This Year at Calvary 2013/2014

this year AT CALVARY 2013 2014


Looking back on 2013 and looking ahead to 2014 with stories of life change, financial updates, ministry highlights and vision for what's next for Calvary Church of Santa Ana.

Transcript of This Year at Calvary 2013/2014

this year

ATCALVARY2013 2014

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20


Discover more at

When the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Philippi, he began by saying, “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you…” (Philippians 1:3). Paul’s reflection on the people and his past ministry with them was a very positive memory for him. That is how I feel about this past year as well when I reflect on you and all our church family and ministry.

I am thankful for our emphasis on evangelism in 2013, through our all-church campaign “Something to Talk About” and the many stories you shared with us on the opportunities you had to talk to your friends about Jesus. Let’s all keep that as a priority each day.

Also, the completion of our Baby Lane Nursery in our Worship Center, through your generosity to the Restoration Project, has been such a great blessing to so many young families. I thank the Lord for the safe, secure and convenient location for these precious little babies. We have also seen increased unity within our staff as many relocated from across campus into new ministry spaces created above the Nursery. Thank you for your financial commitment to allow the completion of this construction phase in 2013.

Many of you might recall that when we purchased the Heritage Building next door several years ago, our goal was to use it for “kingdom work.” Thank you for your prayers and support for this goal. This year we opened one suite that is now being used by Birth Choice and the Orange County Rescue Mission to help with the medical and prenatal needs of people in our community.

And thank you for your ongoing support for our REACH: Global Missions as we support those that are called to reach people around the world that need Jesus Christ. Many of you also sacrificed on your own to travel and serve on one of our REACH Short Term Teams. Thank you. Joy and I were blessed to join one of our teams in Albania this past summer and witness our Calvary family in partnership with Pastor Berti and his church outreach to his community.

I recognize that so many of you serve daily and weekly in our services to teach, greet, usher, sing, clean, and provide security for our church. Thank you for your faithful commitment week after week. You are doing the Lord’s work and He must be so pleased to see us all serve together in unity.

Pastor David Mitchell



Throughout “This Year at Calvary” you will read stories and stats, see pictures and charts, all trying to capture a bit of how God was at work in and through the people of Calvary from this past year.

You’ll also get a glimpse into what’s coming up in 2014 including what events we’re most excited about, where we’re investing

resources and our leadership’s vision for ministry as we move forward together.

Our hope is that through the range of ministries represented in these pages, you will discover

more about how Calvary is actively pursuing our purpose and helping people to Connect with God

and others to Grow in our faith so we Reach Orange County and the World for Jesus Christ. So, the

question is, what role will you play in the story that God is authoring this year through Calvary Church?

“What role will you play

in the story God is authoring this year through


MultiplicationGrow MinistriesConnectionsLifeGroupsAlpha CourseEquipping ClassesStewardship & BusinessCare MinistriesPastoral CareWorship & Creative ArtsChildren’s MinistriesJr High MinistryHigh School MinistryCollege Ministry


Athletics MinistryWomen’s Ministries Men’s MinistriesSenior Adults MinistriesHispanic MinistriesReach: LocalReach: GlobalVolunteer HighlightsCalvary Christian PreschoolCalvary Christian SchoolFinancial UpdateLooking AheadCalvary Leadership



In Genesis 12, God makes a covenant with Abraham, to bless him and make him into a great nation. But God doesn’t leave him there to enjoy his blessing. That’s where many of us get confused. We are eager to receive God’s blessing both in the present and into eternity. There are some key words that God says to show us that he will give much, but he also expects that blessing to be multiplied, to be carried on to others. God says, “Go forth.” God expects him to leave his comfort zone and go where God is calling him. God says “I will bless you...and so you shall be a blessing.” God expects Abraham (and us) to be a blessing to others.

We call this multiplication. We see it clearly in Jesus’ stories about a sower in Matthew 13 and talents in Matthew 25. God has given us a vision for multiplication in 2014 and beyond. This year at Calvary you will see this idea woven through our ministries as a common thread of shared vision.

This idea of multiplication is fleshed out in a greater value for discipleship. Discipleship is taking what we have learned about how to follow Jesus and share that with someone else who will then share that with someone else.

We don’t just take what we have learned and sit there. We share it. We multiply. We will be giving a strong focus towards discipleship as a church in September. Multiplication can be lived out in seeing our LifeGroups multiply and reach new people. Multiplication can include personal evangelism with friends, family or people we engage in our domains of society (home, business, education, medicine, trades, arts, government, etc). And, multiplication can be seen in the passing down of our faith, as a legacy is built by each generation investing in the next.

An additional way we will see multiplication come to life at Calvary is through church planting. We hope to see God plant three churches through Calvary over the next three years, both locally and globally. Our goal is to plant English and Spanish speaking churches here in Orange County and we will also be unveiling some exciting global partnerships.

This vision for mulitiplication as a church will be a huge challenge and incredible adventure. Please be praying about your role in being a blessing to others through multiplication this year.

2014 2015 2016





uses a holistic model of growth

for the Christian life”

What does it mean to be a growing person?

We can look to the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, where Jesus was questioned by one of the religious leaders of His day, to see how Jesus uses a holistic model of growth for the Christian life:

“‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Matthew 22:37-39)

Studying the Bible helps give us a proper foundation and framework for how to think about God, how to make sense of our world, and how to make wise decisions. But we can’t stop there! We’ve got to get all that knowledge, not just in our heads, but also in our hearts so that it begins transforming our attitudes, actions, and relationships.

At Calvary, we want to help people Grow in this same holistic sense that Jesus is talking about. In order to accomplish this, we are expanding the ministries that we offer to help people Grow in their faith.

We will continue to emphasize Discipleship and Mentoring, as well as offer our Care Ministries including the Counseling Center, Celebrate Recovery and Support Groups to help people work through heart issues and behavioral patterns that hold them back from experiencing a flourishing life with a heart completely set free to serve Him out of love.

We are excited to expand our Prayer Ministry, and offer a new ministry of Spiritual Direction, all geared towards helping people Connect with God in deeper ways. We also continue to provide LifeGroups as a safe place for people to Grow as they are a part of a community of Christ-centered disciples.

To learn more about the opportunities to Grow in your faith in 2014, check out the Next Steps wall in the Lobby on Sundays or visit


2013 saw continued growth as new people came to Calvary and got connected into the life of our church. 70 people took a next step and went on one of the “20-Minute Tours” to learn more about the church. Several of these people continued on to check out our Alpha ministry, join a LifeGroup, attend Wednesday evening programs, and become new members at Calvary.

