorward Illuf-e'tJ.and .ni panie* baying claim* aral n»t bis estate willPl is, pr,,-I.l Ultlll t lee <! ul V eel ll Oed for s*t-

1 lilt HAKE' T. *T!T.E,Mae eu* nv,,,!.

Ill, nuns!,. Vt.. January WV 1888.


1 111 .S-l -.Hs |||.and lo rill

Im to present theoatnc ti, me. puip. ri) still

DOHA. I. P. I DMOND,AamlBjotralni i i ie

RB nie.*¦:.. y t .lio ie,. \ vj.Bj it, .",!,- vet, i.p : ,t | nia ,i..

"in n a»rol i'. .-l.t. ol E. ll. HIk.iv'.' '' l1;"."'1 "A'X'.riding i,. I uv. -I..H .,,'t a tt .


lille. |. praoei

¦l*rly autheiitu .,i,.| to me.Holt ti: P. EoMoND.

Ad uliilstrst rot IV H. Eho.l, ., d.< easr-d,Jvzi-1 tl sn-: Ti-u.ttsnr Bsldwts * -Dukin-.



tiirhmontl Xiisjiatrh..'UIDAY.lAM'AKY Bf, ISM*!.





Emt red ot the,.ni.-.- st l.T.Titut.nd. Vs., aa

nd-clar.* molter. I

WEATHER REPORT.Inpii itions roa To-Dav..For thc Mid-

lle AUiintic State*., cloudy Weather frithit-'ltl -now, winds mostly (lest, rh, italBOBirv or lo ty* r tcni'HTattire, and b inlier pre*-tinv

Tn): weather laaiRBRAf frat B8tttj.lear, eloiuly, and threateningTlDltU'isDTEi: VEVTKIT'AV I tl A. .M.. .'I*; I

A. M.. ISj noon, tit); | p. M., bl; I P.H.. 18* midnight, tt.Mein temptTuturi", 4.'* .VC,

i '

mr. rvhmi:li,.<'oi vrv skmsatiov.

vi ,. Uro Token Om of the I.rianon Jail

nod Collin! Oirby n Disguised Mob.!! hal

Ilrcamr of Them .'

Lani Thursday algal betaraaa 10 and ll.'clink tip. en linn iii dUs*UlM sur-

oiiHiled thc jail :it I eli.'inoli. Rtissell colin-

y, and took taoialroBi ii. r. Parrall andKian ('nfiitli, charged frith ohtalalBR un-

lei- false pretcnci s about <?ls,n(in worth of

attie.The Bristol Wi wa af Twaday, in it* ao>

...tull of the ntlair, s-v s

There are three fatea Hi nbtehthe jail-¦ard caa !". entered. Twa anards frerestationed at mell of these. One yy its sta¬

tioned ai tba jail aatraaee. Bia or seveaotheri broke dofro the (ail doon frithrocks, uni! Immediately bound Parrall andGriffith and look them :i\\ av itt our lateststifle. ii" Btw knew whither, nor what

disposition yva- made ol Hutu. Tlie entirej arty were blacked *o as to prevent reeog-iiitioii. TbaJailer, Mr. Ilasbbrook, thinksli recognised one ol them only.

it i-i believed thal tbti i- bo! a rescue, buli species of lynching on the part <>ft!io

outraged rendora of rattle to Un se raea,sonic ol arc neath ruined by tlit m.

Others, roch a* Hon. William J.Dickenson,member "f tbs present House ol Delegates,uni captain liol "it Dickenson arc men oldecided naeans, aad are in bo way shakenHy the los..Tin* history ol iii" naatter is tiiisi Last

i'll Griffith aad Perrall bought Irom va¬

lium cltizeoa ol Rtissell aboul |18,000worth ol cattit v aad though thej Imd ben

{or titre, years in Hie business in a smallerns n>. and bad mel thi lr enuagi inents, Um reyya- mi Indisposition t" sell them to tba ex¬

tent Hun desired without any tectlritv.Bul they otT< red higher prices titan anyoneelse, and alleged they owned and had paidfor a considerable portion ol their cattle;so ilint any possible lena by fluctuationswould ba In thi* way Mime, and theycould in any tv nt pay their lull-. Tliisitatemcnl lit* turned on! to !". utterlyuntrue and i* the basis "f the action againsttin Ul fol' ft'oliy. They sold Bloat ol tbacatt le iii the Valley ol Ynwiiiia. Griffithtalcing the mont u i aniaVr ol thecattle to Baltimore, a* their Eton anea,On Griffith's return be stopped in Har¬risonburg, a* be declares, on Us? 8th olNov. mi r, theory alter tbe election, abanboth political parties frere parading thestn.ts. Min! ba sav* both processloniknocked him down, rsa orer him, and beyyits robbed of all tba cuttlc-niumy. Theresult is tlH> caine borne and declaredtheycould not pay. and Were run-sled.

It wes alleged by thean tani a lair trialcould not be had in Russell, and i cbSBgeof Minn- was ol,taintd to Washington(¦"linty, and yeeterdaj was Axed lor theirtrial BtAbuigdOB. alout tea dayi agoPerrall plead be had aewt iii* wife wasa'.otit I,, die, mu! the county jiuL'e allowedhim to visit Inr uader guard. It traus-pired hi* yvife yya*-' perfectly well, bulwhile there be offal d toe a^nrd IMO. sshand a valuable claybank-colored Biara n>iiiioyy him to escape.

Perrall i* aboul fifty-five yena of aga,and Griffith thirty-five or forty. Bothhave famUtes, What these outraged roto-

ple propose ta do arith them yye mai leambefore going to press. Tiny are ntUfiedthese men have their inonu, and tiny dobi t m sa they shvii enjoy ii.

.sine, tho above wai written yye learnthal Kenall and Griffith nrere taken to Utewoods, and niter thc exhibition of ropesami threats ol banging Ihey wort Blade todisgorge 1118,000, alter wbleb they wertturned rioose. \\\- don't vouch for thetl-Utfa of tin statement, hut merely vive itBl n port. Thc Latest.TsSjT raTSURBBfl D18BOBOB TO BABB TID'H:


[Special Ui eu'." ii to the Di -leitch.

Bbistol, Tenn., Jmniiii > SS..The fol¬lowing is thc letter ol Captain Gent nc-

batim. He i-* ti lelia!.lc vr/.utD-iunn. and* btgh in thc county of RuaaeH ¦

'.I mint tell you tbat tba cattlr-ni< n

broke tbe Jail last Thursday nlshl and tookPerrall and Griffith out, and rather ivan bahun.'tiny paid off all their creditors whocalled on them.say 15,700. They Hunturned then loose, and tiny fled tba coun¬

ty. Tin* otben hue attached and yyill geltheir money."