In 2013, we saw 100 people join Calvary as new members after completing our “Connect LifeLab”! Come to one of the upcoming Sunday afternoon Core LifeLabs to learn more about Calvary and what it means to be a member. 2014 dates include March 23, May 4, July 6, Sep 7 or Nov 9 from 12:15-4:00pm in Fellowship Hall. Find out more at

In a large place like Calvary, it’s all too easy to slip in and out of the service and never experience church in the way that God designed it to function—as a family! We are made to know and be known, to be present with others, to love one another and to help bear one another’s burdens. This can only happen as we engage in the life of our church family and get to know one another as we walk through life side-by-side. This is where LifeGroups come in. We have LifeGroups of all ages and varieties at Calvary with 20 LifeGroups to choose from that meet on campus Sunday mornings and 30 LifeGroups that meet in homes and around the OC through the week. We have groups for women, men, 20’s and 30’s, Spanish speakers, singles, parents, and married couples. There are almost 80 LifeGroups total for adults. With an additional 70 LifeGroups for our Children’s and Student’s Ministries, that means almost 150 total LifeGroups! Thanks to the hard work and care from each of our LifeGroup leaders, we have approximately 1,500 people who are connected in a LifeGroup at Calvary! In 2013, we celebrated the launch of several new LifeGroups, including 4 new groups specifically for those in their 20’s and 30’s. In 2014, we look forward to continue deepening the relationships in all of our current LifeGroups, as well as to continue starting new groups to help everyone at Calvary be connected into a LifeGroup where they can Connect with God and others, Grow in their faith, and Reach out to their community together. To learn more, visit Connection Point Central on Sunday mornings or check out




The Alpha Course continues to be an exciting way for people to explore their questions, doubts and thoughts about God. Does God exist? Is Jesus God? Is the Bible reliable? How do we pray and read the Bible? Who is the Holy Spirit?

Alpha has proven to be a safe place to ask questions, express opinions and learn about God. We have seen many people have their faith reassured and reaffirmed. We have seen several come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior for the first time. What we have also found is that great friendships are formed in Alpha as well. In fact, most people don’t want Alpha to end.

So we have made some changes to the Alpha Course for 2014. The biggest change is that we will be offering the course twice - once starting in February and once starting in October. These will be 8-week courses on Wednesday nights that will continue to include a meal, video and discussion around tables. Free children’s program is available as well. Learn more at

2013 included several new and exciting Adult Equipping Classes at Calvary:

Students Of The BibleThis new series covered an in-depth overview of Galatians, taught by Pastor Randy Harris, to better understand the Gospel of Grace and the role of faith and works in the life of a believer. One of the attendees commented, “God always reveals new things to us each time we engage His word, and He used Randy’s literary gifts and passion for the subject matter to bring new life to the subject of our position in Christ.” In 2014, Students of The Bible will be diving into the book of Philippians.

Cold-Case ChristianityA two-week course which presented Cold Case Detective Jim Wallace’s 20 year study of the claims of the Gospel and the New Testament and how they hold up to a thorough examination of their historicity, accuracy and reliability.

Emptiness to FullnessA 16-week course, taught by Brent Dedmon and Brandon Elrod, which took the attendees on a journey from what can sometimes be a miserable experience to one of excitement and joy and new found freedom and identity.

Find more on upcoming Equipping Classes at




God has entrusted each of us uniquely with time, talent, treasure, relationships and influence to accomplish His purposes. Jesus came to this world to serve God and others. We too are here to use these gifts to serve God and His people. The Calvary Stewardship & Business Ministry helps people Grow as a discipleship ministry teaching how God intended we use our time, talent, and treasure through:

• Bible-based financial education classes, seminars and workshops • One-on-One Financial Counseling • Estate Planning Guidance • Professional Partners Resource Directory

We provide a number of Financial Classes and Workshops including those teaching Owner vs. Steward concepts, budgeting and debt reduction, basic investing & saving, preparing for retirement, and practical ways to help children learn how to manage money. Some comments from recent classes include:

“I never realized until now that the skills that have enabled me to earn money actually are a gift from God.” “We’ve realized that our spending lifestyle presumed that God would always provide as He had in the past. We had done nothing to prepare for the surprises called ‘Life’.”

“Thank goodness for this class. We knew we needed to start doing something to train our kids to handle money well. We don’t want them to be making the same mistakes we have.”

Financial Counseling provides the greatest visibility into the need for biblical instruction on God’s role in our finances. It is not uncommon to find that financial pressures are often indicators of the need for counseling in other areas of our lives. This is why we work closely with Calvary’s Care Ministries. A recent comment from a single mom, “I am so thankful for how Calvary has ministered to me in so many areas. It’s Care Ministries counseled me as I coped with a difficult divorce, Calvary’s Emergency Needs helped us financially, the Stewardship Ministry’s Crown class and One-on-One Financial Counseling all worked together to bring me to a point that frankly I never thought possible. Thank you Calvary Church.”

Helping people’s hearts move from an owner to that of a generous steward is like spiritual maturity: One faithful step at a time. What might your next step be?Learn more about upcoming opportunities at



Care Ministries plays a vital role in Calvary’s purpose to help people Grow in their faith. 2013 was a year of transition for Care Ministries. Change is always challenging but often necessary for growth. At the beginning of the year, we made the move into our beautiful new counseling offices. The Restoration Project provided us with updated and larger spaces.

A couple of our lay counselors needed to take some personal time off from their volunteer ministry while the others faithfully continued to service approximately 40 people a week, encouraging them with hope, healing, truth, and grace. We have developed referrals, communication techniques, and emergency action plans in order to match people with the care they need. In July, Pastor Jeff Biddle was called to head up the counseling center at California Baptist University. Jim McCarty stepped in and kept our counseling center running smoothly, and was hired as the Pastor of Counseling in November.

Counselor training and supervision continues to be a high priority and a new group of potential counselors will begin their year of training in 2014. Our counselors use the best of counseling skills and depend on the Holy Spirit to change hearts and transform minds.

By God’s grace, at least six people prayed to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior through the Counseling and Hope for our Marriage ministries. Hope for our Marriage served 10 couples this year and their personal testimonies are heart-warming stories of individual growth and renewed marriages.

At Celebrate Recovery, we have seen the Lord at work in people’s lives. In our Women’s group, the ladies often make use of the Kleenex box in the middle of the circle as they share about their personal struggles and victories. About 14

people finished the one-year commitment of being in a Step Study in the past year. Participants usually comment on the

blessing of being in a close-knit group where everyone can be transparent about their struggles.

We have experienced a flourishing ministry in the midst of transitions because God has graciously

given us the wisdom and discernment that we requested of Him! We feel honored to share in

God’s work of touching lives and bringing healing to the people of Calvary Church and the surrounding

community. Learn more at

“We feel

honored to share in God’s work of

touching lives and bringing





Pastoral Care is mostly a behind-the-scenes ministry Reaching out to the poor, the infirmed and the widows. It is a privilege to see the Lord work in the Pastoral Care Ministry through Calvary Church’s Staff and Volunteers.

Our ministry to widows and widowers is expanding! In addition to the monthly get-togethers for “God’s Chosen Women” (Widows), we offered three free luncheons for all who are widowed. Another way Pastoral Care ministers is through the Homebound & Shut-in Ministry. We have volunteers who call and visit this ever increasing population of Calvary.

Hospital Visitation continues to be a great opportunity for the staff of Calvary Church to connect with our congregants. When someone is in the hospital, a staff person will go visit them to pray with them and learn of possible needs the patient may have. Hospital Visitation is not limited to Calvary congregants. Family members or friends are visited as well. The staff member usually follows up with the patients even when they leave the hospital and continues to minister to them.

We have Volunteers In Pastoral Service (VIPS) who are on campus during office hours. These volunteers are mature Christians who listen, offer prayer and provide food from “The Pantry” for walk-ins as well as congregants of Calvary Church. “The Pantry’s” shelves are stocked through food drives held at Calvary at different times throughout the year.

Calvary Church provides facilities to conduct Memorial Services, Funerals and Receptions for congregants and the community. This is a great outreach to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

One of the greatest opportunities at Calvary is our Emergency Needs Fund (ENF). It is an opportunity for not only those who can give but also for those who are in need financially. The first Sunday of each month the ENF offering is taken. These monies are used to help current and regular attenders of Calvary who find themselves in financial need. Some of our elderly are in need of emergency alert systems but cannot afford it. Calvary is able to provide these systems to those in need. Sometimes widows/widowers and single parents find themselves a little short each month. The ENF has a program to provide food and/or gas cards to those who qualify. A Good Samaritan Matching Program was implementedin 2013. It is geared towards someone in need who does not attend Calvary but has a connection with a congregant. This last fiscal year, Calvary helped over 130 families with over $92,000 in financial assistance. Find out more by calling 714.550.2310.


God is a glorious and amazing creator, and we as His creation reflect that part of His image as a creative and worshiping community at Calvary. Many people Connect with God and each other through involvements in worship and the creative arts… from singers, to instrumentalists, to dancers, to actors, to visual designers to photographers to techs. These unique volunteers come together to create elements of inspiration and transformation to help us Grow in our faith.

We’ve seen God work in 2013, especially in the encouragement that worship artists receive through the shared projects and accomplishments together:

Over 150 musicians and 25 techs were involved in creating worship experiences in Celebration, Elevation and Renovación services each Sunday with series on:

• Something to Talk About - Conversations on spreading the good news of Jesus• Can You Tell the Story? - Reach: Global Week• Sex / Money / Power - Discovering the biblical foundation of God’s plan• Beach Day - 5th Sunday with guest George Hulse, pastor and former pro surfer• Looking For Hope - From the Psalms of David• Get in the Game - A challenge to live all-in for Jesus• God with Us - Prophecies of Ezekiel and Christmas at Calvary

The annual Art Weekend in 2013 featured visual artists, a great “Dress for Mess” event for families with kids, and a premier of the original

production, “TEN BOOM – The Musical” with over 2,000 people attending. The lead actress, Brooke Stewart, told of how great it was to be in that cast, to be so blessed and cared for… “I was overwhelmed with how people went out of their way, in the midst of their own life challenges, to care for my heart and help me through

this massive endeavor... I was entrusted with the honor of telling the story of the amazing Corrie ten Boom, even with my


With the Samsvick Chapel renovation starting at the end of 2013, we had our last Classic Worship

concert in that “old” space, featuring our Celebration Choir. We are excited to

use this renewed space in the worship life of our church in 2014 and beyond.



We reached out locally and saw many guests come for Good Friday and Easter services as part of a special 3-week Series “Unpacking Forgiveness” to celebrate the one moment that changed the world forever and is still changing lives today.

Summer highlights included our worship musicians serving in the exciting Kingdom Rock VBS, the Family Patio Concert with guitarists James Piao, Sean Miles and Joel Valiente, and our Beach Baptisms with great Calvary family fellowship on the sand!

With such a good response to the spring presentation of “TEN BOOM – The Musical,” a 2nd run in November over two weekends brought an additional 1,600 people to experience the dramatic Corrie ten Boom story, “The Hiding Place.”

A busy December concluded the fall sermon series “God With Us” with the Christmas production “Welcome to Our World” and a full Candlelight Christmas Eve Service. We ended the year with Calvary’s 2nd Annual Snow Day featuring the surprise iPhone Band with falling snow in the services.

We look ahead to the future with great joy, continuing to lift up Christ in the worship life of Calvary Church that we may…”with one heart and mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:6

Mark your calendars for these 2014 events:

ART WEEKEND | May 1-4Calvary’s annual celebration of the arts will be May 1-4, 2014

SUMMER WORSHIP ARTS CAMP This new Christ-centered performing and visual arts experience will be for students age 9-14 from August 4-8, 2014 with a Friday night program for families and our community.

Learn more about what’s coming up at


“If there has been one major

through-line... it’s been


If there has been one major through-line in Calvary Town this year it’s been MOVEMENT. Of course, when you think about Children’s Ministries, you can already picture our littlest people moving all over the place, but there is much more to the story that God brought together for this year.

Our Nursery, Baby Lane, MOVED into a new space in the Worship Center this year. We implemented electronic check-in at our front counters that has allowed us to connect with families and answer any questions new families may have about Calvary.

Special talents and gifts are grown and revealed in the Nursery. Our teens are taking on leadership. Abby Haggerty, a fifteen-year-old volunteer, received some extra training on working with children with special needs and put them into practice. On her own she printed out material to share with us and took on shadowing a specific child in her room. One of our volunteer coordinators said this last month, “Abby, I often forget she is a teen. She leads the room and has a talent with kids with special needs. I am always so impressed with her.”

We saw our kids feet in MOVEMENT as more than 130 kids participated in our Walk for Hope in March and raised close to $10,000 to bring hope to children orphaned in Africa.

More than 350 kids in 4th-6th grade arrived on Calvary’s campus to MOVE, jump, dance and receive at Midnight Madness.