Thc I'unniiiu (.old Bobbery.i BBWABRABLR it.'H HisciivEiT' Kit u.

aBBBSTa maid:.a Paaanta telegram rayt leveral per¬

sons have been arrest* d on snspiclon ofh. lng concerned tn tbe robbery ol Rou,-OOO from the vault, of the l'aiiiiliia railroad.I'p to thc prc-etit the mollly bat BOt lien

recovered, nor lune tin* real culprits, s,,

fir ti-thc evidence B0OWS, he'll arrested;bul Ib the correspondeS * taken from aoaieof the arrested persons it sppeara tiiat a

plot yvas formed in Barranquilla la-t vi ar tn

pinch:,*-'¦ a small steamer la New York,t ike In r np the Alavilal'ita riy tr, and cap¬ture tim iii'-', lu my remittance ol bullionand valuables coming from tba Interior toHie iv*c. BaTRMUUIa is BB Allintic4 oloniliian port, while Hie Mavtlaletia riveris Hie main outlet, if Bot thc only one, for

everything (shipped from tba InteriorMute-.

It appears that Um United States Bonsaiut Bsrranauilla got wind of Ute affair titthe Hine, iJtbotigfa mi thc parUeulara, ant!iiiformi'd Hie home BUthoriUea. who tookprecaution* t«i frustrate thc plot, Botboagfathey could not arrest thc parties ongugedin thc a,lair In New York. Those arrestedclaim to ba innocent, and hine askid jMr.Turpin, Um t ailed states eottsBl here, loInterfere in their bebatf; bat it appearstiiat bb to Um naaaant ha baa not eon-sidercd il his duty to take other Steps inthc in.itter than simply lo watch dcvclop-mealt. A d' cinr.ttioii ha* baan made by awoman that abe baw prior to the robbi ry a

keg siinilar to thc rsnlt-keg which watshuivti to her, and .sh'til.1 ber uti lenient l>ecoiToborstad ona of Um employes ol Umrailroad company, who i* BOW under ar¬

rest, will c'rtaiulv ba incriminated iu Hiealtair.

4)1.1) IloKEAS OX 'lilli Hllli'AOK..Tilt*high wind whistled Brnund thc irblmasy-top* and steeples., and bteW hlicl.s fJOWflinto thc Btraat, Bea*ftng Um paopla whomilked Itcloyv. Snow, sleet, and hail droveinto the faces of those who dared exposethemselves, and nmdc them hulton theircoat* tijrr-lit mound tlielrthroat*. l)f courseUksra were sore throat* und colds andcoughs und rheumatism* th*? next day.But what were these to men and womenit ho could step into any drugstore and buya bottle ot r-CEHT DAYltrj'8 l*AIN-KlLI.EIIt

"Brief N. tts Ileum.Tlie Delaware flaaale lilli to abolish the

ivhlppiiig-p. *t bsa lum defcitcd iii HieHouse.The coiniiincii anthracite coal eaaapaalaa

have asjraed t" impend ra-oduction on thelint Hine day* In etch week until furthernotice.At Towsoiitown, Maryland. vVednt-sday,

I'T-.ludgc Ililli niul GraaaB and ColonelD. i). Melntosh, Btsaea sllssrnfy. had alively mill in Um eouit-nioin.

A Paris tt legram -.ivs: A (Incl with"Words has been fottghl between M. Da-lort.Hie painter, and (olonel Punitnuynic.M. !>i lort yvas u nundi ,i hi Ure breast.A lniniher of Cingalese having '.cen

hrouglit to lltintlal'ttrv. (Jin (inland, totaketbe place ol strikhrig white taborari on Umplantation*-, Ina Batter, I" Rat ninnl-cr ofliftv, end,mored to -lon the former on Utehighway. Tbe < mgalese, who anira boO-irottv, drew knives, and tke Whites HUItwar.A dispatch from Lo* AnirT Ichniv* : Cap¬

tain Waterhen""', who yins injured in thcrailroad accident at TebicbipB, died la*tnlvht. Due of Ria children I* dyinv: ttelither persons wounded are (toing well.Thc * "ron. r of Kern county has pBTBedwarrants fur Um ail asl of tbe raglater iudbrakemen of the wrecked train.

Ballooning ins bacotae *» popular laVienna that the Municipal Council haredeemed lt advisable to pass a law: "Thatnil married men desirous of taking aerialrosages shall not be panted license untilit Has been proved to the saUafSetlon olthe authorities thal they have received thcconsent of their yy li i aad etrildn n."

The Montgomery (Ala.) Grays returnedfrost Opriika Tuesday Bight. The lieu-tenant and ten men rennin till furtheronl'!.«. Plnckard, president of tte Board>f Commissioners, beard Um eBaea yester¬day, and aciiuittcd all pt rtoai ebsrged yy ii li

resisting officers, I'was at IMncksrd's re¬

quest vttil on hi* itatetaent ol reiUtsncethat the Governor sent Um troopa,A Slims nt-, town (III.) special BBTl: Karly

Wedin tday moraiag a mob ol masked menalt em),te,i to enter the jail hen for the pur¬pose of lynching i colored murderer,Holme*. Repulsed In tteir first attemptby the iteriff and Im deputies, the Blobbrought I cannon in of Ihe j iii andthreatened to batter down Um waihi' bulslnls fr,,in the jail, th. ringiagol thecoUlt-bouse beU, and thc lathering ol oki/' bs¦cared tItiti! away.Tba funeral serviles af Um bite Priaei

i hm lc* of Prussia took plaee Wednesds*afternoon. The Emperor rad Bm] ft *t andother memben "f tbe royal family, theGrand Duke Nicholls, n.. ArchdukeCharles, tim Duke and Duchess ,.f Edin¬burgh, and Various prince* and diplomati'ret'iT -ctnatiy' s were present. The ser¬vices were imposing. Tte court chaplaindelivered the funeral oretloB, and eon-e-crated tte remains of tte Prince amid theBring of a salute of thirty-six mm* undthree salvos frata three battalioas, TheEmperor wai much slf*scted.Benjamin F. Burd, a railroad-band, wai

killed on Sunday itt the railroad-yard alHarrisburg, He waa t" have teen marriedin a lea days t Mi»s Maty Pant, and tiiathuh waa deeply affected by bli death, aBdbad her lover'i photograph taken ai ba lajin his coffin. Before the funeral his mo¬ther appeared and disclosed tbe fact thatth. deceased bsd been in mini for threeyear-, and hi- wife iud Inr tyvo childrenmade theinselvea visible to follow his re¬

main* to tuc grave, AnotherHsrrisburjlady claim- that Burd yvas engaged tc beral-o.