Calvary missionaries, the Meeker family, MOVED to California for the summer and were featured in our Kingdom Rock VBS. Their

story MOVED the hearts of our kids who gave more than $6,300 in pennies toward building a cabin for their camping ministry in Croatia. There’s also a team on the MOVE for 2014 to go over to help with the construction of this cabin. 1237 kids were served by 543 volunteers at Kingdom Rock VBS this summer. 234 kids came who don’t normally go to church and 181 kids, MOVED by the Spirit of God, made first-time decisions to receive Jesus as the Savior. We MOVED over 60 tons of sand to create the King’s Royal Sandbox for VBS.



For Light The Night, more than 3,500 pounds of candy was MOVED from our storage unit to the bellies of more than 5,000 people who came for a great Halloween alternative.

Our early childhood coordinators, Paula Garcia (Nursery) and MaryJane Edwards (Preschool), both gave birth to beautiful baby boys, Jonathan and Quentin respectively, and have definitely MOVED our hearts.

Two interns, Katharina Rannisch (June to September) and Julia Hof (September to January), MOVED from Germany to intern with us and reach out to our kids while learning English and valuable ministry skills that they will get to take back to their churches back home. Plus, Julia’s sister, who interned with us three years ago, came back from Germany with her husband on their “vacation” to serve with us for a week during VBS. He was the amazing BMX stunt bike rider we saw! As we look forward to 2014, God is not done MOVING.

In 2014, we anticipate the completion of the “D” building construction (funded by Calvary Christian Preschool) which will house new ministry space for our Preschool/K Ministry (“The Playhouse”) and our 1st-3rd Grade Ministry (“The Junction”) for Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. This MOVE will give us a lot more intentional space in a creative and sacred environment for our kids to encounter a living God who is already MOVING and at work in their lives.

Our kids will be MOVING their feet again in a fun themed “SALT + LIGHT” version of our Kid’s Walk for Hope this March during our Reach Global Week.

VBS is MOVING from to June (instead of August) and we’re taking things to THE ZOO. Don’t miss a special week coming June 23-27, 2014!

Thank you for your MOVEMENT to serve, love and give to the next generation at Calvary Church! We can’t wait to see what God will do. Get all the latest updates on life in Calvary Town at

“As we look forward to 2014, God is not done MOVING.”


One of the most impactful aspects of our Jr. High Ministry is our LifeGroup Program. We have about 10 LifeGroups that meet every Sunday Morning so students can Connect with each other and God, Grow in their faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ, and Reach their unchurched friends. These LifeGroups would not work without our amazing team of Jr. High Volunteer Staff who commit their time and energy to “do life” with these Jr. Highers!

A year highlight was our annual Reach Trip to Arizona. Our Jr. High Students had the opportunity to organize and lead a “Calvary-Style” VBS at a young church in Maricopa, Arizona. Our VBS theme was “Galaxy Quest” where our students taught about shining like stars in the universe (Philippians 2:15). They do everything from leading games and performing skits, to leading worship and teaching lessons.

After a busy week of serving at Mission Arizona our students were giving hugs and saying goodbyes to new friends and partners in ministry. We all noticed that

George, an eighth grade boy from our church, was standing to the side with an adult volunteer from the church in Maricopa. They were bowing their

heads in prayer, then hugged and said goodbye. When George rejoined our group he shared that the Holy Spirit had told him to talk to this man

(specifically about his family) and then pray for him. It turns out this man was feeling alone and needed some encouragement. God chose George to reach out him. It shows that God can use whom

He chooses regardless of age. “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers...” 1

Timothy 4:12a

Our Jr. High students anxiously await the repurposing of the C Building Lower Level into “The Student Underground” in 2014. Our students need a place to call their own... allowing

them to Connect, Grow, and Reach more effectively.

We are also looking forward to a lot of great events in 2014 like LA Urban in April, and the Gong Show in May. Summer is always a highlight with Hume Lake Summer Camp, Mission Arizona, Beach Boogie, and Poolside! We are in constant prayer that God will continue to form and transform our students into his likeness. We are encouraged with Philippians 1:6, “being confident

of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”



The Summer is always a great time for High School students to Connect with one another as school is out and the sun is shining. EDL (Every Day Life) High School Ministry offered activities like park nights, beach bonfires, camp experiences, and global mission trips as avenues for students to Connect with one another and simply have fun being a teenager. Two big trips are coming up in summer 2014 for EDL: a Reach Trip to Albania, June 28-July 10, and the annual week at Hume Lake, July 13-19.

In Fall 2013, students went through a Grow Series where they looked more in depth at what it looks like for the Christian heart to really grow. As they studied together on how to grow spiritually they focused a lot on the necessity of the Holy Spirit. A natural tendency is to try to grow out of one’s own power, but spiritual growth is a supernatural occurrence that happens through the power and dependence of the Holy Spirit. High School students this past year began to look at what was going on in their hearts in everyday life and offered it up to God to do a great work. To practice spending time with God, the High School students took a day trip to Joshua Tree to spend time in God’s beauty while being reflective on what was going on in their hearts and relationship with God. The High School Ministry hopes to do this more in the future!

This year, the High School Ministry once again had a wonderful group of volunteer staff. These volunteers poured into the lives of the students on a weekly basis through life groups and fun activities. These staff members not only invested in the students, but also into one another. Through monthly gatherings they intentionally connected with each other through prayer and sharing of their hearts. The High School Ministry’s goal as staff members is to be faithful disciples of Christ, growing in their own relationships with God, as they help students grow in their relationships with God.



The title of our ministry has grown from “Foundation” to “Foundation Family”. In 2013 we truly lived up to our name. Our students were committed to experiencing community – a real, messy, vulnerable, life-changing, Jesus-centered community.

This community did a lot of life with one another as expressed by Pastor Jon Eshleman when he said, “I can’t get you to STOP hanging out with each another”. We had record high numbers on our Houseboat trip as well as countless birthday parties, movie nights and Sunday night hangout times following our College service.

Family life included celebrating one another and what happened in each other’s lives. We’ve celebrated and prayed for countless students heading off to study, share Jesus and work abroad – Germany, England, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Cambodia, Mexico, Virginia, and Catalina-- just to name a few. We prayed for them as they headed out and literally cheered and ran to hug them when they again walked through the doors of Fellowship Hall. This year we also gathered

around and prayed for those beginning something locally such as the new jobs at Bloomingdales and Starbucks.

Our family grew. College LifeGroups exceeded capacity. We began two new groups—one solely for women and one solely for men—and

students requested even more. They longed for the depth which can only be achieved in these smaller settings. It was also a year of new faces. We consistently met students from the surrounding universities as well as students who grew up at

Calvary school and returned to campus after years of being absent.

2013 was a year of students depending on one another, sharpening each other

and encouraging one another whether far away or close to home. We greatly anticipate

authentic family life continuing in 2014.

“...real, messy, vulnerable,

life-changing, Jesus-centered





Athletics is a vehicle to educate the whole person by the practice of an exercise or sport in order to reach a goal. The goal of most sports would be to win, but the goal for aerobics might be a personal fitness goal. Yet, our chief goal in the Athletics Ministry is to elevate the reputation of Jesus Christ by our actions.

Athletics is not strictly physical, it also involves our emotions and spiritual life. Everybody can learn from some sort of athletic experience, this is why Calvary values this area of ministry. One of the most important parts of our Athletic Ministry is its evangelistic platform. The arena of athletics is a non-threatening and inviting space to welcome friends and those who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus. There might be people who would not go to church on a Sunday, but they would step into a gym to play basketball. God has given us the gift of athletics to use for his glory and to expand the kingdom of God.

The Athletics Ministry has seven active activities that are offered during the year: Women’s Aerobics, Men’s Basketball, Coed Volleyball, Youth Basketball, Martial Arts, and Adult Soccer. We appreciate all the volunteer leaders that help with these various areas. One of the most exciting ministry events has been our summer Hoop Camp for youth. This past summer ten campers made first-time decisions to follow Jesus as their Savior.

As Pastor Jacob Ravenscraft takes on this new ministry area, his hope is that 2014 can be a year that those of Calvary Church can intentionally utilize the Athletics Ministry as a platform to REACH out and expose nonbelievers to Jesus, to enter into deeper relationships with each other, and to allow the Holy Spirit to mold their hearts in areas of weakness.

Find out more at


“Our chief goal

in the Athletics Ministry is to elevate

the reputation of Jesus Christ by

our actions.”

“Transformed by the love of Christ, these women have

given back to God...”

This year has brought women of all ages together to learn what it means to love God and love one another. Whether single, married, widowed, divorced, separated, going to school, working inside and outside the home, raising children, mentoring others, or caring for those who need them, these women have come together to know God and know one another. After becoming involved in Women’s Ministry, one young woman remarked, “Women’s Ministry has helped me realize I’m not alone; many women share the same pain and struggles that I experience.”

Through the monthly, casual, intergenerational setting of The Gathering, women have been learning from God’s Word, sharing stories of God at work in their lives, and growing deeper in their relationships with God and one another. Recently, a working mother of teenagers said, “How do you always know what I’m going through? The teaching and testimony has been exactly what I needed to hear!”

LifeGroups have created another opportunity for women to love God by loving one another. Whether studying God’s Word or sharing how His truth impacts each day, women are going below the surface and finding true healing in community. A young mom recently wrote, “I came to LifeGroup lost, broken and afraid. Now, I am experiencing God’s love and the freedom and joy that come from knowing my Savior.” Currently, 21 LifeGroups for women meet on and off campus.

Out of an overflowing love for one another, the women of Calvary have traveled across town and around the world to extend love in tangible ways. Transformed by the love of Christ, these women have given back to God by:

• writing countless cards to missionaries and elderly shut-ins, • blessing residents of a local care facility with music and gifts, • creating Easter baskets for children living in Olive Crest group homes, • assembling personal toiletry baskets and providing winter sweaters for women rescued from slavery here in the OC and in Moldova, • walking countless miles for OC Rescue Mission and Acres of Love, and • providing back packs and school supplies for kids in Santa Ana and Africa.

For the next opportunity to join these women, visit



Men’s Ministry had MAN CAMP for guys in May at Palomar Christian Conference Center. Over half of the group this year was new to Calvary or had not been to camp before. We heard reports back that it was one of the best yet. Men enjoyed connecting with each other and learning from our own Calvary missionary who reaches out to the military, Chris Adsit, on the topic of discipleship.

Operation Love work days help us reach out to widows and widowers in our membership that need help with home projects. In November, we sent teams to eleven different homes and connected in a tangible way to bless those who lived there. Joe France and Danny Siler are a great help in this area – keeping up with jobs in between our all-men work days.

MAN CAMP will be May 16 – 18, 2014, back up at Palomar. We want to learn to “Hit It Out of the Park” as our speaker, Ray Schwartz, teaches about evangelism and discipleship. Join the other men and bring a friend. Also, join us as we reach out through Operation Love in April and November and come connect at MAN DAY on Saturday, August 30, 2014. Find how you can join the adventure at


In Senior Adult Ministries we continue discovering people with new gifts and talents who want to use their energy to minister to God’s people. From monthly dinners, outings, and serving others, it has been great to see many of our Seniors recognize that they still have much to offer to our Lord Jesus and Calvary. One special night was a game night with our Young Adult group at Calvary. It included the IMPACT age group also and over 50 people were present for the fun.

Our adult ministry, called IMPACT, has monthly activities for those in the 50-65 age range and it continued to grow this year. Our Half-Time Retreat in Carlsbad in September is a great way to connect with others in this age group at Calvary.

It’s exciting to see how God will continue to work in all these areas this next year. There are numerous opportunities to serve our Lord here at Calvary Church. It would be great to share with you some of the possibilities. Give Pastor John Sherman a call at 714-550-2320 or go to



If we could identify a phrase that would describe what God did in 2013 in the Hispanic Ministry at Calvary Church, it would say: “His hand was upon us.”

This year, we met our goals to enhance our leadership in the area of spiritual growth, teaching skills and evangelism (about 100 people). We have also emphasized three practices in our ministry that are essential for a church to be kept alive and growing: Evangelism, Discipleship and Prayer.

We provided several training courses for our church members. Two courses were offered to our leadership, which helped them grow and affirm the basics on evangelism. Another class was offered to parents on “Raising Godly Children.” In the fall many of our married couples participated in the Crown Financial Ministries Class on Biblical Family Finances. We wrapped up the year with a course in homiletics – “Preparing Sermons and Biblical Teachings.”

We had our “Love and Respect” conference in February with a record attendance of 46 couples and established monthly meetings with an average of 25 couples. The Lord did a special work in three unmarried couples that were new in the Lord, but still cohabiting. They committed their lives and relationship to the Lord and got married!

In April, the Lord answered one of our long term prayers for a “second pastor.” After a process of integrating into the Hispanic Ministry, Victor Millán was commissioned as an Associate Pastor. Also during this month our Hispanic Awana Kids Club reached record participation, with an evangelistic event we called “The Day of the Child.” We had an attendance of 250 children. From that month onward, our weekly attendance to Bible Club grew to 80-120 kids.

Our spiritual retreats (men, women, youth and family camp) had good participation as we do every year. It was special to be back to our youth camp held at Forest Home after not having one the previous year. We had more than 80 young people attend. We witnessed the impact the Lord made in them through His Word.