Information ha- been received at liri.liane, Queensland, thal a largethree-mssti dschooner wat lost at the month of tte Elyriver. New Guinea. Tte crew- leventcenlu Bumber.were killed by lavages, theirIna'!* being CUl oil ami distributed am mstin BaUvevillages. CaptaiB Pennafeatber,of tte scboooer Pearl, made a search, butfound only a lot ol wn ckage, with uothtngto identity the vessel. His party were at¬tacked seven) trrjMi bj Um natives. Oneold woman confessed thal Um crew hadLeen murdered. Captain Pennafeatberburned tte Bstive rilugesrad destroyedHu lr canoe-.

ThcBaltuaoreSun says: John S. Bar¬bour, president ol the V'irgiaia Midlandi: iihoad ' kunpray, wat in Baltimore Tm --

day. and nut President Garrett st the Bal¬timore and Ohio building. Mr. Garrettrenewed hi* emphatic expression! on Umsubject of dtscrimioatiOBi agslnsl Balti-Btore by tte road while under Blehmond.ind Dany ilic control The rennurki «.i Mr.Garrett ob that niblet*! msde al tba laslmoatblv meeting ol thc ItelUiaore aad(ihi" Board ara t" be printed in pamphli t

form for genersl circulation In thc South.Ile therein deflaitely sett forth thc ch.ol violation ol contract.A locomotive i5 helli'./, built f«»r thc Yaw

railway in yvhieh Mr. .Mallett'-- device for

consuming smoke ls to betested. In ord< I

to glva Um lavention a thorough trial a

triji across tba continent will I"1 made.There ls to e oo nnokC'Stack on thi* loco*lnoiiye, and in Ita place i-1<> bs a nianbolemerely, The air Med to t*OBdanse thesiena' is employed for beating radvenU-tating cu", berna delivered through a con¬

duit which, yyiiit eoupttag rads, passelalong beneath thc car-. TbU system doesaway a Lib ena! stoves or beaters, and tup-plies tte can \yith fresh afr rad warm airWithout dsnger ol lire in case of a smash¬up.

Hore'* Last Work.

The Miall lt works of ll. I ion's ,,:whlcb there ha* been nm inentlon arc.. Ecce lloiti" " and " Tte Asci-iis'iuii," twoiuinictirsc pictures idded to lu- gallery olli vi ninnis; illustration* toSliak-pt an, anda picture culled '"The Tortured Soul."This yin* ai'parcntly his very la-t canvas,

and the following d' til' tl di KripUoB of itwill therefor.* !". of interest: The picturereprc*«nt* I younv monk Bested before BBolvan iu th" choir of a Gothic 'hutch. HisAngers stray over Um key*, waals Hi* pale.attenuated countenance and vT'cat, hol¬low dark eye* are turned toward the ipec-tator. The church I.dow ll Ihronged iv itliwblte-robad monk* like hiin*c|f, loane "fthem hearing lighted t.ti>.T*, uhilc thepainted window* overhead glow JaweMlkein thc gloom hchiiiii Um attar. Al Umyouag organist'* side, amid Um sunnytight that streams through th.- nn lied arin*dow, stands a female form, fagus, vapor-oiis, linet baautifal in white mist amid the

golden ray., lt is Um "riama of his losjlon that haunt* tin* youthful ii-citi'-, tbaembodied renMmbrance of Uie woman forwho*e sake he had sought refuge Laaclola-Dr.


ll.;.iii ttirt- ol lin- l>riii4-eoa Louise

A Charleston telegram of YVedne-davanya: Tbi Prtaeeaa Loutse eaabarked onthc l>ido this afternoon. Au IflllBfJBBttbrooa wltaasaed ter departure, a* sh,.drove nitli the Marquis of Lome in au

open ciiiTi.Tgc to ihe tandiag stage creeledhythe (itv autteritiesQiba acknowledgedthe chceis of the spectator*, hy bowingand -miling. Two t> n-onred hari/cs eon-y.yed Hie pin tv to thc Hid", which WESgaily decorated with buntingsadUm jurd*manned. A salute of tui nty-oiicgtilts wastired by thc (Drinan artillery of thi* cityat thc Instance of Hie .Mayor. Thal WES an-

swered hy ii donhlc lallite from tlc Dido.Tte Prtaoaaa aa^tnaaed teraall u d. light*ed with Inr treatment lu ('harleston. ThcDido will *ail early to-morrow nioruiiie.TIIK ITdNCKH* LOt THK BAIL8 IOU IIKIDH HA.

Ciiaki.ksto.s', K. C., January 2,"i..H. ll.steamer Dido weighed anchor at HUiiri»tthis morning und sailed for ItermiKla, hear¬ing tbt- Priantas Louise and her party. Theweather Is calm uiul beautiful,

LOCAL MATTHUS.The Kt tent Benlee* ot Dr. Read's

< ti ti rrb.

Tlie seri'1* "f sermon* preached hy UmBarr. Mr. Drew, of (hine 4 itv. Mce'klcn-liiir::, commencing with Sunday, .limitaryTth, traa closed ob Wednesday night by ¦

iiio-t impressive dlacOUraa mi I. .lolin, i\.,S... Dod I* Love." Ttese sermons were

i s'veeially worthy of attention for their(har and full expression and nforia -tin-nt

of fundatiK utal religious truths,- !|>oken,evidently, from Hie most heart!eftconvic¬tion of their supreme importtiiice, andheard hv large congntgaUoos, in Whichwere t. pres, ntativ es of all nliv-iou* de¬nomination*, and v. ry many who were notmciiilitT* oi' any church. Tte Impressioninaile uivitv these audiences was evidencedon even ocf.,s|on by the ilefpliU-ll of *!-

leal attention, almost jMiinfiil in its in-tCBtTty; by the countenances of some tx-

pressing their satisfy nv joy la tte hopesof Um Gospel so earnestly and persuasivelyenforced ; and Hy the tearfulness of "tint ¦*,

Which had iu it a* much of the happinessof bOfM nv iv td a.* of grit f for tmfaillifni¬nes* rt Tiiemlieieil.A yiry noteworthy characteristic of

these discourses waa tte cry-lal steanes*With Which Hie d'" Hill's of til'' (iospelwere shnosl loreed boob recognition andicknov. Icdgment. Thi* beiaa lae more ri -

tnukiilile a- tin- vivid and tu live iin.iglna-tioii of the preacher brougbl to Ibe serviceof his th. me a liiMiriatiKcf illustration,ivhich v. itli many -pdikei* too o'ten oh-¦euret the trutlt bj exceaa of ornament,but, was tere* frith bo r**ineatbered pointof exceptioa, always i help to lae logic oltba head while ittrengtbentng tbi boldupon tte emotions of tin- heart.What -hall he the permanent results of

this preaching boob tteroogregatlonswhoheard the Bensons mast bi yd be larg* ly a

inatter of hope* nut yye feel BSsureuBstoMr. Da y\ hims* if thal le has been toJullywelcomed in the hearts ol pastor and peo¬ple "f (ira..( -sile t church, and manyOtb I'- With thetii.und Inn s,, largely addedlo thor sturts of religious though! andli. liiijj Bl to mast ll certain that hen-afterhe yiiil ever find io OUT City a large circle¦i grateful aud attached friends, rad out¬line of these few or nolle to '. Ulrike tilt Ul-

-'lyes strang,- unto hilo."

cttv MTi""i. lion |... a regular sleetingof the ( itv School Hoard wa* hilt! yester-tlay nfl.; iio'.n at.". o'clock.pri--(Tit: Uv. oriv". 4 . Carrington, president; C. I*. Bsdy,\. lt. Courtocy, ll. \v. Powers, WilliamH. Williams, Dr. .*-. P. Moore, SecTetarjJans * ii. p. ay.