During the summer we made a call to prayer and fasting. An average of 30 people met in the Fellowship Hall every Wednesday evening after a full day of fasting for congregational prayer for the spiritual needs of our church and the city of Santa Ana. We also worshiped and had devotionals on the meaning and purpose of prayer and fasting.

Our Thanksgiving dinner this year was substituted for an outreach to a group of 50 children in an orphanage in Ensenada, Mexico. Families from our Hispanic Ministry made the trip to take food and clothing donations, and most of all, share the love of God with “the least of these.”

In December, we experienced a big change in our “Renovación” Sunday morning service when we relocated from Samsvick Chapel to the Gym, as the renovation process began. We adapted with joy in our hearts and gratitude towards The Lord. The fact that we will return to Samsvick with upgraded features that will enhance our services is exciting. While in the Gym, we organized outreach events, inviting people from the community to attend our Christmas Drama on the 22nd and Children’s Christmas Program on the 29th. God is good!

Our Projects for 2014: We will invest more in evangelistic outreach to the city of Santa Ana as well as support the project of a new Hispanic church plant. We will deepen and build up our prayer meetings.

We also plan on decreasing our in-house activities and go beyond our Calvary campus with opportunities to reach out and bring God’s love to the lost, even across the border into Mexico.

We are deeply grateful to the Lord for keeping “His hand upon us” during 2013 and know He will continue to do so during 2014.

Learn more about Calvary’s Hispanic Ministry at


“Tonight is the best night of my year.”

This is what one of the residents of a motel on 1st St. in Santa Ana told us this past November

when a team of volunteers served a full turkey dinner to over 400 low-income

and homeless guests as part of Calvary’s Thanksgiving local outreach.

In the last year, thanks to the generous donations and countless volunteer hours of the

Calvary Church family, we have had the privilege to share in a lot of “best nights” for people in our

community as we reach out to demonstrate and proclaim the Good News of Jesus to our neighbors.

In the past year, we have been able to distribute 11,000 Easter Eggs to our neighborhood children at the annual

Easter Egg Outreach, transport 75 inner city Santa Ana students to our summer Vacation Bible School, help Birth Choice Health Clinics receive national certification

through our Serve Day Cleaning Initiative, provide Christmas gifts to over 200 kids who have a parent in prison

through our partnership with Angel Tree, provide personalized gifts to 50 rescued survivors of Human Trafficking right here in

Orange County and distribute over 100 backpacks and school supplies to a low-income public elementary school in Santa Ana. A teacher at Villa Junior High in Santa Ana emailed us to share, “It felt like Christmas, the day Calvary Church showed up with school supplies for our new school year.”

In 2011, we presented the vision of wanting to turn the Heritage Building into a REACH center using the 10 existing office suites for kingdom impacting ministries. In May of 2013, we saw our gracious God provide our very first partnership for this vision as the Orange County Rescue Mission and Birth Choice Health Clinics opened low-income

health clinics for the people of Orange County. In 2014, we will be partnering with the Orange County Rescue Mission to open 2 additional ministries in the Heritage Building, opening a low-cost mental health clinic and a low-cost pediatric clinic as well.

“...reach out to demonstrate and proclaim the Good News of Jesus to our neighbors.”



As we look ahead to 2014 and beyond, we see a clear call from God to invest our resources and people into several areas of need here in Orange County through some of our own volunteer-led Reach Ministries and through strategic partnerships with Non-Profits in the community:

KidWorks Students lining up to ride the bus to Calvary’s Kingdom Rock VBS - August 2013

Pastors David Mitchell and Matt Doan speaking at the grand opening of the OC Rescue Mission Hurtt Health Clinic at Calvary – May 2013

Homelessness Mary’s Shelter, Orange County Rescue Mission, Motel Ministry & Mercy House

Human Trafficking Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force

Orphan Care Olive Crest, Orange County Social Services and our own Calvary Reach: Orphan Care Ministry

Families in Crisis Birth Choice Health Clinics, The Sheepfold and Safe Families for Children

Low-Income At Risk Kids KidWorks, Temple Calvario CDC, Edward B. Cole Academy, Santa Ana Unified School District, Giving Children Hope, Christian Release Time Education and Giving Children Gifts

Forgotten People Our own Reach: Retirement Home Ministry, Military Ministry, Reach: Prison Ministry, Young Life-Capernaum and Operation Love – Widows Ministry

Discover ways you can get involved in one of these areas at









As we began 2013, it was with great excitement to know that our Reach:Global offices would soon be moving into a new space upstairs in the Worship Center. But with that excitement also came the realization that we had to go through almost two decades worth of files, notebooks and papers that we had accumulated. Once we were done, and those that were most important were kept for the move upstairs, we found that all that was left behind was worth the loss compared to what we would soon experience in our new offices. We find this same thing when we leave the old life and take on the new life that God gives through the love of His Son Jesus Christ. All that is old has become new. And we love working with the newness of these surroundings, just as we love serving Him in the newness of the life He has given to us in salvation from our old life.

In March, during our REACH Global Week, we were able to invite all of our missionaries that were here to pray over and dedicate our new offices to the work of spreading the Gospel here in Orange County and around the world. This consecrated ground has now been operational for more than half a year and many people have come through its doors to share how His work is being done both here and around the world.

“But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.” - I Peter 3:15. Our REACH Global Week verse challenged us to know how to tell The Story. We were able to provide resources for many to be trained in sharing the stories of Jesus and His great love in a new venue. In addition, many decided to take the challenge to share The Story overseas on short term trips and some with long term missionary commitments.

During 2013, a total of 212 people went on short term mission trips to: Mexico, Japan, Germany, Albania, Philippines, Costa Rica, and Moldova.

In addition, we supported 14 individuals on short term trips for up to six months.

Currently there are 16 people enrolled in our Future Missionary Focus candidate program. Once a month they each meet with a mentor and go through course work. Are you interested in getting more

information on how to get signed up? Take the next step and contact Calvary’s Global Missions Director, Liz Gold, at [email protected]



Two new missionaries were added to our roles – Macey Geis is serving in St. Petersburg, Russia and Jonathan and Joy Smalley have been approved as long term missionaries in Asia. We are able to commit to new missionaries like this being sent out because of the ongoing faithfulness of so many who support Calvary’s Global Missions, prayerfully and financially.

In addition to our 93 missionary families that we support at almost $1 million a year, Calvary also partners with a number of agencies to provide funding for additional global ministry around the world. This year almost $65,000 was given to help these partners: Asian Access $5000 for leadership training in 10 new Asian countries; Africa Inland Mission $900 training program for 30 Dorobo leaders; Logos Hope $1150 completion for recreation deck on ship; Wycliffe Bible Translators $2500 for Mekeo translation scholarship; Wycliffe Bible Translators $7500 AIDIA Old Testament Peru; First Love International $5000 Tacloban Philippines Disaster relief; JAARS $5376 Torres Strait Vessel for training in Indonesia; ELAM $3000 provide Bibles for Iran; DualReach $1000 training for leaders in Pakistan; Malawi Bible Translation $7800 Africa; ELAM $7250 Training and curriculum guide for leaders; Uniscript $5000 launch new language tool; 4D Ministries $2000 Provide for Romanian Gypsy, Latin American Alliance $6000 Shipping Container conversion Costa Rica; and Way of Peace Church $5000 Lushnje Albania.

Liz Gold visited several of our missionary families this year, traveling to Florida, Mexico, Macedonia, Albania, and Germany. Each visit allowed her the opportunity of spending time with the families in their ministry and home environments which provided a further understanding of how we as a church can better support and care for them.

We are looking forward to 2014 as we further our partnership with our sister church in Albania, The Way of Peace Church. Look for information on events like Reach Global Week in March for opportunities on how you can get involved in helping others share the Good News of Jesus Christ in this part of the world. Find out more at



VOLUNTEER HIGHLIGHTSCalvary has hundreds of volunteers serving every age group in all sorts of ways across our 10-acre campus on Sundays and throughout the week. Below are a few highlights of the remarkable people who serve in some of the most unnoticed ways to help others connect, grow and reach:

SUPPORT MINISTRIESWe are so thankful for the dozens of faithful people who put in many hours behind the scenes. They help with things like stuffing bulletins for Sundays, putting together bulk mailings, making booklets and study materials along with all sorts of special projects. As 2014 began, one of the projects this team assisted with, was to help prepare many of the paper chains for the beautiful set design of the Romans “Set Free” series.

CONNECTIONS TEAM In 2013, Connections volunteers consisted of 39 ushers, 31 greeters, 33 security, 13 medical aid, and 7 Connection Point Central volunteers. Calvary is thankful for the men and women who give their time each week to help serve in these roles! While some have been serving for over 30 years, we also saw several new volunteers step up in 2013. Whether a veteran of several decades, or eager to begin serving in a new way, all of our Connection Team volunteers are part of creating a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all who attend Calvary.

GOD’S HOUSECARE Our Monday morning God’s House Care group led by Buddy Shipman and Gene Steen, continues to keep our Worship Center clean each week while saving the church thousands of dollars each year because of the faithful volunteer work of these twenty plus behind-the-scene saints.

HUMBLE PRAISE SPECIAL NEEDS LIFEGROUPThis LifeGroup, led by volunteers Ben and Nona Stripe, is designed for the developmentally disabled, ranging in age from adolescent to senior adults. They show great love and care for these dear people along with Debbie Calef, Jerry Wright, and Mitch Fredericks are people in our congregation who give of themselves to help with the teaching each week and we appreciate each one. Can you help occasionally to drive the van or play guitar for this class?

Interested in getting involved or learning more about one of the above areas? Call the church office at 714.973.4800 or visit


Wow what a year this has been! Our Preschool’s theme verse is 2 Peter 3:18 “…Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” Our prayer is that we will be able to reach our community through these children by connecting and teaching God’s Word to their families, all the while building a strong educational foundation.

One word that can describe this year at Calvary Christian Preschool is GROWTH! We have grown in numbers to 192 students, 14 classrooms and 23 employees. We are in the process of growing our offices in the D building. At the completion of the new offices we will also gain another classroom, which will allow us to grow to over 200 students in 2014!

We also saw growth through our Preschool events this year. Our Preschool Family Dinner had over 500 in attendance and we had over 1000 people attend our our Christmas Program and Jana Alayra Concert.

Also, this year we saw our beloved Susan Johnson retire after 37 years of service. She has been a faithful servant here at Calvary Christian Preschool and has left such a sweet legacy. She will definitely be missed.

We are truly looking forward to the completion of all the construction and opening of another new classroom. We wait with anticipation to see the continued growth that God has for us in 2014!


God has blessed Calvary with an excellent school which continues to provide biblically-centered educational experiences while maintaining very competitive tuition rates. The School (K-8th) finished the fiscal year just behind budget with a net loss of $30,527. The Preschool ended the year with a net income of $64,427 which was used to improve their programs, and benefit the church as well, by supporting the ground floor remodel of spaces in the C and D Buildings.

Learn more about CCS at



In preparation for a trip to Nicaragua this year, Calvary Christian School student and standout baseball player J.P. Velasquez decided he wanted to make a difference in the lives of the children who are less fortunate than him living in the country of Nicaragua. Having seen the love for baseball by Nicaraguan children and the lack of equipment, J.P. decided that he wanted to collect baseball gloves to bring to these people.

J.P. decided to enlist his fellow Calvary students by speaking at several Friday Spirit Assemblies asking for his fellow students to bring gloves for his trip. In three weeks time, J.P. raised over 40 gloves and 6 baseball bats, which he was able to bring to Nicaragua for children who love baseball, but aren’t able to afford equipment.

As a CCS student, J.P. didn’t stop with goodwill, but instead used the opportunity to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the children who received the gloves.

This story of J.P. captures the heart and mission of CCS, “To raise up Christian young people to positively impact the world for Christ.” J.P. is truly making an impact on the world for Christ as a result of his Christian foundation formed in partnership with his parents and school. God has not only been at work in the life of J.P. during the past year, but also in each of the lives of the 400 JK-8th grade students at CCS.

Our theme for the 2013-2014 school year, “Striving for Excellence,” is rooted in our theme verse from Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord…”



“Whatever you do, work at it

with all your heart, as working for

the Lord.”

Since we have a command to work with excellence for our Lord, we seek to be a school of continuous improvement. The faculty at CCS seeks to teach, disciple, and grow with excellence in order to honor our Lord in an educational setting.

This year CCS teachers implemented EnVision Math, new math curriculum that engages students in problem solving, critical thinking, and a deeper level of reasoning. Our students are growing in confidence and skill as they are challenged and supported on their way to math proficiency.

In order to provide a learning environment that is excellent for our students, CCS has made a number of program improvements including:

• Renovated Computer Lab with New Computers, Software, and Tables• New Art Tables & Stools• New Lunch Tables • Raised over $38,000 dollars towards Scholarships

We look forward to another wonderful year at CCS as we grow in heart and mind.Here are few important events in the upcoming months:

• Kinder Orientation - January 28 • Priority Registration for 2014-2015, February 3-13• Junior High Graduation - June 11• First Day of School 2014-2015, September 3

Learn more about how CCS is Sharpening Minds & Transforming Hearts by visiting our website at or give us a call at 714.973.2056 to schedule a personal tour and see the difference CCS can make in your child’s life.