Th. Board transacted the regular routinebusiness,Tte Hoard unanimously adopted tte fol¬

lowing te\t-i"ioks for tte ensuing fourfears, lt bi uoderstood thal lucbofUicbooka vs may be Beceosarj yyill be totro*duced in l-'ehruary. and the general intro¬duction in .-. j it. tn! 'i-r BCSt: Appleton'sreograpbies, McGill's History of virginia,Derry'i History >>f tte United vi it's.McGufi'4 v's sec,ind and Third Beadi rs (n-yi-ed cdiUoa)' th,- Independcal First,Third. Fourth, and Fifth Beaders;"Allin's Kiciiientarv and Complete Arith¬metic!*, Harvey's I In inmvrs.Elementaryand Prat (revised oli'ioii).

SiT'ttEMH Conn or AiT-Eii*.-lloyd rs.Thc 4rommoawi alth. From County Courtof Piitsyiviinia county. Ileverscd, JudgeLefris dellvt rina the opinion.Wilson vt. Breach ami alt. From tte

Circuit 4 'otu t of Greensville county, lie-versed, Judge Lacy dekvenng the optamn.

Booti r«. Tte Commonwealth. From tteCounty Court of Culpeper county. Af-iiiiii'ii. Judge I auntlen.y delivering tteopinion.Muse 9, Friedeawald and afr. From

the (inuit Court of Plttsylvsnia county.ltevcr-etl. Judge lvichaitlson deliveringtte opinion.Bockover vt. Life Association "f Ann ri¬

ci. From the Chaneery Court of tte etty"f Richmond. Alhv'nitd, Judge Hitit"iidelivering the opialoa.

Barbour vt, Duncrasou'i Bdmtalstrator,From tte < hreuh Court ol Faoquter coun¬ty. Itoversed, Judge Lacy deuveritujopinion.

stigier's administratrix vs, Stigler andals. AivTicd bj hd. s, Bros ll, K-'|., for

E|)pcllants.I'ni.ii di i. -Tlie follow laycaw ¦- wera

disposed ol vest, rdsj :William ii. Clift charged with being

drunk. DiMterged..Innis suiith (colored;, charged willi

lighting ill the stl'i't. A11 ll.Tl ill. nt i***u< (1f,,i accused.Nannie Hod.,., charged with brine

drunk. Jailed for tea days in default ofsurety.Henry Taylor (cotered), eharged with

fighting In tit" stint. Pin. ii -;,..Mary Fauutleroj and LizzieGraj (i">t!i

colored), eharged yyith being disorderly..lid h d tor tim cm"nt in In defaultol lurety.Edmond Evana (aokired), charged with

stealing one gold-plated yy itch. Not guilty.iiuu.y .Nia*m. charged with beings

'."im:ion VAgranL Committed to fortHitt> dai- In default "f inri

Cornelius Holloway, ehaiaed wllhfelo-nlously shooting W. G. Blackhiirn. Con-liniied iu consesjuence .f tte injuries i"

the wouoded man until !r*aturdny tba ldday of February, IB88. Committed, andbo ball allowed.The BLras' Kaeeii...l..i*t Bight the

grand raffle of *ilv« rwara presented I i tteKicbmond LUrbMntsntry Blues, to fethi r

willi otter yvltailile .iriici.-. took place attte company's armory, on seventh street,in Die presence ol s large Bumter ><i tteti. iii't-hoiii, I'-. The drawing yyas luperin-(..ii'lcd Irs Mi ssl-. William E. Biniors,James M. Taylor, and T. B. Gfasebrook.Ticket No. v.i. series A, held bj Miss M.Brauer, drea tte Brit prize, tte tandsomisilver ten sci and waiter. Tte secondprise, a ret "f But silver castors and cru-etn, wm won hy Mr. i A. Mci'ourt. whoheld ticket Nti. I. series ll. Ticket, series F, held by M r. James ILCbens-ry, drew the third prize, alioth, r set (,feaston and cunt.. Tba fourth prise,.McCarthy's "Life in thc Army nf Northtin Virginia, ' wm won by ticket No. '*.¦*

seri. - N, lu ld hy .Mr. John Keinhnrdt.

Fol! THE I'MTHH STATES PBBTtBRtlART.--I'niicd Maits Marshal lt. P. Hughes, andI)i-initv-Mnrsliiil Pat Wood, will Ictvc heretiti* afternoon at .'> o'clock ea rou'e for tlieAuburn penitentiary, in charge nf JeffTer-ton Walker (colored', recenWr eoavictedof robbing tte mail* at Hleksiord, and¦eutCSMed for B term of years in that in¬stitution. At Alex andria they will a'*..take iii custody George F. Snow (white),(.'iii ic!, d of eoiHinillitr.' B -iniilar omticc

at Claremont, mid Beateaoafl for threeyears. _

A DlBBBR l ESTKvnyy. -.Iinlcc I.unsfordL. I.t-yyis gave l,i* fri. inls of the conn*

aara a dinner al BIlBgerHall yesterdayafternoon. Judge Len is i* not a hoine-k, . per, i'm he n co rub et tl.ld tashnrinsdhos],it 'itu y thai obtain "i yyith thc beachBad har from tin:'* Immatnorlal down tothc present, and li' ttereJota di termiiitdtogtve tte dhanararrratioaed. Tanooann' .n

afforded aa opportunity ol genuine post¬prandial enjoyment, nd WEB well-attendedhy numerous friend*.

1'iikctim; New Tki ehiiu-h-Poi is._ Mr.Paynter. BBpartatCBdeal "f tirc-alarni andpoiicf Ma*ojrjraph, bad s foroaol hands ea.gaged v.-lenity IB placing new poles forhis telegraph along I .clvb street lietw.cnNinth mid Eighth itreetn, This is on.* ofUta prettiest square* on Leigh itreet, end-oin., of the ehttseni residing tsnaaaaa wereloud in their complaints against the pla¬cing of thc poles iu position, claiming thatthey were a nuisance, and that tiny marredthc beaut) ol Uie thoroughfare.


irrest nt Jnaephn* J. I'rlce, t>f Metierrin,Prince I iwaril County, and Ills Late(inverne,- tn Hour ni (hr Sintion-Hoiisr.statement of (he limns- Dirt ll. ita I lure

Tor llinii- o Custody of an Oflleer.

festerdsy rery**"aarli Detective* Wrennd Knox net Ik d a telegram from E. lt.footman, of rampiin depot, which read:.rind "itt if Joe Trice is in thc city, alniI ba has a lady with him." Thc d.tec-tves at once ascertained that day beforeesterday thc reatater at the AjaerMaalotel bore tte following inscription: "J.. Price, Virginia"; ".Miss I.,.,. Hamlet,,'lrginia." Inquiry elicited Ihe furtherad that tiny were given on the first Houroonis Nos. I.*, am) Kl. Tills informationnts promptly telegraphed to vToodson;lim replied: ''Please keep watchoverUmin with Price at tba Ankericra until 1 canend for lier this evening. Price atyt s|..lill he lioine to-day.''

ENHAST.ihe aasaraaca of Trice, however, didot seem to he * itisfactory, for about mid-ay Hie police authorities of the city re¬

cited a aantSjraai from the Town fcnr-eant of Hie town of Hui kevilh* asking thcrT'st of Trie, and thc girl, whose fullrtnic I- Maggie I."1 Hamlet, on a yvarraiitlien in lils hand-.The ofacera weal at once to tte Aateri-

;ui Qotel and found holli parties and made'v arr. -t. Mba Hatnlct yva* vt. defiant,nd -aid "if a policeman pined iii* handspoa ter te would te a dead niau." Netfishing to die, and kiiovvinir that linyonld serve the city's laterest ju*t ts wellit h. mt doiog so, the ofneert Informed ttesung girl that it was not accessary forlu in to lake hold of Inr if she WOUld gorltboul i;. sic refused to walk through'if--tr,.(-. ami Priensawl for a back, and) this the arty v.,-tit down to the FirstOllcc StatiOn-bOUSC, Herc Captain .Innes'.. Tl.-,-.nit- allowed them to take -eats mL'- space iii from of ihe th sk iu tbe < fflce.

*. l « lin ti or VAT' HE."In answer to rruestioae, Mut Hamlet

tated thai *he waa oaly eighteen yeats ofve. and that si,,, gnduatad at tte Lynch-iiirv High Behool la-t .lune, and for theel tWO n'onths had hi cn livitie; in theaiiiiiv ol Josephus J. Price, Bl Meterrintatton, on tba Blehmond and Danville¦lilroad, in Prince Edward county, shelid she yya* the daughter of Dr. Hamlet,ormerfj i rerideul of Lynchburg, bulivfaag now and practicing dental surgeryt Pamplitt, I lin Eduard, sin saidhal her hut her and a gTOfm broth* r W( IBIso living. Tin- young girl ls itriklnglfretry. Bbe bu b profunion of y< ry blackstir, worn in tte approved bang-style,ind sbsdlag a in,ir of bright, expressive,ind large brown ayes. Her mouth ls.mind, rad -et on" hv eterry-red lips thai''¦med Inellned t" pout. Her figure iiveil formed and her" bum a little above thcnediura. she wore a bahlonabla dress ofnvi-ii'ie ajreefl ci lor, tte body of,lin -made overshot being embroideredsith s profusion ol richly-colored Bowen.f the Osrar-Wilde *t.y|.:. a gold chain,o which yya* attached a teavj crests, hungiTOUOd Inr neel,, and yvas partially hldn the ruffles "f a large lace collar, while aht tty loot, neatly i ncased In a So. i hut¬on gaiter, peeped from in neath tba foldi.i h,r dies., sll,- -poke fluently, and....Tiled to look upon h.-r position a- beingtte result of accident. Sometimes, yy hen a

[jointed Question recalled tbe awkward-i-ss af tba affair, a painful axptesalouwould pass over her face, and onee ste-aid, " I am thc rno-t innot cut thingii the World, and a pt rh ct child ofnature." Bte said MM i,a.| BCVCTnmb Trice until s|.. came to hisBouse to lench hi- ita children, andhat -Le catii'1 upon thc l'eooiuliicnda-lloa of Ber. Mr. Bristow, superintendent)f public schools for Appomattox county.Her \y lab yva- to become a teach*! r, and a*

ibe h.ul bo experience, she did not chargePrice anything for tel -ervin., sin- -aidtte bad sonic WOldl With Mr*. Trice a-hort yy Idle BBO, and a* tte remarks hadreference to Mr, Price, ste determined to

return ti In r fatter'! hollie it Pampltn.I'li., bad always treated her kindly, andnilen sim vol ready i" start te proposed i"

.oine a nh inr bs far ar Burkerille. ir-rivlng lure, Bkhroondwas

"A I'Hl'TTV ITTV,"ind. Bl tte li ld never se. ii it. ha WOUrdlaka ter there and ibow ber tte lights.Ste .'line yy ith him. arriving tere about 6i.'.-ioek Tuesday evening. Bte bad teen toihe Theatre rad t., ibe ll dig office yyithTrie, .rn -lc said she wai nol tirald to to

mywhere with bim. While ibe was talk¬ing Price, wbo teemed lob* considerablynndertte Influence ol liquor, would fro.iruentlj lireik in. and somi times yyith rerjodd expressions. Bte tl one time rebukedhim, and recommended tbat it would babetti r ii be were t" -top talking,

Af'er n tnalning at III'1 statioti-hoitsc un¬

til nearlytr-iin-tini" Trice and Mles Ham¬let, in ebsrge of Olncer .leter, wsiked(loyyn to tte (hpot, and in custody of thatoilier wara taken t" Burkeville on tbalai.Vo'ciock trato, aad then- turned nv. r totbe etiotodi "f il"- town lergeant.Mr. George Price, of Meterrin, arrived

in Ce city yesterday in search of hi- bro¬ther, it i* sahl, and Kr. Dodson, proprie¬tor of tte Au.< rican, told Joe Trice cat Ivin tlie rnoroiBs that he mu-! go home.

Hoi.-., vi CBAKBLast N'icht..Anotherbrilliant and large audience al tte Theatrelast alghl vr< eted tte side-splittingcornedt.. our lt itelors," as pn senti tl by thosestir conn dian- Messrs. Robson ft Crane.From tte rising <f tbe curtain on tte lira!nt to its flaal drop at tte clo-" tte proveaUoni tor applause and mirth were In-ress"in. Tte amusing situations arithwhich the play abounds Wera cer¬

tainly heartily enjoyed, if one mayjud."1 from the repeated -Inii k- "f

laughter with which they erera ra-ceived. That the capital neting of thesejit.pillar coade artists is fully appreciatedlute is stearn by tte splendid audienceswhich im aria1..iv attend theta perform-Bnees, kad bo it hat aver beea tlBce tin irIii-' advent in Ki'Vitnotid. The Otter BMn>In ni "! the ea*t are uauSUaliy good. Theyassume aad carr) out ttelrvsroua parts Ini BBost creditable manner.