All the ministry that happens at Calvary Church is a result of the generosity of those that have invested their time, talent and treasure to make it possible. Looking at these numbers you can see God’s faithfulness to us at Calvary Church to provide what we needed to impact our community and world for His glory.

We were blessed to end the fiscal year with our General Fund income higher than expenses by $63,340 and Missions Fund net income was $94,675. We are able to pursue some facility improvement projects that were on hold until we received sufficient funds and Missions is able to pursue more strategic partnership projects around the world.

Worship & Adult Ministries


Care Ministries &Emergency Needs

Operations & Facility


Children & Students





If you would like any additional information (including a copy of our audited financial statements) or have questions, please contact Michael Welles, our Executive Pastor of Administration, at [email protected] or 714-550-2313.

Giving is an act of both worship and stewardship. Calvary provides various ways to participate in our church’s mission here and around the world. To learn more about ways you can give, please visit

CHURCH ACTUAL BUDGET DIFFERENCEREVENUE 4,633,223 4,508,000 125,223EXPENSES (4,569,883) (4,450,000) (119,883)NET INCOME 63,340 58,000 5,340

MISSIONS ACTUAL BUDGET DIFFERENCEREVENUE 1,277,061 1,165,000 112,061EXPENSES (1,182,386) (1,150,000) (32,386) NET LOSS 94,675 15,000 79,675




For the first six months of fiscal year 2014, we celebrate that we are slightly ahead of our budget target for general and we are praying for additional funds to cover our missions projects this year. We appreciate your continued support and prayers for Calvary’s finances as we strive to strategically multiply the gifts you give.

YTD ACTUAL YTD BUDGET DIFFERENCECHURCH 2,098,197 2,083,000 15,197 MISSIONS 530,809 632,500 (101,691)


We continue to lease the building to medical professionals and the rental income offsets the loan payments and operational expenses which netted a profit of $10,571 for last year. This past year we were able to partner with the Orange County Rescue Mission and BirthChoice to open one of the spaces to serve as a clinic for their ministries reaching our community.


The Restoration Project, which began at the end of 2010, is enabling us to develop facilities that support our ministry plan. Our overall goal for the project is $4.4 million over 4 years to allow us to complete these phases: critical roof and AC repairs, new Nursery and Ministry Offices in the Worship Center, renovation of Samsvick Chapel and a space for Student Ministries.

Our Children’s ministry has greatly benefited from the Worship Center remodel this past year and we will be done with the Chapel restoration by Spring 2014. We are pursuing the planning and permit phase of the Student Underground in the C-Building. Based on the “Finish the Journey” commitments from this past year, we will see when we can start the project, hopefully in 2014. Thanks for your continued faithfulness to give above and beyond to this project.

Discover the latest construction updates and more at

Total Pledges + Unpledged Gifts

Giving Received by Dec ‘13

Spending as of Dec ‘13




Total Goal$4.4


After Paul looked back on the Philippians service, three verses later he turns his focus to look forward, “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6) It’s good to look back, but this needs to be balanced with a vision for the future.

As we enter 2014, we’re looking forward to completing the Restoration Project. Samsvick Chapel has needed work for many years and thankfully as I write this, the work on this historic building at the heart of our campus is nearing completion. With upgraded heating/air-conditioning, seats, flooring, windows, paint, lighting, sound and video, this beautifully restored room will serve as a welcoming and sacred space for events such as worship services, school chapels, weddings and memorials for generations to come.

In addition, will you join in me in praying for the completion of The Student Underground, which will provide the needed space for Junior High, High School and College students to grow in their faith. Those ages are such a critical time when life-long commitments are made for the Lord. We need to do all we can to provide a facility that communicates our interest in them and helps facilitate their spiritual journey. Pray that we will help these students stay connected to the Lord and their church family by investing in this pivotal time of their lives. I am confident that this new ministry space will better equip the next generation to Connect, Grow and Reach their friends for Christ.

Also new this year will be a church-wide emphasis on discipleship. We’ll have an intentional plan to help us all either be discipled or be discipling another person. Some of Jesus’ last words to us were some of His most important commands. He called for us to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” Matthew 28:19. Please partner with us this fall as we teach on discipleship and provide practical tools to help make disciples that truly follow Jesus Christ.

Serving our Lord through our local church is exciting, but requires the strength of the Holy Spirit so we persevere in ministry. Beginning most anything is usually the easy part. Our desire is to finish all the Lord has called us to do “until the day of Christ Jesus.” Thank you again for serving with us as we continue to pursue God’s purpose for Calvary Church. It is a joy to work alongside of each of you.

Pastor David Mitchell



As you’ve seen throughout “This Year at Calvary” there are hundreds of people who are faithfully serving the family of God here at 1010 N Tustin Ave in Santa Ana and literally around the world.

The men and women listed below represent a small piece of that larger picture of the body of Christ at work. Whether on paid pastoral staff or a voluntary member of the Elder Board, all those who play a role in providing leadership for Calvary Church need your encouragement and your prayers.

Learn more about each of these leaders at



David Mitchell

David Herring - Chairman

Craig Bryson- Vice-Chair

Jason Krusiewicz - Treasurer

Ross Bennett - Secretary

Bill Barta

Bob Vander Wall

Dave Baker

Lloyd Peckham

Moses Castillo

Neil Paur

Norm Alexander

Paul Nienow

Rudy Kramer

Steve Esser

PASTORAL STAFF * David Mitchell - Senior Pastor

* Eric Wakeling - Executive Pastor Ministry

* Michael Welles - Executive Pastor Administration

Armando Reyes - Hispanic Pastor Ben Roberson - Head of School Doug Brown - High School Pastor Jacob Ravenscraft - 4th-6th & Athletics Pastor Jim McCarty - Counseling Pastor* John Sherman - Senior Adults Pastor Jon Eshleman - College Pastor* Josh Simpson - Jr. High & Events Pastor* Laura Copeland - Grow Director Liz Gold - Global Missions Director* Matt Davis - Children & Family Pastor* Matt Doan - Reach Pastor Randy Harris - Equipping Pastor Ray Pertierra - Stewardship & Business Pastor* Ron Rogalski - Worship & Connect Pastor* Shannon Reese - Women’s Director* Tina Holland - Preschool Director* Trevor Behrns - Communications Pastor Victor Estrada - Worship Pastor* = Strategic Leadership Team


this year

ATCALVARY2013 2014

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20


Discover more at