To-ni ht slink*!*' "c's ..Comedy of Er-Irois" villi he thc attraction, and none

should fail tO se. thc itV C 'Ulcdiails M Hie"Two Dromio*."

di *. Wu i.i.iMr-..Next Monday .veningti,n. William*, ivho hu* appeared beforeRichmond audienct * before, yyill ba at UmTheatre in Um character of John Mlsbler,the (J'T'Hiin policeman, in "One Ol theFin.-I." Mr. Williams giles a humor¬ous ImpersonaUoa of a Haw Tort potlce-m in. sad does to witb all tte butnoriof tb German dialect. Ttehiunorousandthe iiielo-draiii-iti>- ciuihine in an enVcUveway to renderthe play pl.-.sinr.

ItsaI"IU:Tii-Nh;iit..T'l-iilght TinnforewOlhe given for Um banafltof Mr. Atnie, the -i.'vc-ciirpentcraiid sceiit-

ibifter al Mozart Hall, lil which buildingIii.* play yvili h. i* rJoruicd. TI.c emt, clio-nn, and oi' le -int sll promise an excellentrendition ol tbe evei>popular pla.*,, and a

foU house wiU no doubt !». present Be-servid cn l'c . i nivd at* il.

M.a* this nioinlif.'.

jRManWI ltEVHKRLt). .Ill th'' T tilledtoles I otllT Vesl'Tilay UiOlTlillg jUtlgtlllTlt

was rendered lu the amount of ifciHi, and one

half of the cargo of the steamer 4 artic at 4 itv

Point, and in favor of Mr. J. I., schooi-craft, Who had libelled Hu steamer forcer-tain salvage Ncrvlcc! growing out of thetowing*?! tba steamer while lu distress on

the Janie* river, between Blair's wharf andCity Toint, a t-hort time niuee.


USB -r'n-ls af the St. Jaine* onana a nice lit¬tle soeiahle, at vvliieh Hie young and oldenjoyed theni-clvc. greatly, Mu-ie andIsnemg, and a repast ut midnight, to aulothing of other .floris made hy Um hospi-vihle ho-t. Mr. Page, wt re 18888 of the:)lea*-ant feature! of the oe, a-ria ti.

BLAl kiukv'x I "M.niov. The woundednan lllackhuni. shot in an affray on Troad-tret Bight IxVrc last, via* t.-ik.-ii v. -Di¬

llly morning out to thc ( tty IUcspital. Hissounds are not Bccearauiry nani, bul tba)in- ii ry s.riou*. and tin* physician* do not'enlim- a poShive -tatem'nt in ngard toii* condition.

T.uiErs..>7. .Vi. hulas for Febroaiy basicen received from i'. P. Johnston.Wednesday eVCBlniT, at the Pir-l llijiii-i

.burch, Kev. J. H. HaffstemsOnViating,ir. PatteraaB Bayae, dr., ul Bssttmorc,md Miss GeanrtaC. Burren*, of this city,vere United in wedlock. Messrs, c. j*,tunms. c. i. ( orbit*, w. 0. (Owens, J.'.. Luxford, Frank W, Ileitis, and Flankoalts acted ns BStera. The hippy coupleefl Um same ev,-nilli-; for UM North, follow.(I by UM li'-t wishes, al their IHitll'Tditsriend-.


1 !i<- flos.1 IA Jn.1. Ur. u.l.

,nd Hie whitt-t, aaa ha anana yyith the'Royal" (lour, Wbleh never fails, and ltaa om v he bought of

Joiners M. Bi. tm. (irocer.BXM Mainstreet. Tllee BlOCk.

ll.sli.>|. II. W. liner, n.

|{isho|i Warreri, of Georgia, will dellferbe tifth lecture In the star rourwr*, at Mo¬an Hail, on Tuesday the .Tilth. Judgingrom thc rey i rend e-cut lemmy's reputationve may expect i good lecture.

.....I vi, x< ,| |0tt ut titty Ont* per III.

an h. bought ofJofhtra M. Blaib, Grocer,

h'i.t Main stn. i, Pac* Block.


/i'rn ,.*-..--('orn.liu* Holloway, yyho on

Wednesday nivht shot and terioUslyivounded one Washington <». Blackburnu Broad utreet below Jail alley, inlliehiiioiul, is 'Taiuieil to he a re-id'-ft olMulch, -t. r, Hut i- "lily BO from thc tad ofmving n family ifjsideBt there, with whomie should hal' I" eu lit thc lill"1 of theTilca*. He vvi.s rondllCtlBg sonic -nailrosiness in Blehmond iti a dbireput tble'Hvdity. and th" :iTf;>ir in yy hich lit vi a- one.I the principal actor- yva* BnWBt a f< maled had reptile. Il Majtebeeter baa anyr( cling tn th.- matter it is one of sympathyratter fir tte relatives of BoUowa- Dunhat party himself. Tin concurrent bi Iii ftere a Ihat Holloway's tendency toward*rows .md deadlyaffrafi yy.n enUrelj tooiv ll developed for bun to baie been a

praiseworthy citizen.A <!"/. n som of Bonn] Scot.and from

Manchester attended Last nigbl in Rich¬mond toflssist the Caledonian ( hil' lhereii celebrating th.* birthday of RobertBoras. 4m thal occasion Tam 4>'sj, inter'sh'ide and tte < "itel's Siatiti'daj Night wererecited in dm and ancient torin ai,tl viithunder reverence, while many ol thc favor¬ite noemi ol thi great bard were tungwith ii feeling tunl patho* which showedtheir hold OB the loth ration* that havesurvived their author. '. BaWuM Rnld ac¬quaintance b( forgot!" Mot by n consid¬erable BBsJoritf, isj,e,:;.iiv when te laBobby Burns, tte pi opte'i poet.

At the reqttesl of the counsel for tte de¬fendants, who ara engaged Ib otter courts,thc delivery of UM opinion Of tte < ItyCourt of Manchester ba Um wiblle-seboolca-. * ha* been poatpotMd until Fridaymorning al 10 o'clock.Tinie were bo i'.t-i's worth) "f

fore Mayor Taytor yesterday.George il. lirewry. l-*aq., of Midlothian,

yyho wat in Mancheai r ysieriiai, reportstte county roads t<> have dried od Indy,rad thal travelling wm good, isotaetwea-ty-flve or thirty WSgOOl daily rani! lin ughMidlothian yyith loose tobacco .; rouft forMaiMbester and Richmond. ChMteirneldpUnters think helter of tte prospectf oftlnir wheal crop tinea tte late tall <>f taow.The bridge over Um encl- on tbe

liivir-Vievv road gave Way a hu dayssince with tte weight 11 a two»hnroewagon : -ince rfblch Unte tte eanatd* rablenumber of persons who use that route Inretting to and from Mrachester nave ls ui

pla*' d at -I' .t diaadi ml iga tn reason '>;

[ta nhs.ic e. 'ii,, county lupervisor* *ajthat Un y u ill aiUM thc bridge tO bi iliuiie.tliati ly r. pla! . d.

Uniioii Whittle will bold ' oofirn \> ti-i rv ii' - ,t Mi ut, ift rn,! i. 1 burch ol', tinlir-t Sunda] in February.

Bl hop «.i interj * 111 preach in tte Me«thodi-t church bera on the second., mia*in February.Tbe toll- "f boaor iv fi. liiffen at w boob

numbered tor th.-iii b School, it; SchoolNo. 1. ll: No. .!. 'j: No. i. g; tfo. ... DjNo. H. c.A change sf hasc bas been aside bj ti.,

st i-f line, wbleb is decidedly more conte¬nd nt to tlc j .ii, a,- ,,! |. li,',, .,!,, rout,is nov, over Maj i's bridge instead of tinFree i.ii.t--..A sufficient number of peiaon* have be¬

come Interested in tte project to revlvith.- old Beethoven .aaociation to gin*"uie'e thal the - Hort BOW telnliliad." in th;.: iiiu eiioi, vv t.l s ¦..,.. ¦-.fuione of ibo great needs ol <..u' city i- a eapaciotu public hall Ri which all of our associal lom could n>*, t \y Ithout cost to them¬is* Ives.The pot-hunti I* dO in t sta D) lu I I ,'

that thej .ne forbidden hy btw bob to bunrabbits, Judging from tte number oflereifor sale in tn* rocei lei ami al thibouse in this elly.


"Three, why trw (T'.l.l.Ci.i ,:. ,,.

rn ti., t.r i Bat, ks <. hi M a... .oe rv,

hjlili.i'. s,, I,,I, BCCaoBI tu. >' .ire UM I," ndBoBMSfi Bad lloi'iJ. "BtCBBBS UafJ sri- the s?, ,,uijmtBar - las BJ ul! n-iclit y jew. Met ..iel o.,Delan-. OS ll v I* .' . 1. o ..l r il... .¦. f.i,

roai bbb, b<4 bwfoi aata, rsTBUa, tntaafanaa, 15<-

-Morin c *\v v\* Wi itti-siyiii i ¦.,. r i. v, i

a te Uaataaa. canauta, 88a.mvk BOBBI ByBBfRol votir prlutlr

¦te DfaWATCB fSISninMIOOSB. BOrilow prlet .and -itini'jclloil ifUiiratit. e.!.

AirnoN sai.tsi wuk u.l.

BfiTDn all sale-nf Beni Bstatentant heiweentli1 '. ..t' I o. ,u > r. I tal et' .Jillie lt 1 .

pre ttl ve.u I..ive I., l.v INld tit Un- inn !. .-. r. n

ill s il.-. niilTe tuv.-.e. ti ,|,e lit Of Jul} itel ..-!.,th, rem tin use* baaa to i** paid i»y ihe seller.(This i u inti vv.,- adopted alssul tin.,

'. all the real m UeTitnoinE abd a]ij. km* adana vu tniivi

v.. I vi t.inDN..Di., 1DIJ i, M.tiiiiitlnie, l.i-V .UkI ".i eeluTsBCOBB tesl-, n.a.... e'otblnt. Ac.

jXS \l ii Dui Hill, D' A.'M.. pjBsltare, naorasa . itort I

¦I. TIIOMPW1B BB01VV. I I*. M., t-.tacoo-rttitort sEturea ia fvciori oortlTBasl rorariBBBlJ -:" I' Ht EBd R tn -lr BOB

1 '.

Vi:\V FARM CATAl.oi.Ui: -I \-1 EUEE mobiV -s. I'Tvn tiiindie-l lam

tl. E. *TV!l'l,Ks A Cd..Ja l»-d.*w.avvlui hlchu'ou.1. Va,


1,'Olt BALE, No. ttl, BAND80MI.1A KESIDHNI H, 8I6.OO1J:vu. M'l.ENt'lD trltANKI IN-MTBI.


Nu.'ji.'i. A VRItV Di rUt.lfil.K DWIX'IND, IH.UOO;Sc JD', A MAT BUICK DWKl.UlNt., «.

boo ;Ba. SOB, A DE-sIKAHI.i: UWiUlNn. fl


STBI'KT I'lit>l'KMT*ij* VH-wdat ll, J.. *-T,HTJL- A Cd


mr v, tte in -et'lie -.,11 ire. IWO Insertions. 1'in* ..inn re. titres Insertions. 1Oar sonars, ,1 x Insertioo-. 8m.- -. |.lure, iw.sur*iis. 8m. *|,i'i'.-,..,i, nrmtli. 10">»..r|.,,r». «,*.. msn|l.. IBOns s/in-u*-, three mootai. 88



RICHMOND TIIKATRE.-Th.rt'*, IIOIWON usu CKANK.tap'xtrtcd hy

their own C«mt*>ly i ..n.pany. THIN kVKNI.NDst.aksiie.-ir,'* immortal ( OMEllY OK KB Boll-..HOIt'sON Kiel IKAV*. s, ts. -.*»,, DroniIva."

SATURDAY MATINEK,li) lt ll I D i . K is rn. , r.

Milliner a<tnil».|(>n. fjOe.; res.i»,<l sent.. Tic,.SATURDAY MIDI I tin-ro-irlns; eomwlr.

SHARI'S. AND H.AT*.Crn.F.B SllAUD.BB. STUART HOBSON.DIT LSTONKKLAT Mit. VI ll Ll A ll H.CItANE.Souti :tl ilam os A M<* .»' sn<l Tltenlre. Kcnrrvwl

,,.it- -or, lu-tm-. Irrle rind ; nrsi-tioor sJml-r.1. ti. 75e.; Di-fs»-.f|r.le nlui »|.,.,JOc.: I'lmliy-t Ire*, sud Uallery, 2.V. MONDAYHt. UUB WILLIAMS. J. li-lts


WONDAI'. .It*<i'suv 'i'jtM.

Every(tody's Vs vorlte,MR. DI S WILLIAMS,

auder the m.-in.iae:nent af Mr. .1 lah": t.,r. *TUappear In BMgrant Net* Voik nBBMBBi


ONE Of THK KIN EST,ri Dr-nns d'T>lilliiK Hie in Baa York, lu i-r* stvu.

oad three acta, hy Ji-strH ll e.aoronu, Sv-rj., au¬

thor nf "Our Bachelors."

(ABD.-'.livrnr Til* t IVKST" nthMI*k»|rDr,i.--.rh inenitxr of the MBw York PoltaaBarra,OBthey urti esll'-l Vc tine.! j* lee in the vrorld.Secmc seals .(iilrl.. Prfeci ax u-.u«l. Du ssh* st

hoB-olBce and Kamo* A Mose ', J*ifl-:it*nicHMoND nu; \ti:k-si*K4 iai..

TUE ( OlflNt, EVENT.


Tani wv 80VB ash :il*T.

.i Mi.HT*. "NEV. i.

The Brea! famous Badi savBaaars Th.,arv fjaas-|iiiil In the most sue, es.ful pla) ot tliex.,.

li i /. Y. l. BIB Kat.


-.s &

il. K.i.

II A R R 1. K I lt | E.arra a


A TI.Al THAT!! UL 1 IVE EoRE.vrj".


Bottaf -tn BATTTBOAT moii-nind. Bea rv.,i Urtata,orcbiBtrs aaa atasssliBle.

81, ls-14-flt-


EiiiDA!, t vm tai 88* Ital I'ini.



sTUO.M. CAST. IT l '.. ( it'll'.'.' .

Boa-sat* t nan t'cn at RattOB A M8BBB1,r!| t


iJI'Mt . DI C-Y.O i m Ni. MEN'-i HRIBTIAM ARS04 l i'. tOII.

MOZART ll Ml,Tl 1 *D\! .1 VMVVItV il., lb*il

lit-n.ic II.Ti. WAUBBB,of t-sr ..

Subject: "VOBcaaiN k HUNRBAa*-*"Tickets, in.-li..lim.' reserved eulo.80 ..-nu. l'.»

ll R ABO* A MOSE-.'. M. tut.n- have in- Basalprill!*- **kG

rARTCI t.ooim.

SJTHVUN**lu, oin ic ,1 this nt.'k.

io a*SSSB U-rit. CMHKI Ll. 1-- tl fl au-l BJli o! MOfaVROBB ( ILlMIIER-HKV*,

nt 88 in l 88 ;

50 TIV BBT8.BU t*B* §1.88.1ll'I IMPKI* I! rt-

11 ARE;.. ¦]¦ /e:i (Tl 11. DE ES'--1 IK.!! ( ll All: I s'. (We.;

BOO !'"v. I'M'! ", :.' I".'.I

300 hosts IMI'El: at Me.-All lEsSB rr .,' .' -. IO VUArSl"-*

sud aha I'll -H tu VI'll.VE'BERABll-'ts.Bl E I I'-v. .1 ive -.

A kUBBl IT' V- i 1 Alli 1"" KElt.-. tl b.,,

tmn pr'..'. -;

|s.|M|l lti*E-Dl'D-s li lure-] ipili BB*

to 88s.IKIM. cul.-Hui"-. aaSsata, MSBBBB] BJBBI

T.'.e. ia BOt .;

Ill LUE I ( CAI.-II' 1'-. ¦:, rora*.,.I. t Hhs ..I

I 81 tO 7Te.y t, a of ia. RI .- '. il I prlei I

s,.i! Bi E\ RBIS*.606 li.oiiU slit,*-

Writ* fri. ri,. '»t.;

t \1.INI IN/I**.

\, A LEU T I N BB.

v, yy HOLT -ir 0BX1.


etr.rat wte ii-.te i in.'. lateTVALBR un.vs ks- k] | .. .i

).:-J(J-<UwnilAM,'* ARI l-i K ! M.I'.NTI.'1

RLRAART, POUiR, kBD 1 CUE.Bo Vi i;".,"v

t ..h. and ss.' '

CAUI »- .: ll I'Hl t ' "

1-05 M ..I.

1.1 VI . . EA

I* VI.HM INK*. \ i I.MiM;.-.

!" v v. DIVAT

V EftiNAIlD B, 1)1)* Milt 'If

i- id Pl i* ii taka**ABTISTlC I'M Min -.

i.ND.ii Bl i my iii , : BTBirrkv i- B '" vi i.i- D iv un i i v Bl r\)HB

o.ti i IIROMORUX ! kl iAi ISBWttBBafastsa,COMICS .> i ,. oar urov<.

\l *o,t n.B i ." '-I'

yy l DliiM.-. B1BTHDA1 -,


(DNDUIU I. ITOBY-4 \hit-

D''NT I ('Ul. ET-li vi

il)-DAVWit I. IIB

OCT NINO DA! rOB VALtXTIN-- aN. LBONABTJ B, *.»ob Mjiiu strt-rt.

Ja 21 t'ourl txj' I-ive ern. r Sin'l,


<; ARDRN Pl .w

yy" 'ivs RXTR l I'u.vf, th- e.rit.-? e

I'.iHDril' ¦¦¦. UM tn.l I'UoEl I lltl.l. fm ui nVl/.ol. .;. r. s,.uj ,,,. ,,,., J,, ..),.,.,,.

,.t .ml iii? Iti.ral An/ i'.s', ¦'.. if|s..' nf t »ts0*fourtem sin,ls pf larll.-.-t le.tx lu i ulli, iltnti,yyooiis. EXTRA KAKIT tn.ide tn. n. k-AirivwUi ituU Ls«v leal sn ni w.r ail r^mMtltero.

i. ia WOOD, rs,,,' tmn,ern. r *-l\:h Bad Moi-slull strueta.

Hp.le li StOra, l.'iHO Main sl.,,t, l:i<"|iren..J,\ t*Je)-«5l

aioicMi I.KAN WKtsTKBM illUi'VUV hi: ED. ( )!« Ht 'MIv N IITl.V "ll, lt \ 1*1)-.. li I :- -. KIT lVlUB

ID lllis-i.K y* . si lit, KEN I I * KVi;i.EK-t.i:.y.**s mt-d, hint rb ..i.i sitund-Ell) ny iv ll;lV,. st.- D HIE a .. f .f iule

\ '.Ml ...i * to.


blJ* 17-. 1818 * u't u,c

*T«ARDEN SK 1.1 "*, ll;l>II ASH UKNj" IT AIDE, fr.,ci ull tl.,- irli.u si ,.! --m.

I'l'lIWM rt* l"» riv tlif 1'otrst. A t«-, ¦ full SU|> ly o*

Uiri'-lll.D l.E A . Em -sile l.vU ll.l \ M ll et ,iTT. Dru*;/* t.

ri, lier Eroillin itel *«.», ulottith slis.-l*.llai**jratc.*a'altsxa.»i.t*-". .Alt-la


JOSEl'H W. I.Al UK,ElHNl-MlNti-l NDKRTAKE.R,V li SSH KlK-t IviillllilAllsTIIItS,

Bit usoND. Va.WOOD AND MET" 1.1.10 BlfBlAI.-CJ

HOHE*. ID Ali.*E, liAChrs,sad al! Um.*. r>s|ut»iit- st is* asl rates.

TeArsisjsblc sad cguaixf orarn loUaiied.